u., .. -- _p&Io c..... cu ~
Prtall., hi• • ' Noa&Il
. III Dolle ta aQ
... PIomP<IJ Ell.......
OffiCe in PrintZ: Build ing•
. ----:-. CBAPT &U xx.-C0l WlKUB D. a brl.. t ~UC'n';", brok~n _ ~ere IMt <by Spragu.., wh,; uked:
'be lawn slightly graded to the"trOD t Iipe ,!Dd nicely' t erraced . Since the . comfor t and uUlily of bobse depend so much upon tbe arrange D)eDt aDd, relatlTe ' poeitiQn at the rooJrul, the sue· ' ceaa of. a !ieaign m~y be .ald to depend largely upon the manner j i i which the piannio g i. execute d, Thia facl , un· fortun.• Uly, 18 often O'I'.rlooked, and featu "" of elevatio D are .1J."....d t o predom inau oYer .....ntial det.n. of th." ,piau. ID tbis de6iga. WII ba...
e_pea ,..
Sturris helltate d. -That d.~n..a UPOD 'bow we look at It," he,lllld ,gravel i,.t lengtJl; "lieha8 ~tlI" pen:llty of bill crimea. " -" JiIIt do you mUID?~ the "'porte r. "Be·i. t'leod " "'Qe!d? Dut I' tell you I sawhim -!." "J Iqtow • .,lIt be, !JaIl died alDce." "$uij,ld e 1" . ".No;" tbc report" ,r'. ,.olee sank to a '.. wrhiaper umurde. r.." ")[urr';"I:7" repeate d tb." artist, &tar·
.-re a
~. Uut. how do l'ou,bo w tbaW" IJed. '°I'hh lulDJ! ot lead elella the ~torY"
ll&id SrurBf1 , .hohjlng - up' lh,; ..h"pd~ p~ of _tal ",i;'ieh Jle had i-akeD out , • ' 01 .the \'It.' '. btdl*~ "\Vhall s IU "Y~: lhe bullet ~'bich Qbatha .Diwrleclln his ann ~m the)·tfm e. that)le ' watt' wounde d by. Arl1ogaab .the ballet wbich.ll lls enobled -me to mce bim 8tep by 8t,ep, from hia fligllt trom th~ over· ~b to Dr..Thurst on'. an'a tlnally to ·h.s d.ath 1n tbls' very room; tlic bnUet -wboae pecul!a r 8h'!P" i. record· ed I ... \ bia ~ow picture taken b.\· C'hurato n by me..... of_the lloentge n
nn.'t "
So u):ing, be ~ded Sprague the Sprague , dazed-b y tbe rapidity with photClIl '!lPh. But the artlstbi ul ceBM<l wbleb tbls &eeDe 'hail beeD acted .tooa ' t) li8teD. withOu t 'haying "In tbiner y ~m?"heD\l.kctaloud. rooted to tbe "spot, use tb!'J:ev plnr ,to t attemp any ']lade . e. hoking about him ,.lthj!w ' bid· " i'e... The story is simple enou,rl>. J WhIch b~. bad drawn at Sturgis . ~ ding. ent Instrum wbOie JUun The . tbe ~ter spra ug lip the ,,'oa I. nut one ,.-ho would care to be agaiust weight bls .. threw DDd become lu'mber ed up ",Ub tool.:"I:hich WSitive ly ihmgero us .. soon .. tbey . cease o.be uselu.L Thl8 mnD -l-olallv unhamp ered by,plty, gratitud e'or feai, determl ned to destroy the accouo tant WbOR.dillCovery ~ght have im~led . ble OJl'tl wel1are . "not mattere d a b\l~nn lire ot' two. wben ",.Ighed a~n5t ~he ~Ible loss of his own life or Jfbfrty" or of ' bi. blgb ioocial .tan,lln g liud bls enormOUH weallb ' for '1!ia JUDD is botb- renowD ed and ;lel>, .a !,d bc appeara to bave brough t wbole.ale murder to 8 f\C.ie.nce..·· '.'Do you wenD to sny tbat ",hole" 'l'; ~ !Iluroer call bt! Indulge il In with 1m· pwiity iD a city like 'New York, ot the end of Ihe uinetee ntb century ?" asked . Iprofl'Ue,. ugbaet. • "Ye.; wben It i. done in the systeJlI ' ..t1~ And scleniU le manner tbat hlUl been • •oployed here. For tbis murder er is the most ,.~markl1ble crimina l of mod· ...n times. He hDS not been ..atlsfied "'lfb ' kiUing bls. victims ; be hJIII aue· t'eeiI<:ll in comple tely wiping them ont or !!3isten e(. crlmina la have ofteD at· tedlPt~ to destroy -the bodies of their ~Ictim'" hut they hal'e Dever before BUC' -'\Ceul.. ras this-m an hlia. Dei. a'dlem- 'Tst of remark able talent. and he bD-O ., d iseon"; ed,, cllQ!POUD.J io whicb bone • • well l\~ . human tlseuei .....pidly an<l 'door. .But iL ':0., doubtle.is Intende d t()tal~v ,hSl!Olved. Tbere. it is jn l'OD' to ~ltbstan.1 great shocks, for it reo der t(Ulk. See how comple tely' tbe mau:,,~d \Insllok en. , 1i!I'~itl has dest.roy ed the bone handle "Check! '. came tbe tiou nd 01 a mock· of thj. knlf.... Ing .Tqice from the othef 'slde of tbe Stu~gls. after sboll' jng tbe dam~ed door. knife to his compan ion. resume d his Tben, rusblDg down tile stalris lI'blttlin g 'UllOn the cover of tbe bOx again, ' Sturgl. aboutetl ' to his com· i en wIlieh the arUst ,vas seat.,d. pauion: "Chatha m's body haa be'e!) dissolve d "Come quiekl We must gel. out of In tbat talll< within 11 very sbort time. hf're P'• ~ l, ~ 11 lias eptirely disappe ared; this flat· .o\nd he led t·he ........ tbrpiag'" tbe being lead lett, tcnc.! bullet alone is subterr aDean pilauge t-owant ;tbe eel· Dne of the few .u .... tl1nl)e. which are ot the ~rnnhattaD Cheml" ;'l CON,. . • ftOt I!Oluhle in the content 8 of tbe p;tny. '!talok. }'ortlln ately he overloo ked that ()HArT ER xxr: lact. Ge nius bns it" lapses. U Present Jy Sprague " "ntured to say; THE DFoATH CILU lBn 1nIf numerOQA crimes bn\4e b~n com· netore the men bad gone .mony mittHl- her'fo, 8S yo~ intimat e, T do not steps a grating 80und reached 'their 1Inderst and 1,OW it is tbat 8W1picio n ears . from the t1irectioD ,of tb'e .ky. Ilas never rested on this houae be- ligbt, They looked up anq 88W .Ud-
"D~rt1i~lbjr' to .laek and )YIU'ID.- at t.blm. with tbat. The slhna had .,. ~h_ it caJDL to b ..... l'JIDDUlg. and'U ,.,m·t long we beg.D 10 l60kJik e lOun!•. ' wade any number of bit. Ihat 6bould ha"e heen goOd fen nome runs, hut by I,be time Ihe ball \Va.fiel d.d iD we were ~ll'1lnded 011 lInf. base ""th tli. II<!cond bue It>okJall' 0 De 10m: ,mil •• off and DO street cor In 5lght. ~r eaptain W8& in deapa'ir . He h.d seTer:!" bet. that- -we· ""GuIll make at lta~ Olle -run. apd it looked &AI i/ he wa. galagto lOS<!. When It looked the black· eJlt our captalll was Bw.ed wllh a brlgbt idea. Be produce d a beer keg from ""m• ..-here and placed It on the tlUrd basewi th tbe aDDOUneeDlent Ihat every man whonac h.d-tlll rd might belp IUm· .ell· to What ....... Inside. "}fow- ",e went for that bAll! W. simply slamme d tbe stulling out of It and ' had the slime chasing. it aU onr the fiel,!! : Ambltlo n look UII to 1i:nrI, where' dealre took up tbe ruDDing and landed Ill. at II<!cond, hut Ihere we could on~ gup and look 10Dging ly over to tbll..l. Finally, bO"'e"" r, J caug,ht the ball on the eDd of my bat and knocke. l It clean oyer 'the f~nce, and before it was fo11Dd J was rellting on third. The captaio yelled for me 10 come on-bome , b~ 1 ... as too near dead to do that, be· ald •• J wu enHtled to r.ward ror my • nd""yor 8 1 .....b.d hold of tbe keg and Ql~n nearly fainted. Say, I'm a slh'u If .t WIII'II't not hing but all empty keg! The game broke up rlgbt tbere and then."
a very satl.fae larg' clo •• t. for e~e ry r oo m, If not s ucceede d 10 gettiDg th~ ume tim. at and meot arrsDge tory place.. ble more, in imposs; . vrterior pI~asiDg but Blmple B The con\'eru fDce of the arrange ment The foundat ion ...hould be of good bere otfe red Is apparen t 00 glancin g at well laid and the floor plaDS,l1nd Ibe wbole n.ed" but. 'luality .tone o r brick, he of good onld .h me fra Tbe ded. bon nc, ra .nt The little uplaDs tion: Tbe waU. . througb tbe .... t.bule is Into tbe SOUDa pine or hemlock with a shiplap or parlor on tbe lef~. This r~m i. quite ! s hould be .heatbe d g paper aDd sia.d _ large lor a .dwelLing of thIS cboract er. ; flooring and bullwD h siding. Th,, ' Back of tb,. one reache. the dining. I witb clear pine balf·inc is 9% feet of story first Ibe of belgbt .iu. good room .aDd kltcb~n, !>otb of the .""ond story 8 11" fee t, Thue ~ • T.h~ pBSKage from Ihe kitchen 10 the ceUar uoder the kitcben and dining• d\DJng-r~om J. tb roagh 8 pa otry ,,·ell· ven teet dee p. ... . room and table ry Jlll.t !lbel~es, wltb filled finish on tbe first interior The tbe of ment Ilour bins. The arraoge
FUEL FOR THE WINTER. . . . .1......... . BJd! .... Bal c.~ r_ • 5'1.. It • H.~. rr.lIl* _ to .01.....
Spl'ukin g- of th~ dlsposit ion bown by many per.60DS to s teal coal, " promInent denler In that :trti.,le ' r~ markeo during 11 ronvera ation ,,'Itb a . tar reportH': "The cost of IivlDg In this eountry i. much g-reater Ihan in tbe old \\'Orld, and the matter of fuel oloAe i. appallin g ,to som. poor families. Aside from Ib .. cooking fu ..I, "birh is a n.cessi ty nit Ih e year round, ' It I. also imperat iTe that the home. no mat· ter ~bow ~mall It is, sb ould be heated for oearly -four mODths in the ·year. To Ibe dch man Ibis ia a simple tblng. Ife leaJ'THI tbat coal i. needed, and all b. doe. i. to onlM'~ i t In any quantit y ~ .. desire.\!. To tbe JOan 9D " salary it • not .quite .ao ..uy. The cool bill i. I!Ometh lng "biel> bu." to be provide d for in Ill e yearly .x p~o .es, aud it e.ta a large bole in any salar-y. . "To many or lb. nry poor the problem of bow to provide nec...sary fuel I. a hittn one. OUTing the .ummer tbe deadly ga80lin e IS used, often with . etf~t8 to the ear"ks8 and ig· norant. This mote rial .lo.s fair ly "'ell for conking purpose s, but '\Tbeo the ('Old blasts oC win-ler come, thpn it become s all importa nt to ha~e somp thillg mo .... IIUbstan 1ial in Ibe way ot fuel. When rool ClIn be afforded . it Is bought, but "'hen It ""nnot be hought it must b. bad by alobori ous1D. thod. Out along tb .. railway tracks for thJ'tc 01' four mile'S in ~V~· directio n ma·v be ~en from n.ow until nt-lOt ~riDg~ seores oJ. peopl... from tlle Terl' -young to the "ery ohl. gatheri ng bit. of coal ... hlr.h ha Te fallen from the cir. in transit. l'b es~ peopl~ general ly nse a big bas· ket. IOtO wblch they drop tile coal as Ib,,), flnd 11. The ca" ('Orne in some· times .overlol lded. and ih .. motion o f the train shokt'. 011' eo'u;ld. rabl. eo,,' a~ it"~e•• The~" particle s are eagp rly pld<ed np b~' the coal gatht'Te rs. 10 "'hom tft.ry hi t "0 fouod 'i~ tbat mnl'h n"~d; It ,. in tbe raHway ynnlE, how.
lin· i. .n .. ptcial allracti oo'l floor i. of clear 'vhite pille i;e 00 paioted and , natural i.bed or e v~bul t froo .. tb from G.Olog up p onel,.c oOd floor Idl~he[\ the t...o Il1gbts merge 1D10above I t all depe~Q& 00 th e in mates of Stlch on a landi ng ~bout three fe~ ·th .... JandlDg on the• s· cond Boor a house ',\4h~tber it I-m proves WI age, the ~D floc 11 h II f from earel_ band. otber the on , mayor one whicb rom . o ~a • • 1 "Dt'e it is oUo'wed to fO ote r ~J.t~~fo l t.hr- three Illrg~ bed- ness and io(liiJert b :\ h rlU And ae.k r to go with l pro\idet e r 3 WhlCh rooms, R 0 ouse can e. D. . good closeui d ducribe bere as n pio bmlt "fter tbe . ' . Tb b e ou.., IS . e t about 18 I nch"" for from $1 000 to $1200 ,. ' E. A . PAYNE . abo"e tbe s urI3ce of the L'TOnnd with
"ed If,. Fire La.t .J • • • Tlaere WIU Be 50 rt.~e ta the \\7bol. It ~a. De.trl)J and Alre.ady I. BepJaee4.
Dirt CaD. Re.-t.
!he village 01 Virginia , npar Dululb, .• \\'n 5 .:.estroy~ d by fire ·Jun. 0 lll.nn f oo. St., TAlUlo .. to bave g grrm'pr tbe bnsin"" " portion was bO~ltal, Ibe first of its kind "ver I this year. All 300 building s were bUilt. ,There "'j:l Do t be a crack or swept awny and ttme t he village. bas thnt Since burned. ch whi jn building wbolt" corn'! r In the Bnd it hns now a. t, ebUil r t\l"iC!'e be-tn resi~ enn a gertl' or. s~k of dirt .
solid brick. exten d .. Ba cleria, microbe s and th e other- busin f' ss sect ion of luB e nlong tbe- main iusidiou s . ag~uts of disease win be ing for half a after Ihe fire foug'h.t SCIentif ically. 'fhe patienl s wiii I str eet. rmmedi a teh' contain ed a had that lot every upon ' This s. stairles fillo the Inslitut ioo up 8 mushro om f eatnre is Dew i n hospita l building , building tht"re sprang tempor- .uy slrUc.· and very n ecessary . ""li en it js ne(.'- gro wth of \,·oode D in box cars along ved li '6 }-'amilif .. lures one from g~ 10 nts attenda for eS!$ary cars oc comsingle track, tlroau ra e th be are to t"S s iti quant pallent for or lnrgftst ~ \·~ r.. tb.a t: the fleor to a no ther with all ita y famil ire ent an atiug mod away bedo are Jl Jl1~\"ed, grndl1nl inclines wi loun.1. Wben tb t coni wagons f~m.1t ure , from 0 ~el\' i n .: mnchin e to a 108' londed front the ears tbt'Te i. R .... th the la_bar of dhabio g st.e.ps. in a box ear,lInd It, w in be impossi b:e for dust to plano. The d"'poL ,"as roru;id proble quontit y (lTopped upon as botb dwell. served e5 ioclosur clotb The a ion. nlways institut Is ... tbi" IheT in nt lind lodgme the ground, nnd s, says tho busines of places and ings the tb. of es rs De r Sometim floors, ctilingB and e.o ""ramb le. for tbis. g-athere rs cluster in su cb number s tbat room. and halls will De co,..d or Bost~n Transc ript. As. .oon as I bp men and ma.terle l they InleJ'efo:re .,,-ilh the work of un· rounded at the ceilings and f1o on. be: secured the wooden Hub w~re could for \;ces ('re dri~en ly are friend th~y no ond be ",UI Cllrs. There foadiDg the aod permnn e \lt brick build· down lorn a Is too. . . • 1'bl . in. tn." workm by the uus t to &<'tlle their pl.cp. . ~o.. , tie' . reat lire. It expedit es the clean. Ings ~gan to t a ke r r·he -fire. th ere are A 8"...... e- eo.p.e l. Ing of 3 room and insures tt.-e absolut e (Otir months afte brick bull11ln g. An intereh1 ing and pnzzlin g Bight removal of the most min'lte , partl. over 3,000 feet of solid complet ed or stories three and wo t oC Moria-b ~{ount dusl. , to and dirt Tisitor of (lIe gree~ l.be i6 Dot a. wood~ Some 20 Flool's or vitTified tile Bnd wainsco t.. nearly' so. There cemeter y, Philade lpbia. tbe main &treet. A hand· y urs ago three eccentri lf meo of ing of ~n~el.d hrick will be u ••d . building on calJed. of cours.. , "opera' ....ealth put up in "the most -seelude d The bospita l will be absolul. -iy llre- ~ome tbeater, of aeatiog.7jlO pusoo •• capable bouse," oueb be ,viII ion bewn rougb .entilat of The sh'!1ts tall !'roof. comer Un'ee ed; a club for tbe soo comyiet b~ bas of omo"l1~ t a.long .. greatEs as to gi-:,e t1>e granl1e . ~e.v bad been fri,end rngln.« .,., busi· miniog !If WRDts cial an be will tllQ ~ and they agreed tbat os each freSh air pOflsible, Tbere Th.se fea. De.. m.,n and tb e lr vid tol:S has b.e" died bis sboft ....as to be broken and .bunda nce of sunligh t. o"ganiu d aDd a bouse for Jt erected. ibe fralVD ~nt. left where they fell . ture. are to be prononn eed. Tbe best botel nortb of Dulntb Is uDd.t' be to utioo 8'l:eriliz of sy8'l:eJD .~ed Tbe The sreond of lids trio has ju.t.pa way, aDd tb. Till.ge ;8 pulling In all te. comple and e owl\,)' and bls colomn has beeD .sllnt· used will be exten.lv the newest con'Veni enoes of chili&a tlou. . Io.u;ndrv teredo n. wns1ha t of blA,form er frirnd It ,vJlI embrac e e\'"e n the Ao Iron mine has bee.D discove red'uDdeI' cold or hot water, of . drop the inclo""" feoce years ago. .:'\0 . . TbeV,,. . " thoroug hly st<!rilized. Tber~ t~e town and i. belngop ene.d .trange monum~tl!r tine! DO Dames ore i. very' dilfer.n t from to-day of glnl" tbe for n inve.ntio ·Iatest tbe be on ~" gunite :-Cbica go :...ill ca.,..~j] 8g0. It la an ex. ,t,erlllut.-.ipn of tbe clothes of tbe SUl'- tbat of four months . . CIlr.onlcle. bo.tl~. western of .. examp: cellen' all for 8'eon8 and purses, ns well us Ie.e Make ~ .. ~nto Heale.i . @ Bow rument losl bond ages IIJld machin e capllble of having live steam ID on. of tbe higb.BtvalJey"ot~J';'" at ... tempera tnre or 1,000 ~ d~grees ea, Mexico, at. an ele.at.jo D of 8 oQ..r.9 000 turned OD. -must make everyth ing go. te~t, there i. ,. tiourlw ng Ice lndn.t. y Tbere will he absohtt ely no cbnnce wbicb is bued on the well·kn o.... n prln~ for ooy ge.rm t-o live OT be conveye d b1 <tipie of the reductio D of tempera tuTO . contacl.-Cbko go .A~erlcnn. by r~dl .tioD of t.m,iiera tu.... during . tb~ olgb t . Tbe grollnd is cot'ered witb A..a O. . . . . . te Dam.eol . ....... a. large number of 'lihallow woode" thit marry 't Mr. Sappeig h- l wouldn troogb .. . wbich are filled -witb wateJ: huin Gabby. She i s te rribly set aDd dumg tbe wintu-n lgbta a film way'. not more thaJl one-eJg bth of aD ~ncb 8O? So~teigh-I& that indeed. In thickne ss is fonned. The ice I. r ...' ~,..=cel\l!:4'fJt., .• ~e:il-;Hal'. ' I · 'Mr. • Wh1 llr. Sappei gh-Y". , moved on the !oll~wIDg mori1ln g,.abo.SliD" flmes;- Baltl. .ahe. 'ha& refUII.d and tbe... ' e,led Into hal... in tbe ground, 'more Amerlca !l- . covered witb earth. Ihapld ly soUCIlJIea BDd .ill tlien (lut into blocks aod .ent '. ... Q_otlo •. below, wher.. l~ ),[n; ChaU", rton-Co ok tells JIIe 'Ihe by .mul ... to t he citle. • . sold. 'l'eadily Ie k. ee .... ' nen married be to ,. going if wonUer Cbatter ton-lnd l'ed! I 'l-nlt He I. no, " 'ise .maD ,-that .... lI1an thinkS be' ean suPWrt lIlL' · il!tr.-Sl IUlcnt. l!!l for ·y eerfltJn! D .ue 10 wbil)b.J<he .b~8 I)eell . " HI Jobnsol1.
~nts Lon.g enough
ello~li and quite_Fa.n c)",
for Gowns
Ilnd SUits: Shn-ts. Dre. ' ~ &_0.·, tJJe ifemans;l gI:owiilg each year.
s, Whi:p Cord ,
V~DitiaD Oloth Jackc i S kjrt, '$ 12.00.
Skirts, I:
Sil~ -Waists,
Wopl Golf B ack . R ainy D .IY Skirt, '5.00, up, 3·75·
' C.O~
iDOl Waists,
N ew Slyles,
.2.75 to 5·75·
- to 3.00 Beau liful Patterns,
Readv 'made Sheets and Pillow easeR Pillow Ca~.:s,
. ,GlLf~
Lalli i _
_HiraI ' JIf,..I, If THE WORLD. -,
W1 learn froiD JD8teorologieo.l is an escesa of several hundred de- vi~ l'dativ,e s!lre two,siste";' , grees of temperature Blnce JannalY VirfpniA SJDlth lind Miss IiaJriet
1, but 0901 weather eet.in.a few daytl llgo and ' still holUs. Ollt colder, thi\n when it began. H this is· squaw winter, ·two weeks Or more -Of mihl weather is still due,. but if it is "sure - enol:gb" ~ter, It has begun.eaJ;ly aDd we WIll have 0. cold winter of it. clOlled our f<'l IIlIf as' 1lS1la ) Tuesdayevening last it was not: 'at aU oonvenient, nor did we deem it n-..sarY. to give the rt'3ult of 'the election in our last week's issue,and • as it w<?uld seem like loolring into Ail
Collett. DolUGll l!l:J'ty·
Cbv.rl~!Ii: Daughm-tY, 8~n 6f late John F. , Dangberty, ot , -.rinr.1 Vulley, died' lost Snfnrdll.l at th(' home othis sister, Mm;.Wm. Compion lind was buri~ yesterday after, noon.
ior '25c.eal:h.
Window Shades. 'Carpets, :: Mattings Oilcloths. This Depa rtme nt
fi nely s t(X;ke d.
Golf Cares, jackt-ts, PetticElats. fi ne FillI Liues now s hown . Sheetiug, Shirting, w hile they last, at old Prices.'
. I ol1e prompt y. ,
emU!. '
111ft 111 uoelr o,.n and . o.noon4lq COU Il'Ueo!. ')VUlIJ!« io &G03 .Jeatll. po! AhI" .."':'1,. DooIrablo mnplo,rmeDt mth ""usuAl opporluallle.. Re!erell_ <:.>:tlJ1IolI!(ed, E " ck8> -"U"lldll.reaed wtam psl ell.ve lope. S A. part,~. OI:W4J1'B~11IlI;. Cblctl&o, Del.-a
t! i
P~'u. SU1IS<!IIlnIO
Bladder Spec:iJlliat.
WA'I!EEtl-S .....lPUJ; B O"""T l"...ao WOlt D el I l _ " , I" lllU tI1:a1e co repr...,,~
," .
-1:0 11 WOOlS
Reliable Me~. and Woman.
0'1' ;LABG~B CLDlI9.
Write tor p:Ilt!cular.."".1b1a Pol ot. '" Club Aln.. anted EntTott>eie.
Rour llontlils' Trial Trip, 50 ~ts.
llel lalol e: me.D Q,nd wo men to Introduce oa r celc::hrued, ~..orn~k"..r. ' · ' !be ITt-PLest. eoru ~"'c\"er.lDyenle6• • Prl~:.!;) centt.. 'warr a bl.ed \0 I'OJllo¥e:CcmlS. OonlQ WatlJl, Cal - . . 10 1~ lloors. t50 0.00'TCWlm2 10r IIll.ll l\l.elillnJut']'orbllure.
8PE~ COPll~S
Good. c",,"f;;u'lil:
no ICOne.J reqaln!d ~ Jar.... pn>~:;s ,NI oIu box &e1l\ 011 r cc.lp; or 10 cen'" In Mt=p!I . . l'\lCliOI:.S lI:F'G co_ ~"" C=n, ()ann.
" 'Vc:n~ 1, 0
IntRAtc:ce our oalebr atC'4 IOBnref,Ol Safety' Dell;., n Tllt'lllTea:U'~ fo vea dou ut tbe 31t' ..
1DI·t&iantAlry. .
, 'f!lere b , a cIlaeue pre,lIaIllDt ID thIa co WI try most
"'E\"CrJ wozn.a:q, .,.;a,DWuur ..
~'.a "",eek
mode U l _ No mODf.'Y reqllIroCI. C-" Co~"'D~ Com· pl.tc: ....on~ ~Il' free 011 r~pt o f 10 c. 10 at ""\101. '!"'- ~I ' G.
lI D10
~he~z 10 Loca~e?
live. Many sudden deaIhs &re, II-heart cIlsease, pneumonia, heart or apoplezy are often the result 01 kidney dIlieaSe. If kldney trouble Is &lIowed to ~ ,-,iEditOl, &.-e~ Wotldera. YUlee the kldney-poisoned blood "",U &!tack Editor W. V: Barry,of Lexingtoil, the Vita) ,orpns, Ilr the 'kldneys themseIYa break' clown and wasie __y ceU.by ceIL in exploring'llitmmoth Cave, Then the richness Ilf tho blood-the albumen CODlkaC:ted -leaks ollt and the sufferer II» Brlrht'.IDlllt,QWCJ[ ~ the worst form of kldney trouble. ' Dr. Kilmer's S_p.~oot tho De"; cU. covery Is the true specific for kidney. liladder and uriDary troubleS.. It has cured thollO&llda of apparenlly hopeless cases, after all olber c
efforts have failed. At dnacctsts ID fIfty-cct
IIId dollar sizes. . A sample bottle sent
by mall, aIao a book telllar about S""unl~ Root and Ita wonderful cures. Dr. Kilmer & Co .• Bin(lwntoa. N. '(. meatio,a this paper.
OW' Oftlcinl Vote
WHY J,S TUE 'n.."RRITOR' Till ' -£ !lSI:D BY TUE , . .
' . B, Chenowe>h.
'Esta ~ of EY3lI ,
Louisville "\-"D :N: 1shville
Tbe u..a.islD>«! b." ~ appofo ;ed aGel <l,uallft..ed OA
,;ecu wr of the"Ulof ET:a1l B.
Cben"""'lI. 1 ... of WaITeD COWll1. Ob1o, ilece-"'IlIl. ' , Dak<! l~ 9 th 4ar o f OcIQ"" r Jo . 0 .. J OOO. ' . ' 031 • CIIa'lJ.1IlIT. f1 A""'''' ~'L
. . '.
Il uilrond! • • V< . •
F arme r ', Fruit G rowt' rs,
Stock Ra:sc.rs. lan ufacturers,. 1m' tors S pecul a tors ar.Cl Mo ney Lenders: ,
East WIJ.YIJe-Prasident, McKin· ley; 113; Bryan, 67. Ellis,. L ; Co~.
will and the greo.t<'St chance iii tbe . United States toma1.:e " big money '" by reason of thA abnnda nce an~
cheapness of
they ill) well ~ed. Their w~k l1_vea reoognition, and tbat', I'tlCClg: mUou ClIUI bemade lDIlDIfest by JD8k',
due lDentlon~f them ill the style adopkd by our correspondent . .ThiS lDg
drugatore. I
The Great CentralSouthern TrunkJirre
BIIHuark's h:un N~rve , Was t be · result of h i'! eplendid bC'ilth. IndOmitable mIl' :lnd tre· mend()us . energy are not found stomach, liver, ltidneys and ~ ,DDWOlA are ou~ of order. If yon want/these qualities and thesuC<'-css they bring use Dr. King'lI New Llf-c Pilla , Only 25 Cents a t Louis May'
TIn: GAU'!:'l'II contains this week an excellent aff,icle giving an ac ' oaunt of one of ' the principl\l pia~famtbes.of the eOlDD1unity. It I-Hunlt.er, 'a .greatly to he' hop¢. that the au· author will pursue. the subject (or. 't her, andpne by one give us sketch. ell of all the leadiDg famillet!. We owe a debt of .gmtitude to.,.tbese men and ~omen who endured many. PrivartOns in tbe effort to COD· qoerthe wilderness, ll'W'Ol'kiu whioh
must ·not ~ ,~, -JIJItl,If' 'longer,- every JtU _~ WPPBbWty of,'. bebag done. Those who cau en 1lO~ verT. fe\\<.
O ld Price;.
, ·WBO.WlSB ,ro
KEEP VI" W.1T-B T.R E TI&[BS. . TWO 8u!I&CIIIPTlDSL $3.$0.
last year 's hirth' uests for eggs to spread it before our ieadlll'>l now, we '. will let gone bye3 be gone bye~, and give only tho results in the east and west W&)'ne preciucts, kn'owitig that all pur readers, are now posted on -the election and are again pur· sumg the ~ven , -tenor of their nj\ lifter one of the quietest campaigns. in the memory,of the ol~t inhabl. tant.
M.RS. M.AIIoY V. WIl:Aolf. the irre· pressible, had ii 1ar~ , tum'bled·overI'OO8teras Ilfrontlsplece in last wt!lllt'a Patriqt, &'1ld the first J4le in the editorial column read, " We'll up and at them !lgain." A 'small cro~r lower down · In the colulDu beldup ,his head i~ pnde OYer the faJling off In the Bep]lblics.n ,v~ of Franklin ~WD8hip; wblle ot the top of the seooild column stood 11 twin crower w!th head erect, 1ll8Uly crowing ovqr theannOllilllelD8Dtthat Sp~. I bora J!ft!Cl.nct; bad, made the largest democratic gain of any township iIi the oonntv. It takes 0. woman to ptrik'l1P crumbs, of comfort., hQld up tbe oolors in the loee of dofeot., and . ohoor the fenows on to try it again. Tllree obeers for the dauntl8I!B editor of th:ei..ebanfln Patriot!
S1lUII.8 SlI.t\C&lPnQJ!
t::minent Kidney
Sells the best 0 plomptly repairs clocks, watch08,_, ~tc. .All kin(ls of bicycl~ .repairing
1mJ1etiDs that npto 'this date there never man-led on<t his neansl
The bes Vest Pants ('ver
The mills )lave done well by tis.
1I..r)' ISel*rtlllftU wrta.ea 111 'tIPeCIAI"u. IIlJlbellt a.atllo:tllla '" UldT ,"""",,,vc
Sheets, SO to 6sc.
J 5C.
Free sites, finnnciulllSRistance an' freedom from tOX1ltion'foJ:' the manl, \lfa~r. I and and', farms at 'll per II.Cr~ and upwards, a nd 500,0001 acres in west Florida. that can bo, taken grntis under U, 8. homestead. In.ws. Sfock roising in the Gulf: Const District will '1I111ke enorlDons: prQfits. Half fare, excursions t,het first and thi,rd . Tuiisd~s of eaclil month. ' Let us know what wil.n t, and: we it-but 'will t.elldon't YOIl where and how to. get delay, as the oonn.. try is filling IIp rapidly. Printoo matter , m~ll8. anctllll. fu~ formation free . ~cldl\888,'. R . J. WEMYSS;,
~nn_'''' ''~n ,.h
Sunday, Ootowr 28 • . Tuesdo..Y. OcLober SO. Dn..! Thur&d.a.y. Nove.mber L for the Borae. Show, C%Our;-aIOD Ucket8'1rlU be sold CO.chJcaco Pennsy l\'3DiB' Linea i eood retur-aJDg utll
No•• mber 5. '
. betore ib.e war oUbe 'RevOlation, ' treinroJ . . .' for a log .en bin- nUl lrCntier 118UJa. , l1"rlW.n fi;r Lbe lIum (l~ >Ul~t-, but such weril in tbe WIInlTht!l'O a:re liu,t J w lllmilies i-ilat', robe- brought from Virgini3 by Hre. Bihn." .. 'more .fnlly leJ'e tJ;e,ir impress GQOde. ..Ii. ~Iacl: s;ll: gown With a ~hc l:xiality of t,helr ' nill)tlfton -\Jlnes:i.f,inpetticoaf:andl1D-oHve8i1i: ogo fluui' ha\'c ~hc GoOOQ fllln- I;O-:t'll wil h a red brOClldo ~ttlcoa$, , th,e IM1 er worn in Il. l)llly' abou,s . This fa III ify cOnsisted of sL"t. broth- ninety. year IlS0 by Mi.I Angelina Phillip, Gain!'!', Ha.nme.l, Dnr- Lorrnino. (sist(U' t-o the ReV. ,Alfred Julm lind 1:!fiUry. 'ThI'Y I'mi- Lorraine lind great, aunt of W_ D , grateii frOUl ' Chnrlotte connly, VII " Bowelll!, nQn)lst ond critiC) who In 1805. lind oeeCpied tbe lacll lying WJ18 drossed lis a sbepllerd(!118 and . Send word.to };<lur hun - 11U'~:,~of ~VJl;yc0S\'i1le, being t.he wl1010 carried:l. Cl'OQ"k. (Irons ' of n:adt~8 to buy . the tT~ct ],;nownlls Milihtry SurThis llomo mil! ~1Ao the religious clothl'.;_ Don't" gCi v;ey:N o- aOD. Thi;s Surt'I'Y'lrnslocat, liS well lIS the cllitirntel1 and inte}: t o. plaCes th3t 'give. )'<.-u ..11 A~lSt.2, ' 11'S1, wl:icb "\'as some lactual center. It v;'lUI.the-hOme of . lair)~ stories. sllying $1 0 mon!~ prioi W (he opening of the all tbe tra.veling Method18t preach" " $ T 11 Mi1:tIlTY RC£eI'Vlltioli in Ohio for ers and such men ..n~~ A '-th~~ Ellio", oUlts lor , .2 .50. c ' ' •• o:Jtry, CLOd it mtI:I annulled by rOlla- Russel Bigelow; John. tltran"o, .lu. tIien JD cmp'h:!~c teim$, "'_ . ,...,. '-'Ollgregs lD ,Jnly, 1788, but Finley" IUld BhohQP ' Aaberty were ~os~ Cohen, on Third lw_ t tilDe 1I'gnIIZtld ' ... f~uenLly entertninedand preached . 0.'t a, s~u"""f,uen street Deyton, se1Js 'n~ne and 11 ratentwui"lltled for it .M.nrcll· in this cabin home. In 18U Phillip but good c1olhe~ .c S:lve ll, F 1l1. m()vlld to Xenin. for the purpose of . yOu $3 '~o (In e\'ery '1)10 TOry early dutc ,-of tho ehtry !ldncatinS his ehildren, ana died . Sqlt, . and at leatit Soc to o.f this Survey shuws that the supe. there in 18U. 1113 aLd hiS wife left , . On evcr-y - hat 'ana .:1 - . '1 ':';" .. e:x:celll'Ueo of the- l ocation lit- a posterity whieh shows the impreee .~mcted attention e\"en when all tllli of their lllU'imts. Ooe POD. Pdnclt whole lot on your unde\'l ilir domain lying ,between the Little ,G. Goode, of Sidney, Ohio, WILl mem- . ~ear, glo\'es , shirts - and . ·Miami u:nd8cioto livers WIl8 open to bel' of tbe_ Ohio Legislature from . ~ l1~ ngs~i .' ~lM~e C~b!,n ' choose from'. The original plttentee ' 1833 ~ 1835 i U. member of Congreea n~vl':r. in , e \~odd,· could WIl8 Clement Read. BOD of Col. IIIILIlc from 1837 to 18t3 i " judge of the $QPply. as nillny people Read, of (JbaYlotte county; VIl., nnd U. ~, court for 8eveu -Teal'll aDd .. " with c1ctbis, hafs-and lix~ wu based'on tho military service of 1Iethodil!tpTaaeherforlwent,yyen:rs. IDg~ it be oidn't .h ,:'VE! th e the - tatter dnring tHe War of, the , Anot~er .BOD, ,Bey. W . H. Goode, , Herolation. Read "transfeJTe(l his W/IS in the ministry, a.c titely engag· right lUnd at ' the , right clnim, to Clement Cani1lgton, ond' ·e d.for forty yenrs and _ ruled ~mOllt price. We recommend to Carrington tbe potent was issued every porition in the· church, many ' Mose Cuhen'to your kind beuiDg date' Karch 11, 17111. In years being devoted tomillllionary conrilleration, ~11g1I8t. 18011, Carriogton tmnsfored. work among . our westenL IndiaDB_ his.title to the Goode brothers. One grand ~, the lllte a .' Brown That this wasa noted tract of land Good£o, I18!1istant secretary 8f the in. tbe ~rly i!ay, is evident from the Smithsonian Instit'ution, was one of fae~ thatll nltIIlber of 8urvnys in the .tbe brightest llCientific men' of the neighborhood are describell u " Be- nntion. nnd in all matters pertaining ginning at II- JIOint on the Little Mi. to ichthyology he was aclmowledged ami. or Cmsars creek, supposed to be as undisputed authority t.he world I t-ovetl.tv miles from Clement Read's over. . • sugar orclus.rd. liach of t,his tract; Gaines Gooite, the second 1m. ' especially the eastern portion cow proved the Ubules F. Cbapm!ln owned by Mr. Davis Fumllll and his farm, and in 1832 he buill the brick . sister, Mrs. Jonothan Mosher, being house now omJed and OCC1Ipied b1
.,'l-"'... .
s ugar with trees.a magnlficent E \'llD as lftte growth as 1804 ~7al~~~:v~9!~:========:::=~ ofco\"erell
-COD ~SH We ... pO~Jl~_ , Th~s is ]lut ul' in nellt litt!e y.aok-
IIgee, tl Y" aldps of cod fish l ai~ ' togetl,er. "You will like jb'bllCause it's 11lllldi - i l'S Py.I,:E fl OD trsu. -
. . . . . _ . lPeetrleJ •.,. R.... Do •• . . . . · Tow..... He ......... ...... 1'1'0. . . . 1... .
~nneBotll alone prOlluoea approxImat~IJ ..bout 8D,<Y.lO,OOD bushel. of
wheat. Or abont one-thirt,t,u\'tntb of t.he total productjon o( the ,,"orld. Of 1hia to.be ia able to ~X]>Ort h o-th ird •. 'Ihe fiftll; -number of the Jectnlrel Of. the Dakol3S, not hn~illg begun to - . -e ,-s· t Frida'" "~ru'ng _ 8 a re neh th. lr limit of produeti\,ene... C. ".~ ft~ Nortll · D!lkota. raiEed in 189855,000,000 deeiifoo'&U(lCCdS, and tht' Stephen&JD bush.lJo.and South Dakota 42.000,000 . Quartette , \'\'ill IiI Will'S ~ve Oregon proc!ucffl 2~.OOO,COO b,i>h.ts.
v..... ...
.Fcn end Amos Coo" was PTC38Dt ft the" meetiDg of Orthodox Fri ....,""·l las~ SAblitb, '~g -and o.fter. a 'WBl'm
. W we.lcome in aynesville. , . response, to 'e ncores W.l1S. vet'Y .able discourse nineteen ,~nd the encoro number we~ given the h&a4 <?f W&!l often equol in qualitY to the "I"elcome.into- tbe clJureb. BeveraJ one on t ho nl'lW?Am • . 'Ote violin others were not preseut who have x- ..... - . '. _ .• . solos of tlile. twa ludies ~er8:of D recen~1y been reoeJ\'ed Into mem- very high Chanlct~. as w as also tbe berI;h.tp. work of Miss Clam on the 'celto •
, on he ~ thougD:not greaUy IIpp~ted, l;.fI l huil,ilioell: IS abollt ~p~ted, Sqwre cnUS6 not 80 WilD understood. Mr. under lifay, the A:msbury'p readings were \)lostly of tije- "Jones a humqrous nature and he showed 80011 PO ' .ret1d,J;; for Clement hfinsell .t f tbis' t ta, .. ~ , :. . .. . . n ~as er 0. m erpre, I IJLIIIKHI II; p~~!e grocQl1' lroM- mon:· m his rtlfldIDg of Riley s tJio Ri,dge and Keys bllildUlgs ' ~Rnoo Deep in Jane. .. soon tle, cioouni~ ind:we ope . at no very· disfllOt day' the entire Kni&:11 ~ '. . , UlUGj... Pboorult like, will bp intact. .The good-slzed auclienc.nwbieh 88. sembled at the Fnends White Meet. ing H pu s<, 1u5t Sa-tnrda:v evening enjoyed 8 , vEritllbl~ treat, Prof.
~"dern farming mothru'... in th. oortl>..-ut c:lll1Ileoge the ndmir~lion of 1he world. Steam nnd frectricit .y nre mAc., to serve the fllfmer'~ porpou, S!lys the n('~iew'Of ne\'ie ~". II . plo,\", reap&. thre5h •• by macb i!!cty. TIe telephone" (rom bistnrmbG-uu to hi. gt'llan.i C$.. Semel imu l:c reeriT:!> Ihe I~te"t g-r.tin quotations o~er a prin1!e tdegrnph ,,,ir e in his rl'welling. Of len
• ncr
age ot his farm is: cxprcz...--cd in the
tbon-£:l.Ild., omctimc. in tl~c fogure •. lie cOm... from the peor pla<:c&0' the t'lIrt b :lIIcl linds n bome nnd self·re,pert. . ~e 6cDda b.s - prD<:ucls to Eu~pe.
A•• 3 , Japau. eten Chma. HI.' furDlsb es 3 t""mc that l'rmidcs 1Tork for 1<&& o f
I:bous:lods of mp!oyps of lr:lIl'porl a· lioo lio ~. n~ k epa <1 prc<'CVlion 01 gn>I~' siuPl' mOl'lDg to I be &lull Slt'. MaTII.' C4ruU, whIch lllnk~s t bc -:SOD.. rank nbead of Ibe br-faine& Suez in point ot tonn.g". lfor.over, he is lurnt,hing bone aDd . in....,. (or this gT.nt eount.ry of ou rs «bielt cannot be expresud io tlgllrC$. _ _ _ _ __
,.._._" ... the Ohio ~t..ce University. is _c ompGJratively, ' 8, young IDlIn ••-'0. . 4 nu,tal jo
0.. C.J •• ~o Bo . . e I . . . .ooo.-..cable A. •• I. traae D ••_lae ...
AD' AbOtli T~wtl aDd
.-tII p ,eopJe. ~
. D~'': lail' to 00 at the School Hall nextWidnesda.y evening. . . . ~
E1ller Jltsper Reed will .preaeh in Valley B,otp~ church neit .sundn>y 01;' 10 :30 Ii. m. , All are invitea. .
A . large Chinese gTaln aDd st""k hrokl!rnge finn ' h."lS lenSed " printe telegrnpb wire from ChiCAgo to S:1n Francisco, 113~' S tbe Inter Oeean. The firm alre.a dy b,,,] n prh'nlc wire from lhi. cit,): to Xew l'ork, so th:>t it now <:o.ntrol .. tor its ' own el[clush'e use a holding their passiODI.I in check with ~irc serv ice of -3.CCO miles {rom o.cenn & firm band.. quiek to resent lIo 1tTong to ocean. Some idea ,of. the l'rofits Ilnd eqWllly quick to see their own that Buch a finn must obtain by error anll atone for it. It was n means of t heir Pl'j'{'Qtc-wire. sc'r vice
lind '05 tbe India:1S were in the habit of returning bere eacb spring l or the purpose 01 1:llt.1:ingsugnr, CLDd I hnve ofton heard my father say that he frequently ran t oot rnces and 1tT~. tied ~ith tbe Ind ian boys when they were on their annual mits. The 'omCiltl government Survey ga ve t,he oftlcisl number of aeres as 1333y', but II- re~vey in J 09 gave the aetual numoorlls 1580 acres. Gaines built his cabin .wbere tile form llonse of Cbarles F . Chapman tstancls, ond Phillip 'improved occupied the tnrm now owned by Ell Furnns, and bui,t in 1810 the brick boose occupied by Mr. Furnas. Bnrwpll impro,cd tbat p:I~-t of the tnwt uow owned by Mrs. L H. linr. ris 3nd built the present homestead 11125. Samuel made a t cmr-om r y home near the nortb east line, thirty rods from the loention of Wright's mill dam, but n ot Jiving the West he retumed to Virginia and sn~ quently wlmt to Texas !Old owncd 0 30,000 aere form on t-he n ed ri,cr, where bis descendants s till re!'idp.' Dr. Henry Goode, prior t l' his tnIl rriuge in 1824, m ude Iris h e me with his brother cGaines , but afterwo.rds movod to idney, Ohio. J ohn Goode was a ~oJdier, a li~uteJlllnt in the 20th Regiment, U. 8 . I, in He W3r t)f 1812, und died while serving with Gon. Simon BalinT in t.he wars in Sout,b America whicb lcesnlted in the iridependence of Venezuela and Colombia . Na.ture was prodi~al in her gifts t-o the Goode brothers, all of them being m en of commanding presence, elear minds ond indomitable mils , quiek temper, nervoU3, irrueible, d emonstrntit'e in anse r , y et always
'm:>y be gained by tbe fa ct that tbe l,~mile section: of -wire Jrom ' tbis city to New York cOSls 518.000 annually, wbich would iodiente 11 tota~ for tho! I!ntire 3,000 uUles,pf .about ~~,Ooo. Another form of wire service thaL yielll6 large reTenue to the Oec:iD cable companIes ,is tbat 'Whlelt i. associated with tbe nrbitrage trading. based upon slmultl1neous Taryiog qllotatiolls lUll' ~:oIlDiIll()'n,wE!8l1t;h of'I'eumvl~r\Ultia.1 for the.. same stocks in this eily I1nd to,m'il New York ' and London. The average time for ihe round .lrip, pr for an arblt~ o.nler to London nnd tbe I1ns,v6o telling of Its e1ecutlon in- the market t here, 1& het.. een four &Ild onehalf andftve minutes. Tbere ha..-e !!<len !C.-ge. &.!Ont uuder exceptional eondlUollB in th ~ r~rd time 01 three and oM-:b"lf uUD.uteL . . . . . to .Tola t b b . y . . A re<:rUit- for the Brlti.l ll arm;y wns taken to be s..,.oru in teeentJy by the magistrate. Everything . wns going swimmlng.y till the maglatrate wed
family adage und freqnently used : " I am too much ot 1\ man to allow the-sun to go down on my wrath, " Phillip and Gaines were both mol', ried when t.hey came to Ohio. Pbillip, the eldest brother , bnd enjoveU 1111 tho ad.anlages whiC'h '\VeaIt-b, education Ilnd ussociation couldg;ve him. In early bfe be wps th rown mne1,1 with the best people of the day. He was a bnsin(l8S llI:II:IQCiate of the Iron. Gea, M. Bellb, eminent jurist oud U. 8. Senator from Ken . tne!rY ; u. frien,d of John Randol.,h, of Ronnqake, and a close Rssooiate of Patrick Henry. Mr. Goode was veri fond of the violin, and Mr, H ..nry WJ18 a pToftcient performer on flute, and the young men spent maeh of their. s pare t~me in ~ach other'scompnny. ButhlS mnrrlage, whieh occurred twelve '<"ears pl'ior
Wm. and which after· ward3'Thorpe, the residenoe of hiswas lOB 6&1'•• land. He was a. strong self willed; man, and wben he ussnred himlelf that he WIIsright he was Dot alwayW , diplomatie, and sometimes took the Jaw intoO his own hands. .Au in· stance of this cbAracterlstic was the cause uf n celebrated 1&w snit which ran through all our local courts taA final decision in the Supreme Court, Theoriginalcourseoft-heriverJU Waynesville wns very tortnous and mnch resembled a compressed letter S. the upper ioop being north of Corwin 8\'enne: the lower, being ' subdivided by- it, the onJy pe.rt of the original chll.nnel being tut a few r ods ill length immediately at . the bridge. The upper lOop was os the Horse Shoe, the calks being to the enst, the too to the west, the euclosed lliIlo belonged to Mr. G,oode. In 18011, when Jonath:in Haines b.lilt the first mill on the site now cccnpied by Wri ght 's mill,he eon: strncted the dam only II. few hundred yards above the present lilte 'of t~e mill !lDd neglected to get possession from the owner of the land to abut the (bm on his premises. The following summ er t he Goode family suffered much froUl malarial fevers which be attrIbuted toO the st.agrum.t wllter in Bo.ines' mill' dam, 80 he proceeded to cut a d1lcbfrom apoiM a shOrt distanee above the dam to tbe lower calk of the sboe, thereby draining the dam nnd st the sn:m8 timo making t he ri vor cluume1 belin. tifnlly straigbt III that point. Tm. ditiou does not record the remarks of the miHer , neither the effects which bis fe:Lt of E'ngineer1nghad upon t·be health of the Goode fumily. Huines sold his idle mill property to J ohn SatterthwaitE', und he brougM sUita gaiDst Goode for dalDllge. Sat. terthwnite employeU John MoLeaD (a[terwards Chiet Ja.qtioo of tbe U. S.) liS bis a~torney. At tne May term, 1808, tho lower conrt found Rgnin.<;t cGoode, and he appealed to the Supreme Court ' which filially decided in his !I\-vor, To him we are i~debted for me nncletlS of our present (leDletery. On the death of his dn nghter Narciasa in 1833. he cunsed her to be bunedOn his farm !Illd mado 11 deed to the tro&teen of the Met·hodi~ EPiscopal church of Waynesville for twoacres of ground where she was buried and' whIch is now enclosed in lind is .. part of Minmi cemetery. G:Unes Goode died in 1837. -(Concludod JUxt .week:)
THE AGULHAS CURRDT~ -:' u . . . . . . . a ......
the mBD: "Batre you e~u bee'D in .J prl.In?" At thls the . man looked to his removal to Waynesville, hl!-d 'startle~, but, Il.uickly recovering him- t.he most influence in ~b(tJ:ing his
t ••
P - ..
~"1I0 ... _ ......1,. D...... }
Golnl'aoutb,wedndthe~ •• caf'o ren~, bl!lofed ' at ho.ml!ward-'boUlld A11"- bl d < t ..,.,. .- I" ~ ing abips round the Cape of'Good Ho';'~ $I! If< ne u.rte : UU : I ·ndo, ,~..r,. d~~e future life. His wife, an intellootu. :r-o never been IU jad, b ut- on .. DlIn ...... - ~ , pursuing its even, resinJ"..: COUJ'M ing-.n few days- it you think ~t neces- ullady, II. member of II V0 8.'Iit,hy fam- Bround ille soutbern hora ot Atria .~ry!' ' -. - . ily, reesiyed ns 11 pllrt of ber m:!'· i ~angele •• ly tbrougi>ou~ the 1ea.... J:inge portion thirwen neg ro sioves. .ay. tb.e Spo!'tator. How Its ahmborn F •• a • .load'....aa,. Till... . . . flo .. . frets the atonny Southern 8I!al Of ell;the -ruling ao..... ereigDB Of Eu- 'l,'o.get nd of ·theso !Illd tho 1DS~l tU- No wonelel' tbot the early 1I&Y1catOI'll mpe, 'tbe Austrinn:. emperor can bOllst tlon of slavery at the sume hme, I 10ubling the cape outlTnrd bonnd. nad the la!'lfcst ,numb"" of titles of nobi - Mr. Gociae >vent wcst. Too cabin ',earirig to go south, i>Mend that .ome Ity jlnd territorial rlt1tl<. In odditiOIl OOcupied by Mr. G'oode in 1805 still 1 u'!thlnkable detp.Ol'I held . 8",a,. anI' hnJl"rinl,~town. - his majeuy-Ia. ' . . . . t those wild wa,'e-•• Thepesngo.ofCape . d!nerenl wlI'y. entitled (0 wear stands among tbe farm -buUdlDgs of 'I Horn from east tD ,\Vest holda a. hell >,egal Hnrn, twice is he quaU!led to h!' tbe Ch&rles 6'. Qhnpwun farm. eminence to-day among seafare.-. of -addressed ns gTnnd duke, onc" . :>~ A very few 'yea.r 3 ago I\- party of beiog the mo.st difficult in the worl<l, gJ:Ilnd prince and irr numerous WI118 I frienlls visited tb1s- old histori c- but what the outward passage around ·be ·is entitled' to be called eoon~ 'o o,! h - _ ·this "Pi1 ' m Rock"of tho Ibe Cape of Storms must have ~ell; _ •.•. ~ OUSQ, . ' SrI before men learned that It"llS~"Jbl. ~ ~_ _ - ~-": Goode family, 11S one member of ~he , to ovoid the .trE'Dm of tbe Agulhauur~~~;~~~~~~~~~1:~; the party styled' it i lind as memories of rent !by' gofug a few degr.u south ".. pMt came t;roopjng up like visit- : of tb.,.., l"t9' dar. ~ -ooly Imagibl!.. . . . . , Wlf.t becomes of tbe Agulbn currell' ...o..t1_'· eJl~rj,'ence ants f~om anOt~er. w~r.It1J we lDvol. f ",hen onc'e It ho.s poui:pd Its volume of ~r~~~==~~~~~rt::~1 unt~nly removed 01,11' bnts lI~d stood, Inillan ""ean wafers Into the AlI.otic"'! ; Uo:co'\'ered-witJIin its hallowed \\'nlls. Does it sink below t.he ourl.ce aom!, 1i~n:atm~;.~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~j 1:his rude/cabin wall ooce 'f.h e h OIDe hundr.t as . ot fathoms ' ~d ,HenU,-. p~~~,::~, db' Ii centered t-h. e D.nUt:vII- lIJDootlify g :lde sOl!th ·toO,eeoa1lnelof t. aro\m w , ~ the .Antarctic ice ha ~rJer. or d""llt. ~~~~~~,~~~~~, ~ nnd ~finoment of this western ' wander nort;hwnro 10 10 ..iirmpr ~ -"C'_-=::~ met'rOpol~. ' Rcimjni8C8t1SP.S ot these , gioas? ' In noy C!I •• , ir fulfill.- the ooa early days 'are -numerotlS. Sil!;: ~a~d fUl!ction o~ .:1 cur:en.t .. 't"hel.ber . ' . .. ot nil' ¢ w:ltcr--tbe avo.dance of .1.,-;: $Owns WlQl.brocadll~c~ts, stUf nntion; Ih~ cir"l:'lation ofbealth.mo~ ellOngh to stand-:alonjl,a.nd lmlX'rted , the natloDa of ille ean!). . -'-' .. ...
~Ufl~d Pno'R.-Br9wn-"Do 1,911 be-
liev. in ~a b.tbing,f" 119bi:nspn-' Ot.. yet!, 1 think, 50,. ~liI'!)- P"""~ ~av. been known
to IUrTlve It.. '-1".011'0 'IopJt'ti:" '
1& requ~ ao £%peoenceto c1yo with PIM'l'I". ,F..nliLa5 Dn.~ ~imply boIliag <cr.n looWo In'tho ilye b"lllbat'8 PClClCSSUJ. aoJa 6, .U'ilnlI!Jt!st:a. .
il ,
~Iimb& UfO in hi" fam ily Lue upon lb. pOE I'hrong be liadulo ....-Cb.cogo rraily
, JIcnr etudla mother'who ...
lemal8 ~re bear health1 cbildre~ . ', _. How, aulo. women o~bt to be to gmt thm children &he 1de-ing oh. ~ cO~itution I • ,. :~."" . lIaDy women long-for a child 'to bless their home, but be-. _ _ ofii'ome debility or displacement of the fegW8 orgaD8., A _ t .. ..:_ ' _..,-.8m". 1JIII"I"aIL
. ' ....
Pl'eIIiration for healthy ma.ternity is accomplished' bl, ~'B. .Plnk'lam's Vegetable C"ompogttil mof,!3 8U~ OtiiIafuIly ihan. by aUf other inediciDe, because i.l; gi~e8 tpne and .treD~ ~ th~ .~. curing all displacemeJits and 'in., S"",ma tlo9! ' . • '. . " .. , Actual 8~bty" in women 18 Yeryra,t:e. '.Jf ~y woman ,tbiilb she ~t.erile, ]"t her write to Mrs. ·J?irikharn, Lynn, Jfasa. j whose advico is g!ven free to all e~t or would· bemothePa. , '. , . . '" . ,.
UII for
Onr TbIrIJ l'Bru' Tlil Kiad You Ha,. A/waJI leapt
WALTHAM :WATCHES Ralph . Waldo Emerson.in an essay on Eloqu~nce said, in rspeaking\of a man 'whom he described 'as a'Godsend to his' town',. ."ae .s put together .lilt~ 8 ' ,
Walthatp Watch." '. ,
.. The
Var,r ...... :B..w. Co t •• ~ort".. "'..'.latJl.
Perfedea American Watch '.'; 'all il&k:!l'iIIea, bool of iirJe«sling {nfor171illion a'Doat .'l»..a1ches, <aI/U .be sent . free rlPon' request.
01,.. . . . . . . 1••••
T.ittl.. ~01lliD L iWelb, vht i .ro· piciit)'!' • _' Couoia'Lis"!tb-Ob, httle, Bt8f .IDP!d.l)' \,s a .ute of mrnd otb .. people lIIIDI< "''' are in w!ten ther ea11'11lodC'nlllld "'bat 'In illY• .-h"lmaapolia Jourq.J. _ .
American W:aitiiam _Walch COm~, '., , -• WMthal/l,' !lass. ' "''' •
Mr. ODd 11m Thoma.s B:tUo\.-s. 'of Peckbam St. , Globe Village, Fall Rh'el", .Ia.o.rt Pacific Kall_.,-. l{&sS., b~ve cauSe 1.0 thDDk Dr. Greene's Nervura fer restoring to health";' and 8e. Lollis ' ODe noaa" Frobab11' preserving the life of !.heir' little 601). AlmoSt from infB.llCY Everett , to Way. Trip. Hallows was troubled with indigestion and net:vous trouble<!, and notbl,Dg AJIac:oIld4, Bata,Heleua,Ga.· riaoo aDdjntel'Dledi.ee polntjj_~ .OO ftL.oo aeemed.to help him. Finally Dr. Greene'" Nen-a .... 'v.... recommended aDd tri<:d \Vith success. A few bottles were snfficient to effect I>carc. lind twa)' the little Spokaall.T.....m.a,Se.ttle,l'ort· one is cn~yiDIf the best of health. By the usc of Dr. Greene's Nervum til. I.~. V....,."....., V ieloria aud ii1wl'Dlediw J>Oiah.. _.... _ ... IOO.00 too.OIo sickly ,child "lYai-trans1ormed into alutppy, hearty, robust boy. -..Ie Tllood.,.. 111' to and For-t~
.Dr•. Greene's
lIe1yura Thou6anas
. /or 'lbe Bloodaad Nerves
Of 'other ehil~n ean thank Dr. ,Greene and his wonderful
~eily for ~i strength and health they enjoy.
Children to wbom it i~ gi-'en lIa.,e.less sI~lm_, better healtb. better growth . and loager and more "'gorou8 lives. Parerlts:should realize that-it is tbeir duty to give ino c"ery child " ' ho is not 1n perfect h ealth. There are no' diseases more d readed by parents than fits, epilepsy, and st. 'Vitus' dance. Yet no child wou ld be troubled by them ni.:C.5UC•.l if Dr. Greenc's,Nervura; were given when the first. symptoms nppellr.
CharIetIt.. ' lIIIoBay, a highly . esteemed poIIoe 11'6":~:~~~::cJf;'~~jr~'1 oIIioer, wIlD I'fIISIrIeiI at 14 M,rtle St., New Bedford, po . . . . ., say,n .
.. About two CIgO my UttJo a.ugbter became run dmon in health IUId sulfered tl'OJll St. VIta.' dAn""- Soon atter she "'as prostrated by rbeumatism, which ,",'!erely atrccted her low I.iJlib..: . ' . " Afler' trying,'TariOllll .remedies witbout obtainiDIJ relief. she began t.king Dr. G",..,.,·. Nervura ' tiiood lind nerve remedy alld expeneoood imrncdintc beneJlt. Sbe coatlnued ilB UlIO, aod..afts Inking five botfJes lu,; rbenmat;lml prlU'tlC2lJyeared. Her ~ee rt!I:iJmed, il<!rpains<llsappeared. abo WlIS agl!in able to walli ...;thout hmCJJ<'ll!l, b.... =-~tb ,reotorei1, ~ oh<l ...'" able to attend lIcl>ool and ~ play olber
mo-'. Nenrara
blood and nerve remedy, 18 tbe pres.;riptl!ln and oHbe weU."-wa Dr. Greene, of 35 West l~th.c;treet, New York CIty, w1l0 ...tile' most _ccessful speclsllst in ewiag all fOl'1llll of nervous UId cbronk: COmplaiDta,: &114 be QUl be COJl8ultcd i.D 1liiy alSo. free 01 c:bar&:e. ~y 01' by leUer• . .u.co~
DaJDiy De•• ~rt.
Can be made with Bl1rDbam ·s B8J!ly J~lIy. DelicioUl jellies from PUrESt. ingrediellis. Di••olve a pae,kage io bot wat .. ~n d '..t .\\"oy to 0001. Gel '!I I... ~kallo at you r Gl'O(!er~5 to-day. There arc six fia,'or'S: (!olI.
orange, lemoD.,J,traw-berry, rasP:hei"'r3·, pl-ath.. · wild eberry 'and the wiB~...oreil "etillsfoot'" lor making ...ino alld "-ollee jelli.,.. .
-New Sty
. . -2·75 lo5!is,
,. . .
:.~ -Beautiful Patterns; --
'fb~ UD~ baJI bt>... ~ppolJ1leiS :m.d !lu:all~ as _lDlUntor 1I11l1 lbe;:aill all-
_«lor lbe,£ ~O( JOJl3,b Sa~laIbOf wa;ne 1lrIrat,bfp, !VIIJ"ml<lOUll'iF, 0biQ, ~
"0""'" llrlJl ntb <la, 01 !!iayanbor A. D. 11IjIO. , _• ' -aENRY PJU.!!'EK. lilOOIu.....!{ & YOU1lO< AtlDrDen· "
• • • Editor Seee ·WuIJOers. E-difor W . V. Barry,of LexiDgton. Tenn.', in exploring Mammoth Cave. contracted n severd co.se Of piles. His qnick cure through usint Buct• . len 's Arnica Snlve convinced him it is anoth61' world 's 'wonder.. ·Cuies piles,. injories, inliamlltion and bodily eruptions• . Only 290 'nt Lonis ~y's drUg st<>re. ...
'l"om'l\ Cubln.
A Southem plantatioU.COntaining the originalCllb~ ot "Uncle Tom" is designed as 8D attraction Ot·krent· int-erest in the :MidWay at the Pan. American Exposition next Thi.~ old relic is the proPerty ot the Bhl\lby family, who are lpaning' it fo r tlie OCCIUIion. The old plAnf\ation w ill represent the better :-tIide
List' of C :>nlt·a.ctors fOr Wator- years ago. . .f works and Elec tric Pllint. Singing before-'he'CI\bin door according to ~ditl.on· .by 'bapp:r", eare.
Ohamb9r~i~'8 Pabl k,m
Others. .Why Not YOll? My;' wife ~. been usin. ~. beJlain's <Pafull!llm •.with poet. reo suI t!l, for Q. 'la~e BhOOlder that baa . '[)!lined her OOlltinuaU;r for niu yeui-s. J Ve bave ~a1l ;kin(1a of medicines and ' docton wtthon' reoceiYing any benefit; from aay of ~l.Iem, One ciu:y'WeMwan adver· tiseme~~ of this ~ed.lcine " lind
..... !'"
;ne¡~ and~ most -reliable >
... . . fte
C"';. •• ta •• Flow of
laaUO. '"
a'.r _p.~ ":e. ~ · "7 KI.d .....
Wb.lf> nr.
-. 1
ISH. t
~ .....
, ~mhaJita LoDg 8J!o1igh: ".good eDoug~ a!14 .'Illite F~DCY, for 00'RD8 ~d S~it,l;, ~" ~ &c., !Jla deiruUld growiDg eaQhiear•
YOlt~~PROPER1'Y IN FA·.I .' SUI!S lID ·SVITIXG· . . ,. -S III l1li ' Dr .. tall. . Pret~ Wea.\leS. of (J8.uiel's Hili. Cheviot~ pOplin. WhIp Cord, -
VenJtlan Oloth jac~~t Skirt, .~~OO . .
Silk I'aists, 1001 Waists. $1.00
Ne; \' Styles,
2.75 to 5·75·
3;()() Be:'lutiful P attert1!,
Bea1ly made·Sheets aDd· PUlow Case~.
Leilve your horse at the Ham~ House ·Peed
PJllow c!!S~S,
Sheets, 50
The mills ha,re done. well by
to 6sc.
Tbf! best Vest Pants ('\'er
~!'!!:~!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!! S110 wn, j or z5e. ea l:b .
Shades, CarPets, ~.attings OiJcloths.
This Department
finely stol:ked,
01:1 P ..iceJ.
Golf Cares, Jackets, P etticoats, fine Fall Lillcs now shown. Sheeting, Shirting, wh ile they last, at old Prices. ' 2)B~Orr.
Covt ZoUo.
S.M.el Cal4'ftll,
DPtd klloll ~ w.i1e1iW.
~-'" BIOIack .JohaBCISIIdu ' • BanrdI Ooode
loba KaD4a11
· N&&b. . K~
'Wherl!. 'to Loc.te7
Bear,. ICla,
laID"" KlOJ:we.. E_WW_
LouiSville I3shvil1e Bailroad, . TIle Great Cent!alSout6ern Trunkli••
J.lIlIIoD Wlllt~m.
Alte.. WrI,h.
1n ~mte ~phs -Col. Wil: eon, Qf JUDiIltoil townslllp, is anJlOIIDCed for' A.iJIieIIIrr 'a nd wuuam ~;)r. ,lor Trea,1irer. '.In NO. 1,)L Williame buan ad. yer~' for grooeriee, etc. No.
• • Ilf ••
';;;~~;lf!!~~~~~~f; 1
Fanners, Fruit Growers.
Stock Raisers. Maouf~cturers, Investors, SpecuJa.c;rs . . 'and Money iender~ .
w~ and the greatest chance .in the Untted States tomnlte " big morie •• by re&spn. of thA abundance .~d.
cheapness ~
..um ,ibs, : . _. 11II·IJ ..~;.M~.tl, • " "fnI:ib:a ~ .i>n,
moil k!JD -COAL
~I !'~~!,Iiu:~'~~g
;~:~~~~~~~~~~ - { .. -
• Notice, . ~.
. Free ~itet!, finaJlcinlllSRisronoo 1m froodom.from taxation for the mur • tofacturer. land and farms- at.i. pcr.llcr:e and 500,000 acres m· and westupwards, Flurida that Can 00 taken. ~tis under U. S. homestead laws. '!ltoc:k raising.in the Gulf Coast District will make-enormoDS profits. Hal.f. fare excnl'llions the _ and third Tuesday!! of each firstth. mon · " Let.us know what yon want, and we ,will te~l . you -where.and how to get ~l;-b1?-t don't delay. 88 the COUlltry ~ filling up rapidly. f Prinf:ed matter, maps
ormatjon free.
R. J. WEHY88'
mav1.1yr ·
and an iD·
-Good 'Values ,-
For Everybody.
Men8~ Underwear, i8, 25, 35 and 45c,
-tOe. ·poun,i). ·
This.is Vu~ up jil Deit littln. . • agE'lI, tw<> .sl.rll.I8,of cod Ii~h ilud 1;0.
COD fiSH '
A flo,e parlor lamp will be giyen t!l!lI....Jlaway·Cb.ri&hDas eve by our leadiDg!1rrLeDilla' gt:tlter. You \vi!l-Iike It becnuse droggi8t, J;.ouilf May. With hunrly -"i(s PORm COD· ..·1SH. . 2G1 jlurcb:uie you are entitled to . . dn thl) nnmbee fP.'&iol CRANBBRRIES -, contilined iD It glass' j4l'; come direct to ' usJrom tlle-'j~u t. beautiful r4mp an4 ' the i&r - Are grown in the rich ~boj.,'5 ofi Mas- com in his show wlnd~w. . II&cuiise} ts. We_ receil'A ollly Tn.B ~e )lave just ~.ed oUr,. CHOlCEST B2unIES. . horae blankets aDd robes; lOa I'~r_quart, 6qnarts for SOc. were bought last_April ~ to, . - _ dJom out thl8 month. they IJO
oos~ :=::::::::::::::.:~'::=:::~::~ IS . MOSE COHEN -
The finest-lio blAo1t8ta ' .1. W .· e of'to~"j ever_ .... o~ 1n _ ayne ........ p. Come a~ p1C~ yOIlrII out ~ore they nlllJOne. , W. J. Kilbon& Co.CorwiD. jo
~ , ~~.1)J.rpat.1
n..._ .. _. . "....... and Uke -anvtbiDg'I aDd eleep eoaDdJ7.e"tfIr7 ....""' .. DJ...... .QIi6 wiIl.
J ",B;
Warrant-... ed, 82.00, Mens' lind Boys'Heavy Shoes, 99c to 82.00 " " " Fine Shoes, 99c to ,$3.00 .
'J_r. tnalll&.
.Etpralll., DanksgiYilll Bargains to His Dart•• Sto,ra. _
·R·~ADt · R-EAD1 ~-;=o~C~::s~~ . TO the' Good
Wayoesyilleand Vicinity:
. Beginning Saturday morning, November 24th and ending &tmday night, December 1st, at 10 o'clock. Astonishing 88 it may aeeem to some" Impossible 118 I,t may seem to muDY, Beneficial !U~ It willllrove t~ all: I have been able to secure some great nnd mbstant1al Bargums ID New York while there this week for Thanb. giving. "!lose Cohen" again proves to yoil that this slOre of h18, "It. the Be..t nnd Lowest Priced in DnY.f;on." Competition yields to the fact "Tbat Trustworthy Clothing, ~ts and 'Fnrnishings 'U'& 801~ bere. " No Bid bas ever been ma.de ,by me to people -:vantingBaIts. Poor, T~shy merohru)dise. You are taJrtng no cbnnr.es here at 11088 Cohen 's, you will wont 80me Thanksgiving OIJeriugs. The opporturuty to get them is here. Read of the good. thing!! and sieze them. . . .. ' .
A Dcli.:blf'nl SocI,,1 Event.
Six Frighltul FolUlI1el, l:!ix terrible. failures of six c1ift'erant, doctors nearly sent Wm. H . . Mullen of uoeklanc1 0 ., to an 8lU'Jygra.ve. All saul ho had IL fa talJung trouble and tlmt he must soon die. Iiut he ~ urged to try Dr. King's New J?i!!Co~ery for Cansumpaon. After taking fI ve bottles he wa." en. tirely cured. It 18 positively guar. lUI teed to cure all diseases of Thront, .Chest and Lungs, inCluding coughs, colds Id. gripP", pnenmonio.. bronchitas, IISthma, hllY feTer, croup and whooping consh. .500 >md 'I 00.
tree IlG
.-- .
Louis May's drug store• Tile
Topic Club.
The Ludies' CUrrent .ropic Club held its first regular meeting for the _ sea.son-ot the plensanthome of Miss Dora Ellis Friday afternoon, October 12. The quotations nt roll Call were from Whittier. The follOwing WtceUen~ progr:un ",a.s then given. in.terspersed witb interesting discllll~ions On the subjects presented: , Tbo Sltua~IOD In Cblna. BL"". Ball~J' . Colli. P • .IlunUngton. ~be BLan..nth tb.
Hoe. The P ....uOIl Pla,Y
'Th~ Servz.n~ Probl=.
Mr.o. Dln'O'Jddle Amer,au BL ..... BArrIl Kno. Iloober
• ~e Clnb adjourned to meer. with :lilts. Cynthia Evans on,the second FHdnyin November. The No"<'em bar meetin g of the CUl'rent Topic Club was held or. the horne of Mrs. ~vaDS. The re8pOlI8eII a& roll can were from the writings'of oJ, G. Holland,after which a varied and intel'llSting program was given as folloyu: PlaDo Solo,
. Ill'll. Wblie Ills! .Do... E11111
Ne.r. rteau. Th~ ·Peaee Q!o~UOD.
The ReJ8n ot L , w.
_ )It..;, Gcorltla F r=e ReP!":'. 01 StDte F..ierat!on. afro. FUn1<e1 Skach 01 lobn SbermaJl, IIr•• ~. Famu ~lDg. t:bc Gat.b:m3D Otm, ,.1-.1, E!. B a n4A1 Fa•• drum 0) IIr.<, Sbe".._ .· Plan" Ccet, II... alo2oai.. DDdlll""B1c, baa
·Mis. Everly w,1I be the hoste ~ aD
Friday afternoon, I?ooe!lll er 1-&.
--! . . .
. E'lltor, Sees Wonders. :Bditol' w. V. Fury,ofLe'xiDlttOJl,r T'eon., 10 e~ ......lII(lth Cave.. OO1lt!'llct~ 8 , Mevera case of piles. WI Q1;llck cure -through uslng BnCltleo's Arnica Salve oonvinc8d. him it; isanoUJer world'I' wonder; Cure. . piles, iiiju~es, in1lamutiOD and all bodily ernptioDS. Only 2Jc -p,t;. Louis Maj'l drug ,More. .
WANT2~.s.~ BO"1ft' _ . rar DIotata.man_ 1D lbl• . otate 10 _ , # ~ In~o.n.~ e~D'''~ WIUIII, '" pG,Y tGOo~. pay. wwe1dy.
Dcalmble eJDlI""'r.. l ..-IUI ..,_1 . . . . . tlInl&l... ~J eacllllQld, . . . . . -IIIIt.~ _tDpeol ~ .. ' "
Pa{JI, IS Outaa ....... CII...,.
h, Wis., is an ardent lJiss DeleD Murphy , & popular lIOeiety woman of Osbkos ~iss MurPHy'. an~.... fri~Dd ,1o PeMJDa. The followi ng Is a letter " 'ritten by catarrh al aibnell' -! heropin ion-ot-P erunll all a p ....s-eDti..e "" well .... cure for The Pel'llna Medicin e <:lompaDY. Columb us, Ollio: . . " , ___
401.-.- ,......
-' .... --...,. ....
... ..., ... """'-'-
a Ute _ , .. J~_ _" " ' . _ , ... ~ , . . . . ..." f6ner . . . . . . . . ._ , . , " . , . . ,... _ _ , . . • _ _ ..,. I " -'tal. . . , _ , . - - , ' - t I~~ • ".",.,- -
'''''''-_~/_...u. I--" , a - a-- ,_ - - - - . " . " , . . , , , - , . . . " all t6e , .... . . " .....
~ . -.., ~ .." "pi ............ 1""" . r _ -JlI-t JI,. . . ., • _ ~1.1 ___...... ''''',"",.. :1''''.... '''''''IIEJ.DI . . ,
Sciatica' . ".
and ,.
J! St:. . Jacobs ~
OU '1& .
LlV E S't'OC'S DUTS or .., otl:ler CUI _!Iowa 10 aa.1 S,... for ~ prJ("U la8D Book. a, or belo_ q\lOloeCl
w. wU1 fua.llib c:uplleale tl or
CIa,,_. ;
.us WCII st . SI.
Drllelo'a a »M.e... ...
BttnlMm'. Hasty Jelll"'on
man. ._
fiDes' dessm jellies, Clear and " pttkliilI
and OeIioioualy fiavored, I'roparcd 111 a min. ute. It is ouly n..,..,..r y to diliSOlveiD hot water and set awa.1 to coo), 'Flavors-: oranB"', lemon, .tra'l!'~, ~b~l; _h, wild cberrya nd unfluoro d 'eaIf.oof;jot" for making wine-;and coifee jelli... All Voeent HlI it. .
Camel'a BAli-, Cheviot,' pOpJI.D, Whip Cord, ,
Wben the
~oU.e.to.th8~of ~ :;h:tl~~'lD.tiell!~iCe{
l?jl1o,~' Cas.i;! JSC:
Ia. a ruln without atnnirtb of Felaa1'.",te:r, who Is ~er~' t90h&.,e .e"u~d . , th.rollgb Ruulao supJlO1't 'whtll. bit Older brotber had ' a .clnn1' ·rtrht to it, oud wou ld juo.. e resIa.tcd .fo~ lnflueoee more at'enu.
».,100. -Ohlo. ... ~ 9' tIle. ~ourteeD state. In- , ~hlch 1511n · heve b: en JlI.m. pio.vidiDg tor tlie ~ of macihlne, but Its IllI8 ia Dot obbgato-
rye It b8tng Optional ·wj.th the Toters , of EIIIOh precinct, COlIUty or state. The machlnc -recorda th~ nllmber of
vote. cut. lor each candidate, and when ~e jadges open It after an
tampe~ ii~~~~~;~=3~;;~=:Si
OOIlD&, ..... "AIUlS
mu Aot
wonderful ab4 a t'h e' p ity' 'maro
< hine, mort. ' B mao. .make mon '. honest, but it
will pmentdlahoneet ~ethod.B"; tHt ~~~~~=~!~~:;:15$: is whAt it js tepreeented to be, and tic " it onght tQ ~ IlDlvena1ly adopted,. I ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!'!I for ODe man luae sa rood a right to B 'll'· TroileJ' Line. . have his Vot~ counte:J &II he "intended, as any otllerman. ..- .
B ..mblln; ~""oll bt. Sugllrellted by TlUulksar1wl!!1Ir Day-
Sheets, 5019 6Sc.
The mills have done well by , 5110":11, lor 25c.~eacp.
The best Vest Pants e!;er
' - Great renlts may fo:low ibe ',bab', clJ'eU.it of Europeau tranl. An empire la1'~r Ib:an Fra""" and Germ~DY t.opther lDlly be open~d 10 EyrOpt'8o' eommeree alld ~'ne3ll uibny buildtor. 'a ndJl,,"fa mOlT flll!l Jienelf on the l>e"",n gulf and OJ) Ibe'1r09f!a- 01 In" dJ" ... bll" EUg;ia'hmen are alikin/r wbet)'!r r.ora.-Salioqury ...... really dre.... lnr ....lIeu -be Ileclnrt!d IlnIt '{!>ere~a~ "room ('nough lor ,!J1lu Ad..... ,
elec&ion, and itCII.unot be iIr;th tietore 'or after tlor three ieY8~ "~~11i( u:e nocenR,oy to' '0t:On it, and th_ of QOIU'88 will be hilld b7 JIleD of dif· ferent parties/the ~ number of 1'l'8OLlliecl. votes for 6ICh is brought to view, , There~.. ~hGo.lufe1y' dou,!)t of ~ tho 8CC1U'IUl1 andetiuthfulness of ~ maY
3.00 Beautiful Patterns.
WiDaow .Sh~aes, Carpets,,~.attiDga ~~~~::~;5~~~~'1 0"'11·..liDlie11m I& _atopleUure-loftnr ~.erro about o iJclo"ths. ~~tft4~:Omlell""'Lfh!4 "i!~(.1"I1atIl~~~.1 ~ in the eulst-"a,. ' e~
GuIDI ar.6Ir.
'Ready made 'Shoots and "Pillow 6aS6~.
bd )JI!eia OOIltrlveil tbat promises
8upenede art other known me~h(ld8·,1 IUs olIIlmtid that -fraad~ work CIUIIlOhepraotkledllDdan'yODe WIth . . enOuah to come In out of the am caD oUt ,hi!I Tote eDctly as he m_,andlt1s C01lDteclubelntend. ed, tUs dtue by ~ohii.ery. _ A pomIJUY baa ,·bee.- fomi8d for the ~ of the inllChiDe, 8IId til!" manutictlll'e will be .carri8!l ~
... 2.7$ LO 5·75· "
AutnllaD; r,stem
1fo, 1& ~~ ~'~n!,ilriltl.ght l '_ AIll1 tbe ,ackof votlll8' to. a; degree oQn07 .t ute. lett UttJe more d.uect. b1i~.Qf late a"VQtiq mac':hini'~c ~~~!!!!!~!!!!,!~~~~~
lonI Waists.
.. Ne,,. Sty!ea,
All Wool Golf Back Rainy J?ay ~kirt.
This DepartlDent 15 finely Iltocked,
01:1 J;>riceJ.
Golf Cares, J ackets,Pettic<lats; fine F .. II Lines now shown. She.etiDg, Shirting. while diey last,:at old i!f'ices. -
l)3'1'J.0l'1'. XlmtA, OppolJl.te C01U't Eoue.
dO~DVY GOD'lem&n ~.
ftla . . . . . . Wo_. A _ t . . . . .e. to Ga .. Bu••If_
- --
.GlLt '.~ . mUll " U:D~i' na ' . tllflg ~"'lcIltir.t _JI.rUI ••
"If WDRtD.
wu •
)(~ llaud. Whilcm~n. of Humbo~ Ne"_, ,hu a atrauger oeC:upaUoll than tbat of lUIy other - woman ill . the Uoll@d Sialea. She Ithoot. wild bo",",' for t belr .kil:s apd urna aboot Jlye dollars 0 dny at it. sa,.. n western exehaJlge. .Wild barK. have tID increueCI Ia. numbeQ in maoY" wutera .tQ~ nlllpe..iI"!J that are rul!>lealy IUll@d for tbt~r, 'biGt' : or tbey woold drive. cattle. (lie I"ILlLgH aoa monopolize the best
~ & CuscnT tbrougll t12m., like .some households bvc:a hOmeIikll:at~, T~v~ "otice It quickly, :md the ~e of tz:avd'·,
V2IIi>l,es belOTe It.. Carefut a1tt:n<bnts look 10 your every comfort: )'ocr n....u (~ b c:ru5) "'" not surpassed in the -best hotels.' -"our rest is unbroken !'" the ~!I, roc!< b3JIamd roadW2)'; YO''' p= ~oUgb some oCCle.JnQSt I:l~ scenerJ UI Amcrit:a. ~.. . • ' Wbttcr Tourist ndcets-II!"C sold at ReGDI:Cd ~.
't":'11,. _r ,o t write tJ.s about ttl Oldy 2.. Cfn. d D03(1 !" FJoriu. W , guo!" n.1H ..-tadly. lIaad .
)(1'8. Whlleman goes
huoting .I .....y. witb he r '11 tber, Henry Witman, :> yeteran of tbe Mexlc"o and "ivil wan, wbo Jo.t hi. 1'Ilnch in Cbli,fomia about Bls Y"":01 ego by- fiDl1llcial misfortone • .a:1OO101'':d to X.".ada, . Fatbez; and daughter rla8 well aod IIboot.well, It i. fbei r WIItom to hitch thdr ~'"' liones as cIeeoya and, hide hi tb .. UmlJu. . Wlten wild hol'H& "'cime up one Of them earefully ahooUt the l~der o( t"h~ h"rd. 110 ' " to dia:Llble him. but IIOt kl1l him. The otbe...· .c:1mpa ""lIY, but ftrfosity EOOn Impels tbem to ttISTn. Theil fULllcr IUId daugbter otJe.u wilb tlielr gullll und sboot. 8& """ny liB possible before th e herd' gets o~t of nnge. '[be skiwo life tnken off and drl~d io age buabra eud tb"", ...Id , for ,aoout. tWo doll""" tacb, :\Vita b uo tillg ,u.... Wlli teman 'maeulble garb, but ~ben eomea Illlto to1FD she ·wenl'll & black silk dress 'and • ,,~ ' femioine phim@d leghorn
pnat.ccl Quter Kut f&-ec toi~, ttin;u. CIou. \7. Zt:I, D_ P. A., 4;) :taClJ $::.. c:.IDcI.~ ':-_ _ _. .
&'lIJ"PM ¥'. _
CO'" ..... ~.
w. O"D l.71d Occupy the lanett me-rc.aDtile buIldiac hl tile worl4,. w••". O'Yer ·,.OQO~ CUltomen. Sikteeu h'llDdred. cJerb are eDe.ced: fi1UDC~t.-o/.. taWD ontc .....
OUR OBNBRAL CATALOGUE 10 the ortM.-pI.-it , Whol..al. Prien to baa 0.,.,' . _ s-c-. I t _ m_~ aad 60,000 4HCrl.ptlo~ of artlc.tH witb prien. It eoata ,.. ee.at.1o prtat- &IlclmAli ncb copy. Wewaort)'oa to b ....·oo •• UK» PI"Tnlf ' C&NTS mallow ' 70W' &004 ralth, &Dd.....~ 11 .~nd. ,.O~ a COPT FR.EB, .with _11 ell.,... pftpai4.
• come
Congratulatiuns fo Order. On Thanksgiving d!ly we wel"8
IoIr, .Dd~. SI>"';,...Eva ... 'ElliOt! announce the mUTIalle or tl>rtr 4aU&II1Cr
Racbd Abbl." to
Ilr. Ed,.,ln All.e LaDe, on Sl>lomIa7, tJae dlh!h of ~bet,
DOC ,110_ alllllllne - r e d ,
"t Ne"""""" KentnckY.
Prof. anclMrs. J. A, Brown eave A" Dome. ~:!o2 GUbeR ATe., tblmks witb Mrs. Brown ts parents, Walnut nUI.I, ClrIdDDa1il.. Mr. auellirs. 1Ifiut~nt nt Xenia. The same ~ which broughtthia Mr. ou,l Mn. C. it. Funston dined announcement also 'brought the MIsses Lizzie Stewnrt .\nd Mamie morning's Cincinnati C<immt!l'Cial Fetter and Maf ter Forest Rielge. 'fnbune from which we clip the fol. lowing partic1llar!i ' of the happy a.ffilir: . Secret m3.Friages, 1lS A rule, 'leak out before the interested parties Iln! rea.dy to .receive congrntulationa. Al't thOUODOO( the mnny that bJuI drained tbl} Golden Nectnr that mall:eth thy hea.rt. fnll .of trength and
.Thc boys and girh!, ns \TeU ns the school, were thanJdul for IJ, vacation. Crom Wed- : nesday evening until Monday, teacber~of Wllyn ~ ville
. !drs Samuel Sides anticipated the
grElil t nationtti holiday and spen~ last Wednesday witu her aWlt, Mrs. Ann Engle, 06 is her oz:n.nnl custom. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Clements bud the pleasure of hn nng their parents, Air.llud Mrs. J. D. ClemADts and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duke, to dine with them. Cbns. H.'\wko and family, W. H. Hawke, wife and dzu:.ght.er Mary, J. M. Keys nnd ..ire were eutertain¡ ed by Banj. Hawkw and family near New Burlingt~u. , CbB!!. Frye and wife evtertained at 'dinner Harl, Harvey and wife, o( Xenia Ernest BuiterwoIth Ilnd wif~, , I ' of Hnrveysbnrg, EI.a Rtl d Wurren Keys and St.lcy Burnett. Hon. S. R. J!,'llis and.fomily, Dr. J. ,T. Ellis and family, J . E. Janney and family.formed a happy circle at the Ellis homll!'tead wilh.Mr. John John McClure, near Springboro.
Maude R. I.dnros of .Dayton, Ollio. "Gentlemen, The reqU11'ements of the laSt ~ociet.y season,with ~t~ hours. PZ:0IlllSCUOUS, eatmg ,!-nd Irregular ha.bl~ left me a pllJ81caI wreck. l::iiekHeadncb~, Indigestiou and a slnggil'lh conditiun of the orguns were my dai.y ¡torment until I tried Dr. C4Jdwell's Syrup Pepsin. Yout'S 19 truly a household remedy with us. Gratefully yours. fu UDE R. AD.o. Sold by Louis May. ~rites:
SjlbOO\ N ote8.
Nen FricL"y afternoon, beginning (It 1 :30 (, 'ctock, the fonr' rooms of the elementary. dopartment of the Waynesville ~chool will give an ,exer.:ise i,n the Hi~h School &11, at whioh all patrons nod "frip.ud:l ot the 8(1~ool will be weloome. Admission
/11''''1.~I)m /.l
FIR SUIts liD SUITII", whip
.Pretty Wea':eII of Camel's Hair, Cheviot, Poplin,
.~~~~!!!!!!!!!~~fV.IIDtltllllll. Oloth .lac , kel Sk . bt, $lS.00 DB 8IL\II'S CIRCUIT.
'- 1
. . . . . . . . . WIII ' _ . . . . . . . . ., _ _ . . . . .~ Vtal~ ....
'l'lI••hah of Penla, UVID&, bee. foU' ,.eai. OIL tbe tbJ'Oo~, .wiabu ,to ••• tbe world; b.I1'II.Do.d • 10Ilglou.rDe,.. Be "'JrU1 ~hd~ 51; Petemurg, ·Berlin, VIp"n.; ~IidOD Qd CooatantlDo,o ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~I )lIe,: and will..be eDterta~ed at aU tbe ~01lr1L 1t. ...ill;t,e. a '''''llI, jollrDe,., aDd tbe IIuih I.' ~oi r~uted io be ricb; but bla credlt~l. &,ood. . .~claUy In ' St. where .Il1e treeoDry 'ill .1.... ,.. to make ad ••oce.1 to .~ ru\, r of a vuul ..tate,..baH territory )lulaia COy",,'!, . .,.. Youth'. Camp.Dlon. llQ.Alfar~-<lID, ihe ahlh, 1. ua'ly ~ 10 yea .. old. H. looks ·yooD ...r tban )Ie 10. for there ar. no ·trice. of gray 10 clo~ks, Me jet-black hair ~ .Dd long, drooplnl' muataehe, aDd tber. are DO Jloel 00 hla Danowlorebead. till .:rel are...,t. lod dr."my, 1ihe "00 tour of hi. face 10 regular aDd bi, smile I, that lIf an iDdolent aD~d weak mall ...ho"ln be eaally amused. Be 10 a ruler ...·iOlou! atrength of character. who la beli.ved to bave- Hcured tbe throne tbrougb Ruuiao aupport when hia older brother hid a den., right to it, ~aod would have reo • i.,t ,d for~igu inI!Q!~ more ItreDUoUily. He 10 • pluaare-Iovillg lonrelp wbo Jlku to go aboue everlt1llng 10 tbe euiest Ored resulh ma,.. tollow the abah'. eireult 01 Ellr~o tranl. An empire JlIrgu OIno Fraooe .nd GermallY to~ther mal M OJl<'Ded 10 Euro~an
the best . I:Y; p.·omp'tly re.pairs w,..tch-:es, .· e.tc.. .All ~ kin~s of -bicycle d~n~ ~ p,roinptly.
All Wool 00)( Back Rainy Day Skirt, '5 .00, up,
lI ...... W._. lIIo_te . . . . . . to Gala LJ~eu.o
. . . -&ilHlble'rY l b . .
:Mn. Kaud "'hileman.. of Humboldt. Nev., haa a atraDger occupation than .... 7Mw.........rIIIe. that of ..ny other woman io 1-h. UDlted Sta tee. She _hoot. Wllct hol'R8 for their akin. aod ea ..... about II.., dollar•• dllY at It, ""Y5 " western exeh:nlge. Wild ho ...... ha.e SO loereaaed In numbers in mlloy wutern atatee IJIM wey ore J'Ulblealy lUlled for their hides, or they would drive cattle olr the ~aDges aJld mODOpollu Ole beat gr;Wn&,. lJ ... \...lIltemall goea 'huotlog alwa,.. ...·lIh her f"ther. a.ory lVllmeo. a vet.eno Of the ¥<'xteao aod drll .. an. who Ion biB r~ In California about • ~. ,...... ra • • by 4I\aocl&l tDiatonUDe and remoored t o N~atla. --'FAtber aod, dallgbler ritle ' well and ..&oat. well It ia1.heir custom to blteb their Ollnl hone. .. ~ .ud hide ~ In' ib" timber. ~ • Wbell wlld ·ho.....,. come up ODe ~ of tllem ~ ClIrdul1y shoots the leader of t,be herd, sO .. to dlaable him, but . not 'It!1l hj~. The others scalDper but euTloSity ,&oon Impela them Tben father null daugbter witb ' clr guna Bnd "hoo~ aa ""'":h!r,o:~c~1 Ilj,&uy ~.youlble 'before-the h erd "' out. of range. The altina Il.(e takeo off Il!it~piiq"'id':a .",orldor1eJli=Cjl o'nltilricd in sage. kl'ahp! aDd then. acid for abouL hTO d~nllrs <'Ieh. men buntlng, YrL Whiteman wear. I\I&R1IlIae .garbL·bui wilen she COM Jnto to~ w ..... a l>~ek aUk d ..... and ~ a vo9 femllifue plumed legborn
Thl'! best Vest Pants ever
Window Shades. Carpets, ~:lIattinl8 Oilcloths. This Department
finely stocked,
Old Price •.
Golf Cares, j""ckets, PettIcoat" tine FaJI Lilli:,
shown) __
Sheeting, Shirting, while they last, at old ,Prices.
l)3'1'30rr. DNa.
Onoa~ Covt
tUO 9 .00
Loa..., Valle,.
• •:to .... Ia.
l:!. U 2 .. '5 P.
Lea•• Dellbonok
' .00 ... II!. 7.46 fI .&6 1!..IO P. 81.
'. I~
1 ....
t 10. 15
- - -.==
Dayton & Xenia Trletio. Ce.
10.45 1 .ZO p . ... 4 .00
shown', for 25c. each.
' •. 00 ... m .
a ..... l f .
The mills have done we)) by
WIN , 8.00
2·75 to 5·75·
Sheets, SO
die. wbile Eogliabmc", are dIUog. whteher Lord SaliWury ...... rully d ream.iog .. beD be declared tbat there \V31 " C'oom. ~~oagb tor all in ~ ..
Ready made Sheets and .Pillow CaSH.
io~: .nd G'!llt Ru.ula lind frontier b~roelf 00of tbe r~r~;n aDdma,. on the In-
,"".'~ ""'r
New S!y!es,
h~:~f!£~i~:r~~~~!!!!'~~!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~l coDlGlerce and Ameri"4n rail..ay build·
·. Skirts, . Silk :Iaists,
_ . .,... . <:<ra ...
' .00
, LeaTe Darton ria xenia. Car aad ehalll'e .t Belmaal. t To ear bOIlR onl,.. DaytOD o31oe al14 wallin. room. If west Tbln! !! ........ PbllUpo Roo"" BuUdlnl.
The ru.nnloc· tlme be1.weeD Daf\oa ad Spr1nc Va.U". ... one- hour ~D4 arLee-a mill· a tea. pu!DOI' \otlJ"tJUl'b BelmoDt , neaYenown. Bellbrook ,,0/1 ~elJc Sprlap. UaytOll tD Spriol Valley 18 IIOlleo. br. !i>c. Da.1l0D to rlelJbr<>olt U mll... fare 20 co .... Special ral.. tD Sall4.,. Scllool .. PkiaJal all4 otbor .........1_0.... upoo ~pJOllr.lloD. L\eIII t6C~bt ,.,,4 . _ aarrie4 Oil all e&ra •
Connections Are good via Cle Queen & Lr~__ _1I' cent Route and Southern Ry. for Florid.:l, New Orle:lDS, Cuba or California. All lines at Cindonatl and at Loulsviile'make direct conoections~ith our fast Umited tr:tins whicftave Cindanatl O:J:0;l:"'!P" a. m. and 8 p. m. wve Louisville (So_ Ry.) 7'45 a. m. and i.4S p. m. FneChalrCan allllrllL ParIor.O_aD4 Cat. Can (service. Ia ......,IT &ceIJu1_~ .. rv\c.oI_"~ Pull..... SI..pon Oad=-IUD CIIIit"Iiaoop, KJIoJIvtlle. AsIIo¥IUa. s..u,;
Alla:>ta. BI ..ln(lwo. New 0,..
t.ans. J _ vllM, T ...JOL S~ Av&IISIiDe, V\cks .... ~ u4 ~ CM •••
w. ZI:LL.
D • • • • ••
• .... &II. aac. an•. C'JH:;I _ _ n. O.
hac..- -
w_•• ~•••ltJ ii.• • .
"ty ",TN......
A..,o'. tile ' _ _ . . <I. t~ . . . . Tile..
No .... SeoIe ...
Florida -GULF COAST."
u&~ .
Wtile for Fol4en, IIclb1pUft ~-"efc.,_
C. L.
Geaeal.PuMawu -'p.,
LO~U• •
"-!88, .'
hI~ .... ~=..-.. LOunI~
L~.iiii.<I:'¥.ii!,.m--••u - . ' -
xv; ,. .
«' ....l~e
. . . T '.....
n .. C le-aa ll
R~to .. _It. d
hOJnes, wi thout cost.' J.E.Janney, .Medic;ncs~ ])ru~.s. Books. Sipl-io!lUY' DI'. J~ W .Mi ller , JJeii-ti§i1'Y~ C; Y. ',MM on, Groceries, i!res/~.· lJruit.'j. (gul Ye!."eti/b~e$. Waynesville Dr-y Good.'! Co. Gents' F U1",,?-iskin,t4.$. etc• . ~
Har , ess, R'ib~s. Whips, Jv e-ts. etc. H (£1 '( LwUJ'8 . :i.'oves anit T inwa re. ¥ eat .Market. Photography.
J ••1J..Wo;)lley.
'Joluv H . Co'ternan;
Staple a ncZ Fanc!! Grof,erl~eS CORWIN . .
Mrs. Wm, Barnhart . \Vhl> ltaS long " Yesterday m 01'DlDg at (l :2Q at h l'r been l\ l)uf.ien , uffeI'cr, is s lowly h06e '114 South OSage IlVfn)le. West Wicltitn, N/lncy E. Da\'i5 died of r egnining strength Acute .pnenmpnin, "flcr nn' illness of Little Racbel," youngtst d augbter about tllTee wee).>!. Jllrs, Davis was of J\lr: nnd Mrs. Ollie Dl.lv,", l' lls fl~~ tricken witb grJll which vasse<iln t>:J a n acuto nttack of thc llr eull been " erY low with mens!.: Iwd dillClUlO. lJDeUmonia. " pnenm on i!l. ~ . Mr!I. Davis was the wife of Henry Me-.\Sles ore swepping tbro.ngh this D,wu.. brQt.lljlr of Samnel un el J ohn community s o that the prim .. ry de· Dam. of· thiS pl!lCl£', nnu IlllU spent porlm rmt of Oljr scbO<Jl leJlt wJt.h ~he uast ummer lind filII umong h er but fou r pnpils h. t week. Ohio r el1iti"es JlOpiug the chaJlgc Cor win hnil 11 fire "<!l.re la"r Fd . woulu ben<:,fitbcr hesJtJJ ; in thIS lluy aboutnuon Ill'l t !I';;' ~t k ' UP ; m .' and hl'~ f~enc1.s w(.'rn ui!<U PPoint:d. o ri ~ (.f \ ·' I ."llt >, iiI:-.. '.xl....:'1'·'... The Wl clll.~ paper f rom wb ll'h t!Je f, f ""'ril 7th 'alit U ':~'I'r '.! ,', ' aho"e n otice W:l S c1 ,pperl "polH' III jns '. /"'.1.· .. n, ! (~I . •]t: lin-' 1. . the hiobe.> terms of tho dt!"""'<Pc.1 . p.url.: 0-1 .1p'"l ,.~j'. p Itq, . and e:qJre5Sed the llJ O"t cUllfi " nt Wali £o1U .• k,. .",·1 f. .,ll'" hopo 11mt. ufter n we ll !'pent li fe llrs ll r On.• c th.' "n., "" n:I .. r IrI )H ; " ".' Da.'f'i.t; bua ontcTCtl u pfl n tl l:tt r t-"f' i P\~('r\6 t"-nl r t •., 'I i..,- Fe '"' ,.j 'Tt'illl~t which Ilwrdt" the f<1itllf ul. ' ". ex[in:rlli~llftl I i" :1 .. " ' fl ~ Po Palcll of c(/n~i,! ' r .. hl·.•".~,. '''ItS y ou shonlu know t htlt F I) L~ ,{'1i bu rneJ. H OSEY AFD T A n i!'- n b. lu t", Iy the be. t f or fin tIi.-1-1ISe!.; of th e ---- ~ thro<1tulld lOllS.• ' Deaier.' are un l h R E>ll n.sid6red. ori~~ t o ~nar.aHt.{!e it to give s , 0:'A TO J)~kn .mao lel'; . - I :0'1111(:.5 4~"~t.' t.1 CtJon . L O!llS M;lY· I set ()lit of h is rill!! ~'nll t\'en t to the ==~====!!",======~ II in'" jeweler to have it l'pp!r.ced. Return· h IDO he founl1 tho lost set. 8.n1, nml)UU B T AND ST. putting it in hi!! m outh fo r safe keep. <\ UOUS'rI:SP. WI.TOOUT CnANGTSO OARS. iug, h .u rried ba.ck to tho j e ""eler's ttl hn"e thatset i n.-<tead of theue\\' opal. 'Tf'G \·cf CUD'f~Qi l:"n «s on Lbe ~ nnsr-l ,.a.a.ha Kushlllg int o ,'be storo be he sll id : Ll.uI"A: ".m I,Delude tbroh ab co r ~1c.e beLWecO Obio and Indl:.a na po\DIS ~nct [o' ioricla.. 00 aDd . 'Say, r vo fonnd Ute old set. so do after JaGUA ry 1 {)t.b. 00 aod aIler lh.3l d .u.e not use thnt n e w one," H oatte m pt_ a. new trillU wUl be r ... o Lbrougb Cfnc1auall ed to r emOl"'e the ston e from bis Db Cb3.u.ano-~ Atla,llt'1 A!1d !4iWM>n to d Be!l· .l!tOn,-i: l1c o..ad t Aug\1.l ttne. l'b2' train w I ll m onth, J!j\ve II gulp, locketl sh ~ll i sb. a nd Mid : " 1 guess :vou1l ~ot:o ruD JtOJtd t o .~ t . A.-UgUl'tfDr! A Slee-plnit C;n ruun ing l..b r opt:b to &flori. use the n ew "tone.'" Tha 4~ d:. on "be 0 ''a' . :1llo w11l1e2.\·c P itUiburgb aL needed It bottle of Dr. Cald . 's It 2 . m.. over tb e P4D Hnoil le Uour.e v'l'a 'Ne ff S old by Louis May . 3r~ COhUllbus Q.ud XeOfd, and (l3....'iose ngt 110 for 1 JTUP Pe.¢in.
Public Sale of neal Eslaic. .• On the firs t Thursday in l! ebMl4J'Y Sainn ol Sides win offer at public sale two good furms. Particulars
Inler .
Hr. Milton ¥arqntiar, of the firm
1 will Gfi'cr fo~ !!Ille on t·be premiSes t WQ miles west of :'ytJe on." t ho Dlly ton und Lebanon pike, on W Ii· II dny, t he 30th d'lY of Junnnry, A. . l~I, nt lO o'clQ!:k u. m, t he fllnD ]. . no..:-n nl! t h o {Ilrm of Ikn jll' Sh inn, decell.Se(l . sma form
ofFurq~ Bi'{)l > W~lminitOn, .Wa.9 last SQndAy in attendance at TE!.l1edcicaf.ory - servioo of tho I ntJd.stsb!!· ~"t1AIIDi'D1 Friends c1mrcli, II.Dd npressed g ..~~ lit; t-fie. illjnry IloDe the baui( , .~. u,,,, lJ)uilldilfl{
HOI!i!1l6fi ~e
H a.vi n l!' a Great Run -oD Cnamber lain's Cougb Remedy. Munagrr lI:1rtin, of thc PierecoD drug tore, infornlStLSthatheis htlv. greu TUnon C!z.tlmberL1m ·s Con'h
!:Cottles oft1lllt
medicine to one of n ny oilier k ind, lI ud it ~rjve.~ great san fact:ion . In ill e dnys of.1.,griV}J8 I.her e a noth.. 'rCl~rd iJl!! l ing llko Cbnmbe~hlin'8 Cough Rem. l'<!-y to~ s~ f.ho cougb , hen1 np the tb roa t IlJid lung !lud gil'C r eo lief witrun n very short t ime. .:rile cal !ll'l) growing.llDd all \~h o try it II rc pJen 'oo "'ttll i ll; pro!Dpt nction. - So!ltll ChicaglJ Dllily Gilumet For sale by Louis .May; Dr uggist,
the • u lb m!lJ @o tb.rougb CD ~o rhla. on it , ,,"f l boUL ell. Dle frvm t be !ollowJJg .. ~tJoa~ . lC3"LD~ on tbe schedule ,-l""en ca.eb 'ru.esd;l.! Watr.wor~8 :Zlectrj cNot~.s :).od fo"'r\b r : Co~Qmbu • 2 -: J .1 p. m. ; LODOO:J , 2 : ~fl pm. : South Charles to n. :~: 1 3 IJ. m : Ccd:1nilh•• a :"8 p . m .: X onlll. 3 : ' ~ 1'. m : Thc hydran t s a n d " ol"es f or the \ ·o.,.-ne-',' Ul c. <4 !ul p. c .; Morro..... 4: :~ '; Jl. w .. ~ wat-er wor ks h n.ve been shipped and Lonls nd, 4 :,,~ Jl~ m • ...' T\un Clndo lJ3 l1 W F lor'ld:l t be tmln "·ttl r e~ i" ed a n d w ill be put in lJlnce as OOD.itlJlt at t he" l"tC1t~ p:..tU:!"D_P'ultman 5 Ice.,· --,,_.lr-In", vlow Qnct Qbicn' 3Uon Ca u .. lue1udlug soon ll. pl'3 ctiC3ule. lbC S leepiog CAr trollJ PJL'sbo rg.. Cb:ltt.1n.oo" W ork CD t ho stand pipe u;"abaut -13 "" m be r c.a;:bed a t 5 :"0 Ii.. m .. Atlanta :11 9 : ,.j, a m... Ab~ot:;it ) ~:O:"") noo u . J"ack.ron · to cummenco a nd w ill p~obably 00 "me 7 ; :U.1l. 1'2l _ Ihf! d.11 ,f;,Utr l~~\1ng li ome:. Tbe UITOuJ;b 1JC1",,'Sc:c: U'1ll 1Je cl4"peclall.r aou · gOing on by t he t ime t h is paper 'goe.8 '·eclC'n t.f",lr l)enoon"!; COUlI!mpI3Ung' tr ips to F1or:id...J 3011 the South . T ou r"bt t le tcLot; to t o p r ess.
(.'jrc ill lh c 'N o w Dank Dul/di0l:. A gt'e:~t dl!!H of' excitemeu t was occasioned nnday 'morning bv the cry of fire! H . P . Keys ncticed sm Dke ISSui ng from the ne,~ bun k bUild ing. l!nrrying to Ih e b~ n k- he s~w that t he ~~k put \Va.; filled 'w itb !:mQke and 1ID.me. wmil ?niog istance from persons nearby , the 'fir", was
Southern wi.ol:' t" f'C"!'fOr-ts n o w 0 0 sOl!e :11. ~. hi fo.r l:& ,"l Ei. PeoQs:n ' an Ja L{u~ be S'0od 0 0 tb t magnlftocrtlt tbrou, b tr3ln. A rraogam crL... \0 ttll.~ O!J I:. may be m a lle lbroogb loc::JJ :lgcnts o f t.be Pe!JD~11\"3nlu Llnes:) 1 Uni ons mco llo oed.. orbr oommuo lcn.Lt ngwiLb C C, lJ alnB3. )). P . Age nt. Day too .. 0 .. ""br, wl1l m!llte r ek l'\ll l1o~ tor an ~ Tueiday ~ o r
Friday durf'" the seuson..
The )Jowe r b ouse will be fitted liS ra p idly os we..~ther will permit fo rthe I,l ent o f machinery~d" , achinery, . '
c . U n"8J·. 212 Maple St.;CIm'ro paign, TIL , wri tes: 0;1 wa. nou hlccl and Tar wit-ha lmckin g: cough for a. year ond . f t houg llt I brul the con Snntl)tioD. I beltIs Juogs . Btftl stops the c:ougb. tried a grollt m a n y remedies lUld \vo un de r the co r e' of physicians f o r mo nt,hs. I used one battl.. ClnclnnatJ Dlvl!llon·. severnl of F OLEY'S H ONEY ."-'W · T AR. It cur er1 m e. a nd I ba." e· not been tron bled since." Lou i... MIIY.
Foley's Honey \\'IIs. dIscovered whcll it W!lS,as w ith tbe prevailing high , vind a n u the b uiluing full of sba ~i ng~. th e fu.mr.> wo~ld have been hllru to
I ennsYlvania IJnes.
----.... ~
AcCumuhtjans ot years uimmished, b!'lI.v,ely took u,p t he ].Qa iu t<!ln · ll.nCe of" t·he family, and t.oi!!lIl ",it4 willing· b f(nds (or thei r diilS brll:ld, 'm oD tllt'Se y ears she W II 8 a su ffer· er from phYlliC3 lllilments. which ia ·the' last" .s l::\·cr-",l V I:lIIl:-'l of h er liIe s o ~iisa.blea h er that she was much of tlle-time h elpless, and b a d not for y.~ t~llten n. a,top withontpa,iD. Bnt it. isl pleMl\n t1.ndeed to r ooord the cl'edit of. hor ddugbtcr Rnd so:n·jn.I.a.v~ ·thn.t in the da ys 'ot hor cw~tfi)l'" 1 hp_mdowhood, ..thl'oogh "Illl h~r di;>aljllity, t hey failed not i~ their flIi~ I·d,e'vfltifm. to her;' lind in every way possible "SC{)t.hed her-path~ny to the tom!>.tq \1,l:licll ~ey havo ' no\v COlD· . her in the hope of a glorious 1·!"e5S,urre(l1tif)n..and of ' ; 'lil~ everla t., '~.T. J·.B.
Thous an ds S " nt mto EXlle. E very ye.'l~a lorge n umb'er of poor su ffer ers w ho:;e lun gs are sore a nd rucked with coughs ore n.rged t o go to another climate. But t Ws. is costi y not alwuys s ure. Do~ ' t be nu ex· whon Dr. Ki ng s N ew Di sco~e ry for (JonsnmJltion " ill cure y ou at homn. It 's the m ost infallible med icin e (O~ CoughS; lds o.ml n11 Thr oat a nd Lung Diseas'!s on E.l rt,h. 'l'he fltSt tlo e hrings r eli ef. Asto nnfling OIUes resul~from persistent usc.. Tr,· al b ot tles free at Louis May ·s. ·Priee 50; aud $1. Every bottle gnar!l.DtOOd. •
GEORGE . THOMPSON. I;)oes t h e best work in W1l'tl in t he n orse sh ooing aml general repainn .... and wood work line. Anyt.bing ii: the hl ack~thig line Cil.n be p rompf.· ly done here to Ir,ive perfect satisfwtion , and they mil ~;urpri se yon with tbeir prices. Ha "e 1llld "ever. a l yeat;S e xperie nce in t rack Sl.t OOlDg G ive them 0. tria l and Y(lU win never r egret it.
S~I {\" .
'1on dn. y , J !lntuuy . 98 On . _D _. 1901 . , a t' ('In,,lauaU UULQ:\,'o J e- a1 10 o'ljlock a . In" J ohn M. Mills will MII(or d •.• _ " se!lat public uuction cn the premise ~:f!,~:;~,;;ii:: es occ llpied by bim a CIllves oud 2. M~ rr w...... .. F t. A.ncJcu: t." 01'egontn......... II
-·, _.1 J anwlry 30, . at 10 lI' Wny" "nllle" . W ......n"""'ay, .. ilnnn _ .. .. !> 'Clock It, m 7, W ilhur IShida ke r will IlSl'rlIlt: Viii.. .. o1fer a t llUbli c s ale on what i knoWIl :;"nl...... { tb.,. GiUi!un. farm. . ied o n tUe \? lIber(lo rco 'V,,,vn,,,,";H.. . , ~ .aSihlll. <.ie, lu f\' JJ o~ .. .. , . pike bout half way ,;.· I ..lIl............. .. place It lot of Ii \'e s tock I!.Cbarl<.. ",u. " ' b d" _ c~ " " ,doll ... " v .. U tens j) 5 , COM) , S r e ,.eu W. J c tfe rso n·f 1<J<!,ll' r, timotlly imy, h ouseholu lind A.ILon ... ...... .. KlI'Cu.en furni ture. C olhmbns
W. . M. Mills, fiuCt. C. clerk .. Sea posters, . ShiMker, . Thursday, Febl'l1nry 7tJi, at 10 o' clock, ' O!l what bas long been knowll os Cottonwood Farm, X mile te!;;ti.lvilllz.i north of Ferry; :&h,;n S. MarshnJl win l'ell n.Hu e rot of"live stock , con· I. ~.g-~'!i of horSes. rottle, mUclJ cows, bogs; also. formtnjl' im, ple'ttulIlts> bny. oatil · fodde l', 'corn, oats, -etc. ; honsebp l\'l gooUs aUll , everytlli'ng usnn.lIy: ound otLa first • olnss fn.rm . FranJ( G.lTh!lltl~, nncJ;~
I~\V.:Er!S:~Tg,W~!A~n~D. ;~
X o uln
Ratnrday evening, J anWl l'Y 26,Germaine.Caven:!". Co.. en tl'l'toliumoo t a t Sch ool Hall . Wednesdav, JI\lIWlry ao, jlllbiic- -, S/l.le of tIlo Shinn fllrm n e .. r Lytle F ebruary 7tb . pllblic su:Je of two farms by Samnel Bides. . February ' 14.• . Valentine Social Ht; tbe Hammel house. . .
For Sale or
n .. "t.
• My rostdence in Wn~esville with gronnd tc suit the purchaser. trOlIl one to ton a ero". Ah'lllE: S. TaoB~II:, j23· 3t W~ynesvillo, Ohio.
Lost, Str&yed or Stolen. Beagle honnd, bleck and tan white stri po on breast; comes by th~ name of Don. Return to Edward""'. Ricks. . and receive reward. ' EDWARD W. RIOKS . j23-3t Wa~B$vine /Ohlo.. .
Mrs . Fran.c 8s L. &ies of MiIlllO"rI' Volley, la.. writes: "I bad _.ere,
Indney trouble for 'yeal'll; liadbut:3; fi\'e dootors with'otll benA1lt, bottles of FOl-llli>" KmlQ!YCUlllt.:,
me." Louis Mav. . ~.~
. Mm.on ha~ IInothPr run on I'OIIp'-t.hi.~ time it i" t.he· ·R~inM~." Dflt the 01<1 !.r ndit.ion",1 rainbow: hnt !' merhilll:\' f'>1:!t.irely ne w. "'ecoDnmj. C>I I 11 n,l !4t.rictly l>llrc:' .fine. hllnd ~n"p for working 1)6')ole. fil1e for IIi"h wR.~hiDg IIDC11!'i!nl'ral Ulle ; eqtlul t,o thA- bP.!<t., inferIOr to n ene. 2 cakes for;; cent!!
H ~TEl.
ttt tt GOOD MEAL..,. it ttl HI itt GO'OD BEDS. ttt m ttt GOOD SERVWE. ill
:Iohn E.erllf1rl clime up from CinciunatJ ye:-;t"rIlRY looking for ]Jropprty topnrchllse >lor It home In which to (nd his <iuy...
I ••bout u near perfection u of Lamp-Makinr can atta1D III.
Ju..t r ecei Yed, A ()Il r lORd of extnl flue WI,ita St.. r 1Jf'tll tOO!4 frmu tbe Nor~h. 60~ rer bu . H. KHboll, Corwin. Ohm.
h bum. kerosene. ...d elves a powerfuJ. clear. wblte IICht. 8114 wllllleltber blow lIot !at out. WIleD out drlv1nr wfth It tile dark .... ...u, keep. about two bun4red leet IIhead 0' your atnariell borse. When you want the yery bed Orivlnr Lamp to be 1wI, uk J01I1 dealer for·tho "Dietz." We 1»ue. specIaJ C.ta1ogue 01 tide lamp. and. If ,Oil evet prowl arOUDd • aIIII Dtrbl-fa1~ It will Inlelest ,..,.
·1 t
If you buy ~'onr gooc.1< at J ohn A. Funkey'lI ._ mde r ..Ju ce you ClIII get ;\IN!. Eli7..abeth Wrighr. of !/lIddll." run . hilS trunsterred bel' fllnn of 163 1\ lovely c!inner set.. Thev w' ll l;e on. mailed freo. ~hibiti " n next Mondn.,·. ..Ikctcb Our fee returued If .... raiL Anyon. oeJadlDg aDd dexription or auy inventioa will ncrP8. n,ore or less, to her b"l'lIlld,400. on e .. promptly receive our opiDion frcc ~ Chorl(18 SoJlivan, who. by tine wl1l Mr. und MN! J ·, hn E I \"ar~~ !ff1ter, the patentability of Arne. ... How to 0btaiD • PateDt" aeut upon n::que.t. Palc11ta eeaarcd 450 lAfg'ht 8t.,HewYork. of bi!! gl'llndfnth r, the lat e Charles tainPd . t ilinner un t:lun dRyf Prof: througb us advei1..iaed lew sale At cmr~ Patents t2ken out lhroasth u.s receiwe: ~ Wright. was OlIlde tbe hpjr I1t the Newl!n, Mr. lind Mrs. Nur Brow_. "oIko. without cha~ ID "i'.... P.U'1<Jt't li.1!c9aD, aD iUIISU1Iled ODd widely dn:ulated JaunW., ~~~~~~~Uo~~'C'I~~'" death of hi!!grnnQmother. 'J bo con· Mr. und Mno . W. l' Frall1e. JU~ I.'N anuult<d by MallUfact=rnad lDftItO... Scad for IatDpl<cupy RIEIE. A4dr-. ;;iderahon in thiil tranl!llct'ion ns fohll.t Emme aDd KlItbryn Frome.
'Re& DIBU CO:,
Mr. SoJli van pay to his grondmo.t ber There seems t-o be a boom in rml U"'"t~.' WaSHINGTON. D. t.he stirn of ' ISO anil1lllIly during her e~ta.te he rA jn..t no w which lo"k>! IE.... "'lIdlw,.
• George E . Yocng, of the law fi~ uf Henderson & Young, LebanQ miJ.jority:of .f ,,:e11 'known people of this vicinity: oDnot1I! nimself a.s~didate for ProsOOn . Attorney. Mr Young' i~ 0. geo lIlan .of ability, lind 'if elected 'undoubtedJy make n--good officer. , The members .of the K . E. chtl .lrc happy over the _ar~va.l of th ClLutifo'l new. fleu.ts, ..The ben exc61lence ' of the seats rum repay t.h~~ fOl" tlle' l~~g months . 1 ROLLED OATS AI~ old fusJ.i t'lI· .~RROWFAT BEANS J ust I t.~. .,.. kfbliL ,1ist. . (;uok lill LIM- veXAtious '. <lelays. .Ma.y the chur kwd for:.: BJ,i..,d 13,,:, ">. Tin'S" •. :<, ""g-hly .1""". tl't:lI !l,ld .. ,Iilll" >luW" ung~prosper and .continoe do g is the wish. of its mI\llY -f"ie~ds. n~\V and will .co~k el sily. I anti cream. . .We ¥ve just rechOO our \\mt orse blankets lind'· robes ; the were bouglitr. lnst Aprill1lld 1-0 Wa~'l. es\·iilii, Ollio. them out this month.. they: go cost. The fiD;;st line of blank
P e rs·.;ns who snfJ'e r from IDdig cn".D-O expect to live long. • ~..."'><> they Clwnott eat ,the f uod aui.red-!iO nourish ,the. body niul t. Ilr'KIDCI'softhe nndige ted 'roixIS l·bE tpe blood. It is impo c ure 1ndigesti9D Ill! s~n i i>O!lj!i1)le. flD<,l tllEr lei!t !l1etbOfl of ~ i~· t Q nee th~ -preparnh ~!j..Kodol Dyspepsia. Cure. o.igeit-& 'vho.tyau en.t and res 01"es and quite Fancy, for Gowns tbe dIg~ti ve organs to perre! het!Jtb. S. E. Janney: &c. • the d emand !;'rowing cllch·y .!Rr.
' Hu~cb,son QQ ~--~
5 to-8 1-30
AID S.UITII!CS, llsnitia.a Oloth Jacke~ Skirt, $n1.00 i
1001 Wiists~ $L.09 . to -
hfe time.
A comptmy of swindlers ore !<IIid toO be r eaping a golden ba r\"&!t omong tbP. farmers. A sales-.agent caD" npon a farm er, offers hrOl two dress patterns, cloth for two lIullS. for eltber boys or men . a number of
closetl ... denl la"t ni~ bt. wirh tbe K . p's f(}r rbe pr0p<'rty of ~1J . Mllr..Neal. occupied by Pbi11iJ):l' p' llll room. Term"II000C>l!<h. Mr. Olrt~ ,wright Ims sevp.rlll olbAr dell Is on bands whicb he expect to consum·
yards of calico. a bedstead and various other other ' articles; d' .for fifty dolInTS. the purcbaser I;ivlllg his note. After the Slile he is told W go to the county seat at a fixed time, when the mtmSDru will be taken and the goods delivered. The g ooda ne.er arrive but tbe note
mate!!hortlv. We r egret t o le~ rn tbut DII\"id Willialllil, one of our hard working farmers.ll1.St F l' l<iltJ' made an assignlIl~t. att~rnev LP.e B jJ,ler~on. "'" • signee. Mr. Willillms hils among his assets 1\ good farm of 100 acres with fairly g'lOd impron ,ments,
does. We clip the following from the Seneca, Kansns, Tribune. It ill mos. gratifying int-elligence, indeed, and will be hearti!y OTIProoiatod by the mnnv friends of M.r. Thompson h ere aud elsewhere : "S. . B. 'lholIlpson, one of 01ll' oldest and mO!'t respected citizens, who for some tune past blUl heen helplessly blind on account of cataTilct. WIUI opera.ted upon at the 8istel"ll Hospitol in 8t . .Joseph. Mo., December 16tb, by the well known eye and ear ~pecil1li8t, Dr . .Blirton Pitts. Mr. Thompson, IlOOOJDPoDied by bis wife, returned borne last Fri· day completely restored to nsefoJ "ri
Ve v. Olrrw~h t
A MA FF 1'1 T,
UNDERTAKF·P, _. - "1"0-- ·
Embalu1c: )
Undertn l\~J·. EMBALJV. G~
. ( 'U r .
And dea. le r t:.:
-i \lalu II lilt
FUR ;ITUI<.E.JfALL ¥'''''''~ . ' \\'.-\YXE. ·VILLF.. : : : CHil O
r~ently Il~II ...ecl a tAlen,hon ill .TeIAI>hQne in bis house. wI>P-" 11 2 H~~ n ., ~ bi.~ office ><0 tbnt b e Clln he ('/1 11<'11 can be called at .lIll ho~'S, c.y or an"" rim e. rlRY or night by pl1one. night. C<l/Iche. supplied; one COIIeh ~nrl vne O'Jaeh fll.rnished free of chairs without co!<t. charl(e. No effor.t spare d to -MAIS Streetplease my patrons ..n '1 ~'e WaYII"""ille - - - - - - ..... i ... them thEl best WOI k to" , can bb' what his liabilities a re we not m· '"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ don.·. fonned At Mr. WiJ1.iams' time of of life. after years ot honE!l<t toil fLORID.'\ tb!s reverse 01 fortnne fall>! heavily nnd to his financittl diftl.c ulties he hl1 maDY Rympatbizing fri ends. THE G fUtAT CUTK .A I"': .3J roa , goeT H E"" TllL~" USE. The V/llIey Tele phone Company Vlast week fini .. hed its connections in III ,VTER .ffiIrhtn township and Butler"'lIe, TO URIST ICKETS Plea&lllt Pluin ond Co7.Rddale are ~ow on Sale IoU no.w in conullCtion v,;th the outer w orld by 'pbone. The company ill extending its lines wherever WflDt· ed ond cannOT build fllst enoo&,h to an the supply box t~ those desiring I·h em We ore now on II ' direct. mettlJlic line o( tbis comPRny to Columbus, Cleveland. New York and all other eastern cities, as well liB ull tuWDS of any con.sequence In rhe t'IIstern and ceDtral portion of the state. Xenill. will !lOOn be connected wit h Ar~ l:~ via f Ie ( : .•. , & Cree- Ii a. 130,000 excbaDge IlDd six hundred Write fo r Foldt!r~. Dt-scnpt h-t. Malter. e t c . . tO subscribers As soon IlJI poeible c" t Roc:! ..::J : . .... cn F ! . L~ tbe local company will pnt in an ex~ · lorib.t r ~cw Cor. .. ;15 , C . ~3 or C. L . TONE. change at botb Morrow and FrankC::j,fQMia. Ail I:.:"s at C b .::,,General Pu ~Dg~ r ACe-IlL lin. where a goodly number of sob· nnti anJ :::.t Lodsvi.:e m.1ke diret:t LOlJISVILLE, KY. scribers ue awaitinj1; its coming. cl)nnectio"ls \\' . ~ our fast Iimitod tr.1i:Js w' . ~h leave C incinnati 8:;0 !!!iijiiiiii!i!i!i~~~~~~~~-II!!!!!i~ BEND Yll L"R' ADDRE.'l1:i a. m. and'; p. m. LC~\'e Louisviile
R ______ "."$4 4;'S'.
'lhe \vilmington Journlll is making a good fight for water wo.r ks iD that town, and we are glad t,) note that the Democrat of that pilice is seconding the motion with vigor and force . Not.bing helps a town more thana syst-emof water works; Xeniawas given an impetus that is f'lltyet by the building of 01ll' water works fourteen years ago. . There is not a citizen but who will admit that plenty of good water has beeu the great. And yon will briDg up at est bl-mg to Xenia that the wwn ever received. Even those who bit. terly opposed the enterprise lat the 'Where jon will find, time it \til.!! beiDg voted on nowacJEWELRY, knowledge this to be 110. 'fi!.elrefore 'WATOBEIJ, 'brethren of the press, never Ilet np CLOCKS, until you get water works; they SILVERWARE. furilish a better beverage than the ' lriJlCl fellow can get in Wilmington ~-Bicycle RepainDg a Specialty. now; ides being nseto1 in timeof fire. Xenia Gazette. ""i!!!!iii!i~!iii!!iiiiii!iii!!iiiiii~!iiiiii!iiiiiiii!!!iii!!iiiiii!i!!l
. 30. Ry. )
7: ~;:l.
m. a:ld
i :(j
p. m..
OuJr un at =:ir. t<at. Parlor. C bservation InJ C ! ti!! u rs t k:vice • La ClIIrte- q. I! :Y. E«eUc!:ll l~ro u=h seYh::eddnn ri:! g ""'" P :.alh.un Sleot'~r5 O"ci r.r~tJ to Cha.IUnOG..'"2.. Kn!')X vUlc. Ashevll!e. SaVill)n1.~. Alia 1Uo 8lro2tnc'um. N ~ O rlu,,, , J .\c.ksmw'!! e, T.3"·~". 50' Au ~ .atin:.
Vkltsbur; and SlIre·"otp..:rt.-
Cw.,S. W . ZI'LL.. D . P . A. ,
';TM "liD RAc:.( aT ••• c.,.cun .• n. O.
Imm '~ntttoD
and laduatr 1.a.l
A~e n'
LOU! 'VILLE, KY. ADd be w1Jl ma ll you. free.
Kentucky. Tennessee,. Alabama. Mississipi and Flori.da. IUII·y l-lyr
......::.... :.. :, ...:: ......... "''; sf • . :... .. .........,-;...........~ .... .... ...
10c Tramps seem to have giVeD' WlI..YJlesville the go- by.' this winter. Can.S II.tion-Too much work in stght .for men "'hose sole object in. ltfe is eat I!nd Sleep. . '. Ally filrmer or emy one else w1to wants to buiIil a hQ.me in 'one ot. the most desiraple lucatio~ in' Waynesville oan hear of the l!O;tile by calling nt·th.i s office , Price reasoQable.
(Or more)
Red is & 'dilDg~i 8ignaLon the rail· ~ rood, on ..o.' fellow'S' nasa and 6n a _ 5C-8 package. NAVY ·BEANS '. Tl:c little IIOUp V\'omlUl's face , Men;nd women:d.Se Two poul,d .of·fLIt. CL-oicesf Wliite ; ,lieaUl! frvm Ne v _-York ' Stde: AU ' Roo~-y Mount&in Ten and get genu. Granulate'dCorll luat the Jnark~t III· I. Land p :ckeJ.. GI\&~""!'tce:l :to pl~ iue rosy " clleekB. ' 351: ASk fo%~s. WlrcD c?okell equals iii e you. _. druggult.
' E ARE 110W rMdy,~ stocJ[ lilarfCct down • , . ~nJU~ Grery rS~lit~ ,~h:e~n\ lllJ'! 1D~B1 : '. lides of Furilisl lug~ ent d~pJl. ·,Pro- i.•
,rlnter Duds,us with em , s1ock. Yon cnn~ s~ve :dollars·". ' your clQthing purcl1a~e-s lIcl'c.
" beat !ice. ,, ' . RED KIDNEY BEANS -'I Le ~ • G eorge E. Yot'.n". of the law firm CBACKED 'HOMINY: ,,,I,, 1,1' uro; Inrgo u""us >tuu mll ke a ~plt'Qdid of Henderson' ~ Young: Lebanon, ~ltutlilllu~r of- Akrel\ {ro ll~ l'c ~rl;" -<li_h ci(l'"r uult"d 0 .. boiled. .,vell bOWD to t;be ,mnjority-oftlie WLit~Co~.
I '!'I:It;
. ',.
l'mcli., 4 ius._for 2?1>
}'" 1_ ,. T~PJOCA 'rite whit e, peBrl.' . " ~ -' .. n J 1100 .. - I<"uJ, lllauC\f~ct"r"u in tbe E:asr India ed, tlien ro lle,1. Nic,,]., sifted. l:1lilnds. W., tJU-Y this -il< iWI'0rta. Mtilies 11)1 excellt:nt dis!.. _ G 1.d to ri oll pl1cka 5 es, PRICE, 41'>8. for II~OW 'au ~amplfs' i RICE _ .Fo-r nce i'Uddill~ "u d LI.A BBANS.·. ' Va hun , II nc lY I suuP" YU ll might lise lhe brl>J,en ric" ·Iot of. Lima', free. from sticks nnd I :>l 5e a lb. Our .Curoliua Hc:ad [tic I:
!.ttorn.c y. Mr. oung is 0. gentle Ullin of o.bIlity. nnd if elected will ~ndoubted1y r,nake a good 91l1.cer..
The.me.mbers of th~"M. E . church .lJ'Obappy over the .nrriv41 of- their bell-uLilul new l!eats . -The beauty dirt. ' . ' ' IS " be:ul~· . <l.ud excellence' of tile Rima t ROLLED 'OATS An 01,\ fi1Shi ,,,,. ,'epay them for the long m onths_of IIA:RROWFAT BEANS Just II "" I _6,xatioUll delal's. May the chnrch • ,' t< h real;f"d~ dIsh . (;"ok t i II w.o,· .,n " p'r os""r an"'con":nue 't o ~OOI' o i<[n.t lor ll ,,,,,,<.i B"," ,~. ·11,,-,.5" ;.~( ulIghly du m" tlwlI add 11 !ttll" DUI-:'''' ••'" W ..' new ~nd will cook o~si ly. I lind cream. is tb.e wisb of many friends . .
d ' o
-i h l)l;l(lj{ :nul fancy lmUm'na, sizles 33to 44. . mlues 87.50, 88.50 ~ulll '89, l'cd ucctl .to.....
~~ ~.
". BARGAIN NO. 3-Allout 150 ftue' SuUfI -J u OIaY$l, CllCv~ .; lots. Cusslmcrcli, etc.· mostly Stein Bloch ~111'~ , nmire, valuWl St:6, S18 and 820, uow .. ,,, .... -.p Cl. 1.1 .
We have juBt.rOOl¥&
~--o"\,~O)QQ 1'.~ (i))'t~Ul!g~,
5 to 8 1-30
Remnants Long enu ....,h • .gOOd en ongh a,nd quite Fancy. for Gowns . and -S"its. ShlitS. Dre~ses &0.,: the dem aud b'1'owiDg each y .:nr.
Pretty Wea.\"es of Camel 's Hair, Chev ' ')t. Poplin , WJlip Cord .
Prnnelle Cloth, t:repon &c.
Cloth Jacket SkiJ.-t, $nl.OO ~
,Silk WaIsts, Wool-WaiSts. ~
I.lOr8e bJu.okets lind robes; th were bought lll .t ' April lind t.() sell
Ihom ouf this month. they go cost. The b<:St line of blanket · ;,ver shoWl), 10 Wayne to~bip. lind pick yours out hoJrnr•• n,.. v. a re 1l1l gono. ., . _ .• . , W; J. Ki.bon & CO•• Corwifl.
.BlftCDfSon &.Gibney's
e\\ Sty:es,
$1-0I? to
'Beauti' ul Pattt!m8,
,Readv made Sheets
~nd' Pillow Case,. Sheets.; ?O
Oilcloths. , .
• 00
,AGE 3 TO 16 YEARS • .
THE FI NEST two aDd 3 piece sllits (or boys', .ge 16 y.-n, knee tro ..... 5 t ht sold 01 .$j·50. ~.co
-$4.'9 8
Choice of all our $5.00 and
·~3. ,
Choice of all our $8.00 and $ 3.eO ~oats,~ noW' reduced to
LO... •
10 10
THE ~6 .co and $7 O~ S.ils in {ancy and plain col· ors, age 8 to 16 rr,a ls. DOW reduced to .. .. . TUE f4 ond $5 Saif,. all ......,L I.IId ~.1Jraled llackctt Cuharl make DO W redU'C.d 1o. . .
U.98 $3.50
$1.98 BOY'S 10Dl: lron,. .-.its, ·11;. '4 to 20 yoars, 60esl $1150 _ of all in storr. $15, $16 .nd $18 va'ues now • OOY·S J.ong troU!cr soi iS in but value ; that f9 7 ...cre $ 1% and rcduccJ 10. • • . . ., • MANY 6rsl·cl .... suits iu all wool go(d., Ibe SS 'l ;:'.50 a.c.d gudu no". redu ced Lo.. . . .. . . ¢ U r HEyalues suits .~Id 01 $ ; suong t3,98 now redu ced ST~c:~a:o ~e~e • ~~
~J ~ ~~ ~J:S~ ~o~
m Olke"r
$I~. DOW
$1 0
acd $S. I;oc d.
LO.. .. ..
• .
.. .
.. ..
'len's and Youth's Trousers. A Coed lice of
sry)i>b p>ttems. werth $> •• $1.24 S.l styles • . . SI.98
A lllrgeassortment. all $2-50 a Dd
Here i. a bugo.in, all reduc." (rom !4 and $I 50. S3.60 Cb~ice or :111 our final ~Goods, th e S:.6 $7 a.nd $1 ;0 r nfOS DOW
• •••.
• • • • • • ••
DEl?.A.::RTl.VLEN"T ! III n's FL'l.ts ill 81.25 and SJ.50
uow .................. 98c
A big liue of fancy shirts, stiff bosom s and uegligee 81.00
.lUell'.s ~ts in '8 2'.50 and 8~ values now ........... · ..... · .. ·8L98
grade n~w .. ..... ..... ............ ...... ............, ................. ......... 500
l\Ien's Der.lty Rmb~l . Uudc~e.'ll', 81. 50 "alneS now.. ~1.00
Another line ill 50c "aloes now .. ................................... 230
Men's Ca"lItOn Flannei Undel·\V~lr..J ;06 , 'aloes now ...... 25c
Neckwem.·, Puffs and Tecks, 50c vall1e~ .now ................ 230
We htlxe doscd n contr!lc
Boys' and Children's -Stock"
t:Ome $6.00 ones reduced to
lmOW1J 98 'Kodol D~~~r;~~s~~~: ai~M wl!Qt-ycn e: t-be dig ti \'0 orgaos heu lth. -S o E. Jauney:
3.nd -Ulsters! Choice clf all our finest goods in 46, 8 and $10 grades, now
Pers:;ns who su1Ter from mdiges. tlonCll"not e xpect t-o li~e long. 00CD)lS6 they cnnnott eat Ihe1000 required w nouri:;h tlie bodS and tbe VrOllncls oCtile undigeSted COoUIl t hey do Oilt poi on the blood. It jsjmtJor. • !D tI to -'cure Indigestion lUI ,6lJO'U as p<l!isible. aniJ the- :t~t !Dethod of ing this is to tIlle the -m'oi"Tntill,n
, Fanners' IuAtute is t :l 00 held in this towa 50me time in t he next month, = (1 t . e fanners are inqnir · iD.g w.here it· can · tie held. Who CIUl answer? It is not Ilke]y, or possible thnt 0. tnJl will )le erect~() in tiUle for ~hh ·occasion. b nt it sliould itn· press upon O!lr people the necessity of uueLrerprise of this kind. The re are several hunds0D;le vacaut lQt.. a!(mg Malp. street sllitable-tor p1ll'pose. Wh y C:\DD!,>t...n. stock com· pany be formed aod ·_a. halldsome ball built.)" or Wl!f will uo~ ";OlD • ut our sever al ,...cll·to do o rJ el'''; ' U1~iUl , purchase n Jot. put; up' n building t btl t will embl'flco looge -rooms nnd Ii fi~st clo _s V b Ee ball? _
t.S 00'
$1 -15
BARGAll! XO. 2-0ver 100 'Men's Oneall-wool Suit8 ill uC<tt'·cifccls. aJl good styl cs,11.'{> 'II SC;lSOU- t'Q able gOQtls, values 810, 812 <lUlL 81i'itnow.... .po.
BA.RGAIN NO. 4o-CbQicc of 01)1' elltirc lino of tailormacl0 SnitS, _iu patientS such u fhe "l!cst JlliUs,9uly weavQ, ~allles 8~.2 to 525, uow ~J ..
BARGAIN NO: a - Cboice of al~ ' 0111' - o nest Overcoaf;s, Stein Bloch malw a nd our own sfleelaUall· ra (.rcll (;ou~, 8~o-, 822 aull 825 gnld~,.uow .tJW BARGAIN NO, (f-Bere 'We have almost rOO Coats 10 UIStCl'S, Uagfans aUlI OVC1'coat".- a m~gul· 1 -ficeilt raugc and ",lltlcs-nl. to 822,1l0\V,.. _: '1~ BARGAIN NO.7-Overcoats, Ulste~'S aud Raglans, 814. 81.5 ~lUd 818 vlLlues, U9W ....... :~ • ll.1BGAIN NO.8-About 50 coats in RaglalUl, U'l sl_e r3 aud OVorCO'lts, S~2, _S14, S15 values BARGAIN NO. 9-Youtb's , unel llml's O,·er· coats and Ulsters, 810 valu(.,'S, uow...1........ . B.lRGAIN NO. 10-A gre.'\t Huo of Overcoats . aud Ulstel's 87.50 and 810 vulues, uow ......
BA ROAIN NO: J-Ncnrly G.O men'~ gooC:lldl-wool S n.its
people of this vicinity. annO<lpC8S !limself 0.5 CllI!.dldate for
3{cu's NatUflll.W-ool Un(lerweaJ', 40c values 110lV.... ; ....We
Star and lIother's Friend Sbirt Waists Sll10W ........... 600 -
Men' s 50 eall!l'23c,boys's '25c eap:8 Do,v..... , ........ ;~ ...... ;12e
The boys' 60c Waists now 37 c, and 25c waiSts now .. :18e
lowest· Pficed
a.tiu (;Jo'• • •~. "VOll pc,.. I (eel juot l ike a <,!"nteri."'! bUl;' ob&'<! rved a YOUD, man to a (rlend wI th whom he w as ",alkin" stopping in front .of '-..
'& D.II ttOO ay.
.' '-' "Wb), !" queri.d · bt. partner. ''I .... not pall," · tb e otb ... explainN , wav· ing his nl.lJd to"ard Ibe entranCe of Ole . pl~... " Ob/' remarked h is friend , "-don't lei tbat rm .otne1t"h,,{ know you you; Ol'f.YW' feeli ng a<"!tItomed 1C! ~bovi ng the IId"r," and h. looli tb. man. wil h a th irn by l b. urn And ca rried 'him ' OD do.." the Itre.l.-M emphi. Scimitar.
n ..
D .. ~Pr.. oerlpno D tor ·C IlIU.
and . Fever iI ~ bottle ·of Groy,,'lr l"" t,J... Cb ill Tonic. It i. simply iron in a wl.leu form . No cure-no poy.
~ . tbr..,ll. by all m ea.n~; t bi!
i. an . cKn ow qUIL intancc,\vhic b never ripfD.i in to lov~.-
Detrolt ",ronrnal. _ ' . .
~ To Care .. Gola fn Oaf' n_y
T. ke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablrll. All d ruggitta refund money if il fa il • . to fur • . 25e. ---o@--
'II ~'trn.a incredible. r . t it i •• fact, that a mao can iJe k nocked' down . nd he,d up at tb.u.mc tjllU!.-I Ddian:tpo lia No ... s.
ness alKlReSl.Con.lains neither
O)XtJm.Morphine norMinuai.
'Nor 'NAJlC OTIC .
ii I
A~ed Remedy forColISti~ 110R. SOur Slomild\,DiarrhOezi W~r1Rs.C{)nvulsions .feverish-
ness 8I1dLi lSSil,. SLEEP.
.. ~ Drll poy t ~ated fre. by Dr. H. n. Grorn" Son., or Atlanta. Ca . Tho gr.. t •• t dr. psv
'pecuJli. ls III Lhe: world. Read l l""i r a',!lft r · lIkltlent 10 another c;;pl ulIUI of t bi. p.~", -~
Bears the. S·Ignature . of...
M ost ~pl< who It)' to neighbor \~it h r 010t l\'ay ,-\Varhln,· "What "'..iI1 fOU glmme on tbi.?·' ..&ked r ou "'ADolL all 'thei . too (b..t Democra t . th" mu 'ci.o. ~~ n ' l'0", . hrolier took t b~ bolt ... d tuba, 6b g~rtd t he key • nol ic;.d tbe wire nett ina Eoeh prvlcgc or PLT.<AlI' S F nasas l ero" the bitt end .tnd oskC'd : Y)YHS "010'" more goods ' bo n :lJIf owcr dye . "Say, doc. a fe il. r hav~ milch (un In .lId colo .... 10010 b.m,cr 100. I$old by nU Cl!; t ~ burltSQu t one:--nigh elin" willi t hem lrugGIS1AI ,
Use For 'Over Thirty ,Year~
Sllierloe k: Jlo .......
. ~ pao iu!"~J.nlaj' D avol ia l 'rc.... ' ~ ~ Sb.,..."Did b~ meet his wife by acddcnl !" Jaowe-rer, 'that "'hen We take Into-eou tor nt. Olnlwe ·01 T.......... Oh. no ; he knew .be bad money,"ak1.n.tl on bOth Cost.. and value, t he Beww&'e ..-That COllt.a.ln l'lel'c,, ", ~'o wn Top,cs. fatismo.si tbe-, ..u·buni ' ata.ve sUo lbee....., ol -®o-",1,01. c:"en1~oill""1 factllq. .Tbe cot sbow" a . cclion of P im's Cure (or CODs-ump . beHe\"e not do 1 & .tan: Iilo wit,ii lIav~a .Ix incba liou has !II) t-qu:l.! f.o r; f."ocJ;hs a nti co os.wide and :2~in"ht8 th,lck. "1>jne:b ... · Job" F.lloye:r. TrioilY ::')lriD g , Ind~ l:'c b• 15, 1000. ..lea to the , drel~. ' grooved ---+® +-tongued:'t.· put tog~the~ ,vitb .'whl t e The eom mODest grub loola good ",hcn .. lead, making eacb joint. air fi gh t, t.-Wuh inglon lb.} Dem· ea .fello·w Clo' t .enda of - ata",e5 being joined with a ocra t. . of galvani zed iron.. The . ~ ,foiUl~ll\t!ion I, .i~ar to Rny barn waIt bu):ing an .rt i<i~ you do not Instead wall pl'ojectl nn-' is outma" Doed of. o .lenl pay ....ba l )'<lU ow~.-Alcbi · _OD C tobe. pel'Dl.ltUng an e ven, ~ rJl<'n. wall- on the Il1IIide. · 'l'be top "res IWCe.t t o kiD-50 iI Ji- LAme Cam "to of. the wall j , 10 inclllled tbat water . cht w. ~n,it diuJd upc;n 11;- ' The inside of ---®--the wall and bottom of l ilo a re ceo ntay ~ roco ~ered. bot IoU tbe ceuter ~Ing sbo\lt ~" De,..,..~C'bi",;.,o Daily NelYa. bait the side; a.. b,u,l n~ Ii.J>sJl<'d bottom. The roof mould b-e aymmet,rical. with wide co~nice proi ...,tic,l1S. and, U possi ble. 60 adjoinin g aa to give it it ft.ne orchi!.. ,· apyeua nce. Two cOllte o ~ I!:uut . ' wcathe1' <ue comple te t be ex·
eo ....tru~tion .
':I'he cut sbow .. 50me conveni ences n;;i alwaYI ":found. SOme Irouhle h 88 .a&:&en . in 'connec tlon wllh 601id irob UicJri.ng t1e.xlbUi ty ; silo u:pa.n· lioll Qud eolil 'nathe r 11 0<" ca uaed tis'_ to !ireall. 111,,' PaGe wil'e [t'Ilce baa been u5ea to aome ut e n t. .8od haa the admta ge of overcom ing t o a de · Kt'ee this dimcult y. but other ,ejec. tion, seem to offset it. $0 Ibd it h as DOt come illto -g en eral u ~e . ]-n C OJU IIO" J a bou t [or a mediu"" lh n~ ",oald /!O m· .biue · t he good q,nnlitie s ot bot h loe . teel wire ~ble seemed \0 ' fiJ I tb . ·bill. The s t.rength of oue-holf.1 ncb wire rope II g i¥en 811 o ne-t bird gr~a te r 'tba.n fbe-e.lgb t b. ·lnch ., olid Iron . and 3t tbe aame time po""""" s the flex· ibllity ',o much u~ded. Tbe sy&lem of fattenIn g ·i . the ordi.nar y t buckl~; ~ otber ' mea.1IS. hOlVe ~er, may be equBJy . s good. - The ~yGt elll of doors has Q.l way a ~n Q tl iiljcul one t~f<'I ... e. The continu ous il oo ~ i. l.he only : alis fo lory- one, ye t tbe paten t doors tbat I bn..", seen are open t o
Save Your Hair with Shampoos of
many objec t ion. D Ot. · n ec n.saTy t o HE GOT WRATHY. " ale bere. ?Iy idea was 10 g et enumer ... ~~t.• ..wlao W•• Wet FaaIH•• door that ahould be con linu ous, a Aaerlof O.r wltll ••'. e
ea.ilta. _..
hung on· tbe outt>ide. 1i.rmly b eJd a na lLlW.)'s ready to use.- This we secured alterna ting the doora wi l h j wo bet", ... n them nncu t - Tbe bea.y iron e leabfo rmed' to the cli,. cle .s erve 811tO ' .... hinge!!. They are bolted ft) a similar' iron on th e counter sunk in tbe door and Tb~le dool:& ar~ fast ened :",i th re{rig.
erator--d oor fastene r!l. two on t.h e"Jow ..
e1' doors aud ·one. on t be doors nearer .the top.- bo!ding tbe doors abso l.ut~ly to.tb"jr place.. The dormer window .b.the roof 'furnisb es su1l!cient ligbt and a . place 'to fi lt: \V'e hBve. lher~ fore, combin ed dUTabll ity, c'ffeetJveness an.d 1'0nYen ienc• .-Ji. };. Cook, .in Rural New Yor],;er.
roo. Val•• A.. . .lyaeti b,. Prot" e.Hla Bar..,. S.,.4er or tile E~ .. I_e.t ltaCto•.
"IT"';~ I!i~ 'tells its own &tor,,' of 8is~rly affecti on. · The
older girl, just buddin g into woman hood, has suffere d great. ly with those irr~rula.rities and menst rual difficulties which saP. .the life of gO many young women . Ly.,ia E. Pinkh am's Vege table Comp ound can alway s be reIied upon to restore health to wome n who thuB It is a sovereign cure for the worst forms of' female oornpt18.ints,- tbat bearin g.,low n.feeli ng, weak back, falling the ovarie s, and' ~Lisplacement of the wl'mb, 1nflam mation of and l~l troubl es of the uterllS or 'vomb . It dissolves and exPels tumor s from the u terusi n' the early stage of developIt ment, and 'checJ..-s 'a ny tenden cy to cancer ous humor s. the up tones and tioD, SUbdUjl8 excita bility, nervolL'3 pros·tra entir,e female system .
the 8100uI d _yth htg ",..., . _ .. the tiNHI oIne MedI '. I~"'_y of .,..•. PInIr Itarri y? sbur IoI/c, wl"" stpo#Jg ~t of GI"afIJ8 Staa
female weakne ss for ." DEAR lrns. PrNt<IL\U.: -I wna a sufferer frompntent medicin es, but and octors d tried h;l.ve I half, ... aod· year '" &bon~ t~en,tment. but relocal of horrors tit.) ent u?4et<', I . • me ped hel notbing ulccml1 0n of the womb. ceived uo benefit: My a,lineni ·'o:as pronoun~'ed pains in the womb nnd 1, suffered frolU intense , ovoric.... and the backach e was dreadfu l. I had leuccir rltaaa in ;til worst form. Fioally , I grew 50 wcnk 1 h.ad to k eep -my bed. The paiM were so !.'II t,o 0 !most cause spasms. When I could morpbip e. II ccDldulrc the pnins no.1nng er. 1 wos givenaU hope ot )fy me mory grew 6hon. and I gave up getting ",elI:" T1] u.s I -dragged along. To please my sister I ,vrote to Mrs. .l'lnkllll m for ndvlee. Bel' I>DSwer eame. but nieantim e I W08 takcn worse tind was' nnder iho doctor's care for a while. '.. Alter rending Mra, 1'Inkhn m'6.1ett er._I eon'·eluded to try her. medicia e. After taking two bottles I folt much better; hut after using six bottles I was cured. ,All of my friends think my you very much ~f.:.!::J1 ,:~~re .. lmI>6t m inwu1onS: J thank you prosper it;r . your tilDe\y advice aud wish :!=¥~~;;;;~~ in your Doble work, lor 6urely'..it Is<a blessing ~
Lydia te fatth'E in C'!mpleGBAC and und."JBY, SUlISDt B. the ~~~ci::~~~~4~'~Ii;h~"lv;e fuU i;l~~i Compo i
•• .f.
And light dress ings of CUTIC~ pure st of emollient skin cures. This treat ment at once stops faU'ing hair, removes crust s, scale s. and .dand ruff. .soothes irrita ted, itchin g surfa ces. stimu lates the hair foUicles. supplies the roots with energ y and nouri shme nt, and make s tho bair grow upon a swee t, wholesome, healt hy. .' scalp when aU else fails.
for 'preserv ing, p1l1'lfylng, and Assisted by of crusta, lCalea, and dan~.and the Bcalp Ing the skID, fo!'clea nslng the ~l1g1!, .toppin g of f:Illing hair, far softenin g, whitenl ng, and bealing red, p1ll'o the all tor and , chdaga and , itehingB mahes, . and sore hand,s. for bnby CUnct!JU. poses of the' tollet, bath, and unrsery . Millions of Women use itloDJI, &nil So.&.P III the form of baths for annoyIn g irritatio ns, Inllamm Washes for . elCcorlat\ont, for too free. or offensiv e perspira tion, In the :O>nn of trug-. readily whJch lies le-pnrpo antlscpt mllDY for ond 'sea, ulcerati ve wealmC! on caD gest themsel ves to women and mothers . No 8JDOlInt of. persuasi beauWie..... Indnce those who have once used tbese gre~t akln purifier " and pro~ n' eniollle delicate s combine to I18e allY others. CUncm u. e<JJ.P cleaD~lng of pnr~ the with cure, eldn gre:lt the A, CU'r1CUR derived from tMdCe4t«J other No odors. flower of "g Ing~~nts, and the most refreshl yhig beauti:f and ig, pnrlfyh ng, preservi tor It with d eom~are be to is soap !Oap toUte o domesl;\ or foreign other No the skID, IIC8lp, bair, and hands. s of tb~ bQwever es:pcmalve, Is to be compare d with It for all the purpose PinCEr 00 at f-o.&.p ONE. In s, combine it ·Thus . toilet, both,.an d nursery soap.. thli viz: : TWENT Y-FIVE CENTS , the BEST ..kin and complex ion . . BEST toilet. BEST baby soap 10 tho world. Compl ete
~(i)ti~ura THE SEt
FREE ......_.•
CJ["APTflU VIII. Obedien t to - his orders the lnllh M'.rg; ant. "ttb a little squad aL hi. heelJi. bad kept straIgh t on. A few DUnute.. )ate'l'. rOlm,hn g the blui! at the g-alloJl, eJ U Oasblllg oi cr tlic field In front of them. the party JIIent racIn, out o~er the turf aocl caDle In fiill ~je", 01 the 5ceoe of the flg-bt. ~ ...'l hundred yard I fl1rther do~' o .\;n>am ~ . n d eep jjend 10 the J,Dr· IUIIle. CJose to Hoe water's edse two ho ....". lay st':;'tcne d upon the grDllnd. atone dead , Out on the opel! praJr.e lui on In!l;.an pony al111ldc kUlg in b,. cl~ wg agony. and 88 the soldlers came "weepin g ill!o ,'ew two men rose up from h<!b1nd the low baak. of the stream lIJla swung their hat5-H al Folsom nnd one of hi8 hand. safe, . unwoun ded, y,,'t With a lOOK In their gra,. faces that told of recent mortal .."~il. "We re all rlghtJ Go on nfter thenl. 'Illey" e run ot! ... Iozeo of my bed horaes," ... Id J.'ol.o .... "nnd I'm ntral4 .,hey cut of! ~Hke" "No! Jal<e reaehed the ranch all nghfr-Ieash~is e somebo dy did," sa.d Shaugh n e""J. "That'_ how we got the ne". Th~J got somebo dy. or else th ey were only blUffing "ben tliey "a'ed Iha t scalp, How many wue 1.lere'1·' lca ~ (\ d07..en- too mnny for h \ t you to t.ncl,le, Where' . the rest of tbe t.l'oop?" "Clole ot their beel. The loe11t"o· aot led them l'lgbt o\t'r tbe rlllg". Lu~ten!"
Yes. far ul' on the foothlU s, fBIDt and clear, the sounds of tbe ch8&A could now be heard D.oo·s meo were c]osjng on the fle e lOg warrIOrs., for e very little, "hll" the .. Ieace of the rnnge wo broken by the OI:lIck of rofie or carbIDe . Shaug-b ues.y·s fel, lo"s began ta lid get aDd look eagerly tliitller, and be r eod their ,,;sl1 "Two of you sWJ ,ntb 1\1.. ]o'olsom," he said. "and the rest come ,,,,,th me There',. nothing we can do here, is there? Sure vou're not bit ?,. "No. go on! GIve 'em he.1l aDd gel back my horses. I'd go WJth ) ou, lout th e$ ~e killed what borse. they eOIlTdo'! drl",. "'\11 sale at the ranch'" Sbaugh nel!Sy nodded DS he spurred away, "We'll b" g etton' the h e uten' ant B brevet fOT tbJs." said he. i Jf con only close up 1)IItli tbose guards " And these were t he words J<'olsom "arroed back ",tb bim. u~, Dlounij ng n "lllmS' trooper 's horse, be blS gl\,l ~pe" bom e,,"urd to reassur e II,{ , thankLn g God 101' tbe opportu ne eomlng of Ihe lIttle comman d, Jet .\\ earlng \'\:Jtll c lose compre ssed lips a t the ill st."Irred work of tb e da I Thus tar he had st flve lJ to k"ep fro;" her 011 knowl edge of th~ threats of th" Og alla Ua., .,ltl,oug-h be knew .l,e must hal e benrd of tbem He bo(1 bebeved himself seeu re 60 1".. baek from the Platte He had dooe .,...ryihiag 10 hIS po"'er to Jllbcoie ned Cloud and the chiefs- to conllne e hla l ormer Irlend. that he. bad ne'er e.o tl '!ed )loor J, I7.e tt". as Baptost e bad calJed tbe cblld. 1rom ber borne and people They h eld he sbould never 1,., e left her. though she bad BC('non} bun o{ no wrong Buroong Star. 10 bls j~nlol1s rnge, hated blm. been"." he bel,e, ed tbat but for love of the Jlal ' foee T,lzette ,vould h~.e l'lltened to h.j2f \\OOJllg. nnd Folsom 's COli· "u'eac~ could 110t acqUIt hIm of bn.-ong "een b ..r prefuen ce !Lnd of leadJng her on He could not speak of her to h, wlle wi t hout, abnme anll remorse had no .dea \\Ioat could have been fale. for tbe POOt gIrl bad dlSllppe It!:'1 -fl'om tbe face of the earth. and now, at lut. Ibis l1ay bad prOled to him the tbreat.a of bel' 100er nnil her brother s I ,,"~ ."n" were not Idle He had lInd 60 narrow II aqu ealc "for his Ufe , so sharp nod sndd"n an~ ~ r" 0 fight for .t tbat. oow 148L the P!'rll \Vas 0\ er. hl8 nen e began to give way. bia strong h!,nds to tremble Armed ,,,tb breecblond~r., he and his two frleud~ had been able to stand off the a t wcking p!u"ty, kill· Ing hlo ponIes, nnd emptYlD&,. they fclt sure. two s addles ; but httle b:,/, Utile the Indian s" ere work,ug around Lheir posltioll, and "onld bave cra\\:led upon t h e m w,lb,n an hour or t "o but for Joke 8 clarong ride for help aOlI the bles~ed· <:omtng of tbe bluecoa t.a 1lI tbot niclc of t. me Folsom swore he'd .. nel'er forge t then: 8er\'J(!~S tbje day. And o. he "antefe d home" ard he cou)o !;tIll bear the d.slan' firing dylug a"as in fhe mounw lus to the uo~th. "Ghe 'e m bell. Deao! " he muttered ~lIroug~ h'8 sei teeth. "l'hey'r e abowwg lIgbt even wbea you'.eg ot 'em on , t aiL run. T wonder "b&~ that
John- PI~bl', who guldta Bn. W. H. B. Murrar througb the AdiJ'OndAcka ""ileA the latter "a811l~ Ill, tbe foundJr..l-ae'mIJn&tloD tloll 19~ bie fasclna llng boO'k 011 that wlJdet'n~1!I more than ' 20 Ha... 010. died recen.tly , reportB tbe • ~e.w York Sun. Mr. Mur)'ay . no"- Udal!' to Gull. ford, Conn., hal prepare d a new Jeoture on ".old Time L,fe .and GUldea hi the Adirond~Jrs," In whlcb be pAJ'Ia thll tribute to his old fnelld: "He taugh~ me 11 tnultle ... ')(,1>0,,1edse of the woodJ!., the name and nRI:uo,• •1 of'jJIDn~ and herb and I.....e. tbe guuges of the JIlgbt and the ~cult18m of .neat placea 8 nd aouodJe1i8 ahore&. blunder ingl,) e",poun ded to blm tbe kndwled ge of tbe ~klea, the n&mea of starll, 01 planets and constell ations and of tbe splendo r beyond that 'tll& In~.lble 81 yet and .... oulil foftYer be 1·,.'TP'oiI until our e; u became clearer and punr He "ad a most gentle and mannerl:,/, reticenc e and that sweetes t. of oil hab.t . in mnn or woman -the habit of mleaee He could look and lee. listen and bear alld 118$ nothing. .He n ~turfd for percept ion of all fioe preselo a. that come to the beat and fioHt of the eartll outof th" stili of " 'ooda and tb e q~ietude of far.tretchl ng moon.-Itgbt~d wot ~l'$ Hi, kno"'ed ge of "-oodcr att ..-a8 Intoollv e. He koew the point" of the compa.... . cnsatJo naHy, He W1lJ! an atom "'00"" nre m.lsterl oully held it in 1'OCal connect Ion wllh tbe mlllrf,rl loJ !"rrent 8 of lbe world. In JJie~l ..tll ... lVOOO S. on the ~8rk .. at nigh tA. he wd nenr bewilde red. ne~u at 1801t. He 9I'U rnd.pen den t 01 sun. or moon. or tar.. He could 10\ biB courst wilbout . ;::-...../ ~ "igM All I ra,l, ,;ere bl.zed tl'l.la tD ~~ blm In the tangle of . "amps. ,n the wiadfal la, InterlM I"g of h~rrlble AmIdst darkn.,~. wh,cb made er" vaio, I ~ held 'lendi l, on t<;> tbe eourse t)lat could ... ve H" 'n5 the anI,. gwde J nu knew of euh .. racr-n d or ... blte -thM Clluld not on anl c,rcums tance loae h.m.elf or hl& wo" .. They t('11 m" tbal' he Is dead. It III II 10011. 10 flUb Ion of opetth and not No t until tbe "DOd" """ detnte stroyed to th. lui tree, tbe mOllnt~iD.8 erombl rd 10 the" bas"", tbe lali"" and II r eamll dritd up II> lhell' ".....,bed b .d8, and the "ood. and "DOd life are lorgotte n. " lU the sal ' ong h<!come fa ct For John 1'lu01bl, ~ moon"88 gO nlUch of the ",ood., th .. let _ tnlno; ond the Mt,..,SJlUO IJoB' be 1"'1'&Onem He w"," of B t~,..., that Ito The major wus drawill g taek, hlJl filet Illed th deatllie a.. ltemory , affetboJ J, Ima S'~ 10!Be wltb "hlte ~ello"growmg In"tion. It teroture . untIl I be e dl th e strange d .smll;r. l1\e g-UJde of \h c great ,. IdUJtlt:,/ "You don't seem sure of mJ lDg hf~ 8M Il,e y..a ... r~nlarg e l ~ w.lh Let me rcIresh your m"morJ , Bul'to ~ears and Ih Ion,... o f leIgh. I am Capt, Newhal l. I"ft you ar" ."ltI~d nutur~ and ~port mI1J'ipl~ I'IltlJ one e tak 'll aJor-l m need a d rink, "Thou rememb ero,at tb. SIgnal I "a ~
At sounll of the std omeer'. ,0iCJ tilere rouSf!d iip from the oppos Ite.e< tion, "here he had been. douog over paper, a man of mlddle age, aUm, atho leUe, "'lth healy mtIJIt~he and hll' perlal,j ustbegi nnlngto turn gray, "i\~ de"p-oe t "yea nader bUlihy brows, onr l keen face, rather deeplJ' lined 'Iben wa. a Jook of i1isslpat.ion tbere, a ofilhabb lneasalJ olithlac lotbe&. a l'aldSb cut. to the entire perIIOoah l , tbat calJUd }'oLsom to glan .... dJatrust fllll) at hUD more- 'thaa onc" the prefi()w afterno on, and to lIIeeL with coldnel £ the t cn tatrves pernlJss lble io fellow t rn vele,..,. The strange r'lI moroln g had h<!en lonesom e. 1\"0.. be beld bi. ne"spa per where It "ould partly ,bleld bls face, y"t penn.lt hi, watcbln g tbe ofllcera acrou the Ilisle. And 80mething 10 huu tealthy acrutlny attracte d Pappoo ee. "};~e8,U continu ed tb~ maJOl'. "I hAY' seen a great deal of that country. and Mr. Dean, of whom you spoke was at. toched to tbe trool' e""ortln g our com, mlSSIOO. H" Is hordly -I regret to b"u to soy .~r-"hat you imog,ne. 't\e were, to put .t m.ldly. mucb diaap. pOLDted In h,. conduc t the day of ou' meetin g" ith tbe S.oux." A swi fl , w<pr,se d glance passed between tbe gLl'ls. a pained look sllol loto the lieutenn nt·. lace, but belor. the maJor could go on tbe man oeros, th" nlale arose on d bent OTer hIm witll "letende d band ''Ab . BurleIg h, I though t I knew tt, ~olce." But tbe hand was not grasped
,,1,.._ ,... ....,. .•
,,00<1. ",II
1"'ontC'd to gl\"'e t bee wb ... n cotnmg up
rnt-r" IIlrough the nus t. Dud the glonmong~ T hOll s hall b.or I he pchOO'1 of th e p.ece lal er on, n. I a lii bonle th ~
do? It
the rJ\flr
IlOill 0»
once uoekJng ~I"rn" of the sllore ",hue thou 10... rOIlD~ qn.et caml). Bont'St .John Happ) m .... tong and good cbeer COp<! gran1 11 , old fro nd, • And goodl.~ ~QlJJ "dl jOin us liS the) ea r s drop aWOl nntl the fenolf.h ,p of wood lo~ t'ra and ~1'er
\\ ood .saJ Dt8 "" III M tr ••
be Dun; for..
- - ---
II'ARTHEST KORTH AIm SOUTH. Ex . reo_1I! P.I . . . a".." e:llte. It,. Polar Es.plo~ ... 0 •• 1....... e 'L•• t Twel .. ~
]f • • tI•••
~""r of the ce ntu ry come both tbe farth est nortb snd tbe h1rtll •• t sou th ,·"ploril t.ons of Ibe earth 1I.s 8 boU"ea ble coonciiIencll tbat botb of the polar r..,onls sho uld ho~e b. " n broken rlllHng lbe qme y,,*r, and th e .m.,.,tll . ' thlLL Jras ~en g.nn 10 ~r('t.c and .\n la r<'t, c ope...hans g.lt'~ t he fllruo. , c.r lam promise of tbe '0) a lre r accO'I>p3bJ IDg on long.huhn.11 Jo nes ea rll '" tbe nel\"" cen tury "hat " .. s aceomp h bed on lalitudl nal Itoea 400 lears ago. says tbe ':- e", York J{.raJil. F.arly 10 tbe • •"teentb cenhlTv 'Ia~IIDn Uput a hlJ e "bout the ; ' rtb" 'roOl eaat to west. and It looks as Ihrough l1i. early Jeers of the twentieth "enh'r' " ould ••" an ~artb-en l'l rcli ng hue ronnlng thr ougb th e polf'K. The ~uke 01 Abruzz. has reacbed the 1Iatt ~lI ed plateau of the Dortll, 'I"lthin 239 mole" of tbe pole, beating Nan.eo 's rl'Cord bl 2J mI le.. A. tbe dok" ""porls no worae ground or gr •• t.r dill!culllcs nortb of h.s fartb est poont than ".ems me rely A matter equlh of 01 ~om e troubl e and ""pen.e to reacb tl. pol e 8t tbe ne:rt unsh. _, Then 'pr- G E Borcbg re.vlnlr h .. made a great odl ance lllto tbe coloer hnd tnore p erilous Antnrcll~ r.eglobl , can-rin g tbe line of • plorat.o n to. wltllln about 00 w,les of ,t.he lOOuth pol •. <lnd, In eOllJ"Detlon With the duke or Abruu' , ba s le ngthene d that lone unlil It ",qUire s onh abollt 1,000 mJ)es ruor. to make ,t join tbe t",o ThIS "' 8 gporl record lor the el"e oj tb e n, '~ century
\I Ithm tbe 105'
,t. ,t
I.e __ . . .~ .. O ....... ... er ••• " . . . . ~ •• k l t•••J ... HI_ to HI.
. . 'W.,. ............
Gazette Supplement. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Th41 NeW :
Mrs. MltTY P.iee. of FOD.n taill Cit.y. UDlleattby XII1:te)'S Make Impure »10011. (lUll I'''' IIturrll'd s.·cr.. t I~' ,,, .. I who enjDyed the (ligtinctton Of. hllv· All the blood In y OUt body p....es thro ugh Sberitf.elect Frank Gallaher took .... w· I}. Divor.", hi sough t. in'" liV'Cd in three eeDtnr.C>!. dll~d I1t klcine s once every three minu es. 'tbarge of the.oftlce to which ht'l was -. be~ home . M~ . price lA cked hn.t!l your Y The kidneys are your Whnt is proving a v ery TRey bit of little m e.re than two months of bem g blood purifier>. they fi lelected lust November. on Mondl\Y ter out the waste 0,r mDming.. 'Frank FDrgy, a yOUD~: gossip for the citizens of ' Bel1~r~k 101 VeHrs old. She WII~ 8 mo~t, reo Impurities in the b looo. hilS bj)en brought I1bout by the film~ lllarkable w o maD. E.!,:ht.y thr~ man from Franklin. wbo comP.S well If they .are sick or au!: , ts of "ears I\go sbe came.l r 'tm Penn") \. b of ora er. they Iall 10 do recommeuded in every ' WilY, WIlS of II. snit f(·l' divorce in t· e CDUI ' ~'anio. to t he {ndiona \\'. hh·r"P>'-~ with their work. . _. m in fI.S deputy and will beo.lsin Mon~omery county by J. B. Ro eor , her btlilb,md, RUCr. IIlt11l1u \;h 11~ h"" Pains. achesandrheu,,\vO edit-or of the Bellbrook MOOD Hn.' been dl!lld U1lln~' Y6lLr.<, "h" ;.1I!1 hlll~ m.aUsrt'1 come rrom excharge. Roblirt W. SmOl"t wa~ ' 0 cess of uric acid m t h~ ~worn in It.'! a deputy t{) serve 1D ·the one of tbe woll·Known citi.<~n" of the originill hlUd grnnt. g.v ..n blm b) blood. dOle to neglec:ell wn . It i somewbu t of 11 ,lou.. the Goverument Mr" p," Cf' h:'~ ~' to . bsenceof eIther ofthe ot.berfl. TllUJI th'll 1ilr"'e Dl11nber of d e .;centh nt" . Ill'" c.' . . kidney trouble. '. I r Sberifl' Gallaher begins his MmtOlS· 1'1 !:!enStltion frofU tbe fact tl1nt It ing"toOme l,~t . l-(r""t l! l'lIl1,j·:llllil ,· I. Kidney trouble ca uses q uick or . un~eao i h t bealS and mllkes one feel as lnougn Will! not known t-hnt RaC('r wll i< ma~. _ Cm ci nIlllt.l COIlllnen:iHI 'l' l'I il n"". tration nud tbe most fnv.o rnble t~:; had h~an trouble, becau~ Ihe h:~:"~.!.'$ ms' t nnces " ith ..ble uss . ~t/lnt.q ri e<.l until this suit WOK filed. l:i l~ The subj~t of t1w /I h W t · " • •t i ,·.' \\ ~'S over-work ing in pum ping th \C~. k lQ.n_J · . mr co poisoned blood th!'ou~h v etn5 ana ~r ,e~:\e: ... II Dd the best wishes of the best 1~)' wif" waS &n11llb .J . flolme~. who ,.i~tert" th e :Atp ~lr-. :in -<'" ph t!· · ·d to be Con.liaer",;d th.: onl) ~ : jn ... . ! " ,"\ " 11" 1 ·,f ;\h, ,. I. u~_ d h \ e ne·'· 1'le of the county . 'l'bnt h~ \\" •.11 U ~'D~ " .., cunsideTI.b1e proper ty tlnd whof Iil'~' a f thO . I~]I1A c'" " l" . . troubles we re. to be tra.ce t o!,~ :'I ~,. make", good sheriff. goes ,nthont resides tI cODple of mill'S ,,"Pl't 0 . Ann Phillip>!. ){r" B. F'. Zf'I, :. nel b t noW m odern SClc nc.e proves tta . :' .. .<1. q ' " Fournrisoners we re turned Bellbrook. She i!<' ·ixty· thrpey""r;; Mr .•Tohn Pll i1lip" . Iinll;!n..-" '· O nr aU'cons1itutiOnal c!i:eases hav e toe:r Co't":g l :l9 :'ftym.... .. tr o'.!ole. . . of .. go wbilu b<:r bughllDll i.~ furt,\' · ",':Ulers \\,.11 .."'10' ,,' ... ,. ,:, , ! r.·n ning over to bis char ge. . it inoukidney ar e sick ),ou can rna;';""!' no_ ml!;! 2..':~ b H~st docto ring :;ocr kuinq·s. ! n~ :T1 1J:l Sheriff Bunter, npon retiring. ,,' i1l' five . 1 III nrhsngu ~'i s Ann Ph li p' j"i'H,l Yd .he extrao rdinary ef ~e.c: Cof D:. 'KUl."I"!· :: S n l C months :l !!O sbe p.n r 'ha"'PI 1-1 h~t, o f n tht--,' r(~laTl\'''''' in ~ ·\· I t· hl· with B hlindsoml' leat.hpr ..... an ' oJ . ,.'" , , 1'resen """ . . swamp-Root , \h ~g:"~a ! y.1,-,.n '!y ;:~,,.. ~.. : :~ \1pbo1st~.red ch.Lir. Be n ot OOllCll-( th.. 'PIII~ pr Dpert., . "n" of thE'IlI " "t i ll" the nnf' 1 II ,,,l ... ·,l r11 ;I' nr\"'r~''' Y soon realiz-ed. It s.: a n,cs he nlgn . bl to 'walk o ..er to. tbe court bOIL"!". uesirab!f1 Te.",dclencc~ in Bt"l.l : lI·t~"k. ' If-- )u't' allnr~ hirl h . n wh1.'l1 ti lt (' w~n derfu l c :: r~ c. ! :h~ rr,c,:: cis'tr~~:;..g (...-~ .. •L e -1 i:s n~n:s t .~. I.he ch.\Ir wOB taKen t.o his r esll pnco I.D U" IIIl..!~ sef. 11eol,le to j.{U~~:--lll;': H.1II1 The VPl w r . 1h1 ,,, w t 1111 I " ',\' 1... i 'l full and Is sold on... I·' .. ·· ~.::rf~.; .~ :::;''' II dr ugg 1s ~ ,n , bJ. · :r·~··]· e: . ::~ . ~~..;,:-~ JU»..J)'V sllrlnis :d thn t !'bu W.I'-' Ju nk til!! 1'''' ' !. ' 4 ''''ion 'If.lu..ir l u r-n ~ . tl t .wI11: 11" " II J1Il nnd p,esented ther .-Star . cent ant! ~ne-d ul , .... '- - ";"io5:'~~~ _ . -"t1nn;o; . ror 1110 _ 1}r ,-n1". _ [I" .'ll' r i a ~. h ut e , j q .\. l. n ~fll 'll· I\·1. ' I ' l ',; , .\···' " ., .. . : '·"1 eJ . YO'J m a y h.:~ ~ :- ~ t bo" ie b l m a l1 ,....,K" ~, ".' , 1111 - . #'~' . ;.! (: P :l t '" I IJr.j·_·,I ,.P samt:.: ... ,., llll o'lt :'I11I1II1",dn:;. ,.•. \' , ..• ,. .••. ;: 110"... 0·" definitel~. ,,,11 1<. 1 t lu.t .nfrf'l" . t h .· i ull"( ,·.:tlll .'h" '~ ;1 S yo" h ~'JJ :t; ;ind tOO we.·lrK free. a ~o pamp. I ~ .. _I;" _ ' I ;c,.:~ ' r ' ";E)1 ~_ thp .L'6retUony' altc urretl n n111 t 11t'" p~. i :l" 1Il r;.;t.fa lJllh" :.!TI; p J,\~ ,/.t::-" II' i.l1:.! ().ut if you ha'/ ~ y.la..,e.l o. 0 ., _.. .. ~- ~ r " Mrs. 1'. Lee AdlllDS of 911 HIIl·Ji · titi ftU {IJr uh"nr ce wu": fil~l, h'l l ' l1 1t t" .j,.(!1"tll 2'f"n f" r H l t l l l H . H (.npy (,1" w hI ch Mention th;s pa?~r ·ur.:n.:n~;ng D. .. .., ...
l '
~on I1venne 1.l\ij .. .:lOCK
Thnt \,\"II~ in the borne of her fl1mily in Vir;.';n . in 100 YCllrs .. go ftD(\ r .. n 'lm\ k" l't 1.';000 time each yCllr of the ~inr" tCE\nth certury . A hllo,l)" trtlllill"" pr t.h i!! old clock is t!J l\ r. on Ibp " ...It · IIlg it s lTDek the fir;.t. 110\11' nf th ..
hecalnl.' kn o wn t hilt ) 11" ettllp).· 11:1(1 })i(:;ure h een l 1 n~b'lltl untl wife· "\"1 ' 1' :-- iu("p •hl llt' :! ;" lu:-ot. .
~H:4~ : bHltl ""' hi1 ~ in k l·( · ~liu~ .
&. Co . . Blngnamtr.n. N .• .
In his l a--:l1t i t l u l (.JI ~ ·I · r
1. lll i ll'~ fhllt b i~ w ife !'l· r n"'·.· 1·) I,,',·
Uail ru;l 1 S t! \\' ~.
wit h h i Ill . Fo,- :-I()lne t n nl" 1':1:4 R;wi' r l H1 ~ i · ,..d ill ,·;; ,1 " "rk hl"I1 1U .lwl I. out f ron I ll :-0 , ,'100" ",,(1 h '1"- \ ;(" ' 11 n ...... ~wi;l t, ·fl :-O;ineteentb CEntury 1('1 0 Y,' UTS II!!·' lUI :. -" , e '~. y"II r "',rt • III l1w \\ itlt.1 M. Wi1s".. in "" ('D I-'U ~ I' .... TI · t here \VII S 8 r . , .1d hOTDe in Virginin "o<l.be folk ... c hi ...."' '' t vr ell· ·t r !l' r ail \\,:1 .\" ". t lw Il old .~,t l1Pred Ar<'\1I1d. lnt,p~t \" ..ont,o r f" in wbidl tb~.\· ha ,.(. young u n ', " ' . lwpn l nt ~re:dt?11 l ;(l'i n~ fl IP nl n :"t nH.~ ' . the I·,~.,.~ t "" ,,-utch lDg ' r-- '\>10" ,... .-ecom1, or tbe uying Eig-ht n Ih ('Plltllry II l1d t 10n "f a r uMl fr m·\ ~·nhr"· .}~ Ih l i"fened WIth hl)":\'eI1 h(,611,. Il. th .. Tl'f.,\' ,- Xen i a C.i-n 'lA~ tt (· . ,, ~ e stroke (of the nc\\' C 'utnr,"" fl,,,,t "'r ' · ·I\CIlIII < "no1 1w r fnllll l." Ilour. ru~ n Ltbere..l >t.rounrl Ih e nl,l ,·lock I,, ~t 'Xew Yetlr'ij IDOi ni llg " nu li~ t l' Jwl1 "le~ly \\ bile it struck ILe fir,.t hour of the TWf'llti('th C Dturr· This old clock t h"t h,u; u.we rt'd III I\V O centurie i 6 fl 11111 wQ<:o(\ pn "mill' witb qu,.int fi"'Dre.~ on it~ ~inl. II ~'*tnS t o be m comlitinn t o In'e und \\,:;rk "nother htUlura..l y {\.ttr~ ! · ' The nb 'l ve i.~ ·!ivpeU frollllll . K"n · ""s Ci ty ' fur 'lOU is of I.,t r e><I r.ft Wllynes\,iJle unu Hnr" l'y~hnr l!- ]leo· 'ple a s mo ny of th em uO\l htl"'''~ I' . 'lle u lber t1lis old d uck wi th" 11."10· v dllU \\,111 Bs"ociute with il 011111 .\ ' r. , ., . 11 .1 happy ocCll ,;ioTl~ ill Ill ' J!l r ,. , . "r .. ~ •. dlllll"• II ~ )hlr~ f .w. I ll)fUe . lin
Clldwn11ad,·r . Docs thc he!lt worK in t wn i~ th.: h orse ~]lOeing IInl1 gene ral rep~lIrlD~ lind w ood work linp . AnythlU!! In th.. hlock"lnitbig 1in<, ( 'all hi> J'l'tlDlJlt. lYllone 11 re t o tti,·p 11t'rf ., ~. ~1t1=, (uction . un'\ they vd11 "nrpJ' I';(! Y"u with thplr priel'J\. B,I\'e hall "u\"c r · 111 Te"r~ e Xl)er1cneo i n trlu ·k ~bI'M'ln~ Gi';,'o thf'.Dl Il trial ,md y o u ",ll n p\Tcr re:}:,'Tct i t .
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In"il"tiouR Ilre uut whi<'h 1'0: 11\ u" \Y...ln._.__"h,~· . .J a1l 1111 1'.,. :m. Ii'll , ;.· foll",,''' : ""It.. of r.1Jf' ~hill1l f'LTIII lIt~l r \. · t l{' Mr . and i\lr,.. Alle \l Kihl. ·r ~eq ll("'~ Febrrun'Y ~rh. jlnltlic' • .I 'l of : w, · ,.. . our prese nce n t the "'1' rrHH! P ••f tbe' r tlfl llghl<lr Npllie to Mr . Fro ',l E fa 1'111" h y '~ 'lln,, <,1 t;il1.·~. 8he r w o oo Wl'fln .-(Iny n n.m . .1>1 1111 Ff'brnttr~' U. ,'"kn t ill" i::io<.",1 ,.r-• t1lirtieth. ~inflt('el1 BUllllre·a " " .1 tit .. Btlm mel bou.....•. lit tbeir r6idencf' .
On .
Gootl Ble.achfld MU811a, h .1] Dbl~8Cbed Jluslin, " "Flannelette, Outing, Best Cotton Butting,
we are·
, An
Souveull'. ,
" /'
,A fewcJays&!nlle, whit~l\tlI<C8Jjdelalman which'held 80me 'WAX c&IJdJes that lWl a shori time IIgQ done duty On the supper table of one of Way.Desyill,e,'s 'late brides, we were remiDdecl of nn iDcidenl the long 'ago. " • In ~ lateautumu 1813, col. Richard C, A'n derson, (father of tbe late Gen. JWbert, Anderson. of Ft. Sumpter fame) while on hiS' wav home to Louisville, K.,., after hav· ing taken an'actiVe PIlrt ID the l>&t, tIe of the Thames Oot()ber 9, was a guest of A bijab O'Neall, who I\t that time iived on the hill abovf\ Corwin in the Rroperty now 'owned IInll occupied by Wm. T. Fri. me. Cd. A neierson was a,close fri.md li nd frequently II guest 01 the family lmd had Ii warm attacbllJent for Mr. 0'· Neall 's yonngest daughter. II cbild tblrteen years old, Dud whon hI:! ,,,ent to say bis adiem;:. he t.ook from , his traveling bag II. spenn caudJ .. und said to bis yonng fri end , " Now Rhoda,. bere is n {'<1mlle wbiob WII" ta ken from the cnptnred bllg~il l!e 1)1' Gen. Proctor, un tb bo.ttlo tiflJ ll of the '.!.1mmes. 1 give it to yr.u aod yon must promiRe me tb ••t yon wm n ot light it untJI it is ligbtE'd on your supper table- tue n ight of y Ol)J' wedding. " The promise Wil!< mado. nnd five year snbsCfjl1entl? i t. w .. " first Iigbt.al on Rh '>!l,. ·" " npi" I' t<ull" Altbougll th e orig-lIInJ r N·lpi,,"t. • ,~ the ca ndle bll s I "n ~ ~in "" I' ,, ~"'l nwuy , the calldle is Hl ill pro -,.;erv",l in the family lind i!< a hva " s C .. rpm"· niously lighted on I h•• snp I ~'r tu 1,l" or "n Ill., brides t.ll1lt r.:u om f.·, III .
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Take the ,,<nalne. arlJ(lnaJ ROCKY MOUNTAIN T£A' Atade olJly by Madison Medl. cine Co., M.diIoOJO . Wis. It keep, you well. Our trio J. mark cut on each pac:.k.aKe. Price, 35 Uft~. N.. ver $O,ct 10 bulle. Ac:upt np. sub.t&.tute. Aak your drugial..
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Spring: " .•)lIfo), 7.:tO a. nr..
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Bctwc.eD Dayton. S~nag "'alley IllJd BelJbrool&". J~ \' "
iTTf"'ann"'n :- nn~
:tr'enJ: l"'lU1' 1J11 (!1 :tm ~ . ,~"'p' ., . -:"1'" ,"1 . . .... R .... u_"'..tl,... H',· ...(~i~-fr-;· .... , - -to : ..... .~ , nr. llJ""iimn... nl ri) ' ' .. - ,~' : , \U, ~' ... , .
"rm,..,.- ,l" .\ ' .. "~I'
con be called at 1111 hpurs, II ..~. OJ' night. ' . , ,Cooobe& 81lppJied; one cllIIer. "nrJ Ens rPCentl.V' i~l~(!t' lt tt IffIHpt-.,wo in b.1s offire ~) \.h,H 1,.... · ....... n · 1M' l;)I1.',l chairs withont'oost. -MADnilrftl-nnv rimf'. liH." ur ))·l:.d l1. tty !'h Ul ... ·. W'IYllt",vlll" _ • _ ••• . t ' I1I ... una ' C') ~h t'uru isbt' d fn- of cbarge. No eff ) r& ::f).J. [o-dl to please my patron£< l'< I J ~l'e ,TJaClioD them \hEl best w~ . -:.: t 0 ": 1 c a e b,~
MIL!lU~ r MJt: l'ti n. ..l ~ !.K }--":"'-J ... nm.f!:-=tll~.
. Te1f1pbgne in his hoose, wf"~1l ba
The Dayton &.Xar.ia
'. :t:'~~.:-'
Jai n's Gc.ugh ,lt.oI!.:, ;.1 -
,0, ,.,,#.
__ Emb ... "': .l L.f.,..-~
ADd dealer J!: "
FURNlTUT<E .)fALL 1<'7,:'' 'j .~ .
U ",,,fnITi.t.Gn ..r ~rf tt
Ri nd }llI th :- jf! L':-; I f h i .. :--n ·', · .... . II II' nt, nL-;o l:oth lJilge:- 'I II . H i " ~ h .. t
MISOELLANEOUS. Best Standard PriDt~, Good Ble.acliftd Muslin, 'U Dbleacbed M,!slin, Fl.8D'n elette, " Outing, , Best, Cotton Batting,
:ie. :iC. :ie. Ge. 'fc.
CJIo-aD."_~ " .~' JlJlQ~~Qftth~ aadl B~W~f) . .
, . Youins' Long Pants SUIts; nice Clay . Worsted, were 87. . Cut to' $3.98. 1'1 Good all wool Cheviot, w~re $6.00 Cut to $3.48. '
aQW~ ~JJ!@@ 1>~D,t~ ~lIt'~f) ' One lot Sel'viceable suits, for .98c " " fapcy, 'C heviot for· - Sl.~8' " " " Cassim~re., - - $3.48 · .
-U~Il~~ RD1iD,:O@81t~
!Z 0
S ~
:aCl"' .,....
~ 0
s:o .,....
We don't mean by ibis to ask Y9lD'
credit, neither do we want an opportunity of betraying your confidtnc,e. . Just let us tellyou that . . t)
. -.. -;:.
. . :
.na,,··.OJmiR~ ~ hl•• '.O_l'e, - WUP~
. •1
.~. ~,.~ 'ttf@~ hio~.d~_ ta'~'
..," " "i',*,._.~·,: _:G-:.e _ _ ,
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We are t~~i~ agents. ·
""';"";'--":"-"'- -""""---
. -~ bed-~81ia(ort8, . '" .". ,
_ . .O~• •
We -carry the best factory Jines in Ohio. We doc't buy any but the best and we sell you the best. We carry the fa· Hamilton mous Brown line, it is certainly the strong est line of shoe . , made . EV31'Y paiJ' that gC}es out of our house makes a customer. We carry the Wonder Pants, Shirts and Overalls. There is nothing better ' made. We I'educe the price in this sale. ~
Clo-tbIDfl '
Our tailoring busine'ss bas, duubled this season. The' Royal .TailOl:s have reduced 386 styles from $1 to $15 a suit. The pricw~r;" very low: ~efor~, b~t now ,they ~re
.- es
0 ~ to; I:T 0
' 0
.is absolutely ''The Best." We can ' sell you a ma~'s ~t from "7.50 upwards, and gIVe lOU a-_~~tf:t that your money WlU be raw."", I tl1e garments do not give perfect
Best}" ,
Men's nice Rain:,Coat, wQrth $5~OO for $2.48 " Mc'Intosh with cape, 81.24 ," good Duck Coats, for 75c
~ 0
satisfaction. ...:.s.. , Do you think this is done W'W JlO9T goods? If not, . why don't you weaT "The ,
co '0..... 0
- ~
Coats .
~ ;ltf ,l!4E
( t)
tiappy tiome .
, Our .ways are just; Well use you well
l:t 0
- .,s:: ~
Our . 'will is good, ,-
Jleo',s first quality p~rfeetioo, tIJ!i8..· " ,~ " ,~ ' sDag proof 2.00. '
...' 88c. "'. , . ~
for 24c. or Pants-,
Boys' . " Youths' "
1.419. 1 ..19.
· MISOELLANEOUS. Best Standard Print~, . Good Dle.ached Muslin, ,- .'UDbleacbed Muslin, " F~8nnelette, . Btltdog,
4c . lie~ >
lie. Ge.
Ge. 7c.
p>n Wa.nt to ~e:corate your . . i
wi thou'f cost. Medic:.iltes/Drlt~i;: Booles: S~li()niry .pentistl'Y_
.11. lonc3, -'
P. Leslio, JCfme~
Stc"ple andrFa.ncfj Groceries .
.ANNOUNCEMENTS. A:nnon~oe1DBnts · under this
" :r.heUl·s out' Seutlrueots, , . too."
Teasing children is, least. a !I-oubtfulllmuSement i butwhen sen· liti~e chilf;1r!ln are made the, objec!s it degenerates into crUelty. Yettherelll1l some yery good peo))le who indulge ill this ontl'!lge agaWt the COUNTY. innocent arid helpless .. We know AUDITOR. people who never miss:tIl opportnW e a r e au1borb:;d to a-n nO';lQCC s.. A . StUnity to tease a c~ild. It seems im","ell or W.ar!le Town lbip. os C:::io,dlrlal e tor .AWUI.....r. StJbl~ct to r.he ...- m of t be _oleN aL possible for tbem to come near one the opmta ll RepQbHca.D Pr1!nClr-.r Election, without malting ~t. mise.rable. A8 &. WeAre ;J.t11bo\'l%.ed LO 3.0DOo.oee J . N . Lm.. K rt. (j { Le OOnon. as candidate for cou ul r conseqnence, children soon learn ·to AodJtor. Aybiect lD tbe:.d ccbdon of t bt Re pub- hate RS well as to fear tbem, and DO IlonD Primorr i n A~ nt:xL wonder. It is trne tliAt these people RECORDER . would shrink from inflictin.,. n W e lim 3 Qtbod zc4 · to :1 0 nOQoce Pbtup less bodily pain On lUly little one, S pcDce a s cobo1ltlatc ttl!' the o ttlt:e o f CoU Ol r ~9TdC.r. o"bjcot to RepnbUcD. D Priau,r y bat never think of. tlie J[~ner torApril I . 1!lO1.. lore which tliis senseless tensing inRl'!PRE3E ~"A.TlVE. ~ i cts au t he sensitive child. Child· We 1lre.~_uLb orlzcd to a onou D::O Hun. W. T . !iood should be a period of j'>Yous W b,U-ta.c:Te... of &lorro1l'. tor t"e-otp1loa tlO.Q, fo r tile S.:ue 1.cg\l;U.ture. subject to 11O p nbllc~ innocence. It is no time for doubts' Primary In A prU. Ind misgiTings. They ' cc,me soon We a re a.utbOriuc\ t o o.nDJunce W. 2 . RoI'. enong): With the entrat}c8' of youth 01 L ••IAn, as caod!d:ll e lor ,be o mce or Stat e R e _ntaunl. .nbj.-o, co the w Ul of t lu· apon the scenes of InlSY, practica.1, .. Rep ubl io:uJ pa rty a l the Prt m a ry~ Apnl I.. ln1Dons struggle. for self.mainten . • P:t<?SECUTJ..'fO ATTORITEY . moo. Then. good friend!! yon who We are 3.utborlud t.o :J..nr.ounce WUlar.1 J . thonglltJeEsly ma-r.thot innocent enWrlgbL. ot Lcbo.nvo . U a!Ddtd :u e tor Lbl. ol11ce o t P rosecul,tcg Auoruey l or lV .. rrrn joywent and . implicit trust which county, .abjec t t.:) t be decWOll or tbe Apn l ..lharullterize th.e. ~corrnpted ohild, R. publlcan !'"rim.C)'. ~top to tliink .....ha~ you are-doing. You are cownnttiLgagrave offense. Yon nre ~illing the temper of on.e ~h 05C mind is yet too plllstic 08 to . ield to every to~ch. Y Oil are darkNonc~ J.5 hereby 8lv ~ n t b:lt a petitiol, .. III be presenLNJ t o the ("c m Q)L~~rs O! ' ning the days of one whose lifo \-\"crnin CoUQ;-Y. :u t..beir Qu t ~O Q . Vt'b r-c :h onld oo-all-s-niishine, YOliare·in1llT J to A~ D. 1001 . praying rOr lbc a1 t.e n~\!01 or . couuty rood. 0 0 the [allOwing Hue. to-'W1 t : lioting the keenest of pains" on one :&egI.Dnjnll Q.L 1) poln~ n t \.be Old SHh whose innocence I!hould &hield it fl.t.»tl. to sea. No. '26 , T . .. E., a.. :i N .. 'W.rn· 'ToW'nlih1 p. 1n Snltl COU_Dt.1'. :It Lb~ \.01' of t b· fro:n . the tortures even of barbaribtu OD tlJe Ilne 'bctVo'c"'u Geo~ Bur~k 3n' Ins. You are doing a. wrong for F r D.D.l; Dalta. and rUDning t henoo 1n :l. north eas-~ C'riJ' dlroetJon 0 0 lobe ~t aide o f t b . .\' hich y on ca.n never .atone; yon are oleS TOld. ;around the moe of tbe bUl, tbro uS J 10ing a 'IVl'ong whose evil.effeets may the. lead". or f"ra.ak Dakin aDO. G el). U anI E. D"kin to :ItIddlcrun 30d t ber"", t hrougl follow the child to the gra,VJ.t be 1 nd. of L B . RJUTi.'j.. de~o.sOO. L.J t b . ii'rilnkl in Chronicle. ceotf'r o f tb~ Old Road. ~nd them'c tI'I " "d.
fo1'- polInty. $Z ooeh, for ' fawn. hip; .i, aiId for corpora.tio.no .5Oots. In all oase3 OIls h "b ould necompllny ·tho IInnouncemcnt. . Itro
ONE of tbe best. Flavor always nniform. One 'cu8tome~ lIaysj "We h:t\'e tried many coffees and pronounce only tllis one perIection." . you wouid pay 81:00 a. lb. for coffe~ bardly' tllink YOll ' 'wou ld find noything -better We hOl'll8 . lllan .C· & S. Java & Mocha inllb cnns. were them
have just reClVed our "mter blankets and robes; these bought lost- April and to sell out this month. they go at
Dr . P. R. lMndden, pmctice limit. ed to eye, e,n, llOiG IlJId throat diseases_ Qlnlii8!l llootmltcly adj1l!ltod. Allen building, Xen!a,"ohio. Telephone! oMoe, No. 72; No. 37.
' ONLAMPS , WE hl!
l' "' " ~II .' LAMPS anti
pri ces to r('d llce stock'
~' o rlll l)r
fiellllUtlli '
P rice.
bu rur L!llU p .. ..... ...... ......... :Sa:50
B&n~ul)t L(HlI~ . (only
lef~) ..................
pllciul Pri ce.
52:,5 . 2:00
No. 300 (1 only) ............................... , 2:50
Library Lamp........ : ............... ........... . : 1.50 ~
.LaDl}J~ ...... ~.................
Prof. Tbnmas Newlin, vl ce presi· dent of Wilmington ColJE!8e, will deliver a free lecture at the·Ortho· llox Friends chureh next lSIltnrdn;y evening a~ ? 0 'clock . SubjeCt, Tra' . eis in Frnglond. Every body inVited.
.. ..... ...... 1.:25
"'0 this week announce Hon. W . T . Wbittaker of Morrow as candi. dote for ru· election to r epresent Warren county in the .Ohio legisJa.
G- · ··IIW Wo,!'thN'oticiDlb at . There iii
Hl1~cn1son .&Gibney's
3tlQ,QQ Ydlfj- Q.UB~~
5 to 8' 1~3c
The State law, providing l'eliE'f for indigent blind, became effective _SlId. Sni~ ~hl!ts'- Dre£Be8. &c., the deUllUld growing each year. Tnesday. Township ~us.tees will , at their firstmeeting in April, certi. fy to the Connt.)' Commis."10Mrs the awount required for relief of ' such person orllel'l'Ons, not to exceed '100 for each pe.r son per year. The Com· Pretty Weaves of camel's Hair, Cheviot. Poplin. Whip Cord, missioners then make 1\ levy in eMIl ItownshiD for tho amount reqmred, Prl;lDelle Cl~th. lJrepon .&c. nnd this fund in tbe coun~y treasury is subject to ' Ilrnft of tOwnship Ja~ket trusfee3. . Our. former good' citizen, F. B . Emery, writes us hom Effinghn.m, ill'. , under dote of J anuary 8, "Please gtve 'oor friends !..ind greetings, and it should be onr pleasure to ever $1.00 New Sty!es,. . All Wool Golf Back agam walk the. strt\ets ,o f Wayncs· to Rainy Day Skirt, ville we sholl hope t-o meat.our old 2.75 to 5·75· 3.00 .' '1; .00, up. frilllDcl8 wit.h brighter flfces and full· Beautiiul Patterns, er purses as the reslllt of the oonfla· Also 3-.75. gration. I should jndgefrom yoill' letter•. as 'w ell M from the G8zett~, that Wayxwsville . is mnking some vast strides in' mooern' improvementa and t,b at iu the long run will Sbeets, '50 to 6sc. Pdlow Cas~s, LSC. be 0. model town. " . .
Ready made Sb.eets and ,Pillow ·Cast~. WmD_E:aWBJ~lJtfj llS .
.'Thp.-best Vest Pants ever
Wnynestille got !!CAred over :the rel!Ort of a- caso' of amaH pox when there was no such a . , but'l;;l)l'ing Vallev got; a genuine 'c ase of it., ahead of any SC/lre, Mr. C. B. Jinb· hIe. a young merchant, WIIS strIcken down last week with what devel· oped into a bad cose. School wns immediately snsp~nded, an public entertainments previoUSlY annotl,nlloil declared olI, nntI qUl!rnntine regulanOIli! rigidly enforced It ill well for eyorybody to o!Jserve precaution . J ohn P. Mnrtin, promooor or the nry measures in vaccination Springfield, Xenia and G'incinnati also in jqlepfug .out of the wa.:r of line, was in Springfield recently ami tli~ loat.h's ome dis&l5e. sa5d: "The 1ine will 0070 miles in length, ' sh!l.r tening the diatapce .betwee!l:SpringtieM and 9inciiulAti 15 IlI~il!8o and will be .eqnip~- w:it.h tlie three.pbnse system (a 't hird au: bonJ.Zed roil), Illid will ueight at night time," The Pa,eaenger ruDS inforlDl\-tion tba.n wonl~ fill the same • . 1 be at the . rote of 6~ mUes an' @poce . in ,-,ny. other
PrindJICI P a r tlUonet'.
Skirt, $19.00
Silk Waists, Wool Waists.
CHARLES E . RYE. ia.n 0
TiloUs:\nds Sr:nt into Exile. E"ery year a IIll'ge number of poor mfJ:erers whose longs are sore nnd 's.cked with Conghs arB nrged to go toanotiler clil1lll.te. But till~isCO&tly md not Ilhyays sure, Do~ 't bean ex· He when Dr. King s New DiscoveJ;'Y 10r lJonsumption will cure you at bome. It's the m :>st infallible' m·odi· ]inefor Congbs, Colds and all ThrOe.t 'nd Lung Di5ell.SP-s on E"rth. 'l'hO :irs'.dose llringil relief. Astounding ~nres result froU) persistent use: Tn~l bottles free at Loui,. May·s . .Price jO~3nd 81. E,'ery bottle gtlllranteed..
_ OTICE OF APPODITllENT. }dr". Ge:>rgo Bamiiton , lIgent for " The Woman's H ome lJomJlanion" t:J.\.aLe of Il annab L1. W banon. d oc. ... ed. desires her Il&fl'OUS to() know that Tbe "oo.tl<I~ n.d bas tieen :lppoin ted a nd ·th a1 11 . h Q.uaJUlcd as Admln ls t ra tr tx o f the estate 01 "'1 . every renew :>.5 we as lnl of 8."""AO II. W HA RTON, l ot. or , Varren every new subscription she will Cou nty, Oblo. doceued. "';ve an up to-dat:e atlas whioh Dat"l.bb 2 ltb day o f C=mt... ~. A. D. 1800 ". . ' I MARY W H AR'lO!!f. among other "al=ble departments H E.."D£"""" « Yot: ~G . A tto rn ey •. of its wakenp contains the complete ""!!!!!!!!!d!!!e!!. c !_8!!! ! .~!!'!!!!!!:!!!!!~!!!:"!!!!!"'!!!!!!~~!!!!'!!! censns, IlS giVCII out by the census ~ authorite8 for 1900. Both of these f Or only ~. ~5. PUBJ,.IC SALE LooK. AT THIII.-I
OOI.st!Ult demand for
shrub3. Buy of a local nurseryDl1\n IJ.lId dealer . and you will nlm06t al. ways 1mvc better results than b y deo.lillgwi~ trnvellng agents whow you do not know. H. W . Smith, of Kingman, kccpEl.()u hand a ge!1erlll line and CUll s upply you satisfactorily. Go to him, or write to him.
Remnants Long enough' .good enongh Rnd qnitlJ Fancy,. for Gowns
VenltiaD Cloth
frui t nud omament.-u trees and
A distTeseing Cl\se of sickness and ill reported from ilie Uttle !let. tlement'on the LebllJ;lOD road neat: Cold·Spring. A family by th~name of Nutt,Jivimg in the old log cabin o.,p tbe hillsMe, have sdered greatly from mellllies and gnp and bnve also suft'ered for many' necessary comforts. The~ are eight in. the family, father/ mother' and six ohil· ne~
CIU'e8 'Haclri~fi Cou~~ Sore tung&, rouchitls, Grippe, Pneumonia and alrsevero In,ng affections. Why then ris)l: consnmp-
tloD, 0. slow, sure d~th 'f . Take ' w"rnmg I Act at 0000 I Bny a. bottle of Dr. Bull'. Cough.5yrup. 0. doctor's prescrfption, - nllE!iJf.;!vcr50yem. Prfpc, only '25 cenlis. insist on • ha.Vingit.. Don't-be 1m-· posed upon. ,...Re1bse the dealer's 8nhstfh1te· it is not 118 good as·Dr. Bull's. s.,Iva-. OD <IIftII R!Ieamatb",.
Ad1caImllPaflu. 1~&23cu. ~
Grade De.e . . ..,.. 1la;a1L _
LII .. On. Mll'lhal T..e l!'ebvre feU ilIaC "_,,,-, •••
"lid b ia- ...va.n.~, an ~Id iiOldler, malady at the s"""1.lm e_ 'l'he .uvanL Willi qu ickly cured, but tbe fever cl ung to tb. warihill unliL it occ:urred to n is enerj;elic Elder. ducb." !.haL Ib" lIoctor had blundered by Fli!rt; Prnbyte riaD Choreb. ., Greeub oro, G.. , and Its Pastor ...d giving tbe .maNlhal the Ame do... as 10 a. di.apy elllir"i almost trouble the pril'ate ..,Idier. 'be rapidly counted Ul'2 pI"omi. day ,,-as '\\"hen men 01 her jinger. tbe differeDt rings of Lb. mili· p"ared. For tbis.pe cial malady I !,ontesti· their •• gi to itated •• b nence is ~hi. tbis; drink tary ladda. ~ "K.... i~ well nigll a. specific . As a tonic wittd to . YOlJr Irati ..," m!! uia, potting & S .... u ...I . . Dlle. _ I . WII.eli mGnlals tG p!,<,prietary' medicin es for ..iMr and worn out people .it has weak tor tumbler to hel' busband ', ·lilll. Aud tbe ay pubHca lion. This remains ITu. to·d ....1&1011 •• Joe!' 1.8 •• 1,. Fo•• 11 ."-R<.>,'. E. G. Smilb. eqllals no or few duke, baving I wallowed -a dozea doses at j of mo"t proprie tary mediciu es . ButPeHI.oelf . one ~Jp.t 1\ U IGqU on his ' lega agli.lJ. l l r .!tl. J . noss man, a promine nt. merits famous, ly t jus so bo),," my become learn, h.s to dea.l rUDa , . gmlt a ve uYou __ . ~ oro, Ga ., aud an elder WU. {h,e-Iady'. oub..quenl r~rk to tb. uso many peap:" or chant of Greensb At Wubiol ton tbe othordl ,. it wu rain· merit . are kl\.own to ,.thaL no-one be.i- in the Presby terian ehure.h t'f that tonished doctor.- CbiCllio Cbr01l~e. . iJl,Jf bard, 'and the_.trret eo", .... r. crow.ded higb ond low stations in priDt r<com- place. has used PeTuna. an d in a r ecent ---e<i ",e.el to fiee bi. name WIth pa_a.... more or Ie .. bedn~od, tat ' . w ...... Pby.lal. . .. ....Ued. JettCt' to The Peruna lledicin e Co., of .. -Ne1l Among tbem \ll'U Oec. J~ Wheeler g P e--rnna. m~ndJn olb macklDt a wea.rlng When I. W. K ...t.'··...., •• woman a. t<, him wu Coh.lmb us, Ohj or ,,..rit es as fdUowli': ha"e nation our in Tbe highest rum "!'1,•.~lncl~nna", Igent .t m who rOlle to ~l off .t Fo~rt.ontb and }t "For a long lime I w.... t ..oubled "ft.b . r..,menl endo a strong h. wrote;, 'tr.~t.l: Oen, Wheet.r notIce" .n umllrol· given Peruna . II e Ia sses an d st a· c.1t"rrh ' ot lb •. kidneys and tried many M !eat. car the agalnoL leanIng l'" a lWO ~':.~I~~;;t'~~~~,o~I~~ H. ~.bbed tb. umbrella, ran a~ler I;bi> _.00 repr.sen lmg reprrst1 l ted. remedie s, aJl of ,which gave me no rein ph}·';";a.n II woman, """lIht hu at the door .nd ... id: llon s 0"" equally l. P t- ruDB W3S recomm ended 10 me lie the r o tntUlive D rtpre d applicatio A dignllit any relief. The "Pardon m., madam, but )'on I.Ct your um· f h .e'·era l fr iend • • and afler Wling a by h' b pain" Clnd . ,. ortneit; f p relnol,eeI muth of the brell. .. ruu.rter lnn e. urc ID t . e p~rr,on n f ew bottte. ram p !esEeil to Eny lhattbe Th~ ...oman looked puzzled. but took the a~d.-very lOOn It compJete cnre U'R3 e:ffected." 10 lot. .. he noL .. do 'Sm,tb G. E. l'aJ mtr'. Lotion Soap uD)breUI, Gen. Wheeler reoumed bfA- _to nn. f6'llnd and I . fn all illlCb he b,.,. used PM'un n long looh d for relie! Walt .bonld ],., oaed, in Jfnfel''' '''' to an)' olher. Th.n a WODI$D on tho olher .ide of him nate puhliely Ihatfound tban I health better g enjoyin now am whe1l red cn it and tend family tbem, ~ l,is Ii your drnggilt doe. not h." g~ve a Jiltl" « reem and .. id: "Why. rou in J'eC!om ... ... bnrtily con and . ate t"ars. c ~· for this Nt'W In ba\'"t Street, failed Pearl fdilts 374 tf'1l1 to Solol1 Palmer, nasty little man, you pv~ that woman m~~ other .. .' ~ . to all simila rly afflicted . Vorl<, fo.r Il1mpl<", of P.IIlI..... Lotion and ombr"la ." Tbm obe a ppealed to th. con Ul ent the ne'·. ",mllh IS support e .. by an mend PerllJla . du.:or. .Lotioa Soap. ceTloiul~' a ~raDd l!lecJicine."-lf. is It . cburcb. hi. ...omat. eldM' in ~ 9en• Wheel'.r apo1oaiud.. bot tbe t~e . . nev. E.G.Sm lth pastor of Ihe Presbv· J. Ro !man. cal ..,d : . "?io" )'ou JUlt get ':IgM off neltl_. . ' . It ~' ou uo not derire promp t and u 'lpoI,e.... . Dotl£rtb 'll I or m. lor II ~t Ga., and oro. Greensb .... of kno YOD church OI!<>-Do ter~31I Fair Dn!lolldeDt Mtekly the vet ...." 0 lbr.. warT i:er!lctor y r e uIts ITom 1b t" lise pf Pe.fnid· I ........t be getting very old, • de.r, lb. n ill alld ran a{tff th~ ~",it ... : wnt4! at once to Dr. Bortma n, ·runa. ramily COn50iing <FTiend- Nonaen u, d_&rling! tumbled ali ioto m.cIrlnto th. H. mad. my in P<'TUna """d "lIning "'o~ n .,ntb tb •. 10 ure u full t·ateme nt of your eas e f>3s WhT do you think so! pl mrgh;rH!' '""("5 it e tim Fom for hurried uJ))anat loD, 4D.t t.he umbrrU . ant! b' ''13«au" , ptople are beJrinDin~ t(J t<.n m. rubed " \fill b. pleased t.o give you hi.; he d car. an wallIng the to bAtk )Iy littl" hajji bow vel']' -young I am looking! ·'-P!lDe h. .,.. h. handed it hack tn it.o .. no'rhe said: test"y to ,L. IrUe wor.h. va l-uab t.e .a o \'it-c gif"a ti s . ing tter 6u b~en b31:1 agp of :,-e~ns grn~'l1 U· I ''I trusl J:ou ...11 r , rd0J? me... ~ad1lm. ---®--Add."". Dr. Harima n. Pr"';de nt of tbe ktw , {or i.ODle time with ca1a rrh o f . A man is n(,......very bu '). around a bOUle fjQr~ you It wu, • l mi..5U~. . . HarIma n Sanilari um, Columh u., don; he "I . hun. at glared Th. ,,"onn <i,e. ha d ra.led. un ... he ;. doing !!Ometbil 'g that r«luirei Imaw '! .h •••;iff"". "J don't]"' · .... 00" " . Othe r reUl hat t about /.wa Ohio. Atth .. of P er nna fiye womea to walt 0 11 him. Ii ..e Y<JU are '.~l' better than ,.ou ought ·bul aft er f<1Ji;nC' Iwo bottl Glob... ---:---~ ---+® -oTh....e ~ no doub ~ h..t that • judiciQu. of great ~. Ior many. bike to be." A C'I. . . . llIoeD l...... p-umble Mr. Coopb . (to JU6I l-Wbie h do 1011 .. lIO"'" oiled 11l1lil it qu..k-.-Ally Slop....
place. Fot .",urin g the-liDB' rack, lour .tOut napte. (K K) '.,. URd', two he'big, f~teried to eAeh of the 1wo eod eroolple ce. (D' oln!Ctiy abov~ tbe enda' of tbe ~iUs (A A).. Tbe atsplea to neelve the lower eada of · tbe ataadan l • •towhic h. the boarda 101' naile4'. Oa ·tbe.'iDller sitle ea«!pte of the cadga£" a~ eacb eod I. nailed a . plec. l%!~. IOche... wbleb ' '" to he e:nct})' 10 iloe ,,·Jtb tbe-strl p CO;· Poor tbe aidea of the .bog mck Jigt ter • tandaid a nia, be uled. aa tbey ~o 00 sUp IntO stsplu, but 'set 00. top -ot tbe .Aooi'· just iuld. of the .trip C C aad 00 tbe .• " ·lp on endgate l. Put .. latch in e'8 cb '-O.Der at top 80d . th'e, 8lan do... with. latche's or bollo. The u-pright a at each end the rack "'lIiGb are used f;;r 'bay and. lire . hinged at ·1 ~.!' ~ stout shown in Fig. 2. . The el ...i. fl!. t·be post of ·the .nprigb t (H) p"Ol~ll', 60 t.hst · the latter may be . IUpjie<! In ,aiain&t" th.e croupie ce "ilen lyi ng do....n. men tl!.e' uprii:i1~t ia ereet.a tbe ·rod • .or t.be turn down. Into tbe notcbu the enda ol ·tb."" siU. (A A). is.. will be need.a In front If a upriaht .ia· made. Th.e. ad'atitaI Fe " " havlal ''' sOlid floor ,. qu.it~ an item
t .....ur •••• &J_ •••plel ....
"rn given ." "liftie atil!.nlioll to tbat new -clerk 01 yours," 'r emarke d Ihe man ' who _nted to do tbe ' clerk a rllYOr, "and l want to uy tbat I cion. sider lilm .. youtli wbo ." ' j\] 8Uccud . I not;ice he i~ Ihe kiod who puta aom .. tbinK IIlids' for a raiuy do,.." . "Dear: _me! ~Dnd I've miMed two innbrell",i .a!ready ," returne d the mer"Mucb obliged fo~ y IIr tip. ~ . watch biD!."-C hicago Post. ..
•• .Clol_.. .. . Bold·up men should keep 10 the walks and nol . inT~d. street cars, s aYI the Cbieago ~ecord. Tbe tractiol l com· p~oles tbrnl.el .esare ,..orkiD~the mid· die of tbe .II reet. ~
......... . t p ... _rl.Uo . 'or CIoIIi.
&ad F",v.. i. a botU" of. GrQV",', T••I.I_ quinine . Chill Tonic. If i. limply iron and ~y, Priee, in a IUt.1eu form.. No 01D'<>-110 • . 5Oc.
0'' _
S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SW EAT HT-~~~~ ~~~1r~;j NIG~~J[ 1~~~
ptl!fer" d.rk or while. mut!
~ EiKb~ Cue... (in thoro )-Whii r. "What intalXieatiQg ebartns! " 44Jm't &tie bill ollr cook "rder the "' bite "SOfT)' , oa. ill • bird, Lbough r ' "B ird and bottle m ... t. ~&a't you thang. your m ind.?"Journal. t YOlIlDlihtolalr!" -D:eIr0i IJaltimore .1mmUI I. --:!J--
Little ~n to St..... 0 . . A wt't~ntirt btl. now Arisen who dtela.ftI the Gulf .otrum; ' • mrlh. Jrorieno " ~on' ti nu.. it • •••a.tatin,; iv.r 'lTe .ban 100.0 bothing left 10 oling 10 bul esot.ric Bu~ahi .m and tb~ significlUl'" of cat trod". -N. Y. Press.
D~.I. . t • •
!lot bJ' ChoteC'..
"When dcoes " mao become a ___
atnssT '
"Wh"n bE: bema and h3WO:' uNo.." Of "Whe n b .. Wead. bis
~ To <ia r . . . Gold , . Oae Day
La_dIal 'll.
Tl'&YOI........Wby do )'ou . I!~w that .... it.; to rrm~n colliltaally '0 cloi'e 10 l bat ' ·OU.D,g
marrIed co up le-~ 1 , ~\·id(lD t!y annoya ·t bent. , Laa~lord-'-Oh, hec4ou•• tboy kEep ord...·
109 IblnG • 10 . . to lel him uut of hear· ini'! -Meuen dorfer .sllUUer. ---®+-
"When. bl! rips and t" ors:' nyst4nder-Poor iellow! On. of bis arise from wcakuc ss of the whole sys. Tak. l,a::.. live nromo Qtiininr T. blet,. All is laul, r believe. wouad, "':\0:" Iddn cys. ilruggilts rtIvnd mOD.y if it rails 10 cur". in saving graln as well cO.n"eni ent l'olicen;Jan-80 it i ; bDt Ih. otber war tem caused by disorder edb)· tbe ex· 4 ~ Gj ve H l'P:' 25<. followed rapidly are They I.D. e-,'eD c.baJlC't .-l"huaue l : gr.,.in, hu he !:O bauling t. as n' ai lSuch ways, ny ...~ --.... u:\'e \'er, it be caD he!l) · it."-Do st01l phU Preu. tremo stages of Br ight's Dise3S<.>. Dia· beWhen a man uk. a woman fOT ber ad.i~ • bop. wood, etc.; 10. market. and Ubristia n ]]egistu . ~ betes, Heart D iseosc, Paralys is or on, work io admirati luri""e he- n·01 o.,nly win. btl' unu);~g sidea. buinl' a ufe. !IIU110 •• r.e C ..... er'. Ink Female Weakne ss. Chronic .. thepo .. her to hilmelf ' but at onc" stamp. one need have no lear of .Upplnl Re •••• ed ...rH h 'l'1I.ale • • proof of its ~=U~n t quality. h fure suspect that your Ii: idueys are you whicbi. If •• Topic To,,'u lense.good rareof selSOr ~ tIJl'Qugb B1l.d .kinoin g bIB sbins. ur com e.~' bf'g-•.Jn th e po~r wome D mild" cl1emieally ae.:OMlte . Tberdor e tb. affected . place some of the urine passed . . . . trnad ~.tHumpbantly. WI will Iurul.lh dupUe.,e s of LIVE S'1'OC& .. r _ a "1"1 aicl< woman,....ith bot .W. rerond lOe for every pukll. o[ In Fig'. 1, A _4. are .mA; B,lIoor ; C D18.c :oYere4 you for hest, on arising in the morniD g i.J. a bottle COTS or . . , olber Co, .Un III &a.r Speo---+® -oColo",4 DI •• r _ . 1D ,She thin sbawl, "to ask I LIte.' or ..,. Cbanp it stand for 12 hoUTS. If brick- lmeo Book. at ar \)elow Quo\ed prJeu for ~ Dnl f,bot 'fiLIla 10 JdT<! 1x2'>\o·incb strip.; D. eroll&piece; 8Ow.lh lng lo keep tbe 'wolt from the The f1o'l\'t r of eiviliAtion ;. the fia ith..1 and let 1 ........ PirrYAX F ..nl!LUS 0 ........ 0 . . ..... 1M Re •• aubell, '&ad other sed imen t is found . it is 4, N. KELLOOO NEWSP APER CO.. or dust DI1II Co., Unionville, crosspie ce on uprigilt ; F F, Dotches in aCCOIL Monroe of i.n. gnu, or ",tislaet .it'D6e of ll)~a, the- m.n 1I00r: .. t bead ••• it...1 ...... ~ afrald to Ibnt you need treatment.. proof L, posith'e ~11 oIrug;isls. l. by Sold ~llcmaJ ~ K. staples; Mo. ; tbe g in uprigbt po..-erH. ' toelll someth .of .ill.: • ph!'imen t Tbe manur" c\urer took t.ek 335 W•• t 51 I 5t; ODd..al ' , 0 'S BOBROW wl~h cJe,·i., ~ tbe is L 2,' cleTt.. In Fll'. -Emeno n. from a .luM. thing only the not i6 acid l, .. Boracic prop 3 wbieb. Fig. tbing and one ollly right. i. There ,b olts. pins, etc., at ··Jlel'e is one of OlJr pa.Lente d game .pr:tkiog-; ahraya bas ilS (ace. value, Mld lb.~ s how" the kind of latch u.sed.-J esse you are liable to find in oys ters, 05 a_ j ''W'henr-Ul t i' U'l; ..arDD tbat F.ther-DDughte •• IMl pll. Set it a little d i.ot o"cc away pjec;e~~ ~W pi~. n jn t iuciden .an i. a ItiSS .-TOWD Topics. by d \'itlence ~ was the D:Flor y, ia Ohio Farmrr . reaoh nc.er apohr ,vill -lndian wolf tuned." tbe been snd haa paano Th. couple A ngb. le-stnur ant a few days I .... un a bsolute specific for e"ery form Chlcago Daily _·ewlI. of nrtilitre aUy· toi.nHl colored "ge'n t5" Joor."I of Kidney Disease. and th eir wonderf ul . >---<! . . ES. ·HORS FOR Y BARLE is gu<lrant eed by a forfeit of ~;o .('11 f)De to Qaarre l \ VUh. entered the oyster ha"en ond DUI' ~e" & .., .. tor .onoun~ tbathe .. only I efficacy ly coUrd for "plate. (If ' ra"':' more Ileacefa l In Itol ,plng OVtT betlreen lrl1D~ , bL8' ho .t a..t for e~ery case they \~il1 not cure. arc je.tieal .things hope "I ..... G Ut~ lialN. . '8ot •• Ide:a. Pe~., ~ The suaTe proprie tor served tile f!ent8 the cboi. tban formerl y." 'Did lbe on~ ~mea more- t'Ordia.l .-Al~h lson 101110, . K,EXTl: CKV, ISO I \ ~.~ .&.!n> I. Pre •• re. Eldarr b7' CeOkl_ s Glo~. ans) they proceed ed to pit tor. eclat, due wit.b WEST VTRGIX IA ® or 'It,. ....11 ••• • disset:t t,be wen·fed IIIrnlve . in II man· "Yes, sir." replied the orbr:l:nist ; ·'it.·. 1iID·~'Jl-OIDS. 10 wriUD«Uo.m. '1 .... PMp/o a getting tbat thinD girl average •• T .Itae odOR tta.ptd Hd~d nnlo,..-O ne~ that Iefi. no doubt of their "neon· " ufcctly I!Alm now:' Ie-Btli' with a lMlic.g wax It amp and. a..n In. w. W,ace luur SL. La.n.cuIf bar ey I" "soil Rt all for hor..... it &ciousn ess of .'UTroulldiugs. ... ys tbe "I'm glad to bear it. How ,~aa peace ilial en it. is next to gett ing:t Jetter ".ring :u.r:James A.lt1nnern. m c.titgwm er.ftllat SL. ),(IU-5IJloo.O. should b. bpiled rind m ixed with cut Detroit Jo'ree Pre.~. It wus an affair • e"!tored 1'" . :l, lXJat·Qf·a.n:na..-.At~bi£o' n G -obe. 0 lU!:.u>ERS op THIS PAPER J,lra.I AtnDFL. r¥ta. ~ "W . lJaJnSt._,.Q.fI...mOt'l --<!>-. bay. root .., etc., and in tpis .hape la that smacke d of enjoym ent, judg;ng Mr. M V. Gr:lh:tnl . u:::: Uh A,;,~ . 1luntlnJ!l oo· W V •• "ETery body excepti ng my,el f ,.. Dt:sIKL'\G TO IUi Y A.:\' \·T.llI~G . \~._ . W n. lesu.o r (..1J:t n !.Jdc.·t1IOI1 !"t.. SmILb. r. ~. , ." t Yone nisrh lag tion. ... me adapted kis! mti~"tiL well to of an.a. tried us sound ack I·he dangero Tra-uJ from AD\- t":nT~ J:;D I~ ITS ('OLl"lt.N S lar les,. On.K.r. ,igned: '- Tit.-nits . lIenc1el"'l ~~II~Sl... AP\JI.QC!QU .O. I"Psl tNi~" or COll.~e '''OU J ita-'"In dred! 5UOl·l..D rl'5.1S1' C"PO~ li"&"'JSG ~· C. to • • ten,.. him :-- L. Jl olld~I"8()D . . . . " L...·:1 1. 1l tor fitting a borse quickly for salc or oC t.he oysters ...eemed to obj~ct until [. I lhlf'ke'~l _ Wb~iln'.w .v.. tIme. -.I1llll- )ln. . W . Tbarl (\\".ZlI"!loa every T r-u-:"C'er illD ). ; WHA'l' THEY .ASK t-OR. REltl;~JSG "0 Aee Jde-a I. . IJnuu, JUd. __ et ~u· Ter.Jcu:k: .how; but far farm horses, o· tbo.. about tbe mid,Ue of th e .epUs t. , hen mou !jOlo PrKf. ALL Ft:lISTI1't:TI<S 0& UUTATtC ~S. Fortma n (~orane(s jury)-W nl, we delphi~ workiDE at, common labor,1 bue is DO tbe. more dignille d 01 the two coloreil to Mon-ow 's Kld·ne-<oids are not pills. ( . . -o-r ---+® '! ne..,sft,y of &'i"ing such hailed teed geiits matle . . . ouod like an over· brougM ill a "erdict th3t Bill cowe Th e •• eu~ a & . rlood eom.monl )· amoun lo bnt Yellow T ablets and 6 e 11 at fifty __ ••. caus nturnl n Sat waUow I . from Jill' to deatb· week, a bi" 1ry1ng e once more tban worked sto"epip to. treaohen. H is ~Ot ~ltlDg 10 say any. Or_WitHams" rn41a.a PIl. " dowa ble\v lIe t stores. drug though at -l freely Citizen cents a box Ol rnment wUl.care811DC1. nil'ht. to nJon the bowel. an undue allowan ee. of coal. thing l!t our behalf tmphea &. ta ci t cen!u.re. "OHM "O,,"OW ,. co •• 8P"IHQI fIELD. O. -J'l...&.%] ut. ~:~J DfL ~~tcb!= J cool' t he hbne. ·oyer. Sunday.. "Lawd; wbat has I struck! 'he ex- gun.bar rel t9 see it it ,V8S loaded? ~ h .. tall>OTS. alia .. the 'U!h· . lug Fo~an-He uid. Dut ~ill wasft" claimed , graspin g nt tbe ambien t at.fl fed' dry, tbe barley ." GUee. &ClJ •• • Jy We rauey wireless tel~thY has " ton. "'leDf.'U~I.:"~I·f·ortanPl1t....... . . mo&phe re and display ing a TO.W of . • DAtu.ral -born dum fool it W811 o,u ground and mixed with oats, and '.-.--.11 Is IA-....... '-d 4 al: III mat· d ~ .. heen II. wive eoupl.s • m te IVay a ency Il~Ql secb ~ some die "jI\o'U to W him ads. Fter {or ne I' il "aturnl h:ories that ' ~ouJd put mng8l:i and should Dot ~form u.er one-qu8 ried ~x '""" feel dreadfully old.f.. bioo.d. ~:rro~~; :~~e~~ ' u I4te t of the mOl. at any ooe meal, and Qut of compar ison; and jn H 'momen .. thatl--P uck. Detrozt Jour:..l. man on neelpt. of ~tie@. Ge cent. aDd .1 .... ~ I WlUdAli lS lU'G .. co .. P'rODL._CL~YEL.I%(D.OBlo. sbould oat be fed .more t~.n once more be displaye d .DU object thaL glis· t1.~IU • • • Esplore . Th e.re 11 110 great ae.hievelJlrDl t hat is no t daily .• We are Insl.tln g upon tbis ],.,. tened like a 1rust.ed bank "-IIsbier ', AIIIESIS" I lette.r in Jour Ibjs put I :1ria, Y HHer~. th. r" 8It. of palient )I'orkid'g and wailing. caus. harl"y I. dangero lis food for salary. "What am' dj,,?" he observe d "orlh pole." th~ digeatl. ·hor...., not 80 nutritio us and criticall y, Ii. he Jald i ~ ..{)u~ on e~~ -J. G. ~~...a;.,J.. ~JD my north po!~ ..Tobn 1ft i connt~r . hie 8S oah, alld "an usually he sold I~ is. wondedu l how mu.oh earier it .is to '"uU"'" "Ye.;. iD your po ket: ' ~~::i:~ J~r,tij~: ;:;'i~ ;;;-t1l•• bolldlna.N."Vorlt. ~;i;:; 1 .bnn, i.e it 81lu object than tbe pats' puy undone to un-eyed B leaveprlo. ion people good. · s compan what for His ". ..-hat they do.-Aily Siopu. wb.)' do you call It the nutJI nohee 1847 ObRl'Te wB.ot toK.-B N. A. seur. danger connois ~n6ther . • wbleb I. b"tter food with tbe air of 11 jewel ~ pole ?" T. . . . . in feeding harley i~ due to tbe ~'aWD" n . ·';Et-loo k,. 10k .. dln.lmon d .ln de ruff," WB.EY WR.TB O TO. .ABV.II til' find."£d ba so i. It e . . I~e .AAI:.1It.PI1.Mt "Dea.us dilll\TOceCul th .... insin. more i. p)co.e .tate ..... , J'aD NotbiDjt or l>enra.. causing intesUn al !Mitatio n, h~ rc;ma.k ed, rolling ~ it along the ... o • • p ... Llt. aeut .. t"C.rit:r.--c iOttO. ChjcI~n Dally Ne", • . ' .. nd tbis ' is t~e more ·Uable to ba~p"J> counier . proptbe been ed not bas SlIggest barle,r nibS," er tile when . wl(ebbe et'. erly clealled , as· is' apt t.a be tbe other mnn. tbe on tbe farm. Jo In!!la tbe ... pareD. "Oh, psbaw," saicl tIle 'r esource (ul barley for. ho",es, and we "unders tand restaur ateur; making a COl.el.6S s,.."ep thar.: it is mncli I.u dantrero ua fn tliia of tlie counter ·witb 'bis -to,vel, !'It·s fo~.-J9bD · E. He~ry, in Farm and ,!lnly .1' excre cence from ~be oyster
The CTYsbould 118 beedecJ: iD time, Lydia E. Pi;, .... JiaiD'a. V. . . .ble CompOund . ...... pre(IU'ed. til meet t.he Deeds or wOmAn's • ~.t tbia~perlodor hcr life. U bulla. up '~ Weaken ed ""rvous Qateaa, and ......bles a ....oman to' pass
, . . ",for~ .
. . 0".,
_y ..
Wr eck s
N... . ..
lI er ". s.
"'a le•• · H.allh~
"or vearsan
~~~~i£.~~~r~ i
PILES ~~~h~'~ .....,.-
- - ==- ---- -..=:::....:..=.-.-
whnt:lf. dat 1" 'e xclaimed the discove rer, "" be, and compali ion relreote d toward- the and made 11 basly exit,.iu 8Upe""t i' .• . lion. fright. _ ")[y
1J.e(1."- .
....riCIOU ..,
pj>eared· the. bIY "~dcl~iil,,~W,rt;h:~..;;n~t.;i;b~;e:;y lI.ad,disa stooped:-1'o tne 1I.o or
and ' up the obj~:t that he had of!- tbe. counter . It W88 a pea;'l ol.unm istakab le value, .... he found alit expe·rt e""81ll.i n'e ' later 'w ilen he had It aDd plac. price on
he.ad, a bad taste in your mouth. yo Yo_u're. bilious, ~ot a cold' lou' hav~ a throbbln$! sensation in your are parched and you feel ugly 'and lips .eyes. bum, .your ~kln IS yellow,wlth dark _n~gs under .:four eyes, your system is full of bile not properly Yo~r mean, as If you wanted to kick a lame. Infant .or. kill a ca~ary bi~d.ue being ·a bilious nuisance t6 yourself . passed off, and-what you ~eed is a cleaning up inSide. Don·t contin S and work off the cold While you sleep. ,and those who love you, but send out at once for a box of CASC ARET .you a ·fal<e .subs titute . 'you get CASCA~ET.sl Don' t let themc..a, sell Be .c... .......
t I O~
...,lLIC .I<1¥ ' ..
lU!Io UJ.U-
•SOD cers Dec.:.uo er 4. 1783 . ita
u .... e
1Iae4 ' yoa:r valllab le CAS"I CARET S and find them p.erfeet.. Could n't do 'WIthout them. I have used th em ror lome lime tor 1ndlsest lon and blJlousnESs ana a.m. now com~plKely rured. Recomm end
them to ey~ry one.. Once trled l·OU ~V.·llI wlthout-tbem In ·the. iamtb,'1 DI· .never ~eEDW. A. MARX . .Albany, 'N. Y.
d im·
awh' of ", gr:.-
cap",? "'or b&! n3~
vine , A monmO!D-t ;.. on fllOt 1ll New Y '91[ 6elf, .
. t .. ' - - . ;'lI.
curr rIt of oJr i)"ben tbe sec- _ int by gb
A m tinue. 10 a t.he
G,' LF ,C OAST. p
C. L '. STO 0 ......1 PMMA,er "lrea,-
clqj, Alabama.
Miss ' sipi and Flo-r:idaâ&#x20AC;¢ . '!'I-ITT .JIoomlONVILLE Io1f
·A.n ..rnow>rCiltly, stock m8rlu~d down
. c.n~ry .~ult,. Overcoat '~d IWHJI llues' of Ftlr~8bjngs eutdeepl,. Pro:fl~-i ilrnol'l'd) ns n~ilil 'WInter finds us "ilh an ' ~ OY~rll'-:1:1l;gCSt06k. · '¥on can sav~ doll8l'S 011 IUld
.. your
CJ~.thiiig Inrrllh1l6ts here.;,
• BARGAIN NO. li-Clioicc of~U our finest Over~o!lts, Stein Bloch makc;alHlonr·cnvll special tail.: . (lred eOl}t....~ S20, 22 and 825 grades,.llolY 41' ' . ' . n-~UlGllN NO. 6-Dcl'C we have almost 100 Coats ·in ..... UI: tCl*~l;tllgh~us ruul Ovcl'coat.... a p1agul· ~l~ . li'ccJlt raJlgc .1Utl "alues Ul' .to S2~, now ..... . tit 'I.
'17 50 '15
DARGAJN 'N{):7 -Ovel'CO:Lts, Ulsters and Rag· hUls,Sl4;"S15:nul S1S .values,now...........
$ 1:'\
BAROA1N "NO 3 - AtJOu U.o-1h1.0 Suit ·
IJ Clay. ,:{11C> V: .. , ' I ' III lJ iolM, UJ~::!jpJ('1" ' p. cle. )uOJ;,J ~ (Jill o~ .. 1'2 ; plake, ,'ulnes 81.-6" $18 nutl ?O, lJOW ...... 7,. leJ • ." , ~~. -:.:... '~... ' . ' BARGAIN NO. 4-{}hoiooof'our ca(.h·c Jino.o[ (iliJorm;Hlc Suib, in '})atlcl'us .. udf as t l~o 'ilJlc~t , mlUs Ouly w~ve. valhcsS~2 to 525, now ' . iI.
. '
'$15 on
4 U
15 .
BARGAIN NO. S-Alloot 50 coats in... Raglans, $4 UllStOl'~ nud O\'cr.coats, 81'2,814,815 valnes ' , . . BARGAIN NO. 9-Yout.lt's . an·(1 !Icn's Ol·er· eoata and UJsters, 'SU) values, now·.... ........
98. . .~ 'iimi'
.... .~tock!~ I"
B.lRGAIN NO. 10-A gn!.u lino of Overcoats q: ~ mul Ulsters 57.:;0 ami 810 values, now......~.
~~'~ . ~~~ . ~ . ~~~--~ . --~T-----~----~----------~----
Boys' and . ~hildren's TIJE
' FI~EST ~nd
two 3 piece (or bors', 16 yU .... . k.Dte troule Sl h1tsoldLt $7.5 0 ,$9 00_
t6ro to TIlE O1ld $7 Suits .".11 plain col· It J. A8 en, age now ·to. . ... 441.7 TilE 14 aDd $S S8i.., yool and $1iJ.tIliO Daclcetl Carhart. make to . .• STY~~~~~o ~eJ l~ 5. ~J~. ~~ ~3:S~ ~~ $1.98 _ BOY'S long trou" 'I:- t~ to ,.a..:finest $Jl~ SO' • of al! sto.. , $16 ,nd $ .8 va lues 'COV'S lonl:' nou..se-r £ui!.li in but ma-at, v.tlreJ that 7; _tee !lnd $14, DOW rcduc,cl to .... , ,. u and $ I\" ~6.co
LO' • • • • • • • • • _ . ' . • , • 0)
iD [.Dey ,edllC~d
81016 realS,
~I c:ei_Lr~ted DOW rcd ~ ccd
pefghbGr ·L E. Keys is 'L";"-'~ ot·bho. 91d <sland in.!lis reCml· m·ue·ted b'l-~jocss rooms, 'where he h3d apent 'of ' bi.~ lile UI).. April "7th l:is£; when ,Ilev.ith hi.s un:. fOJ'ttin'ittc 'n!lighbQi-~ l eft JUI tHy Cqr
•• .
.Remrianta Long
enough' 800d enough snd quite :Fancy, ~ for ~'RDS
aDd Suits, Shttta, Dre&se&. &c., tbe -lleiruuid growing eacb year.
,qlUlrtor" 'Mr. K eys \vAS ul" ttu.n at& enougll' to find II t~mpomrj!, plnc() m- til!' Dr. ~&y building 'for his·busine3S j but. it WItS a. litt!o Ollt of Lhe r ll.nge of tmHil} and he lias been .•ver.r nD3:io1l$ to ,get llnck on !Jis :·old . stamping b"ranlld, amI'we most co~ialJy welcome hi[!l rout.
Cho.ice ,of a.ll our '$3.00 a.nd 8'8:50 Coa.ts, . now redu.ced· to.
",ilS. $ IS.
New SfYles,
Wool·Waists;· : ... . .
MANV Iirst· cl3D ."ilS in all ' wool gO<'ds, acd $tO gudrs now red aced to. . • TBE.suits thot sold al $; and $>, gO!d, yaJuc:s D OW' redac.fd to. . • . • . .
the ~8 . • . streng • • •
.Men's and i olltb's Trousers. $1.24 $3 ltJics . . . SI.98
A goed liDe or nie_111mb patterD', wcrtb ';"
• •••••••••••••• -
".~tI.n Cloth 8.oket·· Skirt,
-s~ .~,afsts,-
~. ~
A Iaq:_ ...mmeot. dl$2· 50 :md Here i. " bargain. all rcduccd rrom $4 Uld $4 50 . S3.50 Chc.ice of .U 0« finesl goods, .be !i6 $7 and $7 50 rn.-s
knQwing as we do bYe c:xperience, that tho' conditions un~er wh-icll he
Chetlut. Poplin, Whip- ~ l ' left were'diStressilnr.auu his nme t;. tIed condition , em~rassin~. co~e back old , noighbor; ';nd 1p:l.y tho ~i~e ~ of pros.,Pll,.rio/. n~w ,- lnrn $i2~QO yO. 1 ll" way anll may.. t ill} reni1lilling years ·of yOUl.' nctiVltrn3 be . )'oo.r , bi t. -~
Qhoi.ce .of a..U OUl' $5.00 and $6.00 ones r-educad -tQ
ZO!!lO '
. Men's 'values. tl~'v. ..... ::.;.........98~ . - Hats - ill 81.~· . 5 and 81:50 .. • -r -.", • '1\'Ien's Hats in--S2.50 and 83·vallJeS no'\r ... _ .............. &1.08 ~
Mcn's:D~b! RilJbed Undern~', $1,50 values
A big Jine of fancy slJirts, Btiff·bosoms a~d-negUgee 81.00 • grade ·now.............................................. ..... : .~.:.: .......... 500
AnotheJ: line ill 'o Oc .{ 'alues iiolY.........,........................... :~l)c Neckwear, 'PnffiI and Tecks,,50c values now ........... :.... 250
2·75 lO -5·7S·
Star and Mother's Friend Sbirt Waists $1 now ........... 500 The boys' oOc Waists now 37c, and 20c waists now.. :18e
-Lowest ~ PI iced .J:lotbier, Xenia•. ..
Obildren's - Stloda.i'
Diversion .
bIe. 1llIIn !Ol' . Manager ".Ii~ring·lI. .BibIl" story leatp • • ' Dnul...... O.ffi.ce · ~ ~h to ope~ - lD ing b. 't.an./lllo)11di.'OTm 'Pout of ~be ..}'l~ty. yom· :r~Td. 1. 0 chilOreu 's' employment · every Sun• . here 1l! ~&·'opportUnlty., Kindly ·du.v says Ii writer in fJl.e good re£erenoe when writing.; Febri:u1xy ' ~I - Home Journlt!: • _A. T . . .~ORIlu.' .WB.e~.u~ '.'Howev~'r I.lmiYt,h:~mether maY'be H O'UBEif' '. . Ginmnnati.. O~o .in'the weekllheShoalil ~ke tim.e on ~]'lltlstll1tlxl ca!a,oglOle 4 c.ts., ~tanlp!:. thiB dav tth 11 hild b t D''l1l.121;; . .. oga er- ere rena au. . U llI' . U,",Y'.J. , her .a.nd tea~them hm:seIl.- SheCIIDIlOt' delegate t1ris. d~tv to the Sunday scbo~l wi:t.hotlt ~0Iis' to them and. ti>herBe1f. n is sa.id
,!t . ~
.. Istorl.... tel ' va ',hat
011), DUlchm en aDd not ED,-
TIt., Deat Pre;"' ''I ~IlD. iar cllm. and Fever. is a bOttle of Crov~,· 1'<u~I_ Chill' Ton, .. It i. limply iron "pd quinine in a t•• t ..... Corm.. No Cure'-DO .Ply. Priee, .
!lake Ba._ BaPI'7. ' ,A ...cent PD!"h .. e .of "'. I ....o.dulla,r palm, a delICkJy and mil, oamed ID JU mand for tl. . .ven-dolla.r jardinier e and a t~olla r ta6uretl t. The fire' mUlt DOW be kel" DI' nighu IGr it, and e".ry' tim~ tbe .l<'l1et'. husband PI..., ·the,palJD·he shaL:.. 10'
Dow to
fiJll ;rL
i\"-Alc~i !on
• • If
-+®+ --The,. oft'ere !lo_e1ooo),..
Bome young men 'R em to ~ mrpriled !.hat everybody do .... ·' ~top dancing \flt~n ·tb.,.
b.Uroom .-80merv in... Journal.
CUTS or aay othe r E;U L Ibowa tmea Book. at Qr below q u oLed prl~Ufor
A.N. KELLO OO NEWSP APER CO •• ~ Wtst iii . St. CI.'iw tf, O· DeUclo oil
De~,. ....
Burnh. m·. Hany J ellreoD m..kee the fiJle.., o....._t j eJ~. eiear and. ~l inc .,·-.r. ~Prq:>.rt!d ' in a and. d"u"iou.:y O miD~(e . Jt ia onJy D~ary to di,@.ilO}S"e in bot water aDd • ..t . " .• y t o cool. Ytll ~o,..: orAnge-b it-blon, str.nrber ry, rup berry.1' puch: wild e .rry and unfl"or1 !d ' (-alCifoot" {or making ,,; ,... aDd cotT•• jellie• • AlI-'>Ce N ' . oeJl it.
OU *:r& .
S'I'OCII w. trill tlll'lll.lb duplleau .ol.Llvfa"r:~,.::,peoo o
RP.AnER S OF THIS p_~r£R I.I E::!JI:U ~ G TO BL:Y ANTTlIJS G AD\' &RT1S&D 1:-1 ITS ('OL Ml'>11 mol,;U> IN!1ST CPOS HA"h~G WHAT TlfEY ASK FOR. Rl:n:~l~G ALL s t'J);:)--rrrl."Tr:s OR llUTATI0 5&.
- - - - - - - - ' - - - = -=-t 'WB.£3'
aco .·
warrrN & TO AD~JIT." ..... ~ Y." _w lIoe Ad~
ple..- .....e
i~~f t~~~ !-~f ~.!. ~~~~ !.~~ !e!a ~~~~~i~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~:~ ~~;: ::~; r~~~ WU·l ~' ~~ ~b ~~ ~~ ~~ th ~~ ~~ DR
HWeil, to 'tfil the truth...." IIllCi C.." ~~ IIIOdeltir . "1 ~on't kDo .... Jingle IhiDs!~ tlce. oj ~ "L hue en,mine d' Mr. .cueJ:" to hit . "Thi, wire-ltD lellJrapb y reminds .We· ne~et' aiJow the !IOaked corn to I!.r.~ed n grerund ' ... quarrel. "Wh#l poMible con· kDO"'led~ of .fbola"' l' Ib"enmi b8t. Of ~ nettion~ ;I ' tbeTE....betweE'n tbe two ?" Hlt'e. ill hi. 11Ifd.,·it; ".na to lhe sour. It 1. ""ill -to hay" 1;wo becoJDe p",u!t.icany bo,·f.g ,,·ord. over no·LhiDg."- kno ... led*~ A"'!! belief b ••• , ..'eue! .11 tbit barrel .. ~o -use, on. alterua ti daYs .. .If Nota. quel1ion i entireiy , eor:recl~y.::-La. Philadolp hia Time." ' . tbe weatbe r ~ '<try hot, . tbe ,corn . ~ .~ ~ . sbonlil not remain ili 808lcm ore 'fun raulu; othen IZ. h01lni.~ Ja Cool weathe r It.· may A man ran £'Orne-times corl"ft:t monti.n .ronr !,ever you.-:Cb·iciao DIIiIr bad impr.... io. by ..rmp:y paying will. lund ' \0' it lor . , ~ remaIn :a 1'oon 0'1' [ongpr. Nothing .Nf1r.. _ -At<;h")J~ Globe. ' 00. eertainl y an'iJ qoiokly !Hre.th e organa -pf IIDy tbrow ·it olr its feeCS 8& sour -eona .. meaL ", Q ~
nlli'mel l wbo tiourht f~e' red lIl.a'. I.nd Instead oT . • t~.lla, It. . .y. B~NT B.&.aNY~. . Atlanli" IlonthT: r. 'S,joh " atatenic DIl left OPfn, blbne ~eg tIlIId'.;!n New York. lint U the 'aouth cao then be place for cilU.!ce lcl wel-pa.. · on 10 ,Ph ilad.1 ph Ca....." hear lurinlr a ..ann gilt 9'e air; and a place. for' the. ItOI' th.t h ...... ODl,T Qu.k-e .... who of manure wbere it wlll not IDle alr~ .nh. _ t~al 1C~['1!,a/ ~~cl.._lIeti ....e learn tbat I' . . . a/lY 01 It. ..aluable qu'itUtleil. The 111&- ....... Tlial TlI.,e ."II~ 'AI(e, .:.. III -RaltJlDON tbe ba-.meD t oilly Ilonian",CatholfCLc Tn polDt . of I\.un ean be· .piead :oter :»e ....u • •••• Co-..e-• • e.U, uraw or ' otbez ':tle m dally,-" floOr enstolD la ID".i'lab the wu IL .fs~t~ 'Got •• t:o '.I7o• .,Je. wbell the ""HIe of ~utl>~an aettlns on Ibl. AUntie Iltt~.r thrown o<er it, The .. lIown tirhtly packed ft l<e~p will cout to-pn"" ' .... c\he land~01I wbloli ".Magm licent, by jo.e! A. parfed in Filr. 2.-N. Y. the7 aettled Jti4 th.--:lrl1 l ...ctl.... ... fde .. II illostra ted and alfer thlnkiD g !,his he qDeen," • . OiualIY- T"",",~Jf 10' a , deed to whid. . 1'fil>une drc~.... his poreh ehalr .. iou'tly UDcolltlC ·amx.a· tbeJrc ._,ua..1 th..- .... lUlys the Delrol ~ Free Durer. · No! .... t!i~ ·.If~ir re allr·.ue h a mock. ....... .. I . FreD'. "A .. idoor. ·too, and only 2t." ery~. It DlI,7 ·.t Ill'll tl1"url>& aum ........ . ti.... In ....... ,. • . Pew nen he broke I.oto the brillianc y' or 8ft ... lac til. byl••.• tC!, DI. .n. red .man got ..b.t h • .eo':. lnlpire d by sueli Il &it. ..peech 'uauaUy erind. and l. 'Be la_lebe .teel ; enYeud 11' eeal. .t & ...,.. uutiful wenl.be r. How da . ' w.t<on: .toDe....cI.~ •• ~.d. ·.and ..n"g •.~rha... you llki Detroit~'" muak .. la aDd ammun Ition. wbil. - he ~ harming . '1 " ",S jUlit telling ElsIe all "".ked b&\'e we ... sear 'wo. FOJ; of waa .J!t t"".....,r: Ye'" .lIndry Tllthla I "'CIA lempte d to .u:mOler here." tha' .heH.d h.~ber .. hoge, to fed cort) the . •• tellin, pm. IInll-ftlh : Tr)' to mllke YOll ' ·wG,uld. MWilIh ' 0. A Itr.tlgg1e ••• in .... I1.ble ..lin the cii- 011 . the' .eAr, "ritft It preasaa t fOr you. and "U that. ED YEARS. Ilf A Jrol'lDR In VL. " hounty, ll" Char:'!t bed .ncroac nre whU .. mnn·• .qrit'ult . 1 ,isiftd oa. Rlchmo from. i'IYou're rrmeDlt< led_t",Ooe ne .... We . npnn and esb.ust elf ·. tbe · Jndl.a' . ern Plllnter 0"0. Do you 0" two , there lI.o - a"" 1\0 pins w~r~ made 'unti l lSI 1-0the report. ' 01. '" I m' ad. by , .Thot·s . where' I .. ~ .bolllln rp01fli d: bDt ·otll.r -i.-eamb" tbe Ka~... a? v .Pearley the know a paper. ~dollar J '. It'on brought os~aJJ7 llaDees boy. ' a for 1ioD. time Erreat IIHad atayed. . .. ~ unsuf'1'e ytd In IS3\) Cbicago \l'lIS the Browns .ore tpd poln.t 10. . Tt'Dch~. ·Tb. J tllke- It tbat tbe. chief adT.n up Let me &ea. fbere were of. IrQo .... ~n~ed the. aloDe ' a.,aJI)p. of loi whole a lind tne Clayton con. II... In- the heMet' .mas- Rnd In 1800. 903 P02t Offices;' In 1000 13· Amerlo " by the ..1D'. I.w <>f :., ,roir.- In soaking otber .'! tJcl'tion which tbe anlmaf. gJ~e , • th.t from Ume Immem orial post oi!lces; COO wilh teeth of pigs • "r ktio'Y them all. J grew up --m' '""'wn beariD.- hJ!m.ni~y: OD.,.rd · fro .. bro- k~l.. I find ,tbat the fed. conti a- th Ir h 'ld . Rusin ..... offic... have ... b D'd uv IOOIL become IIOre when I you appen to e e l ren. IIll ..... rrry ' I 0 hi Irb er aD d more ~I'- uonaly on bard 'cora. 'Vbell fed OD meet ~o Io 3cl storres. Mert ie lfedmo uU" oor oftt eoarae the I II! lif._ EO .. feet !>ecom teelJJ front New Yor'k'r~ porta in 1800. $I~ 000 · the beear, ar tbe '''hate'' did. I l18y I!.0uld . • f b hardly .ben it. •• at era certainl y ' ouated and tllapos- 50rc tbat they can i.ll l~OO: 1460.000.000, 000; She owY "C3reeJ' lie it al<r fed on dry came of tbat l - la nOJl~; 1600, ia ed Iellaed tbe red 10,1[. hut tb.". did not ne ~xcrementa 01"8Dhn eonsum ugar , "bout alter com "ooWn a large proP<>1'tion of 'nn- WIIS alo,yals tag-gin!! anpuaU y per capita. pollJlds 6S do.lt ia __ pl,:i' of r61!buy. . 1900. and arms uJl let. h~rHe eon. I boys. Th'. · u .. d' &t d'f.r and hllir. Should _-.,... ' I --oulil. u. ,& nppareD t I.... Colfee importe d In Il!OO, bOne; eof· Ilf' ~ , 1I@1D~u...... . ..... ; Ca ••,."'. ' Ca.... .... to tile most eunal obaern r. .' ". I' U t~ ll'Pporte~ in 10C.i>, ODO.COD,COO " fl'eckl. and tlil.t, at hair .... neil CO"", feed.n:lmed n, b<.eo bad . ceMltma we ar A C.lIlOdiln An Joo(-ye appoinled: to a lo,'ernln .nt. pls"e whicb lair .oor bones IIDd m'ulea ou ."'ked libe 'grew up n -fright, but· then pound... ....r.r, Of tbe clti ... having. o~er .. l00.00~ ta:bnicallr bad to be oe<lIpied ' by a lA... , money: " bad she Many Dl pia. beDcli i1""ld~ Th. _ ';Itn nOI corD wu wbieh Mr. CUly' ion, only 13 bn4 · ar po"~ pffice populnt l Theil the l'eg;11 cre:ltUN the fA'''" aot,iety, however; uade-too k to bllve B .Iclooa· halJi'l. of bolti,\1r Ihelr . 'in 1800. n,",ro" an ~;lh Ile~tr cxcnl!ed ri~d)y. faulty ha.ve dtrlate the teclilJia lilr, .lId appoinWl on. .. .anlmal -while 'oW TIl"·e al'e 82 e\tiee '<>-day la~e~ of lb.i. n1\m~r ' to """lIIiH him .1' t.o IriI t ... thj<wllich prevent tbeDl from craib- iugly formal. b"",r. lIod went .i n . ." l:Do..r:ed St of tbe "Wbue !a MerHe? "' lIl!ked the host- l.hau 1'Ie", York In• • hundred year. . "'-'.... .. .~~ ba .~ __ .... h\Vell, Ca.iey:;" Slici tht',<-f'D.IIliDa . "'.hat ..,., do :\,0111<00... ahoul lhe.lcf... aufn-I)' Y'" _ I. believ.e . ...,aie 6IITlng twenly per eQ- a mu.u.te loter.
De. KDf.w. '-"
, Tha ll'Olt agrlcal torlll ""hoo r_1 founded . at Hof"yl , Swilzer lanll, ia '1801r• . . Creat .BrItain .approp riates $1.500, 000 _ year· for the benefit of "lrricul. ~ tore. TUJ'JIjps nayer earne Info : prom. ·inenee, .... Ileld c:rop until aCter lb. middle of the 5e\'t!nt untb .centurv . • A gO¢ dairy co.... should be tbe ID'eat.es1. amonn t 01 milk three month. of c;Ildog. ~'l'he go ..ernmen ; utende d ito . lirst aiil to lIgrlcuJ llUe in I ~g 'by appr~p,... atlng' $1.000 for .malting vuiaus m ati. U.,. .ad distribu ting seeds :lad cut.tinp. For age,. ehjco.ry hllS held a place as. a food ' for botb man flDd beast. SoJDe nf Hs varietie s were reg:Lrded .. table delie,,.,iea by the BolDO.ll • otbe... wore employ ed for shup graz. l1l,g and . caLtl... feeding . In Europe It b .till one Of tbe leading late-sal :ad •• aod lis yOtlng l ea<ea In early spring are as higbJy estee.me d .. spinaeh .
'" • The politid'nn's ",ife "'''' .ta~ . " lOunli'be low .tai.... ·l"John,'~ tibe wed, "there'. & robber in ~ -t.he bouff-." _"The-hou ...;-- replied Jobn .• ''What'. the ~ ~"Ol'I"iI"That'I senate! matter. _Mlb the . Philadelphia Pre....
l'aken a t the appea,ra nce of . the filst 's Ymptom s of tbe grip; 1lO~ only Is Perona a prompt ' CUJ'e for. tjJe grip bu~ it preYeut s th~!:lisa& troos after-e1 fects 60 charact eristic . of tW ..dread diseaSe~ · . it. s pTeyent Qat grip the. curell ODlY Perona Dot e, epideml preaen.t this in save~ be will Tak~n.in time thousan ds of lives 01 ~erana . Every lamUy sliQuld \n1m tho. precaut ion. to ""care a. ""pply w;ted beexllo may edy the·rem of stock le wholesa :!Pot onee;' for tl,e retail alJd' . . it for demand us ' tl;c enormo · iU, 'g\1pat~ac~[5 · '. , It~ w;sdo1;D to have l'eruna in the honse e'len betOl'<) tbe to hoUseho ld. ~ ])CO'ple 'or . . it hru;·.bee n aseerl.a.iiled by a reporte r that the {O)fOWlD nIals' to testimo and ement end01'S pnblic given e .. ),a. ion nationa l repnPlt , grippe: la for r@led,. a as P.eru1l4 the for J'tIna takcn.PC ha~e "I 6IIJ'5: Coogres sman Howard . of Alabam a. . u i. grip alld recomm'e nd it as 3n e%eelle nt remedy to all fe\low-5u1ferens an be to Perona • . 'CoaA'J'CSlllD3n 'WWte, of North Carolina.. sa}"!;: "I find in my hnul y and they e"ceUen~ re:rnedy for the grip,. I have used it join IliCJn recomm ending it. ' .t' of J ndge · M ilOS Prances ~[. Anderso n, of Wuhiul ,.wn. rioC., dauihtP I took Ander60 n, of Virginia . says: "I w~ taken Tlery ill with the grip. .. Peruna aod was aole to lea ve my lJ~ d iD. a week." Benevol c:nt - Mci. Harri~tte A. S. lIlan;b. Preside nt of lhe Woman ',. &c,'eo. weeks. A-s soemtio n , of Cb[~, lm ~8 : ".1 sufferN l , vith grip 'VIl8 fally Nothing heJpe<jme. tried Peruna and within three weeks I reatored , S hnil never be without it agaln." stay _ At the apPelira nce of the first sympto ms of grip people should until the indoors and take 'Pernoa in small doses (teaspoo nful eTeryuBhotu:) sielm_ and s.l"mptom s disappe ar. This will preven t" long-, disllstro . pcrhap5 fatal results.
. mni«&n D8Dle?'t "l,ledm(Ont; of course.. One of the a." ' olilest famUie s lin Virgini "Yoo dOll' menu, say, not {hat lovely. O!lI J allw, or, d ......... look here, Elsie gtr'. a gUll? Jt you can:" fix iL "P drop_m e a line lind then Jook far "' me.-in th e tir r.~ ----"-----
&. . . . . . . .11
! •• re
.... wl ••• t. T....
We ... · U,. 01 Bel' Pre de-
. ""'e a.r. towe'D1lieth ee;rt-u'O' ",o""eA at laat. witb the dO\O'er of privileg e and ~poD4l'bmty w.hich. enriche s women in this wqDdc.rfuI e.rn. and 1 ha...,e no hesitati on in declarin g thot we arc more tortuDl lte than nny our~:p.vleces ow.., ll'rites Morgare L Eil!. I;"dies' Bome _Journa l. gmnilo;>otbera IUId . grent-gl '8bdmoth.,~ we"" handie.' lpped in thei .. a..,t_•.-. glHl.!.Qgo! by a t:housan il pre.judi ces caat.lto n tr,aditio nal rnlu, fl'om wbleb "T! emapcil 'at.ed. 'They bad oelth01ft' wide 8.~1d of ncth-ity nor our possibil ity of thoroug h prep.."a Uon for I,;Ie; they had not o'ut' 6trong heal·tb 001: On", Immnu ity from nel'V091 -trt-tati on. The heroioe s of the lotlk cold' if erpo6ed to IlMo,,·er.; . tl;ey .",uld no~ waDe ' o':er a frosty m.,..}ow beeause 'Of tlleir thJo kid Iho, .. 8D. """,e iato the hou ... muddy mOl'Jling's and bedrail! 'led lifter .tnuDp, which we woold take wilhau t 1.o oonyeni e.nce in 'our the and- fhiek boote.;~
, ,~--:...:....,-~ ~,......-,
aR~~'ME'.S ,
, - . . . • • " . •• - ., .' . /'. . . .~n
and .Blood .N",."" D.. rn U ,,Rente,dy .. V.·.....
Is' the 1Ir8atest .." IIiost Posit ive CU'~
.- ...
Iar ,nL _um,..4 ;"m I
. .. . . .,
. . Wor ld·. . . Eve r Known.
11<x;;C;;C;c;o[TlllIULUU(.] ~~=U
Guaranteed'· Purely •Vegetabla FOB THE CURE Of _
........ - - . . . - . ...... DNUIIrt "'---' ""Jf~ ~ ... :u...~""'! QIU........... .
--. ~,..---. JiIIi.l.n..
. . . . . . ·W....-TtW ltF.l'I''''"'' u ~
~~ ~~~=::;.= ....... -.~uac. J'alD"u..
wu." ............,..,.. E,lWpCM. II..... 'ftS . . ~
........ ~&..-
'" Ap,..u ... c:.ua,..
tI«lI._an . . . . .
. . . JrD.TOtIa nnmL
Wool Waists. New St,,:es;
,to 3.00
2·75 to S"·~S·
... Patterna. - -
Readv 'made Sheets -,'-and pmow Gases~
PIIJO~\' ta8~. 15c.
Sheets, SO to 6sc.
The best Vest Pants nero
The mills have done well by, tiS. shown, lor 25c . em:h.
Window Shades, Carpets, :;IIattinp . 0 iJ cloths. · This
Dep'.l~loent IS
finely stocked,
O ld Price.>.
- Golf Cares, J ~ckets, Petticoats,- fine Fall Lilies now showD. Sheeting; Shirting, while they last, at old .Prices. DB~Orr.
FO ••.• l ",ltJa To••• e . . . . . . 0 •• , We....... a.i 'ft~F A . ... we . ....
-j. du.lln llIr Dnli~e fas hion bet....een
Onoa~te Couri Jloue~.
Tile Dayton &' Xenia Traction Co. Btiw_ D.~" Lea<c Dayton '( ~, o O ". 1D ,
v.iJr. y aDd
, Le3 .... SprtnC \-aJlcy '; ...10 a.. m.
l S.v O
2~ 4';
U ve De!lbl'OO" &. 0 0 a.. m. 7.... ~ I I , ; ;;
, :!. Jr.
l-SO 1.'- m.
Bd lbroolr '
p ' J:l.
1'!.30 p. m. -
7.-1''; t i O. La
6 .:r~
~~" c n tlY'tn:l' d~ Xeo ln il t Belmont. .
..----r(J ca:r bott~ D"sto:1
;;.[ 0 10 .:.0 .. aad c ha.~ · c
o.o'ir .
Qm eJC "'at'! tt"Qhro~ r N,m. !;
\ " ",L "T bird Street. Yb,Jllip.3 UOU""'s do ndlnt . The raJon-to;;:, &Ime b~ t....~n IJc'I:-&bn .:.rul Sprl n " V.;illey 18 one hour :;;r Dd tlf~' e n mip · ~ let. ~D£ t bN;aEb 8elm')n l , Hf:J. ,'e r lo,",R • ..~Jlbrook and .ifacue.t1c SprloG'lS. L~.ftml tQ Sprin g V.tt-ey 15 [D Ues. f.u~ :!;)c..
i>a.rt OD to Re1Ibrook 1 ~ miles. (g, r l! :!D Cf'uLi p.tc.l~ 1.U~ t o un \13.Y c bool ...· P tcnics 1.114 other ~ .:.nUa.t1.0D.S. uJY.l 11 ,,-{,plleatfo n.
L I;.bt fteJ.:b t :;:,01.1 e 1:p:oo..$ Cllrrl ·
on all
ehali. n . t.:G:\; .
COBnectioii~ Are 600d via t!Je QC~!1 & C r . C~:1t Rout: and £"o~\i:c:rn Ri. . . f·.j
Florida, New Orkans, C lot>.>. ,.' ; California. All li n.:s I.t 01\<.1::, '~ nati and ~t Louisviile mak.e ~:t!~- j connections y.rith our f ast Um't : ~ trains which I.ave Cindnn~r. 8,:.; ~ a. m. and 3 p. m. Leave Lou?-sviil < ? ( So. Ry.) 7:';5 :1. m.and 7:45 p. n'l. ..
Frce Cb.tlr Coats at nlr'!tL p;:u1~r. C~ ;. ~Uon:t."t.1 CU. <:us (suvlte-,a h ~'"' . ~ {
.!J.y. E."(cene.:u Ihrcuzb iR·:vk~ o!4u,...;...!t • ""~I:Q PulIJUll SluJ"CfS O';dn~!I te Ctr.u- ~; W1ooca. Kn6xYfU.e:. AsM ...i!]~ S:rt't-;;M..'t. Atb.:lta.. Binntn~ ~ ~ :-..- ..., c-· lea"U. JAt-tcsoavUle,. T~C3 . S~. Au CUO'ic.. VkksbalT ..4Shn"~"" ;:
_ ~
c", •• • W ..Z1:LL.. Q . ~. 0.. .... Race aTW o • C UOI<HH "' ;'n. -r.
.. ~
TURKEY'S RESOURCES. "ee.... ' •• ". T ," •• A,~a.t ~t I. 0 •• 01 -1.~. Rlebut Coa~tl'.e. 'J. I ".-.~•• ,.
\-=. '
• • " ••104" . .... .t.. .......c, . ...
tJa.e Wortd.
Louisville oodNrl.shville QJrTIU~ Rail:r'oad rac _____ .... co." ..... ,
"iRAT BOC'TU• • U1JW'K' UX••
General PuoeD" • .A.elll,
IDUI8vrJ....a, To
_R~, , ~~~
Qen"'" I.-ml_". . aa4 laGllMt'l&l ~«Un.
_ • '. ,LOU~VlLLE,
DEc. lCm,
, ' W '1 Il p .lI"" 1\I,;I,( ! " l·S.
hav& too OWl)' ·LA.,S and c"nt prices 'to .reduce lItock,
. WE
. .F'ol'm.;'r Price
. B~lIfil .. 1 Parlor, ·Lamp ..:-:-........ :: •••~.~ ..... t3:50 . -
,Bilollllnt Lllmp (ooli2 ~~tt~ ....: ............. '2:50 .
. N<i. 3()(l. (1 only) ...................: .: .... : ... :..., 2:50
Special PriCIt.
. '2;75 2;ro
Library ' L.lllp ........ ... :.:... : : .. .......: .... :. :. ;:;-~'1.50
At XeDia yesterilay t hel'o 'Wo'! bold tlie first aunua.lmeeting of the LlttJe Miami Tmction- ClruWWy: This corupsny hns Qeen im1orporllted for the ~1tl'pose of bnilchng II. traction lfuo (TOm Sprin.?iIeld Ilnd Xenia ~ L'incinnnti. At yest~rdAy-'s meeling of the sr...)Cl.;holders. it WAS voted to incrense the ~pitnI stocl\ from $50,000 ro-~50,OOO . Tbefolll)\VjL~ am· celli were eleared: President" John P. Martin, ofXeiJia; ViooPresident, Wm. H. MnrJatt; Cleveland'; Treas· urer, Churlp,g Orr, Cleveland; Sec.retory ond Assilltnnt Treasnrer. &ierDl!ln J. Eit7..simwons, of Dc· 'troit. The oflloors of the COUlpllOY lU'e-for the pr~St'nt in Xenia and Hr. Fitzsimmons "Will rem~ve from Detroit t.o Xenia to be in the OffiCC3. W. D..Riddell,of'Xcutl. 'Wos elected Chief Enginoor. W . E . Ruttan and C. J. Christie were re clecletl on' the Boora· of Directors. The \'\Iork of buildipg the lint; between Springfield. and Xellin \'\Illl be beguu at onoe and too other }l!lrt .of the line into Cin · cinnnti by ~y ()f l.ebanon. King '" MIlls lIud Loveland Will be pushed a.s rnpidly 85 lK'ssible.- 'l'Ill:!Sdlly·s Enqulrer.-Thnt menns ni!. t{)o.
t~DlJlII ... ~ ... ..
1;00 .~
:., ........... .. : ..........··]:25 ... ..... ~
It Gh dlcs t h e O:obe. The fame of Bucklen's Arnico.&lve as Ihe best in the world extend ronDd the e:!.Tth. It·s the one pel'. fect bealer of ents. corn.... bruisfl!', bm:ns. sores.' scnJds. boils. ulcers. felons. aches, po iDs "ml alJ skin e uptioDS. . Only infullible Pile curc. 25, a box at Louis Mtty's,
oyem:mror V63p.l.'liiLtI in · th~ ye:tt 72. In it Ohristians were killed by Wile! .bcJl!;ts; it would _ t 12:;,000 IJeOp1e, th~ WILlis nrc still 8tandiOC. Wfl could. scqthe . o41 ~waU aroDDd Rome which ' was built before ChriBt. We 'Went down into one of tbe catacombs '"IVhe~e ' the Cllristinns _ bID'jed their dood in tho time of the . O..eJ:l.r8; it is from si.1:ty to a' hon- , dred feet under the gronnd ~d has 3.800 streets, thc graves OJl each ".id~ irf the rood; could '!too the boneS lying ulL nround. Threo Anierioons went' do\'\'Ii in U once and gof lost and it took five days to find them . We could See Vesuviu.e from the ship at NaplCll tbrowing ' fire allil l[1.v& 600 feet mto the air. Here ~om ilie hip'!;; deck ' we ' ~ look Ull iota the monntaiJ:!!lllJld see thd s now, bnt· it is warm enoUgh bere to go. 'barefoot. I send yoa, one 0: . pictures, it is not "'crY go6il, I am going to ha,e othera taken. Well I m.n cl03e for thlll time, W1I:lISTZR P AlUtD.
------_.-. ..------
Havinir a Great Run on Cnamb9r: lain' s Cona'h Remedy. . Manager Milrtin, of the .PiEin.OIl Qr.ug store. informs tIS that he is haT· 1\ great run on Chnmbar18m 'lI Cough RemIidY. HeselleJise l10ttJes of that. medicine t-t, one any other ~ and it gi"es grent.satillfaciion. In thesc.dllYs of lab'Ti,ppe there ill noth· ing like ChambOlJain'S Clnah Rem· edy fo stop the coug1l, heal up the sore throll:t nnu ltmgs and give rOo lief within a very sll.ort · time, The enles I&rC growing, and.all who trr U nre pleasep Wltll its prompt !lotlon. - Soct.h. Cbicngo Daily Calumot For sale by Louis MRy, Druggts ..
.. .
8crjptjo::'l., ... 'S:eI;l~. . :"
Con2h Syrup Cold: n!;
.at.a small 1('~st .and the' aggre~at~ '~i11 ~
}4et:t1ie' ()I~ ~
f .
