Eor the Orea t Home PERS ONA L AND ' . IMany New Board ers Comi ng Reun ion. LOCAL NEW S. : at Fr,' ends Home .
In SocIety.
Lytle .
Harve ysbur g.
Mrs , J. W . \,{hlte WII S h ost,DRS t " l H./ll.O r " trll p~ :!"C Tw ()' n'l\ 'tlUI! R we re 1111111 FridllY about t hirty ladl es Fritlo y IIf t er ' l,l r ug MtOrtJ, WII), II US "illitll1 Sd l \\'Il I·tl.'" , I."d l"'" It" ", I.. J.!~ , :1, " 01 " I r ' , " Albino F )our· 60 'oents a Btlok. t n t er es t WI hi 01I h liS \."een mIlUl' f . , I' ~ch", u l't '/.·" d,',,,· , 1 est ,11\'0 '. \\ '" ' ' \', iu t heFrie nds OVtln,U " t , fll,·t lll,r IIM f,.,U & 'U'l'uU"t l, , on I,etweon t b e 1lours of :.l an tl, ~. ' MI' , .J 08"llh 'I'holllll l> II III ,. '1 r IIn(,• M r l! . ., '" r W , [I o w ke !ts oreotlo nwn,s13oardin gBome slnoo n O ... ... ", I eo. f , um il .v. ! A:,:,wd ,,, ,, '' \''' ', ,, " ,' " ·ild , · , ~ .\11, I k tn ...,n M r;~ fi rs fll tmenti i d th oned, hll tt . Ull 1 ( :ul lllul:;' t ' u I 0 0 00. f '1 UB oan 0 I , '" Iitl ulll nn r ' Ul or O J ll o r~lIl1 tl v ."lo"!.:I'"illul · 0 IJnl~ o r , ,S P Oll , ." nlll ,llY WI ' "' 11' · 1", '" I\·ll h,... 0\1,." ",It IJrld I lit> w liu k be. we re v i~ito rs FrldtLY. c· " \ \ . ""I' '' " ~ II n ot ILbllted, anu s inco tho buildin g'" ilion t woro pro v 11 , ," , I ~llII,llIL' AU" llllt II. llKlO . • ed f or t,lIe gn es t ,~ , I Allen I' ' II '" I'lC I, " III 1 f " 1111 I, ' , b' ount,lLi n sy ringe~ 7fi cellts. nt htUI bean o?1llple tedan d ooollpl li t' " larl ,' S !l 1I ~]" .. I \\' I,·, , ,, ' I.\' , II I , I" ed by A (l eli ci ou ~ lunoh WIIS 9cr vod du r ,l Mr , ami M r~ . Wll lt ,, 1' \(c " l1l' k k hll ll I oI Cl Yl'II 'l'l'u II t.he SUI}erlllteotlnn t, ond Ma tron .nnd Ill~ t he nfterno ' L'h.. U I·~ t UO llt<tllIl¢ w,, ~ htll(l LJy S"I w t ' ",. ""10-1·, ,, 1 n ,,, , ,,', , 1 on . '" li S theil' "uests MUllelll)" M r , 1I11 i1 Mrs , Itllt-Il " I fir 1. ;, ~ t,h .. on I OM~ of the ~. l. ,Wh " 11 hil t " IIH" " h" y I ll, two oollruer s, Mrs . Mary Te rrell uynetl vill .. High I '" -I:Iohoul AluDlni Aaauolul10n a t the , p , E. Ke nric k II IIll l\'J I.', Btl l' ! IHl 1( " 11 . , JIll I'm , t,~ 11,0 \·".1 t room II \1 >< I> 1Il l'" I" I!olpli hr's S('pio CI~rbon 's lira 80m e. Ilnd Miss Nanole Jllnoey Mr a nd Mrs W B Allon se 0 1 , others llnllla oof ,J. E .Tanney, lit .. o 'olook , thing llew antl up to date . ' ..' r v I Iri ck . of Wll y nl's vill o, , Chit' ll i have becomll espeoill lly attrnot ed a~lole~~ f~~ll' oours~ A" th o ,\'PIl T'~ >I " f' )\ t I' ~', el,lnuer Ilt, 16 I Mr, H'lrr v KHll ri k IIl1d rll " 1I 1y Itlll .. ~" P r.ll!\lhmt C M , Cllrtwr ight., of 'I t o",,~ ' "r"u S I't " IlS n plaoo of resl·denoe. 0 0 00 1];",'1 ~ \,l'W ro hI' II 1lI 11 11 II,n, ll h ,' ursully evemn Chicago , arrived g,nt w h lc l J II'I r. ('I Ip WllYlleB vllie th f II ,. ' 1 J' ' k Dr , Mlloy, dentist, w\ll be ut i und this week will see II. numbe I ,I''''>!' I'', ." 1'l,,, .. t Ull1 l ' · \\'11 " "I\l J.ll oy~.1 t J l in .':1 " an n e ' II III , r gf ' e . 0 oWlllg g ~08 ,S Pllt t 00 k 0 f II 10 nm " ,.Itnt"t. . \II I h... EII~rvey tflr Nelh llburg o of 1\11 'p nt,ol'\' next FrhlRY eve niug, r e mll(uin g her e ilh' '1' t' \I ' ~ , ', II 1'1 .. t II III'olJ:>"" '.,IllIl,l vl0 w eek. n ew m embel s of this family. I g GenIlIIE h oR Sl;llltlllt t~..: Mr'ulMLn d JMl'~ ' ' linv with Mr, M tll1l1 s 13 db ~ I rs . I~,·'t e \' 1\ .' 11 It ul' 1,11'0 y U Hr~ wo r l{ In b~ IlI" A) JlH f Lebo. to k 00. , ley , JUr. o,n untll= turda ymfotDnln~. Mlaa 'J.·bril'i 'rhe l'r,i nity M. K Choir r 1l .• , A . I r ick. h,' draws, ItH ,1 ('IIIIl I'I'Jt",1 h i ~ cnr,"'r .. ~ /I nIl ~~r r:~i~:~~ there o~ci~da~ , Fun key, Mr . unel Mrs l ena ward s,o . lly,'OI\, DIem er hugo audleno os wherev e r they . J , WIll . go. M " .n"i,·w ll IInti 11l1l1 j ust m ude .. n UII , B db ' of the Exeout ive Oomma tee. wu8 1 J Wh ite, Mr , aud Mrs , J . E . .Tllnll e v , Mr. H ll iJer t l ll ~Il" 1l IIu rs, d ' ,. la ury III widow of ohn Mr . ltod Mrs, S , Lov CtL r t wrig ' m llll l, in t.!w l ' llite.1 i:5ttLtos h.m a\!10 prllllll , nt, a ud with the 1 The Infant 80n of Mr . und Mrs. Brudbu ry, hl. of D~:v t on , ~ I'Elnt till l nrc11l,l' ,' \', \"1 )'"H~, who wall for a long time u 11' "'"" ~ l r i (',k 8\ 1 wi ti! tll he l'C'uw oel'8 di"ouus - " plllllu for tIle 10011.1 ., 'f luRi;.. part ' Porry Bor."oo l. of MI'tllller W II O"' 'I" I I ' I IIld w S un )IIlS tl m ember ot tho prosper nn,l y ~ ~ "" With tllf'lr ~ r i l lY " , ous Ure"o, ... " , ... r . unu " rR. 0 nee . Ib III H. " i8~ " , "" . ,tComing lle AlnOln . ' .. K ,' lls ey.ill /I to h ttLke Merritt ' ~ , Aho in . the nt RUllle u m i on . lbeen th u ~ll 'qn lte h e IS 111 II r tll e for t 111 urn ,' I II. , ' \ week II lIalll SoJU 111, ',01 1H III II,.\" , or lD ore ' ,', tnh.lIn " Brh.lg fr("'1 L"illZI !.! Hu hOld Ollilolb red ed Co., " but whohIS ~Ioo . iess itt. - - - -, a yellr.. ag o, l.eavl,ng I~O d leM I WIdow I IlIl g~,,, Tbe AlI8OOlatlon eleoliled t o uak I ," IHI I . ' " Alhlno .FIonr 110 oents a stlok , ,ll\lll a( C ut t,lltJ ItoY tLl ' :"" " ~f'r Vfl to ry t her e, wlt,h n o nellr famdy tIes. lI,ud .Mr . nnd Mrs, 0 00 , E. Rlloy, nell I' ,Schwll rt ;o; ,s dru g stor e, \\ .... U 'y IIl'~v l l lt' cr it,ics blltl IJl'o" u\lucc<d It d M A K tpe Genera l (JttlZllntl Com mittee t o f Rldgev l.l le, se r ved Olle of t~el r ohor , eqmtl of Edqr A . Bradfo rd. of Cedarv ille, Mr , R nsR ilt,ou 's HtIl ilin f.( I hn I' nnuw neu Ru helik , him e v. an lIe t RnAr' 'l'bured ay Aug llllt rB. . . 8a:rgeant~ Poor boy! lOlllly dellght ful dInn e rs . tl,t fncc WIl R scenol1Oil H\lUl AI 17" our BI h &b I D 9"Na 8 s topped ove r one night 11I8t wee k at Bllr VElysbu rg, \vh o hll vo glveD flll t h0 · 1l0tor.lst ~trcet.s nll o cl ft , V Al thOll"lt born in the IJI'ofess io,n I\S f nl und loving service to th tl large 12 0 c I00 k F'I' Id "'y t 0 tl10 f II de~it, :I~:~e de~ldotl uoo 0 OW lll ft lust wlJek , He h'l u to tll ke II pon p it "" '1'0....Itn ,it)tlllleU po'n, t1.?~t tb~ tbo hOUle of Mrs . Ann Engle, en cong regnti t.o elie .· B e qui t on of Jonah 's Run Bl\p , , g!lcsts : Mr . nnd Mr R, T~. S. R ne nllll ti t h is e mp ty ~tlrdon wh il e li t l tis tlti~ ' f M tl st h h f thI s tllUl'tu l coil I\, few dllYs ago. plan outline d inQlndos n genera ) roil t e t 0 }liS t dau ghte r. MOSS1'S . J nmo!:l .a nd, ell J 1 IUl llrm ie netlr h om e , orrow. 0 urc mee ~lng of former pllpils. tl nd or se ven eell le ll v (\~ fu t he r, mothe r llnd n. , 1\1llle r , Mr, n,n d M,rs . D,mlel I nrk et"" the F l ' I l{orn Cnll ,or tllO ( >'1 I'I.t or ly " e"I,I'I"_' ~'l) 'I I '''Ur Hlgb Sollo01 hi the mornin gof with give n up h Ou Re .koeplnygears 1\011 M " rv' t.h el·, beRi(lo numcrn us or agrlppe II. WIIVS use " Roo hlwe lire o ow bOllrding at U < tbe Borne. Mr , F T8 eJut ll lLrme I::itout en b, or oug I1. ' f , B" t,nnltl "' .. .,u U nUllddrelltl 'ofwelooDieanare~pon lle 8pruoe and Che rry y "ftO fll OO D Il t, :J o;olork E"pocto nu .l m ln rlln t i \ t. ' 0" " I::inrgean li nd fl'i ends to m ourll Ytho t 18 in Cln olnntltl several rn n kl~ u. ; . M~~!: D\', Cltl yton , nt I::i und \ly 'evon ing Il t 7 ::10 o'cloc k , Intllu, a'f'~rn""'D umeeti o"otth e' Soldby ,T E . •Tllnney . , de pt. r t days,o uro of o ue possess ed of 1111 f elloh w eek oversee in g t he Yell~" Hllrln g!< , Mr.llllu MrR, YV ~to UI · I Rov . om wi lll io proAen t. , All 11", Il t tl'ibulA~ ~luU\nl ' AsfIooialion, eleotion of Illoe rlhbilis Il ud da u gh to rs . Ml~~SBS whichnre so mre t.o MI88 Ninll. Autram , of Middle. el'eotl~n. "f a n e w house, whloh I ' 1 ' olllooril, and 11 ehort progrmm will Illtlllkin ll hilS Flora Ilnd MILry Ilnd Mrs vi~ a 1'IOll Sillg d isp ositi on Mllnrioo nro we oom e. neoessl tat ed M~s, Sarj;tllllnt spendm g Silver , of I~yti~; Mr, , " ' be'glve n. . II' tt~d Mr s t own, hM boou In Wayne Rvllle for lUuoh of ber tIme alooe, C, Mrs Mil to n CI,,,'k llu LI i\IrA, Pea r l h on orllbl u noll upri llh r.. mor henco the N . Penco and dliug ht or. Mrs. BILrn . i; Corn al m /I In .'.the evening 'he Alumni will s eve rnl rlllY II, 111\(1 WII S the 011 Im d li t tl o Hll zel Il ttell (led tll \ll guest ~~ li nt! of In new IllS clto~en profe8a loll , arr.l lngem en t . Mr. SIlrgeu nt b tl rt !l.ntl Mr, lIud Mrs J ohn Tll gtt,:, it Pllblio receplio tl .~o the}>llQ. Mrs . George liartsoo k . . y lol', I t he ftll,ern l of Mnrgtlr e t Didrit;k ROIl gUl'l wus t,wonty ,t , will oO.n t tnuo to_oare for bls flock tlt of Springb oro , wo yeara old nnd ie of WaYDe sv'\llo aDd ' li t Me vicinity r r ltsto and wn l! ' ndllY, P th o reruol'lI l of Que so y oulug , S ,JoM])ab sJRliu n'Uh "dwevor ' d f llol B ot I water hottles ILt J , E , ,Jann eys rs 1 u Hu r ry Cornell ll llll flllll il y " Illl AI )lu ro oml gift,ed frmu ou.rtl II. alJ ·vhMor s. n erwoo ormer y ' . w of B ' b . b ~ t eA ' el' 'rile seoond meetln g ' wus h eld by tl rc mni f n a lII y~ t Ol'Y w hy it hll t h MI' , and Mrs, Clow 'Ponnow itt en · Corne ll IIn ,i fllmil y s pellt Mr. J . N . Lemmo n , CIIshle r of the a rveYs ~rg, u reo~n , y rOI\) tert,lIino nn ,ln y boon so de rotld ollt SundllY dl n nel' th e fol. i wit h t hoir IlIlrent R ut Ih is plIlSCt! thtl Genera l ·Cltlzen s COlllmitt~ in Citizen s Blink. wall oil' , duty for o· RO~~s~s ~rbb7~1k!~~I:lt t:r ;:re:~ys. lowing r elnt;ives I~nd fri ondH : ]\\1' .. Tlt e ' "nlll s hll\' o boon loll" . . IlIIn l , Ih~V~b;'I~JI~h~~ef~l~r~: :~e~~~dl~~n~! ,tlle oru~ of, 'be Waypes vllle Co.n w OElk or m o re on tlOOOunt of I1nos • burg hilS been lit ..lug Uo, .. t 8 o 'olook . and Mr. W , A, Merritt , of llar veV8. the f~rllllli opening . the Bome s inoe nnel Mrs. J , C. Beckett , Mr. II nu l\1r~· 1 iu g CI'Il, h."d stolle Ill! IIUI' rnllll~ f l U' ~lJt ' II uays ugo nltly not prove fllt lll Wm , Bookett Im el fanl1 ly , Mr , Ilntl : R!,,'o n ti till ),!', II11d sti llt h 'l'he l'!,lQuellt of the Alumni ASHO. burg, acted In his s tead . . cl'l>is nt 'lt·" tu the litt.lo one , ult hou gh Mr!l. • . Mrs , Mar y Mills. of Ly t.le. whose Mrs , Robert B~o k e~t und clatlon for 'l'hared lLyor B oroe,Co m. , " Mntll.len inform . husb"n<l, Mor<liOtli Mills, dletl 0. few ~r . tlnd Mrs . EI~IJl\h ,CllSey flLm il Y' 1to bo hUlll ed . lug weelJ W&8 granted, .tnll film ' : T o bll co is selliu K [ til' nine conl R. intenso ly IIull s us t he ohild HufferM Mr 181'0\:,1 Wright visited hIS months ILgO, is expeote hu s a good d etLI of d to oom e Ily . Mr,lInd Ml t! , Veo. Adom~ IItlll l Fu r llJ er~ . (lut, Oll Y'JUI' IJl'~ t look!'. II ~ 'l 'l!e odmm1t~!>n IIOQve nir P OIltU) dllu ~h ter, Mrll. ClyUe Blatt, fe \'or CIIused by th e Ure . nt YVID. 800n. , 1I~cl famIl Carita rt!porto o aD,d reoomm onded h ' t y. M r~ . W. O" G ustl ? , tho I th ~ bn .vor s ,my t b uy pu t on t h o bC!l1 · ... . A repor t which comes liS II SUI'· ' Miss Schofie ld of Knoxvi lle T en , MIsses Ethel 80 ~tt Ilnd,t:iteUa , 0 e;L er. I n dl ana, Batu rd ay 1111d Q~l un , thtt. a) lerlee of a, dozen OtU!)8 , , prlcp. . , , s how. (la y t,l"o Mr Ilntl M rs BILrdy ofCllsey l)riRo t tl \I good mllny people is t o " llelll' n essee, hll.s proviuo d one """'1 .'1 t I! wI'. . , be I.S8U of . ed . ,. Th ey' the l' '!d I ng 1,.'1 ' 1 " M 'J p' 'tt Ha rn eSR li r csslng , tli,c gallon m u the ell'oct tbu t .l ont c..:ook hilS . . WI' tb, a f u II !l0t 0 f Th s Ieep Ing roolDs ,I gevlII e ' r. ttLkell ware tl.utborl zed to 8OCtif8, tlul~ble , 4 ' blg roouQt\on ene . 1,wll rt,y' 's"u rtlg 81,01'1.', \\. ' 1eon 't h wl ,. l ilt Ho ' Be If II WI' f e,. tl, 10 f nlr on trimme d olid furnish in gs .Lod'ex pressed ' brlt u.v noR. Lo l1I11l , . ' le A h . b ' a . ted. wish ey 8 , pronou ' , noec. I n very VU,WII au,. appy . vill e avo t 11m . prlo . , lUI relllly.t o WOIaf hots also cut goods 1lOin " t b e elliest elau ghtel' of Mr . aDll 0. tlElllgbt ful tim ~ brm g. to ocoupy tbat room If she shou Id '.,'euololl ' b k 800n ~s lJ08IIlble , Tbe carol! will be Tbls'llI yonr opportu nity 0 11 tI f tI ' . Old to get ~ e ver become II. boorde r at tbe Home. ~g taok r~oo nnel M n l. C. ,J. Moore, Boltl t wo for five OOlite aDd will btl ,.. eo o:s °t h l~lr d · , Spri ng Branc h. HII ruess c1r essm g. tmC _ en uo y lom El'J w e r e oy IlL 11 11 I oun lit tMuod befort! the h~lIdR.ys. The blLrb" in the lIlitlllt of Sch wllrt y.·s dr ug !<tol'e, W gILl. t he 8~80n . 011 a yn esville. MI ildi M met "r08te mlmy, from' ma n y the t imes ""Ie t ogether . Rozor or s t rops, 2 M rI!. U. M .. Wblt.e. ;'0 . lit Scll\vo • of CIIrda will rl 'l.'s W elch .lDel Da ki n Bre kopt on tho ver ss , ne ar~? loiO ~he trea8or.' of the 8ome. . '1'he M . E. ' Ladies' Pleas ant R, idge. drug storo, Wll y n os ville. Aid 800lety rO(l~l a good port,lon 0 f th e d uy d e I'IV· rled to Mrs, Thom pson, Uomll'l l -9QmmU tee to .help pay tbe will holil II 'l'hllnklljllvlng Mis8 R ena MoKlns ey WflS JlLst ering gci od~ iu t h eir heat marke t Rt ing and ex,\8 Llldies ' bllnd " II,D'S, 3"r. IIntl GOo , lit I '! 'hnr8du" the g u est of he . • t;'"' .. 8 8of ' the II"Rennlo b I n 011 I M tb Iidi r siRt,or, cooking lin e, One da y 0. con Rlgn. the ' townsh f W ip houl\8 ill Wedne sdllY. U IU " Q . ver o,~e iss 0 a rma n 0 n~ 0 a yne8Y J e . e, '" Sol\wlt.r .. tz's drug store, , wuyno sville' j Mrs. F rO ,Uk 1 0~,el ll od, h nshl,lnll be, Ill en t t 0 'V and Mrs, Battlo Thomp son hVlDg . t on . th e o· t ' comlDlt~· 0';1 mll8l,o, 'tlugges terl that Novem ber 29, ; , , I' Irlllug low town liogionl ng ~t 10·oloo k. IIbout tbree miles below' rtl n~ e to Lebnnon, followe d nbyx t ht.e " aynes, Mrs , Fronk Thom\l s C11l1cd on hor Il mlgbt be well to I~ ave 11 . differen t Mrs. J. Marlatt , Preside . ' . • nt ~Il,DlO 1.0 Woynos vllle, e tc . vUle on tbe Lebano n pike 'were purents Friday . b&od I!f&Oh day bUlle 801l\e- COmlng '. . MISS A~nll Ch e nowetll elllloo. on . i 'tn!l&eftd of Olle band . I A b R ' C· ' )"Ir T own sh ll) !:lh eri .... Iko Th orn . ,Fountn lo syringe s, 7(; oelltR.. nt UDlted Mrs. Damel \Voolla n marl' l'tl Imel ag" ItLlIllly y , tll'llt til . ht f . 011 tbe time as e v. , ooper , • Mrs. Prlltor anoel Mrs. JlI.lllOS CIIUed one nftern oon th e Illttol' pll ... . Schwa ru·s. at Lebano rt of tbo n. last u S druw his COllt T hul'sday evoll;u g Wedne sday after, · 00 Miss Trenu, Cornell Monday week . , ,oug 0 : ', ' . noon. Il ml \Youlu ", h nve wnged wa,r 011 'l ~ ~. ' s , Allan , c~ajrman of the The ~any afterno oD. · friends of Mr!!. John Aftflr t.belrm llrrlage Mr . lind Mrs. couple of r owdi eH had it not beon , lttee on ra,Ilt~d Mr, lind Mrs . Clark Bergett eoter , oorum '«lui uu rl'·_·-te to tl number ....s. 8.... d FrOJllIll, 0 f Dl1>y ton, f orlller Iy .andl ,... S MtRsl1dln o we nt of ollr young poo, fo r II. hnst.y retrea t of ono, while the to Elld a, Ohl 0, eel t heir parents , Mr. aud Mr~ . vie attondod t he Sprin tb!"t bi\ 'hlid v I!ltet! t~,o offiala)s of Mlnnie 'H a wke, will be Inte g VIlJl oy baJl oth er, t\ el rested in wbere tbey wore gul!!lts of the John " featb erwnigh t." s ee med to t I P T fn 'A the f'" Burget t Sunday , r " n 1'& , tIJ!IMlnge , \:11 p, ,,680 the annouo oement of the birtll las t lSntur ay e venin g and Il good IOAve t h e ea r th lind booomc a small d I of n. ~room '8 brother ,ln.ln.w Iln cliltlon wlllle In O~i()ftgo reoentl y. tim ~ WA ' I I r eported S Bter . . . , ' Dr. and Mrs,' B . Q. Alexan der, repllltlet as it we re in t ho fermllm ent, Barnes s dresllin g 850 gal Clln nt . Messrs W olte r ana w:atl ltdvilled tGdefer attemp ting daught er, Flora Cl'tberi Itmest Dllkin We bll ve kn ne, to Mr. turning homb MondlLY eveoing . ow n for quite awhile it Soh Wlutr.'S drug s tore, W,ly n esville. were Day t on cnlleIlnd ~ l8Oure! l ~~. ~ntll allttle n.~r and Mrli. Fromm rs on FridllY of , Nov. 19. W!l.S not su fe to )lrovok o Cons t able The nowly marrIed oouple will Miss Anno. Me r edith, t ea,c her of Illst week . the ' t.lm0' . of the even't. There ~ . ' , Ik e . mllke their home wU.h the , '''' t a f'are ao d one ' .. , .lU. our 80h ool. WIlS t;he guest of Abbie ' ''II!!I Till , 11'tl e d oub t 'uu rena E'"",ward 8 caml! f rom mother on Ure Lebano n pike 'bride',! R .t II Ed Dllklll WllS doing busilles s In f or , t h Th urs d ay nig h t . Lndies ' oltlnti ' hond . bllgs. I n1 aG nntl , liOo e ronn tl •~~ I p w III be at ' Day ton ,F riday ' evening to be pres W l\eOui'ed Mr. (LOd Mrlt. Burton Earnha rt· Schwnr t z's drug s tore. ' oy nosv iJle the city F rid" y lind 81lt urtlay, whllA , Th ' e m''" t: 6'r 'o'f" ooleotin' tl 8Ome' eut ilt the eetlng ' of tho ,ofti!)ers B urry C lin e WA il d oing IIkowis e in 1 h 'lu Mr . Thomll ' .., BANK s 1l 1'lm cs I1 nu fn,mil y , ' STATE MENT. ~ <;0 1 11m two 0 I r en were guests of Mr. d M' ' N d . M " lI~iiU colon 'for the'Ho me Com:lng anc exeou tl ve ,c()mmUtetl f til Sam Merodi th ond f~mily in Etltlt IIlltl Mr, ond gton, lin ' 18S Lill Ie ry rs. ",eorge Pl'Ilt,t h,.lllllln 0 e as been spendin g tlle week ill 0 our Wf\yne Sunday . for"' dllD9 ratl v,e pUl'llOtleP, etp .• wee' Wayoe sville .Alumn i visi ted wit h Mr . Chorl ey Smith Assoo4 ltlon, nml \'i1Itl go with r e)atlves and calling on ]'lO. JlS!!O. takian up' ana.. OQUIII<lered, bu' n o and Wll8 the guest. or' family of Mt. Holl y Illst SnndllY· olll tloq uaintnn ces. Ilod Lorin Boer · Razor 8trops, 250. at Schwa rt z's deftDl~llo&lol."takeD. '1'h'etlele'otloD Barnba rt until 8aturda y.Mrs. E ,. V. Mr . Bo\Vurll Ch en oweth visited ~ tl e r CIl llle f rom Le b'lllO]) Saturdn y Of a1l1llta~le ~dBe WII8 alllo oonllld . \ , drug store, Wllynes vllle. ' wit,h 'hi@pa r en t,s in o nr vi(;iuit'Y llnd br oug b t hi s m oth ertolU uke Bred. " "r,",",' Illst Saturdl l Y nigh t ullll ::iuu da ,V. Mr'!I-Ild .Mrs.W in . B.Bob leU. of ! t bo J e9sol~" g )n tl , lind Messl's, Amos TIle cOlDl!ll.tee on Ways , aod tile nellbff ,ok p'lke, expect Mr. ~:tlwu rtl Cook \I ud 11l 11l il'VIEll iS llIl dF)OYd AnderBon~ to ~e --OF -togother ' MeJ'D8; ilugA8lIted !tthat tbe welllt?e rs up ,lloti ve ' farm loperatl oD81nt trllllsno tmi hll~ ln(Jss ill Uny to n lu s t with thei!' ftLUl ilies, will make Min. o tho THE WAYN ESVIL LE ,of $e ~n"1111 COwmit~e a,s well hand!l. ;f thelrllo p , Mr. Sa t urdllY · nesotll theil' hODlt' lifter the Fros t Mont' , 1 aa aU oUlrAl~. work dl}lge~tly. to, iet.t 8n<l wilt nlove. to WaynesBob, Mr .•Iesse Bnrtsou k wh o i~ nl. Kin g h,lu! dOlle wi t h his a ville make , .tbe QODcert "whlob· 1s to btl nnual in " , OF TBE t dl hI ' C I I " ' " t t htL t (' h llla to. lind t h e Rev . F'. F. Do, ~'?ln by $lIQ oh!,)lr 'of the T~lqfty and rell,l"<,\ In tbe ~o~~; on. . Tbl~d ', , . en ng sc 00 10 O. UIlI JUS IS \'ISI ' Long is 'd nlivoriu g Il 'series of leo, ohureb of Xenia; at Waynesv.i1le, Ilt~f., now oo<)up1e ? by . IDg at the h OUle of bIll !:rnnl1 C. H . OIQ!ll, At WI~Y:Del!villo, ID tho Brote of nt9 tu res li t t he U . B . churoh. Quito a , .t.eoem b8r 7, a: ~00ea1! . • ~r. and Mrs . Will, B ob)tll,t pflr,' . el)U\ lIod family, IIR lIoon Ill! Mr . ,Ollio. a t the olose of lit rlW ! gootl delll of in ter~t mltnifes tetl by• bus iness.' · The ohQlr mtiliea DI) cbarge 'except 'Cleme nts' 'flew h buse tIme of t.hls Writ IDg, IR r oodY for 10itizen s nn.l countr y folk. ·Wo un· N' 9 1901i ',the of ita ~UrOild fare alld ,the ' J esse HollIDlI of n enr Clio wu!! tbe , dorRtlllll1 t he lectur;lS 111'0 IUl , ov,.). At Waynes vUle, ill the , State of guest .. , monBl will 10 n&i'rtt18 ';JioUlo ColO, OOOQ~noy. or his gl'lLndfo ilior. Mr. Frnuk Cut,h oli cisUl, llnd fi Dlllly theree~)lOBO RESOv seem RCES, Oplo, tit the clol~e of busines R on Inllf' ~Qr1" HllweRand famil y Ilu;t I::iundny , : . 1 '" 'i ' .. ' : rllfl llBTform~noes Of.. ·the.T; lnity l.oaD8 a nti tll. count. to 100 te n gnns to eve ry q uail winged 'I &'"nor. 3. t ho 14th day of Noveol ber, 1II0r, ', TJie t subJeot ' o( 1 ,e par~d~ 'fRII. M . R. 'oholr Ilre It' refiued Mr. 1\1llrtln 'Vest !l nu wife of in t hi R ~Ac ti n tl , w it h oxbihiti on Overtlra tu . 8ecurc.I .c(,lpaldeted, Ilnd tb~ publlol ty com· exoepti on, ' RESCO URCEi:),. Censer s Cr eek nnti MI', Chus. Curti s Mr . Wnl te r BurlttD Cono and unsecure,l. mlttee aril8I1,11O heard frein. be8lde's of tbe very lJeat of mutfioll \)~ I 86 lllUe bome iFri , dnd family of Ha l t",lout; rvo.ys hnrg U S. \lo were nd. to da .ecur~ . ." ., wi circulati th tb irt on een r.U,U t,r 01l ophies UU [.Oa". of the on rual eslnlC. f l ~ .~ 87 00 the guests of Mr. Si rn Cnrt iH un ci f e ll a pdmbe r of otbef mllttere tateo up . t h' e I r voiool! are II. marve1 f urlllc 8. e t c. tm . l ~i,& U All () tb e r loa n 8l"~ntl dlili(:o u lllS tb el'".i tri be , lin d " Aunt Juliu. 0 Iltrong tl', 1 1I0nd8, IlanklngMechous., 411 tl H US fuml t'He an,1 '. One,e&Qellent. agjl8llt ion wti8t·ba t beanty und IIweetn0 ' family on SuntlllY Ill st. 8ll. Under wood. " who. but recen tl y '1 "Xlurc., 'he' Iqnner rl!8ldentAI of w.aynel j, " ' ,GOO 0 0 O,crtlr;tf..... . ~p H4 Mi ss P ea rl Dill onlle,l on Mr s . AlIlI mnvoll to Roches te r. bas • 11)ue from National Uanklt (n'lt "lUI t 'h " OLher ,lOOk •• bond. !lutl Illu rl ga~c • . • ,UOO 00 n llkio written to iti d Tht' fUI'8 wbloh were taken by 100it MomillY, Agcnlsl I Elihu Unclerw ood to COUle after an\i l)ue (rom other banko "mll ll.n kc",. I: J . o1 r.~ )8 :8ta~ ~f :h: J:;j~SfO~':s8;;fa: n11~ta, k6 from tbe Friands Bonrdllfg gl~~c~o~\lcserve ' k I tI B . n~Pg(::~ Wayne s ·~::I~el~~ ~I:g," 1 2.~61l ~~ Fu rn iture an(1 " XLUr', . · tiODB aDd work , up lbterllll t in tho Bome till! day of the Openin ~.r.8:1 :17 Hurnes s dressio g HUC gnl CII 11 . lit; ~~l\~, Il'~:;1 r':~owH'tlll~Ill:.~n have g hll VC Note. of other NaUona) Ua n1t8 hll~ / 7 UO 00 Corrcnl ex penses. '. A$ " Deover , tbe 7 &0 ::;ohwnr t)\'~ drug . •..."Some • l .... storo. WIlYUCH\,I Il£, t hroo weddin gs in Itnd near tho ;v~" 1 pllper currency. nickel. -., Casb ILemB bepn returoe d. They . h Rd' been l' . ·rac1lu,.a llnd " ~Wayo"v lIe people , have'~ been ,Iii pio cenu III" e. M.udlltll HUlllor hu s plllced . ' ke'd u'na'nl' worD home by n most j I.AWFUI, MONRY Itp,q"nv&IN BANK U.. 4 I n Oold coh.. : ~o (10 Ceasa rs Creek . 'the bablt ot paeetlng togetbe l' and .. , VIZ: .., .. ,. flpccle 0.0110 16 ' keeping np' We hOlDe 8pirit, and estlmab ie , lady,' " " t.ico for tbe ringing of more beIIs li ver Culn, . 37 sa one Who Ip wol1 III LegaHeo be chim aer nnte. ....OO 0 0 in the 11 Il l' futur e., KaDIAS City, St ,Lo~18, Ch·l oago. known tq . 1, 1;17 sa Rn zor atrops. 25c, n,t !soh wllrt 't.'s IInli ~' rntl k ed bo above 8Ullpicl(?n, aud fle.lcmpllon (und wlU, U, S. Ir~ a".10, nI10 Ii. Wilson, lifter severuJ Nntiollal lollllk nOle., CinciDl latl, Dayton • • Sprlngl leld, w.!Ie.n the 'llxcban ge, waa 1. & 05 00 tlrug st or c, \VIiYll OS \'iIIe. w oe ll ~ fr om h om o lllying his \Toea· dlsoove red ' II rer (n p . c, of clrcul nllon) 2, ;,uO 00 United ~;J a l o. nnte. , '8~ 0 0 Mr . Goy hilS ruove<1 to his flLrtn . tion tiS trttvelin g BIllesm J.~:!,!:!:~ and <>.~er CU~08 06~1~ ~o gladly 'returned ~he missing IIrtlole. a n for 0. " UTAI, 3411,687 " TOTAl.. ' HI.~OO 70 sp~~'g ~:I~~~ :U~~:y, visited ]J Ollr ~,~i:1~1't\V~~lUS~ is ~~:~f; ft~r :r;:! , thQ .,.Gllzet te Vil1t , .wi'~er_lIe .to While shreddl nR fodd~r at tho , uel.t. 1.0 securin g the narpel! of ho'me J~lABlLI'flll:H. Littl e Gil bert Wilson is \'er y ill " n y ~. " uc] DOi!lY Youn gnnd George Gillilan d \In' t.he LIABIL ITIES . gentle. C n p l .. , , lock I'B"I In . , W.yn~"nl& rtlBldenta .iD my 'oity ~I,lokor_ farm IMt , ~ldllY Ir•.OllO 00 with whoopi ng cough . l~ eu lIl n 'fri elld of Burling ton were evening , I Capllal H lock paid In $r,O,OOo 00 Surpl us IUIllI . where nob an ~pnlzUloD :1. un· J ' h BI 40 0 00 WDl . StIlntlel d WIIHver y !lic k wit h vis it.iui; Miss A bl Young h d' 'I II hi Sur!>lu. - deraile D aQd , ~ "'Rlad to report .000~p ~r,. ooo 00 • Undlv ldc.t !>ToIl Ui , of tlliR sey R ~ K ove w 10 . Ia Ulldl"ldcfu",1 .r,1\ 00 .I 1,.01110, I. .. c' I.~ n'C8 city ltlSt Sat ureltLY, ILDd tbe beoux Imlh'ldu .1dCpOkll •., uieetln8 8, help In ani otbar way~ waa wellrln g oaught in tho moohlo l, .;0 ..,11 20 h oart trouble lost week . of fl\l our villllge and taxe. bellos pal<l w er e fulfi ll · . ......"'ble. 2l.lWI ali Notes and bi ll. rodI8.ouIIl('1, ' ety.ot the 9hredd er whioh bruised Nali Dnal Han k nole. nul. llL ndl ' [,OU on Miss MOilimi tl Buunel l visitod hor in~ their lIn gll gem ents SuntlllY .-ng r.o.oou Ott !~Iltl ___ _ brothe r Lnronc in Duy ton SlI t ul'da DI 'WH1emIH UIlIJt,tll y it did lIod: i n ot oruMhed r ain ~ either ~,~,-----tbe ball as Prof, Blls · ot the thun.b, Duo 10 olher NnUOllnl d" d . . 'l'U, 'A I" b tl I' 1I ~ ted , ~Otl 70 b t lin h ",un . d I'Y· fj'lIlk. !ller a PCU1 5,000001 u t e WID ' d \I' I , Jom.t 1, W. A. Merrittt , AS!iisto.nt Cash. ha .." Cook Marri ed, .nd tore t h 0 nl\II 0 ff ,mak l"ug 0. Vl\ry lodlvldU Llltlies ' hllnd bllgs ,:lii anLl (jOe, lit blo w lind m onIC, ,women :lI .lellOHl", l "_ and ohlldre n i paillful Injury. U h war t ' 1 'U 8ul>Jec\to""" cck, D·'nk. " d o 801. 00 lor of ·j 'Tllo Cltl' "oHlS z s ( ru g 8t or a. \H lLyn esvl' II e" IlR (l o1\ ti Iell' "" ero wrllpS j'ust the ~ DO. De rn a n" cerllllca lcH 170.11J2 i8 I, , Jon,,'hll .n' 'f: (l.:edt all~ Mis!! '&811,le ' From nqw uDj.1l JRn!Jllr , b ~t Rev, Thomas Ca nnuday m et with !llL~ C , un d J ona,thlln and Da nl y, 8p!lhr "f (lc\>o.1t \f,.Gi4 oJ4 J 1"0.707 4~ emnly swoo.r that tho I- ''''' · MOO1:P,. Qf Baney ebnrr, w~ · mar- will give etll'h d07.en a ove II e· the Clllsllrs creek }lrllyor m ootin g ! Wrlgh ~ dined lI,t , h om e. Sat.1;lrda! " photoj;tra,p bs ment is true to thu l)ost of my Thurtld ay e veni ng . ;' rled In WilmIn gton Tbnrsda:V, ·Nn'. t aken of bobles two P6ttt , I r etllrnlD g to thet r tluties at Wll , Cards witb To·rAt.. 340.6817 1 II:nowle(lgo and belief. velD~r 1&, by ~rlend Lev,l .M1Il8, tkLby's picture on them: , .Mr. , Ho!f1er H ollings worth tl nd 1 ~~li~~~o:;1 ~,~]Jt~~~k a~:~~~~ or one 'WIth S'rA1' K UP 0 111 0, COUNTY' OF WAnICEN. AS : ~f~e :~~ W . A . MIIlRRITT. A ss T CAs nIKR. MISS LoUIe Stu~p wer e ar~rward going to Indlanap o1iR by mtlrriod Ithink it ver y kind of our Editors . I. J . o. CAHTWRlaUT. C",," I.r of Ih e STATE !lll' way of C,lI_n aln,nntl . wher,e th,AV ' eao~ half dO:6eo , OnIO.C oON~Y or WARREN Noy.em b(lr 11,' , 'lho young p eo)lle I to hJ,lmor 1111 with the nublioa abov .. namell bank, do 80lrmnl y owcnr Ih AI n h M Cook I t tion of • tile aoo\'c statemen t," true 10 lb. bcel of Sworn to and subllor lbed before me, h av e our bellt v>ishos , a ~~f C:!;k,WII: a :~rme;' ~: ' SblLvlng I~ugs ,.. 20 ilDd 25 conte, my knowledge and belief, . this RtulT, and now'.,s ubscrib e fQI: this 11ltb day ot Novem ber, 1005. .'~ W ..';"'e ~wMbip , and lL Itl rge lund at tlphWllr,tz • . Mr . J . M, Cook Ilnd MISS ~esl:!l e ,the Oa~,etto and we will make " J , o. OA RTwIUOU'l" C""hlcr. !!on ~ .".. 'I E KIIlYS N'O'l'ARY P UBLIO. ''''1 Moor~ snrprl~ d us all by gOlDg to lot.h er etfo r t to yonr honor a.nd V I ~ f Le MI I Subscribed and Aworn 10 before ID e Ihl. owuer. JlJJd tII •be oonR"' t \l Ia~ glo~ . , , ,Will A. '( oooh.' 0 , , WnOl~n nn , gton am , 16\1> Tbursd .hy of llY Nov" a f ternoon mOli. RIly.or s trops 2f1c at 8cbwar t Th18 Bank wna ftnoorp<l"'ted June. and were murried by Levi ,; ~p:6n Wll!ot.DIt ~.I" b'tdl~. JV~o Is a ' county; re turned home 'Mills. drug store WaYD8!!vl1le" !Saturd ay I. t,. !{\i)\:S, N O'J'AKY PU!)\.IO. ,: 22,1908. uuder aot, of Free Bankin g. and thenoe t o Indiana .' faoq'v:t:ia!t=n~~ :I:~~~:~:I~~~ mornin'g after 'spendin ~1I8 to visit I ' g lIoveral ' ' to· Wnrren CO~ oly. Ohio. 1861, aDd comwe '!b......l1 ilced bneines ll " July ~r, Cook's sister, Mr. and Mrs · l Don't 'forget 'Web~ Meell:8 " arrr!i , . days hll~tlDI In thill neighbo rhood COnRWl '-At\c.t : 23 1903 ":r;'i' , ', Cook hl\ve OUT best wishes. aod ",lettin g WeslBY Baines and J 1\. pholle enterta ioment at 'A ' Aes'T OABBIER , . , Harness dresslq g, S50'gal. . C. T. HAWKII! , Itt &turda y ·e vening • . Sea~ lMi . " DI",,,~ra , ., aMITT otber relaMve e, Schwa rtz'. dt:ng"store,. Waynecan ' altO, E. RlLU s ville. 20 cents . , . ~O,' ~
Report OfI the Condl'tt'on
W ME '
I U18
''''OT;!'lIN nr ,1\t4m!• •, '
or n t r{' fr o' n·...; . whlaltng W(,rlrt
· Tltlft·~·
8. . or t
U mpl iJ t~ n ••I .
to ·day . o r ~ Wl'N n\.l8i1 ,",' 1111 lUc 'as ,, _ .. ill~ld e n I. in. :'b.~-. Th b ... eze3 hi M or I",ghter .~ Ih~y Idle 0' " t h~ I'II.h" A 1<1 Elna' or 1I"ollnl "!! rMI.r
Ju I h ~ wet-lIt1 ;){ ." umn', I:III Il. _
Tl l ~ hlvt.s nr8 full o r hO Ill'Y "\\~ U h th e b eel .I tl1l Olt! 1\1 u;gllu.. f'rl tt' f)R.-.!tur.w, 1J1'~ pn Hnd sunn)' , 5 1' u k th e g ra~lnJ: 1(ln "l' (Ielilth t!l. ,'J,,! corn sta lks 1I f! ' helt· ttl ","I
'\'\ li b n gra ce Inlo , he tilt', '-1'h n Mn\1 o s w ll l l n ~ \·n .• ~ aJPt ' ~cat h
t h e load l ht:l)' ha \'c t o b ra r .
T h e PA rllt is ru ll o r I I'~n 5 u rt .'-\ utu mn bring s (rn m hill an ti plA.l n , A n d mOil Is bl e~e .1 In tll rA u , r t' Th:n h 18 borns Cit 11 1101 cnntA ln ,
"'1' hc dA)IS nre f u ll or t:;lI l1lm ~ r Vrom the BU n'! .x ('('s~ uf !<1 m" " , An ll nl J; h t ti m e ha th li s s h lmmt'r F r om Ir L una's stol e of
As lr to c rown t h t-
blr s~ln ~q ,
Sutu r e cool s u ' \YU h t l ~ tJ O~ I . A li d 'mldtt t It s PUTt- ('urt! .:' ~ ln"o. t .o! t h e tr('('s ore g(1ILl· c mlJv u t" d , (IlL lI r .. I. t UIi or ~""I)' , ( ' Iulf r nea th , u r ou n Ll, ll \) u,' e. A n d !So n mortAr .. ltut ,r I~ an o the r nllme for 10\,",
-f,xn 8ft'" City D r o\'er il; ']"clr-gra m ,
J E A LOUS Ulan 19 a lw8ya ridiculous !" aald SIIJe ila , . It depcndl;' I reJlliell, "on tbe
w oman 'r
, " I SIl~1108e you th inl, I tl'cR ted him b or rld ly1" she suggesled , , " An y bow, It 1& n o t to r m e to coin , " llIi n ,. " Bul really I didn ' t ," saId Si bella. "T hen, perhaps, YOll tr ea lell som e otb · . r , ,,lI ow.too ,«ell:" , " " 'h om do l'OU meall 'r' s h e de man ded, 'Qlll t k lr" , ''ThaI sounds like pleadl u!; guilty ," I I';uggesled " "11 r hadn' t m issed th e t rain It would :nel·. r h a ve happened ," cried SIIJe lla, , " 'rhe n, as n matter ot fuet, yo u were ( he s port of ci rc um tan cc.q ?" "It was s ucb a glorious afternoon !" '>laid i be lla, a little Inco useQu ently, ns 'I I hOllght. "aLIII," I hinted, "Ma il land t;locs n't a ppcar to have en joyed It," " OC cou rse," s b e remo l'ked. " [ had no l flea thllt h e 'Would be waitins aL t he ra ll'way station. " " Tb e n Maitland brol(! o ff the eG age m en t-·'
"i n deed. he did nIJril illgo f lhc I(hld : " e xclaimed SIIleIl 11 , Ind ign a n tly. "aut.! tbougbt- " "As If," s he eon Unued , " I ~ ho"l d ai, l ,) \\, anyone to tl'ca t m e In thn t way! " "You took time by l he fo reloc k ?" • fiu £'l!e jed. "£ u~t llce," S I~ e IIB CXf) lalocd , "offer ed
''That :we jos t
In ' 't bal
" Whal o tller llur Pc)Nt) I~ ~ woo d Inte llded fol' '!" I ' a8 k~ d , " Of cour e," s aid Sib li a , "we got o" t at last- a t t ho olh er Hire," "A n!1 YO II ran u li I ho wny I ll el. to t he slation ?" "It wo uld hare lleell no li se uCle r lh' Lra ln Itad slartod ," s hl;! 11I, lsle,1. " Bo· sides , wo sa w th e \1l 0st tl~IIS h tru l l i ll l ~ cou n Lry In n - " " WHh Ii creC IIOI' nre r Ih e por 'b," I an s we red . "Ob, tb en you bal'e boe u t here: " ox clulm ed S ibe lia . "Th ey a lwa ys ha \'e cr oe llel'S ov cr II\~ porc hes," I sa id. " Yo u IInd el'~talld : ' s he co n ti nue d, " It I"ns j llHt ICIl OOl C- " "The Lcst lI f tea Is that YO U can hare It a t an y li m"," " A t allY I·al c. It II' I\ S ileaI'l l' a qua rto r pa s t th ree," s aid Sibella , ""Sf) lI'e we nt In anti Ul g by ord e red SOnl l' tcn,"" ""Or conrse," I sugges ted , "I t lool( SO lll C li me to boll t ho \\,a tc,'-"
·· Yea·.~· ' she
UIAC; !t"loI~ SHU\\ I NC
Lord P" lrue"' lo n
nA , ' I':S
\, ,' P. IOt: S I~
A I '"TIlI A- U U r.: G Al\Y_
,al,1 or
Ih .
~c h lr ,'wl/:- lIo l ~ tci n <l lIc~ llolI I hul. h ~ hellp. I,.d It tUIlJ l,,~ e n 1\13" tol''''' by o ,d y
Ibllnn to h ~r w l ~1te3
S,nce the n h er yea r owi ng to til e ta ~ 1 Ibat t ho
1 r~( l o m l n a ll l' l' ha < !'1"(" lI g lll r ll cd
I'y J'P ~r , nn pc rso n , a nd h e W d " a " cry ~rll'lIl" ~ l a M~' a rs c ll jo." It m Ul'4! uc r fec i oo h es lo l\ t :' 1'''' 911 pl'UrOS"o r wb" h a d ,11 01 s hort · Ih " u lhl' (' e l' mall ~ In A U ~l I'1 9,.'rh e mol'I.\' all l:l' \\, rlrll. 10 a lunu!i ,: 11"), 111111 . I. ilh' a t io h tilll s (lrIHtu tert In .'\u", l'ln Is \ V b tlh f? r u llytJ" d ~.· oll lsi(l e a nar row l' II'· nl:CC lI lll8 tc ,1 IJ y an Olh e r cur lo lls rac t. d e 01 \' I"u nr'''' s V"" luli. ts llIt w s u"I 'ced , In unl e l' 10 g ll'e Ih e illusiull of het ad in n U1 :i II 'rl fi g lin! A 1 1l:ll l' fI - 1II1tl g ut' I U II t>, eclo mlltnllCc R Re mbl ll nre of rea li ty, l;rol,l r rn I ~ rl" .. bl ril l, lUI' It Is fi ll' 'n U"e " he ng recd In th e. ('11 III 111'0 ml sc Lhat s ho 'Omp llf"81 Crl Iha u I' I' ~ \I Ib e 1.I"w llll crl ,,;; &hu uhl P8 )' 11I'0·l l1 lrd s ot lh e common t& n ~lc "r tl,, · Quesl, ... " u l til e iJuul. h \, XIIP.llll1tul'c, whll l' H1In gal'Y Hh01l11l ,Iu" h ,c<, Th ~ la ttN. It" Y rut e , uball o nly pa y Oll C· lil ;I·'1. Tb us "hlle ihll II IIII " vll t1ud l'Onl lri «J"" wit II I" lIl" Ma!!yars cail th c tune, It Is a lways Ihe M'OI'" vi 11l1 ll1 ral Ill " , w hil e l he Awn ,.l - Aus trians who fla y th e 1.lper . T il,) a" I"vu lc m lJelu ,,!;.! I II Ilw ('nte!;u .. y ur N he l' main r e~ ltcc l In wh lr:h th c "OOlImp""iI)J 1i 1i ' 8 ,,:1 w h ,,, h t he K'l lI " rl n!: I,romlse ha s brok e n ,I o wn Is ' III thlt 01 l h" "lr'lf: I. 111 0 ('IIlHSlc IYI,e. It Is rals illeation of lbt! M S\rOlptiOIl lhat In G O' cnon ' u c~ l alJlI" h I,o lll ical harlllony th e two hall'es or th e dU1I1 monar"hY an d "" lUll wh u n, all th e l' 1 ~ lIIenI 8 Ilrc the do mluen t minor ities wou ld IIur8110 '" rurod arn chlal co ulll cl, h,,11 th is of- Ii 111,0 r areer , So ,fa r from this b eing tort ,~ w a(te lJy ul"an s o f nn all ian ce th e case, Ihc " C"y re l'orAP It a_ hapLe tw cc n two OSI<: IHllllly lihc ml conSl! . poned . While Ih e Mllllya" d hs,'e , tor l utlollS, lh o \)Ils ls oC whlr.1l I ~ Ih c 011 ' th e most part, re mained u nitet~, an ,l I" css lon of Ihe lIIajotit y IIf t he I>opui a' t he ll' cons titution bas 11'01'1,0(1. If not tI .. n by t wo lUut uall y antllgon lS\l c Uti· quite s moo~hlr , II I all Y ratl' offecti l'el " n o r ll l "~, Thes e c ~traortll\llU'Y fac tord Ih e Ge rman s In AU Ktl'ia hll l'O beco Ol ~ too. olle ra t u uud ~ r co ndlll o nR wlllCh ~IIIIl' UII Into factions, whi ch hal'll a g o n ro all ('~ce ntrl c, ~nO In whi ch Dollner "ral'atell all th e nOl' mal ana rc h ical co nI he ~'OlI r gc of hl~l or y uor t he evolulluu ';11 10118, aild have e nde,' IJy paroI Y7- ln ,:; or' na t' ou a l cha rllcter is amenabl e to any til" who lc con" lII,ulioll. HlIlI g l\r y h a ' logi cal proceH5. To und er s land In dc · I'emllined a co ns titu tional Ri alS, w hll 'l tali I he allllrr:h y which no 'v re igns In Aus tria has l' l\'tunll y ret ur ned to ab I he dU1l1 monarc hy on e mu s t !:U IJllcl( so lulis ro , \<\ th e fam ous ~(l D1l'ronri s e o r 1867, by In the II ;; ht I)f 1l ,~'3!l lead illg 'a ct~ , it \llIl ch t il e rllod e rn rc lullnns of AI1~tr1 3 will not he dlm uul t t(1 IIn der s tand Iht anti Hun gary I\re s lIppos ed to be regu · pressn t, r.1·INIR, Sltwr. 18i 5 I 11 ~ III'el enla t 'd , I'rel' iu us l), to thi s ClJUll,,·umlsp. s iOIl" fir 111f' MlIg yur ~ , e 'H' mrngeli by th ' unl ly o f t ho I)mrlir e wn" IISSIIrp.lI by Lh e g ro win g . c miJnrra Rs ro cll lB of Au! n n a bso lu li . rD a ~ real Il ud aR cc n t ra:- rrill , b al' e g radunlly ex pan!! ed, un til
r Clll r a ed . "bU l we hired Ih e S(8-
n Irap 10 take liS hU" '; IU li o n _If
"" Yo u werc naturall y Impa ll ~n t tOJ se nll Mllilla.IHI 1\ le lc(;ralU ." "3 U1 ," c r ied S ibe lla . "" I had no Ide a hc wa~ w8l ll "g , We bo ll g h l ~o m e " a· per ," s he co n ti nu ed , ""and ta ll,ed If) t be sta l ion mas ter till th e \I'a ln cam e ul) a nd thc n h e w a ~ Imm e nsely ci l'll- " " Su Da yto n tipp ed him Il ve 5hllllll /:,' and 11 0 ga ve yo u .. com p81·tmc n t tcJ yo urse lv es and locl,cd Ih e d oo r-" "Th at WIiS wha ' a onoy ed ElI~ta cc ~o lDu ch ! " s aid SllJella . "Naturally," "Ot coursE'," s h e r:l'l od , " )'011 hav e to mal(o 1I110 wlIn ces Cor an yon e who hn~ been waitin g three huu r s u t a railway s tation." " B ecau sD he Is n' t In Ihe mood to make th em on h is o wn accounl," I suggea ted. "Oil, dear !" ~he 1Illll'll1urp.d, "I r eally don't think I e l'er s aw an yolle 1001. quite so cross." "Poor child!" " It wasn 't at IIrs t, " s h e eXI)la lned, ". was lool<lng ollt at the' wind o w Imd Eus tace look ed r eali y plea sed to sca me- qUite rCli oved, yo u - Imow." _... "And then - " " Th en I s uppos e he callgh t sll;lll of Digby, I couldn't h ear what \Ie s a ld-" "Jus t a s woll , pe r haps ," " But he rushed at Ih e doo r a nd tugge d at th e hn ndl,e but of cou rse It wouldn' t ollen," "Or' coul'se 1I0t!· , "Ens tar:e s bou ted ror a por ter ," said Sibella, with a IHI\lIe J)u cke r i ll ~ hi'll' fa ce Ilot the re m ~ nl seellcc, " a llli Dig lJy Jet down Ih e window." "Wbat did you do?" " I In tr od uced Digby to Eus la 'e un d ~aid b e bad \)een stay lu g a t Ethcl',., and a li , Lhat s or t of Ibln g." " Well 1" I aske l!. " Eusta co did Ireat Dlghy alr o· ' Ious ly ," ans wered Si \Je lla , "How did Doy w n s tllll (l I t~" "Like ' an au gel.·' s hl! cr icd, e nthu 81as tlcally , a n d, IwOwl n g Bo)' loll fairly well. I cO Uld II Ot 'al'Ol tl .a s lII i:e at the comparIso n , " 'And then ," I HuggeK led, "Malti an .i led yo u away capti veI" " I be lieve h e Is goin g \0 A m'e "lea 'nex t w eek, " said Sl bc,lla. ""'Ve ll," I return ed . " It's all ill w ine}
!.I ~~RE.SPASS, 'I 1f.·. ~OU A _R_ E"~;,WUMAN
" 'OOd ?"
Ii !s h II', ell- Ju dge'!! Lak e lind Got What M,., i"ord Sa~. OOl\oo,nl ' lo 'rtr. Tit er" W Hho uC Bls Kllo~/lWilli"m.' Pink Pill" will Surety ,ed Il'e, Intarest y " iJ, .. I \Yi~ll {-coul(i bel p olhol'w.o.l.lIr.n g e' o e of t :1 i' jlld:zc~ trr l he OIt1JlI' ("I I I C cowl rill of OCl'lrtill l'hys icil l tl'oubl e" IU ~III- . or :\f· \\ ' \ \11" .. I rtt~ 1,\\ u~ a lh.l 111'1" a t;O UU tl ,\' l ~~ j tl t'lIl' " on t hl' btllll.t " t' n IlIke i ll t llt~ Ille tuly,ill I bl",e s ncecellll< l' 111 s :.' ttlng 1101 t Ih" It I Hll l or' lin' i l n t,,~ , ~l lIcI f c \\: t! I,I ) " .'hlof Ul iIlU, " !IIlid l>lr• . B. B, Iro l,t1, of 8211 I i,,' )' I'r~id('ltl . til ;1 , ·.'III PIf11' And h .!iJl n ~ l'llSllllllltuhll, :\'4igs" fCcoutly , .. YOI1 4'1n " \\'1.:111. III l b t, J UI I ~ I Ulljlll~\a:tl:, • kllow, " yl.J o cautiuu etl, "thllt n wornnu 's ", l lIt!";l', \\'0 11111 ,\ UU );11\'4' n ny ohJ ~C l}O n to n u r d ub " 'IHl~HI I :: 011 Q1l' Ul'llllr, l l C Slue o f hClllth dO\lllu\li cl.Ji cfly uu tho .'oglll "11 1 I ,d. ~ fur I1 tu ,,!'I!' nl \\l~e k i!l! , larity uf jll~t oue funcl:ioll. If ~be " 1',,,, \\ hu t u h if'l'l~' Wl lIq'!Y tlllcncd th, fnlls to k ee p that propel'ly n'glllntirtl Hhe j u"w t ' hllR 110 c u(l of plty siclll UIIHOI'Y, I StU" ~I i1,. t l\' In {hh. " " F I"I I ': ' F Il' b ! Bul \\ h fl 'l! would you fill'iJ{l " 'OUI tbnt ono cnUKO for, .two wret.t;:botl Y,'llrl! , dllriug 0110 of \Vluu~ I fi, lt : " " I n I he I ;.l~ f", Ilf t 'OI H ' · I ''' ' wall kept iu bod all the tlmo, I trIed " Unl t ill Ie lut n u ti~h in the 13 k ,. art Ulcdiclues enougb to cure 1111.1 mllelll!, f l u'r l"!" , ' but uotblng gav e rn o tb' HI~"bl,""t, b~,ue. " Ii, i- ,cl: ~II IIlc" I h I' 1>P '.' i ,, ~p' f(lf' r.. hlng in th i'" whule "la t l' , I Iil\ ('1'1 I \'llh .'OUl tO, l it A,! fit IIIIt,II1 bt.'lll.lII u~lng Dr. WllhnulIl l Ulk Pills f(1I' Pnlo .pe uJlie. Tb ey c llred me,. 01lt ,d tl' 1' h" \'; I1 ~ l in'.! t l" ' I ,· (;H' fH" ~ ~· I· rl r .. ? "Nu l at al L 1 '11"\'(' 1' h,',t lr,1 t haL Ih r.I'Pwari Wbr, I WR S Ruft'f'riugnll tbo tilll e \lnlO ' • Ii,.:, ill t h o ~e wate' "r' , l l' ~ n t lti llt: J lI\lb t ticalty frolll Mie knell!l of I.ho Hlol\IUl:h, look iu l u, " I'" Ulf'Oll.l wililr _)'U II ('a n ,'a mp di:llziu es.~ or swill1ming ill DIY hend auel , and li . 1t HII YOII Willli W " 1~(lil1' , llcotr m l' ~ pain III lilY book , N ow I Rill outlrely , F i1"h in m \ hila' ..,Hl I ,l llin t, know Jt.. I t hill k I t-h.dl nrrter bot h 1',lI t l(, :o to prfpare tn'o frolll di scumfort of thllt lWl't, I \lID not, ouly I\blo 1.0 k eep Oil Illy rtlet., but to b riel :, on tl H~ t . 11 do my \Vorle a" 1\ t PII(:h r.r, nll(1 to e llJoy tho plcl\surcs tbnt cUlUe tlll'OlIltll tll~ Welgbed by Hill SOllp. . I II 111(' l illi e t o,, " of P' I'" . l4·1I mil" . rrnrrt poSlIClII!lon of 80\111(1 bwltb. .. Wit,hin t,hreu w (leks nfte l' begllliling l'!11 1,.tic-1r1. the f;I I' II\ (' r~ i ll the Wil l t e l' hrlll,lot the nso I1f D,'. WIIliIIW H ' Pink PillA 1 0"· t :U'II' lUl l 14'1' flit" ~J;I;~ " t o Fr:l tlk ( ' I'Ca llle!' ~ n nd I':<\'h.t n~p t ll l'lIl 1'01' I .'a, lIS :'U ' 01' a ll .\" )lllri lI1led "\lob r elief that I knew tbey ~ hill~ .,1:-,,-, l ilt' \' UN" I. Iunst be aclllpteci t.o th o ueed8of,my caHll, (In.' du~ ~l i:4 , A t'lu' !' i 111'(l ullht t:O I1lC! h ut · Aft ul' " slug Ibolll for n short wllllo lougel' t el' I,' ,)ollnll 1\1I1l1'8, I n ,('Xl,hll ll gP, nnu ~r ll: r wf'i:rhb ~ th f"1I1. hf" tril id: .. )tl ,:- " ",\ l' k~ lt. tiuo.'! I bet'lImo nud bn\'c sillco relllainu~ " \V cll WOIIIIIU "\ld tbe r ell80ll why Is 81mh utl er r.o" t' no t wci!:h a I \o " m~ . . " I r.lll· ~ Izel p thn l ," .. I,' . 111t1. "1 wCljZ \a'rl ply tbae I I~k Dr. WillilUIIS' Pink Pills. ' Th oso pill. IIl1lke u te!'iue nct,lon reg, it h I' II PCl I:mi (lr ~nlt p I .,:,, 1 hr l'l' 1\ few dRY' nll\rtllllll'nl\llll~~ , bolli" b heudnob os, lao(t iffl " - Uu.: t oil H .e ~r_._Id .......:....__ gUlli', UIIl' VOUSUOSS , ronl.o ul?pctitc , pr!). ' CONSTIPATION AND STOM- ll1 0tu digostion , pu t color III tbo ~O \ll· ploxioll , bllil(lup lltr ol1gth amI boalth, ACH TROUBLE CAN BE Ev ory woman sb uuld send to tbe Dr, , CU~\ED WillilllllS Medicine Omnpauy, Sobcuec· 11I(ly NY, f or n valuuble bookl t.. e!l ' J_ S, Jans s an, PresIdent of the XII- titled "Pluin Talks to WOlllon." It. will be mallcd fr 0 In \jellIed onve lope to tho waukee Retllll Dt'u gglsts' A.soclaBcldres of any nppliCl1l1t. Dl',Willlams' tion, Tlllks oll ' the Dangers of Piuk Pilll IUQ IIOld t:l aU urusglBtII, Constipation and Stomach Tl' OU ble, ,. J Lt\·c you
n otic l~d
t he lnl'gc number of
cn....(t./4 {Ii ly p lll'l id f l' \'Or I nt el y ~ " eaid ~l l , .1 :-: , , I U Il~';C II Lv " Hlli ly N\' \\14 rC (J rc~C II (;l· lI\' C', lO T,.' Ilir untie!!l t~" l' h oi d Cc\'c r . HlU· la l'il" fC \' ,~r, npftC lul icitis n tlu IU Cl ny k m d l'ctl l.'oillpla i n tf' ill'C
"c~lIl l e& i:.
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I n ,\ ustrln M10 S la.vs (00011'08(;(1 of
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:f\ l oru \' l uns. SiQ,'nk",. Po l e;-.. I!Hmbrr cJ 1~.72" . ~7;;, th a
HUltl c n 1 un~. SlOV(~I\OS: S ervlun~ . ... I'onll{llts. und rto,imaU IOII!f)
"U you are 1I1i ll k/llg ot Dl gby- ' Co,imlll ~,IiI .C H, t he italians T.!T.IOt, n"d , II" ~I "~) "r' " IIIIul :;,"~I. t n !l ulI llar), tb. "1 was n ' t /' I a s s llr ed b e r. "t U~UUIS 1.u u: lJelE.d 8.1.t2,aol , t he ~I,o' ~ .l: i i7,Ui7 UIHJ ltl C lh.!1 · rni.lH ~ :!, I:I:i . I ~1. "or whOIll were you tbi n kl ng, then ?" , Ize d a s t hnt wh ich exists In RUSS IIl to lo- (I OY they aim lit nO l hln~ les8 ttJAlI d and "d s h oem ... . I · ) ' . ~r. "He Is on" ot yonr oldest n nll \Jest i vuy, This s tate or all'0 l r8, 10 ll ovm, " as t il e co mpl ele I l\d ~p;!n !l e.ll ce o r Hllngar,., fr ie nds," 1 urged. ; Enddcnly Hb l) l( e n lo Its tound,aLlons ~ y sllbjec L <lull' to a cowm'OIl dyanstl.'. "Oh , d eur! " cried Sibcll n, look lns the ~ ru e l blow o ~ Sadowa, 1 ho Hap s - F rom l H67 (0 187& th o .f)eakl ft ls we ro !.l l down at b e r loft hand , "ho ll' r ld lculou ~ bu rg dyan s ty , wl\h Its German 011· a ma jor ll iu ' th e '" ~L \I'lIh s· co n e~ ...,'· IL s eems to llc 80 jeulouS," garchy, found Ha'll! lit the m ercy o f,tbe Btlve policy scrujlulo usly fram oll 113 "EspeCially of a mun III;e Dflyl on- ': Magyars an'l , ~h e, variou s Slav Datron' the t'Oml, ro ll1 1sl', ' rh l~ Ilart y was o ve r"or nnyone " sh e a nswered , In a a ll tics , caeh of w h ich wal! ready to tear 11Irn"" by lb e IIher als und er Koh ,m a 'l t omewhat ljl g;\lllcant tone, I "h" lluted o)lpres!Iora to pl~ces" I n this ' Tilsa, who was III favor o f In terual "Anyhow ," 1 s ug;ested. "th n s ll(/I'~ . cllenttDa, Ih o dy nas ty with Its Ge rmun re fo rms and of a s lrouger nationalis m chapter In )'our lifo Is e \Hled'. " following rf!solvcd 10 co mo to t erms i.l tbe relations wlilt Alls lrla. Fo\' o vur wi t h tho mos t ,Powerful ot its cu(!ml e~ , a quarl er of ' a cen t ury Ih o libe rals re" QUite," anld Sibellu. " You will IJc a\) le 10 lurn ol'e,' u new and thUB the compromise wltb HUII - mai ned In' 1lOwer , cun~ 01'tJat1ng llln ' leaf- " ' , gary was e ffected_ Its. root Id ea was ~ IlIgdom and r en!ler h,g it year by year " How lon g," sbe as l;cll , Itl/ r llpl l.", · ('xpfcssed w llh. brulel rranllness by more powerful. Tlt ey t'O utlllued, ,hOW"H ElSE E ~mnTO Lllill LT. " "docs It talco to go to Ne ' Yorl, a ud Count 'B eus t, whe n h e said to Franz e ver, Calthful to both the leller and [!lit D eak, " Take ear n ot your bordes, an.1 cplrlt ot t he compromise , a lld to thl~ to Cl)Jr e down to lilaslrlngham to bring buck?" we will lake care of ow's," Th e they owcd the ir uudolng . Tho con..Ill(' hO'lllO-BO llerrC Ctly unnecessary! " The Soo Ore Fleet . "bordes" III ,ques tion wer e-for lhe bC tou s ness ot lIaUonal strengl h Boom ell " S1Iil-" "The 1U0Sl hnl,rcs~ II' o co mme rl'i a.l' Hungarlan)!- Lhe Croats , Servians, til certaIn palrlots Ill t'O wpati\Jl e wltll. " Especially as IJTg\J~..:aoylon wa s com · panoruma tllut til e earth can 8ho w," is Roumanian s and Slovaks , "nil for tho Ibo . restricti o ns or the co mprom ise, li ng by the same tralll ," ail e uddcli. tho ore laden ' fteet of .telllnc rs thaI Aus trians , the T Hech", Slovenes , Dal · and so In 18!l8 an Independ e nce I)ar ~ r "SO Boy ton was th ~ cause ot It ail ." "' I lo ld you that llUtsse u the train, " SI· !lIl SS~S througb th e g reat Suul t Ste, malian s , Pol es ,and Ruthenlans , In Drose wh le h endeavol'ed to attain Its Marie canal, 50.00U,OOU or Ions of irou ~acb counLry. th ese alien nationalities ClldS by 11 s ys tem or obs tructlon In the' <l> cll u In s is ted , pusSIIl!! In revt e w, 30,0 00,000 bei ng Iron - tn the CaSe of Hungary the local diet. For Rom e y ~ a rs thl. party did " Did Doytou also miaB-" ore to be worke d til' by COllnU e8s hands Germans have to b~ added- rormed . l!ttle else lhan bring the diet 10 a s tale " It is not III,e ly one oC us coulll ba,'e to do service to ml1nl, lnd . {Joe of a-.d 5t III ~orm . a majority of Ihe POPII ' of c haos r c~cmblin g that ot th e rich · In i ~s ed It wltbout Lbe other ! " a il e re o u 10 24& lalion, bitt Lhey are h eld In cheelt by ..,ath In Vienna: llu t In '1902 I t fount! t lJrle d. these g rellt s tcame rs I,us 10 " e, I , grosl! tons of Iron oro at AliullCZ I,ay 1\ coalition of tbe t'll'O largest mlnorl - a platform on which It was e nabled lo " tr r o u bad told l\Iaillanrl you were In 8!! minutes. NIh" thouSBud IOU!! of tlee, th~ Germans In Austria and . the C1ake an erfectivp appeal to th e peollle, lr<Jl lravellng alone perltal)S he wOUldl, ' ~ tbl s load were put ou In ::4 mill lites, Magyars In Hungary, Nt Lhe same This 'II'a s Ihe de mand for Il r.ational whil e tire steamer Willi at dock onl y time Lhe absolutist regim e 11'81 ahol - army, In- whi ch Inc words or commallli h al' b('e l1 80-S0 aDxlou s a~ouLYOU ! ' : "I I hink It was auaurd to wult lbree 180 mllluws , Including shlftillg, The ls hed, and Austria was r.ndo wed wilh s hould be gl ven In Magyar In stead ot, .hours a t Ihe s tatlun: ' said Slb t lla, Lake Superior counLry has been te rmed parllamrntary Institutions s imilar 10 ad at present, III GermaD. The IIberale " I tbink It was," I :.dmlllNI. the world' s rich est mine rai tc rril~y lhose ot Hungary . on the a ssumption opposed Ihe s ch e me on Ihe grouud that "\'ou know ," til,c eXI)lalliell, "' )'uu lIave As s aitl lhe lion, Peter While, whos e that In tbts way th e amooLh operation 'the unlly of the arlny wau one ot thO) <to change atU.,tfvrd." IltSlOry rllll S lll1rallel with ' America'. 01 tbe dual machlnc would be ass ured , cblcf lIul,s be l wee n the two states, and "Tbe mos t disOlll1 bole!" I l' i cl ' IrOIl uJ;c, "lhe 11'01, tradc of till ,:n 'e TlI'e system Vo'o'uld hBYe worked very 10 Ibis attll.ude Ih ey WHe fitrongly sup," Th .. t Is whlll Digby sa id ," s h e COli · States Is 1\ mighty 1I01emll fat \. well If the Quite, reasonable ,,"tic lpa- ported by t he crown . 1I' nlle" , qulckl· . '; AI,(llt wass lI c b a "10' U I " --. - --- - -tions 011 which It was b~ed bad bee o It I. on thl' sr.b eme Ibat tb e t'll'o,.... After tbe PropOflaJ. realized . In tw o main rp.~I)eCIS tbl~ lies have now Joined ISRue, In ,,"Ud,r,.. .. ious allerrtoo" "'C tbought It woul<l be Tather nice tu go fur a IVal,I, ," He- True, my salary Is " li t la' l\'e' l ha s not been Ihe case , and It must br. Ihe scheme Is oPpoHed for two reasons , Ot'lIgbttu\ly sltu.J , I.. n l:~ "hout Ret- I bUI tir e n , lwo call liv e as d'~" 'II Y a3 lIt1mltled thaL th l~ fault li es chlelly with -o ne unioni s t, Ihe olher exclusively .fonL " ( sllgge~ted _ I lhe Aus t rial1s , From the ve ry beg n- German, The ulI·lonl8te declare that ; one. " Digb y dlscover ~(\ 1I WOO(\ ," s b~ sala She- But: Wlll. you forget- th " ,e"1 "Ing the two parties Lo the compl'omlse the army Ii th e o ne InsflLntlon In Ih"J "Ab! " mOlh'r! -)onkel's g tlltes nmn , : nterpreled It d ifferently , Th e Auft- pmph'e which lias been kepI free of Ihlt - - -- -- - trlans regarded It as t he mecbanlsm of struggle of nationalities, and t hat I hi. " Th e gro und wus covered w il b prim· '1'OSetl -" I kl d f I I b ' b Wifely Wit, II a union III whic h ther were th p. pre· Is chleny owing to the linguistic limi0 0 8 DIP e call,y t III Mr , McSos h- Gre!l1 g llIlS' I'ro a I dominant parlner: the Hungarians, on tation . Th ~y urs,c, too , that thl8 unity " J us t tIe Digby Bey ton 10I'e' ." I remarlt cd , out o t \Jr,'alh . tbe other hand. (!oncelvcd it as an alll- 01 Ihe army Ig In(1i8pensable for the eC" Well , he scemed to iilit- ii ," s aid RII\Irs. Mt!Soah- Well. wh"n yo u lilY : once ot two ~tatE/8 Inde l)enden!. of each ff.etive IIrO(ccl.ion 01 the empire an;! " ella , " and I qull.' j'/I'!;(H we had On ly In Ail eII' SlIr)I)ly , ;\et a l!PRh.e r bra ad, olh". in every f'BSpect (' xee »', the link for the mailltenance Il( ItM dignity 11. lf an hour." wli! YCJII': - CI(!vell!nd L~.ade -, oC th~ cr"wn lind Llle common affair> among the great pO'll·ers. The German " An d Boy tori? " - -- -- - -_.I It " I s uppose be fo rgot. too," s he an. Sugar in E u rope. IHeRC\'llJed In lh te compl'omiee tse. arg"lDent cannot be 80; trankly state<t; ,6 11'cred, "and thel; 'ke r(!coll ce ted -" All F.:uropeao ~'O \lntrles Kho.., • Thll eonmc llng Iltat d'es prlt ha~ pol· llecause It is German I'Rther than patri" You couTlln'l II nci your way out of greal Incr" as~ III tbe per capl ' a ,',>n- I BOned the relatio'De o~ the tll'O H ates at oti c, The Magyarisallon of the Hunwood ?" aumplion o f sugar, The rate galt. the rooh , It har! been aggravat~ d lly !;ariall army would prove the last blo ..... " cried SlbeUa , ':Dlg ll)' has been Is very bi"b lu Germany, Al18l r!s and oUlllr misunderstandings and acc idents, 10 the illus ion of GCl'man predomlnyou ," and 1 fancied s he looked a F rance .. Thill, Hungary a ud not Austria was In, &rl ~ In t h'e dnal monarclly , and henelt anxlOUB , . realll" and has always fllm"lned tbe Il Ie anat.hema In Vienna. It w ill conha\,e not seen th e Ce llo w to~ ,\ Ancient Tombstone. s;rednmlnant par l llt!I', Th n compl'omlsc bequentl y be soen lha t on I hlN dispute h ," ] assure;! her. At Culross "bIJey , In Fife. S l'O lland , "'.. "Irtually mfld e at h.. llidatlon, Ihe long growing llil e na ~ l o n o f Magyars how did ' )'OU know ?" she 'de· a tombs tone baa been Cound whi ch I. SIM Iaatl th e lmtf,! a t tbe throat 9f Alls- and Germani! bas . I'eached .t rea kIn, belie\'ed to date from Lbe Coud,l). Ceo' ! ~rla In the dar~ l'ea'r e f 1867, and tbo potDt. -. turf of the Cb·rIIU. . er~ IlIIa,IOIDI. . .Ii COD.equ~ntll a Cllllltu'ilJCIEN \VOLI'.
l lu! Itc~ t11i u rly hll (.lo llJ!l hcni ng eff(·(.' ll( i t cxc.rh; over the mo' gll ii S (If l h,o ~l iR~t!t i\'c 8y~t C lll, A!:t n t.on ic IL iri ~Uf'e.l'iut' to t he ll hl l .i4~nl i ng cod Ih'cr
rOOfI b l'CI,IIt'C of
(Iii r~ m p""lld .. It lIIIil,l. lIe.- h 'fRS t CI' IIlld ('r.,,,t elt :o:lrclIQth fllIh:kc~' till," i1ny o l her [lI'{>pa J"n t iu n bl own tn '" $Cienf'c. ()'he ing,'cdient8 nrc, po, it j,'elr_ hllrmlc ~ . l1HUt l!
fl lli t ~.
rnal n))' f rom r 1'tI~h ctl
,\lth ouQIJ (It
Around the World
". II.... allOd J'!)IIr Flail
8ran4 SIW<c", for 1ft ~be " ...allan I........ .nd foand tbem the oDll'
I' !luli,1' , IO I'C or llie k",tI in Ib n ti tJ' .
"(l~i l i \'(I I,\' IIml I .Cflnilll ntlr . :\j uii'~ Gnl!!" Tu" ic i. II\lt
Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile SignaturB
• Of
II lCl:~'i\t in{\ IIY, h :1,\'illt! JI1'u111161,\' t hr IIIO:sf
l hat blows no one an y gaud."
A pcrl\lct rem-
eai lor DlZZU1O,S5. Na_..
r IIl'r nu ami ti n n like • h i~ , 8" 111 t lIt'I I"\! t ilall Il l a~ ll t i \'(~ il'! nc<'d('(1. 'J' tWI'e HlIIJn' p h \'~i\' ull th o Ult"'k\~ t un ll w e
SH OWING 'fn~; Dr.5T nlll UT ll'l' OF' f\A ' ~;,; I" ,\l'S'r' HIA -li F :-:C IH', ,\ eeo ralns 10 U h ~ 1,, ' 0' 1 ce nsus In Au. "'r" · I·',,ng,u·)'. ' ltn p. puln ltiJII "'II clh'IJ~' u
Tbe,. alsO relitmlllle-
Ql'~iUl IJf the nlot ft r,,"uit.
gl' ft ))CS
full \JoUle might
~. tbat .ulled. • alii! ~O. 10 fbll country ~
.caIe......... your coats.
/(A....., and think a 01
mGHEST nnRD WORLD'S FIIR •• VOl. R:~:t~w.:~
_ , Olled Clo'bhltr
....... "\.v~"!...._ ..~
I. _,
... u_ ' the ""yet <it IJ' tbe _ paeltlv. of "~_ ~- . . . all _..wortb '-rlnl tbll 51", of tit. FilII;, - . . .__ _ _
A. J. TOWER CO., Bostoo. U. s. A. lSl
TOWIllt CANADIAN CO" UMlTeD, Torvnto, CanadL
oncc, no im'o o,·cnitnC'C. would
rc ul (. I nly lI' u, h thl\I r)eople pai,1 morc .ti cnl i,," 10 the.c little delnlls which 111 t hc'llsc h'rs in the bc~i nn i nl! nro br so ~1i"ht illl110rtnllcc, IIlIt wh, r h .SI'C II· in Ulnghitude l\IItll lir e m 05~ ACI'iou. t ronl.ll e aUfI 80 "' ~ dendh' di sctl e fns lells it.elf on the COil ' ~ I i t u (il)lI . Th el'(' iij r ell lll' notlJ;ng cnijier t" lu l,e 11 /11 11 Mull '. (:""1'" '{'uni c, I hOlle YIJII , .thl'ollgh th e i"nll'IICC of ), our ('n) 1 hrill ,:t 1h :t rt ntlcl''': tf, It t;l nvit\' of all owin g, Cl1n "ti l)nlilltl to he,;:ollle (,h1'on:.'. ... --;\\'fl.ITE FOR, Till :'! I"RE!> BOTTT... !> TO·nAY , OoOt I for niling '~ h i l " N'n "lid nUl'!li n;; 1
m, ~ UI c! I "" ,
• em' ttd!l coupon wit h rOI1r mime anti nihtrt"SI and t1ril~. is t 's nRrnt. for A rree ' lM.)ltl ~ of Mul1 '" GrApe TOllie:' for Sto mach ntld U(u,.e IR to M"U' 8 GnAP e TO~l n CO, U7Third A"e"
Oi "~
nool< s lunt!, III .
,"'u ll Atfdrtl
(trHt W ,' l t., Plal .. ,,, ,
"rh e SI .OO bottle COltta.itlS nearl, tbree-llmel the We "l xe, At d rug IStl)reA,
Tilt' J,tcnuinc Illi te fI (lute IIl1el numher . La mpe.1 un the l"h~ l-tnkc no uthel' from yuul'dl'\lggi. t, _ __ __ _ _
HIli Selflahness.
"If eyOlL dnn 't _t op IIft gltiug me. l~ mil~', 1 .hl't11 liho ot myself thi.!lo H\ T'~' minut!' :' "Y e~ that' l!Ijud like nUl . whe n \' ou 'kno \\' how n ~l'\,ou~ T Am \\"1\(:11 I hra r R. 5hot ."M,'uell do r(er Bloett .!',
A,N, K,-B
,Say' ,
Dro\>aIn1!S.'!. Dod Ti18tAI • In t~o lJouUr, (Jont04 thy.i ,'iu IIK kn o... th' \'n l"" o( bltd llg tlte ToDgl<8, PttJn In tlro 8ItI~. \''''''cis IlIO\'o u ~ hl .l' UI1 '" cd , J'col1 l~ , whoII Ihey (;1' ..... Ul'. Itll ow co nslillfl li(JII t u bc, 1=:====-_...rTORPID UVER. 'l'bq t'tllIl e chroll ic llll'on)"'; 1& 1111,1, nf atlclIl ioll. regulaIo tbe Bowels. Purol1 Vllf1Ctabte. C( pll t;oll is the 1",,11 II \'0 of Ihe bowrl. :c ("" ")' ulr Ihe ,,"digc, le,l fllo", ... hi,'h c... }!t·;·\ .1 ill tin: uliillcll tnrr CUII R) HIt,l lhcI'C ,icl·:l~' s . Gl' n CJ'lltill~ 110il'in1lOUO{ tlit4cul"c se.l·111~, T hc~ ~ ~t' I' III '" fi ud t lle;'- wny in to ti l e hl vo,1 1J.r nlt'lI l," of which tI" .'\, nrc f.'l llTh!, 1 ', 0 c \'crv ti$.... u\,. T hc. fC " cr,' t hus ta'L'n ll'l1 ill · rl ' t'l~ n o t IHl ll' tll C' lUll ~,!I, ), iuu cyJoi, )o.tulI).'wh , I I\.-u n 11 11(..1 ll\' I' \'O U . ~~' -"' h 'II', \)u t in rat l Ulll
Po.ltlni,. ClDrea
~S Ibeau Llillo Pill•• j "
Is :the Best Remedy on Earth.
Kltls a Spavin Curb or Splint. Very Penetrating. Kills Pain. Dt EARLL IUIU,I11S ALIIAIY STIIEET.8IIST01!,IAIL
ABOUT W!NH:I-<INO ~E'E~ Hives, If
Pnol(~d Wnl~ Enougl,l, Will
Willt ~r the l1~es ae"W eJI ••
Il, e \; el' llr. ' T he lwei. e ll 'I' who has Ile pt h lID' se lf wl(h l n
~ ur"
Il u th~
~f.a r
In Il;H' I II ~ n lal II P t lJf1 IH.: .. l ( If 1I ~O( l ti
~J! f! I'U IJ. 31111 ahH I d' ~ m:tntl
from t.lI l'
I Vgl of hp wltrh!. 'I'b na lural ,I" mautl (or Wll Qill It ..! rt'a se ~ Y<1n r ll ' }'I'o,·. lh ;) era l n
hEm .ll lng 1t1 l-l'ell s in J;l y
flIlPu lnr
lil lll e r~pel1S/J ,,' rrl! . Ole .• In rerlnln cou nU' les o f 1':11 1'1111".
Th o !i e m'a llil f nr
out ~ ltl e .wh ,! al In "n~lan' l
wlli bfl abnll!
lbe SO Ul e ItS IUH ),f!8 r, a r:ro nl1l1 ll til "ftidal ~ s tl m"t e8 , and ,!on slde l'ably IlIrger Ih ~ n fo.· I!tO::. Tbe 1'8r11l1l8 oolll1lrl es lit co n ti nental
EuroJ)e iiI'", incr .. a ~ lng theIr de mand... and Ih'! yearly Nln SlIlIlllllon in .' rllu ee IL now OIIO'I( bu ~ b .. ls, In BelgIum, 7.2 bU!<hela, 'alld In olber collntrll's or· Kurope from .. 1111.10 over two bushe ls 10 "llIlllt alx b ' ls h p,ls per InhalJilant. Til'! otber t)xporllng ('.Ouotrill8 which lut fear o tr"Ct the exporls of tbla ClIIulltry ...... III,ely to ,,110" a "bortal:ft lhls )'r.- ar. TheRe /':OlIn/rles aro Hns · I;la, ~Us lra li", and A r r:en Uftll , I t IS tltougllt (hllmi. eICcept A l'genLlna, will t-...." a 'vmull ~p tor elCi/Ort Ih lK y<!ar. Tile A-TII"llllnll crO ll Is ol Car "Dough alosg tnr "(,Ilablt) ~ 1ID1:1.I .._ ft~ prod. «<:l 19 lIO 1I1l "~rt~ln tarlor. Taryln;; t l'GIil :1"8.,. '0 ~nr. but Ib e h ll'.h llrlre .r ...heat ~ll e ..... r!d OVflr 11'111 n 4 ouht, st1mnlate qUlle a. la l'l.; il' ac re . "Ke Ihl s )·en r . 'fIL A !<bort81:<l III Ih.s. "'Il l bA " fl r y "./11\11 II n CtJil , 81111roaell . Ing almn~t rnmlll ll co ndi tion s In eer 1*ln AI'cLion R.· H Is "vident . a lo:o. tha t II hrolltl ~ .. mnntl Is helll!:' cI'I'nlcd III Cbhm on,1 n.ljn (\li t Countries Amerl cun wh pnt nnll lI(m... In t h e cpinloll o f til l! A merlrOIl Cnl t il·ul.ur, all I llu t! i!O u n:p~ nr d\' llIond ure Hllelr to
lake guu <l (:111'1' or Ih e Am prlrau raeu rd.b" eah lll l( r rOI), In c lildlll g lhol or Cahn.Ja. an ,1 ' h o he hnvlor or (h ~ g rn ln mark e t . nd l ~nl cs fllir Il rleps for lil a producer .
A L .gu me of A nc1~nt Odg,ri Whk h H OB lIeen Growll ExpPI'in eutnlly in 'llhis Count r y • .
T hill It; k nown al at! Gram lin tl " 'nbo IteR . It ,ltel lI O I.. 1I0 ,,·e.. e r, orlg\ · unto in \(I a ho. Iml. In Lh e t!a st. probabl y In Ailla MInor. It \V DS t he Ii!'!! I legumi no us IlTOp to be '111t1vo lcd and _ 'I\S \\. 1\-i<ii'O\ u · til I h\1 lI'uclent Greek.
n f)r l ay n f:; tl'UW I n tb(J wa y of prog· I'OS5L Thonght , t h ory. e xpf--: rllU P llt. pac h I ~ a IIPr , hal un lock " Ih e doo l' t o hl'lrlen lruti, . We mAY ra il into et'l'or ot lim,,". IlIlt Ihe S lll!(! P ~R nlin ln e tl Is ll'" r~ w81' 11 or 11I\, ~ E lIg81 Io n onti rXllc rl· PIWI': 11 0,1 I h ls I.. (\d ~ rn t o ~I\l'. III re· gllrll tn wlnlrrlu l( h p s In Ih ls norl h· .. rn rllmHtl' . , ha t a plun o r n prarti c6 tltl1l ha3 l) rOI' "t1 II!!elt I ruc (or a period or YCUI'S w ithout a railu r e Is a ~a rt nlall to rf) l\o\\' for th e one mak In g Llae Irlnl. If nO' ror ollt pr ~. In th is loeallty , a Hlllsllale
, \V l1n t ~ !I 10 Know T oo :r.!lIch nnd the LnnellCl<!Y TlIl'nl! d H i m
Sim pl o Bouel , I s l<:1I0WI\ ns "MP.llIHola 'S" " nd B.·j rigs Mis fol'tu '1e lO DyO(,cty.
Down .
p o~,w a s6 1 I1 g 8umeth :ng ' I It .,.I : i "d l l l j.!. w hl eh tJo Olle tj l ~ "" 110 " , tH· ... 11 IC t b' o.l t l lllf " ll\'t·, \ i .. \ '·1.' UU UIIIl' !" i ll · ,l'e- :1 0 \.1 \1\ IIl'I v, tl "I!!I" , .. uhult; ... t ;d,.,", " ' ll1il'1I I I~ II U I>''', a.l! M. ~01n f thltl lo1 I~ I'CIIIll",1 t o b~ n dl ~ lle ll!1~ r ,.,,,1"' : ....
On e o r lhll mo" t lIol etl , ~ n crc ss (1I1" nil ri c hest-tOl' a lI( Lit h.; ( ' l'ohl1'\' , i n u. I·"'c(: n l. III·tie"', hu s H,d d . .. \I' h ll te'I'd' I u .u aut! " J) t:I ' ~1. 1 , :.II I1: I \\ :.. '1 It) . ~ ; 'lN I\,\'" 1 .!" ( iUII" whntc \'~ I' R I U't..· l·~:; I }Ul \'t; nttui u (>cI in t )l1l1:':: .d ·u llt '<III!' I.,ill"'· I l tI''l I' 1U1I 1~ll! g "l' F n;m :11 \ II I.J. d t " I:" " . 11< it. \\ II I ~\IU Idu,i l.\ tt'l l (his " '0 " 1<1 I 0\\'0 ull to Illy \l' i r~. ) t.·I ,\\ " , · t : C I ' ~.'lI' .n t'll1u' I I .\o I Jm' lI l q .. th tho (lu y I fi l·s t. IOl c w hel' S lh ~ 1111S h"('n
nr mi srol'lunc unci l J b~lory pn n show t ha t tho IlI)S5P!;~ Or i s s lIre I,) "(.!l llHO b
(ro1l ul & thro ug h It. U ut il \'p ry fl.!' (,C Ully th ll Sflan i!-l h roya l " uulily WflS t ~ l LIII !; lIJH: u \·la IJI, . 11O!i.i l i nn ulici I II IM
\ ~.l llg. 1,1'"I ,!I' III
.\IIUI ' IH 111 .. t: ': Do 1''',,\ ,.. lu ~· 11: lll l t 1 11 p l.I,\ t :l l d o1 ;IU,l l tl,I., IJlI1 1:" .'\It,' I I I~) J'l'~I l.l l j· " l. u1 IU Ig : \l lit· l"'l' 1;\ ,,:\ ~ 11 ,,\\ hilt \, ll l II'- \Ill'
I' :, ' 11.1 : ,. , \' 11 It! t ,d·,I·!. "II .11I · tt'l' IUr , _·1 dn .\ ·~ l UI" , t"Y pUI \ 1'lI i,lr ai :nU I 111\' ur lld. 1t I: 1\.I \t· .. . lll ld \\ ll ll \
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N ew I ndllst1'Y· ,~ ,."I _ I " .11 j", ' 1",,, ,· 11';, I'ro.,P,.r lll"
J)(~ rf tl(' t c 1lI f' r .a Il1 , t ll~ (" ' nl fl r has ' lH'en hollow N I 0111. Hilt.!
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1I0 t
yet o LlPnrent . . V ARIOUS HINTS.
Ask the ro ta whot Ilt ey are doin g ,u~t no\\'! Mar l< I b ~ J;ra ln bags an~ Inhel lile ~eed I)ncllllges. l..etlllr.c. s pinach, kal e. mllSI a I'll lind onlons ' ran he' owp In carl l' Oc tobel' lo ' open crolln'L and wl l h a lilli e pro:cc· 1.lon ""III 111'0 OVM nnd com l! out 10 tll l! ~pilnl away , Dil l'ad or 8111') wn Heed. Try I I. _ liang on 0111 hl'nn s nck on 0. n nll In o u t·Of· lh ll· wa y Jllace In ...· .he barn. nDd put 1010 It nil Ihp. RImy bll s or cloth. HlrallS un,1 scrO llS 01 all s orts. 1'be rag mUD ,,'III lie!- ~Iad to get (ha t sack wh e n Il 1& 11111 and . pay YOU e nouKh 10 .get nll . 1hl' " ulTycolnbs and'! YOU will n('cd. .
-- -- - - -
Silver Sted -
Cuti.tIlI'Q-Se .. n te h.~d :Dny say: "Pacll YO UI' bees so H e? close, fiI1 0"i~ h· A ft} p. rlt.:Hn \\'o r . A I the tim e or If ... '·Olllrn r nr.e m nt or !lnd Nlg·ht. nnd tbere will be 110 u pwnr ,\ ~ II lI ln· tlon. anti th e hlve~ 11'111 bl'com~ 'u!lm )l. th e rt!ce u t Will' h elw CPJI S~a j ll nDd · t he " :lrv oca lll W OR ' 'OI'CI' I with li,lI e p iIll · nll,l tla comb~ wi ll bec om e m oldy. Rnll ' ' n lLerl S lll t!!!! t1J1 ~ ring \vas pr~ enlell ""111 1. f ul re .. ,.1 (OI'LIII'e" [ 1'0111 II", I he be~. dl 3~ ns I: nnd ; . a ~ n I·rl;ult., hy tlt e • l!;.h 1'0)'01 fnml l y t o a • "Ie. ll'h i ll~ . I \l'1I~ sC'·ll tr·h l,,1l' nil tI II I' :Hl d I ) t h 3 I. I laY I ng a I'P" Ilti:"'" Ihe y will com e out lu ba,1 (:o n~jtlon C\ Inre I I I.n tl \I pn tl ml I "tlllhl Ilet '10 re<.. I 1\'"ol,e.1 liJ;lollR In !!.tltl1tio n rt J il S own e r li s evil 1It1' 1" 'n.1 witlt IWl " ''' 101' .lIhl t'u l i.-.m, In UII! ~ Jl'lng.'· Thi s lll,1 l'"' ('~ \I ,1 ml l lwil nppli ,~jl 111 0 Vlltic t11'f1 U j'lt · Il OCC UI' S 10 me tha t litis ba ll slllle fl ff uc:t s w uuld he :l Vllrt c tJ. ll g tuw3nl (!h angi n~ it s inH ucn r.e. 1' 1 ~H ILq n .411'\' ~ ill :r, nUl' l " IX ( ) f th e oint· or tH III s whI ch som e ~ eE>1ll l o f III nothi e 1 . . I r lll f r, l nlHl lI ile \'a)c(' " f 'nt if'lIru S ,' ·'l P Is n ot tho re n il or clo \l9(,11t1~ I\ml ur It m ost 11lHI~UIl I :ljll y n lrr lis t'ece », t.lII'fd tllL . N'f)W TIn' h f>:tll 1:01 pnt i l 'f' I\' ('!c\1I' I wnrm hi vNI, uul II> r . ' lI lt or lo o ~e 1l0l~ lI y l itO d lnn:h Lhl ~ h olts . or WOl·, . nn,l In)' IlII il' i~ ~r"'l\'ill L: . l'l en,U<iIl'. ('lIli ~ UI'rt i'nl!1t <,,','" ~i IlN;. ~l,,1 llacldng. too lllll<:h 01,1 , n II too mil ch ~ lt l ll 'I' ll" hUl'lI e,1 10 th e ' ;;ro'Jnu . nn,l !, nt·" I h'" Ii" " WII. th e r Cl1110n I·"ltl r u II to ' ,111111 ,, ·It',· he lI'ill,olll i. r ' i~ll c") ArI" C. upwlln l I'e II tliallon. AbsorlJen Is a re It ~ fJonu~. ~J'lil h, 3v9 Grun,) ,·t .. . J C' I"I".I!\ · Cl t~:, N . ..l." all rig h t Ir WRI·m. Howe l·fI'. Ihe only It wo . th en g ll'e n tn a mll seum . hili. - , • .. a bsorben t that I usc I ~ lh e p"opollzed \ )) IW /11 .. 10 !J.HI ·t.' tttot .. pl r AIl II dr~ .0: ('''' catwns. flat on the tram es, and I ben II Irt! t ilt tiul u :l,. thi s \\'o..s ;., I ~ ,1 s lh l ~ d f) ,JI ... t' ~d . \\ HI : \,m ll,"1 C~ I t' '' ''('~ t o d(,liLt 'jI two tbl clm esses or . hea l' ), hll'll ,lInl!(' tn t'er.:eh '(\ Ilurm, f or tl was twi ce (..a I hH '~ If lilld l';l ' ~ j'--' ~ 1 l> 1'~" "'l' f' llt r .. "lfl' wyu!ll pnll~ l'. 'alld l hen a large cnart c-i\: hloa, Hlln g ~ah l IU ' \ ' pr to hUPP'!I1) ~ tnlf'k by ,, ' ))111 iI', it \\ :1'" I" ... 1:1.\' IlIlr(l ,( f l i gf l :l1u l ' .I n· . 'fh e ring wa ' oJ;aln 1'0- "d ,. r ,,,IJ . I " "~I ;\I~~'~:'!. looso chnlr or fores t \ .8I'es, n ~ 1he li g h tnh. ~. case ma ), ' be, 'th n the Ihree hll'c, IUI' lIe,1 In 1.11 0 SpAn is h rO)'nl Cami ly . When lInby Hns the C roup C~ I' rs 011 tO il with th e tiglll CO\'er to w Ilc rt! It f't!run t n ed 'Or S:;01JlO t I ute. T h f1 I U~,~ H U)'!'!io's l'l'On l) t :111'0. 11. 1'1'O \·CUt..Ii Ptl~n~
" I)t'
tll J U
..ln t
I:ttw dill'
10 1l U '
wo r k lie d ,,(> ... :·- " ·.l~ll i ll j! l u lI ~tur ,
Olll , UI'e
In Ih ose po'u llty
hOllll€S where a llllllt'Orrn tUl' rOOR I ~ Is ,l.llRlralJl e ,h e a e. ~n nljlony i ll g 1)1 8,11 will dOI. btlrs s Il~ lig. gc~ t1I' e
of a s\
h ~ me
t)Jat.II<1 11 Ite \·"Iuablo
An p. n glne~ r '\V llr, \' I e\\'~ " th e I' ~{: n '. f'r.\!pso 01 t h" n tn f ro m hi . StlltiOr: In ;l1 ~ llu thlls ~ c sc rl bel! t he e n ~1'1 01 th e d'lI I: !',e ss all th~ Inil31>ltnnl. 0 1 l llh l Is· Inn /l : "Tt,c Maltese rl,=,a r l y w e ril, mad,
with tr igl. l, Ihlnlt ln :; tM wor l"
'A D1::8 111 .1 BLE: nOOST PI•.~·n'on~l.
was I
romln g to an eild. All I he peo 0 1 lho I linge whe r~ I tim ItYIr.lI r ~o Int', I he c hurc h. wl,lIe sorr•.e rang It.!: church h~ 1I 5 and s ome e ~~ n n r ~ d o n IOI'ge equlbs (sQrnethlDg 01 thb ' flleol works tribe, 1 m ~ an ) . but It 1\'& 5 nil ol'l'r In alJoul a' Quar ter or an hOIll Bnd Ih en the MalteRe Ic rt the c hurc h
I n many. It consists a pia t Corm Sit ll F o n fOllr l o g~ rai s ed eotbaU l!s alloll. 18 In"hcs from lhe grollud . This IRhl gll ('1t"lIg h t OI' lhe h CA.I'Y breeds, Ih~ugh lhe and 1113de Ih el r way ba cll to Ih " lr IIghler fowl s may be ma1e to \.se a. hon ses, H Ili lool<l nl ' n ry n' ~ l c b hl gber Illalform wlthouL lroul.le. On ~c are tl ." 11"0 2 x~ 's 8l'e [llaeed the roos ts. Tbe rear Clllled His lllutf. uf the 2 !<~· 5. eX lllnlns th e Prairie Parmel·. ~lI s Cutt ing- I have oC!e n won tle rc,l OrB nll·nt'll eel lO th e platform by hinges, s o tha t. th e "00. tmay ea~ i1y be rais ed til ~' h )' yo" hal'e Dtve r ~ llbLl e d III Iit.ra · I II I'e, Mr. (llilth. ~Ie~ I be (.I a'.form. I _. _ __ _
'Th~ TIIII Ihe mO!t .PIgs in clol'er Is & pretty gnoaal prop ~illicllit ~lIf8.~w.ti b . ·.b lch Lb e pou ltry- o~lUoo to tie· .f~but .!raJr.. wm dl. "'1l,IIu (0 1lO1itepd. :, • 'COUllt It I'IRht 110.111.
In ~ ' drffl''-' , of tlU-!' Sna ni sll nrmy anI) lIl unIU lIIlII I Hl'htht!l'lu . 1'\0 01 1it1l.1"I , No lI:1U~ n a vy Is ciu lmed to 11" elli l' If) 1111 . r Ing. >ell. ft!)1'c " ", A. p , U o,,~ Ic: . 1:1l.000Iu. N. '.
~Ir GlllrbCUI tin ,. .
PrOJll(lles Digeslion.Cheerrul· ness and Rest.Conlains neilllei' Opium,Morplline .nor llllleral. NOT NAB C 0'1'110.
Ampt no cub.lilu!e-ln, I. ! on the AIkins Band
P i, o· .,
CIII'(' fO I' COI1,utn (llion I !i:'t't! ,\'t'lll 'to u~ o. - ) 11 1". 'rhos.
sll \' ed 1I1~' liie R obbi.u. , Nol'l~.;~c u . 17. 100II.
\\'·he n n lUOJl htu h' /IIIi I,d I I) J!,' i u l(J lI ~ w i t !I" Ul IHid.· 01' prej lu li"I' he hllJl I n (l ~ lel'(ltl the I(1'4..' u i f ", t I ' ~Oll" jn I jfe. -D t, t l·o it rl' t' C P l't."S',
THE COMFORTER A congc. ted ve in pressing on a nerve
. ~~oun t s
ror ' he swelli ng, Ihro ub!ng acho ,,[
'S t.'Jacobs' Oil Ireel Iho circulation , allays Ihe press ure and soolhes away Ihe pain. P .. lc.,
,USIORIA . For Intantlland Children.
The Kind ,You Have Always BOUGht
and $0.,.
$1 ,OOO~?lveD'or Reliable I nformiatio.D ,
We will gIve One Dollar (or a po't~r Card giving the Rrst reliable newa or a chance to sell a hllrizonral .• team cnglne or our slyles, wlthln 'o ur,nap of lizes. Wc do not 'nnt InQulrleallt· Ihillime for vertical, Ir icCloD' engines.
or ...
Bears the Signature of
ba .. for ,elr' bfCR the .1.Ddafd rOt IU, a.., or rna'trlAI and wOIkm •••blp. Out biaou.pUltnabltJ 11.10 un on .m.n prof· An Atll'. rile tlr~1 In Ibe world. eo more ,hln thC'other lIi nd . Wrtr. 'oday/or our $I-.-c{a' o(ftr.
~~:,I,llt:':~::'I~':: 11\~1~~::';'!::="III~~ ~~:'~"e:v-;:;~~~!!r •
, I O \j ,., ~c I.oCilJ • •
i llrOllllll ,
~..t1,;. I1" I'"oI-t.b~. lktJ I.'"
.,1., l':o '!ln •• In ' 1I"1c.1I.r"-'l1:OOO n , p .
411 .. 1IoI1,r, I . . .",,- • •\101),*11,1".
&:. t ~~
APftf:ed Remedy, forC~oll!lllpa.
non, Sour Slomach,D>iarrhOea Worms ,Convulsions ,Feverish·
I\f8S nne! L08s OF SLI!EP.
na tlcr me. Mi$s
" N o ' lit a ll ! " Kalil she. " It ' 111n '011 fall'Y t ll lrs a s ea s il y Clln, I s hou ld r.c~u.lnl y I ry 10 l hem InlO booll fc,rm !"- DN roll Pr ess. ' .
fAC ton' and Exccur(ve O "Itt:. ~ Itidl.nlpol :lJ C "A ~. '-I ' n:. -N f''; Ylirk, Cb f.-oio, "ll nll u p~Ua 1' ,uU.nll ( Orecon ), t uttlc, t all "',a nc h '", :.1 ern phl1, At l-an t tl. atld "'UfOnJ~ .(CU&liI )
d ol'o( II p 11\1' ''' ", .1I k ," ,,:, ;,1 ,h' t ll llli dnl 1" """:1 l i lll.· t ll!ki' t 1" ,"1 It u" 111 11,1:,
t ' I1Cl l~ l~b~ l l . " u ill'
AI I'rescu t no oue will ,ukc th e , .,. T he mo, t or my 1111'es are seve n· T il t' ~·1 ; :J) :.s 1 1· t ' a t ~ l tO . 00,000 l\ ~' ('n l' ii e l ll'hlh ~ o r all InCh 'UeE/lel' tllan 1110 snon,'ilJl llly of IIlI) o w n Qr~ ItIJl M Ihl " t . ,t:ltl ill l .- j~ .·0 Il U11 ·)' 101' nlllllfl ("llIt' utl" ... 11:;.' s tll lHhu'll L.: mnl,lng Ih e (rome JII ~ l j'JII' ,· I, .' II ha ~ been 1.l ur.etl .11, a ~ t,r,II ;; " t r l ~ Ll; fll 1jU'I'(- 11111 :0 1 he u lot o f r lltl g o· . i nJ! II i!,:!1 JUnw Ilf ,u~ u le Ill il-t i llp. .·- ·I n\ t e ll Incb es rrom t op to hot torn. , uu., anti ' ec rell y buri." I, Ih :.l IlJ\))ll i!o ~(' '' ~. • ' Ihlnk It Is Ir\IO that th is <l eepe r hl vo Expbs i ge Oem • . 11'111 ge ne l'nt e nNTO beat thlln a more Tt Is nOI. un common ror 3 dIa mo nd s hallow olle. I I un ill Y bees Cor co mll, ,anti 1 like thI s deeper r,·o me. to eXlllo 'l" ;000 af le r It r9 a c h e~ Ilt ~ ~ lIrl ac .. : some ba I'e be n Im'o w n t u I ~ .glves. me 1Il0re ' depth ot brood olld more bees. aud It is be es that make hll l'~ t In tllll poc l(ets of t!le lll l n e r~ or wh ('n hl'lel In th~ )Val'," hillld. an1 t h~ hone)' . .... . • 'The whole- Burill us nprgy and l o~s I ~ th l! greal!!f b cca'J'e ' Iar ge s'.ones wn r mth anti ollor from thIs ~ e(l pel' and I\rPo III Ort' liab le to r xp!p'jll or n~ 1:1 \~aluab l 'l more JlOPUIOIJS ' hive flow i: up Inlo tllo tllt :(:')t~ II, iU l sma!! ~ n !=' ~. s upe r a bo ve. l\'ul'mlng the Recllo ~ RIOIl ~S h a v'~ 'Lee n -d ~r(jo)'e'l I ~ t h l ~ Qlld th ll rOII Il,lnlion. ' 80 Ihnt I hove -wa)'.' ~ 11 11 II IS whl , p ~r \1 'ha l rltnnl nr, v el'Y 11I 1I1l ( ro uble in f orci n g "eC\~ , inlo d ca l c l'~ 3 t·~ r,m a Ve"ge 1'0 allowl. g rl! ' ~ll~ or ~ arry !I, th e s rtl<ln ~. 'fhHe Is . \Ie h an liP' s pon $ lbl ~ cHen ! Ih e lr warm PO ~ I(H~ la r ge cry ta lS ward 1. II :s h Ih3t l hcy ID II. t go abo\·e. rl" ~~ h !rom lht' mlno. By way or 5~ 1' , PLATFORM FOR ROOSTS. ~tlartl aga ln ,,1 e Xp1 091 c.n Eo:ne d ea ler~ Imbe d I~ rge .lIa m ~ r.' 1 9 I n I'aw nO~at~ It b Set Up 00 Four Leg5 nnd Stl\lld~ In In S 'lr~ EafC' tl c. n si t to Er.g lao f.1.J.un~lJlI Ch.o r" ~ I ", About Eighteen Inc hES Above Oround. E cl1 1,se 1'1 , Ma l!a.
Jo.hnoT Cttke rot' Chickens. XCI'os ene on the Smoker, A t.n c l ~ l · who hnd dODe 1l1llrh PX' Wh en :,'our bee· smoker lJ~co D'le" la. perlmrntlns s a ys ho llRS sple ndltl ,·c· Crtl. tet! all O\'er the Ins Id e w ltll a thlell BU,[!1 from feedin g ~' oullg chl clls on carbnna ceou s deposit. pour a lillie Two kerosene o l' ~r It anel !et Il on lire, .JohnDY cake. HI:! rpclpe Is: (JuarisC:of b ~aJl or s horts . t wo qmirts wtl11 t he (OP ot Ihe smoller tilted pf con rt'u cornm enl, one (Jlla r t of wheat back. This will sorten th e deposi t so. ,mhldll ngs. " OD ~ hand.r~11 or gooel, l)tlr e t.h.a t It can lJe eoslly sl:rapell air: or . beef ticr'ap, one IIIUl dru I of I:ood If YOII waiL untIl II ha s .h u nu d out It chicken grit; mix with mill;, bnlce 10 ",'111 ~hrl nk Illto a Bcal e tba t wil l reacl i· • • Iow oyen; IIlId th en tee~ ' ,I)' come loose tl'om 'h.e tiD.
th e wln \e r box , which comJll e t " t!\e
now .lIe ~o IIltle I\nO\I;n 11\ 'Ibi s 0110· t ry'. ' It la, however. large ly ()ultfvo'ted hI Asia, and in hHlla S,OOO.OUO a cr es of lal\d are dCI'ole,1 to Its ullllre. Th e r~ I bls pen Is a Gtap lo nrll 10 of hoI'. e rp.ed : 'fhe Yie ld or p ~ns th et'e Is put at. ' noout le n lIus h r. ls per nrl;e. thotlg ,1 as bill b as 26 bushels are gro wn und er ur,eptlonol cl rcumstauces. SIll'S Ibe }'a i- m er~' R evlow, It 1I0s heen g rown ."perlmen ta lly by l he U niled Sla tes d e parlm'!l1 t or a griculture and hy sev. eral 81.nllofJ$ or lhe Rocll Y m o unlaln ' states. "'LleLb er It Is llIor/) vnl unh' Ihan olll I' I gttlDes In any loralloll I~
llt.-I·. I
ailil Romnn s. .It Is rotbel' 81range that lbls once' belll Iwo wn legume shoum
" '.L. DoUII •• $J . ~ .hOd have bythelr&'rcellrnC sly'., ulyflttlnr. and.ur,ertOrw •• riD" ~u.II"e., .chleyed che '.rgeet eo'.n)' '~l , SO ~ h .. ln 'he wo.ld. They ••" I...' . . .ood ..... tbo.. thlt COlt you $5,00 to ,'.00-the DIlly dIUerence.etheprlc.e.. III couhltak.yeutn' .... .. BllhY. Iwoctor~~Yu·n'd..'!rooCnke'Oroo"'IMm··.·k"lnl~..Iar ...~.""Inlo . -.. . • .h_, .nd . how-yoll Ihe ' .... "nll .....lcl......y 1 ... lrolOoull...hOHI.mode,YOU"""wr..llze why W. L Doutl.. SlJ.SO ........... lb. be""Odlllce4!'athewor'cI. III ,ould .ho .. ) .. . Ih"dllfcrenr.W... ten IIi.
, '111',, ·
~u tl 1'1I1111'~~ P II~'I
" .,1 1\1 ':1 11." ,
$10, 000 REWARD 10 anyoo.who tao dl'l'roVBlhlulallllllnl.
.. rull".H o ~l t1 . " . l n fli ~ s~ "I I)'. Arountl . I . I ' .-' .J W tL l ll \ 41 I II U .. t · )o I1 I't' ii I I I ~' !l l t lll·t' " ! y u UI' th ~!it! U( the ,·,11;;'1 o r t h~ eO I"l'ahJ a i's ",if.· lI :ull li tlt· "' . .h e rnal cly ~e t pr!ll I'I~ anti tl lnmdllll' or IIlI," ,e," ~I ,, ", " h"I'_ """ '1 ..···i" ll r ' '1'0 be sn eh 3 SIJ"""sstlll wife. to reo I ··\"t· Ilh 'l lly \ "11 :I ~~.ti ll )ol l In" " 1)11 rU llI' lift: \'....'(;Ilt eb . ) corres llOnd'tll t of Gleanin g" "10111 'hI! 8 11." or pill hea,ls. I .• ' :t 'loI h _ p"l i" ;I" '''- Halt i,,,,,I'" ~ """'j,,,,,, taln th e "we all.1 d,ll1llrution of Itl'r In ' BM Cllllnrl'. th e lernpera'.lIre orte n Allhollgh .hll< rlll g Is Aul ll 10 btl 1I1IRbllllll. 10 ins p,,., him 10 woll e Ih e - - .• - .t fl llm ' . If f I lb ' . goes down trom tllro 10 20 below : and qui te \'Illuallle nnll t.o hove a WOlltl e rCHl mos 0 sc . , " .10U ( e a " o mant\. oue great reaso n, and ptlrha~a the cble l hi " lory HlladlP,,1 tf) It. no one r.u n lie I..a ekf'tl R eg-ulnl' Slyml)toms. con stant '«lIlly. " n l ) ~ 1J1l I ,litl" \. ~ 1,,\'1\'" )lJlI~ " ... L:eLl If a " .' OIDUD OQI,"S tha t hf'r enerll'jes .hoee ....d•• alfty .. \ltuy and &bON of other reason . ,vby l!f)me IIlIn., toll<:d 10 out.. fO il 11,1 In !'Ipolll who I ~ willing' 10 t.a l.c !lbml.. II • I I ." ..ok ••, you would u!lde t' why DotIIlIa,. door wlntprinf( Qf bfocs Is tbllt Ih(')' are It ~ "e ao" ' rl 'III I It " 1 ,I.. " , " 1'_," "" \\-.,,1 ~. I n lll j. . , are IIgl{lIIg . t lll~ h Ie g('ls cns lly tired, '.J.SO·oIiOUCOSI _ ... 10 Blake, ,,"y,".yl:olcl "C • v _ I dnrk shud o\\' ~ lIpl'ellr un.le r h "r e"cs, Iholr .h.-,lit "-Ucr, WN' .r. at nnt 110<;I{(,11 warm. I ro r m ~ rly win· t ~ . I II • II~ ;;1 , . • an.. I I " U, C"311 II · " 11 ~ ,, !'i H~ to \'ou I! \ 1"1 ' 4 1 .I\ ~ " 1" r"'- _Il10. _ _ . . . .". • lilt I"llr.a y .mo\\,11 '" lal ..... ' .11 1 s tQ 'I : " ' . " . I,II. " .: ~ Ip' l ..." "", ;,, ' ''' Il ido",''.' she hIlS IlIIc lmche h ea duc hes Ileur n"' . .....1•• 'nlrle.le ulu• . tllon . ." _ r _'ow IAre11 m)' h ~"s In tbe ce lla" and 10SI I .. < I ' I • . . . . .. .h... on lhe DI.ritel la-day. , l' Il l;. h le:-. n s:. ' ':' 111. 1.11 to .. n .. j l j l t " - .......: , rn ~' :-:l or il·..·, ( 0 " n 1)0 U!ol, ll f< rVOI ·s n ess. " ' ]llWS, lrrcg· w: L " " " ' . . " 1 5.'.~ III p. m In Ihn spring by Ihe t;~o re. I Thl . ""\1 <trnam ent ~alU e InliJ Span. ulul'iti es 0.· th" ltllJ(,s. ~h " sholl1l1 start . . ••;"'~ .•• ~.' Ihen trIed lin out :de ",)losllor), with 1, 1t ,,0"' tl It! I h~ lillie <I f Ihe u ,;gn Ask YOU!' Nei!, bbol's. ut ouoo to build up h e l' s .r s te m by 11 D_.....:...,;.IJD. 2.", •. ••" "bout 011' " "me i" Jr<;.. n tu!\~ ot loss. 1 r I'hll l II I I I (. ," ,. " I . . I 'I toule " .· Itli sJl'.'ei llc powe r . , I\lIcb us CAUTIGN,-l u.l.t ,!!,nn b""'")! W.L.1Joul o II .. J1t , ft'¥-' no OUt! s('o m~ ' ~hI, t t. Ii .. ~"" I" . u l I l :"'\pe(' ll t 1.- ., 1''''.'din. E. l'illldUlnl 's Ve gelu.bJ I Com. l a a ! hoel . l.'.\e u n IInb~l lt ll t e. None 11It",,!n, ba ..." a l ~ o IIndtcd l bpm in ,·\IlI ft. a nd fO""o "" It i ~ 1 or )1 t"II ~ t lHlt(tllrlll J; lh ~ 11 . \\' . ;O':h' I II ... . U " ,-I I I t! " ,/ t.w h ;d I'.... .. it l c li l • \. ,,, \( bouthl.t'Jltme.ndpl'lce.ttllllreedon boltOlu. ~tI11 lost. a !argc ntlmb~r; !Ju t tor the ' If (:C,lll t lo . t ell .. ill , "'(l u d Ut,, " ~ \\o ldw. " h ill pol!Utl. " . 'VA.'STl':n. A IIhoedeRl~rJ ne.~r,to.nwl"~r. 1'(:J~n fir l1Ji H Il~On31'(; 11 all,tJ thO!-4'~ ur 1/1l(hl b I......~' IU. .~· J'lll,. IiU\'c , Icm e r'JI' l' olloW1Dg" wt! publI s h by rO<lues t n. 'v. I.. 1J\'llig lu ~hhn~ IUd lIot 110111. P'·ll1l1u 8 of PMt sel'e MlI years \" b,,,'~ lost DO fleet )111' Hll l!('HRsors . Ph ill Il Itt. lInll Pili lI,.t :--1. · I"~I~ 1i _ .. l ette r froUl U ~\,O \1ug wilo: . ulIlplu le ut (rt.'!) r'lr 11181100\ 1011 UltOD.reQuut.• _ \ of All Y ~ cr.nl1nt. IV .• 1h p. (iClUUtJ· y Wit H 510 \\,ly h1l1. !-i ll ,·,,1 ' '" t , ,'ul1 Po J! 1(' 1\ 1 to lln'Cr t" , f l'ti 111 lU If' lIl11U ~ DearMI'8.Pi llkluUll: Fa,tO% r Cu,t, t.".. ,,; t1lfIY llJlllnotw'CJI' ''ra'~!I• I nnw Illo ce th p. m In wlnl cr es ses, on the 11 er. l l llc. ,Th is rln~ \\'a~ tn Ill e ~ j III. 1·.HI" f t} 1 11 1 'l lll ~ h HI .\~ I,id llep; I t'ln::; uE·\ ,e r tlilu.;tt ll1y c hilc1wll8bol111I1n,·c 811 (.. '''rUe t or 111 \1. trJl t ~ f:.. tulog of.Fan 8 t.ylc. 'V.L.lJO(jOL"' ~ ,JJroek.CoD,u.. ••• t h rE'Ll bil' es In n 1·lIse. The~e ell.~eg nre po l%scss lon or .11 11 lese hl uK~ . F l'om 1, IIl 1lJ (,"11,,1'. t \\' :t~ ,. 1l1,.Jl'l't t il it . Il'!' fe r ed, nH.1IJOIJO rtUVw omol1c\o'erbn" 6,wilh i ll" \ t~ll r ... . l ! ,\ ,11,1.1 I IlI :"!HC' \', 1IuIU\. ",a ,'II II1 g.. finilimall on, (1'1111116 wlll1kue~.'in}r.. du\v1I mnd e or g oO(t hlllll1 r. a nll pnpere<1 t ho r pign Pbil1p IV, to 1hal nlllt \". ", ~ . lh ,' lltt; d' l~ 1.I ... t(' d I \\' ;h~ I>iU bui" ,Xlill,., hn.t'kuc ·huaHd\\·I't"tched 1..u.mdnt:JJ 1 ~. Jt with thi el, blllllll)l g· )l B)1 l' nil r.1'ound C hnrlcs I V (he rio ;.; ( ';lr..,ul IJ.., 1rn r Pl 1. J "1 11 1,1 1'1I t ;. (. , HI'1I1I1 ul. :-:(' I \t ad til l"c ll .l alflaclt..,< IIIlY Hto1lln c'h Rlj I f'oulrl nnt £l ll jqy Illy h I, J J" ,I' ('''' I, j,hH". l)tll ..:. I \ tlfl l~ t II t· til Dlc.u l~, out! btll f my 11111e Wit... " IWHt In 1){tl1. Ill e s ll!rs on ll Ilottom. ' p' ln c~ ll 91 it th en again l"p rlnl-: Jo; 111 10 " 4\ ht ~ 11' tl l1'I. ' ' !:l \~, h \l\ ' lli dll ' , rl't:! tlllH'1I h t'lh'. " Ly tllaE. Piuk h8nl·Pi \1eg..~t.aLI)j CJ()ulrc)\lud · r.olonl 5 In ehese wl ntr r boxes la~t 'll1lt !I1 Cf\ anLl hi story !,AII :4 fir Ih r: lll l:! ' II I . I 'llt ;'H I Ihe fUUI'lh d ur I 1II) l iI '(.t\ II 1llBtJU m 8 U w elt w omn n , lm rll ( tocJ ..-ngl'u!,.11I1 tll ll . a l111 cI' cry on!! or th Dl Is In nn o a !oOtrf')UK wa rs bc tw pi..~ n HI/al II nn (1 I ~n g" i! !t' il l 4 hallR(o . ,lie l a nH' III:':O:ol in 111\' hac'l-; Utat, r nUl gl nd to wri te nrul t £'Il YOIl flf Illy c"udlt 1011 ' XCeIJ1 one In· a sl ngl .hOX l ~ nll c1t1I'l n g 1he time o( Ih,' l'tSl ,na m (!d \liI ..... J,! tl tlC. IlIh t !he I m ' lI ~ I 1\",('(1 tc.~ I..ull\ 'r mtU' Yt110 1ll4 1'OL"O \' cr X ' I t hl'Ou ~h t Ul o hl'Rlth, 1 WtH~ h· =~ . I h l' lit ,lit w i l l! J)(tcltl'M I'::idlll'.\' lIew li te mu] \"i t.allty ."-~h"S . ))('$,,,,1,,, AillSluy, th1lt r o \' c rlooltetl In pa cking. S IIl CO mon Hr c h • . • 1'111 ", und I f! lnd tn ... t\\. I h fln.! Il'l til I ~\1 th Wlb :-ltl'oct, T al'CJmn, \Vu!Ob . 'have adopl ,I my pr ~"t:nt plnn I hll.\·o (jood (D. Good N(~x t Philip 8. eon_ I who nsr f'JlrJ(> rl t hft )UI11 4 n.'~o; " "r ImtCi' nf a.", kin;1. I f N'\ :1'" \Vh at. L.VIl ia. E . Pinhhnm '!i Vegetable nol bceu " 'ollbi pil wit h ~ pr l n g dy,-Ind· Rpnnt s h l hr'Oll e a ~ F prtl itl :IJHI 111.. f~ ' i: I ,Iid ll ' ! J ~ HOW wh;,l it ht·ui'IAt i""1 \\,a" . poulul llic1 for Mrs. Ain s l,~y it w ilr Are characteri stic of the I!n <:. .tul\c n prlsoll er hy l\: :lPOlrtlH ' aUll t h . I)' ':,Iw p 11 1' \ \'1' 1 ,~. witlltmt DOthl ',. K i d~ t~~' <10 fl)J' ( ' \' l"I 1".\ ' . ide nnd uili ng womnn. Th e c haff ltil'es malle by Ihe IIIIr 1" Sponls h' lhrnlle Is "Iv.' n ' II ' e hro tl e r 1 ·1, "I .It ~ I!"u' ". lI,ml I ul e•• I he UII.' I ]f ,You Itll \" sy mp' nms yon "on ' t UnAtkins Saws .always, . U . I fl n l lit.';II'tI, II' II ltll1' . ' ,l c l"Hul1Hl wri te tu ~11·s. I'i n ldmm . ul e nt fll'm s a l'0 all 1'1,;;-111 pro " I ~ {,11 Ih ero I That is bccau e are or th e J ' l'ent h fl mll(·rn r. ' l ' tlf~1\ t'O nlf~1 . 1' ,V IlIl . ?li n-SR. [J CI' udvice is fl'cc ou,1 If< slImcl li t I1n 1; 111)( or t h(' ri g h t ilia· ~ RW t h e T eE!th. o lwlLYs hdpful. made of the best steel in the t pr ln l all I).e. t p. My argum e nt I"; (hat 1111) Cu rll ~ 1 rcltelllull 1111t1"r f"'I·tl i Il 3lHj'~ ( ·o;nl , t i \·u , i l u l l).l ll.l 1l1)! ;H~I'O:o_ t ;lP ~~~~~~ . ~_~~"!'_~~_ ~_~~"'."'."'.~~~ th ey mll Sl LJ ~ so wa r m t hal 1b ... d;'lI ghtf~r. hWIJl! l1 u II.. n n r' th ,! ~l.n I S h · world m~mt nr (J1Ie pn l : h rl t)ttnu : th e wn_ r wit.h 1£ 1.\1 11 11 I .~\ .I :d .~ )X~ttl' H I\~ · · 1. tl Hl t 1 h ~ M erely" F nt Mnn. IIInlslol'e wIll 0 0 1, con tll;!n 'e- 0 'wal'm the' M'ool'1i,' til,.. 11lI1I1 !'\hro(~uf. of Qu een .\\' litt· ';: ql .1 'i:· n ~ 1 , ,\ ' f r ,.. It,~ men that know how, I '" lhnuj.: :II,)' OIi ":Iiil tit· \\,11 ,. ·a bil( ~·u l p u l '.l Ill"1w :' I :tl i,· II , .. t- ~· h . T .I·t\ pI'N I,1t'l1t i, t hal i.he bee. (jan mO" e to any port t ll ill ). C\\ .' ,.,'. o f the hh' wlthon l nny dan ger of iJe- , .he llll In IRf.R; II'Il ~"l1pral s~c n es " i;'III(. :- . Y '!" '!" " AI I.I II I !'ntt , Corn Kn \. c•• I'errllli ion F !oo r 'I X ,11 ul HII.'· 5e-f"pc r., c, ..' ~ loi re , uJJ lit ull lub4 h .'d ~"""! Ing fR lI ght In a "hllual'd:" so warm or a nnrr. hy a ll,1 hl nur/ shetl eI';I'III j{ tbe " " III .. un' ~'UII told 1llf! he wptnt m n~ t !I f !.Iel k , •• \:a'aluc ue on re.tUul . yeal'9 or lSi ~ nntl 1k' 1 4. and nl1ally t he ITCHINO SCALP HUMOR. Ihot thl')' JII ~ L Illug'1I ",lien Ib ey hear h i .. li n l.- n tl " ' IlIIII l! 10 II hI !.! ('n " I HIII , l llI l l , " q l"lJ're l ~· ht~t w 'en 8p:... to and he r c:oln · 1:. c, ATnlNS CD. co. Inc. " Y t· ~ . il l " Il \\11 ('o r\l cl l'u l h ill. 11 t" ~ 1',.11 \ 1' 1 th e wlnels lila \\' with lhe l emp erntu r r ll tlllg U\1l1 ,1I ,inl.; i1 g, ' - H I I)ll ldlll E u ~ lt' . 1.a 'l~f'lt S21" ~f. n 1lfut ure r .l " tll~ W orlJ n lnll. ",hldt m. ,, \t.·t1 In Ihe d isfls ll'ous SulIe"cll Tor tu rC!6 Un ltll CUl'ed 'by goin g rtOWlI he lol\' zero. DU L some will
ORA M (el 1';lt A HtS'tI:>; · ll).