__ •
. '
,. about as near perfection.as SO,..m
·of Ump-Makmg can attalll til.. h bu ..... !terose.,e. and glves.a powerful. clear. while Ii&~t. and will Dei\her blow Dor lar' out. When out clrivlor WIlla· ~\be darlmcss eui1y keeps about two hundred feet ahead of your smarteIt borse. When you wanl \be very bMl ' OrIv!nr . Lamp to be had. uIt. JOUI' dealer for the ••Dietz. ,L • . We Issue _ special GaurOCUtj of tIda lamp. 'f- 1011 ever' prow' aI1IUDtI aIIer IIIChl-fall II will Interlll ,... . • 'T!- malled free. '
GA~~rii: sq~utr~ly . ~li a -spIen: .. .. , _ ,_. ..:.~. '. ~J Ztr:~eIllAD
.Blown to A toms; , .The old idea. that t.he body rome· times needs n poW'Orful, drustic-. I)UT. ,iative pill h'U! been eXploded.; for Dr. King's 'New bue Pills are per. "
60 ~ 8t.,NewYork.
E",erYYCi\r ~ IIl>:ge nU-llilber of poor whose lun~ ar.e.50re.'and . rtt.cltetl with coughs are urged to &0 t~unoiher climate. Bnt ~h.19 iscosil.Y Ina not ,i1wn-s s nre. D-.l:J.·t helin ,,,.:, 'ile when Dr. Killg s , ew Discovery Cor U01islllB1.tion will cure you.a* i;t1.ffBTB~
home. 11','5 tihe most inf"lljble medi. ain-sfor.Coughs, Colds and all Throat bniig Di.s()tL.~ (In E.r.cl:'u. !I'he' l\rin~ ,reJief . _AinonUllin · result from persist-ent use. TrI . b 1tIes fn.'€ at LOlli~ M!lY'I!. Price ~.o~(lnd ~1. KVS1'y bottIe ~~~toed•
.Tonuazy lDtb, i!ublio lllile- of Knt. ADDie ·.T horpe·s .Barnett· farm- &nd
'lv aynesvjl\e residence. ,.
"When alIe'f" , . . . .7 u • llDnel,.
AlIef lb ....... tr..'!!. .. a lark. ,Neve.r,a ,claY but 10m. iDIollte F We.md bet~dl\riI ... an4aark!!' . .' -, -. . ADo'"
W81 b~er. iat~ . '.,d, (ii:.rlil!(l8 ) be most ·a.M urd-.the .. eadog · ofI.JCl.UD'ded g as8es~ ~lIe ':bad enjOyed ~e brlel pleasure at many ~oluofar1 iuul opcuaary 'J'xpe.rlencel. Sbe" was to JIe .ure-.-'pre~terouaJ1 · to wear II gown tbat came- to ankles.- Her youl~ be io exteouaUon of' bel' ioliulg. In cR.pd.cea. .That Is If Cunctory explaoatlon ~s auired. . A gI rl bariog aq erect.Y~Dg form mold· etl.j·o tb. pr~lent eurves ot'graeloua wom.aobooil, eyea tbe blue of "ragged' robliu!," and bafr' whleb. l1l/e that of Milea Halplo,,'. JeBDoette, wel\. .
lJr; 'tlt.~.,u
Dr. L!~ .....uyo Jora.,n; Modical Examine. 0' U. -s. rnaSOO' l>ei>-trtmeat. ar'duale 01 Columbia College, aDd "'ho Bened . Ib ... JI!!l1'I! at 'W on- l'oinl, hll Ibe' follOWing to ..y of Peruca: .. to my p1It'tudE
UA. .Uk4!D and beauUfQl anan!::
paclly or jbe round .• Uo' Jj greater la propo~tlon to the wall space. It 11th.' present vroetice" wll~n buihllog • .quare q.r rectangula"- 110, to board up Of ' otbeJ;W'lse- cut olf- tbe ' corner.. ibna ' leueolog the danger of. 10" Iilage. 3:letal linlogsfur tbe "'oode~ £liol have been tried. but witb poor IDce~lI.usually provlog less d uro able tharn wood, 'Recently III"el'.idll18 hai been lued in pi lice of wood for tho parl 'of the n'all of tbe eilo., loa it is said til compare fnorably wltll lumber.,. t o (ID.-f. '.. " The lint 11101 builtin tbe Unite'; States. were "pi~ ailo'i.D and 'tJi«e ~tlll-.oindlme" made, bul, aside IrolD tbtl.,. e b.,a po ..., they bue uo adun· tage 01 CDouqu'eoce' oyer tbo e buill on top of the,' grouod. .-\ ",rioul ol>jeelioD to them lies in the dUliculty io feediog tbe IUage from t b=;- 00 sIde· hlU II.tuatloll' fbey cao ao~timea bf uled ad'·I.olageou.I!'. Jt i. ottell po. to build tbe partly below and p.ntly albo~e gTonod. lila terlally I~ eolug tbe cost., but retaIDlog' tbe ad; "Iota ... of Ibe abo .....ground otlo. The de"l rabllity o~ oil age QI. '8 food (or farm anlmals during the winter, Illd .lso io timu of drougbt. bas I~ to many aUemllts to eonlt rue!. .,!lup ,UOI, ...p.ci.lIl' In aedJ on• .,.-bere buUd. log maftonals are higb. OOt:' of lh' most ' .a lli la~tory of lbe~" "heap .true· t o rea Is lenown .. I be ,",tue sUo." II Ia built much as 0 round taolr, but . '~Itboot lop or ,bottom otber ·t.ban lb. !oil, a,o d I. composed of t\fo'io~h lum· bel' o{ Tarying ",{atli held to,gether bI boops of hilf·loch il'Gb, \~.t lh .uilable blollb 1••1' Ugh-leoloS'.. Whell "lined, a temporary roof may be placed on the olio, or I.traw or gu.s may b~ Ipread o,'cr the sil'-ge.. .
~?~=~IIe~MfIt cleftYed tIIo from remedy. : forth. vast and ,' ..yse:fa
rt ~ OnC! clwl~
monllu 5ufferlnr. Fellow aUfferen, Peruftl will Cure YOll." . catarrh II • sr •• mill -dioea.., """Ibl.
only by 'r.~.Ii<: trealmenl. ~ rem.df thai cu[el calArrh mU" .im d. rect1l II the d.p..-d o,ne .mten. Thi. i, whal Peruna does. Perun immodial<l~ invigor ales tbe nerve-ceolen ·... h ieb giT" ..Ita'it)· to the mucoua membrll>eI. Then calalTh d~ appear.. Th.n catarrb i. po.rmoneolly wrod Peraoa . curn catarrh ""bere\"er located P'NDa 'is 'not • IUHI Ilor an ~:s:paiment-il ia ....&oolule acientifi.e «rt ..int)'. P.ron. b.. DO ut..ti luu.-no riYaII. Idiot UpOD bo"101 Perou, . , A free book wrltu. by Dr. Hartman. oil tile aubJect of catarrh In It5 differeftt pbue&aad 5tares, will be &ent fr« to aay ....dresa by 'f'be Peruna MedldIIe Co., CoI_b .... Obfo.
sun.!y needl apol(!1D" nO more ilum tl1e wine of whieb.Jlo~all~ mtlkes.mentloo in bel' delicioUS epilogue needsa busb. Sbe beg~d . tbe ·fam;ly dentist to Jlud a place in ooe o.t heT perfect froot teeth ...b .... be' mJght insert gold, be· caul e it "look.d pr.Jty ... · Sb~ bad taken up' mGny ne'\'. moo..' or drefSL-()$9 ·· OF APPETITE perbops becauI'; Ihe looked ",.n io aoythiog. Sbe bad gone ~~ rougb· aue· ce"he sta~es of .phSslcal exer,ron adI clally eous lde.red-er.,qud; tennil~Dd otber milil ·djuipaUoDS. Sbe wore hu ball' a LA Chionois, • I. Pompadou~ .n~ rfc.r .tDO'5e a I. Ihe' almood·eyed damsel of tlur of tbe cherry bloSJIom. Wbe.n,It "'8&' just the thiog to ....ear Juuoty "You won't have ' 10 weal' them glasses. ha.... ng.. D den~r 'gold p.baIn again," be la ugbt'd. "They were spIra· liuachtd to the bodice, or looped lPaek . ,nnder tbe wbeel.- wbere tbey 10 'merge It.e'-f ,Iectirely. in' on~'1 ball'. nul-Loralne~ . Wby would, you tbe ··chill of exclusioo po.seRed hn-. oat ret'ogni7.e me wben I got bliek from She couldn', weal' eyeglasses. H~r the nortl!-? I .topped YO!J 00 Dearbon sigbt ..-as too 'ridlculo,!"l)' gooo., Ko street. You beld your hp-ad niy higb. ooe would beU,e\'e· ber-not ....en her '1 am oot aequaiuled wilb you, sir,' ertdulous motber forwbom herdaugh· you uld, Dnd pa ned on," t('r'. every whlm " ' as a fr('sh "Did 1 aay that-~oyou?" is an important aymptom of KidDe Bllt It was too liadl .The glalns "Ind('ed you ·did." . Trouble whicb .is frequenUyoverlooked Pain in the back. 5Caldiog ,u,rine; ner dilltinclly becomIng. 'Mary McC[l!II "W.11I" · _Sbe set u)l, clupiog bfr VOUSO,es8 aod general debility also IrDS 20 times better l(!<IkJug since alie ' ~Sbe dre.. a 10llg breath. "Wa, e&te the preseuce of this deadly bad found It I(d1'llable to ·aJI'ect tbem. mustache-or the gla sea-or If"'y of these symptoms arc prosen . . h_-' l'bey gave .olle a Ut ....aQ" loo~-at all You 1I00w I'd .oe\,er:'-her ..ye4 let a quautlty of nriDe void· d in th. No other, medicine 'in the world has received such wldest"WMA neots a look of aloofo.ll>-an all"of ,"-e .i!ntence her lip. haif~ mom;ng. stand for r2 bours audlook Co aDd unqualified' ~dorsement. .: . : .'~ . di.tinetioo. Wbywasn't!lhe far-cight· guo, '_ ledfroent jn' ~ttom of vessel. No otller mediCine h~s 5~ch a record of cures of female trCiubles td, 'o r near:slgbled, or aftlief.d ",Jlh "Wouldn't you1~ eagtrly. He wa 00 'D elay is Catal. Don't wait. lAw.' tlaC' ••••• Ilstig,untlsm. or JD . any ",ay so lW1h· bi&- KDee. beside tbe druggist's lounge. .ouo".. B.r th,e law of the. roiuJ is IDeallt -or sucll hosts '~( gfaieful iric'nds, looed that a paIr ohlml ... gJoI..s_ad. "If Sou ooly knew how T've sull'e1'..d-" those rtIle3 aoil regulatioos est31>Do not be persuaded that any e.ther !Dedicine is )'llSt as good. j UBted o,'er her straight · lUile · no.e "Don·t.T, tbougb? You dea....:.·; . ,,-ould ndd to ber 'aUrn.e tlon? .' Sbe "BegpUdOQ!" Tbeonlgg;1l retreat· ' 1i11i~ ,.),. the eonltol .nd guidance Any dealer who ~b you to buy something else when. you go into u[oac1Jed 11,,1' diftl.c ulty lober motb ..:' ed hastily' from ~ be doorway. "The of pet'$(lDS ",bUe wdJlg the 1dghwII.Y ri1 <'Ure any case of kidney trouble au~ &8 diatioguishe.il frem.. the great body the sy.mptoms arising therelrom undeJ his store puwosc:1y to buy Lyclia E. Pinkham's Vcge. table Compound; "We }}ut 011' weariog glassrs as long young lady YOIl rescu.d, oir-" . n, 't'e could in our youlIg_doy.," .re· "lias quite r.ec.>vered. thank you. of law "",oeemlog roads and GRee':'. .1 ,so foneit by . a resporu;ible COIDpaIlf. bas no interest your C3ljC: lIe is merely trying to sell you some· t\J1'1leu h er confidaot.. "We thougbt Will you tall a cab? Talre my arm, In tbe Unitei1 Stlltel!> the !a,.. of tbe 'l'hia ia a bou&-lide offer. .t hrig on which -he can make a larger! pIOfit. He does :10,t c:;i:e doillg so iodicnt"d Dge. My great· dear: as it your sight-" . road requires that 'PerSoDS "'ith ve· .0010, KE..! I'nIOKT, 11iDIAlfA Al~1I graodmolb('r e ould t hread a needle Her radil4lt gaze laugh.d back bIs blclet! ..-llen meeting 011 tbe .. hlgbway WOES'!' VlaGll'llA whetber you -get well or'1'lot, 50 long he ~_ make a little more with D h.ir from my b.nd "'lien sb. quizzlcal.glance. . shall drive theil' re"pectl~e "ebicl~8 ,..,. __ ., IUDoll___ .. ...w.r__ .... - ....... -money out of ;,- 'ur sickness. If b~ '~isbed you. well he ' would was 70." . . "Row can you like ,·.liI girls?" ahe to the rigbt sUfficiently to a.IlolV tbeJD , • . 'fhe accompllsbment of tbis xen.r· wblapned. .' tQ ':Paaa : ...."b· other wltbout Interfer· without hesitation ,hand you the medjcme you ask f~r. and which- he oble QlJce~tQr fa;led to 10teTe6.t Loraioe. "J aoo't!" (promptly). "1 onJy like ence. aud when passlng . anothrT ve· !mows is the be:;t 'Woman's .medic4ie in the world Apart -from her faocy for lads alfe -...01 onl!! .,Alid I don't like b':r! " . anoer J" required to turn to tbe left, :Follow the reeo,nl of .this . medicine, :rod remember thaf t.hese A fery .posible glt'L 'l'lIe -nmar'k 'if 0 fnmo.us wit and to • eer~ .hicle go;og in tbe a'nd. the .peraon. in same iront dlrectioo Is Jorbl!lden thousands of cure; of \vomen whose letters are'cpostantly printed tain Io.,ely I referred t o iDterlere ~iih the one In the rear passiog iif the<ioad is auftleleutJy wide • thIS' paper were 'no,t b.r.'ought a""ut by" something els.e," but b... 10 ber: "For locb a . ,·.,.....'1"••• JD ."" J an you ' haTe, really Wod< PI .....ot .,.. O_".oldl, for, one 't o, pa.... 1;hia " tbe . gene~ are · pills, Sbe did tbe work of "'';.r yu~ A.o. nile tbl'ollghoul the United Sfatea. Yellow Tablets, and sell at fifty tI. law office wher~ aCUJnen and en"",•• &ud ta u liuolly mRb~i.bed by statute.. cents a box at drug store&. ,... ...., W--.'e ........ "". WofDM'e ...... jodgmen.t we~e requi~": Her peollod. wruch ""ry sli.ghtly io fh';r wording. 010"" .0;"10• • CO~ .~III".I'1.LO 0. Those women' who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded i.nk nod ebarcoal 'sketehes found ad. But·-th.. Ame rule. pnY8,j1& ill tbe abo a lnuidred thousand times, for they get whit- they .w~nt - a cure. mlrel'!! and buyers. Tbe manal~ri,ent. ~nu of a atBtnl'e. Mol,'alto the medicine traat you IaJow. is Best. _ , ! o! Ue household, . while ~omioa:lJy control of ber mother, lay fober o..:n reJt;oring alt'}lller, capable, b80ds, ,,Alld eT en.1he I, ",.. a,,,._ health than a fio~ nel ghtKlrs admitted that tbe ..ay she· tbree small brothers .. n· an say wi~ut II wj 1 'lIlllo,~llDee ·temarJtable ebiefly for it. It ill, to _ . ·:~ropo"tion._ waa r.e~raor-
/Jill. E. PlIIIdJanJ'. fI.getable t;:Omptljlnd, stick
When a medlclne has been successful in to more million women, cannot well trying it, I do not ·be ieve- .I.t 11 help me. If r.u .a re do not-.hesltate a bottie of Lyd14 , • Pinkham's Vegetable ~m~und at !I~:r[.;veo'f r:en to the matloeeDDc; Foci,welrful onee, and Wilte Mrs. Mass., for siliee I. stllrfed saviog to .~d Bo9bl~ ..,cd" _advke. It Is to tbe 'Atbletic club," abe a .. ured her· •• :1. - "And a. for .glo;.,..,...!. b."en' t' anyl • So-l-_think-I.'Q buy a
She meaut .
• .
glalse_not gl.oyea, the '
SKINTORTURES And every Distressing Irritatio~ of the Skin and Scalp Instantly' Relieved by a Bath with
tJCura ~
••• .I.
I ,fiftr;,.~,
In Printz BuUding.
Opposlt; Wl3ml Holl~.
sew lIfte . . . . . . . . . . _ . __ ... ~
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lI~. . . . tII
tliat bOl?ftuUy to hla j!r1s to to see: rus loldler bOy, An.d· found bUIY with the Budaen orde..... r eceued not (en I\linutea~ before t h ei... coptlng In broad tla.llight, at hi. ;'oJl!lelal 'l SOmething iIl>Buttelgh'. almOllt trem· "uk, h. tb'e J:'l"eseuce an] h earl ug of UlOU8 anxiety &0 g.;t that money in oftleera, cnutanB and ~cnlistcd men, 88 the mOl;,n,lIg, bl. ll-dlsgolsed ch..g..lo the soldier lawvers ' "ould have It, at Folsom'. refu$al. BOmething iii the a atoil' offic.i"l of bigh ra nk hud been eogerness with "bleh, despite the t'ueowbld e~ .b) 8 M J;olry subaltern, IUId rious denu1Iciation of the moment bet hat sah~tl;rn, of all otbers. Ibe ooly 101"'8, he jumped at Fo/lloll\'s 01l'er to bro ther of Folaom'$ fair guest, ;Jesaie put up the peeded mouey if he woald Dean-the. boy wbo had sa, ed tbe withhold the tlu;eate,ned eharge_all lins of Fo160m'. 80n and Ws son.'s im- cam beck to t he veleren now and 1",rlleiL bOUJ;ehold, ond bad thereby ell ' had continued to keep him thinking cleared Wmself to h im n. had no other dnrmg the night. Could it be yuung s01dier 10 tbe sen .ce. And nnw. Burleigh st-ood i o n eed of aU whnt fate "as stariug Illm III tlle money to cover other sum. fa 'e? Rclc"sed frOID nrrest but n day llad miaapplled? Could It be f>r so beforc upon appeal of the am. hod planned this fiUdden sellOlnll ce r "hom he hnil so sOOtl thereafter young Dean on n de~perate ~tolently as'Snalted, ~fn J"Sbnll Denn r~venge that be cou ld not hail committ.d one o f the grmcst . clally? Tbere '~·ere.lroops ot ""mes against the proviSIOns of the !l"elng forward In s tTong JUutiny oct. Wjthout " nrrant or In the week. Thcre were eu":,e he had struck threlltened aB' cer a ",thin call. II Ilozen of 83.ul..teo, etc.• n,.. superior officer, t who ,~o .." ... ' ''' h b a d d one now h e.re n e Bt" wos In the. discharge of his dllty at , amount of fie ld- se"lce perfor med the time. "0 matl e r what the prov- ', by Denn He, .. t roop collllDander ""alion-aOl! in t hiS ~n8C it ,.ould be just in f-rom long and tOIlsome. " eM gro sly inadequate-there eould 'l mare~es and from perilous duty, hail be o'nIJ one 8c!'lence-summary eli. pracllcally ~n relie>ed from th e missal from tbe arJOY Jost as .u .... command of rus troop, told to take ten as shooting. If BurleIgh preferred men and ':tln t~e ganLlet brougb e"argra that boy" ns ruined. th e swarmi ng SIOU~. The more. Foi· And fonr montal bours that afternoon ~om thought the more he believed It look ed o~ thougb 1I0thmg co uld boid L11O.t be had gro,e reason for hiS sus· nUlleigh's hand. '1 he mati "ns 11\·.d I plc.on. and re"son equally grave for '\l th w.ath. ["irst he " onltl ba'e the , cnlllng ou the qu.rterIll8 st~r fo r ex· ) otmgs ter's blood ond tb e n he'd d ... : planation. He rellched the corrnl nuss blm. FolBo;" pOinted out that I gate. It W88 locked, but a Iit~l e bo couldn·t well do botb, anti by h,o postern in the stockade let . hUD (/~Iock It s immered do ' va to II demond t hrougb. One or t \\ O sleepy haDds for lOstant cou~t-warti8 L Burle.gh appeared about the ,tablrs. but the "rQt e a fUTlous telegram to Omaha. oillee w.s deserted. Strulght to Bur· lIe bad b een murderousl~ a ssaulted in leigh's qua~ters he " 'ent uud banged h'8 Qm~e by L ,.ut,.DeaJl. lIe dcmand. at the tloor It 1001. lbree bap&"" ed hil hnm~diate arrel!tand Irlal. 1'01; to bring a SCf\ ant. 80m pleadell "ith him to withhoid It. "'r "ish lo see )oor mas ter at onee. . F.,ery pusslble amende would he made, Tcll hlID 1 am here," ond os tI'e Ker \)ut no!, Indeed, not nntil nearly fOIrl" alit .lowly shambled the o'c1()(:k could Folsum succeed in Ihe Folsom enlered the sillt i"g··rooJli: lab"! Tesort at his d, sposlII. At tbat ~esk near th~ wmdow _bour he hnd lent the 'Iuartermaster .ts c01ltents bttered about. d rn,v. '15,~ on h. uoimior.cd uote of hand , era In II heaty boukcase '" ere ol,en a ll c(tndltion {bat no p roceed,"!.", \\llllt- nnd pape"" "ere stre""n upon tb~ e'er r.houJd be taken oglUnst ;\lr Deno floor Tbe fold.ng Jloors to Ihe dm· F-;'lslJul "'uarllnteemg that' e,er; Jog rOOln " ere opel). Decanten;, gol>aml'nd" should be mnde !lUlL (air arb!. lets. c.gur .tumps and heel tops we~e tra t uato could pOSSIbly alCtot~. Dc scattered 0<"1' lobe table. ' G~est or bod ,,_en gone alone to the bank aJllI bost, or bot~: had left tllIngs ID riot\)rollght tbe cash ou Bnrie.gh·K ous shape. Ibe1l d~"m. cnme the Ben!!!ntotlon fbat It migbt burt his cl"edlt an t. 0 seared look ill h,s eyes. "Tb . .18n.'t i n,~. . H'IS b e~1 10 appear 08 a borrower . De bad ",en • e major p lcllgi'd hjs wom that the tronSllchoo ba8n t been ?ce~p' ed-,. nn ~~e captam ~ 6110ulll be kept 1;)eiween them.,,"cs. g ODe, rb.err lImlorlJlll nr~ there, And t h.en tbere bad been a s.ene 'Kith tbough. . th~t drtlnkeo "retcb Ne" hnll What Fne IDlnut.. loter, on a ~rrowe(l po£slhlp hold bad he on Burleigh that norse, Joh~ Folsom \VB. galloPJDg like be sbould lJe 01101\ pd 10 tlOme reelmg mad (or h.s home. A door in tl~. nnd stomung 1010 the office and de. high board Ience at the rear of hi. J1Illllding mo.ney. and lots of mooeJ- ~ouse shot .open just. as b e was dart· th, K. 100, >D the p resence o( tolal 109 throllgb tbe l~ne that led to tbe lit ran:;er.? And DlJrlt'Jgh hail actunl. stable. A \\oman s form nppt>ared in I [IBId Lim tben and there some hUfl' tbe gup-the la .t tbiDg that- be saw Hr~ds of <Iollars, to t he slupdnction ot for 0 dozen ho~s, for the horse Kbled the fello\\-\\ ho bod come for a row. >lolc oUy. hurlil1g tbe r.der bead long • tb the ground. ~~'I 'ot}l,!n.,go:o e
~~if~~~~~~7.~~~~~~7:~~. i their lealler,
Cla .........
c:-..... ' •••• 4 JIaa. c ••ia".,
Motb.r "'11-)" Io-.... bicb . the arhltQCo rlcy"bas been alrecled by HIe progreaa of the cenlun has been not precisely In mibners or monl. Idn tbjttDlerIIl!dlate count"lj ~ bleb l1ts on the dn line bet.. een manne,. Aad moral a, L~-:r---.!::========~~:===::;::===:!.-:-----_.J soy. the London' Ne.... )("'pe"., ~ • ~ atrlct!y speaking, 'h&.. ~ perhapsra1ber n~t, _ .clgh~room re.ldence .njfe~ti! bemg democratized. The will co.t $2,200. Tbe aize of paratoteJy bo~lng.1Illd cur.lleylDgs of tbt lor I. lit teet 6 Inchu ; IQlchen, l2,,12 old ""hoo~.ad th~ elaborate modes of reet 6 ineh.&: 'chombers, ISY.,x14 feet, ~~eeh wrucb appeal" In tbe novels of 9Y.,xH.feet., 9~XlO t•.,t, 9x12 feet, and tbe day have disappeared. In 1801 a a:co'e 8Jr9 feet. Batbroom. ~x9 f.et gentleman Dner ....Iked witb 'a lady The f"oundatlon Is of rubble otoDe. will!ou~ givintrher hIs.rm. An amu.s'· The upper structure IS firmly built, Ing caricature 8bo ..s a dandy under with 2xt .tud., -fence-floor sb.atbing tbue cireumstlLDces retuJ"Jling trom siulng' and well protected rrom' col<1 the i,'1"ut revie,... In Hyde Park tbot ond heaf by b ••iol;" rno tbickn..... ) eDr. Tbere j» a " ilownpour of rain. of tar paper. The jolm are 2>:10 feel, ..."d he-bolda a. bi.g~ ulDbrella. 88 big.. 16 inches on centers; rafters, 2>:6 a small t~t, ,u"ported by a loog pole, Inches, 18 Incb .. on centers : wall In two hands, wbtle two nymJ>b6 in '"" ,' AII~. 2x10 incb."; broken joists \\ell "'hot- ....e . hoald DO.- call e ...aingdre• • , ancho~d to SI.oD' \\all. <\11 1I00rs are ooc "lIh a plume of ostrich feathers dOUble, "lth felt paper bel"een The and the otberwilb anelaborotekindof .blnglea for the roof are or r.d cedar; turbao on tbeir heads. wblle their ond "indoll S orp to bave s a sh "ord 1\ bite BtocJring~ and sandal. or poumps .nd ".Ights. AmeTlcan gla ••• doubl. are bedabbled "ith mud, eacb bold. thick, free from de1e<:ts Doors are 2 iog up the aklrt of ber d r ess 011 Ibe feet S Inches by 7 f.et. Tbe front lefl arm bang "' ith Ibe rlgbt arm 'l"ith door panel boo be~el ed plate gl ..... tall weight, one on neh ann of Ihe Tbe caning needed is composition. beau. Dul Ibough mann~n .-ere elab- All gutters, naC)', ftOlhlog. hipS, or.Jte tb.y .... ere 1;)y no mean> reilaed. down spout., etc. are of beavy un . Tbe priocp. regent. witb hls 18 mi . · Tbe parlor nnd diDlng·room are fin· tres&es, ftve of them fa mous. i.ofcours. '·h.d in r-ed oak. nil other fioish b.lng no rea] cri t erIon of the moral. or maD" ne .. of the age. King. and heirs appar.ot b ... ah.... y. been recognized to he a~ mucb abo~e the I ..... of "eltUal moralitJ 80 those . of grammar. Ex· cept uoder a female so, ereign a moral court bu been uolmown. There i•. bow. ""r. no doubt Ibat tbe public .tondard of morality amoog tbe upper PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR. teo bu been rai.ed during tbe oemury. It ..as Ibe falbloU'"of th" ... hlgs ond Fox to 'sne er nl Pitt beoauu be ditl not mt!nt J6 dhided into c:oairoom, furn ..~ rOOlD. fruilroom. laundry and 8tOM,'Uo arter lib nti"bbor'a wHe IKlr • ...-a, room. eacb close I being : ronded Witts witb hIS nelgbbor's daughter. YeteveD dra" ers and sbelyea. The arc-nlVay.. Pitt. wbeo prime minIster, in bls plac. will have wood pillara. The kitcber, in Ihe' hou e Df commons is reported to bu" oddl'e...d tbe 'speaker In the plu. ral. bec"1>se be saw nol one lIr. Speak· er, bnt t .. o: and. a(~r cracking a boltIe <>f por t in hil o .... n hOWie, cracked two more " ith tbe treuorer o( Ihe nf\V)" io Dellamy'.. th. refreshment room or the bou"" of commons; wbU. 1)oe of bi chid orat..rical elror1& "'0.5 m.de In Ihe Internl or pa~lJY.. ms l uch • .. now pTOllueed b) a cbonnel steonler III a choppT ua. i, a nOI~d ~ tor~ ho ... Pill . .. itb the lord chaotelJor and ilODEL l>fODJ;;RX RESIDENCE tbe tr.~.ur.r of lbt! na.,·y. returning home after d inner and fin ni ng a toll f,l'orgm l,ioe. All trim 15 Oni. hed gale open . ga llope.d Ibrongh without with bard 011 ,aro i.b. The extenor paying 1011. aod Ibe turnpike keeper of tbe hous" 1& pllInted tore. coals, Ored hl$ blunderbuu (dinner W8B tb.en the last eoat being ,,'lute, "Itb trim· 3t1 a(l4'rDOOn fUDcti on~ ..t Ib~m. And JOings of gray. The tlO pip.s (or furtbe t"le "as lold : hacc mUlt be pl&ced 10 po.,Uon b) How a 8 Pitt wan(h:m clarkllng cOer t.b~ the contractor. The roughlng 1n pipeS. ploln. ror th e bathroom are a U to be ferRD re.ason drownc'" In J e.n klnlon·. cham· cl.b.d and to be placed in poSItion pape. ruJrtIc'a band (but rlllbteous faie wllb· Tbe "eranda floors O-e pluntel three llood, coats. Ye:ll>w preM bTl~k .s used for Heel .heII a prtJl>le"alora robber'. bloocl. eblmDeya Yf here they abow aboTe 1. 1~ T.b~ Frencb' war. ~ closing tbe coun· root. The cBppiug IS to be done ,vlth Irs todaret and KubStilnting,the beuy ce meot p Ja!iite r lind drugged ' dooes or port. made a Tbe "ainscoli ng In bathroom anel tbree·bou le man )0 I 1 ... more ror· .t~hen I. fite feet higb . cem enL pi ns· batbroom • .tId p8Dtl.~ fioors Rre of m ul able bero than the 5t ..l""ma1l, who. ler. .~ Il r o oms a r e p lut.ere d, t,\O maple 11 hen Fox ",.as ;rou0l'. "'Eailed on seal ccal5, fir sillng to be a put t) coa t. 'l'b . attic is of good sr.e. and 'W.II or claret from one om"iet h.,.en to .... \\"eJ! apphed. A U (rames must b e be found uE.eful 8S n storeroom.. other." aa goul cnrried ol'llb.lr preile· pnmed at mill beYo r e b.'ng <'.livered GEORGE A." KINTZ. ce ~ or... And FaDny "Burlley reporl& bow the d uke of CI ....ence. bannl: dlI,ed • ...itb tbe ldDg,ou bie birthda). came Dod KIRRORS IN THE HOME, RUNNING A FURNACE. looked in on Ibe lad .... 01 thehcuoehold hnlng tbelr dinoel'. Dnd aaked It Ibey fte7 Are :'101 0.17 DeeoraU..-e. :Co. M.e1t. ot a Trlek Pro'l"hled 0'11. bad cronk to Ibe king', healtb. and. 't'1te-,. AI ....... er._~. 8erJDln.-'y. K ......... .Io.t Ho,", II) U ..... e be.ng aDi ....ered: "No, bOI he migbt tbe 81_e 01. lloo ... .~ Ir e-Dox aad Yue l. make them." be acl.im"d : '·Oh. by <lod. I ,, 1Il ! Here. ~ou (to the fool· Th ••iwof .. roo:n maJ seem to be Th e rollo\~hl g dJtt:ctio Jls ado ru$cd to man). briDg cbampagne. I'll drink tbe .nere".ed }>y menu. of mirrors " sed those" ho take ('are of th ., r own botking-'s hulth ~in, if rdle for it. Ye.. judJcious lJ. A dIDmg-roo1U of stnail llir f urnace !!' are @1ven al the end of au I b."e done p ... tty well alrudy. So dilllensio¥ had a lUlrror so placed urtie l" on tn ~ oll bJect b, T :.; Thomp b81 Ibe king, I promise you. 1 he]je~e that It reflect ed the one \nn dow In the son, ID SCi t' Dt't and Indust r.): hi. majerty was never faken ~ uch good room. The vie " was charm.ng. and K !'ep t h e fllrn ace cle.1 D oU1Qd e aEl d ear. !,f betore. We have ,kept up hi. \\;<1> the refl ecl lon of the Wlrror It iu sic,!! ] t IS P3It of tn-e hous ~ . Do no ;. spiriU, I prOmi5f' )on. '~e ha,.e en - ¥illS dOllbJfd, li~em f ngJ ~, glf'Jng the .t t the :uihfc D(,Cl1mu13te- JD the ash pi~ ..bled b,m to go lhrough bls fatigues; room two \\"indo\\ g IDstead of one or the grates WI U <:oon burn out ond I should he,'e done more st ill but The beautJ o( thl' IS Ibal one uoes P1r~ hght1S .aoe ofttn If ~ou caD, n crl ~ for . the ball and lfary. J have prom· Dot r ealize s he 16 J'JOkmg' Jnto D mu- .) OU Will 1I0t \l Ee so Dluch con I If". ()u 10"0 to dance ,,1t~"M:lTY. 1 must keep r"r at fI,.t , but leall~ beheves Ihe must fire tb.el< . pd. it ul' tirs1 ou 0 whir, {or lfuy." But he did not keep \-lew 15 (rom outSide. ~i d c . t he n 00 the otbe r~ Th i S \\ III S'l' , soiHo r, ror Ma..r.f~ ,,110 was his Eisler. l1any <I.ligbtfuJ optical .lI us lOns lOU fir e Cn top nil the lim e; otber" " , eomJng out that n lgh·t ; and wben Ihe may be bad by means of th. mirror. tbe fire w. ll be 1l1ternate.J ce.d ;ln tl lady presiding told bim nllt \0 drink .. stand of bandso<oe pla1lt s , or even ni n e on top and tbe beotlng n.uJb any more. he kl'.ed h£r, told her 10 :l few nice ones, ma,! lillem to lle ~) 11 De JDt e rm.! tt l'n t~ §bul ber "potnto lrap." and fiD3\l) had doubled. and the dc.eoratn e eifrct .8 -.::.-.~-Keep lb e fire dOM shut. 11) 011 want to be put 1<> bed iusteU<! of dancmg ...ith wonilerful. GETTING READY TO BOOK. to deaden Ih< fire fl O AD by ~Ioslng th~ra.r~ But at least the ladie. did not bottoUi door onl). If Ih' Will "at sbl!t T.e ... bele .....11,. w •• a •• ,. Lart.. ron drink at tbe prJnce'& feel, as did tigb t .tro ugb . you had .,.lIfr gn tb e the eourl ladies of Jam. I.'. time. O.t Tow •• IUli d 000.« • • iUl noe eman to m3ke it AI c\o.e. And no\\' It ,~ould lie bard 10 flod anJ' .,..••••• G~.e .. :'; cHr open tbe ch eck 1rafl at th@ one, even ;0 a polbol1!e on )[3Iekiog back of Ih. uenter, oIMr"I,. tbls " I:. ttig.lrt, to heha'e a, Ihe first g<'nllemon .1I0w furna ce gases toflo" ti ~oUlrh tue In Europe .1>d habitu3Jl~ Jomt. of the furnace and pol$on Ihe fr esh au ,bilL com.s up Ihe r egi.t . ... ; ralher open Ih. ti., .p .... damper tllar IS thiea t o all mOll rrn furnaA::f's to p rr\En t osb dns t frow·..gel1iug IUlo tlie Cl ' . u \\ hen the gt"at". are ~bak"n. -Cb.s .hould cbeck t ~e draft.
ex- I
"Llatea, fir .!hit jble 'b90t~rr woaa.r what ne ... It brlap." P"ho"te, .. 1$ Qt fbi, time: a great fe ..ture la-Cape TO_JJ.,lIfe. Itj ·the -hope aad tbe fear ot 01 .U. ....'lId yet It ls noth· iag but .., he .team ilirea of fie CeJle Times pl'ilitlnA" worb, 1I:ruch II soundell ""beneYtt a~ apoeeiaJ war ne,,,, II recel~ed flom tbe froat. 1'1Iere are man) other oleam &lre08la town l~m workabopa and fac f,orl ••, from tb( tra.n.port ~ tha l Ife coweriag' tbe IUrface of 1'able'bar, and lrom1h. rail ..ay "::'~;'~~flb:l.t ply H,.1r tireleas way ~ and dUllly eape To..", to tb.e cool and IIle&5l1a t .,,~)ut:b., "bere thr,!e great nlllitary hospital CIImpa are pUclled, 01' 10 tbe ver,- ftelot of ba tie It· lelf, in tbe fllr nortb. There are man)" ... Wst leA, but Ibue ill onl) on~ "booter." Lt bas a peculiar bau note, .. blcb, con-' ro'ue lrlllir' tbe IUlfes" ,oulb...t . wind ever bl ..... t o lmake life unbear· able, as grown flrlllullar to a 1. The)"e ts no mlS"tak"jngit. lInound go~,filtlh To all tbe tOWll . ft,od our heaJ"1¥qul~kfn and ODr J>ull!6 tin!"le ... l1h an",iety to know "h~ther th~ n.e'll'l be g<!od or evil. The ,nlJ.JinQwo blast. may be beard aoy'Ume between nine o'clock 1.0 the morning and the •• me houe .t night. un tbe LoodOll G1"be. Some da1. It sounds ofl .. n, tben " .. ee1< ot' JOan may g~ by iII . sn ... nce. It bas not &10011)' the loud, triumphant oole of victory. ~101'B"'DI'hlt'e. It bas been the signal of much IIOrrow to loyal British hearll. The CIty Iba\ 10 tbe beautiful Tlble .alley IJt not 8.1 It ....au ; it II dlYlde;d apins, it· . elf. a has cit~n, loyal :md I rue. man~ 01 tbem at this mom o~ pro~lng tbelr devotion by beaT.ng arm. again.1 the invade.... o( lb.! Cape Colony .nd NatAl-bllt tbere .... olber. 10 ....ho~ "Briti.h ,ictorJ brimg" no joy•• nd to " ' bom noer .ucc.... mnns Daught bul pleuure. But all. yo-omX nnd ofd, ricb And 1\1101', loyal ""d dbloyal, listeD for the "boole1"." The very colld In Ib~ nllrs.ry eriel onl: "There'. the 'hooler' • -teleg't1UlD Is coming." .-ben tb~ dun, booming note !!trike. bi. ear. Thousand. of (>eC)ple-.Jew and G~n' tile. "British. DoI.,}" Mal ..,.. IJiodoo. Kaftlr and Hottentot-in fnet, repr.· s~tatl~u of all nlLlions aod aU Ian· guages-leavlng Illeir ordinary pur· ouill. rop!i!ly mD.l... thtir way through thl" heat a.nd dur t " I Ibi day or in the 0001 of tbe ennio! to Cape Tiroes 01· fiee in I . George'. strept 10 gel, a copy of rile ,peclal telegram Ibey know to be:lng i&Sued. The tllrong I. 0 CUrlOUI on., for Cape To,"" ,..hb the "IIlalli· o( refug<'es added to itS" ordloAry population, Is [lerbta~ at 1),16 tim" the most co_mopolit..." commulllty In tbe tmpt.... All are in ten",ly eager 10 henr tbe news, but no 'lne questions bls n..r"bbor, though her-e and tbere lb. locky po euor of the 1mb, damp lei· e"ra pb .,bares It in sil'lI~ ,.ltb t bOle ",bn stand hr. Sb"rp IitUe lIalal' boJ$ In red fezl!l and Iolnek. b~", leg. ar .. dr" i ng a,good tra4& bS lelling tor a " ticke..·' (three'pel~""') tbe .heet the; ha"e jn<t ~ured. by diDl of-· mueh pu bing ,,"Od ~ueeziog through impo.liQle .pllCa. for a third of tbot well· 1cnO\m coio. The Cl'U h at the door 01 the ;tlulng EMPIRES WOlf I1f JWfUTES. ol!lce Ja :SIIAiog ani! odoi'lfuoul!, but 110 .i.t Pl ..... ey ....u.'. Pa •• W . . DeeJ.e. one Is dllmayed. , N~ws. a ...... at ao, C!O~I_ But-tbeo C01DU the :wnmlerrol i • • • Ho.,,-30 _, •• CIt" PITt of it-he that ne\1". good or -bad. at Q..e'Jt,e.e • • lher. is no outward c!emonstr~lon on tbe partollbe c;ro .. d or the individual ; and thl. i be.,..u. e no emqtion h. felt. U ... there been a. Briti'h ,idory? The loyalls.!> b~.,e$ a righ of rel ie r und goes his w8,,,Hh a jauotier step and ligbtu hea.:.t. Nut to bim h., betn .tand· ing one "ho ha nad the same oe.. ~ perc"bau"" fl'Oql 1 be £3me ebe"f. lTe. too, SI) 8 no.lhiog. Lot looks rouod a"d to his own place downcas t 1Iad dl.:' ppointed. AIf'.:n: if tbe tidings be unfa'orable to Ih_llrllish arms, many ,~bo weTe . gloom): bdor" Iitl up tbeirbead. and rejoler. nOLaltogelher open Iy,-tor tbat. dlUe nol do at the pr"," eot. tbough thej aTe galherjng cour age, aDd bppe EOIDe itay to be able l~ tbrow all the mll'rk ot hYpo<!ris); but ~IlU they tejoice. Tbe cTo ..d tbav<alta tor tidings of wa.. i. DOt thrilled by ooe common ,<>u.rreot of loyalty. The ci~· coit I. br okeD. ~"mpatby lit 'lnnting, are Jlot l"te.
, _ £ ••11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......
a'.,)y down the winding gorge. Presently there eame the low rumble of tbunder, and a "wUJ' of the risinJ wind "Trot," said Dean, ane! .... Ithout otber "ord tbe little co}= qukk· enedo the pace. • The raVlDe gre,v ,,'Ider &oon a.nd tar less tortuous, but .waa still a no rro\<' and dungel'ous 6~ot. For a mile or two from the Sl'tiDgs its course was n.a rlv east of Itortb, then it bore n\\ ny' to tbe Dortllt~8lit, and the SweetnaLI ablllJptly left it Rnd ..'eat '~Inding up a-'!Ieft iII the hills to tbe wps~. Jus~ as t1.cy reached tbi. poInt the heavelUi opened and the clouds de. sc.ended in a ' deh1ge 01 rain. Out came tbe ponebQJJ uDstrap,p eil from the nd· dl~, anil e ry mau's head popped through the. slit as tlte &hiny black "shem' ater" , settled down on ILla shoulders ' " , "That outfi t" behind us ....m_~ • lOakinll" I( it bllll been fool enough to tollow down' to tbe Springs;' ."Id Carey to tho. ergeant, . a" they begt.n t he pull u~he slippery trnll. "What 01 lIn" aaked Denn, turruug in tbe sad ond lookiug back iD tiurprise.. , . .) A h!indint flash of lightning, fol lowed 11 Imolt on tile ,"slant by crack and war of tbunder. put. aum· mnry stol' i o talk o( uny I.·md. )(eD and hon<es bowed their beads the deluge and the rain ran in Irtrealttll from the mane}! Bnd mIL The .... cendlllg patb turned quickly Int\) 'tl running b"ook and the black forms of !"teeds !lna riders struggled aldewiM up t be gross-grown slopes In ....n:1I af b.i;ber ground. The hea,ens bad turned Inliy black. TII& gloomy ... .ine grew dark as night. Flash litter fluh tjte lightning spht the gloom. Even:/sc~ond or two trooper keea I!leomed ghalltly)n Lhe dozzlmg 11'11"'" then nt. suddenly 'anlshed Borses sli pped or stumbled pIllOfully ond, mnn a.fter man, the rideno followed t he eIIamp1e o£ the young 501di~r I. t he le:ul and, dismouaHng, led thNz dnpp mg beasts fo.Ttber up tI.e steep iocline. Dalf·way to the summit. peering through ti,e ".'ind·swept sheets of ram, a palisaded clump aI. ro~ks jutted ont f.rom the height. and. .uur a hard climb, the little band tound partla.l welter from tbe d riving soorm) and huddled. a.we. trlcke.n, at their b:tse. StiR t he IIghfning played Blld We. thunder can.· nonaded w.tb awful tU"onnnce. frDm crng to crag down the deep gc;rge from lvhich they bad clRmbered; evldeutly none too. 80on, for presently. far down l.he blo~k deptb., they: coald see the Box Elder" under a .....bite wr.atJ. 01 foam, tenring In fury down its naTroW bed. "Beg ,pardon, lieutenant," the veternn sergeant- In the YOllnl ear, even In thb t moDeVer forgetting the habitual e, "but if I didn't see t he rellIIOD tho!. sudden orit.,- to saddle I more than see it now.• We would ba... been drowned like r.t. down there In gulch'.
- hi! 1011 wi1!,brinc u~'_,
f. -Ct' TfllEIiEIIAll'S, ~ 10U
willfiDd, •
BicYcle Roptiirmg a 8~..r.
-PO&' n nmn.OIl!J.-&A'-iA • .
We are aaU1or~ to aaDO,DIl'" PhlIlV ......... _ ' lor lb. of eoual1 ........... • ..bjeet 'M> liepubllean PrllIIary. 41)1111 ,1. 1101. . . WI. ..... aalbot1&o<ilo aa~Qnce lid 5 . ~Ja...ot TItttIecrook 1"-""'lII1Ip. . . . .041· dale tor Becorder of W",rren Coaa~, .u....
teet to i lie dKlIoIon of thO BepQlJtIlGail prl · ...,.. AJI!IIIat. _ , PlWlli>JOT~q
ATTOBlf9'. _
We Me &a.11JOrlud 10 a.DDOallC'e WUlaJd 7 .... WltSl" or, LeIIuKdl. .. caudl4a 1o lor ,be
_ of ~COUDI A"0""'T lor ~a""" _DlY, .abject '" tile _ or tlle 'AprU lMve h1 k'p Prt-:n'J. . _' W. va a.tbon-d In _ace QelITI[,. ,E,,1 TCMUIJ, '" IAbanoD,
aUlw A'*"""'T. nbj'ect to Cfea!S\UlI
pabUoaa . . . .T1.AprU I . 1"1. '· ,
·ooiDDBIlOll1lll, We ate au&bor'fart &o • • 'DDOUO:~~':.~
WlIllla'; ot 8aIem ..."Uhlp, . . . _ _oaerol WaneD ,.,,".Iy, ... -..... 0' aile !lkPol1lICaD priJlIiat'7. A~lA . we are aatbo"-:tD , IUlIlOUDOe lbu Wm . l1Ja.fOld. or·......,.a towulblp, io caao\ld.tt,.. for CotJllly, CommlnlOur. ...bjeot to the
2rlaian ApiU. 1101. _. ~' W.' ..... aoli._ to .....oull... Albert.
~. _
at . . .dldale'fllr-coeIlSy eo~mlatoner ...lijeca to BepubltelD PrImar:r April I. liOI.
, - ftZASJ1llZ1l. •
W. are AlbortSet ' t, 60I1OQaoo · 0 . P . WIle...... or Cle&rC_k lO"".blp, aa coadl dale ~"jeet laUe de' _ '" \.lie BepIJ_lklaa prtmlq. Apr1lllt.
'or _'" 're........
We. are . . . . - .. anOOll_FraDI< of 'l'1JrIIecroelt ... Doblp at em· - . . for 'I_re. of, "amID """Diy. a.b" Jtctla _bUoan orImar" April I.
1IAIDIiMq. W, ....
'" "Da_ Clift
UDIlIab7• . '" ~D .......bJP, ."'.ao.;t. " - 'or cotIDty Treatarer a' lbe ,JIepllblJcaD ~Pr\taJrY,
'ra. commilMrionera ot *this ceun· ty have found it a eerioUB tllS1\. ,to decide upon an audUor . to fill the uneqilred.tenn of J4r. Smith: Th,ere ~ were maD1 candil4ltcs and each l!!Id 'many II!IlloUII 8Upportel'll, flnally Mt Charlea KiD& of HarvQy8oul'g Wns appointed )"eater,llAy, It is ~ the -eoDtM.t caused the kee.. ~' excitem!!nt, King is the ' ~ntleman who bought tlfe ·Wa,.nes~l1e , News ot Mr, McKay, jmd. immooiately BOld it to us. He is Q Ha~veysbnrg maD', lint' hBs' 1ieentor some yeaTS a resident of. Oklahoma. The o~ce pays ".500 a year, and-the JUl8llpir. ~ .tenD of 2~ m~Dths is , well worth having.
Corwiu ~venue, Q.nce More. ,
I, W. JJ.
. A1,~\:>!.
Ca.bler of II", aboY.-
'do ool.oll1nly ~'" ,hal lbe aborct nateoleDI ~ )1""" to u. but of m"
, . ,,>.mel)
.' . ~ ltoO"'IR~. an<l h,Uef. . _ _ . fta. - - . U " _UOI!. JIOIIJoJ........ ! ~ • W, 11 . .A.t."LllN. o.....~, ')li. ........ Su1MJcritHoU ,",od .....orn to before me t.b1o , .,.s ...... u : , • -V 21tl'diy oIl';"'. 10111, . . , . - , • 1. E, run's, NOTARY 1'ua£1t:. . n ,weu1d tia 1.d.l01l8 to ezplalD &1 • \Van .... Co.n,y. 0111•• l ~'h how .l lt by coin. about \.bat the Co.uar~Att.. t' : c."' ':i~t.h .· ~bipp' er lind. it n diaad. :· s. LEV CART\o;alGtlT ~ , lUl, • •·J"'I "" , .,...., WIlL Il. G\ 0
,. .aI_..w_.
~~::: ::a::':'Olo.?a:-i~~: :~::r.:~. pctil.:.r.. ny. Jolin- Foord, 't.be NeT'" t.,y o~ the Aui~\1&n Atiati. _la-
S. W. ROOeeS
. ' •
Sale to
m m
GOOI? ~~
tU ftt
'Florida GULF
STATE 01' OQlD, Cotnn'r OJ': "WAn:.~n. 88:.
-- A HOlE HltTEL --
t;rPRICIiS IlE.llIOIf.ulLIIi. . . . .
N. H. HaJ'ood. Pr.priaf.r,
Wrlk for l'old ...... Oucrlpti<e Matler. He.,tO
C. L. STONE, General P..MSCDleT ACeD"-
The DaYlon ,. Xenia 'lraclien eG.
m. ~, LOUISVILLE, KY, ~ HE'ND ERSON , This dlaeue ahmys results ] t 'ma7 .lIi!1.c. !o .." 1h~t 1herepla~ .col(I OJ' an at;tack 'of ' tho ATTORNEY- AT-LAW. SEND YOUR ADDREl:iS rafllltlle~ of the Pacdl'p'outea,b" ~. . Lean Lea« Lene hel .omttb·iDf to do ...Uh ihia .pp..... ·may be pt:'6\'ented by the timely 11IlO To SprlD& VOilley 13ellbr!,o~ tO D lfl:aI~~~p~Jr.~hq eJIt anp~aIY, The oil__t«nc. trom lIf.... of ChAmberlain.. Cough/ Remedy. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!W!!!A!!!!!YN!!!!!ES!!!:v !!!!!rr;!!!L!!!E!!!.!!!O~ , • . 00 Do. m. i.!lO a.. m. 1. 00 it... :n R. J . WEMYSS, YDrk. to Sbeorh.irby·,n, of San Y.ran· That remedy was extenllively llIIed , 8.00 1.~ ·o.a" ~1le:1i1 Immlc:ndoD &D4 ' )adulltr1al .A~rDi. J :!.15 11 .~~ lO,U ~ ..o ia ocl, V,t20 mile., o~ 1.440='18 during th,~ epiuemics of l.4 GrIppe 1~.30 p . !!I l.llO p, m, 2 ~ '5 P. m.. I... fl••• t-liat b" ...., of Buez. Uleneed. ! ' ,. . LOUISVILLE, KY. 3,00 6 . \5 t ,OO 'l,.. ,.. ..,. t~1i- o .. ~ - tbe 9Ortlon of' the }lIlSt few ytllrl! n~ not n 7.H I,ao 6 .!m Thursday, F,' 'brunry 28, .at 10 A. ADd be will ili aD )'011, free, 'o f "'thi* ...lLloh 'ia oontinenta\, 1lIere IliDgllI case hall ever been reponed m " Cbnl'IM H. Whitta.ker will sell tlO. U 8.00 e.oo 10 _~ O ClOID"!!l4)IQ "an M , ~o .j[,,~ti .ec comp.tltion ... Itb '-that' did not 'rccover~ol' tb4t re8ult-ed n.t his rlll'iden~One mile . ea.~t of !lAPS, ILLtr6TRATED PAMPHLETS ....... ' r.u..e Daytoo via Xent:> C~r .ad ch'~"e ' ocean r.tn~ o( ' r an'I!Oftation. Th• . in pneumomia, whfch show! it to be Lytle, on t.be Wa'uesvilleand L" t Ie PlllCE LISTS of LANDS and FARMS la , at~mQnL rat.. btIW".D N",.Yoikan.cLSb'Dg< . pike, .h orses, - ca tle, bee, stands, T/" nt k rp 11 lb ' of Slin, ".-oul4 not be .uf· a corlatn proventive of t-bnt dlUlger- fnrmmg utensils, household and .ae uc y , .LenneSSee, t To car bOIlle oDl" . ~~D:'to 1r"lg-bt .oye"l .. fro .. d~ CluImbcrl~in ~8 Couc:h kttcllen furnitnre. See po8t.e1'!! for .!l iubama, , DaytoD 0 _ "Dd ...:altJ.oa nool8,14 ...... Na,, 'York 1.0 SaD Yr..'nclaco. Bu.1 mar- Bcmiidy has ga.ined a w orld . ""ide pRl'ticnhirs. C. r. a wke, . auct. Third Strtet, PhtUlp5 Ro".., OuUOIOI, ebandlu deati~d' for CIIIDll daee Aot re;pQtatioll for its CllJ'e1! of colds and Mississipi and Florida. 'TIle runnln. time be,wllen oa,IoOD oa~ d .F 11'ri oy, .. ..uullh 1otb; 1001, nt 10 JWlyl.1vr Sprint Vall."uoae b ....... and f1fleea mlacomt i o New York, "ole.. foraomesuf· i ., _1. Lo'}fa o'clock 11. 01 .,' Henry 'Prat~dmin . u .... ~ng~broa;h Bel moat. Bea.. rlo,,", ftcleal ,uuDD, a.nd whrn • .great f4'an ... &TIP· F~r_~e by UI8 y. istrlltor of the estate of ~Q!Ulh .BellbroOk aad ltlape tJc Spr1Dt:a. ClouuDtnbl .,...ttm i. 'r ud,. t ...o.~.leet 8Ilnds will sell ot publio/ sale llJ e TRBf.lUGR TO· JACKSONVILLIC AltD l ..ytOD to Sjlrtnl[ v .ne),,!8 mtlet. ton Uc, It .·r all pi>inll 01 prDduction nflil'er t il .. Pae.ille !!Ort and to mak. Tn,. moellproperty known ItS tbe Ram-I •• uaI1STDIE WITaOOT OIlA3GmG,$lABB. ~yIOD r.o lIeIIbroak U .'mU"", rare 20 cuts mel House; at'<O tlhe blliJding aud SpecIal "'lei to SDada! Ikhoola. Plea .... or,;'!e ul.. ori, ll br pr....r:.Hng witb Pa· _ .1. ,.,. 'H . .... CODTl'lllence8 on tbe ~~~!!.~~~i aa .. olucr -=~~ t_ .... ~ 1u. accUpl'00 b y.. r billi. PI! 'Il5 11 L1d..;r,,"ft:l "' ..-illlDcludJ! tbroDsbcar ..':.1<;e upon appII ca~OD. eille.attalllship IfD~. Ibt .alt.rn· ro~te blllak ,mitb shop . '. Oblol,ILDd [odhonn pain ... "nd F1ortd~. Llgl:t fr dllhl :md .zpresa carrll!Cl 010 all lDual. m ..et tM, cut D!' lv.e tb. ·ir_me. ___ , _~ alter Jaauary 1 5 tb. 00 aDd ';alter A. ' - malln of aetlill bpui.nc,. the . a new train 11111 be roa 1hro0lb Clndo:.aU Cbrus.. H . c.;o:(. .hlps ,ra"lIling 1he elIihhl fO,inc find H ow to Cure the GrIp. ol.. ~"aD"''IP'- A'IOl1~ ".d Maooo '" ,rnak. Jln diftlcull.rin und.rbiddiogtbrir rifa ll Remain qnieU'" nt home ond t/I,ke aoavU~ ""d St AUIrIlSUne. n o talu will oF run ...,Ud 1..0 S t. A.g,u. Hue On 1be r~cltl;:. and lJl) ! t!!S ... here time Cbambcrlam 's Oough Remedy a8 IiiA Sleepl".. Car TO uol og lbrow:b to · l~" .n irnporbDt .lemon t_ or !1!e..fr.ighf · da. on t-.be new,rulo UJ'm leave Pill&burcb- a lo ill c s~e l .ij,. ;.,,:uable; ytr"' 1e w 1I'00od. rootec:1 and tl qnick r; very is snre • . m oo In' '''' lbe Pan Handle RDC"" ~Ia Ne w, manlirncturtC 011 Ihis rid. of tb~ eont o !ollO\v. ThlI t r cdy counter. "rk, Columbus ~od Xeal<, ~od Passe DI~'" fer the Sou lb D1!L1 ,0 \ brook"h LO Pt orlda Oft It t-foeM lind ~b .j""·\I'Ii.f ID a PacUie por ~ acls any tendency· o • . tbe grip to reo Wilb"". c bO-n", [rom ,be f"Uowln , .auona. tot ahipment to Chin" Or J:llp3.n. nIt in pneumonia, bi('h is really lean.: on lbe schedaJe &I~.a oacb Tuesday ODd Frida.y: Co1umbulL '2 : 15 p. m.: London. the only !'tmOUs ·dupger. Al1nollg ' 1 2:~6 p m, : SoU,b lTharleslOQ. 3: 13 p. m : tue tCJJ!! of thoUSllnt who have CodanWc. 3 : ~8 p . 01.: XeDI.: a :18 p. m . : ... ~ ..... __ it........ • , _ ••,. WB!DC"'v1Uc.. " :07p. m.; Morrow. '" ::!7 p . m. ; .............. lor .... p~. . . . , ~d it f o r the grlpno one case btU! Lo.el:1"d, ~ : U p . In. . . , ..... Ia. . ever keu re[r.»'ted tlla did uot ret From Clnc!Du>tJ '" Florida ,be lr.ala ...1Il QO" e !oy LoUIJ - "'~y. ""D.Ut of .be Ule" ""t!.era Pullmllo Sleep· C(!ver,' EOll g... ', " -~ in~. ullllq ao<I Observation ~ r • . l.clodIa. .pneulD~mIQ <:.mbe .Plre"cll ...
\Ion in J'riilk Le.:I,'.i.'QPlIler MonthlT·
A ·
Rellnble llum for Mpnnger o~ The throng b _<I"" ... 111 be espoclallr CO u ' Brunch Office tt~ wish open in 1.... 'rle Dl tor persou. cootemplatlng trips 10 Florldo. :lad ,Lbe Soutb . Tourls t tict("l.$ too t hl l"icbtity . If your rl'COrd is 0 Soutberu wln~r "...,n. now 00 .ale u spec.' 1. ' r t ' K ' dl lu (arC!! ~la PcnD.SJV:lnt41 Lines wHI be good K • uP-Te U! an oppo nruty. lD Y on IDb lD:tg1llllccnt tbrough .run. Arunee. give gvod reference when writing. m er ... to ~ro.eJ oU I, =1 be made lbrourb l.oea! agents or Lbe P C::IDI',lnllla LInea at THE A. T. MolUUS WUOLJfSA,LK .tallons mentiooed. orby oomm.nlc&tlngwllob t.'incinnaR. OHio C C. Hal.ues. O. P. Agent. Dayton. 0 ..... bc> 'Il1JJ make r eservatloQs tor a ny Taesda.r OT Illnstrnted catnlogne 4 cts~, stomps. Frid"I aurlnlr ,be_II. D 19-12t,
" .... ;yoasocu:e by..."'Jr v ia Ctxl"""U. the Que<u It OMan! Route ,,:.1 Southern J40. Its lut triJ.. pes' ....... ev..ry part of 0.. Cn1rel Soulh. .. 00". sche:!uJe CIIlc!U11Q '" Jw.so::..IIIo &no! oS hours to~"""' ~ -"to(!lQn T"'ra. O....."...allao. poriar and ...Ie ~"''' reo;.nnm I: c!>GIr5-Throa::h I'uIIma:ls to all I:a-
",... 0,1= 9""'" to o.."""""CL pct\ol:>l Soutbenl dlles. ft•
tf'1Ir-c " . ................ . . . &tit ~ ... 1M...... ..., ...
.·.lIer nea, aM .rlw_ ...... h -t
Be in S tylP. •
Von't laugll. nt Cushion. ' Don't.disconrnge awbition. Don't binder progl'es3. Try to be.aJTable. Lou!;: o~ the bright sid.e . Strive to be happy, Eojoy me ., Kcell bealtb.y, which you can d o by using Dr. IJa.ldweU'8 Syrup Pepsiu according to direoti.ons. It is- an abeolute oure for 'Coustlpation, Indigestion, Stomach Troubles a nd 8ich HeadII.ch.e. Louis. May, draggil!t.-
Going South? ..c.ydv-o,
lbe Sleeplog Car from pttt.bUrl:. Cb ..t"""", wtu be r eachrd:lt 5 :-l0 A. m .• A!.ia.ng a t 9 :1:; a. 112., M.acou at 1~ : 05 1:1000. JacksoJl ' rille .. :$ p.. m . the day arLer le.ylng bome.
WANT~ :)
• .- • . L !I. Grippe Quick}" Curad, • 4"1 " In the \T~t.er of of 1 98 nnd 189D I WIIS taken down ~ith a _ vere attaCK of whD.t i 'called La Grippe, ' " sa.ys F: L . Hewett,a pr.om. inent drtlg.nst of Winfield, Ill. The o· ouly medicino I used'was two bottles Qf Chnmberllllp"s Co>tgh Remoot: ~t broke tIp tnc cold n.nd • topPrd the' coughiug like mngie; and I ha;,e neversi&ce been.trouplro with Gdp. ',' Cbnmberlliin '8 Cough lietncdy ('An nlwnya ,be d QpeudCd tlP9n to br~k u.p a severe celd and worn 9ff aDY. tbreatened, attock [meumenln. It is plenSllnt tq pu·'Ln1U. 1 too, which .I lII1lill8 it the most IIble nnd one of ' the t pop,nJloi ~PaT8Ho~ i,n use for th~ meut!!. .For SIllo byLoil.is '¥ny,
Excursion tickets to Wuhin.Jfon will be saM via Pcnus~lvama Linee March 1., 2 and ,3, 1801. with zetnrn limit on all tickets inoludillg Karch 8th. The inauguratiou of Prli!lident lIcKiuley on March 4th will be the first event of that kind in the Ilew ccntury, and will attrad notlloblea trom allovertheconntry. The cer. l·eDClOnlies Will be imprellBive. and the. parade and f~tivitlee nl be . of an nnuSUAlchllrADter, intereetincioaU. This trip to Washington lIl&J' be made via Pennsylvania Lin.. at $he -;;;:=~~~ij~p']~~!!fi: low fares on thr?ngh ~aine of mod. ern railroadegwpment. ~ordetaile
about <fares eel- through IBMice, to ne&res~ Pennaylvant. :.aM I.~"V&'" ARent. An IImovatloo.
The Lonisyllle & Nuhnlle B. R .• with ita oonUe<'tiq ·Hne8. the em• • 1'10. isa daily• • 0UIl eteeaa h_ted. ca.}'
~RI~ Q.PPQa4fJ~fty~ .:' ... ~Io Tlck.ts Gliea Darlq t"l $111:. _ ... RESPECTFULLY,
-A:sPAJlAGUS ' ODOS ~und
.-. TIPS
l.ua a'1I0!lg~ fO~ a.meal. Try a "III~ t~ ~~. 'IDe, per can: TJu; g.e.n~l.ne .. rdio'p.a arc ainaii ~ - nAPOIJATID · .... · roc a paekag~ . Put 'ul, 'io' oli:ye oil and ' make ' . SWI~; C:ORR • ''rh!.a i. prepared lent eating# . l~lo'per cao.~· 'Ad 'II ' t If,.}'oU like t-bino inmWltard, .ulddr from a .0 bo}"':'" gra e 0 wee ~orp . . _ " aDd caD· ~prepUed for ilie'" 'able i . tb~ Wolff &; Dremng,. hrand, thA' 80 milllltclI; ,
HEW ·D RUBS ,Wa"i,&ve &freab . I f 0 ' .OL ASS.·IS . a ..pp y 0 ~ll ~et~re
New Orieabs Molasaes;, Tlai. we bave HI.eeted. witb 'great care anel wi\llD~.. re yo~Agaillst aD;'
·di..ppoiD~eDt wlialever. ~ PmOlr" ~ @ Mc ']IlIr gallon.
are the best.
oc, pel' can. . BGG: Excellent lor . R.O!JDLES . . &n~atew.II: . Pult ·d ...·t ....~ .I_red quantity loto b()lhog .aup or brod. and 'allow it to boil 15 min;............,..... u\as; I) aod iOc for large packages. HONEY' - l ' 180 a lb. . \V e still have. slIpply of choice Col. o~o honey and the price .,.,ill be IJII'ay;ne:!i'rillle, higher lJOOU. .
. ' . '-Waynesville, OLio. ·
A Well WrittaD, Well Disp.1a.yed AdverliRmen$ in ~y newspa.per, is read' with as much iIIwftll$ 118
the 0J"diDaJ"y nmding ma.ter.
In order to more rApidJ., incriue the. Nnady laJ'ge subscription Jist of the GAD'fTK, iWi genI
have determined to «:1fer
, SPECIAL IIDUGEIiEiTS. '10 persol1ll wishing to subscribe for friends nf a. dw-.
ten.c e. C6l1 or addreas thia office for particnlar8. 'Ph )nll, II I.
Will BeiliN
Strlllf'. &erg .
rlK 'sults .AI{~ "S~~TIIICS, Pnlt,Q' Weavee ot Camel'8 ' Hair, Chlniot, Poplin, Whip Cord! '
PruD~ Clotb,~l,'re.Pon. &c. . -.:
," .
SkIl'~~ •
. .,........ . . : 'AU Wool Goff Back ~ Rainy Day· Sltj¢~ _ .:.i · '5.00, up.
'Also 8.,5.
1$0 CTa.
Silk Ialsts, :lool Wrusts. . N~ ....
.1.Ditla~· m~th ..Ja~ket SkWt,- ~g.O~
eo PILLa _
Poaitiwely paruteed c:nre for Pat'Mii, I.-.motor AtUi&. Nervo... PrastratiOD, teria. Fl..,1nsaDity. Paralysis and tho Results of £xceaoivll Use cl Tobacco; Opillm or LiquOr. By mail ill plaiD ~. $ ••00 a ~ 6 fOt $5.00; wHb oar ... Dh..... panatee IIoD4 ~ cure iii or ~ ..oGe1 pmd. ~
CIIMDn . . . . . 7
'"...... _ Louis May, druggist.
Styles. to
2,75 .10
5·7.5· . ,..
:Beautiful Pl!tteJJlll~
API About· Town and lts People. DUCT .A.'!"'l"K5DAl'fCC.
u.oL~.lI . 3"I'.
141'. Henry Crew has rented the . Boys BlU'Ilett form of M.1's. Annie Thorpe. Room t!O Room n 21 RoomW 18
H this wus of the Gazette is not RoomJV 13 up t() its usual standard, we ask the H'III Scb 18 indulgence of our readers lUI 'he grip Tow.. 8a The
IIl»<a Gi rls Tot •• 19 18 Ii 311 18 10 II !II 15 11 .. It ... J ~ !l ~
G L-Ls Total
!O 1J 1J 16 !7
·8:; '
U 7!
.0 155
of -Superintend.
that lIOmet~li>R
aDd -tbt;n. But .
t '"
mm .. ""_"
fIA,: ,)fr_ .Bro."... aIao T ranscript: 4
• .
Oreateat ID tll.- ""World, I. ''Vithin five yea .. 'Cu.~~reu h~ve r.acJ;>e~
t.he·i!'lest Jalc of ·ul' liver Of. bowel medl'
cine ill the world, aimply be<aUle !.be¥. cur•.
flley ban great ment as Ihe iale of over ,ix miUiOl) '.!ineo • y.eill' proves. ... matler what ail •. you, ltart lUiD~ ~re~ to-day a.nd if you are not bent nl ed and ,11 e.ery
way 181W1ed aCter YOIl
given them a
rlk &,ia1 1,ou call bave )'oor 'Mlley back ro~ ' tlfe a ki91<. There i, llO Ira Le. They u. put-up i,,: tabJet form u,d ever)' tablet i•• tamP~9 "0. C. C." They doc' t COlt mUch ·-IOc, 25c end 50c " box aDd a SOc box -..:ill furoiah "'l!Vbole JIIonth', trulmenl ror the WONl ' ca... Ca:.c• •• t. are the but and .trea~ liver ·aDd bOlrel regu1ator ill the worli!.
» •.•• 'e-4
t.II thi.
, .. . U'a1e.
who .J
.:MRS. l.I11UA A. LOCKWOOD, ]If.... Bel,'S T"",k,.ood, the cptinent barrister. o f Wa.liingt~D D. C., io Lbe T;olil n who 10.,. ever U<'Cu 11 candid.te for t he l',ffident of tile 't.;"itoo :iLal.,;. is the bc-4 );.no"-I\ WQIDa;a in Alllt:rica. Aa the IJioncer of her .beX in tbe .1~al r""~io,, she I".. gathered tame ond fortune. In a citeI' to The l'cruPa ) ledicUlc pan)) lib" £uy.,
only ,She
.. I have used your Peruna both for myself and .my mother. Mr.!. tfanlUlh J. ~DDett. DOW in her 88th year, "nd I find if a n invaluable remedy for CA)ld ~ catarrh, hay fever and ki ndred diseases ; al50 •. lrqod tonic for feeble and old people, or those run down , "nd ",Jth DeryC$,U.o eODlp')etecl. the abould be filled in . arolUld level-with the top, and so)· idJlv 'tal~~.edl" i1'IJ"'D . Allow no aaWSuat on -top of th.e V.rlOUB unlU *be lee houlle Is filled. . The IIhows 'the·aixtb layer in and ·rend,. fol' './le ....duat. 'lce 1S, preaer.-ed by bel~g pacl!ed . away from t he air. ,O\JO hot ... ".'her comes 'on \he Ice will aettle 80m.e. Be aure keep - tht; .a... du.~ tamped uown • • .,ound the sideS frequent),. during early . Bum: mer. and "'.lee that n& a.rholell- fllrm. Wbe~ ,!be Ice i~ .U packed in., 1lO"eJ' wttb 10 t-o 16 inebes of . .wdust. tbe gables !,pen. :mor~' Je·. . ~ .1tree circulation of .a lll onr the l .hopwtliat, thJa MlICdpti'!.n. With sketcb, -of our own lIuccesaful hlll'l'ea~ Ing' and' lI~riDg' of Ice ill a~ "b.ul' poleframe ICe houae: mil encourage Dl4llY "armers to o.eide t-o have some ice n"x' 1IeUQ1I. ADd may they ' thoroughI)" e...Joy~ for the. flnt tJ.me. the cool· lUff' bened... ,wbh:b aeeru .. to the for· twaato! po_o..... of' the 'congealeil lIuld.-.J. H. Br"wn.' In Rural New Yorker !"'">.. t· . .-
11. r mle • • 8paru.
\C'~tber ,-a1rectl
tn"" Uae borse.: .
The osef.uloess of a mule coottnu.. lon~r thaIt tha t of .. horse. :.\-.BOO<I. honest bUBlnesa mule 1, wC]rtb, Dnd: ",ill command, a ' good price Dill' doy ·in the wej!k. " 'A. mule ia easier ""roke " or t,·.. lned to work Ihan • horse. nDd is more reHable after initiated. You hardly e.er Aee II ioick mule;. l,e seems praC)tlcally imnnme4rom lb. dlsell1lcs whleli att ack honell. ' 'lVe "'ou~d ra.thel' plow' com with • team of mul"a tha!l\Vith 'h9M1U; the,. brea k do,", lees eorn ·· .ulIl turn a.round quicker. .. A ,m ult l!ftn endure mor-<! ha.rdah ip
than a horae. will pull more.in proportion to biB aiz.,; nod will "ottl.1 with it~ longer. ' ' •. X lt- "D6~tic mule ..-iIl make a trip qulclcer tbon a hOTse. ·thopgh h e m.ay not go 110 fa8~the 1!.eC1'et _' of !alII Rpeed Is bbunjIonDcpit. steady 8!'.a ~rsiMtent.
d e;tr
A "'amUhLr Soutul.
•loetm·t "do hiuuelf proud" U' lIrteIJed
fa.ncy, · ~Uo.. road - WagOIl or '~ I· ':'""" bu~ ",h., .he laCkS' in apl"!ar.aDee be ma:1cu uP ' Ita aetlia) 1I8ef~ n Ull OD the fir,m.-'"llId1a\ld Farmf\!', 8
lI"r. ere." o.
Pecl1on1ca. 1113 . "I ha\'(: UH .. : l-' ~ ruDa jn my ho me 10r the past (fur
f1:l}' !.':
. The- OMt Pl'e Jl ~r'lpcif)D for Chllb Mrs. T. J"clto;. 502 Sl. Anthony ll'\""t!llUt, t1e,.cr ):C'Jro It J'~L t ·at.1rrh rnn)' "t",.k onr i, a bou:r- of Grovw~ Ta_e f'~. SL Paul lhDlLJ , WrJt.ezi: J r,,"imp!]' iron ~De lJu,J::io'! " PeiU DU I.~ QOM ." '9'0deD f.of . ,n;a~ . l~ " rpm of 1.be ~~" Women are _~l)' liaule £0 ca.tarrh Qi t he peh·i c organs. T liero & t,,[el«!.t.B NQM't~ 0llri •. Ptic(' 5Oc. b:us cured Ill} ~f!ll.,tact.e l'lnd l.rujJltalJOn 01 ~ . , , the Lf!1Irt: bas I1':lIll up wy who < ,~·stem. nrc one huorln:d C~l~ 0; cnt.arrb rof t.he pel .. , " " . I I cllcd-fuU" I"''''",m.,w "Perun" Lq. ail oui· vlC 0!:K3D~ to one 0; C3tarrh ot the heatf. o me peopT(l"'• • de-a of knl)~t'lcdge i. t be (erer'! B.flIiafd wi Cltarrn. lJ · mol her IS Moof ~pl e t hink. because they b",.e not: -aft nf fin-iinlt thlD~'8 ",,,Irk tho" bU\'e ''', nc,·"" withOttt Perona. " hon "ne ;. li~J ""t,m'b of the head, t hey have n~t ca .... rrh 0 bWol_~ I.<>Iaw'Y. 'tUrallu DlIIJ,r _' • ..,it. Rod · n.rally out of sor • if Pemn>;" ken at aU . T hi. ill a great miwtA.ke and j -,,--... it ;mmcdiat8,. """""''''' tl.at ti re<! feeling." canee of man~· ca~ of ",id~':'l8J:1 &nd dea .~' Ii ,#ou do not ·Jc:ri\·~ J,rompt and ~tie;£ar:.
,'T-,.rj> A'l:II Ea."
'Yin!l"~" :
'.,A minl..t.u "" . on .. d~.v ."blking -tonK" .. foad. and to b.. &J!t<>nl hm""~ he ,",W a' or bcir '·it it'lt iD fronl of It rin:;' ,vilh
"""I d"l1I'l.11.e(·,m!er. WbOD Ile~ ",. up
to tbem be put the 101l0wi ..II' 'jUPo;t;)Ol1: C.l'te;'••.nk ; ..:t1~~inl4£1::~ ~r!~bm~b=\·.iDg "" 'It"t at'<! ) 'OU .d<>il7 to tile d"ll!" Qlle Dl'. Rattm..,n, the oompollJl,ier of little 1».' td: >·· Wh.""ver tell. the biGg1O<l :tas the- }1I!,£e!lt .,l! ~f my ink in he world, MllI4, 0 "" ..wi, in a.leetur~ io wom~n: lie ,"lin it/f ·.IdJ1:· IC;litt t nt' miniatcf. til .leClI06e 1t '" Ibe ,beillnlc that can ~ _<Ie. ~ , " .... great number of "'omen . .,.u!t am IIlI rptJ&ed al ou Jillle bci,.. ("r "i"", [ like HIU J n ••er tot.! l j~," There Wlt5 "1 hMl' lli .. "flirt)' th""", Ch"lli. orr. ecy ,'eM . .. or~ b~,..e """""on in for .... !ti l ~, lIb!iJ one ~i t],e bOYI :Ut ~u.i.Gh~'.1 "&!? • '! told me ~& u;oaJtl tl" p.~ ...... '91'.,.... J ,~~ , ....., "Il'\""4) .",".. I~' · '·Trand. him up tbe d"g!"-Lo a· be dj"""gaged til.. evenlOg."-TOWD Topic , ,~ --.q...--. 1.eM.Ier. -~ 1. d" not b.lien P i..,'. Cur. (or Con sump. T~ WORLD'S DI>ST K~OWl'I' ru-US. liDo b .ro e<jlr.ll (or cough. anel 'OIC".'. Bo,.• ., Trinity I:;pring , I nd., F.b. Tlae e.pb. SI.tZE..tlre'_""llt II John, J.'i, 1000, Doe. Dan,.
I~. d·
now It DoH It.
the fon'- ~ u lt ir(;r.l tl~c usc of Penul::' write: Pe· tlt iJnc~ to,1):-. H:u'u.M n gil-ing a lull s1a.te.. , meat. of .\·l)ur C3~1'!l aDd he will ,be pl ea&ea t o ~ me gitreyou hi ... \'"3!uablea.,hi<.'r gratis.
""; N'
Add .... " P r. n . rtman. P """;dent ,,(The HArt ma"1 ~allitATiuJl1. ColulDbu~. _O ::.:... . _ _
in "Politie ._i· " 'r hat. w~ , nftd to hotly, ""is 1.0 tQ.U mon~y oct of pnji\iC3: " l . wnK out 1111 r .$a",. ito!" tlo/' tor.Cod
Ilrol ~
ClDdor.-DeiroiL Jouro"l.
with eom;nciu,
A Do .~ in Tim. "'!is N ine ar Hu", "' u ~ .,y ol.Horehound oud Tar for t:ou$b .. t'ike', Toothache Drop Cure ill one Wlllu.Le, ~ A Sf. Loui. lliiFl hn outclasoert al l t be ! Ia . ' She '1"'/1_ bCT name lIaine.-St. LoU", GJobe-lJeDlocmt.
~~. ~~@fl~~~
'~L£~CU Oft. 'lt1ti..Il.®W
All tb~ Kentutky belles ell.,... Kiam.e Gum, they like it.
WILL KEEP You D~Y ~@'jj'l}l]n~@ ~ \"lIO!!:.!!:'
fR£L CAT":L~' t
S ..O"I .... FUI.~ LINE or Gt.t\MI:I<T$ ,IoJIDH"'T~ .
B O$T O H .
:'il.'1f IlISCOnmT; r::l • ..,;
. qutdt rtlUcla.udru~.
'II O nl'
. ru .... 8cft1r: o f ~... moul4l-l •• od I n 4 0,-" trea.Unrb ' t 're. _ Or Ii. U . 'iR.r<S!'i"'S 80:~ J;.o~ IJ • .. UantA, tiL
beS may make some close t lU'nA IIlld go through a -needle'. ·eye. 80 ' tCl s(ll!&k. theY'. tl.&uany come out .IUI· The mule Ie naft na~Dd80m~ doeua't nld;e a gpod !:;o .d.t .... - iln'! d ylr.h .
01:-·' madam, ~ ~ .:, have ea. W 1T t
a bone.
) ~
', If a 1 ~ om 9t:'mulu nul8 0'.8,. tbe,. lpok out for themse./veIJ, and "thougb
har med.
of the pcl':ic or· gaus." yf'a~ .. nrJ am 't . . . r"'b d 0 u s: b 1)' con"ln Co!'tlj ..L e _ 0 C tor that Ie Ja a rt: tlitbl. ' \vent ')n t o gJr: ( a m J 1)" remedy:" . "1. I.&,'e be., n Jull~ '. Bro ..n. preachw!! t b i • d""trine for tbe lUI.. forty years, but the,.. a re "a..et. lnuhitudClJ of women l\:lIO h..1x e
h~rd 'hi~l tlO":01 FtD.i.rs."
etomath, or lh'er, or kidn~n, and .11 t CJJJ>e<-i ..... y you rna" have. catarrh
?olrfl'. .T,)lln-on-TI:t1 1\£r. JohnSon come ,. bO"le for ltinner t"e"L! J;ane-X o, }r.u no.
'1' Lbo '(:'M 1
may all t he EaUlC , ( '41' 1aml it: no' JI· wars 1~U' d jn Ihe I"",,!. Yo" may Ira\~e C3rorr b of the IUDI!", or
"Tbal "'.... T_ &ro"'linlt mum. "-l·it·Diua.
la.rT 1.
<:leaned a.nd nll clothing Soon, 1\'.11 tiMed nnd EuX.l R. l'.aU<l~1!.
They ....i11
d j.agrccabJ,·
f)'ml'totn15 of
.. d.)1y 1?&th ill wam "'ater The nursery .hould ..100
01 'be Dab7.Tok.eepthe.klo deaD i. t.G 1<eep it heal Lh)'. .bould therefore ...e!hat her
troubled wit h ('ougbioS; or spit· HUj{ or any otb·
~ .I'e
HoL bad. l .:am not
Sr>ealdn!t'" of t~~ '''I t of tbe late i'en.IQr Da..-;•• J>enaJor Hour ultefefi a D epigram 1I'~irb deoen'u t.G be remerul"-ed. ":'\0 .c1\ad from him/' ~id .. n:.fOl' Hf'Ulr, "was ...·er a ci,'d.... iu t il .. '},II (>f hill (den<[ ,,_ Waahingtnn Po t. .
reply, 'Ob. no, l Devo r bad C\u.rTh. hIy nooe i. peri"d1)' clear and my hretllh 13
WH~ WRITI!\'-(,I.~ ADVERTJ8£81 p le.fIOe . t.ale Ibnt. 7 0(1 . .""
" eo' la u.la pupc: r.
AdTe ru..,.
- -=--------- - -=-=-=-::::---==.=
.lIow. Are ¥ our BoweIs? 1
first thing the
f'08tfn. L8tW. Hcadi, 8111 ~f.. GlrG\JJa~ ~D!J, ~,
- -Blanb, fJG•• ftG
o Hac tba.t Cambrldse winds Hrlt knew.
\\l1at pal'11ot' pra.) ehs l'!ent out to'bleu tbee'
8t 81'
utter alar Bhlliea....ln thy- blue , e\~ry ..sone care •• lb•• !
And luns ot
Th e flal'.'" lhe lonel oC ..\Vasblngton-
-:Bends C/aoptd ane.. tbat strlt. - bro k en-
The IOlial h eart Us way }lath won B)i man), D. Ilacred sign and token
O(t() bold ua tru. 86 thou wert true, To jugllce and fts blgh endeavor,
May we -re.member Thee ane.-w TCHla..} to-morrow. antl foreve r '
-Ii: C. TOIIIPkJlUl o 111 Youtb° . Companion
Aetor Dew•• rd'. IIH~' •••
'fIte s tranger , a ll th~ hm~ add rening II ,DUel of lD .... cl ' vu to -t be moo.
hle at Mount V('rvon before t.he turmoJls of "l1r
brought the urness of Valley }'orge Dud afterwar" the "elgllt o[ pubhe ear e a l,resenrs 11 pl~a .o"t pIcture of tbe \'1I'goll'll country gentlempno l\ud ' ''to SII'8 the Chicago fnt..,,, Ocean, 1here '~6re not Jl1C'king e.,en in the o rnaments of the ho",.." IDd,cations or th e h .. roic mold IU wb.ch It. mnst er wall cast ,V,hen Wo.sblngton first f' f d \\ it h b,s \\ lIe at Mount Ye rnOll h e orde~ d f.oo\ Europe the ht. ~ t " or \l exQodcr the Great, Charles XJ.J of S" etl" lI. Julius CaesBr, t
1Strllll'gle " h., her he " 011 or DOt, .. nol "h,el, of Ib~ rul ers he ,.a~. IS not slat rd JJ I ~ t'x p ~rleOi e )s '-'unph gn en by Al'l AUTOMOBILE HORSE_ the O lllCI:11 p! IJ£ICWIl o[ the garden 1) J)ltul Ollt" =:HlU Fhl)'\ S n hat yo u o g De.'If"Df'tI to Ue ItlJc21e-d OD In I"",onl m e n arc capable of \\b C'u t llt',) l)a Te s~ t. of Aa,,- \ e bleJe , . I'hll'! e v I l i;e OUL to " In '1 ha t uch a deb-pe rat-e pur ... ii_a c ' A.alm a l. s un of ~[lcce!!5 . Cltber In bte., ciLOg OJ' .1I1l 0' h er enterpl l!::,t 15 liable to d~["':lt. hnm has receJ1"tl) p:rtf'nlt'd nn ButOInO It S O'\U t'nd~ h o " e H~ r l ~ obl'lcUl'i . hors .. ,. h."h , derig-neol 10 ue "mung- the o1hu . hIDg>I " h ,ch cOila
t-.-., ,,
on 10 front or :lTH \ t>JlIck In I fro m O' f r r Xf-r1Jon 10 ()IC)'ellll g I" en .. tbr pla ee of the u ~ ol a nimal rb~ aU t lnrgemfnt o f 1he hear t . a('utt! brt'~n tomoblle hOT£C Hi 10:"'0 ;Jrran,g ed tJUJtJt I ~ j c hillS" 3ud hrupor arJ tn~nnlf~ - Ltt Ie dnct'u in eX3(!lh t he ordman \\ 8' 11 CbrGDlc1l'" RlI!lII !lrc pro\ J~eu for E 1 P£ n ~ g nn d h01I0Jl'P"lg tb . m.cI,," " \ pu ll on ,, 'ber A WORD OF CA'UTION. the :lpP;Jr<ltlls
the- corn:
direct ion and a t:"1l,:uh puh wlth b o ob r~ ln
gt'th e r
,!!.10 \\ b
Aildr(" .. ,,(" d
CO \\ "'O
th .. mot.,r "nd ap!,I.. ! th e brake .\ , conc'3.Q pal r of r fll' are pro~ Jt~ed • • puil on " bleb urlngs the Dut ou:obut"
of H e . :\d .. an c ,u l 4 g ce
T:\~~ .
Spla E ,er) Un ,. I
r '-;a
~[rs ).I:U;H~· Lc\t!"rin:;- 1i u~n of ~"J ' . on'O
"').1> Jollre J>hilitll ellllll'l
nO ) .
" Tho 1141. 01-
Bi~y()Je .
;Spe cialty
. ....
:::..=~~~ $$ ¥" eo eo ... WINTER TO UJlIST TICK.ETS
Railroad, _ ___
..;. . ~.
Sale 10
lU -
L. M. HEN~~~SON,
. tU.
ttt .
N. H. HaJlood,: PropriafOr.
W,tlte lor Fol!1~ Ducrfptlve lI.tter. ~tc.• '" "1I"1'~~"""'''''''''''''''''
C. L. STONE, GeDen1 PUlIeD,.r A ,ea,-
Geueral JlllmlpatloD aDd IIIdllnrtaJ A""al.
wru iliaD J011. r~
IU.PS, n.LtlSTItAnD 'pAIlPHLETS olld 'PlllCE LISTS or LANt:S aDd PAl!.MS IJt
HOw tc. CUre the ,Grip. . .Alabama. Reni:lin quietly at home and take Mississipi and Florida. Chamberlain's COllgh Bemedy as dilWIvl·lvr , """' ....... IUld • q,uick -:eoovery is 8~ 'ollu.,.._ .'l'hat remedy counter- !!!_!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!'i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ . ctai auy tendency ot the grip to re- 1'II1IOUGR TO JACUONVILLl!: AND ST. suU· ill pneumonia, whi('!h is ..really &tlGUII1'11JII: WlTBOUT OH.L"'IGL'ro CARB. .... -.
. oiJJy
1leri0llll . danger.
Among -
..... tens- of. thonsnnds who bave Used i~ ror file grip not one OIL8~ha~ ever been reported ·that diet not reo - Eor we ".Iy.Louis May.
~T internt, amounting in f~t W ezcftement, baa lately been malli. 'esfed in a proposed ··'8luaing ~" at l,'ncUmati for tho piODlhip of thl) world, There is " law in Ohio .g&m.t. these pri?e ilght4\. ond the promoters undertook W IOften it. do:wn' 'Into a very tame a,!fair.indeed. iii whioh nobody'ooul!1 ~ wotild be hurt j even the "knock out" bloW8 were.explained away into a visionary fam.ality_ · Tho fact is when it came'to"a trial before Judge Bolliater ot ~cihDAti, there WIUI a' great deal of false .w~mg done by Jlght promoters, whiob ought of iteGlf to be- pnO.ilihed. •. TlliI queStiOn of1lght or noilght- ~ tced, 'a s in. ·Ove·ji"'Wnr'k timo1fed,· befo!"!, Jailge Bonister, idea being to &ettlethe llOint wheth· er it 'WIUI intended lUI II pr~ fl,ght. or a tame eXhililtJon of actj~ity abd IIldll in "eolf defeii!IQ, .. In U1e mean ti1l).e, tlie of Ohio took hand and declaT8d tliore abou1cl no fight; jf n~ry he wouJd II8IId ~oops to ~e city io_prev~t-. and to IU'I'eIIti aU participants. .~ 8pite of ' Uws, preporotlolU wept The Mayor ohlie oi'yfavoring the light)
WANl'b~ .
"1leliable DllUI for Manager of Branch Oftlcit we wish t9 open in -.1lboQ.t chmn.,e from "the foUowJ:t-g st.al10Dk leao1al( oct tho SGbedule ell'eD U>Cb Tue' c!ar this vicinity. ·If -your record is 0 and PrldaJ : C" lumhus., 1! :U p.- m.: Loailon. K . ~re jlan opport~tY. Kindly ~ ;o6 p....m. : Sou.ilI ~esum. :J:J!l p , m: ·ceaarrme. 3:28 p. -m: : XAollil>. 3:. P. m.:
.JudpBollister. d.last, after riYmg r~~=~~~~~ C&I~ tlIe question tlie Uleet complete aii- I. lng, decided. toforbi4-«nd 1)eipem. iIllv enj01n~ It. ' This settles q1HllUon of 'aU IlUCh. bnJt81 Ubtbi· HODS in 'Ohio, and GOVIll'DGr N.;8Jr and Judge Bo1li8terare entitle!l 'to the htghll8t prai.8e from the ~e of the State who coni!1!JDIl Roh bU. beroua exhibitions. .'. -
' "!OTp. m . ; Morro.... :~!.7 p •. m ;
LoTdaad, i:U p. In.
FrOID ClAclJt Dul to FIorflla tlie Inla ,.111 ()Ouslst 01 the D t"" l16Ue.rn Pullman !51ccp' l0i. DInI~ and Obaerratlaa car •• loeilldlol tile S\eeploC Gar from Plot.barll. Chan..".,.,.
Connections Are good via the
C r', .ce::lt Route and Sou'~l err. R'i . f,' ~ Horlda, New Orle~ns. Ct~a'tll: California. All Hoes at C indn' Mti and at Louisviile m a k~ d l ~m ccnnectloRS with our fast Umi!~d tciins which le.:l~e C incir.nati th e a.m_ and op.m. Lc=veLouisville (So. Ry.) 1:45 a. m. and 7~5 p. m. P.ee 0"'....1' Ca."'S a: Dlrtst. Parlor. Ckc'-
c..h Cus (sc: ...lce ;a b..carte,.~, by": ~-:rl:en:: Ot:ou~ se~ice ~~ f!:'a.)W • t' io'!MD PuJ::u.'! S leepers C!JCjt:r... t! 10 C bal· v~
t:JtQXV{I)e • .As.tlivtJ~. SAv.ln. AtIo, ... BI""Jn~. N... Cr· ....!ldc:,''''',!II.. T'''''ra.. 5 ~ A.Vicl<sb"'i' an.! s;,r<:v<pcrL
1I1U be rexh.-cl-at 5:40 ... m., kt.laotia at
Mw:on -at l~ ;05 DOOD~ Jackson I~Ylng home. I Tbe l.bf'O ~ Cb service !ftll be especiall)" OOU " Teele-a t tor penon. cOD.:anplaling tri ps too FIor1cIoI ....d tile Sou1oh. Tourl5t tlct.... ....
:t:; a..
Sou.t hem wbater resorts DOW' OD aare S'pCt. ~ W I.-r e. Tb Pe.lulSJnata. Lines wtu be good ,",!",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,!!,!!!! eMs ma.go1ttcer1t tbrnocb tl"alll. Arra.u lc, L'!I .... tr.Ionl"OII I. may
be made tIIroug.b WW FARE TO W ASRlNGTOJr roll FJIIST
JOCll Ilge:Jlts .ot the PennSyh'anJD Uacs III staUoas meotloatd..orby C!OIDmumtatloc1rlth C C. Baiues. "D. "P .Ascot. v..ylolL 0 ....b ~ wUl m.a: reae.rva&.iona tor aDT TnIt'6daS or
f:':rf<b1 dunn.: Ille _ .
Exc1ll'5ion tickets to Washingtc.n wilLbe solct via PCllnsy]VIUIlIl. Line!! Maroh 1, 2 and 3, 1901, with return limit. on aJl tickets includiDg March 8th, - Thcinangurationof PresidentlIcKinley on March 4th will be-the
of kind in notables the n ew and ~~!~~~;~~;~~~; from·event all over the country, . The cerfirst ~,
t~~~~~~=~~~;~ ~:n;;;;:';'i:1
Que~n &
nile j :2li p. 1II . .1lIe day atter
Trayel cOII.-ulea.ces 00 lb .....nDsyhaalol L.t.or.1'1111ocludo tbrov&hcaT5~rvtce be;weeo Oblo Dad 1D4I...". poIats ood Florlaa. 00 aad after Jao QOUY 15tb. On aod anor t""t date 3. new alu wW I;Je TVa U1rougb Clndonatt D"CI>a~Q"'_ .. tI.Q~ ood .MD;:oD .... l ••k · .o"nll~ and 8t Allraal.lne. Tbc U.1.lo wUl ruD aolld to Sl. AUIl'l5t1ne A SI""plolt can:a nololt tbro""h to FJorl. 4.& on ~he Q .e w' U"1l1D .-W 19ve; Pft LSbor g b I 4L m •• over tbe "Pa n Handle 'Row.c via. Newark. Columbus and X~ol3 . ....d pas..D'~rs fo. tlIo South lIlA, ,0 Lhroll«b '" Florid. ()o I I
that will attract.
emoni~nnd willfestivities·will be impressive,beand wade of t.he 1lIl 1!J1usuruchu·r ncter. interesting to nll. This ~p to. Washington ~ay be vm Pennsylvania Lines at the lnw fares on through train~ of mod. ern railrQad equipment. For,details about f8l'9s Ilud thro~h serrice. apply to nearest PCllDSylvania Lines Ticket Agent:
011 on COllntry R9udll.
E.xPerimonts 8re t<> be mode n; r Upper BIlndusky this com ing 6prin~ and Summer-WIth qrnde-oil d'n caull. tty. roads. It is said' that thnpplt. 011 lion of. oil on ordinlU'1 atl'll'Ol\da ma:kes them . impin'.... Q~9 to '_tel' ani! tbe earth aeu-bal'd. preven~ mud in winter aud doss in Irilmml!l',. Theollalao illls."3U tJie weedS. ~ 1"'='-' 'prediotlon Js' made ·that Oil ",'R Bupe1'!lede ~V!ll on oo~try roil.. .. . --8pt!iilal to Xenia Gallette. ~ JJ~twhereill..the il1~ '~e~,
rna .
I-n O,.der to ' ;Make R..oom for sell
·A:T.~.C~<?~T ; AND
j::.~~~:t~~&;;~g~:~L DO lI~T _sa ( · ~.II 'OPPOarr1iJJIIITY . -;.
.... II TIckets 61". Darlae - D" Slle. •
DO. 'lDfLlllU AIVllfUlllrfU ' ..
, .
CERTAINLY Tun DO. A Well Wtoitteu. Well Displayed Ad~8D' ~ any newspaper, is
reaci, with u much
as the ordlnary readipg matter.
w more rapic1ly increaae the alreIwJt large Bubscription lin bft~ ~~ it. mana-
HBW OBLEA,XS We Jan A freab . .OLASSES . tnppl; of ,OpeD, '
gers have , dtltA!rmined to otff!lr
III order
Kettle New OrIeana Uolii.eea.
'10 persoIlII wishing to subscribe for .frieDda ., • 4»-
taDce. Call-or addrees ·this office for particuJan.
pT. JVUIl\Y'P et!tII\eJ!, 'Waynesitille, Ohio. .",:
D~ 1901.
$U1I4a,... . 10 ~SOa.
MOlllmm PB&YD A'fD SEIlJlOlf,
3:00 p',m: V:30 •• m.
8UlfD&Y ScmOOL.
10:00 •. m.
WIltDn:BD&Y. 1 WlIiD:n:8DATI l'OLLO'II'III'G Ulftll.-
7:00 p. m.
H,)LY WoK.
3:jS p.
J!oly. ll.4. BKaVIOJ:
p. iD,
&ata Ca,.. ":00 •.
HOLY co-mnolf. )(omWrG Pu.YD" BDJIOl(
BOLY cOlIl((1~..
SUlRI,m ,
m LaT.
~" Help me. Oh God, to be :r~y falthfnl ohl14. 10 J ove -'he 'mesw . SaVior who died . for me, SJld 'a1wVs.to obey ~e·iI.ol.Y ,Sp,irit; tha.t I'mey come • ." \Qa1; ~~n.y He.,.e,uy KingiiOlDt for -JeiJ18~ • .&loll;
I am so nervou s and wietcb9d." " I feel as if I should ~Llll"'l91 IT."o How familW' these expressions are! Littleyou AIlDOY you and make )"ou irritab le. You can't sleep, uofit for ordina ry duties, and are subjec t to dizziness. • That ' bearing-down sensat ion ' belps to . make you feel. JDJSerable. . · , You have backa che and pai"Qfllow down in the side. pain' in top of Jtead, Jater on at the bl.se of the brain. . Such ti condit ion points unerri ngly to serious nterin e . trouble. first exyou: when am Pinkh :Mrs. to n ,If you had writte perienCed impair ed vitalit y, · you would have been spared these .hours 01 awful suffering. . .. Happi ness will be gone out of your life forev.er. my sister, am's unless you act promp tly. Procu re Ly!1la E. Pinkh Bure to Vege table Comp ound at once. It IS absolu telyMass., if help you. Then write to Mrs. Pinkh am, at Lynn, tand. unders not Ulere is.anyth ing about yOUl" case you do Yon need not be afraid to tell her the things you couldn not explai n to the doc~-10Ul" letter is seen ooly by wome and is absolutely confidential. Mrs. Pinkh am's vast experience with such troubles enables her to teU you just what is. best for you, and she will charge you nothin g for her advice If
~. ... _au' . .t -teN Eye.. aad an.-rin r "y".,-we ...e receh ; "1day," Rid Ille ..... {rpm.H an every Hilt 1Icil D!io{. ""BDt, if 7011 (2Dn(lt unde ..ta:Dd t he mH' ule.,. hQ1Y eaD ,"011 &JI.... u IbeJn'!" otktd . . the Ohll'Ule Penon. ' ''Huh!'' ~pliod th. Eminen t Scient .. t. "they can' t tlDdentl nd tbe auwen, eitbu."-Boallim ore ,Am ..leaa.
' -~ ,
.Is: ..uu••• YeAr"
Did· rOil
Mn. Valeatlae Ten. ~f Hllppy Results Accompllsbed by Lydia E. PiDkb am's Vegeta ble ~fIOWJd.: . ·'IlIwlJ lB8.I'm JaUJ1 :-Itis wltilpie uD,.,th ai I add my t-thnnD ytoyou rlJst. hoping it"'..y induce ~ to avail tbemsel yes o~ the benefito f yo"r val'WAble remedy . Bef"", taking Lydia Eo Plo.k-ham's Veget able Comp ound. 1 (eUi vert bad. . . . terribly hel'TOUII and \ired. had lick bt>adac~ in -my. 1)0 ap)!etite. gnawiDg pain in EOmach , pain back aDd right aide. and 110 weak 1 ooW.d ~!y ataDd. 1 ... DOt abletod oanyth iug. Bn.claharp painaaU tbroagh my. body. &fore I bad taken b.o.lf a bottle of your medicin e, I found myself improvmg. I continu ed ' ita U88 lIDtii I bad muD foor bqi;tI•• and felt 110 ,..ell that I did not. eed to .take an} mote. ·'1 am like. a new perIIOD. aDd -your m.edici!ae ebalJ al~,., ha~e my prai8e." -)[Bs. W. P. VALPTUI&, &GO Ferry AVel1ua. Camp N. J.
Ali UI.o•. G'A....R;-So ll.r.
~ •
tMrUO -.er.: WI. . l it.. ti!.1IT'- are e.atlaell te ~ . . . . . . . . . . . .
w ....... Ri-.... , .. I fItI
~~~ _ _ 00• •:1. . .0 . 1o-&Dt OM! flo.YIa,JU &'IIIdl a. dabD u:.c. •• a.a. b.,.... "L. 4)• .&LLZY -" COl.
&.8 :!Iew.Jll. .-e ....wt.a •• Ka...... CIty ••• '<. ~
1t!'3"'<U~ I
EaaJ" • • d Jjell~lo ... D~. . ~rh; nu..-n htun ~s Ha-'h··Jfli "co D~ m.:a kfa~e HcioUl
You hKi·. neihlnl. t o do but di.. • 601 ~E' it in hoo t walel' artd ret 11 aW".ni to cool; deligh ti, rna . .. a deliriou. tl'lln"p3 , ent ful jelly de ero . F1. ~ o",: orang', lemGn. l!t ra'Kberry . rupberrl " ~pe-a~ tYjlu cherry u d u.o ll a" orec " ("a .t..lOOt" lor m aki D, " ine .. nd coffee jollie!. G .~ a ~Ie to1 'day a( l'our 1:1""""<'''
• .... .soled la . ,. . tu.c:rI with KUU5£1 S' LIQUID £XljlACf Of '.OU. (ror:t. Meke1T 1roo4. a.t..... 8&no&
· Ibd.
Sto ck· Cut s. f t . f .e.t Preoen ptle. Ie"
.IId J!'eft!" i. -• .b<Ml. of Gro""'. T. t.1... CJaill T9nie., ~ It d :limp17 iron and Quinine in a tutti_C orm. N"oC1lre-Do pay_ Price,SOc.
..... Bear Slp!lt ure ef
. ~
-.... ~
mnd . U [rom t be 'hi< DODHtIf t .ud eJphla -.PhiJ.d -doe.... COQk"!" :W.r.,..."_Sbe ~ .
Haah&ad.!.."Wba,t mak..
10U impud.~..,
.Pi&o'. CU... _at tJ. too bi4hlt lpokmo{ .1:OUih ."re.-,.T. W. O'Bnen. 322 Third. N .. llUmeall01,io, MiDn .. .Ian: ',.ljOO. . --- ,
- --> If you ,.onl Co m." ~ liar maa'3Ak Mm to 'do IOmeI1i ur"fcryo u.-Atchl.:o:l Glo!;._ "
Sweat• .g4 frvlit 1IC1d~ WIll .Dot dlKo1or .,;ocJs d1"d with PIlT!I .... F.Al>El.I!88 Dull. ~lcl
bpI! ~.t.;
l pDii~ aD
4Y Sent.• tiny viI"lIuue ... !dade. to say : ~-. "Ro ... red and vlol~t'acbJue. w~ one
• 8u.-,r b sweet-4LIld .0 are y ou,
II you r 10\'6 1111:e mine la true
No lmlte can out our. love In two, 1 am thine-If .
- Sl;'ce tho,", happy 4aya of curta, ~ng· aao. ' We have. -toved ISQme other s1rte.
the 'IIery (hing
know. But Ih""" otller gfrlB combIned Ne,rer c:Jlnfmed our heart and mint! AtJ \bat <ft,."t wee Iweetheart .hrlned• That.}s so. To tKose ottler Clrla .. e',~e sent. ... ~B 4 yoU
One .,ouJ~ He fairlea daaoinlr ' about
WH• ''It " '81 that gaJop-my fint at West Poin~that I~ .wlth Cadet Capt. Dell... '" aard Pappooae, 1ooJr.. In. bli t hely . 01',' ~Ato hill ateadfui "yea. "You'Ye lno idea wlI,t a -proiiCI g1rl_T was'" The)' .. ere 811- the upper end of the 'paNae at the molD ut. TIle 1.10111< " 'BI only 50 yards ~"".y, Jta
Va I II!tntiDt'S
CooUng <lolhu'. gladly .pent, 4
And the IInuJ
WnueD by some' poet great. All ....ere strictly up- 10 dale, And " artl. tj.c and oniate In d .. I~8.
But those coaUy gem8 of art. Decked with 1I'0ld,
Never thrilled .. teJ.der beart . '
the old
LIttle penny thing we laid Al our awee-t.beart·. door afraid Lest "the l'eere-I: tbQIS conveyed. ~a
Should be
C, Dodse.. tn Chicago Dally SUD.
A TaJe.Uae DIYe"•••••
"@~ Ie 01 heorl .." mad., 3. plea..<ant dh-,s:-5:ion nt R recent VolCDline pliny . Th he...-tA werc eut f.om ",&I e."",olor 1'0 per, and on each '''''''. ,,·ri lle.. oue lin~ from R COllplct Bl\proprinte to 81, \'1,le!l,tine such os .• 'TIs better to ha"o lo"ed unil lost; ' " My 1m'" is li1le " red, red ro ~c," ' ''1'\'0 fiCuls with but '" IilngJe Uioughl;' ..fc. 'These 6emiquo",!lioJl~. £Oy5 Alice Carlollo:\- WhceJ.. \
Ughu ..,.'I'kllng Dnder the CjlIlop)'r the mooo!Ugbi gllntinlr on tbe lDlooth ...rface of -the daacfng floor that an In4ulg~llt poat command",. brA had pJaced! 'there. Halt a dozen yOUDg gurlaon ,g1rle. :form in ann Dnd by ·twos, ...ere ItJ'Olling about ita U-llxeu IIId ..",ai~ni tbe nut piece; and lome of thl'ln had been importunIng the leader, for d the momeDt, CC!fl Dnd rippllng, sweet ana tbrllllD • • a04 bewitching, . tbe uqulsite ope:ni"ng of "PuclcWudpes" oot oJ1Cln the nlght. "Oh, J eu! L!itatelll" ~ried Elinor, III ecstasy and a..rprlIIfl. . . abe turned
baa with. qulc!kly beeUog heart. "N.~.. no, }ndee\fl" ,"plied her dfer eaeon, witb a throb In Jtla breallt eehoed .",11 o.~red that In ber own. ''?'o' udl. :to lfaten-eom~ It . . . 'your lIrat pLop at tbe PoInt-
Wb~n th;.bell of in ord!JUIJj alana elo"k begins to ring the alee per .is apt u, wake up lufficientfy to thlbk 1t.,,· ilJ atop soon Qnd as he la Dot comPelled to .a.rlie and atop it.-the reault i. of teD auIi'tlier nap, with -iu eouaeq.oent delaya throughout t-he day. TbJs- obJ~.t1an b8s ~d to tbe designing of the~~t!D1l01l8 rln/iiug alarm, of which _ieralar. already in U5<', Tbe deeu-ic alarm, ,,-bicb ,w'! .ho .... i J~,..,.,.,mj)alyillg pietu.ti; 'hu lidSt ~ bEen patent~ by. " Si mon Wolf, ot Essen, Germ.'II)-, allll beartSs content. hAa at least 0", noveUy tA> HC9.!11!"end tbe bo un d. ft. ::-];t is di .....d£ly connected to .t.he bed What h .. K and it i . impoulble f-;r ~be 5'UJ!C!~ to beeI1 a.lT~iiy p,'Yftii wi t h regard to s top it uotil be leta up~.t8", lIlIa.... ,~_w peat f¥oree only toreeu~ 6b~ .... that >rill be,accomplishe d atter few deende•. 'lie.i~ff,,-~!;;;~""'d-~~'l"'!;. Jt firmly belle~c> that .. ~~ flOD6..to- • the- mean lFo! tra ... ~Bur:lehrli. a..d the gi~!~~h~ad~~)~:~ the .power o(.Niagara FaU. bad, 4c d~ to dJatant .poinU. ... ride be~ tLem Into . ActUal e:tp.rim.nla proye tba t.- -the town nnd ha.e a chat 11> .!;he pariIW rra!~ of II- copper wire to th e ,"hile ~he .wrote to motber In ~b. lJ· elecU'ie ' eur:ren t a" tbe tempera tu.e brary. Bnj;.a tbJ,D# baPll""ed thaJ U of liquid af. (3J ~ degrtffbe"k>wzeroJil.) olle couljl h ...... fote6flen . Jnst ~Oft Is lts8 than OIIe .f)e",O!n t. of ita r esistQdJI ,.,. . 'OYU and "1U1e 'hey Wl'n! anee at 212 degrees above zero F. .,.,etelilnJl' I~ tram tlat1o- .eata" la Put of the powe. olf ]\iagnra falls the C!01'ered wagou.~.. buge ~rove"l1 .. ill, 1 ~lIe~., be eoD v~rte d into ~I ..,· alongside and Maj. lIurlelgh !..m~ tricity, an d p3rL in to liqu id :lir. Tit.. out. gue tbe reiJIa to bla eom}:i.o1aoa, liquid air under blgb preasure 1vill be and ,b!ide him come 'to him as &Goa at rul he liad IImshed what he ...iobed to h un d for' cooling the electJiil. eo uit Incased ;n a ..-elHllsulat..d pi pe. a' the s utler'.. The major'. f(Oce Will Au!omobilu prope lle d' by liquid air RINGS- Vi- TIt. SLEEPER ARllIES. pertuTbed, that of his eompanlo'll .re already fI)iug througb the street s looked black aod ugly. It was Capo_ at Ne'y York, and liqu id air \\ill 1iD1 • ., nnlh tbe b ed i. 8 series of canueL N'~ball. aud lIODIetbing wa. aDIiO", I d b' The latter barely tlppea 'bto bd u the prob em of aeria l aD &u marlDe ! po,nts. ODe of which I....hOWn in the naVIgation, lor not ou!y can a greate. pictu.e, the weight of the'penon foredrjyi.llJr away. tire fonner hun,t. • amount of power be ca rried In a SlOall Illg them ' together, A cloek ill used In aigh of nlJet, then illl'Md to «"M" ItpaCe and at Ie .. weight tbon any connection With tit" "p~atu8, Bnd Q.I the Cir1&. o!ber power ~ftqU'n: but t~e exhaust f OOO os .be bour of nomg i. indl",1ell Ten minut.ea paued In COIlSt.ralJIt from th e eDlPoea WIll fDrDllh "pure, lb. relOaioing opening or break in lbe and a ..kwardneaL Burleigh felt thol iry , higbly ollygenaled fre s h ai r for ,.ire l& closed, the e~"nt paslling' he ",aa fln"'elcome, bu tr ld .. ey"" Wen' breathing. . ' , t hrough tb e conta ct point "un ~erneath fbed in faacinlltion on ,':11001: Eol· Berore tbe c:entur~ II half go~e}1!e I he btoil and cau King t b . btll to FLng som, and he could not go. Presently far bousehold U6e WIll be a CUrI OS I t y , continuo " .I) until 1he 5Ieepe., by lIriU ..... diamill&ed. and ~n, all. Liquid nit' _ W1U . be de"~ered fr o m lea "lDg Ibe bed, brl'llks tlie Circnit. aglow, came pIloping up. hia ordt!d,J bool!(! to bpuae 10 """", JUS~ B8 th" Sbould h e lie do\\ n again th" circuit js trumpeter follmrlng. No~ . wrtll h. milkman del;'·.rs b .8 wares enFY agai n completed ond the heD rings UII' had joyously greeted both the glrll morning {or daily consumpt ion . ' III Ibe second rlsillg. did he _ who was .talldio, by the In chem ical science the po~i bm, 10rwal'd.Jlrbeel aD the oppOsIte aide. ties are illimitable: che m ical s will apBARBERS ARB BUSY KEN. ''Good morning, Mr. Dean." salel absol ul e 11urification b..r t.be c ... t._~r A.. . ert. TII.t Tb!7 'rake B.u.rleJgb, a1I'lIbly_ "1 De~er &:l'T that ery&l illiza\ion l'roceEs of se para tion. Ruad",d. or Stroke. E ... er:r s.roop look-1lO welL" recombination or tbe component IJb ....c. / "Good mornlng.air," &aid Dean. eold. parts and th e elimi.lmtion ot th e 1mh'. TIIe.n turned to apeak agaio tc pure ingr.,.1i ..nt• . -CbicsG'0 TImesTbe m 3tl ....it h the ",hi . k"rs li ke a :llisa Folaom when ' be buggy came He rald. £iable .., rubbinr: br~ b straightened whirring' back. up in I he ba.rber cb., r 81 a big (Jown "lie ian ~ here, Bnrlplgb," &aid th o WALKS ON THE WATER. tOWD bos.tel r~ ODe d 3~ Dot so-very~ long' ~pant, pet uJan tl.r. -Be's in town, a.na you·.e go~ to fiDd him rigbt oIL ~e.r-_• • • • ..eRror II•• Co a.lre e'ed ago, aud a ft ~ r' the geni a l bar~r ba a. "W.tep !§k.I.t'!I wlOt "~ blck lie squirted s ome CODfin~ d air tn to bje Com., ODP' hai r'. ears pod Dostrils, said ~to the Burlt!igh tuned lind. "Capt. Ne,'" ,,.bite-coat~ci m3Jljl'ulator af lhe han," he Bald, ';'yOD rail fo notice I am All Ingenious d~",Cl' for wnl k lug on l1IZ0T: with mend,," "Young fe.! low. ~ o u l OOk as if .rOil Ml'hey are friend s who \YilI be glad l( mlt.cr baS "~n inTented by (;:)pt, get rid of you, tb e n," replied th. Gr06lmlan, o f (ologue. GI'Tre aoy. He might be a rre'lty s mnrt m3 . ' ~O\\. IItMlngrr, thieldy, ' a.nd it \l'lIa euy tt has called bl. apparAt us "wat.r . kiIL," in fl ba"ing me, bo\'f" tn an! st roKes co see that be had been drillkin$. AU lilt nnd he h'aR Schown that ' eo can 3C('om- you think ,.ou ma de n~ith r qur r8'Zor?"1' " Oh, I can't knoW'. I om su r~.. " r~ plis b ,~jtb them 'RIj mueb 0 0 some of Ibr ..me Burleigb welrt. morc 1 u rb ulfot W3\'es a n d (a ils of 1 be plied tbe barber, relates tbe Chicago Rhine a s th e Xorwegia us caD with Cbro llic l~, ':Well, gne a gu • ..,;. I didn ' t""k JOu th ei r fiDO W skis on t he: £teel' mount o feU me just esactJ, how maDy. I toins of Ibe uorth. Capt. Grossmann's 1\3t e r f:k is are only ..-ant ~ou 10 leU me bo" many two plal!, C)~ hDde:r5 mad e o(a!umin um. you think." "\YeH. I presume 3bout 150. or pos· sib1 , 1'1~ o. "You 3re a goo ::! g\l~er. I
t bi ok," rep lied t he mao in t he ~b a i.!'. "If I shou ld or e,,-" the n" "~ to you a!t-~ rup U,\ y ou "ould h .. " .. .iit. S'tJi ~Il j ust gi,'e )OU tbc fir_J figure. That 611UTe i s _even ,. " Tb~n
I ,.... - too hjgh? I mo de
trokes: ' aDsw ered
011 ;",
" \'ou made ju.t- 757 .trokes." T il. barber gasped.
' just ~ha t ron d id, and U .' ou dOll ' , b<-iieve II 30 U 1U1< oOUlebocly "Tbat'~
t o count the nex t time ron
hDve n
(ello \\. I h a ru ly e r " r !rEI's ba"ed ncm wb eJl T don't co un I the tl umber <I t sl roke!(; a h n rber rnn k es ot'er Dl.'"" lae~. It'& ne~e,.. lo".r t ball seo, an d mn n," l imes tbe nu mbE r i s ("\ e n more tb an you lU l'tt m ade to-day, J COUDt eirokc 3 only ..-h en you ma ke" down" a rilmov~ men t wiTh tbe razor" uH ui li e gee." E'jftcuJs red in! bj\r'M: r. uI sha \ c abou t 35 persons 3 oay.f.' Th ~n h e Jllcked u.l' a pie.ce of p.p~r and I/o,g'nD to fi"ure . . II 'm goi t<!-~t!J k •
.J fe~t long. They a re 60 ItghL that the't' CDD f'2folh be carried on th e shoul· d~r;' on tf:rC3' tirm:t. lii(f' a pnir of big on.. The skis :tr IO pwpeUed by th e l r~a ding- 'Of th e. 1~f't, wInch heep fou.r ')i1r-s hap ecl wings in ~en -1::n t mO llon. lba""s a cinch. Too many M TOkf.!8 lOT (;ap!. Gr"""'lDallo s.\l<a 2U lives dnnog . Ill" .U r' count bOO ror t!~ ery p~~t' n . ~ - rreent flood, It I S clnlmtst.for lh.l ~ i lbot wake" _1.ooJl. All tbn~ t .. o apI'3rn tus tll:ll ft is. much In-ore. e.a iI~' d QJia.r.5"~ ;\I t : r m croio ' !o P3JIf!. liiU,:' m'l.Iti pu lo t.<l In r Ollg lt ,.:entbe.t:. l.b~u 'rbe bdrber co uDleil Ib ~ ntITubt!r or most hfe-eBving bOllt ~. !:troke ~ b e- maGe o h 1tJtt- ne xt c ustomrl __ and wilen he r each ed . ';5 he ~IOl)P.d . GERMS CLOTHING'. ;.. a l l b.ongJI be .knew be had Dot done -a good job. I
Olllhtberl ... Senld F", "r ruad "' • • e Other DlJiC'a.e-a
,,<"),ed ID
Rt'ad.I1)" ("011-
A..., I . A.l~
;"'ERlCAN PRO'DUC"', A.u.&
t. " COJD';-Odif7 i. Tt.ell a.ad tlae SOUI'e.e '0' a Pl'OlIltablt
Esee... :;'r
"'" Excelsior, aD American j.Q \:cnt ioll ;,'bieb i> este nslvely u."d ·fo. pa,'king purpo.es aJld in Ibe. IDanuCact ,! re o( beddi ng and \nrjous oLber uphol ste ry 11~t=S. is not, a!;: i. gene-raUy beUe \td, rcaue from
sb a 'f'j~n-s:'
'Srd d
s., le llenifT in tile maleTJal. ~t IS all a rticle of regular m'l.Il'ufac lure. 'Wi l between 35,000 and 40,000' tons of the curlinG' wo od fi ber are tu.rD~d au 'b) the easte rn antI westen lumber mUla aunually, ~BD ••wood and , POplAL are tho YIClOds \lsed in 1M' p,·oiluction. Th o logs are ..,wed iot-o lengt hs of 111 <blches. 'lhich is lhe I.,og\ b of a .tib:er of excelsior. l'ii""8 blocl<s at~ "pI;! • in q,ahe& altd tll e wood i . properly seasoned. E>:celEior is -.mode of differeo t> degrees o( eonrse oes$, a.nd . finE'
· COAST~ Wrl~
ror Fl . ..
C. L.
12.n _,'0 p. m.. 6. U
7.4'!i 10.1.5
Kentucky, Tenne se .Illubama. Miss' sip'i and Florid JU8
, In Ol'd.er' to .M.a# Jioo:";' for Sprint will'; sell •
,. 1)ReO:R3iJ/1~ ' Oniptla~ue ~
bed uwe UYer - pllls ever J. 11. .lwei. draQiat.
Baal Beitler,
ot_ ']wln-rillil.
-wen DoWn ihroUeho1Jt this ~. dled at bill home rut Tbur. JIlOlnWl2
To Be Held in Friends'W1J.iU Brick Ohurch;
, .
C1J;io, . ,
Jan. ~5th a:tid ~6eh. 1901. nonday, O:.1Q .. -.... ¥uaic_.
BEY". J. F.
Put. 8. H. ELw. JOID Dzoo. ,
Boa.wa 811001[
Ilu. Jl.t.ay 8IL~ W. G. ,J'~(I8'l'B.
& . "EARR .. " " ~ . ,."
Ohio. '
Vt ~ "I'DktA
-WHITE . ,
.. ~)(aaic •••
p. m
... )fll8io. ~ ~0,PeniJar
01. Qaer1' .Boz.w
r. BIoon'
)(. NtlTr. ' JOIii BIIGo•
_. Vocal )(uaie.,,. )(Uy
1'. hAlllZ.
lias. },Iva BRoWJI.
w: G. F~oaa.
P. II. 8uu&<z.
Monday t 7 p. m • .•• J(UIIio~. ~CB.uJ)LU.
x.. 1i&Jly EDw-.t.BDII. ... ~l18ic...
BDIrB 8uu£C&. 1hDoo. D. A.J'uuIL 10D
JUnu I. BmIL
...1I1IIio.. ,
.lOD BaJG,
0, II
1 ____'
j' r
J. ; ~
Tues4ay. .
p. m.
_Election or OIDCeY'll ...
G."Vi. FOL'4
IliM Gratle Lawler.
W . G. F.unWOltTB, , F. PAOKEB. Pui. 8 . B, BLua.
' :
AI_y. -c........ 10~: IUD , ~ into a j ....e11'7 Ilote
I<> look' at )"d i..'"1':lJIp> the ..or.l gouip io ' I<>wn' u lAIr" tq .ten ia "no catcb hiJllaL .1.-
AlclWbn GlohR.
_t » r eaerl...... r.. r F.";.:u a boltle::l'f e.o...
fte a.od
(;.. 11 .. . T •• telm Chill .Tonk It U lim pl" iron ond quin;ne in t tutelenfntlil. No"" ~noJ'OY. P d ...,5Oe. "
, .
"P0"u1y'8 . 0, crime... &lid J ob'. comfort!i- . ''lfayb<, ~ol/' ~'plitd tb. ) 100' m.n,
:-Put: I~ seeo,. to ~ panahjble lJJ,' pon! la- I ~ r~r lif.:'-Pbil,delphi. n i!COn!.
---<i>-bert ;".dic:i~ we eve. 1I~" Jor all' .ffec:tjoql _oC th ~ lb rllat and ~.
P/io~. CIii'e ~ Ihe
~ ,. . .. . file every man aItor Ilia d... rt, aDch,ho
'I:lUpp i D~!-Sbak..pear",
- + ® O - -.
Y.\~1 fast ... -..n ttj ooTy btcau:e it' liod. .ftiniLy in u•. -R9m·J I:l,o r~ . . . ._J
It .";'ils & ravor iLl'OIl are "lied to iL-Ubica:;o Dai~1 New!.
Ipnp.-,Vm. - O. P.iubleT, V~nboren, Ind.,
~mlo ~b:• .1
i'!Oli 10, I00I).
The ·...omio ..lio to in tbe h.bit of feuu.,
. hel; l1'<Iubles mak .. .more, ull. l!.an .b. rc~
ttivts,- To,,·i:J Tupie.. '
Off !
'tbe, Ori!, OIl! Pneii",oDia mar b. ",..d.d ....tb Hill •• HaDer_ of fio're.boncd .nd 'far, . I'ike'§ Toothacbe-D top. Cure ic one QUonle.
-It dotro'" pay to be oblLin&le. ~
UA OER3 OF 'rlllS PA PE R DJ!SlIll '" 'l'O.BtlX A.."~niJ~G- .' ADVERTISY-D l!i ,'1'5001.\1)1)'5 ttl(t)l· l.J) IN: !il r l'POS- (t.i.n!\G e u....T n..t..T A-.s" ruC:U.t: t' UElSO Ala. 8UI!"'Tinn'l<8 oir'bt IT ...TIOli8.
Nei t1!rt ' I. it wise 1", !>'tOlllt to lake" - tbe ad1'lC8 olJena.-W~ini\on
Pall . ,
for To-D.,. ~ . -- it ) ' OU hav: . • • Bo robaD'" li n t>: Jehycon in lli. C!Upboard., Onl)' net.......ry 4' "",:1(t il\' bOk 1\'tI~r aD'!l ,,_ I ALlnd .... "1':. to q>?l !~ t.Ol~ r!t. mD51 d.li-: CloD jrdl}' ~ .\ b.ioluti:l)· pW'e (;eh..une .t.U~ ! . I aDd fruit 6s,oori- Fluvou·: Le.mQ~ CiTangf., - - - - - -I ra pbe.rr:!. :n r;}U'he.n.,-. 1ft iltl cb~rry . pcat:b . I .100 Uba.vor.d "c.l(,ioOI" for WUle aud ! coffee l0";L!rocer eJ it.
And' Rest for '
Iire(r~&iberS . ' , ....
" ... t
W~' about
IUIESIS ::.~~ lI.r aDd _ T l V E -
~ ~!".:l;~ " &"'A~" Trlb-
u.ne b\l Jl"' ~o ... ~", Yorl:. ,
Ea.Ue. t Re.al .. B ... e De-•• P ..... B.,aeatl l ttoe COIllf.1 '-
al& I. ...... Be"
UTlLlZIl'fG WA TERJlELONS to O.....e". Jl'1~e C~l,IJ ... to • Dull.r -A. 1 • ..-e-afoWt l: • • kf'e1. neYlee
. . • Where you 1ri111lDd, ~~~IlY, .
"~YNZ8Vn.Li;· o.
Louisvilte ~dN flShvil1e ~===:S:E=~ .-'ad ";'IU.T ~ R il a ' r o . . . '. ." "
Public ~"IC8 •.
. ' ; : ' ..ii:·
Fel'l'Y, Ed7iD. S. lIarthlil1 1li:le lot of live stock, con· l-.ri,oti" .. ~.., horses; cattle, m'ilcb cows• . fanninR'im-
bi~: ~ i
I',·COAST. WrI ... ·!or.FOlden. ~pti.e.....tle1'. e1<: .. 10
- C. ' L. ~TONE,
m. ,
-Thtmida,., Febrnnry 7th, &t 10 ....••.1""~_. on- what bas long Cottonwood Fa,nn, YoD,l!)e •
.'~.-! A} 'O~E "~EL -m .GOOD MEALS, ut
S~e &0
• I
7 .
U1 ttf
. ttf GOOD SEltVlCE, -,. 00(1)'
L1vUi' :.ceca_ODAT.:>"&.
"rPIUC~. ~~.t.BOIfA~E,.""
i. H,· Ha,wOO': 'ropriftor, ."e",."e •• "i.CL" ••
Oe ..eraCPalleDpr A,eal. .
w. .,..
ulllolUe1 to UlIOail. . J_pII
w.us.a.,ot S&Iem ,.,••aIIlp. .. ~\e ~
General la:JmlP1lttoa and ladDlti1.1 AltOna,
- we at. aau.orta4 to
Aad he wlll mall lou.. free •
..,1ibIIcu . ._Dee
~~LLE.~. ,
.. !
__ WaI. ·
ro-faod. of J'ndiI. toriallJ.. Sa ~te . .... Oqaat, Coaual_er....bjoll ... I.be Be-
....... <1"rJmar1.,.u 1.1101. .
Kentuckv. T~nne$see, Alabama, Mi.ssissipi and FJoridu r .mav 1· Ivr
ftadV. . . . '
_ W.) _
autllarlaed 11> aD""'" O. P.
......___ .,. __poi""" . .pr\l11t. .-....,tor -.-'... ~
of Clean:..... _
. .IlIp, U ClIDdI· _bjeo\ to.IM lie·
_ _ to _
..... J'ra1U'.1I.
-........ of TIartI<oereek "'......1' .. c_
.; •
eHi.... _rot 'WaneD .,.,Da,. ...Iijoct .. • • -dadaIIe at ... ~.
_17, JeC' to..,..lIUeaa ~ A_U,· .. _
eIilelllr'l_nrof "'.....
~ '-Tram C'ODvr-me.nc:es
on Ute ?ennarlY&Illa ..m IDclude t...broaCbcarSe-fvlce bet_ceo Oblo anel Indiana points and Florida.. on Wld. after .1aoulory J-6Il.b. On alter Inat daw
OLD j2S.3~
:a ne.. train wm be
DtaChatUDO' ..... AUauu
10 .Iack-
aoavllle ...d St AufUOUoe. The ,rala ",m rua .... 1<1 to SL Aapstlne • • A S1e~plDIt p..r rallala1- U.rou.b~1D Flori.
Reliable miul for Mallllger of oh'l<>o tile ~. ,raID" "Ulleave P4uburgll :t. Branch Office we wiah to open in 8 02. m .....~O'I'er ,~Paa Ba..~Ue Rou!t' Y1i& New.rk. C<lJumVilS Ib4 ltrala. and p~D,.n lOt tbi'J vicinii!'. If y our record is 0 ftI6 So~lb 'tDa} ~ £!Irougb ",'Fl orid. on wilbOUl j.ban&e (rom tbe foUowt:JC natJoaa, Jr.. bE<re ia&D opportunity. Kindly Jeav1q OIl Lhe S$bcdaJe &:IT'~o CQ;cb Tuesda.1 and I!'tId3, : C.lumb~s. 2 : IS p . m.: London. 2 ;56 p . 111, : Soulll CharI.lUOD. a :13 BO·....,·A.I..... 1 COdanUie. 3 : ~ K p. m.: x."ra. 3 : t8 Po III, : _WarDe ~.,Ule. *":O'P.- m . : Morrov.-." :~7 p. m.; Loveland. i :l g p . m. • From C1nclnu... '" Flor14a Lbe train ,..111 ICIDDsul of the larean. paLtern Pull.maa ~I~p
1'. " :
--_._-..,.; 1'0 St"'l'!. .&Iv,
.l)on't laugh D 't d'
a.t fasb~o~..
. a inbltion On 't hinder 1&COtIrage • •.Dori progress. Tty to bffllffllble. . Look on tbe brigbt side. Utrive to be happy.
IO\r. PlDIDjr IUId OboervaUoa Oa r.. IncludJn, tile Sleeplda Car from PILI Iburg, CbutanooII"' WiU be Tooched at 6:40 ... m . , ASlaota at , =Ui &. m4~ Macon al 12:05 nOOD. Jacksoo -
>1lle 7 : 25 p . m. tile cia, anu leavllllr bome. TIle .bl'Oop aerr\ce will be .~aIIJ' """. rilr ' UI. penl>al ..tI1lg u'lpo.lo to 'Soucb .' Tourll' Uctellf
1 '9~nl~IIt'
,Are j;ood vi~'1.'1e Q"~ • 'Crc~' ~~:lt Rou~
lnd So.:thuu. F.:,;_ ru~ Florid:.; .New Or1<305, C~ba er C31,fornia. All lincs at Cincin· nati anj at Louisville make dirtct connections ",i th our fast; UmitM traios "'~lic b le3ve (i;i~nnatl8: Jo
a.ni.~3P.0IZ ;l~,je LouIM1le
m. aJs 7:4S p. m.
. 5iJ.. Ry.) 1'--45 L
. Frtec..k Cars at II!~ f..utor.. ()to$or· Y2tloo .;~.,.
A"l:l Cd~ Cus ( se-rvfce • JJI cant t:::y ExC':!:.eat thl1Ml5:'b senr"!! ot4...~c:.
.,.,.... p."~"" . Si"rus Clndr~d II>~ ~ K",",,""'" ....,..."ik. So,!"",
nah.~~J&"LL BiMnmellil:..
t~~ • • J ~ cksonvi.!le. T~%:l f'4-. St. A..-
'~'=' \~CkSb"Tg ~~ ~(~
ea•• : 11'. t'£L~ 1) ~ P •• ••
4nt •• , "ACe .Te,. C.11IIIC.''''.n.,_: • • ' " iii" . ... " • • ..,.." . . . . .
11'. :
. . . . . .J . . . . . . . . . . . . £ . . . . . . . .. ...........
C'.~ I .,II.~
!!!~~~!!i!~!!!'!!!!!~!!!!!!!!'!~~!!!!J ' 'r ' t'
resorts now lale uapet· ,... farea via PeaDSJ'Y&nJa Ll1Ieo ... U1 be.nod LOW .AU TO 011 tbla IUgtllliooot &broacb ttala. A rta", ..
1. _' _
IDe»ts to U'avel on it may be made tbrooah
. ' Enjoy life loeal "pnls or lb. Peonl ylnala LI_ at Of) Keep healthy, . ltallODS mentioned. or by ClOmmnnleadD8;w1U1 II!"'~ ' weIJ Urae4. which you can do 'by USing HainIS. D. P. Al"nl. Daytoa. 0 .. wbe. ~~ ~.>te. ~4, wiJb Ualdwe1I'8 Syrnp ~8ll!ltn ~~"'~'''''~iq:. iPrld ..-; .dlf,ril·re&en ... tile for all}' 7'Ir!-r ow h.""""Dla . .iDllronblleil-I'tI....·ii. .lftl ...ftity "'!' aucaUiDd : .• com· to directions. It is &n
"'ari,~. ~te aDd.
F:ci(.1ya&pllft laborer. eaw;ecJ of .",.cei~'~ ..al
,.;uaUlY. ~ •• .~
~~~,~~~l::::::~· ·:""~:MDre:: to IDvI~ u4'1IoItI .1Ie6~ , We adwIn cotI4oIe.·
for Constipation, Indigestion, TronbIe8~&Dd Sich Bead. Clruggist.
~t~:E::2~~9f" f~. ·.~ wt&Ia .... rlEOR"Off,TtU)MPSON. , t~!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!7,!!!!!!~lj;;::;;;T 'tIIiII_.M .alEtoMl<~ ~'. p 1'.11,11:. , " .
'. - ; _
Febru3rylJ .aud 12: #ar ~lebr...~ ,c,"_ ~bra• II... LlDcol,,'s blrtll4ay 'b, tbe le11enoa. Jactoou-LlDoola Lea,ue. ncuroIon tlckta trtu be ani.! to ColQmbo . . . . ~aayh... ~ Lin.., .,ail4r..urall!&' .... d1 Jl'eda_lUt ''eb....yI S.b.
IG. A brtclge lQ 7u.1a ~ '1lDd 18. feel wide i80oftle4 widl pWik IX tacbeetluOt.: --I'ind tW....taeoi &he plank •••18,10 parK: PllYS1.0LOGY• . 1. .- What. tlle -1IMJIiW t.ulpera.. tare of the bodyt . J'reqtMDC7 of "
Pul.t ' .
S. . Name the · dtvialoaj 'of the -s-aal. CQlumn, aDd .tate die Dum. be! of 'HrtelmB !D'NOb. " ", 3. InverW luuIpe ... formed OD the retiDa;· why do -we _ the object8 nPrichtt . •. In wW two portiolllP oI &he digwtive trIIc* 18 st&reh obaIlpd ~
W0H-D·.aQlY . part1,cooli. ~w.1- ~1Ii~la.
did. _"
'LIIIA IUlfS We have ~ oll,.i ...., nt''' ' f~m
~Wl.('lIUws lUlt tlie .iItt\,or ~ed "Bunt. - TlrHe -are a.~
.,d-wilr:oGe.k.-_ily. .. . '
What glaDdJI aDd what
ed, ~ rplIed. }(ice1,. aifted.. Ka~ .a .xult.at di.... G'-d to
F~RR ~
foaDd ia the UN of
1m, each?
&eeken. the
II. What ia each of the fo1JcnrIDjr: (I) Theperitoueum,? l3) TheIipJeen' (3) 'l'he perioeteum? (4)~? (5) The thoracio dueU 7. wPen a: TeDtriclo oouUact., wha~ prevents the blood f1'Olll 40w. iDg back into the auricle' 8. Give tbe IIOUT08 of the ftlae, Irleriee, lacte&la aDd IvmplwalClll. f i. Why d~ alcohol 10_ u.. tenpenatllre of body_' , 10: Is alcohol • food? Ciift , ~~Or yoar ans~.
WHITE; , Waynesville, Ohio. ,
Ga. . . . B. Analyze the fol1owiDc: "DDt Eaocb1ear......... ~ fJoe-">:
'If I lIlIabi loot .... bel' _ 4D4 _ _ _ • BacWed_~-.
WaftIa • •tlo"'j ·at
• ,. :'
~!- <~n.t.naGibnefs ..
a~oto~Y.~ ' Q.d.~ T"'"
~D" ~,
..e.,p,':<£ood -
5 to 8 1.:.30
. .
l!Il~h aad quite !l'allCi. fw Go-lrDII
;-.a ~tI,JiII!uU. nz-e.i 1Ic:, the 1/eman4 powiDg ' .ch rear. .•,.. .. _ ;
"'" _
_ c... ~
~ ".
- .
,AIID ',mnICS~
,' .. . <PMt!r' W..... ·01 Camel .. J¥;, cuYtot. ~.I'c:ipUA; ~ aoua,' ~ '~o. •
WhIP. Cord,
I. Name aJld detlue the:Jhree c..... of "ll1IIQeJ'Q MJeetitcw.' > I. IDustrAt.e the aae Or '>WbDe" .. three ~eren11liane of apeech.
.. at.. eDuapIe ot. __....
a~tiOll with
• BO\IIL ," . J. NIUlUi'Caa.tea-. :DeaBilMCIl l &lid uplata t,J1e eact of each1WD4f. " , S. Wlw is techmcal ~? ExpJaiD the term as DO" a.I. 7. Na1ll8 the foQr 'parts, 'Jato whiah F!UJUII&r is usaally cJiYided, lind u.pIaiD the root or 1Jrimat~. lac of,"", aame'of each dirili~. 8: . ~ of the w~ ,lJl'q~ &Ui0ll III&t'b :
m-a !:,
.'Lft ·~t" tile
. ....t..,.
eo.ana btU UIitI-&.....
"We~....,b_ "U"4r_IIft~
." ""'1'0 WU" \!laC lie _
:"ftere ..
lie 00 _ _ I"
~ ·llmI' at wblcll 1~. .
Irt.ae.· u
, , ",~",.elO1Jl,J~~Jcat'._(~, .ISI.OO
. . . . . '- be •
doell an adjunct re1a&e?
.r '
t_aPID So
torbearance •
t. Wbftt" • finite ftl'b? DefeoNeat. T~bt
tiVlI ftl'bf
10. :whaUUDadjUDCtP Towbt
'"'" pr_u "ppUecl 1.0 IaIm by ilia employ-
el"l ...
d::Ioae . . .
III ,Yln"e _ItS ban wltb~ •.. "ell" U I4I{l lila ao.boIce ucept to ·--..It" lTut
,AJ.cj , a4~.
All Wool Golf Bat:1t . Rainy Skiit~ '"
<" •
-New Style'-, _ ...'
., :
2·75:to ·S·7~· -
1 ,.,; :
• " ,-to
3·00 BPutifuJ PaUerDII,
wyo. ... or 10 _ .... Ills bl.b po.t. .... Willi IlIat _ . ''aII'' II .. " " - " Of alld clloUacllolL "
AII4~' the above eellteDOe .,;
Par. in tall the wow in · ~ tioDa. . " Tlll:ORY AtiD PRA.C1'ICJC.
'"\!i €
€, ~,
~ ... -
,., ~
' .-
Grip 'Cauaes De;" De •• ~ !,f "
\ \.-,e, rniln
.-\ - h'rlck, ch.pl3: D G , A, R, l ups, n-nlCQ: irom F rt;-
I' R i:~ .C!
mont. ",'lsh "\rIIl r. la gnppfo wa:i
J!l th t~ \r ~\..(n) ~o u ni.ry
prov4 i1i1lg Ijh~ l~ \\ i\S laid UIJ the
~h 01~ ';Y iu fM". TI3rlia !~ ~ orl 1fIr-h!03 nn~, oUn! .L':ht A \ .. r~ L~ C~;:: t: ~ COt,~~ of llie
bC"ftt\. .o.ndt th r1..4 L. ~ , 'I r.:ui of 1','UIUI.'tn,"" it. and ~d my heu ,rlo! re: I' n d ,J nd l;.1tJrr h ('urfd . I c!. uflit\. q...cal.. l uu \\1." 1, of Pc "ur. :'-lIr .. , )1 ...\. HIIri.u., " , L L,; Crl{lp~ (ur~d In I". FI ..... t StACe.. i.h:,ut~ I m ( ~ncl' Hunt, OL1.11~ Sa!t Lak:' Cur ~rnll(,:, ks of th e.~_'l.·-d1ai ATD1Y I wn la ~ . ~ I ...... C/id:ed'; "l't,,'b ; 'l',!!...., month A~ ,,""r.Wo siu1;""'ng r. ilh so
..-fir. cote' t liit 1 eoU;.! b,
l 'PEak ,
~~!,"ei{ "~ lI.r:-GI!el:.l~":\.
"Uur ra;": dl r. 's.],,,,,,,,,d me to in P EI1.lD;'I anli pr l(:u r~ :\ bot L:!e inr mf:. and truh- .:. \\ u rkt ; \\ onr~c :-" \\' " bm two \ieEb 1 \\U Congr~:5linUln
' \-'h ll r·.. 'LeOeP::
Tarboro. N. C. Oentiemen-" J am more than satis(jed, wit h Peruna and find it tq be an excelle nt' remedy f or "the grip ana caurrh. I have used it in my iamJlyand they all join me' in recommending It as a n excellent remedy." Oco. H.
Wblte.""\eniber of Coligr'e .. ~ ," / R~";'lllfte11~ rn " ';eif>b ... .. he ::l".,!.. hl~.
!1-FI.., , ~~_~ .!"I~~ ~"I"~ .. • P ..a"Uee Ce.& . lato,Gea. '1 ..... / . .. ' . , .
. ~,
;~~l . t.:e:
.... '-.
. ,~ Cenul';le ,
i·b~'rter's Little Liver, Pills. ~' ~~~~~~ J';
':'[.1 . :.
, Mllllt 8ellr ISI"natllre ~f
• ;;
Office in Printz Building. CHANNEL EXcfAV. D.... p" . . . . . .e .t til. 1I ••eot. . . . . . . 8~e... j.""-O•• '11". . . f rl
lAve""or. uer30ne lrnow. atede6cJII'nt. III buslne ... ""nR, left to. them te ves they .~Jdom realize great profit rom tJW'lr work Tbey' oiru- a gold en opporiunlt, to buhleR mell .... ho ere DOt slow to lake aa"'nialeof Jt 'fwo r.lel'«.tI ... 'po•••• UIU" tor I.-pro.... ••• A.lI Slall • • • 4 co.attl o •• type" of men make their UVl1lg out ot of l..D1.al Life Ille ,n1'entor. One ia theapKulatOl' tbe other ~he I~timate Moker of ""ell ti09 Tbere are lIot 50 maD) 8pe<'UJa,. Tb e oOllon of fattenIng pIgs by <leetora . . there ued to be 20 yeoars ago " ..rlcJ\Y Is at all . ..nl- nOHl and tf the M.ony JIUlde fortunes out of .imple In,,.olor of Ih. pro.... !Je not dlsap ouniled Inventor. The most notable ?O nted tb e ideo " III Ht be app ,ed to a e was that of Ol1e ... lio bought ten ltber anImal- and e-en to human be laten-is f rom a poor (ellow In \\uhlng LDg<! To Dr IV J Herdman of Ibe on tor $3 000 "1Ind In tbe nullten learl lDedlcal !&cull> at Ihe t;nlver Ily of
nlb","'a"e'ouu~:;;I~':~O: ~~ro::, :.~
in Ae w York Post.; fl .1ko}<ers )11n'" pn>gTefif:d steadUy tone! are now mem~J'. of Q. Teaognlzed oJUng MaDY ot them are thorough Inechani~8 and good practical .cir.". lilt. Sucb D& thes. are &une! to be au.cessful Others are mere'y elevft salumen who ot times mak. money ~ne! at otb ... tImes he •• t&"'lr abor for bell' pa lo. Tbelr ",,\!lng I. full of oe!d .Dd onterestlDg fea1 urn Tbey med nq.o.tor. of <",. ry t'""e from those •r "bo ha." geoml to t.hOfAl \Vlio n.re .ranks a nd dreame-s it I. among tbe
Wh"D R weldliDg beat was n"eded ong lnalJy In tb" 1OIWu!a"tu~e of iron cbo reoal " ... u""d But cltaTeoal ,.h,le e trechve WBJI w~ ~peos"e and made 'ron C()8t Iy and more or Ie ... limllee! in Its use. Con!'lequent l,. wb en anfbraCltp, ,nth Ita 65 per <:e~ t of. arbon nnd but nve re" po,n.i. ,1 roundIng!!. per "ent of' 'ol"t, l· matte r , a s dl~ T b. olbtr ""he nts see.moo to bave co vered ITOto man utac:t ....eN< eag.rll h.:orl praclI.alh the oame r:rpult.Dct substituted ,t for ebBTcoal t nereb, ..nd enconutel't!d tbe ... me da(llcultles reduemg the cost of produelng oron In making 1hem.elves "pode ....tooil. ana proportlonateh muraslng It~ The, ".ore trYIng to expreiill the I""' u.e Bu anthraCIte "h,le eheo\>"r preSb1 b lc ueh IDJjt.a.n-cm -arf' ol lhan ehlU'COld had n m'ghtJ druw cou....., rurr !Jut the> are famtllar to back. It was not porou~ Q.lld 1t '~as almost s urgeon on gltDeral prae dlflleult to force a blast I hrough It. E:q>lub them? 1 do .. t attempt CO the lnannfacture of lron '" and Uf • vital necesStt, tons and tous o f "md In tbe. form of a bln. 1 are cOll8umell JUKE LENSES LIKE EYES faT each nod eyery t.on of lTon mnnu facLu re.d The den&lLy of aDlhJ1lClte r,.o"l~_ of Ut" .... l ...r ......r "ot made It dUbeult to foree the blru<t WII.t It -.. Geae ... U,. S ...... tb r pugh RUlli Interposed ... ..,rloua nnu -o.... erreo-.,..,e ~ •• De-all ddromental obotacle to lis U5e Then some one dtsconred coke whieb an \ euroolll! poPlllar d e luSloll nbout ."ered All reqwrements It " tLa pbotogntpby remn rke<1 rhe proprl elI~ 1" 11; gllve n "eldlOg lien I And etor of a bIg Brollilwll V (?\e w York) best an being porous. It ga'c Cree Sludiil to a Po t r po rter 18 tbat mgre88 and .gnss to the ,.,toll.1 "e are worryIng oursel'.,,, to U,& necessary blast. co"~ r a me1hod of color w ork for'Sonle co",1 18 at I!O poor a charaetb!.! yenr's iIIus troled nature books ter thd J au <:annot get n '~eldlrog to the contrary lloh.. lblrtAnding- lt h ent from it, try 88 you rna.. For hun t been d ,8co'er<.'<l ~et ~o" example at the bJl\cuOI\tb s hop" '0 .cry fe" or. UH wa.llte anf tbought on the coal mUles au Col orado tbe~ ha'e t bat at 311 When th e proct!lJ8 18 orlg to Ulie coal brought ITom ~astern Ina tee! It WIll come from Hom e &elen mIDc. to get a welding heat It helDg t lfie laboratory uHerlJ ompostIJble to get 1t {rom n,e Frankh " e are all II {Iter the Colorado <ow ThIs count" 15 stereoscope elfeet want to blessed wlib an enormous &',pply at nlake the lel1,8e5 see double like the coal d,strIbuted 0< r " dh .. r Sl fi ed eyes J Oil know 60 that the obJed Bren Some of .t howe,,!r 16 of on pbotographed lOa) .tand out 118 It ferlor grad. \ et tb" cost of tmns does '" real TlSlon Our constantly POrUitiOD "mISe!! .t to be mlnee! FOT hB\lng to 11Imt our.plles to ...,emg Instan<:t!. JU l(anoo the. fi.... g oong block and wblte ma> keep us tram down 401) feet to 01lta", conI ~bot run. thloklng O'fer mucb on the paten but L.8 Inch.: S In the vein The,) ba¥c tlob1,l'S of colar bu t O,e Inflmte to (10 It ho"enT l\K It I. -tbe only .ter eo scope pel'SpecI"e In conI tbey ta> Conl l1! onc of the rnphv - 'nll we can t he ll' ( p.'Un' .... 1 most \nJuable naWrnI sources of that ought to he ",tbw the MInge weaHh w,lll "h,eb ~Intber :'ature practicnl opll"" CprtulDlJ there are has so bot nt,tully Bnd ~enerou "lv OM mnny crank.. pestering U8 "atl, lts blessed us It will be n o mcr ..a s ong dl S00~ eTJ 8 8 lhere a.re perpetual rno SOIJ1"e~ of rel e nUf' for th e shortaf,..-e tiOD In"",to .... enrolltd tD \be books In Europe call haH. no other effect ot the patent 0(11<.'1' "hen.t does tbnu to bt oaden tbe markets for come, though .t \nll call for another Ame rocan <>9a't and eo],:e, whl~h "ill Col Sellers to reckon up tbe mil .d t11~ Rodll" time c()~mand. better nnd l1qnR m It eoDJttanth lDCrC_.l lhg prJ~s " • And speakIng of the stereosco"" Z~ 1I0W IT WAS do you knOll that the sale of tbat de .... old standby oj the Iront parlor D--lolr "ery "hat-not has reolly ne' er tDlIen air? 'D1 •• reaoe "JIl!tw~. 0 .... 11: • • • Be-Ia ....... 11 Jil.laThere ore still several Jinns making J,. EI."ld .. ~d the allmeut ,ellow mountee! "eW8 of "itagora the Yellowstone and tbe battlendd of Get! ) s burg ~o bios phemons present-tlny scoffing has
toucb.pd them
that too n )oung fnend of mlDe wllo tra.el~ for 1\ pilato-supply bo""., bBJI disc overed In " lIttle bnel< eouoty OhIO to,m nn old fello" who Is stIll making the geollioe ond Inal dug-uerrcotype He,s llU, ttiin .. that gentle old rose tmt on eheeks 18 galiliDg tbe ladles' brooehe. earring!! lind Is tramln!!, hIS Uttl. nrt-,..prk1! on theIr lDseparable satanlined leather COS.,II
H ..... e
s..,....p • • • • Dri .... 0 •• Tlldr Iteo.
c ...... .
1& ~I<!.nt
tha t tM gray fa", l13O,n COUO t lU of Soulh J o4'!TS.f'Y 4.. fe" ) e-nra a~ro tbc4ie aOl ma ls WeZ"«!, a lm ()St unkno\\ n. t bE're ?\o\\ the grent cedar . "amps . o nt 3lD m,ny of lhem and farm.,..,. 000 poultn raJoers are ('Oml'lalnJog of tbe r depredatIons !tars 1M ~ ew "l:ork SUI A dteoae ago rW (axe<; " e re plt"DUful throughout Cope MaJ \ tlan.t l" anti Cumberland reunUe- bllllbey are no" eldom met "lth Huuten say tbat the g.ray fox h<l. d rne n Ih. red ,,, .. awa~ Lut ''' ",ler more I ban 200 gra ' fo"es weI'<' killed b~ Iwn.lers , n Ihe ' a<l~d
10 " "
t hree couotu"s named The gray f ox IS n beautIful anomal 3ncl IS n~ cunnol ng .a s he- 18 handsome Recent y a fox. "as started In a !! \\ a mp
.Iong th e Tuck Iboe rn~r n • ..-rah. runll 0'; lole! Ihe buot.. rs tbat Ihe' wt'Te Conowln: a lOuo.g onJmnl Tbe hOUMa chased blm into a 6.ld skut Ing whJeb "'as a eedar swamp When I~ seemed ecrt8ln Iha t tbe an ma l s captur .. "'. - a ma.lt... of a few mlu\1t ~ . t he hunt er" 'lcre surpnsed tQ lee 0 mnch larger tax emerge trom th. ,,,,amp <lnd ruu dUlgon.~ IJ acro.s tbe tra.ks of tile YOuDger a nimal almost In tbe fa cps oC 1be pursuln g hounds For a mODH"l.t th e dogs " e r e non pili d and almost eame to a sta, u 8 1111 not kno \\ Jng wb:ich l Dlrual to
er.l metbods now In nse lS n laborlnu. task 10 "p,te of all tbe Impro, ed mil cb,nery dUlgned for the purposc bu, !iaurlce ;j 0 Connor of Drunsbambo • Ireland b"he"es be has tnven1ed I>D apparatus whIch "L1 do this nork more econnmlcBUy and thoro"l!'blv tban It cau be occompl",hed b' un, o! the rold me' hod. He hOB taKen out patents on tbe In~eDI ou In 18 clift •• ent eountriefl
follo \\
'V hen th e \ reco~errd fTom Ihl!! I' 5UT prose Ib e h01l 1 ds took up the SlrOI geT rtlck o[ Ih. olcl ~ r fox t hus gnJngthe :\ o ungcr tlmmal a chance to escape rb,. IS" lrock often pl"le<1ln ole! to,..s io 0110.... theIr oO'spnng to e ... de the hound. Often Ibe fema le mil accompen~ the m. le wben cha5t'd by hounds. aod \\ hen the lalt.,. are a IDO.t ",thin sl .. l< ong d slance tb- ((J>:es WIll sppn rate gnd take oppolnte dlree tloDes th.ereb, ~onf u"'"g the hounds SO badly as to al 10" both aRJmul. 10 e.6C3pe ;\j~bougb ,. gra) io", rna) lend tbe hUnlen a m ..;rry cha.se of 20 or 30 miles through E"omps aul , ...oodla.Jd he .I"-n~s re Lum!! to Ius old loa Dnts oft- . IJle run
The uppara1us con"s Sls
of n pur of large steel c) hnt&rs ",Ib elongattd lips proJecllng tram the een-
current promotes tbe growth of Llsl'\I<!--Lbat is tn •• ~ the IDe",a.e of fi ...b It bad pr. ,lously been n&l!tr tallied tll1lt plant. dev,lop more r.pld !y under t be eleClrlC ' llmulus and there " as uo obnous onEOO " hy .no mals should not be fquallJ re sponsIve
to ,I
Hen ce IJle ldea of Dr n . rdtn3D "blcb
prom ' ''', .. ell though , ts app lealio n c.nnota. Jet b. sold to haTe passed be yoo d Ibe <"'peromenlal sLngt! Tbe doclor for Ihe ~D k e of con h 'eDl eDct began h • exptrlments ",t
l r al portl0n , \ h l Ch a re n d apteu., I 0 c n gage l he earth as th e c~ lmde r s arc dru"" \(,,, .rd each otb e r UOOI'IDll'
tbe e;lrt b on to 'he rear portion of I t be <, !lnd~ 1 s Th e arrange men~ 13 th~t tbe ,.~el can be fl oated 10 reqUIred P061tlon Rnd lloell d r awu allart to the r equIred d,stanee nnd -unk 10 Ihe TO'.r bed The con tro lhng a pparatus on the sbJP abo\e Ihen l>cg "" 10 lighten the rhnlll c:t 1,""lug the ('\ I nc.e rs 10 be Io rced ~ \\nrd t ("h othe r ,,,,Inch prp~se$ the I SCI OpS II1to the earlh Bud (' IU ..5 " 1 n r of Ihe n n~ro al o · aD) rl~.lr~ I th c kn ess to El ide mto the c3hnder ll 1\1 en I h. lall er are fl ll.d II eJ al e t ItNt fJ3ckwa nl until th e ope-DIng ~ at the top Then th. "ater III Ih (> 11 I compa r lment. 18 (orced out b) II Jl'C[ D ~ a rand tbe , efi!5el r lSes 10 th$1 rfact to he transported to the d In pIng grounu - Clucago Dally
,' ''Ch ."y
WONDERFUL NEW CAMERA u •• It That I bClloJ;r.a.pha HaTe
of um~5 unt Il It rrgalDed II~ o r 1fIn.a1 POSlllob The brokns r.,eel~e .. comml£5lo n upon tbe fiale of an 1n\"tn.UOD or rece ive .. pa rt on I.rest '" tbe pawnt tor tbtl r " orl:
.. n .. "
Tbe dredging of a deep-,vater eha,,·
nel {or large sh ,ps by any of the .cv
Mleb;:~'~h \~et:IO:~de;~:e~"r~~it' t~~~:~
nller that tbey find q Dcer InvenloOM !~~n~: :"'~~ ohr"~~,: ~:;:: ~~~~~~e~a~; JOme of whlch though In.genloue an Iha~ Ibey hould .. 1[ be of .".ctlJ the <KIt pa tenUlble One of the"" "". a polee-Inan s club " hJeh at. tb~ ~nd was !ame age so a~ t o make th p (':ood nonti ~'De'n"'ef 'l or Ihe trIa l as fr •• from II"" a. po,,,,ble ~rfomted,so as to (or m a n ;\.round on~ of II e cages he E-truDg lifT box .A. s ma ll spnng V' the trnl \\ re ! lhro\ gl \\ h lr- h a corT t:' U t of .p~ed l.be box aDJl <Dallied the wl elde, tlecln.,tJ "" I~ kept passong blghr .nd of the dub to blind h,. ene my os 'Tell da) "b re DO' h "I; of t be k nd " as dOD e as beat hJm A sKond ~1) n.ngthre'" OUl ..-Jlh Ihe oth e r cage ~l eaD" hl' r lo r a <'adu J:rom the club aDd a number 01 slaled pUlod Ih. anllnal£m botb cages small Kntfe b adu "h'jlh would cut to "-<T e fed wit h a pr.rl.el~ e<fU nl q .... n p,eces lfie band ot aDyon" who I.. ied to tily of pro .. nce r of ' li e ""me kInd 60 ''''''tdtbeclubaway Uwasretuseda that Ihere ..bould be 10 ad 'anl'ge1n patent by theemmiuers...on tb~RTOund tlU. r es )'I f:ct OD t l lher "" Ie \ sa re ~tllt olll$('ruelt~ and Inbuma.n.oh It "a& fuun d tbat tn t gu l1<a p 1'-11 a' Aootbl!l' n.oll patf!ntable- lDttf'1)uoil ned to an tlect n c eJ v lonmtDt ,,,is ntd ~a8 & lady a fall JD the t.1Jck of l \ bu:l! In wtl gbt durlOg a menbu r td I mt: t e n '~a s concealed ... -pofllOn..d dagger ,\ per cellI mor e I ban th o', oC l he nOD &eeond class ot nan patentable IDT(>b electroc ca"e tloas are t-hOSf wbJct).protfEs to do the Dr llprdm..:!:n JS c onfide-nt l oa t orc , .mpO£slb!e Ot Ibese the p .... p<tual nBrJ p gs If subJeel •• 10.111 I.r I ... I monon m:u~h lDe IS mo t- fr eque.nth m~t JIl,fnt "oule ('xlllbli ke rC' C'ult c: He wllh Some IDHnlon de'ote them propose. to bu,ld .ult .b v ,\l .. d p<n. P-eh"MI to htth~ thing! The man who and to furnu.h tn(' gro w i ng C\\"lU r \,1I~ wad e aD tgg Ueatn- reo uzed a 6maJl regwer J,uW 1 e-s of (' le el ru It \ ml" b n foTtUUe' \ nother man, ll"OTki n.galo.ng the gm t \\3\ a s. wo e cont tb th E' the same lines "PPJ.d a smnar mecb g-ulnea p ~ 8D1s mtotheban.cHeofafan bysqu~z :'\obody ca ft lal be lht 1,,«" .. Irnob wblcb .cted upon a t!l .. o~ fiDa l ufiutnt'<' of "Plr.1 "",rlOg th e fan r~<oh.d upon t. cenler "Ith greut rnpldJlJ und "h.. n th~ tingt"J was T.eleat'.ell It. rfi \ e~U Its moltou and re , oh;:ed the
Dpe.",'... A"parat.. Widell I. Ir.ded:1o JI_ke BaU •••• of De.•• Wate. WaTa EaaT
'fhro • .,.b a ~ 0
with De~.
01 Yost
sp.a k of ph olog r~pl y In :a fo~ 1 ke a ctluJng from 3 com IC: p a
li t,:
en tlfie
mrlun And yo~
will bring up at-
. f C!' THIEN EMAil'S, I
Where you '!rill find, . JEW'li:LBY,
· ~ATl~. " We ......&11_ 10 annOll.nee
or _ _
~Wnl.· lubjoot
.llIe _
="='" ......
11'A 'l'CllIIII,
-H.m.,w. ir-.
lor r "-;D!RDIntion for
, .
We are ...,rlaetl to anD,,:mOO 11' • ~ llA>Il
d_for <M olllee o:r SUit
IIQbleet Ol~ of .t be BepabIIeaD I*t,r.t tile Pr!"'U'f ~pnll. '. W •• re-&Utllal'IMI!'tO aafl!)ua(lC :1'. M Cun· lIIap.....caudldaw f ....·.Re~atath·ofor 'WarreD _D'1. aullJeet" lO "'e R el"'bllelUl PrfDIar.J - . . . . '" be bekh Aprt~ • .lVCI.i.
Louisville IUId.N r.sh ville Rail roa d,
AltDrroR '
w., an
aalliotbed &aIl1lOu';ce S. A. 5.tll· weD. ill Wa,ne To_tllll!. ... ~'dldate for I '''~',, _ A~. Abject 100 Ole trill of tbe Toters al
~.. 'lltb~ to '~ aDuo'DD~iQ
Iilark~t, "whlOb. was Wlcertain, especially, in ttao 8um.m.er ~ Then'I. began to · ~der .and·.fIgure conoe~g mili. ihere..eemed ·to ,be no &:lUs- LiIIlIl11Clt5e ll&iltOlr, ' - I tet for ~butter. corre!l(l!)llding wi th 1IIlrties Xenia, I?-,),.t.on~ CinciDDll~with the 'rie!V to shipping milk or cream, I. met M:r 'Ba:mhut, who' preaeDted mo artiCleo~ FTenchBroi:·, Il8lpng meto aiJ;D,.a nmnber of cOws to II. C1'O:1m· eryatLebllnon. This~med to be 31111lrut for-my miIli:, And I ~gned ten cows. The. dav' the croamery bellan its opoJ'atioDB. r _ there as one of .its -purrens _aud. i!ave noL ~ adll.1 sinoe ·that time. I m.n IIaY, I hue been gNOtlt profit8!i in
·D ! WI;-
BIIIDpbrep ¥
caadlllaU fOr AJ1dlklc of WarrCD C01Iatr, ... bject to U>e declslolt'o! tile aelN'bllt::Ul Sl!rlnl: Prlr,JlIl'Y.
wal18• . . R ev. J . E:. C:la wnlhdcr ; n"nlr ...I1 ,I t.he' Dhino blessi ng aD thc wor k in his usua.l ' feeling nnd imprclisi're ,
Pres, B. H. Ellis 1,>itl us ~elce !1le, one snd all, to th.c work aud the ject -to lb.e dee-lsfoD of the aepubUcaD bhiSsiJ1gS to be derfn'd; remarking ~. April I.t. , t hat Worrp.~ Connty had the second llROSlWUTING ATTORNEY, _ institnte c·v cr hpltl in Ohio ond j;hat We '&ill aul1l1jri:.ed \0 aDDounco 'WlI1anl J . h/ld bet'n.rn:1de betterItlrmors by WitCb'" -of .bcl/WluD, oa CJln~ldat. for '~ e oIII<>e of ProoeCQL(oIf AtLOt1Ie)' l or- Warren thl'-Se meetino"S. :' count1, aubjDct &0 tlIe. doc1s-1on of the Apr-U Jlep/b1leaD Primary. ' < Mr. John Bogg, qne .of the ·speak. We ~ ... tborlz&t .to oJinoo.n ce Goarge 'R, ers furnished by tbe . state. hll·Yin:; YoaD" clf lA_oon, all can<lfd31ie for P.r.,..,· appeared 1;Jeior e tbe W l>Yll.esvll~ e ClltIIlr AIWI'Dey, tab,... to <Ied:I!."" of Ee. . i:iec. 3 Dnd 4, 1897, JfIbIlua poImary'APril .l, lilili. somewhlit.llt home among tis and OO""-lOl!Bl!,o w. are auUWrbed ":\0 announce Joseph expressed his' gratitude 'for ~b e pn'\'. W.Wa.. 01 Salem fA)woablp... "1!ClldaW: for ilege ho recogu4ed in Warren oomllllMlOlle-r 01 Warnm ooun&1, lubje&l &lie dedlloIl of ·lbo , BepublfClln pt;Imar" Oounty fuuners &n element.of iJ:Itel. Apr11l1L ' 'llg:enll!(!' und _!l.bilifY. rarely .met witb
W .......ntbodu<l U, ;anD~onoe IiId S. OaialLUn. of 'l;urtlecreek townsblp. .. ",Ddl· d.l\1e tor Recorder nf Warren CoODty, .ub-
' We are 811thdf1aed b
.DDoonoe tb."Wm .
We are : ao'borlzed 'UI anDounce Albert BAllI U "Ddldat~ for. County commlu1on.r
..Ill""" to Repobllcaia Prlmaq April 1.1901. • 'nuu.su.!IEa:. "'" W .e ..., ~&oD.
autborJtoll. t:, _ eODouDoe O. ~.
c:nearc-k low"allip. u u:odl· Gale lor _ " mUllr.,.. IIIlbl"ct,to-tbe l1eclaIaa o"t1M Bepu"UeaD primary. Aprtl lIt. We are &Q~ori"e4 to aD1lOUOee Frank K . BemlJaoll, o_f Turtlec-reeSi SOW1ll blp ... c~n'
_Ie'" 'lreuarer' of Wanea eoUDI)', lUI>-
~eel to ...,ubll4aa ~ry AprII ·l.
We ......~~ '" :rno_ CILIf W . 17DlIeIlbJ. ot i'raJIkUn towns blp. ~" c~ n<1l' _ 10r.COII1ICJ Treuurer at Ille RepubU""D 8~ary.
.JNFIJl.ILUiy DmECTOR. -we.,are utbortUCI t.o announce .James O. lIItobr1l, 01 Leeton, all ea"dlelate for Infirm· ary DlJ:eolO.; iinbl"el 10 lbe 41!C11l0n b;> Re· publli:&a pda\llty,
T<?WNSHJ~. TRUSTllE ~u Blfnaeu anllOWl"". blmaell .. caDdldale ...... 'trIIIAee Of WILYDe lowwiblp a' Ibe opcas
.A. It. 814.. ror';;'udldaW: lor re-e1et:UOD I" t). NllrAI of TOWnablr ~urer.
llAJtoa came.in lamO-like enougb. on Sanda-y, the 3d, we had wind day tb4t ,II ~an. ooald· hRrdly up against; 1>1on«1I1.Y, · ~ng. ~fanltW>l1 DI!;Y: 'wos . qtliet here, but 'JlltlfOl.tJlJ windr as·fur ea~t as WlUlh-
Wr1\e tor
. .Jlis · finlt topic, "Corn Culture," was nbly handled by him as WIl8 ev· ery ot her qnestion whioh ho. dis· eU5Seq. He said in part that he was in' tbe midst of one of the best ,cQrn countri.e s of. onr .Na.tion, LUld t,bat-it woald be difIlcnlt to en· lighten a community so em_inently sUoceS:!ful in cern raising. Howov. Gr, he regarded & good olover sod the ideal spot to insure ~, good crop Wltll the..best In b9r, though propa.mtioD.!J of the soil beforq plnnting was half the battle of cultivation. . p iow black liOiI about 8 inches deep ' a~d clny from;; to 6 inches ; but 'never plow corn ground in tho fllU a.s it hils Il' tendency to toUghen the soil. 'lllorc ugh tiling of nil
" . TOIl Jl1serablc. ItldDeJ 'IroIlbJe JlAkcs A1mosl everybocly who r~ thl> papers Is .un 10 know of tho wanderful II II [cures made by Dr.
Klhner'. Swamp-RoOI,
th.:erut klelner. liver and bladder remady. . Ills the treat medical lriwnph of th. Din&teentJi ceirtury; disII\lCJ~ '-_-111111 covered afler j~ of scIentific rO$Utch by r Dr. Kilmer, "the em!,. Dent k\elney and blad. de, spec1allst, and is ~~Ddetf'wt7 '"r~.-",.r,,1 ID promptly curine uric &!>Id trou-
ts!be w9fSl
Dtac-np tive Matte.r . etc. t'loO
C. L. STONE, OItDer.ll P!aaunge-r A,e ct.
Sse:1. All o nl'n...,c.1 coallJeUng trltl' IMA ordtn;mco ere b.e.n:by repealed.
b, la....
PaAc.d at c.:oDndJ Chamber tb lB the t.e n· 1.1-e1.o:btb ,:gt b1 a..,. of FebrnoTJ. A. D. 19O1. DIl. W . t:. OG LESBt:E, :.lAT01L Csol8. D : RUl>, Clork.
LOUIl:iVILLE. KY. ADd 'be will mall you.
If. H. HaYlood. Pr.pri.l.r.
4""""""""""" The Darton & Xenia Tracti.R Co. Lea,-e _ Day tU Q , 8 .00 a. m.
Sprtn. \'3I1e , 1.:'0 a. m.
'6...0-0 a.. m ; .• 5
1 ~. 1 5
2.4:; p. m.
J .IIO p . Dl, 4.00 8.30 0.00
l!.ao p. in
lG 7 .• ~ +10. 15
3.00 ~ .3CJ
8.00 10: 20
the c~ ery is cortainly II. Alauama. I became annoWi for & An Onlla aoce r.8Ite:L11nl" ariaJn acetioWl of gten.t h elp t:o us in gotting thl!' pro· plant neArer home. FonoWing out Jlfississipi and Florida. ~~ O~.Danu No 3. })tlo, aD Onlla l-ace ent!...d 'fOIlId lIke to feel . . . bek,w.u. JII&. ruBv l .1vr this thought, 1 co,l! el'1'ed with duet dillllCt from tho flU'tn to the tle4 ... _ " " "·oollztheda_ ......._ t l o n reoo......... d aa.DT KD8 to ;roa. aDd tbo Bmoun, Of bond 100 be r\YOn by the • Bold by IlftIap&a. PJSce so. an4 6Oc. • • French ·Bros. II~ once IlfI to the loea- table. oDIuno.of Ule vlllG, .. 01 Wayne..ne. 01110. .... ~ , tion of-ll pla!lt at WaynesTille. 'l'hev aDd croutin&' 1M o!l:ce of oOlldtOT And de' TB1WUfl H TO .JACKSOSVlLI.E A..J(D T . Il8slll:ed me' tbat if the iequisile fining bllt 110 ...... bollol aad compelln,loll, A.UGUSTINE WITHO UT eIIA.NGDiG OAIlS. number of cows 'was obtained, tboy aDd: creathg tbo omce or st..ree\ ~::ml.· Trn rel cO p"enlcoa:& on the ?enosrha.uJa .Ioner <11>:1 dollul!l:: bls daM... bond aDtI Li~ wllltQ.clude tbrou,bcar lter,. lce below-ceo would 'establish a plant. Sn1llce it Obto And Indla.n .. polnt.e and Florida. OD and Marcb 10th, sale of Hammel . _ ·UUdan. afler J:'ollary UHh. On 40d alter t ha t date oct1pillldJ toJ!l1, that ~y knowledge,otthe busi Sec.. L Be Itord ;t(4C:t1 by tb" Councllottbe a new milD. .... W be ruo through ctnci enall HoUe nnl1 adjoining l otM O ness atid ellthnsinBm drawn thete\'UI_ of WarD_III .. 0 " Ilia' soo. No. '5 n1B Cb.aU. DO",p.. Atlaut.a 3..Dd .Macon &0 J ackby Pbihpe ·\;l!lcklnnitllshop. I went t.o worrat onoe a nd 'io .,( Otd1u~nec .No. :.I; pcrl4 lotag t o 3 ponlOD soDviUe aud S L AugusUne. The tralQ Will Or~4u lles~deumpeDnUoD or Lb emarsbQI. run solid LO St# AocustlneMarch 12, Joo Davis' sale.~f cbIIt. ten l1&y. bad the required number of aDd ' . N o. 21. 2.1 ::uul :!G or OrdJo30ce No. A SJerpJo& C~r runalng lbroub: to Fio ri . ouE. D. Roberts'flU'ID. ('.()ws seco.red. In proof of CI"COltJng t ile O1Itae o f street comtDlsalooe r da OD \-be new "ruin ""Ull~ave Pittsburgb a" ~igests "<IIJIIn~ bIo dalk& bond ana oompeo· 8 a. m., o\·er Ute Pan Handle Route "'Ia NC14·· March 30, W.J.Kilbou'simmen<;e and the ' confidence bad -in French It.VtUIclaIty dig8l!tsa the food and aida an4 • don be and tbe ~ li bere by repe21~ ark. COlambwi:tnd Xraf .1. . aod pU5engf'Ta fo r 81110 of ogricn1turlll impIements, etc. 1 h:I.~e only to_ cite toa; to Natute ID IIt.renl(thenlIlB . anil recon- 8~,. Tbit onlJa:UJ.&DOQ Jllll.n uk'!) erred t be. Soutb may 10 tb-roulb to FJori4a on tt ",Itbou" ch.3Da:e from the 10Uoll.I:11' ~Uon•. .• Lri1et1D8 the eshausted d~ve· or• be In force trom aDd all~l' ..... r ch :JOt lea.rl.a( 011 "be schedule rivr-o eacb Tueada.r lIonday, Apri;l ut, Primary and till!> beaiililal biillding bown O.I! the POI. It. lltbe late.&tdi800Yereddlge8t.- ADd A. O. 1031 . . FTlcb.y; ColtllDbu • !! !15 p . m .; Loudon . local elocnon. Waynea-ville Crenmerv, SUWlted in ant. and tonic. No otlser prep&r!ltJOD P >l!Md. at Coonoll r.b1 111.ber tills tb~ F-ourtb Q.nd 2 . 56 p . m .: Soutb r:h:u1e.!l tOD. :l:13 Pot m : cau .pJll'()I1Ch It 10 elllolcllcy. U In( 4th) d.,. of 1I1lrCb. A . D. l VOI. Cedar-vIDe. 3 :~8 p. m ~ : x.coJa. 3 :4-8 p. m . ; the avenue.lending to tile U.niop iu,aritJ1 reliefea&od permanQntlJ cures W6JD~"lUe. " ~1p. m .; lfot:t'O\lr.... :2. p . m, ; DR. W . E : OC LI!:SBEE, IlUTOB. DairY FIl'rol, and j\lst above the D,.~a, lodigest.Joo, Heartburn, Lo~eland, ,l: 18 p . to. CD , D. RUD. Cieri<. CorreSllondonts Wanted: FrOID t."aa DuaU to F1ori..c1A 'hc train .... 11.1 bMotifulaubuJ'b!ln residence of our F~enee, Sow' Stomaeb, Nausea. Write to us if 'y ou want t-o COD bot Of tbe IatesL pa tt-.rn PUUlInID Sleep' Sick Headac'be, GaIItra1g1a.Crampu,nd esteemed fellow citizen. Seth Cook. In.:-, Dlalnz'.net Obeer vatloD Cars. IDcJudJo. what Dr Cu)dwell 's .Syrup Pepsin 1II1'Otbet1e8L1 ltsa oflmper.!:!t!Q"e5ttoD. t he St~pbJI' car rrom Pi&lsbor,. Cbar.La..DOC)oo Wlll do, or call Ilt .store Rnd PrIcetOC.IIDII ,I;' lMIeaize. . III SlUI..... ·r . ~ill give yon some statistics: l1li&11'" , ..... 111 be . eacbed at 5 :.0 a . m .. ALlanu ... BookaIJabOu~d,.pepsl&1II&Iledf!ee ordlD~ dednlDjt lobe- dO~i of tbe Kar· 8:·j ,S, a. m .. )laodtlat12:0 5 D'OoD_ Jack.sou · n trial bottle. Ten dose:l 10" Ilrat: I sold the ~ilk from c. DeWITT ACO~ Cbka,,'" aha" Lonis Mny '~, '. JD nlaUOn LO labor on tbe .treel.l. et<_ ~Ul.e 7 : ~ p . m . lhe dOl! at_Coer 1e-aY1ng home. three cows .~ three,heifers; tho J. E. JarulOY, .druggist. The ~bTOUgb. r.ervloe w1ll be espedalll' 00u.S_c. 1. .lie I' ordalDe4 bI lbe COU Dell of fo r pe~a.! contemplilt ing t.r1ps 1.0 year fro.m six oows ~ foor LbC YWacc ot 1Vayhta",Ulo. 0 .. CobOl In addl· l"Cc.1CDt Florida :tntl lhe SouLh. Tour1.it tlck~ta t.o lion to ~ dUll ... ot Ule i\l'IlrUnl of IIIlId .-n. Soutbern wlnte r Tesorttii now 00 sale at $pC(.. D llJler1I,i ' and the JiI.at . nine months WANTb:J. lage:. noW" rcQu1red by law 30d onUnaDce. b~ l :ll f.res v1. Pen nsfvaoi3. Lines "'Ill be IO~ niIiiI cows and ten heifers. In the *b-:.U tlcl' u sCt'eII:l t eommmJontr. Dis dUt-~5 OD tills m;a,gultleent I.b-roagb tr1iD . Arn..ogeRella blo ' mllIl for Mnn.'lgor ball be thOR pro ,·1ded bYlitaLute and _ben· menu 10 travel OD 1, may be m.:uic l hroue_b two yenrs. and nine months I bave Branch OftlCiO wewillh t o opeu in eYer notlOed by N QQr:11 orb, a cOamllttee of loc:al .gen~ at tbe Peo_o",ylvu1a Lines QL .- . 16310 ganOD.!J o~, milk. It coun't' tI 00 Sll"~L!I to take ctlarce or and.ove r meuUoued.. orb)' eommuDlcaUDi'SitA t1!S vicinity. . If y~nr r l'cord is 0 _eo all work and hlbot" Lh3l tbe oouaell or .Ct adnns r. Ha.mes. D. P . AgenL Dayton. 0 .. who yieldecf 5284111 .of buU.er,·for·wbich ec;nDUJil.tee Of the coll.d) DU.1 4frect to be K : h!'!ro is an opportunity. Kindly ",In make r e:k:MaUons ror ao y TUl!lIIby or 1 ba"e received OM. 70, J>eing lin give good reference wheu writing. perform.c4 on &;ba. Iitre-eUi aud hJJj:bwaYIJ with· Frida! d nrme ,he oeuan. In tlJe coT'pCJiat.c HmllS or said l'Uloce and at 'a verage price of 21Uf for .the bnt. ftW:b ftlWil.t" m eeti ng or aounm1 ht! tibal1 TBll A. To' MORRlB mate- ttl tDll aad complete r eport of the ter. . Bkunmed milk rcturned wortb HolleE t:incinnll.t,i; Ohio name>! of tbe _DO emplD)'id bJ' 111m 1a b._b or ::md the ;lumber of d~,. e4Ch ODe ~'1IIIJ1~'?D:~~11 .~.,~2:6~~0, making a toW tIlllk prodnct Dlustrated l:mtnlOgue ;l cts .•. st~mps .' IlKh W'a.J e-mplayed. that t he ooun.e.U may make Lhe .1,.1"A,~.70; beefdes this have so~~ 1-2 ., D 19.12t. n_ r 1 . aoproprbli on . It .I1:L11 be il lS ddty g.erlerally to to t e charge of 204 luper· '237. Total cash received
---. .,---
Dyspepsia Cure :
Sco S ., Tbt. nnllQ:tnce IIb2U "-Ice elleet , 8.00 :I_od be in for~e. from 004 at~ertht eul1tll pe- Geoeral ItDlDlc'rathm ;.nd lu.d_uwlrla.l AJ:eo l. 10 .• 5
riod allqwed
BdwlU!J o.yto:J. Sp:il1z Valley .an:! Bellh:ooi: _
POOR APoi:r"Er,ll'!ll'!jI'!BfIr
filMtiltml. of naDlIllu tDWllsblp, Is .....dld.uc liar conI, Commllliooer, , n1>Joc' lO the Re· p!lb1leaD PI1mary Aprill, 1101.
Be It'onlalnedby lile oou.nell DIllie
'Ul<Ij:Qo!W"oe,,11Ie, 0 .. lilalall ttleetlD!IlI of the . coundl hall be held a t AtI("b place aa coUDal may bere ..l"", <1«1",,.,,, b, HaoID' tl on. The feln'lllr meeting .ball be beld on Ole 1k&T. t.lCIlIotby nli/ll' In eae.b month . bd· joamcd lneeLlnp ma7 ~ bc!lc1 .• t lueb elme 1\1 ....., be det.ermlacll loy a m ajorl.y YOW: of the coltooll at ~ay rOC'llar. :tdjollnlOd or .pea:ll
ference how muoh or how little :ron may have, how ho.t OJ' how cold ~e weather may be, the creamery doOYlI are op!lned e'Very morning to ~_ive . . Seeing theprotltB .in tlw
11m. aDd pi",,!, of meetlDg.
fIO"doing• . It does oot-maielUly'~
An on1la.allC118 to amend' ScctJoll ! or Ordioance No. t, It belQc' an ordJDaDoe :o .. tab 1181). tbe Dcmbet' ot memben: ot CoWJcJl aDd S&<:. 1.
Now OD. Sale to
---"!'!'~. WI I t ' ' ' ' ' ' , .
ODO hall catb. balaDce In 18 !IlOD~lJa ; def....d p a.ymcL 10 be ...."red b1 mortgage "!).properly 1l0III. "• • ' R,ENllY PRATER, . AtlmIDlotrato.r. ",111> \ be .wtJI enam of , be ""l!>te 01 Jonah Sancl.. deceIIUd. ti;JtJroJ: 1130" '" V 0 ""G. At lOTDey•• February:!Q, IDOl. hllMl!':
1M -S.., BeP\lbllcan PrIla.1li'! I<loctloa, an aDllIOJUedloO aunoane» J ..' 'N. Lamlint. ot t-e"'1K!D p Cliodld_ f9f cOJlbtT Aadlior, table'" '" Ole tieeJidOIl of·tbe n.pubIIioaa- PrtlDllrrlJl AprtI non.
TJU GRU'r CIlf"r.8..U .. 8011TRIUU< TIl""" LUI,.
, LeaTC' Day t on m Xenta CD r at Bc!lmolJ\..
.. To ear
on 1J .
O;lJtOD om~ anl1 w" ! t1 n ~ rOOrd . H
Tbird. Sueet.
Ph1111'p~ RO!l~
w-rst ·
Tbe rannlo lf time b etween Da,VJD "Dd Sprln&, Valle! 1.5 ODe bour 'aD d. t1r~o minOle.i;. paswtn'1 Lbroogb BE"lmonl. eea1'crlown. Bellbrook and "'",ne"c SprID....
l .ylon to Sprtol VallC!J'l8 mUee, II.re lac. Da1ton <0 IIelIbrook ·U mil..., fare 20 c eD'" Specd 21 f2.LM to Sunday Scl:toob\ PieD!CS aDd olb.er orr311~ don&. uPon ~pplka tlun .
Ltget frdgbt ",,<I
ella!!. H . t;oX.
. - ,.
. ~.,
what )'ou eat.
..,....mt .,.It.
Going .South?
l nt.cD.d all ot.bee- Clatter. pertaloiug to "be :, tree-La IlDd aUe,_. Su: . ~. Tbat bls compen.aUou for I.b e duo ties Im_ed ·by OllS on1Inance . l>aD be~' tbe r ate of l wei doU3.rs per day "hen aecess3.rll, employed'ln stre~ ~ work.
Tb~' It slmll be tile du., of lb. to bavech4r«e of tbe Oouncil Room
S.e. 3.
UDder ,he dhectfon of ~be oou.nclJ. and fo r tballpCclnl da tr be .ball rooel <e .... compen'
04v&n __ by pQueeu .. c.ruc.u.t I", fASt tralld pon<"'Ie every t=t or tho c.."traI SouIb. so O~dDF1S\J . th o Route ...~ Southern Ry.
hot:r sched:llcOncla~tlIOJ.cb:onvWo IIJl4 ~ ew O rtu:a. 9 bours 10 Outbnoor:a. III botITS'oShrcvopo:L 36 bow-s '" Port Ta.. ".. Observation, -p.ulot and; CAfe ca:rs-frM n· dlnlne duirs- Throcr:t> I'uIItaatu to all 1lI>ponanl Soutbem dlles. t)ocr ~1e1"
DR. W. E. OOLESBE~ H.\voa. REED. Clerk
. ~"J!. D .
- . c • • " n:_aollll. . .
a _.
lrkl - .
C,W CU'I'9.T••
A man named E. Presson, of Presson ville . Kl19. wrote .& letter t he other day, saying the opinion of everybody in his town whoh!1.8 used Foiey's Honey and Tar is, that it ill the very ~t medicine for 111. grippe colds, cotlghs, etc. Loui!! ),by.
tTB..UI .... BaD,.... deceued.
. Admtatattacor • RnDauo• • Yov.a, AUorur,.••
L. M.
To crea.le eDd .. a tabll. b 0 BOBrI! of Water Worfs -rr ns.t ees for tbe V111ace of 'V'a)'DeL l ~~~~~~:~ fts: \-be
iM adI. . .!.arfti . . .ftr..-
*" Me' ... tN~.
of Ethan A. Brown. late of' Warren COUDty, Ob lo. deceased . Daled tblS l11.b day or February. A. D .. IVOI. Cn~ A. BBo....
cou Dcil clmmbe r lblJl ~b e Fourth
dD_~s' and
Tb- ulldera\gDe4 II.. beea appolat«a >.ad Ilna1lJ1"d III AdmiaiatralOr of 'be Eaat-.
(it II) clal of Moxch . A. D . 1901.
tb elr
....ru.c_u-t llr
S.." 4 . Tbls ordlaoneo s ban tale elI'ect and be la for cetrom .and .1Ier M3nl1l3~.1U01
,-m'e; OhJo .. aiuoe
Notice of AppolntmeDt
fallon 'be lum of su doll,,", per unum pal' able mooLhlJ.
~ :It
Tr .... )'<ID.<cure
:uDoU.Dt 01 tlicl rlloDd :tnll e<>mpenaatlon.
Q. &:
Spec~ redueed not.. 10 CalHorala, Qlteen
&. ·ere.celll._ Roate.
GreaL opportuulty l() viall tbe P aoUlt> eouL Qalelt _edal.. aad euelieDI tralll aemce. AIs"& Qtiemi ~Cres. oeal tlolte. agents Or "d4re&11 W. 0. R1near. SOD. Ot P. A., CIDc.1nD3.li, tor panlcuJara,
"TJlJ: PAJI· AJlERICAlf BUJ'.... LO ~ . " ~
be opeDe4 Ma, 6. 1901. "Itll Ill_II
pnase~ler wervtoe from Wa'Ile,'1"Ulr- n""" tbe ~nllUlvaal~ and Erie LI.... Tla CoI~Dlb••
and! AEroD , For ptlrlfoulara call UPOD nrada""'; B. S . B<>otb. l'Idle\ Ar.ut, It..YUettvI!)e, _115
WANTJ!D.-Capablc. nllable pe~ III enry evun\y <0 rep.--D' a- company or ool1d llnanclal repu"'tloD'; .• 1134 uIary pei' J8&T, pay&~C) weeUr : 13 pe.T day .~01Dtel.t OOft, aDd all e"1"'lIJIOII ; .tralelll, lIoaa-lI4• • e1bllt~ ular.Jt .o eoan• •toa ; ~ eacb Saturday uti upeoee ID..." ,ad~ eaeb weelt STA.lofDARD BOUSE. I:Jft ~
119ft S". r.llitoalO.
,.4 _
'1'0tUB!'!! p~rS(Ji7; bayin~ a sack of
Baibeau's Wblte SwalfPateal Flour.. O£Lddea is 1lzis: In, eve~y sq,ck 01 W hil, 8wa~ t hat is "p~d we inle/ ld fo {me- utter raM ill slJeUinf/ tke nwnw 01 SJ' n i".to Swa,t;" and whoa.' _the cons fltn1-er ~ets enfjugh· letters to spell 1J,e7TU
.o lthls-brarw,.pl'es~"t tI~m to,iJou"'-Iro~ 01' ~1u m-ill and receilJe
AB~OLUTE I..Y FREE~ ONE' BARREL 01 the B ¢st and Purest Flour SQld, in W~~
he r llIn sist on, your !trocer tivi",J 1I0U Wh~ Swan; ~~~~r~~pj~~iia;~~866. He th en T Ind. where a nd 'rem enilJer every saCk is !tu.arantud,· if . the retllllindi~r of hislill', the exception qf th ree :rcnrs you are not satisjledjCreturfi ami receive 1/0U1' he reSided in'BosweJl. In money. _ S,1~tellllb!~r after arriyb g h ere h e OP~EICJ- itt blackJ;inita shop and .dld'S "bUsineSs . u n W' 18ra wbcn Prit;e of 25 po~ aaclc, 600. oN OM teJIUiM of it to EJ>erly & Drum WUb.Qltt the stamp of J. B.a~f!eau. ~ Son. ion'lIn d son·in Ja w. was It"man of inventive talent OJ'(lrers pro7J~ptly.filled: at.. the Mi!l; Tel~pho~ 35. aOnght ont several inven t ions , nn ot which , bo\vevcr , te]1into other Bra n an.d all kin ds of milli feed ~con.UmUIl bands w ithou t mueb proflt'to him on llral'Ui,. self. The mo"t iDlport,n.ot of Ylas' acranlr-device (or oonpling . Tka;"kint Oll,r patrons of tM PlUto ant!- th4 wiilioutstepping between them . this de vice i{! in nGe today 'on than. neW one,'f t hat t he Premium Barrel WlrU brint lU, of cars th..roug b out t he country. , B e was grlu~ted n. patert for ~e a re ¥o u,rs Truely, tbiB in 'lt87h1, Jj Twa.en~~~ethyea r betJia e /I luvewuu e r evers· plow shovel n ow qaed on 1111 corn cnltiva.tou. In 1819 he was W!ly nElSvi1!e Roller .)(jlls. grlUlted Ii. ~f.eD f,on 0 CODe gra,te far coal' stoV68 lUld f.he nert year de · *---..,...--~~------~--~---~------.IIi"ned a harrow Whicb possessed. r i 5Ome-mcri(.8. Besidtls tbese he had DUln,V minor un pa.teoted inventionS to his' credit. , 'Mr. £berly hnd been ~ member of the L O. O. P . . ~DeO 1873 n.od ~ince thedeathorWllh3~ R~ode, 0 ,B alM n Ile, hIId hAd '!be at f:in c~on of b0iug .t he oldest.member of that order in this pnrt tho state. We qnote from the pastor 's trib. We pay the above reward ·lor a,ny cae of Uver CoIl " . nte: " '1'he relibrjOn.~ side of Fn ther Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indipatioo. .EbErly's l ife is briefly to be st.ated or Costivcaess we caoMt aft wit1l thus : In 1887, under the labors of Bov. W. B . Warren, he was led to Christanll pr ofessed con .er~ioD. A l ife l.ong spent in wa ndering from God nude his strnAA1e t he g reater in ~triving to ~ a. ~rue soldier of to ~ ..... Chnst. buU bo tll;.ontZmg prayerful. They are -purely Vegetable and never n ess and po.n iten ce with wbich he 2X boxes contain JOO ' P"dls. JOe ~ 40 P6, hils consblDtly sou ght for God's boxes contain 15 Pills. and leU ~ m ercy m Cbrlstis}om.iJinr to us 1111. a.:rd all ~m:tl' Mve b8cn the st:rug. Sent by maiL Stamp; taken. Ncrvita Medical C-gle, and aad ·as the memor y of WlISt · Ointon and Sts.# Otiraro, m"". SaW ~ ed years, brigbter still tho truth . 'Wbere sin dld Iobonnd, grace did Lollis May, d.ruggia$. 1llUch m ore abonnd . ' WcLl ~ o ~e r emember bere, how. when h UI sec- "!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!'!'!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!I!!!!_ _ _ _. ._ . _ ond childhood came, tb.ts tottering for m cam" And WIlS prostrato in f G od' [ II d good p m yer or s a vor n LOSS Look ont for Kilbon '8 Big I:!6le, ~ ~s!:~~t~~ h~::.!~:~::f Maroh 30th, At the mee&, of t!i.e ~~. strengj;!l, saying tlul t God w.d open. last week, 88"' Cook WM liveo Uae eel the door or h,is sheepft)lll and let H ave ju t received onr 8pring cont rad for InJlPl7in&' the . . . in, as ono of his lambs, from stock of ha rness, It will pay you to hol1ll6 with PocbahoDtu ~ IlD4 tbe cold a.nd .tho storm and danger· e-¥llmine them before buyini. W. the Standard Qil Co. for bU fix' ! ' th lit S ed tha J Kilbo Co . ous 005 WI 0 . :1~ ~ • t . n. rwm. the macbinery. scene ro me a~ m nch [or lts ch ildlike ... " d U'_ W H. All p'.'" fOb -.0--.1-1 .... _--..II <_ as for fts other oommend. w r . an JD..I'S. . en a.re IUD 0 • e ...-...... to .... __ ... h tr it .. P ' Vil1D contemplating sta rpng in house- the ()()nst~ctio.n of , *Ile ItaDdpi~an 1\ s. me ,e ..) News. keeping, at a c()nvl:nient distance ha! arm-ed he- and IIOttve worlt ..... from the bank. after the bank !DOV. on thiS impOrtAllt pari of OIU' _ _ AN H ONEST MEDICINE FOR ing is Accomplished. ' sys tem wI.Il begin at once. L AGRIPPE. '] be lingering congb following The oontraetor havin8 ~ of George W. Waitt, {If Sonth Gard· grippe calls for One Minute Cough the laying of t.he water pllleS ~ 6%0 incr, Me. . RaYs : " I h&.e bad the Cnre. For all throa t and lung pected to be In Waynenill. it a worst ccogb . c.olU, chiUs and gn'p t r .mbJes tbL.. is the only harmless r emedy thl1.t gives immediate re. few daYII and if the wea. . per. n.nd have t aken IDts of trash of no salt PrdVEln til consumption. J . mit will bogin the 'IAytnC of UI"e account b n t p rofit t{l ,the vende~ . E. I n.nney, drnggist, pipes. The wells and U. poW Cblt.Juberlain's Cough Remedy E_ B. .Michener r eports rainfall house have already been 00f1!l~ the ohly t bing tha.t luls done any inclnuJng m elted s n ow. for Fe1;ru• _ • g(lod ww.tev~r, I h o.va nsed one a ry os 1 29 inches, J annary, 1.83 in . Eat a Whole Oidlbap bottle .of it ~c1 tho chills, cold and a nd December, L23 inches, wbich If you ....4n~ to. It won't hur,' yOIL h axe!ill left !po. _ I congrat· is a , e ry light rainfall for all three People used to think cabbage hUlll ute the IDAnufactnersof an honOi!t months. February temper'ltnrt' heavy i .. tbeirlltotWIChs. AfCMeiich medicine:' F or 881e by Louis Aby. a veraged 24', Jann:tTV 30' and])a. meal, nn matter what ),one&t, tab 'J II dose of Dr. Culdwell'lI Syrup Pep,1 ceruber 32'. sin. Yon will o8Terautfertrom ccaPubliC S ilk s . ,. L _ A _ . . Her t hree S('DS an d {oar cIaught. 9tipation, inilii6Stion, aio~ - _ . OJ;! T uesd ..y, Murch 12,' :roo- Davis er3 h aving m ade ample arrange. or stomach troubles. LOllis Mal'. , 'Will 5911 at public a uctioD on the men ts :or the celebrultion of Mrs •• ftmD ,{If E . D. RObet:ts one mile Marv Graham's seventielh birthday For Heft'south of CorwlD, 'bt'ginnUlg at 10 on So tt..rdoy, Marcb 2, she wn ~ An 8l[cellen~ tum tOl' I'eU; CIQDo. o·clock.. S head of b orses, 8 head of agretioll.bly: sn rpt:i'led 118 abont fifty to.iniIrg over oue bunllred -.,iI1ce .' cat tle,. hog , sheep. f4rming impie. of her immooiato relnt h-es ~ther honse, eonvenient to echOol alId m ents. h uy, ete. C. T. Ho.wke, anct. ing at her borne, neu Ridgeville. church, well watered, BitDated tWo Friday, Ma rch 15th, 1901 , at 10 to have It social time together on~ miles from WDl'JlIl!'ville, Warren o~ciock a; m ., Henry Prater, Itdmin /D or e ; 11 splendid d inner and 'pleas Connty, Ohio. Enquire at thJa istra~ .Of t·be estate . of J onoh ant time WII9 enjoYe!l by all . . Mrs. oftioe. It~tf. Sands "'Til sell at. pu bhc s.11e thfl Grnhurn has resido.i in bet: homp ..... R qtel propert.y known ns the B nm· . -". • m el House; also ,t he . buildiug !ll.ld JllEt fifty :;ea.1'S and hlls WItnesseo Ml"tI. E. C. VallDens!:n ot lUlbourn lot occupi~ oy W . .R. Phillips as a IllII1lY chan ges d aring that t.ime. Wis~ was Rftiicted wUh atmnach blaok .mith shop . The occasion was one of more inter. trouble and constipation for. Ion« . . est ou account of t he day being tbE' time. She S&ys. " Illave tried ~ WANTKD.-Capable. reUable ])Of'f:01l hi IInniversarv of t he marria"'. .... prepnnltionabut none ha~ clneme tiitn y <yap.., wreprcoe.a t larg. compllD7 0 1 , ' J 00114 Iloanclal lO po t atlO1l : SgS8 n lary 1*' of Mrs. Graham 's ~ister anq hIlS 't he good. that ChlI.mber1aIIl'. 8~p ayable ller day at'IJolutely ban"D~. !lch and Liver 1'aule~ haTe," ~ au.. uioeekly: peo ....IS : .~ra!gh~. br n ~·Bde. '" Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence ~""6 , OOlDlDll!&lon: aa1_ p;llileocb Sat· e1"lO who were pr<'Sant. It was illsI' Tablets are for Allie 11-. dloq .:;~~, a:;:n~~r:~ the auniversary of t he birth of Mrs store. Price, 2S,. S.m~ ' fIa • Delillo 'Frazier and ' Master Erwin. • - • Pence. ,All taken into consideration ~-a.I '. it Was a-m ost eDjoyable occtlo!lion for the entire. f n.mi1y relnti01l9hip, -••-
H you Wish.to seU~our hay • to J . D. Furnas, W~)'Desville, Ohio te:epbone to No. 68, or 1e&v.e word
iLthis resid~ce over the post
30 of
MisS Elizllbeth Lilian.Abbott, perintendent' of the ObiJdren's partment ii1 the , OlncmllAti Public LibraPV', was tlie guest .o f IIr: and ." Mrs. B.-Lev. Cartwright over Bun· da,y. ASPARAGUS Nicely put up in 3 Ibs.lor 2.'ic. &dllr AdamR luls moved to YelTIlS on., ,pound canll. SARDINES Botu ' ImpOrted ,'.nd low Sprin .... , whereJle has opened a J:u·. t enauRh for • ineal. Trx_a lam: ,,~ When .you want IIOIIletIliDg bakery, and B. -A . Sc!IHf is now in heal a .burn, OI'A IIOH; 01' a ,c ut., why pIe ean. .' -150 per Can. . - . ,- DQIDestic, ill eitller oil or Rlulitard, Tbe genuino 8IIrdi~c!l are 8111all lish tull charge of tho "'ay nesvillll ~k- not-'try &Dn~ s.Jve, .whlch Iii put up in ;'Ii-ve oil ~lDd, make exccl· ery. guaranteed the ma.t hatllDlr ' oinl~VAPO~T~ .. lOe a.P!lokag... ment in the world. Take De snb10c per caD. My ~eart Ilndhand anotber claim- ~to. LolJis May. SWEET CORJI '. This is prepared leut eating. from a clioicil grade of swe.et cor';- .If. YOll .likc t'lem il)_mllstaro1, ask for ed. Hl~ pl~ hwlcome ~ late. It'" th" W olft 8.; DrcssuI!? b raud, tboJ ever t h}ls WIth people WIthout plu'?k The mll-ny friends, of the venerand can be prepared for the lable in " a nd vun,' Take R.oc:'-'Y Monntam able WoDdl-ow W.mel" will feel I Ie best. are t 5c 'lc r caD. '" d ' t I-"t • h'our • .... ea, on . se .... UJr.)Ul. ........., S!I' ed t h ' f hJ couatailtl aOminutes . . dcuggist.. f,ti~~ .8~gt~ ~ ~izzi.)(~ EGG . Exce llBnt for soups .Mr. ,Tames C. Mite hell, of Loolan, .g , and ste ws Pllt th e NEW ORl.EANS We Ian\'e a fr.. ~" NOODLES . cOO t hi . k ndi who IS bi@ fAlthfnl atteDdAnt, ill now .Ie. ired ql'antit .~ into Itoili~g ~Oll " IS announ ~ " ee as 8. ca - strlfering from IL badly .OLASSES IJllpl'l.v of Ol" 'n or broth ""d a ll ow it to boi l 15 Jlli n- date for Iofirmaxy Director. Mr, . t Kertle New OrieaDs Mola:sses. IItell. 5 ami lOu for large packages. Mitchell is weiland favorably lmown wns. . Tliill we bave .... Iected witla grl'ft t and if elecied will, no doubt d o biB M~ L . Parshall l!4a maTed in&:o 18" " Ih , care aod will msnre you against .. n:~ HONEY duty fllithfully. the pretty little cottllae ou Jliami W e Slill h:we " s upply of choice ColBfreet, lately ,v acated 'by Elijah disappoiDtment ~halever_ o~lldo honey awl t ile p ri ce will lie C. M. Cartwrig h t, of Ohicago, Co Hn Gee DlLIri d PRICE 40 "@ 550 l'Br gallon . . Ingber SOOD. spent l:iaturda,. and SnnMy -wit.b. biB mpron. . rge. n an {lftTents :bere. Charlie is lookiDg son mil continue to OOO1IPY thetr \vell and prosper01l9, n.od i t is nued. house on Third .~. which JIa:. Parshall aDd fam1ly bave.t-u ocless to Bay iUl his old friend!! were . . ' 'Phono 20; Waynesville, 01110: delighted to _ h im . cnpYlDg j.oiDtlY'Wl'h them. , It is 1'11Iia0red that a dart.fro:n the Emor Baily hns d ecided to tTy . of the little bllDd rod willllOt'D fArming IIlli in , in addition to his llOj)ulllr meat market, and is moviug unite the Jiean-nd JIand...o:of ODe aaom of 01U'"tD0iIt cJla.rmiDg ,-anng.oel.ety his family ont to the han e an· ladi~- to ~"-tof &.u1letaDtial !AI oestrltl ' home where be wiD take ""..... lSi su'bwrbllID -farmer. I'lldeed, efr!l'um. clulr.ge of the Ilg.r ionltural infere8t8 -'d' Ia .... aUoD til of his mother : • ..... eIl(l8 • pre"'J' g fayor of other cases of the t:iDd. , . . " Prof. I visi n. Lonaconing, Md.. su1l'ered terribly from _D,euralgia of Co.l Dlterfetta of 'DeWi~'. " the I'tomacb nnd indigestion for Hazel I:lelve are , liable to ; > -~. • ftJirtl'en yeaH and a.fter the doctors blood polsonln'5. Lea.ve llriled to care 'him tbev fed h im on J\lone, The oritrtDaJ baa th& rJil)rpbiDe . A .friend advised tho DeWitt'lI upcn the boX _IlD~ W:~JlP8I' uee of Kod ol Dyspepsia Cure ' and It is a harm1_ ~ heabng ealve after tnl:ing a few bottles of it he for mil d~. Unequaled for I piles. J . E. Jllnn.e y, dnlggUlt. ~miumte ~" ~ood enongh nnd qui t-efF'o-ncy, for GO"Rm' S8";'5J : "It luls cured me entirely. ' n.. cant _y ~oo much .for K od0, ~JIJSeed Oats -GTOwn from Importand Saits, ~h1rtB, Dresses .&c. , the d e~d growlnf : eoch year. pcpsill.CJlTe." It dlgest.8 -what yon . T. ," J D ~ney. ' ed C1ydeada1!\ seed, dfreetfram 8co~ e."t. ,. ..... ~ . land, the heaviel!& and fiDf!e1; ~. W. Dubeau & Son have hAd ever grown, original seed weigbed pnnt~ ?It ~:U board th ) ~0rd8 50 poundi! per bushel, only 76 ~ " White Swan, , ono hundred times. els ro !!ell . !!lee W, J. Xilbon, Cor'Pretty Weaves of Camel's Hair, ChI ,viot, '.Poplin, Whip Cord, TheIle lette.r s ha~ been cut ILpart win or W J.,.;' Kenriclt -LYtle. . ond oDl! Jette r will go into 8Ilchsack ,. • P~e11e Cloth. l-~ &c. ~.. - whole Wilbur Shielils visited hiB home til t t 11. f uur p u ou, un uw . o .J. nnm!Jer is nsed np, and -then begin people here IMt weeJt before goin~ over again. Now, any person tbat to Cincinnati, whent he 11M takeu a gets a SlIck 01. floill': gets & letter ; poeitiOD8.8.1I8.lesman iD Potter'l! ~90 wbenever he cian construot olll; st-ore. WtlblU' held .811ch a .poIlMon he letters he ~1iJ the words "White in Daytonfor ancmberof years and t J SWOD," Mr. Bttrbe.an will gbe Jilin . himself well... ,We wah $1.00 0. barrel of hiB 1lrat rat!' Aow, wm the IllUDe s~ in the ~ All Wool Golf-Back ~ew Style" good floar as the inills grlnd. Olty. to Rainy Day Skirt, ' in min~ a pnrchaser .of Mr. BarThe stolllll,ch controls 'he BiJua2·75 to 5-75_3.00 '5.00, up. . h Ph. d bean 's flour get.s the worth of his tion. · Th ~ W h 0 8-re 8R~...,. an , Beautif-. 11 Patterns, Also 3.75. ·tsolf Th' ri ' iRong are tbOllB who oau eat money in th e 11our 1 . 18 P ze dige.'It 'plenty of toad. Kodol DyeoHer is to indnce lJeople ro become u.eqnainted with that fact. See ad· vertiBemen~ in Gazette . Nim Carrick, einplO)'.,ed for Pillow Cas~s, I5c_ . Sheet!>, 50 lo _6sc. months PII:>t at tbe HaUllDel J:ionse, --------~--~--------------- ~as arrested.one d'ny hlfl week Qna wsrrant issued by Mayor chnging bim with the the ft 'of seven ...- to Ed L'lad: TQe milt. have' done weD by -\lB. . Thp. bl':St Vest Pants .ever Onedollll1' bills belonm"g alllOemployedatthe-Hammel Boose. After 1!£-ing held ;in c.natod . y for 'a shown, lor 25c: t;·ac'b. coupJ~ of days pending a'n inqniry iuto the complaint, he entered a plea of guilty, Ill?-d OD 8atllidaV wBs;ret~ ,~~ . moved to the Lebanon jail to IJerve - ~caWd - ~ . 'f ~ cIa Y. j "n..,.~n, ~ woods ' .. , ~ II- 8Bntence 0 " ' fine a!ldcOsts. ' Ip&nDer ?II _ linng of.t· he c"--ed tbat op.e of to "-l ..... 'n-~nnt ~~ uno ..._ be ... inliuenced t.() ~el!ter sailb p~:as t-ba-niostexpedi81?-t \V&Y of u..e-di.fIleUity. We are no~ IIdvilF eel . . to wlsethel'. 'the evideDce Was 9, 1GIclent to ,lIDatatn, .$h8 OM,i1re TJ.,ill an 'extraordinary . Y&~ue: ~nt np in: lIb: , p!1ckage:afor &ble use. '
, WOJ?thlVoticiDg, at
.Hutchison .tv Gibney's
8J~QQQ, Yli· Q.~~ Long
5 ·to 8 1.:-30
FA-I.!. sUits ARD . SU~~TIRGS~
VsulUau Oloth a .cket Skirt, $12.00 ,
:1. W. BARBEAU "
Theil' prornpt;IieM and their plllll9. ant efl'oota make DeWitt's r,Htle Ea-rlv Riselr8 mOlltr populor IiUls pUtil wherever they are 1mown . They lire simply. .ver!ect for h ver IUId .bowel trou'bles. 1.. E . Janney. ,'; _ '. ' . .n...._ f 'b vue 0 • oee L"!""-u tif u t·uvD b n d geta on. the De'" Hetallick r oad, ""lo w lVaII eut1rely demoltshe4 by la '-0:_ 'bj_'" b'a . rp w_, ,w .... was. ",wn do\VD by the high wll)d ot l as.t Sun. day. ~ ~ d - win _. j r. Alemn er . f n~~ be 11ereb, ~ ODe da! ~u: 0 eae mont b~ Ia here ever)' cia)' reruly to test 8s: f la.iI&es free rut y:: ~ , " ;: ~ willin A d w re e can . g an to. 8UJ~ his gna.ra.ntee . . , 'l'be lal'll" aud1enoo ,wbieh greeted ChiIs, B. Fnlller at _Schoo} HaJI Jut night YIIII. not dlMppofnted in t.he 1rit, humor, patha. sud etoqnence ted to th b that · f prM6II . I em _ Y Jmnce 0 ar&Wrs. M1~ Fruer will al'l!ays be ~,- bef ..._ -'" nd we.u.u ...e ore ... .. a)'D... nue 8 i: f'IlClell.
. _
lIa~-At the, Ii. E. pat'llOD&go ,- W il ·I b th D ,",- W .... ~ aJl*lY e, 'J' e uvv. . .In . QolI'man, ~ursday, Feb~ .28, 1901, " *. 100 clock, I6g 8nsi~ Coon. i'en:r. ·to Mr. B ezekiAh W. «:If XI!nia, ther at once 1rtIIrt.. for Cincinnati wOO1'& they mado . ' IIhort 1It.'r before returning t-o . ....:- h : G -"opogu omo In reen ......nnty.
, -Little carrie Morford has come to . rema-UI awhile wi&h Mrs. Eliza.
and bas 'entered- school. BtlCb ciuetaJtcrs 1108 'h er aunt, Ruth Madord, and Mrs. ila.inet'11ri8 little girl has much to prO-I~ h~." -~f ID the -oy of ad. ~ Del n 'lUIf&gee, and i h e Eint1.ness of these friend!' WlU brighten her 'unmother. ad cbildhOO(l.'
Silk waists Wool waists:
00 ·REWARD c:o..........
Liverita, 1hB Up-fil-Data UtIli U. 'iii . fail _.0. mota'"
Beware ollUbstitutioaa
c..". ......
··.,.,,,t, tr'yln' Dlce.me out. o t a tWOoyeB.r·olii aa1c:-" .
1 ,I·DEI.trir.;,.... ",-I. w~[l{"'r ~,\.:
, ~dam' .;[~~, ~'A8k hlm ' ,whose'Jand he got hill "'~""" ' nlT of last "prina-, . I'nd wby be It In the, nlgbt: ; Ask 1>i~ \Vife, "Betay Bagg; · \!, Kbe lmo'''. ' nnJ1hlng about Hlipping'into n ' n'wg/lbdrs' pas· tu'r e land and-mUking tbi-e.e COWB on •
tl),e sly.
AAI$..-" - . r..J . ]p4'Look b.erCi· msdara-"
",Vb.' De
be l1et. do "ou know! DTo,..,,~b, .bou~
e2 n week, "You ·don't mean it! h ",,,,,t be A' tjn" , siu.tion to (onuna,nd itu:h ;1 prine'ely sal I
['-'..>...-'--~, _ ' - _",- ' . counsellor nt la \ V I
'\T it ..~ frow 691 . Gales a\'euue, Drookh"ll, N. Y.,
thc foltowing : ." I have used
,'our Perurni. for catarrb i n(1 find its c u' ra' t i t' e powers nil yo:>
- I~ -0( . a
,recommend. cured rr,.
Ve'.,· bad
&tlllck nner lhougb I ."i; u ff e ted for
,."... 1 feel en, ..li,·cly rei iov..-I, ","d if it' - will ,beIJefit. (\tllear.
l'l gi\~e jt II.' ~:~!~~~::J)I!IJ9~e:,::,~,~~'h~~'~i,:: Diy eudor.ement."-D,l J' .glad Rir'khulf. Ii you do not"der;n~ I>rampta nd snlis·
fac..w;-y r~u lts (rom t bc 1Ii'e nf Pei:1.m:1 write nt ollee to 1)r. Jla rtmon. Jri"ing ~ ttb,te1f1~t or rOUI' cttSC r :tntllie ",,·m
rull ~.e
.vicnstd ,f Q Gl,'e 'yO" Li.
¥Ice gmt18, "
Addrj!s.Dr. Hurlm.,n. pr"";,I.nl lh~ H.1.J1.man .Saoit..l.riuIDi Culumbw;, Obio,
!<.. ~II ... -
Factory loaded shotgun sb e 118, "N£WRIV~L,'"
" LEADER,n and
" REPE(\ TER.... A trial will prOve their superiority,
.' - - - - . ( ! ) + -
nrc tllC bolt. ~ . "'te.r flu! Con .aUa.laD_ P.ti~~~N ow, doc!"., IVlw':.. ihe
"",to t.e'r wit,b unyw'AY! Tbe ..H ... J (!ODouhing Plly.ician-lfy deAr -air, do )',OQ .uppase that i( \\'e knew 1\;4hnt ~I tLe maUer with rOll, we wouJd h.\,e' ttecided t o l1old.. poot'lIIorlcm!. (FrQIII a ' PtCIUt"e T alc.e n Two Oa,'. Attn lfiIrper'!I- Biw\". l!)1 .. RAlnk1 orm.) . . B~ •• lIn. A.II ne-~oFd. : ' ... WI,en.vcr the Ameri.. n peoili. Gn d' a ancr tbe wl)it' t'r<lvislqD.in tile h"" aL· 10wlDg tlte C:OJDllLi$sioner to mee.t tlte ~hi;,g of meril. abloiulo geoIDn. merit, rhe)' .PJ)r~iatll! i_L and never huilDlc ,"0 rnak€" eonclilions uy wbleb tbe t-own i" Illleral uoe of it. rt i. JU~fI tbal counb fo r rOUlllled, Almost all 01 the objec· ~ho wo~ol(JUJ sale of Caf<jlr.tA-O\·.r IX tions ,oft'o;red ~y '14e tOwnB In ."gard ID,mion~boJl .. Ir"'t,J' ... r. hi. Lbe b...t I>ow"l . • h . Tb to former la\VK are , 1"~J.U.o~~ed und£r .nd' liver regul.wr in Lh. world aud . eU. gYLlty w ilten'.. 1j, is. ct the p'reseht ' la ,v, . It' !Ie Impoll5l. It prieea tbal "uiL tV r:l'body-Iu.. !!X and r"e o\\'ed the.m ' DuggsC$I e" a ..f"07rml,;",· r 50r • box, pu, up in hblit lorm, ond 0,'. 11' lor the Ingt lS year s; and I got illy. ble, ,howe el', . ro ari.n any ·Io.w that ilblet" .. aD1~1 .. . . C." Tn ero i. no Are CAS)' to t.k~ And nrc self up a. 0 witness. 011. purpose ' to wi!} be- ,e ntirely free lram objection, 1n1Ife. Coca by the gDd . . . n _""'Iuteg ... r· get even " ,Hh 'Clll, and J ieel 1'<e tor rt.is imposslblo to build any h,,~ JlIO I)e)' if CaoCUflS do tbal cannot be improved in 80me reo A 50c box i ellOugb done it• . Good·by.!' . spetts. ' t r tXUllent (or the . "'J1Ie ' pra ent law; gover.n ing . 0 i.a urged t <l ; i\1e SOlIE DOMESTIC DETAILS. imme<lhll.e trial. tloce (be wbole ri1 the actioo ~ I • , , Slal e Ilnd lown on a: libe.r al 0 . . BU. of 11•• odaold In 'O,·Rllot'O. ' 1 1 .. "o.r.D~D"" fhinncia l BSlSiHtanu•. ond Dutther-T:':r. 0' mutJ.on! . Yeo'm. th .. poli~y of >t be state in tbe m.,.o.oo 8oartlr•. M"" 1Je l hgeurL'An<l jet it "" orr ft of 1)0Dfitrllctlon, ~nd 0160 keeping bUck ~beep, if J'OU plene. W~' re ;'1 well within control of. the st .. te tbo moumirtl, )'011 kooll'.- Philad~ll'hiA 1l£c· A very pret ty and inexpensive cover tor Q. (}Joing-table wb.e.n not in u lle is whole . movemenl, hu enlarged lite ord. --0wor,k tor the commiwoner mnde o[ 0 dull ~hnde of gT<'eu burlap, field 'o Te eape _ Co ld f. Oa. anti hilS re<luced R';me'~bat 11r . • 'juris, tbe four corller" ueillg udCft'\l eil with .1'.k" r..uo,li,'e lJrom q Oninin e T.hld.. All three large disks em p roldcred solid ,diction of th" towDs""""pting ~tat. aruggisl8l.'1!rundJDonesifl~r IIII to en",. ::se. aid ; but 80, 101' e ..... ry <;bnnge from ~ will! I,,,.cen couc"billg sil k, Ilnd .jUJ!t 11 tthe.re is one tterioua nhjeetion to elt3bglimmer ',Of g\!t tbronil to ... dd j .o tIM! th" laWil 01 1 9S ond lS07 lIn&. been vh·y ' much mOJ;e ·be.nelicial to lite lisbrn,g comulunicatKm wilh .. lam. Jt. ,,·m richness; S4ys the Nell' York Post_ j'tlm~lIl,. briD.II on blore dial I rtOl"te.:The beoutiIul -"oft tints of lineD toWDJI and around the whole move- The llempl'la <:"-mm~rcio-L.b"P'l'lt. ment ""feguards tbot hwo already tapc.ritri~~ JDnke 0. bandsOIJIC cover----,--..r.!>-ing for Il mah0brany bed or one 01 <1"'01)0111 rated ib wortb: Yore.-Tbe Ve"olce - "P,,-der~ ....lr.i i • . " It hilS n-;," ..... 'be n the Wl(cy of more tba.n A mete piani.. :' The Phil",I;"" other d a rk-c:olored ·wood. Tbe ronnd bolster s hould be co~e.red with tlte tbe stale to be unpleasantlY ilrbi· - " Yoll bet I..d ' \X'~·, the duff m...t be ,,·orfb Ilrar ~l14il1iOD! J-J ndiaDapOli. ~ snme mllterl"l, 0< the sprelld !DI'Y be t-rory In h'"r de3llngs with t.h~ town.o, although a tbe outset ' ~ mllde.long c nongh to nclitl~· CO""" tbe ordiullry pillows . Tlus ~ame male· menJ. it ";0& dUfic\lJf to have aJ) tOU'll1 l'i!,1 is ~uitable for taQle eon,rs in 0 uod,,'r stond thill, ., All. the w,ork b.a3 roolO where it is d esi r ed to add ' 3 prC?gre • ..,d the towns. t","c been brough t Into a lull knowledge of the totlch of brigbtne.s 'and grace. . . -~ ' ' Ve I)!ten ..,.,d of (he ""DOIly of hea .... n; Some of th<? ' n "west eo"enogs for nUihute of th~ .. tate. '. I wooder if it '. lIupporled &)' tb. wuon'. lOJ1.8 ali flr.t thought by ma»y "11 urass bed ~ are lDode of hCR"'" whit.. linen , with IDee or llcm!itik:b;a edge, peofllec or-·our st·at... thnt ' when .the bwwo~-.o\I11 ~Uo,per, wbileill tbeeente,r .i& thcowUe.r't\mo,rio- ronds tbr.ongb fill! villages were ' ilp' g-rnni, . mbtoid p.rerl. itl rOJ3e or white proved the inl'l'reat would die onto "I'w• • •"'...1 lid.. Deer.. F~ ..ie-oh, dar, ' dOll" 10 fin:"; tJlre;nls . )fore ~ imp"l cOf e l'in~ and thot " ~ote for ,the improvemen~ lor n )~l>ung girl'" b~d L'311 be m all e o[ of others would . not be had. 'On lhe )'d, pleasel Aun ~y-Bu ~ I mtlat, da rling., I'd liko some. of the muuy graceful designs 01 contrary, the ' <!esire lor a general cTetonne. ..-\ mos:L appropr'iat.t! one .is 1n'pro,'ement ,of the roads in nil t~, , ta,- ; ",nd it u s o &I.-.et of you to made from '0 ' desig n which hne to\\'n~ in " 'hleh we hue eOOJllrocted 10"' me .o! ' Floule-ob, lunlS, don't gol Maml>niJch c~ of 'p.-.ppiel< ~""ttprerl o >er 3 road is increasing rather thun eli, white ground, B~i!rht rerl . pi n k, 01 m j o.ishlng. wbich fact speaks well for ,!,a said s be ,.. oold wbll' 10 .. 0& SOO D ... y 'Uow col".ril1~ upOn the white, the future o~ 'the good roads moye- )'ou.,,,,eot away.-Brooklyn Lite. , gr:ouuil of t~ n gi". the ·need"d touch ment. ' '1P1'4~ • • O.e Po ••t. . o( wnrnl t h hl nn otherwise (mid .. oom.. . ·~Doefor,tI .h~ a,. ked, "do .rou r~&ll,. If lite daffodil yellow iR ebo:;en, it bel}",," tbere Is a h ell wbtre people are will be fo'vld to be more often oatis· roasted fore,.. e r ?" tactf?ry in coml.iuK.l.ion w i .h the o,th .. ' ''If -there l. n' I," the good mA.n re' et' f urnh; lliug.l' of n .room ~hllD eit11eJ' j)lied, "tile feHow, ho .~115 ....hort. ton red OT" pin~ wh ile tbe warm note it! of coal to a poor ....idow i.a gOiDg to gel proauced'wiib C(llIally satislaelOI'Y reo Dft' a good deal ee rie r thanlle de en'ra." 6pltS. , '. , -Chicago Tiinea·lfer. 'd. ' Ill co....'8 '~heTc it is n~cess"ry. IIR\'~ a.n R)J.nrtment, fumjgafttiJ_ 't1u~ uo.Hcc .bonld be gh'en ' 10 olber fam· i1ies l;"iD~ in t he' bouse, so tlmt- ~hey: too, may make l.Ir.rnngemeo.t1! lo ' be absent wbHe the process i~ under woy. A recent. CJI's c- in poi'nl~' wbere t1Ji~ twa}; not done, reiml,tc(] jn • IIln~" s, of, two memJ,.,rs of t ile lam· i1y living. abO\'c tbe npnrtment fl1lo.i, b'lLteil: In thc caKe of a cbilil, it prodnced, a s"riou~ nttack of s ore throBh 'while Ith an eld'c rly member of I,be ("'!Iily.it brougbt to n ,Quilo.ination ;!I serics of s light symptoms. and re· '!vlted in n stroke of apopl""y, .As ~e .pr.o fe68ionl\l fumigato r is- tlte Ia,test employment ope,nell to a re"ourtlefu\ womnn; it wouiiJ · be well (or "er to .con?rider. ffita a,speet of. 1"p·ro:tcsiSiclD when ,s ettlng- ·f ortb on rounds.
r diiln't CIII)' thot ..103 hi, I;ftl"ry, Thu's what bis wil. aUolV. hiru."-I'hiladclpbu
,"Ask·Josh Bagg about tliDt of his iba died in ~oJ. Ask .ubout 8Upping into Ii il~lghbor's pas· In the workbouse, ,\sk BetsY' abbut P\lttlng'·ct-big 'brick, into a lot of .butter abe sold. lust autulUn-" , "lIIadam, I teU-you-" : , "See if Josl\ Dagg 'kno," ''l 'a n;ytJilng about feeding te.n. hend " of 'ca ttle. ' on all the snlt,the.,' would eat. and- tben lettillir !bew swill cTown allihe WnW they coul<l .. ltold jlls ~'!-ore bc dily' tbp.m, into town and L;;old' ··em. See whBt . )~'S got 1'0 say· to th:l'U~l' ., :That ,ha. bolhing tp.· do with tbe C4$e. I want vou to-" ~ .. "],beu t.ber; W3S ' old ~nel 'Bllgg. 0"")1 'unc! Q to ~08h, (,'Ot !<Cnt on t of ~. native to\,'D, On.}1 .. ",i1 'tween two drays. Qnd Be tsy Dagg.'s OW.D brolher got ·caught in ',. n'ighbor's ben bou.c !!t midnight. Ask Jo 'Ii- " ~'. ";U"dam, ..lUll; do yb,u kuow QUollt tbis <:ase'?" , "1 "on't know die fI .... t li~;n' .lhing .'lxlut it, but I'll b et · .loSh llngg is
Ki.rlbuff: attorney,
Go ~.
~'.ou-ne-Our frieDa ' '",uderlhuD1 t(-~'8 me he'. got n line oituAtion. now muc~ <!pea
Bate. IU --c.Jlforala.
. }'.bruary 12th and each TUeid'f tbere, after, uu til "od including ApriJ :lOtb, f.cdal Low Rate Colooi6t 'fiektt& will ~c .., d via i-be ·Soulllern I'ocilic', Contpaoj", "UgJeo" and .. SUD ... ~.. nocu os to 011 JX!U11slD .liCor· "i . ;rhe rnte \\'1,1 be: }'rorn (.'llio"I;O J30.00, (rom ,to J..uui., Mcmphii alld Nt ... Orle:ul& m.fl) (rom UlIWba Mn.,. Cil)', elc., e2.i.OO..'t'or...pond,ing {OIY. ""t •• (row aU other points ...1St and nortb. Fur paTti. ul... (1"U de w iled information perI3 in-i llf: to t he . outhern PJcilic ComP;>l)y'$ H!>U l"~, ~ nd Ib... 'p"ci.! ral~~ to C;tJ, trornLa ell upo n or at.d drc~:I \V. G. N"timycr, n. W ..A., S. J' . Co., 238 Cl.rk SI .• Gbi~.g(), 111. W .... (;onnorr C. A., S. 1'. Co., :bambel' of • mmuee ll!ol;.. iueill n.ti.01Jjo, O. G, Jl errinr, <:. A., ' . J'. .~" 71ll':Jrk Dldg. P ili.bur;, 1'• . L. ~~. Townoley... C, A ., S. P. Co., 421 O'ive St", lSI. La i.., ;\10. \J. C. 'or)" C. A., 1-1, P. Co., 208 Shcidl~y
"I cannot 63yenougb in reg:;rd to Ly'dia 1'1 Pinkhllm', Vegetable Compcrood. It h.lL~ done m e more good th:ln all the docto'rs.. 1 have beeD troubled with femaJ<l weakness in i .... worst form for a bout te n ·years. I had Ieuwrrhoea. and was 60 weak. that I could not do my hOusC\90rk. 1 also had falling of the womb and iufta mmatioQ of the womb and onrie5, and at mcnstrual periods I llu1lered terribly. At times my back would ache very hDrd, I could not lift anythin~ or do any ben..-y worl< ; was not able to stand on my feet long III a lime. M>' busband spent hundreds of dolla", for cloc1oTS but. they did me no good. Illy husband's 6i6t.er wrote whot the Vegetab)c Compound h.'\d done for her, and .. ankd me to try it, bnt I did not then think 1t would do me any good. Alter a time, I conel uded to try it. and I eall trnly say it .does all that in c\;limcd (or it. T en boLlles of the Vegetable Comnod sevcn pack:>gcs o! Sanative Wash hnt'e made a new ...·oman or me, 1 h.......e had no womh trouble since tnlcing tlu, fifth bolll!>. 1 weigh more than I h&'Ce 10 yean!; can do all my o wn huusework, sleep w ~l1. have II gOOd nppetite. and nl~., K4a • Cit)', ~1o. . DO'V fei!-l that life i. worth Ii ving. I owc aU to Lydia. E. Pinkham's Veg· ----®---ctablc Compound. I feel that i ~ bns saved my liie' and ",auld "ot Lc with, That'. Why,-'·rr" ..· can ) ' OU 1:'> ",ilh onL it for anything. I am alw;>OJs glad to r C'Commend it to all my 6eX, for I Fred Squand.r et, Lal,lro! Ht:::·• .web a spend--I know if they will foUow M..... Pinkham's din.'Clion." th,",' will be cured." :.hri!l/' .~ \\r b.al jf b ~ iA! Ht .~odl it · Gratefully yours, lIiBs. '\',\:;1£ Tuol1f'1iOs, . "in Bot Springs, Ark . "crly nil OD ·we."-PIlil.delpbia E"cnicg Bullelirr. CHANnE OF UFE. PROFUSE PE~IODg. --oJi'~ .. I was t,u(en 51 ck lIux.l~ t. Crasp C are, U I COIt''P . ,... n.ct¥i ye~rso.go wit.b taking . Lyui l\ E. !lie lile ... ,''1t' of hildr"", e":etI nDd pro- •five The Grippe,' and \'enta L:rOu l', lJ"Jub",noD' {.:ruul' , Dll'h· Pinkh"m'~ \· ~l!'e· h:1d a relap!SC =d t:! bl c Compound !lIen•.. Pn u,m0nb ""d Wboopint; Cougb, was IP ~en up by .No 0l'WIU • .50 Ct.!utlll. about 3 months the docto r and my ago, aud cannot ----~ friends. -(;hange express th e won· He Look." n ,- P on" Falh-r - '~'" ot Life lx>gan to 1\'bcn 1 w.~ a. ool r dJ,ln·t. h;.1\·c JJe IId \ nn : derlal good it has ,,"ork on me. 1 lt4.;;et, , ·ou Ill3.vc! ~m:lrt. fl'loprlli ··,Aud done mc. --,\fen flowed " e ry badly , ' 011 look -iL, too. gUv"nur:' Oluo Sw.te : struatious wete so unt.il a year 3go, p'r ofuse as to k,,~ c J uunW. ~ 1. th!>n my stomach mc '"'cry "{";eak f or The n es t l:' re.r r ' •• Uou for ChilL. and 1=gs got so some time after. :and F e,"(" r U :l bott:r or Gro,"e' T.utde"" bad. 1 su ffered terribly: the blood ,,":IS also troobled with leucorrhoe&, \Vent up in my lungs and tomaci>, and ~m TOl'li~ . h i, ~hD IJ:r iron ~nJ .,uinine in 4 tutdI!BIo:m" ~o c:ur~ no (\,4:'. PriC<',5(k:, 1 vomited. it up. 1 could not cat t ired f~eling, be:lringdowD sensation, sc:JrC<'lyanything. I cannot te ll whnt pain ~ the back and thlgb3. I --s--1 suffe.red" ,,-illt my head. My f elt oa tbongh there -LV... & bea...y Art~r e~'ry I","ri. ~ • . il ;.. ... iJ th. hride " band got me a bottle of J,vdia F.. Pinl<· weigbt in my b-tomaeh all the time. m uat I.Q.TC ObP)1 nt her Q ~· ll . liut It turn . ham'riVegetable ComJX'ond, and before I have taken t~vo bott.les of the medl· aut. ultunlly t ba.t i. iA the groum gving 10 1 had tal<en lm!1 of J ~ I bt>gnn to'im' debt.-Atdllo.oo GI Le. cine, nnd now han; better health than prov ,and l<HiayI am anothe r WOID311.. I have hOld for f our years. ~ ' " ~ I L ' III rs. l'i nklu!!J '8 metficlne has ""ved illy Tlun.,.\" mtn nt ...-« ;" 4. !fit' l lUU! required to \1 lI~ L = DICKSO:J B0D02, ille. 1 cannot pralJie i t.cnougb." ,vlw 1'".." ..... F.!.D£LE! D'£$. So1d by Avalon; Ohlc. M . A: DE3BON, Millport, N.Y, dtuaisl$.
note t.o ,,·rile is to .l"'y.- MclJi""n \.iloLe.
cL ' \f,
h4rd~l ~
to kiu-•• i, K ' .mo Cum
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T .... D
1'\1' ID.p may GUess a ","OIJUU"' age but
D u u rl .
in ",,'\lctr.g it. rud)" Ru rnh:!m-& H asty
lin 3or Hears an 1J1lIepe1ide1ace I
be "e,' er ~ocb il out.--Cbi..,go. Dally ~ e", •• J tUyt:.;,u wiil be·.hlgh:)", . ,pr ec~t d; nothint; t ~ d-o bu:. d~ .. o, \·t ,t. IH hot W~~ r DO,] ~el , ----..®-An old hacdclor MY" .,~&t marriDg-4! j" & &\\3)' t il ':60J. TL ... Oa\'ur are: -or l ngl". WDOllym {or \Jvuble.~'iU",,~ V:uly ~ It-flUID • .!: t!'J\\" bu"n·, f" plxrry. lu,at=-h, wild 1 Cood
-.~ make the ~t
Jam'. liorn.
alO nne.. _
:;:;:.. ,.======---==-'
ch erry ane! n!, Htl\·~H·(·d ··('~ ! r"f(iljt· ' (or ' tDJk in.... WIDC ;; nJ l"'O(je~ jt-!:it".e;. Uet :1 1 package lo·tily at )-Ol1r sroctr' l'!. ~-~.
for OYer Thirty Yaaw The Kind You Hare Always Baught ..... .,,. M"IlAAT STJl&.n . ft cw YO". C"""
B RADER.; Ol? Ttns P~P frn:. D ~ IUIXG 'J'O B l' Y _" _ .\'\'"TH I:"G A IlV~rt"rJSt:!o 1-" IT:; COLClI!'II ~!lO ' 1.J) l~ :: I :;T L' r'V,; U.i\"L.~f.i \l~HA 'r TIlH,' _~K "'l,lt.. l(KFL:'SISG A..L.L l:!12DS:1"Jl'C'rt.:$ OR 11l.1'fATJO!ld.
,,-------, -, IDROPSY NI!lI' IJL'><'OH lll: r;; \"{'S
qtOjckr"l!ef.:v ICUrelao"" nook o r le5Urnoolah o..u d JU d a..,-. ' 'rt''' lm~n~ !-'rcc Ur. U.li. OR.I:::,t.N"S boSS. lJ ox 1>. At ',u,La, U ... [;:II.H ....
A. N , K.-E
.YII£!\' WJl.TJ:'<U't'O ADVEnTrSEBII oletu e .(al-e th:t' :YO!l . . . . &.be A.dvl!:rI.lJIoo . . . .t. III 'U!I. lUll per•
Puffs under the eyes; red nose; pimpleblotched, greasy face don't mean- hard drinking_ alw~¥.s~.J!luch as it sho~ that there is BILE IN THE BLOOD. ' - It' is true, drinking and over---eating overloads ,the stomach, but failure to -assist nature in regularly disposing of ~e> partially digested lumps of food that are dumped mto the bowels and allowed !o rot there, i$ .what :auses alLthe_trouble. . CASCARETS will help nature help you, and will keep the ~stem from filling yiith poiSons, will clean out the sor:.eS ~t of the sys- st~'s rottenneSs:, Bloated f,y bile the 'figure becomt;S Unshapely, the breath foul,Jeyes and skin ydloW;'m .fact the whole body kind of fills up with fil!h. Every time yqu neglect to ..._ . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ help nature ·yoo lay the foundati9Jl ·J9r just .... . such, troubles ••. ,C ASCARETS will carry the '. ' poisons out of the ~stem and w1ll regulale
you naturally anel easily and without ~ or. pain. Start to:nirht-one 'tablet-kup it up for ,a v.:eek and,help th~ ~u clun· up_ and you win '4d"'firfl,t, VOIP.' 'blOod will bt:Jrich, fact look ~ qes bnght. Get -a 5Ck bo.z.Of .lJASCARETS. -fah' as directed. If you are not cun;d or ~tia£icd you get your mo~'1 hack. ~ ~t is qWQ;l~and permanently
OOONTY. • ......-r.t.llT&,
==:;.-J"--e .. '.
•• _~ ·to ... _ .. W.1.1IoI1 ~ . l l e ......U7•••nlJ.
aiLVERWAll. .
Louisville aDdN r,shville
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·..... _ _. . . . . . . . _ o l ...
....... JIItIIaI7.4pI1J 1.
Real .Estate. L. M. Karp...., •• _p.e of ) PBOBATI!: t>~yld J WUUama, platDUJI. : OOt1aT• TO. \If AJUU!N D.VIII ~ . • Got! ••llT OOUSTY• t>efeo<IaUlJi. OBIO.
.L.. J
bC.r cn!Ie lower conser on CzA.r'. Creek. to laD4a 1,..011 owaett b1 Jotl Cloud. aud
Mit . . . te ..... . ..
P. ........ et~~ .. e.dI'
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121<1 Day\d , . wmlaJIII. and defollo ..a:
Slta> .. Ia UN: Coaa" of Warr.o aad S _ of O~lo. Bq!DO..... t a S,..,mor• • Mil and
...·................ _ 1 _ 0 .
..,..IM ......... -, ...
........ at (.MIM." aoodMaW f . JaIIra· • rr~....
_ \0 IlllIlarJ SU"~ N .... 114. tbeace N . t9~· . \If. f38 poln to ~ .... k. co"' •• to
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TO CUKE. OOLll IJf 011'& DA 1:
WJtIe tor Fold..... ~lICrlpU\·. Kaller . • le.• 10 TaU Lautln Bromo QUloID. Tabl..... AU ~rQ~rt..u refund lbemooeylf It taUt so CIde C. L. STONE. E. Vf· (Jroye-a Ilpatare 011 eacb baa ~ G ......I PaLleDI" Aceae,
!:!he.-I have never loved before. He.-And why. my pJ'OOions? Sorely there are ot.hers f II wnrtby (IS I. She -Tha t "'B.'m't it. I bar! in· dige!'tion so ball I ne ..er could pndore their prattle, bnt. I took n bottle of Dr. CtLidwell's S.n op Pep!jin ,md M"O ne\"er ReeD nnv "ign of it since. Get It'of Lnni ~ I\!uy.
1ItfDN .....- . ..... SfdaI
LOUltlVlLLE, KY. ron. fme.
ADd b' .111 mall
WA1<ITED-ACTl\'Y, MASOFGOOVClIA r(· &e1ot:r to dell,," an400JI"'Ct In O hio tor old eamb Ilmed m.luu~I.OI.\I'tnc' wbolettale bollge. tgOO a :re&J' • • tlPI . ., . Honen,. more Lb:aD uperience _aired. Ou. , . . , . _ aoybGoII: Ia aa; ci<}, .
Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama. Jdi.ssissipi and Florida.
.tall~ la "I~ !llI., '11,"i,.. , _n.llta. wit'" tU 11.., 10 I ..08laq WalaD" 00 I'" THROU G H TO JAOJ[8()/iVILU: Alit> ST. ~ntr;a IIf CaMu·. cr....t. IbeDclI u p Ib ,
ueell "1111 til" muade ... l bereof 10 lb •
.."... aad
Th i. S;f:113t.aro is
MaD. -
Lbo remodl tb:.!.
C-~ ~"J!J7
bas o{ tbe
~...D~ bo
Bro:!}~1Jiainc Tab..,.. fttH .
ectlel la one dA,.
Tra,.el c·o n'Yealencea on tbe ?enol 'y IYOnia aUrTer No. 17' (In laid COUD\1 .,,4 .ule) be&iDala, at a 'I:lk~ _,,~r 10 L1ot"It wll1locJll4e Ibroulb car arrrtce bet weon aa~
pl.rt of
!ieU'~MAmpedeD\· e1.pE.
Ubo........, Tb.lrdlloo •. 33, '_.bona",- (.~G
laD<b Ialcl,. """ed b1 WUUam O, ~,&lI • tb.DC. wllllllla IIDe S· 71W·. 'I{. ~ iIQleIlO
A Litt! .. 1{nowll Fac\.. That 1\ mnj.)nLy of perioQa~ as origmnte in dil'order .01 the kid. neYIi. Foley's Kidney Uure 18 RnaI' /lnteed. Try it today it ynu're no .. feeling Well. Louis !lDY.
Oble> and IndWna poID.... nd Flor1da. 0" aDd after .IanllAl7 J jhb.. 00 an4 aJ\or i llil t dale a new trala wUJ be fQQ lluouCb ctncioDDIi lila Cbau.aQ&_ AtlliDU and liMOn W) Jack· .'IIIvlllo qd St AucuoUne. T1Ie crain will raa .... 14 10 SI. ADcuolla • poIM 10
1;00"" lltel, 0WDed b1 CoD~ Smt.b 10 ,b. U". of land. laid,. ",wa.d by William .0 " NeaI~ l .... De.S. :!tX· . &. 23t pol. . 10 eza.·. c.-t. Ib.Dce do .. a ,b. creek wiLD ,be m.:.ad".. 3JX pill.. \0 a IlOilO ClII
_Jr _r~ot. . lb'DU N. ~'. W. %17 tbe be&lJ!olu(. ""Illa\IIII1, SIX aereo.
A SI.e-piDII Cot r naalag lbroucb to Fiori . COil' da OQ s.be new "rata ' _ru leaye Pltuoof'Jb at I&lDla.....WIer JOII ~ aeft, ""'"' or I.... " a.. m.. . o\"'er tbe Pao Baodle Rouc.e 1'la N nrSaid I._,orm. :l alnc!• ....,. appraUed ... .uk. COIumbu.l e.Dd Xenia, aDd Pa.A8e'ug"r. rot' • "'bol~ ~. fUlL the ~Olb """ .IrQ lbro,,¥b 10 Florida on II wtL~OUt Cb::t.DCe ,from the follo.I:t •• '-&1100.,
au ...... •
l~l .
at 10 o'cluck .. m.. l!I~ f!ll! l\w11lt peal ~Il.u. I!MIRDed 10 "'" flU lb. bea.at of I>IA e..... l·
... _
goOd wham.eJ'. I have used one bottle of it lind the chills, cold and grippe have an left me. . I congratulate the mannfactuen.of an honest; medicine:' For sale by Louis May.
To . IN 1'I11lSUANCg OF AN OKDBR Oil' ule Sailed by the PTobl.ut Cotrt of WarreD R. J. WEMYSS, ,-=ounL..Y. Ohio. 1a tbe a.bove eU lilied caUK a Dd to me dJrecc.et'l. I will ott'!.r t or sale> at ceaoral Immi,ratloll 0l1li toda.trlal A,,'DI po bile a ~cUoa . "" IIIr preII1lJM, 00
AN HONEST MEDICINE FOR LAG RIPPE. George W. Waitt, of Soutb Gard. lneJ'.~e.. 'MYS: " 1 bave Jiad the WOl'IIt cougb. cold. chills ud gTip nnd have taken lots of trasb of no account but profit to the vender . CbaJnberlain's Congh Remedy is the only thing that hss done any
e " ••
:. Flooiida·
.............._ .. II. W. .. ,:. ·lIi. fer' A _ .,
. . . . ._
A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..woa.r lle___b~
. . . . . . . . . '''ns ~ IDIdIce, . ... _ Mt~. _ _ _ ,. Jr. 1Aa: ..... .,~ . . . . . . . . . . . . _.ty
W. _
Bicycle Repainng 0. Specialty.
~ ..... ~ . AprtlJ.lIOJ.
•• _ " ' ' - to . _._ 8. A. SIIII· - . . , " " " ~aUiIfo .. c a _ tor
Where you willflnd, JEWIl:LBY,
"~"'AJIII.""'in dieworldo
r·_,..~!t ... ........... -.- to d1~, """'1Can ,
... uele___ • . - a K a P, I( ca.· •
will bring up at
. _ .... 10 IUdee will'"'"&laW 111_
PILES OF PEOPLE testily t<l the merit of BANNER lI~vE "in cnring pilI'S . It Is guaran> teed. Louis Afay, druggist•
8'1'01'8 'I'Il1I: OOtlGu. Al'I D WORKS
tint ClOt.!).
leaT1DI' 00. lbe acltC«C1Qle Ilyeo each TueadA1 L as::atlve BrOlDO--Qulll1l1t .... bJ...
a .. old
Fr\l;aJ \ C6hunbu!l. 2; 15 p . m . : l.oDdon 1 in one clay. No ell"'" Bo, .P.J'. PriM II ..... la ODe and 1 ::'0 p m . , So" tb 4':bar1."IOn. :J , 13 p, m : ,.e~t. one-thfrd In two sears f.rom the "'al of :28 p . m .; Xenia, 3 :~j p. m : 'be Ale With tntere,'L defe rred p.3Jm enta to Cedani11c.3 A man BJlmed E. Presson. of WG1Dt", .. m e . .. :0. p. m. ~ ~Iorro... f :27' p . m. ; be ... ar~ 1lJ lIIa1'l,. bD lbelftl11L<e& 110111. Lo.~laod . t ;&8 p . m. PresaooviUe. Kas. wrote a lette,. L . Il. BENDEBSO:"l • From CtndollaU t.o FlOrida tbe train wUl the other day. AAying the opilUtla Aaf,aee jor Ule be~lll of Lbe c.re41torl ot 000 lst or Lbo latest pau.e r o Pullman :iJeep- e\"ery body in his to~ wbohu used Dnl<ll. "'lUlams . Inc. Dlolog ao<I Ob..... a Uon CaN. In.ludlD, tbe Sl~pIDK Car rrom P lt'lbur. , Cbauanoo- Foley's Honay and Tnr ill, that i'i!ll ~DDlaO". You.c. A'~. Iii. wlU be T9Ct\ed at 5 :-10 ... m .. AlIsn,;). a t the very be!!t medicine feu- la grippe Mal'Ch I ~ 1001 ',31. • :'5 a. Ill., Ailao<»a at 1! :05 .boon. Jackioo- colds, coughs. eto. Lonilo May. ,.\lle j 1 ~5 p. m. lh. day Glle. 1.~\1!l# bome. 0"" tblrd c:lab 10
"~Qd. ~ 'bird
T!n: tbrough aerdoe will be espedally co",-
GEORGI:: E. WHARTON. .. b _ .....1. deoce 13 uoknown. wU l tofte notice Lhal on ~ 1Itb. 4:1.1 or Ma-reb.. UfI..IJ . )(art Wtl_rton GJc:d ber petl~ In ttleQ:lllllQ(JO Plea. r..oun. \Va-me CaUDt,. 01110. In caM No. 9.01. ........ the uJd GcO.I"I'e E. WbAn.oo 'and oUa ~,.. IllUDed Ibereln. p"",lnl' for p;l.tlLluD of
ye.deol for per.sons CODtempb.ting trlps \.0
OerJ'e8l>ond"n~B Wanted. Write t{) us if you want to learn what Dr CaldweU :s Syrop Pepsi~ WIll do, .or caIl at 001' stor& lind get; I\. trial bottle. Ten doses 101', 8 t Louis May 's,
Florida abtl t.b.e SOU&b.
Tourist tlckf'f;II to 0 0 Illle ill 5"1*-1:&.1 fares vl~ PeDDs,~a Df:" Lh\mi wiU be aood
SouLhera wiDt.e'r r esort.
oDtbl. m'llDlnceo\ UU'<lU,h tralo. ArraDC" merts ~ VGTcl 00 It. may be m ade througb
I~ ~018 or Lbe Penns,IV'.lDIa. Lints at !ll aLJon~ m e oltoat:d, o r b.? oommun{ca\Jngwltb C Ii. HaloC5. D. P. Agelll. Dayton. 0., _bt.o ... 111 mCl'i:e r eservation tor an,. Tut'Sidar or
FrldaT doTi ......... _ n o
WA!<ITIi:D.-cap;lble. r.lI.blt ,....." rIO
;::.~~~O~:'od~~:to ~:~::'~il~~\~~~~~': L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :~i ~:d~Jto;;:[::,~\
1'\IIe. ClOUDl, of ·Wunn. .t.~.. of Oblo. U de8llnakd OD lbe re:cot"ded pta, f .aid \Own." Sakl4eteod."lls requirt'd to acswer on or be'ore tb. 4I.b day 01 May. lUOI . oqll'tr., meu~ may be tat.D aBain t ~IIII. Il.4RY WB.ABTON. PI>IDtUf.
~~~ D~
~ . . t' <la, al>solul.e17 .uTe and all e:zpeD.alU ; .Lr~l&bL lKua.lIW, ...al:arr. DO COQUDlMston: .al~1'7 patd eaoJl Sat...
p.yabl" weekly ;
.roar and .trpense !Don.y a4 • . . : - •• c~ ST A N'DARD HOUS~ " ' Dnrbo.r" St.. ChiCAgO
HUDIllI8OB. YOIll<G. AW>nI.,y •.
Marcb H ·el
Engene J. Bnll. the poet aDd pnb. lisher , says that one UOlie of Foley's Honey !lnd Tor rostored his -yolce when hoorsenn_ 'hreatooed to pre ..ent his lecture at Ceam.ll1l18io Hall. Chicago. Nothintl elae as
Nutlee .of Appointment billie
cr ErlU.. .L Bao..... dece.oaed.
Tb" uDdcrstcued b.u bee.o appoloted aDd quaJUled . . Admfulstra.&Or
the EAt&&.e
o_ .
H ....
L. M.
WAYNUVn..Ll'!. 0
Like Oliver Twist. children ask for more when given One Minute Cough CUre. Mothers endorse it highly for cronp. It quickly cnrea all cougu and colds and every throat an~ lung trouble. It is 8specillc gnppe. nst~ and has IOQl 'been a welllmown oongh. J. ~remedy Janney.tor whooping
YOlJllo •• UorIlC,"
of EtllaD A.. Brown, Jau of Wa.neq COUO'1. Oblo. d e e _ D."",, fillo lJiIl <lay of F.b.... ry. A. Dn 11101. ca.uu.as A. Bao...... AdmID\atralOr.
-;;;==:-:l:ooC!n!t~ti:nrl~ I . a •••• _ BatayIaJ._ Mlllorcl . _ Lo...... ud _.
... IAbaoooo
.llOI"row _._ ..
A.ItcJeIa.& .. Reliable.· ·~ for . ~ of n.. ~QIa..._.. " W.)'D~"·· HOxaDU _ ••
IIprl ... VaI.. . ..
S_la._. {i!:Iii!~ Wllkr~
OedllnIUo ..• •,
8ehDa. .__ .... t' 8.('"bal'I..too 'l Loodon ••_ ..... W.Jehnoa ..
CleJ AltoD __ .. _._ _
".I.f., ABOABD ,
roB BUrr.4.LO I"
~w Pau' Ammcoll BulfaJu l.I.... IOrm." ,., P......,I . . DJa aDd Erie LID';' wm ope" 3 11( 1 51b . . TIllJt 1.0 ~ "AtroD Bou ..... ?ill Cha~",1l<IV;& Late. ~anr co~ ..
'f1!m .Wa~"1II0 10 PaD-Amerlcan~. tJOD >rl'boat..atepp!ac from &b. tftho. Det",11 ..bol1lllCbedal~.. far." an~ ~UOl\ aUNetlo"" ""'3' be uc.=11\04 . - B I:.. __ 111.'<:0. Booth, 'Ioht ",.Ul, "h~ ..~ ~Q
person buUi~ a sack oj.
, . ,Blrtutt Nt I~, p~" flitr, r
, Our idea is th#: '111. evWg sack-'Of -wkit6 swim,· . tka(i8 packed we i!Uencf, 10 p7,a,u OM Z.Ue1'... U8~ in sDeliint fM .n.ame Wki't e ' 8wa;;'·•.11 and when the-conSti.mer tst. enout", leiie1'8 10 apell t1~· 1l.&me olt,hi. bran4, present tJl.sm·to iJour~ trOcer 01" to tM mill and :receive ABSOLYTILy ' FRE~. 'ONE BARREL 01 ~~Bese and 'Ptirsllt Flour 8014 i~ Waynuville. In8i8t on your tl'OC81' twi¥ you White Su;a~'j ' and remember eve11l 8tUJk i. and y ' .: you . are , .1I,ot ,. ati8jle4 ~etu"'~ .and r~ceiDe your . monslh ':., . 'Pr.fcB'ol.'1I! Po~J~ac~ · 65c. ;None tmuine without' eM itamp J. w.' Barbia,u ~ Spn. . ' Ort.U7'8 p,.o~ptly fI.U«l at the Ni!l,. Telephone 35. Bran and aU Jci;JUl8 of miU 'teed comtanUy on hand. ' ' Tlum1cint ou,. , patrons of the ~t. and- the ' n~ tmU that the Premium:Btl1'71l will briat U•. We are Your. Tnulv. II
B'ABU~U ' "
W.,DeniUe 'RoUer IDlk.
.O~ ' we PU'OII .1.I·Ojl'llD.AL, " IIOme'of tbe·aLeaPttlager .nap', .~ .. r er ainee m;"e felt like apologtaiag for the deed. ' " Now, we buy till' bNt ....p. 'mad,_ from lbe very bat of ~r, the cbOiceat New (jrl~. Kor..n, tL. pureat Jamaica Ginger !,na o,lier _ IOning. UIlJUA Bi~ait, .Jinjft' W_,~...
I .pound.
Flak.., Etc.
'Phone 20.
Way_ville, Ohio.
. . c-... ............ tr.crI,.....
- - -. . . .- - - - - - -
..... __
~ Satts, Shm.,
~~ ~
,SO .
CTI. .
IERmA TABLETS EXV'A',8THNGTH I ...... 1'IiIIei.., .....mu.ow a,.. ParaJ,. ... u. wu.a-. £
low ..,.., la til AIIIfI. ___ Pt. tie tile Jt..Ita crI. ~ h. cI T . . . . . ~
a-.,,., ..........,...... _IIi,..,•., ...... .......
8,...uIa~"""'.... I ......
...... bin __
.u • Co haft namEl pIaoed oa
handwome bClllUl of her
Mn,_ CharI. B. . . . . ill LebaDoll. Kill LeIla IStollll wal'
5to 8,1~36 J(n. &.
. -.
C. VanDeua of atoIaac:b
01 ~ja...". in &he ocua$,.. " bride beinr • daUChler of the. Beuja~ S$obI. and the groom
HaIr, Chenot, POpJiD, Wbip Cord . ..
Pnmelle: C1~ C!epoD &c.
"~DlU~ OI~tIa.J.ok.t Skin,.•
Skirts, Rainy pay S)art. ' f5 , OOj~ UPt
AJso. 8.'5.
- N~ht ...... . her Terror.
All Wool GOlf Back •
2·'5 to 5-7S·
~ _
.: '.
Beautiful Patte ,.." ,
Ready made SheetS Ud' ~i P.ll~w Ce8o!S. ISC.
so to ~c.
·.good -oach .Del qQjt~ [J'aJaq, fC2 GOYu 6c.. the detlWld ~wiDg eada JeU'• . ~ . . ....
C.mer. -
"'Alar.: 'VITS.lIlD SUlrl.S~ Prett;J W.vea _ . of
"'~ .
By . . . . ,...p,w . . . . . ... .
'II' ..1..... _ _ . . ........ - - - ... .." .. -
............ ,
~ CIoo4 Ooqp BemeclybCIUl· ...... tile ~.....
Denmon.. Loag ~Il
1U.1IMn __
=========== ,. ..... "........................ TIUIlD ST" D.lYroN.
.cmtUlOtlol~.~ ~t
.~~OOQ ·Y.4~ .OaM••t
_ _ AWlI. tilT . . . . . . . _
. . . . .iD,
t ... _
...... I ................p. I".~ L JI. ~ ""1. P.,'I'aIr, 0011,'1 ....... to- ........ the 01 tile W.,... 00aa&7
"I wOllJd cough nearly all night; Ul8.llml,.. )(n. ClIaJ. Applegate, Allxaadtfa lad., "oad could bard I had OCIIIIlIDP. 1 walked I block cOJigb frightfully' In.d aplt btU; "hen aU oUler mediciDeli failed. three fl boUleli ot Dr. KiDg'&
· Of
a. JD.. tile roUowl.q reaJ ealaleo me for'\IIe ~netlt of 111.1 creell,aid DaYld J . WllllamII. aad cle· I ...,rlbtd u folio .... : .
SUe_a te tiilbe;.Count;1 of Wms ao4 Stale of 01010. BeCtanllll: ilt a Srcamore. IUIh aad lrW 10lOer ""roet 00 C2U.... Creek, ' latelT by Joel Cloud, an4 10 IlWIar7 SUrnl7 No. .7n, tbence N. W. l3t poleo 10 a IUl<e coroer I<> laJeI,. owue4 b,. WWIam O'Neall,
tbeDCe. wlUl IlJaUae S .
71X·, W . 8t
potes to
A Little
That a majority of I!8riouI d ' ell origmate , in disorder of ttie ki4. neys. Fole,'s Kidney "'are Ia par"nteed, Try it today If Y\JQ're ilot feeling well LouilIlIay.
allan la .. Id UIIC, \bean • paraDelllno with tbe, lra! 10 CWo B1aa Walaota 00 tbe bankl of Creek, tbence up til! creek . "Utt tbe meand.en lbereaf to th«! beJ!oalA,. coaLaJalalr as ...... aad aJoo·. parLor &aid oorroy No. 17t (ID aa14 couo~y IlIld nate) be,laDlI'c - '" a nate earner to ~.. 'filii OOUOB laado lau:!y &nriIed bl' Coarad Smith ID tbe .llfD WOlIU OW OJUI. · of land. latel,. 0"De4 by WllllaJII cr· tbeaCe S . n ~·. I:. 231 poleo toCZlar'o La:a.tlftl BI"IIIDO-QIIIalD Tab... cue ~.14 tbence 40.... tbe crUlt "'Oil tb. 10 0,,", cIa7. No cue. DO Pay. . -' II _ mel-ad:.... thereof 31 ~ ...,Iel 10 a .1<>.... oa thereOf. thence N . 2%., W. ~1 pales to A man !lamed K. - Pr!IIqa.; ()f beJlDelllC. eotiUluID.- ~I ~ ac:reo. COD' talnl", toc-ether 1M" acnoo, more or Ie., ~yiDe. Xu. wrote- .. 1~ Sald t....t _ a .llIjIle trK> appraJaeci u Qle other day, .ying the opIDJ~ Of
:~D~J:8-Y-O-UR- •
'.GI ITS.'.
a ..lIole ~ U .Gl$.
TEBM8 OF SALE. Oae tblrd Caall 10 bantl. one·tblrd
10 Doe
Jear, -"D~11dn! In two fun nun tbe .Jay tile we willi la_I, 4eIured paymenta _ u r i by IZlOrt.p.oe 00 ~be pretn'- 0014.
everybody in JIia town who baa used Foley's BoDey aDd Tar is. that is is the very beet medioioe for 1& grippe colds, coughs, etc. Loot. Kay.
CorreeJ)ODdenw; W_ted,
,, /
Wlite to 118 if yOO WIlDt to'Jeana . . . . - lor; tbe bead.-Ot tile CJ$Il ...n 01 Du\4J. Wllllama. what ' Dr Caldwell's 8ynp ~ l I P J ) _ ., YOO'lIG, Attoraeyo. 'II'1l1 do. or call at oar store aDd . . _
lUOI- IIt.
trial OOUle.
!!IIII_1 Loui8
Tal de.- 10"
~y 's.
u•.,., L..,1
Lib Oliver Twist, ehUdreD uk for more whllD 1P't'IID ODe .Iaute Coa«n Care. lIothers fIDIl9.... 1$ The eleaoa 91 till: 'I1naee of Wallleo'l1l1e. hilfily for croup. n q1liC~ eures 01Olo. are b.reby aoUIIecI·""" aD eJection will aDcoughaaadcoldsalldfIYlI1T tJaroa, be be14 at tbe noo&l ..oUa, ~ to aal4 vII, and laog -trouble. Ie is aspeciflc for grippe, aathma and baa 10ac been a Y, THE 1st DAY of APRIL, welllal(l~ remedy for whoopiDc lL D. 11101- be....... 'be boari of 5 :80 o'eloell: coagh. ~. K. JaDJU!1.
1li1~ I tlW WWVlI
til. and $:lIO o·cIocIt
oJlloen· _
lO be
cll-.. :
_bent of or OM_bU. _
ID ,
TIle foIlowID,
".u.L ~dD
to eene 2 ~ to .. I ,ear
BUI'J'.u.o ' "
W_.v.ortcs rroS \Me to~'~
0 ...
~ lor! yean Trustee. 'or 1 rear
Gly,"" _ my band and olllclal ..&I~' my olllce La _14- ...w.." lItlo lath da, ot BEDUCItD A . 0 .• 1'01.
"I' C.
Specl.eJ J'e4.Qoed rate. to CaU"'r.. Qa.a .. ere.eeat Roate. Great oppoRllDl\T to Tlldt tile p_eoaa. QaIoI< -.od.1a_4
etcelleat· tBIA -..Ice. Aak ~ .. tIcIret aceata De ..s.t..... ... , c. JUn...... _ G, P.lL•. ctadDD&t1. f~ panIouIari,
pe. . . 18
eftry .,......, '" npreoa"
lazp coapaoy of
Alarz. . per ,.... payable weeII:Il ; 1:1 per 4&,. allt.lute),. ollre &ad all _ ; .traJPt. ~de. deftalte aaluy, ao com.__ ; ·.ua.-y paid 00114 ....oelal tepQQtlo" , . . .
each Sataeda,.1lIld eape. . . . ~ _ _ .-eel< ST.um~J) BODS&,'" I*r...... S ... ClIIoaco. .
'l'IIlC BDT au-vII: D" 'filii woaLD ' Is B8nner Salve.. It Ia. iaade from a preaCripboa by a 1nJat1d "wIde known akin specleUd aDd b ~. ttveJy the moat healing .·V8'. fOr
pia, bnra., tte&1c1a, ulcera, nm.
aDd aU skin
Kay._ . '
-:;:;=;;t!~~~~:liil Louisville ....N f&sllvihe ~ilroad, -..;., ___~.==~:::::t os h . . SUA' • . Jf-INTER TaUlUST TICKETS M_ .. SUe '"
Florida. -.aa
Th,~nkin!.· our
patrons of the lJa8t. ~an.Q, tIN new ones·tkai the::Pr~mium Barril wiU fJri,,~1U, . We are ' Yours Truely, .
w. _ARl$E~D . ,,' 80R. WaYIlesvDle BOUer.JmJa.
3Oth~ ' ,
Cheviot· IIllsS CLEM EDMONDS. Is in charge of JrlilliDeiy' aDd Dftiil
IM!WlIlg Depnrtments.
You at'e Cordially. Invited,
:Sktrq, ' AU WOOl Golf Ba~ . l\aiay ·Day' Skirt.,
1 !. :~ '
our 8'1::Mt cities are sad plaCes·,tO.vis(!·· of , ~,f,l patillnts ly' ng on those snow'.white beds are women and gtrls. ., Why should this be the case ? ~ . J!~catise they;. b~v~nes1ectp:d themselv:es. .~ . . Every oDe of these patients In the hospital beds had Di~ of warning in that bearing·down feeling, pain at the ieft' or right of the· womb, nervous exhaustion , pa.i ~' in the sman of the back. AU of these things are indieationS Of· an unhealthy condition of the ovaries Or womb. . . ", Wbat a terlifying: thought T these poor souls there on those hospital beds awaiting a fearful on,era,tib,n Do not <trag along at ,)u)me or. in rour »lace eml])l('Y"~ •. 1 ment 'nntiry-ou are (ibligedt6 go to the hospItal and tsWi!~I~~U. an examination and possible operation. Build up the.Je:m<l~ system. care the derangements which have signified "elyes by danger signals, and ~member that Lydia E. 'piukham's V~getable Compotlud J1as saved thousands of women from tile hospitaL Read the lett.er here published with the full consent of the writer, and see how she ·escaped the knife by a faithfl!4~ce on lirs. Pinkham's ad~ o.nd"the consistent .trentxnent' of her' medicines. . ':. .. Mr6, Knapp tells of ber OreAt Oratltude• ,
The Wa". ol tbe WOy)tl.
Towne-Ever)' man· mtat huatJe for him· tel£. or. ~t Iff~. iYolllll!et .. ~,.,..little ill tbis world if you·don'~..k ror it. . BrDime-W.U, there'" one lbi~g )'oll're II kel), W Get of if 10U don'~ uk rO~'\!:n.t:" t haH" · . N{''redi t:.''-l'blladelpbja 1'.-.
Bo,.. -
1111 ...... : Re<'e ...·e
,...., ..... Bet.poe Got . .
., .1.• -10 1lte World..
"- -
ca.DDt .
'eo Care..
.. DEAR MRS. PJ:orSBA>I' :-1 haye received mucJ, bcn~fi~ from usIng'your Veget&ble Compound lind SanGt ive Wo:;h, After r.q c hil li WDS bpm. blood JXliJ;on ISd in. w!rich !cit me with granulilted in· ilammaiion of the w<lwh and congested .ovaries. I had suffered train suppressed and painful menstruation from A girl. ,The doetors told me the ornri(!S w o uld have to be .removeiJ. I took treatment two years to escape an 'operat ion, bllt IitiU remained in miserable health in b<>lh body- and mind, e~ting to part ,yith my rea5O'Il with eacb comiug montb. "\ fler using onc bottle of the Compound. 1 b ecame entirely rid of the trouble in my ·bead. I continued to DSe§our ..... medies .onti! bred. "The last wnemonths have been passed in perf""t good h ealth. This, I k no w. T owe en· tirely to LydiQ E.. Pin ~s ~;e'te,,01
Q_' •
r"""iog home is ,to many. a. young mUI> hi." mll~ing or bill Tuin. As tJl. whi.;h it pro ves to be depends Iorgely on the ":fnd of training he hilS ree';"ed ,.. bile n.t J.oni. nnd tb e kind of tuil'1le i.s 1l'.1Ii1. 01. :To l.be~oung man of good porta, morBl ataJUmD, gri{ npd · eommou S(!ust., nothing is" rreatt"r a:eve~ .. opel' in the right ilireelion than bis get . ti~ n,,·al' trOll' bome, .""'-" the nell. giOUlO Teleseope. Once Ollt , omong strangEr.., ' {be tbouglitlul ellre of Jo~- I])a:fed llegIl1lll1Illg'of illg parent" is all goneJ nnd h . must rely upon blmRelf. 0' ISe c.om(oMs tbruu upon. him hitherto.by t-h ... loved on .... at b9m~ !lei. uow deprh!ed. Ci euw"M.anees now compeb.hlm ~Q 1hink lind provide for himspH. Drougbt into compdition with othcrfi. be ·1IlIut D'oW . t.uggle to keep his p:.. ee in th e race ot life, unnssist..d hi f riend.. 'bils to the y,?ung m~n of gom1 I'"Th•• i.. to p school ' or experience whieh (Ic'v elop E: n~rgy, tuct, -£C'J.r·rc-:.iance utrd, if:! ~, word. maku blm a lURDJy mao. Drlt It I.e ;s morally wu~ . ~n cillati ng. reck~ less, indi ff erent, <.nt'llT"So,!)e, with lit· tie or no conscience, orh-a.& in him"t~al peculiar '.el1bbn~s ....bi ..h. turn~ good l . tlio,na\w~1 tnlent" 1n~enulty Info pmYeI'S .'iI, bisnod J.e.llTiug;; bOlllc ·&ooQ works Jor Ills
ilestruction. The selti ~.h. reekJ<'Ss young "iun on le&vi;,g be,mt sOO n linw. hiru ..'e:.r tn pRttnHshil' witb tbe prince'
of ilo"kness alld ·on tJi .. bi"bl\·8 \·1.0'cUm. Ho,~ huportoui, tb en. that: "u; boy 011 receir. th~ ,'T,?peJ:· tcrai·ning in theJtollle so .'''''n\ra, to guuUfying th em ,to ""t~· .l,v take of the m.enes aft ..· tbey bave passeu the bome lenvlng limel
fabre C"5"nlpoun1l.
gmtitude is
~f~!~~~~~~Whoai ~ In;l$1Y~~ -Mila, W~
iniJ<>e&w b3 onllito
_ tl, • t!8 loeaJ~ t and , .'1C!IAPP, ~
;~~~~~~f~~l~~~:;~~.~~S --®+To Care a Gold JA ODt!
T,lre TAutly. Bromo Ouini ne Tabl.t.. AU
d~mUJ1<lllio.eyltl~railstocure . lI5c:.
"Yea," aaid Cbar1ft. "1 h"e bad 10m.
in 'my t ime. I m.s ,truck 1IeUI!d.... on~ ''-Chi~1:O Joumal.
~ 'trying ~per""D_
HOUSEHOLD TAL1tS~ Odd 'JIlt. of Vlef.' t-'e S . .,.
J.'•••• lIo. Ko •• e .. ·
...ne. " .
Office In PrInt z
Opposit e Mi&mi l l - -
'- -
-.,o.ea ~h.'"
___ ··:"UI1l ~ ~
party? ':00 kiloW it.... or.!I~,1 Oil Burleli h'. urg4ag I'1Ipreseutsltionl , cto. you 401l?" "y'ea: T heard 110," ula FollGIL
lo.'T fortb tlIe pure.
",hlte IIIlu;
Put luu for pld
away' Let faltb .upplan t
ambition , Let love once more have '-.8)J...el ml!!n apin be
brolhen , If ~nl) lor lhellay-.
Turn flack unto tbe
For otlll-eye .lIlll-li e relps.
Itorgu to sigh at losses. Forget to 6chtme. tor gal:l!-
Clol!e up lhe nols~ market' HeJp slilliell the nrf't!:l old slralDa.
'D'e. sky J. still above us That arched 0 ,-r Calvnry . The wind !tJIIlllr s the &ralile.
Thlit rippled Galll..-
The m essob'e Christ de.l h~ered Is elill [or )IOU and me.
Ron back: tile ~tone thRt clo!!el 'fhP. entrance . to 3 our heart, IAt (aUh lJe resurrec ted. Bid Bloom) dou:>t depa.rt A!1d let God'. lo't e etlll shield you ApJnel tbe- Icorter If dart.
Once more t h,. Easler JUles I Oneoe more tbe 0111 sweet way
Of .1I11plng ba.k to ehUdbo<>d.
or l ~tUng love have 8'18) I 8 0 .. hllll the w orld be bri&bter Am! Mtlpr for the- dal -5 E Kiser In Chlcsgo Dati)· N .....