" .l l l 1'1' 1 'I H I I I ( ' j' 11 11 1111 1,.lll i l .
kl ; lI\\
\\ :11"\ ~ · t! .. I"
si on I s l1 olhl ll~ m ol'(~ OI' I f' )1!i I li o n on IlIn O(·elll.lool\l llg: U1I1 ra ll!. lr w on'lc('. fil l r ln b'. u lld 1.Jl'('UU f'P it t ~ r C" IHltf't1 to he 1114: l'urrhH' o f 111 lu d \ jT tHi g t)e;m .l lIhurd ".\I C" lJh hdo·M I llig,"
H'rt ' :lh!~t..
iaRtl' tJ 11'010 a h nll l tho m ltld lt' uf 'h o ~ l x l '(, l1lh "(!1Hllry 1111111 n fH ' 1" lit e tim e
ot thr. Hpunili lhl\mcl'h'an
Ull ins pi nl.ti u1t , uuu the l.Uu ll!ur wy life ."
' ,1' I,ll I .ll
$ 4.00 CUt E~ge Llno can l'lot bO equalle d at a
-All Women Should Soelr. U.
1'"l · I',·r, .. ,~ II",,:lad." QC l iO,II' ,l m~ ' ,li:JIl .. t " \\'lIu "'UIII "
. w. L. Douglas
Vigorollll Health Is tho Grea t Source ot t he Power to I ns p!ro un ll Encouruge
T :. ~ p.· !Hll u..· ~ n ,
T llpr" is alwn YR II ll13t1n plio ll nlHI ' a
of ...~or l of prill u in
' hl s own l\xpc r h' ncn, anti who hll3 " ~;;"; NI th e m:lIIy ne w ~ Orru.' ~'l<1 .rau· AMERICAN GRAIN WANTED._ ~ I ~s l ho t SI)ring "I' und !;Eel.' to fl our· 1<1l fo r n (11l~' , ma y "ong rat,l llIle 111m· JUg Deman d P romiAed hy Olh el' ~e lr 1hal lIe I ~ n llt tb,own ott his Coun l l'l.R for Illp. Crops o f hn<a n,· 10,1 Into ' "m cmrar) ~ I M ~ l n r ll}' rol loll'l lIloI Homo l i n e of lUo nlplIl B' A lnp.llr.nn Furmer. lio n or s omB p\tlll o C m'o nllgem ellt lllat Tbe gr ai l< ("r lll e r Ol r Ill e Un lt nd I" n ot \lra~ tl c :.l1 or 11I'o~ re s6I vp" F;l u t t:~ iti p ar I H'!I III!' I .)' f(lI l lItl:.tlft 11I 19! J \\'o ul l l n ot tli Eicoll rnge x p flrhn p, lIt
- -- ---
In ·Use ,F-or 'Ovar 'Thirty Yaars
Tw.nt,· Fiv• .~Iu'''''1 ofW lo~ ,th. ler.
Thf'l C:ulldi:lR r.O\"fOrltm~lIla lyt8 a bMlli le-l ...· h) t! \'l~ry arU 1rl· lw :U,' l'"u: lIf -.. ucl. rlml.
l. a ul l:e .i.l j ni u i ule' ca II 1)'1:' J'lIrr h:u'f'fl R1 fr0 1H" lIIa ot I rum,... it rV ;hlll iI,.1 p lb cr ('OlI'9f""'
ICI J. \ O WI' 1 10 11:',
ElCACT coPy ~ WRAP,.,... .
CAt'. ~
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. Pulill. hed Weeki , ~',
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IVa , n" ,,' llIe .
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)}3.hl t n Ihly::a IH'0
BUH .. OlNG.
'tEuE:P~OI~E c;JILL .. . =, i 1\
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H. McCASSY I M. I~'~
fIrth , '('·I-.·t, '
TORI Vl" 'I'he Edm und Retulllck a mp. SOIl R i\1I111l I all:!. Brlln" ar,o:? Telephone D ay or N ight •. of Vetorn ul<. tmter tni ned t be U. A. Loui sville & Nashville H. R. R , und" nnm ber of the ~on!l of Uni on [1"; , le. l~ \ H, i: i S I-: \ l) ' I'UHH \ 'I' TI) I'<'H, 'ell J S l ocal No. 7 Boldilm:! \\'ho IIro not ll1 olll bo r ~ of .'lll'ut lllll,·,. II /klint " 'uh.'nulll,, I'I'\",.~ A I.. 13 A~[A, {.;]!; I!UII\, Long Distance ' No. 69-3r the ord er, a t lin oyster su p\> r ut t ho. IPPl . FLlH{] DA , MISSISS town !lhip bo use Wmln esduy eve u· WAYNESVILLE, OHIO HE AllY .YlOR}~ 'f il A N OHTH & i::i()U'rH 'AI'OI.. l N A, ing . DE I!;P. Dr. ),Jil ef;' R eslol':lt ivc Ncr v~ B ranch office, HarvBvsburg, O. YLRUl:--'-JA, KE , T Ui;KY , P rllvlOlIlI to th e !.I'u pper u numiJer 1'11" I l~. s ce Il so· suce" ful in A (1 u1l11 (',)1I1I , b'~ 10n \i .. 1'. . ( I '"'1\" --...,... of solecti ons were phlyed on '1', B , 'n : NF:S ' E l£, LOUl 'lANA. Fr,, '" 1111 " Cllrin'Y UICSO braiu·w rad ing No Question Don bL It. " ( i~.'. ;cs I hat t hl'J'c is every 'u ~ t,e r's On o gr'llllllphone whi oh Oo) nlJol' .. 1\ 11I~ Novemh I' 'i lind l·1 [~I"I. J·-· I· k " lll ,-u ~'\I st u,'o ltl lll ",no.. l iOll (JI' T il l' IIlIturu l 01,'"-11'; ' " I l ,... ,"- ",,, ',, I t tl r c., r ('n~O ll 1.0 b elie ve t 1[1 even 1C wos doun tocl for th e oCOli slon nlill H I \~ If r.' A, ,l . E, Jfl n n(lV cu n t.i n \l:£~S f ion \\"11111 1\ 11 i ... 1(1 hn.\·,- n r' ! j "II' "'.1" h Lee s th a. n the Ou e 1"41',1 fO I' lb o operlLted by bis 80n COUlmodore. to ,,,,,II WllYll eMvillo II~o lj lo with t.lif' I"1Il1 1)('I ,nl ll'lI l ""'''1''''''''" N, I' mo"l 11 I cless cases cal1 Cl Hon n d Trip . lIn<l e I'Htnnt'l 'It I1lns~ pos ili\·I' l.,· 0111'(' '-",'1 'Y ",,,111:1 1\ l'IlII 1\ " II II "11'" ". " , \) '"I-l"r' " ll c(l, l' f not fu lly resto r d. Foll owing th e snpper u. pf ogrlllll ' nnel J' UI I'I 'Y(.~ "Io n or 1t W \' 11 •Ill lhl, I)tl t I' r" '" l!l " .. IIl l ' \ \ ' ... " w ill be plcasetl to r efcr 'l ' lc k('lA 1i lU i l ul lu Idllrn :! I II ." .. Irom t.1,Y :-1 P I' P S IU. t I'" I \.:-;.... of III nllie 1\ nd IIdc1resSIlS 'WU !l giv en not, (" til, pen uy , · /t it b,',lII t\' II I Il 1' 1,'111' ~ I(/ II ,1,',1 any OIl C lhus aOllctcc1 to m any A quintette oonM istin g of LoniR EXpOl'lr Oee h lll:! pr(1\' 1\ t lillt P"pIII 'I\'llhin Ih.· r.'llI,h .. 1 , "\'1"'\' \\' , 11 11 1111 wlio now enjoy thc bt (" sing of P rint.", Rtly monll Mtulntt, Uha rl eM I,'or IUU l"r.". "... I1"", rat<·,. ' '''I\',lu l,·" ,I"'e koln 'ruLJl ets el1\'o dysJ1o}lsin ill fort.y I w h .. \I'llI ""dt,' t 11f' ,,11 ,11'1. 11 :lId), a rt er ye~r s of hopeless It, i~ 1111 II "",1."'1' "I h, t('\lIg'(' nl sulYrri ng. Ulonn, Will MoKtlY nnd R uport I "ltl ~" ..."I IIt",",,,,,, ,h-,,·rl.. '''·~ "r'\I,,' .a r· nine CI( os ont of I1l'1 y , 'J'hi ~ II' II "J hn.\"o:\ ,.~n lhft t hnd hmln 1rvt)r Bnil ey , tlccomp,mied 0 11 t be or gun OUM r ,t"\IIl rl 'j·,• .q,:rlrll h Ul·L' 1II111c.·ral ' !lUll re ll.\tlrknbleH tut elnt.~n tl~·bnt t h o fn ·t ~ Ir·yl l1 ;,.{ , I f l1H ~ ),t l"' I , I::t il l'l ~ l rll H' I ,\t P . IhnOO r 1.... 0,1' " I, ,,, · ll'" lI tle. "all " " 01' ID th o e u so CII II ell:\il " he \'or inpd. If thl1!i,·PI' i~ I\" t 1\' 1lJ' 1,1I! ~ III Itl II' 1 I ,·" ,"I"'n ( \\'0 ~'Ml''' old, t .. lI"wl.<j by lll~ o r by F. H , FlirT. !llIng u num ber of ;" 11ore", J :'" "'.tlt·,t l~' l.ll.-'; untl 1\1''1 Wil~ pn. . l1 Q.ulI(·~{t T here IS ever y r Ollson t o htl V( CO Il , it' till' 1'''ls'' llIlI l- \\,II~I" ,,".'1 ,.,. f lI " ' , ,Inoll" lJtu. I [Will hunurod. or d oll ,",\, lliltri otio 8ongs . ·· fidonoo for ,J, E, ,JIIUIlI)Y \\,111 hll1ll1 I 111'11 Ull t " .\I,, >lI ~"1 III'un,lpt l,:' f r o ln 1111' , rHr 1,lm, ",III... ", roll t. A(I~ r ~ho" t J . E . Dn \"o n )1n 1' t . D . 1•, A , St . L OU1!4. ' I I I" ' 11 1" tu 1,(\(\'11 )'I.'tl ,·~ he bN:, ~') "I t l tha t wo C. H. Cle ments, or of bMlk your 2;; cents wi t,bont h(\~lt.n 1 -.\'~t (, I1 ' t, Il' ('11" '1" xI (m . S l " oo( \tll n l O 1.<)0 1:01111' h"~l'llU I tor li,,, H . C , Btllloy, ~ . W. p , A • <: hICII/::O, tlOlI ~houl(1 yon ffl \l or boi ll ~ 1l11I'O<1 . ~ It .. ,. till' ,,,rretA In", "., nt ].(,;. 1." PI)l't, l llli. lJo ",,,8 the Clunp, wus t,ho Urst 8]Jouker, F' D BI D P ' I t' l"h' 11 PI Y UlJ.f:i. Lu t 110 Qi'l h .. 1. , . . . . ,' - " in C nnll .1. All killth; of food 011 11 110 (>oren I T hl' nnly rl~ I II ",u,\' Ttl t"'Ill.1\'" 1tl~,!'h' nll,, 1nO'''' t n 1: " ... w ()r~" . ~o wo l,rOII?:" t outlining tho objects of the order .1 ,• H ,, M \1~ ill ikA Il . D . P. A. I,onisvillo f reel ".~it i ~ lll(ll'O e!\~i l " lUg st ('(l, ' I 'i ll1" lu ~, ," ,'til ' I''' I ~ a lltl " 1.. tl 'h,'" l<ill 1,"111" .Iul y ijO, )) ~Z, I n nn "w(,,1 Ilt1 hn 10.. t llif. mlnu nh n nst lind giving [~ brief blstory of the t.h ore.r' i no fullnr o r di .J tt·c~s !lftE' r ' "'111 (' !.':1I' lip CI lillI/h i\', UJIInf1~' (lOIll ' comllt nLln'llt.m r. , 11. 1"" .11)' kn e ", <) n c e.r lIIIl C, I., ~TO:-l I::, (; "II'1 I'll" .\ ~I" 1." ,, 1",'1110-, t;y {!lLt in", lin d by nidlII" tho ~to lll llch I IJlr' xi" " I \ n ~n rtj.:h t, tll Ilw I'll Itt, o r , (:11,,11,' : r o, h i n~t "VNI (lnd hiM \),,\1 ; CUIlIP 8inoe its orgllnlzlltion. t'" ~ , \\':11' t ot-d wl'er l(. J [,} h :lu f rom {) 0 -t o II sslmllnt-o lIucl dil-(ost. P PSit'()IIl , 1he\il l' with! h,' pl" ' I..-r ""UlNr~' , 10 tl i. n 01 !\' . \\'0 ",,,rc !I '''<.<1 to try Mr . C. E. Bratten responded t o - - - -- - - . tho toust, "Our Country," deliver- Hells Mol' of U hllU\" orlni n '~ U()n~ h TII1Jlots mako mor e 1'1 It blo,)tl t,, ' TIll' 11 11 0 n'u",d," Illld \'1 11 ,\III'I' 1':~lt~I~~~~~:;:'d~'\~!u8c:\i\"~t,onl ~n~;I~~ Remecly thl\ l\ 01' nil ()thl'l'e: l'll t str ongth n the b oLly. : (·UIlFI,ip!lUlln. IIII PI',l\,f' th e 1:11 111 pi,',\. , ' ' ,r (I.., ".t".,·, We 1I ' \'0 1:1""" It I Ing I~ splendid Rnd patrlotio IIddre!\s. '1'ogotber /' Th oy nre j ust tho t hlllj,( if ynn fOt,1 ' lOll, hrl ~hlO ll ti ll' "Y"", IUlh' tt l' 1.11 11 l ~,:!: \!:~: Il~!,~r';;r':\l~tJ~r.;~ohl';.~tl~~eg~\~~ Mr. J. O . Cartwright spoke ill R , , ., rnn clown, nor.voll ,tl ro.l IIud ol"~I!1-I 1i\,(t r. r urn ;IiI.' 0{ h l!!t d ~u"H' IIlltllnslI "I' , I~JJ, lind It"' n I,,) " "'" !lot well <-l h,'r Th os l~ (~orf:(" II tl1 1.1( 1.lfi ll t of it;. tecl li nd noad SOll\ ot,hi ll~ l o"\\'" , n clpll r ".'I"('I~· . Inn 1;\ hllXtlcnl1l \ WI.Y II. ' '''' I'",>noun .. 101m uro<l, '6"110 remlnlsoent vein of the old Sons of MtMr,E lt7 i u Ontu.·Tlo sn y s " 1 11ft v'e rC'A rt W(""lr~ a ut l J;n nn)"",ll( r\., . rr IIny ot\ o '" . ' . " ' you II n w loaao en li te un l1 tlnw " . 'o nir Tn hll'l!'. ' wl ,I"" 1 <lI\ ~k u"y,,"<'lIu'IRO(JII,~, !,!. lnll' VeteJ'llDs Vamp which WIlS ostab hnd ,t hA , locnl Ilgenc y , tor ~btt Ulhf': . 'I "Hl r gy, Don 't h !jitnto II llI in nt" 1 t .I_, Ih "y n" "' , Ilh'L-ty In flo ~oJ. ' ]jelled in WayneSVille 1\ number of Itlln ~ Co ngl~ R~ltlE\d.} , ('VOl ~ lI1 ee It hn t .... o right to Mr . •]l\llllny li nd t l'''. __ _ _ E. ' JI. l~lJ,)-,:-;~ I_li, Lh,c\>ln, Jnd, I . tl , lD t,0 IIII II clll • n Ild 1 Pepf:licola ... ( I ').l\'1 ' ' (fruDr. • • ' Nor vlnr 1. aold' by your yellrs IIg0, but fin lllly I~blmd o n ed. Wtl81 1l t r Olllee 'l'ttblets \vith tho l1 nrl 1"1.,' ,'1[ \ 1\'{' ~ l o~l.t,Mil",h~ " .,(1 {I'Drnr :ee th~ t the s,ellns mnch ofl t ns'l d(lofn ll otltor utlln.111l .... t h"t yOu Il oCi(l ll''' ly , H • • J 1 1 I • • (Ir/.t ' bQ t1I~y'!Il b . ne " t. If ItfaJl., ho In bis speeoh he reoulled tbe nnmes 1 . t to'" th Of tho H ny I ~ u ~ ~l \'11 11 I e f und yoli.r mon ey. ' ID es puso ld uhe er . )1 L on or the eoi!f. will be nOI,liinl't H.TllII~WI I.I. " (Jll r" ""I'le l\" e"I·c.of [\ nnmoor of men who were prom · dozens u nc}m' g U IlI':tlltl:l' , I 1tu. \ 'C I ' . ,... .. ~" .....1 Co.,, Elkhart, Ind fjJ'~~I ' I A I :rt l:!.~ : I,.I!l1·:.VH'!l ( '~' WIJM I';N inently identlfieil with the old 01'· not lliLd olle bot.tle l'rtu rIl ell I clIn ' ganiziltion. mllny of whom bave persona lly r~eolllmon~l this !lweli· II ,' NP fllI ll.IIJ1ltN A' t HAW AY, since m oved from t h e community. CillO fiR I hn v( u eed It m.\', (\lf HI.I(l given It,·w my ehllLlrollllllllul wll.Vs . , . . Mr. S . Lev artwrigbt !lpok e 011 with !Ile hCf:lt ~el!mlt ... " PUI' s ul e by WnynesVl l1e 9 Londmg Den tlllt, Cures Cqll1s, CrOtlll aud Whoupl,n u Cbh~li l " bebalf of the mf;lmbers of the G . A . F C !:ichwfl rt )\ OQlce In K oy. ' Uui ld l u~ , Main Ir ll ' CU ~ COlds. Cro)"JlUllt\ \\' hWlllngC""l:Il, R, Ilnd told of the early dllYs of tlJe Civil Wn.r "nil of the m en who went to the front froUl Waynesvill e, lIumlng many m en well known In tho community lind mnny of whom have since passed 11Way. It WII.8 the desire of nil present to hear more from members of the G . A . R ., but owing to the luteness of the beur this wll8lm[lossible, The speakers were Presented by Adelbert MeKIlY. ohairman of the program committee. A. very encouraging interest is being shown in the !:Ions of Veterans Camp and II. number of new memo bers will be enroJ1ed in the nen.r future. The order is open to all sons or grandsons eighteen yoors of Ilge, or over. of Union soldlers. Membors of theG. A. R . are alwll.Ys welcome at the meetings of the Camp. i),,~.
toln , fill I".
' f n IHhOIlC4:
11.00 a yuar . 11.:! 6 I)
._-- _.. _-
~;,~;'.:~'~~~ MCI('. , T. J .
Sons of Veterans Camp
(': M 1\1 It :::!
The Home COlll i n~ Ruuni ull prom. to benefit Wnynesville in Il wily Dot antiolpated wben the Ulutter was fir8t considered. Aside from the 8entilUentai sid e of the questi on tbe Bome.Coming plun is enoourllg. lug a spirit of proll'rell8 , of thrift . and of pride of the town 1:'d8
The 8tlltements of Waynesville's two banks whloh Ilre puhli ~ ll ~d In this l880e of the Gaze'tte phow their total resources to be '42~, 8 9-1,47. No better proof of tbe pl'06perity of 'he conlmunity oould be produoed tblm is sbown by these figures. Mooey III not everything. but It Is 11 very impOrtant sometblng. aDd it is jU8t /1,8 noo888ary tbll.t II. community be on a solid fimmoial basitl IlS for an indivlduili.
Home Taitmt Entertainments Promised. Wayoesvtlle ' peoplo will have an opportunity of witn.BIIlng some "lent th_trlml performa.nC81 this wln'ter. aooordlDg to plan8 now under conalderatlon. The first of tbe entertainments will probably be given soon fl!ter the holldaYI. Mr. J. E. Janney and others who took part In the borne tallmt performanoee whloh were 80 ,popul'r aDd 10 luootllllful several 1l11U'a ago will partlolpate In these, •• well .. a number of others.
Ceasars Creek
----_._------ -
Dn,. H .E . H'
DuriDg their recent' vlait here, Mr. and Mn. ThoDllUl Borden, of RlobmoDd, Indlana,8000mpanled by tbelr relattvea. Mr, Jamea Sale and lin. Mary Waterhouse, spent 0. day with Mr. and Mrl, Da.vls Oraham. of Hiokoryville, MIlS Lizzie Moore represented the local Friends Meeting at the funeral of Mn. ThomM Thorpe at Selwll, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hartaook and family, Mr. and loire. Jos. Penewitt, • U of the Spring Valley pike, lind Mr. and Mrs, Doan Brackney and little son spent a day recently very pleuantly with Mrs. Sarab Lashley . and IOn II. Mr. and Mrll, Mahlon Ridge enjoyed last weet In Akron with their BOD and daughter, Mr. and Mre. D. C lI1ford Ridge, returning home Friday evening.
p y.
Delayed. Mr. and Mn.lIaao W1Ltol1 vlalted relaitv.. near Xenia Satorday and 8uDday. :'Kartin Bamer and daughten, Cora aDd lin, and son Guy and wife IJl8Di SlUlday at the home of Dayton. Lebanon & CinCinnati Hr . . C. R. Bunnell. C. A. Alderman and W . E , l\Ioore, l! eceh 'er s Mr. .Jolm Shaokleford, of Lees. SCHEDULE OF P ..\SSEl:JGEIt TIt.\INS. NORTHBOUND ;burr i Joeeph Oompton aDd d!'ugh. s'rATIONS No. 1 No.3° NO.Go NO. 7 &er Louil4?, Mr. and Mn. Zimri AM AM PM P M Baln.. aud lon, and Mrl: Emily Lv . Lebanon , 0,3" 9.30 1.:10 4.30 Leland "6. 41 "U . ~{J "1.30 ''.:In BalD. wereJrUNu Bunday of JBlle Lv. Lv. und(\ . ti, GO "0 45 4.-15 BainY and family. Lv . KllCbncr "0 ,52 "U,47 "U' "4.41 Lv. Venable " 0 ,54 "01U " 1,40 " 4. 4 0 Mr" Bomer BolllnRlworth aud r.\·, FAllewood - " a ,58 '9,53 "\ .0:1 "i ,5:1 7.01 H.56 l. flr. 4 .!tfl llater ' Lula and Misl M.oon llpent Lv Lytle t,v. Manor " 7.0n " 10 ,01 " 2.0 I ",'l .01 Wednetlday evening at 'he home of Lv. Ce nterville -; . l ~ 10 .0'; :!.0 7 ' •.01 at the home of Mr. Martin Hamer. Lo,. J:lempstcail 7 . ~.W 10.1(, 2.Ui !•. l l Lv. Hos lyn " 7 .:!:t "10. 11 "2 . 17 ":; .17 7 .~ H 1022 2 .22 (i , ~~ Whooping cough Is prevailing Lv. Snaker Cr. Ar. Lobnn o n J c. 7,:lU lO. ~ r) !!.t!:, r,. :.!11 among the ohildren In thll vicinity. C,H.&n. l),& X'l'. e ,II.i!tO. C. U . oi.~ u . 11.40 11..00 :l .00 11.0 0 Mr. and Mn. Bogan and daugh. D"ylou o ,&x, 'r , lJ,& X, 1', lJ , x, ..t.-r K ,OO :J ,OO (j ,OO ten NelUe and Reva spent Sunday !;OU'I'nDO UND ·with IIr. and Mn. Wilbur Wilson, J> 11\ AM }> M AM of Spriug Valley.
.- .
''' j
, then -
L EA\' ! No 2 0 No 4, 0 ~o 6 0 No8 naTton : C. n . &. D, Ii OU Dayton ; D . .I< X. T. 7 00 r. 00 1 0 OU \I 0 0 f.e banon JunoUon 7 40 :~ 35 10 :Jr. (I ~O S haker Cross Ing 7 42 2 37 10 aT (I:J~ Q
ROHylo I:lem 8t.eatl
'1 "i ..~ 4l' '; GO
Center ville Ma.nor LytJe Edsewood Ve uQblc ){IlChD e r Dodds
2 51 '2 r.7 09 3112 '8 J 2 '3 or. 7 08
'2.. 5
'~04 ~
' IO" ~
10 .. n 10 r.:1
'11:17 1i"0
II 4 11 ' IO "U 't! ii~ II 0,1 \tr.l • II 0 , '7 00
'K 16 'U011 ' II 11 ', or, ' R I H '3 ' II 1:1 ' , 0 7 'K ~ O II 1:1 Ill ;. ' 7 11 Leland "H '.W 'U 22 ' 11:!4 ' 7 t u Arrive f.ebaDon 8 a5 'lJ 30 II :.0 7 au Doll y exccpL Sunde) ., 'SLOP a D shm al.
SUNIJAY ONLY Trains )lU88 L rUe ...._ (olIo",. ; Nort.hbound
"; j;Oa, m .
r; -1 7 ('. m
Southbound 9,&4 ... m. . ,011 p m Tlcll:eL omccs "t Dayton ; D, & X . T, ~3 Lud· low "troet Ar cade. C. H. .I< D , Unloll Dc l'ot.
W . E , Moore, Gen'I ' PlI.8l!enger Agt. I.ebanon. Ohio .
lJea.tnesB Oannot be Oured by looal applications, AS tber olin· not relloh the diseased portion of ear, There is only-one way to cure deafnesa, Ilnd that is by constltu· tlonal remedies. Dea.fnea8le caused by an lnilamed eonditioD of the mu· cons lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tnbe is inflamed you hn. ve a rumbling soun d or imperfeot henr· After otBoiating at the funeral of ing, lind when :it Is entirely olosed lira. ISrab Throokmortan at Miami deafness it tho result, and unle!!s cemetery last Wednesday morning, the inflammation oan be taken out and this tube re~ltored to ita normal Mi8II Henrietta Mcore, of a;prtng- oondition, hoorini~ will be dest,royod field, Iopent the aftemoon with ber forever; nine canes out of ten are C8nsed by catarrh." whioh Is nothing f rleDd. Mrl. LIDa DeVitt. but an infiamed condition of the Oroup. muoous surfaces. Wo will give $100 A reliable medlo1no and one that foJ' any C8l!e of deafneas (caused by catarrh) tha.t Cl.nDot be OUred by Ihoald alwaYI be t ept In t h e bome B 11' 08"- h Cure Send for olr. immedl.te 1188 Ie ChamberlaJn·., a s ...rr ., Bem8cly It will prevent the culal'l!.!, free. . given '. 800n as the child . Jr. J. Oheney &CO.• Toledo, ,?, ho.l'II8~ or even after the Sold by Drl1ggl'!lta. 'lie. Take HttJI a appear. . ,For sale by. Family Pilla few ~~pation.. . .8olilw&HII.
\V L
.,n . I)'
I" ,s Cough Remedy
Chamherlain's Cough Remed,
' \..
Cou 11 ty ~ol,1rt "'jlOcet!Uing~ -" ---~--..
·. l
(lUUlt'l' 1·I(UCI!:Y.O INi1 •. l::l l'IlJ''v M /-(chllluok V8 PH triok H".",,·I/r . tILl. J-'llIlntiff huving OI)I" I" " lIl1i ~~ tl h,11 Io"jl1l;ttld the cillirn hi' Jt.,I\,u·I.' ( JI, II'k "IllJ ()'lI. uml Ule jllol ~ 1I1t III Ii.. " I /l11(Jull " d IUld Vlttin . till'.. "nll·,·,·t! I" "" .\' w e OOSls. M!ll'io BI'II WIl V:< P"vld Brown. LUI. Vt' il! 1.\ 1'11111"\1 111,11'111111111, I co tile Ihnli"" f,,'IIaWI1.h ·Wllh.lI" IJ N,.hle v~ 1~ \Vli- Oil ohrh'I.. Fill ... ,' " 1111'y ~ fnl't.h e r lime IFII·ntHcl ll"r·"lltlulIl lof, Hl o JllCllcltll !,; of I',,,,i V" I' Lou MI1II1I"llh,,11 . nl. 'ula, "j I'ltlll 'conlll'UIt'Ii
I.,·" 1\1,,"011 I1t
"~III It< II Pl'l'uved
WILlLirUII '. Gilmour Vtl .1 . ,I . Stl!ll· d um. Cllu"e dlHruillRllel wit-hont r eo· .01'11 nlld wlth"ul · )~rt>.jlll1i(,ll, lit IJOtltH of CIAf" lItlllllt.S. l,nln LUll!,; Vii .llImell p , Long. P lnlnllfl' grun ted tt ell VMoe Imel oon trol of minor c hilrlren Itnll,tlilllOllY. •Ioh II M. \VillitlullI VII .Elmor Mur· phy, .; ntlll'Omtlll t ill ftl vor of the dofendunt . Provldence.T COX VI! Phwbe Cox. Service Ituthori),-ed by publlention. Allen HOIVeH, vs W . G . 'fhompson, aclminis.t,rlltor, eto. ClluAe dlsllli8!jecl tlO fur '118 W . <:1 · Tbompson is oon·
carned: Patriok Gllynor vs W, O. Thomp. S nI, . ,udmiDlstra.tor, at Ill. C'ause dl"mls,e.l 110 fnr ns· W. G Thomp. B II iij ovnoerned. I'ROBATE [JounT.
E~tlltell for settltllnent: Inez E. Foxdecensed, firsl ondfinll.!nooount; Ann pempsey, dooellscd, first lind filml nQconnt·, Georg('l 'W. Klick, da . , fir t und finll! aocount; Eliza o Red, Z ~II, .. deCeosed, firRt nnd final no· o mnt; John W.. Brehney, dece88· eifirtltn\lqfinalaoooullt; .iUlnGar. ner ltnbeoile fir~t noo<~nnt; Hiram Kllbon, deoeused, secoud Imd final ·ooount Judnthl\~ Stites deoeused ;eOOl)ll ~nd Ilnlti~~dnt. Lee' Ellie, 1100611 ed, s600nd and final a 00 ou nt ; M!l·ry. E , A ,'.Conger , ae ~ellsed, . seventh account; Mube} 'Greely, mlnor,·third Booount i Mlfr· iuab VII. Hormell, deoeased, first Itnd lltltLl l\Coount·, Amanda M. Bnrsk, d eceused, . tlrst 'and finltl account; Emmit B. -parlett, l1ecellBod, first !lnu finl,l1l.l000unt ;' Rloh"ril p, Evnns deceltlletl, iirst and final nooount i Reuben Mnll. deceaBed, tleoond no. oount.
" h'ftt'".. ot Wtlllnn a"'ndriokspn l ""'... .. · l''. v...... eceased. · Sale bill filed. . . Es A··te of' . ....-~glL.l't\t Collins, de-\ celt:\OO. First und ,.. -...nn!lol account. for iIOltlernent nJed. : . 'E srote 'of John W. Bowman, de· ceased. .FIrst and final aooonnt for jl8ttJement flied : . / .In· re will Henry Grn.f, ·deceJlaed. 'Wllt admlUell to· probltte IUld wid. 'ow eleottl~to t"ke' n~clilr the' provls , ' ions 'of .\(", w. ill . IIIUu E tlite 'of B .' en~~r.u', d.eoense<l.
Co~::- ~hri;;;s
Portland Cement, Lumber, Shingles,and all kinds of ill. DEALEBS in Flour, .Feed ana Grain.
Valley PhonBi
Dr. Cald,well's
Syrup P1epsin
C. M. BROWN, Proprieto1"
i i
M!~':tr~!~r;l~~:.t b~~~;~'i~~
CARPET, All 1nakes and grades. S RUG Oriental and Domestic . . MISSION .I!'INEFUR·N ITURE,
\"CKtigate bU Alnes,. openings .
Kutie Urn! iappoJnted exeoutrtit:. .'dne~ Tro..... )'e~ Mal, . . wIll bo on Halo cerlaln <Iatcs during lhOSIIIII' " kpnraisellulnt dis'~lIAact with . , '" 3 WJ " -,ton Miserable. "I Tbn.nk the Lqrdl" mrr; netalled' InrOrmatlon 38 to rarcs I' r.' - , - -cried HaDnllh Plnnt ot Little Rook LlIoukh . llml~ etc" 11'111 t.c r"coll' {urnlShCa . . Estate of ,}rlu"tbun ' mUIt, (looe"s· . Almost .eVerybod?: who reads lYle news, ' . ' , IIllnn apllllcntlon 10 loca.1 t1ellalr agen. o{ ttll 6 " ed, I"\rdor fo. r SaiD of h ogs "papers I• sure Io · now 0 f Ihe won derful Ark ., ccfor the rollefI '""ot from Buok· 'PO IIHl' '''3111~ Line". Y • cures made by 0 lell'!! ArniclI l:5ulve, It onred my . -----~---.----_11 . 'I ~. Klimllr'sSwamp-Root, '. r. f oorfl ' Ii h 1 i "suell. n runnIng sorep, w 1 0 n,e! 1· LOIV ONE·WAY b'An~~s sou'!'n AND Esb~t.e of Annn .M S Wn.rwlok. Ihe ei'eat kldDey, liver Ing .l;Ilsewoultl hel\.l, and from 'wlllch SOU'l'Jl.JI)AST VIA PENNA. LINKS deooosed. Fourth . uOof,)ullt · for \!e.t · alocl bladder remedy, r hn.d suffered forS YOOl'S," It ill fI, 1 " • . • It Istbo .grMI medI. marvelous helLier for out.", hurtls NO"C1llber;'th and ~ 1 8.L reducetl onc' wcy 'tLemeut filed. caltriumpbofthenlne- and wounds. t:lu"rn.ntee<' ut F. ". chicI'!!' eXCUl'lIloo tl t!l<c ,wlU be ",,10 vIa L' • r ~ t lh en! dl . . , v I>conijY"' polo•. ta, ln LAlabama. Elitllt.e. of., Qlituc\in .,.ytlr ur n06, eenersd clitterury; s, Sohorwnrt,z's drug At.llre· -2<!,~O. FI or I"ull , nnln 0 eorgI.lnes Iil. "w •QUlU"A)', c{,v. vears of . 011 I• 1ana, 1 <OOoefioillfy. 'l'wlIlftlt ILOOOlltlt for scIentific.. --~roh by I ' MI •• I."II'P!. North Oerolloa, uulh Carollull -'rCnnC8t1CC nnel VI~IrJ)n, FOI' rull IDrorma.. IselttemeuL fllefl Dr. KI\fner, the oml· Lion re!lardlnG r~re .. , limo or trains etc., (lillls. M~rsh . .odmlllh'trllt:lr of ncnllddneV,and bladOhal;lPtid ·Hands. a"ply til 1""01 Ilol,OL agent 01 PO OTls),I"" .. I. . • I --~ . . . der . ~, and ts 'Wush your bandR with wilrm wn. LIne. . tolll .o!!t&tQ Juma!! 8 . King, dlJceut\ed, won."' . successful In p'romptly curln..• t"r dry with a. . towel und appl y " . T .:;vs Fre(l J{lng et. Ill. Aflmillislra'tor lame back, !thlney., bladder, uric acid Irou· Chnmberl/l\n'.1l Salvo jnst. before go ·o rll,,·r c·d to · d.i!l~rt bles and Brlghl's Dlseue,'whlchIs Iheworsl Ing . t 0 ' I,ved· ,ltDd a speec1'Y oUl'e i8 cer· Arlard. " · but.(J ' ,lrooeeds ,of (orm of kidney troub. le. '. I!II;Lle (tf·l&l1d. Dr. Kllmer's'Swamp-Root Is rlol ree- t. ..ln. This $1I1ve is IIlso unllqualoLl This is to cert·ify that IlII druggists In re will Edw.urd D.~y, deceased. ommendcd(Oreverylhlngbaltfyoubavekld- for skin alseasljs. For sII10 by F . C. ore anthoriiled to refnnd yonr money - j'll ud· 'to 'lrobate ney, lIver·or bladder Irouble It wtll be found Sob wurtz. If Foloy's Honoy ' and 'l'ar tlt1l8 to vy. n "" • lust the remedy you need . . Irhas boen tested onre your Qongh or oold . It stops ~tnte of MillY E M'e rlng, deoells· Inso many way., In hospItal work, In prIvate the oough nnd heals the lungs. Pre. ,ed, Fif!!t .. nd finltl uoonuut for' set• . practice, among the helpiess 100 poor 10 purvents ImeUUlQnia and will onre in· chase relief and has pro'le!i 10 successful tn oipient consumption . Contnlns no tlement filed, . cverycaae Ihat a special ~ent has opiutes Imll is sllfest for children. Estute Of Berdlnli. Btunlmf!l', do· been made by which all reidera OItbls paper Ask for Foley'll Honoy tLUd Thr "nd , .« f )j t who have riot already tried It, may havtl a oeuRed , &port 011 Ilfl vnte.~ O 'll' .sample bOltle sent free by ml!.lI, !llso. a book Insist upon havil)g it. Stops the Ue~ fII!!lll1lld nllprQvI1c1 . tellln&'. more aboul Swamp-Root and 10 cO~lgb ILlJd beals tbr3 lungs . F C . . WsW to of Do vld M"!I!IIl, 1m beaUe, find out lfY9U have kidney or bladder Sohwnrtz. wriUngmentl6n readtng lIils generolu, C lltlm of Em'Rrllon Million IIl1tl wife . When :z: offer. In Ihls paper and for ollow(\d . .' , send your address 10 and .. : E'1t,tto of .Tlllnl\!l ·Ul'hll·"~, Cl0000ROO . Dr. Kllmer&Co.,BlngSouthern Ry. . 'hlimlon, 'N. Y. The VETERIN ARY SURGEON. ' In~enfQry lind upprul~(Jmont filed .. regular fifty cenl and .F rom Cincinnati Lebllnon, Ohio. Estllt.e of ,1!l1ll8ll Ui'hJltl~, cleccosed. dol~ size. are' sold I>¥ all . Cun be cnlJedl\nlt hour, day or Order for prlvn.te Mle of roulestnte Don't Illllke liny mistake. but reo' to all Important Citles night. Both Bell and Valloy ISSlletl. member the Mme., Swamp Root, SOuth, Southwest PhoneH, Vnlley Phone O. "23 Gnrrtitt. Cleve~ger, Ildmlnts~rl\.tor pro Kilmer's SWllmp Root, and the '< -and So~theast. of Win : Boger: de.oeiUltKl. va Mattie address, BillghnmptoD 1 N . Y., on Reduced 1'1\1.0. on' the liNt and . thiro ·· Tuesdayaof oachmouth. Men Past Blxty In Danger• BO 'er et "1. Baio of teal .:estote every bottl~. . 1 tl d , " . ". _. . For ,arormntlon add",.. More tha.n hu.lf of mnnklnd over saue . OtU8. W.'WI,I, U .' .. ItUIlaelIltl.,CIldIl.U. . f :.) , ft f kid " . Man's Unreasonablenes W. l g'IlJI~TT. 0.1'1 ~nd...11 sixty years 0 age SUI er rom • t .>T, ,...·B t :,r. O.IUJI'ISU! , .... ,. A, . ney and bladder disorder!!, nsual1y \ Garrett .OIE1venger, odmlnlstr!ltor I fte.... M" 8 0 n .... gren all womu.u s, u t f til to I d Tbl of Wm Boger, decoose!!, vs . nt.,e. 'Thos. S: ' Austin, Mgr. of the "He. , enllngemen pros ~ g an. s :Boger ct' 01. &l.le·of real C:l8to.te oon· pUblioa.n," of Leavenworth. Ind:, . Is hOt~l pai'llful and dangerous, !Lnd 'firmoo and deed or.detiid. '.. I(I'IlS not unroosont\ble, when !te re ,. .' Foley 8 Kidney <-'nr~ sll,onld be taken Estate f TbamlUl.Joneto' ,'coel\!<ert. fu~d ttl allow ~be dpatorll to opera.t o ~1IiO.U8 Attao~ QUickly O~red.· n: t ~e first si~ of dtt.nger, us It cor· , p . .' . l! . fI d on his Wife for fomille trouble. ''In. A fe~_ weeks "go I hlld !I.' bilious reets Irregulll.rt~ies and . has oured ~Hth o~lUnt.. for . sett ement- Ie. IOt,e nd;'! h e IIII;VS, "we ol?noluded to attqok t\lot W88 eo '!Ievere '1 was oot ml!ony"Old men of thiS disease. Mr. , . Id,.RrA,OIll LIOgNStC, , ' tory Eleot,ri n Bitters, Mv wife W88 u I)le to teo to tbe office'for two days, Rod1teney "B[ nrDtfetet. dRO~.klthPort'l Mo ·, . . Waynellvil\ll, t,h'An"l) '81ok '"16 1 oonId bY · ' ..lam U'Y , w~ a: . land sn and re lrfdney ... entt-ouble arged '. Jonathl\n M . (),lOk, R.r,;,"I y.I,eave F II- '11 ng to ,ge~' re Iie f '.rom my rostrate 'BeRst . ~ ore ' Harvey sliurg .Levi her -bed, 'au!! five. ,physlolans bad pfiyaiollln .8 t.r\ltltmQnt.. l ,took thr~ r :nd atter ·talriilg two bot Mill e 1I , _ . , fllned to relieve her. 40fter taklnl!' 'of hafuberhuo!s Stomach aod Liver tf ye~rt Ie 'il Kidliley Cur ' I' f QI~~ell 0. ' Mi8MUdlne ahd 'Mr;. Elll.ot·rlo Bitt-ers ,"he, WII" ,perfeotly' Tltbleta 8~d the !l~ltt day I felt like ~te~ tnari fo.r t'went; yea":a tiatle Thomp8Qo both' of \yaYlles. oured, nn~ oan no,;," perform a\l her ' Ii. Dew>-H. O. Bailey. ~tot: of 'altJlo..ugh . I> am now' 91 ' years ' old -vt1l Re OoONlr ' household dutioa. Gnaranteed tb"e Ne",lI, Chapin, S, ~, .ThOBe ,tab. 'J!! '0 8ohwartz ' . -', ' , e, v, , .J"- • '1'. O. Sohwartzi ~Qggtst, price ' 00. . lets ar~ for F. ~hw.llrtz; ,'. . .
.E of
Jerry M" 'Sohllylqr l1'eh,r -; Matket. dale! una Ehv.I.\.Ut 1 h Ou~a\ nOIlr 1,>leIl8. ' . nnt Pluill. ClIIl8 I:Jl.Ivhllr, J '. p. !l'he Llldles ' Guild of St MIII'Y's Or~gonia;. lu"A·I. Rll'rA'l'~ 1'RANSlrIlU!8. Ohurch will hold it. ·nnnunl Ba' Almost evWh'en Wall~~ng • Henry ld. l;;oltl'lluck tQ t:leorge R. uocl 11I'istlDlI S Murkot, SuturdllY, ery other YU\ln~ lind Wtlh"I!I ' H . Young.; lots ,D cember 10th, nt the township' IllilnandwoU in FI'lmkliu; *3000. Ott e. m 'an you meet is lit--------~W . .Ii: CO!'rJnIl (·(l1l to T. J . . s 0 1 lIicted witb IlLlr nu; two I()t,~ III MIlSon; $1700. . IN 'l'lME OF PEACE. Ihis lerrible t:t .. III·let.tIL H. Murplly to CJifI,ord 111 the first months of I,be Rossill' di se ase in nnd Lulu Dou!,;hm~n; Yo acre in some stage JUpUIl Wfll' wa hud tIo striking exnlU . De... rHeld ~OWD h ill , '1:15Q. • Corne r I:Itl'ips fOl' tohacco boxes fot' Bide . until It MI.. "uru E. Uurkl'uelEll' to John W'. pie of Iho noceMslty fOt: ])repnmtlOn q 1I ires full l:!hllwh"n, Iut in Leuu non, ~l. . strength IIl1d (met the ourly ntlYllnt.nge of those su dd e nly H Il' . l,Allllltr fwd wlf to Ernest. who,. so t o 8'p uk, "b" VEl slliu gled s·el.e5· Ihem in t:itol,Po; .271101" ill Wu.yne town· til ir 1'00fs in o.l'Y wel,ltbe r. " '1'he the most violcnt . Is you r liP' virtue of prepnruti OIl hn t! mne)e his shl,,; $2(;0 petite fick le? Do With something suustnntiul to ba!,;in t.he day on, sult·s El VtH·y mom btd B. l!~. Lamar IUle) 9ifo to Ernost tory nnd given to llS our I'{reatest you suffer wilh fre. t:;tol[lu; 21X U()l'as in Wuyno town· lIlun 'rhe individnll] u.s well liS the quent headaches and diuiness, and of the household these coil! mornings. nutlon sh oul(l ue pr 'pnrcd for nny dimrne.d eyes? 00 you lack ambition "Illll; ,:WUO Most peol.ile drillk ooffee at urenk, "till wo OlIn s uit the lov,1r clller!,;cn y Are you tJrelJllret! to and .c n"rgy? Do you toss and tumble at of coffee . We huve ILS good IL line of COFFll:ESIl..'1 yon 0110 find in town night, unable to sleep I successfully combllt th e fir st colt! '{'hese arC! nil symploms and !Or6rua. What better than bnttor ca ko with PURR SYRUP. (-lot Pancuk Commissioners' you tllk e~ A cold CllD 1; cnred of th is disease. Act at once . Proceedings. lllllch mora quic kly when trellced ns nel'll FLOUR aull SYRUP horo. Commonce the use of ~oon ItS it bn~ I een oontracted and WE! can furnish the mnkeu]l of all nlelLls; bren.krl~st, dinner Ilucl snp before it ba s become !ilettlt>U in the Hill!! 1I1lowed November li1. per , with 1I11 sellsonnu!egoods . HYl'Otem CIl/\1Il hurlliln 's Cough Hem (Lo..lfaUu.') . You nre invited to onll . 1 U.. ntrllct WllS ontered into with eo.y is fUDlOUS fol'its cnres of cougbs (;li tlt t:ltlLlIton for now o.butUlenti! on nnd cohlA nml it ~ltould be kept at THE 'CORNER GROCERY, Maurie rOILd at 'l'win Uro kin Frnnk . bltllo. r ly r r in~ t Hit. IH I Fd sl1le uy ~~ '~cb wnrtz Which will instantly check the pro~resa \In township at esUmate of $0200. of Ihe disease and ultimately eradlcato all traces of it from YOllT system . Contrllot WILS \ mudo with Otho Trespassing Notice, Heuderlloll for I)roteotioll to ' wull DR .CALDWELL'S SVRUPPEPSIN l.9 Ihe greatest preparation ever offered nenr r esiUelloe . of Mrs. Cook on All ]l('rRO nR n re horcby wlLrnetl for dyspepsia . It ncts instantly , restoring every \· AI.I.I': V pnONE N" .40 lower S)lrlngboro rouo. in Wayno It!;ilim't un my prellliRos. atr.cted part to nntural life lind vigor. township nt estimnte o.f '18 iJO. 01-;(1. W . HENK I, E. DR .CALDWELI,'S SVRUP PEPSIN cnn be oblained in botbodollarand haU- I Contrnot wns entered into with dollnr s;zes lit nil druggists . •Tohn Bennett for new tone nbut· ment noor ' the re.~lclenc-e of S. L Your money will be refunded If It Bon Lo&t Mother. does not benefit YOll. Black I'U H'I.m Iiton tow' nahl . P nt os t I' · ··Consllmpt.ioll runs in our fnmily Vour POH I Bt LIard r CQurst wlU br(n2 by return mllte of f,L3 25. I ' I LOANS NEGOTIATED . m an our m'w bookh:t, .. OR . CA LD\VELL'S NO'fARY PUBLI. Genernl contraot was tIlllde with >til( through It lost lilY mother," BOOK 01> WONDI,KS" on<l Ir •• sample 10 wntes E . B. Heid of Hllrlnony, ~e. &bo ,c wh o havo DeVer tried Ihil. wonc:1erfaS We huve buyers for good fltrm . und towu property at Ittl timeil. hilS. A . Dngn.n for rep.tlring and For the llUst five yellr~, homeyer, on ...... 0<1,.. Do It_n...o_w....._ __ oon' t' b Id R d LI ., 1I,·ruo m g r ges on e on the ligh te."t il,;D of'1l cough or oold List with Ult, we enn hel]l yon, PEPSIN SYRUP CO. nnd Springboro vike lind Red Lion I hnve tulren Dr. King's New Dis. Moatl08110, m lnole Office Rooms over P os t 01llco in Stoops'. Building. lind UticlI- ptke to Munger rond in oovery for Coneumption, whloh hilS For !:lulu by J. g, Januey ClellrcrGek town~hip. SII \red m from seriouslullg trouble. " ,J \~ MoCrny, burml 'of Jlloob fiis mot,ber's .death WIIS n Bad 108s ~mlth ................................. 50 00 for Mr Reid but h e learned thlLI Under a new BOhedula 111 effect ~""""~~""",, ... ~ Ruggles Gil le 00, blunks for lung trouble l;ll1St not be negleoted, JIlD O 2f>, 1905, IlllBsenger trains over WProbate Judge......... ........ G 00 lind how to cnre it. Quickest relief the Pcnnsylvllnill Lines lenve Way. Rnl;ll:le!! Gille Co, pells for and onre for conghs nud ooIds. Price '11 t tl f 1'1 'rreasurer .... ..... ......... ...... 2' U"0 500 und l1.00 " 'uI1rnnt,oed nt F . U. n eSVl s n on uS 0 , OW 8: 1\1 l.~ .\ .I. Ruggles Glilo Co, supplies Schwartv. 'a drug store. 'l'rial bottle For tho Ellst U:u4 1.1 . m . ; :3 :·17 p . f A d ·t ,> 0 f A ' u n Or u loor ......... ... .. ...... ree UI. ; I:llludny onlv 10 :2 4 p. 111, l'4 Ruggles Gille Co blllnks I nel . J,. 1 ". FortheWest9 :0~ a. m .; G:O~p I~TOUSE flleboxesfor uoroner .... 0 00 ---~ -::l. ~ Trustoes Publtc Afflllrs m ,; SunclllY only 4 :5iJ u. m. . . 2r. . , . , For pnrtioulur informlLtion on the . II ., t subjeot upply to H E. Bootb. W~!IoH"St~';;~g~'~~d'C~,"p;;ii~ .) 0 I WaynllSvl11e, O. I nnd pens\ls for olerk ......... 5 00 Linoleum, Mtittings, L'Lce Curtllins, . Draperies, Win.' Valley. 'l'elellhone ...... Co, ....... rents 1'3 'i0 (lo"v and tolls............ I,OW II'AIIES TO OINonhrATI VIA' I'ENN. • Sllndes, etc. eto. Leblttlonloe ond.Colil eo, ice 1 0 AND DEAI_lm IN SYLYANIALIINES. AND Xenln. Q!ty. Work Hquse, November Ifllb excurslOIll LlckcVl to Cilleill' keeping prisoners d n r l n g . I ' . n~ll, accounL O"rll. lo Indl:ulI. U, or c. 'pOOL Old Furniture reupholstered. Upholstery Stuffs In great Ootoher .... ,.......... , ... .. . ~.. .. 'j' 75 nail GlLme. will be sold via Pennsyhoanla vBriety, ~tate vs Leon Vlokers. oosts 2 70 Uncs Irom Rlobmoud, Springfield umllnLer· Inqnel'lt of Jonatlinn Smith, medlatoe 1'01nt9. COlltS .. , ......... .... :.... ......... 'i' 50 Telephone. ln his house where he From the cbenpest to the finest . . Domestio and Importell. Ohio COffugnted Culvert a.nll cnn be enUed at all hours, day or TFiA NKSOIVINO FARES VlA I'li:NNSYl.. PRESCOINU, TINTING, LINCRUtlTA, STUCCO RELIEF Bridge Co'-bridge tubes.. . 49 50 night. VANIA LINES. F A'BRIOS FOR WALLS, Spencer and Monroe, lumuer 95 01 Frnnk Dnke, lumher ......... .. 105 85 OOllches ohuirs !\uppllecl. HLntlons 011 I'ennsylvanla LInes Nm'embor D. Hollingsworth, oontract 2Utb IInll 30tb t.O any 8 111tl ,~0 not more tball Prioes mnde sntlsfootory, A good Illnee to trado. Call r. ., "fj Have recently movod to room rctumtllg t60 Ollie. Irom seiling polo l, ·J'lcke(..~ goo d !Lnd@eeus. ""0 lAO) A,' ' . .............................. 1, u,." until December; Hb t"or p.rtlGu" Churles HartmBn, reflooring next to Cros~ Bros. II\r8 consull LOCllI Tlcllet Ageo t of . Penns yl_ Furnishers and Deooratots. East St. brld~e, .. .... , .... . ; .. , '12 00 "lInla Lines Oregonia. Bridge Co, contrl.\ ot IIl.AtN STREBl'l', WAYNEBVILLE. q, '. • N 0' 163...... ............... '........ 15 00 LO W~AR"D 1 W ..aT . . . " WEST A ND S0 UT I·.,.,. 30 '19 N M' t Oreg~nla Bridge Uo, oontraot A Disn.slrous Oalamltv, ~I'KOIAL HOME SEKKJ!:RS'FlXOUIt!!lONS -i ~ • am S . DA YTON OHIO NoJ:.l2........ .; ................... lOG 00 It is a disastrous oaiamity , when ' ~ " ~ Cliriat1nn Giehls, repllirs in you lose your hOlllth bocn.use indi \ VIA PENNSYLVANIA LINF.8. , . 88hi.m township.... ..... ...... "i 76 gestion and oonstiplI.tion hlLve sap . Anyolle contemplatang a 11'111 lVostm ay ~......,"""'~~ O. C. Cleaver, repairs in ped it nwa.y. P~ompt relief OlIn be IlIk O advlllitnge of LbC reduced IQ1'('" for the lL~.. a~le to nshlp 1!) 90 d K" .. specIal Home·Seellers· excursions viII Ponn' 1. .,,,,,, . W. ...... ......... hll In pro log s New .Llfe Pills. '"slvanla I.lues to 1)010'" 111 Colorado, Idaho, They bmld up your dlgesttve orgnns. \ Iowa. 1;:ao8"8. Mtnnesola, 1,1\880url. Mon. 00 YOU GET Bnd cnre heRdnohe diilv.iness oolio .aDa, NobrtI.Hl<D, Ibe Oalwla8. Orogoo , Wa sh· coustipo.tion eto • Unarunt~ed nt 'n too, 'I'exu. IInct olber S"N lons In tbe WeSl ~WITH A I AME BACK?'" , ,t r: ' and In aU the States ot "b e outb. . ~ . " . C. l:iohwartil s drug store I 2,.•c . StOI)'O"cr prlvlloges permi t lra "clors to In·
Dr. ·R. J. Michener,
" I
Linoleum Carpets
SbadeR BlanketIJ . Qnilts . Finest Stock 7 ota Shown
Hutcbison ~ (iibn¢y, X¢nia Obi". ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~"'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!'!'
Counterfoltinll the Genuine. Foley & Co., Chlollgo, orlginoted Boney und Tar as II throo t lind lung remedy, and on nocount of the great merit and . popularity of Foley's Honey and TlI.r maoy imitations are offered fl?r ' the genuine. Ask for Foley's Honey and TnI' nnd refuse ' 'tit te .... 1 88 no 0 th er ony subij n . Ouere( preparation wtll give the eBme satisfaotion . . It Is mil41y l~atlve • . It cpntalnfl no opiates and Is .safest ~or o~lldrep. and . ~eUcate perltons ,F ·, C. BOhwartz, ' '.
Bflnrtletta8 Bri lilLnteen
Rnin Cloths Vollos
Favored by Both Part,••. Repnbllcnns and . Dem~ts aUke' .pralse Foley's Honey aDd Tnr fo conghtl, colds and all throat and Inn diseaBes,as no other remedy OIF' oompare WIth It. It Is safe and srf 1'. T . 81ater, merohant, 17,1 Main GloDoeater. Mass.. write.: 'IFO~' .. Honey !Iond Tal' pured me of .'. bad oou~h ~hloh.I ·.had tor: ' months though ~ther rem~. 0 to bene6t me, I cab JU,hl" , meJ1d it fONlol1lheaQd 001 be Q. .80h:wanti. ' . ' • - ,,, '. ' "~
The Miaini Gazette. a:
"',K" Y. Pu hlishera.
To \lrclII k Lhe lett .~ '" h :.t P~'ilQlde4 lo \Ie a rnlher formol I' ·ulng. Ihe 1'0 II,'. Ls all b .lng ~ lrnngcrs. tb e best~".~, ns "keh ont e rilll I hll,II'Il \i' lns·r(Jil lll, oJt~ r ' lulJ'()dllcliolJ~ h nd heen m alic, I,i II li ed " <:11,,1 Ih o ul.lcl( u[ each. S lJ ~ 1I1I 1I"" I1,."d Ihnl Ill tl IJ rSllu SllOI, ulI lU ,hOIlI" he 01I<lr"s"8'1 liS If he or s ho I\"n.~ Ihp perso n wilOsc lIamo a,l .. rll~l bl ~ bn cl,-- Ihul I", Ih e rml Y"r 311011 . h01i1,1 hI} nlo n ~ Ih 8e II l1 eH 1111,11 I hn p r><oll dl l" ill, d h is OWII "I ~ n :l ty . wh " 11 Ih e plnclIl"ll wo, 10 he l·e IlH,... e<l .
PJ'ogl"~ !!ti l\'e A r, ,'i '.! u lturl". "lnlc rhi h u" 11;; 1 t(·OU Uf I' ;1m! h 3r"~ I 1\ ' inS' III :drf·;l d.\ Liy I h i ~ Il we """ m\l C'!l "r l\ fl'tJ llIn' uf tlu: 11/'hl ll lt' IH of 11,1 0
Auier-ita as Ilulo Y;1/
Buttun Cont es t- D ecorntiolls IIlld M usi c f I' " Chl"l s t ell lll g -Ol nss !lno
til B pi ·
Jil l '
A::J fur l.Ju (·l~ u S I" ~ yr.ul' I ~Sn . ,,:s)' :.i nn ul; rlcllltllrni olltlluril .\' , Iun\.'
t aft''';
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t hp hO ~I(lSi'i J:.1 \' 111,l; (·:J. dl t llt P n c;t1'1i , \i l ll a ll11wll r "()rl'p~ pun d lllg to Ihl'
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t o 1U10\\' h l~ ,'\. ("Il l:\f C'~ of 'l)IJ !lfl '~ l( hh ... y Pills. 1 W M il·~:I t l.y bcnofl l,·t\ U,I' thi s r pmell.\' q u,l J.WlflV " it l'\l l'l~d NCYt- l'u.L "'\ h.., lind .. i.lully tl'oi, 'hlc bO hu cll y th e.v \~e r" "j;0n il.,· ll wit h ""ill In tho, I" ,:, ... Bnd l oin s. l' h c UUHl' II.! n1tlll'hs OI H II ' t titIU'Y dibOI'd cl"s. 1 tliU glud lorcconuu\.'Q ,l blll·h .. f1"~ "rvlolof r,'"owlly. (~i~" c d) Mi. IICU SH. MAY l!J IL t:!o hl VI' 1111 d c", l cr~. r,o c"nls " LJoJt. FO~l" ,'.)iilvl\rn Co . • Ihtll'ulo. N. Y. _ ____ _ l~ OTES FROM ABROAD, ____ _ " ' s lter VUUglUllI ~IOrl!Ull, Itl LI~W lord 01 3),01' or I.oll dun. Is II lIe ll t ""', ge narlan, a tHlll ker lIud i1 bacllul ur. H e wns .,Iu ca ll'll ilL Ihe B lu El<;oal ~I'hool nOli I ~ II 11I'om ln eot fl"eewa~l)n. It 18 s uggested that ~J ngJl8h motor. letll tnl g hl uv~ ll'ouble, 11010 au,l e • . pen se b)~ each carryllig n 8u ppl y of JIve chicken s a nd l eese on b ls ca r to repla~4', 00 Ihe " pot, those he k!us. India ha~ for Ule first Iltne give n r ecogn ili on to wom e n as altls to goorl gov~rnlU ~nl b)' RllIlol nlln g Mrs . Rama. bal Ranndl', widow o r the lQ. til J II~. tl ee Ra nau/!, a \"I ~ llor to Yer r()w J '1 ceot ra l ,all. A Frfocb 8\' nd kale I nbolll l ,:on. lIeet the 10I);orI8 I1t In<lustr llll tOW II~ of Lllle, ROlllmlx RUlI ToureulllY' by • magnl6c nl. boule l'o l'll. lS mlle.i ' um: I1nd / 120 f~pl w ldr. Illnn\p,d wlt tt sh tdll tre~~ nUll lighted II'lih electrIcIty . Mylltlg I~rld(~ell, ot 'o llenha g@!.., I~ 11re pRI'lng n Danis h ... h l ~ ol1d a 9Ie J_ ~ par I Y ror 11I1 ~X I" . IIII 0 11 to unex[lll'~, ,I reGlon~ o r tho 1l 0rl hwe~L COtuit (,t · Greenltllld. 1'h ... pl.lls bave \'a ~ II" . prov~tl b.v IIlIlIlY ~ o,' l etleij or " I~I\' tlsts, .In(·llIllllUI Ihe American 0 flo graphl r ul so\"lti'Y lind the Royal ~fJ' graphi cal s\lclelY or London and Il!' Dr. Nnll~ell all d P rot. Von Dry:; ,Sk i, Clf D rUn . - -- - l '~'lI(: h
·' 1.h tl1" \1 0
"ne" r' v." I);" h eS!, .. I' ~Iurlbl)r""f!h. " ' ''led D
.li(' roll ";,
Wllre ~N" l!ll
Ihe lubl ... 60 1111 !'"untl to ~ ir partllers and tllble~ III Iill s wU )". ,'K ' Ibe IlIgb "s l n ll'QI'ds al"e g ll'e n , nOl for th e heo ll of Ih .. lal.ole Ihere wa s a lot'll , . ,xler, sll"e farml u!!. I)"l [or high crupI a ull so fur Ih e urra llgeru e lli s w~ re UH '10 small ar C ll ~. Tltfls . nS a rccellt l'O !It - fnr a ll ord illary "unl Ilun y . ."lII uli Ilerillull III whl c b hundreds of farme r. ..e nri ls w~re ultlld,cd 10 Ih e ~' ore l00\; liar! . tu e fi rs t I~n prize", were ~a rll wllh \l' h kh III kee p Ih e u~ rOll n f. "wa l'lIeil 10 leo farm e rs wbo had grow n . A t inul o No . I there wpre 15 large (] n tI\ ree s CI'as eacb, from 2t~ tu a~u:y.. a gate I.HII IUIlS for e8(' h pe rsoll . wit h bu sh els or Ind ian corn - In other th l'e"d nllli n eedl e~. O il th e (Jth e l' taul es lh e re wl're .... ords .. , ~ .. o m 81 to 11 5 \llIs.hel. to t be bowls Hlle.1 wilh uutton s. Tb e )ler"rre. I his s how. wbere the ambillo u ~on Ilt t he head louIe who se W3 o n r th ~ Iowa fa rmer goes. In lItlnne- bl. o r h er 15 \)IIllOnS fll'S I. rings : he tota t he p r Izes we re given two )' c .. :s. be ll . II nLi II1"llgrcsses wllh t he one who " t:o ror crope of ~OO t o 1.1 20 busbel~ ' has Mewed on th e n e xt hl ~he"t n llm01 pot.atocs to lhe acre - I. e., from bel". fll"" t pullin g otT Ihe buttons .m as eight and a Quarler to :11 1008 to lb e 10 be r entiy fM Ihe newco mers. The oc re - whlle the a"ernge c rop I. only bU llon .. mu M be sewe,1 Ull as follow s: ~Ix t nns. 1Ila" e a l<not In Ih e Ihread, se w onrc Into eac h h" le , Ih e n (nsleu e n ougn to Empty Court Form. hold Ih e button on . Brcltl( Ih e Ihrpad Tbe qUr.!itlon InvnrlnlJl y a slled by th e ea c h l im e. El'ery perso n r~nc hln g Ih 1l1 dge, "Joli n JOlles. ,10 you 1, 1I0 W "f h ~ud luul" se w" 0 11 the 15 bUllons us lJO Y reason wh y th e sPllt e ncc o f this Ih e' RrHt d l,1. th e remainin g I'e r i<ntl s al ll rt s hou ld nol be pro nouncecl upo o begilln;n g over " gai n o lld I(ee plll g Ihe :JOIl?" h os nlisolllt c ly 0 0 mC[lfIlng noll' . s(!o re. :fllOs e 8 1 Ih e ,It he ,' la bl es :;P W Ibl ,A 'fI,e c usto m IR a m ere' sI ',!'v l " tll fronl all jus. l U "• In a II"J IIII II II n .. II. 10" ) 0:1 r id Eng li s h proced ure . Th e rn were " :hllc ' Ih e nile" Ht Ilw IH' lId laul c Rrp al tbo beglnnl",:: ot \La lI ~e aiJIllll 1110 dulng Ih e '''''I1fI"It ~ \I II III be ... Aft er If. cri mes pun lshahle lly dealh. Ir CUff · prop.rp,"IOIlH. thp ""o re (·al"ll. were r .ol"lcUo n f.:ll me In the c iv i l C4' lIrl". ,\ II leC lell: 10 Ih e oll e ge wlnll 00 tllA llcr so ns wbo could r~nl l o r wrllo It ar! In r!,:es t Illl fllbe r uf lJlltlUIIS a 11811' o f 8ci".OI'H iff It Ira th e r " a~e wa~ /':1I'C II t bc p rll'lIese ot a c hall ge o r ""lIue 10 for Ih e mun's 1'1'1 7.8. a nd n d illl lt y t he c hurc h co urt s. Th e j udges 10 thllll ul~ WIIS t h e la dy's rewa rd . Th e Iho ~o. ~ay s III war s aal(ed II co n vlcleu I'Onsola ll"" pr ize for I he la,ly wa s IlrlEo ner If h e Imew ot Oil Y renson a n ee Lll e I' nse. on ll u box ot fJat e n L \I'll)" tbe sen te nce of Lite CO 'JrL s ll a lllil b il l ion s for ihp g ",I e man. Th e af1I0t be pronoun, to give him Ih e 0 1'- fair wa s pr nnouu ced n ded"'ed .ar.(' OSS RUlI qullc a l,pll ef f ,'Om ,~a r, I s . • 't JlOrtunlly of d ~c1n r lng l h o [lrll' lIp~e IJf Th e c uslo mary tlg hl ref res hll1 "UI" tbe dllll·cb . A r ece n t crmlllculnlfJr were S l'I'ed a t I h e s moll lublcs. EU)'S thal IC n jlld gc JUHl IJI!rol'il pro· nou n cln g sent e nce U[lu n Il l'OllVil:l(',1 A Chdster_ing Porty. 111110 s hould start In a n,1 rcelle II pa go Til el'(' h ave bee u 8c I'o ri,1 I n qll i"ie~ vt th o I<ora n . Il would lO eall lus l as fO I' n l' I\l' ls len ln g I,nny. alld h ero is mu c h as thut " Do ),011 kllow IJf allY ," nil 'oceOUIII of o ne Ih at mllst h'tH ~'l:lC. l ' he ~tn p\lness Is. however, reo I lJeen II " o ry bea utiful affair. To 1,0' )1cuted before senlonce In Her)" COll rt gin wlLh . Ihe l'oo nl S were li g hted with of !ln ry s tole In Ih ~ q ll ioll, e HO JlI )lilli, cO I".I I ~ •. whk h we r e In a 1'0 " OD where Homan Inw Is t he b3Sls of Ih o t o p ot t he' plano. 0 11 Ih e man te ls ~ nfl ,,13111te5 ra th ~r lhall iCII g 1is h l:ommO Il tO I'H ot iJool<c8ses. T he s a s j els II el'e t ''''nptl d" wlI Ye r,l" low u nd " 1",<le,1 law. wlih Il illl; I iss ue J)Ujll"l" . Pal ms 1\ ere ' balllle,1 III I he tr"n l w ill rl nw . a nd fhe T he B a la n ce of Trnll e. Th e hUllr " ' a s fou r A mcrlr'o ll m c rc halll ~ n nd manufac- hh udpH IImwn. turers uld ncarl)' $2UO.0/)0.000 more In Ih e nfier noo n . To li se a. a {on L th ere lI"a. a slll'or bow l tin n lled ~~ l a l • \JuSI II (''s~ wiLb torelg n marl, Ns lost SlIlTI1IUl<leli hy n w r~ CLl h "r pl"i; r,I~e year I1lil n e l'M he fo r e. 'fhe to tal ror- bnds . (Jlgn co nlUlelC~ , ImllOrls :I n,1 ex por l". Thl R \)al.oy ·s mo t her l,a,1 "0 m~ ll y f'o r year c ndln g .III h C 30 was 11101'0 I rrl e nd s I ha l It wa s hor,1 10 ~ h oo"e wh .. t ha n two hill Ion ~ix hundre ... mlllluu sho llid be l ho 1(0il llllllh cl" SII " he dollars, lind of lh hl amount expo rl g: tls l(ed pig-Ill. ot h e r " tlfUI 'e,t alll~ ooar· re llrese ll t"d morA Iha ll n ullllon and eSl" 10 net In thl . capacity. flj ey a h al~ do liars. 'fil e excess (Jf eX \lo"l ~ I "' el'o nil you ng- ladl es. nn ll wore ,. ' rls was about fo ur hlIlH)r P.II gowns r.t while. At Ih e npr-olnled fl l cr . mpn I r hOllt. wh en the beall t lfu l music begn n . n l ll\lon doll ars . Th p. r eal " ua a nell 0 th ey cs m e dow n the "talrwny tll'O by Hade" Is muc h less than th e tllrrer~ n co 1100 an d f"rm e,1 a h air circle lit t ron l belweclI Ihe vallie o[ eX l)Orls 11 1111 im- of Ih e window. Th e fal ber an" mothports, for greal slims mus t uc s IIh· er follow ed . Ihen the dear threet r olctE'd rur OCcnll fre i!;hl . ·pai ... lo for - mon t h,,-ol d ba hy In Ih e nrm8 of ;. er (Ign ers, a nd a lso Ih e many rullllonK gra nUfal h e r. She wore h e r n! :> LlI ~ r '8 s pent by Am e rh:lln Irav e lprs lu d lh e r dlri s le nlll g roue-a nn e Sllcc h " en of tt le N e V ~"rlh eless ('Oil n t r Ios. - . Lbo real bOI-' Fren ch TI needl eIwork. fThe l li . ' maUIcn I 'l I II t I ' II In was g veil to le r 01 IeI'. a lh, t, !e II! n"nee Is large , aor I s III II' /lC - ister bega n t hn Impr essive br.i'tl~llla l <luces tor! lg n sovernlDenl~ t'l offer sel'"ice. Wh e n h e a s ke,1 "WIHt .hn ll tbelr bonds ror sllle In New York ns thIs c hild 's Ilame he?"; Ih e s' dmu th"Well a s In I,onllon, Pa ris "nd Berlin . 81 '~ res l)OJI(l ed with th c nalll~ wh !ch Jns le u<l of paying lbe balance dflll th is bapl.e nptl t .. be "Frances." l"ff lltry 10 mon~y , tb e y "uy Il III A " lull aby" r Olllllleted Ih: , ver )" bondS. beautifu l se nke. A qllal"t!lle of 1I0pl"Qno. alt o. le nor a\l,1 bOH_. T·ltb The Autllmobile Tenor. "Iolln and plano. fllrn lshed Ih,' lIIas le. Th ere Is a cena l n 1, Indl y ol d Illd y Li g h t re freilu llI en t. wCI'e RervM ,": om In a ll . ! a~tern lown whu ~w a,,··e l y a " I"k l"Ose decol"oLe Ll labl e. Iho gouI.lIow 9 whal IL Is til 1o ~ a,I,1 rp. ~, e I U~ mO l he rs Inlt ln g tU I'ns In ··I»ff rlc ~." · 'MrR . '1'omttldn s, " Ill e u PP fi liu t jUlI Th e h pst~ ~~ was j!o wncd In 1':,,1, . I I.. who le affulr assuming Ihe ro,..) (:OJIOI" , whl c b 18 bers by rigill, " Inco rflr I"Nlr8 as ue fill eli t he I in y ml sR. who, a ll ' ''1till e has been "l; ruIIIIIII:I ." 1101 I,nl)' lO c on ~c i o u ", was lit e cen le r uf attrac· a /10 I, o f g rand c h llci l'I! II , hil i to lloe tio n . wbole co mmllllily n·.' w.ell. SIll) IIY!!1i ,10 a qui c l ham let wheT!, 'l l'en th c Bridal Shower8. automobile docs not oClc n peuelruLe . Of all th e "sh owers" g h ' ell \.0 re o Itecell t ly s he 1· I · it '~ d a IIrph"w ','; 11 (0 eent ul·ld.u, Ih ese two ha ve tbe ad lives In Nf! II"IJOr l. 1\I. c re I he molo r I'ar \' alllll g~ of be ing no ve l, a s well liS 18, to put Il mll<lI y, IW I. ulIl((\o WII. !l e· practleal. a nd so in exJlen s lvo thllt the turning, u fr hm d ~ al<l 10 her : " \ Ca ll . purs e, of Ihe gllcsts are 1I0t b eavlly I:randma, I sep. you ' rf! Larl, rrom N ~ ",,· taxe,\. Tbe fir st Is a .. glass-anll ·jo .... silower. ))Ott 01\ ~ afe and sotlnll ." " Yes. I ani:' ,r e tnrned Ihe old, ·I\rmly . "1.0 ',1. I Each pe rson will lJe I1slted to brlog a jar ro C tr ult, 1,ldlles, marmala,le, IJOttell you ' one hn " 10 he mi g ht y I :a r.~ rul tie ot catsu p. t llill sallce, a tuml, ler do\\' n the re . . Wh \". dl) yO \\ I, no l".". i of Jell y or Ilreserl'es. and wl\'h it a reached Ihe poi nt wh p. re I ,lido ' L gel rhyme 01' seotlmenl aprol)OS or tb e ocClut or bed lu lh e lIIo r n i ll g wil hou !. fir s t cas Ion. The brhl e-e lec l was Pe rfect lookIng a rountl Ibu \"00 01 ror alllO- Iy de lig hted with the eonlrlbutlon to bel' e me rgcncy ~I() set . The ' second .lDOblle • . " .bowe t· I~ exceed in g ly d ever. It Iii /I le tter"""' r e"',"':c""I"'y"' m71"','7h"".;"·'o:"t:=;I'.=:lOr day U)' to be a was h· rag. soap anl1 bath I.Ow ~ 1 lIIal'or McClellan. or "'e ll' York. Is :l "sh .. wer." 'fh~ eo ntrluuLloQs will he recorrl·b realter alDoll g c urio. lli es or lis d l!pos lt f'd In clo t h es ba~ket and a All ,'arl ctles ' kind . 'l'h ~ writer I" " nCJlI"o. whu sro ll ed clot hes hamper. I18Y S! " r I"I!gr~ t I"e r y IhlH:h t hut of !Klap and s uc h a lot of ",as b clo th s, m y In carce ration ill I hf! T omb. 00 hand ' croch cled, bag s ha ped, flaonel and ,Ialnt)" hem-sll tc hed s quare. , all • e bargo of munl r: r wil t" llrtlyent me · hi te t IBsne I \led II' III I r Ibbo nnw paper from taking any U"cll" j) \larl in lh l~ ~a m · parc els. 11'111 be brougb t. "algn. Howe;'c r , I WOllltf) ,IIY Iltat l he A lunch evn will precede both thtlle eJlU re tlc l(et b eadod by YOIII'He ll m(:;, t >l affairs. At one the brlde'y cbai!,' 11'11\ Itb my tull es t approval I1n,1 has ' Ill Y be decorated with a huge OOW ot whIte s UPlJO rl. It I~ too iJad, tbough , tulle : at the other .t be dinner '.vor~ mr o ld (I"l e n') F.dwnrd M. GrvlIl hi wIll be tiny .sllppers filled wltll plJlk &lid ' while pepp~rmIDta: IIl:u r iDiI 10 til ~ C~ D1l1ilgn ." "h ll<' III Ihe n!;rl lllillru l com pptilfous
.. ~t.-s .
htron of jlhlSio UJ:d Dram).
IlIlfod . n,,,1 Ihlo IIIl ed a half h;)llI". Sonw o[ 'he IHI ~ tal(('s we re VPr y 111 -
. UII arriving HI
t ilt!
IlIIl .'· "The
de H p~;>; I\ ~ : ' " \\',: ~ Jlln ~l n l1 :' "Ku (1o· )0011 ," "Q1u·e l) A 1,'10) :\11'[\ ," etc. ," f{r-rw:l l'd :;; I'ho lllg l':\I)tu ; ('IF (a m OuS !>tlu pl f> w ... r n PCl s:H.'(1. IllI'CJ ITccl iy Inh (· II ~f!: I 1", .. rl ~h l nlln\(' WII S 10 bp s nuM I-
o f ' . '''' !ffly In l' I,allo ll wh/dl I [Olfll'" (In
SU III ~ l
Lft en 'from M .\follri May~r j the G~~t.t
Horse . . Show
1.0 nMe ll ~ \I" .
:11111 a lulnll · pallll('d m Otlo, fl'am c tl.
A Povel1y Pn .. ty. f P P" I " ,. n .. overly ' nrl)' 3 nn.w er.,1 a s ' Coliows: " ' rile Ih e indl Alions wllh a hcu l')" 11~ ll c ll 1111 r p,l. uro wu or bi ll e pape r. Ull ti, If IloSsl!)le. ha\' e Ihe m de li vered by 1\ lIle"~e ll ge r all tatt e red . anll j"J8t us fo r lorn I"okIng a s be ('a n b,· mlld c. Thi s Will ~av e l)Os t8!;e, atHi. of ''O llI"se. I he lIIore t he s pirit <If the alr"lr Is entereLI . I.lto, th e greater' s urc,es8 will be Ih" IIltrt y. I s hou lll li se IIU OI)Jkllls. carrot s. t llrnip s allli corn In tiecorating. PumllI'.in. holl owell o ut an d lin ed wit h o ll e,1 J)aper mnk e fin e recep ta~le" to r oo n- 001l8, wh leh , In thi s In s.tance. S'INE FEATHERS l\1~KJ: FIl':~: FlII:DI.. mll s i . be mol n_sM alI<I o ld·fa s hluued The borse Jlbow h as bep n ' In tOWIl . tilted OV6r Ihl' fu~e, at Ihe baric amaas s lle l< ran~)I. Cllhbnges ,Io nc III th e WI l h laL\les o n pnl'ade. of sa lTf"tl11 3," 1 pink N~f. (" lIluK low same .lI'a)" may Ile lI"ed to holfl s~: tSII 'h c lothes. s uch hats. 811lh rllrs ! ovel' nnd s lulldl n:; h igh IIfl (r"m Ih ' ed I, ea llII !.-. Sla('I(s of l"O rn "'~ '" They all loo l,ed as thoff g h Ihe r hall'. Anolhfr hal ut 811me what th e In Ihe rooms 11'111 ans lI' er fo r pa ' lII s, s hou ld be Pllt In glnss ~a~es, and I:ep' ' allle rol"rlug Wu ll l\ largll IIn.l "'I' h tl while largc ,"OrnuC<1plus ntn'l~ of I he re . 100 ral r aud frail fo r ~\"ery"a r ~r.l"'· 11 of I' or y lIull ::l lt Hhadl ng 1\1 brow n p'II,." r IIlId Oil ed wit h leCLI"I;'8 Do d I. ceda. D ul It Is no t Inlende'" illll)" VillI" Ihl.! .... 1m II hlacl( Leu,'or, Ihn s rn sscs 11'111 make goOl\ wu ll Ilec.u·uho ultl oppCnr ev ry da r; l h ls Lilli " 'Imm lu!; black Ilhllne~ aliI! ~atu 011 lion ~. Use pap r flo we rs: r eol (. nes Gruot wp.o k, ot the yea r . 1,,"11 l·ost.S. wOIII~ lJe far too eX\lc" s h e for a Tbe plct n re as a whole was Ihut o f a Th ore w~rp. " gu()r11y 'n llmber of "pove rty II11 r I.Y." . mus IIf rrea tn y laee and rose r hllron . while l!tell hfils. 'nllll Il Heu l1l~II \.0 h p IIlImpJ; ln~ plncell nrullnd Ih e aet off by a .'Iltle. l··ot j II'ftl rooLarge m s will He l''''' In lI e ll of chn lrs, :1011 ~ .". ., a IOlle tl or Ihp. tu ~hlu ll \0 1l"IIII Ih Sp ral 1lor 5 I mue Slll'C 10 llHe I,itche n (' hair. III Ihp Ilark fill'. Ih , '11,,,1 nOI.e or r osos hp- r A Illy; llor hUP8 n Imlld of g lll g ulooll, p ... . (II niu g- I'oolll: al l uphoIBlel'e~ fll ml", ra and t h e re. Pink "'a~ \\".11 10 Ihe rd' ·e. hall~ II 1"0 \1 of mlnl( IIIHI II sl " ~le pin" mll At ue banl s ht,1 from sight. as wp I' aH dIU. Ih MO was not a Iltll e Il g hl ul ue l o~e. Til re we l'l, 1"'S lIllfll l ""L,III ;1 urlc: u- brac, ele. For light s . u' (' o ld- .0.1111 1.) ,·e,l ~el. and r al la~e. eIlT~II~ il .. ells nUll ''''I''I~s; l'~r"tlll~ Ihe It nl fa sillonp.1 barn In lllern~. nlld ranulps 1 10 bl l ll g batl. a procP'SSIO~' " r /,: llIn ,1 " olllli "~ II !.H'III·er 0 1 a wllrm ~l"Qy willi In vege lnul e ho l<l e r R. Th I'efr .s h- ,1aDlPs o r ye ohle n .IIIY . ,-v b e n rfgHI I' 'I · a I1 Slll ulofl or 1'0s~ '!(lll,lr auolIl It . an1 mellls s hOU ld co n s ist lit ('o rn nl~nl " AI wa~ t he dres~ 10 ar,eN. Ih o Idmnllll!! " HI'ul h ot du l!est red mll sh In r rocl,e ry bowls . sene;1 I\!th T ho s b Ol1 wlndolVs the . past woel< I· O ~I.: H,,<I I'ell'e l (It I h~ e,al;l _h ad u.s ' I t I I r (h I d r h II 0 I I h ' \. t II bOllnti ful Il lllll1ly of I'rea m an~ s lI;;n r 'l . a ve Ill< Ie o r ~ Am n I eel' .llrnlV " I C Ol\'''r~ , ne UII Il 15 Ill·van. n u brown nnd while breod .nndw lch ~3. (e m ln l ne Dd01·er~. I he Streels fa irl y ol,. Ih e frail Illiery or Ih" ol her~ Il i.'tl ('rlll II . LADIES OF ALL LANDS, appl e a nd fl flm illdll pies. coffee In l in Fl rll ted hy Ihe nu mbers. And we nll - "'ns IJ I h shaS!lI"~1 ulll e beol' I'. ll"~ I r i d I I r d d I I ., be CUllK. dougllll lllS on d ,~oo kl cs. No tnhlo- tl er not a P.IV m l)n. \00, gnz o f( a 11\ r ' " e ry , e" p ur. II rape \l r ,,", 1111.. I . In Gr pn land wo men pai n t th ei r · I t h '11 .11 I I I I I I' III ·' t 'f b ('10th should be tI~ed . nnd IJnp~r H ap ngl )" ~\ . t p. " ;\U1 '!S u 8 j ,1 RYP~; 'ley on y I r mm 1I.g u qll u ru ' H! u go tt- f aces bllw 'nnd y~lIow. II I. I 11 f Ih I I I ' 11 I I I' l<in s 31'e prOI ,er for Ihl s fl·lI"n ,\I , b lie Owcr(·,I . ;.;r u J; PHOI " , ,, In Ind ia Ih e , WOIll n or Ulrec hleh ,., l. hil t I &I)pear to ~e I Ie IDC e n t!l'S t IPIIl· whuleso me. I' past. t'se tin. WOOd- , ~ <;. I,'p.B . Let fl S .el! r we rOll ,~ xt\"ru:t ",a bell n. l,tll P. II woul ll u ~'jll" 1 Ih o . 0 1 casles pa lnl Ihelr , 6th biDe I!. t'n and PDP"I" .lI s h es. a n Li ile ne , · iJI~l· fro lll Ihe lIlanr a fcw. s pecial finl! fP.IILh · of hal In t'l1O()~e If nIl e r (Iulreil a sI n· Dor n~:o wom pn dy .halr b r n·. frllm .. lar" " lI ew bre'n<l Ilan , wI ' 1I a nrg-Iher e ~ya. o ne rX lJlI lSllu gl"llY 1'111(, ~ Ic ha l ((l do · dill ' for. lill o"' lIs lo n!! ; laBllc olor n ,1 111111(, 1;1" ~ II , hl u~ lin diPI ,er. OITel' n Iltl l.o 1"0 .. Ihe 1!los t ro n II'ol1,l olo tll wral' ove r n wh lt.e Itlc~ Ihor" wa ~ 1)"lc I') ;1 :In(1 Ih " S9rt of scarl t. 1IOV rly -s lr!<:I,cn Inull·ldunl. nn rl unl) gown ; th n yo llc of Ih e wrap or /; I"lIY 'OIOI' I II ~ ulTedeil jn. L ,I( Ih' presen t. In :-;p, w I\ol\onu ~cnrs. mnd r. reo for Ih e WO I.,., t h e l'll-llIck ~Io .. y- n [llg t:.nnne ,' r- II' tin r llRle'" wilh. tl!"k l1uw · Fl\ bllll ,I Ilnl" an<l )' 'I, h~' 110 manll~r of rully with a h t'll~, ~orlll ~lilborat !lat:) aPllle for 011(' )J rl z~ . 0 bo g or lJOjl" 'ol'n r I'ft, lit e malllr iais . I:o mlll run;; I' ' rr ni c lIlI ~ a r:oi()rleS~ 1"1T1'~r. W" IVlml" terns em the Indi es' fll ces. tor Ih olilcr. heallil lilly. Th e wrn rl II' ns ,"Olry \)...,'\11 · I'rur wi t li es Ihu l Ihe lin cr)" In I;p..uel'al t n ~o me SOlllb -Am rl<an t rll\ell h~ ~: 1.1.. YF: 11(;'" !':1.1. G 1.0 \"1, H. !"' 0uld~l-td a nd " ory (uJl . a 1111 In IfJnglh ~ rcDled tn UK·Ihl. yeCLt· 10 Ib ve mO:6 omen <l 1'aw t ho ("on t I Ih, '~le~ m · - - - - - -- - ,;,,1 nnt (j lli l"e r ~adl 10 Ih e bOlt om IIf &1"11 Ilc m eall ing I h:l n lI Rllul; Il wn . Ing n~ :tn OrnUmeJll thp lilo'C, !(nV POINT-LACE APPLIQUE. , il e gown. To wra r wit h t his w~ s lHl nOL a 1lI1!!'e dl."I II )" of a 10l or .... on l" thu s mad e, . --.- "ha rmin g tl hal us we h ayn !;CC II Ihl s fXpr- n,j d , I I' e ~'Olr, rlu ;; us " whol« Wi! tn . ' IV Gnillen thp. I n u le~ w a r OMIJ Th ese B ea u tiful Ornamen ts Al'e Well ),e or. " r"lI llfl IlIrhon o f ';' h lt e "" t r i ~i, I. ~;,," t"flli . r logs, 1)I~ rl: ll\ g :h e IIose 1<\ t h~ I<~m Likul for. the Ends of Ti es feal h H~ . On., ll,i!;hl 8I1tlPO~ 1l1l1IMs j Of. ' lin [til',. II Prh apB PI'ml no, or some. fWndl $h wa y I hilt ~1,"1l11. d WODl~ 1l n lld Sas h E n d s. hp-n t 10 rorlll a lurbao "'oul.... I,e .Irlag .•· 11th!!: "hI , 1nllllll In J; CI' n)I II !!. wn.~ mosl "I rl'e l it II!"·~ . 4 _ _ a nd 1i}(lsP. \.Jill Il "'ns n ut SO III II\I~ null e:II,I Q 'f h p I' ~ II":\S 11111" 11 wearlllg Apll llq uc' o r lhl • •Ies crlpt.lon malce rltse, the ImbAO ' 1I "Y lllmcirica l wa l)~ o f \\',11110 I'>,nlh~rr "" 'I(' I,T;; ~'. too, anr~. a Ilr ~t\y om9tn " Iullo n III Ih .. ell/\;< rO I'p,,'cd wll h 10velleM SO ft wh il- IIlItn' llI e8e w,.,.~ la rgely Il,,· ~a ,l\': RUlIlJO nl WEE WITTY' BIT!, l of " Ilk o r nJu:! lln lies, on Ha sh pn,I;;, neR~; l he n lll y t r lrnml ll ll" wa s om(: ~ l\ , th e rU I·~. lal·g. 11,,1 ~1"n'I"e .. \l leeef! us or ,~ IlIf1l1b~ l- might be useLl "n the ~e r)' tln"e l al!russ lo n froIll , IlfI h ~ 'ltl c " <ll\"n ~ ,.II tTl<., Col(ll' wa~ IlIlrO~' I r. ,I , Oll r wor s t e nemies nre t bll t r h n!! ! .. I II a PIlim e . hilI' fa.ll e,1 to fiuu liS pron ra lll .. ~ Idn or a III' "ss ot thin nmtc r Ia I. 1'lI1e t ~om e ll fTlr~ . Ih" "e wQlIII I I'e a II III I, Or :who , Anolh er costu me of so rt ro lorin g .j hlll Q "aTIII ,IUI\'II. ' Ib p. rll l,lI II ~ (Jf. II I ' 'rh ... cost or IlI' l ng t1~esn't tro l1h!e wall wo rm bllrr "r finost d Olh II'tth a ', !"aUII, r Il ltl·. BohY h.lfle n nll hahy th o e who Clt ll beg. borrow or' st ti l. ,. long r lua k (Jf' uurt panno vlll l'e . Ei l he r I IIlil l' l!IOI'lI\ ud 1V111i rPc \o ret\ 10 fA vo r It Is not· l1ece~8ary Jor Q Ulan 10 the li n ing waR or, pl nll or Ih .. "o , ... ,," I ~ t\ll aR u I'ul n w er~ b .. toml ng. Old-rOSe carry 1\ gun If lit! Is 1001(l n g fo r 11'01'1. '-O me Dl y~ tj!l'loli~ ~ hudlng o[ III1! ~ofld " " o l orc ~ ha l l! lOO lw d Inost ntl mNI,,' A lot Ilt e tlel'!!)' hi pxponde:l In tn', to a roSY hue, f.. r he re and .1l(JW IJ ff" , ,' he n l h .. w e"r~rs hn'l oh"" 1 h "r Iltr<Jul IlIg to I1 ml out thin gs we are @orr.y to would se., s nlmoll Ilnt R. ngal n <Jn c I Iotllr,w ~ or whit,! nSlri<:i1 r" .. th e r~, 1 h" know. w,l uld swear Lht: I;0 wn Wa~ jusl n plllill I' IlItte t· ROn('jl l ll ~ 'h ~. ,1'.IAp .:o lo r ", I h. A metro polis I Ii tow n ot so m u I; 1,lIff . . The lIu t wall ~l l1Illl e , yl't jllHt I h ~ h •... dgeal·. !lea ll y. ''' ~ h",."u " huw ws' tmpon:l1Ice t ha t It l1U lougur b!L,J to th i ng; '" flllt (If \lip. ~ hltll ~ 0.' Ihp. /l'l WIl I IlI(e , U 1I0wer ~ lI o\\', Oil" Walke,1I I... 8 bra g UUO llt It.. :" ,.' ~~~!!":>::~~~=-=~~~~~~~= ,fdlU cloa k ... round sa ilor , a ltair, I)J- 't:IlI'd~1l o! beD ~t y . N~;Il , POINT . . IInp.n br nifl nll,\ thread No. 70 arc \I e,l OLD FASHIONED FARE. fOI' wo'r liln '"'" It. 'rhe s lltehes are all Hoi Biscuits, GI·lddle.Cokell, Pies :\lJ.!L s lmill e. Brown I ~ employed lUI ~rlrll",ln& as fas hlopable Princess ~'lI celess gowo . Puddlnga. Moterlll is j'equlred for on e des ign : ...·e 'I!O ilOt remembe r this l:olor .,ver \\'8 notl~o mu ch (Il1t1l n ~l!~ worn , ao '! __ Ono 8nd olle-llal( yards of brold, one before to have ucell. It" Is o ne or J,h ~ thi s Is a boon 10 wllm e u. fOI" not IOlI ny The food t hal made Ihe fath ers s:ron,g s l(eln o r thread, latest ot t he Pari" fad s. P e r so nlllly . W/l rO$"6SS II . perfec l Iy rOl,H lded Hgu r r', ., IS s ome t Imes unfi t. tor the c hllllren lin.. profe r the to uc h o f tlla(!\(. ,,:h lrh II II~rrel : II)' rou n(led a rms . II nc ShOItI ' 1 der th& n~W cun,lI11on!! t ha t our eban ~. FOR NERVOUS WOMEN. ,, 100 • lale sty le. W e nnll Ihe hit ot d .r". . Ing C!l' lll znt,lon Is constantly br l/lg ln;; ____ brown on •e rna m gowos, o n I hose or GI'ee n does no t promise to hll qu1t~ In. QnR of Mr. B r rllll'lI n Igbbo rs lu Thp Nap Is HIghly Recommended ... 1IL1 plllie \lale lilli e, e tc; nppearln g in velf O 1;11'orell: bwwlI " ffrel y I" uack tile ~r~al stuto ot Nebrasl(ll .wrltes: Some P el.tinent Advice About .e galll . Ve s uylns I'cy- n r cd with 8 " I wa I'nl sed III lhe s outh, "ho,'{) lell n l ng IUII'orll I.ll uP- I!\ very s ma rt . hot ul: Clilt s , gr iddle-cakes. pies llnd lirot ·Fusslng. li nd yellow Is mo<l .. h .,.. In buyi ng th f pudd Ing!! nre euten lit almost vo j·y Th e )let Ilene c ure of . .. , Am er-Icau ~ II;' IJI,lIlcoll t. IIno loa rmo nl1.l us whh . meal, amI by lh e .tlmo I lor.nt ed In X u. wo man Is n na.p. Her "V wlnl,s r estore I he sull b U""t. Th ~ "1! nre wine r eds , ; broslta. I fo ulld Ulrs ' If .a s ufrcrpr from nOl on ly h ~ r lJody, liU l he r mind. To Dnd "'ell II IIIIII ~ 10 go wlt b Ih e rog · Indlg~sllo ll ond Its [lI(cnll a ut lll,cCllre he r ·10 wlnl,s aile n eeds o llly a tlim eH now to Ih e I"ore. anll Ihc plal J di stress n\ld IlIllns a rlcr meals, nn alrlar l'c nell mU lI\ and n pliioll', with the II nl s t whose lUlIt· " 1, Ie nti lOll h t lt p ~u i t ' mo st ('o nstnn t hendnche. dull , he nl")' privil ege of It)()slm ln g h e r lI eek and :1 1'e we ll liI'Pl1. T II~ nH,ha lr Ile tttC()at eleeplneH~ hy lIay ' null p. leeplessnc~s at belt. and ~ h o es . Th e Chlnesc al su beIs growin g In pOI)lIlarll y v~ ry fll~t. an d ni g ht , l o"~ ot fl es h', ImpaIred IDemUr)' , l ieve III Ih e 40 no,l . of I ·~" t . ao,1 nre . d psen' Nlly so; II h ol"~ th e lire s o u l t tl'., el c. It bl e to go o n with tt:e lr work for an IIL." H I~IAII \l ny ol h p.r . ~hnl(es Ih e dust I , "I wa s rapllll y becomIn g Incnpar lIn defi nll e tlmn, stopping e ve ry little o tT I·ea,lfly . Is du ra ble. llrr>p-~ klrt .. ar'! lotell for ll\\;'ln ess, w heo a val u ... 1 whil e tor Ih e h· ~o wlnlts. Th e Chlll e8c 1.(11 In " ~,, a~ a rul c . ,b e nce ue· I friend ·u gg.stoll IL (' h nnge In m y diet. ~Jln \\'orl( wee l,s wl lho ut Jl;olng lo bed Ing give n Ih e sill, )l~llkoa t wllh II. the nballilonment of h ea vy, rlcb SU ItT It allowed lo ,I.rop o rt wh e n I he II c r ves many trill H. allll the ' use of Gralle·Nuts tvo . I Ueg ln to gll'e uut. lu IIIlIlIn 61'y, "'lrQ!!s -of-wlne" Is ," e ry followed the goot! Iltll' lce and sha ll 01 As CL II c n 'Po <:ure t he Fre nc h Hit With 11\1.1"8. allLl It I. a lint ot g re ~t 1·ll:hn ways be thanllfnl that I did eo . . Ihelr bure feel buried III fnr rugs ror ~Ilholt g h r at hel' Irrlng 10 wear. Meal! ' "\Vllate \' c r may b e the expe~i nc two ho ur8 el' ery day. Thus th eir feet IIful I'e !l'et ruliu ge In r lc ll eM lon ps Is Cl ot olb ers, the bCllcfl rlal cfrects o t Ih e brealhe and 1"t!st. fe ul Ul'c ot I he wlnlel' mliline .. y, anu chnnge we r e apparent In my casl! nl. Stop fu ssing. Thi s Ie LlIllnn Rusllell's IIO\\' PI'" ''''e In .g real ilemutld fOl' l rlm · most Imm odllll el~·. i'1)' stomach , wb leh motto. 1t1\11g. H os~" a re I h " most Illl )Jlllar o~ Ilad ..ejected othe r food ror S" 101l ~. Don't worry. Worry wears you Ollt I h e IlO slr,s. ~llI l er l h ~ s lll g ie flow e r or toolc 10 Grape.Nu\s n\>ls t kIndl y . In n qulcl( ly. J. wren l h t he u lltll'OVPlI thi ng. ...ay or two my h ea tl~ " h e was go ,. ~, I ' Don'l ndget. One bOl1r of fi dgety Bitch pretty. prell)' \\"al sls nr e o ut began to ~hie p ' b enllbtully nlld be fo ,'e move m P, lIl ij will sel your ner\'es lIy lnjf. now . 1 0v~ l y Illalll ~ In gl·pe n·bllte_. blue· a week wna out t.!te se.ll es slloll'ed th Dt Don 't borrow II·ouble. Keep as tr.n· crenms: win e rer\s 011,1 I,,·o wn ~. As we my lost weIght Wll 9 rClmlng. ba cl(. ~ I y quI! aM you can . AN AUTUMN 131.0US E. meutlon ed abOl'~ . Ihey ,,!woy~ ' tone 10 m ~ mory was r el)Lored with th e .. ~. Try Ih e ne rve cures. One or tb~m Is ... t bauds of Incrustnclons. On brown wllh th e ~ I:irl. \oa l glvp, a ll :ll r of gay- ne we rt l' l" or that" I f e ll. In boLl y nn , ~ surely udRpled 10 your case. Try each h a18 L'Ont rasUng shad es al'e IIkell . or, ely to the s lreet su it 'hal ' he pla i n mi mI , Fo t· t brclI r ea ..s now Gran" one until you l~me to tbe one thll t Is bet leI', deli cate rolors . III spite of ou ,' meant for YOIl. Don't g ive way 10 '~o"r prefer e nce tor I h e blaclt garniture, wr "'a I81 laei'H. Some l1eollle oujeN to Nuts teod hllq I( ~pt lUll In prIme 001110plaids, however ," .nll we III'e~e nt a II .· tlon , nnd , propose 11. s bnll for lhe nerves. K eep v n treating th em . You must nclmowl edge thnt a white gown ,.Ign ror a plai n n ll n 's vei lin g. It m :l. I'est of my l1a),o. . 'wlll ~lIrely <1 18(:0\'er som etltlng ,hat Is t ri mmed with som e go lrl .elllbl'Old or e.j le l'lal now· Ilo l1tll ar tor Ihe ""al ~t of lhp. "And hy the w ay, my 2%-y ear-o:d Qule llng . something th.t · IR InTended 'lIg ht broWtl velvet lH exceedin Gly good . ' ht'ee- )Jlec dte~H. It I! made II'lth s ll s 'b aby · Is RS ton,l of 1} ,·ape·NlI t- as I for YOUI' cue. j\'Qr whi le late waist s, Ihere Is 118ed .... aId arran ge.1} to rorm Ito ilquare )'o k .., a m ;' a lwn)'8 ·· ln sI918 011 )'l1vlng: .it. I' Good Velveteen. c dellr at e rlboon e mbrOid e r), 111 putel and th~ ' lad~ cI'-like pattern g ives a lie · keeps h e r . 1I8 heu lth;: ·and .hear ty u ~ The best \'el yeteen wl\l be Quite 19 shades , faint plni,8 and grf!t!ns alld ptU, slrRble fa ncy touch . The ~1f;Il I'eB \I re they make t h em : ' N ame glven II)' mitch worn as \·elvel. It Is eheaper, blues. It Is very pretty Inlleed. Cblt- full aoo l'e the s houlde r ; t h e c url" lo o g . Po~tllm Co.. Battle 'O reelc, Mlell , .even at Its best, bu4reat "'ressma kers fOilS and.,,' qules, as well as all-over Dad tlgbt.-nuIQl, the 1clrd.le , tbe _ .Ther. '5 <1\. reason. . . have no hesitancy la lIIaklll, : lacel .nd Imbrolderles 'ar/! bro\\gb ~ IDpOinted IOI'! .llll mosl, f~,-:..j 'R,~Ail tbe I\tt\e .1I. 1I0k "Tull.·R ollt! to IUll'li. III It. , . to e'qllleltiotJ fo r tbe upper parI Of tht I , • a;Lu::(~i,,6~~'i: ' ' ''-em'nIQ'' ' rnjll( .-;" . • _ ...'- . , A
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O'ODE, "
,'I"to lTavellllg "' ll lI
J. t lrllUSi i,Jr, It M.,rl f WOIVIEN'S , m o Ihu I, tlryl C ~ LOo l; J{ , uD"r f to liet) ' [b e l1;lim , Is, 11IIrl lh le " l bl ul' Te;, c hl n ~8 Wh lp h ' HRve. B .SO." l0 Pal t dOWll •. nlld ,,,.n. r. t 5 iH)1l1"!Ul.tfl . n u ~: i il'l 01 lh,! P l'llctlUl! 11\ Eve. y s aored 1;(1\\' ,lha .lOd ma lit) t h e "h .';" " HO t;~ cJICl ld, I s hl"'·. 10 a" o:lla,;~ tll 1/111 It: " 1' Lh e r and RtCPB.' .,ntl 11 e i: ue l'Y n:lcl II nl'>:'Ik.e,I 11 ' ,,1\11 thr IRL of MIlY. ,'illY tll'.;'· r a' wore. 1"'OIJ g:, h o .,,') hy II p ·)II "I.'," ~1 'fhn "01"1, of t he C,tl llI lCs I< Oynma 1·n:.n l-, J\~ m ay 110 made, JU' Q or' ,COl1 t 1" nUOlIl tl a ytr~hl till nex t f! ltl r n l u t '\:11 iln Q Uf hp l' .Jnpa l1'.; RP W(IIIW I) III fJl"gnn · . r og-u l\ l t o my snnlty, flee'!!" time ~'LJ II w ere l in: fl shi ri.-t. Il ud 1 lHJ \t~ 1 i,/. ln.j-; 111,: hu~ pilal "p n' l cl~ ur Tul; l o antl \'.'cl l. mil Hwallowc,l . Ro m C\ lhl n ~ lu h l yon UhOll1 boll l [,; L" Ih' ci r ~u i t h ~ v" J' loII~ !<fJt' l l il'K. I"" •. alrli ll!; Ih The G reat Chane r of liheny for England - - Ru nia Used (, ru~K wl ~ dnwn ber S lIn lluy lhl 'o~ L wh 3n you wo r e away . · ,:" \IC or l ,'i r .Jallan lilw arm y la dl ~ t llll:\ll s h <: d fCir II ~ Influen ce In Effor! to Suppress libe ral Id eas ill Germany . uml (t lo llcl). and lIa Hw a ltell he l' 1111 I c u~ 1"'0 Ill' Ic.J 01'.' , a rc wp ~ We ll . II 8p l('udltJ Hilit Il a nd ItH m udnl'll Rlelh . J.he bn'l, SO Hhe \\onlll ,'ough il 111" 1alII ' , u ball ." and ma \\'0'11 lI" a '~ i< < C (J,t. AIIYlllle wllo lias wall ·be,1 and illul when sbo cou lil Gpts\( she ua ld : CI') RL 0111' SU"I·eSH. nnd pi ',',d t' wen : ~dm lt·(,d Ii . • ays YOllth ' ~ Companion , , " I'a elo yon have to woar Ilgin3. !iud l OU I t<; w/llk ott th e enet' 14 o r Ih e h,"'a l, will tal,p' III) with IImll SCII lI'ouder are, i j u m'p "';" lIIl;h h'1op:; on t~e h~"II or In a Ih nCWM tu IIlU. 1' ''1Il bool,- - he u 'anHllltioll or Ih' pre. \COp1rl." ...~J . J1.". " " · .. 1 hors~. a nil c ut Il l' (I\doc' at yo u I' I Ita II n Io n;; ta lk wi l i. pa all''''' 011 1 " '! II1 11 o r Il .Jllplllle"~ suge, wht.-h fo r " i l ll th p. hand of r1 emoe ral'Y at the r·nnfedoraLion . The object of tbe COD' I _ _ __ 1 tlm l' ur i1fe? l' or If )on du· I call r:\dh ~ed ClrCllnl S'allfp.3. Hll il 8 01. 0 :1 h ' ,:\ !\enerati<)n s h!H e !Jeen th~ rUlln,llIlIuli tll roat 01' lhl ' greul. R'lss ian bpar. tb o federallnll wu ~ Ihe extcrnal and InLer«he Bad Boy B ec-Ius " ;JI:\I'y-Dnd lI e rc r ·lh·1' 10 " lt llesl! any s ne ll p m'· WIL ~; I I'.'ouhl lIP. <:~prl 'lp l 101 un IIf rll mlnllw training III Japan . I reatrSI. of th e ah sollitegov e ' n lll e nl Rof nal se cul' lt l' or Germany, aud th e InBas Becorn. )tanage.· for a Circu s ' l u rma l' cc," . lu til e s h ow, ll llol I", S .I : .< I The iJolJI, itse lf Is II III 1111'\\' 1II 11(' h Illode m . I[ nOL o{ all blslOI y. 1"' 5 ful · vln lllhllllY o[ Ih e cunrecle rate s lates, -Tllo Blld Boy EXJleets to Clll'l'Y 1'a WIIS calm . IIIllI llld '~nt fly air tll~ will tH In nn y whc~·e. Il r ,al),.; (l UI "spel . bilL II.' IClU:hhll;" ha v,' !le,'ollle 11. , Iliwed Ihe ('ate of th ose or olhe r ~:un, · ]0"1'0111 11m" to lime demonslratlonll th H d D St t tI ha lll!! n, lilt: be jll ~ 1 Ha ld , Idn.lly. II IJOr who I"IO"' ~ a s IIllll'h a .lUIl: pari or Ih l' "rHc l i,· p' or pve rv JajJllne~" 1 p eall f:oll"trl e~, and It. ,one n, . " rul e were mlld e in lhe sCI'c ralstates Cor rep , yen(\ nn (I lln 8 (In IC "~IO l h c r, y"n loa"" "abut) Id ea s or th e eVe r y'lIlll1;; u ~ I IUIIlI' I lawI' . I." I! h rlll~c hol ri. .. ,,1I' "s "lace t n th e will or Ih p peo pl e. r eRe nlollon oC th e people , and some or e Trllpeze-litllI Says p(\ WIllOc:leth e ,1II Ii r-c' or th e C/"':;e r,, o f 11 c ll·\lu R. Th e don't know a lJl'1Dl cd win .. ",hlllll will "Tb e W(lI 'HI IlIlIrmlll c~ lIial nftll (' ~ Th o ri se or co nstltlllloll SI gO I'C nl ' th e 81"I "S sllo[llcII a ""ns liLutional Corm "hs.,IIIII,", . or guvernm r. nl. i)lIrln~ tlii s [,e l'lod RusO: rCIIBslan lIP'l\uty-Pn ~uya So ~o UWllrl'; h i r e pc rl'JrmorIJ Lo do "LUUL~ , ue IllvallialJle aLo ut a Hhow, ItJlll Lilal the felllal u, " ""Y 8 tlw ~age. KullJ!lra m ell!. nlld th e ol'c rtbm'''' po wc' rrlll Influe nce to have . ClrCUB Olothes and Lets Hi s Whl s~ nnll break their ncck., 1\' hll e we Inan· goln!;, lntu II II PIV h"'; lnr s~ 11 Iii. g o- F:ld("n, ",,1'0 Indol· lII l )'. r . jeul ' l th ai Ih e presc nt ",ul' ,·mo nl In II liS" I... s in uKo,1 kerB Grow. ago Ih em . :l nd laltO In tin l<h c kel ri Illg tn co ll cJ.:lJ U 3 It "r"s li mnn . Ih 1111 ousy nn,1 Rllll nr <s. "h ~" c In"rmlllf'" brin G" to mllll.l . Is n s llhleN rn r lO/j la l'/;" lillP ral ,rl cun SUI'[lr "~ed In' Germany. from th e HClluc n" wh o come Imo tOWII th e ultl c'ln' ns m Oil will IHI". II ,'. un d arl' ('olln,1 In tle l' on 0 " e l,ht. Olll u( for ~ hrl of U9wSpaile l' artide , an<l ),et ~X I wc ,,"nle tlO\\,1I 10 the new e mpire, April 10, lnO;;,- i ne vcr th oll!; h t It o n 'circus 11:1),. \ Ve propriet or" l ouc h we IIl ll s t 1101 "'IICO'I l lli I. "~y 1,\1 : f'Vf' ry l e n won",n , aod frol1) th um 111'1"0 .Idmming ulul' g the surfa c8 'J( ~i stor ~ 1111,,1<<1'1\ G"rmuIIY . Shor tly arte.' King '~'uuld co mc 10 thl ,; . that I Rh nnhl l\e~ 1l u Ih hutlon, and tha a Clors a:'lcl nnl · olle ftlll H f ~,dlrm " nt. sl pOIIII's.<!I . :";, l lop I"r,'rlurlty uf wum er. 10 ru e ll." 1 nn " li ghl~ IIpon n"ul Y Itlle r cs tl u).; fad s Willi a m of f'mss lll a ss umed Ihe title ,Hary, becau se I allt 1I0L a guoclllnie bur, mal s do lbp, r es t. I s hnll h p. a d il'cc lo r gin):cI· . • h ll ~ I nrr' of . he In:' t, :i~h I3 11 ,. !Jnldl y Pllf s lh r ,' ?"L rl"" ror Iho th aL IIrc dou~l y Intcre_lIng lit t he !.>res · or Ge rltlRII ~ln lwrol' . Ih c I, al se r iss ued a Nollotl y ev~r JceOI)S n d la 1')' e"'ol)\ n who dlrecls, Il mnll who sel s a (lIg nl· LI,,' me ". Ih ~ fl yl n): Iru!)/· ·'. P , h .' ."me l! IIlrp 's uheeil e lK" on ,., ImjlruglllllJli' 811 1.' t1mp . IIroc lamaLl o n w llh Ih n cons en t of the boy Ihat wallIe to Lc lin IIn gp. I, anel willi fl cd and pi o us e xamnl o lo Lh e m e n 1111 (\ o f LlI ~ S3W.ltHl nod t.ll1t !,,"·I.. Ih ', I, ,I'll · ;'.""""'1. " Su c h Is '.be SLUl,ldl lY or I The eon~tlflll.ional ~ c redi'''ry 1001J ' l'OIIl1 c ll or Ihe (; c rlnan confede ration the an g e ls stlt[ttl. U l' n. g il'l lhut la III ,I' om e n wh o adorn Ih e 11I·ores. I"", In G or (he lI'il<l bl'H"ls . a tll l Ih c IIla tld :". lI'\l mall 's " hllrllcLu r.' he RUY., " Ihul iL .rc hy or Englall rl IIr e.e lll s ils e lf f11'. ~. 1\1Ie1 of the Iml'll riill rlllll.. ,I ccre clllg tb8 IUI'C, or au old nmld I hilt cun 'l ca tc h coming It ~ they do from all CIl"" .~ A . of Ih ~ r,llI ll iLlid o ul j ll Y" and ·Ja .' ~"'N; Is ; uc llfIIl",n , nIl ',,' r i n "V ry IJltrlk - Every sf'llol.llllo)' would at o n .O brin g 11[1 ,,,I"[liioll oC 11 r.onSl llllllon ror the ema , mU D unl c ' ~ Kit e wrltcs '1luwn .h e r onrl' yl,HII' I'~ will he t he !:uld . Ilh ll· '5 · n nt! il wi ll 1)1) JII,c on e ;; 1'illl(l ":1" '" . 111 111' lu IIl s lru _t M' rse lr and IIbl'Y I,, ' r I th e lIlu gl' wo rds oC Magna C ltu rla , YOLI !llrn Th is r.on Hl.IlIIllon gives the em(' lIlo tlo ns n lld Ica v ,; Ih om arounel oil oph e l' nlld Irl clIIl of all ' I"ho h lu ug I.' a fty ~I)I'ca'l HII "ver t he KIlIllDl ' r :1;111 h lt_ lland. " , r e m e mher th ~ dl aorcl e r anel IInl "8t In pe ror power lO I'ol'l'osenl the empire In'u me m a n will rClIlI Ill e m, anll ij wul~) w th e gl'RlHles L a gg rcgullon or ta ie n L f~11. Il l' <illy" It t' wan. s m e (II 1"3 1'0 T h e ~ y~ l ~ m JT rewnl·,ls anet Illlnltih, En g land In t he dRY S oC Kin g J ohll I I 19:1 · t p. r"alionall y ; th o legis lative fUIlCllo1l1l t h halt ullll 1I0t fec i th e bool. III his . I'v c r SlI lhered IIIlIl e l' one <'all va s, I I', d,..·us hll~IIlC t.' r"o m Ihp hrn ' lnri 1II0nl for \\'UO :I' II .. xlcutl. OIV~I' till s l1f9 121 6), h lR d efe llt Ilt Ill e han d. of Philip are vcs l etl in Ihc huud csrath and r e lcb.Gills, o r a trul y goo,1 bani, ca .; hl ol' Itl onc 1"' ((:0 of adm iss ion, an ll do n OL lit' . l \"Om Ih o " I'l' r ), ln:; nr I h ~ It )·. r ," 30 "111 .. Ill'e <.0 Will" . all li .." " llI t lllns un o( Frun cc , h is reLurn t o Ond the uou lf:. tag, th e fo l'tlH''' r PIJI'c>I'nll ng lilclndlv ld.,.,.,-~~:ar-:oc:::::~"""-;=-===~----=::;iiiji5i!~iit;::--.~ W!. 'I a (:UITI't:om h an.1 l' I'I: .. h . I', :.:n! I, ill!: Ctlioll s l·a lal1 <:c . .. " II'IIII1UII mus t "n o Inng"r un'ldeti tOt;ll tll t' r In scer ct uul slat ps. I I ", lall'r Ihe Ge rman n .. Ii III' '',In lit ~ roa r 91' th ~ Icn l 0 11 II:Q I""" fill I ~c r hllHhllllll. " ~uys I'albal'll. ClOlls plracies . but ope nly ulIl 'ectln atl"f1· lion . Irap".1.e anti ra ll1n ~ In ", Ih n\' 1. \II :1< ";.,, II' IlP we rn h" 8V " " Ii s" II' , "llH.1 lIe vc r "li e c la l", Cor lal\' ancl libert y ." A vivid In Aus tria . who~c early hi s tory IS lilt Lh e ; , .. lI e nec fal n lH wllh ('"I'iIOn:ClI: 1I" 'ar)' oT t hln illng how ,s lle may y ie l(1 pi cture of tbel .. vigorou s s t r uggle anll closel y Intc r\\'c, \'I!n wll h thaL of OerAjOl'I ; 11. - ~1t1 lind Ila ha " " ,u·! I ') hc l' ilu ~ hallc1 , <lod U.lIl1 csell.l'e c,' I ~s· final 1' lelOr)" 18 gl\cn by tb e hl s Lorlan, man}-, ab sollltl 't" rc"ell'et! u blow when seve ral ' 1 ' ~"lIss lo n ~ aOOu\ wll a l I:i n ll lIal e',~ Lh.mtil'" : · Gree n: "\\'l\llln a rew ""Y.:' of the union w·as matl n wl l h Hungnry; nt tb& or II (lus,:in n II I. go in g to I('a l' e he. J( ,, ;lJ um di . UllllruYOR I'ur wo mlln In · klng'_ lunlti ng th e harons agul)l m e ~ at tim . of tllP. uni o n Au s tria IIdoptlng parIn : a Olo l1g" 'b a n c l" h"01'8, fo r IlD RIl II ! ,11I1;:,6 110e in the 1)l e uM" ''''1 or Ihe the- St . Edltlllnu s u\l\'Y. At hn s t· lIamo nlary ins tlLtflloll s s imilar to tholle to go ort 11'11 :, l\ e ir cu:. and f'.1 '1 \\' 31:1.' a t .. r . Clf mu ~ h' , or 11'1110, alld oven uf mas th cy Ilrc~ enl c d lhclll sell'es In arm s or IhP. olh e r IIlltion In th O} dunl moncd to wllhdra ", from .h o ",,,I t~d . \; url'JlI sly " nollg h, he ~,"uld nut befo re lh~ IlIlI g and pre rc rI'c,I th eIr arch)'. The r e lch "tag (Austrian par board U[I Ih ' w;n~('\\ '\ of Lh It, ' I'IP I.III'e bpr ,'ery r e llgloll K. lind lhl H fot' clulm . The f. w Dlonth H Iha t follo\\' e,1 lihm e nl) r.nll s ls lH an upper I.nd II lower anll mak e roll:s I "'L ": w" It all 'l ')n p It r ,,,son '~ hl c h III) Chrl stl Hn woulrt be showed John lh nt h e s tood aloll e III th e bOll se ; m e mlwr s of the former are to th i' seailhol'l'. bu t I:q on d u r·',1 \1"1 Il kp. ly to gIl US~ -' 1l 11111,1 or ronjll!;,,1 land. At I': u. " · r lh e barun~ a!;'u ln g atb , I prince s of II", Impe rial hOllse, cbleru or lhal we \l'v llirl ha vr IIr £:lC . In , I II th, JPa lu lI "Y of he nv nll : " Th" wife," I", ereli ID ilfma :Ii Brae ldey and renewed t b e Doble bo u8etl, I.Dd m ClIlllatbayedll-
g'OY, WlTH' THE ClleU
Passing of Ahsolutism in the Old World
-;: :.....
1 '
"h'''''' ,.
main ten t o \'c ry
undny . U"I\ h ·
1' 3 \ -';,
~uy!ol . " muHl not Cnlf'r Intu a'll il' r eve l -
th er e I. · Il O m Ol' c plO\i~ !nl or rr')t: '1 :!II I fa llllllaril Y 11'11.11 dIP god s." un ennh t h an tlws . who l'u r ,', ~: :t1: 1'111 Is a h ig hly urleillul ,' 1011' or a c ll'cII". anrl th e n mn w a n ~rl I ·. 0;,1 Wlllllan 's (llacc ; 11 Ih e s cheme oC tblnjl; s. alon !,:', Sh p. ~a .ld ~ h e " Oil I I Ilu 111C "hI Il IJ on~ 'wlto 10l0\Y~ I ho hesl Jill" m ending of l h e li)nx l'5o{' I,~ lll ~' t ' h i' a ll'lSfJ wU IU ' n doubt th at, WUl!lbc f wo m e n
w ar
wh e n
th e y
r ht(]
;:; ru ·jolU" .
Ihe meJ, with 15 wallo'v-tnil coo. \
Klt iba.ra'~· 11'Ilc hll1 t;. or l l\
m n.'s go in g with th r- sh ow . t 'lll) ,' ; I "..t .. n v . ,!Qul,1 hnl'e uny rlla Wil l WflU!'
;.;eull e.
vlgn rutl s,
lu y,l1 , um y
"c hlo' " llI g 1\'(HnanluJlIII. 'fhoy 11"\'0 1".11' 11 !!IlIv ,,~ III lhn "I\ ~ l. lIut \': er o al~\'uys dmrm i ll g: ~ I H \· cti. Ihut lI e w J al'An IS ~c\ll lIg thclil Ih., lr 1111 ' ny lUI" lu, t tl rst l'u y r:11 "'", nil , uut c ll lan ll cl'(1 It.
jlatcn' l ea llt p, r tiho e.;. Rn ll I.hey ar~ a .1 1\·h. ten e hed SunclllY sc hpol. I1n ll s kip!; rull l<l 'I'll nes~ lhe • 0:11 c rt "hi r h will polile a~ J :ll\ l' in~ m9 ~ t e l·" . We IlllI'C 1" 'mpmm\sc II \I \ih nn an rl ,(,ltl ~o r Canadu s m~ S;.! Lul'll a)·· n ig ht , be Ivi. l"ld e r 11118 ca ll1'I1K nfl e l' tb abe Is Lt} m ee l t h ~ ~ !l o \\' .. t 1 \ :tI~ :·.I·" .· c ttft tho 1m,l ll; losell. utili on Mom!a), m nln I,cr( l'IllI\Ut"- Iii uI' c r:' Mil 11101, <I at 1111 p retly ~nl·ago. un ,l alld go wll!1 I :~ 1.0 Knn k31, po an cl K ~', n lorc.lng lhey f1n(\ Lhe comb!natlon o[ IIle' ! c l( on Ihc 1I1lfe c h aul!e,l , lind bll l!l: "0, I Mr. :0" nr goll\;! to 'be I;uk un\il s h Is OV rcom o u y ner ','o ll; t ~~ 11 they hi re Il I' rorm d bllr;.;In.I· 10 I' ln~I:HI Ir r, hm "hat Is to b ccll~le o { pl'o~l ra UolI, " b en w e "hali .ha ve h'~ 1 Pu t hlnl(s mu wOll ld la ,1 or,ml . the lock I he muncy Is ull sone H Clln cl'Y 0 1111 mo w l;lll! you ii I' ·mel,· go ho m e. wi th tho CR8hl... 1'h09 011'0 tlt o only In s l:utl r w hl l' aruun ll th hillt! I cS:~ I lI bOtll " '0 day !; willi t h c ~b I': . hilI Jl ~ '~J1 1 0 thal eYer k Cllt 8. suce ss(ul I>r the Cal \\'omnn , a nti 1);;l1ng Ih O CII', 1 r;DCSS if h LO ok it rou r~c o f In'al · lI lll ·Y. . ('8381 (\1\ heauty?" . Ul cnt \\'I~I pennul " and r .1 I 1I\n:: u"1 Pa IJu l hl>< ha ud on m y h,' a ·1 lint! one n l c munn :ulIl c: c ll lng-. ' he ". 0,,111 n ot 1 h n.d 10 III'om l s~ m a t hat I 'I\'r uld keep a dln ry , so ah could reull sR ld ; " }Io th e r . He nnc l'Y will g o w ith I WlIIlI to lhl'"w U(I h c r jail. :11,,1 ma, I• . \'. I , 01 I !Jevo r co uld have s ol h reo .. , mc. Ir) s ee [ha L I dll .nut get lULu on y UI\.:1> ho mc III c haq;c of a , :tell t or me t!J 0 '1'1Ih I'll o ti th o r oa.1 Irou lll ns n c lrolls finnn cie r nIH) g e n-· da!i,,!. \' i, h !l ci rcus. A \I mn oRI.s of IlI C Is el'nl man age r o r th e menag ri o allli l W el l. IJI\ sh w !:d up HI Ih h ill. J I ~ I III te ll the !.ruth about. c"or),l.hlll/; t h at \\'I\d "'cs t a g,gregnllllll, aod hlpt1o· hi:; In'us clo l heo. 1hln a r' crcO!ln nnll I'a h n.; been h 'lI'T'V i8 lo m e anti LO JI;l c\.nrlng tb c lIroma, It Lhe gTO:tt thr.e e' l'lll~ clt'rus, he cert ai nly I. II pea ·h. \ \'ho le " .lIIm r . anti 1 h nv!J consen tod, alld you ca n siay ll oma nntl gl\'e \18 lelt lng h is ch in w hl sk Q I' ~ g ,. IV r"r "h Itt IlJl d ~ l all see lilY ilDI ~ h, nnd ]la's fin · ubHelll trea t m nl (or w bat "tis us, an\! six wea l,s. IIn.1 to-day I I~ h a I n! ~1U 1.:h, au d rna's II nis h, nntl tbe fini s h o f plltl, tlt e nlOn y I e hall sond you In colo retl blu c l., au t h e I Ill:!! Rri I I" ug u I he cl r<; u~ l.M L I ~ ,·solng. to' tal, e us bal c~ wlih a hay press, nurl put It In h o ha il Ilwnll owe rl th e hlllcl\in!; 1Il'us h, a lo ng, ' . cold s to ra ge till we co me lJa I. In tho a n d lefL Ih e hllnc h · or hrlti t l s ') t s i (l ~ ., Oeo, but ,,'e ha ve had a hoi nme . a (a ll. It I~ . $~ tlled, we g o 10 COllqIlC:'. 0 :1 bls c h ill . H e look!! no r co. T hen , a ur hOUSC s in e pn a lld I. got h3cl, nn,l th e worltl will lay i\t our t at be, he has · got Ii lie\\, Ilrn ll d or ~ I \I, hJl , f ro m C UI" trll' auroad . [bl'OlI g ht pa fo r e th e middl e of A u;::,nst, and you Wi t h a wid e, curling bf·lm . anrl li e hl~ ba C'k 111 hett(!r hea IIlI Lhall h e wa!! wi]! lJe Il r..r0ur\ wuman to own n h811 ' II " mad e ot' u ta' l( and 1,lue wh e n' we lV ell~ away. bu t he Itns ,"01 bllsu nnel wh w ill I: 1)Qln tc (1 at a o; l1l tl c heck gootl s, t he elt e"k ~ ait b i~ 11. ,< ho c hecl<s 011 1\ ch eel,er Do':lrd, au,1 a pai r ot 11ants I har 1001, JII,e n cll amoll,luack rattlcl!nlll,,!, and h e b all g 'JL nil Imitation rtillmo lld 6tud In hl:i wblte shirl lh at Joolls 111.6 a PUll"" \.; it; ;'(. lila walltcll to kno w If t I\ ~rc \I'll ; IIny Inw f O ('om pe l pa V, <II' .' .j W ·;:" t bnt, call so h e loolte d liS l hlllli;lt IHl wn:> II " allluic r c r u tenin 1'0 her. ('a ~I\ Y() 1hnt Il c ircus 1)l ..:>!) r1~iot· h ~ '; gol lO loolt 11Irr ~ re nl fro lll 011 ::1,0, 1)' r! ~ In orfl e r I In s plr fcur anti rC~J"~f 0:1 thc pa r i o r I It u ha n cis nroll no! t il ' how. li S Willi 8~ Ih e 1111 (11 0 11(:" " . t h aI no<:\, I ~ Ihe al·Clln. a nd ha 1I~ l;"'1 m~ If Rit e dldn'l r c nlc lllhc l' 01.1 Dnll Hi ~r and o lrt John H olJ ln slIn. Ma '1 lctn I I'e · me mo I' I hOlli . bllt !lho I c m nal'erell Barnllm. hecause Bu,'num lecl ure.1 Oil lOmpr rl1ncc, IIllcl Kh o sa Irt . he hUIlCII lin wOllld em nla ta Dal'ultm's cX'IfHlllt" lInel ;.:\ sa id h e \','0 It Itl , IIncl lllpl: he tuol; II wa tc h chain with lIul;s a ~ hill a ~ a t ra co cha in IInrl s proall IL a ~ n~ .i hi s chocl,rre d , 'CS I. r,'om on c pocke l tl) tile other. with II J1f c-~I7.c /:,,/11 e lle IIILnglll g dnwn tllc middle, and rna 'almOHt had R convulsion. Gec, llUl It pa- wears thai rl~ 111 Ih" "'-... mena ge rie tCIII , Ih e animal s wi ll [Ja w und he llow, like a "ro ve or c atL! ~ t h at T he Sacred Cow Chnsed liIta Up the Church Steps. "me ll hloor! . Pn is going t', wcar a .0 IIccustom ed 10 e xcitement thnt mo~t SII CCC8. ful nmuse me nl [lllr;'''yor sac k coat wlLll hla outfit. so RS l 11)01; I<n nw ' 80mothlng \\'ollltl ue dolll g pre t, tho worlrl has ev .... wl t ll csse.l , a n' l .. tough , and h o WOUldn't hear to) Ili a Iv 8uon so I was not s lt\'prlsed when son II'ho will 81l\rl In at th e baLLun, whell s he tried to get him 10 W ~lI r a told '118 nt the hrealefnst ' tahlc Ihal rounll of ·lhe clr"u3 ladd e l' an" ri se , fro c l, coat. II" Hllid a frucl( ('I)~I wur; h e ~ upp0ged he s h ollltl hal'O !o go Bnc! Rtell IJy stel), until h e will SlIlII' l ue- n ll ri g ht In socl e t)' ur umo nt; I i,,· travel with a c lrc ll s thl !! su mm er. s ide Ih e great Daruum." erownerl hellt\ s . hil l wh c n YUU hll \' C Mil. 100ke(1 /It 118 a s though she l\Ia t hollght 80l' lolI"ly for R fo w mlo, ' tu mln !;1 wllh Ho ns o'n,1 e l e llhnllt ~ ,'anted to cnll the police. nnd all am- ute~. anrl thcn Mhe s altl: "0. I'll, Ir one mlnu tc . thai would s natc h th e tall \lII lallce to talie him to t:le emerge ncy It wa < anyLhlng h1ll the circus hllsl- off a coat ancl ch e w It. Bnfl Ih e n ext hospital. He lool(ed at rna ami at ness YOll antI Henne ry we ill Inlo , lik e minute "Oil arc mlxcd Ill' with II IlllllPh m e, s pe,lIred anolhcr watne, and ijalrl: seiling SUBI' or uoln g II hnnl( d efDII'" of rreak~ or u lot of uBrebnc l1 rld ~r". or "I kno w YOll will th luk I 8m nutty . o r , or so m othlng r CS l)Ce lahl c, I could traJle ze ll e rfo.:m e l'R. you hl1\'O !'.l't tn bllt fe r .lmos l Ion ycara I hRI'e blltl lool( Ih o neighbor.> In th e fa cn. hui. compro mi se on a r a t that will ro! any a uloctc ot sLOcl1 In a elr u~ allel or COllr:<o If l herc 1.1 mon cy In It .. rnd c,lmat e. IIn tl n oL ('BtiHd 11I1' ldlolt ~ r~, menagerie, I went Inl.d It 10 h011l1 ?·ou rec l Iha t tho goml Lorcl · has calle,l marl,s, whale ve r tbuL I~. . ,flume young elreu" foIl0\\' 8, and pu t )'Oll ttl lbo clrclls fielll .· and YOIl 'Wlll I will hllvc to ~Iund up lle:Hdt th~ III; Q111te a bunch or moncy, berausc I sc e that Henncry duel< llot stRY 0 111 g lllnt ouce In awhlh'. to f h ... w th e dlt· th ey were honest alUl pOor, and for l' 1II\l b l~ . Rnd Henn er:' w ill prOllll O to fero noe In , the size of· •.. ~n . ~ nc\ a : n fow' years thlugs wcnl. wroug. and I see I hU L you pnL 011 a lean collnl' oc- other Umes I will havc t~ s t l !\ ~ Ilra 'd c th,ought my, money v.a·s gon e, uut for. ~a si on8I1y, and YOll WIll IIroml,Q me Ille m ldgelu, nnd 10.~1' 111.0 h slam 1.1Y tile lest 811: .year8 the t.lrulls has 11111r1 I hilt ),011 will no t 1(: 1 R,ny of lhos'~ ell', \ sclf . \ Ve a"e all packed up, a n ~ lu 'dlv'JeIt,nda ' lllgge r ·tba n . SIBndllrd 011. · QIII! women In s ]langles mlk e eytl3 lit lWO days we st{lrt (or lho winter <illarlind b-day !ltan"':! awa)' UI) among you . I will consent to your goi1lg '\' Ir b ten of the 6how, to pound. It Int~ '''0 ' fi:ianclal . sllcces!'es, ' anfl . lh e .11"1- the r lrclIs, JUSl till,!, onco. 88 the a oc- I bilape lor the mad. ' By glll;ler. I .. (iflll d !l , 0U my ~ lrclI s , Ktoolt (8 better tor has advlse rl tba~ YOll le,M al) a u' ca,, ' t hardly walt t' , get Clerc. IIlld Ii~ "ball BDl'. b!I.'D'k s{oel, I ~a\'" ~) , : .Iln,tl l tlve Utc, ud 1 a;lIcSii yO\l wlll &et at , pa . ~o:js thllUl:'t• .