...... ... cdIa ......
depot quarte rmutn• ..tel b. - " 41eta&. 1Jie' poUq dlat 1h0llJl! ro~"'I. 1
'.t... r.
It Welal.. a To. . . . . . . ."
ESln'ele od to C_rrJ' a Load . Jt. 0 .... Wel.llt .
t.hac:cnBJll4nd of a eoloDel of t.he lIP" lull' fon!(' tbere 1\"88 no 1lJIe III remo.. All ;nunto r in B omFton.c~uctDC OJtranee. ' Noon came and DO ne... , ·~t .thC·n?" ol.rtaln~ d 8 patent for a \<Dgon 10 bas COlD' The &huur. ne Cbeyen thc from whole You kl~ow he pJaJlJle,t the d h, steam upon commOl f propelle b~ tlI&t Wired BuueU at ollleer g bualae u-sent" em aroUDd by CanyoD mantjn carriage I. 27 fut In 'rbe . roae ttoOJl' hi, of he, too waa Itripped S~np a~d the Sweetw at.erT' length. ioeluol og .e_en f.eUor the jIr" _rUe eaftlrT a ll not'en had Bnd FoI. Ido .. too," that, "te., I beard boiler. cyhnde r aDd the m.eban i.m BICYCLE IN WARF ARE. t4 aend after t.he ~a1 with 01. ,UIl woniler lng. connect ed \I IIh t be drIving wbtel~. p BIII')eI l:C'TP ) Ig kl1,ow lome oul!' mut hue pat a&.rtU1 t ..... £I .1 bot"ad of aD B:<Ietree ' pusioS ' H.II . . H yani.lle d with larp au_, it ... o:1",.t B~'.I" T •• t 1-1 I. til. W ... B:~~I~bg8JJg on the L.ael\~ ~ througb both tbe ITont or both the Cb •• ee tID At.,. n. nielwlo ~ ble ia , bclleved J>a.. bacJ ~ttegea De"e II . I. Ao ...... AIde... bmd ",h••15, '" 1.0 usual In otber ",'rof t.he tugltlft . pro.tra;t'~'11 enr liMe. and b .. been ,o'clock eame tldlap ••• the axu merely p~ue.s tbrougb rlag bad men, othu two Th~ ~xtent to wblch the blcyclt caD too !Il. to- see anTone or to Jeaye ~ He; togetbe r with DB'e of eaeb ." heel suJllclieotly to tbe apeltt t.he late boura of the n18'ht at be uadulJr emplo)e d on a"tlYe 'fr"l.. bed. • .apport aD .ach .Idc -"pr'gb tl, "bleb ill partT t.he of one of not n lodginp the attent.o tbe Ice baa loog eDgaged 1Ye., leI we w_ told, strengt bea and coonect tbe frame 01 had drlyen !oW~l!, ~&·c ... tl enough to b!! up Cheyen ne. and at dawn at a ~ >nIJ · of our 0\\ 0 mIlitary authori ties, tbe \Tagon , lUred .. but of tbose ot tortlg/! coonlri ... It ......."",-Ood Imo..a ",I,ere, and aW8y 111 a "1-1 g 'DIe dlrectio n of the ennace 11< d here I. tbe re"'" .!:-jJ)a t III !rom the ai"able. . oatensib ry to follow the gen- to ob.fou! that there Is grnt difficult y f~cted by 1 he actlOQ of a be,..1 l!inion ~llelte. north." a)1iJ. , trem.bll ng wlth the Itt g utlllzio In the .nd responl lb,:. ty cODnected ,~Itb ~ . piudre "b.eb I. go,', enl to~e. TheT had kepttown menl ~ bnift pointM to the cl-r-atward on leariDg Reid the a"",JCeK of a body of meD ~rned by tbe coaebm an; this pill.l0D - - road XI • :e -w~re leell PilQinr ialong tile pralli. of who.e pecuUa r eapnb.i ltlre .n tb" paHgt!l Jlh. of· the-Iett er in hl8 hand: FOh R'!tll , - but deputle a. pnnlcuJ af circums tances In "luch 'U'lPplD lr w .... IDtact be"ond "Com. ll«la .nd " bandfe4 to tit.. quartu"m Uter but tlIo "wor and eeat In pur- tbey are tnga"."" noth'Dg Yery de/iJllte U " 01I III! ... I ~'nt••nt. . ..,.. nothlnj""llut- wort_ pa· aay the ri, h8d I. knon». There Iii, 01 course, a IJnt~ to back came .ult. to Diu.' 1uL-..e been 10 .. b~n a1v~n I:.odge Pole. A& ural reluctaD ce on tbe part of those .. far as gj)De never • DelLn U • tidings. LI.ut re5pons i ble for a cnm(l rllgn such as furtber came ro. I'. eix !rom poppJU~ w~e I/!y~ ... ' Folsom . of the de- tbat in Sout h Afn rn to makr "hoI 01llcer oglneer • Lonng gu. ebwr. a mto k ne~:tn hJ8 head. le aDd mu. t parlake large" of th. natllre of CbeyHU reached blld nt, l'nrtm: in!: up in consl~rnutloll- " 0018' an exprrlm rnt "h dr op cra tJo o~ or a the wilh ation consult in Don't you aee. manl eaid Peck· \'01 BU&lieU. The ri« crl"c~1 kind or. In progrt ... "'1< 5 the at oilleer g JDnndlD short ill depot t.he In one 1;~liJIe .niff. Sloan', ranch far Brook ! ~ n Eaglr On the ~th .. hand. $10.000 or lID SOme one hoped to bRd been found at the party' had It JS d Ifficult to Er t In \\ ba C oth(l>r \\ aywhere creek ero'" up ycovel," th". Ihortag e m JUIt. tills .... ..e.stwud . be prec .. c pO. lllon th e h,c, .Ie I. d.,· ridden ~nd to send a little squad with u bogu taken horses In ant.cipa tlon tinf'd 10 OC'C1JP' In ua.rlare IS to be. package , and tben turn I006C the big- into the Bbck mlla. had dep- 5:atis(ac torll,) d e tel m l nt'fl Tholt: ar· IibqUf the reW3rd bIg a of . country the gut " . of ruftianB In !SUcb ill· dent \o luntt'ers \\ ho Cor .) t ~rjfl paat. From p~wt. In out ut"", They 1JIlI'uld bave got It bnt for (he It or• • bar. dfTotcd them.,·I... to th. task ptber at Canyon Spnngs . and no one {ormati on as they could tb. o( drmo nstratln g SO for as It is PO&of Tbey J~arned tbat the name of one I",,"e been t.he willer. AN AUTOK OBfLPJ 0.,. 1S!1 ...• s lbl• •n lime. of p.nce. the ut.hty of 1I Ne was h Burleig gone paTt."" l.o'*'dn:t hue got It ~I~bout a m~rEO mouut. d . call.' men armed of force in captain a be to claimed derous lI~bt. No Due woulel e~er da re ball. wbo eo· acts on a. wheel \\:hO':!~ mo~e m e. D ts -com looking lliter IA· Dot be IBid to fl u ve rrce.Ive.d much confe.1S hJlI compUc lty in It, No state- tbe army. "out tbere in pel tho e of ctrtal'; Iron brocto ffxe<l office "ar tht tD frO rnt uragtm eo \I ho wna too re ment of thell'll \hat tbere W&JUI't a ",atme nts"-a eoptalD t' Th to the exterio r -of tbe troDI .. bee l• • '('SIr r ~ Bo the '\nth ion and see the few connr-ct bays cent In the aack could ~ver be be- busy. hou ever, to go tbat gns "b.ch turn upon the •• m"'J>O t"bere campai the new poat baTe b een few IllITe<!. Some one'. Ihortag e wouId fellows cf h.s ,,10th at to them by offered so (aTorab le nn opporlu Dlly tbe) loucb l b. ground . sO mu ch po"cr kno,", afford.d bf ) ! g"3lD~d bl'" th us pintOll that hrrJe for c e be ,""vcred and bill reputat Ion saved and who was not r. Yr. Lo ... for tbe _peelal fac>l",e s the great u reqUIre d from tbe cOlICbm:J.n to pr". The plot faUed, and God's merey WDJI 51ght ILl aIL Tbe enginee ring Conside cle c~ b. lh. DlInUle In~utrJee bnd to duc e the neceCsa r\ directio n ha'e "vcr De. D'S bead He'd 'a' been mur- log. was muklDg troops he t t tlla d,stance s worked - about tbia fellow. for tbe ducrlpt ioa caT~r. m obi'lq :Jnd rap ld l1J o r mOl" t dend or TUrned if tbe plan Tht"re ;Ire t\\O !:afei.l ralve$ ~a lcu 'af · of w given blm had excited not a little and nOlF BU'rlelg h·. pael ment ba." been Sh O\\ll by en:nts to rd nt 50 poun ds; upon a !qua T ~ lncJJ. bl. Interest . bue been of tbe fint .mpprt: anet; " Iuie (' \t"r\ p a r t of the stenlll at'of the .eeond da, wbile tb. slngula rl) fnorab le circum· p:o.ratu, ha . been proved at tbe ro te ot And lID tbe CllAPr ER )(XlI. and Emo'7, atance tbat tlte veldt. of "blcb vast .too pannu s UpOD a f fluare IDCh Yea, Burleig h .. a. gooe. and tbere weut down on Oate CIty Burle.g h w.. aren l C'XIU . • tI rld~a bl e "1 mnn~ dlknew body ever) and the 1~ 8 t A The l! t ea m 18 con d ucted 1010 t"O eO:1 . depot tbe ot on conl[uli was ..er. .. With mOlo... might . "ildeat deTbe bll'\ a on gone Oon1; re~ room. ISe- f Er Jonned ot nar (:oppt"r fubf" · bla den from doc.lor had come fortb Fort Emory wa. " tlTe ror~ lh ough t ha\l~ Jetl 10 the ad- tb at pan DC tbr tteam "hltb J~ conlIlIylns;- he ..... beller. but mo ot no* be oOoat. nnd wblle .ail the tragedy .t '~ntageoll~ c"1plo) Ul fnt of a ecrt:uo riense cl. fa lh og 10 tbr botl CJtn oC Ihe dlatorb ed. A~ aeuo the maJor. carr)- .n mourolD g oyer dy III to_ numb ~ r or IDe-D on bict"c t:J;. r;o one conde1lJ se r. l IS con'"t,p o 10 I he- rf!.E'pr'-Olr uelJbo CIlP, r Warno of· Ina at d appeare bad , Ing a satcbel ed ill WIth D &en&c 9f r cspon. IIJ1I HY wouId of \laler for (urlher use "hl le th e un · concern >irldly moro oeeme<l g limoktn er<! I' ftee. wbere two clerks C<lUU of hltr 81Jc!- ilat't' suggest. ed onr m.\h; ng :l 1f'3p In co nden i ed t: ltam . i eonduc tti. throu.zb tbelr pilles, Innoeen t of all though t 01 Burleig b and the only certAIn army tb. dark anol equlppm g th oll'a nds of l h t ch l mo ey :l nu he-re e-3:lJoglllcht'!I their eDllployer's eOID.ng. It ...as after d~D o;ght. !U yet knew of tIll sold.e ... " , th b.c,,,lt~ at th. outsc , ~l1ch Cp3r).,;~ 35 m a , oceA~lona n r th:-d FolllOm llr. and .... 0111"" I a tbet;.e l bn";nell no had 'They bow. stockad e 'nth 8 PO S81 bJllt~ of the mo« lunes oe tbe at ry dJJlCOTe g h t'l f U 3,'{" from th(" chan:08 J combin ed .tartlw in ted tbe Wn'~ Smokin g "85 prohib. WIUJ a bogus alf8J~ .Dg found to be use I... l>h I h. pat· "lIh coke o{ 'Tb .ch Ibe fire I; .mac!e. tbe oflic., yet 1\. was the major who -tbat tbe paelcnge Gat.. C.ty knew ent earts with ..... h,ch th e Freneh ex The IIro placed uD der Ibe tJoller. i. 'e\!1Ded most "mb,,~d at the uuex- tbrougb out. But all largt! so .... from p"dition to :Uadll~ascar '~a s ru rnUlhed Enr ro uDded by Iron pl at.~ and .0 far drallMl bad b Burlelg wbo major lhe was 1& , Dleeting peeted cItizens had The COU.Tlie. ho\\eve r, whIch th e "Dr r~moTed from tb. par t of Ih e c.rr.ng " IHI.tlly w.thdre .... He wu traced to tbe lOcal bnnlt. many ral ... s was ,,"ould baTe btt"D r tga r dtd a s d •• tmed for goods tbat uo possi ble Folsom offi('e John that the n"l l~ay. and It \185 s""edily fOUD,1 beard poorer for b •• Jus tified in tnklng "8& t o pfrmtl a dDnger CDn b e apprehe ndedtbat he had $ent. word to the di ..i ion lbou.s:r.nd dollars tbe all .nteres t wal . mall force of regn:ar s or Tol uDlee", Tbe " e Ight at the carrlng e Dnd tbe 8uperin t.n'dent thatthe genera l had tel· ""ddeD gor.ng, and from Cble.,... to be prop~rly orgDlHzed, supplied .. bole apparat us ma~ be ""Icula ted CODlIng fbe in d centcte al once at egnpbe d for b.m to Join h.m d ned by "'re. to 'Rub 1!. :.u tabJI! machine s and attachf ... 1 ooe and a half ~oDS. -ie ill destltte d Cbeyeo ne, IUld a special eDgine aDd ot an lOX""rt summo safe at the qUat· to one of tbe field forces In the ea rlier to carry three tons of mercba ndl!5.e. office buge the open quarter a At ed. beJlee<l w.ould eahoou Tbe l<e~ s hid 5t:Jg~' of the war, so th at tb~.r utility makong a total of four and a hall pn t 6e"eD tb,. hod started fuIl speed. te.rmos ler-, depot. At the 1aa mIght hue been pracllca ll) tested tons upon wh eels conform able to the . h BurleIg with gone made It "liB JI",heo tbe disco'.r y was up with aU Tb .n, If th ey had prond of rea l va:ue regulati on. establis hed by law and loading after t. &fell ntJme Fouo m and Ste.-ens bad can· motnco .. te oon· tbe for ee could ha•• hren IDereas ed s ubject to the u s ual re s trlc:t.JODS ate prl\ s uit ed t'ogethe r. Fol ~om had told of tbe casb b,. own for .t "au ld ba.e been "85 found open and as r.qUlr~d that for I.,uned, h Burleig loaned bad h the lar~'e sum aDd Infinlte l) Ie•• easIer (nr of fpunrl corner lt8 In empty ll'y Jlraeuca be· and AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE. aud th,' wnditio no attacbe d, m~n on bicycl es than mount 10 Ilad be c:osUy when and room, SlUingt'",en t hem a 'd.spate h . cODci~ly Ael· h,s ofli~ to get the qD boroe. i;DJI10<r JD~Ht.tlOD PJ."D~4 1f1' .... tlng fortb Ibelr susp,cio ns, WDS sent e, "lently gone to tbe lldcODf011 'ao " '&"rfth of XotOl" be atored. ~f"\T 'nrk er~ tb s fhurl ortle.. WIth enDe, tb~ geDeral at Che~ ALL-AROUND EXERC ISER. tbe t"o empl01e.. 'rbl~le 'I. ""tae.'a rer •. to "rus h," as they "ere determI ned it ed by the "'ght of them to lane I. Oper.U Da tbe Blc,<,Je De-re Depo u.blt' to l,-ead oft tbe fug- .t.Te at tbat He could ha ..e ordered Xc , 1 ork Clt~ h:l ~ nn e" Id(!8 fn. . uut C"QIlhitD""I( heilled then aerll.lcd 'he IUdcr Train. A.rm. and mmute. n le win: tbe me <"a poml. Back e "") of an nu t omobllf! ......xchango. th ! r .teD a. "e.JJ •• Fe had macle coward of hIm, ~rore midruc- ht thd tb e g ene ral bad &CleIlL"" OT rather two af them, but und~c th~ aceuren saw Me ure. t na than more ~og.. left Cheyen ne for LaramI e by The attemp ts Bt reduclD g unpleas · _s ame manage ment Botb w.1l be nned. BurleIg h had that e"'Dlng . and mus t nO\\ be nearthe ID ",er5 faee. and fl ~.brahon s on tbe .tandDT d models mens:e lHUithngfo:, \\ It h Jarge flopr ant Chug"a ter and rar" from t~legrapbl c 10Ft h IS nun 01 b.cycles are work.d out by the \0 ' ' I' ICC The <enters ot the hUlIoI 'og~ wired Stevens The.n . C0mDl11 U1CIlUon _entor of the ufrenk" t\ heel here pIC· '1""111 be rJdlug acade.m Ies, wbl1e on tire sh"roll' at Cbe~en."e ond \lie comeach 51l1e and at l be ends "Ill be mandin g officer or lhe new po.l of Fort Tbus far both .cheme " bootbs. Ruaa.U to atop Burleig h at all hazards . In one case. bowe\"e r, the agree. bootbs M il be free for manuia cto\'-
,l1li, .J.
er.s, r3('h to leBve one or more rna-
chIDes for 3ctu81 lise. ~r!S
Tra,ned dr...•
he in att.endlL Dce :.nu .. \Hll
sbo\\ the varto u ~ makes Imp(lTtl ally. se t ling f orth their merll" aDII dE· m~rltE,
The Jnle.oto r, \"l"ho bruls from
Jeflcbo . ~. y ~ e1aims mnch less vibratIOn to tbe arms througb the leve r extensi ons of tbe bandle bar. TheIr m&ln purp,se , howeve r, 15 to aiford a m~llns
of propeJ\l JIg wltb tbe hands 1D DsC'!endln~
as well ::s thf!: feet
Tbe "",or \IutilJ
witMrew .
nt tw o U'I the. mor-nlJl g the answer come thnt tbe major had reDched CiJeyi'uiie about m.dnlg ht nnd tbey \lould search everyw here for him 'fbis was the InRt.. until long after tbe rising of another SUD, EVe.'ts ond excitem ents. alarms and
tbe up""rd pull usually "xer1ed nn the ban ale baT being here apphcd ,h · reetly 10 helping to rotaLe the ped"l .. The maclnn e .s steered bJ th~ tb,umbs . which opero te the t \\O small loop. on. t1I" bandIes of Ih e leTers These loops are cooue~l.d to thc steering bead through a s hort handle
Withou t giViDg anyone make
the preferen ce intendi ng purcbas ers mey try tbe >ar>0t1.5 machin es In tbe academ y. ard, hanng se ttled on t\chOIce, . t ""ll tJc sold to hIm by t he attenda nt There WIll be no fee for th. Jlurcbn< er, lhr compa.n y whi~h.. s.li> the outo WIll po," a regular fix~ol' Tlle sc C'ond coneern , 111 ('omDllS Slon rontnm p r:ld lca lly 1he S3 me
r,~a tnn: s
a s the firs t, pxcoptlD /! lhat th e stalls will be rent e d to mnnnfAc tnre,.,...
concern s \\111 .colltmn :\ storage place lor ilu t oS. u:ruch \\ 111 U-P C'nn'd for nt n fis.d rat e A fulJ ~ eqUIppe d "'pn lr shop "tIl he fitt eiJ ont and cx1r3 of all m.clunp s ""ll be kept ID Jlnrts Withoar, and mO"le the fron t fork 50 that m case of a breakl",,1<, s out mOl mg tbe ero.s bar to "h. ch down It "III Dot he necessa ry to ~end the le'Orp arc attache d to tbe fa ctory. thus 10!!Jng valuatJl . In oper"oJ.tlDg t.hu. mochln e t lie rldrr f(\et. hJS as WE'll exercn; es bl-! arms 8 S he
obllge.1I to
Sit el"~ct,
To ATOld
'C!~Jd •••••
If you desire to Uccome a flnoslled brIng all tbe muscles of the hody t!'i]rgh S !ot\\"'U) r C'ultJ\nt e C'oolne!i;~. The " h~el tte la ruler, tbe ns into pIny Iy from s.de 10 SIde So comple tel) man who lu:ses hl~ heau \\ hen ll f gets are "II \,he muscles oIe,elop ed tbnt III n ught place and DlJO\\"~ t:XCltC· !lot onJy 00 the toes pedal. hut CleD IJ\fnl to get th e better of blm , . ,.1·
· the thumbs nre tralned to steer' For most ce rtnln to come to grH~ f e.le..nt all round out-of·d oor pxC'rcis er lIall~ .. nd I U 15 all llndonfl tcd fact thiS \nnkee lD'entJo n e r r t:uDh CRn- tbat " good manY;Of "tbe cyeling accinnt be su rpas ....ell-SC.e ntlfic \mer· denl s cbron.cl~ couM ea .1~ U.
The C ..... plo.
Sq.nn,m l, of !Sprmgf ield
Ma ss. b elle, e.g be... has brok~n n world·JJ record. ]n the .If"ur ] 900 lie
rode a bie~ de noU es.~ thou 100 IIllles el"er,y da y, and some
da.~ s
6n.shed h,s three bundred Dnd sl"t) ftfth r.dc of tbe year just before midrugbt of Dccemb~r J ]. ]900, nnd at on"" n:llred to " TlIrk,sh batb. Hr. total mileage 'Was 38.889 rrules. an
ment 'here
Itl4 .....
0\ -
n httlc cooln""-..;; anu Judg"xt"rC'-l Ii~ lJ
feel the .hll'btp st unCIIlIiness i1l th e tillek of bu.~' ,street trlrflie. u th"y hOTc compte te conllde D« Ju tbeiT ,rillhty to man.pu 1ate thetr mao cblne WIth safet.y Conflde-liee ..and
coolnes s go 'band in hand, .. nd
..b~lman who Is of \II 1I~"0l\. alld lexcltab le temper ament sbould colUYate tbese qUIIUhes " ra.ere ll'ar • • r. Ride" beel •.
The roads .n Kan sa s "r~ almost unl· erage of 106 rruJes a dny. SundaJ sand bolidoy s ",,,Iuded . H IS fir~ t ride of fOnDI) hooel nnd le'el. Bnd ~s n r". the: ),eat" \\as 120 toIles 01 (tr roud~ suit prnct.ca lJ) e,ery (arml.oo 1;e b,.s deep' WIth mud and 8lusb . Stannar d at least one b.cycle. A farmer ill i8 e7 years of IIge Dnd weighs 210 that state would 85 Roon M. wltboul pounds. lie wo~e out and brllke be- hIS team as .",.thou t Itls wheel. yond repRlr seven bicycles durmg tbe Ey.l.e'.~e.. year. In the yeRr 1898 h" rode 24.000 "Whot makes you think that youn. Jte mIles. 31.000 1899 III and miles, 1(;- BligglDS knows absolut ely Dotb· does not tbink be will ..de much tblS tug about how to cllrve a turkey? " a 8S year. saymg that country ridmg '~rbe fact thd be)8 80 pl"ompt, and busmes a is a httle monoto nous. It fearl esK ID expres~lDg his w.Umgnel18 Looll,11 1will.se em to most people tbat It took to try."-W asbong ton SlaT, him a long time to find out a simple Aa '"Oppert •• U,. Ictae.a truth. "Someb Qdy haa Invente d a riq 'rD. Ta.e. will cure rbeuma t.8m." "WIlT hawe ;ron ..boUshe d ·Iadl...• whicb Edmund•• f I had auothe r "Well, club?" a:lghta' at yQur ring I tbmk It wo:uJd male. d dJamon to ''Ob, aome of the women wanted t.sm feel hetter,'· -CIIJ,. rheuma my make ten centa the Umlt." -cmcag o Record. cago :rimes-H erald.
---- ,.-- -
B;,o.. to .\\'hotP Bonqr .f.
lJri ·-!TathaD:im.- '-
......... t1I8 .laipftt~tiI -w~ W..,...mQe liM eqaerienCed' rib· ta tbelu& twelnh·lDonUl. "Well,." ~ otI8, -DteIltic;Jilng the a former well Dwa CiliileD · ell DOted for his .~ " , f t 1JIiri*; bn& ' 1I'ho. Ja.. ' lila ,ptbered ~ b1i fa.t hen. U ooaId come back to 1faJ'D8l1'ilJe aDd rree the town epm, witb DeW baai_ .bJ9ob. _ _ frocit bafld l .... , a telepoue .,...., a ..;.feat 01 -waterworks. . . ...,...., plant. &Del maDy ·o&ber Ute IiDpro'8IDutl!, he 11"0Dlc1 feel . • • we Jaad Indeed grown I~,.ay fl'Ollll' Ilfm."
.... or
'l'IruI: is a allbt1e faacluatiOD. a 4 . - y BOrl of paino", a bappy ocateaClDellt-tn aeein,ot.ber people wort. l'bis ~ not coD1lned to any ....... ola.ea; e"erybody feels It. ne otheday. 1I'e counted elgbt~ mea atanding COIl.kmtedly wat~ing alloat half .: doeen who were dig· . . In the trenehea lor the water plpea. ~ WuDoChlDlnew abont It; tlleT Iaacl __ . - lboveJ cUrt - 7 a tIIIle ICime had dOIIe It Urn ,.... and ~ the7 atood and . . . . . ...., o&her DIeD" wort. In ~ DOtIcoil ~y tbi writer wU • m1nf........ hanklll'. aeversl clerks. • . - . ieveraiothlll'dl1ferent bUB' .... __ aD4 a low who 1I'e1'8 ntlred and bad 'DOthing to do eaJirr rreelDg "tim other man' , WOrk. Amd eo it goea, "Wort, work. work;" if a man dOM nD* find It Dell 1'7 to labor. he wean bimae~ oat ~i others.
1'1' III a I1'e&t hOllor t.o be Presi. c1eiat of tb~· gloriouS country of
.liew men lndNd. attain thlll tofb' _loenoe; 1IOU8 ~n go·hlghet. er, and yet thdi'e is 80Dletbinir more than bo'acr in the poeltion of P.resi. deat of the United 8tatlltl ; thel'8 til power. but there is al80 responsi. blli$y-;rrea~ 'l'88ponBibility, Rl'I'\"e reeponaibilit)". Thollttentionofthe writer was forcibly Called to thi8 a few da,.. ago when be wll8mQWD a piC1ture of WillilOlm ](cKiDley, tben OM'erDor of Ohio. The ' likene8ll, ....blCh W8f liMd.to be.perfeot, shOWed a yoanlr mall in the full prime of ·life. Tben we tumed to 1\ picture of InDi taken dn...; ..... tho lnat cam· --., paip; tbe eyes 1I't.re atill brigbt, but his bAll' _8 tumiDg wblle and _
fata1 of aU diI-
Dall:AD-:!!L COLD. KarIon Koob, maaag4ll' for T. II. 'l'bompaoD. a . luge Importer or 1~!g!DBR~~ /bit, millioery ftt 1658 JlUwRuee .......... Avenue. Chicago. sa,..: "Daring t1!-elateaevere _ther lcaogbt a VIlIUiIlllIa ..... v ...... oold wbich kept me ",.&keat nlght and mode nDllt to atteDd my work during the day. Oue of ID1 milliners 'WIS taking Chamber· l"in'a Coagh Remedy f<')r a ae"ere oold · at that tilD~. wbit'h HOlr. ALEX B~;\V'ELL ClIme ove r _ e d to relieve ber 80 ciulckly m8t week to pay a farewell 'Visit tf, thaU bought 80me for myself. It ncted like mogJO and I began to im· the family ef his brother.iD·1awand pro\"e at 000&. I RID aow entirely sl8ter, Bev. and Mt'SW. AI. Coff· bill "row showed marks of CILre and I'Ill\n, and to bid good bye to 8ucb ot weli and feel \"ery pleased to " ac-' aruletT. In four yenrs lio.bad aged hi. numerous friends here as b~ knowledge ita merits. For sale by WOnderfnDy. Even hls mental should be able to meet, before going L )ui8 May. Itnmcth c~ not wholly withlltand to Washinrton . The poIIition he il' tbe'nnin of )wi ~greaheaponsibW. to fill at Washiugton ill an honorabl.. CcuaCl'atulntloua In Qrdcl'. . tieB. After an. perbaps it ill just-aa ODe. strictly in line with hilillfo.lOll~ Handsome invitatious reading IS weJJ that all who try, do not reeeb training. There is nil doubt but he this eminence . .. "U-.,. 11811 the will ' aCqnit h!mself well. Rnd mtlt tollow8 'bave baeD receI"ed by !uiad' that w8ara $be croWD." doubt that he will be alvanced to 8 trieDds of the coubacting parties: lIlr. an4 "' ... Lnl S. LakeD. , , stlU ' better posiucn wheD such • 1!.equeat lbe 1I0a0r 01 Joar preoe""; OLD reeidepta tel! DB. ~t among I place ill available. ' ](1'. Boxwoll ill a at sbe _""ale of tbetr da",lIler tbe~oDB rav.iDeB wbich formerly ~1Ul who ataDds faithfnlly by bis lila,.,. "'art". CI'O.Bil lkln Street WI8 one where 'frlends, and will leave us fOl' anoth. 10 .JODU Ja""""a ............ DOW atanda. ....1leld wiUl the hearty good wishes Dr. P. Danbar Clacett -I .,---...... , Wed_aye.ealnl'. AptlllIIe lnU> We )ian been told ~t the "BIde. of iDany loylil hearts. NlaelHa SuDdft4 aad 01le .w alk·' at Chat place wu limply a •• lIapie Wood Farm p»Je 01' loc. ",bloh wu abouS lib; Th E HarTe,.bur" 01110 , _ above the oba1lnel. ·.rIte well ~. mlneat.Kldney oinng toillnells iD the immediate puIecla$reet, and the pnemeat of Bladder Specialist. tamUy of the bride, the event will larp -1;8 of free atone, baTe for be ri \"ery quiet aft'air. The IrI'OOm IIIIUl7 78U8 conred aU eyidencee .o t ilia yerymOOOllllfuland ~ell known &he form.r colldUloa of tblngs. But 1~ ~ysiclan of Waynesville>. the e&O&fttlonB 011. the . . Bide of whtle tbe· bride Is ali amiable aud Ule ....., for the water pipes. al. IlK!pd ' 1&1' lady of near Har: ."--b h f I d ....,_ GIlly t ree or our' 08$ eep, 1IIoqbt to lIgbt:the melhoda em.' •• ,aoye4 'in 8lliq . &be n'Vine and 'l'IllI Ji&3T BBUDY J'ORlmSUXATI8X", brinpag 1$ IIp'to the nqui~ .. ', QUick Belief nom 1'Ilin. . of • modern~. W8 ae:e·in the Ail wbo use Chambedain'a Pain bottom 01 tha$ ditch that Jop were ,JiaiDi forrb8DlD&t-iam Ore delIght~ CAUGaT .6.
tblown In .~ of Ule rotad. the proballlUy iB. Chaneahlr9«081 OIl dowa ta the oJd horlsou. but 111111'. . .. .a:loi1gUlelildeswere aJl'OAt ~y n\el'e" ' .~ p:evailln, ,ID Ihb _ _ maoh too larp t.o be cJa.Ia.. coWIIrTm~ daDproua boca_ 10 ~ edupanl. OIItopwu.I'ol .hcJaeB$ pant .makine " aDd 01' DJIO)l1eIy are oftea ·the ~ of kidDe;; c11'7 e&Net .. a lioildl. .J~. t _ ~. ff tlelnay lreublets allowed 10 . . .. _-I....... • .. _ • . J,.,J . .' ... ..a _ _ lhelddaey. poIaoDedbloodwillalt8clt .... "- ...... .....~ "" ....... IheYlIai orpaa. or the ~
walt maD1 a time and a'ja the ....., ... 8uai .1lp .&Mte• .and a ,--" - , ........._ a~-" 1"','-&. ..- - ...... ,~, ... , . bI,...Jtt&le 1&ter• .• 1'rLrthat up .lOWt, ............a.. . - s o ~., &lUI OCII'Iia.of JIr. " - ' ___ - n t ..........:...-l ...__ _ _ _ . fj<~. tBI_ ---•..... .-.A - h "~-a~;r-e~j".t ble WIll lD ...... - . . •• _ _ -'1 ' I. ..... d . -'.... __.. -. • wall _ eep. .............. at-plldea,. • t.iIn cou14 Dol _ .
:U .r -
InaIt dowD ud "ute .way OlD by oaII.
-Jab oul ud the sulf_ . . BrtpI·, ~ tile worst rena 'oflddDey trouble. ·Or. KtJmer's.5w..p.RBGt eow rU. ----blhetrue-Iflef. ..............
lDdof~I,.tI~~~I_lhucured. _Lo.. ........ _.~ _.......... or-
effilrtaba""A"~ At .._ ........ ·-ftlrt)o-c_· IDd dOllar ..;:':A ..;;~~U; "Tmall. . . . '• ..,.,... I.UlDr about "-t £A .. lOA _ .. ~,
=..c.,",0_.... . &IN
Btapam.... N. Y.
ancl t:i ~_ q.m,-,,, venttare to oro. JIDPIr. .. w..eWOk. 'l'bill........dedov. · ,. · • .nb ~ ....v-'" IICone ' oDlnin, Special Chureh Notlce r-a , NYfInm Bide to Bide 01 the ~ WheD ,..... _baUt in Elder A . D. H I te -'" h 11 . 1",''''the • &,plte _ _........ . "-R. , ! I l l preoc ..., .. " - . -. . . . . . .<Y 11 "A · lID laae hc!eIlaeoompUshed ill .11 ey DIIPtilst chllJ'Ch next &tor . ; tile· CJ'04UICl oecmpiecf by thiatoWIJ 'lay at il p. ID. an.d SU!lday a~ 10 :3, , _ _ Saanu;l Helgb'lJ&Y settled hel' 1. m. AU are Inntel. iD 1717. He oouId bilrdlyl'tlCORDiZl' . theapo(tfbeoowd re·VlllitU. Wher BAftIU Du. t;t,. 'llary'o ehUl'Cb we malulouraelv88 acquainted wi,) 'be first service of I'he day will be. the nmce.of thlaJrlJI.ald, :AlebratlcD ot the Holy Commuuio; wba lb, tel'If'D ...... laid oft'. 'we ar. t 7 a. m Suno"1 SChool at 11'30' "Ift'7 foIoibly reminded that it WIl: 'I 1 d . ~ _ _tlJlipromi8lngllllUlefor"to'I!I'JI. orn ng. yer. se=:rnonon 8OO0nl· _$ IOOdhlml laborpalil tor in gOOt elebration of tho ~o(y CoD\muui~r' Mid ClIIh baa trIu18furmed ie into IL ,t 10 :30. At tbe 10 :30 seni06 I ' . . I. ;OM place; Ule ' 1D0@t pictnr" epeoilll musical P~ID'1I"ill be ron 81011. the beautiful Li&tle MI. dared. Kyerybody ln1'ited &0 therH •...... , aDd from Itl1eal'Heatda.,. tb8 ..... "AW' great place for .b usin_,ithaa . . ' Rervlces: "This . 'iJJ, . ,• t110 Lordlta~h .made i we '\'f.iU Paiaa ill &.be ' Back. 'Ulld be glad in it " .A. B. eon,tania, .111'. ' , ..,a seTera.J ,",.!BillI• •rltli kldJu..........."' ... and auf.
braok. I
w. vilIaP.
K MID .~1dI'en· budiJome ~oow ACCUjIiaIl .»y .A.1;tpI~.JQl~iJl.tibe'lIlJ_ L. M. ·H~del'llOn, ·where hC1 f~~d daring bnsinOll9 DOlllr.J; ·lll'\I where he l&" doing a~ftDe bus1D088 in his line. Everyone iJJ i.eatea comt. eously:. and legal mattei'll are.tNn8: Mn. lIlcl>anald OOIltinued to actild IItrictly llcCordmg t~ Coke aDd 'h"BINItD"t BlaObtorie .aiJd Ihe Ohio ,Stllkatea: You can. ge~ ~eg:ll advice 'there ~ust GIl ufe .. at Lebanon, and . will be I!V~ paseiug -years her wortby,Ufe 11&~ a longtnp ~y.pply1Dg to Wm, wa. tlhunlua!i'd by OC?DtlnuaJ aeta uf ~lldetJ, he IS m olose ' . qUIet. beJpflilllHll !UId Jd~n_ commun1cat1o~ with the couuty A~utt"'o yean &10 tbe heIlltb 01 ~t alld otber pointt', Mr:'" .)(oDouaJd broke .clon, , The next door l~ to the rooms mentally and physically ahe of tho Gase~te wWch seemed like almoet f!. t~l .m!Ck. Much of home to us when we fird·entered. time she '."8.8 UDllble to reoognlze and which feeling ill Glowing day by even Ibe members of her own famlday; as da.y by day tho pllInt w· ly. ~ ~ abe would ill!llglne ~ in volume 'IInd \,0111&, antI hormlf t.ok ill,?1d lreJa.w-nnd talk w.h:ere ,,!e n~ prepared. to do ;~l of ~ Illot~er anll kinds of job pnutibg to t}1e QueeD s 1'I1roq1i her long Ulneu ahe reoelv~ tut.o. eel the m~t de\"oted care fro~ ~er llr. Hendenon wus tbo 1lri!t to lonug ohildren who 1Ipl'J:8d DO palM haog up his sign; it Is a ~reation of to.make her last days ~rortab:8 his own. lind Is very creditable. for and free from pain .. pocIIIible. · '~e Is an Iill·round hl1ndv ~an'. A • On K~y mominlr, Karch 24, bUle later the G.lzette 8IgIl 11'118 ber n!ermgs ceued for3"er-her added to tbe IiIIme ~oor ~b on the ~ ?~ Iud rt'a.c~ed ita har~r •. ~ a street; tlls, wo thiuk is vepy hIInd. b 'lef fketch hke thls It 18 . 1'OID8. the ,york of M. L . Parshall. ha"'ll to IOrU'ilY 18 we abould tbe w~ Is an adept at sprMding colors aweet,u_ of '!puit,. tlut Im","J! Of to aUnat the oye or to pl~ ~e ch 11'IIoteund the 1Jelpf~ ~0I'ta of ~. ~f'lowe~ p_tory of t.bemal n ~ wort by 80 tl; armee to .. y, "She ~lldiDg IS oCcnpled by C. V:. MIisoD Ii.u;' foogM the g~.lIghti abe baa Wl~b as neat Il atock of grooories in flJUahed bn courae. .. .handsomoa room &8 can be fo~d On Wedn88l1ay. March 34, a .lIIrge lD the co.nDt~. ~rs. Stok('8 c:arne!' number of friends and relatiY811 on •. "ery InVIting coDfectlouery gothered to pny t.be luttribnte of eatablw1uwmtiD the ground floor. of ~ to a noble hfe at~. AI~' .the auuex wbere aho has a "'Ide tln8S' churoh. where lDlp1'8M1\"e ~bge and abunduDt supply of goods IIIlrvioea were conduoted by PaUler 10 her line. ~ingletolL 8~ ImlJlI1s9.nB of the ' , deceelOd 80ted a s pall.heareN, and the body wulaid to relit in bea;uUful HUmi ot'Dl8tt'ry. •••
Wiib $he ~Jlict- reJief from pain i& ift'ords, Wbe!i IIpMklng of thill, Kr. D. N:8inu, 01 TroYI Ohio,"": "!:!Ome tlmealOI bad a I18vere attack of ~helliatism in my arm and ah:>Dlrler. I tried llmDer· ODS rem~1erJ but got no reJlef UDtO wu reoommendQd by Ueo. 1'. Par· '''Co ' .... - ~1 a.. ·.arna .....- 0 f .... ..... ~toe iO try Cbam.bei'lain 'a P4in BAl... ll MwuJ -d 'Ih\IY it eo highly .... At I "'-_lot "AU'A ... .... ~ ~ a uuto..... . .. ~ 800D I'ellfted of pn pain. I have Binee ' . ~~:n==~~thia liniment to many 11' b 0 agree w i'.. .... IDe iIIthebest.remed'" for m11Jl· 1'1UkWDtiam fn th~ market." rfa)e""'loulllKa... J'
rroa lll
, ,
1IIbs aattle Shutel!,
E ni.b a1mer ~
i $ is Iiblti g fitted up and will t.e o&upu;d~by C.' V. Moson o 'Jxlcholo; :::::::~~::~~~~~.I wb, quarters; 'to the lett! is :aJui h:eard
- AN D - -
ita natural color,: tl.Iie::Hu.~rij~ -~",!,,-!,,""--:o-~-..~~-,J Ulea·rl,i8ts. " .T he litllllrim;r,;1 . last Jxjoti POlDPJ~ed ls.filD~t>]Jir..:--~~tll'remo" N4tJi"b1J.lnd _"Al._~ lDvUiDg In.aPl~r&Ilce.;. f li~,!Jat\~r.,, , At the head of· the nalrs '·n~I:U~'pelq Gi.bbons atory of ~ho. anne;;: Li' a nice ~oom
... ..,.,.. of __ wU
. Undertaker., .
. of his 'bDSin~ ,bloek p'intlli1~ ;3illd~ill1 ." I>OOeml~,;.of
&rick work"a · brighC' M9Do wo~i 1a touchec1 "'_~,,_,,_ .'_. ,1IJj~;4I1ibbc•
At tbepropor timeqQjrealargeclaaa WAIJ mdncted lato tla8 myateries of Ule ~ntifDl firth ~ of our Order. Theee -'<8eeurs ' after lIgbt .114 kt\'Owlectso, .. -who _kfor tr:De IlciYanoeID8IIt thia WOl'I4 dil aDd; that Unforeseen and . of dUllonTties'}JJ'ft8llted he whoTellOl'VW to o,elcouiealJ may be .countered PenevJmlnce" in a Boocl cause must b!' Ul~ly oro'll'Md·wttb i~.. At 010118 of the beantlful rt.1iallatto work of this degree, ellaner aIJ1I0uuced and, the mumbers llIail out Of tile . room aDd forn:ed ia donlile col1llJWt-n tbealde...lkand to a large bludness room where tb~ taliles 1I'ere prepsred~nd whal a apread! I ahanDOt aHempHo ~ ambe it.--.tIllh tabJea loaded with tbe'snbatar.tlals and dainties from ~ti"'l' fllrme"' hmqeB-JPW't be~1I aad pUtaJ:a1l of t4 'Wly ~p~te. ThllaMI of tbebanq....inli room wftJ tJl'roush tbe 1rlndn_ 91.lta o1ll'Der. we cannot now reaillr I UDdentand t.hat he Ii the 'exp1'8M agent at lIorrow. I Be at at table lri~h UB, andalttingnearbim during the'J'ep8at alld convening with him quitefredy Ifouudhlmanaft'oble inteUilt"ut s'en~emll.n. . ' '. At » p. m. Ihe laban of the day reaumed iD Grall" 1'bl) olllcen lor nOl hnd beea elected a t the former meetiq. r.nd at this stage of tbe proceedtDp were idoct. ed Into their ~.e otIloes. Pu~ State Mlllter S. H. SIIIa WIIS iutall· ing oalocr, ably lUted by Bro. Horace Snook' WhO '18 tbls year the WOltbY )!aliter ' of . the Lebanon (han!". BiIIOranpa'Lebanon1!a. membersblp of CODIiderably o\"er two han'dred , and in pIl~eing n will do no bllrm tol!tl.y thatthe rnembel'll of the Grange nt Waynesville, wh~ lI.e up to".rdlI CentJ'8ville. Kontgo:nery County, informed U8 thd aGrangebadbeenorgllnilOdatCen. tenille with ovcrono·h uudredchar. tar members. But toret1lJ'D to tbo PomOll& meet-
u .an iia
iDg. The WorCby Looturer had proTilled II. ,,'e ry inf.ereating program oC reoit.l.tiolUl, dillctulsi01l8. ' etc. The subject of I.cutdlord and TeDll~t WGII 'dlscusl!8ll by Bro. Ira Bigonv Rnd Bro. H. SDook. It w~ decided that we would have ODr usnal Gmnge picnic thifi summer •...a1}4 ,~,. awake oonunittee wu appointed, 't han '" WI ...on.ty to p rivid e t or a nd oarry out meuurtl8 t o !""' - a grand 8acceae: :rhe Urange Ceepted the inntation of Ohio Gra , No. G Qf Springboro t~ hold the lI'Ia.n.L essIOD • • of the Pomona Grange WIth that Gnange, whtch meeting wiiI &turday. Jnue 211th. There 'w as a good attendance of Kem1l6rs frOm 'Way_ville. 8priDgboN And Mol'. row, DOar one handred iii all..· <: Warren oouuty formerly bad eigbteen 6nmgea; thereought to be near that nlDDbei' now. Franklin, )[a8OD. Foeters, Oregonia. MaiDe· viDe, BarveyabUl'g and aeveralother . aocIal. centers rlbonld Mve atrong ' ngell. mch'with Il membership of ODe or two hundred. The farmers must havo signifioa,n$ Ol'gIInizntiou in order to.,.m aiutain thelr1nd~d.
~ndly threw' OJ~ their dooft and afforded our mtr"Hqohlld a 18IIltiIlg'l
Apple .BIOSS!lOms, Whi te and ' Pink ' Hyacinths, Shaded ./i'oll8.ge, Olrootions. Lilies, l1!i1k· .Blossoms, Forget-Me. N otoS, Fine Foliage, IISSOrted Clover , Dilsies, Silk and Vol. vet Pu.nsi(l!!, Piquets, threo In a buncb with Rubber S tems. We v 'e telegraphed for moro Th~'11 be 'lllenty bero. The littJe ones are eo hIIppy witb Ellne r Glfta. 'Ba.I1s and BItt!!, Catching Gloves, Kniv09. FreD9b H al'PS. T ool Chests, Hook and Ladc!el'll, Engines, Gold Rings, ,vith HOt;. tiDgs, Gold Scarf P iD8, Whis· tleR. Fnces. . Come buforo Eilst .r . New Gootls in daily for Easter wanta.
pl6OP. a$ a time wb m it wu Impqa- ' BibJe . to briDg her h~me. and tbej' were 80 ooutanhnd helpful m t~elr "ttenUons to alleviate lier ex· cruciAting ·su1feriDgs; alao, to the nob18 Jadiea who ~oogh tho Jling wearisome day ItiroV8' to araT the seven'yof her miseries. when , uu,. her. own necmlfl 'oo,nl~lI MOSE COHEN, ; not benMr. To the phY8iow.s, ,,!bo TS[RD 8TJU!!ET, D AYTON. ' tried tbeir UNIlOlHo lubclue the tarrtble maw,· which _ e d to taten poiIMlUion of the wlip le Your N e w F oru Rce. nervODS,~tem. To teAchers abd pupils of High Scbool for valuable AU wbo will need a Furquhlll'!l' contributions ot' 1I.0wers. ind\(~tive AlJ·One.Pieco ~ml8'i18 l:!teel Self. of their high rej~rd for Hattle u n Beguloting Furnace n.re requested felJow ..tudent. To the yOUDg ladles to t ake apthe sn !>jeot with us now. -Hip 8cbool glrm-who 80 honor. We 8ha1l ma ke it worth your while. ably aaslsted tl.tt;he funeral. showiog The price uf D1llterin l'l Is riling rap· the.eateem with which they regord. idly. F ARQ'UHAll Ftm."I"cl'l Co .• ell $he dear one i to ~e yOtml,; lIl"Q tlal1 Wilmington , Obio. wbo JIO <uorully M<led to be.u1na the ~ket.. with Ita PreoiOUll oon • He Kept his LeII' • tenta. to its IIIlt narrow hOllle i to Twelve year!! ngo J . W . Sullivan. t he friends who 80 kindly helped at of &rtfo rd, Coun. , scra tched bis the home, and tOthOl8 wbo uslated leg. \vith " rusty ·wire. l ofinmntlon blood poisoniolf set in. F or In providlDg .()(;Inveyances for 801'. lIud t wo years he rro.ffcr ed iDt.cnsely rowing ODes ; to the postor of the TIlen t,he best doctors urged "!1!pn. !.t. E. chllJ'Ch forbla timely Ilnd wclt u tioD, "hut t" he wri t6.<1, ~ ' I usPfl chosen remarks ; to the choir for one bottle of Electric BitteT!l and oholce mUllie; to the officers for lem. 1X OOxO!l of Bncklen's Arnica S.Jve a nd my leg was ~ouod and well a. llOrary resting pJa.ce i~ ~!! bclLutitnl ever. " For erqption3, e C7.ema, Tetcemetery, and to toe people :'Vho tt-r. lO.,tt I'baum, sores Rud aU blood d isordercs. E lectr ic B, Lter3 b llS n t) CIUlla OUt and treatfd us with 8nell l on eartb. 'l'ry theDl. Lonis high reprd-t~ all of these 01U' riva M ay wiII gnarantoo S!ltiilfllci ion or hl!Grta go oat in grate ful thanks. r efond m oney. Only 50 cents. Remembrance of their kindn8118 will be A pleaaare alll onr doys. When bfe - to be a u",..,r,.,
Telephone in his bonae, where b or. M a In. Imd MIRmi Strcc l .... can be called a t al1 hours, day ~r 'wAYNESVIL LE. : : : OHIO night. . Has recently placed a telephone in . Coaehe& supplied ; one colich and his o~ liO that he can be . called chain withont 00IIt. . anv ti,m e. day or nigh t by pbone. - i!lAlN Slreet- , \ V"yn".." i ll e - • - - - - • O b i" . (Jne Coach flU'Dish od free of chara's . No effort spa.rsQ .•to please my pa.tron8 ('nd lI'.....e them tbe beat work tnat oan be 40oe. And yon will brill: up at
f, 'C, THIEIEIA'.'S, Whore y on wi1lfiDd,
, G EORGE E, WIU RTON, wbose "",I, cleDoe lB uDkno wn. wlU LAKe noUl!e that on tbe nt b day or March, l Olli, Mary W b artOD
Aled her peLltJoJl 1n tbe ec.Olmon Plead ("100""W arn' D Co~ Dty. Oblo. In case No. 0709, agala.st \be .ald Georn E. WhaTtiOn an d a l b, era na med lbe rc.1D. I'rayln, tor Pill tltloD of the rollo..tn,t{ d escribed ...,,,1 ""tate: " [D 101 No . ono tnOblo SqturelD tbe town 01 WayJle.· ville, """ncy of W a rren. SlaLeu ..,t Oblo. •• du l gntn.td on t be recoroed plBL f caW IoOn :!'ald detenci4 nt fA r~u l re-d. to ~er on o r bero", tbe 4 t h day or lola,.. 1901 . o r Jooge· Olein. llSilY be tAte-o AgalDli-t hhn. MARY WHAIlTON. P1a1nlllr . O." D"""O.. .t YOUlJG. Awxuey•. Marcb If--Dt
L : M,
- -"'- -'-'
Tbe Oa,loo & Xenia Trlctlol Co. Leue
Leave Sprln l' V alleJ '.:10' a. m-
Day to n , 8.0'0 a. m. , 8. 00
Bicycle Repairing a Specialty.
JI. IIr,
8. 0'0 L m. 'i. t S O.U
9 .3i1
J :!. l6
10.!5 1 .00 p . m . 4 .00
U .30 p . •
2.! .5 P . Ill5. 15 . 7.H , 10. 16
8.30 V.OO
a.GO' ~ . 30
8.0'0 10.3 0, Le a ve Dil1 t oD 'f l:l xeo14 car .tld ekaa.ce at Belmon t.. !
t To Cilr bouse 001),.
D~Tton oMce QDd w D1 IJaz TOOD), Tbln1 S.recL. Pbllllp' Ro ... DaUdin,.
wilt ·
The r ::l Dt'lla,;' tl m ~ b!'L,,~ n D:Jo,t.oll: .u.s Sprln, V:llloy Is 0.. hO'.lr aDd IIheen . m lDu ~ ......IoK .bro.,," IklmODI, Dean rto .. n. B.llb"",k ..ad lUcneoic S prlnp.
CIlTCII 'HaclriDi CoulVle. Bore Lungs, roDcbItIs; Grippe, Pneumonia and all severo lung affections. Why then risk consumption. a BlOW, sure dc.tth ., T:lke wammg I Act nt ooco I Boy a boWe of Dr. Ball's Cougb .syruP. a doctor's p re-..erlptJOD, tIged ove:r GOyC41"8. P rice. only 23 cen ta. Insist 011 having I~ Don't bo 1m. posed upon. ReI'o6e tho dealer's substitute · it is not III! good 88 Dr. hnU's.
loa)'loD 10 S pr1 DI' Valle y II mJIea. fue :r.c. Darton to ~Ibrook: U miles. fart' 20 C~DU Spo;ofal n teo Lo Sall'lay Sc.bool., PICDico &.ad othe c ora:&.l:ll.z.&tloDI. upoQ iIopp ltc.a \tuQ. LllCl:t f relcb t and eq>re.U C&tTIe4 ou all
C h a ll. H.
uok. >
SaI_on_R_ _ AdJcsud_ ISLt.Ucta.
TO OURI! A 00[,1> L'f os!!: DA Y Tak,. La.1:1,S\"e Dromo Qu1l11ne' Tabid ... All ~rul'Ct.t.o retund tbemonoy/l II lalbllD "".., E. W . Oro\""O'1il algoal ore on e:Kh boJ: 2:ie
('' J •• I••• U tta&&vta Jc_
Mil ford: •__ .. l..oveJond _ I t 80.. t..t.uoD. .1 . . tlrro • ••• __ . • 1
.. . .-~~
Comton . .A!>D
Kv .• MAllCIJ 28, '01. , liB. T. J . SlUTH, W AY1'IIIBVlLLE, OS[o. V&4R B IIO. SXlTB : We wer e much aurpriaed and grieved t o bear of·lIa.ttie's death. Th 0 aocomJllLDyUlg ' . ' resoIn t lons were eJTllnged for our ftrlIt service at. Btmson Bttt!r her d8llth. I 11m sorry I han pot been Rhle to get to. YOI} sooner, bat Ita \'e been . by Dlany things. Mrs. and lDyaeU j oin bea rtily wiUi the Chnrel~ io the expre8l!ions of.condole~ embraced m the reso· lutloua. Kay tho blesaed Lord pusta\n a nd keepybu and rill yours. I ain, door br,)tber, V~ry sincerely yours, M. T . Ciu N'DLt a. UlIORY O J' 'K1II8 XU'IU IllOTII. Thoma8 J Smith and tamilT llvP.\l in &ia c~mllDity all .their ~fv':'. u nttl one :rear ago, when they 80ld their home ilnd mc\"ed to Way. Ilf
RagtD,g. Ro, r ing Flood dow n a telegro ph Iiue wbichCblls. U. .tlUis. of Lisbon, ill., had to repair : ,·Stu nding "'Ilist d &;!p in icy w"ter ." bo \Tl'it~. "gal'e me Ii. terrible cold Ilnd cough . It grow worse tlnily. Finully tho best dootors in O.tklond, Neb., SiolU City ood Omrtho. Mid I Iud ('-on · snruptr01l Rnll (,OIlld not Ii \'e. Then I bc:oglln using Dr. Kin~ New D L" o.)very lind WllS ",holly cured by !'ix bottlos." Positil'oly gwnnnteed f or Conghs, Colds onel nil 'l'hrO>it ond LanK troubles by Louis MPy. Price WIL~ h ~
OEOR-J E ! HOMPSON, oes the best work Ul t-own in th e horse shoeing ILDd general repairing iUld wood wor k lino. Anythiuz in the bllWksruitbig lino CIUl 00 promptly d one here .to gi\"~-lICrfect salis. flLC~(lD;"Il1id'.lIiey Will !Inrprise you wit-h tbeir price. Have bad 8eVer· tU Y0lU'S ~rience m track shoem g Gi,e them a trial ILDd y ou will never r egret it. "
Klad-0 I
C Dyspeps_ia ure
L3.x:uJre Bromu-Qti,loJ oe TGblel!; eu r e a. cold 10 ooe day. No CIlre. DO Pay. PrJ~!S ce_Q~
W Ub<-rr....,.; "
CCdar ,,'Uu ... ~llIul. ....._~.. 8 .<'1.&ariC!a'lDD I..olldon ...... W. J eoOeraoa Alton ...... __
•• .' u
.. •• "
C-v l_._ . .
,v ANTi!D. -Capable., rt U~ble penon in en::r y COUDLY to r('preKnL IDflJC! company o f solid Ouanelat r epu\aLlon : *03G ~lory per
smrer . and PD!,:lblc : !,3-per dayl . o.b.olu te l! lu it11 weekly e.apeDKS : l'l t ratgb boU&·ft.d e. 8al~ r r patd U\oneoy ~\·. Qced
4ellnfle salar-y .... no eommlat o ll ; eacb Saturday sod e .J: penae-
e:Jc:b ..eek
S TA.l>lDAIln HOOSE. lIS' Dear ·
'TIe E&fIY to Febl Good. Countless thonsands hn ve foonda ble.~i n g to the body iD Dr. King'~ New Lifo Pills, wh ich p ()Sitive1y cnre const ipo tion , s icl;: beadache • dizziness, J a nnd ice. Mnlaris. Fe ver Il.Ul\ a gne llnd nll liver nnd stomacb t.roubles. Parely , egetnble; never gnpe or wooken .· OLly 2',;c at Louis May's drng store, A T ESTUlOh'Y F ROM OLD I!NGLAli D.
" I r.onsider \"''bllmberlnin 's Cough Remedy tho best in tho world tOl' bronohitls, sny8 Mr. William Sav· ory. of Wtl.r~ pn , ·EDglaDd. .. has saved my-:-wiWs life, she . hav• ing been a m artyr to bronohitis for o ver 8~ y ears, being most of the time cODfincd to h er bed. She is now quite well. " Sold by Loui8 May.
Guaranteed Salary
Louisville ......N f1.sh¥ille -Railroad, _____ ~:"H=~ eeoc eo ...... 1I' INTEB TOURIST~T.IO¥ET8 , ,.. _ ~.
Now 011 JIaIe '"
Men ~ Dd 1I"omea 01 g ood address to represeQL us, 8otl)e . (0 uu.,·"t f a ppol utJnl 3gf!Il.&a. otbers for )ocal -W'ttrk looking aftt'r our lqter" est.. $90 0 wa r r p ..... oteed r .....1y: Uln commlulon-l and expeo ses. n pJd ac!vancem e nt, 014 eoLabll£bed hOD". Graad ..... nc. f or earne3t II1Iln or w oma n 1O secure pltaa..
nnt. pcflll aoeot poelll.on. li beral Inoome and rUI U..,. New. brllliant ItDeL W I !te :tt once
PRE&>, New Haven.Conn .
23 Okureh St.,
COAST. W ..'" tor Folden, DeocrtgUn -tter, etc..", •
C. L. BTONE, Oe._I~r ...."
ti~ beor:::~:rl. o~ =J~
d'.. ...••'or '-"' a-A a cop'" "". bl....... '' _.... J au _ " to·' family... . In behalf o! BenaoD.lI. 1:. cilnl~l:l South. Kelat. BamiaD counb'. ~y. . ' ~ Jo. 8. lLurrut. . ~mmltte8 J. W. (lRlSWU.Lj. , '. -L. LA.DY.
XealA _
Job C o ul dn't H a.ve S t ood it If he't! had Itohing PilftS. TheY're terribly annoying; but Uncklen:s Arn ;CI\ SuI ve will cure tho WOr!<t case of Jliles on ear th. It hos enred t 1l0USII Dds. For injuries, paius o r boc1iJy cral'tions its the 1>cst sal\'o in the wor ld. Price 250 n box. Cure gtl1U'&n tced. Sold by Louis May .
en1y Fa~er wbo.is ab18.to an~t"Y all ourD~ acoording4 0 Ule lichee of Jihi'graoein ()hriit,. IPIlY ! 'comfort themWitb·the 0 omfort of Ood<wherewith itll ., able to .oomforC all 11""'0 are in apy t.rOUble."
W" YI1e8yllle •• tlo:.ftona _ .. •• ~Vrl lll" Val ... ..
bo rn St... ClI lc320.
ence. Hcrit can we u.-organized Ohio. to live. They we~ hope to a1lCOOllllfDlly contend with aorelymiueCl, bt>tb by tbe com· ~he atroDg and powerful munity and the church. III ' Ule . tioDlloleach'oftheothervocationll. '(OI'IDertheywerehighly esteemed. OIl1laga.and proresai~. ~:, &1Rt<1a.. Ule ,l atter much beloved. Ap"ul,190L , .t " . Brother 8mhh wu" faithCDl .and • 0.& Wso :WAa TuaL eSclent .~ward for many,.eal'8 and .. t,he leader of tbe mulo at Ben80n. Digests ~what )'ou eat. ~'_~A"' th - '-t W'th d Ids ...... ' TIll: BIIBT BLOoD PUllJ' IBB. _ _ .<18 was . eol'glllWl . I Itart.Ulc1allJaigestathefoedan a The blood is oonataDtl{ being "T, J .•" IIJ be "ras'familiarly called,- liaturs·in a~1lIr alld reCDn· ~ by the liver aDd kid. fO~,o&Dd "MnttJe" ' to prerndeat ~~~I~late8~~~~~r!.~f.: . h that' _.... f h . ,,e,ney!!, Keep. these oJ'Klln, m t e~, .,... 0 t e ser~ee aD' and tonic. No ,ilthet pre~tloD belalthy conelltion and the boWe" ahmY!! luteresting and ediJy. c,an -approacb tt. 'ID etllcleDcy. It tn, - ' . . . • st.&Dt.f:,reuevesandpe-"entlycures ~r and you' wiD ~ve no need ing. . • =~Ia, lodlgesLlo7,Heartburn, .... of a ..olood purifier. Fpr thia "'horeas, alUlougb they had le~ Sout Stomacb, N ausea. • ' .. . ~ed t ~l ' "'At b till 8JcItHeMache,Gastral",a,Crampsaod pose tbere , ill Dl!t.liing to mov' ano. ler D~ e, ~ ey 8 ·all o\ller ~ults of Im~'eot digestIon. ChamberJain'"stomach momberlllup wllht18a ~ ....u_Dookall&baUtdrapepslama1lodfree PI\cOfIIC._1L Wiop allleCQll-'alldmM .. ~Ielill. ~e dflSP. of 'hem ~ f'NIIQnl~ c:. Dewm • co.. C~tcago. you more good than!l dOIIa~ on the 13Ul Mareh, J . E. Jann~;CbUggist. of the baae blood Purl.f iel'., Pri«:'O, 11101. at 'heir hOlDe in Waynesville; !..~.r.' -e.8amp1ea free at )b.YII drUg OWo,.JlissMAt. t;lede",,; iedtbislire. """ ..... . Therefore, resolved,; 1st, That , in bel' death Benson church. hat! lOBt one of its bright, bopeful and pr(lml.!injr members. II. That we bi8J'C!btextend to Bro. Sinith ana family: our hea-J1ty sym· paUly, and prayera that~(jfl1' H~v.
°recODI . ..... .. ..
lj'ool'S THE OOUGS
W A.'M'ED-ACTIVE MANOFGClO D CB AR· Ut d£lhrer Androllec\ tn 0):110 tor old. enab· 11she4 IDlIDullJeturln&' ... bnI .....o _ .~o o . It&T, 8U.rc pal'. Hou.eitJr more tbaa. esperlCDClllf requfred. OUr ret......... 1lIU' bank In "'" eft)'. I!nclooe soIt·1lM"'- """"'.... CD,·cl lpe. JI"". uloe......,.., ThIn! Door. 33. """_rust.. Chleq..
W8 muy tarn iII. our wcarin B8S An d J'Qlt aJld rofreaIb Om' tirtld SPiri ts. When the joys C)f bf6secm to hlaxe fled. "hen' evel,.tbln( looll8 dark, snd discouragemeot meets us li t ovory t urn, thell re1I.6ction tlU'Dll us to the goodness of God I1S excmpli. fl d in the Christian acts ot th:s pJOPle. " We !rive tbnnks to 60<1. alwayll, for yon all " T . J . SlOTH.
EMBAL~13 A Dd 4ealer ID
R. J. WJ:)(Y88. IID~Uoa UI4 Jllduartal ' .A.-... LOUISVILLE, ' KY. .
~oing '
ADd be WlU mall JVD, free,
If .... )'Ou ~ ...nyedYU1lqoo ." , . L1&' via OocI....U. Ill. Queen It
RoutaaodSouthenlRy. Its_tr..... _
.""Ie evCly put r.I tho Ce:z1Tal Soutb. .. . boer ilClleduJoODdanalltoJ""_ _ .... a.au._ ..
J>f..... Ort=os. 9100tJn to hoan toShreveJ'l)rt. JCi boars toPonTII1I\'Io ~-.. parlor aDd
em. cu8-trtt ...
cllalnlrcluU~Tbroatr. ~to ·......
PQr'.aa1 SoaiIIena dlla. ~ , ~ wa,.._,~""""_"",,,
.. "IM~ "., ...
• . G. . . .b - - . . . ~ ... . . . . . . .IIAn.
IIAPS. ILLUS'I'BwlTQI P41Q'1lLft8 . . .
UNO. and
J'ABIIB ,. .
. Ala.bama. Mi-3sissipt and·Florida. - maTl-lp
The officilll cO.n nt .ill tlle COIIDV': . REPB&sltllTillva. ' , III st'a t hc Jdnje6iJo :sheo for hulies lit ~rnh:lI't·::I. . . F. Ii. CunninghaDl, 1m Jill , . Yon shoulJ FCe the ~ueke;ro line 3U W. z. a~l1. I.UDI,TOR. for men IIU1' OY>!Rt E . V. Barnh:ut's D. W. Humpbreyil, HaGo. to the II ttracti ve room in the S. A'. oStihveJl, J385 Wo:;na'inlle bakery nnd ge~ a good J. N . Lam bert, '78a ilot lUllCll. 'IREAIIUUR, Fnnk'.Y:. Hamilkm,l148 AIr". lIbtiic.lIL Hosicr !Jas puroba&364 C. P. Whl'llton, 14n ell nnd placed in Ler home a basu· Clift' W. Unglesby, 716 Of Dayto!l Makes fif ul new l)inno. Mr: and eJifford B. Ridge. of , JI1.IIICS HcMulleD, ':Iii ~ Mr. a::.,l ·Mrs , Wulter Hinkle were spent Bunday with OOlDlI8S10.&L entcr tuined It t tea, Monc.lay e\'en)n!; BOmetime~ . friends here. l.lberf Brant, 1583 .J08eph WatlrfnJl, 1348 by Mr. tl.Dd Mn;. D . A. Fen 00. . CIIl\'e~ Moso C~h~1l is g:i vi og Taken this ]Jl.~th keeps you well Miss Anna Underwood baa been William Glaesford, 1101 the Li<hes um.i! guste. bplluti ""r R. C. ,Rechie, the effi.c ient ond rvi8itiinlr ber eieter, Mrs. Val SimJ, allllUIl1mer. Greatest Spring tonio till F lowflT3, consist lUg of Ap. PBOSOOUTIlfG I.T'l'OUXY • . in B rln 'Vallever known. Rocky MOlJlltalll Tea sklllful ba kel' employed l,Jy Mr. pIe Blos.c;om.l!, Whlt,e II nil Piuk p g """'3 • made by Madison' Medioine Co. 55'c WiHa.rd.'Wright, HiS! Scarf}' tnrns out tlJe yery best of HyaCinths, Shndro FoJiuf:c. The sale of<bouaebold goods at the Ask your _druggist, . William McDaliaJd l 788 Carnlttious. Lilies, I:!ilk BIos bre.1 d, roll~ nnd UUDS. 57 George F. Young, 1120 home Mrs. Bchnebley ~ ~dAy Charles Ebrig!tt-. and sister, Miss _ . sOJ~, . Forget-Mc.N ot..~, Fine Cures dizzy ~r.o1l8, tired teeling, BICOOBDEJt, was phenomenal for rapidity of I&le EJla. t f dB; th Io.t t . JlISOn Redfol'D, of XeD1a, spen.t ') FOliage, Assorted Clorer. Dllis. -, spen B . ew ys e er dn L-'-. ' tb h " t U' A 5 '· ·)u1Jlcll. kidney anllli ver troul>le;! Ed S. Conklin ad llhenl·1)ids. part of 108t week, with friendS anU' .y ~r owO 'WI I! liun , ....lSS nn 1728 iea, Silk lind Velvet Pnnsil'S, Keep you well all summer. Rocky 4511 .Philip Spence, . t187 Piquets :lncl lnrge' buncllEs of A dollilr in a maD's poow ta re1ativea here, especially their -ven, ;Phillips, the ll!ltter port.of lust week Monntain Tea tukcn this mcntb. Pink aua Rcd R >.Iscs with FoU. worth ten that he owes. At leuf; .. erable- unCle, B. W. Rogere . For lSale-200 bu. white seed oars 35c. Ask your druggist. ~ age • . threp. in a, hnnoh, wHh Following we give the DJUilee ef .~ A R. D _ _ '" t' ;" • I d. at30,perbusbtel. Inquire of Albert g ood mllDY' delinqnent Rubber Stems. These n re nn. Mr . .Ado.m Stoops ill recovering the 'lIUl4idates and the namber 01 • .oaaa,D _organs.:own, n , 8h h d '1 b Co . seem~thintso ......Ex. had to getup ten or twelve times ' ep er ,oneml e sout of l'WIU. qnostionnbly the llretti8!;t and frolU hi.!! 1010 serion@ illness very votes cut for each, in Wa7D8 towJa • most V((.lulI ble uss:Jr tments of .R. ·C. Riddiok and wife. nee thentght, and had lOevere bllckThos. W. Cnrt-er. of Ashbora N . r'allillly and IS now almod in his us- ship. f1o,'I'crs I lllI ve evel' pr8!'cntaJ. and pailll\ in the kidneys. Was C., had ·kidn ey troublA and one 'bot ual health, mnch to the joy of hill l'hcy ,,;11 be given to every lIbud ~omp80n, witb their two in. onred ,1Iy Foley'8' Kidney Cure. tie of Foley.s :Killney Cor.e effected REPUBLICAN PRIII.I.B~. friends. patron boying one d'Jllnr cr teresting ohildren. of C:InaInnatl, It Is frQ8r1lnteed.. Lonill May. . ~ perfect cnre, Ilnd he says there is .&.aT WAr.&. · ~ •.lT". m:>rc lit a ny department tree o( . 8JI81lt a few daYII 1aat week with Ed One day last week llrs. Ahce Ful- no rem~y that will compure with . No need of goons to the city for For Jtepre.eula&1Tc, cost. If YOll value !>P.nuti ful F. K. euall.l.llcbAm. 13 HllDby and family and alsO Otto kersoln ran the tine .of a pitchfork it LolliS Muy. . flne millinery, ;von CIIn find just BO and Mti~t.Ul1 Artificial Flowers 171 W.Z. ... U. Harlan and family of CorW!n. in one or her feet and the wound Dr. P. R. Mlldden, pmct.ice limit\~hot yon wo.nt llt Mrs. King's and nn'd Fuliage,l''8ecure n bunch of For A.IIi_. t h 63C. Ano to the Boy:! : nt much lower prices, us she has no U Dr. .A1exander will not be ber8 hall been giving her considerable ed to eye,. ear, nose .and t.liroot disD. w. aaDlphreJa, U 2;. S. A, SUI well. BALLS AND BA1~ I,'REE! rent to pay. just obe ~da)' out of each month, trouble ever Bince.-Hpring Valley' esses. G.iJlsses occll.rl\.tely adjusted. \I J. N. Lambert, 11 CA1'HING GLOVES ,. but ts here ever)' da~ ready to test Blade. AI~n buildin~(, ,Kania,' Ohio. Tele· l"or Treu _re:r. "Have you any doubts remoinFINE KNIVEI:> ARE .. ing ?" B:J.id Mrs. JonE'S. " No, Ma. 107 Fl' ...k K. BaJi.U.oa, yonr eyes for g1u&ell free and We are extremeiy lorry to repOrl phone! offloo, No. ~ 7~ i residenco, U C. P . Wb .. toa, !II FRENCH HARPS AND rinda. I hu.ve not. I took H.ocky 151 where he can be found willing and lIlu Sarah Cartwright still very No. 37. . a. ClUr w. UD&I.. bee. JI Mountain Tua. lust night. It will tv TOOL CHESI'S. HOOK AND lomea KdluJIeD; 18 ready to support his guarantee. imptoved in health. She ho.s Mr. Georgo Zimmermnn. of P ear· remove auy impnre thoughts tn the For c-mlulooer. LADDEP.s AND FJNGL. ... ES long bee!! a great lIu1ferer and bllli SOD, Ilenr Jamestown, vislt.ed at the hUlDlln family. 350. .Ask your W La lrippe coughs often continue Albert Bnat, U FREE WITH YUUR SUlI'S. druggist. • lor months and sometimes lead to long borne her trial, witb patient home' of his son, Mr. Thad 'Zimmer113 JOMp Watldaa. ~ 01 WUJI&m Glanton!, fatal reim1ts after tbe patient is sup. fortitude. n mun, a day or two last ....eek. On WHISTLE free with Y(lJll' L"banon lind Turtlecreek town· Por P.....,."dDI AttorDer. ]lOlled to have passed the danger Pants nnd Cops. FIl1se fnCCB. ship, Morrow and South Lehllnon 81> Jobu C. Collett, 'of Dayt.on , made ihlsd rohturn . hOI[~el ho was nccompan· Wllllanl J. Wr1¥ht. point_ . FoleY'li Boney and Tar al· fUlmy kinds with Pant:; and h 1.8 Il tt e grond-dnnghtc r, 60 Wlllum lIcDoa&kl, 7 tri to W ' 11 I.... e y went' 'dry" at the recent I!lection. la& foTdll positive protection Clnd securi· a bn""p~ess p llyn8tlvl e a... R " . Cops. Plain Gold RlIlgs nnd 0C0. £. TODDC. ty from theSe coughs. Louis May. &ttirda J bn . f th uth. who wall malIC a· llrotraci.ed While not strictly an issue here. Rjng~ with Scttings free with Por R,ecor4er. y. 0 18 one 0 8 many vi~it. we Iuve a striotly "dry" council. 18; Snits t3.00 nnd 11}1. Golll Bearf Wm. Tliompson. of Cincinnati, Waynesvllle boys who have h elped Ed. 8. CanUla. 64 IG7 PbUlp SPCDoe• M'Json went " wet. " wbo formerly livllli iu Corwin and make the IInbstBntlal. thriving and "1 h ad pile~ so b6d I ~uld .gP.t no . PillS "jrb Boy~' Finer Snits. For IDDrmarl DlreclDr. . resu nor find a clue until I trlCd De· , Knives lind GoI·] Cuft· Buttons, will be remembered Ilmong other ne;J,ugnuolty of Dayton whntsho III The WllYDes~ilm Schools will giTe 2 :!-l . James O. K1laelL Wi tt 's Witcb Hltzel · ~ l~e. After U with Long Pnnts Suit.'!. . things for his skill 08 a painter nnd public exercises neIt Friday aft~r S . D. ETlIIILr. lJ lip Bis Easte r Clothes. HRt/;. .. Lost winter I WIl8 conftnoo to using It, onco I forgot I evor hut! O . M • .l:UDGa, f U .. vamiaber haS resumed bI8 old trade my bed With a very bad eold on th" nnything IIko Piles. '·-E. U. B ice, Cn p!:! nnd Fixiugs w er e never noon beginning at 1 :30 0 ·clock. n. l:. ilIJ>Ga. l CI to nnd chCflper The again after .. term of some years as Inng8. Nothing gave me relict. - Fi· Somers P oint, N. Y. Look ont for Pntrons nnd friends of the schools 1.. N. PaDfTZ ( er . AZETTE ad ,-Ises yon to see a railroad mar.. nally my wife bought II. hottle of imitation.· ... nCl SDloe yon IUlk fur are cordi1llly invited to be present TOWNSIIIP. One Minute Congh. Cure that e/l'ect- DaWitt·s . J . E. J annoy. MOSE COH 2 N , at that time .' The RIchmond, Ind., item states W,.sT " ... YIL "IT .....'W . . . ad a 8peedy cure. I CAnnot speak J . H . Hnrl>linger tm veli n~ reprothllt Mr. J. B Chapman 18 at Earlho.m too highly of thllt tlxoellent rem. TowRSblp Truo"'e. A meeting of nil Dlem bers of th(' ....- 'I. K ,uouseman, ~ u_ <ento ti ~o for tho Dr. J H . Snodd JLD",IlJ1II College assl8t1ng his brot·b er ClUlrles edy. " -....... I. H. Waynesville High School Alnmni : : E . D. lk:ruett, ZJ tawny, Fa. Remedy Co., of Alton, Dlinois, Cd n m the office work in the College. W . iI. lhr/.llOCJl, will 'be held at the home of the sec- lit Hr. W . W . Arnold, of Corwin. be seen Ily IlU fa rm ers or other pe~ TO.D.hlp~r. We are informed that Hr. C. F. C. retory . Miss 8\l83n Wright. on the H5 A tl. SLlt«, l~' is regaining his bealtb oft~r his re- met with what might have bran a 80ns having hoge suil'ering from tbe 12th of April 190L All members Aueoor. ~ery serious injury last &turdAy. cholern. He tr'oots the hogs f ree of cent severe illness. in tel'estell in the SUOOe8!l of the al- an E., B, ComPWD. 11., While w<>rlting nesr B horse, the eb.~rge. in order to introduce thi A ll Abu .. 1 Town :tuo! it a P eopl e. umni sbonld be present to assist in WATlfESVlLld: IIOBOOL . ·JUD. Jesse Satterthwaite. aged 23. A (Two to E1ecl ) Ini.king necessary arrangements. Warren County midget WAS receiv- anima; sDdde:lIy roked V1c.'i onsly a t new nnd vululIl"le r emedy . Mr. I . H. CUkey. III Mr-. Aruaudo hi:lLllelon is ..cry ill. ed At the DaytOIl HO!Ipital tOllay. him, the very fClct that he ,",u.s so Huntzinger will bo in ,\"aynes-dllo Rc\,. Father Singleton, of LeMn· H. D. ~'Yer11 t .,.. near was all that Ave him. His for the ne~t week or ten dl1~'s nud having bEen committed forinsftnity. Eas ter mllbits and ot her novel ties on , held service in St. Augustine'~ W'" YNESNILLE CORPOBATIOlf• . fnce wa.s badly bru1ied, but there is can be seen at t he h o.me of S. H . Satterth waite isso 111111111 that Depu· at Mr.. I da St kcs '. Cui holie church la.s t Sunday, that COUNCIL. dan gero f permonentinjarv.a: Ellis. ty Sheriff Forgy carri~ wm from a no Four co E1eet. T h03e fIlmOD" little pills. DeWitt.'s !>Pins the fift.h Suuday in thl' The Third Annual t!nle of W. J . LooK AT TR I8. - I have adflpte<.1 Little EHly m" ' f3 \,m r cmo,-c 1111 Dlonth, the reguln r time. In thl' KadlooD MeKI ... ,.. Ht troction car wish one ..rm . t; . .t:.. laDd>!l. J31 Miss Edwina, dIlughter of Rev. Kilbon & Co. took plnco lost S!1tur. city rutes; nn toes I put on phl)(,s i tnpuritic; frum f uur sy:oo:t e :n. slnrt period the people have known ~1DUD.d Kctall.lek. 13: cl<l<l :lSC y our 1.10\'1'1'1, m~kc them dIly. The dllY wu.a a typical Mnroh herettfter nre vl'lthout oxtl"o.l chlir;.:-e. .... it. CAaoa_ lcr. 109 Fu:her Singleton he has greatlyen. W. E. Dalr.tn, who Is a student at H. E. Ral.uwar. "' reg alnr. J . E. Jnnn c~·. donred himself tJ .. 11 . Gambier College, will 8pend her day. and the dilingreooble weuthcr Four new shoo , wlt.h or without WATE& WORKS TKUS'I&n. Tbc ta lk of the county is tbo pheEaster vocation with her annt, Mno. no d oubt deterred manv 'from len .... · toea. ~l. ()(). SII S r o."C . 60<: mtll Tbree to Elec.l~ J . 0 CurtWI'igh t, in behalf of the nomenal \'ele r eceiveU uy' . A. Stil· ing home who miabt have been prof. or without toes. Po II kinds of wOO<! For 3 years ) Perry E . Kendrick, 1$ Ida Hawke and other r elatives and munng. m ent of the local 8~r Lee. l Carl W . HIDdI ..oD. . ,~ well; bi~ mlljority being .43 anil hi itoble buyt>rs. Elowevcr . in spite of work ot Slime low pricc<J . Come friends at and nound Waynesville, J . E . Jallllo,.. 134 tU rc COllrsc a nnonnced on MondllY For 2 JIOa .... { J_Sbu... ., phliillif.j ~ll._ 1 ~3 2. all of whom ,vill give her a cOrdial tllese' discoumgingprospects n largo nnd seo me. 1111 work g1~~mlltc . e,·en ing-. thnt un'~9 there WIIS II For 1 year I J . W'U Wbllc, ~ll orowd was present and relllB.inc·d ond no onc in tOWIl knows I,S OIu('11 Skill tr o n l,le.~ . cots. burns. !'cnids P, Duabar Clairett.. .. welcome. pledge for 0 Hber.. l potroll8ge for ~hronghout tho da,v. abont horses fed ns I do. I 1I 0W and ch a rlll ~ fjuic:d y h e>t1 by the usC' I ~ . H. Gr>.h=. II nO! her !!eries of entel'.tainments JI>I\cU ! J. A. Dnls. The farm of David Williams was hn \'e on hllllll ':l lot of home-Ill!lue of De Witt 's Witch Bt.zel Hal~e. It "I havo boon troubled wi th indiI HUMIl E&t1lIlart. !!Old lut Friday by Ullignee Hender· i!I imimli'll. B sure y ou get De· next 3e9!\On , there would bo no ar· J, .. Woolle!. gestion for ten yoors. hove trie<l hn r ro\\'s, strictly good >LJl(1 np·t<>· W itt:,.. J . E , Janney. BOn to Mr. Xli Dean, of Mkansas many tlllO gs end Spellt Dl!1ch r:mgements for an ·)ther ye:Jr. The c. H . Clemen"'. 11111e in e\'cry llll rticnlnl'. Fi fly City, KIn. The price obtained was monoy to no purpose until I tned tecth ill encb runrrow. Yonrs, .J . W. White was on Mondayap inui\'idual m anl1gers fo r the Wt Clera. ~ W. It. ZeIl..... CORWIN ("'ORPORATION. $3,754 for lOGy' ael'8lt Mr. Dean, Kocla I Dys pepsil10 Core, I ha ve tn ken pointed mlm ber of t he B oaTel of Di· two seasons being compelled to meet J . M ilt. Thomp50n. Truotoeo. TWO 10 ~1ec1.. " Inrge finl1Dcinl defiCiency. the purchaser, is a Greene connty two bottles 'ond l1=otten more relief of the Wavnesvillc Nutional rectors them than all-other medicines N. I(cKll1aey. 18. C. lIelDOIG. 17. We hn\'e the informati on from B"nk, \'ice E. A. Brow:l. deceased. man. being bol u and 1'1lised near from You will W'nste time if you try W J . HIocY. 10. C. E . WC nLLa, a. : taken. I feel more like 11 b oy thun Jamestown. Ohio, u.nd is A brother· 1 have felt in twenty YOHrs. " An . fu-,;t hno cls that N. H . Hny''I'OO\l hu . If troablOtl by a weak di,,"ost,ion , cure indigcsljon or dy;;pepsio. by H . K1lboD. J. stn r"in/! yourself. That only Marohl: A. IImlr. H. Scauer\Q. a. in-law of Mr. W. A. ROdgers, of der.sou Riggs o! Sunny Lane, Tex. bonght the W. H. H. Thorpe lot on loss of nppetite. or ~onst, iJl."ltio n . try Illnkf'S it worse when y011 do Cd G )acob Illsey. Main street, n IL'!! IIUO,,"' H. P . K ys,' l.hotlS8ndil have te.qtifiad a s did Mr Corwin. For the last ten years be aud expects to blli Id a 3· tory hotel a f ew doses of CIL~lnl>crl>lin 's Stom · beartily. Yon nlways necc.l plenty Juds .. , ~ C E . ShU". hus bden & traveling man alfil resid- Riggs. J. E. Janney. nch and Li vcr Tu blets. E\'ery box of goorl food properly rugested. Ko· I D. W. S. W parllu,d, . Amol Miss Mary Hawke very plea.sont- 01\ the grl)und. This accounts for warrnnted. For S.~le by L:mis May dnl Dyspepsia Cure is the result of l ed in Arkal1@88 City, KIn. Be wi"] Clerks , W . A. Rodgers. JL V.UD_L yen r s of reSl'.n.rch for something move his taauly, consisting of bis Jy entertained ber Snnday School all the ground S\\'l)pt by the flrc, as The W.l.YllO Township Tenchcrs thllt would d'gest not only some el· • - • wife and daugbter, here in a fow class with 1\ fcost of WlLl'm sngar Mr. Conl on i alrClldy improving tUIl \\;U hold t,h eir last meeting of the oments of food but every kind. And LYTLE. and other dainties at her father's property next ubo \'e thnt. The.;e weeka. Mr. Williams, the fOl'UUlr yeur S;lturduy. April 13, at 1 :30 it i;> the one remedy thnt will do it. sngar cwnp east of town Satnrday b.1li1clings ~i11 close up the gap, and owner of the farm. will reSide ("clock. Sul ,ject for discussion J . E. Jann ey. Jliy Bessie Hunt is attend'., afternoon. The lIisses Etirel nnd put the stl'eet i.n much more AttrUc. nntil fait. English Kin(!s, IIccording to Sha k&On Monu..y morning James school in Lebanon. Now that Spring seems to tmve Una Elliott, of Bellbrook, were in. 1.i \"II slulp6 thllD it wu.s before. The speare. Stoops term as postmaster nt C. M. H~lDgb And fam:lyllJll!ll$'" intcrsection at .Main nnd North Sts. Woynesnlle began. To the outsid- Sunchy WIth C. E. Johnund famUy. come for good, it . i8 probnble that vited gu':l8ta It was a' rare m ingMart CJo k d wit will' Spring o:mghs are specially dun· the oontemplll.ted telephone lo.el ling of tb,e sweets, 1ll8l!ies and ·}ass. is the logical OODlter-of r;rnvily of the O. .erous nnll unless curednt once. Her- er thing~ seem os usnlll. The PQ9to~ r an .e .move.• . . . . . . ' . from the1r home to our little Yi1Iap, • es.--8pring Valles Blade. town, ond the bllihling of the hotel connecting Lytle, Ridgeville and IOUS re.~ult often fOll~w. On~ Mm. office r ewnlns ID Mr. Randall S where they will reside with Mr. C.'•. lit t.he point mentioned, while othe~ towns witIl Waynesville WIll The engagement of. Mr. Asn. How- would havo seelned too fur up town !lte Cough cure acts . I.'ke DlOgJC .. 1.t. 1store ClOU Misa Etta Missildine still ' ~other. The farm will beoocupied IS not a common mll:tur~ but l::I II cap.'1bly performs her dnties AS as· 1by their son Walter Clark. . be rapidly pushed to .. conclusion ard Geedinto · ~ Jennt&. M. u. few! ears agCJ, doc~ n ot seem so - t an t'. Th 0 mos t noti en hIe 0 honge .Th e "Q' -znD .... hy the Valley 'Telephone Co. A Droke 'V8S o.unonnced at· a lunch- now, and tlie ideo. luol>S fensillle. high grode remedy. J . E. ·J l1uncv. • Sill run by Y" WI'11 mae...... line bI also spokeu of. out the The Ladies' A.id Societ.y of thll occurs whon a postoffioe document MIS8 Zilla Githens on April 5. eon given lost Thursday bY'Mr8. R. We ar611kffi Mr Hay wood hlUlIDllde ClIristian Church willliold lin Ellst- is siJ.,'lloo it now reuds .lames Stoops ' Mr~. C. P. Lewis r.aJ.led OIl Mrs. O. Spring! Valley road. and several M. Gallaher, of Lobeuon, O. Miss arrangements tha.t will g ive him It otheL8 in FAst Wayne and MIlesie Drn1:e isa.gifted pianist of LebllIlon, permanent hon:JCi in Wnynesville, er Ma rket nnd Bnwr on s'1t.UrtUry at P . M .• iustcud of G. E. Randall, os M. Ridge, of Waynesville, Batu,n lay. the Township H onse' u.lso Will forme~l't". John B,andolph and family. will townships. The only trouble is the and Hr. Geeding is a ·talented bary. and we wish Wm success. • . ' . • J move to Dayton on ThIJl'llday:. W. company ~nllot put np new lines tone in.mnsio circles of Cincinnati;sen 'e lunch In t,h e evenln/: from a to u _ F E K' . h tha k ar680rry t-o lose these kind friends 8 P 1 t b d d ftn ..... " . . . JUg WIS Ild to n and pIac.o telephone boxes in fast well ' known and appreciated here. . ro= -; 0 e .e for roo g her many friends for their very Iib- ond neighboJ'lllrom our communi",. enough; And as the li8t of Bub· The weddlng will 'take place in A..,':i. t·h& church. ernl patronage in th~ pust aDd de- Wlllter Clark and Ethel LeWia were scribera Increases, 80 inereases the Johu Bergan, who r esilles on Mrs sires to inform tbem she is ready to married Tuesday evening, April #• . HrII. J . H. Lintou, of Clu.rksvilJe, deman.d for m~re boxes: IlUItead Mllrt,ha Michener's farm . w~ of show ono of the itn03t lot of goods Hiss AdIl Lsmb visited will!.taa bas tOI:" long Hme been known to of dimmislimg, the number of ap. t<)\711 hn ; been velY ill all winter. ever brought to Waynesville. Zoe DnkeonBunday. possess a vo.lce of rare IIweebJess ; plicants for boxes is lJUll'Easing. )(r,.and Mrs. J . B. Thomuwere Wc ~irioorely hope that with the There is the place t-o get your 'fine but ber fame is now extending be.. Eecib one sees that his neighbor has warm; balmy days of Spring WIll hats, bonnets, Uowers, laCt>.S aud ev . gnestsat Josiab HOURh's Sanday; yond thBcontlnes of hEir "owncounor is about to have a teTephone cOlne a ronewal of health and ervt,hin'''' pretllining to I\. first class Mrs. Dr. Ward and .Mrs. Nettie . try," and 8he i8 now frequently ... Cornell called on !luis Flon.Tibllala . in his home, so that he finds h e strength. millinery store. Now hdies, yotl one day recently. needs one. Running sores, nloor~, boils, pim- cannot afford to miss this flue &8.... .u.st Friday m:>rning._""hen our et!') qIJickly oured by Banner ROTtment cf goods, os you know ~- Oc ve. the most healing sal ve in t,he VDUVVD. ~.. t,28. 1SOIL. devil went out to tbe 0081 8hed to world. 'No o'ther "jus us good. " Mrs. King alwaY8 hru; the leading p~ 8YAUP Co., Honticell!), obtaill the needed ratio~ to 8Wrt Louis Mtly and largeit stock to 'Select from . GUTL&JIE!'1 :-1 have need ByruD " Popsin .for IIOme time ...... ._" find i& the oflloe fires, he di8oo.v1mld that Tho .runny frieods of J ames Now ladies go and see before they gives IDOSt excellent results bd: 1U. Stoop!! were very glad to see him o.ro picked over. one of the greMest 11811ing p~ on th~' street l~ t Monday. lookin·g · Among many other interesting tions I tmve. tlver carried in stoei. I . ~Imost as ,,:eil u.s e,'er. 'His seriollll and instruotive papers read at differ- I ~~0~;:~~~1;: i:.m~j:.!!. Illness exCIted the gravest appre· entFlU'II1ers' Instituesover thestat.e Sold bv Louis May. of OMo. wwch are published in the .... uSing to Oonvey ooal into !tB proper Agrionltnrnl Report for 19O1, we find No1,ed Healer In ToWQ. ~e, and fQ1'_JlULDj other par. one; "Tobncco aud its Culture. by The grmtest hMler of IDOduB po8EIII for which it WIl& not proper: to P. H. Surfuoo ·Waynesville. Ohio ' timllll is &nner Sal"o. fo,. cats, wounds . S()res, pYes.and all 1111:1. eli. ~ Read at the FILrmers Instat ute • . SAI.ses U is guarantMd. U;WII held at WAynesville, Wnrren Colln- i May. . ty, January 22 antI 23, 1901:'." I • __• . Phil's t()bI~co article . received ' WA.Nl't:D.-OapabJe. relbblle pel'IOll cis f d t t ! .\·ory county '" r epresent I.~ c".., ...yef mnny wor 0 cornman /I Ion 1\ i "'Jlld finllJlebJ ",put~\ion : " :)8 .wary po< the t ime it wu.s read, and it '\'liS I YOI<. p a yable 1\'eekll ; $3 lM'r day _ _, . . ' ! sure and all expenses.: nu,I.b.l. brllla· ..... well to put It on record 111 the reo, .a1ary. no eomml>«toD: .. la<7 pal.r-_ lat. po.rt to make it nVllilnble to the urd.y and «penot money ad . . ncfl! eac~ . 'I ,_ : week. STANDARD nous.&, '33.i lJeulJora pGJP e at lArge. ; S . .. Cblcaoro .
~ --~---------------
.J-iekerel. F~: 'White: .~rring. Kackerel.
Guaranteed !o ue Fr..ato Bpring Catcb.
10lbs. ·60c 20 " $ .1. Mackerel, 10 for $1-
And bow SeD Them
• ,.UDall
"Ililre your plall. We get more fish and Ilot 8Q lnucb salt:'
"We uought fish from YOll last yesr ant! will thip:'
.• •
1Ii."G-.~ _O~ lI'oticlllll,
nntcbison &Gibney's
. al~bQ Ycl~ QUltlB~~ 5 to 8 1-30
&nUlaDta Lang eDough •.good enongh and quite , Fonoy, for GO"lrnS _d &lib. Sbu1a, DreIeea &c., tbe demand growing eaoh year.
. -. ~~ty Weaves of Camel's Hair. Cheviot. Poplin. Whip Cord.
~ Cloth,.
t..:repon &c.
-V.~lti.Deloth Jack~t Skirt, $18.00'
Silk waists[ 1001 waists.
AIHWoal Golf Back· j Ralit~IDav Skirt. , ~
'5.00, up,
At.;:•. ~S.
We "ave a PIDe Lot
.-------~ One Cutomep Said:
- All ijappy.
N e\f S I y '.ell, 1'
5·7:5 ;
3.00 Beautiful Palter ns,
!= •
Tne Genial and liberal Clothier,
of Darton.
The mills have done well by
abj)wa, for 2SC. each,
-' ~iI. ·
Thf! beat Vest Pants ever
Wlnaow Shades, daq.ets, lIatt;; n ls Oilcloths. ~
Department 'IS finely stocked. Old Price.1_ .
Golf Cares. J:lckets, Petticoats. fine Fall LiTle.
SheetiDg, Sbirti1Jg, while they lust, at old,Price••
:DftB01'r. :&alA. o"o.\te Gout E~
Highest Market Price Paid •. ~ .For •••
CScittZ~, Itogs, SItSS? a.nd ~Q;Z""QS. F. A. HOFFMAN, .
Arnold :Bou8e, ' . CORWIN, omo.
; .
To the EclltOr. ::
Dear Sir: The . P.\ lst· t~ 'Or' . bave 'demolUltrated number of Americans the valu~:.olnl~e grain.:ar(nvi~· and nI!1ching lands. .weltern . CauaIIa... Teua of thousand. bove taken' advantage of " the olter: 1D!1e by the C~-nndia~ gO\'erume/lt'll8 well . . cif tb.§. exceed,lng\y low prices aaked -for liuul!l . by the raih-:ay,. onlut!on and otl}cr co.m panles, "The esperlence .9f tlioae, who : ha~ e been, .1tlell thet:e "for "'!ome little time ,. 'fIf 0. hlghlY .gJ;atifying .charncter. · SO much ao :tJiat the Canadinn gover!i. Dient; who haa. control of the: inunt· gr:a~loJ.1 . lnto :we.tern Canada. ·lIa6 de. _eil{d . to open up. some nelV ai.strict. thlryeal' in the well-known Saskatcbewan' va1JeY. and , alao in :"1 he fertile p~a, of: ,\ssiplbOla, These:aIGtricta HI_ !I• • e... are probll)ily the most I'.rodu~ive · in The Ift.her of ·tlie Sa:bbath ~bool dau ~ ·the ·entire west ~and in close touch to a"pfoaclted one little follow ..bo 1>""" AI.,.,. NII!.mber t~t your largely settled communiti es. . a8 ·well . enUor tb. Grill timeJ,andillquired II ......... lA>.,..."·YOII more as' belng !lituaied on s0lll! ot .the most for the p~ of pl.aclnll i~ on "Well," aid ttie 10UtlCl,tu.r •. ' ,th.,. 1O.e wi1I_ it.-AtchilOn Globe. ImJlO<:.'ant Jines of railway. Th.~ y art Jimmie rOl'_.hott. but my mald.en DUlle .. ~ within eo~y reaoh of markets, .chools, Jam... n -ell riatiAu Be/P!Iu.r . . . B_. . . .kela Esea.loD. ...:L"..;.,;...... r ~ d '" I I d . . 0.. the lint ud third Tueedsys 01 aeh ,=~e'8 an otucr 60C n a ..n,ntages. -\11 the Gfiiea&o, KiJ_ukee .t §to Paul In ilam~ of these di.trlcts lands may &aWa,. will ~,trip excursion tick, be 'hlllneateaded 1I.S well as 'purcuued eta from (:''IlIeajo, Kilwauk... and other outrlclit at "etY low prices. as I!Oiate OILlte line to a ~t lUany pointe in to ~at ean be done OD these: !!oath ~'!.L N!'r'b , ~kota and . othu' The· .~v'Jdence of the settlers in the Walera am 'l'IoJ:thw_ 5Iateat•• bout ' _ _ fare, Take a trip weal and _ the '1'1'011' nelghl!orbood of the lnnds now about 4Ietful .,... ud what &1l amonnt o( pod to be...oPcPe.4 for seW.ment (some of lead .." ~ ~ for a Jiul. mone)', the,n, being located ill one of the be st ~_hero(i:-::h.".e!t ~ ~u~~ Indian reservation s ) goes to show th!\t lainecl by add~F, A, )(iJJer, Genenl tbe very bcst r csults h,!,'c ' lo\lO\,:ed ~ AceD .. C1ii~; IU. eYeD tJ!Ia' indifferent methods. CaseS '.' are gt~en :where fonners having gon( ~rtuioili.. ~b obliptio... ~R&m·. tbue. with most limited means; barely ~IJII""-enough to erect a amall Ilouse and 'Til .....et to kw-so is Kitm. Gum fo 'up' a little land. ha\'e in three I ·<'"n,~t'"~. Uf.... . orf~ur yenrs~ time be,com~ p:rosp~l'OU S iud. dJction and mal.ntllined ~uper· • , _ • all debt't paid Dud money in the ban.k . .~;SjOD orer this ralnOWl.bi,ghwIIY, just lto~ ,""",om- ODtliYe- pod dip!Slion, The &oil in the districts mentioned. ~o JonII' was i\ ~ wagon-way worthy .-ladi&no.J?olia rA.uiiD iboii" nnd Saskntchewan. is a ril!h "Iwe .... Be_·S. ot the. nagle. Us retrogression 'd n t es · Certain of the S~rt.n women, it ·I oam. ' 15 Inclles to tliree' feet from t~ time It was, turned ove r to corded, h..itated. 'IJ ~e cul oIl , deep. As a "",tller .nys: "It appears the , go\'er~mellts o f , ·t be \·lIrloUE and T!ive i\ to the ...Id.e... to .I4i~ Uke the accumulation of decayed veges'i:Ltes through wbleb it runa, nnd, U bo'WI wit.h, bow u:e.we to cet .along!" ' tatl on and nshe; 10r centuriea., ( 'he ro~. "'Vhr. we <:an .na, our ~olU re~rts be true. it i. 'DO\)' little bet· ....; subsoil Is ,a still putty clay)." On thl ~ ter tha-n the average conntry road In ~itll (aloe ha.ir!· CI~bim~ tbe otllen wanDlJ:;-Det,r oit Jonmal. so.i1 it j&; possible to TIlise from '.0 to the middle wett, which mean. t liat It 50 busnrl.!t-of whcat. to the ac:re; onts. is f~ hom be4'i .,.-hllt could well be -.e.1I r_, •• e so.,..... '75 ,to '100. bushels, all .of ~vhich bring desired. good prices ot the local mnrket. For "No , matter ''!i'hat ~ila .10U, neadacl!. to a In the case ot t-he natTona(l'OR. tao""r, you 'rill neVer 11 ug hl )'QUC mIxed ' fd rmhig these new ilistl'lcts .have a~ example that olllpbaliC::1U,. bo..el.an.l!ut ri,bl, ~helpD.ture, : a,re pro.l><l61y among tbe best in ,.estdemoJl5trates lhe inabiUt.y or' the di.· cure YOIl .,.it boQ~ a ",' pe or paio,. produ~ ern CaJj~a. Stock fatten ensily on abJllty. as you like, at slote ' govern' euy JlalunlmoVementt, cost you ju t 10 the'wild gi'asses. lIay i. plentiful, and, ment. to handle the .rood problem. renla to run KellinI' tOllr b.alth lrac;k, Cal!eareU Gand)' Cath.riie, tbe JreDUin. put pflces splelidid. Ano/ her ~e.tt-l cr writWheo gi~en into their hands, the na· up 'iD metal boseI>. ev.ry tablet h•• C. C. C. mg to a "frIend in lawn uys: "The tlonal road was well·nigh ideal, .nd dampe4 aD it.. R""...-"'~· "f imi tAl.io'ot.. . . climnte ' i. all thllt coold be de.i'red, all tliat i requi red was timely repair' III pleot, of ~fn.jl 'in SlImmer. with no ing. It wa~ like girillg" splendid ner Itot, drY' winds. On the 28th of Sepnew house to one's Gon, tbe gift reo tember I saw prnirie fi o" 'ers jp full quiring nothing moro of him ' tba.n_ WATCHES GET TIRED. what be. gel&.bloom, sw~et " oro, pol ato aod fomllto that be prunt- it ,,\ Intenals and dnes that. had not heen touched a I!'I ... Da.... -_d. Tt • • ple_ R"... lre tbe t1LXe~ And yet, the 81 .. te" have . particle witb fros t. and, the ~vinter~ •• Oee•• lo •• I "Pel'to4 shown themsel."s wholly unworthy C.ea.. Ba-te. to C:aUlor.la.. are nilIder than th ose In tlie state ' or R •• t. of 'tb e natlonat ga.·ernment'" geo, Ji'ebruat1 l:ltlI .ad tt<:h T...,Id.. y thm., from which I cnme, After t-h e holierosity. For the nu.tiona l ro~t.l is 00\'- dtu, vntil IDd i~luditlg Al'rlI'3Otb. Ptci&I days t,h e winter sels hi clear nnd cold, "Tbis is a ve'r y fine f.i ;:Qepiece and but n s~mbl"n~ 01 what' lt once '~s, Low Jta<e C4lonlu TJdc."tu ...i11 he fOld .,, tIat tile... ;. o.e ~ aDd with plenly 'of snow for good sleigh- t\y!re iH notbing on eartb the matte. Dnd it mlly ~" f"ly be cla..sed "long tb~ Sout&UD PlicHle'. Compan,-'. " Qgden ~ t>1OIIi1ll ..... 1000bOtb. ro: Ing; no big;h ' winds or bli7.7.a'rds ar~ witbit except t hat It is sulky," tiaid with oib~r roods tb.at the "tall:! ADd" UllaL" R4UlH Lo all poin~iD CiiiFor, aiL Tbe 1'11,1.. wid be~ Jirom laia , ioiOWD. Horses Jive ant nil winter Dn ,old watchmaker on .Royal Ki reet, tbems"h·"" bl"'c built or endcn ..or~d ~.OO. from 1St. Lou;;. Mtrnpl.;. aDd N .... J and pick Olelr own living, ",line cattle r~ports the Xew Orloolll;S Times-Dem to build. ?deac. $77.50 from Oma~ ,K....... it)'. I liye nil ,vinter in open s herts Dnd ot'rot, :who bas followed hiIo , erofl U thi CXD11)ple 01 ..tnte failure io .u.., $25.00. CoITMPOCding fow tal" irom , ' m'ound the hay ricks. Wb~t. oats and herc and abroad for the las t holl a b lgliway malt e rs do esn't em.phaslz. all-otb*r poinU eu.t and north. 1:'01' ·{lULiculAr. "Dd detailed information barley nre t he principa I grain c:rops. century, The wlltch to "',bicb h e ' re- ,~t3te ' ioa bility to COp" with tbe road ,.ertaiDlDIl to' the SoulbErn P.cific . m~ Routul and lhe~ .pecial nt&to Oaf, 1~iiii~~i!:j~~r.;~~~!± Potatoes and all other r oots o.n'a "ege- l elTe(1 .l ay on his bench. It was IIJl building que~tlon of the hour. thea P.tc:r'a W>rtlia caU Ul;IOc or addu , . l tabl~s do well, the yie ld being enol' old-fashioned Swiss chronometer, i~. we s hCJuld indeed like to know wbat W: G. NeilDyer, G. W. A., . .P. Co.. :::JB 'moW! a s compared to t1lOse in the .R massh'e gold cnse, "~orn as Kmootb It does pro,·c. St., ~~cago, • l. . , states. Wild fruits, SUell ns,strawbel'- a~ gIns", and tbe owner dedared il So long. -,," eonG'l'ess contlnuu tc PIa,k W, B. Coc,Dor, C. A~ S. p, 0, Cbomb.. ries, r-aspberries. crnn berries, goose- hlld not rllll steadily for &c,·era! pout miltiolls of .,lollars into rjvera of Commure BldgCillcinn.~ Db.io. G. C. HerTling, ~. '-\'r . ,1'. Co., 111 Pail< berries and nil vnrieties of currant. wee~ Xothlng seemed to be broken: and barbor to the benefit o~ but few .. yield in nbllndtincc. As n reader of it .ha!l simply stopped and refused to -and tho"" few belo nging to tbe BIde .. .!'iltlbllf/l, }'.., 1.: E. To ..nl1~'y'... 0. A.., s: P. Co" (21 O.,ve your valuable paper for n number of go, e)<cept by fit s nnel stnrts. wcalt.hy cla., - lIl re 'i s no good rea· "t St. l.c)Qu~ .l1Q. y. nrs, 1 r. ~ 1 thnt I slloulel in.form "It is all righ t ," 1-4" old " 'atch· 60n wby ! h,. I .tl~ro.l go,'ernment • C. Carr, C. A ., ; P . CO.i!!08 6b.fdl"r X0tl of tJle prop-Tess a.nd ::Jdv3ne~ maker we nt on ; "nothing about it should no I:ilu absolute co/lLrol 0 1 Bld,., lUou, Cit)' . Mo. ---<!)iOo-ment being maele in Cannda with,in out of order. and it i8 fa!rly elean . the COUll t ry' road. building and tbus f t . Cre-.a4e .rea...... the pa st few .years and the induce- Tb!, on ly trouble is that It is sul.ky ' benefit ADl.~i ("u u maok:i!,d i n g~neraL ''Tbe Kauu CJ:UA<;Ie i. epreading! ' menl s nnel ",ha nta ges tllat will fol. al!d may be tired. Fino old hand, Roads are Irave.led 'Iiv thousnnd. ·'No. " . . flOW settlement in 'w estc- rn Cnnado. mad~ ",atebe" get ,.hot way now anel wh~re rivers -nrc. trlL\'eled by lens. ond · "Y .. : ,.c have .n old btU ..ttln" OD one Tho~e who d~ s-ire i ntol"m ati oD can do tben, and the best thing to do i II common £en;;e de mand .. tbnt tlie g ov, ' as I did, onil apFly to nny agent of to lay Lbe m aside and giTe them n eromeot mnke Its e.J<pen<\iLll rea in a IIil<I tl')'i.DI to : tch ' it."-Obio6tate ., tbe Canadian gOf'e-rnment" wbose r ..t. Suppose 've do tbai now, nnd to be,u~f!t file g,eateat posslble n:un~ I .e.e, nppe~rs in ad .... rtise- I ,,; 1\ iend you so'me.t'h iog . to wenr I- Jl.utiith<~r of elUten • . · . Direetor Dodge co.n but start the 'LiUl T mcnts- appenri ng else wh ere in the c~l- in th e mcanwhile. Watcbes like tbl! .I.I!. . _ _ • - nmns of your pnpe rJ nnd when wrlt~ ha,'e lot~ of buman trai ts," he con- ball roUing in the dh-eetion of fed- 6ned five dollan for rnhhering WIth Ultent . . ing ask particularly about th e SM' t;lltl~d, after its o"' n~r had securrd ernJ road building. he will haxe don~ to ~.-Minneapol. Tam.... . . . ........l .....ture.of I.ntcllewan Vall~y or Assini boia Dig. a sub.titute and departed, "and ~ery bia country n seni!", e'll1R1 to t hnt tricts, Yours truly, Ipw 1'0.0)110. realize tbnt tll ey rellUy done))y many ' an Amen!",n wbose " OT.D READER." · ... '! ge t fatigued. J ' ba"e orten bod t.ben, aamenow groces the llatlon's -.-..~ 1.0 IIll' In tile eoudition of tJli E heroes ..-ClevcJand Cycling , Earnc-".tn",• ••
- .....
,n . . .
TWO BigPains Rheumatism'
Sf. Jacobs on
C a·'n. e"' r. S
1'eruoQ is th.e woman '8 1r-1end c"cry, ..here, It .is sate to~eoy that no woma:D eVeT used Peruno for 'MY catn.rrhal deraogement but what H beeameindupelUllible in ber houKehold. Le-Uent from Womea. Erery day' \Te r-eecive letters "'oruen like the followiag. Women wbu have tried ductol'S Dnd failed; 'A'omen who ha"e tried Perunn. a Da were cured. Mis. Katie Klein, Gl2S Bartmcr aTt· '1lue, St:Lauis, M o " wriles: ".Peruna has done me more good ft)r catarrh tb:Ln the b~8t doctors could. 1 had catarrh so ba-cJ. but at~r , akil1g 'Perona 't, is <!ntirely gone, and 1 tC61 like a c]j£"reo t
Blatt &Jul... Pr~.eot." Leiter. Miss A.m. .. Preacolt, in a letter Cr om
~ IO South 5o "enth street, 11inoeapo\i~, Minn •• ..,.,.ites:
" ' 1 am sillcerely I'Nteful 10r thl! Rllef I bave foun<1 from theWlc of Peruna. · 1 ...... completely used up last fan. my app~!1te bad failed 811<1 ) felt wak . .d tJ ........ all tile tIme, My drugglst.8dvlse4,r.e to try.Penma and the rtllef I expenenud offer taking one bottle Wti truly wonderful,
A con6tanL <1. ai:n at nel"1'OUa vi ~nlity depletlI\8' the •.hole net'TOUG 8)'stern euU&eB -the: m-t1c~US membrane sn r fnces to au1fe.r acCord ingly. Tbis is tbeeen, ditioll ea\l~ d sY"temiceatarrh . 1 L rer.'! nearly res mbh,jf, aod t.b ere IS really no ImlCtical di fference, hetw e n thi: (:o.nd.i.t.ion Bod the condition knoW)) ~8 ncurastheBI 3 o r neM'Ol1S prostra tion..
Th~~I · I:~~~.
uEver notice " DKkoo tbe ('ornfed philosopber Uthat "'h . en a mnn wantll to mR\e
you thinK he i. op...king from Lhe bolto!n -or hi. h""l't be s\l<'1Ib nt th. top of h:, 1"aice!"-Indi.napoljOl P rese.
,I ~o Dol heli.". p,!O" Cure for COD sump. t.on bas an- t q!l41 for .ouglo.. dDd coJils,-, John F. Boyer, TrinilY :;jJfings, Ind.•.I".b. 15, .1000.
fils he ~ professional man?" aD amateur.H-'fO WIl TopICS. ~
. ~'lr F.ot:f.ES! Dn. prod""" the/aot! ~t. anti brjjl.IH~~ l . ('oJo rs; of ~)' _k nown dle Itaff. ' Sold by .11 drnltJ!i st~. ~
"'C~~"-u."" m""t~~ built
• tel
talkini/ .-about ~ " ···~~RYB.ODV:S'~ 'DEOPJ.E aU- about tell u's male~ines
who know
~ IDg EYERYBODY'S 100- good. 'That's out way of . s, things. E~pert magazine talen~ is 'making ' l!;:v(l'Y~'Od.y's:-' for us-( now comes a tremendous jump i,,' ~, as well as quality- .
· 2'2' ,., ~
' If~ •
Be " ' e at HO.1f! •• a,
Prope,,'" ' s,a.t-
To.~,~ :r.
La.t .AI_oat -. LU_e tJae.
roller is almost indillPCnssh1" for BOme .k:iDds of farm work, and a aetu'r ,1 good one may be made b)( .J:overlng cast mower wheels with 20<4'.. a. shown in tbe ilIustl'at ion, . The roller ·can be ' made ' any desired leD.Bth. but lIoven fee t'fs a very 'good Bize', Cutl the JIl'ojections from the ~orfac.e of the whee!e 'vjth a beaq 'bam mer and cOld ebi.e\" Thi~ llo lIot "" great a task as ode: would thlnk. m~e your bracJi:smltlf drn~ "the _boles if "yon have 0.0 drill; ODe every four
t ... ·
Priend-I beer<! A .for,- ,ab(>ut a -..Icked !lUI" who-l'!a,t!iI aoU-on StnIday_ Golfer-Mia wliat ba.ppened to him! "lie fooZled." - .Puck. .~
It .. . . . Boston airl who d~1>ed hn f&ithl .... lo..er'. mouth &8 "~reteblDglCl"04ll the wide .de50laH01I oLhia face; lhe ""pul· cher 01 the·dliotiller'. output QDQ Ibc gey~r 'Of faJlII!hood!~.K'an.... pty Star. .~
Club, a l£o spe"k~ in glowing t e rms of Perona. A Je tter recently r c~i"ed from ber bv The P e r una )[edicine Company, of Columbus, Obio. r eads as Iollo w .. : "I am glaa to call' the at-lenf.ion of mj friends to Perona . m en tbnt Jan~jd1
tired feeling' comE".IO o,'e r you, anc1
small annovilncel! irritafe'Yon. will make l:OU fcelHke another per60n ins ide of [l ,,·uk. hI ba\"'c no \'\" used it tor t hr~~ seaaons, and fin,l il ~ery valuable and tift!- " eacious." - Miss ~ar-ie Cuats• .," Disea~d ner<ea are, ,tracr.llT!l.e _d.!rectJy lo poor diges tion, anti poor di· gestfon is alrectly traceable to e ..tarrb. ",ilb. tbe ,!iigll tes~ catarrh ot the stomaeh no one can haTegood di-
Very few of the man;; "'omen .... ho have catarrh ofJ1he stc>mach 5llspe<:.t, wha1. their real trouble is. T hey know: they belch dter meal". h ~ve SOlJ~ stomach. a 5eDs~tion o f -weight ar· . heavibus. a ",Dness. irregular appe-•. tite: drowsiness, gtIo ....;nlf' empty s en' ! &a_tions, occasional paJD~t h'!y all know .hl.: but they do Dot kno,.. that tbeir trou ble is catorrb of th~ stom ach. If ,bey did :they would take Peruna. . '1 . ' :;! . Peruno cu res catalTh ..lterever 10-: <;:: catcd. As soon a~ p,.runn rt-moTes' ! ... . . catarrh f<om tbe s totnach·tb .. atg.e~ liOD beeomt:s good .... .:.p petite r~guIBr. nerves strong. arid trouble vauishes. Peruna st r~ngthen' " seak ije.r-.-eH, not ' Fe.. l Like. N_ by temporarily stimlllntibg them, b u t
.. I c.oatJnued Its use for fh,e '... Per . . . ~k_ "OD aad ani !tIad t o 58y 'tbat my eQ'Dpllet!d P~-nOD. restoratIOn t o 'h e. Itb was a lU llIU'y (;pats. a popular yOUD/! surprise to m yself as' well as to my " oma'll 91 Appleton, . Wis .. and pres, friends." ..,.Annm Prescott. , id~nt of tb~ _>\l'pl eton YOUD g Ladies'
you r food
00 l on~r
tns tes good. nnd
by r emoving
caUf) C of. wen-k ner'Tes;
Ghastly Truths Revealed on the Disappearance,of V/inter's .WhRe' Mantle. Deadly dAoge,.,' lurk io , ~be groun!! Jeft body .., tbat it will become imlJregnable to . by the depart;,,;; SlO". ~~H \\i mter t be Il"f1D" of innodinj! daea;;e, 1'odotbiotake Dr.G:reeqe·s N ervura bl~ there haye been d=ulatlDg dea~IY nnd ne..-e reme<iy. I~ ,rill build ,."u up quickly, it will reeS.abJisb vour ..aning ap· m-O,tcctM :..ul l"'t.itc\ ile wiJ1 slve you rt!I!tfu't nigh LA oi sleep. L=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It wil givr.: VIm a.nd Tigor to the nerv~, . and it "ill dispel al l <.ri.ting poi.ow; that · h:,,'e arcumulat<!d in the body besides count;cl'actiug the effect. of others that may a<'CUmulatr . Foilo"ing i. aD .fDstanee that ...iII iIIUl!' tnI~ tbe ~:onderfnl PO"'~ 01 Dr. Greene', K""en-ura
and [Jerve remedy.
Shorilf Jon.~ tercn~iwbo sberiJl'Dr of. !. ~;;;~~~.,;i~~;t:r~;;!t:;!~.~~f~~~m Hyde Puk, .... t T, ..... vs:bayeis~ G"",,"e's Xen'tJra blood and ne....e remedy " .......'-.!. r,evere humor on my
nceompa.nied by
a very bacl itohiDIl' .,,,,e'·ere that J could not .I~ ... nighl3, r.e CS)Ie<'ially a8 caUOl!\j! ,. bloodm"greatincoJlrenien puri6er. 1 bad a vel')' bv t e loa of el~1> b,' 't he Itehin". A friend nd~l.ed me to t. ke' Dr. G""""e'. Nervu ... blood nnd n.~ ~n, aJy, which I did with the most l'llti.l.ct"rv reoult., for tbe t,..,~ble h•• e~Urely di i!apJl""1"'C!; :md leaD now comf....tobl\'·ni.ghts a b."" nODe of m~rest former mi.M-rV from an the bumin~ if('h iog sensat.ions!· '
}(cruember nr.
~n to,any
advice 'ln1l b.
nne: desirinc the N.me n.beo.lute
Iy ,."., i( th" ",11 "Tile or ..n upon him at hi. oftioe, W. lttb 8t_ York Cify_
'. ~
-poor digestion. ' This is t~ only. core that lasts. B~mo"e the ~us-*' ' Nature will do the }'es t_ P eruna remo"e.s the cause. ' If )'ou do not d.n"e p~pmpt and sa ti.factor." r esults f.i'om.;Sbe 1lSC•• 9f . _ Perunu, wrllp ot once to Dr. H3rtiltll n.! , ..~ " -i.~ ginng a ftlll s l a t ement of your ease ':. and he ,viII be pJeaS¢ to gi..-e yeu his . yaJuable ad,..i ce grati". AdrlreGS Dr. Hartmon. President 01 The Hartman SanitaT'ium. {;oJnln.hu~,O.
"~~;.!it~:-i:~!: I
e ,'Y"'--'"I Pill.s
Peroni. .. ill be found to e1fect nn im, mrdiate and luting. cure in all cases oC systemic catarrh, It acts qjJickly nnd beneficially on the diseased mu~ coUS m"mbTaoes, and "ith he.althy mucous membranes the catarrh can no lODger exist. P e r . a _ . Tn..: Pl'te-ad to ,.,rG__ )e .. -yr... T. J . Lynch, writes the followiJlg from au So Diriaion &!reel. Gra,nd Rapids. Mich., , The Pe.run"'~[edielne Co., C~lumbu • • O.: Centlemen-"fenroestlyrel'.ommend Peruna to any sn1f.ering, ..oman, 118 j~ eurea qui~k1y. Last yenr J hnd a most persistentcough whichnotJtiog s eemed to c:woe. Two bottles of .Peruna did more for me than all the doctors ..""med to do. In a: couple of 'veeks 1 f OUlld myseli in excellen~ bealtb, 4ml ba\~e heen enjoying it- e\"e r Fiince. lienee Ilookon Peruna asa t r ue fr iend 10 women ."-:\1rs. F. J. Lyncb . Peruna is equally efflcaciouR in c urlog catarrh of tllc throat-os in curing l<'<'ltemie ctitarrh or ""tarrll or tbe siom:lCb. owrrh is essentially the arne .... hererer located. Pernn .. c ures catarrh.
, ." 'Ne~el'~ before did we ~bowas la~ge , an as- ' sortmen t "of ~.~:
:,-..- " Tailor Made Suits. , - Variety 'o f Style's and Ctllors, ranging in pI'ice
. ~ from $7'50 to ~$20,OO. - Et},ch-gal'mtmt fitted by expert '
It :is admitted ',by alrtJl.~t our showing, ~'f 'S prin'g Millinery 'is ,the most ~xclusi"e and b'~autiful rri the cHr. -
" .
Th~ superb designs ancI beautiful conceits are subjects of . . . . univ.ersate~comiums by: till who .have witnessed the collection. ~
Lot 45. 50 men;~ and youths' sU'f!!i ~auging in price t.G.OO to IS"OO, ~, ' .' '. -, : . QIlQteQ~ $~'a-l4lrat> ' Cbndren~8 Jacket and PaD~ 'Suits, ranging' in price 3 ,00 3.50 " QIIQ.ee~ $!~~i~ ,
_pe~I"I _aaIe~,
to ~2·.50.
MO,Q UETTE RUGS. To May 1st,only, we will place" ~J;l. 'sale . . .0 Moquetie rugs ' ,
.A grand a3sol'tment' of up to date styles of Ladies Dress Skirts, in Silks, Cheviots Veneti: ans, Home Spun and B.'oad Cloth, either plain , or elaborately tl'immed, all the most favored ... styles, $3.00 to $IS,OO .
Stylish Silk Waists, with .dishop sleeves, trimmed wjth tuekR, all the new Spring Colors ' and 'Black: $3.00 to $6 .00,
We have shoes for every mem her of the family including, newest styles in all lasts and widths, at - ·spec~al • ~&~~~~- ~~~&~~~~~~~ low'· prices. Our' Ca'rDet Department is Full 01 the Ntwest in F'Joor. Coverjngs, . Working Shoes, SP.CI.A.L PRIOES FOR THIS SALE. . Reduced to Cost. 9Se, yd. " :Best Grade worth Velvet~.
. 75· mens , ODd youths suits rongipg pric'c .·12~1iO to 13.GO
dl'{~ssmakers .
to. $8.0.0.
~eady.~to- W ~flr, H~ts, 49C I~O ~,cn's '& yt~tiths' suits ro'n ging in price ~8. , 8. 10. " , ,: ~kQ.eQ~ $Q~~i .
' .
Sl ,~5,
RoxhuryJO wire. TapestI'y Brussels~ all th~s seas?ns new' styles, worth 90c, ~est All 'Wool Ingr~in, 65c gI:a~.e? . ,Al~~ Wool ~ngl~in, worth '60c, ' 4- ;W"Qol UnioI,l Carpet, wort]), 45c., . . ... " Extra Hea . ~y" eotton carpet, wOl,th 35(>, , 25,c.- Ingrain 9arp~t, .' , ' ,
78e, yd. , 5Se, yd, , 48e, yd. ' ' 35c, yd. :. ~5c, ,yd. · ' ' 1ge, yd" -_ '
ress DOS.
. Silk's,
TriIllmings, Laces , W a~h .Goods, '- M~sliQ, " Ellloroidery, .Stiiples .FineGinghams " ', .' ~'~ -A ll -~Kinds of . '0-
For &ile-G enOo;m a.. ·8 •'Cresce m' I bicy()!o.· in' first"" c'u ~ order; cheap. Inquire lit-this ·oJllce. j~ r "-; tr's ,db rcgr~t'thstw~~ chronic le that .Mrs.. MArtha Schneb ley, who ' "cry recentl y went to the Muorii o Home. Springf le19,.w ssatric ken ~th ' pUJ1l lysIs OIlO day last week. IlDd I"-'¥' ''''''SI 1l1St report bad regaine d ~01111ness and was doiDg·D iooly. , .
•-\11 ..\ho l " '1'(1 \\'"
· ".J bU sh ... d
Weekl y a t
W"y ne,vll1e . O hi u.
<!f.!L!J . . :N O. 6'2
of ili~ lat~ yarle{jcB
and I.ike tbe QUters;-l.re vety nic!l.n~8moo ~h.
. sirable for eati ng '~r> ja~t-. jng~
NOW POB 1'H'E pjlc~ Early;..O hio, ~ bu. 90 to it . "Bose: " ,." ., 75~ ".. SOc " Whit": St ~r,. II I • ... GO" J •• • • : • • . .
Cbi<lago Mar1<ets, ",~e
thi"k' {lie price of seed potat oes i •.at-the bonom and. < • may be witl"lrawD' wirhou t no· . tice :beforc thcJ':go' 1If!. .
' l'l, one 20.
WnYI1\ ls\"ille, O. I 'Ph . I
HutchiSiJif N. ever . -have we' ha ~ st6ck -of Was h, . Fdb rlc.3. '. --~
. '
Blue Belle LaWIJ .... ... ... .
· Dilrity L'Aige!>::! ..... .. .. · · ..... · D lIUl u.1 ·Ci !ll8rosa , ... .... .I S~tine & ,tiste, .... ... ..... j Silk Chnmb rn.y...... .... ..
Kll colors,.!
)\Iore -du .. And just as pret ty, ~.
Silk Ttssue ; .......... ... .. 'SUk 'i;,pbyr, .: ... ,...... .. • SUk MuUe; .......... .... .. Eddili' Si!lr.-.... :: ........ ..
..... O',h· .
!'IW"i :d CJHu·(· h ~ fl t i. · . ·
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ennsylvania hinES.
LI''''~ ,
III ~'
Kidney and Bladder' -trOr*'rz
PRICE. SOc. . . $..... .
HI'J:o'W,:.o r-
fl ur'· ... fr ll ' " d rll p " ,~
IiuLny •his head, OJ' money rehmded. Contains 10 resides remedies ~ by emf. ~ th men· n~ pbysiciaHs as tbe-be.st fat
j(UlJn,' P''I' tlllrr;t:' t ... I~. ' ,. IU1f. lJ 'l- '1'("1. 1 I .. • .... ,.;1 "' unttl' \prll . lIb .tt ~ I ", .. .. I ' ("hn"- \uuhl
"IM"'lli tr.l l" "" I!I It" . t" I HluuJl..... u nl"ll U .. n: II·J II tn Co ntr.t! Olt " tl\." II I t·
•l lollnnw B i:.: ~'" "tWit ,· ... "uP ri!.!ht " w ('n a .. k ,-'d a f l""w 11 0 04 (' '': jlf I'h:.lt uhp rh-l iu ·:.;; . ' tHtn , hl l\\' hp j ... B I! T lw f'x "i t f-:"l t hp I"n' Hi'" IIn(l 1..,1,'('1' T H1 1".. t .... . E ,'pr\4 b(, x (If all wh i t !!(l til :-!PI' ilillt ~ IIwi ,':.! , ,, ..-" " mn t(',!. Fur "',Ip h" L " lli~ ~tl!Y th ,' !!r pn t lo'nfl'Prl nl! h,' PlltiPll t ir PII i!1 n'U~ Hnll 1111 1 p!-i~ ('n r pll u t 11I1('1 , . ~ pr j. l l1 .... r'· :--11 1 t ~... n ftPIi fnlltlw Onr· M in n tt-' I ·lIne.1I t' nt'~ Il t't:o: lik p JlII1:,..ri... It I.; n o t II l· u t)Ul v m mD:ttp'~ hilt i.:; , I
..:,\!'i. "
(fOlEY ." CUI~. Slar .. ~'-
':trtt'r. (tf A:.:hl H'J'a. ~'. C .. IWII k id,If·' · t,'onh}p and "lIf- rHJt th~ uf r (ll, \' s' K hln p\' ( 'Uf(' j·ff..-et l' d " »1· .. 1"1:<:1 nlHl i,p "II.'"' th l"'" i,
Mr~ . .1alll tc" :4hllt p lind :\lb s mtll ,.l'r ri"I'>' . Lllne sh o m ",I in til .. l~tW I ':1 ( '11.\'
• Wh a.t ','w,) Cents W i ll Do. bu. whi t f- :04'1' ,1 Oll t ... whidl (·I ",~ . C . ";111 , . " I" L'~ h(, n. t ~O I. I.. . It will b r ill!! ' ·I· lil · f t .. ,IIi' !'ooutr. ·)'Ill. :JQ<ller bu,.h,,1. In ql1"·....... A 11"'1'1· 111111 I r, I't'IJUlr . kt H I Hh n g- "·.h l H ::>hpph p,·,l. " ')(' mil ... Sl)LlI h (If (''' ,",\'I ll. d ~~IJ i n ie~' \"'L t C' I' , '" I", wrlff'~ , ' 'gil ,.(' f )'!l11l H!'-tllfllt l 0 " C·III1!'O llIlt ptp ,lI . ",'pn ole u ft · IT trl ... (·nIfl u l Hl ('lIngh Ir rh e \\" .. ,.:--1 t"Jt :!o P ... . T bi- b. allflllt w h at E. \' . Ba"nhl1 rt hu" I",..n.m 1111' g- r p \\, W,' i:o'P Ilui ly Flnall.,· ttH' he..;, n n f' fl U,:olfl o f FIl]p\" -, fl ',f)p\' NIHI °rar :--i(: k li~t ; nlPun w hil p Mr- Barnhu rt· dl H' l o~ i ll Onkli-1l1d , ~ ph . i!'O !I', it wfl rth u trw l. L "ui ... H i11Ux" (' ,,:-ot-4 ' , Mr . H "nlf'" Zen i~ n o \\' eXI r""" hll" hn,1 l'hAr!!,.. f fIl~ :\" "- Sh .... l'i t\4 Jlwl OnHlIJlt ~aH I hUll ( '.,n ·_ ~ f " ,' . n~Pt\ t H t Xr"ni n. :-:UtllfJth l!J "n,l (·(I ul.] n'.T It,·t ' . Thl~n t5torp . B0 1'I1 - T n 1 ht·~.!U n u ....ln!! Dr I,il l:'::- ~ f '\\" Oi:-- · Mr . II lid Ah . A Pr ... c ' tc rn g Phy s lc a .. i\ir~. \'e r,," K E' n .\· 11 11 (1 ' l ' l in t~· hIli " f ' tYf' r,' uwI wa:"' \\" )1 1)\ 1\' .· l1rl·1j In' .. is: UU I. II ;;on . III :\1 . HH i(·t'1I '. I I). f·, r llJ,l;elt'f l (J I' (luu!!hr l ' r ~ l irlllU1 ('1"1111 (.> 11"~ r trn m Mttl( ~ . " P":o'lt I " ('h' ~lIi1 raltt"('( l flO,. (·u1tlw.·U ·... :-; 1' 1'11 " P... ; .... ltI ).1 1...:0; Ellwinll Dakin '\~l1q WU~ flX . \ ... k Dtl.\'tflll Hnd ST)f.lnt ~l\nllJ t y wi t h ~11 . Cou!.!IJ ... t ', h.b " nil 1111 Thrllu r ; ltlfl f., nll J-o. ~l n' . 1",('1,..1 I·') ~1" ' 1\'1 E"'I~" with frl (' nll, Lun l.! f f l '1l11 1~ lJ.\- J-JI,t-;'l '" ?\l ur Prlf'f-' u n rl M.." . •I H . ('II " k E'.' · ;)Of ' h ror,' flid not tl rl'i \"f~ until ~·p:.!'i t p rrl •• y , \ n - "1' 1 \1' X-\ Fit' " I "1 1. .. \ 1,' ' ~II ~{ H~t-· ( ·"lwJI . of n u~~ t fln , hi"" t·r· ~11 ~" ( 'H I'rip Mn1" hpr anl1 '" I (' .' , --l d ,· .. ' ·1,:lO lh,·r 1ill " · ... (''' 'Hdl FrHnk tnl'I'1I-~(l afrp l' 11 t W(1 lIl ' l1th:-: t n llr elf t · rpWlIl'pa n) t 'tH! th plll tP\·I (·t1 rn~ o f (\lhll nn.l HI ' n t'd,' th ... 11t, .. t ill tll" \\II " ld f rfiIl' S lil th . /fnli i ... " ... pnf' l1 1Jltlllia : rll1'ir' eH d~· re('u" e r.\~ i~ A ll wh I wli1 II P t ·.l it ..F,j rql1h II''' ' !II' ' 1Idlltl... ·t \· ... '\1 r \\-n ltl1 J11 jo.;;tY t"tnnl "l tl:'" :I ( ' l1"a1l . M 'I)oI1" :-11 .\' :Op:1TJlI'·rl\· h (.»,·,) f(]l' Io~· IJ~" "'" frit' nd" Ihu r DII\· t e)1I j .. !'!'.,j(1 "nltll:.! It fl ,,- A ll nn.' l}tr~(~I' S~"t'" I I ' '''''' :"\t l·, ·1 r'l' lf I IJ'" "r \ \ 'lIrrltlut Olll E rJ~..";' nd Th, N ' f' "lh '" ' Iil t l.. pill •. D,, \\' il l '" H4'!,! l1iatlll!,! Fnrwl l'" IIr," 1 ..... l'w ... ll· tl 1111 .. ","\"I,t} III\' \\'ii,,' .. l1f.~ ... 'tI' L iff If' f; n rly H. i "PI'!'" wi 11 !'I'nto n'" 1111 hill l. 1. I hd, " '-ti' ,ht ' U"'j,· ·· ' \\~ I'h 1\ .. n ' l\\' 11l!! ''''j 'n .1 ttl ., r "1' 111 1", "",ll1ft - fll r iI111Hlrir ip~,,: frltlll Yo n " uJlIt T pnjll \' p"'rft'i' f hptdth . ."11111" :o.:,·~tf-'ln . I"}\'f' j" ... i \ '-' ·ilr ... . b,·in.! I 11"'" t of .11" \\t' ... ha "I~H n""1' ,'pTlr hn\\,f~ l .... . nlakf> fhpl ll 1'., .. \' ll 1 ubt'll ,\ ,,'rl, ,'"" ,. "hil,· c·hf4pk... and .- /lH r lili n :.." I ' 'IItin, .. l I·pgnl u l' .. . J. E ..Innnt'.\ ' . I " 111'1' Ilt'd j' \ ·l.a.. S Ill' I " if Y"l1r In;p r I ...... hl t!t!l .. h ilnd TiI " ltI'.·,· It !I1 . d ' ·rl'd .. 1... r l ~l lIU' rlt l' . \ -·.n r 1,, 1\\" ... ' 1: !nIt,. 0 f'ltl ~ " ~Pi ,·11" I , !'"',,:,1 l,~- L 'n" D ... \Y i l f· ... It l, ,· . r \J{lJ I' 1I ,H Fll :S ," E 1 ',1. ~I "" h I'" ~ En"l.. Ira, , . ,ltl , ., E,,'1 l..1I' rh- "';:'1'1\' ft l~f·r... d" ,11.-.· th. · ~1 a~' 1;, 1; .1 (.;. K,.-. \·:-- "UI' : I ~ 'l"~ I, t hi"" IUllll ,,"h o " - llli llil ::t II. (' 111 lt-' ~\· ''l t101n Tht·y II ,--,- pl' :,! I' ipt~ I.\'ill~ bp t wf'e n til .. fann 'II .M t'~ . .J E . •Jllnn'·" "· I",..r ~I SI',," H, ·.... t f' r TII.'"I,,!· illlil rh i· .f ohn Jo.i iilr-:o' Cinci nnati Divisi on_ l il t-
. amI neve r show n. bcfOl'e
t ol l .l i t~
-- -
f rf-quf-r' tl .' Clon'r "e"d al (; R F\ln'tnn ·~ . FiJ'~1 :O;undllY un",,· Eustt' ". April r"JIIark c,1 lu"t !;l\ u,III.\". " .111,' filII' 1\lrs .•Julia Brllshp 1' hus hpf"n fllr 1-1. !::it. ~1nry '~ ('h ur('}). 1~1orning (J f 11i)oOtfl'~!'ii,'~ Ul e fll ."'''':o- . $nru~ t i l1ll' . Hn d iJol !-If i ll un iu\"n1ir1 . P"A;\· e r li nd !'=-enll o n at 10 ::10 11. 111 . Mopl " "~'"uJl for st,Ir·. ~1. 2" fI gill. ::>l1l1dlJy~t: h <l1l1 d l 9 ::\1\ . At Th u :- . \\' , ( the I II ::)11
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roa RDIrnX ,lTlSX. Relief 'a:rcim PaiD. All who use Chamb erlain's Pain your Balm for rbeuDllltism are delight ed tur<iay IVitlt' tho quick relief from pain rilly tit whiC'h it affords . W1!en l!Jle!iking terdoy o f thill, Mr. D. N. SinkR, of Troy, - Friends Obio, SIlVS: "80me time a~ I bad ore par· a severe attack Df rhemat imn in mY' arm and should er . I tried ..nll1Der. ter.iay, ous remedi es but got no relief until will as. I was recomm ended by Ueo. F. Par. s (\f ber ,;on 's & Co., cirngl:.ists of this plnce ' hose en. to tr:y ChLlmberlain 's Pain BRIm. T~ey recomi nencfc,d it 80 blghly · Iwn wil b t hilt I bought 11 bbttle. I wu soon reJi~ved of .011 paiD. I have since ffl of lhe recomm e!lded tbis linimen t t~ many >· . of my fnends . -:who agree Wltb me A1wnnr tbllt it is tbe best remedy for mna:; the sec. culllr rhuemn tism in tbe marke t." '. Oil tbe F':r sale by Loui" Ma.y. BE3T RElCEDY
members The splendi d coucret.e pa...emeDt u.rouod the new bank comer _was com ple ted 11 few days ago. and is l>cling coll tinued up street· in front of E q .. Key , new but:diD g, and .there is n p o '''ibiiity that it will be earned fartber . Prepnra Lio:u! arc 'being lIlacle for pa ..cments of thislri nd tmetlli ulgj alon g the Third street front of Esq. Keys' b orne, Iln d of his sister's a4• JOIning; b$ides which, we under: sf,lnd Jam es t>toops llud S. D. Everly wili ba\'e walks in front or and ' f the <'naro und t.hcit-rc sidl)])c cs; al1 this bE:. '. m.d his ing the work of Henry BilIil\Ld, of I\' o('cnpy Xenia.. who hlis sb own u great deal feorge IT. .<If skill ou wor!;; of that kind. Be ~i Harry jI'll ,cd the 1I00r of tbe bank vestltiu le I fn~ilY lalltl of t"IC lohhy wit.b blocks oj t-er: IIll \~ rn cottA of IIIlIny elegant ~haIlt'S lind Ct'f. e . plCl1.~illg ~ol()rs, und, in fect, his e sceb ,j work h e re b-1S ~erved as a fiDe ad. . y cr ti sem en t of bis sEilI, and will be ell nrriv. , ns~fDI amI ta steful for mnny Illon~ om their : yeu.r to come. f tb o a '·
Land of l
• tb tbeir \tpLi with j l. e h ome i j3llllnC'1l . I until
IU::.. :,..... .. 826 ' H8 I tOo· ~ .• L. ), •• ~.J.o Itr 8 4511lS! oos 8OG-1l~ln 2~:! i ' I I "\1 i I' ~ I I 1'\1 1'.)1 f'~ I ~ 7
WITH A LAME BACK'? Klc1ney Trouble Hakes TOIl
Almosl everybody who reads the newssure 10 know of the wonderful , cures made by Dr.
·,cSton t .. .. 5 .
er burg '; ' nd ; Mr. 8. Moore
Kilmer', Sv.unp.. Root.
Ihe greal kidney, liver and bladder remedy•. ~ It is the great medl. , caltrium ph of the Dine-teenth cenlury; dlscovered after years of .---.. scientific research by I 0,. Kilmer. the' eml- nent ~dney and blad-der specialist, and b wonderfu lly successful in promptly curlDg
Cin~iD · . . If Sllrln~ . tram nnd Jame back. kidney. bladder. uric acid trou. I t bles and Bright's Disease. which Is the worn
IS e. n· form of kidney trouble. . , 5 church : Dr. Kilmer's Swamp -Itoet Is not reo- . I ommeoded for everything but If you bave kid-
; ney. live, or bladder trouble It Will beJound just the rem"liy yo u need. It has \Jeen tested In so many ways. In hospital work.
In prime i proct\ce. among Ihe helplesS too poen o pur.
; .base·rellef and has proved ... $uccessr ulln every case thAl a special a.rraDre m_ bas been made by which all readers ~ this pCper
who have not already fried It. may have a sample bollle sent free by mall, also a bOOk telling more about Swamp,-Root and bow to fmd out If you havekld ner bladder _
wrltingm.ent)on rC&dlng offer . In this paper-and • send your address 10 Dr. Kilmer & '"'"'" E'",I:'
.bam!on. N . Y • .
eat. - regu_lar fifty cell! and . -~~:;rJ~ . dollar sizes are sold Ie, all fOqd •
Dietz los. 8~ &: 60 SearCh Ligbts. . t..
- TheIoLamps j .... -dghtfo r Ugtdfac .... ~ of ~e buas or cattIe a1icdI. One limp will 'tborooigbIy lJiht up a long taW oE aaIaWo. The lamp" are JIIrongly made, pcdodIy ... 'M' ·V'~ cain=lc.tl to~.
They bUril ~
ft'......,...' /. and veryllttl e of It e«JIIcfedog tfIe flDa ~lil2'llt 13<1' E~ve. T 9 /.ott¢uce. we offer to .... _ . ,0u:1IDa sI.te, fteigbt ~ ~t a'~ prb. ~~ fOf FrC'- Calaloeue. · R.EDidZ ~y~
'-"H ""!>"
F or S!Ile-{? eDtlem a" '1! "Cr~' bicycle, i n first · c ' as ; order ; cht'llp. I Inquir 61lt UllS office. ta.24- :.. :'; t ',IfW:-th r~ett h9 FW~ ehroDlele ·Mrs. I1ilrtba 8chDeb ley, -whO ver y r ecently ' ~t to lli6 llaiIoD io Springf ield , was stric1t.im wHh..
JV'O~El eoI!t~'.p k)JrYto rt meat ~l~~gai ts: Spec.hll imes for tho nOl..""t t wo "'.c e'· in h ,tt
lh:ings nnll cl(>tht'f.l. Wb ~er, I "ny- I.iJ. 1 do .11l. 'It · n \ 'Cl'Y (.:i,g IDA te.r-. to . sell g pods Cbetl!" bot to ell good · relia1:l1e gooils cheap. ' That's. t h'a lhjl tri(1k, Y fow en;) 1el1l"l1. < The.Bi f; :!lore Qf Mo~o Co]I(!o~ h Olrov 1'illl fally = t ereIJ tho lIr!. liS yon will see if ron taka the IToubJIl to com. - paro go OOfl nnll prl" . ' I carry J 0 time ns lien v.~ a t )ck us any rtny $t.:lre rlui! 1 will forfe:~ u t.hollSllnd dollars to· nny cha1'i· I.y jf Illy ll'lm'cha ndisc isn't better nnd chCSlper. I om uon. , ble t{) u.iote JIl'ICCS. RolDero · 1)(01', lUy'pric . u.l 'n:;s tho l ow. C!l&; qlll\liti nl\\~~ ys t,be hest; - goods (llw6.Ys eKcluln ged ; m on o ey 1l)'WIIY ' refund ed; trnlhfl1 1 Bdve: th.-tng; conr~eous troat mont to ull . MO E COmm , TIrird Street, U,\yton . cups
", ~ U'IJ' ..J
Maftia unt, of Ken nedy, 0 ., are the most fatil of. all . . t o mo ·vi,, . i ted at ~e hlJme of bel' sister, sales Mrs. E. B . IfOel, .for ' sevcin.l do ys, jonneT -yeaTS.. . .s~ll be p.(j atcepti on. /I imd rctunlC'd Ilome on .~ol}thy. sweet, and. 01 'Te- . liabl e stylish ' 01 n 's, boy'i! nnd 1 Slowly but ~n rruy, like the many ~ce,20o per qt.*':' .' ebildre. n"s dofiles a t prfces 10- '; . . YCM" t hat .have pn. sed o'"er h ls h ead, or money refunded. . orediby loIV (.qnn1ity-'CODsiderec.1) ! Al'l'fopri(lte.E .s r sorvice s "'arc the IIged Perol' .Al.on i o rt, \vho resides remed ies ~ no bow h, .AJl the cl ntb 'ng d . ~ b~ld ~f, til M . E . .Church by. anitlal>lllth {llIrtltl cnt. mU ' b e . alivo with, i . soul,h of towD, is failing both m oo· nent physir iaus as the for buyers tbe Da 'iG '~lIi>kd nnd i mol"pin~ ri nd (w rum::. T rui "R'l3N citMIl " · h ut ' the SIB.ll<],tT d tally .o·Dd physica lly. . Kidne y and Illl tliblislw tll:!lcords will bo liter- i nr:rilCti!ln l' Chr.j~ t/' \V Bladq u troi# m 8l}b· \'arietie s: Y ellow. Dnnver s and '.:Have yon !Lny doubts r em ni n . t filly. uU(l$b( .a -i.ntO ~mitlu)l'een . r j cetot tho Sttndu;y Selmoltho I'RlCI! Slll:.aa4$J.AIII. .lesson. iog~" su.id Mrs. J on es. "No,.M a, Men's t>ufhs ~tWt a~ $5:00; $'1.00 ; 'l'biB WI foUowejl UY 'llo. M ___'_ --,_ _ ~Vhi.te Sil"er Skin! . produ;~ i ~lg ort but rind;~. r h ll"e n ot,. i t.ook l Wilky TIIl!l BEST REMEDY 1I'0 K : nl'lll l:o. ~pwllrd!i to ~lO lI Dt)'"I;'. 1 bell.ufiful 1I ' grrun by the KRJroIlATlBJ(. yonn ' large onions. .. or 1O .P-!J9r sots are. Buy:!' I ~g jIDD S smts frtitr t. at i MOU!lt a in Tcu lust n igllt . . It w ill Qui ck Relief ,nom PRin. OUR CHICAGO .A~BTS · ' remove ~ $3.50. any i $5 mpure lInd t go h ough uv· Ui t ' ~, IInd ;- me~~.s of t~ 6<:11 in t he , not cht:ap at 8J1l p;lce. : • bumntf r"mily. • l~ l2, and it for_ the littl e.fel· i mornIn g ch II'oli service ~5c . Ask, y our . All wh o use Chamb erlain 's Pa in Ooe ot the late vad e ti es ,!,wol'y tbmg , •. Our Price, .iOc pel'! qt. druggi st. ~ 10'1",'6 nfe liS 1(I\V as n UQUnf. or : 'B1l11I? far rheuma tism are delight ed ended w t-ho ono thome, "VllrlllO ' . aDd like the olh.ers" lire veEy ; two ~~~a go up the. lilU). to $3, $4 1 Aliv F.orC'I"E!rmo}oc. ·' .At Mr. J ohn Crew d ied on &turd ov wit h the quick relict from pain, thj _ ; und Iii~ . T here's IL RVlng of Il~ . BELOW YOU ' WILL -FIND 'A . • • lu.st from t.h e effccts of a par aJytl<: wb ich it ' ntroros. Wllen n ie!! anol smo!'tIJ. V ciy,de. f least 25 to 40 per cc-nt (Il'J e'l"ery p 8~g Vl~ M"1S.~ M!;IY Ev rll' lU hel' own s troke. Fuoara! service3 yt:Sterdil'Y of thil!, Mr. D. N. Sinks, 1 dolla l' l:oogll t lit All)~e - Gohen ·s. sir&ble for c~ting ~'Ol'~ p.lant-, ",.PARTIAL LIST ofOUB of Troy, , !Lug "Tho Risen Lord .... ~~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~ . SEEDS . . mornio g at tho . Orth odOl: Friend$ Oh io, S IlVS: "!:lome time j Nice pfCFe... t~ t o tl'e Uifl nn(l -Iu tiho evenin g the topic un it to .' ago I had ing •. , j littl.e .boys. , Monay back for the 1 S ID, Al i ....e to ,Chrl"~ church . We hope to give more par . allovor e attack of rhemat ism:in " WAS stodied my CORW IN . , r ski ng. A m o rlcan 'Vonde r ; ' ine 'S jn: ti::ulurs nex t l\'cek . ,l '" til "'" tt.u rOo li nn and shoulde r. I tried uumer . ' • . "'1 ! :MO~'E COH KN'S ,,~ e""l,wo r . """'r;tLo . .... .1 1I NOW FOB TIJE PRICE." Littl e Gelll ........ : .... It 15 " . Mrs. J . W~ White Illft J ester .iay, ons remedi es but got DO relief •j VlCC ml:I led by Mr Rebectm. Rnu, _ an UJu.rk , of Kcnin , spen t 'UDtil 'ITIl1lD ;;Tlle~, 1).\ l'T6:r. E a rly: O"~~, . ~ bu. 90. to -$1.' . for Jalu ' town whcTe she will as. I was r ecomm ended byGeo. . ClulInp ioo of Eng .. ..... . ~· 4 i don. TOe Ilnd"y .1~bject nt l1er. homo In Corwin , of th evenin g F . Par• 'J.bc Bj~ toro ,w ith the ~ist in 'caring for tho fo mil y (Of ne;' 'on 's & Co., ciTng&:.i sts of this place U R,ose , ' .'." 75c" SOll \\'IIS II w n tii'luu tl nn of t: e . Marrowf... t,.; ... . : ... .... " - Lift I" PrfOOl<, Afr . W . T ..Frllllle li nd Miss M.1 1') . M F k to try Chnmb erlain ; Ejll'l'otl,b to,1)le jn m'orlifted tOl'D.I : Ed WILTds wore in Wilmin Balm. ·Whitll Star~ , " _ ,·: .... : ....... GOc .. BBAN~ l,'ton tjll e~ , tn . ..... Ton Taft., whose en Tiley r ecommenrtt:d 's itPolin 90 highly ' Lit a gift 'l,f ' i;d."." .A UlOSC ev· M01luny . . hre famI ly except oLle is 110\= wirh thitt I boug bt a bottle. I Wall soon Chi<.:ag o-?tfarli ets; -650 to 'jOe ,V.Lx, ... .......... .. Bunch. tho m eolfJes. ening IIGrvice:~ 1;«X1 mn. c WII !;h'· rel ieved of 011 pain.. I ha ve since fr, Wm. F. D ·ilver. 11 About of Ci ncin T o'W.1 . ' lIu ) i .... Goluen" 'Va.~ , . ... . . .. .. .. PeoJ.le en by the oae ir ill the two bsulI lito f ~ ,. A weel ing of all mom bel'S of recomm onded this lioimen t- toman, .. We t hink tlte ~price oheed n ali, ClllnO np l/lst Snturd nv cv mng ' Burpee 's. B ,".ll Li lila. . . '. of my fri ends, \vho U{,rre6 with ·me piece. : .. E~'e; Mo \"e .For .....rd " dn Wayne sville ITigh 8 ,11001 Alamn i ftnd sl)4!n ~ Sunda.y with Mr . Bnd ?Ill '. pot.l! ocs .i a ·. t 'tho bo~rum and E llr l}' Vit.l enline, ..... .. : .. .. " an "E will b beld ut the home of t he sec- t hat it is the be t remedy for musr Hymn. " T IL: dec3ra.. Hloll Hoel. culnr r huema tism in .the market ." may be wi t·h dra-wD wi LlIQu!-ii'o' • Sfringi f s ~ Grecn Pod , " r etn r,\', Miss Susau Wri"ht .. on F.:.r S3.le by Louiq May . r .l OIYI goXl'se ~d 's for sl.le lio::l by t he t>uod1l:y EclI.Ool WtlS Theren lflins of 11£1" . Liz..i(l Thomp . 12th oC Ai .ti~ e • . BIlY 'b~forc t hey, ocllntif n1llu ,1 lire.·lfi:lg'_ L argo While Li ma .... ..... P ole. /Til 1901. All mombe rs IJ f Nil tU1l1t J.oQils . l'"n were inl<-rrc..l in Mi;lmi cpmHE 'ry inle:'es tc d io th o R!1CCCS of tb e :t'. The splentli d concret e pLlTeme nt 1,1': Frit y. Dcct'ft ed w .. sis er of onwi uro r e: lnC'stcd t,'J 00 presen t. 'Hound the neW' bWlk corner was li Mrs. Gt'111It .Wt.Won . n ea r Bpll brook. Y "':l will \Yil stO time i f yno t ry t Cilm plcted a few da ys ago, and is ' l'hone 20: WII.)'Iles\·rll e, '0 . i ' : Pholio 20. \\",):nE '$dll r , O. Tilo jitf1~ I)n of the lato Mr,. (,ur(' inotig '!:on or d y,;pPI' ' lit by IJQing contio ned up stree~ in fron t of " . Woo. T . 8Jrnh_nr~. bil~ hun ·0 : nT~ ~t ·i:;·iu~ c \'eni ,!,(':" Tile C:O:l t!'l1 't.fng Jill rei . Yllnr:"C'l,f. T hat only Esq. Keys' new bU1: d'ing, and t here . ~ ' t f . t -J t i . ; Ii~ It n·'tl~e ' ":Jlltn 7011 (10 00-1. we l'~ Hn r ve:r E : ~ Pte3tla.ll ll.o\l DI\ e ~ 0 Ae. re . ] 0-'<: • en ~1~3rlii:- o. Y .}n ~JW"Y8 'Ilc~d pleo ty is;) p o >ibiiity that it'will be carried Lyuia EdWtl rds: The cel~!.'m.un.r wo . home ""to a. r elAtive tjf Jtl$ ID'l lh er 'of ~.">IJ<1 fllm1 l'''''! cl'ly Wf;" P repn ralio:uj nre being 'BIPd . J(I') farlher . perf,?rm o,l by Rev. 'Miltpn Pell, l.!tl.~ D('IJ:l' Ulnrks 'iIlE'. wh~~o ile W .1. · dill ])Y~ ]I"P<i1l Cn!'e i..q the TCl'olt or made for pa vcmen t s of this Jdnd tn ken L'UIt. non:1 v . tol' of t he.M. B . ehuroh of F~i1'. y ear s of resPtH'c b for sometW ug oloog tlie Third s treet f ront AT of Esq. thnt would (F!!(,st oot only sl')me el· mount. Pr~l! H i$fL.w~ll·to(J ~\ t the !'1(>Ction o f B:l.'H'd ..., Diroc-. ement Keys ' home, n nd of bis sister's ad. of food but eyeT~ kind . 1'&;.,100 t .of FI1.iI'mo iu!t., omJ to:'..~ of t1le I..~'rwlu Sc: '))1 Distri I it i~ tbe ono .' will j OlOing : besides 'vhicb, we under . r",ulOdy that do it. IS u h igl~!y re<- ,C:l'luJ Jaily on:;.r ndll Y DflcrnO Oll, Frank Brae. 'J . E . J /tOUt')". s tand Ja mcs titoops a nd S. D, E verly ,-.£ Middle wn,~M~ she liaR been ·ns.t o n e 11: doc:': /l.lld W. T. F.Tnme 'TeTO el ected l y -out of e.tlCh ~[r m(.ntb, J (-sse Bor w n ooe of th e ('n wili ba 'l"o wnlks in· fro nt ot and ill b ,uJl105S fO.r ' mo time. T bo f h d n. ·d .. , I ' Yl~ aronn u lileit-r esidp.n cos; aJl thiS be, to ,;()l'V or will lD'!ka Fairmo aot thl:lir furore but i h ero Cloery <I:ll'. r eady to test Fee 1 r ce yeurs, I!n ,-"In ' ·!iue.E'r~ at the PO\\·c ... h OIl'Po, and hi.:;. in!! , P rl t t be work of B en ry HiIIis.l d, of t. fo r t·,o "'cnra f il f Bl h t honle. '" ~ " c · 'J ' ',lIll ' y . 0 . ' 1 nne ps cr, !l n~\" res for gl" '~Cl free nilXenia, IhvcJJE who luis A;'DAC HI!. 0. great deal ~'I"h al'o he eno Uc- fonnu mllin.. nn rl the ~"sy htl,e cctta~e of Ueorgo II '/ ,'kill ou workshown = BAr<V A rU"I> of t hnt kind. He .... :... Of n k " Tl I I t M TIlE !lEST HI-OOD 'l'.O1'..1!'~:l. ~...... B .. r ('U<1y to sUl!pOT this Stl:.l.rtm~. 'TIS EaflY t 'l Fe~! Goed. , ' · lO OD FOOR 'l.PPR u rr S r e.C' . .... arTS 11Hoo t,hefioo r of t Jl ebnnkv estlbnl e , . , 'fh e blood is COllsU!U tly being pur • . . l.Jl~ I f 'l Co!1!ltl tbODSflncls. h1l \'e fo~nd'n I S'.1c rw ' d . a I,0 t':oglll('( n l;Til>p8 eou II;:· oIten rontinn 'r , " nnl aUll y and of t 'le 10. bby wit.h blocks of t-er: BAD ..... COMPl: .BXION '! , . b >l.S111J! the I.K).lo,- 10 Dr. KllI~'~ u:ro '1'mllm1"'1 in Mr~. 'n r:,h ifiw by the i a,,"lg~, li V .1" "0.1 kId-,. 1'" In. I'0 rJnn u IL"lnn( I ," l!JIOl HoI e:Iu v a.n4\l1)~14 !nt.to {eelU4lcu'tiftIl.!a na .l: ~w L laC tr f l' h ' r Pil .. . wliOl 'I . 1 P C:..ltlV(Io d .. J y !nnt1 °"" h !) n c(I UIl ney .. Keel> thCljO org>m~ in 0 in lol r . ul l.'I' after Ilie ·,J.1ti£.lllt I. iml" ,..... .,""".::4 CEI..EI!t :M ui n ~t rCf' t. W O 1'1l co n 0 manye egnn,. " upes an JIlJII> 1<1 C 11"0 cous' j1x ti ie\. ht'll.uac b.o I $oI4bT I V''''''' 4 ....• plcu.slDg ';olnr s, IUld, 1ll fe ct, hLS J .. healthy cond itlno aO(I the 110we1:- flo.-ed t o h:lve ]la. sed. tho: <1.!I n gqr , ' • • . ' mM_t. •!'r1"" 251;. ~.,...,. . diZZlD . ,Janodl Oe, Malal'l.'.!." F \"er :lrc o\';n,:3 . . • g a rl t >wtJlco me slIch ,l wor k he ril h 'lS' ~c rYed Ill! a fin e r Cl;ul:lT' and.- you mit hnY(\ n o llC'cd point. Foley-' nono,i and 'fux :If· a d. IlDiI n~ !le :lOll :tIl Ii\"cr on,l I't<JIDRch goorl Clllzeu ' II) oar t OWIl. fords r. o::;I"",e yc r tiscmen t of his skill , and will bo of a blooiI p urifier . F or tlus pnr, ty f rolD theseprotoct ion Ilnil s uri, Wa.tnw rk-s end Eleotrio Not~s tronblc~. Pure ll' TP{:l'tn ble; oe\,~1 Mr. and M:- . N . L . Bunnol l u.rriv-I u seful 'IDll tnsle ful for many conghs .. Lou' 'M.:l.y. . . . ___ . 1\ long Blue Bello .L9wu, ..... .. .. - .: ........ . :100 Jn11X; or )'I"ca.ken . OrJr 2,e at LoUl. eu h omo 1:I Ft Frhlny po:;e there is no~hil1J; ' eq1ll11 t.O . Goor ge Zimme fr ill thoir lyour to come. 'rmuu, nellr . Tho 'Work 01 mi~iJ:lg tho smoke MaS s drng s •.ore. Diu: ity u Aigll o:t, .. .. .. ...~........ . 123{c hambarlnill '~ Stomtl.ch. an'd Li ....er oj onrn " I' II month in " Tho L.1 0d of ntl --+-' w _ n _ , wbo _ WAS t'e1'C :r ann vl,.jt Ftue!;: to the tqp of the p:....vel"llou se. -J>imii i CiulJl.rosa, .. :: ... .. ...:. ......... ~5e 'rnulel.~ . one dosp of 't.h (':UI \viJl do I to I j"" '~ ...on TbJl, the · ky '" " r ('arly plt'!1sl'l] with tb(1i T, 1)0 YOU GET- UP d was I! trlC,;:>n . 1. ".lt ,,1: d ~!lPlun ,. . g. uJ.10 ~ up·cn o l'llhllc l'"It'li. lDg y ou mor.e good tha u n dOIJ!J.r h ttle lero Satin a &tiste , .......... .... .. ..... , ... .. 180 en d . trip a mI ·'cr rthinl5' ('ontJectetl with With p:1r. ·h'sis.o' ll tllO llYcoin g of 1.1i OPQl! i.t~ aae just lJo1.Jw Llie l' mbof of tho bl'3t blood· purifie r. 'Bilk Ch~bmy, .......... . .. ....25 to.5Oc 00 .' turdll)" April 13, bc"inni ng. it, Tllt'y l\'rnt oJ irf'c tl)' to tlte l"ct·nrn l1oJJie. Tlie 1100k \~'ns:qnite hOUle I 260. SalDpla i free at May 's WITH A LAME BACK ? . nce mpll! 11.('(1 lust ot 10 o'clock n. m ., .N . H . Rltr"'-oo<\ of th('ir br thor Ch:mnc y Bnonc,l l , store. severe, bu~ he SOOlns to be rllllyin . " -ed n ay. This look!!., to tlu; M·· w111,. n at pnlolic allctioo on tho wher o tllC'Y \ \'CTe enterta ined until 1 Kidney Trouble Makes TOIl A. R .,lh. ", o f :\iorgan stown, .I1Id" ~ri~ge Inymlln iliko 11 .\'l)ry JI1setaItJc. djlll.cUI~ prl"mi3e;;, the [Unll hing3 and fb:. .. turday whcn ,fa Ill es L . Mm·s-It nll . tit ..:; were iU'I"it£,1 to I Almost c'/erybody who reads the newsto at up-tell or twP!vo tim J90. lin'" whCll u m~u A~d L.'IJ)WS: how, iugs b.f !llo Hnmme; Hou~, consist . Loban ,u ~UT :! . cnj,.,y fhe.bes pilali t;y f papers IS sure 10 know of the wonderfu 11 the lligl:t, and. lllid l<9\"exa b~ck· ~d bas tb:o l neoo.,~_1'Y a:rpplia'!lCI!S i t iug i.u lJaJ:t of carpcUi.' rugs,. bed. relati,€ .s t.o ac!Je nnd pajo in theJdd ueys. Wa Jo ma5 L . Alllr.shuU wn -'[joIn , thero. . Ii 1.1 cured l)y 'F oley's Kidney CUI'('>, ~ems caSy eDl)o,;ll. '~ . SUk. TIssue, ...... .... .. ....... ... : .... _" 50ec f<:'::'er, .m!.~amtzRooDrt'.· hI! piOC." s w w rroom owl other ;Currut nre, disho', .Misses G roce Br.owni ng !tnll Em Ulo nmntec d. L ollis Muy. -Silk ZetlhYl', ......... . "' .... ,_ ....... ., .. 500 the great kldney. liver employ ed was n good de.!ll liko that, otc. Als:I h ors barnesa , r ow, Hill , of Wl b lmiunto ' hi n Mr h.e £: L.,,'w St.t)ut ' bel' Bilk llulle, .... .......... : ... ......... .. .. 60c •• . ear ,llIage wail in tofll l da1'kne ss y w . Ch t and bladder remedy• . .. . ' gy pt.lan . . .~ " \Vn nnd vllhlcle .. s belong-lUg to his . . It IS the greal medl!t\,cry nnll Mi '31:!t out"" Mr.. l1uel la.st Sain'rd lly oigIit. The mOOn l'U in place in. Nev;' York. Mrs. Will Edftie' Silk , .,:.... : . .. :... ...... ..25 ~o 37Y.c. • caltrium pb of tho nine, Tbi3 b:ll·n. S ninl':! !Iud motber . ofH.'lrv oy 'b urg ; , .: ....fl~~' d uty. f h e e.lecttic teenth ' cent smi>li'e. .s tock is ury: dJs. '" '" ,tr. d about 0 '1 6 iecthl "h, . "'. ~11I'o , "D,' I'll , of O.', kl und', Mr. ~u.J ligbts wore not T <ly t o. be turned from Ita OOBO J a~'tnnsJ.Ul·. 'fllchl. ., , co:ver~~ after years by of SCIentifIc research hest H a rl'S Collett, Mr . Cbn rlee . Moor e I ou nnll tlte I) u,ncil .V\' . out of '!mso pntt of p11e r oof, Rndloo Dr. Kilm er. the emik_ qoite iru· nn d Mi Mary Roher ts, of Cinelli· ' .-:;. line. s o oor n t g ed mOllnt/ iin pnth IlOSing. d:~t' !~lst-:,d':d~ :> nnli; Mrs . E. E . Browo , of Spdo!! wonderfully successful in promptly . were not ew n l i..hted· by t be ·Jj ,..litThe~ 15 ~mn h · om curlnr .. Valley ; Miss Charlo tt o An tnlm and lame back, kidney. bladder, . '" uric acid troubles and Bright'. Disease, which Is the worst Mr. Jes-<o BurtQn , at ell.d isle, nt· (onn 'of kidney trouble. tended ~ c r"i cc at ot. Mn r y 's church Dr. Kilmer's Swamp -Root Is not recIn t S!1Dday. ommended for everything but If you have kid'out
<e""fnI kst
go up: '
FA:RR Ii- WlnIE, '-"
. Hig h : Chiss . Wa sh . ,Fabrics,
HntchisQD & 'Gibney~ XE NIA '.
Nev er -have 'w e had such . a beautiful stoc k of Was h Fdb r.ic3. , All hew wea ve.s and neve r Sh9'WD bniOl·e.
"F.lgged 0,Ut,'"
--_....-- "
All colors, · ·More dura ble than .silk s, just as pret ty, :Plain or fi
g o u
~Jtg~~~ ~~~Ei'OF. ~4_~lm~'~~
LINOLEUM MATIIISS. . ~ WINDOW :SHAO~S, Mar ketfi Chirt~ "and J tlpi.m . ]laveyielde~ :~n 1,~m~~~8e· stock. -.~w ~ne CJ:! •
: ncy. IiYe r or bladder tro)lble It WIll be found lust the remedy you need. II has been tested In s o many ways, In hosplW wGrk, ID private ! practice, am ong Ihe belpless loo.poon o pur, c hase relief and has proved so successful In If you h::tvf! a every case tha~ a special arranc= _ has
: 11(, ~n4" up. ,
It doe not IJll y . .,. '>d tbing tell it rt~ht cu t . , D on 't bee n m ade by whlcha". r~er'Q. fthls ~per IL'IC fu]so mcSlDS to II ~trllct a.t t eno on . wh o have not trIed It. may have a W e S;l.V ··ri ..h t oot" nnil m er.n it sample'bollie sent by mail, a lso a book •
lelling more ",bout
to t.oo, will t fiatcure-cv Dr. Cn~dwell 5 Syr~p el)' flndoulttlf!~~~~~ ;:~~:~r~~~~L*~=:; sin er y ~se, of Stqmllc h Wlien" ~ trouble . 'I t w ill s top any p..'l.iD' cans· · offer in ed by Illdigel tion ; it. .knocks Sick send' your Hea.dnohe by ottDcki ng The cnu ~f Dr. KUmer&c;o t he complnin t a mI ,.ids yon to elig!!st hamlon. N. Y.l\PI,~g;. your fooll, 00 ru n.tt.e what you eat. rega.'ar mly ce1U 'and f.~;;;:~ Lolli. Yny. '. tJ . - . I doUarsl2es are sold Ii;> all good III aDd bOw
DietZ Nos. 30 & 60 Searcb IJgbfJ. LamPs te
That juat ·rlzbt for flr~ lDdde of Ihge hum at cattle aIia!a. Cae '-II Will thotoagh ly li&hf up a. Ioog ~ .of uoIm&II. . . The lampS are atroogly madr:, paUdfy ,at. . ad verY «==ic. f to use. They ~ ~ . (coal oll), and very nftJe of ~ comldering ths a.. 1leht t!ley~v.. T !, InttodUce, we e6rto ...d'_ d dtbl'r !iu. freight prqnId. ..I a. t'ec!1ad p:b. ' :;end fur F ree Catalogue. •
p,,' E. ;D~tz Compa ny, ~~~~ ~):..ug h(SlIut, 6 E.~! New Yad:.
o a: J nits COMPANY.
I....... ~
p1'~tty .aJdri wliich ·bas 4. .fflltinCe" ·"r _ft.'a.·v net bis Dpinked ruching of
bead and, clusters of p1nked I~:'~(; I-'Ulillela running arouD(H!!e lIoUt";,,, t~~ I' arlra~'gem."lt space bf:tween the clllsters ,Al1ed
wnh rowsp{ baby-iibbon, . A 8~liwag 8~1rt of blaCK o-r..tl solid -8tJ1~ an inch?r mOI'e wide,
1" one of the deepest , .of
the fiounce __ of' the IJlllterlal, the stripes ninarou.nd '(I)';:"kirt ba'yadt'ie 1ash-' :on. The 10we~' edge oJ.tbl. 1\o1Ul1'e is . !dged with a rllcbijlg of black. ~ Another bliek "nd white· s'kirt bas It" 'Bolldo 81r1~s hardly,_ halt '110 wide, and the' :wide ftounce • •leeper jn !he back tban i n the fro~t. i8·01 black ..nd- ..-pife. lace. _ A liand80me black KldrLh8s a !Iounce :>1 chlffon- in _black, finished with a Mft:hing of the SIIIDe top, and. IIOlitc,m:" 1 The 1I0r.ncl: DaM ·i Dterva"' , of clORe. '1<n;"" 1'laltiug, with plain pa.'lela between.·upon wblch are p';n ted clu8' ters of in brUUantcolors. . Flotmces of ~hiffoD OD other s kirts .re ,trimined almost sOlidly .wit h 1;0,.,8 01 baby ribbon. . . The heavy net finl llhes the 100~e r edge of some dress skirts. One go,,"n which s h,m 's this flniah I. 01 a soU whlie material. aliJl t he ne ~ is of ~ream . . .It,.. is n~t )l'U 00 a ~ 1\ BOlmes, but simply forms t h e lower "dge of the slClrt, being harrowe r in t ront than iu tbc. b."k aud oudinea witl! a hea~ filled \\:i lh dry soil, 0 1' road dust•• ill which "':hedl'Oppfbgs faU. . cream lAce top and 'bottom, . Ill' .ti r rl llg m.'1'asionoliy, lhe he JtI8nW'e ItS mixed ,,·!tIt the soil,a nd wbe.n FOR HOUSEOF;PER. tbe r e is . umcie.n ~ manure tni.lled " ilh l. Few S • • •eatJo•• to AI. Re-r ••• be the soil for the purpOi'e (or·,~bicl dH " 'allted, t he box can he drawn to the P ... pe..r C••e of tile g:i!'den Ql' field. The manure being . < Home. nthed witb the soil in this wny, It iH '1'igbl to use 85 II fertilizcr, .nd A good UHft lor t he odd" aJld e.nd~ or I. 'itO loss. soap that acc umula te on all .tollet Two ()r · tbree s.ls · of pol"" for stauds Is to, dry l'heDi Ollt thoroughly perchelJ are used. NO tb,ey emn I)e freby placing oj) c lean tillS' i n·the warm· quenll y changed, carrying> lb'm out iug o'·eo. and theallO,mdiog t b e m to a of dOOf& "'hen Ibey l)ecome infe.!lted pow<\er. -Mixed with bran or oRtmeJtl. with lice. 'fhere is nothjoJ; ill the an,i sewed into li ttle cheesecloth bage, h ou ... but ,vhat can be qu icKly tbey a r e excellent to u se for the Iiath, euUy removed when it is to be says the )liew York Post. cleaned'. Bis pta.n offeeding. is toleed One way t o care for fine I~ces i ~ to ill ,t he ,mormnl!', email grain in litleI', kee p t bem in envelopes of blue pa· that ,viii keep theheos scratching 'unJ'b a recent Jetter- to Dr. Bartman. COngressmaD Botidn. of Winfield. Kan-. per. sprinkling'them with a li ttle pow. til later in the dlrY. wIlen there js time ~boae fame i" .. nationaL one, "IS of P e roua.' , - dered magnesia befOre tbey are fold· to ' prerare tbe mash of grain ,ulII My Dear Oocftlr-" It live. me p!easure to certify to theucel~nt cura- eiJ &woy. vegetables. These methods may 1\1)1 The modem housekeeper bal tive qUalitIeS of yourmedlclnn-Pcruaa aad Manalln. 'have been afflicted be the h<'st for nil. but Jar the busy _ , . or leas for. quarter ot a century wit"'cata",,, of the siomach .... con- learneiJ t hat clothes closets need ven' furmer, they IIlmjllify. and ","k. Ihe AlpetJoa • . A..ralclcace In Wullinlton has1nc~cI these troublet.- A few .tilRtlon qUJte a s mucb a8 "ny part of work of carln'g for the hens con der· lloulctl 01 y _ medlcl"e have ,.Inn me .Imo.t complete relief. and I am t h e holl6e.. l u the be!;t of new house. obly cllSie r. . Are that • c:ootinuatJon of them will effect a .permanent cure, Peruna II this point is looked lifter by t he 8rt'hl· Mr. ;}fnpman's ndnce 10 far:mers lurely a wonderful remedy for catarrhal ~e"loD5-" -J, D; flotILla I t eet.. ...entil,,()oD being introdnced into who are rbin kjo]!? C~ ugClgingmor~ ex· Coapclamao-at-t.arp, the close.ts by '1IriOU8 s imple btll; elll- tensjve.ly i ll JlOII Il ;·.,· l<~~I!IIl~ . is to beI . <!ent means. Wher e tills Is -not the ONG~'i n~ Is o~e or ~rra. Selinu Tanner, Athens. O~ casC:; howe."er. the dOorS . b ould be gin wil h he - mull 60ck tbey h ....c. k~t;p 3C~OllUt of tbc:m for ~it~ yea1', the nlollt innu ~n H:I' 1 n.nti be:.;t wrile.s: -"r cannot find words to ex'known men ilL the Slate o{Kallsaa. press my thanks le.l t open for a t ime in tbe Inoruing.. and see H ill. ,!" c~n Jnake them puy n Wbut .. v.. r be moY' S;lY on any slLbject for your khid ad· quite liS carefully 8 6 tbe 8Ieeping.- profit. 'Ille :l \'eru_g e he.n in ~e"w Y otk ,.,iO 1!c accepted by ( he people us the vic e. I .n e<c' rooms nre. aired. The r eadin"ss wllb Inys only lI)1(,u t 60 "l,'l!'" in a year. n.• trulh. So famou s Il remedy n.s Peruna ol1ce .hough t J which clothing absorbs close odorti is kcepin;:;: thol'"ugl:l"'ed~ of th best cotlldJlOl ~e ",ell escaJlelltbe altenbad catarrh 0'1 reuliud ",hen tbe tenement hou,;., loying brc 'd ~, 'he" by brewinG' only lion o ( SO ramou.. 0 man. JIe not only the "tomach. J WlIshl1r ...om!lD brings home the l.nn· from tb e~ bf".:i \ la~'eT", ~' Oll cao get b~n K has b ear(l of Ihc remedy,. but he hns commeoced t uk· dry. .A I: the fried !i"er ol the week's tJmt .wiH lay :00 ~gg~ ill 1\ ~. n'r. "B~ u.ed it und "'aA relievc<l 01an affl iction ing Peruna :Ii cooking ~ 80met im,," to ha"" heeu crl tw .. ut.l'-J;lve years' stanwng. Perun" you diNcted. }[y ret';ned' in t he articles. that .ha,·e got Slln, tit" 1 ~'our ..;rgs 3 t e trt. b, n nd clean, Ih~n t ry \ t .,11 diTe"t to th~ con· Is 'he one internal r"medy th at."ur~s stomach con tin· cttronlc catorrb. Jt cures clllurrb ned to l!urt me I,beir drying hy tbe t ..n emeot kitcben Sllmer. .In ~v (,3 } rieDce t b:a,-e fouod Ibe whi l e legho rns the m o~ 1 ...""rever located. This i.• .u fact that ' l or about t,,·o lire . An LlrraDgf"ment i n I,be Jinen clO!.et profil"lIle un,.-d ." fbe P<'01'11) are r'\plaly fi nding Oil !, but wce4a a iler I be· Mr. bnpmn'n also ;:ra <t- "otne point, th .. re IU:C ~liII .. Iqrge !!l ulUtu,lc who l' gao the medi· of n r ecently '\Iuilt bO\lse jH IIlIgguth-e. .,.ro,,' ;o!:! I u:- kf>vG un the farn): lJ lIec'd to kllow it. , cine aud th"n it In li eu of widr, dee-p drawers Hom,e l{r ..FranklUcl,tClJ'.nfWiuonn, Uinn:. ~t"' .." Sella:> T""De~. .to,pped. I no" tim"" provided to hold hou""bold 1.11:11 j( ,,·cll l ~\\'ould feed th4!'m nil .n~' . 11\ a Illtt!!r t o The I'uuna M.dl' ..~.. •• • ...... ha"c a. good. ap- linen \\'b.i ~h arc o illicult to mm'e when the grnilHh'~r wOllld eat, they wO llld cine C"olnpuoy : . I peLi t c while befo re I was nearly fil led. the'c loset ba 8 deep s he l ..."s lItted Dot eat the grain. or other crop. gl"Qw· "As a r <:riteuy for catorrh I tnke 1 1 ':U[YCd'''- ) l r s. Selina Tallner. . with coyer",' at the ":des. wliie h let lnG' on the tnrm. hut "iU <Jnly e,,~ tb l;~a~ur in. recommending Pt:runJ.tor . MI'. L. O. Marble. of 0"1I61·a. Neb~ duwn . .1n this wo.y the linen was per· In ect1l. K eel) turkej~fS in t.hUi " 'ny, nnd t-atJlrrh f the slAlmnch. I know what wri tes : 1ectJy protected. and closed In to h old they "ill not t r ouble JOllr lleigbhoT8. It I, to be aftliet.)Cj. ,,·ith tills owful dis. ..ase ond . <onsiil"r ltmy tllltS "'.sny It "r do believe tha t lOy cata rrhj" cn· the ~rtUlne 01 ~he lafender sprinkled and they will be 8< $OU1'OO of eotUilrter· "'ura itt llebnlf uf th e. rmnedy whi ...!1 tircJy- cur~('tI. 1 h a\"c li cit lJad any ot'er jt.. nnd nt the tUlme time oecess · r~.en ue.-W. H. Jenkins, in Ohio ...... ve me "nch relief. l'cl~ lDa curetl t ~nnbl e with lil~- ~t(l mach for a long 1.0 i t was easy. Fa,r rue r. aad t know it wiU en,,",," "'l ~'·nlle. ehse who tlIDe. I um "us wl'll u s one of Dly Bge Bn ft'ns hom thi s, .'."'1 .:. H gJfCH 'nit; . cllul~ •.xp~et (sefenly YI?l"")' I have . READY FOR BUSINESS. ONE FAD OF lfEGROES. ~.. t plen r 'to c ••tf.y to Lhe ellrn. , ln,,1 Ihe cnt(lrrh p."e r ~1II~e I wa s .a tl ve "fI'~cl. 01 lii~ m edicin ... )'t'rllnn is ~ Ilng muu, aDd hn~e ~octored tor It De- "'.e ""armcl'.W"o 8 .~ee~ d. J. Be ,,111. n ,,"ell te s te.l anti fr 'I\lClIlly U' ·.d rem . ! for :vear~ an d got fer~ IItLle better, b nl ~eT _'-pe Po." of ••yl ... TIl.lalni .• ~. -I. he)UIIMd to Act .h"e .. ". It ••••• !!Ja,,_ • Pod..d,'·, ond tor l'Ilt'tt'l'h O1lb,- ,sl.onmch is ' thallk~ ·to YO." und your Per.unll nnil G_t a RaaaeD C'. X o1Jee. ...... eo ••• w"Iurpa ell. . ' . I ::'fallllhn J.b he" .1 om 'yell of ,I. J can ('My ~alll1't'b wn ~ principlllly 1, <nle~ ' 1·"t , ~n.\·l bllllr '~O~': n ud ,t ~oe.s~:t h~rl . While th~ larm.' ;r cuu UO lnllCh to 1 In my heai! Jlnd ... tnmacli. rtried many m"• •,"<1 Pet~-"a .!S Ihc on1) tblu o I e,eI re ady for the cropping lH'a"oU ot th ... remedies wiThollt "urcUs. I lri ~d se,.. f~lInd. tb:ot mil cure tlle cninrrb. lbe. "'AI doctorS, hut. lhey. were unabl" to he,-c It , IS t be ','111y cure for ",,!.:Irrh, regular croPs grQ,,·n . yet weather~'lIr rue. 1 ren(l of Perllna in t he pa- and I h~p .. c,.~r.l' one trouble" "'lthea. 6itioll s may be such t'hat. wO'(!l'euI JlI!J'lt and liTe tiottles cl1r~i:l me."Inl'J;lt Will try Perun'! and be cured."!DCI bods of seeding and' culture may Frank ruehle r. : . · 1•. O. ~[arble. . be requlnd, and cven vthu .crops b'a \,c The gastrle Jti,lee is' seerc.(cd by the J,f YOll ao not derjve promp~ and sat. !o b ,grown than thOl';C contemplated 1!llloou8 'tfO)ljcle'; of tbe !rtomacq. i8factory resit l t..~ from t hc·u se o(1'cru. early in I be season. The planning When' th s juice iit · normal It di~'e"ts na, write nt once to~. Bartman, gi,.. eren for such emerge!!ci... is a pan f~I.l\(llfes) the ·food .wHhbut produc· a full st-atcment of your case and of successful and 'Paying farming; fDg nny di"tllrba1!cB whate,·er. If, '!-ill be ple.ased to g,h 'e you his .-al.· The .".,.it<:r baa known , oud so h.BVe 1I0wner, the I;Ilsiilc juice is .Dnt nor- 'OUoble ad.vice gra tis. ollr r eadm kno,,;;, good farm lalld 1111\1, digeiltlqn ellu.cs mllny Ilis ab'Tec' able ,.ymp1amo'. This eO!li1 IIicm. I. . :o\ddress Dr. Hartm.a n, '(ll'csldent of wao intended for eOl'n to. be'1!er!mown -as l11dlgcstlon. ,1 'crun:i will The :a:"r tman SAnitarium. Columbu", 'to grow up to w~ed3 aJt su m,hi.. . Ohio, ' ~callSc a 'w~t sprjug pre\'cnted lJJe ' 'pla'll{~ug until too la t e to make what t he, owner t hought u,- proll.lable crop'of cOrn. PO$~ibli wheat wa. '0 ""J1 t be '-an~l ill the la U, 'butt 1r"~ so.m quick gro'vlng fomge crop .Anti been sown on this land. t h iK tarmer wo)t1d not all t lte folTowing winter hll.e been 80 .horl;.oo feed. Hen~ r cadiDell., menUs 'not OI\}y defillite plnll;8 .to be PUJ'Sued II ·1·"Q[lilitie,bs are _ faTorable; but ·
~ i. boW .... (J'Om the80a .... cojnl!lnn, bu~ the latest 1\'&.8 in 3 big demi· john.,1l " What did it ... ,.!n "The m....p in it·... id: '''" lia.,·e-j,u.tseen the..,.. ..r· .penL' ". -Pbiladdp!liA :rimeo. ~~{e"""g..
. - --<:>--
",Dea·. FooI._ll'aEE.
To. ca.. Get
SERGEANT IGETS A FRlGHT_ Itl. roUe-e • • • IDhJc.-.ertl • M_o a • ., I. .... T ..o •• J. P.I'O.· tra.e. wit. f"e ....
,!" •••
Policem~n are reputed 1(> be a br.~e. sA o( men, e&l,rcially Chi<:ngo·. pu· liceDIen. 'fbey nre not afrAid ot any· Ihing hu!"an. · ...ond i~ i . 1I0t ofte n tha~ uley are afraid of mice, but a t ioy IDouse ",neil (lne at the de"" ser· geants at the Et.. ~ Cb i"agp u~enue.'A· tlo o into • nen-oua fiC!nzy one nlgbt Illtely, ""y... Clhicago exchan·ge. 'f he !lerg'IID~ was 'Ittin.!!'_ hJ. desk ·\\'ben he ' f.lt, snmething wrlg. gling up hi. trou.era leg. lie kepI "'. work, but the .en.a~illn tinnily became ullbearable Bnd h" beg'!" DD in,·pslI. galion: F'eelioll (or tbe place wher be thought tbe're ~' ''11 a !lea or .ome· thing of, the 'dnd he diliConred to bia eons ter,nal.l,oll tba.t he. had B mouse IInder his clothing. Jumping from hi. 81.001, ho rllshed! o ut ol tlte r oom s hou·t· ing (or help.
'Write tCHI.'I' to ~I"'; S. Olmltid, Leroy, X'. y~ (ur a FREE IIIlmple d Allen'. Foot· Ease, a jlt!",der to,lIhake into J'our sb_, It cu ...... chilblains, "",catin);. damp•• ",ollen. Aching feet. It makes JScw or t;ght shoes euy. ... ~rtai n C\l'" for Com. and Bun· ions. A1ldruggi tundcoeator"..cll it. 25c,
The" Big Four Route"
Wluit lVlIl B""o_e or c;1tJ ... r None can' foresee the o"t""",. of tb. quar· r I bet,.een foreign poweno o'-er t,he divi· sion of China. It iM inLen:;<ting to watch (be goiDjJ to piece. 0( tru.. ancien t ba~ un· progreSlltT~ race. Manr JleQLllc in America ----®-are 1I.1lIO goiDII to pi&:ea beo"",. of ely.pepai3.t OOnstipaLIOD . blood, livt!' and rto'ma.eb c......... a • • are i.e e lreleo We nte H'';DjJ too r... t, bnt n~I thotll;ht you 1."11." the BroWDL 8trcn"tb "igor IUlJ .£'>09 health ean be: n>- Don't you li ve ;n tbe same lQuare? tain;.'! ii' "'e lteep 08 and cl1I'e the above du.· Sh_Y... but r.0~ we don't man ia e;,_ )lith l108Letter'. S\.omach Ditters. t he um. drc:••-Tit·Bili.
2.500 Miles of Superb Roadway
DeJJeate C::.U ••ea
At thu. point ill the r.ble the 3Ian m.... yeled greatly in that he bad no~ met lb. Microbe long' Blnee. "In what ~'Ui.ee b.'·.)"Oli traveled, pnoy!" 4Sxed tb.ll, n. "Why, (or the most.1l"rt in tbe \!UTI' \Fha didn't bOil the drinking ..-ater!" "'phed the ~li.,.obc. candidly. _ Of couroe. hygtellic •.cieo<\e was dttiliMoi to cluulle ~II thia.-lJelroit.Jol1l'naJ.
Cannot lake -U-U"" witbout injury. U ... Bouie'. Group CII'" for Whoopm~Co~h, Cro dPn upan elllnorua. A.P..Honi., ult 0.
LC a IlUIn "'ants 10 get m:ul be .. ill ahnJII Gnt! a.n opportunity.-W... hington (ta.) Oem I _ .
BulltIUld E!qaJpped latIN MoR Appro"cd Maaaer 01 'Modena lWI_y Coastructloil-
Tile - . . . . . . . " h« IUeroltte..
~aIl"a:r 5yltem
Ilm OlI . . P~o'.
Cur. for Conrumplion
A Wo .....' . Glor,-. ..vtd m)' life tbree y ..... a.l o.-:\l.... Tbo, . l'Ientiful bair is .. wamaD's III""', wbicb Robbi".. M.ple Strtel, . o.... icb. N . Y..
~n th_ who Illek it
• The Passenger TraJtI Servfc:e of tllo --~ lIU;'oi ht ",rotc: "Your lotion ba don. No maCl.er how ..-iee 3 JIl.,n ;. trl!re .~ "010 FOUR ROUTE" provides 200 UThere"s "a Inoue on my 1e~.~ 'he IlII )·ou 'promised in testoring my wile'a bair. people wbo think be is ." fool.-~tchi""n Passenger TralM per clay. requirln, yelled. "Get iltim out I Gel bim oUI ~ ~ ...bleb bad fall .." oa' ill ~ lPOU, through . Globe . . , lor tbelr (lJleraUoa SeTeral officers came to his a.S5ist· tbC! eliect o( ilIneM- All ~bJlO alfeeted Ple.,.a nl Wb~eiOm •• Spetdy. for eo\lib. ance. They f"und hi m in 1\ ot.. te of .~ould. Uie P81~r'. l..otioo.;' I n. eon ot!c>nenou. prostro\lon and had to lay tloo wlUI the Lotloi1, J.>a1mer •• Louon .Soap i, lhl.·, H ODOV ofllorebllund Bod Tar. 150 Passenger Locomotives ,be used to clea,! the bur, .. n~ It wd Pike', Tootb~cf,e Drop. Cure io oaeminut•• blm on " bencb before-the mou . e could IIhOtlld all tbe medicinal quaHhes of tbe Lotion a" . ..SO Passenger Can be. nmo'·ed. 'rhe 8nimal \vu dead ~eo a deligbtfpl ab,an!poo. 11 your ~rug. --®+-25 Parlor Cars ('.off...... and P'Jlitical. pri ncipl... abould bay. ,~ hen tbey fOUlld it. but tbe serl;'eagt lliat . obould . not bave It. ~d. to Solon .". . unable to ,.. ork for tbe re&.U&iDder PAl""",. 374 Pearl t~t. .'V ork , for &nod tr0.ode.· -'/ud.e.. 20 Dining and Cafe Cars ampleaof1'almer'o LotIOn andLobon s...p. :='::::-:-:==:::='::;::=~~~=:::== of Ibe ol&,ht. la addltJcm to .. hleb 5Ixty Pallmao ,,~. . tea T.er-e. UI. . TRADERS MA~ ADVERTISB, 1.Ie-Th er "')' lhe t'""'pmll,,'" in Florida .... V ••• _, "'1 Sleepers are In CoatJn_ Service b~ been abOu t 7~ aJI thl montb. . . - . . . .. . oa the "BlO FOUR" IIId Ita lbrou&b Lu• • oa. CU"" IJechle. lit Favor . ~he-J.CJ)·t that" :lIggnvatmg! To think • •" ". ._ or ..... E •• ""pda l... ", tbat-I.II (,), Ibould have It'mper:llU", like thot A~,~ "....",atItiIJ. CarUaes, CI1D
apJ>reetAi.e, Wben Ftb 17. 1900.
l1r A. l[' 'h:mnell "'lliIIiVl ng.t G.J""burg.
tbere whflre it'
T:r .....
8O ......nn
an1'11r.aJ' thllt t be,
doD't rnlly need it.-P"i1ad~lpIUa Preu. ----®--
On 0 recet>t SAtbj'doy dIe London AI .... ,.. ..-Io-D.I". ~oUUIY collodl ,vo_ b""wlI in 0 ca"" The P.-ger Ot!1l"rtment of the (jnion nll'.,.-ting Il(h'er~ing 111'n><. On \ioll. Paeillc lIy. lIu n...,nlly iIioued .. tW~Dt,. 'he 1~IIDh " of n houJ'e in "ell '1 ... eU:ht I'llIe booklet or " 'j'he O,'ULaruJ LimittPrs rond o hn,1 I!x'eo fin ed b ' th p"tty ...r" It .. a m4snitice'D t -vecimen of print-
m~ ";~ trnle (or alli. Ina 011 ad"t:rli b". .. ing ign 011 I be tront. wall ot hiOi premi3"". ·Th,.. ground ",f Ibe QIk gt'd oJTen' laid by lhe LundolJ COll llty coun ~jl "'0 tlta.\. the igo pro • jt'ded beyo nd the building line anll constituted n hreach of the .council"s: by' law • , 1'h" ""I;'. W.t8 "1'1'~"led. ~"d dl\rIng I he h enriu oC the ' npl)eal hy ~rl-. I{uli n.nu ~e",eo wn cnll.ed b,)' rrueJ;tion~ put 10 'oun I ror thl! [~t)udon COliulY coundl by one or Ihi'
th e 'll1Ul.Jo n \\'us roised by his lord b l r' 'b,,(h(! ~
poor lOan hung n hlrd ClIge Ollt" be eons Id winllow it. WOll I.. er"d a projeotion from Lhe building line. Agail) , the jlliJge thonght it migh~ be argued that n . eo"t·of-nrmll at· Us ed by 11 royal war-Mlnl-holder 011 Lhe front ·ot 1,1. building came 1Jnd~l' I he by·law I'''ga rding - projeetioc t<Flllgs hung ont on ga,I 0 d .. ~.• , lon. bl " . h •. Inrw.hip mert:il.r 5ub"BelIf.ed . m ig t "'" bonned in the lUIme .",a,y . Tbe COIlt'! eieclded that there hod ' l)eell 110 III' fringement of the building nct. and ,0
ifI" •
ing, ~ni tfe in til . hi&J!e$t degrff. "nd 'is embe1lieb.od. with ""WI of l be tr;I ;n mco' t ;oned lIoth interior and esterior, toge~ber .nth mllcb inform.tion rega rdin!; th"...,..·· , iee, and aim intereatinc poin", on the .route to California. 1 ron"'" one fw like IlUUjo; bi alf.ira in order .. ilb tbe least. pooo!bled lay and taJ.i ..,,~ lri p totlo.Gold. eg Gate. Th e eni oJl Pneifie "'... the pioIf"eer line Wen_rd and it i8 Dol lOll much to ""y that it hu tJ!,iulained t hc JlIet1tille I7bicb that fad Il"ve it . A trip to C.liiornl4 Cl""" be nioD]> cifi~ in ""nnection with the Chi .1tO 4. Northwestern and Southern 'Pacifie Syoknut ilt " deligbt at all times. I~' . 'rhere itf; aD irururau« comp"n,y In Paris thu ref"""" to i u.. pol ici.. Ott the lil'" vf people wbo UIIl! lu.ir dye. J1JIvinll dyed
If you 'are clangeJ'OU5Iy sick ..hat is WARREN J. LYNCH, W. P. DEPPe, the first duty of ,;rour physician? Be c=....... &. Tk<. Azt, AsoL C . P . & T . "quieta the nenOM system, he deadens CI~C1 .....n. 0 .. _~ . ._ __ the pain, and you sleep wcll l ID3 4Y lade dell Is Assam You oagbt· to kllmv that ",hen you or ears aD peII Q: ceased to be reguLar ID your courses. I W.::::"·''''-'~·:.,-::--~~: grow Irritable without. ' cause, and p8Iili s1e.cple86 Dig.b:t.s, t.here is aerions
A: N. KEU.0<I0 NEWSPAPER CO •• n; West SI, Claci ••• U. 0
Mi~.·' II.l pttl'iI ' Colo~ea Pe". Jo"aen. ~a t • • Jc . . i . 1l be ~ r cr . a Tbe ~USSIS!lIPp pension ro ar~ , bes~ f07 .cllool, home .nd office. It ""sll 110 •.be name .. oi a Dumber of negroes. lIIardban poor in!;. ,AJ"'aY$uk for Cu18'. When the le',;slatur6 ot ~U iss ippi . " ----®-passed a venallon law it pro"ided that I herc sltou ld be no distinctfon of race "He called b;. \'lIudevm. sketch . 'Tht Vaccination Mark.' U ·'Yes." .... I t dido ', or color ill !..he matter '11 pen.ion.. t:tke."-<'1exeland l!lain Dealer. but Ul8t negroes '}"ho ser.ell 88 nurses or 'ira o\hcl" capacities \Vltb the confell<:l'ate army Ilnd -'~ere _>\~l (h~ Km tucky bell.~cbeW' K is m. Cum • TbU iik. it. \\ ouna.ed whil.e. the. ,cM'lce .houli! ---:v.-. ... w ell as tb( heerfuln...,. i. lIte best promoter oi
" . --,\ilifi ",,",
be...... r ...
and delicl" ~ : )~ ftnvored . It is on ly Dtc:~ary , 0 bot w aler a nd ~ et B.W:l~- t'O ('001.
di~:JlO1 ve
Jpmon. ~tra,,-bt rt:\·~ ral)phi'r:ry ~ ItiI!3ch . wild clJt:rry and u nfl;1 ,·oH,{, ' ·I"IiJ( ... o ut "' f or ma.k ing "'; Il.e DUO coffee jellifi. AJ! g :-O{-er~
pro&- II"pli
il LES •••.
and ne"",.us IESIS mUon is &uTe to {oHm.... n.t .nd .....J.TlT~ YhOU oug~t to kllowbthdia~ i"ldigestion , tt;~~,~!,,;;~ o.z a llstrlO D" 'Wom_ sp acemen~ ••A.XA&'£.III,·'Trlbfainting. dizzin.e ss, headache. 3.D d I _ UII~b.UdlllC••; ' " Yore. baekoche send the Den-ea. wild with <I1frigbt, and you can DO~ sleep. Mrs. Hartley,of 221 W. Congress St., Chicago, whose portrait we pubJish"suffercd all these agonies, and was entirely cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's egetable Compound; her ease sbould be ... WBnling to others, =d - - A -.N --.-K-.- I! - -- - -- -l-=S-S- g- her ea.rry conriction to tbe mjnds . _...:."--.:"'-...:._ _ _ __ _ .of every Su1fering ....oman of the WIlE!( ,.....IT~C> TO ADVERT...... failing . eftlelentT of Lydia. E. Pinkham'" .'e __ ota&e ~ ttae ~ Vegetable ComWund. t.b1.o • • per, ,
til., .... __
.. Undigested. decaying food remnants, in the mouth and stomach, .giving off pestiferous gases. are the cause that aWful -breath. so~ repulSive - as to cause a halt in friendship, affection. love.-any form oLJntimacy. ~OboDdy, can sland, its overpowering ·stench. arid it Is a cause of terrible m'fsery to those ;afflicted and their dear Ones, Thercr Is omy. one way to cure it- disinfect the digestive canal with 'CASCARETS! Clean it out, keep it . ,<lean, let-CASCARETS stimulate the linlpg ofmouth 'and stomach. and put it in shape-to work naturally and · properly. Nothing bill ~TS will bring about the desired result. BE SURE YOU GET THEMI
F i1l \"Clni :
Bad Bre's th •••• .
to}JarkiiDg P re llared in a
minu t e.
olli f!ri.e{ more pDlpnl.- Rou ""u.
n ~UrIOD.
Burnham' Ha ,,- J . lI n·oo
605t dessrrt jb i~ (O!Nf and
dru~U1reIun'hDonc:;lr;traiJa tocure.~.
"~w1ll funlah duplicat.ea ot LlV £ S"rOC& all)' otller Cu, ROwa In . o,!)pe.otmeD Book • • ' or belo ... quoted prt:utor .3m •
COTS 01"
_ _
""'_ ....II4 ..hlr c:otuidered deud.-CiItCB' 'f .~'L _ Vaail~. ~ Ne. .. ~ Lots of men fool .......1' "" much Ume trying 10 gel bold of OOl1le rebUye', estate tha! theT ".eglecl wh:i,t liltle bu.in .... they han of the... own~\\ ubing\On (Ja..) Dem· oeral. --®+-j Tft -ape a Cold 1.11 O'De neT Talt .. r.... x,t iv.. l>,roll\o Quil,;ne Tabl.t ... AU
('oMOlation, ind"""'e<tl~ 1'1'Cf'5ed upou IlIO when ... are ~ering u.. ~er affli ction. ol'dered the DlOgist rn te"s d eci5ion 10 only IINYU 1-0 ir Cr"rA Ie our· p.."lin ll nd render bl' r<1<ersed.
--®---' ....a". "u.I
ena.-l)etrQit Free 1'1 _ .....
a. or lL
Enibalmer, ~ , COl'. Xalil. a nd " t a mJ SHoe1!!.
W A YNl!:SV I I.L E ',. ; : ;. O HIO . Has reoentl,Y. placed a .teleph one in' his office 80 that. be can be called aDV day . time, ... , or nigtlt by phon.e. . Gine Ooacb flll'Diebec1 free ot No e1rort~ 8pareci .~ •
, pleaBe my patrons a nd giWe. 'them the beat ,ror k tAil' OaD be done. . And YO_u will ~ri ng liP Ilt
Lo uisvill ~ _84.N flSh ville ..:J "1roatr, al Tam.., un. ! R ____ eo .. " " , .
/ U& O....T IIOtrrJI ....
Bicycle &pa.irmg a. Specitl1 fr o ---.~-
EGAL Cori)li~r Ueorge CIIrey, o~ Lelnu.-
lIr30 &YII,:.re:- M~. Diil and Mr. Me; Clung' w~1'I) enmined by- t he cor~' or. _ Mrs. 113aY80re bnd '1l~rd four
8CreQ.D s', 1~e 80unds seemi ng to come from t he np;utments of Mrs. McCiulJg" ,she enned to h er but received D O II08wer; shortly after she heard som8Qne coming down &ttUJ'II, whiCh (rom certain eharacteristics she believed to be Mr. J,fu. ,, Clung. Mr. DlU:s endcnc3 was n. Don't bl! FUUDY. corroboroUon at w bat Mrs. ' &y. " . ' sore h lld 1l1rendy testified. It dOM not pay. If· you have. a Th ' . 1 ' gOO4 tbing ~n. i~ right ont: D<!n't . e cor lmer luter hearlOg tho ev • D88 false mOllns to a ttmct nttentlon, deuce rondered t he follow ing 'l'or · e.cb.day. the 'LaId. " We I&Y "rili:ht out " and mean it dict: ..Aft.er viewing the body and . To little Mi. Neva 'BAywood be-We copy the above from the Lynn tDo"that· Dr. .Caldwell·s Syrnp P ep- hearing the evidence 1 find thut t.he - the honor of starting th~ (Ind.) Herald. !be. Price, it will will cure every CIUIe of S.tomllcih decen6lld ClIme to hel' death by .... e1 . -.ia+ Be . It wtlllltop nny JllIID cans- .,. our acmo . "v.em. \l8 rernernllered,..i8 a-relative of 'the kntlCkl! Sick up)n the heAd fl solDe OOl~iJlgl:'1 arrayed, u be.l}iied the ·Phillips. Clementlr"and 1Iason .!Ami· Tho cauee of instrument in the om hands ' ot w~ will mark an epoch in Ii" in this ' community, Il1Id ani! yon tn digest her .husbaJ~d. while 1Ilboring under yonng life. she, undet'theclirec· lOOth blrthdayoclebratiou IfisaAnll i!nr:f~, no 'matter what you eat. mcntalll\ibcre,tio:l ... ' mil Y" )(r . M:ct;lnug disclnimed aU Uon of Mr. McKibbon, pulled the PhillIps enjoved one year IIgo. ' 1ev8r.s on the switch board; and in " . knowledgE! of the crime. Hi:! testi· JI.umI!i,aiaOOnfenmce in Bal· allm.t.mtt.here&ShedforthmaDY Women as Well u Men Li teral), N u tlce. man y realtlybeing tbllt if be bud ~Oft', Hd., ~ appointa' . brlkht and bnlliant flames. ' Neva comwittlllll it be uia no~ know it. ........':"'011 1md 'deflne powen'of _s ~thout doubt ttie bappiestgirl Are Made MIserable by Dodd, Mead & Co., announce for One notl(:eoble fflct of tbe inqu t ~lt;wude~tbat,aIDOIIg ill the state that eT8Dirie. KJd . T bIe eai-Iy pnblican a n ovel by P r of. W. WllS 1hat he did not reaJly deny tho odaer &hiD... the commilliOll BhOIl1d ' 4 rrayed in overalls .and jumper, • Dey roU. H. Venable, of Ci nciDDllti:' It deals crinie. apPoInt and diamiaBal1 employeea, oU 'can in band biB Honor Mayt'r AIll'On -Burr's aUWlcioU8 Iir, ODd Mril. McClunl; \'rere, both a . . that ~ wotk doaein 'be eon urI_Me cer~ly looted ~ be the 11I(lheme "of founding an empire in very eccentnc. For ovpr thirty a~ 01 the JWOP9Ied .b edpJeued man in the United States UbIO·tiOutnlWBIllt , for tbe fnr th erance yCil.1'S . Mrs. McClung luld not lie ~.~ ~ voters ~ . . surveyec11101th a .feeling of in. of which the famous Blenner has..o(lt stepped foot ontaide her home; bnt t1ie cU7, OKCIPt !"SCli ~ .. J'.I). _tiaf4ction the oompleuonof . ,his wh :;le fortonD und in ilpite of tbl~t she is !!:lin to bavt:! qmr-t4oIInk!a1lmowJedaeanihkiU, ","ork 'w hleh hu been going on biBbenlltiful Mand hOIDo ' known by sight, almost overy ·M r. hi. entire administration, the Ollio Ibver . Prof~r ~en. son in Mason. Sbe would it by • WbiDIl_thelabOr may be em· JIII~ wWtOlit reqat.d..., pnecribed , wblch he h .. worlledlor with 10 bom is an acknowled~e.l, historical tbe hour Bnd look t-hr _ugh ber for tbe4JIdinuT'.da.,.labor Thill is ~8liY. There, too, aeya. 1f~~hUt;;! a uthority and in addition ill t hor· shutters at the pnssel'll hy. While • ~ ~ just rule and should be were the membem of our 'conncil, •' . ita teo oftea. If tile onahly acquainted wi th all tbllt por· bnsincsaJnt.eresU, of COurSO,fCTCed otilened inaU·l ocal worlJ; whereDae BDlilillgly happy, taking. ID1H - * tile II_ o r If. whell u.o .ebUd of too ~onnlry in which Mr. McClnng somewbat more inb> _ _ .. ---I ._ naebea &Il ace wbellHJtIaahould' be able 10 lICBIle 0f ·h . .IS .... ' - 'd ,arut th .... _ Ia borne b... &he tax·-y" a~_ p"'''_ n ..." m' '- exp'-'-'-g .......... ... .... WIe control tile ....,.. yet afflicted with • ellt ory . or e tOllch v';tll tho 'P;1bUc, yet h e \Vas ~ &lie IooalltT. ~ far .. we hue how it ".. accomplished, bocl-wetllDr, tIepoDd upon It. !be c&UH of is every reason to oxpec~ f [oru~ almO$t- as much or" n recluse as his biIID able ~, ot.aen-e, we beUMe~t . -hat __ "'e. to be do-a ' '!be d11f1..ulty .. kIdJoey trouble, aM lhe first n. ~ritel' olODg poet· 'f ' W ---,n.:. iland the . I " "- oJ .. .~ stop should be towards Ibe' trealtneat of \Vl e. · ... z·_ ..... OOUDOI I18vera . To the left on enteriJlg the power tIiIiioe ImportaDl otpas.- This unplo::sut teal and historlc..J line.s, ono of At the preliminary ll~ri.ng held aoaUMtora m thedUfenmtdepartstands a large upright ' IfOlibleladuelo adlMasedcondltlll1loftbe t be 'most attracti\"e worb of t h on Mon&~y, Mr, McClung ,vas -.-4.. ... ..h ...... t . d i'" ........ kIcIney., .Dd bladder aM l10t 10 a habit as No b t old ma "'hose . I . this W10 Ct." wa er, an ~ IS I§~ mOlt people suppose. . no u an n, .. bound ove:!' to the grune Jury on II&ft beaD 80 '. us . .too, /IS can be CeBti1led b,. the Women as wen .. ftIOII are made mJs. personal r eeoUecbo08 carry him the charl!:o of mlUlSwugter 'and ~j. .n riah&. People 1IOOl'e8 who'drank "to the of erable 'ItItb kidney &ad bladder trouble, back · hnlf Il hundred )'enrs 1lD<1 heltI for 11. bond of fivo thousaud tile - - . : 1 - or ....:..,. aDd bolh need th.. am .. peat remedy. _ ' }'......o the new aylu.m. " Th& water is"'" mU. ana thO Immecllatc ellect of . can do jnstice ' 10 suell a dollars 'i\,:bieh '\\'lI. prc,lUptly fur. Ian _til~ to whatever BlIghtly UDII8t&1ed at present, owing S~lloot lasoon reall%ocI. It Ia aold theme as lrlr. Venable hns . under. Dished by relatives. The grand Ialend ~ Ia · iD tlIeIn. True, to the fact that everything IS new :n~S':;'"Ia taken. This 'Work .will j>oMeSS pc- j ury "Wm llleet Ma,y 6tb. .~1IcIdq men, . . . nal~ are and jUBt starred mto operation; but atzes. YOII E cultar attractioD!! t o tbe people of .i+'vy as' ..,.... but itl8 jll8t ~ that ditBcnlty will800D be 'ov8!COlJle sample bottle by thil community, where he spent A 'TE!n'DWblY noM 01:D £SOLAND. DIem, .. a part 01 *he bod,. oorpor. the water will set&le j1lBt /IS it Iree..t:=~~~rudiDr his youth and t ried his " 'prent ice ''1 oonsider ("'blllUberlni u's Cough ~, that'tI1e7 be I\,ea ,.ohallce to dll8l in u ordinary oistern or well. of Ies1tzaolllal lalters hand~' at , tea.c hing. ' Remedy' the be ~ in the world for _m whatever of· ~ ~~y 1tiscol[ianclJOOd,andllllyoneneed. cwed. IDWlltIllCDr. ' KIJmer l)roucbi,,,s; sayl:t 'M1'. William ' Sa v· .,.ucl out ~orJt J,n their"Jine.; be- big good water rot drlnJtlJig JIDI1lOII- ~~~~; N. Y., be - - ~ 'TlB Buy to FMI Geed. 01'1. _of W'arriJlgtun, England. "U ~, Ie Ie pr88QIDlId locallaboren need h " .e nO hMttaney in beIin. _. Countless thotl9ADds have fonnd a ha.s 8Ilved my wile's li fe, she hav. Wi"ll put the moaey. pPd for this niDg.ita UB8. ble8lltng to· tJie body in D~ K iDg 's in~ been 11 mar tyr to bronchltill for into clroulatiOD through loOIIl Your New FIII'UGce. New Life ~> which p08i th'ely ';"Mneh., uid in thla wa,. it pta ,To'llI'. McKibbon, the able engin· coDltipation , sie1thendRchc, O'\"et' six ye:lrs, 'being' most of Ihe , JillJ!ldia:- Malaiia-. Fever Hme conftuod to b er lied. She is eel' who has 80 8uClOl!8llfu1I'" man IIIIok ~ the·au payl!ft, .nd thns _ . , ". " All wh? 'Will need a Farquhan and ague nnQIIIl liv.e r lind Rto~h Soid by L ouis ,... . . "'II~ theY. are nHIIIlbuned I!J.ed this important ~ng, 1& All·One·Piece Heamle911 Htee1 Belf- irouble<J. Purely Tllgetllble; never May. quitlll well." '. .... . . . 01' noh. lngJrovemen_. due Dae con.gratnlatl~1 of the . RettuJa~ FurnaCe are J'8qUBIlted gnpe or weaken. DIlly 2'Jc at 110m! detall ~iD, while iUs ~Uhataa much ClOIIIJIlunltt· Everynll of the 'to take-up the m!}Ject mth us now. Ma!'~ d.-ug itore. GUlranllled . ... poIIlbie the IIlOD8y for which our work baa ~ caref y attended to, We aball n;ake it worth your whUe. - -- -- Iowa Ia boDiIed, u ' well u Uaat . the suooeeaful terminatiou of The prtee of materiala ill rhriug rapAlte.r LII"Grj~pe-Wllat? Sila~J ....... taiaUOD,~dtallinto his efrorf;a ia iuct-J in Dae nature of idly. F.ulQUIlAR FuRlUO& Co., Usnall'y , ~ racking cough 'lnd a 14... ..o_d womeo or JOOd addr to r ellre' 11& 1O",e t o na ve l appol~lID11 a.aen ... Jaa:a4Ilofloc"Ia.bc_l'I,lIOOl~hi·JIIOban. ta1'( Wilmington, Ohio. ley'. general feeling of wealmelS. F otor Joe:aJ 'WtIrlJ: lookJilg a fter our1aterBoney and-.'l 'Iir. is guaranteed .. to; $tOO .lI>lary goaranteed ,... <11: e11ra to cure the "gripPe cough" ~OD.I and e.spellRli. rop ld advaoce· Joaeph Daris. make you strong and weD. ~ meot. 014 eat.abllabed boo~ Onutd chaDce
.. .
No. ooe fDOb10 Squ:u-c lo tbe town ~Ule, counts of Warren.
d.eill, no'tL4
A _ _ _. . . . .
for earnest
Son James and lfaiy Ann Ven· aole Davie, was bom September 21, I-Ulltll,, ·m tbilIstate and county. . Be united in marriage to1liartSamh february 26tlJ, 1~!, t~ threeohil~ ' 'BenjillDin A., Emerion: J. and all of whom wiDa their mll,tl!Ill' IUIIWLin to.moum· Ule l0a8~of , .. ~lh~,~I· -husband, who at 11:10
or woma n to secure pleat.
ut;.»"I'IIIane D1 P!"'ltlOIl.
liberal loco",e a04
tut llre. Ne"r, brlllJaD t JlAes. 'V':::ite ~L onc! STU.ORll PR RS<I,
23 Church St., <
New IIo.ven,Coun . MU.r20-t-~p20.
' W~ D--ACTlVE MAN OY GooD'CHAR' adei' to 4en"'!r.'ft~eouee" in Ob1o for old atab · llahoci lIIAIlufll$r~ wholeoaJe b.....e. 1000 a 7-, ""'" I"'l '.· 8011011' Y more t.hIID uper\"""" Je1;!ulred.· OIIir retereuoe, IUIY ~ ID IUIY l'!Di!lO!lC';IIllt,·.II4reIIIIedB",m pedeu v el.pe. DlKStmmI. T1:>l:d 1\oOr, 33' 'lear bo!'D st,
.,.., .
Wrtt.e. tor
(Jelu:ral P'uacnc-er Areal.
MARY WElARTON. PlaIDtUI. BL...Dr:IlSO ....t Vo,,",o. A<4mDeys.
FOlers Honey IID4 Tar /uRIS I~ lfIId stops tbe couJI}z.
""cry Iro~ of
laintive Bromo-Quiflioe T31>lc:to
tho ",,,,0Ib tl>!!t _
.. colel ...
R. J. WEMYSS, Gee"",,1 ]mmlrnUoD and lad •• trtal A..:oot
]"ou, '
Cents W ill Do.
' j 'W\)
It will bring relief to the snlfer!' from nsthtull or consnmplion, even tbe worst cases. This is a·b ont wbat
one dose of Foley'!! Honey Ilnd TnI' o1le d"7 cosio. Isn't it worth a trial. Louis
LOUll>VILLE, KY. Aad be ..III maO
W ha.t Tb i ....:=:nro la
L. M.
DHCrtpU,·c alane-r •.etc .~ 10
sto.t.e of 01110.
4etcndac.t. 15 requlrc:d to aO~1!T OD or ~fore lbe 4th da, of May. leO!. 0' ju<lg • • """'~ m,., be "'keD "pl""t him,
PlilCE LISTS of ~"" S a Dd F A1UIS In
K ..ntucky , Tennessee, Alaba ma. Mississipi and Florida. ,
rua v l·1VT
The Dayle" 8. Xenia Traction Ct. Bc:twee.a OaytoD, S pri:o& Vallcy and Bc.llbrook'.
Mo. , Uct, 2M, 1899. PEPSI'S SYRUP Co., Monticello, 111. GUTLEXEN :-1 hIIve used Syrul' Pepsin for some time and find il gi'\"es most euellent results and it j;. one of the greatest .;e11ing · prepara tions I have ~vcr CIIrried iD lltook. I uo not hesitate to recommend it Very Respectfnlly, DR. T . Jones. Bolt! bV Louis May. OsGOOD,
Leave Sprlnl VaUo, • i . ~O a.. m.. 11.301
Le3.Te Da.rton , 8. 00 a. m .
, ij. OO
1!! . 1.5
1 .30 p. • .0 0 8 ,30 g.OO
~ . 'j
p. m.
&. 1& ~
1 .i ' /0.16
Leate Bellbwolt 15. 0 0
1.'5 0. 45 1%,30 p. lLOO . 5.30
•• 00
10.30 , Lea.e Daylon .. 1a XcD.Ia Car .ad ellaDle at Be1uwnL.
, To ear bouse only.
The Piano-renting BeM:on baa cloeed and' w e have a. tremeudona stock of ptanoe wb1ch have been used- eome of them _ good as new, 8Jld s.J] in ftreto1aaa order. We .offer them at
a:-- .,. ...- un:d ....
tbe.ttcor4H1 plat 0: .a.td town... ··
on Sale }O
GEORGE E. WlJA'RTON, wb_ dea:oe .. \lIIknown . wUl tOlke noltoe. Lhal 011 the 0111 da y of )(an:h. IUO.I , aJa,,. Wh:lrtoD tllw lier pteL11JOD In tbeCommoo Plea!. ~.oun.. \9'atTt'n County. Ohio, io case No. DiOg. ar2m>t the ""t~ OcorKe E. WbarwB ana Olh · foftl named. tbereln. vraylng for ~ui tluD of Ih4 foUo,,"ajl O<'Scril>e<1 real eslale : "10 101
on W8.!I called nnd held an inq1Ieet.
A Prdctlcing Pbyslcan In !lou t:i.ccllo. llt., f.orm;1Jnfed Dr.
Caldwel1' TruP Pc ·n . A k !.ouis :MAY · ThO!!. W . Corter, of Ashbora , N. C., IUld ki<key trou blp and one bot. tie of FolEY,s Kidney Core clJecled R pcTfect cure. nnd he 611)" ther o is no remedy thut. will compare \\ith it. Louis May .
Dayton oftlce and waltlnl room. 14 . . .' Tbl£d Street, PhlW~ Be>...., B.Udl n, . The ronninr time between Daf10n aud Sprte r Valley" ODe bour and IH ...... min' otea. )ltILSSlDX tb.rou.Cb Belmot1l, Bea.,.er&O'W'1t, Bellbrook and lII."lrOetic SprlDII" llaytOD t o Sprinr ValleyJ8 m llerr, f~e ! k .. Do,ton w Bellbrook U miles. rare 20 cent. Special nlea to Souda,. Sc.b oots. Pl c nla audother O~lODS. upoQ .. ppllca~on. LlI;I:t freight Lad . .preso carried oa. all
e bas. B. u ox.
W e have not spo.oe to mention aD, but here are Some Averaae Specimens. n W L__ a $2 10 00 ... e ........ .. . . . . "" 8 S tecks . @ 165 00 5 Harva.rds '. . . . . @ 81 0 00 2 Ba.rva.ros @ 2 65 00 1
used} .
two eeaBOn.s 3 B. P. Klller . . . • @
230 00 It.'in tro u.bI os, cn~ , b urns. scalds and chafing quickly heal py tbe nse 4 Haynes & ·N. . . . . @ 118 PO of D&Witt 's Witch Ba.zcl ·nl\"e. It 8 Ballet & Davis . . @ 160 00 ill imitated. Be sure you get De. 6 Smith & Barne8. • @ :;no 00 Witt II. J. E. Janney. 9 Wh1takel'lJ • •••• @ 155 00 If troubfcd by a ,,,e..k digestion, 5 Eckere .. • • • • • @ 17000 ti 8 Steinwa.ya . • • • . @ 81000 · 10S8 0 f 'Rppetite, or 0008 . pation, try 1 Knabe . . . • • .• @ 27000 Ii few d~ of Cbnm berla in's Stom· ........ 8 !!en . .-. . -. . . . . . . @ 00000 aeh and L h'er Tablets. E\"ery bos :allv"'''''''''} -·_.... _.e • • .. . @ 866 00 wllrJ'ftnted . For Sale by Lonill May O~d9 , ....... Spring coughS fire specially dan- 8 ~,_ } • • • . @ guous and unless cored nt once,ser · new---... iOnE resul ts often fo.l low. One. Min. and ethers. ute Cougb Cure IlCts like Jllllgio. i ; Dot Il oOlUmon m.irlnr~ but is a THE JOHN CHURCH COMPANY. Wgh ......de reruedy . J. E . J a lJllev .. "E. _ _ "'I!Ia~ ... eur.JJUUlTL R unn ing 'Bores, nlceT!', boils, pim'l !!!!'!!!~'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!"'!!"!'!!!'!!!!"'!!"!~ plas. etc qllioklyenred by Bonner All lDI!:AL 8l1l1.11E1l TRIP. &he, -tbe most bealing snlve in the world. No other "jll8 as good. " 'TBll PAN·~ERICAN BUFi'A.LO LINE or· LOllis May.
The blood is constantly being pur.
ified by the ·lungs. liver and kid· neys. Keep these orgllnOj ill It hClllthy condition and the bowels regular Bnd yon will have no need of a blood purifier . For thlB pur· pose there is nothin g equal to Cham bor lnin's I:)tomncih and Liver Ta bleb!. one dosP of t hem will dOl y ou m ore good than a dOllar bottle of the best blood purifier. Price, 21ic. Samples free at May's drug s tore.
Kodol Cure s:pep~ia
'ml.es1ts ,w tiat you eat.
TIle P3n'A",eri""" Ext>oslUon a. Hullalo
trill be .. bll a.n.racltoo t o SD mm er tourists &he cmnlog R3JSOD Jt, opens at B QIf~o, Ne. Y ork, M.a.)' 1st . Tbe Pao-Amerlca D Ba1f~o
Lloe-Akron Routc-wlII be open"" liIay ~lb wi th tbrough pa.sseugcr.entcefroOl S t. LouIs,
Iodlanapolls. LoulavUle
Daylo o
and COlumbna .. Ia Akroo and. Cbautauqua La.'ke to Buffalo. T bis n~ w Uoe will U.ke p J.Uf!Dlers thr ougb to the PDo· Ammcaa Ezposition on excurSion ,\ Ickets wblch may be
obtained duriog the o.... on Througb pas' aenr--: r servloe r cttumlDg from Buffalo wIll aIIiO ~un Oall,.. llvlo, resldeols ot Ohio and IndhltJ'l. a coQ.Te nl eol route tor a t rip to IlQd from tile ExposI tioD Tlclt... maJ be obta lD' eel from ageats 01 t be PeDu,,'lvanla Line. 'hrot!l':b tbe gate" ..!s of 1D'd'all'.polla aod COl umb.... I n ad_dUloo. t o ucursloD tickets tD Butfa]o to~ t b e P D.n·Amencao. E.aposIUOD, tipeelal tara wtll be In rffcclov1aThe AtroD Rou l e to Cbn.uua<l!lD. Lake. hlagara FaUs. and to mao)' o f ~be famous Ii'UED.m er J't"sor lS in the Eaat: 10Cl udlollt -New York. via BuJ'falo. at wblch point 8top--Oyer p ,r tyUeges w Ul be: gTaDc.ed to see Ill. E>:JXlsltlon. A trip ""er lhIlI ro ute ...111 ,.an Ideal Bum mer ouUog j.uo&. Full Iia~cul ars olfou t t arM. cond1t1on. of ! top-over prlTlleges, retu r n Ilm1t aDd other df!tGj.J. m .., bci astertalDoo by communlcaLlntr ",Hit Ticket A"","o! the Pe DD!I)"Ivanlo Llo... o r byad<l1'Cioslng C, C. BAlMES, DIB'rIot P;u. A geDt, Da7~n, Oblo. 1m!
aen.•• r
a ... l ...... BalavlaJ IL_ MJI(or4 .n_
Loye)nnd 80.. LebaDOU .. h_
i1orroW' __ ••.
Flo Ancient ·,
OrecoD IL-~.~ ...
W a),DtWTUIe'1
l toxAD Da_. ..
IIp.l. . Vat~. " XeaJlL- ( W Ube,.r.,.",l
Gedaryl.ue ••• IM Selm _&....-•• ~._ .... B.Cba!Ieot.on .. LoDdoh._. __. ..
W. Jem.non ..
AlloD. _ ••_ Clel...._
P~Q;w. SJl~gSe . ~.
FRO~ •
.R. V. BARNR!\RT; THE SHOE MAN. , .I I!.," .pL10i;g b!lr.()rq ·~
w-g offers .
We puy Bnlary ~ of $1-5 , llel' w eek ~i>CDs'Os for man ,' mth rig In our P oWf-y Mixture . in the OOllntry. - Rustle~ _ WllotOO·. adll{eas with 8~mp 'ACMIo: Mi'G. CO., &at S t: L ouis , lU. .:Noth!ng ··but t11~ ' stalldaid I\, grI'p po cougJ;u; often oontinue for months nnd sometim es lead to ,Y'uienelJ: Yellow D ,!'n;YAfS and resul ts after the l)atient is s llp' t o h ave. passed ,Ole 'wmger Wliite Si1ve~ Skfn, producing F oley's·Honey an i! Tllr uf. ~~e' oDi()n~ Poo; ,l8ui' are .. positive protection IlnQ!;CCnri· ty from ,these conghs. Louis MAy. noteb~p 'at a~J.priee. :-' .
V-Oj;~ ~C}!E~'p DJI)''1'O~;
'1'I:ie'n~jxt-; two'w ~s
'(h(i!lt bi.trgl~lll:L Spl!alaf ones f Qr t he uex.r two weeks in Imt ; r. r.s, ,fiIi,n gsr II nd '. clothes. Whatever I ~y 1 do I do do.
most> nnru;oit:l, t'JIl'ing clQtl~
every dny '1\1;. ~his , store "day -wi~l be n typicul cloErung day:' ,.;rhei"e·s .a:general ikirmis.h· o,"ery da.y u,~d cfi'orts suen liS quly Il busine S of the mUlP}i tide 'With j ts unliuiitei1 inollities and outlet con pUf forth aTe utillzetl : to' make each day sJll1l!lss thb . sales in ' oorreSl)Oncli.D£! da yS: of : form er 'Years. NOI," tl~eJ) , ther sball 1.>0 11,0 exe ptiOn, lUlU it J'eIii_vIe stYli.sh mOll 'Il, bOY 'i! und crul(lreil's cloth~ lit ptloas in': crediby low (qnnlit;1 con i{teJ'oo) no 1:J'tl. h. ,All the clothing «e· l)JIl.·tmenti;cwlll b<l u.li ve -with buyers thenoit two \vee'ks lind . eSf':l bliahed .rccords. will be liter. li lly Emn~lw(l. into smitber ' D8. I Meo's )Snits begin at $5.00, $7.00 I nnc1l!:o uI!wll.rds to ,II} nn(l · ~l1i .. i ~. lougpants >;uits , tar t lit • :U,50, $1) an(l gOUl) to (;'1 and . . 12, and suits for th1Jttlc fel- i lo";\',,; nre os low 'o Ii. (\filla!' or "'0 Ilmi go nl) the." liM to i3, i~ , al1d $r.. Thero's n ·\.vJ ng of lit. ' , l.(llI t 25 to 40 r cent OU \. joy ! 'lllnr hqnght nt Ml).:e C{)l1!'D '". i Nice preeec.fl!·· t-o 1h<Y bi~ n,n'll f littlo \Joss. MODey i.uu:~ for the ; 2.sltin"'. i
" ' _} 4:r. and ~', W . '~!. Smith down 1T,o m ..Dayton last- Slllldl)Y
hn0l'11in",l\h'~ l:)mithre1!umi!ll~in
0"'; tm" ·~"lI. , , renmill~ for
"' . the weeli: ,;villi hel' Jitti-vcs . .. ¥'ou can-not enjoy perleCthellltll, 1'0 ¥ ch,~e~ lUl.d sparkling eyes Jf y.~tl.l' liver .. is slngg;gh n.nd )J\)wehl ujoglleil. W itC' H Erurl
. sys'f'8nl: , 'They J. E. JlUlDO-Y. ' . f.,(>'\'i Lukeu null V : M. BIl I'l:ke, of MaSsie toW Il hiD havo beeu W:u,'wn :;ranil 'j\lfO rlJY fhc,M y { rtll of oonrt; ' "lIIel B,~Slie, of MaS.<;i.c, o,nd .J.\ . Or W1llte, 9f'Wa.vne, ns ])Ctit •
_Us I\. 'VerY' ('3sy nlllttcr. to sell gcWfj chou}J. but to sell good· reliablo good§ Cheap. Tllnt's ilie tho · trick \-ery fe:w_ c.'n leun, The Biq!lStore of Moso Coban, bO\f rErl! hasflllly m ast er~ ~he urf," :ls' son will see if you tllka the t raublo t o com· )llJ ro bOws and prh!s . I ellrry 10 tim as,jlenv.v as~k IUS IIny il1lY • t.Jr o nDd I will forfeit II t hollSlUlU dollllrs to .any oharit.y If my Illet'chlliuliso isu 't beLtc-r ond cheaper . 13m nnnbJe to quote l'rJce..o;. R emem· bC'f my prices .alw:lYs f be low. t; qualities IIl\\,I1Y8 the l.ollSt i gcod" alwa ys excbanged ; mon , "Y nlway s refunded; truthflll Ildve.~~; courteou.'l trent· men$ to 1111. ' • 140 . Ii; co,mm, ThIrd Street, Doyton.
Highest Market Price . For .•• Ga,ttZeJ ltogs J Sheep , ~.
and (SaZ'Osso F. A. HOFFMAN,
Arnold Honse, CORWIN, omo.
..\1) About. Towll and It.; P eople. IUearts aud .Fortu~-.. V.lled. j,lilOl'fI. Mark F owers, who \VIIS reooutly Dr P . R. M;ld~en ' practice Iimi~ N 'D .. , . d t 11 0, Ul1rn"",r t 003 no sa an yC L AGKTT-LUIIIlIIiI. Peut' $0 the peu it~tiary for two cd to eye, e~U', )lose and thront- dis(1.. b t h . " and ')i~!;l tbe o~Leni, arc'v ery ......n g u ¥ . 0f;S. Lost W .... __ .... y, April 10, 1""'1, yeo.rs!or 11 sisting his father and oose • lOit;Scs IICcnrut ly ·adjm>fed. I ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:~~~!!!!!!!!"~~~ " \IUD......... .v njcean.i.I\D~~. , Ve'ry d~ BELOW YOU WILL. FIHD,,,,,A Allell lJuil(lin", Xen.i,u., Ohio. 'j'ole. l : For Sal e-GentlP.tDlIn 's " Crescent WIlS a beantiful day and in happy PO'rIAL LlST 'of OUR SEED~ • . ( 'nU, ...... in escaping from the Wane,:! Wn-y uc. T(/WRllh ip D (o.tccth 'c bicycle, i n ftr8t elass oyder ; cheap. ILCCOrd With an nnticipated event fun lirable for .e&tinjf connty jail, and about whom much phone~ oOiCl'l, K o. 7'2 i resi d ence, ffi ta2 I1m1 Prlltcc:tl\'c Assoeilltlon. [nqllire at t,his a ceo 4 of promise for II bright future ,for N o. s,t. .... lively con u '()versy hiLs ,,!\.ss~ J;eiog. MOSE COH~ ·. Louis May, t he druggist., bas 0. Dr. Philip Dunbar Clap:ett and his Am~rioall Wonder, Vine 'S in. tween the Lelmnon pn.perll, Ims been P uilip 8."ilklnil has ~It:a)'ed tIte NAmes of persons w110 have paid fine line of wall paper and paints, chosen bride. .Miss Mary ' Kariha. TUruO STREET, D.\.Sro..\*'. ~ pardoned by ' the Governor and reo NO~ FOR THE PBICB. ' Little GelD .. ... ..... _._ " 15 ,. bi 11 e ll' and trimmed SQlUC of tbeir ~ ' 'mell ts nnd n.re entitled Rnd at Prices thllt will.surprise YOD. elder d aughter of Mr. /lDd .M.rI. Levi 'lhe Dig storo with 1ho 1 rnb ICIUied 1r om prison : t he tr CS, OI~ bi>! r ecently p'lrC'b n ~ C ( III~pioo of Eng ...... : ,. 4 ft . i Litt-l .. Prj . . . to m mLers1Hp intbe Wo;rne ·To \l'1l · Early Obio, '1'- bu. ' 90 to"1. '. ... ........ _---...._. .... .... .....--.. ....-. Fifth -il t;-e.~t. IIroperty, nnd \..-0 un· Cures dizzy spells, hred f eeling, S. Lukens of Maplewood Farm. . Thnrs&y of last week litiS!! Isa. Marrow.fat, ._ .... .. .. .. " .. " ' '5 " s hip Detccti ve an(l Prot.ooth' e Asso. sto!Dllch, kidney IUId liver tronbles. near Harveysburg. It was their II .Rose, ' " .~ 700" .' SOc del t UtI wilJ er at n ~ 11 CQltllge bella BroWn entertained lit u. mg !'!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tian; Keep yon well all summe.r . Rocky wedding day, und!lt 7 o 'clock p. m. '" IJ'. "c.'. •••••• ;' ....... 1IJ\J'Cl ~,,Wh··cn tbe gr, ~I ad, , 1..., Sta carpet s....wing hac . .Thg ludieS 'l\'110 ,A. iUuffiL W m . n etDllie'k, Mountltln Tea t.lketl; thiS month. t the baa tif I b t tbe bride • II n nome a . ' BI&ck \Vax, ........., .: ... Bunch. did good' selTi l or Mi Brown Cbi~o Market., ' 65e to 700 In-. ,P . n. Wevl'r I"'ft to\.l ny for J ohn r: tolliek, :e. L . Raw 1lillk. 350. Aak yonr druggISt. tl . in the presence of forty gu8llta,. the Golden 'VilX,................. ., Tile. w01JIen oi t1Ji5 t.o",n and to\Yn~ 1l1'""uville f.~ ,,/ end :llneclillg of th nobcl't Sbidaker, Gao. D:lugherty lind enjoyed. her cle"'aflt dinner. Wnnt~ . A YOllug, gen e carr~go young convle tocll: upon themaelves . \V ~ think !.h,eprice 01 seed wero ,Mr~. Liy.z1ePl\(lker ~~, Annn ship :~ ro ber by reql1c3t«l to I!leet MedwlIl t:Io!:iety of TooD.eS3ec. ~P BlIl'pee' s Bllsb Lima. _-' e tbem 'one. .01' • Hurry Mu fin Y. bOrBe. sUltl1ble for o. woman to drIve. th e vows' that m .... pota~~ ,ja ~t the. bottom and Euly Valentine, . .. .... .. .. . Ie O'Neilll, Miss Naoma J onney, ML"S at tbe to\'\' l1lp hOll~e wlllorro,,', D'c _1' is pb imi llg to st It 'l Harrl· J . B . Grabl.LlJl. Mnst bc lI.&:'ood t~vel er. Cheapfor lile . The ceremony Wall pe,tormed Sa.rah Brown and 'Misa Belle TbnrS(ttly . ov~ni n g lit '7 o 'cl ne'!; to t r\l1lJ Ilnt!' 110 nu ru 11:'1' of a b ~r llOi u t , may he witbdrawn w.itltout noStringl8lJS, ~reen Pod, ~ " Dan Rockett, ~h . Call at·thiS office. by Plof. J . B. Wright. ll. G., of __ or ' lHliwond take mea8ures towaril o! jnt~ 1110" 3-, tbo lino -D or Jonos Jl1nne" ~r ., Eli Buruet t. O'NelllL Large W4jte Liw:l ......... 'Pole. • 'Ha ve you nny doubts r emoinWilmingt-on CoIl8lre. The attend tice. ' B~~ ~ore tlley gC! up. toll to the ming of .w Iii . Lodg e. (TeJ~u.) Et terpriw. E. D. 'Rob r ll!, Frnnk Packcr. ing?" said M-I's. J OnC8. "No, Ma.. ants were Mr. Mal~m Bi_1..- and Mrs . J ohn . Wright some dtt 1 hllye ne t. I took Hooky. . - .......... ky "a" n~ Jnto tJUs to ....· ll ani! viciu· Walter Bnrneft nnda. "1 ]1:Id pilr& fi') b~ d 1 ctmlrt gvt no .T. E. Jnnn ::, ugo wen t to Mol'TOW where sh· Mountllin Tea lnst ni~ht. I t will Miss Mary Tibbals. The ceremony ity ouil deli ,"l'riJl!; wlii~),.J in t! fi· t'eit. n or 11n a cure llUW ,l' rn <1 De., ffenTy ProteI'. .S. D. EveTly, r fluom uny impnre fuongllts in t be was solemn but simple iD aoooi'd, Pholle 20 . W ~yn rs \'iIIe, O. htlr brat,her, F rallk WiUul!!lSon,"'bo (lnoo of public" lltim,e nt.. All \rq,. \n/t's '\ 'i t .b U li'l .. ) e. Aft~r 'Phone ~: W,,):nesvll,le, O. J 05l.')1h H. Hisey hnman flllDily. Owc.m Barne tt, was ' on ill;. way !rum Oly:n]Ji:\, < 350. Ask YOl1r anoo with the nnostentatJotll! CUllusing I t O1lCC J rorg t I ' c \"cz had Frank hidu trer , drnggist. Wushingtou , tQ New Y rl>', wbere Rlcn who ore iot erest.ed in ket<ping IlUyt1Jllj! j, k~ 1'110'. "-'E. '. Boico. .J oel MIl.!!(!f', , tom of the Society of Friends. The h e was to m oot ,toeu rep "eilCnting /I, temptation fr om f ll boys ftlld nro ill Po·n t. ,T. . Lo<jk o nt f l' Wm , Cornell , P. II, 'Surt(lce, Mr. J. C. DOOM, of X enin. is here groom , ayoungmun, tall and of lipe of pure J]o.oo;; lint! nves lHC jon ~. 'ne !'n1'e y ou k (or Thllll ZhmneTUlrm, Jas. O . Sale, sypdieato iilt.er~t:89 in IUTl\ ller IIJlCC· superinteniling the mar ble finishing physique, appeared Rt his besUn a l's[iected ' be llTesen t_ D Witt'l$. J : E . JitllU(I!-. (7. E . Ra.ulllU,· S . • 1):) ri~, ulations at Monilll, wbere Ur. W il· lu the bunk building. In [l few well fitting snit of black, while ihe l1ASlI ¥ oTm:n . Mis! M.lIy WTIi;ht 0 IPr t; ilIOO. in F , oM. B a tll.1 \\'" y . 'V. O . Grnh.1D1, IluYll be "ill still f&r ther I1dcl to the bride. a t. his, side appeared. the per lmUl.,;on will 'T'roUD.uly go so Il t 1,Ier III nnJ b lll'PY !! ,)'1(' . rOOn da y .1. ·l·. Ellh<. (,.'1 . SmitIJ, tu.ke parL in t,bis llrpSj:eativc busi· rn..'l.uty ot 1:>. D . E \-el'ly's home by Bonification of girlillh illDOC8Jloo, J olln H, en ' liey ,",ccul illg ~me beuutiful stone work ...ttired in 0 tasteCnlly mllde maize C\ 'f.'l1ln g of Itl st 'i\"t'&, 0. limited DU1!l · Willia ru lIn y , neas. Mt)rl'is Cornell. JXor of y onn .. pccl-l,l iJl bonor of ?W. Yon will W11Sf,O timo if YOll t ry tn colored popLin d resl!, trunmed in ' P enitentiar y -NO\~5 : The mos.t al~ G<:l ro C. It. F unst-ch for d er .Etl 'inl1. D<ll du . b o l,'l'l'ilU.l t1ppr d · O. J. Edwards, cnre indigestion or dyspepsis by delicate narrow pink velvet rihoon nome for the penil:ialtln!'y seed. Alien. hutts . a tC<1 the OIC t;i®. t be pl l3.l1'~ro ot sto.rvinl! yourself. T bllt only ond wbit~ silk buttons" the whole woulll ' be the Ohio Inel.nute lI s)'!""hi,,·" wns- {rrpn fly enW!M by' tllll N . H . EiuY'\'-o 1, ll1:Jlre-s it wOJ'!'e when yot) it o e,h relieved by a, front of rich whi$e G'IovE'r blli, ro;l (IT or 'sf.rtlw l nm . Crime mCllns u.lcoholislll, nut1 bcnrtily. You IIlwRYs 1Iccd plenty . . .' fl. A. Cornell , ]I~nroof her Ih ~COll ins, lId.iliSE8 of /!M<1 food properl y dIgested. Ko· corded sdk, nnd carned.1Il .her ~nd, tho eli:ceptions 'prove the rnle. sal. N wton L. BunDell. I- ~ tl C ffatfieJd, OvUM Hawke, Dcr otby IInu Catha. Cil Grain }?Iow ,Jill DJ'l'])Cpsio Core i" the rcsnJ ~ of as well as d ,d th e bnde s maId, a '.fher nro bnt few .C'rilninr.3s uC't rine D-.lk:n. . G I;ulmtln Elk" ~'ea rs o f r csPllreh for somethm ~ flowe r bouquetef lilies.of,the·val1ey. Bt.rnhllr t ·!< . •'.. . ~ ". m!ldo !ttI.ch hI: nleohol. cUlle r c:iUlX't. Sy h ·. Hartsock, t bat wouhl d ;gcst not Qn ly. s ome cl· E very detail was in good taste but Cdr lL!lJlIl g • /I oat ly of induootly. Of 6.000: borni. cments of food bu t every kind. Aud . . C. V . ~{;I _ on, WID. Jo,,1cs, .r.3 . citles in the United · Stntcs. J our. Inq wr or •atllll n J ones• . it is the on e remedy t hat will do it. Wl tbout ostentatIon. and when the S, B. Ellis. W . S. BlU'tsock, J. E. Janney. Di vine bles!ling hod been asked upon fifths were commi tted by ilien ;1<]Tuken titi montl! .l!eeps ou W U W. A. Morris, C4.r1 Wilhelm. dicted t o nlcuhl)lie stim,n lau ts. aU sumrner . Gre t t ·rnn;;. tooie Messrs. Levi Lukens and Fronk the newly made husband and wite F . C. TllienClnnu. Stl'phen Burnett Th e fi~'es speak fOr fhemsuivQS eVE' r' kno:xn. ..Rook v Mouofmn Shhlnker, of HI\ r\' eysburR, started the gr~m pl'ondl~ !ed his interestJ . S. T homp on, E. R. Baily. 'hadc by Mu.!lison MC\Jicinc 90. without comment. rd ay mornmg ' for Chc" en ue mg bride to the tllDlDg ,room where _ t . 0:; e J ' • Ask your d'ru ggi. t. JD . H ougil, ehas. Hartsock. ·w yom mg. . on o VlSl ' 't to t he'lr sons. an• elegu nt refreshment table, fur'r . . ·'lll.llve been troubled \\ith ibui. Chru , >:11'5, B. p , Keys. Dr: :A1cXnDJ!cr will not. be nere 'fhey will be occoDlJlD.llieU on their nlShed by 0. WII.mngt-on cat?z:er , gesiion for ten, years, ' havo tried Nathan J ones. ju t ... 011 • t1't.y out of ell 'li month, wany- tillnge ond spent . luuch rctum by Mr. ohida ker s son ; Ilnd , greeted the e:r:es of the admlnng mODey toO no purpose uutil ·1 trIed bu:t i bere <;,'ery dll;:'!'I'IlUY .t o test if circnmstances seem t o j ustify , g uests who e?liv~ned the renst by ' • Kodlll Dyspepsilt OUi-E!, I hovo il1ken your eyes for. gins... P u bli· 'alt:S.. froe nUll MT. Luken's s on. who. is in very cheerful conversation. 'two boWes and g:ott n more relief where he iin be fonnd willin;1; and t.urilay Allril ~7 , at I 0 'clook, pOor bca1th mlly olso ret nm witb This was an occasion at genuine from t b em tll;ln ull o~h e l' mcdirinas ready 1'0 supP6rthis .gnllmntec . joy, all tbeeiroumstanOOil uniting in I feel m ore like Ii boy iJIl1n 11. lll . Ilt tbe Inte residence of Auua. thE'm. . Mr. J.Y. CoOli~J)entadlLyor t wo f('It in twenty years. " An 11 promise of fut ure happiness for E. Brn-nlmrt, decea.sect. it! Corwin, IN' ....'.... Bi ..g o! Sunny ulUe, T ex. l'f'CCl1tly ill Xenia t 4a {,'lleSb ~f his Th e Rev , B. F. Zell ha ving dIS- the yonng couple. 'Dr. Clagetl 1M Ii Ohio, Williom T. 'B.1rnbll1't a dminis· '1 h oo!i/JW have .tc.'1tified a did Mr old neil;;,b bors • .T. C_ McRay. und 110 ed of his Glen PilUle r esidence t.o nlltive of Mont.gomel Y county, Md .• trator will olIer for S/ile ut auction Ri ggi!. J.~. J a~eY. ftlD1 il \", &'nciT-eports tbem ,illllll'O,'i n" a. lorK lot of h ousehold and kitcben J ames Shnt;" mil, within this who came to Wa ynesville a1ittle'''Wbat a ~..,onl1er fu1 cUfTel'enco in h~.1it h Ii u<l -happlly s!tn:I ted in 1'urnirul'c, too nnuierons,t-o mentlen lllonth 83:chll nge r esidenceEi wi th over four years ago, and hru! by'an there is ill ,one IDa n 's p,e rsona.l m ilg' their hand..'Jllle Dew ·h ome. " Mr. Shute, und open u. ren l estate upright and manl, OO\lJ'll6 won the Saturday. April 90, T, W. Hn v n'...." officc in the room above Mr. Fun· respect of the entire communii,-, netism over peopleeof dilfofent com · muDities " sai(l 0. lady i.n .tIlC Writ;Will .ell IItjJUb lie sale at rus resi· k ey 's d ry goods s tore Mr. ZElll a od by fai thful and efficient attenpresence, r eceiJUy: " I ha vl'ln denee ,on Ma,p le street in Harvays- will also conduct 0 , rabbitry in tion to the dnties of his profeesioJ.l, - uind Rev. Hllinil w u's piti<l ece.'1sor. burg. his househcld goods. sih-el'- which h e ",ill handle the finest worked into() 0. lucrative prac$ioo. &v. Maddox. "Ho is on able- man Soldo begin ut of iwparted Belgian bares. The lady be has wed is the daaght6l' Who does not remember R obert of prominent oud highly ~ auctioneers. Eu ~ le ru: d his wife ond tJ:.e little p.'lren~, and hns spent the whole of Tb.I:.l'Sda-y... April 25, beginn ing at bovs. A recent n ote f rom Mrs. her girlhood in this oommnnity ba1 o'cloc~ ,sharp, O. M. Ridge w ill En-gle, n ow Mason , locates her Ilt 10veG and esteemed by 0]1 whC? know , sell 1\ t h i!< residence on Tbjrd st,r-ee~, Manlmtt,an, Kansas. The family her. WoynesviUo, nIl of h.is household r elations no i!oubt knew, but lllllny Dr. find Mrs. Clagett' will be at I "" ' ' ' ' ' " . c(j~tstin g of cnrpets, stoyel!, old friends Dlay n ot M ,v e J.."'DOWU home to their friends after April 2. cOll ~I,C!J" 1,Ied · and . bedding, 'lmby wbere 'she W /lS. Mrs. Mason \vill in 0. haudsome Anite of rooms in the buggy, {;flrden tools, &C:. f rom now all. be II. render of 1-h e Nn tionall:lank bwlding, where the C. T: Htnd:e. imctioneer, GllZct tC. Gazette joins a h ost of friends in Prof. Rnd ,Mrs . J. A. Brown h ud \nShing tbNll' all the bliss enoircled the pleast1l'8 of entertaining Mrs. in the weddmg rin,. . Brown'!! parents, Mr. aud Mrs. A large. number of friend~ eviBesides the twent;y. seven .arc Minto.oT Xenia, from Tue!'.da,y af. d enced t heIr perdonnlmterest.ln the on tbestreets, qultf, u n umber temooo-until Thursdn,y of last week yonng couple by the ~!&tlOD of bnsi.n,es~l hctDs,(!S a r e supplied Wednesday was tile fi£tV',fi.rst maT- elegaut and useful bru1al g1fte. h~llliI' nd~ c:ent.si i\nd in.e. Bhort time riage: o.nlli versnlY of this ll¥ppy ti.~ Umll(l1'6fpr~ v·lIter!!SidenooS conple, and the 60th anni, er !!ary of He Ke»t bia Lelr. wil1-: ~, ~l}i ·pad ~i,lli -he' bright Minto's bi r th It is very sel- I T wc!ve YflIIr;>-ngo .r . ~. ~n1li~, and-baridtifriT :tigbt. · dom tbllt tw o lIuch chltl'S oni nf'i up. o f RI~rtf"nl. CnOD. "'C.rafc led ~18 . ~ . . I d f ·Wl '7" lt n r l l..... I ·.· .... · 1·' I I1 ~ i\ nH hOD -!1eS.'\TS. nn~ the double even t WIUI pnJI)~·erl. .,:11 -<;1\ ., ,Ii ,,, .... . il!_ "". iu. For to ilf; f ullest ~t ent. •.., year: hI' ~1t:."I're im"-'ll" ...ly. T'ne hen viest.fin:mcilll ·trnn!'nction l 1t"11 tlw 1.1 .,. d ,,, ·tr.", ,:u'g 1 Jll pU.' ., . . t.utlon, •' b ur.',' , h.' Wl'lttl:'; " 1 used tbnl;has biken plo ce ill 0. long tlmc i . e hotu~ of .Elod.l'lc BW;er8 and ' ~IlS ,begnn on Monday nnd' com' l l ,y , boxes of Buckl.m '!I Arui~ Salve ple ted Tuesday; it consisted in the l ~n!l I~,Y leg was I'?und IWd. Well l1li r emoval of' the lBrge bank snfe ever. For e~ptions, ecze1Oa, 1'et. ' " .. ' ter, &/lIt rheum, sores and an blood f rom the old , bIInk- b~llding. lI.CJ'~s disorderos. ' EI"cf;rie B1tter8 baa no the st.rent RJ,d ~~ ltS quart~rs l~ rival OD' earth. Try them. Iio'!iis ne w bnildlng. Mr. Owell9 ~a rMay will gtl!lrantee IIIltlafactlon o~ , of the work, ondl~fnnd monev. Only 50 cents; httd aU 'th,e -ii.SSistllnCO lequired; but- ., . . • . ' the l!~ lll.]o..r~ and )Jeavy .Ilnd ~he " CORWIN. I Plrog~!S very slow .indeed. '. -- . . I~J[leQtat;ol;lr,g1N-!I',e~l!C.l from aU quart: !olr. and Mrtl. H. a. Booth :. n t 0l'S, and. mariifestea BJ'8I\tor ,last' Friday with Lebanon frleoo.. ' ti~$ in~atpIl;l1?-gt~e slow pr~1 F. A. Halfman, tbe.~r. of . tho' j ob thllP ~ one. would· thinJc stock' buyer. with beadqur.nen as pel>.p1e"ilt thi$- .h-u~¢ • , \ be Arnold Honl8, !!1l!II1tlll8t Smiday:. IIt llis hinne ~ .~ ,
Ooe ol.~e'I.~}~ari.etie.
O~ Price, t O~ pel' qt. ..
f ARR 11. WHITE.
a beautiful N· eirer liave' 'we ' had , ',stock of W · ' ashUb' rlCS. ,All new weave!' and' never shown ·b,efore.
-t&o;Jl8.Dll1;'lI!!Sin~!8 ''Ih.llsodn '
To the afflicted. CUI'"
--<!>-'If. 44 ........e. He lboldIY)~Do you think tWII can Ii".. 110 eheap y u ope? " . ' Sbe , (bIWlhing)--Y",,; 1 do. l'lAt'. not bcK:o.Di.e one., tben."-Yonketa d\J;.polled. :people are. II.pt to mJSU.K.,S · of tlilS Kind. Mrs. If-I,J()"o,eo, wben .obe receivu her In";latio'n frem Mrs.. Tipton ,to ,dln,n er, Awu~,·~~d~:~DmElAil~~~p~lUu is nat:uralJy Yery mucb plea..,\!, but is Dot by ",n1: weans delight.d wben deTeloping ill her sy:~m. .he lind. to· 'meet ller only ber old· and story.liut not mends, . Mrs. Obtiolete ond Mrs. OldShe holds back something, IOSllS her head, becomes agitime. v.berea8 If t he SmnrlJi and the ~' l ~.at 'IfI!e' Wimt8 to say, ' and :finatry coll~als New8iec\r.s bad been of ·the company what: 8Jle ought to-na.ve:told, and thiS completely, myatitlea sbe weuld haye felt flattered. the doc~r. . > Tbose who Il~ blessed witb an 18 a wonder, therefore, that the doctor fails to the Illinudanee of thIs )""odd'. good .. often do Dot make suffident ollo'.-anco for ' till we callDOt blame the woman, for it is very.emtheir "thin _ .kinned" fte'luaiollluceg - toilet",j,lrsQme ·of the symptoms of het suffering, aDd friends upo,n .w hom Fortune has evell &a er famay physiCian, This Is the :reason why not be.towed h .. r 1ft vot'S, JLnd who. hI........~M;..tIJl4MI8II~ll8"of, women·are now in eorrealtllollgb' t,b"y may t-e unduly 6~n.i B~d~,Jlce, '!jlth,.~. ~~nll:ba~, a~ Lynn,. MlI:sso To ti~e, s bould on that accoun t be tTeat· Wr they c6.11 gLve' every s-ymptom, so that. when she 18 l'eady ed either with the greatest tact and to advise them she is in possession of more facts from her eor.Bide ration or; if thnt Involves too correspondence with the . patient than the physician can much, let entirely alone. A s lUy In-
poeaibly ob~ ~ough a persona~ interview. Following we pubUsh B; letter ,from a 'woman showing the r,lS,uU of ,8., oorrespondence with Mrs. Pinkham. All Buch lett,," 8l:6 eonsidered absolutely. confidential by lI:nk PiAkliam, and are nover pub fished in any way or · ~ne'" ~tIiouf tbe oonsent. in, writing of the pati'1nt; but hundreije bfwomen are 110 grateful for the healtli which Mrs. Pinkham and.hel' medicine have been able to.restore to them that. .th?i ' not 'AMy consent to puhlishingtheir letters" bus ute; as : g ·that ~this be done in o~der tha~ other "women w~p , er ~y; be benefited by thell' expe~lence.
' WARD fl·"E
t htH! n suut h ,'If"ver at w..rling l'S~:lys,
O(U.imf's; he tUI"IH ' !I his :aliili1y ttl d","count hy IlI'n\'ieling at ~taled rBtes colle"'(' (":;5 :1.\".5. ror hHl~ e-it h e l' too lazy 01' du1l to e\'o lnt t h"~l' ot Ilteil' own romp o,"it itl1l .• Hilt while t h e :Iroresn.id , ' 011 1 h was n weight of s-rf'at lc:o.rn. illg I:H!k~t1 a ('C'rl~in ~h r"\\'(ln~s~ in nft"~Ir.. to.n.r~ th e t"hll' ;l g O f"hrollicle. One day II f:-i(! nd 1.0 hill! c1i~tl·("S~ • .I'otl.ring I hilt of Idm " 'as re'" (nllrr,) \\' ,I 1.ln 24 hout's un ,: s:my on a
·Ca rte_r's ,
II !w
. p Pills.! .Le. Littl e IVe· '. ' I - I . Must Bear Signature of ...
~ ~ ~" ~ ~Z£.
in snre
Beware of
SPRING AND SUlOlER STYLES. DI.ek ...... "' ..... e. to Be .... "'-•• Wile. the h . . .e. 00041_ Co_e •••
nncf rlfll i s hrd rl ictinll in nil h ou r !. ' time. 'J1lis h e tll rnf"d (lVer ,to I he
fl'lt"IHI, who proOl p tly paid over the
t hree ~imol("t)ns. '1 he n the InU e r dis· p al t.,' he,l the l1I ac1r-while-y oll-lvnit e s ... Sit)' to n fri("l1(l 0 ·( hil't in n distA li t lllliTcr~i Iy t own, \o\'ltO wa s 'f he ft'n'l person o f wh om th is ll::rrtic ll la r th o:."'s if. Wus l'equiJ'l.~'1. I n :1cC"nrtiallce with an n l'uugt'l.nf'nl
1~::'::~:I':,!~~i~II.1 j' burg been h
pre"' iolls ly
l'1I:1fle thewn ,\'u in mpell tne. far-~&\'''fty sent by y u ('It hr eo s :1tion R
th e"oolly Inri with the. wi silomfor or.$5, Ih~which .se rp ent pocket [~~Ji~;~==~~~~~~J f:CheCk
I ed. smiling .. riloni c., lIy as h~ thougbt ~
of HIe. 1 ~ :lrl1ed hilt IIm~. nphj"tic!.'tf"d co ll ,·· .. i."" whflrn ,,~, h"("' f·"x'llf'if.,cl . •
for C ....rr ...
" . . .mell ood completely .denll!!.e tb... bol. ')'tthe horse and cow. sta lls os lS bown tern. 1.ben eD!uipJ; it tbrQugb the mucou. eouveni"JIt. The wa ter ~lIpply to Lank urfa.... ucb ~rll.rtJI. bould never be u~ he furn ished CrojD a force pllmp exrtl't 00 preoeti lltion. from reputable
Dr aoy of tit!' vlU'ioWl meanK uK.d .
'1'he .toble, of CoUF3e, could be ChllDged to .uiL nllybody's wllnh! or t riMie~, loca· tlon. cireum$ta nees; etC. 'l'lIe dime,,gion" ore 40 fe et lo ng. 30 reet wide. IG feet blgb. with a 1llled i,. the.rear.l8"2~ , feet lIud " . eu"ered barnyard 22l12.
'I .
phy I ian •• u tl>e damage tbe}' roll d.o i. oft,.n ten fold t<> the goOd you ClI O PO ' Ibly derive from thenJ. I:faU·. Cnlarrh Cure, manuFact ured by lP.J. Cheoey 4: Co., Toledo. O. containa no· mle.rcury, nnd iff taken inlernany. aeting. din,.,tlY,l.pon the blood -.nd mucou, .nrf• .,.,.·of the JU' tern. In bllflDg Hali'. Calurh Cure be <ure you gd tbe gen· uiue. It ·ill taken internally, Dod mode in. Toledo, Obio, by 11. J. Cbellry &; Co. T6tj· manial. f.ree. Sold bl.. D tpl!f!'! "o.I)riee 750 per bottJe. Ball'I FaJmlr l?tll. are the beat. C ••• e
'" .. f
---<!)oo--•• pply tla.efl_1 to De.__ d.
. TIl.. iH of~ t ibe cue ..ben people .trive to be e<:!)notnical, but wb.re one'. healtb i. con.emed it i8 (,w.., <!tOnowy to be without oimple l'emed;"" tnat co.L but moderate
pric1!lO. .
• 0
feet. Figure.! is front elevation. Fig· 'ure 2, floo r piau-A. ~arr io ge·room; n, horse .stnlls; C. carri3;.:e~rU-f)m. lJ" wol ~ ,.oom, F.. cloJoCet i F', cow slaule; G, piS pen, witb corn edb ob,)\'c ; 11, feeding nlley. r ta"k,·andXC'/t,'erell ba rDJ"IU"" 'Dris willlumisb A. F. G.• of Wheat, 0 , ,,:ith s u ggest.ioll_ tor his barn.-c.. Ji. Uicko:c. ill Ohi" F'al·m"r.
'. W. Durant
mgal. LeolDiM(ea·. Ma_clt.... u •• be wrote: "l bue IIOId oo:veruJ dozen. of your Lotion aDd o.n lhe stl'eD&1b oC it havigg cured' _era! othe... oC Buber'. ltd! "" you, and 1 hetolll lurthet /!IIppfy: · · ~ry droggi$t hia. Palrorr'l Lotion. your dori C101 IlICnd to SoIOD .Palmer. P""ri Street_ New York, (or ..mpltto Palmer'or Lol1oQ ,ond Lotion Soap.
for De.... Uo•• ,.
"1'01 not ..."tby of )'oor Id.e'-IIUon, Geo~. .. "Ob. I dou't kno.... Your fa.ther'M got mon ey, bun' t he ~ "-YoDkcl'8 St.at.e6m.an.
a ••to.
110"". Ita• ., • .
A " .. tern ca.ttlenllcll. 1",longin;; to the cltildren 01 80m" Bostoo """pie. h~.. j""'R oamed by tbem "Foe"!t"i.eanuleieLowhere tbe ion, raloe m'.~.- t>O.toll TnLll5Ctipt. ----@---He., , ..., tile Dowe.b. No matl.r "bIOI. ~i'" rOtl, be.da b. to •
ean.cer, you witl n't.\"tr
WeU UDlH 'fou r bowel. Ilrt! put ri'fbL ("._"" hel" ""iuK, lfU.re )'ou wilbon a gripe: or paiD. r'rodu~
JF ev.ery one In the world were healthy and happy wh4i·1J glad dsy Esste~
For Infants and chndren:'
The'.Kind -YOU·_Have . Always' ·Bousht -:'. Bears the Signature
~opld be. But the sun rises every Easter morning on a multitude of sick and afflicted. The Easter lilies glsdden the hearts of the sick' snd weJl sJike. But to the sick something more thsn the Easter lily is necesssry .to bring ~t hope and cheer which every one expects on Esster dsy. The well need no ' Phy sicisn, but the sick need s remedy. . Nearly one-hslf the people in the United States sre suffering from some form or phsse 01 catsrrhal silment. These ailments take different forms st iJiflerent sessons of the y..ear. In the springtime cattirrh sssumes a systemic f.orm, producing nervousness, IlISSitude and genera/languor. Systemic caJsrrh dersnges the digestion and through deranged· digestion it impoverishes or contsminates the.. blood. Thus we hsve blood diseases and nervous derangements through systemic catsrrh. Peruht'fJ i.; II specific lor thfse cases. No other remedy yet devised by the medical profession is able to successfully meet so msny phsses of spring ail· ments ss Perona. . Men and women everywhere sre pm/sing Perona ss follows:
A First CllISS Tonic. A Spring Tonit;. The .Bejft f}f TODlc~ Wm. A. CollieI', AssIstaDt PaYmll6.~ 0. W. Tlmberillke, Lyncbburr, HOD. W. C. Cblmbers, Cbk:f Jus~ e3.sy nalunl move.m~D I$; ['Olt !(,U ju t .10 """ t {o ~I.rt !leU,l., lour h"1tb ....k. in- U. S. N., writes: .. , hlln: lII"en V&, saYIl: "Tben: 1• .110 bettl!I'SpriQll of Slrll104, uys: "/ hllVe tried oae bOt· (;4 ........t. andy C.lbortic, the g<nuj ae jlu: hl'lltJIJ .nd . recommend # to tbose tonic tua PeI'UDa, IIDd I ILl"" IIMIII Ue 01 PeruDII mid I :can truthiully tilly It yp in ",.tal box. HOT)' tabId h... '. " C. zxcdlQll. IJrst-<:11JSS tonic." I. one of tbe best toaks I et'er Uud. or abollt .11 01 them." stamped on it. fie;, •• of inlilalioo.
.-c. Co••
cr' who 111\\" dis"\'unlinuct) lJwir gar· de:n ti, Hn.\-inJ.t " hnt. they do nol pny [o r
the wt.1rk tJle." "("qu ire. aud lherc nrc. many ",hn would lIot bu"\'e allY worlh lne.nlioQilig ir rill' \\·OO1 ... U folk old not
\'oiuuw" r , u I p l."] JI. hued. 'fa J,.e thr common (orm ur b-run.lttn with c~'e .·.v. t)tlng In b eth "",I jmthllltt. 1\~e<,n; 11 ..~ re is connect d wifh it a "081: nmount 0 1 back aching work, ti l>:ulillg. hu,..ing, etc.. J bu,-" cbange<1 the .hap" or mine, muklng it nbo ut three times /IS longllll it is "id.c . rlonting .""rl"thiol: in
ell lie S ...e:re a • .
Yo. C_ Get Aile.'. "FOoC ... Euc FnEE.
Write t.>-dav to An~u So Ol"'&led, J.eroy, 1<. Y,. for ~ ~1llili .,me1e of AtJeII·• • ·ooteaR, a powdu to .h~ke IDto your _"_. It
aJr-etf chilblain _, Jtw~I.Jng. dAmp • .8'&"'o ll en~ ""bing feet. It make. Sew ur tiglo~ 6h~ eatS,.. ~ eertAin ,",Irt (or Com .. a.nd Bun·
. Bul/ds Up the Entire System,
" ...,:11 tonJc."
Miss JellakJoIulllOa, 3118 lAke PIlrfc a'Ven_, Cbkago, III.. I. V," President . Robert B. Mantell. tbe Ilmow.ctol'. of CblCllftO Tuebel'S' Federatloa. Sbt= writ" from New YOIt CIty: "Pel'UtJIJ writes: "PeruJJJl teStoreil tbe fIIat;. I. splendid and most Itn'igomtiall- tlODS 01 lJIItlln:. 1ndll«!< " ' p IU1d build. lip the entlre system. .. n:lresJila/l to tbe _"",II . " " body• ..
Splendid for the Nerves.
loWl. All drugl;istulld .hoeito~aell it.~. ----®o--
For Oeneni De"lllty,
Makes Stt:lldy Nerves.
11011. Jno. V. Wrigbt, 01 the lAw D. L. WIlIlII&e, C/urrler Member ID. ..t. I ,' ...e l ,.. ' VU IP. "J hear thel'e ...... aoiDp :It MeGbooJi,. Departlllellt. (]eMf'll/ lADtI 0Hi&e 01 tel'tUJtloIJII/ Bllr6ers' Ualon, 15 Westel'D TeDII_, ""rites: . "I wlSb en:ry· l .'t'eIJue, Alla_poI/s, Minnesota, ban'. wa.ke." one who Is .alft:riag with genera/ 'f write8: "I DOW feel spJeDdId. My '·DtJinp! There WOJ" on mllnnr figh ...., me boy. tbot thO wdte """ mypoon. debillty 01' pt'OIltnIloD ctJIIld kDOW hud I. clul'. my ne"," an: ste4dy, ed in the IjiOrtin ' coluDlJJ ."-lDdialUlpo!ia Pr:rutJll." I enjoy my food _d rest welL "
Preas. .
Getting a s pring wardrobe togetber, or ra ther a spring and s ummer w"rd-
-:!>-O.e Good T ....C'.