"1.1 1i' of II , tlt e y art It IUI'~ I y tnll! 01
a n to I'J o l, n rlOI' . 1':1 O{~ ?' I< i' 1Wa 'I:l)'~ Ih men a:ld WOlu e ll w ho ri fle {I n l ~1.r ~·· bucl, hor cs in I.h _ l'l n~ d l' e~, ill ·().~· I · Inr e" en lll g I:OJ IUIIIC, Ihe I\ o m t n w ll h !ow -n ~cl. (Ireese:!. nnd lo ng I re in'" a nt'
t.nd Pa S waltell. H er on the Bnck .
I ee;HII :1
hudiCd . Illl' we hall to shut ,I!)", ·, nil
- -
No w frell. 11" ,, 1'
- -- - - -
It W nsn't AnyUlill p; In H C'ld in~ Lin p, Hut SUIll~ I.hlng to ELI ..
Wll h Il bUll c h of CJU a wa 1)'.!Olll e willi nl, III I he T opcl<a ~ tA I" 1'111 I' I U" . ·1h" r tlay \Vcrr. n ,' ISIII,,!; .uls. lollu r y Hull lIIl old gr nl lc mllJ1 w h u WU Ii very IImaf, uull who IlUcl n cvlJ l' 600 11 ra, ' us d
hOlel. 1'() II11I' H til l! " a n ~ a " C ity .t uu rnal. Th e preacher tuo l; OCCII iUIi to ,IIR' tr lu,, ' e n vade ly o f rell glo"s truCI" IItru IIl\ h t h n (o ll cheH. Rl\tI .h ... <l11l g" o 1 1~ 1\ 1I11\ , he i l\ )!; "nahl ' 10 lak,c pa r t '" lit.· eO l\ ve rs ullon. nCIIl.lrrd 11 rc>lI eetloll 01 Ihe lit erat ure an.l uRs lduou s l y U" pe,' nSI,,1 II lhroll g holll Ih e trill . ,', a : fu Irl.v we ll 8:11 e cl wll h rell g lou. their cla im ; " Why rio Ih ~y 1I0t a~ k ftlr 10 1'(' nn un ll'l lI!: at Itl d dc ~ li 'nllllon . Th e 1\" " 1 'al' ~ 0 1' l it , hung ry eXCll r , my Idngdom~ " crlcr! J uIJ,." III ~ bUI's l ~ I O lt1 ~l s 0 11 I' cu"Iti llg l he capllal clLy of pa ss ion ; !Ju t Lhc' "' hol o count ry rll SI> LoIIU') II w ,,~ tn secure (1Iun n l', and lh ey re o ns olle m Oil al hi s rcfm' a l. pa ln" 1 In u hOlly 10 one uf t h \lrinc~ l· lh rew o pe n b cr gales to I.h e arm), 01 lh " I'RI hOll,IH. The ,, 1,1 genll l' llIall wu. baron!;, now orgunizccJ und r c JlolJ,!rt (IJvlously 0111 \lr h lA c la SH. It wn ~ cv l· ~'llz · WriltCl'. 'th e mar. hul of th c arm y [," Ill l ila t It l'- Wil d a li llie lil'wll t1c re d of God und th e H oly Church : T ItC1 ~x · hy lit o uIlrnmlliar 1I ~lIgr" or n mOll l' 11I amllle or the capital was at OIll;C folluwed hul"'. hut he mad e his way w lllt lilt' by Exete r und oLin co ln , promi ses u[ ahl nl her3 thl'(I l1 J! h th " fnlt·. tlm e pr es" and c a m e from S~o llnnd an d \\'alr s ; the h "''''''11 a sua.l aL on c IIf Ihe la h les. l "or l he rn nobl~s mal'c ll e,1 ha ~ t~11' tI, loin Iltl ~1'PI'ltre .1 to IJ'~ Sltl 'I)rl Hc tl U~ lI e th e ir comrnd es In I.(llidoll. \\!lh Sl'vell ,,'ut ...1 hllJlse lr .. ' Penn: 11110 II'C ' I'U trot-se m c n In his l.raln . Joh" fOllnd 1111,,· 1,," "nll .\, , - th ~ re ain't IIU vllll ~ s oll .llI e lelf fa ec to f9 (;" wltl~ II. n",l r,n In ",.m ~ . 1"1",,." he rNnl\rl( ptl tu a C()III I'all lUll , Nurs ing wrat.h In hi s hCMII . lit e 1)'rUIiL .. ho 11 ldn't Il ea,,' lhe I'e ill y It I, u n ' bow ed to nec:esslt y ano SllItuU tHlP.U Lh e lI el'e!>Knry tll rellcs t It hem. baron s to r.uuferen cc li t H'''"IY lllclI ~ . "(lnler, ·sl r ... . p r rfUII IUl'll y JCI'I(ed &1; All i"'ulld Tn llHl 1'1, a1ll Ps !JeL WIll'1I
11\ a
( ve l '\\'or kt:l.I
\\'a lk l\
lmll ~ ill ~~
beh lrnl
Stnln es allfl \ V\llCIHW' h a fl 1J('e n t'lIo:-; r. n
him ,,,,,I s (lblil ltli ng Ih o prin ted 111""11. as tb c plarr of cn nCcl'en.·r : Ih" 1( lng e ll · t 11 <; vnlf:l! wa ~ Inaur1ibl e tv the lIJan CUOILJCll on on o hunh . whll ~ l h o uaroll8 11'11. \1 th o lIurl clllar IInndlo ·lIl l. wlln 1:011 ' 1 CIll" ' re,1 th " mor. h y 11111. knowll b) l"lII llluu "~l y wRI'ed t he 1)fI(le r Millr . t ho nam e of Jl lwn)·",,,"e. (lI' t\le other. ('li zzi e " lI, u klli"hL lIr Ih r. Ira Th eir d~I O gal".H m e t In Ih c IHlullII be · I D Y twe en them . '1 h (l g,.~a t dnlrlt!r was d id· ll.aSSP'1 1)11. "",I ~lturll)' had Itll MPI,e· Cll s"cll. a g r eed to. lind slg tl " e] lu a .III l: lc t.zlng urmy o~ ~11l'HI~ Si'l' ad 011 hOlh d ay (June Jr. , A. D. 12If,) . I!lIn l(~ III1lI "lll)(}s lt., tu Otl l' rrl ~ " t1 . " Germnny , 1110 r eg ion 11(111' bO 1I()(1l ' III1Col' tlillat ~ l y Ignurllllt tlf til e """I' cn , Innt" oI , Is R mllBt dlllk"lt lIatl o" to I I~~ S. , treHt In :10 urlef Illiap 'I'; WI' C'UII ullcmll! I u Ih e sensation "f hlln ger "'a s aeld · onl y n "ar lol ~unu"nry. Firsl. we lIlay cd " gruw lllg lII e.. s ',r~ ur wrat h RS the call atte lltioll tel lIIat Pll rL ollhe !Jc rlull ' (-lei m u n no tod I he IlHI.OIII.hlll l;': Cact of Ih e old (11(lly I{nm all) (''''I)lre b'!t hat e verybody In the roOIll lIut hlm' ! lwecII thc twelfth aud "cve" l ~elllb eellRe ll aPlloarcd to b" SUPIIII(!(1 Wlltl (ood . . luries . Sume hlMturlall 8 rrganl Ihel!le c, He !Jellon 10 Slare . nll.l . hi s clJlldltloll tloll of l..oL1I1I11'0 II. (Il~n) hy" I!rcatu~1'011& KlId'icllly dl s~ov e rcd by th e bClld BCllIblago ot 1I0bics alld church dlglli . " ' nitcr , thdt [ullctionary s l r uc1( Ih " tarll's as 111'1, urlgln of the n. 'r man elc',' \lag or dlgllily alld lHISLcn,:d l u Iler- toral coll ege. In 1125 . II ; '~ "no II ;;~ . s o . I,Olllllly utlell(1 ttl the II cg lt:c tell gu es t. · called (I PO pl ecUllns ICIllI; I,IIICI!, but lu "rour o rd er , Hl r! " th ese" three t hen,· was ullulilmity uf Aud agalll 11 LIII or raro was Lh"IKt chokc . A. time went on. cloublll, lile", t;nforc tb e elllLs Ilc ratml ult! !:,rllll,'",,"!. tlnns o('(·urrpcl. thel'e "xl ~ I e cl tllli t1l sThc IlIll er gras [led It anll tor'! IL "I' . turblng conrlHloll of OpIIO"ll1g 1(l ligs. Th~n he roared: Tlw relgll of Ch~rle8 IV . w e re mllrl(. d "Olasl YOIII Infernal Ira ct! 'I dun 'l by all ('vent In tbeconstllullonal hls fO,.), WIlnl 1.0 r e ll 'J. I want w methlng l~ or Gnrman y, his go lden bull (I :lr. r,) . Il~ , at: " certalned thc prerc>sallv e~ or Ihe e lectoral college." alld Lhe ,1It; nl l y of olec, Got Back at Him , lor 'I\' aS CDhan~ed . In . e ruroncc to the Alge rnon-I hcah lh a •. yo u .• an ll Germall diets. Ih e year l ~fifl Is Ihe dltlO ClawrencA h lllj an alLahcaLlon law ~ 1 ot the d rat mally rellroselltal1\'1) BI' llig ht "lid he ,," I!eu ),0 ,,11 " ' ahWY'I ,Bemblage, held at Worms. Impt'rllli 1111111\ . diets and court diets bad been t bose pp'"clval - Yaw~ . 1,," I · Of. e\'c-n willi preylous\)' convened . ·LII.t1e by IIUletho lllm, doah hoy I r.a lled I', lfo IlOtl\- Influenllal cities grew In power, anel ing , donch et ' kllow. - Chl cugo Dllily Ulero became recognlzerl three cbamNe w:;. . bers; collego of eleclo,·s . coli ega of --- ~ prlnceB, GruoB end uarou s; collcc;e of Metr opolitan W a ys. Imperial citi es . In the rl'lgo or Leooold Vi s iting Sale~ruar.-Pr"tl)' ij lon I' I, (1667 ' 1705) • permancntdlet wa,8 lielawn, thill, • tabll sl -Itl . . ',esld ellt . (Qf Br\(lgeo,'al ~r)-Oh, nOli Afttr the bol, Roman emplre ·and tbe S(! ,Iutn s lo w; lh e Oarnegl~' II b' ry It luccceding confeder!ll.lon of tbe Rblne f, u,n" it (~ r lIon ' ~I\r Jorl: -Plll i(,. . ~ to e~IMt, W. com~ to tbe-German
lIngui Rhcrl Lbemselves ID various 1'1l11li;" lh o
III(: mb £: r ~
of th o oth er house ar.
01r.1·10(1 h)' Ib e peopl e thut ha ve s ut1'l'IIge ,·Ighl. Now we comr. to t~o r epubli c 01 Fran,,,,, " il lt h r'r pO' 1 mark ed b), u !Jaolul l.1II "nil a narc h y. II I. a t th o I'u ry c l,d 0 1 1111' e lg lll l!C ulh ce nlury here COII51 111111011:<1 Il is lll ry IJCgllIH, wllh th c COIl-' sllllHlU1l ro r cctJ U11 0 11 I.ou ls XVI. In 17~l ; th e I';IIS ul till! mercy of !.he mot, decl a rllti on I\I llllu Ihal a ll Fre tlclHlleU arc "dLl"),,, n." Thi s COll811t ullon, 01 whl 11 s uc h grt' at lhlngs wer e eXI)Cc ted, I"Hled ICij s lhnn a yenr. "II Wtt ~ because til e re , o lullu", \lttrtook mu ch man} o f 11 !!ut;lu l Ihl\lI a IlDlill eal overtlir'ow : Thll cOlIs tHlJlIolI had done nil It could lor Ihl! Iloll\i.·"I part, hut the social faun c 1"I' 11I11111 C: ,) 1<1 1,0 r erormed ." 'rho yeal'" 17 ~t:: I. lh o dill" o r Lh c Jor.oblll con s tltu , tion . whldl IlIt c lld ed merely to satisry th ' tI"lIarLm(HlI. ; it was neVOr put tnto Ilnu,: 1h:r . Two years late r we havlS tb e ,·,,", s. ll lll io n o r I 1I r: III reclm' y , provldIlI g ""' I' ll e xec' lIl1"r tllrcl'lu.·y. the cOlln'cl1 1) [ II .., liv e 1"""11',,,1, the cOlillcll of Ullc le llt H. I", 17~ 9 th e co nstitution oftbo " onsulal e WII S put fo l'lh . " repulJllc III namll nntl appearan co. monarchical III [ae!..'· I he first conslII 10 havo uutocratIe pow" r. Prese ntly follows, In 18t4, lit o cu" s Litlllioli ur tile restoration, Na· pol",," In exi le, LOUIS XVIII. called to lhe l"roIl O. Thi s constitution . .aetinu ed illdividuaillhe l'ly, £ellgloU8 Creerlum 111111 rree dom of the pre~8, aad proclalll1 c cl ulJllvlun uC all flcls committed ~l lI tl! tho beglllning <If I.ho revolution. Th o ~ urm lsc Is rCllsonllble that If NaIKll onli hnll nut r e lurned, tho people ml ;;ltt hal''' flll'~etl the king to yield to n rcully cu ns tltutlonlll government; but NU(lolcon r1ld I·etul'll . th e restoration ",as s ho n · llvccl. 1'10 ... I"rullce Irlki the IlODstilullu n nf tll A second repllbhr., tbls fo1luw~,1 by t he cUll~lItutlon of lbe aellOn" e mpire; the form~r Hummed up U • "botc h." lIll' IBtte r as .. " xtraordln.".... to ~e IIlIorprelCd liS favoring dlctato,.. .hlp. Uut by anrl by the dletatorailip r811 8, alld there arlseli the tl}lrd republic. The cO ll811lutlun pro"lded by tbla Ili st repnbllcan form or goveJlnm6nt . . . put forth berause of tbe alarmlnl NV 11'11 I Clf Imperialism, . To dlgresK R lillie rrom our tbea.e, btlt using as npology t he excuse tbat tb(lU,llt . ot Ru ssin alld absolUtism to-day at oDce brings liP Jallan and exlsUag condlJloD. there..... e cBII attelltlon to the ra'dl~ step taken when the mikado tD:.t8il9,a· his people .a cODstitution d ~" .,..,. " • lem of S'o v!!rllment of the~ J~"'bo ceased to be tha f of a.n .bIIolute ~ < arch)'. CtinU;TOP.lUlB.wi1lillT_ ~r~
va .
~ ,-
10L J IN
'l,r I:> C3
Staralbll!mull Ot 01'0811tld eyes, is oowm() wwlth oblldre~, "nd~]m~' ~'_ _ _~__ ~ Guod. plnoo tu ,B\IY 0011 Watohe s . Clcokl . l:!tatioDOry r" nlwllylllreBults from hyveriJlllt~oi>hla 'M.AROA KBT DnlRI KlON: Oblno.wft,ro . ' ~. i . , l:f that be IH!rfootly OOneotod .witb , Jewolr y Marg&r~t Ann Dldriok aen ' , , •' " Albino FIO~ pi) u",;h~, ~l" k." MogBv.lneR Silverw are O· (l t l' C ' l<tll~, gla@se stheor\ l88ello ondit-i onwill in' NowYo rk .oltyi OofobQ '. Bo<lklj ' IMi'l't!' hUl, rl hlll:\. lit hl,d aol' n t s . . . . WA'fC . a MAKIDR . &. ,II!lWE L~R. r '26,183 SewlDg ti, Maolliut!8" '" dlsl1l'p8Il,r dnd tho,l\ont)rnl hellolth nnd departe d this life Nov. a' tiohwllrt"'·K. , W A YNKsVtLLI!l. HlU 15, 11105, ._PhonuBrl1ph8 SewIng Machin e ' willd m llrovo. ; l1f(ed 70 years, and 21.da111. WM.oh, \.;]ock & Jewl'li'.v f(' pili ring. ',['heoorat,inl1t',1 S 'II'CUS, (If Iho 'l'rio. alld ,ReO(lrd . ,,' . Needles Mrl!. l{ rellger, of Osgood , 10diU:nll, tlho 9110me to\Var ren COunty with Ity M , E Ch,,!t· II hH'e~ Ih ll\ in t.111' !8I1YS: ,... her pl1t'ent8 Mid frp nt nlnk~ of lIlll ,il'III IUlTcrt.oiners . Nov. 1840, , No money 'Would buy ~\le lenses nnd res\(led .,f)ere sister, The TrinH v M ~: lIh.,ir nrver fAil ever • !SE!¢!It'" ~ th.,t have helped my little dauRht er tather died In Novem sinoe. Her . 1842 and Florenoe, four yenr" old so muoh. I mother undllrtoQk ·t ober, til plen e th" I" ..:.:" IInrliell COS whieh eduoote her IIlI! dooply grlltefu l to Mr. Potersp o. fl1th erle88' ohlldre n, alwlLYII greul th om . aod suoceed ed . F . A. Wi e, Osgood, Iml RlLyS: 110 weil that they both beoohlo 1111 011 Mrs. l , I\l Whitt) And We'll , Doctor , your I n es worked teaoher ", the subject of this 'I:lketoh l(larJl h H P' \('P.~ 1,'1" ... · busing yonr wonderll with my littl!) girl, 3y' coutint ling over II. verlod milliollr." of nearly y('ars old didn 't tbey? 1 would 50 YC"fsln that professi on. f",' '(l I,I ~ IISI " R Ul I ~1ll'lInl' RIllI NIB not havill bolle vCll it. oho nQver underto ok anythin g I h""n' EXI"'C'lo rlllll . ·' ~"ILI ii," ,I ~ If YO U don't, just drop' him n \lu~. withou t belug convioo ed thltt she .ltlllnl·y . tal oard and InquirQ I1bout \t. Allip Web Me,·k~ ~I ' 'HI' IL m ,d l oonld it R suocoss, howove r Annual Annual humblo the work/ WII~OIl tl.,· "t.t e "d lll~ 10\;. ItrA OIll · I'u no plRce ALL~TYLE OF EYE ,l:lLASSES wl1!1lt lUore exempllind phnoe eutortlliDlll8ut nt 'rO~8 Bull, WILL BID A'r GUSTI N'S. ified than ns II H.OUSE :~ ensy ... . most stylish, comfort ll tel1oher , at~~ted Thanksgiving Thanksgiving , Slltur<i'lY IlVen ill ~. NU I'emtlor 25. by the mu.ny who FOR l'HI~EE DAYS. ble lind -SlIfeRt oye gla@~ 0 0 tho now follow that noble 'olllllng Mr, ""11,1 Mr~- . •Josel}h '. Hll!ey, of M 1 Ottering Sala Offering Sale mRrket . ShnroJl , Finoh- iu rnot through her hell) and enoonm om IIY , l ' nes d (l.y lind W elloe8du.' Ellst WlLyue towDshlp, speut sever ge ·, I I I" ' 01\ styles of m ountings . Prices Dblen t 1\0 d d al da,VB rooen tly with Mr. ILud Mrs. Novem ber ~~, 28, uod W 10 'g III ",eno h er h ear t 29th I\ncl 1 relU!oDloble. 'l'wo yenrs guarlln - ~y thl\t nssurl1nce. . d M d every 'l'hirty Days ther ell[t·el· ,JO/jep II G rImes t lln . r . uu ltl r8 t She suffere d muoh ali her life ' I~ by lin ee on every se . ,TO/jepb Hisey, I'n Dayton . illness, but the last three month!! giving free eXILluiDl~tioo of HOME )FFJCE': U .B BUILD ING . , Mrs M C. Liddy hIlS beeo in:pllor wero days of intense sufferin g 10 the e!el!. Room 1.000. whloh 8holon ged for release, and to health for 80me time, and her A Common s "',I" e Tulk About I h e ~:)';-;:;-;;, DA ylrON, OElIU . be ta ken home to rest, but lu daugbte r, Mrs. Elizabe th Muson, of 118 nor"" ...., ,\1101 How 10 It.mcuy 'l'bOIll, D N'T FOHG&T TRF: DA1'J,; Leblulon, ami I1nother dl1ught er few putieno e 8he wl1ited till she heard from Shllroo , Ohio. huve been with the :weloome call: "Well dono, All perso!!s who sufl'er with hend oome up higher ," her t,hitl weck. 1I0ho O1o.y rest assured that defectiv e COl1cerni ng She united wit.b the LI1dlos ' hand Ull~ij 35 nnd 50 oent,s eyoslgh t is the c~use of about m fonr ~ MOU Form er Rest'dent·s. church at 'l'roy, Ohio, 11011Chrlstll at 801lwI1rtz's 0I18es out of five. Hyporm etropia triell to . live . ttll to hot' profe8ll1 or fltrsigh 0n . Though t is the princip big al oa use of ,Jamie Bogard us, whose leg was oonstan t' Xm as. i d I he. A byperm etro taken oft' by being r~n over by It. plo !lye isheadno tr e at t mes' b yeart hi y tr III IM, S 11e Insuffic iont olther in It Annouo oomen t 18 moll e, .)f thn still oiling to the hope tbut 18 In flUll- !rllin above Corwl-;t last StJ,pI. len~th or In Its power of its.refru ot s nmrrlo.gEl of ehu rles Stansb erry and Ohrlst 'JElbUS" and mor, IS now very happy 10 the sn.tls. Ing media, whioh OI1USes the forgRve UII focus to Miss ElIl\ Reck worth, whioh is t.o boped lind believe d sbe would " he faotory use of an artiflcl al-..l.lmb be tu ke -l.__ plnce .. Tuesda _ .. _ _ y. . Novem ber 2t1, forl1:iven. · t be thrown 'oward a point behlod the io Dayton . Mr. Stansbe . whloh WBS fitted las Friday In Cln- reti~a, is e)ll· Funera l servloe s wero oonduo ted resultin g in 0. ooostao t strain ployed in tho DR vis Sowingrry MRohine by Bev. olnnR~I. npon the ciliRry accomo ontion Fllot.ot'y, and the young l)8ople will Church . Pllllil> Trout; PUstor M. E . LoI!t-A round gold broocb, sot mnsoles aod nervesor g tllem make tholr hOllle In the Gem City. wltha 11m all pearl. Please return and in ttll'n affectin,gwearyin For Boys' Hio SUSllCUdol·t\ Men OM ~r,c wiuter U11llS j It what Is known JOHN STAJ!8DItRIlY Speollli BIg lot. ~ M~ MffiY Wt'lght , or leave at the as the third nerve or 1!)lDohtllut to qhoo>lll frol\l . the m otor Mrs. 'Vornl\ Kelley, of Dl1yton, ,John' Stansbe aze rry, 0 00. fQr many yoor8 For Mell's 3uo Worklo g' 48c Mell 'tI 7lio Iiel'vy 1'IUllb oouli , 110d throug h sympat hy OIIUS- hilS been eojoyio g 11 vl1cn.tio n of a 0. residen t of, Waynes ville, aled Mrs. 8. H. Ellis and Mi88 Dora lng extrem e disorde r in the Gloves. • Cups JJon't mll!>l this wh ole row weeks, II pllrt of whioh.she abont B o'olock Sunday mornin g. Ellis attende d the meetin g of the nervon s system . For . :llio String 'ries IlIlrguin. : SPlIl)t w:ith hrl' , Mr. und Formei' ll' (.;1ub at the haodso me Funera l service s were oonduo ted By the use of the leusos properl y Mrs. J. H . Cuskey , parent8 New funoy oolors. ' 98c ilig lot of Meu :tI Ill1d Rud other friends from hl81ate bome on Main Street home of Mr. Bud Mrs. samuel gro~nd lind fitted, the For Men 's 160 Blaek ILlld eye i8 .w ade III this vlolnlty . This week she by Rev Philip Boys' $1.50 SlIolDplll Hut~, Baughm auBtSp ringbor olastTh urs- artdlol al\y perfeot o.o~ the unage will spelDd 11 few do.YR with her M. E. ChurchTrout, pastor' of the Tau Hose, 3IIoir for 2uo, Fur Mm,'s allt."'1. bat day. and remain ed until Friday Is thrown upon the, rotina . Burial at 111am wlth.ou t frleod, Mrs. Floreno e Huddl.; . at Cemete ry . FOl: · Men'~ .Boo.vy Wool eveDiDg with relative lJ'ln that vlo~n. strain upon the oiliarY, musoles • ~ 111 el~rli!lr to the , Just Branoh Hill . For two yearR Mrs. Knit Hose worth double tnmSUII fllr 'l'he followi ng obltullt 'y WRS read 1'1. ." 00. ' as In the perfoot;~yo: Tllis For Meo's D~eHs Kid . Today, WednD!ldllY, is Donatio n the hel1duche, . a~ZZ1De8S, remove s Kelly hOH beer> snccess fully ongll.gD<l a t the funet'a l: t\u~ puir ()f M. u '" hli"'VY excesslV o In nursing . Gloves our '1.00 quality John I:)ron's berry was the son of Day at the Childre n's Hospita l on winking , wateJ;'lDg ?f the hlLlrlluu Clatltllruurll lI"Oljli, , Recomp enoe Ilnd Jane Staosb eny Moun' Auburn Cinolnn Rtl and th bllog spe1l8 and itohmg oueyo, tr~m Me~'si2. 00and '~~6 98c ZlUO pllir ur !:ioy II , lun~ ~.he h~s D. L: __ Grooe, a' who for ' quite a num. ,,. l~nd , w!'-8 e Anothe r commo n defeot IS I1Stlg. born In Wbeeltrig, West '. Heavv C/,rdlgn.n Jaok _ .... box of neatly sewed garmen,t.!l mlltlem . I:'llnw 11\ Mtr ',lUI{. dnr,llblo VI , In whloh the eye Is not ber of y'ont'8 has been eo)·ployOO 182 n d . mlltetll lis. in ' rg In I8, 0 tobe r · 12·h ~nd other supplie s has been ~oksd equally curved . , ~,o.o In' all merid . iIlDS. s tbe office of the Flum llUel FiresldA died at his hOIp.e , eta. tlpeol.!~, lo.t. , .. III! and forward ed to the !nstltut \on by tbat the foous Is not l>erfeot 300 pilI r of .Men 'k In WaYDes. on tll O lit· Springf ield, has been for 1\ feW' vUle, Warren 98c Mensli' uQoyW I18hVe stM 4lII • , hlluvyljl the Guild of St. Mllry s oh~rch. County :! . Out;or~IUroy . Ohie, Novem retina. . e weeks engage d on the UrbILnll News ber 19, 1905, nt the nge worth ,1.1i0 A big otfet'· plt n 1.11. • • o~ 7G YDlU'll, dherlfl' T. O. Patters on Mondl1Y Headl10hes mnsed hyastig llll1tism I ~hortly of tel' faklllg his oe, log. 1V posi 1 month and" days. ' • aold the farm bQlonging to the late n8ually bOgin with shootio . Ill! ijn Duzou Buy II' t:.. r g nn.lns in tion, . howeve r, Mr. Orane injur6(1 He WAS E~tr~ Large Size Ret! anll 9 Mr•. F~nlt , -'. PhUlllIS nel1r UtlCllo t.he baok of .the IUIltried to M~y Jane ' . <\UI·<.I1 L I}ilg ' PIIUtII, 5c whiohf tnl\lly his hand quite OOdly by striking it Cooper Bluo ' Handke rOhlefs . , .li'ellruary 16, la~3, 'a nd fot' "~U"or *l.~U JUUUII Men's ' Hel1vy , Ol1n.VAS tbe an: of tho GloveR, ,r eglliar 100•. 9nl111 91 aor8llin the farm lind It sold for ell, exten !lwn 1100 ,MIlII ·iI . flu" Urllllll of the neok muoh sufferin g but bas not- kept other!! joys at! well as the trials and 'l!!' 1'1l'lIl<1 ~ th,IL lieU tur . to the shouldet:B and frequoo tly tics f tee an aore. k cares onlte. Two them were b<>rn ",;l.00 oot tho spine, so tlll1t physlol' an him rom wor . Imll *~ ,5 0 .... Boys' good Sut\ll8nrlers, Ii ' , ,CoDduoto r John Franey , ot Co· diagnos e the 01\lIO as spinal ohildre n. three boys ' and three 4c worth 100 Durlng sale:lo ~4 trouble !!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!! !!lX 'Mlln ·.. I..'jl.thor nlld girls. Two or th'o ehlliJre n died be: InmbUl , VIBlted at the home of bls Other symtoDlS of IlstigUl 1(lI. : u"rJUrfI ,II 1ttI,.",,"lble lltism LOCA L AND aun', :Mrs. Auna Cook an~· tlUllilY, of at'e, a sen8l\tlo~ I&S , Ilf hl1lr fore their fathet'. The other fonr Est,r a ' hervy '48c Men s '" pUlling , Sweate rs tha~ ' 60ld for '1I"r.; ttl 00 ~r"Ue remain with thelt' fathet' to mOllrn ~tI lower Sprlog:OOro pike a couple aorenes s of the 8CIIolp, 7ti eta. I and diZZiness, PERS ONA L MEN TION the 1088 of their father. 1 100 l)o"i" U Uoy .. ' 2Go ' ltul!tl of daya last ,weel[ Rnd wlllie In the especia lly upon tl,lrnlng head . . ,Pllllt" (ll tlI tluoh OU.<I;'IOI Be etili8ted' ln the- service of his oonntry proved his skin ' with; the Those who sutIer fromthe M en '8 100 H eo.vy G rILY ·· , er ) t\ slight de The Trinity M, E. Choir at 'School country during the C gun by bringin g to eal\th a . num~r gree of astigma tism experiin ,Mixed Civil H08e, War 00180 on blno" ., '" oe"muo h Hall Th,.Br's dayeve oing, Deoem1)er7, Septem ber 5, 18G4, und'tILn oolurs . 25c f li ,O<lzen &lys Uordur oy and served until rab bUs. tro)1ble In reading . or doing olose !::lhavlng JUugs 15, 20 and 25 conte, he was honora bly dlsehar Men's Wool Hose; posl - . Kuee 1>1111 1.11, wort b ,500. ged n.t work more than thirty minute s at Bohwar tz'I!. C tively u 2Oo~ qn'llity to 18c Bo,,," tlullllOL WitI'll"', _ Oharlot tevllle, North Oarolln n,"July Corw in Union . . withou t vision 'blurrin g letters or . lines plok from . '" 12t;b, .\805'. Hei88rv ed.ln Oompa ny '. tdttZ8 4 to 1:1, :lou I(rl.llll'll:!. of type t'nnnin g togethe r, and Henry King, of Blue was 8 . .'l80th Regime nt, Infantt' y. Sabb ath Schoo l beCoi:nl S>9c ' Ftlr'1iOC / ~en lS Worklp lr 49c Ohllice lit nil· our 7hU . ng more or le8S mtted, callS oalled here Monday by the'Ash; nud dBlltb of He was a shoema ker by trode and '~ Shute, double floot unci ing exceeei ve winkin g or waterin g his, John Stansbe JIll, Buys' ~IOUIIIl WUI"I!!' 1 rry. worked at his benoh up to if: ' few RiIlPOItT J'OR NOVXII1lKB 19. bll:ok, black lind white stripe. · 25c ,BOY'I! UIlli,ffino"1l Kuoo of the eyes, With perhap s a slightly Thanks giving goods and 'prloea Rt days of biB death. He learned No'. of officei'll and 80holat's pres- intlam8 d oondltf on of the lId~, his Men'8 and boys', ~Oo lind a Mrs. U. M. White' s. PROt<!, wor ~ h doublo. . tl'lldew ell aild tint allou& 30: viBltors 10. ' :w'as cODBldered, a • f'- C . white Unlaun dered ~r8l!8, bloodsh ot eyebnoll. c ' a;;IJOOIIlI lot. llf Ohlldrefr'lI Preside llt R . F : Mosher , of the skilled woz:kman . . He will be great. Rev. tenned y; of C1svelan4, gave ShiFts. All these tt'ouble e can be entirely Citizen s Bank, cu,mc down from · , Q! IjlUlU. Uouhle. \)r\llUlted hiB Iy misBod & &alk on the subjoot : "No, excel- l'emov~ by the many who brough t Fot' Wa.y's 2Go ' !iLutIler1l !::lults. by .w Mrlng a pr9per cor home nt Cardin gton MondRY e.ven . him leD08 withou t Ifeat labor. " their work. tIome ears ago reotlon of lenses, and wi thou t the ing to $pelDd a week here. . ' .the 600 grades go tor 3110 tlpeoil1l lot of ullild. he united· , with the Cht'lati an Rev. Bawldn a, of Wayne 8ville, use of drugs ot'surge t'y'. J')peotallot 200 l,1mbrel1&'e tIP. .180 greeted DB wltb hiB kindly rens'do uble·br eaded Churo.h and was baptize d Int.o Its Boulht For to rs~i1 Bale-6~ f~r6Go .hB olean Soits. .. carpet rRg8, fellows hip. amlle. For his hel"' all are thank. '. out , and sewed. loqulre of Mra·. 13c Men 'II aud }JoyS' 20c;l Rub: Q'n His eart,hly life is don. e. God, tul. Hope to see1" him often, .for lIere are some ChlJdre ns' . doubleMIIor t , · Who Know , bel' Colla"! , all Bizee. .9 t) . ,!J; OIIl1e~ ,his spirit bence . . We will lay every eamest worker lielpaj not , brellste d Sulta 'wUh Read ~hat,Th~y Say. Attorne y L. M" Hender . 3c ~on .500 aod Dozen Men'. white ~Xtrtl pantlllCi.O(l _ ' his body ~o reat In the grave, .be. only 'hell' worda, but their presenc e OaaOOD,Ind.-:-Mr. and Mrs. " Peter- Mr. and Mrs.'Ch arles S. Moore hnve lievlng that God , Is .n encorag ument. ' and Fanoy aemstl~hed .tile Judge of all son: Before usmg your glll88es I r uroed to Wllshlo 49 . OhUdre nll\ OvercO ats, gtou after the earth will do right. J!'.thera and mother s, come bring snlfere d with headao ho aU the ' t:laridk~roblefs. . tIP ' . out long. 8 to III, SS.5Q time Sll nding , ,a couple of. weeks at the boys and girls and Bee if we' by My oye-OOl 8c ,Men'l A No.lhea vyOar. i. qnalltle ll. ls aohed the sharp Wayne sville. ,God's help, and our united effort pain throbbi ng in myR,nd MRS, ,S~IlllEl.. SlUR!! '. '. dlgl\n Jaokets worth'1 .5u t.emples WIIS 49 Chlldre ns' Q,virpoatll, ClAD make this Union Sabbat h t'oo.lly distreSSing. I often Dledat her home 19c ,For regulat ' ~Go grl1d'e of 4lII ~ had very . 'l'ho~e wJ\utln gplotur oll by Chrl8t- dl1Y, Nov. 18, .ft.-er In Troy' Batur. 8Ohool the beet In the County . .. , gradua l de· Bevere slok headao hes also. When milS will hl~ve to be in for Police arid Firellla~ 'II qultl\tle s.' out .extra long, IG.OO sitting by oline , 01'11: WHO DltBffim TalC In hoolth extendi ng ovet' a Bnepen ders. I tried to sew Ot' read ' everyth iog or on the 9th of Decem ber, . , '" liS we yel~r or more~ Abortt nine day. Men's 600 Heavy Fle~ WELFARE OF A.LL. looked mixed np or blurred .. 95 1(ouths ' LoD~ Over. cannot pirolllls ~ anythin g taken bQfore het' death she wa• . strioke n ~ Lillii'd. Ut\det'w ear.: . A big !!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'''!!'!!!!'!!!'!!!!! • Your oorreot lon for f6t' Blgbted ness later tban that for sure. 01)8n OOl1te,. 14 to 20 yool'll !! man I SAt. with paralysUt, and 't his was 0108ely ' worth 16.00 175 to sell· haa put an end to all my trOUbles, uruay only. , Lester ,B~h~. followe d by two other st'rokea. Men's KOod qllllllty 8us· 5 95 YOQt~s' Long ;O,ver. • for I havon't bl1d an aohe Or pain in Miss Lillie Benham toa,oher In . . Her ,.., peDders, t'egall1r 26 value age was flfty.six years and my bead and In reRding. everyth iug Room 2, hall'hee n slightly '. Ooote,1'oI..&O 2~ ·.¥J!Bt'8 Indisp~ed 7 months . 25c Spe.oial big lot ',of !l'Qjl oot iD 'he latl!l't tltyle, worth.$ shows . up olear and dlstino tly the a day 01' t,wo tala l3. week and her Mrs. Searl former ly Uve4 In Day•. Th.a aks,K ivia g Necikw eat, new :pattem s. momen t I ,glance at ,i t I olin work plJlce In sohool hll8 been ·Youth .' Fine Long tilken by ton and was for. a numoo ?c I)a'ft ' )ten r' of 8 yean 11 Fioe En~1I8li any length of time withou t tirlog MI88 Olive Par8hal l. . ,. " Uverooatll, 1-1 to .20 SecretllorY of the . 86ars family Re· d rib~ fleeced Vnderw ear yea,I'll, ~ '1~ OJ) value. .. my eyes. .: . _~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'''!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ union and a valuabl This great event Is almoet at hand er of·· the You have the priv}lege C Ml?n s Egyptia n ' health ~ iO: 50 Special lot of Y ou~hs' .II organiz ation. 8he ihnemb and we can help you to prepare my nlme if it will be of Rnyof using .~I. is 8nrvive d by : . Underwe~r, G~ qualitie s. 'lP fl. nse to .U'.()O ..nd '5.00 tlnlts ber husban d, two marrl8d IOns Rnd f it b I In 4 9 C Fot' Childre n t\. Buster· to clelln out. Gratefu lly yourll, '. Z I M MER or MAN y supp y g your tlv,er;v you, ' 8 . a wide olrole,of mourni ng friends , Mrs. MYRTI,E RKYNOLJ)S, Brown Sweate rs, sold Ill! 5' 95 Y til' Among those ,from this vJolnlty need. The hest spioea and flavor· elsewh ere for USc. Osgood , Ind., 4lII. R. R. No, 2 ou s J. Inp; who attende d the fUDeral Monday For Olrls' GOo red blne . . ~d double Fresb 1m !timore HA'b DOOBLK VISION. 23 C brown and white afterno on'; were: "rams; I. N. Best seeded RAIBins 100 to 120 a lh. Hatfield style, , Mr. 18:00 yalues . Mrs. Pea1'8on, Tadmo r, 0., ft, R OYS TER S and Mra. (...'h88. Beare Mrs. RobQrt Men's and Boys' 600 ~ Cleaned Cnrren ts100 a Ib; Citt'on No.1, snys: 48 Youtbs 'Snlt.s, al190r. 24c ___ ·Dre8s. Caps, 'A big treat: 4lII.' 88ar8, Mrs. Jennie Elliott, MJ;s . 200 Ib Fi 1"- Ib N . root 8hapeS, regular d te a ., Home Grown Colery gs "" ., ew a s 14 My eyes were getting so wen.k and Boys' wlntl,lr 0111>8 II lot of 110 value . . Welling ton Squire8 and MI'II. Mattie Sc a lb., New Almond s, English pal.ned me so muoh CosIer aDd 8Ister.t n-law. . C .our hlg grades. . that I did oot Fancy Crnnbe rries 85 Specie! big lot of Walnut s Brazil Nuts l'esnut e _ know what to l10. I had hlld 44c Girls' LlI.rge tllze Wool them ' ¥outha ' Suits Ularked MBII. SARAH THROCK MORTON All Mixed goode 10 ~ 2Oote. a ib' l exnmin ed by so~~ who were Tams, regular 7Go ,values down fruin '12 and 113.60'. regardSnccom bed to the roval08 of con· , 1 Fauc) Florida Omngel ed us good optiClans, but though l I I Mixed Nute 12Yo ots. a Ib, New hall some rollof they never sumptl on Tuesda y ovenlng , Novem . r~emon8. BlIonallHf, comPrunes 3 Ibil. 250. Oraoge s 30 to pletely overonm e the diffioul ber 14, after a lingerin g illnoaa $5.4 8 Special lot of Men's ty. My '48 Men's ' Overoo ats In whioh sbe tt'ied In vaIn to conquo r. 40 oents 8 doz. Banana s 100 to eyes soon tued of any olo"e Suite mat' ked down • oxford work flUloy mix. FOllcy Now Fig~ After the doath of her hnsban d from our 18 Rnd 10 lines for this turel!. Prices wereI1Dd llio a doz, Ma1aga Grapes 15c to Rnd then .p aioed me, 1118 anll $8 1i0 an~ wheo In Fllncy AJlJllo~ several yearM ago, sh~ Rnd het' two 200 Ib big Thanks giving sale, thnt conditIOn slDall obJeots olose These are speclRI big offerlng 8. a . young sons continu ed to occnl1Y the by or ]lerSOns a few feet distant up 85 About 500 Men's suits 85 Men '8 blaok lind ox· farm, south of Waynes ville, but 4lII, Collrso Sn it by the Brlrrel in all the newDBt fan· pearlld double . 1 was driven olmO/jt • ford heavy Irish Frlll'1.8 ' O finding Its oare too burdens ome, e1'S Oele 1'Y. orl1zy. I cotJsulted Mr. aod Mt's cy lind plalo colors. Rel.u lar Overco ats, Equal to IIny 112 they moved to Dayton , where ber .As Ulual we will have a large Peterso n, whose examin prlOtlB were '1~ aud I\U:·l.50. sold In DH.yton. ation was .. Buokw beat fiour & Pan t::lLke older 80n, Geot'ge, was drowne d In snpply of 'he very best Oyste Ill! 75 Men's swell the most cn.reful lind thorolllf h I new 11 50 Men's hOllvy IQng' 1J0ur, the river B few years ago,' Her U lioil~x l3yrup 4lII , snits In worllteds, I(lI both in balk and oans. • and nle(lium iength I'S, ever had lind decid.ed to wear the other son Is now bQr,eft ohevlot indeed. ROllO of s and Sharon ca88lm Syrup erel, . slogle . or Overoo ats 10 blllOks, oxfords and , lenses they ed. My eyes Mrs. Tht'ool These will be receIve d dlreotly rested , mypresorlb nnorton 's double· remain breaste s d styles, "15 and noveltie s. A r~tllar 1,111:00 value vision is perfeot , the were brough t to Corwin Thursd ay f!oom Baltim ore by fust express annoyi ng douhle vision 116.50 values. We IJay Ilurhig lillIe for 'UIlO. hilS diso)) and funeral aervlce s conduo ted in and will be wllitlng for you when pea red aod I know that Mr. $14 5 Men's tiDe Mnd . ' Men's best Over: Rnd the mortuar y; ohapel . by Miss Hen· ' . mode 8ults in pll1ln yon drive up " OCl1te j all Mrs. Peterso n most skillfnl opprl). rlettl1 MooJ!e, l)lIJ!tor of the Univercolor8 and the .new fllnoy mix · per ml\lerla ls to seleotthefrom . tiolans by whRt they "COOllll)li~ht\d . salist churoh In Springf ield. tuers. There suits would oost These coate were nInde to retail in my oase wheo others hlld fnilell yon 120 a~ any other store. The Market way get hlghor for 118 ~nd 120, ,r ZOO lbe of good Paokin g Butter COULD NOT REOOG NIZE Colored Pictu re HIS Watch Our Egg Sign In to WI our oroer must be well FRIEN OS A9ROSH THE STREE T frollt of the store. Enter tainm ent. 250 Gold Bond worked and grade fairly good lit Werier P. McKay , Xen.lo, say": Coupon s Rev. Madon Crosley D. D. will lean. My lenses, fitted by Mr. und MrL' gl ve an iIlnstru ted lecture at the Get the Habit, go to PRICE. 16o a pound. Peterso n, give suoh perfeot relit and eure an Ridgev ille obQt'oh, NovembQr 27, at satisfao tion that I would not tllke ZIM. MER MAN 'S 7 :30 .o'clook . The looture will bQ Rant "50 for them if I could nat replnce ' on 8cotiaD d and Illnetra tod with OfOoar ee them, for my vision, both :near and finely colored views. ' Waynes ville, Ohio. far, Is muoh improv od. A<lmls sion, 6. ~nl1-10 cents.
'T 'B' OU · TER
Dayton, 0 h io,
6fT BUSY! ' ,BUSY!!, BU1Y!!l
'Kon CDIE Nil '
Kon tOB E
NOV, 18 to »Et, 2 '
NOV, to QECJ Did You Ever Hav e Sueh Big Bal'g ains Offe red to You? Just a Weeki; 'l'1n Clll'istmas, T"w ill paw· to law in a sup ply of thes e offe rin. for
GoldBondCoupons'givenwilhPurchases A
Here We Go! 8e 23c' 10c
Here We Go! 10 e
$1 39
25c ' 75c
- -
$1 69
l ' 39
1 15
~W::r~es ~~~!Ip8~:O~ ~~~l!e ~~~ hea~h h
~~e~l1lf;;, o~htl~~ ~i:so~:~e ~~ :':d !~::t:a~yn1:~r:h:~~~r ~:
Gl3 38 .
16 c
1ge . 38e
4i" '1 75 .
Fea st
33 151\
$7 '48
6 49
ya t
WaD ted- -Bu tter .
.OeFg~os New Goo ds.
$14 50
VOL ,XLVl . NO. 26.
WHOL E NUMB ER :t Il'/,! , Accid ent atMII I 'resul ts in ' thoUo On the Plut of the nerves. but PERSONAL ---AND ' Anot her Horse Stole n. Corw in. Death of Harve ysbur g, Jame s Miran da jl the ClLtllMlls not clear. . LOCAL NEWS' I , Thief Soon Captu red. Altbou gh the Wayne8 vllle Flour S . S. Patton. of Lllwre ncovllle. I1 Wi)hur Wil~oll i~ IIll\.kill , ofam(jM MINnd .. ,,, lifelong re~ident Mi\llso~fl of the oldest .ln '" hi .. IIn, .t, this part Albino Flour 60 oents R sllck. . Uarll:lm ith, (L Hon of Charles Smith l1Ilnui s, is spendin g Mevorlll duy .. 1 Lb::d e fit !:Iu hinn \' vi.,it , 'HI 1 of W tlynesville. W'lS Ihe victlUl of a l of Ohio, It is HIlld that this l'," 'c"v aoolclent Ell M. King. of Blue Ash, WIl.S a Jiving north of WayneSVille. came with l\!rij. Hope ::';tiJes nnll dn ugh- rell 8un deli verin~ IJupm'!< t~rriblo" lI ouid8nt' at the Waynes vIlle tf) Mr .. Mirand a Is t,be first serious Wayne sville visitor Monday . fnr ""'I' i 10" to town Thursd ay eveniug and ter, and brough t wi til him his In his II bsence Flour Mill~ Thur8d",y mornin g. aooldent ,that hns ever occurre d In ' M M U . It ,1 f I .1 hitched his horse on 'h Millmi ~('8 ultf'd str eet In motherless hobe which wi ll b.£1 ten. .TeRse Clllrk nud fJlDlily, of 111 "~ do" tIl. nfter I the blstory of the mill. wblc -, .. rs. ~ erry Colum _ pp VIS Cu r enus ...,. C Plilil in Dayton last week. derl J.. careel for by Mrs , 8tt..le.~ , nenr ~!. , I p8 ' store, Intentle sullerln g, ~l\t,urday evenIng , 1 O-tU ret Ry t 0 VillI . 't OARD Oi' THANKS bu s. cume (o\\'n """ RI ht t i d . ht' . t About half d paRt ~ seven It ed ' wns I dis. II Wm, Ne<1ry , of HIlI-veYHburg. with rel,,!.i vel' of tbls and Clinton M r . 'or . our thanks Bluan awn .. eugllg g n 0 s ye8 lin We desire to expreBB rig prloes a covered that Mis L I . 'thi lI lS '. the horl:le and buggy ~pe nt Ing tbe macbln ery ILnd when the to 11.11 kind friends and neighbo . . F r Id ay W m eces . 1\',.rs. co un t ,y o rs II lOCO n. . . had disappe ared, About aooldent ocourre d was on t,be sec . h the Alice McKins ey ami Miss Lillie ' I hid P . B. Cl eaver WII8 In town Mon. Henry Jny had II. VISit t!unday same time it wns discove red BO Wi'11 \Dg Y e pe aD(1 corn. fr Mr .h' ond floor of the mm. reaohln g up to fw t0 d Nectry. f'l .• M B df d f dilY oversoeill'" re""I'F9 ond bull.d lng i d be t . om IS r en .. , r , ra or ,0 or e that UII 'George ... n .... Jackson a well known S8 ~ reavem en , South Charles toll. Joseph Jnm,es. of Cllnterville. uncI ou the l)rOperty oil some COgtl, tbe gearing In which especia lly to onr • occnple d by Dr. nr. Ems, Dr . Sher, , . charnct er abont t-own anu who hILS Mrs , Mercor. of Hnrvey shurg. spent Ellison be was Oftught being to the right of WOOd, Dr. WrlJ:lht and Dr. , ~teven8, 'Ihe lrlmty M. Ii:. Choir draws been in troubh, on numero us occn him and about on 'Il level ·with bis for tbelr kind 8ttentlo ns '. · Sunday with thoir rclnt.ives •.!tulles l '1'1 L d ' . • A'- I to Mr. Illrge Iludienoes wherev er they go. slons. was also mls8lnB t t M . waist. . HaiDe~ nnd fnlllily. Ie n Ill!! Il me II. rs . McClu re"thes lngersa nd Rev. Trout Mr. E. S. Hanby hod the plea8ur Bent Cleave r' .. llLst Wedne sday. e The Wayne Townsh ip Protect ive Be 'was woorln g a lOOlMl overcol lt for words and songs of oomfor Mrs . John Bradbu ry. who has Bad a fine visit, mInglin t. g that Sunday wltb of baving II.S ~IS guest. his Associa tion at onoe began IL vigor. unbutw ned, and tbis probab ly first been sjJ6nding Bome time at the Pnn their Aid clutle!!. MRS. MIRANDA brotber from Centerv ille. OUB effort to recover the stolen rig. Hllndle " oaught In the cogs 0 f t h e gearI ng . House went SuturdlLY to AND FAMILY. MIs8 Mettle Flnob. of Dayton , IS telel)honlng to all the surroun . ' , The Wayne sville sherill pIlI!8lld thll marks of the 1II1111hlnery show: dmg ·tnke up her residen ce at the FrIends I h I 'II 0. Rnest of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph towns that ItI h ' night., followi ng thi Ing p. I In Iy In t h e 0011. t • H e man , s up Bon.rdiu g Home In Wllynesville, . ' th~OfUg I tour dVlt nwge hWI ItoI' CorseH eath of 0 Mrs. . Bisey, of East "oj ayne ~ Townsl t t f Ie thi llp. cap h ure with a · postal ns IIg oords n ed deSCrib . . ing the Mr Patriok Clark and family will al: to ge" au , 0 8. owevel', d 1 t k Nath an Lupto n Mr. nnd Mrs. Senj. Hawkin s ml8Blng . ' as wee . outfit. which were sent .bnt It 18 lIuPllOlled that In dQlng tlO out in a few lIays occupy thmr new one I\.y . • served 0. dinner I::lnturday to two by an early mlll\l the next mornin g. houae built in Lem'mo n's Additio n , . While ~he hog he either fell agaln8t the cogs, 01' Mrs , Nathan Lupton , died at her old friends Mes8rs I, E. Keys s~emetb to be loa.· ILnd and that dlLY details of membertl the warmu s whloh he was wearing h Miss !\pphia Miller spent Batur . 109 In hiS finanCial preateg e, Rid UJ W d da . " the ome nea.r e hed th gev e, t e nes . y,. Thoma s J. Brown. f It B arc produc t of the soratch y old hen e ~un ry or . wns caught, and hil:l right arm after many months of sufferm day and- Sunday with her sister.. \ hns grad ually forged g, The ItS way many Into friends WIIS drawn In nnd orushed , being of Mrs Luther Friday evenmg n telepho ne rues- Mrs Ed Retnll\c k near Uregon death being caused by cancer ia . t ' .• 1 t bl out off above the elbow . .. db bee , d f . h "I ' f f ' ' . • , !:!eUers will rejoloe that she is muoh 8ag~ wMrccelv~ . 1es ue eo a e an as ome rom t e v lie . 0 Mrs. Kate Jobn8, of Manor, was aeOOle Funera l service s were oondnc ted Improv ed liner a long Dnd rivill witb tbe diamon d king. U. M. Robltze r, ' p~c;>prletor of tbe from. her late home Friday very Poh~ at Wasilln gton C. B , saylllg IL guest of her son Harry Rev John8 and . th ' . serious illness. 01111 . WIIS just enterin g .the lower Carrier e rig had b'oen f oun d the re an d wife Friday. Ed Lukens Ims nluety· three hogll , of Mason . and pll8tor of F Re t-60 prepari ng for market In the'nea r f 11 Jaokson , who had been making door of the mill wben be heard Mr. t·he Univer salist cburoh at Rldge- d o~ ton Is. ' :~e arni w,e ellorts to sell it, wae under MirlLnda Kave n ory of distretl8. and ville,of floiatln g. nrrest. , . future. The Mid pigs are I10Il anJ:a t a~ Era R~~g Wacco . I~lqu~e ConstlLble S. G. Joy and Mr . Chus. . knowin g sometb ing was wrong lie Lytle . Prof. W. H. Venable. of Ol~oin. ~ F ~. N ' 4 1 ey, aynesv I ions for tbe flLt produc ing elemen t e, -, Smith went to Wallhington, the rushed to the power wheel and had nllti, a life.lon g friend 'of the n8 Ed can be to have them thua deoeal!- . . . o. . COD stable returni ng with the prill. t.lltl machin ery shnt down within ed, WRS present and paid a 1>1 r. Burt Stnoyes ba ve been all shaped, judging from the beautif ul squeal Miss Belle Daniel ie enjoyin g her oner ILbout noon Saturda y, while having a severe siege of tonsillt is. tbey put up twice a 16 to 30 lIOOonds. uarl Servis was tribute to her' lIfe and worth. day . . first month' s vacatio n from duty Mr. Smith drove tbe stolen rig home. hut 1L11 better at .t hls writing . als~ at work on the MIlle floor with Mrs, Lupton waa p088eaaed Jacob Sears and wife were OBlIed of slnoe her ontranc e aa Durse 10 t·be Jaokson Wll8 taken before Esqr. M.r . Mimnd1l, but, out of IIlght, of h\m ' mllnya dmlrab le. traits of charao Mrs. Sid Lamb and son Stanley : to tbe bedside of their daught er-Inter Nationa l Military Home at Dayton O . J. Edward s early in tbe after . were umong tb o Dayt.on shoppe rs on I~w, Mr8 . Elmer IMlMnse of interve ning maohln ery. Bnd t,hrongh .her long illness Sears, of .Dayton 8he nine years ago. , nooo, where he waived exnmlnu.. Sa.turday. Dr. Tbom811 ~herwood, Dr. J. T. bore her sufferin gs pa~lently MondlLY· Word came that she was and Rot water bottles at J . E. Janney s tion Ilnd WtL8 bound over to await }<,:11111 and' Dr. !t. 'I'. Wtlght respond . withou t oompla int. Mr. Milton Olark and wlfo 8un· very sick and desired to see them, • Mrs. ~Itb Harris la visiting herl the action of the Grand Jury. He dayed with WlLsh Parlet·t unll fnmi - \ hanoe, they drove lid to hurry calls and did all that She 18 survive d by her husblLnd, niece, Miss Edith Mosher, at to Spring Valley Gam. Is now In oharge of the shorill lit Iy nen,r FI ve Poiut 80hool 'was poIIIlblfl for the Injured man. oue brother , 'Dr. Keever , of. house, ,und took the traction from there. Center . bl&r, Ilnd will eat 'I'hanlte glving din. Lebano n , Mr. Albert Cornell and wife' spent : D. W . Meeks, of Waynes vllle,wl 'Friday ' the ann' was amputa ted at v1l1e, and two slstertJ, MlsB Jl ' . Mary ner wltb her at Harcou rt Place The Protect ivil Associa tion ollered Sunday wltb Albert Cornell .Jr. near i jtlve a gramap the IIhimlder, bnt MI'. Mlrand a's age A. Keever and Mm. Julia hone entertalnmen~ Stanton . Semina ry. where she IB at school. a reward of t211 an(l Carl Smith the Ferry. and the, nature of bls Injorl88 gave at the U. B. Church In Baney s. ' , MiBB Anna U. Brown expects to same amoun t for~the I\rreet hiII f,8m II yan d f r Ien d s Iittle 'h ope 0 f Conc ert by Trlnl tv of the Mr. Jaoob Lacy, wife and two burg next Saturda y night, Deoem· . ." start this afterno on, Wednes . st 0hi Id r?n a f V lLyto~ thief and the re()overy of the horse yonnge · ber(I :30 his rOOov~ry, and Saturda y evening 2. and Thethe doors willinment be opened spent at Cbo(r Decem ber 7. to Berea, Ken~uoky, where she day, enterta will will and bnggy and thi8 was paid .be passed llway. to the Sunday wltb Sherma . n Dyke and begin prompt ly at 7, A -.ariN pro . vu,1t among friends for a few days Chief at Wl1oIIhlngton. family. Funera l 8ervloes 'Yere oondnoted . Tha people 91 Wayne sville . : gram is promise d .. ' Everybody, will returni ng home BIlturday evening. The effeotiv e work of the Protec· ,fl'~1)l ' hiB I~te home Monday after. have an opportl lnlty Mr. Berne Jones u.nd wife, Will ntteod, . ThurlUlay SeGure Bome of the bargain s In tlve A88oo1atlon Is being general ly Cornell Rnd family, Morris Cornell Marion lloon by tbe Rev. Philip Trout, and evenlnK. - De.cewber 7. to Van'l'resH8nd wife nrrlved liaten to oorrect milline ry at out prloe!! at oomme nded, and the policy pursued Mnd Wife and Harry Cornell and fam. here Thursd was attende d by a large conooo rse one 0 f the d nest oholn ay from Yellow Springe . in 0 hlo. Mi8B Grace Lincoln ·s. , . and will visit In WlLrren and C1ln. In this case of pU8hlng It to.a finish lly, all dined on Sunday wltb' of ":vmpathotlo friends. Jrlowers T~lrty perfect·ly trained voices Will ton oountle s for several weeki . We wlll ' Mrs. Mary E . Burton , with her will have 1\ wholes ome effect In BurgdlLll and wife. were eeiat .. eUen' tOkens of regard render \' program of varied had the pleasur e of an evening with musica l son Charles , of Blanoh ester. return. preven ting the 81tea1ln g of horsel or to Ille stricke n family and their be. seleotion9 . ,Every one. who has ed. to her home Our new churoh lights were lit on them and Mr. and Mrs. Hartma n of Monda yaftern oon other effects oM membe rs of the Saturd aveven loved dS.ld. A quartet te of' singers h eard thls '0 h 0 Ir I8 en th usI I I lng for a test, tbey near Wilmin gton Thursd ay, The I10IIt 0 n after a plO88&Dt visit wltb her sons .Assoclation. " V a n Tre88es are former reeldentil of rendere d leverai 'hymDs . were found all Mtisfac tory and this. and would be better satls1led . . its praise. Jesse and Alonzo Burton . It has been sugges ted also, that were put to use on Sunday evening \ - The followl na ~ltet~h was pre , If they could nrrAnge to return to The membe rs of tho choir ara ThOlle wantin g ploture s by ChrlBt. the A8Boclation arrange with the at tbo }>reachl.n g servico. pared ~y a friend /Ind ' .r ead n.~ tbe glviug 'heir Um!! to rehears the fold. al8 a~d mas will have to be In for sitting by parties at Martins ville fODe~l: who own the " BOln to Mr. and Mrs. Luch Clem. ' ." , prepara tion. A81de from their Frank Wilson has ordered paint th 9th f Deoe be a ~ bloodho , unds to train one of their ons Wednes day a ten pound Boy. l for car fnre they or on e James. son of Milton lind Amelia actual BXnAnlM for 0 tbe exterio r of Central Hotel. m r, s e d I ... 11 t oannot promis e anythin g taken pg8 espec a y 0 t·rsok h ors6ll, d Mlrand l!,waa born In Morrow , War. mue abeolut ply no oharge' does not propose for Franlt Har· an Mr Frank Duke went to Brown He for their I t tb thJlt ~ I fla t . 0 h S t In case of a bere have them s. All the profits from this ~.:'~ I\n . r s to or s~~~te' Spen a . b'rough t over -theift ren ooonty , dlito. August 18, 1836, ' service un lura on t e oppoilUe ~~ once . This . matter Co" on ~rlday to u"""yo purohll.8 n l O y. 1\ fine co~ner and move around Ulte he was ' ....... .r pa.h r. and died In ' Waynee ville, OhiO, entertal~ment go into the ~.. ooon is reporte d. Frnnk lOVell Rome' strlDgh alted when It t. so unnatu ral . may be brougb t np at the next , Comlnlt fund. ' The enterta Ilnd unbeco ming to one so natural ly inment given by Trini· Novem ber ,21l', 1905j 'aged 69 years a tl . Ito hunt If t h line coons IInll thllrefo re It unl\ssu ming. I f X: I . II h I Thursd There are other old Dooe be 7 III S month~ and 7 days, mee ng . r takes d . e peop e 0 tine dogs 'en a are wi Ing be 'YO 0 r f h ;y, t wheeze rs In town that would do m rt ,w , Be waa m.arrl8d to. Eliza QaVl8 to 0 this muoh In oonnec tlon with thls--th eft a We nre I d' to see Aunt Mary well to imitate Harris' exampl for Wayne sville,. one 0 t e n ; oonce B ev;r good st-ory Is told on the Wllmln e and ' Septem ber , ?, 1811', at. ElUlt Walnut pught not the people of g- . .. g IL paint their bOIM)8. the town given before a ayneav ille au Iton 'rhe Clinton county Miller again among us. 8m. CtnclnnatC - where the first and vlolnlty do their part by greet. ence. A few evening s ago lOme of our sheriff receive d neW8 of the theft .. ' f' The churoh wall tilled to the altar young Ulen equippe d with tin ' t \ tng tbe oholr with a pa.oked hoose? For Colds use "Red -':88r 0 their w eel'd' ed If I Spruoe e WIUl spen. and Ti t . III be I -, J , d on Sunday evenln!r. Why? BeCII.use buckets , etc., of the musloa cans, The fOII<~;';lng year they mov~ to " 0 ke ta,w ' to ... Id b J E Jns as b e was go.Ing to bed, an ?n BR e a anney •s Uherry 'E xpeo l type, , he ran.. 80 y . . and I).ia depidy got up !lnd. took tbey can go now Bnd see the preaoh- trudged Wayne sville' where' they have slnoe drug store at ,4 0 olock" Friday, over to C. J. Moore' De. Janney . s reat. 'heir station s on the two road. lead. er withou t 8traln! ng their reelUed, . with tlie ezoeptl on of two oembez: 1. All senta one price, eyes . for ~enoe to 8erenad e tbe late contraot;· 25 ' Mrs . Ava Ebright , Mrs. Llna De· Ing from Waynes vUJe ihtG WU. our new lights are In use. years at tbe ' TelegTaph Milia and oents. ~~~!)~~e:~;dl;tc~!~:~ei11D~:: Vltt and Emmor S. Bally and fam. mlngt-on. After a long two two at H8rvey sbul'g. hOtlre Anothe r oonutlf nl day to sta.rt their instrum ents when • ,The GlI1,ette hopea that every ily will spend Thanks giving 'Com It at the walt in the oold night, the deputy the new week with. Be waa 'a miller by trade (1\8 was Citizen of the commu nity will Let everyo ne emerge d from the door with a shot take home of A. Q. Brad8tr eet at Alex- heard the sound of 0. buggy being tMe advant age of tbls fiue weatbe his fatber' before him) hav'lng been 0. persona l Intere8 t In making r' gun and elevatin g the piece perpen. thla andervi lJe. rapidly driven into town. By the for It Is just our pet wellthe connec ted wlth 'tlhe ':Waynes-vllle conb~ a dfinRnC!al bIlU~8B r .now. ~1~:;;:~1~g I!~a ~~~esg~ ::~~::id il ' ;~e Mrs. James Clark and daught er, light of a f1lokering street lamp mills nio~'Il'or Ie.. for forty yearS. aPnud bO eRn ~lsO Yh uytong the Impede flight, and now tihey say c ned~ Miss Jessie Clark, whp bave been deputy saw it was- a bay horse and Twice before th~ aoolden t that Mano y urg nK ot ere r. bullets whistle d around their headS atte spendin g a few months In rocms In red geared buggy. He drew his caulMld, bad his clothin g ~~!~ only Is the enterta inment and limbB. The atmosp here was flrst. MI8B 'Emma Helghw ay's house, wi II gun, called for the driver to halt Bow mally will t.hlnk to return too warm for them. We have , had been caught In the machin ery 0 _" but It Is In II. good cause . soon move Into the Bank fiat, reo and shontef i "whe. " to the ? oluded tbey sailed over In tlae con· bal· horlMl. thankl tomorr ow. of the mill, and by h-Is prosenc e of loons, as C. J. declare s he ~ointed 'oently vacated by Mr . Roy Irons The anlmal 8toppe d, and the mind and . ellort on bla part I driver The fanller s are all busy huskio g I the gun 8tralg~t up. The young K. of 0, E. Elect ion. and fllwlly . til ad hi with 1\ .J·erk of ttle lines pulled it Corn this line weathe r, If f II Illlen were not scared In the least;. f8~~ 8IlV mse rom an ear er : Plllll8tlne uastle, Knlght a of the See the ~reat bargain s In winter back on Its haunch es. but tremble d from BXoltement. Mr. and 1k8. Luco Ulemol1s are "They He ' wall bonest and uprigh t In : Golden. Eagle, will meet in haven" done anyihin gslnoe .' 8tated milline ry at MI8B Llnooln 's, The deputy grabbe d t,he bridie, happy over tho n~rlval or an eleven Mr_ every SlIMe of the worll, and exptiot 1,_lon Ji)'lday evening , Decemb and Mrs. Levi Jell80p had ali er ,1. Mrs. E . L. A lien nnd scn Steuart , and careful ly 401dlng a line In one pound ' Ith hi d 11 boy at their house ThursdRY their ohildre n and Mre. D. P. Hawke ith rhe annual election of officers Will of Norwoo d and Master ed th e lIl~e w Donald s ea ngs w I hand and his revolve plaoo .. I\nd all membe rs a r e ' r In the other, mornin g. men. Genero us and kind, he was take for Sunllay dinner and Albert; Mer. request ed to be pl'fl8ont . Allen, of CinCinnati, already I wor ked h IR way back to tbe a_t rd boggy always ready apd willing toR8Bist Mr a. Kate Johns and daught er, r Itt tln Is hed h us kl ng corn """" d ed t its ;t h ay, Brrlved at the home of Mrs. 8 , U. an peer upa and Sunday Will Wright and family loocup an. w om Mrs. Bertha Tboma s, attende d the came or help tbose ~In need. Bank Elect ion, from Burling ton IlDd brough t Allen wllere they w til be joined by he recogni zed as Melvill e Hayes. , a funeral of Mrs. l.u pton near Ridge . lIrs. Eagle home. They finished He IOO'V8S to mourn h is I 088 a The holders. of tbe Citizen s others of the family In time to lJromln ent Wilmin gton lawyer I\,nd ville Friday. tbe day here goesta of Mrs. Macy . y.,lfe. tbrlle childre n. flvo 81sters &nk, stook h I of Waynoovllle, Ohio, will spend·T honksg iylng. . A d th th S d ~I=n W ose repntat on is State Roy Cornell and wife enterta ined jU~t au~b':':' w:rw:::llla~.;;.,s: ana many relative s and frleuds . meet at its ~nklng Hou8e.on ~::'o!; Albino Flour 60 cents a sack . . TUESD AY JANUA RY Mrs. 2 1906 Corllell's brotber , Clyde Pen. a g.reat many people took advan. The family Clf Mr. 'M lranda has Mr. Bayesc ommen A~e dedtlw deputy • "M , f d ..... n the bonrs of 2 and 4 o'olock r . H. H. Harlan of Morrow for his vlglla.noe, Ilnd drove 011. ny, of (''inclnna tl. Sun<la.y. the deepet4t sYJnpathy of the entire betwee °borlts aannd wMetn . tato p . m., to elect sMeers.thR oetl'be~lt dtrecto rs for the en. County , well known here ae one of hot· nd oommu nlty In their sad amictio u -Mrs. Bell Cooo, woo has hod a Wayne sville were not; an excepti snlng year, t·be admini strators of the Harris In Appre ciatio n. severe a,tt nok of quintly is some as we saw them pas81ng homew on A peoulla r elroum stanoe oonnec tard J. N. LEMMON, uallhler . es tate, .... wnlJ elected rePbrese nta tlve eel with ' the aoclden t Is that II.fter better . , f rom _orrow ooun t y, y a. large ~::~ h~~~e: oh~ ;~ co~~ h=~ .. I desire to expre88 throug h tho the a'rrn was takon out of the wheels MI8B Bermca Cornell. of Dayton . and Will Antram , Frank t2allag New Trai n,Sched ule mnjorl ty. Mr. Harlan II! a brothe r. Gazette my thanks to the her . mernbe r8 came home Friday on accoun t of and others we the finglll:s which had been ' clinch. know not of, are In IIIW of Mrs. Edith Harria. of the Protect ive ABBoolatlon and the 1I1ne88 of her mother , Mr8 eel; In the ptlm were s~rl\lght-ened . WeI. atrlken with the oontaKlon aDd no Un~e'r a new sche<lule In effect Mr. George Fun key favored St. my friends for thllir assi8tR out "nd no 8OOn~l.. had this been Nov. 25,1905, Passeng er train~ noe In lington Squires. who had the grip oure known to the leave sol8n"f io .p rof.-. Mal'y'a ! "\' congreg .' ation with a solo of the recover y of my horse and but 18 better . ville Jtation a8 follom : at this writing . MI1I8 slon only II. chaD~e of olimate . They . . d?ne t~an Mr. Mlr"nd~, breathe d Waynes For the West: \) :02 ... m , dally ulju8U11 1 sweetnlltlB and power. last; 'bUK8Y, aDd aBBUre 11.11 that should have this lDvigorailnll a&moe. , out Irthat feel/.! better it Bernloe returne d to Dayton 8undQy must Similar I!'or the West: 5 :~G p. m" dally phere "l1y to the evlla theY ltDow, !:Iunuay mornin g, and MI88 Eva ever be neCe8B8ry, 1 will bl! gla.d to evening . l~stanoes are told ·of ,pe.rson s who -filor the West: ~ :56 a. m., Sunday Funkey gave not of." Ma.y the trip prove a aevaluabl e aid, to the 10 as mucb for them~ 'RL SUITD. liave lost a 11mb by I\mputa tlon, Itl ' Addl . . tl'onal , News· letters o~ly " " will oholr be In d(:~~h playlnlJ eit:: nt.BR)~~d~"'~~e°!.OODo·l the '&OOOmpania. ·....Ing · :! n.~Dary-, often to open, Fot: the East .9 :.64 8: !h , dally '!A .. , menta. which was gr' eatly appreoi. .... """'"'" ..... .. ~. r .. F th Ea t 4 11 d 11 found on page 8, first oolunin. IftVe and tak~ up 0. membe r /!ofter or e 8 the Intentio n of omcial ~BII " . pm., a y . " . ' Jt atowl by all.. ha4 tieen buried lOme time to For tbe East 10.24 oomes '. 'rbe throug conttno h , a 0ha8. d IUOOesa P ~ KiD, ' ·"'bo , Sunday of tbe Trio. ""\ . ' ~ , -. o - oot tbeoral D.......'m".ember. h be d In h only. . Spab~ 8 Seplo Carbon a I;'re some. Ity M. E. Choir plllloCleB" Sh.e m In th~ as en 0 g t 0 capitol mearop o. · ~.g h - - - . . . . . . Hanies s dressin g. 860 gallon can, lis minglin old· rrleDc1& B co Booth A'" ».~ • • ' thl olost.iI I e~latn !~ "!U 'Y.mpa. a to da'~ ·f, ront'ra nks of' JQuslcal..... ' '1'he . .,., , '&", tne-. at &lhwar tz's drng atore, Wayue s. sterner ng ne~ n d up . '!!'. but more ~o1l1.d" UIe "'u ... ..\11e. fair. ' . ,
, ., '.-L1
her&lid hU l band; bad,aud ftOW dcscrlptio n ed whose ""be> J1l,1enllll8
The',· Modes., of. the WI-n ' . ter _
t lt. ,4~. o~ ' t:1'~lh~ubtu, '1!heo DU~ were now ·treely clrculatl\dby tbe jXl' 1!l1~" 81~17e. IU'q to pave a COD' wf1lllsl.en ,to tl1e dlctates ' of reallO~ f JI . tll\ le .ij\- \~ , ."" , d~1I: D d . ' . Wlth ill, ·olooull. th ~ t m6~n .u c~ trloqmy lice, A b~ler .m~lint. of ' attentlol) \ 0 tinned ' ~gu.. 11O\!e n<lberln« to the seems IOmetimea .. tboull:h womlin
/ 11,
I tTle durIng tho clara o'f Ice and snow ~ttlng areuDel the un8e..~nalllen e8s by having undensleevflll made for all tho Ibort'8leeyod garm~ . Wraps, even thOSe 'of fur. bend to th1li O!lllrico. and oven In tbe ready.made dllpllrimenls the dealers provJ~e ahort'8l~I),·~t clolll, and jacket, ·an under alee'vo 8 11 II rulo a.oocimponylnBi the hl gher·prlceil ones. Orten tho extra sleeve 11'111 he of a d lf· feren mll.terlal, eay silk wben lbe Wrtlll Is of 'OIOUI, aDd tho effect Is " ery good, )to", o r tt.n In th r fllrlfe n n d l l n'~b I I I lft ' s howie. It looks as tb'ough lbe s ilk wnlst wero m Ol t real U Ollb h -,- s . UUI II\l1 I Auguat. happening to be on poe plnlt fr om IIn'der t M Wrnp. Doel a mn n lO Ut:' (or tiltH (Oln ' Of t In :~ :t lo ri, [ 'I~I L to 'N wpon. whl l her I The s epnrate long .I ollIe Is 10' blgh h. rail 10 u n child: Ho "," In thft Jleln !lh !Jtnl GSlc or It.~ WUI hl , 11",1 gO DS for a bl'leC !Summ er ho lld ay- favor, It ' wll\ charita bl y co nceal a II ~ IIco rl1 ot ,or ro ,,', a nd ha ving . by the way, largely sue· Ooe. he 11!arn tot' shn l e cnr Hym C\ul hy . ('eedetl In t1 ls mlss ln!; [rom Ill )' m illd no thou[; ht ot .cl t d dlle d l ho e\'e nts abovo rela ted- I was 1I11lt· J-{o w rnnn y ,' mel w hen wr ung b)' 'ft!()dIO ' lied 10 so , sent d at a table In th e ho. wo r n b)' h tU tl e-H l AtruggllnK. 1)Q.t's h e p(tl e t o fl e t h.,. " " H ld·s n C':rt 'e te l. my no Ions r lllyste~lous, but now tlren dful , acquai nta nce, Mr, George figh t . In helLr t nn n ~OU \ O'P " rtl\" ~('i.1 . And like a li llie child "M~ ln .•• ~k out III "l Grltn l hB. dea r old r eCnc'e, My d Ul Y, I r,\ ecldea, a fter n moment 's And lo b out u ll his trouhl es on n ls m oth · re fle~tlo n. was plal n ~to denounce and er' •• lo v l n&: b r eo.! t. . (Ie ll" er h im tu l be aut borltl es. Wb en f1 m an k t"cps f r esh w lthl1\ • tm t ha t Quickly. t berefo re. lest be sboul d t ouc h o f n ch lld' 8 d cpend c ll ce. I\U hi s "at ure (eel. the IHl w er of !le l ort - leavo lJefore [ coul d bavo him arrested, en lng nlloy; , I eXlllaln od myself as well I was '\ 01 more h um un to h i s f elk)w9, ma r re · nilio tl) th e nea rest pOliceman. He 8Do n81vo 10 It ll reeli ng. h t ho man w h o dce" do wn In hI:. heart Is loulted. und wlla unbellevlu g. So, too, were llIe olhers whom lie s ummoned @til l "n mOlher' , b Oy ." 10 hear my s lury. That part of It . Ollt l hn~ r u Atn e r lNl n.. )'<>u ntr l,el\rl. Illey rear, 11' ' (la' unral ll", reCuse. q.n e . uro fount ot cantolatlon, Um_ .Ileo on
·th ese puhllllbed detatla WIl» Bumolcllt to com' ln e me tha t my pall lit. Mr. Gllo rge Gr iffiths , . waS tb'e ·c rlmln'al. ~d . all our UOublu ( "dl4, .oIllJe~ OUl 0 11 1 lost no ' limo 1\1 . comlIl\l~li:I\Ll 1J jJ our mOlhur·. breu. .. t, wl\at I knew to t bo pollc , by W'b OIU, h ; thft! r~ r~ @e ~( our cIlUdho...s ! Oh, thai It must bil said. ill Y s tory was re c h'Qd lov e.... w hl cb" n e \ tQ I ' ri\' \ ~l"«l! ,,' Itb SOIllG III :redu llty. YOII se , my 0- ttthoe c 5)' m lUl l hh.'! 80 tClldter not a.~(.I r · sl'uuill l lI l'ou ' 1I f ·s urger y Is but IItUo IV"'- Wu! t oo b nlo1. 11 . {for the l< tn dc1II 1 uhdl' r slnnO t llg, tvr I II I IIO IV U 10> ti,e I)lt tillc. a Dd It was tbe fOll dea! of c on so llns. " pilllo ll of t il Uet cllves thaI th mur'FIJI the cl oud8 Legf\h to roll a wuY. Ulltl !lcral' had left tho ~ount l'Y sonlij time lo v~ to Ilgh l""\ ull. lJefore MI'. Grl ffi tils hnd Quitted my
Suggestions How to, . r.lii;d ' Reiief .
1\'er.e a 1I1rtlouiarly unreaaoniag Cl'tll' frOqi ture tn tl!e matter of drees, . Hut let UiI leave aermorllzing alono, SU1Ier:trig. na d tnrn to eonBldera~on of" nome 1[\ ~ modes tliat aro ~t Illarko.dly capri. claus. ' T he IIccompanylna: lIIustl'aliolt represents one oC' lobe approv ed '8ty lo~ for an ovenlng' wrap, un Emlllro even. Ing cOR t of the belter aort, wbere th ' waist IIno 18 not too tIiPlt, does no t glvo a hamperin g . look • . It Is 11 Iways \\'cll to trim th e· II no where ypko and SKirt mcot. and ' the design In this modol Is . very gool1, t n to.loven· kllot~ of s ll1e braId or s oft ribbon. A plea'SIns cholco tor this garmellt wO\lld IJc fa wn colored cloth lined \VIUl plnlc s ilk , the collar of dark fllr, doep lae frills n~ t he s leeves, A cbnrmlng costu me Imported Crona Pari s Is of gray ~eDgallne ornamonted wltlr Bevernl roW's of self.colored chl f. ton \'0 1\' 0 1. WOnt wll h tbls Is a Ion s Dl rectolre coa t ot Empire green veh 'el. tb e g reen nad t he pale gray very Ilea u. tl ru l together. 'l' he bat JB a groen vol. vet wltb a allvel'.embrold ered gray ' crown a nd thli trimmin g a couple ot While no woman Is entirely free from VegetAble Compound IOOn~ for 1 have tried sbaded gree n plumes. - ,perlodlclLl suUerlag. Itdoc8 not seem to IO.~~~: :J~~ ormy menstrua1 R'epeotodly we blLva s ung th A prai ses 1 be th o plan of nllture tbllt wOlnon periodeverymontb,llIJltmeallt 80 m~JlAlu' of tb e wIry dust.sholl ul u,,; du ra bl e, 6~01l1.d Buffer 80 severely. 1tIo:ustrun.- IIlld Hultcrlllg t or mo, but nfter I bad ~ ths ' . I Id Jil l t lon IS II severe st rnln on a woman' s COInpoundtlVomonthsl bccamorelmlnr nnd mobalr petti coat, nOlI ago II wou al vltnll Ly , 11 It is painful or lrreglll~r natura! and 8m now perfectly ....e1r and fre&a word In Ils fayor. The s h o\'~ a ro something Is wrong whioh should bo frOin pnfu ntlllYmontbly 1'Cl'lodll. J am vert whi ch refer rud lo tbe operlltlon was sbowlng a novelt y In tbe motra lr pat · Rot rig ht or it wUl l ond to 0. serlolls d o. grawtul for what Lydia E. P!n"'!F" Vegu-' received Wllh II. smile; nnti th e upsbot tlcos ts, " ery prett y plllll!s. and th eBe , rll uguUlcnt of tho whole femn.le orgu.n- ~::i:~i!~~8yd:h~~M~~~ acoepted promi se to ba decldedIY .popular. Some Ism. _ b 1111 women 11 8 convinci ng evidenoe of It wns th nt, so far tram etrectinl; my ex, poll nt '8 oavture, 1 was mY8elt of the wonvos ar e combined with s ilk, Moro tban fi fty thousand women 'IY t [dl E PI kllaLD's -Ve""tabls IIg blly ridiculed a8 a matimnll . 11 ~ f have testiBed In grateful lette rs to Mrs • m "y" , 0 ,,Bu t I could not allow myself lo be but lhey will n~l wear so we . • II 0 · j llinkha.m that JJydln E . Plnl{hllm'~ Com)lound &t.o.nds .wi thollt a pee r 1\-8 .. barned In wbat 1 cons ider ed my cleAr tort is mnlle . to bring tile J ersey top Veget n.ble Componnd 0\"01"OO1Oe8 pain' rem edy tor all t,ho tlliltrc8!jlng Ills of I womOD, , pctttcqa ls t o no Uco, and they fi ro very fu1 aud Irregular Inenstr uu.l ion. good for tho womau of over III·olrdu· It provides II llafe and 811re 'my of es. 'l'ho BIlCOCSS of LydllL E. Plukhaln s duty- viz,. lo deliver a toul murderer to Juetlct\. I determined, ,tberetore. to pols. c"pe from dlstt.c sing aud dlLngerous Vcgetablo Compound resls upon I the renew InY acquaintance "11th b1m there The lingerie wtllsls continue In pop. w eaknellScs nud dlsol1Scs. weU-earncd a-ratltude of Amer caD and tli e n, to g lvII blm no. Inkling of II Tbo two following let ters teHIO oon- women. BOUT two yenrs ago tbere Came to k id f h t th I to olarlty. nnd lace wais ts aro we I I 1 h t L. din E. Plokhu.m'& WheJl womenaretroubledwlthlrregno ~ftXe w C:m ~nd' wilt do for u~ar, !IUpprcSlled or painful wenah'ua. me a laU, band,lome feUow" .wbo my now e ge a t e ru , an( esteemod , tbose ot bahy iri sh and .. r. George 0 r Imtb 8. communicate at onee tho New A: GR,ACl'lll'll. MODEL. Cluny In great dema.nd . Wltb .lhe wolfCmon. they canPOnot filii to br·m .. ho"" leucorrhcea, dlsplaoomen' or ul. gau tbe DalUe of .. York city pollee. wbllewith conUnulng to • Ul b Ulat bearlu" He had a (eatI8ll& e)'e, a cheerful. eveu keep him tind er my own eurvelllance sbabby dress, It Is BO' snug a nd warm. lace hats 80 fasblonable thi s year. to tbol1llAllds 0~ 8ufftlrtlrs. cera au 0 e . wom • .. . . . and thcn, too, It comca In so well when the lace w1llst . ts especially good for "Iss Nellie Holm.s of 5010 N down feeling. Intlammauon( Of... ~s_ - nlal expreMloa, a well·molded, · aQul· In Newport. . .v . t slon JD Y , writes: • . oVllncs. backacbe, bloating, or .. ,hOline DOM &114 a Iplendld mustaeh. Wben, with a :paUte bow, I apo ons muet don a light gown In the day: theatllr and restaurant wear. 1 n fac. Street, )Jujfalo, 'N •• lenoy),pne.raldebllity,ihdilleitleaand ~rlmmed UI4 tended. evldent)'y wltbproaCbed and 'spoke to blm, be I'ecog- I time. But 1Ire sbould. ada t~at sulta· a lace wahlt II an exoellent In~est- Doar Mrs. PInkham:. !lervous ptostru.tloo, or are beset wltlt IIcfupuloua c:are, Tbere was no obvloutl olzed me at once; 1 QOuld see tbat, are Tel')' mu elll tho fasblon. also. and It p18ftt tor tbe ~onomlcal woman to "Your~ne"lndeedanld()a}med1oIne Alloh eymptomsaa dIzziness, faintlleu, niWn; eenaml,. why be Ihould' re- tbough at llrat he pretended he did not I. dlmcult to choole between tbe lonl make, It· belnlt eultable ror botb .rter. ~~~~~~ ~~~.:: lusltude, e~bllity.lrr1tab11lty. tier..... qlll" m" Tbere WIIS no pas· know me. . Wo bad a BOclal glaas to- _ I and t~ nbort-cont suit; let beejlm· noon and evealng woar. clln do dllty OOllL obnsulliecl two dltrerent phjIfalaa VOtlllDe88, Il~p~. ' rg6lanelw\y. iolbllltT" of making him better lOCkIng. ge ther. aud spoke oC many matters of tnpeu d~Hle tbe matter ror tbe In· tor very dreljRY occaslonll aad equally but to callY reUer. A frleM from ahollld rememoor-there la on.~~ " I hMr )'ou are a 8peoillUIt In der , general (nteAllt; 1 flittering mYlelf dlvldual. On', II about ~ fasblonable w~1I tllr less elaborllie affllr~, ~'I v~t!t,la . ~~tz. Lr:d~~ tr~":~I:~~~~I~: :~~JIDOYe: lIl&totQci:: . ' begall, after J bad tbat nothing In mT oonvenatJolI or ' as the otber, . Hate. we rejoice to say, II.lill not tbe no 'I!lll&ViIulreruldl.d before. Hyperiodl suohlrOubll!8. llefnsetobuYlIDyother' hi. with tha Wlua! formallt)'. bearing Itave htm tile 81,-btest Itround Fur trimmings are Iii lise as tboy 8X8ge r l/oted thlnp It asemed earlier lin ~eV1ll'Y acbe and ~ Is gone, and medicine, for you need the beat. to suapect me.bave not been for IL loult Ume. In fact, - were to have folated upon 119; they :r.~:U wO!:!&l,!.b~ .:ft'O: t~"e.u! 'Don't he'lta~ to w.r1tew M .... I admllted tile soft ·Impeacbment. " WeU," be w'lIt 00, "I wunt you Tblll salUe night I lIont a brIef tel. Parla baa canled the fur trlmmlnlt, to' are moderate In slzo al)d ODe clln ban I:. Pinkham" VeptabJe Compound./I " PlDk~.m If the~ .. aDnbtDf to perlo~ a lur!lcal feat on me. I egram to ibe ·POlIcebeadquarters In I a rldiculoU8 elltrem~. , putting It on them modestly and, uUs faclorlly Mrs. TUllo Hart, of Larimore, N. D.. about luUI' .lckileD ~~~ DO ",a,,~ lor ·/lole altered.'" the metropolle. statln& my cer4llll . the lIbeerelt of .materlaIB. ~eo and trImmed . ,T bere Is a liking tor the use wl'ltcS: . undenhilld. Sile wit "reM JOt'! r ·exp•....... and · aSlllfO",. knowledi;e that thtll man, cbangecl f ur are com bl nde "ery prettily •• n-ru' "Ub kindllell audever hernIIrftI achl~_ .. v_ea- atl~rlio. ... . - ot follaKe and 1I0weI'B - ' aad tbls Is to ...,.. ""'" ·P ln,.L_-._ IWIUU. , rree No woman. • ...,.. h'l m lhat, In my humble opinion. bls thoultb he waa, w¥ tbe murderer of trimming. the olle I18ls orr the otber: be C(lnfmended, the P0810s help ' to "l mlgbt baYe have ~lJ)&I'edlmID" wrtitDg her aDd ehe Ilaa"helped ilOIlO WIUI best let alone. But be dill' Mrs. Bates. and B·ugg~tlng. that ther ~ut we do ~o~ taner a puze frock IIgbleq tbe streets In· the , gray .day!! ro:,~of~~:;:~ ~~dla a"t~:::T.. tbotUtmd80 Addre•• DJDD........ Ijilted tbls propasitlQD, and . Insllted sbould forlbwltb lIend to Newpo', 't a ' down. with .brown fllr. Tbe of ",Inter. We saw Stich' • prelly ..... ... ... .. ...... 'that be had reasona for being wea.l:)' detective s upplied with other dlltln- t dark furs are very smart, and IL daril worn by Rllch !l pre.tty girl tbo other ;; ' .. of · t be aquiline and for craving n pro· guls hlDg mark I on Mr. Bates' .person 1.(Ur.lIned cloak with an Immen~e wblte day, a hat that undouhtedly was got· ~ .~ II: & 'JlMele lUI ~nllke a& possible 10 , tb at lJqs ldea hts aQullllle uoae aod beavy eo1lAr. 18 IIOmetlp1ea Be~n. lItilJfs are ten up for ' a ' traetl~ of tbe amouDt· L ~ .. L ~,Itll whlOb nature bad endow~(\, him. mu eiach. h&~esr tban ever, tbat· my fady J;llIl;Y Involved In the ~'oreatlon" 1I:e had Just II I .. t.;' AND "1 T 0 L II T " '. D Q IE 8 Seeing inT. e\lrloalty' and p08albly II,ot During the next day I became very thrust Into' Ithelr warmth ' her cold b~n examining down at the ' sbop at' a ... wtlbln« to be deemed a madman, hll Intimate with my ex.patlent, and , Iii 1I'rllts and arIDS, bared, by tashlon's de· tublonable milliner; It wile a blaoll Winchester Rifte aDd' 'Pistol Cartridges or 'ail proceeded to upla"n the m ' to me. pureuanotl of a scheme I bad tormed, cree. felt of medium -size, all,1 Ol:e of ~hQj\e 'calibers are loaded by machinery which ,s iaes " Alter IIOveral years roughing It In Inylt- A him to ba'he ·'ltL me In the We are edrenlo'lor ' foud of tlie cl· turned·up equally on tbe sides' a«all"ll I' th ... f "'" ,billows. • - be U J . ' 80 weII . the ahells, .up'p u!s e ·exact 'quan"ty '0 '~exas' " he eald " " I bave come back ocean's Tblll cbeerfully bow ' ilee..vo tor aummer wear and for that br.lng ou~ a good, 1!rollie powder, and aeats the bulle~ properly. By rich, ~Dd ' tbere 'Ie nottllng ,to prevent did, being an , II.dmirable 8wlmmer, bOUle gowna In 'tbo Incloment season. (t 11'68 trimmed w!tb , some folds of '1)Y enjoying myself but tbe .POllterlng That · "lIry evening an answer fa my but are far from nppro~log of tbe risk black velvet. and thO'll at one side el" , using first.c!assmaterials and ' thil up.. t~4ate . tlenUonll of my relatlv~ whom I telegram arrived In the person of a , of It for 8treet dress In wlntnr. No Qulslte amall' damask rOlles wreathed system of ' loading, the reputation 'of Winhad hOped to bave done wllh forenr stalwart detective• . .,,;ho Informed ,me I matter wbllt substttute Is made. under· tbemselves tram tbe hair ~p over tbe cbeate.r Cartridgea for accuracy;:.nUability and 'wbeil"l went away. ' Bllt I ~nnot . es- that lhe real M I' Dal811 blld, a~. eus- sleeves aro ' opt to sUp down aDd lbo1brlm .and were fastj!ned , against the . excellence is imllntained. Ask ror , them. ~.ape tbem or tholr ImportunlUeII. and peeled, th o ' dlstlnguls hlng marka. cold breep In at tlle hl.s llls. A ''')lole ero.WD . It was BO trim ~nd charming . . , . 110. ,"ever eCCfl~tr Ic you may tbl n k which could be verified; among tbem sleeve. anyway, Is warmer ; but not all a nd would do d uty gene m II y. .. "IOU H 0 L D T H IE y " 8 H 00 T .W HE"" me, I mlllt eollit your services. I pre- aa IIncbor I attooed on th e left tore. j • .' '. ." " 'H ume tbere Is no dangel' In th e opera· arm, whi ch I ,bod myself, ot ,course, f10n 1" noticed while we were lIlIthlng togeth. ,\ . ~ .&I ' :a-'rtlnl to the lIigber M;ethodl. , "No danger," ,I replied, a t:'cllpllng bls e n. To sa lis Cy himself bufure acting Amid all tUe eccontrlclUe~ and dis. untrimmed, tts IInc8 ore~ lon g: It Is reo 'Ihe p~ kpoekeL b~u been C4\1gbt ill the , act "tid nrl'lll\ted . ~rp~naUon as tbat of an ecceotrlc on the warrant he had' brought ', ,vlth comforts Inllll:ted 00 Burrerlng woman. frnhlngly sImple, .'. Get' ono by . ali eo "What i. t ho meaning elf thi. ?'· he ex,· . . . clnirueol, m&n, whose allatrs, after all, were no blm, th e detectl,ve, Ml. Han'\'\'~.y, 1t · ltlnd. every slcason Bhlnes 'fortb means It you can. 111\10 wi Lh lodiKnB lion, 'nod st rug· w.&;. Do", .... , ••00 (JUt un. ~ buslneaa o(, lIIlne. "aad .very Uttie pB11I. wos ngre~<1. sbould Join our . b~tblng I the fact that 'll goodly number of wom- About waists. ' There' seems ' to ,be Gli nG ,·lolcnlly. " Ocil,lIem. ... Lh ia i& un ClU f,. .cannot be equ.lled .t -!?ractlcally none. ' In fact ·:Bul you parly_. on t.he mO.rrow-::& slmjlle and r en ore conswlt In moderation. to quiet for these, eave 'for tbe one8 .Inton'ded I1IgeJ I ca.. "Wl ni n it aU! you h.."e no Il\Uflt keep lodoors tor a fo",' days after not· dl aagrB?able prellmlnury .to the drees.· And Itbese few words are to to be Ihlrt.walsta aDd nothing more. a rlgb t \0 meddle ill my !.til incss affni.... ' lJe. J clln llrove un hlibi.1 " . It 18 over. When and where sha,1 I contemillated arrest. . bear witness tbat the present year Is general Incllnatlbn to a lIuft' bt "s idell' :But hu ' VlIIl Lao in.iK"ifiranl nn opc~n ' .,a U upon you'" But 81l~~ ! for the sobemes o.t mice marked by milch good taste, by rlg)lt wblte II.beut the neck; It may extend (or.. n. "'i\JI hUl'l'ied off to the )(OI' kup.. ;'Could you not op'erate bllre, alld and mon·. We !!alled together a t Mr. Ideas ot dresB" down to the w~ht line, It may only ' hlcug~ T\ibuue. . . . " n w T" ' he asked. Orlmth's-allas nates.'- roo)n · In tbe There Is notblng really more at. come to the bust line, We like tbo BC' SKIN·TORTURED BABIES. ;·lmpoBslble. . Your journey homo U10rnln g and found him bus y wlt1.l tractive tban tbe excellent linea , of compa ny ing desll\U very milch, and ould DOt be without great risk," some correspondence. t~ eld elly talloroli gowns n ow SO well would call alteptlon to the polnte,(llace InstAnt Belief in Warm Baths with " U you will walt for me bal f un hout oollar. th e Ilrelty sleeves. " But eould I not stay here T Could Cutlcnira SOIl.P and Gentle Anolntyou not accommodato me Cor th e short or 80 on the piazza." he. eal<l, "wblch .. Thero Is po tendencr to try the sbort. IngB with Outicura Ointment. time neoosaary? Doctor, 1 can pay your rrl ~ ud will lind ' ,'e ry pleasant, I 'll waisted etrects, but :WIl doubt If tbey y ou llberall), for tho serylce. Consld· join you for our swim lu about ha ir wuf attain the vogue here they h';v.ll Tho ~Ilfferillg which Cutiour" Remedies' r; tr .1 go home, my Identlt)' would be an hour." attained abroad. Still, a vory good au~ have u\lev ialt'll l'IOOOIl the young. lIod ·tne · (\g&ln rev~O:led to ' tbose rrom whom I Suspecting nothIng, we too'" our thorlt¥ .prognoltJcates tbat we are', to 'conlfert they bave utrordcd worn·out and (teolre to conceal It." leave, aDd 'wal~cd for him, as he dl· bave many of them wben preee'atly 'we worried It. renls, hBva led t o their adopt ion in ' c ountleR. bomes as pricolellll cUla· have got used to tb elr oddity. tbat It Is . Thla BpeeCh. one would have Ibought rectel! . But we waited In "aln. Wheth er t he a' /Dere ma tter of time bef~l'e we sbail t"'l!lI for the ekiri noll bloOd. Infantile wOllld bave aroused my SUSpiCion , h ' I and birth humors, mill> eruBt, "coUed it did not: The man's .rank and open features of my frl eud. Mr. HSllWI1)'. cease to .con8Ide~ . them odd. , The same head, eczema, TIl8hes, and ' ever y form of .' eXlll'e88loil dlsllrmec! me !Jntlrely, and wer ... known to him , or whethe r thero authorlt)• .seems auured ' tbat the itclling, ecaly, pimply skin, and soalp 'ni'l could bllt look uIYon hIm a9 I had had, spite uf my ca re, heen allY' princess gown wl11 remilin wllh U8 two morel witb loss of hair, of infancy and done preYlously , .slmply as nlJ ect · D· thing In" my manner t o excite his suaor tbree years at tbe least. Maybe: child nood, are saecdily, J!efD\l\nenlly tnd cconomlca\ly cured when all ' o ~bcr reUle· trie Individual. It so happened I bad pl elon, I cannot Hay. Sulfice It that bUt It wl\l havo to be an adapted di~s euitable for children. nnd even tbe a Ipare room. I could nOl regar'J lite we remained a full bour on Ihe p11lZ7~ princess, a boleroed and generally but physician., fall.,. . tbe questlon of r'eDluneralloo with In · lIud the u returoed lu hili room, tit . flxed.up one. "De mllll da. think. he know. it AU," "'lIn~. dllrerence, allll so. to cut a long stOr)' leltrn tbat he wu r;oDel Peacock feathers are very. fasblon. Uncle Eben, "gin. rRlly (urll8 ou t to .hort. I cCIIls"oled. Whith er, we could nllver trace, and Ible, but tbeT cost much m01l1)Y and laid I,e n \'ietim or nl contidcoce."For the purpose of more convpnlent· I have never Been hIm Iince. From we are called UPOD to see Interior Iml. WuhiDglon Star. tatlons tbat are anytblng ratber tban Iy operating, I suggefttp..I, som llwbal that day to thlll he baa homed tbe timidly. ' tbe aacrlnce or hIs beautlrul skill or tbc pollce.-; N. Y. Weekly. attractive. A hat of hlacil velvet Is mustacb. To m'y aurprtse. be assen led trimmed wltb two breasts of peacock Indian and Sewing Machine. eagerly, and 11'88 for tbe npllUca llon The Yellow Medlclno reserve Is a featberH, aad worn with this 18 a black of sclnora. and razor fortbwltb . You ulJlquc corner of th o world for more . 8ult ,vltb collar and Cliffs ot velvet e'm. would scarcely credIt the dllTerence hrolderles In peacock featber"G , Or • th a n Lhls one tncldent. An nge nt for lhe removal of this ertlsllc blrsu<e sewing machllJCS was turned loose perhaps the collar and ouft's are of pea. cock green or peacock blne velvet. tb lg a ppendage-"the or many yeafs," among th e IndlaIl8 lately, E very fllmas be JokIngly dRscrlJed It-made to lIy oollgbta machi DC on t h e Ins tahn ent a smart touch to the costume. MI•••• oa; ~ my patien t. It dlspluyed wbat had f ELLEN OSMONDE. U.N. 1I•• f.7 ••• been con cea led before. his moutb, and I)lan. Imagine tho surprise 0 lhe agent CAUTION.-ln.l. t \l ~on bAY'''Il:W,L.Dou,. 1I0wl" on tll to k ONE OF THE BEST O}.' TH E EMl' IRE th I f t n" m 11\1\ Q COAT . t he 81nl s ter expression of thlll waa re urn ng e ' 0 1M lfloea. 'l'a\a no lubtdtute. }l one .enuln. COnlp1icating Cbrlltml\8. , "l tbOU~ bll D OOle anll price I ,,,mped OD ,",,10m • • ueh IlS to oft'ectuall y nullify the hon- bls eollecllons, to lind that not a sti tch Edward Bok wrlles, In Ibe Ladletl' 'W A. NTED. It. .boed. aler In ••••,.towu ..ber" /lst geniality of hIs face. In fact , tbe of sewtn g had bee n done. bu t that the . IIkeil for strElet weal'. 'fho tallered Home Journal. th at " Ibe re must bosomo J.v. L . Dougl~. Shoe. aro not. .old. Fun 1Ilie of Iu.m p1011 leu, free for In. pectlon UltOn rcq~L r moval .of his mustach constituted. os madtlnes had been usell for fentureR ot l ,ulI of thl' day Is au advan ce on that radlcel a od growing departure from tho '"~t CoIQ' EI/".' ulld; th,V UJ{f/ not "''tra, bm.. vI pro mptl y told him , a eufficlcn t dIs· umuseme nt., not by tho women, bll t by . In fas hion 80me ten years back. Nol rIght a nd lJest way of celebrating ClirlstWrile for IIInll'''I,,!!·..C.a' alog or F.n St,t.. ':lI lse to bll ma any numbe r of InQulsl- th e men , each mnn gaining on hl9 1 now do we ba" e the s helving hIps. th e ' mns wbee encb recur ring yenr \\'e hear W. r.. 00110&0&11, Brocktoo. . . . . live relatives. But be Insisted on th e s peed dally. Relurnlll g to Minnea polis i conspicuoull bust . the sharI) "cun'es." u Inrger uumber at men liny lng: ·Well. he lolll hi " frI ends Lhe story. One ~o l d 1 No ; tbe pres a~t la llor·mn de !fIrl Is I'll be l l'ul y tba nl, rul wh<!11 Ihls Cb ~ l s t· 'I"Hal ope;a tion nevertheless. Well. I perrorm ed II , anti wh on. te n r..vcl o melers. Neetl lcsg to, aa y ~h ll f he s velte nnd graceful. d. oes lIot advertise Dl IlS bU9lnes&Is over.' Ari d Ihey ore led days later . Mr. Geor!;!! Grl mtbs left .mado a beeline tOf Yello\\ Med icIne to plu mpness. Wl lh the lIea ll tlrll l cloth s. to tb ls rem arle generall y by seel"g tb elr my hOIlBe. wl t b nothin g but a r apid ly s~ o w Ih ~ In~la DI~ h~~v lo ke~p tau 0111 th e bea utiful col orin g, Ih e Ind ies ' ta ll. wives. mother9. s isters or da us hle rs healing. and almos l 1:lV ls lhle. sca r to ~ e )) UIlI :- I~~ '~e:Sda~ ~y w e~ on Ih c r ors nre doIng lh e m~cl vc. IJrolld thl ~ rench Cbrlstmas day u tterly tired out. bleOllsb t he stra ig ht nose wbl ch now _ 18l1olla r~ c~ c y. year. . \\'lIb tbe prospect of a siege of Illn ess as A Lying Likeness. Another feature of tbe tlay Is the soon as Cbrlstmas Is o"er. And It mus r ,dorned bls fnce. l woul d bave wager · 0.1 ow· of Instru ments to a tenHe-Well. for my part, I like a II lc. leparat\! cant or se \lprc Si mplicity. To b ~ J:ollfessed t.hnt th is s ta te of atra lrs "enl knife th il t tb e most obser van t of l ure th llt tells a atory. be silre, we hn,'e the separat e coat or exis ts In thou ands of homes. Woineu tllS pro"lous acqualuta nces would ne\,· Sh _ Mrs. Wltberby's portrait ought extreme fu ssln.ess, but tb e )Jl nl n wrap th emselves treQllen tl y. ackno\\'ledllO .;tr hnve r eoog nl7. ed him . to s uit ""u th en. It mak es bel' pOIII- ded ica ted lO utlll t)' Is th e on e we are th eir sa llsfacllon \\' lJ t n the day Is ol·er. BREECH FISH· TACKLE ••cnl"" .. ' • •• About a w ek after my eccent ri c pa. tlvely hl\IHls om e.- Chlcogo Journal. cons idering ; th at big. comrortable No"', th ere Is a l w ~ ys s omelblQg wroD g lO "-DIN6 &I\ ~. &I.......... .'0.... ..,...... ...' ,..,h-. t len t', departure. the par tl culal's s o cloak that ""1lI have tho.> most wear wh en WI' make a bu rde n or our pleas· Slul.3.5O POWnt&CUIIIITCI. tlr as they .were .known . of a reo/ark. Her Objection. or any wrap po~ses~ed thi s Win te r ;' ures. 'An d Ir one l.r our sources I)r pleos. DoDllIo ',15 . 010.11.""(:1001_ ~bly brutal murd-e r were roM e pobllc. lie-I've bait a mind to uk )'ou ' to good for a Ion,!. walk In the t1 rh'ln s ure In the cnlend a r 's, greatest go'la da)' Tbe body or a lady nllmed . Bates. evl· 118 my wife, sno,,', able to stand ' a f.alny, mud d.v ·15 derived trom a ti!O lll)K or ihan~tul dllDtly stabbed to death , bad b~en die. Rh e-Sorry', bn't I really couldn't da,. In I~ m.ak!!lg tbe best or woo ~ ne!s that It Is o v ~r , l.bJlre 18 somelblua aU.RAIlTEED BroUQllltl •. laolpo· TO teat COD. umpLiOD W"NT•• I".!l'vered In & bouse In a Molt Ha" cn ma rry a man wltb onlr U1I Ii mintL- must have been lJ1!cd, Ill ite cut a tal!, .a~\c e \V either In !he wa, w. Qrrpare fur, -CURE ' . For •• lo by ..... _ .... ,_ _ ... - - . . _ ... W. N, tlllTH • CO .• IUFF.LO ... Y •• .-..0.1.. _11&. _ _ )1"1, I ~I!I_ ~~~t " for ~ard._ But It la 'or lpell40 t\e, !la,." s uburb. wbere Ibe baG retllded wltb Cblcaao Dally N,,,.. '. ~ ~. ~ .
I "~Y Strange Patie~t
....... Dan.
~at jAlk~~~~~~.~~~·~s~'~M~'Ice~:-~.~W~~~.~~~II~~!..~~.~1~.~w~~~..~~ ...~
'W I .,... 8H
W ' ha't' Dame FaAh;on· Allo'w s Us
11= . '
W•.L. DOUCLAS ' .3· &" 3'~ SHOES a'I
w.r=fRa ·- --!.•.?iiI.Ci I 1
"""'"*" _ _
~;;"~: ~1rMf::I'r.l" '!QOOD ,RO~DS L!~ISJ.ATIO~.I WORK WIT~_ THE' SHOP 'QIRL '/J~t! , l!' ,~
Y ~lIlIl!l,! 'Natlon!,l Aid' Which Kay Be Securei1 , tn' '-H<~
' ~ .:
110m Oongres l Will Improv e ' Agric~t\\ral Dll1trlct.,
' Departm~t ,Store
It Is Not ., What III OeoneraDy Supposed.
Is II healthJe r sent!· Accordi ng to EUzabot h ment tor MUonal aid to' hllhway Illl' Westwo od, "Darkea t Departm Howard provemc nt ail over tho country thaa IKlI't tb e region ot Iniquity entsorla " It 18 s up· ~--...;..-~.---:~--~~ at nny time alnco Congres sman Brown· poled to be, Writing In tho Woman' li UNIQU~ SPECIMEN OF CORN low' first' Im'",luc ed his 1(.11 providIn g Work number of PubI c OpInIon. BIlIl ror It. As nul'!!) an (1 moro ilie subject says; "'rhe Ph.~, bad aro uBOd my In· Slender Stalke Ol'o:..v EarB Unuau. ! Is discusse d I~ the press mOTo and teres t by her stories or the obnoxio us Sizo on Rich Ground Neal" more Is It SOOD thllt the proposit ion nttentlo ns whIch wero th e l1()rtlon ot Webste r, Jlo. s imply covers the dlscharg o of ana· thq Baleswomall, and he r tlonal obllRlltlon to lho people who J-osltl\>n of lho low moml u l'llIIant oxtone which Althou gh cultivate d upon upland turnlsb lifo and sustenan ce to the pervade (1 all departm ent store Hto, You CTOund. a sla lk at Holtl corn owned by ' gOl'ern.m cnt. Tbere Is no famlly 'or Ill' WilY be 'sure I was alert for the llrat Prot, William C. Dyer. principa l of dl vldnal In the United States IlnaITect· fywll tom, I kept open eyo! lind ears tho MadIso n school. has eleveloped , ad by blghw&J conelltlo lls, Improve d anll even a sked leading question s. Ilut. charatte rlsllcs whlcb aro UBlIRH) hlghway a In th e United States would I was doomed to dlsappol ntme!lt. found only In oxcelltlonul CI1RUS or corn ~ p.V" tn 1.1 ," Tleol,l the eno rmolls au on Wb ere I hael expe<:tcd to ullearth scan· arown In cxl rumely I'leb snrl low·lyln g of 'GOO.OOO.OOO e'Very yetlr, The de- calR, I could find only It ludncss and land. partmen t of al;rlcult ure Is aUlUOl'lty decency, Were the floorwal k ers 'fres h'! 'rho corn WIlS grown on a tnI'm Ilea l' tor the IIgwres, Statistic s gathered by They were unlrOl'n1ly plltlen t and oourW~bs ter, Mo,. un ti is' a IlBl'Uclllarly fin e governm ent agents tram 1.2UO co untl ~R \e<lII S, Mr, SI IIII)s<)n WIl8 I\. boss re· 8pccim~ n of tho "nln ety·dny" yollow ' ahow that It coats an average ot 25 .' " ecled a nd admlr". ... by all of us labl e fi eld varloty. Inst.ead or sp routIn g cents a mile to haul 0. ton or prod uce., g irl s. l-I ~ seclIl'ed US a rui~e In slliary Ou the level on good macadam roa d a 1;1' 60 ce n ts Il weck. and stood be ~lVcen horse can draw 6,700 pounds; on tho UB lind th e de pnrtmen / t.s ! bes t dh't roads, be cnn draw 3,300 or \\' 0 did not always soli Whoso gooil ,\ (" In tbe desired not qulle balr as mu(:b; on a mud(ly qllantltl es, 'rhe expert gradllat e opllroad hI! can only dmw 1.000 pound s, d an who t~sled ey~s tree In a boo tD llllDut one·seve nth what he ,'a n draw I across from my lallie WOUld, If ur&cd, on tbe lovel macadam roa,1. 'rbus , I(Od his Im!re. hut beyond lVe see that It costs the tarm er seven I tcnd ed to bla own businessthat ho nl· ontl bad tImes as m uch to carry bl s products non e of II A, \Ve even entered and left to th o railroad s or tbe cou~.(y town : tbe s tore by a separate doo r from tho over a muddy road a s It would ol'er mon, a good macadam road , Tha nks again "The fir m w re III th o ro.ce tor mall' to tho departm ent of iculture , we ('Y. nnt'! busl neH8 alo,ng the ruost Iclen, Itnow bow much It COs tA th o rnrm ~r ! I t IfI(: lines was Ul e order of tile day. So of tho UllltE:d Sta tes to get crOl,g to ~l l'on g wos thi s BI)ll'lt t bat newcomer8 marltet. und the fi gun-s show tltnt , wer e Ilake,l Into sb ~ pe wi thout de lay, S system at good road s would pa"/ a I The buk'Ony UNIQ UE SI'ECIM ElN OF CORN. office was reenfol' ood du r tJle genqi ne - Manu(act"ured larger dIv idend to the coun t ry thall Ing my 8Ojonrn by l ho BUllerlntc nd ent tram the pal'ent s talk. tbls particul ar Ollr oxpenij ll'e s ystem of rallrr.nd S'I' ot a Il ol'-b)' store, who, a ccording to lpeclme n develop d two "Hllelle rH" n ~ or Bl'l eDy. It CO ~ Ul UIO [nrmers annuallg Loulse- sbo was up on thl) goss ip of IlB roots. cach or whi ch gl'CIV Into a ( tho Dllllr 11 ure official) $9H, 414,' tho stores- was th e 'holy limit.' It ~e rtec:t stalk nnd each at which !Jore tiCo.5o! 10 nlll\'fl tllel.. IIrodncts. As a t I took thut gentl cman Juat f1vll day s to a line car of corn, lea st II I'e.·six lhs of It Is mo,ed on (J\'crcomo hIs lcntlcncy to hold tbe ste· 'rho stalk Is In thr('() pIOO<!8 and each dirt ronels IIlhl bad olles at tbs. t. tllera , nograph er's hand . to hard en hIs tende' sec tion bea rs II Hne CII I' or corn. would bo n Having to th e faJ ' lIlel'~ of glances to a s traIght look, and to clilllThose who 1101'8 Btu rll OlI ngrlcultn l'e at least GO per cent. or thl'S c~ s t It Inate tbe pcrsonal elemont when h A a n rl wbo ,hlll'e examIn ed th o sppclme n, we hael macadam road s, liS staled han(led ant uppll catlon blunks, [wl\.~, eay that It wo s I}el'f~ tly hellltlly nnll abov~. bo" roa,l s cost t heOr. farm ers an to be SlIre, ;lIol\el'od ' at on moro thall 'Was allowed to ripen alld Is II OW he· lIually $600,000 ,000, 'fbla Is more one occasion , but I had earned r~· The genuine Syrup of Figs is for .sale by aU first-class Ing preserveel by Prof. Dyer as il s In, thlln a ll tile rnllrolld s ot , the Unltall proofs, Once wben I 1\'oro a white drug~t s. The full name of the compilny- Califo rnia !!,ular example of agrhmll ural tl' !lks, roceh'o tor rr Igbt. It "'bo enrs aro large. hoa vy, well appallin g' eolltllLlo n the governmIs tnl 9 1\alst-' 1I11 femnle employe s were r eFig S y r" p Co. - is always printed on the front e nt Is quested to dress In black'- I was se· ~nlned al\(\ perteclly formed In very aHked 1.0 npl.ropr late $70 4.00(},000 to n rely rep r O\'ed, Again Mr, Simpson of every package, Price F i ft y C en t s per bottle, particul ar, ' Althoug ll th o bt"lks are so h~11' cure. 'i'hA states ClLnnot do It thi n tilllt they hardly secm d ca pa ble nldQt\, lut with ' 2 ~ .O OO,OOO .listrllmlin· remons trated ag a',,'lst 16 minutes ' overte,J time at IImeh. I W8 8 I\bsent 01le dayC)f bcnrlog tbe beavy 'I\r~, llley s nrou t· th rollglI Ihl'ee yaara to states anel CO'.III· I had Ileel} looking for a more I'emu· ed to a heIght of 0101'0 I han fiv o teet tIes 1 hltt will II ccept th" condltlo lls at nerutlve 'oh- and on my return WIIS MOTH ER WANT ED NEWS. and werq health'y through out. Ille Dro wnlow·Lati mer On tbe longest ·· sta lk ot nIl , wlllch sUmulu s will be gIven bill. sl1cb a dlspnt cheil to the superlnt.endent. He to road 1m· was a YOUIIS man'-m ucb Impresse d tl.ud She Wntche d the Man whd Icoms 'SO sl nde: th!l~ It ha relly al" Jl rovemen t a ~ ·111 In a very few years 1\'ltll bls own Importa nce, but most Moycd His LIps Whell lI,ca r" 8.8 If It co ulll hear a heav y 11ft agri culture out of the ruts nn(1 Ill!silleSS Hke, Readlng . weight. Is ... 0 largest enl' of tile trIo, save to tbe cOlln t ry tbe enormou s snm " . Sell here,' be laid, Pll1lcllln g my It Is close to all toot ,In lenglh lind 1I0W lost a s the cOit ot bad roads, 'I h ~ h nbit t ) { mnyi n g: flit! tiplil. Wh !l time card. 'we CI\.U·t YOll glrlll 1s unu sunl thlcJmess, ' coming In and out of b ere' as you 1','ndlOg is a guod den l l ll\'~ ' " 4) Uln llJ,1 One rtalk, In the aame lI eid. bore I))an PCQ))lc suppa"c. But jJe "I " 1\~ of allut hublt, S:ly ~ 11 wl'it e!' in I ht! J\u n t'n ~ four ear s or corn. The field was culti· A BAR Fan ' DRAIN MOUT H. PI~~~e~as sick,' I explaine d , meekly. City T imNl , Ii qU Of!f th i ng IIHPl'CIlI!tI r<.'· vated by an old Nortb Carolina man. "·That· s anolher matter,' DlollIJ1ed , N l llilt 0 11 U trn fll o n wh ich 1 was \'hJ ins:. who has modo 1l, study ot the ralalng How Woodch ucks, ![uskra( :e and ShuI IVUS si tt ing Ill' ~ limn who IlIo "c,1 his ' I hope you're belter.· " Uar Animal s Kay Be Kopt Clf com. ond wbo has turned out as hI'S when 10 0 rcun. Whil e I,e ar" It!" n ~ l )' - JUDGll & .. OOLPH D.:<.UG CO. rnr.J c no ifouml he. really f51ulIlCI til li 11118 fro~ fino a NestlulI: field of There. tbe grain as could ,be r' 'nch word, lie was Tcnd illg n neWI-;located anY'Where In the Del'; . . .Jood. FIRM FRIEND OF FIN I:-AN D. lft.\) 'O[lCI' 80 WU I. 1 '\I·n. SCIIteo.l nrxt Woodcbuck,,!. muskrat s and similar Prot. Dyer Intende to keep t ho spccl· I~ , tl.e , ~i.l c , .After we Ionc! Il,:'!n reading " Untirin g Efforts of Eml'res s A1ex- lilll u while I fcl t "Ullle vlIC 1"1\1'11 nil' animals may be )cept out Of drains b,. ilion as a curiosity. nl'ln, Looki ng nround , l ,suw n !Jelle Ili rl .. From pruenl Indication!. It won·t be Vtry nndt's for the Orall d this devIce. snys a writer In an east· . (' 111(" \ hr a \\'(Jhl a n ac' rCltitf the ob:ft , long before Mull's (irape Tonie " , the only em oontemp oral')'. Duchy. Bore th~eq-~I ghth. f m i lill~ nl lil t', THE TIME TO_ PLAN. Inch holes 1n D piece of two-by· four mnedy .old for ~fUtipatlon and .tomach trouble, It I. ·' J'lt·:uw, 811' ," 1Jo. Rni(l, "wlJuld Tbe Danneb rog publlsbe s a long and hol d ,f OUl' p3p~r Jow,' .. ?" the only one now in our store th;.t 'l. ullin,g to amount to Work of tlIe J'armw Should ,Be oak about an Inoli apart. III tlI88B 8enaallQ (.If CO U f1I(: .1 wus "u rJl r :~ed :\t t he 1 t! ' nnl article 81gned "A FInn who anythlnJ, Our wstomer J are .dually enthwlastlc: about iI, Planned Konths Ahead- Time fougbt and 8utrered for tho rIghts of f)U 11.el t., ami uskcd lun- w hy . He OI1SC," )olhe r~J t lit 'd , "m ' "They Illy thAt It Qlrel tonstipation and .tomach to Buy Seed. ' his country, " warmly pralBlng tbe Em- 1..'"I'C. w ho i:J tll!J'r, W'u u1 ~ til 11\.' ;l ulo to Iroubk where all others f.lI. That it builds up and rirenJth preSB ,Alexan der tor her ertorta In be· \' Dtt'h your friel1"j"l\ IiI)$; "0 ,;It\l l!UII ~ct (III the diJutJve orJIIU Ilnd the whole The time to plall farm work Is BeV· half of troodom In Flnll'ond. and glv'lug' the npwif. She enD t~ I whut he ;K l'Calf] ' Jenu.. ayJlan. WRy . l t hl1l't ~ 1" ,\' ..·yt:s 1.u reno In f.d. we hur more good word. .bout this unurltab lc, eral ,month. abead at eaeh crOll that a long account of the Intrigue s which pjuglilt.that. on (I. uh)v ing trai n"is to be grown. ' 'i 'he lack.. of 'plann.\ og rantdy than anythinJ tNt we wry In .Iock, her majesty encount ered In tbe cours& Is responsl hle for many or the failures or her Ia.bol'll for ' the sake of tho "ThOK who have usr.d Mull', (irlpe Tonic: not Get at the C'''UBI!. In farmIng . If the' plannin g Is dono , grand ducy. The writer declares tbat only teil' us that It Is a ctrtain cure for .tomac:h · trouble , 8n"r~", " , Ky" • 0 ", J3th (:'1Jlf!Oinl )too near tbe ' time of planting a crOll. It Is 1\ great mistake to believe that ~ ,IY llI t'ul.clI,t and conatlp.tion,. but they tell othm. We have new " lIu R ll'u llOn of ,th e, \\'(')' ))o(\d'" It will be found that somothi ng I,s In last year's polley was carried out with 1\1(1t",y ) III, Cure HheuII)ll l."." i. lI'ell customer. ulllnJ for It constantly who have bun KIlt tho way, that somethi ng bns. been over· the consent of Empres s Alexand er, ,{,Id hy (Jaiherinc P p\'ilw, who iH very to the .tore by those wflo NYC been turtd. .. well kn own It ere . • ' hQ f\ay1'i :lookei1. Thus, In -tlio purohas e ot sood She was always against the policy of " Jj'or O\.t!t' :IUDoe & DOLPH DRUG CO,. 515 Ollv~ SL,SL I.euIs.M.. ur )'l!ilrl:l .! W il ~ g rc:ll:y for the corn, wheat, oats and otber M. do Plehve and Gen. Bobrlko tr, trouhled Will. fo}Uumu1!l t.iam , Jt u s~d to rltt. _II.",. ",.1611 " " " f. fIt D'- I_A ",It,. grain crops of next year It IVIII I\ot do Since January . 1901 , the empress "has fu hc me. WOI'8 l i ll Ill ,\" l c,,~ nntl fl!ct . At It. • ... wGl'da aItoMl" 6. to 'walt till midwinter !letore laying,." _ , . . . " " tit. abo.. Ihl. not left any meanB untried nor sPllred ti mes r w CIllld 1,0 I;ot l I 'Hd J couhl not Pllt ~.t _.dr_ GUAnO FOR TILE DRAlNS , all plans: . It seed !s to bo purcnas ed herBell any bardshlp " to rescue a my jc~t ·to to' g r u lt.1I1. ..\ s J nnl O,'CI' 'l'bero '1 notbl DI' 10 g ood r", r Y08011 l ad 01d.8 Mll LL'8 GRAPfl . "I'N,Ly ·threc ycul'S 0' "ge 1 hegan tn country BO ncar to her heart. The tll;uk ] wns too from a distance It Is not a1)V,I!-)'~ easy Jf~:t~.ft ;~~t~ll~d~:P :~;!J~U~!D (ll,J g l· t l' \ll'l.~ Hlld ·~n; I~~'n~,u~:~'w~~t WJh,O:: to ,,;at It, when the secdsma n must drive 11'011 rods 18 Inchos long. Tm. writer 8ays that he had opportu nitle8 .houlJ " a \'~ 10 heal' myto lthucmn ID~efld IHlt.u re.'. ow n fr o e t oni e, ~i~lo"Jo~~ D,.do t rllln the. p To:lu c u or nature', tislO the number o nr abvul'lft, J. doee lIot Ihoc (Iepends on size of ,tile, IIlx of witnessI ng eventa at close quarters I'eat wn), I c\1ulol. lIu L 1 Lenrd abuut waakoD tbe delle.e e or ... t!. aDd "end ...I~ C))It In compan y IVlth 0. ,great tbu, mat",. bid matLer WOrA". 1,k 1.orbe.IIIli; , l ootblog, . t.ADa:U:umlDI' and pluuanC W ,.".. , multi til do of other orders, It 18 neces- tor elgh,t ·lnch tile. 'I'urust the rod g l lUld for tbe Bllke of history will tell Dodd's K idnc)' Pil t. lind 1h oul\ht 1 wonld • " c them a tri,,1. 1>0 ( :~ o ~ a hox and ..r,. to send In the orders early. 80 ,l n the soil at mouth ot drnln so the only tlle truth. When tbe Empress ~ bClfO" t "ki n ~ thr.m, ,,'ell, 1 '"u~t s.,' that the .Jarmer may have time to tool bars tho m'pllth, Oak pins may be ~ex~nder saw that Gen. Bobl'Jl<oft Oudd'9 K idney J'ilI. dill me II wonderful , ml\lIe ,ermlna tion teets to asctirtal n Jr med If Iron rod Is not handy, but brutal1zed Finland and comprom ised lil t of good. l'h~y cruwl till! pain f,'om 'C~)lislipatioD and Siomach will Dfilil repali' tI,e B OOneI', fitst. unless nnd to,da v 1 An. 1I1 bcllcr they J{usslan Internal polley, .he did all In the ,_d Is up to th~ required standard. a nd all dl.ea.e. wlalob tb.,. oan ••. Yonr own p b,elcJan -_III tell hc.ltlt fhnu P J .\'O have made !>Ce ll Inrger. (o,r mOD)' ,Vent" '" her power to securo the appointm ent In prmlnab lllty. If It Is not. the tarm· ,~~~t~. n~t:~3 ~~~.~:l~··d?:e~~~~· a~!~~~~:~l:r~. '~~~~:. f~~~tr~: er may have to a,e nd t.o another place of the liberal Prince Svlatopo ,k·Mlrak l lad ."'I'y klad of ,.male Uouble a re dlr8Cl11 c auIC'd by IndlCftUo ft Too Mueh fer ReI', GRIST. for seed, whleh will In turn have to be as governo r general. He was willing to ::.~o~~gtt~~aOn~"PR.,mTO~Dl'f, t~~":~~~:eD?':::l~~u~tt:t;~~::ttJ:: Algernon - An,1 wh Rt did your er .n, lcsted.' accept the post. When Gen. Dobrlko tr " 'heu you told hi oa I had proposc,l Last call for sowing rye on that bl,.. Ilzt) ~~:!'tln': ~t!~~t: ~1~o~I ,: ~l~:C)~O~!.~~~·:r;·~~~tl'V.~~II':ndT :gof:D' . dear. however . hecame alVare of this 110 Bue- I H I? In the Bowing of clover lIeed. 111un8 ground! , Ilmel .. much .. the 00 oeo' al18, "Pa.)'8 t o buy ,11. larked . aln. cooded In persuad ing the Imperial 8cn. / ,Gertnul e-Oh, Alg~rnon ! .0"11' should be laid early. It wlll lIot lie' " !JalFREE ~n ~~~~Y?I~ h~~II~ ~~~t~~8fS; :I~llI1,~:(,"o~:tl~:v':,f1 ~t~C~~I~:: Have less land In cultivat ion nnoS ate of Flnlan,1 through tho secretllr y ~nll1,colln sate to walt till tbo mldd 10 of the win· ter phonolfrA Mull'l Gral)() Jlh ~nlC, ~ ~"t, rand rer,::n ,,11 1 a.1 ,,0 IIcn.t ,Oil a (lBrtl" ·,.Ie 1,u)f)Cj furfl .W tuwn.rd~ , I d d I L-bu purchuMO I Illoru 'r ulIJ(l ( ru m )'Otlr,truQI[I" awful IRngunge! .- CI"" "RO !Ja.11L of stn t e. 1\•. G', I,n I. ter borors ordering tbe Bced, In ,some that better lIlled. er. to ec are .In I ."eh hew•• "Hew to the Ilne," but let an hon, splto ot the IInanlmo MU4J.·S CRAPE TONIC CO" 147 Thi,d ",yo" R",,1c 1,1a.,.!, W. localitie s the practice \e ,genero I ot llB feeling In tbe --4-," landdag anel the country, lowing on tbe snow, and In tbat cl\ge cst Dlon draw Ibe line. Piso'. Cure tor Con.... "'ptiO)D i" on i nf~lIi· Good fenccs, especllllty Une ren~es, Bobrlko tr proved l'ictorloI that Gen, March will be the Qlouth In some locall· make lS, He and hie medici ,\,; fo r cOllghs UI,d fold .,- N. W, good ne ll!hbo!'8, M. do Ph!hve, ' with the greaJcst au. 'lollluel. Ocean Gru,'c. N, J .. hb, 17, 1000. ties and Febrnar j In other 10calilleB Give the sheel) anil Illgs 0. ~I\pnce daclty, assured the czar farlher BOuth. If the Bced Is urdel'od tbat the Finns at Ihe s mall potatoes left In n" ' ~Id, greeted the new law with the deepest late It mllY not aITI vo till atter the d,,· Rllnnln g Account . , thankful nesB. Tbe truth was tJllLt Ilrable condltlo lls havo gone. It must "The c".I"",' . k' I'I'",1 "u' "1111 hi. PRICE . Draw up a pl\e of slraw nea, the nevel' wall Day law haled IIlle this one. houk. gl'c in ;111 IIhn.1 In add,ltlon be tested before belDg 80wn' ~b1ckilD bouso where the heUlI ean Wfll1 1ll\l\ld lo' ," """"U""":! lhe !JookkePJlrI'. "W hll t 0100 1: \I'r' dll: 1 J It and this requires some Ume, I "01'("11 n l'UllII i n g tll..'\'!lHmt "i t h Il i m at wor c. n . . Bidlc\.t]OUB. 1 tmcc, " M ici th e pn~~itlt.'nt , JJr' Tbe more Bkl!ltul n man Is In planSlatted bushel hoxeB ' are the bp.~ t III J 1h l, t ly. "It , Is re9,!Iy ridiculo us," salA Mr I CI.vclnn,1 I.cuuer, "lug his work. sal' S the Farmers ' Re· wblch to pick up un" carry pot.utoea III GUAR ANTE ED TO CUR.I!'. 1'lgg, " to see the style the HenderbYII I __ ~_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~ 'Yltlw, the mors lik ely Is be to be ~IlC' from the field. 8RIP,8A O COLD, HEADACHE AID IEUR.LIIA. put on, when B\rcryboc ly knows tbat I - - -- - - cessfu1 ID , tbe work or the farm , In J won' ,.aU AnU":O .. Ipl"e tn & .J "all!r ..,hr, won·t,9 ..... A great Improvc :lIout on D1:l11Y they are 09 poor as-as nt ... . poor as-" It. Clt.lIlor )':0"" MO"It--y nA. (;K. I . IT »o!Wt'r CJ,,"lC'&' I A GIANT LAID LOW, llU'ge establlsb nients In the olty, plalls ('1rms would bo t.o have better and ·F. "',D'C!'''iI!r~ •. D •• ~r:w u r~oturcr, 8JWi..IfJf..ld, • •• "Plaster :' suggeste d tbe youthfu l -are Often made yonrs In advanc~ und straight er fences, son and bell', Crippled al14 lIta40 1\1 By Awful ICldaey 'Worked as ',care!ully as ono woultl work Do outdoor wOI'I, wblle llle 1:t1U "Poor as what?" a ~ ked hIs parent, to a certain pallaro In wcnvlllg a car. Ahlnes, and save work such &8 611e\1 Disorders, , sternly, pet or other fabric, Thle Is nU8ulnte ly Ing seed corn, cleani ng bins. etc" t \lI "Poor ns III aster- porous plll.9tOI·, Johu Fernuy s. frui t 1';tU!c,.. Webs le r, necessa ry,'n some ente rprIses, Busi- a raIny dll)', Don 't you see?" N. Y., 6:" 1 \tliCd 10 l ift rulJroad ness sbould go like ctocl(worl, allli the 'rbe 'fbe IndIgna nt fatber blew out his t iel! ensily. bnt farm Ie a busIness pl uce. There should many manuro leakage I ~ UIO ruin 01 of WEST!lN CANADA 'I. fa l'mel's, LiquId light pili checks. 'hI! 9UIC) Unt IIIA II Y f ;u m · W l' e " cit e tl lny be on It 'more bool(kee plng lind more should rrl'll wHt z!! fr o m be built autl " Now, tho look wllole here. 111'0. Mrs. F," back he Baltl, UJ1d began plaoohl g of all work lu advRuce , the ir whtat cr op this tected from Run. rain nnd air. " If yon don't son d that Impuden t Imp year. _ _ to .miIer with it: bed In fiv e minutes 1'\1 tak e him The Iowa Homeste ad tells ot a farm· baclmcllo 0. II d Head Work Needed. ' '25 Du~H~l " t·o the Acr t kidney troUble. Tbe 8I1n8hlt;l~st day tbe larlDers of er In MI~ sou l'l wIth s\lch a line (lOrn Itl band mpelt! I'm not goIng to wl11 b.e ' h e A\'erOlee Yield of Whtal, 1 neglecte d it our cOllntry hllVO ever seen will be crop that be cannot harvest It, He ),ave any lIeYi1 humorlslB tn thly lin til 01113 day a ' the day when tbey o.waken to, th e , fact thInks be will "natl aiding on the houRe ! "-Stray Stories, twluge fe\l ed mo Tll e 1:I,nd thnt th i ", _l\ A ~rown on C'Ollt mlllY or that It Is not a1\ of farmIng to dig stalks of tbe outside rows and rool th & rnrmcr''' nmohtlel) ' n othing • • h i lethose who Ii.Ite I\. log. mu,le wis tn tbe earth, Wltll ollr diggIng t bere tho lIeld over," hed t o adct to the 160 ;a cres the Go·...:nl1nf' lIt " Shot Out. , me crawl on bands an,l knees. I WIlS KTAtn ~. c an buy toud 18djol ulllg ;lt fr om S6 t o Jl0 must be mIxed a lot of the good, Aharp Loa,l. lit, BoLtle-Noso Ben, for !,n. so crIppled fOi' I\. time W(II'k-=fo- r-=R<l:-:'ln - y--=Da =- Y8, a n a c re, thot I coulo1l1't . .. nnd of thought and common sense. Uave II plllce for empty barrel • !ltance, said ~he earnest exhorter . It wallt wit.bout sticha. hnd heiulach es was the Demol/o ~um that marie boxes, baBltets and poultry crates. him Plnd dhllY spells and the 'Idll lley Se«e- Cllmftte 8plenclld, Khool ~n.taiebt, rallw.y. Lime In ,Potato Din. Ami wbell a rainy dny cornea If any Ihe one·eyed , 10\\ , browed BOl t)Jat be tI ona were muddy Bud fll.ll of b,'ielt- clost At bauJ, ta.J le. , UW~ ,A little lime scattere d throuJllh )lO' ne\ld fl,xll\ll IIp. 10 to·day." dust aedimeu t, DOItn repair tatoea as th ; y are put away for wlotel will be rf 9 dy tor lise thl!m 10 th"y "Not, altogeth er, parao~." Mid Atka!1 Wilde the pain dlsappea',.l' Kiolhl'Y Pilla Ren~ lor pamphlet "lOth, eealuty when reQuired. ailld corro ·t" d ama hill C.".~~ ·· ~1·I . absorb dampuee s, keejj tbem fr.'1m Tbtll parlleu tan "Iaididl rate, e\c,~ . to Ike. "It _mebbs made him 0. IQw- the urin"ry troUble. YOll '",111 not 1111" 0 ,to ItOP lind 1 ha'\' o felt better ~ UI·'t(lt N·D8NT" 01'" hUUOkA.T JOH, OUn.a.. IJrowed .Ploutlo g early ami as81rt In keepln$ PIl1; II. hoop , on BOt" but It Will my good old 'ever since." CODA'do,O r loth. fOllowlDl I'oulhorite d Ca.n.dtaD '80me \ Go~trDlIIe.t A ..... , lbem frolIi - mitt...: ' I~ ~jl.l Dot 'In: up a btlx , tll1it's nee4e4urel or Itatcb ~lI n thal malie him one-eye d,"-Cath o' I ' Sold by all dealers. 50 ~nL. ' Cor sblppln ., flc SlIwdW' a boa. a», WILLl.U. I, Law BaUdJ ....Tolltdo. d 'and TIm., D. 'uro Ulem: Foster-:AlllburD Co,. Buffal ... ~. Y. ail·&)'. JI.... "'n ,." pop ....
,"~ ,
To sweeten, To refresh, To cleanse the system"
headaches whe n bili ous 'o r coastip ated ;
For men, women
and Gently
Dispels colds and
and children;
There is onl y o'n e Gen uin e Syr up of Figs;
Act s best. on the kid ney s and liv er, stomach and bowels;
to get its beneficial effects
Always huy
hy t.he
~". ,_ :~}QRNIA fi~ SYRUP(t !sville, Ky_
S~r\ JTat'\clsco.CaJ.
"Th ey Say Ii Cures Where All Others Fail"
'0 _"", • ,,.,., .,'
, '-"-:I-n=;;i;i!lFPi:;;;pi!i
$16.00 an Acre'
c . . ..... , . . _S£t.
' os
Prof. W. H. 'Venable, A Waynesville ~Isltor ,
Pllbllabe4 ""~1 at W a3 n~lYl1I e. Oblo l'rof. W . H. Venable, ~he weU -"'------,~----,..._- ,known \vHter Md ~,uoator of Oln· K T DaoW)! ' . AO.L..a'r Il . 1I0K.~' 1r\';dltor" ..noUl a n"lr6 rt1 , Ol, nnl4' ti ,n, tt en ded th e runera'I 0 f"'" .Illra. '''''8. '1'. J . Bllo" • • A$80Cl AT . 'EDJ TOU . .Nathlln L upton, near R jdgeville, --:;-r- - - - - -- -- - -'- Friday, ooming up to Wayn eeville, '1 ~00. Jear . .. . . . - In advance Thorsday, Ilnd whUe h ere was Il n .~&. yur It nOl paid In adyanoe guest of J. E. Janney.
WINTE R TOU RIS')' TIOK E'fS 1 \.lt lDl',)W
mI'LTER MI\CLU R~E IJ• H, McCASSY, M, A,', M, 0 n1\ . , U '. ' 1:!11 - 'Yf1!tt Fifth .' ivr.ilt, -"- ',A
f'UNEftAl 0I REC-T0R,
AP.B VlT.. I.E
Telephone Day or Nighl. Local No, 7 Long Distance No. 69-3r WAYNESVILLE, OHIO BranN Ch 0Q ffice , .Harveysburg, 0,
1,011. Obit') . .
Ph iIC)!l. : ' 1\',,,\ 11 - tr'o~.,
, IiOIl IO
;IM)'~ !
' EV b:, E~Il " ~\Jljr<: 'l'U;t('A! . , ~,ti,olo'~ ,Jit.IIlUu t .1'1111>;011111.>10 pri H',", 1 .\ )W
BBA I '~~' Y
M.aIm T H AN
~KlN '
_L i,v i n g ' Monulnent. If to ' w c war '
se mble all f I1 cnrt diseuse hy - ~:: !lfiks' Heart lIr. and who wOlll d to-day be in t heir g ra" 'S had 11 0 t D r. Miles' bl'en :;11 ccss flll in petf · I inS' this WO,udc r ful heart sp ci fi c, they would 1'01'" lai C a larg e city. \ \That it rCl11 urk:rhl e recorda b reat hin g , Ihin kin g', moving 1\
t hose ' w hci bave b e u cured
A t-'nllll .i\Jlist ' 0 iii ,I j u estlOD Doubt It. [t' n llll Willt iu, A1' VI!~ HY LO \ V UA'I'ES 'l'n.,~".do"'£ eJlJ,J, . . "'0, 6'1 in WIly no8vllle next Augus t, llnd he 1 P 'lJ~ik" h' Must GUI'O l 111Il/oto ti on UI" " ' I , ~~ J' J' has been by the oommittee tak e - -- , it, i " Irr' liI, J , E , J nnnev C\) lI t.1l1ne~ , llll) Ilut.n rnl t1 ' ~ I" U " f " ,H'Y tl l1 t1 ~I - 1 a part on the program at that time. For m l e.", llll'" tuhle" or be .ll, tirully 111"" 1t,f) !'. 1l \V'lynes viJle POOI;lo wit.h t h 1 . 1 () 11~ W, \ lllall I" 1:1; IltI\' , ~L c l HI' ,' In ,,' 11 <1 bf'lllltlfnl ('o lll [ll l~XI"n , ' OnU OI' HIJIII\l, t IUI,St IJ09il i I c r "t . WII!ONESOAY. ' , NOVEM Il ER ~ 9 , , - 1905 tra t.ed hooklet, all I' lor illa, I"" " lI lr C:~3 ", ' ".. .v s P Op Sll1_ " I ' .11 t" ' " ' ! f UI P, 1' \""'''' \\'01lin 11 IJlt n h o, IL Dia, n" tl r' " ,' (1I1 l In" g o~ Jon or It, wI]I Trluity Choir at New rleanHor C' u\J, , Jodllte o!.., Ih:.lrl" t. rf'P' \ not c.ast u p~ nn y . ,l Ull ll, but ~ 11l' I I·t . s l l " HR~ :tn cl tnOl1l1nw n t , com l) o ~ l'd o f bUI]J:t n. Expel'ienco h tlS proveD tll n t P cp I ,! II.ty . lI illLlH , . 01. 'I ~ I(!:'~' ."in ~1 11 1''' 1 l i \' ~ s,-tli:lt for wh ich every EDITORIAL COMMENT Waynesville', Dec. 7. relen lllLI\"r , kolo. 'l'ltble ts CI11'O lI YSp oIHlin. ill fort,v I \\ II hili . I h I PILd ,' l,'l , tl \ lllY \\ Il1 n.1I1 1 01 h 'r canlil:- possl!ssioll is s act' , IJ 11, '8 11 , D I' A ('llIdll"a ll lIin o ells R Oll t o f finv , 'f hil< Ii' '11 1wh" ~\'1l1 nlll lw 1,{1I I1'~" , I riliced. 'the Frlluklin Chronicle issned a Ae previoul ly annonnced tho 001, rOI1lILrkuhlost4ltolll Elll t: lmt, t hEl l'ulItR I I t ' I~ nit II IU ILUnl' II I ill t t' i1 I1.(l' nt T he M iles' M edical Co. rehandsome Tha nksgi vi ng n nm ber IAlt ebnted ,oholr of Trinity M , E. J ~' IJA " U Pfl IlT , H I' ,\ SL I"",,,,, 1ill th e OIL~O un ol1.~! l v he vor lflod . ' I I:Y Ill ~. , If Ihll hO IV 01 I>1 l1 l'e 1IlII,:I,!\' ,·. cei " e tholl :<ian lls o f It' ll ers fro m weet,., The prlnui)J~1 fednre of the Ohurch , Xenilt, will gi ve Il con oert H UAU.o: Y, :>I \I' I' .\ l'hlclgo Thore is overy ren~on 10 11 1\'0 COIl II Ilvel' IN Ilot wlJl' lu 1l J,t pn '!"" ''''' j t hese p eople like t he follo w ing .; ~ I - , If 111 )l oj ~o ll"n ~ W II ~ I., ' ilud I'. · r ll ~'· .aditlon oonsisted of scores of letters " I r~ ~1 I n fl~b l o 'l to Ihn Dr, Mil o"' at Waynesville I:JohooJ Hall, Thill'S. J 11 M 'l. l.KeN, \I P A \.",,1. ,'1110 fiLi eu ee fOI J , E, .11LIluo~ WIll Iml1l1 11 1'0 11 ,, 1, ox polle.l Pl.'O'lL )lll y 1'1'11111 I il l' lTc·a rl. ("' u r o r ll l' 111Y I1fe. I fh' " lro t o " ..1 1 from former rCllldents of Frllnkl'ln, d i D be 7 IJIlc k vour 2r; cent.!' wl t hOl1 t, h o ~tt" I ". I ,, -, I 808m r , 0 L ~ 1' O N E (-I en ' II'nRs Aren t t 'il II f" l f h ' 1 \ M ~ ...I,OIlL tdO (Jlllllpl o~ l o n "I "IHO I.. ~lllldt :~ l~I'I'I~i\" ~'I~~l rk~~L, ~~ r~ ~ :l~:dl~ t1fnru rh ! now IIO&ttered all over the oountry. ayevenllg, Re8erved seat tiokets will be . , .. , .,. . . ,10 11 H ou I you nt 0 elllg OUt'C!, ~ ho w \,ho oO:.'o t ~ . I Ih'n l' t. 1"01' II,.. 10llg li mo I li nd sun-I' r' l ld Loui.wi ll o loi: v A ll klmls (If f uml c,n n b~ n ntlll i 'I'hn onl y I'i !,(h t wil y I .. I' II!I IIW 0'1 f r llrt' sllur'tu efoJs u f b l'c'nth ' n(l or HO Y The entire nnmber WAI a oredlt to Illlt,'"' ex Or t ll''', Ilulp ltntillo \J ( t ho h c.u r t; ' . ' frooly;-tt. I~ lIlnrn 'n ~I} Y ollgostOII' ; lIi1 lL [lIOh, 11I01,h "pOIR 1111,1 ulotchl"s . an Franklin and to the tillented editor phsooc) :on ule Ilt Janney 's dru gd a t tlmt,.'d l "'nl bll! p =t ln t tl th o re,:: lorl s tort', Friday Dec. I, at " o 'olock . - - ---- -th oI''' b III> fl1 l1 n l' ~ilo l' (h!ltJ~ 8S IIfl C'l' ; 1111(1 I'llial' Ill' II IIHlIllly, nlotlll.v 1\\1111 : (lr thu h r-url. liO " t..'rJ o lI :-l tI .. l t I feul'p<l of tb&Chronlole, Mr . S . 8 . l'ibbels . t lln.t r w o uld ~lI rn " I i n w dr ill' th'nd u po n g l \" t.h o t<IUllltw h ; pl ll.\ill ll i8 t.'l /.(u t'ig h t. to Ih u rUilt ,d'\ th,~ FU r,' o t. Ottu (h v 1 l'l'; d u no "r yu u r • _ • 8ells Mllr ll of Chlll1lb(l r lni n'" (Jon " h ~'d l llg , ".1;1\ I,y , ~ ILS~ 11ll 1 u U nil! 1 Igl'Ht , l'Ol'sl('" III 11111 t.ro1\~Jl v wit h I,ho pro ppr r;'lIl tl II V. (I :rI'lI 1 1 r~. nnd IIniI H '(ll :~ h IY "" 'lIl t o , tl'umr l ~ t Itnd p "I·,'l ul H, c1 t wo b o t.· Our SpeCial Number. Ohapped ,sands. Rcll1 fl lly tl lnll 01 nil Ol.h f'l''' Put, l 'ln hlets 1l1llko I\Hlr o rIch h lu"ll t' li T h,' ' "' '-lllIlllll y t hnt, will Gn;'lI ! IllY fI of tho Il l'ur t l ' lll'(' , 11 11(1 Inole It Htr on g il" lI l he lJll<i y I" , utI"lTll nlln"", to (1Ir'I'('1iliIUC , with the n &w Ih t warm wn'L'o"ot l1or ' ,, ' -' ('(lII~ ''I'" II' '' ', 11111 " ' 0\' 1\ t lo u 111lll1 plox W aeh yonr had The 'publhlhera of the Gazette had u l l t ll n t 1 n nl (' nt lr,·I)· r u rt''' . Rllwo ter, dry with a towel and apply , .. I he." !I " I .1ll st th o tlltll !.: If yon fo,' I' 11>11. hr i'\lIl<llL t,lI " B\"I'". I n ll l' "\I 1.1", I r('~ l lt" 11 I 11(1\1 r ml Hs " " ol' :-'I' r lun lr y to IIXpected $0 iIIIIue the 8peclal Illus· Chamberlaln'& &lvo just before go M I' T h Oll O("lrgo, U I1l flrchnn t of l'n)l 11 , 1\\, 1\ , nm' vollil, tirllll IIIHI ,)" h ll -l li \' tll' , (\ Unl >:UI' I( louII II II Cll " II lid 111"111'11 1 r'>l.. j'lIlIm f' n~ t h l ~ r, 'mt ''')'' to m y fr ie nd!! 11 :1\\,1 h elu't t l'l\1I 1 ~ 1t' : In ( II i 1 n lq trated number of the paper to· lag to bed, and a speedy onre i8 ~r- M t;, Elg llI. Olltnl't o. !IIIY~: .. [ 11l~vtJ I ,t .• tllli 1111,1 110('11 SOlll ot,llIlIg t o g 1\' " I II CI""T ,',' Iv!'!.\' " lOll i~ L"' XIIC'U III Ilw llnIr;1\' "lIng ndv, 'rl i!' ll w n t. f ur 1 n lll whl" l y )( u wn tn tld:J I , ' l1l t v: ' morrow but it baa been Impollllible taln. Thll salve 18 also nnequ ll lllu h a.d the 100,,] II gene.v for Uhu mhor - I you IL now I?n!lo au hl'n II nll nn\\' 1" '1) 11 1( ' 'J'uh lnt .. , J, 11. l ;u WM.AN. to oomplete it In Ume and" will be for skID al_sel: Foraale by F . C. IISln '~ Uou gh fioll1 Eldy eyol' ~i llee It I olle q,:y " Don t h CIHta tIJ IL YI1l1l l1 t l'" ~~_~~~'!'I"..._ __ _ __ _ I '?l.flt nn l:;«' r o f Leban on Dem lk!I'3 t .. N:.:-:lwilt i\. T l' un. Wll&IIltrOllucAfl in to Cn llllll ll. IIml I. 1~ll t 1.(0 l'1!;l~~ to Mr . .1u nll ll,V IIntl b 'Y I - . ' I _ t out some time next week. No ~hwartz. Dr, Milos ' H ft il rt C u re I. Bold by 8elln H mneh ol' it. n s ld o of rt ll Qthl'l1' l l ep~ I ,o ln ltLblotswl tl, l.h AI1I1'I "' I' I ~1 L\ NiJ ~t l) . \ ~t ' one who ball not bad experienoe In ~'I~~rfi~~~1 9·'~~~I·~ ~WI t ~l: ~I~~ral~t~~ ~!'1~ : lines Pll t 10g['I.hor Of Iho lIlll n y ' ~I,nntl tn g t,hll t yon !Unlit he 11 'hIL " lIy I • . j , 0 , . . 1 1IoI8n'8 tTnreaeoD8blenes h4 w il l r t!hHh1 y o ur n l\.lf1t.:Y. tbill Idud of work can ~ave even a dozen" so III nutl ol' g Ull 1'1111 l Oll, 1 h a VII 1 0 11 eflt Wtl or t,b e eoet '\\'111 UOnot lu ng I tII HI I"- II.. '" ~I, 0 111 " Is often IS8 great as w oman's, Bnt Miles Medical Co., Elkha rt, l nd fal" id_ of the UOle and labor reo Thos. S. Austin, Mil'. of th e " lte. not h' ld ono lJO t,t lo 1'ot,\1I"1('11 1 en n ' .'"'!!'~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~ S\ ·\,; ( ' I AJ.Tl II:H : ' l'I"II:MlII:" OF WOMf:N I quired to prepare au edition of tbis publioan," of Leavenworth, I nd _, per80nnlly r ,' 1II1110ll(1 thill medi , e as J 1I11\' Q \150£1 it tn-'solf nll (l it fIA r['JIA" \.Y ' ,\ NIJ II ILIII:II:N, kind, ' WAI not uDr8880Dable, when h e r o- oln given It t,o m y chil(\ren nlltl IIl wn,I'!:' •• • . " .t , I - "",,,-===,,=__=~.,, _,.......,.,..-fused to a.llow the doc\ ors to opera W Eaob replar 8ublorlber will reo Wayne!;l dlle's Lend ing Dnn tist ou hie WIfe for femallH rouble. ·'In. wi th th e bl1f1t. 1'osults , " Fo r Ille by Cures Co lds. CI'v llll (Iud W hw Jll uy Cough , Dely.e ODe Oopy of thll I!!ditlon free, Itead," he IIIIY8 , "we oonoluded to F C &hwarl z Onlce In I, cys' [Iuildlrl &'. ' ~Jaln SlreH I Cu r~ Cold. , Crou p n n d Whuopi ug Coug h, A ~Ited number of extra ooples try Eleotrlo Bitters, My wife wae are being priD~ whloh will sell for then' 80 slok ehe oculd hardly leave her bed. and five , phYl ioiaD8 bad lOoeouMCb. • tt· ,"-; ~ ~ '. ~ ~. , '. 9-, ',..... c;' Jr failed to reUeve ber. After taki ng •• Electrlo Bitters she was perfeotly Thanksgiving Day. oured, and can now perform all her !Omonow' . Thanksgi ving day. household dlltles." Gnarauteed by ~1taglvtnr-how much It means. F . C. Schwartz, druggll t , prlye 500. OFFICE IN J ONES BUILDING.
Prof Vent\ble i8 very ruuoh' inter· este(iln the Home (Jomlu g t'o be h eld
' 1"
B ow mnob all of Q8 bave for whlob A Woman's Message. to be thankful. Some one baa uld tbat tbere Is a 1b1etoD In every family oloeet, A lla~I1Jer of the Gazette saw _ ~nID' 'hat each famlly bal lOme the folloWing ,paragraph In Ii news· ~Iar ' IOttOW or burdon. To a paper and wallO' bluoh pleased with oerWa uteDt ,hie 'I 'rue, out It, h~ was anxious to give otheri 'l'banbtlvtnl mould oall to mind an opportDDlty to read It and uked DOt . . eorrowa and dl8oourap~ lbat it be publlehed in this paper,: . . . . III Ufe. bo& Ihould be a hOpe. , A wOJDIUi Unog In a town no' far fal'piiIpl: • time for renewing of f, rom New- York oommiaBioned ber f.~ f~pfnID... . , ~buld wbile In the oity to pu,. Pity taut or WODl&D who feela ohua a motto for tbe Snnday. &bey"" no&b.iDg--for whloh to be. ~booL Af&er he had left, it Iud· &hukfal, DO mauei h9w hea'; dena; ooourred to her that ahe bad jou bllld8ia. remember &bat "negleosed to tell him *he delired In. ID1ab' ~ be., W0N8, ; •. wi*h fal*h ,ID IIOription or the proper size of the 004 . ia4 faith ID yoanelf' with card. Ooinl to a nearby telegraph ', ~ fOl': the future preiIa f~rwatd omoe me wrote out a m_ge to aDd lMi tlwlkfal. ' , her hUlband oon\aIDlng ,t he neces · o 0 eary Information and banded I,t &0 'he operator. It read AI follow 8 , ' LOCAL ~NP "John JohDllon,---Broadway, PERSONAL MENTION New York City :"Unto 118 a ohlld II borlf"-B feet TIle TrinIty Il. B. Choir at School lonl' I) feet wide. "-Harper's W~. Ball ThundayevenlDg, Deoember7. ly. IIiJe Jeue Kell.y, of DaySOD, was a gaee& at the home of it V . Bob· erta 8enral daya ~eoently. For Sale-8everal dozen Brown c. A. Alderman and W . E _ Moore. Reoelveno Letrhorn palle"l. Inquire of Ohu. SOHEDULE OF PASSEl'!'GER TRAINS .
Da,ton, LlbanOD " CinCinnati Rr. NORTHBO UN D
A. Brown.
1Ir:and Mn. Bobert Crew I8rved
an elegant dianer to.: few of their one day lut week, 'he IfU8AU being Mr. and Mn. Edmund Bealltok, IIr. and 111'8. Tbad Zim. m!lrmaD, lin. ' Sarah Smith and ..... Belen Stolt••
N o.
N O. 7" P ili
Lv. LebanoD. 0.:15 9.UO 1,30 4.aO "0.41 " 9 , ~ O "1, 311 "4 36 Lv. Leland Lv, JJodda 6. bO "0 45 1.t 5 4.46 Lv. KI"'bn~r "O. 5~ "9.61 "1.C7 " ' .47 Lv. venable "0 .ft4 "9 49 "1.40 ..... 0 Lv. E41/ewOOd " 0 .118 '9.113 ·1 .u 3 "' . 53 Lv Lytle 7.01 9 .M 1,56 II .M Lv. Manor "7.06 "10.01' "2, 01 "0.0 1 Lv. centerville 1 . 1 ~ 10,01 2,07 o.of Lv. Hempeiea4 7 ,20 HI.1 5 2.15 ». l u " 7 ,13 "10 ,17 "1l .17 "6. 17 .For Jacrippe always UI8 "Bed L,·. ROIllyn L• . SlIater cr. 7 .:11 10 22 2.111 5.:!2 Spl'llllll aDd ClaeI'I')' iapaotoran'. " Ar. IAlb a non Jo. 7 ,aO JO.! b 2.25 1)'~6 1 C. B.An, I>_&"T, o. H. &I> _ C,O.&I>, So1cl by J. E. Janney. DaJton 11.40 11 .00 3 .00 0,00 D. & • • T , D,&"_T _ D, • •"'" lin. MellDda Sherwood, of SpriDg 8,00 3 ,00 0 ,00 Valle:r, wat for IIOveral day. laB, 8OUTHBOUND week the IUM' of her nieoe, Mrl. AM PM AM P M B. B. WillialDllOD, aDd allO called LIlAVW No 2" No , . No 0" NoS " on oShen of her frlenda. Dayton : C. H . & D, jj 00 Dayton : D, ok X. T , 7 00 Ii 00 1000 000 The II. Ladles' Aid Society Lebanon Junction '740 2 a" 10 35 0 ao Cro••lng 7 42 2 37 10 37 0 a: will bold a TbanbRlvinl market at Shaker K08110 ' 1 47 ,:;: 4: ' 10 42 '037 the towuhlp hOQ88, Wednesday, Hem.te.d 7 00 240 I0 4~ 640 7 ~H 2 61 10 lin 0 40 NOY8lnber ii, beglnninga& 1 0 'clock, Centerville Manor ' '8 IH 1! r,7 '10 AD '0 "2 Lytle ij 09 a 02 II 0 4 0 lire. J. MarlaU, PNIIlclent. Edcewnod 'S 12 11 06 ' 11 0 7 ' 7 00 '8 16 '3 Oft '11 11 ' 7 05 IIr. Cbarlel Seara, of Ferry, Venable KUehner ' M18 'a 1l --..:j 1 13 ",07 bNDIb& to the Gazette oftloe recent- Dodds '820 313 111 0 '7 11 'K ~ 9 '3 22 '11 ~4 '720 ly a Ourl08lly tbat was growlq on Leland Arrl.e Lebanon K aG 3 :111 11 3 0 7 30 blJ farm while he was tra'feliDg Dally e<CePl SundBY, . Stop on algoaI. throqh the W.t thll summer. SU NUAY ONLY The .Dovelty II a pumpklD dl 'he Traina pus Lytle aHfollow", Slam_ &WiDB variety, belot two Nortbbolln(\ 1 /iOa. m, ~ 47 P m u.(,. ~ , m, 7 .03 p m dletlDot pumpklDB grown ' to- 8outbboUDd OllIcea at DaYWIl : D. & X, T_ : 3 LudpUler alm08t the en &ire length and TIcket low . ,reet Arcade. C. H. & D. Union Dc""t, baving but one l&em. W . E . Moore, Gen'l Pl&888nger Agt . The TrInity II. E. oholr never faU Lebanon, Ohio. to pJ. .e tbe large audienoee which always greet them. BilIous Attaok QUIckly Oured. A few weeks ago I had a billoos Oroup. A reliable medicine and one thai attack tbat WAI 80 'J8vere I 111'8& not abould alwaYI be kept In the bome able to go to the offioe for two dllYs, foJ' immedla&e Q88 • Chamberlaln's Failing to get relief from my fllwily Cougb Remedy It will prevent the phyBiolan 'I' treatment, I took tJlrOO atack if IPTeD u soon u the ohlld of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver beoom. hoane, or even after the Tablets and the nelt' day I felt like 0f01lD7 OOGKb appean For ..10 by a Dew mM.-B. C. Bailey, Editor of the NewI, ChaplD, B. C. Th8118 tab· I'.O.Schwar•. lets are for sale by F. Schwartz.
I Chamberliiin's Cough Remedy
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Coun~y Court "ro~edings
• M&& .. ¥. ; \ O,. re1 WCiS' appo\~te(l to besr' tbe 2 " .' CfI~i'~( .~arket" ~Gr!lnu Hom·e. Corning Rnd ClI/4l\, fila.. Prol,JiltA .1 udgn being lI,b· , . , , IlUII'~ .AND Hllnt from the 'tlll!'. ' Tbe ' Lodles Guild (if st M,Lry's ReuolO n , of forlll_e r Residen t!! il~ , . I~I . Ohul, ' ob Waynll wtll - l ...... lurn M. t;(:.,II,·I,1 v~ MIIT.f hold svill its week anuual lteginu ing AUg11af EtltlLtA- of Lydt/l E. Dillliel, deceas: and Christm as ' Market , SatuTd ay, A nil I)O.. Helit . Dlvurctl. P .. rrisli to ed. Proof o,f publioa.tlon 'of notice Decemb er 16th, at tbe townsh ip 6, 100~ . When WaDtin~ the Iluit 'uTe IInu 1111 ve ' ~uell ' for yeurs of ;1[lpoin tment of udminh ltrlltor houMe. ,,'H,lid,U11.1:1 of. MILMOIl . 'l'bay were .Illed ' .. - ,- -- murrled 8,I<ptelllher Hi, 1905 . Pluio '&Itllte of W , E 8tQokton,Rs~lgno~ IN TIME Oil' ,PEAOE . all of <; . ill. I.Ifi' I1l1cl olle Obild, 1\ lion, by II for W. F. .E1t,l'Iroth appoint ed l&8aignee 10 the first months of t,ho RUS8ill. mill' Ilca~.llllo;" lIud u~r(tudllut hlLd ~!th bond of fliOOO, wbiOh is Bpprov: JlLlInn 'wnr we hlld Il 8tl'iking eXllm. Muee ohlldre ll . by II lJ\'aviuu ~ mill' ed. WIJlinm tll.vlI , fl. . Corner :;tl'i ps for t oba coo boxos fOI' ~ ulo B Corwin pI e of the Decessi t)' for preparutlOD rlu~ll · Plilintlf f IIver~' thl1t over RIlf! O. S . Blggln!!, III)prOls 1'8. nnd the early aUVtlDt.uge of those tduco thei r ulttrrlng e defemlu ut hilS E~t.~to of Mord llOI>1 M. Urogg, de. Who, 80 to SI~llk, "h ave shingled htleo or~sd lind oruel to II1~n nnd ceu8ed . Proof of publiollt iOU of no· their NOrS in dry wellthe r." , The ()ontiDutLlIy ~o"lded Ilnd relJrlnlo nd. tiol) of aPl>oio tment of ndmini stra. virtue of prepnru tion hns mnde hiR (leI him . '1'hllt through 110 t,mlt of tor filed , tory nnd given to us our gretLtest With someth ing tlUllHtnntltti 10 begin t h e uay 011 , !lllitH "'v"l'~\' plu!ntifi' Nm'tlUl\wr 0, 19()(j, dHrend. In ie will WIIIIQIIl ;1IlOk80n, de- tIlen 'fhe individ ualu8 well ""'tlIiJllr ns the of the househ old these cohl mornin gs . IInl Itlft hllll lIud ho~ ~in c" r emulne d oelL~ed , 'l'ime !let for h earing No- nu.tion should be prej.tared for any Whenyournerves '[ Most poople drillk ooffoe I\t breakfll~t" "uu w e onn ~ nlt,' foh" emerge noy Are yo u pre[Jllre to all uostrung away , 1lII1Itilf IIlIlll;lI~ thllt· ,Ie vemb"r 27, 1905 , your'I~~ Inv, ' 1' s uccesst ully oombat the first dcold appelilefails youaod ~ of colree. We htlVe IL ~ gool1 I> line of COF li'E;l:i;ti 'IR Vall (J ILt) find foucJHnt WII{( ~uHty or oruelty to" In re will Samuel Atkinso ill tOWTI n , ue· you tak e~ A oold OIln be cured you feel as though Wbat better thnn btl,tt.ol' ('u kos with PURE SYRUP Ullt. 1'lIncllk WllrIlM hlul!lI thllt rnuny tlllll's shl' cealt6d. Time set for benrlng De. muoh more quiokl y whon trented os the bottom ' " h!lR UlHllolouKly Ilnd wioked ly told oembor 2, 190ri" ped out of you r lIarc paYln ) FLOUR ILOtI S YRU P hero, soon Il~ It hlle r beeo contmo tetlBnd hi'" Rnu otherl< d y t h 6 pedllalt . I hi ' f for the YOll have We enn fnrUlsh the lllakeup of 1111 meals; breakfll st, clinner 11IIrI boforo It hOB b ecome settlell , lin uOOIlHec: the l na1cte upon )'ourself by hastlly·e m 0 Imp UIDAL ICIITATI!: TBAH8I1'KltS. atell SYRt.oUl Chnmbe rltLln's CoughinRem I and Imprope r food. ilupr"p rlety t:owllrdll his daught er· per, with III sea80nl tble goods . , . ody 18 faUlous for CUrDS of oOl,lghs in·law . . PlaiDttl f avers suob ohtlrg Your dllJ:estive orgllns, ev~ n though P . H , Rbe, admlDl strlltor of the no.l colds Hnu it its You aro m\'lted to 01111 . should be kept Ilt dellco.te , WIll sto.nd a lot of service, ll8 .to be untrue Ilnd that tbere .wllll e8ttlte of C"thHr lue OalhAbe but THE CORN ER GROC ERY, r, de. hUllll ready for instant use. For they relent iIl·treatment. no OIl,use for him to be . ullty of C6IISOO, to Ohllrles V. Pilitrey ; ,lot 81110 hy F 0 Sohwar tz lIuoh oonduo t. Runyan Iln: ~tIlnl~y lu Fra'nkl lo; $1l50. are attorne ys for the pllllDtilT . CLaM.or ln. l!'raDoes King by T. C. Patters on, Tresp assin g Notic e. sherIff, to Ell M. King; lot in WilY· AUlandtl I Man gar V8 Luella' l'rapp n(lsvlll e; '1400. All )IorSOD!! tiro horll by Will' n ed For lIloney only; umoun t ohLitned Huse Bone Ilod wife to Howard u!ln itlRt hnntinl{ un my premise:!. Is tbe greatest remedy In the \vorld for VAI.I.t; Y P\l O NI'; N u ,4 0 '131. PJlllntl tI "Hks judgme nt for W Ivins' four trllOts In correcling ond curing all forms of stom. UlI:o. W. BY.NKLK . Lebauo n : ach nnd diges\lv. thlM luuoun t olalmln g it Is due on & *1 , tro uble. ' It Instanl ly impart,; new lire aud vigor nottl for '126 given by defend antto . Benrlet tlL Murphy to to these parts and keeps them in prim. J. Frnnk !::ion Lost Mothe r. and perfect working condition. plllintllT , on Jnne 2, 1900. W. J , tlnook' lot in l.ebaon ' 'I "Cunsu tnptlon runs!n our fllwily Dont't wait until YOlIlHe in the grip of Wright !s attorne y tor plalntlt f: J. F;"nk alld Elizab~th !:lnook to lI\ld through it 1 lo~ t illy mother these , " lar orlorturi ng compl aints, butgeta dol. COU RT I'ROOICItUIHOS. LOANS NEUO' l'IATED . hnlf·dolltlr sl:", of DR. CALD. NOTAl tY PUB1~I. wn t{lS E, B, Reid, of Hnrmon y , Me. Henrie tta Murl)hy ; lot In South For Ule past live yellrs howeve r on WELL' S SY RUP PEPSIN now at your Wllhum Mloh"e l vs The Perrine Lebano n; $1. We hnve lmyors for !lOOU fnrlllt! druggisl 111\(1 'S I.uw and " forestll propert ll y ut 1111 timos. the troubl •• tho ~1i ghtest sign of II ~ough or ~old Paper Cu. Leave granted defend· Your money will be ref.unded If It Dr. J . W . Wllrd and wife to Cliff I h tlVe takon Dr. King's New List with us, we Cllll holp yO \l. Dis. does not benefit you . hut to 11\0 demurr er. P. Lewis Itnd wife, lot In Raysvil le ; oovory for ConQu~ption, which has Your 'Po stal cord. r ~QUe8t will bring by retarn JO!tllllh Thorne et III vs Uoorge .1 Offioe ROOUlS ovor P ost OfIloC' . mall l in Stoops' Buildin g. o ur new , booklot. "DR. CALDWE LL'S Mllveu me from serlous lungtro uble." BOOK .. , 01> WONDE RS" and free oample to His moth~r 's deal,h Wll8 a. sad los8 Butt. .Motion to set "!llde IIRle of :::S~}Ub~litv:o: ~ yer trll.!d thll wOI1c1erful Murtha L, and Oscar B. Tufts to for Mr Reid. but h e learned thltt real elltate lIustaln ed. Seth G, 'l'ufts. to 1l01'Oll In Hamil. lung trouble must not be negleot ed, Sireida Barrelt vs Boward D. .' PEPSI N Sl'RUP CO. 1t0(1 how to oure it. Quicke st relief BatelDlin. An8wer Illed by leave of ton townsh !p, , 2riOO. an.t! cnre for conghs llnd 001d8. .onllo.l lo, IlUnol. Price court. For !:lllle by J . E. Jllnn oy Omar Holllng 8wortb to Dougla s (JOe Imd *1.00; gUllran teed Il~ F. C. Holling sworth ; 80.9ri aoree in Tnr. SchwIlr tz'8 drug stol·e. Trin.1 bottle Hngh L. ArID8tr ong vs Jam8l\ W, tleoreek took to'wnsl1 ip; ~ fr eo . I:!wueney. Defend llnt granted leave LOW FAIUI: TO OALlJI'ORNIA, OOLOIUUO, to filo answer . Mame filed. Dougla s Holllng t!worth and wife ~""'!'!!!!'!""~!!!!!!""""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ItIH:XlOO, ANIJ POINTS AN]) sou'rn, WICST. W. F. Eltzrot h et al executo rs vs to OmarH oll\ngs worth; 66. 54 acres \"I a Pennsylv an lu L ine ' Quick tor al n HCr\'· JanDiA W. Trent· et 11.1. Decree In in Tnrtloo reek town8h lp; Ice t u.k6H I)fiFlSo n ger.; fro m cold t o w arm olliontes til a few h OU1""" 1\' crt.hc:r Intormn. foreclo sure Ilnd Judgem ent for plllin t.lon cordially rurnisli ed upo n r etlUcs t ad · dressed \ 0 tll e ncarcs il P f'n n syh'anlll Li neN Comm ission ers' ~ tiff iD tbe lIum of 1111)91.92. ti cke t u ~c nt d~j vavld J;.Il8hley vs Thoma a Zell et Proceedings. al. Motion ' to make petition more WINTER 'l'oURi8T TIOKETS '1 '0 OLORA . Liuolemll , M.itting s, Llloe Curtllill~, Drllperl eR, definite and certain ov'errul 8d. Win· ~ 0 D Reed and, Co, one dozen AND DEALER IN DO, OALIFOR NIA, ~IEXlOO, UOW Shudes, eto" etc . FLORIDA W . F . Elt.zrot b, execnto r, vs'F. ~ 4 00 : , broom8 I U ......... ......... .......... nnd poln.tIl we.t a nft south now .old "pet lal Co D. Fulker th et Ill. Decree In tore. COntra low I ~re. vIa Pennsylvania LInea AND nlon'I'e lephone , 1100 aboOl rouLes, . Lop,,,,'.r. and IraInIOrm:1' olOlnre lUldjod ge.m entfor plalniif f vel oon· Compa ny, reots and tolls 13 54 Olu Furnitu rll reuphol stered. Uphols tery Stuff~ ill grell ·the. snm of $206S.69. venleoce " freely gIven upon reque. laddre8· 8 Freu Ilnd Co, clothin g for t • lied t.o n...r.ol ~enn.Vlv .. nla Lln08 :1!IC OI ~7 variety . W, F. EltUot h executo r etc. vs prlsOne r.a ........... ...... ...... "7\1 .Tlliepli ono In his house wllere he Tn" JIIXSGIVINO 11' AlUes VIA PI!:NN81'LElizabe th Tufts executrilt:: ete. The Barrett BrOl, soldiers ' burllli 7 00 enn be ca.lled at all ' bours, day or V ANIA LINES. From the cheape st to thB finest . Domest ic nnu Import ed. ooori finds there,18 d';le from defen!1 In~::~~'~f'j~;~'G~~~~:'~~ night. ~.cur.lon tlckCIB will be 80ld at al\ tIcket ~ PRE!:lUOINU, TINTIN G, LIN CRU::;TA, STUCCO RELIE F ant Tufts the Inm of '250,- 76 and. 8tatlons on Penn.ylv anta Linos No\'cmoo 11 2~ Cooohes IUld ohlllr8 supplie d. FABRIC!:lFOR WALLS , 291h und 30lh 1.0 any ,1 8tatlon oot morc thanr -- further flDds there 18 duulao the ~i'Ed~i~'8;~~~'~~ 7 160 miles Irom Kelling polnl. Tlokct.8 good Have recentl y moved to room reluroiog !lum Ilf tsfi4S.S 9Ilnd a dl!OriIe 'in for. Bert Reed brid e re 'trs Prices maue until Decembe SII tisfaoto r (tb For partlcu· ry. A good plnoe to tr[ule. Call in oioeure Is tateu. next to Cr088 Bros. IBra consttll Locul Ticket Agent ot 'Peons yl· ' Buclpee us, II Sa 1 Ba vania LInn Deerfie ld townah lppa .......... . Furnish ers lind Deoorll tors. . DIne nehma n et al TIl The Bert Reed, final paymen t 37 26 VAIN STREit'[, WAYNESVILLE, O. Village of Springb oro, Ohio. Judg· LOW lI'ARES WEST AND oontrao t No. 96...... ......... 7<1 50 BOUTn.wEST HAR~fAN A DiB&8 lrous Oalam ltv, mept of 'he mayor of 1181d villll~ Cbis A Dugan bridge SPECIAL nOHE SEEK.lCRS'EXOURSIONS reo It 1811 di8A8trous calamit y, when 30-32 N, Main rever~ at 008t of village . st. DAYTO N OHro paint CJearore~t towDsh lp III 60 you 10lle your hOlllth, because indi, ,; VIA PI1:NNSVLVANIA LtNES . Albert MOIller · vs The Village of George Debold, Inmber IUId gestion and constip ation hllve sap· Anyone conlemplatlng a trIP We81 may Hluvey aburg, Judgm ent ofmllyo r ped" it i Promp t relief can be lake advantag e of the retlucetl fa res for the f th 111 ap tee .... ,....... .... ...... ...... ' I) 60 hlld inaWIlY. sPCCIu.1 HOIDe·Se eker s· exc ursions \'11\ P enn· Dr. King's New o Life e v age ill Ilffirmed. Pilla. , 0reiOD Ia Bridge Co oontrao t oylvanla LInes to poln ... In Colorado. lOaho. They bund up'you r digestiv lil. M. King vs Henry H. King. lowa. KaDda8. Mfn nMOt.a. . M'Mourl, M.o n· .... 1"~ . 2°7 ' 2 and olire heaQ,llohe, dizzineses,organs Sale ' of re"l eetate oonflrm ed and oolic, tana, NebrCUlka , the Dakotas. Oregon, Wajojb· ... 0 "".,. ....... ......... ......... .. 4 IO oonstiP lltlon, etc. GURran teed Ilt liton. Texas nnd other JiI~U llOn8 In tho 'V c!'lt C .T Ba'wke , dnml\g88 .a nd and ill Blllhe Slale., 01 Lhe So"lb . di~rlbution of prooeed 8 ordered . F. C. Sohwltrtl'l's drug store; 25c. ' right.o f way around MidStOP-OW!f IlrlvJlcge s permit trave lers t o In ' . Frllnk SplulII0 8IOr vs Viola Spitz· dl D vestlgate busln ••• openln~8. Those Llokol8 , e Dnn bridge. ..... .... ..... lri 00 will be on sale oertaln da les durIng tbe aum, me8iler. 'Decree of divorce granted Cw. Lewis; oontrac t No "!Than k the LordI" 162 104 ()O m (l r, Inrorml\ t.lon a8 to f3re ~. plaiutlft ', orled Hannah Plant, of Little Rook, Lbough Det.alled ' Um e. elo.. wIll be I recly furnI shed Utho Hender son, oontruo t No Ark ., "for upnn the applloatlo rellefI n got lO from 100011 Llc\cct agent' of The State of Ohitivi J ; J . Kelley. 107,........... ,:... , ........... ..... 18 GO len'~ Arnioll &lve. It .o uredBuok· Pensylv.3.nta 1~l llC8 . uHr, my Recogn izance forfeite d. J. C. Hawke, oement and fearfnl . runnin g Bores, which noth. PROBATIIHlOURT, sewer ........... ........... ..... ll!!1 62 ing else would helll, and from whloh LOW ONE·\VAY Ji'ARI!:l! SOUTII AND J had suffere d for 5 Y68n," SOU'l·II·IUST VIA PENNA. LINES is a. In re will C)"I'& H. Sllge, doaHOd Contrao t WAS made with W . G. 1!larv,e lous healer for cuts, Itburns Novembe r 7\.h and ;!l l~t reduced onc ·we v Oommlllllion 18IIueif to E. E. Stevenl l 'Shultz to repair bridges Qn Green and wounds . Uuaran teed at F . O. Settle .... · exturalon tlckels. '\YOI be ""In vIa of CinolllDlltl, 'to tllke del108i'~oua of 'Dreo rood, Red Lion pike Penna yh' anta. l~tnC8 1.0 poln LS tn Alabam a... to Lablln. Sobarw artz'lI drug store; 250. F ,l ortdu, Georgia . li cn tu oky. a. wltn08l68. on pilre aDd' where' directed . MIssissippI. Nonh Oorolln., SuulhLoulaluD CarOlina " In re David H. Green, Insane. e and Vlrglola, For rull jnfOrml\. ContraC t was entered Ir;tto w~th 1100 reMardlng lar•• , limo 01 lraln8 etc .. A1D11~ to I:!tate Hotlpltal ut Day A. D Tl:!hultz for ralsluK abutme apply to local t1e\cOL ageflt 01 PennsylvanIa nts ·Lluea. · ton. In:!J two feet aDd wtllllDi till Door resl. In ra Theodo re Ro!l8, decea8 Idence of S. Bowye r in Union town. ed. Will admitte probtlte . 'ship, Ilt ihe estimat e OUlll.IlO. · ACarc1 . ~tate of G!IOrge .Mueller, d_s. CoDtrao t ~1'8, eDtered Info with C. This is to certify tbat ~1I druggis ts ed, Fint accoun t for settlem ent H. Jon~ fOr .. oonoret are abthoriy.eci torefllD u yonr money e floor if Foley's Honey alild Tar fltils to , flied. Malnev iUe and Hopkln llville road oure y'lUr OOUgll or oold. It stops Eetate of . Perry BAtley. Idiot, iD Bamllto D towDsh lp at estimllt e tho coug hand heals tho lungs . Pre. Third aoooun t for seUlem en, flied. of ts2,6Q. vents pnenmo nla and will oure in. . Eetate' of Neva A. Clane, minOr. olplent oon8um ptlon. Contain s no Plana, spoolfloatiODS aDd eetlmat e oplntes and Is safest for ohlldre n. Fint aooonn t for 86t~lement flied. for ralliing old abutme ntll and put. Ask for Foley'A HonEIY anti Tar lAnd _Eetate of Ina .McCabe, 0111101'. Sec: tlDg up WllU8 near Hamilt on Connty , VI. ~nslst upon having It. 8to}IS' the qodaooonn& for settlem ent flied. line on Van caDI.., rOlld in Deerfie ld I oongh and hesls the lungs. l!' C. Eetate 01 DavId H. Green, lUDlltiO. townsh ip were approv ed and Schwar tz. L. K. Lengdo n apilreoi llted Ruanllt \n: truot let to Bert Reed at Ruin Cloths with bond of '2600. Honreo ttlt9 mllte, of $a.50. . Voiles Brilluut.oon Ea~te ot Ablah S. WilkerllOn, de., "fifO oeued, Second 4OO0UDt for settlOJ Ueatne s8 O ..nnot be Oured VETER INARY SURGE ON. Linolou m by local applica tlPns, lUI they oan.. BleDt filed, Shlldo~ Lebano n. Ohio. fly. Carpets (~u!lts not rellOh tbe dlll8a8ed portion 01 BltmketR Can be enned any bour, day or In re eetate of J Gaunt, deoeJUI. OIlr. There la only one way to onre THRE E TRAIN S A DAY ~'inli!\t Stock 7 01.1:1 Sbown night. Both Bell Ilnu V!\.lley ed. &Ie of 1'&\1 68tate oonfl'rm ed , deafD088, an~ that III by coutltU ' Qlcap I. norld. Special PhoneR, Valley Phone o. 238. Eetate of .Mordecai M. Oretrg. de- ti\lDlli remedIe s. Deafn088lslJllDl I. Sonl.., JlftUJ .... 1"'led Re Tbrouab Pullman .-vi"" from by an Inbme d eondltl on of the mu· oeaaed. OUoA«O. Cleyolaud . Ind:anapoUa and port of lillIe of ohllttel s oous Iinlni of the EustaoJ 1lan Tube ColumbU8 \'ia Dig Four Route: I)e... filed. trolL and Toledo vi,. Pere M.t<I1IOtt. When this tube Is inflame d you have Men Paet SIXty 1D Dangll r. and C 11 de 1) Ry., and Loui.vlll. via 1:state of J ames Grimes , doosulled. a rnmblln g sound or Imperfe 8out....... Rallwoy; connootinll( with ct hear. More thlln half of mllnkin d over Bale of ohatteI8 ooRllrm e(l. lng, and when it is entirely oloaed ;'~: ~~~~":'ji'::'~~~'lI!eCi:'3n~~ sixty years of uge sufter from kill. d8llfDtl8s it the ' reeult, and unl088 .A_Un. . Eetate of Mordec ai M. Gregg, de· the infiamm atloD oan be taken ney aod bladder disorde rs, U8Ulllly Oounte rfelttnl l the GenUIn e. out Favore d by \loth. PartleR , florida Ulllltecl enlarge ment of prostalt e ~Iand, This ~1I8d. ~'ll'8t "nd tinal aoooun t for and this tube r68tore d to'lts normal 'J1uougb Pullmlln """,I.. 'rom Is hath painful and dia ngerou s Itnd Foley & Co ., Uhicugo , IletUem ent Oled. orlginn tcd Chic"", .",1 Jodlan.", ,". VlI Mon... F I 'KI" conditi on, hearing will be destroy ed Hepubii oons aud Demoo rats Blike and O.f " D lly; eonn~ellc" I a ey 8 ' Boney and Tar IlSIl thront aud lung prl1lse uney should be taken Etltat.e of Bel'lltiliJa Brumm llr, de forever ; nine oa.868 ont of Foley's Honey und Tn.r for ten Ilre remedy r~ , Ilnd r.uM.'?' on Ilccoun : J:'t.~~Rvil t of :;:U.o;;:nt tho gront ~ : at the flrst sign. of cellsed, First accoun t for Mllttle (l8used by ca.tarrh , whloh coug,h s, colds Bnd BII throat .nel lung as it cor· merit AugWllin.. aI.o throuah Pullman80r- I recta Irregul untiesdanger, la not.h!n r a,nu populll rity of Foley's dI80\\SeS Bnd has cured but au Inft"me d oondlti on of the y j",, 1.0 N.... Orloana. many old men of thIS disease. Mr. Honey anc! TtlI' mnny illllttltioul! lire oompar , as nQ ot.her remedy enn . meor. flleu. . . muoouslmrfllOOll We will glve'10 0 e WIth It. It ia sllfe and snro Que_I . Cnacea t Special offered Rodney for the genuine. Ask for F. T. !:llater, Burnett ., Rock Port Mo. li1~tate of .lo!lOPJ! Ayar~, clllOO.&lled, for any 08se merCIl/lOt, 171 Main Bt: of deafn8llll (ORused by BOUd train Cincinnati 10 N!", 0.. writes: · "I Iluffered with eniarge d Foley's Honey nnd Tar nnd refu8e Glonce ster, MIlSS " w.rites: "Foley' S Proof or pllbl1caHou of IldminlHtru. catarrh ) that cauuot be =:.~f oured by !"~.: :..~: Bny substit ,.:~~ ute prostrll offerell te lUI gland no other and &or Hied. k idney trouble . ' Honey and Tllr cureu me of a very HalJ's 'Catarrh Cure. Send for ()Ir. Jacbonville vl. AlbeYIJIe aDd for yeara !Iond after taking two bot. prepara tion will give the HRUle snt· bnd oough whioh I had for three , free. SWt~.: :"'~ Isfaotlo Uc_ ::r.,..... ulo 6' ties of Foley's Kidney Onre n. It Is Contest of EI~tlon. The election mildly Illxllti ve. It months though other I tool J . 'Cbeney & 00" Toledo, O. 'or 1 0 _ es failed apPIF>- better than I have for twenty years oontain ll no opiates and 'of A. J o' Roe blti aa mayor of Mol' Sold by"Drog glsts, 750, Is safest for to benefit me . I OIln remedi highly recom. 'fake Hall 'II ,,~.: ~o:!~, ", ohildre ~ 'a::r:::~ n IUId deliellte perRons F. mend it for ~' althoug h I am' nowQl years old. row beinaln oonteet , Georl6 W Family Pilla foroons tlpatlon ooughs and colds." T. . C . Schwar tz. -~"'TI."'~~ ',C. Schwar tz. C. Schw&rt~.
- -'!lltW
.} £ON HOE ·
. Ore gon ia,"Ohi o.
Por tlan d Oem ent; Lum . ber, Shin 8los ,and kin ds DEA LEB S in Flo ur, Fee d,an d
Gra in.
Val ley Pho ne.
O. M. BRO WN , Pro prie tor
Syr up Pep sin
I :N 'f E H 10 HO E CO R A rl'l NG
CAR PErf S, All mak es and grau es. RUG S, Orie ntal and Dom estic
P. M.
& CO.
$ $
lo rl da New Orleans
Drcs sing SacfJues
reached :in comfort
Dr. R. J. Mich ener ,
Hu tch iso n ~ Gibn¢\" X¢nia Obio.
The Miami Oazette.
ter. to blmielf, 18 be came to • aud10 aDYOne ·w ho b 11111 • mlarot tnDe to bfl deaf and whu I t herclorc don halt, wbll,a • crOlplni sensauo ll · llkp.l,. to , . . be lett ()ut ot tile C' nvcr$l\11 n nnd 1.0 pe"ade d bsa cuticlo: PeerlDI In the ' BROW~ .\ ,",K~V, Publlsben , dullnes s, he discover ed it wblte·lo ok. "heu"" .tla", Thoroug hly CurOCl 'r mil!! !lOme or Its de leI\1 sl'ades. WAY NIt!';Vl,l: I,E, Ing object )y lna at Ihe root of a treo .Dr. Wllllam a' Pink Pilla fOr 0111 0 - - -Abollt gl \' lnl; lip:! \ servaot s there .. ••1. " eople, , IIOme 20 yards In eront of him, fro.n COUNT RY N(lW ATTRA Is ;VIdA dlltorelH ' oC OI,l nloo. Thero ' , CTIVE TO • ' I h ' (romoly all Tbero 18 one J'(lmod1 .hAl IV hi e It tbo BOlmds ev",eutl y ewanate d . Courtes y In lhi~l nea•. will oon .I.. BOTH are emp oyeru W 0 nro ox YOUNG AND 0 LD, i 8m. !'!pol\boun\l, be s\oo,1 rootod t() tht " II uny olu, t n • rlIO[1!ll"t " Polltencss nnll court sy, III;e ~llar' ..... form"u Rnd 0'() . \. no~cd at Lhe lbuu,;hl I hn t. a gU ~s u • thorollg bly emdicat.e Ula llillllllliU from spot, bls .,hair brlstliug , his /l ea h croupity, "begins a l barno," Slid Ibe womflll der t heir root s hull be~ Iuw a OIl ()r tbo ..... R . ' UI t'·u ·' t .... 0 _.n~ 18 IltJrllllU'~n ~, gratuity on lhe muld 'IT til e mall who I n went! er " 't t n nd cl r )....... Ing and hl3 klloes Rmlting togethor . .'" "" U .u ~~~ ,,"ho Is comrlai ninc Ihnl "Pell Rre .1)0 Satunln y-to-Mo llday V isits n Notnblo rcu,lers a sr.r\'h'u. " 111 ,-,old l\ 3 \\' It ((9 he at" Othel's 111"0 l os~ Thill remcdy is Dt;, WillilUll s ' Pilllr ·Pill About this t~lmc the s tubs, on thtl ~ Ic.ngcr as rourloou s U ~ Ihpy Cormerly Feature lnPrese nt·Dll yLlfe- Coul'· sens itive on tb l ~ l'O illl , I , renl l)' lin', heaL on<1 hn vo 110 rut' P ,llo People !Iud tllo proof of tb" points of wh ich Shohe W08 MO grac~ l eay R cqui res Thnt Houl's fur At·· " hJ oellon to nilo wllll'\ ""cre s bould look firs t to ber "wn ram 1 do no t ,,·ond f'l T. no W', Ih\:l r tlomcRl il's stnlolUcn tillfonn d III tho cx pcriuuce of fully, tbough somewhRt IIncomro rt· rrvnl &II{I Depllrll ll'O Be Express ly to acrc pt a ti ll f ro m a t\C lIy. That I hc' ro Is a dpplorab le lac\{ Thllt "que. r" be"I". ,,·llh " Q, " [lurtln ~ l:lIest . lII1" '1'. S, WlIgIIr, of No, 72 Academ y· nbly, recllntng , we l'C heo; lll llln:; 10 gl"o S lIIted-I u Places of Public R csQrt As co mpuny In lllll nut t (> 1 mt1, p it-nee. Just bO" Of oourtc"y s hown by men towanl l hl) hUll. ') I\lwuys street, Wntorto wn, N,Y. 110 says: color to his drea ms . He dreamed that II Is III It 111 0\. " u" Women Should Dre&s Simpl y _ means eX lra work for. wo~cn who m they meet Is an IInde· Ih o hoill. thoy .. 'l'ho pnin \VIIS i u lily joints and my MUHt n 1w o r e be fit hand, lie '.1'09 In th e Inlemul ro.p lon". un ,l, Ou est In Pt'lvat. HOlno Sboul(1 bl Or cl !6 t )"O U ann o l eland. " If II IImble ract, bu L Is It not r.auscd partnrefor tbose 8ufJ'erin gsfor over twu YCllTS Willi boyouc\ ~ arc no t to whllo engaged In th o dl."ll!<llton or nUl'; ICY " ,lescript ion. Thoro wns an IntOll tlll paill , Eot~r F ully Into Fnmtly Li fIJ- gu('sls who ~II I' n 11111" mo ney ly, nt I lis t, I,)" t he wom ell th emselve s ? In to th o hi my HhDuldorsLtlClt lll'uv~ot A Il ll mpl)·· Du mPly race somo grave thC'ologle:l1 8110j l'(·t with ed mil fro", lJost""" Who Bl nclted tbo Boots .. f hand wh e n tI",y nrc g I s no t eo bn c! (0 o wn , .ays th o lluJlann (lolis Senllnel. 'rhe Ing OWII)'. A. hi s Salon lc ma jl'sly, a IItlle domoo R looplng Ilnd I wou hl gut up and wa ll( H er Vl aiLo ,'. "0" ot ten l 8.kl!, Orlt plnee, loll y may ploae ' , lIIald liS well hy hll- Iho Oool'nt lliaht. W bonl camo lit him wi Ih II red·p oL pltchfor )r_ fact Lhll t n WOIllR ll i~ worlli ng 10 the __ And lomellrn tll nil n lOne ; otowlng o n her :lO lnn I,r Ity ,:;Ift 811(' h Dr. Wllllnlll s·r Pink Pills b'-gnu tnkl!lg Sll r ln.g IO /:, 10 h l.l r.e" t \\'lIh nil lineaI'll,· tho improve · lame a tti c" wllh n man from eight H o' , QU1t e a 8 round fll l' tl u.. UY M,\ROA RET E. BAN l; ~TE I!, ns II s tocl" a l};l llulICrcht er, Il rlbhOn, m outwnSgrndl1111, bl1t by I)' yell, thllt slll"l cr~d t ho bnnds o[ And t wlc o a s uBetul, too. tho tillloI bllll o 'cl ock In th u mo rnin g until s ll{ In (r o,,\" rl ~hl. 1905, by J osel,h U, 1I 0 w ' ) or a ))l\ lr of 1~ o l l" i! ~ , (I S 10)' giving her tllllcn fOlll' boXOIl I WIl.9 eutimly curod Jlnl p otcr ' e n ' hUllln "lIt nnrl llilroot tbe o vc n l ll~ , uft c nllm es rloln,; t he samo • • f!nthp.r thlln pin )' the clown • W A 1111\'8 borrowed rrom Our r~n g ll " h mo "ey o ut rl"I' I. lI11I I' .' R host no,1 nud I hnve uot ha,l the ftlightOBt tou ub Cce t I c, th ' ~ ~ And malIc myeolr absurd, e d II I ~ · ro rn b • t' c ~roun ' I. tl 'e t {' r· ('oll . lns t ho IJ hra~c it not Ih e IIl oa •" f hooteR", ',ro IHlown worlc liS t he ma ll Idmsclt. Is no rea· " 1010" OPPoSNI to tho a fl r ' Ollltl nt!SIII slIIcn • , t n. nno, l ' ~ t um me up 81d e d? wn. r ifled pedngogllll' wll er l",1 to Iho rl j;ht. lun " wonk's.e nd" .d s POn wh)', 110 " xr usc for . b ls no l show · lt. Over hero wc praelleo . n J.;lI" ~ l Il opel lin t h ~" \I"t" ,.0 In Mr,Wlll !ar's wife ia ELIsa out huftiRstin 1 "~ o u l d. upon In )' wordhoI' ollllon;Cl llcnt of Dr. WillilUus' nhollt and brolc e ror homo with the I "ro hU Rl' p~ollie. an" our leis ure cln us 1': 1\' " n .mn ll ~ 1I11l 10 (1 11) .0 who ha\·e Pinlt A nd, tn ' . corner, h OCrlt 10J.: her ov ry co urt esy du e ber aoJ.:, speed or the wind. Pills. ,ho !juys: "I hu vo·triutl tbG Is 11 .. "l etl , On ly th ~ rlc lt CIIII ,,(ford UJ mlnl ijU,,·c,1 to hi. 0 " My". lt up by ,hal crook. but it <l oeB ncco unt lu n gr ~ al me ...~· I" 'r cnmf,,'! . pillli mYllolf f or ~Lfl llll\ch t rlllllJlu aud Shobe, anlartln g fr om the wountl3 110 Id l ~rs, and probably - E . Barnes, In N . Y . 1.' lme • . mnn)' Of tll e Y<' ar" ago a lU an ,: 110 wa s horn lin" Illlvo oKJlerionced grunt rolicf f ..ulIl ur ror b Is rareless n ess In tbe matte:. or tb l.' 100nglnn ry pltchforl" nnd, feRr- 1100" wo, ,1 11 Ile nm:t thoir zed In g another Ihrus t, stancd hastily In how s trenuOll s ly bundred Ir th o), kn cw bad lived abroad m'lRt or h is IIro, "'lUI uso. My ,hlllghLcr, Mrij. At·woocl, of for It Is cureloss nel\ll , Tho man who II s or rich mp. u nflrll II \·Is ltnr In Ih,' h,)mn o[ a ),Ollllg Gill streot, WUr ertowlI I , hM II RC" til", .. n Iru e g ~Jlll c mau at hcart nov er moanll t le same IIlrection . C!ltc I,llI g Ig Ilt 0.• work . <1I. dnll,ln" I,; SI1 ud tbetr iI" ~8 ..'Irl ",11 DIll he "rr fetllnlu \V Cllkllcssn 'lIlwlI~ '"l1ch tlO U· ~ ,\lly ad mlre'l. nnd (lOr lIn y dl rocL <i i. respe.. t ; It Is mern car ctb e s heet which. ru sle ned arou nd hl 3 lu th e purslIlt or" mere "' ·11 ' whn Ihl n!' Mrnmo , hi" wife. :!,,:J ll o w l~g e II lOI I b 0 111. I TI'Wlr cI 0 r .•• plca. " ure. K necl" was streamin g 'In tho wind hO' 1 Tho week·R. end . !)r Pillk Pill. for Pulo Penpl" II~ 1anIIUII Ic"s ness on hi s pnrt that mnk es him tl~ . lu gl ng wltll II lhe th o Europea n ru slon!. ho ol"''1r~ snt trl'lUcly vRlllnhln filluily IIl wlid no." hind, and, forg eltul 01 t ho Cact of Snturda y ba lf. hollday. Corge l lhe little cou r tesies thal our lempts thou . hl ~ h<>ot.~ outsilio h ili " Pllronm doo r al Dr.'VilIinlllM'Pill l,PiII Hhl\v u,mn,dl.h" his hnv lng ~' rray ed himse lf as n ghost snntls from cl ly dust grandfn lheN Rnd greaL· grandfn l hors an ll dOSOMSS to ul ~ ht. nn,1 ho Inval'l.lJ ly fo und them worst prH lous to- his desce nt to the r egions tit " c" J"Ylllent or nlral CUSCH or blotltllos Quiot and tI" , well pollsh,,'1 whon 'In op""",1 hi' ~oor IlIthl " Ul.a, hml(\'ltlh s""s', illlh~,,"ti,,", "'. re wont to bes tew upon every WOIll' below, th .. aPllarlti oll lent addition al " weo t peace 01 tll O uH, bIlOlult:h"H, lu ", · cou nlr Sll. ~ l lllply because sh o Wa:! a woman. rear to tho nlrea,ly tc rror·~trl c lleD notnhlo f nluro or "rcRo y. Anoth ur In tti o morn ing. [C" h.,1 hnen so me bnf(o, McinticII, lI e urnl~i ll, " "rVnUSII U"", lifo Is limp. a mnr rl",1 mAn lIo(o rl) hp uI BC' O vspinnl w cn lCll e~q , 1111,1 I.b o "I>c\'iu l 1111· Bul It 18 not tho busi ness woman wuo Shobe, a nd he ra lrly now, ~ecll In Llie lllultlpli ~cation or subll rban e rc,1 Ihal tho mnlll who hlLlI 1I181'1;c11 011 llIalllS of ~irls nllu WUIlI"" w i& the chlee callso or tho man's attlABRIEL SHOBE I was I h!).". \llt,,,,1 hiR \)41l)l s Wl) ~ tho dain ty r1nu,c.htf"r 0 t I fmpl~, Il b eCOUJ,OM Away wenl Peters, wllh an un ea rth· hom c.q, whic h a re no longer 1J\~ • • ~\lt y. tl1' 11'l't lf::U ' ~~r~ Il\1 n· h h RI IIfl".1 1081('1\1 soltly til 11M.' [hOIlOlllll'WWt nstraddl e 0/ a 101, at tho end Iy creat ure 01 somo :Jort In his wak e: a i, hut tild e on this sullJent. The womnn of Or, WIIIII\lIl~ P11I11 PII I ~ arA thA [requen t chalco of I 0 on~r. , l ~ r Rrr gllllrtl n W'KI t.1l he ITI'II frolll "p",tU"l Ir lelsuro who stays down town alwn 9 o willch was k hollow, out 0/ wlJlcb nnd on clime Shobo with a legio n of youn g marr l~eI people. or ml<ltJle .agl'll Ih o ,Inn.\Vh ~ n nil waR Sllil nnd nIT}' , 1111\' hllTlIlflll drullN 1I11t1 """IIUL illiur~ I,eoplo who "celt repose, a nd of m nn Ihos~ hoots tn Ih n \lUtll the Sill 0'c10~1( ca r, nnd tben be had Jlls t tak en n gall on jug. Ex· demons, a ~ he Im nglntlCl, In blo rear. halh room, wh ere th e mn.t icnl" sy§tUIl1 , J\I, III1,truJ!' Mh" r.lllaM(1 tbem h crse lr. 1'h' mal(ls 81. tH or cld n eglects to thank Ibe tired man wh en tractlng a corncob trom tho mouth PNel's, In go in g down tho slnnt or who like 1\ b It o f gO"de f rom th" Dr, WillilllllH Ullcl i· n nn,1 II. cottngo wh o did tho ordlnory wllrl< wo ul d 11l1,'e cinu 01 tbe jug, be applied bls lips 10 t be a bill, <'A' .. Seh noct",I.\'. stubbell hl.s toe h n gives her ueal, In a crowded street N , y " JlIl. tpuid, , railing ro r· wh n Ihelr doy's Work Is 01006. AfI'1 dl.,l nln ortOce f rom which t be cob had bccn \\'n.-.I, ratoted as ho s lr ond e,1 this hon.' ''I)' tnMk wh ich s he on ,,,,,eiIJI. nf .lwi "" , 60 Ctl utd uclc the grou nd. to thi s tho ~ ro\Vlnr: ;>oplliur ity of Ollt· I"''' bol, car, Is tho womnn ror whom h er more taken. wlllln !;ly tool< UI)O Il hcrsplf ror ll er , Ib OO¥08 I'or J2.00, elevated tho Ju g. threw bls Shobe, blowing like a porpolOD, IUDI' <lllor HllOrt u · a 01.111 rul thoug ll tful slst~rs must suiter. slgtl or lho lover, rathor lball gl\"c him n UIOm p. ot's Sbe bead back. and. will! his gaze 1I1· • __ •_ _ _ _ _ _ PMt wit h " lightly dlm lnlahl'd 13 Lhe same woman who always oc· rec tetl heavenw arll a nll bls tbou ghts ~bereo! O. . . I"mhnrraM lIl llnL pccd, but with Irl ght aggrava t ed. If tlIOnllrlng tho s ummer the Saturda y Host an,1 h()slM8 "hould plan to sh'" cuples one of tbe l breo rear scnts, alld flxed on tb o crossroa as groce ry where [JollS lblo, by tho persl stenco or his trains nlHl boqts are Ihronged with ~ I f r then 9cowls at til e mnn who sm kes tbe nectar bad beon obtalncd . nllo wed imaplnn!"" pursu" rs. )'rese nti " t I h gu c81s a J;ood " on I) rro(Iam In tho h is I rnve ers, \V 0 carry I eo 8U t·cases nn' , . "osltlve lw" _.q_.' by ar her side, Sho tnlk s La lho s hop· a portion of th o precious con tents of speed having week ·s·e n d v Is II.. It Is a groll t 110r'" to . ..... diminis hed to suc b n de- who gO with light luggago for a I hese Litllo I'illa. do y he co nRta ntiy en Lertni nell. Th e rree· keeJ)er a s If ho wer" hor slnve, with tho jltg to gu rglo down hla throat greo that t iiO slle t no longor relaln· 0 1· two away rrom home. , 'fhey llI.'IO rcUefo Dill. I h i d Ill orly dom or tl O DU RO an! IfrtlU !lath ing 10 do but sell her n pusluse Having teste d tho utmost capacity of Ing Its hori zont al pOSllloo, caugbt 00 Il 8, ~ Tile bostess who sends un In vllatlon to elrlvo o r row on lako tress (rom l>18p<'psla., I... pr river. and llj",,"uOQIlIl(l'roolIean.y s tamp· or ru. h abo ut to see tbnt s ho bls . Interior fo r rec eivi ng aod contain· n IImh 01 a fall en Irec III s uch a way ' to her Crlcnll In low n for this Satu r · . som p. Il egrp.~ of II cp.nao a.8 lo rcaulng, Ing liqui ds, without, however . In tbe os not only to nrrest hI onwa rd ca· day to £;11 lng, A JlI.'rtcct rolD . Monl lny ,' Islt shlluld he r arer,,1 10 wrlUng lolters . or tnking Is uot (lI~turb e<l whll o uslug his ,ele· lenst walks n r~ appeasin g his app etlto the refor . reer but to Jer k blm arou nd \\' Itb his apecl!)' .tly for DtuhK:ss. ~ .., delln llely dates an:! IrRII" " I\'r~nlly fI))pn::rlatcd . H thoro llholle for half nn hour's tdle gossi p, ho lowered bls IIro chll. jug, nnd. Insertin g tbe face'ln tbe dlrectiDll of hi! Imn"lna,'y . ]"a9hlon and oourtesv now reQulro [},ows11l....... llad 1'n:itl> th a l . f whlle a 11IIrriod cus tomer at Ihe otber coh In tho mouth. r ' placed II l th .. n n tho lIouth, (..... t l I ,Iren In th e urn y 10 11 It In tb e purs uers. On bei ng Ihus brought lace t llMe R I,ou 11, b"no un cll r" em so' e· Tocllun, nt y PaIn In WD81~e. as ' J whll t. In I ho bacl\l~r" "11\1. ,\m erlean ond Olllst needs call nil nnothel' s tore hollow stump ami, cover ing It with to race wllh th e 1'llnPID LIVER. 'l'h1lY s h eet. tbe recollcctloD th e time ror whi ch 1\ guest Is In "l t~ ,1. hl1 ,lron arc Ilpt tlJ exact qllit'! 100 , _" ••• We B-c'. Pur.lrV....... leaves. resllme,1 his sca t on the log, . tlll' hou rs Cor arr"' l1l and depan ",.,' bl• . h I ... The Unhapp y M emory. U" ~ '0·- nnd so liloqui zed !lIllS: h ·tng precisely s ra ted , Ir tho cOUlln !\ ~:l~sh (rot" those \\'ho ,' Ialt. t e r par· SMAll PILL SMALL DOSE. SMAll PRICE. We ~ Ijonk or tbe '·bOPI'Y memur y of '·C:f J im Petcrs thinks I'm gwlne g il es t' be 1\ mnn of alfalrs, nud th o 1 tbe dead ," Mid 1\ witt )' woman l he to let h im a nd Suzo mnrry, ho's mi ghty l ()'I~ r.h ll <lrp.n 1\"0 ,1rM< e II b y m"rlJln~ or nrL~rnoo n bein g more h3Prp.roc Ge' M st B c hplor~ . ontl I'Qlln~ pooJ)le .>'110 are otber day. 'bUI oh! Inc unhnppy mem- mistake n. I'd IIko to know how Bets nut~D. U, ear broadly lll'ontlonc<l ' a ~ f'-'llllnino gul's l. nh~o r hnrl In lhll ir 'lwn mallo,"!! nnd roory of so mnny or our living." ,he nu d me and til e children wou ld glt Fi\l:-Slmllo Signaturtl T hlls Mrs, Hlln ter (ls kl n g I\Ilss 01' ~ n gnnl "kIlls " ns rnth~ ; Sl'Pfl rfluolls whe n IVER d - ~zt' 91'as spenk lng of lbe tl'lend or ncqualn t· along wlttrout old Brindle. t o \lilY hr.r a Wecl<'R "lid \'Isll may Rny We'll PILLS. /~~ "Plcase gl\'e me th e g r<J8t "kuSHro of: Ilal'fl~n porUns on,1 Illenl nR are on root, ance, who seems to mak e a bu ~ lll c ss starve, tbat's wbat wo'll do." b I bit h8 \'I ,," you In th l;; hom o or min e . no,1 ret, $0011) pooplo ' Old Bri ndle, I1S Sbobe called b er, s llfrn,' ..t ere D of rememb ering just wha t 90'0 would REFUSE SUBStiTUTES Ilr~n 10 tag nlon g (,n <wpry ocraslon ,• wh lt:h though Y'JlI have she IIOt was yel only R~o n , elz nn,1 yenrs • rollle old, whnlh r.r th ey 91"0 ' In th o way or not. _ particul a rly wish Corgotte n, aOlI ·or _ _____ ____ _ _ _ wben " t o me on Prlrluy " n ernonn ('Ilamln ~ The r.hllurAn will h.we raking Il up con\·ersa tlooa lly, wb en· da ughter calt bad bee n given to bls th~lr In nlngll INDUS TRIAL ITEMS. Susan by one of her uncles month alld <layt. I will mupt you at 10 lor: whJ1c Ihp.y nrt) little I. t them ever occasion oilers COl' telling lhe wltb tbe express th e station III flv o " ',,Ioclc YOIl wil l havp- ' th e !lw",,1 SAr.ll ri ' understa nding tbat Ly nnd retireme nt atory. W e all know tho tYlle. Some- It wu to be bers, and hers The Crainps bBve orders. onoul!;h on fin d the fOllr o 'dor. l. r.xpresR n ,·r.ry t hnt IlllOls chll tl hon,l. only, lo band DOW to keep tb e ~,OOO mn" om. times It Is man, \Iut rnthor more fre· do with as abe pleased. Tbl\ call bad easy nn,1 rn lllrorl ahle ·Lrnln. 1 hOIJe A 'vnell 'R.nn ,1 vl~lt Is vc r y hrle r, ployedl u tll elr sblpyard a busy Co r t be Cluontly womau, Sometim es It Is Inck &Town to be a fin e cow, wbose milk that Yllu will rema in with me un til 1III>ko Il 1411'01 If .NIl cnn. next lr; montbs. ' ,of tact nnd sympatb y, but oftener nn a nd butter formed about balf t he IIv, Tnesday "Itoruno n," The number of port<ons empl oyed In 1 lnvltl n~ a mnn whose IlInt) WIIS not Inborn doslro to assist one In acquir- Ing of Shobe's lamlly. ORER !>IR "WI} thl) Ramo hnMPSS woultl lisle THE SWEET REST Jim P etera was a one-bors e sebool· . . min ing In Great Brltoln an,1 Ireland Ing tho bumlUty wblch I ~, we arc him to OOmn on Rtl-lurda y a ft ernnon teacher, who di vided bill Inst year WIlS 877,051, of whom 6.'87 time about lallgh t, good for th o soul. Strange .. · .v. _ r nnt! Tl\'-· s tny It u 'BD nl ll tb Montlny Wb ~ n You forll -e re remales morilloII', aRsur . .. equally· between teacblng scbool. loaf· Ih " , rreak of human n at ure! The woman In g him t hat htl colli,l bovo h reDl<r8~ 1 -V.ry Ti red, "But" N ap I s Ing arouDlI I:Jdl Stickney 'S ~rocery and Tbe United States Inst yeRr lannch nd .....- _ _~:nt an), hnll r on M,lllliay lhut wll ll l,l or man who would hasten to OUI' ~,s· lteeomm end ed, )l '!!ltlnS and. f\J!hlnl;. 227 merchan t ships of more tiui n 10<' lu lt hIs r.lln,'ell lco,'Il. elstanCe In tlmo of IInucia l dUllcull y; tone each, with a lotnl t!lnnage of 23M ,. "The ornery ClUBB," conUnue d Shobe, ·",bo will comfort us, gTlevo with liS In "be's • ashamod to show ble face In GABRIE L SHOBE ASP AGALLO N JUO. •• time of grent b eart-sor row, Is nine dayll,bt , and ao he comes. A g lll'NI who ~o .~ fnr thc w ell!<'s on d f;hall hn rea tly for the ,a sneakln ' flashed upon ol)ora,'· rcpor ts 170,886 ton a, bls mltid Bt once as to '11IRlt · " holll,l 110\' he l)uril cnn<1 wltb . ' times out oC teu the one wbo canllot around In tha nlgbt. too Mm'l, J Il\lO D'Arcy, Feard uv bO"ll/ It came , Loulalan n brimsto ne Ie now added 10 be tlttached to blm, nnd many r.bangp,s of raiment . Amlin roDY res ist say ing IItL1e things to makll us ,1.0S\8, too. Wllb I bad a lookln'· " YOII w.lll. tben , b~old nol a lal!;;ed, to Ten!! petroleu m, Alabam a lron, uncomro rtable, And · tbe uncomfo rt- Ilan bere to lee wbat sort uv a gbost tbe ludicrouHnes8 of tbo Idell at hl5 ta!< ~ Id R eVl"n lnl\' plor hnN. so th at. Ir the t Irp.,l·out· fe male. b'lt a lively one, whOM Carollna cotton gqods ,!Dd sot,ltbern getting so \ladly scared at wbllt he hOllsr.hnld hI) lorm nl he ran drnRs fot chief cha rm Is ber goud looks. I am cotton able things? They are usually trlOes , J'd make;" and, picking up a abeet I\l\d rice intended to rrl ghlen anothe r with. dlnn nr. !-tA mny tal<o besides and sugar as a com mer· a sui t hOmely at thIs moment , hut by lhn tlmn clal a;Ucle In IIgbt as nlr, which do no renl hnrm. that be bad brought with blm, be caused which Dixie II a prlci\ blm to explodc In a ,'olley at or OanMls that he may be ready fo r my mal ,1 has flnl.s hed wHh 'lnll I sbnll bO! mnker anel The occasion when you acted rather. wrapped It around hIm In tbe most uproario Importa nl source or aupply. us laushter , ten approve nl. or d ",ai ghost r. stylo. ' n prorcsslo llu l beauty, You would stupidl y; tho bad " break," 80mo little Wrap ping the sbeet nround him. hll Tbe cotton trnde In Austria Is not A womnu. In add ition i.o ber tra vel· , Ir know me lor the sarno " I guess I'll mal{o a bully old ghost woman. mortlryl ng happeni ng of you r child· carrlod on eltchlslv ely for bome can. ~. sta rtell homewa rd, and had prot:neded In ll: ,11'(,gs. s ho uld bu ve n prp,tly /;' J"'" In tho dark ," said be ; and, resuml og ' ·1 hnve been s hOI)plng eight hourll lIumptlon The oxports but a s hort distan ce, wbp. n Jim Pctcrn, nl organdl c or s ummer bood : some little 8ub slitute, wblch of colton and s ilk, wh lr.h will an,1 my eyes are dull . I bave been Jos- colton hls seat on tho log In bls gbostly havin gdodS wltb n value of £19 6l2 . g recovered fl:om his swan, ho\' e h," sunklen lly fllstlv for ball to do duty (or a betto r thlllg dur- attire, aoy runetl n UIIl I: nnd jostl ed nnd thore I~ a weary 000 sho ,be awaited tile approac h of III wed 'lin Inrrcaso In lOOt ~r slgb t, Ing the " hard times" year. Let those darknes s, which was ) ' 0 '· I,p. r own room Gr. the vera ndll S~\ C feeling now near at In m)' bones and 8 tired ICl'lIng . £4 36 000 Oatcbl ng s ight of lbe guee r·looltlng ~hnlll,1 ha,·n Rom ~ w In of uu bappy memory s lrive lo s bake ott band. rt. of n AliI; .e. in my Jaw , My nry sldn rnels bruised. ' AUlt;la on th e precedi ng yekr, tb ere aro 326000 0 splDdl es dl wil l, h ' he may "" ~ :lr "' hli a r. llIllting object approac tbe bablt. An yone call be di sag reeblng f In th 'h e opposlt.e d It 'I d· n t olon ilL l' wll h h". r h n~ t"" s, AI Ih ~ hr"nk. As I or ',ny en , ne lCS t The earth bavlng at length donned B t ' , asp u and the yonrly con8um ptloll 01 TnW, abl e. Wh a t wo need are k:'lclly 1m· . Its mantle of darkness, Shobe came to reclion, Peters tool{ to the woo 9, r I t hi howp.var 'lnd whr", In wa t. wheu Shobe wllh n demonia c yell, a ~ . 11 P.. th · I' cotton Is aboul GOO.OOO ,:uISes, agreeab le people, " baPllY mem· perpend lculnr, remarki ng at tbe samo dnshed nfter' ' ·1 I t " [ am I;oln g to lilY roo m now , a nd my Its n etghll() r Ocrmoll Y bales. wherea~ h im. lIut wltll!l fear len t pnl~ Y wI! h n 'It lP.'· glleslR, A S1 r fi rRt orles," step wlll he to 100sA n UlY clo Lh lng, tlm cs that ~uDlh er ~I has nbout Ib ma time: slll ndl ~s anll win "':!! to Peters' heels, (h e wallt or 'W~' A t n llo! skirt nrf! 10 ~onrt I.a~\e wh oll [ b II h "I guesR It's about time J Im wuz I : bl s n L on 11e d own 8n d til k e' a nap a I cons umes about tllree a Il lmonn or wrapper tB In a,lm s.a o. ' times that quau that stimulu s on Sbobe s pan " DallIed Importa nce of Pure Food, . ' navlgaU n' along this way." 1"11<1 anmo rui ns conc(>rnlng c;lf'lA' oh. tbe Illy fri at ghtened rllW mnt_ '1'be pub)ic Is thoroug hly Intereste d pedagog e~ r _ ln _ I_ . _ ne _ _ to dl sta ncs t.aln If a la<ly 1(0flll wllh hcr bll~h&nd Sta~t1Dg for tho roall along whlch· his purs uer, who pr03entl a s' to the lmpo,'ta nco of puro and ' be expected Jim to "naviga te," on chase li nd went borne. y ga vo Ull t he ' to " pAnd UIIl \Vep.Ir'~. ClHI nl, t.he Rhore Lon g StodH. nol fo rg~tilng flr an y wh ern elaP. In tI hol.el. One np-vel· Wh olesome loods. What we eat llro- reachlng th(l slump In wblcb his jug to vlllit the 'bollow stump Japanes e book s \'ontaln 8carc~h on the way I Wllnr. any Hart of 10ltng in g ,lros9 ;\II eh foundl y fnOllen c~s our phY!il cal well. Iild, the temptati on wus too strong to In order to satisfy hlm sel r that the more material thnn tho IIve rago Dliga I aR 1\ Ill" "own , ldmo nn or d reAsf nJ; being, ,o ur mental powers and Olll' resist; ao r eaching do wn, be drew It jU~ hndn 't been dist urbed lu zlne .artlolc, but n single stury ma bra abo ,allll et. moralily. nlthou!(h th ~RO mRY he "ory The profess ion nnd Ih,,, forth onco lOore, remarki ng as he did sence. COD sial of more than 100 vol\lm~s. RumplUollsly: nnl shP.l I anll ri chl y "010: "J gul'!l8 I'll bave to give Sweet :alty h ave come to agreeme nt III)On 6Ups Sunrise _ ____ n eJC t mornin g rOllnd Peters, hrohle '·f1el, oll'~I<.In tit onp.'s own rllom anotb~.r buss before I go;" and, t his vital pOint. FROM TEXAS. The Sloga n, " Tell turning It lip, took anotber bearty wltb bls worldly posscsslons do ne up I In R hl;tel. Th e ,Ires" wnrn l,y women In a handker chief, wendin g hi s way to In \llar.lls 01 pulllle mo what you eat, and I will te ll you swig. Rettlrnl n;; tho rflSO l't shollid he jUg to Its place tbe directio n of the 6ett " 'lIat l'O lI arc," is n fo rc lbl o, II SOUle· of conclHllment, be , reaumed 80me Ooffee Fncta from the Lone hla ,bast. most authenti c accoun lng 8un, 'fhe Rl mlli e ' and sp.vllrn r'ltiler Ihh.n cillho ,·. " ' hut exag,;p. rat ed, slnteme nt of nn 0\·1· IT march ts wo bave of ntp., This Is t.ho rulo In t.hl ij country , Star Stnte. III tbe directio n of the road. him since tben are to the crrert tbat, elthollj\ h " ery clpl;Jlnt nn,l dent truth. CCl'lnln it l ~, that tbe t'O$tly Cfl.' Leaning hl B baclt against a treo that aft er serving a session 01' two In the ' tnm "H may he ~ell n In the grnnt carll · From a beaut'ltu l rarm down 10 Te,,· boalLh o( t lte househo lu, aou CHPOcJlllly ATOW near tile road, or, rather, patll· leglslatu ro In one or the western as , where gushing BprlllSB unite 10 "an snr!p~ of Np.\V Yorlr. Th o womntj Ibe hea ltb o[ growing ch ildre n, de· way, along "'hl cb he expected hla pros· states. he was sent to tho penitent iary who form bnbbllng brooll thnl wlM th elt Is . Imply a hl nl or Il R ~S ar;n must r ends u po n the most scrupulo uR ellr n pectlve, thouah undesire d, Bon·ln·11l1I'I for stealing horscs. Attcr serving out ItlJ t wca r gay III umn!;(I', s )JArkling way Ihrough nower,. Dlead ~. In Iho solerl Ion and cooking of foo, l . to 11888, he waited wlth most ex· his tlme In tbo penitent iary, b e praocome8 a note Dr grnllt udo for dclJv~r}' • • '. . poducts, as well ns tb e mllnner tlt emplary patience the arri val ot tba~ tlced ,medl cl no awhile : then drove • • {rom the calfee bnblt . Interesti Indlvhlu al for the space 01 stage: and at lhe present time Is CArry to th" we"l;'s·e nd vlRIt a de· eXActly 15 minutes. My p illow will bA eati ng. nmoull t mnsum ed wllb reler· t>erhaps ng "When my baby boy came to me !lVE two Dllnutes and a half. resid ent or Ul ah, where, wltb threea , t el'm lnal Ion t,) Iln joy all Ilr.rh 111I1u\V an~ I shu ll ~ I ee p Willi YOUl'S~1t nnd t o ence t tl 100llvld uall ty, occu pation nUll years ago, I b~g an to drllllc Posluu: At the cn,\ ot tbat time, bls pati ence sl ab.stded lantern. jo\\'eil wom en at. have n good lim n. Thore nrc peoplll lJullk ..d UI), lIot .n'lt nR I woulol at night,. Food Coltoo, bavlng n f('cling wea t he,', a nd pro pel' nttentlo n to thO , be ing nea rly, nnd bls tbat It legs quite, ex. lncbcd to ' him as wives. ha has ever1 " 'ho Arc e\·r. rywhc r~ w('kom " Nr.vt\ ''" n i,alh wh en Ylll" ore lI~nil wou lll be better for h c bnC8 l1se ... hole Ol·ga nlsm. JII~t as ce r tain Is 1 hau 6 t~ d, ha ensed himself down im ond me th nn lel r I hi to him a , lh l'Y hrlng tlrrd b wllh . It tll"m mak R es Il )'1111 gllt h IIervous. eart, n Never rea son In t e wor il that. guoll healt h Is t he most vitnl s ltttug pouture, th o ola kind of drug.lad o·n correc. . I or. w s ng • grarlnus mann er 'l'ltl " wlilingo p.s5 tn cnl wh his back being etlll selr back .' n· you a rc very tlrr.d. Animals In the pefl lt~ntlary ngaln.- he mltC-rtall led . N'llhi ll P; iH mom l,hys lcal ract of existenc e, Nelth ~ r agalnsl tbe tree, In wblch pOSition he ti c. dOli'!. Ill) 1I0t tRic e IIrr your clothing was !lot dl~ppolnted In 1\, ror Il cu· , N. y , Weekly. nbll'd m,e, lea rn ing, money, position , rellgion u small delicate woman, pres"llIg to to s hos le, " Iholl BlJmeooll y 1"01' YOIl will cat" h cold r omalnetl lor anoth e r two minutes and t.oo easily. l,othlllg cnn take Ihe place o[ health, n balr, wben bls pa tlence with 11 heavy I"' r~unn l lt.y. who I<ctt l,," pi)' InIls"" your "011:11' and bp-It, Slm· nurse a bouncin g b enlthy baby 14 and bacl{bon e Emb!llTaBsln g :Blundex. darl;nll montbs. Doctor., llurse_. medl cl no, surge ry. being both exhnuste d, his h ead "How di d your fa t ber t rent Geo rge "own~ wan ts to do not hlll r., 10 go no · I h(' 1'0"01, )lilt yOlll' hend " pOII an aro"I bavo since oonllnue d tbe use 01 rcst. lIolllre, mny so metimes res to ro I dropped over to one .,hero, and ""ho \~ on l,'ihlltes .IJttle 10 mo' ic I,il l"w nn,1 go side, his body In wh en he nallet! hlro ror your orr into s • ,. , I II !Jut too ortell t belr comulll u,J A utato of limpnes s tho ~l1nera l fu n d or pleu "" r p-. C nefil ~ j';o lTIu lt "r how I l r~,J YO Il 3m lulllber , Poslnm, tor I have grown (ond or It, follo wed Ihe In <Iark" It was a nD 01 papa's deal days. nnd Rhoul <1 conlorm 10 Ih the .. ell. I , a nd b ave discover ed to my joy that II . direction 01 1110 head, an d th o neltt o rulllR of Ih ~ lIet! ruom anti t ho lra"r:>n l pillow will bas entirely r elieved me of n blllo he th ollS hl GeorgI) wns aSK ing him ror bousebo hl tn whi ch e [fon s onlY surr,ced III part Or lali mom.ent Gabri el Soobe Ui ,hey a rc l'r crl ... ,1 1' 111. )'U ll 10 8lecIJ. I let my \\'O S reclin in g balr down , habit which used to probtrnl e me r; llOgelher. 11 Is t he part of good h" feill nS' nOl to urultl it. ti r; hll~', two on lire groun d, Irom whi ch, And 1m· a loan. " \lank IIl1 t be pillows "What and did he sa y?" · 01' tbree times a year, "Busing much be lato nt mea ls, nnt.! on SUII<lny morn · fnll off In The Hhil' l,fng of a ;'I rll o oUly to tbe mediate ly IInder him, Ihot manner. somo balt·dozen "He told O eo r~ Inllt while hll would Ing to bo ready to atLend dl scomror t to my family and surrerln g nallon by Il.ti Int ellectual s I~ bad, II,) s hort stuhs pro jected "1\1 Iho cn t! of 15 mluut es or balfan to ho glad to loao him t.h e t r ille he nsked th e fnmil y and to e~prCSGchurch with . myself. . Interest In uOllr, If I am tlrod to <I eut h, oj bt remnrks I he Brooldy n Ea gle. Scarcely had ror, I , ho be wak struclc the ground hnd eo mnn y requ ests or t he til e prench er Rn u Ih r' ser vices, e uP. "My brother- In·luw was cured 01 ou , . wben be was asleep, and Ill ao r n e l rom soorlng es a bath wi th In same balh vln egnr. cbronlc cODstlp ation by r,bara cter tbat he begged to bit '!"hal or til e huge middle c luss ur petey an energy In striking A gues t. In n prlv!lte' honse Is not fit I lea vlog o rf til( con t ra st to that e~ ~ u scd."-Cleve ma ke It fmgm nt ., lI h a lIer ve tOllic laDd Plalo Dealer. nuuveau x rh· h e~ . ",holic womenl dn,l , usua llly dlsplayc.c! by an on Ihe rootin g of a guest. st an Inn . \\ hie old Idnd of colfee nnd uBlllg Pos tum him tn the ordl, h I prepare. I cover my spicy r080 make vlea" uro Illc aim or life, is eve" ' nary avocatlo ne of lie bas bocome e'le n more fond 01 II It ts In brnt on him or her to enter IcaveR wllh life, tbo aound while wine vl negnr nnd. An ot her Ship to Be Describe d, lesK excusable, aU11 In the IU lU lJ 1II0rol ' whereo r could only bo thfln be wllil of t he old colfee. fully Into the rnmllv life, No wpll · Wh Cll It hns ~too d compa red to tb e two weelrs. I pour II. When the reaction sela In we rna,. bred. ~uesl trcnl s 'I:lY ''In fact the entire family, rrom till U1ischlevou6, Tile Intellect uals , tul,en I combine d etrorte of I~olllioer of h is uil HlId bolli e It , It tak es a pint of vln · balf a dOlen band ge t a descr tp :lo n of a ' Iatcst arrival (a g-year-o ld wbo alwsy, new stea msh ip I bast s family with ll P~ lI genco or lils· rgar 10 n· a ll rou od, ure not so w,,11 ,·ewardc d 5awe rlpplnl tb elr heaping cup or r08e leaTes. way Cl'oSBwl. a which . • fler briefly 8nmmarJ"ln g the , cnlls for bls 'potle' first tblng In th, oourtesy. Fa ,' Install 0, Ir tbere Is III U e th o sccnt frugally , fo with this worlt.1"s go ods ~ bnt (!Q uid 1 throllgb a s many r a eU)J or th ~ morning ) , dry boo.rds, This , Ibe fnmlly an ilged mA li or womon . or up to tbe head of tho bou tre ' e l evn t o r~, gymnaSlulllS" IIbrar;t\G orford lar!;e families If Ibey wou lll ; tb o , mu sIc ..·as not allowed vin egar will make a ,.'bole tub of .... nnot I\n Invalid • .• guest should not tall to tn ·wsste- Its think there Is no drink 110 Good or t\( Iddl I could afro d sweel nese on th e tlesert al r, 'or. many gorgeou s a la cn rte re~ta u rau tll, .... 1lI bestow some attentln n o n BIlCh . olld . te r Slllcr:' thriving m o . caNS wholes()me a s Postum ," Nama give" r miliutes before, tbe foots teps· of an a p· tcll or so me noolt or c,~a o ny nr tbo. craft should IAk.. I!reRt ca re noL to PASS tll,e m nnti won't; th o work log 1,1as3 'llroacht ng auditor by Postum Co " Bntlle Creek, Mich . Th ~ Yenr's Fashion •. wera arrested b .' In which a passeng er may get th e 1m. them loy WlClIllul kl!lll 1V0rds nnd looks. J Call UOl alford Ulem. aud does, Th"re's n· r oason, "bls Yil8r's (ash Ions nfford I)verr . the aound. , presslo~ tbnt he Is on a rfo.l ve8sel, j Eapecla ll)' *\1.Id attclltJOD be ,.howll noath:g cn an ocean of to&! water,- I t " WOUlllD VorleL)" ,noup to lOOk lie, betl. , Reud tbo little book, "The Ro.d " · '''''.!tat's thaU" wllls»Q rcd Jim 1'0· N, y, POH. ' Well\'I\I I'," In llkgs, NOW, " Q," by ~' • .queep,
' Wby ~OO'I t"" hId. YOur. loacru. .Aud I.. y ,uldo Ih., le.rT It ' 4o~Bn' t pie ...." mo bun., Ollt ,o1!wn y ~ur chIn, Pro)' do-:, do. luRl! ulo t InIO" you're sbort u.nd rat. BUI wltl )·ou t t l! mo "hy You h n ng It' O UI Ilk. 'htl
n~'\~n~p~~h~,, ~~t~I~~~ ~:~r~~O:~SmT ~~~n!~~: 'l:~~dreav:~~:, t:;~~eg~~~~
bUlI 'l
ba!llfllli tll ere.
(1\11'" ;;
a bobo (;ft 11\1 THE SrOCK SPE.ClJlATOI~. ok,!! of a fl' ~II!I' L lrl;ln U)ltl ta kln \: lill" to ttlt' lli~ IJl j; C r ('f Hill lllIl ltell, RI G VllI'y lng' Sensntioll.S 'W:lUe I: nIIlId lotting h ll ll N, t to 1\ I1n l~lt. Puu. gtlg~d in Fnnzle.d ~tTuggle 1I1e lalle IIbou . Illl imul s IlM~ll l n" fl'O m , lo r Wenlth. calltl,·Uy, a lHI goLug 1",('1. to tiJ n jllll' Illes , IInrl h'", l:Il\~ "MI",I ,," ~ h 'Jl.1 '"'!l r..; III tIll! Wurl(\'s Worl, I~ nameless over tile IN"'''. "ad -eye,] :' l' llI' uH,. 11;11· aI" Qu Ia or 1O' Il H H OIYl~ of h is llxll orih lu) down. iU b fol' ttv~ lr It(Jm o~: . I'l li ~Ol\ I tl l' U cncc l; In "1 "'1'11111;" on th e New Yo ,.); The hoss ,'anvasmon sold he r.onld fJ)( II lll e,u loou III. ',nl h Bund. ulI,1 roW s tOl..: I ~ eXl.'hun~e n th! (I I-'<'rib ~ ltV? S H · fnr ten. all ri ght, nud ho blew a wb l~ l l o ),u n l' " II' :'u ~ ' :'ulll It' 1':"1\ AI l'an y . "lIu", "r wl nlllnl-: a nd losing, u no! th e :1l\d the guug cumu back, nnd lh" oo,! Wilh" Ul I heU!, at,,1 II",), "'''111,1 r"lI d w J thcr in eh k u u:; of till: lt f'lo n ' OH H roonl said : " B r ill!-\" a lJlanlret uml I.. Ir' Ihi i! l b ~ Irll' lI II llt l nvr,·" ,I, ,' II ." :, ,,.,. ,I :~ 11111 for "'cul tb "001 mn I'glll .; ." l Ie By HON. GEOROE W. PECK '~o ll l1 \l m a ll do wn ;" 1:10 they, brol' g:h t n I! veniu ¥ PPJ'I'o l'lJlH.IH:L' Ihi' II4"\: t tI u ,' , lintl WI·itM : Au'hor o' '' Peele', Uad 'lOYAbrood." Elc. big pl c'l! of cnnvaH, wit h hnu tll .) nI l .'·OU "u ll le! lIntl , 1I "1ll 1,'\'11,,, ,,, 11 ,'Hi, The lifo in one of earnIn g one'" lor a rl ufIIllnd II., un,1 uhuut a d",ll n f~llowH lo t,., t ll li,' r " f; " ~ :'1;11111 . U;'U I.h ,'), 1I ,' ull! and ' bUll er br th e s w~at of Ull~' R [,1'0 11'. ( l".. ~ . t ~ I J-:I.t. l.Ir J , u. Uu" U!<II ,,1 h e lf1 It, Il nd Ih o rOI.a wun IIll 1'11. tlOWIl .h :tl-~, ' " he 1f' 1l , I hav' f,,"nd llml Iher e i nu )Ian k llon th e CnJ1VRH. unl l 1lnhit ched I h o rlng. \ 1,1 /.')1 jlH H ~ lfl I W('Ut 1' ,1( 1 I I, ' 10.1' 0 lar c XIIIlIlII IIU III winu ing , hut lli l'r~ Is Th ~ Bu.d ituy isits the ClI eu!\ Ju 'Vln- nnll w h(~n J).Il Wi\ ~ 111 I ttl' ' au \"lUi hl' l \\ til T ... • t ill; (-a'.: l'.., '\f' r p ,,, UI · .. ·d.p :111 'H · U lUOlw mt ;u 'y f'!"'t u g (lr re ll nf !tTld '.. x -
·lost ,then' th'e MY "aunts, Is like
canvas!nau cam. along, and be 8Ald: " Hollo, olel . man, 'what you d olug 111' tllere:: lind .po. saltl Bome oC thtl. Vlrate~ In lIl.e · show IlIlll Ill dnapod ' hlm , ami c~mpd t I,e hol<1lng him liP tor" ra nsom, alld . bo saltl h e Y' ,u1<1 g lvo tell rlollara If ROllle i,.ne w()I,ld let
The Difficult Task' of Dividing One's .Millions
cr Qun l' t r::l's -Ro M Cpt 3 t h e ell'cu s P t!l'fO l1.11e rs- Dn d Ri de.l: i n H 01'3>:!
Jj'l\ ~ F; h '-'l t aftd ~ :i ll' : '''1'11 tl II K.=s . 1~' tll l p · m ell, 1 g \1(I5'd I HI\) n Ol much ttlt
1I'Il I ' j ' :I I,, 'l l \·..·Jl I· t nl" Sl, wJe a' l'l gd I , lI( It" lt l llu. r i IH.!.\ Ht ' l"1\ JII .. I li:.'J
Jl ! ',',' ll lJ
I'l," ',," ""."
" "Il Gol s T0 3H din n Blan ket-Tile hu,·s c1.aclr "I lle ,' . :I n,1 11 '1' 11 Lhe fellow" l tb e ,,, ,I. Id",,, till')' ~,,\V 1I11lh~ (1 all th e h !ln lll t'C) of Uti! c:uu,' a !'O, ' Pll' ::j e!n t hl';'. '1 : l' !litl!unh; ' n " J'(" 111,1)01." r;lld Doy Goen "Knn S'" rooln g " Pa's Clothes Ca us e Excitemen t. nntl by go ' h , IJIL ~ h ll l UI' in to Llo c' ni,' h alf ;' s l"" jl II iI,·" w,· W"IIl III , iJill II Aulong t he Anlll1nl..-A Monk ey ho lt-wa)' to Ih o ' LU ll o( th e tCnI , unll IlI g ;1,,:1 1" '11 1 loj,.. ~J " ul1 IW ,lIlltl w1J ~ n h e ('n m down lIu!,)" ('u u g h t him lh r ll II..: I' H.,fl IIj) n o u shofllL h im ~;pl rl S teals Hill W.,ich, In Ihe Ca ll\' I1 ~ Il THI tOs>l'~ 11 ltiin UI) n all\1 /-.,,,.,' " 1"1I1' ,, :ILl "c'I) "~h Ihllt .lpr i1 1!'i.- W~ ure now at the "llIter whole lot ot limes. 1111 111 I"' Ral, l: "0 "'JHud.,,1 lill ... . ilp h "I , h,' \I 'L,'. ,./tr." lit ', . ,,·u:r.; " f th e , holV , In " Ilttl n 10WII, let Ull atHl maho It G211." JU8'_1 1)I1 0Ulllonb , n ut! h" "Clol' lr,1 11 t:oulli e
1\ U fi.1l1 ;} J ilsl Otl l:,d tle, \\ IH")"C PIt;' It' J\( ' " p Ul tl p ltllll t il ~nll i mal~ an'I )f' IUl.{\a r pu
tlwu t1~n pfo prielo J' who hat! 'IJLl'()- , ~ l' lilileft. u ~ tlll lllL~ h llll Ilueotl pn t o t h e m en C'J\lll fl ia n or1 saw Ulg, 10 UI(' nthf-r a n i l11al ~:
1'", II, l:a,.,I". :I nu t ho I' ~ r fo ","e r" aro wha, wa s p;o lll.'; o n,
" H ero 's
~t an.,·
i ll
lu h 1t\ S u
l lJ~~ .
1 lll1 " ~,
w orl(c r in To wenr a
I 11 (1\' 0 Illug e ll to IJt.\ a m ure ('u u!itru cU\'o flpld . ~ m l ii ng l~ounl ena. u ce w lt t' U
you luse your mo n ".- In lIU up hI ll ft !;hl may be nlll urul to Il<J Ul e anOD, hilt it 1\'1\8 hurd I'M me 10 uCQulro th ~ habit. III m y MrHt yeur , I ~ o ,;l o d .011 " " ClI .1011.; wb t' u th e Aillile ' pa illed me ,UI lUu ch "" Il uid wheu 1 WII S 0 Yll ung Sler Gnd had to ha"e lh e barh of 0. Oahltoo l, c ut out of my fe,rel1 ngor hy IL balf-bllull doclor. Now Il seems li ke & goot! !ol,p. I eO"ly f"ulllt tnY8e lf \.I ecomln g In tro~ ll ec llvc , ClLl11 LUlaly zlug ID)' f rner lIous anrl th ough lS. I elo no t s ay rlla L ",11 sl'eC UIULUra do, fa,. BO Ill O of illY rrl e1ll.I K ha\'c the 8uccCHsfully r ccl;l,,"s ma UD e,. of ac colllllli~h e tl horsl'llIen. Of len I bava en vi ed, ne m lhel r hap pygo-lu cky temporaments, t heir carofreo dlsJlosltlons . Ottcn before makin g my first t m d e [ teel lit e sarno moment a ry relu ctnl1 cc ex perienced when nbout to In,,~ B c:old wate r plunge, A s hudder anti It 18 all over, Art,,1' that the fallclnallon oC It all has gl'Ullped you. Men sLlelt to It II.lter theh' physlclullS order lllem to quit. Tal,e - - , who contrllc ted tub erCUl081 8, He 'would not go away, hilt came to the board every day until he was too weak to sland. Even tbon, he camo down to hl a omea, and he III most died tbere. Again, - -, too, hM tuberculoslR of lhe Ilings: He went to Colorado 01\11 was getting hetler, but came back In the winter &aalust the advice of Ills physician. He was ripe for pneumonIa. ind It killed him. Stock specula.tion ire 61ilferers from ne rvollfi di seases; diabetes and kldney ' troUblei tho Wall .treet kidney, 1 bell eve, Ii\'ould be a 10ke to 86vernl ' physLclllns If It were not 80 vcry serIous a matter,
IL Wll g .fo l '" ll o['\;,' f.. ll ~r, \\,It ,; I ' n ol. who s it i& (,Dsl rol' tl) :H'(' UlHtd A( I' ;I f Ot'tllll (\ l }ll111 to )t ~ n·· It 1L\\,O ~ , ·i4pl~·.
AM 1I ,)\I,:lh 1111"; II III·' poor nli l li "" :tlreH. It
i~ a
trito p h r!l :::l<', th e
of w t"nlt h, ll1lt m any
(('all" ,'.lh
n ' lo.: p l t' I ~ ~ Hi,jl \
poor Jll irl l .II::lI r ,
tru th of Ih e \Io n', .