Ilow" man '"!I'ggera in.an.d order. good. OD . .",htr· but "'oen the bIll ,. preoented he
MI'. Tefft Johnsorr, II prominent 1Jr:t0l' 01 Wlshlag/on, D. C. . writes from FourteeDtb lIad "I" streets: "In the effon to Improve. wadltlon Impll/red by ot'erworit. I bIIve fouDd Dothlnll t/JIIt blU doDO.. mu~b good d Pe-
tvu. " For
.; If Worn-out System, MIS. Qltb.eriae Toft. Presldem "VII/. I Icyrlen ,usocJlIIJon, " 5649 Cotuttd, I I, Oro .......aue. Cblca/fO, In•• writes: . , I often .dvlse Pel'Unll ia cases 01 . 1 'WOrn-out system 1UId. broken down ' wast/wOOn. "
one «ood tbing about I hi. " early 8 wa.l'_ i.h tirnalcs t.h:lt he is bcin;: .ieal m ir;' rt:D1uked Mr. fedd"'ll ru& robbed . T'DC meoln n of pt."Op1e CTVJ)I1 ou t. "You e1.n atart ·or .wp nnywhere.J'ou ,..ant mi>lt iurely in money Dl4tlcrs.-Atchiooll Globe, to ..;lboul lJJOillin~ tbc """"" of the pioce.' : , ---<;>-- &Itimore Amencan . ---<Y-"J can undu..tand Ito'" bo.dlv thlll P'reneh 'I Pi ...'. Colre (or Con<lIm pt ion i. an ioralli- editor (e1t \\,1..", he ..... ho t," ··SaturaU,·. ble metlkine for <'Olfgb ODd . old .-~. W. _0\0)" editor "ould loAl" • $pcciul dislike;o I articl". and that anirle a lrode<! ooc, Samuel. Otc'ao Oro,'" N. J .. F.b. 17. 1000. ill
--®-. Wben a, man get. angry hio r'mnn lakea a .hon v.catio".~(;hi"io DaiJ)' New •.
ger Ol'cr the c1lo ice. of fabri cs and c.ot·
ill. lD lbiJjt.e of
binl.".- PhiJadelphia
--®-ors without th~ feeling tbat s ome one . Not in tho llal"(f&in ,-" ~-o~ atn ' tliO!('tJ) to else i'8 ",aiting to take one's plnce. BOW TO PLANT .\ GARDEN. k~1 a bired girl, M"" Baxter." "y"" I -~ . t:an; LuL lVh~n it. romes to ball k~4!'plng t~o 'fl.ia seuBon I.be spring and "ummer rows. excepting n. few Oluons an4 'Tis ."•• t to kiu-scr i. Kumc Gom to Ol" three poii(e'men aloDg ,,-ith ber, I won·t,·' fabrics ore unUBuallv ~ nmmer like,.... .mllll truck, aod c ul th'atlng wU,b B chew. -l' biladelphla BulleUu. thougb 'the terrille 'hea~ of Inst SUIIl' horse. I hnve ·o. c ulti vator ond n mer blld made people Ceel tbe clothes 'Theel hoe. 'I'he work of the, gllrden h Good nu.".. f.il to bi", who 1Ie1'er fail. M ro. . ebb-"My hu.bend n.,..u tell. me a D)' of b .. _ret.; now "'hat do you think suited to the trop;"" W/IS wbat \Vould borse work almost e\1 li rc)y. F.arly 10 to _k It-Lo~ Abgdes Herald. ~ of a man who k",,1'" bi wi/e from liDdiDg be needeil around New York; IlDd spring tt.e ground i6 plowed <1""I,ly Ilnd Do oot II"t ""b~' if yoo .....D~ to ... uut Buch thiop F' Mr. f:'y"",rk-"l tlliDk I~ tho"e mate rials are 'Julie thin en'oulrh' l barrowed untiJ in tbe bes t of ordu, IlloDI.-Gold.en UaY'" he's a gen.iDB.' ~bio .... tat.c.Journal. to do duty in tb e tropicH. Tbe color8 is furrowed o ut by Ilors'l "",1 tbe ,...~~~....----®---are quite dl1in ty, th e design" most. only band lobor ~equired i1\ occl1sion. LO~ED N tit· · bpi · 'zed ~.n • girl:" n_ getA red "'heo .be ~~p~u 10 muc aJUUJ U OZ1jlu"ll 'l eJ'l~, aud. sbe doeiu't care who.sees it that ... _ _ _ _ _ tIIe...vt _ with the ., NJ!W RIVAL·' I.. _ Taried. It Is goIng to be a W06t diffi- ally with tbe wh eel boe altbougb tbl fiftHI ... i~; .bergricf is EiuCeI'e,-atcbiJoon cult. ma t ter for the woman who pritle- jM noL "JIece.sory where weeds are Dol ~_K_'ltk" ·-IinIJII!!I~~ ~tIM. ~ I,' Globe. bene1f PIlOn ilressi'ng berse lf exclu· bad •. 1 IClive 0 s pa.... sod. a.\; epcb , MISCELLANEOUS BITS. .'1M&SiEi IlEPEAma ' ~ .siT"ely according' to a color sclfe rue to end to turn on. A.n lluur,:"r ~o ever.}' :Vou know bo,,:" you balo ACme people,. rl's i8t, tbe fascInations of the many ex· week is s ufficient for the ~ul ti.ntiDg. lnt.out any parucuJllr Teu.:lO. Well, ."me quisite eoll)rings she will s ~e di8played, which sbould be. sbal low an,1 le ",.1. people hate you in tbe same waY.-Atchiaoa Arra"ge your.'-o...._ ...... GI~, . Ha"lMlr~s Baza r. . .L IlIU 80 plellse<! wit b. 'tbis chonge BlackS o:;.d " 'bit es are tbe rnge- tlrat J hrlve the purUculors of it, II",,,, MUlIoD. of nabl" t.ba~ i.;. wbite with· hlaek fig'llres, or thinking it Dlny be i,( bell' tV some '1'0 VISIT ~ E have lJIIC<l Hoxsie'. Croup ('woe for CoUllb•• Tice vergo. There ll1"e rnu~lin ., '·cam· one eli<e. I prcscut berewlth a diaf'old., Croup aod Dip btheriA with a.tomah· hri".., grenadines, bareget<" .sllk m~ gram showing tbe plan o~ my ~ i ug result.. No ipecnc to cauae nausea. roc. ---<!)eo--Uns and numben of materials ,' lor us i t wall' Insl SUmlue r . rt call' be wblch the nam.e is not. known. modified ip s uit indi"i<lunl needs; only A youog 'Dlllo who cnn't manage a omack is; hal'dly ,competent to bring a collrtobip wlllch are on the order of gauzes, that It ~$ be(st t(> p ut the p erennial plants, Tllay 1st to Nov. 1st. 190L Rfely to port.-Detroit"Joumal. are woven wito' a ,1ra.n spurent ·wblte gr3!!"vlnes, etc., by tbem li<'h'es.. ~. gt'ou:>d~ covered t1lio:J( WlOl .. mall 1ha~ ,the bllln.nce coo be plowed III.ACARA FALLS_ ~ To. C.D " • .• COld 0 •• Day poJka do~ •• These.gowruo aresllpposed on~ pie"" early in the. s prlng._G. of tbf' Se"en W,mdel'll Take J..ax&tive 'Bromo Quinine Tablet.. AU ,One WltbJn an hour' s to be tr! mm..<1 ,vi1h blll,ck 1ace, nnd. ~II, .in Ohio Ftlrmer. . J ~p~sre!UDdJnoDerlflUaib~clll'l!, 250. , I--' not. ~ejng illfe lided entlrely for 80<:.0nd ~ , Th ousand Isl~nd~.ituskoka m.ourmng, ~ enlivened with t:ril!<' and !'lew Englo. The p~ o! '1V1lSh iDE free frIIm .in d il' A·djronda~ but 11 short and dellghttul mings"of bright pann...m\"et. s ..j,in ·or clolJU t4t 01 " lB a cart ot .t.n:h·for lOme are lake or I"@ll, cbanctera.-Puck. taft'eto.'l'lhooo in belt, COllOT, and often Iii vest front. Entre.deuxof black .l ace W-=EKLY EXCURSIONS ~ act i. meritoriolll that i8 not a ....itdit. Is naed" for·:,trimming ·ood" ' arda and -chlt:.go Daily N e"' •. yards' of,.!'t are Tequired. , '. ~ -. , -~ ....,----
A O,.eat Tonit;. A Oood Ton/t;. A Grand Tonic. .. J Mrs. Oridley, motbu of QlplJJla lIoa. M. C. Butler, &·U. S. SenlllDl' QI",,'D Percy W. Moss, SewDtl _'d .. rabl e Til......... Lab.,.,.. , Be (protlucinlf e;g.retle cuc;}-Do ]'OIl _d ex.ao~f'1)(Jr tit Soutb CaroIlnll, Ari'IInsas Voluntffrs, writellfrom p.,.. OridJey, of tbe "Olympill, " writes: "I writes from Edzefleld. S. C.: "I have a60uld, Ark.: ,,' find Perut1ll • o-ery used PenIIMI lIiJd UlI trutJdUI/; NT It · Tbf're nre uouLtJeas mon ,. wbo, Jjke objO<:t to og;.r"u... ! , 'be-Kot :l~ all. I don't blAme ill" eig. been .usln/l Perulllf fa,. • • bart period good IlprlD/l /oak; IUId wilt rudlly Is • zmDd trl1Jk. •• ( tn vsell. do n t 6001 nluch time to de· arette.-l only ol,j t to people who .moke ami lleel very much n:lko'ed. It IIlID, ' recommend" •• • DY tllDO.," t'~te H. lb e.~rfll· n. 1 know two r:Jrm~ tbem.-<:bica'" :0..11)- eWI. For OVerwork. • " • deed. 'WOlHkrlul m«IJdllt: . . , besides Which. Jl~ "b._k." " •
TUbe.. 'is really qu ite a fuS(!inat.illg of b usiness. proTi,led it is unde rtaken in the mid"le of " 'inter ; tbe only objectiun being tha t ·in 't he midd le of I F.ubjet!! or , ..,l,;ch he lOle w , nOlh;ng. ",iJlt~r tbert" are tso many other t h.i 'J' be ("nileg-\:' ~a~p.. ~n~:'Igt'(l to J)rn"' i d~ to be done t.ha t ti m e is Ko m~wbB t lim· n GUO · ...\'orti e ffu s ion ror I hl! JlI'inrely ,.,um of $~. nnd nil Ilt·ing told th e iled . . Rllt the s bops ~re not so c r owd · ed a s In te r, Bud the dressu:wkers not ' t hclllt: grollnd nut a ruar,"el or ('...rudi . so rusb t"-d -wi.t b work. and o n e can lio'
r ti on
TIIIat Co • .• • • • •:eJ:C!.rJ~t mereu,y will· IlUrely d ..troy tbe .tell ...
which r e.,dt.ecl In tbe aliena t ion 1)1 couple of families, occu rretl recently an,l will serve to point a moral. An impecunious widow be,longiog 10 bigh Mocjnl cire]("s wos making a ViKit to the family of a CDu"iu who had been kind t o b er In settling her hush. n<1' s ..!fllirs. ond ,.. ho lI nd R!forded her at limes consid.e rahle pe uuiary aid. The wife of the latte r. although not par· ticularly fond of he r .i'8ilor, conscientiousl" trietl to ,10 everything ,• ' .!t Mrs. Ella Rice, Chelsea, \VIs .• writes: . th,,~ was kind and tactful -under tbe ... d "".,y 7 ".' "DiAB)(J18. PiNim.,u1 :-FQt two ycars I was troubled with falUng clrcomstances, s o &.he WQS naturnn~' &ad JMhiiralhr.'tioniof the womb. lsufl'ered very milch with bearing-<lown greatly cmrprl sed wIlen her guest op~Aeadache: Uacl<acile, und w .... not ",ble to do a nythlnlJ:. Wbat .l petlnd ~fore ber one dny batber! in end';l~od;no Vne knoy;s .but tbose who have &Ilf\'crcd a6 I did. I could tears lind onnouncing h e r immedJate Juin11:V~ III sclf acrOO!i the floor. r doctored "i1.11 the pbysicians Of this departure. At 6 .... t sb e wottld not town.!_ tlfi<le :lIWuths 'a bd grew worse [m.tead of bette". My busband git'e any r eluson. mer_e ly reite.rating aa~ ~ 'RljjIhed me to writ<l to yon, but I bad n o falth in patent mEdIthat it woo bnrd. very ha rtl . that. b er cine~ Kt las"t;] became ' so tbat I conclnded to ask your advice. I misfortunes ISho;lltl ha" e expose" ' hez reCelfed' 110 Dwer at onco'8dvlKing me' to takc your Vegetnb1.eCompoUlld, to insnIt., hu t tinnily the "'IIuse was a.nd 1-' did....,. .Beron> 1 had taken two bottle<; 1 felt better, and after I bad takeu Il.ve bottles there ,was .no happ;er woman on eartb, for I wua well elicitctl. Ii ';"ell\ll thnt s om e one bad ag1tln'? I Imbw thllt your Vegitable Compound cured me, and I wisb and gl,..in onll of tile little girls of the adftie oy,epY'WOUIIlIl who su1fers as I did to'tl'y Lydia E . Piokbam'. Vepllouse a hox of candy, nod he WIIS ~ ~~~.... .llelfeve me. all"3-~'!, grateful for the recovery of my immedistely 1;urrotlllcJed .hy the other tho "~MBa. f4-~ 1l.!C1l;:'Chcl£<:a, W1S. children, ""cb begging for her e~e j • • ~ .' cial f tworite alOong Ibe bonboos. 'The "i" itor'H li ttle daugbtel'. who wa~ Ow ... LO the/act that 10m. ak.ptlcal PeoPle h:l,,'e (rom time to litnc qtlatiotl.ed rather spoiled, deelBr~<l, after tAstin;; tbe &;e:f\uineQt&&of the tdlilnooi.:ll Jeu.en. . we are cOtutantlr pubtl.shUlI'. we have. her dainty, thnt s be d jd not like It. ck:po5ite.d with the N .tional City nank, o( Lynn, &Jau., Is-coca, on,l demanded anothe r. . Beggars .liidi wilt l.IC p~d to .:my petsCD who will !&how that the abo.... testimouw is 110:' gcnuw, Cf was p ublished beLou ~ sbqultl not be cbooser .;." gayly ~ retbownur'aapeclalpcrlhiaslo:..-LvDlA E . PINlWAII M&I)la... ~ pUed the o'''nel'' of th e en.ndy, wit.h· 01\t, 0' COUl'Se. a tbought 01 a ny es----==-=-===-=== pecial application. It was su m.,; .. "t, bowe\'er, to offend the ,,·Iclow,. nnd as JOKE ON ESSAY WRITER, t he hostess nBturo.!I.,· tlefended her IJOlT • " hr ... wd Ann Arb"" !KruGe•• o'~n child against 8uch accll!"ation und declared no "I'ology ""'~ needed :JII• .)" ".,.. ur II •• C lr ..·e-r ul1(ler the ·circulJudnncell, tbet'e h al< F ri«.'utl . re s ulted 3 dccide(l coo lne.ss betwee n Tht'r-e wn~ at Anll .·\rhn r nn C'~ upo n. thc t wo women .
Stat""",an. .
....., ....
Summer Trip
pan-Americ,~n ExpOSition,
AllIs co.
.. f. • C. III lEI £MAIl.N ,t '. I • • 'WJl~e ,,~u Will ~d,
1 _ _.LBY;
R·a l roa ________
WATOll&8, .
••••• p••• s •••
.NOTICE. a~EE. 'V-KARToN, · .. booe .sl· ...... .. lIDkaowll, WIll take IlOtJoe. \IIaL 011 LIle gtb da'Y 'of lIarab. lP<>l . M.," Wllarioa .1IIed peUdoa la tbeOommOI\, PI."" ('.O,"·t. Wa.... u COIl»I,.. Oblo, lib cue No. 070g. ap\Dat the . .aid G~orl{!' E. 'o\!lW'tOa and alb· en DaDled l~eJa. vnylllg for pulldoD 01 u..'followtaJl( _bed. r"al e&lale: .. raJot No. oae "'Oblo.8qllarelD tbe "'.... at dUe. county of Warren. s tAte or Oblo. a.
COAST. Wdu. ror Folder... D""alptln lIaUer. etc.. '"
C. L. STONE, aeueral Pane"II.r As:ut.
deII",- aD u.e recor4~ ot.ald ........ .. SAId 4efea4... ~ ~:requlr~ '" a""wer Oil or
tb ••• h da,J 'lIa" 19O1 ••or judge_ , ....., be Lakea spl,," blm. _ .JURY W .IlARTON. Pial tilL B.UDQSOl< • YOII"G • _ l .·ec- .
Florida .
.--a a,-8peciuUy: -BicYfl1e BepainDg
,.,..10 111~~~';~ ",:>ulllC l.aIative · . ~ 'l'abloU
TIlJI OR.A" 0J!IITLlL, ,80trT1lKBII TIl1llIK'LlOO.
G.lleral [lIlml~ aDd IJldUonr1 oiJ Al{en$
LOUlb'VILLE, KY. 1I11d b. will iliaD
~Ol'>"ES BlbcK
u.. ......, 1kst~. . . ..1i .. -...,. !!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!! What 'J'Wo), Canis Will Do. It will bring relief to the SlllfeJ1' ThO.. W.-Carter, of Ashbom: N . 0 .• h$d kIdney troubll' and one bot- from allthma or consumption, even of Foley,s Kiilne"y •Cure ·eJfected the worst cases. ThIs is abllnt whal 8- perf!!Ct C91'e. Ilnd Jie8ll)"s there is o:ne dose of Foley @ Boney and Tal no ~y tbat will - compuS wi~h 005tO. IBn'l it worth a trial. Loui~ it. Loma Kay. .. MIly.
Kentucky, Tennessee, . Alabama. Mississipi and Florida. ruavl-lvr
• ••
fbi DayloD ,. Xenia Traction Ca. Bdwan nayto.a, SpriD. 'V.alleYaDd Bc:1Jbrook.
lV~D.-e.pab"'. ,..lIable. perao" '" OsaooD, · Mo•• Oc~, lliI, 1899. eo'er,1 ..... 0'1 .... r.preoeltL ~c:ompaQY or ~t4 ~cfal repalatlDn ; 11138 salary per Pl:PSni SYRUP Co., Monticello, lli. ,...... ~-""k17 : 13 per "1.boolutely GE!iTLEIlEN :-1 have used 8yrnr .aft. aD4 all upen_ : alralgbt.. boDa·f!4e PCp!l1n for some time and find il
4e11Dlte uta.,. DO cOIII.III1sI.... : sabr1' 1!I'14 "'ves most exce ' llent Tesnlts and l't '-
each saturda, "Dd upen.. Dloney adva"c<od .. ~ eo.dI .. tell STANDAllD HOOSE, 334.De.... 10.De. of the greatest ,;el1ing prepota. bora sa.; Cblcaco. tio11s 1 bave ~V1lr carried in stock. I
do not hesitate to recommend it Very' Respectfully, DR. T. Jones. Sold by Louis ·May.
'l'be PIaDo-renUDe _ _ JJa. ~ aDd _ have • ti8meD.·clona aoolI: of piaDoe wblohhave
boeIl uaed.-aome or u... .. .a004 u -I-aud all In .amotu. 0I'der. we OSIer lhcn at
Lene Ibyton '1.0 0 .. DI.
, 8.00
Spring Vallt,
Bellbrook 8.00 •. m. 7. t5
7'.:\9 a.. m.
l.ao p . m,
. 2,.t:; p , m.
1:.3O p .
4 .00 8.30
t 10. tS
5. 30 8.00
10.:10 ~
, Leue DaytOD .... xenia car a .. d a.t Belmon&.. .. 'l'o car bouse oaly.
Dayton olll<le and ....Itln.
'l'b1nl Stree~ PhIllips HoWIe Bulldlol. The rllnnJal' Ume bet1fee.Q D:I,LOD "ud Sprlnl( Valley" bDur aod ar... o wo· utes. pusiDl' cbroolb BelmoDt. Dea'fe.rlOW1l
Bellbrook aDd Kagnetlc Spriop.
SprlogVallq18 mllea, fue%;;c. Da;rtDD to HeIJ_ If mil .... ra.., 20 cent.< Special rateo La Souday Scbools. Plc:nIoa &Del oth"" b~OD" apon :.ppllca.loll, Llt!t:l frelgh. and "P~ can"led 00 all lJaylOlt '"
Cbas. O.
We have lIotlipaeeto_Ucm tID. bat bere are SOme Averaae TB:E BZST BLOoD PtTRII'IltIt.
5I.webenl • . • . • . @ 1:310 00 8 8teoka . • • • • • . @ 165 00 6 Banards . . • •. @ 810 00 911uvarda @ 966 00
two seaa0D8
8 B.. P.!IDler . . • • @ 4 Ha.7JleB & N... . . @ 8 Hallet & DavtB . . @ 6 Smith & B&rneII. • @ 9 Whita.kerB• • • • • @ 6 BoJuIra. • • • • • • @ 8 BteUl_ya. • • • • @ 1 Eaabe . . • • • • • @ 8 K.errilla. • • • • • • @ Bvefett8. }' ~
930 00
118 00 160 00
:310 165 170 310 :370
00 00 00 00 00 200 00
00 old aca1e • • • • '::I" ..... ~
8 B •• etta.
} •••• - "" ""
aDd 96 ethers.
LLc.-............ ......wKT..
1'0"& A VAOATZGl' OOTIliG.
The blood is eonstantly ~ing ptll'. ilied by the lungs. liver and kidneys. Keep these orgl1ns in a healthy condition aud the bowels regular a.nd you will have no need of a blood ·purifier. For ihUi ptll'pose there is nothing equal to Chamberlain's l:!tomach nnd Liver 'fa blet.'!, one ·dOSP.· of them will do you more good than & dollar bottle of the best blood purifier. Price, l!5c. Samples free a.t MaY'1! drug store.
Market .. . For ...
,G~ttZ~j' :h~ss,S1i'ee'P-:' - , a.net C;CLZ",SS,. F.A. HOFFMAN, Arnold Bouse. ro~WIN,
R,' KILBON. 'This is F'rum Hen(lqllnrtel M. CoLUlIIlIUS,
Owo, Nov. 1,1900.
SIRS :-The State Board of Health has conSIdered your applica-
or CHE:iac.u.
ELUl.I!fATI05 Oil
~AYNEl!VlLLS, OHIO, ocr. 12,1'00. . PAR'flI PICa lllLLIOlJ. Dnn.r.1'1D WELL.
,- Number of simillle; 1"-26 . Color, • .07 April 2"7, at 1 o!clook, Turbidity, trlLce • .t .the late resideilce of Anna Sediment, .. Barnhart, decellsed, in COrwin, , Odor, f"iot William T. Barnhart adminis.-0xygeo required, . .59 N. u.s ammonia free, . .01 N. lIS runmouin r.l bnminoid, , .{2 Nitrogen lIS nltl'l1tes, 4;02 Nitrogen liS nitrites, trIlce', Chlorine. 38 Alkalinity, Incrastmg constituents, - none - Tobll solids, '!I7/1 Volatile l1.Dil.combustllile 12 Bdctel'ia lJer oc: . . 180 f. · it ~" . l )' E. G. H OIt'l'ON,; 'bcmi:st . . • -. ~ - .
• to ..... rlTe. I. _..Darke.e., Gloo_.- R
.' .- AnlI
v.'ill bring n p at
'. . F. C.-{HIENEM ANN', . _ '. Where you will dud. WATOJU:S,
CLOOXS, , 1I1LVJ:~,WAml:.
A2l'" ~
'NOTICE. GEORGE E. ·wHARTON. .. wboae real· denee 18 1Ulkoowft, wm Uke notkle \hat on the fIt.b d.y , 01 ' v"rotL u'.)]. M.ry Wbar\oo
111.4 lief petl doa III tIleCommon Plea. r.oun..
Wa-rPrn Cou nt, . Ohio, In 'c :a.e No. 9709 •
..p1oKt: lhe old G<"Orll:~ E , WbarlOu.~"d otb · tn namecl lb ~reln:\pra;Jt_o, for ,p al'tllloD of me (OUoIl1DK de.cdbed :real est a te : '--10 Jot No. que JIlOblo SqD:aJ:CLD tbMOWJI ofWaYD"'" ,.We. coulltJ o f Warrell, ~tOLe of .olllo, :u _IIDaUd OD tbe. ~ed plot of oald ",ora." ~Id 4d... d.,,~" .requlred to 00 or belo", tbe HI> d.,. 01 May. liOl, or IIIII,e· !DODI be c.akea "pI OAt him. MARY WHAR1'ON. P1a1dUff. UJO>' D&RSO. ·& YOU.G . A .......aey •.
0.;,...... :Puoe....... Al ent, LOUl8VILLE, . KY. SEND YOUR ADDREtlS TC!
~ . .1.
GeDer.Ll llllmlJTD.tlOll mod ladu ....lal, A..:c.'
LOlJIHVu.LE, ~y~ AD4 be w1Il lQ.a11
I .
WTfie for .Folden, DelCTlpUye Jlatter. elc.,10
sou. free.
- c-. ........... r::= .. --=~. :t.:::i _s~"r.rJ.-=Jt::::..:. . __ lie DIlllid)-.
CIC' _ _
~.... P'!cI! bIoocL ~ IU... -.._"'~J[_ U~ , ~
-- eo....e.r.e.... ' ,
aDd 'I'~
;........ y'lII!OC1l lallll'8ate 8ertDOD, ......... ' . - ', IL" Ch~b., .B~ll-y•.: .•.._.. .TID pad JIOHtical ClaI!lP.UIPI..diP:J )(&,. lS,- 7:fG p. m: •.•....••.•..•.. __ - by Bey. Dr. B. l!. Cl&ytOo:.•.. bleD .,.""~oae.... . 1IIb00l teaCher. 1Ir. Roll, the _ I!iamh,atiOll DliT . m . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : _ •• ' . ,. TIUieda:r. . . -ral~ffol' l..egialature, .....J.l!iiZp~I~ · HI ." 1ID&jl qaate 'l'eoenUy olle. Kr, BtD- . weD, who pined rmch .• phen~l CommeuOl8ment .......... •
J;aY« .... ~~
DeWitt's Little Eurly ~ll-isers the rem.otest paus of .the 1eorVi:n.. r b<l)wel! and rewo ve the impurities
,..1.•.... ;...
wH;h no discomfort.
They Easy
e O 0 " • • • ' 0" • • • • • • • 0 .. . .
YOte. bu1leen one IlODtiiluoUllly for yeaJ'!. and IIr aWl or.e.". llr, ~ who won 'out for .~. Is &lao .. teacher. -:Mr. Yo~. the
W,AN.TED.-capal>1e. ...U.blc penooa 10 e1"err COUnt1 1.0 .r-epf'C8iettt ha.l1:C' company of Mild. Il0:l11<131 reputaLlon ; '934r .a/ory peT ,.ear. P'!a.btc w~etJ}'; pet' dal abaolutel,. MO.r e .nd all e~ peD Ji&C!l4: ,1 r a 1.gbt. IIona· nde.
hoeeoutingt..&torney.to-b8~ ~one
untU quite
im~ that
years . . ;It ta our
and luold 'on Its.merlts .... all driiC.... . .- la'lllty-
VJ • .,.Wheat~>~1s aJI Wo..n 10 ""'velalld a4.ertw IJabed ........ vf lOOll4llaallClal ;~~:~~;~~~J COIDt and oD&-doIs.ralzex-teII.c har. All of whicjl' gaM \0 ala..,.. 17,0 a1car &lid' _ _. . . You ma)'. flave a _ . No ea._~ sample bottle by mall I ! _ DOW ibey have 1'I!Il1lOll ~..hoPe for Ia ___ ..d e1I~ free. also pmnph1et telUoC nWU'it for duties faithblOj per- nYclcpe. ... _ " , -, i i i out If you ban.k.kIDey or tomaed. -.' Btill41Dr, C1i....r o. ap!~' Nentlon this paper ,..~ " Co.. Blnc!wtUon, N. Y•
_1re4. aelI·_
.. -
de.Oalt,e 'Hab.rs. no commlliRloD : K3h~r )XlI" ea.cb SAturda7 and e.lpeose m~)QrJ 3.l\nanc~ _b' ..""k ·T.\NDAl11) u.on E. B:H Dear' bora 51.. Chlouo.
1 ·~>rT.""C::"'" ~1'I181TS TO BE MADE AT
... ~"ie ..e __ b of · Wo....... Will· ne e.o.......; Sl.~ II,. "" Wi'. 01
. K . . . . . ~ UU! "P_..,A ,m el'Je.a-Jl......
Wurk of tile SUeRt lte~per.
aIa&ioD &lid a&8ii8lve IIIilO by ... ncoeM bl CIIdDc &he dMJI~'.",l~ OHM C01lI~. 'If i'li leal It willlltJ& ooe:t-"OIU~ Iaki bl.' LoaI811a~.
Cured ", Running Bora. "I hluT tl bnd runnfug sore on my brl'llsfi I'lT over a year, " &ly Bt"DlT .R · B lcllo:rd!t~ {If WiiL"O),TiUe, N: Y ., "and 'U'1ed a gJ'eat m.u,ny rClJll~di~, . but g~t no .relief until I lISed Sa lJblll' &1\'e. Aftn using one ball bQx t ~1\.8 perfectly cnrC41. cannolrecommend it to bighly, and lind will never be. wi.hoat it in the bouse.' Louis'MnV.
.... a •.I1I11I."
5'0. ar.r.4G_"~' •.
Wltb a view to ba .-tUg the- 5CO,pe ot the Pan-AmerICIIuE1l?OSltlon 1l.S brood .. po88lbletlUd to lou:r lit tile IbGu!8Jllb ot 1JonJen In the ..1werlc:'11 In till! elIt~rl8e ' &1 BOn~ of Women llanll· gus W08. nppoloted, CUll Isttng' of 2;; repfetleDtlltl\'e women 01 ,8uIl'410. In add~u to tbb We ' ,,-,veruol:8 ot states an.1 terrltorl... \'I'('.re \lSked to DolD1nate tw,o women ,cocll I" act as \Jonol'8l'J wt~mbenr ot ti,e' 'WomeD's tbeee Dommatloos to be mtitled b7 Boanl of Dlrcctont of tbe' Expotltton: TIle ,_,"·request Wall mAde ot
L""" ."~'"
Pail-American couotrles. res:uJt of thlll request (rome tlle E~ltJOD IEl0re ~n, 30 states bo.-e
honOrBry mE!mbeni of tbe ' Womeo·. Board, ans! ee"ernl i'aD'.-\werlcan 'COUD: ~ aTt! al8~, represented. The work
O.'. f!w
bononil')" members suppleintnts . lDIt the 104:al DoaI1l. wblcb bas been 4lvidOO intocommlttees,and Is DOW doloe :ell'eeu,ve work tor Ibe Exposltloa. A. dlatlnctfre poInt In the plan 'of tbe ill that tire \'ulolJ$ Indul' conducted by 'Women are to be rep~ted ,b;r uhlblt.e>in.the' dllrerent bllUdlop wb.!re the", may properly . be plaeed, .., tllat the acblevement.· of ....omeD wlU"be .bown side b,..llld.. with those pI' men. .Tblli is the tlret ExJlOllI·
Old ;)ldier' R Elp P..J'lencl!'. M. M. Anslin, a civil war vekran of Winchl!S.ter. Ind., writes: "My wife WitS sic]: a, long lime in spite cf goocl docwy's treatment.. but wl\.8 wboUy cnrEl(} . by Dr. King's Ne\v Life. Pills, whicb \'I'orkeU wondPr f.or bls heol1b." They alway do . T'1' Ulem, Onfy 25cnt Louis 'May'!! drug sf.ort'. '
, The P1ano-ren~ _on h.a
cloaed aDd we have a. uemendousstock ot·planoa wh1ch have beeIl ueecl-eome ot tbem _ aooci _ new aDd aD in ftrst.
. . . @ .~no 00 3 Steeb. • . . . @ 165 00 6 lI&rYarda • @ ' 810 00 !II Barvarda two aea__ . @ :iI65 00 S B. P. :MlIler . . . @ 230 00 4 Ha.7D811 &: N.. . . @ 118 00 SlIall8t &: Davia . @ 160 00 6 Bm1tb &: Ba.rueII. . @ lUO 00 9 Whitakers. • . @ lOts 00 .6 BOkera . • , • • @ 170 00 3 Steinwaya. • • @ 810 00 1 Knabe . . . • • @ 270 00 3 Konilla . . • • @ aoo 00 a lIverett8; } • r.;, 866 00 old scale· '="
3l'Jveretts. } ., • . @ 436 00 newecale
and"" ethers.
11IEI.JOHN COMPANY. I. _CIIIJRCH _ _ &. III. ...elJllll2lTI.
Mad••""1 by M _ _
' 'Ice.
~tc. "'" ,J'OUJ: ~
n ,' E THOMPSON" O_Eo"'' \"J.
.. Tile
P .. O·.AmeTiOlLD Exposltlon ,.. U-ulf1>lo
111 be a big attraction tosGmmertdW1~ \he comlul1 ~~o. II open. at Boffalo. N.,.. DOes ~he best work in t.own in the Vorl<, Nay lit The PaO'AmeriC'lO Bolf,ao hOl::!&shoeing and genernl repairing Line-Akron Route-... ru be opened Kay 5lh
-_., k l' A yth' . with \brou~b passtnger ... rvtoofromS t . Loo~ und "Wuvu wor' IDe. n · lug ill IDdla:n3palbo, Loul5V1Ile ClDc:J'D.Ll. Da,too the blaoksmithig lin oun be prompt- =d OollllDboo Tjm AkToo aod CbautauQua I(\" dODe here. to give perfect satis- Lu'" to Bullalo. -This lIew I"'" will tate fllCtI.On, und -t4ey will surprise you p..-ngers througb to tbe PaD' AmerieaD Ex· with .' their pri()(>s. Have had sever- poo1Uon 00 exCUt1!lon ticket. _hleb m'ly be obUllDe<! durlog tbe .....00 Throogb pU' ttJyetlrS8.'qlerienceinft:llCkshoemg ......'r IIeI:1'tee rO""'Dlng from Ballalo ...1ll Give them IL trilll nnd you win 1Iloo Tun dally. ,lvlJlg reoddenu of Oblo and never r egret it. lDdIa01 a con"enle,,~ route for" trip to aDd TRE AKRON RO UTE. 'TIIl!OUGB P ASSESGER
FAL9 rOR P~.A1lE~OA.N EXl'OSmO!1. Tbe opealoa of lb e P ....·'\me1'1caa Buaalo Lhu:- ' AlrTon BOllt.e'·-"Af::a-y uth C51:Lbllfibesa Dew outlet or \\"'. s't .cro. Soll.the:rn fmd CetJl:ml O,blg to CllautaUQu3 LUke. Bulfalo. Nlaj!'ara
"FClUS. and St. L ... wre.D~ R1~er.and Cauada. RIJ011B. 1\ also opens Q ne-w tourist. roote "La lIWfllo and tbe NlaCaro froDII.~ 10 New York: GD.d. tbe., £aBt Sc.heC")e» for the -AC"'- route-are out.,. and. ' their a rrangemen, lndleates p~DgerS OVer u. arc to have rojoTuble trips to and rrom (be
Sprto, Valley 7.!\O a. m.
Bellbrook. 6.00 a , m. 7.U
l.au p . ....
• . 00 1.30 ~. OO
.top-oTer prlvilec-es. return limit. and otbel" dealls' milJ' be asCf:.rtaloed by oommUD[c:at.lDc
wStb "I1c.ket AgCDtsol the-PeDo.sylvanlaLlnea, br ad<l1'elllllJltr C. C. H.w.-.... D ....."'. Paw· aea.er Ag. D~ Da1tOo. Oblo. lUll
~ab'Amert eaD 'FdposIlloD. Prom CilsdD b :UJ~ the tbr.ouJh-601"-v1oe.
.a.u 01 t.be ~aD'Amcrlcan EXpr~sa Orst cI .... ' colli!b and ' sleep/nj: car TI.:",~," landloc
, S~uth?
It so, you vf3
0 .• 5 JZ.30 p : m 3.00
5 . 15
+ 10. 16
8.00 10.30
Lene D"ylOD vb XeniA at Belmoa\ .
car .."d
t To ear bou.se only.
. Da)'tOD. oJBce And. _ala.-1DI: room. -I. ws:\. Tblrd Sueu, PbJUips Ro ..... BaUd io,.
Tbe ruDalli.r tl llle betweeD ~'\On and Sprlnc Valle,. 1M O De hour aDd .ft fc.ee o min· Ute&, pu!dn. tbrooch Belmon t . Bea .... rt~
Bellbrook ilDd MquctJc Sprlap. lIaytoa to SprhJe VaileUS mDeo, fare :r,e, Da)'ton ... II<l!IJ.rooIt U mfles, fore 20 ""0" 5\>0<'10.1 rat"" to Sa~ Scboola, RIeDl. aIl4 other' OI'l'1nl.zadon~ upon appuc-~Llon. L1ctt frelgbl and crpreu- ..rrled on alJ CtIrII •
Cbas. B.
At 3 :30 o 'clock Monday eveuiDg,
height, collapsed. The tower was ' a brick structure. and hlId · been condemned 08 urumfe . . Huge tanks inside the tower proper, held the . water, vn wluch the entire insti.t u· tion depended for . supply. No ode wa.:s injured.. nlthough ,several children had just}!USed before it fell. _ A stalldpipe, !mIliler to the.one be.; ing erected hel"6 will proliobly be built at once.
!rOID LIla Exposltlon Tfckete m.y be obtain· ed from agents at tbe PennsvlnnJa UDell lbroub tbe gaLeW ..!'. o f Iadla:t.poIiII .aDd Columbus,. 10 addldntl to e:r:ca raion tlekeu to Buffalo 10rtbe·Pan·Ame.rlcan Exposltloo. opec!aI l ..... ..-111 be ID effect vla 'l'bOAnon Koute to CbAu· t31lQuaLake. Nlngara Fall.. and to moay ot the famoul summer reaorts tn' the EUl, tn· e1ndlul< Ne..- York. <1"Buffalo. at ... bleb po"" .toj)'ov.,r pr!<U.g.. ..til be gran~ ... _ the ErposldoD. A trip flyer t!Us rou'toe wfl) 'I~:~:.!~~ make an tdeal 8uDlmet ouClng jaollt.. _Full :;
partlcula,n altou l
D. 3~
l :! . l S 2 ... :' p . m.
till' great wot!'ll' tower at the O. S. & ij. O. Home, Xenia, 90 feet in
on ..efa pa"'",p. THE PAN-A.IlERlCA.l i lIUFFALO ' UNE 01'· as emU. Nnu"" ... bAIL "",,.pt 110 _ *1II·iIU"O. . . . . . Nl!
Leave ~1ton
, 8.010
Spealm ..... !II Webens.
.... rk
ne Dayton 8. Xenia Traction Co. Bctwttn D ayton. SpriD&' Valley and -Bdlbtook.
, e,ou •. m.
. We have DOt BP8C8 to JlIeIIttoIl all, but hare are SOme AVer&88
dtls CO.. Madlsa:. WIs. It "kHPI you wdJ. Our tr&le
order. Vie om,r tMm.at
. To.ke Ill. ~nlliDc. ori&:lui
KentucJ..'1/. Tennessee, Alaba rna. . ,Mississipi and Florido_
par those con~emp l ating tile pur-
chase of this line of ·work to see us or \vrite .or Illustrated booklet . containing pric~, etc·. ; this. \VIii - cost you 2 cents aDd· niay save you many dol!ars. Much of the finest lltork .in-'1\iiami Cemetery
==~~=~~~~~~~:l·has -been furm!!hed by US r Helllg pra,ctical - d~sl;:ner , \\ f ' prepared to fUl"nult original zrid a::tJstic dC<l\\,Il)g~ --on ~ II(,I t nollce' aila we ID'arap.tt e to furuish ilS finely proporti.... ncd war).. . as can bp. obtained' anywhere 11; the coimtry, and ta-ke ~pec lal can suppJy nothing but the vel) best material and guar;:nlee per· lect sabsfactioh. Our pnce~ UTe
~ We
also supply caps, sills, .st2ps
and every description of cut stone ·work for
building purposes on short
All About TOwn aad It. People.
010l1li PaInts;· For Duggie&.
• ...00 JlIII. Barry Poy,of Xenia, IIJII!Dt$UDday with Mr; ~ H~. H .
P100p PalDt Hard, quick, drying.
W. Printz.
OffiCe and Yards:
113- 121 W. MAIN
·Enamlll White
..... .---
For Inside 'WoodwC;rk, Furniture, <te. PI'O<I~eea _ bud,. gloeey surface.
Highest Market Price Paid
tile 1l1lriiM:e.o wen. . .
.. . For ...
1togs~ 5'Asep a,nd (SaZ-csso
F. Ao HQFFMAN, .Arnold House, CORWIN, OHIO.
'lJhone 20 '
WaJD88vWe, Ohio. -
All Abou~ TOwn and Itfi People.
Clas's Wash· Fabrics;
Hutchison &,Gibney's
All kinds of garden seeds.
XENIA-;- . Never have .we ;had. li!uch a oeautiful AU stock of W's sli Fabrics. , -,. ·new weaves and ~ever shown before. ~
John Everhart is one of our lU(ll-y fishermen; be caught a bass a few NORTl.1ERN SEED & EATING PodAya ago, welghing 3y' IbS. and oue TATOE;; ;Early Ohio 7oct. per bu. j two ponnder. while his son got a 10 20l:t. rer peck; White Star 5 0ct• pound ')Iltflsh. Judging from re- , per bu., J 5ct. per peck. I don't reports iu the Xflnill Ouzette this I thjok they will go high .. r. Don't seems to be a good time to go fish. I buy them unless y::-u need them. ing. ONION Sf;TS lOCo qt., 3 lor 25,
Blne Belle La Wll, .. ............. ..... .. ,1Iic l>lmity L' Aignon ..... .............. 1.2Xc -Dimity Citnar08ll, .................... :.• 150 Ba~iDe Batlste, .... .. :.. .......... ..... ,.ll!o 8i1EChambmy •......... ...... _25 to 500 . .
The Daughter!! of Rebeckha held old fashioned taffy }JnUnt the I. O. F : Ban last Tuesday evening. We bow by 1ibern] samples or tbis caDdy' that i~WlUI good and we reo t!Jrn tbalIks for the sl/IDe. Jlr . Frank Shldaker IUld 80:1 nrrived home. from Cheyenne. Wyom-
AU colers, .~ .. )\lOl'e ,duloable th~n f?ilks , And ju~·t tts. pTetty,- .Plam qr ~~~.r~. · --
.s.tn; 7l'uI8ue, :; .•..... :.., ......... .......... 1i00
~-' .... r .. ...·............... . . • 811][• ~hyr •...~·: .1i00 SUk. 'Halle,...•.~ .. . '- .... ...... ........ , .. 1i00 ··iddie 8I1k, ................ .. _26 to .37y'c
WANTED-TRUSTWORTB.Y MEN AND Women to travel aDd .wher\:lge for old SlablI.hod house or solld .ftIUDclala-.uDg. Sel· ary. li80 a lear and expenses, aU pa,pble lD ca3b .. No canV'aMlag required. Give referot'DOe.!i aud enclose self-add.rcsse4 sbmpe1!
n10st fatal ai aD ...
OttiERNOTABLE CURES. AHusband Escape!i the;Pangs of catarrb of the , LJUlfs. ~
o.re t he
pnctril.~ ' ~Iy
and d«p1y,
"" t~D&tbaa
t ben~tTiI ' and briulr •
After,... or atnunrle to attain and me~it public confidence, with & firm IIIId . . .Mut belief, tI.at some da.y oilicTII wouJa recognize In us the truth, IIOOd falth, and bODeSty of purpose which we know we po6I!Css, what a genu-
fae aatl.tac;tI,~ " I. to,8U~ and to realize thc"'pli1~iIl81id.llencc. Df the -..nted coD'Menei!.of a TBst anny 01 our follow bc:iDgs. , 'l'hu ll&anda tile Pinkham name in New England. and aU cmlr America, and nowhere Is Uso faith, in Lydia E. PlakhlUn's Vegetable CompoUJUi.greater &ban 111 New &gland, Its home. Merit, and merit alo~e, can gain thlS. • ORGANIC INFLAMMAnON. ' PAINFUL PEIUODS• . .. Dua Xu. Pn<lUfu: - I 'W1IS , ·f l.canqot ·belp bat leel chat It. Ia troabled '"'..,. badl,r with InflalDmll' my i!Uty to do IiOmetbing In ~ to t£on of the blaadcr, ",lis sick In bed your. wonderful lMdi· _Uh4\; -I bIid two doctors, but they cinco 1 must &ayii die!. -~. 1fO(>d. A friend. gavo me. ia the gr.iutes' L,.ua .. Plakham's Vegetable Com· on eaJ'th.
1IOJUia: aDd It helpod me.
1 havc now
taken thoree bottl~s of· it, Bnd· I am _tbel,. eura!lJ.' It Is a. God-send to !Ull' - . and I would recommend it to..,._aalferlIqf8ll-l was. I think, It .... Of the women would t..ke
of yoar medicine !nstclUl 01 aviIlIr to Uae clocWrs, they would. be . 1iett.ir otr. ' rho .Compound Ims also
. eare4 ,.laaabaad ot kidney trouble. " .' h
,. XBa.
MADilL GOOKI!f. Ideclianic }o'aU", Maine.
have . adviaed ~at lennI' witb e troub~ to take it.. tell people I-wl&h eould gO on the platform aDd t.ure onlt, "My troublewu . painful JIIeDIltru&. atlon. The ,su1I!erlng I endured pen cannot describe. 1 was tJoea.oo by one of our most promineDt physlciana here for 11ve months, and found myaelf ·getting W O!'8e instead Gl better. A~ the cD,l 01 t'be fifth month he told me he ·had done a U he could fm' me; and . that 1 had better go to the hospital. . .. :M y sister advised me to try yoar Vegetable ComruDd, as it c1ircd her of backache. . did ..... and took- i~: faithfully, ~nli BID now cured of my trouble, a nd in perfect bealth, many thanks to your . m.edleine. I ean~ .prniJ!e It enough, and would ft<:Omo mend It to all who. suffer frQID any "fema!e,... pakne.... " - MM. D. S. BAu., 461 Orchard St .• Ne.. HaveD, Conn..
.. For two yearS I suffered , .f"rom aenoaa prostl'&tlol!, 1.hB result ·of 1emaIe weakness. I had leucorrhoea. 'We!')' badly. aDd at time of menstruatkIIl woulll he obllgc<l to go to bro.. Alao adtrered with hcadaclies. pain Iocroa- back, and laolower pIIrt of · abdomen. 1 was 80 discou1'8~ed. I bad read of I.vdi.. E. Pinkhnm s Com1IOGDd, ~."".Deluded to give it IL trlill. I.rote tollrs.Plnkbnm, and received .. -:llry-alee letter in· return. 1 beglUl :.t. ODC~ the \lIIe of her Vcget:t:ble ComPOUDtl and Blood PII~ifl,.~. and am DOW feelIIWei»leodld. 1 .,.<, morepain ., monthly perl';'::". COIn do my own work. and haft ~ined ~n pounds. 'I would not be mthout your Vcg<ltable Compbund. fipleodi.t medici ne. I am rer "·h,,L it bas tlono for W. .J .. 'lIl C:>ro!1na Aft. , :Ma~ II Pinkham1ol·Vegetabl" Compound ,.illcure tbetiC warneD -,.. wh, DOt cannot. teU .until you. try It. If you .are ill, and really ..ant to ... ' Its use Ilt once. nod do not let any d~lerk p"rauade thM he his o'lnl .which Is bettel', for Is abInUd. . IaIm to · "" do. •
D_. m.....
<:e ....'-tl....y It IA ...ell to be thlnkf"1 for .....11 Ed~''''d Sce<en& des. Such i. the opinion of __ man fro m . 'll'bpoe pocbt '""...toloD a par... conlaining . M.;s. E~ward Stevens, of -Csr1h&ge, £25. 50me monthJI later·be received thi_ 1 :.. 1 ., wrlles a s follo..- ., " ]>ear Sir; J 6 ~ol.l your moDey. "1 now take pleaBure in not ifying R.mo~.., Dl1:• • my CODlIe"!TlU, ~nd 1 ha~·e • y ou thB~my l1usband ,h as- enti..-ely r eo YOt! v.£5· \Vben re~o~ ~W. .. pm 'I COTe red (rom cata r rh . H~ i.! a w~lI oeud i ou tome IUDre. -Tlt-.Blt&. man to-doy. thanks to you nnd Pe r lJn a. , ' till H e too k si x bo ~ tl ell of y o ur m edicine Bem.e-.lter t."e Uale-.lel,. a 'it) 1U.. j ns di reeted. aud it prol'ed ' t o be jU ~ l meet- I the tbing fo r biOI . W i! appetite is . En· ' good aDd efery t bing he! eats "eem.~ to agrec .... itb, him. Hjs cough ha s lef bhu and l!e is gaining in lIe8h, and _ .._~ -,_. . cems to be " 'ell e"ery way. 1 hope otbers will t r v you r medicine and r e · " .. I." the benefi ts thOi t we Jia,ve.'·-~I rl<: Edward Stevens . When tbe catarrh reache tbe throllt : It Is called ' roo sJljlL~. nr lary ugiti •. Me· l Cstarrh ?f t!, ~ bronchial ,-u l,e, . is . . . , <,ailed br oDfhlu s ; catarrb o t , he lung., ---®-. consumption. ADY internal r .. med~·
drugp. feIundmooeyifit;8i!stow.re.
FlULLS OF pASBIOlf. re_I.'ae FI.eFT for til. C • ....c'! . . . . . . . C;o;'J •• - lea.oAJI for -·no • .,e ••• Street "~e.r..'" 1" ~otlle o! the, new mou8 8elin ~ de 8o.i ~
In ·pretty topch on
foulard gown s )S a scarr which mAt.C!h~J. , tbe pie.alling colors jn t b. ~ilk. ·. 'nail< j~ u ....d scarf end., begilJnmg with rosettes mousse line at eithe r side of the front wbere the laee<coJlar' t,,·rminates, and falJjng· w\'lf ilOWll on the. ! kirt, endi ng in flat roseHes, of .. Web ,there is an· otber ·midway, between . . 1'be "carl .iJ! cOllfined at the waist· lin e by the bett, say. th e ·.Ne~ York· ', ·preJ,ared · Art ·buckles. bUHoW! and · brooa1u~: I ·f~
Jo;~_..... '
iUustr;r.ted cata-
dUb'- 1 FREE
2!0 MILES, ON . .
oOoD All.
Factory loaded shotgun sb ells, "NEW RIVAL,"
FACTORY LtJADED SHOTGUN SHELLS the wi:o.niIc c:oabiutioa fa she 6dd or at ~ "",p .
"LEADER,n and "REPEA TER!' A trial win prove their superiority.
All dalcn ••n them.
W1&h Honie', Crollp(lure. Jnf.llible. 50<1•. ~. ~ ","J,a.;.,n~I~¢"'1.:~~ f'The...n ... ~ is rour re.a.tOn fo r nlarryin. , bet'!'" O-'l han!: no reuon. I'm in lo,-e.'#l 'hiladeJpbja T;IIlCS.
Plio', Curf"CAoDot be loo bjl!hlr _poken of r~!IIJ!!~q,;~ • cough oure.-.J. W. 0']1" ... :322 Third , X ./ :Ui"n~'l"' ii., Minn., Jao. 6, 1000.
o"t o( eT''''' p = where you 1_ if 7ad winr-.uclIl;oon Globe. I --+®+'Tis' . ...ed to 1.- ;..-.., is K ii m. Cum to oh.. ... . . . RE ADERS OF THIS P APf:R DE::!llitSG TO B U\· .L"\:TUI!<G 1-" ITS COLI:>lSS WOl:LD ISSIST (;P\)S I!A VL"G WHAT Till'll' .ASK FOR. U~SU;G AJ.L SI:II>!TITtiTES 011 tXITA TIO!lis' AD\'SIiT I ~ 1<D
Ea.,. and. DfllSe.I... Dfluer••• ~nMlh .m·. H Mty J elj),t'Oo m;,~~ d .l i cio u. Ul!Ut: r tl . Y ou hal'e n ot h ing t o do but dillf.o .... e. it in h ot \\' aler Dn d n L it . If''OI:"r to ('001 ; it roakt'Jf a d e1iciou trol n.sl'a ren t an.) d elight luI j elly d. ,,"rlo 101"·0" : n n>.~ lemon. !t ",w~~rYt rol£pberr,", pr~ c bt " 'Ud cbe rr)' and , unftavored "c-alCaroot"' (<i r mak in g wine and coffee~lliu. Gtt I pack.1,. to·
We:"wUl tttnbh dupl icates.ot L'y", 8tnck Or&D)" nt.erCIl,... bown'lll ally8peocJaua a",~or below quol~4 pneea tor Il&m r.
A. X .KELLOGG IfEWSP"I'ER ,();. W . .t PlfUJ a.-to " ,,"ol•• aU. O .
wlt hoat fee a,,·
1.. .uClCeMlal .. SfHU'I d ascrlpl1oa; .rREE oplnloa..
~ULO B. STE~'P.NS a co. • Eslab. IBI!I. 01.-. 1 KI1- Ut b Street. WASH'.!"GT9N. D. Co
Omcr. 1
Chk&c'o. Cle YelaIKl aJkl- mtralL
day at your crocer'..
Tbe ·Ideal Summer ~Resort -
Oar 160 page
. ·II thou ..-ouJd6t know thy friend ; if I.
~ Care ••• Pr.e~e.t P_e_.o_.t.:a.
valuabl e ach-ice gratis . AitdreFs n r . Bart man. Pre.sident of The .Hartman SaDltar j nm. CoJl1mbu ~ . O.
cet him into H!y vrocreuive .... eb.r
l 'lii"Miiiiiiiii~~iiiN"_"iI~_iliei '
~hou ' would I!!. Imow his true i01nlrdn.,.., I
s~· ~
~ '7. Ctl re .a t.01« ,- ODe 0.7 'take Lalll~i ..e ;Bromo Ql1ioio,,! Tablef.. All
Indiaft. poU.
UIC'T!-O!!e S tbe appe-
If yOIl do n<)t <Je r i,..' prompt Bn d sa t · is la ctor.'· re. ult s {rom tbe uae of P l" ru n a. wr it e a t o nce tn Dl' , ITnr ltnan , gh in g a ( ull s 1a f c m p. n t o f y on T c a ~ p ~ nd he will UP plea sed to g il"" yo u h is
auewvt 1"-U J110 :'lal.e Jow:-nal.
50J' e n t" ~~.
ti te ani! s u l one s up tb e eOl ire
,- -.-,c.--I
p a.in alld
It"m that Ihr patient qu ickly rega ins &t r eng t h anu bealth. "-)Irs . W. A. AJIi·
J.lr. "11b Xcwl,u~.t ,,,ed"" ~·"''', "..,n'l ' youbr.alc ..-<la.y '. .j d'" J.,.ter-"~"I
of _iPieGt COesaIltptioII ere c.t.rlt. ..
w An lDr,- 'old m.'Ui~ yon :.«:.-e t ta o "t Ijtand III Aul I bu'· b.~ tlt~ "·'l·, i. j, her lint
that will cure catarrh in one loca tion will eure it in any other location. This is why Pe MJDa ha s become. so ) ustly lamous In the eure 0(· catarrhal dia- , easeB. It cures catarrh wherever located. Its cures remain. Perona-does not paUlate; i t cures. . . ~{rs . Frederick William., President of t h e South Side I. adies ' Aid Society of Chicago, 111., writes following words of praise ,. •• _ ....iii .._._ _...! for Peruna from D73 Cuyler avenue; (''h.icago,lI1.: ")Iy home DC" e l" WIU"Otl:" Peruna. f or ha~ e found d in g the IlBJ; t Hi" years t haI there is no remeuy I will at le\O e S¥I~~~:~~ 1~~~"Fr:r~~u~=~ aDdiat actu~lIycure, as Pernn a does. f'our bottles completel)' cured me of catarrb of the head or several years ' s taodiog. aDd if my husband feel ' )'. dly, or e it he r of w. catcll cold, WJ! /. . unee take Pc· runa. and i n 8 day or 1,,-0 it has thro wn the sickness out of tbe system."-31rs.. Frederick \Villiams . Mrs. W. A. Allis oo, of 7S9 Sheffield a_nue, Chicago, Ill., i. the Assislaut Matron or tbe 10...;.......- - - -.... People'~ Ho.pitaL be h as t he f ollow ing to uy about Peruna : WI have had fre · quent opPortunities to ob.~n·e the wonderful cu ra.tIve e.trects of l'eruna espe· cially on perMns s ulfe rinl!' w it h a iO.'!'! •• '"!'~..,~~~,..... ;i co nge!ted co nd itioo o f t h~ 11 ~3d , lung •. and . tomach. gene .'all.,' " u! leLl ea1arrb. I t olle"'iates
A . N. K.-B
WIIE!II W_ITIXe TO Jl.DVEJlTI_ ~ nale 0.1&&- J"- . . . alae A~ ..-& ,"dLb • •~
Mrs,. S. O. Allen'. mends are l"13-
ioie6d to Be eber.abJeto rlde out af. ter J lODg and tediO'l18 illnesa. . 1~ is ' .mth re~et-.tb8t we lea~ of
the rapidly f&iling health of our ref!pected oitizen. tbe aged John R. Sides. . .All lady ' Temperance WorltellJ'"1 are reque9ted to meet t;nilorrow ev, enfng at the township hnll at 7 :30.
Mr.-J. ·W. BaT1iea~ bas recently n.dded to the. attractiVf.lD6S8 (If -his pl~t home by tlie purchlule of a ba.n dsome new piano. Qmte a. number of members of ·Wyoming-Jooge 'I . O. O. F. went t o Monow Fridn.y evening to IIt·tend a Grand Mrulter meeting of Odd Fellows. 'fry t!he n ew remedy for costly. ~. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tnblem. E very 'box guB.mn· teed. Prioo 25 cents. For 8I!-le by Louis May. .
JIO~. ,,:
. P8&er lIaafOlt;
.weh~~ ¥~~
,..an, tb-"r'- ;::Be !.P.. .. 1IIkd ~1Jd
aDd JIP'!l ~t: ,aDd .".. laD. .. 107, _ m.... l!(ills w~ ~00aa'7.J Hie. father .iid ........ • tire 1DIID1MmI of ~be Pres· ~ Oharcb, lUICl he WIW haptlll . ed.ill that "butoh ., the!'19 of two Be lived with lata · •• &be place Of 1!W 'blrih uti) .... hreDty·two. . .. ': • ID 1841 he .one of a pIlTty of ~magDimt whQ 1eI~ Warren CoM· ' t7 10 10·&0 tlie- 801d fieIdtI . 9 f Otli· . farDIa ,. lie reDl&iD,ed~ that state foar 11I8ft; .Dd · tben' returned ,to b ~ home; O!ll Jau. U. 1'857, l;1e was married to ~Wh 4 . Ktleter, d&uahter of
'lIDtiIIII'aadl(rdia' Keever. 'Hhcrtly
marriap 'he mov~"With ~_~to!._ooUDty, lowa. They nIided.iD that Stilte nine years and ... ....;;, RHo.......... ;...... _.... to wIU"J'Un 0011J1 ty, ....... · ]II1I"ObaliiJg.ncImovtng on the farm where the,. have 6ver since resided. To them were eight clIildren. .aeven of-wllom, iUe ,till living. Sis·Jife baa)leen one of honest e f · •&UI' ~ - _...... toll , devoted _ to the . . . .-.-...I. -maw". ~eltare of bis 'lamiJ.y• . Be 'w as a (8tUlthl, )~vJDI busband. a kiqd and 1ndnlgent lather; ·and a highly es' teemed frieud antI .neighbor. The r1!JIIIlin8wereinterretI at Lebanou. •••
&her -
No,,-OD S*i.
COIlJItituUon; was ' holIeSt. in.d u.tri.' ons, methodicjl ail:d ' p~pe1'Oll8. , Be was exacting of )~imself .DI~ al. w.yi did promptly and" ~eli whAt ever fell f-o 'bis lot. . After the of hid wtIe, ' Dec. 18. 1892, wishir.g to divest hiIllll8Jf Of 'hia bQtli_ c8res';as mllch'811 .pcIi8ible. he ,<livid: ad his property among his ehildr~n. giving toeacb a .quit"c1irlm deed for the farm he OCCQpidd. F oaw 'pentons are aofree. as WM bo from the objeotionlWie quality· of je:dOUllyof other peqple'8 prtlSpGr. ity. He once rcmarhd to mo thAt he wanted tollllJTOund hi~' with what· OOI1Ititnted the'oomfqrts and
man ~ny
. ... ,'
IiI 8ize 2 to I) BIlby BhOC!ll 20 cents to 50 cents per lJII.ir.~ .........:.............._ .:-.......... .. : .. ...... .... .......... . "ID Idze 'r; ~ S Children '. 8~ Heel e~ to.IUX" ................. .... ..... : ...~ ....... : •....._. ,..... ...... ...... ..... . !
In size 8 to 12 Little Gents
' .
c d~ 750 to '1 25,
.. ...... .......... ..... ............. ..... ... .. .......... ......... ...
In size. '1 2 to UIfisse8 99 cents to t2 ,OOi· . - ' ..
Vours ~Tr.uly.
. .,'
. 1 -ihe ,'re8nlar
• " ·TLE. . .... &
mOllt hlry m eetin-g of
. A'T ~'.W.H
1Ill.d'" ..... rs.
I ·
~~l~8. ~~
~an =,.
..... J....
WANT&D-AC'l'IVE MA NOf·COO D CHAE · deUveraadeoU"", In Oblo tor 014 .. ",I) llilled DUUJulllCtW'lu3 ·..hoI...... bowie. 1900 . ,tar.. l ure pay. B _ J DIO...., experIence .., ..... ' "
J"'" ·pp'egato .. _.Ynlg . ht ".,. '& .lJ.ATlSG ,;; p0 - E requhe!. Our me ......... nnybaak la cl.y.' 0 ......... ' . tb e council took place l(oD..... N rORTH E -RN " ~"l!.[)' _ . . u._ sbmpocle,m,lo"". lIfllll S'Oliday in LebaiJOD. ~ and tbe saIlIioD was 8pent in clOliing TAToIDi, ; Ea rI110b io i oct.,per bu.; u,.._ 'l'bfro floor. 334.'letlrl>otD5~. ;bl_o . C. s: ~b andfamilY ,;vere the up.t he busin088 of the YllIlr j ust end. ~oct. per p.eck, ; W~ile 5tar 50C~. of relativeS Itt Centerville on lng, " . haTinc been .. YBllr of .more per :t>u., . J set. per . peck. I d on I v_ au.:,
Waynesville, Ohio. .
~Qaa-n.erIY lleettng< wf11~ be
COAST. WriU Cor Fold en. Deocrlptlf e M.Uer. etc.. w
C, L ,,' STONE, Ge ocralPasaeoger A, ea •.
YOUR ADDR~8 To R. J . WEMYSS. aud Ja.d us trli11 A litt'n ~
LOuD,;VILLE. KY. b • •111 mall J'OU ••lnlf!•
llentUcky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississipi and Florida•.
Mr. Emmor Trueblood and litLla IlUI v i· lyr son, trom Sout.bern Indinna. h .... e been here visiting the pllrents of his deceased wife, JJr. and Mrs. BetWeeft, D1ytoD. $prine Valley ~Dd Bc.Ubroolc:. Furnas and other relatives. Aunt· 'Rh.odn Hoc ket. one of the Leave Leat'e DaytoD Jle \In.r,,,,k. Winler's shnt- in>I. was a ble to take ";.!to a. m. ~ 6.0 0 a. m. r..OO u . m. advantage of the fine ldtly weatber 18.00 ~L.a II.S" 1.:!.15 0,' 5 arid with her danghter drive over 10.", 1.30 p . Ill, ~ . ..:; P. m. 1~ .30 p. m to town lAst Thnrsdil.y and mako a· 4 .00 50. 15 3 .00 ";. ' & ' \ a.30 5 .:\0 [a.rev"ell mi t to her fri e.n d, lI.n! . 9. 0 0 t 10. 15 8.00 OJ if ton. JO.30 rl:1 %enb C:t.r al1~ Change Or . .Ale:mnder n ow occupi~ the ,. Le a ,.e D~1ton lot Behnoa• . uffice adjolning A . Mu.ffitt·s fnrniture f To car boa.., oDly. stor e. yaCHted last week by Dr. El Daytoa om.:. on<1 _1.1Dg ronm. 14 ......,
The Darton & Xeola Traction Co.
Tyonr pnrohaso is not saoslactofY 10 wUlrelund your mooey,
~ conveniences of life, according ,to his oWn vieW8 of the matter-that he -rinted til saCeed; but was willing - his neighbor or anybody. elae sb:onld S1lcceed 'in life, aDd if·h e waslumself snocesaful. be :cared not h ow mncIi ano th erman accumlO'A'" ed more than hi~lf. Jle begrudg. ed no m easure of ity be might a t tain. ~ II. lifo. long familiarity wHh b is habit.8 and dispcsition I beli&ve thes8 t-o· h a vo been his sentiments. 'l'hat he was an honest m~ no one whQ. ever knew him will can in question. BIB BRomER, T. 'J. B. The fnnera ltOOll:.p1ace Sun~y af. temoon, May 5, at 2 o:olock. at Clio Christian churoh. Rev. J. ·F . Cad· . ~11·der.· rectorof. St.:lIa"",·8chnrch
. J W. White hAs been qnite indis-
has k ept up and continued to attend .to his mUltitude of business ~es duties.The least in quant,ity IiIId mO&t in quality describeR DeWi tt·s Little ~I y Risers. tbQ famoos pills for constipation and lh'er COlnpll'ints . J, E. J'a nney ..
posed during tho last few days. but Genera.i Immlg ratJou.
Sunday .• t-ban.. ordinary work and intricate ·think'Jhey wi ll g o hi,gh ... r . D on ' t Miss Minnie Duko is the ~d busin ess inseJllU!lble frO~ the ~ecoD- buy ~ein unl~~ss )';:>u need them.. ~l of oue yoa r teache'r 's s truction period t·hrough -whio4 t he ' ON [ON SET'S 10C . qt., S lo r 25, - ' Asthia bWl- AU k' J[) " d S 0 f gard en S~t! d. S . 5 a It f l ER." . eertilicate. . corPoration has PIssed. j.u~;;tiII )lye;., dAu~-bter of the Mrs. .. . Y . .Stacy h~ beeJi iD -very in~- flll.ed np the tune. ooUDcilmll.D. $1·35.3. ba.1reJ . late George Myer. - - ·QoTB DellI' poor health but is' grC}lUy. improl'ed ~lea~ G. E.. Randal! 'n'flB ~~1; swo~ C,ALIPOKN u\ DRI EO Faun:, all t his·writing . . In, Dor was th ere any appo\1ltment kinds., a nd aJl kinds of canned . WayDeSviDe, Obio"Ooteber 8. '1833, died a t Leban~ May 2, 11101. buried . made to fill the vucnney !p!L<1e by "OOdli •• " in Miami col!1etery Friday, May 3, Mrs. ~tlfMcVnri\Y oj Dub· tho r emoval I'1.N.' B . Haywood. ., OR'''&CES, I,EMO:';!>, BA NA l'\AG, ""' est of JOSJah -' _" . IDd ., It _ the • f "'·r a-Vl'cer- them ' o~'-Ary 'chape ' 1 ,. "'. Conncil. uulourned .,. n~ee:t !plIO · !' i:\ :ppltes.. ." _.... . . .... ~.. ',T d f i1 . · oonduoted..lJy Rev. W. M. Coffman, offiefatedand an ~~ y. • Saturon,y tlvening. JRll<JtfU.Ei~S J\folas"e~, lIgh t palltor of tlie Wu.yt;lesville II. E. an impressive 'discoUrse on tlie Mrs. Dr: ' Ward a nd MrS. S. L: i - ' lD • thick and hea y},. 60 ct. WilJiamson ware shopping in Day. per g aJ lon; sy rllp 35 !=t. ~aJlollS obul'llh, aDdclOlietl with prayer offer· nrrecljon ; exceptionally good edby lIrs..Ur. Funias. of the I:locie. WB!! ' rendered by. the Clio choir ; ton on Wednesday . P: A. Dantorth, of LaGrl\Dge. in cans, an-d t:,-e rylhmjf In the ty: of ....z:. ~n• 'd Mrs'. frightful . m nning on bia l~g11i g tOcery j'IDe fires.I1 and b..,ood , <an d ' Friend8~ an old . and cherished thire was a.large . wosemb1y-of nelg. . b to ' G ear ge Wh ' ea t on Gu , snffored for $Ixsore months with mend of the deceased. bors,. friends find relutives of enterbuned their -son .Walter', of but -wnws that Bueklen's A<T'D'ca. 16 0 7.. to the po un<l . "'.., • -, ' t ' 11 ~ -d ' " There were 8l1ddonf'd hl'a.r~ iu deceltsoo.presenl< to }>!loyth&ll1.l!t uo:yton. on. Snnday . • . SuIve·wholly.e11J'ocu 1 \D' ve ""' J 600 0; , -,-,oats . Sh CR'S, t"--· c.. •• ...l ana aad ·memoiies iilled u~ of. respect to one who .had . Mr. Enn Randolph ' and Miss Ado. ,l F b e°: llsn lCt'l:.se; l~niVounth'des' wporil/;!! ld'. itsCllCO Ha ts, Caps, J lardwar(', Q.!tce ns~t the ' minds of the little ·group of the m oet of his long a nd aotive life WOEe t he guosts ~f J . B. !",,,n ran teeci.. Only 25c .. Sold · by wa re-, L ime 31"d-Cemcnl. ' ., E \~ery . th·mg t h ' t in a friends -who gatliered at LurY'8-( among t h em. Th e en!!ke t -was rov· rn.__ vwuupiOn a nd wite, of n ear Cen· Louis Mu.y. ' " at ·IS k cp d . ahe was fI,ectionat.eTy called) OpeD bern e by four grandsons. terville. on ' Sunday. ' C general store an pnces - do wn MOst of thOse who :were Berryhill. Henry. Edwa'rcU lbs: ·C. E. Mrs. Wolter,' . Reco g n ized at Wasb lni:ton. low for cas l). Norman: Bro"!l1. two grand.: Kenrick I.Ind Miss·· Lydili'BUllt. at. . UlllIOUIISII 1-n~~Db,ell'8, Edwin alid Arthur Thom· tended the V: W : C. T. 11. Conven. l , Th,e only in!!talice on r ecord when ld . d d e· ' at CoIUm .. gram\IIons of his . o . est an . bnsll1.l!t-·weei. ' -. B:post office h. a s been.named a.fter: .,.,....,...1Il8 sr. ... er nre 'I!OrVlce . ...... -nce ... _found .... t rhe ' UDlft_ .rmtent. m ClUO',_ was year__ D.'"'...... ....... __:_-0 . ch h edi la.st the remafnll were foDowed. to Bell. ~m .is by uric'A'cid i n the .in ·Wetzel ~nty. ~ . . Va..•. a. new , , , brook cemetery ~here '~hey blood. TI;rla- PQilioh should be_ ex· post ofllce, WAS . estnlllished . and l'Jie . famil y f the late Gideon cwDmitted to the earth to await, cl'eted by the kidne.Js. Norbeuma: named Kodol, a ftel'· the fllmons Ko- Brown. deldre to expi-esa 'to t he With thOse of father, .mother~ BiB-- tlllD. with healthy·kidneys .• Fol81" " Dyspe.... n (''ure, · nllat·lufael;ur.ed ! fr'ends ' 00 ' hbt,'h '. ...... re ~nlwa.ya ·ma k ...... ten. .wife,'. daughter ." and grandson. Kidn ey "'.. 811··" ... em I '-C DeW·tt·&·Co ·n f 'CIii"""o ~Y; tt i'ed1.,bel - Ii d n lQg .. t l TS, t Wth0 well: 'Louis May. ' . •. 1 . _ .• ~ . , -'" pro., e~ p lin sympe Iy II e • .ailclyel·81wl-11ihe re!lmrectifln mo~. """'e Counh.- ''O'-- tiQn ot ... _. .given 8uch satisf!lctory rG- time of their lI'ecent berea.vemcnt. &aides ' relatives - lifing in th" thlllrheat1felt tba.1Ik:s and IviclD. i tv WMe preaent.Henry 'l'hom. • . T. " be 'held -_":'" of Sidney, Ohio; l!1aoe Hay 15; meetibg ill t h8 .JIIl;._JllUJ-pnY ··lUId daughter M~ jJIlr. aftern~ IiUld ' evening. - - _.,.-.............:...--.. '. .Kate, 11'- Jennie. , Carrie 8-00 , ot-DetJ:oit, Mioh. , win 8T0I'8 ',-m: couon --Zpt 01 a ~.~ her pen t·bat (''lara' Brown, Dayton; . the eY~Dg. ---: , . Bra':101l8iJut; lIr'ofand MN. In . , of Valley._ tJie E. ch~~ o~. ~~Y • •... _ . i!1ujllda,y. Bev. Patton will. 118 Ui,ist;ed by our former. ~tilr, of Da~. all are oordiJiUy ~~~~~ I invit9d to"a~; . . " ...:";, .,. ~ _~" "": ,
..... .....r-<
il road,. aQJrl!lllPJ! ....• l:'I1ll'K. ",. .. R'·a. • . . . . OOUG . . . .
LalDM['''' B",:::,~~~~~..,:sa.,:'.:
<5 f/I..~
'rb;" "i~ I, on «ery bo" ~ t be ce~u!:c
,Illlaxative .. ~ tiJ:lt.Bro~uiBioe ~ ~liI . . _~\cts dlQ'
Cured a Running S ore. " I had a bad r unning sore ou my brf>ast tor .o'l'f>r a year. .. says Henry R Rl.chttrds . of Willsey ville, N ..Y .• " and tned a.. .,. ......... - t many remedies, hnt pot n o relief unl il 1 used BUII;er Su.lve. Aft( r using one ha lt bole 1 'l<'l\S perfectly cnred. CI1nno~ recomm end i! to bi!;hl.Y. and nnd neve~ be "'Hh ont It In the house.. LoUlS May.
" le. reliable perllOD 10 e_,.A.!'<TED.-CaP" couory '0 r<preoeD 'larn..,,,,paDTof '\l"
fin. ud .1 repu ta Llon: 'U3ft $al8rT 1)<'r r . r. "")"able v-eeklr ; fa dar n","olu tely lur e aDd aU expeD_;. b0D3· 6dc. de1\Due S'3J ary, no e'peD comm ... bsloD : s al:l4vanOflC! a.r y pat d OliCh mone},
, ,,ltd
Satnrlb~...,d ~ eacl> ... .~. k ST~'&>ARD
nOUSE.lIlIi Denr:
St,. CIItcaco.
Old 8.:>Jdier ·R E xp'!rleno.... M. M. 4' .os b'n , a. ciVl'l war ·veteran
wifeWine' washsiek II. ong lD Spl" eo of ester, Ind.,hUlO WTites: My good ..doct.or·s treatp.lent, but wa s
lis Who is handsomely. l ocated i!l the new bank building. PI! is Dr. Clag. ett. who occupies rooms on t be sec ond "U oor. W I· th two W. " . D. 's I'n the corner bl) ilding, Dr. Sherwood on lhe opposi te corner. lind Dr. Hat hn. way . dentist, in the Keys building . we mny clu.im to be in the pro!os. sionnl ro w of town . Charlie YelUlble. who has taken t.he required course of i nstruction in . telegniphy . under Operators Piatt and Booth at 'Vllyn~Vllle sta . tion, has boon officially examined Rnd come out with credential$ t.hat will entitle him tOll good position . . to ~hich lie h nN's soon to be np ." .- r-- . • . . pom ted, nnd his f n ends here rejOice wi th bim at his de.~er\'etI success. We congrntu1ate Cha rlie and hope thnt he lImy continne his efforts to , nnco _ nd w I'n life along the ll' ne of useful ness. Mr". Mary G. Bruwn who lmel
Tb lrd S.=,. P b llUp. Ho","" B oUdiall . Th. ruanlag- " me be L..-eea DaTLOD IlIld 'prlD~ Vall.y l.K ODe bour ~J>d ftfLeen mla . at..... p>SSiog . brou,b Belmunt, P""' •• rto... n.
U-llbrook 'ud SpfID'~' ~ . Mounell. _ _
Hayt on to Sprtog ValSey]8 m llcs. t.lre !!:.c. .D2.YlOD to>Bel.Ibrook U m llesr. fare: 20 C~.DUs Speolal ra tes 10 Suuday Schools. PlcDI ...
o t her org':a.ni..u1.JOIlS. upon ;;r;ppUc atiuo..
L lgtt f rt lgh t
Fo 0
'1 . .
"". )",~ :;cc",. =;oynj'=b=~y \!C. ~a
vb Cioclnn.ul. !be '" ec..c.n, • R'XIteond Soulh<m Jts b.>t eral:u pen. ' ''''Y of t!>c Soul!>. ... ,1 1 ho-JrSdl~:.t'il . ""_ -d:l:ut1 . bJ• c.ksooviUe at:ld
been one of the "shnt- ins"sinca lus t {all was able to ride on t last Thurs -='" ~.rt ~" Ce~trol da y . nod for th e first timo since the ( O':=s. 9-rt.. bolUS Ii> CuIU:>ooE"o oS bnildings in thc bnrn t district had -I, l<'= ""=",,,,s~,,,..,... ;5I""",,:O I"m 'ompa. been com pleted. wa lked . s upported Oh.."r..,u"". t=:ar ,,-,d of. c:us-tr.. reby her daug hter , up t.ho sqUAre. '::,~~~~=h PU!I=n.~nll l..droplJed in to see her brutber, L E. 0.. _,'''d '.D,.. .M ............ ... .- .... rout.,., ••" I .u...-s.a ~ \:... .a..t!Il~ \;,'1IT w:. in h is newly constructed LOOtrr ".~"'._"" t4 ~ enlled 0 h er nl'eU'_ _ qna r ~ rs . n ~. Addie Keys , in her n ew borne. and u.lt<lgQther h'ld quite a.n explonng trip f or one of fouro():lr~ years.
= !,!.:, ~~w~ .._.._, c~'~":":<':':'O:N:'G:':":':":C<:':CO:NN:':"':.::
C;:ro~e~:r a ~:~f::c'~:ed ;~iC::;
k_ "010 .. :::~&:' c::tp. ::Y: : : forca agatnst his leg as t o brmk tho "* JlOIU dntllKlIt&.
GOIng ~ 5 OUth-..
Td. tII~ ~_De.•r1I1na1 of lsst w eek as Otbo was.iu the nct .ROCKV.MOUNTAIN TEA of climbmg into a wagon londed with -=-t!I.y~~~t!~otIlt stono,·.when tho team s ta rted und t o. Oar tra it brought the w.H. _ k aat on .... .-.c.. ...,ou wheel WIth such
_ . ..... .... _ ......
Chas. D .
wbo1Jy cnred by Dr. King's Life Pil1II, which work~ wondClrs his bealtb. n . Tiley nlw'!.lys do. ""em. On ' ly 25c nt Louis May'!! That indf>fati!!:able wurker.Otho u, _ drug storo. . Henderson , is snperannuated for n ti~ . h 'l hi f ' h d b th
'OO 'N 'T BE
bone. The accident occurred on tho Kilbou farm abovo Corwin; but US Chflrlio Donham With (Inot.h !r toom WIIS along; Otbo was carefully tro't homo wh ere he is now d oing well. BF;LLBitOO li.
,SugarerE'ek Township commence· CIDeI. ..... Uata\l IAJc..• ment will toke place in Bellbrook Mtlford ..... _. to Tuesday e\'ening, 14th Tnst.. and 'LovelAnd Sow Le lMmoD School commencementexercis- )f{tl'I'T,'V•••••••. Aneien"" th.e everung of 21st,. There Oregonln.. •... . u W:'" lI eln Jlle .. -be five grad uutes. JtOX:l nnlll_. _ . , t5prl D& Va l ...: The fll intlyof J ohn Underwood, XeD.A._.• { the ADlItiii fflrm above W Il berfo"", U
w• • •
Cednrv·JUe ._ &!IUln.._ ,_ •.• ~
B.Cba riettlon "
LrmtJon •_ __ • I. W. JeaeniOD U Al ton ... _ ._ '"
£elanab . .
Ohio, . ,
.. Now
" ;1\TC , thri ' large:l~
a nd '""eSt stock oj Munumen" ,
• tal Work to. be found within a . . bundred mileS ,of ber~. It will ' • p~y th.ose 'coDtemp.~ai!ng·. the purchase o( lliJs line of work to see us or lor !llUlltrated bOOkJ.e t ~ntainjng prices.L etc.; thiS-WliJ cpst yo~ 2 cents . and may save you: many dol!ars. . Much of the ~nest \vorkin Miami Cemetery
has be~
rurn~lfhed by us.
Being ' practical .9eslg~ers, W" :tte p~epared to furnish origj~lIl . ;md a:-tlstic dra'~rngs ·on sitC"rt notIC~ . and Wt' gLJarantte' to furnish as finely. proportioned worle as can b~ obtained aoywnere 10 the I,;ountry, and take specHl1 care to supply nothing but 'the very best material anI! guarOlntee perieet sati~actiolJ : Our very reasonable.
y .
~ l-l08 Sqit... ti~_14 to 20, ~ aiL
donG., t-ataiI. worih
"le; 14,.9!1:" . . . 2---,$111loYli I ..Lorig Pant tiult, in alJ colors anil atyJee; they are beautiful aud l"'eremade to·sell at~1liey IW at 14.45. " ~ 3-:-143 &y8'~g·.Pant Sntt. fil,t·lie .flue gra~; ii_Uti> 20 i mllllo to sell at 'l~ and ~13,liO, now ·P;8O. LOT , -300 !len's GOOd &tita In f~cr'JId, plain ooJQn; made Ul
sell aU!O-tbil! we. 'UO. . . LOT h"29 Hen'lI -SuibJ in 8cotcb Cl&IISimeres and _Won~made' to sellat-i12 and '13.~th18 sate '1.90. ,~ -' -, U>T 6--2i5Jr1eD". Fui8 DI'88I ~uit.l, StripeS, ChElCb, Plaids, etc., ,
worth '18. ~1iis sale IrS,50.
. '
HAT~ ~~
", _ .
60 Chttdren '. JIl&clt Stookingl!., Uy.e yiklD!lII. 250 ?fuloau iitra" Hata for girJil, &Oc v)lla.es. . . 250, Gi'rls' .ADd Boy.' 8IU:·Libed Oapif, 6Ou.ftlues.4lio Boys'!p14 tilr,,' FIIDDY andPJaln-8traw HaUl, 150 VallISII. ~15o. Angelleo ~erAible Conan aDd Cdj , b)' bos, worth IliO, 310 Fine NigbtSDirte, worth mllClilU~. ' .24c FauoY8nd Whi~,(JhildreD's B!ouse Walsta, worth.40e.. 250 .and 3{!o'fine)(aco Under:wllllr. worth 40e Il11d. 500. ' 4lic and 750. G()OC\ Underwear, that .wonld Cod· ,e~hete double . mOIlQ1. ' 40 Shop ILJId omoe Olp8, .~o use paYinC -l50. Be 10e.and 156 SqD 'Straw Bats, ;Worth dou;ble mc,ney. 1f.00. Boys-' New Wide Briin . .(Jolf Hats, worth $1.50. r ,2.';c and -t50 Overallil and Jaoketll, worth 11(10 and elio. :iOc .Hea-vy J eans Pants, liDed. worth 750. . '
F or Inside W oo<j'\york. Fllrni lure, &e. I'rolluces a hard, gl088Y slIrflLce.
250 sD.d ·:iOc .BeSt line of neckwllll~JAJ)rayton.
SOLD BY ' Phone 20 .
fJign ' Class~ Wash ~ Fabrics,.
150 aud 25(l Big.AlI8orlment Men's good bose. 170 Working.Shlrts. wortb 350 and' 4Oc. l.Oe Swfmmiilt~ too doseD, at lOC. '1. ~5 L4test Styles }[en'. HatH, IJ.OO·vlt]w§8, 8c 10e and 1~ Big Li1le,(,lf 400d Bnipendeia. _ ~ 50c 750 and t1.00 ·KeD '8 aad l3oys' DreiI8 ColCrud ,:~htrt., · . . Be .an d I!C ~O:n'8,.&!Id Boya'Ltup'liIaJ&gJi,a Itl1D.JElata (wlth~: fn!e.) -
Xen's Nobby t:lommer ~ for HIgh ftIId
CoIIan, Ire. _.
HntGllisD.n ~: Gi~ney's ,XENIA. .
, Blue .Bellt)
Yesterday was the e\ghty.m:tb blqhda~ of Edwsrd Shaw, and ~e Friends of North A ~~t meeting, 8, hundred aud ten of them,assein· bled in the basement of their meet-
La"FD, .. :................... ,.lOc
.~ pimity L·.Alglion, .. , ...............= 12Y.o DimitY Cimnrosa; .................. .. ... '1110
SIIfiu8 BIltiste;., ....... .... .. .... ;.. .....180 S_iJ]i, ChalJ}bl'!'Y ............. .....2li to 5()(}
All colors,- ·,.Mo.re durable than silks, '... And just ,a~ ,pretty,- :Plain, or figurJ. ~
. r.:
< Bilk TIs.'m8:; _. '.. ..... " .. ... , ........... a()c :Silk ZeBhyr, ... ~ .... ,.:: .......... :.... :.'iiOc " ' Silk Molle; . .. ... : .. : .... .. .. , .·....... _•. 500 Eddie Silk, .:....... ........ , ..25 to- 37y'c ~ ~
On Third Street, ,. . .
stock .of' Wash Fabrics. All and ntw~r sho~n .bc~tOl·e:
every description of cut stone work fo,, - . building purposes on short noti~e. Office and Yard5:
8k1n aO'ecttona will IJI8dily dbvtp .
Baz. I~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. 81 Salve. Look out for counterfeIts I If' you get DeWitt'. you will good .:results. It is the quick MiDtive cure for pUeB. J. E .T8.!IDey. )(no Amanda M.iddleton continuetl ••• For ••• ill. )(n. KIddleton ha. been.AbaM WOl'kiDir nietul woman, and we are aIad ·tobow ~ha'£ 8be i8 wei! and teDilerly cued for in bel' ·failing
Highest Market . Price Paid (3a"ttZe, ltogs, Sheet' a.nd ea,Z--oss~
heelth. Mr. and Mrs: Nur Brown drove to XeniaonedaylaBt weeltandrenlllln· lid . lIIl~il Batnrdll.yartemOOD with tbeirdaagbter MnI. C. B. Sherwood famBy, and . were accompanied home by their little grand· daughter
~ry Sherwood.
~ HOFFMAN, Arnold Bouse, CORWIN,
• at .........~ ___ ~ .avuut '&v".D
the l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,
Jbll, George BaJnllton had pIei81lre 18II~ Thonday of entertain·
IDg her
M.r!I. Sarsh King.
80 Seuc1t Idfi....,·
sister', -'!n. Anna Jladoon, of lfArreyi.btngi tbeee lawes wereaeoompanled home by lIttle)lisa Lo. Nine 1I8miltou ~ho remained with
. 'l"'-l.-p_ .... dPt-........ · ..... cllup ...... '" cafIk -....; 0.. .... will . ...,.w, IIPt .. a ~ .., III ......... ·
n. ........ *-IIT . . ....-..F .... «It ,
Ulem until Konday mol1ling.
Never bf:l;ve we h~a' such a
also supply caps, ' sills, step's .
..-r by U8ins DeWitt'. Witcb
'&;: llen'/Ll'auily Rose, ~orttf15c.
Enamel White _
JSLa~ We
~::.~=~lU:~e aomp rain- mus~ 1'I 4on' tai,doWD andbowl, . ~deOr take10 flight, tsmart people take Rooky Xountain ~ .atnight. ~ your druggillt. " IIr. Farquhar:! of1!'arciuhar & Co. Puni&oe Co., at WliniingtoD: made ,.,.bum.- visit to our town onXOD· day. - ·Xr. Farquhar ·was carrymg in bis order book ~x new .orders for
_nry; hll~_ TIIq .... _ _ (cad 011). . . nry IltIk C'. 8ae
;'Our littJe girl waa nllOODcious from strangulation durin&, a IIt1ddim &lid terrific attack of croup. 1 qllicldy secnrec:1 a bottle ot One
,-!!!~_1IrId1bqpw. TOWrI' 1.............. _ ". cI dtbor .... fnIebt _ U at a fIIIaad ......
Sea4 for Free Cal.1lqrac.
Minute Cough Cure, givmg .three dOlleS. The croup was ma.eteI'I)d ~d · our dear little darling llipAIjiilr recovered. " 80 "Rrites A .
R. E. DicU Compeny, • Lt·....... l1li, New Yed:.
_A P ._ r.. Spafford, Chest. r, !lIeh. J. E. ""'!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!'! a_ U. ... ~-. Jaime , , 1
Bouse-wiyes have been (or weeks Clover seed at C. R.-Funiltou's, waging WIll' on dnst and dirt with Baby08p1 ~1Owas251' at- HniF. ~p and broolll, 'II'Wle oold noon ~. King's: , Kr, aDd Krii. -I£, . . A. Zimmerman, luneh8111 for hus~ds l!8J'Ved fto~ of Lebanon, W81'l8 the guesta reI. spe:re bed-room maDties were 10 order. Bat woman's mission in life · . is. to bclttl!l Wlth dirt; wo~en are the IlftDitary ofticers of every com· ~UDlty. ' E:lt yoW' .cold lunch with· out oomplnlniog: Kis.'t .FloreDce Newman. who has been a great an1rel'!!r from mUscular rheumatism, sa-ys ~mberIaIn 's PaiD Balm is the onlY remedy that ~ord& her relief. ' lJuis Newman is a much l'tISpected: resfdent. VIllage of Gray. N. y" and ,._-,.. ,--- this 8~teme!1t for the bene-
Some Faets for tbe Tn.x Payers . f W III I 0
e. '
You now have a splendId system for l ig hti rg your h omes lind your l streets. A wate !' snpply ncknowl. ! edged to be lIS pore and whoJe8<>me 118 it can possibly be. Protection to ~bytbelU.BV.&Jll) ' yonr homes from the ravages of de- PlAilO OOIlP.AJtYat CliriMeU suuctlve fires i3 ' almost assured. These thintJi! are sure to increase the mloe of your properly and IDlIke for ita yciar viIlsge " more inviting and desirable place for home bntlders manufacturers. Now these improvemer.ts are all The lIABVAlU) is.old 1D 119'yours, must be paid for bv YOD, BBY.8TATB in the UNION aDd whe'her you use them or uot. The 18 POP11f.AB lIVlIBt WBAB& duty of every 10y..J. citizen'is to en. It· ~ta, to &lie IdirbOBti ~e degree, the
Recognized Everyillel1 SUPERIORITY.
. Superb '!'oDe Q;wiQr. ..
' . -
UnquMtIoDeCl DlUabulty;
BeauUtal a... DwJ.,.· ~
TIle John Churcll ,CODlpay; I. I.
Cpmmeur.en.ent Weej(.
. 'Baccalaureate· Sermon, ......... ......... Trustee,s
M. E. Church, Sun4ay ..... :: .. : Ma.y 12, 7 :45 p. m .......... , ... ,,'.
. ?ofi6s Matte Coat~, President of i he Appleton Young La4ies~ Club, wt:it~. the followCiIg concerning Peruna ~ . • Ap.l!leton, Wis. The PerunaYedicineCo.. Cv]umbWl,().: · Gentlemen."l1l.nd Perona ..._ _ _ _ _ _- . an: excellent spring and summer-medi· e · ana 8m· to callthe loion of
"'1\'1) .1/ Oont
Get t.he Blu1)S
.uu BBTMf. OF ';~GTON, ·D. Co
Ii" If
ftlpp orl:Jl aD·d lD the I g whicb, wl t b 1 b e .braces (I, I) malce t be IDl\chlDe fir.m .ond slTong. '!'be uppurt. under tnt! iront' end. extends fo ur Incbea t .. the rigbt ~o bold tbe upright pieee" (u) hi plllet', ~Iot.ween \~"bicli the ".Dd of lhe k.nife handle I beld. "fh reo..:e .Iso·· two otber lII.ri"ht Illeeea (r., 1'), ooe In fron t of ~eb of the fron t i.ep, wWeb,l>a.re adjustable to Cl'owd .the blade of 'the Imi'" up close to the Gl lroth ot tbe maebiDf. Yig: a:·1s • front \'i.e ....
MlalI Anna Bryan, a la"~rite oousin of William J ennings Bry~, ;" \yell GOwn. r;ocia1J,.·io· Wrushingtou, D. C., where she bas a hos t of friends. M iss Bryan r =tly 6tudied mOoSic nt "'rurmount Seminary, ""f WasWngton , In • recent letter to Tbe PertUla MediclDe Co., of CoIWDb~. Ohio, sbe says:
.you. r = wiU make 1'0D feel like another penon w aide of a · week. I bave now used it> for three .eUOM and -tind. it very reliable and ellicaeious."-lia-rie Coats, . Mrs. Ai. Wetzel, 21 South 17th street. Terre Hante, rnd .• ",ri·t es : "Peruna is the greateat medicine OD earth. l.1eel well and that tired feeling is aU gone. When.! began to take· ),our medicine I could Do t sm.ell Dor b ear 10 eb urch bell ring. Now I can smell and bear.· Wun I began your treatment my head was tern"le, all sorts of buzzillg, chirping and loud. noises. Three m ool.bs ago I dragged a r ound like <a 1SD.8.i1; now J can wa lk .a briskly as ever. I am going to go lll1d see tbe doctor that said I was bot long for this world, and tell him thaI. Peruna cured me."-Yrs. AJ. WetJ".eI. If all the tired ,,·omen and aU Ih. nervous women, an. all the women that needed a towc would read and beed the words of these three fair ladies ....ho· ha ve spoken ri.ght to the point, how many invalids would be pre..-e.Dted aDd how m5ny wretched lives be made happy. Peruna r esto rcs health in a uormal way. . . Perm puts rigb t aU the mucou. m embranes of the body. and In tws way )"esto~es the tODctl.o n5 of e.-ery organ. . If it is tbe stomlWh that is out of o rder, and t he u igestion impaired . Pernna quiclcly m.ukes ibi ngs rigb t by restoring-the mucous mcmbrane of tbe st.omaeb.. If the nel"'·es tingle. if tbe brain is tired, if the streng-th is Oaggiog and the circulation of blood weakened by Oabby mucous membranes of tbe d igestive organs, Perona r eac.bes the spot at ollce bv giTiJlg to these membranes the v;h'ity and activity which . belongs to them. The pelvic ol"p an s are also lined WiUl
/4$9 Florldll Avea.ue, N. w., Wasblagto.n, D. ~ The Peru~ Medicine Co.., Columbus, ·0 .: (ientlemen--" At the soll(;JtlltJo.n 91· IIlrlead 1 b/!6IUJ some w"ks 1Ig0. to. take you, Peru-nil lind 1 no.w leel like. new person. I tIIke pleaare In recommen·d lnglt to. 1111 who. wllnt II good tonic IJ.Dd II permucous membrane which in the lemale lItu.ent cun 10.' GIIU1rrb. "-Anna Brylln; sex: is es pecially liable to deran~e·
menta. PerUD3 is nn nbsolute specific
1i ps.
in these cases. The women ct'erywhere 177 gained in weight. I recommended Pe- are praising it. No other remedy haa
IV& GuineU street, Brooklyn, .N. ).""., ron to on acquaintance of onrs aDd be , ... it<:$: is making remarkn,b le progr~ss .. · r "PeMUlll lind )!u:n,!liD .ha..-e done me looked s o badly lor a Lime be"Iore I bevery great seN·ice. and 1 re commend gnn. your medicine, tbat DOW when [ them ..... ith pleDsu re 10 nll who sufter me.e t !!fome. of my friends they say: ·r "With n~ous ClIrorrh of the momacb was l' UY much '",·orr-je (l about you. but as I did. boulel lIueb,. diae;t.e ..e.rat, now yon are looking so · w~lI.' J s hall laeli: Ille agP,it;il sball jmmedi.'l.t~ly take ajway!! k.eep l'erona. nnd llannlin in Perona. I now teel "ery weD andltal'e the b·oust: a s fa.mily m ,edic.ines.n- Mrs. a good appetite all tbe (ime. I have Bertha Kockler.
ever r eceived such unqualified praise from such a multitu.de o f women. If you do Ilot derive prompt a nd satisl(1ctorv results !rom the use of PerUna. ".:rite a't once to Dr. Hartma n,
gh-ing n fuU statement of your ca_
and he will he pleased to give yon his "aluable nd,-ice gratis. Address Dr. HartmaD. President of TheHarlma n Sanitariwn.C6lumbns,O.
DON'T YOU HEAR BABY CRY? Do yOu forget that summer~s coming with all its dangers to the little ones-a1l troubles bred in the bowels.· The .Sffmmer~S heat .kills babies and little children because their Jittle insides are not in 2'OOd. .clean, strong condition. - . Winter has filled the system with bile.
the boLlom. whlcb..ls ot Ibe 'thiu}"'.". wlth"th.e lenlie handle, pJ'Qjects ·e lght Incbe£ On either side. of the f""-DIc 10 form a "'ide hue, '"' tbat the bo~ can.n'" be ea.riily- overtUrned. and the .... orklD"lln ca.o plllee.. bis ~oot on the end o len to hiru. und Thus bo1d tbe maehine jlo ~plaee . I n F,;g, 3 tbe pie.<:es u -and· .. r can be lDbre clearly lee-n . i. lo'k.4 i. ":b)i;or steel, shaped up.,vith • 6I]uare, smc.otb face for the kb~fe to cu~ I1gDlnst,. and Is 80 Dlnely set in the mouTh · of th·e box os to form a .mootb lurfD ee so that stalk. "illno< catc~ I1gains t it ... feedl!lg tbem through to tthe knife. The "blade. of course, fa mnde witb a be1'cled edge. and B.N ao a~ to c ut like a ' 01 shears• . My cnU.... cost me, all told, besides my own· labor., Dot more t boD two-dollars. nd dou more work and does It more easily · tluu> any o f tbe cbeaj>er bXlllcblr,es - on the m a rke t, say. the Ohio Farmer lNJ"iter who deserlJ;e. the ·foregoing.
.Belching, vomiting up of sour food, rash, flushed skin, colic, · restlessness, diarrhoea or . constipation, all testify that the bowels are out
d~. H you want the little ones to
Mark '(':.... Ro. . . . . . Tt.e D.I ••
lifo B.attel' B ....
. - "e Gra ••• __ Y Be.
the coming' dangers without anxious fear for their lives, su that the baby's bawds arc ~y, soothingly, but positivdy clunet! Old in tfte spring time, .w mJlde strong MU1 ftulihy befOf'f! hot sets in. . The onIy·Safe laxative for chikItcn, pleasant to tab (they ask lot more) is CASCARETS. Nursing-1J:IOtlws maIt.t their milk mildly ~tivc b the· balTv by iatinsr a ~ IIOW and thai. Mama eats a G4SCARE1'; baby gets· the
-IImdJi. Try itl Scad for
& fOe bolt Of CASCARETS to-day and you will fiad .parantce, aU irrcguIaritics u die UttJc·and bar chiJ,chas iDsida aac
that. u we
;rlle implement MOwn fn ~he illustration wm "nark two rows at a time, a~d make tbem cllsiinct. · 110 mntter bow rongh the grollnd may .~. The cOD.truction1a readily .boWD ,in the
illu8tration .
: l'be
$5000 .~_~
Ge.. R . . . . Q.• • • I... 1•
.b T."F Do , . Pad of TIIelr J • •r.e, fro. lI'.~. . . . .ttt •• ". Ie .... . . . . .ket . ..-er.
n ,....cON liN OED
reaeueu from a bad ~ompUcal,on by hIS es~.l'trea ... • ure, J~ the dri"er "00 and bring your motber ," he sald, qUJekly , as h~ lifted Ibe unCOOSClons 80me.... f~OYL tbe carrlag e In front his om"e MOon't lose one second I Keep your mouth shut" Joe was out of hearrng befor~ the doclor reached hiS oper.tm g room Tbe doctor's aa alslant, half dressed . appeare d qmckly s'omers was stretcbe d upon a table aDd hJS wound cr.ticall y exam Ined TI,e bullet bod entered o"er Illl,d behind tbe rlgl1t eer and the .. de his bead was clotted with b100d I .. ond ,,-nund an Ulch farlher back beocame wlslble a6 the blood was wasbed a,vas. but a probe carefull y IDserted 10 tbe forward wound eame out of th~ otber, touchl~ tbe s\rull m passlog There was no partiele of braIDmatlor 10 tbe bJooa
BroiIna~ ""'II
C!ODCll5S l0D, tt
Brodna r "Watch him careful ly until I retllrn and do not peTmlt him to s~ak" The ,""und of ,vbeels approac bIng caused hIm 10 descend the steps three at a tillle He pressed back the .&"!d negro woman who W4I d,smoun t.log 'ro the same place, Joel Hurry!" he SBJd and the door closed Tile "oman so hastily .. cured none olber than tbe "lIlamlll~' wbo had looked after the welfare of Fraoce .. slOce mfallcy Sbe bad been eocnur sged to absent herself for tbe nlgbt Tru,ned under ,tbe old regime, _th a a.nse of proprle torsh.p 'in her old mistress and daugbte .r, ",th a de..p Imprego able pride In tbe falllll,., ::-i«erth eles. ne eded 00 cBuUoD lng Dr Brodna r SOld ns the, e ..tered 81!."t1y tile deserled yard , fber. has been an acciden t, mam A sk DO questIO ns and BnS\'rtr 11'1)' Permit nobodl to see yonr none young mlslres s Do you underst and? ' De cblle OlD t hu ' t,) oung ,\ friend \\. s H er mind ha. _~ been attected de.pll by her father 8 cond ition and thl8 s hock h •• upset ber You must knm\ nothing more ollt n Franees sa t OS he had left ber, In the arm cba .r Sbe offered no res.stan ce \\ hen th ev laid ber upon the bed aDd aomlnl .terw an opIate The stOlDS of blood '" ere care!nlI y remond crom ber ha :lois and ber wreppe r cban~d, aod Dr Drodn. r prepare d to depart, ' tor the day was 1I0W breakUl g Here mem hered the pistol, and was 9Carcb lng Ihe floor lor It, when the reacboo let 10 and Fraocea began to cry bltt erlr Obeyin g h,s ."ent 1Il01l0n, mamy passed Into "the dre8&lng room aod ne took the go.rl'. hand 'fbe wboJe blame rests upon me" he sa,d gentlr "Keep qUIet, I will ~ee you tbroug h" '\nd then acry burst from b lD uWhat a fool' "bat a fooll And to lblOlc tbat D,ck 5olller_ " At 801nd of this nallle tbe g.rl8 grid beL~me almost 1lncont rollable "H"e loyed me ' Ihe laId, brokenl y ".\lid It bas cost him bl. bfe'~ "Loved you l :Nev.rl Ube badaho ed better, 1 could forgo.Ye him" Sbe ..... allent , If b .. bad aimed betterl "-tben ahe up with almost frantIC energ,Ye. Tbe wound ,. not fntP.l Fru nee9, }'rnnc..-back, my cblld-" -fake me to hlm-l mllst, I lIlust go
to him-It You are _Imply mad ' ,
"Ue IS my buobno d-I lo.e b, ml I lo,ec,bJm1 " Brodna r If''oaned nod turned .....y h,s tiead Snail.u ly the g.rl abl ••red and 'ilrew back, ber gaze set tearfull y on lIOlJIethlDg behlDd blm Close tbe wln<low ." abe "blsper ed an.a cbanged TOJee, "tbty may return " "~b~-",bat-wbat do you mean~" He "ns upoo bls feet, a strange hght 1'1 hTs fa "" "It clUDe from tbat ",ndo, ," she whisper ed fe . rlu ll ~. "some oo.e ftred fbrougb Ihc sla t< .. "God In Hea_en I" be cried, "I thank .l'oul nick I Diel' forgl~e mel n He J)lun~d out IOt a the gray da\\'lI Dnd left tbe girl nmaZ'l!d aod terrified
rj_.eJ a1"'O ••• ll.~"
On the ijoeiol .lIle' of tbe r08<1 It Ia not IUl uncomm oo thiog to see n '" U Moore, of 51 Lou •• questio aro tlllh J;hc on ple.......t (I"'Y8, when nt of the ~a.tional Good "r"","de ~Io at East '£nullto n, blind. "tis tion "riteS al!.~ocla noad" Dl,m.W( lmeO &l0!! chilcl~en cllllJter ed ;The commo n roads ot'a country a.r. fuih " 'ov Wn tclung the tiah I not only neCeNsorv to ,t... d eveloi" ' .ir"I1~1i.,g u~.~~a_,~~~ the wong cor mcn~ but thelr condlUOD 18 a m~as r.. DetaU, , .. "e4 th~ Qe.-t!I"I 'nto get :\Ietlaod to •. nrc of Its ell .Iizallon The hlg-hea t Pre.a.r tile. 011. Hint. it. .etbe.r .... smooth er .. ate.. above the dam, type of mentsl Rnd mornl ~u Jtu n .tluu u' GraftlJ l. w.,. where tne,)' may shoo~ oft at the.r and de,~I<)plllent cnnnot. be "t~aln .. d · the In place JIg epBJV11l tbe leisure to u~.u 10 guCllU.! : sre WithOu t the means of ea~' -and rapnl erms l The Herald Boston O,e Nemaik et. says ID l$ertetl, and commuru~atlon bet..een aU parts and The 6shway hI 80 constru cted that lClon, "b, b IS the port tree grofteu upon ;celiou e or the eOl",lry The ral! It Ia Impossi ble for the tlsh "" make _lock \Vb,,:h I. the ~ mure ge." lme~ nre the great a clear If"im from top to bottom or Cleft graftm g IS probabl kllld 11 Is WI>Y Jlnd te leg't.Bph other tbe ~'or ld tiut of an,. ; thou cHi.hun used erally modern the up work mWlt They Ylce versa. bc t cbange In the .. "pbrre 01 I" cd hmlted are I'erform Iy )n they I-Qolllm, Is tide .. rer In the eddIes. for tbe 011U ~aflou, us·ruln~ss because tbe) do lIot r nei, also ,er¥ strong Dear the aam. anti bearmg 01 al'ple. plum the counlr .. 11 m"~ be u.ed unhl tbey J:each the lower part of tbe other trees aud plonls s or . tocks bot tbe farm, thc .11010.... The com chureh brancbr and .moll ouse ver> on schoolh and e struggl tbey hence .:l Cilnei",. ,ati.!o .hway Tlie s hnk be Dg branche large connecH to tbe " adapted road. beat 1& mon of e entranc wrJggle 1111.0 Itht! Jower sIzed stocks ....e a t\'een these, and wltbou , It the prog Ibe 6.abway ; Ibus making sure of at tool6 us ed on larger the scions 8 ress of n w.dt'IJP read clvthza tlon must leu! CI. chance to rub up against tbe .barp Im,fe for cutting oiJ tbe branobe . at necessi ty be gnatly retard~d eul'tlng for ¥1m .harp begw they belore est r and bORroR ftlng-<lhisel for They are the foundat Ion Btcraes upon theIr ""a ..some tlgbt for t b" t.op &IIIl or ste_ aDd a !...... for boldmg whIch the .upe ....!r"c!'" e of socle!) apd s .wck lbe mg splitt emoolh \I aler tbe SClODS are be Is erected and upon .... hlch Ita aym It Is In the fulhway that the inter- the cleft open" bile mett), beauly and .llIb.hl y mUI' e.at ot lhe a ..ernge spectat or Ia cen reat be can 1I.h tbe here tcred RUlee Jt h08 """n .tated l>" emlDen t seen plainly In bunche s almost thick ,,,"Iers thnt rool\\a, Dod telegrap t. enough for one to. walk across au With the "onder tut eommer eu,' lin their backs aJld ~ here one may e .... entprprJ8e~ Ihe) IDake po_SIble an of out them pull and down 11y- reach In tb~ en.1 detrJlne nial to II eountl'J general ly Th~y are the ~ter that ha~ no proport lonateh adequ3 u packed lD .0 thJclc tbot they cannot Hystem of commo n hagh\\oJ s, becaufo=f escape the quick moYing hand of mao of tbelr tendenc , to congest (be popor boy ulation I,,· drn'\log Ihe Inte lhgenl left rom t and From ngbt to Jelt and .mb'I,ou ~ porllon or Ihe cou ntr, to right, .teadlly s 10,,1y, tbey keep ,ooths to the CI(les aDd centerl!l 0] on In the effo?t to get ont of the commer cial enterpr ise u ohl tbe BOO t pretbes the at one 1ft It and , nHhwov enues of tba l e la"" of labor aTe o~er htUe lbe alch ... , to l>le slgbts 1maglna J!>SERTJ7o;G THE SCION rouded tllc "agcs of lebor d. c last, the fellows plucky and game to unnatur aJ com t heJ almost lmperce pt .blv work fng tn.erled On ~mail docks a "harp creR~d by undue ana pet.tion and tbe surplus lid odr,ft out of one p38s3ge wnJ Into another kmfe alone IS needed ,ntbou t the means of a In:ehbo od tc The \\ork hi done a s follo" 8 and crawd each other around the earthe of n are become beggars and crlmlna ls, In lO"ertlo lbe people for maUl place selected ner ~o matter bow I t-e 5011 trolll close to them so clos " tbat they SCJODS should be "hf.! re the gra in IS stearl of delnng In of lh. w~a1th eould be tOlleiu'd WIth the band or st,.,"gh t Th, stock ,5 tbentut square "blch tbe I'r.marv to:1 JS secored ~n d In which ft1=-OC,a r rld cente wo ten Jt5 t a no througb pOll pilt to s JS J and appear off they cane, bt.-~n a ~.!lr tion to lhelT Interes teil audience but suffiCIent de ptb to allo" lbe scion to tlon th e rp ho!lf. ne'er t et 1 keep r'ghl on about tb e lr bU.IDet<S De put 111 I'lace The el.ft .bould be plu8 01 laoor I hell too It IS tbe \ outhlul in A ~8tchman 1M on duty a1 the fish held open bJ the "edge sbaped part u6 ..-I,e '"') all of tbe time to s ee tbat no 01 the chise l (a large Dali "In an J) ''"fr tell'llen t rUg'gt'd and .ml)Jtlo farm lbe from e08"ell he belhg I hus 1 unlll al.. ar aJ) hIS when mall" s a but In Ihem th e purpo.e one dJeturbg &:hmula v· leutlon ,8 taken np \'1' questJo ns that sCions Drt: IU ~ ( rled "he n th e "edge IS "hose s ocl .. l~ lS De~ed to those "bo wlthtlr;l .\\n nllo\\Jn g the Klock lu t he &h'1JJrI8 b. "ho a..., nh".YII contenf nre uked frequen t " 1e gc li1;e fl . h right out of tbe "ater s.prlDg ba c k and hold the ,.-;c lOn$ In to s et"' the \,:orld s grea t ea'".I~nc .80 hfnl "Iot .n emaIn r ) .. tb le <ptlng wb. be nu' by away does are Slack and hc I out H m e place s mug"le th .. (ontinn ons r-ond1tr thece ]1 Io.tloll ,'rnwn un be ,. It bould hack Into 1'1,,~.e It s for lhe) are apprehe nded baJ:"er \wlnl: dr.rstoo d tha t there are tbouSA nd. of t ght agalO t Ibe scIOns b) 0 I'''c. of theee IS danger of a d~tro) l/lat "m tbe.e h .."rlng "I.olen tn thi~ way a.nd taring 1he numl)c: r of belODS put mto bllllt up thai e " nd coopera tion ~nc IZC IDtellig ~ Jhi fbe patb, to uJlun get uc.pcmI they e \\111 bl!for toc.k s '-Dcb olher ways Ibat. are t,O ncce~":3r, 10. ou~ mutual cl""r water but there does n't seem hut gen f" raJh not mftre than two ar Iv 11erend ~n t ""nd,t,o n ln ~ rt t'f ) anel u n ~mall .. tuckson l) un,. to be an) b e lp for It !\f'lghb orhooos , c-o'RntJe c and J;t8t~ J )S a b1o:olul f h n, c:c!! ~arJ ror Jli U(,"C~F .1 from .... h ol b ~r b .. bar and ."parale 6CJOn both of H bUTk r e Inn the that practica lly IJnp:tJ'lsabte road" FJg of In n rlt'rs ,.,blJ\\ IS r e th s tock come 1()g c
Co __o. ta TD.,I. t. TltA1
tor •• Jlake. JI•• ..AroDa . ..."'rth;'
Report In J)<Ora'on !m1ll.dl u.l!' to tbls or STA.."IT ON
• 8~c:retarY of War
Brodna r looked at.adll~ 10 to tbe glad brlgbtf ace of hill frIend "howBS lipon blS 1eet 10 an lDs laut aDd full of ex cllemen t • win you nport th ... • "'~IJI I? It IS tbe d~am of myllJe Broon ar'-but -but-y ou 'Were lDg-u
"Nothu Jg" -I don"t underst and ~ ou Frank" MNo membe r of the family, Dick r ou l'FuJtle,U! baTe
ever drew
80\\ ord
Vlrguu a Yon must choose between the woman and-" 'lrv country ? Is tba t It· How would you choose Frank ?:- Brodna~ was silent, looking away "Tak" thl. messag e to her for me, my frl e o d~ .t IS tbe last request, perhaps, 1 sball ever make to you-" DIck-if • Say to her that Rlcbard Sompr8 passes out of ber hfe to ......,.e h,. COUD HIS duty dooe, please God Rnd In sbe needR hlB arm he Will follow her to tbe end ot tbe earth Sa) tbat tor me, and then fare'wel l '
tr .......1y U •• d-.o__ e ~.U.~. of tbe A._:ao_ CO.llt.. " or Peo... • • • Brasil
A "h,te Indian ' s mdeed " rara ano and great ther efore "liS l he . urprlse of AL l"u n ll o utana c"ken th e \\en kn o wn HelgUt" Tr a ,el~r "be n be lura ~e oll foun.l IlI mseU face to faeo wl lh :1 c olon'\: o f s11ch ]ndlans as h,. \'r'aE
\\nl"u lDIit:T l t:tl the~C)on s "'hnulc1ap
lonellne s! d egeJlf' r,.te "OM
th~l r
Th .. ECIOJllol a (tont1lti on 01 monl stagllllt ion from as sho" n In Fig" about one "hJch Il IS d lftlcul~ to arouse th"m te. for I'W sha ... "eil;r .bould he a commo n and mutual lD~,... st lUlU under standm g --=----- ,,--- -r~ar
t ma.klng h JlS \\:!!\" "' hro ugh the b e ar of P eru during bls rece nt explorn t Ion of t.hn eountl"", }nndDr3) "..Jl lle COD\frSpd wtth them f tlT !Some tlm~, nnJ took photogr aphs of t\H) of th e Ir chiefs
I"re_ ~ .. t" .Frlfllk:r 4.1.-.1 . Jam.,." .. FrDe~ o. En ...... " t. Ocber Sorb 01 IIec!lIle t.
8 ~ oIf .-ok. procur. I wo of H--Inch Iron rod t hre(" fE!.t: t It J}S' 1"13l"(: 1bt>m s ille bv ,:'1d4e' F.O that Grn ~ p In the ("til 'hc~ )ap t\\O ff!t't Io le r ",1 h a \ 1St': pincers .ur lnonlu. J \\ rench Tnke holtl o f oneuf the shor • nd. of tb. rod. QlJa p8E~ It oDceau d"
I he make
\\"h,eh on his re t urn to Europe he '0 tended 10 put In .. book . ha t he was abou t to publosb Unforlu nately be elIed belore the book 'u s readJ Bnd hlS ",'lUO\\ hn.s no'v presenl M the. photograph s to the R"ral Geogra ph,cal .society of Anvt"rs. En~ s t be ~e" 'lork Jiernld ThIs trlbe,ae cordmg t o 'lfontnn oeken
half around t-he long e.nd IS 3t a ,..u ,,~n
.hat It
lock .bem logelh. r a 11,1
le:ue tbe short find E1andl'b g at right n)(~'1\ anglp~, dm \\ln g J1. down 1Jgbt l)t)tH Ihc uthf""T !IO:hort end ar01 oti 111" I h e r 1 In~ rod a ~ at h :"\~xt l~nll 8J1 1h ~ end :;: anto h:tpe Dlakmg go ud PO"". UH~ h(jok~ nn:tll he e nds tlU that t he c al! &.:anoot drag them pa Oi \ 1he -WJft"
I~ known a s that of the Lnr~nz:o In dmn H, ond It hom I S ID "hnt )s kno""ll os the Amazon count r~ pa rt or"hlc h
tie In Peru and (I~rt In BraZIL Unh)..., alJDnst all others. of Ib elT. race, tb"se Indl@s ha'e a cit-at' \vbJte S kID ""Dud
further more, the 5trange but com mOl'
etI~tolO ~1 tattooLU g and pnlntior l' 00"" not prevo" Amoog th Ir t bom Strlkin gll hands ome tOl) man~ ..,f thf>1O are w,th frank and pleasan l counten ances that. 3reb, no means of the ordmar .- Ind.an type;
A nomad hfe thev h\(" ,'ande rmg ~lDaJl banda orer the va t sohtary
plallls nod appare. ntly makwg no e{ To fort to beltcr thetr cond,t.l on tbls lack of energy, as "ell as to 1be numero uS "ars ,,,blch bave. bl'en waged agn.mst the.m by odJ"cen t In dIAn tr.bes must be ~sc~lbcd tbe fact that 1b e~ nTe not to-d3" nearlv as nu
Cnt two sticks seven IDcbul ong 1:1:1% lOch square la, them togetbe r and bore t"O bole" lhe mch.s apert
Clamp tbt'se sucks onto the rod s be 10\\ 1he ueck \\1111 .,,"2 % Incb bolts I t l ool ::l \CT\ pct,o:ls1 mg calf ·hat ''tIll pass a" Ire f.-nee with onr- on 8 ISbu \\"
OlP-rou s as tbp~ were 0- quarter of a
oentu ry ago aud 'f tbeIr number oon tmue' 1o decreas e at lbe preaent rate. ~he outlook IS Ihat fhe tribe ,\In 8'00n become extmot
The.se picture sque Ind )ans do not encumb er 1b emsel~R Wlth .. clotblng !.fh .. \\omen wear mereh a strip 0/ their started at t hl! tIme t be:, are lnserted ~otton Dr other A nft around lOIns. and the men conSide r tbemsel~es p1 ums genera)) \: grnft best Just before costum e wben ~bey ha.Te htID!! tb e gro,vlh st:lrl s.-Fa.r m aod Fire lr p"erthe sho uld er s rn 0 on~ro\\ band. jade of network , one of 1\ hleb rem81DS a'S .
" 80rt of belt OTer thear' a'Tms "hlte the other tnlls down from the left .boulde r and lermum t... at tbe rIght hip C.....te • T .....l., t. G ..e •• B .. ltala.. El"er s lDce cordite came lnto use as an explOSIVe In the HrJt':lsb serVJce there bas been mnre I)r less compla int obout ltJ. One 01 the earliest trouble s reporte d '''8 tile deterlOr atlOD of th .. powder In k hot chm ate lake that of Ind.a ThiS dlftlcult y was portlv rem ~d.ed bv changan g lhe nFrJety of gun cation "elllploy ed an mak.iol!' tbe com 'pound Then Ibere "ere grave gues tIOna alS to the sound ness of the coru lte patcnts, which covered B process 8e
neorls like one at Nobel 5 tbat law suit. resolted .Again, It has been ob served t ho t the gases produce d hy the combus tion of the British s lIlokel ess powder have a b,gbly dest.-uc !Jve of feet on the lining ot guo. ,\nd thJ ,bJectio n rOr)Jl" tbe eblef ha ... of I fresb eamJlll'1l"~ now belug waged agtllDllt corllite -N Y Tribune
at C },.,rgcr oUlmals ar"''''111olly well control led by Ihls , oke only-the rodshould he Ibr .. e'ghlh. or on. half ll" h hut o f the ' 3:rtre l~ng1b The,,_ larJ:c." r
J'cxl ~ mu~l
I makC'
Ihpm ror cahes '~Ilbout heah.Jlg lbe rods - " C llaJ tholoJD ew,lJl Farm and !le-eoad Gf"Owt-1'I K . . . .
fbe questio n 01 fTom
10 cattl.
seconr growtb Katfirc orD came bto-fore &- "!flAnes ota
court The ,Ielenda nl "'sa pastunn ll cattle belonglDl!' t o the pl810tll f and remo' ed tbem t.o a field" bere the ",. ter \\1n~ better In thiS .field wa ~ an wh'ell acre of seco ud growth Kaftl~, Ihe cattle ole and 32 dIed SUIt ...... brough t on charge of careleu n"SA ~Jld ""nt o· proper Imowle iige of the Da
ture of the corn
Th e
was stub:-
bornl'y contest ed The JUry had to~.on Sider wbetbe r tbe poiaono lls natu"" wtHI general ly concede d, and" hether It, was lnatte.r of commo n J,:uo,,;le dgp
It ap for defendl llll pear. to be true that cattle ba' c e.l= and not ~econd growtb man, time hecn burt And agtun have-4!.sten Itanc! The caURe .p"""r.. to be un died known -Count ry Gentlem an
decl ~ lon W1I8
. , !rJilllt yo~ ·wil1
bring-up at
.F, C. -THIEtlWII't, . ..... .......... _>tile ataDd~pe aieed tile Jut lOW pia. . ~to
. . .
tII8lr ~ Jut~. There ... trihe. JOin... .. pI&tee to a ~'~;era.
. . . . . . . .
. 8ILVaWAIllC.
ca·. . . coveriq ......11...·
Wp bird&. .. .~ etc. oat. · The w~ billa. will carry the pipe _.,~y L abOVe the· 80 aaU. It III ",.y oon8pICQ!IOS wrIoaa lltlUpecrecJ pOlo.. in the allfAlO.M1v.K aDd If It·WI!J'I' .......... with a . '--":'~011 _ _.v....,.,......, 11~ht 'I!I top.t Woald probably ' be Ute most
ClCIMJIIoaoU &bIng m
. '-, .
EPW.OItT.r::.I";(GH'I'~. .
' th~o~~~:;ri:.~~ ~ono1fllig: f~m I.;ovelllud aild,22 CItY or Buffalo. . miles from CinCinnati is situated iD Countries oC · the -we.tem Hem!one ot Ute mOlit .'-Ilbfnl part!! C?f .poore aDd the. New pOII8dSioos of the &he Little mi. VolleY; on all ·em.i. ~. Uolte!l' Btates, (8) aeocr-pb,, -(br Ru. IpaiDflit1 (el nHOa~ . nenCe <>J ,over · two h1llldM1 ·Pao-A.merlClln Es~ltJoa; .. , ObJict,'
Warrt'll' Coon" ~ the liaht :woll1ll be ·. hed
. . f7. an. area of<\uny or .... nd 0IIt .~ far aDd wide. The tl&tIDg ~." acree. a m ill pI_ of the pla~ aOCllJ not rom. adaptell for the. PUl1J08!l for ·which pie" the job however. n isproba· it is now being uaed.
lIIe t\at ~UtiODS will be ~ lerge and commodions hotel to IDraie ... watei-ti~,,~ wbare.r8lLllODllbJe rates are c~ _ . . will ~ 10 be paiated. Then it and .liIa Cottllges {url!isbe,d: and wiD be foniMl (all of 'w;'ter to II6e • can be aecure<l nt p~ IIQt· how it acle theIl all drawn Out to tsfactory to those dl.'S!nng il ·sum. wui& CRU .~., -utDOIIl t-bare rna" llome. The PenD."Ylvania " " be iD tJJe water iHpw, and, ineht)rt, 8. & O. 8. W . nLilroad run past ftl'iou flnlaliillc toaoh_ will ' be the grouno.8, and the prospectS.for 1IIII8d(!d, as .. the case witll every. aD' '3lectric roi1w~y in the n'Xlr fntbiDc tbU is built. .,. are very hopefol A local and distance . telephone, pOIIt. ex· preIIII and telegraph oftliles and liv. ~ YOU GETuP , ery 'e table are among tbe ad,vantag,
tllkeG up t'Omprebepcb ,eYeJ'7tbloc' 10 CQuot'etJou ,,·Ilb.tbe trip aDd 'too Esp'o.IUOD aOo} ,lIlde trlpa as welL . .,{tDou.
.one mlle
wna A U1IIE B&""'? .. offered. ~
· Thla~naervi;)esem.
dayS for religioUli 80cietles The ' C!-m'p meetlng occurs August· 1st. ~1UL. Soch workers III Dr. J. wn· fIIlr Cliapman, Dr. T. C. Iliff. Dr. J. C • . .oliver, ' .EvlIDgilmt . Amanda J:imlth' and ~. ~ H. Walker. De1a~e, Il1'8 amon.1r the workers the Campmeeting. Dr. J. C. I.Gilb....t Wuhington, .0. C. is Con~planDg holding a Bible
a1so be ot.erved.
wltb rerereuce to !U1J!ItrDtlo.· the PfOIreea ot-tbe Nee, (d) eshlblb, (el amn_
-Niagara 1-.&118, (a) Natnril WoncJera. (ltl 'rower De"elopmeDt Hoell of tbe inlormatiOli aec!eIAI'J 1 ."_'" to Ibl. t'Ourse of alOO1 iii ~rnI'he4 b1 tlie' Bureall or PubUc:lt;r or (he J>an. Amerlcnn . Exposition. BulI'&lo. whIle the remaloder III procllJ'lld 'bT the clube from ..ltalllf:l,f nnd. Steamablp otilees, lorormatloD bureaus. Ubrarler 1IJI<l .,lsewbere. . •. .. , . . Thll atud,. ' at an1 time woold ..~r, Intereatlnar and ...Iuable~ bot tile prospect of"lImpt:r,-loc It wltli a visit to-tbe ExpciallloD. where .the ~ ,ot the dUfereot .ooootrlea aDd. tbe 'nIfled reeoo..ee. of the Westem Beml-
w1U be
llpril %4-!90J . .
meuare II . 1.. L&"trU.
6JiahJ buIp IlIIdIliDp tile·aw.... •
. -.
... _...,.
1.3 ~
1.. 1M 8!l IS
m u.
of okpaaIl
their wintering at &nta Ana, California. Wfl are plila8ed to learn tb'lt they ,I f!)und the 'climate very beneficial 'wr!\e ror.FoJdeR, De"i:r1pt(ft "atler. <le.. t.o to health. C. L. STONE, aen_1 PUJIe.D,e .. Ae~D'. 8Clenco hll's found tbit. rheuma tlim.iS cauaed by. uric acid in thE' LOUI8VILLE, KY. Thl8 lIOiBon sbnnld be es creWd bY the kiane18. NOl'hellJDa~ YOUR ADDRE8S tism with healthy kidneyt'o Folev'/I To Kidney Cure always makes them R. J. WEMY88, w"ll. Louis !.fuy. On May 7, 1901, C, H. Berry and General Immll'mt\ou aarJ In4unrfal .AR"enl LOUn:;VILLE. KY. G. T . B.enaker caugM & carp !lah in the Little Miami river which we.igb And be wm maU}'IIo. r...... edt9~ lb. They olmOlit capsized IIAPS. ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS and their boat in ta1rlng him off the trot- PJlICE LISTS <>t LAmS aDd "A1UoIS 10 lino. Who CaD beat it? Kentucky, Tennessee, Mias Gertrude Arnold, . who ba~ Alabama, been a clerk m the omce of Hills & .Mississipi and F.lorida. Clevenger for Reveml years, has remayl·1vr turned to ber home at Corwin. Mis!Elsie. HayneS has taken her place.Wilmington ~blieatl. Friday ~st was one of Waynes. &tweeD Da)'tMI. Spriac VIIIIq.Dd 8cI_. ville's tobaeoo days. There were (,eave Leave Leave. Sprtac Valle,.. IkllbrOOlt 180cases weighrog 78.00011>. wbicb DaylOI1 e.oo 1>. m. . .:to at. l:D. IUled three cars, gathered in by Bert 111. 00 ... m. 1.45 f800 ".11" . elcb and &lrlp~ ~ I~c ~le of lO .t$. 1~. 1~ 0.'5 U .30p.. m 2 •• 5 p: m. p. m. MiddJeto\Ol. TWillS n. big pile. bnl t1.110 3.00 .oo i.n ..so . 5.:10 there 18 plenty more in the conntry. '1."~ t 10.15 11.00 8.00 As to elootnc lights. Thomas Zell 10.30 hi th II .. ,~ Lean Daytmo vb XnlA car ",,11 cbaaa-e is going into the t . ng \V1 0 , UU' a.t Belmoo L. might. Ha bns been having 1ighu< • • T .b ) put all through hili bouse. one on T O car OUIie 00 y. bi~ poroh one in his abop and onl' Darton omoe aod wailing room. 14 . . ' rDlnI S«eet., Pb1l1Ip.I Roose BoUdlnl· in the "tab1e. Be belie\"e9 in e:et· The .... nDlo:r ti lDe betweea d all thegood out of 0. good thing Sprluc Valley Is oae hour aDd AfLeeD mJn-
fbi Daylo) & X'iia Traction Co.
Da,,,,,, ...
DUB. poasIDC 'brou~b Belmoot. B.... rtown . llellbrool< and JlacoeLlc Sp,lnlll.
pe.aa4 t;arUAtalft
_ _.• _
Or on UJe min, in the bouse or while at yonr o1Bco duties. you are tH.rM'O eulijeet to di~ble result. from lFreRn1.r, or exlletlsiv!! diet. . D~. li.IABILI.TlDJ. ' Caldwell. Syrup Pepsll\ cores po8ltively consUptlt.iOD. ind~~ion ea.ital .lock pa.I4 1JI S5G GOO sic~·hatdaclle and stomaLch trouble: lJurp ... faoa 11600 00 Sold byLouia May.. Oadt¥14ed pl'a811!. Ie. upeuH " . ~ aacl tasn paid 111'- • '. lf~aJ au••_ O!IlataadlaC 47.&50 l1li lIJ~
. . The ADDao.1 pionio of the UidJee are faruoU8 for their eftlctlcy. Eoey IOJlJellled Q>. oi!'r ativ8,8ociety will occur Sat- to to'ke. ne:ver gripe. . . ~11. May 25th, and the hotel will o;lim for guests June 1St. AU BE~Ul\lO~:r OLL FlELDS. ~desiring to IKcar.e rooms or Low'Bates, Direct Line, Excellent at the hotel. Address. H~1 Train 8ervi~ via Queen & Crescent Epworth Heights, O. For rent or Routa . . W . C. Rmearson, G, ,Po A. t8ulbfc:rlben sale 0 cottages write R. 8 . Gaddis. j3~ . Cineinnali, Ohlo. Loveland, Clermont Co., Ohio. . ,.. . Unable to Wtork. -' Cbas.. Rep1oglt\. of Atwater, 0., WIll unable to ' work on aeoont of kidney . trouble. Atter using F~eY)1 Kidney Cu.r e fonr day. I!e was cUred. LoW. Hay.
DI.n.IeDdII .apal.
• - • LitUe "'rly 'Rise",
~ ftia ~ Ia . . ~ ' - of tbo t:'C"u....
1"ANTlCI>.-Capatlle, ttUable peuoo In . ....,. CotIDSY "to n~n. Is~D" or ....,4 . .....,~tal. repoullon, ISI!18 ala..,. 'pe, rear. p&rabl&.eekl1: 'IS-per dayabtol. t ely tuN IUI4 til upe_, atralllbt. _.fttl.e. ' _ l e Nl....,.. .... ·com.roolon; aaluT paid eadl Satam.,. 04 ellpeDH'lDODe)1 ael""ocecI _ ..eek STANDARD ROUSE. 3U Dear· St.,. ctole.aCO. ·
oor_ pre-
Eoleyls Boney ad Tar 0 _.
BUDDin., Sore. . . "I 'had a bad' :riinnfug lOre on my bl't>aat tor over A yar, " saYI Henry R RIChardll, of WD1BeyviDe, N : Y., •...nd tried a great lllIU)y remedIes, but go& no relief atil · I used Bal&Der Balve. ·Attu-using one halt bo% I WlUI perfectly cured. 1 GUlIi.ot reoommen4 it to highly. and will never be wimoat it in ..he LaM..-g." LoW. 1I8V.
.-mbh!d. _amid -P.i!!il'
A"t. Wa.ynl~\·ilIe. in the St.ate Oh;;'. ;It'-the cloSe of business,
the Gunpmee'ing. bowe1s and impurities 8QhOO! for ODe .a nbeeqo6D$ t.o I eean:tB the remove remotestthe parte ' of the •. apeedily with no discomfort. They
.,;. ~
Report 01 tile oondiUon
. LUafive 8rGaJo.QaiIIiae TabIe&a
arcbltectural. sculpturat:' Ooral, hortJ. cultural, rOUDtaJO lIod eJectrlcol etreeD.
(b) 'AiTangeweDt of>' BuUdlnp 000 Courts. (cl )leanlog or the harmollIona
lJnciDg addnBlee on religioDl .and ~ IlUt'b as '~ Defti' ...., 1l'..aIe JIIlII _" . ____ . work -will be given "DI~ to the .Icbt. the claiiug the JDODtha of Julv -ADd Iarp'" IIIC~ . _ _faflA~ and a nllmOOr of apeci81 . . ~ .
,CO .' 1:'1.. :;\ ST.·.·
}lr.. and . ¥rs.' DIlntel 6Ilrd;' we
learn, are at home from
_ , AriIIIDalile toR·aoea a IitrODc 11m. InDl7 baited to $1M! pi..... and
of ~ ...,~ 11te · "'~ suaraDte~ .. t!PP Of tb&t .a wire Dieeli. ;to $(I cents.
, i
lIaylon to SpriDg VoIl0718 mUo.. fue Z,;c The engagemeDt of Prof. Edwin Da"'OD. ~ IIcIlbroolt" ..Ues. fare ~o ua"; l.. Crafg, of Sabina. and Miss }liriam Spedal ntes to Sanday School&. Plcnloo CAdwallader. of }lor row, has been &DcI ot.ber ......alzatJons. upoo appilcatloD. IlDnounced. 1li8lt Cadwallader is L lgl:l 'rdcbt :uJd- e.qn-e.. c:lrrlod DO all • . ' . cars. known to our people AS a most est1Chall. H . (;OX. .mab11' and· highly cultured young gntnd.dallghterof the late Dr. Francis and Dr. Mrs. Mi.riIlm Wil·
liam90n. The anti.spitting ordiWlnce which baa jU(lt 801\e into effect in this CIty
..... ~107-- .... .... Ceo, _ " • •Ia. IS makesabigdifferenceintheappear. _1M I. ==.:-:;...~ &nee of the 8idewnlka in certain o. OIIto. COI1Irn' 07 W"". . . . . . : ""':~ -A-.c. ' ~ lt is noticeable that tbe . II! . . -""Uo I"oca1lltie:8. I . . . . . . . . . . _ ..... AIik 7 . .-.......... law is being very J(enerally observed " and the indillcriminate spitting on THE AJOlON noun:. the sidewnJks will be greatly 1essenr'l'1I1Rt'U(l·R P AS&DGJl:R 81!lRV1C!: TP BUll'· etJ by it.-Kania Gazette. SIl1lKr1~e1 . and .....01'11 to before iDe day of J111111101. ' • C. V. Mason had street connection Tbo' opeDl.... of lbe 1'aD· .\mel1can Da!!aJo willi the water works pot in a few 1.'1. KJlYS. 1iI000.Yl'tnILIO. Llat'_1 Akron ROllte "~ 1ia,. Alb e¢I~1f.bella Warn. o~te. a6' aulloof or Wenrra. Soo\wm &DcI Ce..... 1 days ago, and wit.h the lLid of a short CO_.U:tHl" , qIllo to- Cba,,"DQId "La''': _,,10. Nluara • 1"11. B. aUD t 11'aI1$. and~' Lawreoee River and C&DarJa hoee can water the street in 'front . S . '!'t. JlOOI!RS CD\nctDl'l· . - - . Jt also ope.... Gew lourlB\"",Ie 1t\a of hi.!l premiJ!es quite thoroughly. I ..s. UV.·CAiri'wJllG&T .. BuIbIo a"ll tbe IilI:apra (l<JD1i.r '" New Meftitt bas his stabJe connected Yorlr:_tbe SalOL • s
ORDINANdEN023 To Levlr TalC" -for lIualelpal
puaensen OTer
Pa.n·&mI!r1.can bpMIdon. FrOID C1ocloD&U t.be lbroDe!> oem... ""n. ...... '" 11Ie PaO·AmerleaD _ _ eo.rrylnc
qua ~ . &ad -plac car l.aylDr .1IIe" at .~ p.m.. IandiDJ: _Dren-at
8ufta/O aJ. S :U n""I ...onIInJ(. 'l'be Butfalo III' tL ~ bT tilt: flaua<n IJ~ trlib a1eep1n, car to Ballalo 1.,...8 VIlJace 0If WaJ_Ule. 0IIJ0. .nate Iber~ ClIICIIulaU cIaII, at 8:lIO a . ...: : Wayoe,..lU., bllleft...-r"': Qae rear 1101.11_'_ ItDlhr t.JI:t ...... ' .naclola, BQJhlo al mlclal«bl. '" ..tea"",,'" taDIIiIe' propertJ Gf _ a;ud P _ r s la 1Ift"1", ...,,,,.,. .nomaln III vusa,e on tbe Cra.1I 48,,_ U!e ro\lows... tllelr bertb. "ctIlr'O' cloclr: .. D'. Ret_mlDc asa for .ia1llldpalpo.--. yi&: . lea", J :OO p . m, arrl.ye C\ndnaatJ for ~ pclrpIO.eJ " . of Ob~ IIIIlI ':30· L ... , Ieii.-e Bllblo U:30 pm.. :arrlfe ClDdD ..tlJO:~O-a. m. IDr_ _'Jaoa.-t _ '" B ..II&Io. Nlapra for I,r& a.14 )IftsoD •" II'&1h aild prlv11..... at Buf' tor 1>'111<:4. " aDc! be ueerUlned
saC: "t.'
1" (
for ,lUll..,. f<i, electlrlo lI,lIt
tor _111i. 'OIIe1
pi -
"""'YdvmotqH bF_ 0_. Que<G Rouraand Soo1Ioom Ry. lis rut _
Acenla or tbe Lln~ or bT ad_nil C. C. A .• DayVon. O. ' tm:l0
boll' via
h1s vehicles. alila connection fO.r . street sprinkling. Others are bring. ing it into D!IO and Ill! time goes.on CODD.e ctlons with the wat-er works . will be very common. }Ira. EVIL Stibbs, while at Spring. field last week, caJledatthe .Masonic HOIllfl at iho.tphl.ce to see }Irs. M..'U" ScjlJiebleyand WIIS distresaet1 to find that -the IIged lady ,._-' n~ver UAU rallied from the stroke of para1y sts .r she suffered a tt'wa...ysnfter becom· ing an inmate. libe is in tht! hog.
every part of !be
J =~.:: ~~••~., .
n1tt86, has·never her speecb and showed no signs of recognition of lIrs. 8tibbs except hy extendin~ 'hcr hand ot t "-':as&. ... mention of ner·IlIUIle. W (), know )lothing of these combina.ti.o u stoc:' wagons tbato.re going thrcll¥li the country selling- flne goods in ' lo~ at greRtly redu~ pricea. Everythingmaybefoirand sqllAJ'O or may not be so' far as we -~-::-.....c.-'----"---~--- J know• . bnt we ;10 .know our own Cltioeta.... ..... deale", ; spd lire under obligations BalavIaJ MIlfOrd .___ Loyeland_ u to IUpport their bnsiDess' becall86 80. Lebtu>on .. Morrow ... __ , • they Delp beu all publlcburd8DS .Ft.. ADdeD' .. O~Dla ... _ u and .responsibilitieS, ond 80 far as \VaynHY1Ue ., they can aopply 'Our needs should Jt.o""PDna _. aIJrl1ll' Val.:'. U x _ _ { ~~-:---=-------,--2-·1have our ~troong6" and wben goods olltBide their linea IU'6 needed there Wllbe~ ._ ... 8etmlL. __ __ " are well kno~.1lmis ',in o~ 1arger Ooclanille B.Cbarltaton .. ;!~~:::i~~t~O!~ -xCUJnIion I.:anll neighbOring clties that fur· LoudoD ... _. ".. them . ·W.oleA...... " ,.dOTB~ 8UIlDA.Y EXOURSION TO om.
Sac. -:: 1[_ lII4I .....ee .11&11 t&bellect 1la7 .1I1b, Lbe ?e_lfaAJa LIIIeA _m ..)1 aII4 be In 'arlee froa ..... after , U!a:earlleot unnioD Ucltou to Clllclaaa:tI &tl.13 "'.. lid perla( aIlmn!C1IJ Is". 'coo4 1Ol0I Oil oi>edal .&raIn leulnr Doa~ at d .. C.,..,.;u Cbam~ In-Wa..- 1OIp. w_nlle ""olnU time. 'l'Id:· l'Dlr; Oblo. UIJa~otlL da1 A. D. .... .UI lie Y&Ud mumDC "" spedaUraln 1..1. ' , Je..~ ClAelriUtJ a~ 1,30 P. .... centra! Lime ~ DI&. ,W. I!. OGLKlIDEI:, lUTO& Jlay llUl. . c.U:1I. BDD, ClorftI. t UcmtBlOII rooADO. VIA PUll LDlIIB.
0' )la,
. .,-
w. c . .......eo ......~ .... . e.fItC1 .....?r,:
-;;;~;:;;;;~~;;.;;;,;:~:;~:-~~p~l:ta~ll~in:~~C~barge of 'a
lit Ctuc....
Soalb. .. bow- scbcdlolo Oadmoatl to J .cboavIIIo u4 '!I/... Orlo:uls. 9 -.s to OutbnOOp. oS houtsloS~ 3/iltountoPonT_ Ob$erv.IIoD • .t»rlor ..... ale COI'$-'frte . dWnC dWl"S-o:'"Throa:h PW1IIwts tG d ... porWot Soadlom dr;es.. ncr- ~I.tu •• e. .. ~ ....... ....,.. _
for the ac.. TOII'1.e are out. and
11 ..... ~ baye elljc>rable U'lpe \0 QDd ft'OIIl
Going South? SO.YO"_
Allon ~_~
Clol. . . . .
"·N .)w h:\\'<, · tl\(' la~lt md C..l lest -slock oj MOO)lmen. tal Wark to be found within a hU'ldred "milea here. It will pay·those contemplating tbe:pu;• . chJl8e of this }jne 01. work to 11ft ~ . r:.. " . U8 01' wnte Jor .nustrated boOklet _ contaiiling prices, etc.; this wul cosl ~·ou 'i cents and ' may ~v~ . ).ou many doJlat1l . . Much_of . the
has lldng q>f-al:ticaJ r d~s'gners, w, Ire prepared to furnish ori'ginal
,,;orkin Miami Ce{lletery
rlimlillfed by us.
,md. a:-tlStic drawmgs on .lShl'rl notICe and \\'~ /:tJarant(e to· fur-
price5 are
~ We also ~upply caps, sills; 8U,p8
1M 1- 108 8u1til. Bizes; 14 to 20. mnB}~and. double breal!ted, worth
~ ,.,..211
and .eve1'Y description ~f cut stone w~rk for':-
~g. Pant I:tu!ti'in n.ll ooJOl'S lind sty1e8 ;. they ne . • beIlutifW'and were roade to~ at ~they go at IUti. ..' LOT 3-14.8 &y.' LoD, -PantSwt!! in.the fine gra~; Bizes14 to 20-; made to .Uat '1~ lind 113.50. now 19.90. '.
building purposes on short notice.
·SDiI.. iu-(aney'anu · plAin colorsj IIUIde to .ll.~ .t04hlti _Ie. 11.90, . · LOT ~ llan'a BDite In Sootch Caa9imet_ aQd W0!8~de to &ell at ,111 iuJd 'U,so--th18 Mle Ill.Iio. . LOT e-:':291i Men', FIne Dreaa lklits. 8trilJes. Cbeob, Plaids. etc .• ,!oTth 118. oo-thls &ale '1.s;1id~ . LO'f ......800lIan·sGood
.. ~ This ~acbine:is operated "Y' lever. motion. '1'Iie.""ono, vibralillg cylioder compriletl. the ul,per yub boud. Adjus!1 itself to size of wash. so that ",!o garment e.a o be. wasbe.1 . as \vell .~ .. .:. qu~~tity Clothe. wri.n gor 9&11 be.attaobed fo DUI~ine, _~ a'I!?wing the water to .80w 'ff' back into tho machine.
80 l&en'sPan0I_BOlle. ~orth 150;
SOLD BY 'Phone 20
t!io. Boya" anctUtrll"P'anc7 and PlaiD 8tl'aw Bllta, 750, v41qefl • 150 Angelico Reversible Collars and. Outrit. by bolt. wortb Silo,
3110 ,'iDe Night ~ worth m'llC>h more. 24c PaDDY aJlll White -Children'. ~ouse W'aists. worth 400•. 250 aDd 380 II'lDe l(aco·UnderweBr. worth 400 and ,600. , 450 and ~5c Good UJI;dm'wellr. thd woulll ' ·cost e!&ewhe~ 'double
250 IIJld 450 Ovetalla and Jackets, worth 51)C ~ 65c. HeaTj' ' ' _ Pant8, liped. wo&-75o: -
FA.H E aitd WHITE.
Blue Belle IAWn ........................ H)c Din:;ity-L·.Aiguon ................... 12Xc
Ciularoea........................ l50
. &tine ,Biltlste, :... ......................1SC... . , Sill!: Ohiun15my .................. 25 't.o 500
Allcotors, ")\rore~ dura~te than silks, And Just ·as p·r etty, . Plain ~r: fi~ure. -
and 600 Be,t line of neck wen... in Dctytnn. and »10 Big AJeorlment Men's good hOtl8. WortfiNr 1,,1I1'ta. worth 350 and 400; . 8willlmlD,~ 'Olrdoaen,-at: 00. '1.411 Latil!UtIJealoleD". Bat.. ".00 VIIIIU!II. · 80 100 .JuH50 Blg ·Llne .of good 8uapeIJilBN. G!lo '150 aM '1.00 Men's and,J30y.' D _ Ooltre4 Hblrta. 80 IIJld .\10 ~'a 6Ild Boys' lAmp MalagJiI& Hun Hats (with bands
110 l50 170 100
. N. eiefha:ve we had such a bea .. stock gf Wash AU new . . F3brics. . weaves . . . and never shown .b(~fore. Di!DiQ'
Class . Wash Fabrics, ..
· 40 Sh~ Bad bIIioe CeIl8• .no 1M£! PaYJDIlijC• . Sc 10,faftd 150 8an Eaw Bate. WOl'th dmsble mofIJ!Y. 11.00 BOy., .New Wide Biim. 901f 1J&ts. "rort1i'1.50.
. WaynesvllJe, Ohio.
Highest Market Price ' Paid
250 Mexi(¥ln ~ftW Rata foT iirllo. 50c val_: . ..25c Glrla·J- and.Bu7s'.8UIt.Llnecn}&pa, SIN 1YIlJ1UIS-
aou Bee tbese machlllea.
· 6!l Chlldrea'. ~k: Stocking\! • . 12Yoo valiuIIIJ.
Mrs. Wm. Hohlett and olbers . .
Silk Tl!leue, ... ~ ......................... 500 Silk Zephyr...~ ............., .............500 Silk ·Mulle •.. ' .......................... ;500 Eddie Silk ........ : .... :·....... 25 to ,37Y.O
"I'IIe eleventh annual commence·
ment of .Buv8yl!burr High BohooJ wilt" tab 'pllice~'on the ~ of Cbe 22Dd ·illllt. CIa. aenDOIi ' by Prof. _J; B. Wright,~lL ,(i .• simaay evening. 1~11 iDat. Bamuel ' K8~tli .... laI; SatarMy' a~inted by the. Wanen OOUDty Dem~tB. a-m~1ed at Leba· non. as one of the deJegatee to· the senatorial conventton to be held at Mlllord on the .1Gth jost. 'The IaIIt tier of plates was put In place at the · top of thtl sbind pipe last Saturday'aftemoon which took it 80 f(.et 8kyward. ,and the happy workmenfiDding thelll;86lv88 80 neAY the ~lne above stood lustily sang "N:eare.t my 600 to thee," ,We hope this may not be theneareat they will ever get..
heel) .
~mer Tfea. • __ __________
Mmfa Nobby
for Hlgb r. .~
. . an4 1~1.4own Collars. tic.
This !lale puts ~IJ (y'lst rt>c0!ds in t"'e sbad~. . Come belore the good . tbi.ngs are :all gone.
• •• For ••• Mise Florence NcwmllD, who bas
(Sa-eeZs, ltogs; Sheep a,nd (Sa..Z",es.
been agteat · uffereT from muscular
rheumatism, SIIy'J Cbamberlnin's Pain ,Balm Is tho only remedy that a1l'ords he" r ellot. !IIiss Newman is a mu,ch respect.eU resident ,of wlage of ~ray. N. 'i .• and makes this stlltement for the benefit of others S1p1UIIrly IlfHioted. This ltniment is for liale bV Louis Mnv.
F. A. HOFFMAN, Arnold Roose, CORWIN, umu.
On Third -Street, Dayton. __
The Rev. Dr. B . . 1'. 'OIayton, Franklin, waS by a large and attentive audience. aUbe M. E. ch~ lut SUnaa.,., e'fening when he arose to-deliver the M181allJ'e/lte • to tbe'cU8a 'of H01. l)ach lin auilieDCEi with tbe'Bix 'bright, tn. . . dnafa and tbejyeamest "J ba:\'e been anffering from Dy. 00IJigent gra . 8JlIIlI,18ia f:lr the JlIl8t twenty yenn elJ,icient.mstruotoys •. Prof. .1.), and have beesa. anable' -after tlTiDg ~tioD8 and physician8 to get any relief. After taking bottle of of Kodal D)-spepsia Cure foand relief and am now in better healtb thau. I haYe heeii to... twenty years. I cannot pratli8' Jrodol .Dy. spepsia CIlM · too highly." TbUi! writ6B )i,.- O. W: "Boberts. North CNek, Arlc. J ..lC. J.IInne,. .
Ita Pco;lle.
:l0~ Off OJ] aU 'Rugt' at the Way. neeville Dry Goods Co. on Fridny. Hn .. A. H. WilUamson Willi last week 'V~lIiting her · daughter. Mrs. W" S. Mc:lUly. at Lebanon,
thllDk aU tbe frionds \vho by their presence /IntI expressiOllS of l(lving sympatby, encouraged us t-o hear tho bitter trial when she was 'aid aW>1Y from mortal sight forever. CHESTERFIELD MYER _
........_ _
lila). !1I" 1l0ralDJr SeasIOD.
m. Oo...eDQOD a11e4 10 order. . P _ 5erf1oe. . OptD~ lkmuu-Prio, Sweru.
10 a.
10 :30 a. 1D. JlDroUmODlof Deleptte.
'W'~w- l ~~:!~.
s. U . SliJ'lkr. 11 : 10 a . m, Beporu, 1. wrtrtD, fro. To.".. ablJ>e. led ",. Secrcl&ry Fur. ~ _ _ ae1'.
Aftel'DOOD S -......
Alas! How Soon Forgotton
sUlitable fora. woman to dnve. Must be lleOOd trnveJer. · Cheap (or CAl'h. QIU at this.•omce.
E ....nLDI: SeHsIoD. . :00 p. m. PRI... SeM1ce. 7 :30 Primary Seaslon T)'OIcal [.ego .. 1'''''f<bl C1_ : Ill'll....."'" "afT. Confereocr : "How Teacb C.. tlllre:D.~' ·
(b) '!'he Rnle. LedoD. lila S"....oo4. . (e) Rev"""",,,. J(n: E: 1t.. Grimm. S ' U : Adclr... : '!'he Self ' TralDiDI or tIM Te:U:beT. Kr. loocpI> Clan.
WedD•• 4 a,., lola,. HDd, }loraIDe SeaaJoo. II :00 ... m. rrallle Serrico. V: 1O a . Ill, Nec:nJIlt, for )lormal w..k. Rev. A... w. W7~DL Dlscosalon. . 10 :OO ·a. !D. Add",.. : W _ I : Olle'. HorI·
11 : IS •. m . Conference for S . S . Sup.rialeG' deDls. Led by Mr. la.epb ("'I&rk. Ad,JOurDDlOllL. AfterDOOIl Seu1UD.
1 :00 p. m. PI'3I.V!SCrl'\ce. 1: 15 p. m. TIt. BOlDe IlepartmeDl. lIrtt. Ida C. Ma.Q.D.oQ. 3 :00 p. m. Report of 1'rouunr u4 ca.. ..t ElectloD of Olll<er:o. _cellall ....a ......1· ClosIJtc.
IlQ~JI(. :
· ·ta~ 75, wSl<J.1.3, "'J2)Tlt
M:a rket Chfna and ."! apan have ·', yieldoo ~n, Immense .stoCk. Twin~ ,phain, F'~gtired :and :pl~inr - 11~ and~p·• .
It ~JOjIT"
A reoen.t dictatecl lo~tor from E). ON, TELEPHONE OR. der D. .Moore, of New Vienna. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! brilig:ll to us the. saddening inlan:na. ', = tion that this veIlemhl'l christi lin . From:1 Full Heart. COUNTY 8. 8. , COllVElfTI~1I. DUlD has suffered n. prrryle.tic stroke . which bas 80 disabled him thnt he We thn.nk Mr. and ltrs. A. D. The Sanday School ConYeDtioJi to is unable to hUi d Smith. of the InfirmtU'Y. and others jbe held here at the M. E church OD ._~I· t DSe· th penh lID TMb·n here for t·h eir kind care avd Iltten· , the 21st and 2tnd iDIIt. ia loob4 ~~ y ge oro ond e oose. 18 ti . d f f ·thf ·l · . 'f rd with • . aftliction, adilCji to his gnef Ilt tho d o~ 8.D tb Ul'. 8.l U I.DJOlBtrahOll8 r' orwa ' -to a ~cJeal of Ia. lln -f to b nnng e 1 ess lind at the death terest u~ DUY local SlJ.nday 8cbool recent- d eo.th 0' f h·I8tvle, om ' t eIy de..... ted of onr dear sISter Lucy; Rlso. Rev, workers. and will doubtlea be -a" he was most /I fleet lana vo , ' . . throws II shadow over what should Wm: M. Coffman for k~aly oon· tended by workers from.U puts of be· tho restful period at our old d~~tinl,g tbdQ Frif~edmlBese:'2.ceshFilt the the ':::.~ andd the public will be ....... d'S l·f t'·-t h as been spen t lD ' Cuupe an en t..... urnas ente aD profited by the fol1 e ·uu f or t h ·' . >.nen e bee.utiIul prayer she offered 1Iowmg . '" ood f til t k f t ellrnes , wor or ..e g o o ers. over tlIe d ear uell .1 df Ad orm. u we PBOGILUIIlE
QRg~T ~~Bi _OF · <aJ£:UgT~~ . - . LINOLEUM MATTfN·as • ..
113- 121 W. MAIN
Office and Yards:
F.ou8'ht for His Ltr•• "My fatber and sisOOT died of 0008umptiOD." .. rites J. T. W'ea~hey WIIX. of Wyandotte, Jlich .• "and I was saved (rom the same frightul fate only by Dr. Kina's New Di8ooy. Manutaoturedb;vtbeBABV,&Jm ery.· An attlick of pneamooia. len an o~tinate. oough and 'Very severe P~OOOMPANYat(l!ooIDD·t;l lang ~ouble .. .which an exc81Jen, ' doctor could not - help, hac & few months· use gf .this wonderful med. . fbr ita . icine made IIH! sa well .. ever·and I . gaineil much in ~hV' lnfa1JJble ~or coughs, QOlda lind all throat and lung trouble. Trial bo$tleI free. ' Guuanteed bottles IiOo and 11.00 at .
Louis. May'..
edy the direetio115 to
bo~leaaa~~~·~1tb~·~~~t~,!:~. to ear·
a'" !.hose
reapond-..mtb durmg . their a icltnellS; 'l'o all be Will make .prompt Il11d car.eful aDswer _' without charg.e . . " r . Ho". J. F. Crooker, QI Dtliflllo, N. Y.. who WIl' rcir ;rentS Siiperintendent ot, ScbooJ,s at DU.f!alo. in a letter dal ea October 16 Writ~": .
Recovery -.
", ·b.vo beell • tlIrriJ . •
0" ~---,"",--'I
"yoa yun, .sd
. il&rtryllllllUl!¥ ntMdl# .... IIId~ by. frlel!fl. to tau Peru.p& Tbe reauJI5 ImYO been bIgbly .. t.aory_ I t.U p~.ure 111_ .0m_lIdln,· PerulJll to lillY 'OM ,uflerlag , w'ItJiJ-_ _..............·· "t.arr6... cure 16 I:iOmp#«e;" Hon. B. B. Doviner, Congressmlln 'rom West Virginia, in a .letter from WashiDgton. D. c.. to T~ Peruna Medicine Co, says tbe f'!,llowing ot .their catarrb remedy, PerUllB: "I joili wlt'1L my coneagues in tb.. House of RepresetLta tlTes iu recom.mendilig your , excelleni remedy, Peruna, o:1 S ~ good tonic a·nd also an et!eeti~e ·cure -tor' ca tarrb." .' lIn!. MlI'ry C. li'eutrcss writes ,trom Pllrad;ie, Tex.,. tbe to!101ying:- "1 think 1 can l18y that yo)] r good advice al1d medicine hall cured me ot cb.ronic cat-arr.h. I havj! had no pains'.iD my head since Ihave taken 'Perunll. Thave been ,ill. bad health erer-since. '59, aDd have taken a good many 1p~iciDes whleb were only 01 tempol'llry,relid- Perun .. is tbe catarrh cure.- /' Tbe Peruna stopped my catarrh of, the4eILd 80 ' t bat i~ did not become chronic, apd 1 am very thankful for Dr. HartlUll n '. 3d vice and medicine." __ P e rona ill a speciiiclor all cat~rlial diseaKes. It acts quickly and beneficially upo n the inflamed mucous membrane thus removjng t.he cause ot cnl:lrrh. . Calarrh is catarrh wb""eveJ:locateu_ Catarrh is essentiany the: sa1Uo-everywhere. Tbe remedy that ,,;11 eure cata rrh in one s ituation w:ill cure it in aU situati ons. If you do no t derive prompt lind E3tisfaetory.Te5ults 'f rom ·the use olPernna, "\Tite a t once to Dr. Hartman, ffi\"iug' a fall statem.e nt· of your case "od he will be pleased ·to give you his '''' 1uable "d..-ice gra Us. Addre5s Dr. Rar Lmnn, ~re,sident of Tbe1lar~D Sanitarium, ColUmbus, O.
_.te~•• Balt,-:. 81,e e ••
USee" he~," exclaimed lIr. Popleigh, "I' d90't propose 1.0 hove th.t bU!'llu alarm
io our bedroom. We'll pnt i~ ·do",nstau.. in the hall." , "Nonsense!" replied hill wire... . t'Then we' won't hear -it 'ft:hen it goes "oft}' • ; "Neither nil the, boby. Thit·. tbe malll point.u-Pbiladclp hin PrHl'. . II) ctaaraet~r
of Abr___
An adclrees by Josepb Choate, AmbaL... · dot to Great Britain, on the. career aDd . .Abraham Lincoln-hu. euly .truggl .. witb' tbe worldde"e1oped in tho I.ter aod b.. administrat-iou, naDle f!O high . on the nntJ fJalDc, hu beeD Lnllcag~, MiI\\'aukee & St. had br. seoding ,.w,' _ •• _. " ~ ,' . A. Miller, Gen· P'''''''''llcr ","cal:o, ill. It ~ollJd 8~e. . '0.
nix- H •• YOllr (ri<';~ Weded)' a hobby! Di,,-W.n, I woulcln't c.1l it Il hobby. leI more like inlSlnily. . '"How'! that?" UHftll been mu.m cd five ti mes." '-ChiC:lgo Doily 1\ eW8. Vo. Ca.
~ G~t Allen-. Foot-EIIae.FREE.
Write to·d.,· to Allen 8. Olmsted, Leroy,
~. Y., for a :f'REE saml!lc of Allen'. Foot·
Ease, a pQwder to IIhakc intoyour SbOH. It cures clii1hlniu l'!, sweati ng, damp, Bwollen, aching feet. 1\ mak ... New or tight 1boci e"tlsy. A c.:ertain ('ure for Corns a nd Bunions. All druggi!ls a.nd sboe,itores sel] it. 25c..
. . Allmannei-(,f eitravagant ~QDS 8.re pOesibie wheD a woman's'nen:e.s are overwro~nt. · . The!J!.asm. ~ the.t()P 9f the :wm~ pipe ,?rJnionchia1 tuba.J,· "ball.rismg m .~e throat;>' ~olent Dea~g of_tlie h~; laughing and CryIng by ,turns.. muscular ~8 (tbroWlI1g the arms about), 'irigntened by the most insIgnificant occurreuces-e.re all symptoms of a hysterical condition aDd se'. rious'derangement-of the' female organs. Any female: complaint IDAY pi'oduce hY.llterics, which must be regarded as a symptom only. .The cause, however~ yUilds guickly to Lydia E. Piilkham's V:fir.table Com·pomid. wliich.acts at once '!POn the or~n .cted. and the nerve centers, .dispelling effectually all those distressiDg symptoms. . . . • . Mrs. Lewts Says: "I Feel Uke' a New ~noa. Pbysic:aJlyand Mentally."
Writing to MrS. Pinkham is' the quickest aodBurest way to get tile right aaVice' about all female troubles. Her ad· ~esB.is Lynn, Mass. She advises womElD free. Following 18 an mstance : Mrs. Haven's Ant Letter to Mrs. PInkham. HlIs. Pnmn.ur :-1 would
eYery month at I become and
- t am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption
oaved my liro threc years ago.-Mr... tho., lloub ins, Mallie Street, Norwich, N. y~ .
. Geek Co_Sb., Cold • • • 4 Croap
With Hoxaie's Croup Cure. NoopiW\l. 5OcU. ~
A bl1l'·e retrent rna\" shour gr~tfT ('ou~
age thou . fuolbllrdy ",j,·;IOce.-Ha,,,·.: UOrl••
CASTORIA For Infants g.nd Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the
I'rcIIMIes Diges6on.CIerf'ul-
Al!SS and Aest:CotIIaiM neilher OpIum.Korphiae nor}fin£ral.
f{J ---.-
A .....
'l'atience-,-Whati. ~lte tip ....h.n a maD ki.... " prl on. the Corebead ~ P .tric_l .hGuld MY it wu a oign tha.t be .... rattled .- Yonke", tateamalf. -~
ruehes ~ buy a maD... "liole lot 01 trouble.-Loa An&eles Herald. FrwU •••
Tbe 'Poet warbln. .itb sealweU me ant . Of tbf. 8'o1dm s'p p:lu of aweu.contelll: And tb..~J Ibourn tbt .a~ cfeclBratl OIlAre i)rt but dl'led a pple-a of rul&nauoa.. -Puck.
fe-s te rda y ?tt
"We)l, whl'U" " 51..., (ook' 011 her h.a t,"
bllPPY to SIIY tbld I IIID cured of &lJtarrh and need no It Is IIllrut SIItisfllCtI(Jn that ·llIlD. • ble to
So II... For.-oClea r
The Wife-Alfred, i~ alwa]'s seem. $0 hard for me to reconcile lo,cordi· na tion 811d will 'fhe Young Cler~man- lVh~', ) l i, r!lnd3, h3W'.e ynu forgotten lh o.t J prtRcbed .. "ermon ull IhQ'~ vtry .ub jed ulIly a few we .." ago? ~C hi""go ,ribu ne. ",
. ='el\-Wpll, [ think. man with stlcb butrdog lenodlY ill worthy or a belter tale.-ClIlcagn Daily ~ewi . A Zdulet.-tea1 V ... to.
80 n re\lrnl ~Jy lllaJ;e~
.. i
mote IIttentlon from yOI£
"Wby did e he do iliat?'" "Site WaJI alrnld nobody would PBY wri!e you tbst Peronll bllS . in my esse done 111/ tb.t J'ou cls/m, lind IIny attention (0 lhe mini -fer if ahe tlut I will nud no more medicine•.. ~ept it on."-Cle~eland Plain U~cr.
Bon. S. s. Mat.thews, ex-Un,ited States lIIarsbal ot lIfississippi. in a r"cent 1.!'1•• reef!.~.'e'.,. "Wba' do you' sup[lo", tbat abs1lrd· letter to The Perona Medicine Company of COlumbus, Ohio, written from .concelted woman did . in cbureb Huelhur&t. M.iss. , says :
-----fraUI.'. LatiT.
A m>all degt:ee of'wit, &O<'ompanied by
,ood sense, i:oJ leM tiresome in the lc;mg run than a grea t GlDOunt of wit wil·hout it.-La
. 11' lo,:e gets into the n'era,y-e modern t.vurt~hip aa a stowawilY. c!"en) he islucJ.:y_ - Puck. '
r~d to my flOw so much
lI(ou.,,-What did -,Yo u do when t.h~ lady saw yo,,? Rat-I J'lllI, of course. Wouldn', you? ' Monse-X". not on ],our Iife_ I'd make ber ac: r e~"n aoti run.-Boston Courier. " 'II,,.. ne L_ Wort.'rr. B.e$~- I " alii ~ix ofTen of lUarriage la8~ monlh. 1Y11;a~ do you think 01
}'eb. 17, 1000. -
.. DuB JIBs. l'ooawI :-1 wiIh to spI!IiIt a gOOd word for Lydia Eo PInkham's V~table Compound. For yeam J bad ovarian trouble and II1Iffered ey~g from DerVOUSDeM.' eevere headache, lind pain in t.ck and abdomen. 1 had oob8ulted.dilIcrent phywiciaDs, bu;' decided 10 ny JOUr medlolne, and J BOOn found it was giVlDg me IIlUCh relief. I COD' tinned itellll8 and DOwam·teelin, like a new person, pbyslcally -.nd m.e ntallr, and IIIIl glad to'add ODe more tEIitimoni8l to tbe value of TOur remedy,"JlIlS. U. H. Lp, .~I08 Valentine Ave.. Tremont, New York, ~. Y_
'eYen rouadlPg.; tor, like the f~JU,een tlJ,e lower NIIle, t)ley ar~ ereaf*"" tbe river alotLl'whleb ,they live. drlven hom tbe botto)U lande by tbe • .nnual frabet,a, ali" hrou;ht ~k byeDjlulng droughts to plant ·a ne.... ln the anil Ull%ed· l>y }h~, anoual alit depoalt. Pe~pa ot prl.Jnny intereat among t.heJr custom" ill their drs""aal of the deAd. .T hey 01. only c1J.tribpte HIe properly o( t!!e deceaud am~ng'Don 'relatives, bu t burn th~ body and tbe bllltatlon together. A con~idera hJe Part pf tbe tJ'il)a1 10J'e i~ . connected .wlth tlfe mortu~r)' eUrltom; and- c ustom and lOJ'e togetller alford relinark·- I able insight luto the esotel'ie primiUTe pc••ples. .
.. ienUshi say tbat a .man ~ould Uv" long"r 'it 'be ,.."lked 011.;&11 \5 he used to du " "Of. coorSoe; other' men would loci< upiJla l:ageand ukecart!of h;m." prond alt -4::hlca;!:'o J),eeord-Berllid.
From Monday to Saturday-at every tum in the kitchen .work-a Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stove will save labor, time and expense-and keep the cook comfortable. No bulky fuel to prepare to cOme or carry, no waiting for the up o.r die down; a fradjon or'the expense of the ordinary stove. A
WIckless BLue FLAME
011 Stove will boil, bake, broil or fry better than. a coaL stove. It is safe and deanly-an not become greasy, can not emit any odor. .Made .in several sizes, from one burner to five. If your dealer does 1101 have them, write to nearest agency of
bim Ill! a pe"cock "nd 20 ~l?rt:\tor~ pJ'~e d •• Do..... to tell him the 'In"'y il) proof of tbe "AIl!" elq)'laimed tbe min is ler, "/j.s h· Wh,. A .. ~rle•• Fana lIaelt.laer7 J. colon.l'... mir~cu]ot1S gift. nus 'r .,pu- . hI/' o n the SlI:bDath! - \\'bat will your Not " rantetl ... ,. MU110D. 01 tlltions nTe mllUe. father !Say to you'!" .a..I.tle Far_en. '·C.n'l tell' yel;' repli~ tli. bad boy. STANDARD OIL COMPANY. LICHENS AS ·FOOD. " tt 1 don·t· calcb nOlhi,,' I'll catch it; Only a week or two before the 13te Consul Cenera] W ild~ n sailed for "BY '· .rJl'1.~. 0 " ,Sea Grown•• A.. . If I du, 1 ..-on't,."-PhiiadelpbiaPreaL Hong.Kong on the ill-fated journey l1_r" b,. the (,· htn~.e aUld So._ which co ~t tlie lives of himnlf aoil bi Amer'l~ab •• his famjJy li nd m"ny others at, the qn· tranl'e to an Prancisco hnrbor , 'be In c'Tb_e ImperialBookUponEoocb::" w;'otc a letter to ' the go,"e1"nment a curiou.I! volume js.~ued by the Cbine~. II b_out th e uunu"rous inquiries wade g overnment, over .. 0 mO"Ses nod sea has Jast as maoh right to good health as a rich by o ur manu (aeturc.rs of farm mn- lic.bens are recomme nded 1-Or tood pur. cbint-ry as 10 clt:lncps f o r selling their pD~es, and in~tructions giTen res pec t.womaD. Dr. GI'fHIDB offers frBII of charge to goods ill China. He 6Ilid. for exam· in.G' the ir preparation. · In gencrall,hey every womaD, the advIce that leads to healtb pIe, quotes thc Xew York SUD, he had are \\'lI shed so as to remove all saDd aDd stl'flDgth. Writs- to hIm at 3S- W. 14tb St" re «h'ed mnny letlers from makers and shel~. l ' hey nte then 'dl'ieil in th e New York CIty. aDd tBII him all about your of reapers, mo,,'ers and borscral<cs SUD. or in kiln.. I"e'<t they' nre C1lt up weakDsss. Ths speolal advIce of ths dlsoov· " 'ho wrre .eeking IIprofilablc mnr- and "torcd. When they are tQ be used enr of Dr. OneDe's Nervura cauDot be bought ket in China; 'Manufacturers of plows Utey are '!?oited tor 'Sevcral hours and for mODey, but It will be g/veD to you free If Bnd other articles a Iso ha"" heen strained. The filtrate is not thrown you wIll write. .eeking markets tbe.r e. awny. but ill trcat.. d wi tb another In ' '''ply to them )rr. WHdm"n em- preparation, again flUe'r ed, and the phaoized the lact tMt agricultur"l liguid e""pornted. Tbe first 1U t ration I To-Dfty'. O.-".rrf. land in China is divided into smA) 1 ""'yes llbout 2S l!er cent~ Rnd the se.,. 1130r4YearsuJadepeadetKeIsAssure4 1 In making it rrod y Burnham', Hosty holding., maDY of which lire Qot over oud 40 p'er c~nt. The ..olid fro..,. tlle bk. . Jellycon \\;11 be high;y appreciated; Dothi DIR an acre in size and very fe.w r.un o-ver first operation ran ges frOni 4 pure t " do..bu; dino:\4t it in hoi wat.er :lod set ten acre.s. Every nvailable inch' of mucilage to a mucilaie' mixed withal. 3 wn y to cool. T be fl .n'ol1'1 are: ora ngC". thls laud is undcT cuI tim lion, and the bumlnoids and starch. The solid from , ' - , 1t' lli o nJ !t ra\'\berr~PJ . raspberr.\~.J' IlE-DCh, 1\'ild plllntiog lIod napiog is all done by th~ second ,operation contains a, little ('h e-tTy ~nd unfla',·ored ' ·c.l fs(ool" (or hand. mucllllge ,,!,d 'starch, considerllble sol. maki ng wine ilnd C'OfYpe jellies. Get. ~ . I! plo",. are used lit all they are- uble'Sta h ' d b package to~day at ,r OUt gr~r';:. j,.. of home manufoctllre nnd of the ' . re ,an t emajorplI~~ofdex· trlUC lind grape sUglir. • A. N. K.-E 1864 primitive. c:hllrncler. 'l'hc' l!easantQ . .In~our o_W!n:ountry a snuillbutgro_ li~e at the rate of from two to five 1nlpndu.try dcreloped OD the coasts of cents a day, lIod e~en if they ~ould lIlaine lIud M9SSllchJ• .,tta. FotU'.aalford to buy Amcrican machinery, 'r l5'ties of dulse are <jollec.teiJ, of whicb they would h ....e no room for~ it on ·tl,te pest and t~e mQst pop'uloT is thll tbeir little farms. If aD entire village dubie, which. ranges from jigh~ ..hould cO'!lbine' to buy an American 1 Il thrash.ing machine it would be used 0 ye o w mixed with purple. when. dried becomes J!nle gray. . . . b ot once, f or It damages the straw, yeUow or PID.k. The no til'''. bI.il it.for wastes some of the 'grllin, and from half an hour , strain it 1hrougb II colati. a Chioese point of view cost. too der, . a.dd. milk, -an _ a th.U' lII"ke a:ve""; much to ru.n. .. ' . 'J 8,p petlzlnr." llnd r,llI tritlous jludd.l ng 9imThe eoo.. ul gen~rnl .lIid that . &8 ilnr t.o b nnc-:m. ang.,. They also em, Old you e~er have that feeling of. oppress!on, like a weight 'on your thest, or a load of cobblestones in your long "" labor ,in (hinll had almost t no Talue·'"and flesh and blood were 1 as a t,hickeDing for sa..ne.es,-nnd stomach, keep~ng you awake .nlgh~:s With a h~rrlble sensation of anxiety, or:tossing restlessly in terrible dreams, tbe cheap<;.~ tbi.ngs on ' the m'~~ketl )Vit!t -alitt leremonllnd btuti· tha~ m~ke the cold perspiration bre~k out all 'over you? That's insomnia, or-sleeplessness, and soine unfortunhe .could n~ ad~ia" American mlll\U' ~u."<u. •"",~ "'.. a saoee f,!r flsbe.. . ,.a~~s sl!ffeT with It njg~t after .ni~ht! until t.heir re~s0'l is in. dange and ther a,re_on the e.dge of going mad_ The faetur~to atteinpt t-o . eJ)ter that ' field • • - ,. ,. C.luse of thisAearfuLaJlment IS In the s~omac;:h an,g bowels, and a Casearet taken at night will soon bring relief and
A Poor Woman
.• , C,a n"t Sle,e p? ,
give the sufferer sw~et, refreshing sleep. ,Always insist on getting CASCARETSI . air. t' thim bobo-mobo tro!'dal-h..:k. '
W· . Iy the '
.., f
A man oCCAsioqally 3dmit~ be ;tI"ft! ",rUII,.. bu't a ~ ~oma.o net-er aoe ~'she o~ly mis tICken:-chicllgo Dally Bird
Dog~Dun.wclt-,J·l ·
thougbt -' : . ilog you said h I!; '-as a good bird dug~~ IJie, CJod'b:i>tr _ • lIcr - -o'He is ; you jest try' feedio' hib'J ... i .... ;n fried chicken an' .ee~'-Ohi o St 6tt '-' 1ournal. _ • ';, ~~ _ ~ y~u. s olclm eJ his
1:arri~"Tpe Ja} t !UI lOU Tl'ry tender.
He a.ssUT<:'~ me_l
laTe." J3e s~"Thar~-' ..,m~thing. to be sure ;"lint frit- e(<:n· lng-he told me r was hiaolaiest 10'·....Bos tOn TranscripfN /~ '# . ~~ It little Jichoolgir~"'~ 914. 9!-~~ . !.e~e a; to .... rl u . the woJ: ·:Iez;me.nt, on her s late... ~oget!!.er ~11? ille lteli'ii!-. . ' .ion and a sentence In whlcb-the ........d ....... Dud. 'l'he fol1ow!nf:js .tbe·result: wF...,.~_n-t; . a Terb, ~ "i~.Jing ,t9 I I • d "ki" f fa c" work. ove ,0 a a ", JI .... 0 n~ fe:rment."-The KI';g. - -. • _ ." • t ' ~ <If Witness-UFined for con empt !ourt! Wily, 1 didIi't i BY -. word."Rural .Judge-"That'. just It. ,l'J)fi "-:lid"'t ans",u my ques tions, aD' tbat's • bow yQIl .s.bowed yer conumpt." !"it ness-"W.U, ... e1 l! And I fla t t e re d t ha t. in 1 bat 'Way I , va S" COllcelllil !"- Philadelphi. Jlecord. -. c '
..as bis firs t
For ' HoIbin. W8& ~Id.,ndi UI1JuIppy maD. N?t that he teared Loa· - e Brookin :'ill and the ' death 1••• _.&:D ~ of the tesiator a-ppaieotly secureil'hla iatUHta, eYelI- shoold -Louise be rash
It . . . ., . . . . . ...-•• , •• do. . . . .....,.
DIe« f.r
n .. lr C......
If F.gypt built pyramid. f.j) hDnor tbe memory of bel' ty...nolca~ kl.n.-. It b ,.mng that .Ammca ,bould kup gJ'een Ibe memory of tboR who died" In defense Df tbe liberty our aDcerio'" woo by b&,ttUng .pln.~ a khig. Wbat ollieI' nation hU>sucb gO<)d call8e fi!! hollOriog it .. heroes aa America? We WOUld' ha",' our cbildren l....-u tbe leho.. of p&uiottBm whleh comea 'rom the bi~ouac. tbe tedious m!reb and the bat tlefield. We would haYe tbem C'.mula~ tbe l!elf...crill~ ot those m h who ao cbee:r1uUy ldt tbe 'billce. the .hop, the coun.lI"g-l'oo", or the . plow to sh.,w their !ala It)' by. ftght ing, If need !>!e.- dyil)g, for Ibelr couotry. Wbellarr th e,v 'fo ugbt beneathth" BI ..... Dud ,tripe" or beneatb the _outhern cro 8 . they' fOllght for wll.oo t thl\Y conu iv d to be tLe ri~ht, ol!,d s ealed tbeir loya lty ,.ith their hlood. 'the de.ti lli~ of natiol>! Are .ha~d b, lbo~e w1>o IIg,ht and <l i.. a t . beir eouDtry's ",,11. 'H1. toTy i~ .. ~itreo- in tbe blood 01 the bra ... OJJd th.e Inc. But lbe mahbood of 1\ nation b fanned bT1he hand tbd r O<'ks the cradle. long .. Americap. mothers -teac b tbe l~ iIoDs th.t the gr~'tut po Bi ble priY' Uege aod the higbe", l.oDor i tn fig ht fO"C!JIlJJtTy,ltll ...fe ~;v and il A Iwoor, 80 loof: lIlIall we ba...e a no tion in \Vbicb h on0J;u "hiwalry, ;:IOT_V and patrlotillttl s ball 1J0minalr: Wonltl We ch""k til.. greeil for ..eaUll alld POWH and ~top the mad eareet uf a ,wimmo n wohtbip, let u& encour8tr.. tbe cultl1'.tion of ,hJgi! idetlla and lofly ambit ion,. Let 1Ja dreriBh tbe Dle mor;T' of oor il e"d beroes, and while we minister to t h e _saitlca of the Ilring let UI nnt fol'get lhe dead, but . . ....ch rrcurrlng Memorbl dAY roll .. r Ollod let u seatter Bowera ·abo ..e lbe ....ered dust, and rene,.. our tritoute of admira t ion and gratitude_~en. Joseph \Vh~eler. in Detroit Y..,e Press. • TIIell'
conscious. Then, for the Jirat ~Jme in ber 23 healtby yean, .. be faiJlted. That fact remailla yet her 0"-11 In"iolable .eeret; for nobodl Tc!Il.IentberecL hu ' during the , exciteiuent which followed. Alter a. tiDle .ha "came to," aDd, atbletic ,1'011 girl that, alie felt properly IUIbamed
Will LI .....
So long a . tbe n a g remaius unfurled U:emol'ial d..Y' cannOl cease to be 8 grea ' and lende r memory. F.ach ann ivel'll"ry becomes mO~ palb~ti c trom the fDCl tbat- IDaJJY 01 tbe Mboys in blue" are paulog urny to join the nmT In the gllen~ land. ll"ery year Ibe ralib of tbe veteran. on thl l s ide of the rlTer gro", thinner, ahd tbe steJ!s of tbe mnrelJer ..Io'ver. Before many Teara ne arly- all will he.-e joi...,d Ibeir regiments on tbe o t ber side. Bot Lbeir deeds O8n ne"erdie. Fu10re generalion~ ",m read them. deep e ut, defy· ing the tooth of time', un tbe marbteot tbe country's g:reatnu... They wiU blaze OD tbe pillano of the uni,?" and In the apringtime at each year a grateful people. bearing choiceat fto ....ersnatve'. sweetest emblem -of lo.e and afftretlon-will decorate their gr&"es; fOl'those gres"Y1Doonds ,,'III be known .a shdne.s for eyumore; lIihriDes 10 long aa tbe republic baU endure; ..hrines whera ~triot kneu will bend aDd patriot eyes' will' "eep s o 1001' aa freedom .bas a worsbiper and equality of righta a deyotee.-Detroi t !"ree ~
eDough t~ eaR',. ovt:ller~bruta of u, poaun•. Thla, ho..-eyu• .hlt felt ~Wfecl .btI ....oald never attempt. Terror 0% , tbe law bad alreRd, .pro"fed it,elf poteat to coatrol her. In hia hurried aDd frequeat-..llit. to the hqlel h~b.d a.. cerialD.ed the tact tha t 511e wu for tb, tilDe beiDa- completely in bis _ "EDoull'h" ~e"er SuJ'ljeient -:-~un.t Beactlon from her lIerei ex,.it,e.m'eJll'1EUen - ",so you li ke to gp to y o ur ha~ .... t in; abe clung to him, helple.. grandmother', 10 dinner, eh?" Tommy- "You bet! ~ Aunt Ellcn~"Or and pealtent. Thal she h.a • ..,a a mall cours .., 'tbat's bMan~e yoo~re ""UTC . U midn~ht in the ..-iog·room of fha Brookin house and had shot him, he you'll get enough. to .e at lh ere-~' :romdid uot..doobt that she believed. AI my-UNo; iVs 'callSe I'm s ure .I'll g~t for hlJDJIelf, there were times ....heD too m Dch."-PhiladelpbiD Piess, ODe very c old da •,: Tom, in his first hee h.d tbought. hel' , simply ;nsanethe- mtim of cn ilIUSiOD; and ,et the Irouserli. was "'alJiing' out ...11b bis ' facta ~eJJJed tq support her .-tatem.n~ tiny overcoat tnrned: back to its 01" tlp~ Ihe had visited tbe premi ..... mol 1 limit. "Tom," uid .his 1a.ther. . be I' h "butto n 50ur ""!I t.." The hQy d~ - _ , CI nrIy hi.. I t course .Y.lD t e lOp- murred. " LOok at mine," add ea b b
We ...1lIil C ... .~f
port of the Illusion. '!'bU, theo ..... a. tbe iDYeJltion
hl.ler Dea ••
Free Presa. ----;--~ .
fa t ber. "Y'es,"~said " 'rom. - ruefUlly. bu t C<'eTYhoa!- Imows, tbal; you; ,.."ar trotisers!'-:Curren t Li t.era,l-u-t
Pre.e.t.... sta.t:eo o' .rropo- :.of ! -u saeJ!l Va..e to I",l.e.
l-" o,JU,er
..~ ..
Pre •• deat BlaDC'O.
tel'. UWho-told you-that?" be gasped. She made 110 r .. pl,.. a wdden anxiet7 for him benlsbing e verI other ..~ t i on. With .. micht,. effort, and before "be could p~yen' Jrim, he UOH IlDd atsggtred for ...ard. 'Dre group d i&solved 1lDd horrl"" t01<1Ll'di. hlm. Di.aregudlng the physiCian and the woman, he leanM forward. ...d t h.rustiDf hi. face .DeU' to HolblD aald with f ..... tle energy: • "Sir, ..h .....e i. my nieee? WbMe ia Loulae1" BolbiD d1'ew beck. "Speek, you cowardl" BQJbill did not reply, bul atood ,\tItlI eyel cut doWD, bl. face .. pale almost lIB that. whieb cballenf:Cd him. The old malt tllre .~ his throa~ and--ge8ped i n a-mighty struggle for breath. " My mill-my sriUl " be cried, moY lnf: feebly towards bis wife. Sbe retr...Ud, lc;l!I!ping just beyond his baDd. "Giye-me-baekthe-eh-I " A look of unutterable horror rose to bia faee; he .... ~el'ed, plunged forward, and 'Would haTe tallen, but BrodDar tooJl IJjm m his
The heroism or tbose "'holle graTeS we decorate, whether they be "The bo1." of '61" or tbe "BOys of '98,r is one of ilIe bright jewell in the dbdcm that croWll8 tbe brow of American liberty. ltj. par~ oflhe heritage ofe,"ery born bene!lth ou flag. T,herefore, in honor-ing the m~ n who died fol' the :Oag we add to the inheritance of the mILlions yet , to CaDle, for in g;' ing iestlmol)Y to the coul'8.ge Bnd loy.lty of tbe men who ..tIleep In soldler.~ graves, we enhance th ~ nation's glQry aod render tbe. name ot American liitlzen of still more prlcelesa ..alue.-Detroit
, ....' "
anos aDd laid him on the 11.001'. 1'01' a Dloment. not .. eound broke the &ilence ot the rooDJ. • "\Vbo-will- protect - mT daugbtel"" be whispered. - J:..'ranees, hi. Jiaad in> bers, Jmelt. in agony bT hls aide_ . "B••e DO fe .... of me, my father; God haa raised up a defeoder!" 'Hear· ing this, JlrodJlar suddenly '. tlri-u,!ll Mck the group, leer jog tbe girl alonewifh the t!Ying DIan, to wbom abe whisperea eamKtiy and rapidly. Aa he la:)' looking into b,e1' fllee a new light came for a brief moment- to his and vanished • . B~, kJleellng, plaeea hj_ ear abo\'';· the motionless h~t. The momeDta paHed. . ''Dtad 1" btl ..,sd at I.n~ aad a.rose. RaymdDd BolbiD' bad ptauaec1 .t....the door. He turned .nd eli:changed glAncea wiUa his mother and pa&aed out.. . ~ce8 laT with her fa:e Ul!Oll tile dead man'. b~.,...t.
Bu t fo r t be energy a nd nM ional' pride Ql Guz.,uu n Ulanco, :::111e lte genera ior of " cue-~ii,ela," I h e city of Car-' " .,;., and - Ilr c coun tt'y at 'large " oulil De~e r Have na cbed .hei r p "". ellf: staS.e of pr"gre~s. .... )'1' YO'!lb'. ~ mpa ni,¥,_ Tbe manner in "bif!.h, be learned t be E ngl ish Jang nage. affo rd ~ xcillent IUu s lra tion o f bi. r emarkable indn,,· t rv a od .lere rmina t .an. .While he was piu iilen't h e mMCle u p-_b i>< mind to a 8~ r:n.,gIWr t bor Q)ls:.h!,r, and one !\yenIn~r - s!l mln",."·'fl -Dr. !iron, of L'lia unr·fa ~ult~-. t 6 t be-pa1aee. · It was '
t eD o·dO<' Ic -befo r:r . ~. w"' s .., lej.lu",~
'l'be rr he bu.;Ucd IOt<> the "libr-IU'» "!,o'$e~ ..t:;:cD:i I..
" Doctor; ' b e . " rd , "[ ....an.t you 10 f each m e E ng lish !' ... ~ ... " Very wen:' 'wa~ the reply, ."when: IbalJ ¥;e- b egin?·' ' ' :\'0',. .''
" Bul L bro ught no text bOok s wilh Dle: ~ aiu tbe d octor , "1 win· ge t a. I mlrirrl r r to-mbrr ortV, ana th en ,""e cao t a ke ;L Ull- 'r be be_t way .is lo , begin li ke a ~hl hJ L.3L u. ", bej,'!u.nj ll~· ' _ 'lJu~ pres.ide n t o pe l~c d a draw:~r uf h i< de sk a nn luuk Uti ! a well-tbumbed p rim .... tt", pr" pe l'ty of bis - ' li ttle ilangbl er. I ":' ~ "1 j,a' e be e n through thil!.. by ml:50 lr.- be sr,id. " illl d uode r-S'tand it. A~k lU~ ~ bo '-\1 it an d see:' Th e pTo1f"~~n r took t he Doole: Qnd p m th e ,licdlOr th rough.. su ch ... ex8DJlOalivll 8 :, h e \\'<Hl !d hal e glY1'9 1-0 a ch ild, _. • "Y e r r g ood:' b e said an h o nT la-f er, UTo-1notTow 'W e \-'('ill take 1he 'n ex t higher book and b a "e anotbe.,. les aon." hJl u t... l pre fer, it JO" are not- w~, t o g u on t o-nigh t ." was the r eply, _ur _ ha ,-e so m e E Dg lish boo ks hert, " and going to t he s helt h e took d own 8 • uLife of John C ('alh o u!f!' Th .. ' wo men, s iU ing §ide PJ: s ide. commenced with t b e . fir;lt .I;'m, ~b c . prates or pro nuuncing a nd expfaipin g. ,,:o rd b y woril, sen te nce b y ~e n tencl', lind (,b e dictator r e peatin,; f' \'er~" bing a h er him un til each poin"t wa s impressed o n h is mLDd • They kep. a t ""rk l bu s un tll lwo o'clock in th e m offii ng-, "be n Guzman Bla ncn ya\\ ned a nd looked a t li ia watcb. "I wa s u p a t 1I~e. o'clock IbiB moroing," he saill, ·'ancl hn \'c b eerl \\ orkin; I,ard a ll d"... 1 tlti nk \\ e b,,,1 betl cr s to p heTc."· . • "When s ball I come D:;-ai n ?". :rs ke Li 1
t2.~--). p':;'OT.
"At t"n o'c lock to-mor r ow iugh t ," "as Ihe rep IJ:' ' And fnl" · se..-er a l mon t hs lbe 1""0 men. bolb of t hem malure and farno W!. sat do,va in t he Ii!!rar,\' a t le n o'clo k e\'ery night ancl reaD t he ··Life of CaJ,: boun t" olt ~ n ke e ping up the les::.pn un t il two or .hree o'c:loch in the m o rn~ iog. Whe n tb" bulky ,'olume wa ~-IiJl Is bed Ibe genet1lJ cou,ld npt only r~3d bu t speak Englisb very well.
. I
met1DlUl. Tb~)east' in quantity' and meet in
dHern_ _DeWitt·, Little Jli84lJ'll,- &he f&$C). pilla. for
O:;;;:~:~~~~~~~I:~!!!!!!~~~!"!!!"!!"!~~~~~;'_ IOODltl~tion ...4nd ~ E. J.aulley. jnt.~81Jt"l
cliver . cowpllliDta.
A. k Mouton atUted on Monday for SpIillgtiJd where he ill 'l'8p8ae~
TIU-BPHOIf£ .,..
OF TBETH'~ $~ 00.
Cro_ ~'K.of P.,·at the GmUll ~ge CoIIventioD now In M.iOlr~lht~t-city'. Kr•..l.IJ.d j{ra: Thoma8'Tnrller aun lIi88 Clara '1'un!er, of OregoniA. JInI .. E. B. BrOWD aDd MilIa Grace Ho&nd. of B~ Valley; We1'8 th8 welcome gU~ of Bleak HoU8(' friende wt SlU!day. after atteDdiDg
Th8QUejm.&GreacentRoutltcbangWrite fo.. ~ ~"' Matter. etc..to lid time lJimday. May 18; and amoDg'" , C. L. STONE, the many other fMturee to b!I j'DCOIPainJeae 'Extracting of T-eeth 'Oe_J PUoacu "'pDt, porated m the Deiv.[chedules Ilre QW Speciality. three ~bat will be {'If conaiderable &er:vieeat st. Mary'• . LOut8VIl~&, KY. hit.eree't Wtbe traveling public. One Take ' Elevatol'. !Ilain Remember the B. P . 8. pamta t SEND YOUR ADDBJ:I:Il .is thl! IUlllJlfUIatwn of.alH!OOndtrain Stree Eotrnnce,. D _ n..,-t Sold) bas ual for between CiJoCiimAti "to New Orleans (..."t ......... no eq To On .. 24·honr'" schedule. n WiU ' , wearing and ooverlog :a. 3. WDYBS. k!;Iown all the "Pan·American Spec. • . I b&ve redaced the price. lal," 81ld ,W!n make Connectioo at see me before you buy your paints. Oenoral .lmm!..._ .ad Illd..-tai ,uea._ LOUD:JVILLB. 0 : ' !JIiiclunaU 'with aU line3 to Buffalo We &lao carry a fine line of waU ..: .aDd Nillpl,&' Falla. TIl., n.,iD QUICE Houas. Lo .~ SI~ th I d:- nd AlI4 be _til lDaU fOIl. f-. rlln from liIlow OrleaDII BOlid; paper. 1103 . . .y, e ell ...g a Bleepenancldinin«can. TheNOltb 8-to 10 A-.. up-to-date drn~_ MAPS. lLLUIiTIUTKD PAJ0'BLE'!8 u4 bound aohednlo will .muk 8- new roo2 to 4 P. II. . Milia Da~y Dunham, grllnd.dallghPBlCE LIS'nI 0« L...,mS an4 p",mirs fa of schedules in the I!ou~ being 7 to 8 P.Il. . ' Ten,:nU8ee, cut down to 23 hours betweeD ' tbe - . • - ' BalIk Building. ter or."aunt Polly Price." who bas Kentucky, citi811 named. ' . _ been villit!ng her relatives bere for Alabama. 'xhe Ne1l101'1eaDll IUld CinCinnati three weeks. has retnrned to ~ . . U thro ' hP II WANTIID-A.CTIVEIIANOPGOODCB.&l1· , Musi8sipi ani/, Florida. Ltmitedwi carry ug Q man _19del\.eraD4oo11ectloOhlo forol4 ......l>- home in Fountain City. Indlllaa. , maYl.1T1', INll'vico bflt,ween New {)rl8ll.DS and llabed DllUlulA<!tUrtng "'bol....... b.o...... ,"0.. H . Jfias Ann Pbill' . ~ _ • Buffalo 'll'ithou~ ohan,ge. The high, , .... "",,,..,.,. JfOQeity lIlore' tluul ~ er CODRJl. I", ,.,.. 'orti ,J ' _ r ... _ 11'011\ licit __ service of this U'u.l n is &lre8(ly J"eq1llHd. Our- re1'e.-, 1IIlJ' 10 ...., joined hor in Xenia on KohUT t~ I• o..1I>en"WIIJ).!rC8lery~ am~IDg mveners; II.Jld the E u c I _ . . u : ' - "33Vlea " "pedmnlepe. bid her "good.bye." .. II" Tbe_ull",..-&tlUllYfn,:DD4_ur..... bl1 'll%aC\u",,,,,nunilloor. rbonl"'-(.'bIocqo _ _ Iea..ru& at 0"". The _41...... Ithro~Jt(4 BDdfalo Bleepersare in aeepAdelbert HcKay. of the'Gazette, _ _ o.~, ..... ~..,. ... ~_lOltIUmJ.ev.".,...,.·cnlllda,r. ..... "\tU>nltJ tbe QneeD & CrI'$lent po1i:~.iCJ:f~ :::I~~ cy of keeping in the front ~ ~ ~ 8pent a few days the latter plrt pf Lea", Lny" Ia""~ ,8ptlDC Vau., earedmewiUbdll_-lI ... JoImD.V .... T!lesAthrong'h BaBalo aleepertlJun - (9 /r~ 1a8tweekinCedorvill~.theioeetor ' Da,COD ' .OOa.lII.., . 1_~a. .. Kr~t:r;::'-&.!u~Io".aD4l!~ Cincinnati ,to Botrulp via-·the ' . -~ . hiS friend Boy Haywood.. Cedar- UOh. bl• . ' II.U UI 1IIom..,1I,'L1~.'&A4JCjdJlq_ . 2 B 'g Four Rotite. TIIi•• illll41D'" 10 on ""C!l'!>oJ: of u.o t:"D c lne ville is a D;loet pleasant and thrivm,r 1:!.15 II.U I I ~,,~ JI. m. 'rile third feature in ibe ina!lgU.. Laxative Bromo-QuiniDe'l'abl<!tlo little city Rnd Mr. and M:N. HaT' IJlO Po..., UMP: lII ration of diU new serVIce aIL Iho nm>od7 ~ ___ • _ .. _"., 4..00 UO 5.1& I . lIO PnllmllD ' line to Asheville. The wood 'Will nC) doubt make a ,8iJ~ 1.30 ' .• 5 ,e~oo t 111.15 , . -Qaeen CrelC8lltand Sou~hern By. financiADT and otberwi8e, of their '.00 10.38 l~la1ed'J , ~ve, forsoveralyean. operatedtbo Clued & RIlDDmjf 'Bore. new bualnees veDture. , Lea... Da7U. Yla Xeo .. car _l1li _ _ at~~. . )(rs. J. W. Ward apentlaAt W(d: oaly thTOu 8 h .Pullman line ,.JOWs " I had a bad TtlDning sore on We call attebtion of raIJroad nil.. nelda,y in Dayton ' famous rllfJOrt from tho North bresst tor ·over a rear, ,. ea.ys Henry .,.. t To car boall:Gol7. _ . North.WCI!:t. I8ILTin~ Cinclnnnti n.' Rlcwds, of Willseyville. N. Y., trons to the change in Ume oftrain8 'Ed Bergdall and wife. of· D&yton. each eveniDg at 8:00 p. m . The " and tned II. great many remedies. on the Petinsvlva:nialinll'ltmder the . Da~ oIIce· ....4 -u.. _. u _ TIIInI Street, PIIfIllpe aoo- BuII4J ..... are visiting 'relatives attbia plaCe., new liD8 "rill,. ron .from St. Louis but got. no relief until I acbednle that went into effect lut TIle nlUllq d_ be_a Dana' . . . 1lhIIi Lida Bunt attended teachera' aDd Loui8villo over. t~e Southern B!tuoer Salye. Aft( r nsing one halt t;nnday, all published elsewhere in Spriot Valley Ia_ h. . . alI4 . ,..... alA' , . By., leavlDgBt. Lomll m the el"en~ box 1 was perfectly cured. I als. .JUOIq ......... Iktmoat. _ . - . . . U!Lm~Uon l1lLebllncnoa Ba~y I jn~ aDd Lci,o!s.Ule in. tho morning. cannot recommend it to highly, and this paper. The chIUIg811 f[OID the BeU_ aD4 ~8prt_. ' Johu App'l~'A and wife were the ; T.J.18 m. un pract.Icu..I1Y a. secotiil and will never be wiwou~ it in the old schedo.le an! not· very material lJ&ytoa to 8prlaC VaIJqU moe., (..... _. -~ In Lebauon last ' d 11Iy . Ime ...• rom Cia t lDDa ti ,Il t '~. -- house. " Louis Mav. ~s of reiatlvllS but give local pusengerB BOme DaJtDQ 10 ~JI..u.. faR ~ c.... t. . , i 12ton. · . -"... 1 ada . SpeelaJ rats to Slu,day. 8c:Iooc.a..··PIalfa . Snhday. ~ It .. '-, r nA"bAI. ,'t"- fioil, ...... At. tiOllB U may azKI otller ~o.... appllalloll. '. --., -~ d""J..W~", ..... WA.I<·TE:D.-e.. pa OIe. ",liable pel'llOD III .......uaoa aocoiDm . WilI 'Hhlcy IUld wife. of Dayton, Pl'OfP'888iu ·the w.provement o~ ~ .. ru, coun~ .., repreoeDl ......e <:ompanT of be noted by r8!lCling the 8Ilme. LlCtI frdc'lIl aa4 . _ earned oa al~ fluod.1. .... np:u.atloll ; .aDa per Xe-"-Oa" vaitee! relatives at tbi8 place on lI8Jl.,oer t'_· ~D sa"1"", y~D 8 oy lin to In ""hd ,.ear, pay"b!e ll' ; .a per day salary _loUI, ..... ze.~e: 8b en'If Steve PhD . - carL Im'omwlt .I S .1 . the.oouotr'r than has j)een made on 5o r. and au e-ZlM'''*''' ; &lraJgbt. ~ft4e, II"" of Fayette county formerly of Cbaa. H. ~~. . of Springboro; " the Queen By. & CreEceD~ and I!ACb dcllhlt. " .....r' . lIo eom ml..loll ; a:>Jary pa14 ,.... ~ii:::::=:=:i:=~ br saying that tech.. nnwlY, Mrs. BaiD8II. spent 8oothf'rn during Bollte the year, Satorda,. 0;04 ea-pe..-e m.-, _~ Xenia. wu ~ere ·among. the FayeHoe . '~.iniDg is not neCel!~. but. with het daughter. Ilrs. incl~ing tbe Inftog.ml.f.ion o( the ::.. ~~I:~AR!) HOUS£; 3M near, delegation. to the 8etWoriaJ oonven· ~l'_'OIJ.'~ m1lllt be trained in Walter Kenrick. ftl~J'lmbly fI~nl ChICAgo sod tion. We dldn'tleam which factroD is, the tunda1'I0Mda HpecIIlI Jost wtoter. the .'''one 1-n ..... d ."'eean Steve is ideuti4ed with. ndidn~tpru.ClIJJ... of relijlion. Etneat .Randolph speni .I::l8t.llruay Pan·American through slooJl81'8 thiB .AI .... v train the aocial and IlDd SUndaT with his graod.(lftrent& Il1lmmer, and the throllgh New Or· Or. on tbe train, iii the hOll!!e or make any clift'erenee wi&h-~e. He 1"'DII~tllletic sid 0 of his nature. "'-. -Dd u _ · 'Un_AI ~~-I·ltoo. '. 1l1li.. . and Asheville service D{lDled while at yor r office dotfes, you are Mid he wu not ~fticnJUly un&r I' ... D,,"__. &AAIiI _hove, objeCt to dl5greeab1e reilolta from restraint from,.tIIer Ii4e and aid Srd. Kast betrainlidin Pedagogy. Mra. ·JessieW.taonaDd daughter ' irre;;t>lar or excetViive, di~t. Dr. he cOuld trot;abouta'. goodplt .. tba$1II'the art o.r teaching. ~ Ilnd Mn.Nellie Soward s ....lit Sun. Caldwell 's Syrup Pe~' cures posi. ' , (a) Art,of B8Cnriog attentfoD..._ orMI Abc/at Town aud itl People. tivell' OOnstipatiOD. indigestion, (b) Art of questioning. uay with ~ MeGUmiB and wife. ,uck 1i000dacbe and &tomauih unable. The Memorial aermmi by Le'f'i ttli. 'Kaat be traiIied-inBplritQalf. Prof. Conover ADd dangbters, of The MuonS etIjoyed one of ' thelr Sold byLonls May. 1til1a.)LG .• deUverellat the Orthodox J'rieuda',Phnrch 8i:mday l :thlrardsll;'f.'thlf;;;;..we could give yon ~ fiUing K,oson. will $ivo a mDilical enter, oluirmingbanquet!'lust Digbt. . four mb-headJilgs it would tain t &t this la M:a 29 you food &0 think and )JOodu meo p co on v . MiasCluldotte_~tram has closed '\VIIS impres&ive and heten. , tor a good while. No teacber Given under the.aUspices of ~e Ep. _aD other ~o(lOO/;8fnl year's school and &0 with nptatten$ion by the grey ~:I;~;;JII~b.earthilladdreBII withoDtbe- worth ~gne. Yon are cordially isnowlltbomlt. '. . veteraaapreaentaaweUua .. a better teacher. Why' invited to attend. Admisdon 10 _ oongreg&tion-of friellda who _BWI8 &he polJiw where BO DUlny and 15 cents .)1\88 Allce lAmg; of Kelat', Ky., is memo-'-- of ... - ';-tion •• tea.chJers fail were brouJtht out BO ' .• the welconle gaest of tho family naB ...... lind the remedy given · BO ' .. Shudders at Hia PaaL. J!eruncJe, Hr. T. J Smitb. Tlieentire !U'vioe r IcJflllrlty all to mtllte it absolutely cer· "Ireooll now, with borror,'. ' sa....8 was a fittiDgmemori&l to the lierOlll! a teacher after hearmg· J' Ilr. JaseiPh Evans amI WIfe and f hedA k would go ont determined Olrrie Barnett llllJtD, of Lev"Dnll. ' Mr. ebns . Dunlulm and !ami y ~ t . r days ol'Gl to '1S5~ better aervioo. 0 .• "my three yesrs of. 81lfferiD~ . . . . A few da,.a 880 a~ew York paper .. "t th Ilecti d kidney tr(~lDble. I, ~as ,bit.rdl.t, spen t last Sunday in WilmmgtoD __ - - --ill ' 118....... e f t - _ _ _ ..... er e co 00, an a song ever free .f tom dnll a::hes or acute gneats of Ur_ IlM Mrs. Lee Bliker. ~""""'" ~g..-the !'ODventioil adjourned until iniDs in my l-clt. "l'o s&oop o.r 11ft. - J. T. Liddy is here OD ~ final visit iany fo'rcible,~. Two dGpnamed Wedneeday m()rning. , . . maIJ &'\cks. ma~ me groan. I felt , .' PIUl'~~J) B.lbJo Capital and Labor WN'e qnanelina tired. worn out, allout ready togiVI' to Ius ptll'E!1lts before Ie!!. viDg tor ,,1Il_Uilr- a over a dinner of ~, while up, when I began to 1l8O Electric &ltlmore w.b eftlhe)v1i1 talrocharge &0 coud-. :we bltve beeD Bltters,l,lut; six bottles oompl~tely or a brancb I'hot.ogrsph gallery fur the vultnre Bard 'l'imea ho.,ered -?[nel~baq,.-r'u,,-- &0 J'8IIeJ'Ve ibe ~nt pf the cored me and made me feel like n bis employ.,r at (''inciDDllti. 1' 1 -:: ~head ready-&o BD&t.cb away the lIUIOllUt,... day's ~ogs ,f or our new .mau." They'ro nnriVll.l8d to .. . . Yotk 0.04 tbe Eao1. " ditmer while the dogs were eDgllged un""".. nm _ne. regulat~ atoDlllCh, livpr. kidneys ~ b.. ~o Jnatt~r what. ~uses , Schednlu for tbe ~- ioate""'oot,. aDG the quane!. Without indutCmg • I and bowels. Perfect ea.t lsfactloli lacllu erllpt;iODs,_Ilb!iolute. cl.e anli- UI.e l'OlT.ng.eJDeu>lD<lloa_l'U5eDien. • . • • ""'-PADt6i!d lIy Louis May. 001.. OCS9 InSide and out IS tho only way Jt Are 10 bn. eDj<lVAble Ulpjl to IIDd from m aDy peIII!1mlSbe prophectea all to> .,-... to ti U __..... v~ ta' E'''Q·AlzIulc~n d;:x_ILlon. She outcome of preaent- --.. •.. 50 oentil. . . cure :. le~ """""'&7 ~uo. ~ FrOIll ClDchwaLI ' lI>c thro!lp IiCn .... con. " """""..ona, ___.___ Tea f,nken· thiS month Win dnva ..a.t8 of lbe Paft:Atn~D EXprua...,..,.luI mlll!t be acknowl~ liS a f~ WAN'l'ED-TRUS'l'WOR'1!HY JoIEN Ali'D' them "'WIly" 350. Ask: your. drng. n~HI "" ~b aoil ,51..,plDlI CAl' 1e.:..1... that frequentJ,.'in the an 81'& of Wom~ to tr ..vel &:14 a.dre,U",, 'fo"ol4 •• tal>-. ,uSS. . '. . _, ' ere ~, • .30_p, m .. IaDdlD, ' . IUhedboll.""_.. r oolldllnoQclalt\1ul41u.. Sal .' , B":IJ"'o at "'ld. on' PNliIpenty for employer and 8JIl• ' U _ B'cl'e~ of .,..-, t K . . E~ft......ILh Hlceplo, car a1af7. 1780 a ,ur .. nd _ 0 - . all JIIIpble .-no. • ••" .lU'J1l J y ., IS V19. Cl nelll&"U dall, "L8:30 a . 1Il. : pJoye . baa been brought to. an Wl. Iu CIIIIIL • No cao ......! n' - u l.. 4_ Give re ~ l·tmg ' the. 10 m il'les 0 f h er re1_t' . ~ --, ... .1"08. •• .: .• "- .. m. reac ~.. I o( BOualo ..t mIdrlIJu.t. timely end by ·.d "..Iike q"A-ls to eretlces ...el enc:Jooc 8C1C·~ "I~pe u _ _ ~~' A Sell ' W W A P~1'8 10 .1~p1n& a:lr .....r ",m"'o. III .' " e ' . -.~ enelope. Acld"," . Miacer. 356 OOtoo ~. . . ers. . . mold, 'b elr tiertM !lCUI '; o' eloak .. m . !3btain . the ~rger abare.-Home BaIl4l0&" CIW:aIO. .". apU' _ ' an!i T. J. Smith. aD(l will alao- visit I""", JlUIblo \ :00 II· Ill . orrlve CloclnnaU Vveekly .. • with Dr. ' and_. JlrtI. Trusx. of ~~L:~.~i~ ::':,~ :'1raIO II :30 p n, ani,. • Petersbarg. nl.. Oct. 13. 18$9.
_ A._..
10' Forty Years
T". Dayttl ·Ii 'X.... •• TIC rut
', -.._k·
__ -
10fonna'IGD ..bou' r..- to lfolJaio, NIa&l>r.' ·1 Palla aad beyond.., :iltop-ol"er prtvUeces lalo. aua otll.r d.....n. Ill", be ucertaloed bi OODltllunlca,1ng wllll,Tlclet AC'eota of Ibe
Penn'7lvanl& : LtDes. or b"
Hulo . .. D. P : A. . D"y~o. O.
aadre.ss1ag-c. C. -
LOW ~iREB 'to SPRINOJ'IELD VL\, 1'1tN;N. 'For tba Meeting K. of P ,,,,! Oblo. Graod
Lod~. P)-lhIau SI$te.r'llood aad BelbOOn Slott." - 1.b'l. i-eoDllflVllDIA L Ille!.wb1 ....1 ezoUr. 8100 Uakcta to Sprlngflel4, 'lIal: 11711> a04 Ttillfci ....1It ~ ""lid "tor,""",rn trip eralUQ- 1 Silriogflelll ~,3Ist. <
.. \\1-
rim 1~I'gE':'l!
an'd fille t Slack uf ~fo-nnm 1ta l \ o.k to found \ itbi ~ :l. hU:lflred mil /:$ (fL h(-'1:e. ' I t \\ III ,' pay thos~ contcmpiu.ting th e pi: r~ c haSE- of this line d W QI'!;. \P >~ " U I' writ l or Jlltt:;tr .. t~r! bOfO t k t r.:omai ning pric~B, -c C.; t.his 1'.·;li CO$t . "OU 2 cent~ and mav 'sa\-e ou ;'1;D\' dollar!'.. ' M ucb ~t the t'int'i't ' w~rk in' ~~i;'lmi Tp.~~tery ha~ heen fnrnr"heo I:y us.
U,·jpg p radiC':'t i dCl'lgn' rs, w< are ' prep;tr.ed . o' fUTni :h origin:t1 a ":!rstjc c1 r-a \\, l :Jg~ on Sh C'T! aUd Wl' J;!l,arnntl'" tf).fur-
NlDe chiuwee in ten-
n !)tr tc
deya .that !UIIM1 - ii~~~,!1~ 't leel well. , Blcfiley -I <.lure makee healthy I will maKe you, we .- ~=:-;;,:::' ~ "j\l8& ~~. ~. LOuie lIay. - DoD't forget tha,t the ladles of' chrwtian church 1riU .V8 icecll'eC!IPll at the ToirBahipliO\l8e the .fternooil
lI i~h :I ~' lincly' prop6rtioned worl.. :.s r.: a n hI'! Ci\)t"ined ' :lII}whcrc In
Ihe r.: Otmt~y , anrl take I$pe.clal em-e There lire thirty.threc pupil" to 10 supply nothing -but the l'e,,)' grnClUl.Lte fr m om b;gh Echool thiil lenr,Aix from th ' telpg'r/lpll},,8f'bool, best m aterial a nd guara ntee per· lrixtc n from the stenogrnphy school~ l eet sattsf;J c tioll. OUI' price<; a r~ I "':j£i~bij 'I.!!o1lO4l_1rooIi_"':":':: and t;.venty ,from the lIChool of tlo- "ery reasonable . Qlestic eeonort1'y'·-ffome Weekly. I "._____________-'..:_____ ________
- aod.eVanblg of Memoria! Day. -""-111,1 VOnise.them
they ~ wOldfh2g-j'or I
ioof th6iUftle pJue
hIlIMJ··l .· ·to ..
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ week re· =
' papen
o( Jut 6D oftliDance hu beeD
. 'tha pUled by- ibeir comicU ',~ CO!,:lIpe,ll the 8ou&betD Ohio TractiOI\' Co. to
Choice pel'fnmes ~t-
Mr Milton Goode, wh o mll.k es his
and every' description of cut stone work for
)[1'11 • .KoKin.
nee th8 double troU,. 8y8~. In" 118Y'8. .- ".... TURAL COLOR; VABlfIJS.,.IIIJ,.1 uper.ted by W. mllDner. to set i. E. JlIDney. ie aderlng f~ of eJectroJYBi.. ...'e '_....." _v &0 Jearn Ulat our
. Adj:u.itiple Screel!.Windows •
. :Never .have ~e . hwl8och a bea.utifoJ ~pleinCltntODcountyarehaving tronblee of their own, and all on stock of W~h Fahrics. All new · W'~aV,.e.s of ~he n~mail delivery whtda their Uucle8!un ha8l1O-aener. oaai,.lIIIItOWec1 ~ tbetn: ,:larm: and' never shown before. . en are ObjeOUng ~ thev are obUpclJe famiah 010) t4e1r. OOxeil. .,citiz.eu fl'ODl , nJJagee from which nO route extellib complain that 'O&her 'toWDil' WW .clr8;r their trade fmm _iheiir. ' It- took a pari of a OOlumn. of IlpaCe in 18at week'a WfImi!:gton lO1lJ1laI to II'IP' oil up'on the troubtecJ. waten.
mue Belle Law.n, .. .....,' ............... 100 Dimity L·.Aic!lOD ........., ......... ~:tYsc ~ Dimity C i _............... ......... lSO &tine Batiste•. :....... :........., ......180 8illr Cbambray........... : .... :.25to·500.·
All colors,
More durable tban .silks,And just as pretty, - Pla.i~ or fi~ur : ~
MMoIJIIU_ ia a ' condition· ebarac· ~~
·BIlk 'l'I.s8ue.............................../iOo
••g~T S~LIi' O! Q&_'KT~~ IJIOlEUIi.,11'nileS. ,.. .AD'- SIiI.DU~' Markets China. and ...J apan have
di. Tb8 Iitomneh iii de· 'bilitai'elf', die liver torp!d; · the bowelli ~~ There loathing .." loot. , . . ~n the els,
fim of
1*rtly digaltAid'
Ilrt. tlusan Cook was caught u.n . for the ludden rtln storm that eama litat Frid·o.y afternoon; of the.tomed. and create workmen wore re.l'OOfulg her bome aPpetite. Thuy' also tooe op lind a pclrt of .it wu atUl uncovered liYer &0 a heaUhv acdan ~d ~. when the rain poured down ond late the bowels. Trj them,.~,oa dood.ed bt.rbolJll8; w~ci1caused her are oe-t.iD &0 be. mlWb Plea_ Yttb . _ result. For ....le 1!r ,~_~. ¥ay. ~I\t; 41acOmfort aDd worry . . Harold Cook atarted 'JUt Wednet. . .Manyof our remem· day ',a fternoon for ChiCago. where
ChamberJaiD~ Liver Tablet«' allay the bile.
yielded an Jmmens~(8tock. Twi~e Cl1.a ip Figured and plain, .~ ~ Ie .and up.. the
. !t9J ~W~T:~
Bilk Zephyr. ......... .................. .:;;00 • BUk lIuUe................... : ..... ...: ....~ . Eddie Silk.....................'6 to 37y'o
.0011 ItS ber:Ol hl r~: ~~:;D::: ~&o ~ R l>laDioOd rULt Or ., TKE 'LATE-ST- "rA~T f.ElKSf .BilIJrarm. ,overba1f::'~ngo :~W!:~Ci!!:~i~~: .
. . '
' .' . . ,' ..'8.75; · '.l~~15, :, 12.75.' , B'lac' k". ~; an'd_ .G·rey,
PetijCOJlt8~ ~} and' Up:
- ..
•• DlUll h8lr-atrlhoocllll ODlt?
tL\1a couple ,-
follow tho foot:stepe hia fat1ier anl enJoy·the 8\gl; te of
the hia aiatAir' H1as Beisale:~whowiU
" '!:~~I~ A.':~:::=~ jOya~~ll1!rdel\g~~Wa!~ ,.
'\II -il(leDt lD
.Bioomond, Ind.,
a8jJ. )ftm~~. - ' .-
fIighest Market Price • .. For .•.
(Sa,ttZe 9
and GaZ'Osso F. A. HOFFMAN,
Arnold House, CORWIN,_UHIU.
CALL ON, TELEPHONE OR WRITE US BEFORE SELLING. Rev. Bnd Mr-s. R. K . OcCUl , now e f New Burlingt~o , wure here at the Sanday &hool Convention 1ru;t week nnd were guests of Miss Lizzie Stewllrt. Mr. Deem's former p3r. ishioneis o.nd fri ends outside h i church w ere very glad to "hake MOds with him nnd Mrs . Deem
III c lllOriu I Exer .. isc • •
IIgtlin .
Mi .Jennie Dinwiddie IS wisely recreuting lit the pleasnnt farm h ome of h(,r brolher Fronk ne..'1·r Bellbrook. lind ",.ill visit otbcrs of ber numeroDd rela tives in her on Ii ve county . . Greene. This j n mQrp. restful roilY of spondlDg Yllcuti on thaI) rnklng wearisome j pume:r" n l a dist<moo or takin~ ~ arm II I coursCO' in busy cities. y ' Q Floreoce Ncwmlln . who ha.s been agteat safierer [rom m llSCulur rheuma.tism , says Chamber lain's P ain Balm is tl,e only r eme.ly tha t uIfords her rclief. Miss Newman is 0. mucb re~pce tod resident of th A vllinge of Gmy. N. y" nnrl makes this s tlltem nt for th lK'11e· fit of othen SImilarly n1llictcd , This liniment, is for StIle bv Lollis Mil,. The Bible School ConferonC',e of Wilmington Yeariy M eetlD~ mill", held in the ,Orthodox Friends meet· ing llOu..,e nex.t 'It~Tfl tly, .Jun e J , 1901 for wh"cb 'a m t exoollp.n! I n'"O,,"TlI ITI ba been nl'mugoed f or both morning and u.(ternoou" !::iOIl, The conference opens at ~O o'clock; the nfte rnO')D sessi-on will begin at 1 :30. 'l'he Western Star sa ys : I t is cur.' th
The Most Stubborn Coughs Resulti ng f TOUl un uttH ek. of 1.:!!tippo or bea \'y cold , must Yll?ld to rhE'. wOl'ldel'ful hea ling properties of Foley ' ~ UOlley a nu Tllr, wltich ..tr engthe n ~ the }nnl!s ' Rnd mnkes thelll ~ O IlU (l. Louis ~u y. FOUgJlt for !lis LIfe .
[1111 1('1' I1IHI ~i!<te.r l li ",l
of eon·
iUDlphon," ,<rih'S ,T. '}': \Veather-~ wax of \\' r~n l o ltC', ,lJ('!I.. 'nnd I
was 's: tv e<l r;'tllll t he ""~ lnc fr ig.b tu1 rat.e on}, 1I .... lk . K inl:'::! ;.iIew Discov. ~ ry. All l;t to!c-l~ h f tl!l(· t1 l1 l onia. left III oh~1 inatf' c,'.u!!h un I ve ry se,"cr e lunl! !r('lu h!". whie!> "rr AX('ell ont
InctfIT <,,,ulll nnt, hl·lll. hut. a f ew mon ths' 11~P. o( this wOllllerfrtlmed. "i ne ;nol}e' me :\!; w ell I1S e ve r IlOd I ,u in ed much in w eight." InfllUible It Saved HIS L Eg . for coughs. colrl!< lI urt Roll thropt nnd P. D:tnt orth. of LaGr angl' ' UUi: trouhle. TriILI b Qttla« free. 3 ua r:l1Jtep,1 boU·les 50e nnd $1.00 at o.~. suffered for ,.is months with n fri<>btfl;ll J'ulllliu~ sore on It I ~ leg [.ouis May'".
rentlv reported tbnt e gr an l.ury but wn~e.'l ~hnt Dudden 's Amic: mcked but one or two votes of bnd· Sill vo wh olly c arpel it. ill th'e nap; Ing someindietmeuts for hribery on For -nl Ct'rs, wonnd~ , pilE'S, iI - tIl! tbe, groJllld' tbnt"· overtures to the be~t s.11~1~ in t ho ~,:orld .. . Gnu County UOfumiBsioners \\'itb n finnD· gnn,:""tce<l . Only 2~c. Sol<1 b y cilll consideration ntt<lched. Illld MILY· been..made In .rt'gnrd to t.h e np])omt· ment o( Audi,tor some months ago . . E1 ~ctioll Notice.
Georg~ Hamilto~
is canvnssi<lg for . McNo.By & Co. 's Universal Atllls of -tbe World. OQn tainln~ col . oredmaps of every country and ciVIl division .upon the faco of tbe globe with marginlll index togethe~ with I hilsl'(I!'i~:al,' descripti ve nnd etatistical
Tbe annual m eetiug of the 101 owners of MiJlmi Cemetery Lssoci· o.taon will 00 h eld at the Cemetery office, on Monday. J·uua :lrtl, I e· tween the hours of 2 und 40'cloo1; p. m." for the purpose of selecti ng . 1 tre.'\surer 1I0l11 clerk fo r Im,~t1:ei;pe,~,LinjiJJ'IS . t<) e..10b; a130 a clirectors, the ensuing year. COI1Cl~;e· review, richly illru:tr.lloted: by .B~ ORDER OF mE BOARD . T 8IIgJ''80Vm~r.I· of tbe World:s Peoples· EDWL.'< CHANDLeR. Clerk. o person-inte.r~ in educational lines. no reading faInily can afford to do witbout thiS- "world in IL. p.utshell. n . "It is wi;p a. great 'deal of;!pleas ure 'ond .a&6efo.ctio t~t:l r~om~
. OUT8I'D~ -SK.RTS~:A: ~1ititol ~
113-121 W. MAIN
nu: .art
· C.l~s Wash Fabrics,
• Office and Yards:
.p igh
building purposes on short notice.
.nmmer attack,ol the grip. . R. A. 8cai:ft • bali•a mceline fresh ill of the Don t m~ 188 g -WftyneJlvU1e IDllY well be DI',OUll-l IIDd bu,.lt.g,&bem. · of her I~lcndid Ila:~. Mtmy "A. ttJ;gof beautY ie-!l JQY fOt:. ever." 1InI. IICKineey'. ribbons IIDd'J!oW\U'tlllre thi~ of beauty. . Prof. .J. C: Little, 'of LoveJaud. _ the gu~t (If his brother~iD'.I.w, Prof. V. A. Ferree, 0. f6W daye lust
oitbeD 8amuel Compton, DOW CUn~ ooa'Dty.'hAa eu1I'ered' from a. eeoond airoke ~ra1yels. • llr. <.lampton. &bough enfeebled by. th_ .b~. i8 able to be about . .: Be and Ilra. <.:ompton are very pleasantly auuatedill their Dew home, .~d we H Ilk ad SO I... · BIGB. paICE; sSe and 85. wWI. botb may long be q1ared enjoy it. .week. SCUll WJRI. SPIIIGS and BINGIS. . Jln. Be8ele )(jlJa wricee ber moth· yesterday'. Com~ercial Tribune er. Mn. E. B . Hoe!. that the Pan. 1'ep('J1ed the Rev. TholDl&B Pearne American. which ahe caD plainly seriously ill at hJa' home ill EVanB. OTBI. IUSOI&BLI GOODS:., .... _ from her hoine, is magnl110eiltly tOD , m. •8TRA WHERRIES, CABBAGE. TOMATOES. ,illuminated every ~ht; .n the Don 't ~is8 thoSe candies at the b .uildiDga. snd -puticuJarly the big bakl'ry-but you :will SPICIAk...... 8Otl'Iethlng very good' it YOIl do to'lWer, 188m to be ' a solid glow o( _ EVAPORATED SWEE'f CORN............. 6ie & pour.d. lightaDd melresa.brilllantapectac1e. not get8Otl'le. ' • Yet jt, ie lItillin an unfinished state. .lIisa Ka~ Frame ill enjoying LkRGE PICKLES,.:.............................6lc a dozen. gtUII. DO pavement.. ecaft'olding visit at Selma. Ohio. the guest ot ou tbct building!' and IICIU'C8lyany Mr. and Mrt. C. C. Meloy. formerly lIP to place. ga1le~ of thia place. 'I'boDe 20 · WaYDelYille. Ohio. exhibits will not 116 opened; it 18 _Id, until the Jir8t of .JIIIIA'. "I have been .dariog from DyspepeIa. br the.... twenty and have ~ unable after ",_~n'~1 all .-p&rat.ioDa and' phYBioial!8 . AT get lID,. reUel. After fa king one bo$tle of of Koc!al Dotllpepeia- Cure ,I found relief and.. now ill better health than I have 1Ieen for twenty yeaN. I cannot P"!M8 Kodol Dy. spepsIa Cure tQO ~Iy." Th1l1' write'll lin C. W. BoberlAl, Creek, Ark. J. E. Janney. There U'9 DO joys wUhoat tbeir IIOJTOWI; no..- without Jh\)l'll8.
~We' also supply caps, sins, st2PS
home with h" sister, Mrs. Martin on tho J oshua McKay fo.rm,
WAxn: D- TRUS'!' WORTH \ ' ME~ AND \V"ml" !1 ",... tra 'H-l ann :wl~l!r Lh~c f ot 011.1 cstl1h· If!ol:hCtl hOlJSt" ut soHrl fiu:J. oc.l:11 SLlll1tlhlg-. Sal U ,". " 'j'~ a ycar O\utl cxpe n"~, 311 p3) ublC I n !as b, , No c.>a nV3!i."" og r N),utrt"tl , (; h ' ,' rerer· "Utt"~ :Iud <"lIclose !-'d ( .:1t1d~ ~La,lnped :o \' t:lnpe. Ad tlrl!....... ~{J.Qal;~T. 3 ;)'; ~ t o u Bulld1n g , blca~o atY.!'.f:-~ 4:
Old oldier'R EXpp.rlance. M. M. Au ~li n , n ei\'il war vewrnu of Winchet!t.er, Iud " writ~ :.' My wife wo.s ick 11 long time in Rptte of aood (loctor'", . treatment but W1IS ~'-bol1y eured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. wbich w Qrked wonders ior biA health ." 'l'hey nh~IIYs d<? 1'1'Y Utem. Unl y 25ctlt Loms MIIY B 1.rllg store.
, 18 It DoUrael Women·ader, feel the Yery life .cruS1i9d . . of ibem, ~ old before their time. Each mol'Jli!lg wake up deleimiDed 'to do so much before the · ~y .~ and yet-:' . . Beftl1'8the morning isvety old the dreadful BACKACHE attacks ' them, the brave spIrit sinks back: in. ~~:: matter how bard they struggle, the" clutch" 18 upoll and they fall upon tho couch.crying : . , ·c, W~y libould.lsuffer 60 W What can I do ," . The answer is .ready. your cry has been beard,' and a woman is able to restore you to bealth and liappiness. . Backacbe is oo1y ~ symptom of more. fa~~leb6ed it/lwarniIm in time, . . Lydia E. P'Dkb'a m's Vegetable Compctnnd will stop your" torture and restore your courage. -Your pains oome from unnatural menstruation or some derangement of ·the womb. Let those who are suffering read ·Mr8.lf«;'ton's lek ~d be guided by her experience. AN .OPEN LETTER TO WOMEN. ".DuB JIBs. J'IuILUI :-1 haye been 80 deligbted wI\h~E. .plnkbum·s Vegetable Compound . I tIIoaP"':I would write ud \w k lOU. :My eyatem _ eDtfnlTrun down. I etUlered mth terrible back· IIII!IM In tba amall of Dl"1 back ud could b!lrdly stanel ; ..... more tired
~ .
in the morning than on retiring
1 had no appetite. Since taking your Com·
J baTe gaiDecI 'fifteen poillids. and 8m gaining ""appet!t& baa impr:oved,.hAve DO back· ache, ud 110011: better than I ever looked belOTe. . "11iJaIJ _ d It to,alI my friends, aeitcer· tamJy .1& .. WOIIderful mPdicino. "-MBa. E. F. lIollTQlf, 1~~g~~11 816 :Yor" St.• Cincinnati, O. ~ ~ week)
WIleD. medicine baa been stice_rutin restoring to he'!th more than a . million women, you ~not well say. withont t~lt, "I do Dot beUe,·., it will belp me!' If'you BrQ U,,' don>t hesl&ate to get a bottlo 01' Lydia F!. Plnkbam's Vegetable Compound 'a t oo'c c, and Write 1IIrs. Plokbam, Lrnn, :uau.. for epeclal addee-it iii free. . ~,~
WBlT.E JI.U 1';URRS BUCK. &8 ........
re ••• ,.l •••
'a C••n
.. A.i ••
t ....
. - ' • ·.tuM... Olof . . . I ••• -' PrJae. . -
.T.II!U G.nn.on, IIIi yea .. old. lallrm and gny·huded~ declare. tbat you un't make • man lea~e 0. jaiJ If be doe.n·t.....nt " o. Re has ·.b~en in tbe "ounty jail at 8crant<!n. I'a~ . inee 18H, and no .. saya he won't l.aTe. queatlon that 10 concerning th e authorit ies [s, CDn a free man be fore.ed to :leave a jail? reports. local . The 'old man .... atll' there ..... 11 ',ears .go for rdu3ing to sign ~ d~ed disposing of hl,s o wn propnty. H. 'Vaa .<!CuBed or contempt. He deetared he would liner aign.. A b11l w,u paned ghln!; county ofllce.. ih•. right .to s\fin deeds of Irans!er, .nd Scranton bruthed free again. But G.nnon won't budge out or jail. "I'"" got.!18ed to jail life. a nd I lilca It." saiel he. " I guess I woo't lea... I'll spite th em .n." . Then ' h.~a. corpus proeeedinga .. ere st.rled. Gannon r eCu ...d to sig,; the petition. No,,, SCranton ,,·.a nta i omebody to. come ·forw.rd with • ,cbeme to get • man out of Sail '-CaiD,t. hla ",I.hea.
Dalutta Far_
Ia tbe t itle ot a n iUuotrated bOoklet just iaued liT. t he Chi...... )lil"'..u);"" .t St. Paw & ih ....'. d....,.iptLve of tbe country .... l"·em Aberdeen and tbe MiMouri Rh'er; • oec·:iOn · &eretofore unprovided with nil· way f ••iliti." but. whicb i. no... reacbed by a De.... line of. the Chicaao. Milwaukee '" St. Pa.w,;R·,. Everyone contemplatina a chaDlle 'Of location ...11 be interested in tbe information ,,"nlaiDe.! in it and a cop, may ~ hid by ..ndina a ~.. ()oftnt .tamp to F . A, Miller, G~eraJ P.....,agu Agent, Chi"""". 1lI. ~ . .'
...... e •• Be •• ptee. _
8t .... "'. l ..ul)·-Whaf. tbe price of tbil
iron ~tead! , J)e31er-Twe.h,t! do!! __"" madam. "}lo~ much off if J pa," ... ,h ~ fII
"Abdo.." if rou don'~!"-y CA.h tbe bed i. not 'for .ale!'-J).,troit l',-"e I........ I
Ii) I
St.me ..., have penny madom and dol·
Jar {oolisbn....~bicago Daily Ne,".
' .
lIell.'e!. e ..... c ... TbeJiru..-.. ofcblltlreD. Noopiam. lIOtta. ~
Time, tide' ~and Ottda ..del' wa it m.....-Cbi...'a Da~y l'e.....
Tied Up
Soreness ! .
~ .Stiffl)8SS
8. B . 1'1ILL8RTOIf. 8pecl&l Aceat, Pa... Dep't.
Olf_ ....., ..~ City. N. Y.
lujlpUld• . nleC1lft . 10 I!!:"..pt ~ 've,
\vri~ tD-day to.AlIri : Olmsted, uroY. N. Y .• for .J;'REE -pie of Allen'. Foot· F.ae; ,a 'po:rie\' 10 ilIUe ;nto 'ypui" aboM: It eutetf ...ch'ilblai., ~ awea'li!!l. damp, '4J'WOlIen;.. •• hina' feet. It mak"" Ne... or tigbt sboe. euy. A _lain cure for Coma ..nd Bun· ion•. All drugillblllnd .boutor~. .ell it. 25<:.
.............................. c..-
,.ri. .. _. ".
The Bltetcll iIh.".. how ' 1 prevltnt
Day-. ' ...0. . . . .. min .. from crawling tbrongh .. wi re lell~e. Take.. . Btro.ng hard wood " .e aaer lain•• stick · lOh 'ineb", by 5 or 6 feet, acD • .,... cording t o Ii,,!, of <:aIL Aboo~ 15 to , Every dllY IJl i!, D mea.Ure a llsh del' 11 lllebea ' Ifrom -end of atick tie ... ~_.
""" Fulton market. bnt . tbe leagull. know the coid jj b day -the, week. It l.s Ihen thll i tbey feast. to thei'. beart's (!Onteri!, a;-y" the New Yo.rk Sun. . Their cmming and going ha. f.or year" amu.,ed and intereated ,th\!l 1erryboat. -passengers. !lnd some of the l. lle.r ha.-e been observed to look up 1rom tbeir papers. g lance out of t be cabin ' ..;ndowll, catch .. lgll1. of the army of gUll ancl exclaim: '"BleJis m~. tbere are the gulls. it ia "F riday again." The lonlr·winged travele rs of the .e. -a:re a lWaYH LO be I.eo in t he Eastri.-er oppi>Bi I.e Fulton market iJ1.lhe .day time, but tbey gat her tbere in greater number ' on Frillay ~caule 60 mucb refuse i. throwu aWIlY that .da Y. The1 hO"er uve r rhe 8Ul' face of t ·h e WlLter by hundreds. laking trom .the water such lood a8 is to ' th.c ir liking: They are t.b.e wc.. engers -of the East d Ver in tbis respect, . The io jelligenco of the gulls I~ .re: mark"ble in olle way. Besilles Jc:now· inll' 'wbich ill the big fisb .day on. the F..ast riVeT. th.e v bo,Y t be chief sail· lug 'dayw on th; Sorth river. 'r be Am rican .1Ine USUAlly W. palches B steamer for Sou t bampton at ten B . m. every Wednesday. Some minut..,. befor~ the s bip": leavel tbe pier Ibe c.i rcling of tbe- gulls in mid· stream ~gfDB. T he birds lino....from esperience that be for e t he s hip leaT~ quaotitles of food are thrown from the "hip'. pod. aiid IDey make. cJaab to recO"er it the mom'el!t the ·. bip pulls out, It is amusi ng tn wat.eb one ol the guUs_ tr;rlng to Jih from the water a piece of food t~ice 8M be...J' a8 Uself. • SomeH,;,es theae gulla ~1l .rounel the American line pier. un.til noon Wednesday. At this · h our 'the lled sr.·': liner .tar ls 10r' Jeaving t.he water·of tbe .lip flUed discardeel food. More f requently, howe ver. the birds Will burry off to the"White Star line. picr~ directlJ' after the. American liner lea,·e. b_er wharf. The Wblte Star lIteamer sails each Weelneselay at noon. , ! ._ O.n SaturrlllYs :anel Thursd.ys the gulla go to I!"oboken to Fet wba't t be Hamburg'-American linen le.v8 ~. hind. These. about the only Jlnea tbat have a fixed hour for .sai!l nlr aDd tlie. guns,have become acquaint..,d ",itll t he fact. . _ .' . '. , 'the ~r~r gulls fare .better than their kinil far out a t lea. llie l.tter ~reqlj.ently. h'"'are to f!lllow !' ship for days t'! &1l'pp.1.r the demands of tbeie
eurely to a ide of calra neck with a .maU rope 80 that "it will !><It- ',lIp o.ff. The ahorter end of .tick I bould extend . be70nd tbe c:a1t!ahelid; tbe longeat e nd· drags on t h e ground. When the calf a$tempta to era wI be· tween or under wire of fen"e tbe upper' end of atiek will be. aure. to eateb hold of w.ire• . and with the lonpst eiut of • U",ir relting upon the ground it :wiD be impossible for the eaU to ~t throuf:h t-he fenee. Thill ft ..1ee has the Ild"""tage ot uot Inter.feriog the I"""t when tbe calf h( graz. Ing in the paeture or lying do'!9D to reat. - LeWd Ofsello In. Farm a.l ld Rome.
General P"""'.ser .
AlIothEr o[ the ra r e operation" i n luriieaJ 8Cience, the u;chuon u1 the human SlOJnaclt, was performed the other .day ~t Ihe German bo"pit31 .in Rrooklyn . by the aor-geona of ' the ,"-aiL T.he patieu&' WAS Jacob Wieh· m&D. a GerIDan, (,8 ~·".a.rli ol.d . ,. b" . &0"1'1\\ ·· relief in UerliD and otbe. cjt,Jea. Dt Euru"". . . The m..n,. w..,. ?n the ?~rati?g la· ble from ·ellfbt a clock tIll 11. 0 clock. a nd t-he operat.ion wsa . ~i"w"d ),y _ " of tile. mos, eminent phY8ic..'iatlJ< u of "){Ilnb_tta . Wid.· Dlan .was nnaer and the Brookl.VIl. in1l.u ence ot anestheties. The patient ,!iJI he. fed liq· aid -food which baa been predigeate4. '. .
j' 1-----7"-,
Don't talk to A buoy man. fo r. the chanC6 I .re that h. ".oo't know" thing yo .. .a,d " Wb~D )'ou are } bro..,h.-:\tch-"n mobe. • " ( Il .
man1...~ ·~ODaily"'."", fri<!llda in 0 c:ro",d. j ~~~;E~~~;==~~~~=cl =ur'iciejo
cdTh. __obele , ....
• .:
It ;, lL good deal eui .. than f9 Itay one.-Puck.
Lccome a
' rca . ...~t to
k ~o
io Kisme Gum 19
I'zoI!perity opoiJe oobo<ir 1'"00 uoe. properly,-l'ueL _ .
II '
0.. DIrty Yurs Di ~ You Hm AJnya BlIP'
s.d _
on a poata1
J:IOW. Dem', deby if ),ou are' inte=ted. ~
, W• .,CHUTE• •K. . .n.C u • • CO. • .WIXamsTD. AVENVE
Liver Pills. I!Little . M"p 80a, a'."at",. of
and apOn receipt of ume 1 will sead :!pO• •
: BOW TO AlfCBOR· A FBNCE. Bide, a nd ~~.'!. pieeea of timber are. "1plked to tbeJl!. To .tbeM eroS. pieeot!l fence ' poots are- I!pilted. board. n.iled to t·be..., a8 aug· ge,sted. -,'he . lo£s are ke p t in . aniY poBIUon -deaIred 'bI a nehoring them witb ....ire... tt8ched to boxe" of ItoJin sw~k to the bo t~m of _ tb" Itream. a,n ch Il fence eaIlno$ ~ up' aet,-N. ~, Tribune. .
Where •. fen"e m ...' be carrIe.t acroSil a sltft.m or. Gut' into tbe ed~ of a rive,. o r puna, the plan abowD In the' eroea lII!.tion gi.....n berewith wiU be fowid uaerul. T,!"o logl are pI&eccJ
sid~ b3'
Ii.el. . _ e r e It ""_ f . . . Carrl~ ~
Chicago, III .
dClIORD'G .A FBIICE• . A PIa. T"t .... _
I Ca·r ter's
Xuily ~ludi:" ''When;'" Mr. Scbnorer ."· '·H~r. jn tbe. next rootD.,t- U.l._re 1.P" "Yet; I jun o .. ~rbeard him !eo F...sIIIIIIo W......... IIoIow. tHine a Do1p:·-!bi~""el~".!. Time>. ,_ 1~!"!"~-~=-===-""'''!!''''''!!I!'l_'''!'''1 •~ I Pito'& Curt i. lb. ~t m.di"i.. We e\'e' , nied !Dr .U alJtctionl of tbroat Ind 1u~p.-Wm. O. EocWe)', \ 'anbureu, lad., FeD. 10, 1lIOO. - - - -
A single wo r l<mlln CIIn cui by u.Qd . • OOCI wilch "Iauea ada".
G ....
: ' -- -
Pri\'A:~~: ~::~I~bC:';~
Perf.... e. at u ..•• 'al la Ureekl·,. ••
c.re... "'at... TO KEEP CAL'og AT
view. of ocebery on the Cbicago, Yilwu!1cee & SL Paul 1Iailway, ~nt on reeeipt of ten (10 ) ""nlA io . lamps. AddJoesa F . A. Miller.
....... De1l ...... O"noUo • .&"• • ' . lI.ee~'_aU,.
K • •w FtJIIt
"e'l ••.•
",d .
( a . .ew... t ot.ere_f. The GroCer-lunde<stand. yon Mid I IJOld ·you. jlllr "r cid ... that hid .... t~r in it? The Butcher - YOI. ~-4I.ve be-m misinform... . \Vh.t T Mid .... thAt ynu !!Old me a jug of water tho! liltle cider in it.-ChiaJO DailJ" S~w•. t-
I".t~ K .. . . . . . c..yetl . t . . . . ., " "H.- RB~OVE
Y •• CAlI Get ADe_'."oot-Ea.eFREE.
For list of cottages in all sections of tbe islllnd or other infonD.lion, .ddres~: B • •• IIJIiTB, _AI ",nt.
J'nmk Kl!' plipger. of Uniol) w>m' "hlp, Welt. ~ountT. Ind ., is puzzling t he playalc:ian.. M.r: :Xeplin~r ia a .. nd up to ~...o yun .go wag of ', fair .~.mplellion anel ilL compl"ete bea1tb~ He t ben notleed \.bat. h ie .ldn, .f rom crown to Jlole. wasbegln· to: tum dark. . ms appetite I.,.mea. be loot half hla weight. _ In aI.rm he conaolted nllmeroU. ."pi: ciali.ta: . Ma ny remedies wer e without effect .nd , th e color 'deepaecl until he u no... almost as dark . . . nepo. The apecialiato haYe failed to di~· tbe COl"" and .have· gi.'·en him up to die, . 1rr. Keplin~ r jJl barely .ble to 'w.lk and COD.l!idt.'FB lli . lI.;j>ele..... :Ih casu i" ""id by the pb".81ci.nB to ~ wilhout precedent. .
'.,,·JlM' IIJ.. ~ "'·
B• •
r ..... _. a_ ..........
fJ_' .~ .....
pf'Ol:)Of.hloa wbereb, JOIl will be Il beraU, CI&ld tOit .. few mIDDt.ea of " our ,hae: a o tap'n dJnJt. u I tta.-e. 1l00MD,. ~ 1tiJ. JI.
001'& JOD absolutel, ooUJlc!I:. Wrlte 'to-i1a" . If. S. K~UO, 11111 Plae S....~ _ 8~ Loals. 110.
Office in PrIntz
Oppoalta llIaml Bouoe.
.GI.AriEB xV.~lIr,wtIED.
'rile jrGlllll. gaIIptI! ad pI'ftIed~'"
hod to IIer throat, bnt witb' a d_
~lIort she c:o
"Where .. ahe~
ed henelf. '
He :"h eaUaW w!iil ht," .tuiled £lie blue ~oke earling up from tbe c,~ fttte. Shaking olr the ~hes; he .&4f. . atleogth: • . - "11i~"e Jter ill handa." 'l'IIIU
1i:1Siu:~~:~' 8::
~~~~~d n.a~f'~~;-':;~n O"U ;:;~:'1::kt::::: :~~u.:~ed
to see' YOU ~cma1ly_ Loull~ 11 • the I ' I a • you aI'!' . 081 , woman ~R . ~d for. Tbia JU~ briBe awnltillg...,. ,.s. out 0I myel ' b ... entirely- Igh' flown, rom'llntle <IlId inexperienoeil. T_ unagine m" with such a woman, , . Louise." ~ ' 11 I hed Ii htl "R 11 If e au~ g T. ea,.. ,.011 .re In Il'arcll of reweDse for fancied iujIJriu. you 'i\:i11 get it wheD 1 0U piCture me in my new role." . • . '~ by tbis marriage;" I8id ihe woman. atand!'1g ovu him, "yon plac:e it beyond your power to ' marl\Y me, as you haye promised dljriDg.alJ. tbese ;yea:r-you abandon your "bUd to a life of- wretebedne..... Her bre.th came hard aud trembling. "She need never knOW-DO one lleed ;know. ADd where ignorance Is bli.. It I. foUl' to be 'otherwiae:" "Let ' me bear It all," abe aaId; "Jet me know tbe alternative. If I ,., to t~i&- mother ,!r~ t~ ,9.aI-f llIY' lIrtde, sa ;)'OU caU lieT, and tell Jt..., o~my child .." my '""Dr. what thUlr. , _ ,,:lly motl!.er~ W~--(il l haYe. 't he aerY' ~ts put yon·out of the houae,.--;AJl.el my bride would pr6baW,. hue Die put oul. But. It .....nJd DOt aY811 yeri Dny. t¥nW:-nor her.. Under the~w111 ' lDy mother would sllll be . the helr. The b:riae wOllld lOR ber tortuPl' I!'d her bl'itl~groom. and you-would lOII8..JOur
eli. lido"
""id the aiel: man. fretfully; HI _n' \nnJ Inlo tIIeliarknesll, and .1 her 10 bear the 'II'iI1 ftad 'before I ~ it, doctor." , '~ ' . the wet gniAIL Look! See the "J am bere. papa," Aaid the ~ cOm. of the crnlhed ivyl see tbe 0011 In ... alowly forward ond mndi,- "llietupon the gown! aee the blilterecl --.. -.. .. hallda! look at your pl.toi! Tbe ham. Iy DNr MD!. lIe looked lato lIer rae. mer' la 1Ipon .... ' emptw ahell! I .... t 100'" .. and Inten'ly, his own ....rtenill... .. J " - " 1 would BlIggest," wd the doctor up and ran for the gate, but .a man ri d . rillng and add'resalD&' the elder WOOl' was ent~ ng an his carrtage stood ao·. "that we· lea.e the iii alone {or . oPpolite, Crouching.!]) the shrubberyl ta I laW him come bac""-Iiu yoiee .uni ~.. .aGllleD ; he . . . . . trllle brig." to II ...·blsper-"witb & ' dead man.- Ill Ilk anns. I gat here-how. 1 do no' Imow-and loc~ed' myaeU iu. . WheJl you eame 1 thought it was yoar apirlt. What ..-tIl they do with' me' WiD tbey loele me In gaol? Will theY'ball~ me? Why don·t. yon apeak to me. Raymond? ~DY do you look at _ thot way? Raymond I Raymonlll- ·I dId not. know what I WIUI doingl J was in ..... e. ~Iou.! I bad last ..,,. chlld-oh. tbey 'ou~ht to bow that. Raymond, before tbey judg~ Die t<lO harahly. Ray'mond, Raymond, ana,.... r me-anr.werl" He 1JUUItered hlo e~ tioll hy a Powerful e1rort. . '''Vou haye bad your rtYenpl" b. did •. hoar.ely, hi& lip' ' partiag ill • ..,undle... laugb. "Tb'~ shot went to the ' markl" Be 6Ilnk io his 'chair :by !lie taMe and gazed belpleuly upOn ber agl_ted feee, bi.. tlioughtii el_ where. , , ,<' "I All A'1' LOIIII. IIAD , All. TO ACCO"u ." ' "But I do not unden~.pd." she Utll. FOR BI8 LA.CJ[ 01' JKPROVBIU!:~.· "Xy re..-enge, If you ' ,.ere ~ot. . UIe
.~'That Ie aU!'!: abe IUiked--"there "Why. It I. ilICftdibte!" nolblng more?" . - , "Not bing." grily. "Give me the 1Je,r m!lb. d se'emed to "h-D"e. the kelt Quleknlte clock Ja Itri(dl~J , ~ • ten-Ihe )(ey!" '. . ,op.lllvor.,me !"jtb a "Yo,! -!,i11 not jp~e me up, 1l8yril9n. laughed, . b b f hlld' -In .. jle;. by. ICeita!l1ly! - t e lOOt er, 0 -YOD~ ~ , .~:rou· --:... old babltU' ,Faet is" _1 -mIJlu1~e?' h~ Q"IY;lllltur81 tblDg I 'fl'9lD you.jlnee J ~otl:red. Come, now, Jigilt up IHId be ) en.lbJe. , You laio\\' ,..liot .1 thlni Qf y'01l. .AU ",ill work Clul right; alid, ai:.!he .torieS .y, ·!"eJ.q.LII~>ge llI~r be b~py yet.''' ' .. , . Sbe lit n,;r cigarette by bl~ t eanlng ngalJiSt t.he eenter t.~i1e•• ~, .. t · one o~ two wliitIs, letting the amoke etI!>B~ alowly from between her co~· Ing Up.. ~'Tlere ·' . ODe fat.1 deiect .la you • pian," t ile lIDia, at; lengtH'. . ' : ,'plau,lin,!!, "Ve.? ~ 'fb.at Is · that?" "¥ou-do not , lea.e-tbe mot:ber .. CballCe . • You forget tbat lam a moth-.r
as- ~' ~Il
IlS . . . . U1t~~~t.lld."
.... . -"Vou ''''iII, tliollirh. ~lther ...,..-•• ,.011 pu, It tb ~ mrCh~'.Jlfe Is-for· lVer blaStid; there II the defeci." Jre 100000ed hat curionily lip-in faee. . orh. .moke Wal ' no' I!OmniDIt' frqil her Ups in du bot
~~~ .
TI.e '!tonI. were a mere Bbe ' roptioued, with growing emotion: " UlIJ'li!oDd, I b"e !:!een your 8laYe; I bllt "~Dded}Do1r. 'From ~I mJ!~ent, if you 1I~e. YOIl ab1l.obeTJlle!'" I ·If yaa Ih-e! · Do
. tID"1f·1 to ..Uyel" t~ by
destroyed .•by
rwr IIII'
• ....., .. v . . -
iu ome of tbe moat prf'«1'e ... i~eworb "",... t brill'; panz an ~mpl';"-iJ \\'hj"b ... ,< , eonlaln stnmpi}Ma. ..... t . • ... I • De R enmlng proeen eA.ra"ta m· pure elements buing .. t ... ndency t;' m a Iee Ih e"n. I' bitter." ...... Den Ihe 8mall p IIe~ h, eaped up In W I0 d row. have been ,,,meiently 'lroined, I~ is custOI1JBr" ' to pile tbelll!ll ill grrat ppamid •• ofteo eonlalning many ton•• Iti.. thenready tor Ihipment. BE D~"-"'------- - ...lIDBD BlS DIGlfITT.
t1. I • ..., .... Be (;&11M lIa._ .~_t.t
10 Be CIla.ee
WhIle he didn't l.,(;k like a . qual" relsome man, the 'tiTeet ejlr eonductor 81zed him np III one "';bo'd kick pret. t,. promptly' .o~er any shortage of ch.n~. abd 800'; -hall reuoo to re. joice tbat. he had gI..en the nJc!CeJ wUb the bOle In it to tbe old man by tbe cloor, / "Do you know foreign laogua~a?~ 8sked the man as he licked at hh skinned knueklu, relatea tbe Cbicago D!Uly N e:wa. • "Can'~ liay that 1 do." "noknow ,.bat "'Oh. ye.l · That'a the 'my friend.' .. ''The deuce !t 11! , } Te you of It,..
floor, . Tbe parlor
COALa.in ~
firepla ce nl)(l sl iding tloor.; bet we en the sitling·r-oom and rc('~p{jon hall. 'rhe
aitl:i.nrroom ..... nd dini\lg"f"'OODI are tScpauted by a cu.rd opelliug. There ~r" tbree windo,," iD 'he bay , the larl.... r one being a land&eape ,<indow. ]i'rODl t be s tfUng-roo m there i8 a door lelldillg to tM .ide-porcb. The dining·room hu- a
........ R ......l
carr.r~ ijg~o~~_ .r
."'''.xlU.._••• _r.
-,, !l &Uppqse,!!, ~~ t!Le barber to the man wbo waa ,.earlng a bear's claw on bl. watch chain-"I s uppOsed YGll killed thai beaT YOU1'l!elf?'" . "Yea, 1 did." was tbe reply. "WaB it-a grlzzl,y bear?" ".It. Was." . ",\ big one',.. . "About tbe aise of a two-yeat: old
th ..
All art glass ... cost '1.50 per foot: All gutters and doWnspOut. will be of gaJ~anized Irun. ~ .hillrlu .hoWD "in gable "'ill be rounel, butl. eli· . menaion slliDgleL 'I'he ..-""ir" i:lGjldlog will be sheatbed ",ith' m.tehed !lOOT' ilIg; 'over this a-re placed ""'0 thickneaaes of felt pa~r, th" wJrole being dnished witb 4-ilIeIa siding, Tbe s bingln for roof ,,·iIl b e of ·the star A St. r brand. The roof board. arc to be fencing laid % Inehe. apart tor oir -
Th e joi.t fm the firsl and .eeon4 Hoor!. 'R'ill be 2xlO. ]6 iDCbt-s on cen .. t~rl!i; ceiling joi!oJt. ~x6 . 16 ineh~s on cen lfr.e ; roof rafter!;. :x6, 20 ulchcs on
eeDten;, aDd all .;udding 2"~. 16 inches OD c.nte,.... . The height of first anll second . 10ries,.iII be 9% r"et in lbl> dear. tb., leogth of tbe s tudding " ill be n feet. Tbe basement contaio.
for sideboard and a clUnn launtlry, furnace room l coal bins and
frull r oom. The pla.termg ...--tIl be tWo--cQ1It ,,·ork. Tbe Hoors will be double. wilh feh paper betw.. en: the f!oo,", in kitcben. balbroom and paulr;- will bo
E-ieryOae kn ..... a600t tbe ' PaUlon PlaS ..t Oberamme!'Jl'8u. and -tbe P..siOD Play ae. Seaeh attra.,ta , maoy wisltora but w"ry few touriaia haTe ..en Doe of tbe Pa •• loq Playa of the Calabrian '· ilI.ge~. in Italy. POIItegra.nde is famou s in Calabria for its elaborate performanc.. of the Pauion 1'1.,. ID tbe public square a Ia~ge platform I.. built, and, 00 the day of Ihe performance. ihe wlodo .... baleauie .. roof. and '-treet. surroundthe &quare 40ft aarrounded With. On the platform sit the Caiphua .Dd .Judas. ad'"IlDUS t hrough a narCQ'" in "barg.. of 11i" §UarW! wbo .~ bringing HilA rrom the IlOUM of QH.. ea ,.here !,e h •• beeD betrayed; and. IL6 b,e .1,..tll before nia judges. the govrrnor riseR and ni,a ds th~ .eDtrnee of deatb. The Je"", ~" ·' Crnci-, fy Him, eroelfy Himl" aod ·th,. cen' 'urroD.ll leadiJ1g llim ....Y. Tbe eroWD of thorns i8 placed upon His brad. a beayy crOM whicb B~ caD "ardly- airt I's laid upoo HIs back. and He i. led aero.s the &quare to On . the ,~ay a woman, rep-lU ng Saint. VeJ'Ot"ca. h,avea the I ~nd "'i~ Hi. t.-.ce with her This role is muc1, coveted by · ... ome;., of, IIIIi' .-!Ilage and tile. yella are ai-Sir kept as heirlooms. Se. Peter's rage and remo ....e are ~io ,en1lt i!eplc~eil, and like all the actors !It. Peter' does -not coolllle bimself to tlie' GOlpel or ·a · written part ,- bnt . . ~b~ pl~. Prolf""".eS, . ~be ~(1)"e of ,I)le impro,'isati~tI , J8 P.trbaps , the. m<1Bt ilIterenillg fcature cif ' the 'Pla:y~ • mell ' C1i~t--i~~ 'ftieed npon the .......... ·· bet een!tile two true~e~ the 1'!'P'~~.. tl•.~ ....ink·"~1l'" !heir it Is a ouneed that . a ,itorm ' Of 1dra .....eep" .. motional, Imaginlltlve crowII. Ibe air 10 1t.l led witb sobbing prayer.. In tbe 4\~~::" the ."pulc.ber. cov· .: an~ ~ u!'1'Ou.nd ..d b,. tbrough {be streeh t(l mlnli" -01 a-l dliire; and a1' the ~e of tb~ vi1lage _..t-aIk be1W>d- it"
Jlte:er!' • -~
' J ' - Eacllli( the r .u ...... on the same
closet " 'i'h slide leading " into th~ kltch",. The kitcheo bas a doar Iud· . PASSION PLAl'S · ~ITALr. ~ fo rear $Ialrs'lfoiog ~p-to sellOnd J\:ooT and .410C1,r ~~I.<! stain going b· ma.~_e~1f"''''''''el1'''''''ft , _ _ _ • baa_I. YOdown to basemen' or to yard. ,\ootber
are probably 1,500.000,000 men aa. - - . . on , tk ear1lh. .can _11ipjSoae t ...t ... ~-twQo of th..e>uye ideiltlcaI finger prinri? Not' lodeed I. tblo all. --We may, be eomparing the tilrpr P!i!'ts !Jt a Ihing man .with l W of . 11 • ...b6 h81 ~n dead for ~ ~ ,~" doctrine of heredity mi.-bt. !ead 111 to ellpe.ct ·to ' find 1Ii,D1Ua1'r.1IJIfrer prints. ID . 'he ClUe of, paftlltoj-l-';ilt ebJldren. and of dilf~nt. CJi1lcke:!1' 'uf the ..me parents. H ·IM, .at aU events, umla tbat If this fing,;r priot 8Y. m wo;re ODce Introduced Into our "ourllt' of jUstice tJi~re " 'oulil be .~ amoullt of.wtanjfling •• .to "..bether they 1ftft ideati, calor, on'T ' a:iJP.l.lu_xperta eontradieting ncb otber and In,.olying the wbolt: ' l' ub!eet ' in eoofualon. ufa W. R'. S; \l:onele. in Knowledjfe. ' , yo_yer. profe ..ional mml ...l_ woul,cl proDably soon tIl\o .ome mode al1~erlo., . t~e.ir l!nl"lr IIriDt.. N~ perl on WJlO committed ~ime ~ a mu..aer, for eXa-tnplebDJI left the. imprint.- of his flngets au a'lytbing It. JllAy' pr".~\l ao It:'Jpor. I,ni dl.. ; but Ihe ~ame thing inay be laid of tho! Imprint oy-' hi. boots '11' abo«. 'But a clew I. ooe-thiJlg aDd a proof i.. another ~tunA'. Let me point out anotber dltll.cUJty. In a country wbere tbere are .. Inp number of criminaLt who"" fin' ger prints a .... coll.cted. Ihe number of thee will aooo-be wery large. Bow long would •• take to examine thi~ ~ci.ll."'ljion in order to find out ~hptb of t hllm eorrea""ntled a""u, ..-1111 the llager print~ of tilt' I ~,._, _I"~Ia· DOW att]U~el? , The. would"" t\1l,!~. ~ a hopele~ one ~ . That finger pr[;, t. may be importanl in the·deteelion of ' crime ,,·hen· f'v~r (he' crilDiJlal hu ' leU the' Print IIi. finge", beJlind hiID 1. do. ~ot dl~pute. l?I1t. wilboUL ,muc.b ~tronger evidence than we now P'!~.en that 00 t ....o pe-nonl have undiStIDgUlsba. ble lIn~r print" e..-rdenee ollgll1. _eft!> to- be perlllitled to outweigh what appeare4 10 be a tolerably &atia/acto,+ aUbi. '. '
eyea ·me't. ' . I "A",n; J'ou -.euo...for me to und~ :. • an . .n~ _at yo~ ,.i11 retaiD rtff a haret elay is re.cbed. p&heSakm. of, 1>.1' until '[ auent to ;yolir pIana?" AcaJa be,.... ailent forl:,::;:!~'t~ top earth I. tben heaped 1DW • circular .baD1t", fornring ,poDda. • ..moment.. y . come'." a '.~ y 11 t h ere are four.... f th~e b rlne pits ea, t.baUa aboot the way the "But you did Dot p ' lnl' be .aJd, t.~ well aoDlt UJlder or l'Ue~oll'll on ncb farm. At 'tbe ter .tana.. " There ,.a8 a long . rUled. "Sllrelt. you .did~-.ot-" . lubea, but .1IUJi"ed bezinnlng or the dry .euon the JIIIinful pause, durillg whieh the ..... m- • "No. 1 walked by ag,1iD aDd apin. time 'ie) ~I~ when abe ...,... .. ..~... ~ •.I ·... tu- 1...... bayAl, . ,_"I"wb-ct an aeem~ to struggle with &ome pow- l ·.,,'ent l!round ,to the side .I treet ~d Ing. ' 'I'he '• ·s traight. nleDtieu fcreed lnto theae ruenolra. The erlul ·h·--' emotion. She and . the garden', Dut 1 said: '1 moutb and . -ulliae n08e -ve • Dot. pump. ".. j\,at., -ork n~a~-a'th':"'ay '-, h arose d I the ....... •.p" looked Into _ •• ~ < ,. < U proac ·ODe th an nI..........-111 lee him ·fir.t·, Raymoo'd -ftnot - ch...... are Ilk e.rgo' I " .1Ia~. with of h-r .......... d tb til ~ of ....erit,.. -. to ber face. ..Her cyHnd erR.n < . rese, e 0 er e ...>.'<" ua to be 10' buel ' gtm J"ou did - 00-• -nd planted In '~e -at-r. -I' her'J It ... llkel,., hid ezitWd· f. lila COD~ ~ .... .. < .... na • • &adnk'III th e .fi eab ' . " d Will you .belleve It,-lwen~ back tour .n . !l colorlDg of that flce. an" other eod. upon whieb ill. loog apo'ul; ~tIl,i,.id.,d "You tol me tbat· you-to try an at nigbt, hoping to '-a~. ou? I could t d h Ii' I t " tll Inted I h - ,. ill a ~n. easy lleU·rellance, 01 ex en • over t !!' nile p • ,'- p.st on .....{ your .. mo er.eres n er 00' o'-y here alone in t'-',. room-I ''!.ig''t''''Dth ..Y~lll:, j''£81rolled graodehUd" Her Toice was -tnined .... . .... ~ouau_ of power. Juat DOW rod run. th rougb th e cen I er. aroun d ,. • ~ " Ul!ped 01111 Two ..men Oltered that Ia b which wind .. 0 aUif' wire Ecrew;.. hlcb ,aaa hamy edible. ' pte, aad ODe of them 1; would han waa " IIC!l'1Ita IT placid. 111.. la atracbed· to the : bladu of a ....lftd. ..yea,· said he, "I thlni I did tell aworD '-ou. I lo;'owed and u . &poke only la tones ., low .aa to bl _ ~.. - pI_~ ~ -~ ~ that.." J '" -r audlhle but a abort. distance. ...... • ............ "Well 1'; tliem ' enter the ..ring room:' -mile I Aero.. the room a Btrl Btood loold., aboot or 161ed from the·mouth of ' . , "I lIedl " 1 ~ her onlY' 10 ~II I walled tbere. " 'olldering if YOll would Idly; ·dreamily. 'from a casemeot will- the cylinder_ There are alway~ good M h ' appear apln-n .... but. a few mloIn10 lilt. tree.. She wal lie-ader, ...lndB onr tblli eectlon to k ee p tbe 1°u. y mot er baa ~eyer seen bert ntu, I thini-one of tbe men .c ame from screw In motion, The .... plr""tioD 0' ed I ' '1 ' ..e'. , ., with a. m..a of re.ddlBh ......Id.n eurll ' f' and, " h ~ eonl'n • u t, 'I" a ow y, ,~. th~ ~ , 'ng-room, pa •• -d -.'0" ' III 'f 1 .,. < .me•. aod. .. a gathered' back and IaUea,,- oYer ber sma II er pumP1l all d d r,unar 0." h emu' '\Of " ean preyen 1. . . out, loeked the gale. r was a prisoDer. enables operaton to reMove tbe brille "1-'tcb'" Th Is ahouldera. The prollle ~Ied blnt ... .... um"n wre. e ex" _ for the feoce was ~ol1 ..-Ith spike. ' '"u that It m"~ rdiDement, alld aU-ltea. oobl1. from oae pood to anol" a , tlo n wQ.~ Jlttl e more th an a ga,p. Iron. Then 1 weD t and Itood under the ..... under.... the ...rioua pro"""""8 ote,..,,"F t d . t " lty, high .... .....- and Innate purit"'...r ron. your 8 an polD -yea. . window. thlll'king tbe room .was .voun. r-rJ oration, "'h," I h' --" f 1 There-." " a wistful tendernesl about • A II ~ \V .spe...... ·the In amy aael 1 nl;gbt altract your attention; be" month and a aof radia""" In her To ratber in tbe nit .. bleb h.a\leen tbe ·ilIfamy 01 it!" , Sbe besitated a alld r hr.aret your yolee and a womaD·. bl~griy eyes when bOm time to tim. precipitated frum Ihe brine a fler sev~omen t. turned. and, gliding to the ia tbere-" . ' lib ~ eral proce "". 9f concentration aod ~QOr wllh a mo.ement of In(iredible ''It ·i5. a lie-a liel the room ~IODga er:CS t : :ut t~W:~1 ~::. group pth. purlftcation a Ia~_ rougb plow iK ,,"'!Itne ... loeked It and pl.ced, the to Frances. 1 was not in tbe city." u."d. drawn b .... double cable. yr1)P '- pocke ..... "ah 'd. "J am at a 10", madam," the doct, k ey In •• er t. e -FraJlAel. II Franc-s? .... ~ • '"'bo ,. -.,. .t 110 '11'81 oa,.IDg, "10 aeeDllnt for hi. Jaek mac:hi lIery Uill!d . f or fbi & purpor;e wouId nJ d b ~etur ng tower • bim. er face tra..... lIIatter, the. ,.erc there aU oight"••nd 0 t Improyement. nere J to .. 8001) beeome d.m ..... .. . d and .. lele .... nell· 0101'1....,... 11gure d by t b e. inteJlsity of her ex- I. erazr.d and abandoneQ. wept .Dd thl horae. " 'ould. of COUI'llt>:. malee no hud. . .. Ra d H lb' . 00 1Ilf orranieaU,. wroDB, aDel c:.tt'mMlt. now. ,-mon . olltside." way In thue Ya~t. 5alt a;:wri. A- me-0' .n, ra...... t h e ONYe eenten are totally inaetiYe. " .b at Is I h e setl Iement jOu. propo.e1" "You .re simply dati. Loui.e·, ''-.o u He picke d up ""'feral medlelne bottles cllanlcal br.. ~o'" .. device Ia kepl iond his poeltlou, a half amile don't know what '-ou are u.-llIg." , n e . retaiJle atantl" running Ihro""'b tbe . brl .. r h" ..... J , an d aamined them, tesUn'" their J .... '1.!pon-. ~'"'...,. ~'Tbe1 we~e tbere. L lell "ou. Once a . pana just before h'al'\'tI!tln'" ..-t' u " _n h h' , t e n t . hy .-mell and d ..ht. .. Tbe -tall .. to pret'en~ ' ~ou ....I at'e no trouble for .t e match WaB atru"" and I eonJd hear a .. 100 mucb cry •• tallhin". .... eyea met. hi... ·fa ture. " h,' e Kaid; ':you belong t!) the -omllD pleadIng', alld-"-ne I ",... Thou-h .....,.t pain" "may be~·"'''nto ~ '" "Hepaaed a redlenll!ght,"aheul., .. ... ... tngic stage." Iylo'" UPOIl tbe 'ground, tbe ,ondow o,,"late o .. e"'~ltalliutloJ1, the brin. ' f I ' Th II laying her ballda upoll the mclcman'" . . . " Yon tr. e &Jr. e J'ust Ollt of my :re.eb. Tben 1 fottDd almon al ..ay .. for"", ;010 a .h.. et co'" ! 'forebead. :'There ,.u eonaiderabt. \he .e tlep1enU" my.ell climbiDg Ihe jyy and clingiog I' p.,nl·n.i'nn III tbe city, .nd lOme oaf .ring tbe enllre 'pOnd. ";bich will al"I~1 proJ'C!&e toh marry 'l'Y- mother'. to 'the shulten', aod I asw J"006111 . ilIg just before ·dayli ...bt Jlred a pldol ne.. most Hupport the .... I!rh·£' of a · man. sle1"'aughl .. r." e said, quietly. "Her there, Ihls womao ""Jib ' curly -Iden .. WhOl Ihe brine begin .. to cr,~'''talUu J_ b.er.,) ... I .. tbe houe. Thia gaYe ~him .. -i...rfaJ ..t ~t:& on ",. ast h,gs. and he will b'-ir leneellur in her "Jgbt Clre... before sbock." . . .' plowiog i8 btof:Un. The impleme.nI beg: h 'to he !Ill -o! hioa ~y her . hand npon yonr "",oulder. "There ia . . . eseItemst in B1".. tbro."'l the salt. whieh at thiN Slap b ' upon the contJition that abe """epte to her lo.er while Ihe ready for rough u ..... info windrowL lDe a" -D~ bUlbs'"' OIl-or ber.,.". bn bo.- hi f "mood ower tbe aecellllloll -DlOY~_Dt-t F-.rmbands follow the plo",' ...ilh"boytwenty-.ftra~ birtbday. From thiM 'i s un~ar:bi:r ..ac;;;-l_ said Bradnar. "'ud Ille police ne {ar el" to heap Ihe salt ilIt,; piles .boul mQney 11I1iIPDR,' to proTide. liben!U" ·I'6I»'.... ·hlmself.' . few lor tIIe« tlJDea. 'Y~t ...,.. &i. fed b-lp. In IJd_ "'8.1 I IIM hor>'1 ..... __ ..hild with "I tb t .- 1 L~ gJvCll him 'durinW4be.DlCht1" ollfhly draio~d for tbe"luc cilll~: II or you . _ r ' .. . tus 'yoor p ... to . "".Wffn the WI wan' my )daugbter to be pramt,"
,1JlS hO,'!8e ,eo.otalDB erght ,roo~., ed can 6e erected upon ••tooe uW/dation. wllh brick u.n-aerplnnlDg. tor si/tOO; the' 61ze .... poII . the' grotmd belDf Z.feet.-,(roDtby i2 futdepl h. , .The Jlar/or,, 10 .1lI%x15 leet; B ittiJ!g~ roo,m, lh15% feet; pantry, ' 5'1.,x8'1., fin. The di>lmberilare j2,,,~13y' feet. t8x17 feet. tx1%:1eet. 9:rllt teet; alcoTe. lI~!!y.: aet; bathroom. ~9 feet. 1')Ie rO_!'t,t.er&.nda i.. .9~~ leet, rreepfioD !IaU '9X11 feel, From one eorner of the laiter Ja ••tainny I ading to
door lead. into the pantry. wbich iI' feet. '1.'he sink will be of irou ,.hite poreelain and wlJI ha.e drip boards.t lMlth.ends .• ' All tbo; cl!,sets are. ~t a Jarge size. chamber over tbe siftillg-rOom has 'endiog upo;, aD open ' balThe f01lndatlon beluw grounl) ,,!,ilI be nUilI,utone. rubble -..:or!<. ]6 inches thick. The underpinniDg will be o('brkk i~ ilIche. thIck. faced " ' it b pre-ssed bdck. Tbe clIimneys ~ howing abo~ tbe roof-'Will also be of pressed brick. All glass to beAm~rieandouble ' ~%:rs~t.
of maple. l'he re<.-eption haJJ floor and a\.alrway will be of red oak and' all other floors will be of pine. The fiaish thronghout "ill be of }rioe. palot~tl ivory white. The exterior of tbe hOl1lle \\ l U have its trimmings painted ivor.:r white, with tbe body a choeo)at e color • three..,.,at work. The -.eranda and porch floors are to be painl e<l gray, and all sasb n rlnrk green. Uoo! will b(! s taio pd with ,-eJ1uw ochre, The owner ,,~ill se lect .a~d pay for Dlallte1. art gh.. s and . h ell hard..-arc.
B ...... AJ ....h t I. 0 ... E ... II.~ Let.. I •• f • •e ••• f Tlllel .. Wo.derla. E ......