I H! r f-l L ' Lh l ' ~ I \'t' s U WU.\'
a Inr!,:" ru r· 111 110, lu Ir,,:lr. 1'l:c' dlU rll y organ lza li on . , ... h')y 1ICI leves thu t MI .ij Gould. whilt, :-- iw dops not bestow g r ea t ~ u mr\ Iilit' t 'al'lll ',!.:, it , n lHI T-tocke t c IlIH" NUJl · Ilurl l'(
\\' ,, 1 ' J1l P p
a ll in coJJl e of a m i lli on 11 .\ l:ur , 11I ;\l1 U1 WOI1Uln mu s t s hare< i t 1.vlth Olh,'I' :, ~i\'( gom o of it a wa y . ' VlI err fOTi\ WI ' h ;t\ t Ihe "llu ~ lnr'ss or phll an thr, y:' \\" 111\\'0 t h e nl moDPI' mi a lla4'1H! to th e ,'pry
h Wi bnnrl :
$,, '/1'.1/110 " rPHr III ('burl(y,
'11' )1'1'
dlUrit h~s
' 1' !.J~l n
In Ihl!
o l he('
\\'0 "(,1. Ahout f,OIl he ll dk lltrl t"~ r ec\' lv o n il! tl'om her . ,\11 :-. ; Allmu n, a Vnsi:iu l' SI'aduBtc. 1,; :\ 1i.4:-\ C:oII I II'!-( ,·hi , nlltlon c l'", sin ce h q r
"o nll o"ll nn wil II th e la UI'" Hho lias nefl" l ~I "", n ,i! t 'lit
i ll
I ll!' d istribution of abollt
weal lhy. $ I.I,IIO,II('U. I',.,.halls Il Il O lu a hun dred Th e re c om l'~ til m ln rl na lU e ~ ur (hr"L' of Ih ~ I. :"f'l u;; Io-tL,'r3 [It·p blln ,leil (liN or tour per sons tha l hal'.e 0 rct;" lurl) 10 ~li; ~ (;'}o11.1. pornellln" Ol ~ "O are r C' ,'~I \,p. ' 1 In " R l n <: l ~ <lay. Whil st ,11. llO"l ug or \111' !I llY '. Dc::ull1u l'tt!on /l,u
~ald: SO U~"lh l ng Ih,lI w!ll 1>1 11 YUll de ad, ~nu ,i lld '( ri n;:, u t, th tir julllla, w ctlrlng I "IIt:~ l'o , ~'on hLat h cl1 , yon 'llill rh i.; hnz~ I, \\,~ !1l YllU Il l! t l ~ have 1\ /ltf'(' I' 0, it , 1 ' '' ( 'fI.~()n l s l Ci 11 11' 1\ Hip- nUllS, llllU e\ er .)'. I u S r:g ht. h er o,'- u nci rh ey 1 t, pa duwn I n\\ , ,a ' lI l h (~ . ~:r :~ YNI bOn , £" 1U (, r~ , (~,n J ~I'('rf' ta r .r IlII1 :- L f Ol 1 tlll f; Is int.lecd n litl, l \ !I n,1 a l o ili . HIUI loohf4 hll1 i' , nnd nil l l1fl Hoot' tlr fh H ri ll;;, alid hI> gOt u.ll Ih'_ n n IIl Hll " . JUln t·.l lu Ih ~ , h o ru:i , world II !" wOP . -I " ~lro n'1 ~d\lu:J f o r wtil'l1l wcutlH' r . I1p nu ,l ]) 1111<!ll Iris 1l3.n tti ,Iown , t hu! Iud lh f3: lJl ~ 1 1~"l' J ,\.' ITI ~~ d ("~ Jl !tll l1 iH. ~I()!ll~ 1': I'< ,,.yl;ool y h" . Ill . jolre lo lIIai< a ",t crc.O I '01 II !Jel1sall On wh cn WI' al·. ~()t lip "hovo hl ~ lmees, uml 1I,.00k lu:h ali a 1,'a l' ln:t hi >: tIll l,. nll d sn:'.; II'J~ !'tl1lt'('J' IJ IIl g- th t! ~ ln a lln n9~ or RU SBcll :IIC'] by hi ~ s luu ll ln" CI01llcs. h is j ot himse lf, nod loul, o ut hi s roll , and I aDd ~1' OJ\\llI g II I,; H'!'It! 1,Ia' ti "al ,h ul ::;s ,,~. J: "er )' !>odr I:RS h(; ar~ of t h .. .. I"ei; lh ln whl'llw rs, aud hl ~ wa l ch peoled off n ;~O hill untl gave Il It lh e hilS locll tec\ u 111"" ~O hole , u nu th o ~f ' lIl~ r n s ilr Hn d a llt'd b nt of 1'i r E:'. Ru s,'/'0.1 11 ov~ r Ills clwcllc r c,l ,"CHt, lind. ,'nnl'asman, uurl ho Hh oull hU DrlH wIth lIge r ~Celll?11 I,~ HO r: '0 , 1 ' 1\11' IL 11m!, <I' ll H,, ~r'. Hil t' is d il lg('n l In goot! "he ll th u l"'ll.rlo("r8 Introducotl 1M ro lh c lO all, am\ Gal(\ h e llked II. jolle as all.'~ IL H mill e. \\'o l' h::,-;, hulll I II or ~hi', [ zf\t l c h :ll' lli cs nnd ~lIe J1orfO,.;n~ r·a· nod han.I N, nO. II!] nhl we ll as an r \)I)dy, uurl for them to J h o hyeno. S(, t 1111 a IIlII g I., Il k" 0. [II It II in th p I" 'll l' r of IUltll' I,11I1\1 CRses. III ,I" t ~ hol d ~ .. In t he s how, who 11'011 1':1 s!l~ nol (he IlHOn ey to hll ve u Stl",1 Umo, who Is not lI ckl NI, IH, t l ~ ,I . lhul II n r Cil ilt a rt kit, ,,' rill e n by t lli s Inlly of " ot tl~ o.H~1 tnr.t mn llager Iltlrill); Ih o Illlcl t he y ul1 lau g hed, an ,l .l)Rllet\ 1111 I.S ~'P 10 him tu, IOllf'h II ' II. funny w~a l lh nn i! pulli iti hetl In tho North • aso u, Il l"l pn s m lletl on the m wit h on Ih e hn elt, nn11 said ho wns R. de nd ~lo r y thal . h" ':1111 \ ti~ " 'h e 1,' "111 ,,! at AnH'rl ~np It "' I~w s he maIre, tlll IIr~ Crown oa hl ~ fore head , nud s~lt1 h e J;OIOO s po r t, and would he arl honor to a boorluet wh ere Oh:: un('ey Dep r w 1,' II~ ra lgnll1 e nl or wornllLl of t h o leis ure UOlled Il ls r ll hl\lous with th~ln wo ul rl (he profesiilon, .lInd t bat "uw lbnt lie ono of IllS c rlpl'l,' u jokes, a,.'u I'" wal! l'Ia ~" wh o nrc 1!1 ll1tr er ent to lh elr 01>be pl_nl 011' ot the olrl cnnl' na me ll hud lalteu tbo first (Iegree :13 a clrouij gellin" nervou s. A bi g g ri zzly I",ar I l orluu h l r,~. s lot l1 ful In· makIng use "e mnr);ed to .. &1rl wbo rides I wo tU all, ho cou ld ClllI on tilem Co- auy Willi WU,lIllns delel:R.te _Ill, hiS, ~RI!O, .1\ n.d of thom. She speaks oC their abIlities " m SCD at ODCO, with the b orses G'lcrllice, or IIny work, anrl be would ~~ o lool,ed at. pa .a~ Inlll h ,l~ 1.0 ~I\Y , and po we rs wasted, of the e vil con,tmopClI logelb er so tbey OUI't get find Ihat th ey would be Jolinny on H ello, T odd) , 1 was oo t at bOIH~ \\ h .. comitants of a lifo of le ls \lre, t ho grea t '10 -Car al1Br t nnd' cause her to breall t.ho spot. . )·ou called In Colo1'lldo, Il ul you ge L daugel'!! arising fro m solO sllO e2s and ' u two, aald thal 0111 goot wltb tbe 'I' hen we ",' ent ont to tho llinlng In tills cf!-ge, on 'J 1 \\'111 Dl~II ' you l!l illk idleness. And tho g l\'ln g of thi s whol e· .Ilk bat woulol last jus t about Conr. tent and ' toolc dlull cr wll.h the cro wd, the Spauls~ wor w&~ a S~uduy -s!:uool so me ad vice to the dllugbterll of tho \ 'eeks and that he reminded th e can- and hnd 1\ jfllly time. 'l'hel'e wna B picnic ho~ lu e wlla t you w.JI set {r'om ri ch· Is as n eedful , It would seem, as AN DREW CA RNrtGIE . "(jRm~ of I\. big dog which burlted womnll trapeze performor 011 one side 'your uncle fo:l.hra lm," al1\\ a bou cat the giv Ing or mal e rlal nld to tbe drmsh· ot people ns though he would eat of pa at. dinner, aud sho began to Jumt; cd ur' Into t he top >;If h hl 'use 1!)'stemoli1.ed means ot g.ttl ng rid of le r s 01 lirA poor. ' h m au\l at Ibe same lime wagged kIck at once about tho meals, anll Bud snarled anrl s ho w d . h 1s tePI !J , lInd W(, tllrn now to the R oekotell or th eir mon oy, Cu rnegle, o( co urse; Ids t~II, HO people . would not think he when the ",.'llter 1J\'Ought B pice of s ee med to say: "Drln!> ~o your \\J1~l. Helen GOllld, Rocle~tel1 er. Thon th e re money and t'Ile dlg]Jcllsl ng of tho goodWKS 80' confounded dangerous. meat to U8 all-a great big pleco, lhat pocle "Of dogs and · 1 "til eM Ul ~m arB thoBe tbat glvc peraonolly; prom· ly surplus. It seems " cul,pel] n ecesTh e princIpal proprietor of UH: clr- 1001l c,I lI);e corned beef, sh e s altl: IiIlVE': • . In ent among tbese the bCllrl of Ihc ~ury to cm phas l1.c tho e xi s tence here 'us told Ila to maite hlm B If at homc "Fur heave n's sake, nlll't that e lephant Pa tbrew out hi s cbest In Crun l. of greflt Ilanklng Ilrm of Kubn , Lo eb & ot n grant s ys tem, Ibo churill e" dis0n ~r lind tbe l'mt, and llot bll off odud that di ed ull been eaten up )'el," 'Ind a IIl !>oy cage , nnd II. wonk o;' Rll alC'llod Co" Jacob H. Schiff. It Is sairl by I hose bursed on Ilu s incs lin es. The ro Is the . t allY JJlca~lIntry on tho part ot t ho t hon nhe toM pa tllat lh oy had been his watcb , on d Ih en all tho ".,Imal: IJ~. Ihat lmow Ih'o vcr y cOll~ld o rahle of ch ler almoner and lhe cbarlty hureau, J\l!aobes ot rho show, (or t hry wel'e 'fed on tbat deceased e lephant, un t il gan to IOjlgh at pa jll f:t lik e, o( "0\1 philanthropic labo rs nnd phllanthro' Rod to tl1 cse th o communlCo.lIollH are bo ys In sebool when vls ltorij ln ukc a call, that probably Mr. SchIff gives a8 submitted, 0.11 of th e", arn read, most pls ts, ['1\ wen t around to vl Rlt a!l tile aol· of them ore Lhrown IlWilY. But onough mOIls, omrlally, whLle 1 got loterilut d WANTED- MULE TO KICK HIM wi sely lind judi cious ly liS nny of t.he r(l('eh'e atte ntion to have m.t wllb a reo dlslrlbuters. Ho does not rOflOrt to any In a femalo kallf~u,,;.O. wlll.1 a oollille of babies, not more Ihu n three \' ce\(~ 'One TIme When the Smart DrumDl er cum broils machlnerr, 18 enRlly ap proached, ~ how s Dlu'c h di scrimInation olrl, uud 1 noticed I he moth er "nnWns Off in His Calcu· In hi s cst Imato of neeLis, at tho sam ~ gamn ma~o the old .Dan I uugv.roo, hr r lations, time bestowIng generously allll w ith hlls lJllntl. s luml nrc,und, and lie adcll "You know that Id of cll thollclty of pplrlt. jusl 1111 ' ~omo mor, 1 hol'o &'!'!ll who o game, The almoo ers of CarnegIe oud Rodeo · wcre pfrald tu ' ~[I ~ th eir SOli,S WClr a eourso," said tho Chicago drummer. fell er care fully guard these gentl ena:n lIt'!ir own l.:l th o l,re~ nr:c uf IlJ c; r "YOII nre walking along !,lI() street nnrl .. mnn comes running afte r you with from p~rsonal inrrllllnn, the cn lls up on wl\' r ~. 'fh l), r~ llIal ' I l lIl ; ~n rco I~ slIl'oly a a . fat wallet In Ills hand a,nd says he them hel ng of sllch nllmb or nntl often mada by sllch unworthy persons lhDI wO IH1 ~ r, n nd ~,~ c m ~ lei ho LUlIL 0 11 ~w It tall trom your pc,ckel. You ot he rwI se 111110 wou ld hll a cco ruplls hml Ill o.lI R and s pcr lfi r."II,, " s dlfrpl'ell', (rllm want t.he wallct, but you don't wallt Mr. Cnrlleg le 's rlght.haill] mnn Is hi" auy olher Llnlmal cau se :lho lIa ~ I:Ol (0 open It In t he presence of th e man, ~ec r'!tn ry, .Jamcs ll.!rlram! VCf)' IIltln 11, ( UI'-II 11 0 d pouch :,11 It I' SI(,I,18Cll, ; I;H Th erefore, you go down to your pocket ma ll nrldres"cd in Mr. Cnrn cg lo reacll cs Hlee a veSL thnt ~: ' o curries h~1' yn llD I fo r 0. couple of dollars to J'e wanl his In . WhAIl lhe I::l hIE" a,.o frl ,:: h tl nOll honesty, 1'llen )'OU make Il sllenk tor the master of th e hOIiSl1 be foro It haR ••ecn peruel:!1 b}' th e ser. r fl tnr)' ; very lho~' malw u hur ry- ull moYc low 'lril~ iome pllleo where you CliO count th e mil, l'le [lo uc'h oL,e n s, anti Iho), Jump cash, and your knees grow weak a u fe w people obtalrl pers onD I inll!rvl~w la onl or sl t\ht , ':Iku u gO\J ho,' !,:o lng you discover that the fatness of th n until judgmellt hna bee u IlRssod upon luto li s holo' , nlla t he mother I.wits walle t Is owlns to SIlI)S of newspnper. lhem by th e s eereID'·Y . Tlris sysl em, arou nd II~ inn ocent It S cnll bc, os mllclJ "1' \' 0 had tllem try tnat HUle g ame while It may ho\'c Its drawbaclls, lOcI" as to auy : 1' \"(11\ CR U searcb me, 1 on m o hnlf a tlozen limos ,a nd alw{\)'s tnlnly Is necessary t01- a mall wllo. P 'lo n't k uow, hOI ~sl1 y . wh ere t hOM got the laugh on them, A monlh ago , givin g habll Is 80 widely kllOWII n ~ 1,lo.l M lI u ve gon~, bllt th ey W01'0 :lronn,1 Ilowever; In St. Louis , I was walkIng Ibat or the eno rmous ly rI ch Scotcb· RPODSI) of some $Jo.oon,OOO; thill , of h I'll not mo r Ihan a m l nuto w'o." allout with nn old hays elad when a Amcrlc.lln . As many aro nwur c, Mr. ('ollrse, III addllfon to the ri ch endow', ~ ' I,\ud li' h t'll ~bc frl l:\l1\ ,., (l\'~I' tbe 11..../ rellow llreSenlc!1 1be wallet and sllld 1 Carneglo S_OIll O lime nbo establl~ h ed n mont of cerlaln In stitutions. Ch lcuso llend:l P Oll (!l ll (If Ih" Wi' o i lllU dropped It. 1 smilingly dellied It, alld 'regltinr bureau (lr cor)lorallou 10 con · univer sity, with !Ls 1\10ro thnn $20,0 00.J,('lIch, Il nd th e oili m il STll n l,s, a .1 he tend er ed It to old hayse,ed. He bit s ide r lhe appli cati ons mode blm, thlA 000 f rom Hockefell e r: Rush medical corporation organl ze,1 und o~ tho laws oweh as 10 SIlY : "0, come 011 Ollt, I h ~ ro al once and gayo up a dollar. ' '.all ege and I t~ Sr.,OOO,OOO, Barnard', "Tben I .opened on blm and cancd ' uf Ne w ,l er Acy Mr Her tram may lJC Is no dun ge r , IInll lI't your lila h a l' '' million nllll more. anil th o mIllIon eocb 1 . W ns SI1! l'Cll de d in the All'. a l lt lle res t , callso s ll e Is ' u ~ rv :IlI ~ ." him nam es and marie hi s h eart ache loollcd IIp on as chl er almoner. r ece Ived lly lI o n 'ur rl, Ihe 'BaPlls t mls· It Is Ihe c ll stom tor Mr _ Carnegll' .. and t holl th a Ilnlll o" rome Ollt ano.l r un And I 'dldn't stop talkIng until we had s lonary fund ailll Ih c olllll rn edu ell' full of fun, nn d Ile wen t of( to ull ~nd t hoy all tell 111' 0 they h::· trnn lit arollnd lile (:age, and sll Ill> 011 Ihe lr reachcu a hotel where we eoulrl Inves- overy mornIng to run ove r I he dull le:; ' to Some bUijlness nnd left Ila wi t h tile growI ng olll of lhelr h e ,'I1~, nOlI po ,1IIml foci , and 100 1; wl ~r . T hat l,an - ligate. Say, I want 10 him a mule to and pote If th ero Is specIal n"ed Iu ilona l fnnd . Thou g h mod ern ph lIunthro)JY frowns t;aog. 'I"hey wero practicl llg rht:ng poked Lho meat wIth hl8 fpr l" nnll ga rQO Jjo"~h I II 5urct:sH, lin I I "'{)II - ki ck me for lbe next year! That walat thc cn~y, carclC;;5 I)prsona l charity, !Jare- backeu horles 'around the rlug, thought it -ns e lophant, an r) I. e los t del' why 'oalul'o d id uo t 01'0\' 1116 lot contll Inetl $I,GOO of as good money th e re re mains a num ber of peoillo t hat with a rove hltcbed In a bolt aro1<ntl hIs allllclite. ond evoryl.lOqy Itluc;hed. PO tl h'~ (aI' all Ilnlm tIs to I:al'ry Ih el r as 'Uncle Sa.m ever turned Ollt, and the ta nnol cscapo tho t elllllt nllon to ren le waist of ' (ho .rlder, and an arm ] ea t som o ot It, and If II. wa ll ole- youn s' III, I th lll); P ullman \lIUSt. h ll YU old OJ!:lP from tbe turnIp flelu9 WI\.8 s pond to Ih o begga r. Charles Schwab !';o t his Ide as [or the uP.Pe.t UII(I iow ~ r just that much abead, I Itrled to ar" winging 8rol1nd from tho contel' pulo, I.han t, It WUIJ all rig ht. is rcport c~ ono of these wealc ml'n, lind >10 It they fe1\ ott .th.o lH)l'se tbe rope W ell, wh en dinner wtls abouL o,'or, her lhs of !t " Ieeplng car lJy see io ~ a gue an even whack, being we were il Is said he Is unn. hamell of Ih e weak· wou ld )ll'ol'ent' tho rid er from failing a1\ Oiled theIr glasses to r1rlnlc 10 lho i;lI l1 g/l ~O ... I,o ll e\! I aliI gO ing tc sLudy both toge~llel',' hut be slutted the wad n ess, lIIalll)S prov is Ion for ju s t such 1Il the ' ground, a Ilractic t ho.t t he '1lonllh of 1m, Lbo old stocli ho ldm' anU !.h o l;nngnroo , lind mnlc<! f,'le ntis willt down Into a hind pocket, shook hIs cmc l'gency wh ene ver ho wa111 3 abroad. \)fst rlde,'s ndopt oo.rly h i t.he ~coson, now' malla ger, and pa. got up a lld th o old Dlall I;unsa roo , rau.o be looks belld and replied : Anti s ure ly th ere 'nrc limes when 1mI he s ame as now beslnne rs , Cll.IIS0 t hey how rd. aild made a II tll o s lloech_ nnll P_S l hot.;,;1l h had tl'oubl s o f hI s own, " 'Not any, my friend, Gloosellerries ma(ll nlp. ,ll'st ilulion ca n be rca ched a re all attffened liP by heing out of when he /lal down one of the cl r CLLS Pa showed UII without :lny ,:on t. woo't bo more than bait 11 crop thi ~ ouly by llil ~ Olunu c r, when th ere .19 One man rode amun(l Q. g irls was In hi s c linlr, I1ml he BHt In wh il e I wa .• ~Dn g:Jro" ;.n 8". lind l l!oriJ ycar, and thi s will help me pull I1rocLlcc, Dot tIme 10 a wait Ihe 1lI01'C IIICl1t of Cew times, anol pa got IIll close to t ho her lap, and the crowel 1111 ye ll er!, ex, ""OS u rip In his (.an LS, find I aslle<i hiiD tllrough nicely I' .. oumuer 0111 0 mllchln ery. Mr. Schwab Ilull·llghter, who " 'h flL wus t he Lronolo, nnd be sait! ho rIng, alld was making Bome commonts, cept a Spanis h ll h-cs to Ih e fel low that see ms power, Paclft.c Survey. ~ ucb as: "Why, any condemned tool seemed to bo tbe husband of tbo "'OUl · got 100 11 'ut' the cago of a Icopar,l. I ~NS to ta lle ca re of himself. Mr. D, O. Rocked In the billows ot the deep Paco ulll ride a ·hors o that way ," when the nn pa sat OD, anti Ile waute:1 IU" S lhat see med to be a8Iecl>, and tlt~ Mill. hilS a likln ;; 10 help the Cellow ',!lrCU6 sang 8S quick os you could sny lilood, but th e old ci rc us manager lno ll t rultor renclte u uul h is pAW nntl galh· cifIc ocean, a wood buill, noo Dmagnetio t hal can hell' h Cll1 3clt. I\Il1ny phllansca t, fasten ed a belt arollncl Ila's stom- him away lO savo pa [rom trouble, c rell In lile loll or PIl'S coa t, and Ju ot sailing vessel of about - 600 tona III exIhr opUs of mnny mind s. a cll, tbat had 1\ rlDg In It, and beCore alld ho glared back at po , and] think snall:hsd II of( his hack as lbollglt It pected to make a c.lockwlse spI ral course We hear morc or Ple nl ont Morgan's from Snn Francisco through tbe enUre ho knew It they hall hl tchetl 0. snnp he w111 stah pa wltb dIrk IlllI(o. was made of pall'r. intCl'c'I 10 arl {linn or his ph ilanlhl'ollY We got o'ut of t h o dInIng tc r.t , a!ld 1'a Is a IiLlIr: dl s co ura;:crl about hi. north ern part of th o ocean for making io tho rillg, and pa was hOlll od Ill' a s - altho ug h th e art treas u res may SOmo a magnetic slIrver, The tota l length '1( 'I h Igh Ill! Iho horse, Ilnd hi s feet rpsted we nt to th e barll; wh el'o the ro lm".Is cxporlcnt:e lu Ib e r'[n' lI s lh e n" ~L day. day re r er t to Ihe Ity of New York B8 ',n tho horse's back, and the borso are kept nil willt el', nnd pa W[lbtcd me bill be sn l's It will b~ ;ireal wb e r, we the proposo d crnlse 18 about 70,OUO a s r eat :;I fl. lh e treasures on which 10 beco me familIar wIth lhe ho lllle of g t lb e 1'1;11 or tile )onsh,e:..s. He " ,ys knots , Rnd tb e estimat ed duration ' I~ ,; on Q. gallop, hu . hee n s(' ll n l Ihe enormOU9 s um ot " '1: \1, say, 110. was novor tiO 6ur\Jrlse'd tho b lISts, calise lh ey werc U' Ile ill I'R'g e verr dny will ha vll It~ e ~cl :~' lI1 e lll. To· about tbree years . Th e sebeme Is tbo I . 1ACOB H. SCHIFF. $I S,oor .ooo. ~ l or g al1 ll enefn ctions that in Ins me, Ilut he dug bls hoclH In to charge, wltb tho 1 eepel'u of ille dif- mo rro w II",), lire golu l; toJ exl,..,,'{ II. outcome of the recent commercial UCtlv- 1 ' be h,'rse's back, alld trleel to look rel'c nt kind s or nnlmulu 1.0 r alkJ,'[ 10 LUOlh fru", IlJ e llon-('o ns,r II'I UI' , n:ld Ity In tb~ Paclllc regions which baR /lOme qllarl c r or tho globe fo r It is ~ n . nrr wj(I ~ l y Iwown are lbe: lying-In hos· 1.INlSunt, and the bone went tlalC v.-ay Ila, Nobody ·n ced loll la c th31 alll - I'll s tlt! I .1~e gol no to b('l1) huld lli m, neccss ltated moro reliabl e values of pprllnous dollars. ond to InquIre o f b le pll ll!. wll h lIS gill or $I ,ooq ,ooo; a half ~:x cept tor secrctnry If a nyth i ng llartl ~ ul ar ha s n r. millio n to the N IV York tra tle school; llrouDd the ring, and JURI. as I'B was lII al9 have no humnn InHlnct s. anll tl' wh ile Ihe an lmul II I' nLi sl !lu lis t ho tho magn ellc eleme nts. ;oettin g confldenco, SGmo one _hit Ih ~ no L ); now how to tu ll e n jokp.. \I'll toolh. auo lhen We Kc rn h Ih p rh i;,u ,·" - dOln from occasIonal expedit ions anrl rlv pd In ti re Inull. lI c loo\;s at th e kt . $1 .O()(J,OO(l to Hnrvur,l : ha lf II. million !torRI) on Ih e hO'm wllh 1\ picco of nrc ap t 1.0 thlllie thn t \~· tld anima ls In 1'0;; llllli ,,11 lhr hl)' l) 1''' ' a ll1l1~, " ",1 ~ nch as wore acqnlrell In wooden ves· Icrs SPI as id e fo r hIm, sca ns rCQU l'li t s ' 0 lhe Ca lhcrl .... 1 of St. J oh n th e DIho m'II , an,l tho horse w n t Ollt. rrom onpUI'lty are worl,),I "g 01',,1' h .. ing ge ll,,'erything l'O'nil y III SWrI l" ' \ UII eels years lIgO, t he pr ese nt maJ;'lIet lc (or or/(311. IIhrary , p rso llll l n it!. Ii Is \ Inc ;: h al f II million to th e Loomis OI ,.,l p,· lin nnd he be,;nn 10 fall uvur conllll.ed In cages, and b'llZCU nt Il lid ' lhe !'mill, alld I (':I II' , ''' ri t e " " )' "," re i ll ('bnrts In li se clepend la rsely u pon ob- (01 ,1 I h~ ' a holll II do ze n oq;an Hlld I, lI o'l> lI nl, "," 1 about $2 ,000.000 In lesser hacl, ward s, 1111<1 I tho llght his circue eomm elitrt'l on by cUl' lo,,~ \'181(0 r8, tI.,.' 1 my el lu l'Y un ' il a l l" " r.. ~ fix Illl' <: .. ,I rn . se rvnlton;;.:. mado on Islands ou tl alon g lIr:u ' rf'llli j~ I S nre th e dal ly o ver n 'I' lona li on" Th e ~ tll1l~te Is lIIad e that ' ) , I . ~ ~ I :' ~lor ;;u n PII rl s II'lth at l e u ~ t IInl f ,'nl'(~r ' r would ond right th,) r~ , whe n I t bat t he~' dr eam o f. the froe life tb e ~' Gel), \.Iut IIC I,; a .' Ion:; ,,~ 11 d,0I1 ,, ' ·I ,:;" . th e coa.S l~ wh o~OI p rentleo t lo ca l di s· t"runnees 'make true va lues dlm(' ulltu SOlll cl,m '" Ih p JU ull holtl. a rr f" ~n l 01 n m ll li o ~ a yenr In t'on l ribulions to - -'- - - _. t ho mllll wh o harl hold or Ih e , ope lived In t loe jungl es, lind s Igh In [:;" tl elc rmlnt!. I' a IIr o p o~ ." bpnefn ctlo n. :\ Ilhra ry l ha , pulle ll up, 1I 11l1 pa WIIS ~1'"lI e o dp, 1 In ba cl. ',' he ,e Lhe)' W(lr' ·clI)Jturod. ali ll J1\ pnn cs ~ JIlo d era t:oll . Ih" HlIl1 0r lll cs 1111 rc urnltle.! to I'pJ "r{ ~ ' hn rl ~ l !?s unll purc ha :;r," r worh:'i or Bl't. Gr~nl ~" 1/1 S Ihe n lH"'I'. Y L nono or . he alr. by l ho ring In th" be ll, IJnck i prow l aro und f', r fond , bul yu" can'l I " ~tc uu lI f lI .i n ~ H", ),d ri 0 " 1 :"lJ lIl~ O ll Jonk on the Ic emon. I DB th ey rcel " ,e y ra nn UI tlo l he (>ar, ,t hem arpr oache~ In I;lnd th e widow' .. lit., und ~Io m:lch h 3ngl nl: dow n II I,e fool me. Anl!1lal. th at furmOl' ly had l h ~ I'ol'ulu," u r Told " . t hc ,," L1h' I' I ' l c ~ " Wlll)'1I\1 have prl UY Iso t" 'uday 1;lo.l .\·, of th ~ worli ll c mno il c,l o f Ihem . T o .. pillow, bls watch dan gl lllg nbollt n to go Rro ullu III II", w Ou d ~, hlol/gTY let Ih" 111 118""111 111" in g ,'pll n; un, 1 &ays t he ls e mnn two I h ~ ","o mun." I : hl~ n t~ r sp rcp ly wll ! b~ ~~ n l . 10 I ila l mllp. (liOt clown towards t bo rillg, 8n,I th o half lhe lim e, nn,1 (lc(:n.~ lon"lI y ,;org. gll"o \'o lre to Ih eir ff'l' lIng~ Oil '!IU "No, I glless nol.t , she MY" , Id e rU lh- olh", en sn olo e i n B very lIiric rr nl t o n ~. A Strnng_ Affi lction, hors~ came nrou nd th e I·ing. aga lu an,l Ing th o m ~~ h' es 011 n oI eall a nl Utal, Iln d pc n " ~ III'goll l1tcll ," POln sru ou,: 1. Th " r ~ ha ve n lUll of ko le." I !lh·D owh ll~ . llh' . wallin g r oom I" Oile d a6 he went uuder Ila, pa tri ed to l!'r. ~ KlcI' pirl j! ,, "I, In lh o rail, III a ll Il il: d ~ Ig nO lld ,,;; t hn ' "rllo l nn Ih e rx'';''' I!! ' lO t Th ~ Cos(' lIm and Ca lanza l'o rl lstrlets Qxp laulltio ll - s ho lllC<l l lh alt It WU l wIth r ~s tl ~2S ~p)lll c nnI R. Th l_ do ing bls feet on Lhe horse's baclc, bu[ h s of weath er, kn ow wh n th,' ), h n" ~ or II moll qlll ~'k c l'lh al1" f,' W wh <'r" d " ' ~ t;elling I wo 1.001 foal' Ise 1..\ 8w lmon"t ju sll ee to F O ma ny c~sc. o f oi l.. r(',;s o f IInly 8 few r1u)' ~ ngo expe ri en ced 'co llldn't mal;e It work, 1I11c1 I'a s uit! , Al.l' ucl; a !,ood thing In a nt{jn ~):c .. le. (OliO/well by ~\l/n" 1, 1Ir rln ~ , CR"I\·"". holt enu tf for Icol '3 thIs Is I of mln e.- anrl nee d, Ih is work of gh'llI g wld el)' , a 1110'1 s lo ~ul ur ph e nomcuon. There Il8 ('ross as could Ile: "Loo l ,"h~ r(!, you wllh cl all straw to e lee p III . all\l wh ~ '1 - - ---- Geo rgi e McDermott. "omce hoy " In the Is 110 eBSY job; Andr~w labors prelty fe ll orcr Ihe 1I ~I;;h borhood. a mingled fellcl's, y~u let me down , or { will dl s- lbey are hu ngry 1111 they ho\'o le, rlt< Sure to O ~t tl,.e V erc:ici. llown fal1 of fi ne rcd dust a nd rain. Doston Post, . , ha rd after a ll. cllnrge every mother's son of y,)It." ' Is to aound their hu glo nntl t h ~y hBI'C " Oll t ," s a!:1 lh r' lawyer . ".n'~I· cn s~ ----.;.. ' ---,. I·l ele n Gould '!! sec retnry ba s R lot of Th e s howPI' lus le ll about 15 mluutes Hut t~ey dldll't 8e~m to be ecared , pre-dlge~t e d bee[stca k anti IlrcnHru;1 il6cms Ilol'c le '5. I "on 'l s~ e whll t 1 ,:au His LunACY Onder Good Control, ,,'orl<, too ; o oe lV ee ll's 0I811 - thls , t o onil s ee m cd to mOI'e fr om ea s t to 1nItt. for 0110 man caught the horse anlllot It foocl brougbt to th m Oil a s il ver »Inl- do (01' you . Yon oe mit l!l:lt )'011 L ':1.1 Sho-Supposo 1 were to die, wlJat De s ure a r ccord break e r - conl a ln ed r e. Rot.h it e fore and nft r the s h(,'.er had oot of the ring. and tbo UlMi wbo ter, and If the food III not to I holr Iik- yO\1l' wife." . would you do? ques n ior s ome tlilng llk~ $ 2.000,000 A passe d Ih e tone of coun try between tbo handled tho' rope iled it to the cr nter Ing. they set up 0. kIck like a sta r "y ~," r eilli etl ihe rle f~nrl a n l. "hut lilY He-I sbould almost be crazy. large /lllrt or them wer~ ~ mptled 1111 0 I wo towns was o\·c by a curpole by a balf bltr.h , and tbe Cpllow8 Iloarder at a boarding hOllse. 't'h@lr "Me' r lestlmoD), will discou nt tbn l., "Would yotl marry again?" The wa ate baskel. II I. n eedless to oay . rent of hot air so opprMsfve that bimto condilion In ~bo ahow, In Its cb a nl\Cd Sbp'd' Mver 8h W" .i I: arcu," aU wellt Into tile dresg lng-room "Weil, I wOllld - Ilr.rd.l¥. bo as cra!., r:ollntess d ... r..a st elln l e spend -mon cy dr tis ot poople wert 'onrcom& 111 uitn clach on ·the trllnks , !eavln,,' pa condition from thnt of- lllair lIa;h' ~ - P blluc!ehlbl o P r ' F :lC lbc.t."-Puck. . . PHt abo. pl.c~ Iud np~ Uln 8IIpli)'ll:IL and
wa~ ~ay·
Idh4 !·u th,.l11
How Great Sum. Are Diatributed in What Ia Called in I Parla nc .. l) ... " .... or P],·lnnthropy."
"" If;"
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Sprin gboro .,
Trlnl.ty Choir Conc ert.
- . _--_
- ,-
FAR R·· & WH ITE' S Tha nks. l.ivi Dg
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~ -~ - ~~-~ -.~ - ~~.~~,~~~~~
~tuU (l nen' IAtil.,.)11 PIli .,. t,1) Bit.\' (~oOlI Wutob ·.~ I OlllOkl1 'Mlsl! Lorettu Hllt.lIn WilY , ,spent Mr. and Mns. S. Li)v <;'artwr lgllt In Driler to add to the fund -~----'-t,o ChIUlI\\'ure . IialnrdlloY In Dllyt(llr, entert.illn8d at tunchoo n I!'rlday help .Jewuh'.v Muglll'.i!l eH IDllke the Home.C omlng . in 1 tlilvurwlI ra Mr. Chilit. Btow .. , of Dllyton, "pent evenin g In compli ment to Prof.< Hnnktl WATC R MAKffiR W.' August, 1906, a ' soooeSlI, Trinity . ,~.n~\ vELElt r'C"WlII IJB;Y g MlltlhllJf'~ Pea st l'ltollogrnphH Sondlty with relativetl bere, H: Venllble, of Cinolnn atl, Rev. and. oholr of Xenill, WAYNI\:8\·lLLII1" Ouro. Ki'\vlng Muuhir\ i! 'l'hls great event/ Is nlrno t at hand has very kindly 1L 1II1 Reoor ll!' Wo,toh. Vloek & :Jewtllry R pl~lrillg . Prof. H. D. Kellitlon and D. F. Mrs. J. F. Cadwll ll:der and Mr. No~lh'!I ' \ and offered to give u concert in School nnd we onn help yon to prepare Corwin were Lebanon visitors &t- Mrs. J. O. Ca.r twrlgh tl for it by supplyi ng your e\'ery H,~II Thursdl lY, Decemb er '7, Ilt no urdsy. need. The best spices nnd On vor. Mr. lind Mrs . 'W ilber Clllrk, near expeuse oxcept their flLllrouu fare ings: Mrs . •1. R. Stephenson lind daugh. Lytle; enterta ined a party of 'l'his oholr Is ODe of the finest their nest &tIr M18~ Bertha were Leb.lnon vi,,· friends a t"'dinne r, Suday, t.h e musiCal seeded Rnlsin 100 q 12 IL lb. org!lni7 .ations in Sout,her n gUests Ulenned CurrontR 100 II lb ; Citr on \tor" Suuday being, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emerlok Ohio, and it is inueed II. rlue oppor2Uo II lb., Figs 150 lb ., New dutes Mr. Ilml Mr.. Vhu~ Fox, of Ger· and dll.ughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry tunity thnt is afforded the people of thill oommu nity to enjoy Il ooncert t;c u lb .• New Ahuoncls. Euglish uUIDtown, sptlnt SundR Y with !-beir MoGlnnls, Mr, and Mrs. Charles MOU COX EN1S Walnut s, Bra zil Nuts, J:'6I\nu ts.given by them . COKE NIS dRugllter, Mrs . Robinson, "nd fum· Clark and lItir. II.nd Mrs. \Valter All Iy. Mixed goods 10 to 20cts. u Ib &Ie of tiokets begi ns lit -I o'olook Kenriok . Milted Nut-s 12y' ote. II Ib, New Friday afterno on, December 1. Mril Ed ScmmOIll and Mrs. Milo Annual Annual Prunes 3 Ibs. 250. Orungell ao t,o MulJlll , of Frllnklin. were the KueaLs Mr . and Mrs. W 1:( , Allen gave un ~O oents n doz Thanks . BnnllUa giving s 10c to of MitIS Mllry Emnllf. Darling ton last elegant dinner on Friday In bon Thanksgiving or of 150 U do7.. :'IlIllIgll GrllpeR l itc to Chur ch Notes . Wednesday. Mrs. S. C. Allen's Natal dlloY . - Cov· Otfering Sale :JOo II lb. Offering Sale Mrs. Ardella K. Whltao re and era we~e laid for twelve guest-s. ---_ . _ ------Thore will be II Union Service at daught er, Mary Anna, Mra. Lnoy Mrs. S. ~. HRlnes, Mrs. Noall the Friend! Oel ery. 11OV. is nEC. 2 1 Red Brick ohnroh Oys ters Barnha rt and Mrs. V. j . Robinson Baines , Mrs. S V. Allen, Mr. NOV, I~ DEC.2 Ilnd Thanks givlrlg All usulII ·.ve will ha v~ II III rl,le evening lit 7 0·010ck . are spendlnK Tbanksglvln&' In Cln- Mrs . G. T. O'Neal l, Mr. and Mrs. Everyo ne snpply of the very best Oysters , cordia.lly Invltell to Rt· 01 £\'01 ' Robert Collett. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Will both in bulk: II.nd oans. tend. 8ermon by Rov. Tront. Mrs. C. N. Pence and grand.d augh. Balne8 , and Misses Emma and Letl. These will be reoel ved dlreotly &tIrs, MI8ses Ethel Penoe and Rutb tla McKay. from Bn.ltilllore by fnst eXlIrlltls There wl.lJ be Ii Thanll8 giving Barnha rt. attende d the plllY, Buster Mr. and Mrs. Chas , 'Clark nnd will be waiting for yon when enter. service at St; MIlry's ohuroh nt 10 Brown, at MlddletDwn !Thurs day you Llri veup. evening . o'olcok T'w ill pa~ you to lay in a sup ply tomorr ow 1'hurBdIl.y morntalned ~nnday to a turkey uinner at their beautif ul home two and a Ing, when there will be n short ad - Wa nted --B of thes e big offe rin. for Xm as. utte r. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fox delight. half miles south-e ast of Frankli n dress by tho pBstor. and Holy COUl200 Ib~ of good Paoking Bntter fully enterta ined to dinner tlunday , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pllrlett. and munion will be partake n. . to fill onr order must be well Mrs. Luoy Barnha rt and danght er daught er Rhea. Mrs. Abbie Stokes Next SuntllllY tbe First l:)uO(lny in worked lind f:rade fnlrly good Ilt Ruth, MI'8. Ardella Whltao re and and Miss Minnie Lewis, all of 011. Advent , there will be I:lnmlay Sohool least. dangh&er Mary Anna, Misses Lucre· mer Park. Dllyton ; Mrs. Hannah at 9':30 o·olock. followed by mornPRICE 16c a pound. 'Ia Jauoey and Vera Johnso n. Lewis, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Janney . ing 1'0 Prayer and lid dress by Rey. J . •• Mr. lind Mrs. Walter Clark lind SOD F. Cadwallailer, also For Boys' Hic SUSllOnderH 10e Mon'H lllio winter Cups; !i the celebra tion Mldd lcrun . 8e Earl, all of Lytle. SJlecht l BIg lot. of the Holy' Vommunion at 10 :30 speolul lot to choose tram WlI.ynellvilJe, Ohio. For Men's 3(;0 Workin g 48 p Men's 750 heuvy Plush o'olook . Mra. Freema n dmlth'8 ohlld and 23e Gloves. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Riley and v CIlJltl. Oon 't wl8!l thl8 Perry Hartsoo k'8 little son, _both of danght ers enterta ined the followi Conc ernin g 10 ng For 2Gc String 'l'ie8, bl1.rgain. whom have been quite slok, are guests at 12 o'clock dinner on e Now funoy colors. ' 1'ues· Publi c Sale. 98e Big lot of Men'lI alad Form er Resid ents. aomew hat Improv ed now. 10 For Men's 150 Bluok I&nd day. Nov. 28th: Mr. a~d Mrs. 'Boys' n .GO II11Ulple Butl!, The Baptilt ohnrch was covered &lett Robinson, Mr. opd Mrs. e Tan Bose, a pilir for 21ill, $1 Ralpb Fllr Muu'lI ButH that I will sell at my form on thfl .... Gra.nd Home·C omlllg and with.a new roof lallt; week. ~ For Men'8 Heavy '.Voo! t! , RoblnsoD. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey sburg and Lebnnon so hl etlrlier iu the 2 pike 1X ReunlO u of former ae Residen ts at Knit Hose worth (\ouble tlUIHlun for $2.00, Wm. Hartsoc k. of .Dayton . ill Miller, Mr. John ?illlJer lind Mr. miles east of Oregon ia. Wayno sville week beglnul ng August "',5e For Men's DreMf! Khl9 8c lioo pulrof Mul.l·s heu vy lpendin g several days here !,Ith and Mrs. Chas. Clark and family of THURS DAY, DECEMBER 14, 1905 6, l OOt!. Gloves, our '1.00 qoallty htl parents , Mr. and Mrs. John Frankl in; Mr. and Mra. Chll.S. bnlrlille OIl>l81WllrU JlU.lltil. Me- beginni ng nt 10 o'olock shll-rp the Ii!! I 69 Men '8 "2 00 o,nd 1225 98e :loO pair or Huys' 10111( Haruoc k. Mr. and Mrs, CUfforel Ridge, who , Even , of Springb oro; Mr. and Mrs followi ng propert ies to wit . fiJI. . Bell.vv ~ rdlgan ,Juok. 3 hood .l:'untS in IIlronK. duruble Your oorresp ondent Doted the fol. Borace Stoke8 and Mr. and .., . 1 It Mrs. of horses one, gpud work horse, one have boon living In Akron for sever. ' nlllterill hi. t e ·s. ..,peolll. o. lowing visitors Munday .fterno on, Harry Ralston and Mrs. Brll26 al months , have moved to Wooater, " Ral. general purpos e mare 6 Y6l\rs old , '.)9 aoo lltllr ot Men'" 9 8 e Men s F:u.noy W!ish Vests $1 Jakie Scott; visited hlB sohoolm ate' lton of Lebano n; al80 Rev. . •U bell vy $2.Oil Cord DrilY Marlon 8 head of Durham COWIl will be where Mr. Ridge ba8 been Rppolnted worth "1.50 A big offer· pilnts. Weller HaIIl8ll i Nora Soott spent Cr081ey D. D. of Indiana polis. .Ing. fresh 800n, olle good Durham bull 8 BBSlstant Snperln tendent of the MetUle time with Ruth Hartsoo k, and Extrn wr"e Size Ret1 QUll Ill! 1 511Duzu n 80YII' 'ur. month8 old 4~ ~ood brood sows, ' 34 ropolita n Life Insuran ce Co, and .. 5e q. dnroy Lon'" "llutH, Qeorp Hartsoo k and wife visited Mr. and .Iltrs. Geo. W, 18 in line for speedy IIllvanc emeot. Blue Bandkerchieftl. Ha~ke hNd of pigs, 3 tons of mixed hay. rel!uhlr ~1 fiO kimlK. "', ~ a' Ule home of Perry Hartsoc k. Men's. Hett.vy Vu.nvos celebra ted the twenty .first annl. one good wlllgon. 3 hoggies 6e . ono George W. MlI.nlngton. who bas DrOSll OlovE)s, regular .100 quali $3.3 8 M Ull 'II fiu e lin. Amand a Smith and 81ster, venary of their marria ge Saturd ay milk wagon, one Binder one mower been engage d in 1?'lUtii tbllt flail fur ties the dairy bnslnes s lIiII Rebeooa Cramer apent Toes. evening by enterta ining a party 4: Boys' good l:)ullp8nI1ers. I!\!I..OO ami ',t.M. of as good as new. one Dlso oorn plow. II.t Sonth Park, Washln . gtou, a snh , da, afkrno on with Mrs. Freema n thirty. live or forty of their worth 100 Dnring sale ".c friends 2 Cnltiva tors one wheat drill, lone nrb of Beattie, 4.98 Men:tI Lell.ther nnd has sold oot Smitlt. his in. Men's Extra in the happy manne r oharaot eri8tio hone wheAt drill. corn her·vy . drill, 2 tereatll there and expects to locate 48e Swente rs that sold for COM. $6.00 Cllruuroy . Keverll lbte lira. Jacob Soot, and daoght er of this generonll houseb old. Cards grliue. breakin g op plows. 2 other plows, perman olltly in Seattle 75 ots. , where he ~ Nina called Wedne eday even. were ,he ohtef lilean8 ._. 1 Ge lUO uoz~u Huy~ ' 250 Knee' provide d !or 2 harrow s, roller, hay, hay will engage Men's 100 Heavy Gray in bUBiness. Before jll£ on )In. Perry Barteoo lr, ~ Paut';! (U t~ each Oue,olU enterta inment , but not theleas i of riKglnlr. gravel bed, wind mill. 5e hay Mixed Hose, also blaok er. ) settling down, howeve r, he expects . IIr. Barry eml&b 8peD' lut Fri. all wu a. eiegant IUDOh whioh lind tan oolors wal fork rope and pulleys , grindin g to t.ake a trip extendi . 25c 7(; Dozen Buys' Uorlluroy ng over ' day afterno on at 'he Bellbro ok served. Mr. and Mn. Hawke l I e Men:a Woo! Hose; poIIl . were IItone. workin g harness ,00llars ,2sets deveral months through Califor . ., Koee P4ntd. WUl:t,h GOo. nia Bigh 1Ohoo1. Mre. Adam Penew ltt the recipie nts of quite a numbe _ thely a 200 'qnlllity to r of bnggy harne!ll8. piok, 8hovels, 8pade, and NevallR. Boys' 1I0huul W.titltd, pi ok from. and dautbk r were shoppin g In Day. handso me rememb eranoes . 1!1I<:iIIII ( ~o 13, 3rio grados. ' from POllt Iouger, . c levlces, double trees, ton Thnr/ld ay. 2ge For 600 Men ~s Workin g 49c UhuitJII oJf ,III our 7rlC and their goests. single trees. log chain. SCODP shovel , Card of Than ks. Shtrte, double front and lin, ~O.fll' Bltllltl" Waillta. oross ont saw; lind othsr artloles to baok, black and white strlpa. 25e Boy'8 lItultllmel·., Knee Ceasa rs Creek Injure d by Oun Shot. numero ns tD mentio n. We wish to extend onr hearife lt 20e Men's and boys' 4.00 . PlI.otM, wor~h double. PATRIOK PUALEN, thanks to onr neighbo rs, friends wblte Unlaun dered Dress 98e tlll60lal Jut uf Ciuldre).l·1I )In. Enoch Carey preache d a Barry Kenrlok . married , oldest C. T. HAWKE, Auot, Shirts. and relative lin. 60. Duulile. brtlute d s for their kindnes s alld very aooeptable kmper ance 8er. son of Mr. Charles Kenrick 19c For Way'& 2(;c Mumer e SUlt,s. • _ • , nesr ' sympat hy In the 111oe88 and at the mon In our meetin g hOWle Sunday Centerv ille, !bet with a very lhe 500 grildes go for 390 Q 75 ::;llOOlal hit 'Of Child. Pl!in- Healt h TSlik by time of the death of husban d and 38(> Speo\a llot 200 Umbrel las till· mornin g. ful acolden t Friday afterno on Which renll'llo enated father. We especially feel gratefn l BOOlht to retail fDr 650 SUU8. Me .... Larone aDd Guy Carr aDd may result in the loss o~ hl8 right Mrs. Fran k J. Brow n. to Rev. Mr. Tront for his words of I3e Men's and boys' 200 Rub< '~3 48 Chlldre ns' MlIIee Narah Burne " and Reba arm near the elbow. doubl~. ber Collars. all sizes. . 111'. oonsola tion; also, to Mr. "affitt br8lll.lted Suits Hh Carr were eDterta lned Sonday at While he and two oompan Mrs. Frank ,J . Brown. or Leba.· and the PAll benrers 1)00 ions D01,on Men 's White extrli pllnts tli.OO for their kind ~ 3e ~e home of Manin Barner . were huntin g on a farm near his non, will give a leoture on health servloe s . and Fauoy . H!lmstltolied ~ 2 49 Ohtldrenll l Overco ats Funera l servioee were held over home, he put down the hamme Handke roblefs . rs of at the OrthodDx Friends Meeting till· out 10nK 8 to 16 t3 50 Mas. JANE STANSB ERRY . Ule remain l of little Walter Gilbert hiB gun and leaned It apinst 98e Men's A No. 1 heavy Oar. qualitlell. ' . ," the HOUBe Wedne sday afterno on. DeAND FAJlILY. WUIOD, Saturda y. Novem ber ' 26. fence. After he had olimbed dlgRn Jackets worthll .(;O III! 3 Chlldre ns' OyerooatH, over, oember 6, at 2 o'olook. for the ullne · 1ge For regular 250 jfrllde ~f ~.'.t: by Frlend JBIIO Hawkln e, Jnter. he reaohed for his gun oot extra 101Jg,. 16.00 ; and in lift· tit of the chnroh . Police lind Fir~man 8 qualltle s. TOLD IN SHOR T ment In Caelara oreek grave yard. Ing it the hammel'll oaugM Suspen ders. on a All ladles are cordlul ly invited to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ wire and raiaed them just PARAORAPHS 3 9c Men's (j00 Beavy Fleeced 95 Youths ' Long Over. nttend this lecture , liS It is free to enough o Lined Underw ear. A big . •_ cou.ts, N to 20. years to drop aIld dlaohar ge the full load all who oome, Illud man! It is partlou larly Albino Flour 6o-cents a Baok. worth. '5.00 1.75 to sell. Will Move to ·Oayt on. into bis arm just below the elbow, desired that there wl\1 00" large 15e M~n's good qna'l Ity SOB· '$ 5 95 Youth s'hong D'ier.· For sale-62 lba olean oorpet rags, tearlll£ It all away except . pendel'l!, regular 25 value • o~t&, 14 iO"iio yean, Charles B. Whitac re and family arterl6ll, the 8mall bone in the tWD '11 ttendan ce. cut and sewed. Inquire of Mrs. 2 5e Special big lot of GOO out In the latest I:!ty!e, worth fore. 418. 'moved from Wayne sville to Dayton arm and two inohes of Ikin. Mllrt, ear. new pattern s. $7 4'8 YOUth8 ' Fine LODg Tuesda y where "r. Whitac re has The victim Wall hurried _ 63c Men s '1 F~De English -Mrs. Thoma s Zell Bnd ohildre n • to the Overoootll, U to 20 ribbed fllIOOIld Underw 8llr years, a 110.00 -value recentl y built himself a residen ce office of Dr. Slagle in Centerv ZIMM ERM AN'S . were guest8 of Mrs. Zen's mother , ille 4ge Men's EgYlltlnQ health ~ 9 50 Special J~tof Yont.hs near the Soldlel'll' Home. and a surgeon from Dayton sum. " ·'~Le~Il~ve-y~o-u-r·~~~~~~' Mrs. Tyson. at Dayto~. the early Underw ear, 6~ qnahtle s. ,",,0. 14.GO II.nd . IG.OO i501t8 S. E. Man a.nd family will move moned, who pronou nced the part 49 of the c week. For Childre n case s. Bneter· "'h · t o ole"n k out. I· . . to Dayton next Monday. Mr. and hopeful saying that if the · Brown SW6l\ters, 80ld two reo , .a. aD sg vlng From now . until Januar y, Spahr eltlewhere for 980. Mn. Mart wlah to be near tbelr mainin g arterie s oould keel' $5.9 5 Youtha Solts, single tbe . Ord er with Us. will give eaoh dozen photog raphs For Cirls' (j00 red, blue, . and ddo~le_ breallted IOnI who haV!! been located in tbe hand alive a 23 e brown and white oertaln length of ttme Tams. style, ts.OQ valne8 tll.ken 'Of babies two Post Cards with Gem City for some time. that the w'jured membe r OlIn In ali 24e Men's II.nd BOYIl" (j00 $ '7 48 Youths ' Suits. alloor. baby's ploture on them, or one with FRESB O'Y STE R.S We are sorry to lose thllll6 two probabi llt.y be saved. Dress Caps, 'A big t.r eat.' • root liha.pes, regular . eaoh half dozen. FAN CY -Crll.n berries flUllillee from our midst. It Is a 14 e Boys' winter CaJlS R lot of $10 villue. FANC Y-Cele ry and Craoker ll. Dale of Waynes ville'S 1088 and Oily. B A ohange In the time of passen· our big grudes. Ill! 85 Speclel big lot of ton'. pin. 44c Girls' L!\rge Size Wool tlI'. oy Injure d In Runa way. ger train. on the Pennsy lvania lines . Youths ' Snits marked ' NEW-DRtEIIl and Figs, Tams, regulllr 760 values I down from _12 and 113 50 went Into effeot Sunda.y . The new . Mataga Grllpe8, Ralph I:ltlbbs, aged abont 1G . . Florida sohedu Orange le Is s, pnbllsh ed in II.nothe YllIIrs r Enter tainm ent at son of Mr. and Mrs. Bn.nana!', oolumn of the Gazette . The 'only $5 48 Speolal lot of Men's/ 6 48 Men's Overoo ats Lonls Mtlbbs, near "Iddler nn, was in Apple8 . Harve ysbur g. thrown • Solts marked down • ohange s effeotlDg Wayne8 ville oome oxford fan'oy mllt:. from a spring wllgon Sun. frOID our 18 Rnd 19 lines for this tores. PriOllll wereand 1118 Bnd 18 60 In the afterno on train8, the accom· W b M Ira Ill'" day afterno on and severel y. bnt It . big TlIIIDksglving ~ale. I These are speolal big offerlnga' NEW-A lmonds . e ee w ".ve a grama· 18 believed not eorions ly Injured modatio n -from Cinolnnati reaohOl . $9 85 :About 500 Men's suits Q8 85 Men's blao" and ~x' NEW-B rllzels, phone enterta inment at Barvey s. He in com n with his two here at 4 :11, abont twenty minute s • 1n all the newest flln· olIJ. IIttl ford heavy Irish FriO' NEW-W ilinuts , burl next ltatunla y night, Decem. . I'" y oy Illter and than plain for,,"er . oolors. e ly, while the train Regula r Overoo ats. Eqoa.] to any 112 ' ber j In 'the U. B. church . NEW --PecanA, OOUSIUS . Ambros e and Melville Sol. prloes were '12 and $13.UO. for Clnolnn atl In the eVjlning get~ lIold In Dayton . , Coooanuts, I\van Ilnd " neighb or boy, were 75 Men's swell new Q I I 50 Men's hea.Vy, long. here at G :46, P£'9nut eightee s. n minute s ear: driving along the Bellbro ok pike, suits tn worRt.eda, otl' • and medlnm lengtb Tea,h ers Addressed lIer than before. cheviot s and 0II&8Imer68. Illngle or Overooats In blaolra when they OIIme to a pile of grRvel anci ' double · breaste d styles, 'IG and noveltle s. ·A regula; ozfords New York CREAM CHEESE, by Prof __ Ferre e. in the road that hlld not been spread, '16.00 value ' '16.50 values. Web . Reali zed $~5 Nenfoh atel Cheese, during sale for '1150,' the wagon struck this and the horss NEW- Pickles and $14 50 . Mlln's fiDe hand.' Q 14 50 Men's best Over. Teaohe rs of Warren llOunty en· began to kiok, and either the horse's . • for his Mail Wago n. made snits In plain till Olives, ~ coate·; Iln the' pro. Joyed a tl eat lut Satnrd ay in the hoof Dr a piece of the dash oolors and the new fanoy mix. per' materll 'ls to seleo'. Shrimp . board program of the A8Soclatlon, but hit the boy IIi hil! side • . which tners. There suits would oost These ooats were made to trom. ren o retan D, W. Meeks realized the neat you 120 Ilt any other store. more elpeclaUy In the privileg e of dered him onocnsolOU8 for for '18 and 120. .' a time. We hav e the sum of 125 at his Gramap mee'iq Prof. D. A. Ferree. former The horse oontlnu ed to run hone en and tertaln ment Saturd ay evening . to luperln tenden t of Wayne sville to kiok until the wagon IUId harness GOO DS, .Iva us go toward s puroha slng a wagon for 250 Gold .•.ahool. but the put two years in were total wreclra and the boys a Coupon s carryin g his mall betwee n the rail • • rUDlvil1e, and at.o liBtenlng to a thrown out on the ground , bot none Z 1 M MER MAN 'S road Itatlon and the P08t Offioe. Jlnel, prepared anlo1e by him on of them hurt exoep$ Ralph! oure an who .-. ... _ The line Inlltrum ent 'U8ed i~ this was quite 8iot Snnday night. out it -- ..... 81p..... n06 of I ndian Namee 18 Of Course gRnt Present , . hoped that no 8eriow. l'8IIulta II~___ ___ ___ __ • d b 'Or_ T B ooncer. 'Was f!she nrD y mr. . . oIOh» ." will follow. J' I.Cnster. ' -
.'1'. B. UU 1.' ER
GET BUSY! ' BUSY!! 'BUSYt.!! : wan I
Did You Hav e Sneh Big Barg ains Offe rcd to You? Just a few -Wcekl3 'l'ill Chl'istmas.
- - ---- ---- --
6oldBondCouponsgJve~_~i~b~urchas~_s Here Wc Go!
tria l.
'V eGo !
ttt vm•.
\'. II}" c; IilE i., " \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~----~-~.-~!-~--:--'+~-.-----~~---In Explanation . I PERSONAL AND T 1.1I1h ~g i, ill~:. ~'\l)t .... l-> . I ' " I'! ' I"~ < 'I ,' 'l'ho GIIZ Mil g l'e,. , ,1 I I ~ l'II,ullll'" thiJ:! w eo k Oldy mit IInl E i l~ II su/1 1 ulzo.
~ ~
, Albino F lour GO o,· n t,. 11 !-mok .
W<'II I I" 'I' 1<i(·,,1. li t:lil 'all "r ~!lIJ\\' , ill Ih .• "1 rl~' )Inri (,f Ih ,· dilY. Hill· , ~ IIlJ1f' 1111"1'
I U'l-, I"" " "
', 1 ( ',,..
!'".J I'
r i \\' 111 iI 'Ill " . ; lit II' V" I" I" \ 1, .__ _ .~'I" ' " II u,l la lll iI . " I '\ " 1.1 .. ," . ~I' _~I~ . I'" YII" IJ"I II " rllln llllll i Mrs. Tu eo Uydiug, of Franklin, Hp '!Hg". \\11 " 1'£1111:11111',1 Ilnrll ~ 'IIl'1 \i"ll n .I \·j" \\" '" ('I II" ! II 1111 11 "i!litol'!~ l wn trnn snqt illg husiness in town ,Ill Y. 1\'1",,, Ih,'.v. \\":1<' J" " ,,'d h." ~ I r . \1 , ,1\,1., .\' Fridny . .J Ii' .. \ tt..ll l ..·. !I f X t ·ll. ll. I ~ I,' r' 1\ .I " 1"I lr" l'I\. ~nI'P I'l ntend- Uhll~. ::lhumnrtl, of .Glendale, hwas J\ ll' li nd ~,11' ''. n,du rt I' I·I~ \·· I 111 I '1.1 • ' . " • . 'I " I ',,, " . . . \I :, " 111 "I " III' , ,. H' , • ' 1"'111 III~ ""oation r e n ewi n g o ld aoquluntances e r.e ti ll 11 ",lll "~' " I , I':" .0 " "1 , - I. III hi .... 11111"" 111',,,· I la\· I"n. i lils t w ee k . I'hlll"II" \\ali; 1', ..1 :-;'IUlh '.. 1".: 11'11>'1 , .' , t"II. and " " "~11l :\!I' " I{ .,11' I( ,111'1'1 \\ 11",11 ' I"" \) " 1' 11 IJllltO 1\11', null Mrs . Tilon~as Miller .e u1):t "' i~.""'l,11\I'Khl, . t'.o)r Jl.( '(IIl11ll\. oII1Il111l'. 1 11 1, ,1' 1,11I'.l'""t ", .. ,. k. I, ('~ I.luttor Il tertained to n Tbanksgiving d.l1;lr' l',"n \ \·" ']J1(.,..ddY t,111 il M '111111,1', 111111 i .I! till, w1'I l I III-( . 1I1ll' Mrs. Asoneth Tilylor, Mrs. HelC1." Ill"." ,'\ d'"IIIII ')1I Willi It ll iJ1 ""!01.1: MI'H ,ElI ;!;1l G" "n ur , I r l'" s 111 .1,, · Itl,,1 ""nt. ) 11 . lin d g l\'l'lI ul '~ .\!'II.'<IIh "tullu l1 l.y h ,,1' 1.1 1.1.10 ~II 11 li nd M , . IInti MrR . M . . ,\l\'~ . .'\lIrOllli:lC' it . .,f ~roll"l' . J ,1I1I11DI1 . 111 ' 1" n ll" I1m l \'ulllt i\'\J!;. I Fllrr. nt Frllnkhn . Tb ·'llk<;d\'il.l :; w:" /I 111L111'), 1111,' lit. ' ~[l' ~1!(drl 1' n. 11111' "III (' l'pl'bill!{ 1 ~Ii~~ l~nollfL lHlplu is ' visiti ng at t!lO) 11"1111 ' "I .;ll r :11' ,1 )lr s. :-rth In llll ll'r III Il I'l'h tlllt. ""/1' It I( n,,! I, \V('~tul'\'1 110, Olll u . 1 ("k:IIJ{'r'll(,:I~ "Jl ,\"~rtll~lJ1:,of th ~ ' T "n l'!,d U Y n f ~T\' . l1l1Lll\ll's, I<'l'llnk Mr. llmIMrs . J.M Bunne l\spent 11.lllllf' " .\ 1It111 ~ n 11 1111)11. J \\'11" I!1l a l C'l'tllrnl H "t,p , Il ll rv l1 \,~ . ' l' l k i il at F uklin with Mr
Owin" to 11 It1 IUl'~O II ltl O n n t 0 f '~i n:'4llt Tri n i l.y !o; id'!'~, II~" i ~ IIp r ('\l~• • • r;:, "" ·'iOch oir ll otor tuinll1ellt ho· ' ~Ir~. "'I 11 111 111 '1 " work r p. 11n il'pd hy ~IJt , !:3p']lli ,tl E'Ii . 1 . • .. . 1"1 11. " 1"'111 I II,' cI"y Wit h h el' "<)11 " ,.,,tl 'o of· \ ('f · · Mr . R"ulth1 Ii 11\\,1,, · hil l' J;ulln III 101" u1I1I1 II Il ,l , ,,~ tc I' 11111Ihr·I· .•\II·~ . ,01 0 U;<;l1t,te thi s IR I\ eo .. ~""ry, Dll y l.on wh e re hll h ,,!! entered Ih o ""11 1·; ",,1, .. 111111 'h \l~\l,d. hrol, gIJ t n hilt trn I II t tI S . I ]<'d' . , . 111 I ' , I" , In , W pm' llI " Itio n ,J II (lllh,; UIl!liJl.IJ"" 1 'lI ll llV;lI . 1 '1 ' ""' I"tf"lInl lllll "I~ :, "plill1 xurl"~ WllllJlnro thlln ('lIlllpr!lIHUto fo r IIn y VO' l " n n ' t "'",II t. t o lI1i l<" th o Im!' :- 11(' 1"""," IIl'r HUIl L Iuok in thi s iH5tle. It t .I o hu n. nI l' . 1111 ,1 .\11" I' KInd\(, :111, 1 l'he U Ol1le COlllill~ editinn 11111' M I' 1l1ld I\1r!l, tJ hll" . M . Bro wn Ill'() , i ll ll,' gr,1I111 d'lllc>hl"I' Xl'l li,' (J Ill".! g rown to Iltrg m' propo rti on", t hlln very l1U PPY OVUI' 1,1111 bi rl,l, o f Il 'UlL ~ ''' ' lI t II ,,· tln.v h"Pl'ily II I I Itt' hllspi.t. the pubJi sb e rR of t,h e GI\~ot, to I~n ti i- Thllrsllny. N ov IUhl)t' aD , lUO:" : ~~Ic'1'i;:':::;I'S.'" ;\J r. "'111 ~Jr •. D'lvl tI pawI\ when t.IlA w o r k W/I A utHlul' · \Ve f eelusstll· :1 th"t g rolit, m()IHl\~ : taken ILlleI for this reus on hilS l!nn l;e~!Lvel1 byhu.\'i ll ~fL~ .I ()hll~\ ~ , 1l ,· \· . h l ltlj\I!·~ . .1 1;'. ('hlwlllbd,'!', require d 'lII orll tim e . ~'nnknY '!l t,hi s m on t,h . \ Mf1;'" tlll"lI,1 !1I;! II V(, I',' ,'n jn.,· " hJ :') . , . I l HlIf~ 'dl,!.!!'i I·r \, H·p Itt St . :\ru n° 'I-, ditH',l hnuflfiful 1ill ll l'r Wilr; "'proull a t, ll ' Il)U !Jl1ru- . ' . ' ( Ul.ll ~Rg V J g rt.l ' . F h o r t Iss,une r enl<onwo h lLvo 1111,1 . ~1\'s. J otl n lo [Mkl'~Oll. ~t <' hl cagt)" "'llh 1."r,il' Jnf'1II1 •. ,\11' 11111'\ :\ Ir~ . U. al ..... II!( ·h th ,' [,,1I " '.\'11l~ ~11 f'~ I ~ Jl III" • . . " Inml Mr,. . Tho Bll rn h u.rt. to dispen so w ith mu ch lleWH ~Ollt in H! th e ' we loomo g UCH t of h ur u ncle I 'r I) 'X " lo"k: (1\ 1' . IIml Mrs. Amo:l l'onl;, ~lr . ,.II ~s. J o ep~lIJo Ogl (l~IJ"1l "IHl teLl Ht.\I llrt .J ohl'lson liAS r e turned to by oorr e!l[lOnden ts. lind uunt, I\lr. 11Ial Mr . !lahl u tl l . - Bl i . 11 1111 Mrs ..J. 111. UOel le, Miss Mllri 'l I~PJ' [ 1'1011,1. ~1l ss Ahl1ll Wllt<'rlIOUSo IC;ohunllllt! nfte r II few da.y! spent R l lg u. I ~Tt-" J A , FUII!.p,, ' l'I1\f'rl'l!lIl,, 1 li t , <lu k, MI' ILUU Mrs. Gbnrlel'l (Jo,)k 1' !'I,I"y I1ml i:ln turdIIY· w it h his plLron ts , Dr , Imd Mrs. J. A . " . ., It r Wl'nh\ II·, 'acll "hklll'r 'i-I,·,.,~ln( . III H nl M F 0<1 Whit e 'I I ( J I lbl" m onth ~vuryt hl1t ~ WII! III" AJlg-ill Ml lldl' 1111(1 ~I!n lJr. ~111I(1r lUll III lY, lU I' . I~ I rl!. r " I'f' . '.l'lli ll ;ord oll ha>! r otnl'n lll1 .0 Inslln. Program of Concert RO I,I Ilt It \)1\ 1'/;{(l111 , whe n t h e fnD I'Y ' I1IHI rl.~.u g h l'o r, :111'. tlml Mrs . W. P . 11')111<' IIft'J' so \' ol'lll W o l;~' Ilbs/lUce ' l " 1 t d by Trinity Choir. Chriatn,IIJ good " OOIllO 'lIl,1 ~" t your AIr". l ll'.l /i 1'. Th"""L" "n, 1 .\11' . I "Ink. 01 Uh ir':tgo, Imd Mr . .l:Itwolu I _ . '.. Mr . J!Loob I::i. P~noe ~ ll!! re urne shRre. .l oh ll A . Fuuk ny. \\')11 McK n~ "',' r n gll P;; ls ut, lIlt'lIk ( \ ",1,. of th u Ohio \ Vesleyn Vuiver I Ly tl e t r o m Il pleasant Vis it WIth his 8ister 'It y. __ . _ _ _ • Trinit,y e h oi r of X.c niu , Whic h i~ Trm ity e h oi r 011 t ' rtn Inm u t IlU. U crusu. , Mrs. AI ,m De ve lvis and fllmily. to give IL conoert in !Sohool HuH 1\lr. H HI ~1t. :, . .J. \Yil t \ \ hifn, npf\ll - - -.--.~ lr . Mil ton Ulnr lt onturtn inollon W11lL~lk e n f4 1n~Dllyton,wn88mU. l'hu !:!dILY evening, Deoeml)er 2, tnr gillS ll t7:30 . W., re~ ret t,o I' po rI. "\11'. Uem'v. Ihll i)' l'h"l' l' [u l J JlI JIl (' [ " I', 11 t lll.' ~iIY 111 SoclCty. WI'iflu}" J I)~I !ulI Fis h(')' !lnd fUl1lilY' 1Ing 011 o lll f,iends Inst Thursday. the OOD pt!t o f the W uynei'IVilJe ,\ It' ILn.J ;;J 1'>1. 1' 1'11 nk 1111 ~ .1,,,IHlu t;11I'1l (')"'t't lt uuu fu ur ily unu H Dgh Miohlle l of Ubioa~o, has " HOUJe. UoHliug in Angn,;t, 1UOlI, h ilS elmw f nOIll' CmslI " :'! rook J1l eoti u ' r / (li ,,,,Ct' i propared lite fo llow in g p rogmlll f or heen I'll I' of' L. II \\,ifl· . . th e Dt-ertllinl11en t; IAIl!! !Lut! n D in t.t111~e f f o m l fit 1'1' a m In III I I." , ,'Xl! )J ' . r~ . '~( rl' :11111 hll IHI ''1111 " I ' II JlII 'li II t ..,1 "11 1',1 'Ph il 11 kR~i vi 11/,\ i~ o ver ItIJlI tbunks I f..:rund. lIl otb er , rl!. , !Lmes en . 1. Praise tbe Lorq illflnll111111 t ory dlllll omtiMTlt. 1\1,.. lind )\ ,.~. Ifru uk U . Ell rr 111"1' .\' :-;,,1 "l'ell( x' r'''un in g. II t wh iolt r{\LlII'IlI ~1 /',1 t il l' Most. H igb fo r a u· 1 Mr~. ElizlLbe th Garner is enter. \ weI''' 1'1,,· g n o,;t ". . )Ir~. Fur l' h"llI ~ ~I l" L in:1 >111<1 :\I i"~ .:11 ,- ' \-ri .. ltt. \1 )f 01 II Le t I I I MI A " W k f 1:1 A sh ford l:hoir. \,Ve dc~i re CH'o rY(.m e. in TJllr,d <of 10 0 Ill uch 1)1' Ull iuvlll itl 1'1' 11111'11,1 in h "1('1' Ylfl l' I ]I I' "0 on. , llSl t (l, n ng ss un . 1~t;rI Q , 0 am}' ltnder I r Ouet"Rook of ~geK fI t W,,11 I he Jl l'hl''; r"l' the' 11l1)~1', " m' ",II forgo t ",hilt WI' lltlv(\ t,o b e thnnk i l ton . SlOe!! 0 !I!lY f FCnp101\ t,o go ·to ' p orson, hel' ph(l p \''''H h'lIl n tlf11II." f I I I fltl, hnt luk (' n r o ftb llIlk!lIlJ1 ll uRe . _ 1.M~ MclJervey. MI'. Bl"lIop , II. MI(' nO I' tit an (mOl) u y onr. . I . 'l'.ho~R tUg (,f L o vo Shelley .Tohn A . II nnkHY· fil. In1'g" s tm 'k >-"II' \, d lind SOll t, lu lICI- hO llll ' ~(, I hnt 11 ('1I1'( II " .1' 'I'" is 8focl'i fi"ed. . frll 1111UIt.l pu rl"k l' II t 1ltn Ham .. 11111 ' I Harvevshurg 'h oir . Mi,""".' )0;,1111111 II 'li>.(hw.a y , I,1l1ll1 , :'ofT li n d ~lrs. J\ lI l11 r~ <;o1'lwll unl . " . t'" ~, 1· 11r. Mi l<~ s Erli lh ul1l1 jI; lI oo ~I I o r woc , (1 nf lIl ' CI ('~a ur (lIlI1 I BatsS Min, 'rI1I~ Mille r 'P etri .J f'~sl{l l , h'l' ( ~IL""" 1" '("' pll'l1\ Ill'''', hUl l! H11 f1\\I'inl; fr lllllll11 lll,tll 'k of Lh e s peu t tho IUl leT )lurt of r.Ilf) \\' flO k 1 'I J I LJ ' . I ft 1'111 11 11th' . I ' J)/" N "f , Mr . •JiJh u WelLtb e t·wux I" t ,' Ifl , ( ,'Lnll d IIn . " d n 11\ " \\ {,( I.·; P. Thi ~ s('em;.; t.o ho 'I co mlllOIl , D. W . Meeks W I' . ,fo"ced +n ppst.I I In1 '11IIY An. t '. 11 11l! My B elp Com eth Bi o rl.e y wltl! r e l ut.ivos in Lo llu'n o n, I'Nl1n ,- _, Mr. :IT,I' ., r Hto " o. I" j) I r 1~!,Y. ill '" ho)ne l::iu Illll1 Y. 1·'II~.r. \\ n."IH! (n\ nf' Ill'. , ~I\II "'. 11 '. I~ , I I) ' " III ," , ,11"0";;P to " nth vou n{,( uml o W .. 1\ nti potl e his ente rtllinJ» ent Dt BlUvey.s. Uhoir t> 11 11'11' It o~ ptf llhlt· l air},: {.1 II 'I leI'l' In'll l1, ll(n p, I ~. Hll,l 110, 1 ~ ,IIWfl}!! tll O tlOt\ tOI', 11 1'(' I( " pt hn~ .I' tluy und mght. , l!uI'g JRRt 'atunmy night, being un. RendIng, 1' be Swnn Son g Dr. H . li. A1f'xcuul or, 1' 11 1'110 dOWl L II""" .JIl l" . lIn!'." ,11l Jl u C!~ ':r " ,' l', ,)f ('II'" "I. Ih" 1i1'1 ~ll'\'ILY I~()m' " th.'1 \V D I . " l uble t o OInke satisfaotory !\.\,mnlle. MillS nr o ud ~ toll o from Elieln 'l;w~duy vl'uing !ln,l HUI' \'l'~~~' lnlr;::;; ::\lr .•JIll!OU 1 I ';" ,\' lIrl11 11111'1 /.:1·llI'rlll1~ 11 11 rl 11 ' 111111 I1 lw hospl. :'I I~.. m'l ~ HI tP rl:~ t.l tl S~lt)~u . ments r egarding a h Clli. Be has Mu le Ch orn", 'rhe 111 ai' b of tile M/l g i rellln inerill J1l il l1'l'irln:v " \'Pll i n{,( wir1 , 'I)n~ . •1.':<, ttl]!] ( ' ul'l iH of ('o rwin ; t ll ll c.\' w:", 1" 1"' 11'(" 1 f 11 t [ eu l siDce secu r ed the sohool haU 8nd (JIH'I~I' lll1l~)' :O .l1 S 1' 11 1)\ yilt: I A!lhforll II JU r A. ab" If LlTDl'1 Y, ' on 1I111, ~g IVlJl gf nJ ' . " I , . I I R m oL l o r ~"'·S. A ot 111l - A "xlmdC' J , n u, ,,.1"" to U lR nn( . ' will positively p:ive his ent-ertn.ln . Hu'rk ' Hnrk m y S ()ul 'belley uull nle'e MI I'!; J{fllhl'yn . Ir . £111'1 R big n, ~Olltlt oC t llwll, 'l'IWS']tty • • ' OVnIlll.l C'1' ~!i, ' .... ll~ th e ' hn !>. Ulllrk ,:ru,' eu tUl'k~IY dlllnor i m en t n ext Snturt.luy evening, De. ())lllir M' p r B tt ' tl /"rtt,,,.tll llfld '1 p·t l't r (I f hi' ~'Illlllg nnni n ' l'Sllryof tlln 1Jll'l1l of M"" . .K to ~[l\,f'r!l l of IllS frl nd~ Thnl'~dILy. l cember U Solo. Who 'll lIuy m y La.velldc r ? th p. ot:oe~I~' beitt'" V . Bn r1llilll·t, 11 uI I h,,, ft111 wi Il~ ,lfl~', I 'hl i n (, r Il o.. u lJa8 r eturn od fr om lRS It ~1~ll!1n In PI'W01: , 1 rfflt lin" fl·i .'nel ~ I u n' ie l h JUnH lt V p\,olu n g ~ ~ e II 'ntl II t f M' GermRn ( tJlJl m os l, I' lll i. fn otnr y· vi .. it ,o[ '-flY ")'" M"~~f<i. 'l'O. 'l'hoUlII>!rlll,.'ool'homp. W:". l.WI!! Ill . 0 I IS. ~o , \ ' i "iSittOh i::! PllI' ut,t1h()Jll o nt~'lel ch· ADisaslrOU13C8lamltv M TN. llJcUervey k ' 'tl 01, : . . . , , '''II Lt'" ~1'1wJ' L<Oo rgl' ~IJ II (lIl U ! Il'l wkr, u",1 tht'lt' rn nt nnl fn on( -o' 0 1' 11l' Iloill ~ w i til lh IlL [roOl 'rhu.n k s , '1,')113 R ILit!h1Dt MorD Woortw,Mll ~:Ple 'swi IJ' , fl IV(I~I IJ m on Jt~, '\',i~oa EtI\\,:I'r<1 ~, ' , Ui r;p~ "lYr:lBn lrdnmlMll)'''Wright. "i ~' inlJllutiJ ' <Jndllyevening. Uisn disGs trQuB 0Il.1amlty,~ben Ch o ir ( Hum. . • . . • , ]II'P)l1l1' II fl 111 1'1. r.bu l'l?ing oelobrtl- ! " . :. . .' you .I o~e your health, beoause indio Duet, The.Lo rd ill my h ophe rd Mr R. EVil ,I OUIl!' 1I11 tl,lnu g htoJ' l'II i... ~ ~ I n; . ~hlln1.!l UL11l11ll1 gS. Jlm: t~' o ti ')ll .'If the tw o HUJ IIV(lI'>lO,rl ell hy ~h . IInll . Mrs . Ohll ord ~e wl s ato go tlOn und oon s tlpation have sap. I:)m nrt Etll ely n w e m in l.(' l. .. nol1 ~evH!'11 1 1. 1I1l,ls nlll n I l.t.l e . H'lII~ . <11 XeIlHl . iU" ili ng 1\ Compnny o f It bout twe n . 'I:hll':1k Bg IYIIl ," dlnn ol' WIth Mrs , p ed it aWlly. P ro mpt relief oan be MillR J.JO~Il.rt, \\tiss Redfo rn (hl;Y~ last w 'lelt II n(1 were I(UCFlt!'1 of '~. \wn t ' e lt lln''''!;1 "1111; <IIL~" ' 111'T. ~ • 1'111 ty. Ii \.p o f 1h i r fr ionlL'I t o thoi r h o m o Lewl~ ' p ll r('n t ~, Mr. nIHI Mrs. Wi II hnd in Dr. King 's ~ew .L ife Pilla. We P ,rlLlse tb ee, 0 God T e Domn, th l)l r r elativ es, 'j'hUI' I.l1ILD (i ulllilll\l', : d r: ~'~ n !tE>I' \,\,Il1'd R w~t.h h e r llloJl hr l', 'l'ne d llY U I' t l' r 11 0[111 , lweI ltJ'rlLnging Ht'~hIlTl1. 'Th ey b uild up your dl~e8tlve organs I" Dudlcy Buc k JJ.ud fam ily . ' 1 r~ . M(l1'.Y An11 \\' IHO, un, l o th or l o r Mr~. BIl\\'I(o lind .Mrl". Barnhllrt Tho ro Will! Epwortb IJoDg llc S un. ' und c ure h eadaohe, dlzzlne88. colio, Choi" I Ir ( ,lll tl v"" hnl'e. , I" mont hrnt fih!1'('1 , nnlLwaros 111U t dllY cVPllin g fol' 1110 first. t,ill1 e f or ' oODstipntion, eto. Gnara.nteed Dt ?ll r !'. , '/lrall B 1l1l1H1 11 lld 11 1' nll"'\\', ' II Dy !.hin{,( mill, HUIlI 11Il(1 heun )llunn 'II. I 'e,'ernl week , Urs. Net t io Em eric k F. C . 80hwa rt;r.'s drug store; 250. , Dr , ,J . G Mo oy, of Tra·ction Line's IH l1ttelldl n~ th o nn 'l n ,!l (~OU"'JIlL!"11: 1If.... M, l cKi114[\Y, hlld ,If' 'th ei r 'l' h fl Ml1'P"~'" hul. ILullod ~ost t o tho '/Iellde r. o f th e OhI O D,e ut41l OOI!'tr w b wtl, g ll ests MI'. lind M i·" . O,tklc\' RJd !:(I' pl(la~urp IIf Iho (; nl l' rtllirun n~ wlli ~ime ExtellSI·on. 'l'j t,ll.kl'lI place lLt ColulI\lJU'" 1,lll!' ,,"p nko. ' I ' II I (I F . ' .t' lId ,'·ofllll' rt'l'{.t til \) \-[I t'v' <1at,til lD Ol tlll, It V. H,o hts')I1, o f Ulil1. t HOSPlttLl, .! 0 o~ r wi ll li nt' 110 In . . h ill olT-m nil' ' QrI P. . , . , . . ( I' " t ' ' ill I ttl L t l "IThank th e Lordi" 10 M ~ HOTl~ T ' SI Ilg- I11111 , ... iTlg ' II' C'Itl I'81' lin olllhom tn IUlI u)l. , 1I10lU Il li I, W pronc 1 n \(1 y e orl ed Bnnnnb Pla nt, of Little Rook, ' lit prin g Vull y before Frid~ t . . , !l1Jl, " !lll, )( II) . " ~ ____ c hul'oh next Sundll yeve.nln g. 'file Vi'~e Oounoil, ILt i ts m e et. morulng. Ark. , " for the r elief! g ot from Buok. ;lI lm; F.111n1n Hf'igh WIl!\" "\lPI) t.. \11\" iug Monduy eyenlng, g mnte d the , , d u,,;' in Clnei nlllltl wi ,11 l111r II " 1-(1 • 11 [,!m il y 1)[ eou~i, lIs CJlIl 1>,(1 m o re S ' B h leu ''3 Arnica l5ulve. It cured my Hem emhllr our 11111:0 gt~ok of t~l Hn;lt II III 1 h~ r COl1 ~lII~ rl\tl1rl;;-n ' ~ I':n ng.Pllln l n or P.IlJl)~' tJ)fIT\1S(' vos t.11'pl'lng rane. fenrfnl running ~ores, whioh noth: Littlo Mittrlli 'l'rllotlon Line Jln ex Bull 8lmcl, rnbhe t' nn d I It; 1,oot..-I ' 1 ) 1111.] I I unIQ\V u. \'1l1J'J10 fl' U . to ~() t h " I' 111 01'0 th a n tlt l) yonng Plm PIO ! ing e lse would h e lll , ILnd from whloh . " 1 I ' f tention of one year In whloh to btlllu IlretIOll'UHl C Iotoll (h·or l'. "1'0 !' IJIng' .. ' '" , 111 Ih c) Hili'll! L 111 1111 y. lI,UC 1l011fl 0 Mr , :lU d bir . (;/eorgo Prnt[ s p ent J h.ld s u ffered f or r; years," It is a their line throngh ·Wlt y n esville. ~!lPldly. Tho b~t III t,bo WOl'Jt1, I'>'l~l' L II Il SnUf'.h ~'Wllt plaId,,;.. thl1~<' gll tli l'l'Il1 l::~ IIIL Vl' hl',' n 111 1)1''' TllIln l( ~gi\'ing with M,'. Al'I lIs tro Jl [l' UlRrvel ous heuler for outs, burns 'file franchise' 'granted to the Omn . [ry them . :H:vory pnir WU.rI·JllIte I. f..:IVIUg <11t~' \\,1 111 frl(J n ll~ I n \\ It.nlln~. J nYflll 0 thllll Ih e ollJlJl'llt.i,oll , ~I' (,""11 l .:IlcCruy onll fumi ly, lJ Gtlr Corwin . and wounds. Guaran,t eed at F . C, •J ohn A . Funl<eyo. t Oll . " U " ") Ill tlUJt" "",,1(. t il UI1II 'ln ' J31 1"Jl n t"~ hh·thll l,y II!~ t, N UHI"y " , Sohurwartz's dru g store ; 260 . pnny about eighteen mouth IIgo I·irmntl. r (,lIIllilliJ1" until l':a lur<l ny wh I th o foJ1 o wil1" r nlnti \'c'l m e t a t, M r. n nu M rs . lir~llk 001, :Lnd ., " . . It " ' .1 f M t Alhino l!' loll r (i0 rientH n sitek , will expire Deoe~ber 31, 1905. I " ,' ,ming wHh (ri end ~ ol1 .M t i\ lI!JlITtl., 'li - h,1U1l' 110ll r t ho mt uth nf ( "l' rr~ ,,:tn~ I llJ' lu'Lll ue, 0 n Oll r oun ., Co) , Rloba rds, prollloter of t h o Mr. Iltl rl MrR. Louis Mny " "1111llUS:lI'S, Ake r~. Iwr t Ilnd Leo ' I' nO" j.: .1 OTlII I h llll HnTne r, ll'm llk W. \ ~1 .11ri ~'eD ~~o 8d~d R'Y. , gue!l ts o E BEAUTY MORE' THAN l:lKIN line, stilted to the Guzette 'l'u !!c1I1 Y rlnu g h ter:ElLit b h ll:\l Amov,,<1to 1:'1'0,', Cillll n dnW ll fro m DILy{.o1l1111l1 f JI :;t <' d l uu1'"" ~ k un<1 fll mil.y , I],lrlnll I ar, 1. . ', 1\ 111 an Jl1lll y . DEEP. morning thut the p,J'os peo ts I'or r,h e l)(lot..tbenuti fnl Uelltl'a IOhi otowlI . I1I. thl'l lhllm ",,;, M,. ·ltml Mrl' . ' . j) . / v ,~ v- u,n:} wl fo, l"tll l.\- HurHflt IItl1l . Thunks gi vinf.( xorcisea Wo n ' flll Mr .. Mny .....;1\ ~olltio ue In t h l) drug R('eci 1lll,I " " joyed t,h e >lPOl't of hUll ' \" ifo. Sto plrnn BIHlI!'t, .nnd f1lt111Iy, 'I jlfyeti ut our sohooll rl!:lt We~lI(]s~11~: , A Good ~IDPle~li~~' Must Come rond are very enoonrll g iDg. li n!lme!'ls, 111lvlllg IHll'Clt ll;;l1tl IillO l iJ g urtur\w,l'dll.. Hon-I?Y I3nrullt un~ f niml y, \':'11: Ilf t fie.L1oon Din.loguI\ , rOCl t.u r,ln n:; I rom ID. . MlI1 h e w P bnTIl llloCI' .1r. t,h o .~ltoVf1 . . , ' l'lrJl1lp.· :111(1 wlfp, :-;he r U11111 Dl I[C. 1111,1 llI11 sic Wllre t hl1 hief (m t or .1 Tile naturUoI deSire. 0,1 e very 8mbi. Main Street Property I'lnOl~ , M r . nnd ·Mr R. ]11" 1' m~f' 1 .lIII"" ;';t.I'IIII· L'Ill It1 l'IJ , of hrll Jl(l !" " il l 'LlUn ;-~ CliO·. Wnlt r IIntlUhnR . tai 1l1l!.U llt. n,n ll I1 vo r rnn e Jlri\~lln t tiouswom lmis to have a oleo.rskln y wII.rlll rTiel\c1~ll,lUin f.{ ,six V IEW ,~".~ II\. , ~"',~~ ,11I1' "e'· ~'~III.'I:LY';, ntl\,IlCl(., lillrl l.lnr!l()t 1111,1 f~II1.i1 .v· ~ \,II P(lI'I I1tl /L mf)!'t m;j o .l'llbl o tilDO' !.lllt.l b eatltifnl complexion. Not Changes Hands. 1l1un ;V 1l1I\'R ro~l<ltlUceil1 'V/l YJJe. v il lo, :I~':'t " ' ,,": tIl(; . ,!lust. n.f h'.1 11 1I."t1' Bnr'Il!' I, l'.~!allnd "' fllr 1l. I 'l'lto Rohool hl~~ on e llro J\m e nt of evo r y womlln can be a Dillnaor a ~ l\:h~" .Ell 1, 11 Oglpl'looo, \\ h\l IH II ~tn- . Kov~ Bcs~le nll l WIll UIIL I tWf' lIty SCVIJIl pupils with Mr ..Jolm Jnn o but the freshness and .«JA~. Thomu!! Sherwood hus pur. ~ot wn tAr hottl('~ IU .J . E .•1 ,mn~;I';;; CWllt a t, 11:\: [01'(1 ·olle J,!o. : . , . Ul11l1miug~ t.c/l 'hor. ' the .'b e auty Qf a olear skin 8re 1 .~od from' Mi Ii Georgli~ tiJJ.duen Ib o g r eat. ,1(111l:V ? tho ('Olll l lletJon M,'. 111111 .M~·l\. HUlT'y !II \lI'ry ser v II i A "':u,rd, Thirteo n In vjted g n os t !; sut IlQwu wlLhlD the rellOh of e very woqaan .' . . , • • to II woll fiJl en hth lo at t h o h o~ litll. who ~ilI mllke the effort. IbM a:csidenc.e IIIid st.oro 1'OOm ltd' o f t he fl t,o r l1 r oom WIU n o U ,,;j.wte U ' j' () Ofl of Ihf'ir HlUnptuuus rli ll no l's {') 1 to g r elLtlyrod ooo tu e lllLlJle lt Itlf!IOCk MI·s. .Joll''lllt t Hllll flllJlil. ~T.lll. . u; ttl r:rt,f, t·tmtnll (lrnggls is 01 I f M uM F! k I t 1 nll (l ' m a.tter of Intelli~ent lJoin~ ocou,llied·by F . U, oil wurtz 'lI thi!l 1ll0ll t Jl , The rlldno~Iol1, 1.Jl pl'ioo l1r ('h U1ll1(''' J3UI1 I11'lI Imu FlllU il y Jnr IIIl t.l orizr1d t·o I'il lind you r mooey (' I Ilome OM r ·Il.'1nll r~I"J [I~kn tryin g . If the bowels are in~o"vel il l ' ,'d llug IItore. on Mltln tltrCQt , for t ' :t' (1 T llr f Il 1'1~ to y on In n s, .IS not workmg . properly, " e' v eryone 1\. gr ILl a lt.-lI lll!) ,t!l~" M ')JJ l1l! . .,it~ Bunnull , W , g lV,e 1\I~d )11' . 1 l"' o'l" , 1\ [1 ' 01l1l.V [In '. ,on, ,jn'" n08r TheOlnW, ' r e0 ~ll' . aUll1l1r s, ' ~f .the ). Iver ' ~.oOO.. t r,> SJI\'e 1I101lUY· 11 /lUlI.i\'El. '-V o llnllt'f( llnilc' y . ('N/; ' your nl\l1~JI or ol)M. It HOOpS Thlu' . u J't t l 1 lI " h t o' If the poisonous WIlSte und refuse (l'111I1 0 t give ].>rioos h e r e 'l!4 iI'. w t'n t lrll -. . I bl~ 1'01114 \1 Itnd h plw!I tho lun gs. Pr( · ,wur ·.ou, flO I Ill " 1 l itre not, ox pel)ed Il Ol,UjltIy trom the r . !dikti Sadden will ,/,l10ve to h el' t.a k e •• 1l 0W!\)lnpiw t,o tI o l!f). 1 011 11 . J,1u~t ,, 1' h'~' 11 tit ltlfl g ~pent, til." ", l"t !l lJ1lfJtllJ1f1llin Unit will ('uro i ll - GltlUnll, Mr. IIml , IIl rs . WIl\ t~r DI,I : sI'stem the complexoion is SUl;e to rooe~1Y ,pUl'ob IlRed Ilml 1'811101l01e<1 only !lilY, oome ',mu SHO . t ,tnHl 1" 0 111 \~ P.r1 1l."_Q~IJlY OVC J1lll g n ll l ll , ci .1~ir·llt O\'lllmllllJr.i (l tl . 'Ol1 tlll.n H .n o kill, of t h iS viCini t y. nlso Mr . C?O k S I s il ow t h o offeots. . .1 01m A , ]'\1 rik ny . . i-\unt!a." " VOtll ug wl{.h hl~. nllclp. ~I I" " t>jntr.~ a nd i~ ~lIfHl'i t f ul' child nl1l , l;lOth or ~lnd SIR ttll·~, Mrs . I::insJI,n , Tho onl y right way to zoewove honle Oil J'ljorth ~trA\l~ &lIllI w tlok , M,rmt' (;rllllp ton, alltl fllllllly,(1 N,' ,," fo J- k f 1r F()I"y'~ !l one)' ILnd 'l'UI' u.ntl COllk, M IIISOS Math e Ilull ,Jeul1lo ' l oti t d bl too 8nd Dr, anll Mrs, tillet' woot! w i ll Mrs. e h /HI . M . HolJe rts 11I~t1 litt,)" B-l.u ' IJn;,: t, ,!1. ' \ "i"t ' I'lp"n' lI"\'ill" it. . l-;lOp tlr.o (Jook rlnd Mr . a nll M r·s . Cu rl, 'Qrvi~, pHn] p le8, III I lIP~J a~ dO os . , eJ.L11 g htor Ma blo Ilnll M rs C h" l' les . I t; , ~ " n i l o f WIl " n es vi lle 1111 ( 0 oa r up Il mu y, 0 au y oow. oooupy . their ,newly ]Iurolmsed pro1 p . B r 0 1S for d .0 f' B e III ,ruo I(' \Vnl~ ' to' I ill I' Hil waI'd 'l' r t1 llt I!lItC'r m ill1',1 . m ;.: h .tl1l1 11I'IL b t1w 111l1gH. ,oJ C , . ' ., . III f' xilin is to "0 ri .. ht to the'root of ~no~ IS . ' ' . . , • ~ r • I:! P') • ertyas 800n all .• t III V,101lted . 'Iho of th eir a.unt. l\hs. H ':l' r y l'vl uJ'I'lIY i lim : rh,")] [l· lt'ntl s . 'MI'S. l'~ . hrn l'!-lt i-\, ~.I I\"lr ('" .-- - - - . __ __ _ _ _ _____ till' t l'o tlble With t ho proper remedy. Dootor will , blLVb ,his (lllico!l in lli H .'rll(\~<luy. MI~ . R o l1l'rl fl is n (IW 01 ;1·. ! H"J·I ~, ... I; lIlIti Huy 1101ltl Haw](f'. II. _.. Men Past S Ixt y m()a.nglJ r. 'I'll,: on e r emedy tbo.t , w!l1 oure .residenoe. ' ployeci en th o D. C. &; L . rnilrO'ht l L1 ltlJ II1I·. !IIo r o Ihll n hnlf of mankin d ove r CO nQI'l!!.n tlon , improve the oomplex mllL r Ce n terville 1\11(1 Ii i. fu m II y I '1 II ' :\1 II ' f II l', ~ixty jl,1llrs nf Il~O uitor fr om k id . ion, h i tghte n tho oye~ , tone up the '1 Ml' 1I <l1I 11r1 '1\ r.. " nJY with , 1 t.h ~." livllI" r c urOllicKhendaohs"ndinsure Important ~otice. WI I m o ve to t h lLt p ll100 tlll F! WllOk I1l1rh""I ~"l'1It tllCdnv ri l· . V'C'['Jf, I' I':-J , AllY r;l1TIOl!:nN. n oy find l 111111der rll s of(lers, us uully I k" L' I •> , • . " , .1 '1'111' .>I '''on U 0 l'"o'T'I,''l "l' vee ts. vety s In IS axaoo a "'or R e rlt.- G() ,Ir',h flll· I ' I. ' " II SOIl' il. ... j l. ,~IIU !' IIIll! tUlIlI l y II I ('11 1' . )1 . fln I IIrgolllen t 0 f proR II I t C ~ IIltlu. " v . I A'\'" 11 I' 11, I l io. i~ J,nth pllinfn l /l u ll uII IIger ou s, tl nll ~ 'u As the lDember~ of 'Trinity oh oir ucln pt.etl to r ni!4in g tohaeoo. (lIl)l1i n' "'tn. . .( 'nil lot' ('lIl1rt! 1111.\' hOlll', ,In ., o r , ]i'oky ';; Kido ('y Cl1rc s hould be tu ken . havo to return to Xenia () U t h e 10 nf Geo. E . Hilt y , W lty u nsvillp 0, H nr,,1J 1 CO"II , o~ ( lh lO.. W p"IB.~: 1l , night,. Both 13 ' 11 I.m ll V'llIny .!It I lle firs t sip-n of (lrlllgo r , U,S it cor. ' o'olook troin Thul8tll~Y e v e nm g, It l!' N 4 . , 'U \lvI' rsi t.\', 11,11l1 l;tolw" ~ll v"I'. 1:-;\(1 . ' l1IInll", , n)1 .r [,hon o 11 . n. ' roc·ts irl' Ag lllllri t ies !lnd hll ollred Blltou s Attac k QUIckly Oured. ' ' . . . O. . E IIi '"I11l v .. ". . ('Il... k "y, n f t ill () ::-; 1I1 1lllY olu nHlU o f thi S di~ nse . Mr. their ontertnlnrnent I\t Ho hool HIIII UP \' . Philip 'l'1·OUt. } U .. "' ,'rn I fl:'w - , - - .1I. 0ti n e .v Burnot t, Port, Mo .. wlll1)egln PI'ol1lJltly ILt 7 ::10. rllt s [1'11111 Mrs El1 0lJ Sitl l'.~ II, Ji t.t.!o 1U 0l"\1 tlllv~ wi l lt tlll'U' l-Y:lyn('SI· 'll~ frH'l1ds ., 'Counterfe ltmg the ( ,enu m 8. '. v,;J'i tc" : "I ~lllTcrell "::ntb e nl nr ged Il h lo to ~o to t h e offioe for two days. is half an h Ollr' eu. r1itu· tbRn e n tel'- t,hun t.\vo a ? fli'S of !I. P ILI'!' Of b e r i\1 i"s ;'I t'll ',/trot. II nd h oI' ( 'n. , t :lt ieago. ol'i!;illil tP.t L j ]ltt g lnnd ,Ul1(\ ron h lo to ge t r e lief from my family tkinmentll at th e hllll 'ISllUUy bugill , h om e pln ee .. :r.Ir. '1 rc ~ut hilS ]I11l " 110]111\'\\'" . • ' "",snL Wilsn;u Edwllnlil I f< lII ev 11l1fl '1'111' 1(. a throa t Iltullllllg fin yp,~ r~ Itnc1 ~ t tAr. tnktng two b ot . pllyslclu.n's t r eatment, I took three !tad the publlo iH tL8ktld to r eIJle m, oll ll~lld It Ntl'lJl to ·t.h o !<(111t h RD, I in RtHI (·",, 1 H n ""I1 I11 . • f Duyl on . nnll l' III I',]Y :1I111 ull ncconnt 'If th{\ /!rt'lltc f tl ('P Ilf Fol<,y ~ Kldnoy nre I fee l of Chnmberlain 's Btomt\Oh8nd Liver . tlltl r f'nr f tlw r csid onoe M '1' .r . Mrs . .H "h, 'c·'·11 ,I n ll,' ~iLlpR , 'n ro tll (, I )«! Tit ' ;t ntl 11'IJll1l!' l'i ty "I' Full 'y .~ hO~~f' r tha n I hilVIl fo r twenty YOUI', 'l'll hlets Rnd the next day I felt like ber the t,lmo. Browll, e l' t ol1lliItI!. [rom C haprn a.11 w h ll If,:! " t ,.,l III Ulll h Ollw o f I, i':'I1('Y Hll rl '1 '" r nllm :r illli tu I iOJ]!; (II" 'lH,ltJ:?t1!,1I I nil . DOW Ul yon r old. , IL n o w JURu .-H . V. Bailey, Edltor of The ohoir will htl accompl1ul etl uy t:? No rth str en t.l' wlt.h Il fTo ntll gh "11 1l'1r. 111111 Jl l r ... I) .1 E:tl wll n 1s, ( ,ft rr(l f ,.1' tIle ~('n n l uR. A s k for ' 1! ., C. , clt w n rt z tho Nows, Ohnpin; S. O. These tab. a reader. ~Ift,h. Mr . Tr()u tex.p[\o', st~ u s!' t l H' i\lr IImi l\'-rH. F . Huthll Wn .l' ] 10L"'Y '1< HOl1~'," rln,a 'J'nr nn o. r< )[UFf\' ___ -;- . ___ _ ~ ...- ,-,':;-Ilets are for sale by F. SOhwartz. , lK nd for jlRRtl1ro, tOI the pI eSl'u t . Slll'n'tl . nl11 111'1' of r,h"ir f'L1.IJ CIl;;,'!Iin . , r ,u .v l' n1" nl~~ " j) ,,-red Il l! n o ot,h oI' :-leilA lII o r u o[ CllIl lJI h nrlllll1 s ou g h To be Marri~ .Monday. F f1 r Col,1 A nS(I "RAIl i3pr11e , Hntl fl"l·". I1n ,] I h i~ t,UHO tJ10ir g ues t !:! ) Jl' " 1!J1 rnt,ioll ";1\1 ~I\' o th u ~ lL.nll ~nt ROU1(~ly t,hlll1 t)f 1111 Other s Put iOherry Expllotnr\lnt," soW h';V' ..,) 11:. 'wrl" l ~h' Hl1t,llIl"'lI Y'!,; 1,r,)tlto r n ~'1 i sf I,('!! ' n. Tt IH 1I11.lfI.lY "l XI~tIVO. ~t . 'fl)gn lh r Fa.vored by Both Parties. sistI' \' in IlIw M.r 'tod Ml'~ Lom ' !' )fl' '1 11\1111' ti n o')l'lIlto'~ hD,d 18 !lllfcAt f I' '1 ']'1 (' ., t f ' A addi g f Iloh interes t 100111 I1n.nn ey 'Hllthll\\'l1rI1I1 " . . '- ' . F . Mt.ll rml' \ t\~ 0 , 0tlI)1'CI'(1 TlllH'C uLLO 0 R e J1ub ll cansan" ,1 D emooraS8 tIl" w n 0 ill . . 1Illnl1gh!orj\\i~!'Doro I)lllhll't'tl II nlI l IUl'lOII. I (I p e r R0 n s 10 ' It nys ' " I ..e ly will take ph.oo ,at th e bom e o f ' Rurry DOtlROtl , of 1I111i ,Inn 1,; 'I1Ii~, t h y , !if ~p" i " l1' iil'l (l ; Mr. Iln,] lIt,.~.· I :J. ,.'.311 w ar t \'. . JI llll th~Il; ~l!ll{1 :l~C1; O; fo r ' 'ha m her. praiso Foley 's Honey and Tnr tor Mr. and ·Mrs. R obert WiliillDl8011, ' :t!ld /1, !Ot.m1tmt at t,l1(' ()ido t ltn t 0 Ro.\' H I! I hll WilY IIml Bon M I'I I1Ol'I\f;! . ... _ "Lin 's Conr;h R e medy evo r s lIlce it cough~, colcls and nil throat a.nd lung . near ' Uelit.ervl1lo, w h e u th,!it' on ly U lIiv or Ai.ty, ca m.\) Llow n t .:> Wll.Y 110~· j\tI.·~ linni!' l1 atlllLwtI,V lItlll 1\I I'H· I -·WitS Intro duced into 'II n llda, nnel I I d Iseases, as no other remedy oeD . M.. till ill b v l \l e Fruin " IIntl Wllh t ho g u o· .tof kt . .10lH1 , Ilf 1,;(' III(I1(\n,' tl.w.'. \\'n ll1 ~t JI., ~ sc1l 8 s muohof it a s Id o ofnll other compn r e wIth It. Itissafeand8t1f8 . d h ' aug, IS!! . tltJ !Ill , w . tI h(O{ r:pll egp ohlllll , Fl't<,l ',ut k J ~ li n · mf'nt.i"tll'd l'olnlliultlg' I\.q thOl r g u est.!! l' t t ogethor Of tho mtiny y, T. ~)ater, merohant., 171 Maio 8t. ,t uDlt~ in mllrrtll~e to MI'. W ill . It,ll ' !:luncl llY, Rnd o ircnJllted IH('(1n~ ulltil 1"",11l), m or nil1g. 12G Weflt Fif th St,r(!et, ;~!"n~\l~ld und r BUlir nnt e, 1 have Gloucest er, M/lss . , writes: "Foley' ' Elliott. . , h is tn.LU.l' (rie u d 111'11'(') lIt lIi-l 0111' .", , , . D 'Lyton , hiD. . not hud one bottle returned 10tLn Boney n.nd ,Tar .oured me ~f 8 v~ h o ttle Rn:rlUotld ~pllh\! IIn olll,')" ),11''' HlIrhol C ICW \\ flS hfJJlPY 11\ 11 d th O d ' bad oough whloh I had forthr,e Both young people pO[lulllr form e r Wn':'v n !lviUo b v', uo' ,' nf I'ellt.iuq lit hpr t l blo ller hrothel' l~ntl 1?1 1011(,1'. : 1\l!tin 1.502 Homo - 3;;0:2. 11er . O~1l {I r~oml:l1i t . III l~e ~ months though other reD1~hi.faiJ~.:' with a ' host o~ frielllis und be~t Xen itL ,,"ud t i.'e Ohio H "t'ls'lt> "UJ n i- ",U". lIl,·. 1I11l1 ·Mr" . ~.t1·01.1 H.inll , n( . K'\! l'l EAIt, N 8)il A~D ,'U!lO.AT. C\n:nai~ to :;0 O~~1<l ren :~S:I\V~~s to benefit mo: loan highly ~Dl. wlahee for a long lLud htlppy lifo ver s ity, n lso SlJCnt Fl'ltln y 'tn e1 Su.t, "[~,d o ' ,In,lhL1lR I and II.AI BOll, Dr ., ! . . ~\'~h tI le best results. 'I For sale by mend It for \lOug~8 Ilnd oold!!, '1', WiU ·1O wit h them . utdny with Wllynes·.iIIe friends . Eh R Crow wUe and h~tle ~lllllgh: ~ ~ ,)o()taoles fitted at r oasonable 111'10 F C aoh· t , ,. , C. Schwartz. . . tor D01'othy, frout .MiamIsbur g. . _ < . . , war z
~ ,, ~
FUJ1koy '~.
l'UJ ".\·~.
~llcr'llinr'.1 ~l r 'l
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:\l r~., lIn1"TIt"l'\lIl'~"\'1'
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i "rrivedtoHPendMtbow~~lter 'WI~lhiS
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H. McCA-5SY,
A., M. D.
. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. , I said,: "I ""1lI hold y.ou f HPOIINblc -ro r dinn e r . bil l III wan.\ 6I' aroll ud nIh THE HARDEST SUBST~NCE. I HOSPITALS CROWDED IW. L. DOUC'L AS' t hl a." ld be was not " ol n g o r IJl.l L I..!J •
I' A
'Cnlled Ton- ~ ta lum, Wblc u R ns Itnpor-
R ~p rov e6 the Fat W om an to r was t ime (Or lIl e 10 be duiug ~'lIll e· L osing F les h-Tb e B ea rded L ndy Ih ln g. : 0 I ",ellt ollls itie t l,r o tllo-~ 10 F a i n ts In Pa 'lI Ar m8-Th e Bad Boy flu! firc alarm flux an d t Olld,...11 11 bu t · f Introduced Into A lllmn l S oc ictyton. llnel Lh e n I ru n 1iI,o I h." "IN or T hey Pull (be Doa Con s trictor 's l h e W,I;"~ . an.1 th e II ri' m ~ n ,'aw c w I t b U Icem t .. d T oo th. t he C! ~Illl !:uL; h N" nud b~g llll 1(, l I ll'".....
c lH'mi rn ll y c Il 3r ;.::"r'
"'al Pt'
"T u lu IUllh,) 10 IIIC lih,· a s p a vi, .. " IIU .' lI)er.~L I n ''" uf ell' lli 1>Ol'ln /.: [1 1111 In th o h e ne ll Lw ol II ha rtl , \\,~II. th ~ I'le ph nil l Rl' lclllI'Y'S wn r l" llol', (u r Il I. h urd er h l '0 81 H' ti l ik , ' u Ih.1 Y . .. l h a SIO tl O .han diam ond . : 0 bU l'd , i n ftu: t, t hal hr ll l.,.· O il h i;: IIP O'/ . lI lI d lI .. f . n, I'll 1.lw w I II d ,h e un l\'' erf. ,·t Ilroe lllC'c ei 'YI a f, a lllon w li 1l.( w a~ l,t1 B1 il1 ~ 111" 1"'1" pI111. I1t w()lI nd h 11' 11 1 ",u r l,pel d a " allcl IIlg ,t or I r co li is I rulli\. II l1d !' r (la alld l ai ;:o. l'd i '" \I.~I\JI I ' • f I !. IUI' s lin a s h ~e t a th ~ SIl)StU ll (' r. a ile
Itt lo~:-; him :1.: h lll i a s IF' la TH e 11 11 \\' 11 (llld WH !), nIl hi l ll, \\ I .. 'n P" Yfl lll'" II tuni l' t·, /11111 1110' I ,'~ ' P"I' IHl d~ H II 11'011 hUIIJ \ ,l ll d Ip ) 1I, ,' ! It 1111 0' 1111' i.ll e · Jl h u tll '~ S I,II1, aud :,.11 ,1 " I.,· t " Ila l ma ll
I he
hi :-t
rOUIll , Ulld ttl\' l)f» )h~f'! flra g:g(> d Oll t I h~ rHt Wt )m nn . ",hl) t1l111 fn i Uf('d , I1 fl l l th e living- SI,('It 'lOI1 , wtJorn ~ h[' hUd pul led down into h rt: lap . ullcl luit} tll0m out
n t Ie r
lit II g'.
a lH l H'Tl
g l "~Y"
LlI ~ bl
a nd
goii t ~
\ \ 1\ :.,
" :(' llf .\ - flfl h o f a n j uc h 1hkl"
Ih t" air Hn d (' a tdl
hrl l or
<'.UII'II ."
pa a nel pUlled him alit. u n ci ti l(' 1,,·a rd·· 01 , I wo man Ilarl fa lntf'rl I n pll. ~ a rl1l ~, :t l H. tllo ~to " c was. 1ipp o(1 0\" 1'1' nllt! Wit !;)
U 1101
Ihl' hr'''-''' )II ' '' ~~ 1 1I 1 "
1"1 1"1 01,)\'. " ,. • ~\. 1111,( \·, II~
.... 1I11 \\
I·.! C't.' I'l l'
p hltlll I hal pa \\ , L 1111 " III' 1111 ' (}\,II (' /'S of l h ... 1-i 11O \\, and (11:11 t'll' ptlilflf f\( 11' d jlbl a :-. h UfIl UTl a ~. 11 1\Jld h t" to r h " f ait , I)' toadi. oi t ,., lla . li l. e u HLld~ ty ic'U d et,r, t hol lI ;.1s gl ~' '11 l h l ' (pI t! ~ hl)lIl !k l' :; I)rn,~ Oil e I hat i~ Ci. :. ~ t)UlI v r ill' l lCI' l !I H tI t b e )" 0 1' Idi.c an il'npll il t'!l1 I'! mplll)' t: \\ hu h as inl3i u ll f' d hi s r lllplC/~j ' l' all ft i s ufrllid of l u!)I Il S h h, j ull, .\ rl c r I hut \\' l H' I II' ~ t! J' pa and 1 gn ;!tl't)tltl d Ih e ( ' I!; p hOtl h I h(! y 'w w duwll to \I :; , a li t! I tlliltl~ t co ut o Inlcc all i r lll ~ hCHJI\ ;1 1)(1 <1 1'1'.- ' Ull (' Ie , LI.tJunl UU~ wh er e. Th er!! al'o lUll c l n til ':i nfl),o n ~ Lh c a ni · mnl s in II UII ' URH"l'lr' lit·' ~i.1tnC a , h ll · mun sudety. 1'11':' IiUII!'. a r r! Ilk (~ l b o I c udcr~ uf Hod el )' \\'11 0 a r'., w e ll t "" "'1 nu Ll p ruu d , bU l poot'. Th l')' a r c a lwny "
ijll'l 'd ;,\ ,a s
i ),tI Ot}
s ll ;; llI
n" ' o llIl IClll ~
d " lI l
l ilt ,
with a n dnu t l',
shN~ t
:hi' "I ' u r ill~ oH i oI' the dianwud ,
n a ft
T h is , 1I !J!) lil UCi' i h p urt: 11I ('tulllt: ln ll tulll lll , Ta n't iilulIl i" no l it l ' U IJl01 0 11 mili cral l
.. ,' I II i" al " , 1111 1 o ne
or lilt: t'Il!'esI l. II';
! " i~tl' lH' I ' " 11~ d ll..w u\'e n :d
lIlun ! ( lU ll Q. h ill 110 allrlll pl to EW p · ln1 1(' it IIU IIl I t :, ~u n lpoHIH' S II art IIIC~ : C'f' df' d prior 1u l :)tl: ~, '1.1L (~ 1I l\! , 'bH;a n
: l' nIIH' ~'
n ;':' lI .
>lIlai nl'oI a :;llIlI liI .' in Lli r ple'{' lr ie fur . l a .:,'.
Th r
1111'1 ul
\\ It
hr Is olU\l'u
'\,u s H ?lY hlll'l l lIn ti " rillit' , Hil fl w e :t o w l\ now il Wa S so ru w ·h (' o n t atni · DI:\tpd w ith (' n l' ho ll t llUl lII u ~: l (Jr th e "h arul' l (' r b l h' p rclJ1l' l'lh 'h u l' t til' JJuro Ul eta) h a d d ls n l l'lH~' urNI. PU1'(' t R lll tL! 1I1ll w a s n i S I PI'l"''c d by Dl·. Bnlt o n . n I U f' miJ~r (II' Ih e ra lll Oll~
e ll~ ill " '· r i n /.:
linu o r Sie m e n s ~ Il n l ~ I '~ . O ll ~ of his m e l hOfl, I" t u ruse t h e cioulJlc fluori d e or llOUt ss lu w l nd Innl al' lln II'll h IUclull l (lO la H~ h nu in n n el ed r1l' f !1r nacu in vac uo: Ullt h e jeems 10 p l'e re!' a much ~i lll p i c r e lec· Irl ca l m el hod . Ma id ,,!: UI) t h ~ o x id e Into n lIIulll e n l . e "acUy IIlte ' lbat o f a Nerns t In eD n ti ehce li t In Ol !'. h o pl aces It In a g lobt· co nn ec te.l to n n a ll' pum p . and turns o n Ih e cu rr ent. Tue o x ide I ~ d ec omJl o~e d n nd I h ~ oxyge n be lns gr a dnall y r pnlo \'cd by Ih " pump. Ih "I a mc n t I ~ re du c~ d to th e m e la lllc
In vit ed c \' cry wh e f't ·. bUl He \',:,. ~llle r , lul n . l lwllg h l hey I{II I, !I n.1 fa u ll. lind og le c I·eryhul1y. uno luo l, wise. >1 " 0 dI Sll nt;u is h cd . Th e 80crcci ,'ul 11,) ~ I' U t UI) ;:II" d 10 l Jiv e n u d llOS(;' as (11 (" pioll s a ll l mal s who . rio nOL \\, u nL t (1 a ~slh.: ja \n w it It Lh fl bu ll · u n i ulsl:; aud ar,' (:on ~ ta n L l y w('al' in g- un n i l' of " I Illn holi e r t h a n a ny of )'011." Imr, lb ey w ill r eal' h th rou g h L1 ui b ot'S of t ll e lr clIJ':e a u (1 s tca l a lfn : ra fro m Lb e Y ak an ti t h ,· "'111 0 u ·pr . u nd if th ey klcl, a bout Il lb c' s Rcr ed rntl lp. Iuok hurt aud ac , li ke It w a.~ 1'0 1'1 or t. h eir d u l y t o tuke np a co ll ecl ion . a nti Lhey lle llll '" a ~O r'l of hymn t o d rulI'n tbe kl c ki ng. I Will Hold You R esp on s ible for T b is . Th e dl tTc r e n t l.ln.1 or g oal" III 0 113\' e R dlplo w a tlc tall, wille lh onl sctli n g lir 'l to the rur n lture . .a·nd tb., mC Qu J;erle a r e l le e b uLle r.j· in . 0 1' lhe a lJoli i t be lr co nd it ion . 'C8 USO if Ih lM bro ug ht l h .. bl!ard c d woma n nn ll Lbo n e w r l('h. w h o grL In 'be way o f Lh e C1li ll g; ~o ullflu ed they ivoll ltl ru in l be rat wo man In Ib e lr s eu se s, ' hy po uring socle ' l' Icatl ers aoti l r y tu o utdn Lh e m ~ ho w . ' waL er all th e m fl 'o m Il h ')He. Fi na ily In sod!'I)' S l lllll ~;. Illll I h .·y s me il 60 :;0 p a went to thl' ofllcc anll sellt for Ih ey we re S~ lI l t o t h p.l r <illar t e r~ . nnd l ha t I he ot h ,er tln t ,"nls a r e m atl c sick t be m . and I wa ~ thrre as a w ll n ess , 10 Ih e ot her owner or t h e s hOll' a m e lo ' a n d the Aoal 3 a r e o nl y t u le l'R lcll bo. "lUJe o r t roubl ~ . Tll~ t at woma n cnme Pil. nntl Ho ld h e bope d tbl s wou lll he tire <a u sc [tuima l soc:eLy Is a fraid to oi · l u tl rs t . alld lhe l'~ was no c ha ir big laa t or tb at ld nd of bus in ess. as lon g fc nli lh e rn , ror f"llr th e lea der. may eno ug h for h er. >,0 sl.e Ra t (\OW\l r)ll a BS Ila r Omnilltld Ih " " ll ow . l~ a t w m ll t llll') g o ilt lC. ba ll k l' u!,l c, an d l h'l Ica tlJ l'r loung e. \\' lIl c h b l'l)k " a nll le t on e o r lbq rul os was t h nl m u n lu ~na '. s w ili t a k e l h ~ i r I' lbcEti and n e ver Ir er down on l b l! 1I01lr. a uel p a trlcd a n cxec:llt! ve c apnt Hy Oll l"t Ol n,l e r a ny Ic I hr 'lJ ;; .. 1 a s nle ll of l h e goud l hln gs t o h elp her ul' . l"' 1 il. wus lil, p, Ilrtlng ci rr; u m HI :lIJ ccs l ake lln y li ller ll .,. wit h of li re. a loa d of hay . So h e le Rlll:tI h er Ubaio~ll a ll~' or U.e (t"ua lca oo nu cr:l"d ' wil h lIHl T il e I,ca rs n rc L110 work in ~ peop le o [ SbOlV , lb e s bow. a n d Ih e lI l); ~1'I u l l e~ are Lhc t uc wall . llIld s aid , I'll I\' a ~ lJ r)t. a n d 801e1 w hl'lJ WOIU~f1 \\,u lltl n g ri p.l eg a les wleo ('oul l'lll Ih o " ,\l adam p,. th l' ttll ~ln~ r lll e nt l lll~ UI1· tll l l.c d me t o ce ns" ,,· yo " ru r losing g ot c ra, y III I"" c no ma n WIIS ~I\I I). an ,l unl ul~a lll atc . 11 a ssol' iaLipn n r w() .. kl ll ~ fl~"h . III\d I arn 1".l rll l; Ip. .1 10 Hay If th p. I) lh ",' OW ':Ip. r ur th e ~ h ull' s aId t h Ul h'JlI IS, "lid L1il!l O(;I ' II IH1 ll ts oC th ~ o Lh " r ),(If,1 do nol m o.uac'l' to l a tH! nu a ho ll l "' ~ If. 11 ri g h t. tlii s t i m e, IH II n nt t o let , 'a g cs h ave ,g ut Lo c u t e r to l Ol1 c lc r,fJ IJO lllHls 010 1'(' ncsll tlf' fo['f' 111 ft s ho w It O(,'C li r aga in, awJ pa l rll !tI III ~ x Jllfll" E p hr iu fII , the w alli in ,; d c l c g-at f', or R l nd ~ on th e f H ad , ~(JI t rloU ' l gu a l o lU;, 'Jr) \\' 111I! LH:Jlrd ed \\'0 (1)1111 t um (! l ei J UUlJ) , hI} phH' CU 11J'l1 r h c unfa ir l b;l and \r hnr y ou wa nt 10 IJIJ i s to I~"l l UllI n ! u u ( f) him tlOti fu j lll tll li n; ar m . , bill. s l~l ggc d , e t ;uI 'by food. all fJ sit! p nlUtC :..t. fli g h t. tb e uwn er ~a irJ : " Th a i i s a ll I i J;hr. hur Th e h ye ll as n n d th e jnc k ul :; , a n d lh !! 'T h ('~' tell m e Yull gu nul u lg lJlM l (J YUII t: a ll ·1. hold 'c m I tl )'t).lIr ;'H III~ hcf ore wol ves, r c prcsc ll l lit o llHtlrc h b:i lS who (I" " ,' !. . nlld d r lllk h ,,,11 hull :;. a ull lids rul k a." aDo L1ltOn pa '.I 11,· ",,1 III ",hill allY' u r e dow n un e \' (' r)'~u tl y In t h e s how. 1m ' got to Gl Op. 01'111 1: I, n" ... and ea l· 1I)lIn who "ai d h e II'''~ lu lcJV " wilh "n y' 11' 1.0 w.. n ·t do a thin g to h ~ l [I n lon!: 4:hl'"'''' R~nd wif' h ~, al /nlg hl , Uf ' [1, lti u li be llrd crt 1I'0m B Il. ' a rHJ 1,0. Illlil e d off hi s ami w"U' l a l low all Y oth e r uulmal to "rr, 'I' IJI ~ alrow r uu ', a ITun' 10 ' ta lte "0111.. JU Rt I,h<: o I " " fOil a ll",!; aDd told do a n y lh lng , a n d w hu see Ul t o waDl to .. lc"l ~ OU 4""' pouo cl fairy fo r a i'nl th " wh" l ~ 6tH r ),. ,",,1 Ih .. o 'h ~ crOll' d IJllrn and Hlay. tu carry a 10 "e h by "" luau wh e n t tl" r'on lrnd ca li ~ ro r a 1111 hao! a 1;",,,1 lau g h. anll III. 10011 th e lll nl ~ ht II til I pioi s on by da y. and want (·1111 jlfl llnd ruouolair, or Of.:Sit . ~r 'I: ?" a o'l n ll'ollt a n ll t re at",!. ,, " e r), 1hln g I'D t h" s how to bo chaos. I'" lo oked just aB "L.! rn It" <:fIulll he. I J.:1) e.~ti il i;; 1111 ~e ll.lp,1 "" "'. 'r Ullse 'I' h1)5C unlm8. 1 ~ a r c .n ev ,·r so ba ppy as 'f lip (al w()ma 0 tmg ull to f~ ry arlf l ~;hlJ. UJ C h vi ll b ); 1(e l p. ll} n nlHJ th e f al ~'O Olan wh £! 11 lIu-! \\'ltl(.1 8 '1(.1. lJ g hlolng strl h e tho te nt. awl bl ow Il <low u. und kill pea· pi c. a nd (' r NIlI' a [lani c. n'nd th e n these a nal'c:hl s t" H in ~ a nd laus h a nll c njoy
TanlalulIl di ffe r s f ro lll nil o the r k n o wn !'. l1bst an c!cs iu c'CJ UllJi ni ng x · Ir e m e h a l'eln ~ s" w llh ~xlrl'me du cti lil y. Of it ~ h al'l l n('~s un e)WlIl lll c has al · re ad y b l'c n g in n . ~o It n ~c d g o nl y to a dd Ihat wh e u I' >l h ot It Is ('as l1 y rollc tl Int o bar s IIn ll ;; h cc l" or tl ra wn In lo wi rp . II Is HCRr e"l), Il rrec l ed b y I h e oxyg:l'll or t h ~ nt r , CVto n Hot a red b eat . a nd ,, "I at a ll II I o rdi nar y t e m , pe ra 1;1 r es, tlllIl I h " s lt'o ng es t a e ltl s fa ll Lo di ss o l ve II; nor .I oci< Il Ilmn lg8 ma l c \\' illJ Dlc r l·ur)'. It rl l ~ It S ulIl y at lh e blg hcst ' o lla ln ab l" l ClIlI H' l'altm:s ullil la thcl'efo l'f) w f, ll Ollr! d l u ~fJrn.! (or fi l a·
hu nn fi f"rt
Ii ,,;.
(" 'I-I Il('
Rrc.u n. an d 1;)\11..' l u ll l • ;l ll!i"P n r I!", ~ tlS'"g. 1tt',· IJ
<' n
ht "\o\."ill h 11 11'
~n l
I)(' rmi ~~ i .. m
t lw lIr alll r d I rt dl'
;';1' 1
m a rrl e,i.,
I~ W;\(' l' l
u n ()a , an tI a I.lH! !=Ih nw . \y ho
gi rl h Hs j ll ": ! jUlnr tl w n lli H Q \Vi rp-, a lld I~ h f' ~, It )'~ 1 a UI aho ll l ';11111 Ihfj" h(" 111ul u(" .' 11 l':a y ill ;; ~ 11t'n llUn lt j(_~ ~ W C I\lfl !' 1 Ihi ur,: Ihnl C VC't' tattle ' 1 " ( h e b (,.lll'fl~ d ' ''' ( .1l1 :'l n , ~n d ~ 1 1t"" \\'(111 111 dCl\\1\ fh 4" p i I",. nnrl r g lt (ts~ t h iR s how "e " n l ~ h her f'Y(,S (11,t H s l'" C(,"1 1i ('a le l) h llSI I "'~~ is a ll rl ;: hl. nil rlg M. 1t ' ) I', ,1uti t t.h tt!) til ·... Il v in:-: sl(l; l e IOIl A l ni l ~l , - \ VC' ;t rl' ~~ Itlli g a CQtlahll.p.d I ""IP Ill . Rn ll II b e' n h p Ka w IlIr 1111 with t he " n imal «. aurl It. ts ju, t Iii,,, ' \:.On1:'" U ~IHln ~ n { 1 I h t~ nf'('lr C I ri n ~. an d 1 gnill :; i nll' ~(ldc l y, ) ,<\ lil lldn g ' 8ortlh i !l;'; I n li N :u III t l" 11· Th pJ'o i s Ih o n r i s t()I' r ncy', whl r.b ron101 1: bt' ('oul d nr'llrHl alP nl'r Cl'O lll· s is ts o f thr hl ;; h hc). n tl llinllris. the tlO I' , 'CRUSt! b e h ad 1.lf'I' n i n~ lll \' c s '-mlC mld"l" dn s~ an" (h e I~W ' U O WD , co m. h i",c l r, the s k e lol on tll'~ h r t! "0 aw a ~' mon h p ro.! , 8nel wh e n YOll g o BOl On!;
,\',.:-: 10 lo\'f' with
t lt ~
\\'rl l'O
IJ\~ ln g
th ai Kh,. 3).;(' )('111 [1 ,
81\11 ("n l, bold or her fill h and ancl i r lrd Ih e nn i m a ls a s s irangc ra YO II a r e rc. t o lift It: an" said : " \\' 11 nl i ~ th r ma L- : ceh'c d j llst a s YOIl would be In s o " lc ty. I cr wi th my ltI y 100Isy, ,,·00tsy .•. ~n d I lf yell " nrl, p r o pe rl y introdu ced to Ib" ... hat has tbe bad o lt! mall w il h sjJi rllll:h elc ph an l s by the e lo"l,h a nt /;ce per, who o n hit! chin heeD d o ing 10 yo,,? " vou cllll~ for your s lllndlng and honor, Tbea be ' turned on lIa an ti hiB lep Lbe e lephant s talle to you all rigbt and b~l;t,\n to .hakc and 'ralLhl l llco II pair: eEle" .•1 to. )'ou ce,·tain courtesies. same ot bn ll<Js 111 .11 'w lnsl re i s bo'Y ' and be . . IlOCl e t)' .people would 11l\'Ue '10U to
tb e lr IJec ull ul r k i ntl 1) ( anima l lI;;ion . Th e ~~b ra fl a nt! g ll'Btres Bro the cilllleR of the , h oI\' , "nd you call ImagIn c . If Lhey we re huma n . t hey w ould II la y l e nll is Ilud go lr. dri ~c {ollr In h a nd . n nd l> O~C to 1m a elOlll'ed. while Ih e ({oyal Be ng al tl J:c l'S, if Ih~y were hair human . w oulel dri\'(J aU lomoblles al the m l c of n mile: " mlnlll " 00 " rowcle d H lr c e l ~ . I'lln m ' e r plwpl o and n evol' stop to h l,11' 'Ihl) wounded. but s k i p Hwa y w llh a ' nee I'. as much a~ to ~ay : "What arc yn u gains to do a boul it." · Th e se al s ar~ th e clean·e ut Baptl:! ta or li le s how , wh n be li e ve in Imm!! r . ~ Ion. nnel Ih ," ), Ita vp, 1Il0 r C braiD lhau a n y anitnal . In th e ~how. because they live Oil a fi s h IlI e \., tho ugh Ihp.y 1Ia\'e a JlI iC lImonlu cou g h th at mnli e~ you feol Ilk" se nellng f o r a Iloclor. Gee . hilt lus t nl s ht WIWll we thougbt Hprlng had com e a nd WI) cOllld start "" th o roa d p re lt y SOOll . the s now fen alll.llt a foot deep . and it. WIlS s o (olel lIltll all th e ,a nlm a lH bowl ~ d all ni g ht; Il IHI s hl l'<: re d" anti we nt on a r egular slr ll«J. W c had lO [lilt blnnk e t ~ all tlII, m . and nOJ Oli O oC tb e m Ree med to hr co mro rlabl p t:" ' ~ jJ L Lh e polar ber n. lh e arc tic fcrXCR anti I.he fa t ,,'om"n , Th o oth e r o w u e r s uC th e s how tholtg!'!a il. w a S a I;Ooel li m e 10 ta :, e ,the "'" COll s i rl c lor ,uIII ,, 01 11 nn ul ce rulM l o a t h. 'ca ll '" lw ''' " '1 of dUCUIl!sh. IiO pa R n~ I he ll)(:ol 111 11 11 Ih c s nak .. wUich Is lIhOll1 20 fe!!t 10111,;. 1'.. WIIS IIIl ti llar tbe Inoke'8 head . " n Il I~' hrn I h e mun with tlip rO" ce pe ga l l) fJ lli ot I.h r t,ool.h lInrt " lO ve It B yanll ,' Ill " co n follra letJ ,m a ke co m e t(l Hllel l)eK'U) to ~tan" Oil h is helld ~.:l<' Ihrn ~ h around. al,,1 rIle t1rOppe,1 h l ~ te " ld Ilntl stn rl ed 10 c llmh ~I"l center 1)()l r.• h'Jt h e SCI I, " uughL III a g a so lIne 10 1t1 .. a ~rI Ih ey h a rt to tlV'r. J, hoso o n 1.. Ii, allli ,.e was aw ls.1 s carell. ca m;e be alwa ys did bate s nak e6. but lll e y gsV~ thl! Imllke cliJloroforw and got him Qnl~l. and came dOIVn, anti t hey gav/! hllll a !~a!! ot bllg8:' \'r~user8 be· 10np;lng to t,~e j:lown, tn go to ,lInnel In, and' pa ""!foil. • .I£:~t.
'~~~==-::~~.I,p~~n.tiell ts
'3.150 &'3.00 SHOES L'[~ _
w. L. Dougla. '4,OOClit IEd.eLln. ' cannot be
of t.he
l y in g t,h ose ,m oW white beds al'fl women and girl. w h o DrcnwD.jtingorrecovo l"iugfronl opcl'a~ tion s m a d " ncc"!ls nry hy ll <;,,, lect. "' vn r,' o n o of tll"se I),."t ""nts II ..uu .. , Col , . . . . . ... nl"l~ t J" 'Of',:u"nin~ln th ill. b .....lri o "~ tlo wll t' fee hnll'.palllntt o le (t, or rl~ h t .:,! th c
w: LIJOUOU. WlAftIlAII,,__U. \,"om b, n c r vo\lSC xhn.\l Ht\on, p nin in the WI£II'II.8.80 IIHoq THA" s mitH of th o hach'. 1t~ucnl'rh ll'n. eliazi. AllY WI;ut£ OTHQlWlAIIUFAOTURER. n OSH, fi ntul cllt'y , .1ispl m.~ n~,'" of t.he ftEWARD I•• oy ••• wh. can I dlopr ... lhl •• t.lllmonl, w om b o r irr{'g tllur i U ...,;, AJI of th ese w. t. Oourl • • .h... h.v. b y ftsy m ptollLS nrc i nLliClltio n s of on un . cellfnt 5tyle, ea.y flUlnr. and ,upcrtor we.'ln~
$10 000
w o mb, nl.ld if lIot h.,cd~d th e trn uble w ll ima k c h c ad",,,," unlil tit " p e n ulty ., has t o b(~ pnic1 by n. <In.n ge ro 1l ~ o]lCrH -
h ea l t h y
ti O ll .
c on di ti on of t.ho o v aries Ot·
and u.lifct.itnc of tmpa ir(~lt lls c fnl -
n el'os Ill. b est.
in mony
t he
r ("sult s u r n fatal ,
fllll 11\\' in~ 10Lie r ~honill b rinJ!
h ope to $uifc rin ,...' wo m en, :Mls s Lue lla A ri nlll ~,of tho Colo nnade Hotel, ScatUe, ' Vns h., writes
DcaI' bit'll. Pinkham 1.. About two yea r K ago t WI" a g1'P.Ilt Ruf· f('rof fl'om Q Ii ' vuro rCJuale t,rouble, p"iDS'n.nd h"",lad .e;,. l'bc-loclor p l't'SC rl bcd forme I\nd finall y 10101 m~ that I hod a t umor on tb. womb unci must uudorgo all ol'<'rnHoll It ( ,\-unted t o get well. I C~lt tbnt thl. WAIl my dMth wa n 'anl, but I .pent ltenrdrtld. oC dolI.,.,. (or mrxll",,1 bnlp, hut the tumor kept grow ing, Fortllnl\t.cly 1 cOfl'tlllptmd. d with an mlllt tn tbe NolV E nglnnd RtatC!l, Rnd sbe nd vlSt'<l nlO to tako Lydlll E. PInkham's Vegetable Compo.rnd, ". it wu lIILid to oure tn· m Ol'S. I Illd 80 aJl(I tmmrxllaw ly began to I" .provo in health, and r WIIS enllrtll v cum l, the tulllor d.isllppeRrlng ('ntirel)" ",iil!o llt an . ol"'mliull, 1 wish a,'cry 8utroring woman w(",ld Iry tbls grent I'",parfttion," .Jus t as surely as Jltiss Adams ,,"us e lll'('(1 of the troubles enmne t'ate d In h e r lett!! r. j lls t s o SIl\'tlly will L y d ia E. P inkl lluu'" Vc g otable Com po unli c uro e ve r )' womlln 10 t ho lanel w!to s uffe rs f rolll w o mb t roub les. iuOa mmo.ti on of lit e o vnries, killooy troubles e n e nOlls exc it.n bility aod n Crvo us pros tration. ' Mrs . Pinkham Invi tes all .v ounlf w orn('n 'who arc ill to wri te h e r tor tree a d vic e. Address , Lynn, M\I ~s.