• ...1. . PJaee. 0 . . a . PI.'. Bea. .,.. • PaUeat ""orker:
..ce ••
d Fe." lh'e . . . ll•
I ha~e said that tbe Jnl)Qnese are a Spartan race, ,,,rItes Anna N. Ben· jamin, ;u Aiusl.. c's. l\fany things ' \)e; sides tl;lci r esjstance to cold prof't! .t. " J'b.1I mos t or-t hem II\'c jo siUlpliclt~-. '1'bl'y l'Un go a lonfl: time without food . 'l'hc" eoollu ]K'rforDl lJIBt<eTous feats of st rengtb and eo. durauce; they draw a Ujin.rikTsha'" all nay or carry h 'oTclcrs o''('r t.ho flt--eepeat m"ountnin IL E,-cTy :SU1ll1~1 r" a colony of foreigners go. to ~<>UAt Hei' eizan, near Kiolo. Th~1:r camp i. several miles up tbe sleep mountain sid,e. bllt early each JDornillg tbe J'apanese brillg up the maU: fresh ,·vllgt,ta:bie.and milk, and womea oU_ carry trunk. to the 6uinnllt on their beada. In the· upper claBBe8 the old 'iaumarai" .ideal.· incllicated enilll!'at!cie; eourap and simpllc:fty. A wrj ~-:... J D,"" a 'recent magazi~e CO~ menta upon the snen .years' train· of the .Japaoese officer. Tbis Is prep.ration of Ii second lieutenant; but t Is mere ly R contiuulltion under modern meth0<18. of the OIl1 "sulD8ral" n~qnirements. The Cact tha~ tb~. Japaljese. is one of the best soldlen io t.be world. and ooe of the toughei!t, IS ' Dot such a 'great en"se tor wcmder. bec!luae j t .is not the' but;. eome' of ",estern military trainingof ..ode~ojzatlon-for the s"eds ot tbe western metltocrs were soW]) on .. ""1"'_'-1·110nr-cuttJvate~ . S)l&J:lan goit:' The. le,Lnl~r of new mllftlll'v t.cUes aad ~illoJ!jo1olL of 1ip-1CHiate weapoz.. JlkI,lIed' to )l.laclng new ma· .. ,.~""•.-,- I I~;~~.1J1~·~.:a:n;olil ",Ill "'hieh; !1e(>\:us l!ll~UTiiye.I"wllo. r j gre8~ '~lf".. r f~"n. n. no po......
0. w... ~ Dilfb& 0( 1M' of the eIIIPiIee at the ·
1Io1IIB .... euip1pjel ~ tile £\eCltric .~. .
tile DIaht's ",.wiy Of Hiht., tile otbel' .... pnt to work fcmlliDt . ._ iDtio .......1 ~ . . _Kept ai it u . . ......1'"1 !DidJdgbt1be WIll omit.ted .. · ..."~'L.. ~,j_...
. ..,. .th1 ,
. .....mtoroeo the other..:iD.~ tDg water tbroap the maiM amd 11itl.1PJi _to t1Mi atud.pJl!'. 'llDd early iD _e Of,l_tlm
~!. th'as dembD. ... tiDgtheJ.ct ~ thaC t h thedemonetratiOD, stand pipe was over. ~~ do what.liias expected thia aI'tIi; of ciYilluHoa ..
.if "
~ Io.-. ~Tbe
f ' li
top or the stand pipE' bow aDd ~,it,~ ' --'~I_,.I"~· t. abo'll& hO feet .bove the level of ••teJDeii* of . !aUb fa (JOIJ then1ley from~bioh tbe w,ater,... what wU a'1nacli 'mm."._~._
~ thcJaP the_me . ~ but ~ ·begiJuIiq .oI piatar. the water from the w~~ maiiDg a *biDga to coIae. . .coDAideably grater' elevatiOD thro' TRU. A.WD • .ow which the water tra\"elOO. Tliert' W _ - ' aDd diIIou.al b was very nt~ ·Ieakaite .from . aa .cr a~-pl~, baMly perceptible 'in XiM Eva M. l'unkecy. in a !DoG able . . aDd commeDdable mamaer. Her refact. e:a:oeptjl18t.aUhobottom b hil ' h n .. :.. ..... . the iron stond.s U\ 00 the cooCrete mar w e n~ ~ 0 y .... vo~ to. billie. but-the mperfutendent tbinb perlaiDed to ma81C, and .oowed her I reM.TelI· v _ _!&-r. •• 1 < be em ' Th ~ love aud knowledge of thai beanti· ~~ can . rea ' y _overcome. e . n.eltt day t.ho workmen made a care. !u,1 art m whiob ahe is 80 pro&hm"laJ;lPreCi~oD'of~fO'lI' ful oxammatil>n. or the "'pe theD \98B Funkey ~pote of the great tn. COIDpoiIel'il of former ageII, and Mon Friday thc water W8S dra\VD oft' peoIAll r th $ , . «-' lar&lliPIra to ICOU!: out tIle wllter pipeS and the '1 0 . e · ("III or::r juat cJ . efliency of t.he fire protection wu ~d ~~ the hope ot the Jo.· ted . ertI of ma810 for rreMe r -prog~ t8ll ~yattiwhlDgh088totJ:telJlagl' bemadeiDtbia . t w ....... a11 OD Mnm street, It wnli fotJDe\ that ~ qeo lII'T~ w~ 1\ IIpleDllid at:1:eltm \\'1\8 fo~. fOr' n prof8llBiOD81ook for 80 J;D1!eb great dist8nce, a stream' which, iI . A.IIAl TAT.oiI It equId have bOOn I!ynilable tht By JUU Grace E. IOU. br<)1Igh'l 1.th. of April, 11100 would ha-ve speed. ~ number 9f beautiful:&Dd pDlotical!a11'e Hy' tlXtingnishcd·theJb.e lit &~ tbongbt.a. Sho ho1diDg ii., of its progres,q. Tho -power WD8 10 the opportunity and ·tal8ll~, for great that the waler coulilsoon bave work might be pt'e8eDt, -iD .U IJored II holo through 11 brick waD I adaptatJOD _~ oondltioDII 9 . :~u~ "thiR poWer oilD lie regulated by for IUCCess.C· TIie BOOCC.I!811 working IL .J.:ey on ihe Wllter plug. the great wereab3WD to ha•• ""... ..11 ... __-' 00 Fritlny.tbewoikmen began paint more thAn InyUling elia' tIlIl'Ou~IlIi.1V ing the stand.pipea beautiful bronze their_:ldaptiog theio-lftll ooJor. ann SOOD completed . that ~ Napoleon BaD&I~. portion ot the work. 10 mentioning loaI; becalllll be WIU IlDAlIie to &he pipe 1a.st. week \\'e omitted tbl himself to temporal')" re' . . . .
lJ'r1<e [or
.. Men
,Are Made MIserable ... .,~
Kklney. Trouble.
While all cuoot ___ what
world - - "C-~"j. each evel'1011e call be khd, JooriDc. to the mk aDd DiIIed7,
belplal to tile .,.11... lCjdDey'tr01lble preys lIJIOD t~ IIIIM. &0 to toU' o'er tbe lIowehOld d co...,..1DII ~_..tln;....,........ wbile dae- ToaaIw . . . . . . . of tile 1:"1-....l1lI11& anol cI>eorfuIaeIe _ cIIsaprie&r "hell the ItldD.,.. .... WI' of · order of aooiet.r.' "'dIMuecL • Kidas1 trouble ...
~._.... beCome
... prevaleDt lhalll 11'1101 UDCOnunoa I~ghlil1011!l
"'Uiaf:.for a chilol to be born I' alfUeeN willi -'< !;klAeyS. If tlte child Drill. • • • too eftea. If .... tile a.. or If...... tile ~..
to 4ellyera04~ .lDo"lO lIIoII<!d _~ W1IoJ_ _ ·f"'~_b· 1800 a ' ,.... '!'I"»I'y. Ho~ot,..-... _ .~
a~d covering
capacity. I have moced the
~. J. WEMYSS. prtoe• Gm....1 Immll[mlloD IlD4 IDdIu"trUl
Tne Board of HeIIlth hal received LOtmSVILLE, KY. - - Our.lef~ ~_1Il "",altJ. '. z.w- 1idf•••l4n'....llslaiapecltoa.eJepc. . ..... ~ numher of compla.iDDI of penIOD8 ADd be 11111 .... u JOG. r-. "'aetartn.'l'II;ll'IIlIoor. ~:u_ol.~ -who throw 'dish water and other 810l» where thecy win llowinto tho }lAPS. lLLUSTRA~D P4JO'HLETS aJId pobUc JCUUen!, and respec.tfolly J'8. PIlICE LISTS 01 LANDS aGe! JrAlllfS.lD tba' all mch practices be im- 'Kentucky, Tennessee; mediatelydiscODtined. . Alabama.
HoUJIII. 8 taLO 'A, M. · 2. to 4 P • ••
, '1'1111 alpilun u .. _ _ _ of tbo Co=IDr
7 to8 P• ••
, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. JrlAIIOD IIDd *'7' little sOD. J:oe, IIOCOIDpanied by little Stephen Plu1ipe, came down from ...... Aud,.. Weaver. Oured " BaaDinlr Bore. Xenia laat Bundayaud were joined The ad Illew. 1f!UI received this &.bad J'1IJlDiDg sore on my by Ed lfacy and family and took mOnlJDj( of the death, a~ Llldlow, bre_aU.,r ov..,r a year,~' says Ben~ thelr·diDD8ft to the hills of C!esan' Jry.,of Mrs.:AudraCon-.rWeaver. BRlCbarda, of WitlseyvlUe. N. Y .• "'""'_, n-....'h . hey eoj 01' .... _.. a .."aod~""''' - t 'm&ny 'remedi were. ur·
. . -=
Benk &ildillg:
Lautive 8roIaooQuiIIiae 'l'aIiI*
Iba· nmeib--tlIat
• _
.. -
wife $)I J. J. Wen-ver. _The ....... - ".C8 to. her brotber~ Mr. Jlmes got . no relief aotU I used Cooney, th.., .s~lbW eb'eet-grocex LBIJJ1~er Salvo. AftErlllJing one halt and win be a to • the box J 'WIUI perfectly cured. I 'ODJDeroas f: rieD~': OIU1no~ l'IlCOmmend it 'ln highJy. and abe wen knowjJ and will never be lVi.hoat it iD the I r:=:t~ B:er dentli ho\lS9'. ' : . lA;mts HaT. It UP1expected. Mrs. Weaver bonuU!ld re&red In ~b1s city and ~!i~~r:~=="":I:labl' ID ..,eat her~U1y life .here, her marri~ 1 ~ c::;::;y or &0 Mr.1Weaver.being IIOlemoized d bID _ Ludlow. Ky., -lOme ·otght or ten t~r~~i~~~~~~.po~ ..., ~ ~ &$ · t r~:~.n"b"l.a ~-~~II·-. cape ' y.,.. aso· lie II p....weot of the lIIIIar}' pale! Q!UD8
'Y""'- .. Well
Mauer. etc..10
Remember the B. P. 8. p&Ulta (Be!ltPaiot_· SoId) has no equal for
pllery or-balcony wblch-enciJcle> " . GDlU. I'~~=a:~:-~ the top. Itadda very ~tly totl~( lIiIIII Martha L. O'Na.U ihoftall lM!&~t::r of tbemocture, IIDditwoald heraelf per(eod7. JamlUu Wftb aw~I:~::;'~!. _ve been hard to eomplete the job nbject a1llJ'diacn ~ iD,. praetieal Without ~Ving tbe advantage Of mamaer. t.Iu! ~ aIIIi uplratloaf, ~focK-hold it_tronlribeworkmeo. not at.ODe of her 01t1l llal_ltia~l. - " clUa. bU of tile &wrqe
Fol~ ~pllye
I ."'" ' a ,.,.-DilwJ £oat..:-BIaek ~:=:.
. .=::
"'~.!.ofOO~ha~ciY:tylndNa wh~!l •• • <.> 0 ....
on __ .. J8f~.
4ren an
BeIlidee her·brother iD thia city' iIhe ill survived by lilt: other brother. Edward Conney. ot Or OD the train iD the h~QA or laaloW. KIl!lltuoky. and by. tbre6 hi) ' . V~ IIiiIten ~ _ _ MarieU&. Kate aDd w e at yoOJ' oftlce dati8ll, you are 8ceUa, aJlarwbom.nmdeatLadlaw.I-811Dlec1i to diagreeablo result.. '!'be~!d ..... a1iouUbirty irreg.t;Iar. rr exceeaive diet. ut __ 11- Tam- 1°.. • l.-d Caldwell a Syrup Pe..... - cures........ .... -. ._" ~ ""UnleY.... tive1y . OODStiPlltiOO~~iDdi-:i';; =!,b:::=::!oWbe~a:: sick headache and stomaLch no-;ble: f~=~~ .Kr.Coaney lefUorCin. Sold by Looial&y. [c this mornin~. Fuujlral wiil .
ehucl':th'=tv~~==D 0
U 11 Q'clOC:k..-Xenia a.sette, 18th. • Mrs. We&Ter _ cousin of lIln.
N'TB E Fo 0 L E DJ
T..... . - . _ _ _ "OCKY' IIOUNTAIN TEA
=- -=-1-
. ...... ,.!OT-..-...... 't..
/JU!raID 0"" tba Nlarol.... rl'Ol1t1u Yort""" the EUL
",.....,".'1'heir .rn.Dgem~" 1D4lea&.6)l puKnaen
t Toeuboooeollly.
Llfltt frdgbt
.......elilo' Boftalo at 1II1d11l1l'bt.. la Illee:p1D. ear lOlly rema10 hi
leave ' . J :QO p. III . Il.rlve ~l;~~J:~: '::1;0 a, III., leo< e BoftaloG:1I0p C1aclDllalilO :~j) :t. III. I .. fo ....tlOil about tare. to BulfalO. t'lu....... l"a~ aDd ~ AlolHlon prh11fCel1 al lalo. aad OllIe. e!~t&lu may lie ....ertlllll.... l>Y_QDIcaoI"I'II1t11 TIcket AC""u or PeDD"7I\'aIda UnA. « ~ IId4"-tDI[ C. c.
~~:;::~~J BatDes, D. P . a... IIQ\n.., ·0.
tmI!I .
make a spieD did light. re:LChing tar Da~ omce eod ,..,.llIat' room. 1-1 ....... and '!'ride, of great benefit In the Tbll'll Stff"" PhlWp. Ho..... BoUeIla" public. TlIe ruanlll~ time betweea Day"'" "",d SprIn, Valley Is oDe bour .. Dd IIhee.n mill: . ·Mr. and Mrs. S. Lev. Uldwright II..... ~aatll..,Qrh Belmont, sea •• rio.... yesterday attenchld the funeral of Bell_ aDd Ma.cDedc SprI_. • 0 their old triend Allen M. James, in IJfo]'tOD to Spr1 1' van.,. 18 mJ) .... tue !.;c CinciImatt. DaJ1DD to Bellbrook U miles. far~ !O ceD~ ' Mr. James Wall - . Speelal rU".· ID Soliday Schools. Piq,1<B member of the Fourth o. V. C., and aDdoU..r 0J1I:aJtiz&1I0.... Dpon ;oppll.... tJoll• . wu 'wounded It L'bickamauguB re1Ild _..mod 011 an' ' . . ' c a.... CleIvtng apecl4l mention from GenChas • •Il. UOl[' 8choefield for oonspicuoUII gaDantJ:y For sometime he was a member of the familcr of the late Beth Cartwriabt of thl. place. and wu great. Iy lewpected by all with wbom he came in oontract, .
uct.u '; o·cluck aBl.
X.. (I'Trac,I•• Ca,
Bot_. o..y iDlI. IIpdIoaVIIIIcy....s _ .-
IL -19 b.aye mjof&bI~ Lrf,.. \0 uod rrUm Pan·AID.<'rlcan EJ;pooIUDIl . PrO/ll CfnclnaaU tlIe tbTODri> ""rno;" Cl)O' W'" '" \.be. P ... ·AIIIericao bprn.o ...,.••" •• 1IriI. cl.... _ :u>d oI~pllll: car 1e ... I,,;r! tllere at .:30 p . m.. IAIle!h.C. pasaell'e .... at at 8:1:; aUl momlnK. The 80.tra10 Expreu -wI.b leeplnC cer to Bullalo Ch.d""aU <Ian), at 8 :80 a 111_: WaYDH¥l1le
~G r.':~~~~:I,~~~,:";.,:m
n. D.yln "
. :::g
A number of family changes will follow tbe ~th of grandma IOddJeton . Mn. Sarah Lippincott has yielded to the persuasions d hAr 8OJ1·iD·\a-;v and dB.02hter. Mr. Bnd L. A. Zimmerman, 8lld will BOODlea,"e Waynesvllle to makeber home with them in Lebanon. Miss Sallie White. "we are informed, will go t~ her father in Dayton, who is · • anXlOUII to hAve her Wlth him. !4r. Win. Kln8 will make bis future 10 N..... . • . home WIth hIS sister, !ira. J. M.
Scl>edolH ' for \.be "".. ' rauk are olll, and
' ~ Lean Ln •• lighUril day's outing. Dayton Sprl ... Vaney ·Bdlbrook There is. talk tha& the anthcritiCil U.Oll ,,; ED. ,.:to ... m. «.00 So m. . ' ' .00 0.8.. 7.45 will have B row of eJectric lights I~~ p . m, I;:~ p . m. ~%'!, p . m placed around the up{ltlr part of the LOO 5. 15 3.JJO standpipe, some distance below the ::~~ t l~:!; top, 10 as to keep tbe inll.'llC$l tb4t :l0.30 may be aUracted, from falling In. 1 Lt.ave Daytila .Ia Xeallo Car eb~ to the water from llbove. 'l'bis will at Belmon"
KaniD D. :ZeUer of &his place; aod ~ daughter at tbeJate Mr. and )(n. _ _ - . . . . "",*-. Jamee Cotll'll8Y, of. Xenia, bighly :zt::~ ~ ~-t~ reapected friends of the oit.it-or of - ......- . _ ..... - , . - - . . thiiI pap..,r. who, .with his ' ,uml"'. is J . ,],B]~ AlmON ROUTE. ~n ~pathcr and 8OlTOW with tll~ st,ricken fiunily .in t.be loss of their TnRllllG.B PAIl6El!I"!l} tR SERVIUJil TO BUFyotJDgest 'and beloved sister, who ~ALO Eoa PA~'AlIlERIC.L'l EXP08J.:rtO!J. beCame the charge of brothers and LI~~~"!~'~;'':='~::':: listen wlielll Jenmothet1et18 in early ne.. ootl .. of W.. lern. 50Ullrm &lid Cuent _~n .. _ 01>.10 ",. CbaULaUQD3 lAte.. BDlIalo NIaUft .,........ood. FaI~ :u>d . L La,..r~ooe llion.~ C..oada I'aooiu. IL ~o~ a new lOuiiA _IA! na
.Mi.ssiasipi and-.notida.. ·
Going It
South? ""_ so. ___ aan,.~_
Q......I< Cftocut lIS _ tuIf.s pal- • .. every piUt.of !be Central ScWdL. .. scboduIe OadDAaJ toJ _ _ _
~1Ai U.e ~ .... Sou1bom~.
9boun: to Club
bountoSh~ Ob~
-;&& . .
!6bo...... PonT_pa.
porlcw _
dlnIotr ch>It-.-Tbroto:l> _tSoobmdda.
cafe ars-ftM .... ~ 10 011 Iai-
.... ~kb tf'tL~ 1_"~ _ ""..w = ~-:: ' Uie....tlq. ~ __
•. c.
"'.~.a.o ... Q.. ... . . . ~-CUl~'&T1.
cont;tining prices, e,te.; this ,VIiI co~i ,you ~nu aDd may save manj· dollars. 1\IuI,;1i 01 tile work in ~[iami Cern~tery . ~a8 been .r~m18Iie4 by 118. J,---~~~~--=-~-
. . We alsQ .supply ,caps,
. "
This mac!.iDe is operated t.v· le \fer moli,PD. · The one
• ~'1brat!ngcy\iDder ~olDprilea · !hc Ill'trer' ri.b board • . A~J.us~'; Itself . to size .of . wash, so tJ.st one ,,'Arment ca'~' be' \vasl.cd as "elt as a ·' <iua~City ' CloillCs 'wri"oger ilan lie attRcl.ed· ,f'; machine, .i liow·i ng th,e waler to . ftow back into tlte lDachine.
••• For .•.
~a,ttZo, 1tQ~S,
S1tQQ"P a.nd Ga.Z,,:,OS. ..
REFRRF.::;CES: ••;: ••
Mrs. Wm. HobleU and others:
F. A. HOFFMAN, Arnold Boule,
. WaYI!88vWe, OhIo."
'Phone ,
ST., X 'ENIA, O.
.CAll ai, TELEPHOIE 01 "liTE
us BUOIE smlll,·
X:EN.IA. Never ·h~ve we had such a . beautiful ,stock . Fabrics.. ~ All. ....new ".'eaYes .. ifr Wash ..,.. _. anlI'· never""shoWll. before. " t' - ,'. ' , ' ". ". ~
- Blae Belle Lawn,.: .. :.. : ..... ...... . : ..100 Dimity L'Aigooo, .. .. .. .. ... .. ..... 12Xe' ·Dimi.~ Cimar09ll., .. .;.. ... ..... ......... H.c SatiDe Boi.tiSte, .. .. ... .. 18c Silk C!l4ml?ray, ....... :. :· ... ~~25 to GOo j . . . . . . . . . . . . : . ..
. All c-olors; ", )~Io~e durable tha~8ilks~" Ana just as pretty, . Plain. OI- 1Jgu~a;~ . Sinl1J'JSsue,·.. :.. :... .....{ .......... ...:... 500 Silk Zephyr;·....... .... :: .::.: .-.... .......500 Silk Molle, .., ...... :.. : .... ,~.; ....... ... 500
Alul How Soo!l FOrirottoD Is an ache or a plm or trouble of kind wben one is well rid of it, if it happms to be headache r~omlCh konble that bothers YOll, Caldwell'&. Syrup Pepsin ~nIl not .ozily forget you It. bot will know that yoo liable to have It again. The is r.maU and pI_nt to
Decoration, l&y 50, the Pon hu arrauged the day lUI DSlInl. Rev. A. T. Cowgill will dehver the (JI'&tiOn . the cemetery groUDds at II p. m. .. ' All comra.des will ~lWder themselvl!f. a committee on llo\ll'~rs to be_ delivered at the, 'Township 1r0Dll8 promptly at, 9 o'clock The la~ are aU conlilllly invited to prepare . " . flowers for strewing. .8 iDgiDg by double qnarteUe. Thepl'OOll8' iion will be led by WaynellVtlle Band IIOldien are ieq~~ tn .1II~iI1~ bIe at G. A. J!.; Billl .a~ 1lI:30 p. m.
JODll CoL_,llIl , CommaM~t:._
?-'t ....1Ik . . eo..... Bat c:..e."
To the ~tor: '. Miss Roose Cullen, Pres iden t YOIlDg Woman's Club, of Botie, Mont., lVrila The .bo'fe ia the emph&tlc man· from rel Galena street, as foUo,,,s: aer . in .wlUch a fJ'iend in York· tOD wtltea to a friend near St. Paul, .. ~ruDa bllS lDJIDy frlen.d s In ButU. I QUlnot uy too much In "Clloli.,llIlime.ota. and n 1& prelt.y nearly pn.lu ~flt. Wblle fln/sbln6 school I Malme very nervous .ad rIght. too, when tbe advantages exbaUBUd from over-study. I was weak and sick, and (;Ould neltber that We.tern Canada oJfer to those aeeJdDg hoJDeL Tbe Aasinibaia dis. utj sleep, nor enjoy HIe. A '(;Ouple of bottles of Peruna put new Ille ' trict is one of the best. 'fbe writer In me. I Bnd tluJt bavlng It In the bOUM and taking a dose off _d from whOle leller we quote goes onto OD Ieee". me III hoe hullb• • ay: 'I f A u~ nambt:r 01 my friends plll&e Peruna at the 1Jud of all wom's '~ FOll'BUSDIESI ~JOhD. If you mise this chance you H are foolillh. for you can get ouicheap- medklnes. "- Miss R.ou Cullen. U'! ... 'WIt. w_ - . . •• er wb.e o· tD!!t1!, are 10 many cominJr. _ _ Pu._ q.. . .,. ""~. _ _ again s t her. Sloe weighed about 190 and I wOUld'1lnt teD you to come if I doe " . e _ w_........ pounds wben sbe WaH in good healt h, tho!'8'ht you co . uld not do .well. and.if M ~' ,G. W. ,lLf:=:UlD. Hempstead. Wben .he commenced ",jtb ollr fam ily pbysician iii April, 189 • 8he weigbed you don't C\Ome ia tbe .pnog you 11'.11 'l eDs, wnteH . A WO_1l told the other aa1 that Ihe ha.e'to go .way b:u:1c, for you do I'ot l "We ,!aTe moved r.eceatJy. ond about 130. but kepi going d""'n all tbe ,Uv I must have lifted s omelhlDg theL WaJ! lime. Sbe wen t to Mlanta. Ua .• and n.e'l'er. ",ea~ to a .... for baalne.. adhi k tha t t b ere .. ao Doe • too he.. ~y for me In "tr... igbtening ~oDk 'lreatment , bUL it ilid her no go ocl, nee. ."No." _'he aald" "11 ma,y ..... WADt to 1 n Itrange. bu&'l elwa1. CODlnlt a WOIll8ll ing out.llere bot 01. 1 ,a. nicerbulld· tbings up, fo r I h ad such a backache Then s he went fa Harmoay Grove, Ga ,. ·frJend. Sb,• ..ba. aboat tIla 1000.eat Inp DOt. here tbaa ) ever aaw..before. and eould bardly s tand on my feet 11t and touk tr.a>lmellt from the ben ud if the .:GUDtry was bo good what all. ne.-jde. I was so tired all the time. pbysicinn tb~re for three monU ..... heJ!.d you -ev~r ....._ and. thoap lila. would tbey waat theJII for? John, if lly face ",... s spu\lted ond ( wa S very She kept. goiDg doWD under hi ll tre~t Una qUietly at,hOlDe".be is aplendldlJ you aold uerythiag you have and th in. [took one bottle or Peruna .and menf. altb ough be wa s considered tbe postell and herjodrmeat Infa.llibLe.." com.,. ont here you ...ould be wortb I was .oon r ea l well. Wbe.n I feel hred best pbyJiicia n in t be eounly, Sbe TheN ...n crthen: 1'Ioere .... on. more thim eyel' you ..ere before and it nnd "II r :JO . down ) take .Pe runa and " 'eht down from J30 pounds to 68. and woma .. Ihillir in' the oountrJ' Ilear the _ . ' t ce l all rIght before I 6n1 ~ b one bot- we saw .,.;he could not U\"e l ong. Shp cit,. wbOie. '~neo was ana.ht by all you ~II brmg your t~ you eaa get tie. I know it Is a ''I'on~rlu I medicine. wall a s keleton. We consulted nn old tb. farmen aroud her, aa)'ll the anyUllag you ..ant on 1lck. aDd wben and bUl h myself and husband praise pbysician wbo t old b e r to,use Pe)oun •. Sbe graduaJ.ly impro'l'ed and got LouiniUe TiiDeL Sh..... a womall'. they do that witb stra'lgeJ'Jl they are )'"runa. "There bag btoen a gTeat dealof siek- "I r onger. She h os gained 38 pounds rlgbta ad .."",ate, .""uUn.lin lou .... lI.o t afrold they caa't make enough to (J&'''''·'Rl. 1 ture. klndl.r. ihoag~ ud puero... UI4 p.y foe it. I 1ia.1OS Dice wbeat as ) ne.. tl!rough thu. part of tbc country. s ince she ho i). t-aken P ecuna . and is g"d..iniDS" every day, and does her OWll exceedingly .hrewd. WIloenr .ot e.er a_ in Df.Y lire and 11 they could bUl... hanks 10 Peruna, which ,.ve u £c housen,·ork. ahead of her In. bUlIDeud.&1 had tc Dot «r0" grain ... hat would !be 1l0ur fr:eely. our own. family ba s e~caped .. he W3S 'Tell known "l\'hen .. be " -as be for. and It COlt $20.000." 'V1.~~ almost no SIckness at nil . rile .earl,.,or.-alt up all nJWIlit. ' .&>tb. mnI Now thIB' ".,.s wbat lLr. Thomas Could you buL see our 'b aby Rub ... so lo w, and DOW everybody wants to m~ ,uound Call1u! OD 11", eoJlltaJltlJ (lo wh o m we gave Peruna tor bowel know whllt cured ber, She bad intor inf~rlD&t:loo. 1'Ioe,. couuJtecl b. of Yorktoo" As~IDlbola, Irouble). you .". 'auld aee fr om her digestion and catarrb of tbe ' lomacb. HOUSE FOR BABT AIlS. Wt,.l.~rn Canad.., wrote to a .frleDd. Tob1l5t IODks 1ba't yon ncell no be tter It is a s good for children a ~ for gro'", as to planUDg tbelr crop.. abou\ .ult. ' There will be opel1ec1 up lhu. s ummer adi'eruse.mcnt in thi s Jitflc lawn. be people. \\'e haven't had,o baTe a doe'ble aolt. tOl' certaia ae.e da, aboitt th« .a. HI.t .r Two'f'.... <'o_t rr ••,.___.,.. _nacemen&. of a\D<;k anil' &he culture lIew district s In 1).,\ katehewan and is so fat nnd r o y. is n""rly 6"e years tor .for O H.C o f o~ r children sjnce.~!) .n O"'pe t": One I._It • ., ~.eH • of_4o .. e.... Sbo!! ran her 0 .... fana ull Auinibola, at low prices. particulars old now. nnd is " gr~ut believ~r Sn -\\, A. ll llchelJ. . ' 1£ ~'UlJ do not d.!ri<e prompt and s:It,was a noted, hOlllekeeper, but It b of wbl~h caa'be bad of Hny agent of Peruna .--~lrs. G. W. Ueard. 11._. . Itt_An - . . ....uN-Xl iSfactory r es ulot s from ' 1he u e of &ald tbe wi ..",. of men ar01lJld her did the GoYeJ'luDeni of the Dominion of UI~ ..... ~ ,. -.e €alan'" .,. .~b Prr una . wri t e 31 once to Dr. HnrtlQl&1n,. ••• w_ e..... bJ' Pe ...... 1I0i tIIokeJdam,. to their huaband" COII- Canada.• •hose ad.,erlisemeot appears W , A. llitcbell. d~",ler ;11 gene.rnl l;~h~iDg a luJl ::>t3temen t of y"ilu r ca se 'ft~nee in an,d,.dnalratlon for bar. W. elsewbere In the COIUOlDS ot your pa. and h e will lIe pleased t'o give you his Yonrs truly. merchandj.e. of Yartin. Oil.. writes: all ho.. th" , ItiMlel & e~ of auf· per. • ' AN OLD READER. WI Wl'ote y ou so IDe time ago con - 'l'alua l>le advice gr:IIIi~ . . {II' . . .omati, and tIleJl, t_, whu • "erDiag my 'me's ca se, Sbe had 01 ried _-'ddress Dr, Bartman, Preside nt or pral..~ a' womall heb dolDg. 01 lIIJse4 1II•• I ....II.F. all o f the bellt doe(ors, and we got to The Bartman Sanitarium. Columbus, thin8' and iJJ dead lI1ITe to praja-: . The - ': hUmoroUi ineidml.t ....ere not where we thought all they did 'vas Obio. dice hIa 0 ..... ho~' bloome ..... '"Binat lackin( i,,'the _UT taken Briti':h ceuu•. b'e r. An .....~t in -Ke. Zealand .tated to the .uthoriti.. that bu mm.b.......... Kaftir. bi. f.lft .... aD lriobDllln who bad beeome a nat· UalUed AmuX:an, but afte ..... rd oernd in the),'reoeb ann", .nd thAI he himoeU .... n.. a_...,n G . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... boni on the puM@ bet...""n YokouAma ..ad Cdombo in .. SpIlni.b TI!OI!eI, "Put ..... au• . a ••• a ••• ci- ' bu.. CIowu • Scotchman!" ..... Ib... official ieci.ioo.-cb1......' Cbronicle• S 1'Ioa pl~lCIuol who tried to "pblehij . _t~ Da&eta Far.. a Ukel,. looking maD'. pocketbook ...4 10 the tilJe oj 'an illWJtr:ated boolrkt jOlt found his lIDgers, In the grup of two ·i uud bT. lbe Cbjoa,co, lfll....ukee " St. . pilUle them 10gefber:sicle by- .ide, at ~Pl!ing turtles waa a Ja.P aae... A P.ul ll&i1.'Ir&)', d.....,plive of t.lie country between Abeidee.n aDd the Miuouri River• por,trByed., O....,L J.l&v}Dg cut.. down the . .the tranler 10. Japan.)1.d bollC'ht, a -uon ' beretofOl'e IlDprovided with rail, two end boxes along (-he dotted lines. the turtles.. aDd. beiD. atnld that u rra7 f..,jlitie. but which d now reached A. Q.Jek De•• ert. 1'Ioe· opening in the centc:r bOl( i • .cUt ..ould 'be charged hea.O,. tor th.... by • IMW" line of the Cb;""o, Mih..aukee E....ryooe ...nt.eulpluinc G.t a p.<ka~ o [ Burnham'. Hasty JeUT""n for a- window 01 tWo palle;, of t ...... poriaUon a. Uye aillmaia DB ih. t: St. Paul of lOcation will be inlerested in at your gnx"t'r's, dis!Ol~1!' it in a pi~t ,,! A little door In' the- rear admit. train. he p"':e,d 1:he~ ill a !lUll porta. •&beehoop iliformation ...atainect in it and a COPT boiling ,.-~ ter and let it cool. Th. remit i. ' ~."o ..'m'••, ' 1'Ioe r<.!ofJl.-are put oa a& ble trunk wbJ~h he carried. WIlellt&tt IDII~ be hi<! by -lendilll • ,1"'<Kt!JIt .tamp .. delicioUi and h.althful dessert. Tle bei,!8' hinged to open, 8S sllg- got on !he, traIn 'h e' h~ 'lb. tnm\; l$.!.!:Jtiller. Gea~ P&aeDaer ~nt. Oavol'! are : lemon, ora nse, ra!pUerrrl' stta\\o. by tbe doUe.d, linu. Qne side ao carefnll,. 1lIIIder his arm tliat a Wet be:rry, peach, wil d cherry ~Dd the unftavorrd room Benes a s 0 rootdmg room .. the who.,... ta tbe crowd wai av. ·tb. """li>fool" (or "'i ne alld .,.,tree jeUy. AU . . . . . 1I •• ~ . . t"l. " other ."Ide room fU1'IIishes the laying 1Il&JI had IClJIitthinlf .al uabl. iD tJq . BIobb.-WI..y'did .he jilt you! gr o~us sell it. , box. So he 1rD&, inlu the .. me ear aad 1!I0lI~ ddeeled tbe odor \If beer took an adjoining aeat. Taldiltr tile .., lIlT breath, . ' •.~A pr'1Iile, eb 111 ... Ilnt opporttlnJt,., he eat' a amaU 11101. . '~ot It bat tbere ...... anotber fe'· In the .b .IlDI' 'JIfith,. aharp biI. . . . low "...,.-'breatb "lIIIIeJled of champ"",e." > ~~d hi hil. h.Dd. -Philadephia Record. . , A1M>nt WI . time till. tart~a eoaelUded tba' there w.. "aometbln. doU 100 thialt oome tbin,., 1011 .re & fool iIItr!' &lid took hold of hla lIDpn t.. admitit.-.A-tcbilon Globe. ill • heart,. wa7. GRUm,1f bIa.&eetll. the .tblef tried to wUhclraw his IaiiaocJ. lnit.-"he couldln't.. 1'Ioell he howled . . ofter 'of e-trnakaebed.bIta&lld .Every clay you clean the house you l_~ :~Pftrito il!.e ~ people, whp tile Jlen 8tatlnll- pft bIta to live in, to get the dust and a ·poHcem&D.. '!'he ftiCideJlt, how...,er. Your_body, the house your soul lives in, _u't ,e1o..ed utU the tra.eler waa also becomes filled up with all manner of I,p ...hed'f';r """""Oll, of the tau..,. re~tIolIL " - ., • filth, which should havi removed
.... ....
........ "'1_",_ ...Il __ -
, Get ale- . . . . . . . . . ,."
¥iss Coy-Do you -!"I!lIy thiJIk a girl can lln~ , out '''ho her hu ..~" nd ..-iII be by consulting a Ionune·teller' Vis. Wh.e-':'P~J:bap" -not, 'but J found out WilD my husband ...ooldn·' be .by that metb04 aot ;oag ago. . )(In' Coy.- lteaUy? Wbat , (ortunc> teller did you ~on .nlt ' , J(J." Wrse':" Bradstreet. - Pbilallel , pliia Pre.... ' - , .' PilkItu; -
e ........
HnlTh• • SoftleJigb. J ' see
,0a'Te written a ne..- sentimental song -"My S ..eetbeart'H nleacned Hair,"
!m't: u? •1 , SOhlelch-S-:I.1'J ' ' I'd , ba.e you
de.,.tand that tlfe titJ of , my sonl la ,~My SWf"tb~a.T t's Baby , St o..",...01110 !,tate Jou~J. .. • !'_
I ,I
W.L.D.OUCLAS 13. &13.50 SHOES ~~g:.
......... --
rid of
been from da.y to ~y, Your body needs daily .eIcaning inside. H your boweIs, ' your liver, your kidneys are full c:l. putrid filth, and you don't clean them out, you'll be in , bad odor with yourself and everybody else. " DON'T USE ,.A HOSE to clean your body inside; but sweet~A~i/r~d but pOsitive and, forceful , that
, WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP. prepare aU ~ filth c:oIIected in ~r body for . removal. and drive it elf soJtJy, gently, but ' none the less ,surely, leaving your blqod ,pure ,and ~., .your stom&c:h and •bowelS dcari ,and liVely, and yobr liver , and kidncya; healthy and active. Get a , " 5O-cent box t~y, a whole month's .tratmcrit, and if not 1ItJ!kd get your .~badt-but you'll see how the clcanlng of your body-is . ' , ~,' _
~ T_- ,.It ._. L--' ,-- , ,--" ~
-.voa ....... f~ LBU8r ttadat 81 .... Oll'Gwl'&J P!:'OoraJlJl, Garda, BIanU, ttG;, fIG. .
Wk". COIU" II ..." . 'k .. Uer '-1&lal_ ••• • .u __ t •
e. -.
,... . er.
The 'Wpomt:meDta a tliis room were ¥aldul. t a d¢ ':the
In the 125 ,Yean of this aalinn's there llave been ere .,.,eled some at iDoaL strlkfog -eyeo" 10 the of the worl .., Daring tbal time D:lanT iUuslrio". ":'tizeD" have dlstlnguisbed theJJl.!ll!lvu, 8nd memo arable deeds have been . eerfol'med have. commanded the admira· tion and gratitude of tbe nation. Can· gre8~ hall -I'een 1It, bowever, to be yery jealous at ita laTon in tbe marJdJlg of eYent!! and d"eda, and only those of tbe hlgbes t degree have' been reeog· niud by the orderin8' of medlll!!. So jealous has eoogreas been of t.he houor conferred by such. tokeoa that only two apeciaL "IIledal~ .. ere ordered during the chi! war, ooe to U. S. Grant. t hell a m,""jor- general, for hia mllgJ1lflunt cam.Pt~ work. &Dd tbe , I ber to CorneliuII( V,pderl!iU for tbe gift of a shIP to the government. Co,u@rreSl, however, passed generlll nr,oviidll"" for ' the presentation of ~ ____ of hODor to aoldiera aod sailors who had especlaU,)' dhltinguished them' • elves. Tbese medals can only be gi....n upon tbe clearest proof of per· .ona) braTery and merjt, and 1he secret.arlu of t he navy aad war bave al· waY3 guarded the pre.enlation very carefully. These medab of honor are prized and es teemed 118 higbJy as the Victoria era s l.s by tbe Enghsh 801· dier. In tbe early daYI of tbe gDnrnmeut it wa~ the custom to i""ue medals to distlquished JodlBn chiefs who had been prominent 10 6crlice to I he go...· ernmenL or in the making of trea.ti~s with tbe go'emment, accordiog to a P.bi1adelpbIB Pre.. wrilcr. These medals bore tbe effigies of presldent . of the Umted Stotcs , ho "ere iu of· flee at tbe time of presentation. 'J'he revolutionary I,.riod has bren rommemorated by s ame 11 medals The war of lSI!! to 1814 "as prodoch~r 01 21 medals. The"" officlBi . ouveui .. were iss ued 10 noled g e neral. and na1'll1 command .... "nd to individuals for conspleuoos service and bravery. Ouly thne medals haTe been offiCIal· Iy iK. ued to forvgneJ'J!. The lint .va.
lI't1e • a a,Y!Iln tlrl To- J,-challce: aay thite 1h!re n IfYi of • li1 8«11 11' IIch liad ife uted good OnIlll', r A Jaunf.7 haL and brhrht..l'l6bon8 wen I'w....' . ...., .... haatily tbl'O'tfU,aaI~, an~ tbe, open bu· nau drawera' 1'I!Yf'lIred dolIit.r laces • ~Ba Ungute. But tbe e,eII of th.. qulaltj"e tntruder 100lr notice of none of i1iue U,ingw; they were riveted Innantly to .an object tbat I&y bulde • book npon the untertable, nea, "Web etOoa an armchair. "That object waa" alendei' 'cigar. He took it IIp,-answered. He Imew that in the .Drooldn household I he was Jtbe only amokel'-and he ilId not smoke sleader elpn. To tbe mind of this man, eyer opeJ1. to auspicions and. auggestiona of e.-U",that .strange cigar waa teslimollY unimpeachable. It was the l."ife ' In the heart of a jealous 10,,1'. Wltb In'.expreliSlble rage and ' with a fierce ha t red of every Iiviug tbing. be pll\c.d 1he weed In hll own eaee. Here, tien, lJe "",aJ;onrd,~ad tbe man d""jlribed by J,onise ~En sittioE before the dawn of tliai' faial- day; b e re b; a tiie UItJ"+'II!ia ~I""';<o pIa.., ~er ~at!QI about'Jj.w .Ind '8a y tar."eD! Yilnil'er was the window, "slroigbt ahead from ~hich Louise bo,l find. BraTt!, failh· ful Loui~el Ris beartwarmed t01... a:rd.,· I ,lill~ ber• .respite tbe fact that IShe to' kfll him. SOlDe wbere in 50,,- carpet was tbe blood of her ttm it her oim bad been true. Was It Irue? Be glanced back ov~r his IIboulder ; Ille ball \\OI.ld ha<e struck the wan bebind him had abe miSled her aim. And tbere In the wall, ' a litUe Ollt or Iin~, It' Is true, waa • "mull bole. Amaze,l, be hurriedly ex· "mined It. The shot, after all, had illissed. , .Tben tbls doub~ came 10 tbe acli"r mInd: Wby lwd tbe m8n been cal'- I C')~f.~~:j~:~,~~~~,~:, t r.ed away if tbe shot foiled? J au are rigbt," he ~.id. Holbin ""nt quickly to his own adopt ibe otber's free:<ing room, where be secured a candle aod U Aod ) et lOU may be mistaka flOwedul s un g lass. Bolding the is, over·hasty. And perh.p., latter over tbe perforation in tbe plas' ,yon qo not realize that I am not terjog, . be discovered a ,,)ight red askinlf a persooal favor atrour baod . ... stain. JC "You ,,111 hale to excuse me." Again ~~ "Blood!" he w;hlspered ; "she did ~ot {be doctor plnced bis hand upon the • millS!'" ~nlng- his penkniJe, be care- do'br·knob and prepared to depa rt. M' _ hOM ttft!"'lm1fttt "1 am tbeo to uodu6ta n-d," ~ajd Hoi· ploltteT; U\Ypoever the mnn .w" ... he ~in, .a, distin!!t Eneer)n his voice, \\88 suuck In the head. Here I. tbe you . Brookio peo"le preler that oitain bair." I ' toucltiog tbe faDliIy honor shall be .' 'For' a .few moments lil)lbin ""'&0 d~ p861<ed upon h.r .trangers. ,Ibave come In thought. Then be drew from hls to you, sir, with a IlerioUB matter, lIS in pocket the pistol which he had tllken duty bound. The reception met witb frnm Loui"" and. examined it with tbe is lucb that for the ruture 1 sliall reJy • ye- of an army expert. Apparently my own judgment." Wflh a fiDe puzzled, be tried the deptb of the hole of heat be took up bis bat aod in the. plasterIng wit.h Il pencil and canl>, alld with DO prete'!.c of a bOw fonnd that the perjoration "111 com- "as turning away ..-beo he f elt. ihe pletc. He seated llimsell In...the arm- doctoy·. band laid not lightly upon his chair lacing the !'indDw. If Francea shoulder, -and hiB stern voice: bad been kneeling Wltb her back to "Explain yourseU. sI r ." fhe wil\i1o", tbe 'ace of tbe 'tIJlk11<;lwn "Unle •• I am 100c h mlst"ken," he D.lan ;~lJI st bavc been fully ex-posed. said •• ho" ing ltis ,.hite teet b ,Jightl,), Tbe ~capon did "Oat ba¥e power "Ibat bas b een Ihe very thonl' you reo eoougb to Ilrc a bl;Jllet tbrongb the fused me pennlssion t o do." bend of a man, an ill1:b of plastH and "Sit do",,!" HoM>in .... a. not. man ... lat:b, and to carry a\1'ay bair and easily Intimidated when eonldous tHat blood-tbe buUet must liue glanced " from ,the side of tbe head. 4 The poslr t.ion of' the bole iodicated t,bllt the ~ight side- of the mao'll head h.d bee. at1'llew. . 1l0Lbln'" final conclusions' were that the it,raogcr bad lieen only atuoned. nis friend .. could not bave coneealed his ileath, for no common man would l,ave "on the prtviJeg... of the room, liar "(luld It haTe been posslble tor Fronu~ to bove borne berself so calm· I~ ',lt b tbe. memory of a murdpt· frelb In minil. ".\ !IOCiety mon is nUs.I ng ,fr~1D his club in Hichm.... d toda,!" be ....ld. aloud. "Tbe 11 i . half solved. As for YOIl, ml lovely bride t"-be fini~bed the st'ntcnce with • smotbered oath.
"Now what, would .voa ha.,e of mer lo~ me the oome of the man who wu Do.- t.ha&
"I wjfoh ;:you , to find out
room.' -
"I will get. 10. hla Illllbe upon ODe condiUon." "Aud that "That you will tell Ifte tlle llama of tbe '.oman who Bred the IIhot.It Holbtll enuld not, try aa be 1u;gh~ conceal the start tbrMl worda provoked. "I do not know 01 any woman b tbe case:' he wd. "r know thot you do. It "Dr. Brodnar!" . 1Jolbin sprang to 1Iil feet. with well· aJfecled rage. The docfor continued: "quI), a wom:.n'a trarut. IDIlrked tbe soil under that window at d.\\'11 the morni ng after that abot. will Bred. When I Dext sal" the spot the track. IUtd been carefolls obliterated." Brod· uo!' waa lItill atandill, and 5poke rapidly, 05 thougb he f~ared that he could not restrain btmoelf. Suddmly a. bland smile spread over his face "'l'be fact iI," be IIIIJd, "the .hot WaJ fired at me. Doe. th.1. surprise you?" HolbiJI's 'face .bowed tbat it dJd. "The . finnl attack of whlcb lIr. BrpokiD d.ed," continued t.be doctor, "was rnnmentanl, expected. I spent tbe ni8'ht &Ittiog in the poor !rirt's room a~ hI!)' reque.&t, to be ~it hiD ~I. her old nurse asleep npon t b!! rug. You may belieT!! thl. or not. "Mr• .Holbin, but tnk" my sUggf!stioo. and it yon doubl the e xplanation oollceal your frame of mind. By tbe \lar, Jilt tbe Ud of lhe box tlJere on my table; OOW . tb a t you f oun d compare th e c.gar h b "It t 0... In the wx. You pereeiY' that they are exactly all11:.. 1 am aecu.tomed to offer proof of J113 s taten1ent,., but I make an _eeptiOi
All the ea rrlage~ and ,~oJron s used
INDIANA'S TALLEST JlOUWD. rlllo ..... t t. Have Been OaLlI • .". BaH Tb •• LITH ftC!!Core tile · •
T he plO\nhare uf Ihe farmer i5010w· I,. but vurely obli terating one uf the avor, U yon are RJlllDllt. tint monument~ l.n ill s uutbern rndi. s lranger. As for 'he pretty tbeol'J 1 J -.I' of the pistol.ban ear...,ing b'-.I "n~ ana by preh to .. c man. sayo tbe n.,', ., ""'" I.... On'1 lh of buJr Into tbe pluWrlng, It. eYidentlJ auapo U! ., e''''. e ml e 6011 springs from an onrheated imagi"" .Petorsburg. on lhe farm owned by lion. Dlood tbere i. Don,,; md, fell ,Ia_" lI[cCoJ , i" th e larges t mound in tbe hair. "au "OIillllud that in all....N the ~tRte. That it "O S artifieiallycon· lrurtel'. But to conclude the mai.; structed 15 beyond queKlion. os tbpre P Mr. Holbin: If a. bollet bad taken f are no oatural hills in this Vicinity. and the l"od f ... mil .. oroulJd h01VX where p.ece of my .ca1p Into tbe ' .... 11, tIM the dirt was remo,.d lor its blUlding. "ound would not bave healed ...Jtbi. Whether fbTonn up as "perl'otual l'AO days.. and if you w:!! .X'tlmIDt monument t l) rommemorat..e fbe virml head carefolly you .-ill lind tbat lo.s of the ancient 1I10und BuiWt'rB or none of the scalI' b arussing." Th. laboriously consto;ucted b:r the nd dootor lowered hi, bead and mo.,ea it men a~ a place of couocil, or a b~YlJlg accommodatingly from slde to side. 'ground for e1epart.d bra v.., il< a que.. "Due you any suspicion Bil to the lion that none cau ans"rr. f .
111 your
:ma:.:t ;!:,..w::~ i~rbi!~"!r::
thro'Whout tho bor.. e departmen' h h I Id d rl>L lnd .. n.e well pre'v ~ ... uo Ja r u., 'her lir~H, 80 R I. to aJlord easy a.tld sU.,nt tranl!]lortatiC)n. The operOting table is of the {olding IIJ'vtem, nn1 worked by hydl'lllllic flO", . r. UorBea It) be operakd upon . bfofore l.eing Placed upon tbe fabfe, ~re K"en " dose of' mOrphine, followed b,)' tbr ndminiJ<tration 'of ehloroform. The I"bl,!~ -with the nnimal fMlened on, is theD plaeed in tbe desired po.j. tron bT simply, pullinI!' a Ie"er. J. elUl be brought into on. . ""s ition, ond is ""id to be tho'" lIlo,,: Fnrnct.""lo.,.,-t r - '" Inor ~ble Tn C<>Dlrtrl)ct d. Tbe table 15 lin Invention of·l'rnf. Emd. of Ibe Pob tecbnic hl..-b aebool of Stuttgart• Q The "":,,minliUon o f a borse afl'eet"u '''ith wothaebe is made by means 01 • month Ol"'neT, and the bad teelh are ... xtmc ted b,)' itlstrnmen~. worked. by eleetricit¥.
1n J779. and
:\lontoe Jtf"IiS, ftC 300 Ib et is}) QU(,~D IB.ne. l'hi !atlrlpbia, own OJ ba ud s omf!. collie named I ....d.,·. ,..bo he' constant ond - ~
I,.. .
HOW TO DO IT. rm ..olne to have thr ditntle.sl thlnp
When 1 hav~ ltarned to sew,
l'll b.DIlIUlch and embroldu.
And autbel!c
p 3 t1~rn8
An4 I'll trim my frllla willi
D . .dl..... ork
As deUcale aa lace.
When I'D) a Srtnrn-up woman.
I'm I'0tng to learn to make
Tbe mo.t
(.cl!~~~u.sJ>u~dlnc •
And thirteen kind8 or cake:
breJul oba ll be tbulgbt.. r And the wbJtut In the 1011"11, A.n4 rour mout1i ..111 __ ate r Wb f .II), eotree. colden browD
) ou lee
melt 1"81 a.lTown ·up woman, And bave: a bou&e Lo keep. t mustn' t Itfabt the corDCTS Wben I h.a.ve learned to
Tb. dUIUIIIr BOd lbe cl.ulog
J must alway. do with care. And a cobweb '-l Ibould blu r.h with shame To find ODe
Bu t when mamma. thJs morntnc Wa H bru ehlng out my curl!. 3he .E ml1ec:l. and M id Lhal ~omell
Are gTown·up Uttle girl! .
pLn sucb &klllfulllngen,
The only certatn way ls to learn to .. ork while I am young. And practice every ail). -Anna. AI Pr&t1, in GoldeD Day •.
fr o m
Leamer San Fraocl co. ~e n
medalH issueu af s o
of whicb began 10 blut. Lad~ pricked' up hrr l'ar s and at once $ 'art~d 10r t he train. Ihe c hild ren folio" 109 in am,au· m e nt, for thei r p e l ha.d nel"er acl-rd in Jloake,. •• this way before. Lady led them doWll Tbe Jndian of Soutb America ern· the track. The boys did oat DOt iec the plOlS lhis pecnliar me thod of ""ptur· e"'pn. s train that is due at 4:20 The engineer" his tied and put on hia mg monkey s . Taking" cocoanut he ",,18 II bole in brakes. Lad~. ""h all b ~ r lJarKiog qnO: .. :<each end jus t larl" e noul'b to . nn bl~ a monke.) to lnlliert I t s pnws ; put s s ome eiteDl ~ ot a I Ib r " g ht of Ih. sbffl',;v'n~ lump s ugur Inside. then places ,t In a th e tlrs t t o nn t .c. the pxpre.. She promuung spot and a"'alt s the cnpture r.ln hack ac n)~~ t h e trZl(·k. in fre llt of the trSln.. '] b r \H,!"", 1a ok a b' ~t'l eut ofb .. game. When a monkl'yfinds Ih~ . hell. In il! to head he r orr. 1 he Iraiil CBuf:b ! th e gre.ed It inserts a paw at.eacb opeDwg, lall rnd uf Ih C" c!,11 ~nd tumbl. d I.ady and the fl'l1g'mt'lft of tbe brnw-n " 'ag'
aD Jnfo Hu· d,l t: b. Tbe 1)(1\ er" off 1 b" tra ck and t h.f: eX] l r i ~~ \\ h ts: oo b~.
harmjn;? nt' I' b e r o l l lwlO nor lLdrpla .\"~ I ma rr' hut llr . Ht'''~ ha ... h (> r d o uh i .. a ho llt h·t lIn,g- h e r li l tI t o n~S ,! It or 11~r OIo.1 ;:h t In s ulp (·n u rgt. ur t"\ f"n ~(.I f aithfu l a (rllnd a s Lad,. g~ nera ll .) prO\t'fI ht'r-
6elf 10 be.
1.~ DJ1 e d
)f.. nk~,.
Co•• ld.erf!tl 'be )1 •••• _.
au" blt"ep a.ul DUO'!llo llae- ... )10.1 S .. up;d~
There ha« fur
cars wer e loaded '\lth ~hf~p •.&Ome
tll_ ... I •• Me-Illod• .E. .plo,.e4.7 So.fh ..... er.e•• 1.411 .... t. C ...... la ..
Slott' man-of·war. The tbird medal, •n'l866, was prel<ented 10 Capt. Creigh tOD, oC the Three Dells, of GI .....g o" who, in December., 1853, re&cuecl about A..i;nrri cans
" " b'hful Jllal Dlate , or bla'l",o little bo~ 5. 'l'be .cliJldrrn have lL< "agon ana hllI'neaa for Lady and spend bour. da.ly carting dirt Jrom one place to another. I.a rt we.k tbey were busnyell<' gag.d In tbiK wal "benacattie traiD _ "Iowly pas sed on the ReadIng road.
Wben I'm a srown· up ,.omaD. J'Ult .. llke m~mm.a. yvu kno ...
Col. de l ' leury t or gallaat co nduct al Ihe s lorming 01 Slony P oint . Dr t""redrrlc ltose, an. a SfUl'tlant s urgeoD In tbe Britls b nMY, was pres ented ""h a medal In 1 58 for lOudness and bu
Even ~urll futelllgent a"Oimals .. colhr d"gs w.i:J . forget dome"tlc training'" ben iJlS't'Tncl get s the up~r bBlld.
)JrelSented to Lteu!
m a.njty to sick Ileamen on a
T ....' . ' .
1 It" 1Don).; e ~~ IS t! H~ mos t I ntell l:rcYlt c, vjJ e ..~nl . Iolte the laYIng of th e trle 3 11 Jlnal. Poodle d'jg"i" come J1c.xt. ", t);e.n graphic cable; to DT. KnIlL, tbe arcl ic m order lh e Inl11an e}-t>pl)~l nt ht :u·., explorer; 10 George Peabod~. lh~ li o u , 11~rel". t nt an<1 o t t e r . Au~ "'. iJC'eJ4 grc-ot philuntbroplsl, and to many TH.E .l4 0 N[';El' T RAP ant] N(1ll.1c r c;:; Hr<' maTI! lntt' lIigeut ,lHln 01 her di s tinguis hed citizen. . The to tal iSBue, b""'""er, of medals during clos(' - th e m on thE' ...uga r .lud t be n can· hnr::l~ and goat c;:; . :lnd .h e \viJd Jill;. tbe 125 yea .... 01 the goveroment's hi.· not 'u itbdraw hi s J J1.'\\~ ,\uhou t u pl" n · b it hos cons lll e rablJ more uralD power .han lh e c.'lIn~1 TfJme rahol l~ come t..,ry is less than 100. ~Dg th e m ogum .!0<1 cl r o pplIlg the almoF t Ja st 10 th ~ 111\1 ilnd ba\4~, J f"~ '1 s ugar Ir:u brr 111"n .1 1) Ihl:.oe. I hl" m on .. Jt)t ellig-ellec , han rh,' 1ro~ '1111" I~)\'\"· TEN JlILLIOl'f CHn.DREN. key" 111 a t1 f' mpt t U C' :::C, l IX' " 11 h the 1"' 0 " t.>~ r f o rm 1" t he a n mal .b(·h ool I~ m.~J. C03nut 1111 It l'" pa1\ nn.1 "0 I'" e8 ~l h c a p .. p U,' u b.\ th e n3 ulll u~ . 4K' IU PU ,s. ,>,yf h')Il. 'l'h .. ''')r~ of the \'eterinltry lusU (ur. d.- \\ H \\ <'rrr ll , i n l1uc .,!:"o in m e pl g('O Il, u cc r, :o<;h cl" p. 11\lfi.llo :U1U We.re N __ e . a. N __e.I'I... tute of Sn"t~,rt. is. howev r. b~ no Chruuiclt' L . s l ) l1 eal Ord~r. lUean~ eon./inet! 10 fbe treatmen~ 01 'J he s pul,.r fu 1' tl1 .. t :)n('l" "'ill (1 011· ~IAe "Dar_ ft OA"'·. k. b or"es. .E<crs dOUl"",tic auimal, born a tiny canary b.rd to a hea' y mill< ~ln a long ~xperl ' Dcr iu Ihe Lre3l' llallglc., 11 lO are he] o ng ln ~ t o \ a r nn ",jlUft 1\)0 n c b m n hnOtoLa'JY p t.l"S ltlOli CO'<l', r. t,.eated. Soon after the open ~y deparl mrnt. I have come aCTOSS a \ · oeum . ..t mr-nhan t !I f Rc:a dl ng. Pa. arid I f I t ( n nn ot tintl :UI\ IUllUl'1 11obJe c t lng of the ne,v Infirmary R poor fDltl· leTy large number o(lIames. maD,) uf would JIl. l kp ,I ;! "'0 m.·mbf' r f o r a to \\llI('it II I all nt l.l(h 1111" SUI'Porls.l t iJy from a ne1lr·hs dlloge brought \1'bleb ore rn t h~r peflJliar:" e xplnlD~d lawr unwn ~1 3 ;!l; lr u. "li t ,t r e mark· ",n ( on s trllc.t litl!e " eig h t o f mUd . R cow "bOil<> I g hlld ""en broktlll. The an old official, reporl " I he Wa.hlilgton able OOlmol I II an) \\H\ - \ \II h o ne ex· n. nd pl!1.cr thrnl af 1 1)(' lo \\rr l)artto or cow repre""nl"d the " ' bole wealtb of Star, "but 1 lh1nk Ihe hst of lIam~ s in celJtioD, s he pos lt ne ly r ~ f lls,,-s to \Tork 11H~ '\\:(>b to kelf:p it in Jlo~ it 1011. • d connection ""-lth the tlUbSCnp1 ion to more than nine h 'l Urg a d3J Maggie l ...~rs Will con..'l U Hc..: l tbrtr hone,,t b c f aJW'J y. ..... • ",e Ieg was ,uoputa,e nnd" wooil ..n le g ~uhllt.tnted. Duriog tb e three peT ceDI. bond" s urpass •• 1& now 33 .)ears o f age. and IS. onl.1 c.on lb~ in an) pla~ t: regularly or J".c.. tbe first fe'" day" nftey tbe ampUla· anytbing in th. way o f II~cllharity that worked occa s JUnall." but C H"n in ht:r re gu larly s haped., a ,lU "hen t-1tey come .. I have eVer obl!<>rved. Of I be. .. the one old age s h e rempm be rs t he prtnclple to an~ corne t s and angJ es they Seen) tbat 81 rnck m e mos t was a maD \\bo whiob guvernt"d b e r In enr J~ ) o uth. to s top and c.::oll sid( t". Then the~~ will beeame familiar wilh it. aJlt! in the signrd himself Tt>n MUhon andaI.ore· and bangs on to tbp ume .. hour sch_e,J:... ~ary tbe shape of tbe eells. 80 that lb~ Eecond week foJlo,';ng the operatioD s .des out In Or.gOD. We thought the ule. Wbeo .be l!i I .. te bed up 10 thl!' s pace .. exnclly til;ed. It cuuld not be lIbe walked back to hn old pasture name \T-a s an imBginsth-e one anu morning at se\'e.u o'elock ~ b c \\ ,11 t\ ork dnne more s ~tti .:s iac r: o rily If t he \\hole ground. \\rol~ tb~ man that itwn8d~sire d, tl,at hard aU mornl11&" " -h e n no on c ome-so thlDg hat! been \\: urJc('u ou t o n paper TheStuttgart ... eterinnr,thigh scbool tbe lIonds should be regislered In real bowe\er, lla.ggle in Is1s upon gOlug beforehand. Ants \\"Jil COllstrnc t hard Is B go.-erolll".. t on.titution; thc lee- nameJi only_ and that nu further atteo~ to the stablt! A t ODe o'clock she 15 and smoot h Toad s. "lid nill drlf'e :tun. tureK are not emly attended by regl1' tion "auld be pa.d to bis suh cripll"D reAdy for the afte rnoo n's \\:ork, but n e ls compared to \\llU'b man's efforts lar .t.udenta, but- abo by 'nuruerou! 110111 he "as bear" from. He r e plied at five o'clock posJu ,el) refuses Lo ~o In the saine hue are Insi gnificant. army Officel'8 from all p:lrtH of tbe ihnt ]JiB n"meW36 'fen ~mlion nislet· SUP' here but to the s lable. New De-.crlpt:oa of • eke.e. world, alld b.\' a great many farmerf ler WIIS written 00 Ibe prinled lelter A pupIl 10 tbc J ,I\ eOlle de~tment '\\' ''.re I.I.nd. ~'re Ple.Ur.). and catt le misers. 'l'be lIIHI.t\lte ha~ head of the firm of Million .to Million, Det.,,,ee.n :Madaga scar and the coast astoOlshed h i. teacher recentli by d~· fipnciou8 readmg rooms; a fil'6klasl two, brothers. scribmg' a. circle as "a ~lralgbt line I~bnicallibrar;). a ·1.Brtmenls ofannt. " Then tolloned an cxplBllalioo Iha't of Tndia there are about 16.000 ISIand8, t hat's crooked ail the way round.·· only 600 of wb.eh are inbabiled omy, pathology, physioJogy, cbemis. biB fathe r and mot bel' were unable to try und physic$. ""Iect names for their children that - -- - " ere mutuDlIy KIll i"factory. snd that TIlE GAllE OF THRE~ BITS. a re!mlt', thougll Ibey had ten chil· BAD OTHER INTERESTS.
"o ..
W:,.rtf~~r.::.:t~';'..:..t r!:;I~~:~\Y~~: ~~~~ (!: ;';.':':~:,~~e';.";'u~os:::~
tically. 61ale In ","canling Indian mounds i n "A Tery stronl' auspiclon; with m. southern lndl"na, h08 upn Ihe It amounts now to 8 certainty. She mound , Ilnd belie',. it \Vas the,.-ork is 8 uomalll"'bo dwella In tb" BrooJd. of II race "ho Jhe<i bdor. Ih. Indlaos. bouse, and ·tb'!. oply mystery left is. as the speci m.n6 of um" and 'ariooo bow tbe devil did lIbe get up to th. Impleme.ols fOlloel in ~imlla. mounds window?" ;nus time Holbln's BBtoD do"Oo~ corresP9nd 10 any ",,,ywifb the ishment wa.& genuine. mod andt'Jlt. IDdian relles. "I do not underaland." • , The mouad 1. olmo,," '100 feet above - "lihe is a. woman ..-hose plans might lbe aurzounding. COQnt-f'J; ,ilnd:CO'rra bave been defeated had the milo ..be fin acre~ of gronnd. 11nlll a fb'w,,·e.,rs "8.8 dimly seen In that room been an, a,o the- mound.rag nlmOJ;t abrnlotlv 'l other than mJ'seu. Not to be mbu... f~QD1 the J;Oatlai,I., 1>0( th~ dentood in tbe loatter, permii me 14 who , tilled tbe ad.join ing fiehls hllv~ explaiD tlJllt In m.J' opinion the ...om· Scalld t.hefateip 1 aseenl higb~ · .lId an who Bred that shot was YOut rhigbereacA year. tLl\til now almo.( one, motber!" . Holbln'a first impulse half of tpe . elel'1ltion hi co1'tJ:ed to denounce -the_ doctor; aa a lOCial !.s:r:oyviag-.graiu.. . _ ~ duty, and to'ke the cliances of a per Pilie county- \'I'llS firs t setUed $O!1oJ encounter, but the .. alua of tb. by "hlte mtn a for WDR ""~ct~d " bonest error into 'which Brodnar, had" abort ' distance from the balie of , tho lallen balled UflOlI him. He ~ect~d mouod, Bnd the lDound uSe If wu uo;etl to undentand tha't the doctor ..a. as a lookollt "ta'tion -;md- gTaTeyar<l: making the atatement B.8 to himself Some ~~, tb~ 'old to,m.b&tonO:8 aJ'e still and Mre. BrookiD In' acaen.se not to be tltandbtg, and mark t~ last resting taken B.8 eBmeat, but 10 be constrnrc! place of many pioneers. ..-bo dlec! all a reflllll1 til expl('1n the my"'er)' ..1I.1e plJ.blng .... ut";.rd: in searcb 01 At thls moment, · wben liolbill ..... tole_delnsl"e 'fountafu 01 healtb lind taking up bi.& hat and cane to depaa fortunl'. the doctor's assistant witbl" the" prt ,ata room threw the door wjdB OpeD HolbiD discovered a man proppet in an arm-cbaJr ..)th bla be~~ bel> I: el"",triic daged.' The mao's back \VI!" fum~ tow,ardll t he deparijog guest, and- b. saw-him but one iQ&taot; Dr. Brodna. burrledly cTo.eo tlie door. ; 'tThis, sir," said Holbjn in a ra~, uit Infamousl t demllDd tbe nameo{ thai
C. . .
dren" none of them was ever ch ri stened
form ally. '.rbe first child was a gi rl, and he "as k nown onll_ One l\U1hon. The a.eond child . aub a girl. 'vas known a~ T\\o ~l1l1ion. Thus '.hey ran along unli! Ten ~UlUon "as reached, and he was the wrlter of tbe le tter, tbe otber lDemb,,"r of tbe firm being a brother who"" only lIame, aslar 08 the family "as coocerned. was Seven Mil Bon the se "eotb child. He sd""" that One lUllion had alt~r\\ard called her.ell U na Million, thai re'Ip<~tfull.Y_ 1 tbe third girl" as kno,,"'11 attu sbe had s rown 0l' BS Triu Million. The others -D t!troilfl hod taken on additions to their namu II.nd be had ailopted tbe lIame of Teois 1I1i1llon. buf his real Dame was Ten Mil· I(on and not bing eJ"e. The honds were Issued to rum. and Lo-day stand on Ihe ~ok8 of the d~part.ment r egistered In lhe oome of Ten M1Uion."
Faaten a small meW ..elgbt at ..... end of a iIIrIng. run tbe J,trlnlr 110 tII .. t , It 1I1U move. freely back and (orth over a chandeUer. ol:, s ma.U brad driven into t1ie eeJUng. Ne.x.t..aw from an old broom~tJanale three sections. eIIch.or two lnc.h~ In Jen~h Tbes .. pJece3 kDown as tbe bits. Le t .he ..~&bt hlUllll all'\Lltlht to lbe 1100" From tbe win" It touebes m"1lllure out !liree feet IUld. on ~ oJd !/Iree I~chea. Inelo.. thb -pace, tbr~ teet I'JRC, sLx; Inches wlde, by ptl\Jllng-tapes.. to;.lhe- floor aunoor;-ev"I'J'1 Each play~r- hI allowed Lhree swings. and he \coverns lh~ lenC'tb or the at:rtD,f to .wt b1mae1t. TJ1e pIal e... "ot at ' be .lrlng may set up tbe tbri:e liIl.o In any position be c.bOO!5e5. but the.lT must be kept wLth1n .th e space- marked out by the taJ)eJl.
knocJ( 31l"'tbrec bits down 1n on.e swtng counts ten. and allows an exU'n
8.~fn C',
To knDclLall three bUs down In 1.0 ....... Inp ~un"'. tlv. To kao<:k aU"lhJ'H down in three swinp oounttf tbn·e.. or one tor everY bit knocked do~D., · Jrorty:-l1 the htsh.. eat connt whIch can be nut.de 'duril1&' cne. )lay ot thl'ee l!wlnp •. a. only one e 1m tum 1. permitted T.n pla~. or'tIIr"" eacb constitute a game. Tbe plo) or
tbe b1shest 8COZ-e. of CQunsc. wins. ~ , Tb.~ Is a ""n•• derall]. opportUnlty for develop[ng' .11111 In.llnoeJ/latr ..... 1' iiM I~la. UauaJly a Jllayer may calculate to sweep down fwo of ~J{. ~1b{ lib hi. • • ... lila endeavor will be to 3180 ... tram one of thctn Into o.e ,loltd 1>1...,., The bes{ lIO"8lb1e ,",,0""' Is 400, but It wlU take montna 0 prat:Uce bdOra- ur~U' can . ev~n appro&cl:l thla sco:re..-8L ~ .Glo ·Dem.$»craL 1 .'" ba.~
. .,
_ . -.= -=-::;-.:::;;;.;::I'=~~ .
ADd ,.o~ will.bring up-at. :\
~±;:'~·~: i,~lID.. uo.' :; ' -nILII:n(OilD "
J . T. EIiLl8,
0"102 Hoyu. 8 to 16 Ao lL. 2 to 4 P. _ _ • '1 to8 p .. . . • • - BelIk Bai1dIng.
'Ernest RaDdolM fIPIlDt Snnd!ly with relatives at this place.
lDlIlWD-<1Lila gt'e!lt stret!5 npGU bein-g loya~ t -')uo'" church. but to ~ve Christian
<4plrltenough torecogniz&that ~tber Aboai .be TrllclloD Line. Churches aredoing·noble worK Be lea.d s uP.to tbe heart of his At.'l'OIdiug to UI'IL1Igement, 1Ir:, J ject by.outlining tbeworld . P. 1Iutin met 'be Wayneavm~ when the matter is sifted down OOIIDCiluad other citizens W~1l6. we find that tiio.'fo.rld lhst each one cJq ".eniDg of laat w~k a,od gave • ' pradiIlal talk on the adVaDtap to C:J1Ultry and to".Vll · of a ~ction lllle, 8mmg!Yl"IICOII!meod1Dg ~1 to opeD the Way for a franchUJe throaP Wa)'1l8avll~C!, &nd urged apoD ~ boq to'coolllder ",,611 the biaa IDd by. IU ' moa~!I acoept '· tb~ bel*. After a vary Jlleaaant ~on
1lrII. .Jessie H'oe:i~ a~ )(jIB Zoe Dote yil!ited in Dayton on &turd&y and8nDday. ChDclren '8 IIel'ViCos will be held at u __ .. the ·II. E,. cb nrch' uex t DWJUII.Y ev· enlDlI, lune Vth. Kiu Kinnie DOke hall been ·em· " ~ed to teach' the 1ICh001 bet,,_ "'" disle IUId Frank:!iD. l:arl Randolph. and . Robt. Hunt left last -week for "B1ift'alo ",~ the,. ~t to spend tho'l:5ummer.
aUon of. the pro~ en~rprise. "bleb 1Il3eti1ig took place whel!.l(T. IDlBiiJl)tealdool:e, JIoDoaald, reprMelitiDg llr. Martin. wu ,.-hnd d:~ dtention,eiV8D . . ~enterJ!riae. Alterp_ lhnJnariea. eollDCiJ ~opied Resolu· glYing notiCe that "Jnhn P. Jlarttll, of ~,had ftledlus-appU. eaUoD with the oorporatlon oonncil uktilc the right tooonamwt, equip, operate IDd ·m aintain ftD eleotril.' atnet railroad," etc. The ~ln· tion 10 due form appears in anclibt!T' place ba WiJiaB1Ie.1lJI!i fully explainJP.I tJIe IiltuatioD at this time. _ Jt Is 'wOrthy of remark. that whUE' _ e peoperty owners on lIaiD and Water street. .object ' to tbe lIoe. JIUBbltr tbrough t~eae streets; resi· deDtII on Tbird IUId Fourth stJ'eI!td.llUlmo1n, would wetoom~ it. However, ther. ia DO IOrlOIl8 or strong objections te· the JIIOlI(II8ClUne OD any street; thf people wan'* i~, and doubtl888 it wir oom8. Une thing, for reasons thai are apparent, we' should insist upm • doable trolly over whAtever 8~ it, may I'IUI: At the .rUest..,we 'caDDOt the road to be in J'1lIInitig ordel within a year or eighteen months.
•• Over-Work Weakens Your Kldl,!ey'~
Miss Emma.Semu 1iaA flul8bed the
........:- Iri "_ ... U'< __ n... "'A~~ng W1IWtO at .-.- '-Gn....,.,
Baird's IUId lJa8 utUrned &0 ber . , hom - ~ Cent ·U e "" erVJ e.
~ Special f~ t;
RESOLUTION. . P-ilnaaat 10 -a raol ..tsoa o( tile ' corporauoo eouAcII Of WalDe...lJle, War.... COoDI,.. Olllo. adopted .lone 3. 11101, aoUce III hereby Ibellr &llat .lalla P . loIant", at Xellla.Olllu. _lIIed llJa appUc:atJOu 11'1111 _ _ eM-
MAPS. lLLUSTIl4'l'l!D P41O'BLETS all/l
• PlllCE LISTS or LAN1>S au4 ""lUIS
Kentuckv, . Te7l~8ee, ' 4labama. .MiS8i88ipi a1iil Flonda.. . '. mayi-1yr
poraUoo Oou...u .... t\ac Ib" rIP' to COD lUoU. eqaJp. opera'" .all 10 uataln aD ~. otree. ·rallro3.t Upc>D . o,,~r an4 ..., tile follow,1OC specIAe route:
fr OID aDd allerlbel:nt pgbU, allon oClb'" OCrliu aDd ap lotweln (I ~ ) ,,'dOCk unoo or tile ~.da,. of Jaly,.l90L. bl4l "IIH"'t'ecel_ed ,,. tbe VU~ CIetIc for tile ~ta aI ' fare (or urm., _aprslocaU, ..pon _14 electric raIIroad:u abo,." ID4kote4. ,.he rfP$ !>e1D8 relUTed to releU"" 0< all bIti. w .. Oldo, .laDe :Itd.'lOOl.
CIWI:. D. llUD. Cit,
8&-.- 'l'wo Prom Death. .-
"Our bWe daughter had J&Jl aI· moat tat •.l atta.c~. whooplDj! eough aDd ·.broncblti., wntA8 lln. W. K. HaVlland, of Armonk, N . ..Y.. "but, when all other remedleII faU· ad we 'aavtld bel' life'with Dr. :KiJJIl'. Ne.r Discovery. Our m-, who bad COJl811JD.JItiOll jD a.1i adVlLJlOld "ge, also ..1l8ed · Uli8 wonderful meclicine and todA,. she is perfectly wreH. OJ Deapente throat Ind lung d~ yield 'w pro King'. N:ew Di ~ &8 &0 no other .ed. 100 b In' 11''')e'' ..: ctne on ,eart. .8d Iv-I 00 .orooug.... .._ >"'-1 and 00....... $OcTan .... ."""•.ea guaranteed by . ;..,ouis lfay. Trial botUes fnee, . • (Jomm:ltC:-ln .be VcIaneJl.
SpcjD. Valle,. ~ ~'IO ~.3~
Bdll>rOok 6. 00 .. IlL 1.65 ..,. • ./I.U U"'p. • 3.00 _
a. e.
2:f.li p. m. 5.1$
a . !'I(t
t 10.15
t.OO ,
,. Lean
D~,lOD rta-Xeola
at BeIJaonI.
car " ..4
t To car 11_ 001,.. '
' DaJ1,Ob olIIce and wallin.- room. I i _
'1'_ 511ft\, PIIlUJpo Boo..> BoJ1d1DjI. T1l~ rall4lnr "." lIDJ10D ';'d
"',0"" Ilaur aD4J1ft.eea -min· PMidDl'~t'OUP. BelmODt. BeaftrtoorQ.
SpriIli' Vall..,.
BeU~ aad _ _&lcSJIt'lOgL
. ateo.
wrtOu to
Spin. v.u..,.u"~ tare IDe:.
DoJtoll1oo lIeIi_ U mlleo. lare !!O UIll» . Special a l. . '" 5a1l&o, ~1L PlCllla& ....,·otller .orr.udraUoao; Opoll "pplkUIDa. t.IcI:t 'frrlcllt ::.lId _ "rrII4~ '" all
c ..... D.
CILtJJOI: U TUO:'OJr .I'D1f. UlOIJI•. Oadu. oew <Idledale la deoUra,_b. nOI. r -..... _ ncr lk Pe....J I _ J.ia. ~"e Wa".a-rwe , _~ u foIj.... :
, •.'01' ~ _ _ ••• A_
7 , -'A alit •.:~Lp "'I~IO. p ID
,.... _W_: ':11.·JIl:. :51"",ll:OlalD
~;20 P ''''
'For partlcalar lor_lJoa "" Ibe nb)ect .alllll, to R. Eo Boolll. TIekeIi Acetll. .TIlle. 0h10•
Waiter Clark and wife entertained ou laatl:5unday,llra. (''lark'lIlMlrents aDd <brother!!; also lin. HaDDllh W41tD TO BUft'ALq Lewia and Perry Bally. TlIe follolring committ- wereova- mt AKJlOlf ';J!OUn roJ! P4l!I~ The 8Cb()t)1 board of ~e L~1e apPointed by the Mayor at the meetAKDlOAB .EXP081TlOlr. Special Dmrict met Satnr:dayeven. 1ng of the Council.June '3 19o1, bc!>nJ.,... '" Bulblo over "'" u ,,,,", iDg.and' elected the folJbWlJlg teach. ' . Koufe na Cbauaaqu,& Lake 'fir the l!'aG er.t; Principal, S. A. Stilwell. Pri. . nJirAJ'I'CE AmertcaJl ~I\loQ ve DO" .... hie P ua, mary Teacher. Ad!lh Lamb; RandaD, ("'handJer and )fcIrm~.. eIi_ofl.be P _ I ..IUlI .. ~Od_· _ .... rail ....,... · . . . District No. .. MiM.Adah Sellers.
Wanen KeYIr tlnd Hi88 .M artha Comptoa, ofWlI.yneaville; ~nt 8un. day evening Wlth Ili88 Adab ~mb. Mr, WhittMorBandoJph, 01 Day. ton came down to the Teach4!I'8' Eumination at LebeUOll, laat Sat-
OO'QJ1cil dISmlIaeIJ 10 !'Piri ,Hondayeyen. IDe (if &his week for fnrther dellber·
,,11k (or EoI4eft. DetocrIpt.I"e ~l';', ct.:., to ~ .0; L. STONE, ..
JIIs8 Be.te Bunt, of 'L ebeilob vi&COllllDTl'.E&--o>nr-1tted her parent. on 8UDd4,.. BeC\DIIlDiI OR lbIa ...4 W~te{ Streelil uear Allen Emerick and mother llpent Ille NortlI ·~ ~UoD Jloe u4 eon· r.e..~e 'S unday with Elmer Keever aiul ~ OJl-aaJ4 _ t o to IobeIr Soutll_esten . liar""" _rate nmtu. aD4 aDell Mbet' Sttee\lf"'" mother. ,. &.JIO .. 10. ......""':u deemed n_a.,. "ad \hal nld appilcaUoa III DOW aD ale ID "11.00 • )(1'8. Dr. Oglesbee, of W.ynesvUle IO.U. \be olllU Of",e ClOTI< 0( Ia'd VIlIa,e. aa4 mited Hrs. C. E. lohns " fe" days ..... .L30p .... , be ICt<I4 upo.. by lb. \JGwacIJ III~t &t .• •00 laafiweek. &DylilDe allier til" explDtloa of -_ _Ito;.
log of that wruch Uo very..(2D8l' to bim Il~d all D~n 'IVOrkel'8:._ He
H01~\nce giving 1be
li-bove reilie three toWDllhi 118 thai were
un01'(!:a~ , . ~,vo wheeled into lIneailld weuow have- everY Town· .hlp organized aDd in Jt(lod worltiDg
Olllo, are u .
I , 'l'Icketa CO'Od relw1llDl lea daJS, tn.ao.
couiit)' Tea~ber'. Examlo'atlOlt. HISTORY.
Fares hom I.".,.:
Tleketa IIOOCl reta.... la, arleea 4a.JS, '13.75. Se..... U . - w1tll reattn Umlt _ .W <>co.
!lo&; lte.35. ·
Zell and Blllldall film
4~D P1U8OII.
SpeeIaJ 00aclI e:xcunloo tJckeu coocl lea.. • ' - B1IJfaJD UJ>.to 1Dld.nlcbt of TIlualla,y fol10wtDI date cf( Ale may be ,obtained on TIles.
Na,me ~n S~ powe1"ll VCSt- · Chandler and RetaUick. . ur. "t " , '!O. • eel in Congrell!! bY the COnstitution. 'l'omUta ·&lckd& ....peclal ·f.-s ma.y abo :w -~ 0 a D IN4l!Iv_ be obt'a laed10 (or trt~auel to _ " " Inpolatll, canada. 2. Wba1; UJ'. me&nt b y Ci Vil 8en· L.t.: ., AlIlicketa canada Euten' In' ice Be!orm? How would you proZe11 and Mason. cla4lDc.New York -.til be good (ot ""'p-<>nr ooed 'to obtain a cleriCllI poeitlon at tile Poa,Amerfcaa Es-,Uoo on pA'lIIea~ under the U. 8. Government? o( 11 8Va && Bu1Ialo 3: In case 'of the death of both A Terrible Bxplomon !:>tOIH>T..... at Ch... _a& L:lIte wtll .be .. I, D-...:dent and ... ~ D-.....1•"~n"""'ow ". " OI a KJa80line stove burned a 1oored .... all Ucftb to BaJlalu and ~ c""" .~~ rn:a .... "u ........ h ~ htl U " -tea ~+ ... .pol.".. WllIIoDtttLra_t. . ihe presidAlnt.ialsuoCeestou 1IeOIU'I!d? ,"",y ere ~ng U Y. wn ...... .... For SdwIaleaUowtol COflre.ueattUo.... •. Wtiat motive led to tlie IM!ttle- &lmer. of Kirkmau. Ia.. "TJIe puoeaeer - . k e to 1lDlIalo ~ _rtIlfor· mint of PlyMouth ·Colony? Geor. .~ doctol'R couldn't heal ·the run. lDalloo .ppl1'10 B . E. BoolA 'DUel' ~ YDB gia? Pennsylvania? VUglnia1 Ding IIQre that followed, bnt Buck. _W_1_ ,--ri.:::.lIe.._o..,IIl,--0_ _ _.....;,._ _ __ 6. Defino emlilrgo; Bow Ions len's ArniCa. Salve entirely cured did the em"-~ of 1807 oontinU6 in hM... Intu.llible for . cum, COJ:D8, ~ ..v bo o"n b · kin- ...._._Euo.nIlOll U"tetlnrlU lIe'i0\4 ria Pita...,l. fo"",? What effect did it have up- sores, . ...... rulSN, s .........". nola LlDe.:u Collo... :~ on OUr oolllmeroe? aJJd piles. 250 at. LoDls ~·s. ,'. 'to S,- l'IIiu1. ....... .Iuae "til to fila. lad .... II What waS the~e circular' In, aCCODO\ BtelloJal Bea4 ,eamp. . ., St-_.. -~"' 'WoocbD&a A_dca. '. Resumption of specie paymen~. ......Y GirJ Wanted• . Tol(a_ CI'J,ot1oI00 . ..I1lDe _ aDd 1lItJl. Give date of etich, .' Several young men complain that .........1 of AllIIu.1 Nedt", fmpertaJ C'oIlIlCll 7 . . What were three provisions of they have no m-dy girl. B aeem. 1I0b.... '" tile N,.\leSlufne. . the ordinance of 1787? Why were that they haTe bO eooner got fa.i!ly To Toledo, 01110• .lane MIl to JlUl; 'adaibe artic1ea of .confederation inad&- started with II. gi~l> probably bye ~~;,~~~on {lOaI DIak .... AllqlllL1oe? •. ' . the l.bea1ore ticl:ets boUfht-, wben Fat' pnucWus ace 'l'tcket .......ta of Pea II" 8. What is meant by the dllCtrine thegW ''CQn't go beca~ she has a 1J1'nD1a Llaeo. . of.tmperialism? c sick headache... · z V. 8hOlllch;e hold the PhillipiDeet Dr. Caldwell's 8n.up Pepein ~ea DCIDI8101'lS TO 84l!I 'a4l'lCllBCO VIA. Give,your oreo.8ODS. all forms of.8tomach ttollble...lllld _ _ PUII8Y~T.UrU t.iIIJI:8. . . 10. Locate-IiIla.ncl No. 10. Chick· sick headach. .1111.,5'- to Utll, Iacli..,...... lbe ' P8.m.JI. amatllJlJi. . Murfreesboro·. Stony GirJF-::i'A word to the wille" etc. "lUlIa 1.1_ wtJJ Mil U""rwIoa uaeto lD Sa.. Poiut. . ,. . YOill' frfe!ld, LoaLt May. Fruct_•._Il. Ep"onb ~ o..YeoI' 1.
. A Sprained Ankle Qwckly
For puUeala~ InlormAt\OIl oee Tlcbl
Aleou·at PeDJllJ\ftala UaCl .
lta.lt .large.
. . truest stpck .of ~onumll!l1_ tal,}Vark to be found "".itbin a hU'ldred - inil~ of - here, - It will
p~y tha"se coolempiating the purchuSt> of lhis line'of work 10 se.e
us or write lor Illustrated bookle.t containing prices, etc. ·; tbi$ wlil \-OU 2 cents and may.s8\"e ou ';'any doU~rf';. ttfl;lch 9 the fi;"l'~ work in -Miami Cel1leteay
has beet! fumushe<l by
~.We alBo, supply- Caps, sills, 8~p8 .
and every
of cut 'stone work for
building purposes on short notice._ ,
have been !WIny. 'J.;Dool~!lfllJ·1 _ people .have leamed lInea'lt comell only with the gerulille R<KlQ- 1io;Jntain Tea mllde The bilions, tired. ner\"ous man 180n MedIcine Co. 300. Ask cannot 81lCCe8Sfally compete -wi.t h dn8!iirt . hill health y rival. De Witt '8 Li ttI.e Risers. tbe famous pills for Mis!! Boo.t wright ond.lliM Berlett, oonstipation ....ill remove the cause tesichei'llllt, tha O. S. & 8 . O. tlome. of yoor trOUbles. J. E. Janney. XeniA. \\'81~eguesta of·their friend, ~-Th . _..SI!I'S. oams Tn-nier. 0 f OreMislI AnD"1 U. Bro\\'l1 at hal' home gonia, lll1d Bonks Dukia. of H<U'last Saturday ~d ~unday. ve~burg, attended the dedication Therema.ins oUlr. Wilgus, late of ot the barn at the H ome Cor Aged Mutes at Columbus last Tb~y. Th\lY met a bout. ono httndred th\lll old friends aJlll ~eporl a very pleasan~ time. Dr. P . R. Madden, practice limited to ~e, ear, nOlO and throat diseuC8. Glasses aocurately ruljnsted. Al1en building, Xenia., Ohio. Teleph{lne : - office. No. 72 i reeidenoe,
.A:dj~stible Screen Windows 24 In: 'and
3{n~.. HIGIt;
' .;.p.BJCE~ 250
and S5e
SCREEN ' WJRE; -auslzelil-. _SPRINGS and Hr.NGES~ . I
OTHER 'SEA$ONABL"E GO("jDS:; •. , ..
STRA. WlJERn:.m:S,--: OUCUMBEn~,
SPECIAL: ...... EVAPORATED . S\~EET .CORN, ....: ...... . Bac a 'pOund. LARgE PIOKLES,._;... ~.. : .., ..: ......... ~ ..... . Gic a dozen.
'Phone 20..,-
Men !lUI.y d ilJer on pob t.ios. r lUgion and flnuncc. but 11-11 \'rho hll ve
lIjgh Class Wash ~ 'Fabrics, ,
tried Bann.e r &I\"e areagl"EOO as to
• AT - -....
w; had such
a · beautiful
stock of · Wash' Fabrics: All new weaves n~'rnllllg. .. . '~~(l 'ne~et :shown' bHfQre; , , Blue Belle Iswo, ............. .......... 1~ DimitY L'Aignon •. , ........ .... .... 12Xc Dimity CitDlll'OBn-, ......; ................ 100 " SaMe BuMste, ....... :.. : ......... ......_18c _. _ Silk Chambray •.... .. ... . ,......25 to .5~-
AU eolors, )\{ore durable , than silks,. And jus(as . p,r~t·ty, . ~l~i~ 0,.. ngl1.fJ. Billi: TIssue•.... .. ............... ... .... ,,1i0c • Zephyr, ~....... ................. ..., _ur.Oc Sdk Silk Mu Jle•. ................. .•.. ....... .GOo E<idie Silk; ... . , .. , ............. ,.25 to 37'A'c- _ .
113- 121
Highest Market ' Price Paid •. • For ...
(Sa-ttZ-s, 11.ogs, S"ftssp a,nd CSa,~",SSo F. A: HOFFMAN, Arnold Bouse,
Tbmks , Sue.
Saran Baines '~nt a part of last week visiting be.!:' lion Samuel
:!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ ~ I ' MEllORJAL DAY.
ita worm f o!:' cuts, burna, BOres, pilf!8 and an skin diseases. Its Ute Dripping clouds. chilly air and most hBlUing mediciJio in the world. W1I.ter.soaked eal1ih made May
-. ·~5{ENIA . Never
Office and Yards:
Louis J4II.Y" 30. 1901. a distn:ll day, a day in bar· Rev: Dr. Pearne. the veneJ'llblE' mony wjlh the 8Qd '1nd ha~wing taUter in Israel. hIlS goue til !:'est at memories of the years iRtervenmg between April 1 61 and April 1865, Bat Old Glory W38 in evidence everywhere 8ignifying the triuni"ph of the go.ernment o.er seetiOJlllI strife nnd that its starry f'llda waved over 8. . reunited. and it is hOpell. n wiger people. Waynesville, always patriotic. aI· ways loyal. never forgetful of the nation's defenders, gave the afternoon of the day to her heroes. Business hotl588 were closed i ev· erybody on the IDc.ve. G. A. R. men arranging det.uls of the nf.~noon ' 8 m:eroises i streets filletl WIth well di'es~ people from tbe8urrouuding country and neighboring towna; the stilI'S nnd stnpes and beautiful Hewers were in evidence every· where. At 2 :30 o'dock thc !!Olemn notes of the faneml dirge. softly rendered oy the WRynesville band. announcet.l. thllt the veterans. were in lwe for the -tnllroh to the M. E. . ·ted Cbnrob. where a full honse Swal
, AuDWlIMeetilll'aod E1~Uoncd' Miaml Cemetery 1.0, Owaertl.
Tbe meeting was called' to Older by the president at 1 :16 .lillie 3, nOl. G. E. Handal1 was appoiu&ed .alerk. . The 3~th Annual RePort of the Trustees of the AS!looiaHon was read byW. H, Gord. BI!portoftlieanditing oommittee WIll! al80 read. On motion of W. H. Gard, the repart of tb" audtting committee was received and the cotnmlttee dis. charged. which report. upon motion of J. F •. Cadw&llader, was orderecl published in the Mlami Gazette. J . F. Cadwallader was appointed ll88istsntclerk. WilsonBllrvey'and Wm. Rich were appointed Judges. W. H. Gard aDd' S: L. c.rtwrigh$ were nominll!8d for eleot}on aadireetors for the term of three Yean!. . J. Jllnney being nominated for treasurer Il8ked to be reliev8d.from further aervioe. and nominated .1. E. Ja.nney for the sa.me .jftice. Ed Chandler was nominated for clerk. , The election resnlt~ as follows: TIlU8TEES..
W. B. Gal'd 37 . H. L. Cartwnght 37 TREAJlUu&..
J. E. Janney 37
"UIOlfuM MUTl'6S~ -:: . WIIDOW SHADU. ". M-al'ke~ts' China 'anfl Jll.pmi have _.
a~ lriun~ns~' stQ~k~ '"_T~~~e " Chai~
F~ig~ed and plain; ~. 1h i. ~a~~ :u~. .
Ed Chandler 37
A Oood OOQi'h Med.loln8. It spe&1rs well for Chamberlain's COugh Remedy when drugglSta'UII8 ·i t in ·tht'ir own families ~D vreferonce to any other." "I have BOld Chamberlain 's CoU~h "Remedy lor thO'pIlst five ye.u," wi~h cOmPlete satisfa.etloo .ro myaeJfr .pd,.. oUoltom-
.. saya Druggist ~. ~ld8Ibitb. Van Etten, N. Y. "F ote a~)'Ii U3etl if in. m, O'Wll fI,milY;' 1J0tb -,fnr ~ldi~ury co~bs and' colds _and .for _ the Ogngb foll<!w1ng fa grippe, ~ find.it..very eftlcad ll9,'" For !!ale by Lonis May,
, I,WaU=-:::'. , , _,
. ~ IIr&Am aDda has eharpof theGl1U DIIUII!
of Ibe J>nbllc! School" , of CollUDb laCityl W,ub., aJao' PUt; Grand Qf Indepen de,n Oriler of Good -Templ8 l'8. ' Dr. 'HartDW l receive d tl)e. followi ng l.etter: CoLt1lIDlA. ern. W.t.8Jf. , "I can I!J)Uok o/>Iy good w9ros of the , repe!lte d bend'" 1 luivo had from the ,. " use 6f P"""D&. .PII!kiitJJm 1fT __~ "1bo m IMt wbl~,. ()IIII66d _ beMitu lil Mdec;beUd~ JM/o..
, c:oulti. IIDt.mp
III,)' ~; 1ie/ilJi,. w ••
/ fit to .60 Gn. _qlll l 1'1 _ '. _ thaI rnrdD from tbl: "" Gf .PelwIM / . PII~1MuiI if bottle ."" wltbJ• • few Un alttI,. willi It, 6epD III tee/_~", " I constan tly 'impJ'o~~d aud berore ~he seven tb bottle was comple tely used, all paIns ,':ere gon~. JDY atrengt h "'011 r ,e stored, and I nolY seem te.n; yean;' Y011ll ger.
"If [Ket tired or feel bItd, PenlDa .at once belps me; and I , feel "you deo;erve prai&e for plaeinlr .such .. consCie ntioua medicin e before a 8ufterin ll' pnbUc.· ' . . "In;. Amand a Shwnak er. lbLtie n. Curtis, Secreta ry Lelrlon of Loyal Women , Hotel Salem, :iJoston, Maas., 'w rites:
oN.I... edn..,.. to b. coo'erre d
,'bo baYf: the VI~tO'J"7 .cliJe.,~
blOC:m In lad'«' "'a~tl' TIi....nowen ~.
l'D.rdeed b7.the~1lamlt1...... or4. 107 tn: Il. fullnu'! .weeps 'throqtl every r.. I1~ m~~re
~ soul, +nd I~ve. enraptu ru everyqu lckenfd. !
~~~~~r!:~ _Rd'
pro.Dlpu the- I.d,08tililie~ 1If:n'1ce wfWn., and . I"',eel " ' 1I'hole.
. A-nd praise crO"Knl
an all trult...e aod as
fto .... r. of clay. The adYBn. of God and Ifavlollr KID~, cit)' 0 reo it tbat Ie on tliia formaH ~ From whleh ... catch at Umos ..baa tile heat of th" day during the thF ear~ ThaC:'~~~~:":..!~~:int ,aurp..... o'Ver)": ~aat. and' ~ ,a,,"orab le~..~o ,.. • 'lwft.r . or' uopa. ~ A ery klnll ' ot · Ot tblng brlgbtut . our wblch per. he.t hl" tlie attain here will . -p dream. can ..thoullht ,ad· I. lana The quality. (..tin: of . . . .bb' iillapted "'fpr1itOCik ralsiDlf and ~e~l:'~m~r 'l ight at',Jutclothed upon. 1n t!pottet:! robes ar. dalr7 farming , aa well as 1Il'0"rjn,11-I N ewrayed, palL- SOme idea 'ot the mean Lhen '!'IU-th••• ~artb!l' baubl... tile natnralj fJ'a@.e . of tile prolrie ma., f'e~m . ...... med .lr With .... hlch among Ihe obndo,,', b.~. "'. the fact thnt mor!! .... 'ar t .,.rom pl.yO<!: tun 100 . . uf lIAy ..nre gathere il utll, III Cbrlalla n witbha a Ihbrt dIStanc e of Saakato oll "-WlIUam . (; eaueJb " "-ork.
lrlmblec l the litt.!.4
.Ob. bm it
the i':.r~)~a,Ii~lft'•..Tit!,:in'!d
.. ndi~ a
w:;~ a thrilli.lIg gatD~ 10 ,,~rlef to lb. chl :d
.\ga t bu 1 hal !t: It·ld.om could sh~ in. dulge'in ft, owl~ ;'() Ihc disBl'p ell rullce of bUll on. frOID rt., f emmlne l",rizOD. But nnw nnd agD ;:,. it would 'c bance
Geoe.. PuJenge r -. ill ~ ~ ~t. me one gret'" enough to r esist SJoe-:. '! wonder, lIarry. if you would tha t . so drill ber II)A"Y .~ if ~l .nould die!" H".... .. You the de cI'c~ of fashi ....·' would httte "1l;t, -doD.'!, you lee tila.t t couldn't ,,'ay and display til'" Jonge:d· lor iasn::.ny ~pin ubl.-.ro tl did die!"-BoetoD inga. 'ro such a a~ Ag .. tha ,,"ould 'l .....rnpt. turn " 'itb sc reams. t:1 d ~ light, whilt , ~ ~ touch ibe but. ~et Aile... II'_,E.... FREE. th~ chubby 'bands \\,uc:' <t Y•• . Toiee cbildish lb" And . lovingly tuns Leroy, Olin,ted. S. ;'lI~ tCHlaL~ .W~I~ ~. t., for. t'llEE ample of Allen', Foot. ·ring out in wurds of p~;".ob~c,,·. _ • t;aae, • ~der to .bake into , '0W' .boeo. It • It- "'a~ a m .. Unee doy ~t the opera ."... .1Ii!b1ai ........tinc, clamp•• woll ..... ~ous.... and an. tnt husjasti (,..~hrong was .acbl. fMl.. It mak", !'I .... or titht ........ ~" ga~e, at., ~. .-\ <ertaii'l cUrt! ror Co"", and Bu.n. 5urgl!'l f.lbroug h ih e. entral'. - . All draa\lta ...d 'hOe st.nre..,ell it. 25c. trocted by Mme. ('alve >ns "Varme u." ' . ~ I 'fbe bOU 8~ "'as crowdcod to tbi' door. b aloat.... hen tbe curtain rOse 011 th~ 'ulI tun . I' lbett", C~ , t ~ lyN••. , ~ Suill. Square fbere was not a vacant sut t~ lie had, ond ,cArcely an yn.ned boll. :No.1! grand ti .., howev~r, ..t ~ , . and many ' of those 81.~dinS' ~ turned en.lon. eye. up to n. comfor t• AllIe to ~fllp 8kk ' WODMp able seata; For a matinee tbe audienc e . was bJ'IIUant, ,And one coul<l lee maul' ~FaO. weU·kn own:1ac t's from the "smal'1 .set" ;.., "~II .. ,t he auburba n oea t' ltold'UII and "real muo!9 10~er8. Fu,!c!lo,n\, <!f en!,), .or~ had been saei-i1l.ced for' the 1001 ot tbe liour, die elg.retl e girl, "ClInne n," and :the housc wa~ lI'!I.Y. ... illl handao me women and resplen dent coa~ .... ,. -..I t1!Jll i a.. 'In 8t'veral ,boxu of. the g\'8l1d tier there w.!'re children , RDd one framed a prel ,.; inucJkn oticed ' p)cture. In' l • aal 'golileJi .lialred' Agatha anil .yed brotber . . Arm~ aroUl;d u 4 lfey- sat, .frub and ·.",eet. uocol)sCious - ol ·-" ,·erl"lhli n.cept ' 11' e, ' bewiide nnen t ·, of l,he &lage:. 'J'he box I,U", .lbat iD . w~ieb t he children ..~_s 11. and ."'•• UDoeCopi~ ulllil the tbe aeeo~ !aad IUtermi .Klon f
& lew article. ill cJaily'Wle .... made weD enough to live _tW.et; "n tut it ill a ple&IIure to reed a.1~ Wee ttJat written by Jlr. T. B. -clmer~ of CineinJutti. Obio. uof fOllowl: "Palmer ', ....tina."· bu CIIU'ed me tetter with wbich 1 had beet! afIIicted for over ·twelve yeo ....-' &om whicb 'l-cotild .find np permane nt .'elld unUI 'I W!ed tbJ. won· . derlul..prt!J>lratiI>D." Mr. Cutler ",.,.-ri,h t; JIID'E.tPOLIS, IITh'N. JOSS L1JCl' ANNIE the ·d~ta of "P&lmu' s LOtion. ,.e l\UID&' . ". - • ~ tbat ion preparat ul w90detf a ia it Dent l and ed '!Jurse of nioe years' experie nce, 1Iisa· Lllcy Arutle Heiser. " graduat h e,. of constitu tional Alinn., .hctwd be kept in evlU7 hoine. Ityour.d rwrand triir.dua ted frolJ1 the BQmeo l"'thlc Do,s pital of Minnea polis, pt ,buo't I!".aend to Soloil' Palnier{. I traIned..... follows: write, Pal· J'earL S_. 1'I 'OW York, for _plea 0 mer'I.Lo tion &lid Lotion Soap. Albert u., MIDrI•• Nov. 8. 1899. III n, Ohio: TIN ".,."". MedJdD e Co., CoIIIIIIM . _ t lIIedlc/n ell, OeiJa. _ _"~/tbollgb my .cbool dou DOt believe InJM~o A •• we", medicin e. I e "1I1_bl IUId gnutd ... I Perri". IMt tIKI II be to It bile found "You fell jol:o tbe creek witb 70ur are usiog Peru... " with bene . IIJl1ITlI. ",omb, d Innllmo blUJ U~qwll gJn,JI M,... s.lIIp r fell ' . Ult. k U..., /c6own It ko'/JJ,CfII'e.~t' es peei:>lIy in cases of results, Bcia] b~~bes ool" Y ' my t'of A.notbe bet'. help to failed IuuI the doctors "IJ~ bYJ'JIIJM 10 9 the kidneY6 and ot her with troubles 50 r b':"t~J:;.e ~'kr:'tbein. oa'.~" ..... abe ; dlvlUIIIS tellJllle of lJtJon allffeted with II compllc to~ethe r ' witb weak. orga!,s, vic pel , uA .mar~ an ......er, m)' IOn. So np_ ""'-,. p6tMoU In tn-dtIy la abe .lId bI:,. Cllted PeI'llDIJ bllt aJdn ."" bone.. bIIt IJqd ne"""s peenl"' r to women." b t"ke tben. off D....-...-Pbil.de lphia tbln. ,JOtbln K Btrenzt ' '. ou oa!. revMBI "'ranIJ lUI provo F.a. food be.ltb .nd good 1I.-b. ,Pe runa i. a speci fi c lor tIle catarrh al IIIJlet. /th. re.1«f t tG tbe sIcJc tbllt most wonder llli b/ewq 01 Ille-bu . Ill derange ments of women. ' Lucy,Annle'H e/Rt'. . ,. . . . . . . .111•• t:a.,,It you do not derive prompl aod satisrd with eolored ,ie..a f,,":tory reS'ltlts Irom the usc of ~e,:",na, tbat 'Private )[ailing women the all and 1Y0men, Dervous the all and It all tbe tired women of sceo~ 00 tbe Chicago, ,Milwauk"" &: at: ladies who have wrIte at once to Dr. Hartma n . gtTlng: a tonic would rtad ond heed the words of thesebefair Paul J!ailway, k nt au rec'''J>l of ten . (to) needed ..right preve nted and bow' tnll stateme nt of vou r case nnd b e WIll would im':U.ids many bow~ point, tbe to b e pleased to give yon h is .<lluabl e 3d· ... ntll In taurpo. Add ...... F. A. Miller, spoken _ny wret.c;be d lives b~ made houpy. vice gratis, GeJlllrai l'aaoeDliu .Agent. Cbieago, way. normal a in health restores Peruna til Add ress Or. Ha.rtma n, Preslde nt,of in this " 'ay f eruna putarig }1tall tbe mucous membra nes of thebocly , and A ...... Jro.oel e. Tho Uartmo n Sanitar ium, Colnmb us.O. organ. every of s "What a ~,ujiar monocle tbat 10Uer J. renores the function
. :rn
.urn LOTS;
youngs tera. ·· Thill can 'bB'l'cl1y be llad 'Withou t, the 'lid of artificia l beai and a buildin g espeeiB'lIy .deslgne il for tho A ' farmer of ' Ohi o 11 purpose . pl'erNlri ng'1c;r the erection of .. build· iog after the ·plan 8110\\"11 by aceom' "Ul~VIU'" diagrtl1 n. '1'111. diagram Hhow~ "w~olng and odJacch t lO bi. ·rbe 'build· ;8.tO be 12·;uded or deeagOn ..', and to >be, w"ided into 12 apartm ents of eqUal Hize wltb ..pace ol)out 10 1eet In diamete r In ceJiter. Eleven of the e apartJU .... ! .....ilI be ..... ed B" farrowi ng pen.., and.onc will be lett tOl' a I",aaall'e" ·ay. 'rite greal". t dlomet er of buiJd· i'ng ..m be abol1~ 26 feet. Floor 'Will be oteellle ntalul will b .. made f'0 8JOpc graduaU y from ceJII~'r fo cirCllm fer, ence. .Each pen will COIII",ill a floo. apace ol .. boui 3 sq,r".re leet anet will be provjd d ,wHb [ender8 , -Which will con j t of boar:d1J &0 n:rrnnge d ;18 to Drol" ct. s ix inches {rom wall .. aJld \\ill "ix ot &even IJlcbeM from JLoor. This 1",t.. 1' Id"" iB' w1..11 knowll and Is recogni zed WI being a gri;o t nid in keeping 80W 1rom Cl'ulib:lng her !?igs. Tbe yOUJ1g8terS ",h1c1i would othe....ise be pre"..,d against tbe walJ find protect ion under thi~ projecti ng !!belf. 'fbe ;'u;ide. endB of l"'01< will be mnde of "'h'c S O QR to ))ot, r I; ist the he nt from- a OUllnon sto<e, wh.i ell ,,;11 .0\ be p1a~",d: ill ceoter of buildillg . lnrge ,;kyJigb t plAc:c.d in Houtb ,"de oj r~f wl il atlmi\ lin ;Ibundo nce uf Iigbt. 'l'be out r ~crie8 01 epa" 8 repre· AIlnt "inu U lots, one for ench peD. The"'; are ' not Iargt'. hut large <'Dougb 1.or 1be purl'o ,~. 'J'hey ore one rod 81 outer en". 'rhewhole,,;1J ooeuJlY obQul one-thi rd of on ncr and ,,;11 be bulll -ant!, Everyo ne wbo saw, and , heard, _about $UlO. In ~ oDle locu.Uties it tor undeI'Rt ood. smiled; some wllO h.d wouW co~tmore, but wiJh L'U.r elulmo n. counted 'bullons In R long gone child. agemcn t WI' I.... lie .·e it ean be llUilt 01 hood, . [lth.d; but the person who sal most anywh e re for $150. it enD' b< alone 10 No, It grand tier .either r4!Gdil,\' ,Hee n tim t oueb a building wil' ..mU.a nor ~Igbed. Turning Martled fiGon pay 101' i t el .f. For the pnrpo ' ryes upon t.he Iiltle fortnn~ • eller, de~ign e.cJ we hOTe ue ve r s een ubyLhhl S Elinore Willoug hby's r • • o!,·e gave ...ay to e<jual it.- H . 1::. 'J'weed, in Ohir ~fore the sacred (.alben '·elght oj Farmer . . omen 10 wbich bel' heart WR. readyto . re . pond. LOADING FAR)( WAGONS. The cbild Agatha counted bui(on~ , uncon. the nnd by 80 doing hoca me illort tUeplai l.ep . ·ViUIt:. 10 <clo uo arbiter ot a de8'llny . Uoari 8.,,~. Lo.t. 0; Bard Work , aa. A tt.o"•• ee.
Dp for uae during tbe win· aF1:~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~m:m~i a ..d atored. A grOwth so . ltlXuria nt demon· te... airate. 1ie,o~d "ion possible questio n ,tbe .oJ&eiU lt . of the land, for putUl' hac eatUe, anil no d,o ubt Ibisjmp orlanl .ID4aal.IIJ' ~ .larpl1:. ..u.jed OD'; ..... !!! Nature ... ' been luish in her ~o t1pat tFrltllr y . • N~t ,..only is the ,Of ,~"Impl~ fe~tUity, lint tbe lIlIte ia deli~htJUl and benlthy. Such I. tbe te.tlmo nv of e~erY '&eltler, and tbll teltl.o ny i. conftruu ld by entbuchild 'Agalho' count~d button! . • I •• tle opinion s Jrom enry trnel.r , by, su doing beenme tbe un· nll~ per newspa or' al:J" explo",~, IIlt~sloi1 arbit.er of a des tiny. n'. cOllscio "orrupo ndeiit wbo h .. s eyer visited 'fh. yea,s ,o'fAgaf ha's life were ,88 thl~ f.r·fam~d Saskate hewan Valley. OD oDeof hH In former yeara nat herda of bulfalo m8~y a~ . w.re;~e nng"rs tM. short i1:lll'Jllg an¢l b'lnds. plump Ie,·aled .. Ihe from. ter n eame here to wi. teU",> of a' .. bee lllwRY. bad ! .. xl time -the of .t01'lll7...ejA " "glops " south bus!llaDQa to sucb Ualled Slat.. bounda ry line. pto~ing fl!rtune ~ . dolhig out as wel'''Jh e h!lPPY POSSU8 0f" of but· thereby tbe II"Iapla,l ion of tbese tons. ' 'l' or tho"~ pour creatur es '~ho PUl'p,.se tbe 10. In~ pr'aJrles had yielded (0 a mand.t e from for·off Dt:] 8u!ll(,i~I atoek. n. lani! i.. P~ris, ~nd a,.cepte d huolra and ~yea a. bIn not e>t:';"a.I ..." gown·fa stenlng s, Agatha "buld tlo earLy cuLtbat lon in nolhing -nol tile ghost of · a b.l'"band r fn", from summe ohe. coi!jure VP wil)lOu t 'lie help llguratln a. .,~.~ of bn Jjt Ie roUnd allies. 'fIeial aralnai e H.c~ yon not • •i"gle .o oe -I& Ilgbt eua"'or doo.metl t o .pinSltr bnud, but you tl°ola; h one-eo uld be 10und I)n~jUl if r aUlllme of ' .@eL" Ttle da~ among the f olds of your d ru perle., llf IlIDabln e. 'nnd~r tll'e' genial ~d .o\gntha '. flit fore· "net!. 6t "'hlell crops rapidly ripen. you were snod. laiclJ'lJpon It. while her be '",ould linger almost by.an ized ~raetu ia AntWBn WOUld annOUnce tri o voice little lihrill tber, Bne-'!ea uabroli en ~Sllon of manl*- Iooidng "Rich tly: umphan during "hi~hihe crops are safely gar. flnd a reneetlo n of aered: 11 ';.-I»t.... It is cold, but ex. Into j'our ~J''' to Q",n dandng blti • .OD~S ll!mely exJdlai atlng and plea@ant, the joy in her toriJy-t iiankll to .allafac 50 h.,·inK d and OWID« to the ' wonder ful dryness your lortune . , -aettled bU1lon the braclnll ' qual!tiE S .. I tbe air. The ",iii· Tbens ul t of a two,but lon (orlllnt she en· as well as "Prpftt of ~n~ a la ter announ ced with .. falling [no joymen,t to 1:1Ie people; being far ai""ays and Ibe corner. of her mouth flection. . climate lI~tthll!l' tliln to' humId In copy of tbe oxpre§8 ion droop would, Wat~ .. alld ' fuel. thes" two prime leers wben "poor ne _ _ rlp-\. of' Ufe. lire plp.JItiful shr had ~et' n on olde.r. fonnd to. be tbeir portion . was man·' . district t~ through ont ~t Ubfoggar mau" htr ,-uice Iu\'.arlab ly ~ ' .gr.,t: ""~ snd 10\\'. and i1,rou Were (oo)· ft. ...... N:.a Ish eDougb to di_play tour bilUon8. tbe ebnpby finge r would touch lhe f,,!al one lUournf ully, wbile a pit!il~ "Olee \l"ould murmu r. as !:".be ;;;buok her gohJen cur ls, Iithicf." lwgging Jour pardon" or. tbe crllcltr nfb; but'Hga in S'l'OIUCB OF", DOG. happy _mile. would cbo". away ' the '$3':h)('$8 H doctur. l."'yer, mercha n t or chid fell to )'our 101. Two. tbree E ....t;·rt. 'I'~11 Wit,· •• e C•• lae ~Je.• . Swallow Itoae., StJrk .. Rnd tour \\·ere ~b e onl): (o"tune s '\-
• ,. speak or pt'll reNo bUman tOl1cue • . . ..... cord. AIId Ihore tbe 1:.... of ' LIt•• "llh m)'.tJe
..d Gra •••
01" I'
wearing! U
"Yew, tul
laleat. 1-t ia called i., th ••ery)elroit Journal.
the hOot·mon<,del"-]
PiM>'. Cu~e ""DDO! he too h~bJy ..".k.o o(
. . . CO!'llh ,OIr",.-J .. ,Yo9'Brl<D ,322Tbir. d A,·e .• N., M"mnf:Jpo IS. MIDn., Jan.G., 1900
Toa stin g - bro ilin g • • bak ing Iron Ing
Mao, a. old bo.h.lor propo... .-to ....
trulJo IiDlle.""{''biealo Dail y
~ .,.. ••
~. ~Pr."~t Dlp...tlle-.. ra
Uoe Houi~'. Croup Curt!. No DaWIQ. !iOcb.
anythin g that can be do:ce with a wood ' better, cheape r and quicke r OD a
Dodo... IIndmLa nd old age, but tbey :an't cure it.-Atcr u.on Glo.be. . III •\11 tho Kent'o.k)' ben ts cbe .. Kismf GUID. They l ik. it.
want ,. ''].[a, when 1 get big I ~ .ork: r "What do yon want .to do. little . daught,er?" "lf~ J -w n.ll t t " 1lo""ap lip cnr"mel s i n I\. candy l ?ct·ry." -Chic;a £o ltecord· Herald. .,
Press. ne-•••• re••
ST-s.06K( LIVECllJU-x
~W.L.DOUCLAS 13•.& $3.50 SHOES ~~g:.
T~ynn-Dr. Thirdly is a nry go08
.nao , but. be. ne"er preache a a sermOQ :es.s than an bOlll" long. T r iple tt-Ire ~mu5t be a terror. -Ue la. l!a'1 a holy terror. (or is Twyon tbere ",agoDS farm 10 loading often necelles s lifting. The cut lIhow~ , -Lealie '" Weekly . • handy sbori _steplad der with bent Wew Kt.d of O . . . .e.e. wHow's your wite, BUnks? " "B .... heacll t ..oubles her a &:ood
"e wtU rvnllb c1up1if!::l~ of Lrv E S'T'OCa
CUTS 01' aD, otb.er Cut shOW'D In ~D,:Spe..
tlDen 80011:. a" or below qUOted prf~e.a fOr u.~ A. N. KELLOOO EWSPAPE~ CO.. Wut 5tJ St. C/Rciual~ ()
- - - --
w •• t • .•
Daugbt..r~But be bas beeome ao eold to me . 'Ir.te yC8Ierd ny! Mothe r-fieis jealou" , r Ihink. YOll know yon gSfe Iillrry Trottle a lour daDcn l ut flight. Danght er--Dea r molber , you make me so happy! -':Brook lyn Life.
"Neura lgb,?" UNo; sbe wants a Blta.
Heat is not diff~ throng h· out the house- there is 1i0 5.mell, soot, or danger , and the expens e of operati ng is nomi· Made in many sizes; .naL sold wherever stoves are sold. If your dealer does ·not. have it write to nearest ageu~ of
Briggs- l'..e just. dlscoTeJ'oo tba~ ... e '" are In love " ,ilh tile SRme girl. Grigga-WI~ll. how sholl We end the matter? Brlggs -l'll tell you what to do. Vou propose, to her.-D etroit Fre.
A Pftov-e r V_eo.r tllfl
·W IC K LE S S Blu e Flam e Oil S to ve
Aw O.UOG1 r for SWe:e-t.a
coal fire
TO Bt; \" ASTTll1S G A.D\'!<lIT1 1<0 1S ITS (OLDI S S SHO[;,I..JJ L.""SlST t:PO.s UAVISG WH.A.T THh,' A..SK i'QR. ItEF(jn.~O A.l.L S J:IISTITli TI!Ii OR OIITATIOSS. D~UU!'tG
n~\" hat.~'-Ti.'"
Ihe I • •t
w ••••
YOII aO.1tJail lg to UJ b,,'ore "entenc e i. passed '''pon yo u? , Tbe Female Prisone r-No, yonr bono'; \'n ,,,.. it till afterwa rds. 1 am in tlIe habit of ba_iDg,t1.e last word .~i>Dlrers ,Statesm ao. .TlIdge-na,~e
Jl . W;see-ptJ •••
Make old lamps born like Dew. W hy be .n~~ with 1be old k:fod wben No WIck.odors. I1't a 'YOU - . No bad blackcaac.bimJIC')"" K.k.u . ' brl,hter Uaht ad • cfeaocr
. -_'. . r_--
&aYe time and
I .
:r'-u~~~,,: &r~~id!~ N.U.e- St'e that yC?ung man oYer :l:u you"s aN; or ~~ !I there? He 1't85 s"Ted 16 penona frOID ,b BOW is TO CARE TOIC LAX~ !rownln g.' He playa Ibe !lute. 100. ' Visitor -Oh, well, R man ..... 0 llu .SolIr Upt.Co., Dept. A. ~ O. .aved 16 live ... has .. t~aa ,. JIi'a7 • _!Uil!il!'!i~i!i!imi!i i'~i:1 Y:
't M o ve ?
"i!.d.. Bl" ',,,'I'D.. ,.
body receives more ill treatment CauSed by over-work! Over-eating! Over-drlnking! No part of theehuman clogged, refuse to act, worn out. Then than the bowels. Load after load is imposed_until the intestines becom by CASCARETS Candy Cathartic. Not 'a . you must assist natur:e. . Do It. and see how easily you will be cu~ed und that acts directly upon the diseased mass of v~olent me.rcurl~ and mine~al polson•.but a pure vegetable compo stimulating the liver and kidneys; a candy tablet. and wom out Intestinal canal. f!laking I! strong. and gently ' ute for CASCARETS. pl('~ to eat easy and delightful In action. . Don't accept a substit ~ t~r.. liriiii·~ i~o;'.-v.ftJer'a Feekly : "nd
haT. m p
as. ellAD CIW
Th. IV-
:: 1'JU.D1Io", :, Oft'JCD. 16,
T.B~.I(. · D.
~HoUJl& ~'
8jo 10.L If. ~ P. ·x.
7 t08 p • • . - - - Bank' Bllildlrg:
J --.•..•.. --•.•.---.-:--.-..-.-------.-,-
Is, lID II-LIllI i,
Arul},OD will briDg -up at
'J'aJa 1*. au who are ·reportiDg &lUI a6ie I.. ..w aut! iookiDg out r. a baJtr lor it ,'IrOUld do well to IIIIow &lie popde&oi to attaDd to hia on '1iaIUIaI .. he haa dOll8.mee bIiI _~"'. , ud baa always bad ...... to dO to 'keep him too bal!Y
We offer nearly .a hundr~d SO)'5' ~ll-wool !!uits, new ..thi~ se.ason. in the celebrated ttackett Carhirt ~& Co. make-:-none • .' . better, ~ach suit'B $5 or ~v.llut"1 now f~~oq .-.
., ..... lab the maDa~t ~ ......... dairs. There baa 1Iln'8r I besa ...,. slDce we CIlDI8 Into· poe.
PI rllll~tweD$y,"J'I!gy. wheD
- It wu· r.. 1Ile. We huo r-ived
iD ('JmYODl Paa'elle, Water Colos. , or on Palntillp. .call on or adIlr_ ] [ a. KUlIlcz FUIlIIU SBU'I'E,
0TeI't1u'e8. bOlD ~ wutiDr10 bay. bat ..wa,a decilned
Gl8owortb. Place, WaYD"!'ville.
. ...... h , alL 1'he ~ of the ....... ben beUer f . . . ~r . ..... we _ie ever kDcnnl it. and lID
CJaat .... _ are wen
'l'be atA&pl1eadiD& from the street up to ~. Kiu-y'. church 'lll"8re iaat week oomple,ted. b..- the addition of " a ~d8omeiroD-MDdmi1. the of •th- ...- exoellaD t ' m80haDUlil. JIAl88d. Bradblll'Y and Spence, of Oregouill .
_Uded. cmJy
01 ooane nh to mate it still better '" u e~ ODe' wauta to have Ilia baa. ' - :v_tare powiII« • . We look to tIda 'vMr_1or·our J1yfrg. and
at au tuDe of life. But all rot WIIId to ella.... to .... to .. .mel, 8M the time
c l _ O'lIIIe wheD the olice wUlt1t'11lln7-FI lie for sale. but wheD that thd time _ _ due an _ _t will be.... of &lie flUll bl tboae authorized to cIiapoee of 1$.
· WA~.
ThaDU tp. tbit 'kJlIIL frle" re!DWDber'WI with be&uttlal ftoraJ gifts 1rom day to daV. amoog Jrffti. Wm. Zell; 11:1'8. Kark Davia, lIii!e Suah Bro~ ¥l9s Cora T1iom!HI aDd Others. . Those del!iring to-take art leasons
JEWr.~V'r~ete l'O'1 wtiI 4ud.
~Dg': Specialty. I -------_._----Bicycle
RESOLUTION. r~IOluUoa of t~ cotp>rMIoe (loaaeU oC W.yaesvllle. Warrell 01&10. J1lDa8. l.801-.lIO\{!:e Is lIerelly linn. ~l1o"" P. Mania, ot xa.ta.Ob1u. bas lIled bl< appllc:uloll .. lilt CIie uld COT. poraUoo.I',ouaeU utlac tbe rIP' 10 ooa .trocr., ;,qulp, open~ a"l III uatala aa electdo atrce\ rall.ngd capon. o,,"r ••d
Pursuaut 10 a
akIOg!.lle (ollo..lq opedk roate:
BealDDlq oa IbIn &Od W;uer Sm.,,,, anT tile Nortb-euuru a>!1IIJI'2LIau Uoe aad con· UDDIDc DO aaI4 otnet.t 1oO-llteIr Soullt'.. ~a ...rporale II'.!!I~ "!)d &'II'!I ' ~ Sheets aa4
lOllS-V Alld \IuIt'Uld application •I.. IIOW Oil 81e In _ olllc:e of .... ...- CIerI< of .aId VDa,e. bel 1U1 be acted apoD '" tbe \lOaAcil tb • .,tot al
all, 1'- ~ LIIeexplraUaa of &b!ee_. {rom aadarterU,ellnl pabllcatloa of 'bls ..... dee aDd ap tOlwelU {1~ J-o'clod: JlnDa at lb. lOlday of Jalr.l90l. b1411rII1 ''''' rffel • ..s b, ,be VWqe Clm- for ,"" ra ..... Of fare for earr,ia._1IIHlI1Dc:aIJ7 apoll IAl1d rUlroad In_ted, The JtclR bela.. .....,r~ed to r~ct.:l.ll, or all bkh. .
- WarDfSnne. Oblo. lODe ~rd, 1901, . ."
You are.l!!xpectecfto-elect this
Thlrty-flve years ago lut April tweaty.eight repn!lMlDtstive meD WayDeBVi1le aud vlciJiity met · aJid organized lliami C~tery Associa,
iot oWDers to eene-ail tn.w_ 1 three years each, in place 8
CILu. II. _ . CIty Cult.
Cillcil~Wllti 1 • WrUes .a;'iUUIlII"lh!ldl), 0' Wa)'netlvlllle Ilud ,\'1c:lllllr.~
CaJtwnght and Wm. H Gam, ex,pire today; Also 1ra:i1rillld; lo~ owner t.o eerve oD;; year u SnJper:int:en'~eIlt one .for' clerk for.one
·1"'k~'4 :terms
tion; of. that Domber 'o f orlgiuaJ mt_bars DOl}' fl)'8 are now living; ana of theee, is ODe of y e~ , G. T. O'NetilJ. trustees•. and J"01188 JaDney JWiie<l " u. .,,0DY 8Db'ml·.tted '. yOlD' treasurer. " . .-~l!' The ~Dt A890ciation born on .at day with only Jtme 3. HlO1. membera has ~WD "ntil then, ha.v e ~------".....,,........;.;... beeD sold a totality of 740 Jots which has repretleDted aD Q~erRhip AD equal Duinber of·uiemt'et'8 of the Association. lto1rering each mem· bel' ta have re~ted on an.itverage a family of 11,e persolli, theD 3700 person8 ha,e beaD directly in terested in the oWDership aDd maD:lgemeDtoUfillDli Cemetery, the almost. ineonceivo.blo nnmber .trllct.1ina ...... ht)arein~restedbeeansoof . . who lI.f a lying herein these gronnds. nus ever wideDing circle of infln· .mee is ShO...... D by t·he CODtinUed reg: ular aRle of lots and the present finaDcial' prtlllperity the Associa· tion.
I Cit's EXperience.
A Terrible lhploBioD . .. or & g..soliue stove bD!'D8d a IIIdy here fright,fully.· · writes N: Eo BEAUMONT On.' FIBliD8. Palmer, of KirPnan, ' Ia. "The ~w l\at4lll, Ilil'eOt Uae. ~leu' best dootol'8 couldn"t beel the 11\Q, ~"~vi(lnta Qneeu .. Craieen$ &ore that followe<l. h~ Qqck. D __ <_ we ' . Arnica BJoetmIoD. "AU_ G; P. A. , ...,................... -j30""'''-. - . , biDciliDati
a.!r,,. ..........'" ---'
25c at Louis v.,y ....
. '~
~(. w
the Jargellt
and · flilest stock.. of Monumeu_ tal Work to be- found within a butldred miles of here. It will pay those con templating the pu'rchase of this line at worK. to see us or write tor Illustrated booklet <;.<Jntaining prices, etc. ; this wlil cost you 2 cents_ and save ~~=~~ y ou many dollars.' M-uch ot the ~nf'st w ork in j\ifiami Cemet~rY has been furnished by us. . .~~~----~----I Being pfal:~ical d.t.'slgner -, are prepared to furni sh original a nd a r ll lie dra\\ mg~ on shl'rl nohce an d \\' I! glJarant~e to furish as fillely proportione d ' work •• s can bp. ubtai ned auyw he re 10 lhe l:onntry, and take spewll care to s upply . nothing b!lt the vel)' best material and g uara ntee per. le~t satis~a ctiol' . Our prices are very reasonable.
~ We also supply caps, sills, ' steps
and every description of cut stone work for building purposes on short notice . . Office and Yards: . Mrs. .~
flat11lnray, of
amrlni!: lm~'ul'Jn,
8pent.l4l!t 8u.Qtlal' witb rela· tives In· Wayneiulille, !lnd Willi ac. 1!lO!JlJlI8.n:I~' .hOIne by ber little step. I KII,IA ' ,,.n,·M ,Melbonrne; who hereafter will make ,!Jlfthomethel'O. ,;. A f l!,tat policy uLtA> n~loot ba.o:'. 'U1llllr'si'l Hehe orother II~ of. kidney tl'l'Oll,!)IEq .. Foley'8 Kidney (;'ure-.iJi a II1Ire relD. ' .home wi~ ..u. 8 .• JIail~ ' on. it bad edv Loujs May:. bei.ter be Jeft alone:
113- 121 W. MAIN
Highest Market Price Paid
' ..boae 20
}-.. . .ARR .
and EG,G S. We . . . . . ,0111' ~s at tOe.cl~ - BUTlER at 12 to t.6c lb.: . -
fligh. Glass' Wash Fabrics, AT
uiIed one bottle of your K0d81
~ Cure, and can eat breO.ktut aud oth~ relish and' my food.is tb()J'Olll2ll1v: dlgeJlted: Nothing .. equals Dyspeplila..Cure lor atOiDllch rr~.UD-' 1 les. . H. 8. Pitts, ArliJlaton, Koda I DylQl8psla Cure dJ.jteIIt, ~",!n eat. J. E. Janney. Pred White hIUI-decided on a com· mercial career IlII hiA vocation and has gone this week to Dnyton
(3attZe~ l:.ogs, Sltss,? and (SaZves.
AU new weav
;-. .
m,!i8 Belle .Lawn ... ..... : ... , ..... ...... lOO .• DImity L'A!gnoq,. :.... , ........... 12Y.o Dimity CimaI'Olla, ...... _ .... _. __... 1lio - ~tine.Bati8te•.. ' ......... ~ ..... _..l1c 801:' Chambray, .... ..... ...... .. 25 to 500
A.ll, colors" )\f<?re 'durable than silkS 1 A_o ojust:ss p.retty, Plain or fi3ure. Silt 'rI88ue.............:.. ......... ......500 Silk ·Zephyr, .... . ~, .. :: .. ..... ........... 5Oc 8Ok- ·Malle, ...................... .... .... 500 'J:ddie :8ilt.,..... ...............25. to 37y'o
Arnold Rouse. CORWIN, OHIO.
or""'11 all" its
P ~ opJe. I
Dyspeptic!! cnnDO~ be long lived because to .live requires n ourish.· ment. Food is not nourishing unW it is digested. ' A disorded lItO.m ueh caunot dignSt food, it must h4ve 8.'>8ist~noo. Kodal Dyspepsia Cnre d i· gests all kindJ ot food without Bill from tho stomach, Illlowing it to rest and regtliu Its ullturol fnnc · hODS. Its eJ~ments are elUlctly the !i&lDe IlS the natnml (li(,~v e IInius &114 it 8imply ca.D 't help but do you goo4, J. E.Janucv. . 'lbGnda 'I' , Jnly ~tb, will be Jl l,"teat day: in Lebanon, the Elks will oh!:-er.,a the day w1th numerou8 IIna AJld YAyioae !iiversioDS Qnd invlte 'a ll Warren County to join
. Work of thtl Silent Reaper.
Apple trees tblq season lire infest. WEL8JL ed with worDls of the measuring Mrs. Ensebill Welsh, one of the varIety. which tbreaten t-o destroy fi ..e daughters of the late J~ 1ilc. the apple crop. Kn.y, and sister of Josbua .McKay, Prof. R()bcrt~. oC the Ohio State late of t.his communitv, died at her Blind Asylum, is here on his a noual \;sit for piano tunin g. and is maJ;;ing the hC'mo of A. L. Farr bis' hffid· qnarters.
, X~.NIA. w~ bad such a ' beautiful .Never .bave .
stook of, W."sh Fabrics. .and never sho-wn bofore. . .
• •• For ••.
for brealtfllllt would not l'elD4in WHITE.. . ate OIl my stoinach for half an hoar.
. waynesvWe, Ohio.
Some ot the Lebanon papers of The Gazette wishes·to c,\ll atten. L'I8t \reek ad"ertiscd the Horticn] .. tion t-o the ad ..erlisement of R . S. taral meeting of tomorrow to con· Kingsbury in this issue. Mr. .'-"'""'.' "Ane at the ·brick Quaker" Ghnrch, KingsbllIj ii selling:;ooU goods III WllynesviJJe. We h4v.~ two vcry lOW llriCOS aad kuow the "Ollne of nea t QJlnker Churches, or " Meeting printer's ink. H011.8M!'io WIlVUllS\'ille,one.a white The fion! WC(;tinl; of thl? Current. brick. '·he. othe!' red brick,bnt we Topic Club, for this !!eason. wa en· joyed by the wembers of the Club and a number of im·ited guests last o\"pning, at t h e :.tp:lf;iotis h oule of Mr.< . Editb Hlln-is Tho program was cycccdingly well rentlered
th.rouglinnt, u.nd nltogether a 1OO.'It enjoyable time wos spent. Delil;ht. fu! refreshments we re sen-ed. At the meeting of Ille Bonrd of Water Works TrusteE'S on Monday e\'oniug a Resolutiou WilS passed against nnantbori1.ed ~rSonscIiOlb ing the slonu IJipe under peualty of not less than %1 or more than *5and cost of prosecution . Any persons wilIhing to n ~nd must first obtain a permit trum the Mavor Or Board of , TmstC8S. In aecorwnce with Sretion 6 0 E Revi£ed .titBtutes o t Ohio. Neither mil /lny d eflu::ement~ of the stand pipe be allowed or ptL.'l'! unpunished. By order of Trustees.
bome'at Glen Han, Ind., 6 o'clock Friday momiQg. 7th lust., and was buried Sunday at 2 o 'clock. Mrs. Welch was aged about fifty years. The deceased has IDIILY relatives and fri end s in this community, all of whom h eJd her in high esteem, She was hlllo IlISt October in attenda nC(l at th!l marriage orber nephew W. H. Allen, aud thougll uut then IU robust hcaJl,h \'I'a,; in excollent Ilpirit.s and e ujoyed her visit. The uews of 11Irr uenth was Il uistrcsb;ng ahock to llCr r elatives bere to whom we extend personal sympothies. 8YNYESVJ1!DT.
Mrs. Mu:a. Synnesvert went to .h er 10llg r est Wednesday, Jnne Ii, 1901, at the \VHl o \\'~' lIowe, Cincin. noti , IUld W89 buried froin tha~ in, stjtu tion ou the !;eventh. Many of our citi?.ens kne w the deceased and rMpectetl ber lughly, She we a devout member or the .Society of fri end~ /lnd for a number of years ' sn interested attendont of the Year. ly a nd other Jarge meetings at the FrieLds··White Brick, at thIS place, and ou snch occasiolU! was .alwa)'B the guest of Mrs. EJiZo\ Biuue8. She WI!.S 11 Dlltive of SorwllY. hut had long been /l resident of t.hi8 country. Her husband died about two years ago; both blld lived to an ildvancc<l age.
Afliictiolls arc resting heavil y up on the Sides family e,mnect.ion al HUNTER. this time. John R., tho senior Our people were greatly.sboCII:Pd brother 01 this large and respected familv . has long been in feeble Monday morning to leam of tbe hca.Uh /lnd fails contiuually, bnt d8llth of ex..sh3riff Lon· Hnuter at
Rel.Jet' lor AathDua,
Miss Maud Kickens, 'ParaonI!, Kas" writes: "I suffered for ei8ht
'yeare with IlIIthma In j'ts wom
Ja tIw alate- of WUblDliToD, u aU ..,)1001 1H11. and pia do~b",le.. Imo", patest- salmoll. hb.rfn la A_rica. Evet! aprin6 tbe ."Ift DlouDtalll .tr.ama are fa/.I;I,. aUy. trit .. t..... bftufltul retldl ... "1ello" .... (Lbrn nDd tnur feet in JeDar"!t aDd ....Ilrbl0lr ofleo 2~ ..,a aD pouDda), .. Ibey 1''' "p I"e rlyer \0 depoaft theW ...... In ,be buelow.terS oJ } he moUD' - DI,etl~r"'l tai ...trea..... Then;o tbe earl1 faU &hey com. do;wn aplD. It La .durfDIf lbeae ""'0 . . ason,tbat whllLIa knO·WD 'll' lbe .. llIIlIn ron Is aLlla, fuJI helgbt, and ~Ial. 1"1' 't lme to which lbe Waab.· io«ton boy. look forwlU'd to all reet of llie year. . lIut tile qlleerest IIs ben are neither [ildl.... IInr b<Jya, $'IY • •nl exchaoge of tllat .Iille. They are hoga. . So fo ....d ue ~he- bog. of tli'" delicacy, which COAIa lbe people -of Londoo' one a po-uneT. tbat Ihe r.rmen who lu... pa.lllres alang tlie ri Y""," h ..n gl'ellt ~rollhle (eneing tJ;e farms ·so .that tl,e hugs cannot get IDta th~ »Ireaml. torr. -..,1"01; ~.clu in, or....im~ iii. accord log to lbe depth of the
.... ti,.
tltf't;-D m . I DIltJ then waJches
l'he .. Imon .swims along Ull' u"peeliogly. Mr. .Hog '" ready for him. Qllick iii a ' flash be lastena hia ·greedy j .. w.. about lhe geU no,n- aDu " •• riel him asbore, th,,-re. to . hilll wllll Ihe ir"atut relil\h. back h. _.111'1 Into Ihe water. to .... tell lhe nellt t'Jlveler along tbat wily. II. will keep . lhj, up .until bla bu~ • .A: COSTLY COPlIK. 'IeI' Is latillfled. 'J:bl. indulgence rUln' the ho.lC for purk. howeoer. Aslt ghea T . ." t. llak., ••• ~1.kl.1r I. Saorl_ ' fI~o.J. Ba F.1it a Uf\abyK La"Le, Ind nu OJ.e will buy til. C.I",I • • • • II lowed "THano..... ·ft,. .... it. l'hll Ii the rOllso n Ihe fUDle.tI fIIOO; keep their boK" as lar fr"m tb. tJae •• --.er- Mo'. ' ' ' . alnam" ... pnKlihle. ~ery be.uUfol buri_1 eollcel. ud Themanner in " 'hich too-mBnY lo.nn· .bout as cosOy. tou••• ts e,.t1er GROUJlD STONE AS FOOD. erR plow tbeir orebards, \Vh..,. ·they e~en in tbe.e days 01' lavi h explow the.m at aU, "eeouot" in larB" pellc1lture I. oue Ihown ill the ware~ ....-. . ,. •• I(.Ub'e . . . .e. f . J . . . . ruc.nmr e lor purlial· trw tailu .... roc>ml of ' a Iblg. mlnufacturlng eon. . . . . . . Itt .tea .t;• • ~ .. ';' ..tlo • •" unutlll.fact-ory growtn of trees. ee.o In Jbll cily~ ny. the New York "'rla.i. ~ock; were better not t o plow ,up tIle 01'. ThIB " ..kef ia of mab!'8""a;)' .. I eba1'd, particulacl;r i l the trees b ... " 11 deep, dark rea. iii. colorjng Iik.. lhnl On Jl CC'l'lIlt 01 Ihe aboence of leeda '1lot reached. tult benring age, than of lome 11.0 " llpeclmen of old ",'h" pny' rec.kles.ly go through it hi th~ "pring lurniture. 'Ibe cornera of Ill ... coukel &",:1 . "ceule .. t ronts of gruses. Ibe clli .. r mr.dical. ufti""r qf R*jputana R deep-.. et plow .. d tear Ollt It ..l; lIDd U,e eOrDUI of the cukd by wholesale:. 'f!tere wouldll' t lid .nG t be" 'ea"nleheon upon Ib" ..IIlP iu a recent r~p'Jrt., the bark 01 tree. nnd eVe n gr<>uJ)d·up ruck• . are u nd o ..0 Dlueb damage don.e If th" plow of the- lid aad tb" h .. "draill aloug the were Dot run s o close to tbe ~ree8. In aides and 1I'p'on Ibe eoda oC Ihe " ....kd principally tu glye bulk-to the le.. nty me.I, alld tbereby alay the pangs at mnn.v instancea the .row" of trees are are richly ""'rved_ .. plo"~"d the same. a8 if thoy were ro"'~ The \l8"in~ .,pon tM3 casket OCCD- bu.nger lor .. longer time. At prue nt bf posts ·hs,;ng no roots. plee! the .e ntire time an ..,,..pert f nr amalt roportioul of ground l(hejra '.Gte' eft'ect oi Kuch1lDwisc treatm oj ourl,. four monihl; ·there wu raid buk are io Ule lI ...,rly e.ery .. bere, of fruit trees is to eh""k ""ood growth OD," for the "amolr Iione ,"thin Ie•• and h. tbe proporlioa of abuuL one pa.t 10 twenty of flour iL does nol encourage an- abnormal produL~ !hlln of $500. In lhe gettiV imp"ir the dlgesLion of Ihe labor ing lion o f ·fruit. Then tl.e reac tion' comes. Ind prep:orie'g of tbe n lllleri,1It anti thc tre~s scem unwilling "itt."r to which tll.-·"..slc"t I. made. in the eIlbi- el""~eo, Gllbougb tt doea 10 j f laken y. St. Jam",,' GazetH. In n~L work DpOD It, and in the '"drlotlt; prod lice frwt or d evl'1ol1 wood. il. oonl1ru"tlon u.,~rr. lJ"ve Indeed. omall qualltilies of th is bark, Oo.mcrnlly speaking. 'In or 'hard details ..""ploYlfd \lpon it from IIrsl to l" ell ground. are Ir.lld 10 ".id digulioo, s bou ld be plowed no J;lIor~ t hUn onc" 10 Ii·...e "ean, . ,\od it ~bould not be I"sf. blH a dou.n or rno",,, me_D. nod and to make up to some e.xtent. f o r deep. no;: should the -eartb 1>e plowed_ I be loul tt.1~ oectlph,d In it.coulru,,· 111" ...not of {ruh Tegetable.. A Bull t n ne, pJia Chats. f.) uod on the np near 111e t r ecs ; I hey ..1.o" ld ~u"y Lion •• 1 ,e •• a mDnths. ll-1a aD admirable speelm.e n of ... o.. k- l;ti k3u ~D ·1I3r\\~aT borde ~ of J~ip ur. i un IInploweiJ ~-t rlp 20 f ect,_wjde or la.rg.. lIud In Ih" t part oC tbe eoun· more, depending upon tb e lr age ,,011 IIlaJllbip, Ill. Price of "hieb it 12.$00. or)" 'II, gi.e bulk to tbe meal. Thi. cOnse(lueot root de~el o[llll ent. s lOM il Irinbl ... ad easily grnun d inlo 'fb e orcbard nc O'"r .bouJ(I bt-, perD.... I•••• E»"'e-'... p owd e r . Jt co nt ain. an oleagim Ltted to becomelo ul or iufested " 'ilb . TeAcher.....,.So•• children ...'bo nous .tub fnm:.p, which hOll ay me Dutri .. weed,,: Disk;ng ~rlY' In th e spring tell me wbt. an epidemi-: ia? What! tio us ' qu a·li.ies, and tbe people have should be follo,<ted by periodical har- Nooe of you1 J",t· me prompt yom fou nd • h aL ,,-hen fi ntely Ifrnund and rowing througll II .., summer monlh ~ memory. It 1s so.mething thai u s ed i n th e r r·n poTlion of about. one· and IInWlime for ",, \Vlogaco.erc~op• • preadJ. ADd no",_b. 1 lIee one 0 1 to ,hree·f.. "rtlo. "I ft our it s uch ..~ rye o.r-T" tch.- :-<atjonal Ullral. you kuo..... What.is it, my Ilhb 1rourlh 1ue5 not. impuir dig cstion for a c on~ rriend?t' siderab le t im e: lJllt ",lien H is us.ed "JIm, ;lr."-S1In Franci..co En» In rxC!u l it son n &:,i Vt!8 r iM to m alDu ~ UNRUL Y LIVE STOCK, 1ner. trJtlon. emacia ti on. bowe l di5e:uc. JI You n .."Ve au. n a t c_ • ., swo.llen fe el:>n" other signs o [ sta naQ.I.....,r Til •• Tko •• De C(U•• "'Uf!'a D'.poae . f It ,A Utt.le boy. bearing some one ,... don. Other . barks ano! ea rll,)' sub" ' Ullo'a t De-laT. ·mllrk that ·nolbing 1\..a quleker th.D sta nce , Bre m u re inj', riou.. bue. th e Ou r, of -tbe call ie Ih n t died ....b ieh wa. U iB gen rally 0 fn ct tllat the owner Iboogbt, ••id he Itnew better 1bu used edenllToly. bad no ill e.!lecla. that; whiatJlug ...... q~cker tbar n( ullruly Slock i6 ... clu..,les t .._rmer. thought. • An animal I·hal hlUl ll ever lasted freeBeing aslred to nplAln, he said: WHAT MEXICO BOASTS OF. dom i" easily controll~(l. If thc cattle. "In school t he olb~ .. day I whlBtlet . beep and ·.;win .. ort! kept in IJeJlS and before I thougbt aod got. Iicldng fOI • • • _ " . . . . . k ••tle V •• c ...e-. I. " ' b .h !1t hebilld lenecb ~hl't ure ne,'er out of .11. . . . . . . . . c I ............. It."-Evangdi.t. I' pair, Ih" tlr~t b" eo);; will ne..~r ~ .- -:..--
".1•• __••• ,,_t
.... kl • • t .... Glie_r Vi ....
The Sorceon-We ah..u have to ope...te for the removal 6£ you Ippendi~ venlJi.
'ormiA. . '. l:bronlc Cr""lru-4Vhat'. the I!OO<i of that! J'd crow: Inolher oae.-Chicqo-Trib-
• •
tt. II. flir, R.h-5ay( I w"nl-ron tn morry mc. lli_ Peehia (~inIJ- Well! I'\'e hAq ... "'. aa G " ~t.,... bu YOu TaR fUe ... I.
palm . ·'GopII· No", let
hoM that pllm
........ ile I' .Iip· 1111, rin, oil" Ihe proper lihiet"'--PllilldeJ,,11ia I'reu.
1. f.e . PI"'e.IPDee or Gre.t.~ ••. 1'...\_1 ",1J'lpaM vou hive ","I ho_
.f tb'a t De ... baby orroun, bl1vtu't you! La"e-Wen. ,.ea. 1 have, old man. Wben Nest '·•• r " :1'11 C._e•• de •• e •••••• J think o( whal< tlie .bahy i. likel,. 10 be -... C.G •••• I.I " .f th. Ra .. J rnirl,. lremble at 107 0"'0 , ....i,oifiOloee.ala. rre ... Deltoit Free 1'....... ~
... ~ 1•• I_naU6.; ,
On lb. 29lh of D.e.mber. IgO!. ·tb. Rus.ian pres. will ha"e the · "oppor'
Fint Killt Dtale~B!ryau put ..aler ;0 70ur milk! tunity of celebrating. ill IWo bun · ~j" oDaIer-Sir;! 'nsalt mel dr.dth anulv .... ary. · It wos on th_al J " ... i .to~diTtl1e I'~e'milk: but to .....ki day in tbe yu r 1702 Iha~ Peler the It eoJd.-{)hio Stille JOllrn~1. . ' f f ~ ~~" ~ Grelll .igned tb. ukase ordaiuing tb. publication of the first Rllulan ne",", 1 do not belie"e Pioo's Cur.Jar Conmmp' t ion b•• aa equal rar eooigh~ and_cold •.- pap... th. "Xews 011 ~mitllry nnd Oth· Joh" F. · BqrF~ . inil)'( :;Prias.. lDd~ l·eb. ~r Mlltlers:' A fel'\' dol'S lot .... tbefirst number of this oflicial Rmision- De-WI· L\1~ '1 ~ . ~ paper was issned, and from ,tanuar1 ,,!,!~~~~...~j)JQD· been dnhi'!" "'Yf' 16. 1703. it appeared regUlarly bolh In .in t doi.n' nothin': ' "Dcilh 1I1C!. you This firal "'~I)!' ~ ., I" 101h .pa enry d.Y: '-ln· Peleuburg aad Museo",. .. ilbRpOli.1ie,n . ]tussian ne',,"pap.r, by tbe. ,,·oy. h"d but a short li fe. Tbe n.WI eeased to ~ .ppear in 1711, . .ys 1\ London p"per. Cb."k TIuIt tT~ly COUll.'" Alr.n,]y propamliono ar. . ~IDg Wilb Houie·.C"!u,,~ ~o~pium. 50elL mod" !n the lhu;sian empire for a ~ "Tb;nk of i .. ! Ooot& on raeiug yacht. Il! worlhy celebration of 'his jubilee. Th" InUtOtJt!" '.wrhey 3fe certainly no moN' rc- Dibliograllbieal lociely of Mooeo .. JllArk,hle t~a" rams on baILl •• bip : '-Phil- plana tbe publica lion of .. m.gni:JIcen~ adelphia· Tim ... work. co.nlaining a Ii ..t.-of &lIlbe Ru.· ~ ,ian new S p.p~r,. pu.bli oboc! from 1702 It. true lUll stan ;.,. stran,er thl. 11 fie· to 1902. and adorned \\ith t he piclures titia... oae.-<;bicai!o Val,l)" N.w • . of prominent joul"Ualists and pnblishfrs. The n.t pro~.ds of Ihe sale of Ih. work lite to be used as a fUlid for supporting neeily journalis t s. Thty IJ50 inte nd to Ilrrn nge on Ihi. uecas;oD • ne"'spnprr ~~hibi1lon :I.t Moscow.
CEi'rter's Little Liver Pills. Must Sear Sisnature ot
'VII ..
A denl i.t Li~e
or • \\0'_ •••
Re-qDlr .. " Ibe lervleea or a (leo ... d . cnjo~
among thr fnshionablt! prople of
thr South
Tflnt,s this pt"culinrex-
p prit"t1cl" nf 1m ('I or1,i.. p:a.lrol1 J;. saJs. he
Cbi""go (;Jltouiclr : "She \\,,8" a rAlher prell y )"OIl Ug- married -worn:ln:' hI!!: says. "hut lIt"r upper rront teeth \i'tre So bad!y IliscolorrJ and dl: f ec1ll"l' AS 10 grei,:I:;- '":tr)'t"f O1pprarulJce. llerl1l1s· hnnd . art.~ r ml l\!h Jl('nmuion. indu(· ... d htr to hnvt I "'0 or I h e. WOI"!\t r 'p:3ced with aflifici;d tt"iI"th. 1 mnde a nfonl jub of it. And she "118 d.lighlerl . Tbe !wo ttttlJ were. on :\ plate. end s he wilre
Ihem Ie! bed Ihe fln~ night 5be. hid Ihem. ' During lhe night Ihey fell from her moulb 10 floor. olld ,,:h('n she got up in the morning ..-he troll on them and brllke the pl"le 011 In pi,,,e •. Ire· •• t Ih e teeth nil "aolher pl"t~. and Ihe w .. n&. home agnin with them. ThaL night she pnt tbt"nl in a glass of wnter on Ihe mUIlI .. 1. II .. husband gol op in Ihe nighl 10 get R drink of ..aler. fladillg .om.thing in the I mobler -tbrew Ihe eontonl.. ont nf (he ,,·in· dow, Iha. disp"slng of 1.h. leeobd set in (hrt~ dnys. Then rmRdeherR Ihlrd "~ I. Thue . hel'u lon I he man1e1.l"ben .her~jired nl1d rorgo t to replace,them in Ihe morning. The mald.duotingth. room .• ,,.epl these off into th~ grate nnderh .. th th" manl .. I, wb~re _ tbey hnrn..-d "l'. ' Tbe fnmily mM,d out lOWD a f~\V llays n rter-n:8t'd. ao ~"btther .b. got a fo.urlb . et I do not know."
itaiMI' ••••• _._,. ]I. . . . . . . . .
Emperor Wjlliam reeeatly ga"';e or. ders for" long li~t of newspaperl _to I id belor!! him daily, jnat... ~ oi e~!?;:i:'~~~~.:,a:S,..h~~rrelofore. Beaide,· pe. r 01 40 Germ .. n- papera, every d~y I t two F..·~n' .. h I I wo Englisb. one Ameri.,.. throe Austrian.
aofte~ lb. earllt. the hor~~6' fee t aDd ....agon wheela mix and .koead It, and it soo!, become :t lmpa~"ablemud; IInalIy I be.-frost ire"zeH it, alld Ihe R eoDd . state of the road is \Torse lhan tbe first-for a lime at'1.... t. i·urther.lf the 'w ater I,s 8lluw~d to course. dc>w'l! Ille middle of Ibe road, it . ...!II wuh away the eartb aDd lea"" guUI". In tbe. surCace that mllst ·be laborjoud~' filled up by tbe traftlc O{ the band 01 man. No road. however ...eJl mllde otherwise. can endDre if tb~ walercol· lecls o r remaios 011 it. Prompt lind Ihorough dr"ina)l'c is 11 .. it"l~"enti.al in all road construction.. A perfectly drained rood u-ill ba'·. tbree s ystems 01 drainllge, CIlCh. 01 " 'hieh mu d ~.celve specialattenlioo if ' Ibe best r esull . a.re to ' be o~taincd. This Is trll, wbel her tbe tu.c k,vay be Iron broken "lone, gta"d or eartb, and i t; is. etnphatieally t.ru e of eartb. These Ihree sy s tems are, 'iz.. tlnderdrainage, . ide ditches and "urlnce drainllge. . Unde roraiouge.- )rany. if. nol most.• country highways could be cObs ider01J1~' ~prov e d by tho roogb £lIbdrain· age. Most Toad'S n ee u underd."a inage even Ihough water dnes nol " land in the .ide ditches. Mo.st people appear
"X"".., ....
the . go to her promptly. At the greatest a id to nature is Lydia 'E~ . bam's egetab~o Compound. .Jt .~cpaT~ th~ yo .g :l:;em for the.. coming, cMnge, and lS.tn~ surest reliaDoil . hour of. trial. The folJowi0l7.: letters from Miss Good are practical proof of Hrs. Pinkham s efficient advice to young women. Miss GoOd asks Mts. Plnklulm for Help'.
im ·-
JUlie. 12th, 1599. D1tAlt MRs. PtNttlLUf :-1 ha"e been very much bolhered for !!Ome time with my mODthly periods being ir reg-ula:r. 1 'rHl teU ~'ou all e.bout It, and put m}·scJ.f in your care, {or 1 hare heard so much of yo.u. Each molltb meDStruation ,,"oold become less aDd less, unlil It entirely. Iitopped for six mon1.b.s, and n .o w it bJl.S stopped again. ~ hal''' l.>ecome very n ero ·.,aua-and of a very bad color. I am a you ng girl and have nJw ..ys b ..d t o r.--;;;;~~~--;] work very hA1'd. .I wonl<l be ..C~ ,lJmch pJeiLSed if you would tell m e wliat 10 ao.ft-hfl ss PEARL GOOll, Cor. 29th Avenue and Yeslar Way, Seattie, Wa&h. II
. ,
The Hl!PPY Result. February lOth. lllOO. .. DEAR MRS- l'rNlDJ...u1 :-1 canno t "raise Lydia E. Pinkll3m's Vegetable Compound " nough. It is just simply wonderful the. change y.our mcdicine nnslIUlde in 10'" 1 fee l like another person. My w ork is n o\v 11. pleasure to me ~ while beiore using YPUl" medicine i~ was .. bnn:e<L ) T01b,v 1. lLm a hcalthyand . . I think H would use your less 6tlffe ring in world. reliH I have experieDcc'\ by bam's V~bJe ComP.Q1u14. Cor. 29th Avenue aDd Yeslar
A.., •••
Oltld e. tlUI)
t h e prccoo en t e8tablilihr.d.
lIer (jO.M e"t..
It wo uld I>'(' l,a.iI to Iluild a f"nce thaI - "POnll'." Allid the yo.Dth wilh tbe will t ur n all s tock if tbey I' allzed earDel t intellectual expression. flis AG what a n ..u ~y lbing it \\'ould be to lore.. h .....d to at t .. in! ' n i:; AO diftlcolt. fOI their WII)' tbrough. .Th e whol ..eel'''' oDe to get h iJDIelf talked abouU" lies j~ keeping tbem filled witb tb" "Oumph!" rejoi ned the womall ..!til iden that-lhey cannol break the bonds enid hlue ey... and " arm "YOll set b y hIm whn i s gi ven t o. rule over jU5t ought t.o live ul! in 001' neJeh' and 11O\'e domiuion. It I·her i ~ oue in· borbood."-"l'VlUhlng1oD Star. diviiluBI on. the pre mises I bat ge"" - IUt. Va ..oI'Ue. inlo bad habi ts, it ll<'come~ epiciemic. Algie (on 'b.i. whee:I)-Yoll & co. The mos t tractable herd would be spoiled by n!lf<oci&tion ',!,itb one rog-u~. tege graduate? What'l tb'e Lati!! fOi An anlwal t h a.t wiJI no be confrollerl WI IOTe1" Frayed Fagin-Spiritus fermenti. must be 01 grca\ ,.,.Iue Ind eel if tbe Algie-Why, don't you know tb.t rormer can H /ford to keep it. Better I'ueriHce . m uch rather t han· to .. uffer m.e an.. whisky? Frayed Fagin ("moYing otr}-Well Ihe annoyanre . and expense of eonstootly building up feoees, and bear 3.l·s w'ot I :Iove.-Judge. the loss of t r ..mpled crops and broken Gap. Sb.rubbery. t t ees, ·Ie. Jf an nuJID,,1 ''It eeema te me you're a trifle f. \\ill not be controlled dispose of it in mlliar," the humonJlt .. id, wben th, 80me way befiire jt~ evil habits are footpads held him _lip. communicate"-to t-I le re .. i 01 tbe herd. "S"o? WeU:, here'.. "ometbing thai As witlt maoy eTils, t b e proper rem- trill be more famili ..r," replied one ot edy is prevention. ]\.I!el' up good them, 8tuftinl~ a ' handkere"ief into tb, fellces and there , viII be hut little trou- Tielim's- moulth. "U'I all old gng."ble with ullruly stock.-J. L. Irwin, in P2Ill~delphia {'resa. Ohio f~lrmer . . ...::--- -
----C_.". . . . . . . la E..-
!I~lIl ••• In eggp't"odoetion, Denmark is forg· inC' . to _ tbe 19re, he.r export!! Ioa'':!ng
dun bled in the .1J1.St five years. This has largely heen brough t about Ihrollgh the combiuation of fbe farm. ers roto syudicates. The fdrnlersfortD lOi:aI .lUIociatioD8. the 01ll~r8 of wbich 'In turn elect; central ofl\cer s to con. trol the. ml).Oagement of (he \\'hole corporation. Each egg ·D8 It la gathered is stamped wiU" I be marie. of Ibe loca! .8SSo<;i.lltioD on!1 .the number the inditidllal in the association. Eggs 80 mllrked-' are taken to tbe cen. tral .point, ....hen t bey are shipped. to Copenhageo. 1f aDY bad egg,. are found at Cn!"'~"B"lI , a Ane of about $I is lmpo.sed upon tbe penon sending the I.am~ a1l4 re)"'titions "~U force ODe ollt ot1.11e 8a8Ociatlon.-Prof. W. .L Benry, in Far:m.e rs· Review-.
TIl_e Ble. . . . . . ' or. Ha~_,F;. Harmony. I. nec~8sa ry between pat·rons and managers of creameries .if· the b ..st results are. to be .ecureIL
Alo •• t"e WaT.
Don't s)t down ant! watt (or
Fortune ItO apply tbe pad-
But ..,t au' &lit! do Tour . Share of ¢ra."lu1lfl·. mUll ~ -~JO JitaCDr4·U.fll ..
............ • •• •
iog an txt.e n8i,,, prlc,
A.... .
la our oounfTy, 6nys E I Cc rTeo de
&noro.... have follow ing: The blghcst moun ta in in I\"ort_h Ameri"a, POI'",".. t"!,,, 'I; jhe deept'st min" 10 the wor.ld. \."alendOlla ;
th e
•• Nay RIVAL"
tlle DlO.t extensh'e
,.. . . . . powder.ttd18 oa the market -coarp&re with tbe ., NEW RIVAL"
New IIa1eII, Comt.
urIYears an fndependence Is Assured
won derruI
U\Ose· of c8cahuamill'll !lnd Villa G .. r..... : Ihe oldest city in the Ameral. tDrmeriy Tollan, no w j 'oln: the olde.' commerei,,1 hOIl Ke in Am~nca, the bo.ok .tore 01 A badDno. {ound~d 211 yenr. ago; Ihe ci ty In whieb printing WI\' flrot eah,bll. hed iD . tbe ne.. world. M~xi "o.. in 1S3J ; Ihll s anctuary most "~nera t e d in America. that · 01 G-u.<lnlaupe. with wbieb only mlY be comp....1 t ha t of Lourdes Ie France: lhe ,,""pie ,.h ole to.ngue. lille Ihnt uf Ihe Bos ques. C.lI· not be c1 ... ified "mong any nf the
continent. tbl!!:
~r i ;
the cApi1a.1 with
• higher altitude than Ihe at hu eltiu of It. cOlln try, Mcsi<o; Ihl' biggest knoWJI tree. the "Sa-ntll ~ .. ria del Tille:' in Oaxaca; the m ost "enlly erea-ted TDlcano. Jorllllo; ft nail v. the ruler no. In power who baa dODe most to pre.~r"e: peace in III th" eount.ries o( America freed from Spaolsh rule. Gcn. PorOrio Diu.
.........•••• '
• CASCARETS are a sure cure for tape worms and those other pel?ts of worms that _make the liv~s of children • .and their mothers 'miserable. Any variety of parasites that live in the human .stomach or bowels, and feed on the • . .substance which sJloula properly nourish the body, are dislodged by Cascarets Candy C~th;utjc, and. expe~led. One or two tablets usually drive them out. and persistent use Is syre to do away WIth the unwelcome tntnrd rs. . Many"children anq .older people suffer from worms without knowing it, and get th,in and w~ak,. although. their appetite ·lsgood. . Th~- best way Jo flndCu~ I.:...!~.}:~, ~~':!~ Ohu~b~:~~ ,~ePt a su~stltutel
·1 I. •
Sutwo.n.J1IId.l!!~ (kttlle~.
ricbe.t yeln in Ihe world. "n.1 Ih . o l1e ""hieb b . . li elded ihe most ailver. th.~ or thr monnlain of Guan"jlll,to:
!. -.ua
,,:,"Brookl.rn .Citill_.. ,
to th~
• •• •
•I •• . 'J .•
I ,
it.. 11
~ Ia Don, 4l1llMerlptfo .. 01 PrIa" . . S ..k • .. Doao ta 8111 COQIIlr1 ~.""
PioDJPtl1 Ell.., ....
Office in Printz
Opposite Miam! B.ouae.;
••• 1I •
THE NICEST ON£. rve got the dear.,.t 'dolly And he'r na.me J. Sally PolL Sh e u8ed 10 be a clothespin )l ore s be sot to be a doll
Aunt Maggle made ber (or me When I had the whooptng COUgh And: ahe Qlarud her face -with charcoal But it s almol!-t all come olL
Bet: dre.•• JI! onl,. gingham ADd ehe
r an)" hair.
She un l a truly beaut) But I tell ber no. to care
.,.1, •••
Carrier PJ.eoal
Wbl\..t Tbe,. Me Cn.pabJe of r,.,laa.
"Tbe New Popularity ol .tbe Car rler PlgeoD,' Is the tItle of lUI artl ale by G~orge Etbelbert Walsb... hleh appeau ln St Nichol". Botb in ""r and peace the cart'ler pIgeon has won new laurels In tbe p .. ~ yenr, and lUi popolarlty 8$ a well bred pet and domestle messen ger bas hecome ... G'l'Hlt as Jts use tuine-8s as a carner of wor dLSplLtches where telegrnph and te lepbone. hnes Gre no~ eMUJbhshed That 60 muocent a creature BS the dOH~: lUte car rler should be s.,leded for IInpnrlanli '''11' pur[loses nnd taken loto tho senlce for furtherlOg the blooa) eon
For 1 ve ..ot a CTeat bJg family 01 dollies larKe.and 5malJ
And Bally Polly Clotheoptn I.
Tbe ntcett doll of all
more accuracy I know of one borBe, lor IDstaDee.
. . . e ~. Tw. '~.r t BeyolaUoaowned by OD~ of tbe electrlClIlOfi of tbe arT" arf• .re Without a Ge-aeral .. ell~, tbat will no t onder nny CLrcom J7 Reeo... laeil slances .tep on a steel rail or go near A na tional ensIgn WA. not adopted ... ~wlOglDg "Lre. beeeu;;e one of bel' ear.. "as fih.gb lh bruBbedb, B hve"lre till June. 1111 A glance nt the pro .enral)uro ago while she had one of ml KCU OUS ba.nners under , .. bleb the h er feet on 1be raIling of a car Irack dl1ferenl Amerlcan rorces Camp8.lgoeu She wnJl knocke<! down b} tbe !;bock durlOg the first two years of tbe re' but WI1" nol se riou Iy hurt Since thnt ~Iutlon will be fouDd of llttere"-t Ume .he bao been ext r emely cardul The fl.rst gr"d regular bailIe of th e about "bere libe puts her (eet, lInd war was Bonker HIlL It " not IIkel] keeps her gaze 00 tb" ground at all Lba~ there were any colurs carrIed by the few mllitJameD wbo were ba sl1ly I1ml/& Bot T owned a litH. bay mat< .... got togetber at Concord and LeXlng eral)ear.5 ago that caused me con s ider ton two montbs bdore Bnt after tbe able Irouble and for more t ban a lkirmlsbu at tbese places eneh of the of or month 1 was,..,.y mucb "orrl"d by an eolonle. Af!t. up Its owo flag u08ceuootabJr ~ tiS-Ie of "ater on m, touatel;r deSCriptio ns of tbese flng s place It "83 before I mond tn ~." were not preeer:ved, and lhe lofor-ma OrleanH Tb~ \\al e r ra tu of the lawn uon we ba1'e. IS Y~ry vague where I hv.. <1 'vere fearful r hac! " The moet defiD'lte IDfono.tlon OR 10 b) drant JD j he had< ) ard Ever~ I ...... American fla gs \\6 get I. 10 foretgll OIgbts tbe .. ater would be IlU'oed on 1JI Jouroals ot porh "here American .ome m) .tt nOU8 wa. Rnd the yard .hlps a~ that t.1tne touched Tbere 's wnuld Atmph be nooded tbe n=1 no oatlsfae tor11nformallon as to tbe morning IIslhng to dlliCovfrthe cause staadard uoed by tbe colonIst. al of the trollbl. befo r e tbe end of Ibe Bunker HIli, fough t on June r n7~ month, when m} water hIll had dou (n.deed It has ne'rr beeD pro~ed Ihat bled ["nllfied thepohce belleTlngthat tbey bad GUV s t&odard . lhough one 80me maJIJ!lou. person ,vas attempting wnter savs they "ere as '<ar10ns 6S to aU"rv some grudge agalOst me t be troops "ere molle y Tbe r e IS G The chief stouoned two men at m) pICtu re of the battie to Ibe r otund. o f !,!ace to "alch the bJdrant TheIcoo the capitol .t '" a s blDg'"" palDled b) erl¥ed themselves Bnd along about Trumbull Ibe eeJebraled Ame~lcJn mIdn.gh t thr~ beard a .qu ~ akin : sound arti st of that day In wlu ch the ~mcr at thl> I,sdra nt and," a few mlDUIe Icr.". a re pIctured Hgbting under a r ed Ihe \\al~r \\a" splutlerlng o ut at a flag ha,mg a whIte canton bear,"~ a rearful ralt' Tbe~ mode , ru sb for g-reM pIne tree Warren]8 said to Ihe [Illce thlllklDg 10 ,"'plllre Ihe cuI bave r rmlDded hI S troHpS Df the m. I I 0 pnt "lit wh en tb e , got lb re Ihry on tbeLT standard on OD'" slde ( f "It..ch found m, little ba" man ",Ih her wa.'\ Qw tra.nstuiJt Sl1 tmel (Be who hend 6t uck do\\ n ID thr fln" 'rum the brought us h~re \\111 su~toalD Ut;;;) 3Dd bJ'drnnt She was dMnklng and dab OD tbe otber An Appeal to HeavcD liOUE. Tbe 9PporluDjuea for ••11 SUppOtl bhng In Ibe ,vo ter an d ...... m.d to he '-":-y .D tbe -dIfferent coHege. oecord baYIng a. good hme grne r olh Th" Ing to tb. Lr Ize nnd location Ocellpa r ep .rted Ihe matler to me aDd J bnd tlOnll procllclJble for Jrtud4!Dts In 11 no more trouble abuut m~ b, draot ~maH to'm ar... 800n exh~ ust... FOI thl reaSC!lD th... ell mpporllDg"tudeDI SOlIE SCOTTISH PAGANS. ,n "PrlDceton " JUlam" DArtmolltb 'mb ..r., T~land tanfnrd Jr~ aod Q_eer RJCI'!'II P ....eUe~ • • • Ule l'lelcll'bor.Ood of B . . . by !I.p~n t.~ome oth~r coUegte must make th. ftoaa Pe.... o •• !)eM cuwn,,"rclOl u_e pu,,,,ble of tb. college p~bhc, and not rely leu great Th" Land o· Cakes mB) be the I, on ' th,' !trolled suppl~ nf ootslde "orlc. Bllt tbe maD earDlnghl ......Sat home of popular education, the Chlcog" unl\el'~ty, ColumbIa, 1'al. taluly IS Ihe borne of DUlDJ' CUriOUS or Darval d has a "holeeu:)' tull of po. 8Uperatllions A startling proof of Ib.hues 10 choose frOID! If the college tbls bas been ginn by tbe pari.b body pro.es uoremuneraun Wh~n mln181~r of 10rrldon ,n t be nortb· tb ... prospectIve .tudent of one nf tbue ern count. of no". who has JUlOt disEARLY AMERICAN FLAGS UDI"erlu11es con RuHR the LUi:t of undeT"- eo,ered tbat • shocking pagao r.les" gradullte mdustne, from tb" .ate Vnn are being followed ID tbe neIghbor This appears to bave been the Con tage or b. own b9me IDdeed be feel- hood of tbe town sa). Ihe London nec ticDI mollu \0 old lady told ~Ir :L~ b,,"iJILered "oman before ..am Expres" Losslllg tbe b,storlan thnt her lal'bcr The staQ of tb ese pi.... of aU the dres!> goods In a store .. as at the battle and aSSi s ted ID Weird but Intere<tlng R ~r cbm. C OIt flrs~ stems unlimIted hOIsting tbe flag H e cle'CTlbed It to But only .. encoun{e r s w,lb th"ac that man, l ears ago n "olDan eorn ber.. The ground wall:; blue" It hone tunl d,lflo'Ultles of earDlng Ins hrln~ mltted sDlcHle bv dronnlng berseU earner. quatlered bv t he red cross of !l5CfV e to r "vt'rse. hiS ldea~ ot hus Q\VD )m '11 the Rahne rlv~r near TorrJdoD St George In one sec t IOn of whIch 'VIaS purt"nce oud tn lJUI.ke blm Ihonkfu} to The Inhabitants reiu!(ed to consent Q p ln~ tree to tbe bodv be-Ing bUried In tbe Au do tm, Hrst profitable- tblDg bts bana. On July IS, 1i7, a staodard '<as pre nant cburch ~nrd on lhe plea t.ta t find to do .f the bodv "a8 buned In view of senled t o \\a bUlgtoo beating the On Oc Locb Torrldon the flsb would forsake motto \n \ppeal to Heaven he waters The r emOlns "l\tJ'e COD Lober 20 1;;5 n pia "as Sllggested 'Je.quently Interred In unconsecrated for a rel o lutlonarl flag \~ h leb \\(lS a ?rouDd about 100 vard. from \.he ,.. bIte groun d and II. tree 10 the mHldle bearlOg tbe moRo ,\n Appeal [0 emeter) and tbere tbey no" he Wbal Ihls woman 8 gra~e bas to do Heann' It"U I,e tllg of \mer can wltb pagan Mtes bas sh ll to be fl oalmg batterIes Tills \\a !! ulldoubt lold however Tbere IS a local behef edly adopted bJ '1n.saehu se~t..'5 and It that epllephcs wJ\1 be cured of tbelt "s-!: used on A-merlcBo shlps trouble by drmking water from STRANGE BIRD SCHOOL. pool oo t. of the 8kuJi of " Soeh a. skull bas been ke pt 'a !lo_e Part. of Ger.aD7 BalltlllC"heM '"dden for rna nJ yelLT~ uoder the Are Taacb1 to SLog Sweet Maille ;urrace sool or th,S graTe bu t wheth b,. Maeblner,. r It IS the ~ 1;-tIII of the woman ber ,elf IS not clear Tbose BulferlDg the German (rom eplleps) go to the gran! In the :Ienn of rugbt unearth the mold erlDS ,kull Ind drink ou t of It water of the pool already mentlooed Th,s oractl~e bas been golDg on for a lool!' time but bas only now come un de.r the Irno"ledge of the parlsb min lster Some nme years ago the skull bad I. a curious adventure A number of A men from the ne'gbbonng ~lllage of Applecross remo>ed the skuJl from Its ,estlng place and kept It for snme tI me near tbe parloh manse In ordeT t o hay ~he benefit of Its mJ sterlOus curd"" 4 tHllllles Tbe people "bo !Ire looked upon as the proper ell8 tad,R US of tlie rehe had great dlfll ulty m reep,ermg ,t bu t ultImately dId so. RUtl ~plnced It 10 Its ,epul cher This IS tbe at""' ot tb. sklLn to dote but U.e oequel l'emoms to be told. as It. ~6 not unlikely thAt ther e may be a struggle between the mID lste r ",nd his parJsbloners for nnu,....-t Slon of tbe. grewsome bOwl
"Who ere you 7" she asked. wlldl1 "Your ttJena Don t excile your self tt "Your Dame? Tour DQJlle~' "Frances Brookinl And, oh. I am sa BDrry for you, so -very sOl;'ry'" Lowse seemed to bave Deard on.ly the lIam~ wh.ch 6he repeated a.ottl,. ....onde... Ingly "And boW' about your IOU'S, madam? }'lIIllJcea Brookinl And your father You dUlre above aU thlllgs t b at Bay _ho ~sbe?' marr ybur step -John Brookin " Iillugbter and ~lIh~rlt UDder tbe WIll "Ah. my God'" ADd the face DPOD of t be maa YOR coddJ.d and bullIed out th. pillow W08 tnnI.d a,,"'Y 1Il shame of his sense. The Dame of Ihe mau ... deonfU51on Ukr ...hileabe looked who was shot I .b.U not lell YOD, back a ~trange hght In ber eyes I will tell you Ihe ~.me of tbe .... ODl• Wba.t do you want of me 1" sht an "ho shot him--.l thought-you were osked. lusp)CloU5ly the woman 1 was mistaken ond for "1 \\ anted to tell YOII, • saId Franc.,.. m.H.:er 'l th,S elTOI' I o....e you a n apolog)' .. covermg ber face and robbiDg ane .... "This 15 lnfamous'" 'lhat I didD't know~tyolI! That tl "I "as mIstaken I say. honestly 1 had DO po"el' On Hrtb could hay. For I 1hought t/lat the woman who won m5 conunt. 011, 1 b,,-ve been. d .. would retreat from berdJlDghusband, eelved.....,ruellJ. cruelly: • appealtog to her: "lib hIS heart In bl. Lom,e... ho was Ignorant that Fraa eyes. who would link an ol1'han c.,. was the ~l iD the rOPm at t~ to .. hbertlDe, mIght easll, pull a tIme o[ the shooting. DOW saw hu opo ger to remove II le6ser obstacle.' Tbe portuDlty Sbe railed her",.I! e81I1'Cl"~" woman rushed up to him "lth hands "You an my rnal, tben 'Iou ca_ clenched only LD pItY .. "Scoundrel' If I had tbe weapon "Yes A~d to 'II.sJc your forglnae. now I wOl1ld prove sou r Judgment! You bave nothlJlg to fear from me · Out of my housel' Dr Brodnar smIled !I. glad IIgh L filled the eyes of Looh,. "iekedly She could •.,th di1lkuJty nsirdn ha "1 wag mistaken 1 he conhnued, ..If and control her VOIce "I behe~~ you" sbe 1!aJc! 'You wIT eoolly, "tbe woman "ho J!bot th •• ult known gc;ntleman l,es halt dtlJnous. not toke hLm trom we-170m biI in room 28 at the Spotswood, Ind h .. r Dame J8 WOlle And, madam. I WIll do her full jushce, .he erred JD her III formaUon and her Blm For tbe ma .. ahe hoped to destroy was this Ilber bile, cashiered. sWlDdlmg ebeatJDg SOD
.) our..
breathe a word ag.Jost the fame of Francel Br:ookin. and l.ball go before Richmond w.th my cause Good nen IDg" He bowed mocklnKI)" and ... as turn lng away when fbe portIere ...... lIung vIolently aa.de aud RolblD rusbed on h.m from behind A .keen knife .n h,s hand flasbed In tbe gas ligbt and feU bnt once only Maddened wltb the paln and enraged at the co"ardly .t
••••' A: .• I'I
fhets of modern Ji rmlf'1'i se e.,ms oui of
keepmg ""tb the anns of nnture aod an abuse of man q po,... r The pigeon 1S "mlnenllv a peace 101lng b'Td and ,tJ! nature 18 so ,1llIerent il'om that of lhe 8CreamlDg ~I\gle and fo..1coo th:J I a" an emblem of war It Sll011ld NeverlheleS1l til" Llmld b l rd has 6Ul'ed annie-a In tImes of neetl and is culll'oted for lto I,.rae tical 'Tat' usefulness to an erl~llt
ne'er dreamed Df for ",ther the bI con or eagle In" seD"" It Iii \.he wllr bLrd of the da v The pl~on "'W," .,r,.j..t a t Durban In Snnth Afrl('a "3S tbe beg.nOlng nf the p.geon ,,~penm~nts conduc letl In rcce)]t cnmplllgns bet"een Ibe Eng h"h and Boers. and scoreH of me Irom one part of t o nootber by menD S of the bird Col Bnx""r.1 of the )lo<al engmeers a s laff officer al tIle Cape had made a liJ'e .tody o~ the carner p.geon s a od be(or~ tbe war broke Ollt he hacl estab-JlFhed In geon pos t. between rna t of t1.e be leaguE'T.d CIties FTom Lady~mllb Klmbe-rl.. and MnJ~king p.geo ns f'arhr JD the
reguhlrly bc<')n"ht
m essage, from tbe E nghsh ""Jille,.,. rooped up ID tbe 10" ns SlI' Ueor:!!'e WIllIe s fil'St mc""age from Lad, smIth \\ao carr.ed bJ a p'geoD, anti tb,. means of cOmmUD1C:3 hng
Wi th
outc:tde ",·orlsl.- contlnoed untd the number of birds ID tbe Cll) W3S e."C bausted It was only a short hme berore the outbreak ot the \Var III Soutb Afrl<;" that the Engh sb gmernment hnd lIe clded to .,,;tabhsh a. servIce of earn~ pIgeon s In the D:lV) pIgeon postS were rE'cOgDl7...ed meaDS of carr) Jug lnfonnn hOD a s ea rh l.8 1 96 and 1beore are o\er :l thousand hu'd3 r~
corded on the book. of rbe roy~f nan The first na '81 loft ,~as a. Port smou t b and now there are ("0 others In lhe Enghs h army \.he post hn<e &een confin~d alm<J.l<t ex cl o s l\eJv to the Cape wb-e-re the na tUTe of the cou.nlr]o makes the hom
lDg pIgeon senJ(e of more , ..lue tlun Englanu The dc<elopment of tbe WBr i>,urn JDg' pIgeon s<J"\'lce lbrllllghout 1::11 rope has be~ mo r e raptd tha n E"I "'· -nhere and "'rm\ posts s\)pport. lar::e Dumbers of them Strict la"s ftro made to protect those )II prJ\ a te 10'10 As a grea t mllJtarJi ca.mp EUTCtpC looks upon the c .mer plj!'eon as a menace to the COllntc) d DOt- b ",ld under strIct m1h arJ c ort4 ['o) In Get mnn, for l nsta f'C'e e\JII) plgel,n rrused b) prJ<"te breeders mlLSt be regI stered and the pIgeon eannot h taken out of the eouDtry or sold '\ltb out pt'rmlsslOD from lhe.- mJJltar.l au thOrttle!: In the el'e-nt of a wa.r tI., German authoritIes teserre. the r ight to cla.m and .ake p0'l5e5",on of e<ery carner pIgeon In the land In add, han 10 th,s, e<en (ortre- s and camv on German 5011 hn~ Jts pigeon sen .ce and o>er $10000 IS appro(Jrlaied anouallv for lhe supl'ol'l of thIS seM' Ice I here nre uP" oro. of HIOOO 1'1 geons belonglUg 10 tIle "nr cle pa t_ ment and e , en bud IS carefuU.:; tra1ned and t ested Ti, . DDlted Slales mlhta~ "\ul naHl1 authorlltes ha're appro\l'cd of the pIgeons as A.ds to tbe regula" telegraph)c means of commurucattoo anel there nr~ se \"eraJ pos1s esta 0. IIshrd In tbe "est Bnd along the At laoftc coa st Bot on the" bole thl$ "ountry depe nds more upon prl<ote breeden for ,ts sUl'ply of carMer 1" geon . Ihn n upoul the bIrd alreadv In tbe "e r\lce of the arm) or lIavy Our great dIstance by gllil from 311 other powerful nalton. makes l~ uone('~< ""ry to alTOnge for tb" sc r\Jqu o f c8rntr l"g<!ons ft" t he Ell ro1'.:m eou..r tneF; ha~e done There 1$ littl e- chnnl'"p.. of o.n5 foreIgn army In<"thnl! tl.. o country and destroJ mil' the rn'lroa~ and telegraph hnes connecting the bIg ellies P 'geon breedlUg and tramIng ha,e th erefore been carried on III the U ruted States more III thn 'n· terests of pence and pleasure Tbere lD
- WAlta '1'0 .urJ':t.1.o '. TIlE ~ B01I7K. 1'011 P...•
.uoa.c.. ~.
Omng to tho Ilbeence of R'ev. CotI'm,an, tb.o papU of the,. H. E Churc1r wall. ably fiUed by Rev. B. K. ~cellor ot XingJOOlt, nt . lAst Buuday morniDlJ'~ IIOJ'vice. In' tHe eveDiDg. R.v. 8~ ' .8, ElUiI ' bna euJ'lCO of the services IlDd deliver eel the.a~d~, ~ The Spring Valley HInde: of 11ll1t BaJuiday ~d: The day of our ball. swm last 'week, tb.e precediug storm about Doon dovcloped oyotomc symptans 'lVe! llbout Wil.. mlngtO:l The Friends' Center.Dl. h. • fine building, waspartiAJly u,nroof: eel .~d otlulr. damage done. ~ly Weekly mediDlrwal! beld in the church at the time.lUid It .panic pn!vailed for ' . few mementill. One carriage' was badly wrecked, IDe horse- had a leg brok8D,. but f~t8ly no ~n
Does the best work in fomi in Ule !lONe tlhoeiJlg and general repairing and woOO-worl: UDe: Anythiug in ~\smlth.lgHne·can be prompt1·.V'1l0l1A here to give·porfed aatt. fac::tion, lind they will trorPr1ee you prices. Have had &ever· al y~experieDce in track moemg Qive . them • trial .aDd yon will _.,er regret I&.
lWII Aunlei-tl'. Brown has beeP elected ~ .teliCh bet fOllrth year in the O. B.&.S. O. Home s'lhooh. '
IIOOJI8 Co;, at the ' Scbool Hall last SafUnlay ~eniDg. The 1iriot -P.Ilrt of the cmtertwnment consisted - of IltereoptiCllm- \'iew8 of the f~mous ~ Play, With .. short ·talk by the operaa .. au;h picmre was $brown O!l thtl SCreeD •• It It pro bit· ble, ho1l'e'nll', tbaf tbe latter part of the cmtOl'talnment was more thor. OII,hly enJo1eel t~ the first, ail it 0CJIIaIsted of the ever popular mov. pIctqre, mAkiDg ' the vnrious , lO8Dee yvry reaUstlc. It is to be reo creited ~ the audienoe was rat-h. ... rrna!l, owf~ cbi~ft,y, ,!e suppose to the 8hoIt nof;icetriven. . Up to lastBflnry Hil. 1aJd has OOD8h':uoted In Waynes·viDe, .,111)2 feet of allbpalt sidewalk, AQ.f __of curbing, :87S feet ot steps a~ .500 . feet of, gutters. All this JiIUI be,eD don~ &lnee, the opening ~t- and has greatly imj!roveO the a~r&'!.ce and added to th~ nine ot proPerties wbere they beeD placed. 'And still the Iwork goes 00 • . "Pre-hiaWric side. " walb, rickety 8te}:1!, 'unSightly gutten and ourbing are out of date in our mo'riug "llttle towu, nnd: per. . . . wutiDg to g8t-.0.u~ . Of. way o(lmpro¥ementB will have to "take to • Jle wqoch<," llnd aven there 8OIlDd' of the woodlllllD '8 ax D~nv ~'b Ouiit'-'lulet and dying chips make tbenl htistle. .
5.. to l!Ua. ~n, \lie ......'1· _ 3aJyu... wtlI oeII _ _ _ tical. to Sa. ~. ~'B....... Leane C<ay_
wubun. ' A naUy An~ entertainment Wll$ that .given:· by' the Ediaon ·
fa . . . PAXOJIOO VlA
. . . qy .....tJiU.
Tn£BE are two plaD8 on foOl 8upplying heaUor bUildings,in Wjl. miogtoD. One by J:. C. Wood., w!·f n·I.JI:OJlO"tld will US3 stepm or hot. water, the other by ' the Farq~r Co., which "~lI:etlng of tbe , G,nmge ., and fallbful ~bon, 'w. H . JIlIJ8, ~.\:eia. The ~1 ._Y8 thd moe will use dry-heat. The forrner por. W'ly.nesV111f!. The ~ercise8 were of Kingman. .M TaerabJe _0 ibe .intenae_heat Of &he three pre' ty has securod'R 50 year fmncliise. .
will be dt'triment..~ to.'nny o'tber that·may .be desired l!lter, the iluration of ~~ tra# hise ,will a grlmt mistake; ' here is nnlllh,lI . 'JI'~t wonderfnl inlpro,,"fl. Jlmlagme ments may t&ke place in half or II quarler ot fifty veal'S, niuI Mr• Wood's scheme may soon ~ entirely ont of dafe, completely 'supenoeded by 8O~ethiog.mUch better, . '
"1o~_· -'2"IcI<n
""''''' _.......,,_ UlNL
BBAt1JIOllT OIL"- rl&LP8. Low Rate.,. Dinial .... Xm.llnt Train ~Tla Qu.a & er-na Roq... w. C. ~ O. P. A. JllO ' . ClamD.U, Oblo.
a4I\1I(f~UonlloJ!a'l'O .17ft'AJ.O
..... PUll''CLV~ LIlO8.
. .1_ _ aad.ad. far tIM Nnleai_· r~rf... of 'be K«Ua """ ...... ~ ~ '\iellela wtlIlIe ....s w~ ..1a Pcu71.-aaJa~ ;
. -_ _ _ l~ !!
3aDe!:ld &JMt ~UII. fClftlilll......;. .. _ pablleaa Party <It 0\111. ~ 1kb\a.wIU be ..1111 to~III_" ~Ida UIIoo l
""'" ~~. 1UIJ"~qII Ie""
uO'DtIIIO.-.u.. JQa ;.,.m..~
u' nh.T~
- ..
~iwIoll..-\lCIII." wUI ...... ~ .i'eDD· l17J:>'aata u-. .... ~ '" I.ly ~ .~ ~ lie ............. 34 a .... ol. . .\ ... , 1IoIt. .~ Qa Uoe ~luil& u.n _ _ -.... _Wut _ 1II1~ID • JUtaa..... nO.uta . "'11111 wtlI be ·1IIOtd. .111" II _ _vY • . pankQlatf .1IWt .., .. qd .... CO( . . . . . . ..JOI7 to I'e1auIJlwaala. LlDn-..er u4 ~~1IIlau
Our -
We also supply caps, and every description of cut .8 ne worktfor OOliile18
on short I)otice.
d Yards:
II3~I.2I W.l\1AIN I.
":,'QdIs oIuIoo - 1JIe~O. bIf road8," NiI4. a Tet.eI:1all r.aUroad _ reporta tJae ~w York,SWI, • ..n a Dn(. kIe.. AoeIdeiata an _tlyoauaed b)' a WBDt,of knOWledge of rallJ'o*ll nle.. aDd for t~ ftaIioa -umoua quia _ taft lIaye been put a' work. ,'
"'A gob mUter l(eaeraliyliaa ... elltire ear to hlmaelt'dD whieh H _.reb oor the Un... ~ haa ·the ..mpJoyea
I"D_....I...~ .c ....... a'.....' O-Ieft tlte _ _.. . . . . . . . .
w •••1.
o.'_:;roo r ••.
"Thl. · _ldeoia ·apocnlation ~ mwot
.pped," ~ -.id
lhiIl .......te. . .
eiC...,... to-
"1nIIaid it ...........&p'I!ed the laUeI'. ·'la· U Wby. yeaierda,. two ~t three l.uo. . who .... POt iD our erowd a~ JIll
,Ellql~th g~cKatoa for ctbe of. each Beetlon on.hIK Hat; .od tbe;r are
4 reacfer requetlta • deaerlptloJl of. naMe __ ..-1 tho_nd dollt:re ..,. ta~PJ oiul~ ..heD,and where to .p~ar for ,anay deJriee for marldD, rroUDd. 1I. .,~ That,..I01't,~f lb1Dc 1I'0n't do,"-u.J· In~ apotTed. Sbe'~ a Diee. CU'e- q'!br eIUa on hi. :rulea.. . tbe IoquiJrer Ilia <10 haDeL' aD old iron limoN Amen..... . , ' ful KI .. .EUzabeth Ia. BhtI nHd. ~hen ttU.·ldea wuGritintrodueed tr:&m.. walklDf, culUutor, be.~y eOD' • little aw: yery badl,.; ""~r. IIl~ an the men did D.o t Ioake to It Idlidly. atMlCt. two-r01O' marker with Iltl)e - . . .. . . Of• • •,.' . . . . oldl raaty Olle, .nd It woj·t pork;'! They are ' ,ell,eJ:ally ,,~ingly well- 'rouble. Bemoy .. JJl lh.. . bonla but '<W'Itat a fine It.a ),our bo7 ba.,'· Mid an "matt Wh.t'. lhall " . wl81meJJ lidormed meo, but tbere lIJ'e al_y. ·fIle ' r.,.... ' De.OD each. .Id ...; s pre.d the »doniria, friend. replied the food fatber. "~e·. a Rombaeh, ralalo, hia blaek .(lm.. tbiugH. tbat ,UHd fr.me l«lloJd ·thc( ~o remalolDlf teeth a ,freab ' Btarl of Aonor: .. 0..,...• , 1 For instanee, • quil4 muter or' aboYe-l.t at tbe dellired dl.tence elUi> ~of th~ old liIo&k-ai&" yoo. my hoyT" .'Y.... fatberj tev.her aaidy_rdllY that ..oman want a . .w DOW? I Wall a whol.. tnUn'crC!W' !ione t.1me&Dcl pal braeID, ",Jtb .. four by ope-Ineh I __ a ,....,....plodtkead."-&traT Stari.... fool~. fOol! ~i might ba"e Irii..!>WD · tbem tbrough a preliminary. enml..... ot autt.ble Ingotb; wrap with w.. only maldolr trouble ;fol' my.!' tion that will ver.Y'lIO(\n· deyelop polDts rid, of lrraec toneb trame· IIClfl Bahl'~ dla...... t' tu~ned I.., 'Iia~ tbe" know y~rv ~ little·· about.: theboei'd aeeure: In tbe railroad. areMerritt. up to • ,~ , f# .ttrac:t: lra&.;" DE alp in the Wioilow. "J'ur,Ili--I..,..ere irOD., .. ":ata1bci tb" wOlJI4n Bul" ore ' 'all : right, bu~ . frequeatl,. Fig. 1. III ahowa a ~..o......e oC haD don't oifer there nr.., tJ>lnp tnt "eed eJtl!lua. hnrae ~rker 01 the !dad tb.t la mo. I tile penon ,..lio can (old up a , ture Neatly Bepair.e d," "'118 all ...ould like the tool box!" at elioitingu.l .beil Max Hombacb!.t. ~ ~·lll .. EIl_betb goln'g to ~ve me tiog aud. elucidation, tb}np that the In fuor with f.~i? 10 ,eneral, by l-time·talbIe' .. it oriPnaUy follled ."~ home ~nd pl.ee of busiaess from tbe a allp off 'ber plok .geranlul'd:· we!' nt1es d.o not euetly eove". A1ter. ,..,..... n 0 .lts IJI.mpUcllyaod I,'" adapt". .Topic-. ~ otber .narrow·fronted · Randolpb. tr.al.u hand ball poll/led 'fbe ordeal of an blli! to ,,,ork on un .."en ground. Jt I. . ,'1 d I b ~ 1'~lt d" Carpeuter-"Well, boy. bne 10 tbe row. Mr.. Homba,,/.! rrnDtl'd UU"llIi.Dgly. 'lulz he lli doubl.rcompetent weU O!XJl'.. .ne 0 I' e cu t .... . .. n. unt 011 the I""T.... I ",Id ,.OU. Mr. Bombach'" 8hop 00 and the frowa dee peneci bet"een bl. do WI dnty: . lltUe ·de erlptioD is n.eee_ry. Un 2 ouW" lloy (new', apl'''''l.li"edll-''Yc,". :r..,. ., ~,_ ' '' ft.oor wai·~tuU · of' !><ld' . eyes. " "The employes.re bei'lA' rraded by or %%:lnoebplaD.k, eigbf. inehel wlile, aDd ~ f.l1 but tltil ·n • ..na. , surreStlog hi» occ~~tioo, · "Will you. not lend '1b .tbe 'lulz mastel'.· AJl,j<r he ftnda· £tiat an..ywh,r'~ from ",",0 to "three <t.et In .... ~ quite cet.. the 'IPS out ra'''0:'elloeel,'1 "boIllllO.i\.g:aIl,Zbn,.e,"w s paper8 aud certalD 0' the tb'er?" plnded tb... boy. a traiDman Is not' only hliOro08:foblY 10:o,r two • heeom.e Clem ,G . loIoore, Editor of tbe Ajl.oeateSDemac.rat of Crawl o d indicated tnt tb. man "Noy" aid Mr'• .Bambach. form'ed .... 10 -the. ""lell bu"t ... any eTo...·p .,.... are ...~.,.. a te r mo nr aiAed em... ~.e mad" the !ori~ner-:C"I ..... ~I".the PeruDll MedLcl UI! ~JI!lDY as fpUo..,,:; glue-pot aOd bammer "'all a The t~1 box stood on .ibe w.orJC odtu.tlo'u that rna)' arise jn his worli .~Ighily. to middle ruDDen, proJ.ct. aha..- " PaiitfIlUJ', 100. Hia ~ .;'.dl l ; . ChIltJeIlJ4:D-" Alte, lou, yun ol/ntenl", .utI~g, c!,u by.,.. tlllo r-+i----;1;-- 4 mao of ..ome meDtal culture. bcench In e"i,m of 'botli. ' 00 tIIP. was be 'gives him a certificate.. It i. 'a aon tbe time nWi&kinc bim for hil m.t1er.~- c.Urrb.· wbicb I contracted wbllt! t!dltlll£.aDd lnlyeJlpg Ioi' til." ""per, I MvrI ETldently the maguetlc in1hienee of jos~ a uch a .. was Mia.' Smilley of dlp16laa that will en title him to the To"ii TopiCi. Me.D p't!.tlyreller;cdbytMutleoi Pe.r u-. ' (p,.eup'wo"'.uiingtb~yuIrtI ..... 0:..)' nandolph. looked at., tl;e nar· be.t eoosidera'ioD. 01 any employing I .... &are p~ CortlDlDl!tion 01 torlllre. trlt!d rt:tIIt!dla .nd - y dodon, but.1I tbe pel7Zl• •lIt ~;;A;!,j1t~:~jtbe friends and 'admlrer.tbat (!eaming ~blade amoOlly. then railroad ofllel,l. The train handa· who .~ JOY li!e~,tb_ yeara .!!.IIo~lofno. Tho.. relief ClIme frolll tile U5e 01 Peru-. "· My trouble ",•• CIIlltHI JDdJtest!on. butlt disee him nWtrder to he" hill .t . his fatb.r. i. }{j~s .Eliza· do' aot· first peg.. the ftnaf '~xaal1Da: RobbiM, Hapl. Street. Norwich, N. y.., ~:!,:.u::tI':~ !~:::,:;'(.r:~lI ~n:It'::t:t"::::'~ t-bo: ~1ie;'tlol!s of tbe ilay. beth',o IInlah. her 'fork'" he a . k ea. tiona line other eha.nCCII. If 'hc;.y are Peb. 17. 1900. . . . . . . I!~;:t~': time tbe talk waa Vr. Bombacb .book bl. bush, Ioair likely men aad. tnke nn Interest in --<il+-J. UlJd<lubtedly tbe best CIIt4rri1 relllt!dy t!nr CODJpouDde4L::-Clelll O• . ~ tb t:l-ont door ~atep.; but impatl"ntlyc .il eonnot lend tool.. 1 tbings tbey are patie.o t ly In.tru~ted "SaY., 1 told tha t Bo. loo mao my ~ f.. h ~ " ..to1J' a nd all he m id "'.. 'Kindl,. ·. Ji, bt.· Capt:r.in Ptrey W. 11[""", Pa·... gould, run. as :> .....med~ for catarrhal trouble co Id we.UI.e r the Iittl.. No. ao! · The wOlDAn ball no oense! anb '''bat did ~e J'uat h,', A l'k . ( says: "I. 1Iowlc. Peruoa i.. un. • an d a 01'1"" ' exc Ien t > -' ..,.Uemau from Duluth made a ._ •• n ma· - n ·. .. "Ok. tb-t', " ""'u.c gen....1 '..~examined again. ' k I .... V.rycolDpaoyhnJ< iia bookof rUld W"l' of .. yionG '""me off! "-Pbiladflphia doubtedly tile fi nest ,.. and s urest e:ltarm -ndl ". ·oft.s."-W..,::JiI.iI; trip flaroDlfh a por.tioD nt. 'W~te~ . b 'too p ace iii tbe ~work 1\Iy tools .re my' frlend~! Wb" ever Pru ~ ,, ~ .-' _~v for.UclnsAesofraUroacUa.t>or. Theile ,.. . cure e vt'r prepared, a;'d it bas talten lt Y01lrlo. nol'deri~prOlnp ...t18£aDada lall~ lIummer. a ttt; fDg, of. ~ were lIIr. Rombacb's ringing heard ollehding a frieod~~ yolee not ,uufrequenUy kept the ten· Randolph'" eount.nanc~" fell; hut In ~ules "re ~be. basis of t he knowledge III '".1''' but two buttles to .,oovince me oC tb u; faclOry. r~'SuJts from the u e of Penma. what be _W.88Y.: _ . . It i!o hetle~ to '" to> bed hIlDJP:T IIOme- fact." write at on <..., to Dr. Hartman, !l"irinjt,a MWIoeat.,"1.... IDstanr.e, w ill average ants 01 -'h e bouse, as weU ns tbose;n a moment be 1)rigbtened witb " nc'" yof the men. HI. dC1emeil1>e .t that.th" tIm ... than '" get up every mom'"g hope· full tate t, f " 10- ill t b e h ouses . lldjoinlng. awake -unt il t bougbt. . • . men s hall know ' i b etoe rule .. by hearl. 1_ly invol • j" ~ebt •....:c&rLolian lotel. .Tnd"c Wm. T. Zenor. of W~.lu·n""~. s ,,",n 0 your-ca.o;e aile } W • ~_at.y·ft.... or thirty bu.hela toO the '-"t. ''0 fa 1 Th ' . i h k f <h . I' .. ,,-be pleased to give yon his valuable ad· mld n. ~_ . tb~r." he g.~ped on . wltb "n come.. .n t e ' wot 0 ~ e qulZ ""n..... O. C. . ".,.ites Irom 213 N .Capita: St.reet, ,ice gr.llis. . aere. r 88 w . hoob 110 tb;,,1< in t be Of eourse Mr . .Rombaeh· was • nui· bre.thh' s8 eagern••• to test tbe master. He muai -see tbat tbey kno.... ~ ~ W:J.J<hington. D. C.: Adrlre&O Dr. Hartman. Pt.ident of Geld t hat. it. would be almost impossi· Rell~.. Wb_ .. I ... I wke plca.snre il) sayi ng' that 1 can. ~ liart.lD:t.n Sao ita riulD, CoJue.Ull, ble to drhe between t bem" Winte rs. ..ai•. .but his oe!g~bor. bore witb a.aIlabllity of bi ~ ide.·, "couldn' t yOll uncUy wbn eacb ~.)Ie meana, &.nd it Ing.iJdncbe1love.r tbe runn......' Slmil.r ' . . It la _-'d. are lo"ger ~bnn' n~r Duluth. bim on account of tb .. , little boy take tbe Maw upst-alrs your s.lf" and ·e .'e r ,t ber e i. lin exception to Q rule, p ieces are . plked to the outai~' run· With Bouie', Croup Cure. No n. woe>.. 5Octo. ehcerfuJly recom mcnd tile o se of Pc· Oh1o. he had udopted. "Max mu ~t do tJte , work for 1\11 .... Elizabethfo;' w\ien and w bere It IDWlt be.exercised. nerallbd binged to tbe.projeetlog enda " III but tbe Japul curreat; warn. ebiDook . • good b(",rt," they reasoned. the aake of tbe 8aw, you !mO'f?'" Of eQunre, all t·his meens tbot in th!! of tbe middle paJr bY' rnnning "long .A 'fC1J' .little ~bin, iOm..~im.. gr.a.Uy -w1Dda and dry atmo.pbere DUlke the t .. ke In .. st"ange ehlld and be ao Mr. Bombti.c.b's brows went up ne"'l' future no nain man eGO secure bolt. o~ r od through, sa lIluft.l'Oted. A ~Ieoua" liltle DWI.-Aiebi""a lilobe. wlotera comparatively mild." . again, and 'be ran bl8 IIngers " t ~oul\'b e~ploymen(j uQle88 h e haJJ a ee r tlfl· I.." 'OU·OD t lingue is fi tt~d between .. pair --®-Tbo_Dds of Bueh' testlmollies are IliDilt.., ·hIm." LittJe. Randolph Rombach wa-;' · the hia thlek. upsta,ndlttg 'bair~ ~ if tb.. c.nte. · Railroad eompani .. are tired"f of by four.lneb .ple~s . boiled BoueD oflen «mite. in mercy••• en wben to "be bad {rom .ettlers ,.ho· ban, of~a teamboa t dl...t"r of Home Idea . Was dlftleult of comprehenJllon. recruiting n.e w 'men Bnd then .traloIng lengthwise on lOp of "r"",,"pieces of the blow ill on-erest.-J""nna 8aiU~. . taken ad•• ntil .... of the low·priced "Sure eDough, Randolph," b e said in them lato the · senk..,. Railroad em· midiUe' ..,unn~r.. and well br .oed. Th. ~ lallda ~f Weate.... Canada. During tbe ten y_nt ago. Max. - tben about 30 preaeat yeaI' new diatnetll ...ill be yennt of 81<4, bad been one of the an ..Itered .tone. bis combative tl'Pirl& "Ioyu are ~-o . be "xpert WOtitDle.n. runDers may be braced by iron strips ' A reli.. or-tbe old muten-The antieot. (lRssengers. 1a tbe panic a baby was all gone. "How .abs urd or 01" not ' to They ·..·iIl .graduaUy r"""ive better pOl', a. is . bown on tbe t wo <lute ide runners acltoolboUJe.-Phil.d.lpbi.> Bulleti n. ope,," up In tiie Sa.katehewan Val. handed to.1llllJ to saVe. Tb~motber b .. thooght of that il..1lrat. Yea, according to tbe merit of tbeir certill: il) tbe illpatra tloD, or In any ' oilier " --e---l.,., and adnn"-.ge .hnulet-be takeD ot ne~er r eaelied ohore. Failin, ·to fl.nd "ea, of eouroe. that Is t he onl .. sensl. cate. Sueb a certifi cale DO,t onlyeol" manDer deemed adv laable . A , • • at CitBoilin, doea mueh to render I.oul 0 ..... , • J , '" priat.-PucL thl. at cmee. Information ~.an be had ble thing to do. 'and It will lake ers thei.r ability as t ....inmen, but- it may be .!uily IItt~d on. If reql.ired. from any agent of tbe Go.erument. any rela~ h"<' a for the eblld, tbe ",ho had nl1 nlatives of bis own. ·"on· • rew moments." bas to do ",Jth tbelr mora l ~hi.raet;er. and a gulP' pole hi.l !ged to one or Ib ~ ..ho.... .ad .... nlaement appeal'll "beClrew_taaee. AJfe,. ea. ... eluded ' t o kee p it.. To hlmaelf he c01ltinued as he "'ent integrity• .80brlety and Btoodinll' ill er.o S p it.'ces 01 lD,iddl...wmer wbe. . III your eoln...., o. . 8ultor- I ba ..e come t<l uk you for At pres.nL Mr. ' Bombaeh. ..a. 'at upatairs with bls tool box: "Tbat lit· the community in wb1c:b tbey Ih·e. to. e.s tend to eithe r aide ot marker. ond l'oul'K trul)'. work mending a broken t.ble. . The tie Randolpb of mi ne i. 1I0 c ommon "Thouasnds and thousana .. or .101a drag cbaln or wooden tOOIh. ,our dallgbter's bAnd.. 01.0 READER. .tralber-WeU. the fac~ ia, we a re r • • fleree frown 0:1 hi. forehead indleat· boy, Whoenr be is. Ibere fa tbe Ian are ,now being ...~ed to rolling Wben tu rning. lilt ..ide runn er s up OD pretty crowded bere BII it .15, and I -:'Jlo ,;... ;f!O~, ~ no_,," In'luire<i tbe ed tbat he Wa8 a1.0 oceupled with blood of a statesman io hi" '~eio.. Ktook and equip m en~, ..trot' ly hecauae top of middle pllir. e,mployel are being drilled .iDtO a .An adjustabie marker is ~bown in . SU:lto~h. J IDtend to take her ~.t.iI"",' "tba't f .... IiiIcf" ono1\'ed tho some mental problem. When. pres- He'll make his mark- in the worla," ~ .. ~..,.ad ~,., pat.hf" "Dat'. de one . ntiy, be beau) tbe BOund of li«bt MJss Elizabetb Bradley did not tb~ro,!gb knowl ei!ge of taking _care F ig. l!. Tbia may ~ used to mark a.wJy from home·if I.marry her. I dId ....../~ied JimDlY Do....... "u rd l'ather-Ob. _11; iD that ease--b'!lt Dilly ~.~ da& aooked alley dey'd footsteps in tbe hall. the f.rown di.. fol' tbe JoaD of any mo~ toob. Aa of cars Dnd trackage. Thii lIew ed. row or from six Incbea 10 fuor f.el you did giye m.e an a,,!fuJ ala rt. my tbe weeks V.....d BaDdolpb notleed ueatioD ot traln ~ Iojj nds by tbe. quiz distance apa r t. Use lour 1...0 by twn ~_"-l'b.iLodelpbia Pr..... appeared'. 1Ia.ke: old l.mp~ burn like new. "'" __ boy ....as eommg home tbat hili father went ~upstalr" to ehat mastel"8ukes ' ln everyt:hing from the or -two !by three· IDeh piece of well, boy.-Bostoo Tran5cript. b6 .a.u.nO)"':d witb thi 01.1 k ilJd ""b e'D • ,.ou cad gd II. SMOkfllSS W ick.. No acli~l. He atoPI>ed • . few witb b.r n. o w and tben, to tbe ",eat ·br.ke"olBn ' . ot a coal Irarn to tbe eD' lea oned oak abolll eight f~et and . ·.If A.-.....Ii... If. Reo. for D •• bt.. bb.ck d llimutyAo :.No bad odor.. to talk to a woman. In tbe enUy; dioappolntment o. f the me.n " 'bo giI!eer and ""onductor of " li8btning 11 peaple are too eon~rvative thoy a ... "You speak wltb great po8itlvenes. .)takcs • hril.hkr Jieb l and a cleaner lamp.. ~y $&Ye time n.ud moue)". apt to. tmd .... "se lor ."'"niobm.nt t.ben h e C8me~ i.oto tbe worktoom with called e.ery · eyenillg t-o discus. poll· e"Pr eas. It tokes in atation mast"...., _ "bout the si.ncerity 01 our !riendts re. lOme penon th.y hn... oymooited biB eustplD ..ty: "Bello. father." add· tics, and to tbe relief of t·he a elgb- teregr;tpb opel'lltor ., train d1apatcb. Ug.lon." . :rao:..~~.:~':..~~ _eth!nll W'Orth], or- proi...., or ""me ing: "~Uaa Elizabetb Bradley ' wanla bora who ..anted to sleep. e r , 'iganl tower meu, ~ IRaIl you ,,1.1 • • t o r t "o lfe. :s ,j "There "lin he DO doubt wbntever r med,ane .Ir.ct." a ~L aue ueb tlie lOan of YOllr eliisel. 1\Iay 1 take ftot<l....,c.r l'aa.Dd MlOkeier_ ... k.k.!o ~ "J guess there'. s ometbing in tbe watchmell. 11" rnt el1, track .,as; . e fact in Lbe,_ofMr. Nimrod Pric. of hie 5incerily." was tbe answe r. ~~&,bFt"1 r1~;'W.J.II)W I It up t .. ber no'v?" wind." gOssiped ·~f ..... :Y • . nuy of .tbe a.nd )"epllir gangft." of Ohio. ,..h" wrole: ''](y ....iI•. PROMPTLY EY.E.CUTED BY I "WhY. dr, tbat man would rather go to Solar USh t Co., Dept. A. Sprin~tdd. o. ..,...If, .nll all our neiKhbor. are .. toni,h.d M.r. Homboeh started a s if he h ..d second floor fr ont t-o her neighbor - - - -- cburc.b on Sunda,. tbDD play golf.~ at !b. _,!derful. elred. of ]'our Lotion in been .truck. hi s count~ nance ebaDg- of tbe b.1I room. CURIOUS BAlOt IIf PARIS. , i ~ W.,hlngton Star. eaTUJ, .. dlatfeltll'lng enrplion on my wife'l! "0, It's 811 settled; ~he·8 · maldn· · tbe. I...... t~~"iocdonc no doctor. or oth· ing with the qulekneas of Iij{btning. . . lIer Fa_ or.•• D ••e •••• .. .. er bled",...:, . lad do.e 1ielor.... ' U ·rOJlr Althong.h lfeO'eTOUa tQ a fsult. he had weddin' dress." came t be. reply; '~an(1 O.e Til•• Leat _ _•• e; t. 1_~e."'D" 'd~t ......·L it. _d to Solon Pullllc": 374 dnr"," the .line of gl!Dero~ity and I'm right- glad. it's I!O s uitable all Ge.r. .ea "'P •• Roa.rr- _ . "Enjoy your party. Bobby?" ne~ ~rrls lit.• N.....!ot'l, 10r .. mpleofPalouer', neigbborliness at his ""01 box, tbe ·round. It ain'l rigbt ·/ 01' a man and Did ~ot .... t. "Yes, IJIII." ADJUSTABLE VAlI.KEIL ......... ad Lobon eonte.nts of whlcb-were almoat .acred a boy t.o be ealin' at • reK t 'rnDt day' "Well. wh.t littl. ~ rla did you dance geaerally De satisfactory n~ pOSS'.18 1 iii H", I i D ihllste r bas o~errake n aD iD StitU' e igbt inche long. and lIvo: piec"," o f witb?" in his eyes. ' , ' ~ in an,l day oul. The only wonder is ties! IS . " "U then ...e.- .... ~ ten ibl. eloild in tbi. it. two by fou.·incb &1u1r, say 12 Incb.,.. "Lend my cbi5el-to e woman! ... t h ey dldn't mllke a mRtc.h of it long lioo wbich . i n I be fond int entioD "Ob', I didn't d3llCII. I bad tb ..... _Id," re .... rked the worriCd ono,lher DlIt If foundre . . was to . a'·e· tbe uDHppn· long. La y th~ )."g' pieces do,", in Igbw dOWDst.alrs ..... i~h Willie Richard"It... "Whitt', hil'llUtleu ....".alt !.I womanl A,: if a woDU\n could toneb .go.n-1IostoD Globe. AJy crated litt' rar~' genius fr om the horrors pairs and bol perm anently three of '00, .and I Ilcked 'bim ~ ..ry time.""1)0 ...... L J ".m. J aion~t oreak him of the a ' t,ool ' wil bOllt .,polling It! to lo~. SlId It.\tit of t.lIi ... the truth ri,ht O il' when gr.."lo.... n " nilolph, do you think 1 SMALL BOY AIm THE HORSE. .ot i m"ecun.lo~ iIY. Th.e outioo o f t be tbe two by four·lncb. plecu betweeo Phlladelpbla Inqnirel'. we h.... colDpany. "-Philad.,]u~i& 'lim••. It us '1m !lDad ?'~ , ~Word of HUll or Pre.e Loan O.lllce,'· Ai; tb em. a ile at .... cb eod aDd ODe d ir.eUJ , ~ C.• •lete.ly G_e. "R-nm-t 'jb',. an "' o1d cb i~l. some- 'KI • • ',. A .d . ...... ... It_ • • • •e- • ....u tbe i ns . iurtlon \va,. called, OCcurred In middll!. Tbe otber two two by foo r's ing, It retlme~ JII , . , w...... Trat. ......,.,..... ' are lert movable bet-ween tbe long "!!be'. aot bad Jooklog." observed where. father?" 8Aked the boy. "I sam! t.wo or .tbrt"e yn r fl ago 10 Mme.. ft_ • • • wit. t . . ... U • • • e . , ~ ...........,.. e..Ih ......... and II pod pl eee . S'oet a share from "D old sho. el t' b e un emotIonal young man. "nut I' e to tl'll- Miss EIi7.abetb t h"t Jeanne Itob11l . wbo. 00 all 1lutborn. 11.1>11 Mlaiooarl~a.. 6Uwa]' ill n9JO oper' don . ' n~t I ~D 1 her a t·ool bec' use he rBt'If. hasl hod 8.D insigbt jnto the plo ..· or t be blce in t~centupi..,..."d a1ie b ..'!·t any money." We like I spKJl", ot N.,.. flhd· •...s .... 4tM.!1iI!! itall, ~I~,. ffo" 8t. l.q{l~ l;O u "What doe•• girl wi~h hair like that uty topola tiJiDCoiorado. Utab sh e'. " wotn,;n. Sh" can t belp tbat. dUJlcultidof t he ca r eer, osays tbe PaU i n the movable piece. . Boles b~ibg the . . . . 10 tJoq P. Aalericaa Exposition 7 bored in t he fl'OlDe, tbe mo ... ble &bo .... 1 ....., the PaeI.... c - t . . Tr.. ia. I""n 1!It. aeed of . m oney?" exclaimed the otber Ur. his b~ 8hy Man Gazelle. }[me. 1I0bin, wbo is a · ............ -~.K~t]' !iolder may be se t .t point de.ired ,.zing after ber with his soul YOlltb" If 10., J'OIII..-...1 to ro axntorubJ,.. and IIt'e ~ meRIID IIDes 10 . r i;d' to lady of robust faith BB well 8.l\ ofphi, ....... c.arr]'iDg throu~h th1Dc .nd lean .-.omnblDI'. COlD' aad GemID.. T o lantbropic procii vit i ~ • had tbe eonvi ... .nd beld by ooe,elgbtb·IDcb bolt ... )"it ID hi. eyea.-Chlc&go TrIbune. Ijt. LOut. anrl SOUl frOID do (bu. Jt " III be bed 10 hare l OW' tJek.i!t J'OQl M BOJJele•• c __. ti.o n 8lrong within her r b ~t ' the Paris In .s baft. , and attaeb old plow haodles, f'IuD ClndltUU OYrl' the C. 1:1... D. IWjw.1.J.. COlD. Dttrol t lbJ"OaZb Calla4&. ~tn,. Enrlleb Grub street oJt.... many ' exa mples of a s ilIuM,rated. T bls will mark thz.... "I am awfnlly disappointed in m7 Tta rows at Il t imet aDd two of the m a r kers ud eutoms. and -.1".li1 b..-an; y ..H, en routt-.. alId, write r.. of tnlcnt who would . ur~ ly IOn." said the fond fat.her. U 70a Uk~tbe"att:r. ~mck .. lathe Gresl Lata. buk in tbe s Drilrs of fo r tWle but for bein.g moyabl~. tbe row8 may be uRo... ao '/" 0 YOQ1'nU~, tJetn .. I~ lbl. U~ Iln' -rou 1he _ _ .us _ _West 51\ St, CI.claaall, __ te mporary fil1ancial distress, 11 iB a spaced· j·o snit, tbe demand . prh1Jqe or dlaDclq ]'011' route. &04 tom lns; _ t "Why. I've used, 1 soppose. 50 bottles No exa.ct .rules need be adbe red to In .. 1& the u b rrl~ S1~ l.g Toledo.. or lH.UoU . • U raet t hat Ibe Grub 5t1'.et In guntion of di1!erent hair prodDc.en, in m,. ef· is peopled \\~ i.b ppfSons 'ybo t b ~m. ma ldng eltber of t.be maike rs de. toi1a to . make blm a profenlonal 70Q - . . ... to do .a. _ Jt!Jou t Uua e<II5"\. HEADERS OP TH.lS 'PAP.eR I. R..lfcGnE_G OR. T. r. A . S .u n"LLL TD':!f. scribed, . and tbe constructeI' lDay "dna are wbolly of ·t bi. belief. Plen· DI!SIIUSG TO BUY ",-,,~ Jdaai.t. "-Yonkel'K Statesman. & L . P..t...JUtO'l'T, T. " • .A.. 4'1l......"fT'J... G ..... AlJV-! :!DnSBD Di ITS ('()Lt.~ ~ s ti.eul are t he poets wbo know they adapt tb em 10 s ui t bi. parl icnlar reo 1 oa qofremellt •• alld u e. the material tbat SUOti LD lSSI:!t"'"T UPO.s HAV1SG Itorl . . . . . . . . . . .ee. D. G. EDWARDS. r &l5elll'P,TnJ!!e Ma.aIlCe.r-. '~ould achien: fame could-tbey but pay WHAT TllET ASK mIL " "" C L.'<G CIJfC'Dr.'r "'TI. 0 , It tll& 1T•• t recordl". ange l for the printing of .. lI.r st r evelatory is mORt c-onveDient..-J. G. Allsbouse. ALL 8U&"TITV'U:S OR UlJTATIO"S. t:n OWo Farm er. U •• '. half· ....,)" lentent trend volum e; numf'rou» the novelist s w 'b o B e ",W elv. ua aU t-a1r uedlt ooly ask. to be "ftoDllced·· .lor aw.hile to For the ..ood tbst-we lDt~nlL HELPP'UL HORSE HllfTS. T .t, ' llI'ere ..rlOu., I take It. IUIESIS r~!! tRke I·b e to~'D by s to rm. BstnkerB, un· Het aad .POSIT! V EIt. witb equal bone-It vtew. A. N. K.- 8 bappily. cannot he! brougbt t o (!Dnshler I L .... ~17.E.8 r'LEA. Hea.ting ..... d eoDiJlJpative foods .... B e aIIould jot clown 10 bls volulllea I'or ffte.uF?'e a dmeu t he.". fa ir, aDd it may be UDl'P8S0nolble, bad for coks and for ·brood mares. Eve.ry enl Imp1J1&e, too.. ••..., . . £ 1... ' 'rTf~ . -<=~ Reeonl·H.,.:t.Id. bopes as s ound sec)'rlt.!'; so to mee~ tbe "","~!I .... Y"JS· Auythi,Ug that adil. to tbe ';"mforl c.se Mme. Robin fOUllaeifo bel' loan 01fice, of ,,'bicb the programm.c waa to ot a hor.se .... e. money lor b is owner-. Horsell arid colta do weJl on canota ad.ance money t o lit erary aspir a nts of seeming promlse and sloceiity. No and otbc!r roots as II pari, of their ra· interest was charg ed"a na,' needlns to tlon • . Iron m.ngel'll for grain are prefe1'B8Y, DO g ~curity was demanded-Dot e,'en a written 1lcJmowledgment of the able to l)tb er8, •• they are easily k'.pl debt. to repay ,,'bieh tb e borrower .weet a]ld elean. Tbe colt's {utnre 5trengtb tlependft merely pledged b is bono':. A llumbt'r of well·known "I"1'jt~ r8 . ln. npoD his development. during the III'Kt clueling lIU!. FraD'cois Qoppee and Jule! two yeall'S of h.1o life. Tbe brood m ...... b-ould have regular Lemaltre". lntere~ted tllemselYes In Ihe work, and the e.ver .. gen1e:rous D,u cbesle. uercl se, but It should _vel' be earrled d'Cze~ cOD.eoted to \fe. it .. pre&ldent- Co the p olot of fatigue. aod. ii i. whispered', to aupply the mao The h,.nse bas a r&t ber small stOlD' jor port.ion of tbe capital . . The loaa of. acb. This .tnth should be kept In ftce far a time did a brisk , but tb rough. mind when . e<>arse fodder is fed~ to _ a most unprollla ble, bu ~ ioes •• hor,es. Mme. BohJ~ baa boped that the au. If A hONe is Inclined to .toolr op i. tbor .. wbo won SUec.e8S by .it~ aid a ..tall. lie . b-oold 'hay. t be freedom bath repay1heir loao. aDiI. out 0 of a box' ~ I. Ttly it. The higb·s plritude, make. subala nti.w gifts to tb. lted. nervons horse. wiU al_ys do betIn.tltution. which.' wo uld j.bUi" lIoorl. h te r in Ii box stall. Jllld exte nd its s phere of ..elivl t". This calculation W OK upset by Ihe fact. that nODe of the clients o f tbe loan o:ill"" eve r bl08(1()med l:oio .8uc.et'6stUl au. tbors ; i ndeC!d. tbe vuy great majori ty of t hem remalD.a. tbe autbor$' of reo jected manu.sci'ipts, Worst of 811, tJ>e proportio:o of repaymenta pr.oved 10 Iofl,!ite.oiJOally "",all, that - e.en tbe lrUoitinl[ ~e .. 1Iobln-bad to admit in t.he ead that·hoDor among wcb of tbe de.niZWli Df Grub 8treet a. came h er way ...._.. vsm word; ADd 80 i:he loan oillc.e loa. bad' ~o , cl'1..e doo .... llfter aeeompli.hlng IItt]e more tban a unneeeoisary diStrihution of dole. Uterary De~e r-<lcrwe~lll: .. t;r- 3t
fa; ~
S.... ~ it
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'!i:; ::::t:!
M ilo..
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I STEREO. . .·. .
A. H. 'Blklgg .H.
Ie lifer ti-HJ1t1it11i1rulll Trade last m braDches. Dar flcllHies eaule to fum lark my rapldl,. ,01 desire .release,,", type II $OIIIJrirge to for ellber stereotyping or electrotyp·
ad IiIl.be
largest assort-: Ikse be faaad iDJIHlt Ii Ibe coantry IbIcb to select.
Ings aDd Cuts, u. baye
....,..... w..-........... ..wet Jiia UIoq.~1 lie.. llpI w:llUtIt 1I01lJIi. lIut 11...._ . . . . . tM
appealfilw Ioolr nnted .)IOa Ill .. . "I thIDk-aot." be IlBid. Nluet.atl1. • ~ J ..t. "111 fact; r bOw tbat Jae.'-'1I wouncl,ed." ~dl-;)'ou meapl" sbe Irasped 111 'be .t...."le to ooaeeal bel' auguilb. ~o. llliu-ao\ enei1", tbat; hUL bad· b" ,..oudecl-ftr1 badl;r.l_ afr.ld.• "Wbere fa lier 8IIe..-.le ao dort tbea. to conew U'n&a... She .... OD her knee.. Jter elH ciON to. his. "lg God'. Dame. m1 frieDiI. te~1 me.-teU m~alll ea.·t ;)'ou _ , caa'~-yj)uaeer Sbe _"eEed ber lace. un.ble to COlli' tlllue:. "1 call oa11 tell 10u.what I kIIow. mia. Be,... Dot clead whea r ..... hlm laat. Our lrDa. wue la tbe Une when the ebnlre eame. The line "' • • brokeD .t botb 1Ianka, aIId tbe le1lil!g coaled. er.te.... ere ... Hmlalrabootuw. l!!'~ry lloai we was dOWf: .~ wori C8:'De for y.a to look oat lor oursebe .. ..lUI baCk we weat 10 _pe capturewli.t . . . le~ pf 0 ; Well, ml8l, . ome-tiod1 •• Id tbea tha~ No.3 hAC! beea !Iff. )o.ded-double-.hot.ted with eao. later; the maa at tu la.uyard bad tall. ea de.d juat aa he lUted hi. hand to poll. ADd 10 the &»a .tood, ready to be tUDeel upoa ua. TbeD Capt. Bomera !&alted .acS looked about. for lOme oae to ~ad back: but. 1 think, mIaa, he . . .t bu. . . .0 tut tbe cbance w .. d"'perat" It 1.... ollly.n iDluat. aod b t .0uldD·t order &&.1. lII.a to go: be I' ..1Iact- forward OftI' the 60 yards, reaebed tile glUI ua "!zed tbe cord. I[e ......yc.pt........t J couldn't leaYe blm 'here. you kDOW. ao.lb.d follo"ed him. too. Tben up \II froDt an army of pay seemed to ri.ae .. from tbe pound. aad the,ilred " yoUe)' as be pulled 011 lhe l.ny.rd. 1 tbnw mys..lf 00. ml f. . . .ad - When I looked up the cro... d .head Wla disordered and torn, b1lt still COmlDIr on; and the captala I.y by hi. gull. I crawled 0 ....1' . . d laid my band llPOO hlm. M ']'om,' he .ald. coo~ .1 I .I}! right no •• 'I'm I"'ne, bui If you get out tab the papera in my poebt IUld my .... tell t o my moUl ..r!' I, took thell! .. he. told lie. B. hilltecl, 1. think, aad 1 Wa. .fraid be 10. . dead. but he breathed .gahl. Aod then, 1Di••-I bada't tried It Ilaee 1 wac a bor-be wa. lyiogupoD bia f.ee •• nd rollfJllr oyer, I lay upon bim. baek to back, lockiag my .rm. through bla. Turning o,.el".uddeu~y I had him on me a dead w"ght . and tha, .omebow, I rot. up. The wbole thin&, .... not & minute 11mg'. The ennfed erate. ran me a ebetl' in.lea~f. vol· ley tlll tbe boy. ru.bed back to meet II&. I .... t It ... both lega th .. a .Dd tbis Ibauldu, .Ild down .. e. "ent. The boy. tooll blm and len m,,: wbleb wall r lgbt; tor four men h.d died tbere to ...ve blm aDd I looked like tJl. IIftb" Frs",," w. . JrneeUng by th..... ounded miD wben be fioisbed, atroking htS cherll aod bro... Iter fram .. trembling, , ....... b •b I" _L d ''G~ v.., rave. ran ...e cr.e . • .. e l bl • " you .nd Iceep you-aD.d kee, .,.onl abe &ank b:r fsee be..de. bu.aobbl~g for joy- ~e ... tch-the peo ~r-.t. abe cried! excl~dly, remember,ag h .. eommm,oD. Ob, ~I r, I am hie - I am hi, Dearest relah"e, ~~t.j 01,.. tbem t01lle. gi • ., th4!\lll to m~. "In my eo.t," eald tb.e .tran,., gelltly. a wan stalle upon hur pal" ta ... "Don't worry. m l$s; I gu~ the ea,. taio'll pull throulrh aU right." TlIIIo ".teb .... tber~. aDd there too .._ th~ letters .uled tor hi' 1D:othu r~1 for delivery if he ..ere pl~d up d..4 by trlead or foe. No hne fer bel'. the ....om.n who 10nclluQI OD«--Ie..ed- him •• lib. b.d !mown lnm. UPOIl ""fiDoer e&le of biB ..atch wu hill OWD lIame ud addr... ; ... d atiJl DO line for her, tbe wom.o .. bo beld blm so duro But ia the locket dUB'ling from tbe "baia there ...ne t"o lillea cut joto the vil" IfUl gold:
"ll.lI." eouId liot aecouat. try . . .be ...oulel. a demoDstratioa by the , fa-. She faUed bl ber ,.."f...Dallma fro.. m_ ":MiDute :,vea;" wbo . roM bl 19uoranee of tbe f~ t.ba~ &.uleetllai evet;)' lOut-bera cli)' •• the, had rllell" hal onee . pokea to the beart fa aner aearly 100 yean before wbeD tbe ~te aiJeat atttrw.rd.; and that cb'1axIa beat. Su~eul~ Mall ,w.. 10uth wbea " liVlea It. de.a tramplea amllle .plnet a l!Irrl.p, tile p~ ~the lad abo'fe-lt.I 1"1"'7 halfta of rae of;whieh b.d. bo!iu atayed by tbe . the invader ..POI_ued bert .. "dld ..-ro...-d. Ita .ole I"'!'upaut- w . . a pale, bel' liltera' .bred I. tbe boDe uillOur' .i1... t mau: h the glare of tile iabed with' tbe mother'a milk It could torcllea his face eneUy ftUed IiDell not be queUed except b7y .... ~f B'entJe IUQ"lIbly bed iu her memory by the "Iociation _Dd .. common eau~. but brief fI.me of • mateb; It ..... the bl a ,trange paradox tJaia bltlerneu fa~ of Rlch.rd Somen, cold aDd 1m- 6XClud.ed every ataiu.eel .ad . hloody mobile. Dpou the aea~ by hi. aide blue uniform or haggard"DorthnD face. w •• a trnellng-bag; hi .. eyea looked Out of the light, thue "ere eYer out of out ea1mly• • Imost coldly, over lIer the ...eep of a aouthua .010...•• nllhead. Be wa .. oot lIOuthern. be .... «".nee. Upon tho .offerinlr prillODera JlO' a Vl.rg1nian. and tbe hour awoke Ji'nneea deligbted to l&orI. . 1.1..~, tender110 reaponae wllbin b .. beart. Impul· neu of her aature, a_ brOAdeaed aDd .Ively. a nd forgetting••be stretched deepened by Its OWll m1ollt.ry: aod her bands up..ard. bot memory reo •• methlng toucbingly bum.,. earrled turned .ad .cb~cke!l the word. that her .moog them ••1thou,1L abe wu aot mae to ber l.pe. Ooly IU In.rtlculate con.clou. of It. ery bu~t ~om them•• ery 10w.1I.d For thia bed eomer.- to pan: .it.bill half .motbered in tl:e rou of yolees. the !leart of Fran,," Brookio there Ytot low .. It ...... -It reached the DC- Und • flctioa, the Rlebarot Somen of ~ul'lai of: the e.rrlage. Bometblng her girlioh ~m.: Richard Somer. a. '''' tbat yolee, • tone. a 1'ibrat~oa. she had ~eu him face to f.ce oae alght to~ebed a memorl-ceIJ.. Be. turned under tbe burning ...teh. hia ..olce qUIckly ana looked bileK, a p i bold- ringing strong andJrne aad teader lo~ desperately: to the a!lD of .... old upoa ber beariag. Before lIim, Ibut..egreu .... be.ng borne &long by the ting blm lIIto tb .... neUty of her room. tumultuous bum.o Waye. . For .0 in: ahe bad dropjlflJ a "eil of IrId~lli .t.nt only h~ saw her w~.te faee up- gossamer, .nd ...it.hla tbat room, .een turlle~ to h ••-tbe lo..e.lielt. _ddest only through tbe nn, the _a Ihed f:l_ b'8 ..~es had ...,er gazed 00, ana and reigned and bad biB kingdom. from hu lips he 'he.rd come back oae Througb tbis nil. too•• tlrnd b,. the wor..... hreath of the .utrenl1g and tbe dying ~Fare..ell!" Fo.rgettlng.U but tbai of h •• owa oount.ry. he .poke geotly, h .... , .. lea1'iu.B' his life.•omewhere. In tenDerly to Jt .. r ia the loul;)' hour. or tha fierce paa&lOJlll surgmgbehlndh.m. bel' '"gila. Tbe otber Rlcbard b.d he made • d~perate effort.- to ahght -been dJ"mia~d. not " ....hiy or butily, from the vehlele, but so dease 11'81 the no~ iD .anger but aadly_ maa UJ1cr.p...d the door would not open. ~nd worthy; a m':a .t. w.r ... Itb the trutJt theo aDgry mea .elzed the reanng and nobleaea. of her D.ture .ad.t. ...ar hone. .Dd forced them ou~ of tbe with her people. No oae Iulow. bow w·t- l)"bell. h~ .... free apm only a luch flctioD.l come .bont. but tJle 'e, of ftam e. lD ...-boae deptb. hUm all hearh oj morl WOmeD carry them. figure. seemed to maJ'eh. met hi. gaz~. And lime h.d hel d Fnoeea, for 11 bad .wallo ..ed up tbe "",ma.,, pe . "hile fOe<!. A great trao.parenc,-. I~lring back sbo re-eaLablished> many ."arIDS' ano WaTerlDB' like .drunken v.tal f"c~. !.b.t lu"el1ed the .ad..n"". of min. thrust itsdf before hls 1'ilion and memor, •. tbe man mU6L once ba e been blotted out the acene. Upoa it ..as aoble-h •• detd. ~f mucy and gentleOle le"'eacr: "Doh WIth the V.n· ness prayed tbat. hlUately nobl .. h. ~I"" • . must. ha ... beeo wheD ahe met him, for 10 fbe face of .. ~at kmptation be b.d kept hi" promi.e to lila friend, ....ea to the extent of abattillr his e1 e • agaiast the girl ..hOle erma had beeo about him. wbole lip. breatbed love for bim. ADd .om~ .. bere, despite all tbe trickuy there .... dill nobility for .Uently •he had 1"1I1","n ......;)'. falibful to hia fr1~nd. Be had laia ader ber eu'Y bd were tbe red letters
n, .....
IF". •
b.andl wounded b1 the piatool .bot., .oa no .,.oman eVer b.ted a h~lpIeu,auJrer lag man. As lor hla d..,.,p1l0a.. Me plota. some fearful atUulty moat ha..., eompelJed Mm. Tb~ otber ....o ...n 7 Sbe bad btea too base for him-Ue bad been . t be.rt. )DDrdue... Sbe i\ 10. . ...bo had dra~ hlm dOWD. And .... he tiot-'dlring for tb. eblld? I"raneea ..ould Dot ha..e admitted It to benelf b.d Ibe rralized it, bul ia tbe deptb. of tb.t h.art she bad forgiven B>elIard Somers. Bu heert 10•• big eao..... to hold- blm 1Inel .U hi.....ka .. u. w•• tbere & los. of aomething from her _ture? Or was tllere a plD? No mesnge had e1'er eome ~ bel' from Somers; ao !road 01' I!'ril ..port. Noae? Yea. just a acra~ after ta. war be,..n. From .oma ooe. Broil. .r.
p ....
Unli~ otber - goyeramea~ OUt'8 makes no extra allow.Dee 101' the n,,· Ing txpeaBe8 of Its repr..eatat~ye,. Thn. it ia tbat mooy t1mea an importl.nt fO,relgD mluioD baa beell d. elinecl-.ior iln.uclal reason_by the "ble .t.tnman to whom .It )'0''' pmt!e~d. It one a~pta .oeb a ~, lie naturall", feels In d ut.)' bound to JI"e ~ to-the ll.adam .et- by bJ. uSlors, and this usually me.lIl1 he must have a I.rge private fortuae to draw UpoD. ThereJla"e beeD a lew mstaDce. whue trueh posItion. b • .,. been bdd by mea ullable to meinl.in great esubhsbmeot •• but h • .,. OllWieely aLtempted it by ouJiptiou. wble b' tbey- could meet. thua bringing the..ael..e. .tbelr government to llumlu.,tt.,n.' Diplomatic. .geDt. an with Oil!. Pi!le 01 tbe commoD law of the COUll' triea wbere th ey nre stationed, a nd t bill. Jlre left unpaid creditol'll " ha.,. ab.olutely no recours e, says Ed ....rd Page G88ton. in Woman'" Home, Com· panlon. There ' 8 a large flnal1eial advan· tage to • diploma t who Is a baebelor. ror it'i" tben nnderatood tha t he )laa no "Speeial obligation.. in a IOCla) way. If he be l'uson.lIy popular. b e will be onrwbelmed WIt'" invitation s. but need never iuue any lu ~tUMl excep~ to such s mall parties of friend. as be may care to entertain 1lI b .. cbambc:nJ or a~ ~ .."t.urant.. The most 01 the d,plomatlc corps, however. are marnecl meD. fat tb.Hr goy. cramen'" know thaL UPOD the .oclal admln' 8traflpn by the miAtr.... 01 the ho~chold depends ill no .maU part the 8UCCeu of tbe otIJelnl aide of the resideney. ... dIplomatic rulde1lc:e in any of th e III~r Eurnpean ""Iulale m.y easily mean an annual expeodilure o. from $fO,OOO to S50,OOO. Only rich men are tberefore .. rJgible for tb.... J>OliI ... and thus a (IIlse standard 01 wealth 1& bomg.ralsed • • • teat for dIplomatic p""ferment. 1& j " likel,tbat hefore 10llg our goYel'1l1Dent will lease and furnish pe rm.nmt bous.. for it.< 8mb. sildor and m,nist"'" In tb principal foreilfll counI riet!• •Dd tbi ... ill go a long to,.. rd corrrcUl1g a gra.. ~ fault I" tbe present y ~tem. Our .mba8l!ador t o St. , l'eterAburr h.d tQ d" U...,.bUllUug for . Is montb .... and "'a8 alm""t in dup.lr 01 flndln~ a suitable residenee A .. it iii, be pny~ more In TateR tb.n UeD th.. ambassador in ].ODdon. and It Us ."id th.. rental III ruore than ~OOO a montb .>
SHOPPERS .ARE WATCHED. De'enl... I. C....e " ...... Ke.e~ C1 . .e Tra~k ot .... "le' ••• c •• to_e.r..
OK ....... .
Oue ~d.,. 11>. die hI,l of 1898•• n tlle mountalaa of noI1bem Colorado, while eap~!lI about the raneh, 1 saw up at tbe ,head of tbe meadow a !&aU mile away a bunch of a dozea u\elope comlaw doWll from bUla . . flll1 ape,ed • .:loael,r puriuei! bJ&cIc aalmal. MY. & writer in and 8treaJII. I kIIe. tbat It; mo"t be a black wolf. - oJnt:e .D oeeaaional oae had beea ....ell. and nothlag el ....• ~bat r eould thi,nk ,.f eould run -.. this was r.unning. All -wbo .re familiar witb .antelope kaO\\r1low wonderful i . their .poeed: th ..re are a 'fery. vel') lew arumats" hlch cll,n equal tbem. Wben J:~ uw tbem the wolf wa. perh... lhe .)r 4Slx rod. behind •• nd duriag lbe dflltance I coUld see them (poa.lbly 80 rods) .t. ....s ploing ~tftdJly but Rurely•• nd . . tbeT ... eut out of .lfght into tbe }l1J1. OD tbe other aide ol~ the me.do... It · wa• oeeminrlY ' only about Iwo jumps behind••od tbe,Y belr" to seatter a. it " .... clo.lng in on them. 1 was 110 InlelltJ..lyintereated that 1 w . . '.Irly rinted to the lpot. and not uDtll tbey had di •• ppeared did ] waken to aeUou. J raa to tlie bunkb01.fte. got D',. gun and ran up a .leep. t1mben·d bill.ide for a near cote t o .n OpeD "alley for wblch they were uded bell .. vlng It would eateb ooe witbin a short dlatance. Wh.,a I got to the edge of the tlmber ou top of tb~ 11111 I •• w t be antelope .11 huddled togetb .. r aDd .tanding .till, ju.t &l! shee p do aft .. r being !hased or ""ared. The antelope ..ould \ave offered a good 5hot if it bad :,.,q m ..at I w a s after. but I cared 10tbing for gettln!r all antelope, but lid wBnf., a . Inot a~ tlie wolf. Judging .fr()m ih~ actious of t be ot ber... 1 fel lt '-ertaln It bad caugbt )ne. but tbe s;ur-t'oundiag country ..a. ~d of ridge.., ravines and patebes of t ho and. notwitlultand· Ing my C)Ardl~1 ..encb, 1 f.ned to find ..nT traoe of ti,e ....oJf • .nd it. p<ey. AM r tn/dged baclt bome, after ~y fMlltlea6 eballC; J meditated , ao I haye Oft.('D done slnce. on t-be long uJ) ....ntten bistory ~If. wild .nlmal life In reo '{iollll Wh.re DUon has not broken In uptln the natuT1l1 I:Ond.t.on~; of Ille conte ts and co.nql1e5tM amGoB' nnture's ...lld (!Jr• •iun... from lb .. small. flit up to tile mOa81'CM of tbe fore . l. all unkno" n lind unueorded, J;a'e on rare oceaslOl1' wben .... by "hanee are :for oursel .... or see the evidenee thereof , termll'.dng. of cou rKe , in tbe " "lInlnl of th IIttest " At one tIme' ...... pa ... iog Blong tlJe edge of tb. wood8 III winter ....hen Ihere ....... ~tlu.... ) th e track o{ • lynx. wher., it bad been letlJU rely tra .... Ung .. ICDg, ,.b.. n tbe track. bowed Wb~1ro It l,ad atoppea behioa " pine bu..h Ilnd squ.tled down iD tbe ... now. then lmade 8 tTe.~ndon. leap out lnlo the open field and nln • few rod •• eTidently .t it~ be. t p.ce. There ..... tbe Iraeltof. jAel<rnbblt coming do"''' at right angJ ... ,,;Ib tb. Q3Un;e tbe lynx WA S goioJr, uotil d.· nctly oJ1Poo Ite where tbe lyox ,,'as ctoucbl~ beh,nd the bush and about H f.et IIway, then 8 .. udden turn. and tbel r tracks ...ere ml:ud t Ojt1!t her io the race for IH. or a meal: bllt 800n Ihe tracks sbowe<t wbere jack had 'eft biB puuue)' behind. and the Iyn:r went on hr. way 0 hi. regnlar gait, Dot; .. e will 8I1pptl),e. not r eJOIcing, Ihus Ihowime the ~ .n"I". 1 ot the ' :SA If ted...' 'no Had the jock fail ed to get ou~ ... r reach aDd • he lynx IDIId.. tb.. pro~e d e ODne choDA there ,voultJ. baye been a blOOidy: trampled opot 011 tbe onoW'. a f..... patc:be. of I.. b.t~ fUT. nod only t be Iyn.l[ trade lendmg thither. Written on tbe 111>9"" like the gnoat "bite pages of a bpok tbe obse ....er may read most interesting tales :1S he paM"" aloDg 8nd learn tbe life and h.blts of nature'& wild c1"I!0tures.
It ,.111 no doubt be a great ~" r prise. aud perbaPl! no~ an agru.able one l to women who do consid~rnbl .. .hoppiog in tbe downt()wn dls lrIct to lmow Nlat they:u- \JudeI' eODsta nt 8nrv..JIlnnce I~blle in tbe luge mart! of trade, ""y. tbe Chicago Cbronlcle Tbeir elery mo~em~nt 18 noted by the leeen eYeR of deteeto ..c.. .nd if they b .., ever been guilL, o( a n in· ~li8cretion In 1'llfenng som.. U'lft. from tbe counters tbe fact '" 1<n."..., to more tban one J1t!rson in tbe bon t llrong about th~.. , The ..hop girl may be. a. polite. t he mao behind th~ counter 8~ courteous, but If your habit is 10 abuse or Injllr e or In aoy Ivay rna r the'thi nll" wbieb 'ha~e been left at vour bou~e over n lgb t Ibey all lmOI~ abon t it and io IOOrne .... Y protect Ibe 10te1'e~t .. of t heIr employer Again, If lOll do no' pay 101' wbat you purcha se tbey know H. III uery "tore tbere i. ah,ays a printed record In whieb your Dame Is eotered Sometimell tblJ< record oppea"" in book form. beRric~ on its tiOe page SHE WAS OKL~ JIUJUlIr. the lmprint of a company wbose busine •• It I. to lnyestigate the ':!sponm. a. ........ u E.,t_e _. ~,... 0 ... bihttes of eTerJ'one ha-ing aceouats. "".. . . . . G4t S.Ure •• tl •• large or s mall. to settle. 50metimf8 laet.t_.. tb,. printed recor,l is s upplemented by those whlch particlliar store8 uoThey cx'Culp ied two $3.50 seat" at the dertake for themael ..e •• keeping them opera-thaNe two womeD d.d, 83) 5 the DO"" in large enve.lopeK. now in cards Cllicago Trib1>ne inil .. xeo .ke tbose in a p\lblle library. They -wOJ:e hIgh and costly bat s on CertaID men bave. jt as their spedaJ their beade and An ~t of grim dework to k~ep tbese records In order, t.rmination on tbe.r facell. adding to twru or s ubtl'llcting from For the yonng WOIJ18lJ In a $3 '.0 eeo.t them. They read the newspapers. the biliind th..1l1 had said: legal report. tlld the trad e journals, "r heg J .mr -pardoll_ but "ill you apd If any juugloent. hive appeared p l _ reme"e your hlLt~'I" apiDst yoo entriu are nccordlngl,A.d eacb had auswered , made:. 11 you are a prey to domest.c "No~ I will not.· f fnfelieities. with no prlvAte resourc",,, When the drat seeoe "-..s ove r sbe of- yonr own. and your busband uKed t hem again. and again tb eJ anmakes DO settlement s or r epudl.tes Ewe red "No.." your debts. tb"" i Oo, ill known. Then ..he wen t to the head usberand note wlietber you are d.latory or made eompla:int. prompt, enrefnl or careless- Tn otber uYelj," h e said. "it i. 9. hardshi p. words. your legal responsibility alld lOodom. bnt T hesitate to ask them to your pe....oru>l ftttitude toward tbe I.. ke 011' th.·ir b.at<l. for 1 know them. debt8 ..Weh you "8sume aYe reeorded and ) kaow tbey would refuse. and if ... due {orm. t und ..rtJll", too compel them there ----'---r-- would be • ..,.,ne. But lean Ilo ~tter tor you 1.ha.1) that. There is Il ~aca"l 'e~ diree~ly In front of the",. Go .. nd take that .od will ....e that you are DOt di.turbe<l." Sbe 'took it. With bel' faeewrealbed in .miles she turned to tbem .nd .;till; ''Keep your bats on, ladle.., il YOI1 Chao..... y,.u 10')11 Dot Incommooe In the leut." . Then .h" put on bel' own bat, B clo~e Ulnlatioo of a Oainaboroqb.ln If. delign. make-up and «"neral scope. and 8at ' 80l'ellely with It ou her neaa thruugh aU tbe reat_ of -the perform-
Tberei5Aow 1D tbepoaae .. loo Literary .nd 1Il.tor'"",aJ locle1Tof Que1Iec a'statne of Oen. Wolfe wb&!1r b.. .o.'ntere8tfug - history. The ..-tatue date.ll baek .. far .a-tb~ year 1m•• Dd many ,ears it onooclin a IIIl;PC" U'J front of a "'a~ buUdlag iJJ, the " ••101... Add. _ •• e to t"e Co_lorJ of IIf the elty. '..y. the eli Yor/< Sun. 8'''7011_ T . . . . . W"R.L.....1Under tbe ' Freaeb regime the Site. . . . . . . . Fle ...... le Clual.. wa.. occupIed by a oae ... lnry bouse. and in a nicbe ;11 frout of the hOllse "Few tlders," soys ODe wbo has wa" a stat.ue of St. JeaD Batlate. beeo thrClugh t he mill, "realize the Mter the surrender of Quebec to the .mportance to the 1t,cycle of a weUBrUlah tbe OW11era of the houae. fear- lubrIcated and 6exlbre c;bain. Lt DOeiog thn!. tbe statue might be subjected half the care whICh UI besto ..ed ( op to inault. _ t It to {he ladies of the tbe bearings of the lncycle were d,.,. gen.. raLhospltal, .wbere It ,. stUi pre' voted to tbe eb.aitJ, 'there would be .."ed. _• fewer t.red muscles aft~r bicyeling The bulldll\Jr ~"" ed into tbe poe- exrreisu Oue wm'ill1d ownerS' of .e_lon of ~0f!e lUp"", a botcber, wbeels t akmg them aparl. cleaning wbo ordered a at&tlle of Oen. Wolle the cones aod poli8blng tbe ball bearto h,,' made to repl&ce the tonner In", .....en going .0 far as to 'iliiset:t s tatue. It .... s made by two French the pedals for a littlt dos " and yet ICUlptor •• the brotheJ'B CbuleUe, and pay little or no attentioo to tbe ~.. placed in tbe nicbe. One of tile ~aln. wbile the chIDn 16 more lmporeJau.aea of tbe h!Ye deed. of tbe prop- tant than all tbe ot"er j)earIDp com. erly r'quired tbe owner to malntaio bined Every oa. of the numerous the .t.tue In position. holt. ,n thi .. cbaln ha •• hearlngr and Th~ statue after being placed In po- eYery one of tb.se beanng. is likely .itlon was ,e.-eral tIme. pulled to geL otiff wltli dD5t a rid wear_ A s .nd broken by people .. bo w."" of- 800n &l! metal gete to wearlDg against tended by its pr~""e, but It was .. metal or a IitUe grl~ is Introduced often repai red by the ownertl of Lb. .nto tbe jOlOts. tbe cbain WIll beg1tJ h<>u • •. . In tbe summer of 1838 Quebec to run ;'t.1I' and bard It WIll .lDap ..... vl.ted bylLM. S. Jncon_nt. On and jerk . ood the .. beel IV11l be ~ir~ the eYe of bel' depa r ture a party of lo me to propel ~<bl. cao he &Yolded mldsn; pmen di .... d .t a botel nearly op- only b)' careful cJeanlDg and lubncaptlIOite tbe mlo •. Bent upon a lark, Uoo , Tbe exertion used e leaning IS tbey took the general dawn Bnd car· returned suenfold In gantered ri ed bl", a .... y with them on board strengtb of tbe rI de r Tbe chaio .bip. tbe otlleer on duty at tb. gang- . bonld be taken from tbe "beel and 'Wny 00 doubt thinking tbnt one of his coal oil poured o. er the JOJot s and on brotdter o1ftcers " . .. being carried OD tbe .prockets Then B careful WIPboard after t.kLOg too much WIne at d1Jlner. LOg wltb " clotb WIll r emoy. D ..arly
Some gerunA ' has inveated .n. att&ebment for a >hl"""le whieb makes It' po"s.ble to wbeel nlo~ a r&IJroad traelf a t a blgh speed witbout chanc. oL tu mbling off. Tb,s inveDtion coo· .ist8 nf IL s maU wbee.!. aLtacbed to three piee"" of mel pipe. 'Die Jat'tel' can be _~e,.ed , to tbe bl",-cl. or delacbed at will. • ~'. The sm~JI w~eel, which ha largo lIange > ruls tbe "olf" aide ot ' I I"
The st.tue "'lIS fuen to Halifax, tbence to Bermuda and flnaUy to Ports mouth. At ]>orl8IDouth It ~ Laken ubor e end ~e "ed for a time a. a ItlgD o"er Olle of tbe barrack ... Tb.. middles, fearlllg lbat the e5Capade mln~ reac h the ears of Ib .. lards of the admirally. 1IJ1Ally bad tile statue plliuted o... r, 5Dfely bOl<ed ana s hip]l<:d WIth t.Jie1r compli ment. t<> th., m.yor oC Qn .. bec. with be requ eJ\t. lba tH be retorned to Its rlgblJful owner The reto r n or tbe st atue caD . .. d rejoic. ng. and Jt .... s plAced In'; nlehe wbich b<i4 beeD prepared for it in .. n_ buildlnA' ~Ied OD the ""me ';te. \ f e w years ago t b e property ..... purcba .d by Ibe tel.phon" com· paoy and the stalue ...ent ...,Ib 11 OWing to it. year. nr e"l'OSlire (lie tatue IVa" fouod to be 50 ro(~.., it ....88 In da nger of fathng to pieces Th~ n ew o"."erl; accordIngly had II careluUy re"".red aod repainted. and to mak.. ~1\ re ot ite pre"" ....a.l.jon th ..y prellented it to theLiterary and His· torical socIety Tbe1'e Is now 811 agitation on foot to bave tbe onatne r .. pla~ In i ts old olche aod tbe Muncll b,.. been peti· tiooeA 10 take act,1D 10 that elfect.
D . . . . e ..
J. Ceo •• raJ .... 50 .... A . .erlea Tllaa We Do.
~~r~~~ ~~'~bl!~,:~o~:\h:h~:~~ o~ hi tbeyare perfectly ftcxl ble. It i. a !rOod plao to kee p an open can of lubrlcali0l!' all mto whlcb tb e chalo !pay be plu nged and allo"eu to remain tor' so me "'ne-say OTer night. .f !'On .... ment Wh.n It IS taken ou t tbe oil ~hould be rem oTed wrtb a cloth, ''''I',ng u clea n BS po ••• bl. to pr....ent he adheren ce of duot. After the sprockets Q)'", J;C1'U])Dlously eleon. put In n smaU amoun; of .lI ff lu b r lcant and you win be ""l'Imsrd at tbe difference IU 't.Jae numing of the w-beel"
-rIo... 'ea-Olll
IJ1b.. •• .A • .,.. ."4 Ca__ ee (mota
r. l..a..rKe!",..Ko~
r ••
All...o,.u ' ' ' . CO-";7,
Based 1Iolely 'npon fact ~. the- stale· ment. that the 'ilggregate fIaI'e" ot ,\m .. ncao bicycles ... ru-b from %5 to 33 1-3 per cent. larger -tins year than 10 1900 may be . aJi!'tj aCcePlea Fur· tller thau tblS. the d ..DI1tnd trom all quarters for tbe highes t de of wbeel is to a most l\8tl~f.ac;ory, Cl<' ttnt bTgely rn .. ~~ of such de1l1BJ1d l.D 1~OO More $50 macb:ne8 and fewer $"..5 ",J.ee", of the cham type. ana liD t~ per ceoC !'lore . ch,,;,iile.u b,ey' cles ""n, be £old Ihls )ear th;D bas b.~ o e case ,,[nce tbe a~v"aL of the
r.f tt nted 11" ".m~ w. Cro . .er. Dial ......... olt !(loartlt'!, C ORald .. _ere .It _ " Goett TIIIDC."
chain ess mach ine..
Tbe>;e are tlle' l1\ets ... 11-~ .. r~ al th e,) ('an be arrued a~ by bh,abce or~ deI'S reco"ed f~V' bl~)cl.. agents t brougbout the country '\lth tbe port ,tself as attractlTe rro all e _ se nllal s~a ndpolD ts as .t bas "Tel'
The objcc'" of thlS 'OT .. D I,OO a r.. ll.nlt, to prondt:: 3 simple, pract ical &Ild convement de n"" lor eJianglDg Lb.e speed ot a b.cycle. glTJ..llg It a blgher or lo" e r rate of speed a t lhe WIll of the rld~r ..-hen the bIcycle i.
In motion, the r eby vroVldJog a m ea ns been, and \'1:1th the eOll ntrrA system to Teduce tb e 8peed 01 tbe bIcycle by of pu blic road s U1 "better conditloo
Cf)uo ..cuug tbe drll iog "heel " , tb the lo"er gear or sprocket "beel and obtaln",g. more powt r (If so de... ed ). or to ,"crease the speed of
and fnr more exten s ive than eTer befor., t be mdustry bas.o equippeil self RS to produce bleycles 100 per cenL Itetter in qualLty and 300 per
the blc)cle by connecting the drl\Jng c~nt eh eapt!.r .Jn pnce tban \'fa s the ,.heel Vtuh the higher gear or ca.Ee "hen cycl 1 ng. as :\ new sport, I
Tbe (·n.ttd States dots no' have. In any p~rt 0' Latin A1I'IHI~. the . hare of traQe ..hi~b lis producII..,ty and proximity .Ollt). 1t to. The Oerman •. the EnglIsh. tbe French. and e veo tbe Spaoia r ds. exb,blt a higher degr.e 01 commer~lal ontelhgence tban we do in duhn!\" WIth the Laton Amerleans. Our m ~ rchaot.
tb'! traek, And tbe blcl:cJe glide. along gentl~ , the nder leaDmi' "hghtIy IowanI' the eeDter of the raIl&. Th.. machine has heen tried 0 11 all k.n,le of cur'!es and found to work 5uccesofuUy. The :rider can >11ft tbe m.-eblDe -from t he trae" ill a lew m';ment., aad with 1t be caD nlake 15 miles '1lD: hour- with eas.e.-N. Y. Herald •
eprockeL wheelan tbe o)lpos lte side bad attaIned tbe umth of it., popu. of the crank hung-e-r. Th15 d e\lce la rlty CertlunJy no v~lnc-le-cotilild . pro .... d ... a means ...berrby tbe abo'e ered from All standpoints of uLihl ) . re<' r ea tl0n pleasure. econom~'~ cost. and relw,blhty ot sel'Tlee-'bas yei rome to tbe ,{ront to 'AKe the place o f tbe blc,cle, and t hat the public IS fully ahle',o Ihat fa c t i. demoQst.ralcd bl' the I'ize of th e or<lers reachln:: t b .. i eadlOg makers. from thouS8nd $ of dealers throughout the country. and tbe AnXIety expre55ea by them Ibat these orders s hall be filled "'Jt bou1 n. daJ·JS unnec.eeJYoiary de1a~ . Tb ese a nd otbtr md.c.,tions POlOt to a d ..e lded InCrease in the popularity of tbe sport, nnd a blgbly l'rosperoWi n Bu lt .s obtam~d at tbe wlll of the season ~J c hng Gaze!t •. rider ...-Ithout dISmounting, by shIft· mg a lever from tbe rlgbt to t be Ie<!. Pe'e.tr'••• Ha ... a.- Ill.......
10ll,b to nnderstand that, io o rd e r to sueceed i ll Central or South Amen .. tbey m"ot coolorm 10 bWllnus m .. th· ods to wh.ch eenturies of usagc bave g-a,.en tbe force lind prest ige: of Dation· .1 cu toml. If we " ... nt 10 do bUSIness with t he South AmerJC:aDPii, we mu st ID a I.rge measure. do bu.lness In theIr Wll) , and not try to foree our methods lIpon tbem, tbougb I~e may be eODa.nd vu~e 'e.rS3, thu s conneclmg 'the 'l hat blc~ cierI:; must gne war-»l1~g VJllced tba t our manner of conducting hlgb or low gear or s procket w.tb of theIr approa eb when they aTe ca· eom merclBl affaI r s 115 B Up~rlOr to t h~lrs, [he crank banger and transm.hlng reenng along behind liMuspeetmg writes Franc.s B. LoomIS. United po"er 01' speed to the driVlIlg "beel, Clt lZeus. "bo have not outgrown the States m inl5te r 10 Venezuela, lD Sue· accordmg to tbe s,de 00 whIch the bablt of feehng s afe in the s treets. ~It'!is. sprocket lS engalt"d, Wben saId may be taKen for j!Tanred. as iu "tbe The Latln·AmerlcaD mercbant '" ac- le\er IS on the center o f It s tra\ e l, h ft.e of the te-ac.bmgs of common ~ustomed to long credit. Six months botb gears or sp rock et.. are disen- seose If a court sbould de,,'de thot Ia tb. uSUllI per.od. but sometImes.". gaged. t bereby permlttmg the crank It 18 not IDcumlt.. nt on tbe wbeelmao a ~"RC. He will pay. but b~ must b ...e ahaft, to remain stationary a.nd ob- to carry a Ml1, or to u sc 1: 1f be has time In whIch to pay. for It IS the cus 10m of tbe Soutb AmericBn trader to v,atlog tne nece8Slty of re.moVUlg' t h e ODC-I" It lS~ nevertb ett"s~ enforced bv rlde.r's feet from tft.e pedals ,\hen that s tronger 1nw. c llStom. \vhlch Will be. banker. as ... ,,11 as a merchant, anG coasting. The secoad obJect IS to cnmpel b,m to emploJ th. Slgoal . The be bas to make large ad~aoees 10 mooey construct a sp rocket wheel havmg bea"y'truck need< no .uch alllrm. H aad 6UPP.les to tbe owoers of cofFeE ,'''' rim s~par&te fr om Its spo kes, make •• !self heard for h3lf ... block and other plantatlons . to enable tbem with teeth cui U1 the pe.r.pbery ot its away. but tbo bIcycle go.s s oftly on to PR.I Iheir labore"", Rnd the mtr· nm, bal~ng. t face. proJectmg on ~acb rubber, an,1 th. only l.Iltlmntion thl1~ c bant does not expect r~pa~mentuntil aide. extending around the elrcwn- the IncautiOUS may TeeeJ\e of its ~ ar" the cofree crop i~ nar ..ested 811d sold, ference of Its spokes, a Dd fitted to TI~al '8 1\ vigorous bump The nder. ooce a ~e..r. 50 It nlU be see n that rot.te loosely on ball bearIngs no less tban the ....lIker. s hould ... t. loog t.me io makiog his owu pal ment . formed by two nags a ttacbed to the to aVOId tb, • • {or tbe whcel IS eaSIly Is essential to hIm. The Eur~peRo ends of the spokes lind t hl' mn~r tlppeil over. and .. SPIU means pain mercbants.&Dd maoufacturers uoder· surfae<! of the rIm of the .p. ock~t, and repairs tbat may be pxpell8ne; ..-tand this, and .rr.nge to gi~e tbe WIth a flBnge made m tegral w.th saId but long ,mmurut,. from trouble hns Soutb American mercha"t omple tIme rim e"teodlOg .nwardly, baling slota <made lIome rIders careleell. aod tbe in whieb 10 meet his obhgations. TIle or aotclles cut In the lOner surface of , least they can ao for their own safety Euro~an8 mD.ke a carpful.comprehen· 88Jd T.m to engage the clutch pm or ,8 to carry bells ODd light 0)1 tbelr slve, .,stemat.c slndy of tb .. condib.cycles and D.e tbem,,....Goldea D.ys. tion. and oecesslties of the LatiD' pawL~ycllDg Gazette. AmeriCJI n market, and then set to work
" ....elt7 t.. Ble,.de 8aeti ••• From ScotiaDd 18 reported a novelty in cyde racing whieb .s to be brought 1.0 AIr.~nea this season. This IS W)uat. ••• F Bae..eJ •• .81••0»11. is known as 'the bumping bandlcap, u The new bisliop of LondoD is by no race combining the beSt tea t u.re» of meaus tbe lint bachelor occup&l1t of the see. For 150 years after tbe the bandicap race of to-day Bnd of the reformatioD settlement of Eli7.abeth _"'ustraUao pO .... Ult race. In the bump1t was the exception for th/o bisbop iag ba.adicap oae man 18 placei! on each of London to be a marMed mao. mark. and not nlore thaD one. The ridu8 endeavor to cateb the men 10 .nr.bop Sandy- (1516-1571). aJt.,rwnrd front of them and p;uI"them, for every .rchbishop of ;York. waft th.. flrat man paMed is forced Ity LIIe rules to married bishop of LondoD. and tbere have been maoy married bishopi drop out of the contest as soon as slnee. At. the preseat tlme three out paSlled. This makes n race exciting. u.s of four of the caDOn8 of St. Paol'e the bandlcap!j are giv~ on merIt. a8 aot} four out of live ol .the canons of I. the.rule to-d&,., and, tbOc-u."",lIn;"hes Westmin.ter.re baebelor •• --{;ble&g6Ip0alre7-lM!a,utt,9le Lape and Ul t~e dnJ~ as at Reeord.Herald. unl_ a tIeW utful!l,Jle reo
In au Intelligent way to meet and sattbos .. couditionft .»d need s,
...iiu TO , Btwl"AI.D OVER :nu AIaOIJ. nou'rK rOB
:ExPcislTlO!!r. Exc:vtlIIous to nu.auo o...-.er tIIe- , Akf'oU Mu I. 1'1.. oiAu"""'lu~ Lake Jc.r ilI~ Pit". AJoierIean Expoollolaa ~ OOW OlD 11k U Ud:'
of \be
li'~Dilayl"llIIIa L'-~
_ ..... OIlwa'... .F:Itft
l<>'< :
~ ·W~,._l"ille.
Oblo, ."" . . rol-
Tlclieu coocI relcnling- leD da,... tJ 1.10. Tlck_1:OO4 J'e, unl)).. GI~o :t. r5. Seuon ",cl:e&.$· .. I,b .eUIrQ II... , ....,,' oa. 31 . . . .la.:\5.. . .
«a,... ••
. Ourentire·Jineof FurnisbingGoods "consisting of the latest patlerosand -str.les.-\\"iIL be sold At prices that will' surprise the closest: trader.
. cratC-CadwaJlacle.r ; ..