POI1Un'T cured by thel e Litlle Pilla.
qualltl •• , achieved tbe '.ra•• t •• Ie of .ny f.,l,SO .hoe 10 'the world. They are tUIl .. IIOOCI . . Ch_ Ch •• coo. yo .. '11.011 to $1.00-tlio oal)'
dU"~nc.l. tho prk.. II I could Cak. you tnto my 'actory at Brockton. Ma .... tbo le!]!.t In the 'World under one roof maklne mea I fine Ihoe • • and 8~01V l 'oU the c.,.""lIh whkh every oelr of Dou,'.' .hou b made, you would realh. why W. L. OoUIII •• S3.S0 .b... are Cbo be.t .hot.. produced In th. world. III could .h ... you the dllieren ... bel_n tb. Ih... maIJe In factor,. and U'OH of other . .kel. you would understand why DcM.I,'a.s .ho.. coot m'N to .......... hy Ch.y hold thel, ahaIM. fit beU." we.r lonler, 1"4 .rll of ar •• t.r v.lue than. lUI)' other 'J. 50 .h .. on tho m ..ket ....d.y.
W. L DOWII•• _ _JlIII.d. . . . . . ' ...
WI_•••;.0, ••• otT.
_ _. . . . . ., .
D ...............0 • •••• ,. 7 ••• , ••0 CAUT IQN.-ln. l, t u pon h • • I"p': W.L, Oong.
lu fJhiltl., l ',,'kD n o .utHI titut o. Nono Qtm nl n. wlthou, blA PIlO.lD and price luampe.d o n bottom. wA'NTEn. A I hoe d e.a,t.,r tn e f'lefr tow n whe re 'W , I... Do ugh"J Sbn.,! a re n o t 801ll. }'ull tlu e, of ,a.lnf\let .eta (r66 l or In.tpeotio D upon requed . Flut Oolor E~.,.t. uudl t h. y will not lWa , b,..a ..v~ Wrt~ f •• !I11l11ro l"" Cal.loll o f Pall SI~I •• W .... DOVGLAli,lh'ocktOD, ......
Cut Your Work. in Two Atkins Saws cut n ot on ly wood , iron . nd o ther materia ls ~beller tb a n any other. but they cut
lII~r ~ .
That is b ecause lhey . are made of the best stttl" in t~, c world by lIlen that know how.
Add n. 5a",a, Cdn Knlv" \ J1'.;r(cct ion Floor Scup " .... ctc , li te • ,14 by • I l ood hard.a rc . .scaIC Ii. C alalol "',c OJn rr 'luc.Il.
Tile)" e o I'cllc~o DI3· tross troIUD~Pt' psl:r.,ln·
E. c. ATn.INS CD. CO. In.,. "'cut Sa ..... M"ng(at'turertlQ tbe Wo rld
41gfttlOnandTool1e.rt.J Eo.tlhg. A perfect rom-c'tly tor DlulDess. NalJ!ea.
D n A :oc c lf f!!I_~e" 'VCor k t C:h l ~co,
DrowsIDel!!, Jl~ ToSte
flctary lad f ••ctill" OWlea, Indian. paBa Ml nn u poll.
. ,,"I,nll ( Oreloll). canlt, lian V" ndac:o l.lcmphl". A d~nt.'Q4 T o roQto (Cauda)
Accept n. lub.lllute- ,I"llIoo tM Aikins 8r.. d
Ordinary Cours " Which 1:s Pu rs ued by Youn g Cnndldates f or th e N a vy . "W e hR\,C I wn war m edical colleges, on e military th e uthel' naval, and
M1XED F®!I~~ a.d~kal~~t~~~t~C
them w o Iraln our burgeon s. Arlel' be , Ing graduated frolll au ordloary mcd· Ical coll ego ... ~ la l,e a YOllng doc tor reo aDd gi ve him 11 y ear 'a traiD in g in tbe
H u " . on Fa.
th ~
III tllo !louUI, COlltc(l m ent s In in ca nd c""e: nl " " Il l'S, lH' lll t; T<mrue, Pain tn the Side, milch st ro n gN tl1nn un r h" " . ,\ l>" IIiHI =====----ITOBPlD LI\'RR. Tilo,r or i t wlli 01,,1<0 2.!lu<l h,mll " . an .1 lltcs e relflllate tbe JIoweIs. PIlroI)' Vegetable. r eQult'~ e Xllclly Ilulr as lLl ud i powe r 10 li g h t t h e m a s 0 0 " nr bo n lilaUi COl" gi V. in g th e HU Ul e llrillian cy. • Genu' It Must B ar If onl y il ('a o lJe pro c u red In s li m . I~ . , e ~Ient Quantit }', ta llla ium s houl d pro" e Fac.:slmlle Signatura 110 mo st liS 1'11 1 me w l. Il wl li f n r nl s h IVER A ~at' IJe tt1'1' bo r ing Loo l;; than lh o diamond PILLS. /~.AfJ1'#: drill. and c h eaper e lec tric lig bl s Ihao RefUSE SUBSTITUTE'. arbon. whll n t he pOHs lhl c uses o r a pl alc o r a wire harde r IhHIt di a mon ll. and ye t to ug h and 8 1ro n g , \1m t:t Im ust Inlllllt e: 1'01' e very olh or ha rtl s lIb . . l a n ce I. hr il li e. aud I hls fa c t nllli hampe r e tl Ih e ensiuee r f or ce u l url es.
T he y F1' a d to T u rn
- -.-
mi n Gle !.i-r w ll ish.c r s w ll b hi ~. JIll "T nt u p u li d p l ndH' 1I a 1111114'1 \ (til t11 0 :Ul fWd i o ~ tl lIll'ifHH qU llot il :_', w i ll p r Oh.. P a y e ll ed ft)l' h oll'. an Li I I holl ;;h t it elcph 'IC Il', I,',; alld " ai d Lu Ih,' I.e.' pe r: . 1>I ~· re pln,," Lh o d la nH.l llel Rli ke In lhe
V.°l nt£' r Q uar ll' r ~ of t he Only C irt~! l S, AWil 2t1. - Pu ha a bad a hn ro! Joll t n· ,I!\ y . T he bos~ c'(JlUplaln "ll lO l,a Iha l t hr fat womlln bu.1 lIee u l uld ll!, nnll · tHI . or tlleUug, or sornl'lhlll~ . ·e·.l\Il"e s h e I\'I\ S losing tlo8b . u ",1 Ih o it " i n/; shle· . nn 11':\5 begi n nI ng 10 fa l " I). II ... wn ll l· ('d POl to na il l h eta iUlo l lll' O m Lt'~ nnd
ta ut V aes. loire. PInkham'll ' Ad"'-;;~ ea"e8 Many Fu r c/,lllttr i~, Ibe d iamo nd h u ~ b a e D From thlll Sad and OoaUylllxpl'rlenc• • 'Ce' ~nl 1.tld ll" l h e hard c. l u f al l l",owll . II It Is a 'loci hut lu i.Js l a n c('~ . "r h e ))ollfolh )l uw et's ul l a · f t tl tr II n ,"1 tlII .l, I h,' I)I) r l n ~ I,owc r o f t h e "0 r;e y e ~ar IInmo nti II r lll ure fam lllRI' . f,Wls; 60 ' bring>; an In. I rc m c tl1h~1' when PH \\,a :i nl'~ t i n th e i:i th e fad lh ut not b ius eu n l)olt !'i h Or crou se in the lellh anl I'u r ral. Lh e k eP I e e' f" l'I:oL 10 ;1Il 1\ ell:1.Ino nc1 uxccl't anal h er dla. numbtw ofop61'B.' t e ll Ih .! b i~ oolell l1l"11 wh o pn Wi' " . •10 11 Uelllci. I tiona performed w b t!ll t hi" I(I['P I I! 'I' ra l ti l' d tip u lI (' f o uL H \ll a IU' \\' s lI :rs lance Juts ma uc it s .~%~;;:i:::::l;:11 upon wome D iu O( I he ulc l,hant a 110 1 o. 'DlIli ll l'oI a ,'orn , ou r hos pltnl s . 'l' I'~lIrlln l'o w lti.: h , It it cn n IJ~ 0 II' ~lore t1)an thl'etl.
hlond e wi !; II n.1 pulled It o rr. o n d Ih e n t he bral'd"el WUIlI" U begn n lo c r y anrl s be l h rr' w h c r~c lr into Illf s nrnl~ nntt b I l h la 110 8 0111 Dnd egu n "'" I o n . .
Sold Bov A b,·' E te,
'~ lc l\ han l l; li fo! Ull ((
dry. nnd IilJ e g l'abbed the fa t wu mau 's
ill .
III n Ullllu\~ anel ro ll Ih ~ lr eY'\8 a· ),011 I1 IHI IOu ll "}In" YUIl II ~ U ,·orn· ' moll " I' orson. ' · a'lId It' YOII >l\IP OI pt I\ n~ faln llin r ll ." Ih c)' loul, a l you a a m ild, u " 10 ~ay : " SI I·. I "Ill nu l u ll olVP,1 Lo u,·, ,,dll\.e "II h I" Y e neJ)L t h e 400. " T h " n lh~)' till'll ' h ll ie' ha"'," " 1111 a" t." m .... h Ilh e s lwl ldy RTbl.OcrllC',l l hat YOll wou ld 5 " "" 1' Ihry we rl! huml1ll ,
In terfe r e In tbe love u /flli rs of any 0 .( Ihe !reak~. and just Ih c lI t he bPl,nJe ti womau came III. alHI wh o ll kh p ,IlW Ib e Ii i ll!; Nkel c~o n h n!tl lr\~ I h e ~alld o t the fa t wo mnn , who Silt /) n Ih e n OOl' 111<0 a bal lOOn blo wod nl' , I h e bell rd ~ d ' VOlll an ., " a vc a 1·. Ie l,· il L th e li v. ~ , Ing s lcelelOn ", bl e h ~o llllf i ell III,e c lOl hrB 1)0 1'8 ful lln!; d OWIl III t h e lnn ll ·
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ibreearea.tpuraulll bal' ;::~rr.a 1f~W:b. wonder lul
N .. nla""n~ nOn •• I.....F ........ 1'1.,,1 •• In , I biruloe.elli "be middle ot NO'fomber. • '.lIt are bODbci &0 be lIIor. UII'" "I,• .IM 'he " OIL 1 ,.suICAI ot ~. pu t. 'lIIa~on '. lhr n .8LI,"-
S. L" OL,
O ' UNS ',
rI..' IN 'TI"C'II[ ?u:
~~=":'~ =.~ .-"104.1. .' .....'-'-
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NWlUaClllUllYCI. ,
(."Q .. I . .. ood • ••t .... bar In ab\lJuhlnce- iOboola, 1.___US _____ ____._.o_ .... __ ... naval ' olle ge uucl e r prorc~ sors wbo lire tbemselves naval s urgcons . Afl er QburcbUt matllMlOOD,eoleue:. Tbls .1 thee,. of t ...... ppl,. t or Il1tO"II~ passing nn t'xntnllllltion al the end of lion to 8UPEltUfT&XD,. NT O' J)t)UCJfU T1,mC'. a l·car." saYB tbe N ew Yorl, World. "be Ow•••• C.o.d., or '0 a.ut.borlr: e4 Can.ll nlo Go,· IR cOtllmi s ~loncd ass istant IlUrgcon. .rna3'D~."D"1 : with ranlc cor r~s pondlllg to that of 11 a . II, WtLLU.Id. L ... Bulldl•••Tal.GO. O. t ... s ub · li e utenallt. and sent on board a war.hill, Arter a year or LWO be reo turns to tho nuval c oli ege lOr more ~r'l~r~: study. and Is tben e xnm ln cd for pro, QU'.IIITEED BrotlCIaIL"' TO leD t Coru/um~.lPLloll moUon t o the rank o( s ur;;eon. About tURf For ..Ie y eve ry s ix years he r e turn s from s en to W. II. 'MITH' " CO.. IUFfILO; N. T.. P,..,ltlo,.. the naval coll eg e for a year of IItudy, hecause It Is impossibl e fo r tl surgeon 0 11 board ship to Ilcc p up 10 date, and In wartime It Is e ss e nlllll that he should I(now all the very latest di s · .. ... coverl c s In surgery. He advances wa_ WIIITIX8 .... ADV.I l&'na'" tlul" _ _ _ ea• . - . . . gradually In the medIcal stall corps. spe nding about oDe ycar ot eac h s even ·In study and the r e maIning six In active s ervice on board 8hlp. Tbere I are generally about 34 surgeoos at the I college on reserve, and . of course. ready to resume acUve s e rvice when an emergency I!ke war ' arises, ' Then we send out bright men to travel abrollil lnd learn all tbat Is n ew; tbey return and Impart theIr dlscoverlss to their pupils at the college." Th e World r e prese ntath'e lol tl Dr. Suzuki how Daro n Kan e l(Q had de. s crlbM to him tb e methods b y wh ich Marshal O yama organize d tb o Japan. e sc army. and ask ed It similar m ethod s had been used In' the naval medical slatt corp8. . ','Very s imilar me t hods." be replied . "nnd they were s o well plnnn e d that when the war hl'oke out I, a s head or TRY IT FOil thlQ corps. was able to glv. e my orde rs with full oss ur~nc(l that th e y wO\J.1d be carri ed Ollt. My place In Ih e war was o n Ijl e , Mlkas a . Admiral Tog o ·s . flag. sblp. and front thIs I direc ted the ,,"ark of tile fleet ." _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ellsy. Orace-Why .Is Etbel iO rond at m asked balls? Maud.,....cau you uk? LoOlt :Ilt her e'omple~lon! -Cleveland ~&Il'r.
.11...- ,.,or.
_ _--- - - -.-..'.tat..
_... .. -
- --
For Your Flmil, and Yo_ ur Horsa The Best Antiseptic Known.
Rhl.II.II••, 'Stralnl,
Sprains, Swelli and Enlargeme
Many People In the Great Russian Dominion •
Fai1c~ C)"le s A re in Good Style-'ll II R emem ber the Ex~refse I s Most :BentlfichU Whe ~ the Right M~tJi.o cl S On n Mt\y B e Sati sfactorily
R cm odeled, ,
Many , Pl~ns , for' the Building of the Panama Canal
Al'e Obst:l'ved,
Muir. UI' lU bo Jlll n' llIl ~ ' <I 111 c,'cr y Sluir-dllll bl lll; 'all neve .. \)e m1\1~ so Itln ,l u l Iul' '1.11(1 In u. ,",., Iel y or I.a l, ellSy 1\,a l II 11'11\ rc,a~,· lo he wad" aU11 l e nHl unil Hllopcs. And fin ' ve r y IBt'g cl~" hC1WC II C '1'Il1lnamOllul ull t da lly l H~ule u ~e d , bul 1h a,\jol l1 illl; s l.eldl s how~ (0 be bcnellf'lal , s al" ; ~t a ry 13ut il· r.l nlhe ,--,--== = = n \ ~ xcell e nl ! \' a rOl' tlu~ )'e ~hn'nllon of Phll arl c ll.hl a, PI·es~. Fi r" 1. slu lr-<:Ilm\).In g I~ fin e excrc. la e all olll 011 0, "hleh ~RIl be bll ll1 lI)lon By.Far thc larller Per Cent, Sla,v! -- Other Raccl-I ~thm l.n Canat Commis s ion Hu Wealth ot Sultlle'. so a s til 1001, co mlli ele l,. new, I he wo rll- luI' lhe IIIl1s tl es of lh logu. ha Ul fOI Great Rl,, 'I •. White RU!!\a and Lillic flussla lion!! from Wltlch to Select final Plan out muff m"rel), s C l"\'l n ~ as Il fo un da- tbe blgh fl cxo r ~ aDd lblgh and l;nec exlenS('I r ', nud If Judicious ly I1sc. 1 U8 c. tion for It frcsh oU l~ hlp, Th o ohl lining mll ul nl'Hl liP l"(·mOl','11. dlllly ex r, .. cl ..~ il wi ll l ~ r,rI lO r\CI'~I"p 1\) 0 Oznrdom InulI t; u nttln j: " COIl., 1\I Ull o n· I !;ua g!! of HII . , iu, lhey lh" co ntroillog Th e Interlacing ijlrln" deni 'lo d ml~hl mil_cleo of lb e leg un(1 I il igh . reduf'ln,.; A n (~ mhnl'l'aStHn C IiL fir r ir h" H. it. wlIL ' rs of l h o Illlpe!' C b a;; r. '~ r!v cr al gover llnl l ' ut Is en CUUlJlPllll h KIIIUlh - rorr(~: flo w n ill the southwes t ILf(! round be of olle nl' l he nIAUl' Idn,h; " I' ,'eI " l' l at t ll e s allie (Ime allY s uperflu o us n '~ h ml ~ h t bo 8ulll . I" a (;o ll dllio ll whi r il th e LhroIJl;h Ih~ brol(o ll volcanic; torma- . li ng 01",'1':1 .w''' '-: , lh e "'tl/ III " I I ~ Il.l· the l,III1IL H II S"It.n R. a l,,1 IIng"i~l\L;ally DUW lo lie lllitnin ud, 8l1"b " " m ll'll i1', tha t may b8\' 0 se ltled lh p. l'~ th"OIl/;:1 Isi hmlun canal conlC.ulsH lon fa"" M III tb~' l iolt:-i whi c h en .-i rdr! if s wAtcrs hud SIHI la t'l\ of p l'o Jlel' lIl!'ie. Il e ll ee \\' (, u sc lad ~ ,Il d I"l ll{)~ utlhl i"_f~~ on \ 1\ (> d l ll\l'lIlL1l':. be iongill g' lu 11l f' )sl : an ' lll o Co ss atk~: ~ lJape or num rou s plllllS far II,,· b ullll- 0""''' I he ""Ikys Into the Pa,' illc OC03D d Cl'·d lrnb l1) f;: t' x ('\ rd HcM in lh.-. S'y nllla· In g of th e Pnn a tlHL CllClal. Al 1h" (lr ~ H fJ I' L1H ' Cll rlbl)f.'!u u 8f.!U. Jo lbc ~ ilvl'la g" f11 l Sf'rVf'r :l l.t ' 11I 1' llI lo mt Lhe \\' h llp HII ~';-I la ll s, n umhe r ln g not)' S illll1 1'01' a ll ~ U (' !J ('HSC 8 . on e ~, · t'rll 'i tJ, ll ~ r: It;la l rpu · ~ lI "t1. IIHJlI):,lI ~,OOt) .OU O . tJw(!1I ill t ill' t e r'ritory cx t eud ;';0 IU UCU [o r the I'ullr ol d l 'It pllln ~_ Cllt lime lI",,'p arc si x Ill s li nd plall ~ S~( " lnd , hl ld r-cllmLll ul!' w h ~ n d o ne )- om ', n ulhO l'l t\ r f1 t' r;lttll' t ill ' 11111l1t'IU1I3 Ing from l'olullli Ill} a nu u rou11d LI for Lhe tQI1 S ! l'IJ Cl loll of t h e IJi;:; \ . .·alpl·· Th l' it al ,," pl a n s arc ,lIlter c rlt In uev~ Iowly . hl'I'o me" X Cp ll ~ 1I1 Imlall" e wo,l; " ' ay he tw een f he I\\'o orca n!;, ilwl '- he e nd ""Ht' ulial ~· Ic..· mp.1l1 1.! haV l! In II g' 1t.! Ill r' iJ ~' lIn l (;0111- lhunia,. Thl' L ll llunhl o s arc enUre l, \loln ls [rom I he rorAanll 18 goud I'o r t he bm lu. , T n In.· .. cus,· r.onnni ss io ll w i ll certain) ," hn ve u gOi II :'~, I nn ~ lI1u (' h n s. a 'co rdin g- 10 11111 lUID ,.:.:1t'lJ. ' 1\11 . · nIJJlrt ~ r e prl~ ~c n tlll g th e tli Hlin ct from rh e S1:.lvH In I U!I:.tlla~l!. lh \~t, me utHI t: fT e(' t ill, t ll o gy mnus iulli w tJ ~ ~ ~'(),,' I >; 1'1 ' 1111 ': t dll IIl ulo ll Oil .·al't h, Ih e Bailie Lllhlllliuu" aod BalLl c Pol cs \I'('nlth of niale rl a l fro m whkh lO U~ r~j ll ll1 n t (':i. t l! f! I I tnl~ 01' c.:O D s trll ~· tlon a lld • U'e larl der r.",uo s In s lead or sl eps alld c O OlJln ~ t II J ~ .111 a r j'U Olll :·:- r , I' nt h l lilt l o r not It u s~; lal\ pro IJ\' r . Th e Pill n S a r~ t r mln e lhe mos t fell s lbl e cOllr~c . It I,hp. "Ubl wi ll U" greatly reduced. whil .. I b~· ~ IOWt·,. n I,ll I'll '-'HIl wal k liP til e may conIc as some lh lng uf a s urprl"u at th e S~!lUU llm ~ I &. cH n ai will bo pru. t he , \\,1",1(' Ili n el ~'l l rrHr'I ' u L' (h B ~loIH~, still moro tlI SIIIlf':t. Gui" ~~ MO Ull! HOW fiu el' th c \In !H n ee all(\ the s ll'Ongc r \.he 10 the geoeral pu\)lI c to be told l hal ,, !rled wll ich 11'111 ~ n a "lc s b lp. to mill,,, n f"('"(.'~:"': 11 tt y :-; IJI'ill' !'';Il p r~CJ plf'S ~ lroll ;; l .v 1'11· anti l:rO Sf.;(n g t.!u; CaI'JJaUd,hU 8 WH fltl cJ, dcslred etYecl. \''' n. ifh~ tI, ur ,,,illl' i } lIi l' ' I !lib lu eals, Mouth nnll w CHI 011 tll r! mOllntalu "' , the Ihe \.llan for di gg i ng lhe call a l has .I il l thp passugo I'rom on e C<:CUIl to tl18 Tl1lrt\ , s lal r·c llm bln g I" g"o d \\'01'1, to be decid ed upon, but s nch IH 1111' ol hp r III from rour 10 tlV(' h ou r s l e::i3 ,. rl ih lun ~ , "l!a l\IW' (q ', Sl:ll tl e r',,!d Sla\' ic lI a l lOna lili cs ·- f'ol c s. ( ( 'I' ha lll'l Hnrl IUIl g's : w cu l..: h carlx may I u s p"illd ll l; or tll' ! RII ~..;, la n ~ WC III Czp.chs. S lo n\I\ ~ auf! Mur•.l"jau !:i. J. Ch bC. The le n million do llar s which l ime lhllll ' s <:s lill,lItell will bo o eccgIJ ~ " 1 1' ~I1l!t h e n c" by judldou s I (,S ~ lln H III on c,· tlllll l< or 11. " Sla\' . find prol,,!rl),. NllV lcoll', or (j llc:,gil , \\'r llln ;; In t l,,· lu· I,ave be~ n spcnl s ince CO ll gr ,,"s a ' · sa rl' \\'1\ h (h'j o U",r tl'II Ck or cana l ~, Til E: Ot FFEIII': '-':'r 1' .\1:1''1, It. no "I he r ap pura t ua !Jel l1!,: n e(;e~s nr}' s un, ed for l hl s government th ~ r c- 1'hf estimated cus t of Lbo se ll-l evel f or 7:1 l'f-'f (' 1' uL a r c o r lhi s r utl' ; l>;c vCn ll!rn :nl ona l l\IolIllJlr. Hll'Ja lu; tlJl n; of orr (: 1' l1t 111'1' ('1 :'l d (~ d us P o l . ~ , f! \' IJ n ' r tho vt ~ ry lal' b(,~ 11 II IObor ot rada.! panne or ' ' 11lfton v(' ln' l. Til" IntlCr Lhan oMfs uwn fuoll ~:nl p~ . s lJOn s lbilily of completing th e g iga n - "a lla l I" $~30 . 50U . tJflll, whil e gll!;,ill!!o r I n all "air 01' ladder worl' t.h e we l!;ht tiC' pl'OJ ecl hllve be e n uRed In pre limi - ,l3n,"" i ' cO lltldcot lbat th ' $14r.,OOO.cent. Fi 1I " ". " jn" pcr '·c nl. ·1·" ... ·" .'\',,,·. groups; "The II II HS 1111\ c mp iro ( ' 01\' wOIII,j IIc parlll'lI lor ly e O·prll" ,'. ('s peIILrH, « nrl fo ur \l er ccnl . .l Oll" . 'I' ho 1,,111" 1II0r" Lhan (;(j Ind c \lmllJe nt ru cl al ch,lIy II' lWO Hlla(les were I' oljl lo)'ell , Is not on! )' Ir lln st e l're d rl'OIll one fOOlLO nary work - In asce rtaining the mos l Ollu a pnroprlaled Ill' co n,;r eHS for II" . tOl I pOll11lalion (Cen S\1 R ISn) i ~ l :ln.· ~r"\1 I)S . It i ~ a I' crllliblp, '1'0 wp. r of Bach of tlw8e SUI [lH. m " H"rlug S\)UlIt lb e o t hel In s lu'cess loll 1110rc ur less rap- fLaslblc anll quick est type of canal lo hulld l ng~ of Lbe canal will lip ampl e for 4'(ICI.OOO. W. K 11 1[110),. (\I "1;1I8, lnl; " rl" ~ · nab~1. l~ v{J 1I wit" th o omls slo ll ot I l1lne "wh cs wide, ~ h o\1I(1 hc lu r n('rI In Id . 8 S III (he lI'a l\(. bllt (b e whol e hody - build . In Improvln;; lh o sani tary ev n- 111" co ns lruct lo l\ of tb e wale rway a!; be >Ja a n (1 l il t· S lav " In th r POJllnl' So.Ic lIC(! Si"e rla Rlill "c nlenl A51a. llll!ro rcmaln II I Lhe cu ges IIntl lacl, e,1 iuri ~ lbl y , Tiley weight. t ~ III'l crl from on e "l e i) I() dlltons along til!! canal strip, etc.-·so hILS nlallil ed It. Monlhly, Inform s u s thal re li !: lnll uf- 10 nll ~ " la III 1~lIrOI)" lind the ou eaS II " '!Julild th r n be gnl hpl'cd at 1: :0..11 " '1(1 1I nol ll e,· hy lh e H" Ht Ir!: lind til co l io n (h ~! tbe actual WOl'll or digg in g ha s Mr. Bates' two pilin g ror lho ['unnmll fordH a r,ll' IJUll p,r s landarll uf I'lhllie aloue. 41; dllT~r e nc. [lPopl es . III lhe and ",,,vn tl'lln s v I'Hel)' to , I,,· mull 01he r . anrl IltI ~ mea nH '1uil e hcavy wo,'le nO I y et uegu n. The comml sRlon lij canal ar" Id c nLlcnl In lheir esse l\llal a L li mes , <' III.lfl ea tIU II tb ~ 1I l'lfl !;Il :t ;:'·. fo r the norlb w';sl,' th e I"ln ,; In the w P,' t the from right La le f' with o n Hh .. d ~. a nd ,,,uflcl enl, howevcr. ll]at the wisdom of f ealur es. lh e (Hlly dllTe reo cl' buln!; Fo r e xampl e, If you wc lgh 100 ponnfl ~ V III II S have ncrs i"le rl In Chris tian ity. L itbuil ians 11'111 Lhe Pn l!!" ; In lhu Houlh- lh en s hollid he thl'euri ed In an ll 0111 In I horoug h pl'l1l1mlnary w()rll-of getLlng I ho t In o n o h e pro,' lrle" for lhre e Inth e Tu r l( ~ o nd Tartur. ha \'e !rd,J lo w.Wi:, uio R Oll man l"n " ; and in the tho 01'1'0.110 dlroc tlol1 wllh Ih (' n lher unol \\' It h th e rlg hllonl xtu p up one stc p 1,;011<1 alld r eatl y for Ib" b e n :ul ean tas l, s lead ot two la rge urllll clal lal(C8_ ( Iha l SICp Ilcl ng !!xaclly 12 lu cb ~" i\lohamm udanl s nl. and lh " ~ lun~"l s m'Hl, on Ih e \)<ln ic H of t.he Volga. I\U- ~bn<I ~ . -will be fully dl'mons lrated as tbo 'rh a comp;,nyln g 01 111' makes plalll . prope r t Il u ddh is o,," Th il l e mllit lt. ls mero lls s rouns of Urulo·Altalc !'opula· jo'll'o ~ tl'll' M nr each w Ol1ld bl' n ~ [loll , h lg h l. you bave li n ed YUUI' 1iolly- we lgh ', worl, proco!!ds. l ills Important fealure of the piau. aud m ny 100 laid 011 th e dlflleulll cR oj r<:c· li ons ; th .. T chor e mlsa. Mordvu . Voll- Purllie 3nl\ mauve. a'· IW O s hu deR of or 150 pou nds exa clJy on e fool 11 1~hel' ; Tb c s ix piaU R betore thp. commi ss ion It "a u be cas lly unol ' r8tnoll holY thlls" a" . as we sa y, you tl ;~ , don 1:;0 " foo l ~n cl l1n,; Int o onc conRlIl IIUona I !.'Od y akl and !'ormla,,". I n the sontheast. gl'DY or gree n wOllld loull CX U' moly ~rc as 101l0ws: 'rhe CornU!! T.,chll iquo. la rge nuvlgable bodlc" oe water would me ll or "ue h OPI)()~ll fuil im " " rf.pre. th oro nrc th e T a rtars 10 Crlmca. and well ; but H only ' Ollll s lm(le w ro IIrc- pounds " of ","ork. If t h o stop cha nc"" Ihl' 8a-foot lel'!!I. th e 30·toot leve l, the In ~lI r " euslo r and swlftur IIUSsnr;(1 of terred, browu. mons.) 0 1' g ra y s ho uld l., be ~4 IlIcll e~ 111 ,:l.o. t b en I1ft\'lng IIftc(1 Rca love l canal. aod llie l\VO plans sull · . s hlfl~. whllo. nl:cordtng lO Mr. Bate~ ma.1I0nled by Ch ristian nlld pa ;;llll . \Y C Gr~el< s 011 the sca of Azov. 'I'l olu turth er; "Th ' '';In' llI ); III nflor · To cnlla mUll nuss iun , you s o,'. con· be lIelecled . A frill of rlhboll IIncll wi h Y'Jllrself t.\\'o fCE t l'OU hal'e dOl'" !DIned by LlodoD W . Bateb, a N e w terially r educlu!; lhE! actu~1 amount or ( Io n s ot barha r lRm III I'a l'" ~ r""\1 am I'eys no tlislincl Id clI a ~ lO what he th e otbe r shade " .I'I<led IIJ"'II I" tb en t ",I ce us muc h \'i 'HI, , or 3C ? fOOl w \I Il\ u ~ tr:otp.d br tlli ,; fat'\. (thu co n- IlIUY OllP"ar. Ill: may be Ilure Ru ss ian sew n In . aull peepln !; I'rom lien aliI p'lumls. 1'hu". wh e n yon. we ighing j ul!t 1 0~ ~t an y WiLli v.·h kb ellt: h ra t e I", . h e ld (the ..... ord m,'ans !ted) au(1 bnv u the lbl s s hould be a frill of cream lacelh e r eal old lace. It l'oss ihl e, hil l If lIol poun ds. (,\Imll tCl slalrs.· cach stell obtalnablc, thc n onc n t lhose vari eties Oll ly J~ Inc hes hl1<h , YOll ha,'c dono whldl 80 clevc"ly Imitate It. F ina lly. j us t 1.000 fOOL POUllJs of work. Good Hlrong. mhsc ul ar WOTII tha l lf dono well place In posit ion the linin!,:. Mn lerlalij r!!qui1'ocl; 1'11'0 yur,ls rib · will ~ ul'el y do )'OU g(n)(1 and Ir done badbon. fou,' Incheo; wioe; two yard s " c l- ly mal' Injure, Do you stOllt la dl(S~ wonder any 10Dgvet; on tlte cross; two and a hll 1(· runl s cr a t your IJ relllbl e!ls condillon wb en lace, one-h nlf yard pongee fa" lin III:;. Ittler enling a hearl! II10nel' you el lll1h lo th thi rd-story !'ront room [0 1al,o SOCIAL REQUIREMENTS, your afternOOn nar? Do YOU not sec What Constitutes t he Ideal Hostess I.lIat wllh ev ery s te;. you mll ~l do from one-half a s mucb .1 gn lll 10 twice a .. an d About the Proper Selection ' much work a s )'ou r wiry IItlie nel!;t(of Dinner Gues ts. bOI? [ Yo u 11 0,'c no rlgH to run up ju~t heTh c "I~al ~ osll: s s will possibly dlii'cl' fr om t ile tJ!JlnLS of v lcw or "llTerenl cauS<! you ca n trlt' liP au!! I\l g ht an.j whtds , hill Hhe who COm!!d n w2.!·cgt lO 1101 fee l It. \' 0 11 II!!rforc c mus L tRI,o a;atlsfylng !!ve.y tas te will cll us e all It ~ I o w ly 31:cl s hot; ld r est arler e e ll guesls 1.0 Ceel II I ens!! and p I'recl ly III II lg!ll or s tep . . at I lllSt till lhe ureath hom o while In h er hou s~, S he mu st Ing bec om es quiet and regular onco l
- ----- -
Jloss ess gTeal tlwt an (I ~ nd eo\'o l' lO mak e ea ch one fee l iudivlauully the fa)'o red gues t. Sbe must btl Ilu lcl, to ~ee Yerythl n;; while acemillS t o sec no U,lng, DOVO" looking bOl'ed anrl lie \lIng Iho conl'ers nLlonlll baJJ' rOilin g wllhout any IIp\lare n t c\fo r l or evell seeming to do so. An Icle al hO Sless mUSl 1) 0 CIltlroly un s eHl~h and let no all ~e sli g hted 01' overl oolwd. Now that vacallon day s arc OYC!' and Ihe world h"8 retul'ncII tram the S UIlliller uutlng whi ch has II0HSI !Jly bee n s!,~nt In the woods or whe re Ulllch freedom In \)ohn\'l or Is allowed . bo caretul W lllodullll e tbe voice nnll , tol\e down a ctions lO tit city lire lind cust o m~, No rlght-thlokln g mO Lhcl' wis hes b el' BOn to choose II hoi s IC"OUS, fllppont wife, s o be- CIIre ful t hll L YOUI' lu\'c of fun uml the sumo lor's fl'ccdum do nOl l!!ull YUIl too fur. As we hnyc 80 urlen repealed. be killcl ond lboughl ful und "110 unto olbers as yuu woul,1 Lbat lhoy abould <10 to you." A vlSltl\l g carrl III B)- be u sed fOl ' 10f or mal Invl tat.i o n ~. No call Is n ccesBal'y lifte r ,a t ea or o.~t!!rnllon I·cce lltlon. though very often at hontc r!ays IIro gi ven ill (b e Invlta i!on lO a larg· I'C ce\ltluo when call Is qillte 11] ord~I· . 'I'lles c at hOln e dRYS ar!! ort.en a s elalJoratell' p\'!lpared fl:7 as tbe original reception with a cat.erer. bu t Il is perfe elll' adml ~s lbl!! 10 ha,'o th e M n ' log done by the bousc HC 1'vanl s. Mnn~ ' l im es a cat r c\,'s so rvlce I ~ c mployp.d t o r~l\evc the 1'e~ nlar heh. , who h r 1'0 111\ lhey cnll do 111 the dall y rou " oe. wil hout all)'thillg arlrlltlonal. Il I ~ necessary til lIe mosl "al'vfu l In choos ing YOUI' g uests fOI' e. diuu er pnrty thal lhey should .,c col1!;N!11I1. Not D6CPysarlly fri e nd s or el'c n ncqur.1 n'-
mor ~.
B ell c\'e II1r. Inste!l<1 of helng' bnd tor )'011. Hl air-cll mblns lall el1 s lo wly aod propc rl y w i ll do you goot! . s lreJlgth", enlng Ihe mu scles 0)' legH. abdom en :1.I1c1 s pine. sllru ulutln g 11" b ellr l and lung:;. cl nring t!l e hralo, :\lclln :; lh o circulaII US SIAN TYP E~, ti on and l hu s Im IH'o'~llg th e t\l'gcsllOlj: hut I here Is a once t and an Inco r " 0 hla religion ): tor In rn l'C ng In re· ruddy tono In lt~lr nnd bnRr tl; lIe may I'!!CI 11'0)' of cli mbing stairs . a hal·,1 IIglon. Ih o Finns arc truly Indlgenolls be a blonde Llthun llUI or Pole. or n :JIal an cos )' un~ , a s811'e a nrt !l t1angeroll¥ 10 wes[OrD Eucopc. th e Ta rtar ·Tnrks tall. (air Finn : ile mar have bll1 e eyrs York onglncer of iul crna llouo.l rcputa-I mna! labnr n IJsohlle ly np c~sS Rrr 18 OlJe. ~ /'" orlc llllll , while tile gloll g ol~ propor and .Iark brown hair characlerl Htlc of tlOn . Ille s·~a· l ~ v e l IlrOJC" t. From til e; ~Ip\v Jlre Asiatic," L i ltl e n uasla; bri IOUY be a "LJluc\( R Il S' 1 lUi (".omlle T !!chnIQur. plan Is th e !Joint 01 s anitatiOn. Mr. Dates also T ho ... tbo CJl ogls t te ll . li S I hal tbe ri a u" trom th e Carpathian 100untllln ~. A CASE FOR THE PIPES. ohleM t pIon herore tile co mmlsslou , be- mal,es greal "Ialm ~ for h is IIlan H. lLoSlavs. when lhey pourr. tl Inlo llussla or a r e.1 n ussl an from Lhe plains at fl'Om the southwest . foun [1 lh!:1'!) the Galadn ; be may be a \)road· l\!!u!led A Qllite Effective ~ack Moy Be Made Int' lho On e IIdo!'ted by the New Pa- a smu ch uS th e artificia l lake s ho prollama cumpany, which was organized ()rses to conslrucl will submerge prac.FInns. lbnt Lbo laHcr were "pus herl Lapp; 11 0 moy be Armenian. Kurd or at Home p,nd Not Involve nfter tbe failure or tho De Lesseps COD- Utally ' all of lhe ilisensl!- hreedln;; dnto nook s and coraers." And Ih!! eth· Tartar ; he may be a stunte d J ew frOID Mucb Outlay, rerD . It Is probable thaL this old 1)lao swa mps at lbe Is thmus. Tbu RI,'cr 'IIologlst add s: "Yilt thc (·' Inn has not Poland . A qu ee r-fellow, thi s Ru ss ian. El!lhcr a picco of board or very a lout ""ll\ servc only as a valuabl e reference Chagre~ for the g realer Ilart or Its Ibcco me extinct. Hi s bloml sU it nO W~ UllOO whOta htlH fa ll!'n th e g irt of can, cardboard s l10uld be UBeIl for tho foun- to? Ibe commiss ion In cou~ld e:l og th e cc ursc from San Pablo to th e Atlaotlo ~n Ru.l slIO \'~Ios. 010"'. Dota bl l' In the slltullouul gOl'crnment. And s adly IIdalion of tbls mell; It should tben bo other plans: flow s through low . I"'Bmpy laod. and .r('at and wblte Russ l«n tr lb ~ ." . lIlerat e. covercd with art serg e. cl..'th 01' velTbe 8(j-fool level plno was tbe one thr work done lD this part of the Those curly RussIans Ih' cd IIn,l cr the Wllh refcrence to ' religion, In Fin" e~een . The fouudatlon may, at course, favored by tbe caoal commIssion In Is Dlmu. cost ~housand s of llveg 'Iur.dmlnlalrallon of a clan ; Intcr under land c nd Ih e Bullie provln ccs Prote~t, be mad aoy s l7.e to holel nllY numll!!r 1901. when tbe _8ea-leve l pro'P<\s,llIon Ing the yea~s of work und ~ r de Lostho goveroment of 0 o:il~· . wboso . or· antism Ilrf,vails. Til Poland lho Catb, of pipes, but ta l' ono slIch a s we lilliS' Wal' rejected It was to have a system s eilS' pl an. Wltll tbe submerging of In the olle~ are more numcrous. In western ,, ,anlutloo was rc pu\)\lclln. Irale, ahout 15 Inches In le ngth and ' o( Ove locks. wllh a S'r~nt dam at Bo, th c~e f over Inlect ed Swnmlls. eve ry nlntb ccotury a 'S cnndi navlan band. Russln- lhe onelenl prloclpallty of Lt, clgh l In de ptb will be s ufficient'. Tb e ' hlu, wblch Is about 14 miles from lhe new stillion or town will 00 situated "nder a cblef named Rurli(, Invadea thunla-tbe opper c la.sse~ uro Catho, covering sbould be eut with OO!!-IDeh ' Atlantic s l<1e at the Istbmus. But when on nn onen blll side . SIO[lln;; toward Rus sia nnd rounded til!! fi1'Sl monRrchy ItC!. tbe co untry pcaSllllls "orthodox: 1 .t urnht!.iH. whl !!h may be glued dOI\'n at , b orings were made 10 order W - deler- thp la k e. In stead of as Is .tbe ca. . tn that countrl'. Prine s or the house adherenl S of tho Greell ch urch . 11\' tilt! lhe bIlC), of l hc foulldalloD. Trim the milll) the fenslblllly of the plan It was wllh many now. In a fes te rin s nllt . .(If Rurllt r eceived Inllerltlloco or tbo Crimea. In th o ra s l. dud OIL lho banks founr! tbat no 'Satisfaclory foundatlonB 1'bo firSI of Ibe Balp.s plans provid e • .flourishing ci ties. nnd ach hellted for of tbe Volga : we fin" tb" Mussulman: COUld. lIe obtained for lhe blgh mason - for two lakes . Ih e s mllll ~r one heln!; 'h lmself a 1(lngdom ; the co untry. In a Then. 'scolhll·ed tbroughout tim wcste rn ry dam. aod this or course destroyed at Ihe Panama enel of t he cut and tIL .. "eose. divided. yet nOl ylcldln~ entire' prOyln Clls. al'O [rom 5.UUO.OUO to O.OUO.· tbc \' c ry root at tbe plan . T b e posst · larger lit th e Atlantic C O R ~ t e nd , In ly the Idea or unlly. Th en down upon 000 J e w8. blllly or earlbqualies had to also be th f ~econd plan show n In ullr second Russ ia swept the 1\I0ngo ls, and the sep· Omdnlll' sp<mklns . all great Rusala ta keu Into co081deratloll , for ROY ae· IlIu s lratlon 8 second lal, e Is f"rllIed arated Rurik princes could not with, Is orthodox. Onl y oIHcially speaking. cldeJll to the dam woulll preclJlltate aI, lhe Allaotl c coa s l Po nd , \I belllll Ma nd them, w ero forced to poy ibe In , howr.ver; dl ssatl sfa ctloo wllh the col~ · to e waters ot tbe lake ov e r lbe lower r eally a conllnuatlofl u f Ih e fir .• t lake. Tad ers lribute. Tho 1II0n:;01 yoke ness and lIftlles s op. ~H or the Gre.' I( cc.untry In frlghttul volum!!, creatln g thr. dividin g lillc hel ns the narrow )lroved, a very hrn,' y ,me. Russlll was churcb hilS Icd to tho ri se of nuwbP.l" ba\'oe to life alld IJrol.erty tar grenter s trait at Boh 10 Thi s seconrl lak!! ~nuch dl str s~Cf\ tbe reby , The people I"ss secls. lO the conllnuatlon or ,·a · th aI) that caused by the memoral.Jl ~ 1\ oilid ren cn back Inlo lhe .~ ountry all now renllz lng tbe nectl of slrong de· rlous " old Bellc\' cl'9," Thou :;h, as No\,John stown Hood . l'ar as San Pahl u . Th ese 11lI(~s woulrt (p,nuers, IQok ed 10 some ceotnll seat Ico\\' say ~. lhc llu9 1 ~ an oon ·conrorllll~ls PIPE RACK. ' The 30-foOl level plan . wblle It hns I!' \' ~ n~nrly 2f, miles or free ') pl?n nllvlot \.lower. The princes 01 Moscow arc the honur and g lory uf L1mlr coun · fl rove.l lbal power. Ih"y " camo great try, peoPle of I.o wur, thollg!ll. earne,;t- nn cc ~ . but Wit .)80 tnKtcR are SilHi lar. !!dge ",·lth an)' )ll'Clly furniture ,;al- not yet \) een announced In detai l. 18 t;a tl on. m')re lban halt of lb!! dlslance 1)1' llIccs; cO OlIl,,\lc<1 tho 0110·1' prlol: c~ uess. th ey itOI' ll bc~ o. II" I~ very wl,1\ olh e1'wlsc yonI' dinner will nOI lie n loon. or Chi!! se w ,a sllll Cal'll TOund. , ·tlnown 10 provide ror a two-Ioek canal acr()ss the 1.lhOlus . Mr , Bales clalm3 tbat hl ti plan 11'\11 to yield to thorn. vl c torle ~ ovr.r knf)\vn, most c ru e ll y por Hecu tc d RIl.1 (Ill- IIlICCe"s. To make Il 61) l he con ,'e rSII- A good firm ribbon . ratb e r moro tha n wltb probably a dam and -lock OD lhe tile Mongol s. "Thll s wa s lhe Id ea ot rresse r! by ll", gO" r: rnm ent; Ihe II'"'' t\"n mus t b~ pl ea" anl and Ens laln ed nn Inch wid e, s houl d be used for the Allantlc side at Bohlo. as wp. 1I aa a Il h' c 1\ mor o ,\lrect rOlllc. ollminallng auto cracy pln nt,cd In ;;real ltusfi ia." ernm"ut. of I'uumc, luciurli n g the or· Rpll n ,:00,1 s torl' -toller Is a g real as- "Irop; It is caughl down to the cov- locll near I)edro Mi gue l, or Mlral\ores , tl 'iHly tiG cle:.;r~~s of Ib p. curvat'lr-! at ('flng uy u few tlrm s titch eR al regular clu se to the PaCific . aod al s o da m pro- th e J>acitlr. e n~ . At hoth ~ nd~ Il<J r.reBut \I took "cnturle~ \0 fre e Ihe lanll Ihodox ","urch . T.)·da y rcllglouR lol, slsc. nnee, In te r val s. If wuod Is used tor tbe • "Islons similar to lbosc or the Fren cb aLe s new lowns by utilizing th'1 walp.from tho r\p.)lreontioll~ an,1 levll's of ernnc~ t~ one or till' 'fI!form.s promt!Jed, rla~ rlU]; trom Culcbra "-',l. gntoundatlon:', s mall brass ta ck s could pr(lj ecl. Art of Tea Making. (b e Morll;n l~ . for ce lltnrl!!, ::reul nu s- on l} or t ," 0 "'''''' Y r~rorllla s adly nned.,,\. 'Tbp. sea- le vel plan Is Ihe one ove r Lrollcp. to Ihe conal at the te nnlnal. In Pu\rlllli , omr:t\rl"~ IIk n a mlllloll Prnctlcll the art of tea tlIallin~ when be IIsed r,,1' fixing th is In sleall of acw~ Ia had 10 con ten(1 with thn " " laUe tll\rhnrlnn ~. Jt was not 111111\ a s ILlto And II hair .Iew, IlnV!' snu!;hl rcftlt:.! ; YOIl nrc all il ion .... Tal, o a Clip of tea In g; I1nlsh ca('h cod by a bow of rlh- whlcb engineering experl. hove dlf- will I)C obtaloed Ihrollgb larg!) lock~. liS JaRI (;Onl l.l olI· Rccnril ), rul' Hn"sloo Irc rc arll to hI! tOll nil allllo ~ t 08 mnny Rlt d "ass Il acro", th" ~obl a. See If hOIl . sow ribbon 10 each e nd lo torm IL . fered wld.l y. amI yel II. Is th e plan Mlndi . and nol Colon. wilt be tho port '{crrlloT}, W'IS oululm'''; 811<1 Ill'''"Clltly J.:\\,s "'OJ In nil lI," P'Kt of Eliropc, you can do il wlth eul fr. rg elLi ng an)' · loop to han,<; Il up bl' : In thc center wblch Is lli e most fa vo red If It ca n be ) f c n lran ce at AtlanLlc .1dp.. Passr.roven rea s lble. II is the plno which In ~: throlll;h thi s loc l(, whi ch may LJe tblng nnd wllbollt ups ~ l.llng II. Thon o f Ibi s loop PU I a how. Ru ~ sia lu rrl.,1 tho I" hles, sIL" 101",,11,,1 Dowo In "ulIlhcl n all.l . sou tllw o"t RUB' ..... a s reported on favorably lost year accompli s hed wbl: o thq ship Is oleInuells/oll au(1 pros. Iry to do IL nnd to 1I ~ ;en at thl' s amc 'the counlr y of her olu·llrn c lIO"IJ lc,O UlC . Ia th lf. "IL'" &.lalCed Fadml Muscles. by the p.nsln ccrlns commltlee or t~e tai n e.1 a few hour~ In port t u tuk e out Iwrcd, unf! It b II l' l r- Uw \lIln II rf'a l1f u I tim .... P re tend yon ar~ h').1dtll ~ n con · .in vad(lf s. I,;p e r,,·,·urr,·.1. TIll! "ILl ver.4nll"n , Don't lOok nl thl' 'r UI) too R elax ell m ll sc\IlS of' the fnc ~ !nny be cnnni commi ss ion . and mnl' b e lhe one . \" , pt c .. 'he r p. will be n loog Tbe Mongol lnl1l1 l' nr.n on lh,' ItuII, n","~ uCrf" Practice I a lllalclng unlll lon ed liP by bathing tho !acr wilh a whi c h wl! 1 l,c On."y adopted . unl ess slr e!.ch r ol. ~ n na"l gullon pe rmlltlng fStans Is found rather In cllaral·lt~r UlliO prej",/I,'" ~f LlLI' Chrl.tinn lawn I'd .low , s leadll),. llhyslcal I YIl". "A :;1rI1:;l:lo fur IlIU"- ha s btu, II lld u(1 ~o nllHI ."fOIr! toy R well, )'ou ('nn rio It withou t mo ... · I hun mixture of "Qual 1'31rtl> or milk and ('np or lh c two tllana proposcd by En - of a rair ral e of " peed . 1'hp. 1) ~ l g ht of th e canal from the "'" ry of ea s tern EllrOI'" wltll th e nar· uu'I(,(~ l L'<1t1 "ulld of Ill" p;o vp. rnruent~ g la nc ing 81 til ~ Clip. It Is ('as\", Anti whi sk y. ~'It 'st wasb !Jl e race thorough · t'GeH Balcs wlnll t ho nppro,,!!1 of the harians ha« p('rlHlfls macl,· tile :;ruat under' toOII by all hilt th ll (j" llIr! NI ,..hen YOII ha'-A learne,1 II-· bo you ('(r h Iy. : h"n Apply th e lotion wllh a soH co mmiss ion . 'VI h the SCII leve l cllnal Mlll d l loci,· lo Glttlln, wlwre. a secon.d Russian ag~r c.:;"· o; vi~UI' bll ~ dc- ma~~ e~ . Th o governmenl. "wak" ICJ Ut!! Or poor. II p;rcat hn ~ I !!S8 or It s mall cloth . Thl ~ mn.l' have lo \)0 "Hed tor Ih " r~ wOlll(1 have to bo n LItle lock Ilt lock \\'111 be placed. will \)e abo ut33~ ,-el oped at ttlc cxpe os o "r n :l\" umcnl." pol\l\r:ltl (1 11 ,1 s ocial nur~ s l amonll' thu OI1I'-YOI1 will hal'c 8cqull''!tI a ;.relty s ix \\'eek~ or Ihree months betore goo,1 I\tlraft o rcs 10 r cgu la te l he rise a od fall fi!et. Pas3 1ng Gatuo, the lev!!1 of the "Tn Amc rka Ih o Arynn mo' e me lll or mils .... . h"~ c ntl ~ a\'url!tI to ,I .. tract art which will scr vl' you In ~oo 'l stea~ rcs ulls Il:~ noll ceablo, but It will re- of tbc Pacific lIdes . Th e cha nnel of the ron a l will he in cr enscd to llbout 110pulation has been w "' I\\' ~ nl ; in nu S· Irom till' roa l r. 8U "'· ~ Of di s r:onl"i1I . bas al\ ),0111' li fe . • Eve n Whell YOIl orc a wn rd the ' perseve ring woman In tho , cabal would \)0 ~O fe et deep. which ~2 ',~ ree l, Rnd til!! next locll will he flS C'a~t\Vn f(t. The tru e l1" s ~ ht1l9 tHe Incll,' lI to nlol! udloIL "~Rln ' t th !' Jews ; p;r~at :;1'n1111l110 lher It will come in good . egd for t be tim e cxp'~nd !! d. "auld not admit tbe larges t ocean- e nc.ollnteTed 01 P edr .. Miguel. nt the now soUled In tb 'r ce eompo('t [lo,lIcs; tb~ \looptl: ur" Cllo c"lIy lIlU g ht to boo for n CUll of tea trom all eld erly p~r· r,oing sle amsb lps. a s er ious ol,jeclio n, I'xlr eml\)' of lbe Culobl'a cul. and vi .... Yokes Ablound_ Ina s mu cb a s there Is a growing (en- tualiy giving entranco to the arUftcla1 in Ru s-,In proper, In 1l0rtltc rlJ Caucasla l\evc I.h .. J cw a"f:ounlablc for their !on Is not only a very "ra eef ul comEvorythln.,; I.oio ts to a return IIf deDey to build Iiltger boata. Tbrough lake ollck ot Panama. The' lel'el of woes. They sce m to huv(j I!!orn od tllelr plim en" hilt a I'cry :;r ca t Oll e. anll In SI\)crio ." yolles;-yok"," oj' a\1 Idzes and sbapes . . tbe Culebra cut. tor seven or e ight Ih e ca 081 -Hili drop ~) 21 feet ' atter \'1'0 olteD come ncrOKn Iha le,' ID S less on all too well . IIII}' s ort of publ,,: l{~ep Moutb Clean. curious ly contrlv'!d, Involved looking ' mlies. where the g r eatest amount ot leaylng lhh' lock. and ,al ' Panama tbe 'Cl'£nl nussla. Llnl u nl1 s~ la lind White de mon strntlon UII II~' '' S to dl;'mantl au The mouth hOiD'S th o gntcwu y to tbe alfalrs. 01' jus t the s imple embryonic digging must be done. Il 16 planned to end look will be pa.ssed, gh' lng access .. llnss la: aOcl l)ml we Ita" c a le~~ huy army of J~w ,· Ictl ma. L.. t II s ' hO I)~ Ihat . slve lhe conal a .wldth at 150 feet at to the Paclt\~ ocean. According to Mr_ ,. 1lnilcr!ruUlldlog of 'the so tl'rm s It may In the coursc of tll11 " the followlns pntil'e sylrt.em. as a promin ent physl· yoke Itsel f. clun puts It. tbe mottor ot abso lula be "well io> 'dflftne tbOlm . Abo ul &0.000 worcls !D1l)' prov(; I)fOrl he Lle : "Uolje l the bottom and 164 teet al t1io 8urface. Hates' tlgur<!ll the time at transit Length of Coat. . 4'trun Russl-ns" dw e ll In lbe ccnte r . • constitutional ov c r nm eot; \\IlIh 11 cl eanllues~ b ere cannOl bn made too rhe ,oa-lev~1 plao provides f or a at- throuSb the canal as be proP08es conTbe extr!! tall woman .can wear her can~lc dam at d/lmbQa. cre.tlnS • structlng It '1tHl take 11.9-, liourit, whU. flortilero 80<1 eulern parl 01 'ELlrol>eao free pr e~. :tod Ir ee-'~c.1100I g , Ib, t.langcr t",po1'illol. T each thc amnII cbild this, and her h C I'.~ ' h wUl be QStnbll ~ b c d ac·' cellt to the 1(0 Des ; tbe abort WOWeD 'use !I,ke atJove the canal, with .:tTe~ In all utber {llaRl! tbe tI~ ot :nus!'l a, the Muscovites Or Great' Rus· 01 riots wo~lrt rallll'\l~ .limlbls lJ.' : GrdlQ, wanta to ba~e It- lOuc.h til. bem, ' ~D llUlUela to carry t'. Impowa4.. varia. from 12.3 CO 13.1 ~, 41U1, ~Ir l&DIua" ~Ile Jiltrar1 1&11' ",,'rJ:lEiUl'IE fOll& '
------ --
Bald : 1'1 "'Ill hold YOIl rea(louNble (or t blB." Pa Bald be not I(olng ' to IntcHere III lb.1! love atralrs (If ao)' or I b e freaks. '&lid just t b en I h ~ b~"rdf)u woman came In. 81111 wh'e ll Hh i5aw tbe 11 ing s keleton b <J!dlng lb,· uanu o r the fnl woman. who MQt "II Iho nODI' I ilt I\. balloon blo\\'ed 111'. the bea"ded W Ool all gR" e a I. lett al Ih e 11\'· like Ing skeleton which ~o l\tHI .. d CIOlh cR hn "s f" lIllIg dow II In the Isun· dry, and Rhc grabbed the fnt " umau's Iolon,le wI !; anu pulled It o!l'. nnd then th e bpa r(h'd \\'onllHl b 'g lU I \() cr y and sbe lun)w her selr iuto PIl'S arm s (llltl began 10 soh on h is boso m, aud min g le lo ur whl s ller s wltb h i!;. Pa y"lle(\ for he lll, and I I holl;; ht It
'd lnner, lIUl ilT ,vU wanuer aroullu I\n. s urt at blllt In . l!!(, c le(Jliant o; ON 0'11 t t )'011 In n il\ll~u \e aDd \'O lt Ih el r 'e ynal!: YOIl 1I,"J lo'uit 111")11 yo il Il ~ · \I ,,'010 "
tnn ,
bruix ' 0 11 hi H h (l nl. anI! uf'f(,ro )la 1, new
\Cv~ y rl " h (. ll,
A b r ~ ...d.' ·
J . U. tir. .. / ... '
Reprove. th e Fat Wornlln for L051ng Flenh-The B eard ed Lndy Faints In Pa'" ArwlI-The Bad Boy Introd u ced Into Aulm!ll SocietyThey Pull t he Boa Conslflctor's U lcerated Tooth.
Ih e the
UlH !
th e n 1 run l ilw thuud e r
and th e IIrom('n . l'allle wil li w tun was c Ol11ing I he ('!t'ph3.n l ",'oll uc1 'xlillgul ti h nr~ null be):a \l II, II II'''W h i:; t.rllnl, lInd t' l" IHL null t' Hi H\( \ 1""- '; !ltl ll wutr.r
in ln
in the rill.t;, and til en t}1f~Y ~ol h4) ld or pa Ro(l pUll e d him Otlt. allti th r- h l'HI-liNt
c.lieting, or s Olllclhi ug,
',:all fi C
h l:-4 lll H I ~s awl \\as boillg- 10 tO RS h im ~ n
th e
room . ," ,,'1 lh., IIJl l r~ 'Irll~):~d ""l lil e fat womnn . \l'ho hu.1 fnlrlll'll , nlld t h,· II dnl: Sk0ktDII . who lll s lro h ad (lulleu 1I0wn illiu he r Inp. ond luhl Ib~IIl oul
pa 11p nnll pllH: h eL l a hU llI'l! (Ill th o
Il ulil·~.
dWlIIlcnll\' i:lI .-\rgfl «i
11' 11 >; 1 0~l nl: fl es h , a wl Ih o \ll"lng Kkele· t nil was beg inni nG In rat !II'. 110 wr.u t· .,. 1 I'll to "n il tbE' ''1 luto the ollko anti
- -.
Fu r crnlurl~ the dlamonu h as bee a 'el'uglli%o<l a " lhe hard es t of all I nUWIl IUi.JK l n nr.;cs. T il e poliSh )lOW r~ 1If. dla· 110 1\<1 dll6t. i hp. burl u !> pOW ' r o f the 1I111110n(\ (11'1 11 aro f·n mi llnr . farl s ; SO l ,; t.ho fuel I hut notltlng cun [lolI,; h Or :lJ l n dl a lU o nd. oxcept another dla· . 110 nd. I 1111 1 a n e w sU~JIILa nce ha~ made Its Illl'Cnra nce whle ll ,' If It con 'ue ()!J. ·olne.1 In s lImelon l QU llnUly , will Drob-, ~h l Y rr\l l llr~ Iho IlIamUl\11 II lIk e In the ' )(ICrlltIOiI S of 111'111 hurlll ~ ami In the Itp hlary 'S work;.oop, for It Is hard er ! ,hUll (\l amonll. s n unr,\. i n fact. Ib at ,he ollir (' Irel't [lroLlu c~u IJY a ,\Inmond 11'111. worl '~" tlay Illld nig ht for Ihl'ce hl)' K 0 11 :l , heet or th e S ll h ~lan('e o ne i ' lI'clIl )' · tlfl h uf all Inch thid(, wl\h a 'pc"1i ur r' ,OllO reYol u lI() l1 s n milllll p.. "r!R II s ll ;.: hl 111 Ih " s hee t a lld
( (I r
l ip ped u\'''r n llt!
\\ I.I P I}
watJ< Oil
him .
l'a mc PH
rd1£'d tr1t1 I' LI!·'r. H lld tlw ),f" l pf'r t(l t)l, nil Il'oll li oo l, anti h Oll ln' lI it int o' th.· c it! .. Jlhlllll '~ ~kl ll . ";.UWtl , "
" 'a s
"'b. ~ }' ,
!x( ~ It ' n "'n
l hI.!
1'0111 s IH.Hll d'~ I'
\\'a ~
cIiM('Q\'crccl ItIn re than 8.
le nlul'y It;.:" . !J ut (l1J attc lIllJt t o 81!1)'
Iy toa li iNI t',) Ila, \l 1(e Il IlOclely Icader Iw:s hi n .' u
T h is
l e T {la rtU\\,1l
j u::; t O ~ hlllll U,t\ a~ ('O liid lit', fo r h p fAJ, · I hal
"'''It of t be dhnllOl.1d ,
I\la , ma n Hlbs tutu. 'f> is pnr£" metalli c l.u.nlallim. Til 11 til lu lU 18 (lOl " CIH ll fIlon mlllernl. an d v, tty . sh(l\n~ d C ~ C t·tl ~ ' ret It I" 111 , 0 lIul o ll e 0 1' I he r"rcS t. I! ~
lind slt lll:
all,1 4('
:he w mt rln ~
I h o 1\(' (111\: 1' ~.... }I1 H· phiUll t h:1t.. pa Wa ~ Ult(' uf I itt' 0'\ "ut' r!J of t h e shl) w ~ :l lld t hut uio phuflt. :l UNI
\\' orllO Il had fulLltr" In 111l'H arm ", nud th o 6\O \'C \\a s
'h e air and cfltr-Ii h i m a ~
'.' -. -- ,
y ou ulle.mpt> .i lll)
elc ph 'lnt '" Ii) g lI 'HJ ~n l,1 tll Ihe I<cc po\, : was I i m e tOI' J11 0 to be dotllg some- " Thot luuhM to me III(e a Rlml"l' I," " u.' I hln g. so I '\"t' llt ollt.llie t h~ o llln~ 10 he lIebbed It burd . WE'll. Ih(> "lcllhanL 1111' lire ala rm hox aU II 101leill'll a bUl· I':l'Oall e<l Iilw .11 00)' Wi th Ii S\ O IlO
Quar terg of tb e Olll y f ·irr· II ~. Ap ril 20.- Pa h". bad a hnrd Job \.0 . dnr . The boss compl aln l'" to \la that thl' fat wOlllan had h au Inl, llI!; allli·
"'I nt~r
fnm illarl ty t be,' IOO lt ilL you a s much a. to May : " Sir, I am nol nllowed to "", rwillte 11'11 h an)' c~cept th e 400. " Th en th py IlII'lI Ih elr hucka lind ad so IlIl1ch III, e ~ h ol "ly arl Htocra('y th nt you would s wear I be )' we re lo u ' lH~n. I rcmc lII h ' I' wbeu Ila "" Ht in the clel)h ant ('urml , th o kee p'r r"I'!:OI to le ll t h ~ bl~ e ll'l' hant who 1''' Wit", lInd wh'!II l he Ii e\ll' " rai s ed 11[1 OIlC [u"L of . be tl lcphan L allli cx alllltH·,1 a ~n l'n .
8y RON. GEORGE W. PECI Aut hor of ·' Pod.
IIlOU "P\'I'SOlll.'· uud
Hal o It fru m ila
(~ o l1lpouncl s
~c pd c d
l !..IIJ;;.
w tJe ll
had IlICl\I cblsl.l n
~bt aln~d
lll~ ".
Il sump l" III Ih e " Ioc lri e fur· Th e I\IPI ul II'h il' h h" Is ulaled
on c I" :lll~ a s 1;00<1 vr hCll e \' thu ll tbuy. 01' lik" all i Ol)'llldoll 1 empl oyo w ho ~' us y Qt"y hurd uTld h ril l it'. Htu l \\'0 hu , Iu sllil od hi s cnl\,loy',,· allli i. "Cralll :tow 1,now It wa!' 1:;0 1U\lC'h Cf)IlUlIoi of 10"l ng hi s jail. Af ter that wh"nl' H I' naled with a rbo (l Ihul "'''s l 01 t ho )111 aurl 'I go uroll l1(1 Ihe ~ I '~ llhull' " t hc), ~ harn clerisllc Im,pcrt! ·s " I Iu e Ilure ,) ow dCOIl'I1 tv ti S, all" I ' h lnll I cou td ulol nl hlld dl'n1IIICnrC(\ . P llre tan ta lum \Vas firs , prP llared hy tn lie an il'ol1 huo li autl dri '-" c an (" loDr. Ba ilon . a mcrubpr 01' lh~ ramou~ llua ," 11 0) wh ere . ')"h erc arn all classes ,unon~ til e ani· llectr lcn l e ngln('ct'l nt; flnll of SI~tn e U K '" HaI K I,~, 0 11 0 of hi s me lhorl s Is to mal ~ j n a DH ollB,=,c rie t h ~ sa me a ~ l hu OIun sucl eiy" 1' h o li ( ,n~ nrc Ilk!) the ruse the double (luorlLie of 1!0tussi uDl loatiers uf "'odtll y who are we ll ~1'11 l nd lan talulU with metall ic po ta ssi um allli I,,'uull , b'uI (1001'. T h oy a rc alway. In all eleclrlc fur nace In vacuo: bUl b e In \·!ted e I'CI'Y \rh c l'~. !Ju t lI e\'er illiteI" ,ee ms lO pr ~ rer a mue ll Kl mpler e lec· lai n, thullg h th ey klcl. nnrl 11 urI rault , Irlcal met bod. Making ul' ih u oxide lind og le C!l"l!r)·\)oLly. u.ud 1001. w Is" a Ud ' llIto a ftlam cnr. exactly Illte tbal of a Nernst IIlcantlescc n t laUl ll, b l) pla ces dl stlngul s ll cd. It In a s lobe I.'O llllcdad to nil all' pump, 'f he s acrud cal ti c a I' \! (00 goc d to lnd turns on Iho CIIl'rr nl. Th e oxide 1'lIve anll IIOS(: a s Ihr II IOilS allima is who Is decoiuP Olled allli I he OX)'gcJI bei ng , do 1I0t wa llt to .",saclale wltlt th e uad gradually r" ru o \'ed by Ihe )lump, Ih e - aullllai s IIIHI are eoos tanlly wcal'lug an HlamenL is red uced lO th e m etalil c a'r of " [ am holier than any of rou." state. but. th ey wi ll reach lhrough tlt e ba l'8 Tantalum di ffers frol11 all other of l hell' cage aud steal atfll:fa from tbe Yal( 3nll t he mulc dce,·. and It th ey known s ll"s tance~ In <:ombinlng ex· Ir elY''' hardness willI e xtr ~ me ductility. kick abou t :It tho' sac red ca tU e look Of It s b a rrJness an exam ple blls alhllrt and act. lik e It was part of t.hel r ready heen g iven. so It needs only to duty lo tal,c up a collectio n , a l,d tliay belluw a son or b y mn to drown the ad d that wh en red h ot IL Is ea s ily rolled Into bars IIlId s h eats or draw n kicki ng. I W ill Bold 'You R esponsible tor Th i•. Til e dllfc re n l 1.l nd of goats i ll 0 Inlo ,,' Irc. It I" ~tarce l y n!Tecled b y have a diploma ti c t.allt with thc ru I Botting fir e to th e f urniture, a'od they m eoaGer le are lh o butle rs · i n. 01' the Ih e oxygen or the ai r. even at a r ed beat, anll 11 111 at all at ordinary Icm· • \JOIII t heir cond Wot\, 'cause If t111 ~ brought th e " "arded woman and . tho new r lcb. wiho get In the way of tbe pern luros, anll l h e stronge$l aciLls rlill (h lll g co ntinued th ~ y wou ld ru in tllc fal wo man lO lllAir sensea. ' hy IJOu rlng s ociety leaders and l r y tu outdo Lh em to dl RSolve It ; nor d008 It ama lgama le IIbOI\'. ' wat er on the m f ro m a h')RO , Flua ll y In SOt!lely s tnnl u. hut they s mell 60 wl l h m llreury. It me lts olll y at t ho So I,a went to tile um·o and sellt [or t hc), were so nt to Ib ni r Ilullr lcr~. a Dd thaI Lhe oth,a r a nIma ls a rc mad e sick hlg hcst ' attalnable to m\l ~rutu"e~ and Iy t helll. a.nd I wa ~ Ihero as n w itn ess. In t he othe r owner of th e sbow "arn e to a nd the goo.ts a rc on ly lolerated be· lberefoffl woll fi tte,1 til son ' O for fila . (' Iwe or trouble . . Thp fa t. womao r.:llm~ [la nnd Kald ho hope d t bls would be t be cause aul mal soc iety Is afraid to "t· III first, and lb('l'e wa s no cualr big last Of that klDd of bus in ess. 8S long le nll th e m, for r.)ar the loaders may men ts III In cand cijcC nl IIIIllPS. b 'log cno ngh for ber. ~ o she sal tlown ' )II a 85 pa re maln od witb the fi how , tbat SOUlO tillle g.o In to baukruptcy and the mucb stronger than carimn. A \lonni! leat h er lounge. wh ich bl'Ok !) alld let one of thl! ru les was th al "') mun lu gouts wll I ta,I, !! t h el r "laces anrt never ot It w ill mn ke ~,UUU la mps, anll theHe h e r down on th' fI 01) 1'. aUlI [l a I.rled an excl;lltlve capacity nllmt II nd e r any let ' hpru got a s mell of t he good things requh'o exac tly hulf ns muell pow er to II gh ~ them as do cn rbon t1lam eD ls !llv. t o help ber ul' . bu t i' w,, ~ li ke. IIrllll l; clrCIJ(Ilgt.11IJC~S lalle II ny II her Ics with of life. • a loed of hay. So ue ICA'II,'J h e r aGalns l an )' or the [cma l"s r:onll CCl.,<l · \\' Il h L1", Th e hears arc the worli ing peop le or lng the sa me brillian cy. If ani)' It call be proeu red In sulll· th ~ wall, an d saW . sbow. tbe s bow, anLl t he big g" I Z7. lI e~ arc th e "Madame. lh e OI~n gr. ","-nt has 'l ~ · p" \\'a . lI"t , and sal<1 wh l) ll w')mr.n "'all,lng d e legates wh o ' contro l the clen t quan tity, tantaluDl ' s hould prO\'e taill'c1 me to eens u \'(· )")1I 1'1,,' lOSing Gut r.m 7 )' II, lov e 11 0 ma n was S ilt I! , '!nd anwl"a muteCi assoe.l all o n o C working & most useful me la l. I t will f urni s h bettc l' boring tool~ than th o iliamond fl ~~ h . and [ a m illsl r,,"',!<1 lIJ say If th e nll ' !! I' o wnp. r uf U, n s ho\\" . a ,d l hu t I ,,:ar~ , and th e occll lJUnts oC t he othnr rlrlll, and chea per electri c IIgbts Iba n 1'l'1J do not nHl!lag., 1.0 1;11,,, "" a.ho ll l \\'lC! .. II rigbl tlr is 11m '. " "l '' 'It to let "'lI g c~ ba \' e gol. to tuter to Uncl e carbon , wbll e tbe PQHaibio u ~cs or fiO pounus mo r e flp.sli I H'!"O/'f! flI t} 1;how II OC!C:llr agn l n. &-ud 118 t.r l'~ iI I., (! x plalll 1" ,I,ria",. lhe ' wall( lng de legllte. or 8farl~ on lhu f (,ud , ~'JII d() II 'l .t;u aluug. hr) w 'JH~ i)(:arti ed \\, O OlUf, f:UfIIl'! In jU OI() hn l,hll'c d on 'Ih e unfa ir lis t and IL plat e or It w ire hard e r LhaH dlu mond, Ilnd yot toug h and s trong, aI" ! almust, " ' hat YOU wa r,t to llll 15 l" eal murc U II I'l him ao,J ru in , In h is a l'l" s. iJut 51"<:gcII. Infinit e; (01' every olh er ha rd. s lIb · IIlan 'b)' food . an(1 slce p II'IU' C aI, lIi gl ll . tbe OWIlp.r Ha iti : 'T ha l Is a\l ' 1I;hl, hUI. The h ye nas nnil I he Jacl,als . and th e 1""r r tell m e YIJ Il btl n lll ulg hts to YI)., l:a,U ' f. hold 'f! rn In Y'J ll r arrll S hcforc w ol v~s. reprcse llt l he a ll archlijls who stance ' ls bl'IU le, aud t bls fact has tlllll CUS. lI ud dr lnl, h ig h t)llll ,;. "'HI thi s ru lks," and th e u pu niT,,,·,·,, 10 whip allY a re down un everybody In the show, hampered t ile engineer for ce nturies. h~ ~ ,got to s top. Drl ul, I"",". and ~Ill- 101111 who Hllid II C Wll~ lu lu ve with an y wh o wun ' t do a thillg lO he lll along TRAINING OF SURGEONS. e h,'psA Rand """')l" Ul ,lIi);h' . CJI' II. I" u)) beardNI wo mltll. u "d /,e pllil ed of! hl ~ a ,," WIHl ' t n llllw any ulhcr aulmal to orr. Tbi!! ~ I II)\\' all 'l alforll 10 tul(e <:oul.. .JIISI I "'''0'' a lllll g and told do anylhlng. and wbo 8eelll to wa n t to II lu II;; e" 41,I/· pound fairy fo r a ral I h ~ whn l" titor ), . 0" .1 II, "n I he c rowd hurn ulld s la y . to ca rry a tOI'eh by Ordioary Course Whieh 1s Pu rsued by Youn g Cand idates f ol' "''' 11111.11 wh p. o Llrc ('ontrn('1 (:all ~ for n all hall a 1 lau g h . atHl \, n I'mlt th e m ni g ht " till pols on by day. and wa.nt MII " puun d mouo ll"" of Oeab. K'!C?" ao(\ a ll 1)11' aU 11 tre"tcll. ' th e N a vy . e "c ryt blog In tho s how to bo chaos. i JU Ihoked just aB ~l." rn h R .:n 1lId he. I ~ tI (,!s.~ il it.; HII ~clt.lp d ItCJt\: . ' f'uuse 'l'1 .. ,se IlnllIl sl ls are n eve r so h!lPPY as " V'e hl\.re t wo war m edical eolleses, 'r h e fal woman ucgun 10 (~ry all d s ell), UIU 't" illt; s lu !Ip. ,.)o n lHI .h e rat woman w hen th e wh:,d and li !>b tiling strike tho one military tbe u naval. anll In ICl1t, p.nd blOW It IloW II , and kill peo- th em w e train our lI·u rg eoos. A ftol' bo' lli c. and c reall' a "lIlIle. and the n these Ing graduated from an ordloary m cd. a na rchI s ts ~j " l0 d Ull lallg h and enjoy leal college we tallc a young doctor liIClr \lcculi!>r kind or animal reli;,; iou , . aod give him a year 'lI Lralnl n g In tile Th e zobro !> anrl g lral'fcs arc the Da\'a l 'allege under professors wbo aro 111I'le~ or the !lho\\' . 8 n£l Y01l ca n Imag. themselves naval 8urg<:uns, Af tel' IIII! . If they we re human, th r.y would p&salog a n cxamlnatlon IiL tb e end of p ia), toun ls aud go lf. drive ' four In IL year." says tbe Ncw Yorl •. World. " he, h .Is 'eommlsslolled IlSslslant s Ur,l;eon, hands u lld ~,mlc til be ad mired. w 110 wI t h ranlt corres "ondh," to tba' of eo tb e It"y", I Bengal tlgc l·s. If th~y wero half b umu n , would li rlve automobiles sub-li e ute nant, and ' sent on board a ;It tile ral c of a 'mll !! '1L mlnul o on warsblp, Arte r a year or two be r ecrow(lell "trr~el~ . run o\' e r p eople and turns to tbo Daval college .or more ne vp.l· St.OII to 1", 1" 'th o wounded. but studr. and Is then e Kamlned for pro· s kill lI\\'a)' wll h n s nee r , a s mucb as to motlon to th e rank oC s urgeon. About say : "W hat are YO U going to do every s ix years h e re turn s frow sea to the naval college fur II year or IItudy, aboll t iL" Th e seals ar~ the clean -cut BapU!Jts becausc It Is impossible fo r a s urgeon of Ihe s huw. wh o beli eve In Immel" all board ship to kcep up to date, and ~ IOII, IInr! Ih ey havp. m o re brain t han In wartime It Is essen tial that he a n y ani lOui s in th e s how. hr.causc they should Itnow all tbe very latest dis li ve on !l fish di et. t hough t h e y bave a eoverles In surgery. He advan ce. 1IIII: ll1110 nia coug h t h nl m a llcs you tee l gradnally In the medical s taft corps . spending about 000 year or each seven lik e Rc ndlng for a (Ioctor. (jee. hill las t nig ht when we thought 10 study and tbe remaIning six 111 spring hud .conre a nd' WP. co uld start active se r vice on board ship, There "" It,o road pretl.y ~ oon , th e s now fell are gellet'ally about 34 ,!ut'geons at the :!I,"ut a rool deep, alld It was so tOld I college on rese rve, and , ot .c ourse, t hut nil the anim als h ow led all night; ready to resume active service when and s bll"e redl . and wcnt o n a resu lar an emergency flke war ' arises, . Then ~L rll<c. W e hau to put "Ianket ~ 01\ we aend out bright men lo travel t hem , and IlIl u ll e or Ih e m see med to abroad \nd learn a\l that Is n ew ; they 'I'ltp y fJad to T urn Ih ~ H o". on Pa. III' comfortab l CX (!('lll th e po llir ber rs, return and Impart their dlscovei'lea 10 Il,e arctic rm e~ and tiJ~ fill women. tbelr pupils at tile college." lUI it "U nnflrt1 111 '(' a li "'.J 1111 ' hl n\\' ifl ~ 1 Uri ~' 4' :.:'0 1 p {' rmi hS hjn 10 ;':f'1 m a r ri ed, Th e olh er oW II Prs "r lh e s how thoug!'ll Th e ' Vorld representati ve told Dr. (1 ft Ilhl,un . nu d uhl' tP ! ct ~ I a I hat 1111 ' 1 '1.11' il f a l d (\~ 1 I;.d ~· ,It:! !i,;\,(' .. l on p n . lJ,~fl :1 I'. wa s n cooll Li me to tal(c ,lh e !JOl Suzuki bow Baron Kanel(Q bad de. f :' II~ (, n f h..-r ~" tl;'I ,C. 1' ,...· 1, \':\:-; 111.\ 1 !-ihl' l gi rl IL lS ) tI '-l I ' t) llI f'ti Llii' !'how. who cons l rlctor ylnd plIlI a n ulce ralr.d toolh. scrlbM to him the methods by wblch \\f .!- in 10\' f' wilh 1114.' 1 J\' ln [~ wnll : ~ a W i I'H. ;tll," Hh !' r.n j~ 1 alii ahout 'ca ll s,' hr wa" mor t. 01' dumpIs h. so ['Ia Marshal Oyama organized the Japan:1111 1 tl lt& 1 h<' IIHil ' 1"",, 1'11 i ,ay i ll ;:: ;t lll'n t.lll ft LIIC" s\\'r.p' t· ~ 1 Illlll h th ut eVP l' fame 1\ 1\(1 I he lll"" h" ld I he s nak,. wulch Is ese army. and asked If.slmilar methods I CI th e' hr.ardr.d \'.'(oI lH\n, nllt! ~ II P W(I\lld 41 0\\11 fh f' piliP , :1.11(1 , t.:: 11(\ S~ t h iB s h ow u hnl>t ~o fe"t lOll);. had been used In the naval medical t ... ( j :H r h h er flY("S (,l ut if :.;iw ('(I ul d 4' ali~ h 1 1IIH;i l lt' ~S b all rl ~ h t. all rlgbt. Pk w,, >] II I1l lIP-ar the Inake's b ead, staff corps. . h ,' " .1 \l~t t. h un th ·' Tl vil1j.:. ~he1 t:' tOI\ Apl'il :: 1. · - \V p ;np g"P illll~ HCQual n t.ed an<l w hr n Ihe m,lO with tlr r forceps "Very si mIlar m ethods," b e replied, 'n ... ~ In . anll \\ il l'n b e H;I'" Ih" 1111 I \\' Itl l Ih l! IInlma ",. allii II Is Jll ot III. c got holll or lilt· toolh IInl\ !;IIVO It a "lind the y were so well nlnnn ed that '\..UlIl i,U !-C lttln ~ (HilI" , n ( "I(lf II \'i n~. an d golllj..: inl ll JoO.( . rif' 1.\ ' , ya nl .. Ih o u ",foundl:(\ m;n ll e co'm e tl' wbe n t bo wa r broke out t , as head or l ·a lnlh.inJ.!" f:lO fll ll i n~ 10 !IN a n d l \"" IY· Tltt 'r o i ~ tho nl'i . .·tw ' 1'8 t:.\' . \vht e}) con4 an ll began to ~t"n ll 01:' hi s h ~ ,td a: H' the corps. was ahle t o gl\'o my orders 1" 1: h er hp could " 1' 1'1'« la ir n,'r , ,'n ,ll· ~ l s I ~ of I h~ hl ;.: h \)0 , II a!limlll ". th e thrash aron lll d . An I! \lu uroPllcd . lib wltb f ull a ssurl\nce t hat they " 'ou ld be 1 1(' " '('R,1l8C h e h ad 1I f' 1' 11 II I l .. ~· c srll11(' rntcl rllr t:la ~~ nnd th e }O \\' .. t.fOWll . co nl " ~."I and sta rt ed to c llm!J ~ 11I1 eelller carr ied 0 111. My place In the war w"s " i-" ~If. I h e skf'lelOn III IRhp,1 n(l "war mou h ~ I · " . 81111 wh en YOU go among po!<.. \r\.lt l.. • got I'aug bl In a gasollnn on tb e ~ Mlka9B . Admiral Togo's flag HII. I tool; h ol d or h er fal hand 31111 I.rl"d Iha nn in,a l, a " Mt rallgera YOII n re rc. to 'l L. nnll they had to t l\l'lI <l ho sc on . ship, and front tbls [ directed th e " 'ork I" lin It and sold ' " Whll l i~ thr mal- ce i,-e(\ jll ~ t us yo u wOll ld be In oo(!lety, \.'a, and :~e WaN awl'lIl s caren. 'cause he of the Ileet." t ~r with my Iltr IOOl~y· \\"oo l ~,· . ~nd ' If yll ll nr~ Ilro r'er ly hllt'odu cod to th e a lway s did bale s nakes, but they gav~ -,._ _ _ _ _ __ .. hat bas the bad o ld mOil with si'i nadl elcpklnl s b)' th e eh'ilhant hc{'pcr, who tho 1~ lIake c'hlorotorm and· got hIm '; Easy . ()n hi s ch iD bl!Pl1 el oi ng 10 YI'II~" vOtu ! h c~ for your Standing and honor, quiet, nnd I)IL came dOlYn, and they G race-Wb~' ts Elbel' ao fODd Then be turoeC on po Botl hl B lep the e lepha nts take to )'ou all right and gay/! him 8 . !pal r oLbagg:' tro!lsers be· masked balls? bea;aD 10 sbake 8ud rai lle II 1(6 ft exl ell d to SIlU l:el'lall1 courtesies, ,ame longing ,f(l t ,ile cl~wn. III go. lO /lillaer Maud-Can you ask! 'LoOlt at ot boccs 10. a m'n~ire l sbo\\'. and be ae lOCi'll), peo~ue would hu·t'Le fOU In, and pa w~. a . Ia-Ill " complexion!'-Clsvelalld Laa4er.
Irtre. Plnkham'8~ sa...N Many. From ~18 Sad aDd Ctoat.1y Il:xpt'rlenc••
W. L, Dougl •• 14.00 Ollt Edae LIn• . be equaffed atany price,
It Is a lma hut fo.3t
vcry year brings a.n j ncrense in the , numbel'ofoptll'atlons performed u pon w omen In our ho~pitn Is. Morll tball i h,'c\!lonrLha of the po.ticnts I yin II' .......................,1 011 those ,moW white bells a'nl women aud girls w ho are I\wailing or I'\lOOvc l'lng fl'om opel'a· tions IIlndo necessar y by IIc~le ct. T~ve rv oll e of these pnt.icn Is had ple nly or wurning In thai l)('uri ng clown feeling . p niu at tl. e l eft o r right ot th l' womb, nen ' ons CXhll1.INtiOll, pnin in the s mnll of t h p. bacle. l {' n co rl'b~n. rHazin ess. tlnlul c n cy, di "plnce menl s of t,he womb 01' il'rcg lll oI"iUI·~ . All or i h ese symplonJs are illtlicalions of nn UIl b culLhy condition of the 0"a.ri~8 o r womb. and if not h eede d t h e trotl blo will mnlee headway un lit ti'l) l'~tl lIlly has to be I) aid by n. dangel'ous o pemt lOll, and al1fetlme of Impairerl u scrul · n oRS at best. whUe in many C.OSC5 the reRult s ure fllt.'\ L T he foUowing letter s houl ll brinll' h o pe to 8uffcrilln' WOlUell. Mi ss Luella Adam, ,of the Colonnade Hotel, Seattle, Wash . • writes V081' M..... Plni<llam!" About two y8/\1'1J ago I .,.,ft~ a gr<!lIt onfrerer (I't'"' Il ..wero foml\ lo trouble. I'''''ns nlJt\ hoa<lllchos. TbCdoctor pt't'SCrlllcd tOI'me lind nnnlly loIn me t.hat. I ha(l a t.Ulllor on the
10 Inyonowko can $1 0, 000 REWARD dllpl... Ihll 11.lomenl.
W. L. nou, .... .ho.. have by uceIJcnt s tyle. euy flrtln;-, I nd .ur:rlOrwearlnc qUllltI.s, acbl.ved Ibe larecit 0 of .ny 13.50 .shoe t., the world. The)' .re lu.' •• aood .. IhOM lhol coot yo" $11.00 to $1.00 - \Ii. ae'y
dllle ... nc.'. tho prk.. If I could talco you Inl .. my I.ctory .1 Brockl.It, IIt .... \ the I.~..I In the world under on. roo' ..,Ik nr mea I fin.
ehoel, and s how you the c.,. with whkh livery pair 01 OuUI'.' IhoH Is m i di. )Iou would ....IIl. why W . L Oou&I... $3.110 .bo...... the but
.h.... produced In the world. III could .ho", you Iho dlllorenee bet_n th. .heel mAlJe In
factory and thoee o' other
;:'~~ih~~ ~tU ~o:!.n::~:~:. :::t:?:yU~!~:
their ebape, fit beU., "~e.r lonpr. and .r. o'
.r..t.r Inlrlnlle \'elu. thin any otbor 13.80 .hoe on the mlrht , ......Y. W. _ L. "-111._ • • 1I••0. ·••• fIIT. B-.' I. D _ ......... IJO• •••••• 7 ••'.30 OAUTION.-I nl •• t upon bu,ln)l W. L.'Dol1g'Womb o.nrl m ust unde r go au opcmtton it 1 tal shoe" 'l· lln .ub~tltut", NOD8 Ge nu ln. l\'unte<1 t.o got well. 1 f elt tbnt tltI. wo. Illy without. bla ,name aud I\r lco 81Anlped On boUom. dMt h " 'arrant, but [ gpent h""dred. at dol'V,ll-iTE O. A . hoo dfta Jer 'n f)T~ rJ town "here for medlclll belp. hut the tumor kept W . L. UOtlglu Shoes aro not sold. F ull Jhl ft of growing. Fortul\l\tely I cor"""ponllcd with . ample. lont tree t or Inapec ttoD upon requost. an 811nt In tho New E nslnlltl States, and she lad Colo, EgII,'. lJud: f ll'lIwlll nor CUR' bra.." . ' n" .-Ised rna to take Lydi .. E. Pinkham'. VegW.u. 'or l llUlt .. t ed ol.log M h ll !lty'''' W .... DOtJGL4S, BrooktoD, _ _ etablo ComPound, as it \\'1111 Mid to cure tllmOl'S, 1 !lId so &lid Immedlatcly boga.n to 1m provo in health. and I was enl'l'('l v clIred. tho tumor disappearing .ntlrell', " ·it},o,,t nn o(lllmtlolJ. 1 ww. e,-c.r y 8uffering woman \vlluld try tb!JJ gren.t I'rellllTlltiOn." ,lust as s ure ly as Miss Adam s " 'all c ured of the troub l es enumel'ILted In her letter. just 80 s urely will L y.lIo. E . Atkins Saws ('ut Piul,llllm',; Ve g etable Compound Ol1l'e n ot only wood, iron . c v<'r y woman In tlte land \\"ho suffers and other materials rroll; womb t roubles, infl" minlltion of ' .... better than gny th' ova ries, kidney troubles , ncr,·ous c:'<cil.ability aud ne,rvons prostration . othel', but they cut !IIrs . Piokbam invi tes n.l l youn g fII~r" • women 'who are III to wri ta h e r for frec That is because they advice. Address, Lynn, Muss. are made of the best lteel " in tl.e world by men that kn ow how. ' H~
*_.11 •••
Cut Your Work. in Two
POlltlYel,. cared b,. ,llale Linlo Pill •• Thry also rellero D\'!tress trolllD;spep!:Ia.. Jc • InLE III,gesttonandTooll6llrt.1 E:lUnr"Apcrtectrellle\:Iy rorDI%ZIJteg.Nausea. nrowstne~ J!1l4 T a'ste , III 1.110 JlOIUh, COltteG Tol18'lle. Pain to tile Side. TORPID LIVER. Tho,r reauwe the Doftls. Pun!I1Voptabic.
s•••• CUR
knl "e., J"er(-:.ctlo n ,.Ioa r
SCUPf'I I. r:lc- , .:Ire uld l)y III 1 0041 baril.lre
deal eta . CaulOl t I: on rc:qucJt.
1:. C . .A:TIlINS <l.\, CO. Inc . Larleat Saw Mto ufacturc r. In tbe W o rld
F••tol')' .. d " •• c.,lft 011_, Indl ..IPOU. BftAHCff 1!1I-N"c. \~'I 'k" ChiC'lCO. Mlnne.apoll, P ntllalld (Oreloll) " Setnle, Sib F.rancl., o Mempbl",\dantaaDd Toronto (CaQ.&d I )
Accepl n. lub,atltutt- 'hiois l On thlAlklns Brand
Genuine Must Bear
Fac;Simile Signature
A .
I. /~,A?ZI':
1.1,,,,, 1;."..
!·3·DO &·3,ooSHOESU'IN
t bree 1IUrtlul tA ba,. •••In . h o"n wooc1erhll
nei.&l&a ou ' ...
LAI. FOR.SALE ~:r.~~~. ,004 ~!:'.!~. . eobOOla ~~~~~ abel
'l'4!II nnNaoe, PtJPqlatlon "fir 1.600.
FREE O1'I11..I.-r."".,.
Hom.. t.acl Lands of W~STEaNCANADA
obu rollei,
ft pleodlCl ' bt)me .he O~ IIIY"Muaent, 8e ad tor m1 ."" ..
"'l!JOO. otJ1re..UO"lb lc, rDU.
_ot 'anna a.n d Umber la ndli before p\1ralaul a«. IISS.... BOGKRII, Ja., ItNOIVILLB,TeDne_
,,10..In, 'in lr SblrL I&lee1'"fIIsln "be IIlh141. of "OTomber, ·'.&11 Ire bOund,.. 1M mor. "t3" pleu~1 .lth I,htl! 11",,-, resulta ot lbe . ,uon'. JJaneat""Sa t., ac,", • co. I. ,,004. wNeT. ha, ,,, .b,,\lDd:lnn-iCl boot..
ObO,UbQ, mar."a:o!1T.aleuc..
1·hl~.1 tbe .... of 'l • • beat. Apply to, 1nfoMl1... lion 10 8up i...tUfTIYD~ST a , UJ)I.JUKA T I.lUf. Ot.I.4 •• , Ca ead • .• or tu authOril!ed Canadim.o "o,· .rnmenL a,.nta :
. ,11. WILLIAM •. L•• n.lldl.... Tol.tlO. O. Jl........ tllCe _._".
CATARRH BroDcllJly.,~cl~ Ollie by leD~ ColUiump~loll .'01'
\V. H. '.ITK '. CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y.. P'-'ito,..
'ElSlalS &rllw..'at,e;;;-r~!~~~~~;ls~:.n.1~ reronllot m Wl' IUJ. I .oldlel'fl •• nll)fJ, a nd . . nf Ublo tuell . :ru
I. ft'.
1Nr.,.rll cllco, La. . .... ndad.lce t'Kft,... ...
• IOU, .1 8
,.&1 ••111" I: l n
l :lJ1T" O.
- - - .tat. W ••tU' TIJKJ _ '1'0 __
Qo. _ _
__ ' . . al........
~ 5LDAN'5 LINIMENt For Your FalDilr and Yo_ ur Horsa Known~ ..........The Beat Antiseptic TRY IT FOR Ih••mill_, "Slr.lnl, Sprains,' Swell 'a nd Enlargem~n'W'C!! .rlo~, ~.,
SOc. and .liOO.
L ..' •• LOAN·, .
M ••••
Fancy ( l:le ~ A r e in Good S tYle~,) lcl One M :\y, B e Satisfacto r ily . n cmodeled.
R em e mb er t!le Exer'CIs e.I s Mo s t Den.,.. fic in 1 WI,en th e :B.Igh t M etu . tis Are O ll s~ l'ved .
Many People In the Great Russian Dominion •
MIJr- ~ Ul'
Many Plans for the 'Building of the Panama 'Canal
S l u i r · I'li mh l ug l;n ll nc \'(' r 11(1 J.r . ILrl l· so Plt\'I' hn se,1 In en: I'Y a ll d III U \· .. ··lcl.\' 01' pn l· eas y I,ha l II will .. ea'" to he wul'l<. aou 1e rll!1 uno Sh8lJC~, and Dr. ' v cry largely h en " £" n t~l' rr llin Il IJlnllUI UJ· 1t tl n i lyl:,bU l8 li sco, hut Iho luIJ"lni ll!,: sl. ~lr· h ~ h "w ~ t o hi.! h f't1 (·nc·lal . l'n Y$. l'I nry !Ju tl"l , (11 Lho U 1 e xC'ell c 1l1 ~ l1 a r Q t' th e l ' e!l ,I\'nllu n o f I' hll afi {' lph lu Pr ~s" . nn o ld o ne, ·.shil-h ('Ull l lt ~ h 'l lit l IIJ)01l F il'"1. , llllr· I'IIIII IJ II,Ij: I" finc cxc rcl:;e l\y,far the t:Jl'gcr Pcr Cent. Slav, _. Other Races-Isthmian Canal Commi ss ion H I!! Wealth 5u~lIe, su as tl) Inoli l'omll ir t.el1 now t 1h e worll - fot the III II~I'I CS or til e leg!!, hOU, [ o r Great Ru»ll. White Ru "la and tittle Rus!!la don!! from Which to Select tlnal Plan O'Ul m u ff m p. I'e i y ~e l ' \' ln~ as a fU ll nda· the hi g h lIe.xuI'li and tblg b au d l(!Iec extloll for II rrcH h a u I Hill e, Lo, lI l;< ' I'", IllIci II' j lH Il cio ll 51y Il ti c, l ,~~ " 'r 1H' o ld linil1 ~ IUUB t lin.:t It £' l'r·m n\'('~ 1. .Ioll y ,'xl' I'I'I.c It '.1'1 11 I ~ I. ,I I O r\ cv" lup Iho Oznr dom f n UIIJ;uru lln g:..l. con .( jllll lon · 1 ~tla~c of B lI s:.-. in . (hoy Lhc t;o ntrolli ag The IlI lC l'la pl ll r: s lI'I\l,; Il e pi cioll tIll~ h l 1ll1I" ' ''' " of Iue 1"1\ Ulld lhl~h , n :<lIII'iIl '; All e m hal"raSH.ll u· lI t f)t' ril"'llf 'l-t , I l " ' lIl'"'' or lho "llpel' C b a~TI :;i rlvcr al (;I)vc' rnlll l.!ttt f.., r: n r.Ullll l r' l JIl~ ~ lUIJlI.· f O('f 'e; d owil ill lht! (so llth wes t, Uri ! COLiari be of "lie ot' l h l' ma n y Idllll " II!' " " 1,,,,1 at t h e :-:lame t imC" nn~' s l1)Jerf1 IHJlI !-; n\'~ h ml t!, ht bn Ha iti . i ~ a 4'Pl1di tlOIJ w h idl I.h,. 1I II"," g h r h ~ uro l<e n vo lcan ic forma· l ing h lof' lt1\ )) tlla r: ~, th o world fl ' ~ II )' (he LlIlIo Hu ss iu.r.~ , a hd ling ll is ti, ' ally n o w 10 lJu Ilbtain otl, S ll"b u' ml ...) ir , t:hul D H\y ha l"! ~· jLlt·d lil P I' f' t hr(l ll g :, Ist h miun ('anal ,~o nlll1ts~ jo n {arrs i ll th a I lOll ... whi ch I:: lu..' irl ' l t i l.~ w a lel's h ed a nrt Iud, of IU'\ll, P I' lI:-;e , li enee \\'(. 11 1St.' lad s h a p e or llU11l (~ rou :oi pl an s for ., 1I f' hll ilcl · """" I he " Hil eY" In to Lbo Pac'i lic OCI)3I1 lind P!lIlO ~U1l1hl/ "' ~ 0 11 til ,. d llH t llllit..'s. hel o n gl ll g tu lI l~ S!J· n. n · tun CO ~"i a l' k !'4.; 11(,1' - \'I i ll1h jll~ f' xpl'('lt;e~ In t li ,' gr llllHi.· Ing o f tll P t all"1 "'1'0 th fl lU'('l iq. :" . IIh~fl n· l~ r ;l 11"I ' lI tt ' ll( l olI ~ the \V hllt. H l1 s ~ hll1 ~. rll l Ll'lhc rlll ~ o n Al t h l> Pf'f ' g, f JI" 1h I ' Ca r l t.lJ ta li ~t!u. ti l lllU for nil ~ IH: h ('WOW:;, CHI C ~"c rn :-; t ill' n ll'iu l fll1 (· .. I IIJII, t holl l~ h 1,OOQ,OUO, d,n' ll 111 lll l' u~rritory exle nd So rn urh fo r th e fOll r o lcLl!H plllo" . f'lI l til1l e tt,, ~ I' (' ar c ~ i x tJ iSl llu·t I J l all ~ SI )I'Oilfl. ~ t al l'-l'I llllhll1 g '" h r ll cl un e fo r th o Cll llSII IH"f lutl o f t ile 1Ji :; wutl'r - 1'111' HU I.·, plILtls II I'C ,l llf e r e nt i n He v~Om'l HUl llUl' iltC'H tl N· hu l · t i p , 1Il1 1l)l' I UII 3 i n g rrom Polall ri liP un d uro\ll1r1 l..i :-:; Iow t y , IWI 'I Jtl H'h (> x,: ... lIt' l ll lJ u l oll ('c \\,f111 ~ V\·a y h etwee n Ih l' I\\'o (}('(!an H, ;J11I1 Ih ~ !.nol " "," I.lia t 1lO III IS Crolll Ihe rar e· ('h'me ll!.'1 have !n It J.; t fl al I1H'II~,t l ru CHili ' t h unia. TIlt' L il hl1l1t u n s nrc c tllirc l, a.u d I ~ ~!lUl I f il l" till' iJr;ti 11 , Til inl 'n,'tth " l:t> m llll "s io ll w ill I1.I lng14' 11. I\U l ! nltJlrt: re p rt.!!')f · nlln ~ th e dl s t i ll l~1. from th e SI:JvH I n l a n;'; lI a g " , ~r rt ai lll y II n Wl " g t )ill ~ , I lIu s l n uc' h H ~, lt c(;u rd in ~ tQ h h' lh \ii 1J 1f'lIl u l t!Tt' I' 1 in tllp I.O' lHna ~i \l11l WI] t--i"(;'OHl t ~ I"'a lt ', l dnrllinio n Ott ~arl h, th e Balli c L ilh u lliu w; a nd Bnlti c:: P0 1C9 we'a l t h or ma te r ial fro m \l'hl dl 10 ""- f'<-; III Il Ul.f ·~ , I I ii! Li m'J 01' t'o n Sl.rl1 r llO n a nd W'e l adder "Ollflt! ~ i n s l l'ad uf ,· 1(' )11) and t'!rllli n o lh ~ ilia L feus H.le '·IHlrGQ. l: o nlprl s lllg ;111 ~I rf'a U IIt' -:-: r'\f~ l1th thut 0 1 not Hu ss lH II prupe r . Th e F i nn s ar .. II I II c " (l ~ L "I II b.. g reatly I'cll u, cd , \\'ltll" l b',' slo w! ,!" a jl up il I all \\"11 11, liP IIU! mo y CO[11i" a ~ so m el hi ng uf u. s \ll"p ri ~ " al tllt~ ~; ~ IIIC tl m c ;" c a n al will h e pl'Ot he wlm'" land ~ :lrfll (' " o l (I If ' glOl.H". s till n lOff: (Ii S lil1~ ~ t. GfJin r; :m ut lt 1I OW fin pt' tlu~ haLl UC .: a l HI t he st r u ng r tb e n h'''t'.:~ ,jl tl)' :-- 111 '11 1' 1". lI NJllil'1:; Kti oll b l~' (II , :1ntl (~ r o !lh i n g till': Carput hian s \\'1 1 n ur!. to th ~ gen e ral JllIlJll c! to hn. 101,1 l ha ' " 1(1('11 wh ic h wi ll ("' Iut h l c s h ips to ma l' " llCni r f'd (I (lpct , \' l" r~i l h·l 1. "r \\ if /ply !lifll ' /I IIt: iU elJlS,' HO Ul, 11 tInti \\' CH l of' til(' f11 01l Iltl,li II I . Lh e Ih e pl a n ro l' cli;;~lllg th e ca nll l ha s . , ill t ilt· pas suge from li ne Cl:C\:.i1l to Un' T h i l'l1. ;;l air ·r· litl1h illg- I ~ ;':'01111 \\'(11'1, to Il<> de Id ocJ UpOIl , h il t SlIrh I ~ I h ~ t 1 l h pf" I II f ro m rOllr 10 fi v i' hllllrs l es:! r r lrg IHn~, t'ha r ollf '!" sCll tl e r e d Siuv i c nal.lIlnaJlt.i ts - f'o lc~ . f\ -r II ~ tlr l und IlIll g-~ : \\"( 'U li I1 Nlr t~ lIlay In s. p r·~lIdllt; or t1:1' R lI s~ la n ~ we HI (!zt1c:h s, 8 10\' al \ :-1 anil I\ \IJr•.t. riu ns . .1. r" b~. Til e tell 1III II io n do il ltf. wh ic h lim e lh u ll I X f!~lJ ll1a led \\'lJl be n eccs4 til' :~ t r('ll g t llptlt'!l hy j Ul J i dl}u ~ It \~:"Olhl j f) nn('f1 t hlll l( of I b--! ~Iu\' , UII(I II l'o pprly, N,)vh:ow , of Orl c:l:--;;I , wrtt ll1 t-:, ill 1ill' In · t.a \' c b Cf n s lJf'n t sln co co n gr c~s 8 ~ s u r y \\'111t t lH' ol h.'r t YPl'H or ca n a l ~. Ti ll': D IF(o'Ett EST I '. \I !TS i t. no n tlw!' apparalus h('ill J:, n CI:est) llry f or 7:t pe r ('I' ut :... r e 01' Ihl s ra t " : sI've n t li rn a t iQl'lal . toothl )" Hl" ta l,b Lllll ~ or sunl cu f o l' th i s g O \' rnm p nl tll (\ r ('· Tt.{; esliOlaled t U X I of th e sea·leyel t han ('ll,(l '~ uWlt fflC)l ~ill' 1JH. prr tf' Ut. 11I'4' f' lati ::lt'(t U!'t Poh' ~ , lI n) tWI" tlw vury l ar~(! 01l1l11Hl r or n:a.r: ia l panne o r ' chiffo n \ ' (' 1\' (,1. Till ' taller . poos lbilil)· of co m ple ting Ih p. J; lga n · ('a ll a l I ~ S~:.W , 500 , Ut Hl, w hil e Buginl'sr In u ll Hl ui .. "'' In.lrI,' r wu rl, Ih e weig ht t ic' Ilro jerl hnv e iJ"e n IIRrd In Ill'cll ll" - B UI~ ~ Is c,, "Ude n l th aL II", $H~.OO(), · r.ent. F in n!;, lItu,· IH"! r .'enl. 'I'lI n ·o ,T, g roup s: "The R u s!:J i an e mpire ("ou- \\'uultl he pnl'tit' lI l a r l y I : n· f'~· lhj ' . r' ~ p ct ars. un rl fo u r lJc r ce n l . .J ('\\' ~. The Lat HS lIIure lilan Go i nd " l' ellll e lll r acial c iull"\' i l twu tili arl p.H Wr, I'I! l' Ul p loyc d, is IlI)1 OIl:Y t J'iIIl Srnrl'er.1 frU tH I)lJ e f OO l l O lInry wo rk- Ill a scertaining tb e Ul OGI 01)0 aPllrO llr lu tcd by co n J; r p. ~s fo r 11." l otal popIIlrtt lon (e" n" u" 1 8~i) I, 1:H1 ,' );1'"ul";' It is a vc rllal,l " T owp. r of Ea ch 0 1' l hetie tilJ'itm, III P u ~ ul'llI~ UUt"" lh e ot h fl l i ll ~ 1 1t ·rc~s ion 11 10 1't! ur I(lSS rap· rta~ lblc ancl Quic kest type of ca nal t o !llIlIo lng ,; u f Ihe cana l wlil I..: a mpl" for 1I(I<l.nDO. W . K 1111, ley. Il l"r:us« nf{ " I{ " •. lIu be l. I~ v (, " w llh th o omls" lolI or n ill c 111('1](', willp , . h ouln he IU l'nl 'd 10 ill . 8 H III ll l~ wnl k. bu t the who ll' hodJ. bui ld, In Improvln :; t h e s a nita r y ct. n · lIIP co n ~ tl'U 'lio n of th e wale r wny " ,. be . Ia RtHI l h~ Slav" In till' P o plu l' ::;, ie " cc 1O lhe rl " 1111,1 I:cn l rnl A~l a . th oro re mul n Dt t he cdgcti II lId lacl",,1 lul'l .I I,ly. Th p}' \l'9 1~ ltL I. II r, I'(l fro'lnl an a MCP In dillo n!! a lo ng th e canal s tl' lI) , etc.-·so ha s p lalllllld It, T- Ion tldy. In r ... n ll R li S Ihlll I'c li r: IIJII IIf· In rtu ss lu In £uloll" a nd t h e CO UCUSII'I s b"uld Ih " n \)c ~ a l h"l' c d ", ,,," ' h ... ,,1 lIJ1o lh e l' Ity th e flnn If·g- nnd t l le n Ih r, Ih r- ~ th e ac l ulL l wol'l,' o r dl llgln!; h as Mr. Balos' two pla ns fo r I he Pannma III t llC ! an ,l "eWII I l'a nsvcl's" l), \(J th. , m tltt 01 her , all\l Ihls lIICIIII " 'lill ie hen vy wurl, r:O T y et hegnn. Tho [:ommi ssio n 1i; I'ana l Bre IrJ ' lllieu l tn Ih ei r essentia l fordH n fill' lJl, lt~r " tutllia ro l " r ,·t hil le aloll o. 41; dilIc r e nl "I'o ill es, , ·III. lnclltiulI thn .. IlIngl"I~I', ror !lI e north", esl: tll c FJlI ~ : in th o w ,,, t t. hc from I'lg hL tu Icf l wi lh ne ~ hlld " . a .. rl II I tim es. be ln!: I <' lInti e llt , how e ver, I hat t.h e wl . do m or feal lll'e9 , th e onl y c\ I rr e ran c" F or t' xumpl c , If r(HJ w(' ig-h lGQ pO ll n (!.... 1 ~ l lIll" lo a,,!! p ~ I'. i " tecJ III Cllrl" ti u lllty, Llt llu il iulls all,1 IIHi I'o lt,,; III l ho " olltll· Ih e n s hou ld ho thre.rl ed In a llil '"'' III III .ro uS h IlI'Plioninary wo rl,- ol' gelllllg Iho ! In on' he 11I' 0 1' lrl c ~ 101' t!tree In· I he Turlt. n n.1 Ta rtnr. III1\'c l.. d cJ to "" ml.. tll o ROlll""" I,,n,; a ll d 111 th o I hc Oi>POSi lll d l l'cl'llll ll wilh Ill e " I her lIn.1 wilh Ihe ri g hl (001 ~ "'P li P (In c st e ll ~o4l11 a lld reall y f o r t h e h e r r: ul ClLu tas lt ~ !e"d of t.wo la rgc arlttl c lal lalle s. fi lia l "Iq) helllJ; eXI... lly 1 ~ In uh.·. i'll nhllmm Cllnnl ' m. AncJ iiI" ~ l onl! ', I ~ Im"t. un Ihp. \),wl," fI ( Ihe Voig-a, IIU - sbnd e, - ·", ill ho filII), d Q llloD ~ tr a tcd a s t b e Th e accom [lllnylll l;( mal' make" plal ll II ll;'h), yo u hu\' 1If; . ,] YO ltl' bouy-we l"h ', Ilropc r t o ,", udelh l. n. ," Th at " OI I.hll, l. mp. rou . g roups of l1ralo· Al ta lc Jlopu la· F Ive ,,1rillS or each woul ,1 II n<' I'Olerl. wl)l"l \ proceed s, t ills Importll"l I'ca t llre o f tb e pllUl. and may 1,0 laId 011 tll c dlfllc, " lt lc s "I' rcc. lion s; th" Td.",.e m"'a. !II ordvo , Voll· PlI rvl e a 1111 mallv e. 01' IWO s had e" of nf l :itl pOUlIrls xnclJy one foo l h i ~h c l" : 'fb I! si x pia u" befor e th ~ r,omllliss ioll It c'all be easily IInrl Or6((1o<l bOlv thne <lnci llnJ; Into olle co nslll lll lo " al !Jod y ukl UII<I P e n nia ..... I n t ho s Olltllcad t, gTay 0 1' ;;;ree ll wOllld 10011 " x"'~lII c l y 0 1', a ~ we Hay. ) ' 0 11 !J .« e d on e I ~n "foot· lire a~ 10 1i oW M! 'l'1I ~ eomlle T <:c hll lquc , large " "vl !;a bl ~ lIuul e" o f wa te r would Illcn or Rur h oPP fl sl l n I'ul ll ,,;' n s ""I"'" tlll'rc lIrc the Tartar. in cJ r lmc lI , IIl1d well ; bill IF onl y Olin MIIIHl e w ro nrc· pOlln rJ s " or work. If t he "tflP ('han re.' I h" SG·foot le l' ol. lhe 30·foot leve l. the In gllr<> c as le r and s wlftc l' IH1Ssuge of 8cDled \)y Ch r isti a n 1\ lId p . I ~U II . wc Gre" ks UII In a 8"a IIf AlOV , fer r od , bro wn, mOIl SP 01' g l'ay " holl id 10) bc 24 I lI ciJ ~s 1II,:h . t h~ [) havl nr: IIfle'.! Gca le \·,,1 ca na l. an d th c two pla ns s ub· s lll~ s, \l'hli e, at!conllng t o MI'. BatcMma'I unto furtllne: " Th ', 1'lIn' lIl ;; I"OPOI'· 1'0 cull a mall Illl s~ i8n , you see, co n· be seloc lecl, A trill of I'lbbl)lI IIl1e'l wil li yllll l ~el r t wo f cr f: you hnY~ (I (HI f' mltt ed uy Lind on W . Blltes, a N e w le r lally rcduclug Ih e aetllal amount of t ion a of barha rl Rrn in '~lIc' h ;; 1'11111' arc I' e y ~ no ll istl ntt Id ea a~ 10 what he I h e oLh('\' s hade d ed ded II pll l.l I, IU" II l wi ce : H~ lII ue ll ' '"I'.lI'li. , 01' 3[;') f o ot wril IlJ u" tmip.d h;' th ... fnl'l ( Ih ,· CO li ' mu y a[)pear, 11<: may be IllIrc Ru ~s lan s e wn ' In . 81111 pee pin ~ fru m lt~ lI " al.lI pOll nll !', T II II H, when ), 011 , w clg hln ~ jl!1!1 I O~ " I~ n y Ith wh ic h caelI r~ " c iI 'lS held (tho ... unl m l2all1, Hed) lIull ha,'" tho this "holll.1 bo a fri ll "r Cl'eRIII la\'.. the I'en! uld lace. \( l ,o ss lh l ~ , I.. .. if JI(o\ po nnds , cllm lo lCl stull'S, eneh stell olJ till nnblc, l h en on l) of l ho "" \·n r lolle .-; alii)' J ~ IlI cllp s h lp<;b , you h a \' e tlono w h leh NO cl ever ly Imit ate It. F IIIIIII)', j llH 1.00 0 fOOl IlO Un ~'" of wo rl, . gooll SI ron~ , mus e ul a r wO'T '1t I hat If donI) w el l pl ace In poslll01l I h p 11 11101'; . :'vInl e rlaLg rcqllil ' d : Fi ve ynrd " r i ll · will sn re ly 110 yotl gcmll and It do ne bud· hon, f a ll I' tn c be!; wide; twu yarrl 8 vcl · I), mll Y Injurf . Do yo u s tom ladl~ ; \\'ond cr nny lon g" et, all the cross: IW O Dnd a ha lf yar,l ~ e r at Pili I' Ilrelll hleflB cond it ion \\' he n lace, "ll e· h ~ l f ynrll pongee fo\' lin in:;, lifte r eallng a !teurer dinner YOIl climb lo ( he t h ll'd ·s to ry f ron t room to t al,~ SOCIAL REQUIREMENTS. your nfl el'lloon nar ? Do YOII not see Whnt Constitutes tb e Ide Al H os t ess tllllt willi e ver~' s tcll YO II mu sl do from onc· h alf as m urh IIga l" to Iwl ~c ai au d About the Pr oper Sel ectlou lllll Ch wO l' I, as .'·our wiry little nCI!i ~(- 1 '. uf Dinner Gues ts. b Ol ? Yo u ha 1-1' no rlgt!. 10 ru n up j ust b e· Th e I.l eul p nst(;ss will 1109s luly dl l[~ I' cou ~a ) all ran Irlll un oll e IIl s h t an,j [ !'O 1ll tI ,~ :lnl u ls o f v ie w of eil lT~ rellL minds , Inll, 811e who cotilc,; \\~ .. !psl to nO I fee l It. Y (l il J' err"r~e IIIUS t. t aliO saLlsfy ln !: e vc.y Ul ~ tC Will ca use all il s lowly 1tl: ,1 , 1101."1 r cs l aft e r e "h !lUeH ts to f ecI aL case lind p e rfect l )' at IIl gll t ur "IC I '~' III I " ~ti l lill th e breothbom c whil e l u h er bo use. Silo mu s t In g bel·ollle . C)u lc l and r egular on co 1)10re. I'OoS e~6 grcat LOtI' and ,udea \'0 1' to B ell c\' r mr , inslelld of being hn rl for m ako eacb Oli O fe e l lu d lvldually Il1e fa)'011 . st air ·ellmbl ng la ll e n s lowly and \'ored glle~t. Sbe must U\l qu ick to sec prope r ly \\'ill do YU II ~ooll , s t rellg l h · c\' er~· thln b while seemi ng to SCC IIllt!J · lng, u e vo r looking bored a no l'O ll l. lng- enl ng I he. lIIu sc les 0 1' leg". uhclomc n :Inri
k ltHI u'
to \)
f ill'
t o h is religion): tor In ra ce ns In r e1I"lon, tho F inns ar e trul y Illdl ge nciuR to w e~ l c ru 0u rop e, the 'J'a rtar ·TllrIIS arc or ienta l. wh ile tl. e OlUn gols proper arc As iatic." Th o (' thn ol og ls t t <> l\ l' 115 t hat tb o -Slav s. wbon lhey pOUn!11 into Russia f "om th e southwesl , fOllnt! th e l'o the l'i nn s, thllt tile lott c r we re " plI ~ h"d lI nl o flook s a nd corne r s." Anti Ihe cth· 'Ilologl~t ad<ls: "Yilt th c f.·lnn bas not !become extinct. Hi s bloot! s tl ll flow s 10 Rn ~ l s Hu \'PI ns , mo" 1. u otabl y to tho c r~a t at)d white Ru ~s liln tribe H." Tho:se early Russians Ii"cel IIndor the . d mlnls tratlon of a clan ; Inte r under l ho governm e nt of n "I ty . whos o o,r ' .g anlzntlon was r epublican . III the nl u Lb cen t nry 11 Scalldino ~ latl \)and, 'lnde r a ch ief nam ed Rlirill , In\'aded RussIa and foundccl th e fir st monarcby ill that countn·. Princes of the bouse .of Rurik rece ived Inhcrl tunCI1 of tho .flourishing ci ties. and ea e b created for 'h lm se lf a Idugdom ; the country, III a " en se, dlvlchid, yet not yl c ldln g c lltire' ,l y the Idea of unlly. Th e n down upon -Russia s we pt tho Mon gols, a ad the sep · a r ated Rnrlk princes cou ld not wltll· l,ta n.1 th em. wo.·o force cl to pn)' tbe Ill· "aders tribute. Tho Mon gO l y.o k e Vrovod a ve ry heavy Oll<>, Hn ssl a was .o uc b dl st r,e!i~e d th c reby, Tho I1cople no w re11117.1 ng Ih" n ecd oC s trong de· (rn ders , looked to s om e ce nlral seat of powe r . Th e Ilrln ce~ Of Moscow llrove.1 thal powcr, the )' became grea t 'pri ll ces ; CO lllpelled tho ulh.,1' prlnl!cR t o yi eld to' the m, 10011 I'ic lorlt::; over tile MOlI gol s. "Thll s wa s th p. Illea or auto r ra cy planted In hrea t Rus!-i ia ." But II tool' " cntllrl eM 1.0 fr ee th e land from th" II!'predlltlO'II " on rl le vIes or fb <> Mongol n. ror ce ulllrl c~ g rea l nll ~ ' fi la ha~ 1.0 co nl cnd wil II lh'1 A"liltc b8rbnrl nn ~, It was nol 1111111 os lUlU li S J8R ! compl ell' R(!cnri l )' ror itll""loo l.urrilory W;t" oLJrulm'(\ ; a 1111 pru"C IIII ), RII " ~la lurn ",1 Ih e 11I1l1,," • • 1... In,n ito.1 'th e country of h e r o l Ll-lim o II otlulc ~ouU!
.iova.l rrs . 'j'ho Mongo l
ru1dy t o n e In hAi r nnd bea rrl ; Ite may bo a ulond e I. lthlltllau or Pol e . or a taH. faIr Finn ; h e lIla}- ha\'o bi ll e e~'~s and c1l1 rl( brown ha ir ch a ra clerls tic ot L itli e nuss lu; bo. m" y \)c II "lJlac:k n il S' rian" f ro m th e Garpathlnn Ulollntnlu ~ . or a r oll Rus Inn fro m Ih e pl ai n ' of Calar la : be may bc 0 \)roo(l ·h ail ed Lapp; b o may be Ar me ni an, Kurd or T ar tn r ; h e IIln y be a stunt ed J e w from Polan c!. 1\ qu ee r-Cell ow. th is RU Rsla n , UI)On \l'holO ba M fa l l~ n tbe gift of can · SllLutlllu a l gO I'ct'nrn e nt. Aud s ad ly ll· ,Htm·a t.e. Wltb re Ce ren ce to ' religion . In Fin · land c nd the Bultl c provinces Protf!s l· anl.ism prevail s. III Polund th o Catholics a re OIoro nllme mu s. I n westcrn RUSSin - th o ancient prlneltlullty of LI· thunla- the uppcr cla sse~ ur e Cathohcs, tb e co untry Ileaslt nt ~ "orthodo'X," adberent s or th o Orcell clJllrch, In tb., Crimen, In tb o "'I ~ t, ""ei on tlJ(! banks oC the VOlsa . w e lind the Mussulm nn . Tbe n . scaHlll'cd tbronghoul IItn wOs I.e rn !lrovlncl1s . arc Crow ~ .Ol)O,OOO to 6.000.· 000 J ews . Omt:lnlly Bllon k in!;, all great RussIa Is ortllocl'ox. Only olliclally s peaking, howeve r; dl ssa t lsf ool ion with th c cold, ness and IIreless"".... of tile Gre.' I, churr.h has leel to th o rl.e of numb. ,·, less sAC l~, til th e contlnllat lOll of ,·a · rloll s "old Br.ll c ve l·s." Tboll~h. ns No,', leow say". Ih e Hu i ~ l\n non ·conformlsts arc th o hOI",r a!ld g lo r y (If thc' lr co un· try, pco(llu of !lOIVer. lI,on g lll. e arn~st
ernnce II{ ClU e or lIu- ,re f or m s promt !Jed. un e or t 11 0 IlI li ll y r<:rOrrll8 R~" ly ne ed, ·,!. In PulalllJ ~0 ,"1' t111111; 11k .... mllllol1 IItlll It half ,I ~\\'" hll l'l' s nll l: "t refuge; h~lt:
am to
fOlln ,1 aimos l as mtlny Jtn" , all III 011 th .. r"" t of Europe. Down III ,ullth c , n Illlll "ollthw e' t Ru ~. ~ IQ. thi r. r .lI' t ~ h il S tIH. rmtSf>f1 Hu rl PYOS( .t<
p c rcd, nn l! " i ~.
111 ' 1 1'
Art of Tell Making-. Practlc~ t he a r l of tea rnall inr:: when
YOII nrc 1111 olon e. T ake a e llil of tea and lla ~s It nc ros. t h ~ ~ a bl e , Sec it ~'o u cnn do II. \\'!thullt rc;r gc l t1ng a ny· thlnJ: a nd without uJls ettln g II . TII ~ n h 'y lU tin It n ntI t o ll!iiell at t hE' su me
htln rlrf'ad f "l , tl m~,
TIt(' u ill on 110., HIIR' m" ~su C: r(! :i l : a 1l~ u t' r ll r rt'cl. "t an s t~ round r athe r tn c lt lll:H' f"r lluln prc j' .. \t C''' "f It." Chrl,U" n 10wII ... I .low llhy s lcal t ype . "A :;I 1'11 :';~l c lu I' mil"· hil ~ lau, " clricd 10 nHl ll y l"l cl b y n woll. It e ry of, ca s l~ rn Ellrol'" \V lth Il' e liar· IIlJ lltr. loucl po IIt·)· !If til" Sll\' ~ rnment~ ha r ia li S I m~ p~rhnr s ma lic ' Ihl) /lrOllt IIn d o r ~ tO()rl l! y all ""I Iliu d ~ llI r ! r<1 'nu3slan mor e n!;!;re. "l\·c; vi ",,,,, IHIS dc· mR ~"CH. Th" j:ol'cl' nrn r nl, Rwukr: I" th a '\'c loped I\t. t~o ",XPC ll olC ot rdlll cnwlIl." pull 1ic'lI I ""11 ">clal IIIJr~ ' L aman!; tllo "In Am c rka Ihe Aryo ll mo" e me lll of ma""" •. ","I ~lI "llrecl to Ill . tract p opu lat ion has lJ pe u w(·~t\\'nrd : t o RIJ ::;- fr om till! real r aIl H" or dl s.'onl!'.,I . h. ~ t-1a f' n!'t."' n r IL Th e trlH~ 11I1 S~ IHB S a.e InclIl'd to mol! Iodtul' .~ a l n " t t " r .Jews; DO W ~ rltl ~ d In th rce coml'UI' 1 !Jollies; th" poopl" u,e c IHl ca itv l uu g ht to b.. in RII s.~ ln prolle r . In uortil Crll CancRs la 110." IIw J (;W RC'Cou ntllbl " lor th eir wacs. Th oy ~cc m to 1111 VI! Icarn e.1 th el r lind In Sibe ria ," ' 'I'D otten com o ac ro ~~ tb e lel'm ~ lesson nit too well . /IIIY s ort or pnbllo' 'G r ea l Ru ss in , Litt le nu s" la lind White d e mon ~ trutlou alllle'H S to d~mand an .. nu ss la : .antl that )v~ ha l'll a leo~ Ila1.Y Rrmy o r J IlW \·leUm'. L e t II ~ tlOPO lhut ~ ltnderStlll,lldlng or t!i e'D te,ms It may In ttle ,course of Ilm <: lll ~ followlll g :b e well it> datloe tbum . I\btlut (iO,O(}O word s milY (lro\e ~ rul,h" tl~ : " U n ~er ·'trun . Russl .. n s" dwe ll ) n , tbe ce nte r, a con sli ,t uUon a l ' I>ovc rnn,"u t: with Il 4\ortbern aon eutern part 01 l-;uropell n treo Il.r.,C~. and fr eo sc hool S. lh o dan ge r Ru s~ la. ' tb~)I~·lte - or Orea_l:. us· ot r iots \\'O!l ln rap id ly .lImluls h ." ..I.., Uwlr t&Dauap tilt IItl':r&r~ lU' i'AtHEhIItlE PO!'. ;
spine, t5 timulu(( n g tj '
h e uJ'l nnd 11I 1l g-:;,
c le nrln g I hc IIl'al n . <llcl lng th e ell'cnla· tl o)1I 01)(1 Ihlls Inlp ro"i ng th e lli g 's IiOl.: bill t h c re Is u "l"'rC ~ t a nll nu Incur . r e.:1 \\' a~' or ell '"b l e ~: sta ir s. a hn ...1 al!cl a II ea s) one. 0 s a l'e an.1 n dange r Olllj OJJO .
A CASE FOR THE PIPES. A Quite Effe ctive Rack Mny Be Mad~ "t H ome :I.lld Not Involve Much Outlay.
Ei th e r D Illo<'c of bonrd or " e l'Y a loul cardboarcl s hould be U BeO for th e foundutio n oC t his ro cll ; It s ho llid th en \)A cove l'('d wit h art sergc , cl,'th Of' \'elvc:ec n , Th e fo tlllda tl cIO mo}", at conrse be mud e an y s ize to hold nnv numhe; of pipe s , bu t fOI' one s tich as- we 1'lhI8. Irate, abou t 15 Jnoh'ls in le ngLb and olghl. in .I e ptll wJII bo s um cle nt. The I!o\'crlng s hotlld be cut with on e- Inch tur'l Iln;,;o;. wh ich may be g lued down at t be ba c l, of Ihe (oundalion. TrJm Lbe
i ~ tlCcc~s H.r)" t o b e mOst f'url'f u l i n
c ho l' s l n!: yo ur g lles ls fot' P. (li n ll e r pa rly tha l lh e y s hould ,,(, coli ge ttl HI. 1\01 n ecpssa rll y frl c n\l s or e l'e n o"qu&ln lnnn'" , bu t w,, "se In~l eR nr(' fi llllil o r . ne ss, th ey huy ( ! bcpn . a~ Is very W(! 11 o l h e rwl s YOII I' clIlltt e t' \\'111 Ilt ll I,.. a known , mos t c 'OI oll y pl!rsecllted nn ' l '-'1" 8I1 cce"S. T o mak e It "0 lll r CO n\' H~ a press,," by tile /lo" crnm ont ; the GO V· Il"" mus t. be I>J ens anl anll s us ta ine d crllm ellt, o r l"Q ur:1c. ludueling th e or- ' Rnd n !,:ootl stol' .\'-loUer Is a grea t a s· t hodox .:hurch . To·day rc llglolIR tol- Bi s lall ~ e.
Inf1I)~lI c e
Ih e conv ersat ional ball roillng witho ut uuy a ppa re llL el'!or l or cvc n see m ing to <10 so, An Id cal hos less mU Sl Ioe cn tlrely IlII s e lH" h 111111 let 110 ou lJe llll g htell 01' o vcrloolwd. Now tha l \'a eatlon dai :; a r e 01'1'1' Ilnd tbe wo rld ha s I' ctttl'D c,1 from th e SUIll m e l' ollling whi c h bas po s~ l bly I,CC II "pe nt In t bo 1I'0od g ur whm'c mudl f rcedom In Lc havlor is allowerl, be c a reCul to 1Il0dulll le tb u \' olce ulld (unc duwu a cliolls to fl L c it y life an.1 c usto ms. No rlght-thlnl<ing lIlolh o r wl "h es he r SOli to c hoOl'o IL bol.t e,·on R. flippan t wife, 6 0 boo care ful I.hnL your luv e o f ru n !lnd the s umo lc.'·ti fl'oedom do nOL lead yo n too far. J\ s we ha l'o so of Len r e jJc u,ed. \)e kind and tho ug h lf u l a lld "dO un to oth e rs all yuu woul" tlJRt t he y Should rio to you ," A vlHltI\lg r.arrl may be uset! for inf Ol'mal Invllatl o ll ~, No co il Is net:essal'Y after Ii LL{l 0 1' n.f t c l'n110n r eecpt io n, tl10ugh vcry o ft e n at ho nHl - <la )'s arc given In Uw Invltnllon I.U a larL!CJ j·e · ception whe n a call IH qultc In o rd ~\· . Tnese at bOlli a days arc Oft OIl IlS c lab oratol)' p\'''pal'cd f(: ~ as tb e orlg-Itlul rece plloll with a caler oI'. ltil l Il Is pc r fe ctly ndml fis lbl c to bavo lh e s e n ' lng done by th e hOllse " e l'vnnl ~. ~Innr t lm rN a cat I'e l" s servi ce I" c mplo),Ad to 1' ~ll o "c t he reglllar hclp , wh o !1 ~ \' 0 all t.he y e llll <Ill In Ihe olally rO Il ~ ~ lle, Wi l ho lll 311 ), lhin" arlol ill o nn i.
Pr{'leJul yon nr~ h!1ldln g
\· er .~ nt1on , Meau ll ~·.
(:O Il '
Do n" , took nt. rh f' r n)l ton
Pra c tice tell mnl,il l/: II nl II w!rh o ut. 11101'" Iha ll r::lan cln J: at Ih" ~ IIP , 'It Is CUl'.\'. _<\nll " ' he n YOII hn\'" learn ed II -·be ~' Oll r l['h or poor, a !;mnt hoMess or II s ma Ii on~yo n w ill ha\'e a cq n ll·"d a i, rett y ' art whi c h w ill ser ve YOII III .: ;000 s~ea~ 1111 )'OUI' IIfc . • Even wllell ),011 u re a great. J;rnntlmnll! cr It \1' 111 come In good . t or Ii e lll' o( t ou Cram an c lo p.r ly Jl ~ I" fon I ~ not o lll y n very l'ra 'o f III com· pUm ent . blt l Ii \' cry g rent on c. ),011 c'nn 110 It
edg4l 1'ollh all ,' prell y furnllm e ~D l 100 11, or .' Ise se w \a s ilk corel rOllud . A good firm r lubon . r-ntb c l' more l hon n n Inch wid e Mlloul<l be usco fo l' th e s lrnll: It I ' ca ughl dowlI lO t h e cove r lng by a fe w firm s lilch e" III reg ular In ~e l' va l ~ , Ir wood Is used for th e fOlllllilltl o ll r: , s mall bras s lacl,s I'ould bc use d rOl' fi xl ll g Lhl" In sl eacl of 8 0 Will/-:; Onis h Md. e n d I,y a bow of rlh bo n . !lCW rlhbO'll 10 eae h ('od lo COTDI n ·10011 to ha n" It up l!y: In the cen tc r o f tlli s lonr pul a bo w. --'.. - - - - - -R<>lox ed Facia l Muscles: Re la xell mll ~t' l e s of th c (n c... !lIoy be lOll ed liP by hathlllg t he ~ac o with II mlxturc or "Q ilal pa" la oC milk an d whis k y. " '1"'1 wB sb '.ll e fa c'c t borOu !;h · Iy. ! hc n fl pply th') lotion with a sofl .-Iotll. T hi s Ill'll' hal" ~ to be used tor s ix wce l," or I h roe months befor e gooll r eHuits I!.~e no tlr.enbl e. but It will r.,. \\'Drll th e ppr"c\'e r ln g woman III tbo cod for t b(' tim e e ~~e:n d ed.
Yokes Ab()und . Il: ver.rlhl no; Iml nls to a return of folles-yok ~s o r all s :lzes anti eballes . l{~ep Mouth Cl ean. cu r lollsly cOllt rlv'!d, In\'o}ved looking The n101l l h be ing the gnte way to tho al'!alrH, 01' ju st tile s imple e mbryonic rn tl l'p. sYKt e!l1 . as a p romlnenl Jlhy sl· yoke Usc!!'. clan puts it , tbe ma llm' o r' abs olute . d ean lines" he re c ann ot he mad o too Len gth of Coat.. l",pol'tAnl. T each tho s mall cblld tbl s. 1'he extr!t tall ,womnn can_w~ ber a od h.e.t.. hc' '! h \\'uf b e Il8t abll~b~ dac: eOttt" to the Imoes ; U.e sbort woo.tW wants to have 1L toucb the bem. "mlllljj
Yor i{ engln ec r o f IIlI rnalio ll a l rCllula · I c'a na! laiJo r nl, ~o lllt cl y n ecessary la I Ion. I Il~ s~ a · I (J\' C I r)foJ cct, From th o ,' Ie w 'I h c ('.lIml! c T ecbnlQuc pl a n is lbe )Joint of SanllaltOn . Mr , Bute~ 1I1so olll cNI ilion he rure t.he comml sstou , lJe- m a l,eM g r ea t <: l a' !Il ~ for h is "lOU R. itJI nl! th o on e ncloptcd by tb o New Pa- a SOIllc h us the urUliclal lakes lJe prollama company. whi c h wa s organized prses to con struc t ,,'11 1 subm e r ge pracafter llIe failure or th e De Le ssc ps co o - lI ca ll ), all of lile dlseayu· hre ed lng ecru , I t Is probable lliat th is old pla n s w~mJls of tbe ISl hmus , 'fbu Riv er will servc only a s a valuabl e relcr en ce C bag r ey ror the g realer part o f Its t" the eomml Mslo n In cO ll ij ld eolug th e CG lI rsc rrom San Pablo to the Atlantlo other plans . Ha ws througb low . Iwampy land, and Tbe So- Coot le vcl plan .. as the on e tbp work done ;0 thle part of t he fn~'oretl by tb e ca nal comm1ss lun In I s~ hn\ll 8 cos t thousaqds Of IIveg dllr1901. wIlen tbe sea-Icnl propqsl tlon Ing t h e yea rs of work und e r rle Les· 1 wa~ ~ ej ected I~ was to ha ve 11 RY Sl e ~ seps' plan . With lbe s ubm erg in g 01 of live locks. "lIh 0 grenl dam at Do lh ese fe ve r Inf ected s wami'S, eve ry hl~ , wblch Is about 14 mil es from tn e nc\\' s tati on or town will bo situated ' At.antlc Mde Of th e Is tbmus . But wben o n an "lIen hill sid e. s lopin,; toward . borings wer e made In order to' deter · the iake, In st ead of a~ Is the CaM • m in e the fea s lbllily or Ibe plan Lt ' was wltlt m nny now . In a Cesl'rlns Oa t. fOllnd that no sa tl ~ factory. foundations "ho fir s t oC In e l3 ate ~ f,l a os pro \'ld • could ba obtained (or tho hi g h mBson · tor tw o lakes. the s mal1 p. r ~no he ln!: ry dam , and this of cour se des troyed at th e P anama enll ot t h e c ut and the the ,"c ry rool of th e plan. Tbe possl· large r at the Atlalllic co a . t ~ " Ii . In biilly of enrLhQuakes !Jad to a ls o be th p second piau s how n III Oil\' second toke n Into consld c rati o ll , ror Rn y ac · Ill uslration B second lal,e la f o rmed ci d cJll to Ih e dam would preCipitate a t Ih e Allantl c coas t nod. II be llli tile waters of the lak e o"cr th e lowe r rea ll y II Co ntlnuAlt o n "I Ihe Hr. t l ake, cGun t ry In frlgllttul vo l um~ . rea tln g III " diVIdin g lin e be in g t he narr o w h a l·o r. to life alld lle rty fur g re ater s iralt nl, Bohl" Thi s scwonrl laka than th aI. caused by the meOJora b l ~ "' Ollid rc nc n bac:k Into lhe coun try al John s town 00 0<1. la r a s S an P ablo . Th esc lal[(, 9 would Th e 30-foOl level plan , wh ile It h a~ 1;1 " l ""Drly 2 (, miles o( frec 01l~1I navl· not yet bee n announc cd In detail. 18 pilon. m'He tban lIalt of tbo d istance known 10 pro vide for a two · loclc canal He r oss til e Is lhmus, Wllh prubably a d a m an,l loc I' o n tne Mr. Bat es claIm . Ibat hi e \ll an will Atl a ntic sl ~ e of I:!o h lo, as w ~ 11 tl8 " I,·c" more ,ilract rout e, 'l llm inaling . lo ck near P~dr .. Mig ue l or Mlrallores. to'!a rly tic. ue;; r'!'ls of th " ctlrva"t .... at c luse tu th ~ Pa c ifi c, and 8180 d a m pro- tli . Pocille e ntl . At both r:l ncj g h e <:rovi s ion s s imil ar to Ih ose o r tb'c French at ..,s ne w lowns \)y uUll zln!; tb~ matp.project. r l a ~ rlu ~ tro lll th e Cu lcbrl1 <:. ,t. h:n· Tb~ ""a- le vel pl nn Is the ODe ov e r tr an c'! \(, Ih e callal at th e le rmlnal. whI c h en gin ee rin g oxpe r ts h a'o ,li t · will lJe obl.alne d Ihrough largo lock~. Ce red Widel y, an.) yel II. Is Ih e plan Mlndi. a no' no t Co lon. will be th o port wb ic h Is lh" most fa vor ed Ir It can be J f e nlrnnce at thc Allantl c s ide. P assprove n t ea s lble. It Is th e pi An whic h 1 111 ': ',brou g h Ihl s ~ GCI.. whl e.h may \)e was re ported o n fa vorably last year o l!co mpll ohed whl, ~ thq . hlp Is II .... by tb e engi neer ing ~o mmitlce of t~e ta in e.1 a fe w hours In port t v lak e out co na l commi ss ion . nnd m ay b e the one I pap pr_.... I c" l he r p. will \)e n long Whi,",h wl! 1 t.e fln nliy adolJterl. unlesa ~ I r ~ t ch ' of o p ~ n lIa\'l gal lon per m itting (' nr (,f Ih e IW O plans proposed by En· o f a fai r rato o r " peed . [,1r.H I' B a tcs w ins th e appro "HI oC th e T hQ h ~lg h t of Ih e canal f rom tbe commIss io n , \V lt b t he sea levc l canal ~ll!Idl 10 !'lc to Gatlin , wh e rr. II s econd Ih ~r<: wOlild h a ve to he a tid e lor k at lo r l{ wi ll hI' pi a ce'll , will bA aholl t 33~ Mlr a rlo re. 10 regula te th e ri se a nd fall f'!el. Pass lll !; Gatun , the leyeL of tba o f the PaciOc tides . The ch a n l1.• 1 ot th e ca r. a l w ill he Increa scd to about canal would be :10 rect de cll, whi ch ~n2 f eel. nnd tll ~ next I ~I, ,,'III be "ou ll1 1I0 t ad mit the large.t ocean- e n pd at Pfldr n Ml g uc! . at t he gOing steamships, a ser lOlls ')bj ecl lon . extr emity oC Ih e Culebl'a c u!., and vi ... Inapmuc h a s th ere Is & growlllg ~en - t uall y g iving entrance to th e artificial dency to build larger b oats. Througb lake baclt ot Pan a ma. ThO' le\'el of tb(' Cule bra cut, tor se vcn or e ight Ih e cn nni '.. 1lI drop ~~ 21 feel - after ' mllps, whe r e the greatest amo unt of leaving thl\\ lock , and :1It- Panama the dli\glng mual .be done, It Is pla nn ed to e nd 1gek will be pllSse d, g"'lng acces. 'glvo the conal a wid t h oC 150 feel at to the Pa c ln~ ocean, Accordln~ to Mr. 'he bottom and 164 feet at ttie surface . Hates' flgur<!s the t i me of traoslt rhe , sea-level plan provides for a II- through the canal as b e pl'OP9BIllt con.:antlc dam at Oamboa c (lreatlol!!' stl'uctln.g.j.t 1'l'lll tal.e G . 9 ~, bOUI'll, wb.tJ. '"~ I"ke atJove tb'a canal , .... lth cl.lvsl'- In all otlle r pllln8 tbe- tlme of ~. . . _ lIOn tunela to carry t~e Impoun411l yules fr\lm 12,3 to 13.8 ~" . '
TOLD ' IN SHORT ,.. \Conc ernin g PARAGRAPHS -. ' Form e,r Residents.
.Alblno· Flo~'r 60 oents a saok . Trinity ohoir eutert.a inment gins at 7 :30. The Lytle Ladles Aid SOOiety will Berv~ oysters , Sn t urday evening , Dec. 16. PartloularE; lat-or . Buy your womon 's, misses' and ohildre n's rubber over tlhoOti of us at· reduced prioos. •Tolln A. F~nkey. Mr. nlHl Mrs. Allron R.ioh. of Mo· doo, 1llohlDa, 11l1\, ~ \W" II vI~i1\n~ tbelr ~19 1,e rl! , M r~ Ru ch l'l I·r, ·w . "f East Wayne , find Mr~ . 8 ,111 111111 ( 'rt' \\' of t,he Spring Vnlley p ik e. Ladles, seoure 0 11 (1 of nur fllJ o ~ ilk undersk irt.!. We In'e u l . ,~ ill~ Oil! the '3 .00 for $2.00 ; I.h" $ 2 r.O lit '1.75; the '2 ,00 for $1 ,,0. Don'l miss this great bargain , .Tohn A. Funkey . For lagrlpp e lllwavs UNe " Red 8pruce and Uherry ' Expooto runt." Sold by J . E , Janney , . Miss Anna VanDe rvort, tellobAr In tile Blsey dlstriot olosed her school Wednes dl\Y for Tbllnk s/l'i vi n ~ holidAY S with nppropr illte oxe roi sO!!
Cham pion
Gilbert Graham , of near Lytle, is entitled to the chllmpl onship in hog raising . Six 6 months old pigs of his weighe d 21:10 pounds . Can Ilny one beat thtH?
News of the Churc hes. ' ,
'1'll-l-lll-k-.-g-1v-I-U--g""'~D-n-Y-fes~ iviti'~" IFGrn nd H om e-(JoJlll llK n lId ov 1' - Re'u nion of fo rmer H " ,ii~I () 11 1 ~ II t, ' Du ~ ,wo will onti ll\llI to h lldq UIl.l'tors f or: W ayn vi!,le week begill llillt; ug U~ 1 UllltiIllOt·( F re~ h " Y~· l\./'~ ll:; (; lUOS. (JDCII '1IJ FR Ln'l':'{ V .ry B ~ , ' R ACKb:RI:l Mr . (l,nd Mr~ . U. W Hll l' beun , o f Ci.rcloYi11 e,· li re no(\' I he pI'oml llol As w ,) : I It ~ o1h or re'n ta of II son nud II tl Il1Whlp l'. 1·111) ft "1Jw~ 1i . II tul Illlpon" d Grtll' l ri m'. lat.ter, Dorot,lIy, nr nd,,~ '1 m ,·vll n · ing of Noveml Jor ;j I. Dai ly Mar I I:e t E v o l'~' elll .V y 11 wi ll fhltl n- gr)(,Hl George W. Borc\nu r1 i"l\ III th e I, ~sortlll o nt, to rllHH) " f rom 'o w 11 1)111111 .1'. Nuw U O ll ll~, F,L" .·Y Uit'I' 111'H»i 111 I. (· ill oillllllii . I:'ll tnnl.LY lII01l'111 ll g. tit., I' p~u l t. or p.ulLlysiM Br e ul;fll ~ t. Ull uo l1 .- BIl.\· l'ir kl ' d wlIlt wllieh li t! WIlM~tr i<-k on II wook Pork _ Now DlIt('~ - Fl g~ lIud
nnisi n~ - Prn u08 -- }'(,II(' h('~ nlltl \Ir Bor.loll "'liS horn in \\ lIyn ('lj· AJlri unt H vill A ~O yeurs n ~o . hut. nl o\'o(1 t.o Xenia. morll t bnll ~ o Y",l r ~ 11 1-( 0. ",hOl'o Fauoy Xo \\' i'io rghu1J1 :Jl l· t~ · " !.;llil(lll h e WIIS 1\ membe r of lh n first, city Nc.w Crop Now tlrl r/l n ~ oounci l. He WIl" II brothol ' of MI'~. ~l oln sse~ ~ r, \' 0 HOo l,; II ~1I1 Belinul\ Rogers of WllY llcsvi ll o, F"tlll OY F lul'hlu Ol'un go~ .'] :1 lu ·10 c t~ II t1 o~ Fen toll ~rluirl'ls, wifo lind Krnna. 80n, FI'llIlk ::ir]uires utili wife' IlIld & Charlos ::;quires ami fnmily we re t.h e gnests of Wollmg ton Squiros Wllyn es \,ill ... Ohio. SundllY· Sq uir o 13l'o\\'11 IIncl wiCe will move Bank Electi on. from tbeir farm baek to Centerv ille one day this wee k. Tb e Rl ock h o1<lel's oj' th t' (' lli'l.[, IIR • Blink . of WltYlles yi Ul', (Ihio, will m oet lit i l,~ BllUkill g Houco O il 'l·UESD AY .•TAN U AltY :!, III O(i, het woell th e houl's u f 2 >lll d ·1 o'nloc·k ~xtouding 'l'iUle Limit, eto. p . Ill .• to elec t directo rs for tbe en .. SE~ ; . 1. HI.: It ordaln NJ by th c Cc:,Ullc ll or Buing yellr . "h e In corpo r a t ed \'III11l:e of W u~' ncs\· II I(' . .J. N . L ICMIIION , Crl ~ hiel' . Oht!). ll! ~. t SOCtiO Ii j u r an o 1",l ln al1..:e t..' hl'l' o )' (' ,
F \.Rl{
"An Ordinall l'tt
Dclluln ~
:u u.l
nt ltle.. l n
l~tH ab ll sh l n g
RlIll roaa ]louteln IhclVllh, \:c of Wa.\· " cs \· lIlc. Ohl~ , el e." pass ed t he Ul b da y 01 J u lv . II 0 lOU4 . lJe nmeoded 80 a H to
r ~ ad
1\8 f Olluws :
'l'he E vangeli stlo service s w hioh · ·S':O. '.. 'J'hu t thiN ord l uuth':~ sh a ll tl,kc were announ ced t.o oomnie nce at the e.f[ccl n od b e In force fro m and. a ft er t h e Orthod ox Friends ohureh the 6th ea.tl1 est. lle-rt od allowed by law. ThlLt the nIt., have been postpon ed until De. grant lillal) UCl'OtnC op erat l\, tUl wl! dl:Ll el l' after lt8 l\CCeplnn cc b y ll r:UH,Cc . whi c h cember 10. nccc plll n Ci:! Mhnll 1.Jc lIIed wllb the Cl~ rl' o f Preach ing at 10 :30 II. m. lind 7 p. the Corpor:lt lon w ithi n tblr y;. troUi the m ., by Mrs. Ada iAle, a Ministe r of pa.JIlGc o r tb ls Ordinanc e n.ntyet da 1t.. I)ublh;atlo n the Gospel frqm North Carollnn. a ccording too :law. 'I'hat th e gra nt lJo1: wad u u po n the condll.lo n t h iU. lhe g l'1\nlC1' fo, lmll Yearly Meetin g of Friends , . pay nil (:oat I1g this Orl1tnnll ce. Furthe r annonu cemetit s will be antl tbat connofr llcal1\'crlI81 t ton o f "'nlll stre e t made next I:)abbutb. Everyb od.v within th e ('orpora lc IIrnll ~ u( l he raHway \. 11 1alo:(' earnest ly urged to attend and help Kball he complet c tl o n o r \Jeto n ' De ce mber 31. 11100, nOl couotlng delny ca u ~eu b y 1I 1 1 ~" · to make .these speolal meeting s a lion." power for good In this oommu nlty. Stw. 2. '1'htR Ordinanc e sball
. -. Death of
FAR l{ & \VHI ':lE
New Train Sched ule Uncl ll r II n ow Hoh Ollnle ill offect Nov , ·) li.l !JOf" P'lS engel' trtLins leave Wllyn es \'il1o .tlltiotl ns follo ws: I!' or tll e Wes t : 0 :02 II . m , dllily For tb e W e.~ t : G : ~ G p. III., rl/lily I<'or W e t: t :r, 5 1\.. 111. , Snntlny only For th o Enst : () :u·l IL 111 , duil.I' For the Ea st: ·1:1t II tn , . duil y For the Eust: 10 :24 p 111. nnd llY only H . E. Booth, Agt
La k e eff ect
' TO K BllOW .:x UR IONS TO ' II I 1\00 VIA I'ENNSYLVA.~I A LI N~:S : of Wu.YIlt:Mv t llc. Ohio, Ult~ t he 4t h l1t~.r of F'; XCUTRl o n Uclccu t o Gb lc a~ o wl1 tH..' sohl Decembe r. Jo. D. 1905 . 'V h : P bn uRy h· :1.nla. Llne~ nee, I ts . I";'. IH ontl H). at onu ft rst.· ss one- way f arc. plU N $ 1 Chester field Myer died at Leba. W", Z&Lr" Mayor. (;1"8 . D , "VI:U. Cle rk. ro r rou nd 1-rill, account Int crn:lllonn i L tv.;! non Monday afterno on, Deoem ber 4, gt ock E Xpo!{n.lo n · F or fu ll \Uro nna llon CO il ' 1905, aged about 75 years,· and his sulli ocal IIckul u ~e lllof P c nn~,vlva n l a.r.l n e" at. Lb o farllc"t per iod ·a l1o w tl by l aw.
P ..... ed nt Counoll
Chest er Myer .
funeral will be conduo ted at 11 o'clock this Wedne sday mornin g, at the mortua ry ohapel and his body laid to rest in Miami Cemete ry. Mr. Myer was the last membe r of the family of the late George Myer, of East . Wayne townsh ip, 11 family mQre than ordlnaI ily gifted in literary attainm ents, aU of them poIIII98siDK the talent of writing a 01&88 of poetry that compar ed favor· ably wl~h the best wrIters of their
C h~mber
In Ihe Vil lage
Chris tmas JMark~t.
The Ladies Guild of St Mllry's Churoh will bold its annual BaIlOr and Chri stmns Market , Saturdo .y , Decemb er 16th, at the townsh ip house. '
... .,
Trlui ty Choir at W aynes vi'11 ,e, 0 ec. 7·
n end , Ilr l,be fuuera fl . rvi . of rll. 'oro ul!t\ B. Lupton , whOl:!1l U utll OCOUl'!' 1 Nov . • '~,' 190il,' Qt h(\r h\ IEl llUll lu D OM' i'tidgev ille, Wo; JIl tbis denr oltl h ome i n the h il [lpy mouth of MI~Yi In the yeut' L a !l, n S Wl' t Jit,~l a bn,by 7jrl OlLIDO t... h lf'1!~ l1.m] ~ludul;m . t,he hen'rts of n r . \\1 1, 1;l~ . H. IIml Jull ot.o . l\:eeyer . '1 h o,\' 11I111l l'U hor oruolia BaH 1 ",,,'ur , Excupti llg a bort period Clr' IIl!SlIll ()l' . Ih ls wlla tue hOUle of h N' .\")lll\~ li fe. tille wu'a t ho el d sr. ,) t t ('11 cluhl r 1I. o)1ly four survivi ng IJ .' r , ' HII' c<iuClltion Willi obtl~ined in tbe lIisl.l'iot· ~o h oo l and a short ,period nt t·ll(' 1'IIthlDIIl N ormal Univer sity iu
~;~', I:::ln~;"l:Y :f~~lli~\~~ ~~~lt' ~beSh~o~~
'. Z ·1 M · ' )! ~~ .....~..".._~~_..............~~~,.....~;",":""~.,....~........"":;":-",,,~'--..l. N"-' W .-:.
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FI'll h Bultllllo ro
T Ill.: F INl!:tI·C LIN 1/: IN
()Y ~ 1'f+JR~
FIIIlOY CraulJ e rr i"~, Frt~ ~ h BOlllo Uro wu '<.lory .
NU'rS -Wo Inut~ . Alit/onu s, Peoans, Mi xed Nuts. P eanut>! . COCOA NU'l'8.
Cralllco rH-- ' , Crell,D), Stu I', But.l.or, li'lug nrll~lCers.
in b or flll,1Iur'8 Iibrll.ry as well 11M Nllbill Oo-1o' igs t hoHlI it! Itpl' tiultool nnd WIIS n.Jwaya !::lnmp-thln/{ NflW III 11111: llnokflg.-s: 10 t.) U, ('I H, per poulul . f l.l llllli illl,tll1 iglm t nOll well infollUled Z"'lehil ck, u n I,he C' urron t lit-erntu ro of h or 1)"t.o8. thll U, tiho r enu from tho grollt Tho ue w 'l'Ullst 100. pu ckllge, Nice fr(!!ll\ dllto.~ t! OtH. POIlIl(( ._ . lo('(l k (If Illltnre , WII A a olose observe r /In.l " good ~ tl1ll ellt, II pl el\saut com· OheeH" ,,"lliun 1111(1 in te l'ol:!ting oonvor~ · MlIlIlglI GflLIJeS, Vrangos, 'rhe I:!nn~t. N , Y. UrBl~lll. I innnli",t . Florldl\ Ol'Unge$ i 10 ot8. UOIl uJl MI nOll Mell t., ~h!' uuitod with tho OniverSl.1lis t They are frotu this year . !'\lUrch nt Riugev ille, Vot. 1857 Bulk lind pllOkllgO 1I1llie r t ho pas of Rev. W. S. B llC I III , BallaUIlB, Leillon!!, in h er oightee nth yBllr. Olives, Piokles . tilJo \VllS lJy lluture 1\.11(\ inhorit nu uo. AI)\>I68- Uookln g @ 250ts pook. (l, U ni" e r~n1i R t,. 111 sympll thy with Uhomls ill Murnso hinn. Ea,tlug 3f,c to 400. 1,\·o r.\' lh luK good IIml true in life. .Oyst er (Jocktll118'LUce H tl r C1HIl'uh H.m l ber bome wer e New Raisins and ove r (h'nr t o hoI' . 1<'1\lthful, kind, C t ; New Prunes . 1)1'll'r1 Pell nhA8, ~ u brn is~ive , ullselfi sh, 1\ 'life devoted · I1rrllll 9. i New Hell.nll New Hominy . 10 oburch, h ODle and humani ty. Citron, Orungo lind Lemon' Pe'a l. ·1~ew C,it.nnell A.sprlrn gns . Th o lImny friends and miulste l's ' I ' who lmvo lJeen enterta ined in h er I",mt'. will r ememb er the oh eerful gl'lloe with whioh !'Ihe New Goo ds in Eve ry Da¥ filled hoI' s phere , and the delight We will show the lnrgest IIS80rtm ent I)f OOOD TRINOS TO I(A 'I' tblH ~b e ulltllifes teu ill the service of Hellson ever slJow n in to wn. h er (riends ; this Influen oe WIIS llU Cl\ndl e~, nuts , und orunges furnish ed Soh of)l~ lind Churoh es lit wholo. ins piration to oh eer ber after days. "'ale prices. Don't filii to get. our .prices befnr e huYillg . Sbe met the trials ancl violssi. Bring us your produce ,-Hlglt est Price 'lltlid for Buttor anet Eggs . t,ulles of life with tho,t calm forti. t ude oIJilTII reristiO of the noble Oal l and see us., womn u tllu t !:'b ~) was. Bere WII.9 II .. . . willing helpful hand in any cause Goo ds Del iver ed in 'tow n and Cor wIn f ur the good of others. Tile sooiety of which t:lbe wal! II membe r will reo onll that >lht! was III ways r ea(ly wh en IIny 01111 WIIS mllde for duty, !lnd fow oC iLij membe rs loved its _ fl siolls m or e revoren tly nnll In · len sely t,lllm she . . , OF OOUR SE On Qot . 1, 18Gl she was mllrrie d t r) • uthlln D. Lupton , of Morris Ill.· "Tbey had II son a n only son, 'rhei r hope, their Imppine ss, their prille. With Iifes first Ie on nobly won ; A t chlldho od's golden gates he died ... Sho [lud h er husbn.u d hllve liv ed here In this good old hoin o, wltb ~ FOR parents brother and sisters the gr ente r IJIl rt of Gbeir,m lUried · lives, sh nring its pl easures , trllll!! lind lIutie until by death they have been aepar l.t.ed . " ' l'hou~b quiet lp tbeir grie f her memory lind influeno e will be fauna 11S Insti ng liS time in the lives nnd t~()ugllts of hus band and frionds nen.r nnd dear ~o her. Bilt few of our women in the humble r walk!! of life so perfeot ly . illustra te that s weetn oss and graoe which is 80 en· noblinft in wOUlankind as (lid the life of Nellie ' Lupton . Rer plell8Rnt Bmit" nl.ways the same; a true index of her beautif ul spirit, full of wom · nnly love nnel kindnes s. • Sbeell SkiD Baby Go Cart Robee, tOl{ether with lUany otho~ "In every (Lot. In every though t, Sb e Ii v cl t.ile precept s' thnt she artlol8ll. t tilU~bt , .. Sevtlrll.l ba168 of Orienta l Rugs at 2(; to aaYo' per qent le88 than Pillin t1ncl ,unllssu miDg ehe' was a ruodoll n bel' hOUl6, tl. kind and lov· value. iug frit nd, w lt o~ s.weet sinlplic lty Don't Forget to gi ve us II look. tou.:bf'd everyo ne with whom she ClIllIe ill oontact . ~. Bers was II life' to emulllt e "nd ndmire. 30-32 N. Main st. DArro N, OHIO A LurE LONG FRIEND .
==== ====== === ==
at all hou rs.
$ 'A Large Collection of.' ·Suitable ~oods
As previou sly announc e~l the oel. ebratej;! ohoir of Trinity M. E. IN TIME OF PEACE . Churoh , Xenill, "'Ill give II concert In the first months of the Russia· at WlI.ynesville !:)chool Hall, Thurs· Japan war we had II. 8trikln g exam· d!!'y evening , I)ecemb cl' 7. pIe of the necessi ty for prepara tIOn ~ime. Oroup. and the early Ildvnnt age of those A relif~ble medioln e aOfl on e tl! at who, so to spenk, " shingle d should nlways be kept in the bome Olrls Enter tain at Supp er their roofs in dry er" Tile for immedi llte use is Chflmb erl!uu 's . ' ' . Remed y It will preven t the A par t yon f I ne young I a di68 en· vtrtue of prepara tion has made hlB · 'Cough attaok if given IlS Boon os tJle ohild tory and to us our greates t tertaine d at an elabora te five oourse men Tile given individ ual as wellils the becomeR hoar e, or e ven lifter Mle dinner, an equal numbe r of young nation should be prepare d for any orouor cou!!'h Ilppenrs For slllo hy gentlem en Friday eyening . emerge noy Are you prepare d to F'""'!!.!!C!!.S!!O~h!!w~ll!,!!r!!tz!!.~~~~~~~~ Tbe tupper was given by the girls 8uooes8 !! 1ully combat the first Qold ~ _ In return for a similar affair given you tnke ? A oold «)an be ·oured by ~he boyt several months ago. . muoh more quiokly when treated IlS D U The 'yonug ladles were; Miss soon as it hilt! been oontrno ted and JeBSle Marlatt , (at whose home the before it ho's become 'settled in the lIupper Wall given) Misses Ethel and system Chamb erlaiu's Cough Rem Telephone Day or Ni'ght. Irma Stokes, Edna Zell, Mary Gray, edy is famous for its oUr68 Winnie Meredi th, Mary Parlett , Ilnd colds and it should qf ooughs kept nt 111. Robins on ' and Elonlse Smith, haud ready fol' Instant be use. For DCa o. , and their gnests . were; Messrll. sale by F C Schwar tz Raymo nd Marlatt , Rupert Balley, "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ~, Raymo nd William son, . Raymo nd Spahr, Raymo nd Ba.wke , Russell No Questi on It. B hOff' H b 0 Parlett , Raymo nd Conner , Sidwell Pepslko )a Must CureDoubt lJea!ne ss be Oured Indiges tion or by lac III applicll tlons. 118 they E11Is, aud Emerso n Earnha rt. oan· _ _ It Is Free. J. E; Janney oontlnu es not rellch the diseased portion of ----,- to sell Wayne sville people with the Mr. There is only one wo.y to' cure unders tand It must pos.i.t ively oure deo.fneRs; llnd t hat Is by OODstltU' dyspep sia and indiges tion or It will tlonllll' emedie s. Doofne8s is caused not oost a. penny. lJy an Infillme(1 eonditl on of the mu· Experie nce has proven thn.t P eps! . oous lining of tbe Eustaeh ln.n Tube . kola Tablets oure dyspep sia in forty When this tube iH inflllme d you blAve ' nine cases out of fifty. This is f~ II rumblin g sound or imperfe ot hear. remark ilblesta tement the fnets ing, lind when it Is entirely closed If :we :were to assemble all In the cuse enn eoslly ,bebnt verified . , rlen fnesl' it t,he r eslllt, and unless those :who have been cured of You kuowwhnt itis tho inflo.lllmntwu Olin be taken out I There is every reason to havo con· heart disease bYj Dr. Miles' fidenoe UMBREL~AS, lIod this tube restore u to its normnl for J. E . Janney Will hllnd -few p ~op le are ex· Heart Cure, and ;who would baok vour 20 oents withou t hesitn, empt fr om froq ucnt conditi on. b ell ring wlll 'be destroy ed I "spells " o f Ihis di s· . to-clay be in their graves had tton should you fail of being fore vel' ; Cf,ses out of . ten are ! oured. tressitig compla iot . not Dr. Miles' been success ful en useel by 011111 I'I'h, whioh is nothing All kinds of f ood can be enten 'rhc /lppc tite be· in perfect ing this wonder ful freely -it is more eflsily digested , comes impa ired. while lout un inflllmed oonditi on of the I ' mU OOI1!:! s nrfn cos. We will gIve '100 heart specific , they; :would pop- there is no fullness or distress n severe gnu\\" ing or ellt-ing, llnd by aiding the s tomlwlt IburniDg ~ens3 tion iscx for lin.\' CII~fl of dea-fness (OII,useu by I ulate a large city. pcrieocc d th e LI pper cuturrb ) that cnnnot bo cured by I What a remark ilble record - to Ilssimil llte lind digest . Pepsi oolu . part of t hein nllti nmcn. 81111 '8 Unlnrrb Ullre . Send for cir· a breathi ng, thinkin g, moving Tablets make more rioh blooll to Heartb urn is one o ( . strengt hen the body. clllttrs. fr e~. themany w[J.ys ill wh ic h monum ent, compos ed of human F. J , Uheney & Co.,"Toledo, O. the t1 i~c6 t i .... c organi sm lives,- that for which evel)'i ! They are ju~t the thing if you feel eXpreK'iC Snld l)y Druggi sts, 750. ':i'lIke BnU's S disappro v a l run down. ner,von s, tired !Lnd debi!. other earthly possess ion is sac- itr.ted Family Pills for oonstip atlon. and need somoth ing to give of ill·tr Ctl l mCn l rificed. ' you Il new leaso on life nnd now warns you t o be ca r ~ fl1 1. :rhe Miles Medica l Co. re-. onergy . Don ' ~ besitat e II. minute . ceive thousa nds of letters from but go right to Mr. Janney nnd try ( LOKatlv .) these people like the followi ng: Pepsico la 'fablets with the under . '1: reel Indebted to the Dr. )11\",,' stallllin g that YOll must be decided ly Heart Cure tor my IIf.. J de.l.e to cllli en efitted or tb e OOllt will be nothing gives instant relief in n il ellses o f heart. ~~3 to't:~~o:'.~~r~!.'b~~·r:~~~~nfor"t,! burn and' by toning li nd s t re ngth eni ng heart. For .. long Ume J h&d Buffered the stomach nn d bowe ls . prevents a trom .hortne8 » of breath after any Son LOf>t Mothe r. little ezertlon. Ilalplt&tlon of the heart; r~turo of th e tro uble, and &t times torrible pnln In the regiOn. "Consu DR. CALDW ELL'S !;\,RUP PEPSIN mpt.ion runs in our family • ot the heart, 80 serlou8 that I t eared ILnd throug h it I lost illY mother ." Is lin ill\'ulua lJ lc rcrnctl y for all trouble that I ... ould 80me time droll dead upon AN 0 OI, iIl.l>n IN . the BtreeL Ono day 1 rind o no of your Wlltes E. B, Reid, of Harwo ny, Me . arising (ro m t he s tol1l tlc h, bo wels, liver circulars , and ImmedlR le lY went to and kidneys. nnd because o [ its purity Rain Cloths my dMJmst and purch ased two botBenree ttas For the PflBt five, howeve r, on ClIn be u sell with im punity for both tl es of -th" H eart Cure. a.nd took It Voiles Briltlln teen I the slighte st sign of n cough or oold children accord In. to d lrec llons. with tbe nlld grown fo lks. ...,.ult thAt J am enUrely cured. Bloce I have tlLkon Dr. King's Now Dis· DR.CAI .DWEL L'!; !;YR1JP PEPSIN then I never mhl8 an opportun ity to covery for Cons ump tion. whioh hus caDbe obta in".1 in both doll ar anti recomme nd thl. remedy to my frlenOs halfLinoleu m who have hea.rt trouble; In fact I am snved me from serious luugtro uble. " dOllnr sizes (rom all d ru g g i. !s. Shade~ Telepho ne In his house where he a traveling adVertl.m ent, tor I am 'Carpot s Quilts Ris Blanke ts Your motber m oney 's death will b~ refunded If It enn be enJled at nU ·h ours, day wus a sad loss widely known In tble 10000Ity." or for Mr. Reid, but he learned thllt docs not benefi t )'ou . Finest Stock 7 cta Shown J. H. BOWllA N. t Y ou r p o!H fil CAnt n·l,.lu l;:,,' wllt h r lnrr by r eturn night.. Ma.nnger of Leb&non Democra t, lnug trouble must not be negleot ed, mall our ne w bp(Jklc t. "IJle CALD WELL'S NaahTWe , Tenn. n OOK O F \V()~ tJ E I{ !; " hn ~1 f! eo flAm ple to lind how to oure it. Quicke st relief Conohes and ohn.irs supplie d. Dr. Mila.' Ha.rt Cure Ie eold by th os" who h a ve n t' vcr trIed t~11 9 wonderfu l and oure for coughs and colds. Price re",cdy. r~~rfl~~~~::ia w':I~1 ,;~~~u~r·l~t~: :~n: Do I ~n ow. Have recentl y moved to room 600 and '1.00; guaran teed at F. C, h. will .... fund )'our monay. PEPSI N .SYRU P CO. {next Schwar to Croas Bros. tz 's drug store. Trial bottle .ontloeU o, 1111.01. Miln MC<lical Co., Elldiut'a W free For !:!ale by J. E .•Janney \\lAIN STRIlET , ' WAYN& 8VILLE, o.
LIN 7 i
Lo"g Distance ' No. 69-3r
He ar tb ur n
A · Li vi ng Monument.
Dres sing Sacques
Dr. Cal dwe ll's
Syr up Pep Sin
. .
ICe.. arveys urg, ,
Hutcbison ~ (jibn~y, X¢nia Obi~
:WaYllesvilie Man .I at Head of Big Deal.
Will be Marri ed Today
Harve ysbur g.
Sprin gboro .
.Tamal! toop~ , Pre9i<ieot of thtl Last weok ' ~ issne of the Gn~ette Onr. Holiday line Is flS co,nple te l\lr~, C, .J , Robins on ami Iir.t·le Dr, MlIcy, dentist , will be nt Miss Gathllr ine Undenv oml, n IVII . lIlILki ng it .. nsulIl round, but · dn nghte r~ K"thar '':'nynes vllIe '.Inulng Co" hil~ pur, Il8 It Is fresh and deslrob le. me Ilnll Stllen Bhrvcy sburg nil next week. populor young lady of Har veys. cloth ed i n ",JllI'pl e and Hne oba~('d lot t.he VanWe rt C"nnib g linen," )love returne d frolll II. plell8l\nt v1>dt ,T , E. Janney . Mr '. 'lyde Hi"tt i~ here fr om l)Ur~, und Mlr . .Joseph He~t, on . o f We lIlot; t h" C1101 Helillul e with out. with Dr , O . F . WiJlituns 00, t,he f"ctory of the Y Iln Wert Mrs. Frank HI.I.We8, of Cl'ossw ick, Winche ster. Indiona , to onjoy u.od familythe Sprmgb oro, wt~l be umteu In umr. s t,rot·obed II 1'1 li S , ('Ilr eRnnln g Va. , Rt VanWe rt, Uhlo, one wos seized with a very hIlts off to the at Liuert',f , Ohio . serious holidny scason with her l)arents , rlage at Jonoh II Ruu church , 8 ILl'· puper, f ,,," I rnl y Ihe sheet ClLme to of the largest tLud best equippe d attllok: of neuralg ill of the Herher t Fox. of uermlm town, stomac h Mr , nnrl Mrs, Israel Wright . veysuu rg, at high noon t odn,y, us in such "t,ylish "I.lendo r onnning factotie s in the ::Ilate. nnd with \ spent a few dn,y s the past week with TueAday. ' We offer n sUllerb stock, includ. Wedne sdoy. n u ew depill'turll of ellterta inment his Sister, Mrs. Wm. Kobinso , The plant1 has the machin ery nec, If YOll want satlsfnc tlon 'in selec, ing only goods of approve n. d Buperl. Immed lntely ,after the oeremo ny tlmt tIll1 k.. ~ ll~ rf'eog nlze its superio essary to'ft-n "'" oo·n. • tOlufltoes or ~~I · tl on o.n d econom y I ' our h 0 I'I· orlty r '\ Misse!l MIlY Miller ouel Fannie , , .T, E . J Illlney. n prlOe dinner wl1\ be served to t,hlrty .~i it oxco '- -. moat any other vogetab le. J. F. (lay stock will tIlJ yonI' .. " llell oe TIHl lilt tera , from formar , needs . ,r. .1IInney were Miss B olen Oglesb eohos retnrn ell guosts Ilt the home of, ~he britlo'R r f)Rlll OU I ~ "'oro JlllltlCularly Intel'. nati SaturdllY. Rhoppln g In Cincin. 8nook, 0f'Sont b LebanoD, manoge r . E. Janney . from Oxford where sh e ' bns been parents . Mr. Imd Mrs, Ehlm U UIlor· · lst~ll g. "PtJ:i llll y thoso from old I Mr: n~~l M;a . N:' 4 of tho WQyni1sville C"nuiulC Vo , is Remem ber our holiday stook I1ttendiug college. 1J." ohnson had wooll, ailio IIllld to be interest ed in the del,1 gives you ne"v IdRRs nn(lsUIJ .1 f ;Clfllll~ut~ "' IMI \~' 11 01~ ~va had ueen ,8 S /1 recent gnost, Mrs; Phil McNan "II'e' ' Ve Iluve th ongl . ' ) t t'.· .~. f They will leave th o SlIllI aod It is underst ood' th"t the local e-"ot1y you. waots, J. E ulDg or avery , , e un "y or ' tl. 1l1 1 III I' Y n.S~tlCllttt>C ID "the past. neyaDl1 d' augue "t r Mi s.. Vanne . Ju.nney. I 0f ' ht ~. . f or evory o. briclnl trip. nmd on ChrlRt,m persall. t I1e rig m~aveseouredB bonanz a. They ll. fl clny " I I", conco ptlUn of unr editors WIth D prICe J E J , oyon, N art h Da k'ot·" . will be given 0 largo r ecopho n II I the cO lllulll etl c n o rt ~ of have not deOlded yet whethe r they Misses Apphla Miller and Elh, (lurse. ., . anney. the good tho home ~f the groom' s lUothp,r.. poo ple of WII.yn es villo ill fixing II will operate the f"otory lit Van Keys were charmi ngly entert~L Mi"" C·lrll c" AI<lridlte. who wu.s ined Our book stock. Ilns bcen till te, lind vrepltl'ing for 1\ reulll on of very IUI10 1J ill(li~JloRed tile pallt at the hospita ble home of Mr. ond seleoted nncl . nt pri ces thut well Mrs. Letiti£\ Heston . W er t or move It to 8O~e otb er poI week, cnn 't nt. M F k B dd k I ht old l'esiden t,M is II Illllrk B" fOll t nro hllij lignin re~lUlUed herscbo rs. ron ol duties, ra 00 over 0 g help but please. ,J. E . Janney . U St. Mary 's Churc h ond most oomme ndllble . liS it not, Mr. W . 0 , UU!ltlD, of Waynea receIJUy. ' Farm ers Instit ute ville, Mrs. E, I::i, Furnas and SOil Seth only brings family . ooulloc ti on t o WIll! II I:Ipriugboro visitor Sunday ; Our display of holiday . goods is a were guosts . of Mrs. Mary Gillnnl, '. F.e r WaYl\es~iUe popul!1 SnncllLY . Dooelllb er 2.lth ; the 4th get,her but flJ.! tho old fnmilio r f" oes. Miss Mnrlllnne Surfaoo was ou.lIed r 80coes. It 'ploases bectLnse nellr Wiimin gton, from Fridny until RuntillY in Advent : Huul1ny Achoal SOllie who will mingle good Wayne sville will have a Farmel'!!' it '8 new and novel. It cheer to Middlet own Illst Friday on aCt IlBt,isfies Suudl\y evenlng , at 9 ::10; m orning prayer nnd Sill'· for tho Inst tim e on enrth Instltu, te t.llts Jr,.inter, but Indepen . becatlile It anticip ates your Ilnd will count of the seriOllS illness of her want.a. Our boo~ osssort ment has the man Itt 10 :30. At 7 o·clook. (Christ· be au epooh ch erished liS long 1111 little ni uco, Cllthuri \lently of the Ohio Agrlou ltural It Baves beoaUBe the prices ne Fitts. nre right vnrlety t,hllt Insures the easy and mas eve), the Snnday Sohool festi , life mlly last by elloh oue who will Board. Wayne sville has been fav, and reasona ble. J. E . Jnnney Mr . J , M. Bunnel l spent Thurs. . satibfac tory ohoice, the prices iue val with Christm ns tree. be so fortuulLte liS to be preseut on du.y doing Cbrlstm ns shoppin ~st by' hovlng' more ored \ In the .... Mrs . Joel Evans entertu ined Dr. the fairest. J , E .•1Ilnney. g. ~ CbrlAtmos Dny . t:!ervtce n U(1 11(1· the oconsioll , lustltut es than "ny other' town In aml Mrs. H. J:. Hathaw ay 'rl 1 d' f th M E b rob and Mas· Ie It I(,S 0 Mrs, W. H. 'fhorpe hnd tbe IJloa9. dress at 10 o·olock. ; 0 U TodDY (WednesdIlY) nt high noon will holt! II Chl·ist.mefls .Market Wllrren County , aod the Board felt ter Elliott Wright at Il' delioicuB ure of u visit from her brotber and and' Mombe rs of tho church that ' Morrow are roo ut Jonahs Run Bllp~il!t ol~urob, ,by Fllir, in the .room of N. was entitled dinner IllSt. Wedne sday in oomme n!· sister,l n·law, Mr. Rogeri' De. ILnd Mrs. Cbnrlo~ queAtefi to meet ttt the churoh , Rev , A, K, ~lrKont., MISS Cn tlHlr III 0 \ cUlubllr "1 'J 'J ":1 to the Institu te this year ut the ex- oration of her birthdll Y, Thorpe , II. few d"ys recently . Snturda y afterno on and nssist in UJl~el'wood W~I~e I·io;:ed pense of the sta~ fund, but urged in O1l1r, Mi8~ ~t;l;l-~:~ce wus the reolplMrs. D. L. Crane and hnndso As if< m.unl Fra.nk Cnrey, the decorat ing Ula edlflcoe for that the people of thill commo nlty, little BOil Ethan have retorne me Cbri ~ t , ring e . to Mr, osep I Oilton, lIra!!· en t of n hlLD(lsorue plano d to Lebano n llI.8t week jeweler , bQS one of the I"rage for an Ijlstltu te Indepen dent- t,helr . home In Springf ield porons farmor near ~llrlllguoro f . after II. bti· t seleoted liues of holiday goods !DIU!. 'l'he churoh connllotion had tL 8)lecilll ~Olll Vh~ ~rllnd·l Iy of that body. protra.c ted visit' with their refh,tives, ever brough t to Wllrren oonnty. Chr,- stmas Inv,-tat,'on. Invltllti on, lind till fri ends weloom e rs . , , ence. }a.rents, Mr. and COllll6lluentlya m8ot-ing wall held Mr. and Mrs. ,T. B , Coleml\n. t th t' I consist ing of high clnss jewelry und Mr , Ilnd Mra. Joseph Deardu lJ, of lIIIolldoy afterno on In the Direoto r's a e nup In s , Morrit8 tuwn, oolled ali . fanoy articles . Nathan Nothing pleal!es a woman more for roum of the Nlltlon al Bnnlr at Mrs, Albert St. J<>hn frow Mor· We extend you a speoinl invita, . , II , a Christm as preaent thau a Ilretty . ~' . Rogers lind family MiRa Satnrda Luella row y. IIiLS Corne 'whioh the . exeouti ve co been visiting Mr. 8nmuel was Vu>ltlDg ,. mmltte e,. I)I' ~ of chinn. See the fine stock In Xenia lost week, and while there tion to be preBlen t Ilt our Ch r I8 t mils Stoops U i I I ted 'tl I t I t t te """ ' fnmlly, ti e . c ~ ev va servIces will oommeo~ , Je al' ns I 0 entert·l1 , con· lnment at Christm Oarey's as eve . at Brondw I tl 7 Dy f M . u.nd ,had aha I the pleasur A BFrank e of belng 'o. guest at '1 k o w d 1.1 t I ta 111 MISS Lnoy Bluckwell, a formor at the ·Unlted Brethre n olinreh PrJ, H H ng· a ' l'II. a c oe r~ " ,an .. r wn, MulberJ'Y streets, Lebftnon, leur y we come It , a percel shower given tn honor of boys a.n d girls wllO do not evening , Decembl)r 22. .EveryMrs , W. T. Frame, Mrs. Chulc8 M. attend I teilober m . ~ur schools , hus been day body welcom e . Mi9s811lnohe OglesOOe,o be Bougb, Mcssrs. 1:1, Lev, ·Cartwr lght,. ~r. and Mrs. Roy Z,lmme . h S d S 1 I th e mnklng IL VISIt tlt the horne of Mr rma.o, of .' .. any at er un ay CiaO, ns er Hendrio k, P. B. ""'ur,a' ce and Warren Keys, Elwood ,lndion a, h~ve be,en 'visitin g ' "Shore Aores," R Christm as draFor IOI!,r1ppe "lwllVs ose Red" will he extr~· trefl.t prepare d, with Ueorge E. Riley, Prlll!id entand ~helr brother an:l sister,ln ma will be I e ented ' tt. K' f t .law, Mr. 8pruce and Oh erry Expeoto rlln. MrR. Peter Cory Is sufferin g from I ' If 8 M, E, S, S. W. T. FrRme, Secreta ry, took the "nd ' Mn , L. A.· ·Zlmme 1n ..! l . a tt lnlf . I . P. Hall, 'lllUrsd rmau. for Sold by.J. E . Janney . fty evening , DecemIl severe 0 no op and agreed to hold on Institu te about a week.. erYBI~ I1S , ' l ber 21, by the young peopie of tha Those who attende d the State Miss Duke In Runa way. . . Messrs. W. A, MerrItt ond Lew Univer salist ohurch. . ' III , Waynes ville ' Grunge ot Columb ns from Wayne s, Friday and Sat,ur. Adml.l Seth Cook. uD the husthn g P<iC81Io nSoors witb their familie s were d ,. ' 't I t , VIlle on v IOlD! !lilY, Februa ry 9th and lOth. provid. toa coal ,. • y os wee k were : ' • 26 find 16 oents: man took a (loy off last M reserve d seats 350.' entertnl 'ue!l at d Mr the J W H' home of Mr d WlJile returlol ng home from ,her M'II S d Ing t.he1!8 dates do not-Conflict with Thul1td ayand ocoomp anied lsey M ' , The lodles of the U. B.ohQr oh 8lt.muCl'1 r. an .s : C; '11 M , dr·Mo. n Rohool ot Ferry Monda.y evening I er M lln anythi ng ~h (It wou Id eII''eot the Ell ie, t.Jle' famq,1I8 h og" ral~r oy. H 'Mrs, will hold their ChrIBhIIlI.B· market ' IlUTlce orne. r. an rs. of k ar· MI F k H t II; M ' 1:1 H Ell ' of lust wee k met A pore, a.ttendo.nce. . ss MI nn I e D u!' ' . coarse dl DUel' 0 f gar II0, and fair ,D.eoenlber ~3d. veysbu rg, to Cincinn ati. where they Mrjan D ar BEOC , ' .. rds· , .t 18, with ' , a pooulla r acolden t . onions, corn ' bread and sllwdns t 88 orll II IS Iln Mr . vvo·r ren It wna alHo deoided thlt Frid"y oombm ed busines s Ilnd pleasur e, a K I Sh Th ' ·t Mrs. Aldridg e, of Lebano n, WII.I!I . 11 th 'At! she turned Into 8 .f ·"rnoo·n be "Iven over to the the gll.te that A bash, was served har es gi "" idaker hel'e last week with hor daught eys, " e VI.SI ors, U8 we u.s e . t on enter .fti er ... nmont h h ven h by d th dolly b pupers a d gIVe fnmily 11 SI}lendi Ilnd d report leads throug t; e oro 0.1', e ug ' n lltllles, the program to be arrange d MTI! Anolo Thorpe one . , ' . Mr ' lind Mrs evening f I . . Miss Uraoe, who had edl d II. severe Qtta.ok gy over.tu " rn .ed,.thrQ wing f dl Miss h tl Dnke Milton Hadley Sundu.y at the home of tonslllt is. a t 1e prooe n ..s. ", t.he Ifl es 0 t e execo ve com recentl y at whioh progr . essive , EMili . . ogainst the gate post, striking her of F., 1~ltteO, anll the · evenlug 8Cl!slon to euchre was the chief ILmUBtlment of ~ne Q. Mr. nnd Mrs. OllCllor Cleven ger hand painted . 01)\~0 for head and injudn g her lums. As be devotel l to teacher s with Chllrles the gne6t~, Mr. Ben V. it We were not alittle, but a good were gnests of relative s at Morrow Smith, who Chrlstmll.8 present s at Carey s. happen ed , the gate post was be · deal interes ted In II. statisti A. Drown, 8D~.rlntendent of Wllyne is a very BkUlful player, c of the Wednesdfty. capture d· At West's Book I:)tore, Xenia, tween the wl~ee1s, ;$owneblp IOhools. i~ eharge. . or the the gentlem en's prize. Mr. Maroel lus Tha~kera was II. Ohio, wille be founll the finest 001· would have crushed her head horse clover buller whloh seoured Its tirst , She patent In 185!; by one ,r. C. Burd, Fu'r~ber 'hlln this the progru.ln Thad ZimmermllD Serv~(l a leotlon of holiday gifts in the mar · held on to tho lines. but the blow 110.11, Clover seed sold in Ohio a.t I1n Gem City visitor bu.s 'not. -been comple ted. but the delight ful dinner Friday, on Satnrda y. Decernb er ket., Japune se, F~ench , Austflu n on her hand rendere d her almost average of $28,00. and those enlCRged ' Ga'.ette will keel' I~ reuders in ' 10" to the lady' toaoher Mr. and Mra. W. H. Newport. s of ~e Ilnd Germon novelti es In vases, chop uucons cious. The horse was 11.180 In its preparn tlon were not over. spent last formed u.s pillns materlali:-o..8. · 8chool, Misses Clara Lile. Ella I,reys, dishes, stll/1d tbo~IS , Placq~e Thursd ay and Friday as ~, ~". entangl ed badly. Sbe was rescued 'plI.ld. We bad though t the present gue~ts?f Mr . und Mrs. Bioks Greisl L\lIieD enham and CeleatlnAnstin.\set<!!, eto, , c~, ou.n eo, ra , byMr: Albert Cornell who went to prloes from ~7. 50 to $8 2G per bu. Crush ed Corn. ofCloc mno tl. nnd to Mrs, Frank J . Brown. Of\va8es, nO'I)ples, . ond sherbe rt her lI!lslsta·n ce . high. but If the furmer could offord Mr. ~nd Mrs. Walter ~tanton J..ebanon. tbe oooll.8ion being the oups, books of every descrip . or tion, The hors.e hnd made three pre· to pllrohll se seed fifty yenrs We are grindin g orushed corn birthda . of her little dllo hter ago at Rldgev llle, 8pent Sunday wltb Bar· Ruth fountai n pens, postal card albums , d& vlous W k nttempt l! to run away with twenty· eIght dollars, he certain d food Y g Rookw ood ly vey Gustin and fllmlly. every y. , picture s frn.m ed e eep ,groun Jobn C. B&wke hIlS beeu oonfine d I'.n d unframpottery ed , gilt frll.llles for phu. her. should not put up a whole drove of Miss Ina McCabe tlpent :-::,obd;:;ef::J°e:::::g:~~ ~:~e:: to ilia . home for ten days or Ulore. ~grallhs, from Sunday the smnll gold hand The acolden t did not interfer e squeals at llresent prices. .. toll or oash basis: with Misses Mnttie o.nU Floro Wat1e, owing to a ellght slip. As hI! wu.s to the largest gold mouldi ng; 300 wit.h Mis!! Duke's sohool dnties, .If you have not- tried ouroJ:'o shed asoen,d lng the stone "'epe We Informo d I5llm ~l\Is blls of Five Points . from tIle kinds 'of mouldi ng, flne station ary, howeve r, nbd illlllddi tion to her reg· seven hundre d IlDli sixty head of ~r. and CorD 0lI011 aDd Bee It IIond,yo u will MY .P 8vemen.t to the v.:a~ room Mrs, Harvey Gustin spent at his Ilml everyth ing that goes to make wa,r worj{ bas oJrrnng8 (1 for '+ Christ. hogs, Ilnd wll\ oontlnn e produol ng Mondoy In thit It Is the 'tIneat feed you e'v er .place of bU/lln8llll. hla f~t Dllyton . sUpped ul> a fiue line of Christm oa present s. mas enterta inment Friday after- until be hos on9 thonsnn d, In Vir· , ,'. Waynlll!vllie Mills. (rQ~ a step In suo~ !I way t-hat the West's Book Btore, Xenill. noon. saw'. glnill. wo underst and the Inrge plan. , " lIgll.mepts we.r e torn looso from hlS \ Sprin g Brancl~. tn-tlons feed from ten to tWllnty Malo nic Lodge tbo, . 11mb very badly Purch ases New Home. nan CUpid has been very butly of • wOllder was a Dflyton . . • One of tho most appreol able pres, Mrs. James Chenow eth anddau The local Mllsonio 100lge blls pur. "'te, and among the latest gh shot.s 1 obued the old Baptist ohuroh prop. with his trusty arrow ents one could sugges t for the com· ter Annie took dinner with has been Mrs. ertyon Miami Htreet., jOl't utlO" of throiJ.«h tlie hearts of, Mi~ . M.lI.zlo Wo tnke it for granted that YOUl' heor~s II,re Ip the rIght plnce ' ing Xmlls cbeer would be a copy of 1'bomBs Lacy nnd family o~e day tIllS the Gn1.ette for Il year , It would recently . Ea.rnba rt. daught- er of Mr, anel MrR. year just as thllY been In the IlClst, ourl t.hnt YOll feel .the SlIme gen. be a constan t remind ~;;eet~: for 0 long time Roy Earnha rt, and Mr. Obarles T. erous desil'o to remem er at leaeton oe Mr Bnd Mrs, ThOOlB,! (irimes and ber tbotle you love With ILP.p roprmt e ChrlstDllls 0. wcek for beeD 'lIe8kiog more O~mlU()(hOIl~ Ellis, elder son of Or . aDd twelve months , 01 him two little daught ers were gueets of Mi'B·" .J. gifts, t,hi!!SCfl80n. os heretof ore, . . ' or 116r who hau froUl the fullness d tl orlMon nt Holly relative s Sunday . i i ' quam n than those . tbe" fire ooou- TEll' t We n·re therefo re ple.lleed to urge you to IIcoept the lDvltln g hOSpl' · 18. an l~ r ml!rr age re 0 ' ying' in tbe townsh ip honse. d hId t i d pillae'. at 7 0 cloak Wedne sday. lete assortm ent hI'.' hoort rememb ered us wtth a l News will be more p' lenttful after . P t-!lllty of tile open oar t lit ea S a oor luge an oomp , . of beo.utlflll Bolldn.y goods, porfeot ly IItlnllted to the, wnnts of warm.. gift so entert·n ining anel ,instrno tive. Christm as, A IlOOUnd 8tory wtll be added to Decemb er ? I Jleo.rted glft-ma ker:j . We are offeri'ng the advl~ntflge f)' all that Is new tile buildin g whioh will be uBed 11.8 ' Quite . Il. large part,y ot Wayne Olle day I~st week.' Jolly old Ad , - -- -- s. und ILttraotive in Ohristm tl9 !tifts thllt Y!lur good tllStH will comme nd and Stoops was III the vlllllge for the , .. loci'ge room, while the lower etOry VIlle people expect t.o go Corw in . to Dayton your judgem ent IlllJlrove, Our stock is 'so varied Ilud so careful ly seleot. firRt time In someth ing like a couple Itory will 8erve 118 a banque t hall. next Wedne sday to attenll d M Frn k Sbldak the even· ed that we 110 not see how we can fall to plensl'! every . single l)erson who of years. We could not I!eo tllllt Mr, on Ing per formano o a f Th e Ma Id an d is lQoklng r8, ' n e~.. of. ., .' W for Il deSirab i le t nnd approp tl riate h d gift s for Harvey old or sburg, young . • Bally 's Meat Mark et. the Momm y at · the Vlotori a, In wish to make o.ur e th,e corpn an gen eman II. su· Robert Shldak erwore g08l!ts Sunday . . holiday nnnnnl llnnoun coment this yoa·r particu larly I~ talDed Rny loss wh~tever In. flesh, I Mrs. 0 , D. Rllder and nephew whloh colUp&ny, nnder a new lOan. talk to your pooketbo<>k. . ~ . We are going to be the paoplo' s &lnta CIllus u.nd malntll.ineel the snnle spIrit of I Kenllet h Kllbon, I h&ve .Oland Htllmillt uod Wnl. ager, Mr. nnel Mrs. Frank Smith this were IIhopplng In .. S0880n JOs' alt far Btl the Inexora ble laws of busines s will permit. BerKftn assistin g me,ln my '!hole. will appear in new parts. by good hilmar IlS of old, and has not Cincinn nt\ Satnrda y. . tbat of seiling go~s I1t the lowest soale of prices known to ;&lr·~~~ll~f:!~ hone8t trade. We gone into the dray of the nnte·de ln· sale Ilnd retail mrat mo.rlcl'St, . IMr , Smith being the Wild Man. It ore going to mnke your Mr. W, Batfield , of Kenla, spent,. lOoney fnr reachin g and profitab le In exohan ge vlan fossils by Il whole lot. .lam now rOlldy t., hllt(Jher }loth \WIll be renlem bered that SundllY with Mr8, Hope Stl108 aDd" Mr. and for Vhrlstm ue gifts of merit nnd volue, We want you to oome in and hote" and cattle for f"rmera . !VIU Mrs.. Smit spent Il part Our store roolUS artl nil decorat ed danght er. of last see how little ,it takea to secure Imitabl e and approprt~te , '. gifts for those with Chrlstm Bs extra.... but we beMrs',Fr ;,.nk pl.", highest market ,)dce for hOiC8' llIummer at tbe hOlDo of their reto yon dlll!lre Wi~8on an~ ~l. ' .-' to remem ber. . ' . oalvlllllUld OIIt~le. woold call eS(lOO"II attentio n to th9 ,a;be~t WiI~~e~n~:~·. v tlVell, • Mr. and Mrs. Braddo ck, In 8 . ~. , ',; We have been laborin g indnstr lously to preplLre for t;he Hohday Freilh ",n(l , "nltel} meatil !!olll by lEast Wayne . ,?wnsh i P , after orrange ment of Levley 's dlapl!\y . Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Howard Booth w.ere .. : . an trnde and our store Is fnlrly shining with Ilnarro y of beautif ul Christ. Doisy hos been to the oity recently , Dayton visitors pound round or'. jarduou 8 8eo80~ a work. o.n(l have mll.8 gifts. SpeclQ ll>alneR Satnrd ayand SUD. nd mnch oonslde ration was expend ed to make and whatev er new In d~igned deo. day. E. S. BAILY. Inow jf)ined the Sflme compan y In n the oolleoti . on of Christm as goods ono whloh should include someth ing orative art tbat struok ber 'ancy wlnter'A tour. After visiting sev· really deBlrable for every individ Mr. Ra.ymo nd Barlan spent Sun. ' ual from the younge st to the old08t., has ' been reprodu oed in the little day In Cincinn ati. ·Hoplng to S60 every ,render {If the Go:r.ette at oUlr store at an early Un' lon Place Divided. Ieral Oblo towns, they will play In olty among the hills. Young men ' Clnoinn atl Decemb er ' SO, and Irom dote, and extendl ng ·to OIlO Mrs. Sarah Wilson, of lU.rvlll1.~.i:~.::ti!: and,lI.n the compli ments and good wlebos of Bnd ladles &re attraote d thltber to burg, • B. V, ,S mith, "~ ~.hrlfty farmer visited her nieces, . then! w!1lanuMr Of. Both Mr. go I!out-Ir for the s. Smith havewinter· many the 808800. we remain , ~ . t W'a)'1l!l toWD compli ment 'he brother Bn d Sister, MoKinsey and Mi88 Lillie :~~~[~~~ , ,8hip, hoe purohaa . friend8 among the Gazette readers I Very t.ruly yours, El Bai 180 for be it Impr_ ed upon your mind, several d"ys ,laBt week. . . e4 from Mrs; la • . 1\08 J. l~ . JANNE Y, acree who wish ,\ hem the abunda nt suoboth are enjoyinp; the single stat!l Miss Alma WatAlrhoaee of farm adjcma.1Dir Waln~vine cess they deeerve , Wayne nllle. Ohio. of never fading joys. ' her frienEl, MI88 A~ i'ur~SIlld,~~'::: t.~ kDOWll .. UaloG Plaoe, and will • . . iMJOUPJ' ., ill ..&he llprlDa. j ..
Cordl'al' Cbrl's'tmas
et,'ng to alii ~:~~::e~:~.~r:~II::~n~:/
cn~:~ 1!~o::U~:~~t
" ~.
Miami . BROWN
a ~lcH
tV A"NR!:t'Ir-r .m.
Gazette. A CLASS . V, .Publlsher.: ()T-flf)
De(ecls of th e C~u ~us. Unllollhtedly Ihe f elill!; \\,n, II !rle· 11 '1' a,1 umong oganl s tlllll lh ,; hjecl if tbe ce nSUB wns OOt to nsc"'l'wl ll the :r lllh . tho whole trlll h . tlU11 lI ol hl nJ; bu t Ihe ·tru tlt , bul , "th!'r lo I"'lll'e a lhesls . Tbe moral LOlle (O ( t ho 1H,\cnl >l lu ffered depreclutiQIl Ht~ 1\ in n few days, wrlles W. H. Ali en , lu AtJnnth~. rbe s liding scal o r elgn od s upreilie. lI')ne llle s lowest alld illost. Igftoran t ,'nd must " elml man au lhe stall wus permitted to set lh o s tondu1'I1 I)( Il ftny·s work tor Cncle Sam. The 0\11· ! urean cynicis m anll abamlon at l hl' s taff seemet! 10 Ju s llfy the warnln s of u noted s tati stician 10 the writa r : " II YOU eYOI' expect to wurlL with HtIIUS· Ucs. tbe less you know at Ibelr origin j he beLler." Tbe-"IIlm ullles are n Unlberloss, bnt the couut Is In. llnd mu s t be used as elTcc tively as Ilossibl e. Luckily. tou. the origlnul male rlal Is lu cbnrge at sk illell SllltlS\lca l e:qlel't s. By mlnuLe ant! calldld classlficntlon tile Inaccurncles may be welgbted. rbe s. ))rlorl reliable statistics may yet be slflell more carefully from the a priOri unreliable, anll tbe l>osslblllly of blllldlng upon the Inac lIl'ades of Ihls ce'n sus In 0.1\ future stntistlcnl ~o mpll tlltlon8 may be minimized. A lillie more time and expense Iu cOl'nection with the llnol),8ls of stati s tics of hlan· ufactllres for lUOO will save much outlay for the next censlIs, aud many mil;takes In leglslnllon and admlnlstrn, Uon. It Is mnnlfestly poor ecooomy ror congrellll to spend mllllons In col-. lectlng less complete statements tball clrcumslances permit. Perhnps It mIght pay for congress 10 demand COIlfesslons from various spcclal IIgenls, to he \lscd as hlnls to the experls and tUmull to the Ilerwanent census bureau.
V <\ RIOl:rf.3
'.rhe Popullll' Suhol)l-Glrl Doee Not Milke Unlucky Speech~s-She Is Quick to Understand Pcople-'lIhe Succeesful Leader ""moug Gll'ls Must Pcossess Cbann lind Initiative -She Must Be Able to Engineer a Meeting wHit Ea se Rnu GraceExtrR WOI'k Hw' P enalty for \he Honor. DY
( ol>)"rlghl . 1000. b)' J o.ellh U. Bowles.) AnlY Is presillent of he r class! AIllY bill tho old est girl In It. nor the pret· tles t. n or tlic besl dre ~.ed. 1I0r even one of bost sc holllr~ htp . Ruth ha s hi ghe r marks. Edith ha s "oe r clolhos. Floi'cnce Iii th o Clo$" honllty . nnd Phollll is probahly tho g irl wllb Ihe la rges t lIumbor of hlrLhdny ~ . Whil e
\\1'e arc
\\'0 P.S I C('1l1
it a c au ~c
tor congratulation. t hat we li re nearer ~O than somebody who Is on ly 15. It WII lire 18 we are Ilrou(1 of Ih o (.II .. tin tlon. Only a s Tinll'. lh o Ihl e f of so many happy lhingH. Sl 'nlB awa y our pride In our ynar". II .. WI! try tu hi do th em. You Alrl :; ul sc houl ure ull lJell utifully aoll IJIi "s fully young. hl os~ your d ear h earts,
you n eell not
try to cOllcell1 th o fact . . A g irl I Im e w onco Ifll pP c ucu hy chanco to s 0 a so ntcl"''' about hnr. In t\ l ett er lI ot UH.:mut n.r h er
e p HJ .
'rho leller s oW : '''I'heo llnt'll IH " c ry young. oud h e r upjJ cnl'llllce IlIdlcatos It." Though 'l'lwodom lilld aMll o· hrown In he r cheel.s . Rn.1 oyes lik e ~tar 8 . untl a IIII1 SS of ch estnu t hair wllh g llols of s un s hin e thn.. lldlng It. s he cried wbeu s he fouull tbat peol>l o th oug ht sho looked young. Sho wllnt· ed to look old! l'oor little Tbeotlorn! " ' hy Is a g irl chose n os class I>res· Ident why Amy rnthcr Ih an SlIe, or naeh el? Well, girls, probably for ' t.wo or three reason s, A gi rl who 19 thus hOllored by Ibe snft'roges of ber motes. Is a popular person . She has not gOlle arounll with a chip on he r s liouiller. Sbe bas never mUlle enemies by un. lucky speech es. Sh e dl)cs not make tun of h r frl enll R. nl)r Indulge In wit at the Lr c~ I'cn e . This is on tb e Degntlve sille of Ih e quostlon. Oil th e amrmatlv e side th e POllu!>U' girl bas lost 110 opportunity to 00 little kindn esses at the right momenl. Sbe " peaks corulally of tb c ob s~ nt.. She performs graceful sen'lces gra· clou s ly , Sbe IJl In Ule public ey'!. m orc or less . and people kn!)w .... here Uley can filld bel'. It ablled to .10 nny· thin g obliging. she doe ~ It wllhout a fUB s. Tile popular girl has s. Iroop of friends. beclllIse s h e Is friendly . Everyone can dep end on h e r not to mnke n stupId mIstake. IlD.d to say tile prope r word In the PI'O\l I' place. She possesses tact. '1'0 the a\'el'oge g irl. tllct Is a better gift than good lool{s. ur J;reat learn · Ing. It mak es a girl "Iulel. to nnrl e r· s tand p.~opl e. and It IIlltkc" lhe m lik e he r. A g irl who has La 't ulwa ys he lps oth el· pauille to b at th eir h est. and· tbat Is mncil IIl1 er thllll to IJ' brlliiallt and s bowy In one's OWII clt'HaCter.
Relaxation of Etrort. -Cooductlng a busln~ss Is like roliln, • huge boulder up a 'ltlii. Th e moment you cease to )lush It, tlie !Doment YOII lake your shoulder from Il au (1 think yon will reat nnd tal.e It easy, the boull!er begins to crowd ba'k llpon YOIi. Dod; If you are not careful, I[ will e ithe r run over amI crush you, or get «way trom you allogelher lind go to .the bottom with a crnsh. It Is neC£8"ary, says Orison. Swett Marden. In Success MagaZine, tu be ever lasti nglyFusillng, following up the boulder; )(teplng It gOing. In order 10 get it 10 the top of the hili. One of Ihe great · t:st dangers of ellrly pros~lerlly In ony lIne Is a. teliden cy to relllx elrort. Many 01 mnn ceases to grow when bls Biliary raised. or when he is III.1"Bnced 10 a higher position. Mnny a business 1lI8n, afler he has buill up a large buslDeSs. ccnses to exe rt hlmself; ami th e moIlJc nt he pauses In his caml)allPl o~ Jlushlng and s trugg li ng. the moment h I! begins to relax In g iving hi s oloHe. J.ersonal alteOlloo. hi s bus iness cease. to ad"llnco, and falal dry·rot sets ioOlle of UII) worst diseuses I ba t. cn n • •• The llresille nt ot th ' ClU8S gene r · solze Iiny Indl\'ldllnl or co ncern , 'fho l'lan ...Who atte.mpL'I to run a bU'3 I.1es.s. ully Is a g irl with churnl. Amy h us l:lrge or s mnll . mus t keep his 'Hngors had chllrm from he r ·l'I\rll ·. .\\ hat Is c:onslanlly on Its llliise. In ortler lo ·it·! How sha ll It btl .~ 1)1 81I1ell? Deal' girl. It Is Imp os~ lble to d efin e tktect any rIse or fall ot temon-ature . charm In 'set terms. It Is til" jle rfnm e nllY trregularlty, or any jar In the Il\a- uf a flower, It ' ls the swea t ness ot th e chlnery. When the head of a flrm Is violin. It 18 tb e HOrt ~hlmm e l' ot Ih e II ylng to lake It easy, lhere 15. 11811aJly moon. It Is tbe sigh or the SlIl"f when trllnble somewbere. . la~t It breaks upon th e s hore. A 81rl who has charm steals Into one 's heart. An Eldorado, de~ plse(\ and l eJecled. She may be 11 gentle mouse or a girl. lies In the heart at t be Mi sH I6Ulppi va.l· demure alld Quiet. or 11 meny breeze· Icy. with transportation , far.fllUes lit like girl. CODling Indoors with th e ~wlng of the wind, bllt her cltarm. If hand. Ilnd as .undeveloped o~ any of ' genlllne, wlII belong to her personality the extrellle wesLern stales. 'rills rich and be a 1>lIrt ot he r. J'eg lon has 0. superb cl,i mate, 1ree' from Olty girls have this cndowment and malaria. with all abnndanc,e ot tbe 10 have country gll·IA. A good deal of "urest water nDd Ihe purest all'. plenty It d epends on bei ng free from Relf·ab· of timber fo\, minIng purposes. Im- sorption. No girl wbo Is thlllldng mense beds of zinc of remarka ble pllr- milch abollt b oraclf ever has char m. jlY. and of lead ore. This Ideal country Ilomely girls ofte n ha\' e It lind pl·et· nwnlts \nen whose buslnes8 Is mining ty girls miss It. su YOll sec It docs nuo whoso elrorts and Inveslmenl s will not need to go w Ilh 11 I'ose l af Rk: n lind diml)les. But Amy wouldn't be he requited with grellt fortunes In tho chose n as class ·presldant it the other •\Car futnre. This neglecled Eldorado girls hnd nut been 100j./ressell by he.' C<imprlges an area bet ween In e Bos tuu charm. 1I.0lJlltalns In the south. the OZarl( Stili auother excellent qllllllty. lIod l 'lountalns In the 11orth. alld embrllcCI ono Ihnt a leader always has. Is force. Without force nobody CIIU bope to )III't8 of flve co unties ot Arka.nsna. I ad. "IOHI of liS arc followers. Only - The proverbial luabillty of e mInent he re lind I he re Hjlrlll gs up tbe girl lawyers 10 frame Ihelr own wills so ae who leads. It is lIever' by hi lis ter or vehemence, to command the support of th e co urts by live r cmphas ls lIud self·assc rtion. or bas been again llIuslralell by the In, by uny diHplay of orm!,;altce 1I11d IJ1Id nliiduling of the will of the lal e Cilief manners. that a girl lJecnmes II leod e >. .TuSllco Paxon. of the su pr~me c-ourt of .'Ol'(;e of dlarae te r I" a lIam o wlthtn P enns ylvania. He uevlseu a large por- 1.110) 8Ou l, lhat s hlll e8 Utlt lu dnily con· tion of his l110ded property for the es- IlIlr:L tablisbmen t of ao 'agrlCulLJral seliool A weal, gi rl,os l it" rolor of lhe for poor boys. Under the Pelllls),lvllnla las t I'f!r~" n who Inll;" with he r. Why. law wills containIng chnrltable be- YOU lUay o(fi!1I le li with whom a girl quests musl have tbe signature or sub- Irat; becn assoclatlllg hy he r InH ec· ttOlI R. Ire r IrIIlCS. lUll! ir eI' Ilet phmses. ~crlbl11g witnesses. But tbo chief jU8A s [u.· oplniuns, lIlH wo ... l{ person m 'a y lice forgot 1111 abont Ibe wlt.Desses and thit"l " hu ha" tllclll. I'"t In r ~ lIlity his bequest has been held vulll . sit e iJU " ,,"ly (IreliHIil'cs. 1\'11II:1t iue According ('0 a ci rcular or Itlstru l'o ver y tli fr"n' oL <, t.lonR Issued by th e war department, medlenl officers should rej ect IIppli· But s ho!lltl YOII asl; Inc "h at at· cants tor admiss ion to the volllnteer trih!lte In a girl wtll he lp II ' r to be military companies If there I. a dit, mll" t "!leee.s rully pres ltl'!u( of her fer ence of less than two Itll'he" In their cla ~ s. I thilll' I \\'111 picl, out Ulij; he· c!:est measure when their liln gs ore yond cver y Olher. Sbe mu, t have fllll of air and when they nre e mpty. ,,' ha t "'e r.H iI injtlntiv" . That i. ~ h e 1I·,," t bc ab le to s uggrGt new lines. to The minimum cheRt measuremenl al· bl ril<c UlIl iu nm. pal lts. an,1 (u con, lowed Is 32 Incbes. Jl;very hea Ithy boy \'Incc th e (,th", r Lrll'l s lhat her IIlena ought 10 be able tl) expand his chps t lire " OOl\. J\ ' girl wIJo Is a slave til more Ulan two Inches, wheth er he In· Iyst cm . w~o car r s prln ClllDlly how le nds to ellll~t In the natioual gllarl! 01 thlh S. 1001, o nt! Is in l'<.' rrl)l· atrout 1101. what people wlJl say. is not 8 girl wllh .Initiative.
Sho mlls t 1I0t be · a (loward, eftb~: N,o t lopg IlgO- n se1ll)01 Ilia), wn ~ 10 ~ J)rl'B nted. :nlfl r ell ai'8nls w ra over . thO ' e\'enlng .1lad - lu· I'II·Od, ant! ~he ~ 1\~etulOr8 we r l hCl'e. nut one' :;1 1'1 .whQ bUll un Im(Klrt,allt ' pan in th e UrRt act. at th IRllt mome nt t efll se ll to go 01) the '~ ta l;~ LCCl) lI Se h e r glo\'es \\' r tIlO sh ul·1. Sh o s ul1, ~~ lIlI,l !lOUtoll . . 11 N Sl()\'cs dldl 1I0t l'cnch I he el· bow. Another g ll'l . Infec ted hy he r he· Beaut)' of tbe Country Where Mi .. ionuiel Have JUlt M.t D.ath hllyl o r. tll scover c{1 that h or .. hoes hlH1 at the Hand. of Fnnaiicill Chinola. nOl th e ri s ht buclt lf'M . T lw l'c \I'II ~ llis· UlIl)" trc hlnd llt(' ~CC II(,S. },athuri1lo 11\111 ElIno, . tooti th"ro ill re lJt!liloll . i\tIll the clllss·prCti ld CII\. was scnt Iur. A IlP,," plllCe h:ls b en mOI'ked on Ih~ of 11 r leBI' sl,y. Of all )llaces lu China "l(lltharlnc." ~ h t' ~;l "I. I\ot c l(,,,:llltly. but pO ij ltll'i' I)·. ",;uut up! " " 1~lInor. mup . nud as J,Ioo)lle :lrt' ge ll ing fnmlllllr wllPrc Am erIcan Ollsglonarles ar o ' logo on with ~· ' )( II· lin(~ s. Tlill)" :l'r" wait· wll h Iho nllmo L!enl'llo\Y lind I'catll n)! hOl'inK. l.Ie nchow \\'a ~ the In " t plnce Ing for YOu !" lIo th g irl" nb"y"d at of I ho terrible m".sacl·o I h e r~ l.r o n, t ons ltl I'cd II! dangerolls. ror cven one!!. Th ,,), l'j '('o g llizl'l l th e ll ccc ul or Am e rl~ ll n ml s~ l (j n~I· l es . tll ey are WOII - dlll'lng Ihe Box~r U'otltJ l c~ of WOO Ihe ll ~ ring whoro the pl!lce Is locl.llet.! 1\1It! mls.lollllrie s th cre \\'HO unmol ested. A aUlborit y. Girls, who(' \' p.: ,' 0 1 ~o futls or !" HC' Wll 91 manner ur clly It Is. Thnt It Is writ '~ I' who hn s st lillied the people ccctl •. s he who lu l, es a r.... nl ranI, a nti In '( 'jll na Ihey Ilnow , as tbe nHOI O In· conRlch'r" them 1II01'e rloc1lc Ihun those 18 COn ~ I)IClloU S must do th e lall.' r. tllt-a :eli, but jn~t whel'c In \lIe 4 . 2~5 . 00t' of Ih o lower lli st l' l~ t s. trelng more Shu c annol. tail. Sh~ nHHil Slife ·~tl. " I\\IIU'O nlil ~s ot territory r.o mpl'l"Oll III ('11'11 1\11<1 alll>ret illtll'~ thno Ihe myrl. Tho l>rcslt!c ll t or h"'l" clo s,; nl ll ·;t 11'111 , hat ·,'nijt empire Ibl'Y h\lv" bm II I'ague o(l s tl. th~ ~ \Jtllh. ,\ nrl It IR lo Ih eRe ' people Ihal lite 1II 1" ~ i" uarlcs ita"" been the (n\'(.r 111101 "l)lIlItl c n~I ' or hP!' Icnc h· Id ea . l.ienchoU' lIel! ahollt ~I)(l miles to th o I1Ilnls t"l'ln" . III lite worn n 'ij hlls [lllul ers. allli 11I1I !J t 11 01 Ill' "rmld 10 lal;(' a nnrlh\\'~ s t ot CaJltoo . III Ihl' 1'l'Ilvluce l it c r~. Dr . El e!lllor (' heotnlll . n ll o ot UI'IIl ~ t antl wllt' lt u('c 'l.'i loll f f' tlU i r cs or lI:w\llI gtltug. Ihe .ll s \I'I('1 rl'o rn which Ihe ul\t\d ~ n' ll ml s_ iop,u'les. bad III' 10 lint! to ~ o Il l'l lil~l I... r t'la~s are proull I'l'u l'lIrolly all . lh e t;blnllllH' lI In Ib e t h" timo or Iwr 11I. l lm ely d 'alb Irenfed of hor. l :nlled Stat es como. II i5 ti cJty of !) ,47 ~\ l-. ul j(!nIH ~i IJl.:t! 1 ~9 : :' Ih c year of Sh e 1II11 ~ 1 If'llrn a lillI e bit pf "arlia· somo ' ~O , OOO Inh a bitants . IF yuu ron. lu· It er orrl'·.l l "tlP" Ih e 1I .. ld . Durin g lhe menlar)" law . s o Ihu t In m l'~ ling ;; s ho er only the population within Ihe eilY yell l'~, ill .·.· l it o ml <, luII WllS estab· "hall tuk. tir e ch ll,ir with CU OO Ulill g rnc., . 'I'Iti ~ will hell' he r 10 l' n ~ lll cc r proper. but It tbe populous s ubll rbs ex · II s h ~ d al th is Inlo-rl,,1' d ly 1» ' Ih e I'res11 mCN ln !; wCI I. allli s hr, IllU , t nut hl1vo l elluing to Ibe ens t and souLlI Me In , bylel'lnll " r llt il ~ \I " :tiu uiJlc l.rollpl'ty "rll'Ill e "IIJ ~ wl1('n s hl' .Iue. thl ~ . \Jut rlud~d . as the), properly s houl(1 Il l' , 1 11 ~ IIIL(I I!Pf ll nl'll'li rr d , ineilldl ll!\ M II ,Jill lit O " o~ I.llats . I It I' !., HI ,leneeR or I he Inll fit c lIll4··;,t\' or h e p t"t"C(!ctly (nil' ont! fi gures will ~e ncarer 50.tlOO. LI~nl:ltow Is pecuiJarly for1tlnn le In Inl ~S I OIHt'· ln •. HlI lI lh~ ~ l'ilO o I 4, mosll, to 010 whllt is lJ l'$t fo r th e 'oot! of the il ~ locat io n. res ting as it du cs h y Ih~ n t· w utllll\J r1 !\ ~ . whl" h 111t.lllll ell. a whole. Un le"R Rh e dOuR not ~ hrlil k -from (Ox· s ill e at t ile pletul'est)uo l'll' el' 0( Uen· Ch lll'l'Il JII ,;I ..... 011lI ov·,1 wllh II Reatlilg tra worl;- :l!lcl from laldu g' }1 uln ~. 8. rhoI' . whlr h winds Its turtuolI ~ \vu )' capa',II )' or 'UO . .... 11 lli ese bllilrllng8 thl> gl d \\,0111.1 \lllIch lJolt CI' Ikl'iillO this to Ih d southeas t nn.! at Inllt jOl1l 8 Ih~ Chlrll'RO 11101> 'burll l'" alt e r tbc 1I11ll'(ler hOIlOl". Ir s ho no" s acc<' )lt It sbe 1'Ionh river In Its plunge alnloHt tlll r a t th e "" e mls"lon arl(s . M" ~ . ?1nchle, Ho uth to Ih e great \Vest rlv r. a fe \\' nll(l It CI' w n-yeu r·olt\ dllllghler. Ant)'. nllI St (lay tho price. Dr. EleullOI' Chr3ln lll. anll ~Ir . and mil es wes t or 'uDton. One would ha\·e to trav el fIll ' nn ,1 Mrs. I'~n l o. DI', ;'\'ll1 d llp aU11 Mi ss Pat. IMPROVING THE FIGURE, s r ar.h Ions III China to find un ollt('r t('rsoll mana getl 10 ('"(' UPC from Ih!) r lly \I'i th RS bea.ulIful ant! l\llra c ll\'~ .' av u wherc Ih ey hod 11\1 lullen re fllg!) Avernge Woman Hns Formed Hnbits .urroulldlng R as tbos t} IIllon which lit .. anti !\atnl·t1 Ihe h'11I81' 01' the Yomen of ThRt Tend to 8uch Defect n. IIMple or J.leochow loolc. A poin t of Iho 11 .... Ceel. whoso protecllon Ilro\'ed One High Sh oulder or Hlp. \·Rnt.age rrom wh It h 10 look IIpon Ih! effc IInl. terlil c plain " . 1\ s t~l\'pt "hell w('s t and It Is Intr' I'es ling 10 rel:all some of Ihe You <;I rl s will' are worl,lll g to over. nOl lh Is at Ihe lJu s~ of lite pagoda . Incldeots eo tillectell with th e fOl1n(lillg COttle 'hp. IItI CV I! JlJl(lS S or h i'lfi nnel , houlde rs mu st Inr"Sll llntc I ho In(lt.
lltt nub ~bnut 1Li'tttQuw, tilt ,tntr of ftlurtyrbn.m I
l.t th e trouble. r\olhing r:a u s~ Ih a n Ih e habit at In c•.,..rc ~t sln ndln !~. Ih'rowlng Ihe weig ht o( I he ho,ly 1111>on one foot anti leg. But maoy Ca SE'" of rl'o<,kedness are bl'ought nltouL hy some odll hnblt all YOur own. For Ins tan ce. one <'OrI'cspondl)fll wl"il es I hnt !lhe nlwuys wears II)11g "klt·ts In Ihi, s treet. and In\'nrlnbly holds tllP " Iilrtln rnl Re It rrom Ih o groll1ld wllh lito right ItUII I1. This habit roay ha vo ""n ~ 11 greut Ilcnl to twlsl b r . J( r Oil will nol weol' :l s hort wulkln g sldrt. lul{o pains 10 chan:;8 hon<1 s often wh e n 11ft In !( YO UI' I.rain . Horseback rltlill g . us It ha s been practlr:p.t! - I hnt 18. with a s id e salltl leha R done Its ~ h a l' of damage. One I,hyslclan prescribeu a salhil c mad e for Ibe re\'erse J,loslt.lou. bringing Ih e s llrrup on Ih e OllllOs lle s ide from thl! uSllol one. 1' \lUS"
js a mOrl! 1:tJIDIII0n
Cal'l'~· lng
schoo l
bool( ~
Jla l·cel~
110t·91':9 1:-;
~~A .
ways In on e Brm. 1'. ll er lally whl'lI thr.y atandtng at aD el evation of 8 ,·eral of t ile miss ion 81a llo n at 'Llenrl!ow are h eM against lhe hlp, throws the hundl'ed feet above the rll,nr. ' ltody Into a one. sltl ell 1'051(1on. ~ • . ,I"irty sum e 21) l' l' a l"S ago. It wos no .. aRY l!l ~k In the Intl"o,lnctlol'l of vel'nenl writ- 'v lll a,J'es or more, wl.h Ilwl r <!1·c rgrcc l1 fvr Ih e PI'''9 1oYle l' l:ln~ 10 I:lIln II fuot· grove of banyanR. cU lllphor ond othel' holtl I hero. 'Cor. nu l wil hsta nllln s Ihl! Ing Inlo 8.-1100ls. IllII C I~ ha s been Ra id · ,trees con he seen a~ lho eye s w CII" prore s< ion~ of sood will un the pnl'l of Of Ihe benefit galnl'cl Irom ~I S fordog the I,lndscape. while In n"llierOIl~ Vllt . lit e .hteC official of II) cit y , l'ep"llt r1 th e ch.lltl 10 ~It stmlghL. I~cln~ Ihe leys. lI esllIn g bAyonl1 th e ,1DOtinl all'l~, ' unll pl'rs l ~ le"l oh~t :II' I('H WHO Ihl11wn ll eRI, dlroe ll),. Ins tead. of "itlll.'!: III tile ,are meny more lho L' do nlll appen r . III th pO lhway of Ih 1JI 1~~ionnl.le~. dlo;;onal Cas blon custo rnnl·Y Wi ll; ·ll1llt- Great hills In lofty te;'l'nccs I' Iso ~ehll.1 Nego trallnns C(l1' t he Ilurd u, s" or lanrl Ing pe nlllull" "il" Tltl " IIU8111011 !rn s en- to Ihe south. amll)n Ihl) O(II>os ltc 6ltorc and I' nltn g 01" h tl s t' . lell s horl o t co uruged nn C\'e UllIJHS of s honllier s a.nd blll 'le peaks. Wllh lagged ~ lImm l ts. co mplc tlo" , nft"I' Iii v \\'n c r ~ hud In . bll>S. stan;) out . as Ie r ead)' to abs wc l· que s· dh'UIJd III ~ ir' \\1111 11 1-; 11 S~ to d u:~ a So you IIlIlS!. Hl.udy your own cale tloos f" olll I.hclr Moulhern nllighlK>rs . burg nln . This perr>II'xeli I he 1I11!1slon. to lfisCOI'H wh ei ll er l·on nro not IQ One lofty . Isolated fl Puk lifts ilsull In aries grelllly. for th e), lIad ~ I'en till !lOme way t wlsl log yo urself 0111 of Simple grandeur apart trom thl! re s\. s uu·prcfcCI , wbo \\'O S II gralld" "1 of I he s hape; Ihe n , wh e n YOll have dl scov- Ita bUher slue Is a wall of peJ'pclldlcu· great Ts ~ng · I '\1'ol( · r:tn . UIIO It " Itad ('x. ered the lI11se. tio oway wllh It promllt· Isr lock. but from the ulliand I'lain . I're~ . p d th e srent e.t fl 'Ic'udlin s. and Iy, besilles tuftin g ex· rclses [() corr~ct behInd, a pathway I ~ adl to. the sum· your fignre. mit. As see n from the ragoda. tho nl>per rn RIOlple. stllulling exe l'c i s~~. It Is ImportallL that YOli have oue hood on portion of Ita rocky lIIa ss l)rV se ut ~ IL Ihe hill, Ih e olhel' clnsped abollt Iho most striking profllo of an eaormo'u s nec k. 'The bnuli 011 Ihe' hll> lJ elon g!! hea'I, showing a mOjestlc but beulgl! tot he high ' lillie: tille oth'ol', Ii ft"d to countenance, gazing wIth WQtchful eye t.he neel•. ralsea Ihe entire s ille. hll>. over the city and plntn beoeath. 1·'01'· s houlder nnd ali . alon" wllh II. and clgners who hnve vls lled the elty And so corrects the fault . Th e hi gh hlp seen the slrlklng IIke ncss havo dUUIlp.oI Is 118111111y th c ri ght o:ne. bill YOllr (:n ~ ~ It th'.! "Old Man of L1enchow," I.lUt 10 the natives of the. clly It Is Imown U ~ may dllre r. Starting wlt'h this IKlMh Io n. you rna,. Sha·mo-llng. "Mandarin Hat HIll." nse an Inflni te nnDlb e!' or e xercis p,s 18 the reputed abode "f n dragoll which nn llpon occaBlon pour forth 1I00ds ur that yon have 1)I'ncti(~ed IJcro!'~: th oRe water and deluge tho country. n8 hBP· 1 whi ch stre t.~b nnd beud th e s llinc BI'e pened many years ago. when a mo st I ho 1II0s t jJl'Ofll ablc. (10 l h 1'011;,;11 I hese dlla9trous llood overwhelmed Ihe 1.laln . exe rcises. J;lvlns ),olll';;ell" s hort l'e~ lS water rising to the roofs o f \ he h ouse~ bel.ween; llm'ln!! thcse 1'~ cl I H YOll lIIay on tbe higher ground In the ~ ity . uu t./ le t Ih~ arm s fnll 01 th e Hh11'H whil e y6u a.a a matter at tact. (he ,,,n leI' did not tol(O decl' hreath,.. come from Ihe hili at all. trllt wa ~ !lIP result of 8 terrible cloudburst. wht CIi USEFUL CASE F()R LETTERS Ihe superstitious aWl! of Ih o people al· tributed 10 the power knd Inllup.nce oj ThIs Receptaclc Is lI'ery En si ly Con- the dragop. Sha·mo·J1ng Is e l'lll cnl.l v considered the I'rel1ldl Ilg ge n IllS of . structed-May P r ove SuggesL1enchow. and th e city ha s ber n built tive for Litlle met. wllh reference 10 It, the ~Lrec t thaI Thisls u " lml.l"pxamllleofl1\· ~ r y use. runafrom theust 10 Ihe west Rate hI'· 'l'O\\'~Jt IN'I'O\vIII C Il1.L\,I"'OUABH~~ rul Ul'llcle 10 1t.,ld leltnrs onti CU i'll. IhaL log laid out In n direct lin e wllh It ••0 AJ:I~ \.'i\j;·r . n\'f'rdt'Ili r :Jl l:C'! ''" Oti IaS In ~ome Part. might oth prwi lif..' li ~ l\ht) l1l in an lI11ll11y t hal in walldng to,,' [ucls I hn .'a l=! l It s «Collr l~ ldlln 1'0t' the UJ:ilJOta l 1.1' 1Je~r,i.ed ~:trl Uaulc. / way and be lu;;1. T I. e found ation con· solemn head looml up co ntlllllnily 111." SlSi r~ or I wu pif.:t:eR( I f "ar'l1l1oa rd po('h nine fore I'he eye. To wish Iltot a Illan may h:I·hes IOlll!:. onl' " I" I""h es ti CI' ll , Ihd go to the lop of Sha · mo·lIl1~ ,. (I curse willinlllless to OSHlsl lite uliS.Joliarlel lither I'ollr inch es. Ttl se ar p "overed of drr.adful Import. on,1 Is p~l>e~II,llJy In bewmllll; ,'stuhlt ~ l:t·d. Hut he Wll.!l wi t b siil,. <'i o; It 01' IIn80. as preferred. fC3r~d by Ihe lIunan peopl e. wllo ~ome a typical Chillese mlll lslir in. comple te. and go In p;reat num\tprs. I~I alit! c'''I,p'''ulIU!;ly two·fat ed . • nd It All th e' rblef hrAIl"h('s "f lit" IlIIsI - wa" 1'olllltJ nft" .. a lime .lllut Willie hi neas of I.I~nchow arc In t hr. hands of WII all .mlll'lI a~d )lrr:fueklll to Ihelr the CAlItonue. thai Is the "cop Ie from rn et's. · hchl",1 llicll' 10111'\,,, he was III'· the .11~trl c ts nllar 1110 grrat se8 port. I'es llng th e n)('n wh O attemllled 10 sell Tht' r.all tm,le ..... hl<'11 Is :l sovcrnm ent or relll III iltPm . IVU" LeaUn(; Ihe agent mon opol ~· . Is Ihe chi ef tlu~lne"" rlone. e m[llo yell. " nd W;t " delel J'ius litI'OIl 'l!1 f.ieurh(l\\' h~ln[: th e; t1lslrlbullug polnl Cear o f (lUII I. lllll elll thUie who wo nl d for 0 Inr~ p ~CCI loli <ir co unlry sill! far· Ilal'c Il,'l' n 1: latl lu :Jave met thpIJ' Ih e r Inln n.1. Thp. I.ORI" rrt>m Canlon "'nnI S. 'li 5r ~ c tbrolr rar" IlPS Inlt) large Tlrls is n fulr sa mple of t he tr~a ch, "':Ir e! lo uscS. f,o m ",hll'h Ihpy are spnl cry nlill .lvulJl e tlcal'lIg 01 the Cblnc89 IIY ,holl o w b(lats Ill> Ihe two 5mall ~ r ' olll C l a l ~ , wll o"c Ilitluoncc upon th e nn. rlvpn. 01 " n the ba r l,! or COOlies dl- IIve9 I" III' ,·Ollr.e st ron g . lind whose l.E'r1't.: H PO C KET. r ee ll y 0\',1'1 0011 Inlo tbe prOylnCe of atttilicie Sll' ~~ cnconrngh·~:.nt . to jllst all ,1 utl Lel1 wilb fan<,), ga lloo n. go ld lace. Hunan. s m'll OIlIIIl'CIII,s ns thnt 'It U e nrh ow, Il r I' III IJI o lder)". 'I'wo I,vlolet! (l1 ~CP.H four And now a ."ord 3 S to I he notlves of which h"~ !Hld ed fresh oil .!!~ 10 Ihose Ill ches IJll g anti two Inche~ \\'id~ Btlhe Ltlnchow . "'!loIC .n'en ?lpd J'all!ltlclsm who I:II\'e not cOllnle:1 th~ \r , i1"es dear 101' r01'l1 eit d.s, Ivhl ch mus t. b•• nea tly ~ IIII tellen wllh s uch aw(ul su(IO~noe .. nl>to th e mslevea j( It mlgbt be that lh o lIewn In . I1Il)bon wllh how3 (QI'O\ !l 1001l JpoD Ihe. mlsalonarll'B labo r Ing lII ere. Go sp" t tillingl oo;:11! be ,*1,j'led to aU . lIeIal almost IikQ II Ilgb.!Dlng boll oUl' tbe (':lrl.Ii. by wblclJ tile pocl,e tl1 u8Ilen.ded .
. ' :NO:BILI'l'Y :NO'l.\sS. ' King n ctor of !taly Is one ot Europe's mRny' mODRrrhs who delight .In 1It1io IllCOgUlto t .. lps In,to tbe coun· try: Tite lutes l I'(\~'nl con\,Ert 10 th e II Ut Ol1\'JIJIIs 18 the s ultnn oi Tilrkey. wbo hilS ltillter\o ex preaileu Ihe greu.t"s t horr.)r of tho "de \'11 wagon." of a uy. 111\(\ /iii 1(lmI6. Th o 11lIiser fras se ul n medlll to a BI'lIndclIlJllrg womlln. wbo ba.~ had twlllM three lim es. She berself Is to twin. llnd hel' mother gavo trlrth 10 four se ts o f twlus. Tho e mpero l' an .. emprcss or Oermllny have lel It be umler8tood that tlley wlil oot recelvo proscnts of any kInd on the twenty ·flflh nnnlyers8ry of th eir wedt!lnK. which will QUCII~ nexl yeal·. 'l'be khedl\'e of El\ ypt haa amall3o:l an enOl mous jJrlv3le ,tortune. NoO ouly Is he II monoltllwllt and Ito teelola l"r, but It Is s ll l~ that be does not smok e-c,'en on Esyptlan cigarette !' He ge l s up al s ix en ry morning. !lnc! cnn tallt In six langunges. Prl zos amouullng to $8.000. offered lJy I ho king ot 11 Illy to xhlbltors 8 t th e Mllnu exh lbltloo next year, In· clude olle of $2 .000 for I h e best type of populnr dwelllnG-ll ouso ndaptod tl' Ule tllmat o of norlhern Italy. and on'!! t o r ~I .OOO ror motor boat 8. 'fhe firs t pu~lIc 'J to(ue of Quee~ Al exl1ullm ho ~ Jus t lJ een cODlmlssloned. G~'Orgc W. Wulle, tbe well·k nown Iculplor. hilS )Ioe n (hOBa n to do Ule work. '1'he des tination of the statue Is ilon g·leong. whlc.h hilS alread y given comm issions ror stat ues or l(lDg Edward nnd the I'l'iuco of Wales. 'Tho eurl of Cm nbroolc. tbe oiliest Burvl\'lug lIrllls h ex· cabinet mInister. Is 91. l.or" Cran brool. waB bette r known to II. form er generatioo uode. hi s name of tJalhol'ne·Hardy. lie was one o r uml B ellrons Held 's sts.ncbes t slIpporters. WJthln the last fe w yellrs I he vet crall enrl hns done some. shooting.
Tbe Japan ese IOI·cr. Ins tead of aD ellgagement rlu s. mllY gh'c hi s futurebrldo a pleco of bea tlllflli s lil. to be worn as ~ lash. A Chinese g!'n t le man often presents bls Intended I>ride 11'11 b a paIr ot geese, and they nre r egu rucd It S emblems or COlljllgallidellly, Roumanian hos pltalily lmow B DO limits. "I have not e l'en n bite lert 101· a. guesl." Is t he bitterest complal at .. h ousewife Cil il make. . , In Gnlway som of the fisherm en con sld'lr It so unltwl;y to see a fox tbnl tbey will flol Pllt to s a It th y. notice ooe while going [0 th ei r bonts. Belgian wome n lako a pride In doing th eir OWli work. If ns ked why the y en . gage lI0 help, thfY are very apt to r e pl,. that . el·\·611ls nre I{cpt only by lazy, Incompe lonl. eX I ra\·lIgllnt, or sick pereons. Th e wOUie n of Sumatra wear tbe costliest drcsses t hat aro I(nown. many Gf th e m being malic of pure gold aod 811 vcr. ACter tbe melnl Is mlnet! and smelt d, It Is fOl'mell Into a line wlrp, which Is woven Iuto clOlb. aod atterwurus used for dresses. A Javanese all ·tlou Is n solemn lllrair. Thl) Imbllc do not C'l ll out tllelr bids, but wrlt.e their names: together wllh t be alllolint l bey 111'0 wWlng 10 pay. on sllp&. of paper. anrl Ilut Ib ese In a box. Tbey uro looked Ihrough . !lnll the artic le HI awarded to th e pe rso n wbo has mad", the highes t offer. It Is conslt1ered corre t In China nOl to ba\'e t bo sligh test r ecollection ur anylhlng tbat occurs during tbe pe rla I of mourning. A Chlnuman who ha~ passed 100 days In mourolog for h is lJlother ...·1Il deem It lJad breedlog to remembel' anything dllrillg 80 saered II> lime. When Commldslouer Garfield went
to the ChIcago packers lind asked perDllssloo to Inspect lhelr books, the COIldltion WI\S mllde t\Jat no Illtorlllatio,n be mlgbt obtnln therefrom .. would be used In court proceed lnga against them. Mr, Garlleld gO\'e tbls pledge, It Is stated. anll tho pnckers al,lowed him to stlllly ' their buslnee!! ID all Its de· tails from the InsIde. Now. It Is aonounced, the reeults of bls stnlly hnve I)cen turned over to the goveroment depllrlmllDt of justice tn be employed In ' l egnl prosecution ot the pacl{ers . CommIssioner Gnrfielr1 would not Itave ventured to give tht! IIledge thnt was demanded IlY the packers wIthout iDstrllctiolls from Wa shIngton. He pledget!, 1I0t his OWII word, ~lIt the govormnent's. It Is not his good faltb. but the go,'ernment·lI. that la In que!, lion now, , Tho Journal has no coocern tor tho packers. m(ceflt na they are cItizens of Chlcllgo. If It can be 'proved that they lire guilty ot engaging In a consplracv In restraint of trade, tbey ought to be punlsbetl. Bllt theIr guilt, If tbey are gil lIty, mllst be fairly proved. Thcy IIIUSt la gIven a IIqllar~ Ileal. Since the government has elevated Its visIon 10 MilCh a height as to ave .. · look lIle nest of dpflnnt criminal trll ~ t~ In -New Jersey, slmo ~ t wltbln th~ sbndow of the copltol 110mB, In ortler to fa sten IIBelf 0 thousnnd miles away upon ChIcago, the government and the. PreHlt\cnt cannot be 100 cllreful to ovoid s uspicion that they are moro IIn~lou3 to \lI'O Bec ute western offenders thnn ofl:on.lers In the ellst. SOlDO of the methods already am· plo)'ed In this caRe hll\'e not been pal'· tleularly distin guish ed for uec encr. Wil en the government breaks Into a roan's IlolIse antI sten ls his prIvate pn· pers. when It tll'ngs t he wives of ptl vk· lng·houso employes Into court 3D" puts them und er henl'Y bondR. It Is hnrrtly dlgnlflell. IUIt to slIy bnnornhle. nor l!ven respeclnble.-Erom .tbe Chi, cngo /o\ill!lLl,-NI)\'. 0, 1905. • . .
- --4
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wo to t (, Ill or lli (o stL: fl er w e Htf k N I wliere w o w {\ r e, .a n d l\ m:l n to tel Il a we w ero at P("o rla . !I I., anll h e walltefl pa to g-I n !' I d Ol a c'um pllnH'ntn r y tit'l~,.t (or:: t e ll i:l~ wlln t l ow n we We n ! 111. hili p a luoicl'r l n en 'c :.ll the n lala nn (l a sk crl whu t Iii 11'1 o f un CU3Y m o rlc I':£' too l( him f o r , and t he IlHill S IUTlI, nwn y YI) II \\'ouhJn' t thl nl, thf')' ('o u l ll 1In l oud IlIo ~r I wo Huln s or (':11',1 . oholl t so IIi all, Itl H wee l;: , h ill \\, ~lr n \':t· ~' O l n il : tho ho r t: f';; \,,'f'n' h lll'lI l:I e ll 1110 wa g un ~, atilt I II l r, I n i nll l(l~ l it t' Y \\'('1'(' t U:ld (' eI n nd JJ !\ 11:(' \\' ay I n t h u lo t. a ull Pel and I PUl u n t llt"' fll':,l Wil n-O ll . T'ul l{ uhunt ftY:-, t CI II. Th ,.. s nn pr 111'Ij Wl' r c thf'rl' n1u'a d ur 11~ , ulld hu(1 n\f'11~ 1I1'(' tl off the' l ol autl pH~ tw{l wire I:> l at ~' :) In t lHJ g l'nulltl w hl'l'e
\\'e barl t h e tl ar llct ():; t t ime I ~ 1I 11!g P11('\( I' d un 11 111 1 bluri()lJ Uti th (~ , n t I, 1111\\' JII 111 1' n antl' of h en\' c l1 \.(, ('\ r' E' J.,: i,t -!I(llr l ir e 0 111\ 1;" on lilt' I , •• l , tHOr"' U la n I low \\, bI l l It S L't-' :n ~ tho g r lllJ [(' ttl wn!'l 10 IH', and :Is t1H1I1 ~ II II t~ f'in'uH l'U t IlP :.III Y hU ll n wilt' n ll. e finn WH~O Il or t ll p 1~ 1'11 1) 1 ,t U I n 11 )0 1< Ufle r f! \" ' I'\' thi n " nnl l o utfll Hr l'l \ 'p d , wllit'h ( 'O Jl f!;!lIf ' , l 1\ I, 11 01 ,1 Inf' l! HIIII l' r h Im '10 l o{Ii~'urlel' h lg- I'U 11 t;P, lli :~ " tloll~h t o t,otd~ fur 3 III.'; 1" 'I.', It\ 'l r !-O lton.. o r t h in g s, ~u whe ll lh u II slt lHI rl wn, s lt: \·... p i p '!; ,,' ere ptlt on , lhe e ll !':; \\" '['0 loud c d , uI1I 1 l h o b OS5 wll k h l{,It '~if' op c(i lIl' inl o th fl n l r. an 1\ ' o')n l1Pcd hl ;"l ha ll lis, lU1i1 lit o (' n ~ in ce l' III two m!1I1 Il C!::I u nrC" WH H bl1 l lt an (1 I IPI"" I d l~ wh i stl e, lhp l 'f' was n 't a t ent ba con nnd I;Oln I.OCs Hil I! ('off, ' ~' WP I'U" .. 1i.! 1\(! or u rop t:', 01 it LHHt r fl sca t , or c.' oo\{l n g , l o{'ul hl'r n (\ \\,H ~OIl ~ \\ (' r e tW ' j
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wll i s l,er~ \\' oilid tf ~ tl'l' Y Ile l' m e n i:t~ of II ve llhooll , .,.Ile ll th e hll g lo bl ~w ror r\'ery· It wn . g renl I" nil tho t ~ II' " !l0 up bO,tly til I;r l "l' HIHI I;U 10 111 ' 0" If r:aI 'c J by IlIa l'lI.n 1'\', n llli Hrtcr a llow 101
B01" WITH THE CIRCUS A lI~ h ,:ot Of" f'eu
a los s on , (01' I ~i'\"
JIUl l1h
sh p lI ni1 n1Wil,ys Ix ' en nC ('lI~ I o ru c d ?" "M eLlo)' \\ e II.lI ~ ht bolll glt moni ed "I '1Il r .. 1,ll n <H II , \l' hy, las t week a~ I he ~ nrn (l tim tl, " she r efu sed l o an IJ m pany In to I b n " l\' o \l lrl \l'1 tt h ~ Ilw f ul J nlJll , If Ih~ thea l E' I' l lfl t'lI l1 HP ." ltf' h uLl no cJ orh~ lit mi llil,tc r :; 11 0'1 141 lIl ul{1} l~ m ' ~ ln l\e a o ' lo wca ... " -·C a ~:-:c ll' s . Il1 nl' l' ~' liS t , " ;1f' lt 0 11'1'''7'' " 1- I uh(,q ldn ' t l111 nd ," Tm de S ecret , " ~ : o - Il c l l h ' r s huuld' I. "-N . y , "Are YOII th e 11t1 lp ion), \1'1,0' 0 r np'l Wecl: ly, writes so m rl.ll Y r ntf.· Hayi n gH or j·hi l · ,l l'en ?"
'£'I\s i Iy Do ne, . Li l li e ~li l' lr c d llud hat!
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In t r rrllp,r ,,1. )1 11 111' h c tirt 11"[11 a l at-
Subul'lHl n LU X U l' i ~s.
Mr. C'lliman - \\·lt)' III ,' reali ll o do
" On Ihf\ drtlm flf m y f' f\l'fi, or r o",.,.::;n," fHlt ' I,,"r .r0 1l 1' rat ' t~ o,-t·r Ihose SOUf', r rqqr l fl U ~Ji l(jr e d, IlI d l g Ull lltl y, -Cas- .::; r eil ll ;:;rnpes, wh r ll YOII ra il get b eHoIl FPII'..
tlr s 1&1 t l. e
sont;? ;\11'.
f ru l lfllJl n '~
S ll l ll1 rlJ - Tltry
as t;ooll us 1"1 ':': (, . " IV It y 1101 '! "
tH1P IIl ISl'
II I rai sC',1
Ih ~ m
for a
me. o
wOll lrin ' t
tas le
m)'sp lt," - N,
N ot to Bo Frigh t ened , wh a l d ill h e I ny
I.::tl1p llly l~ r - \\' t.! II . 10 )'1) \1 '.'
Clerk- Tha t h r:'1 break eve ry bo ne In lil Y bn lly nnd 1I1I'ow m e out of l he wln rl o w if I s howcrl lil Y fn~o 10 Itl s
o ffi ce aguin!
"Thcll 1(0 1>11 k alll i lell llim t hn l 110 need n' l IlIl nl' It e call in l lml da te m c by hl ~ "Iolou('e ,"' n~se ll 's ,
f;onll"'l h i l\g : ('n nrh,' f l h i wil it n I'ival ' 8ItOW. a lto I A tI" ~ " itt ' \\, jl illil 11\' l a lld u A y e' 1, only a h l ~,
l"Il' I,y
f ~ lIow
cam c' al oll,:, a fpl,
M nde t h o Dog III. :n Y :ll';{ nIt!, n n ll III' ~t("\)ll('rI "I a m IlI oxllr '~ llJl y sorry , 1\lr, 10\'(' ,. und p u t Iii . It 3:1<1 ,, " Ih e Ul II l get'~ Smit h e rs," s he snld , " \. O leal'll th aI l ' h O lll.I ~ J' li nd sa lol : " H ~ 1I0, dlld," ';01 wh e n )'011 ca l ~d t'b o ot ll er ti llY Th;e r , by /los lt, ti" IIlltl gp In l rolluecd mc 10 hit YO II ," I h e bIg gn IOUl 8 6 1I :s YOl1!l OH So,ll . h "Ob, Ih a l' ~ a ll rl ~ hl ," he sn lel , wllh \\'011101 11 '1 li tH I "h ln )'011 a ror eNI c ffort to he chee rflli. Th " II r. t rla y I)f I!IU ~OH s on wa, "No, it Is n 't ," s he s obbed ; "th e )10 0r ;:r"" i, o u ly a lJ I he pc r fo rlllcC' hn :1 Friend - H ow Is It y elll se nd Ii II your lil lie Cell ow has been 111 c ,'or s ill ce, 1101 go l Ji rn uel'P. 1 aile or Ih~ p O'!II\S to th c Ho wl r1 gi rls 1.11 l hl' lI ylll!; lrall 7.0 ' f,,11 o!t L" "ly J>oC!l- ' Vc ll , you soc, nil th eir Why H o Di dn' t R ea d_ 1111 0 1I'" 11 ('1 rru n l 1!lc r oot of lIlo Wil sie Jlnp They Thl'ew Boilod Fotntoe s Bnd Sc ramblcd E ggs nt P ~ r ha sk ots nm decora l rI wi t h Bo" well - Do you O\' er read anybody a, I(' n t uu f! iJro l{(' 111'1' t-: 11 ~ 11(.olttl {> I',"', t)O p rp- tty blu e ribbon s, e lse's nove ls '! wh oll I III'Y gOI he /, (111"' " k n ew exac tly where th e lhlu!;,' we re up POl1l8 Dn d aprea I he Emln enl NO\'e llsl - No; I dOli'\. I'\,e rl t lte t ent on , R.nd rin~ 11 ~c r llH' ( 1 II '; II ,u1!gh itle oer y, t hn t It wus. r esponsl hl (' (or, ~o he oth e rs srt UP l ablo" An Ex p los lvc !EpIsod e, tri erl 10 /10 s o, but I rOI\l\(1 t ha t If t.hey In t he I ' n l, lind I ' h in!; s h!' " :111 on \\'!I ' -oi "l-: : 0 ~ hll~lr ~ou ld lay h.IS hand H on lit 'n\ III tb e 10 hai r 1111 A p oet In to h lH u ll ck ~' H I 'l1 \\'4' 11 1. w ~ ro worse thUII m illo th ey horer! fl oe; ho_ur lJ ,.ea1<fN, t WI\); SI" n:rl j lnOSr, :ltlll I C~\"I' hN _w ll h n otill n:; And 11lp.I'(! I,e com,po,!I; l 'lI " TI J t~ Domluud · whll o If I hey <la rle, an d he kn ew JU St \\'h at ~' a so n to t ho nr ~ 1 DOO W OI'C bel lPl', t.h ey mnde lII (' n, , I'n "li d I 1'" 1 a ,''''I,,;: uf bc'" 1:" aOfl )In \\rnl , menl ," u p_ ," h is stl1 n' wa s to So In. m e s a vage. ,' 0 I lell v c I hem uloll e, (Ire\\' up lO tht' fi r s t t 81H c , uut 1II l' r f~ l" \\' 1'11 1' 1d' (oa A f\OU r ('0 11 0 1' f(·nd . l ;tl'(l U l lf l iH,' r , and sho Gee, iJu[ you talk abollt ~ l' s tcm, w a s a ye ll to " lIul ' '' Ill au I." 11 11(1 w" I I'k And CX I)l olf l \'f'ly SHlcl, l' 01 I, i., 1;,;1 " 0' " ,, 11 ";I II ill i O th e f hero 16 no busl noss In the world f 01l1l,1 w o Itlld Ii~t "l :an'l thlllk whnt Ihc. li( lltr ih c b Unl bnrd W hy Sbo Lo s t, dow ll to lIh! ta bl e I dre ~ !; l lI g rur,m . Till' '"' rll' ' \1 (''' j ' l. t n l " lu tt." t hat h 8 ~ ,n S,YSl em lilte a ,ShO W 011 th e of l hC. n~gr~ C anl'~S J~red -"nd )' 0 11 mou n 10 say t h l\t I~e n , ond t,h~Y y e-II .-d . 0 ,,,1 1)'\ (,1" , 11" .1 ~('" r l," , 'ca ll . o - .l .... road , E\o ry p erfor m er \\ a ~ III 111 s o r Rtrl1 r k bCU11I~O J ncil h us not nlarrl ed Miss Payn ? \ hy l hc ~ \\ oultt .n ul lt M;,uti · ht! saw tl \\' ~ ,{ u p il l I:p j rJ h ( 0 llH11\ 1 1~r section In the slee" 1', an rl na ond a la on t he gIrl w as jll Ht l h l'Owlug hcr se lt nt 81\ equ!lIl IY w il it whi l e tr ,,~ 11. The Doctor's S&rl Blul!der , hi m r lol il'"l ull.; I g ot un ntl "ed loll wll h th e t ronl,~ , Gee, hll tlla WR , mad , 110 s alt! II .. wa " 1 Dlll'll\ ~ II", I'It " , Firs t Y O llu ~ Do cto r (lO f'oe cuud d llto ) him th e last t ime 1 S IIW Ih m , 1.,1 " ,.. r" I'" l bo, (nl wo man nc ross Ih e uisle rrom a s goo&l a 3 all ), ni T ori - M y , dea r f ell ow, dllt you 'veI' Ha lloa, old mlln , what's tlt e mattcr? gge r, li nd tlla L IlUlI l" 1 10 JII II1 I' 11 1,0 ;, I"" nl' t'. u>< Thnt fnt ,,'omnn Is j;olll!l to m nllo I be m mild 3ml the), k nltw II womllil who could thro w You 're lookln:; \'e l')' gl um , threw holl,' l! 110la, I,CPII rr lllTl b"II' " 111 11 flw r , I", n li fo a b llrden fe r pa, I ca n Rre I hat laOs nn ,l s ra m bler! Sl ralg h I '!-Casse ll's, "No won dol'," W:..t R th o I'flpb', eggs at I"', and fO ll r , l~ ol' ~ r ('harilll oI ,.I \,' n h I' A ' 0\\, "I ' m p lain enou gh, She I. engagell to t he we hn, l 10 r pure, nft ,' ndln g that wCll lt hy Mr, GollIllIg, bill wh~n P l com" 1,,' rSt' :; il'1. un I \I ..: ""/,III I ~nt ~ rlra ;:\; "I THE 'l AG UP -TO-DA TE. l il' ing s ko lr. IOII, ond he Rlo'cps hi Ih c "Ia l net! to t he lJU~' O"1\nl" tnllll , h,. In l,l l pa .. il L (m '" "'""," " h,, ",'h IIr Il or~e., ), 011 hnow , and I ' ve tlelll him I h e wron g "l'p· r be l'lh, o,'or her , nll il hc IS j al · pa ( 0 go 311rt ea l ru ed icln c " ,With t bc fn :al,8 Rnd 'j l.r'i llg r ll,\I '" IJ:!l'eli ,I" ke'1. 111«' f ll "Y, ('li S of pll, whil e t he flit woman hun t ry allli koep " Ind eed! Is It a vc ry ser lotl s blun, In IllS Il lncp . Th on t l\O hOI'",, ; l; ilPh PtI lo~ c l he r .I: ot (0 de pend ing 00 11J1 10 do lillie W e go t lJ real;fll s t a t an vll, c'r t :l' wi llt n Hl rll p ".'''' d el' ?" Io"lu:; r l,I ' II' n" I,,' a :t hi ngs COt· h e r , hl c, au (l " " cry s",r I01l8. The m erllf'i!,e I ' ve I.It Ollt on WO !llfll . , lilt ! ~tri1p h ' f! 1,4~ ~ n ' l f lit, hu;'scs or cour!;c, the fir3t n ig ht Olll Is the lot tot h f' 1ISlI!)pT\n U'I,"'l'u, ! l.r, !lilt· Kpr('a ol JlI .;&rI , 11 11 /1 "O '1l 1' on e \'/' 1"' 01 th ~ t roe "t hi m will Cl1 rO him In l\\'o d\lY ~." n Jw a),fI til l worsl 0 1\ A. ~ l cell~r, 1 11l ~ \ low ~t1JUlIl
u p of t he b l ~~ I f'' nt !i,
~ I'(>t\t ·
~ ! I" 1nul ~1, ll r
dIal' ill 1 \\ ' 0 ,
r ll :::; h cd
the poo r womnn t ~ H r l'\'O \l ~ . cs t t hin g Wa !i n F innl1 e.s V e ry L ow, "' a ~t) 1l rnnthl1!l n g i ll t lJ· hf.: l) t ':l l"i ' flU il{lit' or h "'r into Cl nd when lite anlmlll traill , in the a minIatu re p ile dr ,\, /', rlln h \' KI ,a IH, II \Vlffl- I h eal' ilta t I he lasl n lllnher ' I I I I I I " . " • It' I fC ~"( fi r, rv Olll , ' C ond sect ion, \'an 01\ a s lli e lracll which I II !:= II'! W lls n of Ih e \ \' cel< ly HUUlor hn s n lot of Wll drl\'en arll ll rul "" t ~ \lI " u r ! llIlft II: IlI I, '(',, ',,;e Ihe l ~ nrll i t bo b .. ~lde our nal n of sl co l. a l'~ , a nd R n, whcre th c bIg tents \\' CI'1l 10 !Jp, :111 (1 It Joll os " ball\. donallon pa n ics, I 1!ll lIlr I I I b Y 11, II Ill!' jah, Ihe !Joss lion , got \\'ol,~ Il P anrl Iro\'o cl own th e !-: I f ' \\'U '\ 3 rll b c f \\' OU I4 It woul d pl nns t.he congreg atio n If YOII bi T; H lalt ~~ _0 ql\I~' I; "" , ,'",I V"" /:0,,;,1 sl,. Ii'l l I' er 1: a ll c xplo tl cd ono of hi s ro n r~ , wi t hin s ix It wOlllel mall e YOllr ho'ntl 8 \\' 11\1 , a ll ' l "'., . U' ro~,< I h i' • ill · 'In I 81; w lct s h o uld write Ih e eclilo r nn Indi gnant f eet or the tnt wOlll a n'" hcrth , s b o j ll~t t he grollnd , \I' ro I:u\' e re,1 'wlth 1 " ur i l l ' Ie II " r on I hn Rubjec\. " , ' I ~ ' 1'1 ( 1r "a\'e on o ye ll, and r enrerl UI' , Il nd cnm n l f~ 10g,t' t.l r' (' 0, fib 1 an l e atou a [leo pIe Wb0 wn u te, I t 0 SCC I10\\' It was fj Slru~g llng ivll nls t cl'- 1 r nn't n!To rrl I ' d ow n hard 1 n tbe b erth . SOUlt-t hlnge done, I /' It " I I ;e" ' IY IfIt'" , ,r''', III a c rr"H 3 a Ih e stamp my deal'. You forget th a t "roko, an rl s he went r Ight Ibrollllh lito Pa Imllnl "'l thr bo., can\·a . nIHn ",I"\'. l 1.lal'" In ~ l lItI.I' W ~ lta\,1\ JU RI. beN\ I lt m ll g-h II ,lll" ulloll I""nan 1l ~ l ur(' , t ,lltlO Dl o f t he berth t o Ule lIoo!', b, wnlld ug ar ollnd th e lot with I,, " pa rlY o urs plves,-, N , y , ·We~ I ;ly , I " II,' >! \·CUII I'; per fu nllul\I'c (j ll ubl ed "11 lik e n ja ck kuifc', I coat o\'er h is ar m, Anti a, dlr ly s lll't .l 1l ' · I I: " UIt H! UJI a Wtll'hHO r lllat "w.poria bi c.: h IJ lr w tlU \\' Pa got "II aOd wcnt 10' her .rth'l on, tr,: lI t-: to 1001, l e'ugh 11tH ! o( l h~ m c n a bc' l'ic t e n l . The Pottcm JE gg, , lIu d Ite bO~M,tI Whe . C I n ( 1l' fr ~a l:; \\'~r p, he n tho "Sen what. I got! " cri ed Bubby, • :' \ 11110 W,l S 0\ PI'. n n d th t-) l o nt lOP wns . c lt y-hred boy, ns he ca llIc I'll nl1ll1l; In iJlIlI l ' l \II' iI~3 1 11 , l ite,\' 101 1Or! po nil from a chl cl,en coop, bol d ln g In hili rt :.: hl. H ~ !:,la rt a l t o craw l u nJ ·1' th9 hont! R cbln a egg , ~ h V,l :, an rl x l. 1) 1 (lU i for f c;U' o r t be ·'01" go 11111. It ba ck! " exc la im ed Mo· " :'''" 111 " '1),lt t h rut I ~d y C:l~ glt t ntw b el, hi. s ix-year,ol&l s ls(e .., 'I'hat'. tbe b ht! ~UI tl ow lI on him, e:;[; th e h e 1\ mca s ures by ."- Jutlgt:, ' P ll
""tI ,..