AU Ab~ut
' ---:--,
Tq,!II ·lillch~ .. peOPle. ! LouisvilLe:-~N f~shville
a woman -wnll
In the valley of tbe ,Littl~ MiSQ1I, 'l he ladies' Aid 8oo1ety of the 1d .. , R .d -TIl. "BUT c:U-ra..o.... among a8 beautiful800Dery as is tlil> E. Clinrcb Will'give a ~awn' fete on :' IOIrrSIW1 "'l!IIU4.n. 'viIege. 0 f DIIIny . h.uman """~ing to 'th.e )JUIOiillge ., .. "'_ • ....r._ ............ . PTl grodD........ . IIWrrow [ _ . . WINTER . . behold, is the ADCestral homestead June 21t.h. Mnsic by the . . _ .. o[Clarkson Cadwallader, near, Mol" BIlnd. " ~ L TOURISr TICKETS MAKES H06S CHOLERA PROOf. NW. Wanen county, Ohio. In this R M. ~UkO Itrlomis tIS that Ile.', Now ·on Boole &0 23 Yean' -Succes.! oharming spot waS t.be sce'n e of tbe b8dJtfty peaoh . trees, !adell With -F l o ' Tltoualllld;s ur TCJIlimOdI nb., rria lWI ge of. his eider daughter, b!C,WD do~ Ba! urda,y niglt~' 1 . , IPI~icel-i&2.liO. '1.25 arul500 perpkg. M.i~ Virginia, to Mr. Edwlb :yeli his ).II'OIIpects lire good tor I)' CIIll, Hum; B.!rU ClIDS, $G 50. Moody Cnlig, of Sabina; Obio, .whicb immeIise crop. .' . U~ . tho occurred on .thl! afternoon of Wed. nesday" June 19, 111.01, amopg [l mil)" gathering of 200 friends aq.d reI· ' .conll,"," a~vee of the happy~ yonng peoP.le, A Snpe<rlath-e C.!OdlliOn,,1' lln~ who represented the bone' nn,!' sin~w F~ttf!be.r fur Lh'c Stu....e of Warren co!fnty; .lIlso of' Coving. Prices-:211c and SOc per paclulgll. ton, Cincinn.o.ti.and e1sew~ere. " . _ 25'1,?und bag, IS.I>O. The lIubatantia1 old place' " ...8 even
a . roa ,
She" was deetilY re1igioo9 and aftBl' he came t-o Indillno. unito<i with,the Society ot .Friends anu always Ii !P~t CotlSjsteJU and ~r..rllll.flv ~lued momber })e8:lCnd. on . . ~r {athsl"s .and moth· er'lIBide from uginill tulccs.li1'y,lIbe hIld II pee of manner and 11 digni: 11ed bearinsr: wbiob could bnt' be 1'0marked wh~re.ver she ",ent .lUlu in wllate\'el:'~ 'occuJlllf:lon she .engaged. Of her fatber..'s 86fl!n ,ctnldren she 18 the flr8(;,to ,npclose the riiystenotlS ~teB IlDci-enter the beyond. F.>ur . 1srs and two brothetil .•r.e~in t(l remember her witb tDcrt'&l!ing wve. It Wll8 m~ regretted that onc member of her own could be a~ her fnnerul, flor ro'a:nl~esfb,rol,her, CAp'" Hon.c o Me· -O!IP~:~:r~:; w;h.o with r h er fllmi1~. (Ul~eral uervicee were oonducted by J. Cleaver, the m:.nlster of bel' ohmch, auiated by &av. Yo· (,'1m .. of the Jlot·hodist ohurch, )lany :~orv booutifnl 1loral tributes
'H~g .Remedy
camfl from . reln.tives 0<.i . friends
and her gr~vo wa m'lde beside thILt of her deeply mourned b~baod and chH,lren in tbe quiet cemetery be· longing to the FrioDlh.. Now .that
$pedaI Coach excurjJOIl uuetS I'Oi>d ,..... £nt 1l1l1W0 up to mklDJ.bt af 'J'Imrwb:r 101· 10-.101 da~ of mle-IDaTtIe'iob&&I.Ded OIl TIl...•
da.ro:';'·.!-:~IlI 'a~~~al
faru mal' alm
be ollUloed f'or'lrIpoo ED lftn"" In CanadJL AIUlcJr<", to CluuMIa and Eutrrn pain.., ID' c1adlol'Ji'e .. York ..m be good fur swp.o.rr :: i~~='~ _~1Joo ... JIa:J-"l !>IOp-o ....,. at Ob ..uUl1lqDa (..ue will lie 0.1. lowed "Q
all ~ to' uo.al ..
aged Ilud sorrowing mother said pQi1o .... wltboalenta ooSL . TO wn'ter; ,.D_ t ..e 1"""- " . ' . .For ScI>edDIeoo""~, c""~"olent Uo...cb LUI vv~ as lDnoeen·Il>.....'o~.r ",,"lee 10 BuU&I<><lDd OI¥Tt.rO... as he was," Iolld t~ in the, fn1Ines." matIoo "'I'I'IJ'tO 1L l!:. Bootb, Ti<let ~..t . of maternal aff~t1on spoke of his t\"a.,.o...TtIle. Ohio = teondel'~e88 anJ filiAl lovE': lor her nOUB8JOliB 'l'O ~ IiAIf ftA5C"1lOo 'n.I.
tuld his; brofherJr ~e of his yonng. puml.v..uClA. Wti. brothers !lnd sister when three July 6 1b to JZIl . I~v.. lloe Pen""yl· years lifter tbeir'ecming to WlLrren YADfa Lloes wtfl aeU ueureloll tkkr1. to, Sa.D ~Dcl-. _nl1iI''''''''l1 Lea ..... Ooavea- . County bis father's dl'O.tb occnrred, two. For pan iolilar latormallo...., Tlcka A,ollu of '-_1h-.nll. L I _ 1t'fl'Vblg toO tbe' widowed mother anil • Eav.tin· the r:~PoD:Sibilitjes of the mmily. .......... _ B ..... b • rthl Low Bates, Di1'6Ot !.me, EDlellent .-..... Ie ene~. I1.84 y Traiul:lervioovilLQneen ' & 'Cresce!lt coun;e Is dnisboo: H l8 life was W C' 'D . . ' "'" beautifnDysimple•. bis vocation I ·a.~ute. . . nlnOll~, G ... A~ , his habits oorreot hta pur.. I i~;;;:;;;;;:;;-;;;;·:oCin~·;:;.; ;ClI'DD;;;:;;a ; :; ;-,t;;i':;:-0'ib1;;;o;;.;;: """"'" P"_ I,IS' 0'"--..... ~1' n~ta- ·lSh. r TO ' ro_ .~~ ,~. n...._. ~."., .'~ """"~~O ,~ .... """'. ed, his IDtegnty Qnqnest.iolUlble, SYLVAim LDtD. his intelligence a.b oye tbe average. Jul,. 8tb and gila. fOF Slale D<IIMcnUe •• o<lOI1 01 Ohlo, \I~ ..' I.O CaHe had lIuiled ·him.self of 8uch edu. <'on lumbos wlU bC oold ~I .. Pea ...,.IYaJlIa Llaos . ~tiooa!'adv8ntl)gC8 os the schools enod .relurnlaor QQ(llluly 11~
< ....
r--. -:-'.. .'"". .
bel' ellrtWy lire is ended, oeighbors, friends · ll.Dd rf'latives, renlize more and mor , "11 thll~ SbO WUS to her own family ond to the withln his J'OI\Clh afforded, was one UOTJU:R 8U!UlAY nouJWo]l' TO OIN. in tvhich ~be Ih·ed.-LIlfayett-o, of tbe earlier graduate& of WIlYllOS' . J ..II6 SOl),. .lIe <"eD_Ina"" ~ will .. U (1nd,) Week.ly Courier. vLUe high school lind an honored ~u,""", ticknqo Clt>dunall at •.• 5 raU1l4 member of tbe Alwnui Asaociation, <rIP- ,004 coUol' OD .podOll tralll 1~"IDjt W.~vllle .. O:3l! .. m; oeotral tim.. 1'\ck. ~ WILlI II. Prominent and llIIOful eu ..W be ...alIa rrlDrllinl: 011 opPdal lraln . A Sprained Ankle Quickly mem"'"e.. and oftloilll in tbe Porn OM le"'~1 Oh,e1aaaU .t ·7 :30 1'- III. _cnl ume Healed." lune .IU. " At one time I lioffered from a Gra.nge. He wetJded a. ready pen" . ' ~vere spmi n .of the 1Ul":le," says 'lnd finely written articles from him EXCURSlO!l JURI! ·r oa roUIlTlt OJ' 080. E . Cltry-, editor of the Unide, freqnently appMred In 1lirst c1aSfi .JULY TRlP8. .; agricultural -peri0a.ica1a Bnt his Excursion ticket. w lU be ad ,.·ta ...eIlD " Washington , Va. "After lllIing . .. . Iylnlllz Lines tor Founlo o.t J Uly .rIJ>a. 'l'YJ> sevenU well. recommended medi. etU'thlyoareetllAs ended; !eelJ)1Dg' llLay be oblalaod l ali ~d ,.Qd.1l a, . .y """. his w,or k nnfinlS ' hed e' s hUoa 00 tbi J'eQD':Jlvaalz LJaes Welrl without SOQCle8S.I tried Cham· Iy lea . VI'0" .. . "r P!tW>urlll IP aD)' oLber:,.... tloo eo tbooe bor14in's Pain Balm !lod I IUD pleas:. A:widow and three c1Jildren sur· lin.,. ... IUIID" ...... 1"" of !OQ mllu R.Iun> ~l to any tha· . -"ef -me soon vive to keenly feel. his loss. An eoD)lQJI ~UI be JOO4 \lOlU July" 3 tacl •• I~ ... ~. ~ • L1:LI .u ~ For paaleulara about mt.. ~ ""'" oC ""'III.~ liS I be..... n its tISO 0. a cvmplete oare aged.• mother, one brother., Dr. R., aJ>VI,. , 0 P~_I~llIIIa LtOK Pas&ea&er an<\ ....... J TIck " AgeD~ Best E'ood on E/ltth for Poultry. 18!>ee<llly 1011owed." SOld by Louis . Mlohener, ODe sister, Miss Marl" _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ '- michelJer , residing in I.ebanoll Sqr: Priee...:.2~ per package. ~0I1RlUOli8 ~ ClLA.VTAUQOA.. vive him aDd are strioken with ... OJJ.AlfOE ,.0 VIII" THAT A~'I'JVE grief . T.RY TO.ElL .' Death by Drowning. RI!8ORT . . For Su.la hy His remains relit In the Frientls' Two special low fare excunsioDt: to C);a .... gmveya.n l, on the hill. Those who tauqua, N. Y ., am 10clWecl In t .. npp<>nuu!. Ftr~'STO tenderly bore him. there were his ties ror dell~t[n1 '''''atlon trlpl yla PeODSyl. Lloes th .I SU'IIUI1IIIr.. UoUl eJ:tun1oD Grain Deoli r-, . nssoc.iates and . friends : Edwjn "-0130 will be run via Tlte AUGa Boule t_~d by the PeoD rlvaola aDC .&tie, Llae... over . _ .... Chandler, Chas A Brown, W. H. W A YNESVILr.E, 0 : there Is trbroqb OIU" len$Oe ff'QiID In41.u.pn1\a.. Allen, ;T. E. ;Tanney. Wm . Hawke, RlchmOlld, Day"",, Clnclnnati, Oola.bus ."" Ci roula.~8 and Pllmphlet Free. olllor ""lata ... CIlauta"'lll... Tloe n",", and Eli Btlt'IIett. Mas. T. J. B, . JOS. HAAS, V S., IlaUl ()D exou..lon lAck.", will be '''lny day.. anowing ample time tor aD. exteudetli .,jourQ 'lqdia~poli~, ' fud tb.t famo1l5 reson . Substance of IL portion of the re. at.TIt. pl-......a Ilrn""""""oowlU be be Nil FridaI' Jat:r marks of one of tbe speakers at his "tb . ReWrnlq enuPOQS ..-111 be iUOd lIalli Au&Ust Ut.h., Tbe Bf!coa4 e:reuntoD .. m 00CUf" EaDem!. Furnished at the desire of 'FrIday. Julv ~ath, Uck';... for ... Inch ..m .... IIood retlU'lllD!!, until Au,.,.., ~1'b T\oe~ hiswidow:
-GUL,F . un Cnhr1 Shck Food, COAST. Go"",l ~n :Aleot.
BEND YOUR. ADDJUi1!;8 , ._To
R. 'J. 'WJlMYS8, ~ ' £aU..I~ p.r IMOl.trlal
'. GtDer.li
LOUlHVILLE,.KY, . • .._ _.r
STops nP' OOUGH.
;. .~D ~V.?IlK8 OR TID: OOLD.
'00 Cmtl1'1 rnliry food.
!J. .R. ·
trip r3Le from W"YDeln"llIe will be It.'l> 00 bo,b 00CllI1008 . J"o'r funhe~ information a,ppll' to B . E. Bootb . TIcket Agent.. W"YlleovWe, Oblo.
C!'O_OD~-V;;o' Cit~~'.S'S~aWb~rry Beet~. ·'.lc. ··SPO<IIt·~
G6l~nf'n "y r~"["'. Sweet C,:>rn.
per .C!l11 or 4 cans f~r 2 S C~ ,Wi!!tor 'Z5~. ·BlIitimore Table \I!".cb",,,: Jsc a ~an. o.r $1 45 p~~_ oZ,en. Lima Bt'a ns. Be per bo. (hlJ(6f: 1!l J\pr!£ots. ISC. " con.an .-:Fancy Peas, '3c Qr 2
f]s.cEli.~NEOUS-~A Who::~ carload
oj K -a'na wha salt j~st re. gomg.fll,stilt, $1.25 per barrel. Rio ~nd Santos Coffeell. J.5c per.yollnd.Fine Whlt~ Breakfast"Her:ring, I ·cent ari~e • . F,,; th'IS w~~k only" w ~ will sell 25 pounds of Barrett's Brad,treet-'s or Ih rbeau.'s Best Flour for sSe. Don't miss· this oppo~"tunity • cem~~,
v. MASON. ·
GEO. DODDS & Xenia. Oh.io, Bron
of Pntst~~h~ia:~~~~~VR 'Over 90 yea.",. (If ~ f~,r y8lll'll willi II; bod 80r e • •• •• 7 :1.• -~~ "·,. "Physiclarui could nat him .. DeWitt'1S Wdcb IJasel cared him pel'inaDeDtl,.. .T.E, J'OlD08
Janney, druggist. · -. ' _ Mr. and Mrs, David U'nam:wood 150 A Box Angelo Collars have r~~ed and . moved jnkl the Cuffs thAt sell for 2.50. .' roams lately vacatedby Mrs: sarah 12~ The :BeSt 5-pJy Linen Col: Lippincott who is now -t.'h her lars, made by Fellows &- Co. .. .. Rubber Colla.rsand Ou~ 1IO\d for ~ughter, L. A.. Zim'ri1ennan, ".c! ... In ~l\anOIli. Bev.andMrs. W; )L' C91fJlUlnaud 31iC everywhel'O, our prioe,.200. ~ fln'iyed·home1'tom theIr outing Best Cello!oid .cOllars a~a cn.fJII,l5c 'ImUatorll have Deen ' 5c lind lOc"grjlde collan 80m 'l'h.augbtfilll 'people bI\-ve amollg1rienda olong tb8 Ohio .r lver tllat-true.' Ulerit comeR only ." lost 'l'h~y e.enmg; aud' thq H. genuine Rocky Moantain Tea. made E" parsonage soon resumed i~ llstiill by MAdi801lt' Mfldicine Co. 35c. - Ask your Ilru3giat. cheerful I\Ppeurance, iuuLthe hl E, B;. .A.. pulpit was fillcd Inst l:ioodo.Y by "the faithtuJ oDd .b eloved pastar. Sweedes, 011 .le~~t.b'ar ",,,ru:o:u . Baclmche sbould ne.ver be negle.ct ed. IIJ1,le tar 250, 5(1(, aI11i ed. It means . lddnt'y disOrder which. If.. allowed to run too . ' _To ~ ,BOy-Ga; 'SC, ,120. may result in' J3.rlght'l' disense, Lisleaud Webs. p!nln 1I!W ' mncy, pKIlWlIUJ' b~ tes or other ' serious ond often a)lio Dur fll.Ulous Tum Thumb great(a,t.a1 . compWn ts. FoleY'1i Kidney cst B y;;' lIu" pend ra 1Jl-'\.~, '.!3i), ' Cure IlUIkes 'the kidneYs, well, toke Men 's Spring lina Summer Li.sle ID(:l€hiug else. Louis'May_ P&ten~ LeatherEnds Saddler, it iii. luU'dly ueces.sary for Us t o , ·.L.IJU;oLAU"''' ct-c.. eto" liOc. call atteution to th~ lorp display Brace, Onr 250 great Police - and Fireman arul5Oc. ' ,
- Ooe ol,th~ lilies . grades ofoilQul' we La"fe evc:r sold. - ..
better for
/ine'q&kea and ~~jDg . P~,~der. Bis~uit . .. Try .. sack.
~Q' be-ntS.:.
-.. '" .Price. "'"1'
The .bon goods sold, O'DI~ 1)1" ~
: - '.'
. ··-~AR,R.· ~~, WHI'I'E~
'Plaone 20
"Waynesville, Ohro. ,.' -
Now h:wc the largeat and fillest s lock of 'Monum~ll tal Work to be found within a hUTldred mi1e~ of here. It will pay those contemplating the purchase of lhis line cf work to see us or write lor ,J \ustrated booklet containing prices, etc. ; this wnl cost you 2 cents and may sa .. e you maDY dollars. Much 01 the finest work in Miami Cemetery has been furnished by us.
at 12 to 'i5jllb..
B. F. 'Mouser, druggu".'ot Chetopa
Kansa.$, says~ " I 114ve the be£lt!!llte
of Syrup Pcpttin of any amcle in my Btore, " So bas Louis May. . It Cure6 Constipation. Indigest,iou, Sick Headache ILnd Stomach 1'l'ouble Cha.s. SulUvan will spend the Fourth of Jnly with his merry-goround at a ,park in &lnth Charleston, IIDd will remain in that &ection
lIS can b~ obrained annvhere 10 the I:ountry , and take I:Ip~c,al care' to supply nothing but th e vel Y best material a nd f,'Uar.; ntee per· feet satis("ctioh. Our price~ are v~ry reasonable.
advertisement _ of tl!o .Brady . 500 <ll1fetJ!ntri11eut 251). Stienfels Co .• Xe-nia. ThiI,od o!pMk.8 200 l:!i1k Lined Caps, rt;gular SOo for itaolf ifoods and low prices. vol~. .. . It may ~ Interestmg to - n ote tbllt
Being practical dt:s'gners. w( are prepared to furnish original 2nd a.- tIStiC dra wlDg~ on Sb0 rt notice and we gy.arantce to furnish as finely proportioned work
~We ~lso
supply caps, sills, steps
and e,'ery description of cut stone work 'for
Never h~ve .W'~ bad such a beautifui .stock ·Qf Wash Fabrics. All new weaves ~ Bod never, 8ho,vri· befo~e. t
,Blne Belle Lawn, ..... ...: .........._,... lOC Dip:ify L·:Aignon, .. .... ...... ...... 12,Y.c Diuii~ Cimar08l1,........ .. ... ...... ..... 150
~ .
&tiDe Bo.tilite, .. ....... , .............. ..ISo .811k Chambray, ............:.'-..25 to 50c
All. cotors, - Afore, d.urable than silksy And justaS'.pre,t ty, -}. l~lain or ft.3.u re ._ Silk ~~ ...... :: .......... ;... .. ... .... 5Oc Silk zephyr. , ........ .. .. ......: .......... GOc Silk Mulle, .... ....... .... ........ ' :..... 5Oc 'Eddie· ijik. ~ .. ................ 25 to 37,Y.C .
..... .
~U£T I~LBOF Q~H'B\,TtJ~ UIOlE,1I IIUTlI6S'. ~WINDOW S1tADI~S. . -. - Ma;~etS China' and Japan ha,ve'-
" For two ' years Ira W . Kelley. of Mausfield. Pa .• WIll! in_ poor healt h on occount of ladnoy trouble. He CI,nstil ted sevoral pllysicillDli Dod IlpeIlt collJlidcrable money for Uledi· cines without obtaining relief nntil he t-l'ied Foley's Kidney (''ure, Olld now wri~, '~ d,emre. to :idd my testimony th8.t .i~ may be th.A of Iluling othel'lL " Loms Yay. , Lost-A pocket-book on Friday, containing $10. $5 Rnd$l, IIll In gold and , 1 in paper and' nn old cent of 1853, 1\ 100 "shin 'p1osto.r·" Rnd :i 3 'lent • 'Shin plaSOOfll," a. nng with 0110 w4ioo and two red set and samo EJI1Ii.ll change. T11e pocket-book is of sptall black loath· er with twa 'ban ·fastenings. Finder pleilse return to this! office Il nd ro ceivo rewaN. · . . "A few .inontliS ~o, food 19hich I ate for breakfust would .Dot r emnin on my-sto=h for half ·uu hour, UBed one' bottle of yOUl' Kadn.l,Dys· pepaia Cure. and' c.tn now eat my brealdast and other meals with n reUsh and my' food' is ,fhoroqgh!y :ligested. Nothing ellllBls · Kodal
building pm'poses 011 short notice. Office and Yards:
ea.ll at Louis Mu.y 's drug store store aml ge ~ a f ree 9IImplo of Chamberlnin's Stomllch ond Li.er Tablets. ·Theyo.re 3n elegant pUl'sic. They also improve the nppetlte strenlrthen the digestion aud regu. We the liver and bowels. They are easy to. tIlk.e ILnd pleasant in ef. rect. Louis MAy. Mr. Absalom Merritt, ~ho hns beeu with his d.n ughter, Mrs. Mich· ener. dllring ber 1300 sarrow nnd has given vttluuble uid in adjusting business matters, left on Sunday for his home n-t 'G reen Plain, whero persollill. business inoorests dODll1lld· ed his att<;ntion.
ylelded ..an lI~iDense. sto~k. Tw~n~ _Ch~in ,--P.iglltoo·,~~cfplainr '- :lIe a.nd ',i'p . .. ':: ~
. _
SeV'i!n Yellr3 i n Bed.
"Will wondo;rs' e .. er cel.lS8?" in.
q uire the . friends of Mrs. L . Peosse,
of Lawrence, Kansas. They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of . ' kidney and liver traub], nervous pr09tration 8.Dd geneml debility; but ...~ bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk, she writes, "and in tbree months 1 le1t like & persoD. ,. Women su.fJering from headache, backache, nervous, ness. . sleepnessness. melancholy. faint,ing and' diZzy spells will find it a priceless blesi1ing. Try it. Bati!).. faction guaranteed. 0011' 5Oc. Louis Mav.
WANTED.-Capablr. reUable person In .very county to r epresent larre comp "-"T of solid Il nnnc\:lJ repu'~lIon : !9~ 6 . :1I.ry ' per ye r. pay able lnle ](lr ; t.:1 pel." d a y absolu-uly .ure and all . .:pen..,,, • • r.. lgbt. b r na· 6de. .al.1'Y. noeommtsslOD : oal.ry pald""",bSa"
unlar week.
ILIl4 expollSL ' mOlley ad..nctc! .... cb
S<. , CbICllKO
~heav In8urance. Many So man hSS been iUllured Bgllin&t Briglit's di_se: diabetes and other dange~<?us remedies by a. fifty- cent bof.tle of Foley's Kidney Care. Louisl4fl,y. '
right," ..aid : \be Then she lidded,
I Iwish I had .• " •. ,,"':.~l:::!~;~J;:!:: are )(Ine areb4l!,n foll
•• Bye fer 'Ho._ c..a Lon..
! -
M.... Muain.-M, h",band II the
anreuoubte man alive.. ", . Mr!. ~o.-Wbat hal he done now! "I've beiit at him for sir m,o ntiu to buy lIOIIle new (umitu ... fnr the parlor, aad be bU just paid t4Q,OOO fo.... old seat in lbe stock ocbaqe."- Pbiladelphia ·Jlecord .
..... ' .~Z!
How sball a mother- who is weak aud 'sick with IIOJD8 female ~uble bear healthy children P • , .r How anxious women ought to be to pe thea children the blessing of a ~ constitution I Many women long for a child to blee8 their home, but be. ....w.'" of some debility, or displacement of the female organs,
qulll_; no~ re'aUy bla"."• .3'911 - ~ WIRiI ~D T.WlNE LL1B. . know, but amirehed a"d ' smeared~ . .> ...a"·... reil ... ue their 'freebn ..sa gone. - ·The world InB'lInd pre .. lng In t1i e beaD with ihe I - 0~ · II prmccrs. fact. the only 'di1- !"oold Mlb up apinat the~, and ,t"l\1il. thuml) aDd ~oreJInger and eoveri." It... rad ....... " to r"Dra'" a allly -tdea tbat m~n liked ple~liI . lightly by a simple, .a i~le moyement 'ria . . . . . . rt PaelAe "","w.. ,.. ~na th" olber ell'eela. Now I bow that tbie J8 a of lhp.1~eeremaming· lInger.. . . maternity is accomplished by The ll&oourl PaclfteRaO-IIY ;. now ope... fn th, •• treet. was wlialie." " i . • Jute.r cultivating aild hoeiD~'onee or' I Vegetable Compound more suc.t.Ja~ dOQIiI.· daily ..,r1'iee fO)m .Rt. LOul>, bad <iJet!JI Idnder to her b d tli I ..' and KaneuCltTto polotl In Colorado. Utah "Ne...r mllld, yon baTe~. .e. I~-' iwlce, soUd posts are lid at both enda C:~~:;;n:~ other medicine, ~1l8& it gives tone &od tbe Pael8c c..ut. Trains leave l. a to parts, curing all' diSplacemelits aDd inAt ber blri~':'e bad been ghen of lo..~ and sufterlag,,, said tile of 1~e row, "wj) ,io Ibr~., 1eetlleep, deLt-w.9 a , m..and 10:10 p. m. ; Kan_ CitI I'p:riliee"a. ' .. I kIInw n.Ube~. p'ellding upon tbe length 01 row and &~M~ . Gl'.lD.and 10 ".ID" carrying tbrougb.leel" TIll. . . T ...i. many gift.. The sun baa kissed ber Soi, .Ithougb Ibe princess dJd possIble ninount of prospective stra In, In, cal'!l bet......... HI. LOW. and &:n F'ran· Actual st-erility in women is very rare. If aDy woman b Cheeks. aud t:.iB bad come a. luc a taJ<e 'tbe addee, tbe ' two parted and. f1'om alx to leveD f~t bi(.b: . 'Thue eJ.eo -..Itbout chan,,,. E:u:nndOD t1ckel __ .'.~. •• Ii. 'E ••••• ~e ..'. ~e •• thinks she is sterile, let her write to Mrs. Pinkham, ,.ynn, now 011 oaI... For (,,<thar Intorm.&tlon ad· ourprise that Ihe two IJttle blusbe. friends. ~YOD Will let ,me know w.hnn e.na pO/lts an braced with doubl" -f . .. •• n' k.,ert •• ee. d..H. C. T0101(¥~r •. lIass" whose advice is given free to all expectan~ or wouldtha t bod been born there haa never If' th I t depart' G..... P_. and Ticket APJI'. 81. LoW.. Mo.· uite died, awal', the ni';'bt .hade.. you tind your"e I1l, e , as . atnnd of No. ~ Or 9 w.lre, rll"nLng'from be mothers, .Job .. Smitb, -a ,,·elt-k.nown lI1inol. q . III . . .. ment nlr the left," n.e woman eried of post.- to an Imbedded andlor of C~ntral p ... en,tJ to,ineer. relalea a which were:;ual hurrying oft. len be· after"her as ahe went away. . ' or cbunl< of wood or post dTI • .,n So Qaeer.-<:vrie-' 'There _ Nell remarkable alory about a Dian whom bind them hvo trailing &l>ado~ III . "Yes," said the prince•• , "1 - w01-:- Inlo tbe gronDd .~ an angle . of about wIth .her lia..-. -be f •.I1 in loy. Mn. A. D. Jarret.. Belmont, OhIo, . wr1te8: • ,.,.ith ber a.t finL li&bi. u Bel je--"Tbat'a he found .al •• p on tl!!! liu of a rail· ber gentle eYeS;' tbe IlUIlt ~,JlI.cl shed 1 -"1'er arrlYe tbere." four to . ix feeL fr.om post,. Slake. or .. DEAi HBs~ Pnnm&x :-1 must write and fell you wbat you Vegeu.~ Ilk. bim. He alway" ..... a fuooy fel· 80me of bis gold amonpt her .,. _ _. pll.te are 'p laced at intervals of from road 'raek a fe" nlgMa table Compound bae done far me. Before taklng)'OUJ' medIoiAe 1 ,.... tmabte !'ow. They ..y be liked olivet the lint time M1'. Smith wa • . bringin, into Cbi· looks; and n8 tnre IIn.ng a . So tbe prhi.,., .. returned to Lbe pal- SO to 50 teet 'along tberow, same to carry hUe to maturity, bavlng lost two-one at tdx mODtha IIDd one at - _... h, .... 1 be ever tailed them ."-Boltnn Tnnocript. e.Jo 'be }'i.h ape'c lal; occupied by Pres· abo-ut lier ·to tbat she bad a way really 110 wI",,-r t ...» abe Iiad len he igh t o.f end post.. A No. 1l,...ire is The doetor .aid ne:s:t time I would die. bttt thanu to Lydia E. III PInkham'. Vewetabl& Compound. I did not die. but am tbe prod ident StuyvUl\!lt Fi ~.h ond olber, 0111· windIng her8~f aroullil · 'people',; It. All the.,eomfort .be" be4 found th~n run tbrollgb,1irat-at t1ie top, fast.& y.u.V.aflLlI: I'OJlLIC;ATJOll 'JlJ!:E.. mOther of a IIix months old girl baby. She weighs nineteeD pounde IIDd t-Iala of the road, relurning frOID a gen· bearta, geUJng more and' more, tIght· Was that when the littl" gold helU'l ening;JD each of ..enter stake. ".itb DeeeI'Ipd •• or Celon~. 8ceaUJ'. S"'th .... lleYeI' _ allck day in ber lite. She '" &bedeligbt of our bIoaIe." eralln'~clioli of theUne', ",hen,abollt Iy tied e.ery hour, ·ulltil sbe nestled bung IDore heavDy tban u'8 ual aho wiro alaple.• looaely drl.en, S't!Cured at .. mile norlb of Ashlll1D1, he' SI" dim· in sO'ne' warm corner !lllcl g~t. all &J1Ii Uled' til wrap Iler wblte wings closer on end and made perfectly tJght:!"Ub M .... WbltDey'. aratJtude. Send to L. W. Wakeley, O. r. A~ Bar1)' (,I I.Wn.d some unkn"" 'n obj.ct., ap- more (hall b.r sbare of lo.. e, around bel' and t~n he1'self that tbere fence- o.r wire streicber. ,A second rUD liapil Route. 6IM PI;,e ·tlt"""l. St. Lom., "D1:.oUl MBa. PDKlUlI :-From the time I was sixteen Jl!U'I old till I Xo., tor a bandtome I peci..1 iolder on Col· parently "ltUng on tb • •ails. Tbe It. was tbe same where ..er ~h" went. '11'811 not olle single amirehed feather of wire is plaeed on bottom of]>os1Jl .... twenty~ I was troubled with weakneM of the lritlneyl IIDd tent'b1e orado. d~pliYe of ber bealtb r "","" and el\&ln~~r .uppaaed it ,,'U a man. and E"eryone loved be.r . ftrst for 111 elthir .them. six to ellfht Inches from 'be lfTound. Jalne whe.n my monthly perioda came on. I made up my.mlnd to tTy your mapiftoeD,t K:el14!r7, eoDWa.i~ lha lowwt a~ on~'e -I'pli.d tbe e",.rg.noy br.ak., brautv · and aflerwards fol' h~%.elt. . Suitora aim eame and wooed ' ber Grape- or ligbt wool twille,. eltber ~wo . Veptahle CoJopound. &lid was I!OOD retmed. e:lClIniOO rates $0 Colorado, l·brougbouub. Col. Bra . " "I've lou,n t aD4 bled far my l ..y. tbe CbicI," '[,.II;IIn •. Thll doctor said I neyer would be able to go my Old ';.n oud women, you~g m,.!D.. and I'" -vain. Sh." listened pciOusly '~ or three ply, i. bO\\" put on .hese wiTes eoun~., td.r; I've-" Ales ~.mart-·"Y~" ummer••,!"bicb b.,." eur '-nmade. Tbe foJd4;Jo W'W be found ot &duettiona) valoe ftill time and have a lirinK child, ... I was COIl' The .en,ine had pearly passed tbe maidens, kings and eour~erl ' affk!" lb.e... al!. because &be lonlfed to "" from bottom to tov Iwd .ta.tened wi.b but d.id 100 nee help your ·....Ue 11'0- ~otadenta """ others to kno .. ltItDtioaalIy weak. I h&if loat a baby at _ell object. .. ben it sloVped. l>cscendlng made her queen of their beart .. ' Bat ab\ .. to learn t1ie le.. on tbey eame, til loop or kn.o t, ' whicb are six Ipcb,u turea!"~bio tat.. JouruaL aboucthelro.... eooa'TY. P'N>a on reqlleot . IDODtha and half. Tb.s ne:s:t time I eontinued f~"UI Ibe cab, Mr. Smitb found a man in "Pile 01 aU tbis love and admire· Menllon Ibl. pap. r. . and t~aeh her. The)" used to 1001< . apart to prevent bHting. a ' "b~wo In III to talte your Compound: and I !!&id 't hen, if I anunc1Jy sl~epin~. He " ... sittIng tinn. the poor, pretty prlneelill ".. at lier tip-tilted nose, lIt'f 'awn· lower figure. The strand oYer " tOO ID ~ There- are lOb of J>e9.ple wbo ,.,iII not went my full Ume and my ba.b7 lived to be Yielded R -e adny ,.~ H .... wllb bi, Ibe rails. and 80 c1u,e not bappy. For amonlr"t other. gift" kissed eiieekil, and. eyes whose ebarm.~ word knot Is pused up beck. of wire, take a dare ~ do an,tbu" ueept a dan three montha old. I ahould &end a letter to you. Yinrt' Phy.ieia,,-Did old Coupon'. eue tn litem Ib;'1 hi. It.ad· would b .... tbe gods bad given her a golden were onlT .aceentua,ted .bY ;~o.~ tralI- brought O\'er a~ove. tben in front, UD.- ~ 10 Ce lfork:.-4tcbiaon GlObe. My baby ie DOW 6e'f'en months old. and is u yield to your \re:otment! .'raek II•• oi~.e.~oft"" ev!.';ne bad be heert. Nnw. a ' beart of gold lounds l..g sbadow.. and Jove .ber dialrac- aer au'd ap, ba~k and up alld OYe!' in healthy and bearty as an" one could wiIh. I &eond Ph)'>iei~ n-n did. 1 trested it 0 ... "« ........ ek . P\llt.~e. .. I.en. . 'a very I\lce pos.uoion. People en- tio.n -.U In nUn. For tbe white winp front and between -liDe wire aDd ~hl' ~~.PCJ eaDI10t e:s:preg m,- RT&tltute to yun. I was eo ~x lIIon' ~"" and it yielded lometbin, .,...t \-"oman-You'"e got ~o retrad lor bad tbat I did not dare to go away from bomo Tbe nOl"" -fIIadeo b,.~the spprnaeliln, .ied b~;'. and us.d to teU th.d r cIIil· ..... pped her round like a eoa ~ of first , eircle over. like fSOO.-Stroy Ston.... to stay any length of time. Praise Ood tor loeom...t~e b'id nola..,{,a ken.d the mon. dr,,,, slories about tb'e beautiful prin- armor. Th.e ie was 110 theUI Mosl of .b~ ,·in..s .nil gel bold 01 the wbat you said abont· m . --<!>e--Secnnd Woman- I won-t. I nover L)'dla Eo PlDkbam'a Veaetable Com'~eno_.ro.e P.rk. alioS lie ...... IIDt a\Tare "t his danger eea.. witb a heart of gold. But the down; they 1I1t!e1ded atrings without traioing and an,!' tbat ~~y~ffij~~2~5:1 pound' and may othenI wlio ~ tu1feJiJJc, until lhe. enl!'ineer 'gralped bis .bou). princoso hertel! found It anytbing but heart and caused all' her Eatcded d o not may readily be placed on Ille talce anythilJg back. a: do sa I did and find zelie!.. WfahiDlt you B1ICFint Woman-:-lnll ~l'd. ~'(JU do n't, in der ond 'ro\llihly 5book hIm. comrortable, and s ometime.. very italld on ;ine side in aw'e and re.er· twine by band. Hoeing and b,;rse "ul· ~ in !.he futllre u in the past, and may many hOmes be brigbtened aa ", .. t Rlnn ... 'Tain', time to get beov.y. The fault _a that it \\'as too enee. •• • " . tlvatioa may be carried on uutil beans but you' lll boTl'O'" ~ " erytbinll' yon. miDe baa been.--MBs. L. Z. WHmIBY•• Flin~ St., SomerviUe; Ha.." up." he- 'Prot,eated. rlrt)\\"sily. fine a possession for 'enryd"y ule. But one day tbere came a bOlder come in bloom. Rows sbould be . four neigbbor. h3\'e if you get. II chance,n.d the m01l rai ie d bis' bud sn Ine.b It was not soft and. yielding like ordi· wooer . . i. . prince with bright .eyes feet apart. 'rb~ p!,d ~ are more easily Det.roit Free Pre 5. The medicine that cures the ills of women when · the enlrine appr.ollctied be would nary bearlJl on ,,,hieb It is eallY t? tbat, knew no fear. galbered from tbls arrangemen.t than E . . . . . . 5 ..... bue be", Jdlled.' · . make Imprl'.8sion.o, and ,so It came to He 8Ilw ' ln a giance wha~ was Lb from poles. The original cost i. but FJrst Burglar-W'ot,'" da'1 I.t ...as tbe moat r~mark3 ble tbln/! pa ss tbat. while everybody loved ber, matter. The whiteneas pf tbe «ings lit·U.. more tban polu. ",bile tbe gal. s,."ond Burglar-Buncb o· dressm,tbat hItS .,.,,,urrfd durin, tbe en. tbe' poor p~ineess could not. love any· ..... IreuSng the prln.,.,.'- into -. a .anized wire "ill la . t.. lifetime. Peas ker's bill •. ,lnerr"s 25 ytar~' t"xprrienee. oDe. By 1bls I mean anyone In par- beautlbll "aint. He atop'ped bls woo- may be pown on lbis plan·as well aa F:iMj\ Burglnr-lkeeipt"d? abruptly and took tbe princess bean~. Twine and dead ,Inu should "nrln~fr ~mhh t~., next IJlgbt ' rno Ueulor. whicb. after oil, ie the only llriI. D. 1)'1....... Or eo ........ tbi. ne ... fur· Seeond Burglar-Receipted. ble arDIs " 'itbout as much "-S b" ~l. riJlped from wire. at tbe end of o'er and ldlled un ,Inknm\'n ':olorod kind of love Ihat counts. Sbe loved niture you've bought ia ~oit.e pretty. but 'First Burglar-Come on; " Ie r. it". 10 dial.ftUiastly Dey;. It laek. tb" ialn " By your leaTe" or asking ber seuon !lnd w',-", coil'e d lor aootber man 8~ Cb.lianse, the second .totion everyone jll.~ in tile ."me degree, she out 0 ' here!-Judge. ionable marb or oge aad aatiquity." lir. loye him ' back •. and pve ber on. ye,!r,-R. lJ. Winaos, in Farm and Gal'from. Ai hk m. 'rhe ~olor d m"n ae. gave tb~m , all' s terling 24-eard lon, DeStrl....."N ...er ruind. it'lI be all rigbt eldel1t8l1y ,.topped in fron t of Ii.e 10' but all thc .time .be ached to be able kla8 after anotber-and tben walted. den. 1M_ Pro. . . . . . . . . . .. alter the cbildn:n opertted on it for comoU~.. e .. to ~.e some one person. 80metblDg· Tbe prl.riceS8 was 8n mightily as· Lover ( bra"ely)-Slr. T want to mar. • eoupl~or ..reeU."- Phibdelphia Preu. Factory loaded SHOTGUIIS LOOKING FOR NOVELTIES. belter Rnil make ~im . kint; an~ p>&&- tonlsl1ed tbat. bcfol'e ~be bew '" ,luIt ry your doughier. III Our J60page ODd shotgun s bell s. ...... O ••OM •••••••• 1" " .......... .... -. Do 1~01I.r i{'("e.l Acbc Dod BDra! ter of ber 'f lne gohl he81't. · . she was about .. be- put her two soft . Fother (eold ly) - W.,II, J' m not 5ur· illustrated ·cata· FACTORY LoAJJED SHOTCUN SHEllS uNEW RlV AL," "Tbe collpge roommlllc or .a friend "Will notbin~ melt It 1" t he cried lips 'to bla cheek ond p"e bim back 11.,,1 .. ·5• • C••at•• U, I.'r...... Shake jnto yoar sboeo, Alton'. Foot.-Eue, pri .,d at lbAl. If f were In yotir place tile. wiIrni:Dc combimlion in the 6d4 GI' at _"LEADER," and elf lDine was eng,,!:ed" to 0 IA,ly in New to. bprs,.l t '(>De · d~J' . ar-tJer sb e had dis· logue. ]lOwder (or t he f ...t. I t makClJtigbt or Xe\v little gh".~ of hU own kisBt8 and FraU • • n. Ve ......bl... , .... r lbink 1 . sbonld wllnt to marry bel' I boa ill. UlIp. All duleft ••U ilIem. .. REPEATER ...· l:°nrlc ," writes He,". D. ~L Steele in hi!: mis."'" 11•• lntut ) of her admirers. then "-lipped 8wa,y . Feel EaQ-. Cures Contll, Itching. "'"re'" Co •••• lea. rny"ioIf.-lBoaton CourIer. SwolleD. Hot, Callou.. marting. So,.., and A trial will prove arti"le nn "Some People I Ha.t'. ~I"r· and tbe little gold beart . W08 feeliog W1NCHESm REPEATING ARMS CO. their That "ight wben sl.e folded he.r Sweating Jo·eet. All Druggists aDd Shoe s~ority. rled .... in Ladie!:t" Hon~, . Journal. ··Ri-s 1.1 0 W UfOtKST'Zt Ava., N ..... 114vo, Color. Hove. "y.on ever eaten a c.rospe. A A .~. wit . . . _.rble R ...t1. Sto .... eell it;, 25e. & mpl. sent FREE. Ad· uOII. unY:!' cold nod gUt~erin!f' ,~. "jup she noticed tbot one of the people 'e.... CoDf!'r.gl"ionoli~I", hu i " "Am I .to -li,'e all my. llfe wltb a l,t· featbcrll waa tipp d witb gr:&y. "r WlIS .inglng ' I' d leave my bappy ~ AIleD S. Olmated. Le Roy, N. Y. 5trichys or 3 vegetable m:arrow i' ... bil" At Yale lie became a Unitarian. tIe dead henrt tbat will nenT owake ---0e-Wben she woke up in the morning The.e lire .ome of tb'e Dew frul\!! bome for you,' wben tbe laauuord Jf~r [Jl1rflnts an: Roman CAtholic,.; to lo",,? . Shall L.al ...ay. go 'o n bt.;ng sbe wondered ",bat ·bad happened, A. . . . . . KI.C. called." 6cliD, to tile ..... "-ricaa L\posiUoa? and \'egetables wbicb the sgricultural bUl >lb.,. wa .. II member ot tbp.. IiOjhrcnl Yr. laYla1e-A"'~M illS Diniplu, yoa "Well?~ lo,·.d and ne"er learnln, . wbOtt love her heart W88 aching and flutter- departmen'L is .. bout to introduce·wt.. Jf 10. JOG.et toro comtortabt1', 1IUW IC'e' ~ Cnl.ture ~i\!tY. Jlt. ,(;Lr...1!gie b&II.- )n b ... " ""eb d_my ~ye. doncher kno"·. "He ai d if we didn't pa" up the Is '(. -'Atltl ~~ne pu~D .r head down nod ,ing 8S never a goldeD beart baa e ..er the nited Statea. Mi.. Dimpl_No, rim just aleepJ'i lblt·. llIit... .:R4 1atu IOlDetbla.a. IOlD, aDd coml... '1'0 • COtllpUa.-... w~t1· '.,'t mo,ber:" ";Bb back ren·j·; we' d bolb have to ~o, f07 dQ &.hS ... Jt wW be bat 10 tin. :JOW' t lun fOIl'e d "";ea un'fi1 tbe shallows in ber Ibrk "cbed or, fluttered before or ~inee. all.-Obio Suto JDurnal. Som .. rime . ago enngress a-ppropri· he. •• k.... ftye d i'!1 hi .,.-i'c sts 1,0 mAr· from CtDdnaaU 0Tn lb. C. H.. & D... Ban_.,.. ~ eye. grrw deeper and deeper,·R.nd tbe "Why l ~ it beating like .a bird nted $20,000 to co11""t valuable fruita a fa et....:...Delroit Free Pren: ~ ry th"m. r..l l all refulled. lu ,Iespai. .. t.' DPtI'oJt I.hnntcb (.ua.d&. ~. £..artlah end of her IJtfle tip-tilt~d no..e w.. na ftga!Dl!t the . bars of IIJI cage?" .he and vcgeta bleB in for~ign eountrle • . Th. MOre elfU!ion a penon pu te into l b. and ea:Jtomt. ancS ,"ID' !flu:tra FlU- C route. aDd~ , be ""me for m.. I ", .. rried • h ..ft). An 11 ....e.... a .... e... deelaralioll that h. would be glad to do an," U Iw like U1c water. COIae lMclI ...1. lhr Grut tan.. nllkea berself in wondQrment at the An exPedition WI. Bent to Italy .and );riaeopaliant whh .he -ritUAl ~en·'ict' pink n8 the beort.of 0 j;~eU> Tbe lfil Iiona ire-Yes, your highness. thine be eould for you, th e I_ likely i. i. TOIU'raltwa,' Uekd. ",La WI, line 11'f'1!S 1011 the HIt if! no good belnl" so &111".,:" .he new seRtJ8tion. other ~~editerrnne.an eountries in , :nlend Lo settle teD 1Dillio~ on ml ·th_t there iI ""7tbinr h. C4JI do.- Indian- Drl..uc-ae of c.b..a:al«lD. J'OtI r rGOle. aDd oomlq lIKk In II Pre~hyl.e rl.n ch~p~l" Th~ Rnman oaid at IRS! 10 herself. "'If yon go Suddenly abe knew, and tU1'ned a""li&- N ..... ,,1& tbe l.4ke. ErleJSlnmers to Tolrdo. 01 JJewolL. U rathDlic bJ'oth ~r "f l'he bride Dnd .he aearch of ue'" food~. :iaugbter the ·day abe Is merried. 4eiln 10 40 .... wtthont ex', " COlt. --o4IIIJDeo-·oll"J'ep!.i,oJlai ...ist",·. of the groom on erylrig' you "'ill ~!1 I.i. me}<e YODr blushing aWlly from ber glass, 1101 The \'ege1.aJ;le marrow is tbe inost Tbe D Ulk~u.t .giTe me a month'. "That'. very Mn,]. on DJ.e-/" h th~'1ll:;ide n I. R. McGREGOR. T. P. A. NA6nnt.l.Z, 'I'Dlr. eye. re~ and y~)l\rself Itgly. and !~n liking eYen to meet t1ie refl'!Ctiou were pre..,nt 'J'hiB Iii~ter .o'ltd la familiar oUhe JO.l . lL i. a sort ofsum· optioD oj" tbat and I'll eoDsidu It.- obR...ed. wbeD ber uo.haven "weet b~lU't 8. L. P~OTT. T. I'.'&" ...:%L.U'T.... G ... oi.e "ilnes$; tbe other witne"" "' .. ""hore ..111' you ' be? Worse off. than ber own eyea. "it can't be tbot." she mer squash and looles like & large Brooklyn Life. kiued ber .-'Ally Sloper. oa a Jew~sai.n . .. before! for folks ",lIl ·Ie••e nft lOVe told berself. ~Why, I walt very an' ~en cueuinber, It is eale~ before it 0. e, EDW.ums.~Tnme~, -----------<D--ing you. and ~-ou will then b .... ~ noth· gryl" , . . CrxCDl1I'.7"1. O . ia. fully ripe, and is digestible. Thed~ . A. All... Pi80'~ Car. [or Coo umption i. an inral1i· c .....;.. e ........ " I. P'na.ee>.. - ing left." , ... But all tbe Mme_ it "Was the t 'l pped partment suggests 'tbat it &bould be - Hewjl~'-.BrowD is traveling UIIder ble medi.ine for .oogb~ and oold •.-N. W. l.n . no part of " 'b~ world does the RD. being a ..ery pl'lUltieal 'princess, featber that got aU th~ pnening that aened ...ith meat. 'l'he fiJlest marrowa 'alse 0010..... Samuel. Oeun Grov~ N. J_ Fe!>. 17, 1900. buslaess of ',rowillg cbeat.nula r~ aile set to work t-o dr.Y, ba ey.", t.b.d, morning. A ( ..alare of t1l~ G & J Tire- U Ill! spcda14cdp COme from' Algeria. _ JeweU-H '" so? III or ttlrT1lpt ed tread-YiU not aU., o. wel,a"dDu. . '. Hi I I Wh· · Some ~rl. kill tbem~ei .... jumplllg rope, rel,.e 00 lDueh att.ntion and in.olo. 'baving powdered her ,Jloae, abe sent "I wonder if I am really in 'the laat One of the moat ~mportalltllnd..... H",.. U- s rea Dame a Ite,. - lOme ITO'" up and writo probleJll tori .... OJ mudd, roacb-ufal to bey an i W~ flIi ride.. tloe outla,. of .0 Jnu'e b capital as iD for tbe court pbyslci,n, of wbom Ibe' department on tbe len at laet?" sb.. Dtt&cUDk-oolOO" ~ tor~I'.It. I('&!w tbe croome. a UtUe-known French ",g~ '1'0'"' Topics. aDd aom ....~\"e ram., tbrw!t upoo tbem.bnI is IlIODe' r_ &:000:1 for 1°11" C " J T1.iet a te I.e .-n"cer l'''e8e dellero". ond ROpu"'r I. ..mll.mleu a Ij)ve potion "'blch ""ould .aid ,ii herself. . " . . II"' J rom J apan --•-fe. I)e<roit ,f"umal. bl e. I tcomes-orlgma...,· ldall Y0'* want. Catdoauc ff"C:C:. t.a II ca ... tI • • f .... • ~ .lIta are slolpped fronl France to .. II eure her comjllnillt .· d me,t ber G .. J nIf COIII'4IIY • ......,.I~ .... of large brad., D-Ile=Wbal do vou t1iinl< of tile -----<D--o~her eountrle&, the United !SlDtes"," beart. . . " Even tbe -pe'ople wbo roved tbe prin' aDd Inok.. like a string '-_ I UCo., c ...... _ . P~mlt rae.llliO ••" 'gown? Don'" Y<lU ... ,_ •• •h. . ..1..lnr a goodl.J: lIhar... . B)lt;-tbe pbyslcian was ,,'Ie'!. I!e,'abook ce88 mQst never ~essed tJint she bad These beads or tu ..... "' are two or our . b·r l·d.'s~ ~ UUUA ~ Wj~b 1f0000o'. Croap CU.... Infallibl.. ~ Sl la70 A. N. K.-B hior bead. Hi • . acieilee ilid not admit lost her h~ of' gold and found one Inches long and about. olilargeae nn.e 's he,ll good ta te? 10.1••••• , . c. ••_ _ of love potloos. Ife 881d ' th~Y were of flesb a~d blood to take .Its plaiee. . . I »« • m new> travels raater t 10 a motor oar. urved with mea'laboUedor,frledand It. 18 extreme y lor.a lIusband.-Yonker. Statuman. -.Ally Sloper. . .'~"'.I"'~''''''J'....... 'heA..n.n.l_ A drapery 8to\'e In a Conneetlfut dangerous, Bnd. w0I'I\." ·tllall all. un- • That 'Waa a aeeret between .her flager. Theplant • bardy .. nd .will grQ'I' in any ground. .ea............... r. . -tllwn I• • Id ·to be run by three me... profusronaL .He woufd ' n~v,r .dlliln- aDd tbe prince, an~aa they were loon A new "arietY of strawberry __ i.alDed England, Ireln.d and ieter aile. . . ; '" lDade one, Jt could bardly br called a found. It ia known as _the "largela.d. Tbq DIet for tbe IIrst, time In upouli!~ saId the .prin"';"'• ..-Jtb a I'se<:n,t-Ilt aIL . . In.I".,.,. eYer-bearing afrawl;!e.rry." Or· A...-Iea. ,Seotlan6 ' _"ied EIij_ tit")e' IKJlit, after: lie ,.... gone: '"I dinary ,benies ~\,!1I ' yield oruy a few Iud's .Ider, #lid Inland ie. eng&«- mig\lthale know:n •.bdte~ ~to. ...k. weeka, whir,,;the new .-arieby will ~roto . .oUler .Iater. The lion of the a man 'about sucb 8 . matte~8pecial· 4u.,.,10)' montha Iro,m tile same stems. . fl"", unton la ~11ed £reland England Iy oDt' w.hOOle feelln,s bUe ~wn A newmuikmelon bas been broughi kotlali4L Mpn kno - 1I0thing abollt · nel.r"M. ·1 -fTOm Swyrua wlil.Ch III said to be 8U' Tbey Clilllo\'e In~lIge8tioll if it i8 a.I)Y;; Jl!!rioJ. in sweetne"" and flavor to anyone ' e18e' ..'bo _ w suffering from It,' and thing. II! this country. • . Indigestion lo~e if tbe.!' ba.e .j~ thni-, Back a sewer, and you polson the whole neighborhood. Clog up I ver and bowels. and your sID mach Is full of undigested food. which iaeIYe·.. I muat tTy elaewher~." '. Au attempt is also to be mad" to inliOUrs and ferments, garbage In a swiU-barrel. That's the first step to untold. mi~ry-indigCStlOn. foul gases. headache. furred tongue, bad . t.oduce the -piet.a~lte nut ;lIto geiJera~ . 80 spe', put on her' hat. -and bu,rtlied 1 , '!J~1"''' UHe. In Tt.aly thla nut ia more, popular breath, yeUow skin, mental ' (ears, everything that Is horrible and nauseatJng• • CASCARETS quietly. positively stop fermentation In the a:way 10 a. big store kep~ ,by a w.'....n of tbe world~ho tra4ed upon ber:p- w~,rrlled ~,"~~e!~~~I"t'~~ tbe walnut. . I~, :make -tho liver l~vely. tone up the bowels,. set the whole.machlnery going and keep it In order. perlen.,.,,· aildout of ·tbe _allll of •. 'se.eral .superior vorieties of ""pa~ her ...oddly 1ti8dom p."e a'd.r iee to all &pit, leUu";' -alld . unrone: were-" also Don't hesitate I Take CASCt\aeTS to-day' and be saved fPOm Buffer)nt ,.bD eame to eonault \Iu. " tirOug.bt back from EIIl"ope.-N. Y •. / .~. et.,.&..; , Th.. 1'rillce .... e:s:plalD!!d her aYl!lPWorld. ' - '. ' . bM!'_ "by MAfter 1 _.......... cw C&IIO&- 1 I aaww. 1 'flU _ . bewlll>oat ibem I" the ' or' _ JIll 11_ I{U I... "'1:7 bo4·sbape, ,Db"" __ JI.4.a-._ I - -I tin. .. . bl&. ., Now, _ _ _ c.-reta. reeillae; Ib' _ lias abo _ IlleID WIth _1IoIaI me.. '.J . 'BE
__..e_. . . .
com...,.,'. _....
_ .... "c.
bu,," fa
I.,ydia E. Pinkham'.
Vegelable CompoulJd.
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POItn, ..... ~ .... ..' ~ fl. •• GII1ti,
IIiIJU. r&. DG.. .
0JfIc::e In PrInt z Bul,lcOn" Oppa.lte II.... B _
_ rea, ••ill... u ... JH .. -. . ~ fbe ua1W . . . .1. -It Ie III.
~. eh. . . of myUre. 111... faeta eoaJd· II&Te-_1 II1lot.UI' Jl1lm~1I laUd, &ct. of- 'lifal JllljI!nt&ncf. 117 ~.- Loufatl A IIIillloa Clonan Ia •
I1UIl price."
"m.,. them to
,AST, Po u rth_ of J~ -Ule weathe r came on cool _nd - our 1,1'l10re,nce beautif uL mo~tafIIa. . ltv, tIlare "'lOlile three people at Bleek Bock Irone I'IOnch who were U)'thln g bai cool. .lD .faet~ Fent, FJorenc e aDd I 'Weft . . "hot"," ' _ e0141d .....U.becom e -ho~ 'WIth lmpa~leDc:e and dIagu.t . . , . . ' I'or 'more 'thall four-..e el"j we bad be glad t:al'lled aUehtl) ' ~waraa the bee. prepari nl' for a celebra tion, a paper:a -"the crowd ..&Ita." plcmfe at our cottonw Ood gr<iYe. with . "The m.n tAt. tb.. 80Idler ..'fed," , ,aU u.e' f.amiJy· aad all olU'., nefghbo ra , -.along ~ 'Boel< _I< to jOIDlDma-k· alaa add ••im p1y, ..... a~ldum•• of ~I' _ gr'eat da,.. Ferd. who haiJ bormillf-o ne to whom I am ,natl7. lacIebled. " . lOme . yolume . ' of UI. "1.nd 'Sa- tbt; IU , .. a10ul Beoord from lOme local poU· ahe .na_re d. Bai-_· "Thet Ia ~!1. J,.-d written · a .bort adare.. , u¢ Floraac e h.d practice d dUlgeu tl)' iiII' *he pl,,'n1. mackinl l' f.ee of'the . • 01De patrioti c aonp. )(oreoy er, we p,realae at Ihe lett her flee. gro" crIIII MIn. lIeilal1 ri aDd bo..ed ..... YeJt'fro m ha:d eXpend ed sa for flrewor ka, ot a lI;Iagultud«; worthy of t.be Jargeat- .thIa eh.ur whea he aoticed the te1l--tale , hln.b. , Wnabl e crowd. _ . Qur -dleeom tlt:ure ma,. be Imagine d Wka '1- . .y that- f.ther, --mothe r and the, ;Jounge r childre n bad. I.~ed In . proDiiae d returu - froll;l \heir ylslt .t Greell m,·er. alld that, .jUBt two daYB 'tielore the Fourth , report bad .reached ~"Diaek Rode Valle,. 01. "mona tel' celebration " which ..... to be ' held ' at Lander , .lid to whleh eYery mother '. BOn aad daught er iJi ow-Ilei ghborho od had .tamped ed. We wer!' left alone. we three,; 10 far as we knew. there ..... iaot ••onl leU 1.I~tIlPtd(' . t:hel[ll wltbin 25 mile. of n.. . We were. of couple, atlD looldng _for tlle retUJ'D of 0111' IlImIl)' 'f rom Green Hirer, but . . the moraiD g .Upped .a ...,y .od 11 o'clock came. with no .up of tile....Ferd andl_ga~e ounelY ea ~p- to'aulki nl" WI!"~ lylDe upOn our baeJr. _in tbe Ihlde. of lOme cotton· .n~ar a hOJ"Se-co.r raJ, -when Flor. eace, wbo wa. ltUl. ou the. lookout , Routed· to us. "TheY' re coming !'" she cried, )"uDIIlng toward us .ndclll pplagh er haDd. ·joyfully . "I can 8e" the dust of their , wagon down the vaUey• . Splendi d I .s plendld l We'lI have a 'celebr_ tlon aU to ' oaneIY es!" AI tbere are dght of u. .lto",th er. tbe prospee t ...... not gnIte so d.l ahearte nlng. Ferd -Iad J 6Jll'lng ' to our feet .nd ·dlmbe d tbe corral fenee to look. What we ........ ... ftyfllg traU 01 duaCria lng abm-'e a .polnt ahout a ' mile diatlnt . A giance, howeYe r. showed our more l'~Cecl cyea that the dust c10nd waH Uler. too guat to be kieked up al - b,.;. span of mulella nda apmgw .goD. "'naat'a not them." declare d Perd, iD CIlAPl' EB XU. dlqu.t ·''It'·'' •• tamped e of ho..... or c.'ttle." • A faiDt roar of . tnLIIII~IiI'If'1 Virclai a .eeeded .nd lIer When hoof. soon 'bore to our eare the proof meD rUlhed to tbe !1'ont,.a mollr of his .. ..autlon . ~e d.ult cloud in· ~he flnt to .eek. a commJl aloD ..... c..ea8ed in '" ohime, aad the mntter of Ba,-mon d lIolbht. This .... iD .the poUDdflle boof. jnrred like a dlatant d.,.a when mort people belleYed thet {umble of thunder . tb& miLit.r y fealure of ~_ Our .uaplclo a....ere qUlcl<l)' muRd. ould pro.-e IHUe more tban a ..... nd .. We craned our neeks aail ...tched ill UIar demOD ltntioa. G.radu· 8pedac: slleDee. We had only a minute to ..ai~ of ,West Point were .at ouce In ate. ~fore a big bunch of borses, '0ing at pat. demlnd , and b.eked b7 the _ .wlf~ trot, brok.. cover of tlie point. Brookin inJIuea ce B;olbin w.. .po Ate,.,.. eeeond .lat...., we dlacovet -ed. on' poiDted a captain of Infantr y amonl' the -o utskirts of the herd; which doubtthe ate tetroop e, 00 R&l'ch of hl. ftC> our of . rs.'_ o b· many cJ Ie..- numbere belag at the time pontb!e ; bn' ord · 0 ...... two ~ny rlden turalng tbelead when t.he ltate tranlfer red ber tnIopa ..... ""1'0.. tbe v.lley. to tbe coatedera~ covernm ent, and O." ~. Md Dot b"e ,to gneu tbat the.. "8BB BTOoPB D OVER- AS IP TO A.TTEN D TO BBR rooTIN HoIbiD 8ODJ'bt. • coloaelc l'. adnadD g men. were ~rustle ...." and that U1ere ~~rt 01 hi • • ppllcatl oll tbe tact I,n hl_ a -flung d o a. up tened pn.hrear atrllgb we~e more of: them' in -the h e saddle. enee tfrom firing o t ken he bad been an oftlcer in the reg· gun.bro thllt mo.... rY E.e head. !. pony's !orwan is b file the honea - ing cracker ,at and would not sby eYen at canDon army. '&he. matehle sa IIInDOry - of ... ul han to At 15 ' tee t s be ought not the ohot.. Thev were, in tacl, accusto med ment of herd and lIIen prgclal medfr..... lIOuthem presrae nt .recal.l ed hll the the at ~ -dodged pony the but in missed. mounta our of fact. A gang te and black been ...,. of ber arm. and her big' 1e]. I _W"'''.ry, Jeffeno n Duis had hOoter . bod taken allv.nt a", of tbe to the crack of dynami g rock and motion tbe' Holblli breakin time ill tbe at ll&ed , war of powder to retal-y lOme-Laader to rider ede" the. "stamp .truck ril" atoclane low cracker h,OUll•. held, and the ree., m.ke anothe r stampe de. whicb ahonld splittla eloga ne.r our of tbe ' herd where abou.t his . belt ana explODed': court-m arll.l 'lf8lborses .t foremo before him for rfYJew. 11. The epming ord oue tbrown or d knocke was ,be-- ....tl... to their own advnnt s",. ma:n Th. wue sooa close at band. Of course tbe tbe sentenc e ~ tely bid WI of hls SIlddle, s prawlin g like a swick. had prolDpt ly approve d The .mcn were !'teerln g thdr catch dust they r.ised comple thdrrea r. e to '!f'" "trnggl lonlf A' ""uri. the of reela'lfay. Iprang en frog. Th.e poo,. up to the from .-iew of tbe ru .tlers in e eentene the ael'O&ll Black Bock valley pala. of .tion modnl.e a eare eoacu~ion. Olice mOnUl' of "Two-o we·tee They were comiog at a free trot on iog from' the ' , bad 101l0w edr-and ill thlil atruggl e yelled; men d mO'llote We_ tbe . of One ChaDne! creek the of side UroDJ' h that difIIcul t gap. they would each uta;ed b1 had halted, "DYDam ite!" In.] all three put spun many politici an. h.ld beea The buetle the herd lato the f ..messes of ... ited UDtll the leaden "aIn. in but . mother a IIOlbl.n' ont re aadwe ... It op Jilto &Dortiag. in fronto! us. '1lhen we ligbt- to tbelr dancing pouie II"'· people Owl Creek mounta in", break tbese aud ~ c aenteac n-o ill au-d (,,,,t' a ..ay with the ed our cr.eker s and flung them-e lgbt of -range and out of IIgbt euian bU~B er fOFgot the ilSue. In.,ol"e d. the , e' time. or teD-on e -.fter tbe other: Florenc lao.".. at. tIlelr: le!slqe. Holbln_ bated .leJferao u Da.."., ' The th our ad witla D, adnnce now I Ind Ferd each _ to Fem ana liPId not; aay thPt theeann oo e. row· Dame "lIoibin " h.ad ·clung to tb.... memo who ,rustler. fallen tbe g oth~we did not need to do 10. We tookh.e r partin guns. coverin co~d abe •• far . . s B!lena 'V:llta~ ba craeker her ng l and tl,.. allpped , of! ' the 1.;.."" -preaen . bad raised himself to • sittin,p osture ory of tlie hero o! • . ,, ___ ' tow.rd tbe. bones. ...._ Jd-" ~ to appoint Ba.1JDODd HoUml dediDed Win. biB 101' groping 'be ~o 'oared seemed canyolU .nd the miaute For h1l1f a looked at eacb other In - . ' ~ .... of dizzy' •• or to commis sion -hllll la IU>,. w.,... to anareY erbtrat ed wnh an astound ing cheater . He was blind ~alld ,., ,'" W&.T. receiTa .. cOmman d- b oaorabl e -men. The decl· d . • b be from ,the shock head rlcket. This I,h uader and amoke fluDg , "Well.~ said Pen!. "we'".. got &0 ilion ...... ill banaon. ,. ...ith hJa c1ewouted and ._ dil!lllou hnd e _tter Floreac off tbal hera.. &tampe de .ad th.e leadhig .horses baek' llpon their leI· eared hi. gnn. . tion to hl.. prioeipJ e... a dtTotlo n tba$ . '. -' "em. IOmeho w." ,_ l to make him. In t:tle e.n d low. UDtll III .. ere bimch.e d like • "Sure thingl" I a ..ented. 'Tm dreadfu lly. sorry. I hurt · '-ou, .... de.tinee anfortn aiate of Amerlca Jl most' tbe J sheep. scared 0.1 case, t.he ood undent e Wlleo Florenc heT IS,H ying, rue.fuUy. " J roae at them. each of III .sir." we heartl ahe ..,t"p, a-fr.ntl c ~I. "You sban't Then we oilly me8.nt to' stamped B- yon horaea .ta~l1lIen. their upon ' cracker lIaal a ''Those lIinging T!f-i-a ne"; public rellectio n. upon ~!>l: ~!" alie almOtlt Icreame d. keep . you from mootin g at ...y Iik~ enu:y and yelUng n". of -"ll filled )lim with an angoye mable aod bin.' heela. if y. /UJ-ywa' de.al you s.'" dOD' brother men. Will w" time nO) In. fr~hc. • at l! Baannck -Bad 68,e opportu nity offered. tool" ne'" ahot, The lL anelbe ,"au do I'll go aloug She bad inueed done' exeentio ju.t :hlttln! !: , tbe blowo away,li l. be would not hawe hesUilt~ to leud was front ~-yo': will my at home, Florry, " aald- :h.d ~em eolngshlrt" maa's ~elt kind of. coun· heart of the ma. F.~ Id.n~, but iD his maater lul way. wind" In the~!,U 'breast and -lace were blackeruod wftb '. ballet through tbe. tn· stamped e. W~ followe!l,~ ..arelt powder . bla maatac be and eyebrow s who was respons lble for it.. lAdeed, "'We'll take good care of bit of the ac~.ve opeT.8h oos oC .nd for III&Jl1' .e.er lear." were singed oft. and bis el'es yere red be arm~ Iilmaelf. ed tb.t he anlght ruatlen In onr tron!. , ~e"Bwer'ling Iud bleary, aud rolled like -thon of houae. montba was conTine Therea pon 8he ran ' to the u. pla.Dly eDough at .n,. ,;mODlea~, be dedieat ed to the milne. We CQ.uld not .top to comlor t lines of ho""eB, told, , The dnst and can· dlacbar ge of a patrlot ic antl" The .ef. W)ille Ferd went tor our gnna, where they ..ere. oor anrfhln g seeing ented .. presideD t of the confede racy W:Ilked pre to ran I eat. to Bnack a and ~ trappID ge d!stllnt. ya.rd~ In tbe pre ..""e of death, f!lr dosen a dally 'hall t~,n 1II0"e 0lU' of 'two thfi cree" ~ture, cot o..-t gethcame.to e .. lut;.k, od gru't'gO ,By ~\ ridlnlt ~nle••nd riaddled them. J'~elf·~d. I had 1lni.hed Yen! ea- ou&, er 10 cr0881" e & cqt'Ve oftbe..!! of the h!!l:d until tall tlie .t roile We ~ Uld ~et hUDtfIIe hie l' _&ria II"al'~d tha~ the frlglit.enecil, horses I:iijr Diy Jaeket Iud ou. pua. ~ez:e !ble. The hie .8lde pocket. of th~_.COIIta wonld rnn ' as 1001' altthey not be COUIIwere mifed to bnlAin" but IIlJ' jScket th.t our .tamp:e de could more. felt' JiBM _ongla , and ~hea 'r tJarnal tered fo. ~n bon~ or h~d elapse-d . • hand 'iDto one of u.e pOeketl aDd from tbe tune ...hich linm'e dlate drew nut _ ~nt''''craeker'' of the-big- t.he ruatleia , riot, fe~rlD8' speeelfo~ ed wInd aDd pet .Iie, T fairly :1.'ho.Q~ with d~ ~>D~.nit. hi:.<! ... , . ' light; There' lIreJ'eahalfdosenln~ . _Ionlrcha ae. ' ned detemU baclt, turn~ we _now AD~ ~ ;JIOI!bt, od each one. was -. - foot to t.ke our- I\and in the~nt1i of the ' lencQa. - _ Th'ey wonld malee a:nt ~~d guard the ,paaa nnt.J') _t~~ stoek;; 116tae to ltampe de a whole In~ lrom IDdl.uuI, Id 'aloDe ~ OJ' 100 balf·wl ld men JhoQ]d begin:t o the gap t w.. I. . , . li_..- " " could dma '~
' ~-n bew of.u old.:bldJl!lo _ail c.tt1e
a ha1f.ml Jer&taa at.. JkdIq up to ~ of BJark -Bock; aad ..,imCl .,fo.,.. of MYeiSJ mOl}at alni iDto the ."rtb; IIIP of,~.e:-tee. ata inIJ . . &ook.
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ala. &aid' "J c1el\"er t.bem lIpOlI ~De'eonait!~D " ·WOn.-e oodltion 7 lia_it ." "',l'he price IbaII be paJd.to lIIe." bill .tood ill dtep thongn " , "No." be KId, u H cU.mlMln-, _ . la- &00 d.n,el'O " ml'\&ta1 arpmen t,; a ailulon for uy woman. Captun wo1l1d llleaD for 7011 certain d9tO." "Ir, clilldl" ~he aaid, almpl1; ...«1 the",; "I lhan All«!. • _.,. 10 gd ' throngh ." . ' and J "Then make the trip Iweu to yeu 1 will .tlJTt'D d,r the child and come to you,_too." R.ymon d. proan -; promia al It would be fllhumaa to clecei". me
.;. II ,
.f .
HE nine-ro om reaidea ce here it-IUltrate d and describ ed will coat '1,900 with. a foundat ion of awne. '1'be size of the parlor- Is 12 fect 6 laehe.. by 12 feet G inchee; ';ttia.. room, 12 f~t 6 inches by 1!L feet 6 lache.. ; dinia..roo .... 12 feet 8 iucbes by 16 feet. Dnd bas • bay, wIndow ; kitcben , 11 by 12 feet; '"hamb en, 8 feet by 8 feet II ioches; 10 by 10 feet, e feet by 1£ feet _6 Incbes. n leet by 1% teet 8 Inchee; 10 b,. 13 feet. .nd .Icoye. 7 feet 6 InChca by II feet II lachea. pantry, 4 feet II iDehes b,. • "feet II incbea; bath-ro om, II feet II Inche. by 10 feet. The tb.ree large 1'001118 on tfu! f1ra.t lloor are separ.t ed by s1idiag doon. A rear atll.irwa ,. leads to the base· men t II ad second lIoor, Tbe firllt aad
The parlor I. tinted- . ~ppu color; .ittlng· roo .... maroon ; , dinlag- roo!'" peacock blu~. dark; Jdteh~ atre_ eolor; chambe r... colore 10 anit owner. · The 8ize of $be houae UPOIl tM ' lot I, 2~ bY fO feet. Tbe d""lp I. "ery neat aaa pl.in, .nd anltable fDr a dt,.. wbnrb '"
"Y:PIl will CODtrd Ulent an if 1011 ddJ.,r 1111 WOnDa tlon, and coUed the ·price." 8be Imew him ...ell enougb 10 a.'•• thJa lofJc wi&.b hllll uadera tucl w•• eonclu t ft". "Then I go....... wd, "bat. how?" - "I alaall prQlafe ..... y;.. Hid· Hblbbl. , Ba' 'fhea ,he ..... eone Loai&e, fre. a tories are 9 feet. 6 inebea from the Inllaeiic e; ot' hla penon.a Hty. RCO'D d All floors are double. haYing high. M. begu to feel .11 her wspldo n and g paper between flnisbed 1100... ttaat. ntnrai n,. She reYlewe d calmly buildin 8ub-IIoo ra. The sheatbi ag 18 of and hid It her. with life hlI bltter,y bat llooriug . hiving tar paper be-been a .uceual oa of:decepUoAa IDd nt- rence It and lidlng. All "Iding is 4eell .. t onr terl)' lelft!lb. SJ!e Hke<l henelf " toddlng . 2 by , Incbu; (ace; . inch 'and .".... wbat no:oars e ·..ould alae '~ by 10 iI!Ch"" • .shingles , cedar; Joi.t ltaye an~ aw.,. IUp .boald he If hay. orname ntal ca.rving ; art glass; press her-iIIl lIehmon d. and ,raduU y. u alae briek ehilllDe ,.. Americ an gl ..... Geor_ conade red hlI manner . die beeeme oonYIDeid that be i111.flI6cd nothiDg more or Jtru 10 f.r u Ille wu coo· cerneef. Tbuplr il ..hlch h.oi saatlln. ed ber durlng the put ;rear returne d. and sbe felt herseU full ot flgbt.. EiperienCt> h.~ gi"en ber better coutrol of her nerYel; hn life. wben ..... y Yom HolblD, arried a more mucull ne PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR. aote; mOlt "..omeli who CO 10 1Ch0011n WubID ,ton acquire It. She h.d come couDt-ry . The lilles on .. hid! ·tb~ ~ to mcluno od wiUl the fnlUnte ntiOil ot deoce Is plaaned give a large nnmber aeelnr lLn. BrOoIdn, fordpg a &ettle' of room... &.Dd all at a fair size, . . medol her-clai ms apcm R8ymoa.d ,and ,. 10 u 6UCC!~1I Of .hown by lloor pinna. ehild. her . _arin The veranda ceiUng I. cened wI~ the I.tter &be felt allDftd ; the ot"~r narrow beaded ceiling of Oeor:gia -.... doabtfu l In the- bour after lIer pine. finisbed with hard oil mario. l ..t lnte"ie .. with Bay_ d It cam. I ..... .. va:rnlsh . no Ihe t the. tion {n..plr. as.n bn to painl. ,... Aoore-.. poreb. and a would Verand thlt od u bel' lu had a ..eapon ed four coats good ltad .nd boi1ed beat do,", an,. guard. pieree anl' ar· laiseed oil. Tbe ehlmne y ,is l"'J!Pi!d mol'; for be hlld admitte d bll eonnee-· Chhnne y br.ce ili of e gigantl ... itb -"tooe. a bad and eue1D,. tbe tb .... tion Tbe out"i/le- "';Uarw lY iron. t inllat to wrougb but haa: Sbe eDterp~ afoot. leads to the baseme nt. The hei,ht, of upon a It~t-I.meat In adYenu and' to firs~ story door is to feet 1\ lac;h.ea threate a; bu' the presaar e apon Bay. Stone work aboR grade. er. "boYe motb bl. from come &bould mond FRONT ELEVAT ION. fany to be therefo re determi ned btl' origin.a l Inteotio n. csll on tba' cia pine fini sh; exterio r painting . "dy. and hl.-e. p .. la t.lk. Her lur. 'h.r ee ~oat8 ; galvani zed iron gutter!l pr~e- ..... comple te wben .at tbe mo- and doWll .pouts; froot door. glass ment th'Jt aeci.s.loo ..... reacbed tbe panel. The doors are 2 feel 8 inches card ot ~. Broolcin ...... bro"gb t to \Vide by 1 fee t high. 1% inches 'thick ; ber roorn--'-<lomplete . becauae ..." Dall tbefron t door is 3 fi!et-tinc b.eswidf >t by "'.. the "llit of tbh lady a m1Jllt III- 8 feet higb. 1,-. incb'" t.hick. Shingle s loniebi n, thing. but upon that un! are 'to hue oue co.t of paiut. The .\11 exte.... 5 .a aie.n for-whic h Ibe .._ttlstru et,. attic has a single lIoor. .d to look in e"ery iDitaac e--two pui, rior walls baTe ODe coat of bro~-n ods followin g tbe nlm.e . The- _nln , mor";'r for boek piaste.r iag. and all ,of &.be &..-0 periods waa that the ";&ltor roolDl5 are fiDbhed with t wo eoat..s of bad a me... g. to be' .. nt by word of pl .... ter. The hardwa re is ol a su bmou.tb only and thd Ih. ~bt be stantial kind, and properl y placed. lruated. The rubble atone ",aU i. 18 incbea B,- ..hat ,,!eanl the Tlsitor ko_ of thick.. ADd the oaseme nt floor is ceher Loulle ..... aot Informe d; but abe meuted . Tbe house is piped for gas bid been gina. name aud di~ec~d to Rod furnn~. The r e is a Georgia register under It, Ind .be readll1 pine fI.o or in the ball, parlor, sitting gueued . She.at ooce laid. Ift~r the and dining· rooms.. maple floors in fo'tIDal greetl.n ga ... ere over: bath-ro o.... kHchen "ud pant ry. The "-1 perceive , madam. th.t your sink in tbe kitchen is porcela in lined. --nionrai ug haa reaehed th .. oecoaa pe- The re is a waineco ting in the kit.c.hriod." The "lIltor maTed her cbalr en. batb-ro om, dining- room aad balls. clooe Ind mlae a stateme ot, car.full ,. ma.de: wit,h cement pla....,.j ter and eapped PLAN OF SECOND TLOQIL worded , of CODslderable leaeth. and witb ,,"ood molding. La=dry . coal , tbi. Louise WII require d to r epeat onr bins. frnit-ro om a _n d other storeand Ofer nntll Ita m.ln poiot ..... er. rooms are io tbe baseme nt, AU rough- grade is random r"!"Ce, lilocJr I m..fixed in miod. It related to. cabioel ing in pipe. laid to bB t h-roO'm. stoue. lfn Sliding door plrtlt-I oas ' are '· -lined meetin g 01 the da,. before. Catcbba.siu and cesspoo l are buil t in Brookin then oifered a few comll!e ota the yard. Girde r s are 8 by 10 inr:hes with one-hal f inch eellia,. . All m.a- . upon the weathe r aDd the unforlu oau' and posts suppor tiog girders 8 by 8 terial througb out lIIust be or the fUrallb will, owner Tile .. best. Loui but very aeD, blTe-ari ald war_Ilud-wo iaenes. Closets a r" provide d wit.h detaine d her. She aaid, ~oding OTt, .helves and hooks. Thc froot stain!, ba tb--room flxLare. . art. IfIan' ana hardwa re. her: t-r.eads. n ey.'e-b and risers are of Geor- sbelf GEO~J: A. W . ~ "You h.,.e a aon In --the wartdep art.- gia pioe. mea~ who i. iu ereat dlnger. and hil indisere tion baa eJIda-agered you aall . TI_~ . fte 01._t our ... hol.....sr-tem -" ....... . . • .... rOG_ Grower a. :the fa tjiiwer' oldbt lhe y Probabl ·'Lo ...erf....:S}>eak lo ...er, IDr God', for 11le growing" of "'mushr ooms" been 60bj~ted to tbe sake!" rood by a species at aots is iuterest,- world. which has a ... d in t'he an.. · . d decei.,e l, .. gro "He ' hu descried in tbe America .n Natur· use - of man, is that lou ingly wronee d I ...omlD aImed Loaile, ID4 l.1ist by Prot. W. M. Wheele r. The cieat temple of Egypt, in-COll1leo'tiOD b.1 been ralh eaoogh to let h~ into aats fir.t cut lea..... i.nto small piec.. with stooe worl<; which ia lrDoWll to be Thf... the onl,. bil"Inef yOOr ftt'l'etl. " aDd carry tbem into tbeir under- at lust 4,000 years old. )In. Brookin wu Ilmost oll~hle t( gTound chambe r •• where tbey are reo wood used in tbe co.n 8ttuetio D of the Irtleala te.; .the other ' handed her , duced to a pulp aod deposit ed in a temple. is in tbe form of tieS; holdlne to another~ gt ..a of. ...ater. _ Leap. In tbis beap tbe myceliu,m of a the ~nd of one stone "Where i& &be-Ul II Loul.~,., ala, 'pecie. of fungu s finds ItftlgiDg. and When two bhocks ' \•• re I.id iD pl.ce an eXe8'1'3tion an inch dr..r:p w.a made asked tbta. ~ b" s llblerr:l nean conditio ns favorin g "MIl,d.m . ,he ,t&ad. belore_ ou.' sueh a result minute swellin g. are in each block, in wbich a ·Ue shaped ' Loois.. bad theo aDd there a ran. 01 produce d un the .-.ge-tab le mass. like an hour glass was dri.ea. It is. bel' revenee ; ttJe elder w oman , ill_rill TheSe a-re the ·'mu sbroom s" which therefo re. Tel',. difficolt to forCe au,. of .U her experle ace. guoe .. a1 to I constitu le almost the sole food of the stone from its positio.. .. 'J'be tie. appear to u;oe ~en of tl)e tamaris k or 4Ddden.panic. Bnt only a fe,.,mo menll colo01 of ants tbat cultivat es tbem . SbitUm wood. ot wbich tbe ark WI. ' .... sbe absolatelyhelp)e~. Habit :lnd VelloSeSe . tor .. ...... TIlo., bel cted. restored her constra befo.-e face calm the ----~ Everybo dy recogni ze. that tbe desl· preaenc e of miad. ••te:rwlal l_. f . . . . . . . . it that. is vehicle motor 8 in deratum ['I'o Ba Continued,) Japln has I postal, telegrap h .114 sball combin e eimpiic ity .nd durabil ity telepho ae system. Poslll ..". postal not is Public fa vor LOVE, BUT' WAS TJlRIFTY,. ..ith c..heapn ess. ated, are aloo'. partoft he-pot tal nk. ingll·ba hea,,")" and cumWOD by complic 10 these 5y.tem of tbat eO,u ntry. f t . Ca...,fwIl Y•••• _ . OltJeete<l .. bersom e machin ery that is liable at s are limited to 600 ,..eIi. deposit b.nks 00 order. of out _ get l any momen t to ra,.s •• til .. e_•• T _\ .um liS small as tea yeD may be ..... "'t be contrar y it. i s B demand 01 Amer· ·t~r I.e B. . . .~ po.ited , but no 8um rria~er . th_ jcan. that an accepta ble automo bile yen_ may be deposit ed in a "tagl • . 50 II! The late Prot. ,- Shuttl~orth. s hall be. .... &sooabl y lilfhtan d durabl~ '. s are iDftst"d ia tha London , . '.a partlcnl~r1y tond of tell- The1 want a machin e tbat will J.a st, d.,.. The depoIIl cOlilolld at.ed ...... ing lio,.., wben 'he once act-ed as I')' • nd one tbat ...iIl be "heap eoougb to public loan boads. loen bonda. .lott.rea " cum tenena ill Jj.,,,oaa h!re, he had t. .Uo ... of its purcbas e by tbe class of bond. and ...ar .' s. deposit 11.1 00 paid i. • of e [plroclil im the_banns of lna.mag people who to-dRY cqntent the ....ehe • MAli 11•••• • ....._ _ • aDd a village maid. A 'lVit]J ~ horse and buggy. . fOlm.hr llt later the: )'oung .waIJt Lulu-E lsie al ...,.. .... ' ext....,.. A.e.....e Weltrht •• O"7'.en . called at· the profesa or's lodgiDg a, ..... When ah", .... .engage d - ahe gant. Tbe-r e B_re. 14.,000 oY5ters in a ton of used to tell me thai ller lo~er _ letea Ule LondoD T~Iegr.ph. ' wben "YOIl pat · up the. ballll8 for me,' t-be bi""l~es. bat In a guod season . doe. not take slmpl.y perfeet it order in are ts banqlle . he aald. es? EY"'-:Y t mea.· "Yea, 'I ~member," ' replied VI lIIui!h time t-o get away with tha Lulu"":A nd DOW that aIfe I. m.rrIed ure of- the prinee of marine food. 88 sbe av. that be ia a perleet bnlte..... : Shattle worth, . tq regard oysters . .• "WeU." " Iiaqnlre d the yonl, "hao, ",me are dispo.e d Somenl lIe Jou.... \' . Ralll'. . . . . . . . . . .. It got to go onr ~._~. "Wha" do ,.ou me.n'" .aked tb. - OYer 8,000 miles of Dew st-elm fail· - spe1lil. , tea doftars -:'-·-Ih"",t,e...,or. "Are you tIri!d pi th,· way win be con.ru eted·jn th .. Unit~d "Haqie t,andyouthen econom ize 0" • II";shly , IIIL:aDd ma Oklabo States this ,y ear. tt dime. 812 for dial) territor Y are in tbe Ust !'Tbat'. all rlgbl, lh.n-y'"; I feel tea miles. dollare' ..orth of ";rtt!.O~ eOlllplle eD· cy o.-er aariae the t;n ce.DtI."~, Tllie T ...... " ..· • • • h.~ 'A fla~ p.,amlD will write at tba rate <:ago· 'fim.es;~erald. of 30 words a minute, which' meaas - o..e IJ. I • • n"'r ~ th..t iD'an bo'!r'a steady writiog bihal BIlI-W h"r's ~ome of your fnend about f space.o '. drawn his , pen along Who kepl the .restaur ant? . 'SOO yards. JIlI~la. he eot tired paylnl' coal bill.' .nd he t..iea to ecoaom lu by bar.r..· .. Inr keroaen c oil. "P.Ued . I --' uPpole1 " "Well. net. "cone up, - ... l Yonlter. st.team .o.
..._ _a
--- ---
"'_a '..._
..Painless Extra.ctiog of "Teeth our Speciality, .. . ... ar _Taka
:Elevntor, ' Main Su-eet Entrance, .
.......- ..-.-.. -.....-....-.:-..... ...--. ~
grOOlll', nnd afterwards prCCt'Ed ,to CHA.!mE U(TJlIE a N PUN. LJN:JIlI , 00(1, complexion senerally re- '13,Il1f,.uo -ITl..m IDuotive li ver 8ml bow- I J ~I) ta.ke in I,be Po n·Amtlricnn U ndor u. new- scbeodul.e 10 e.tfed.MaT ~I Ut In alt such' -en c' - :DeWit,t's ExPOSl tiOU. UPOD their return Mr. ]gO!. pa_oj;er .... ID g O,·er lIIe PetmllJ l~ leal/ Wa,.n~"l'"UJe staLion.a. tolIo. . ~ ~'·'.""' 6EaTly Risers produce gratify. o.n<1 Mrs. will go [0 Mrs. LhH~ "or Lbe Ea"• • : ~O ,a m 3 :~I ,60 F'orlhe Wes\: . :~ . alll&:14.&.. l1:03 • • r lEult5. ' J . E. Janney. [lMontll! hoino ulld ' re 5 :20 pm . . malo nntil -they nro cun arrango for For ,part leulaT JD.fV.,...a·w. N tJte-8Dlt)eat apply l O,H , E, llaoill. ,~lIu 'Arem. Way .... house ' keolli.l lg in Han'eysbnrg ViUe.Ohtu where Mr. COlllstock lUIs for sevoryears been eugaged as heqd man · • ]I!A.RES 'fO BOJl'J\A,t:o . ager of the FreJ:clIBros.' ere(lmery~' OVER Tnt AKllOli noC'l'C'· ,.oa "Atiro or ell o,l'.g-1!.. . ,Ji:murSlcn ticket to· New york~ and where Il host of friends wish AJl ERlOAIf ~fio..". g oIng or returning vit\ Bn1fulo for the wortlly ond interesting Exc1l",IUIl9 to p~ G"" , 1M "hoD ft" ule vlJl Ct!ll1I\<'Wlua Lake (en lloe-- .....• with top over lit 'p'LD American 'yonn~ coullle long lIfe ond prosper. _ertc ..~ J!:liJ1QIII\IC>a aTe OOW ... "Ie a& Ucll· t!!t. o~ of \J)e Fe-un h .... .I.J.:neN aa4~. ~J)<i8iJlon, ,wcnt. on sate July 1st-, tty in a Roo ven blessed home. nettJnit raU tf2J14. 'principle ncket offices of PcnnF'Dreg from WaJ'oC8l"iUcr. OhJo: ; M'e aa. tQ.tylv:l uia Lines. .,.Icltels good reWminc ten ~ IIU.'O. 'J~ piies tllnt annoy you so J unc, thll rn01\th of r oses, is 11 1'lcke""llOQII r.turojnc' WI~1\ GaJe, t Ilt, ~II , ~ aJ;O n Uck 4:-&.Ii 'A tlh t'eWIQ llmh: unUl Oa.. be quic1ily and pe~anently hpru d ~l?nlll of Jullny happenings , Tbp ~I\n, ItG, ~5, if YOIl 11.--e DcWif,t:s Wlte!} tluy.el \-cry air seems surcharged with SpoLial Ccu<.lo eXcaroiOD t1ekel.8 good \"'Y' Bah-c. &wllre cf wortlJ1Cds coon· commctlcemenls, weddjng!l, etc Till' Inr OO<li.,o up Lo mldal,bt or Tbuada,r , .... low log date at Ale may be ob141oetl6ll. ~. . wrfeffs. J, E. J onnl'Y. month Just clos~ '1I1lE not been all hSB:it -SI. t O. Touris ts t1cll:ets ~c. spe.dal f\toee 1D2., a.tso M r '. n nd M,s. Bean nnd hvo exception; yet we IlIe not to ttritp be "I>Iain<d for trill" III ra;o~ tu car.. d.1. da'llgbter.... formerly (I f Lebanon, on eclogy nbcut June, but. we wi.h AU lIck~u: 10 C;a.aa4a an" 2-f.a~rQ polnts 10 ng Ne,. yorl; ~n be Socci ror \O]>'o • • r but roocnlly o[ 'n!ifornill, who nrc tochroDi cle onee,ent of interest <to .:Iudl I t tie PUO' ,lme<lc1UI E:t;pcoiluon 00 Jl6ymen. "isitw~ thc:r Buckeye fricnds, us:it iCllsl) that tool.: plaeo Tlmrsd ..y of exln. ;::1:, Sulfalo !,Io ..... "e ..... ' Cbau t aUljoa L3lIe ..1II be ..1· wero,guests of Plo f. I;;tih,eU 's fa.m· afternoon, June 2nh, In respOnse lowtd OD:ln tldcel.& io }Jdalu '1IInd ...E3.sLerll. t'Olnu.n·h,bout extra CDA"L ill', n , few dayS tlJe fil'llt of the til cLtinty in vit<ltious' that bud ocen For 'bC'dolf!:li "bowing c.orit"(Jo[t'Ilt ~ c: ... we k, isslUld. about une hundred and tbil'. p;;lKS t Dllfr ~yJte to BbJlato 2100 .ftI.M-{ IOfO~ .pply to lL E, Boolb, !f~tt "'&tlU. It YOlin" India!; thI nk sore!>. pim. t-y ,gUCl!its Ill!Semble<l H.t the h omo ill ",.o.l4o W:1.J' oes'\"lUe.. Obio pl . nnel TI'd no q look well wit h Ii }Ir. nnd Mrs. J . H. Hu",1.:o 11UiI~ 01'1(1011 v~il /U!d orange hlossom. ,it sou(h.west of S;lnng Valley, t "1t1\ ri~bt. Yet Ro..:ky Moun tain Te1l EXCllB ~ln.'i9 TO, ,,~N F IUlfC-SCO VIA. .... onlti llrl,e lhelu awny, i:l5c. Ask ness theronrn'lgeof their dnnghi-er , PKN1I8YLv.uru Lil<£8. ~-9o r tlruggist. Mary, to Mr, Eve re t t Zf'lIlffiYe.r, of July li th t.o 12tb, tncha1ve. Ule P.••i Jt, 1':t.ni:l Cines will .-eU escufto(.t c o tiC-h i. In Sa .. 'Eld~r A . D. Hit4) will preacb ill J:>ariR Cr . ng, TII{1Fn.nel"co. BC-"Aln'l: Epwordl l..6a .... COca.1'Q " r-hc Volle;; Bul,tist church nex.t At h lllf' ).last t Ilrt'e o·clocl.:, the UOD. 1'ur parUcula r IQtwm",lol\ Ke «[S,C~\ tnl'l1:1y anti SuuulIY. SOtnrdllY, gUc.!ts bciD~ com fortably se:rted on "t;enu 01 !'elIns.lvanl" W~ 'It2p.lll.I\U(! nnoo)rnfl0:301l.m , tb,esp.'lCiou ' l\.w..j, tlleconple, pre, 'lUI nro 1D';t~l. ceded by i,he Re\". B. F ••ZeU, nnd I'!XOOH.IUOl<S'fOOUAln'AIIQUA, Now is (be tinle t() I,I'Y a bugU; lit t.cn eled by ML 'James Hawke, A cnA~O~ 'fO vuu~ 1'ilAT .I.'JInU.TfVE ·to h8 V II bl~ lot tt; ch!)O - from , brother of Ule bride, unel Miss .Zeut. IIE$01lT, .'nd we 4lXpccl> to sd! e,cry one be, myer, sister , ot t1~e groom, stepped ' T~ _ I .... low fare "",condon!!. 1.0 Cbn· out upon tbe ,1lrIl1ldn, and. taktng l auqua, N , y ,......, Included 10 Ibe o _n ulfo r ran. Com:o and:.get a b,1rgnin_ lies ter d.-Jigh tfnl ,.,..,o.1loD tTi ps ,1& P UIIIlYI. . j Kilbo 8" C f' _ 01' IJJcir l?JllCCl; i n tbe bower Qf ' benuty ~3nla 1.10"11 Lb ,~ summer. Po ll!. eacllnlo... 'n 0 . , "",tWIn, 110_ h .'" been _,. tb ,will J.e run Till The Alrrou R<utte t - 10, Tery l.ret!..! (lliill1rOn ' D:ly emr. "" . prep<.u"" , e .muglC tlr. pe D".yl,aDI~ aoll Ert 1..10", ·o;'er ...lcll WO Us were poKen tbat made these lb ... r.isUlr~ear oervloe f""" r"&apollO, ci£cs crt) beld at tllo *- E. chll! h J henrls ODe, rlDm~i(ltely Ilfter RlC~l\4!d, D~)'\9Q , C~I .. ual~ Col o m b'IIo .-d b t 'nmlay \" lliug, O,,~ to the . , o lb.,. pc.lnlO 1.0 Cbaulauqua.. The reLuro the ceremony 1!le ' lQnc"eon. was IImll 9D cx~"'lon tl.~elS "Ui be tltlTt, dar .. V Cy -"arm ,\ye",tdu:r the ~'en:;sclSl allowle: amJlle time ter au e_ll.dod sojou rn wel'e S.hOFt, butcno"'etthcle. ,cr" served i Ule uoW1Y w!!<ld~ couple; 'u Ihn , [;omo.o r ..o rl. " with t hpir attllIldants, tbe minister TlIe Un<L acun;Jou will be be ruo FrI~ ~ ~njI}S4ol(l to tbose- wl\.ose pnvilege :;'b, R.tornln ~ eoU[oOD>< wlJl be IKiOIi ","11 all.d lDlmediate 'fainily. rep:1ired to Augus lO'b. 11ouecoQd eacUfiiliID ... m000\\1' I t "tI.S .tD be jli'e8rul.t . the dining' room, tlJ(> other guests Prld.y, 3ul, ~.I b. I!ckth I\5f' '>"Inell will I..... ' S ..... Sc ' U d ' gobcl r",uro IDg uII I II;. I ~ Ib' TharouJM\ .111.1' . ' . '''.: ers nn three little were ser,ed o'n the mWll u nder the trll> r.lle fro", W~.11\ ..\lIe. WIll be ".95 0", iJaugh IlTJ, (jf XolC(j.(), Ilre here nsit, trees, nDd a more light hearted, boi:r~t;: InfonD3i'loD "pply '0 H. ~. illS-Mrs.. Sellers' {Iltbei. 'Mr, 1. E. happy CODl~lly we have lU~"'lr lDet, I 8il<1'~ ' Tick t Agent.. W~70..... mC. Qb!Q, lrl\V!! • nnd other re1ati\"tlS unil Alter lunch eon tIle happy couple t' mends. Mr. Seller!' j oined his fam" reem ved the oongt".ltulations of their SU~-nA~ EXCURlIlOl( ily l!cr c on SntuTdny (Lnd . pent Sun, fMends and, lUPid!l shower of rice TO (.'OLOllBU6 vllt l"Dl! LINEII. .la-y' with t,hem. aud old shoos, they ~-cre dri,e.n to Rouo~ nip ll~_." \0 CoI"1D IMI.. YlU ""110/4 SUDc!. Y. JulY "11\, :u 'I.~ T1& h_ITlIllla The iut~ lllie heu wbich hIi pre. the t.ation where they took the LI ..... good QJl ~clO.l t raiD l.a"l~ Wa..-'Ied ~ ] I b 1.: TJlle a t g ,:lO a. m.. ceotral \(1118 .. - lleturol... val Lor s vent (ny, was 1;"0 'en tru,in {or King's lo1i11i whero they 8PC'O lal tralD ...ulloat. Colum lops ualoo ou" y;. fearfnl olectric storm, :Iccom- were the guC\'ts o{ t he gro~ 's tl)l.D ' :QJl 1', 111. "".. trailime tba< date. ~n i cd with. yel'y. beavy wind, nil of bro~h e r. \\'bich CI>1])e Ull sudclenly Monday 'Tqe bride ~as the red lJi~nt of , SY LV AN1.\. J.1N &S. W<'ilDing nlJout d.1rk, much do Uluuy bel1u tiIul nod valnnble rrasJ\llS Clb, aftd 8lb. ucurtttoa UCket. was d ono to trees, etc. enj s, Aft?r A~<YUlIt 1 they will be will h. aolQ 'illl " I~ POQn"l'I''' nl ~ LIDes-LO '>e. Mr. and Mr . D. L. Teady to r l.'Ccin: tlicit friends in p-c,i" Mtch acconn l ConveDlton Niltloa.a) Ed\lica UoD a.~ Auoctotton . . Return limit lui,," their new home at Pari'i Crw.&ing, 1- . For par UculaN S~ Tlc,k e, ~ ntl; ot-
p." p.
saidJthllt ttllen ever the Kento!;ky .legislature, wb1Je In ireutoD, -l('Ilc1ied .a stuge wbl!ft ordirulrv busilJeill beforll it, aoaId Dol be tdeD IlP,' it-would 01 take up the' :question of moyIDe the Capitol 'from Fmnkfort, to LnIDgtoD, It- wall always agnes, Hon or interest to ,t,be people nntl .Ji"lbJlc, aentiment. 1!ILS ,abo~t ~ n8UJ' !1hi4ed~ Our J1tF~ dt.y,hlis a simi· lar problem Defore ' it. Whenevel paI,Jllo intetest ,is no longel" Wroapi up about anything else, in particular', 18 in order tq bring up &bat inevitable, irrepreElliblo, .. .,.;able &V8IIlle between here aud ~ It has ~u "ollSllCd." 'and ',nI3l4 .in II hnndred "':v-, aDd no doubt in ,many _~t lal!gtllIges, and It deserves .nll iI . .... We ,publliih this week somf. ~t.~tioJl1lJr.om a gentle. . . . ~ho proba"6ly- lmo~s that rond .. well as Allt, ml\D lh' ing. R~ ~1'e8 over It nearly ever day ~n nll it; ~.in .oon ilj.on!l,. and lm ow~ ~t w1tat it IB like. It IS the opin. o 'tItE GAarr£ tliaf 1fis 80';g. are' a§!>nt nl! g()()(], eleu)' ~' as by' fhnt ha YO bee.n of ferec1.'LB4,e the g.,ado ~ t its p1'es flDt ,levelllD' g~ e it II good coat.of .... rood, us os much Ill' tIat ill,' willift9811.J'O}1Qir from time ~"' iii !to getling aroJind it. Tlie tcJa.ofnising II le\!ee -for the road bad, '&0. bring, U abovo igb water, "1Itteftrmihinable~ it is prcposter. 0l1li, DOt only in view of tho 'costs; bat iD. view O'f, the inevltl\ble b"d ' naUltL Give bood t~ the article wri&teD by "A Bnft'~rer-:'
Men s Trouserso
:J< Furnishing:6oods.
In this department ~he ~hears have , cufyery dee~. A.flY pair of T~ous . ers IQ the house at 50c:on the dol~ , Jar during this sale:'·
, O.urentire lineol Furnishing'GoCla's consisting of the latest patrernsand sty'les" wi~ ~ sold a~ 'Prices that \\'111 surp!1se th~ clloliest ~rader. .
We .r. lur. 'htl
This Sail Will Last But Fort, Days.': _ Thi -Earllar You Com.. thl . BaHaf Will Be th I Sellctions.
Ihe I'e . pdee• •I! Ita.,e , qnoled.UJ cOllvluCl 70n tb• • •e milD .J '" ~:wh" .4.erll.... . Thad:lD, JOO III advllllce,
---,~.- ---
The £mJneqt Kidney' ... Specialist.
PalrOllizlI 111111.'" Con e,,'" '.
JLo ui .ville ''''IN flsbyjlle.!·D
It.lms boon. f mquonU,y r C1ll!lrke<l M 'lS~ Min D n k-0. l.S . ""Vl.... . nl 0 ~. ~l mg , tlmt the UhiclLgo ond !<{inlle:\p.;,lis friends nnu relntin'JI in Day1Qn . ' I lxioplenlwnyspullf,ogetller~ore' v ery ' . I' thing whjeh [-!teets tlle growth aml U; ,ls:' Liml} and fumil y visited_ ,Int.crests of their cHips. During the r ellln""os. at J;3t1l1l.trOCl,k on Snndtl y _- " lllst fe w yesrs wo have fFO'Inently Wluttler Rnndolph , of Dd.ytoD'1 9ccn ngents o,f grocery cOlleerns visi~ed , relatives at tbis pllu.oe on I '-. ' offering our l'col!Jo {;oClls 00 Stnn.ll Sunday. lo t~. Theprlnciplnl! of these UgeDls / Aloort CO~De'] and MI:s_, ~utt.ato j;, do nothingtn lift, onr bnrdens; they iJllVUlg , theu honstS ~[t.ntified by pay no t llX(!s hero i they do not own .now VS mt. , • propet'ty here; they jlay no rents Gordon Wrigllt nnd, family sp:.nt here; on the other baud, they'bres It I::iunday evimin g wUiI Mi.;se!! Dacie .10Wll our lI)eroll'lnts wh.> .are inter- a nd:Myr:i Batrd.? · · '
the well being of ihis co~· mu~rty nnd who d o pny taxeg, own theIr store prJpe~ty or l'~y rents here . We ncc<l n slrong llulliic :>pirit ~ninst pay'ing, monpy 10 t.hc;-e ~r. ties. ~'ho h:ke It from here. WIth the, adven t of the cash' ~ystom.o[ . , ant1 seII'rug our mel'cbu. bnymg u ts sell at smull ' profits and should be pntronizad to the e:l:clnsion of tltesl'l outsider". .A. R IUIIlED MEItQllAXT. estcd
W.e are sorry ~ rejlOrl , Mrs , Hend!ye ' CorroD' lJIld Mr!!. W. R. Hiu1.:1e ou the sIek IIs1.. . ~ 'fhe wo;k on the new t1'llction lioE> bns not cominenctld, b u t we-hope. it Win-i n tbo near future. '.
IDa ,
,'T De
Cu-rrlA TlO"... or-U S"-
F.lo,r-le'. d a'
u. the
' NO'\r on S!llc LO '
,G,ULU COA'S '" ~.
• "
".. "
Writ.<> (oO"older
' C.
o· '
G~ DCnol P
Dro-lCllautr' •• ..-cl/lc·for IddQey. tbe tie. eInW)' II lite 1nie bladilef ,
Mily. ,.
-8IIDPIaY are often tho Tesult .of kltbtey.
....". troublf:a. Irhas cured tbousaads !!.~T hOfNlles ~, alter all olber -.. failed. Afclrvntsts In fllty.ceDt ....... .aa.: A ample bonia MIlt (reo , • ..,. mall. ...... book talllaC aIiout Swam~ .... l1li4 Ita)¥ODderfitI CUles. , i.CIdJ.eSa •
. ;'~.pac;.:.B!nc!wDiOll"N. Y. ~
U Uli
~ ..<r
~!!;;';~:;:j~-;'C lJ
MAKES HOGS ,.CHOLERA PROOF. _ , :!3 Y'ars' ' !lceel'! ! ~, 'l'holllx,uld8 or '1'el ~'lmo u i"I.!'. Prl , -t2,iiO ; 1.25 /Uld 50c llOrpkt:;. 2;; III 03-11 12.50, Hulf c:JllS, f.:ll 50, --- '
lIp~'rJlrtiv \l COlldi tioDe'r and FnttcDc.r Ior_Lh'c Stuc,k 1I00l 50 per, l'ockasp.. 2ii' lIo_uud bns, "9.50.
oengu A,ent,
....... If klitney lnIubJols allOwed 10 ad...-tIiaJddaojr·po~Qned blood wlltaftack IIIi 'PftaI9rp11S, or the kldpeys themselves 1IniIk dnriI and WlSle ...,y cell by Cell. TIIeta lite rtc...._ of the.blooll-:lbe albumen ~otllaa4t IIie utterer, has Bricht', ~ 1IIo'~ fprm of kidney irouble. -
_..,. ma.t,daarerous because
:niL lIuy IUdden dealhs are caused ' by I~ dIJeue. pneumonia, heart faDoare
L . )3TONE"
LOUISVILLE lG:: - " • " : SEN;>. Y01JR ADl)RE~
un Century Uuk Foad,
..J]~ ~
Hog' , .,Renl-edy '
If INTA'll TO U·0I. "'1CK'T>' . TS _ J ... 'T _ .LJ
"'IiT Il IUi~
Eehool· lwill , The ' . M. .,E. , . - Snud~y ' . Il'IVO .a socml Oil T.n~ay. everun,;, TO July 2I).d. EverybOdy .m\~~. W~ , ura glad to report thaj; En R. J. WEHYSS, Rnnd91ph - hns been snccessfuJ in CcioOl1ll 1mmllO'."Lfoo. m.4 )Dtlu~trJ;;'I. Air~n •• an1l'aloin ge~~ng on 'the POlice LOUII)VILLE, KY. A Good Oough- Medicllle. MI;. S. - L. lV.i1Iiumson nnd ,Manyth01lS:lnds hn ve1ieen ro- IUlcl . MrS. ~emberg stored to hcaltb and hallpines.~ by the MllSonie ylcXIge- a't Wllvlo-el;villle: the ' use of CbamberlulD's CODgh iittended"'tbe :Mn1onio '.rlen,,!.: Remedy, . If lI.filictoo ,,\1th an y New Cha~tti.uqUll - gro;mds. throat or ];;:Jng trouble, glve i t no report ~ good time., . ".. trilll f~ it is certain to llro\"e belle. ' Miss FloraTil>bli.1s.met with ' fieml . Coughs ttil~t have resistetl i n oocid3Dt. :Snuday all othp.r treatment for years, hllw herw!ly1:o Sllllday'sclioo1 -, ,t he h orse . ld.... . , ylll "" to _tbis r,e metly nnll perfect friglltened at u. !tealth ,~n re.;_to r~d.. , Cases tllll ~ (brew ~er fr9m 'th~buggynnd ,hopeless, that t,be . elinlllte iuto 'L f)urb wfreleilce, cntl;ng,jtself, "" . L' fl,llDOUS ,llea l.tp r el!.;>rts. fuilcd to' in seyernl places, _, . bl1.v o . been );lenna neL t1y . b ' ts '~ F ' . Y 1 U$,.- 'or sale by LOIDs
III 2 ' •• If - , ... 1.Uent.i7. , . n-.ill' &' dIJease preftillDr Hi' ' lbI,
Best. EoO(} on E.'nth for Ponltry, Pri ao--:-:!~c IJCr Illlck:tge. . Tin:- TH I!ilL
Grain Dea ler,
9i rcitl!ll'S and Pa.mjJhleb Free: JOS. HAAS, ,V;· S., ·1ndis1lllJ.)Olis, Ind.
I .!dinI1l\,
Kokomo, Ind., Ang. 10, 1 99, Pepsin Syrap Co., Dear .sirs :-For ~he past te n years I \"a9 troubled with my stom. RCh. About four yea.rs ngo ttlUl tnli:flll down with rbelD~tiiiU1 i wns not able to-d o n (lays work for tbrE'e yeurs. All medicine seemed of no benefit to A year ngo I wns ndvised to take Dr"CHlLlwe ll 's Syrnp P el}sin. I truly belie\'e I woulll ,ba ve died but f or this medicine. My . rhellllJutism is entirely gone Ilnd my Jl,tcmnob is J.D gChld comlition. It nos saved my life and I tCttnr:IOt re10mmend it too highly. Your" .Respectfully, , Elwood McCracken. May. Sold by
The i.,iat ~t W o~nqed
Li n es.
F _"'RES TO C1NOfNN.ct1 VIA.
For .I.olla"
!Coe~ni', vol"'"
Cbr\>l.Ual\ "qdearor-, ~norsio G Uct..,,,, ~1l1 ~ i()ld rrum tloke t SU.QODS on PeDDalJJt'aala. ~r.. beyond ) 3 0 mUel. Of Cllld oQaU. lul7. lith, 6t·II, 7tb ~nd Iff ; rqod ",Qln1ur; UDui J uly } ~Ib Foq""'\Icullln _ 'l'Ioket An e "",
of PcoDSvh,."la LInes.
E...'lOOlliIosS TO ATLANTro ClH, CAPIII MAY AND ElGOT OTHEft A'l'rIlAQ. TIVE SEASHORE llEi!OkTll • l~he aD nual e..xcursloru; to Steuhore rt'SOTl.a \-m PcooST l"'luJa. L1Des 1\'~n be run"Tburwlay&. .July ! atb. and A\l.gus\ tUb.. Tiotets to teD or tbe most PGoll1ar "'lIOns 00 tbe A&lanUe eo""l wtIl be OIl ""Ie a l special rate.otl . -
day., viz : ..H I.nUcCILY. CllpQ
MllY. AQgI"",.
'''', A"a}QD. Holly a .""b, ~anClty, Sea Isle elL)" Wt1d1l'ood . New .leney. O~aD t..'1L!, Mary lo.nd ~ R~bQbe\h, D ~ l ... are. 'lloe rQuod trip III either of lbose d~lwb trul SUutm.r ban .... will be au from Wa,ne",me.
Tne return limit OD 1111 llekeL! -wlU bo -tW'eh"o
' Who have bee:.t healed bv Bann~r dilYS. lndudt o lt dat.e ot sale. . Througb IrnJQ.S o.. er Pennas-l1'anl. Lta_ 1..oIL! VI>. is ,cry 1IIl'ge. It heals nIl WClDIllds or sorcs lind leaves n? scar. Lake p""""DJ(e .. ,oPbUal11l1plll,, wlllloUI ebaQ, glnc can from. Dt:Illo\tl<lI DQlu ,& on Ill. U""" no-substitute. 'Lows MIL-Y. . we,L of P,Il\>!blU1lll. ~\ PlIlla4elpb[a CODU.,.,. Oard of Tlllmks. Mrs... Sllllie ThrOckmorton tlesires, through the_columns Of t~he Garett,e, t,wril!ht,J i.o In]lress her heaTt 'fe1t-tllanks to aU whosofoolingly monifested tbeitrespeqt for he~lute sun George, and for -kiml attentions to her nnd her
tloo J....I\ac\e 11'1111 ~are tnll .... (or &be ¥a rious Lresorfs. For tbMb ~Gl eXcundona. """". Dge~ _VIce IJlrou,h - PlllladeJpbll, to .AlI.nllc C1~y 1fIll be protide<!. lID til .., _ ••_
si nu ls ,"" may g o tb",..,b to Uint reaon ..-Jill. oot'9t-eppinJl ( roIQ t be tralQ. For PD1"lIte-WaN upply l OR. 'E, Booth, nolte' Allen\, Wa.yucs. yUle, OhIo . •
M{. too,_ 1m.S w,<l"JilecI-I~.:" foil4~':Y,tn \he jn~~t8 fll1'8.1 delivery f()r wlucb be dml""'V"A large share of thanKS. • roil. 1 -_; , nou'T& NO 1.
s't~ting f~ post Office And going
• E . to M~.! BOlly; eorners..5"/. Thenoo W. Middlerun .. : N . to.Bellbrook.bridge 3 S. W . to Hurley corner 4;{. .. S. tv Ferry P. U. ~m E : to Middlerun 2}(.m .. S. to Waynesville P. 0.4 .
Lengt:h of ronte ·
: '.
P· ' .
. . -.
" . '.
ThenceN. to Compton 'scorner 1 m .. N. W. to Ev/Ul8' comer 1 . m .. E. to J. Gard's corner 1 m .. S; to c..!Ull)Ler church .2 ill .. N . li:. J eSse fia'Ykins' 1 m N. W. b:lck to Fnrnas' 3 m .. t;. toCanars Creel! brid~e3 m .. W .to Waynesrille P . 04Y.' m
High ·CI~ss.- Wash Fabrics,. AT
J(ln~ey .
unll :>tOll brother to Mt .
GEO:.DODDS & Xenia, -.ohio,
Nnmoor of bonses Popnllltion servcd Carrier ,
r . . /,,_.~
&jng practical d~S1goer5. WE:are.,prepilred to furnj,;h orig inal ;o: nd ~tlslic ura\\'lng. on ~ hC'rl notlc~ :JI1t1 we guaraotee t o furnish as. !joely proportio ned work as can bp. ubl:lined
ROUIlUl.D ' ChflUV Seeder, of wmcn we bl1ve reCei a sPecime·n. J.t i's .cry nicely gott~ upnnd it isolilim. for it. tbat H is much uperior to t.olrotllor
other D1ncltin~ intended for tho I rE~lut;ivE!S_Jl.bar,I!ell,bl'looj(.·,· Sll-mo l'urpose. ·Get ano :IntI-try-it , Send to RolllDlln MfIDnfa'ctnring-Co.; Moun~ J oy. Pa.
W: t.oUhca rond
1;{ m m m m
N. to pringoor:J pike 2 ,. E. to Lupt.on's corner y, .. S. to Linder's corner 2 .. E. to lfason'~ comer 3 ..
.. S. W . to James' corner 2 m .. S. E. til ~t:ll1ick ' .. ly'm .. N. to Waynesville P.O. 4 m 24'" m , Lilngili of ronte Number of houses 132 PopnlJ1tion served 545 CJarrior, H . W. Printz. ROUTE ' NO.
any\\,!1(:r~ In_}
lo . supply nothing but the \'eIY ~~::~~:;;;::~ best material and gU':lI·:;ntee pel" . I~ leet satJ:;factiolJ. OU1' "ery reason able .
Starting Imm P. O. Bnd gOlOg El. W. to three bri(ftreS corner 1 Ul Then.cc W~..to Ridgeville P. 0.5 1ll - ., S: W _'to Pekin P. O. 2;{ Dl
rhe Calm try • ;'l Ud ta ke special care'l
~We also supply caps, sills] st~lls
RO~TI'; 1\'0. 4.
Onr redders 'wil 'find' in another column an . ndvertiSement of the
·1t?UTE NO.3 .
StOTting from P. O. and going S E. to SbnunoD• cornor . 5~ m Thenco E. to Mc9aino's o:>rncr~ m .. N. toFolcy'1j corner l;{ m .. W, to Flat Fork School 2y' m .. N. to Dln ine's bridgo 1 rn .. S. ·W. to'l'avlor's eomerl m ~ m .. W. to ~yrtJll8mith's .. N. t-o BrioI' Patch !;Chooi I tn .. W. to River road l;{ nl .. N. to W. Hurd·... 1~ m E. to S:lUt!.i·O l~ m , . N. W. to Williams' 1;{ m • N. to Wayne vme P . O.4y' m L ~ngth of rout~ 23y' m
N Q\! ba,-~ tbt> " larg~t and fineSt stOCK . 0(' Monumental .Work to be ;found' 'within a hU'ldred miles of , here. J to, wil. r . pay those contemplating the PUI:chasf of lhis' line c'- w~ to sec us or write lonlh&Atrated.lloo.Jd. " containing prlces, .. et.c.; this W1U oosl \'Oll 2 cents · and mav save you ~any dollars:. Much ~f the fin~ work iii· Mi'lmi Cemetery has been furnlbhed bJ' us.
Ll'Dgth of rout~ 22Y, m Number of houses 124 P.opulatlon se:r:ved 512 Carrier Uw. Dunham.
McCone, .. _ " I um indellted to One Minute ti. D. E"erly ' oUll MInk Care for my preSent good lienHh havo -been ' favorj)d ' with ' lind my .lifo, I was trcateq tn vll1n brid:ll visit from ·:Yr. nnd.Mrs. Ben. hy dootm;> tor lnn~ troul)le !o~lo~. DaViS, of Burlington, ' N. J . In..gnppe. r took One Midnt~ D avis ' WitS -years ogo a I'(l!!ldenr ·'I ' f~nr, ..l' Crl'ra- nnd ' Tt'C;)\'ered m y ' . _. . '. . " Mr. E ,'ft. W:SOj, Madisun. of t.llIS 11mcl.', lila brother. of MIll'J.:
Si4rmng from P. O.,ilnd going N E. on the N e: BurJinb<ton piJre to Mil ls' .conler 6 m
ROUTE 1'>0. 2.
, """"'A ':
. "rroyBuggICS, " _PtiaetoDs S'tirreys, the ··Fj~es1 -,Ve;tlicle. the '~~lflrket. ' . ' ., .
Number of houses 159 . Population served Corner. F. B. Henderson.
'. Wllcn" you.WII~t 6 mOdern, tlP'to. date PllY i.e, tty . Obnm1lerIBin's tello}v . at. the' telephon.e e:t'~!l8:nl; ,e l , Stomach IInd ' Liv,er Tablets. They and general, faetodulD- 111 . Ilre ousy to take and ploosnnt in I.'fl'ect. Price 25 · -cents. &Imples , frcC o.t/ May·s drug sf-Ore. _ " -' lIIADE BY ,. ' . "" ' , Yoncan .t:lke. m the.Pan,AmCJi. The· eHA.PION BOL1.EB· ItILL'S of RICHMOND, INn·IANA • .' ,can ;E.iposition on:~):.llrsion t!CketR New ' York OVer ' ilia Pennsyl. e\'l'r ~old . l\othlDg vania . " .T ' '. T'b 16 ' ~ u~n ' ~.gc:lDcnt' l '.One oIt!." fin est grades 01 fl o ur w<,_ lu,\'o~, ...mes. belter~ftjr;fine C.k·es aDd 131\1<iug Po\~der..niscuiL. Tr.): a' sack. wentint-o I.'ffcct filly lst, .. c-; ~ .. ~O ·· ·llis. Jent;lie Jonss l )ViCo of :Fl,.Ce. .1 ' Jones, of. -nea r ·1sU. Hony. Bert Ro1)erts tMtea. tillndoy , . Thnr day of h,eart di~: for .13owldpr. Colomdo,'lthere The: above goods sold only by . Tbb d eel!:J3etl wns n ~r&x1 woman. hope!' . ~li.mntlc infl~ccs wn~ ~ R ~ " She ~urvi"ed by 'l ler hU3band.. 9~re III 1!1l1l:1th ,Wh1oh bas been r . ilj~ bnt no chtldren . .' bildJy brok'.m, iown for somo '.Plione 20 "" Waynesvillo, Ohio. " oui community has been fllvarea months JlflSt. •• • .r . •... 1 ' . ~ .. L ' It is easier to k"Op well tbn n to .: m the matter of health· I urmg ....o ~ct cn rC(1: DeWUt-'s "Little Enl'Ly ~G,GS.. hot wea~er Ilnd yet· there 1m RiserS tlItcen 'DOW nnd·then,' ",01 11.1. been and still nre ,SOme cases of ser· wu.:ys kt'.ep yonr 1Jo~$ in .perfect We can uie yOUI' EGGS at" tOe doz. BUTTER. at 12 to 15eIb. ~ " ion$ ilInes.~, amonr,' tllese }L!'O ltfrs. order. 'fhey nov!:'!' grip?" but pm· r b.'lI.ll'I-J.{(ll Gladman Ellis nnd- M"rs, AriUIlintil mole nn calf)' g~!' t1o Qction. J". E. . Jonney. ~·
.MQc~R: We arQ AS6IliS":for- t~6
and eyel'y description of cut stone work for building purposes·on short notice, Office and Yards:
113-121 W. MAIN ST.,XENIA, This ....- <h=y....x,. docs _
cnJSb the
~r""...ctiC:aJ machiDe {or 4r:"e. saWJ or Califol1li& driftS _1010 OlIO dish and KbWly lhnows the
b:i&: em 1CaJ'CC1,. be..em on the teeded: fruit. Ask J"OUJ' dea la (cr iL I f he-c:unot apress prepaid. em """pt of", Forfunl,., 101"",,_
~ .
Heartbu 1'0. W ANTED.':'Capa:bl. reUal>le _ I I ,,, nn· en - ~ne quanti tv of food taken every coun,y 100 'l'prekmt .lr-r¥I' compaQ.f ""'cI:!' , ' . l BOUd On.nc lal repotatfdrr: .:tiI sal.ry per is too hiage or tile qlll!lity- too dch. ye ~ payable ....,.k1)';..!a per·da,. ~1>ooIut.ely ..' . 11 ' d sure and all e:rpem;es: .h<i~L IIItna·llde. henl'tburn 16 l~kely to .fo ~w. aD lain.,.• .no coimnlsoton; .a1aQ; pa.I4.)oeh Sat. espt}CialIy 1\0 if t~e digestion has ur<Iay and npong; mOnt! ~d ...nCed eaell weakened by ,c onstinntion. """!Ok. S~"'ND"'RD HOUSE, lin Dearborn , .".. . Sl.• .(JIlI_o, . :Eat slowly and Dot too freely of 00.80 • iJy- diges ~ fQ9d. Ma,;ti.cate the .• ~ < ., fOoll ~oughly. Let 8lX honrs WASTED-TRUSTWORTHY liEN AND . 1 d h Women to ..... vcIudlWl""""""'fo. old _btl*e1a~l!etween Dle3 8 an .W . en ;ron ed ooUse or soild ftn.acl.1 ",_du..: Salary. ieel '. iQuriess ilnd welg~t In the "!l0 n yen. nnd.~. all P'Uoblela _ • • .. . t .. No GlInV1J!lSiJlIr re.q1lln!d., G\\'e rer.- •• ......<rtoiHIr ·tlie'stoIDllcb, ~ e:l mg; . enC1ose.seif,~ ':itiAJDpod e"veI""",. Ad. ·;"rHoo,+.in"ii thnt YOIl have ell.tf'n tco dress MnllJl4"". 836CUWn }j1JIIdlDg; ChleaCo' . , , ' . ap2.-0<!2. _ take one of Chamberlain's , SOJ:ne-l-Hto_[!laIlll,lIlI:Q LIver, Tablets IID.d 1.he ". maybe tl.'Voided~ For s.nla by ~llis May.
.Po, thrd mODtll.Ia-UntiDter ~.rc1l
I"ltl, 110" to beeo. . tJae peat era port of 1Iu.~ _ ......IT ~I tile lilli, 'AIleS for tlltff 180IIt1l. I» tlla 1""mer ....lOla l ...es ..,:ht- of It. yet tIlere ta DO dt11D ~. ,,\01, 01 Ellr~ ,D._a'. wlllcll II for 10 lII&IIy 1Il0Dt.~for tbe "eater par~ -01 tb, ye.r. In_t~ct . .der • III&IIUe 01 InoW'; .ild·bedlile JlIIlIbI!D.d, 1 of tbta. tbe ....., ... {ODcS)y It "TIl. Wldte City." --TI ~''''''D'I While, too, It ta ID otber "'TI. .A11 tile' ehle, b"lIdlDr ,Jare lr\tb ,w'blte paint Ind blialL wlUl .whlte b)ln.b. I'he- ehorebel_u la .. au ..l.n . they are Do t ftw,..-,. .110 · white" oaly tb.e cupol•• I U peeD. tbeerolle. OD tJa~lr lummUI ,ole!. Aad wbIte . re tbe prfT,tehoaae. of tbi be~ tu .• on.-uepi _bere Norweirl'us uti ae ....,a. lin, {OF bu. ~Dd .nd ret! tben Itnlk ,Dd dl.per tbe pine walla .nd ed'..e on lie .~I" endL Bot polkl ,at..... : pillar., .....n•• fe.ce_lleae ,ire all wblte. A.n di .. tbe Cliarity'. u:totDeDt ill l~ortJ bnt it hal a for ue.r y .otlCl.1 you lee In loul: reacb.-:Cb1..~ 1Mil,. • blue or I tUDle. you •• e ten io III wbite upa IDd wblte oDlformo. It it ~ler to· be .....ibl. thaD to- lie Britbt colo>: .loDe b let.t to t.he wom· ·1IDa.rt."- W eILor>rinc. e .... nd cJlUtlna; pillk bloul .... l'I'"eD aki.I.. lud"t pettleo. fa. or.Dge
N...... .
aprODS, and bloe kerQbi~/. are c:ommOD "aou,b; wbile • group of cblldr.n , ...iU .1"'1' 100k· liIte--a Cluater of old .Aa t E'16U1b flowe.re. Bot ot~rwfse. ID iD 1lorlh..ea~ )loat.aa, ne.~ tlie .umme r ' 1 la winter. tbla old elty of Bntiah: llilC, tbere lake t be wa- Arch...gcl.lI~ de.tlned to be tbe capten of wbleb. flow. tbrotlgb tbe BL ital of • 11~" Rn ••I. In the n •• r .... I. )(&r1- rlYer t" BullIOn ba,Y. Tbe di- III • White eity indud. ylde between tbe lake and . Ibe bead w.ter. 01 tbe Vilk r her. an amu",,' 01 tJae VI ..ourlr I. 10 Jo .. that englnMn ...,. It ..ould be feuipl. to d inrt Ihe 01ltlet trom CaDBaian to ae· Amuleaa territor,. A. water for. lrW. rlptloa i. bigbty- .alued OD botb .idel ~ot~: of tb .. line, tbe que.tio .. whether tbe ,~::~:~~:;:i~~r; I CW'ed aa fi ..e.,~· 'U Dit"d Slatea Itu a rlgb,! to di..-e·r,t it I ~.::;~~~, a .. 'D)U?; ta one of Interaatioall interest. LIld I·, reheL • may-.yet become Imporlaat. Palmer'I bis auf· OD,Cwo"'lIa remedy to canDot proA ..,leDUIl,,· writer in C ...,1tr·. }(ag374 Peart ulDe aJIItm, tb.. t ftyJng maebiae.. ean of Palmer'. nner ~OUDt to much . They ..m be _ I I and cranky, reqnlre much powH.rrtble. c..lt ... U ••• er. f!aUT- lItth extr. weigbt .Dd de"What a unn, of lime and otber lbiDP pend for tbe;:. apeed OD whe\ber tber there 1t'Ouid ....,....m.rked tbe Ob..",.... of ~ ..... tb or 'P1».t the ",lncl., s o tbat Pveat. anc! Tbinp. "if. mao ""uld Lake hi • tb",. ca1l Ii.,er compete with e:datlng lim.,.,.,... yay.g...nd hit firat ornoke al tb. ;alodel of tr.naport&tiolllime time/':- Ycmken Statuman. TII.t II -to "7, selenee II .ble to make ft,.I~, mlcbinea. lIut reaUy i& I. X. . ha& Tnt. 10 ('"ofion •• ... Ma...rt r ..Ule . . . . . .,.. ao' wortb ..bile. The Ml...,ari PadSe RaIl... '1 t. 1IOW opor· dooble dalI,. &erYiee tralD St . LOlli. aad K.DAI Oil,. topolDta in Colorado. Ucab 01lE OSTRICH'S LURG_ IIlId lhe PadJIe Cout . Tnlno lu.. 8t. Lto\dsg •• JD..aDCIlO:IOp.ID.: Kan... City . . . ..,.. - ..... 1... Dl ... at II ..... T ••I!: ,G p. m. ADd 10 a. IDz.,....,.IDc-.brolltJh oleepInc.,... bet.._ at. Loaio and Ba.a F ...... · Grat_ .r Co,. doco wicboat ebanc-e. EuonloD tlek... _ • • COIJa . . . . . . . .
I.............·Ill.... .s. •
_Ut' ' tbe
point tile
Comnlete External and Internal Treatment
leura f.aDsIsfIng of CUTICURA SOAP to clcause' tac· skID of aosts and scales, and soften the thick· mal dItIclC; CUTICURA OINTMENT to instantly aDat Itching, irritation, and Inflammation, and S08tllc and-heal, and CUTICURA RFSOLVENT . tI. ~1 and cleanse the blood, and expel humour rams. ASINGLE SET is often su1ficlent to.cure tilt most torturing, disfiguring skin, sealJ),·and blOod 'humours, laShes, itcJUngs, and lrrltatfons, WiOl , ~s '~f hair, when the best physicians, lit·au other remedies faIL '-
-for p~g, purify. iD& aDd OOautifying the skin, for cleansing the ~t:t en,18UJ' _1ICales,. an.d dandruff, and the stopping of . • g bair, for sOfteDing, whiteDing, and soothing red, l'Oug~ aad Sore hands, for baby ~hes, itcbings, and chafing&, -aDd .f~ all the pUrposes of the toilet, hatJ:1, Il;Dd nursery. IIiDiOns ~ w.o~eJJ. ,use CU'l'ICURA. S04P m the form of 1Iatba for ~ing irritations, inflammations, and excoriatioaa, for too free or offenSive perspiration, in the fQrm of washes for .ulcerative weaknesses, and -for many sanati~ antiseptic purposes which readily sumst thems81vee to,womeD ,aDd mothers. . No lmount of peJl!1l88ion Qaa laAluce ~ who have once used these grea~ sJd4 purifiers . UId ~tifters to use &Dy others. 'CuTICURA. SOAP com~ deliCilte emQllient properties deHy~ (rom CUTleR&. ~ great 8kin cure, with the pureSt of cleaDlQDg' ingr. . . . aDd the most refreshing .of·flower odooJs. No other soap is to be compared with i~fQJ'-- ~, ~ ~-,b eautifying '1,he 8~ scalp, hair ana b 'Pjds: other fo~ or domestic IoikI ~p, however 8Jpen. .m, is 10 ~ com~ with "it for. aU the :PU1'pOS68' of tbe Wlet, bJ~ aDd D\ll'8el'Y• . ThUs it Cbmomes in OR .SoAP nuCK, the best skin and ' complexion soap, 8Iid
I'ealisge or . onrilow. to· l'I'uitate back uD<ler Ibe I_nk, wbere I~ remal a. t~ ro!-oout tile .. ood or reDder tbe t\IUDdalion joltea .e. A 11mpie metb(Nl 'Gf ·cont!.uctiag ....,. the ... t.r befo,e Jt e.n ._ eau.e mud r. oo"n In tbe enl, wbleb: IS a ..etloDal drawiDg ot _. talik .ad tbe .,.ste,!" 01 drahiage 10 IDe de..,rlbea, In mOlt aorlaee eertlil- formation., ttiere are fI ...i tbIn sfrat. of loll and cI.y aIMI tllea a alr.tum o.f 1I1Id or gruel, or
..as lome ' good _~eDlu surely directed t11"lr "!Jurae, uti c .fter~ tbe ftnt aboek.K1aa'q;.,.aoD euJ'wed her cour.,e lOme what. nen was daDgeI'. to be s nre; but i he seren' ity wilb whle'b t'be prote.oor laeed it shamed her fe.r ••• lId . 6e let,hIm put his ieft ..nil .round 1I.er ..alat to aopThe leakage ... ter doe. not ftft .' it her. -...blle " Itlibia r ight lie a8; I>r,•• tlilly ~Iak. tbrough 'thla elly ...atl~..t unl, bot reau lDI OD top to eomoIated their atrulnl'11Dg .tepo ·t o...rd blne jt ..... th the soil In the form' o f t»e ahortL By me"",,~ eblDc:e .1aclt lIlud - Direet'I, ' onder t,ank di, a hole lIel.ia had Laken a .pln on-t~ wate.r tbree to four teet oquare. deep .,noop l · flbal~,Jrlornl'~If. ud ,..blle t be profesoor to r ... "b tb.... Dd .od- grlTel I.yer. _ re re..,olng tltem· FlU up the 110"" wltb. Maull 'roUDd aehea from sblpwreck ,,'as ...tching .tone or broken J>rle\c. The ... ter thea from. ,c1umlL"-' bubn on the flow. 'to eenter of tanle is now b.nu - A four-oated bo.t ..ali moorei) permUted ~,. Ibla ' .tonefOork CODDe,t by. tbough .,·hat he might want ductor to enter tbe poroua formati on. witb four oar.-. COIDg up ai..eam, too, If.the e1m.e " lal stratum II n.y tbide .... oot de.i'. · or If ta not dealrabl.. to dig 10 deep, . "Hello.-I'rofeAlor,"heabouted .....h.t rDD, alone ,1..11» from th.. bott6m o r a re you aad }lift Grayson dol,ng' out t ,b e bole, wbich bole I» tbls caoe need ther",? You'll gd wet If -yon aon" !lOt be'~ery de,,!,. to a lower level; or mind." h ••e • &),,,1,,= of UIA< drain ra.cllotln. "I. that 10tl, .J.ck?" .b~uted the from the bole to • low polot or more profeasor I.D tUtn. "Fetcb out your porous forll.atioD.-.J. G. Allshouse. boat If -1"0 1I."e oae .ntl belp us -oot til _Olilo F.r,nu. of tblA beJiJltly II.x.. 'Upon my bonor, _ __ _ __ _ we've had a close ca1l" .' All IDEA PRO. KAIISAS. Ten wnntes later tbe fo~m bod bad. justilled its pl'ea"ace anti aNlair ~rt , ..............1_ ""lIldol. E tbeliD.d .. : lea ted iii .t be ,tern, ..aa , .•• t . . . .e a L.c .r "e-r7 w1'higing ",at ".-from her dreDebed .~" ••k. skirt" ..n'd warm1y thanking J.de Kel"'for bia tlmeJ.y a .. lataoce. H.rrowlng·i. A job few farm ers like; .."Don't· ·mr.ntfoll it," said Jade, "!he alld tbere are' fe ... jobs lbout f.rm pl'o/eaAor had already ....,ued -70- worlc that are more wear,.ing ... bere wb en J .ppe..rcd OD the scene." . the drlrer ",.1kI OTer 10tt grouad. "Ye..," repli'!d :MI •• OrayeoD,' bm" Some men l1B tbe IIrge field. of the IDR' erlDiaon. "1' owe my life to tbellro- Wtlt ride an extr a bOrle wben tbe bar-fe"80,. and J hall .Iway. j)e patetvl roWID, teall' fa . euily- m.Dag.-d, but - him for t be '''''01',- > , th'- method b.a ill diaadYaatagu. At tbe- wedding. montb 1.ter, J lck Some of OUt fanner. b .... COlllt""'ted Mel.ln was ' but man, 8 Dd.aftef ibe ceremODY he kl.sed t be bride. , hook handa wll b 31\ the guest.. J a dd.....,., of' eLiqUr'tte and- other",l.e d iatlngUished IJimseU. And " hJle conen-. .irati on ...... eoauatr.ted upon ll.I •• Ora') 'Ion thai w ••• be held a .borL conference with tbe - prot.sso., in ,.blch he .eemed to .nude to ce"a1n d.rk and myaten.o olt tran .. actiooR known oDl,. to those I:wo. These tr.nuctioas must baTe ........ of • peculiar nature, for Jlelthe. Jack aor RllltNO CJUlT POR ILUlROWlifo. tbe profe,.o• •mlled. tboogb tbelr "ye. wuiced. .nd the ....arm hand e lasp of botb iil good-by; aad tlte pro- • ddlng cart. atta"bI1l, It to th.e Ion, fessor's b ... r~ "God b)e •• yoo. m7 drawhar of I~be h.rrow. and U a pro.ing the mo.1 .. tllleeto >:)' metbod e~er boy," ga.e DO elew t o their me.uin,. tried. It atlld. bot IItUe to tbe dr.ft _11 est.... Illorse maT be' po t on It if BREACH OF THE CONTRACT. tbe te&m bd. cllflJcolt,l» pulling the barro.._nt1l tbe dri.er -can better .... ............. III ."'.Ielo _ ••_ .. _ malJage bb bo...... Ii. be I. oo~ re. 'GeC AIo_ 8.10_"",1 •• qul.ed to kl!t!p conltaat ..... teb of bit Belle_e.' .tep•• and Il.! ia alw.y•• t all equal d l.. ta aee frOID tbem. . The ur~ us... some .... id .. tl red wb,,-el.. old "",rn p.J aater ..b eel. belD«' jo.t th.e tbIag. · Tbese wheel. .re pl.~d On aID : we made, on or !)Olted to • four by tou.r, to wblch tbe se.t b 8e're~lty-otlld ll>olted b,. "....0. 01 a taDd.rda running from tlte aeat to tbe _four by f,;~ .... d t he braee betpeeD the .bafts wbicb tbe earl wit.b the long drawto ..blcb tbe eYeDer aa d ..hifIJ.. tre,e. _.re h l'tehed: It mig b t aeem a t • ,11lI.". I I tboll, b th.e whUlletrees mlgbt bti ea u ied 10 bump the b9roea' heeb aDd ea'Dse otber trouble. but tbI • b nOt. tbe "'"u, •• til" we.igbt of tbe cat:t .eep& tbe dr.whar aod evener up t~e ground. Actu,ll uSe In tltlo regloa a bows tbJ. rldiDg c.rt to be botb praet,! eal aDd •• Iuable.-.Jlm L. Irwin, in O.bio FumeI'. . ..
the -..r1oi1ehDd baby-soap in ~e world. . G. . .,........... aM 'fttlWna; Tr. .tm...U.,.....w.r, Numoiw. ec... . dI.:\ ot~ 1IOAi', ... _ _ tile U1a of - . w" , , ...,. '..no" tb4I _ 0 4 MIIcle; C1m~ Otall'Dz •
'· CiPkmI
..- _
Tn en ~~~-.;:.\'f.:.t:,.~~~~.=~
. . . . . . . . 1oI<l" . . . .tIIe-. ,BIftb"ll'De\\OC: I ' . _ r &"'-!7'~ a.-...~ .. o. .~ J1IIW~CUIL~.-Pro-~U''''~ H . . .C•• ..,. Rf~~ I:a.... ''Sirl'' ..elaim~ '\iII! otdeat _tilDen a • . walked mt·o tbe mwo.e.. oJBie of' tb. p.per, ~'l_ iD f01lr eh..C'iI"......I7. aD lrbel .. to which. 1 take nniptio.... I wont m~ paper stopped, fir! , Antl JUlIet! ! ..~ndeI'lCD .. ys ~.air, be -
. "P bil," warily munnllM the 'eireIdat.oo m....w . ",,, out and fell Bolot'· .-top th' preA u' loel: up; ' oJ'
baa-quit u. !"-DeoftfTim".
WIll De ......
.... ·e.leillp ••
- . .,.. _aealeallp.
~ aIIu,~. ,_"mallo..,·_ ~IaUo.. aDd . . . ... IIeiIIJlacl ClvT1dJ&.I; _t.nn, ... · oool .Dd _ _ . . - . . ... SDnILS 8ft ItIltftiiu _oDt ... crue!he _ '"'-
meaD.lf stop, l iT:
........ _
Te_ :.a...._
Ia Able to Help Skit WOIDflII Wbea Doctors
ltow glAdly would men lIy to
aid did tile,. but uadentaad a woman's feelings. trials, 6ellllibUi~.... and pecnllar oi-ganie dI&tu"~ Those tbillgs are Imowil ODly to WmDom. and the aid a maD would gi.-a ill not at his cqlllmilDd. ' To treat a cue properly It ~ ea.ry to \maw aU about it, and full information, maDY times, t:IJlIIOt be given by a woman to boer familJ' pby.
...,.._ -.....1_.
••_t.e... _
For furtber'iIltormatiOD ad· B .-C. TOW'! (8ZSD t Gen. P ..... aDd Tic!<.tA,elit, St. LoW.. Mo. DO_ 011 AllIe.
T.1l the baaemeDt of the AmeriCiIl museum of natunil bllltory aa iDtereet\ng expe.rimeo\ ...-"" performed the other afteraoon. "l>e¥tey," a bl, oatrleh-~t bad long deligbted visito.. to tbe Ceutral park menare.ne, eDded his .".""".. last liond",,-•• Dd bI& IUDp we r e examined on the theory that ba may have died of consumptioD. 1'hey coutained a grain of corn, a. co1IB~but.. ton .ad much e,1(lenee of iDlIamm.Ioioa.
lie.. Lark.
The DJiDoi. wom'.D who called her hUllbUld , ja.ka.. aad tbeq !lot mad beea_ he called her bio "'Uer half dOH not SH.m
to knoW' IVQ a thin. . . ,;u.'t iee.-DeDf'er Times.
£ V.u.U • •LIi PUIJI-",:iTJ05 Flun:. DeHr.pU ...... r
Seud to L.. \V. Wakel.y, G. P. A'l B ...... 00f PI ... tI&roeL St. Louis, opedal f"lder on Col·
la suppoud to bave dra"", liatJt.Ou Ko. In the a.tic)es througb bls windpipe. ~De..ey"'
probably a1 a time when be (eli ex· ceptioDally htplgr)', and gobbled aot wisely bUi too ....ell. . "The grain of corn." said Dr. Reyn· olda, w b o cut up tbe luaga, '"m.y have caused the ' blrd'" death. I "b.a ll have to e·, .·m·ne Ute Jung in 1aborator1 and ...arcJa for' tuberculosis germs before 1 ClD Sly wllelher -o.r not ii died of cOIUSWup\ioll- l { tubercoloaa did kill' Ibis Is the fltst caae of a lowl ha.ing the dise....." .
or-- .r
PrellJlIt.,ce Maa• A IItrange diaeovery. ""bleb Indlcat.,-s tb.t human beings wS'ted iD t.be eOI'l age. bu beea made in the in PitUltou. Pa. Jobn Silenlki. lah miDer. bJls in hi. pie"", of coal with tbe Imprint of mao foot. Tbe liD." are distiact t.be.re ...,em. t" be no doubt tbat it II"'noille. Tbree promiae.at bu&inesa men of Ihe ciiy bave seen tbe 5p.cimeD and proDounceoit a " 'ODder "-hJcb wiU dlspron the claim or scientists that the e.rib duriDg the coal age .... not inhabited. . MaDY .s peeimea8 of :fisb and straD,. "e!retation bave bee D found ia tb • Pittston mines d1lring tbe past few "e.rs. but the latest di&oo.ery has cre.ted • ..,n... llon .mo.g tbe men In Pitt.ton .... bo ban' made: Lise matter a Audy.
keaeIT. a_tit ElL.
ber bealcb r_n. and the low ellt.
o. B. CJI.&I'nLI-
aIclan. She cannot. 1Iriag henelf flo ten eYCJ')'thiDg, and the pbysiclalL 11
at a constant tlisadn.ntage. ThIs 11 ..by. fo. the put tweaty.lI.ve years, tbo"""-Dds of .,OIDeD han> been confidiug their trouble,'- to Mrs. Pinkham. and whoM ••bioc baa broDght. happ;J1C8S a.od health to eoantJess 1VOInen ill . t.be United States. Mrs. Chappell. of GraDI. Park, ~J whmle portrait we publi&h, adrl.&e8 all su1reri.ag WOlDen to leek lira. Plilkbam's adTlee and UJIt! L,i1f«. E. PInkham's Vegetable Com~ &II they eared her of inflammatio":of tile onriea and wcxab; she. tberefore. speaka from knowledge, and her exper.leuee ",,«hl; to giTC ot.hers ron6.denee. HnI. l'mkham's add...".,. is L)'1In, Mua., and her adrloc is ab..,luteJy free.
tb. The III tooad ot ed,,,,,,Uonal Tal"" to Itudeat. aDd others t.o kDOw h ••e
&bout their own OOllDtry,
l l...Uoa Ibll pepe.r.
requMt .
T •••• le.a .........
Somebody is uOW' t1'1inf to add liiioti" .. 1_ toba.ceo lo' ttle lit. 0 tbinel_ Ibi..,.. -Hartford Poot. De Y • •,
li"eet AclIle • .• • a . r . r
Shake iato your lhoeo. Allen'. F""t·Eaoe. • po ...der for tbe rret. It mall.,. tighl or New Stioes Feel £Uy. (.'ures Corns. Itobine S"olleo, Hot, Callou.....Sm..r.tiDr. Sore an:! , W'eatinl[ F""t. All JJrugiit. and Sb"" Stor... oeI1 it. 2Se. Sampl"...,t FREE. Ad· d ..... .Allen S. OJ....ted. I.e Roy. N . Y.
Ambition, O' said Uncle- Eben, "ain't .0 unj'OlI "r it makes. puaon work. It'. de
maD d.t". ambition. an' laz)" dat in to ,.,1' brick de ..,.. o' de w-orl' au make trouble:'-Wasbington Stu. --<il-P ilO'l Cure iJ tbe bHt medicint we eYer tiled (or all affection. oC tbe throat and
Inngs.-Wm . O. Endaltf. VanbureD. Feli. 10. 11100. -.®--
· 'Don't depend 00 vour peroonal aD\", .amin·, your alary.-Alehison Globe. --<il-BosaW.
c .....
Cbeeb a ""Id in on" hoar. 50 eeal.o. I!I
. Notb~'!I win keel' ~ome lolb from bela. lools.-Wuhinctoll (b.) DemocraL
• • .,.. W • • T':!I~ ....
.&.1). . . . .71. . . .
.1e........ce tJt.at: ,. . . . . . . . . . 4..........--.
He thinks he lives, but he's a dead one. No person is really alive whose liver .is dead. During the winter most people spend nearly ~ their time in warm, stuffy houses or offices or wor~ps. Many don't get as much exercise as they ought, and everybody knows that people gain w~ht in winter. As a rule it is not sound
weight, but means a lot of flabby fat , and usdes-" rotting matter staying in the body when it ought to have been . cIriveii. out. But the liver was ' over- . burdened, dcadcned-stoppecf work. There you are, with a dead liver, and ri(bt now is the time for resurrection. Wakc up' the deadJ , ·Get. an the filth out of your system, and get ready for the- srJl11D'Cl"s trlaIa with dean, dear blood, boIoiy, brain free from bile; 'Fotcc ' is danprous and destructive un1aa usedJn ~ gqltJe.persuasive way, and the right ~ is to giye new ~ to the inuscr dar waDI Cl the bowels, and stir up the liver to new . life and work with CASCARE1'S,.the ~t ~sping deaner, disinfectant and bawc1 tooic. Get a SOc ~to-day-:-a whole month s trcatmcnt~ see bow quickly you y.riJl l)c . .
.....&1 ....I>l ....... ....... . C ••t.,. •
• _..... FI.Ft ... 11..,1>1. . .... S......rl.e .oat.
"Wliat is It we can do (or lbJ. woman wllo 11.. been .JO b"aJy iuated ? She haa DO CtI ul e to doubt ·me. Tell me ho" 1 1DJI,f lene- he..... Be .. voice wa. calm and !nllnDa bngly concllia -tory. "Sbe demand . .. pubUe .marrJa illl madam . Uotll this lu .. ahe hal belln~d her.ell le.. 'Ulan the legal 1111. ol.8ltym o!,d Bolhln, though 'Ood abe aeYer intende d to be lell than tha" She .... bJs wile abroad. openly 80-, .CI0"d' .he h ... kaowJe ilrecku lIDIlh,-and proof of that fact-ab solute. undoub t· ed proot of the lil"heat chara.c ter*lIIda~ts oc aegaaln t.nee.. register•• n~~.,.t. , ::!~'~Il: letters addre •• ed to her In hi. own hand1O 'itiDg and photogr apbl. All I.. thl, mass of nldeoc e " properl 1 eer"Raymo nd." &be said, ..... hat ...ould tilled io In duplica te, and abe has OUIl ~acriJlce to clear the way for marlawher of bancU flOpy of eacb 10 tbe yera In W,85hlogt~D and OOe copy -~,.-:·'IJn~ge. with Frances ?" .!le 8aw tbe calm, coo1lde ot look In Madam . your SOD h .. Uved with faee. and a breath ofhope .tared her wife, ledged aeluiow hili woman a. h d I II f hi law a VlrgIDl tlDdn tbat I am auured • a 0 og'mall 0 0 . - !" he-said. at she Is his w,fe aod' would Iubent hia rytbinr lng-eTe "ADyth estate" leqtb. "It you will yield ImpliCit o~dlence "Ah! Sbe wl.hea money 1" me-If you wIll be II"lidt.d -I ,ball to child .. he han to "No. She ...-llbel clear tbe "ay for you. Will yoo?" r.stored ." "Yea." "Ber chlld? RaImo nd'. chlldr "Huma n life or Ii,.... must nat be er. .... .o "ord one maqam, ··AIa .. d. We have no friends ; we regarde rou-Je s!" . we mu.t ''Be baa oat told me tblf," oald the are &lll'l'ClUoded by enemlea and 9I!ObmeDt 10 motber "It. i. 811 tbat be bad left to put aside conllCience' no",b~Te. Do tell; hl. life lib been a great.. a- paIA. Wlu: we must helritate do you conAnd and? ullderat you rul dil!cappolotmeDt to me.· "It 1& likely that he bas not told you seM 1" "I shall leave it all to you, moth. other thlDgS. Be 16 prepari ng for What i. flrst to be done?" er. he hich ... tlon ;nforma tranam lnlon LoDlse here at SlX o'clock. "Meet money; thinks Is good for a ushum of She from me Qld there is the troubl. , (or I beheve. alld iake your Il. . euspicio n .. .. you .it ~fore me. madam . lhat, must be disanne d of From tbe momen t o{ hia slUT.nd er h.YlIlg g.... n me ' h.s ncred promi, ., d! Holbin wa .. ripe for allyRaymon Lonlse by b,. 8woro promise to send It suggen It JOID her 18\er ano;1 ught all b.r .... rook.. thmg hie mot.J!er might ed the plan coneen bl! lS really plann.n g to desert h".. ..a .. her mlod that that sbe- would again. And '0 tbat event. madam , he to convJJlee LoUise tbe conthrough ride to ed permitt be beoman .... ,..ould lea,,, a despera te federat e .'plcket line; tbat . under an hlod." by Raymon d "What could wcb a woman do tbeo? arrange ment secured war depa.:t. tbe In frl.nd. t.broup self-eon her-a ~ ho would ~hen lI.nog upOn or e pretens a only m.nt.. fused spy?" It" as a plan "That tbougb t has .Inady impre'll ed bel' wonld be made. no otber me de~ply. I am Idlalled now tb.t t hat would hav" decened woman a tban that see to Is plan safest 's tbe wom"", IIlNloe" ,,'t leave until he 'has met her That JnX o'clock tea ..... the t.:jdemond ., And. madam , you bave the po".,r to control bim. At sIs o·clock. umph of • brlllLao t dlp:Om atist's N ' uDleM I see you hot.b eadier. T shall re-er LoUIse Yias forgnen , ear~l.S'f't.l, address . an 8.Don) mous commun iea recell'ed back 88 .. membe r of ~h~ ~ tion-" fanuly, ber crauna and w.{ODgIr at'· "W,1l you take tea with u. a t SIS. In lmowle dged, and .full reparat lob agre.d Upoll. No one could ha.-e e",• Iead-in my 01Vll apartm elltl? celled lLra. Broom in the tenderthink that better.'" "At six theo. IUIie theidu !"
.re• •' Iele_
_ .a
BaJ"e DalaUe ., If
Pro.,eri ,.. .. re....e ....
10 t he prLncy of h.,. 0 ... " room Mr. BrookID give unrestr aIned express Ion to a rage that was co08um lDg ber No - aile .-bo koew tbe cool. suan, tactful ... oman 01 a1l!alrs would have. recogD.zed b(J' a t tbat momen t, She paced the luxurio us npar'tm "nt .. ,Ib tbe fury alld ahoDdo n of a tigress eDtrapp ed, lI~.cru .hed parasol and Ihe emblem l .llt her mourni ug beoeatb her feet. ReIIpOll5iV. to ber furioun UtgJnr . William eame ruunlllg -to tbe room at InterTal .. of five mlnol~s to aDswer ovep
p~ .....
NaVies are s oon to d_ppe ar. a& cording to a critic who haa beeD watchin g .recent' mecbaru cal depelop men t. H. knows that nothing ,.. mure likely to become obs ol.. te than nanl Institut ion. tbe D.D Utstlng mome!l t someth ing. better 18 <Ii"""v'!red. and he POLnLa to the yapld ex_ tinction of woodeD warship s p ..opelled by s a,la when tbe Merrim ac- _ lI[onito r tigbt demons trated that with 1SUCb ves~ls t he greatea t sqvadro ns under the ab]""t comma nders ...ere d the mercy of a li ttle non mODlto r. l lan·. comma nd of the a i r through ae.Topla oe. and Ji)'lng machine 8. IUld hia utlhzah on of a water-bl.ne~ to pJ'oteet s ubmari ne boata, Will, says tb,. C]'ltle, reoder shlpa' ~hat 1I.0at on t he 8urface "ortbJess The iloat· ing warship , he .I>Y" will be aabjed
A French .ntomo l.,g.st, M. DagiD, re.commenC!s lD sect 6 as ~n arucle of food. H e sppaks with auihorI ty, bavlng no t cOnly r.ad tbrOu,h tbe wbole ht«ratll re IIf Insec t eahog, but havlng himself tasted Beveral huodre ds or speCie. ra,-. boiled, {:ried, broiled, ro .. ted aDd hashed. lie bas even eatell aplders prepared accordi ng to the ronowLD g reCipe . " Take a plump spl· der. remove t he legs and oklD Rul> over ....It h butter and swallow Ro ..ent, he doe. o o~ recomm end t bem, ~t t bls may be prejudi ce 00 bls part. Be atates t .. o objectio ns to sp,derr . They are Dot losecta, and tbey feed Oil aounal food. 'Cockro ache. a,e a (oundat ,on lor. dellc,ou s soup lL Dagln tallows tb. ,,,,~~ .~,,,~,,.~_ g! •• n bJ Sena tor_ TeslellD lD a dellver .d ,n tbe $ODate on February l:\, 1818 "Pound ) our cock· roacl:iea ffi • mortar,~uLJn a -sle't'e, and pour In bOIUnlr .... te,. p r ~ef stock " Cqnnol5 seu ra prefor thts l o):.al bhque. l"on v,.,.lIe, m Freueh sci· !.t;;-WIlCriil ' ntl.t .. pr.of"ro tbe cockroacb~ m t.be la r val stat. T be perfect losect JDa~ b •• b.lled aod ea te o like a shrimp , Dr, Gastler , meDl~r of tb. that na tloli.1 .. sembI,. o~ 18-48, used to eat them. Caterpi llar. are a light food of easy Not ooly Atrlcan 0 nd di gutlo n. Amenc an nabve ra ~. bu t F reocbm en appreci a te tbem. 'M de Laland. , astronom .r. bad dlUner eTe rJ Saturda y witb the zoologi st. Qua t rom.re d'li<joD ",,11.,.. :um •. dIajoov alle, who knew h ,. t astes. collecte d 10 tbe aft.rno on all the caterpi1 1ars &he could find LD ber "nd".eh oed 1 bem on a plate to ... _...._.,... The mo~t popula r lD5f:Ct I-J..OOC.....&~ u..e 10cU5L. l us (ato n fried jrled 10 the SUD. ground In c u r, broJlea (itnoug th .. ..aedatn ). boUed ID mi lk (a Kbrace o reelpe), aT ~r.e4 and sert"ed 'IlKada gascar. TheJe ..llt '!'ltb nee Pather Cambou thinks tltat 10cunl lour m lgbt become popular Ie f:urqpt 35 a e GeOI- O()p.Jiiment . Io.T zavet e r s' oplnJon SOD 10-"I"'''.l''' . GFe.t lJ"e. . . . "-_0" ••• • • Uea w .... WIU !foe Ea . . . . . ., custs dIffer I\micis fiftd. th~~ I u te B_.e p~_etJ Ilk. ~ \rrimp~. ~Iebnbr lIke sarcline s, LI ...,gotO D like c.... r. T o an average N'ew 1 orke.r the oysbelher \\ n '\morlca lly usentia te r UI FRICTION AND SPEED . 1O<!rvrd 10 coekuu l, on lbe buH·abe ll.
"U 1 hDd I10t d1l!Covered that: 1 a ... b.t u .. at a.:iWlng oft leg. tban f1ghUD, oct.emln g women. my chlld. I .bolll4 say tbat lOU ba~" De'er been 10 '0 mu eh d ... ger as DOW; but 1 h .." ttred as an adneer at young B~ tb e "ny. h'-.eJo u decld.d that So wlll come out and keep u" eo mpan$ at home? lfy wt!.,.&e.D.d.s aD LUTitat>oo Dol leu. than onee a w«k." 4oNo," abe uAd , lilt wou ld 8um J..i)f t'UIlJIlDg. Dot tell Mr. Broona r I a_ very gratefu l for ber klodne.. s .. "An rIght. Come "beo you plea""l an d, EROC ts, call DM> a mol as oft"n .. t'ou \wIsh but be. car~lu wbnt you ~.t unow, your ~t.pmolber·s hou oe--Gnd,
DO me dJCln~ the.r-tf
HO'\IIj: have Jon £al
" fi ed tbem about th e b igbt wben a friend of ours got hi. tloUDd?" "They hay'! nner b etn satllmfd , J thmk. , Tbey tell me I 81" lull Cff ,vblms, and perhaps tlley cln. that IlIIgbt among them. You bave not he~u·a-?'
the other pa engers tbe 'young wome n Jeft t be car, and found them.e hes ID a IIIUe th.ate r It wu dimly Ilgb t.d. bad . a Ku>,11 sta ge. a .maller orchest ra, and chairs iu whlcb • number of p eo ple had •• at..,d tbems elves Sudden ly au idea occune d to on~ of fb. ~ oung ,.. .. men.
"~eJe n e/· &be whisper~d to her com·
pinion : "<l tbl~ 11 some trap t bat wr: uNot. a word Good ·byP' bave fa.lle n into J koow mamma told Francea w,th s m.eting Dar in tbe brief me of a si mIlar ca&c once WbeD I he 11 It . "ould nev ... d,scus. Somera ng- their hooey· II k.IT tbat hia fnend 's cbOlec 01 SId.,. and papa "pre spendi at NIagara Falls had been aD ImID.n.....ha.ppo iDtmen " mOOll 23 yea rs "'go bow tbat ""as an Fraoces was bound to r""eJv~ Brod- t hey Wl"nt l Dt O B s tbe out",de tbere On I~ thi 80 just, coa· he . nar's blo~ uDfaTo rabl) wben 'ED trance Fr.e.' s.dered tbe nl"W and continu ed kin~ wu a .'gn wblcb said All weot "ell uotil IL came to gomg n.ss 'I' hl"r stepm~ther. Otten tbe out. wben there mt " another SIgn. ter 8ald ' 'Exit $1-' Th at "I. what IbiS tblD" IS, WI child, my "When It la all over. t's gel out before crud war. tbeFe scenes of suftnln ,. and r know II Le we wllI toke onr trwoko IIDd go abroad tbe s bow begin s." They made al ODce for the door of oomewb01'e tor a year of rcst." The ele.-ato r ~ baft "Tbe s bow will t.be WIth one Idea seemed to be a favorite poll l"ly anber, she told all of her acqualn tanoeett begm 10 an in tant." a t, whom th. 1Iounce d tbe alten"! ot. tbai .be aDd "poor dear Fr8JlCU scornfu lly. "Weu going abroad •• 100D 8S hoo.WJ.., y.ung women loo)<ed are easy," said ". thUlk ust m "You mp" ", as tlea closed-; that the cllllcl .. Into slli ug to work.d d01f1l. And in the ..face of tll1. one of the gI rls. {alling nn o rdloary proptender SOlicitude aad th ~ old Ja dy·. p.. s bow tbat s b e \\a9 w,th uWe know ;'ollGn to cODfedera1e .u1ferer s, p.... osWon to be dul t seen It before." bave and dodge. .. tb . ackno" pIe shook their heads and Then both wenl (lo"n to u{ street edged tbat one should not alwa)a b.. bad escaped one lIeve the uokind thIngs wbUlper ed of. feeling sllre tha t t bey 'If a great cIty . s" "dodge sbrewd he ~ of ou. or at o Isolatlo the n.igbbo r. From peeted person. 10 .. year Mrs Brooldll acb,ue d immeD&e poptdar ity and woe ibe confide nce of even tb.,. highest of l1clal&, in whose. home cirele. sbe waf as welcom e aa tbey w ....e lit hero Bo. weleolll e they !"ert mIght be -estima W (rOIIL,c ettaln gov.rLl ment records, it th" recorda were accessib le IUId poill ble of t ..aoslatio n now. rro"Be ContlD ...d 1 •
roa.ted , .si~ wed., broJled, pa nned, ea-
I.ClUl,op"a, or e'en In tBat abomina tiOn, a fry. tbe oJster staods out on tn" ,Vcw York b.1I o f fare as II nationa l cont r ibution to the tDble. ¥et the re are .hund r eds of men bere w bo 6corn the nat"e Bl ue POIOt. Chincot eague, PrlDcc· . Bay Dr Saddle Rock. They care only for tbe oy.ter importe d from France. says \he New York SUD French oy.ler~ a r e not t o be bad In Fulton uurket, nor ,n aDY o f the tamoo a oJ"ster hOUfiP o r '"b3J8 of For about two days m )lew York e.Jlcb \\ .... k. In tbeir eason•• be bl· valoe from the olber !<Ide can be bad by favo r ed patrons of ODe Uol~er$l ty place establis bmfot. At the b r ..ak· fast bour~ne o'clock ID tbe afternoon of SUDda~ -pr o ..ded I he F r ench steamer s come into port on tim~nd until Y onday nigbt. Ihe ,mporte d oJ s· I er IS ell sh.d u p to tbose bappy mol" tnls "bo are In the blue book of Y.r Res taurate ur UDless cOD\oye d by one of t be be· bltues of the place. t be t ran 61eDl pa· tro n will au 10 valD for tbe dehcacy 'so higb I) estee m.d by epicurl' s of tb. Fr"Dch <:olony Y Boyard, busy wl tb Panama caDsl JDteres ts. ba s preemp ted " gen.rou , sb are Llk" otb.r reg· lila r pat r ons 01 tbe bot,,1. b. neYer falls to leave, in ad~anee of the ax· r iya l of tbe steam er, a \\-TIt,1en o rder WIth the propne toT for h IS bhuves It you vwt tb......ort 0" l\£onda~, y<> u find that we entire cooslgn ment of French oysters bas been "uod. rwritteo " T o a Xe'" Yorke". perml tt. d by cour tesy of Ol1e o( R group of monopoll s t . to ~a mple I be inJporte d oyste~. t bere IS litt Ie iDDucem ent to dese rr tbe Sa_It. tI.. • • • • • e water .rle:r. sup· producl of t he G.r~llt Soutb bay, Long ly natural t At first 00(' lXllg'h beds pose -tbat as a free su ppl> or .. aler If;ia!,d rou nd 0)' tbe Cb •• ape"ke t be ath neee 8~lry to. clealilin esa. thc S ~J l l, as ~ll-h 1Jh"es , eal'ar . or' by lesfleliiu g tbe ul!e of wate r. gator p.ar, if the ta s te IS not born to o ne n may be acqUire d by perseIn incTealSl! dUe... 'Feranee . ff
LeW' ...... A. Clt!'_r E .. pl . . . .U... Haa Ae. . . . " r• • r Lea8 . , •
ltI,..te.r'7 ' to E"er,..b od,.
Tb. follo,uo g expla nallon of .... bI fr.ctlon 10 I~!s at hlgb tban a1 low . pe.ds I S due to Capt Galton "hogav e it lQ connrct lon \n th the Galton- \Vestinghous e brake tri als 10 England R:1I1way ond Locomo tive Engm~e rlDg. In a dlScuss lun of Ihe subJect . calls It the el~artlt l'xplana noo ).t gI'-'o, Sa)' the writer "It sb ould be borne la ollod l h.t aoy t \vo 6'Urfact' s wblcb are p laCfd 1:1 contact aTe nDt pfrtec.t1 J smoot h surface s, but have s mall Inequah ues or roughneSs upon 1 hen) The figure sho,,,"s )n a 1' ~ry ~S:8gge rated form what t"'oaur faces In contact may be .uppos .d t o
to attack trom a bo.e and from beneath by enelIlles WhlCb It cannot reach He draws, therefo re. an lnterest ang and thrillin g picture of a naval battle of the future. whIch include s ,. light between a Oying machln c .aod a "ubman oe boat. Thls. he M ys, La not 60 uuprob able all ,t seems. The fl Ying' machin e can. he s ays. see tbe s ubmarm e beneath t-he surface whe n It would be ,o~slbte to men on a ....ssel, JUst, as ~be fish hawk ""n locate lUi submer ged "'cAs tb e aeropla ne ""n m<nee tlID m t b ~el" nty. It can hover o~ tbe 5ubman ne until tbe latt(r is compelled to come to Ibe surface lor rur or rIses for attack. Then Jt can drop cynanu te bombs u pon the su bmann e and tralD r 3p,d Ii r es upon Its tbin . s bell Tb~ sub marln~t howe t'e.r, w111 not be qUIte b.lpl ..ss A well-:um ed s bot from its bow rapid-O re. (whlch can be uncover ed the mom ..nt the nO~e of the boa t rIS'. a bo_e the surlace ) would IDstaot !y put thc Oy1Og machloe out of bus.nes a, thus c;:1earln~ the "ay for oth ..r .nbman n... to
Tlse to the sur face or for a bevy of
frIendly flyong machl nes to come up• Mea"" hlle. tbcre "auld be no " ..... La
Tbe cri tIC does not, boweve r. utt'rThey can, h .. J) ext lDgUlsb s hip' s 330 S, act lD a 8ubordt nate cupuclt y• depen dent upoo the prelLmi nary IIgbtIng which must Itt> done bet".en l1yIDg ma cruoes and sub marIne&- t o c lea r tbe moutbs of bnrbors and make Davlgat lOn sa fe It IS admItte d tbat B big d YDamJte or guncott on bomb dropped fr om the a IT upon tbe deck o( th e stronge st "".sblp a floa t IOlght !llor eover... ~ likely to de IToy It submar ine gettong home a. _g'l" t orpedo "pan t be bott om of ~ uch " s hIp "auld ~.n k It . But llRv31 officer s (eTer conserT atl't'e BDd properl y wal tmg for demonstrat ed snpe,.,,) rlly belore acceptIng so-calle d Impr01i ements) comfor t them"el Tcs WIth t be refiectl on that THE LAW F' FRICTIO N comma nd of t be ,ur and of tbe snbmaTIDe wo rld 13 far trom betDg acWhen lbe t\\O surface s are at tUllny acbleve d, and t bat s o far as ~ like rest r elat lvd) to eacb olhrr,l. behllls anybod y can see navies \TJl1 remaia of tbe up p. r s urface" III fit closely IIItO in eXlste-oce for II few years yet. tbe hollo". of t b. 10"" one But If LIII .... A.p for BI••tJ_lI'. tbe su rfaces ar" In raptd molLon past In th e DeW SlmpJon tunnel esperlea.ch otber, tb .. upper s urface ""II not ~en made wl t b liqUId a l~ baTe tI me to fit ll se lf LDto tbe lo" er. m.Dt s have purpose s Tbe cartridg es 109 blast for hat l ILke but would take a p os lhon "rap per s filled ..,tb par· sbown In the figure Tben an~ POUlt cons .. teu of charc03 1 soaked ... ,th hRWd o of Ibe upper surface would first be affio aod n placed 1n Ille sho t .boles dragged up to Ihe Tertex A . a ad \\ oul d air Wh .. d~tnnated wltb guncot tOtl were they It 1111 then f1~ ae ro.. 1be spRce A C. use. o f t be c cartr idges The prlmprs .t ruck some POlOt 0 on 11 C .\s Ib e was d,SCOntlDUed becau se th.~ had to • e distanc he t . r gr.ate "as d sp.e IIred Wlthm a rew mlDutcs atler bethroug h" hlcb 0 wuuld fa llLD tb. pass b e takeD alit of tbe IIqu,d. e lse th.1r Ing tbe a ge ,vould be Jess. conseq u.ntly "as gone But tbe probl.m of power distanc e 0 C would be 1...0 and the ",da ptmg hqul d all' to bla s tlng is atlll .-ert." tbe 'to up 0 g drnglrio of ...ork studied In German y C wouldb e Ius also B"nce It m'gbt be bewg per e A.. Safe for B..-er7 n.t. ..e~D ho .... the actual work don The lateH conV.nl ence In tbe New foot·run of s~rvlce. or, In other word s, the appa.reD t enefilcl .nt would be less York apartm ent IS a private s afe, buJit ,nto t be ".11, and so arrange d thnt a. tbe speed was gr.ater .. ooll tbe tenant IS acqu aintei:1 ....'l.h the comblD atloo Thl. makes it pollSlbl .. WARJ{ WEAT HER DIET_ for t be flat dwelle r pe;lsess lOg va l!lleat.. Re ••? h . . . . . a. Rot Bre. . uable s,lver, Jewels aod papers to keep tbem m hls apartm ent instead Df ID Sb.o.Jd. Be V.etf S.... t.1I1'F tbe vaults of tbe safe depos't or ~e 're_ J •• e to OetabeF . bank . • a
O.er-Cr oWlied. £:.:11......
Agent- D. ar Sll', can't 1 mduce you t o try our new carbo" photog raph slst.m? U mak"" the homelie al; people look dlstlDgn i&hecl There l1l'. Crusty -No, get ontl are Jnst 50,000,000 t<lO IDan7 dlstl"gUl Bhed people In thie coUDtt'7 no"', -Chica gu R ecord-lI "rard. _UI>.
",\ "omaii ought tu be able to mst ber husband inJpllcl tly" ·'Yes,'" answere d Yr lfeutoo , "I .... s· the pJ'oud a eelpJen t of. a. ma'rk at confide nce tJl'8 p<trDln g. HOlIJ'lett.. I actllally gave me 8 piece of gO':lds to take down .tu the store Rod match r01' her.'·-W ashlngt oD ' Star:
-.,ilft.··-.iL:n ·-\
Ift8•• · IO~ All•• 8N~i XI.ia,O. j~ TBLEPB O/B ,'t36.
Wor;It ~
CHAlfGJ IlllJ. TDt& ON PDlf. UNa. achNoIe 10 etrect ~tIDO 30th u_ a _
j901, pa.l!llleDKer tralDB oyt'r t.be-rPeDDH]'ITaD1a Una Jeare Wa.1DH"TWe Ita tJoo aJI rouowe : ....or"'" Eut.. 7:311 .. ·m 3 :" p 18 8; 10 1> III FOr tile W.." ' :47 " m 8:r.3 a III l1 :OS ,. m
H. E 800TR.
6 :30pm.
J'ABEs '1'0 BU.... ALO :roll PANOVER TIlE' kItBOlI" ION. ZxP08IT .AY AJlEBIO . "EIcu.n:lo ns to Dutla!o over I.be Akron Ronte via Cbaul.auqo~ · L.a.ke lor , lbt P.an~ America n Expoaltio .o aft: noW' oa _ale at tlck.-' eIo 0 _ of tbe penn",IYODt .. LID"" aDd COD' . aecltD« .ra.11way.. F~_ from WaYDcsrllle. OhIo. are ufo)' . 10"1;11 : Tltketa cood ~lUl1lIn, ,eo days. 111.80. da,.... 113 .• 6. Tlcke ... """" r<"~or.oto, IIfUm Scuoo t1eketa "ltb r~turn IImJL\lDt U Occ. a..1, "1.36. Sp."'.1 COach ercur.lot > t1cketa cood lea\,· toe BU/lalo up to mldnlgbt of Thu.-.cla , '01 , 10.101 dote of oaIe ma, De obt.:llned aD Tues·.
Famishing· fioods~
lIen?s ri'tiserso . -.
In this depar tment tbe shears have cut very deep. Any pair of Trous . ers in the house at soc on ' the -dol-. . ' lar during tbis sale. ';
.: DIs SlIt WllIIt'lIIt FtrIJ·..,.. De· EIrIIi Y.: ca., Ih ..... WI .. llllb ..... .
But it was not alone in tbe home atru"Jing The funera l of )[ra. Sid811 took ClNI8 tbat the kindne ss and known . was d decease the of worth home tiful ... '.6her ... oo """u . ' 6 '-'_ ~ p""ce les which on Fifth street at 10 o'clock fl. ro. TbOBe inhere nt princip abo dfathe r da~~~~··~~·II .. taa ..pedal b,...,. aDdan dhWlb imaltin madeh largely was Fri~y, July 5th, &lid U1po1 to """,rtx 10 caudo. for obtained be not Our.e ndr"e·line of Fumis binliG oet& were hODle, his of idol atteude d not· only by relative s oud and tbe 1 ~ AU ttc:keUl to Clr.lJada a.od Eastern potu&&. ta · "" r cODsistidg of the latest patter ns • • . olf as a malk at tue po.r ta", cludlDe Ne .. v ...... .01 be good far otop-o'~ thrown repreby but l"DB, connect famUy dial: poymeo. 0>,1 oo prices at Expo8lLl sold AmerlcoD be Paa· tile wilt at sty'les, most lamille e in or his home. bot entered into every of •• "enr-a. at 8u11aJo Il8Jltatives fro'" ~ will surpd sc the.do seSt trader . !ow....,y .", at Chaotauqua L-:lke wtIl be :11· life. The and around Wayne sviUe, aU of trtmsac tton l bnsinea s ed 011 aU Ueloeto to. Borralo IlI1ct Euterll .. Io t. straigh and y honest . IlDIIwerving poID". w1\.bOOJt e:nra eoat.. whom. held her 111 high { ,--v __ • Por Scbeduleo sbowloS cooreol. "t throlll\'l> .W.a nn,. ...... ...... .... ". b'n forwar dness which charact eriUld otbrrlnl orAmong thC86 from a distanc e were pauenl'e r "..eTl'lcc to BuaAl0 aDd hi h be wa h matloG . ti 111 . oW wfU . .tIMe 'J . . . . . . W . . . . . . . . . appl, to a E . Boot.b. Ttdtet AKODt_ C W on tnul8aIC every natI; Cincin of ' , lUines D. A. Mr. fi mnch ~a,_.I1I'" Oblo w HI .....~...... Mr. and llra. Howar d :T, H~lpkiDlII8Dgaged, whet-b er of little or . · .. .ON_ al J:oble prinaod little IIOD, of Dayton ; Mr. Cal· import ance, re1lecte d the and loving UQUA . . CHAUTA 10N8.TO EXCUB8 ~onest kind, the of Engle of Winche ater, Ind. Rev, ciples A CBA.!{ci: TO VJ8n THAT ATTIU.TJVE W. H . CoffIDa.ll of tho M. E. ChllTCh heart of Andrew William son. IlE8ORT . Early in life he realize d that be and Friend S. B. EJlia of the Orthcos \0 (b a ll· f.are ,,",conio .. 10 special Two orm than tauq1la. N.. Y ... .lre loduded to tbe .opporwu J· dox Friend s church conduc ted' tbe hAd a. higber dlity t-operf f P"'''''JI · vIa trips ~tlOD J dellgbUo tor .. treatm ent 0 , I 1'eligio ll8 8ervioo and theiril) form!t1 that ot lund anel jll8t &UJDD>er. Botb excuntloos lh:tl Lloea raola ge 'marria afler Soon · wtIl be ru" 'ria The AItrOll Roote f=4 by remark s were toned by a teeling of fellow. men, 6. ~~elnfel tci uoited with tbe lit. the PenD"l'I ...nla aod ErIe LlO_T e<.• hIcll bride his omd he thy sympa rly brothe .and orly neighb . . ee f.rom l4clh.nopol" . b ear..,.....1 tbere l&tbrooe C1ncIDD ati. ColumbllS .~d ll. Da)'con. bautl! of E . church at Merrite toWD. Not only Blebmoa 8OOthl'ng to tIle gn'evlng qua. The retorn Cbau\au to palota other boon enroU!!d on tickets ww. be \flirt,. da15.. the bereave d. Sweet Ilnd soothin g have their nllllles "'h_ Uml t Q'D ~n:loll _, _ f eItcaded ""jollTI1 ao tor time more . ...... n allo.IQ ample sel ;oti~ were render ed bv a q1llU'- the church raco.... . .o r , . resort. o f.moo .... , at health al long so .A 'of MIS. Emma Fan half a centur y but 'l'Il<: f!m euomdoD ..w be be run F.r!dar Joly teUe com~. 1""'""" they have bLh. Returolnc eouPODll ... U1be ~ uoUI Little, Mills Stella Mis!dld ine, Prof. and streng th permit ted t OUl. TheaecODd eawrllion "W...,..,T church AUlal the of s worker active been , Funkey Fridoy. Jub ~8l1l. t"'keta lor "bleb trill be D. A. Ferreo tUlel Mr. Gao . Tberouod . · in every way. Tbc Bible WS8 fre- loodreturDlnlJ: uoUlAul<U"t :all of the M. E. choir. tv.95 0<1, be wtIl. 1e waJDenU : ~h~ tta and The pall bearers 'were Messrs. J. quenUy and fsHhfu Uy read H . E~ to apply ion Informat 'nrtber For prac-. and Janney , Natlwn Jones, Cbos. Cor· teac<hings firmly believe d Waroesn.lle, Oblo. ABeut, T1eket Booth. home the of lity hospita The ticed. t, nell, Wm. Jon8!l; Owen BUrnet ed nCUB8lDlII'l TO ATLAlfTIO 01T\". CAPE: C. T . &wkc . Interm ent in MiIImi was so often Bnd 80 freely extend !lAY AND EIGHT QTIl:ER ATl'IUCr ministe every that to the ('burch cemete ry . TIVE SEASHORE rutSokT 8: wen knew there ~ :alwaya here a ,,,,,n. . TIlANAS . cordial weloo.m e. 'loente rtiUn their ne "noual acunoloDll to ~""'ho", ll!daJl;. berol'Tln W ..... Llo oJa .... PeOO.TI TIa ministheir lly especia , and Mr. A. B. Sides IUId family desire friends ever A great lllooSUTe to t.,,!J';: a=s!i.rru:.:~ ~:tfe ~~=ua; was tdrB, to thanks sincere their. to express ~ Coast trtJI be O!I 'silo at spectal ro~. 00. the membe rs of this hOll!lehold. The Oape May. A0el_ d do,.. vb:: AtlaollcCILJ. h the friends who 80 luithrn lly minis. ealtl. unctly_S "oicb.O< HollyB< Joo. memon es of that .o mean ,oea.Ava tered, so far lIS passi ble. to their sweet Clly. Wildwood. Now Jersey. Ocean \.1t,.. ces of the christi an father influen the JluyJaod . t.Dd RebobeL b. D !1"tnre . . and . dCpDrted wife, moth.e r The rowid Lrlp "" either of tb...e deUrbttul and mother are a pncele ss hentBg e 11". grandm other dnring the tedious to the family of lOllS and daught ers, lItIlIUDer baveOI wUI bo eu from Wavuen1 Tbe rt:$Urn Hoalt on all tlcke.. will be lwei", ~, A. Super lative ConcU tioner aDd wEOeks in which sbe langUis hed on a as well as the gnond. childre n who dt.)'S. IDeludlne da ... of sale. ThrOllllb ,raj .... over Peoosylvaota &Iou bed of aufl'eri ng, lind also to the hared . . Fat,teI ler EOI'Ll ve Stuck t.ooke _ M O ... toPbUadelpb,* ..1tbouL e_· Lt. 8 mes someti and thy sympa their by who DULIly e. ...rs from. principal paInt. 00 tbe 11_ l:'1:!.ce& -ZliiC aud 50c per paakag l'he latter end of hi>llife saw An- clne ...eat o[ PltUlburrll. At PhIladel1>IIJa conDe<>go them helped nce I18III8m of offera 25.poan d 00g. ta.GO. ..eagbol'fl: tralas for Sbe "9a ."" drew William son a great suffer er- &tOD is made-w tth throug h the ordoal of her long ill· noaA reeons. For lbeee specla1 excund ou e '~r FoI~"' . oe.eripU~ )I..Uer. e.tc..co pain-y et'he _Dge intense with mes ROmeti r ..mel! IIlroulb PhUodelpbla ·to and IIOOthed their lOre hearts !Ie provlcled, "" mat ,"",orC.L. STONE, . ined. As the three AtlanUc CI" willtbro..,gb compla seldom t.O Lhat resort. -wrlth4 call!-e. trial $iODia'" lIla11lO hard last the when Ge.De ral-"IU Acea&, score and ten years swelled into the out. s ttpplnJr from the train. For paracula ra. to a E.. BooUl, neket AceDI, Wayuea~ lJest Jl'ood on Earth for Poultr y. LOUIBVI.L.LE, XY. allotted four score he seemed to Ii Va appl, Obto. We, .. . World Lbe e It. Dazzle Pl'ice--"25c per JIIlOkage. only for his childre n and grand. BEND "YOUR ADDRB!:!8 No di~very in medici ne has n while waiting for that Ali EASTER N TJup 01'1 nCURSloN TlOK-: ever created one quarte r of the C \[· c,hUdre To TRY TBiG f. ns bidding him cross over ETB OVER THE PElOIBY LVAlfU; LI!IIKlk by sammo cauaed citemen~ that Iuf.s been Wml-Y88,. ob-hy DiScov ery for Con· and receive the reward which comes &Ie New ,lring's Or. Exco .... oo tJc""ts to New Yorl< m.y be of the renD '" IlI1 .IIDIDI _ _ _ IDdut11 al Ajlelr sumpti on. Ilill IIevere st teetB bave only to ·the faithfu l. His oft ex· ta.1Ded 3t prlnelpa l tlcte-ti ontoelland l! re\urolnl "11... 010. LInea. lood «01111 been on hopeles s viotims ·o.n con· LOUlH VILI& , KY. in some qoiet Q~er tbe Peoa.yh &nla Lloes-o r gOIDg rla.. that wish hage, sumpti on, pneumo nia, hemorr "anla Lloes aDd returalD K .. '3 tbe Grain Dealer, his spirit might gtlntly willg PellJUlyh y and bronch itla, tholl88Dds plenris oUlu direct lines frOID New York. JDclu4 ID. O. WADE SVILL E;. ,he routca vla Blllfalo ""'" prlvllqe of ato!>, at whom it has restore d to perfeot its flight to the God who gave it, plol!: over a.t 'bat palo\ to toke in the Pao· aslbm'J ., was gratifie d. .A gentle r..ftemo on ooidl, , C01Jgbll For health. AmerlcaD ESJ>OOIUon and NI&gara Fall.. or ICirci llan a.nd. Pamj,IJ Je$ Free. croup, bIIy fever, boanJe! \e88 and slumb er-nev er to awaken hl'rG- returulll g ,.Ia Wasblngtoo D. C.. with stol>' JOB. HAAS. V. S" over At Ul.~ polDt.. Fun 'aformaL ion wUl be whoop ing cough it is the qoickea~ '" Indiana polis, Iru!;. and l11ll'88t cure in the world. It Iii and his ROul was wsfted to the lurolsbed 10 r<"ply to Inquiries &44",_ Age~18 of ,be Pcn~yl.OIIIa LIll .... :11 TIcket . lI s. w. life. sting teel! everlA .of realms sold by ' Louis MAy who gtlIIran or refnnd a mODey. t ,tIIfaoUbn Tlt41R8 I'OB l'....li-A)(ER~. The fnnera l of A. H. William son ADOI' BOUTE L. "18 . botllM 500 and $1.00. '.l'riaJ O!'l EXOUlUIIO!'llll1'8 KXP08m OAN bo\~_free. t90k place at his late home on BUJ'FAL O. TO at •• Fourth ptreet Suuday , 7th i,nat., E%p...... "'" Bulr:.Joerican P1lII·Am The Tlie Liat (.It WouD ded aflargely i o'clock p. m., and wal! dEll' Er\>R" aod the E%pO!dll oo Esp~ are Coff . "D_ . WiIO have bee-.J hee.led bv Banner posseog...·• to the P...... talllo~ \raJ"" 01 .. 1B n'lD ed an man ....,VI. , tend Bu1foIo oYer &he&lve, ja I very luge. It heals all officiat ed: VOCIllmD8JC ws. furnlah · Amed...., Erposltloo . . AkroD .Rna. te . WOtDIw; .or ~retI flDd leaves n? scar. lsyeo SI,Lou!o ErI>"'., rican Pan·Amo Tile choir. E. M. the of rs membe lfay. by ed Louis Take no ~liBtitnte. a. m" IlI4Iaai.POlia 3:CIi> pm. Lont.. tU. l'he remajn l ·were followe d by rela- 8:14 1 ;00 P m ClaclDna ti ":30 p. mOl dalb. at f h 8:30 p.m.. ..." tivea alid friends to : Lebano n and WaY .....We5:50 p.=. Columb•• od "001, BN~ Bemed 'Y .or ..tomac qua La". (1.o1<e"o .... u .. CIl ani.in, tne bore who 'l'hoee rest. to laid. &t 8 :15 .. Bulla.1o le.i. aall Bowel 'Tlollb Jamest.o wu) about 8:00 a DI, .....1_.....,.... ..'1_ aleepllll cars fn!m St .. ... b traio .. Th .... a mor· W8B that all ing contain cast.et "I have been in the\Uu g bu........... IDdlaoallOlta 1lDc!1)artoo. 0DcI Loll.... throurll ~n". sleepi.ag car aDd ooeolt from LoalIIrill e tbro'~ have sold tal of the loved father and l!iaU4.&U ("or t';enty years and <.1ndouatot..,d CoIU1Db... to l!u1laIo. MlDolOI mOilt all of the Pl'Ollri etory medi- fl!,ther were bis 80JIII Sylvan of his aoua-in .law WillS. MQ- =~~I~':.-'::'~h!Q!~~l:~:~~8:1;); cines of lillY !Jote.· ~ong th~enLouJa St. leaveo Expreas Bulfalo The and .John Caffert y, iftU1d.80n tire ljat .1 have DOver found any.3:1r.. Loutn1I1 8:85. a'm, and fn'end Wm. pm; 8:10 am .• . m. DoJ\O" ...... Ba.......... - .,.,~ .U..II:IO. U1nctnntolta aID, llldiaup rlain'. Colic, Ero ~Chambe ,hiD.._ to ~1 -J _- . :OS 12 o CoIolDho III·, • dally W .....e..1lJe 8:5l! . H~oler'a aad_Dtarrb il6&lle medy:£ or HoUgh Lake aboo\ 10.O(} qoa rCballtoll arr1YiDl nOOo. .... by __ !.raiD ___ Th\a " " m: Bolfalo " ·mtdalllIt. Ah:-- .. . bowel ' ~b'~ .-" sto-'~ • _ • •• u .. ..,.., ...- __ au .. . 'rolD CtncIDn&U and. COlum""" ....,pI", ca 8"9 In bus, COlum of eld, Lbroocb to Bullalo. O. W. Wabft Saw Kokom o, d., Aug. 10, 1 , . • . n.&:_ ...... 4oIIy_co Aleron poo1\1o .TlIeE1 . "This Nma4T -oured two Pepsin Svrup Co., Ga. dolly one~ S_J; !let"... " "tro~ aoll ud teD put the :-:-For Sirs . Dear a CUM oi eIw1eIa ~morbn - " Bulralo. BIft,. st. Louto 1":00 I' m. my &tom. aDd I W8.8 trooble d -'th . I.odlaGapoll8 7:10 p ID. Loulnllle . :30 I' m, ~~ Jamil:1•and r have U 8:00 Pili. DaJlO1I U<38 p 18. Way·t. four yeo.ra II$tO was ,1toclDllat:1G d liUDdred.a at: boW&I p 1D.;Colalllbo. 12, .8 1D14J1llh WSE. ~ellTWe tism; rhema eel IUld 801 .qll...U " Itt IoDdla, ___ ace ... a\ ClIaatoo ... £ 1t. d .. h;:~i;: :;;;;;;'-:' I e ~ BI!. D~ momDIr. BIllf:a\o .. th.eii 'o'clock to H:OD enl .bout it.-to in..." castom ..... a aYI!"wol £or..... .,e . #rum St. ..... a1eeplDr boo It .. m. p. :81> 1 U no All medlc~e _mad of aaiiafaet.ton. It afrordiJ .. ....odCtllclan..d ~CoIom_o .. ... ad from Lou was I a.RO r .. _y A . • me to form.'~ t atiIe.co re in a pl_n tDLate Dr Caldwe ll 'a Syr. OOIombwl to Amon. Parlor ... from Akroo _Ie bv LoiJia Kay. - . &r.tno I'!U<' ~O\~ 1 pm. 8,90 I ~j'belle",8 L 'v.,?uld lD ~ • . • Ill, ODd fo :00, I' 111. . for. ~ medim ne _ndoD ·f ..... w BUI· Illfmmat too rlieUlDlltiJlm '- 'entirel y gon~ B.1IooUl . TlO"t m.. y .tomao h ·i s m ~ ooudi- fa!o ,,111 ~fwDIobed by a ltaa>lon. 1180 AP;'lt War-Y l1k IlJlO!l·app tioJi. . It bas, lI6ved my ' life- aDd . li1ghly. it·too oannot Y610inniend ._ - YOlUlJ BeII~7. ' Blwood HriOnulken.. . • ,nAa LT.· Sold by- ~
""tfe nt
. CI.
lucc e••ors
.,-ad ,'
'l'WtiI",Oa" ........
.3 5 f:a MAIN. ST., XENIA,
U~h CnhrJ Ihck faod,
m car, 10dr7 root
1) =.!"!;';..
·.90 0' -
to iopre
.... "" atAler-
ItWill·· Yonr!dvantage·to
'ro Cal l 'ODd See us Bf;f ore . IJuYiog. 88 \ve .. xpe ct · Red uce Qur' S.t oek ··Be fore t'oU.
10 .are Agents for ~tbo.
Tro y Bug gies , Pha eto os -:, /
Sur rey s, tbe Fin est the ~Iorket. Cal l oDd. Sec The m.
Cut?ng s !ro.m,ohoice . Ilam •. cooked well, cut iii lIun slicetr, ready·f/?n1S8.
Price. ,150 per Can.
l:!l gla&ll.
Ready fot
Olle •
. - 15' ·and 300 -per glasli. Wo caD. D~LED HA.
6EO. DODDS & SON, The.bae~bOlle
.3'h.e CRW iON1 l0LLE B. IliLLS of RicH. OIlD, INDIANA• .
grades of ·f)our·,vf\ ),ave e,\'er -t!01~. . ODe of thO! finest . better for-fine Cakes and Bilking ·PolY.da r Bi~ult. Try a aack.
er ~f ' a week -'p revious ~ broken Saturd ay last and continu ed' to weuen un:til 'the mercU ry (ell as low as GO" Monday mornin g In elevat~ localities.
. " · P :r lce , '70 c~nt-.s. .
The' above 'goods sold on1y
Wayn esvme . · Oblo.
. ~BU'I'TEH and E.G GS ... We can use Y011.rEGGS .at tOe doz.
BUTTER at 12 to 1-5clb.
X~NIA. Nev e.r "hav e we had such ' a ' beau tiful stoc k of Was b Fabr ics. r ~ll new W'eaves Belle
Lawn .......... ........... : ... ~Oc Bloe _ ·Di.mity i.'Aign~n .... ............ ..... 1.2Y.o Dhnity Gimarasa" ...................... lIic ·&tiDe BoJ.tiste.......... ........... ..... _l8c Chamb r3y•. :.::.... .....: .. 25 to· SOc
Bilk T!ssnei .. _ ..... .......... .. ..........500 .
)(~lle .......... ..: .......... ...~ ..... 5Oc
We also supp ly caps, sills, steps
and ever y description of cut stone work building purposes on shor t notice.
113 -121
All C01~I·St '- J\Iore -dura.ble 'th~n B~lks, , And just as pretty~ _. ~laln 'Or. fi~ur~. • BUk zephyr ......... ..... .... " .......... 500
Y 0 0 caU' neve~ core dyspep Sia by {lieting . What yonr body needs is plenty of good food proper ly digested .Theu it your sfomaoh win not dige&t it. KodAI Dy8pepa1a Cure Will. .,It contains all the nuumI
Bdng practic al detllgo ers, Wtare prepar ed to furnish origina l 2nd artistic drawlDg!l on sbC'rt nOllc;e . and we guaran tl!e to furnish as finely propor tioned work as can be ubtain ed anywh ere IIi the countr y; and take speCIal care' to supply nothin g but the velY best materi al and guaran tee pertect satisf:;tctiolJ. Our price'! are very reason able.
Office and Yards :
. Silk
Now 'have 'tb~ largell t and fillest stock of Monnm en~l Work to be foilDd withi n. hu~dred miles of here. It wiJ pay those contem plating -tbe purchase of this line cf wOTk to .sell U8 or write lor Illustra ted ~kl" contai ning prices, etC.; fbis 'w(J1 ' cost you 2 cents. and may save you many doUars. ~ch ot tbe finest· work in Miami Cemet ery, haa been furnulh ed. by us.
. A yonng man namel Copsey. be· longing to the Spring Valley ball team that.piayed here last SatUrd ay, bv an unluck y throw was struck by
Xenia , Ohio,
ot tlie torrid weath-
. Mrs. Alice C. Kenric k.
.tIeart burD •
/" "I-h"~ 10
alnce -quit- lerYlnlr, OB said a-'u>a,n fr!>D1 Arkan· &&8;- ..bo 18 AOW llvlog ~ew O.rfeane , aocorCllnlr to the Tlm~DI!mocra\.i clniu.m ataneel would ment,' an~, the !'Oork of d ... igning .. . "alid 'under . OD. a.ny ·killd of a com· _. n~bble b.!illdln g for tMa -11ew' I ~P' bad the com.mi~tee q!lblt n~:ir' 'eetllre '0,1 the;jgoTermnen t aer- ml,tt.ee. · I a, thoroug hly 'dCll'e1('had and once, lay. once, at Dced 'ba COllllD1e In ~eord ' o ~. WuliinJ {olL oped ease of It, too. I was U!lo,g DO co~· IlU!TI'eloua Itructur e., It Little Roek at the time, "",d . . ' Terribl y Barae " • I h • d I th "An ouD.,. of prev'entioD" J1UIybe tboqht m1tt.e e.... comple te 'II' t ou~ ~ e no aea!l'n w h ere . a ·IUII..,., bu it often turns oiIt to ~ a of ·the ootalae world 'WIll DAme. There was on one oceaslon fit nec:eaity, .. ia proved . by the (0110,"" , J and ' caPItal, the M!let Bear at n admitte d under a",. P!'C!~nll! a ' big 'functio nt from Mr. J, -R . lIallanwo, of otatema r.ommit ant hl)l'Ort .n allaolut e UDVA1'J'.llig tem~ra· .... plaeed ·oll.'an of 20th .. York City, N . Y.: "Oil tbe lIlY haDd. it w;iIL be e.reetell 'tee. The ball was jamm, ~.d with epee.' Ne bomed one ofabout will nre. • Jane, J Urn"ly t!u"ee red bot iron doll a grur,in by ,)" ... eyerya· haa We g , guctlb. ,",d tatora alte , to be :,elected lome dia· of .n Incb urtha tbree-fo aDd ODg jneliea coun"· the oj s';"tion ~ .. th In.· fr.om 'h~ clt)'" where there:w lll able. ba~ had thick, and now on thio 28tb day of JUDe I least pOuibil ily of the dis- . try; Inclndln « t he bana~ wbl!!h am ·cured oothing baTiD' 1?een DIed bute A -' I cI ' IU tr am t b II outald II- beeu .organ i n pr,nte an .. pu btl c Palmer'. t.;tion." Enrybo dy eoold b... ._. 'b,e ~, ,l. tu:rbllnlr 1...."eloce8 of my dutl."-'_ was it, IfyoD' cannot get it, oend to Solon Palm, w.,rl,a. ,' and on ." lot large "n6ogh institut ions. Oneband,.. a!) ·tJie. mnslc eIj M'l' Pearl St~ N.". York, for ampl .. the .«C:r. preyent the poaalbi llty of ' a,n y to look Soap, be·lc;.,pt going. Anothe r membe r ot Palmer' . Lot.ion and :Lotion othe~ ,bulldlD r, wllllin • diatan,. ,. ' 01 "",ulel ' a tI.e. d had acattere a guarkr of a ~ne. There wjJl"be of the : "ommlt te" hali, ·nnd be had HI ••• plled · I ••••tn'. the around 'banda " lepal'll( a 'on 'double ..alia, ea.cb "Hue I nol been an earnest and conld· 'In. tbe gaU~ry foundat ion r~lItini on tbe aolld roe1:. ' placed one band up ..orker!" ...ked lhe ,Y0unl mao entioUJ! you wlsb 'J hail. the of who wa. about to be 'flet out.' the 1>ro.,. ' e bw'ldlng , whieb wlJl contain the ~ortlon Th r pollllib!y, " "'plied ibly. .. "Po in tn" gallery power plant nece••ary for the opera· would e lgnol the band tical poJiliciin . " Indeed. J may oa,. thaI I r and 'me, to. d i Ba. ·be "!?,' strike to wm . • ent tion of thla noyel . 4epartm to find with TOur induatry, tbe afale until I l,an no ranlt i. m;"'pplied.' it y~ be loeat..d at least I thou •• nd -yards made my way do,,,n ,that ts.cepi _ d ..... ba mOUB' ~.t e .. h "In OT~t.h was ae~ie4 n bad e l IOHT" aw.y. . All I:he~e preC8ut i!)nl are .lot to 1\ ('Oint wher~ TeuneO aee-"-M ghV WltJa "II has beeD devoted to Ihe inter...t. of ta(ua . the made 1 gallery. the In placed vulgar tbe ',taken in the battle wit u•.' You are a of tbe band 'P~lla ·!lf.t;he 'tupaye.. iD&tead of buL darknes 8 inenaUle~ by the moun· .seem to Inftuenc ea of ~he ou tside world. nal. 'fhe i membef K 'OJ)'11! way., man in t."-ChiC ,oad 1 t h Mt.you P IJo B~tled cab 1 '11 judgmen 10nelYf A lack mlsta. taIlt" . the instrum ents W'I ..... I. no attent on to me ..... ever. Ie " . of )(aoy III aDd u mounW PIne aD roc"" y m . the ~nd ainId Bnd ,It: bIt 'angry, an. pl.~ed 110 that.lt Is impossi ble fOT any exclteil .& V.&LV&BLJJ: rUBLIC ATJOlf ,BBE. PiIO'.CuncallDOt"bf! too.hisblyopoke~of ..atched "Itb-' ita ijG,~ nalitlg becllme mOl'e violent 'anel dl... a withlll thelD h c approa. to u .. ~h eure.-;J. ·W . O'Briea, 322 Jbiro ODe e arm OIl absurd .,1 callin" rietl ... a other ' 100. t"brougb e, an. went ~. Th Minll.,lJ olit. Aye" N., lIinneip tanc(\. of ~ or 30 fed. acrooli the~ raTine, and from tJals win· my face w"'" bUl'llrng DeNrlpt iY. or Colo........ 1I<<DeJ7, a_lib ) ., i. to pruent the telllper atnre nt " mOVf'ments and the On .tar a R ........ B&c. Ilk') shone, ~ Dl t. 1 felt.a man eY83'thi aslmen H _ _'~O"' !!IT lie ..WN hum." bOdy from affeetin g th~l ... up with embarr lle owes 6o.&W;l'ne~t!;:·8t.L!'.:h': %':;-te:1Ji tJae .... Uey.• Jj=~ 1 BeloW, when :t~ and L=~~'~ tan. coat my at pulling s be to,.,... little llage of Craig's d~Jjcate co".ml llion. ' Tn" wrndo,v phia~l ; .. tor a tiandoome opecial folder 00 Col, 1I0 Ibu lwi~"' ___"-P . me, ... 'Excu wid: he around turned will be fitted 110 tnat it· will be and A horsem an rode up and ~t that band in or:.do. d...:rlpt lveof ,berb...llb r.-;om No&hlu ;. 10 ".ta:eaiona _ foe to Imbi. readily ponlhl" to mAke the ron"l~ buJ, are you ..,,"ng . ;t': cabn. ~:::~~ the ~nJ:'r before rein '6.;l~ are th" .~igg~"t ~~:!=: ~ .. tile flat~ of i!>ferio....-To.... Top- drew absolut e ly dar1c, ",Yen on tho brig h.'. the lJolIllery?' 'They b ..y" "nr_m ade. The '''Halloa I" he s houted. . ,.,.. c WIll lot of :blockh eads I ewer saw, [.aJa Bummer, .. blcb lonlhin of particle No dayo, eat light DdAl>e peJled..a ... _ .... _ of educatio nal "alae foulld be r "" The',d wW (older soflly, ""id, be mr: 'Excuse "ply. in penetrat~ tne .hutter .. ooekJng 1.0 kno .. othen lland otudenl to asyblind within rnealed the form of a "O,UD'I!'.1 the trom band thf .. 1 There will be maintaiu e!1 in , this 'that country. Free OD TeqU.'. own tbeir about It A J'. doorwll paper. this iD,,-the d ID&D MeDlloo ~ IIC1f.j OPI,!""II I bave 'not SHve on a comm buildin g a &tand'f trd of 011 mP8 . urr~ lum.' ~ tile honeoll in ',,"IB',ec hoed by [llreeze.o niJlge from 12 to 16 feet, ac,,-ordl ng tc of capacit y anlf dl.tAnc e. Among tee aince that time, ODd ( believe J aur· the bf!JlliDd Fair,. !Ito ....... one,. of rifte' from of ' lOCk. fed trom th. o t her thin~ t he . n W dtpartw ent am. comple tely c'Qred or the commit amount the ..., country ill r..infully n..... ropndio g rocka. your JOU 01 tell le "r adoisab it think not 11110. 1 do will eat"bli. h a stl\odar d eJer.trie erll te~ babit.M e' doorwa y (eU ~1. you ha"en't ev~ any airy talu:' l to blJilll. a aUo "maUer ,,,,,11 me.•• nring sta ndRr(l YoU.• anti Rmplepractica ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'I 'l'he man ina'thgroan, I .' come ... ilh and the "H.y.. 't. ell! W~II. youonjut his fllce with A TEST OF OBEDIENCE. J2 teet 8qUare or· 12 fed .1n diamete r our belt mOD' all ll.e rlD omet rs. the lableu at If>..IItinR' loole of . Ind i ftnl me _ _ N )[07110 Jla'he,a.·' ... th" ' oT me ately immedi 'l'lthin was M 'A nd TIltlier' than go abo~e 16 or It umen.....-Clnela nd .Plain Dealer. I' ~ Leaning "n the w.ather ·beaten fence ........ ..... ' ••• roC'Clo •• Co • • ] f• • • dlamete r 1 adYiae' illcreasln@ in feet --.@+-. . Snake . . C .....le. O . . . . . that s urround ed . the cabin on AD ~.kI.d Cst. S it....... . 1ft • ChlellK'O the, espacit y by bUildin g more .Ilos CHOICE OF ROUTES In DonD, al rs, Comme recent tb. t A' tbinl: the eut of my lIkirt mounta in Blanche Burton .tood. Bruyou ...... roulld Do 110 __ the T u •••••'.. Tbe crue jllst now I. for ~~ I ne., her Yi& pri at n ow r c pq,g ~ sl, German lay tb,! doS, of her no, ' pretty! stave silo ... but I think t"he a",rag. bOllol' U )'OIl are d&ngero i.aly aielc what i. feet. } Sh~had , go.od ~..... of Pine J ed-Yes , indeed; ....!T. tbe k,d ...r was pru.. nt, 110 obed i· wblcb at tinning Bile a unqu,." and build to "RLrict espect.a who farmer "·Do you. rUny!'" the first dut)' 01 yourl'li yslclan ? Be aTo.e. The guests ~net. whi ch is on e ut Ihe fir.st atl r iand she could see the oecawould better build a square frame unplea .. nt iDciden t "Y... 1 had t ...o lik" tbal ... ben th.,. .... re all zall ~ "luleta t.he nUToua 5'yBtem" be deadens were sh e mugs .""lore beer tbe rltIe a that of t, "nly Jy tJasb though Dol.app do.,. follow· Ihe .ol.];er. a tb • • tyle."-Ph iladelpb ia Pr"... nll tes of with· rounded cornera , tor the 'p aIa, .aDd you aJeep wolL , ~ of tbem . oft ' . carried '· and sinpon. rea, bu the keepaaJ hear' western :t '. to tbe m iH t':'fy:t anid mg nuon. : · -.r.. ,.-• YOlI ~hI; to bow tJaat ",hen you ".Boru5 aia" COrpl, wbich aCltu 84 ne. •• mill to .a 'Vu bing-ton tar re· . And atler awhile tbe·'!ho otiogc.....d Bltt.~r.. 8weet. It. square wood s ilp ..-lIb riba o • eeued to be regular In your co~ DlUgA, . tbe ~liJl for ~~t Ted-Tha .t girl of mine hu the germ fod pol"t..er Ihe nthtr dol'. ··.~ s a .~ry r o rc....... ' lrritabl e' withou t cause, aJid aDd all bee.ame gn!et_ d dark, it, borizo,n lally. lined us. boat, ill.tead of settling him. around girts Ihem f o g lit. her ' wSalli," she' ..Id" .timidly , "J , hftV~ ",ho carrIed P!Y.'I a!eepteaa Dilrhl;e, there la aerloq i he teod br· the fenee, thetod'•• ible exampl e:' he con linued . .oj rtcol· and W'on't e\'en ~.t ice CTe3JD.. and, clown ""'ide and weather boarded ..ked lhe «UeAts h:dl. send in to 're lng ber or You tb~ Nednturn ~Lo. and r h ~Ilber whic Til!t away feet and' the Bight breeze to nder IJ want I 01 I:tncf'$ an' leeL.. lhe eireumA come to meet you, outalde , wbethe r boUt in a bar" "But .he doem'l otop thore" She ..on't of tbe rIO • oblnine d my fi nf !u:ut In litf'. ] bad ; ravfnll air. beside you down t he mounti ng. .M.n;< out side, whethe r 1:ied to anoth,. !o cents to tbe proprie tor ro~.tp = mi oi fur for me kiu Out of the darknes s finally came the I, or do you reckoll me too, great au , building .o r standin g alone, will -a~ Uluranl ",bore tho Comme r. w •• Ilrld. .. pplled fo r a p,,!<lli'm iu u lor~e bu.;· (I) clf'rk.. a elatter of ho~s~.· hoola, and. h.r three ~Deuiy 0· · ,.oiirn 1" 35 001 will Chic:t.;::'o in and rigid, coner..rn .. and a or W'U 00 the point or I trikinlt, "To firm be Twelve way. brot.h ers rod.e into- the ' yard. 1,'hr "Little gal," he replied, taking hlf aulfer 1ro:o the drying- ·out proce., The h~a,1 of thr flrul 'INa" a grutr. sl if!'- th ink." cried the '.ir ,irl in .DgHiM. u we 'l ••ller. I. Ca ••. ne,'er ~ ~eh other aga in tm to,moreld.st, n!>tleln g hn white face, luped hat from his head and • ..,kward lJ' One of tbe etJrlo.i tl.& ot Cuba I. _ baeked ind;yj(h ull. (\' ho wlJuhJ n o f will one; ' If'U hi' s;tjonl5 o f ro W' niche" ' mear up, !wtetvo'j)) PBU, Be~ Special Tourist Rates quc or ipn , j f rom his hone and tbnw hl' arm. (umblin g it in bis hands, "litUe gal . rN"I.j& been .an(.r(\p bas wblch ~onntr.:n hou.e me.etlng Qoaker rtma.rk. HTime Jing encouf'Jl ~ jf th.u tuld be~n and around her. . hild horne I The f!:t S: 10 all o. l anit ' whron !lliort. Sanliag ou y an to Dear me an' you can't De:".u be DO e-~e" .id~ 1"11 write _ted a~ Gibara. ., "We air 8 ,]) safe an' sonna... 51&," be mle •." of Frieoda la .aiel 10 he lihoultl sJM)" t oftut 3 cl~mJlDd for an in the morniDg."-PhiladeJphiA Times. gation eODgre ~aidt "though I ean't say 88 much for I Slie smiled, the w.rm blood 6u.rgl .., -=lp.phan t an rmpln.\,f! w ould boil r d a --®--number OYer 200. them Ransom s. Sam, · 1Ik.e a tool, to her cheeks 8nd_ Q great ·g1adne... " Th.at eutern girl wbo is lufierjoc from I ear f o r th e nearest 7.-00 ,~il buU 1 the made. a mutkke when she opened the door, abd 1-" tUNE I to SEPTEMBER 30 Alightes L h~$H:\np,r. He .,x"miDl"cl an un t rung Denes .berKI['' in her eyu. Tben she beld ou t her If. Oeeaal .. L ' "Wbot did .he 1.0 doetor tried • er •• n boll, i" b31l s It I The girl "cpiled . ond took on, he rrr and ill hand to him, .. 1OtOrd. appli~"nh th ''''ry riDf! and anyd you'd £'I)i&mon "think ld it!" (or "I.bou take int o h i s "Did you kill him 1" she demande~, hia big brown one., patting it .s hi .uJt: t1ctat qen1810 rob'" ~ YI& IAa I_g, onee iJl :awhil", of -the"", conflde n· Inrget th e (by til"" I 5lu mbl~d Iype· tiling tha t abe conld lay her bud. on,",-• Dealer, tbe Plun at almost fiercely" "Joe, did you kill would pat bla horse's neck. 11 .. loveland ruy u.,~" .nel d den r~rke out," c.aleD.a,..· 6end tial leHn. lrou ~ , A ~ tJ. r rl J1 htm?': my ,.lhHv they bad come to " nnrro" tp r When writt'" "bren ve tpe alleot part.llf!r. ")' ou bo D. G. EDWA RDS, in. U\Vhy. !:is," replied ber brother , passage between two dense thicket . 5 1arled U\Vithl"l ul or b y be "G~at ScGt!" e.claime d StArboard, D O uslug the sa.me , form for lhe past trn IIIc •• nallf, C1acl11natl,o. -..,.Tra boarding he the "th~. Cn,.' ·,,·hat air the matter? " & gr&sp"d o ' .<oru~r; " \~e 11ro tbey t!'rned of ' nuderbr uob Blancbe ean, and tdte public mUCit be pretty ·lfessr s . .Ionp .... , . ca!mly; I",plied, She ,!' y nothjllglnflly hOb, hridle of Sam's borse suddenl JrTO,\TIf'tI, and t h:"d 11 d )'I\~n. -K weU on to It by tb i. time," !let 60met buny.bingulI""ted rt; 1"maybe alire, ' we'n·Let. Po hC\u..e M1 tbought , IDO\Ybt you wt re burt. ... ' stopped 'both animal. . Then, tumln /' th.l ?" 58ld go to --.: Th r rt ',-fOre U ft h:1rp r lick.s - Ph.nadeJl,bia Record . doiog of lIlIe the WhoL'\I · her ,.yes my Near to the midnigh l ho il r, while with ;'Ind, ine.. marh peering into the thicket on ber the !'n4 the active membf! r of the green goods from n .. oth.,ra slept with their rilles ....lthln left, . he comman ded: ,e ll l OT "'hat "Aalolll gBS tbe gudg~DSare bit,. st r aight. heC o r e m('. r \vai barllrally llrm. th" A opened Burton au Joe, BlaDche reach, youm, 0' easy .nd lefl I he ;lid, he "II: , ' t ~Pllt up that gun 'Tha noxl. the cbange 10 need qllite beside berseJr.- PhiJadel pbia don't we feel. well iDg 01 10 be Into out 8lepped A hl,h-pde ond d oor of the cabin come outen that bresh. Be a nutu; room . bu t. not he f o re 1 sa w n. f n in t Rocord. bait,"-{ ;hieago Tribune . """"'" f"", ahouId nune, h. rdt I the darknes s. No lights were visible don't be a. coward ," w S<>meho . CORNE R OF THlIi 81LO, . e~ his in twinkle oDeithe r mounta in, 8_Dd none in Craigts Wit. Ceri.'. Q_U.e allo ••• The bushes parhd, Bnd out ot the opcaI, 'Co<U'f lb"t T hal! ,,"on. R~d r h~d, I hnrd aft- 'There's .1 .... 3)"8 rnom at the top, eJ:("tp l Wtucs - ability ax " wear,';diII, the hot weathe r. qualities, of careful onally Hollow. Abo\'~, a solitarY. star shone dense foUage, h is rifle in bis hand, . that occurs duriog exeepti are "You th3t four othe-r 3J"pl icn rl1 s . (or the bad at.Ta'A'be meL-l ndiana puJis erward J thi&, of rq>air. And empty. ' is silo the b~p ... for Sa"e Kew:i. clouds. the in 5Ugthrougb a rift I belfe<e, " be stepped her brother. Ransom quick· urpri llt: d out of them!'lf' h't"fi by Ih is G "J Ti ... h... ill " point In favor 01 yonr bealth, XU. H ... " " " " ~ the lon ~ 11 cry of an 0\\"1, no sound Iy ralaed his weapon from tbe porn think, is a .trong gested. mn t uDII"oal di"ta.rin n. htu] t u rned to ..trrues. When puncture d,. 01 pro&Icni'ned ne"ODS have hl· and I cre, 01.10. rwty.-C aomewh ge~ . tr(lme never tronbt, The actil'e 1001 broke th<;JloleIDD stillnes s of the oight. mel of his BRddle, but Blanche pl~d th~ uke off we ouru COYer, reHI try to be," she r eplied; and tbcn, the autb o r '\-"'jtb II q ll e S'tln D i n~ look, tratlo. Jaliure to follow. ' , rounil silos tbn I "'en~ to wr~ck. Ilk' as abe aaw his look of doobtfu l he.l· Bnd t htr.-hr ~f"n tltJl ma rih' ~1"I",It'd ago D;I,j}y ~e"l . She Wll~ alon e on t~mountain. pair f he: inner tube and 10 on her ba.nd softly upon bi ... lD ' r. . Y"!1 ooght to Imowth at Indlg<!stiou, l, In the dry weathe your ...y in • jiffy. "So, Sam," .he aald, and he dropped a.n old barre . bull~~ , No. 83 tb, taUo", sbe 'ha!JUly added: "Bul I at :and lold 'tha t th~y Wtl lf ldn=t clII," e z h au. ti 0 n, womb dlsplace mcnts, • tbe. Wi COMiD So simple .& child all do it. .toabc!urd lap. bis those in udr all ~ rifte eve e, . hi. belli did NAL, headae.h . DeVer ATIO diuin~ , EDUC fafDt~ a Dumbf!r 01 Caalogue fite. -{;hi· ..... "Joe," she .said, turning . to . ber w,ite.r .Y~ be <i"ited kno YQu s, bacbeh e send· fJie 'nerves 'wild with' OF AN OCEAN LINER. AIN bn.dly damage d ri es about microbe CAPT were thai l08 si atave .«rIght , and you e&nnot sleep. he-rt." OotJ brother ? "'come in thl 4 drying-ou~ prO<!, cago Post. Mrs. Bartley , \If 221'". Cong:resa St., n~E COMPA NY, L \loa -.nd ba.U41DI" Strvcul' rK Ill",. EippnfIU 10' , Withou t a word he advance d to tn., and wncl<ed '1"• • " O.e. ••• " ....... ,.. I_a " •• UT DU- Cablop tree. ..... (:uI.ld- --.rL ......... 1.1.... 0 .. '-: I by the wind. rn my judg· and ••• ess 'eatl •• ' • • Ohleago , PL, "'h~ . portrait. we pub> al.le. 'e.re •• from th~ Old-Tim e &gOni.... and ' lillh, sn1fered all ment this wTeekin g p.ocess would "I take it .that Blobs!>n ne"er .-p.c· 1901 ~·Joe.tt sbe -resume d. lOOking down Cb.arkred 1858 "Sea Doa-." .. .. stave the wbere. was enUrely cured by Lydia E. Pink. t." silo e n in OCUST D.lLE .lC.lDDT . Jdea l tcboolfor bo,. ulates in We,ll atre. .......,.. rri ... a-tDak, ... Into hi. face, "ef J hadn't 'bee n wllb be worse . " .... eata..,.-. .... ' .... bf ham's Vegetab le Compou nd; her ClUIC must they for 80?" spllced, think you been had makes ~Wbat ' an im, 'h a·killed Sam jest now. y ou'd No.... d.l'x tbe "aptain i tbe h o ~ t of • hould be a warning to others, and in s plicing the Irtn.ea. uHe sa,.& It i. pernicio us and . Ule· )....{lod. Joe, tbat woulde r broke my mad~ weaker Is Assured her """' ca'!J': conVict ion to tbe minds the s.b ir . lie ,h nn Jo ngl'r 1 he grufT. bl3 or 4Years u !I draugh tsman, I l,,· pt." Dot am I IU heart!" Qf eftl')' ~~lng woman of the 1I1J' pe~ j."keL of ) <a r" a in dog 0" ' Wis, ough r the from tion illustra are· lin "But IOU cp.n·t tell by lIuch fal!IlJ/fiill<H~ol Lydia E. PI~. ' Sb turped heT ~ ..ali alld gl,1.leed close Indicate < ma rk whethe r he Deyer speCUla tes or go n e bl', s ays Capt . Jame son, (If t be St. . Vegotab lD ComPQCll'f.' ... Uoy. wrth the ' crilllllon 'c<?nslnb~Jletin that exactly , W. okll" Ife must s. A tear ' the tramew ork of tnI lIilo, except wheUte r he b ... jUlt specula ted and I'oul. in Culli«' tbe .soci al amtniti ts. Live St:o ck Cut: • Z he r' cneeks. oIJSe r "~ .lome or that aDd Ji.igh t"et 31i Is silo We " lit !unJl.b d.uplJcate 8 or u •• ~11: my tbat Star. o o ... -t· he lo.-t."-W a dungto on· Joe'. halld, alld ,t . . SpeeJ now llJ&D.J' roogtrs s llloWlJ l pOl CU the eor h Ca.t a OJ' anJ Ol: IJ(' Dlust la lk to the girts ore closer than bere indio Rook. at or belo1ll" quo t ed. price. for samf'. men looked int" r3eh other's hen 'be wf'n1bc r i5 tior . w ' then, arid h .egmen ea. or Es.tat. pieces corner Tbe. A. N. KELLOG G SEWSP APEn CO., t 0 ~ t8 ble whe" "",d underd ood. 'l'hen they clnsp"d cated. (Plus $1.00. ) CJDCiaD att. 0 .. y iDdleafe d In Lhe cot., "There 15 a remark able child," IBid He IIIU" ta k. bls ... 336 'Ne_t Plrtb Sa·eet. diplo· IpJ nds in .. pres,or e tliat conquer ed are not properl of ind k n be I mu ~ Ii rna,. bo fuJ "Won~er thlt I<et·ch achool. . .. the Ilt. aooth viai~or rawn d Ihe bal'e 1 ... 10 .. l.cl, an~ when tbe rillp l'r:e faUed. <,. . 1872 A. N. K.-B ll tJiem . .10 Fig. nation. De is .lh. only ehjid I m3 1 also. ~1Ic1 po • ..,ss wi t and And one da]' Blanche again walked more clea1"ly indicateI ha~e tbe cornet determi 1-\l bUG1t". He WlI S.t ~t' e tb~t t" pntil'Dc a s i . b OD. eye.s Ius kept T.J!ia:B S who Ib.t su· saw ADT£R ,,;U TO eyer .....H.E'3 · W '• •TI!lU pos· up the road. !" lhe ~ltle .,,,bin on 2 y6u pI...... ,.I.e ,bat ,. •• ea. . . .e A4 ..erIJ .... the inside of th. books when the lire engines were lIass- no jealousr es d.,..lop .am ong I ho From . round.d 1feU a wos There In. mounta Pine _e., •• Ullle paVer.. &eng.. r . . I bue ht>"n told o f I h ••orl' of lhe segmen l Ing." . 'o n her face and " -gleam of happine 61 eoroer CA) to the face obliging, captain who 10 p lU8e the ''The tu~r, the troub~ ed no have -an"wer we and , MVea," inches 12 Is aide (B) 'her In her e;res, for Sam was at tu b. shown Ibe in going around lbi. co.n·e r wlJh or. poor little f~l.Il""" is 'lulte h.rd of hear· lady wb o asked ~l't"D ' RETU RY no,thln. , 1 and . she called h im "h.,.j)an d." . ship >T3S I,, ' sonlh(be n-hile equator . ftooring Post. ton grooved ing."-W ashing dlnaiy tongued and VIA aeross lh f' lnrge hair a DEBT. ~d H pasl as '6~ .. CHURC ern yeUo . GIRLS PAY We line~ Qtix fram ewode wifh TIt~re AN 1~ ....r.1 . ,t LarKe. of • spygl •••• nd told Ihe lady 10 eod pine ftooring and gue it a coa~ of bot "Aren't y .. u lale ID gettiltif hom. look. And the lady, Ihrough the gasa, c..a ••• er •• Varlo . . "'• .,.....0•• eoal tar every yeAr; one dollar's worlh from Sunday &Choo!, &bby? " Girl W . .llea P.t.~"t" Pet Pl. . labor ·. decl3re d she could ... the equntor " • • cif, worth dollar'. of tar and one "WeJl,- I goe.. ! n ..e Was a maJl plain ly as A, B. C." One olbe r polite _ . . . . . .. 'KIAe.. are ample for this work. It i. alr-tlgh t and' who DlI.de an aU-da)' "peecli, . ~aptain I ha~e beard of-one " 'bo dily, aod tJaere Afttdl ll" au opport uDlt, though t we would neter get lluL." r Youn~ womeD membe rs at tbe Ep. and presen tS the silage perfect 'a n ofticl' r aD the brid;re t o o'd u rt'ct~d lected ncftneg is to vlll~i tbe ·Who ,,&I;, .h ,e ?" )"orth leall"'e connect ed with tbeMel h. I bf!lien it the !:arriag lady wisbt ••" WheD the lady re· the as Some indeftnJ tefy. I forget hi. Bailie: but he WIllS go."t ed tbat lbe captoin stetr tbe sbip "Aw, odls~ cburch ot )laUeaw aD, N, J., StV- th e ' lioing will last but I do not miado. aar.r."- Le.lie'. O'fer to the bonz'o n to see what tbe eral "eei. ago, pl'omia id'each 10 earll ad~ocate '" brick lining, an eacapec i think it-hi" practica l, f!,r the c:r"·i~. Weeld,y • SI In .om.e· way and contrib ute it out.ld. the boriz.nn 'T 3J! Jik,- , and air th~ In I.t oUld .... Pi\N·AMERICAN EXPOSITION, w.rd Ihe iquidaU on 'If ....n be made ai... not coUld ork wooilw oilier the told Each de.bl. •.l!JU , ,f ight. • While In woOd·li ned -.s Uo, ~ experie nce in, earn;ng ·the t~ngued and grooved , the m.o ist ure of , NIAOARA FALL S.' S<>me of Ihe youDg' women are the ,.Uage wllJ at- Qnce ......e U it lnto all town. .tbe tof hDBrlrn t.Ji~ Ro.!'"d trip .tI~1c;et~ !o Bulfalo anI! air-tigh.t conditio n, and "!hen th",ta,,: . ;,iell done the drying out'la ..e. relorn 'fill. be sold ""~ry day (rnl)lua· )tIsI Ida Lisk almost coovuia ed tM- · ring· l. " a lat. June cing c:Olnmm Ins: Sunda,. , ~h~ duced ,to -t he minimu m aod the wood rlate at ONtE VAllE (plu.. SI.OO) ¥UK a protent" !1 agalnat'decay. _. 'fn,nlr ' . ' 1.. The next pit 1 will build wlll be of TilE nOUND TJlU'. lleturn ilmit 'ten to anyon e who wHI furniSh us Inforthe'··sam e constru ction. bn~.j arger. day. from dale of .ale, . protect your health and our reputation, we will gladly pay this big reward tbem · nbuild to leav&'qi imitations,when CASC ARET S D. otical .... fake p II ""cumo less It 6eUeye 1'~lar coach mation on which we can secure'convlctlon of a·dealer who tries to sell worth arm enough ' aDd : strollg .. nough efDnatJ eft..,. Tu~tJday .nomin e In' little more money In the fake. a . Is there se aga!nst any bu!gi,ng, uj! t .o 16 feel ;ire cal\ed for. ' When you're offered somethlng"just as good", it's becau JUDe 6D fut lIC!1ieciulno at ·rete-ot One boxes with long-tailed trademetal blue in s put up aqua.ie . • J do 'not think' ~men't a\ all ..n' a I!Ilte, ntum U~t ~o iI.y,\ . 8:iJy'C ASCA RETS from the honest dealer. They are alway C~XCept ction full Remember this and wheno eoIUrtrn ... t g silo bulk. in alloWIn ic.l Ie, sold'in ... praQt of mID date ", marked C ·on the cover -ever y tablet stamped C. C. C:, and they are never . . .,.. a1 Jlnfralo. (PonPll tloll), for 'th~'Je..t ·swell· on the subject at once, us write and details S are called -for, get all the A'RET when CASC kes are offered lag or eo.atrac U'lD ,:,"o,!ld crack and e"e(fa .. I{ , • • • itt d AUowe . 8top.O Yflr break the .coati:Dlr :and let Vte,ap'.i n.ll. C. Morrill, in Ohio Farmer . . I . . co1DJnlt~..
Little Liver Pills. ' .'.,.atu,.
Pan --A m8rioian Ex p0s.iIi 0n~. '
11 "".1 .'eep_
Through Canada Toledo or Detroit
laKe Erie Steamers,
Nortbam and lake Resorts
warm'' 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~
"<>Ill.,. i~irror
~~~;~~ I
Ha lf Rates
TO 'B uf fa lo
''' C H ES TE R
," Rai nbo w , City ,",
$ 1 0 0 .0 0 ~Reward ·
Nia gar a -Fal ls, .
and '"
C~autQuCJua~ -
OR ileketa ·to '
JOe. " ' 25c. .- 5Oco
fa ..... ~ DIMIf,u-ar ~ .....
.. u..1a 87 e...,,, PfIo&
... lWmJllll &Un....
Office in Printz Building, Oppclllite I1I&1Ol-8 .......
••• tIa . ...
.,. t.e £:serelee .'C.r~
,A.. ....
u • • • t Ve.tlJat.r Ro .... wUe (laa C••lnl T .. .... •
> There were 20 Itallana lu tJt~ party, n!)t _ o.!- them .poke Ebgliab. were go In" .IOmewbere ne.r "''''"I>n~ ... o~k 011 a t"uckAorm, :lnd, they bad tbelr tlekets, they did not know nl>w t ... get; t o tboeU' train. "'a nd the gateman could " not make th~m UDderatand that they were too early Througll 80me over .Ight they Juul hoeen sent up frorn )(ulboerry atreet without the I'gua-.~an. an ltahan who Bpea ks EDg were antfou8 and labexcludly 11.1 their natloe A Columb.a unlveralty vrofeuor, wbo WlllI Rolng to Boatou and wbo spoke Italian, took p.ty Gn hem..... ya t he New York TrIbune wYGU sta-y with me,' he sa lol In Ita""", " and l'l~"'t lOU on the tralb. Pm going your .'rectlon " l'he awarthy Italian face" beamed One of the younger men, who had hoeen badly tnghtene.! and thought himkll 10 t threllt~ned t o kiss t be profesllOr 's band All of tbe.m apoke Ibelr t hanks.profusely Tbe prof'nor sat do ...n on one of t he hoencbel and beg1LI\ t... read The ltaimM grou ped IhelJllleJre~ ao near 81! poSS IblE 31111 watched hlm Ten IDlnutoer; later t~ profeuor law IIOme Women .. hom he knew en' tn iJlc IItation ffe went aeros. the rOGm to speak Lth Ib.em , forgettIng aIJ%bout> hn'lng told the Halla no to ".tay with me' They had nGt for got1.cn, how e \ e r , and H.ar te.d after him like a pack Gf beep Tbe profU50r'. fr.end. d.d not know what fo make of thc plclureaqlle aud dlr1y bodyguard , ~Are thr-ae some of ,oU. students ? t asked one. • IINo., not e:xacUy" stammered the , ~e"'1Dg bJs ltaluln friends to tbelr BealS, a vam elIorl by the W3), f01" the ltahan s were deter uuned to ata) \\nh hlnl. • Tbe.., look like tram",,:' began the other women ' 0 , profe2Ssor are you gOing to \\Tlte one of those labor boob llke ~[r W.l <:kolr. ?"
tho .w I mame« at TOUr: roque" death baa dlpolvecr- tbe bo.1l4. 1-.....;". ;';;;~-I:;;;bi;;; I;;;'. J",et ....ber ... ~n tly ... ha'Ve be ......... enoqh to t... i lila cblld 10..... Xo )!re' wa" by your partiality, Old he. Ll<'~'Un,,,,e and ........ of ...aUtude aOCCl ...• pUshed lb. r.. t. Let me coJi!". Uiat I have bun tooUib enoush to 10". her and to dream tbat .0_ day you would permll _ 10 return and ope OIl( her out. But tbJa curRd wu; baa killed my dre ..... 1!ro4. IIJU, and- It lble lette. reach.,. yon. It ,.111 be aftu" It .... kll1e4 your _nd alIo' Go to her aDd say lbat al ..... he met he. IUch nil Bomera baa loved bor ' .. a Dl8II IO,...·+"U.h~.ullrb
bur once
~I am told by the clerk In tbe dep,IIrtmen!." be &nld, ·'tb.pt you bad aecured a pa5S [Gr ) ollr protege, ond I .... repeniunt that 3011 bnd heen fGrced to ge tbere ,n person I bave caUed noW' to offer my 1I .....tllnce. There IS aometblng else to be done for a "o~ntb!ct man beside .. gelling hIm a pau ffe must baYc transportatlon and a .....,ta-nce generally" "1 hue been thinklllg Gf tbat," .be admItted. troubled ~lf I mOl be allowed 10 do a wound .".. eel lI!Dt!my a 5'"'\ Ice." S(ud 11011.110, • 1 -'oal:. take blm In m3 buggy to Gur ontposta.. u "I am sure that he Will hoe greal)y e>bllged." Tbe soldIer e"pressed hIm ...If {,"atdul, and HolblD went awoy. maklDIT hght of tbe a~r'lcc aod tb· out furtber e«ort to trespass upon the girl'. rare mood On the Inner stlllr he paused In deep though t, bu. dark face 61\VlIgely triumphant Il.s molb· ~r met hUll In tbe hall aboye and r.,.d excltemcnt I", bla evcrJ movement "Wbat is It, Raymond?' He hellibted and sm.led wlckedl, "I am afrard even JOU "ould be "hocked, mother mme But Irust me. wben I do tell you about It. 30U WIU not hoe ashamed of ~ our cub" "'naymGod. ho''I' dare you ?. The 'Womon's lace grew c:rlmSOD, and then ,..bJte as (rom a sudden terror. ffe ..howed bls teeth and ""appeared be fore abe eoulll Gtop h.m Angr3 and unr8$J , -abe sought her own room Tbe wounded sold1er rode next day ..11ll Raymond Rolbln, h,s pale face rdlecluog tbe Ilght , of IIbert)·. sun
Tbere ..w<:re othu Uau dealing tbe fr~ndlhlp behnen tb.e tWG mell wbile In P.rJ, Gd contalnlDg a tendeJ farewell t4It U5 no" plain .toDr," he slud ~. H<llbln. ' meddlesome 5coulldul lJt:od.pal' ta tbl autbor Gf the ... bole ploU" Mn Brook In folded tbe letter. -into Ihe.r -place-. Her hanitl .. ere wit bout a thmor. "Let tbl!m kee'p their secret To tn. form. th ..... Ja to arm tbem We will continue to be-'-tbe.r-dupeJ5. lhchllrd SOmer. may not be liy.ng -wben Fran cea reach .. twenty-one, -who can teDt Tbe man .... ho 101t; those leiters baa, 1 IUPPOU, ere tbls made _ full report" "'rbl! DIan "bo 101(1 the~tterl, moth er, 1ru reported elae"bere With a buJ let tbrough blS hUTt.<' Ra)mond l " • What does It matte.? We are )clU· Ing tbem in front- of our boe.. evers dey. One behInd COUJIIa for httle. He had a pass, 1 nl!e~d It. 1 peed It now more than fVU" The 'Womaa'a rac:~ Irlowed \VJtb a 5lJdd~n lIgbt. -You are 1.00 rasb, my boy, Mep .. berore consultlog me. In tbe ",notlme tl, .. e p"pl!r. bue nG nlut ~ Bum them, burn tbeUl nowl nol gave '1De the letter to Brod· .t may be 'aluable lOme day .. I "e'.lde!l.,e-t.b.at ~chard Somera I. dead" ODe by ODC 1I0tbln held tb" otbera O\eT hgbted atebta ana &autbem \,ani. b. into ~l.Dder& His 1II0tb er placed ber b.and upon h .. &bGulder. ·'.RaJ moo If, 30U are again plannlnl' tG cro a the IIne_" "I know "bat [ am domgl Do nol &etk to Influence m,," U\Vhat do ,-ou mean 1" "There br ;'0 hme for explanation, nOr I. there any need, fGr YGU alread} understand It I' 5utllclent. to say tbat I am gnlUg aero.., tbe hnea lor more- than one purpoee now J • ThE,.., are all &orts of people ill an army sbe ll.d."1 hue seen It staled tbat many G1Ilcen frilled in battle are "bot from beblnd " 't]'..hat J5- on~.," he replJed. Hnnd"'tD ....bo serve tbelr countTy In hOle of .... ar Rre forglTen many tblDg. 1 am 10 posoetlSion 01 tbat " ,Inch ,,;Jl Iecure fat me a r.,...lew Gf my C85e and restore to me my eommiasiGo f have olIered my A,yord to the eontederacy once, the nest tim. I will offtr It pGID t flml" • "You bave valullble InfGrmabon fOl' N.le Is Ihat ....hat you mea,,? 00 ~10\V upon that Une. if ;rou dr.. w YGur ..word agruns!. V.rglnla openJ:r ~ou sacdftee -all .nterests here. Bt-tter 1M a frleDd tG botb Sldts, a,na wilen }OQ come bad< with proo" tbat . R.cbord Somer.. III T.... I.y dead all IDII} 3 et be well If she 15 free at 21 tb e wJlI IS blndmg'. e ... eo if Il were beld thaI slJe has not a!readJ .. " .. flced ber .0
not yd nsen for him, hiS blue un.· form dusted and cleaned unfll every lin !top was a. 01 !lold uOood-by, mJ"",', he SBld, "1'11 d..liver YGUI' meu"ge, an' I know tho Itap' n 'II b~ a proud man to lOte backl" He offered mammy bl< loot greenback, but It was IndlgnOlltll re· fused, ....ltnes.... belDg presnot. j, 1!>at gr~n moPt"y ain't DO clown here nohow" "It Will be," said the soldier, atm· ply Bolb.n retuned ne"t day and gave a 'V,rid account ot his perhng wltb the hipPY prIsoner; and tben be media tely SOtl~t b ... own room: but not befote .France ... a htu aebamed of berself. bod. tihanked him ",arm1) fOr lila )clndnHII to ber IOldJer,
C.Ue:r Get. Esp ......... 0' a .. E ....peopa.. I •• l-,. • • • otoao.. Tele ... ",hoae V • • ",ereaU• • "Th e~'r e
That .s tbe
eo_lat ... I. !lie....
Owl.. A.,.oae _ Ce.at.
the train wa..a annouoced
"Come "hat may:' he said, ..... aionately, .... hile 1 h.~ lkodnar shaD neVer aee France. Brookin Ibe .....,. ID truth, of Blchanl Somen" "Nor wbale. I hv~·· _Id hJJt mothU1, "Ibere 18 m, band upon Il " "Keep Gut Gf .t, motbeT, ceep cut ber or you will regret 1t!" oaJ4 tlu wretcbea man. "Ungrateful boy! What <loes promise? Do YOll npudlDte thaU Due you lO"ll'otten YGur danger?" hNo, but she 8hall no sufrer a t ,0D.r bllJld. Leave her 0 me A..,d motber, iC YGU e ... er find u" a".d . to getber..in tliat- room downst-ams. hOTI DO tbougbt of me The man wbo bu neltber love nor re"'eJlge bas noth Lng to lI...e lor." He ,",.z~d h.s bat aD~ rushed froOl ber preEence Olat of 'fke Fa.ea. D •• ~o.~e of [To Be Contloue" J
and. tbe profe sor gwdcd his herd throttgb th e gate He thought be bad washed h ... hands of tbew when be put \h"m Into the smoker They not,ced tbat he dId not fl,lllo". ho'" e •• r an,l ope wly go t out _galD Tbe leade r saw bim .. nter the cbal r car at the rear of the trnm and e ...er)' Itahao follo\\ed h.m on the run They did not understand porter, wbo told tbem to keep 01'1', 'lDd pUJlhed th",r way luto t he car The profc~.or finallv gnt lhem seAt· ed .n the proper cur IUld "pent hnlf th e Journey Wlshmg he had learned Italian
.lola • .JUDe. lIa.rYe .... AlJo
call ~1(a.sperntlng sentence
Odor. ore aubtle, withal aearcblng. In dealJnK with those In the ldtcheD an ounce of preTentIon Is worth at least a tGn of cure. '1'Iie bea_): ImeU ••_ _ _ _ _...,.._ _ _~_~......_ _ of stale grease; moat diAging ana most offensive of aJ.!, eomea, UlGre tlJan anytb.mg else from alopplng or A G2 •• t CO.Te•• e .... for & ._"ll"~ sputterIDg GTer, wblch a 'l'Cry little .......... WlIoea S .. er,. I.e'" care 10 range m&llagement pre,.enta. .1 •• ...,.. eo __ ... The aCrid smell of burnt Gr 1IC0rclled thlnga III posltl..el,.. palnful-llo mlleij , 'l'hls work bag was deVised fGT ust! 80 tba~ a cook'. first leu on Gught t<l fn a)l1DaU IIlttmg r<'om, where space I be that fire WBJI gheo for cooking, waif 'preCIous ffung low enough to not burning. Leanng unwa.bed pota be wIthin enoy Ieaeb of the Beam· ' and "tewpana to dT, and 8lmme~-on mes.· chair, It can be swu ng WIde I the range Is a fru.lful source of III for UBe, or lbe co-d drawn up l odnu easily remedied Dissolve t .... o s lipped ot'"r the natl, Instantly ', pounds Gf wubln« aoda In a gallon eloslng It • of boiling ...ater and keep a bottle Fo'" tbe foundation cut a piece of . of Jt bandy Aa you empty eooldng dress convas 16 Yo JDehes long bJ 10 .."nels pour ID s oda water an incb Incbes .... de Co, er with Bilk and I deep, s hake It weli all around tb.e POlDt or embrOIder a tipray o~ flow. ' sldea and leave until wubing tIme en Gn tbe front. Coyer InSIde "Ith If the. pots and pllns keep warm, 80 aUesla or a contrastlDg shade, "Dd 1much tbe better-the sod& WIll do Illt run a featb.erbone aerG'. each end work more perf.... tly 0010_ turnips and aU the cabbage tribe, wblcb smell to be~yen. · may have their scent some lIa' abated. by B hiUe eare In the boiling The odor comes from tb.elr eSllent!sl olla, wblch volatUlze If the ""getables are prepared Bome boors helore tb.ey ~re -wanted and left to Boak lD weak, cold water.. rmsed and put o .. er the fire in frub, cold wa tel', tb.ey throw up th .... eeBentlal 011 larg..ly io the form of a acum Let them eome to a boll before euttin8 in the • • It, and akim ..ery cleon. After the salt .s In add a dasb. of cold water-It Will t hrow up a secGnd IICUna, whIch m mt be remo,.ed at onee. Cook aU sucb vegetables lin cot'ered A lid strengthens t.he odor sides, cut two ,vedge...haped lenfold and makes It more olferuslve p1eces of .Ilk nine lDches "lde across Another preTentne IIi a bread cruat.. top and lIe ...en Incbel> deep after nry burd nnd ...ery stale Drop.t roundIng off pOIll~ by a corcle two Into tb" water luat a . It strikes .. mcbes III diameter LIDe wltb IUle bOil and lei .t stay ten mlnuies, then II1D, but omit stIff IDterbnlDg JOin ~kJm It out Most of tbe 011 will to s traIght portIOn. ha.-.ng seams I come With ", furtber, the spongy outs,d,. ElDd seams and all round crust will ha, e kept It from vapor.z top w,-tb naTTO" nhbcn:slltching on mg Cauliflower not; qutle fresh "I the macbone \\ ay. amellg tremendously Tbe best Set four pockets across back tblDg for tt .s a scald 10 weak sail £liglltl~ lulled, tb e top drawn ",tb water. bo••lng bOlo before the cold an ela tfc cord. hoelo" them .tltch aoaldng If tbe heads are blg cuI three pmked lianDel lI!arell for them mt-o p.eces 80 U 10 make ISUT~ needles. Fasten 1\'0 clook book. of remo"Dg' e.ery bit 01 diseolo~ clo=e t ogether at 10p CUTd bang SClliBors "Ith EH~n whrn s ummer beat pu ts en cotton crochet a s,t t"ip In open chaIn open firepJace out of eommls'UOD. • stitch tWI) lOch"" WJde by teu IOches qUI"k fire. all of straw, excelsior, IDng. sew thIS aJong 11& longer edge ligbt sha" ngs. enn news papera. WIll DelOSH front ",de of bag half "ay up .e~ up a pW'IfytDg drllugbt epd he lp ani! run se.eral d'HSIOng Each dl to free tbe kitchen of unplea..,nt ,;,non fo rms 0 pocl;e~ for a spool of odor. Fallillg an open flreplllce the thr ead, put end 01 Ibread througb kltcben ought to b.ave a range hood meshes and" lengtb. can be lakea oft Tllerc are boOds and hoods-at al .. \\ltb.Ollt rcmo\Jllg' the spool ~Iakc a mos t any price }OU choose from the long narro" 1" 0 cushIon and " LuI! big' burOlshed copper alIalrs, In tbe thm1) \\'lth curled haIr. fasten Just great bGtels, to the modest .beet above s pool pockets !Ton contruanc.e. \Vbleh is an Integral Leave IIpper I art of front plain part of so mllDy amons t.lle ne"e.I so It \\ 111 l"l o s~ flaL Se,': small brass
I JnS's nlonJ" upper edge of ~lde8 and at each upper COTner RUD one and one ha lf 'ilrd~ of pIcture c.ord
u . nallJ beard on Ihe telephone when througn all .h. rmg_ ahppong on an one IS .n a great horry to "get· the extra ring a t usck aDd froot aDd JOID pers on ILt tbe other end of the lme, Stret ch bag optn ItS full w,dth agd says I he Ne \\ 'or!': T .. bune The tack C'tJrd .t::rcurel v to nngsat tllli" bflck man who tU,eR Ibe telephone often corneTS Hang up and t r~ If tront aod knows tha t tbe phrase "J II call vou" back cords ar~ of e:qual length whrD If llot )£ngtbe-n or mean" nothmg-that II 15 never u.ed 8erlou$ly-n nd after waIting a fl!w cord - Orange Judd minutes be cal1 ~ agam. Sometime. rhe message comes hoek Still TALK ABOUT FRECKLES. bu~y" or Bus, Jf:t" or Busy-rn call you. - and oCCJl510nBly the oper ator dehgbr" the m:ln m the booth fte Lea.C O.~ •• 'Te of All 8kl. Die ... I.bea,. Oat tbe Mo_t O •• U •• te by 83y1Og There they are l " Co Er•• 'e&.~ The~ ba<e a dIfferent metbod U1 ilos1on a."J 3. ~ew ~orker dUieO'9ued Tile fact tbat f.. cltle s are tbe osual a fe" days agG He rolled up a bus. ~na Ir noacted bJ nalu re for tbe ne 8 bou"", afld was laid " fh e hoe •• beslonal of a drhcRle compl~:uo n on b1l8~ rID/!, off l It waR a sharp, no l'tQ\ c:omp~nSDff'5. aDJ daughte r of ra ~ pmg mice. and lbe "'e\\ )'orker E\e for tht"IT un\\fleome PTf' Sf' DCP conn .... ted .1 at once ,,,,,th a $m.nll The poel ma~ call .hem tbe kisses of Ciga rett e smokJDg' bol' "I don't 00- Apol'o," but be prf'hrs to dlsp!'D -s e he,e IheYTe busJ at all" he "'lid to \vlIh Ibe nl,.olooos of tbe sun god the p<\oplp neur blm • I'll try "gIlm" Prohabl) tbe lea,1 olIeDluvc and dIS U(JI\"~ me. ~. 4 1000 pleD~e figurou g of til .k, ll b .mlshe$, Ibey "The llu e J!t buS).t rLng oiL" Dre th e most o b!;t1nate to r e m ou' Bow do ) ou-" De-rmato1ogJsts haH~ trlt"d lD VAin 1 0 'Tbe hne 1ft bus,! rlOg off 11 compound a remed> "hlcb sbould be .. " rell, trv lhem agalD, anda permanent cure It has \ et to be " The line Is busy: rlOg off .. found True Ih,' may"" faded, even There ,,,a~ never B change In t he r~JUo~ E d III man,) ~Bsrs. afttr p erot.l s ttoue. never a word Ibate or less and enl lr,atmeDI . bu t _nth the advent of Ute man from New YOl'k sow III hJ6 the "arm s prtng dA) s aDd sum me.r mmd's eve bo\v tb~ .mpertlnenl "lDd. tbey arc <<rJ apt 10 reappear J oung$tf:r sat rf)=>eBtu,.g- over aDd The s ummer gi rl Inchoed 10 freckle. aga,n tbe Tenson.oJestroy,ng sen· ..--bo \ et Justis refusfs to b. housed tence. when su n ~ k.l aud sta "00 be-r, bas ,vtuhng on band a perpetual prob'em to reach Freckles a,re dl\ Ided Into two class f'Q, cold or constitutional frtckJ~s, and A. ttoman"s , VOlee answerea nna summer or IIgh! freck.~s Tbe latler .... ked the regula bon question aud In fade groduall3 01 3le.d for a lime at a. l ew seconds the ra~plng "olee " U least, 10 mIld lohon. Tbe form<r re heard ngnl n tiThe hue 18 bus,y, ring qUire almost he-rOle ..t reatment, ~h1C~b off" then frequently brmgs dl'''ppoont "Say' at c yon su re there IS_" ment. It IS llDp <'ssl ble trutb.full) 10 "The line IS bus); Tl0g off Jf Uguarantee" • fr eck'e cure The very .then the New Yorker hung."p the "tuation of the f«c kl t -belo... the ree",\"er, and when.be gamed the ear surlace--offe"fs an obstacle One dl! ot tbe central office 8gam be asked ficulty tbe"" J of theIr remo\81 lies "'Can t.bat boy sny anytlung besldeo' , .. the WIde dIfference In the t,.sture "The Une 18 busy , ring 01\'1)'" of dllIel'ent SirIDs .A freckle lotloP "Yes. If It's fixed flgbt, That's the tbat w1l1 ba\e nu t..1fect upon ODe-'S comgraptopbooe, by whicb we M,.e plexion vull lrr.la!. and blister Iha t of \York Wllot number 1" another The cblef Ingr,dlent .... hleb enters Eeoaomle V.I.e 0' BIN' Jnto many freckle lotions IS aCid An H is averred Ibo t the destruction acid "III bleach the .pots "'b.en It of birds In France has produced dIS' reacbes tli..,m It must usually b .....' astrous effects upon agnculture, bor- something draw tbea. nearer to tbe tku1ture alld tbe grape mdustry In surface OrdlJlarl m .....e of the lbe department of Herault alone, It face III ,d o" till. gradually. and, by b.8.11 hoeen calculatea , t he destruct.on prGmotlng ,he ~CtiV1ty at the 5lrin, of 1IIrds accustGmed to feed upon In· In a manner prn,! nt the ! ID8U depoalts sectlo eost. a losa of more of iron Good Jaclal drculahon 18 a 2,000,000 gallGns Gf wine every year foe to mo.t bC'all1l.mlwu The comSGme blnl" eonsume abont 600 m · mone3t arId ond I he mD§t !fteotlve Is ~8cb d"Uy ond 8 .. iogle msect· lenlo. juloe. pUfP or ~hihed. as tbe skin eatmg "Peel"'" Monsienr L&vat eatl dJ.tRh. -I",dger l'1"~'bly matu, may be the nv'&IIS of ""lag 3,200 gralDs of wbeat and l,l50.grapea .Hnllr B The "edt"t-.:' ce:.'emony m urma per day -Watm;" la extremel, Simple COll",sting mere_ -..;;..,..,....;..-- Iy of tbe m&ll &lid woman. Ilttlng and I
atoTe" There Is a. mo ..... ble hood; " 'orkin« up and dOWD like tbe .hut. ter of roll top desk, tbat .s In tbl!or, sll n hood o ugbt to be-Mth &omethmg tG spare-bu t In practice bas pro ..ed mucb leos satiSfactory than the stationary ones l'io mecbanl(~al contT1Tance caD \\ hOUy make up for the laek of care ond Intelbgence UI the cook-notA w, t hsta ndmg It '" a fact thnt aboI'd, n e ll set, an a large measure Carrle8 a\\a, tbe fumes of food Tbe man ner of setfmg \\11 depend on tbe su:e and locatIon of the due The lo"u edge ought to be bJgh enougb to hoe qwte out 01 tbe way yet not 00 bJgh as to elthpr DllSS or deleal tbe a .. cendmg hGt aIr column It may seem at' first " costly betterment, for,. no direct material benefit, bUl a year'. use \\111 show Ibe mOlleor to bave been \\ell s pent. • Not to name present aDd everyday comfort. all thlllgs keep mucb hoetter ~ a "ell a.red house Smells ere ner of setting ",11 depend on the 61ze but tbe cogDJzable Signs of air cond]o tlOns that bre'i.d mold, rust and must, Metal t arDJsbes and fabriCS decay tWlce as qUIckly ID heavy ond musty air as .n that wblcb la clean and brnCJDg
A kitchen wltb De1thlOr hood nol' fireplacc should at least hD,"e a trumpet V'enhlator Th,s.s only a tin tube With a ..,1dely flaring moutb, crooked body and narrow upper end It should be set In Ihe wull aboTe the range, WIth the flarIDg mouth. ,vbfeh curves over aDd downward, against the ceiling The narrow end goea msille tbe 1I.ue, prolccting lu.t enGugb. to secure a good dranght. Tbe etIIcacy of th.s dev,.,e. Jl mbeshift at beo... depends malD1J upon the sIze and smoothness of "the darJng mouth and the tightneBs 0/ the aettlng LD tbe flue.---(;bieago Record· Herald. r ....... D . . . . . . . . .r r.ae. There neVI!r was a time tn .n tho his lory of faehion when Jace wsa 50 _ 'lYenally worn EvenlDg gown. are wbGlly made of It. Silken gowns re"d tn it t~ decoration W..h dresaea are 18'1'1"hl¥ adorned ",th It, and even cloth costumes .re decGrated modeJ;t* Jy bllt dellultely With it. A lilt .r u ... A .... _ . "What would you flaY," hoepn 'h. 'V.luble prophet of woe, "it I wera to t,eJ) you tbat In to- very short apaee Gf time all the rI"ers I. this cou.tr7 ....ould dr;r up'" WI wonld eay," re)IUed the patient mo. "00 t)lou aDd clo likeWlae" ::-:-:----::--
i ~
Whll1'e you '\\;11 fiud,
.ourentir.e lineof FulrQjs~hing·Goods consistIQg"o(- the latest patterns and styles, will be sold ·at prices that 'will surpriSe the closest tr,ader. .'
In this·departmel)t the shears have'" cut ve~y de~p. - -Any pair-of Trousers in toe ho use:a,.t 'soc on the :001lar: du'riQg this sale. ~· -.
' uti.' ••t ••. li.. 1•• I ••' . w. qute4 .wllt" oo.y"ae
.ha' •• .a4...rtlH.
pdoH ••••; .
JOB '.1" . . . . . .D
.::.-. It
-I .
Realdunt- .partner •• '"
ttgp to the ', so.'~IUlleu.o Took·house" aboma mile {rom towu. The .only way ·o f reaching tlus nateral wondel fJ>r. tb~ w.st ' quarter of Il. mile)9 by .LL narrow path tbrongb the thick woods; part of the . leads tbrough a strip of beautiful yellow pine. I hod · otten r l'.ad of "carpets of pine neeUJes, !' but this was- my llrstactnnl experienoo_ ground, t-o the depth of inclies, was litellllly covered with a tlli.c k fall of these nee<1les, IInd- 118 we wa.lked aiong the sound of cur -' steps waS scarcely Ilndibl~, &W6 foJ' ,·a '''''., ..,'' rustling. The "rock bOUS4i '
-oPI~.mllloe.l day or .two
C'to\r"'0!1 satt: to
Florida . "~a
iM .
COAS~. :won!lmi:lll ....
2:1 Y·c ars' tlCCCI'S ! Til6U8and ~f TC1.'tlbJOllill}", Prlces-U.1i0,.J Ul5 and.SOc ]>Orllkg. CIl.D,_ 12.50; Half cons, 6 ;;0..
2,Dih ,hil~UI Uock Food.
Sp(!cinlt y
S~l;(1n t.lcJ,wLS :J~. 'In.a!i.
- Fat.t~I~el' 1'01' 1ii\'O Sto('Jc .
:fri00s-2&Cl Jl.l]d riOa per
25"1Iound bag, 103.50.
Bes~ .Fo~d~ FAIth for Poultry. • . Prioe-25c perpaeaage.
. -
· ~rKY
CJrain Dealer, WA.Y.NES~'LE,
whicb W ushington snUoj!Od mill his troops. A numQel' of' llano omr re.~idenCt's nrc along ·t.bis Tood 1('1111, ing from tile Del/l ware. 'l'hree of .them were built by three Td.l'lor brot'ber.> who mudo tJ eir ""CRith in VrncinnntL ~ mllgni fice n t Mllson ic H ome is in the s ime neigbborJIO<K!, Bnd seelllll to be weJl filled. 1 .wn remember most p:easllut!r my TiFil so Brooks.ide wlJipb my (cleml most IIvproprilltt·ly rul!s ber beant iful bome. r (lm nOw iu Phlla.lolpllia (j, m :!.· tr;>n ot a W owlln's Homo )pnthlc Hosnit.u. bnt whi ch pl llc~ I wl11 not keep 1 eca.tlSe of my Ju~k of healtb . hope !;OOJl to seDd you a Philadelphio. letter, and till t :len will . bld yoa odi u. Lo!.. Zi:J.L. [The wri teT of th~l\bv",e hitter arrived home befor e It c('.uld oe P ili in type Ilnd biTen t o cur reauor.; . but as i~ is too good to be lost we <1,) uot infend ller frienus -b6re s hu JJ miss the ptcdSnre 'o( reading it .-EIJ.
pew country; wbile, _.o f £o.Dn-e, I!om~ {arm!! .
~ II. ::O.
\\ Itb r t;!.tur o lhuh. uutil Ort..
10,.1 n a:n.e nllClle m3..y be ObL!liucd on TuCl.J tlars 111..$1, 0 : To~ »,tlc1a:ht. at ..pedal f:ur"i' m'JX al» be: obl.dD~ ror lr1J~!t W fCM)n'l i n t ";:m ::d4. All Ilckru &0 Canatb aDU I!ast rn point-. 1ncludi ne .'lew York \riB be ood fur: 81UP.O\'ct" at the P mn-Am<;rlcAn E=M~1t.1on on. paymelit
of·i1 e E1Ta ::r.t.nulfalo . !:ttOD-O"d"K a.t. Chauc.:n.:qaa l.. :lke ......n l:e ill+
low: • on all tlc;,wta to Buffi11" D..QfJ Eu"i.lCl'Q.pufot1 mtboct C%Lm «ts L Far SebtdDlei Ifb uwiD ~ CODT(!:clcnl through
p3'.-«1Sen-.,;eJ" ",or,,·'ee t o B u-:fkll) and I)lt.~ r 11l.1 c,r· apply l<> 11. j:. I!ootb. 'Tld:ot _\~.Dt . ,·i/le. lJlo -
m ~"'on W~ y
U.L It. ffiIJ.:<CE T',)
vtBl'I " EHAT .\T'I'RA'rn ' E
R 1:,;()·:tT. T 'ft·o pecla! low f;ue t"Xcc r iO DS LO Chan · t:lW{t4a. N. Y •. a.p' fncJ:1dt~l l in Ibe opportcnl· th~ Inr d e UI(bt!nl Tne:u.iCD lr-tpe \ 1t1.l"eao$}"1· n1.o11 rll ntJf t b,. !m~ na:r. fJo tb ~CUt"3.l0D wUl be r u n
The . •I\k:r n.'"Route tDI"Uled b-y
:.he P cnr..... yJ·;a.r.l3 ;rna J:rie L ltlt-jI,. O,'Ct" lh,. r e i.o-!.bt". u:-h ea r
a:tch!J!ontl . U~t.on.
from Jnf!h.Inlll)Qlts.
-:S~cfD[Y.lti .
COlumbus ~~1
olhe!" pul ot , LO Cb;u!t::CJ;u __ • "llle ret.UTn li llil! QU m: ~ rA.io" Uc~CUt win be. tttll-:y d Ol. . )lo,::I r..- i:SmpJe 1.'-uW 10r a.u c.dec.cJtd ~Jo.Drn at t bl:t t;ClOa..~ r~..'COrt. _ T.f>" Up., c.u;'UTl>I"" ><111\)0 be "'~ F;;,:,q July .ftb . Et'u.: rnio f. OOUflt.Il1bt-- l:()()(! calil AU~U3( {itt. . '1'beji;~contl c.l;CU I }."t) If- ru "'~ t" FrMny. J al\< :"'1Jlh. tj"l::~ I~ rlj r ~ l)a b wL:I l)e
gl\OdT"ullrnln~ unlll-A.u!:Ol'"" t :!7t ll
1~ rot.rD'"
' r Ip r :n.e: trtrm WliYIle:n me' " Ul be- "'"' :S.") on
. tk1t b
"'''or t un.bcr
I ntOMll31lc;D .ilP-P'j 10 "8 , 'f:.
anetb . 1.1c'tut ..u:en.1.
\'":r.sn~\·Ul e+
TI,f: BE.SUOR.E 1l1!l!01f'fl!. The annaal exi!ut1i!on", ~ ~e#"bo~ r.e..ortJl
yiP P':Jlmu J\""c-La Li nea.wID bo t tlD Tb~l· ti. TJekus t r. ten (It lht:' za()..·t L\()DQlar r . f t!l on t he AUaaO t: C:out \\01 1>c o n ~c at tiCcl3J r.lh!111Jl, Lbow. days ...-12;.: ..\1.1 u Ur; t ;itJ. t.:a ~ ~..13..f. l\ns1e-1l~ s~;a . A"·:tJem. Jjfll1.r U~ Oot:u;; l)"_ Sca.l'dc ' 'f ly. \\",11 (1\4"0\..,1. Nt'w Jcu~.r. ()c~ an :U., -Mar."l:md. :. QII lLt-ho\)e"b . l) ! l~W.lrc..~ -' J o.ly t ."lth and AUl:Ust tllb.
"be rouDd lrJJ1 ll' t"ither uf l b~ r}e,-ji blfbl II:; Ulrt\c>r h3\· c: n,tl w tll LP.. J1. fr'Q m \\'~ "'.J~:f~\.;n(.!.. The n,'l.uro HmlL uu :ill 1..!d~! ~ IX: - llh :h'e da),p . incl u(Hnv J ... ,c 01 s a le:. 1-h r llu:'h lr""ID.! oo:e:- l"'t:nn~l.a.nb l~f Q-e~ t..tt!t" p;I.s-.~n ::er t u Phil Ipbla ,,· ({hOut eh!ln · i,'in)~ ear.,. fro1fl ,u r 1nc1lJal pol nl!' 00 t h e tI[J~ Wt.-:&l (if PhL.. hof'l'. :h . At Pbil:td Iphla co nne,,· r,!o,J D hi madl!- wLth s.hore l r.rirut ( ('iT Lhe ''"3 riou; rGi;O r"4 For: tJl~to.-pec:.1W C%CUUluOSl
p.::.."'" (!pgt r ~-ICt"! Lb-eObg""b PbllBltCJ1,llin 10, A\I:lfJl!c Cit.)" w!n ~ pro\"'\tlecl4 ~ \.h.lt ~ ur . s l l1ni~'t8 11131 ~o t.uro~ h to t.11 Lf'OSu r ~ ,,",llll... out. :-.t t'vvlm: fro m t he (r:tlu. FO!" ~r LlC 1l1!l~ the bcs~· wor k in h , WD in tho apph~ 10 f:i . &. Doo~b , Tt*e.l AgeoE<. l¥a \""b.~ . .. . hoeing tlJld gl'lll'ra] r('I~Lirmg Tltle.Ob!o.
Docs b or -
IUld wooU worl, lillo. Anytlull!; in the blll l!sUlHlJi"'linc CaD bo prompt- AN E.I.STEll.s TRl l" \1N H.WlJIlSlON tl Kly dODe h re t u give JlCrfl'ot sutis.. ETS O'VK R THE P£N!'Sl:L'VANlA USEB. ftI.Ctiol1 , iLtJU t hey will sl1I-l'ri 8(l you with th_eir-:prit·t" . Hu. vc hatl scvcrf:-s.co:"fon r.1cke.(,;& to New York. In:1,y 1)e o-tr al . . . ' .. ... 1~ h U..tbed .. t prln.a1p3J tlek.et ol'ttoe:s. of the ,........·QIl~ .years l':xperlem·. In tl'll.wC S oomg sylvanJa L la ~.. gooll !'DIng ~D<l roo r nlns G,ve them II. trw.! and you will O'"eT \.be P e nn )')"",,13 Li -or!l g ll" ne'"er regret it. I Pemu.~·lvan l;a ['1n and rt.· tll f nin~ via th~ oaber din.·ct: lILt" (rllm New Y()rl:. 1nch:ul1nst
lbe route ,'la llu ffulo v:U~ 'Prh·U",J:'.e: of Stop. ping (' f'~ r a l \ob a t polnl to. ute 1n. lb P a n ..
KIDNEY DISEASES ~ the eases.
Amer1c:1n £:qlChiUon n nu Xtagara Palls. or r <.'tuT Dlal: \1 :. "·US~tn.:;lnD o. C. , 'l\i.c.h j; 1~p. o \~ c r at. thU poln(;. k'ull informaUon '111'111 be . [urnls-hert in reply t () joqolrteS" .addre ~ d to 1'icli::ct A :ltS o f t bt:' Pc:om~""11Tlln1a Lines.. :n
fatal of aU dis-
KIDNEY CURE II • FOLEY'S GuaraDteed Remed,
July '!loSt, Lbe ?er:U$y:,..-aD Ia. L t;e.s wj]1 un eX'ClI~ion tlc.k(>\S t o CitlcbmaU at _4;:; T'OV:Dd.
good "<lIng 00 specIal tn1In leavJng
'Yn~\'1Uc ul;!} : ~ ~ . m.lle'D l .rol tlw e. 'I'ietf! l ..tal be '-alld re\urnlng on $p("d ... llra.in 1~.v1ng Cl od!laatl at 7.:80 J1. "'- eent:'al time: July!L
money refunded. Contains remedies ftCognized 6y em!!lent Physidalls as the hest for ~ey and 'Bladder troubles.
TO CVLGMl\1:;1i vi:!. rE}O~ LIXES, R"u,,~ trip uekeli' toCOIUlllbU5 will-l ~I<l S~u~,.. July 2H.t b , at 1.2.U \iaP.e.Wl5)·h"':.lnln £.. .1.('8, goo\l on !!ped:JJ tnt" Ju\!"IUl: WaynesVille ,a l .0 :3 0 a.. m • • COntrol l lfne. Rt'Lu r nin:r 4'Jpecl:Ll traJn w11l 1eal"e Col umbt's unlou (;; l ~ . tJon Ij':OO p . m. cen lral tJme.t,JJ J.t dal e. ... .1.
PRlCB SOc. &lid $1.00. LOuis 'May. Druggist. NOTICE.
ten ,la,o.
S»""llll l;nad,.oxc!,l'>jjon .u"kellJ goof! 1...\·, Wit Bufl'alo "P to mldnlg ~l of 'rlu/r,;/lay fol-
A Su nerlntl"e Conditio ner llnd
20th ~~tur, 'OU1tr, had.
. Thill is in -.lity
TJc~I.l,.iiood retl:lrningtlflf:en cla:rs. "J:J. 7:5 ,
. Ii Dazzlu the World _ No di. O \-ery in m otlicine ' bas over areateo.J. otl e qourft:r of tb" ~_ ciferuant till! t WIS l>een cal1$('(} bS Or. King's New Discovery.. for ConStlmption. II !\c,'crest test lta ve been on bopeless victims cn con· nUlIJtien, lJUcnmonin, I,t:lllonh.,ge. plenrisy ltud bronchia,;, tho::1Sand~ of wh om it h a.~ restorN:l to perfee! heal th . For c!on:,rb!', cn'd.". n"th1D~; croup, h"y fe" c r. lloo r>,(,n . i< n ntl wboopill g cough it. is tIle qaickest :lud sorest cu re in the worM. It. u! soW by lAui:!Muy who quat':lnt'?c" satisfaction or rdl1 ll!L~ mOIl"V . Lllrgc bottla~ SOC ann $LQ(). Tn.; I bottl frce_
are noW'ou aale a'L lick-
from W:J.]"navi}Je-.Oblct, Are as fol·
10" "
~ "'-.--
" c:I<e.a ROnd
---..-.-.....----..... --.....- ....
et otnoe." of ,be Penn y1vAnla L llU'S and COD' oOO}ltj" r anvays. ~ ~.
ExotrstCAJ :to 6u.£lulo.- o.er tbc " Is k rc.n da. Cbotl1:Auqll 3. I,.~1;~ t(il' Lbe Pan"
Bicycle Re pairlDg
ERJOA1I' E X P08IIJ:lO!!f.
on:R 'IRE t."KR()!; Il1)OTE
Theft1'5t hlt1f of the "ut~r rents ~m be coUecteQ July 15; tbe lutter
TO MILWA OKKE, 'TIll. , vu.
PE.NN~'1;VA2ii.~' mKS.
mliJry' yi!im.-I;Re~ll:idy.
Kokomo, Ind., Aug. 10, 1899. Co., ' Sirs ~-FOT ilia past ten I was troubled witJ~ my stom .. roqr ·yeru-s ago - was with rheinil.t.ism; wus t-o do a days work for three All m edioino seemed of n o to mo.. A yea r ago I ';E;on},I-~t~li,s;.~ to tuke Dr, CuldweJFs SyrI irnly belie'l'eI would ......,eu..u bn ~ fOT this medicine.. rheumotl.qm .ts entirely g OilE' Ul~ st.olllJl.e b 'IS lD good eondiIt ball SI1ve my life nnu I CaJ!lll()t re'lOmmcnd it too highly.
sa-~"tl1eljJlllt+PeIPsin Svrull
The List 01 · Wounded Who hit ve bee:! 'beaJec1 bv a . Doer ~alve is very large. It he:tls u ll wounds or sor el; nud leaves Il'} scar l'nk.e no subst.itute. L ouis .Muy. •
,~ You~ ~peotfnl1y,
•. Elwood McCracken. '·8<lltl,b v Louis May': - t •
For Sale. . A gentle fllmily 1101'50. good mi,- . er. Apply at-this office. j17 3
A n :r nd Ter t.isod
dea l.. ~·_is ::mtlJoriz-
ed to gn." ru.nta3 Banner S~lve fOT
Ce7~llla, pi1es,. _pmIU , cut!'. burns, ul~ aud aDy open 1>1' oliI soo:e. Louis M!!.V. . '.
'CII 1d.~ ,
A POor MillllTnat.ra -L atl'ly !'1t.a r'l'oil to·cJr,:tth in1.fln\lon 10ell nse lie conld nat .digest hi 100ft !;arly' use of Dr. King-" New Lifo · ::?i ll~ wOlllu hnve s~v..tl bim. They '!'I'eng t-hen the ~Olllilcll, nid . dig,*,Ion,' ;p romot~ nss\Jtl ilatiOlr, ;u\vrmre Ippeht" __ Prlco 25c.· Money bllek . f-n ct :!I.'1t.isflect•. ~lil by Loui,s At'ly .. dr tJ~t.; • . ..
- J:3,e iQg prac;tical desIgners, prep. red to furnish original ~nd a:-tl sti<,: .dra}~' ng~ 011 ' !aNt . n/itlee anel we .gllara ntce to fur"we."". nialt as . finel ' proportloned work etln be ~btained 'anywhere ID the wU Dtry. and 't;lke ~pec1a1 care to supply nothing but" tbe Vel)' best matedal and guar;::ntee perf~ct satisfaetiolJ. Our "pr~ce.j are l lil~~",;;~~~:",:~ very reasonable. I Gr~e County Flli.r will be o:greot exhibit of farm jlroducts, Sbo\Tillg ~ St8pS tM great agriCulture:} prosperity of the tleU$On. Greene'is II. rich county wo~k fOl' and caD mn.ke a big sbow ill this line Dr. R. J. Michener, daughter An· ana mother .Martha. Mtche~fJr. of Lebanon, togethenntllElIa Mich. -" ene): and family aud EdwllId Me.r ritt Office and Yards: spent l'l.st Sunday. wit).l ,Elizabetb Bur;neU and daughters. Tiu section W/lil begiuning to sui· fer ·mnchfor want of rain, a.lthough but about ten days luid passed since ~~!'!!!",~_~~!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!:!:!!!!~~~!!!!!~!!'!!'!•• wo brul 0. very heavy one. On Mon diiy a hcovy'down·peur of shor t dor a l.ion r.efreshod ~he soil and crop!!. .
';V e 'also
supply <;aps, "sills,
and every description of cut stone
building · pu..rposes on Sh01>t notic~:
Luuis Dr. nn<f.,Mi8: Qla get~ \\':rite t.lJ;o t t,hay ren ~bed their _dCStillll ti n P?" tOIlll)Cr so!cly and withllntc fu t,i gae Sunday allont 'r;. o'clock .p. ru" 'nnd \Vere njQymg tho s bade' and ~m fO!'6 the d.Oeoor's boyhood ~oml.'. . ' 'W~nt a. moderD, up-to-
· tl'Y
cMmoorhDD 's
ISt;OlIlIIcil1llIid Liver Tabl ts. They ell rJ' to ta-kD Iln4 pl~";llnf in etroot. . Price ~ cen~. t53lllpl a.t Ma-y's drug storo. After Inrig, an lks. Ontllllr~ . Bro\VD- died
'!!!!~!!!~~~~~~~~!!!!!~!!!'e~~~=~!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~ !illly O ftemoonnt.2o'clock::,·
Flnu'ml' "
{omonow, TbuisdOy, morniu{; ot o'cloo'k ro~
-nb.ird street.
Iate.l'esiden:Je on
Jrily ~
has been set u ide osOllio AND ' SUI\'1:MER RESORT, . at .tho Pan· American E~t iOD and a:rrnng menls are being BELLBRQOK, OHIO. mad~ f~' Ii- celebration wb.ich Situated 011 the D AYTON & XENU TBAOTI01l1 LI~"l!:B and ~ milES be in keeping with and cblln\.Cteris from Spring VlIlley statio.n. on MUlli DrrlsloN P ., C. , O. & St. L . , · 't ie' of 'Ohio celebrations ill '~n raJ. R. R. Medicinnl WIlters celebrntarHQr cure of Kidney TroubleS, Mrs_ Li7;~i.l) Clevenger came down Rbeuruatism,.Nen-ons Diseases, elc. .................. .... __ .. ............ .. _ from ·pring Va.IIElyon Satmw.y OP~- THE YEAR ROU ND ......... ...... .. RATES .•2-00 PER D~ Y . afternoon a.na remuinp(l until M.on(\.fteruooI! with her mother; tbe ~BO'R DUF r .Y , 1?roprietor. venerable M~ Prnrer "'hose feeble ~~~~~.~~!: .... !:_:;::::~~~~~~~~_ ~._ !!!!.::!_~~!!!!!!~~~~~~ strength i much reduced by tbe hot wCAther . Clinton CoUDt,y Uepublicnn : Arch" ~earob deacon E<.t wo.rilil, n f Cin clDDIlti, ,"as These Lamps are ;est debt for I/ehtinr the in WilmingtOll last weel;:. B e is Imide 01 wge buds or J:attle .~ , One lamp ~~~ will thoroughly Ug.h t up ~ !oag raw" of.ulm&la. Bishop Vincent's lI.si!!tllnt, ond The l.unps an sIroDg:1y 1md4 pededfy We hf.re f.o look ovcr the field in regurd ;and very CCO>I03lic.! to fI'..e. They butn~ to tboestll.blil hmentof an Episcopul ~~~ (coaf oil). ad vtt7litt!:: o! It ec:oildcdac the fme ~c will' ret;urn in. Sept.em. '"";::;=f~':I \lgl:t tbeygcioe. To ioltoc:!uce, we offer to _t oac-
Hos. 30.& 60
of eithtt size, freight l'fqnld. at a reducrd~ SeDd for Fru CaWogue.
R. E. Dkt: ~pany,
Slr:ct,. IslabllJlle4 mo,
New. yen.
,he Didn' t WdaraMask . .
' . . But !Jpr beauty was colI!pleteIy Wus born III' Penllsyh·nnm Jane. hidden by sores. hlotcbes arid piru. Dry 15, 1830. and cl1!ld in Wliynes- ! pl tm,sb e u~ed Bucklen·s. Arnica. ville, Ohio, .Tuly .IJJ, 1901, aged 71 Salve. T~en they v'mi,jhed 118 ~ill yeft.riI 5 months and 28 c!nvs. He oj] eroptic.ns, fever sor~, bc?1Is:' . ' ulcer s, Cfir'boncles and felons ftom was. t h e SOil .
Going 50uti)? ·
' As .
·Women to '"''·el&lldild~e1'tl.''' tor- old _bllsk-
a mon ' h6 WIlS •
honest and up·, ed hou..., 01 80114 ftna"l'loJ sUUldInJr;. S~l..,!_ , I f; O ..,y"1'" UDiI CXDen.'lCO . all l'Ilyubleln ....h , he \vll!i loyat :-':0 ~nvnSolng I'IlQUlJoed. Give. Tefelen.ee. ... d
lila :Kaibl _ G~ 1458 Florida A_.. If. W. W..... , 'D. C. wrJteS: .. At .... act· t.IM ......dOll of .. friend 1 w ...... to _ Penula aad '.fter the use ." _1OaW e few ~1a'I felt :.llIIOIIt eared. Xiake'"I_re In fee· eatIroIi17 _ _4Inlr7aarrem eaywany on.. ."ho ....... ...~UDgtoa5c. "-KAth leen GIsIIML.
to In loe aom~ .1eepe': ' finally hacurh ed at the lion, and, eeatlog hlaiaelf on tbe tb,& l6n. ·drew h.l_ gage truc:li browo. eorded arm· acros., hi.- face. "'TI. a warm day we're h~YID'," he ...~ .: ~.id_ tl!OlD hi ll Tbe opeh, tor t ook hi.
and spat mouth MWum !" ground. the "You doo't cail this wJi may Dot'bt, warm shade "Mktot hfo' to do,." aOlsior,tl'4!ld bol!s, hbnt ,P.Jst. come" out au' .yer i'and .at ' litiio· tie. 10 t"i! .un. . \Ve ll. r m""t be 'fIlIlng me JUg;" He aro"" Bnd ..eo ~ ,.)o.wly 'acrOils Ille ·tl'1lck aud up ' tbe uody ' road t nwlrd lils holU~ . Tbe wa tched IiIm "DtU lie ' C10Antr hi.,' .,..."-witbln tbe door. the IIperato r Iried ID T.ln to "-l<p'r" M to bim...~ hi . 'Utter· contem pt ' 00'" Ca:oulD r(alld .Df tbe $30 a 'IDo" t h ,...hleb 'he reeehed' for · eniluriu g Its lied aull tbe dudly )onellD·e u. of t~ loog•.· ~UeDt day ~. . Uoeous clou.l,. 'he (ormea· b!. thollgb ts In~o tbe .. orde of a letter: !'Dear .S ir: 1 w·I.!>. it you I ' f,~ft,",,, caD ' lind nothiDt r bettel' for me. than till. , illl.UOD , ' t o teader yoil my reaignaUou from t~ posltro u· of operator at Hobson · • . Cro•• lng. 1 wH l-rema in bere IIntH y ou. un seod a man . to rrlieve me." On tbe ~ncb inside the 0111<:". a ' !'.under, ancieot , aDd d irt-en"ru ~ted . sput1.er ea at perlodle aJ 'lllte"a1 a. As the Man listened idly 'to Ita. mtltferiilg" be became ...are of a cooYer s.· ~~)uJldl''r tlon .vhlcb was bciDtr carried oD oYer tbe wire. tUar?" ~Do you 10.e me. Da18,., . a llked the' souoder , . "Yeo. George ::you aDW 1 do. Wh. makes you ask?" . "1 just wanted to know, Daisy. dear." It wu the smart " V""lera Uuioll operator' in ChJeago wbo wa41 ~~~:~~I th. crlppl~ old ~ollDder at Jl Croosi ng scratcb 'ond fiqueak with clea n-cut . rapid Morae. Th.. Hobson '.. became s lIddeoJ" iot"...,ated. He arole• ..and going into tbe ofllee, . killfuJJy adjul ted the $Cre... lOci drew lip the sprlDtr of the mao ohlne, 5 0 that the letters callle i-D a elear . and s teady bnm. Thil WII. tbe kiod of stoll tbe }lan lo.ed ·to hear, :for be hlm.~ ...... UI adept with the key, Qnd In bi. h.ppier d.j-. had ma 'ured the myateri e . of the Auocl. fe Press code. Lon palled . In atreao aDd lIu be. oyer the wire. 'l1ae ChJ· operato r'.' at"le .... clear. sbarp iIJId beautifu L Tbe -girl up· I. Rocbe. ler strowe t o Imitate it, but with 10di1!enn t '.~eee&s. Her style ·I acked the 1Inisb of tbe ma. ter hand. As the Man t8t BoblOn 's, Iilteoed Ido Hngrro itched to take tbe ke,. lod nnce more make the Bo,!ocfe r purr •• in hi~ bappier days . SlIdden ly aD inspiratio n "".me to him. B e looked Ihe clock. It was 3: 45. and the Chi cago operato r would go 011 ilut y at Ibt: E~me ~xt@.t . s-a)'1 the S r:w York fOllr 0·cloe1o:. .. .' If.rald. "J'II do jt! ~ excl.lm ed' tbe ll.n, lh n •• i nlne tb~ of ng .,.. . . beginni . ••. At II -Sto..,. .f, a <'11P'.I g doWn his 1Ist ou Jhe bencb. bringiu tbe of debt. d century tbe 'a ggrega tt -c:.i. T"..~•• tile TI_IMI' Jj.~ qu.rter of anJumr he "ext Tbe to wOlhl Wt Te- ·abn ut $3.100.000,000, iii. . . . . .e HI.e. g the screws of'tb" heav,. adju.tiD in whi~h a eipbt!r mll .t be ...... d 10 get old bra" key. . Ile took 'lut'tbe lever, l'h·II."~.....d· are fig11ro5 e ... Th tn·day. nr lire debts rubbed the dll.s~ olr It with -his h.udmnr' ~ f" Asily obfninf d thnn ar~ Ihn s e OD ke.rehie f. aud polisbed tbe Wta Uh , l u r- lit l1 e is .known '1f propf'rt y poiots tnt Ihey sbooe. ~"he . t:a I i-sHes inmost- or th~ .... u1tfrie s . ancl baok · the Jever aDd earefull v tnr"ed stilJ · lf' sS n":1S known _ hundred yeaT S acre... until he eould j~t see file the nlt~d U .. tJ oJ ago. In 1r.00 Ih" weain, between the polota of contact . Ught and S ! ate-&. Unit(1d Kln~d o m, "F ran ce At the miD utes pa.t four he -.;·__ .... 1 Spnin "'U .... tim"ted ot $20.244.640.000. lhe key aDd saJd, ...ftI1: _"Bello, wbHe MIIIl.all now p:.ce. I heir .... ealtb dea:r.'t at. .nboltl . ~J95.!IOO.000,0ll(j. Witb ih,se ."Yea. G.eollr" ." Inr.reDO' ~ in d,.bts ond WUllb , popula· tlll.? " whiued the "Do yoo 10Ye Hon . ba s incrf'a Jif>d 150 p f' T cent.,: lnd old hrasH key. I.."n'~n'_ gold anil sil ... , which fo rm tbe basis fbe glfl. .saill !" George o., "Of.cio ot tb, m one.v ",ilh wbir.b paym e nt ..... "Doo't .etid so fas t ; ''1ou frighteb madt. ha\'to i ll~ rpaspd 300 prr m"n-t. oi~." Th~. bur~au of .s tn tisties ("barge ' hUn!me d the '!. laot. seoding 0'0"1 "I'm I b.~e dt1>h principa lly !o ..-ars. stand. Mao. "I couldn' t sebd Ilower than iog armi•• " nd work. nfpubli ,':llt iJ!.ly_ f r tried. I jll&1. wanted I~ tell YOII, ' Of tbe latter. ennal., barbors. rivel'im Dai.y. that .I. think' you're Jl1&t about p.rovem ~ n t~' a nd r. j)ways ~re tho prio. the o,lcest girl th!lt e1'''-I'-'' cl pal. Of tI, e r3 11"·8Yo. ..hicb · C'lf-t "Why don't 10U eYer come up to see :joe . tbiTd .. on~ about theu?" lIa.hed the girl. "You'ye me. f-_o' ts. ernm~ owntcf by nRt~onnJ g('I\' bet;n ••,.101' I~ch .-lh1.Dp 88 tli.t .lor lad ols mooth8 ;' you'." agreed to Come ball a - dozen times. but . ,.ou Duel'- eome.. ' NOWI' George. -jon 11,teo to me. l~ ,.ou don't e<;Ime up oext .. YOD ··.greed . ' I'JI ' 'bever aoo~h,er word t., jou 00 tlaf. 4
.,.- ---1. ...... ...
me .•
. .' _ RD •• ~Ja ..~ I~. L~nlog ·back J:b his cbalr,- the 11_
looked a t; th~ pile of ties 00 the other . ide of t·be traek and wond~red If .the opeJato r 10 ChIcago lotenile d-to 10 Rochel ter next 8uod,.y. Probab: ly I not. Tko.e cit,. oOl"'a,tol" p""U"!~',,. chapa. ana ( 0 . four or Ibe dol'-.ri "a,•.' •• • . good deal of an ' o~"'t,u,I.~, col.I'III~,.:j~ ' 1 Ihe piUl of lo.e. n,owrli t aOD'o w.a
...... ....
A YALIJA iaL. -rIJBLIIJ A'WIO-. ......
D..t~.. ., CO,;;; " ....-" ....... II..t to L, · W. WabI8y . G. P • .L" B ..... 8t.lA!IIIa , ~ BouW, 10& Plaa 8trwt. apoclal JoIdor on Col' 1(0. ·w ........._
ot lIetb.-lu .......n. tlIId ..·,li\tl...1 Cir-....r-..'~ .",.t.'n'. die 10_. ~C
the ; l~1I Colorndo .-to .1<C'iIraIO .......lTba __ bY. 8 ___•a widell 1... ... al ad_don of ba,.toimd will eoI4er . . • .a.a.. ~...... otben -...oIdat (0 kao .. olde brooder ls plae.d ·on· the rapldJyQoeiroWD COll1ltry. JI'ree OIl reqilea&. htr9~.IJlliI: .g raqa.. ana wJth. 2roper ean . . th.e yo ung cbleb will be fOUlld •••ItIIOa.· tlaI£poJH!r. ... If. • •• "Iew ., _. to mak'" famous progr.u . ' . ' I ~-.., At Ib .. ~"P"rt.lilental farms 'IdleD the tloo",ht 10Dl' ..ik .... _ heus bteame ·brood.r t hey wer e 'aet hi TlU.........bo&;-8a ch .ipu>ranee! VI t ... ....OO-d.D bo.... pl.ced "'·,..CaDl JH!na en" 'OIlOlIlleal. Ilb e .. bou.... Th,. · ...~oileD.'Dea~ box.. co"," ........ __<>ID&D i. • tm l1.-PbUallelta lned no b"tt~ ...11 had a blpged ia oiUaer atraY8 PDtor ~ . -in f ro Dt. Th. oest. . .ere mad.. p1>I&~. ..., reI ... "we'" Ia.WD clippla. ,... "'lil"h· w.re . .lio _tier .hlt ail. 1oll;hta dadle 10 .. t o O),"1/f... tbeputp ose much bet· Dev.... "t ....ell Datil jDiu 1rT' thon cut atro ..., Gr.ID, '.writ-a Dd e&JICd', ydia irill .CUcare tlMJp Datu., d r~. outer .... re coOlf.Dtl..Y btloft bow.clu re pG~ r"hl.. roll. w,tbout " lIipe 01' paiD, prod act! t he altter... On btlnr made, the 'Dut. eare 10 • • tutt.l mo... _nl.,. ~t yoa jan d IltD' 0&11 ,01lT b.a1lh blelt. _If 10 .• tan. ",.:re I h oro lllJhly, aUUed with pUI D. fh.lenui e. Cath.ni fecllng powder , .Ild so .....~e themtt en Cuoaret aCandy "..t.. \>J.t b... C. C, C. betore : ~iog pUI DO then.. t .. ·· It ..... .,1 in ",etal 110.... .... of imiutioa L a!.llpe;i ....0 II. I~""re fo ,!nd beo.ftel al to pia';" two or • d ~iDlI "W In tbe Dut .. aa arranr00 .' ...... 1• •• Ilod aUow the broody beDS to .slt illmltinj! thin, n..hleig lt-That wu an tbem tD1' a day or 1..0, TII.• IIUte" . -1 )1'"" me 01 tbe r_ pl"", Iaol Swab .:.ked . , ht. ' D gp ..... chin be t , nllable bnlnr pro,""d . 'reabLoi .... -Wha~ ..-as it! were nmontd and rep!. ac~1 by the yal· " Wanted to GOW if I trn a eollttt:e gn.d · D11." .JD l b e m ornlD Ir the doon JouTDAJ. tb • . JI••t bo:le ~. ,,,,hlcb had bte. _Ie: tbe Id...! .....();,io tale II ere .. ; .. ds a a .... r ••• Aeltefrom t.h e "1"'-rio11 reet J z=. .....pc .. and tbe sitte.ra .1I0wed oPPO'" IDAk.... ti.:b l.or r and .... uu ..... t o g-o;t out for tOOlf. " .te a .ho~t I'UD •.. 10 .. arll aprlD!, wh.n tb •••• ther la IIkel1 to be cold. th. elt t er ahould return to her neat l uolde of ten minutes . The foregoI og detaUs ate .11 impona D.t in the .11J<!U.f·u l .........1. . of CUr Llf•• . . tchi ng of chlekeo a by heoo. -'Pa. what-, & me.t-ropolis!''' Late April . nd Kay hen-hal aed "A _TOpo l I.! J immy. u • pke! in ·, rtdd. It <DIItI·yo", ~al ~ <eQ.u .treet car fa .. to.ret out w~ere lOU . . . pick e!oTer."~ 1leeord·H e....ld • .
..=iF ""
(Plu!! $1.00. )
Bu ffa lo
~ ........ ..... T ..... DI'~.'"
·Tci laDDder u.., aqa;.tl. e ertIIl1l ..... of m .... TO IlIla _ D aboand_ u... ...'Daoe In WbJch bu ·_ome qult& • pro))lem. ret. ' be llloal· If tIeJ.Icata ......aerw. _Ill ....L lie lnj"red' In aad tlaea dried
_bed' wllb ITo.,
tlwaltade:: Bat
' OIA. ~
.!.&reb need be used.
f:uu R.
8ffi rOUH
A P",lty Good Si;ro .-"\Vba t m.k... TOD thiDk .ahe'a 1D 10'. witb )'00, Tom!" "Ob, site called me '}-00 hortid mean tldng ! I~H oIr,nt."- Phila<kl pbia t •• oinS 1Iu11e-
e"Joke~ dId I be ' behu at ih~ ca oa.
A N D RETU lty
Pan-Amorican H~UTE Exposition ••
"Ra inb ow City ,"
It io ....orthier to he hOllored by tbe wiN di.n f.rDlli. Tn tbe ca .... ot b eo-batC hed by ~he iooli.th ehleke na t be latter wue permitt ed to few t han. to he II.r.tt~red. : r. ~ain i n t he!.r nut for·U .- to 36.hollr a, man)1.-'Weu..priDg PAN·AMUICAN EXPOSITiON, ...' - - .......'4 ... b_eD, "ith the motber- h. D, Ibey .... re ANU I do no~ believe PilO'. Ca re for Conlump ploced In a ~I.tte d e,fop' oo -t.be g~.s. cou,h. and eold,.out, id • . Th"eoo p .... IIO.r rB !lge d.tba{ t ioD haa an equl for Splin", lod ., F.b. F,ALLS. ARA NIAO 1"~ Boyu, Trinill J ob it eould be 's eeurely el....,d .1 nlgbt. 15. 1000, to Burr"lo and t.,·kdts lrip J(ound • ~uNd. "'U ...b ile · yeotilat ioQ .. ny linelu.lei·ery sol<l be will ~ .. , ..... , ive .~ filat mak... detect nt Tbr,?ug h tbe dat.. tb cblcb cOllld I" ~~~~~i:\:~r expreooion : "Alter }'ou."- ing Sun,lay ) comme ncing J 1Ine 1st, run 00 t h., . grus oUIslde. while the ~'Oll $I.OO) ("lu5 . F:\·JtF. Bullel;D O.'(E of rate heD nmtia.ed inside. 00 '''e ... Ito"r ot THE l:OU:-<U TllI l'. ReillTU Ii mil. leo ill · 10 t"~ deplh .of t"o the coop mll I""nd C.lte. De ICI. ....... 1r b h th .. uys from datc of ""Ie. kJ 0 r<.~ I _L ' e motf er til. With Houie'. Croup "un; og iJ)eediIr. SOcta. Popula r coach excursi ons Ie"",, I..~n... en ood and . .... . o.s t. .......... h er ," ,...... .... n~ e.ery Tn.~d .. y mornin g in cill"ut.i tual mu a of ",,"ult he t OnCD io Martia,e to ..atu_ Sbe · wonld ~ mOte likely fnst sebedu l<s at rate of Qn e 011 'lOe .1 ' TopiC!. ,.-TDa-n ratandin llIisunde broOd the chJcks conteni edll" after be· i le, return limit two days m ... eent • iog f ed th. ,B11 huogry ortlUra ly . Ho... of "" Ie, aUowio .. two tull <I",tc from ehlck . b importa nt it 1i1 to han. e.rl,. A bad.1II&D i. __ 0 _ "hcII h• . preJ.ada I.e ~~efull,. 'broode d ia weU known to all at llulfa lo. days ___ <»_D:__ Millt.-_&_ 1M. upe:rle nce". br eeae,.. The radon. Stop..O ver Allowe d at ..,..t ... 0.... adopt;d . w ....,.tale bread crumb. , fol· !roonme or f d sl'JI you IIlcln'! "W)y h"wed !ly 'Ita Ie bre.¢ lIO.ke¢ io mU" a pa tient ",h. aud · . qu ••..,d dry; tbls for . day or ... r ...rd the C1ocl or g-olr place. jumpiu the t a .lmost was 00ginn· Dot w" eo~ Crusbed two. tbe in"aIM. plied re ," tor doe ' "WelL whrat whole dh;eooa.... .1til aft~r el,gbt days, a Dd long time to DOt fed uDUl"tbe. twelfth or four. 'jeu ·se .. it took me il and to do anyt.fllo g tie.. teto n.tb da,,: A. the ehlw irew, a Dalee up my ",iDd ' News. Dan)' O -CbleQE perate." meal, eorn _hoz:ur of d ... lDII.h eo~ atale bread ~,; d a . mall qllaotlt y of . A "Wo . . . . . ~cpared nleal was mixed with boning On ticket . to 'Parkw ay ia whQ~ I d....:)(r. Mldwoo H Im. millG. al1owe~ to cool: nd' was ahould .... 11 a man of lU\usun l a\)lIity. glgeO threi~ 'or four time. perd.y . 161k. Flatbu .lI-"Un ll."af ."lIlt ..." ia n. aDd water were boil fur..oiabed f~ for It.! Wby. 1 once kitew, him, : drink. And All Eaater n Point" , A.... t aUemp t. to refold a rail· road time tQ ble the way It was ori", . !.inion '1epot conn~etion. In Clncin· foJded! -Brookl y:o .Eagle. na ti "" 'oitUuJr "omnibu s traQs fc l's.
0"".... II.
Nia gar a' Fall s, Cha utau qua ,
New York, BostOD '
....ur Aa 041. c ....... "uu ·e~er lind aD,. .¥rII: Cburcb -Do yourbl lsbe:ud' a trou ..
odd chanl!" . 10 . us? Jbs, Gotham -Ye.; t·lle laat- pair b, made h .. no peckel. In them.. I. zom.er·s,· Sut .... ubn.
Da I-I Y 4
fast Trains .
-Hou . . rs Quickest., .
Choice • of LAke Rl de .. bet';eeD C le ,·eI~"d and Butralo on C. & D. Steame..... . c ........ ... e. w ••••·e ..... ItJe. .Can on or -l"a:itc ..geent "Dig Four" HewlU":"l'm Borry. old mBD, f b", fnr 1.,11 ID/orm " tlo~. , C me ·of trnn. .. rour girl ~roke ber enpgun eD\ willa ci rculars of t he Ex,,<!sl ~ lon. etc. IOU .
.1e ..ettr-We ll. it · would have had t. ~e, ' anyWay ; I couldn' t-pa,. _the t.. MIlJne nt·. Qn (be riDg.-:r owti Tapl~
"e ............
'. ~~~~~!!!.~:!!!:--- , llelder- -l'm glad thal moat ot PuD80.b ~-"'="''''.-''io=Ion'i~l"'rty tbat capture d. Aguloa Jde ....re o.tives. • • a.an.l ao-W)l ,.? JIe.IaU---:Tbe,. .WOD't De. 'able to write UffUIo a artielea .-Brook JytI IAl., All ••••..--
AlI'onl iuJr an oPP3r tunlty to visit the
Toledo=Detroit all rail
Tbrougb Canada Tol~do or Detroit laKe Erie Steamers, or go1nc ODe &D4 retarD .....- .
Special Tourist Rate. to all
Northern and Lake .RISOIfs JUNE I to SEPTEMBER 30 .A..Iok tJcl;;et ocento to TOUle "'.. Yla Ute 0. D. &: D. ny.
D, G. EDWA RDS, " ' - T......... ....,
CI ....utI,o.
'd ... lL'If ,"-," C ~.?': . 'or free "'91."~
.... -..ell....__....._ ,,- ... at
.......-;.,••...,,'. , Cat G.... ... D. . .eyP........ ...
a -. .'
~ Col.~ Rle1iard ~en .u-~te.i -~
· toQkre fuge Dpon· tlIe ~da Ut&le cottage that. -fronted a ~d neuc lbchaAiC&Yi1le wh1!e hIa .~ tIlIu7 tbudeH d Dy and 1lilllm bem· , . . ' poaiflon to. fece tlle ftlemy,o ~ , bones and olltetn'W~ WOnt Ollt. w,li:h · fatJpe aad' baM flgbting aDd an op~lt7 t<J BI.tch &;, few
houn of re.t..
two gr:e,t. anniee
had ente~ lIpon tbe memora ble to '-'Dg _en d'7~ ,flgbt wblch ,uonnd Rlebmo Jld ind l~TO a blood.., Path to llal'rer n JiIlI. ,The- cottage ---a d_ned~ bat. p_ntl. ., ~d ifegreae made .b er appeara Dce ftVm aomewh ere; and pathetl~ atteJilpt~4 to ut6!d' lta boapltlU tlee to tbe otne- who bepD to· ....nn into t.be ;prd. Clingin g to ber aldrte w:\l1 • iltt1e girl of u or ..".en 7ears, whOle fair c;ompfexlon, lillie e,..,. and · .meen c~ ~"pok~ ... patricil D ' pa~ .ut'ge, bnt ...bei... ~raU figure .Dd laeeaunt. . co~gb ran e.,ldeDe e of • fat."! '!lfer ma,i. ·doDe dead, aab," Kid the -<llrl womaD; rHPectf llU7• .,..bea Cot; Some ... hurried ly questio n.e d ber coneeraing tlle: famUy. "an' ber 'pa left '10' 70D'lll ,co.me; aone cOme 7istlddy an' ,.. rigbt back to too. ,lie don't . litl7 .h,.a~ .nybow ." • "But that obJld muat not remain 11m!; .be la la danger enry ~oment. . .' YOII mnllt mOTe outl" - . · • "Whe7 ...e gol~ mon', tab? Doa't ]mo", 1I0h9d.r>an·7 better off'n we are 1'0110,' byab. lfu.ter ·teU me; to .ta7 rilht hyah, aa' I goiD'Ce r sta7 by.b. Better tek yo' Colks, an' .mo",e Oil, &all; wbey you Started ." · Somen .b'ad other . t-bingll to tbink '!oout. ' .nd -tl1l'Ded away. Very likely the mllnm eat next cot-. a.y would carry tbem beyond tbepre,,&: t4ge. and ,tbe danger _ . Dot (ng .t· the momen t. .In the morniol r the chUd m'l gbt be aent ,to -tbe rear If neCeaA ry••nd .to-lligh t be ntb.... we!r.\omerJ tbe adjunc l. of relln.d Ute. He b.d ou ' for the .old., ... omall, for he .... but recently out of bosplta l .Aad.ao mewhat apoUed b7 b qr5ing. Be ••de himRll. and ofllce... comfor tahle I", tho beat room.· after the lIIan"11.-1' of old c&IDl'8 lgnen and prepare d · to..,'the abort. rnt ~btch he tlO much
. ';
Loulle l-I _1I1d give m7 to belp ;rou! ' Don't apeak, don't look at Die that. wa71", "You must ' belp m_you mnat! Be will Qnlck-l f.'t me wbilper l com~e "n't refuse lIowl Be waa -to -eome-a o01I1 'Tbe ' ~i.g_ muat-m lJl't,.-'b e foWled l BrlIl8 111m Brin.- Ifl1 -bring ~to me!
LOWa.. " he cried. "lmpo_ ble, "Yon do not kDOW wbd ion are .yin:;-: He i& beyond tbe enemy' . Uneal" "Ah-b ut-but he lIo-com ing! w~ ter-wa terl"-b e pJaeed the drink qni"kly to her 1I~"c!>mlnr. Weh· 'BrdJ Bring him-I .m dying'-:- teU bim-l am dyin..- I":'Lon i.-dyIDgl NanoDI Nanout " "I am a aoldier, " he ilaid, ".worn in m,. country '" defen... . H;r life belong. to m7 cOlltrlr y-nDt to my..,ll. No one would give me permlss iott to go on web. an errand. AruI If I .were. eapture d Iabonld die as tbe. apy dies!" "Richa rd-you aad I-ar_ ln Gocl·. . presenc .I" "Yel>; in tile pr_iie e oC God I" "Would . lIe-ob, ;rould~I U.... now?U
Somen bad· .ade tbe, n~ssary d is- . ANo:' "Kneel bere,-l roball tell yon-no ",t· 'p olitlons.and, left alone upon tbe In Hi. preoen c_I lIa"e 'loYed swear I ,fOT a momeD t, bi. In 11.\1 1000k.t, no man in .lif_bu t you-bu.t youl"" tbe cberi."be'~ "Hllshl " he w·hisopered • . cbi!leel .nd tbe worldle ", uusage .of 10.e ....bich . Remg t-o rele.se bll h.nel. &hocked It . • him reached . oualy l>.d .0 my.teri ..... ob, belie..e ~I" Belie .. IlUrl e eurl-tb 110".. jilst one alender • ul cannotl M tbathad (ollcbed hlach.e k, hI> wa. sure, "Benen l" 'D~ witb ita Dame. They wtre enoDgb ; "l. eannot -I wODld tf-"" 110 -words could" )lave' summon ed up "Bolien -believ e me-Ric hard." Bel' )IIOre .-Iyldly tlie scenes ot thlt dark· at. a Blender cbaln ~lIed wing.ro om,. Dor ba"e told bi,!, hand. tore feebly dow,,· into bv boemQn eloquen tly that wltbin Ibe ex· th •• lrad -alipped ' elted city , tbere ",as ODe beart ...blch beJjl' no b.. tred for him. It ... u no for oTe.mln g, uri he rouled him.elf tl) (he present . Around him ... ere contendlllg hostl of dOl)med men. the spirft- oJ ,.-ar bovered over Ibe· rude campa, .nd deatb lurked in tbe8ba dows,u ger 101' bil harTest . · Yrom-t bediltan ce, tbe , eehoe. of droppin g sbot.~ eame iaJntly to tbe ur, aDa pre."Dt ly ",bat-se emed to ·'be • 1fD&1I Tolley. Thia Tol}"y eJatmed bl. aitentio n and that of 'the • Dajor oJllee"~ and be bad ol'dered ' • • ael'gull~' np to Inquire a" to the wben tbe lound of rapid hoof·be llt. p rolcll~d UPOD tbe road,-an d In u"'.u,w~ Iigbt as he .... ited a frigbten ed borle, punued bY' liaU a dOZeD trooper a. ~ped bi' Pruenl ly ' tbe' men return~d feadIng the e,apture d arumal aDd carryin g Ils late rider. The latter ..... youthfu l Bna clad 'iD coDfed erate gray, ... h leb wia drencbe d ,dlb blood .nd eOYered ... Ith GUlt; for the, '" ,onnded rider, el'lIging delper. tely to the maDe of . IJADLT. STANDthe- borae as he lay extende d. upon ita ~ml!l!:r' HE I!AlD. SIDE. . HER BY INO beeo .nd falleD_ neck, b.d flnaUy into .-Ie ... locliet I~ttle a clnw and om. tbe stopped weIght the 'dragge d lIatD . ' it.. zed reaogDi Be ' nate unfortu tbe of fac" rllJll:l"'ay. The .t gentry, old, be. TOll," beUeTe "r and fello", h.d eaeaperf , and 80 young And be dia; lie bado nenr aD f.lr "as it, e.en tbe bard~ed aol· In lila heart. It . . touebed 'ere " dien is"t pr.yer of the wom. "He iOIII1& upon .Ielilng -.n omcn." In aU tbese yeal'lr-< Jf sol. •• id one nf tlaem. "Claims to ban IelOVed youl ' Go c ...eta to till." y ehild's come-m He '. eaU aad eh lhe-por npon "Piau bim mother's ' 'to~be! ebLii th"" aurpoll . Where- did be eom~ fromT' her'" lIIikel Let me ·Somer . w•• stnnre ly a1l'eeted. Y . The IIOldier h1Ir;! :iaced eT6'J' datigel' "Don't know, air: He eame. the battlefi eld withon t • tTaDOr.IPlI~inl(" ar . · beadlon g ,t.hro!'.!"I! t!le rebet pleketa ~ the p~'nCe -oftbis: woman '. a.,..ful · tbink, aod' tbey .liot biJil. 'We 1!il!" . "Tbe alloot at .all; .for at first tbe borae '!IIOn7 hil heart tailed ~e.ttS' Rlcbcau.-dup t-ilupll papei";l did ~e when and looae: .~e·med · to be .rmy~ ......... .. Lee'. YODri'Is mODd kue.. e .... bim OJ> _ ~he youlIg feUow nel ..... ...... tbe lip a Heat.oo l" be ..... too near gone to ._.pe. We Itroyed her pale- 'flee re.dlng ",..,. bla 'eool, .I.ime, ry .. e~5 osillnn denagal liadol' 1;Je' tnmed to 't he .Dd ao we.r.n hJm do ... n:" The 1000reon •• aa·opeD book: ... . door. the Clf j.cket e • .,e ind I.a id OpeD the "SD~," he liafd, "oome_to 'lIeW'- uneoJlaciOllI- ,I1I1I'er~r. Be poor gu.L LoulsP, I will retnrn. " Be b.Ck -tbe cllriona gronp .Dd rode to lIeadqn .rte.... and, I~Jd bef~re. , . b. .pprOllc for Somer. to chief an tbe facfe. A -10", 'm.: bl, "A womaJlf " he ... b~red. - . , Ale It pOldble !. ' Te mY, l'Oom-t <l'my .cunion folloWed. . t.. ag.lnllf loldlers l'Oa.r1i The 'room!" elf the fraU , form tenderl 7 and.,place@.: It ufOn tbe bed lulde. A hurried amlnall oD diaelllae d tbe w:ound; • from beli1Dd · bid . paaaed , entlrel,y tbroU~h tlie 1iod1"8..~eanllot.·lI.e, .. ada bll anr~lI. aa he 'J"OSt; .Dd eoTeYed up,tbe w~te fonD. : ~.re la_ DOt tbe aligl!t- .' .....'-Irle aente.lic e of' en eunC8' lor he~." lliatll-aeeme'cl *0 "';~1ae'hriUlan,d "'OOD "IR.D _ . 8l!e"'~ her eyn wlde~ ••1Id the7 ....ated iu<:,!,ond,e!" U,POll 'Ule bla' uUorm a and ~tna.re
"Wha' tau happen edr .... weakjr . "Due am 1?""rou bft IIee!I ,~~,tf:~~~~~::;t:~ P!!r~=,l
,aId,-th e nnNOllI:~lIIldl.Y'
TIIa PlliDIL-eloaet In man.:r houel ' l, lleCreia ry 01 BampoU.. ' . .. fDto 1be ..all. Tbl. di'pole l of built ~ Ipred a Pat deal In' the . .Bome- makers baye &0 a.,.. location newepap e1'll late.,. : ~ boom a c~pt the goods aDd the Ula the lalld· ~1 ~o.. ,. he Dob!. lllcillaa famiI7, lords pro.ide , hnt ..bueTer located It 01 ace. .AOCOJ'diDg.to ·the T.~ imperat ive to ba"e .01>'1 Ihrl.o:,a anC: . II Idlle .. of tell, atralgJ:l t and weU·pr eof th~m. V.r7 'm any "nUf·iD pl"Dty potfioa ed 4Igur... with bl!'ck ' hair ban sbel"". much too fal closets alJ«htlT atreake cl with ' rra7, De.HU e· A _ _ pU. .... It- is .ometim ea- possibl e rr But apart. comple xion aDd mUd, datk 8TH; te blgb abel ... '"DUrer bJ tbe !alae. . . make . to Ifetl, . . . . . . . . whl~ droop\D g .7ellda liM a penaly. ~2W hook" all o"er the au-' putting upre..lon. '1IIa ltep tj llna and. elsscupt ~lid ' )lnrlAg e does not brlnj" happine ss dersldn .nd bangiDg there tie, in Ipite of • aome", li.t neryoua , etc. Ha.ng the .. pitche little mugs, to than .more any Corea in girlsto temper ament • . The Itall.nl lberala do of tbe Car eut. saucera against the ",.U back of tho DOt ,like him. He III tbelr bete noi ...., ~bose In other parts aUowell a free- cups by mean& of dal ...Ire chila rack!. is girl a young When in· ·-of e.:reil .th,elr :1» nt. tbe e.mbodCme later, aDd Ills There ma7 be a double ot e'-en a treble ber denIed is hlch .. dom loa oppoalt e traulpD %&, or eztrem of be- row of the racks. III jUlingth~m.tlid.:r dlinity the attains abe till to the -pretena ionl of tbe ltall.n goT' D:>t to colors a~ much a. possible . Wltb &an: begins .he that r'lJi·law e 'ha, JUa enemlea .tao Inl\' a motb. cers of TarIOD" sizes pnt tbe ~jgg,... . agaiD. life oy enj wbe men body, c Ctotboll the the bottom . unl.....uch plaeing ruina ia house Core.n • of er The daDgbt 1ft Dot P1ealej 1:m:: llie polle7 be. tbe cloaet color·sc heme. i, aoo a wblle ~uenee, Itia concJne t of of little coi.. reprNeD~ ;oo;ho '\ Well arrange d, and fnll of banrhm ne and hia .adyent tlce. Importa gre&o' oC wl~1a u relatio of ·and airaih pllolle ••, a c,bin• ..,los,et is:.mo~tbe~a' ar ... circle fa ah! ay" wel10lroeJlrn, goyenm eDu baa DOt. been mLo . the family 7 0un g vuy When jov. ' with ,~,rulO'lt ,nolt. boy" aDd i rIs play togethe r. hot Perba~ it ' la.n~ t<J1>e "oll.a erecl at . tbey r c:...cb the age of eight or ' . II1Icll d Dej:apie has that- oae wIlo great rli,,' lnct/oo is made. III a . for n poaltlo eoDllll&lUling a1ld pu~lie no"-,, of cont'inu oual, &hoWd be "u~ the f''PlJje l ,of wealth, wbere 13 family are obUged the f o WOJlH!II the · .ncharl often lind lIeyere ·to ,•• ,I ••• But the cardina l to do allY uf the house work or toil in table criticism . ..n are nclude d g ....~ quletl.:r and IJteadlly on bil way, tbe field ., the daught o uae rese"ed for beedte .. of tbe bubbtlb of diapara po in !he put ... ! I he: h. i.c h no mell are al· meat .nd cl>ntent ",ltll tbe 'ppro.a ' tbe women. lotu ,.h brot bera dwell Their ~Dter. Lo ell ... "' hose ... pontlft 'll of tbe aoyeftl8 ', where tbey rtmen" ,'pa '. men tile In that donbt. 110 '!ner b .e tw. Th," I. t bey ple",e. bb inJlueal le witb tbe pope I.e .,er7 are free brio wbat Is .provide d to a great. The lIoly f.~her la oyer 110. Educati on In Corea boy, aild young the for llt este ur-t&in f..",llit. . . bright ye.n of age•• nd &on unbeard ·of almon is it but men, pJ.:ldog:1 ties .re be mlUt de~d Tery mue.. aUowed to learn on the COUllllela of thOle about blm tbing for a girl t<l be of the purely domnbl the .....n.geme nt of the m.ny atll' any t blng out,lde The girl Is a h. U.hmen aecomp tic .hh demand whlcb compne8 tec1 aftain e<en eonsid· not is be s cbattel; mere a.eeO.ttentlo n. CSrdina I llampol Ja As aa lUDstra · blm more tbaa allY otll..-r cardla& !, ered. unit of ..""iety. CORRE CT DI8I'L. 4r or qDN..&. idea u cauled it UYes 'by hla aide and bas aadlenc e iion of how far tbia girJ'ha.s e is iDLe resting to Dote thatt,li nearly eYe". day. the Wben she is a orDame nt . of ' ,dIDing·,rOOm= Tint ,tlle. Hla cltlef ebarge i. to .ct artlnilli ater IIter.Uy no' name . ~)s to malch th. geDeral tone of hu t<J giveo is e surnam a child of ford", aftairs, t o ..e(:eIYe .mb......• mere ~ery when .be mar· room, or ehe cot'e-r tht.m ~iLh a dora send pipal ID5true tioDI t<J nun· for con~enieDce, put fLt· ely accurat ""neer, od hardwo tbln, her and merges sDrall· elo.'a:nd delegat "a, and .ee tbat tbe ries sbe gives it up 'the with place iD tack.d and t"d . Her carried . o~t. Throug h bim ideotity in that of her busband .ame the ward or dis· ul·siud hrads. VUDi.b tbe .-en"tr, Ill'e . ubmit led to tbe boly ste lbe pareDt , call her by cted her mar- and k"ep ~l.aD by week~y wipiDg witb D.mea alld qualiftc atioaao f¢lDdid ates t r ict· ln ..hleh sbe contra of call hel' by a soft clotb wrung vtry dry ont forthee phcopa ttHn couatrl ."notra b- ~age; b.r parents ·ln-law from wbjch toppid 1'f8 ter. Ject to propap ada. Thro"l' h his 61· tbe 'name of the village Leave t he sbelf .-urface s·plaln .nd aD, " 'ben sbe flce proteet oraus of reUgto u !uIII· Ibe b:u COme. Lnler ... I hem witb linen, cnt to fit • • nd eov h"Yut the named is sbe tnte. are' ... Igoed to cardin. I •• eon- bas c hildr.n. lt with & line of drawn work ornamH lotate:r5 011l0m an congreg ations are er of So and So." H.avy butch~s' Ii],.e n I. ·b"st, thpugh Cor· small tbe ~t b t lay to fe .... j It ora ... f al .ppoint ed, aad Dianj: poatiflc ate tbe bless-: tbe soft·toDed ar t IiD"ns may De ef10 loema gratio ... are grante" '. Tbe •• n girl does Dot appreci sbe grows fect ively used. Set one .b.1f apa~ uDtil od childho cardina l i. a llo 'preside nt of lbe com· Illgs of bel' capable for gl88s" •• preferahly Il," upptr one. re a them mitt. . for t be adaaln.l stration of the up. Tbat many of bUD Cu t ·tbe IiDt.n for it twice the sbelt has ce .",iateD broader mucb a of lee. propert y of the boly width. btm i' all around, th"D double iona.ri.e. •• mi "-omen ' some by pro.ed Thea manifol d dlltie. open ont. it. Thua there ia • light pad all ,over ex· made have WM Corea tal'ge lIeld of ,,·ork•• nd Canlina l Ram· fll ' "oulher o t he belr. 1t caD be ktp! as fr.sh .. They on. educati polla is: .n. indefati gable "'orl(n . He perimtn h in tb.ir tbe si D~I. covers, .nd will aaf"g1la rd tbe of midst the in w bunlflllu a built e romRom baa ~oj be"n one day ahn.nU ••. gia lived and· Fusan, of cll'y old ainu be look up tbedut iu of hi. presWit h n cro .... d.d glasa sbelf. put do..n learnin g to know flit omee. Be-ri,.. early in the morn- amon.g Ihe people. them In t belr home.. It "'as not long ,s maU piecc51 irsl. invertin g tb.1Ii. the .. f th b '" I... • n d d ~TOtu Ih "ur1lt .o ur. '0 e beio'" their attentio n ..as allt~ac.Jed t urn biggtr piec•• onrthe m. taking day to meditat ion. m.. aad prayer. of a litd" orphan care that they do Dot toueh. But beBi. worat 'eneml .. will allow tb.~ be to the pitlfol c • • " to 1ake he r in fon Tisking ... big bowl tbu. upon itl decided tbey ef«reat plet;r. Amld all th" girl. and ea;ptttre,·, I.e • they heard of 0"' 0 mugio. it is well t o test It, aad Soon ber. for enl'e .nd olhis earn .reular the of a traetloa o.. increase d see (I it pros"" " equally all .round . · !:!and Iiltle the and otben, 1'ri~.U7 tbe d. omeeh ellaa pru,,"e They The 5tigbte st in.qual ity may meaD de· eigbt. or '''''en bered m .. r 1IIltllit spirit. i8 l'rlfUla:r 'iu hb "';~t-& to th'" and strQetio n. men Mth s. teacher blessed ~acrameDt and deyoted to "OmeD.nathe tbe biter gin ng tbe children Pressed giasslln d colored gIRlS ma'y !e•• ons in sewing, cooking . a nll all t he be pilfd togetbe r with eompa r.ti.e ua o'elodl: almo.t PTery impuni ty. . But if ,..hen . the l'ile i. mor""in r 11'" la ~Io ... ted .ntb the holy jarr.d any pi.ce iD it gives out • , notbing bid~. fetber, from 'l:hom he rattle. it is ""is,. to recut II. bar.,h and "';Ibou l who"e approva l he dOel rattle port.nds br.ak.g e , .Ince e Th ao t tlke a ling!'e 51ep. The UDder Steit shows that IIO mething pre!<llfS un" ntery of slale a .. alts him with. Tolu....enly. SleDd ..r · slemme d wine glnSEu • tbe at e m lnous mUB of eorresp oDdrne prett y tied in clu.ters of three, look close of hi' audlene e·. When this b . . crossin g a .. d sU"l"'!i d.d 'by stem. tbe beeR /lult. witb he giTes andiene e himfrom -scr .... hooks in ribMns bright .elf r.rone or t ..o "bours. Tuesda y and top. Th.Y' n •• d no ~ b8 nlr low the n receptio Frlda.y are ruer ...d for the enougb to menace otber tliings. Clar,d of membe r.. of tbe diploma tic corps. can be like ... ise huog, and ·otber jug,. On olhu d.y,,- botb mornin g .nd-e.ve n,ings may go iD racks across tbe th t tla log, hi. anle ebambe,r .bOWA a goodl7. back.' ID tba t cnse the 'hack Deeds a rrt~ Dumber of "isltors, botb eecleaJa linen, liI<e the. shdt proper. aDd laym.e n .....aiting tllTn towing behaoging thing. by .... Uing them Test fore blmv.r ion mlUers ofba,ID eas. .... inging, so as to make certaiD tbe7 will not strike anytbin g .1 ••. JIltAVB BOYS WBU TIlEY. Keep pl",tes carefull y wrIed. ~nd pil.d siu a od pattern tog.t!>t r. Give lIe. Freae. Itat.ea "_ _ . big pIa lIers room upon the lo..'ermoB' SllIe .7 BJb , . . . r ....t l: . belf. If it Is not properl y grooT.c I. __ tr7'_ tack st rips 01 lalb aloag it , aDd cu' the line D for Jt wide enough to go ia TWo-COR~ MAIDEN S . French and oa\. Stand Ih.e platlua pn edge, DOted the rle, Deronle .P.ul ing the biggest nert the .wall, graduat iDg Interest an .tate~maD. bas had s of induRtr 7 "Hh .. b icb At tbe begionl ng of the otber brancbe demand ed tha t they Ihem toward the Ironl. Wit·h a nry ca ner. C-orean castom bigh . belf s pace th"y look pret,tler all FraDc~Pru""tan war be looked on should be familia r, and ihe former ~nd. Ibe higb,,"l in the middle, and g.trtln Bonapa a ..... It ieally. apathet teachin g reading and wriling in both tiDg lo .... r toward the end... Hand_r. Why shonld a, repDbll can COD' and Cbinese . Conan e h. wben :!iom,t!! cOl'e.rrd dishes are ~st u 't In a cern bllU"elf Witb it? ·But a great. inno ..ati on, aDd the ro'" iD front of tbe lIa t ones. U e, was T6is saw hia country in' peril be gladly ...el· was watcbed with gr.at-in all comed a commiss ion in the G.rde Ho- result of it little girls proved them- judgme n t ODrJ an .y" lor "alar III bit The yellow ter.st. eleu sma.II, A s. Cb.I· placillg reacbed be .d N bil~. No ·!!Oone.r by Ihe against a backgrn und of dun blae t ban he w.. ordered selves quh. unhand icapp.d oDS, 110 .. un- ilIumiD es .verylh ing around . 'it.-St. bad sa their wl)i~h lSron uppr.e l back- to Paris. His miDd ..a5 made up cs. and learned .,. once. Be ,vould resign his commis - dergone for centllri th.n the sma ll Louis Glob.·D emocra t. ' facility sion ·&Dd enlist In :tbe acUre' army. witb greater ed ma.ny la _a ble a"velop They boys. 0010the BITS ~D PATCHES, He present ed IIlm.elf bdare m.o st distinct... the er, cha-raet of "nlit&. . nel at ~ Third zoua"u at Chalons . . . . a Plee. . . 11Ie of whicb was th.ir tb"Ulrb t ful'ne,••'1B",...,. a . . . . Be. tbe Chicago CbTonjc le. VI> or W1aaUa ., . . . o.k, Patellw , ' "ColoDeI,~ b" uld; "[ wisb to f1gb\ of each ' other. Goffe • . 'Ire'. oe..era. lor dr~ss speciaJ a is tb·ere. C...,re.a In . • ; ill ,71Our regimen t -"mil the war' "__ eYery particu lar oec.asinn . and Ihe lit· . <>Yet"." • brides· r all guldebo oka or ou to ·.most ond are corredp "Folks who The colon,,1 m"asur ed bim -.vitb a tie girls clOlb.!! in a way fearful aDd red lant,eroB if they ain't • .nytblng are ....'ndl"rfu l to bellOld; but tbe ir en_ry' else to speak of..-exam ples or warn: day dress is simple aDd bygien.lc Ings. I meon-t hough general ly they enough 10 meet ,.ith tbe approva l of don't know it either way:' said Aunt "There '. plenty of fotka the most ardent dress reforme r. In Betty. 'ppe""i'ance tbe girls and women of would be 'IDrprjs~d. If the;r.lm ew hoW' Their mucb l"d got from 'em when the,. Corea are o!ten attracti ve. black »a,i r 8"'0WI very thiel<, their 'd idn't ,think tbey "'as giving me aD,.eYes 'Dre · brig1!,t and intelUg ent. and thing. their ratl!,er swarthy cheeks are ting.d "It'. Ilke my bag of patches . l'ft witb -a color . which may be artificia l. helped so many ptaces wbere ·tbere·. but 1. often th, sign of robust healtb. been a rush 'with a.ewing t.ba~ r.". -N. Y. Tribune . picked up Il?ts of pi~ bere and the."..; ge~ th.m lor pateb"' l'rk, ;rOil kno.... SO wben. I ..It down .t. b.o me . Co.,. W., . . . .ak" E.t"r. to malie a guUt it seelD8 a. If I we. southath, .John -){ciore; of' Philom - blta. <If differen t U"ea togetb. :1:ntnDg Jer~an of Dubllii, fDd., lost a fiDe ' joume.:r e, aa4 aey , cow ill a ·· ratber peeulia r man- er; wed~ll8'" and time.. gJaa aDd times cow the .:rea8oD some POI' ~ Der. - "And' IV.. a good de.l that ....... -".,.iq, ~ed to .,...,." , drin~ and y -~ died.· ·Aioore wa.s determi ned so ...bat we are alld how we. do iJUng.. kno" what tbe ';ow 'died Iro~ There'. a streak of pa~ee I~ -~ neyer knew we he eut ber open.· '\'!len be did eo from some one ...bo • bit ef Iiere's aDd . him _tobed le~gth, in feet sIx .. bIll: hllick sDake. we ' beeauae 011' d Jc:nocke esa aell!sbn Be Ilrawle dfrom the 8l9m.e h. bateful It It with a club: . The, snAke' wlLe could~'t. belp seeing bo" We're braTir I·D:rol,.,I,lv taken into the cow's ,tom·· _ . in somebo dy elae. of some, one t accoun oJ.! day a since haa aDil ago, aC:b, iiev'~o1"ye;!!-t:s e.:re took buman wany o kn. didn't Its tull BU~. Tbe .... to be ~~uritll usual qnantit y of notice of bo.... aIUi tri·.... . Kbe' become -i1ck~ ' &geOn!o !and we baYe- mall,. .. dilitrUl~ j ful bilur. ma,.be. beesnN _bod ,. elae boosted tbeir 1IIlbeJlef. . y.,.. _"te.g ot .. &"DOd deal ol:"a pateb.,. .oR. ma.d~ up of ,;bat we eel. fIoom othen; tIlen We .rI!e, ~ wen- .. get, aJld 'qu"."OD ,J I wo1lder wbat kllId 01 ha 1u:rnI~."-W~prig.
a.. • ....
TIle P e _ ~ ' tIle " -
. The Kanaas Clt7 I,II&D ' wlao ad_ a wC& d_ ' ~ D' a Dewapa~ for of a...w &IltI ~t one in'tb& e.. ~drea !aU -no IGDpl' IUIJ
.. 101Jae. 10- at ... ,.....
l?r.ing nJlI! t ,
TOURIST lICK N a .. on Sale
Florida G' LF COAST . â&#x20AC;¢1
9, To
R. J. WElI1Y UOD u..tW In u.... rl al
h<Jusallc1s of Test i Ilouial", $2.50, $l._5 Ilnd Oc er pkg .
n, 12.5
Balf cans,
!tack Food. s-2iic
d 5'00 per
25-p o nd bag, $3,
u1try Food try.
Grllin De ler, AYNESVILLE, O.
Iso supply c
'\. -:---
and e:vel'y de ri tion 0(. cn
t9ne I
building purposes on Ihort no ice,' Office and Y r
.I ,· 3~r2I W. MAlN
Springs Hotel R.ESORT;
Walter J. Kilbon & ,Co,, ", (jORWIN~O
- -- - --- - -- - - ----,
..., ., ,
~-- !'.
: "I ,bue, dJseon~d a ftI7.c&'ftat d.,.· . feet, In tb., arehileclare at ,tile dJDiD!:" lre.aellli>a 1&l>1e," ""'~':ked' .n epll!11n~ tJae ,';111: kl!~,:ct,h'rc,U.nT er day to D ' ~i," orle•••I:n:.,J::.~~:::~a.~ erat man. ".ad t be.l iI . •• 1. I ha"'e found ' very few table. bum ."'.r·,..,, aotlli"",·, I and It Heme " o me u ,l Inol••'~ 1DJ1ll,1atere.t..,4. '" matte.,. of ua .....Dn to .Ia,t • ,notutlon lIua. WIIell ' I IOIt ,cia,", t to ,e.t. ZaUnIf onght to, r:~' topth.r . .meal tlmt', abeolule .,.'m!!~r ••1 table . .... eoOil ,,...... IOOme IdnC! tMap .m;nd tbemielna to moat, lI!.\a. "Now. I 1!UD ' wbat I ~T eaUa MPDttlme hobby. I .1.... 3'.1',<-..••1 ~ erDa. m; ,lep under' the l~fiJe. Xoat t ,ten·~tll mea ' d~ 'beliuL And wlly... ot? U i. 'I l eomfo,t.ble )IOIIltlo• • ',1\ .utile. ODe to .It · mo,. ereet" ~ do .nt laoow what etllJllett....y. ,boat oa.'a lap and fee! .dariJllf _.1~~, but! euppoae Jt ,rot's ·no funtil ,tIIa" y. ,. uqut tht tlle,~.ho"14 ~1Iepl UtI· d.r _ the " hibl .., wbicl! I.;'$en:ed. I w,een. Du't . I in.l~t tha' .aJ' iq:lllUl.hle rightl II Lh .. .-Ie1l1 to .e rnll my 'l.p. and to ';ro.I · lIur" !\Dder til. mallop y ~t u..t If It Pl{+.. me _-" "_.'•• _ J't!'~lablln" !1Il'\'iiI'illl on. do 10 and Idd. to my <!emfo,L . I.w "Ana :yet it i. a f.d tll~t ".ne ...._ ,e enjoys . t~iI" craeif)nlO sWJ~ ___ TIle Claawsea. II II d t • Wmie-Pa teacher ' ti>ld III Lo be:' [I'" "" anle of ' I e l<ar • cro ""Iue an ._h,;. to tell meter the ""happy arehU.rture "f,tie, illsl.W of tbe LClit Drig;1d.".iS in. , table. 'l'be. tabl •• o"Jbt to ""' ..:I ..rerl'. _ . Gu'metrr, of eoune.tly madt'. , o"l\~(; to .. , PlokcleJphla Pre.... . H'DO,nle,i'.... 11Iat " t..linw wo"ld .~ . , ample ' spate , ln ...,~ie6 . to , cifo•• lila 8W-"r -.I...; ~,if ',ou would lep If It ple.. rd · bim tn. .4q· Ie.· Of -~ apiJI if 1 llIoold dia!" Hc-" You lime: am,; do,,'t YOII ._ tllat I eo\IIcIB'~ rOnne, H 0"" d.... ,liltt W... • ' to er_ I!IU'1'T ~ uiil_10U did clie!"-BoaLo" 0""'. lip lIlul timn .... II~ .fnllKhpt. . nol ·do ii, .0 tbe .h."n eo'" cle . . • harm." . A _.'. ~I.~ ..Itb hi. hair doesa't MelD uti! he. ..La bald; a ,",om.D·. !>.ai... REFURIfISBIIfG wmDSOR •. .. ...... .. • b. ia old enongb Lo bDdTe a tvlin uon.-Atehisci" Globe.
0 •••••• IC~P. I • • ~.
,0. II . . . . . .a rre••, .• . NeD-"()aollJ leIlo, m.• he beloap to 'the II. Cl ........... ~ 'ftIart let:" 1Iefle-u y don't doubt it. He'l certaillly .Io·pic! ~ci",h Lo be .li;ible." -Plriladelphl& R"""rd . His ro.Juty intend. - to clear ou1 III a good . du I nr t he 01,1 fumU1]r~ aad I _ ...... 1'\80'. CWr foi' ColllulDption . _ .., life . _..yean .,.,.-Uno. Tboe. fitUIIP n t...Windoor raoUl! _~ r.pl_ 1Iobbiaa; Kaple Street, Nonricb, N. Y.. ~hero ... lth Ms OWD. UaYi".. tbl • . Ir vie.. (lid resident;' ba,.. t.ep~ on lila J'eII. 17; 18OD. " i look~u, for algna 01 • •bonere _A ""un deal-Tb.. iale 01 a cit, bloek.- wbere in th .. prHint'u of tb. e.aa.!t. I'biIadlil,Pbia Ballet;•. for In ' pu~ '.tim".. wh ...., -!'.t' ,,11.1" ond IRble.. 'a nd otht'r ... ,",'.. th_11I . B _... ' Cro••" C'ar" ftt ilfa .nrofebilarea. lio.llium, SOd&. were C<l"II"mn.d, It wa. (ita praellt't 10 hate: thlm buraed. . .,a Uode.. ---<il--l:y. > . T ... h,l pocril'LP':!1. cre&lO ud actO .kim The ebj~ of tlila _ . tD pre.... 1DiIk·--CJ>lcaio uaiI7 Ne... piece. of furniture .tamFt!d, wi." til. qu~n'l mp~ograma frltm ,<1ie~e let looae, 'as it ,,,,pre, and' Mf al~.'" to dr." Into t . . b.nd. of brOft.... I,henee into "\h .. ~'''lllon iii pueGliU hnl", n,o rlaM to them. bu~ wt1ID, pa,' alm6tt- an, l'rl~ to be a~e to diaplay auch roy-al erll"lu I. tllel. own bo"ael. It mll .. waat.uul nj>edleDt, but OD. -C!a" UDder.lind Deed ef .ueb _ P'RadtiOft. . han • • n ·.o ma", In.tond. of "I ,Uta and diacanled _rtl«Ja found la Ihopa ,,,ad Itoru .~~, 80_ of preYmtloa .re '1~dle. a _ . .....y. nut. to th thli. Ihere bay" bees .0 bdleaU. , of .•. bol.,.,aul'. ' . ,
- "
Genuine '
A.. EDIIPkatle T • •
IUKIlfGE t'JUIIPS ' WORK.. " " .. '..... - . ;.......... w_~wni..: r~~~~:~~"e .. __ ' -..ua.a ._.-.. ~
A rrerer ...~d
The maD wbo lj,'e& iD a lid and i. oftea anooyed by Iii ...ioleni- piano "Iali oi of his other ... ise. agreeable nelgh""r ·of the floor below remarked to biB •.-ife the other day; ''That mi th dO .....lloin would make "" e1~Dt earpet beat"r:' ~\\"'lJ~~'r uked ha."'Kiie.. . "Ob: be has Ihe n-;:ular ea~t beo.ter'. toucb," replied her b""band .-~ . Y: Tim ...
.OTIS OF 'I'JIB ~ODBS. . ..-........" ~ ..... a.
u: ....
, T • • WaF..
T.e Brf,; ••
-' --
.. Are these horrible aehes and palDs J1&tural? Am I doomed. lilY health and good loola! througll su1ferlng; J ca.n't p~Yellt? nenous·...d eross at twenty-1h-l'j thia and SIckly at thirty w!in'Id.", ia my prime? " askiDg these questions' of yonrselIl
i. aaid tbat lolic!ters ,,;11 be et:!i;;;;[ii. "'80," lIid tbe c,.nJe, "you ba.e .... 2S "It yun/' remarked -Hila.nd. ~ 111/ .... - - -.. ...h~d to beeomelamou6." '·Oh. \Tell." repliEd JlalkeL, who is ..ery ~. "I h .......~red tb i! bigb-bro,,·. d fond ot lob.ler, "let"" Dot 'forry about it. Le~ .... look on t~e bn1jht .ide. W. may aU Tooth. . die , be!",. that time.' -Pitt-burgb Ch rou' ''Well. what md)lOdwiUyouaeJeet- ;,Je Tele:oDb . , politic~ apet'clles Dr pat.. nt medicine ad.erUulllenta-??"-W•• bing,(on Slar. Cr. ~l GI ..l •. ';Your converu.tion. Mr. He\"vjman/' . . . . t. De Tw.aa. Mirl "MillS ' Pep~r. >oppresslog " y,nm, Vielto..,;,..you and 'your brotber,ar" '-remin.d.s- me of SOUle cbampaZlle." H~IJt!·, · esc~.ihled -UevTinlan, much twllia" ate,You D.oJ., my boy ? ' BoT-Ye", sir. Jt'K hal'd to be ~n .. plea""". ! '~o >rarkli ng u thatf" ''!'la, but it;' extnl dry."-Philadelpbia 'Vlalto...-Ho.. is tbot? . Preso; , Bo,-Wbea tatberdon·t1cnow ..blch ~ CaolOlrec1~i of u&,1Ioe1 a thing, be thrnahes both.V~I',.~I_". .....p.!elte1j t:OPIIael!d TIt-BIt.. . , "I wallld like to ... &OlDe o( the latest
c• .
The ,...ri"t tbat lead. 1f"It" lODul. "1"tiDa ..... u little"""" to eD....-&III .aBorD_
..It' i ~ .h.-n ... am"mary for tb. famil, to .iL on the baek porc:h ... beo the daUjllo. ter bOll a beau. Dut an .o\lehilODo cirl h.. lUeb ." Good Thine osIliD& on. h"r tbat the fami!1 lelOVe lbe pr=i .... oDd go . nd IliL in 0 , .. ta"t 101 &Cl"0I0I \be a1lq." -Alebisoa Globe.
m the momc dr:partment. .' , .. Th .... just .• tel' onl' 10 the dudisb.llool'· 'wa1Ur." , reaponded the oaIe.ladY. ''He is juat. fuU of them.u-CbieagO Daily N,,,'" lin ,·' u id the rortomer
wODder if :i0u must grow nervous and ::~~;~ like them ? TUTU aow, ."'''Y. to the that will take all BUCh out &Ild maJre you well and
lIIood·ud aerve ftlae<llv
• .... ,••- BUd keep back the
ilto"ee. nay Qark~ fomKrly of 8ciffalo. N. Y•• ",110
at Crowland. Oot.. says:
yean I waa uaable to do
""",·k . :Jf lUJy kia.d . ~.&lriDe
I was eo mioerable and no oae
what hours I put in. I felt ,80 sad and
hearted aU the time, and """,,,,1m .... felt . . be:lflad if· I conld die, for 1t waa m isery :md feel as I did. I sometimes tbought I I ..bo.,)d 1000000Y 1Il1nd. 1 had tbehe.:ulaebe and coDld sleep at tiDIeS. I tried maDY medicines but th~ me DOiood. At last I decided to try Dr, 0reeDe. , 11I1er....... IIIOOd.nd ~ remedy and after taking two I bottles sleep well. and my mind did not trouble am Dowable to do all my OWD bouseaot done for two years before. I Uu~fnl fo.. what Dr. GreeD.,'! Nerrura has -done for me &Ildl all who rnrlfer lUI I have
. .
~~ . :" '.
.:And. yon wiJl Qrtn~ np at
THIE.!_IA.~ "
" F.' C.
. Where yon
'lim AJUtOIIf. BOun: 1'08 P.ur·
'AllD1C.ur ituaurlO!I'. EuunIOu to 8ll4OJ0 oier I» AJtma B"lJte ... jJlIaUtaaqoa Late 1(11' the l'aa· -'-"eaII ~UIOD aie DOW oa l;ok a~ lk).
aIIIa UD.t.u4 COD'
H ollka af Ute-
. "';""u.,.
; 1-
Fueo (IQIII ' -'VaYDearllJe, ~)J'lo. are . . I ..... : _ . 'I'1ckeu iOo,he,lUmlnt VD dol,.. 'l1.J10. .
illJ..VEIlW An. .
'l'IOIt$JIi)04 rnllr.oID.-8#teen
da,. at 11.,80. -
""IDiII, Wlr.lIout swaOOlt:. '. For s.:_ulel IIU"'tD. c:oa.eDlct
sale to
p_e.,..,r -.-!ce to B,,&lo bltAlUlerloJoYmaCloo ' opplyto a. E . BPotll. Ticket ........ WaYDelftJIe. Oblo •
TIV:£' 8£A8HOU -RUO~. 'DIe liaDa&l """"raloDl to oeaell.... n-ru. • taP.DaliYlnAiaLloeswtll bero"~1" .Jaq !4Lb aDd AlIltlSl 8tb. T\drOU ",.aea III
,,&I .,tea,........ _
CO·AST. W;r1t..e tor"Fol.de-(t.
c. ~.
Kaner, etc..to
q~eql p_~r
m.• sn:ra
w 'e
by ·the
1I100ll1ol .... a, CO tb ...... b
mav 1; Ivr
of bUJlII have . been approved ilie J)O!l" olJlce b ~ t borilie.! ancJ The Crow Indf.p" pf' ¥DDtaDa, wile patrons of "tho rontes am USe- tlIeir. nJoe mOe.. -b •• t, ipe "phnd Ipto • jndgement in -the selection of 0 A Snller,IIl&lve Uondltlo:l er aud coJltraet"wllh iba- CD1t~ State. CO.. ~.
B1O"";lIt to ."pp1T tloa Cber~~e h. cJiaa. with -lIou~. _ are riM ill f ........ ilbeka' a" Jamla. 'l'hla.-"t. the
'IIm Ume • --'J'9.~i1~ ~t .......t _ . "fI' Itt. 't o · liD IDdltll-:-IIL .I._t. to • "blaAklrl hdian" of 1I,lI\4IIIIlltaiJla •
--- .'." ..
,. ~ OwIac-to , ~- - of tJa••t~_
~Ii~ .wtaD ·tbe . eltl~ II( I"i"~.'
of )lozoeeo an> "U~ ooDMtCtlOIl.
~'-~ qck~l& ~ at prlDdpaJ
~ .... ~t, ~.
tn Ne .. york ....'
u..te. 0 _ of
.,1...... 1.1. LIn..... .0001 .01111 DDd u ... r . . . ower sloe !'enooflnDI': LI __ • ' . . . .1_ P .... ...,l..-aala Ltar. and ~lln.ln, tM olber dfreu U - 'frOO!' Ne1l ,"wt. lIafL"II4laIr Ibe rooka I'Ia BuffalO wI\tI fC\v\IoOp <>f . ,op' pIal[ onr "I 'Jla\ 1':\lIn\ til take ta ilo~PaD' Amert.;an~""''' ..Dd NJapra Falb, or re1umllil. ~ WaAfllOl\AD . O. C.. wlU"'ttopo.er 01 \hlli poIok. FuIl Informuloa .. UJ be flil'Jlla1oed flo ftplJ 10 Inqalrira addJ'eMl'4 \,n T\Oket A~"ta of tlJp "Peonsyt. .lIla Lloi... :tl
Ut.hCeutul atock-hoG.
via P:£,."~
Boand trip Utkell LoCGlIIJIlbQo 111'111 ba sold - Sancial. July :StlL . l tU:' yla P~-1Il1B3't"A.D.1A LI ....... '."..a aD xpeclal tralo Iea.log W.joeo "file ,It » :30 a. m .• central time. llrC;U'IDlncepeetal train wll. J..eo;ave Colambf1a ollion au. Uon1:00 p.. m. UDlra.'l t1m~ that. ute.,.
P"U4!llel' fi,1" Lh'e Sf,(J('k
?rices-.25c and 500 pel' Jlaokag". 25.1lOnnd bosg, $S, riO.
30th Century Paultry roi
EXCUReJOllll'O.lfILWAUEEE, wa ,· vu.
Best Food on Earth for Poultry.
!2d a"d!lacl.. Wclus1'1'''' _ _ • P. o. l1. qnM~ .• I tk:ke18 .0 Jffl!fri,~ee. . . III be iN4 .J'I Peoo srl~""la Ll'~. 'filfl (o~ ....11\711 "oClI JUlyF Bl I1t~' ~ \ac~ ..Dd or I1lt'! ecUIII \I\~OW\ " - , at Jfllwa.uker. on or too. CIV~ ~\I\J !{•••• uutllJ!fon of reloro limit.., \)c ~a«IlD l"".e IIIlhn,ub!e DOL l~lIINo All,.."' to. For parucubnl Bee 1' ~_ 01PeDDlIJlYania Llo:JI. .
Price-2Gc per package:
appl7 UI a, 2. BootI1.:I'IeIte\ ......" YU!e,Obto.
PBlel!! U!;TS Of LANDS a"D4 FA lUiS 10
. 23 Year,,' 8ueeasl Tlaou Alida of Ti>ttdmolllaltt. • Prl~, 50. 11.251iod 5Oc 'per'pkg. 25 i.b call, 12.50; Hlilt CIlD8. $6 50.
KentucA-1/, Tennessee, , .I1lubama. "V"'''" I MAKES HOOS CHOLERA PROOF. Mi8Sisiipi and. TUJ77da.
oUllI..-ppin" .troDI tbe train. Fc.r ~
-H<?g Remedy
II .... aan flOlI; _ p a l pol"" 011 obe lin ... ..nt 01 P\l,*~b. At PIIII~lpbta OOIlD_ ClOD to owIe wltll_ore , tm.... rOl"!be v& rioUII reion&. Fo1" tbrae opeclal ex<:m'Sl.... _ e r ......lce tbroa.b PhlladelpJola la . A t1aDt1. aly ..til .be Jll"OYldecI. so _~
D~. JOS. , HAAS'
\n. ,,".
Tbe """'" elQ,lf '" UleM- deJ1r-';"t nlDlllr1" ... ~U ...m ...I'fr:oIIIWa.........me.
' 'rOlJ.1o "'el' 1'_"to PIoUa4elpbla
And lie ,,01 'maD
lbe moot ~r rHOna "" Ille A"aatk Cout will be OIl aaIe at da,.. _ : AClaDtic Olty. Ellja ~ au, A nloD. BoU,.--. 00ea1lCi11. SRals1a. Clty.- WU<hr_. N ..... . I - f . Oetall \,"11.1 _ lfarylaD4. ...d Re~Ut:D.la_. . TIle .... ~. 11IIII' ... .u llClUe\lO 1FUI.... t ..e1Ye da,.. lacllld/a, «ale or we. tnl... PenlOlT1npJa LID...
Geftet1ll IrnmJpulotI and Industrial
C".1PE JUT AJI1)- £[0&;1' {)TIIU A'lTBAO-
u .. ilu
Elvid~e. of BorriDgton. he -was cnretl . of chronlo Ilst,hmn ot lOng standi.ng by Foley'" RODe:r und 'l'Il'P. It gfVCII po&jti\"e 1'Iilief in aO cos(!.\; of asthm.... so tnl" dlsea M. when not oompJotely CtI~. is robbed of ~I it-s t I'l'OriI by thi1l great reI eil,. Loui." MIlY.
•• ee.e.".eI..... ••
'l'-oudolil UCtelaalapecfa! -farea may &Iso lie obta1.Ded for·trlpa Ii) reoiona 111 ' C~a4a_ • AU l~ckelA Ii) caa.4a .,,4 ~ lJOlo.,., tn· TJB GOAT CIDIT1UL. cludlD .. .Ne"; Y .... _,III be. .._ lor alDp-oYer ""UTH .........""K a, \lie f'IIo.A..IDoIrlc:ao ElI~ClOD 00: Pl'yuSeDl ~~~ orU ..~tna'BoIfalo !itor>-O...... at Clo"'""uotlJa L~e..ul be a .l· e< 1_<4 OD all lloketl to Blli!&Iu "Ad EuIvD
To A"6TBXA SO EltREns• •
•• ,.. "3.• 5.
SeUOD <Ie,U.... !til' reUOi'Ji Ilmll ""U) Oct.lUlL '18.35. . ~ ' . . !;pecIaI OOathncunlolrtfaUta JOO4 leaT' 101- Bulf~ IJP to mldDl&"bt,of TIUlnoday tol' loJrlD~ ...te-Or saiema, be ol>1aiJled OA TIoH·
___ ~ __ ._ ... _.... ____ ..:...._.__, _____._ .. _
~I ...
tau ( 8.
C" R: FUNSTON, Grain Dealer. '
TO BlJJTALO BY.8QAt VU·OL&v:a.nD• • '10 addltlon 11\ 'M Ibr.ollCbtll11o.• ed ~
Ci rcnllU"S and Pomphfet Free.
Pointers for P~rsons . Wishing to car llel'\'jc, W. BuflaIo oY~r tbe Akron RouU, JOS. HAAS, Y . S., go to the Pnn American Exposition. "'" ~nP '" lbe Pan Amet10aa bpooillOQ be \§.ide .-la C1evelaacl and a I _ r bJ ~ lmJ-ianapolis. Ind. ""~o. ralJolag 0 • • tloe c.. 4. '" c. 1"'-. lit
AKRON B aUTE CHANGES. I ~- por f liDt t .0 .Cb Itttt atlqnp Lak-Il and P:IO·AIllCTicnD Vil'itOrf.
.,--_·....·......,,!-,t ...:
"&pi" cQDt~,.t.· .
"'lhe., bad aD . ...ting
J;:eclon l n~ -.tiLl! Snnlldf. A~. -4lb. ttlf'Otti:l1 tJme and tbrouab iO.trTl,ee over Tbe A&.rvD Route to 'Chautnodu L a ke uti 'BU1fa:10 abOWlf lUI huporta.ot te-w1s1o.a. 1.'be Butraloz!;xpreu b6c:JJJ).es the: Cbautau; qua Lake 'Exptu."l. leav IDIl Xe.cla .&.JO :1'#0. all'1 runs, a Dly.to JalIJe5town. reachiDg Plllnl lit IP '~O 1/. ill . 'l'bl.· 1r:oJn bas C,la.Obt8 and KI~PJn g oar.i to ColumbU3: porlor CAr aDd co~ehe5 Cip,c lDna l i to Akr.on 404 . ,A1:rQ" LO 1 IUDllSlDwu '{(Juautauqua. Lake.) Tbe .1t\c(Jlns car heretofore runnlog Irom Glnc1otUt! La Bollllio .... tll .... n-lfJu 110 tabu by the hposflloa ax-pr~ leawlng WarnesflrtI!Ild!1'1 'rill.. at V,teO m. arrt\-tD~ 01 Ob.utauqu. "'L~b: abou t . Rath.J.o Q.~ ~ 1 : 3!i p. m. :1'be_ als o b'.. sl •• Plni COI'um,".". ;"i4.,.",eb amd Al ton to
MUlloD.O or doll"'" IIllvc .1Jr"" e;mead~ ~ mn1<e Lhe Pao 'AlI!c-tl~an ~~\IOi;I ••• But· holD aa 10'.....'ln .. "1l(1 41struoU.., affolr. . eod lIax ~ aocoml'lls\Oed and persons Ill. IIr..,,4 di~p1", "OJ be 11llII> ~b"- lI!aloftude of lite projec:l. n I'urell' .Q ""II Aalerloa" oo t.rptl.~ an4
Amort..... sDouid
. TbollOiJlI1o of penlDO. will au.nd and en·
Jal' its woudef1i..
Tbe-ezpe-oae of sucb eQjol'" m~.L ill matL ..ben ~CDpa,red t ,o tbe \'lUIL
~e A~ron Rollle t .. Cln~lDNi. ..lIeft ''''r COooc.,t wi\b 1M _ I Uno. 'l'Iotetl to BdrlaJQ aud re\Om $ Cle\".I~ei1 o.er lbe·C.. A. aQd C . DlaJ be obta1DIld rtYlIJC tbe porclwier .,ll<! oplI~o ..r Boa'_RaJ! ~l..eetl ClevellOJld "04 Udalo. For parllcal .... apply to a. E. BooUl, Ttckel Arreot at w ..yg"".UIe. lSI)
VANIA LlJ'rEB. umoUDlof. useful lnformo.lioD dsJtora may Job e •• ~5 .. ad 48 . ~cut>O\Qa uckelb to' Chi seeo*- rbef will ~ome <bener aaqoatnsed with A.mUf00l.. l1.4 DoQ-hiel"eDleOUl aDd its postd· &aIO:. accounL lnternaUGQalColU"eDsJon. Bap": blUtles A jC.;I)e at lOw rana bilS been ar· .,... "ouog Peopl.· .. O .."'D or Amerl .... 1FUI M ralllleil.., tbat persoo. "'!shln, 10 spen.d .s,!1d .10 PeWlll;Jh........ Wo~.. For:Paru'. . . . daY5. week OT mUDW.u the :b:pOIjltiOtl m.a., s._ Tlck.~ A•• »0 at spe:ol,al rates . Tbe lowt.llt rOlk l::li lor a lbree do", trip. Atlolb.r fonn of ex· rut 100 llekel Ls eODd fpr ' -0 da-·. ~ ' ..1. ... ~ ,- - . M " . for lItleOD da), aod e founh l!0Dd \lIe eOL.re seasOD. InfOTmatfOD aboot tarat. mal' be Rcured .by P ...... 0Il'U or TieJt·
tL Alelft .
duties j.olude ~g to arrlloge l'ripe. I~ not- OOn But., &\ UcJn:t omre.s, sr.nd ;) ~D,..,l'f1Ulla.
I 'nrom.:otb C1ve-d.. lred 1'!l('~"t\C~ albcw.t·U;"
riO. 2 .
Report o1.U16- Gondit on ".
of a r.bblt-h~t.eb ...hieh strikes ~e .~ eueJleri .nd UJapts me-t<) bWJd ~;HY Uke · tt. The COJUltrucilOn 1& abo";' ·la aceompaD;y1ng ·ilhatraUDDI .
.Jq c:orrespotideM de!lCl'l.~a it a. follows: " ''The ,buUa,rng .• bourd baTe ihe 8001' .. .' I"ut two inebe. oir tile ·...OWld.811d banked up a.-mueh a. poutble aU around, fOF ' ...ar1!lth. ,N eatbod. "1or· bi'eeding don shonld han ' P!ln!tioa III far Delt. Partitions beween peJlIC .b.quld be of ",ood! ... 80me hares wID ft.,trht through wire and tbe..! win Jlotdo w~IL est-bons IIbdufd , bave tbe lJd bnDg .nth b.ingu, .., ihe dirt ali be remorid .nd tbe boxes opeD,d~ . , h reprd m the mllilageme1l'l. Mr, Ei\w.rds ••,..: .. ( feed on... ada,. f.orn-eboP• .aDd. alfalfa ,g'1'eeJI when 1 aiD
...... rr
.r _
It 'J . . . at PrH•• ' .
JII-;;"'erl earefuUi :wired aT.!!
lato bo.,. ell'cel,s f'or the ,Iide !lnd of II.ta, . PaD.e IIlOlUlielln .. iIi ,eqlora. ...ltll black &&tiJL po!l1ta dot., _t....' putt)'
bouu wallis. . PHalOlI in Illain white and tiDted ii1ka allow tWI) ITOQPS of Dan'o" tllca-, wlo. a bl&Da of gold dIlbroid ..".
y~ If~O:.'S ~OR. .. . , til. "PI;'ttr
., -
,.. P
. I~
'. p
' .~
. I>
And light dressings with CUTICURAj pUl'eSt of emollients· and greatest of skin .cures. This treatment- at once stops, failing hair, removes crusts. sCales, and dandruff, soothes irritated. Itching ,surfa.ces. stimulates the hair follicles. . 8uppUes,the roots with e!'1ergy and-nourishment., and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, whole.some, healthy scatp-when aU else fails •
Millio·ns of·Won1en ~
ha,. ~ ..u. 1 do not cbang" tbe food at aDJ lime, aDd I baT'e ... fine bues a. lUI,.oDe around he~ I g!"e pieD", of fruh ";ater lIlId hep themsuppUed wilh Alt. C1illUlte lin a gnat'deal to do with tbe luceeasfuI ralsJog 01 JWlglan bues. Tlte,- require a ve ry drS alia fairly '",arm 'place, well proleeted mm cold wind. ud slruded trom the Aot suulbin . The rl'lls onl
my bares tbe n-ay I dll is that be~e"D~ , • • Now ·that ·"O'DleJi ...." ai>Pl'0prllted corn lIfattening. and I iinit 'lMY gro .. lo'r .q.~lr on ule tbe dl'eu.snJt-eaaes better OD it tban on oats or 'wbut. ~d
.ar!«i;'alll.1Dlelided 0111,. £Or ' men, the ••01i{~....n baTe. iN!..o abllpd to ,qpeclall7 to t b . IlHd_s. ,The Dew ea.u'for wom.n .rJ!! a_U.r aDd uptu ihaD ' ihose for meD ,. alId are loO:.e"~ wiU(elot'lI, in
irtt-it; and wheD 1 ""'0001. alfalfa.
Jl&bljlb JlllltDraUy are aU 1U1IS"I", They ftC!.uire lome gruD' food tbe year round,' but, Dot to '"xc".... a it .... ilI ealUe~
bowe' eomplaint.j""ither 'can thy on all dry food. !liibey can· Dot dl,.e~c :It. The,- require- fresll w.· ccr, IDd. abon aU, tbey mll~ be kept
by Cuticura E>intment, the
isld Soothing «4, . and sor~ bands,foio babynSbt:s,.itCbingl. and chafings, m. the of bat~ for ~V~g ~tioo,s an!~ ' isUJammations, or We> fta or offmsiv~ perspuatiOn, m the form VI' .
washes for ukuativ~ weaknesses, and many sanative. aniliep& ~ whidl zu4i1 . y suggest themsdves to women and mo~ ao4 for all the pUrpo&cs of the toilet.' bath, and nuacq. No amount . pasuasion can iilduc.e those w"ho han once used t1!~ ~t skinpudfiasanclkautifiustouscanyothcrS. CUTI· .CURA SOAP iomf,ina in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, the BEST akin aM compluion soap, the BEST toild: and baby ~p " in the worLi. • Complote Extern_I and Internal Treatment for Eve" Humour.
eou"nlnrr of CUTrcmu BoAr. II> cleanac lite ,.klD of
=,11 -
jcalea and fIOflen the' thlcllened ca.cicle, CtrrlCl1TR.A. ~. to lI1...Dlly allo,. Il<h1n". lob1l1maUGn. and lr.1tallon. and oooI.be :uu:t boat aod CUn(.:.(J'BA Rt&OLT'1!;IifT. to cool and clunN &be . ET blood. J. Snrcu; 'SETII OflleD ••m.lent te care TN E 8 laJ:. ~loftruri.". and humlltallnl< Rin. acah•• acd 1>_ w\JhkIMoClI:tIr,wbm&lla.etafu. SOldUiroagbo.uhe ....r'!d. Brt.w.~: F.lf_- . DIIT ,I; !l0,,"-.1r.l8. ~ .Sq~ Lo:Jdoa. l'orma IIJUiIi ~ cm..L CoaP.S01o
frOID & 'loiN (fA" to ,JlriIlll • .~I l.-F,LUiL abtoluteJy dry: tbe ] ..as~ dampun The 'Ow1u~r'. filitlala. ~..s 'Of ...iU:'lfUl tb~ off, quieldy. K .. ep ..a,,11 1.....h.'!.M OD ·tbe eDcl. are 1 tILe of aahlt,. aUO'er AI.iire.. or lIlooOS"lm, breecllnc' <toe separale alld JlaD41e ,os Uhre as jlaulble. Do not bre<!d • doe ...,. tlae Doatoa Budget. 'I,'lle lateat e'teDia ..· coi.«Qu, aho_ apln uDtll . you can take 'the young • - off P!l1l' ....,.... d , tb ... t'aee. booken from 'ber. You will Ir"t better youn• ~th .. few nUL" at one .rde. aDd oiie ••ae keep tlle doe in belter eondilool!e bob arr·!ID~ . low !It tJie nape tiOD. If butebei a.r e kept l"1 '''' YOD of- the Deck.-· C!)nf 1&,.. 1'0 e iii wora will find tbe b.~ s win also be cleaD and more '~hy. - T , G.reinl'lr, In a t- oae.lliae·...;L ~halroDt. . ,'lD table lI ...,n plaia .... 1I0 dallla.te Yarm and FiresIde, witb • iltriJ!:¢ bOrdel"1.11 'ye9' popn1&y
'''''_ImtDr, "_un,
Propa., ~ V.6. A. . - -:;'..,;.........,r•
.- _ _ _ _ _ _ _. , -_ _- , -_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Half Rates ·
aad act are the :"atere4.e1l'ect .. Bfooehea, ao ,popular in old .. D dl,.,. nye ret~Ded ' to la.or. and .Imollt wom,~ ,1II0W poKe __ it- least
U (rUt akin =Ko:foi praav!:{ppurifying, and lluutifyiog the U:in, for dumint.1l:: .of crusts, scala and dandtuff. and 'the ~ • go bait, for ~g:, wbitminr.
(PJUlI $1.00.)
Buffalo I
August ..lst.
BIG· ,
. And Oilier SelJCOIfst
' opportunity to ")8iUbe
,Pan ~ American .
NlAOA~~lFALLS ..,J ' l
A PopliliLr Yac:ttlon Trip' 'rb ...,.h ttl. torle Battlene1ds. ~ovjl!r the Cool P ic· I \!re~que AJle~~C!I1jes. Down the- Beaut!· fIJI Potomac River. Throu!:b Hl s tonc
l-I n r U<'r'!' . FCITY, ' Vas.blngton. Baltimore and 'PhilndelphlD.. '. FI~t-clu~ Co.:l ches.. Pullman Sleepen. Ob '~r'~:lUon Can. DfnlnC" Cnr!'..
Tl7lins luve 8:00 •• 4J •. 12.15 Noon
and fI:J5.p- DJ.
Stop-Over A~W. .1rlD,.tDD. D. C_ , _... -' On Retut-n TrIP: , " Corr~.ndlng low ra.t~. trom - Judt~n"" .aP'>Il~. Hamilton, D~toll, Ev.antyllte,
LoulS\'lUe ·nne! otber points. Sllftplnl' ror rt'3CJ"vatlon! and d~ptlve. pamphle.t5, wllh list o~ ho tel. and all partlcula.re. cur. be. had !U Trek., Omce, S, E. Cor . .I.' .... Utlo.ll.
i~.. t..!
\ ..
~'- • . • eU1CJnn~tt.
8EPT~E11 3, XeniA willlia ve an, .12WEL BV, opportunity to "pte tlle-eu~ of the WA'l'CB a, • &&l~ outof thlltclt;y. , We bld,tho OLOCU . Cause God speed. There . is some· lIana" .-AJI1 thlDg lIigIli1l.ront in .the fact tha' so ed awaken have ~, DlADY oom.rounities Bicycle ~g a Specia lty to the neoeII8ity of downin g ~8 P\1blio enemy. '~ We .have w.atche d with keen lDtores t this awaken ing and have been'ob serving of r:esnlts OUliGIC 1lI TIllE Oll' PElIlr. ,,(lID. , in the eeveml .towns where-the vote . UDder a...", ocbellu1e to elfec, 1 __ 3O.1l'. er-cnlao oyer tilt PelUl8JI...... haS t>ec"n taken ancHla ve.,been plt'Plllf. lIfOI. pUlIe1l, 'LIJJ ... leave WaYDHY llle lIlaUoa . . r<'llo,.. , • . cd ·t.e . n ote that the SIIIoon has had , ~"orUleEa~ 7~ .... lI: •• pm ..:IOpa .. );orUie W_: I:U am a:!lJ:a IDU". to g~. To nU this ~~e haTe 'beeD ;;:30 II. E~ ~ pm: - .l silent, thongh interes ted, observ ers ; interesf :ed becaus e we nre fr:ieDda of human ity Rnd rel:Drd the ,Saloon as oVlpt THE ' ~If , JlODT JrOa p~. A.WDJO ,,]r JCXP08molil. the enemy of htlJllan ity; silent be· . • ....ft .u,e Au.;" caJ1S6s the Gazett e has 10111: "inee ,Exctmd ou to' Bu1blo ll& 'l4ke-!c .r lk ....... ClIa_aq .,.Ia RoDle, stood commi tted ogaioe t thi8 eJiemy 7.merica D ~1tI0D arc DOW OIl .,ole , .. 11dI:· and took an active part when the eo 0 _ of .,be .peo;lIoI1l.uJa' Llua - -. _tiDe rallWay. issue came up in our OWJ) towD and Fard from Wayncn 1Jle.-Ob lo . ....e u 101· , ; rejoice d when compll ite victory low.. : .. rood 'tell 4.,.. '1I . ~_ 1"1.cke crowne d cur efforts. Except Jega T!ck.1ll1IOOd r.IGrnID llUt..... CIa,.. 113 ...11 1<Ill> rdlUli 1II1II& DDUI oa. advice our pllOple . had no cutside , s.uoo \lct1i<8 :lin. SJ)OCIal CoaCh """"nIoD t:Ie..,u. .,..a kayhe~p. We fo'n ght the lattle alone 101< 8ufta10 up '" IDldnJ,b t of TlaD<MIa,. 101· towns otber ns fnr 80 d and uUllide k!wlD, da'. or lIaIe may oe 0~tne4 _ ' h _ , '. , n€d at S"i ,~O .· COt;cer by. were presses other and 'roDrialo IkUIa,. ' opecIaI fare. ""',. ~ and DOW the saloon 'e lement nuder· be obta1or4 100" tripe .o.-.nl l [JI cauda. . kke", 10 caaada aDO EaaterD polD .... 10' stands tbut tho sentim ent of Way. AU CIDdJDtr Ne... YOrk ""I be (ood for lItop·.,..e r t agains ly strong neevill e people IS a. Ibe .... o·AIDer1. ." EJrpoaI don"" "Y •• Dt ..... ' Il e.1U'a at Bmtr:aJo n. questio this of og even the reo~i ~LOJH)..n a. CbaulaD qaa Lili will be al· and it ' \'re ba ve. and it is S U)ll,)08e d Jo.<d 011 aU &lcke.. to , BaJr&l" &JIoI Eu_a wfc.boa.l t:nn. a.L there lir~ 8uch, IIny citi~lls wbo pohna. Por. se_Dle I aboirtntr a>aT~ GIriJ ...1l must pa!IN: n,lfH" terl'lce. to BDlJaJO aDI5'oUw rtD 1or· wonld fovor a snloon here, we mat lon .pplJ' IJI ~ E. Bootb·. _Tldtllt A..,,,I. IUIj good like that say to their credit \\-aJi>eaYl~ Ohio loya.l ciliz;3Ds, they submit . to thll HOW TO GO TO BUFF AW. will t.Dd flat of the majori ty, ond thus we 'have n 'l I1nlllll'O nism, no POinte rs lor PenJOIi8 · Willhiu g to pulling ono ag8ioe t the other. 1'his go to the PaD Americ an ExpOSition. we believe is the very best way for to of cIo111m hav. beru each town. city, county or towDsh ip _ IIlUIloas 11>1> l'a"·Am rrtraD hpooldo o a. II"of· to 8t!ttle thiS mucb vexed questio n. lalO &JI lal,,_tl lI, allll wlnlCtI ..e .Jralr. eod bas - . . accompll alle!l aJId ""noDa Let it be settled by the peopJe most Tbac ... bo wI\D_ lbe ~d dJSpIa7 will be 1m. loyaUy p _ by "" ' lDa,III.lIc1e ot $lie ~ojoeL U , interes teU and let.al1 submit sa purely aD ~An ~rtc:o. , eJllerprl 8e IUId in d n a. ty. majon to' the win of the lIould _-no au 40 01 per!lDl\l 1<111 alUaIl &lid "": mOlit CIlIII!$ it wil1 be found th.e rna.· 107TIIousau of nell ealo7· n.e _ oDlle..... , .... joriiyi s nghton aU moralques~oD8; men.- t.. IIID&Il ..brD compare d. to Ule .... t tbe struggl e for legal prot,ect jou may :lIIlOWlC of uodlll IDlonaaUo!I n.tlon au become beUer &OQ1l~ at first be hard and fierce. but vic- .ecgre.... rbQ will""bley_ eDU aud ... _ I ' Ita . Amerfu ..-Ill> M'fort. honest OpeD, tory ~ follow b1lIUea A ocale of 10.. tuu bas _ 0 u ,
NE ALLW OOL ·S,UltfS. · "vi· nEN'R:"l~r »nll ..'" t~IR~lml(I ' at;' 87.f,O•. 'S 8
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·tllls: 1 OIl aile tllblc· ~'Jld ' . nlld 89, ~U 1.huli.... ,o.trcl'l...t In cbullc lll;'! 8:,lu at..... , ........ .
4" 6' . ' ~7
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U~-nF.sTUlm'ED CIIOI CE of ri'ny aunt" ,
lilhm r'Qutllit-SuJtll fli ~'-SwJu moc·b , IUld Cln.T olnl t4IU~eiol maiIU r:wtnr ('" , thc 8~O. 822 liud 82'6 1I1let tuow......
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CDOI CF. all 82 Tr~n.<crs~n Swee t Orr & Co. wnkc . ncver 1'11' lIuel , very '
$ , :;~~!~c~t~~~~,...~.~.~; .. ~~~~~~.~~~~~~ · 1.48 'extra ALL 82.liO :a.m l S3.00 TrOU4il~nJ 'In $198 up-tOami drc:.'l!tIY rIlS, . Jlic.c l'llttA' • daW, .c:hallcllbPC) l)1ice. ......... .....
'., ALL OUR $i!6 and of7 ~·olltb·. Saill,
aee .:
10 20
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in .
, cballent e ule at • • . '. '
c1'8, S~:1-50 FOUR Inul Five Dolia l' 1'r.ons nil "'ool inul vcry ldylis h for tl, lind busin.ess, .. ow. ..,...••.. . (tress .;/. ~ ,
13 98
ALL,. GUR $8. $ 1 and $10 YODth'. Sail.; mOl ll y' oh. line nachtr, Car. ~h&rt make, now ill this ~ ale 4' ...
CR7 1:.0
OHOI CE of nil flllC8t Trou8 cn" .ccleb ra.tcd "PlIl'l tgol.r' ,bnnu l, SO, 8'7 ruld 88 ,alu~, ~tho dlUJlt 'pgC
' .....d COlltello u or be", iflll IIflei. wortb $12- to $1 6. al
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0."" _ .. atS-m. _
CllOICE ' or alloJi ... 1 Y OUlh', Saill, '.
10 _DII
for a lime dIIJlI Ittp. ADOtber rona 'or u· <unloo ticket .. !rood (Dr tea. 4&,. : • tblr4 f-or II.tC.eeD daya alKl. rounh Ilaod lbe eac-..re ieaIOll. IDtormat ioa .bout faft!llllla 1 be Ie.... red by applJiDa 10 .0), ~~u or' TIclt· '" A,eu. of ll>e PeDI18y \'llula Lin.... Tbell' 411"es IDchoie ' """bl.lo. - ta~ en .......... caU 10 amop triJIL It 00& _nale ut 10 • 1'00'&1 caN to tbe ,.. t lc: kd 0 _, _
~ood. well cnoui-E 0" aU 'Tron8{'ts gillIItylc3 . ,'
10 tli...
-Sal&. wee.a or DU.lQth8 as; lbe a:apo.ItioD . IIl&T do to a. apedal rases. Tbe I___ nw ..
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cearest.PeonJl}lva DJa UDei A,eDt.. wbo wW p<:ompU , ct.e clalred lDrormaU on .boul tile Ex_lllo n. as eacb tJele' ollie- of Ill., PeIlD' • ITlrlUlla S _ 10 a ",,~au of oIIIctal torarmallon for Lbe PaD "Americ.a n E.xpaeidOD. AU Llcketa -to Buf[~o ItTer (be De_ Akron ROil'" arc Coo4 10rlOto iH>nr.; Cbau,-1 Ia ~e . a.od an ticket.. oyer the I'OUIe I"a .B • .flalo to So. Lawreuc e ,Rlyer.o 4 CaD.a4laa Be· ... ru aDd Euteru poIJlt.&. IDeluil1D,- New ) ' 0"' CIUl be mDde g<aS for stop-ove rt al .be PiUl· .. merlall Espo.llIoD ' aDd at Hla.-.. FIIlU. 'rbe _ n " , for tlaeu, 1I>I>_ it. .n IOJed ~.D rou.... tbe oIcbra to ~ IftJl u4 tbe prtTIlec '" for eneDCl1lut ,...."e,. to Ill.. 111011" DOted AUmJDer lta ..eu la tbe Late RqiOD. aboul4 be ID."'Up Uld . . Pe~ wbo Dla, ll>lnlI: sIIe)" .re ,DO' able 10 .Uu4 llIe cool wW be ~bI,. a1Up1ille4 ..... ob .. enjoY_l it IUId pleasure tlleJ ... ay eltpe.rleu oo, at lIlIlaU upe...... TboR WilD TIa&_ til World'i Falr 1riIJ alao be _ablT lniJ-pri~
at th. ~n·AJDe""'n ExpoalU oo . . .4 t~ .b~ bave neYer atteDded an OCCMSoo ot" t~ kind should D<I, m1D \11" opPDnW llty to. be. true AIDe-nu ll by .ttend1..... an ADlert .. CIUl EJrpooltlOD.
Ticket Acen< B. E .
Warn'''I Ue.. Ohio ... waltl... 10 tdI JOG
aboot 1t.
WrI'" blm
AKRO N ROUT E CHA:NUES. Import ant to Chauta uqua lake and Pan· Alueric an VisitOl'!!. Betrlooto g wUb Sunday. ' A .... fUJ. til. ll>nlllgb tilDe and Lbrou&b ffnlce ....er Tbe '
AIn'on Route 10 Obautau d... Late and _ .
10 sbows au importa nt re ..11ioIL
Tbe BulfaJo !Upr.... _ ea tile -Obaulau . qua Late Expreu. leavlnJr Xenia at )0 :11 a: m. .. and rua.s only to Jatne:ltoWD., rQCblDC · lb •• POIDI al 10 :30 p. m . Tblo Infa ha ooaebe:s aDd 1I1eep)ng ea.r. 10 Colum.bQ a· ~ tor car and coaches ctDCiQQ& U CO AllTon AIMl
Ghol"~or finesl $·2.SO, $3 a.d $3. SO, cballeoge price • • • • • • •
• . . AII·$a.c o ....Il $'1.50 Ilia. ~ h'ats. charett, e ' price. • • • • . • . '. '390 price. leDge ~cba n .. ebildr acid bofl in~D, fOr ·baa, "-11 ·SOc: anDell 7Sc Itn.w . • •• • IDO All :SC_atla 3S. atn.. hall, challeng e'price. ' , ' • • • • .• . . r~~l ar . Cbolce of·.ll liglol colo,"" 50ft and' IIiII' halt, SIc.!"".· ' <xC::.~'.. 1. $'.98 rrice $ •• f' ;SO aad fJ.oo/ 'cbalkn p prleH ~ • • • ;: 870. $\ 24,
Men f-ll Jlose.·
. H:<?g '·Rem.e~y ."1\1•."- H06S CHOLERA PROOF. \
.. l.nlll. lf.moo T1mol! ond8 .9rTe8
. " ,.23 Years' ,8neee af
PrIcee 12.50. 1l.25 and 50c per·pkg . Ib ~ ca~, 12.50; Bal~ cans, S6 iiO. -~--
UH Cub . r1 ahei hat
loDe~ aDd· Vond"t atl"e A. 8A~e?l Srock Live r rO. ~r Fatt~n . . ge. -packa per 500 ~d Pri~25c , 25.pou nd bag, is.GO.
Akron to .1_loW l> lCilautal lQ._ 14ke.) Tbe sleedl.g car berewro" , ruul ... tTolii ClaclD ....11 to BDJralO 011 Ib.. tTa1D .. takea by ~ £%posIU oa :PPfe ... le..,ID& 'Wanea . YlIIe al g :40 p.1D. arrioln.- , al Cbali'all Q.'" Lak" abootH ... ID . Bl>1IlLlo 11& . 1 :UJi. ID. Tbe 'El<poslLion EJlpre.sa ,,100 .... aleepille- ' can and ceacbce to Columbu', anel oaecIt. ",,"lee Columbu s 10 AU-Oil .04 Ahoa 10 Buf. ••' • , falo daUy. Tile ....Q·Amerlc an Esp..... l.a~J... kl'D1a, .-.rlc:e 0.1 e :t6 p . m •• CODUauea 1<Itb _ bere<oro re. viz: Sleepin,r can aoil cc.u. i4 Ct!l..mbus. ao4 .!eepID, car ao4 IIrtI cia .. eoacb rrom NllObvlUe lbtollllb LoublvtUe C1,!~Dn~ .. '.04 ~Iiuabu. to Balla1o. .... l11li •• u _a solid train . from Col umbD. ao .Cbaataa ..
qua Late,aDd til!< .Pau·AiDedaD
....""bl ... Cb~IIt;illClaa abDUl ........ , JIoaIhlo.. . 8~16 a. ID. . 1.0 ... rares to Cbaatauq Da ~e UIlllu_a lo Doer lbe Alrron Boute... ., In eJrtcu..e r,- 4ay Beduced rale IlcIletco'" , N~a N1a , UIl C&aa41.... reoona wlll> ltop-_e na, Cb&\ _ _
qua Lali:e _lIlbe • Pan'Alllericaa ca ..... """
<alned ·dally ,"Ia, ob" route.'oy er Wh1cb~ UU. eta to New 1-_ _ lib atop-oft" '--P:lYlJo le a, Bulfalo ma,. alii> be .......red. ....U Pirtlota. aPDUca _ to lat:. .wUl be lurolobe d local lifeke, "eDh or . to C. C. Bala.; D. P. t-all .. · A~~t.l Da,rt;oD, Ob.to.
THE MIAMtCAZ£TTE = A ll Ahout Town nnd It.& People
Salt '1 10 per bbl. at H. Kilbon' . OLD SCHOOf. ASSOCIATION. Ky. j Joseph R . E"ans and Currie A vALuEomember of the board of Hiram Kilbon at Corwin yesterda y I ;" to Grcone Co. Foil'. Bro.wn Ev~ns. 708 N . Ah~bnmn. St .• trustee!! for this township is unwill. Sixteenth A nnual Reullion. ·~eived !tcar loud of nicc cleau snit Indlano. p olls, Inti . ; EdwlD R. · ing to let "X. Y. Z. 's" ex:,elIent :-"It $1.10 \Ier bbi. "t· H. Kllbon ·s. which he is offe ring at $1.10 (n 1>1. Augus t 3rd, 1901 , '<Vus a charming Stace. Fl'llnkl~n. Ohio;. LI~zi6 nrtiC'le in i/UOt week 's Gazette go by :\1r. IIntI Mu" J. W. Whit£> lllade~ O . O. Buck. ~irne . Ark.. s~Y ': I tlay , t he un s h one mildly wllrm S~thern WntkLDson, Lexmgton . default. lII.d thone-h he desires no I u~ine!lq trip tQ Cincinnati YUstilrClay ~a!l troubled wlt.ll cUllstipation un. Nebraska: MiI.ry E. Wate rs . HUIIl · controve r.y wl' th hl' nl on the su" 1 ~ .,.. MI'!'. Jnli" Heigbw"y is visiting tl~ I bought Dn Witt 's Li ttle Enrly an ( t.h!'rB was n. gentle br e;-.e. lll-.st p h l.·eys. e n. statement of ~l~ers Since then hn " e been PI;' El OOtllll"' 1l St.. 8jlrlOl;6eld. J·ect. wish es t·,v ID"" U.A 1 ~r dAughter, Mrs . Cllmpbell. ut t.lrel.v cured of my old complaint. refreshi n" aft-er the swelterlOg Oh well th r of t he Tlttst we'lks . Under I~ ; 'z~beth M . Jones Hndley. f'lct~, a s to the r ap3.i ring of the old ;· .. ruiniA. I recomme nd the m . J . E. .'nnn e.\'. IndUl.nupoll s. Ind.. ; Mnry A.no Stat.e I'oad, both e nds are In gocd I<nch i /) ,-i tmg w ea thc r condition' i t B .' V. B. ' Conklin. Bowcr3ville. 0 .. n. Mn ther. \VII.DllDg ton. Oh IO; conditIOn . only the ['"rt cnlled Hun~ A couple of youn~ whe!'lmcn f rcm was eusy for tb e old pupils of But· ro\\ L d R ~ ~ ,y,. : "I receivl!il more benefit Cincmno.ti stoppeu and lunched on tcrwortll . Brown . gcot'lInd Collett y III ogcrs E~l'Igh~ . UG3 ~ome gr.v Hollow is unfit I'or use. A peti ! 'mn FoII'Y's Kidney Cnre thAn cakes flt C. V . Mason's g rocer y ye '. t o get rea dy a nd pe on t ime at, the Ave ... Dayto~ . OhIO ; Cn-rne SplIllg- tion for the r'l.opt'ning of that rOlld I :010 ~o~tbs of trentment by physi. waM signed by forty land holders in . IRns. l'Rke nb lIubstitnte. Louis terday afternoon. who s~iu thl'y Wu ,nesv illb Sch onl Hnll. wh ere ler MIller. NLDA,' uh. Vu . Jday. . were on tbeir way t-o llufflllo to sea handsbllkin gs a nd happy greetings Th e pupIls of Messr. Butter . that ne:g hborhood . All legal tech. tllP. Pnn. .were in order. w orth , ~cott. 110d ~rown present, nicnli ties w,,"re complied with and . We .are gla!1 to report uncle John we re: ElIlll1ll MerrItt Curtwrlght. tIle county co . . d ed Sin ce onr Itl t issne u nclc Septi. 'l'b e old school bell rang at ten . , mmlS8tOners or or ';Jement!! Rble t.o sit up in bed long "Dough t.l eat bls meals. 1Iml Ilunt mus Cn r twright has in "meusure o 'clock a . m. illld soon the nld seh ol. Da VI.S Fllmns. J . "'.ilson E.d wlt:ds. tbe townShip trustet!s to see that the . :Betty. who W118 ftlmost prO!\truted rRUied from his ex treme wen kness ; ar.< lJegun 10, ' Io(athe ,·. ullll to their Moill e \Vngh~. K~zzl e Merritt , Se th work wus done . Instead of a cost lIy by exertion and anxiety is much but we r egret to SlIy ther e is n o ma· !,'Teut SII tis fll Ctioll were greeted lJY \V. Bro wn , Ca rl ~e Evans Bro'\'I' . of ,500 howe,·e r. it will cost ,63l for terial change in t he CIlFe of Dr . n . th e plenslLO t smile nnd wnrm hund. Ava Fu!t.ou Ebr'gllt. Edmund Re· grading. and ~OO for a bridge over relienocl. . '{,'ddle Run. In .tll thA hl'Story of Fumn ~. His li fe is sllJ \\'ly eh bi n:; shf,k en[ ono of the reycrend quartett t4lI11 C.k Isa hellll Brown. Slllb e Kelly .. Eruptions. cuts, burns. SCllltlS and IIway. of teu ·h ers. Rey. Sn mael Scott. R oberts. Ey Roberts. R acbel (Ju r t · that rOlld tbAre hilS n ever been IIIIOI'BIl of all ]rInds quickly h ealed by wright Koys. Li ~.zie Gause P.•cker . hridge oyer the creoek at t hat plnce. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. CerIf the action of vour bowels is A [Ter lin h Our spent in social chnt. Huttie McKuy ' O·Ne"lJ. Anno. tllin CurA for piles. Beware of not ensy nnd r egulli'r seri ons com. t.he Assoc iation wa~ ca ll ed to order The cost of t'be bridge will fall upon counterfeit.... Be sure vou get tbe pllCi\ t.i on~ llltly he the final r es nlt . . . .. Kelly. Annll Fo lton Brnllstree t . t,he county. while ·t he grading ... nd pre~lll c nt, L,ZZIe P ack · J I' i\.r C~ ' - nriginal-DeWitt·s. .1. E . J'lDnt'y. De Witt '~ Little Enrl y ]{i,." r" \\'111 hy t lIe \'lce , . U llt r. c .oma~ . ._'1IIry K ml11'UI. ot,be r repa i rs will be borne by .the cr. tl{'P ("I1l~e. 1111 <1 condncteu by "-II' L ' k D' ' 11' r A m Oyo t·his dnu g('r .. Safp. pl (,tlsu llt OJ . ..~l 10 1 -ens InW)( " Ie , L Olli s w. The home of Mrs. Diantha Adams, township. All this \\'Ill be done by nnll e ffect h ·e. .J . E. ,J IIllTlp.". b l"·H Ilt'.1 Jl: .•o wlll:on t he expecte.l H' 11 I ' \' II S ,,, . I on Tl>ird street. WIU' IOl>t Sa tur(IIlY . ' . . 0 Un l , 00 uy usa u H rI O' .I t order of the Connty Commir;;!,oners pr"Sl<1ent . J ohn Lllwns. of R,ch. . ' . c We e re informed thut, E. D. Hob· sold at Sherift'·s sale at Lebanon on . . I Hum es. Mllttl e !rwlD Doll··on. S. wbo have directetl lhe ' towDI!hip 1 1n d wu Ik~ CtJ.' In ln onl, n CCOtllpnnlet foreclosuro by' Mrs. Ruth Cheno· ert~. of thiS pIn el' , wos IIm llng t.h o u,y . Cn rtwri ght . Emmll Me rritt trustess to carry out t h e will of the by his little dllogbt e r. 1\1I1Ty. Mr. weth. Mrs. Hnnnah Printz v.ur. luck.,' drawers of II ~pcti on at the Cartwright. J ohn Likens. Lou An· ta xpayer~ . NOlhing hAS been d one lu te scrllmble for Oldllhom a luul . Likens wOs cor diull.v wcl<:om etl by dersoll Barnett. Win . R ell1llick. eh'tsar a t ~650. . Mr. Roberts bAing nn Olll ;:oldier was hi s ~i~te r , )o[r. !:;:,ruh Dinwidd ie. J ohn Falk enlm rg. J os. Howke, Ed· in nn arhitrllry WilY. ,Jftme~ White. · Dyrant 8 ~llle . Ind .. ecre tary. wh o conductcd him to • ~oy DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sa lve n ot obliged to he on tbe gr>1und . bu t "'nnl Stucco Miltnb Rogers. Lizzie W A:-JTED. - 'ap .. lIlt , reliable pt'noon In the desk. wher e he ' WIIS plemw n tly dm \V throllgh a r e presen. ulIlde 'his hauled runUlng sores on both legs. Stilley. Lu u rn Rogers, Chits. Welch . £:\"rr)' cunn t y La rt: pro-t'n l Jo rt:e cOlD p a D),of r ecei,ed by Mrs. Puck c r who gnlce· )I.(Jltll tlnutlc la l re put<t.llon: tU:1U ,.a,lary per He had snft'ered six yenr!!. Doctors t.uli ve. /l, fri end fr om Ci ncin.noti . Thc pupj]~ of 'fb o~. Coll ett pre"· .\'t:' r. p;l .\ 'able week)y : If:, per t.1B.Y al'lofU)lutely fuiled to . ht,Ip him . Get DeWitt's f ully resi!,'1letl thc presiuing chair Lamnr ':; f owl tru nspor t. ptl ~sed en t were S~TI\h Brown ollll T. E. ~ure UII.I ali r xpenl«:ii : ALra f.,.bl . LK na·lIde. Acce()t no i nitation . J. E. Janney. . jI.il.lary , nn cummh, .. fun . AlaJar )" p aid each Sat , through t.own fit lin early hou r y es · to him. u r day taOcI t:cpeu"'c money '1.I1n~.nC'rcJ eacb TlIe for ..nooll 'esslon ~'IlS til ken K eys. Rev. "n,l Mrs. Fronk Zell huve t erday m orning lad ~ n to the guord!' w(.-eli: . S1'ANOAKU itUL'SE. ;,a .. Dea r born 'l'h n~ present from a tiL-tunc . t ., (,bJctll.:n beIln entertaining Mrs. Greene and with fiFt y ,"urieties of choice fO"'1s up by Ihe following were Mr. nt!d Mrs . Chas. Wcl ch . PH OnRA )1. tbree children. former ptlrishioners ant! richly udorn ed wii h prem iu ll l M inn('a[loli~. Minn .• Laurll Rogers School . Tln:STY·l< INE counties in Pennsyl . of .M r 7"el1s in Ohio.• hU.t now resi. ('lIrds This exhibit i", nt G rf'E'nc Gil. ~OUl!, A U1Rricu , Steele, hllslJUml nntl dRngh ter . dent .. v. Florida, owning and linng -Fnir t·his week . lind n ext week WI ll Add ress of W e l (~o nw . )lu ttie Ir win . "oni" h" ve returned 0. ma jority in Hoxan". Amunlln RI)IJf' rt ~ 'li tton. fuy r of n llrohi hitiQIl am endmen t. l.pon a /loudshl.ng ol'llnge plllntll. be Ilt Warren County Fair. J. H. Likens. R"sponsc. Hnr "e,s!Jurg. .J ohn FulkinbUl·g. tion . Paper. Re ,·. 8um uel Scott. HOUle City. Liz:lic. Staley Colf"n. A currier pigcon ~etl1 C11 110wn ill w..\!\-'r":D - 1"HUST\\ ' C) HTHY l\1J::!'o: "SO Diuner . It required ten innings to decide 'Vm. Da ughters' ynrtJlu ~ t. ·tltllnl a~-. Trlly. Seth W . a nd Cnrrip E va ns Womt"D lO t r a'·... l o.,d advertise rll t old e~lab· unks olTercdlJY IIIrs . T . . J . Brown 'l'h It ... bcd hou.5c vi "'JItd I1nalllclal ! l:Jodln&, . Su i· · the victor in the base bull gntne be. e\'iden tly o,'er comc wi th fll ligne Rn,l Brown. LelJun on. Milton Rogc r;;;. alar)·. ~';M(j:l )'ei'lr .and t:%penltf!ll . all puyaLle The welcome add rcss WtlS 11 geDl . · tweeD Ihe W ...ynesvi1le and Utica want of noui"ish ment : it was hro't ' VaIn It Hiils. Anna Fulton Brnl! : In c.u,.b S o ca D\'I.'JI .. l n~ requlrrd . Glvc r d· en·n(t ... und t'o(· J~" S4:1t · Iw:ldn.~."'f"d 8 ('i&m~tl teams lit Oakdale Park l/lSt SIItnr. in here for our ill"peet inn a llll we hrief lind hetlntiful : the l' SpOilS ~ tre(· t and tlllughtc rs. Alexlluder ... """ehJl' Altdrr",s lSUUDlit'."t. :.iF..r, C. non <lilY afternooa. The ""ore nt the con~id e r it II ycry hllntJ",IIlIl' iJird. offhand lin d hell rt,\'. Re'·. Scott 's "iIIC'. R ~v. ~ " Ul twl '. "'eott. OilY ton. Bulldtng . C hlrogu . 3P::! " ' ~" end of t~ game being 13 to J 2 in Wllltf' r Kil holl n otificd th" ·i ncin· pllp!'r . from th. · text " Triumplls J o~eph HII wkc . ,,-ife. d lHlghter nOll "IlII BeqtlL'~ts of tb e :\,inctecnth fll VOl' ot Wayn~,i\le . nnt i Post li S tl) its preso:we hl' re; it Centn ry, " was hisl urknl. com pre· SOll , 8]lringVnlle~' , J . Wilson amI Mollie Wright Edwa rd s. Dayto!1. Mr. E'a.muel Hllnt. brother .of it< numbered T :1 ~ . !l 7:, . W ho"o i~ i t'~ hen"i,c . lH'Curnt(' ~il n d able, ri ch in Mn. E. B. Boel, bas been mnde 'VllCre did it cOUle frIJl1I .. IIHI wha t thoug ht and pleasing in exp,essioll. J ohn Likpns nnd dnughter . Ri ch· 'l'II' TAE (. RIIAT ": &!( TKA I .. Hl')l.·T H klt.~ TH I ' ,O,- I .II~I'! . m ond . 1.m1. . Sarah J o n ('~ Hul e. hus· _____ president of. ihe Dt!troit Sl)ntbem record does it bear os " tr,,,'pler : ..... e eo e", , . To listen to it was t il realize thut i n Ru.:lr08d Co .• .ant! \Te are informed MtS5 Mary Coo k. whu a ccnmpan . hn,'" !i" cll in t tll' past con tnry \\'lIS lm n ll nntl tlnughre r , WIIrn iu g-ton. II' INTER Ibat he favo,s a branch of tlti ~ ronLl ied hpr h~o th ('r Will f.rom Chiru"o. gra nd . t o h (' !i"ing i n the prescnt E :l. \\'nrd !:iffll''', Franklin. 1,." he I TOUR), 'T T I CKETS Ir win , Chit':lg' . III., Ma ric Hoberls . from Kin~n' to Burveyslmrg und k ept her self so closp un(l!',' t he -hade een t nry i5 grander. Su W un S:.I~ to ' Illei nlla ti. 'Alii soon 1if' here tl) look O,'cr tbe of h er honlt' that· II' P wcrp not aware l 'he di I1npr .~ prE'a Ll in the Fri ends ' The officers el(·ctel l fo r the nf' xt grounu al¥l figure on the ad,·UDtllg. That sh p WaS h ere nlltll after tile llininl-: hall wati np to th e lts llul <.inze t.tp wal< Oll t fvr In,;t week . standarll in ·ooking. sen -ing and y ear We' rl': Prl!!! .• Chas. EWlln Mer · . · es nnd diYdv8Dtoges. \·il'. P.r('~.. C" rrl e E \'tIIl~ rit. Among t40118 from a distnnce in ,Vh cn onr ,,·ua tle r e r:-:. retu rn l H.Hl1f. good. cll CI' 1I1111 wru; follo-:vetl by a a.na. tho Brown ... c., Emmn Me rrit t Curtf or recrea ti on thei r fri ends like to re::£'$.-;:>I tll'O hlJnr~. e yery mi.nut attendanqe At the Old School Reun · wn gh t. Trell"' ; .. A hi Ca r roll ClJnndh'r ion last lia.turday wns J. M. Rogers. lJe nppris"tl of Ihei r ('om ing. and W ( , of whiciJ wn~ fnll of social e nj oy· of l,.'incillpa-tl: who. we were sorry invite all to ' ph olle the same to th e Ulo:nt. until tb e fumilia r strokes of Guaranteed to obser"..,. i. It111 in broken down Gazett J offi ce ,~nd ,,-,,'11 an nOllnce it t he old bell again cullcd the com· p~ ny to th" sl: hool hall IIntl the uf · henlth. fP.OIlB/llOnH~whLlt improved t o the sa ti sf'lCI!O:l of fr iends. Salary YE..u.I.Y. Mr . und l\1r~. J . W. Edw:uJ ... n ow le rnoon sessiun hegnn null was tak · O\'er th" Jiiue last vellr. 1\<Iilt hns :.rtn aD11 WOOleD of g'1-Ml u.cJd r CNo Iv rt" [H" I'>ent U" . somt' t Q tru\'c~1 """lJOlI ,l ln~ .:u wnt.... had experie~ce of snffering of DAyton. utte nil('ll th " Olt! School e n up with the fo tlowing "llhl ·r.; fo r loca l wtrrk looklu~ .ill fltT our Intt"f · In late )'..... and we regret to say Re nnion ln stl:5n t nrday . " nLl in spe:ck· .: .. t. . $fHW ~1I1.t ry guuruntt.'w Jt·,'arly . e .: ur:a W rit.<, ru T F'olth: r~ . UC' cr1pti"e Ma l ter. e-l C.. LO clmunl ...... l ortll a nd l"J:pf'mu' .... r uplil ~".h· _ nl·e · th~t Hi'll. Bogers is now nlOCb ing of their daughters, Misses Tril e· R c~olll I ion,:. . . L. STO~"E. rucnL uill t."l!! lalJ!t .. bt'd hou..". G ranll l'ilnn c c nu. unci Mu.r~ar e t, now tll nki n g!l tonr R ?ci ta tion. for t:a:-n .'!H man o r woman to .. t:'('u re p ic-as . wreeked 10 bealth . (jenf!rul Pu"ISt'Dger Agent. Annu F ulton. ant. pot.·rlH a nl' tlL Il(t.. l t loo . Jlbt.'nl In " u m t' anll In Europe. Mr. Edwanl,. remark ell :Mnsic. H Olli e Sweet HOllie. yur ia· future . • '\" """. bnllian t line.... W flt! OIL olin' LOl i[ nLLE. KY . The Repnbh~n of lnst that frequ e nt let te rs had kept the --YO -u R -ADDRESS -ST .u' YOIUJ PIU:S~. t ions. hlllrgll r etta Pa cker . w eek apaounC8S thll t LeVi Mills hus SE:-ID :!3 Chu r.c h f:it., 1'e ,,, Hnvpn .Conn . r.cepted a call from n Friends ' hOlD e folks in (,O llst~'nt· tonch with P oelll. Onr Town."people. To MudO. t · !:'e Jl~ O. .J. O. Falkenburr:. hurch ut Oskaloo5ll. Iowil. Oslm- them in IIll their journey throug h. R. J. WEmySS. Englllnd . Scot~ani! , Fmnceau(l oth .. r Ch,s!' in GeogruphY. MoJl ic " ' right. 008II:. Iowa. is the seat of Penn Col· t;enC'1"':.11 Immlg'TUuon Dild In du8Lrlal ."~rn C Oining E,· "Ill~. ~ege. and of Iowa Yenrly Meeting. coun tries. " . h en Illst hmnl froUl Hc,llling letters. the part. y . consistmg of scv n. all Hen ding. Susfln ·Wrig h t. LOUIl:iV1LLE. KY. ;Which is ab.out fivc times the size of Wilmington Yeurlyand offers.~ teachers but one, WII ~ in S\\·itzer. Rccess of 6" 0 minut es for colection The nnnnu l picmc a nd reuni on of And be will ma.il you . rrt..'e, the CI)I1(·t t_ ~l c K ay famil y ,~ilI he ),J APS ILLt' 'TRAn: n PA.'P!tLETS and much lllrger field for Friend Mills lnnd . Ilnd cxpect to r et urn to their of dues. h eMllt the nsunl place, August l U. PRICE 1. 1 T . of !."S D and F ARMS I n 'han the on6 in which he hos been native land hE'tter oquippell for th ei r Roll Cul l. profession,,1 work . Irn prom tu R"nlll rk~ lJy Seth '\" . AUl? t~ st 1:1- 16-WI1 rren Co. Fuir . Kentucky . !lrominent for a number of years. Tenn essee, B row n . •1. \\~il.~i:ln Edwllrdf. Lizz ie Augu. t :!'i-t>ept.. I;- Ohi o Stute I . .!lluua.ma. Many lleraons Itnve been going \YA:"'TED. -Capanll'. rt"II Jbl (' pt:r-.uu ()ausc racker flnd ,'. Le,·. Cu r t· .Fair. e\'er y counlY LO r<'pTc... en t I;ITpt' runJl,anv 01 iibrolln this Summer in seurch of so Mississipi and Florida. lid t1nunclal n .' pul:Jt fon : .. ~ I : JI; .. abn' peT ,,"ri g ht. I'u l'~ l lay . Ang . 1:1. "cu n ion of t·he ruayl.lyr /lmusemcnt and recreation. in spite year. 1m_vallie wet:'kJy : :1 per day I1b:orJlutcly E"crr nUlllber o f thi~ progrum 70th O. V. r. at .Middletown . s ure aDd a ll eXileD. "'S : ~lTalj.!'ht. h lln .l ·tllle. of the intense hEllt. Right bere definite ~a l a r)". no c{Ho ml"!'o lon : ~alan' Iml, 1 wl\s w("11 wor t hy o f speC'iu~ u wu ti oJl, ·uturdny. Aug . 1 ~th . Yea rl y within driving distancc is 0. chance eacb Sa t u r dl1Y unr. e.'tpt:n ..h: m oney ;J.<h 'ancdl but th i.;; nllr Sp,l('c forlJitl f! and y et each I\'eek ~"ANI).o\lflJ HOC'S1-: . :tH lJf'a.r · MeE'lir.g ut· th e> Fr:enlls ' \Vlnte t1u~t . c.,n hardly be dUl>1icnted bOTD S t .. Ch lca.co. \\'0 Cllun ot refrain f rom sllyinf,{ tlInt Bric k ll1f'eting hOllse at Wnynes · IIbro.1d. nil tbings considered . 'rhe re:Jllni><cential ·.rmnarks of J . O. ,·iIle. wCllther is now very comfortable \VOI' k uf tl ... Sih' lIt HcaIH! r. Fll t'kcll hura; were of r nre interest ":ept. l G to 2,' , Ci nci nnat i 's Fill nnd inviting. A drive to Wanen all th ough :o:.parkling \\ Hh wit nnd The wiuow of Jam es Stnn;pl. :It en.1i"\"PII C'Ll by h u m or 'w er e tinged, F est, ml. V J'lDty Flllr would be delightful . County Tcnch cr's Insti I ute at Ilnd a da.y ·s ·tay there would be of Centerville. 'aged Rbout .i.i yra r 3. and a t tilll es !'"dd(·uE'd. with patll o~ . L ~b:ln o n . August 19 tJ 23 , incl usive. the nR ture of 11 p!cnic You will diell early Monllny TII o rnin~ :lnd Th ose fr om wh om lette rs w e re H6e whllt is goil)g on aronnd you. will be buricd 'tlti ~ afte rnoon Ilt :! r C.11l1 , ,,"e re: Sa ill tlcl H. K i ngdou /:iept. ::r{\. X en ia citiz ns votA Dleet your frlCntls , make new ac· o·clock. lit Cen terville. 3~ I \Vllshingto!1 Stret·t. Boston : HyeE " or "0 0 " on lucal option . qUBintances and SIl8 the very best Mrs. Myers. ngell SO y e o. rs or Chnf4. HollaDll . Lu Crc,,". I owa ; LI ZThursdn)', Aug. 15th. Wiliiamson of everything in every . line. that IS Dlore. dieu ut L ytle MOIul,,}, m olrn· zie E. Ca rroll. Denye r Colorado; 'mel Hi 'ey fnmi ly r o;union on the ftl be seen in the county. Y nu will ing after u lon g illn ess nnd wus L izzie Merritt Hule. T opck a. K us. ; old grotm d. f"el bett.er after it and will be wis· buried lit Mt . Holiy this m orning. Th o mu ~ Ga rretson. OsknJoo".1, Ta . ; er BOU realize that you are up-to. "nllie McComn!> Zellenl. N e well • . W.
JS!fj> We also 'supply caps, sUIs, step!
and every -description 'of cut stone work for building purposes on short notice,
" I
Office and Yards:
Louisville an·Xflsh"ille R(loa d, ~~
Magn~tic Springs -Hotel !
Situated on ·t he DAYTON & XENfA 'l'IIACTlOIf L _ 4 mils· . from Spring Valley statiQn on MJAlU.DtvUIiOlfl'. ,- C .• C. &St. L. R . R. Mecilciw.l Wlitera celebrated for cure of Kidney Troubles, R heumDtism, Nervon. Di8eases. etc. . .... .............. ._ ..... ...... ..... . OPF?i THE YE;AR ROUND ...... ......; ••..RATES ~:OO~PER DAY.
POOR APP.... j!.. r......1410 BAD COMPLEXION,
anoh,oald w... toted .... l8d....n,.wa. -.,_ _ CZIZa1' KDG to 7OG. 8ol4by ~ " " '.2k. aDd 1iOe. • •
lIr. and Mrs. Abrllln Ebright en· tertained 11 psrty of voung ladies yesteni.w eveuing in honor of Miss Edit·h era.ne. who is -visiting h ere. and the Mi'1I8CS FRcker. who in short time will go East to complete Y,rJI' educntion . All present (n· j a mllSt delightful time • .
ARTHUR. DUFFY, Ps-ops-I.tozo.
"OPPORTUNITY SALE." We offer you the Greatest, Opportunit.y of Yonr Life, to Purchase Il First-clnss Vehicle a t a Modemte Cost.
:0 do ' I'2Beanti,fnl Snrri£.s,
5 Rnbb'r tir~d-:QDggt8t Steel Tired Buggies, i·Rubbtr tired PbmtoD.
Dyspepsia Cure . . . . . Digests what you eat. ......... J=~pl~~!:n~~~n:~ . . .:. .
ILrueti. Itbe .. usted dlgeslilve orglia U 11 !.be latest. dlsco,erecldlgett.aat aDd tonlc. No other pre~tIOD c;'..an~proacb It. In elDclency. It.· inS . y.relIevesaad permanBeDL1Y::!!~ Dnpe~ Iodigestlollt ean~... I!'l'aLulenoe, S,our . Stor:uac:b,l!iausea. D . tf
This is the of our remnining.8Wck.and they maatgo. .... :.. . .. .... ._We also have 2 Troy Wagons, 1 second hand Log Wagon ......... . (nearly new.) Breaking.up Plows, Drag and I>ifcJlarroWll ........, for Fall u!!e. at, and below cos~ ; don·t ~orget thIs; .a~ Har. ".mH' __ ....... ness. (both ~uggy and Team.) Dusters, FlyNets. Wliips &c........ ... .... ..... also l,.1l1unplon Tobtreco Sprayers. .. ....... . ..~ ...... ReDleru ber we nre calling tbis. our Oporbmity Sale. ..... :.._ ......... and we mpAD it.. it is for yon; if 'you expect to buy._....... ........ nnythlng in our line this fall . come and see what we .. ....... . ......... b D'I'e t 00 ffer you.
W ater J. K 1·Ibon' & C. 0.,
Sick Headache, Gastralgla,Crampsand allot.berresultsof lmperleetdlgestion.
~1Oc. and I\. .1Arge .... ~:It..u;: -u-.
Bookau_' d~pepaa
C.o.WITT.CO.CbICG,o. 1 J. E. Jllnney. d ~ggist.
all' an
da t<-.
"Fagged Out,"
Feel HaftHEADA~
- ON ..
TVBSDA:r. W'm)NzS%)AT all! 'UIl73S1»AT, A'qUt 13,14.16 ad le, 1001. , A Splendid program has been prepared and everybody sboald go and enjoy it.
. TIns -year _be piped
the~ can be no comphlnt of a
lack of. good pure water · ~or the ·best.of . wat~, witt:
y froUl..tbe city water .works . Llberai premiuma I
Do not fail.
a~ oite~ ~ an ~ ..ij· ~
.. You , will certainly wnntto_ the
;And listen to the
SJtLE1I'J)ID MUSIO .OF DIFFBBI:1I'T . BAlIDS: The,fidmission Prl,ce which is as fOllo~t is l'aSily withiu the reach-of a11: ' , " - -Family TiCket.. Re~: .......·..""..~".,,'1:00. Single Ticket, Gentleman .......:.... ............ 5Oc. ~
Single TicketS, Ladies •••.. ;: ... ........ ..... .. ...;..t.25.
_ .
Single Ticket to Grand Stand
.L ta14
,; A:: ~t ~ort ~ . ~
.......,,~IU~.'I:~~~~· ~~!c;,!~ the · ex~iiOOm~~ or Qreep~' ~~9" FaIr, to '\jave Y~\1k exhlbition' tiettei:tIl!&Jl;., I~DY. ~}iat has gone t.efore. . 0;
~ ~caees of co~b.,, ~[ffi;~~I:;b. the little ODes ODe l! nUILlitie.,I ~i'e!lt' easy ",nd. liave ~. the c!rild-wi.n be ·&JJ.rIght wh!le. It Dever: Iails. ~Dt to take. , AlwaYI' ..i!/;lfe. .~ .aDd 0.1. . t •.; .~. tan . . -~ J ' 'E mOB ,...8wD' . eollluu Janney. . e~""". . , , Th~' Mlilmi vaJley~~nt.Rqq~ for "1 I '• . t . t ''''ft.'''''; d 190 , S D0W.) ' par 0 ..... _.". a.n the throng. of :people, who eDjoytid ii.were 'eDtli11SiUtio, in. their of eVerY feah1reof nie.greal Aseembly. TJioi8e grouodi a~ becomlDg 1;Dore aDd D'.ore J'Opular ~Cb 'year 48 1\ deUghtfol.re!!ort Dear at bome. P ,' T. Th om~ .' . 8ompt e~n -'II·,e. A'J!O. Ptlrt.ajl 1 y,ouf.re m4lkingC?ut yon~ \Ylut .lilt; "e'l\ try and help you; wall suffering ,' from dyspepsia I comm~cecl t.~lng Kodol 1 Ia i t D~e.i &aJ1 We'n .lioe if-niee-and I hi n . ' O.i~~~III\a Cure. d " I ttook 2 or Miil .._Vi~a" tbe Dew Malt food '
.\ '
... -
S ~ Vinegar?
t: 250.
>S 01' IBIBILs Of. WHIA1'a lbefiu..lt cereal ·we ·hlVf': lonnd.
4 M.ybe Olive~, i.ITg~ orlmlll,
""'FAH~ .~ WHITE..
High~, Class'. Was~ Fabrics,
'Never have we had such a beautiful stock, W'tl8h Fabrics. ' 'All new 'Weaves - b.efore" . ,,and never ,s h ,
neorrtlglo. of the 1ItQmllch. bot his faithful wife au4.1~iB phYlliculn. Dr. 8hl!rwood will doubtI898 bring •. ," , • ....... o~t all .right. "" ThoBe desiring to &ake art ressons in Crayou; Pas/elle. Water Co!<!1'8, Oil PaintiDp. call OD Qr ad.1reaiJ -
Mu. EUJrlO& FoRlfAll 8Bun,
Glen worth P1ico, Waynesville. }ljssesCarrfo.aud Edith'Mosher• this week to oai'dl~g&on where tbey will , join 'tbeir ;..~ lind little b roth'er. Ha rna . 1D . "'nSl",ng '': th' eu gnmd.-pueD~8 Moaher imd unoie RolMfrt MoSher. . Mrs B B All rt. J r to Pa;. '-Our t>ttle' ;r~n!lm':t strangled to df'fltb wlth croup. Tbe dOOtOl'llsaid 8be couldn't Ii~t", bot I!~ was instant.ly relieved by One Mll}ute Cougb Cure, . J. 'E. J,anney. It i!I hanlly Dooeesary to call atteo. to-B. 8. Kiugabury'aj large dig'. play adv~isem81lt ~ ~his p~per; It speaks for 1~1t and WIll pay for the readiDg if the text is attended to aDd acted Upelll. • .
"-. WIIDOW J" h
'Ch' MaJ:'k et rna 'an s(ock. (Figured ,and . 'lIe
tr st·
-!iIJ'SVIi'" _R. _o,i.~B~ <~:'l H ~
, >
~p IT"E"R,II-S~
~~;~.·:.a::rw~~:~::t~ < Y~te~rar:~~~t~~. rth
give it. XI'. and HrB, Dow,'aj; ~~. h·?Dl.e ot.
' lea
l·t.~:.~:CloJ>l~' he&- oh~ ~rP8n~~'o!ie' jho will
ST., XENIA; 0 ..
. . "-
Magnetic Springs ~otel AND SUMMER RESORT,
"Fagged Out,"
It .
. We ('ft'er yon the Grfllltes t Opportuuity of Yoor Life. to Purcbase II First.clruis Vchicle nt 8 Model'!!te Cost.
2 Beautl'r·ul
you eat. -. .. .......
Snrrl"{ S 5 Hnbb'r -tl'red B'odd'e 8teeIT"IredBUu les 1-Rnbb'"f' tiredphDIBtDB. Cure I
ARTHUR D~rY, Proprietor., .
BELLBROOK, OJlIO. Situated. ou the DAYTON & Xu.A TRACTION L a and 4 mflee from Spring Valley statiOD on liLUlI Dlv18lOlf P .• C.• C. & st. L. B. B. lIIedlcinnl WOlters celebrated for cure of Kidney Troubl88, Rheumatism. Nervous Di _ _ • etc.................... ......... , .....'... .. OP~ THE YEftR ROUND ...... ........... RATE8S2.00 PEB DAY.
...-... .........
Water J. Kilbon & C' 0.,
hee.n joVsa '·hellobox"ltf hisofttce . with the rest ot the world and would D:ltbewithout it .f or any reaSonable conslderation .
. .. , . ' ....._ _ . ~-.ua."""'T. "' . '~~ '. ---~ ~.., . . . . . . ~ ~..L"" -~ W:.J . ....., ....... • • . .
'"MiS8ell Ma.rlan.na and Margaretf& Packer soon to leave -tOll Geor.... · :ju !It lITeWtov.-D, PeDD. .,-
ft ...........
8yIVBDia,.wberetbAywi enter upon 0. tWQ,YEI8r8'conrs6nf 8tudy,~ Later lLIr. and Men. Packerwtll follow.ad make II. home for their ·d aughters. Thti, good. ftUnny. on., of onr' biist. will be greatly mLased fromoproom , mUDity. ~t as they'will Dot bum' the h1idgea.behilld ·them \Ve hopeto welilOm.l~tbem , bfJck ·s trongm. and better-equipped for.1lIM!fu1uoIIs.
-BY TR&-
-ON ..
2' 0'
Of L
'groom's ~Y:~ &D~~on~pi,u~"'e;"uIII UJ~r a~. ~a. ~blo, OD a. two tIre and wu bumAit to tlui ' ODd weeltS·· ~0IIey. mOOD ~l~ at . ..., ~. ~. . h ' ttm e .... ~ ""'II ........ ·to With valJlllible COJIij,nts-JO box8f of e" 11'h IC "..fIT ... 1''9IrleiI-~g':o to li~ ; We ~y wiSh 1aat-Y~'8 tobacco. 81H.oua of hay. I' ".' .... ' . wheilt. ou.'h(,riI~.a~fuer'.lap ~le a happy _JDarn~. ..ru._t fAtall ' "n1~~Il," :~IO'o.. 'h,u 8 .llI>bTe ' heart, ~ y ~
113-121 W. MAIN
Q and en<X!LtU'IIglng to go: My baby was terribly siclt- with I '· , 61)1 .,. tbe diarrhoea. " !lIIYII J. H. Doak, of ' ~g" WilllAm!'. Ol'egoa " We were 'or.n.' . ~Ie to cure him witb the dtYltor'8 Dy·~pepsla 0 , . assIstance. aDd as A last.!'8S0rt ,we ~. .. .... -.. This is tbe exten t of our J'f!DUllniDg sWek, and they mn.t go. ........ tried ~mberlain'8 Colic. Cbolem what W e a1.<;o have 2 Troy Wagons. 1 second ~ Log Wagon .......... 1IIId Dillrr~oea Remedy., a Dl hap. It.u1.i1IeIaU,diaeslilltbefoodaudaida ......... (nearly new.) Broalr:ing.up Plows. Drag lind rn.c.Harro........... .. PY So 8Ily It ,gIL.e immedUlte relief Nas.ore. lu8L1ellgtbenlng aDd ftlCOD- ....... .. for Fnll Ulle. ot. and below cos : don't forget thl8; abt. Har . ....... .. an•.~ a .complete .cure." For ealle by, ~~et.lI'!II_~ ela'xhate8~~~~eredigelltid~!!!: ... ...... n088. (both Buggy lIud Team,) Dusters, Fly Nets. WhIps &c.......... 1.0 Is Xl ..- - • ..,...... also G'hampiou Tobacco Sprayel1l. " ....... n ~v. . aat. &Del tonJe. No other pre~L1on .. ....... Remember we nre calling this, our O ........ ni... Sale, ........ . . , can~b It. ID emcieD"'" It. In ...... ." Eliquire J G x ...... thougbt for a _11 a ad "t!' • .. ....... and we moon it. it- is for you: if 'yoo expect to buy ..... .... • , • 9 :I ._yesa permanen ycures 0 ythlng I'n our I;ne 'hl's f 11 nd hnt while tbat _hi5 , bosinetl!! did not reo DfBpeDlla. . .IDdiges1ilob, Beartbul'n, .... .... D . ~ w a, come a see w we ......... tbEl1lS8 of 0 telophone, Deltber' i'iaulIeocit. Sour .' Stomaeh, NIUIIIe&, ......... bsve to offer you. woultliiadd~ thepl84llw:e of bi~ ~c:==~~u!'.~~::cr~~rono~ family to 1io.ve ·a box In his home PrtcI~...aSL lAlpalleeotlt&lDaSIUI_ . . but lha J3qulm hils Jin,,])y '~~ught -~...,..,~~alIc:.":'~~~~ on;! finding' 'thnt II. man m~hout II J . E . Janney. drtlgb"ist. telephone h is · not ID it;" and DOW P'!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!~!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!
m'. ·. ':_,".
.Office and Yards:
A8IIembly that waYJl. eeville was not represented there by a . large .per ~nt .. of her.llOPUlatlOD ~8 tran!!1cnt besides the ,:S!ndellt ~~. tbereportdrom allaratnat It ~~ one grand suooetI!I. " ' . . te3 J ~ a~ 0. sWi~:~, B ciu:'~:m o~t iD~I~rkind~ of 'l!eatber. I too'k .... co14 which settled .in. my kia~8JB, and was In very bIId 8hape I tried several ad .' , .~ . " • verfiiied rue<hcm8S Witll no . benefit until I "'as ri!commendetl . .: take . . t ,U Foley'.lnftnel" .Cure,,' 'l'wo.tbiMS or a boUle cored me. Louis )(a,y: Remember thllt ear.b weeU~1lTI' & WhIte poolishtlleir specialti8llin flIis-paper. Don~* (ail toread.thei.r c:lrd every. week ODd ron will , they have just what you WIlnt, and
·DoD·tbesaiis1led with temPorai'y thus 'yon save timernDDfng 'around relief from indigestion. Kodol ny. looking,for yon,r Buppllllll. 8pep!ll~ Cure permaneD~ly. ~ oom· The law8 of healtb'. reqoire plete 'I removes tl;iis -complalDt. It , th '--' -,h da reJieves permaneptly .becaose it ale uuW"", move ou~ (!lIC.,. t . ODe of the pcnal ti8ll, for 1Di0:<Vti,:e tiredtltomatohh·perfootot resh. e 'woo' ~ t e 8 ma.c tbis . law ill piles. Keep YOUI' DU& . yr.,............... ........... ~. food wer~t.v8llTh8eu.~~~...lfrome ;""'ytbeto bowels r~lar.,..1>" ta~g.n. d0$6 0.f SUit lIuUe, ..: ........................... 500 ~ _UlUU ng:h R Eddie Sllk, ................ .: .. 25 to 37~c ' . belp the 8tomacb Ia .to 1l1I8 Kodol ~.bl\lmtbe!1ajhn s l"'~ob ~nd . ~ DY8)l8p8ia-Core. whieli'dtgests whilt .... e 8 w eu 'D~.ry and you '&"D ·· ..a! .. 'OJ OF Dmlat.• -youent and can't help bot,..do yo~ wilI .never have .thstaqvere pnnish· ~A@)~~ .~~e~ WJ~~ ~~ec- It~; J. E: Jonuey . , · , mon~ il;1ftlcted u~I\You. 'Price 2iiO. _ • .;. : ' , '. < 'l'ba4cI8us BeBrfnger• . 0. f~mer For sale by Louls-¥ay: LI:iDl~U. :.~l,T "J1tAD,~~.<!: ~',fii ~ 'oftice.but {o.r It few Chnrles Ebright, of. va,ton. ~nd .1 ~ ~ holdiDC a p6si"~ in WaJterJobllllOn. of Boopeaion. 'Dls .• s'-' a~u.. .3pBn CbJeago with the }oiew . ¥ork ' ;Life were recruiting, alJloDg thejr Wo.y. . . .• , .' ~raD98 Co., ~ us under date uesvllle'relative8 hI"t WAek. Charlie yi~laea ·.mm~nse: Twin~ ' C1iBin _o f 3d iilst. that, on the all-Yo is glad to gethnck to Jiia ~old B~ck. , , ~ngnst '. 1901, "something would home, but does oot enjoy-ns -pla~n,. a~d ·u'p. happen." The happeDiDgwa8Tbad's robust health 118 he did iD the' Gold· '. ,. • . DW-rlage ·to his :· jold girl · bat al! en ShLte~ , ,
your children WID go throogh the heat#l(fterm without sicJmC88. Dr. Ctllllwell'. Syrup Pepsm corrects aU soob troubles by .reID1n -ing the 01). scure Caose.and keeps the AYstem in perf~t work1.~g Clrder.~LonU1IIay. 1?iere was pn.bably not .n day during ' th~ ¥\ami Valley Chaut.aiUqM
If tbe &t.cmach and bowels, lire free from galleOns 4nd 8O~r lluid IlCo cumnlut~0U8 llDil ~be hablt.s reguillf.
" All ,co'10 ' rs, 'More ' diira~ble~ than s"ilk's, , . , or.figurn'" ..~. ., "' .. And JOust as 'pretty,' ' PI'-o.on Silk ~ ................. :..... : ...... 5Oc 0"'" Zeph . ' 500
.a_D .
Krs G T O'N-Il"-d tbe •.. ua ...."'. . ,,' b "-I l t d ore 0 f elll..,r"" ,n og a . Inner on Thursdo.~ Mr.. ~nd ~. John (If Lebapon, the ~ ft~" M' A th f nati. IU&U I&l D ooy. 0 VID,ew· . ', . _. . ' Icha-O~:e' 1tfi:sses l.lwo.. l1Dd Sue Wl'Igh~ . ~D hn~g. the ·pl~sure. of enter· t.a!DlDg t belr C01l81D. Mig 'He8llU~1 MI?Do~ld. from Sher.lllan, Texa,a. ~~o Otis lB-ot\peudlng the ~ommer witb Hadl _ ' ,D'~ . , eJ • ~e'\r ...... rveys. borg ; abl[) Miss Mu!'e Clulmiller:ltwa-\ of"Leban~Ln. ' , • . '
. ~rs. A. Q. Brndstr~ and daugh· ' en; MisseB. Ava and Nellie, ot AI eXJinder3,vi' lt.. wete guests of' Mrs B.·.. istor, Mrs. Abm~ ~brjght. severnl d!,yslast week and re~ined over to attend tbe Old School Beariioo~ wbere Mrs. B. met a number I of ' her girlh.nod nssooiateli and H You friend8.. . f'.eI What a Tale it l'~Ua.'; HavcHEAD~ . If that mirrow of yours shows n BACKACHE, wretched,; Mllow oolllnlexion 0 POOR APPE"'t"'j-j,.jlliuidiCClll look. moth lXltchcs 'a·nd. BAD COMPU!XJON, blotches on the 8kin. ita Ihor .troo· aIId _ l l k e 10 ted ... ~ 1RII, I..t . . ble ; but Or. King'iI~ew Life Pilla. reco~CUZR1' Kl5LaJ'''''' regulate ;the live; purifY the blood_ • Ilol4 b,. DrugItIW. l'IIeel&c. .... dliOc. ' . give clear tIltift. rosy cheekB ricb " com~lexion. . Only 200 lit 'Louis Yr. and Mrs. Abram Ebright en· May s drlng store. . . tert!liDOO Ii psrty of voung ladles W "'__ y t rcL\ . . h r M' tuTeJlvvuot·y Fnjr n,x~week. e . e y eVeolDg ~n ~DO~ O ."s August Ul. 14. 15, l 6. The wrnther Edith CraD~. who IS Vlsihng here. . prOlDises to be'flne. Take a hOlida y a nd the Misses Packer, who in a wilh' j ou.r family. ~ce how tbe bort· time will, go East to complele locln!llDd how croP!' pronti..<e. There theIr educations. All preEent (D· is pro~i.'!e of one oHiie best of fni l'll. joyed Il most delil;htful time. help to nilake' H the best by-going ' . ' .'
~6u·.11 ~an~ tb" pure ci~er~ We ill"e it 4 y~an old. Back of Flourtiao'o. e better·LL.;1 " . - tLe WHITI SATIN. Me ....ck-•
ney. , WJu]e iu Dayton with, b8'l' !!isters , about·teD da~ ago;·1tia8Xate El.1l· 7 A Cake of Par:atBae ,#or prH!l"ing 1eIJiea Iud Irllil., ott-.• of nElar Ferry. was kiclteU by 8 JeU] GIaISeIi, . w'i~b tin lid.. Ca.i b~ used for eomlDoli tumblen. the hOJ'lleshe' ~ befin driving. aDd '" ..' . ' . . ~'. ~ aeyen;ly injlJl'l!dabout.lIer 1!ead I1Dd . 9 -C'be_ The ri~lIest cheese that UDde 81m produces. body.. 'She 11'88 hikeD Into tbe bome JO' Maybe it'. FI] P.per, the !ltieky-kiud; warranted.' '~o .catc1l and Ilold of her aunt whereahe received med· . 'em~ . ieal aid lind where me was tenderly . . __., f . t'I -'bl to be 11 Pie PMCJ.eI. "'.J:',6t' e \bing for piea wI,eD ~enies 'a rc gOD~. 60 a ""-"'" or un I ""e was a e reD?oved to her own h.oroe only a . . " ' 08110011. few 'd.s;Y8 o.go. "Througb the months of .Iune . . 'Pllone 20 Waynesville. Ohio. and July our baby was teethmg aDd took ,1\ I't1JlDing. off of ,the bow. els and sickness of the stomach" 8IlYS O. P )(~ Iiolid&y~ of Demin'g, Ind. 'B i8bowels would mo.e from five to.eigbt times &day. I had 11 . . bottle of Chamberlain'. Colic, ChOI. AT era aod Remedy lD .the boose and gave bUll (cur dr!'jl8 lD a tea8poonful of water and be gol better at· once." . Bold by 'Looill Kay. Prof. J. H., BroWJI, late guest of h~ br~ther. Prof. J. A. Brown. lifter returning to.\riB ~ome ,.t'Cadiz. 0 ., wrote a very interestiDg description . (If Le!lBn. on. wh,ioh. " , 0 pnbl~ ill . the CadJ:ll RepnbliCftD'; also one dB· 'b' W · '1" bl ><CI'I mg aYDesVl .e. po ISbed"lD n ......... __ ' N ' ~OWn' t... e ~n..un < eWL . l ! n n l l' theee letters ,,!,e gather tl!at Mr. Brown ._ Blue Belle Lewn ........................ 1Oe was )Ughly 1l1eaBeil with hisvisi~ Dimliy L·.:\jgnoo................... 12~c here and >cry favombly impressed . DimltyCima~, :.:: ............... ;...15c by the fertibty of the sorroll!lding &&IDe Batiste, .......... ..... ...........180 ; ~ntl'y. as wen as :by ~e up.to-dat4! 'Silk Chambray.... _ .. .......... 25 to 590 Imllrovemeute of our town . & A.
Ol~' C. B. lJmlth i8 down with .
• .att'lck of his cbionic •. an trouble
A Splendid program has been prepared lind everybody should go lind 8IIioy it. Do DOt fail,
ThJs year their ean' be no comP~int of a Jack of good pure water
lor .tbe'.best of
water will
, be piped directly from the city water works. Llb8r&1 premilllD8 are offered, aloak aU
You will certaiUly waDi . . to_ the
.' ~ .
~~ .&~01¥JOBn.E RACBS
miuYJ aire~O!UI. Single Ticktif " · ........ .. . • Gentie . maD .. · ... · ...... H.~. Siogle ;ricket to Grand Sfa!ld ...;.... ,;.; ......-uc. qJU~ uiJder twelve yeats,of age irOO, . I . '
~t1. . . .C ....erM
h _ . _ D....
ca.«••r e ......ekeltell
Ot...e .................
"Wbat It you '&1!""" .u... 'l'lor" T. Be P:
, ' 'IIlIall ..~.tart- bra ..dylocolher. Up "ltll tile ..,lIut .,..,r of '111" 'UP. : 8t".!ni'; wh.tev... the ....til.. ? C:c>ma nlUe I ....y-(ol", what do ,.ou la,.t lAt', bq\n talr./y toptll.~ 10-4.,..
w. wltll .. anll • • 0.... ' AU tbroup tlae.. na.na••,. mOlnlnc'
keep at,p
4114 wile .. lb • . noonU",o com'" .p'.dln&.... lriunll.g.l -· WIIlltll.,. bll "hornlO( ..am In&-. ~
Then," l&1d the Work. To Be Done. -161: UI
Who .... BpI up I" t'" Ilurry with me. "U.rk, In .th. mJ.dlt of tbe lone afternoon.
Whe" )'ou'ro a 11111" bit ••aT)'. How all the meUO'JIIIa keep •• e"etl". In
ToUln... and. prattllDa and cheery .
3!!"Ha.m- l.:~~;:~~~~t;~~
Wllat do·)'ou ...,.... laid til. Wor .. To Be
se""~ the po.iltiOD .ot o. "hlftd gljl" in a faJiill,. ot :t be. ;')l' tll'/' 'strange.... t., h~; and..!!he.siniJe<l a ntHe to he.rself. at the'tbooght of-.her anxiet,. ~t a nam~r 'of other girls I '_;;"~:;;aho.old- )l{l.c;.e been' bdo're h.e r and ai· ....u~d. the place.. . " . • "I'amana bun.1'to look int.. theja",. of my dragon." 5he said; a8 sbe tut'Ded COI'De.t into RlIDlilto,ll street. "I )jope Jie wlU -'not 'swallow me down at one mouthful belo.,., I han had 11 I·hellleiltll<er blow at· hilP ":it!.: lD"-Uly-brnom ~ sUck;" she ..adeil. 110t carlngwbetbei tfte met"Qphor were e.sac(-of Dutf _ ' She paq.sed :a momen t "!ben,, . reaCh.dNo. 36. alid.•~as 1!leased. t9 note tbat th.e b0Il88 ........ not tnot a"ge·nor tOO'small. - '.
~l ••d ' ...
Dooe. t)l;e'*'I ..!e. fl~ th" colle<;tton a.r- "Shall we be comrade. lUI .ettfD&' of .-un 1""
oa~ · from the ~e befo,,_ tbe ,.~ wa. oeeupied by, the ~.." JlIld w;lUa • b1ae): l1'M'kd d the nd of .... n "!Jht-fooi po.l. 1'I'oeeadad 10 bia wI<. With thl. aeccaory he eould.;reaeb deu to Uae tIJOd of the pew. only he had to be ~fol .Dot to hi t IIOme ....onhjper .wi tb the bllt! end .. bile maldnf the .. hort naell ••. EYerybod'l' 'in tbe ,,"onirePtlon put h ••mn"thiDA'. aud tWe:. ~Jleetor me4e .. littl" bow eyer.1 u.....a eoia jiJaa'led in the pocket. lie had pile about • -~ther elder with .another bag and 1'1"1lIc" J ....,"'" ....u...;. •...,nilfred. 10 .]1,4 .",R£U bd_ }Ijj PI''1''l'''e. ,how. DO hell! bU teUo,,~I· or finloh the worlc. lnd;'ed. i:e atarted ja." ..here tN other b.d· be· gun and paned th~ bag to the ...... e and e'weryoae droJlPfll lu . a as 1aftbfaUy ... be had doae the fI ....t tl Nor W'u tbj. the "nd. tor the --. 611if col1eetor-had'llo .oonr lOt .,.ood at a~ . than .. third .tePl"'d MIt 1nino tb" paJpU witli b.g alld. pole · a*d 'w""t ... mdiuniomly O1'er-the lYOaad u be' two otlier. had dMl~, lie .... ju.t u &uceusful .11' IIi. 'Predecesson. 'l'bing1l .·e.... getting uriona. Tbe .t n,n~ had ' pnt onTer'" in tb'e 'fh'IIt ~af. bu f~amig ill.t' tbe eo\1~lon might' - conliDlI.e rnadlnltel.1. 'be dropped eopper coins into' the .econd and {btry i>ap aD<'I ..... not a litt.le nHne" wben he ...... 'that the ....st oi th4! : men ill tb .. elil~n' reat-s kept their pl.e.... Later he leU'll"d the see.... t or the proee.... The f1 .... t man collected tor the minister, the .eeocd for lhe ehllreb. tbe tblrd 1.or t~e poor. M e.ch mem!>er of the eoaJl'nptioJl eotitr:but"" 01l~ Hrlland ee3t to eaeh hag It eemed &a if a little calenlatlon mjjfht -ha"e urnd n:ouch collectlJlC. 'Ibe aum of tbe tb ....e depollit. woald. in our D:\oney. b!o .bern& one: and ODe-: IIfth unto for each pftaon. At the moment .hen the hB«a began to paso tbe minister g.... ou. P bytlln, but the ean,...eppon Anlshe4 , Inglng It long t:efore the collection was o~er. Th~:re did not, howen!:. enaue one of tbo.e sil~neea dOYinIl wbich you ""n bear pin. drop and JIj"" bun. .f or th .. min is ter igno .... d tbe colledo.... who wue titill making tbeir baiting progreso througb the . n,.;~ .• .t." ai IH; alid promptly !>epa' hi., ftrmen. ' j,
-Frank Walcott Butt. In Youtll·. Compan· loa.
SHARP.I1mO A DIPE. H .... te Pa't . . ¥qe •• Y.-•• aJ.de
.·ill "ak, ,,_ t.e E • ..,. . , '· ... e ••__ ••••.
All boys h..-e Iml.-... III th~ir pock· ets. but some of them are so dull Uoe.1 at:e ~o' of much use either to their ownen; or to tbe.ir owuel1i' neirbbor... A hOT without a knUe, •• know from es:prrlence, is -...ery miserable and in a poor ....y to ~t all ibe enJoymeni out of life. Of course,
............. C;.~_II: ........d •• .toe S . . . . . . . . . ._it
IImBPEIIDEM' OYSTERS. O.lr .:.......... bl.
!rew 1'••111
.... _ r t......... AN! 'Left •• Leek owt T.e_••l.ea.
girls, do not use knino 00 much a . boys do. but they frequently ha.e t o bono,v of tb.lr brothen or their friends wben they ..ant to sbarpen pencils or cut their jumping ropes or plll.r PUU)' ~'illowt';- Do npt tbink I ",ould urge ...IO.bnuB . upon my re.• den, but. pe-raoDI \t'bo borrow knivu are orten -.ery careless with them. 101lng them or keeping tbem much longer than they need. What I want to tell you i& the nry simple tbing 01 bow to k"ep a poek .. tknife sharp. With 8 little trouble and patience a knife can !>e aba~ en.d and kept in good order. but it i. surpri&ing how few
bow to do tllis. In tbe flnt place, if th" edge of tbe blllde Is badly niek .. d. or if tb ...isf... eu"e out., ii should be ground On a grindst.one uuW tbe nicks aU disii ..~ar. .Be snre Lo put plent.1 of ~.-.ter ~n the eto n!, so thllt the beat'arlsing t,om the m. lion ·,rill uot take oot tl.e "temper~ of th" .teel. Hold the blade flrmly 10 tbat tbe sto ue will .gt:in,J from the top of the blade nearly to ~he edge. When the grioding i. done tbe 'aid eo 01 tbe blade sbould eu",r iD. Tb~ blade mey th~n he said to be " bollow ground." If tbe stone is nllowffl to grind tf> the edge th., blade ";j) be· come too tbin and will ','niek" easily. Now place the blade in a lIat posi· tion on a whetstone and grind witb II eiteular motio11Tr.at· both sidea la this way till a sligbt. fringe ap· pears on tbe edge. ] f the knife doe8 not need grinding it can be .... bet up" in the 8Rme way, with tb'e exception I>f !>earing • little more strongly near tbe cutting edge when rubbing a.erosa ~e atone. Either water or fine ' ·011 may be used on tbe .tone. wbicb ,boold be ke.pt e1ean. Last of .11, nib tbe blade eamully on & strop or piece of soft.• 5mooth leatber, wblch \Viii remove tbe fine .1rinl1e ou Ibe "dge nnd ..ill polish tbe blade. ~n followJng tbue diredious you . can "",t-an edge OD your knife bl.d·" that ....n..require yon to be eareful ot your flnjfera. - U"nry mbler. in Chiap lleeord·lIerald. .
'I'be "oly Ii 'nlr I billgll at ihe aquarl· um .I-ha , Are not ted are the qyrtera. Tn enry olhel' tank men go ..otb on· .... ryiog regulori.ty 'With food of t·be kind ana in tbe .hape bh"t. ..w.ted to tlfe occllpallLc. Tbe "yot...... aloue .. re left M look out. tor ' ~JI. m.elns; bnt they find ~ust.e... tl.,.. here aa they ...-auld iu nature •. aod ~et elODlf como. fort. bl" uy ' tbe 11'" ... York Sun. There ·i!!', of eonr~." mo.iutaiHd iD tile <lyster tank, as '" et:e1'Y atb~r, .. ~on.tan ~ eirenlalion of .-ater. fbi, eon ta..tly eirenlatillr ropply t he oyst.~rs get> In tlle wbftpe- of ' millute forms of ..Pimal life lOOIDething in the ....y ot food. The o.J~er ta nk 'i's one of tbo ... UPOIl whO.., -"'8 11. ng1l~lon I. permitte;!, to grow, a nd in 'thla is' anolber source of food 'fur Jhe oy5!er~ . Mina.t... l'lrms 'ot ab :mal life 'find .. home· cir abid i ng- place and IbId s""&teatiee 'ID thlll .egrh.tfon: and, jn f,ime, beeom· ing dei"ohM from it ADd ~tl:ng abont In ' ~be wai"r. tllis life' " .I io collirlbut.. to the ';y.l"ra' support. . ColT'S EXTR4QRDIBARY LEAP. The oyders now In the oyater tank .t the aquarium b.,.e1>el!.n.tbereaboul I._~ tr._ 't lt. T.j; of W •• lllas. t • •~• • • • • a l.rTlYelll '~Ith no food· auppl.1 .nept. 'll4'ie ~... .ohle·to 4iii.. ~""ejlt ~~~~:::.~:;: 'lieft 1 be tanlc. o,..tera haTe ;) ·1Jil~"'" or' fo\W>Yt4U'., _ _ 111.. 'In the latter' part ot 1880. ·at. a time Wlien tJJe Waahingtoll moanmeJit bad ~~I~~~Ui~!·~~.~~"fI1lllillll"IJ"IIp.,W'll. ln';'" otrt aT.; :reaehed • helght"'6t .160 teet, an nq· " ..~~~~:,::a~,~;~'·-'· _., ' •• fat a& th"y "eDtuNus and patrlotlo ....t lUIUDIIed '~::.~~?-::~:~E~~~' 1· .bt1~·an,ce' bt!,.,hisr"been O-""Il'dra'ffll wat"r,ttOt'!li tbeir the i nterior of, \h~ t\hat, by meati. of. ·__r.j,n.rNd.·DO' 1i.,lp '&0 b the ropea and tubing. ' W"en the work· "UICII.r~lr",'''IIW.I~ men arrk'ed at . the landing the
.,.e-.t ..
.Ma'i!y .tOri... are pri-nted ol.llJllmaT. aoling all letter cilrrier~. of ..hleb the i>ett known' ia the pige I1- A Ibore time agn t he ClDcinantl Commercial Tri.bune priuted- the stor,r of a bone whleh 'p..rformed a almilar duly. and neryon" 'has beea aceu,(omed to _ a dog wHh • package or lett.,r In ita mouth. Ba ~ few peraonl Ii."e t.eard of a filh in the role 01 a mailman. A very ~tT8orojnary of a fi.b aetlng as & letter Carrier come" from Reyjavik. in - kelnn~. On April . 29 of last yur a certain C.pt .. Obristlanlen. of the steamshlp Lauia, • recei ..ed aD unimportant letter from lbe sheriff of ,velltermann ..bile tbe shlp' ...... ,1.1' Ing at the latter port. Ua,1ng perualOd the ml ..IYe. the capta.in tllre.... it . carelessly overbo.rd. Dnd his a.ton.· jllhmen~ m.,. be ",el1 imaglDffl wben, On the 15th 'of the. fo11o .. 'DA' montb, tbe Identical ~ombnlDlcatlon. soiled and dldl,K'W'ed ...all handed to . him b~ the eonsulat Reyjulk, to which place l~ bad adually traveled In tbe stom· ach of a large C<ld:lish. and bad been elrtract~d from th same by a 10(><1·; fiah.,rman. Seeing tbat Ves1ermann U... some 180 mfles from Relja-vfJc, Ihe letter .m".t bave travelea tha1 dlltan"" between April 29 and )U-~ U. ~be Ical:r-pootman cOII&u.ming ju;;1 ~yer two weeka \:io Iu IlUbmarinejoor· ney. . There, b8~e~ bo,..t!'...~r, be~D caseR QI:'..... fore thl. of fish -u ndertaking .the caJ' riDge of leUen!. Some ~5 years ago II wha.Je ,,"hieb ·...35 rtranded . on the soutb coas t of France was' found upon being cut open to contain a mail bag wherein there reposed many b=· dretl. of letters. The bag in questioo formed part of Il eollection ,,'b iCh w,u being conveyed to . Guadaloope by" wueked "eSlel, and tbe letters. though 80mewbat dingy..... ere iu a perfect 8t"t.e of preJ;e.rvation. TIle, were at once senf to their destina' tion. each I~tter being marked on. t he outside: "Delayed tbrougb shipwrecle," no mention., or cou.rs~. being made of tbe exira ordinary iocidmt whIch bad occurred si uee tbe miSlriyu we re- posted. Rather amusing was the rollomg: A young lady walking on Btigb ~oD pier dropped into fhe ~ea by acci· dent a rather tender communfcatiop adressed to 'the man of her cboice. She forgot tbe ineident completely. but WD5 remint!ed of the .ame i n II ratb er abrupt fashion by the receipt ~ one morniDr 80me three. D)ontbs later of IL letter from her: Ifwe"t· beart. imorming ber tha.t the misaiye bad !>een pm;ted tn him from Boulogn" by .. 116h~rman of that town. It seemedtbat the laUer bad fonnd tbe note iu tb e interiDr of IL huge mackerel. and that. being acquainted ,vitb En glia h. bo had en' teTed into t he bumor 'of tbe situat~_ and bad witbout any delay po.t~d tbe eommunlealion to it s proper
Never. perhap!. has a lo"Ye
letter !>een connyed by a more 'peculinr system. A dolpbin found off the eoast of Slcil,. WRS the conveyor ot a letter from a French gentlemen addressed to bis wife iu Pari... EvldeDtly ·the ....rit-er had allowed Ihe note to f.1I overboard While journe)'lI\g im his yacht in the Mediterranean. but 'be letter reaebed the lady In due course, tbough 1I0me six months inte"ened 1" ... ~n itl date and ' U" delivery.
GROWIlfG BOTTLES. Tree I .• A •• tralla eoa':al• • • G. . ••• s ••• t .• • ee 'l'hat llake. •
Refre-.IIJ.a .Drlak.
, Here i5 another Australian cuii~i: ealled. because of its peculiaI' form. the ~bottle t ree." I t gro ....,. to a heigh t of 50 . feet. and to t~·.
ll'! BLOOM.
represent bottles of- all s:bap..... both. right si!1e up and upside down . The interior of 1he tree contalna a glutinous SIlDstance. tbat makes a refreshif1g drink. and to ' obt";n whiah It is ofteu tapped in tbe same man· au as our sugar maple. Tbe Dative • . sometimell hollow out ·the trunks of these trees and t~ereb,. make excellent can.....
Yet T.er B ••" T.el....... ~ e.r;~,.
";I~ . . . t • • · .oteniaeaa
;~rA ~O~·
~._ ;:; O~1
J. T. EliI#l. ... D. : Or'IC& RODas . . , . 8' to {O.L" . ~to • . P. Ii. 7 t4 8 p • •'. -. --. • BlInk BOilding. ,
ua tu
·. _-_··_·. __. __. ·. --..---r "G U..LF· . _ ·.111 ·1 1. COAST. f. C. tHIOWII'S, I ,
And you ,w ill briDg up at ,.
"l1~Ior _olen.
DHcript lve·MatI «. etc..1D
C. L. STONE•. ' ~eml_Dcer
, . . ; ; :.... wIJ1 ....
Bepainng a
-. Specia lty
J'.uta TO B1iI'J'AL O
-1I.u'li. ILLUS'l 'RATIm P.AAPlf LE'l'S aacl PIlICE IilS!l'S of LAtinS aad J'AlllIS tu
Alab ama. Missi ssipi and Florida..
;OVEB: TIm ~lf JlOUTJ! I'OR P.&lII. AWDlO .uI JaPOelf tOlf.
....er ·u.e AltrOD EsC1lnl< lM ... _ Roate- '1'1a euatallQ aa Lake ;fliT ue rail· Amerlca,D ~ ~ 00. "" ole at tkk· ". ollleb of lbe Pan,IIJi "uda LID<s u4-eoa·
. IJW..,l.lYT
oeedq rau...,..
W"JD<STil~ ,Oblo.
roJ· ..
10 • • :
'I'\Cke~'- ~I
. • It.;o. tftl da,s "J:L;:5 ~",. TIeknoIlO O4 rnunlt ular.s"aoon 'dckda .Ilb rdllrll lI......... uJ . , 31A. "I.!I5. 5_1a1 Coa<Il ucur.tOO i deke'" . - Jay. la, BuIf:aJo .up iD _I4III,b t of nil""" , rol· k o _ e 4 011 T\IU. 1010101' date or -.Ie _ • da1' at S'.IIII. ~
_to "'
Q)eCbl ra_ .:aT 1'Om'I.u be ab1:a1De4 r.... ti1,. ... rea:on. tu caAa4a.
tIcl<eu v CIouda aIHI saal«1l.....&o.
dacll!al lk1r,y"" , ' WlII beCood .... _n~
U tile Paa·~. &l:p004*k>a oa . .,-.ea. . ofnex V&a'- .uo !o~ 'at CIIM_ aa la1te wG1 be al· EM",", uad • • 1owt4 00 all ~ to l1li'
PO!a l&. .I..... t _ ....L
....--r __
_.11 .
f'or SeIIecl.i a . " _ 1 coa~ea.1eRt t .. '80610 aad _':18,0 1" _au.... apPly to II. E_lJooti l. TIeket.-A cat. Way_ri lle. 01110
HOW TO GO -TO BUFF AW. Pointe rs for Penoo s WishiD g n, go to. the PaD AmerimD EXpoai tidn.
(0 doJlan. baTe.IK~D MUUou \be 1'.Jl·AJII..,le.·.~tI'm al Buf· _ Ir.tr. ... ......,Ure.... and falo an IoLereot1 01
J!ee1I aco:mI~ aDd-pe _. . wD.o 1I'Iw_.1 Ie -ara:ad ' 4ilIpiay .om "be I",·
Tlaat end .....
. _ . .11 Americal ul ilIolllil _IL wUI >lIte.ul aad ~"'n 'l'llcUApds of !oJ' ItJo ..olMk.... TIle _ u e 01 iIUCIo ~iiloJ ·
IDea' 15 amall _ben pompa.ra ! to _lbe TPt 'Ibdtora lIIay :1IIIOUII,oI ..... ,.1 tafonaaU oa_ :&al.._1ed _OTe• • rbey 'If\Il1>ec._ _ Wltb ~rlea. ItJo ..,lllev _to aadl .... bUlUea A ""ale or- low rare. hu 1iee1l lOr. .1a1ila, ~ _ad niaPd·1io tIIat' _ ....eelts or _au.. ... llle DpOotUa a _ , • da, "VU. P:UlClJY,£VA IUA LIlI1'l!. do ... at Opedal ""l<lL Tbe '-at ......... , Au.. 1OU. ·to ~rd.. ' ladlllll't'"e .. .. Ul.'DrillioD for a u.ree. cia... ll1p. .....i>~ r _ of 'extlcketa J'> SjIrI,..r;e 1d 'WIll be aoI4 from ew'sIoIl tlchl ls'- lor 1ft days ; a t_l~ "a,..enU Je. DaJiOD. Ce4ar'I'1Uc: all4 lain· 1It_ dQ'8 &l1li. 1oIl,. .'- llle- ~ _Iale ticket ot a _ V,aJ14 to retorn ..... foe _ a . W_ail oo a ....ut ' rllftolllla J be i\e, ".' ~, UI Aug- !.lb . ....-eel ..,. aPJIITtol ID 1IJI'~r or TIdH Aca' or 'tile PealioyJ faala l.:tu~ 'l'betr .AND tateD4laa _~ 4IlL\e$1...1_, WA.N TBD--rB t1SYWO BTIfY KIlN"
WomB rD
tr3'1'd ..~
~a.,. .
••110 ...,,.ea~an«l
No <:aJl_ _ 'W' requlftd. . ·CI.(j\ ref· ItJ'llDces aad. e-ndillle aeU·aiSd re.ed IlAJDpec1 AddNp V,,_. ~ CUlOn .l¢4:- oe!!l · OQlldlnc . CbJoACO. In cui!.
Cami" l: Evenll l.
aaren." " rot 014 eata,,"
lat .\all4loc., s..r. 11. _ ....0"" or ....f!!ftnanc espe_ . -aII..-rol bie
-* -'
preurd by &..Dc • •ca.:ttude ,ot ~ prujecL It III PIlwy ~ " All ' AmuIea" t1It"lJ>r1 n aad
to unale t:rt:pa. H.PC4 00II1"ea119a1 to . c-all aC. rlcftt olBDea. ,~a4 • poIU.I card -'llto tbe au ...... _....,ln lDl. LIa5 A,e.&. .. bo 1<111
promptl r
c1.~dOoIre<lloI_ _·aboal" "
e:&<!" U.t"~0111~ of ......
a)"ITanla Sswtem ls. tMlnall of omctallD f....., "",UOD for tile ,Pa.h\lD el1caa EspimUO D. Alllkke u to 8u1Ia.10 ..yer OW De .... A'rOn
are 11:0IIII lor .tGp-o'<e r a;
Lake • .-nd all tJcl<e1!< oYer Ibe roule ria Bot• ...-5'- Lawrreoce lH.er all4 nu..m ..~lIe' Nell" '. ...no all4' EMteriI P'!iD"" t ......
Yorll """ be IIIIIIIe pod . for .........~_ at .... .PaJhA.m erlcen ExpGI'ltl l'lll aDd at :Niapr'a . for _~ .... tile caimton~ Falls. ·T"e enloyed ...,route. tile lAP'" to 'll!>. ~" aDd.
tile prlYllqe l for ""telldial l' 10vDeye to ~
tu -.... 'Ut... . n..km •• '-14 be· laveatlp tlliJ. P e _ .. bu mar tbtut lIIe1 are DOC atil~ '" slaoA '",.
"""'~ DOted ' -.aer I l a _
Teache r's It18titute
~~. Aago,st 1~t_o ~3·. i~cbwv8. Sept. 3nt, Xenia citiseD s voll! ''781'' or : '1JO:'~OD ~ocal option. Thursd ay. Aug. 16th. Wnua~D
;;..ot..".t~--Ioid puand .
family, l'tIonioa on the ~
KoodaY. I!ept 2Dd. 'I.bOr Dey.
. tbe COlIt wID, lie ~b17 .~ at .. qJoJIDeD ' &lid pleuure llle7 mil, ~~ Iac> ~ .... a .. . ",aU ez])ell*, ' '4 W_·. I"a1J: trill alao be _ably 1IIII'p."" at lite Paa'Am erlaa E-,UO ll. all4 . _.
""* . .
_bo ba1"e D~er Al tended ... 0CC:aid0b Of tlOlll iliad oboQJ4 DOt _M lJWI "Pioon!aI I11. to ,_ be. t ...... AlDerlu a 1I1"' _3dl!o1 r a "Am...I. 'rIeket Areal H. g~. ' C&II ExpooIU oa Wann'l'1 Ue. 0Il10 Ia ' ..-aldoc to lIeU ·roll. - , ~ bllD Wtite . U about
/ ~We
e~ry_ description
building purposes on
of Q,u t s
OffJce aDd Yards: 1
113- 121
7 II
9 10 11.. ~Pie PeacheS. cauonly,
. "I am a RwitcllmaD," writes A. ,J.. .JeuuCSl!:'e. of '!l201 Bntler St.. Chic4go,"nnil BID ont in un kind! weather: r took a coldwruch in my kidneSs. IIlld' WUSJ in sbtlpe. I tried 8eTeral ad· moo iClllcs WiULno benefit un til I WQ.J; recommended to t:lke Fohi y's Kidney Care . .. '1'\\"0 thin1& 0.1 1\ boUle: c:ured me." ~uis Yay. The 111>"9 of hennh require that the OO..e19 move once each day und one of the .l>cnulties for violating this 14w is piles. Keep yoar bO"'6li regular by- taking n dose or
~hzuDbe:rlnfn· · ;vlu-lj
StmllJiclJ Ilnd !..iTer
:i.tY:I oil JOU
w. M~IN ST., XENlA, O. . .
Magnet1' C Sp.r.l· ng~ Hote_i.,.
_ _
Situated Oll the DAVTO;\, & XE,nA. TRACTIO:'l Lr:n:s and -lmiles from SIlTing Valloy station on MlAlU DllIS IOS P .• C. , V. & St: f1. R. R. MedIcinAl W'lters celebrutoo for cure of Kidney Traub! Rbeumatism , Ner vous Diseases. etc. ....... ... .... .......................... . OPEN TIlE YEAR ROUND ......... ....... .1lATES'2.00 PEa DAy ....
DitlU 1(os. 30 &60 ~earcn
T&esr: temps ~e Ju>l.dChlloc .~ ~be
ImI4e of ~e ~ or catiCt sheda. ODe lamp will thotoarhly Hrbt up a laD!" row' of ~
The lamp' ares!mogfy uude,pem...J y'sa{e and Yay ec:oacmiul to CI2. They burn Urosent ::::;;0........ (caal 011), otad very lltIfe of It caaoIdatar ~ ftM. ~~rz; IIchttlzyrin. Tolalroclua.we~toleDl_ d dIha Ii;e, &dPt ~ at a reChad ~ . -~_t"C!!I Send for F_ ~
R. E. l)icu Company. , . SIrut. ••It&~ 1110. New ·Y cd. ---
- - - I ··
"th~i~:~:;: ?t:!,!O~~iODS'
colic, got. n bottle of Chamberlaj n 's . _ _ _ __
:casa.the most fatal of.all.. -
Colic, Cbolera nOll Diarrheoa. Rem. :.,. edy. took t wo doses nDtI was entire·
'l'IIe Jolller-~ aiippole )'OIl hean! how Kr. J __lea s&Ded hili ,yacht to a dere&t 1etiterda>: i nd tia.,ed, nine Uvea? He ougJit to ba~e • m ecJal! Tile 7bougbt-tul OD~ea "IDe Uvea? Nonlense! 'Wby. t\ie derelict WI.. duuted. the oDI1 Hving u.;ng on board'eat! Tho .1ollle~Well. has n·t a ca~ gol nil.e ' ""es ?-Brooklyn ' Eagle.•
"'&& •
-If you do Dot derive p':ompt and aut:Is raolory re''1!ts from the u se 'Qf Peruna; wri te af- ooce 10 Dr. lIa ';tqaa ... ~::~~::t:;;1 and' glYlng fuJIbestatement ,our CBse, he awill pleased' toofgive you Iiis YlII~able advice grati s. ' . . ....ddre ..~ Dr. Ha,tman, President ot
Tb~;Hartman&a:DHariom, Colomllus, O.
". .. ... A.......... -. -- 0..
f t • .! I~"illI •••t ...
or.... ~ . Ita ...... W·. ea n -
• • • • A • • "..
TIl•• Xat.rat.
B. H: Warner. pI W... aiaios to';: m.de ratller... p.oult.r .ad ...hat mlWbtll ...e be.. a mo.t al.utroU-1 Tidt to a big .e-"'~r DOW " n eourle of con.trnet.loD III tb .. ~pllal:~ I)'. H.e neenlly pu~ ela...d ' a 10ClOlDobUe to .jdbim· I n in..... twatlJl.. diftere I aect!OIl8 , of dlatr!et.. . , I , Ou ~omi"tf•• ays tbe Star. lie 'll"el\'l. •• t t,,! JIIlY b'" r".~et-" to Andnw tn ........ an .old. IrI;Pa a l Ial., wbo ia eollatr1iet;lal' th .. bfg It"'<r reftrrtd .tD. He . _ . l!ecompaniHl by bls 800. They a-cKm r."ehttJ tbe banks of Ihe ·.}jtmu 'Cr.ek ca n.l. ., Uie r oad "'a ~ .ery nllho.. and .aid !o be hiapa .. abl~ 'a Ilttl~· firth.' oa, Yr. Warner .. n· . 'd,"o,.d ·to ..lr..ef II bftl'k",.rd mQtion ~" 'lie 'part of'1he horoplns carrllge. ; . .d In.... dol"/! calls:ht hi, .I~.e in tbe """"I' ...1..... . nd io an in.tAnt Ibe ~.,. .11..,1" ~. li ke '." u.le ov~r the bill' ,_11 b....a"".lnl fh~.mes Creek, canal •• d pltlllgetl the t ... o accllpan,t. int... ; t~ air, botll mikinJr lomtr"-D111l s. Mr. I War"er eame dCl.. n in n cbAIlen .. 1 jqst · l.r,~ .. n'>IIgh 16 hold him. "hil'h hnd ,.,.ntl, been. dllg Ihroll,lI the mud 10 ear ... "IJ ·l lIrf.CO' "'.I<r. Th.ll)('oll'oblle iunied a OOlllpl~l. lomerl!llult alld I",,,,,bll th.. da.hbond . • i d ~ bars aDd top riri'lall'·lato. tbulI .. nd piece •. ' . I The "hoi. Ineldtnl. o;>ct'll pied <>"Iy • .eNma:_, .nd "h.n Yr. lV.rntr jot....ftr..r fn>m loll l urpri. e b. foonCl Itlla •.el'" uller" .. the I""oraobil ... " 'hiela .a. lurile~·bof1om· up.... ard. with lhe .... ~n. >.1 III In :ntGollon alld ' th e wb ..e}_ ' ....I.-Inlf.t a rapid r.I~. -while.h i~ ! Oll, ...110 •• <1 ranc!fd '011 hi. fe~t. ~III' ~tr. litu.Uon itb iOlitlfude. ;.
. ;0
: SlalilLaig in front. of II LOcus atree' thll other ' aftuuo<!'" ,.... a m.n In o ..erall", pullll\g ba'les elf lIa,. up into tbe loft wit,h the aid· of • rope .nd 'Pli1Iey. " 1fe 100ked ibt. {'Iet ur e of , healt h. and ' the exertion "'. . nothing. to hlm .....y" the PhlladeJI.. R ..eoFd. P""..,otly · along ~me Ilnother man. JIe \\,a ... fat Ilnd !,udV'100leQajr, lil..-d hie , klo bad 1{Ilhealtby color: Bis ~ueral ap.,.a", .nco ' lidokened the o<erred dub 'IlIlln. He "'•• cu.. fully groomed, and \~88 " .. i~nUr a man of ... ll1Ir;'. He .t.oo!l" for p~hops " minute wale.blng the other man work, and "tllen be said : "Would you min.d letting me tAke ,our pl.ce [or a",bUe? , 1 am troubled witll ' indlgpstion• . and have been a u~ering aU . dllY. J t"lnk~ that .. ouM do me 'JUOd." , ' The sta blem.n·. ;,yu spemed ready to pop Ollt of hi s ' head. "SUfe." he said: ··suu." Tile pudgy i\YAl"pt,ie carell.lly .erno\'e" b i. · glol'u and grup.cl tb~ rap. . It wn hard work. ~ .bl
:lnd it made 111m, '}oe.d in the face, but h .. fI.nal1~· lAuded ' Ihe bnle whe re ', ,,.
ot.h .. r mOil In the. loft could talle it in. Th~ he ltied another and anotber. nnll ke pL it up for a~ut i "n minute.. WliPn \Ie relinqulshed the rope to the slableman b,e '&lij>~d a «rin Into · the IRtter'A band . •aYlng-: "Thenk YOll. ..ery mue h. rho' h B.~. done me more :rood tban ' all the m ..oIl";n" in tbe worla,", ~ h. cHs· "p~ar p" ,round Ihe corner tb., laborer Was heard to mllt.t<!.r : "'''ell. be d- d ! " That \~U os ne, .. aa ,hb; ..ocn-bulary ed'uld ~ome to doing
JUBtice to t.be oCCII:.&ion.
",.-'"...,.. "", ,...
'.1"lIIeT ••t m. Aat.a. . . . . . .. .
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to"tA ,b.t o.rman .ei.n~.ti- .. c.nlly ,?.!'!Dld ",all. w ...... blf' im-
......... 4Ce• • •f. • •• I.e. '1''11 •• It 1. A. ••••• e•• t. " •• Me o ........ Co l~.
M _8"'.'
10 dTOW
""ny ~t •••ltd 1I1"f .• .,",o.,..<)o&ttj"J'aliwt ~.I III ~ If~t thorr are fe"'t oi' • .,.. aal_1 . ·..hleJa: Ji...e ., lligloe. '1" l!;.eial1o:wr 01 i,.\M.I\"' (~ .a 111 0 il t, lays t~.!I;'Yor1c
JUI'a:d. .
. , ..
~ ~II o'!tn...l~ ~. M. S:.TplI~il_.in. and
1111 ..I._on' 'h. j llhjoet art '''I'ru~.d III I..."" i;Il:1I .poIper ..-blehlht h1l 'ad· ctrf... t l! tile Fr....e... molo8ien I so;
a , . . ,tl.". Mtttlt Ina·n. 01111 pa'tllf 01 , lUI.
h. "rl""o,1 JOII '-i11 find tlla l. as they • "e it. Ihty .... ill m.ke mis ,ieal a.an". sililil.r 10 t bo. . "lIi"h a ""r· " " csp ,prDdn",,' by .... rting hi. flng'T ...it tll.n - ,,"hhill, ilaround a glass '1.u.,.hlOr :.('ompl. I, IIira. he pOInts out , ...... MeP:--l'!ay.<f· o n IlImbl". · ;"II· lliis ".,..... h. '''P1'ffIiU t he opilllon 'lha' ('/ ,ultf a.·'I'O'1!! r.D, \t .. can bf obtain,d " uIIDg n.lI. la'1 ... d of flng~n_ It . . . e"tipu. faet Ihal at I,ul 11.:1 • do_n . !tl•• tia!;!lo ,.re now' C<lr.fnlly. aID.7f~afk. T,h~ M'ason. AecordillJt to ·.,oe "f til ....'. I. h,eau" thue lil, i, 1I1I1.allr '·a~ flf'raordinarily .ympa· t~atle aad1ttt.llii'!tot. IDdo.d, lo hlahI.r etft~d lIr~ tb,t ."ppoftd 1o be that ...... '., ·d ld "otll..il.te 10 . .cribe to I..... ~w .0Dlll. ago th, ho.or of 11,101' "t he of ' lb, ...Irel, .. ' tel .......... . y.te"'!"
; -!.. ' ---'~---
• . , , _ . . . . . . . . . . . . afG. . . . . .. .. ~ ••• 1CoeI •• , . . ..;.. .' f . . . . . Wattt... .
acl .of
.,...ual co••",;....t. '
"Dld y ou rea4 miitell'( book?" 8.&'ked JEUTEloJANT ENSON sat .~ the ihe .ery new an,d verI, JOWlg au t hor. bnda] {.bl~ at Ihe)ieaa of whlcll "Ye..- ~ejolJled tbe pa rt,.· of Ibe beamed Llet'-tenant ~ackett....Ith tbe o tber patl. , pr~tty girl :vho. ~ bour be~oJ'e. 11&4 "Did 7'!u like It?" queried the ... become · llra. u...ket~ · Lieutenant E~ w.iJ ,f9nd ~ot,~bi. friend .Dd. y- ••. ' . "My dear hoy." replied t~ home. com~on, . J4euten,ant . lbeketf. ,.iit: he ..... not biapp,.' e"eu, on tbla m.~hul~Ul" ""Oll'(U diplomat. "1 anure yoo tha t I llild it-uide with .g r.a ~ diarot p'le •• , "claus oceaalob.· In fact. Ile tinctly . ul!liappy. although~ the un."-Cblcagll Daily News: "1 ' r ~ el01l8 yo~ ...oniaii' _ho II&t . .ide Wllera •• e Ol.ere.... 1)1".; I . ~OOIIt AND BuN .FOB <;:B1..CKII. blm_ cbat~ 'iDd laUghed with uter" You ,peculate occasionally. 1 be_ I t .lIde door Is made. OIl one side t.lnlnl' ,rape' ,"0 lilt of her i-e_rka of the eoop. aoat tbe run I, y!&eed so lie ..e?'· he .lUde, claeedul aDawe.. fol'C!edl,r. "No: I ngrl!t to t ha t J g;lmble tha' opel.lng iJ. tile s ide COlI>eS oppoTbe troUble ..npt Ii..ute. . . t :Eiaon . &lte tbllJ dOor. At -nlgb~ the c"blob In .tocks." . "U . thllt the · _ne. before .him. in "What'. t he di1rerence?" . . be IIhut -11I the <"Ciop clolring the which the . bnae "·.nd 'lI1'oom 'ft.~",,1 ~ \vh.y, iL'a speculatIon whe n I win, aUde doo.. and thl .. ma:ke~ it e • t~ the cen!"r ot'the plqture. wlth ...,.,,,. moye them to fl-ewhground. freque nt- .nd iI" g.mbling whe n, some oLher decorated table. :IIow.... and ly; , Whf:n t-h~ chlck".re \bUll incloKd rellow geb the b es t of it. I tho.ught nual. emblelll!' do_ In ..... as 'Orell 1,JIe)".arel.. fe from.1I onlmata 0", whllt- ....erybody 1mew tha to" -<bicago Po.t. lIB numerOUS brlgbtl;r adorned cane ....r could barm '~bem; La'st year 1 dle8 for t~e ' bcleklTC1ulIII. ,"011••' ~. 1J",'o.O.'e Ill••••. I>&d • blrood of 30, all brooded by oDe mon poignaJltly to hla IDlna the fael A Metbodist critic. wi@hing t o put ben, 1!1 INCh • coop and roa , ond dJil his bishop " in. bol ...... or as Dr. WiI· ·tbat tbe girl whom be bad ' once' DOt 10M' o~e ' of i,Um, while formr.rly liam E.cri!tt wou ld fiay, "To deposit hoPed to nlake ·. NrtloEnaon \val not I .I",o,y" . 1000t 1I0me of t.b em 1>y the him in .. ca~lty." · a s ked in au open ,the!;e. 'ycirtl'l •• U~I. :'LIeutenant. EII.oo J:h.",,'" ,rab. catJI or othe r 8niDinl.. I did nol ~o.. where ab·. ........ Sucb a meeting whetber or not the bishop '"" Dot bOtherell. with' chicks rUDnlnll' e..me to the conlerence io a PullJl1no colldition of &lI'alrl. woold dlleoncert GTe. tb" I.wn or garden. t h e '''eRg'' iitin, ind Ueiate.. ant Ett· rar. ..\'~.. t h e bishop cheerfully reo , The " ,mecoop and rUD were u...,d fo r pLiet1: udo you kno\" nny p'asicl ..on consldend blmaelt aot .boft aetUng hens. I woed s mall portable a,·crage. In.Jlvidnal. ,,'.y~"-Boa to .. Christian Regi ler. boxes tOll" nest .. Clod ..lien l.bave a A weel< ' before thllc . wa.rahIp On MttIn, ben ' I more lie r at night 10 wbieh he and Hackett ........ed Iuod £ ...1....... of t bese cooptl ond se.t he r On aom" . Bobby (to bi s "ister·. beau)-J tOllched a hoiDe pont after a tllree old eggtl, aDd when I .... t three .. ~ four don't &ee 00 pnint 011 you. . years' "rulae io . ,foreign _ter.. b.. ns. in .!!o cuop !letting on, old eggs I fJieutenllJlt Enson b.d has tened to Mr. Carter-No, of course not. 1101>am ready tii put iIIr good eggs uader by. Wbat made you lhink of SUcll a the .lit-tle c!11.J of ' Maybrook, olli".. to them and .t the aaJIIe. time flll the In- thiag? lind t hat lb-.. Lytle and her danellcubator wi II egp. Th.e y.1I batch tei. 'LYllhetb ".d .mQ" ed a ...y a ,year Bobby-'Cause I heard I'a 8.Y you about: the lJame t ime. and a ll the chicb m.ight be lOft . buL he didn't tbink t>e!ore. ~ A leTtrlsh ~arch for . ...e gireln to the h en ... all ooe hen call TOU W".s ." b.'''] 's" you·re painted .resulted In failure. The "Inlet, brood from' 2S' to 110 chicks, ·1f the l'hiJ aclel(lh ia BulletIn. motbcrly ",idow ,and tbe daint y ~atber Is uot too cold. ' Whenyouse t dallgbter whoa.; 1m. Ned EnsoJl • beD la 8 11eb • coop. wltb aUa.ebed. bad curled In_ hia heart for ~ .~ can go _, In the ron aIId get ~r bad ~ppea.,.,d , a ~ Jl earibqualtC3 food anil ......tir anil dust henelf. She were common .11J .ADerlca. lIu," beeBnOO' get a wa y•• oC} tbere I. but.1ltt le liefs t luot Mrs. Lytle .bad loat all her d8nger 'of liel' leaving ber' e.,..... For fortune wert !leld liy the feor wholD makin, tlli clJOptll buy large boxea at. L!leuten.nt Enr.on felt .t . Ubert,. to the atom. and the con of a eoop and question ; but where' or ho .... these YDD baH only been about t,l'O doUara wcll' mean[ng, -but UDutbfactory InwheD t hey ...e r .. made by a cl)rpent-er . formers c;ould not s.y. The ..Ire netti ng w;U not co., "".,So it was witb a hell..y he.r t In· deed tllet a week later be responded Wltb ·Ly.beth·, stronl'....bile little GO cent•• and i f one d oes tbe carpenter r to Hackett·. telegram •. and kept, hia b.ndA in ~\a. EDso. leaBed an thaI .,..ork the ell:peale wHl be smaiL promise .to' ad u bHt man 10 tbi. he bad lonted to !mo..: how )In. would eapecl.U, recommend tbis plan distant el t". of tbe weat. Lytle had loat. her little fortune, tbo of ral&lng eMeItena to people I ~Yl ng "lIr. ERIon I " exclaimed the prl be- he~ health, and inall, p.n ed a ....ay: In rillagea.-W. H. JeakJas. io N. Y. .Ide him. In • Iau~gly pro..oked ~t ho.. 'L".,beth bad keD foned to Tribone. tone, "are y~u e ..er goin&' to a!lOwer seek he..- OWII li-nag, .nil ·of Jaow Un. JUlBUllATlSM III PIGS, m,. quelltlon?" Porter bad p1a".ed th .. ,ood Samari__ •• c;......t ....... . . . . . ._ . . 01._ "I beg. -youI'> pardon. IIlaa Perry." t.1I 00 her limited mea.. .. ; of . ho.. saId ElUlon, contritelr. i:ollliq to 'L,.beth. had take. her na me. In _WIoI. . . . C . _. . . . . . .. himself with • 'aCar:t; " I did not. hear gratUude .JlG In order to ,top ........ .&al . . . .. lin· you. My epolon' aban be ' .. abject gracloua eomment; , and how ~b" h.d sa I can m.ke It. Yo. wue say- fOUlld , 'h at cab ad break-b.king Tlila is a .. ery commOD d iaease ing-?" b.d paid bet ter tluon embroidering or .moog ~llgI , ... pecially youog oou.. II "That. 't be best ID&.D wsa eitber oo.1d<e..pln... I. i.,npo".lble to I lly wbat cal\ll!' fighting some 'of bill gloriou....a baiBut th...... were teara ia t he pre tty rh.e umailam in Ihe .plg. :aa it is found I ,,;;;,i'::ii-;-;' LIes over apiA. or that bill nearut blue e1ea ,..ben . he ... ld: "When the onde r aU wnditlollS.... bere ibe pigs neighbor at present haa :Ioat her abil- order came from Ibmmond·. three .re well kept, 01' wb~re they are not. ity t o inte·rest.... go for th.t wO!ddin .. ci.ke. dear. Symptom.: There is 1ll1lleoen in one "And J a.sure. Ton that nelt ber '" l could not ind a .txpenee .n-""'here. or more lega, "'hich is more or I~SI the CBse." declared 'Enaon. "I clo alld the". bm.ted on haTinl' ou, I t In"t!c.eabt. .ccording to '1be seotril)' ptead guuty to Daiaslng your lut ~ ne.rlY brolle lilY h~rt to part with af the caae. Th .. joints oft eo 5well .....k , ,but the preceding onea J will mlne-ours-but I h.d mada up m,. at the f'e !locn Wh .. n the muselea ....baUm for ".011, If you will mind to learn who .pt It and hew it are a/Fellied it maya s UIDe Ihe form met'" hack .galn~ : And to think that 1 00 of In:llaaomator, rbe um.l.tilm and"will "}lost ... uredIY not--I .bould &)aould ha ..e been tbt on •• a~d that cause aa, e l.... Uon of temperatu.... and c:!Ion.on4 11101 hi uob witb moj-ll1leatlun to bear m,. It Bhonld ~ft bl'ollght ,.on !leek to alckaC5s, ' In such CD II! Ihe 8nimal ",ill lUll O(V81', • .u.ll .lC.lDOT. Jd.allclloOl tGrbOr .. word8 01 w'hidom. ~peated hy 0 0 IlLS me after .11 le«... failed to find he ....1'.1 .tll! 'aDd r efnse ita food: Its L ...,., ... ~.,.... w. 'IF.. . . . . . . rr... , ........_D*:, , .. . _ . brea,t h.l og will be' f .. ~ and aborl. a od a listener. Tbe , gid acrOllll ' the "'4)UI"~ ~:~·l:' U~.:.:= ::JC:::1~ table is undoubtedly thi: C8Ulle· or EDlon', e".e .. ,Ii.tened Buaplclonal"., itt . aout dry, .nd if t bO! !lnlmal is made sa . ......... lhaltb COUew,e. t "aif'lb!.,at. C!D'tl. 0. your 'au..t....ction• . ' She'~ fucinat ing too. a. he turned the lucky coin o yer tomon. it may \!quftl . with . pa.i n. just to look at, ,I leno.... . Bn~ what in hia hud 'nd looked When the legs are the -parts affected, . .' , it m.y .ibJft rlom oDe leg to the olbel'• . Mr.1Iacliett going to· do? 1 hope It .t it. isn't a tioi\ee.ml " . , : ..y .... T owe muo)l t.. the little aiX. but I( tbe joints swell it will likely "Don't be alarmed; h~ I~ only penee'-mueh 1D0re tlla., I call r.emala latlooary un til "ellend. · bandjnll' bie aW9N to ,the bride to eut; now. Pleale God tbat f prove' TreatmeDt.: K~ep the.l!Jli mal in a com· . tbe. cake. .It. is • 1:ime-hooori'd cus- of Ihe ..... d jo1 He h&a .een forlable 'plaee. a Dd i( It Is in good 1Iuh tom," ,~xP~d Ens..... · , . &end me •. thi-o ....h IU" . It I I dose or ~.l'som ulle, .o ne to ouncel , 'or ·t wo to three drops of AB__ lie apok~. tb!' br~de. "Ith girlCroton (III in • ..apooiarul o[ sweet. 011. Ish pride and many blush.,.. nlded by or i~ . m·I'Y, Iic: drop~d in the mou;h. many S~IIt1onll from ibolle nea~ Croton. oil eeem. to be ~ useful meaieat her; eut tbe great br-Idal eake elae In ,rhenmal is m. Eol.iow Ihis by many .Heel!; and the .lIent se"t,en 110 1Ifteen drops of oil. o f I'!g-mu' J!i~ j~' around t be t.ble. lii..U:Uberiia to the adult pig tbree times 'A burst Of. jO"."U8 I.ul'bt...., rose a ' da". i.. a Jlttle ~weet o,it For pig1l .bo..e the gene ral hn~. of talk ,•• olle h'. !' to tibre .. m.o .tbs old tiv~ bait Ihl. of the weddl~Tty dlacoyued tbe 1 b ...e gl1!ru ">dide and the thimble In ' hei- ,sHoe ,o( cake, ' while I,bl.,...b<,n •• t .. of lIot.ululI! 10 te n-gnln the ~rnea! yO~T man beaitTe dos ... ·t",o or 'three lime£ a d.". In • whla~nd: .~r.ho""~ 1011 are .~t· p little ...,1.....!tll good r~' Ul t6; hut I Ing 191et that In~nrnce yonr ana_ Fn"rit.iI haT.!!! ex.IieQellt reaulh b". glylng tile to JD~ are..yo,tIj ~\!ia ?!!' Bef9re abe .. yjid~~!'.c.H~a 'of ' ' .... ultherl ••< Bub the aore. could.,repl,J ....otJiD~.brldeajnala ,bacl ~,I ....:. ,:~\"/:.. ,:-,\I/~ .~Ueli joi1jta With equal part~ of oil fOllnd the ~I'; .n1-- the.eala! wu beor turpentine and sweet oil. In ease. ol!ered· to EDson. .H .. took a por-' ;,.,,, . in:lla ........ : or,J rbeumatism. a f ter &lid' bro!le-- it meellallJealJy; ".,lriJOP tl'e"I'!.,Blc. gi ..e -trom tbt;:ee to ynu ba..e~tbe .isJam!ce." erial .. .,.... [.<VI.. ql the ' diemre ot atonlte )(las p,;Mj; Mr. Enaon, ...ealtJt eYe'r y f ourr fo. the .«rat:' .t...o I. to tie i ours." • . da,l, then lI'i"e the oil o( gaultheria "WIle.. It comes. I tn ... you will dlnc·l ed. Younr and old pigs are .0 .. to . pta11l1 "of tbe ' ligament at of the' boof anel fetlock joint. be ,"1111. 1ak"n fOr"rbeumael~rlat··"I'\!.k.:;I ,tJ.,ID" a. th, .,.mpt';~1I. nsemble it: h.iDdlf.ll.l.-.n •. ,n1~t').-"'1IT.dtel~'I:I~.I:e. . s ib.e . t~...atmint· tor rheumatism .~~~~<' .. jo1nh .wllI .,an·...eJ'l:t.be J>V.JI!Iae . ! praln.,, !t wll} lJI.ke no dlll'ereDce ~: mlatai~ I,a lDa,l!e'-:-Dr, Vc;lntosb, • 'S.; in 8wIDe~eJ;d ! , .,
., And a slngfe anointing 'with CUTICURA, the great ·akh1 cure and purest of emo~ This treatment, wbm followed ~ !feV;~r.b1 mad doses'Of CUTICURA RESOJ; , to "cool and cleanse the bloocf, ~ the most speedy, perma~t, and economical cure·for torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and· pimply skin and scalp humours with loss of hair ever compounded. .
Millions of Woman
a.,. ••
,:!'ne lD,} reason s lOT Jea\:JnJ:
Ooe of tbrm," replied. Baroova Iy "It IS true of a good ronny h~lIses 1n <Tawford, too Tbe slDallleast attractne. pooTes t room II) tho 1"><l5e JS con Idered goud enough folr tbe girl I know it ISn t tru e of a g rM t mnny hOllses th:tt furnish ns comfortabl ~" room for the ser\root 8S (or ony oil,er member of tbc fnIDDu ~ lt IS true of thIS bouse 1 .1) Ottl not. blamlog YOll fol' It, bllt "bo-
UDon·t annol m~," rHponded the Telkoeral. "I'm 11'01011' to tell y"" tbal I tbonk It rmlDeotiy 1I111ng lbat the p lura lity of IlII aceld~lIts should bue to do wllb tbe fall of man .. The boardH8 res umed their brnkra"tz Tbe go!d1lah nturnrd 10 tbe bottom of tbe aquarium, ..ber. tbey could ... lOk at tb.a rtlflclal turtle. Tb. little tlu«y bIrd 10 tbe gilded ca~ rested Itlt hlllr retlo .. hted undrr ita little reUo\}" wlDg The Talkoerat. undism a yed, started 10 J t ..."", at Just suab tim ,s be talked be t. ·Ooe-fiftb of all lbe accld .. ou," he "",d. 5llrlbbling on a p,ece of paper, u Clre fata To be u.ct, 212,000 out of uu, m,lbon ml.baps eo_ from 'IIU :t~PJE on .1aJrs. pilveme.nls. cha .. r 5, ladder", through trap doon and the m.., After Ibe faUs tb .. IIccld. ol a met ""th III coooechon mth horses. cul'iage&and wagoDsaremost.numeroul ."bou t t.n per ceDt.• or 101,000 out of e"f.r~ mJlhon ml$cbu,fs ~ome from ruoa\\ay~ runo\tr, bor~e ldck-s.J horse bit e.., bo .... eback rldlog. aod 500 0 "Th.n we have the lac.ratlOn of th. bodJ. cuts wIth gla ... , raged tools, machlo.ry. books ...te.. 99 000 out of nery mJl!,oo aCCldeolE Otbe r bIg i., rt s of the accIdent who~ are hlc]"Cle col· QUEER CURB FOR HALARIA. li .. on~, b.... akdowntl.huders aod fallJl; all Bort s 01 sma~be5, hila by iDnume rAee ••e.... D.I~o ..~r,p of • Ge. . . . . able obJecls, In)urle& ... blle bftlDg beary weigbts. bur05 aDd _ld8:' lD~IUt.rF .~5 ••• ' . 1 •• lb. jurlu 10 'arlOos alhlelic gam..s. step...... ~ ~trlea. P'C" on naIls aud lacn. and lots of other sort This ~epplD g 00 nail. forms the smalle.t percent ago, Daly 1(.500 out of • ..-er, mUlioo accideots being due to ... eb cau..,.,." "Iou talk' hke an. insuraoce .djuot· t: ..," oid t b ~ nuctionrer boarllrr "Do (rc>PIcaJ, '1 you mInd teUJDguswhero you gel yonr Ilgure,;?" I "8~ born .. Jth figur .... uid the T.lkDerJil proudll". draq'Jog hunsrl! up. and ' foldlDg b,. napklo 10 a double no" knot "lance Whl Cb 't ime I hat'"e in . . "rJably ,,'ed figul'PS 10 my speech Guod nlorDJog all." t
A BLUE RIBBOIf TRIUMPH. 11l...... Uve- ........eo• •f
".«:'' 7' ••• 0' W . .e ....
Womea •• M.k..
"NHer follow a "DmaD bettor un· less you haYe more. faith in .capru~e. aD IDns,ble hunch or" bat they call1nlu' It IOD. tbaD you do 10 8Cljnee. ~tudy, acrual obs.Mallon, form and alllbot." " be spea k .. r "atl. rOIlllQ-faced man lnth !hre ud blue ~l'('s, a summery ~ll1t and a panama ba t nbo fta s "aJt· IDg for the boat to l11 k" hIm to lb. next rat"e m~et on the bJg cLreu)1 , r~ 13te8 tbe D.tTOlt }' ree Press "I plaYfd th.. pool bo one suson und~r m~ nlfe.s dJTec:tlUn ,tt he co n tinued. nand 1 made mooey I'll acliDO" ledge Ibn t, but It wn tbe crazl <st. mo t ,angl.d ""tling .. ou ....er 6a\\ Do" n H t Frondeoc", the pOl" com" mlgbt, near startIng 3n Inquest a.. to mJ IUDac\ rbe borse got tbe .mooey nil rIght enough. bul he bad no uce.n&e to, don't ~ on see• .There ~""e ro pOlnts ngomst h,m, aod r blushed \\h~n I backed hIm Ii ,vas POSltiorely III1!el.se"lthe gr'eatest flnke J e'er made 1n my life
rn the aretic region. 18 d.greea 50 blinut... DOrtb latitude and n ~gree8 wu~ longtltude, lies Cape SabIne 11 Ia a dna.." spot. cDld and bleak, at lbe mercy; in a atorm, of the ...ging WlOO aDd tlu! angTy sea. Here on the 22d of June. 1884, 17 7ean ago, ..uen men lay In a ten~. The ,.troni lIan. blown d<ttl'll by a gale, had pmued three of the number in Ita folds, but th.y could not free themsel" ••, nOT could they straigbten tbe tent, for they were w.ak from ,tarvaUon and Buff.riIIg. A tew cans of boiled aealaldn -trips lOU aU tbe food tbat r .... abll,d"1 in camp, and for daIS tbey had bt>en expecllng deatb Thb little band of seven "as all tbat wu left of the party of 25 wbkl1 three years bt>for. bad s oUed In the Proteus from 8t Jobos, Newfouodland. \Vlth Lleut Greely as commander. they bad been sent by tbe go ye rnment to eatabli51J an arctic ohse.,.ing atatlon The three ;years bad been yean of gnateot peril. herOIsm and endurance .and 18 m.n had per· Ished. but mucb bad been accomplished liy the expedJtlon A part of o'clock in the mornong. aud after h. tbe expedition had carried the Amer· has b..eu ..-ell .. ""bed he takes the ican !lag to Maude 83 d.gr~ea 24~ bose and does a little plaYIDg on hi. IDJnul... nortb. a point fartber north own accouot He brtngs ~be ooule than had ever been reached before, to lli mollth and takes a good, loog Greely had eEta bhsb.d hUl s tation at drink, tben dlrects a stream 011 Ib,, ~. DlJIcovery harbor. and over 500 obse.r p&YemeDt and tbe street. frequently va tiona had bun record.d In t ... o aho wallhing J5:ueh 'w uldows as are yean Tben, too, different members bandy Usually fhe pressure 111 reo Df Ihe party had kept lournals and dllced. so tbat no damage may. be records. which later were to add dooe. but lhe otber dny the st.r~am much to the kno" led~ of the polar was on at fuJI force ,\\J,en Job'n laod•. drew tbe nozzle mlo his mou.th tbe Many .xplorers before Greely bad. pressure nearly str""gled him. B" aa lbey I bough t, discoyered tbe .nd dropped the bose in a burry of Greenlaud. bu t b) tbLS Franklin snorted 01lt 8 lot oi equme bsy .xpeditlon lhe e nd of Green· words land.'" _15 Gre~ly hnD.s elf tells us, ·'n"a.e. Tbt>o he caugbt up tbe hose agate e",tend..d at least 40 mJlu nOTthward. and swuog at ey~hlDg IU 8ght An aDd O"e r 100 miles of ne\," sho rp. OpeD summer car bappeoed tot be in oever before trodden by the foot of clearest SJght, and the way tbe horse man, added tn Its eoast lines" flocded the couTey"""'" W811 {lID tor On tbe Otb of August of tbe year lui who were not JD rnDge Sln~ then 1883 the party bad begun Its retren ~ care has been taken to keep the .outh,vard R.Ud parhes bad (ailed stream at 10" pressure .. hen John to R3cb tbem. and It was but a ques- take" the hose In his mOllth.-.'" y: tion of hllle wben tbelr rabons would Herald be .xhansted In the follO\nog Oc, tober they reaeb.d Cape SabLDe. beHABITS OF SCORPIONS. twe.o Kane baSlo and Smllb sound, and weot into compo IntendlDg to TIle,.. Are r...Jy Crea1w.re., ....... <- VImake thetr Wloter qoarten bere But ~,o." ••• Be... .,. to nadtt ..... ~they ....ere dntmed to stay much tll"& Aar....... , longer tban lbey expecud Wheo In MCDco seorpJons are. a t" certa!u MaTch "am~ aod tru. loog archc rugbt wa. over, l".re .. ere left only &e'en llleasons of the year, as; Dume.rOUS, meD of tbe party of 25, and the7 almost, QS 1\les. They are within the <:nicks of the ~alli<, betwee.n the brlcks 01 t he tiles on the 1I00r, hld109 m81de garments darting "here wll b rapidIty, tbelr "bleh bold tbe sting. ready to II", up WIth dangerous eJ'fec.i upon the .IIgbtest provocatioo Turn 8 corner of a rug Or aole· opread. aod ) ou dJs~=b 8 1I0unshing' eoloD) 01. tbem. Shalle your shoea ID tbe mormng, and oui thel flop, Throw your bath s ponge lnto the'~ater. and half IL dozen of tl1ern dor. out Df its cool depths. IDto 'Wh ..m they had ialD themselve~ away-duro mg tbe rught. The avernge ~cor'pIOD 18 two oP. thl'ee lOebes 10 leogth, but they occaSIonally grow to five or six' tncbes .. There lS a smaller 'anety, I,;no,,", as the )'eUow scorplon but te.n times
and dangerous than tbe
mahogany·hued ones It 1.8 at mIdday tha t the b,te or stiog of these venomous pests Is most feared, as the natives say it" Ibeo lb most \lOisonous. The ae. "crt ed old mmes of Dl1rango are SImply scorpIon 111<e5, they haVing bred nnd mereased tbere undistllrbed .
j. T. 'ELLIS, ~ D . . OFFICE iIo~; 8' to 10 A . M• 2 to 4-P.JI. 7 to 8 p , III •
• .~
Office .
'I>cnUi' ontered Ihe ham Mr. and Mrs: Jol!n D. Mondgy momiUg lit 'about ,
and)'ele~ ~be h~sband an~r~t.~er
from bodily ~ul'd..~an(liDllrm1tles, Uncle John 18 o,ll'elt. 0lId, today Itt 1. o'clock p. m . reI !Ivel. lind IIfa,; 1 ; , . friends w111 mflet at hie late home and at.2 0 'cloCk fo11oW' hla l'OIDa,i,na CI~ . i 11 ~ OB 8 OCS th M E " Ii _1. . . h ' '" • hereaftor nl'El mtllOut oxtra chllrge. e .', . c u...... ·w el'e 'I tb ·th hlenda ~nd dHzetill will nc:,w s U>e6, ","1 • 0 1.' WI: . ~n_ to JIIlY th'-e l~lInTibute ot " 1.00. Shoos. r t, OOC, \\'1tb ' .......1"···1one wh~ b1am~1e88 life W#oS spent ~ \Vi~ont toes. AU kinds ~r. wood nmong t,hem and bad wOll l l!e '10l"8 wo:r.k at Illl:me lo~ pl"icM. > Come of aU' who 'knew To the 1IO"r. and aee ~ 1ll.1 work gtUll'libteed, J'oW:'II~okeD widow and fA~iJy niad no 9I)e In t~mJ . knOW! as mu('ll otheni,bereaTed by tJiIIl.good Qlan 's about hol'SP!! .teet. as I do. I DOW dea1h the l!YQlpathles of tbe com: ~l"e. on luuJ~ a lot of bome-ronde .. . ·'A bl b' · . hnrro\'\'ll, stnotly fmOd Bnd up-to mu~tygo .ont. . s~t. eo ltflllry tl tJ.te in eV~lJ'Y c PIlrticulsll·. Fifty I· ~'''·''·'''· of M:r, · Clem~ts will appear teeth ill eacl!l hnrro\v. Yours. . lntb~nextweek'8I!W18 of .thiIlPllpe.l ' ;T, lIHt. Tlt.OlJlp!iO!1, L ' oo
Monday nigM at about ~ o'cloo1t, .rter"the pearly g&tes had bnt a few' hon.s bef01'e cl, sed WbljD the ,&pirit of a iohristilLl1 Dllll~. Jobn D. Clem: cuts bad entered, theyaeam swuug oIM!D tp acl.miHhe guilelC88 spirit of Olll' citizen. :·tbe aged ~pt-imUII 11. III CartwrIght. A s au infunt falla sleep upon the Dosom of UII , mo:Obo>:, 80 God g:lye ~i6 beloved sleep. With· or ~ refunded. Cqrtainsont a. liti:ttggle or a. look of JIIlin the ~ ~ by .ant. eyes closed 8D ~.tlte heart- ~liat had Fb,...,dal!s aI'~ 6e#~ b bent for ill; yeor$ ceased itlfl~u1satlcln8-1 ~ and Bladder troubIt.s. and.uncle Septimus wall !It rest after PRJCB 5Ik. &II4$S'" years of weary waiting. dnnng all cf • wille:..' time he.had been moeUender. Loui.'1 May, Druggist. r • 'lywatched o"er bya lovinglliinghter - STOI,rmll: l"1UaR ~iid other reloti vas and friends. At AND W{lHXlI orv ]"H'K OOLD. 3 :30 0 'clock pus afternoon the (UUIlla,1 ,services .will -Ulke place at the 'Laauve Bromc:t-Qtllnloc 'r~bl C-D~ 3. colcl I_t) one cia,-. ?~~ Oue. DO ~tl]' ., I"r.~ ~$ home.' Friends will be there to mingle sym~thetictelU'8 'with t.liose W MiTED.-/)a!T. l>lc. r~ll.b1~ perroit' 10 of the bereaved, ond ' w.m go wifli every Co uDty "!? ftpTelent lorM'c COmp3Draf .olld llDallc:lal . ""!>ub.wn; .~'IG ... Iuj' .per them to thephICoof Jntennen~, Mi. Je r p1yable \reeld, ; ,=- pet dmT at-solntely .8ure "tln4 an t'lI:p,cnBe8 -; ., ..,......bL · b"nA·Gde~ ami cemetery. . A::alar:J. DO comul lalon : !:;l12.T)' P3_ld C:I&6l SA t · A more clttenJed noti'ce of tbe U1"'nay and t"%P~11K mon e, adfonc~ r.ac:b STANDJ'HD HOUSE.. ea~ DeRrb!>TD life and olu\1:u~tel' of our res~ted ('itiienwiU npPfur in the Den isill(' this. PftP&: : , . "
IIB1EY CURE to8UJUtlid R..."
J _ W~MYSS ,
Bicycle Repllinng a Specia)ty
),U1'5, ILLU5'l'BATED l>.ulPULETS and PRICE LIS'l'S or LAl'o"llS aoll FAIWS ~
K eniticl.:y. . Te7lnessee, Alabama, .Alississipi and Florida.
Where you will find,
Cener-41 P11SScllgtr Ai:CdL,
Gencrul Imm l,nuJou a.rul lodullrbl AJ:fD
hii&lIlllny cmitomerB say. Henlsa bus foil New YLl'k "cream olteese, &ollnlln CrackerS, UY1(J.WlW' 1 crackers, nnoedo. biscuit, crellm bis. such 4S cream wheat, maltll vJta and , othCl'll; fine for. brooU~ t dntbes. ~ 1 ,. . _.,.- t' d I{ AT ,mlS. u vii mwp .e . ' Mil 'II toes I t b'
And you will bring' np at i
,Write !or:F"older., 1)escr JpU ..e ·....tloe'r . etc. . La
• - Bank Building.
COA8T~ 011 and .Ilft~ tho first Of SepfmIi mlnnmumrotc of DOt- less 50! will be chnl'ged mcter ens· ItorneJr!\ ot e)ectrlc..lights. u:4-4t B rdlll' 0£'BolLl'd.
Exeo""-1owt to OuaaJo ower lobe Akron !l HUU,' "' in L'twUl:1oqua Lzl.:e tGr the l"un " Atne rlc.:m EX()oOA!don ue: D,QW OD .:t1e 'lI,. tIck· '. Ct O m CCl't o f "be £it"nn:r.;'ll'ant:1 .LIn t-ii ana CO~ olX:t! nll raU,...r-.... f"UI"C"1!i t rom 'w arnQ'" He. OhiO. a.T~ :ta, r01,.
.01ll:S :
TJ cltca good reLumlng te n daS~ BJ 1-3'0, 1'lek~"~ L"'OOd rf't.ornlcl fitloeD da~ lta. ' 5 Season Lk k.t:ts .. \ tb r eCJ1l"n Umll unbl OCl.
:U BL. flit:,};;, SJ1Cclu l Coach ~Xcu_r ion tJakcu good. lea.,.· Lng Uufblo up to mldolght o r TtlU.rada$ fol-
"Pakged OUt,"
lowiol dtll.t' o! sale may be ob SAlned OD ~b:es· daY$- n t ~ i . eO, 'l'OU!'! l$ Lickets at. " pecla l h.rf1I m ar also be obutnC'd for trips &.Q rnUu-u 10 Canada..
ud woald like to fed au look. I. till aLDT IDG to )'OIl. Bold ~TDIU""'\&. l'rice25(. Mel 00c.
.900 TEA3LY.
STU-roilD PIU!:!I;l.,
23' Church ' t..
NCIV HnvCn ,CllnD.
MI!r:!O-t- &lp:!O. -------.~
puIDt5 . v.1tbout e%"n cost. • . For &-hedulc. sbowin g coll\+eo.1en llhro=c.b p USf:'nl;e r ,:;;eT,·Ie-e to Bu1l:llo and olber lD lo:r-In.tiOD CL-ftpJy to R . £. Boot-h, T i cket Areat~
War ne£rlHe. Ohio
.Il'lv>ntq:H by £0In ... vI.:J CxIu.na:J. 'C::o Qaetn &. CtHC~tn Route .:lnJ ~ R~.. . 11.5 f.:ut tr:llt'lJ. pen . ~a.. - cyrTV r.:ut of il~ Ce:Hr.ll South. :... W u- .a:heJcl.) OWC!!.:It! to J ac.kso.ovW.e Qn4
HOW TO GO TO BUFFALO . Pomters for Persons W~shin g · t() go to the P'lnAmerican~tion.
un to c.'utUtlOI>r:a. .a v<rert- )5llOUrs to Port T=l"'o
• I'...- Orl=~.. 9 b."rs(~ SIl«
101111 1011> <lr d<>1Ia..,. b", ·. bt"o upendtd to
I O!:~·_&.:1. p;.ul~t 8 :bl uf'-c CoU'$-frM f~ 1 c!ini::z c.!L:z....--...-:'Jtrot:;h PuIJ~..,.. 1o aD fm-
pr'"..r"..uU. Sotttlle'- "d.::cs.
1 ... ~..-1~;r~ir~w~=ttI~e,-:: 1: I ~
It ... ... ':,1,$ ..."
...... C. "'..... ~f'i..~ w . G::. . . . .~ . c •• c ••• a T",
!Oth La 1!:lrd.
~~ -.~ - ~~~~
Sept. 16 , to 2 , Cineillllllti's Fall
Fesu\,1I1. . County. Toocll r's In titnte at Lebn.uon,..Augast l'.lto 23. lnclnsiv.e. .SeVt. 3rd, Xenia citizens VOtfl "ycs" or :" 0.0" on local option. Mon'Oay, t'CIJt,. 2nd, whor Day .
e.uur to n
\ "alid lO'l:Cta:rn un ..
Lo l ert>.stln,. and mstl"Octlv.e .a_ffai r.
p~t d b y tlJe magnitude. ot the PllIject. 1l 11 vur~lf au "All Ame rlc:l" enlerpr ise o.a.ll all AMericana fibouhl Jiee IL Thousilnds o f persona "ill a.tl e od .114 enJor 11., ....o nd~r.ti. Tbe expcnae 01 .Jucb enjoylIJrnt. It!, ImlAIi ""btn comparEd to Lbe \""U~ amount c r userul lororma t lliQ \"!sltars m a!, senure. fhcy wUl become be1.ier a.cquOlllu.ed w1Jb ADlUII.!'J.. fll!: achic:vements and lColC pos~'
Uck.", Lo SprlmdWd oM U be oo!drrom \\·Q.ynes~Ule, DaTton. Ce4;1I"\'n'e and Inter· m ec: lale t!ck~t .frtll tlons. lU AUjC. !+Ib .
Ule P3.D- Amertean £:rposftlcm :U; 8D(. &.0
l'lJat end has J.JU1l aocompl lMbed, and peri4OD.d • Who wllD ~ Ib t J:T... :ad dispJaJ" v1J] be tm .. _
Allgnst 2C-l:le"t. G-Ohio State Flli r .
If ..,. J1'tI$OC= =
)kn DDd ...om~1J of good DddrCSo'S to re~ kG' W . &(nue to tr=xcl tt.ltpol&tiDK' at.'f!:Jl.1& ?tbera- ~r 1UC11 "'vrl: illOlt10( :tftc:r our IQter· e$lL . iOg ~I.tIr:r gUlfr:tolail yearly-: e:X l n comull"-'51o.n. Gntl ~XP<"flkS. r:ap ld n tha.nOf!WeJlt, old es-ablbhM hObiiC. G r Qn4 thancr for corn l man or' ""rn.nan 10 lieCtUTe p1ta iL .rit~ pt:{"IlJan~ nt .,.--tlil1u. llbernl In co me an d ruta~ S eW'. b r U.l1ant l inf'. \\1..ltc;,t. Once
("J)na.c:1 a :Lna Eutern pol nllL 11)-
lowed oa all \olcke15 to Duftalo and Eauern
Going South?
Guaraataad Salary
tll" k:~l.f;. &.0
eluding Nea- '\"or" _fII be gnod for slo'p-over: 31, tbe P~il" Amerlc.n Expo51tlon on pQ,ymeD(; of f I extra Oil. 1Juf!'ii.Jo ~ ~tot>-o'f"ertJ at ChoutcUtlua L.1_ k c_wtJ1 be at·
100'0 BTS
AUC'Ost ~..( lh to 28tb 1ncl~tre. e ....:un;;!o n ttl r..ouL'!.'\"iIle. g y .. a..cCO"J ;l t Trl~n Dl~ CoDd \'t . Ji"nt"bu; T empla r , wfJl be sold \pla P enns)'h 'anta. Lioes: ,' al.tl rr.::tu:nlol: UDlU Sept. 211. wltb prh'neg:e t o txtend~ un tU S eplo. 16th, Por turlher In!orm:nloD ..ee tt1ckeL AgenL~ Of Pen U'lf.rl.anl3. Lines.
d ::~ct
\ltiitJu A Ka.~ 0{ low- la.n:-.a baa ~o u ro.Q¥ed ea "bal I,WnolUJ. w~nc too 1iipend d4r.a, weeks or munlh5 a" lbe DJJOSUfoD ma.1 dO :E O at pedal ra\.eti. 'I' u towClit roue Is (or ;l tb ree dayw, trlp. ADotber f()na of U, . "'Indon IIcket Is ~ ror ten day.; a 'bIni t f ur dn.c-en 43.}'8 Slld:a. rounb J:ood the en,"~ Inrc.rmalolon :lboUl r .."" may bt lie.ured b1 applyIng to aoy Pn....,ng.~ 01' ")01<. e, Agent ol l be Prl1nssJ't~ola Lines.. 'J1Jeir dull e'S In elude 4IJqsi:ui.og lntendJaa: travelers to a.rn,'u ge lripili . 1f noL cu nt'eDlcBL LO caU at tieket omcea, .senti :1 ~t.al card to tbe nearest Pcn"lIyl'vliQ1il J.An<s Agent. w.bo wtll p romptl1~ gh'e desired IQrOrID0!lDn m-bou t UlQ E:S:P'(»JtloD. ag ~cb tlck_t:-t,omCJl of the Pen ...... I ..yh'.l.nI:t S;rstem b u bureaa of onidall olQto. m:sUo n f M t.tle Pan ·AI.Derlc3n ElpoetfIou. 1'IlIl-Ic li ets to Duthlo ' ~t8r lbt" a \II AltroQ
ROdte are good 10r ~ lop--o\'er-n; \.O tlU le. uq11\\
C incinnati DlvlrllOn.
'!., ennsylvania Wnes.
Llllre , and 'Dllllcke:~ oTer tl!eroUle t'ta Buf. fa lo to I., Lawf'l!nce IU"er aDd ewaa.tU3D HeliOn... anti ".!il..'ite!"Q ~tDtA . 1nclu41lQ,g Wetr )'ork can be made gead f or st.o}l-over .. a t fJle PaU'.Amefl caa ";xpru.ltloD an4 at. Nla ••ra Full!. Tbe erpen..e fue Uc.tets. tbe comrorls enlo:;eil rn route. t~Q &t2bbt to be ~e~c and t.he prh1J~~c:'i (or ene.ndlb,lt Joum . e,s to. We
mo, Doted hummer h.a. Tca~
J 4t'6 ~
10 lobe
(feldo n, houl<1 be IO\,CtJUgotetl. Pe~ wb o m~T" t b in }; Lbe.y un: DOl able &0 1:101_1.4 tbe COSl will b'!! 4grceabl'y 8-urprtacd ~~ 1lte
pleasure t hey m ..y
.at. s mall er~nse. TbOtKJ. who \"WLeCl De W orld'S Folr "' 11 1 " Ion be _ a bly "".",.1..,.. M Ill. l'an' Amerlcan }:;'lX*llloD. lUIli
wbo hove oe'·er aHended an occaaJon or
thi s klod shou ..... not miM t.h11il opponunily to
j be 0 lrlle Amer J.:oID by utte:ttdlug- 4u Arner~ .. CAn E..rpo"itlon TICket Arent H . ·E . Boo~ , 58 j Wayae l'llIr . ObiI') 1$ wiUt.h:q; 10 r.eU 111 "boU l a Wrile bim
ri I
Im portuut to Oi:lllUtnuqun·JI!\.ke and . PlID·AlUpri<'nn Visitors. . I~n[jlug wiLh Sun .... ay.' A~. hh. t.be
thMugn tfme an d tlJrou~h ~ t.vlce . over 1';h~ Al-.l'Ou Rou'l e to Chau t nUll uG Late and B~«&...-
jos: ~A~S'
MAKES HOGS CHOLERA PROOF. , 23 ' Yell)'/j ' Successl
II) .sboW':s ~u ImlJOr lant re\' is!on. , 'l'be Bulla lo 1:::<pr.o. become. lll~ ClIao\:l", Qua [.ake E.xpres:s. leaxlcg XC'tlil& ""l O"i 7 ....:
m.. a nd runs only t o J~U2e$l()1I"D, ' f~0'k101 ~ Ibn. p olOL al I.Q ;3Q p. iii . 1'111S. .trait.- b ...
coaches and ~,e~P1Da (JU.1'S \Q Col umbmt: pa.tlor car .qd cllac!;ea ClneJnn all to '.u<rnn AI!Il ' A.r on l;I> Jumeatown «'bauta uquI> 'Lake,) Tbe ol00d lng car 1\O~t(> ~b\'C ru.n njng froD\ Ct n<.tnnutJ to lIulluli) 0\1, 1\\1 ~l'"oL\u..l .aq.q . by the Exposltlou 3X1>r ..... Ica\1og W ~"t- . vUl e at ~;!O p . ro t . ,rh·\n" .lit" ()b;lQ\"U~"" Lake abou t 1\ a . m , Uulral\i at l:'35 " . III. Tbe Erpasillou. EJrpr"lll ' alao. hI'S III~ can coacl!es til Colu!n\!\&• • 0.114 ~ • • r~ l ... Columbus \0 A krQ.ll "!\II .\'l'lll It> 8u.1-
1.10 <hilly. . 'l'bc :Pan '..AmerlC3n E:(~ hsay lnl' X_la
at d :~. p. ID .. conti"\~ wJili aom~ k beretofore, 'It i Sleeplllg c..""D o·d Ooa.:beo'l o
(,olAmb~i. alld Mweptol car: Q,lICJ fli81 Oliil~
coach {mm N·:t&hyllle througb IAnl"I'1U• . Clnctnoatl and C'lIUlIIbDS t<) BulblO, <Quftl • . os .. sollt! train Irom OoIu'!'b•• '" Ollalit~ qua "ok" an d the Pnu'AmCifcan ExPc!K!llo", ."""bing Chauta.uqua about ft a ..... BulbI",
ti: 1Sa.tn,
. Now' .. h:l've th(· l<).ge:rt arid . finest stocK of Monumenh,t Worle to be. fou'nd .wjtbin
11: " 'iL q~a y those cOntemplatirig tbe; Ellr-
e.b ase. C" f llli . line ~l work to ,>~ee.· us or write lor <.JlIu ·trated 000'\..1 containing priC.f:S, etc.;. this .wlll cost Y011 2 eent~ It."d inn}' sn\'e you mnny dollars. Mue of' tlJ~ . finest , \V~>rJt in Mi ~:mi Cemetery hns beenfurmsJied byus. ~!!illg pradical dl..'Slgners;
are· prepared 'furnish original. 2nd a:-\ Istic drawmgp ort sbC'rt notice and ,,;c glJ3tahtl!e.10 fur-
nish as finely proportionJ!d \\'ork as can " bp. c..btail'!ed anyw~ere m the country', and take ~pectal care t? supply nothing but the very ' best material nnd 'g uar;;ntee per· lect satlsfactiOtJ. Our very. reasonable.
Bom-August 13, liJl'l, dallgl].. terto Mr. and Mn. Newlin, of llli· nois. MrS: Newlin. nee Buley, is
Cool Sugg@~t10nS '~OR, '- H'ot ~W:eather. Pe~al's you ai:~' ~;king' out you'r 1
list, we'U try and help you~
2 orllalta Vit .. ; the ne~ Malt food.
4 llaybe Olh'es, Larg~ oi lI1illlll, 10 to 250& ·bottle. '. We IlIIv~ it
4 yea~ old.
D. W. Meeks after 28 .yeal'$ of footi~g it bet\Teen Woyn~ville and
S ,A Saok· (;f.Ffour? norie beitet than t~eWHlTE' SATIN 650 a sac laden with tJ]e U. 8. Mail. hM u hol'86 ond will in :fl1wr~' 7 A Cake of P,u'8'lliIlC for prrserving. Jellies.ana froils. 8 iel(r Gl.u ses, whh lin· lid~. Call Ue uaed for common tU'!1bleJ:8. dn,e, ..For this _we ~
Waynesville, .Ohl~~
'1'ho)le 20 .
~Hutchison'&. Gibney's ,
MISSES~ CLOA~~ tor scbool, Ia: 5(J t9
New eolors, n~ w shades, new lengths,
SILK W ·A ISTS. 'l'he beSt 15:00 waist ye~shown.
waist tor dress and how ron you. make them npns nicc. for the money_
'F lannel Waists, Co
Boll8OSir.qUes, WrapJ!Ors: nli comiDgin.
Yon ~iJl<\l\Vll.Ys find
Dice IUIsortment at our house. ~
A flletor! that weaYe8 the goodsAUd mak~.thcm dp has gi!~n us·their e:ccl'!lsiv,e'aa1e, 11.11:;, ~. 7§,. 3.75 ..
W.alking Suit8 and SkittlJ.
Faced' a'~' for slrirtB
n yur.i:
·SiIKs·- for: lS1cirts. .
their natnrul condition .J. E: Jan. J1ey . Bellbr k "itizI'n"' \' l l<) hlJ.\'C boen storing their I.)l)iu 111 their 'ILS r other' convenient reCeptAcles, o~e coogrotulnting themsel vos tlu>t they will soon ha~e. a plnce v,-hcre thcy call ,lepo3it their &hekels, in 0 pluce where they wi!] be out of the reach of 1111 bold burglars. . Some payton capit41lista, of whom Uol; Mowrer is the haud, \rill sta.r~ a l>auk in fhut town and the bui1din~ Cor the same is now under construction. The ~trnct.Dre w1.:1 be oC stone.-Xenia Gn7.eUe.
"Tbrongh the mouths of Jnne and July ollr bnbv was teething o.nd took a rnnning off of the bow· el" aud sickm,gs of I·he st'o01ach," says 0. ': M. Holida.y, of D emhig, : His bowels would move frou.. .:1I b II d ,. .f •Ive to" elg ht times n. uny_ bottle of Chatnberlilln's (;loUc, Ch01,. eri!· nod Diarrhoea. Remedy in the Hl'OU!Je lind gave him f!lur drops inll teaspoonful ,?f .\'Vater lind .he got - better at once. " Sold by 'Louis May. Mrs. Sanih Dinwiddie hltil a.moth· h
Evorybody needs· a nice silk
1-13-12.1 W. MAIN
Magnetic Springs Hotel
' .... • 1. • our faithful IDllil ~rrier .· : Call up C. V" Malian by ~.elephone, 'Phe richest c:ibeese 9 Chuse P. T. 'l'hIlTIla.s, S!1mptel'ViUe, .Aln,. order Yllur gl,'OCOries aud be will . that UncIe Sain" pro<luces. .'~ wn" suffering . fr ill r'i r ~ sin . pr·omptl.y "-I.I·ver·.t' hem a't your doo ' r. -]0 Maybe it's Fty Paper, the sti~ky kind, Wlilfaotetl to catcli and hal a wDen.1 COlli need taking Kodbl "" . t DysLJePsill c,ure. I took . \' raJ ~l1ould you "\,,an the best of ri;;e 'elo. bottles !lnd CIlll di~est IUJY1:hin;;." you will find it at Mlison'lI; he has 11 Pie pp;acl\o8. Just tlte (hillg, for pies wl.on berri es :uo gone. Dyspepsia Uure u. the. only whgle grain rice at Be perponnd l)repnrat,jon con tai'tring 11 O!O Illltn. rill dige.'!tive flui<L>. Lt gi\'-e8 we:tk !Iud a very fine grndfl lit Go a pound, olltire r ea;t., r estori ng IIU CIMO ani! nice. d 111 -
and every description o'r cut stone work for
stster of Mni. Wm. ll. Allen. has'my friends bere who congrat~ nR""". • alate her on 'coming' into the hll:ppi· ness of motherhood. Wh:lt -mo.~t. t,l8ople"Wllllt is lOme- Mi.Irs Edna. zen entertained about . thing mild and gentle,' when in", dO'~n of her vonng friendB last Office and Yards: , of, 0. pby~io. . Chamberlain Friday in honor of Miss Grace. Stomach and Liver Tableta fill~ ..the Utley, of ' ';a1 Oh'to, IIn d. ........ ....:_'. _ • • 1.. u en"" bill to aAot.. T1~ev are' ell.8Y !'O ..... e Scott, ot TexlI.8, who have been the .pleasant m -e ffect. For sale 0Y, guests Mr. IlI1d Mrs. Walter LoUlsllay. • McClure. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!! Mr. and Mrs. Juon Sheehan last As \Te go to prel!!I the pall of death . Mrs.S. R ; Allport, Sunday cnterl;!Jlined twenty.tonr reste over 0\11' village. The remai.n s Pn., SOP" '<lur. llUle 'girl alD~O!!tl Yearly Meeting . gtlests at the GU8- of two of our IIgild ond beloved citi. l'traDgled to dp.ath wiUt croup. The tin." House ' and spoke ....ery higbly zanll, Septimus 1.: CIIrtwril!ht and AND .SUMMER R.ESORT, rlooters saiit she coull1n't live, but C d -, . d t· r .. • "he \Vf\9 Inston"y relieved by One o. t 4e cor h .... an sa· 1S1actory air Jolm D. Clements, are lyingiD wait BELLBROOK, 08 [0. . 'MI~lutc Cou$b OUre, J. E . JO,nney. ongn'en tbeir 'frjends by for the h.st sad rites bdore being
: U or KBRNBLS -of WHEAJ. ,l he lillflst cereal ~c han fOllnd.
Wllnf th.. pllr~ cider. .
We also supply caps, sills, steps
building purposes on short notice.
~!Iit Dried Beet? 'We'lIl!lice ·it.nice and twn.
S Yiuegar? you'll
Gustin {aulily, 111so of tbe 'Cl_llly and oomtortablu conditiOD of the bouse lIOt! ~lial ly of the excel. lent table ~:lre . 'My bIl.by wwi terribly sielc 'with the dillrrhoea." lSIIys J. H. Doa!t, cf
borne to the City of ollr Loved Ones beyond the river. "IJ am
switchman l " writes A.
.J. ennes!ll'e, of 0201 Bntler St., C11icago. "and I1ID' 'out in IlI1 kind!!
of weather, I took a cold which settled in my kidneys, and was iu "ery bad SMpe. I tried several ad. \'ertlsed medicmes with no benefit nnla1 I was recommended to Foley'8 Kidney Cure. 'lwo t.hln18 of a bottle cured me." Lollis May.
Sitnated ou the DAYTON & XE..,\B TKA OTlO), 1-J:NEB ~nd .~ miles from Spring Volley station on MIAMI DI VISION P. , U., O. & St.. L. R. R. MedlCinol Wu.t~rs celebrated for cure of Kidney Troubles, Rbeumati6m , Non'oDs Diseases, etc ......... ., ......... .................... . OPEN THE YEAR ROOND ....... ........... RA'l'ES $2.00 PER DAY.
ARTHUR DUFFY,. Proprietor. Williams,Oregoltl. "We were ncable M cure hiIllI v.ith the dO'ltor's We are inform"" that the Scarsla~toruItatllco. and 118 a l118t reSOFt we "'........ 0'" be' -" "'''1' CI 1 fllmil. will nnt' hold Q, reunion this • ne wlm rrnlD 8 \JU Ie, 10 ern. \I . d Diarrhoea RemooJ'. IllDl hap. 'Pflr, fnr ,~luJt renson we do Dot The l~wl! of IJooith r.·e qnire that know, but. snpposo beca1lS080 u.ony r'l' -too MY it gave ' immediAte .relief of the old ' 'members Itll,e paRSed :mol II complete CIlJ'e,'" For sale by tho bowels mO"l'e once each dav and A\Ta,y . This shon,lcl not be; the Louis Mar· • ODe of t·he penalties for violnting younger genera.tlon. should' You cannot go amis~ in bnying this law is piles. Keep YOllr We pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, . bo\Tels regular by taking g. dose of and .keep &reen tho memones of of O. liT. Mason, be keeps Clutmberlain's Stomllch and !.iver ~ Sick Headach~ Indigestion, Constipation tl:ose wbo are gonc. on MnOs n fUll lISSomnent, aU of 1"".",.,._ when neoessary anti you • or Costiveness we cannot c::ure with Squire F. A: ~nrf8ce; whose barn U10 best ql1lllity' Ilind at lowest cash will ne\' er have that severe panish. valnablecontentg were tota-lly t>nces.. M!l8Ou 's sales me so r apid ment in1llc~ Ilpon yotl.. Price 2Go. destroyod by fl.rj) a few weeks ago ' nothing has fime ~() get stllljl, For saJe by Louis MlIy. 10 t no time ,in making prepnrotio!1ll is r.bsol\1telv . fresh. They are purely VegebbJe and never fail to give satisfac::tion. for rel)uilding. . A contrllct for the F~hly rooAtoo coffees; ~uCh lUI hnilding of !IA;Olid frame· oorn,mllch Afrlca~ .!a va , Fa:ncy Blend, ~gou, 25c boxes contain 100 Pills, 10e boxes contain 40 Pills, 5e huge!: Ih1In the first bas heen let to Leader and others or the best boxes contain J5 Pills. Beware of substitutions and imitations. Thomns Zeil IIlld on Monday he be. brands. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. Nervifa Medical Co.. Corner gnD 'work, nssisted by 0. large foroo On Monday, Jnmes Stoop\> agent" Ointbn and Jackson Sts., Chicago, IllinO=.s. Sold by of meo" closed 0. deal with Om Decker for Louis May, drJIggtst. Mr. an.d.- Mrs. 'J, T. Brown nnd dan 'hter-Mis Clara ofOent~rvi11 Il ,. . ' e, und cousms, Misses ,. Brown; LYTLE' A MinlSter's Good Work. "I b3.d 0. se\"ere attack of bilious Mjs~ Minnie D~ke t.lUd R . C. HUUl' The remOlUS of J. Milt~n Ward colic. got n bottle of Chamberlain 's were brought from his late pJaco of Colic. Cholera and Dlnrrhco.q, Rem' l lI~on are on the slck list. resid.e nce, Fnurkbn, on Monday edy, tooJ. two doses and was entire. Miss Adah Lurnb is nttending the and interred in the G . A. R. lot iu ly cnred," says Rev. A. A. Powers, Institute at Lebanon this week . Miami Cemetery. Poor Miltoo, he of Emporia KHnMs. •:My neigbbor ]\,frs. O. E. Johns was the I:;Ue3t of had served his conntrY In the time across the .. treet Will! sick for ovpr a ,Mrs. Dr. Oglesbee of Wnyoes\'i1Ieon week, had two or three bottles of Ieai.ml!a.y _ of peril, WIIS a peaceable citizen C. M. Hough nnrlfnmilyand Frank one ot t.he last surviving members medicine from the dootor. He used them for three or four days without Squires and wife were gnests of Dr. relief, then Clilled in another doc· land .lIrs. Ward o n Sundo.v~ tor who ~ted ~ for som~ ~ I Miss l1essie Hllnt will lenve in a' nnd ~ve hlm no rehef, 80 dl~b!lrg' l few weeks for KeotaC'ky.. wbere she ell him. I.went over t? su~ him the has been employed as teacber-. next morning. ne slOld hit! bowels . , were in 11 terrible fix, they b!ld been A. G. McGutI and wlfe, of Spnll~' running off 80 long tbllt it was al. boro, lIpCut Snturddy lVlth the latter s mO!!t a bloody flllx. I ask 3d him if siste", Mrs. J. Hough, of this ph.eo. be had tried Chamberlain '8 Colio, ChIlrles Austin and sister Miss Oe~
500 RErAR
Liverita, The Up-Io-Date Little Liver .Pill I
·NIAGARA FALLS Itcturri limlffcn clays rrom cIa,it ohair. STOP. OY.ER ALLO WElJI
at- BUPFALO:a nd. Nia gar a Fall s; 00 ,i
~r, e~rter's
Little Liver Pills. ..,,~ Bear alanat uN of
up. she · aa" ontl;ned the t ....IlJI0,. · a hiimin head. was bers f.or the a'zkiDg, and l,s.,ver·.J
, . BRACIN G; A F.AlUI unmeE 1. . Ii. smal,j cre~k or r~D~ the
Sh~ 1ook'~c1 ut>'ln th; III ....... au~ "In •
momen i it wu p e'' 'pled with .hilcl<>,..-y
a n.d . b f fflt t~e ar~t lorn by ; :' cbampi ng teet~. '. - The parnly. i.-o! bpI' tf'rrOl: ,~a s . !:er s:tfe1r. Sht made uo .lIund that ..-ould direl'll hc.npcn tioo or tb. bead from the diamon d s to her•• lf. yTerror h:od I\'rI\ll.peli her ' 0 cloo" rD his weavin~ I.hat sbe could' n';t wound heneH against:. th .. ~JlOrn s <Jf danger. Slb,..!y t.h e g irl realIzed b.r ituatloll. 'The first slgual ...·a. like 'a sillunlng blo ... ; IheD sh. c;a me fo Ihe r ealized. anguish , tbe n~ ';'." work.ing illto
.JIe•• ~,.
.... t
r "",.' . . . . ,..1\.....",,,. ,. "" '" tI.e S.,. ()l~';. .
And All Euter n Polot.. Gnion depot · connect ions In Cincin· nati avoidin g omnibu l tra,nsfe rs.
Fast 'n, -)' Trains lJa l '. Hour s Quickes.~
Choice of T~.. lce Ride bet,nen Cle"eJan d Dnd Butrllio on C- k ll. Steamer s. Call on or write agents UBig F -,ur" for , full informl ltion. Ume of tr:Jins, ' circular s of the Exposit ion, etc. lnc~. pUL.'1k r.Aet.
..uu J. Q~D.
fl. , .
J. E. RlEnr, Ge. '1
A..$-st. t; .. P. &"%'. A. . $a. Area..
('~.ClY".A'f' . 0.. C. CUll, 'fr.Y. P an. ~. Ctt.tT.A .ooa.L TE " ..
100 10ng,m ustraiei lartlcleoD "VenBae(1n "TitU lee Gu,llen s," Yr. 'ho.1f. j n tbe Century of t he Eden o.rdeoJn the Clly by. the Sea:'" "Wbere ' tbe 1'0-<;11 bloom ;p grea f~.1 protwrlon ;" Ibe Ed"n garden. 00 the taf side of the Giudeeca, strecleh.ing A W<!RD TO THE 'lHIlf~ awa:y iD the dil'ectlo n ot 1he Sali manhu , whicl> gl~e oul ElIch .l:J'an~ Care a. •• ., PI". AT.n. a.t Lit-fl. aeawee d odol's. . ' .' '''ate. O.e ' _ .(U"e. t. rretEngliIoh ga~""ner, . who I"'akl ''The tI.II~ . Oyer Tpl.~•• with,! but· ~Dd 3D IlaiiJUl ac;ce.nt at tbe time. told' me tbe propert y onct ume b"y . A g.~eal aeu). boa been W"rltten d. to a ·convIel .' 1 surmise d beloDr l'hysle'a ns for the beneftl of ·fat p.r- that be jo·t ended jo say convent . ODn. wbo desire to reduce thei!" "Here fhe lat ... empre.~, of Au t w~i~lll, bnl ' the . diK<;ont ..nted "t 1\1. ..... woot to ..ketch, iLod here l b~ Jj for otlIer' cod ' oi T.be 5cal.., wbD long ian !(tres~ Du e. tortflnn i.ln bei~g Stllte. l i t . D.ner. ~nor~ - co\~ring on 1lt.~ir _llon.e~. ,..elcom e guest, »pend milD,. rDClrnio-g ' FOOl!) I.JRESERVA'IIVES: .. Iripe lire quite .be thing v.ry .ge .. ~ rn Ill' left to digco.-"r fo... _nderl ng up ILnll duwn . it.. s badJ Jl!'!lr:' u;;-t:e. ted tbe. tn n or. tbemsch·r~. if: tbc.): en n .Hud n. mea'n. One i . r3r~~ nea r' enollgh 'I'.elr t:..~, sa,..~ lite Olt1o P-.re Foo'" '!' he alderma n s laTteu n.n·Dus ly, bDt thei r end, ~ Ily' 'Youth'" Com· , Mil"sel de. .. Iii Alfred Dr beIll. whethe r it Co ••••••JOB. S• • , , recover ed him;,elf . qu,ckly '.utbou ~te; o,!,.oOne of the Engn~h ::fo .... l ~ Co.d.r .ad.. to -. ."1 think:." be 1':oa jd , endeavo rin b~ .b as. In hand; for as (lne ..A(h·anc:.e peak careless ly, ",11.1 "1>Jlleth i ng in Ilg~IJbt the SQuod, ;8nd ig~t s with!n the Dal.,ure or n cb~ek \~ou:d be morT --ure JS apt ·to !OIie it elf' in tlie crolli . my lIne."-C bica"o ro.t. in -Win Baeo)) Benry wben p,lb., tbougb I.'l\iJitl~g hi .. pic.iure ' of tbe "irgin It I.onkt!d . among t"-e-ltile s he we o.ft~n aw~reoJ 'Farm;,r Cre.Jle:....Wbal· ,11)e shado'! of the' not~d f\alill.nfaUfnj!' Per'kimt - SOil studying ' fer almo!'t on~. CanVD_. Thpoe:p a lhs8'l'P . coiJ~ge? up!ra!ned ne overhDn g 'with grapt;'l'i t'I!e-A mission ary ' ::1t:~frre _·-!.\ Fa-rmcr .an.d bere ahil Ihere grear on [ gu~s. ·He keeps t<luehiDg Ibe 01. ~Jl!nls, 'W;Ilb . l.he wODderful up reI' "indem nity" e"ery "'cell .man foliated .I~a~es ""h.ich .eem to' ban l wO.-Puc k... 2< .fO\l~· of ~e b8 and be~D t be ias pira tion There W.... aD 4"nthlot e. re.",~otsJ.fI1.,;,I~b$ of tb e worlrl'~ decDra live d wgn! enr>1.ngs. F:orthe~ oloog. bUn, ··Uow is it that Miss YOl1n~ broke d,:e<ls .ut lily plJln f8 ra i8e !,heir sl-J:ajgbt h.~ ~rig:lgement ,viUt you? I ~Jiought , &hif " lJIlb. and n t n certain time are she .doted on you?" but. \,,"hen she learuei eovered .wllh ,80 many p looms tha tII 0 sbe. did.; ~a":r eKt.1 nne 'Iio falrly ' drjven frOi' "them bytl>lI~ J had once been cngagp. l 10 he. . heovy p .... fllme:· motbcr" s sist·rr. it PJo7~ d all UDtJ· dote."- N.. Y. Her.old. BOW ~'Y LAUGH. . , . P_p' • •r D'-en ." 1I,a tl ••• U .... Y...
to .
T.... T10......"""U,,. · b,.
of whIch .are obQu~ ten feet •.••••. ,... ...,. •...u_ .. _ IB ero~ ' ed by a IlgU wooden Th~ f$rm. f";.a J:oadwa y Dllhe ortlio:.r ily I. 110t nearly liP to the top ' of tb.<> banks, aod al lime ' 'i. almoiot dry. but (Juring one of the. ' uddell f r~ be l s meu tio'Ded Ibe narrow UnCCtMunatel)', we uallI" nr'A"l':e'; a fool an,d hig h baDI.. "1'"llne th" lIerec <!ur· ng to hu. ·oln' foli)".':'P~ek. rent, makb'g the brldge ,.~I')' liable tn ~"""rdi stream: o<)wn be ora-bed . ~'e;peoplc ar~ fool., and !.bey een't boll' A mean& .,t """uri~ ( b" bridge by it. uvD J,l\1'gtIe ","b ~ hem .-~I~bi.son Globe:. reealir" prnent. H~ ,.1r• . br.\:<.8, 1'he~ a DO r..~ for (he idlcr.-P. am'1 moval or dl placeme nl, i6 road" lIMe or, .... hleh mayb~ al;lop[e.d. DO AoVIl!, by Dp",. on CURE "CK H~ADACHE • even or cag~&, like in farmer. Olall), . . TIle rartr ••, the pubUe l~igh."·n,.. A good- Iud \.Pee u -t':3ee1'w•• Ul'ie 11131 we OUT .tandK at "ne- ..jde of tht mAlI..n'"eli We two, a1ll"cl!l· hearUqnur the . 'ate r. One end of at oI:\.J'oDg And . thin we c.:. me·10 cood .. nlghl .,jl.~ . guy trDe. DIad" of lht~e '~t1'a nd s (>f or· . . "JUAt at tbe partlnlf. dinary {.ncill~ ,rire tW;3li.-d ~ogetber, J ld£~c.4 lU.': f Jf~, ricb. r!pe. and Tar~, A n~ thf'r .. I kluf"d her JollllrOW n 'baJr i -·fAsten .it :'rollDd the. I tunk near loot .lWlt:i.L rbe parlles. Ullder one o( lh. -J<... ,lOe. of tree, @:dr.1l ..the 'nw o~t. r.'lIch wbich l'5 roo large he ' Va .. rnd~.d La·~k,.. ·bed 01 b" t,.eam, allll 1.0 i~ oLb.~r "Lllcl,l' a".,,: " &oid one girl to a,~ cnd, neure'd to PDC!- end o! bridge .tII. "'eddtng , a. Ib( ND trte beiDg bandv on I be vpposll e otber, al tbe church the a; Ie. side 01 tr.e :un; .. Gluu t "take or 110M brillal ('"u I,le wa lked up h .. COm· lo:ed a. Ill""?" lucky "Why line guy r 3J1()the aDd ta let· In. 1!1ank. run from 'tbl" po I to 1 he oth ~ r etid of palli"n. " .l..ucky becau se the br-ide. w( ars a alil. The ·wirt . are drown tight, and a very Dliaflle/,ory {or l he object .eil Dnil peopl., Clm't see wbat ! Yonker g:.)' marryin e II be's make rT'i~Dt to duind h it If vl~.... tum;>n_ Sta tree no "h'8' ... h or·the plan OJ) • • dream Dcar ~oough to be ""ailabl e, dT;"e Ii null Do.tDe• •. at"u ~ sl oke ILl. fllcll 'b,Dk:, SIlY 20 10' 25 ~et. ;t for fiwe 'o'elock.;'( sn.id "Jest ft et up th. s tTum, ettin g; Ihe take the youug 14\\'yer, who bad boughl deeJl enough 10 p,re"<\D~ ea lehing the no alnrm ~Iocl.:, ·'1 wo'u 't Want t r !loadng Tubbi8h , alll} arrange ' Iho· change .it:" cr- '''ben ...... C1DS BnfIlllo . do 1101 the arne 8lI ill. t he win othuwi eb?' fall to..,.e tbe CA.lfA.D LlIII EXHID 1T hour, that ~ up ltet ",nys 'A! ~ .Jillu.tio n 'ilIu trated. A few minule • .s. the r:u.·~ede&J1. , rem:arked the clerk. "'prj( 110,,", and sCAT-cely nny .os{, may . "Ob, U(). ha-t' s n'y time fOT gojng 3t pr~ "eDtm"ch a~ay lind tJ'Quble hom,,_ ~Ji5 . clct'k is for my oruet'." MIme D~h~r time ..-..l. G. A!I house, in -J'hiia delpbia Prea~ .. Ohio Parm"T .
tI~ke~ '
- - - --
B.lU.mms 0.1 'fB1S PAP.eJt'
D ESnus'j '1'0 8l.:Y ANYT.J1J~G ADVSCT 15 W IS ITS CULL~S.s. !!HOGLD INSJS1I UPON IlAV.l.NG\\fRAT T.U'.EY ASK "'OR. .ll&}' ;::!.180
ALL SJ;' I\8Il'lTIJTI!I! OR 11IIT"1'I 0S8.
~ ---_ .--_. .
by Tcat-71 YfAJ!S
blTfT-Doo 1( 'ra~;:~ li~Asn ' WcUb' : W"'.T_110BE s..L&B'D
tt \,.; ~. SfAU Bao.!. a.-II1&u. ...; 0unUIe. .
rio•• Wa,.. ~ .f E-s...e •• !-_ '1" et
threatens the beausummer can attack every tiful' sunny south and kill only those whose bodies are not kept thoroughly cleanecl out, purified and disinfected the year round_ One 'whose liver is dead, whClse bowels and st~ch are full of half decayed foOd, whose whole body is ~clean inside, is a quick and ready . victim of yellow jack.' safe against the be to If you want scourge, keep in- good heal~ au s~er; whether yellow jack P.uts ·~ an apPl:al') ana or not, Reep clean iitsWe! Use a mild. laxative, that will make your bowels' strong and healthy, and keep them pure and clean, protected against any and all epUJemic ills:.. eases. Ws ~ that · Will keep and save you. Take thCJll regularly and yoU will · find that -aU infectious diseaseS ·are absolutdy
. that dreadful fiend
"Tbe saddest lIubject 'of tbe yut' Ja the delDlIIO of the a.llor-bat," u.il the girl philosopber she r.moved • 10.D~ batpm frdm her pancake atraw, oroate with polka-do satiD nbboD, "J:wondel' i! thf<rt! 1$ a girll17iog who ha. Dot . a bOlt of liogUng memorie.. associated 11_t.1 •• IJIJ.nJ.... Will'" 81l0at., wl!h tbe llttle round straw bat; 11m· ....... r ...a1.e.L .......... tile pie in ita pla.D band of her college col-
CHAPTER JL.-oCowmfnl,. "Yea, to': se~ Itow i\~';' If I be w1llln8'- to - .t.,. with yoU; I: &t.y till I . . . aJI otd, brokea-ilowu' ...oman, at...y's wa!.hing dl.hea, ,Iway. m".ing in a kit.ehen. alw..y. bliDg looked i10wn upon 81~ 8n 1nferlor, always bemg only a part of the llIaehIDe, my peraouH\lil@ond aDd IIlJ deyelo~ent dwarfed, neYer reedy, I~ aDY me>re' w.ges tb.n wb~ 1 be"' pn, or, "t most;--o nly ~ little more, always in ;; depeudeDt"serille positiOIt'. . Once a hired girl, alway • ..,ne 110 long as you ehoose to ba,.e me ud I eonaentect to st.y. la that. cheer· ful prospect for • girl to coD.liler . . SuI?" ~ lirs. W.rd ilid not aDSwu. Barl*ra hlid .poken out-all that the four ...eeka tiad been piUngl1p iDher mind. oDce Ipoke., 11( reliend her; but ahe ..... ~roubl~d oyer the thought that, eftn If ,,11 sh"sald ...ere exacUytrue, there Ltho,ulI'ht ·ol~h!.r "as still .ome"hel'e In the econoiDle "'orfd a fai.c~or."of service she had not fully nor hirly me.sund. She eould not uccpe the sell-accusation: "But mini~ tr,. is "tUl mIDis try. If this lamU~ really nePdlt such work as I have ooen doing to help It work its de .. Ilny In Ihe • .,rld, why ia notmy ......11. . .·1 for ,t as truly dlYlne as if mlnlstend In .otht:,r ways that the world 60 oft.n thinks are JDort!! noble ?'t )[rs. Ward sUU sat .. Ith folded hands snd a stranll"'c look,andBarb.raturned kom her and ~gan rolling outa small pIece of pie cruat lor Carl. When she bad finished it and hail put It in B platl~r. as she ""as turning wlth it toward Ihe stoYe, she was amazed to see Mn. Wa1'd otanding- ID fron.t of her. She hila risen sudaenly 'and had come over nrn Barbara. ~\'hat )!'Ou bue said i8 too trtJ~ great dtal of it, most of it: and yet - Ba rbara, It ,ou only knew'how muchi , need just sucb .htlp as yours in my home you would not leav. me. Jsn't there some .. ay we can work It.. out to~ther? I bau.Dot bt!en to yon what on,e ....oman ought to be to another. I ha~e been nervous and 'aul1bdrng nnd-and-you have not said anything .bdu ~ that, 1 know~ but, if you ",ill 'stay", narbara, 've will tTY to study the Ihi ng out better-we wHl help one Bn· olher. That ll! not exaclly whale I mean, but we .. ill understand each oth"1' bener after this talk, and perbaps IVe can be .more just, and study ho .. to better m81:ters." Barbara titood during this unexpeet· ed app"al trembling ",ith a conflicting ~et of emotions, In ibemJdst- of it all abe coul!i feel a retnrn of somt!thing 01 the-old f.eling of heToism in service ~b8 t had prompt.d ber to ano".r·tbe ji,l\erllsement In the first place, .nd bel' pulses leaped up again at the thought of help tron thia woman to 1101> e 'the .l;ervont question an.d ...ork with ber toward a common ..nd. What ~uld sbe do &1on",2 Only four weeks nO rial, and she had despaired 01 servo Ice . 11 Iready III the .wltt'l'eaetlon from h~r despair llra. Ward's words prodlle ~d greot r""ulsloo io lIer feelings. Surdy all things wete possible it Doth th womaw of the bOWIe aod the s ......• -<lll~ titudled t e '1uestion together. And her grievaDcest Tbey were "::VJ, and st1lb·eal. But tbey ""ere.Dol ", ;rhout compeusation if what Mn. 'VaT"} sn id "'•• going to m.an a new atart aU around. ShU , as <sb. faced Mr.., Ward willi a trou~I.!1 h .... t. sbe hesitated, going 0'-.1' agaiD'tbe trials of the four w.eks, tbe bl,lt, in!uJlicient little room, the long lUId irregular houn, the s ..paratloD from -people, "Yen trom ~b.,. people In the houoe wb • .,e Ille ser"iDg; the -daily druilgery;1.be hopel .. s5neo. of aoy future-I~ 011 eame up again to dasb an enthusiasm that had apparently ht!1!n kill.d out of her at Ibe Jlnt attempt to turn l'raeiical ~bings into heroic things. And let. us . ~nl (or Du.bera ... hot 1\ a" a Yery-trnr port oCber true self: ahe had 10 gJ'eat a horror ~ doing anything .from hn, pulse ..Iooe thd a part of h.r heslt .. tlon now nrose not from her doubu CODL"'fning Mrs. Ward's aiDeerity, but fr(lll) h.r 0"'0 fear of cl>a:nging her mind, bf seeming to act from pity (or Mr . Wnrd ratber tban from a genuine <on'!'ie-llOn that me had no! beeo huo)e ('1"Hlgh to lestlleT' service long enougb to pro,e aomethingbos.des a f"", anCE'I!~ Sbe was rnnit1en 6T~D Mrs. W-a rd Wa. apeakio(, to be had not eQdur~d 811 the hardships of s.,..lce to tlle lImit of ser';ce. "Of course, J :cIOI)'~ 1<110... :ho.. we are gOiD¥ to arrange all the ,things that a:re_,"ong, bui I h.,. .. gone o"er aU t b'c ground yon have emphasis.d th1s Jl u,r,!l ing more times than ~rhap..you _ imagine," Mrs. Wud eoutiDued, 'and Barbara, ~haps lor flle:1ira IrO'v. ~rrs. Ward creditfor'D1i:ny n.ltfto. · 1 ,. sh .. "had bltb~rt.O deolejl b .... wr.tched heal " - ··,A--- ·~-'lu:.d"tr.}u. 1,le_witb servall.18 bltlons and" no hat'e, T thInk
Il)~ 8~ Out I
lDili1rere!D~~:t~.~f~~:;~:~' :E
-"Or his eoU.ge eolors," sugg.sted '1'0 deaD 1>r...e8 qllickly and eco- (tbe sallow young woma n amoolhlo.J nomicaUy, rub Ihem welhrith vioegar ou t a long plume on he; G1>u,sborand uH ot ol\1hc acid. Wash Imme- j ougb dlately af""r the rulfbing and polish "Or with the band pinned on a wIth tl'ipoll aDd swut oiL Unless the UttJe -brass emblem of the army" addacid js wubed oft' the 'l'hmg 'fill • tarnl8h so quickly its last estat.e WIll I be worse tban its first. Copper kettlea and saueepans, brass andkons, 'fender., candle-sticks and trays are bt!.~ cleaned with TJnegar and salt. Cooking Tesseia in constant use need only to bt! well washed alterward. Things for 6ho..-e~cn pots a nd paos -need the oil poh&bmg, which give .. a deep, nch yellow luster good for six months. Oxahc acid and salt ,. t be thing for furniture brass.s-Jf it tou~a tne wood around It only proves tbe to ne, Wi"" the brasses well with a " d cloth and pow.1i thoroughly with 011 ond tnpoll. SOm .... tim"" pawdered rotten stone does bet.ter than tripoh_ Rub after uomg, eIther with a dry cloth or leatber, until there IS Ut) trace of OIl . 0 matter what sort of brass IS to be cleaned .t ed the llu1fy·halrea girl, ..-ho5>e b.ad mtJJlt be !-reed completely from gJ'ease, W38 adorned w,th a tilllnll rose garc"ked dirt and grime. Wash ",th den. strong "mmon,,, ouds and noBe dry They all three s'gb.,d in untson. before belPnDl~ ~, .th Lhe 8CJd aod "Early In the 6ea SOJl;-' begaD the philosopher again, "the houses handThe ~ tT .... tment for wrougbt tiJlg correct 5allor shapes boldly decatee), which hu. a knack of groWIng orated the.r wurdow" 'W.lh the pI ...... gray, luster!"." and ill-looking. IS to hats. It gave ill Ute blue.. to ob""rve first ,,,asb It ."r y clean w;th a .tlft thne ""Ddows. II \\, . bJoe gaz,"g at brusn and ammo;".a 50_ap suds, rinse the picture of n lun;,-l".1 rove. Partiei .. eil, dry, by boal .f poss ibl., fben oil O.f gll'l. do"",, town for ..hopping or for plentifully with .weel otl and du st IUD cheoD "Duld g.ve th",m a glance th.ckly wil b powd.red qu.c.khme Let onl~ and hurry on to a mllliDery dlS' the lime .13Y 00 twO da) s, then brus h play of brave lea tbers and lace. But it off with a clean. .ery stoft •• eh gtrl, whether she6eJect.da lailorbrush PolISh ",.Ib a !oller bru h aDd ISh fedoF8, a golf hat, a shiJ:t-wals~ hai rub .... ,tb cloth. UDl.1 t be luster eom •• or whlte laee. p1etnre hat, must ha"e out. By leaTmg the bme on, nOD aDd seDt one melancholy ' I~ODgbt 'back to aleel may he kept trom rust almost In- the sailor For l! .. e.r) " glrl who tt'eT deftDlt"ly beld a IOnd.r thooght for a certalo Befure well.ng an,. sort of bnc·a- man rem.mbera bow he loldher tha~ hrae. and e.""elally hroD""s, remove be s hould alway. wear a .... tlor. a<!d.n Ibe du..t poss.ble Tbe le55 du t sIDg that a sb.rt "81st aDd a saJlor bat water find s aboul fiDe l,n •• and craD- " e re the pre1t,est ari,cleo of apparel niu lbe less It cao lea,..., ,bere A fler -evrr "orn by a ",",oman. Sb~ mus.J redUSlong, <vasb we ll in .trong wh.te c all "'bat he .aid abo,,~ the- wa,.h.r SOIP suds. Rod ammgma. rm!e clean, b •• r ble ,.. ou~ about.her temples lroll' polisb 'nth just B s uspictoD of OIl and heoeath the hat aDd bow it cast t.-- ~ r ott~n stoDe and rub ff afte .... rd comlog shadows 10 h~r eyes, How ..~ry trace of tbe 011 Kever let ac.d maDy l'rrt I) slor ' es could the old touch a broDu s urface. unlus 10 eat " a.lor tell of mooolight confidenct-l.as alld pit .t for antIque ell'erts.- Emlly • t la) modest I.\' on the lower step of Holl, lD 51 LaD IS Globe-Demoer-at I be veranda' Por old hatl-ho1'l' many I.mes has tt beeo nearl! drowned be· COIrlBINATION DRESS. fore .1 wa. fI "'hed oot of the ..... ter bi" at.ea. " ·a_e. Make New Dep.p- a loog boat-book whlle ' ....0 eag.r _ . lOUDg taces watched .t bobble under lit" A.opU_1J 5... I-E ...0tbe jabs Q1 lhe hook and. \..-"-0 preU", . pea. Ha •• f!" Go . . . .. \~hlte hands at last 5booll It onr Ih .. Ne~er before have fasblonable la- .. de of the boat and la.d tt out-in tJ-e dies of China shown as much Jnter· sun 10 dry! How .. eJlJlkepl1.beseeret " est m European costumes as tbey of Ihe long walk tn the 5bady.pa th are 5bowmg nOW Though like then leadllllr from Ihe galll.'rieil hotel to the apou6es the,)' ar~ CODSe rl"atil"e In al· ,orater'Y:tj edge. when 1t was swung eare .. moat all Ib IDS"'. thel have not of late lessl) at fhe ".d. of .ts owner! Not bt!eo able 10 dose theIr "yes 10 the a hint did .t en" ghe of the mom.n~ ebarm of mode-rn fasbJons , and as a .t \VB. tuosle1Ted HI t he olhu liand r esult. they are 00\\ \\ ~arJng' on If' 'it- because tbe ooe whIch beld .t first "'a" tire oecal5Jons a costume which IS "Bnted b) s ome one It Hen held it,,, partIr Enropean and partly Chlllese peace demurely on 1be. center tab'!_ "beD mamma asked p"inl.d qu.sttons a bout 1 be we ..ru's trka'IlllDg third finErr u flThe good old s~l\)r'tt. moti:r:ned the llu1fy· baired biTI, g lanciDg a t he~ o"'n th.rd finger "n W85 al .. ays a mas-
Bo. .eJrto.d a~. Book.
Ia a
ito ...... in
I ;"J;rti'~""'-I:hi;O "ells .lIDalc~ He:, about ILl
"Dyone in tbJ" rrgiol1. pr<Ke,n d. to ha~e found a f~o1..II'~oiled blaekBDII-lIe In a dfol!(' r l"d qUAr~y I".t _"k, and a d tail~d aeCQllD of thl ... ondrr of nature h"s .. ppeared ill ..e~eral rie...spolpt!rl'. It- ja ileseri~d .... .beIng three feel long. Ooe foot OX Ibis . 11 bod,. fo~ t,.,o. for th ..!" a~ t ••o beads, .,.ch perteel1Jt fo ... ned and two tail&. _ 'rJl.h ' "uk.. tiar b" built b~s t ....... headed ""nder on the general plan hlid out.". lfark ""'aln in. hia slory of the atnooriiinary t"iUII, Cor .he llayll that O,llle bpad sec.med to 00 doing aIL the eontroJling of the body' ,vben he mn across it. The otber h eJLd ju' j we'llt aloDgloIUI tbough It hud nothJog. 10 .ay' about the direction In ...hlch tbe .,.hole .hoo ld .go. · StralKht- ee:rOM th.. qUDUJ It! -westeTl5 ~ction went the. nake, ~ben s~ld delllly, to 1be ama" .. meD-1 of the mao who fODnd'tt. tbe head "hich b.d seemed 010 mdll'.e ren! 10 the wa,. t]lings ",ere go'Dg pt!rkt!d up ~ and lI«mea to lalce eomm3tl(1. It turned tbe body arouJld aod !!taTt.d in on ••!.terly dil1l'ctlon, the. otber b~"d siJ).king hlto R ~ ndilion or eOlDpl~i.... aoce. much like tba t 'exhibited by da ESKDlOS .HAVE NO OATHS. JeUo .... " few moml'~ before. JIo'" loog fbI. eort of tbing would Ca ...e&. If Ap~r., Are a PI"O • •et of h",ve kept up nobody koo,,~, Jor tbe Clv-III_Il•• _04 -....11: Race sna ke hnnter Just droplM'd on the De .. e' ••• eDt. freak. and toole it bOUle In a bag. The sto'ty goes that It can be. eeu at the borne of Its captor OIlY 1lme:. bUI no one from thIs city ba. bleeD lhe tJ;ouble to Iro to 'Susquehoona yet to se" It.
"Almost 1lIway. ... corrected the •• ~ low loung ,,"oman, luokiJlg pensh·el,. et her unadoTned hana "Tben,t. said the phlioSopher.. "wben. Ihe snmmer grew tIred aDd that.rounw stu", ba1 "OS gettIng yellow "'Jtb the leal es. bo,," brav.ly the sa,lor roil. thfl ~top wale of so me glrl's sun~leac.he-a bOlr as.h WtDt to marke t: And in tbe cool HODlngs, along the broad.annues, whAt VlS<ODS lIJIe gOb b) the gleam of a b.c)cle lamp of a laughi1lg faCIOunder a saIlor hat!
"Poor old sa ilor batl Its last sad rites are bemg performed tn -the boek room. of sbops Pme boards al'e being na.led oHd!. Us fat.., '0 s""lea_"ChlCOlgO Dally News.
Ita Lut b,.-
and ,,,bIen is a :ogethpr a notable apecunen Of. the sorlorl41 art It is hght blue In color ODd. saJs the New York :e:uald, s.lk IS fbe usual mateTlal of which I t •.& fashIoned. O>er .. long gown, "h.cb .s eopiously ornamented with embroid.ry and mlnJatu..e pamtmgs, faUs .. loose wrapper, and beneath this u; a small Jac.ket reaehlUg to the waist. Around the neck lS a collar, which is , 0 dIstinctly European feature, but, On the other hand, above this os a headdress wbich is a"CJdedly ChInese and the latest ioveotloo of a distilll!')JishedJ tailor in Peking. Thus, while Otdn.se ladles of high rank dreM In 80me respects like theu. Europes,n SIsters, tbey still continue to di1rer trom- them in some ,..,ry- essential respects. It has been <oonjeetttted tliat the reason may b. beeliuse they are determined not to imitate them ~oo closely. and that thla js why they are .now ...earUtc nob 'a pictore"'l,.ue aeaddress:
(Jow.te•• Calt1l:.ea_.
s. A.
IY el.£t!'Cl
_nlmo ....
~rtntep4r"t of !be. LJ.Ue milltlD, ~arl.or... t.ory 'rn~~~
ocI1ool .... rrer .. b"", .._a1& ...It~ ODe boai04. _ blm, elf \l>l}r . ... 1ll111e ID OII~ crndtzl ,1oe1l~ ... Qnaal· !Iii .....I'DaUoo· w1IIob ._ mOUllya ccePRd, " •• StU well felt ·U.n alter be harDen D~ e4UOOUO ' In t",dt1'0 D.?,5ears n. ed.~ .a la,"<IJl ....<1- WD 1I:!Dd' 7 reJe_ by
_ "-.
lb. Lytle 110.."'. Prof .•I . H. Xllpalti ck I1U lH.~lf-dCOled 10 IAto Mr. StJIWt'II,.. place.
.Jn.;,.,.,., ...
1lI bellio ~1iml!<'r 0, wflb Mr. Fred S'- 'Jobo 0.04111... Bllbet St. lotin
- Cilr ...
Tbe Way,D.... We .eb<>ols--w111 be&tDoMOIldl>y ' ~mber Z, ' 1901, wl.b ~be • ,,,UOYI"!' t.eoeb.
• D. A. Feq-ee. ~u~lell!lcot MI.o ~Je Dod8oIl. lUgn SclioolPr lncl.Pf!l
MIAa LIJ1UIClr iI."",., Room •
all... k:Ua Keys. BooIllS
N~ Ad ..bseILer8 . Boom )!
JlIsi' JeoIlIIolDtJi.;!d4I • • Room 1 MI.-IO , £ .. rly, MUll.,. . Tile .ub,dJootrtcl- ..,bools of Wayne (.OtI·u· "hlp ,..HI open on ae~t Monday. Sepiember ~. JOOI .· ~ r.e""be", JllebarC e "", "" (ollows : l:.1.trlet No. 1. Rulb Cbai>4 Iet' ;;~lI3ttle 0 '101"11 ; 1;, T. J . Smltb : 1. Ce lhltla ADsttD : R. Marr pugh . JO. Tm'f'ene Edmond a: l a , Ue-r.hert Corron. "
RI!!TURlf' UM:n ~T£l'i'DEn ON PAI'iAEERICA."1 EXC URSION TlCKETB . Tbe nCou t D limit OD eJ:CUI'.l'ion _tickets t o
Buffalo over t bC Ak'T(;n nouleJo[ " the IJar1 ' Amertca n Ez:potUJon ~11 be a8 foHo .. ,,: On UtkeLi sold at ODe ce ~t per mile roo- Tut~l ·"'lY
The re!Min s of George Jacobs; a former well :kuOWD citizen of tbis pw.ce, were brougb t bore Monda y
The bq,1nty thief hu.s come to limy, 'Unless ;\'ou dri,e the pimple s and bltlckh ends IIWAY ; Do this; don't. look like II fright i T"ke Rocky Mounta in Tea tonigb t. Alik ~our druggi st., . Bumm er Oomp lamt,
If the stomac b and bowcls sro
free from gaBeOos and sovr fluid accumula tions and the hubits regular . your childre n will go Ihroug b the beated term withon t "ickncs s. Dr. t:nldwe ll '8 SYI.'UP Pep81n correct s all such trouble s by removi ng the ob- _ scure cause lind' keeps tJle SY8tem in perfect workin g <rder.- L0ni6 May.
He joine<l the M. E . CbUTOb uUder th ~ p.lst,ortLte of C. L . Conger , Oct. :ll, lS~!). W " qnote a chppm g from
Excu r SIon l' cket. 'Y'U1 be JOOh1 A u gu~ l 31 8t and Seot.emb er 1 It 10 Cbau aD~a. 'l't-no ., aoooODl Coo"""C.nt lo:J or ·f...encr (.\arrli!r& S3.· l10 ual ..v~I :uJon. valtd IoU rewro until Sepumber I O~ Alwo on ~.clJ t.e.Jtlibe:r a h :UUI 5Lh. 1.0 N Orfotk . Va . a ccou nt ~ nTeD Uo n C. O. of H . H ., good :-r l urn tDg' lJD l iJ SCptrmb e.r l :JlU.
Eruptio ns, cuts, bnMlJ!, scalds lu)(1 sores of all ].-inds quickly healed by DeWit t's Witch HAzel SIIlve. Cert<lin c ure for pilCl!. Bewar e of counte rfeits. Be sare vou get tbe originl ll-DeW itt's. J. E. Ju.nnf'Y.
come." For p:s.rll cnJar fte 'rtcltct A~nt-i of P e on The Annual Firs tuu.y School Assol!.~ Wayne srille's Lendin g Denlis , Brlv.i1nt.3. Line • P. Wl!itto ker, who hod for a ciation , which hnd l elll on evenin g l'£RNSY [" Olllee 10 Ji.tors· Uu l1dln~ . . . . lJIalo Slre<l time end;lre ll untold sufferin g frOID ses3i,on two days before. lIelcl n sos"JbJ . n chronio blt'onolt iul tronble V~l' U LINES. sioll"in the nrterun ;lD of thp 21st, FARES TO B IlIi'ALO oIl dne t-o Dr. KwJt's Ncw Dioreovbim gave und 1I0me his nt exct!..~l o!l t ic.1;.etll to Dayith. wri!;ht to Ihl' 2nd of Sc»t. eeting m followe d by II. 8hort " writ.es her Imsbnn d. It; COOlcry, AKR ON CO UTE rOR PAJiTHE ~tree- t Pair <lDd Carol\' a l UT MeOVED ~OQnt ton 1J&. in hi[) Philant hropic Comm ittee, The lader .t.be ri gh t: hu nd of felJows; pJetely ()nrt....l her nnll als<> CUl'I.>d KfnJel Cl ob . w111 be sold from R1cbm on4, AM ERIOAN EXPOSITIOS. net-pc Morro,.,. Co lu mbu~ . Sprin gfi eld ac.] fo.t l!r mronr little grsn<1-dnngbter of Il. se· reporte d Inb:n' ia In,tianl l to secor(' hlllf of tho churell . Tllocgh n111 Lioe!". PCDD~1hOl to nutf..Jo ' o\'t: r 1be Ali:Ton (in ~OW6 ltaljoa~ EJ:OJ tided illa.\1! will. vere attack ot wlloopilJg ~ngb. · ' Ro utt "I.. ChaulA.Uq u a 1.ate f(i[' lhe I'.::t.n' F or l»rticular 8: 6ee I~I 3gcaUJ, legislut ion in fuvor of 'he FoCreu. hnving before fOl'Illllllv Olllted .... cold.~,.1 , congh:f cnrCll ely pOSitiv It Amerte;tD Expo itlon are. D OW OIl .~le .. t. Uc k:. Mr. Cartw.. ight 1m8 01. OflS3 or marrmg e, and 'the disconr · the uhu:-ch nil tlJrout and itas el o mUe of ,he Pea nsjh·l1D.l a LlD..:¥ aDd coo· bronch gripPQ. un CI)I. Cbrl~ti A XOTBER UND" Y n CURSIOl ' TO o ~tlng ra.U .. ay., Gnnran teed !Igemen t of divorce s tb"t 8l'a now W'iSS J1"6<1 tho life of II< nnd' lung trouble s. rGl'eS: from \V 3.1nClnl le, Ohio. arc as fol d~'8lre toO die his a cla Ll o('8 ,,,,HI .elJ was it botfJe ?<:r.as71r Bnt be l Trial ilt.. l IIlnn. t 1.00. Sr'pll, L and trllnsie GOc that bottles ed -obt~in ~o easily lowI: ruon" 7;; . j at ti n :eaodon tlckct!' to CIncinna ot'/rllniz ed free at.MaY·1j drog store. "T1c.kets food I'C! Wnling t eo days_ 11 1 30. James Wllite, Byrnnt snllp, J:nd., trip. good going on .trp(;Cial U'Dlu leaV"lng parties contrac t ruurriu,:;es with 'he with;'n (he fold of the Tickets Rood re l uJ'nlPC" ftlla!!n days. 113. ;' 5 pu.ss \.0 it lvp . Sa U:ne ·from J Ilnd Hu7.e1 m.oeotn i\.. earth Witob 00 D:as 3t. t's 'Dle chnrch DeWit. Wa:J'UC5'f their II" . nndcrs tunding ' tim t when ' t:;&won tlck.etS "Ilb ('e-Ulro Itm!L unul Oct. legs. both on ROres g :Tri. hewed runnin a 1s t. I US. as. '[" .work calls them to Repnrute plJlces i'I!t<> IllA glorie.~ of tho Church PESSSY A V! ( D-1l'TOJ s TO I'S Doclor EX CUK8IO! Sped.1 eoiOch <llcur.IOD tleketa eo&! leov· He lwd suffe red'six yeurs. uml>ha nt." they will get 11;,·orced. fn.g BuffaJo up to mldo.lcb t or Tbu c8da:r folTA~' ,,\, LL~ES . fail ed to h ~lp t.i:n . Go DeWj tt's 10"" Jo g 4IJte or sllle may oe obtained 00 Tuet, This in bief Is the history of Ihe Accept n9 i1. iruii m. J . E. Junney . SePt ~alber 4tb ancl 5t b. C%cunilO D tlctel8 da.ya The commi ttee urges thnt ruor a t '7 .hO. . ' LIJH!t;< 'aab h Pntrut, t1a }'\OD.. witted ~ to pe. Mid be be will ti c kets a t .xpeclaJ rareR may aJ 60 r18gE8 Ilhould not cfiI. all If t·bo tction of yonr bowels is DCQuDnt C1ndoDl ui.lnnuaJ ( 'o nterence ~ t"h •beTourists fatal ~ the arc obUiurd for trlp8 to resn rt.5 tn C'a oacb. Jlfllays · com thirty in leu than not eu.sy a.nd ri';;oIAr serions oditIt EtJI3oop:t.l Cb ur ch. gaod n :1.u r nloJ{ until AlIllckc Ul CD CaZUlda :lO Q ~a.stern pO~Q"', t n ' eases. uS clo(Ung' Sew York .nil lKo good for lOp"on~r p!l~iltlon" may 1:<> the final resUlt, Septrmb er lO:.b. t« publie 'notice thut license hAS will at t be P:lo -Ame:icn o Es:posft:l on OD ~y mc Dt Hlsers' B.'lrly Little itt's DeW been applied for or "ranted , or di· f '1 erU3. ;at Butlalo o TICK· t RSION CU Elt pleasan O}' Saff'. LIMITS CHANGE S Iii r lllo¥e tJiis dnng"r . · ~:oP'o \"'era a.t C b3IJlD.WJ U3 r.•'lke will ~ Oil vlOroed perso09 permit ted to marry ·o. J E. JlJ1lney. ell'eclh nnd AI.:l Cl'Y n TO OD all t.1cl;ets to Buffa lo QJJd Eut.ero ETS low.:d p.,rt. de· t·he seen. ufter were s ,ear ' . in )t!8S than one trelf ond finer qualitio pol nts. wit.ho u t enra COIL prO!lPl'rity. In 01088 its Aecaa nl Piln ·Amcr:ca n LSpoIIl l Jon. for LooK AT TBlS. - ! have adopte d wi~hed 8 bu~.:' n, ctlD't'en fec t Lbrough W.lS e Scbc:dult: pleasur For Ilnd not ed delight extend great be His e-to divorc cree of ed. Conta in. city roles; all toos I put. on shoes 'l'- aklnr; elfecL Tu e~r. A~'U .. t !: Ot.h. 190 1. p31"en ge r iIl..u 1ce to lJutf:alo a nd olbC!'do turmeetin g he took or IDOOI!t refund exeee.Jing five ycars oJ, tbe dl..cre. in his home nnd friends anc11Je was meefln g lind pmyer Lbl! li mit on On e Cl!llt. per MJIC', TtresI!u.,. s miUJou apply 10 B . E , COOlb ~ 1'leket A&eO I, emf.. by 1zc4 rccogn ies remed . ter li r e w11 lout elttro. chu.rge Co:J,cjJ. K.:I'cuulo n th:iu"u "ill lJe t'xlC'udc d Lo Wa}, Ile5t'ille. OhiO purt both by sl JeIl'-ing R.nill>J'1)yer .. ~ion of ibe court gruntin g the de- ever soJiciton.~ for their welfaro . It for ber6llf It Uu l!a.lo nallater Uwn the as W.Js physic. Dalt' .the in !dl0e!0 , vntb or withon t IncJud<- \raiM Jea\' lt pJ..ce 1113 now n i d FoUl' foun ~as Un might a tbE'Y for thllt n pleads W>J8 his ambitio o 'cl ock &. m... cenlra.l tlm~ . of lb~ MOIlODe cree. The commi ttee tWriCy and Bladder troubIa. toes, t-1.00 . Sb " reset, 60c with day tmmt:cllaLe11 tollowln,:: da ~ o f salt>. mAk· ohurcb onti uoable t o attend. HOW TO GO TO BUFFA LO. law eVOlrywhere, like one now iii be hnppy. His plltienc e nnd cheering c.h~ limit pr a cLlcn11y tdz d.:Jis a tor Lhl! $1.00. . . . PRlcB wood of . ds All,.kin ~. t withou gentle. or kind, In Ihe hODle hE' was r ound trip. T he nmlr o n Ilr ese n ... l O·d at' Pointer s fo r Perl!OlI8 Wishin g k> . tollneS!! were t ho mnrvel of ~I. ,md noe dolh r ..11J As buswork at s:lme low priCC'3. Come U rkeLS ~ld at o n e- .true ,plus LonilB 1do Y-. Om gglst. Es:posi tion. worthy of the pen of Ihe m ost girt- aiJectio nute lind indulge nt. be m;ule ISo d3rs. and I be ltmlt or 1 n~d ... y go to the Pan Ame ricnn teed, gnornb :J.nd see me, all work gru.nd· t .. thor be II"eLi!; &OJd nl OlU: and CDe'tbl rd tare.-t11 be ed 'WI'iter. Even nndor Ihe most bund, futher nnd e~Dde.d ro been ban!: dQIla,nt or KUU0D5 and no one in to:n-n know~ as w uch m a.de:O d31#. Be Jenvps ma1.te \.be P.an ' AmerlrOio E:aposluU D :u; Bu f t.rylDg circum stances these grnccs will 1Je greatly missed. os I tlo. I now taJo ~n ioterestl nl and w truclh'e .:aJ!a1r , brotheh l, lira,' .,.. [I. C1empn!!! and (amily ubont hol'Sf'S feet shown fortb. A cripplo for years, ·to mODr.! bis loss, two That end ba s been aDC"omp lbhed and ~rso n B ad ome-m h of lot n bouu gt·.1nd. on thonkfi two ha,e son, sincere one t be grand display Y1l 1 be 1m who ,"Ul desire t<l expres s their confinetl to bis chair, blind, dent three sislA:!rl<, . up-to friends tind lIul1 pre88 p d bi toc mag ni t ude- of Ulc project . It ars good Doi;;hb !'itricUy .• kind s, thelr . to harrow friend" .mltny .lu.nd nod old, yet be ' nc\'er murmu i-.,a, childre. hi purriS' an ·· A 1 America'" e otcrprlti e llnd Fifty who 60 faithfo lly minjRteN\(1 so rllr <late in 't! vcry l}ll rlicnlor . w. 1I. C. all Am("r1~ns 8boUld see IL dhlLq depor*e compltlwEd ·nor become impatie nt. now Yours, . tbe.ir t<l ble hnrrow liS possi teeth in each TbaUS:3Ddti of .,.·DOna . ' Ill Blte.::d ODd eo · • dnnn tiJer son. !', gronllln took Thomp darknOS J . Milt. joy Il6 wooden. T be expense of ,ruch en]OT ~ band, fu. the r Rnil He refused to look ai !-he The Wineral of lh. Clemen ts TWO ment 13 8lDall ahe D co mpared to thl! ,'nst S woteui n/! bot lurned to the light ond God place lost Wedne sdny ; friends goth. the fonr we-eks of OnxiOll :1mOWlL ot uKful 1lltorm:ll io n \-1J !ton Dla}, DAILY TRAIIiS ..I:;o Rntl T.,l'e t:iOll, it roIs T hisafIJio a. ot bod Wllat the o,er secure , rh~)' . 'ill be'come beli.tcr acquaint ed blessed bIOI by lengt bening his d:Il'8. ered at tho home at 1 o'clock and at to t~ mnny wbo lJy their sympnt h.r 0 shows wtlb Ame rica. its acbleYem eots aDd lu poP!I· II th.~ t mirro t" of yonrs l.t is also witllin fltis inner circle the M. E. church ,.t 2 p. m. The nnd ossista nce Mo1 lll't'l their sore wretche<l. sallo\\' colDTlJexion. 9 A sc;;s.le of 10"1' (-a re. h as bet:u ar· ,. bU ;Ues ra ogc l so tbat persons wlsblng to s pend that . we get n corred "iew of bis sacred edifico wbero the decease d heart when IIle last Imrd tri1ll came jAundiced look, moth plltches and d "",~ wt:eks o r months at. tb~ ErpOStt lou may blotche s on the skin. its Ii t'er trooChristi an cbnJ'1)cter IUld hi3 beli<'f had \Vith 'bis fnmily so Ion" WOI'· to their home. do,to at s pecial ra.~ The lowen rak I" Pills, fo r D th ree daJs trip. .Another f orm of ex ' ble ; bnt Dr. Kin:.:'s Nc w Lire nnd trn.'It in God. We-qu ote 8. few shi~d. "'lIS filled to its utwost srot· eunlo o t ic ke t b g<kHl tor len d .. yl'l: .. third blood. A RapIIY Gulde n 'Vetld ing. the purify Ii\"(', the e regulat fo r tUte1!D days und 3. tounh ~ood tbe eo t pe of his 0\\'11 words- reb'llrd ing IlrelJa- ingcap acity. Rev. W. M. Coffma n, . Mi! s Elllmn. Curtwr ight desir:s give eletlr skin. rosy cbeeks . rich lnrormar. loo abolJ t fares may be I'>e'" t liCaSOO . h the colomn s of the Gozett!". tbroug "Death i s llaid: service hc the of death for ~harce bnd rutiou Louis fit pilStor, 250 Only appl}'1Dg La aoy P:asseoj!e r o r TJI:k. xion. lI1' l!d r comple cu to thAnks Not often do fiftv VCIIl'S o! marrie< l lt ht'llrtfc to express ller pnn.' the pastor. bnt ly et Agc-ul or t.he 'Penn y lfOlnfa LlnelS. Their formcr , sn<lden Co\vgiU stort!. comes T. drug A. otten y's .. Rev. ! ] texcontrac life rest so lightly on tho neigbbo1'8 lln<t .friend's f or theirdutJ es Include a Is tlng lnl ~odln&:' tra'feJ~r)t to be prepore<l. " Of assiste d; I he II. E. choi:- con-. ceeding ly kiod attenth )n" to her rAto ar r.wge t rJptI. lt not. conTeoi~n l to call it.'g parties as ha-ve the flfty golden oiplc thing is 3 ' l icket. Omce8. ~end .. J)O:51oa1 curd. to t OO life he 8ulil: "'You mu.y tributec l to the soothin g influenClS ~berduring1J1s long iJlr:ess. ond who future the e Fa:lur s Follow y d Fatalu c.rowne and blessed h..ve thot Y'OIlJ'II nearest Peo l4yh-ao la L I.alb: .AccaL wbo ..' In r]ll'6Sthei of t but' you cannot of t,he exercis es by the soft sweet gave him the suppor 's Di,lncy Cure in Foley promptl y Sh 'e de&ire-d i ofur matlon a.bout lhe use to with happin ess the marria ge of Setb cbtlin the body heir t of ber the ' soppor t Ex pnsiLloD. a s e ach ticket. o m~ of 1be Penntimo. H token in earlier stllges of chuiD the soul, which convin ces me renderi ng of t,.e h~DB "JE'Sns Lov· ence 0.n<1 ayh-<'l nla System 18 II. bureau ot o mc1allnt orIL ond Keboooo J. Ellis. sYlUptl thies while he WRR passing Bright 'll disell..."C • nd di:l'bat~ , it l~ after to (Jod ocain my und " Nearor " " tallty, Sonl, iwmol· . My m:u lon for LbO Pao·ArD erfcan E.xposlt.l on. of of er of : Rbadov r 8n(1 Tressle . vol1oy he t " R!-beccu b of tliroug 'The mariiu. ge Y .. u Imv" noliced the oare. certain All &lcl.ets to Hujhlu 'I\' er thl! new Akro n th· .. de ... t's Howo Clemen r com· going am huve Brot.he "I of. booring Thee" anll death. " Rnd to nil who these (lL.ocopcs. Route- a re good lOr- Slop-o"C'r a.: haUlu.uq ua from rnte Ileaih hlgb (loring Lnke. anel un tlckt'f.S o,er the root..e- vb. But. he wlI8 'bcarll to 8IIy: " We shall The OCCDsion was 101emn, bnt tbe forted ber by word <)r deed nO(l it. :!i not wise ro ignorc eurly ",bid! h falo co St. L awrence Rive r- Dnd Canadian HC'tlJroug ordetl1 trying the soon IIIl puss from .ueatb ,nnto life ." memor y of .lohn's guilele ss life, his 09 w h nil. . medici nc like YlO1Jt0 s and E astern po illts.. Incl uding New son pnss. to ruUoj hR.~ blli~" Yor k CDD be made gcod for stop,ove rt at She Foley'" Kidney Cure can be l!ntl. Of God'&' presen t supp<,rt lIe said be:mtl[ ol Christi tlll chlU'lLOtcr, his she P all ' Amerlca n Expositi on aad at NtaJ3rn. LOID9 Mlty. one midnig ht whl:'n ,ury. sIck: excepti onally hoppy home ~ife, the Fn.lht. l.' b e expense rur tlete ....". the Co.mrorl.9 , PSON OEO R jE THOM en lore~ I"uroute. the ~":bts to be , ee!! and "Jestis enn .make II. dying bed foel thongb t tbrit bls pure ;q>irit bad CK NOTI the prh-He~e::;; tor ex tendtn~ )outne-,s to lb~ in thc _Ol'J fa lobe Late !loft ns downy pillows are." m o.-n, Doted liummer . gone to join that'of bis Ii tIe Jobri. Docs the 'best worl:. in t.own PenwJli( Rt'giOD , sbou Jd be IO TUU gtU ec'l. He often 8Itid Ihllt, he WI\8 trust· ny Hownr d. whOle dapart nre hlld hon;e sh()(lin g nild genera l renain ng Who maT t bin),; the y are D0' abl e 1.0 ct:hA nnd dter the first of Septeu l. On in iug Anyth line. 'Work 'Wood and at "be al d p:irent IUJ'lJriKe L01d e the ecably tbe-cost ""UI bengr the Lord and tbat'th so deeply grieved ing rnte of n ot- less iiglinec anbcpr ompt- ber :l winnm um en~ymI!D t. !lod ple.asure loey m:lj experleta oe klimitl theblllc Lier the over b410 . n. nt \VIllI. ,th1'cw CD£he beo.rts moter that l anu charge< was wi ~h him, at s mall e xpense. Those wbo \"tsI\iKI. \.he Iy(lono bcre to gi,e perfec t sutts. thllll liOf will be World 's ~'aJr wl\l a lso be lIfr(!eabl y ~urprbied his Lord's dispoE oland :was rest,ing that gave· comfor ting hope to faction , and they- willl"I I'prise you tomers of clectric lights: the Pa.o-Am enean E~tlIUOD . aad tbOKe Board. ;n of ordpr By u:4-4t sevel'ad h in His hnnds. l'ho5 ' closes a long friends l'.rltl soflA:!~ed thpir sorrow . "'ith their prices. HlJ,v~ wbu baTe ne- v~ r 4 tte o~ 0Ul ocCNllon of •• hoemg lbi!l k1Dd I b oula nUllO'" Ib l, o/>porcun llY lu anll useful life. His work is ended For the weepin g'Wjdow the symptL- alyear s e~qJeriencoin tnl/;lks be II true America n by ut t.eod1ne DO Amc r.10 ~90 will es. you anct stiJIliv but his infiuen ce CUD Expoqhlo o Tl eke t Aeeot n. E . Bo",b, thlee of all pres_on&- were sUrred ,and ~!~:r !~::t ~t. ~l Warnesl' 1lIe. OhiO 1.Ii walling h) r,eU you )~. lIf. C. ,. she rtJess; yet sbe is not lett QOUIfo abuut U;. \V rl tre b lm . T I. DAB ' :L ' is sostaln ed -by the ~ E\'erlil sting , to rep'" B€Bt Way to ~urp. Daoka c..e .. . Mn aDd women M good address g _genes. Arms mid her home lite blessed by ..... Bome to ~r~ vel appol.IJD .oen' isorder d by caused lire hl)S AKRO N ROUT E CH.uI( JEt;. Backo.c nnd ' -lOW · "t?m ~T our In'er· d'utiful 'son, dang, .• n ?lbors lot !<>=I wGrk looIrIog .1t Foley's Kidne" s iu the kidncy extr.1 ~ ... """'" t •• $QOO ..... ..,. gu ran teed y""rly: .. ~ ' ,, ' . oMance. • mpld , bt U)).nses .1_' d ·ttl • Cure WIll make the kldnov " nght. commlssl Dus .... two loving l I · e grand" ",ug erB. : cha nce ImpOrt llnt to Chantu .nqna Lnke.n nd weal, old "".abllSb ed bouse.tal Gennd no ~ubstitp.te. -.LOlli!! May. sea.ure pleas_ 'The ietimin s were·te nderl7 borne Take fOT earnest mAn or \Toman ... Pnn-Al IIericon Visitor s. , aDt. periuan. nl positIon. lIbe.... 1 Income and by-his old comrAd ill}n arms, ~"in IJcgIn '!lJlg ",I,b Sund.... Aug. Hb_ tbe rUlll..... No,,", bnlllont IIn.s. W, U... a. o nce tbrou:rn lime :.nd tbrouCb t;e.rY1ce O\'cr The Rehilli ck, E. D. , Robert i', Mu.hlon STAl"FOIU> PRESS, A \u'OQ Route (0 Cb::UUAu dw.. Lak.e and Buirn. -. Henry er, Cbaiutl _ Ridge, 'Aaron 10 s hows tLlJ jmPOr1~Dt rev ision. oUD. Haven,C New St.. Church 23 State. S:-Obio 26~pt. t Angus These 'l 'be BuffaJo Exprt!8s become8 Ole Chaut.:luPrate\- oml HerlrY Mnll. lfur20- t.&lp20. . Qua Lake Express, lea\-'( og X~nJa a, )0 : 17 &. . Fair, loid,bis body- to rest (n Miolmi Jll., iUld ruo ~ 001, to Jam6lito wn. reachLAg nnti's, Fall Ibat polOI al J ~:3 0 l\ Ul. 'lbhl train In,,. et~ry i h~ splnt hti returne d t~ " Sept. 16. to 2(1, C\ncin ooacb h and sle.ePlng car6 Coo Columbu s : parI. FE'Stlva tJl'e 'die me lor Gat' wlCl.coac .bes Cinclnoa ll La AltrnD Dud God who gave it. ' "Let AIroD to Jameatow n (.'bautau q\l3 Lake-. \ -votP. s citizen Xenia IlIm, 8ellt. lnIIt· my ;:1ct us dl!8tlfo f tiJe rigbteo Tbe sloed lol car heretofor e rUruUnl' '·.from option. Icc,,} on • . "YO$" or Un!?" OI:Jtl nnatJ to Hoffwo OD lb15 .\ralu Is takl'u ond be like nnto bls." . Dy tbe };xposl Uou 3,xprl!S8. lesu1Dg W.a.ylleai ' .Lobar .Dol". , 'Monda y, ville at U :.jO p , m. arrivttfc at Obautau qua , £ept. 2nd, LIlk. abeut II D, m. BulfaJo •• I :35 Po 10. Saturdi~y. Aug. 31, G"raba m fllTlli. r be EIposlUo n ExprC8H al!lO bas aleePln"
FO[EY'S =~UI~:'; !Jist
Guaranteed SI aary
DR; 'Jos. HAAS'
Ho g Remedy~
MAKES HOBS CHOlERA PROOF. . 23 Years' Suec.es s! .
and coacbes to Col u..mbWl. UIs" Coach :oIervlee Co lumbu.s to Akron and AlTOn 10 Buf~ " . . laID dally. . 'l' he Pan·Ame rlcan Expret81 eavln& rettla 'vtce 9OIttea8l wJIob .1t 6 :l!5 p. m Oo COOUDU88 berctotor e. ,'1%: Sleeplul C'ars ond COe.ehe. tQ ca u
':oLA..mbus. and Nl~IDI car and tlrsi C!la~ X>&ch rrom N ashvUle lhrtiutb.. LouLlVW o ~11lClo.naLt Dml Columbu s to · Buft2lo, AUla&: IS a KUlld train (rom ColumbQ l to Cbautan IU::I Lakt:: tlod t.be P.u~merleao Ex~'lon. :eaobl ng Chautau qua about 6 a. ta. , Bu.1Ialo, ': 16 a. m. I..U\\' I."", 10 'CbIluUu qua Lake b4 ~o J'f'cr \be Akroo Route ore aD e-tl6Ct ~elT clay
OlIB CJIllf'l PItB JOLIi TO OLEV.E~!ID VIA. P~L LlIJD Seplemb er$tb; Dill, 101h, Iltb aD~ 1m for Ibe NaUoDal EDcam -.Dt G . A. R. Low fare1il tor-tbe. beDdlt: or _11 penoD8 wbo IDa dt6lro '" atleod tbellnt reuDloD bold II\, ~ TwenUelb I'lentuq bylhls IJuD<l.o rpll....SIoQ
a. lor aD1boi1y .".100 """
...... .... .",., return limit on aU euunto a tJct~la for the lrtlh 15t~ er '_ ulnn will Illclode Septemb prlylleve CD . " teDd tn OcIO_ B!Il. " :l'!<1I:e1. '
as. 10'.11
m.ke. tdptoCle veland at--dleap ~
Agent o f., Peuas.r1, .ao1a LlDe. wJIl Inqufrl• • - ou \b. IQ\)ject. • see Ute nu... "
H , E. Boo.b,
rUle, Ohio.
.lIeD!' W"),Dq. '
, '.
Xenia: Ohio ,
.In d
'rn I' C t\w
t«1 !n\"l ci rt·d mi ll'S a t hE·re . I pay those co ntc !llplalin g t h e pur' h'Il;l' ,,[ lhjs llJie cf work LC ,(,e us o r m 'ile JI>!' Jll ustnlted bc)okJl't ..-. , · co ntaini ng prices , etc.· this· will
. ;MISs'Neva Ha y wood has 1)oon the gnest of ' {riend8 lrere for " everal daFL :. N eva ~ys Cednrv.1Ue is nice, but ,WRYlIesville is home . ,Mi,.'>3 An ?i ~ U. Bi'oWlt, teo.cher, .~"
cos t
y O\!
z cent:! a nd may sa,e l\Ju c h ot -t be
~~::::!~~ ) 01.! m a ny r1ol : a r~. il n l'~t
wo rk in I1I iami Cemete ry
S ___~_p._I!I!d!~· l h ,!Sbe e n furni s he d by US.' . Being pradic,,11 dt:slgners, w( ' Ire prepare d to furnish origin al ~ nd
a rtistic drawlng~ 011 ~ lt('r1 nonce and we ~lHlrantre to fur, nish as finely proportioned work b~
obtained am' where
the t:ollntry t and take sp-eclai c are to supply nothing but the " ery We were misinfonned' in re~rd Sho,!1d tliis to If:Irri' D~n having 1\, position . be 5lltisfaetQr1, yO\l ".illl!lw~y8 /inti more of the same kind. ~ In Indianapelis. Barry lihs sold'gl>t his rural m ..i1 ro.ute, -bat·..8xpects to Perhails you 'I1re m~kiDg 'out yO~f w~~t ,list, we' ll try and he.lp you: goAo .!1Chool ned· roll .. .-. .
best mate rial and guar:: ntcc PCI" leet satisfaetio·u. ·Our price~ a rc very reaRonabJe.
nyO\) a1'll 1I0t using these colfee~; try o~e pou ild.
Is it l)rieu':Beef? ' We' ll slio~ it nice nnel thin.
.1 2
or M~lta Vita; the new Malt food
or 'KERNELS-..
or· WHEAT, ..
11m,.... who
ll.e finp.st c~real we .
OIh·e8. Largo or "Ihall, IOta 256 a bottle.
Vill~gl!-f? you' ll I.lint th" puye eider,
Mrs .. 'Ruth Anna Ho,nt, of ·Tuscu. was . here ntt-en(ling , _~.___, Friends' Yearly M'eet;i ng, -nl~o Tisit, ed · her old friends nnd nei~hbon;, Mr. and Mr3. 6. H. Ellis.. .
and every description of cut stone wOl'kfor building purposes.on short ' notice.
Probate Judge Shaw~ ba8 reap. pointe d Prof. W . P. Vandervort,
We have it 4 years oM.
o~ the. MO.rrow (&chO(IIs,as connty exalUulIii for nn, 7 A Cake of P'lra~ n e fqrprl'servingJe lli.es IlIl(Urn its. tet.:Dl.of three ·Yl'nrs. _ 'R J elly Glasses, wilh till lids . . C'nu -be used fo r common tumblers. Mr. and' Mrs. John Jfljocm'lker, ~ son lind dl1ughter ond Mr. and MrS. !) Cheese The richcs elll.'ese l),a~ U ncle Sari, l)roflnues. . Lee Shoemaker, 'of Springfield .10 Maybeit's Fly Paper, tbe I' li.ck)'.k illd, warranted to cate1. &lid here in attendlince 'Lt the {nnornl of ~m . . • ~ t.helr .unllle. J. D, Olemo!lfs, 1:1 t Wednes,]ay. 11 Pie rlluc.),es. Just tho t~illg -for pies whei, bCl'Ties arc g one. . You wan t lhe ~cst of brea(l, you can only. CIInnot have it with ~ ut , the. best' o f flonr, (·his yon will flnd at U. V Mason's grocery. Take your ch ok e from Ne\v. Burlington. I:)prillg Vulley or Mor.row 1l0ur. .
6 A SIl.c k.ofFlourJ nOlle hetter than the WHITE SATIN. 65e a slick. superintt'nd!!nt
Office and Yards:
113-121 W. MAIN
Inuiana-Watennelon ,
NIcer and SweetAlr than ever. So our Customer'';' say. ' ~ PRIC£, VERY LOW.
Waynesville,. Ohio.
HumhisoD.'& Gibney's XENIA , OHIO. "
MISSES' ·CI..OAKS t~r school,
12. .,0 to i 8. 50. New c;olors, n)W 8~U<ies, new lengt.h s,
. but old pric.es.
SILK WAISTS. '1'!to bt!st 15,00 .wlliSt yet showll,
~\'aist fnr ilr~ :l ud' 110W
Everybody needs n nice liilk·
Y',11 n .. tke t.beJl~ up as nice for tIle
money, } ;lioollllt $3.'i;;. _
Flannel~ Waists,
BOll8e&quCs, Wrappers, nll (:aniing in.
Yon wilhlwiLysfm(1 n.
nice assortmen t at onr Ilonse.
Rainy Day .S kirts, Walking Suits Md Skirts.
A factory that .woo"e3 tho goods and
mak~ f.bem up has gi ven 1l!I'their e:s:clnsi V6 SBle, '1.115, !&2,75. 3.75;
.1.'wo for I!kirts
1000 yorlls sold the IJllst..season;
..Silks for
TaiJet-a ·6:;, ; .Bilks fOr waists six;, 1.0 751',
. '
CllIget t. Ml'l'. Emmn. Fllrr LiW o ~o ry pleu.Jjllntly olltcrulwed Ilt tea. Fmlay e"cnin,; IIl~t, Miss J enriie Fcr~ll3qn , of Duy ton lind Mrs. •J. W . W)litc Ilnd' Missos Af.nie U. nnu Mame Brown. P. T . 'i'homlUl, Snm)ltenill , A rn . " I wall !<uffering from dyspopsin wnnn I commenced taking Kadol DYf<)Jf'psin ,nre. I took 5ey eral bottlE'S IInel enn digosf!: nnyt hing .·' KodcM>yspopsilt Oure i.; the o.. ly pre)18ratioD contAining all the 1IlIl u · l'Ill Uigesti vo l1uil1:5. It gi "es weak stomn clls entire rf.'!lt·, [heir nntuml condition. J . E. Jnn· ne),: Mr:j. Wellingl;on, who hILS f or some w eeks b&m the gnest of her sister, Mrs. Mark DIIYis, uccoml'on ied her sis t.e r . Mrs. Compton; to Xenia , l1st W o[loesdny ovenin:;, where she will run ke 11 second vi 'it of It week or m ore an,l then proceed \vith ller !itt,le son~ nnd daughtcr 10 their.h. ome in Chicago.
i'Tbrough the }llonths of JuDe lLIld July our babv: 1 was teethin g ond took (l..rqlt!ing 01I of the' bo}V' Ills and aick.nt'SS of the stomncb, " suys O. P M . Hoiidl1Y, of Deming. - lnd. · His bowels would move from five to eight times a. ~Y', . ~ . bad· II bottle of Qhnmberllllu S Coli~, Chol· erR nnd Diarrhoea..Remedy tn the house IlDd ga,ve him fou~ drops in n nf ~ater. lI.n d ~he ~~tonoe. Sold by Loms
CAR~ETSE.A80~ . .
A. B. Sides expects to go t.o Columbus tomorro\y to nt.l cnd t he Ohio Stato ,FnIr, from t,lle.reie ~iII g o to Bnffalo antI enjoy , the Pan· Amer ican EX)losi t\(in. Ningnrn Falf3 nnd othe r pOint s of iuterest. . In CIISes of cough or croup i " e t h e little onos One ¥inute II ugh. The il T(' t pn. y lind ll!l ~c no r: IIr• the ohild will be ~n Tight in n little whilo. It neyer f nils. PlpllJi!.~nt to tu.ke Alwoys rofl', sure ' and Ill, most instantuncotlll ill effect. J . E . Janney. Mr. T. W. T,;chilIely . working Cor tb e Mntwd Li'e Insnrnnee CI) .. at WOTcester, Mill . • n'lS been oper' sUng iu this vicini ty for some timl' , and while here enjoyed tho: society his ' formpr schooIlllllt-e, Dr.
Magnetic Springs Hotel W hilo rct arning from the Spring Vl1l1 oy Township Snndny School picnic ' lns t Th111'8dny, Perry J . Whel/Ul, of n Cll r Bellbrook, hlW. h is buggy rUll into and ovorturoed. Mr. Wb c la~ "118 t hrown out nnll ~er ious l y injured, Mrs. W he13n ell' Mr. imd Mrs. Lee AOOfns hll\'e reta.rned to their' how e in KlInSU8 C·y. C?lpcd unhur t., Mrs. ,Adanll, left Sl1turdny 1I10m illg. '1 nm II- 8witcllmRn, " writes A. Mr. Adams pr(~ctl her: by sever . .J. J ennessre, of 9201 Butler St. , nl day >,. 'l'hcil' ti mo hero WIlS fli l Chicllgo. " and am out in nil kjnd~ oE wca ther . I took a cold which ol' ('njoyment for bot h themsel ves ettled in my Kidney;;, and ""Wj in and (nends, ""ry bttd sha pe. I tried several ad, C. " . Mr:. on l:~'! a run on dried COU up C, V. Mns(ln by telcphono, " r li ;;E't'l ' mediclnA with no benefit iJcef Iln ll h<l <,uls i iu Ihe lIPll t l!St orne:- you r- g~,:.cerje. o nd he will un til r wtlS rl/Ctlmm enc1El\l t o t.' \kl' Foley'S Kid ney ll.r p. T wo thlnls 'hnpe- ' 0 lJ ig 1Jli11lS en WIU'm ; say. prom Ftly (wliv,~ " t hom lit yon r door . of" bollle eared me. " Louis May . B e nlso hll$ fo il New Y ork cream ~lll)uhl yoa wscnt till! .b est of ri;e Mrs. C. R 'F unston, Miss Dais.v eeese, ]human cmckcrs. G r llll.1.m yoti win fiod i t at M.... n ' ~; he hus ' ~boo!cy IUlll Miss Ed lll\ McXinsey. cracker , nneeda o l S(l1lit·, cream b IS, whl)lc -k'l'l\in rice n t 80 n,~ M pound . t to a t tll h f lli enit nnd cerelll , sncb AS c rMlll of nnd II.- \"el'J' lino, grndt>at 50 n. ponnd, . ":Jen ye.~ r !\.Y' n e ome a '. . whro t. maltn vito nn.d OtUCL4, clean and n ice. . . I1nel ~:s. T homns Tume~. ~e:'r fi no Cor brCIIl!fas t ll l!!hcs. . rc A'''' ' r _ t ., Oregolll.. MLS Sch ooley IS VISit . ....r", u u l !<OO.uvO reet anu ' '1 F to t th . be Doo't m i " oor. Cleu rtU:ce Bsla, st · ..... . ~ ; M . f T , l og .., r..-;. nos nil · IS tIme whieh is now going on nnel fnre ,enfe ring Ili)(ln her dut iC!! linue en ' ry day u ut.il Oct. 13t , Ihe Ellon , of Oaklund. Mrs. S. C. Allen tenc~er a t thc Wa rren County Chil· . . '11 . . ' 1] t . drp.D 8 hOrue. Cll t III pncflS Wl s u rtJrlSC ; 1n Il! an d s.iste r, Mi E m mt McKay. n n d · kinels of .s h oes. t he l H,rge Cl\ fi)('t Mj- A . P. O ' NellJI anet daughl er The lll w!! of h eult.b req uire lh:1t 8toc", clotbm g, nU oods In every wer e gne"t at Bcoohdule ou MondllY t he bowels m ovo once Mob dav and t ,. cd 1 >_ f t il J' f 1_ dcpa r tmont mU!:l., uC r uc~ vv 'C. H. Cl eme.nts wiil SllOr tlv n,O\'o ono 0 e ronn. 1·l ee or vioUtting make r oOm 11'IS. f am i' 1y ill . t.) t il (l .II ~ C11IIIO< . 1 t lJ is In w is! pile.... KeEop your . . r r Full .1n.l Wm ter 1 goods J Qh n A. F nn.i;£'y . . b'" l' ;d mo-I 'b 1}owe)s r egulllr l)y Inking n dow of la..~ .. lcr I a. ti PPY n.rrnn!!fl- \ . t T. By the r cuiling of Cla rk.'! n But, 11Iont; for boUt, J. D. J!'lUOlLS wi ll \Jhllmbcrlntn 8 • tomach and _1\'er te r"' Qr tl1.~>i, excellent r eport of the a cup:\' t ho 0J1nr~m cn t9 "Rentro by T::blefs. when n ooessary nnd yo u Friends' YCl1rly Mceting it will be Mr. demen ts :lOa Dr. Miller will' Wlll ne \'er hOTe t hat se" cre Jlanish . noticed t bnttbe:re is a \'e ry en, m ove iu to t.he npa r hncnts III t h men t infl icted n~lJyon .. Pric~ 200. conru'ri.n g propnhlli ty of Ii Boarding E\:erly RI~k, whiob Mr. Forn ,,_ llU.s For SIIle by LoUIS MlIy. Home for ag I ll'dends being erect-. oC<'tlpi Clll. You eunnot go nmis!! in buying ed nn 1 o]leTll t ei:1 here. Thi is lin . ' gToceries or c. V. Mason, be keeps en terprise thnt· shoui(1 nndllonl)rlcss T ho lJrUnory c111~()!; 0: 11111 M..E . on hllJ1ds n f ull nssortment, all of will r eceiv e tb e eortlil,l enoourage, nn(lflY Sch ool Will gtve ~n lee tho b t qna.lity"-!! nd ot lowest cnsh ment an d SUpPOTt of onr citizens. (»'~m ' sup~ and flntertllmID ent prices. Mason " Sll.!es nre so rllpid The luI v:m t"ges of such uu inst'itu, F ridllY evenmlr., Ang . 30. The )lro, thn t nothing ha s time to get stu Ie, ti on t-o our 10C:th ty nrc too ll)lpuon t gran. will OO?ill at 7, IUld ice cream e\'erything is absolutely . fresh. r IllD r ...• . and rekc = 11 be serrdtl from ·. 4to Fr~ hly r oas ted coffees, s nch as to necU" ex.~R"ed L-.. U 10 p . m. , axcept eluring t·he entcr· Enttm1:ly Aug. 10Lh our IOC!II t.n inment. 1'1113 pn blic is i nTited to Afrienll ,Tn,," , Fttucy Blend, Oregon, IITnnge h eltl tho fir st memorinl ser, attmld . · Lood cl' nnll others of the IJcst vice since ii's ar.grlll ti'!l tion :lnd en· bran ds. 35c o.'1 r pcts ;;aged in li n ilnllrCl>sive son'i cc in The drPAld of peoplo wit.h weak memory of tho e of tl, cir number l nng!l . who s uffer with stubborn conghs is cons nmptlOn . Foley' who have luiu down ~'l c implomenls Honey anel 'r ... ,., if tnken U\ time, ,.nJ;h which they Ila \'e cultivate.!! onres Ibe cold, benls tlie h~ngs lind tbe oil lUlel l18sS€d into efernl11 111WilTS CUTes incipient conl!ulllption. Tes t·. Tbe mu iCl. for the oOC8.SlOn Our old Waynl's"ille boy, J. M. was appreprinle anll n.· m emoriul Roger s, hil S .scn t 0." for COpylDg a sa·ve po.per of e>tcllllec9l\sed member w~ long . clipping from the Nntional rcad. Tb ose ·who ·rend plrpl'.r9 were Tribune ' giving .tD int.cresting acMrs. OW,,!} BurnetI" Mril. Annie G. coun t- of tllJl ' " doings" or t he old Phil).ips, 14rs. J o seph Hisey, Mrs. 34th O. V. during the month of Morris UprneJl: ' Mrs. >Samuol Bnt. t.erw<>rth;· Mrs Hrank. Hartsoqlo nnd MiSSC!! Ell:to , Keys and Lydia, MHn • ~ort. S, H. -~~lis presiued oTcr-tue meetiug. in])ln.ce of Presi<ient John ~ntt, who. \Vas detamed at home by t.htt illness Of his daughter. -The departed member!!, for whom. obitu. . 0 arys were read - were' "Joseph Burnett, Amos Hnrt8Ock, J ohn Lin· o:lln, John IDsey,·'aarrison·Gordon,u",u.,,,.«Jns Ga!lrge C:lrnell. 'RlCliel George . Thomas . . P eter Edwin. Mlctiener Rnd M:r~~ Ob:~l'!IS' 1 Jona!. . '.
uU fan
wi~ con' I ~:' ;:'Q~e'mij h ::i'd.~lIS;;:::~C;:'
AND SUMMER RESORT, BELLBROOK, OH IO. Situated on the D .• YTOY & XENIA T RACTION LINES an d 4 miles fre m Spring Volley .·to.t ion on MI.U!l DI VISION P., C. , C. & t. L . . R . R. MedICinal W'ltE'I'S (:(>Iebra tad for cure of Kid ney Tro~b]e!S, Rheumatism , Nervous Diseases. etc.. ....... ,.... .. ......... , ... ... , ..... . .. OPEN THE YEAR ROUND ...... ....... .. _RATES $2.00 PER DAY.
ARTHUR DUFFY, Proprietor.
A Nerve Toak .-d Blood BaUder. Brings tbe piDk glow to - 50 cent. per pale cheeb and restores tbe 6re of youth. By mail be:!, 6 be..,. $2.50, ....Ith our bankable ~ to cure or refuIId tho lIIOIIey pad. ~d for ci=JIar and copy of ODr baDable """'''Ulee boDd. ,,-'-------'
Positively gu;trauteed cure for Paresi5. Locomolor AtaLa, Nervous Prostration, H'yslui:.. FiLS. Insanily . Paralysis aDd the Results or E xcessi";' Use of Tobacco. Opium or Liquor. B y mail iu pwn package. $1.00 a box, 6 for $5.00 .....ltIJ our bankable CUJlfUItee bond to cure In 30 days or refund money paJd. Add",... .'
Dneon and JIIc:kson Streets
Lou i,; May,
A Miiueter's Good Work. "I had aseTere nitack of bi lious t colic, got n bottle e f Cilltmberllliu 's I Colic. Cholera and Dillrrlteon. Rem, \ elly , took two d oses Rnll WII S enti re, ly cnred, .. says .Re~. A. A. Powers, 'Of Emporio Knnillls. "My neighbor I IICross the ~trcet WIIS sick for OV f' r a week, h nd two or throo bot tles of I medicinefro'm th " doct~r. He nsed I them for three or four days wi t hout I relief , then culled iu another doc, I tor who treuteel him for some dlLYs nnd gaTe h im no r elief, 80 dlsclunc-". cd him. I went over to SeC him the next morning. Ho s,ud h is bowels were in a t.errible fix.,lhey hnd ooen mnning .01I so long that it was nl, most a bloody flux. I ask :d h im if he hlld triefl CblUDberlain's Colic, Cholera:,nnd Diarrhoea Remedy ond , he saill 'No. ' 1 went home und I bwngbt !!im my bot tie n~el gave II Ilim one llose. ToM him to tuke llUother dose in fiFteeu or tweut.y ruiDutes if he did not I1ml rehef. bnt he took no more nnd was ent.iro- I Iy cured ." For sale by L ouis Mu:!'. i
. To Sa.ve her Child frigh~ful disfigurement I Mrs. NODDie Gall~ er, of L:J,.G.rnnge, ., 6& .. applied Bucklen 's Arnien sUive '1 to great sores on her. head nnd face, : and Wrltes ita quielLenre exceeded aU ber hopes. It works wonders in : sores, bruises, skin ernptlons, cuts~ .' borns. scalds nnd Pil~ . 250. Cure . • gunrd.Jltced by Lonil' May, Il rnggist. 1 DIgests
0ySpep S. .18
DON tT .
' "
what you eat-
. I IttlTtific!alIydlge~ts tbetoodandalde ! NaLure in sLreogtbening' ·aod IeCOo-., E F00 LED I structlug tl1e extiauEt.ed d igesttye or- ' .. • ,
gaDs. I. lsthe lat esLdiscoyefed d lges~ T .... tb. )IeDut ••• orl.t.al aat and tonic. 1'0 ot !l.cr l,lIeparatloo ' ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA can approach it lu efficiency. It 10M..se -11' 10,. Madiaooo ~I. ~(antly reUevesaud permanently cures -kMpaCo.. -. W Is, tt Dyspepsl'" y_well. oar trade . -, Indigest ion • Rell.rLburn • ...... art . . . . . ~ FIa.Wlence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. ........ ~ . cnO. No •• r _ Slek>Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand Ad:"::=t~~ , all otberresultsorlmpcrfectdigestlon • .
_. ....,.;,... :t!"
WII( Rastari
F o a W OMEll OlfLY . .
Free 'h_C- ..at O.rl ... Ho t W .. atlJ_!,~ " I>T Dr. Sa._aD: .. By the, assistance of an eJCperiencecl 3taif of pbysicians. 1>.1. -~rlmlln pr'o'poses to dtreet tbe ,tr ..at~eut of seT' Vi,e@ 'Pr,e .i•.1 nal tbou.and wuinC'n/ wbll. for .one 'Y~~. E. A. OroZier, r "'..soo·or anotber, are aUlng. dent of the James Morgan Eacb pat ient se ods name. SJ'm_pt om . , C~ .t he Jargest ai:pll ' }n u ..'"" '•• ~ aJld a s hort description -of prel; ous ~.rites fl'Om " The Landour. 9th ~reatmeot and are ",nlered i n tbe doc· Njcollet. Minneapolis. )finn.. a s tor's boo~ as regular pa:tien • lows : The treatment is directed from time .. PIeue _ p t buIty tluuJb 011 to time as may be found neeess~ry by dOL-tor witbout c barge. E.e ry ·l "tof Petvllll. tb.sl wO"derful med- th.. aDd o,{me ill held styietly coofidenlcljJb wbkb raI. . _ ltOm . IJlck bed ter tial, and ;n no ease..-lll any one b~ pub· , ."d IIUUI". 6UoIII'" ",ellwom." 01 lis bed excep t by l he ...xpress 'FI sh of . mil I n ' t wo ween. I . uffered 'With l b" pa lient herself. The.e' eases are trellied WJth th" bar#ng-dowlJ P.IIII, bKbcbe.mI ClOn8ame care and fidelity as the .pri"ate tlnul ·budebe. .ad loami DO re!1el patients of a regular faUlily physician. until I t ried PetvlJ.. It ""red IIItI (;OIII' Dlll"ing the pa '~ y@ar a large mlI!'ber , ·T h. Wr. .... X . e d. p~tei)', .ad I feel •• rotIDI .mI __II of cas es have been cured. Every Item '~Y9U thinU>e Sga'ealer is helping the .. ",ben 18. I w lsb 1I'11l1ry WOIII. " of the treatmen is d i rected lor which o cha rge whatever j made. au.-e with b1.a temperance !Ong.!'"' . " I'm lUn-il.e W'hl!l1 ~e liang I •• ~ kMw tIHI _rim 01 tbe medicine, .mI Mdress Dr. HarIman . Pre4iide nt of oi&ht four mI!JJ who nenr, drank in'ltlliheir, lID hotlltl 'WOuld lie wltboat It"- MI'S. The Hartman San itar ium , Columbus. lives before ","eDt out. &.n~..,1. on a ~ r«! " 'Ohio. for fne IT.a ime n!. .A. ~tO.kr. sao Y.... neisco llulletiD. ' .
20~OOO. It i. ti.... gmte -",,";ble. to get at 1\ "'om'
n '.
WIQ'. be<aUH .~ ;.
,,,,,y.-N. Y. ~d.
iPnriably tht o~he.
.,....,;:...- ..:....- It is cl.im~ thAt fortune u.~ br••,,; bot ....,,·d &11 be brav,e if ..... really ""lined it.-Pu.:,ck..:..:..._ _ __ _
WliIa t. .
Ir r .... u Co • • T • •
.&~ ....II ..... ·
, '.
:.. Co • •••" K .. e., ,It A,,7' Lo • •el". " ...
A n Dd58s Clly woma a wbo ""u·m .... ' \VO y~ars ago. unknown· to her rel., i.rillor f rJe ad., bU j '!5 t told . bou t it: When ·, lb. t f ..llo .. "'bo, •• y. a "oman ea o·1 kee p a •• c r el?-Los An· "tImes., " P roba b ly ,~e 's 'th" hu~· •ay~ t be CbiCAgo Tri bu De. Ba i ee m t o h 3Te lolU abu ut IL·
d e8~! ncl\
D. 8. C. SllalRlra
.Pol at p f View. Kile_1 dread. Roundu's slorle. oa aceonnt of their lengtb. Gilu-Yu. but Ihere~ l. one redeminS' f~atur. a\)(jut tbem. Thy are f ull y u broad us they a re 10og.-CblC!llgo Dally NeW'~._ _ _ _ __
...._. ~
, B ow ca!O • good eolt be selected~ Opinions dl«e~ ·oD thia IlUbject. 80m. ,·p.!t r n,nk' .J affirm if lill nry dUllcult, jf n Dt im · p ossible. 1:0 judge a colt beto~.he if ~omewhat matur-ed. Otben p~tend that at AI; " mouths abe can ' decid. ,,~, hi ...IU be, _hile othe" ..y ,t ·hat a i i8 m oo ths • ..election ea~ mad. on"hlll me.li!s "Ith almost ,a eertalnty, A~ 18 m onths th.e 'enAt!:mble of the proportl!lJI. of 111e bead, tbe chest and .boulder. and of Ill" bod, ia-' ..cry near whst It- will be a( four years iI the animal baa bet!ll 'well ralad. tb. Jep alone leJIgtbeniDg al.igbtly. ~b e~ are 80me lndlcatioo·. of • r enua1 o r der tbat wl1l &eM'~ as. guide In the selection of-a colt. 4:ol t that .baa a good resemblaoce ta a matured horse Will bay.. very Ilttl~ to Beq'uir.... ' A eolt. blgb I.n the -thigh. should fontell a .Iarge ·horae. but ' U ·the Imee" a re small and tbe han" n arro'"- and ft..\ . the legs ~Ul ~ lan k and puny and the eQlt will deTe1QP IIttl" tor"" or value for thf rajoer. The colt tba t ia uid 10 ellm. near the eartb i8 tbe ODe to _'ect, ""rt,,,,,,, I for ..baUT,er otheT specialt..)' ht -m ay ha".. thi.~ is • SUP<!riP~ qua l~ty. The <:onoClimeur can jndge' and 'd"crd. '<I",i n;",·\ the: merli", of a noll by a glan", .01 eye. !JUt t,he int'''peneneed mo!il ta~.. into. aeeo\!Dt. all th~ can ol)taia.. The growth of thf e OJIll])on loo TS" ofte.n terminates al t hn" yC'ars, . while t'lllt of n h one is -r.ot often achieved un iil .tocw&J:iia jIY., years. One can tberdore .~ -;-h orse i. folly matured at dn jears. bDt on .. '" bould Dot dema.nd ' " -maXimum of labor and fatigue until siX y"artl,-JO)l.mal _d' Agriculture Pratique. _.
fill ~ta.
The poet i.I born. but t he onore ....... ..riter •• apt to be u\f·"",de.-l'uck
AlI--.- ...
in ODe
II""g the pktUJe<que West-ern .hore 0 f uk. Eri. and up U.le Delroit River to Detroil, 01). of the most beauti· ful river trips on .. rth, stOPPing at Deltoit ayer OIght
C,H,&: D.Ry,
R........ CM_. c • ..., .Chec:b cold ·bOur. a
c , H. &. D. Ry. to Toledo. then on beautiful steamer M;tckinac out of the mouth of the
.ft . . . 10 C _ M He••
Jags-DOctor,. my wite has iosomo1a
and Return,.
nry b~d . Sbe nry oftea r emlli n. ..... ake until t'\~,or Ibre" ,,·clock in the morning. '''b.1: . halll do f or h .. ·:. _ Doetot-Oo bo me earlier.- Baltimore World. T_b.leaJ. llarke~In
a game of eards the man ba.a the My. TIle )clog ,,:w~ Y' laku the qu~en. 'you len".,.. Bul!ord-YOIf, l.lut th3.t.doe~ not p rfo Tent the jac.k trom fllUowiog arter ber_:-BollloD 'rrnnscript: 5... Il&<I OJ . . 81",lI.t . Mr '. l reekly-Docs YOllr hu han d Her forget to kiss you before going to work lDorl1 ia gs ~ Mrs. trongmind-,?\o mu c.b he doa't! U., 81"'''Y' has to "ok me fo r tnt cenh enr faic, -.Judge. ~ u i!:s,o.... p h '. Yr Gayboy- ry. /jrst busban' neTer did "ueh B tbing. Onyboy-It seems to me. my d ea,.. that otb~r husba,n a yours form_' great many bad pree~dl'n h .-Judge.
L..ve Detroit 9,30 • m. through Lake
St. a..i~ u. S. Can.1, :.1. a.ir
august 2nn
Aats. 10 'PO<t Hu· tben through the gr.. t inLmd sea. Lake Huron;
touchin/{ 31 v> · rio ... potnts or ill·
6.10 uys. Athlcflft Side Trips.
lerest. to beaut;!,,1 Madiruc hUllJ.
The Most Delightful Trip In all the Worfd. NOTltE DAME. INDIANA. FtJt.L. cov~es In (;1assIco. t..ritn•• Eco_t.:sll8dlfut GrY, -'-,...u.... Art.. .!cImu, Uw, Ciyll. A1«JseaIcaJ . . . Elec-
PItarmK,.. trical EliP-riItW. Ardllt ..... .. Tlto_p
(;oa . ....
ReotB. F,.ee to an Stccknts wbo b2ft: com--
paled the.£tud.it:!I ttqai.r.ed for adIQiuto a iutD 1he JanJor or kala! Year, 01 :t.ay of the c onqj. ate COUf"Sd.. • Jtooca.s to Rmt, mod~ftte cha.rge to .todenu oyer ~ntHu prepariPC foro)JIq;iate CoufKI.. A UDlnd ftUldbt.r of Caudidatet for tbe Eccle-liastfc:al.st.4tewill 'be:-recci..ed at specia l rates. ,Sot. Ed ...., '. Hall , for boy_ ugder 13 yean, is u.nique in the complete.nn1 of il l ~ipJ2kol '" 'The $11.11 Year will 0Jl'Im Scptc.ber I Dth. (;elaI~_ F..... Add..... REV. A. J\OItRlSSEY. Co 5 . C•• Pr-esI4eot.
Special train leavea Claclnllti 845 L. Fnr add1tlouallo(ormaUnn apply to any C H. d;. 1>. B,. or CClllDectins Hoe as;ent lor leaf. let.. or to
D. &: EDWlIDS. P.... T _ . . r•• Clttd.a&fJ. O.
Live Stock Cuts. ~e
_HI turnbb duplJe:uu of LI". StGek
Cu1. 01'" an ,. Other CUI s hown 1Q au, peolmrD Rook. at. o r t>elo'W" Q.uo:e4 prlCf'S tor nm.~. ~ S . KELLOGG NEW 5rA. ...ER c. O .. S.s .. Wen Walla. S .r eet . C'DClla..u.O",
Do _e.lle Peae4!' ." ••• red. Wi1~-And
so SOil got your tHe InAured for my beuefit. Thot's lovely. HUSband-Yes, my dear; ·but just remt'mber. j f yon dr;"e Ole to suicide , won't get a cent.-_ .. Y. Weel!:'y.
D ow_.. an d D Ullc •• U~ • .
.He-.()n.. canuot alwnys tell wheth· !r • girt Dlt'.1lDS what she says. sbe- A.nd oue ClInnot- always ' le ll whcther ' " man car". yo-bether meoils wbat $b e 68Y6.-Puck. " ·e1J,
"'·b,. Ko r r
1811 8
She- 1>0 you thin k lo.e alw.ys finda
D ALE .lCA DOI . ....... _If.. ..,'.. L OCUST " ,.., bCa1aJ'CH. w. w.1Itfra:t" LeIb\DaJ., .... hi....
A. N . K.-B
. He-No. ery often Wa t he girl.Gb1eae-o n.cn ni-lJerald.
... U ES " ' ''ITO& TO A.D'°r. _y.SBJl..e . I,~ ••• • ~ t.hat 7 - . . . . 1)ae " . . ..n l ...
• ... .. w .. . . »..r ..
. - ... .' - ' . ... .,e•• .,. ~ re.erYe. I. • 0 ..,. l tate It c. .........." Il III ••
1 1~"e.
BI8M, BUT WRETCHED Eight on fOJ' wealth, old "Money Bags," your liver is drying up and bowels wearing <X.I4 some day you will cry aloud for health, offering all your wealth. but you will hot get it because you neglected Nature in your mac! rush to get gold. No matter what you do. OJ' wnat ails you, to-<Jay is the day-every day is the day-to keep watch of Nature's wants-and help your bowels ad reguIar~y-CASCARETS will help Nature help you. Neglect lihans bile in ·the bloocl, foul breath. and awful pains ill the back of ~ _head with a loathing and bad feeling for all that is good in .life. Don't care' how rich or poor you are, you Can~t ; be well if you have bowel trouble, y.~_~ be regular if you take CASCAREI5-getthemto-day- CASCARETSin"metal box; cost 10 cents; take eat it like candy.an~ it_will work gently while .yoU sIe.ep.- It cures; that means it ~ ens the muscular walls of the bowelS and then they act regularly and naturally; that is what you want- .
be foUnd' Ui-
' .
~e a~so . supplY. caps,"sills, ":st~p.s
Springs ~ote:r .
.situa,ted. OIl , the DtHo. & XDJA.'TRACTI9N Lora·and 4 miles Jrmn BpriD, Yall"7-8tatiOll OD MUm DlVISlOlf P ., ·C. , C. & Sl L .. . R. B. KedJclDal WUer8 ceJebratedforcureot Kidney ~bles, ~tUm . N~0U8 1)1 _ _ •
etc ........... .... v ... ........-........: ......
OPEN· T~.nAB BOUND •••••••..•• _••..RA'l'ES tuo PEB DAY . . -
. &B~~al\ DUrry, ~JlrI.tcw.
urn' lI It
Fifteen d..yo t r
or ..
at BUF ALO and ,t
t8 to
fra· os P i1y 4HO:urs Quic e
ClueJ ..
Ride bet 10 D C. &:
Call n or wri lor fuil w f
d reuJ.
F tra
lD .hor~ aU d.... rlpLlon. or PrlnUnc moh .. is dOD' In 10111 COUDt..,. ofllce1 1lDtl1" • ~d
Office In
A.p....f • • •)e. . . . . . to. tJte . . . .
po", ot Co.".u•• flje b _ _e-
"Urll; Va'neollas a c(>n.,ert. Did you _eO! Mrs. Ward's glJ'l in the pew with
her?" lUI. WUs.,..aaked, eagerl:r.~ "Yes. Rather a neat, pretty"nil seemed to know her place. Wnnt told 'lIIe tbe Qtht;r~da:r that aaa II well educated anl1--" "It is 110 ~or~ of Wle trying to do that sor~ of thin!:I" )(ro. Rice interrupted, Wltli energy. "I vIed that plan ooce in Whitl)viJle, .nd It did no good .t all. ' Se"anta a8 a clas8 cannot' be treated that way 'l'bey al· weys take advantage of. It." "Thnt'" what ~ have always ordileiJ ~_ '-LoOk at Vaoe's trirls. She -<'.hanges ~ often M any of us, aud has as muell. ~rouble. The trirls don't w'ant to be treated likr. that." , "And, if (hey do. it make. no dlffuence wJth their real pORitlon. No one .vll1 Rally ask . hem into LCarlLton ..nd, It tlie;,: illd, they would not know how to bel1ue," Xn. Wilson 6 cWme<1_ " I t does seem a pity, though," krs. lUce. "ent 00, ·'that trirls like thIS one ~bol1llln't be .Uo... ed to ha,e a chance like other 1,>80ple. Wbat is she With Mrs. ,WII rd for If she is educaled and all tbat?" L uo.•1Ie has Eome Ide. of helping ~o l.e t he ~ef\.nt·glrl problem." Mrs. l:~rn~ J:e1!lied. "At I~.ltt. Mrs. Ward tolsl me Ro methmg of th.. t sort. She <lo~.s 1I0t kllow all about the gal her!jell " "I t's a gueer way to 801"e the gue~ tiN I- to go _out aa • "enont h .. rself," -l·1 )frs. Wilson, aDf! the otber two ..'omen Bajd: "liliat's sol" Yet.lI tllree of these ~omen bad been IIT.oU;lbt up. on thfl tbeology of the or,tb(>dol< teaching ,of the atonement. ';1>ld you I!~e )[r ll.,rton spea.<Jng to lhc Wnros? e ,vas just .s polit. 10 the girl as he "'¥ to anyone ;n the ,·burch." _ "'01 conrse, why not?" Mrs Rice "k~(l \V'itiL Cl SUper-OT a.ir. 'iBut nolY im.:lfne lIfr Morton or .ny othe!' l':enJ !.'man in Crnwford really con sld("rIU241 se r'811t a " tlley conSider other ft,"npl, e 'tln the fft c.tory girls or the elf I~ '" It H"ntlmnn-s'" "0 ,'- II. of course, there i• • dl!Mr Morton saId "othing In ans ...er " rl nee. ' to thi S. and when Barbara came in • Of course> the other two women next time thel were aU ~alking of the usent~rl -nul. aftl'r all, ",hat con- college dnls when Allred and Morlon Rl itutcs tbe exnc lfer~nce bero'un ·1 were togetber. I.onest 1.lhor of Lile hands in a fncBarb.. ra had eaten her own dinner tory or, n stGre nnll In a home? If and was at work again, c;learmg olr they aTe both "eM Ice th .. t. hnmanit.y the diener dl. be!, &0 tqntl when Mr. l,ceds for Its comfort or Its progre!!..., oug-ht they not both to be judg~ by t!.c ~l.l ndru:d of service, not by th, ~tandnr<l of place wbere tbe 6e1'T1ee i s r~ tl.4re red? '" thUlk "rrs Ward "il1 find out her n.· ~ I.nkc, nnll bc rendy 1<> say so In " ll(lIe "hlle If .I,e '" gOing to hrong IeI' girl 10 church ,vlth her•• ,lnn't hcre sbe can ~top sho!'t of I.,klng hcr ".th her eYerywhere t'l:!r' rtnel of course ! OCIC.ty will flot tnl. I.lle 1hot,'-" )[rb. Rice Sltid niter a
R"" \\
"Man carrieR. pretty good wellfhl in: _the .... , modern time.., when yOQ come to think of It," said a geDtlewho,,", mind has an analytical rel!.oyts the New Or)ean .. Time .... Democ~ra:t, ....nd I' a\ly I~ makes a fellow a trille ti....d when he beglna to 1~llIJIierlite the Dumber of thlDga he I. forced to carr' around "ith him. ae Is & -bea... of burden and Is heaT' Uy laden. If, will take him from hl. 111<1n out, and analY'..e the II\lperftelal· .tiea ",hleb bang about hlm, and "hlch are n_II""ry at this time ill the history of el",UzatioD 10 order gtve him a -pollte standing In the community il] w/lkh he lhea and in order t(> maklll/jj? comfortable. One la almost inclined t"" shrink aw.y from tlfe fearful reaponlllbillti of enrrytllg such a load, an..l ye~ one must do it-if he 18 happy. "There al'e two artieles--nnderllhi rt and d"a b iclt .tlcl< doser than a brotheq .nd then we pulled op aryund hu. sbl1ls and 1lDkIea t.o BOCks. Be ..ears two 811oe8, Qnless he was In the war, and two needed to lace 1heD;!, or nU.U(llns -or more, If tii'ey are- not lIe weata one top shirt, collar and two cults. lie wea .... coat, one vest, ana one poJr of trousers. and there are 12 buttons es'pe1ela,II" _lon hi.. trousers. su: gea.erally on biB coat a~d ..ix aD his ,Yetlt. Be. carries two eu~ button. around with I1Jm. two sleeve butto", and YBnous other bllttOl}8 on his onder""",,en" There 18 one buckle OJI; hi. trousers ileeoel"1and h.-o on hl8 jlllll~naUII. He gen· en.lly wears suspend...... Be Wears t.'vo garars..... Ue wean on.e ueckue. or sometimes one erayat with oJ1e to hold It in pi..,.,. . ca.rrlies- one handlIerdlief fa Be .. iars one hat b winter be- must have two g DYes alId one o.e~CORt, and ma,ybe t ....o o",r.hoes But this 18 not all Be has. a ~atch aod a c bam to carry around wltb bjm, a bundle of let.ters, a package o{ carel ... a plug or • _k of tobacco, or may~ a few Cigars, • pipe perhaJlfl. a knife, " penCil aud .. few olh.,r things which u ually make up the pocket outfit, such ... mntches, buckeres. and other good luck "ymbob!. "There. IS leather in h •• 5110 s. with hair 1n Ihe sol"" and IIteel pegJO In the heel. tbereof There IS "Ilk or satin In his erant or necklJe. There are \\1'001. and cotton. Bud hnen, and other things In the clothu he "ear" Th~re 1" straw 10 hl8 bat The ... I. sr3J'cb In hl. shirl There are golt!, and ,ul,.pr, end pewtert anrl other metals an tbe watch -aod chain he wear. There are brass and bone lu some of hi. buttons. There 18 lan In hi4 'prl""r ctampers and In the clam""r "'hleb holds his era_at In pla~ The.re UI g~U8 OTer the laee of hi8 u .. tcb Dye is used in staining hu. c1o~hes. Bnd one may find here all the colo ..~-red, White, blne. black. purple, lello,,'. hrown and almost e~e ry other hnt. He has paper in bis pocKets There IS rubber in bis suspena""" nnd garte'i's. Pnmt i8 found .n the ligtl ..... on the fat'e of his watch. nnd polisli IS found 00 hIS tshoes. IISO• after all. mnn IS l"eally t1 beast of bura ... n. Bnd "hen he begins to count up th .. morc than]OO .uper fi ciahtleH he carnes a round '\Ith hun, anel tbe Vltat nllm~r of foci Dries he r epresents, If the s ea.son IS "ar-m, With the thermometer rtIngtng above tbe ]00 mark, he wt1\ .probably .wdtE'r a bit more on account of t be ~ast load he IS ca.rryms '
Terse. ~ "Servauts, be obedJent unto th .. m that .ccording to the ftesh are TOUl' masters, wit h fear .ad trembling, in sill,leDe... of your he!lrt. .8 unto Christ; no~ in the "'.y or-eye-... rVI<:e 88 Die'; pleasera. but a. lI~ of Christ, doing the will of God !rOm 1. ' ..... _ .. th.. heart; "With good will doing Ice. as unro tbe Lord .nd not unto ~eo; knowing that whataoev,,':;lf0od throg each one doetb, tbe 118m" .hall he re.....,ive .gaiD f.rom the Lord, wld!th· er he be bond or free. And yr. ___ ters, do the s.me thinga unto them. and forbear threatenillg. knowtDg th.t Doth their Maste!' .nd youn Is In H ...yen, lind tbere k no reaped el perSon. with Rim.fl "I wonder just "hat tho... ,.,orda mesn," PoIIrbiara thonght. .. 'All.d ,.., m ...ters, dO' ihe &&me things unto them ?' Of courlle, they could 00& cl&'ange places as m'aa~~r and ~laTO. U mU3t Pleal) a _ mnj.q.UW.l!es~ an4 justice and Chrlstlikeneaa in their relations to one another." :And then tibe gained great ('unaflir uom., the last verse. "And there Is no resped of per.sonH w.th 111m." "My Father JU Hl'aven," she prayed, "J ha.e ehosen my" ork, or Tboll hast chosen it for ",,,. Just" hat it. ero.,..,s may be,:r do no yet 'know• • Wh.t,~er I shall :.e called uPon to lose, Tholl lmowe§t. Dut 1n ond through all, 8uat.ln,me ",.th. this 10'ing thought. 'There i8 no r esl>ec.lo of persons' with '!'be... Tho.. ,., 0 dOllt 1- ......... 1.. not res'}>ect 'he &ernee of men, t heir ont_rd station Sustain me by Thy grace. ill Christ's Amen.'" 4 • lVheJf Tb1l'l'8da.1 ftetnoon of tha& week _ e , 118rhara remembered her promise to Mrs. Valle; and. when went out, as it was her regular noon off, abe told }In. Ward tbatllhe W8JI going to coil on Mrs. Vane. "You w.n lind her a' ery IOteresting woman. I don't know how mucb 8ho can do to help 'yoU!' idell!'_ She lJI centne. Dut -In any <:81Ie you wjll find her interesting,'" Mrs. ,Yon), entured IT.~nn.._ to so.)'. "1 am sure she i5o" BOid Barbara. "If she asks you 'to atay tcr-lI\lpper you needn't come baCk to ' get. oun. I'n man.ge .IIOmeholV." llrs. Ward £1ibke Jrrndly, and Dar~ra was on the point of thankln« her aud accepting the permission, when ahe- noted J(rlL • __._-
Word' .. pale face-.nd ner,yoo~manner. Slie-had been 6llffe~ all the mornlna from one of her wnt.ehed headache", ... '.:.1'J!.nk 10U," replied Barb8ra'~ /lu1. etl); "but I prefer not ro. ;I'll be back In time to get 8upP<'r.~ _ "DeS jUst .8 ' I'oU-111e.llHt!h!tb'lr.· 'WlII''d .replied, but Barbara 9I!!tec,~d of rill f en .... r tll'Lll out.
,1...,.lolIJ Meat. I c •••• tJ. . .
Bat Are So_e:U...e.. KIale.dJ •••
Sometimes, hU \Tel'er, we laughter of men who say wbat IS funny 10 gUlte a dllrerent- way. We do not think It anses from the perception of the lotcllectllal relations of tbe rcpres~ntahons myoh cd but ratber from B feehng of the promotion of ~ome mterest There are laugh~ of lrlllmpil and laugbs of Scorn. These are m e re-I,) cOJ.?-J3ldr red Ind lcat" e of cprtalJ' s tates of feellng of wh.ch "e ma) not appr01 e, but not 10 Impl) anythmg "bleh "ould make us tbink Ie." of the persoo "s <"~lt or humoi", 51\.)8 \ Vestmm·
ster RevIE!'\\
a Voltaire "ears
malicious sIDlle. we altr.hute tnls merel'\" to hl~ character In fact, !<O com monl) III laugbter conneded ,vlth pleasure ~n the pel'l)ephon of the promotion of some interest thd man~' psychologists ... erlook the dis· interesled pleasur~ But It is tbe .ple~Sllre taken m I)." perception of the .ntel)ectulli Tdatron8 of repRsentations that explalos why t~at which invohe .. the promotion of nn lOterest is relP'rded in the }lI!rllewar way _n wWcn tbese relabons breome 'U'ltare.nt. In order to make sometJting .ppear l.ughahle, It is put ill B ""clam form-which would not be better tha,,- certain were_it not that fhere iR II> disiJ~t.e're~te'd pleasur<; an "hat is laughable. diBinterl'steq eleasn!'1'••nd the sU'e to enjoy it. makes otner8 adopt. the pomt of view wluch it posslhle. Tbi. is ...ha1 rid; cule such a dan~us ...eap0l!; than
Ia-"'e Ire. t.e C:;oaCe.C. !I.e t • • lte .lIeC!k: of tbe Teo-
A...r. . ~4 C.tUebb.
The familiar brown pIgment known u sepia 18 the pToduet of a ten-armed cuttleflih found ID aU European Viatars and common 10 the MedIterranean. The animal I. of II whitybrown color. with red 'pots, and {l01>ses.... a JIIlC contaLDmg a dark liqUid having an 6iremely !Ugh colonng power_ When the animal desires to conceal its mo' ements or escape from a danger01lJl enetDY, it sqwrts thIS IIgDld .n the surronndlng 8ea wal..r. The efllclency of thIS hqwa m.'S be Inferred rrom the fact that It "111 render 1,000 tImes .ts yolume of water perfectly opa<jue. The elleet 15 produced by the jtE'sence 1D the IIguid {If a black plgmeot, "blcb IS insoluble m water, but ",hlch diffuses throtljJb it. It I. lDsoluhle LD alcobol or ID ether AS well ID water The comm~rcl81 pIgment 1 8 prepared In the followLDg 'VIlY All soon as tbe cn'ttleftBh 18 caught the sac IS extl'llcled .nd dried quickly The pIgment IS th en treateit chemically, wB s hed with ,uter and then dr.ed at n gentle heat It forms 3n IlDpalpable da rk pouder, "hlch It! perfec.IJ permanent except when ""nslanll) exposed 10 the direct rays of the s un Tt IS tben made np ID the form of 6tJcks and becomes the •• p.a of commeTce It IS no SUItable for ulie 8i u-n Oil eolort bnt It bas been employell for w.ater coloT palOting for many centunes It ,\III mix "ith .. ny OthH color, and 1 .",. ""ed. all otber brown pIgments ID the ease with which a uniform coat of it may be npplied Wltb a brusb. Tbe comll1uea..a1 I!;epla contams about 19 per cent melanlD. 10 of carbonate of lime, 7 of ca rbona te of magnesia, 3 o f ""Iphate" and chlorIdes of potash and soda and 1 of mloScellaneous orgaale
Toltaee• • o~.
sections of tl>e conntry ;mere tobacco 18 grown one 01- the. chief troubles to contend With 18 the tobacco motb, lInd the apparatue ."own In the cut hlUl been deSigned especmlly to combat this pellt. a8 we!! as to destroy other lOseets which moye Abou t at D1f: ht It ia well knOWD that moths and other UUlech; are attTniHed by a light sbLOmg on t of the darlsuess, and it ... tlrl5 fDC\. £nat W.lIIsOA HIli Morgan, of Port noyal, Xl'.. makeS' Wle of 1D his trap. which consist.. of a ligh t Inclosed m .. metallic hood and pro, lded wIth. redector .nd gla.a face, the latter beillg ....
matt ~r
POWERFUL ARMY PISTOL, Tweat:y-'•• r 811ot. Were Reee otJ" Flr~d fro . . It •• tbe Rate or 113 Per !t'Dlite.
The Luger automatic Pistol. a """pon that has Just been adopre d lhe Swiss government Rnd has been tes l ed bv the Illt"d St ntes \\Qr department. • d"""ribed In the AmenC3n MachiD1~t by G_ H. Powell. We are remmded hy this ..-rlt..,r tbat the IlJDlted range of the ~"olver is largely due to tbe escape of the powder gn~ about th" eyliJ\d~r This fact, 1D cODJunction WIth other weU-knQWD drawbacks to the use of revolvers as ml!tary \'"eap ons, laag caused JDl" e nlOrs to look \'0
Ule. prinCiples t"mploJ ed 10 mngaZlne nrms for '3 solutlon of tbt! proble.ill of an IDlpro~ement of th IS essential
small arm Savs l£r Powell' ~\Vhat IS ~o"n ~ the automatic pis tol of lo-day seems almost a perfect realization of the endsMQght Though eaUfod automatiC, lblS weapon IS In reahty onJ,) seml·antOIDat Ie, 85 SUCcess n ~ preSS IJr es on the trigger are n eCeS!!3TY to Its ope ration "ThIS weapoD IS a repeahng arm In " 'hlch the force of the expflns ion of tbe gas-tbe reCOil. or 'kiek' -Is uhltzed aft., each shot to open Ihe breechblock. extract the empty case, cock the firing pm. and by means of a recuperative "pMng. cbarge the pIstol" Ith a new cartridge, the operator merelJ
In " slanting position The I.mp t. attached 10 one edge of a tray - containing II muture of kerose.ne oil an<l "3ler, and the angle of th" glass ta front of tbe light cauJSta tbe lDsec1a to faU Into the \Jqnld when theYj strike agamst the s mooth ""riace. WIth a number of these traps set at the 51des of a field 11 sl>ort distanee abo,. the plants, the In,entor claIm. tbat the lUJurlOUS moths and o~het' mseet. "III utermmnte fhemsel .... "Itboul tbe trouble of searclllng for tbem -Patent Record
DEPTH OF RAINFALL. OeacrlptioD 01 tile " •• ~ •• WJJlcIa It
.. Ac:cor.tel" Mea.wre. by
lien of SeJeaee..
I'J o bahly one qupstlon that has puzzled the lay mind IS how tbe depth of a ralDfall may be accurately dete,.,. mined Thc way It IS done 15 this. A funn~) \\ nose ~3rge aperture. represents a surface of 100 square-Inches 15 pla""d 10 a POSitIon where It may catch th .. d. rect fall 'of the l'll1O: '''1lh _ a. " 1m of Ihe funnel extendJDg P"!'hops an Lnch or more be) ond the platform to which It 111!',y be tL"ed 'Tbia IS for the purpose of prevenflng anY' l'llin from being washed mto the fnn· ned and lDcreaslog the true fall. From this 'funnd t1ie water runB to a tube, which bears an exact and carefully detennlned rnho to the "rea of the funnel's mouth, oay onetenth It. therefore. Ihe tllbe . abow .. waler to the depth of on Inch It 15 clear tbat oDe-tenth of an IOcb of ralD _has fallen Tbe tube IS prOVIded with a carefully graduated scale. s o that the fall may be rendlly seen. Tbrco lOehes of ram "ould show a Ilepth of 30 Inches In a tube one-tenth th .. .sIz.e of the r eeel' l.ng apertur..:! ~ and I he decunals of an lOeh could be 'p l ckl~ noted bl obsef';ng the ca1e. ]( placed on tbe roof of a bnllding t hO! apparal us "bould be ;kept awa, !Tom the edges to preven~ any particular _slant 01 th" ",nd cart; IDg mto the funnel a larger proporhon of ram than would fall IOtO It under normal condItions Tbe larger t ho spe.rture of the recelvlDg fuonel , IS made. the more accurate will be the results obtained
,\ curIou s fact that ba s been noted 1n connection WIth rainfalls IS t1lat gauges placed on roofs usnally !:'Ither less "ater than Ihose placed on the ground ThIS IS accounted 10r on the theor~ that the ram 10 !alhng a bsorbs some of the mOisture of the aIr. and the g~enler distance It falls tbe larger WIll be the bnlk at tho IndIVIdual drops -N Y Herald.
BOAT TOWED BY KITES. ReeeD't S a.ecC' •• ftll EIperltBea.t OD t • • RtTer iJlo.IlE!Ue t .
Smce t::" k.te has e otered Into the dOID31n of SCIence, .t has been greatly perfected The aim has been to give It conSIde r. ble "scenslonnt force and great stability so tbat It mny be used to carr) lOtO the alr app'Iratus used 10 meteorolog.r _ and photography wlthont fear of dIsastrous fall. Bnt hItherto httle has been done to n llze Its lorce of t .... dltion, ,vhlch may be conSIderable If It ,. lP,en suJlicient height. Recently, howe,er, says Cosmos, expe<t menfs lD this directIon hllve been made on the ),iose.lle by; a man who, havmg 1I0w a Mala,y kite t ... o meters (Sl.lC and onJ-hall feet) m length, cau s ed 1t, to tow "golDst a somewhat SWIft current a boat holi!109 SiX persons The wlOd was quite strong, and 'it WS8 very: easy t o Increase th~ force of lr.ctlOn by tlYIng' severolldtes Those o t the Hargrave system would. ' pernap., he the beat slnce one of thiS kilid haVIng a height of L4 meters (lour and one-hall f,e"t) can scarcely be held by two men, when enough cord has been p&ld out. The retaming e.ble mnlt poues8 great - strength. espeCIally. If II. 18 to hold several kites, or jhe traetlYO force may I'upture It.. _ It IS evident that In · this original mode of locomotion the direction ot the wind plays an important part, for If the ang,e 'th. It _¥lake.. w,th the watercourse eXlleed. 45 or 50 degreell, the boat .lS hard to steer aDa move. slowly. Nevertheless this method ot ...eking a continnous current of ai~ .t a "'lrtain h"!8;ht is of ~e g:reaten simpliCity. Jf~lt Ia DOt ll~~d. the rea80n 18 doubtleaa that It ball been thought tha t- not enongh force wonlel be de.,eloped by it. Still; the "l'Uult.a alre.dy _obtained ara ;ntere.. tina'. Jl
•••iwac'" ••a'.. Ii...., Only a few yeoro ago- th~ Wlill.... JllDst" aeqliSed IJi We. york ..... per.haps th.t of the .. nd'!rich~ maIIo Now It haS achieved tJl;e.dignior of • UDlon whose membeh are ... riIid "Sa the enforcement of their rlflali u'1lll . . . ~ aOl otaer &rMe.
New Baven.CoDD. Mar20-t-8ep20.
LeMing Denti8 ,
Olllu-I;'! KeJII' lI1lU4la,. - • • 1..1Il ,Slnel
.aD . .50. ' :: T......O. . .' :: (!rrJ(3,?5.-
I. T. ELLIS. JrI. D.
A'f .... oalJed meetiDR of the Wa"· nil CoaD*7 Bepabuc.na lM¥'a" Leb. 8atlDdlly. the propoI!ltion to o1JaDItI tba form of .meotiDi oaJI· . . . . ftom tJle Pr!maQ' to the Con· . . . . . cirdIIr ... wiUlltich .t~Dg ....." - from the voterl! from ..... at tbe 00uil'Y thllt'the matter
OrriCK HoUBII • 8 to 10 A.. lI.
Z to·4 p • • • 7 to 8 p, . , Office . • • • • • Bank BIlUding•
.... ~,~L.. provea .t~e
. . . tbe dill' is yet far-off wheD the BepiiWlaau of WaneD C3maty wID wlDDtari1y ·",rieDder their prinl. ... or .yiDg who ahaJi lIa_..II4k1a"lea for ~, ODe other lIIQIcJnIu maiter I1eoided . b1 the ."'DS ... &tie4ecl8ion to hold the pdaaIarIeB hereafter OD the aeoroad . . . .1 la each September iDatead ttl &beant JIoadav la April. There - . .. D1UDber of· rea80Ds for ttria "';,ae, chief .m!lllK which 18 the the local. eleciiODs ~blch tOok~.' &be ilme of the pri1Dftr1 oiieD .waIked material ehaDgfJIln " ',wiIIIaI of tbe people; anotl1er . . . . . ,. . . tba, ~ will be .... WWIeD the primar1.nd the eIIodm r~ aw-tiataCtiOD with the tIaJret, if UMIN be any. t9 rip.miDto ..... a1~11 ar-ted fuslon move-
Clianee t.o ~t Pan-American Ex· , ~ position at-Small Cost. .
......_ whether he 1IUl"
etc." (Our, (10800111
A!aBJOAll EXPOBITIOll_ EJ<cumCllllO 10 Bwr..lO over ~ Akroo Routf! v"1. ebautaaqoa Lake for lll~ PanAJDer1cao. E.xpo81tloD aft' DOW 00 .ale a.' tlct:-
!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!! ,
ST"BABE FOR WAYIES - YILI.~E:. ", . "'l'htavWagehU, DOlf a
COJliNG~ CoMfllOt -. ~
'l'be BnIIIeIII DramatIC (b.•
~ ~ Mr. :l4mUDd.~. Win '
Ilr. an-iJa will be _
-In' - -
II .... ,.,. __ amy •
!Be _
a.-__- . . . -
,!Be: a_...
. .
9-'" 0>0..._
dllllaCawr-Throap ~"d'"
ft_ _
0-". !be ~ a: c.--
"._1. __ -..
s..,\IIenl cllles.
l1m1s. UDui Ou.
For ScbeduJes abowiD, CODTtDlent througb
pa.&8eDtre'r aervtce to Buffalo and otberlntor· _<Ion apl!ly to H. £. Booth, Tlcke. A_I, WaJDen-me. 01110 . BIG
• • ""s.. . . . . tl t
w. o.. •
Ticket. Coo4_ r~t... D1DIr silt do,., .11 • •80. Tourist. Uckelll a • • peclal (ard 1m]' aloo "obt::aJaec) fOf' trl~ co reaon. lJJ OlD ads . Allllck~U ID cauda -.ad EuLero polo ... t 0cladlD, N .... yo"'_.III .... ,ODd lorst0p ,o<er tbe i'an-AmerlUD Expooltloa OD paJ_a. of II erua u BllIfalo !>Io..... n .. at Obaut.UQP. Lue w1Il 'be . 1· 1Dw04 OD "II tlckl>t& to BDllalu aDd EIu!~rn polDt&. .,-l,boat tttna coat.
.::!::"...:;~..:-.:~ :-:~-=
~I". Ila .~
bouRlo~!6_ .. PanT_ ObMnl'X" ~~ an4 ale ars-frM ft-
, ..::'urdeiol
'I'\ckeU . - ret.umla, IIlteendo}'l. "1.30. TSek,... 1IOOd Tt'toroln, twenty d<lJS. '13 . 4"';;
Soa1honI!b'. lis bittraIM s-com. ri"'7 pait of 1M CoNraI SouIb. .. bovr scbdlllol Oodaut! ... JackIoDVIIIe ....
It"".. _
-!1 t:,
10'«1 :
' .'
m0cJ8rate 008t; to the , . " . ""of , - tor -Weh .... ___ --. A P.ay ....., " ....,...-will be,procJDt08d each weeIt. . .,. Water is obtalnable ' la all.. dSred ana ice conld be IOJd at a :M~:.er..ata bning ~ upta fO~ ZOe r h1lDilreil ~ IlL &he Optora m-.~ wID withpethis a ' COld~' ~ble the OOIDp&Il1 *o~1ICe~ _-'....:.-.: st.ora«eof withgreater.ect. ' ' UU'no:u• •...:no all aorta . , .-----.....-, frUita. potato., etc ..
ran ••, •.
Fun (",m WiL1ne.n11e. 01110, are"" tol-
tliip~ aUlu',OpeN ~- ~_ ~_k.
Ll~_ :ud
M o1lke:d of 'be PeDD.,.haaia
Bicycle Bepairmg a Specialty
An illddent.
U _ _ atlBDge. after . . preaidenU thai Is on his VBcation, 10 plealoe be atored aDd tatan 01U .. = . ... 1IIJrF. hawiDI ~~ ha been1D &de- tent 10th •'etc. .. Nigbt bad the ~ket 18 read~ for U . . . . . . . ...a. AM a . . _. way ~ ~ the ~ dQwn o'er all and the happy famll1 bUsinesS could be started byaome. 0= . . . . . .. ~C! .... proftilOD ~.. f aecure in their own b.o me bad· rewith aulDcient capital, : or • .... of ~ prl a~ ..... tim to al~ the aleep or tbe ,jua.t. ~pany OOiJld be formed fot & b a t . ad llI'UIIIpt .....tIae. ora=Je~e croWDed w~ro 8uddenly th~ midnight atill· pbrPo\le. and arraoRftDenta enter,ed have macJe ."~,, fllwrittrl ~ eadaDlered was brokenb7 the rid OlaDg. wilh . the trG8&eN for tbe "!ri,th ~ .. · k - is. ~ . TheIr t. pull lag; of beUs. the hOlU'88l1honw-of ex· Deeded power, md illereby au addi. peClally ~ by ~ of _ n =-:~~~1I081OCi. c:t~menandthe .00000000Dal t.i0DA1 revenue would be reoeive4 chlJdrenl~cOlds.~.D4whoop' IUlas Dot atB late1..1 ~k of revolve~. the from the money DOW ilivllited -aDd ~?- &II 1& . • I~~- dorda oUoa. ble daat ,heir plan 1D- ~ leU their dOWDY bedI thctvillage deM would.be th88000- ' relief, and-~ I~ ~taiu DO tbe . ti8lpquenohwl¥'tfrom&be~8Dd erwipedont.• Ie itnotabOOttilD8 oroltier _~aJ · dr1ll. n '!'WE GaUT carTII.&L. tIO~ '1'817" LI .... e1aa. tha,it; is 10 ~~naIOil they Inferred m~t be a Oiis matter 11'81 iD'veatipied witb te . jfiven. as' ~y m a ---~'!!"'!~ 01'" me "public. bat baa te.nble hoIOCIlUl!t; bnt on reaching Che-view of &ccompllshlog' the Db. . to au adalt. '7or, Iale by WINTER .U.IIO... ~t. ~ 1&' &he Crew ferm found it wea.onlya jec. named9- Th- ._ pO__ Kay. ' , '. fIX' • hDDiJled 1!8:ft ma~DI WI . ." . g£v" '..,...'" TOURIST TICKETS - the tOea' and aJet:y of ~ of.;::roung people enpged ~ money In the village or _rby . No... DO S&le 10 !or , ~ ....._ h ..... belling. - ~e ooppy groom. CoDDtry to e1tablillh the buBin8111 • ~A H~' of·'l'aiPliDI~. orCrimlaal demagoguery . ......re were some per'lIOJI8. h ow· mentioned; . There ma,. of tblacioaDf.r1;.UUOlUV-· - .. not -be WidoW "'A'lrial~E~:J~:~:~~~ ~t, • 1"'"" '_._ .... __ ........ ever. who conld hear tbe bella aDd "iDiliiona iD it" for &be dwDerI of . f ' .daMofpol'bN._......rs .... '._- f f' - .... 0 -.JoomecJ amoiitI Q.-ir DOt weICODl' were ~ ar away 0 go "" tbe new . enterpriRe, .but -. there ... tJlI . hAve come' wiUlont hiD. w~t they naturally laferred.m11Bt ~1ia& in U· which will.yiald a ell, the7 _ __ .. ,."".... ..J_ ~ ... _ _ be"conftagrationofaomekiDG. In ....oRt. Wbo"uletadii 9 _TM "lIo ......e ....~ u....... th _. ' f th - r' :..;... _U_-te t Sa b e mu.....ug one 0 peJlIOD8 toatiwap~ _ _...-vu D. _0 C'UJlO to toml and'told IUl aoqniWl'' • ~.IlIl. alaoald be thespeotal objects aDoe of hearing' the beila. remarldng-Btooci D~ .0«. ciI'~ AU prof8llional ag- the ROund OIUIJe from E; B. Kunda.,. a ·lawrer of~. ti'umJlJtlon. ~'&~~::~~:::3r. 1tatIIJnoap~tQ..becla8lliedlUltraitors of ' O'N 11' W II,the -direction . 1iod etts. Tex.• onO!' f!X'led.grave dilf· to &hair 00UIdrY. If they. claim citi. _. eo 8. e every Y ger. He IIIlYB: "~y brot'her ~ 011 'ah~ be olaIIIl- know8 how 80ch. stories low witll murlal fever ='!'~~~l...dlc lor J"Oldera. DHc11pt1~e lI.tlm'. etc.. to i!!aaIU~tIIeir . ~:-ternl . Disbed By eight o·clock,. . .fire• •bio~ .1 pers~tMl him to try ~ U ~(__ 1111. Y po bad grown immense proportiODA, Bitten!, aDd b~ WIUI IIOOD C. L. STONE, . . . - . If&be7areDotcl~and .. m.,h better. but C9Dtinued _*hear Geoerall'aMeDp'r A~D&,' is ·t he . h Id the "'lIB bemg dlSCUMed all ov~ town. u8e. un&lI he WII8 wholly cured. 1 LOUlSV1LLK, KY. tile ~ ~~ a .nd it ~IUI I18veral hOIlrl ~ter .. ' 'BiUeft! sa~ his U~tI. ';'-~lt:todO!o 10':" it WII8 generally kn.own - that expels malaria.• killll SEND 'YOUR ADDREt!8 ~ tbam. ~ • the atory wt!s untrue. . germs and ji1lrifieI the To as- with.. UUle ceremony u our : If it bad not beaD 8anaa and if aidA digestion. replatee owa cltlsciDtI whQ may be" equally tb Guett Yo and OUl'e8.COD· R. J. WEMY88, ....11 _ _ U tied Statea has plenty e e \tere Ito nervous diJI.. GeDm&l IIDID~ aDd Jo4utrtal Alrea A.... Jl . , its proprietora fem-.le.0nl7 ly,t""A dI .......,-11011'. lM,...one·be lIeS !!opelrt have grown riob on a 8pecial ;gi~ perfe~ beal.th. ' LOUD>VILLE. KY. .... prIaoIl for aD thme turbUleDt gi!iDg full detAils. (If they; May 8 drug stora· , It:~:=~~.:~ ,,!,lOb!ef.make~ aDd the ~ of they would have. acraped ·tlie I~, -uu,i'W-. beplaa UId pardlDg lhem · . '. ., . t" "-...;. t b ' dred times trqm. Col'wm· Aveuu-.thl8 is, .ill· t~~~I~~~~ ~~: I .: f'Jll(:Ii tbere wDI ~ .... 118 • un AI Ito gentle hiut to thol!e in • ;'... cmrbytheadftDgpof ~&tug .) In cloaing ~ wlsll; - Leslie ~. ~ ~.1D:eavtJll'. 01 Uaeu1. lbentbi8would be to congratulate Eli on ' W88 in-fawn on.l:imaday. M.:;._ -aeaerve' by theiratb,ude ' Clint:. Cra~ . and wife : : : --I ~ eailea to start on the<_ . of • __ .deDIal'eth~~~- ~oiD . and .eoond, we extend atWIlo~villgon1aat8ma. O'Neail and family. OUI' Iin. ......- *he 0 . acere OC?I!gratulatlon8 ~b8t tJle "~iII-t. P.Qrted ~ on .their premises was I~~f!:" !!~I=~
.. to;e
~ ... _
t.a1Ded on these dar... The r.t'U (rom W.,....VUle "m be :u foUo . . : 19. 151004 recaral1l, ftfw:a dal', and "0 85 ,ood r e· lunI1Q .... ea'" claJII-' - For t!c_ ao4 IDfo ... matIGD aboU~ tbe ibmugll Umo ao4 1Ie"i<e n~er '1'be Anon _ OPv!Y tn TIck", A~aL
ilIuslroting how vm:iUttle is required to start a !len· ..tiqUal .tory. f'Quipped with full amount and glsmoor ~f detaB. qccuued.1aat 8uod&y mornmg wben "?8 reported in town that the large barDll Bnll &beds on ·the farm _to ' ~. A. P. O'Neall bed been to. t&1ly destroyed by fire the previoUl ,• night• ..Tnat here we are mOllt .h8p•'l'Jm . . . . . . . lubecUo.npartaof pytoMy .that the barns were- DOt ~ooutr:faDd of the ~on ~ bunied. in fact. there wu no fire at on I'V- u _1aIt,dIe&dariDl . tbU aft8rDOOD for the.PJellldent, •• . ,_ • . 11 ....':.. Pa Here 18 bow it all bappen.ed. Dr. aU'" cIooI' Of Kaalo Ba an..., n· El' b '--- b t lat I . h ahot l ·l,'rew 11' o!""" . u e y enter.buIriaaD kpoal~~WU DUOh into the joys of wedded bU., 1IIJ ••• - '''. a aDw-- a • to his parental hODle. which W. BInce t.bIID his life ball hmag ~ adjolus the O·Neal. on S&turdAy. 10 .... ..,......., pel up to &hie tilDe it 18 8~ a qnie~ time •• 'mid rural
a _ _ ..· - _
Where you Will ftnd,
lltb &ad "1!t.h aD UOU9ual opponuoJ'r wut be pr....,;,ted far a ~l1ea'p trip to Bullalo OTer $~ r nne. T"o f or1DlI Ucketl will be 11014 : cood ...tumlag ftfteola <liLTA and allOQOnd liaY1'nlC'.. . .t-.rnly clay return UmtL 1Il&J' be ob--
Tile 10.._ fares to BllllaIo ),el olr.red lor l'an-JlIDeric&n ~Idoa .m ,go lato on \he Airon Rou\e. SWl4ay SeP'· S.II . 0II11l~t dale and 00 SepLem1;>er ·Ptll. 10th,
And you will bring up at
A ••
BAlLIlOAD DAY AT TB& PAIf·.UUtJnCA."I EXP08ITION• _ s..torda,]-ID SepWmbrr. lb. Uth will be aaUrood Day iLl .be l'an·AlDericu Ex~
posI~on. It p r _ ... "" ODe ~ mno. 1".!Oe.UDc.,dplo ot,~be lI: 'i"'l-t • .!In....JJUtr.lo. Elaborate: Am:Itoagem.eJiIai b.ave betD completed. for au. lo&ereatJri¥ 'a.04 DOvel GHDOOJ tral!oD. TIle gn.d por<lde on .b, Exposltloa IfOIlDdlI tba t 4&,. wnt be extremel.,. ualq,QI: a.ac1loLer~. It wtU Ulustta<;e tbe aUfeftot metbod. of tnlQ.po~t1oa La use since Adap> and E ve moyed of tbeGarden of Edeo. Tbere will be rlklaC Doveltles III ~ of opedal [61..,..... Bon _ CbaullC]' Depe.. will be one uf .tl:.o dhtlarQlsbed _DriLtora, 'l'be nlgllt llIumLnatlons iUId Il ~....or'" ...111 be on alD8C"DiJlce:nt aea:e. Tbe da.,. and. Dtlbt restln.teo will bellJF>lr eoJo7able for ...... · AlDerICAD v1.Id.10Tl. Speclilliow f.rE!)lln dect oyer Tbe Akron Roa te .111 pet'Ultt eve,l"]'bodr"tO
"""'J '
at&end at small t:xpeoae. For pa.rtlcu1an about line oost 0 t1.cte ts. lbropll:b lime to Bullalo. ete. . apply ID B. E. Boolb, WaIa...· TIlI~_ Ohto. ISH
CHA..1fG& IN BUFi'ALO .SLUPING CAR SERVICE Oll' EXP08lTIOIl EXPBIfSI. VIA. TB& A~" ROn&. Tbe Pu1lm~11 Sl«p1ng Car reoniol' be ~ t1ref'D LouisYllle and BIl1fal0 on Tbf EzpoKldon Expr.... aad Tbe St. LouIs Expr-eso ,·ta Tbe A_a Root~ run !rom aod to ('1 u-
cLnnaU on those u'uns begtantDg Mooday. Sept, mber l!4, liIIl. Tile dally ,cbedllie wlU be . . folio,... : GOUJC TO BUrK£.LO.
[."e. C10clnnul ( Penna LIDe)
8.00 P m
Clolumbua. c.. A , ol C. H.40 1lIah' Akron. ETIe. 6.00 a m cambridge Spring'f P.;;" am Lake.ood t CII"lauqull ) Il.O' iL m .ArT. Jamestown Lake .J 1l.15 .. m AlT. BUFFALO, Erie LM pm L .... L'Ve. An Arr.
JU;TUB,.."lDfG rIIO.1 I BIJYI".... LO.
Bulfalo Erie . LvtL Jamestowo ( t..'ba.uu,uqo:a. 1 LT •. Lakewood L~e .
cambridge Sprlnp
Ani.e A_a, Erie. Arrive Oohlmbus. C. A • C. An1 ..~ ClNCLlIISATl, Peona.
1.00 p til :1 2.2 p m 3,30 P ID I .Ia P m 8.a:; P m 1.40 • m II. 80 .. m
Other tr31Qi; oV'f'r Tbe A kroo Boule 10 and
trom Chautauqua·Late &D,d lJo1l'alo WU1' ran in accotllaoCle with scbedulee .Dd
sen-Ice annoance<l to take elrect AU","' .'11 JlONTGoIiERY
£:tODmun Uckelll to DiLTton for~ lIont· gom~ry ("'.QuaII hlr wW be oold September 10th to 13tb, Intlu" ••. fromRlcllmoDd, s~ fteld. LonOOn., Morrow and IntenDNlate
u "taLl'!9s on Ute PenU1l\-&D1a. L1Dca. Por
paniculo", seeloOa.l aentl!:
UBANGESIN L1Ill'l'80r UCUItlJIOll TICK· ETS TO BUII'II'AL,) Acoooot Paa·A.mer.csa EK'pOSltioD. TaIlIDII.lIec. Toeld&y, A1It!Ust :Oth, lllOJ. til. limit Oil Oae. Cenl per Mlle. Tue.la1. Coaa.h Excorvlon Uakets 'allt be exteDde.1t to loclude 'raino In<11lI! Bullalo aot later tlwl one o·clock ·a. m.. central Ume. or tbe JlO'Dday Immet\latel; rollo ...ID" date or oal ... opak' 101 lb. lIartt prac~eally m da,. to~ Ibe rouDd .rlp, Tbe Illalt on prevent lo-cJaT l1ckets Bold at one rare plus oa.e cIoUar .111 be madJO 16 dllYl'. aDd Ille 11m" '" li>-da.. Uck_ ..,Id at-one a~r61rd lifi"iiII)"bO;- - IIWSe 20 data. ONI: OII:NT Pita lIlLIC
Xenia, Ohio.l h n vc t1\e, . la rge;'t ann n Il e t sto.c k. of M Ollu mHlt" l \Vork to be found i\'ith in :t hU1ihed miles.of be re. It wil] pay those con tem plating t~ e pur.. chasl' or lh i s~.H n e c( work to ee us or write for Illustrated booklet cnntaining prices, etc.; tbis }VIiI cost you 2 cent:! and rna)" a ve }OO m:my dolla"" Much' 01 the finest , york in Miami Cemetery has been furnIshed by us. . .
~-------------------Being pr:,at.:tkal d~slgners.
are prepared to furnish original 2nd artistic dra\\'mg~ on sbC'rt nottc~ . and we guarantee to furnisb as finely .proportioned work as can bl! obtained anywhere ID the country, and ta~e special care to supply nothing but the very
.......... .,
E. ·V. BARNHART. ~~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~
1>,'0 \'
best material and guar.mtee perfect satisfactioll. Our prices ar~ ! ".~iiIiii1Ili very reasonable. ...............:;~
Edmond . BraIIells .t the' op era boaae Den 'week.
.C;. R.l'UDatoahU Columb... Special J'ertfbzer for sale. / . lire. Bel KaOJ' ~ two Htt1edaugb. beoOlDldten spent 8tm.!1a1 in +enia with ber
3 4
88;" We also supply caps, sills, steps and every description of cut stone work for building purposes on .3hort notice .
Office and Yards:
113-121 W. MAIN
10 11
. Pie .Peac~ JIiat ti.e-tLiDg-fa';. pies 'WhllD
be~. ire ,gone,
can 001,.
hu lived JleIU' l1li life aDd baa been liD exoelleJlt Bnggy Whips. 15 IUld 20 cent J..ngl~bcJll' ill a boYish -.raY. a 'fa~ whips, ,DOW OIlty 10 ceDis. 25 cent we ' appieciate in • 1K.r aa whips. 3 for 50 ceota, for a abort ~ L~W~-.· Ann a maD. We sbWerely time only,Jrilbon & Co Mr. aDd Aln. C. T. Hawke IUld
from a wn
Situated on the DAYTON & X E!NI A T RA GTIOS LJ;o I' • ••tld I 'J1i1es from Spring Valley IItation on MIAM[ DIVISION P ., (.,; , C. & St. L. R, R. MedIcinal Waters celebrutad for cure of Kidncy T N llbles. Rbeumatiilm, NervoD8 Diseases, etc. . ...... ....... ...;.. ....... .. .... .. ... . .. OPEN THE YEAR ROUND .................RATES *2.00 PER DAY.
ARTHUR DUFPY, ProprietoJ".
We pay the above reward for any case of Liver Omplajnt. D'IPF lla. Side Headache, Indigestion, 'Constipation or Costivcocss we cannot cure with I
for aU 8kin aftectioDl!. the pngine. J. E..
torac1iool, ".GOtoS8.5o. .,. -- . New butoldp~. -
oOlorS, nr.w 1ha.d";-l!.8W'1eD~ .. ~.'
Liverita, The Up-to-Date.Little Liver Pill
TheY are __ 1 V-"bl and ~_!f' 'J I""~y ~- . e never UIU to grve safiaction. 25c boBs cootain '00 Pills, JOe boxes contain 40 Pills, 5c, bous cootain '5 PiUs. Beware of substitutions and imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. Nervita Medical Co" Corner Clinton and Jackson Sts., Chicago, Illinois. Sold by . Louis May. druggist.
u. Troll, L1Q1 Sur. to Come.
Work of th., SiI,,"t Reaper.
llonday morning a t 10 o'clock, .Benjamin Collett, after submitting to lin operation on Tbursday last for
Ab1Ut the same hoa r (toddy ) of-t h& burial of the t\Vo Collett ·relAtives. ' GASTRITIS the remains of Filelu.~ Ike. brought 0a1:lef!c1 by Some lrritdont Acting from Be)\\ IdPr. Colorado. will arrive UPOD the Mucous MembJane .at Corwin and be conve;;ed·to Mian;'i - ,,(the Stomach. Cemc ter;. fnr jul~rn l eu t.
pale "Wh.t your ,'el'CYet, gent.JeD;len?" .asked the· judge, ' .'galn the . broad·d.oul'.red man nlnly At ruggied to tear lila pze from URIXG ti.e entire .progrns of tbe that o~ lhe ...oman, An ley eoldnen Irial iJoe had bee.. present ill Ibe oIuuk round his hurt and enId ~ .... courtrooDl. She bue} listened 10' every ~J>.lratt!lJl spran8' frolll "ia · 1o~ehead. "'OTe} of t be ""villene;, "nti! bad' .. ;or. Bu~ "'lll the wriiDa" hi black gauil .. tled Ibat.. mi;n could so sll .... t1y a,t bim, au4 a ber eYel Wat a algn . of ·d .... dly n[ll'08"b, .. f un pity. • dly gh'e ulleranee Iv word to end a brother's lire, log censure. . She. wa s not hali4some; bardly . The' fo"em a " aro ..' anil ttgan speak. pretty, bU I. her eyu were, like twin iilg. ma Yoiee, ~ouDding . Joud anel dagge,'" ror Ibey "eemed 10. pierce clear in i.he ~q.uie t room. ttartJed tb., one through and t·brou,g.h . .She was man " 'lIb 1he bronud face. and be a s lender ""0llla ... small and .I'oung .prang from hl.- lu,l. wbrte ...Ith .f ear . and d.li cat~. "nd het- trim ftgur,e was "We; ',be jury;- ... ad b. loremaD tbe cotab. are takl!D from Ii;" hin. gowned in .om~r black from head to .from a paper 10 hb band. ~lInd tb~ th.y are carried to Ih. bou ..,. house and tbere left unlil .. nDiJlg. After tb. ioot. deUndant -" DaJ' n fier IJay . b. &Ill . in ·:t he same "Hold. you; honor: " 1ll'i< II the .man be .. ba,v. slo pped fiying I drive to th., r ur , ~;ot . • moli.onl .... calm. diopas· wIth the broad ...houlde... 7.islng- bi. out·ya';" aud haul home Ibe lo o ney. Be" .iOlla Ie, and r .. ~ I.d her eye. upon tli. baud as tbough C9mmllldlolr ,Uenee. for e beginning to atra"t J take the ull .... pping Itolfe and hOlle I1l>tIl the face of " . man ,,,ho sal OPPOl tt to "Hold. yOUJ' honorln . will pruent ...ar· her. NoL onet' did she remove her .'.!;be ~oiee. r ingi ng Ihrongb the dark. ed~. ar.. ~e.,o. gal. from hi. fac.; not 'on~ did . he nes~, sollDded ",eird and ghosl.lIke. iog tb., eomba ....ben . b""iog 0«- the ee'se l.er cold, Mnstanl s tare ILl his Two of the j~men vLs-lbly Irembled. eappin@:oo. The' knlfe I, oee...10n.ll,(ealul'e ~. All p resenl, e"cept Iho priaoner. dipped into a p.1I of h al water wll.ir·h He ,,'U a big. l>road·';boulde r r d tel· I urDed fa . look at the man .talldlnl e"PlaUn Ihe ...·ork allo . . 'r",o :fram •• o ( nurly "ltual ~Igb~ lu\\', " 'I(h a bronzed f&.ce. aod "mas Ilk. a .speotPr In tbe uncula{~lIghl: seleclta •• eh lime, 10' " to balaoce IIf hair. He k.pt hls .eyes riveted upon Por a momeot :Jt'e PaD.Oel; conrln, Ihe conrl an,l Ihe jury. and t.be p1'I1,· bts eyes wllb hJI band.. TJiin lot Dieely 1n the extracfGJ'. The eraok Is on ... r. He hung. "pon .... ry word float Itaggered down the al.le and leaned turotd rapidlyfor .. mioute 01' 10 aDd ",as u Uerrd," I,aning DlI,,]ou.ly for- 81'alnst Ibe railing. !'h ... clock IU the the boney, blpped out "f tb"eomba. It ill theu drawn ~ft at the honer gnte ward, rigid a nd · IDotionl... ... . ' tower . began tbe sl roke of 12. nul at ioter>al. be t~'rned bis face "11 your booor plea.e," be 04d. mtb into an agate p.11 with a .In. o .... r it .towards .. be woman iD bllck. only to & 1'oice Ibat sbook ...itb fear. "U yonr to ~Iclb the' blta of eappin.g wbleb fr~ b .. traD . Axed by the gl~am ' ber bonnr pl ...8Oe. let not Ihis ""rdld be qu e ntl,. get iofo Ihe xtnclor. Th.• ey... Tbe n b. would ;' tarl. !.tirn a ~nd.r.d . .For I am gullly of thlA boney Is- t ben poured into .live-gallon shade 1'31er. and grasp lb. ~TI1I$ of hi! mupa"r. I-I-my God. , l kill.~ thai e&os ror lh .. wbole.ul. · lrade BAd ido .ome YawoD· ja.... aDd lumblers ' for rechair. . manl'" .- The pri tI""r "'n~ A yonnlt ma.. wltb i.. sudden mo...,mellt 8. .ept tbrongb tailing.. Be/9re <!.}<tractlng begin. the fin • • Illenr Cl1t r...h.res 'and hlue thi! room as thougb each 0)10 llre. en comb ar. bdd up to Ihe light . and 3S bea rdless a s B boy and a. elul'M biB lI.ea t h. . graaed. The ...·.blt .. hooey II exiracted as a wav.n imagr. AlIbnugh he knew "He ' load grle1'OlMly wrong"d lIle, " first. n'1xL the amber Ind 1a.l1y· tb. dark. '.rbe tfDeapplDg can ts in two b is 11[" wa s io tbe h:lnd" 0' tbe l! men th ... man reaumed. "so 1 waylaid a t hi s rigbt hRUlI. not onee did th_e e,,· anej: olabb"d. bim to death. The paru; t he top aacllon tel~aej)p" IDto prenlo D of i ndi lrrrenee r.,ue bis face. . .r here. your honor. heard hia drlnl' Ibe bQtfom '''''lioo. 'IJIe top' neUoD tbough agains l him '"'" g/.v.. n the yen aod raa ~o ht.. ·a.,,,d .. tane.. 1 had hali a 8i"... bottom. whleh .,.Ieh•• the most damaging leslimon.v. d roppeel tbe ' kn ife; but be.. plek.d Ii c.ppin/rS a& tbey '.IHnto Ib.""u. Th. Tlri·r. only. eoch day. ilid be "how up. Then ( pulled my guo. aod be raD hooey dral DS; Dlo Ibe IO"'''''ueUon elMl Bny int .. egt In b iA " urrOl1llding~. At a,,'ay." oothiDg I loat at' wuted. The capthe op ... nlng (If .,.ell se •• inn , wh en he Again Ihert ,,·n,.. s il.nee-de.p. aw. af ler araini ng~or a few daysa r. r .. t.nd the' ro"rlroom hAn'dell"ed to 1.t1 ,ile nee. Th'e jUdge spok.. : re nelend into the mo t beautirullighL "Do you (ully realiz" tbe C01"e' y.,lIow wa". Tb. empty eombA are let t h ... herilf. he ~.a.1 on .. ~.ic" •• eareh: i/o!!' 'll.n ..e Inword~ fb~ r~Rr of lb. qu.ne('s or I hls nonfeUion. I i"?,,, ... onl jnto .I,he bome e pJa.• y.aDd .1.aDed r,,'e m. Hi. ,!!'I" n.·.· ~rl f hot or Ihe , 'Ol "I do, y onr hon or." replied the man, up by the bee•• then s iored II'\\,D)' until l~Om" n in ' black. :cnil ( ,, 1' a brl .. f in· . lowly. d('liberately. "r bue 'riel! to the n'~t priug, ..ben tbey are baul.. d ol.nt n IOrtrT . gleam .I\one In tbe l eat'C' here. hul lo mething hetd me t be out·yard. and u .... d"tber•.-F.G. '".fOil o( .neh. blck'- , lIome ~~r8tleu po,...er hu BeJ'Qlan,In OraD~ JudiJ F-n~er. ) Tilfbtly a nd rrl('nllr .~8Iy wu fI., dr,"ed me into th!s courlroo'm "'('ry bOllnd with on nnhrnkrn cbnin of ci1'· day or Ihl! I r ial; bas eomp.elleil me to ALFALFA ,STACK COVER. cum stAnl io l H:de nrp. Nol" Ii"k "' .. ,hang arnund to-Jl!gbl ,iul i! Ibe .m Ts~ ing. "E-Yf'T.V m-QTf'mpnt. rv.ry nt· jury s hould 8:gr~f:. and ba@ forced me '0 ... T ••J •• h •• r . . ... B . . .I C• . lit...... • • •- t.1Il Ha,. _• • Bar. er Ir r anee of hi s o n th~ nigbt of Illl! mur· bac.k ioto Ibis room 10 li lten 10. nr.
Mlu Benle KeUog. rrnlla~D~ Youog ,'Womau'. Club. of North Da.kata, writes the from Firs~ il reet, Soutb, Valley Norlh Dakota: " EI<e,-'_1 _hiredlauffend -witb o.....elctJl~,. IIIontllly paIn.. TIle doQo, did .ot _III to IIndersmnd ""lui tbe trou6ltl .... MId tile me4JCIM be pre6Cl'fbed'frv. 11_ to ,,_ did not belp _. He nlUl'y .U~It1:4 tbat I Irave an opentloll. O. of my friends 'Who "all been cured'ol • • flll/Jar a"lIctlon 'lrt'Ofl,b tIN 11M: of Perona• •"/Nd me to ~.ve It. IMI nnt, .nd so I used It foe Ib~e w.eke faithfully. My pilln. tlJllllnh/led very ~ .nd ""Itbln two _Ibs I .b" IIOne at aU. u 'TbJ. Is.1x moatbslgo, DIJd d;r,.. I . tbllt tJ_ I hAve qat b • . . ache IIOr pain. llive bllf/ni p,..'1IC to Pe"'".. Every ""oman 011161 to 11M It. alJ4 I luI sure tlut It 'WDII1d brlDg per. I«t baftb. " - BESSIE KELLOO• EDITOR'S LINES• The experience nr Miss .Bestie Ke1· log, of North DaJlotl!. oughl 10 be read le"tl._,na T •• , by ever, girl iD Ibe land. Tt is a c r il i· cal penod In a w<>ma S lire wb en . h. valuable adrice grath:. Alii.... r ••~ .. · a.t .... r ••-A._rv Addre ' s Dr. Hart lOa.u. Pre!iden i of e eases to be a g irl and becomes a wom· E ............ . an. V..,y fe .. pa . throufl'h Ih i. per iod Th e Hartman SBDila.rium. Columbus, --"Wh"n Ibe p .... ple of t.he ",,"0 i\lDerl. wjlbout sOIDe t ro obl:. Th. doclo r i.
MEXICAN .GHOST STORY. W .... n \\1110 lI.a n ..... R ••• r.etl •• 0 ••• for FI,.. V-e.... ( ·oule•••• to •
... A curiou s story t'omfls rrom
In t .he slal. o'.Pue.bla. te)l"rls' a M,x.eo <,orr.spondrllt of Ihe M.m· phis ( 'orum e raial Appeal.
A mis"ion.·
ing pri th"r st31 ...1Patre in Pimentel, A Bermobstay· lop Dry ••••l nnm,,<\. llread.ed thai lop. ''''nR .i.ited by a •~OUnt
named 1>anit'1 l?iftZ. who bel'ged
I.im to If0 to h i. h OIl~e Dnel "onteu bill ~i~t"r. ,,~.o hod be,,, drnd fire ye,. . . "Rnd wbo hftll 31'ptared to him, be· s (" ecbing him to (,pI) on \he mla.iun· lly ieH 10 n!IJsist bpr out. of purptory." The pA,Ire 5"Y' Ibnl.. du»lte I.he f l:ars whic.-h w er e nroused by thlll strange re'lurat. I•• iJetermin.,d to go, anJ look fo r his .()IIDpanlona )fllris"o 1o£el\ado nnd two ·sncrilJtanu. 00 rea~bing Ihe 11.0"""'. \\'hic~· .... a gloomy place. b. ~,."" concluCted to io
Fall, painting is best; the paint gets well seasOned bec:hretlt"si room: \\"h('r~ Itr sra t ~.l bilQ4 fore t.he hot sun gets, bus.'" , lI~lf and :_m mt' ~i atDly became aware . YOIl ' want your ,pa~t tll or n 1108 ling . nFollOus figllr~. while at lh. 81>II1e I i'1C he hend "creaking of last, lUld to protect your prop· bones." 'flte " \'Telched )'l)ung tvOlll\\n ' erty~ If you use Devoe 'reaay made ber COli feliSlon. a n.l. nll belDg ~ . , . _ abaol •• cl. disappe."..,d Rud.1enly . . paInt, you n have botb. TI.e padre ~ tlltes 'tbat Ih" a",fi,1 e,,· 'Lasts longer than leadand l perienca b.'·O~Ii~ 011" .evere lI\pellll• • but tb:lt. F.IDee hiS rl'co'-el'\" "h. has tieW, costs Jess. Devoe is a safe termiD Cli 1.0 make Ihc,rfacL_~ro.wn . 11001 nam . . ' . t thi' ' nl.bers mol' Dot be { xpOle.l · tn I he e In patn . ngs, I &lime JON; durance j}' p"rgatory for
AaIr ,olU'dealer for Devoe; dobt bt waut of obaoh'li~,. -.tia4e4 wIth Ie&!- Send for our pam. Tbe 'ne"'" or tbia 0 r.llrrpt1"" b .. libIet abOut paint aDd painUug, free; I apiead like nildfiri. "tid 12ie,·mission· tJWaP,CIQ_oagbt to 1m'ow_ Bril'~ hnreUe.u tbe' r~"ipicnb or. ~and· c;;oo~I'~'l'
lome "? nll'lbuUons ~il"" it L~o" pluce.
- -. ~ •. ~P'T n",. II · .f
Da.la . . . . . . d , ... " •• . _. It .
MO'... ,.
PHh.ps O,nolboro. ~y.. has l h. nnlJ count r y whIRl is en .gagt'd in 't'h t! hlls iness of Dl8nUrac t wr: ing . I' idi umJ \\ hu ("an lay urick a,. 7011D;:: lady in t he
rapiaty RS Rny mRn and do ' any kind of \Vorl' in cOJlnc:cuon with th; Dlan-
n r.
use of l...iek that n man ~~~ ::~:('::'~;~~b!\~~taqil~~~:~~ can do I~'HI per furm it. as rapidly . Sh~ ,,;Ih the mnn' who \Vo s "fle r ... at'iI ~ i8 Mi $~ Ida- l1a(lIer. nnd opar.res &0 muro ... d. tn 'ht hnur ...he n he WQI ,f !l:ten s k -t" hrit!.k nl4ulIracLuring 1,lant or~r st.r1. e.pr:r-s l~p he b ad taken was in 1h e Inw(>r end of the cit.);. Rhe htU traeed. been "known In dig a",' cn.1 the cia, Tt w . .. -ho"'n t.b.1 b~ had rollow'd lor J,OOO hricks in :1 tl~y anfl to wheel b i ";c! i'rn wilb mnrder gn. wlng ~t hi ... and Sflt 10,000 hricks ill a It3Y. She is lo •• rf; fhnl. in th. pr.... nc~ of nu· assis lt'd hy hn mother anll " }'ounger merouo wilne~~e~. be had sworn to sis ler. und many of the' r ~s id,.nce5 fak e 'hr mOll's li f~: · Ihal nJlpr tbp ond lm sin('ss 1,0115(,& or UIC c ify were 'p,orr.l the m~n wh o Wa" sla in had I 'Itn_.1 hi. J!te p",. to\'·ard~ bi . homp. buill witb brick .Hld .. by tI.r-m. A bout foUl' y~:""~ ago ; he- huahaDd hkin;: A r onndnb ou t route; lb.t th.. ,, ' $1fo~t <"lI t. lind folh.r. who haeJ buill up Ibe pri" oner lu' d lJIade ,;~. larges t. brick industry in 1h.e cUYI ond bod laiD in wait j,~blnd a thicke.l: died 111111 IdL " wlclow nnd t·...·o "augh'. thnl b~ ·ha,f.mldenly ieaped tlpon 101m ter!!;. llis s Idn tOHk up thp. busi neSi and 10",1 ~ Inbbed bim to fl.~ b.arl wi \{'her ... hcr (a1her It!lL it and hus eon· " "'ni'" tbat "'ftS afterwards round duct"" it with m"arkcc1 llilu·cess. · Sbe th~ pris.oner·!;; · poises$; ion, - the bl:tde una her moth e r n"ud-- the Joungtr.. . is. ,till . ... arltl witb blooel . • rill Iha t be . t~r have built their own llome.. which wns lat'r .. en Tunning a .... y from tb~ . i~ a h;)ncJ g ~l)lC struehlTf'o and LheJl "·A.re setoe of the murt!er.. .'\'l'ainsl tbi. aw[ul arr3V at- evi· r3pidly DC"ulllulating mODey Dnd d.n~., the df fense ' oiirde 'no rui.t· pro!>".'"". ancp, jntrodu""!i no ' testimony. T.he orgllme".ts.c were made. The a\l.or"eJ' f,o)' I",e. s tale - w ... ldeel aoe,," tbe chain .~ Dr "ui!l; t be cOunsel for Ihe "'ea~ly attaeked .I b. relfab!llly of denee . purely circumstantial. and begll'ed Ibat .lbe jury b" flow . lo hang a rnan when all direct ""idence of his ':lliH "'.... laek'lng; TIlen - the ju;y .r.et.rreJ. . ulnct 1I1't"
TI,.. ~~ . erilf' nol".,ke,'
dlct t·hnt J knew would be. • .)ie. I om guilty. your honor. J s wear It.'' Then the judge turDed to tbe fore. Ulan of the •.jury. . t "You ",ill find fo r the defendanL" be '.aid. "Mr. 'S berifl' r"leu.. Ihe pris' on.r a.nd place Ibal man. tloder .... rest." , When the s ha ck les bad lH.eo Te. m'01'od from br "'ri I. llo" young ma'n ""tb' Ibe ~lear-c'Lt feature .. walked ealnily lip tbe .is le w.tb t.he light 'Of a . ,Il're"t joy 00 bi~ face. Tn ihe rur nr tbe room be fonnd lh. WOlDan in 1o1nc k leaning 'or\\'3rd ' a,ain8t" tbo bnek of " chair. · .. ·hRDel.kerchid pre.sed ngnin st her eyes. ire reoted bis band tenderly upon h"r .houlder. "Sweetheart." be raid. "Bra'"" 'lit. tIe woman." · . .". . Slte , arose.to b,r feet and loeked,her arms ' oround hi. neel<. "'John," abe soblled, "Jolin!" . he. hid 1>eoii 10cked in a cell. tbe. ~b~rilf said ··lo the milD ..ith tb.t. bronzed faee: ~. "Wb t . d t il a · ever pOSRsse lOU n yo un· make that ~oDfugloD?" .And tile .lDan Jooketl at him ",Itb a frig6ti!nod face. "Tlie eyea nf ·tbe woman." be ion. !Ow.red. "TIre eyes of tbe womaDl )flY Goa, they cut Ibe leeret nut of my beart!" . • .' " '
AlfaUa bay will not tUt'D the r aiD, m.tt~~ ho\\' ",.1I topped ou~ a st..eIoo ma,Y be. W.bere .alfal fa bay. is rai ard ext<!n .i\lely ids neer ••ary to eo .... r the lin som" way, 01' to lop them out, with lOme kln«l of bay or gras tbat will shed lbo .rain. We ' reeeotly !AW a ·ta~ cover used 00 80 alfalfa form wbleh the OWlJ.'" said WDS equal in keeping Ibe hay to Ilor lng. in a .barn ' or jUow. . . Tbe eo"er3 ·are made of ull·i,Deb , boa r d ill secrioos '. be, eigbt, -ten nr t welve t'eet long. as uit , a. the pur~ pos. and con 'enienc~. Tb e board. are ·...0
called aDa .be genuaUy am-Iae. an operation. Perhaps' be If.ilI a ubjeet Ihe patient t o a long serles-ef eJI:perimeuta with nervinea and lowe ... The renOn be does oot often make u ' cnre j. because be does not recognize .1m trouble. . IlL a large major;ty of the Ca es catarrh of the lemale orga.n is the. cause. Pet'1llla ,olfeve l Ihe"e "" ses p,omptly becau se it cure&"the eata)'.!!. P erona ts not'll palJl",t;"e or a seda t.ive or a. ne!'Vioe or a 5l imul a n t. 'It is B ~peC)l fic for enlatrh and eves catarrh w.berever it may lurk iD the .ystem. T/!ls giTl w:os lucky enOOleh to Jlnd Peruna at laot. AJI ~he sol's-, t he doetOrs did not seem to understana w bll t: tbe trouble ";as, aud tbe mediAinc he prucrilled it'om Hme to tim e .lid· DO" help het'. PeruD& blt~ t b e mark .t ODec. and ~ hc is now recomm rndJ»g Ihiswo.nderful remedy to.:oll tbe other ' i'rl s in the Unlled Siaies. '{'housands of tbe gir.ls who look at her beautirul faee aD.d rend ber sin'cere te~limooial , wi!! be led to tTY PeruDa in tbeir lim"g of trouble and erl tlcal pe riod s. P eruno will not fail them. Everyone o f them will be glad IUId it is 10 be bop.ed that their en · to'USl3 s m will lead lloem to do <L" t his di,l-proclaim ihe fact t o I he world 0 t t oLhers ma y-read it and d o likewi, • . Mrs. Cbristopber Fl iebmann, Am· Ete r dam N. Y., ,.rites: "i ba"e been .i ... k wU h eat,•.trh or Tbe .to macb and pelvic orgO.lls fo r about five year$. and had many. a doctor. but no ne could hel p me. Som e.aid r would neTer get OTer it. One day "'.h en I r ead your almanac I sa w .. hose \fh() bad been cured by Peruna; then I tb oug h t 1 would ory il. I did. and found relief witb lb. fiTlt bottle I took. an d after Iwo mOre bottles I was u well and >f r ong' a r tva before. · ~fTE. Christopher FliehnrailD. H Y"" do not deri.e p ro mpt anrl a l ' iofaclOTy re ult s from l b. u_e o[ Pe. runa. write at once to Dr. Hartman. g;,;ng a full lal('ment 01 your cas e and he will be pl"a tied to give you bis
ea _ vl1it • h. espn.aition city jU.1 ereet .. ed ··l,,V the B"'eat ","nt"'5 of the nortb,"
m'~" "'iII r!cojtnize tb~ .tyl~ of Rich· ",,' WAtaot1 Glider hi the c "'Mic and poe,"e iOlCti4>t.ioUJl ...bieh udorn Ih. prop,.I,,~a. 51.dium. brhlge... palaees .1I1d lell.pl.. s. Ilellh .. are giveh tbe lao. acli"U ..... fo r 0. " graa. l'yl o" PA v( lloe hrld,;.._ Oil thl! 1,, 1oo ... ar'~ "Iat .. ~s .f Cour:''''. 1~ i~rLy. TQt~r:'lIt"'. "I'ruth. &Ile.olence, f'a Irioll..... Hoqlitalit,y ...d Ju.Ucc. Pa"r' T.-"The IIrlrit 01 "d.enl .... " I. Ihl! t.lak~r Df Co mmonwl"(!lIhs:' ,PRnelo n .- ·"Yree d u m r. u u t Ihe l''ir.~ IASIIon in SeIf·Go'·ernmellt." ~6~~~~~ PAn~1 111.-~R.t>1il!'io". ToleNODc" a I~:::::~~i S.f"8'"a,d 0" Cldl J,iber!y.u I' }'reC' S ... t" 'F... i. ta '-I\l)cl 1\'.-" ODly in th"V irlue OJf Ib e Citi7.rD .'· liII~¥I!'!..!: Panrl V.-"Who 6j"C8 Winl)' "ullds I~~~~~ ll an h/1od Rnd Ib" !';1"le-Who ~;"". I1im ~etr GI .... liest." . rune) VI.-·7o l..o ..e OJICoA CQUI,I ry Above All Otbers Is Xot to \)"*l'i,e All OlberL" Panel VU.-"'Tb e IIrotl;~ rhnocl nf ar.n- Ihe Fedual ion or "" .. Lion_the p,.:aee or Ibe World." Panel "Ur~ .. lklween X"lion and liaJiou. Belween Ahan ;;nt1 !1an. U ..... the Olle 4w of JUg"l:' .
...ake •• E • .,tey••
WI.eu ·the n;,1>' "'"Iebml.u fOlln" • llJIllI Klwiur Cuilda' (rom Ih.. "ault oftl•• buk' hi. iudipation knt!1l' no bound •. "'You've ,ot yoor nerve! " t!lrlai m~ the -rateh .... ". ·'A.oybodrd thi nk you ,,'U em· plo},ed bere, ~lIyt ·-Po·ok .
Otre is· the but mPd icioe we e't'~r DAed Lor aU Itffetllion • • f the lbr... t ..od IDD ••.-Wn\, O. Rod'kr, Vanboren, Iod., Feb. 10, 11100. -~-~.~-----
.fYonr boy i • lP~akjng likeneD of j·oo: ' .o( don 'L "If"t'e with you. Jle·, Jnore of a howliioc likeDe&l! of hi. mother," - Town and C. ufltT)' .
It IIIU 1 be h""<ODly '0 M 3 baby ond be I'rh·aeged to .en... .., y.,.r fare Bnd ho,.1 ,,-hen ...... pCople )'0" . dan', li"e oped, to yoo.- A.ei"oon GIDbe. • ' D .....,.~..
With HoDie'.~np Cure. ~ily. 5O~ta.
bfllid mlo isn't
n ~arily
eatO Dailr. N_._'I'"_'._~,,-.
' PUTNAM FADELESS DYES ore "" No m .... or I.il=.
euy 10 ':'''' as _I'.
, wn...
The Jri"Dd N. Y. un
. WAS PLAYJUTB OF ' KING. Oeat. Oeean •• ft..
.rOM.,., ......
SaUd " .... e o' tI•• O';o.a.
. Deafti
If to. 7ou·wmt to R pomfotUbly• .md Sote ~ IltlD, a nd. If:3tn iOO'l~bl ... ,OUl • .n4 CDmlDr. T o do t lJ l,. U wl U be bnl 10 luTe JOUT Ucu1 mated
(rom CluetanaU Ort'T the C . H~ k D_ .IlaIl ...,.. ~ln• ""a Dfotrott tbroa.b Cu..t.. saofU K' "£ttCU-sb waJ" and CUlUJau. &lid 1IH'1.1.s I ~pr::I "'2)11 en roa~.-and . U,a. like ,be ... tn. -c:omc I~d ~lllbc: e ral LUI"S. Yoor l!c~d .,.. Ulb HitII'! fW 11:. prlrllec~ 01 C.lul:uttci Tour JOUl#. ,cd (:'O«IIlu . .d e Tb lbf: Lake Erte tile3mrrs to T,,1r4o. Gr 1>I:froU. 11, ,Od detue \0 do ID. lfJtb4)tU .sin "'ASt; ~. R. S1cGIlEGOn. T.". A. KAOII"'",r. T~ • !. L . P.A.W!O'lT. T . l', £. ArLAJlfTA., (;.&..
"n ...,
oa D. G. ED1\' AIlDS. r .._
T ..Clc 11 .........
('uleDl'JI' An.. O .
BEAOJrnS 0." 'I'HlS P "PEB lJJ!'~:U1L""G
'ro Bl:Y A:'iYTJlWG
Cor. __alD aDd Miami
tecimtly p~ ~ telepb~e tn liili oftloe -8:> th&t he can be eilled anytini~...~y or night :tJy VboDe. One ;Coaoh tlU'Dlahed _ free of i)f_I~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!:~!!!] ;oII~v~~effort liparea to my patron.. I!dlII lri.ve them ~. Iie.t worE tnat 06D be
dolie. · -
ova 'rilE ~ ltOB-n .J'OR PAll· . J. T. Jil~, If: D. . A-.&RtO'&lI' ED'081'l'JO'. 9Pn6K'~Bot1B8. - ExCUroinD!l to' Batbio orer UIe Akroa n .... ' .. nit Cllaulaoqua Ulle ror 11I~ J>an· ~8. to 10 J..•• Am81"lQD ESJIOI'Ilcioll are Dnw OD aa]e 2t tJck• :t to 4 P. •: 8' o:lloe.-of libe peuu Q'J,..&DJa.- L luc-s ,aad 001l-DeCt. ~ f"&Uwa1 ••. 1 'to8 P.... WaynesrtJlo. Qhlo, are 'as tol' • .• • Bank BtPIdlng. low~'.ra1'1'DID .. : . _. 'l'W<eu cool! relurQla&, fttteendQ1l, 111 .JlO . 'l'Joke"''''''''' returnlD', ......., I!.lp, ~13.7D
Seasoa lAckey .. Itb
. '
3l-L, '18.-J5. Tlcl<eta sood roturllfnlr sis
1\IaIL ouIOc •• dO:l'a at S1.f O.
&.age, • hiRhly, rel!pBOToGrist.. oJclleta "' .ped:ll fares ma, aJoo . be-<>b':lIu~ tor tr1~ 1O ...... n. la oaailCla. fa.rmer liViDg. Deer L *1e on All ilcl<~" 10 CUada and Ealera P,oIaC8. la'
week ago cladIDr Ne .. YodL .rill be l[ooQ ror atop-o,er tbe J'aa'A""'r1~a Eltpoodtloa an ""ymco' Bet1U'day became violllD;tl1 tn· . 1 nua a. BuJralo &nil : eveu dan-1"011tI to those !.to......en at- Cb.ntaDqo& L"ke "III be al· ..• lawed oa aU _elo' lo BIIlfalu aad Eulen> abol1t him. - Bia father.tn-law, Mr. orI,boDI 'ennloa.L ~:",el[UD' 11 Ba:rriJlOil CorD~n" thought t-t to ' For Seb~uleo abawlDJ CODY.DI... , \brOagb ..,.., paueocer ~ 10 Bullilio and OUIerl",or· iD '1 IiohJpn."here he went;&o ee. blre a mab to CNe for him at home _ a applr to R : ~. BooUl, TIcket A_I . cape ,.ha,..te.er,·~_ Jill .._til DIltil heoould OO1DJJ1D1liCII~with bls Way_"III•. Oblo , b&baII_u~~he~en. J)&!e1U8 at ' SidD.;y, .Ohio. Bnt the CB.ufGK III BUJT; ; ; ;LEEPIN; c.J IUlOIIgll·bia caaftMing, iD the toter· BO Bel'io118 that OD Batar· SERVlCIC 05 EXP08ITIO)( EXPRJ:S8. ~I.olil_lla of 'BAnd. JicN'ally 11'0,.-. day ' laet he .. waa, committed to Day· Yl'A, TIlE .AIULO.. I&.OU'1"1 ' - ; much l>mdered bT nin. .. _ too BoIIpital for the InsaDe. SDIl. . Tbe PllllmaG SI~lD, oar ruJlalne be. ~1JDl_ All G. A. Bl. men IIJId old ~ moming be died &t that place. tweea LoGJmIIe and Blllralo 00 TIl< .I\:qJord. dOD Elrpreu an4 'l'1I .. SL Low. EJ:_ <Ia - wluaJtllII8 nqa.ted to meet . at the G.-A. reUlams were 'bIOQghtto'bi8la~ Tbe Ama BoDte .. III ",n IJ'OUI UId ta <.1a· .....;., I / O. 0. P. lIaU,at 1 bome &~ yeaterda:y ~t 100 'clocka danali I,b o.- ,lftl... berta1l1ac Koa<lay. ...... 5op" IDher ~ 1"'1. Tbe tbiI,-..I\ule orIll h 1I'IiIJa)' aftrroOOD &0 a .met at ~ ~hOUll8andlfterrellg, be as tot""" :_ &tie KeKiDle7 memorial Ioue iaervicIIII the lineofmarcb was .wllra TO .. .,.,.ALO• .:~ _....... .~ Qrou' Ball at ~ n . JIL BJ !Ulau cemetery md the Lve. Lye. ClG",GailU (Peon LIAe) 8.00 P m _ ~ .. CloIumbwl. C..A." C. 1~.40 {l.... t Ulo.~ 8lus-den. Ba&II;, Qjpa~ "J. fL CQ~AlI, (;ijmmftnr'el'. Lv• • .&troo. Jti1e. 800 a m AQ\lDp~,' I , IIlJ me laW. and paUerDa U'_. """,,--_n_,- of "L_ D _ _ _" _ ' Arr C.lDbrl~e !!.p:top ' .54 0 m ,~ at; -kabl I .u- ....-_u.: ..... ~... ~The da "v before it became .""';-t r.--ur. lAke ..oo4 {i:II&taaqra,l 11.0; 0 m remer TOW. . DlaiDaiio- Co dLJ the hlut"'-- tbai I(T. Sa...., 'WU sutrerlog from Arr. ~____ La," " ) 11.16 am _ ~oJch: ~ ~ heN. '! . ~ when'. Wbat ,I s BOld here in relinquiaJilng W. olafmllPdiaorder. he wa. m the Ga- An . BClFFALO. Ene 1.<Ii pm Yrtry tint. }l'he DeW Nl the ero.e Ball. for the pub6c·., zette omoe. aDd aIt.bongb he talked BftUJUrDlG no." DIm'.4LO_ hi read 1 ' <ft--.. ' h _"" pIdl __ .. LVe. nul(aJa Erie 1.00 p m J or 70111' ..... ...,..•• OD. _for the meiDoria188rTicM tamor. :muc ..... ra y lUlU MveraJ times LYe. . r _ a ( ,,'baataaqaa 1 :l ~~ P ID 430Jhma BargIliDa. all ,Wool Knee roWaftem~D .rtorbebad.con~ broke dowu .Dd wept, especially L..... Lakewoo4, l lAke ) 3.30 P m PlIo... Valae IIcto.lll,. 6110. liIo. ', h kin f d __... LV• • OruD~e SpriGS' "ft P m ,bOd,. I'D town eIIn D1At.oIi t~ for it and had r.nauged f"r a ft· w en ~-,- g 0 .a ecea ...... B18ter AmY<! Akroa, Erie, 8.<Ii pm . .Inee "or 1_ than 7110. ' there Ilt tb.Uime. and lIOme boaineu perplexities, all Arr1Ye,\n1ve Co!pmb ..... C. A. * C. 1.40. m -ClNCINNATI. Peana. Llue. e . 30 a m ~ for 1~ EuBliali Cordaro,. . People of all den lminatlons j~(d lie aaid BOIJDded perlectJy rntional Olber "'a,DS OTer Tbe Akron Boute to and PaDta, W~ Kde l expresslDg fhe1rpleutln! &t .the aDd *he w~ n.")t once 8IUpeoted :!O~.:!.:Q":.Ir:t!~~~:~ ~~~ for 2k. Pllna, of Rev. W. • . -Coaman to 11111 mental disorder. The .lIODday ... vI"" anDoonUd to talee eJr_ Aal[a" Hb Beny' BoBlI~b CordDrOJ' PaDt., by IttendiOC &he reoep. following he BeIIt. messeDger to this ExOUB8ION8 ro Cl1'ICIN!U.TJ VIA wby ~y 5!'cP : ~ tioagi'l'ell in honor ot-Mr. <;O«1IWl oftlce witb the reqDest that ~o men· PlI:Ii1fflYLVJIII..I. L1M:B. Motl)en . Friend Shin WallltS. IUld '-mil • th U' ... • tioo of his cue be made in pnll t bot O&'Ier'barpbll bel'll ClimIe-aDd lee ' . . - 1 a. ., -. D. panonage f ' Sept. J&Ut to :!8U1. ludu"t\"'e. eu"unl(.lD. them.' eveuiDg which ~ thoroughly t. the~itor thought beet to ptl~lillb o\ckeb 10 Ctodn" ..U tar Fall Festival ",II ' . ,Joyed'by all present. his atllictiOll, please to make It u be &Old .s. ooe a.ad one-third t3-te'8 for road .rlp. u lld to .. tam uatll September 301h: ~ReE: TO THE BOVSl Penons wiahiDto take lD8f1'oo.. mildupoMibl;,md by&ll mllllD8 to also OIl Sepl. lech tD 2'7lb. lDcJutl'e'. ali oGe lf ta.re: for lobe roaDd trip. Cood. l'I!""mla. ODe Fioe Em" ... Bia Tool CIIeat8. Gold t\ i t col . . --tAD • -y he W88 better. But poor Charlie ClaJ from _ <lau ot ale trom COiam-. 0 .. . 011. D ... fir ora. __ e; era)'· did ol kn h b' BlI!'" . 8cartr Pim. PreDel! etc., call 011 or. addreea MIll. En. n .ow ow gra va 'W118 \8 SprI.l(fIeld. Iudlaaapall&, Hartford. A1>der· ..... CoIam_ lud, . JI:adIsGG; JtanlAsvlll~ BIO'p!l. Plenty WhiJ$I.. . ShDte, GlenwOl'th Way• Dor did he BU!I~ that deat.b aad tAterme4late tlclle' _tatlou CD the t -S!8 .... Lots of other ~ta, all 1_ t o O h l o , a a to wo~ BO soon release him from hill PeDD..I,1t'&n1a LiDe, fA)' ~ Itllmda. . 8U1feruap. •. !Ire; Sbute baa alao laail a 'l'o the II!"d parents, tile widow and AlIIOTIlEIl 8U'I>J.Y EXOUlUlIOli TO DAY· aumber 01 yeara' esperiencein tau f ' TOll! AlIID-oDIODllfArt vu. PEtelf. Ll5D. aerai hleb n aha alto IieiY athedeN boy eleven yean old we Sa:1ICia.J', Septembf'l' "2!.,....exc.QrUoo Uckcu ~: m w - a . BO extend 0111' heertrelt sympa~hies. to OIDdnud aDd Dartma ..III be ..,14 via Wa)'D~ville pn:e:.oue
.t , ,.Iea
All pen6ns desirinR pl.cturN
tile, la~PreaidentJ(cXinleinCh, wereli.mi'wi&h.lad 8aod.it-Y·8:ctn. em_&( Commmciat 'J'ribaDe U__~~~~~~~~r= pia. 1ea~~eirotdsn tit ~-llAnrw"'llI' oIIoe .1l"p to Th0l'llda11ltsht,
I ~!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!~~!!" 1 W. JIeeb, agenHor t.h8 lIDDI~1IlI C ' c
DN frillu' ·R. II PI"" ~~~ornw:~"e them;xa aale Fri·
ot' central of
train lea1'H
.ALL rarnvAL ' E~CUB8IOte8 TO ,0lN·
LoY r..·... tof:ladaaaU trill"""· In effect <I. PeDDaJITula Llaea for U1e Pall Fe-ttY&!. For tatormaoJoa about nLe!L !law. "awbleb U _ trill be aoId. aad dme of . _ &)1IIIJ to local 'TIeII~1 A.""Io of tbe Penrayl~aa1a LJaea. B. Ie. _ Ticket " - L
Webadthell1ea.~ofaCll\ltrom an-Old Bellbrook boy.~ ~y week.in the peNon of ~1!OOd fel. low J'raok Allen, DOW of the 'Gem BU brolher.in:!&w,(''bariea F. OD1' long time friend ..loted I'rant IDtoou.rquaitenand ":ewere for *he iime bapp,. in reealJiugthe
, Ata_'t lncohomeof011l'CSU~tT.r held a roiJ;unIt~ ~,a. ap, ~ted to dftft"ft80lutiODB~, O~ttl"!' IIf the estabh8h~c:~ the i'PI,PIDdri: (,f an ..Old F(!Jb ~e ID aid coaUnitte!l aab. \nlt.,UIef;oUowiDg report: . '
reD.D.,1:nata LIlIa.
Wasaearille at l:I8alD, ceatraltID>e. ROUDd
....p rak 76 ceat&.
d&of" Auld Lang .,- E.llandall -will Ii ......... -~ "" •C n!l!~~~~~~~;:'~~;;!!.-fI G. abortly mcU-elo It Il-<BbliiDe~o, wllere be DO doUbt hall toes:pect • 8atl8fa~~.
- Going South?
1;r~~~1 here,for him.whom IllsheDJaIIy fdeDds 'j lmong ~hu nfid
11 ... _ _ ~&~ tty,.. IDe via Ond............ Qaeao .. c . R_ .... 4Sou1ben1Ry. ltsrUttraJaa_ -Ie e..ry part 01 die Cetura\ 500... .. hour ~""Oad.rwitoJ.a-m. ...
Ufe will greatly tDiIa him,
far troin his 10 oldImow home,~; ttt!i7 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~i haYe win' be clad 'hli wiU· ... · -I>IiIll'~1 an oppormnit)' to· _ him 'and
iI -I~_on.~
1It8'iotmesiizlg family from Ume to time. . ,
The famtl')' r8D1llon at the
~ :1;~~~~~t~~;,~g~~I~~!
,1Ioobs to
0.... C-"
-"105","- 3iS-.. ... PartT_ par10w aII<l cafe ....;:_ _
clhjIn~dloIra-Tbtaul:b PuIIotanoto.a .... porWJtSoa...... c111es. Ow ...... "-":bC~ ...................... _
DR. .. .
JOS. ~AAS' .
-Hog' Re~~dy MAlES HOSS CHOLERA ·PROOf. 23 Yean' 8ncee.. : Tbollsaml. ~f Testhn;;nlalli, Pnces-U.50, $1.21; and ~ perpkg. 2~ Ib CIn. 1~.50; Billf, CBiI&, $6 50.
20H CnhrlSiaok',.d, A 8uperlaU.e Condilfoht"r atul , Fattener fur Live Stcw.k
Prices-Siio and GOo per,;\pacbge. 25·pound bag, 13.50.
,m Century ','n'trj;t. : Best Food ou. Earth f~ Poultry. Prioe-i50 per pa~.
Sn.-Jr WUV.ER cf' Ll:Olrl!: -~.
'. HAZEL KulK,
ACROSS 'l'BE Bo1ll)£-:, '~.
Hts JJA- UQ!lTJ:B'S B.oson, . / 7" •
WIDOW Mo""~1 Y
....... ,
Q'Or.D K iISG,
Ope.ning". Hili, Satu)'(lay 'Evening, r •
Xenia" Ohio, Now have tbh Jargellt Qnd finest st.ock of Monument .. 1 Work. to>be found ~'ithin a: , hundred ,miles of here. It ' will i'Pay those contemplating ,th.1! pur" chase of this line 'of work see " us '01' write lor '1Ilustrated bookie . containing prices, etc. ;"this W1U cost you 2 cents and ma): sa\' e you many dollars, Much ot, the finest \vork in Miami Cemetery ' has been furnlllhed 'by us.
11 Being practical dt:slgnel's, we are prepared to furnisb original 2nd artlstic drawmg!> on sbC'r1 notice and we gtlarantee to furnishas finely proportioned wor k . as can ·b~ (jbL'lIned anywhere 10 the I:ountry, and take sp~clnJ ca re to supply notbing but the vel'" best mate ri al and guariint~e pc; lee: ~atl5faetiOlL Ou'!·. prrce .. ;7. (' Vl'r y rt:iJ SfJ 11 a bit:.
e:s-We also· supply caps, sill~ 8t81)8 and every 'descriptio}) ofcut-stone w01'k for building purp9ses on short notie'e. Office and Yards:
113-121 W.
Magnetic Springs Hotel AND SUMlaER.
Mis. l8rael Wrigh~ en· the following persons at of the ~cke flin~l lost C:..'bas. L. Antmm, of Denver, CoI.om.do, ¥ra Eyoto, BOD and
Situated on the DUTON & . XIDIU TRACTION LINES and -l mileS from Spring Valley lItatioDoD Mum 'DIVISION P ., C., C. 8£ St. ' , R . R. Medtcinal Watm celebratedforcnreof Ki.dney·Tioubles, Rbj!l1m&tism, Nervous Diseases, 'etc.. _ ... ... .............................. OPEN TIlE YEAR ROUND .. ,., .... _ •••• _RATES 12.00 PER DAY.
.WId Rutar. Strlagtb, E••ro
eo .pILL.
It. Nerve Toale: Ud BIoOcI8uDcIer• . B'ringslbapiDk-glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By IDairIO cella. pef
llublJle parantee ta -
boz. 6 bcn:es $2·50. wlUl _
~:~~t:;tNf1a14 tile -,....... ( ~te paraDlee boiu1 Dys.p8p-'ua
Send for cim1Iar and copy 01 our
'--_C_T_ .......;;.'.""
NERVITA:· TABLETS'EXTRA ~TREN~TH, .1'IImechaie Resulls ,
Positively guaraJlteed cure for P:uesis, Locomotor AtaLa, Nervous ProslratiOll, By.. teria, Fits, lnsaDily. Paralysis and thot Results of Esc:essi ... U. of Tobacco. Opium or Liq~or.- .By mail ia plaiD ·PlCkage. '1._ a bol, 6 for $5.-. with our ~ IIoad ta _care iii 30 or ~ _ _ y paid. Address.
. . . . . WId~.......
LouiS May, druggist.
cMl~• .IW~
Tbe folio ..lng lettn. · from pa&tors ..ho Ule Peru'n'a speak 100"themaelyes:; BeY, E. Of.SmIl-b, pa~tor of t he Pr!s. rl • o Church. of . Gree.lls boro•. lill~ ",riles: • . w)ly J1tf.1~y bad peen aderiog lor: .oiiI·e time ··th " ..t.rrh 01 tbe lowe. bOwel •. Other: remedle~ bad Ia.i l~d, bot; aHer taking t .. o bo;tUes <>f Perunube t1'oo'bl.e a!tnos t enurel), di4appeared. For 1hl, ptelal m,~]ady I con.side~ i t .. e.l1 nigh a jlpe~ific. -;Rev. E. G. Sm.th. Rev. A. s.' Vaogho . 'Eureka Sprwgs. Ark .• S8,..S : ~I had been pro · trale d by congestive obllia and ..-1Ui almost dead ; 85 soon as able to 1>e about, r <lom' me.peed tbe use of Poruna. I took lh'e boltl .. ; my streJI.~b "gur oed rapidly a>ld I am now enjoylog my uaua.! helllth." -Xe". A. S. Vaulr~ "If you do not,deri.-e prolDi't and !!at· is'factory resulta Iro.m the use ,oJ p,,~u. Da, write at. ODce to Dr~ Bartman, gn·... ing a foil statement of your case all..d he...oill be plea-ea · to gh'e you hi s ,:al. uable advice gr",tis. "ddr~ 8. 'Dr_ BartmaD, PJ:e~i ilent 01' Tbe Hartman SaDitarium, C<:!lumbns.. Obio,
Dlsliop A. Onn-t. ot Indiao.polil. ,IDd., write. ¢h~ following Jetter: Illd . lMJ.poIls. I;,d,..• . ' 1 PeIlll8y/rlUlltJ ~t. ~ PerrlIM MMlIdM Co.. Col"• •, 0.: ChDtk_II-"IIuIIIfI ,bull wlDZ "'".ID,~,.rrlt IUIfIUllt:_rt..u,,..;. ,m,;,ellll TOur ,..-dT 1IIIT01» wbo w/iii,..6004·medk:l_ "-A••Otwllt. Promin"nt members of tb. clergy Ire giving l'eroDI their unqualified en dor."m.e ot. Tbae meo .tlild Peron:> eapeclally adapted ' to· prese",.., tbem {rom ca1arrlt of tbe vocalorgans wblch baa always beeo ·tbe baoe <>1 speak~r • Qn~ generalea ity incidtot t<l -the: ....deotary life 01 Ibe clergy"'• ...:.::.. Amonglhe receot.Ut-: te rnn"". of noteil' clergym'D on the cura.li •• "Irtu,," of Perunll !a the aboyt from GraoL .
»4' N.
.To my mllny fi'!,enda; " I am pleUed Ao make &. report . to you of tbe pleU:!lntTi.it my wife-and· I had In' WeaterlD Canada. We :fialUd Ih.. t.errltorl ... _of M· berta, " ...inlboia, and Saakat~be"'8n, . _............ Lilt., ... Wt ......... _ .. anet fOUlld tbem far "lIrp~BS!ng our .... r ..............eal.. . . . 'r ' HE place W~8' -mmg the roUi ng hoaginatlon, but; Illt-l~, did r elq>l!ct . I ••~ "',. .t<> flnd sucb. rie1l, loamy lIOil. 50 much mesa" ~l the Santa YOlO&, not,far of It and.. ao tlDlform in Ita ]10"101 AII.ppr~t'ialf.eero .. d ofaearly 5.000 from ..!litre Point Concepcion looks ' . . or fo. u r '-che~ wide al1.ar9und, ....airle la'". 1 ao think the lIOiI of ppopl. S3W I t'ommend.bl •• "bihilioll _~~1~_~d~~~~ r' J' . ,.e~r1I ago, wbeo Spani.b cattle dottben a deep nolch ",aa dug for. Caltada .a ·. rule eqWlIa If, not ex~ ID tbe , n6mlta \MJJI ring by a ~~pre· ",Ye.e." t ..·o cro .. pl.CeI (~aee cut) , ,..b!~b ulS the fineat prel,re farm lands of Rutali ... e".drllla of Noxlco ('ity t id every \'aUey -from Monter"" to -And come t~me ,.bel! ,.ou ,r~tUr1lr wore or ·four ,by four whit .. oak Ilnd, Indiana. l:1!e... J'anila ,a re ilJl!llen"" In e;rC'lbll oD."aUrra5tDn roc.. n11.1' :n" San Diego, and. many a low meaa was . d Ih ' f d- be b 'Id "Ye •• B:an.,..; yea." . ' were Jet iofo the rook probably ftve their ' rlcbllea., I.nd ,,:hen once fbe alfalr ..... well· ..arrltd ollL and op· ~. NEW' F.ACTORY LOADED- SHOTGUN SH~LLS crOWlle rt\ gt:'lUP 0 . • a u,· Tbe li.o ofbeata orlhe horsts 81; Ib~.\'. or alx InAbel. Theae two pleeu' wne Bod I. rotted .Ol~ puIYerlzed. It is os plauae was ~.nl'~o\" durinll' Ib .. afte ... 'lng'll tha ' mR.r ked the abid.lng p!"c" ~ I 1 ontsboot all other black Jl!Wder .bells, because thcy are madeof a Spftni~h don,·,~Qae ,oi>ro.kearied. swept: do'\'n. the hll!sld., kipl time to placed 15 Incbe; apart. Onr.. lbeae pUabl .. and .. ..aaily eu tl\'at~d!ll n· 110" •• reJ'Ul't~ I h. Mrxic'I' fIrra Id. Th. bettcr lod loaded by exact mac;biJIery with tb~ .tandard braods 01 ·the b.al'iog of ·BI.nell·, hent. \' Illid. ", . pla~or1!l of t,wo-incb dian. saudy ~ou.. ' IiYe bull. Jrill~d ~tre frl)m Ihe b"~I· hospitallti :aDd' unimpeaehable :pow:der, sbot and waddlfIC. Try them and yoa wm be convinced. his pride. nDd ~vbose· league .. of H'. li an hour after ,Dominguez !-F'l8I'1[, fitting It as, ~Ight tis ponlble. Weatero CaD.dle, fro~ my poinl ot 1'.01... t AII'Dco. 1Jt~ l'rop~r·t.y o(l;eour DO y .... -'teet clle ••• a.rat and , herds of caHle Jvere hili his aCMmp1.iee ..~ole through tb~ pa.. leaving a 15oinc!> hole 10 the eeDteT, view, ofteJ'8 all flnu opportunitieB for . Sbllce in\<) ,.our .hoca, Allen'a Foot-Ease, Barb.bom. ALL. RBPUTABLB • DBALBRS' • KEBP • THBM .. • . ' J ·uao. A.ntonlo and Ca.rlos .... r.e .rldIDg over w~icb w.allh'eed ·a ,tile of the. ml.:red tarmiog ~lS any place ' ln my '1KIwderfortbe ree t.. 1t"DJII.wticbtor -elf 'l'lle f.~lorn of lb. day ;"tr~ the weallh. .' . . rapidly o\'er tbe same g round. "lIttl. ....me lize. Tbeo tb" ~p of the. plat· koowledge . . The long. a:unftbiny day". 311_ Peel Eai<y. Curea Coma, Itching pl.~iDI of tht' banderlll05 (Tum I 1.1, , '. ""'91: ,tQ;day. Juan," Ihe I·a~ t-r startl.··"U to _~ ·':e form was '. :o...eJoed -' • h 80. II pr..... ... uee 1I'00Ieo, Hot, Call OWl, SltI.Ilrting. Sore an;{ ~ th~ tra-el-. .~ .. -aa' n wltb a " t together '"lVltb the r,c ~y("l. by .luse -Ra.l1rtn. anll rUn nop S.......tinC Fcrt. AU DruIlllW. and Sboe gi.rl \\laS G:lying languidly. t l, .. -e ~ou'nted men I ' n front o· hIm. ' 'I ~·-I .. . " ~ • coucre.te and cement ..., .. ern wery Jine ' wheat, oata, -.. loy, _x Taner.do I'D l,lekl .." hy Albt>rl ... ,torea ...11 it.25e. Sample oent FREE. Ad, . "Wheo, then?" · uked. ·tbe eager Tbfour ~.me to ' -tber and b-ld a "I ' .~ od T b ' . . ~ • . ._ • thick aod fl,'c :Lore :. e . . .ere u...... and otber cueal pr oct.. e r e 111 insa, .!lIon S, Olmsted. I.e Roy~ N. y, . );ill"•• ' ~ Th. '':Irmrr p:aepil Ih_ stick. (PlIO e1.00.) , ·n.afj·,', rwli,·cha oJogl-~ the 188t rlla chi og ""veraI 'Inc h e.. bo " •• .......ee)y any atlemp t" to ra"" J , . " as he el_ulehed " Id more d brl-fAoDsultat,·o ~. COrD, tn Iii.. n~e" "f Iho " ...."od l111n wi'h ;foung SpIIl)lard. an hor.-mon .... I'. o.ped f·or":8rd. :1'~ auaee. rf .... _" ~' . ... ""t:!f!pt. early· VU'j lOtIea f D.r taObl'&- uae.. The Landlady-"l'm lure tbe Y"1lllI mar q~ .... the .....,.. .. I e wa.s Cll'meu,.cu ekill lind dating; ih. ,I.t'e.r cooll.~' ~RI tightly at tne nalld he "e Dom,'o"g,u-z, Iy,'og '--b,-od a log at th-• at te b j a I ot as,-t ..... pac"" I _ 'n . ..poal· . . The seallOn is . tOO .5b 0 rt t·0 d e.peo" .. who apPJied for 50..d tlHlo, ",11 pro •• , • U<' .,. Ilia wh."I ....bleh "'as prol'P.. d 10 looked searc::'iJJg!y up into B]anca's model bearder." T b.I;ook-"What ma ke. , " "'d e. h e!,"d h[m ,coming-. roa"s, Then the 'hole waa fined lo .ail d upon maturing field cOrD. From the roa think · .... ma',m!" The 'Landlad)'' ,'and Ilpnab!~!, lite cenler of I' b~ ring, eyea. Bot Blanca's ~yea ref,~sed. to be ._ "Celutin, he eomes; p.rform 1001" a,," smoOlhly. Tbe a optlo,! standpomt of gdting thia laud relldy '"ffi 1U1!i! b~ d~t.. Led pot.o\<)ea , "-~.:teveltnd .... bU. Ib.. bull' ,lu.k il.\,. raid DO nll.n· sen.rcll~<l'_and , wanaered away down pari." _- . • .. . tion 10 blm. rr. \\:a. nppilludrd. . of thll plan 10Ifeeteo... greft t lIa''Jog 0f for the plo,,". I muat ...y.'h a t I 'o eTer Plain Dealer. TO C~lestio ~ .. t bJmaeJ! btadlj)ogio tbe tiine .od mO.ney. -Tbe Hix tllea eoat .aw such a "ssIL exteot..--pracliea.lIy Th .. fint bull r .. und ~boupl 0 , San· the billside to where the eattl,,-her .. ife' .. goin, around· with • tather~&_ and Juau's-wen grazing. dust of the road. Th~ . g aUopiog borse tbree . dollaro. and. day .and a 1>nl/ rea.dy, · II? .11 tba t.. one bali to do rbe~ prrpo .. 11 10 do b;", I " fho dulb. AND BErVBY Ihoulder lo-day," ,{!bubl>"To·mo.rro",. Blanca? 'Viii l'ou say c~me on, 5aw. the body in tM road. eo,'ered all tbe ' tlme r'e quired. Thil Is to hitc:1i up fthe pio ... and go to bol Ilanu.I·. prrparatory .,,"ri . hnd ClDbb-"Vu; Ih e (ound one pocket tba lIIornin,,"-J'lillldelpbia snorted aDd stood Itill. . Celeetin ut· well is much Ireer Irom aurface ~ork.· Thls.is not LJle cllAe with all .. b.-Ioinl" -boen · i;ncllmp:.' •. He flB r d. to·mort'ow?" u .. , Ibong-h ullng lomr Ftrnk •• oo".r "Yu; . to-morrow and to-morro\v I<red a low . mblln. Tb. borse reared ter thao a stoned well';" d possibly tbe C.DlIdian laml. howe""r; 1I0mc ... f s °k.owo before. to kill t ho bull. II nd the nnd to-morrow." and attempled to bolt. 1><-, wlille ...hen rt is n.,.,.,...... ry (wblcb it hall quite a bit of timber. much PUo·. Care caanot be too bi:>blY-opobn or bUll wa.-flDal({buof'd. "And you mean. ne~er. o.e~er. ne .. · "Oh. gooil st,aoger; belp me," is -veryseldomJ it can be deened 01 it may be called brusb lanCl, and I. Ol eO!l&h cure....". W. O'Br=, 322 Third ...... re yuu hurt?'! ".' , II is tTUe my: nelghbora think -they some It bn" 10Tely fares' gro...,., A..... N .• 1finupolia, Minn.,Jan.6,llltJ!l. .T,,"e (:".i<!.. bTII""d Ib" .. cond bull. er." Juan cjacu"'ted. angrily. as · h,e A1I'ordlnl' aD opportuaity .nd d~.palrh.d biJn , eally with aD sprnDg to his feel . "Each day 1 come "Ob. mueb. ail'. . My horse: h.. h.,·e aolliethin'g of ~a joke ou me be- dotted here· .od the"" ~hereby eov· "Ya. ht C!n~1ted a -~.ke. " ~Wdl!" to't1stt·tbe .. I..ead. de prilmoo ~ ' 'I1,e "Ihrr 1",11. Bnd plend with you. and eacb day you thrown mt. Dllmooot aud glwe as· eauae 1 did no\ find deaeeoding eriog m hundred aod sixty acre! • tlIere . U nolb inG: Ib il:'-Oo""lud Wf'rr t.",kl,d .• nd lii11 .. d in :.11 rr-nntr. or· repul oe me with a cold disregnrd- .islanc• ." · thr9ugh a 150Inch tile quite ao e.., £'uTe no doubt but th:ll thl,. roun: "And Plain DUler. drr '-.f Ibe I .... mAlndllr ••. whethe r ,aludled or real. I canoot tell Tbe ~jde.r urged his horae .a Ilear as 1 expected It to be. but 1 did d.e · try e"c;eis .11 a grazing or ranching a ...le'. (l ....ap C.,e -that Is maddening. I)rill cnme no tbe prostrate form as he dared. aod seend aod got out agaio and Jnsillt eountry. beCAUIIe th~7 ha ..e such nch more until you seud-perbaps oot bent for~ard as If 10 dJamount, .t tbe that 15 loches ia lal'ge enongb. gr:ul , llann&, an abundance of r.in n.e lifuayer of ~hiJaren . No opimn. 60s even theo." same t:me looking ...... rily ..roond. thougb lor .11 tbe diJrereoce in coal .to k"ep it floem. . They AU/a b ...e Scme remam would be more """,arbble "Depe.od upon it. sir. 1 ",ill oat The stooping- Iorm of Dominguez crept It might be jOlt a8 well to uoe tile plenty of ,...(i.er atream , and . as a if 1rft ullll>ade.-(;hiC1110 Doily seod liII J hue more need than oow." ronnd to the rear, and when the horse· • \ittl.. larger! role watter ma.,. be rea.cbed-.al .. depth Half au boUII if all lhe tiroe r!!QUired ahe 3nswe~.d, hotly; then add"d. man dismouoted aD one aide he ellJlle It you are aore yoo wJll not _nt of from 20 t~ 40 leet. hom thlll you AND ....ith " lI!!e Irony, "perliap3 not e\'en up on the otber. A. the horaem • .ri cle.o it out, and especially if sn see there can be plenty of bay mown 4110 wilb P TNAll sFADJ:LESS DYES. thon." , bent oYer tbe form at 11110 iron pump Ia 1-0 be- used. a mucb fall winter feedjog. a.nd 1 ha~e had Junn bad a bod temper and ~s man he hurd the catlike amsller tile may ~ used at corre· reUable farmers to tell me ~haL thei.r not much glTep to natience witb any· Dominguez drawl Oil' elo.~r. IIJIOndingly-len co~t. .No matter bow atock will feed on bayaJone. aDd l>4! Ret urn limit one; but_ Ihe dash 1If his eye was he. released Ills hord -upon t be deep tbe "well may ,b.e the tile Deede for ",.rbl, ID {he apriDIl" pon ]o-Ut~n day. irQm due of .sale .,.... rere.'... A .... Ie... ~othing to. Blanca. , He might flash bridle. and It spraog b.ckquicldy. ooly. to , reacb tb" top of tbe rock; Ht'Q~llrlnl!' aboUt.' tbe. expeose ot r.iRAmateur Farmu-lIr. Green, there STOP-oVEB ALLOWEl.) Utem it be lilted, or !Oe might :lot; it veali'!.g Ihe MexiCan l".nrog forward Where nO rock ill met 'wlth tb" wet • ateeT, a farlJlu rep\ird to .be .0me'lblnS' senoa. tbe ,viis all tbe same 10 her. At least, wi th uplifted knife. Quick as . ' ftub c.n either be . ",allr.tl' lip to • helgbt did nol con.1ider It would ma tte!' with· the borse 1 bougbt of you .she sometimes tried to pers"ade nero Ihe heel of t be supposed Ira'l'eler-wu of six or eight Jee~ w1th-atone a' aoy more than :U.OO or SG,pG to yesteroay. n. cougbs and wbeeus seltit was. S~e :llmest suec;eeded_ in on tbe Ihroat of the prostrate aheep- witb t ..o or ~hne large tile and ..elop a tbree-ycar-old atiter. disJreuingly. and I tbink. per:;aps. h~ feelin g that. ,val' "OW as she strolle~ b erder. "Dd hi~ left hand grIIspeil the' tben ' co';erea o_.er wlt!t the platJoru: I t.ruly think . leanada often a lIoe la , wiodbroken. Wbat would you ad· home ... ,,,d· along the mesa's brow. dagger ,!rm of the astouoded :Mexica.. and comp]eted . ... i1Ju.trated....:.Na· opening for • .YClung man 01' a man me do? _ ' _ »&,1 to !lOY....ber L {The alln bad set and • bla~ of ot Ihe wrist. ' doo.l Stockma.n. wIlo ill rentinr luod 10 ]ndiana. One , Horse Dule r (promplly)-8ell h i .. g'oriolls- coloriog- flomed abo\'(' tlle "J,unn de Torres!" shrieked . 'Ihe hundred and aiJttY.l!res of good black I I 'luicldy as you can. ju' Uke I did.00 Ueketa to jagg~d outlines at the mountains for would·be assassin, trembliog as If be ,JlILIt PAIL SUPPORT. land will can YOII' only $10.00 .~ Tit·Bits. a fe,,''': mitiulu, growing fainter aO.d pad "eeo a_ ghost. _ __ tbe time )'on ~ntt.r it, and by plowing no. ·failller until wben .... lanca gained Ihe "Y~ •• Demonio; ili. L $lIrr.nderl~ a ••• ,. i'r..e ror Ho •••••• It .. Pall nnd cultiv~tiDg five scres eaCh :year C•• e Ta at Oa_. ~lump of olive tree. at the ' foot of Dominguez Io<>ked ' ioto Juab's pistol . saf..... lie............. for tbree yrull, gives you one hunLaura-l h.e ar Lulu fainl~d while And All Eaatern PolD'" allraU the path leadiog up to . tile bonse, b.arrel fnr o?e nerve.:wlthering in· .... O.e,.'.r. • dred and sixty ...re>; of good land lor- shopping ehe olher day. GnJon depot connet'tionl In CIJlCln· darknoss liad· .fnllen. s,anl; t ben b,. kolfe .h~~d from hit $10:00. TIiliIJand C8.0 be bougbt from Lillie-Yes; tainted right On the nati avoIding oinnJbul tr.oders. ..-1Iearing \'oiee~ she lingered n mo· fingers aod he .s tood wllb downcast The iii 11e i;IoJilratlo'o Ihows a,3ramt the lIailroad ConBpu.nles, private cor. slreel. "t" .ment, oat fro:n 'l~siri trr I'ry!ntoother e)'Jes • a Id~oroh"gblYd c~lwed, mtnln .. I . for ' boldlog a milk pelJ betweeo Ih' pormtlona or' Ih" Goyerllmen t for WWhat in the w<>rld did tbey do?" ~ I ' If irs 'but ' becDuse the lion ISC arge n " . P, g 0 ~o a r . k "Csrried ber ioto a store." Fast ~-~ peop e ~ .ll'f a '1 "> ' . eping From somewbere-up Ibe road came aD koen of tb. ' operator while' mil iog $3.00 to $4.00 .pe" acre. . "Threw wa-ter 00 hei'. i s uppose?" an4 ,,·nrm. pe~ umeallen a~r . s e .ns" " r ' , o~ -ho' and th' hurr"'o ' a It conlialS .of two hoopi or' .treps a' From a llnaoei'al staodpolnt, 1 be. tA.iift~(;1. 1"11111. u .~ ... ,.. .,. " " J " eo ... • U"No·, It " I O"t Df.eeSsary. l' wa. a genl ly up f rom th c· II o\\'er~og pas· h r f b ' -' ir, aD. a 8. fasteDed togelber by meanl lie\'e t-b.t for II series of years (fl..e). Hours Quwkest. . b h k d r ca I I 00 S a orse!. . 1II111l1lery' a\A>re they baPIX'Ded to ear· LftIlJIJI" IImIJEIJ. tu~"". hnthwlg ehr c 'Ie f'l s~ e lb et ' r~ Ihe ml3Jl boors DC tbe morning a you0l' man can make $10.00 In boor i",to,"-Yollkers Statesman. llUOIliUl. Choice of . Lake Ride """'... een . 'Journey . Cau.da. -1,I-r.lI. h-~ would onl' y ma'·· # .Iy • ' and .Ihe . . O\V :olli .a \'OICes ' . ea· the tr:lV'eler ..-em on, bll Uil' ~ • v .... C1~vel~nd aod Bu ft'a 10 . on C. & ta.... LmL ~g up!,n, hel' .eara ro mus,eall~ •.Ias- i scal bed. while ' Juan rode ho.mewArd. $1.00 hen, and I reel sUre that .1 Aaotlter ,,' or_ ' Tar••. SI".mers, Cl.oatc,d ber. ._How long Elle r~.ma.l!,ed ' followed by .... nlonia aod Ca.rl"". briog. _peot more mo.P'" to g-et lOy eighty "And I " 'aot you LO remember. m"n.~ Gall on or write agents WBlg Four" '10 tb,s dl't'a~y .~ate Ib" dJd no.t tag tbe-sulJen' captive.; who WW folJ acre farm in. White County, IndiAna, said tJIe distingui. hed ,';sitor wbo 'no for lull information. time of trama, to all know. .SuddeolY she beea!"e a_roo wbat justice would be meled out cuJtim~ed. t.han It ",auld COlt me to addreol.ng tbe. ero'wll. "tbat 'lhere'l e1~lIla1'6 of tbe · EXfl0sl~oo. ete. ib .. t the',meaning .o f tbe woflls .poJ<en. t Ih ' . ' eulth-ate ei,,!!'bt hllndred acres in , C an· t h t ." , . t Ii 0 em. , plenty of room a I e .. p. o~t rar awny wau.~re~lDg ID ~er . Jl1aoC8 1I'a. waiting 1<> grpe.t Juan, adA. ',rhi9 may ,s"em n sl1'ong \'lew "Tbat won't do DIe DO good!" spok. • •• u. '/"l"'C~ . . , r. OmE. G.... Pu.. A T1r1. Ac~ ..un G. P . ft. . . ~od: Wbllt ',," S at. ey were aa y ., Sbe . mel h im ,b tbe clump of ali... to tllke of .the maller, bllt ,,'ben "p a .boek-beaded man in the audio )UNE I t. SEPTEMBER 30 J. E. un'I. 0.0'1 So. APDt. ID!:~ _ ~. . - • . " " ~trees just ... ~aWD ...... brukiog. 1fe tal<e Inl;.o eOn~dl!ration tbe "Ie,arin.r. ~nce. "What I wont is plen-ty of roolO cr.cr•••ft, 0. l le.ll you ,t 18.m. I ,heard tlie chok l;!ire", his cloak about her ,and sbe dltc:blng. fencing . and tbe e.11100",I1'e ·1 here a~ the botl<>m!"-:Chieago Tri!. .. t. elM., 1'r&Y, pi... "P. .uk _ _ ......1110 ""'IA,.". \'1& the when ;he, gal on bl. borse and ha-:;the 'toDk bl. arm., They strolled back breakiDg ;0 of the-,.a~mps, tben une. c..ttI\lJO_&. ~.... C. n. 8t D. RT. luthe! ,s lrap Ibal hllld. tbe bag. ". along tlie erut of the mela to a prom, compare the expo.oae t<> ;that 'o f laod lelr..-;_teea. , "Bot~e is,gpne now:" , ontory juHiug out oYer the valley. Ao needing only tbe' brealdng, 'you wlll Live Stock Cuts. D. G. EDWARDS, "Yes." s8id tbe youog-ster's mother, w.,.m faral.1t d.upll~t.,. of Lift "Go~e ),P!; b')t n,!t lar. Not ' fI\'e ucean of mls ~ lay beneath tliem. A eone\ud~ that it Is DOt .such a wild P-.wT ... ·...,., • . ~o. Cat. or .U1 Otber CUt IGOWU In u,. lpeeJm.ra milu , yet. lind I I<no,,' the way through flot illa of climds saned Just ab'"'e. The or "",,"erated "statemeot ils YOIl "Mr. BUggins lnsists that our boy is Rook. :It or below Q.uo:etl prf~ foJ' Am I'!'. gain" to gruw up to be a wonder!uUy tbe pas ... ';11. ' We caD be on the road mountalos' , to_r~d beliind. "ud over ·VJ.LK PALL SUPPORT. mi&'1It a~ first think. . A. N.IO>LLOGG NEWSPAPER (.O~· . inteJiectoal and es timable man." • 335 We.t Flru. I.reel. O..~..u" 0 .. o~ him before be goes balf as tbeir crumbling ridges the I~llrlet ber· of a long strip il! Lhe form <>1 II U ' I enjoyed tbe balmy. breezy dmo&. " 'l 'ba'; ' I. ooly '. Dalural I'arenlai again." , ' aid of eomlng day was.lurking. . r,be'''' which WIll' bracing aud ".40011 IheD?" . Blanca ..as oot Indllrerentno .... Ad. with the ends eUl'Yed out",\rd and ng. and the eool,' olglita whleh m.d. ·prld.... EDUCATION~L. downward ao 88 to ilt o.,er iliA! kDeH • . "Perbaps. I aL' no t quite stlre . " .... nd Ih~n. you fool! Why. wbat mira HOJl. tbat quickener ' of_",.oman·a It can be made of aoy desired size.e It so pleas.nt t,'r' sleep. wbether It is pareotal pride or be.lief i o h .... you there In y,o'ur belt '" hesrt, bad waked the 8Ium~ri,!g pu· as to aecommod ..te tbe alU of On mAking ioq'~irle1l regarding tb~ beredlly,"-WashiogtoD Slar. TH. CINCINNATI Tbe ol:qer laugbtd a meaD, cow:ardly lioo-1n her breaat, eod .... hell Jnilo ...... pall.':.WiIliam Eilisel, 10 Oraoge ...inter" in this country I learned laugh,and ~lanCII b!ard them walk ,tbe. cr.lmson tigbt.,of ~a",!,-reflected In Farmer. . tbat the people never RIlft'er from Aile" H..adry. , • •all en..- La .... ()" ..... On in l be darkn ...... The ftrst speaker ber eyes .ud lIlu.hing on ber cheek. _ _-'-'-___ th" cold, . IlS the "·.-ather Is dry n.n d Briggs-Hendry ....118 rebilldn. me ca~ .. tor. oo.. loa open'". (Jet.. L DOL oa w.. DamiDg,!!'". M~caD.."aquero in ' he ...ked .galo: . , P..lIet. . . . . 0 ... Hea.. I'\,·igoratinir. and in n great many for being 'eo~ious of people who are JI. G. & ' JaJRO......... 11-" 1)., D. J). !I,i DeaD. 1 W... Ooun 8 ....... 91JIoI ......1, 0.1ll tbe employ, of .Tu.o ~d bEr falber. and - .~ "Blanc~, will 70U '8ay, to-morrow?" With 80me. llOultr,men It ia tbe in, plaees,fon;.el'und berdeh .1I0w their bettn tbao mysdf, He says that Is ..Isa . 0."1801 I'h e olher "Qiee Blanca t:ecognlzed as ~lanca turned to tbe. .easl. watehed 'l'arlable rule to 'k eep tbe pullets only atool< to rim.ollts'i de Ihe year round, on~ sin that eanno\ be Ja!d a t hie WHI8KYand olll~r4rua LOCUSTD&LB.lC&D.31f.I""., ..bOOIrOrbo .... tbat of a Freoch sheep'herder named wbile. the fuTl..,rbed glory of t he ' sun one yellr. Feeding will do 110. greal One g-re,,( ad~81ntage to the·settle .. babI"- cared.. We tbe ~.,u",t.at.a1.-. " . ,... c:rs,p. rrta.. "-'hie. "a. . door. Celutin. Could It be that Dominguez .burst...ao.,p the blltt)emente(] .beigbts deal-surprising work. Indeed-in tbE In Westcrn ;C,'maj:la js ihe free cream· cases. 8QoIt a.OCI ""vellc:.. r.a&L ]I.,. ,Griggs-No; :Heodry doesn't believe A. N: K.-B 4882 was plolUng again~t the Ira,v eler who. of the Santa Yne%; the_D 1'Iaeed t ...o production of eggs, but' not .lway.. erles establl.l,e4 by the Oovernlnent. tbere Is aoybody better tban he u. or . . . . WOOLL£~. Boa: . . A ....... e.. . . . as " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 0,8 . . . AD.Y.RT. . . .. late 10 the afforoooD. had come 10 the ..hlte, paiou1 10 ;Toan'a aDd ....... urd: ..ben 'old hens are, conct!l'lJed; <,!be) .nd run e"eluei.-ely · io . the -iuteres\ that .oybody posalbly eould be.-Boeo ........ '.0:»a...... YW_ ..... 1. . . . . ....u..hO!Jae: 'ct;uiog tbeir ~o.plta!Hy for a.."To-d1Iy, to-morroiJ.r' .od for~v!1~'" mol' put o.o ·f"l. but tbey~ Will oat -theD of the (armer, _ _t . Transcript. .. hour or two, 'While be rul~d b.i s borse, Jay maoy T,heJr work. 111 o ..er. . I vlslted" 'l'bomns ·Daley. a f"",mer aod ""bom . he had aHD ride away not and nothilfg remolus t~ be done wltll Dear 1'.<IlOonton • . Iberia, wlio showed ao jtOn.r.8go? -' them but t o marki,cthein ••od the oatll ,IIe;-had l'IIleed, aDlIIe of .... bleh '!'be MeXIcan had loog Qorlle a shady , ,_ so<>oer .;that i. dODetbe, be~ter. 01 tonk llie~fli;lt prize at the ' Paris ".... "fputallon. Rnd Juao. bad he beoo as be the- grea'teat t~nor singer .In there are "ome' old f ....orltet ";,,,JUon I.. t year: , 'Tbe lame ylelde' ...i.., as.he wa. bra"" would bove dl.· . ,yorld before loog." ,This re~~'~~~~'J=:I lives C8~ ~ -ilpAred aa long a. 110 busbelli ·to tbe' acri. in 1m. ebanted him loog A!I'0: M,ore 'thaD';;!'e' made'. the'·!)iher' by. they. give good nSnl~8; .nd with Yours truly, of tb,e rq,a,d ~acJ bee.o traped al· IIfinko.....ky. compo.""r: and dlclooa m.llng. by ",bleb .. e ·me.n F~NK FISHEL ~o his doo.r,.'and-oow, to ' all 8P- , ~. ~ordiee, Edouerd - I,le ,advantage .of a-eomp8rati..,ly ,Y.outh· ,. . .+I~......~.......~1+t+.,.i+I~ l;;:.~~,ri,;'e;: h. was p1ott,iDg. robbery a.l:td maoy' other o~n:' singers: He ful ~liereIJ ' maY: be th" means' of r. his Intended Ylet!m being, ·ref~,,!.d to Gul~.ume D,!!chesne, ,uitt!f e ven eShibltioo poidtri m.klng tbeh ~ employer'. guut who was to f.1I I recentl;y . ' ...alter in Delmoni!'o·s.· '[he .p~oee frolIt the egg• . of the .1mOlt. within lbel~ gafes. " . llat~r ' ~~. poaltheJy ·th.t Thlchesoe good old .b~n. ~el'e is th~ exceptioD Blanca' bad bu~ a ..Iogle thougbt. lias, I[ Y{lI~ sueb as b.s ,not been po.- to the rnie jnslsted' upoo. Some' old -Th~ ,_Icreoger JIl\Ut -be ..nd. Her. -aesaed by a'dozeo '!.lngerS'since .\og:- heDI, w.l1J prove ~fitable for several f.tbn ,,,.O' away. aDd Juan mu&t..llo it;- era have been reeorcfed_~ vorce... ye.rt; aod in 's uggesting pqllete 001, ·Hia' arm. "'.lil stroog. bls courage '1Io"J·aentl.• lI Y l,t'aUa.n; ihe."lcfud ~bat :mu: those h.tcibed (Oarl,)' will prove doubted, h'l own ae'n le of boo or ...oulo been woiit to •• perior' to ,heos.-Fal'1I1Ud Fireside'. luh him io tlle hi.heat l'ffo.rt to p!e·· ' been . Yeot auch i~ at.]o u(i04 thegood n.·__d 'l~n. ~~~~'~:~:::~~~Iit,~~; of th. ra~cho; .nd·Jt "eoeeded ...pur, tel .. Ii~ Bli nC8 's commaDda, eonld furniah J'k6",ilry It. .SIie bUrTled Into 'the 1I0... e. -, ."Jln~, ,E tdrol quickly aDd un ;Tuin. i .... nlalm Inltaotly." .There ~as DO mi ....klog hi. alater'a to!!.e, and ~e boy ••• ott.like Sadden.,. 'Blue&..;; j'.:member"d word."wtth ,.. h~eh - ' ......II-II-u:~,:(ci~l~~T:~ froin her. 'Under th,,·a1:rel.. Ie
Half ·Rates DAILY
Bufialo" ..
r· ...
Pan· American
N...... .
Cenulne ·
C'a rtet's
Little Liver Pills.
at BUFFALO and ' Niagar~ Falls,
.......... --.
New York,. Boston
KJo..... ••
Through Canada Toledo or Detroit
4 .Trains Dal-. Y 4
LaKe Erie Steamers,
Special Tourist Rates
Nortllem and Laka Resorts
C.II.,••,Olntal'Surc'rra ,
OPIUM won"
lIIeDt Ihe' b.';;lonl""'-frlendil, :o~!ten, ~~~~:~~U .. a.m'"e:rello
I:;~!m=~~:~r:=~ ~l!oo"'... IIX'·~et f:~=~t!Ii~!·,1
8DVIO~Wll ~(O.. ~ . n/t .2'JI IE. ,£,mw. JI01J'TL . Tbe FuDalU S~o,. car nlllll.,.~ ~IMI' I -to·_. Loo1aYllle and Bu1fa]o Oil 'I'Il' .~ :/ ~ aDd TIle St. LauIJo \' I~ -'
Roote .. III ·J "1lIlI'NlCll_ to ..1 ...
c:t.nloaU 00 lll~ ....1"" bectelo« ""'04a,.. s., ~ mber %4. 1!kI1. Tile dallJ _ u l e wUl be as tollo ... : (;oIJIG fIQ 1JVP.A'LO. _
L ...e_ CIDclDDati {P<!DD&. i.Iae) . _ 8.00 1tJ!' L .... Coh.mbUo. C: . A••:C, 1 ~ .tlIlIIPt. L.e. AkYOD. Erie. -' .00 a III ArT. cambrldre SprllID
.Ur. Lak •• ood
"trr- T _
_ ' .1;4 • III { Chatuqu) ~1 ." III . Lake J lLU. m.
Mr_ ~UJl'VALO, ~de Itft(71U(UIC
J'JIOli 1IIIrJ'.u.o.
L"". Butralo Erie _ .
LTf:. 7amntowD (_,t,.;"b10laOQGa 1 LYe. Iakn(ood -l Lake J CUI~SprIjlP- ,
. ..
1.00 P!D
3 2:! p m
3,30 pm (M.p ID An'I,e Atn>lr;,J:rIe, '8;1$ p • ....ni •• W_bas. C... &. C. . 1.40 ... Am •• C~NATl; P8i1Da. Ltll". '" 1IO.' m Ot_1nl1IO O'l"e,o TIle AlD'OIlltoat .... .ad 'rOlll Cb."~"'IlIa Lake .ad Ba.tr~ YiII ""'In atlODnIa_ wltb ..bellw,," _ . _ .... oerrlcc ..... DOUDCCCl 10 ta1e ci[t:CtAupa~nb
'1'0 OIlJ()I~lU.Ti -p.oIlYLV!IU tDD. -:.:. _ SrPt. lit lo!lhh. 1DcI...." . _raiD;' I:Ic:I<elo to Cl1ldaaiU for I'aIl JilOnlnl .,11l be'<OOId '" ooe.aDd .....lltIril fuellor TjIIIii4 U'lp. valid to "'tam unUlI!iJIR!D- "III: . . . OIl ·sept. J."iI to l!~O. """'-.. .. _ fare for dMt 'J:ollDd trip.'- ~rol!'C OOIe ., d., f!'oID't.... oGte 01 _ f . . . CGI_ba; 0 •• . Sprln~dJ~l'OIlL Banford. A,D4er8OD. Col.~ )04. ~ )bntaanne aDd ln~te ticket 1talI..... ' on t1le PtuDlIyl ...... UJIa, . ." t -S!8
·'U(amitB~5DA.Y nOU
Toy ~ ~onmA!'t vu. ~_ ~J:8 • . _ Stm4a~ Sept:em~ !:-2 . aC1lftlOD ~ta til CII1dDilalt:- aDd D~"'D WIll be' .q.rd ~Ia ".aoop..~· LIu.... .SI*laI tralD lea... W~D.....uI .. ," 9,38.1110 """tn.I time. Round
utp rut
purpose,s on short
.""..,.~ and Y
noti~e .
-'121 W~ MAIN
ST., XENIa; O. ~
Magn-etic Sp ings Ho.el
.c- .: '
' ~o
:'-.AlVD su ,
12.00 -
.PT,- PJ.-opnatoJ.-.,
Undel'tak.~r, EMBALN.-
ARA 1\1.: S Ret
Ute n do]
from "ate of Eale
8TOl'·O'" Elt
t BtJFFALO "a n
ar Fils: (.)
A L"nio
tickets to
depot c.Dnne"t ions I nd D· transfe....
to-I I Y
ours Qu· Kest."
The " -~
, will find,
~ -
. pa.i rl g n pcclliHy
11 .15 am L35pm
11 Jnrl7'.l.LO.
1.00 p m 3 't.:! m 3.:10 m
6.35 pm L ... Oam J. 30.& m le
_m ·ron b
taok Fo (; .... '!IUolI .. r a.ul .r ve t 'II:
1'i0c jlQr Jl8I:lkal~ d 00g, ~O• •
-Offj~ and Y~ds:
'" Magnetic Springs
& . X:uu '1IIUOTIOlf
and • miles
r-l'OIIl Spring Valley l!t&ti01l on HIAllI DrvI8WN P:, C., O. & St; L. R R:" lleibciual Waterll-ce1ebratoli for cure oMudlley TroUbles, - RheuJ.Dlltism. NervoD8 Di.eeaees, etc............... :........................ . OPEN THE YEAR BOUND., .. _ .. ..:.......:RATES '2.00 PER DAY.
~T~UR: DUPFY, P.Op~i8tor. -'
. cYEUOw 1.0\881, . ~1II_iatt -Poofti,teIy'paraDt.eed·cve lex Para;" Lac:omotor Atuia. Nervous l'romatioa, Ryt. . Ieria. 1JI5aAi1,.. Paraly." &lid tbe Raalts of E~.e· Use at TobKco. Qpi.... or LiqIlOl'. B, mail ia JIIaiI! IJKbge, a bo%. 6 for '5.00. willi.., I I ....
. . . R ...... toAl.. biaoilaJ'.. or ......
Louis May,
. -.
Your F&ee Worth? . 'Soinet:tInes >l forI une, hut pev · ~, 'if y OQ: h R'1! n s:lnrl"" ,;om.Plexion,1I.jaundiceU look. moth pl!!cbus ' cud .' ,blotcbes, ell f e s lrln, !Ill t:i.~ Qf ,liver tronhl o-. . Bnt Dr: Ring's _~ew . Lj(~ -Pine r'i"~ ' ('1Ptl" kin, - msY,' cheeks, rich compl ~xiolJ , __O.r:h· 2~o Il.t Mn-,- 's drug storf', -
'(}ea.eml J'asa<....cer Ac·eD~ •
) S1rO.RA.GE - '- ROG~. "";:' ·
X . 38'c,
i,S ·verPills.
F •
. ~We also .supply Caps, f!ills,_st eps ,:every .description of cut stone work for
Magnetic Springs
ou the D AYTON & XENU ,TRAC'TI,Ol\' LINES and & IDllea from Spring VallPy station ,on ldi..uu: DmSlON p " C" C. & at L . S'il1lllt ed
R . R . MedIcinal WSJ t-e II celebrntadforcnre ofKidnBy Troubles, Rheumatism, Nr.FV OO, Diseases, eta , ~ .... ... , .. .. " ... ......... . ........ ... OPE N THE YEAR .ROU5D .•.•....: ........ RA.~E& ,~.OO : l'ER i;>:AY.
ABTlltrB. DUP,", ,propris.t Or.
8~D.b8m .Dd~~~p ~~~~'~.~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!
I eJ!1Df.t!lldimta
of t ho CbrIstiJIn EU.
.0'·0· ~R"E'~ ·WI ·, -·R · D·
Oct. 1 7 aud delil"8r .addrelllS8S. ·1ClIme out: &Dd hear thaIe adilreeie6 an eveDiag in lbe lI8Wly ch~-iU comfortable
We pay the above ~ b any case of Liver ComjiaiDt, el!:rt~,';p~~ aDd its bril· . D''lAPii. ~ ~.Indig~ Co:lSlipatioo . _ .Pencms ~lhing tp Wr.e instnlc____ or Costivcaeu' we cannot cure with
--()1'- c WAYlfMVILI&
AT:IoN~I •. Close of businesS• . .,. :Reyt.;30. c.l90 I.
Ohio, jat the
They are purely Vegetable and DeVU fail to give satisfaction, l5c: IiOza contain JOO Pills, JOe boxes C9f1lain 40 PiUs, 'X -
bclu.acontain 'SPills. Beware of substitutioas and imitations. Sent by DwL Stamps tabo. N~ Medical Co., Comer Clinton and Jackson Sis... Chicago. Illinois. Sold by
\Vaynes\"ilJe, in die State
rita, lbe Up-Io-Date LiHielivaf PUI
nice Shute Glenworth Place, Way. Inetmlle..Ohio,utc)'t.eimalUld'condi. tioDI. Kni. shute h.. also had a
Dr. CJaget t leU Wayneswlle soon. er ,biln he had expected ; .profes. 1Ii~. ~III in his newlychll8ell rangeof,praet.loe made it 'de&irable to be OD the at 9Doo, 80 that ._ ~oved yesterday ~aDd is Jl!)~ a of " Ridgeville. In this WayiJesville J 068S another fVII>Ined houSehold. and Mrs. r
druggist .
Dieti Kos. 30 & 60 'Search
UIft'I"... -
, e n-Lamp. ~ jaot dthl far JiPIfac tile IaiIIfe cl . . . Lum at utile.&.do. Cae lamp
Dr: .
iItht up a Iooa' rr:JW of &oJImaIa.
The lamp. are otnqfy made.~""
.... _
__.YUT_kol to ... Tbeybumm.(CIOdoH). aDd wry IiItk ci It cms!dcri~ the fIac
-.,itthqalft.' To fall\duci:o __ alflrto...s_
ci dIbcr - . frdcId ,npakf, at'a nducaf pdar.
s-t far Free CatalGpe.
R. E. Dim Company, SInd..
New YeS.
L omSVl ' 'II e.and .N r,sh VI'II':e IPreddeut AG ENTS ·....Dted fo. Memorial LIfe or McK1a le1 b,lofura~ 8&15_ , N_I, tbe
"UOO - . price ,'.50, so per """ .. .u-.ual. olle book In ten tree, PrcspectD8 t..... SP..Dd-lt C~L, """lJI "" cover poslJJ;le. Frelgbt paid . credlS , IIODTRlDUI '!'Inn"" LIb . glvea. oml 1'11b \be po bll'llleill clltecl. DOt. _ _ _~~~:. 0 0 0 • 0 0 • • • • • • wI':b braach ba....... A D enUrel, D~" _<I<. a e of Camp31ga LIre of MclOnlo.r- ' _"00 J . ..... IIIlO by Halstead. WOllLDPUBLIS1U NO qo .. ~3 Franklla St.• BuIfOlo. N. Y. _ D .":"
"lro_ a d .DiU}
m a
. ,- s....
Florida: an,,· tho '
W~.., lor
-. What'., Your Face Worlb? SomB~mes 0. fortunp., but never.· if you ba VB a. sallow complexion ..·.. · jaundiced look, moth patches ' lUId the skin, all aigId of _!blOIChell liver trouble. But Dr; King's N~'r LifQ. Pills - give . clBlltr akin, roily cheeks, rich complexion. 001:'-250 ' at Mny's drug store. .
IA ~ood ~y oo~nmptivt'll would
1 ' be Elured "lid ","orat ~ comfan !"olden. Desc:t:lpU ~e Viner, etc.·""1ed and relieved by U8lng Foley'.
- C, L. ' STONE,
HQDey tmd tar. Sngges~ it to thOR ;You-ahould do this u ' a . frlJ!nd. .:Louis l a~~ed.
14&,.. - -
GI_d "or
, o.ncs RovU. .. '8 to 10" . : .. ' .2 to.' P•••
~G.!I'r.o,mo~UcuirsIOK~~ _ . __'~.~""H " ~ ~ _'
.&'1'1170 8t1ft'IILO
_____. _ _ ._ ; ADoODat
'.... N'_tII
-:a~~=-":l bring up ai ! F. C.. ·TliiElEIIA'.'S,
· '"_ . Where " JOG will . 8Dd1 • !i · awa.R'I'
- -
_!! !
w.~. i~
.... 1Jon ... cbiId, .. ~, w•.Jt..,... _110 W$ah the de.,laW* to moaJ'l! . . . . . of a 100000001rubod and fa. .
fa IUtJ' life be ~ with hla , . . . . ..,to Ohto iUacl .,HIed OIl Oat~ OIl _Idch " -died; Tb_al· __ aD of Ida life . . . I}IIB1t amCIIIl ......... aDd..y aaJnv at thla U.1ItaAry. for _ all bew .lilm k· lie • .JOOCl..... ADd true in the broad. I
. . _ _ of &be wprd. ~ . life Wu _aurar, eYer th011jfhUal aDd ~t. Dis wu • life of c1eYo&kID to.btliDftlld ~e. wboet
eoiIifot' We. hi. tlnUh'oapUhro '
, 1843', be married OtIu III Inya' BoC4Iac. · • • I{aIa Slreet LjdIa. cJaalb,teI" of lolm!IDd L7ib& "!!!!!!!!'!!!':!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!! :JIuWn of Sprillgboro, 0., wbo wu- tbe u:other of hie ~childreD. 3 of wb.~ died in iJlfaDcy. She too• te. 185l1, .... taktm frorn her ~mllv by diu dre,ed ~8tI 0011. I_mpt:loa, JaviDg wUb herchlldren, &b4!,D ~ leu" fhe price1_ aaml). nlU<Hl "Be good boy. ·JUld· chooae good-company." IJe "u aptQ UJuted in mamare the J8&b of !ad n.OIIth, 1801, wi&b s.rah ,,~, daugbter of Benjamin and 8idner Daniela of )(orrow,' O. I'ony Jean of praceful quiet union, l llClllllEilllled ot barmOlilY, mingling in muoh sympathy their Jabore, their J011! andlJOt'r(>w.; faiihtul aud aolio. of the comforta of each other, DOW '&o be moteD; oolytq be renew· ed in1JlOlDOry and by lbe Triumphal Viclor)' promiJled for lhe faithful.
. .
i ..... TO i ni"rAut
. 1'0.-.,
:.~ .
beand' "
BilJraIo , oyer .&108 .' Atroll
BODU 111. ~.oqa& Laloe ror tae.PaD' Amertca.. Ilzpooddo.. are 0..., 00 oa1e l'llld:-
01llaGo or UI ...
Pamql~&IIla 1.1...
u.s. ....
- U ... nIIwa,.• • ' . . " , •• Fares tl'Cllll . WayD.....Ule. ODlo•. are U 101· . k). . :
Tlcllelt IIIOd !ftQnlID,ftl~ '11.10. 'l'II:kellllIDINI retUrDlD, , _ ' " Ibya, tJ.;J. 76· SeUOD * k _ _ Itb remru. llmlc Imlll ,Oc..
aut.. Il .. as.
TlelleU,ood nlaralD, til: IbTII ' ar
,'.110. la~
A1llldl.u lO Cua4a aDG Eaa"'ro pol Dill,
c1lldillJ. NO'_ Yon: ..til be
WaYJHllriUe'a Leading !>entia ,
life aDd hla lad In distb.. . 1&: "aDDey _ . a member b3 blnhNh' of the Blcbl.te QUakel -David Ch.aDdln _B A ameh and remliiDed a member un til th8 time of Lil death. IJ!!lIl aDd' exemplilled bv hill works _~ JIUI~onalel1 foDd of flo"!'. lhe principles of III'IICtI and '~wiJl en .aa -,ery _ f u i In their on1 *<) all mapk1nd. GiTen to much 1-ortinMon, aDd maDY of oar lives hav( 1180. HALLER. .beaJ:an~ !or the ue of hftnDODY. :tet faithful in the [ulftllinent of tbe ~ ~h~cidaD!l made lJto.tter by A. W. HAINES, hla pIMII'C!Ilty. Ee cult·ivated· tbem attributes of God. He W/UI a birth, H. A. HiOGINS. Dot alone for hi.! . j)WD. pleal'llre tu rI.ght member. an d for many yean for the ~""Bure of ' all his ·friend.~ a n elder in t-be Friilnd~ obureb. Il ,.,!ilig<lDt Iltf:ende r of jt~ UlPpHpgR, !lDd'he ill 110'11' we truIIt "where tb" ftoweI'I bloom forever an-l the lun .-=~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!'!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~!!!:~! · 1·lnd it is not ·too mllC.b. to MY thllt bi:i me esempllfled the principl8H Ie atwaYI bright" -.Be waS bnriedlrom the home oj ~bereof withwhic!l he W88- very COlt· 'hIe _ oDe mile ellIOt of LYlle SatU.T. JI" ',,,,,", .-el'Sll:Dt. -' da7, October 12, at 10 o·clock~. m .. He [o~d mUM comfort iu roodi11g the ftI_iD8 being laid .to rest iT bistor;y, poetry and more tblln all Miami cemetery. "UIIJ'g8 OOUCOOF8' elll4i 'his Bible, pnrticlllarly the New 01 relit\vea, neighbOl'It R.n'd friend, l'es&iment. whe~in he found great ~~ ~ pay' ~llIAl!' tiibute 0 : 1:,n~118'b.ll1lci enconragement- in up~ to an hoaorable man. BeT dgilmLe8lI.from UIO te:lc~ of the Patton of 8PrtnghorO'eonducted tb. • .PI'f'__ ' and Lowly One. Astronomy 1I01eBm. IliIrvicea and Jlt'II. Bromo eXlUD:lDe wu 'a f""orite 1beme, and even in J'arr Little and Ki88 Kay Everh' 1!j7d:tIlrc.ugh a..miC]'ClI9C()p8 his1ater yean-'he d61ighted ~in IUdIiei theinolCeelnaoothiDg8ODg! Btudy of the hl¥V8n)y bodies. ~.aDd ~U.h..-:. )Ii God. Tbe world'. ' large knew bllt 'Jery little of. him, he being very much --,...- t.,jattiiched. to home-.nd·home-tile, but bi:t communit; ill the better of hIS ImviDg'lived. in' it., _ _ Se died iI~ he bad lived, at peaoe wl.9fhis God IlIld the w.hole h11lDlln flunily. ..~ . ,
"rourloU UckeUacarectal fad .... y .a!ao be obtalaecl for In,. co.....,_ ,, ' CaUda.
BaDUh B. Balliet Kowal_ 15, 18K. ~ To W. arrlOli
~rO,clal" ,: ...
OIIe tare pill' ODe clDIIar
L~ ov.' 111.-· altIIOlf 'BOtln: <PD..... "",,, -. II"'!:" ' AllDIOA. UPOIIITIOIr.
. . . . oW
.se. 1& da,..; aIlel (be Ilmll tII~ 16",. trete... .old at OD" aiid oae·,btrd 'IM wtII be be. m....
_. i
70',...-.7 _&i.a aad 18 daJl!.
a.uw j.. !U1DfI1.... 110m Pel) r.I'7 II, 1881, fa Loadoa Co.. ,Vir· . . . . Deed 6ctoIiir '10, 1101, apa
Tal1D'~~TDHIIIl.1.A"nat.l~ IDOl ••
me lIml' GO QIle · CeDC per MJk. 'l'IiIiodap. C- , " &zcaraloa _ta:1fW be ~e4 to IlId..4e lrallll kaTe... 8ulbJo lIDt-1ater _ _ o'd d ...... c:eotral Woe, til" til..il..· Iby 'mmedllltelY'fIiIJo,;IDII: ~ _to . Iii. Ule · limit pracU••lly oI.t dill' 101' ,be fOIUId· ",p. Tbe 11m" ,_ :pr.el(l,t. 'Hay !IdIeY..,14
Paa·AiD.,....o· £QoIIIUoD.
Jood , . atop-o~er .
uta. Paa·~caD ~iIoD. .... or 11 alra al'BtllraJo ' . ~
!>I.,.,..,nra at Cbaataaqaa LUI!' wtll kal· lowcd em -aJJ l \4eU'1o Bulfalo aDd EM.....
pO!ar.a. _Ubonl ezwa,coai.
Por SoI>cdalea IbowID, .....veDkDl CblOqll ~D.-er ",,"Ioe 10 Balfalo aad _Iutor' ...... CIoD apply IA) B. £. 800111. TIduot War_,-w".ObJo '
BU,....LO 8~O 0 .... Jar~ •
. RaVICit 011 !DJ"081'l'IOlI TU ~ .11<110.
Tbe Pllllmaa SleepID, Car nDAidc be· t_een Loula"rlHe aDd Ba.hlo 00 71N' ~. .JOa &zpr_ aDd Tbe SI. Loola ~ na
rbe AtlOD aoate wtU·.roll _ _·Ii,(.; ..•
;iDDatJ 0.0 . tboee tr'ahw bectDDlnJ Moodar, Srp<<-mber!!4, 11Ii.I1. Tbe dUl,_n,lIe will be U to1lowJl : OO~
Ln. C1JtdDnilU (PeD,!l& LIDe) a.DO p III LT., 0 0 1 _. c. ... & C. U .......I • . 00 • mLTe . .......... ~rte,
Arr CUaabrldle Spr'lncs
.rt. lAte.ood
.An· I·="*......
'.iH a
f Cbtaoq....) ;11.07 a aa Lalla J 1I.1i .... ....,•
r.~ Bullalo Krk
1: 00 p ..
a ff p m
r.~. lilIDealo.D 1 ...'II ... lOuqDa r.Ye• La~ l LaR 'J
3.SOp ..
r..-e. OUabrt4n SpriaP . . , ... rrt~e· Atroa. _EtJe, ,. •
lUI Pill
J,nin OolPlllba.. C. .. & Co
.n1ve ClNClNNlI.rt. i>.aa. iJae. e .. 3OJPjD
OLIaa' &r.LUlI oYer fte Ab'oD Boate CO.lld trom Cbauuaqoa Lake aD<I Ba1lalo will roo ID wllb _ l e t aDd · lIerTlce..ilDDOU} 'ced IA) ~ elf~ UII.
· '.
_'-11 .ra"'r
: ~UIUI10cr0m Ils~ -'" ;' .
.. ~~ ~08T. The POD·AllIertcaD EaPllon .It DearlD, a.
11-. _ _ _ .... IDe ole O_d. tile Q 1bl1o _ _ Iq. J.. - a:
.....,. put
at IIMt c..tr.J
SoatJ.. ..
--..CIDd_to.bc_ _ _ fI... OrIans. 9 -.s 10 0 _ ,.. fII/f boursloSha_pcwto J6~toPDrtT"""
..... -...6w ... ~ dian-'Iltnoap PIoIIoaou to aD ... . jiCWWltSou-.._
. Ot=.• - . . . . - _
...... __ _
nw .......... ,. ............... .... ~~...:~~ar_ • . c • •• tIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . .n.
. ODI, a r_cla,. Temabt ID WIlla&<> ea j",-I.. After Oclober a la II wUI be &tIlIac '" tbe paJlL Q.!> DOW Uld prullC ID pl •• lUre aael IIno_JeGte til \be .... o.rtol acbl. _ _ ula of lM ~eaa aad lllelr ~bIIILI... 'I'Ioe trip _,- be made at .-err low "uea rta Akron BOQ~. farea yet oIfer0e4 are ID eft"'" OJer "''1M 1IDea eacll TQee4ay. ' ThanodaJ' aad 8a&ariliJ. cDlOOia "EI<clIr.lo" Ucke ..... tId OD t~ dates are «cod. tllWr.~ 1De "IJ: Ibn _ .... da, 0('-_ • • mple time for eetllDa' a<:q1lalalecl Ille ~ -ptcaa ~ eM . . . . dear OC Nlalrora Palla. l!:l<camoaa t1ckeu &!a:r be obta1ae4 aJQ' _~er ta ~bo.ll
_IDa, wi'.","
"'1 _ opId ~ Thu....y. - - Sa.....,.. we ~r liapoi-t:aal La
_ . . wIaIIkra • 'i o lDate tb" Idp allbe loweot rare.. PIad CMlt &lIoot <bUll b,- apply,.. to I00&I-..... of tile
u ',
100 JIoolta. . Wa:r-nne. 01lI0. -TIDIU.l " - , Ii. E. BooIII. ' -
. f.. 'No~ hnl.'e _ ~li> "' laTge1~ and finest stock Mon'lml'n~I .
·t ...1 ~ork to be 10und within a' • .hu~dred miles ot , here,: k · will
those contemplating f!!e pur-of this line:ct work: lol see us or write lor Illu8trated booklet containing: prices," etc. ; ·tbi~. wdl cost · you 2, cents and may.;a\.'e you ·many dollars ..' Much of the finest ~vqfk rn ~iami Cemetery; been' furnished. by us. . .'
. ~
e 'also: SUpp~y' caps~
. . -.
every desc!,ipti()ll of'~ut . stone ~ork fer .. ...
.building purposes' 9ll shoi1 notice. --'.'~ . ' ",
Ofnce aad vird.s;
.' ...
-13- 121 W.-MAIN ST., :XENla,.O. ~
-, . !
• . ..
M'agrii!ic Springs , f.lot~l :· : A1ID- "Mni~' RBSOIlit-, . ; :. ~;.:
:": ' ~.
Situated OIl the DATTO.• & KUlA TIlACTlO:S Lilia and 4 mil. '_' .
from SprIua Valley ~tioil on 1I1.un DmslON P ., C., C. & st. L: R. B. Jle(ltC!iDtll Waters ceJebratedforcure.of Kidney ~bIeiI, '
BheumatiD. NenoOt Di8eaeea, etc.. ..; ....... ....... ;.......... .... ..... :..
OPEN ~:Y&AB ROUNl>: ...... .; ........RATES $2:00
PER~.y. ·
JlB.1!KOB. DUPPT~' Propri8tO~:' .
. -.
Kodol Dyspepsia .
Digests what you eat•. ItuWIc1alJ1diaesta tl)doodUlllalc1a NalQre 1D Uieogthenlnr &Del recell-
sLruCUq t.be emauated
d\g.~Te 01-
It. ....be iatesLdI9CO'feJieddl,.." aot04 toDlc. No otber pre~oa caD ~roacl1 It 10. et!lcleocy• . 1\.W· 11,010.00. aLan , relieves.aDd peTlD&I!epL\1 emt& _ _ _ I ~.,.I'" Iodlgel!tloo, BWlo.bu,nI. -2 .. eoce, Sour St.o~b, l!iilDRa, • ,,50.00. Sick Headache, GaIItralgla.CrAlpsaDd tl.900.00. allotber reelll~!)f imperfectdlgelt1oo. pM;
__'flr,,, & f
balance io favor
orlstfl!llLr tsGO.OO ~ty for iselling ,flldher is caU88d . by an amount Id!lI!io<1lplaut. ' . $(,728.00. BsfeDlliOllll made by Boanl . over reoeIpCs, 11',232. ~8 .
. ."" -
. '''8~''.V • DI-.I
your Board of Trol't_ • . 3. W. WSn'&' PUI!. J , B.-J AKlfO', .il1W. P. E. KJ:lfR:Ci:;,
.Lups.CODSaIM...::tJ: .
...u_ Book.u"~",,pepola
......." 111 1';. ~QeWITT ",co.. QI.....
_J. :E.JaDney: .druggist. • ... •
'. ·r
G~od Cor' Ba d Te eth
,soao dOAt
S5c. S~o
Uc. der \ ~ ~d ~d Powo Sample for Ihe po5lage, 30. AU ato .... or by mail for tIie price.
FOP A BUJl~ ~T. -
....... . t ••
.. a.
- ~
to an' .... "nave J"O.1I any bullon.! ..ked the baell.IOf In tb. tWHI1 "You.,..,1 Itore. ent deparlm liMb ~Jlltlry find tloe routl,unoDid ,.enoy t b. tbinl .i",e 10 t be rlabt," r1'plied' th e IlOOTW.lker.. P biladeJpb lA Record.
w.,. h1lt. lea..IIIla•• -:
&It... •
j'.~ ~. :! ~
It" • •.,. . " . tort 01 ma~b i ne
~- ' .
A O __ UI_. Stee. 1': ......." 1• •
<:ea••• Upon appliCation Ilt an,. po5t office in the f' UnIted Stater, Il beautifu l ·.teel inJr&Yln iD miaiatur er QI the Ne-w York (,;eotral . " Empire _ tale F.~ " Ibe m Ol!! famous lTai" io the ....orld, WIll be (umotbe d iortwo CQ~.
Thi er;ocraving affixed to a leller ",ill in· sure ito tu ...portatioD to aDr point io the I niled Slates. Canada, Porto Rico, AI ......, ~~ e Hamiia " JAI.nde, Guam or tbe P bilipI i!le ArcbipeJaao.
a pe.' . . . . .. o ..t II II • • •
owbot- Yu-, airj life on a ranUo. no cin~b. TM ... •• troubl. bre";0B a ll Ibe time . . ("<>1. Moon. bi ne-W• .&!. wit, If. purtT mach Ihe am , in old Kent. ky, 0011' 9un . i. PlOfU,. d "'i1Jin': ·-J.<I~ . YD. C an Get ."IICD' . FOOf-£"~ F REE.
Wnl . t<Hlay to Allen 5. Olmsted Le
Roy, N. Y .• (or .. F REE &ample oi Al(eD', It •• r ......""Sinl;, Foo ...~... 1'0... \1...
damp" ...olr..... tthiag feet . Maka new or ea.)". AI.... . use.t Ip Break ID Ne ... Shoe!. At all aruggiala l nd ~hoe
ti Jb~ eh~f
ktoree; 25<:.
......- -....,.nlly had"
An Alehlsno youne
floral pi~. '!Th« Gatu Aja.r/* unt to hi.! S ..~ltt One" With UEtgh t to-rugbL" te t in ro e bud. . . . . 11iJlt ,bat he ..ould ~ . : be.r gale al. elC'!:J t that -e\"eJling.-_\ t.dlif:Q11
PiiO', L'ure i. tb. b~t medicine ,..•• "1'I need for .11 ,fT ..,t ionA of tb. tbroa t and IDDg•.- Wm. o. Eodlley. Vanbure n, I nd., F eb. 10, 1900.
---0-.- b.'I d lu(,k....
"'rID !lorry for
' ~i
courv.. "' ··1'e8. J ~l":t~·. think of tho ~ \rho will ha1l'e to lilten " "fllie be tell abou t it! " - Town Topic.
- -- - -
sr. Cape. Col" ' a Oa e D07
r..n. ;,". n rom. QalJlln' Ta b.olA!. All
druggls! .srefund money If It t aI1.sto core. 25c.
De•• TI ___ fo . Co_bat T .... e. ."e.ta.
•• ,..••,.,. w. I.
C ...e .ael Pre.en t Po e • • oat a_ Witb Rouic', Croup Cure. Inf.lIilll" . SOc.
O. "" •••••• , J.
Apple lfTo ...e.ra throu gb the country a nouo lly maoy l r"es. fr om the rava~8 of t h" apple tree bore r. The r e are h .. o Ilpecles, 0 0. of whieh i. liDO'.... ¥ the ftll t ·headed bor er nnd tb. otller Bot b are the rou ~ld·h eaaed bo re... M OWD II t h e a ee ompan~ing iIIusua OCClUUOP. 1 ttoo . By t a ki ng proper pr eCOlJtioD m a ny apple trep.& co uld -be 8Dved if wntched careful ly. All trt'ea sbould ~ closcly exam · Ined ear'ly In t h e fo il, wheD the-y o ung r .., ~·.. · or W'OnD.S. if pres(.nt . mny bf d etected by t b e di..,oIDo:ntiou of th e barll. wbleb kome tlmes hns a IInt t ened and drh,d a ppeara nce. Exmlin g ~nf aDd lob e f.reoeDe e of .a.wdu. t -lik" <'asl give the clew t o theil" \\ he r e
c... ral ••
-- - - -O~ MORE OR LESS INTEREST'. A 5b1 p IDa d of Fi lipi nos nr e 10 tried OD Hawaiia n .u~"r lIe!d •.
Au enorm ous incrc a se "in Fb i pmf'Dts In gf'nt'ral m f rchmc d i ~ i being madlP' from all Pacific port", to o ri.nla~
k~t s.
A X-, w YorK j udge decid es .bat i o.;u r anc e c:nmpn ni r s. cannot be com· ,,011,1\ 10 ma l<" good da mages r os ul!·
Cenu ine
A pl~ant mont h at
lffa l·o ·B\ . . .. and
Nia gar a ·. Fay s 1fAU' ~AIIE pI.. o.e doll.! everr da, wi lla R IIt1I U.,II of Il orl)"$.
Ca rte r's
t:xcarsioas From Cincillaatl
Little Liver Pills.
Tue sd ay~.
Mutt Bear SIgnat ure of
ing f~o m explosio n s. Ooe-'ou rth of ., pound of paint If
W he ne ve r s uc h in dica t ioo t "lIo\l'pd fo r fil Ers SG1t3 r e Y:lrd o f p r im a re , • • 0, l h . i~e ls . b ould be dogoul jog coat . o n f ·~j xtb o f 3 pound-p rr y:.rd wilh . kn ife or othe r ~ltnrp-poioted in for Ih e "lIcc •• di ng c oat. strume ot . Tho • ., w hich bare bo red A sretion of Ibf' R oek-y mOllul pee ply ill t'! t h e wood may be r eac he n n Qrlhrrn IdJ\bn aDd Ibe
I."•••n Pacific 1dlOJ
r~lI!roa d, ~OO
luil t s for the firf" t t imp.
is I " tJ~ ts:pl o r~ d YorK ba s jus I T he n ; ok of PUI in .a u: l s mode of sleel a foo t thi c k. \ 11 the eom p:t rl D1ents h a ,"t' £€'nsilh'(" Joo rs tha I gi " an al arm on t b . sligbt, t j a r. " is s . atell U D t be a u thMi.y o f a ":bin.se tra mercha n t I hd t he g: .zt on t b e P' l' " coverin g o f tEO cb."t, ·s d ue t o It prep:Jr: ui o n ('om lTlncip. lly of t b e rrfuse Ilf . ba :t Oil. t ~ il s :m d ddo s.
to visit tbe woaderf lll ~
Ihe .grea t Tb, aIde,'! i . "'jllchc sl er,
~ rboo l s
EXP 05In ON, _,
-Blg F()ur. Best Line
t Daily~ Tr~ns-:.4-
Hour. -. Sch edu le'
F or tGr tb n . IDlormaLiQD .d~re.t;s J . E. R'E5\ · 88. G en-1 SOULberD Aced "
tv"IUtE:''-';' LU CR. W. P . J>El'P E. G en. Pa.S5. .. TJc1t~tt..
A!nt.. G~ p~ & T . .L fi_
CINCINN AT I. 0 ~ C.(iI~ARK". Tr.ll"
P.asA. ACJ ••
.bit ,.,."Ul'1irii!i 11)' at
f. '1. TlIDEIIII'S. ~ m-e JOIl wm 'lJi4,
"':. M~netie Springs .Hotet ~_ ~ " S~_ML*R .RBSORT, BELJ.BROOJr. OHIO. Situated On the ~DA "t'fOlI" &, 'XDu. TUCTlOIr .LIlQlS ~d 4mile. : from spm.g Valley station on J4ulu DIVDlIOlf P ... C., C. & Si. L. -. R. B. MedlciJla1W5ter8 celebr!ltedfo"kcureOf Kidney Troubles, :-: Rheumatism, Nervolls Di8eailes. etc.; ..••.......::........................ :.. , • OPEN THl; YEAR BOUND ......... ••••••..RATE8$2.00 PER DAY.
IAII~i& D1I:.lI.4~ OI.l~.Jrj-1
:-:t~::~f:;::;~ r_ 4
ParsOns wishing to take instrue. ' . " tioDl III wakr oolora, llIIsteJle cray. etc. call on or address ~ Eo. .. t ., . Shute, Glenwortb Place, Way. . w.llS....,tenrislln ::;;:~;;:::::t=: nes....·1·0; .Qh"1• d CO'!dl. . ' ·,lIrA. &lIute bas IIIl;!<J had a ~lDumber or Ye&r8' experience in taxi I<let"ln,,". iii.:",hlchut she Also solicits
... A.1I .Abollt Toml aud its People. ! .
-- ......
for ~ !ol~l!ot
- . ~ ,Il.~nleJ by Mura' B.~ XNi1y
' . ~OO Jl&o"""!.1!riaO .$1.50. &0 per.cat. ~h • .F-rcsh o"sters direct fro Balti one book fa ten free • ...",.~ f~ ~ ,a - . .y ' m· · · cents 19 ..,~tt POO\a4le. ~ ~4. £re4h· ~ore always on .hand at Milson's Irln1>- Deal 1ritb u:>.c ·publ!.bcnlll~ D"~ whb bra ncb b~ . A!l entir~J,.. ne~work -:Bew:art of campalgD Llfeof ",cRtnJ.~-
~ry. .... I'S. Fl'R-nk Zel 1 Rev. ,u"i -_.....
;9I!l8terday mo~g
for a "visit
their son in Indiana-.
; . ".
tho wholesR1e hotl!!8 in helplfIg in her millinery depart- · .
lOOk, moth- .p atches and the, skin. rut si~ of But Dr. Kiilg's 'N!lW
.give cle:ir skin, :rosy . Only. 200
. An Enlrlish IIssomabon reg.aii1mg WO~'II' bappineios has offered a.-
• Y.
w:liat·• ..Y~I1l!'i.laC8 Sometunes a . fortnnp., Worth? but. neve.r, hlw6_a sallow comprexiQDl Ii
Don 'f. M.1S3 seeing Fmnlt lit Croes Opera. House, Friday and Saturday evenings. 1m. Stokes batt Y'lS9 Gouge
WOa.f.DPcUBLlSBlNG CO .• ·~ orriUOD.ean<,apbyBalatead. ;. i3,Fr.latlln St.. Dulfal'!f~'
flveo-htpulred pounds
greater- blessing' to :women ~ Mountain Tea. &tl8ill~e move. Ato"k 'your druggist.
·· .. _ i N ...... ...... ..tra....
. l4I.. •._l""1 ' '-'-
Cit, It, . . . . .I-K .......... .... "ark.
TIle dIlI\I,ul~l... of ea "~lntr a c1i.ek1~ a .'r.np eitl ,,",ue experleD ced .Ibe .. ,II ... nlgblln BuSlOD .bl' ......H known JIIew 1I:orll lIe,;,.pn por _an, ,,'bo ecn· duel. UII'II "r l.lie "hlel Mputm eul. 01 it mel~o'I?P:Ii.1U;IJ':.Tb:' ""11 of tlie _prlaelp 'told o ~ Prlnee Y .: L ', ' j ul!' to histlo • obser~a of ork ate,,- ..~e..Krw ... l..re. tbat);e . no .fr!e"d. , II'.'ur '.ppea . Hub, tha' Ja, DO IH!qUal nl.bct". grown to a:ppear do . .A peo';'e ., • ...,. for .,,"'. une-"n ...... ,"b:l s.~'beek·-l ~, and II ...... n a "l(~d wbnt tie ab"T" ' U,,,,, ago, do ' t-o celebra te ' bi. -Ill' f!>lIlId .....rul~ lie lold , ...."', 'i"Dle without a i!:rt~l"g"" : be dllUy for 11 dr;"e ,'!-:.~;r. 1ni51\1Ient·s::41~:~llation, . "Go ~, all the otber mn.Nlnl _ eilllu.liI,.,. ,{In OUR or iIOublf ull prelt'ad ed to be. - ;"' . He bad be... ."n '. TIOcalioA In a . 'islrkl , ... bere tbe n.!'ina made no lIe.II.lI on or ;iyi.nll} pm gr~rDbacli:s lur tM nf"~paPra- cbeck., hui ",b.n alr,bck tb" "lIy bt. louod tbiogs e"IOreI, dll'uen l. Th. "otel cI.rk remem· bered bim ' . .... g ne.. 1 or ;Jun •• aDd ula ...d tile I.. ~orum!,nt ot. I.he
manner .. to bave '\be ~eipl") it. enl motion of tbe mill applied The t,,·o de"i,," are connect ed, t< th( c .. "b otber' !oi wire. 'f "",teaejl hole« 'in encls of each atm. The moti.'o of b-..t tbe windmi ll .tower II thefffo re "omml,Ulj"a~d' to a 00 thr pU:!Ilp ·.atanda rd, whleh Oil',. be .ai .• ny The distanc e ~from ' the'" wlncfmlD. 'holes iii neh deTlee . ";'o be ;'houf .tw" lee~ 8Jl1lI1. · When ·~lre. !Ir.e. t~ be run an extra lonlf diatan'l e, or ver,. unenn ground anil other ob5tacl u, they ,8!e Buppo.rt ed by po.• ~ on wltlch an: bo1te~ monUle 8l'DMJ aimilar 'to a or 11; By ......'ug..... 06·' post;; the wins ean be rafs ed out 01 ,.' • tbe way. Anotbe r elI'eelletlt device i • • ho....,. The crank or balidl., . eel, on one eod tbe rod or Ibe sha'tt take. tbe ot the pump- bandle, wbile d. ' on other end · of the .haft. recrivu tbe mo tJon from the miiJ: The rod these two eontrh' ancu plneed: cau be of alruo.t . • ny Where it ,. not posaiblp. to rUD r eet from tbe mill to tbe pump; it be Join;,d by mean. of 11 and ruo arouud or n'·i' ..-;'o. , o bniis 'joint is ,bow,o' at co, aDIl eaeb ron;'I... ' of two shllfls or terinina ting .in a l emicirc tr. aDii et..D~ nttete-d bv means of a eress upon whirh ei.ch · seruie!r cle is bingtd, When ODe shart Iw turned, either ttJ the right or le[~ tbe otber tiirns in the 'snDl'" direction. Any good blacks mith will be able to IDDke It. The materia l u$ed in tbe rod /lOn·.....,.... ,,..,,. necting pump to mm -cau be ..... _ one-!)al t 0. one-Inc n 'Iron. or commOD incb gas ·pipe.-F ann and BODIe.,
Mrs': ·EDitha. E .. ·F e1ch, Treasurer Fond du Lac. Wis., Social Econ'omic Cltih, Tells How 'She waS Cured of IrreguJar and Pain.fut l'4enstr:liation ' by Lydia E. ,Pinkham's Wege~ble Compound.· ~.
-: f ~ lias. )I'!K~ ~- I
E. Piiikbam',s uation, and menstr l .painfU and gular <V~le . .Cdm~ti}lcr iorirre say it 'is a t~ly can I . . . entirel y cu~ ~t~~ ~ing ;tIVo lJQ.tt!c~. ng from suffcri booo to 'suffering ""oinQl~ '~d -1 would recolRmc:nd all the abOve ~~ · to ~iy ~ few bottles and b~ cured. · ' Very think. . fully yours. EIDO. E . FEicIi, Division St., Fana du Lac, _W.is." _. INE. GENU NOT eaooo l'OBF EIT IF THE ABOV E LErrE B IS
l-roper'. ,. •• l1t, Co. ••• RC"" ...... .a 51JS1Ll '1tee•••e •• e n .....1! . 1.• ••e. ...4erable..
Inn.mu cll.all the good road. ~"'Te' tie farlbere d On1l" I);' !.h,~ mo. t pHsi :eDI Ggitallc in, it i& a j!·· ~u· ure to note Ibat ma ny 9' lhe cDln~LZy orw·. pa pers ore enlillE.d fn Ihe and prepa£e 10 k~ep up t he 11gb!. t i. not It djfficul t lI.. k .'IO m te l thco argu' inen, Ibal suJh roacl. are expeD5h·e. In tbe iO ... bf.bil's In "'bleb perman ent road . baTe been bul!t.il " 'as fau n\! 1110·1 s8'(iug lu the wear an~. . te.ar of "df!~:e5 . . lb. lans.r liC. "nd betl_~ bu lc b or !Den And horse!,a .od Ibejocr eaud valui' of anj'~E D't propnt.ics'1l1ucb more Iban atoD ed for )be oll~l ay roquired for. lb. con s l ru ction of Ibe rCJa·ds·. Once ibr m~DI i. 10'
ha ft> j
Jaig t'bt> "'Est ~15 e:lSJ". - Scit'O(~~
ana ,
-0' •
y-H......... J111.(r,...-
H ....... .....,. E ....,.
t'ba I. ThE .C OEt of , ... tb~ ob"iou! r~ 25CJb f()~ dlgbt; ill pair • • • • . "r ~ _. • • I. • '(h'a t tbe damag_ lsineon sidt ruble. l'h.· or painful . ord'ioar y rain digs I ""cclie, Ihrough WheJi WOlDen 'are tnl1ibIed_.wi~h inclnllllr; suppressedration of_the tbe be.t ma ihlal -nf "'hieb Toad s ar.oriilce ut f1.CelIl6 diS p h~'\, Ieucort ess, ~ .weakll e, backach , o\'Wl! the, ( matioM Even narrow ·tired ·.,.,b1clu CUI' inflam feeling • Womb, that beaiiog-dowil s pros· -( h.m }Jul slightly; The iron of be-.:•••' lihltto g (or tlatulenec.l, .gene1'lll :fubility, indigeStion, nnd nervou ss, lassitu~ abon; is' as. nolblng uJ>.On tbe sl.J rfac~ .. ~ or ~ ~t:~ 8uch sympto)ns nsdizzin~ filmtne holy, "all. Rigb.d,)' constru cted tbey . ..." wbol melanc sness, sleeples Dcss, nerv01l$ ty; . uOJtabllity. ~~bili . Hiey purpor.t to be-road ~ {~ 1ileb ,,'1'1 h ~t-to-oo-left-~lone~ ft;elings ; bl~ atid .hopelessI!l!Ss, ' .(iPDD. e remedy.· Lydia & ~h_ I<asrpo~.ipl~ rep,,irs au Ptrman' ,tIl8Y BhoUlcl .re~mber ttieJ'e IS one tned amI-.tru s. int . . T.be •• arvt he faetcs wbieb lin trouble 8~ s remove once at ,. ~d Co~~ e ~~b1 m~ PIU" new,pap _';s eng.pd In the imprbv t. Ic .,.~w,~a ~ to buruy'other medICIne, (or you need tho best. • d- ment 0' ou..:'Nlad sYlu.m i re impr..,,· 1I0~. ..riIllclrie for female m. In l be .wor14 baa receive ~ ing npon 'lU' peOple" abd It Is'" pIt.... ement endori Jlfled t;mqua . . . wtIlesp NaCLa acl ure 'to note tbat some. of lbtm na:iu bn1tes an alok 'Women to wrlt~ ber lor adrl'le . a: ike f lht Importa nce. of' !ht work Bod -Lynn, Mass. to health . ... .... lhe lIeeessl ty 'for .more than Yigc.r- Ii advoeai lng !~ .perfo.m.II~. . ,-(iolde n .DB'... .. - " ••
pro~idecl. .lor
.r.~. o
every description of u po Ie an
on sho~'f ~.
n'o'ice: "
113-121 W.
AIN 'ST., ·
Mrs: Ellen Rjpley, Chaplain Ladies ~id, Grand Army of the' Republic, NO.7, ) 2 2 loth Ave.; N. E~, Mi.Q.rie.apolis, Mimi., .Strongly ~ndorses Lydia, E. Pinkham's ' Vegetabte Compound; . " DEAR M"RS! PUlIC1tAll :~Your Vegetable Compound cured me of ulceration of the womb. a:ndgettingsucb a complete cure I felt tbat ' the: medicine had genuine merit and was weil worth recommeilding other 'siCk women . . . "For fifteen years I have been yourfri.erid. I have never-writterLyoli 1>e!ore.)ut J have advised h undreds of women to take your medicine, in -.fact it is the oniy real reliable remedy I know of for a sick woman. '1,1" r.have not yet found a case of ovarian or wpmb trouble whidl has not been relieved or cured by the faithful use of LydJa Eo
"P.inkham's Vegetable Compound.
i!1terlll'l;" medltatlyell !ia be: "'I'UDI' ooe tile arm of ilia cbair B"!', J:bls raw COld OU"~t HolDg
.. You have brought health·to hundreds of women in Minneapolis as you have no doubt to,others ovcrthecountry."-MRS. ELl.EN· Rll'LEY. .GOOO FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LETrEB LS NOT GD VBE. When women are troubled with irregular or painful menstril.ation. w!-!&kness, 1eueorrhooa, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bear· ing.dO"Wll feeling, infIaJrimation of th.e ovaries, backache, flatulence, general debility, indigestion, alId nervous prostration, they should .remember there is one trled. and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkba·..... VegetabJe Com.p oUDd at once removes such troubles. No other medicine in the world baa received Btlcb widespread and tmquslified end01'gement. -No other medicine has ~.ch a record of-puree of femaldl'Oub1ea. ~fuse to buy ally other mcdicme. . , -.
u a .... f~b charm.
1011 ....klD! ncb a horror?"
"fi.,wo.1cJ be braY61y. ..KeD grow .le"inc:!!iJ
wbeD they faDcy
them· ImllJ<IDg
~1". ill Jon.
"AlJ lit tJMm-O. mo.t _weet •• tl·
"X_tell mr about your Ufe up tlaere," ' rihe .. Id, briskly. "Of' course tJae cold moat haYe beeD terrific, ·aDd '. K~I""'R. wfth DO oe .... D.O 1!.al"'ra, DO \VomeD.
1t ;. eur to COOVl.IIce • "'oman, b1It abe
will DOt my coniueed.-Wubington (Ia.) Delnoerat.
- --
Sea-.onabl e S.o .... eot.
"A romantic country, that!"' ''Yee'" "Sure. All along tne- coast t he buor_ .~ lwuing lbe . hon:" (He millht have aa~ t hat the ..,nnd of the fi.b'llg amaek "all heard DOW and !.hen • • hc ,..,,~ ... Iri ...d the beach. and that an :um of t b. sea b~ 9 circles a .. ndy waste, but-)-Yale Record.
"We eanec'l hertbe Belle of . CIt.,: J!nnl" be ollliclc1'd *ci bhnselr.' -rou wODld bn~ tbou~bt it dizzil, abnn eoDld you bUB-seeD us liDo.' op ,... ef7lD.Oml!l8·.nd make ou?bows. We _D nlu",d our s roart."t.smaU talk lDr Jaer-I~nnea AI If &be could ll~ar,
,.,.. kIlow."
l in. Jig.lby (the d ~OUSIion huiog beeome IIOm.what perliOnall-Y"" =y tAlk till d o011l0 <loy, George Jipby, hut yOu'll llll1'er get me to Admit th at n wife is bound to do as her hu.bond teU. her. lfr. JIG by-By gravy madam , if r outli". you 111 have it engra ,":J 00 your torobatoue t hat , ·ou were <I good and obedient l\ifel_ Chicago .Tribuo!!,_
Tbe L •• tWor4.
lIaIe'.. Hone,- of Horehound and Tar leIi_ W"lioopinl coUlIL PW·. Tootbaclle »rOpe Cure in one minute •
"Ko aD,tbiDg ae,lrable, ' yon nrlght pcept tbe 'grub,' tbe flrel. 1be d.t aad-,-el. there .was ODe tbiDl' ebe wbleh became to Die. at 1,..,- 1D000e aatl&factor.r tba" all the "ftlt of onr IIIUltf'r comfort s." . Tbia lut wllh a strady. .tare tbat "anled ~rl .. J.amar to Ilowt J.J aa'OClp ber e,did., '. .. if tbe Icing 1••JIft .mlI'M -nil tbe t.iD~· bl ...b tbat _eel to ripple benutb tbe ..hlt~ do... of the rouDded 'c beeks below. "Aad wbat " ... this .miri~DtJ,. desir·, ,ble thID,,?" ahe eoatinueai' Imperl-
...........ra_. . . .t..r lien ......, ........... . C.....!"'"I"••
1J ••erae.....
lIerewiilb 1. sbown a drawing mail. from " r,~ulf" peoeil .ketch drawn by tb6 wrl~r, Ilhowing ' a seetioO- of the hallway 10 a pouilTy house, iUuatratIDK t b.. row of M~ t boses. with 8 ' con.-enlent IIbelf undemeatlf; alao wi,th the feed trougbB placed near a slnt plllftition between the. no.' t bose.. through ....bleh slata the fo wls LD flle penl! and drink. Allet' each mral the trougb" are removed Jar deaniog...nd the water pan Is pJa~ ori the ' lIoor DeaF the
"'\\'Jay Dot, nnless she was 'alan,.' duf? 8<;> '~be most desirable IJiI'ng tun. oat to be f ..mJnlne alter nlr.. 1. _1,M Jaa .... gues . .. d It. iJ there ·WOS · 8 cet..t·a"le woman [ollide tbe orctic elreJe. What , -..: .... ~be--s ome E.'qul· maar TJaI.- bst 1II1I.80rt of debat;"e ....Unp. • . '"!'ot aD Jour life. Neither ·".u she 1l 81. . .h~ Ch11c.l-oor aoJ' e>!bor A.I •• lIIooltro.II,.. . .AliI. how we did
adore tb' Jirll:' .
"Well. rea.17'" H"re l!iJ!s Lamar rnish!g• .moced aaa'f7 dignified sympl,om s of ")fe", do JOu O'conciJe tbl~ -,.sth1_rata11Dg;t~tars·in tho t bor· w.d hOle wit bout ser.ing. woman?" '"Ill... 101emD. lugubNous1"aet," he plI. .l;y III1~ted. "tb., ...... ·d:d.'· "WK,I. nil tbiDg. )fr. Sterling," sold ..... add.lq hauteur to eligoil,.. "Men· aaelt, Ja -qolte aDOtb~r. Enn actress.. are- l appolta toO no .... tba.t," She 1'0""; dartiDg .8 t him • fina I • rlaace. Delth"" medltls tlTe Dar deba"The Origiolll Belle of Bear City." tfte. Bad he n~ seeD her look tbat sl.e relld Illoud. "Gael bless ber! .-r;y "'8J at the un l uceusful lullor in \, here 5h311 I find ber?" !'114'uta Are 'IrumPJ."-bu latest .toge Wben tbelr eyes met agaio, SterPeeeaa' Wa. obI.' reall,. going? .-\p- IiDg rcaUzed tbat IIbe - bad gu.......d '(lldl1Id.Jeat lie had o1r..od4.'d, yettbrilled' tI,e- other balf of his .riddle. . W...,.b17 tllat ...,tlllogb .. mll{ht SII)" "Wbere 'shall .I finel ber?" he ....W be. at-Illore than a!phyrlik.e im""boed. : '1. "'"Dt to tell he r I am DO' ~._10 IDOY~ ber. Sterling timidly fal t blesir. bu't lailhrul~alwDYs." ...' " , . del.lnl.... Jfand. "Here," •• Ia Ml'ss ' LarqBr, 8d~k "Pie... doo't( 'iro," he ·"entured. hi to blusb no even more CODyineW DO Idea ol-el-you see, 'it Waf iOIrber smile, as sb" . resigned· both pre~rr" .f\.r alL" hamla to his eas-er cillsp. ' . lfUMLa_r . teotlltl~~ly, wilb "Foolisb .boy! You might "114 ~D bacilc.
:.old me wee.ks ago!·
"Old Omar Kboyyam uuderstood my ree!\ngs." returned Sterling: "Llstt'D to the P .-:raian .~ge: ' . ~ t'i .. 'Those wbom 1fltb
to.~ Wtf _orabJp ~
In love we abo (ea r: ..
5Vl\UPop FiGS ,ft'ft ~s ~ fi~MlIY I!.XATIVE:. .... .:CE!LLeHr ro THE-·T ,.(J?I&
"'UiG R~esJ'
- With many millions of families Syrup of Figs has become the ideal home laxative. The comhination is a simple and wholesome .one, and the method of manufacture by the California Fig Syrup ~ Company ensnres that perfect purity and uniformity of product which have commended it to the favorable consideration of th~ . most e,!!linent. pnysicians and to the intelligent appreciation of all w-hQ are. Wellln!Ormed in reference ~o medicinal agents. ~Syrup 5lf Flg~ has ~ruly a laxabve effect and acts gently with- . out In any way dlsturblDg the natural functions and with perfect freed0!!l from al!Y unpleasant after effects.· •In the process of manufacturing, figs are used, as they are ~leasa:nt to the taste, but the medicinally laxative principles of the C:9~bination are ohtained from plants known to act most beue~ ficia!ly on the system. . . .
Ti;jet. its beneficial effects-
l~~;;i;~kjS;r;;(e (,Qui.ville, Ky. S61\ f"ranc.Jaeo.CaJ. "~W Vorl\.l'I-y' POll ....u B'" AL'L ~ eTa • ~RICE .50. peR aOTl'u
L. . ·M. '
AW. J.'l"1'ORNEY-AT-L ".
,We 'alsO s.upply caps, . s1l1s, step. ,
'. J.o.rder,..
every description of cut 8to~e 'wor~' rOl'
11hII{IIa..:lbuilding purpoSes on ,short
... . Ilr. and Mrs. B.. C. llaDiiltou,are ~1!N!""o!m for a1echeap.; \188 TifitingtheiJ'son F. 111, HamitliOn C'f ..ner ~ UIeCI. lDquire ., t;JdII LelaDou . . o8kle
. . r JIra. W. Co' Cornell and IIiu CU路 M-. KG Sale, of Cbloap, IS 9l&- dade Baird .were sboppiDg iD Day. ~ Jut 'Week. - .' Kia 路A dah Lamb aDd)(n. ~pttie ;';.i~,~j.r-~ICornell were DaytoD visitors ~ &to'
Ilr. T. O. KuoD, of XeJlIa, b guest of hb bro&her路in-Jaw, G.eo. ITII~.mt.aD,6ud
m'lJ enpJ8 i1l buat路
Life'. Little S'detlo••• ~Ady' for 'finler'" "Ob, ,II; .~,~. bad oar loot ectal> \
"Are ,ou ptti...
, the ___ D, nil banhe!nm to qu.rr.el t1i. ~ 1IWL"-~l:roit'Fru Preis.
2G1M1Jt1_lM8"injiqlllltv 1111, orQ/hill I1?llIitQnlil..
•• Oood -Luck," .. Cross Bow,"
.. M.ster Worknuia" - ,
Ii Sickle,..
:e"N~ne." ·... Razor. u ,
. . -:&• •rkab.i., ~.d. :' ~ ~ i -.~.'""' ". _. . 'l'bti 0.11 . .. 8. 0 •.Rome tau a ~ :::."_
WORD-BUILDING GAD . It .. ''-.. rr
....;1td. OB 8n.. Le pl.. b
_ e.eoJll .. .. er.
Xenia, Ohio.-
ar::ntee .p~. Our pr' es re
supply .
s, sill,
ery UIJ.'LlJ.l.i,I:;,
ri p' .OIt of cut
pu rposes on
Yard :
" sho~ . noti<~e .:'
iceand Va
g <. ~rJlose
on ~h_
V1 rc , ll v, CI 're; ,miru , chil ll. ho f \1 sit, " ' iiI goiJlS' to,to l1ch lip t b~ blacks j ll, ~ a. (,'t, ' rl} 1\ul a \\'hit ?-n<?t a No afr:a'cl , my .bra'V
:,.~ Now
Hi! yO!J bla k I la!1 ms! My life! ho '" th ey !!o Thi s has r I hope- l -ycs, CI ire-Ih at th ': ,' lI lt tplr-
Xenja, ~JJjOf
Being pr.!lclical - design roi, we are prepared to furnish oJl>gina and a:-tlsti(: draw ing!' on ~hC'r1 notl Ct! .and we gloaralltClll:> fllr-
b~ (iblained anywhere ID 'nishcan .as finely proportioned work ~ ~l- Oil. Ohio -S tandard; ...:...._. .... 09 thecouDtry . and take'~pec : q: I ( Crown Ga$oIiD &.~ ._~............ .. ,. to supply _nothing but tllt' vel) CylinaeJ: Oil:~xtta, ...... ""."" .... " ~ best material a nd guar~Dtee pe rNeat'lIl;oot Oil • .-pu!:o, "" ...... " .. _90 I . fa FLl<u. Oil, Pur~ .. " "_" .......... ".,, ... 9Q ect salIS ctiOlJ . Our M,'1cliiuo Oil, good, .. , .._._ .. .......... 30 very reasonable. I~~:=::::.::=:::'=::":~~~~~ ¥1lcluile Oil, better .:." "."" .........35 I..iJlseed Dil, . pure,_ ........ :... ......... 75 CnstQr Oil,. pure. ........._._ ... ......i1.60 Ro.rnm Oil ............ " ....." ......... " (I
~}Veal 0
"' building purposes on sbort~otic~.,· · ~ ~. Office and Yards:
~ -~~ . "
. roaJt ~'8 FENCE. 11014; )
~ur 'top ran, 3D:d, la.Uy,bu~ m.oal
Importllll~, a bale 0 _( N~. 12 black "-Ire ";:::;::'~::;;;'::::;=!';:;::':;;~-w.----:~-""-";:'~"~~"':':"'''''.t as pllable,as. yoll cap get. ' .. 1 , l(jrleriei'-l:: Tbe at:alees &bould -be DetroIt. Mlell... ~ <I, M r<" l eet ' iong; made of: 'Iocust, oDk. Dr. S. B. N.rtDuIl. Columbus, Oblot . ".-'. - ,.,.. or ' any tim&er thu! wllHu.t &.1' SI,.. ... TI» yoGlI6 Ii" wbo . . - tbe PertIJg .... . .1I#iJ ..%l=~ ne, e -sta1ie;, do not' bue to be . ' Yll6itU,lIIJdloasalYOlt;e; :rbelftulloftMtruJ_"' _ _ ....___ I ttI-, Sbe fo"n4 .,ul rdId, lind .hu futllet' _ of tM - - fectly ItraJgbt, as this. e fl"eal ~. tobe_'''' tD . .y.be Is eIltlreITcured, ~'. S'~RS OP C~ a dyuatDge of this fenee, 10 uoe mate· .....• i' }'e.. a. thoug!! they had been r ial tbat eaDPot tie uud • 'l'hlaYini1lB:glrlw.S1Jndei t.heeareOHheSlatel1lOCCharlt~ ~i4ea; ahlinals, The.men on boa.rd of Clam d s.. t:scept Ip a woodpll,e. 2.: 'I'1h,,·lbJ · r"'!eJI runaioreat&ri-h of the throat, with goociresultsasthc.aboTe , -. test 'Ibot tilelr a",o1'"" liaa~ wl~h asea. wbich &J'e wired to tbe.ce tbf tliru,t and b.lclI:ed with ....ont.. top rail -{Fig. 2), Ilod utelld 10, tbe h-vled tbe tbLl'O""u,g fliie. Bllt groo!:,.d b.twepn lIie .. lal<e~J s hould be et~r,. ....a" thJf, lIgbt conYeJ'lred ' e~ fept Joog. Afakl! tbem from any· the 'Bear, • lit was' on ber thU thlag from two to thref~oche'in~ialD' United Stales ~ru'lII .pent the lIer~st of (lfeb etel'. Tb.y Ilud o.o t be put 10 lbe for· Catum. _ li- was .to th~1Iear that- tbl grllune!. as lour nil .. .. il ~ b ..ld-tlleJl1 - -c.f T"tbo'. n."" r.Uled In place. 3. lt4Us ... n ¥ _uled. .. . PWIl T~"'ia. e{iugbt' fin, tbe old fe!lee, straight or· crooked . .:.PnHII II c.tJioIk:I.mt/tJJt/oa la Oblo were Innlc 0,. talien. ._ ~folknv1D1 reco_nd from Wht n you lake' . rail 10 wire 11 ,10 tb t _ On our lide tl!.e tiattle-ery . n · brae.. , If It I...." ... bolc let ;~. tbtl SlMet'S.perfOT: n .... _ .... alild ·the name of thiJJ obseure .. 50_ fun lip II IrIeIMI 01 our In· esn PJlt a pi".. fit the holt._ You will ·shiJH'Dptaln IM!emtta t.o-$"rry a eonfi. los..-too moe" lime to le:ect p~ery rail. .tItIItIoD recommemfed to us Dr. lI.rt· den~ with It tor 01P' own c.rl!ws. t ....t Bulldlug'.-Set - up two 5lnk... aDd. IIU"'. Perri". . . 1111 czceiknt remedy maoy a well-known command.... wire t.ogether ".btre the.r cr..... _Ih.n lor the IDfI_ 'of whim "'~ tlren h:.d m.ighi eD ..l~d. The I!oem,. ~d 'dlgboledo. th"t.m to go info a-bouUOl!.t .evm/ c:ues "'fdeb tbruk~ to be " doze.. rallyil!g mes, al)d theae con- feet apart This is youi · begipniog. • .erlous cbllnu:kl'. "We bepD tD UK It l1l71I czpHIen0e4 " nsed them. _But ,as tbl!Jr other ...hlf Temporarily brae. Iben, .slakes wilb JtfIOndll"ull'9ults Ibllt sin« then one by ooe werelelUed, a bUlle _or rail, -w bich houhl ·be 3 £ PeTrIn. lYe bcc:DlIJfHIUt' hlt'Orlte melll· r~lnaJned.-aetiye with mi.. straight apd " $ .ou nd" ont' n you .e.n t:Ine-tot'lof/wnu, t:lltan:b. c:oJd, t:OuZb "Da"onJ" became the ab01l' plek up. No". un you, rack tor h old· IJlId brolJCb/tis. .. _ was tiIJroWn. back at U B In- n- ing the pod 00' th,. ground whil. you • - SISTE~ SUPERIOR. sponse to 1Ir -"Tobl" · ~ "dig lbe holeuod wire tb. otb.r SIal!«. Howen,., 1 wllJ noi JOAI! my JI&lfI Pu t tbe r:ll!k AbOllt hro ted froni Ibe with. turtbl!l' long aee.oitnl IIf tbla ob- eod at tbe -top rail and tben ut np leU", ' .ea-IIght, "ho&e only glo~ Ifakes against tbe top ran . ..Dig ..... Ita f~rocity_ .One by ope aU the for th,.m oppo~lt .. I h,. rack's f.et, pu l -'tIps of elthelr J.i~e ..ere sunle, or tbe sto kes in, " 'Ire togetb.r..-he.re lb.,. with.all theJr ' ~opll! kll!ed, tilLllnal· C!J'oaa uoder the top rail . t-htD put. 0 .. Ii onl,. Da&OIL'" gaJlI!,.aDd ~ur own anoth~r rail, lopping abouL 18 Ineh,.., Bear were left, For the JlJoml!.Dt We a-Dd '"" on until you ha"~llUI thi .... a,w~re ~In~ muter~. We .hall a IICOni about t~ 0'- twelre pallels. Tha go of mell rtmallnJng -out of all bae.k and put on your: br:ac~f .s &bown that manned the nu,. ",ben J& .all'!d ID Fig. ~. to Ieeep the f.Dce frDm pu h· from Yocata.. , and tbe eD~DI" had Ing back-ward -and f~rward Itngth..-i ..... boarcfed.ue aDd m.de U,edecb .. f t •• Wheo you hne pu r OD .U of your Bear tbe IId~ 0.1 battle. But thf.,. br.c.... begin at the boHom t o put on hna bel!.D OTU bus)' with _tbe thro",· tb. oi.bu roil., tie witb ·wir(' to Ih. U.llt'.ftr..,· nil preselltJ;r, as we rageds. bottom of Lbe bra ees, J:lp tbl!' ra i ls one another, Itbe smoke and tbe 11101. eight to t ..tIYe iDe bt~, laylog bottom from the stnl'ify -renel berulrld 11' rail until you are at til, pod of your. "~ry plalnl, .t1IOW that ,b.. ..... 1*'1 .Ulke,; tbe.o come-back. lak .. tb~ DUI s8h-atioo, . rail, .. Ire to th" brae.... and"" 00 until Bu' Tolf was nothiog daunte4 yo}'r 'panel is completl!. A ' huodre~ "Tliq JIl&J' stay h~ and fry if tbe, pounds at wire -wiU build 1rom 10 to aDO"!!." he , shouted, w[th bls .great 85' pauels. accordiog to the size of rail. boirlcrous laugb, "but for ourael ..... tbe galleJ: ii good ",oogb D.OW. J[up MUAGIltG THE BULL. a guard OD - Deueallou, and 'come wil\ s me, sbi[lmale.t" ' , ' 'I'll. E ••nell ."U.04 or. Tiiro"'I"~ ...... . "Tob!" our fell.o_ shoutea III tbd • . Hea... ~. A.I";'. Wlt ••• t u ••- ' ecstasy of 1\g/ltillg "'adDelIII, aDd 11 of ......... It. eOuld not !orbear aendtl!g lIUe. a "Tob!" tor lilly battle-eI'1' U 'wu a Put a b:l1t~r ~ake 8 ~cfuod or- . change for me not,-'o be le.der, bul di nny CJlrl tope, male.. a loop at ooe it W8JI a lnxulry for onee to lIgbt 10 eod .od pan it onr tbe bcad aiid _ld tbe wake of· tbis Tob, duj>lte .his on· it 'restclosr around tbe neek~ low dOM:D. wathn.... of ' mien a .n d 'plan. Then! like a eoUllr; bring the rope to ..... -DO stoppiDg this DeW rush, near Side. pen It. ower:;tbe back JU Il Mu8t Bear 81p_tUN of thougb progr..... still wu olow. 'tob beblod tbe -&bould.ra. briog it uod.,.· with his bl90d:y 81[ cut the road ' 111 i.eath the.- ch.... t. &-ud pan it-unde .. aod ("ani, and;.Jt-,. othen,. "it~1be tben • bOTe fb,. ~npe. so as to make of liattle 1I11ilig ua to -thl! chin, raged' :turles in __hJI wakl!. ~odsl but ..... afigbt. TEn of pa 1irpn to Uie: galley, witb the - lIain ... ai,d the smoke from tht poor near,$purting .t our heels. Wt. turned and &1"b~d madly a.t atl wbo t~ied t o follo,.-, ana iiac.ko:d through
SISTERS.Of CHARtTY _. ---_. . u.
--CHAPTER IL-(A)l'i-m.u~. Deli~rately- .J ..Ig~t .of one Qf
Ana Th ..y H.r.el....
-";And ~wbai are you makinr?"
W~ ubd
o.r the Jate1lig."t '~ rlin!l , u we admired tb. play of bi. briLwny mu,c.\.'. . ·'Makin' co'Wcatcben {or aiilk· train., IJ b. ..!!ijed, witbout 100kiDgup It-om bi .....o~k. .\Vber.at "'. pa ...d .on. marvdiD& &rfltllT at tb. inlricu •.ies oll!lodern •• iell<e.-Balttmore 4!DericaD'.
--'-- - -
Be.t ioe th .. Do ....I.> No matter what ails you, head ..~he to • you· will never get wen until bowel. are put rigbt. C..=ol. belp cure yoU: witbout a gripe or pain', c::UIcer~
easy, natu'I'Dl moveme.nla, cost you ""nts to start f,dting your health Casc:uit. Candy Catbartic, tbe genuiDe pul up in melal bon;', ~".ry tabl.t hu C. C.
damped oa it .. Be ware 01 imitatloDi. .
Prole-ello ...
An indt6Dable If'os:e . ... m.thin~ dr .. diul about ''<.'.,,..y __ .uing me •• aid ,ouns Mr. I!O, you're all rig!1tr" ''1__ (or tbe proleetloD be ~na c (ed thil 1\"interl 1tOitl<·1£e·Pre_.. _-"--_ _~~ If
eGlltempWiDg; a jolltlley Eut ~r_
WIJI& lboaJd be cupful '1bat .fhe rites pald ~ Uaek traD8pC!rlatiOil do'not those ~ -br tlie. Ni.k." l'Iate Road. 'l'IU. _pany .htara qjfin lowest rates -.... u.. wYi.. io dlcie..t. Cueful at...tiaa is liTO . t;J.':,~' tl 'of 1lI1 6n1t ' &lid iIIIeODd elua ~n b, uniformed ' ...toied aUendanla. !l'h.,.Jiniog ... r ",,",ioe fl6tM..li~ &te~iu:bOve criticism ... _ltIea lile u.;,eJer' to obta in meals at &om thirty""" (311) ceenta fo '1.00 but ....~lter.~· ; . b'-' PIilltDn ..nit;! -I. the)lOw ..... ~ .wadaid. · Seoii·~.. kly - Ir'a~ati:: ....tar ..n- ply be.t ....~o Allan!ie .1Id Paeille Oauta. CuaI.. WIth neareot . . . of ~o !f~1 Pia!", 'lJ,Oad. .
a . n
a •• d.oBle.t.. cale . . . .
nf the s.aso-" (in ten oolon) lis b<e.utJrol bead. (011 l ix ,heell, lO:dl! ,aeh ...I;rfprod:uc!tionl ,..f p:t intiQ~ oy Moran, Ultle\!' by General 1'3Klell&"er Dfp ..rtmeot, Cbirngo, lliI"",u~te &c St. PaUl Ran ..,,,y, will b • ..,nt receipt of "<.nly·five cents. Addr<ttI.F.
, FaJIIe Hope•
bim ..,. be {dt rather '_ you left the gas tumod ... hen he called . . '-. of bim! One Deeds • a n.egaliY•. -~ban, . -Newopapera tbat print lo"e ,tori... are aot o. , ooil {or P:Lotry .holv.. ; tb:e&irl PIIUing·t bom on alwaY'ltopl to read tbem. -..!tsbiAon G!obe.
PilOt. Cure is tbe best me.dicine lS'e eyel mOd. (or all 1ff dian. of th. thre~t aoe lung!:-Wm. O. End,ley. VanbureD. Ind., F.l>. 10,' 1000. ' . '
plAced ·myeelf.1D tbe the lizarilB. and of, fered my -body to i~• • Uack. TIle chaUenge. wu accepted. -It- swooped ke a droPRiog sione. a~d t -and drove In tbe lance a1 ita eye. . ~ . I tbanked the · gods Ihen that rhad been trained wltb tbe lao." " till ........ tain arm 1m... a matter of !I)~tlnct with me. Th.. blade ...... t true to ita ~ark and . tu.c k there,_and tbe broke in my band. The ~""t drew oJ!, b1in'cll'd a.l )d 1!eUowing. nod ~.t Ing the .... witb Its paddl..... In a gnat eatarad-Of fOB~ J_ l\aw~it ~nd Its gr~at -long necJc. aDd rllb It. bead (with. tbe apear still lind) agains' Ita b.ck, tbereb:y -enduring new a~ni~, but without :d lalodging tbe- weapon. And then ' prescntly; finding- thl. of 110 a~ail, it ...t I!II' for the 1,laee- from, which it came with extrac;Jrdln quickn ..s., and rapidly grew all!8llel' sgainst the borizon. . The -male a.,d the · otber felDJlle lizard hod also left us, but . not in -.imifnr plight. Tob• .the capt.ln. ~.. l ng roy resol!e to -tnke. bazard ... deIIberatel, "throst a 'shlpman Into the oC eaCh of the others, aD thAt might be sated . and get ..~liem gon... It was clear that Tob- dreaded Yery mucb for his 'owo ."kin If I came
Carter's .'
·Littie-Liver 'Pills!
h:iir'~~~~:.:-:t~-ba~t-liela t1ie
Yelll!el.. t:;)sea-.weUi
. Tb; more ·reaton. t\'ere are 1rh7 a maD shoiJid IIlV. money th~ less likelr he is to il.-AtChisoo ~Iobe. -. ~
The way to d•• tror conrage is not pl\lclt it up ,-{)hieago Daily .Newl. _ '
l-P_lIe,~. Wife .BlOs. t • • 1/'0" ••" ., ~,ooo Lett 10 8 :el' b,. Her O ....... otller.