Di 110rce in Burm;oh , Th et'p. Is _'Oili d h lu!t 10, b s nld lor U" l'in ah , 11' 1 11 ~ Bllr mo '~ c itll s huull H1I ri l il i ' L'lll mr h'! Wtfl' c-omc t o Sl r. n
l !tn l
c n ' h ~. · ':
I !U'Y
I ii ,
cedll l " b
""h .. n th (' m oo ll , l.-f'!l p n i (' l1 n l l (jn·. Jl r. ' nk l ' ~ tlH' (J lpp ' I' 1'1'0 1111 11,(' :-: Ic,\ A n n, t\ llI n {: It w it h ni-;:hl ... flar ){ \\ 11"', JIt~ .I r ln k s (I'IJ I1I it lll .:1l 1,(' 111 11; FI' lhL -'J'own 'C o pitl',
f h o co n el' l·
ill ' r a l ...' Ihplr IJ rn .
lJ1 a lT IA ~p
~ i ", p l e ~ nl
The lIaunde r,
t ll il1di l'i( 1t l F I)~
h ft.\' C"
n'o t::'i IlIJ t g o to h fl r 8::> 1J.o !lOI', l1lll to [ h-! l ,dl '.lw , h fl lll ll f" I', "·1'01" him !!h to! ,' hfUIII '~ 1 \\'0 Illll (' (' :\ n( lI ~s . Th p8e :: h ~ t ot 111 :";::- 11 \ 1111/"
;, w1 ~ll" ~ 11<1 h P f h u, tJan ll !l oor, pla c! ng the c.'!an-
I lh/! alllht3cCn:; abo ul , anti Ilctu l er08~, nnd lolr! a m a u " .. ,I " \l IIHlll w ith a !Ja by wu~on t o ~(' I 0, :1 tI ' " It ,!. bll t 11" wa s call ed .10\\" lt V l it" I" "I"l pnl o \\'n · CI' of th e <ho w I;(,ull «l ol l I" ,'nl) " Suld tllC " "' ''''I I') 1',1 "fi r , membe r , I he :II' C( L ' . u f ullr l!(,,'; d ~ p e nd 6 00 tlte Ill clI ,l' I, il' an ,l goo, l will o( th e peolJl ~ Wh .. IIlihk ,, \loL'gh of U 8 1o com o ""t to aee us set UI' 1<" cpln g l'U l"'" "nd that (hey are all o ur gu ", t . , .. lI a If thry s et In our WH Y wc s l".u lU go orol101l thorn, n nll "'Ol( pl ell " 1&1. \I e lOu_t not got Ihe lot« hebtl Il"d . h ~w Ihnl ollr ball' PVi lS, .od that w e li tc lil'er\ nn d <'ross, This 18 II pl r.t~ 0 1 am use me nl , aU11 all conn ec ted with th e s lto,\' arc ex pected I" hea l U» Rore .., InSl ead or cA ll s lng brllls.c s, bn<l It )011 c\'el' ace an cm' plo>, e of lI. is ah ow treating a vis itor uoklodl y, lead blm to t hO t1cl,et wagoD to get' hJ8 \\1'tige~, a l1 ~ l ell hlm _to .., a",ay' quick, and s lay aW ~7 Ion;." You cluhl bat. Ut & mRtr.ll to . ' .
l1cr ell tlJ r how,.t,: a n!t .ltl th :H i.\ "' 11 11~ ~liv() r'l; bet"'OOH: J .'i imp l~~ ttn l' r hnrmlU" , I I \\ ill be (1) , ·~ C I .... (" t1 t ha ' 'oll e \\ lie a lw ays setel!t s i.~~U \ :lI Hl! .~ . - ('ld u J::;'o L. W ,IOII), I1 :\1. O'..
lli c rpi p
C lO :l'. L1. 0 :lC
1; \' In l t lat ln;: Ih e nl,II,·p, in Slllll\ h l~ n; el h ncH. Thc ullull orn lh ,n of rallllt' "! ,< ,,;c I. e ntl ~e l y ro r bl.ld eo , lucl" b n!
Ill{' I'lI hl)l' l'
lI BO~ nnt!
p l auls nrc
h l! r IU !-" I 1,1;u c. ...•
le.. ve
Mi ss 'I' )'1.l st - UII , s h e m ode a lI e rco m l.- ta li t'! ~ti ss t;l l' '' n - (]rR r l o u ~ !
i'\IbiS 'r ~ fJ1 :; t t f)~,ti
W h al
II !
\-\'h Y. ~ tH : UH.II' I' I t! (1 t l)o
- 1'111 h ,
Killing Two Blrds, G r u nH' I'l,V - nO y uu
th ird\: YO II
Could GIv e Fits , Too , Th e Bar:he lor - Say what )'011 "l e R s~. Illlt I d Oll 't bell e \' e tbe re wn. en r a mun I hil t co uld s ize !r woman liP, 'I'he Benedic t - My brotb pr (' Oil, 'Thl s I,; 0111' Oghtln [; d C'ck !" Th e Bnl'll e lo r- I-low rio yo u l<now? "Ah , hill wltc l'e Is your dAncing 'fh e Be nedl ct- Becau sc be Is n ladl e.' I!eell? "-N, y, Hera ld. Inllo r.
in Africa.
T l,'· ! : l (' 11'.' '' 1!.,jllllnitH r al lu n in ..e~ t.. tll"l Ar l'i('n h !l ~ II nll e rlH kr n tbo 1m .. p:'nrf' Ill Cll t n i Ih l' qualll Y of raoutch ouc
loi loit llll. eXt ,' pl· IIn,l('r IIm ltalloll" rr ,.s ~ rlh ell. 01\11 I h py n r e r n , lr c ly ! ur Ud · Mil rlur l n ~ thuge mo uths wh ~ n Ihe YI\ ;I I ~ rl s ln;:. Ill'Ofess lonul Hob no l. are !o be ~8lllhllsh e d , wh ere Ih e l1 est nrocesses for t!t e hlll'\' us~lng Rn,l coa g ulation of t he caoulcho uc will he 1IIl1g ht, _ _,_____ _ _ _ Knew What lie Wanttd , C' us lomer- l wallt a DIDc-sho t r .. "Olver , Ou nsm ltb- We bnye nolblnlr but t:.\', anti 8(0.: s hoo ter 3, III', - "'W a D'! do! I " lfnt to ', ill 110 c.t..... Chi n"o ,Ooll y t\tlW8,
me. !Iud ] 10 mor~ bellring-d own paius , and felt Iiko n. n ow WOlllall , Withi" n yo41' I bof'O IUO Lho lII olber of 0. ett'Ol1 g, bealtb,.
ebUrl, tho jor of our bOlUO,
Lyula E, Piuk-
h a lll's Voge'tahlo CollltJOllI lI1 i. enrtalnly q splcllcli{l l'Olucdy,. llnd I ",j:oth cvo:rv WOUlan
who \\'flU1.oI to beco lll o a maU ler would try it. ':. Actunl Ate rility In wom nn is very pa r e, Ha llY womnn "bi ni,s .. ho is s t e r-' il e, l et h e r try Lyd ia 1:l, Plnkhnl ll's Vegol om[>OlIud nnd wrHe to Mrs, ' J' inl,hnm , Lynu, ]\fnss, Hel' advice Is free lo CXl'ccln .nt or would-b c moihe1'll.
A Clo,'olnn d man Is s uing h is wife to!' <llvorce be cause s be thre w 8 seash ellaL blm wlt en be r eall a loll d, Ob\' lously s b& was In Iho wro ug, A seas lu illis Dot very, bard , A Pennsyl \'nnla woman who Is su ing tor .1I!vorce tln ds no cons olation In be!ng tI, e wife of a tr,na who h aH broken alt r eco rd s In OD C lillo. he havlog d c~crted h er 35 lim es Iu 47 I,uunths, A Trenlon (N, J .) woman wan t s n divorce becau se b el' hu s band , whose naoi& Is Finnega n, won 't ask tb e leg ltilatul'e to chuDge \t, When a woman lIlarrl es It Is lime s h e ce ased lry lng t o chanse b er nam u, A wOlllan In Logae ~port Is suleg tor dlvo rcc, une or It er complai llts be lllg tbat h er hus band I. loo lovlllg and hugs bel' ',.,Ith too grca t constanc y and cxub'o ran ee, She " ho ll id Il nve n tackling dumII' Y rigged up and lIIake her SJlouse Ir, oM his elle l'gy on It before beIng admIttlld 10 th c bous e,
Soun ds Like It, Uo s lon T ~ ", hcr- Wul llo, you may dc· nnr. " propal;a n IIR." Dos ton Pup il - Wh y, It 's-It'sD, T.- W c l l '~ "' TWICE-TOLD TESTIMONY. B. p , - Wh)' , I !l Ul'S S It's t he ma sc u, lin e ot . " Ilra goo ,:c."- C lc\'cla LHI A Womau Who Haa Su!ered TeUa Bow Lead c l', to Fiad Relief ,
1 h ~ 11 101' :.. C n ll \ll 'l ll ~ C'a n tl l(' r ~ ll1 nli1'i , alHo
Cl1l1l1gh I told hIm to keep nWR Y, cause 1\0 Wlluld «et Into trollbl ri, 1,' lr. t he " tum blcd over on e of Ite r R I\O~~, and uld 110 lhoulht he bad IlIld I' YCJ r)" 1)"dl' 10 keep their t!!;copo vnll ~r. s It;. Ihe haggage car, and Ihat mad hor iliad , Then he renche(1 In 111ft III' rlh nnd got hold or one of he r reet, aorl .1'8 sot the m()n to bclp, anll they gOI ho.r olll, but .be aeemM all sqll Sht'd to, ~etheT, She sat up all n lshl fi nd want , \0 lean on pa, but thc sl. c luton !,ept "Ia head O\,~I ' the rail or tlt e upper hC1'1h aDd hi s IDllke,l1ke e)'() nev er l en I,a 1\11 night, Tho ooarde.t woman got liP out '1r her berth about d.yllghl . to go ,to . the ' ,ollet room for a s lto.o, or & haIr cut: or eometlJl n g , 30d when ,,1be aaw "pa '1'7 18. to s oulhl!' Ih e tat , womao ".lid · '\ ' ber trom · breaklo . In , t,,:o, ,she Ie I "~ aod ,lapped pa'. , teee, aDu hal " : tnl'CS of hyatel1 _ -Tho fat WOIII ," ,::;!t!!lI1i a coupl'! of - c"Daf~l. 01. "1' :" wbl s~C' ri-_ . an....
- -'---
}' Ie r('c, 1II 1s. S le,,", -,\\' IJ) (lit! ' Crace
- P ll cl"
Ollt fir • I,'a '; •., th e hanS('. I ~k l!lg 'lnly III ~ l, r In ' cl OI !tps, whll o Ih e '" nn , o t
11 ;-
- , \ \',, ::; hll ," , " , . nltl r.
sw £'n r o rr our lUXe1'i at th e sam e tim e,
at,fI I b( 'lWi h,r of the on e ·...· ~lI -: lJ SO(~S
\V iII hc ha PPl' In SIH' It " ,)Iace? Mrs , PS I I; - The l" d ucem"lIt s urc ell, Ilflll g, By UC,!lIl rl u>; a residen ce Ih ere we w il l bl ab le to ;:;1'1 our tl lvor .. e anti
1"< I ',\' ~l' ll t hem. One ~n n d l e rep't: Po n tJ ,11 (' l: •.' ~b llntl . one lh e " Ilo. ro c), or . Ii Ahl ed 31. Ihc S,lme Il:'m, e a t ,
Sbc Kicked Pa's lIat Ot!,
All Impr essloo. I tl n 11 rh l ~ (t'I'C'U t nnd l lU ~ tll .. g la na Two kl! (I ~ u f t"ll h :l!O!'1 we U '(' : 'l' la t .. It.u " IH I a " C I" otu c~ UIIU ' I't,t: 0 , (' 11 \\'11 1.1 111 1HIt lI lc,r UUbit l to lot! ,
, II 1I 0 Wl i ' ill l h l!
FI'c'luen t baclcnch c an d distress illg' pnins , IIcco mpnnied by o ffe nsive dl6cllJll'ges and g~ ncrully by irregulu r' aud b 'uuty m lJu~l ruu tio n indicate a dis· pl accflw nt or bel' ve <lug llcru.tion of ~!J c wom b und . urronn<l in (f orgnns. The qu es tinn th at trou ble>! wome n is h o'\ \' can a. w omlln " ' bQ ll us SOlDO Iemn le trlJuLle b e llr he alth,\' e hlltlrcn? Mrs, A UUIl Po lts, of iii 0 Purk A venno. Hot tipriog s , Ark" ,,"rites : Dea l' MI'S, Pinllham :- ' 'Du rlll,,:th e(u'ly \llll" or mymnrl'lcd lIIe r W a."1 d clicut-o in h ; bolh m y hus btLnd 11lWl 1 we n" \'0 1')' Rnxi ous [01' Il child t o bltM3 our home, bll t I had two milK!Urril'Lgcs, GIld could ('III'\'.\' n child to mnturlty, A neigbbor 'vuo hatl llrc'llll curl'd loy Ly dia E, Pinkham 's \' egetllLI Compound a.h ',scI\ m o toLry It. I dil l so nllli SOt JJl fcIt thnt I \\ 1l8 growi ng !It rOI'frC'l', my h('..j\dUt·h~ a nd bt\akncllc s 10ft
Th e EUl'Opean sligar c rop I bis ye31'1 Is csti mo terl a t lJetwcen 6,G;;O,OOO au •• 6 ,675,000 tOll S, Th e Gorman c rot will proba bly nmo un t to ~, 200,OOO [ous ]»n gland 's Urs t 811111nlng mill to 68 woPk ed by e lectricity h aM lJeon sl a'r tet! nt P end lebuJ'Y, Mund,eS l.r, It cont aIn s 80.000 s lIitHll es, Dud bas no c!J.lm. ,n ey, The firs t so lltl tl'UI.1 o't caun ed IlCll'l el'er s h ipped f rom II;] Am e ri can ennn ing fortory we n t ou . from a can lllng com;lO n y's 1.lant at Lo ng moot. Cal,. r ecc:tlll', ' Ln~ t yea r 48,00 0,000 l oo s of corgo were cnrr lerl fl'O Ill RII th o SCal)orls or t h o world, and o ut 0' that tol al 3 1,000,000 lOllS were wrrlcd by ahlps or Great Brllaill . Growi ng of g,'ulmS III g raj lc rl es f urols h es an hnllO rta n t su urce or r evenue In ~o m e ctJ\JIItri~ s, notab ly Delg lum nn ll Ib o Chonnel is lautl s . wb er'lf la rge qlla Dtl1l'8 arc nnnu a ll y grow n alUl expul'lcu , Th e U nllod S totes III a saari cll s to me r fOl' I b em, as It 19b IIl1 35 ce nl~ to 75 cents a pOllnd wbolesa le, and 1\\'0 to tit ree doli ars , and eve n J a m e8- ~l y lord, the carrI a ge 'Walts mOl''', a )lOU nrl r~ tall belnll paid (or: w ithout. th o fruit, Grape g.\)wlng In pots 111 My I. nrrl- W lt hollt what. Jam eR? mil ch I,rlll' tl ce d In parts or Eu rope, and J u m cl'!- \\' i lllUul u n y ' OS~;t~ H, m y 101'rl. e~ p ~da "y In Fran ce, wbere th e Y.lne. It I s II", Ill otor c:trrluge .- I,l ulf ltull· al'o Inrgcly I\.c ~ for decorati ve Pili'dny. poses on [call 1'0 OCCdplo08,
&li r'" I, Thp w :fe
\\'\lr d to c hildl ess ,mcllo u ely oldon!!,c, lIl n,n,\' " wife has fo und~lCrse lf m ea· pa bl u of m oth e rhood owmg to 0. dis pluce mont ot the worn b or IlI c k 01 st,'c o glb in the gcnerat i ve o rgan s ,
the 111 111 11), alJU, n II Ihe C'o ll rngi l1 g' )'UII 10 milL "
13 1100 - "
i[ Pl'e
~I' ]j o .1a1'lccllt (\;,yg o f h usband nnd
wHo 111'0 whe:1l till'S' COlao to 1ooJ( {or-
" Yp :oC. ma'8m ."
" \\· 11 (' 11 I WI)I{ f' tiP. " K llf~ sa id . " I \":t-; s 1111 r l'i g h l (lllcd , and IllY h ~ llrt W ilK h .... n t· III ';
P,'opare for Momerb ood
"I SUPI ,l)Re 1'0\11' P A "R t s n l wn r!t en
II h.;tll mnre,
!' lln\\ '
I l rill'!, w hi c h I
Mrs, P otts Tolls H ow Wome n Should
III P roof, lern F alito l' - So yo u w ls l! to lil a"" 111)' tl nll!; it te r, e lt'~ Yonn;; '\lilli -T hat's w hat [ s a l ~ , - I ~ II~SS nol. "Do ~ ' Ol\ Ih illl; YOII will be n ull! to "M ~ u h y I'll g l t fl1 l1.rri ml so me timo," pro\' I,le (01' h ~ r In tht' ~I )' 10 to wh lrh "~l " bl .y ,"
t ''' II I, ' : ;;11 d0 Yv 'J I hl lll\ . , !J il l t"tJllr rllIlHI"ci mlI1~ ( , t h !\~al1 rll iI .:i lt 111 <' ho w I >loo d "" t he Ill l' lf( Qll e,," /10 11 , an il Ilf' :11''::11 0(1 fo r In r t j ad e, w ll :ttftV t!f I lta l iH, for hh lr all II 0 til·, I alld 11'''111 (' ro e Ih 1n'..:: or Br."l1n rlt1t·· In g H ( '!l ll1 p aiI!,H , an d : ~w n hu j " rlt ll! IIpd (I ff ( III I ~J Lh l" :\fo a1' o o <1 0t "
--. ~
Th ey Got T h e!'e, J o hn (. hel'pl " ll l), )·- 1- 1 s' Jl ose YOII' Il be t;lll hl' manl erl lilli e, Belty (wll h n f ri g hten ed ai r ) - Oh, I
l'Il()II ~ Lt La fl ''''''\\ '" I' 1' . " 1:<' 11 Il ,p (' \'0 ,'. ,1 lad ;':0'" , Ill lu tI"
IJi g
, -- - - - - '- -
He Wos IncorrI gi ble, IIIr6, Und crdone-- My bUllban ,1 Is ; (;mplal nl ng aga in or you r cooltlng , ~~ Ilry , . Mary (reasslIr lu s ly) - O!I" Dl 'l m, I don' l take anny not! '0 or :hIm, for 'U. , tb e nature of hIm to lind faull , Aill't , he {')I'eve r comllal nln' ot )'ou, mum 1I.\fe,
Allpre=i a tion of Art, Firs t Lill ie Girl (sho \vln g worl' 0 1 arl) - Tak e care 'ow ),011 tOll ch It, thnl's 'and' palnted , Ihnt Is. S eco nd L ill ie Girl (contem ptuou s ly) - Tbat n It.. I nolblek , SO' g our f ront door, - - - - - -- Wire In, llimple -I ca n ' t unde rstand wh:v all Near a ..·at~, . ' ,- Ihe girls are so fond or tha t beastly TOln- I'Ye been tak.log In phoBphOrfii\ little tlokly In~,trllment-wbai. do YOII during . .calion, _ call Il ?- Ihe , mand o lln c? , Dl clt"'-Wel l, yon'1\ to'J1 melt .Jour Tho eynle- Plale eoougb, L!lir 1Ia:; 1Il1i,1( \I -:-:rO!,.D ~c. beCll\se there's a maa ill it.
Th l' th uII s\l 1Hl s o f ",omell \\' ho suITer lau g uOl', urinury di ordcr~ ond o l h e rll irlll c.I' Ills, wil l find comfort In th o wOI';ls of Mrs. .1noo F'nrrc ll, of ' 80U Occnn A\'c. , Jersey Cil y, N , .T. , who ~"ys : II I r"iterat e aU I hn vc "" ill beforo in 'Praise of Doau's Kltl· DCY l'iI!.s, I hlld bee n having ht'avy back· ' achc ~, ami m y gcn· .. eml health was aitecte d wh en 1 began n s lng th e lll. M,i' feu t \\' " rc s wollen. DlY ey cs pufre (l. nud dizzy s p" 1\" were ,fl'il; , , qnl'ut.. Ki;lll ' y n etion ,Vas {rr,cgulo r _' and the s ecre tions high ly calib'ed, ""' l.·ooay, how evtlr, I am 1& w c u. WOIU&D, " 8ntl1 am <-'(Jnll·d ent th!lt Doan'a KidD e;, ~)ill!l have made lIle sO, and lUll k eeplnc me .. cll," , ' , Sold :II)' all dealeJ'8. 150 ceots a boa. ro.ter·M ilburD ,C o.. BlI1ralo, N. ,y , bad{nclll~ t
Conc ernin g 'Form er Resid ents , Pllbllaj,'.t1
W..kly -~l Wa1ne~.l , \Ic; QbtQ . ,GrAll\! , 89we. ming R en nlon of formor R lIl!ldent s ILt
M. T. 8"''''''1<
t " "11
.40 . , ... I: K'I. N , MCliAT \ t:. ~ ( trJ( Ulh, Iv aUlly'n ...... 1 ': J . lhtOw~ • .ASfoIU01:\1'. f':' lHTOH.
WH .y n~ville w '
tl, JOOIi.
okbeginning August
00 , YOU GET ,
E,' ~on(li n:~ 1'hnp. r.lmit, ('te
Sll I , J., U ~ it fm l~ tnf"! br lllf1 (I u urll o( t~e 'n "<)(j)~r~ t ~'1 \~ 1I:1!:" of 1 '''),1\0,,'1 11,·,
f HW lI , , l\' " ..ti r o II.t,qh )111 'r .''l " . iV r . h ll ME BA ,\X!" )"('(11'1- ."1 · n "" It ,. I.l r r ll ke d· WITH A L I'. CK ? I II!" Iji,,1 \o!tH1(li·,· (h~, " ,1", . lJl-nlln~, I;
o:r~~ " , t Plllu n.;.,HAlIIP 1.1')1' ) l ~ b" i It' 'J hift Killney TrOll Ie MRl l!l ~JU :.t\s<!J'able. II' l\, I It 1,,, hl('L! '":"'( Iff... tut h to. L1\ tSLoc u 7C'1tl Cl l lltlinahcl ;OhtJUItJ ,\II n:! I" ' U Il ~ Imll ~-.~~ . ..,~ n On\)II .(IIe,' lJotlJjI"~ 11,,<1 Joli<t.bll,h l n l< II • ~ F \ ", I~ t· I' \ . Aim tt ever ' . . , ' ,\ I' " , i dll('Y . II'~ "·., ., flll ilroll" Unutc lu tl't' ''III''II~''f WItI· tl~""III~. ,b If' ln k 0 1' 0, ybo~~ " ho r:1 dS the nc.'If$- III , 111'1\,,,1 I:.: n <If d,,, l1 hll). C' " 1',. .. '<111"" lith rI~ r or.lul .. :.\ II ,u '" II ' I t- r ut. jlllpers .s !:lire 10 n()w 0 Ihe wonderfu I I I Pl't .. 1i'1'" ' \lI It t'1li,'~ II ,. d till ,. HUll~. to ••'Ul'·U'''·'' ," "" III .......1 ~. f 11,,,\·.. 1'-'" l~ rUrea made , ~ ~ Dr. "l '\ In\. n II( 111 ("J 1 I I I 1 t \ 1 .. {1' .. (' I .... KlImer's Swamby Ro(U " bK . : . Th"l tl,b Or'III\l"ICQ~II \ I' I ' Ihef,""t Id p- t' • t' fll'C I IUll\ hf" In rtlrrr fI'V II \:1. tid nt""ln"" Hq /'l , , 11 . 1 ,,(,1. p"" u· r ttl~ I ~1 " . . ney, Iv~r I ~arlt-:8t 1\4 rh)t \ ;t}hi'\ l.'tl hr 1\tw. 'J' h~\t th e i ' • I 11' I :l.1 : Ij~ ..·l\:( rtj,m edy . W'r l ('l;": ~ ' ,.1 1 &.\ l'" r H ,f h 'ri ll' n : I ' (j grant ,hnl I, 'o.J,nl' ulle r:lill'(' I!lII11 C<llIllCil'i __ !tls tl.e gt~lm edl. ,Jll'w.lrllil' 1I1tl' <lI'(lIfl hl' /n"\' '''' '11 ' .Ll h .' r it '" ~l' ·N.'Pll\lltt: lJ.r ,·r:lnLc-\! 1' \\hh'l1 I
Vou h~ye .
ln oru o{. lcss
, tlVubll! with your ~s ten t)t • ne ll, )'C!"'r bowels II n\1 your III' 1 r1 '\lory ,0 ' ~ t1 es. A II • wh en t hcf(e dcllc(tte nnd
Mr . BUU Mrs. \V. M. BrBdstTol1t, ",.tI I of 7,,4 W . h ioogO A venue, Chiollg p. lIli nois , w!ll s pcnd t he ho)ldiLYS OFFICE I~ J ONES BUILD ING, with their plnont,s . Mr . a nd Mrs , ~1ica l tnumph ol thenine .. . f l \ t" ,' ,'U L III.] HI I ' I' " dtillc A, Q. Bmdstr oet, nClu ' Dayton IIL'( Ul,lUIlt;(' Killdl ul' ll\t:,1 \\Ilh 1 \\11 h '. \he .( "h.· I~\ ,.1 Lls ily · (Fg .. \ II"," teen( , c entury. dj!\~ r tl t:l'~· 1\1 F ul.'\ ' :0' l\lthH~\' " li e CQI"!.)OI';n hll1 wlthl ' " '-l\ lrlY ~1.L\'~ lI\n1l lohe '1'!luEP~O~!l eJiLL - . ~O, 6'i IL l\cl Ilis aunt, Mrs. AVIL {'lit " I r, Jul oi.'llercd or• 1,1} COV~"t I tl y ears ('I f , Ebrigh t., pai\~ u,:, . ll\hh l Jf\ll!\", wl· UI.(llt " lluh lh-n thlu l \\ Uill g sch n us, do g et '~ rt ftl' tC!tO rch b l l f'tl('J- tl lll l~ 11 q1Y I' l\tl"I W "l ~ l \ "' II ' nt, Wnyneijyillll II\SO t lulir ruan ,y :l('\' Qrcl! l,C'ln la ..... 'l'h,u Lh~ ':1', 1111 !'"' m.ul nlttofor~<le r. t,\ I, ~1. D .. 1\' " . . . . ott Jl lllll 'n~h I " 11 1 nnw UI \ I' , I'" UPOU Lit,,· ,"o lllll tl oll thoU Lh · gnl1th:(' I">lluli Id fr ie nds wbolll t h oy wHl be p\on,s e(\ IlilY ' • t he'"' Itrc tbe .rJ r .. " .. :,,~r, t t) be m ~ F ( I :--:t'l, \ _' 11 1 h~ all ~'u ... l n r ,hh''\~ rl\'''IIiV l l, l., n rlllllnll 'I"\ WIi:DN E9DA\, . ' , NO"EMU ER 2» ' - - IgO" to meet, • . - . l J m rlo h lJ.\~¥ nn d lad . .11111 'hut (" noil.\f\\ I· \l nl1"f " 11141 ~trl "t fl t llway . - _........... wors~ thiilg8 d~ r specialist , and Is -- - - - -........- - -.... 111 t he world to you. Jf wi thin Ih l I' UI' I ' I II Itt· li lld, .. \ I t 1Ill' rlll .tJ,t" won derrully }'O U t ook tho ~uC:.'cessf u ) in promptly curine' j Mrs . Edith Dinwilllllll, of Spring, , "~II he ,'OU'I'Io'''-') nO '" ("' r,,,,· II u" l ! righ t kind o{ cureo rth c JU, U, ..... yuu ... .. erl w o ul du 't 'ame back . kidne y, ,Lladdor. uric acid Irou- , r. IlICLJ I\ ' "For unto you is born this day In field, nn i yed in Wayne ville 'fhur .", " , " 11,. . 8ulr~r. b~t you d n't. .11 , ":Y'" ",,' ,,,,, .. ,1 ,,,, ,I"':" I' " •• ,',! I" Ii , wu' hies and Bng!'!'. Disc:lSll. which Is Ih. WOrSI tbll oity of DaVid a tinior which is 121i \\'1' ;.1 F, ft I( -' t ,./." t li on . 'I'h" onl y wtt}·you I lorm can 0 1 kidney correct I~ouble. the trOtl- ' , dny Illst ou 0. visit to relo.tive s and ., bi ll),"" cl ~) hll\, u and prCn!" llhcse pnrll '; t: . '! 'I'lIh IJr.lln nnr', ,,,,,tt ,~ :." e'("" t , Dr. Kilmer s SW3 11111 ,,1~1 13 nol Chris' the Lord. "-l:lt. Luke II 11. f d recth 1 " ytOlIl ()hi ll M !l,l Lh e \·.I r l lt·~ l pl ' rh)l l ,tJltt \\' I' ll U\' b w (rolll gc ll ltl~ OUI lJ( oruc r' ~ om 10 mend lise ed,foreve r yth mg ri 1.\.11'y en ou h =tvc kld. s; Rmong ",A nd sudden ly there WIlS with ese were rH. 1',,,, <,1 al ( '""",'11 ,'11.,,,,,,,., I II t h" ' ·lIl.w ' ney. liver or bladd 'r traubl ' II will be found PI,,, , " ", ' ~I"ill 1:,1' 2. ""'"11 ;\:.n~ Stoops, \Valter MoClur e , W . of 11' " )" " ,,,' 111,'. oil'!". "'I- 111" the angel a. multitu de of ' the heav· JHlttne8 ItI, 01 ,11 " I just Ihe remedy you need. Il hns been l. sled . Dinwid die, T. J. Brown Rnd lll·u·mho . r, ,, . 11. 1"1>., • Inson n"y"'a},s , in ho"pitalw ork,lnprlv:1le enly host praising God and saying, I'; , •., 1'; , 1:. l'o~ ,' ,\ N (o 'I' IIIIt' \'I' fllnll· lles. This week Mrs . Dinwid I L a..,ollo., ) ' I'"", IJ . ·I .. rk. pracllce. amone Ihe heipiess loo poor 10 pur· !- : ",,'1" ,'1..., !1 11(',1'" ,', 'n'('Il " hi .. 11 Glory to God in the highes ', and on II' '1. Z''' '' .. MaJ·,l", chase relie! i,' and has proved so stlccessfu l In die eO will visit _ old frienus at Bellearth peaoe, good will to men . "' every case lhal a specloll al1'3ngemel1l h~ s - - - - - - -.. - - - - - - . . . , . I been E b made 1 by h wh ich rook ~Ii t r~:ld~ . W f t lere " 'of ' th is P'oer s e spen 11 par 0 d ~n. Luko Ii 13. U . ' . I , ,,cry ho<lyknllws litnt PEPSIN ,sgoo j. h h I I d' A .l, G..l'~ 'I J) · v " Co un t I't \! lttn ll thtlU I~ ntl1n \!. 1" W 0 nve no ' a rea ytr Ied It , ~may have h er girlhoo d. ' Her ohildho od Wll~ I for t hcslOnlll Ch blltll1 olnblnllt lonwith • .' i , . . sample bottle scnl (ree by mail, alson booka " Snoh was the angelic lOng on the ",!ent ()II t Ile {Rrlll I h·,01 .·,· S' " " .. 1' 11 11 '" """ now ownllli and 1{,)U( /t;\·II.I.11: Ollll ' 'el ling more abOU I Swam p-Rool and how 10 H" ,"' \' II n ,1 '1',"" ", ,, tI,,'''" ,'rh!i IlHr.... t l cer:"! II, plnnt ti n ' gs , by I>k. CALl)ftrtlt Chrlillruall mornlnR ' thlLt dlLwu . I, II ;'" Inlll-t ' WbLL S . formula, II ;; ""Illral YUille . .1 1 CI fl d I 'f n h I kid ill bldd S bl , n ou I you ave neyor a or Irou e. 1'1 ' 11 '1 III ghly III rcased. II nlnce I\rry l n ea r lid upon I18rth. ouoh is the song of O(JOOPIO " ' ,\' . " " .I " " I""" li lli ' "I " lit .. 1I"rllll'l Is UI'" PK' ·IAt.'f1 1<'.'1: lH81i:A t5Y,ll, OI' Wnllll:N .I When Forry. u)y' wrilingm entton reading Ihlsgenerous ' " ,'t'lI 1' 1 I ' SYRUP PEPSIN 11",1 l'fl l'Il I"l'i tl' ,,( ro'III""',, I I" ~l'1\1 nw If h' Ii ·JI' ·I' "" ChrilUl ln8 at thiM R0080n lIf 1905, Id { ..A NU OIt II Jnnl':N , , .' 1 ° er In t ls pape r and s I 10 Jest [ I 11)( " t 10 WM .. or ~or· II IH 1t ' ~' IIfll t '1'11 1 tn ll II ,. iln i !1I11. ~ tl foI. H I·l' t rcc tinJ: n f1dcur i ll Mrs. Dinwid die bos h\t.aly m lule gn llfnrIll90(l t o.nn c b Let 1111 tho oorth rejoioe Rnd join ~ndK ft°ur ~t dte~1 10 ;. '::: ." ,,11"""'\1 I. ,,· th, ' ,,: 1'''"; 11'' ,bk f" l' tr"uhle )' ,, ' II sri· M when a t rll) to Colifornin. where !lh e visi t ,-)'ou try It. in the Celelltla l ChoruM. h ·~.:n'O,~e ~ ' yo.. ~~ " ; ,::1':' F"lo,\"~ H" HP\' "ud T'lI' llI ,d rllfn~" DR . CALDW lt LL ' S S\' RUPPE PSIN ell her girlhoo d li eigbb or~ lind LO W b' \Ilh: ·l'tll ',\I.H'OHNIA. (ULOHAI'P . I ' fifl ' '1 d '"JI~ ,. nlt~t i tilip . ,1 1' 1 " '", 1 ,," ,,"n, h lll' cIl llheobt regu lIr lliul·t1in y cen holh clnllllral Il. ",... r , ,,,,,,, ,>- I1"'J~ . fri ends, Mesdam es Vina Morriso n ') ItX Icn. ANn !,Cl I~ 'I'~ H{) U'I·Il . \\, k1,'I' dollar slzc. are sold nn " . li t 1111 lr "dsts nudldhalt· 1>". .11 good drugglslS , : 1" "'. )1" rn t,I1I1l \\ ill I' i "" Ill<' "" 11'" H' t . j ,lott"• r _s':c~ your Willi amso n-Ell iott. " • . ' \l,., Il . ", . ' d_ f"otl v ia Pcn n"yl \' an l a ['Iul'''' ,,\lIhl k ~ra l n He n -· oH, It I" mildl\' 1" xIi/l \p , 1l" mone) Oqn't n Udt O'HIlY lnl ~ tnk(' but r oo \ "II I be rcfundud 'f ,t fall» to a nd RotbM onwe ll, dttug-h oorsof tb tj icc tn kl'j4 paS!i~n~l' r:-. _ , (l'ol1ll'uli l til w , ' be n eht yo u. arrll l ' .. , rlll t n l1 \~ lll''1 np ll lt l :~1I 1 1l 1 1 !lOl~lIh,j s t. tnr: The pleaMn t oountry home of Mr. latl6 Wln. Carman , years ngo owner cllmute.~ tn ;t, 1,,' ''' hOlm. 11' I~r tlh' r i lll"l1Im- IU fHn t)'n. t I10 n O'tl. O, ~:'t. \'o url'o~tf\l t'l1n1n'fllIt"l'tl\'tllbrfngb,!"CItu", \\ u n l1 l In . t, l'll i }.l r(Hl nUll d f'I H' II I' ~ l ItH'1-01 '11~ ~Ion eanU"J I\' (urnl,:tht' P.' ' lj JII nll ou r IhI\\' In\oklcl •• ' J )J~ , C'A L D\Vln .. L.' 8 up"n I' C\IUCS L ud Mn. Robert WllUam lOll, living of the farm now owned hy <.;h08 . S. 11reNMc{1 t.o tll O Ilcan'st 1'1 '1I11~ \' J " :\I1la ml · DI·. Killlu.'r A :"I \\""lltnp Hoot , U1lt1t l lf l ' . ~('h wll r: ~ Ul)(,1 h. U l1 WO NUI ~ l{ ~·' HIII I Ir c:c s amplo te Ltnel'{ . . I\:!';' O, (lrLTcs~, _ Rll1g1tnulptO]~ , N , 'y ,. nu those wllo- h,," n no\·.' r Irll'c1 th il woaderhal nllar Cen&ervlller althoug h always Scare lit Ferry. She IIlso visited t h-ke t u~~ nt . __ _ .__ · rew"l1y. ~IR II~n\1rV()J\U..l hH1I\, )I . an aUraol ive apot, waa unaeua Uy 80 Sea ttle, Washin gton, where she W61\ W)NT~11! 'l'O URlST 'rJnK~:'l'S TO CO I.OIIA \' ry boUle. t'. PEPSIN SYRUP CO. 0 1', Deoemb er 11, 1905, 'ha~ being, tbe th e guest of Mr . o.nd Mrs. Jobu DO. 1',ILII" IlRN I A, .\1 EX (('0, n Oll"''' Montioollo, III lnol. Vlr.'I'F:HIN A F Y S[JH(~ti: N d.y obONn for the marrtag e of their J nmes, her old friends omlnolgh Fnl' HII ttl hy .r /I) ••JII Ilnoy_ ImtJ 1,0 1111.."l WClC t aun .'tollt h nu w .. oltl !'I1w clnl : DR.I: :T.E. HAt~\ I · lA" -J. I..H\ lIlll nn . Ohio. daught er Suellen $0 Mr. Will Elliott, bors, formerl y of Ferry . She re- Inw "",., \'In PorirlAy lva "lr A nl" 1.ln\·s Inr ... ,,,,, , CO lt h~ cnll .1 n,ny hunr, fIfty or fri end!! The ."enda nte were MtSl! Carolyn portlllLll thll!,e old F erry 08 llo"" Ul rqll l"". "'01' ,wer" " 1111 tm",,' CI,n ' \Ynyn os l'i~le 's LOlldlul; Don tls t. ' d YO nt e n t'~ :f (rcoly glv(.·u upon rcqtl c"t lItltl ll'K n li.:ht.. B tit \I n'lt nn rl ' T .n 11'1" '"toU • .tater of the groom, and Mr. we11 sitUBted In Iife. prosper ous a,n ".IV) ncn re"t " eIlItO\'I\,lInln". Y .., ' 1 ' ;(,,,.," ~7 bnppy In their odopted homee, but· I:'b ~rcs Col d, Cr(lUP a lld \ Vh""" plul{ Cough . ou~s, VII 1111Y PlIOIn u Ma in Sl rt"l" l Q. 2il . FArl WnUam lOn, brother of the re taining a. warm feeling of nttllch , bride. The bride was becomi ngly ment to their Ohio homes o.uu _ ,•.1 •. , .$$I~ ID a h&adllo me dre&IJ of wblte friends to all of wbom they sent mul!. and MIB8 EllioU In blue swo. affec tionate greetin gs . f I,ilo ~ yellr . - . . . .. In .oov •• c" '1 .0.1:6 11 y e"r If no\ Dahl In wl ynnee
h r
"SSY 1,1 A
Dr Cal dwe ll's
. "
I Syr up
M ' Y L ,. .
Pep sI
.J'L .
I{. J ; l\oLi chen
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Wbtle )(Iu Merl Himes beant!fn1111'111dered the weddin g mllrch, U1e bridal pan, at eleven o'olock eDtered the tastefu lly decorat ed parlor · where, In the presenc e of fJf~·foar near relative l ana frlllndtl , Be." A. D, Maddox impreB 8lvely oooduo ted the ceremo nies whioh welded togethe r the Uvea of theae two woriby young persona . . , Th~ 9lany beautif nl preaeDt e save 'evidea oe 01 'he hlah eeteem in whieh the reoIplen&ll are held. An elegant wed4lD g feast W88 well aerved, al&llr, whieh' the bride and groom, aooomp ul!l\,\ by, MII8 Marte BeDbaID,'of Le~on, departe d, amid a .hower .OfrtO l, for Columb ae to .&tad the Ohio State Granse . The Broom belns a lucio8u inl flU'1ller, their futnte home will be ,he ODe he D,OW OoonPles, The wide circle of their' friends unite in wllhlna them II lite as 10D« and happy All ,be lumme r day, Qn whtoh they made their 101emn promtae, was ~uti!ul. -.
In Socie ty.
Goo d Thi ngs to Bat for the HOL IDA YS
CANDI ES Underw oods out mixed Borne made, out mixed Taft'y mixed Faney Frenoh Creams Extra. Fa.ney Frenoh Creams New Eng Peanut 9 risp Pure Fudge ---All tlBvors Jelly Drep8, Gum D'rops Boney Comb O\ndy Old Fashon ed Nuts sarber Poles lOOts. II pound Undorw oods stlok Candy Chocol ate Drops Cocol1u ut Bon Bona Ca,ome ls. Many other kinds. The tlnest Une in town and prloes tho lo~. 88t. ORANG~ORANGES
Sweet Florlds Orange s Sweet Navel Orangel ! ~
At II JIUlMIDB of the Card Club at the home of Ill'll. Edith Harria lut WedollllClay , "wnoo n, It was ar· ranged ,hat the membe rl of the Club and their hueban ds should meet unanno unced in the evening a' the home of Mrs, Joel Evane a.nd oelebra te her blrtl!.d q in t~ jolly Rood ·tuhlOD . All the plaue were llIOO8IIln) and MI'II, Evans WIllI OemplHely taken off her KD&rd, hut both she and Mr. Evans made the gueats weloom~, 'a nd .11 agreed that It WILS • charml nB evening . Mr. and Mra, J. H. Colema n opened th~ir doon Wedne aday evening , Decemb er 8, to a compan y of about thlny of their friends who spent tho time until a late hour playing euohre, at whiob Mrl. George W. Hawke won the lady's prifMI, and after playin g. game with Mr. E. ~, Baily to ueterm lne whloh wns 'he more IIkllful player, Mr. J. U. Cartwr ight wal awarde d the gen· tIeman 's prilte.
$5.00 Rewa rd.
Loet-A blROk rat terrier; tan feet, white stripe on breast, oa.rrles eara up, full faoe and welgh8 ten or eleven pounds . Answe rs to name of Orloket . 'r. M. MOCAND LESS. Ridgev ille, Ohio,
Bank Elect ion. The IItock holders of I,he CitlfMIna Bank, of W.ynes ville, Ohio, will meet a' UII Bankin g HOQ88 on TUIl8D AY, JANUA RY 2,1906, betwee n the boul'll of 2 and 4 o'clock p. m., to elect dlreeto re for the en: luinl year, ' J: N. 'LUMON , Caahler .
Malaga. Grapea Nice Large Qaoana a Apples -LemoD 8 ' CALA FIGS in Go I1n<1}OO pkgs Smyrn a Fig!! Nioe Large ones BULK DATES,Bots. pound Paokag e Dates NUTI:I --All no.w Mixed Nuts Fanoy Almond s The Shell English Wulnut s Nice Large Pecans Cocoan uts-Pea nuts Fawny Cran blll'ries CALA JUMBU CELEU Y FRESH BALTI MORE UYS· TER~
Fresh (''raoke rs and Cakes Bulk Mince MIlIL t Pickles -Uti ves-Ca tsup If it Is in town you wl\l find It at our store, Special Prioe's to Church es and Sohools on Candies Nuts Oranges, etc. " Uet your prices beforo buying, we can 8(1. ve yon money. We are giving onr Custom ers some present d suoh , n9 RUS1'ERl:l, FLOUR BIN~, BREAD BUXES, EUU OARRI ERS, GRANI TE: WARE ; Save your tiok. eta. Bring us your Produc e, Higbes t MBrket Prices poid for Blltter Rntl Eggs . at ZIMM ERM AN ' S of course.
W"- - ' _ ' - ' - ... ,..-
:Splen did Conce'r t Will ~As818t .. by Trini ty Choir ,
santa: ChiU:s. Mr• .and Mrs.
, lenses. " . . P08imlUlter w. H. Antram , of Pete rson : .' 8he natoral ly fool. ~tl1tefol tor The membe rs of the Trinity M. E. l<eb8non, will plilY the part of Santa her Ollre lind want- other" b . , f · .oholr of. Xenia enterta ined Iln apo ClJlus to the ol'lildren of Warren OP'.tICIAN8. fer a, Ihe did to. 11000 II the .am·, .preclat ive aUdienoe High Behoof COunty next. &turda y afterno on. Will be in Wayne sville, Ohio, Ilt advanta lJ8~'. Hall, Thursd ay evening , Decemb er , Mr. Antram hl\I8 lent out nomer· the Uustln Houae the fil'llt Toesda y ' Don.' t forgQ~ the date, Janoar y2 7. with .a aaored oonoert. _ Ot18 oardll reeding lUI foUowa ; and W-"'-8 Iday of eaoh month. and S, 19011 ~ . Tbere;. ere twenty . nine voices in VU&I Home offioo .1000 U 8 . BDlI~IU', Lebano n, Ohio, Dec. 4, 1905, l.'wo daYI only, ,lllyt,()Ij, Ob .,, ', the ohOir and uoder the perfect Dear Little Frlen,d ; JANUA RY 2 and 3 1006 dIrectio n of !.In, W, H. MoGervey, EXAM INATIO N FREE " Your letter to ~nta Claus ' reo ' . every Dumbe r on the program was ceived all O. K. and the "Grand Old Begin the Ne'\V Year with good ~!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!~!'!!!!!'!!!!~!'!!!!!'! render6 d in a faultles e manner . !!!!'!!!!!!! Man" has asked me to 68slsl him vision by getting a proper tit of The people of Wayne sville had again thill 'year In dlstdbu tlng a lenlell. been told that they might expect part of hie p~lIlts i 110 it you will Headac hes. nervousn8118, sloop. a rare·treat in listenin g to Trinity oanat my 011108 1.n the POIIt Fftloo, le88n8811 eye8 waterin g eyelids wa· , F ERA L 0IRE C, 0 R, ' y afterno on, Deoembflr 28,' oholr, hnt our highest expecta tion II Saturda , 1005 at 2 o'olook you will receive taring, eyelids bornlDg and twitoh· were far surpau ed. It would be youfa. .11~t. You; friend, lng are ligns of defectiv e vialon 10 Impoeaible to 88y too muoh In praise WILL ANTRAII . four 08888 out of five, Attend to it of thl. concert. From the opening On • ,. • prompt ly and save your eyes. numbe r until the 'clOlllng 'aelectlon e. &9·3r Pomo na Orang e Do not let your child go if it the renditi on of the program Wll. · Wi~h ahows luiy sympto ms of IIquint, fauUlest. The Warrel l ~ounty Pomon a orOlllllng,of the eY88 . If neglect or B,a~l.b ed. Urange , whloh 1D0lude tl all the I he Every membe r of the oholr de· UranK68 in the county , will meet Sale at a painful and .danger ous 8urglcal _. . aerve~ commendaloion. Mrs. Edna Wayne sville, Satnrda y, Decemb er operatl oo mlly be neoe8liary. Tak· New Train Sched ule Bell, rendore d a dellght fol 8010 In 30. Glan ce log them In time \Ve oure withou t thefirll t anthem , "Praiae the Lord," • _. • ualng the knife. Under a new lObedu le In eflec' and Mrs, Orace Bubble In the oext Publi c Sale of ValA RESID ENT OF W A YNEHVILLIC Nov. :lS,lOOD, PlUlIllnKer trains leave anthem , "I will lift np mine eyel, " WaY~8II .tatloo •• (ollow .; ua ble Rea I E s tate. ooroborates tbe testlmo oy of people For thevllle and Mtaa Anna Redfern 10 "'l'be, Wll!It: II ;02 a. m ,daily Ki La" d B other pllLOee a. to the skill and For the West: 5 :46 p. m., dally ng of ve an .. ar k my sou.I .. 36c F .:>r l4en'a GOo heavy welrth 93cMe n'lI Beavy Cardiga~ The Ilell'll·at ·law of Lewla A. in ability of Mr. aod Mrs. For .he West; , :65 Il. m .1 'Sunda y Jaoket Mlsa Henrie tta Loga.n Peterso n. aang II. solo in Kemp, deoeaae d, 0111 Fleeoed Undelw enr. wortb '150 ' . oa1y , . the Te Daum, The quartet te .... A M DECEMBER 27, 1905, 4 ·3 c For the oelebra ted preside nt 40pGe nt·s Silk Mulller s. ,",!R&. !lOll J:NDJ:NH ALLi g vee UI For the Eaat : 0 :6' am ., dal17 'Fanoy that II&nl' the prinCipal lIuepeudera In Heparate Xmu part l ' I .. '{''1Or Plain i 760 v.loeB. ill II b permlu make the8tat ement For the l'.8.t ; ':11 p m ., ~.1l7 ' bolteR. ~.. at 0000. m., w lie at pu . i be lon totbat In the .Te Deum being JnI88 h bled For the Ea8t; 10 :2' pm, Sanda , BODrl. 110 auotlon onp.the premill8 8 the val, 35 c Pure, ~Ilk {j00 4. Xmaa n r name · I e was .rou 8 C::~~~e:'~~ o~ti :1. 5~U' wool etta 'LogaD, sopran o; Mrs. . 0017 Clint nable 204 acre farm ot I18ld deoeden t, with nervou snesl, sleepletlllnea8 and . Tiee" 3 for *1.00. 1 0 Meo'a 1Iio Rray and black lUI, LaPn, alto; Mr. Clint Logan, H. £. Booth, AcL tenor i I~&ed one· half mile Bouth of the hel¥laohe, 10flerinR 19cWilY II Celebra ted 2lio Mufl. p ,~traohan glovel. almost all the Mr. ~ohD Prngh bass. vlllqe of Bellbro ok, In Sogar Creek lime and apendln g money for medl BTOO,M: BROW lers i n.ow only 190 . ~1 " 50Per rlna' fine ,200 dreea - 86108 were a18~ rendere nOURlloMS TO OHIOAGO d by Mrs . ~:;~r~:o~~eW:;::;illeO~~C:; oinlll withou t any 4c For allk IDltial Japone tte • . _" relief. glovee for men, . 'VIA PIIlIUI'IY LVAlfIA ~ilI_, W. H, MoGerv ~y and Mr. John S.l!bro ok pike onl the welt, and Sh.e consult ed tI8 on , Bandllero,hl.efa q and 190 for Childre n's Xm •• Weathe rwax. onr firs' visit &zo .... lun tlcketa \0 Obl.alro wl\l ... eoI!l Fo .. t 15 I bounde Itl I H d on d the uC eaillt by tbe Bell· to Waynet lvillo and waH told t.hat vi. ,Pennsylvania LIDea Dec. -. 1 0 C r "en II D n 8 an· , MItts and Glo'l'eB . . k an d S I V 11 · 18, ••• 111 Ud MI88 Loulle Broad8 tone gave sev. b roo 'n_ detectiv . pr ng $ oy p ike. A...v \8; at one IlrKt·oIaa. one·w", tare. pia. ,. ' lIerohlef ; 8 for 200 63c ' Men'a olose fittlnK 811 0 Wool eral readin pwhlch wero very muoh iihQ'hLewVlaIIA. KemBeP HlbotelkProperty trooble e eyealgl lt was causing ber tor;round "Ip. acco.. nt InlernaUO !Ifol Llye ' 15ctro r box of ohlldre n·a hand. Fteeoed Undel'w ear. ' vt~l< I!:spoSltlon· For f .. lllntormaUoo COD' n t e l aRe o t l roo. keroble fs (3 In each box, ) 25 Child , 'c ' .ul~ locallictel ..enlot Penn.,lyaala LtDH d ea.. a,preot ated. The laid farm la improv ed with a "'CGon t'9 silk handke rohlefl, She ordered us to make her a pair C';'ere reK~eeoru~!':D worth 2 OJ D4~ul l'he membe rs of tbe oholr gave valuabl e nine . room frame 500 value bonse, of lensllII whloh 8hereoe ived prompt . HOLIDAY ICXOOR8lolfa ....' ,..".. .. r tliei' t . ' h VIA .....Y ... Is l1li1 48 Chlld d frame barDS, t<18ether with all I 'H dI , r IDle 0 re earae an oame two Gent's Pure linen ' bandlre r • neoeslia ry out. bolldi.nRB, aU In.cood y ~ !nd on wearin g t h 8m s h ~ expe. VA IUA LllfU • ren. 25cohlefs, eavyan . ODg toWayn eevllle and rllnder edthelr , ' , ,' lt has 26 a'o - of ttmbe winter Overoo . rl rle.ooeda relief from berheai laohee Decembe r %34 . tUb. l!Otb. 'Olb,II .tud .. 50 98 Childre n'. d bl llta,b wor,h ted OQUoert wtthoo ' a penny Jaauary aa com· e aN Ibe dDt.. on wllleb enllr97 cLarg 38 In, self.op enlng'l . Cwhite r aulta ouF.:.... I'~n ~tlon, the prooeedll of the enter. consist ing of ash, sogar and other and nervou8 ness, oould 81eep woll at IIOP tlck~taIIImo., be _Ined to a.,.UUo D UmooreJlas valuabl e hard timber. lying along night and her general ' health . -J • 1m. on tbe Penll8yl tbe ' nala I,ln .. tor 0 ....."".. ' -raotlon r~d o'n the Bellbrook Childre n'a Xmu 8ulta tainme nt goiDg . lnto tbe fund for ;,50 Xmal Umberelll&lI, Fanoy • • 4C aJ!d New Year bollday Irlpe. .l!ClletaCQOd I • C I . proved. The 0lroum8tanll8l were returning , th H ., Co band lea, worth '2,00 1I)W8p ringVa lleypik e. ualll JaaUDryo ScI; IDClull.., Il'ol' , equa to the Ulual P.GO , ~ ome- wmg. . tu~parll "'larac I IIOll localllc lleta"D ''111ls farm will 1lI~ otfered tof in two Buoh that there coold be no 7 c Gent'll IIllk bow Tt1lII. Regu Iar Rradea, other . Peal\ll11v aDia Lluu. The Gazette on behalf of the pea. ....rta. ODe hundre d acres of the . 160. for 70. ' 8cChtJ dren'l dooble breaate d pIe of Wayne sville and the gllneral .... . ~uth part, extendi ng fro~ one Gent'a Nobby silk GOo and 760 ' wtn&er . lulte. Fanoy colon OittUUl oommlt tee having 39 C E II b 8q the pike to th., ot-her, lind 10' 021LOres 10 lien'. 08.... ""-III' .""'oel ""rill SEE SPE NCE R AND MON ROE og 8 oan! TI88. . C oft the north end. The north end I 6_ r-, .... , .' Home-Coming iD oharge, extends '250 d to oontaln a an the imllrOVements to woo _ml worth ...... 260. h , an .:150 Stlok plna • 49:'11 19C or O ~•' •oaI ·Ohl 'pl' 'h . with ull ' t e m,e mberl of tbe oholr an d to gether with about . ' . . Cuff Buttons , et-o. O. 8 .• oresof tlmber Cd,en a cap., p . Kiu Broad. tone Iinoore thanks and ""bile the lOuth enil when.w .. 1 has about It! 'or Meu'. 500, fanoy , xmu~23 a:w~,,!,__ ~'c.... ' .........g 25c . uauran oe . of tbe B~, 8ee window . deep appreci ation acree of timber and Is withou t aDy C · y I~ ,, regular 500 POl! "tlaa d niA .·· ,j lPprove ments. Lam bel!" , Men's 160 blaok or tail HoatI : valDea ~ in 10," ~ theIr work. 1 OCw! ;1; Tbls wUl be a rare ohanCe to buy , thdoob le foot: Bhl a.le a,aD d alI'l dDd a . 145CG hl'. ,1argeU \Ie Wool Taml . ~ I i' ' ~rmll,~thesamewllJbellOldwith. M ' lOC bl lr ta ' d and Boy,' qt.PI 75 valoee In Recog nition . o. u t ft!II8rva tlon and withou t refer· f h!*t ao, D ~n Ie. 19Boy . long ~rdnr07 pants ~ a, , ' , 8benoe to any apprais ement i there • ad d'" kl cia .Jl" G 11nT1Il ' Corner IItrl .... for to"",ooo boxee for lale, ChlldrfOn'lI Heavy fallt blaok In, no bein of ' said decede KO an "eavy n - , nt de· 5 c 100 8&ookln 'fDI~ O.". .... tf" Iledent dealroo g8. purohu lngit it 81 3 Men 's Heav , \loed Cordu. Trinity ohoir wiabee t.() COn· wtn be IIOld toa uf the hlglle.t bidd~r Yen'8 1100 silk liste plan and ' G~alD. • roy pan~, worth 12.00 • GattI ! -ve~ to the people of Wayoea vl\l.. -The land Is well adapted to raislnRI'!'!" !'!'!!'!!'!!"'!'!'!'!!'!!'!!"'!'!'!'!!'!!'!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!'!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!"'!'!!"'!'!!"'!'!!"'!'!!I!!!!"'!' 21C,an oyaU8 pender s, , '$.6.4 8 ~95 !!!!!!i!: 898 5 thelrap preolat ionQf the royal wa7 , any kind of Rl'&in alDdoro p8suite d Yen', 600, I'anoy .uspen den A WA RM U-, BaE PAS .. .' ,. 39 In which they were enterta in 1111 '0~~8~"b~t ro rt ': ;!. CEaO~ In aeparat e box. conlilta .118 6, . 814. 50 . ,.. ... the eveDiDg of thl! conoert . We. of a frame and Erlor at~oto re Yen oJ: • Il.liO Witb IIOmething aoblltan tlal to Wnth~ day OD,' lI1Il~. . . r:y~m waah vestlt, lien'. Xlnu 5 C Special big ,Fanoy d 6. were delight ed wtth yoor people, about thirtee n room. togethe ~! lot. . ..... an, overoo a_, r with,' ·of the hODllehold theee oold mornln p, 'd Ii h--'" -'th ~peol.1 lot of Meo'1I500 night.'1 .50, 12.00. ts.OO, th I .' b i d " .' •• 1 .-A ·to ' 15.00 laved e" -- .. , . yoor en us IUIm, a tI8 ne88 room,. i 39 C gowua . I'D .. ooa-. II '.. ',' . :Xmaa HoUJle UOata and Bath Ro.......:· delir~ted with· the Friends MOlit people drink coffee at b~fut, and we Clan .. IMII~ . tile lov~ . Home, Mid Village, coverin g par" ot lo~ of (.'Ofl88. We have ' .,.,. .where they 110 pleuan tly made u good a line of COi'FIilICS all yoU oao 6nd"11l tow~ ' " ,9 ~'I ' fanoy dn:88 .hir". 82 5' 0 83 95 8 5 . UII 51 and 5! aDd wlll bft 1I01d a' tlie . 7 '. . " 'lI: Qwor& llatleu t76o. r time ~I! and place lUi the farm. ' '. .,., What better thin batter oakea with PURS SYRUP, ~e.•, ,Rallllal • , . ,50 1001 at homo dunng the hoorw e Terme of ule, t!'., 1·3 and'wo equal 'FLOU R and SYRUP here. <~II heav7_ 600 workin g And up. a~t aDd flneat liDe i~ spent '~ }- ./ there, Tftking It altoget he! deferre d paymen tll oir one and two. 33 C.hlrts 'Double front. " . , We can furnish the makenp of.ll meala; breakf ut, dinner aod . . Dayton , it wu one of the mOlt enjoyab le yean each, wtth S IlIr oeot. .a~' , IDter er with allll888 0nable goode. '" - ; , ' .. outinp we baTe' ever taken for est, aeoured ~., .. by mortga ge on ~hQ .P , , , pr8mlae e BOld Y ,Bee ~ lieaoCiral;l;IiapIa~ of . pr.emtulUll ~hioh are RiveD I'REIl 0 i n vi--'" t II • ou are ~ -..0 which 08 we take oJr our hala and '1'ID H&I1I8 Ll:WII A. KJ:IlP, dec: THE CORN ER OROCERV of Gol4 Boud ~ap0D8. T.te the elevato r to thl¥.eoo Dd floor, ~. make our - , bow- to old Wayne s · John Peale, Auo' . ft. __ ville, JohD W. KreUze r, Atty. . A.A.~
J. E,
Go pric~s!! Ev ery De par tm ent in Mo se Co hen 's uto re Ov erf low Wi th Xm as Go ods
'ell,_.I. 01, or
The Grea test Xma s Sale Eve} Held at 'rhis StOl'e Is Now Guld Bond Coupons Free Ever y Purchase Dnri ng Big Xma s Over This List And Get A Fain t Idea Of Ho w Low 'rhe Pric es Have Been Cut
Local I •• 1 LOll DI.IIH•• ,WAYIESVlllE, OHIO
OffIc., Harll,••,,, O.
I -. ... .-
--a 3t
d .1. Plo u., Pe • ., . .4 V II Ph
Bwia·'OW.... P .,
A., .
»op .let o., .~
M EN 'S FI N E ' ~UITS '.
SPEci AL h.ollday reduotl ona on nearly 125 BOitS, broken IInllll our own stock and 'ood... . we have oloaed from the makel'll late In the a08son. We after from thtllMl lults in aU.ize l reaWan l' and stonte, hlndaotne1)- made; perfect ly lined and trlmed, and ate in style and aabrl'l: ,.'-No . store in Ureen Uounty can dopJlca tetheee lIults at thll prloo, Valuea th.t were '12 .20. ,20 and '22, In I18le, for Dholoo. ...... ... ......
$ 9.75
Dres s.i ng Sacq ues
Ov er co at Spec~,al .
Men'sll De overoo at __ bout fifty of these oout, m any tailored CaIOH black, Oxfort brown and olive, regalar andlex tra .iz88, 1'110 by the faultl ... E .... Sntem for .n .overoo at and can find you Mve blK money. Choice of aome ·'.toOtll ." If you ara opeD
GOO DS. ,. Brl1(anteen
~=~~~~:ot!:~~~~~~~. ~~.~~.~:~~.~:. ~~.~.~~.5...~~~..~.: ·
Henreo ttu
East Haio St.,,. ' ,
B. s.
15. 00
Ki~gsbury, Xen ia,
Chio. ,
1 heBI' ~I,· .. D~an e l ,IRYl n ' Ul c, t)tnI10, 1l1\~ lel"~ rlbl)'. Th el·." s he 831« with 1\ /llli s cutch Iii h r rOI 'e, " I !ll lIn ' t moa n t tAli nlirOIl". r",· tl doc~tl ' t Htl m loya l to Jhn. 'Dy He' I'col good 10 :..le. and gell! 11, 0 ijl'er y· MRS. D.' CAL£ I hlng he Cll ll affor,l . but 1 guostl I'm !;Iltlin;; old and rll do\I:' Sb e wlllt1d her ~j-ut lInd took \II) l hl' bille so k. ngaln . H , Aun t HlI e ll . Is II rcully you ': " I don ' t see wh y you ~hollid feel bodly Well, tlJl~ I. a surprl~e, an d you IIho\l\ h l~ goi ng UUI In I hc el·c nlngs." I'Cd.'" r !loow h ow glttd I am to s you ," plied h ('1' 1111 111. l~.III11 I )· . "liS 10uI; II~ It'~ Ill:.'l.:'lmcd G~rtrude, us s be opon d lilt. on l)' Jim ." .1 '-,,,,'. " Do come right Ill . YOUIllU~t exn e l'lr utl c IlroPll cri Ihe bllll of darning ' uso Ule WI\)' 1 1001,:' s h e conl ln ued, cuI IOn III hl' l' ~u 1·ll r l "~. " l·ulogetically , as s b ' j;lnnced dOWD aL " Why. whnl do ),Oll mean ?" s he ll s \. e ll . he l' lo rn ' wrapll cr; " j've !JCc'tt"" l! Ollsc, nSlon lshNI. 'Ieanlog tllis afterooo n, and I Iboughl I " My deur ch lhl." .r epiled h er nun t. \ 'oul'uu't dl'OS~ f o r "lIllll l·r. 1I~ loug n ~ kindly . " duri ng lhe wCil k 1 have been Ibere'd bo ool y J im , W e' II com e ri gJ.t h e re. I ,hlll' l Imow how mun y tim es 1 UllSUlinJ, and yuu can re$ 1 wblle I mal,c t'al'e beDr<l YOIl IISO the eX lll'p.s lu lI . U1)' 'plf r. s llcctable." ' Onl ) Ji m.' Vu n ,lIl1n't al wa)' s troubl C' I.. "he clner la.l y tollowed her u pst ai rs mal, ~ YUIII'~r tf Ill' tl)' fu r SIIP . belu " I're~t)·. da inl ily f urni shed room. ca li se l hpl'" was olily Jim. Ylill dldn 't " T~'r re," ex ~1 8lmcd tho youn g wlrc ta he IlU l'lIcil la .· IlII in ~ UbUUl SU I lIng tile fI~ s~ 'SO t dO \I' 1\ her l;uest'S uwbre llkl lahl e 1l11"'''' ll l''''Y_ IJ c~uusc it WH S UlI l) 'HI vAlIS6, ' ·t,h h Is w)' gucst 1'OODI. for Jim . I " oll ect! l hnl whil e the h uos t How dO )"o1l ilk(' It?" r0011l \l'n~ rea lly 11 1·L1~ l lc. YOllrs was Her aun t s Ul'I'e yed tb e worn Ull' plain olld \lUU ltl'D ·I I,·c. beca use II wns I' o\' lu g lr. only ro l' J ill1. lily tioar girl ," Ghe COll" Very ni ce, In,lc ~d. " wa s li el' cum· Itnu t'll. " J i m Is th c dpo ""s l oll e on (!H ILI In III, . ""ho I,inlc 1'''1'1)1' is love ly, ant) I" yo u 31111 Ih ,' maR l 1111 1101'111111. ) COil r . [hoee r llMbd cur'?atn s arc a s ll re lly us m nOl IJ~1' whclI lJ e lI ~ell to come anti call I·a.n bo. ' That's lus t whol I like, n ni ce on you h ro ,'C' yon we re Ilt:ll'rl ell . how. NSY ' cbalr and rOOI HIOol , a nd l 'm liD you nsel l 10 fix yourse lf ut) r01' h im. nnll IIrod 1'1llry.H rl S'hl awny ." look so prelly RO Il sweet wben lie ca rn . " I II Dumber of w y 'wcddlng pres- 10 call. _ ·o w you a1'O j us t HS goo II Iwl, . cuts ·In bere, " cooll nu ed tbe you n ge r lu g UR YO II e\'~.· wcre, on ly )'011 Jus t won l wo man. "Ji m's grandmother gave 11' 0 to rnltll'l\l a lill ie of th o C1\rt> yo u USI!.I tbe s beets nnd [I III OW cases to ·ta'k ot YO llr 11 rsonn l a np~aran ce. I "llIlllham8: Th a t Madon na over III bed know Ilmnite6 a dlll'e l'~nce whe ll you Are I gUe$s )'OU r em ClIIbCl'. L ucy Wheoler ,Ioln g y01I1' OWIl wo l'l" hilt Jim woul d It ga "e It tome. Those etchings wCI'Gpres- d ellg hi ~d l( yon I\'o ul \I a lways tal.' c Jlj$, lQo~ ..Uncle J o hn 'gav e lIle t.he rock- pains (0 look rl'c. h a nd dainty whellll' cr. Ji m bough Ih'J chiffonier las t cam e h'o me. s pring, and I m ade lll escarr IInti t he pinl. "pon't weul' wrnPlJCl'S 10 do rOl1r lI'or lc IlIn-cllllhlon. IU Ist~r emhrol de re{[ In; Ihey arc raJ' Il1l'all. ls. A shlrlwa l t t ba t applo b lo s80m plll o \\, for lIle; s he anll n wa~h n!Jl p 81d 1'l arc I11 nch neu ter does ucb lovely work. Now 1'I1 go anr! trimmer. Th pll aboul your muslr . ot)~ dress, and you rest till s upp e r tilliC, I can remembcr how YO llu se d to pl ay for .' lul' ther e 'sao hour ·yet. " Jlm tQ "Ing. lInd bo wh eoll joyed II. Take An bour lator w oy sal at the s upper I1fl )'0111' 1tIllNIc a gain , even Ir It Is only ~able, at whiCh Ge1'lrutic. 10 n l're llY for Icn IIllnUl ea a day . anl\ )'ou'll "oon be prlgged' lawo tlro~~ , p r ~ I ded . Th e able to piny his nccolllpnnime nt9 agalo. lo eefaten k was dOllo to n ( urn , Ih c lol s- Ma)'IJe il SCOlD S odd toyou 10bcR.r a n o ld cu lta were delica te ly browned , tlte CUI· mnld 111(0 me g ll' llIl; u,lI' ice about hus. gl ass dlslJ of p ouc hes was nanl' ' d by a bRn dd, \jill I 110\'0 lil·eel. n ;';0011 hit ~g. 'i\ltehe~ of rich cream . In the cen tero! (l r' tlian ~·011 . my de~r. and 1'\' I(scd my the table stood It lo w bow l of pln1( and j:".,wer~ o f hlos erv tioll. A grea l <lea l or white sweet pea s . barulO nl zlug wltll f b ~ tbls \1' l'ld 's hallillu e~~ Is ilusM , 0 11 ,\el lcale eb loR. I.rltle~, at' wha t apllen l' La bo lr l lle~. J im.ashe took hlspl nc(' al tll c heador No w," sbe conclud ed. " 1 thlnl( I:v .' Illc_ la~lo, glanced a~ hla; _wlfo wltU preach ed e noug h . but r t hink It yon m ingled s urpr ise an cl apPl'obation . tall 1\1 )' adviCe you 'lI be happie r." . " How prelly )',Pu locil. In tha t d ress. Ge r trude Ihl'eaded a needl e mcdlt a Getll e , wl~lI your hRlr all nnft'y. I al · Ih'e l)·. ..... uys lik ed that blue dr~ss, lI~.d, _whot.l1 · . "Well ." Bhe sa id . arter a mom ent' One supper you 'vo galien for us . h a; n ';t re tle lion "r be li eve yo u are right "'h , Aunt Ellen?" • auntie. have relt a~ It .. 3 lon g as ~ His .... lre: tlUBb.ed '''U;h ' llleas~re at tbe ', '\'a~ Jlm'a; wlte. and -he lovell mo, II Ullwonted \,rl1l ~e. ,. . ,.. d ldu ' t Illnl.~ Bny na),ti cnllll' differ n co "I t h ought I ~Ol1\a get Ollt ,,11 DlY'D~C~ ' So I wlls n't. always', partic ular aboll', c hina. /I n <\ besl tn~ l ee lotb In h onor of IIxlng myself liP " ' hen be como :IOIT\. auntie/, · she explain d , "and , I roun1 from t he store. . Bllt T'li tr y your ~) Inr. ,j~~ ~ few blo~oms on tb~ ,51' eet plln~ IInll [ ' 1\ lUk.e Ufl m y m.uslc. I love .If", - tor a ceolerploce. I hu ven t ba,1 thi s near ly. aud I dl d n' t wRnt to tee l t hat "bllla oul fol'- a good While. " You see he waH g rowin g away (rom rile," , Ll\.~~C's only ..JIm. 811," ~ ~e Chlw!dre ll ~ i.sullAll he l' aum 1ert on tb'e (ollowlng . per. 56-it reall y 1,,11 t ""orlh . hlle . . • mornin g, Oprll'l1d bade h e r IIU arree .. After th e meal , waa o vel , \h~ dlsues, 1I0nate "l'm s o g lad' ~' Ol1 came. al1lltle," sh t saId. " fo r yo u dOn'! kno\)' holY l ' rE enjoyed 'yOIlI' vl s ll ." , " Yes. In<ieed ," corroi.lornterl h er h u s. bon<l. "G ertie ha s look et! .le\.'t. )'ell['l; yottli gcr ~Irroo _ynll ' \'t) bee n ' he·re." 1 suppas It Is rath'er dlll1 for ]Icr he re w ith JUSI m e and tbo ,:hlldre'n:' . As th o ijtos I1ro \'e away Ge r tru de turn d to h er hu s band llll ~ slipped her hanet In hi s. . "[)on'l s ay 'o nl y me: dear," shG sai d, "1'01' doo 't YOIl k oow Ihnt you arc. t h e one perso n In th e wodd fo; m o? I Imow r ' ve gOlle n u8 1'0105' and blll·en· t tuken paills as 1 sllDUld ; put goi ng to do belter. for '~,~Iy Jim' Is all th e wor ld t o me."- N . Y. Ob s r,
.lInt ·slnglng. nl1(\ I ~ Ju'lIt blll·o. t'lO
'l:fasht.Ot ..• s ~
TO M.E."
",as hed nnd the two cblldrco 10 bed, th e a' "ll ~u d niece s at together 00 lb e porch , ""hl le Jim e xcu8ed hims elf to go to Ur~ \>Ost oMco to r the mall. "Defore I go Lo be,l. Gel't ie." sa id ber auu t, " [ 'w goin g to gel you to play so me, ' " ing ror me. I alway s Ilkcd YOUI' play· Ing. Doo ' t yo u re m ember bow I did .: " GQrtruli e sbook be r hea'i. "Oh . 1 Cllu 'l 1,la)' a tune l brollgll now," s he ad m lt letl. r', llIctllntJy: " I doO 'L really h"vc' ltm(' f'l r lil Y music. I 'm SOl'T), . too . for'Jllh' s r~ ltl fond of music . bill so mehow I've got· 1- \1 my hand OU L "0 I rarel)' t Oll ch tll e I la ll o now. You scc I ba ve so mur:h SCII" 1" 1: for Ibe c hllnren to <10. nnd the huusc'''ork. so the lilli e goes ." The week of Aunt ~~llen's stay 11as sed ; &pldl y. olld th e day befol'e her de "ur11II'e s hr sal uJlon the l)inZzll ass is ting iter ni ece In tbe t "~ k of al Hrnlng sl uel, · lugs. " \\, ~I1. Gertrude, " ob ~erved th e elde r lady. ns s b e crltlcall)' ~ >:amlned a well , ""'oro heel. "vo u seom to ' he pre tty weli l1 xed. Jim III a tin e fellow . Ille chil dren .,") I'"al good, and yo u've got a n ice IIltle borne." . There W11M no rep ly. and s he was BurI<l'lsc:d to see a teat' trlr-lile do\\'n th e .I o ung wi(e'ti fuel! lind (lIlI "ll1JO lhc hillc :.Irlc s ho was mentllng. " Why, wbul's Ih e mAtter, (.hUtl? Ha s ., u)'thl ng go u e wron g ?" "Oh , nothIng," l·ellll',1 bel' niece . hARI . i ! ~· . as s b e wlllCd hel' eyes . "It's on ly . well. I've I;ot " 1'01)11 nOllon 10 le ll you "II oho l1l It. r nC'l'er mennl to tell a li ving HOU I. bU l I'm nnl bOI1PY . tbough I ~u ppose I ough t 10 h('." "Why. what' s Ihe Iroubl e. little g Irl?" Gert r ude bcm 101l' ~r ove l' be r worlc "WplI. 8unUp. I' ve alway" said I h ated ~ Jealou8 wife. 8nd I know Jlmlo\'es m ~ !Jel ter than anY fl ne e lse. But be does n·t ~ee lll to Cllre abo ut s t.IlYlng al lIome nny more, Ilnd Iota of times h e goes ove r to ~ ile Deaoe'lto epend tlie evening. I cao't ~ . fOr I clln't leave tbe~bll dren alone In tIle .hollse. ButSOIJl.,tlJllee ( alt bere, Alul ,'<1 " )'
cannot be equalled at any
" .. P'lo plo ('nn cu r o tbem sl'lI·c.' 1\ flOOI! IDlllly "OlUIUOU lI ihll Bll tS lit 0. " CI'y I; lIlI tI ~ cust it IluI), III uhv ut it Ihe l'ij.(ht WilY," 8I1i<l1\1I·. H INI:', r aceutl.I· . "]0'01' 111 81'"l1'e, I hl\vo jllNt ' U,I'(\ mysel f of n \'cry pllin' fill ,II "'''"{'. llllilllit illlvo L'·j.(1111 t o In'lIt It 500 1lLlI', tUII L'S ;,11 tbtl ln is lllim I Dlu,lo iu lb e IIIUlf c l·. nut I f.lU ud Ill e I'oflc of til " imolllt." 111111 I Ilic\.l·, l a lit Ule r ight re ' lIl'dy w ll ho ut tbo Id,1 of 11 d "ctol'. .. 1&WlIH 1'~lIlly nil ill IllY bl",,' I. 1 first felt II I wlll g" i ll III~' ll' ft fuot IIl1d 1I11 ldo ill liJ o .lIi<ldlo of las t ,1111111111')", followlllg QX IHI,lI l'O 10 l'ohl. 1 rl!nli~ell I bu,l r hou11111110 111 O ll r! I im ~ w thnt 1'0111\), COIIl OS fl'llll' hn. l lIl,,,.!. Oll itl s llllply rl p" cl"pR it. Th"" II. v h , ,, "l~ \llIrI fCI·t wor o '"Id nllrl 1'i1l 1l11l";' I'VCIl ill bql. \,·,,'\the r, 1111,1 ' 111111' It IL j.(l" ~lIt [lli 1'1, of I lJ ~ t ill lO. J .... 11,,!tllh ·1i Ih ut my bl ,),)rl w as thi u llull poor utili elm l' i n : lllnliu lJ :-.l ll ~'.a.ri ~ h. " .\fl ur 1\ l illl o Ill Y fcet IIl1d ollhloB ~ well .·. l "" IJ1ldl," tlmt I coulll ollly tio m r S ltth ' " II l1 l f W il,\' tip. ~ly ) q~s t$ wtlh~tl t ' l'ri\)ly nllt! [ c"u ill w811. ol1ly 1\ Hh'Jrt lli ~ tllll rl! ht:fm' A'iv illJ( Illlt. 1:011111],' \('1),. \V11("11 [ l· ...!Hf l uf 1110 l'll " (\:0' u f ull Ii. i nd!'! of hluml ,1! 'I'IISC .~ . tlm t 1t",1 beoll e n' 'c l~ d hI' VI'. \\, i1iillll1s' Pink Pills, I 11'11 9 e,m· " l ucod I hilt t u .v w ':'e jUSL I bo l',~ ul edy f ur 111 ' (·II 'P. nnll &0 it pl'ol'ed . I could 6 Ptl IIJ1\t I hey w ero b~ lI e flt tll g lIl e b e rurs I had qni l , U ~ L" ! up tho fil·~t bl)x. Th o \lIIP l'l \\'U Il1 C II~ WII S d r ' i,lelily Illarked IIf· lpr r hll,111I1 u" t \\'o Luxe.. TUl'ce ID Ol" boxes l'cJllol'e,1 UI y hands I\l\ cl foot pUll le gs to IInllll'll 1 ~izo (11 111 f,' Ii 11 A' p.II1 t 11 Ill . t"Plx'lIl ll \Cin g III llic iuCIIUd li ul' u si ll co brOil pe rru 'II~' w cll." 1\11'. }o'. Lc R oy H Ollr 11\'08 nt N o. 1112 O<1ll.'llitn tioll s ll'ept, Bl'Is lol. n. 1. AllY uno CHn A'(3t convillci lls;t cvi41ullce thut D ... Wil\iIlIllS' l'ill1c l'ilIR hnvo o nr ' d
A.yon~i~;M;iN~~Ai~nm HEWARD t. who can I dl.p,ove Ihl ••talement.
$1 0 000
W. t . 00"11&1 $3.50 . hoetl have b)' the ir .... ceUenlllt),le. euy fltll n",. and lur,crlorwurlna: qu cIlUI... achie ved t h e In r ltut fa e of on)'
,.. SlIc h h ~IlI )S or prel I)' thln g~ n~ WU' moel ~l~ hll,1 In!' t .luIIII I.. ,; fol ds or while are reg aled " ' llIl Ihls wlntcI·. alld II ~ 1'. 11·.'1. 1110 l' ldl CI'e lllll or Ih e lace vory mlln}, film y ~U lll mer.\' sl ulTH os Ih ere lovcly n~nlll St I h' snowy Vll o oC th e nre fu rs a ud ,·oh ·<'I.. !o'or ""olll n·l':. heav ie r U' UIN i,,1. WOlll en [1 ,' ( ' Inlh toO giv(' nJl rhlff on s Rnli Th o se a"o n' , mlilir ery . I_ give n ove r 11110 t1'1lns l' nrenc l "~. on.1 t ho eI ,' CSS 11Ink· 110 ve ll e!.l; RIHI l'O~C~ . tlaoll g!1 ri ch ors h R"" 1J~.'n Il" w ed to combin e tb ese i 1 1 ~ a Y~ rR ane! (e 115 I\I'C 11l\vlng th ol r day. wllh " olvN 10 !!till Iho IR Ie or t h~ lOa: QUo Iho rill' hnl Is wll h LI S. als o dn y. 'I'h l\ ~l'c nJu l; ve ll·,'t s hear th ~ th e luce hilt. 'cs tcnlllY WO \\'"re 101, no m ·h l"o l1. Anct nrc nOI tho h eavy . Ilr s5cd by u 11ArA \lo~ : thn t t his Is th e Cnbrl 5 ot ~' r oleli' n dn y. Iii thc lr IIghl ' dny of st ulll cd sl mp llc l.t ~ In milliner)' , ness a n ti fln CI', c.S th ~r com blnc vt'r~· Ihllt thi s I~ tho day of heu vy trhomln ;; bcautlfl1lly ·...·Iui Ihln ehilfon. some ex· In mlllln cl·Y. For In s l ance, \\'0 s al\' 1J1I1 ~ 1l 1) mod~ I H oro s how11. On e of (IJ~ at on o of thl' bes t "1I01l<! a t u rban ot Importeli !;(.wn s I ~ a 1)1' lnro~s or pulp bl'oWII 11111111; ahsolul ely lh o onl y la ven .lr l' cl rlffon " nl n'l RllIl (·hllYon . trimm i ng It <:a ITi orl. R luodos t whil " un d Si range ns it ma y ~ee lU , Ihn c hilTon gal'llonln. lIl ' ve lvot pot al s JII St light· aliOftre nll !! torm s th fO l1n da llon . th e Iy tint ed with pl nll. 'r ho no wel·. to lell "Iv~t - I ~ built up over the dolJ ate the tru:IJ, lool,ed II t r llie (odorn . a s gauze. ~I'bc edge of th e s ld.·t Is ot tho thoug h It hud l und \,f'l' t ~ nlly rnll en on ,'('II'el, tll en ther o nre ve lnt IHlnels et the fur·benrln g 8nimol ; nnd ~'c t Il wa s on o vel' a clllrfon s kirl boch ·. 1'hc bo.l· a , re lie f tram lh e ol'el'burd cn cd o hap· Icc, It of a c.cor d lon·pl alled chiffon CllUX n enr by. trimm ed wtth I'Ph' r t in 1\ \l'DY 10 fil : A s 10 " e ll" a s 5001\ a s t.h ey were to th e form clo e a t I ho wnl s t 110(,. I~romlsell, jus t lh nt soon th eir cJoom Th e s l ~cve~ lire of " e l v~t with trim.; was s ltld 10 be scale<l. \j ecau ~o th ey mlng ot, chiffon . . 'fh€' \' c lv e t oml chit· we r e bound ~ . be copied 111 Buc h c beaD ton arc I!:.uctJ r tho samo shaaJ . . illlltnl1ons , UIO streets fill ed wllh bo)'rhe Iln gerl c waists 8 em more dell- , draped femnle5 In all !;loges or drag· cnte th~n ever, with . lhe nlil'onCJ) or gleduess. N otw ithstanding Ihl s dir e wlnler, ror Ih., s ilk tlndcl'~lIp W01'll forboding. we find the drllPcd ve) 1 nol with 8urh a wa. l~ l I!lve~ nC'ce 88rl' • wholly cxlled by tho fas hionable, nn!! warm l h. The flmel' 1I0w Is to lIav e we beal' wi tness tbat tbo fas hlou I" n the s lip th e col~ .. or t h e go wn . looing I I1retty one' Rnd klndl)'. ' In wllh It. And we "'Q.'! ''11~1I110n a t I C hiffon ve lvet Is usod for th e volv ' l on ce, lesL w~ fo rlY'l1. sue h o'l. lmpol'lllD t hats of th\l 111I),: and not a few h avo tor . matter. thllt t\ lDo$l" nlt,ras,lIve nov\llty ndol'llm ent a Lmnll o r sold or s llvl' r haa appcnretl In the WilY .o r n wa is t o f braid . B~allwor l, bands In Ihe lovely Spanis h lnN, lhat denr. nhl .rsh IOD Cd , blues and greens a~d o]d rosa are "~ry Ince beloved or o ur moOI 81·5. Perhaps oft'ect!n: ; one mallei brought 10 our no· wllb II lit tle seRr~h lng we mny be abl e ' tlce u sed In comblnntlon w.lth the belli] to un earth a ~cur r or shawl ot ' th ls band II s lngl rose snd a dark g reff! latest fa shi~n In la ecs, nnd lucl(y In· plume. Tbo wor ll "artistic" has bee n ' decd s houll.l .....e. cO\IDI ol1l'sah'cs If 11'0 ' ml:rh abuEod or lal o yeara. a n d stili .tome npon en.ouch t!!. mol,~ an ev~nln g I 11' 0 ar~ templ ed to omplo); It In con· wnl st. ODe of t.ho b~ s t Spllnls b IOC 3 lI ed la n with t he !JCSI of t h e winter balil. . ,.'
Ahot In th e worfel. They
Ju, t ae Rood ••
tho •• th.1 c ost ,.ou S5 .00 to $1 .00 :"' lho only dJUcre nc. l. the price. If I (ould t Ake you tnfu
my ' actor), at Brock t on, MO.II .• the
I . r~cst
pair of [)oul la• • hOt!8
mllde, )'OU would
why W. L.; DoUR'" $,1 .50 .hoca tho b..t ahou produced In the world. " ' cou ld t how ) ' OU th e dllf.ronco bet""eon Ihe
.hoes made In my facto ry .n4 thOle of other m ake I, you wo uld undent.od why Douxl ... $ .1 .50 I hOeti co.t m ore to make •• hy they hold their ah8pe. fit better. 'W~n , lOOKer • • nd .re of Ir..I•• In«rlll. le value th.n auy other $J.50 .hoe on the m .rket to-day. W. l.. IJoufl/.__ _ _11 " , . " . _ . M_. ,11.40. ,1I.00;81/lJ1..' ~0It00,. D _ .""....11.40,.11• .,.711•••• 40 CAUTI~N.-l.n . l. t 1I1'0n hln'lnll W.L.DolIg" hool. :ri.\ o no 'Uhfilltll to. ]\'I)(le Ittlnniue without his Ii :Ull a nntl rrico stnmped on bo tlo~u. ,V 4\ NTF.D. A . hoC) de.'lle r In overy town "her", ' v . I •. Ho u gh", S IUH"! tint 8old. F u ll line of
llIUl' IUi!t,
thoumntiHIII, Cl'YRiptl 1ilS Bud ot b er ""I'i",," Il i sl' "S"~ of I.!a u hl"""l loy
ili mply w"ilillg 10 t ho n ... Williams l"II\ [lIf\tI Keu t rree f or IUlJl04}tlo n reC'(lI el ~. Fnlt Color Ey,fet, uud: wi" not We", bra"". Medicine Co., :;ul1on cctauy, N. Y. Write for 1I h,"t'Rl ed CnlAlog or F.n Blyl...
til ."
W. L.llOVGLAS. BrooktA> ........
SICK HEADAOHE -=======:::. fi.i
r------::,......,PoBltlvely clired by ~R·S tbo se Little PiII8. ~. L T Uey alro rclleve Dis· tress trc:n DJ1!PCp:!Jn, I n, d lj;el!tlon aD(1Too Doa~
PI.S !Ia •
A perfe<:t
cdJ' !or DIUlnes!!. Nntlllen,
DrolTSlness. Dad Trult.I1 III t he h1oulh, Coated 1'ongue, Pnln Ln tho 514e. • TOIIPID i.Jvlm. 'l'Il1IJ rc&ulate the Bom ls, l'urc1,y Vegetnble.
Genuine Must Bear'
rae.Similo SignatuMI
==-...J----------REFUSE luisTITUn8.
BREEt~GUNSFlSH "'Q""..~ ." TACKLE .. , ~ .'I'L'''' I LOADING
OnE'AI'E.lllk ... Ii.... . n .. ~ • .1 . t .... ,. ffY ...1ulrpto.
Slul, 3.SO
,aWfU&CLEMUr co.
Dou.ble. 6.75
.'U •• I" SI. MAtl lluU
Wl. .:111 WIUTIIIIO '1'0 AJlVilKT •• JUP plea • ., ...... te l u t . . . . .., .... e A.41"erlleo_ca' In Lb o
A.N . K .-B
Gmy Is III hi g hest favor, thi s QUlot 1<'0101' pu sb e.1 In 10 tiro foreground; t:on<lon smol,r ,' n ic l; el.· gull, t he t erm s lisCd 10 tl ('sc'rlb~ I b e Qui etest tone s of . tho 'l1n obt~IM" ~' ('olor- the qui etest a nti mosl fa l· ol·cil. And whil e I ~ th e choice ro r cOlllbin' loS' with t be grsr. the re u lt. nllal'nlng what ' Ka lli O on e sp eAks of ... 8 "grave chic." A soft gray hroa d clol h o f rlohest Batin s hM n . Is worn wi t h a wa is t or white net, and th e lillt a grar ~18Dne whose tl'lmmlo J; Is a Ring le yellow rose and on e whil e WHERE TENNESSEEANS CO plume. Th" q uiet elegance IH charm In g. a ll ,trosg contrast avoide d.' Te~s and Arltilnsas Get lIIa.t of • In lI~ekwe.r there Is shown a \\Icin g ThOBe Who Leave the tor combiuhi« h(!a\' y and light mllterl · State. a ls a teavy lace .... Itll nn e net VCI'Y pr~tty chemls'e tt es com e In tbls sty le. The last cell8115 r eport. mad e In tbe ana are worn unlin ed. The s tor('" yeal' 11)00. g ives somo Interesting Mg, offer und ers lcP" 'es of Ilet, bo l h lin ed tol'es s howing tl10 conl,rlllllllvns mad e and Itnlllled. and th e s hort·s leeved by T e nness eean s to Ibe population 01 lady, If s he have enough mone)', may lit he r Htales and tCl'rllol'lcs. T hat r e· cos ily so\vt> th e I~robl em of pieci ng !lui • port .. hows that. th er e werc. wh cn th e tile .rm covering. A ('ream n et ap· C(ll S Il ~ of tha t year waR lake n, 2.392.- 'l e nr~ to be Ilref,errell . BOrt Ih e s leeves S85 persons 111 Ill e Un lte.1 States wh o a s 1\ rul e nre not elaboratel y'trlmwed; wer e bo rtt 10 lbe stale of T cnn ca3H , 0 bit of ~ hll'rlng O[ the n et, Ih e lis e ot Th ('Ill Ire popn lallon Ill ' thl s ~ tnl e, Ill ' a 1'0'" 01' two o r l ac~ . Of COll rse th e~e ' . c ill d ln g thosc no. born h ere . wa~ can be ma lle at hom e Sa tl Sfa ct orll )" 2.020 , 61~ . We m en ti on a Cew 8 tate ~ .a nd at s m a ll cos t. that s how io thell' popUlation a la r.g,,· : A pretty neg li gee 'Is IndI R I, e n ~a bl e In I. num ber of natlr e Tennesseeans: . ·my lady 's w ard r obf'. and (h e one here Ala bamll .. . ..... 31.tlllfi Mlsel..,,,,,1 .... 22)8' Illustrated Ie si mpl e !llId p rell), . It 15 Ark" n..... .... ... 8~.64~ : !.U-a _ .. ~'U mall!' of vei ling on ,1 bordered with a G .o r~11l ......... It.9% . TellU ......... . I30. 3S! rath er brold band of ribb on anll cut 111 ,,01 ... .... .. ... ~~. 471 ·\ <an........... H .liK . Kell tu ck.1 .. ... .. W.iJOO , n<H alla ..: ...... 1I .2Sl wllh do ub le ha odl<l?rc ili cr I)olnts. I he 1'llesl' a rc so me ... r tbe Btnte to whl c!J sl eev ed form Ni 0 1 Ih'" upp e r o n e ~ . At T enn cARce hR. eon'trlbulecl largc ly tt th~ n eel, Is ~. broad cellar of heavy !.\\' e ll ing Ih e ll' pv ptllatlo n; bnl. the) lace. anti a largl) sari bow fas tl'ns th e A DAINTY NEGLIGEE. t\l e by nil lI\ e lln~ a ll. ,"Vhe n · the cen · daInty garment. rho ribbon may be !l1I~ W!l~ lak ~1I IIl L' I'C we re 18, 1~~"nm: 'Df th e washahle .. Bort. or !Ac IINI on so ! wai"t was o,f cblffon, t he "quare n etl< n8Reeans In Indian le rrlwr y. lu~' It" can eas ily be re:ooved whe n th e . an d belt outlllled In the darll rur. Yo rk Ih er e we re 2,(;1:1 or tb em. I1n ~ SA cll need !! \\'a s hlng. • Lovely tea gowns III Empire s tr le .r. Ih e re W8 " not II sl atp In t he \luloo or.; ' Though we have r eached the point : on <llsplll)'. lhe tashl'lD particularly tr nl lory In whi ch Ih e re were 1I0t · per, wtrere ' we ''lfon der wo e" e r could adapted 10 • gown or thi s sort. AD/I " '> 1" \\' hll we rp b(l l'll In Tennessee . h'al'e · III,ctl anything but tb e we musl acknowl edr;c th8t very te lch. sl e od"r " 'al-t wo are ;' I ng E mplre eYe n Ing .!tonk I or I:,JlII·. O 11I e fu ss 0 r na'l l ve pop ul... Iong, < " • s a re seen. l ioll wu s mad e 111' i n some degree b, called upoo t o contemplato "cr y i thoie of whit e broadclolh especia ll y! tllC pl'csonce hpl'e o f men anrl wom e l 1ilferent lines. lhe Josedph lnoI dr ess ; good , Pink broadc lotb Is a ravorll, who were ho rn IIi o l h'c'r states. Wh!! f ~'Ith the walsl way liP un e r t lto arms ·1 ·tbls season. the after·lh ('a ler otldl enc T cnn eRHcc ' ~'O nl rlbuled ' 2,~ 1 3 t.o t h' In th e course of tim e \\'~ may g rolV ac· I marked' by the rosy hll e wra ps And O:0"U ,. .. I811011 o r New Yorl•• t her~ ",e re It customed to " IIgaln. hbut It w ill tak k e headgear. And .... e woul d ndd thai tilir,- " lai c 4.09:\ that wer e born In NeVI lome har ~ effolrt. T e d ressma ' ers neyer ha"e we fca s led 0111' eyes on .u cu nil'II. But whil e th l" 'Atate "ontrlb- !IlY 1\'e Ahll il bave 10. Iha l th e 8hort· plumes BS are now abroad . Bl1 ch color, ute,1 to tbe JlOllIllal lo o o f llllIlOIB. thai "'al ~terl Josephine. a ud hi~h''''11 5 ted Inti ot os lrl ch fealhers ; there ar~ s had ~. IIIIt· t:~ nlrlblltClI 10 t he population 0: Dlrectolre ij lyles al~ t o Olls t th e low cd plnl; H and grefn s, 10\'0 Iy ), e llo"·8. (h i" on ly 6.707. But th e s howing or tllIl ~ust anti d ip bells .. The Empire conls all li nt s of la\'cndnr, an d mos t bea'u: s tate In comparison with T eDil la tJM bave , not proved 80 universall y p opu· lIfut grays. We used · to th lnl[ lhe wOl rs l ; wh ile we bad In Ollr populatlot lar . S J)l'opb"I.d. end we ~blDk II all "'jlite feathers nty wonderrlll, DOW whell the ens us \\'a~ ' laken only 694 elilt. pas lble tbllt the Josepblo" and the d yers are ctvlnl I1S In millinery nali,·c T e xan s. T e xas s bowe.1 up wiU Dlr ec tolres. m., be classed widl Ih e a veritable fea st ot color. I~O , a8!1 JlPr~On8 bo rn In TellneaMee til other much erpll)lted style. The all·plnk hats lire ,,'e lghted dO"' n s how II above. W e had 19 .496 peraollt There Ilre~ to be sllre, some very th e old·ro se have abaded plumeB, t he horn 10 Ihe state of Arkan8l1 but AI' ..... uUtul Empire gowns 10 be .eell yello\\' ~ are combined wILli .bro\\'~ a. l\ansaB had 114,644 born In T~noeaBetl IlI!01l'l ~ \'tlnlng , co~t\lmes . . One , 10\'ely And Ih e 80ft bl end ing. or green ara There Is scar cely a westerlO etate I~ lIodel was of clt ron'rello " panne ~ m· amons lht' best bllrmon[ es or the which tbere Is not Il leriO numb.." 01 ,ro.dered III sll~er and ' bordercd ""I~h SOD'. olfe r lngs., . Tennesseeans: . ~ aUTow balld o,r dark rur. Tbe ~ bo I Et.L!N Ot!lI0Jl1D~
the world un dlt! r one roo' maklni m,·l'1 • fi ne t .nd show you the carowllh which every
"lfHas Cured More Cases Prevailing Styles of the Season: .ThaD All' Others Put Together"
" ·o:-o.r,y JIM ' IS M .T. TH E WOf1L D
r"., Dr. Willlllm e ' Pink Pili. W i'll Cur. " 3'~O& '3·00SHOES~£\ . Rheumetlem. . W. L. Doua lall t4.00 ellt Edge
"We have never run onto an article that met with the .ucuss of M",ll's Grape T orne. It has cureel more cases of coO$tipation and stomach trouble to our urtain knowledge, than all other remediu that we ever IOlci put toilet her. . .. Mull's Grape toQ~ mUit poaaa somt: peculiar .IIuality that no ollier ClDOItipa.. tion aneS .tomach remedy All who use It say that it add. . to the Itrengtn and general health and malt" them ful better .in "uy way. We all know that OrcIiDary p8ydc:s aneS atbattica have cx:.aly tbe oppoaite effect-they have. weakeninl tendency. The,. leave the digestive syltcm ill worse mape to owrcomc the trouble than it wai 1Idore. .. Mull's Grape Tonic: is a ptcaunt, nat~ ural, harmleas, effective remedy that , cIoca the work and does it well, and the people have founcS it out.... WOLFF &: WILSON DRUG CO. Shth &Del Wuhinrt_ Ave., Sf. Me.
""- - J f _ _ _ . . . " . _ _ hi_ , _ ' . . .""".. " ..... a _ I I . 0 _ ~ . . . , . . . ,,,.,, - "
_II .,.,. ,II,., ..._" -"JI •,,....,
\Vh, .uler or lake Deed lftu ChADcet w'lt.h CODIt.._Uon or _tom. alii troobtel w'leD. lhen ••• partee... la.arlllleaa, naLura', poIt'he wiUd. ,.our ruacL,. j r
Constipation and Stomach Trouble
f:::~ ~~O::n:f~~:' :~~ :::':r~;,.I:'I:~~<lr:~~:ll=bY:-:' '~~ft°~~
You r own pbJlICl an ,,1Il tall 10t.l tbat aU t.bJa ... Lrue. Hut. dOD ', dru. or pb,.10 ,our&lIlf. V••
m aDY otherl.
MULL'S GRAPE TONIC. &be nato",l. ILtftDpbeDIIl •• ba rmlen rt!mcd1 tb"t build. up \ het'PQN
~rtrg~'rod~~:~~~:~~i:it:COk~.P~~~.r:eu,; ;ll:~~r~~~~: ·~·~~:h1Ir,;~
Uku it and J\don tbem .reaLroocL ~ M ~ ot. 500ent And 1• .00 bottl.. at an fln •• IIt., The 11.oo:.ottle ooll&.8lnl abOat
ats tim':lllJl mueb " .l.he U'eoa.I. bOttle a nd abol1t. tbree bOnle. Thore' l a _",81 a' burln. "bell.WhIIU.
\.lwu .. aaurh • • tbobOoe,,' ,.
~:c;,~I~-::r.~~~r::~~'~~~.ftl;:Jt~?;:L~~~:~~'1tl~i '~°<f~WT~~
~~; ~,~~ ~~,~~~~l.oo
• oenlltale lood. tor Il.(l) to",.rc1 ~UtcbUO of more TOnto
MULL'S G.ilAPE TONIC CO.,1.7 Tt.lr4 A ..... Lck ........ 1I.
50 a lonth Bu,. a linul..·-
. GI
........~."....-J>.PJ~ 7..A'rm·'~~ ......);IJ~,
~ -
o;:;:;~ ••. • ,~
: .M~
. ~ • • 14'1. ~
~ rl][lg1fJ~
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\ hls p~RI It IB CI1!JtO)lla~1 tao":'~,l wil la STENOORAPHERS', EN.OLISH, g"llss 11ft e.' lI'.n e14i, IJll (t Ullll \' l.llS CO'I(Ii llon bu r nIng. over r ll ' ~lIll ble Ilcld II SOl\lij of 'l' h ei,· Blun<1 ors MRke tbe ,i mllOSs iI)h; . . }l lId, 1I~ 1<l ~ phn:11 11 IJ~ Employel' 3 ~i"e n BUI'dcni'nl,e"U ov r wi ', b un ordlllll r," Ila J" ratQ. . A FIl\v Il\ ~t nllc,s. a IIII Ih e 1 0o~ ~I p.d ~ :ubhl .. rem(J vM lI,n'j uu rll t;d b~!·-".·'" I hc Udlll l~ ~';,':A p.mer ge,· 't n t uHH' ::::tenog raphl ' ~ ~' ~ l e rn A Rn i u llll: ~ 1'1· " !~.
1f t h fJ"Y (I \l Cr , tl1
crai n Il ruit.ral'Y s i g n JUH Y Ii t Rl l d fur on e. t\\'o
llonesty ot 'llle Mode1l'n Kind , .wuiU tllt-' hn lik 1,reB-
· '.lt nd tum,', 111:-' ~(l H:' ' d ulil .
111 i.. ,
l l1h im . ... 1t IS.:,
til ,·
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" llIua.;ilt ~ 11)1I1\ ." Cli l .
WllY ~.
i..: tile I'nJi,'y th.l t I"
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1-1111 1 alH~ ." \111 11 10( 1I1 i1 n :
....\ :1.\ . Ity l l)(: wuy, . ii PIWI Ulcd til(' ~rny .. ' W il l'll. " 1 w""ILI un.:," .\ , 11\ I ,) Il'ml liP a Hult' ("1I1 'I\OI'h l I01l In\\". It \\ ill nutate yo u t il !tnd how IIL j lll ~' Il "u j.'..'" .' ,;II "1.111 .1\1 ill a bU", tll l ' !'Io \\'11)". ill 1\ 1 .. u ll III ' lI" ' It ·~t: · -.M j H ·
.1;' "ut low nl hnr\' ''st. II .•d Ilu\ 'ij ll'aw or c\'~n Ihrije word~ . Slln ,ollrues (u e ~ lla,.~e:.l 11"'(lU AU Ih ~ ~ lIlb l es II" he,IIl1ng lll i"Lrnns lllllo u u f un e of (h s igns THE JOINT WORM . fO I' MII" ' lt du ri ng IIlP wl nlH , Ihl1 S Ile· leads 10 fllllllY r eMllI s , s a ys S II CCOSB JH·,j PI I!.,. .J t 111111 .1 . - - -cun d lt!,: ~ atu l' alc II IJY liq u ids and n..(lI·o Ma ga zi ne. CUl' I·ec l. R eport or th e Gove1'1lme nt EJCP~l't 3 or l e~s I ho roughl y "Oml"IS led. lhe " Th o ,l ee,1 s hocketl t he " ati on to lb <! "~'ow , ~r u t l l l t11'm. ·' l'I i,id Ih,' h'l'\ lIr("I' 0 11 it EKPflnse..... on Thi ~ Pht of the Wh cn t Ir"atlllCTt t w\llI ld se em s uffici e n t 10 de- h ~nl ' I '({I1"' ," WUK II'hnl wu s ",lid . and III r' OIl1 ll1 lilh' i\lul lIill lll'rl l ·: llr' ... . ·' IIH. llt i f tll hliO W e \Vunl 10 pro" e to ),011 Ihnt 'r.he Oh io FUl'lo or I ~ Ih o gTPa l •• t Field. .'1roy l he l ~o$" lna lan·a c. so l h at. few . (Ylw lI" 'I\e r "" I)l v"d: " T il e cI 'ud sh ol'l~e" '-I f : lu' 1IL11t-1 i Il1lh''' '''" t lulb\ '~"l d \ l l uu, ·lH' ~ farm lla Ller vublh!h cd. ond us )'OU CU ll not npprucl3 lo Its ,· ,,!thu ,1 l. u""iw · ...... :' " it " " Y. W(,IlI 10 I de ve lo " adults I h e fol. UlO nUlllln to I h .. 1\1I1't! c~ r ." "T h e rllmOl: tit ' tilt" ou t Q. trial , a nd comparison wllh othEl' farm pnp er !:f. " '6 wllJ 'a ko ' '' .'i lih..,c (0 1' til t.' nHIKh'lirh,,,,,'J prul1lpt · Rln co l hc fir st Iwow .. se r i OIl ~ OUl· 11lII'1 1I1; s l". i ng. In r of b eddln~ was \)111 1'·HlIslt' lIl . Ih o ll ~ II . " WD B hardly 1,\' 1....~I)U l ldl \1 tlte "llILl I ' li l who li ""IJ:4 t h e rl~lt o r sentllng It t o yo u every w e ek for eight wee k •• and it you llo n ot ",'ant It to com o tur 010 n e xt t c n rn 0J1t h8 CU ~'car In n il). l>rcak of t hi s InSec t. wh ic h oc:cllrrcd III fu ,. horso~. It Ree ntS Quite pr olmule l'eeo!;l1l , ,, "I .. ns " The rn m mel' WIUI n lll'\.· uf tuc t lll'l('''', I"i l hhun; " o :orl , wrl,e U8 nnd WO guarantee to It at one. IlJIo1 wi ll I ho n o l d ~ a tH'" t ll hlll if an y In rvae surv ived at all th e lmili s H I li l hruugh.'· A rear-end cal n ot cha rg~ :rou a c ent t or the two mon ths ' t rIal. Jduilo Jo lne. C h a r I (,lI cB vll ! ' II('ul from t ho d ~comp08lcg manure Ii Rlun W II " €\'idpll l ly inlhnl glt'I's ml ntl . It 18 the fo.lre! t otter we cBn ' ma lte. a s It gh' cs you on opportuFraoer, l Juliu , .:\ ,)" :!";l!i ( ~P l'iu l).n llY or reading Ibe boat farm pap er (llltl Ushea . lonl:' enough to li e3tHI Conlo ll s vlli n. wOIl I,1 ll ~ " e lol) Ih ~ m prematurely_ " As m Ull ll a fe t! Ihe ' J ews ." wa s In?,ll''', ..\l nllhu. .1. Let: fi a"l ~ 1 \C fil IIII' pllhtit:u· come Ihoroughly r.. mU 1nr .. Ith It. nnd without cost 10 you, It you do Vu,. ulirill!,: t he 1I 0 we "" r , lltpre bas Il e n no e xpe rt· gt' nl(JII ~ ly lo rlt"'ecl by Il nol her young tion It,,· fo llo wil lg l'I llll cll ll' lIt, j' u n" l· l1lll tt.; I nOl6",1 It j ust wha t you ,,·nn t. . T h o Oh io j'urm or I. a large 20 -pngp. w eekly ( ~ I to 40 p ng 8 In Ibo yea r s 1 ~'1 8 10 18G I menlal\" rt alung th ese li'n es, a nd ue. WOlllu n illl o " A s mnm ma re.1 l b e jays." l)•• du's l\ iI.hw r I' ,l\re w llllC!r r e ndi ng fteLI.8on), w ell lI1 u Sl ro lc t.1. on hlg h ~ grn d c papPI', wit h " I Wilt.; dtl~\'I ' w i! it It !."' IIIII ;I \ i~1U t hrf'f' ~ KJ It ha R bcc n l ellOn- con llll l( 10 !I. rec ', n i press )jlllleli n by YOI s h e WU R a Sunll"y Rdl 01,1 i eacher . lh(t 1nrG'Nlt a nd m ost ('X lutn s lV6 s tu rr of IH'tl(' Uca l e tlltOI'H. c orrepP olldli': ' " ,..1 1l' 1'>11\ .0:, ";wd \' lh '" 111lI1t l)odd 'd "V e ~ (ll Il'I' ol: lIlnr III Prof. It. II. Pc lli!, (,If Ihe Ml c h l g n l1~Ag . "Pluy., " rer ,,~ '11111 IlIlI g " s' Ih e Innll - lI\.i ul lln tints and H€:ld r ep ol't c l's (nil u c1,now }ctlgetl (t\l t l!orltlc9 In th Ir ~~ l' il1 ... h..-lpl'll IIH' , '1' 1...: I I\~t l i ll ' c llneM ), a nd If yo u are C'l1gng c d In an y branch of f arming, ~'OU w ill III "i<-lIl llll'ui c(,IlI cg('. " e r lous Injuri es h a ve ~e lll." ~ru(Jll ell lh (' 111 11 11 . Ol lie ,IIlY. l11ou t h- du'y .' ur",t nil', ;11 1,1 1111\\' I 01 111 a l th.· tn gel le n a ls Uilli r l.'c(' ivc In furma tion worth man y tlrn r :-t t h e ~u b~c l'h)tlon p rJ,.e , witl~l y S<: llorUl cll r" lI nwell lh~ yc nr Ilflp l' app li cation and IlI g lil p ol"'n l ng lin es (It SO li it' j,rojcl·le.1 nruu nd ltud il l ) all I ll y WId l.. . I !IOUI'll 1 II1U THIS OFFE R WILL NOT APPEAR AGAIN. 80 w"ltv at once, 1r1l'U 1\ II I!S. Whil e 1110 ,",' ln g un<l cr of uarnl' ard manure In bally I·er"es. Wh en Ih e IYI>f writer fit'l)'.("iKht . 11 1111 ,I " 11 11 wa lk ld :'\l II~l ,',~' b\' fol'Q ~' o u ( orge t Jt, ~\' hll', 1 \.\ l ' I' ,\ ~ll Il J IIY, ndlil'f' t l HI\I; I>tH.ld:" AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE, 10 rQllrescnt u.. Sp'lL1 t or It IH llIl o wn to or- Ih c fa ll I) c fore t htl wbeat To' US suw n . tap pct! ulIl : " Plll)'s "rapRnlld leu \' est b c l, h l ~I l' Y I ·t!l~ I \\ .,"" .... , 1"1l1 I t'\I \ll d WH! c () mpl c t e t e rms. J)r£lnl lum )t JJ t ~ n.n<l 8UPIJlh,'9, all free. It mnkes "111' ~ t,ur l ll :; ly o,'r r nolatlo" of cr ops Is nd\,un lngeo lls, IU lloe enl ." he BCll lIll C,1 he r I'l s a g~ lI t,ith " I' !iall lj ltv !' IOlll , I .. lInH kl: l~V l':tsy and pro fit ahle wint er work . Dndu\i 1':11:-- "II \,:111,1 1111 Ihe 1i1l 1f'." mos t "r lll o whem br.c auMo It necosslla le s I b e ml g l'a l iOIl ..r/Js~ I)', FREE SAMPLE COPY. If )'Oll Ilr erOr to Tend a ",,",pie <opy be· t :! II--, un w l i:-I H il:l ,',l U.,l,d I I~' L' ne l\ ci ct f ore t nlt1ng ftth'u lltagc of Our Orrt·'· w e will Mt> m l yu u Olle f ree 011 re .. t;rowi ll ~' s~c lioll B of u,l n li ~ frum o ne fl elli to anol h el'. l1 e sai.l: " Tb fl I'ok. o f Or . .TOCf l),n (' r~'~ l all i :rH\ ~ III t i l ' .11111 .. d l't.I , , ll calt l,y QUe" 1. A.·l~... THE OHIO FARMER, Clov.lond , O hio. of hOlh Ih e ll n llcII ul1 ll if Ih ls Is Iion e in ' Iormy w eat ber wn~ 1,,·ar,I, ·ol lll1 ~ fur uHK is llln ee ." und Il k idlh" ot r t- UttH f ' .il l \ I'l l' , \ I" d 11'0) 111 11:1: Cut au t thla coupon an d a ttach It to fHlllCS 'lilt! Ca na- " I' 1IIII'Ing hi gh wi nd s. tno ny of lite mi. ('unte lllll: " T he "i" e or v ... .l osh Ln ne ,." HI"i'. U."' ·ill'it"l I";: l.\l1 t ·,\ ':': , 'U tl lll'! 1'\: 11111\" t hi ~ )\ f' id. wh ie'" , 'o ll'~'I ' I,", II I \ h(' hl.1()cl :1II.cI dn. an ll 1lI'{l uabl y g l'811ls w ill \) 0 1" "I'd or Iolowti a Sll'ay \\'U~ ha ... 1 l" llillg f" ul' a "Slij lu n t • . " i :o"OIl~ ,I n ,'ry \ I ,j " lo ll .! Iilt t' l ~, I)tld ~1 1t ... COUPON••• does mure Iln1l1ll;!r II Is PIl311y ~ e~ n Ih a l where .n fosle d Wh, n "B"l . he h"I,1 .la"c lou dearly lII \' i d!I ,' \' ]litl l'l ,' IIt't' H h .;' IIII IIIII~, 1I 1 1,,\' I'\tI' 1I 1~ 'l'lIE 01110 I,'A IOn :R. lhan hus ge ne rall y Ht raw I ~ ul'jlll etl t(,l Illl ew nel.1 priol' 10 fill' Ihtll . 111 ,,1 " o - "u H~rd 011 ." was .lI e- t he l\.'i dl1l') '::": l ~y Ilf'l ltll ~ ,llI d .... In ·.Il~l h c n · Clevel. " ,•• (1M." ro ur () ft'~ r LO t ". ~ T h . OIIl., FA rmer, ....., bep n I,la ced lO IlS 'Owin g 10 wh eal . l!ti ~ mlgrallo n ut IUlerl. ""ll It f'lllll ~ OUI: " R llt s h e he ld il1 g thelll , !OO tll1~,1 , tli.,)' ,'ml rhl the ~ ~~: rPl:u~~~.~I~ ~! ~' O~~,~:::, ;l.llj J ~~ el'NIiL liB r~u p , ad ult s woul ,d not be mad e n r l·e~sory . .Iud,,;, IWO. ,II'Owlll g (0)1' Ihal anu so Ll nou vf ill l i Il1J1'lI ' ~I::-_"_ _ n u ft U .-or will wr\t.f' Yo" hi F I If. I _ I s o , (I on" peora ncl' Iu I he Th O' ~owln g of f!arly rille nillg varle- JJa~""ll, ""1'." woul d It ha l' e bee n unjus t 1'I'h ~ n JII I1 .r e 1. 0 (!1\1l1!l0! 1 l" t . Applled A n . Alld e l l .fee au tl o U l lul: r:r~':' :,tI.~';; wh cal neld~ lO r. III- ti,'s IR ,ll so b nefi clol. to ('I'ed ll \ hE' S il'l 01 l he IIwelilne wllh F llji"t ~""d :--':'1): 1,"'11 t ,h. Ill y h 'i u~ ii lilrnw.worlll - o. Gil' rllalln . Mu·hlgan . 1 311 " I(-me lllllry IllIowlpu /:c or ga mbling " VI ''''' n U,.,I I ·;1 1, II" ~ ' tllIlJ'O~t:' 1S 1It';l\ c llty tenll"; r.J" w. Ohio. Pe lll: ~ Y I VU '! HEART IN ROAD MAKINO, Occns lollu lly Il n ew uen.t 0 1' bird 18 w llltlf· ... . :-O:t!t ' UI"i I) jl t ., ~IJ itl Ill " 1111 11", lIe ilia . ,W eRt Vll'g ln! a. ' Il'gl n lo . ,\l a ry. d i "(:on " ~<l uy Ih e In'I',,'!' lI e r, Ihu s, land and Kan sas in 1' 04. nnll in s lil i Wh a t Elll'llest Purpo£e in 1\ C 011l - " 'f lop "~ a " jllalJ was. etc .," the Int ention f \' i' U 1.1 M't: III \\·.dl ~ t l tl l t ', ' 'l'1:\II ,. I" h .. t1 W t t :t lc. f .. 1 10 ~ I r~~ ·,,,1 01';"" 1l1" .lIe ... &;"rcot er numbers in l UO:;. s en ' cs .10 I 11\\llIlty Cnn A ccomplish for "r ing " th oseQ uel WII S. e tc." This \V aRin brin g It a ga in tl) noU~~, 10 190J o m.' I lIelter Hinhway a. II l1 e wHit a ulunll pr lIIalle Ill' Ih e same I;UTICURA, THE SET, $iOO, tieltis of whea t In casl~l' n Ohio were S~ gi rl. w h had a vowed thnl "" s ull Slink gi\'u til)(totuee ly F R ED badly damo gcd lI." t Ihe)' W I'C nOll In n Coer lal n coun ty In .. ft~lghborln : I lll C sc\ loonc l'," it" lead of "u gal .. , " 011 Compl et~ T r tl\tlllent tor Evel'y Hutil e very Ruler Que , lI u ndred a n d Al.d.1 ban'esled. I\nd t h e presen l yell I' a "~ ri- st a le \ I,rre Is 1\ l ownsh lll with a large anoth er occa sio n s he "eclare,1 Ihat n 1T'01', from Pimples to :~ crofnl a, A ' re-~~) lll'l"d In Wu,," ous outbreak In n Orl!teasle rn Ind iana propor tio n of 1101',1 work lJlg, aav ln g. In' III Rh' uf 10"H~ " h Blcht'l1 up a 11I'elly e rn C;u..-,l d n. from I nfa n cy to A g'c-A Set b as so ,lIsc'O urng d >;orne ( urmers l ha t I tllI . t l·iOllS German farm e r~. 'fhey , have , sql1l r l'ol," In slead of 1I"' il' "fl"i n:; Of t I'll Cur es . 1.and R4Jolul ug th ia tb ey are q uestioning lhe a lh ' ls auilll' l gao.1 [urms ~n u Uley wau t good rond . , " )latchet! III) a pett)' C]uRITel." ('lilt br.: purcha M!d frotA of pu tUng III a crop o f wh ellt III a ll. 111 1 Halli eI' titan wall fo r "I~ (l oUle r f~lIow " lI n,·lti g "ollresse,1 lhal once upon a r :lilw ny and lalll.1 c:ou..l,.. ( ut:\' llr:t TJ ' ,·~ dll\I.' Jd is! 1',\u1 ,nu .l C'll n 'l t j : l)anfes a t f r om S6 t o $ tO per a cre. 8uulh.west Virgi n ia t he I' 'Ht ha s "ee ll to . ,10 so methin g. th ey p. re ~lIk i!l:; th e t ltn p ~ h" hau \)een a \\'811 r{'ss III n popll ia r tll t J\.II1ul - tU lllrll ' I(' ;llI d 1li' ]'Il"\' t, IJlII' C. even m o re Injurious ill I~ O:; Iha ll II 1'n lllttll \'o .lh em sel\·es . l) utl lllg th e l.· I'estaut'ant, the reA sou is c1 ea.' wilY J,H' t! I-'t Ull t! \ \' Ii ,.If'rl I IllI f . B:t lh e t he an i" :f' d nn t h is hwtllhitt yf'mr li n.. '~,..n pcod uct:f1 u~ YI' tl!I tlIe prc "IOll~ yeoI'. h ea rt Inlo Ihe lr work and building " Fol~t th o l\Io l ~s of Ih ~ dynA s ly" wu s • ul'fm'... l'I \\ il II l'Ht i,' ul'n ~41I1P uud hut ""' 1(' r t il ,' I(lUII:o"(\ t lu' sld u of \ " 'I H I K ant i wurtb uf t wClIt y · ti ..,c LJlIs he llf t, f wheat tu t he nc rf!', 'rhe fully t1ev clur,cd In ~el'l >ome.l lh,lr rood s , says th e Prairie Farmer . "\I,' ked Olll : " F'lrsl . lh e lIl eal s (If tile :-\1l 14!~ ,t lHI i"oo ft cli ,I,,· lh ick t~ l , cd I•.' lI th:le wb llt I'esembl es " ij mnll wlngell ul ad, Th e nellrps t g ranl is 12 miles away (II nnN·HI)· ... 'I'h Fs souud s IIltc a " 1110ue- ,J,r,\', W i l h o~H !t1l 1'lt l'uhbinK, ,md lI"ply It l ,.a l "o t11r· I ~sto' grudn .. :and.llj! f Ol nilE td t 1I .l lt' II,"n. {Jill t lll(:" t fl'I~ I ·I ,\' to :t ll ny iu,ll llIg, ant . 'rhe olp r Is b la k, w lilt jollll ~ a l l from tltel r di ~ trlcl. hu t. not 10 be (\Is· tiP ." but II Is feorfn l fa cl. f:J. rw i ll ~ it h a..! nu li llpc:nor ull l he !"."Out iueut. ' l egs and r~ t yollow . Th yuu ll g (\1' cOllra gell h~' thi s fa cl" l !tpy hn,'c nr lll nl · "The presi llent was lt ea l',l willI nc- IITH ulll.', Hlllt, 1Hf1~ nllno t i 11 . Illltl Rn othr \ 'nncl hem1. ana l:. ~ t l ,\' lnk ,~ C lI lic' III'o ' Re. l:I'u\) Is whIU ~ It , " ' lIh brown jaws. Ih ~ I I)' gO ll e p " ~ n lhi s di sl ~n c" and buugltt cla im ," ,ll cla led th e ma n. " Til e prepe llt J"n h f'ut 1'i11... 10 f',}l ll ana t:lea ll ~~ t hf;!: ~ph:'1I11 i, l c1l l11 nte, In", IOX~ q. r iti h ••, . CO nwa.l en gth b"lng abou t the ~alll e "' Iho l "f II 1;1'0\'01 I'll. was ·ha'·11 wit h n clam. " wns wlt a l th e i,l ol'll. :l1I ~ 1 1111 t r n " 'r f illtd io'll in II f!h le For Family and Farm I ~nl ~ !'Ie hooJ.'I AlId (' lIltn:h es "':'OM: o e han,I, W ri te for ~ t "l' wellll " t h Cf.'lllll r y Can Rda "A U" the adult , a nd lh for m IIlIl ·h II ];c Ihnl In.t"nrt cif dOi ng all or th e ir 1'0a ll t)'J,e\Hi lCr In!lIHl ed Iltut h ~ hod s aid . a ~ lIf 1 1l~;; )I1 .~' n "li \'i t~ , ~r ll l '( ' ),!,I't ' a t I'll reI; low rull wny f nlr~ lu S 1J I'I!I~ I ~ ·rF.N n K "'T 0 " I ' . .... (Ir ~lI l1phL "ir l'llrt1l' JII:f :111" llC' I'Ctcli I 111'\1 ~lIowll III ng nre 1. whi ch' l'e L'I'~ ~e u tH work d1lrlll !'; the bu sy Heuson. wh e ll s h o I" ol' rll\ly hlllll ed fo,· h el' 1I01e8. (jIotA T IOS. or 10il\l\ horl Lt:ll CrtlHHH :", A geut h~1t 1l I ~ lIlL" (luil." III:tfl l ' 11\' (~-l'Itil' 111'l1 1 '''''He. I B )1 , WIU,UlI .'I. 1.11" Uul h.lIlJf.;. ', O. tb e la rva or a Il enrl y I'e lal cd s pocie!!. [U rtlt york Is IIres. ln g. Ih ey Illllli l11ci r tlll'~ I,han hy :.11 tl LI"!l' hil/ud li nd t!ln n ..l l rIl IfO,. n tfll l)llj)(f, 1'1:' 1I1fO 11,10:: , 'rhe Insert mal' be ("lind ,t h r~ u !l h olll !!1·av. 1 ,1tn' lng Ih e wint l'~ a nd I liv e It EXODUS OF IRISH YOUTn, t h e yrar In I,s l'a l'lo\l~ s la!;~s of lie - In pli es hps ld Ib e road, whHe It ran ) t 1" 3 ~ lI!al " l~ I ,~ n ! h,tl l ,uh l1 c Opil1 ' " ~Iollment In "'h III ~le m s. II II v , lor r('u rlily sho\'c INI in wl1 ~ n lhe road R A ged Pat'enl s nnd Small BI'otl:ers i O Il 1m,. ~ 1 1,1"\. 1.('t·H It H.IlP> l,tI I II a 11 11, It w l lt'lt., ('()UlI tW II 111'11 \' .. 1,' j .. ,"'1I1:1 n th.' I of (w(. \, wlll le r (\~ n In\'\'3 or Sruh III C('\l s ~r lli e la ll1r HllI·ln g. \\' e ore C\' et'\ 10111 nn d Sl st~,.s L eft In~ the I'lI hl. l! v lli ci~~ l,., .~ , \t l! ~I ' ll " (II, -t ttHl ioll , IOrm ~d In \ ~ ~ s te IDs I'r lor 10 Ih e rlpen_ l l hnl lhcHI' I hrll'l l' German s are not InVilln ges. fl 'rqllt'lltl y at Ih elt· g rnv ~ 1 pit 1) fore j ,Iuy liglt l'. "cn ll,v to load Rn d bau l th ei r ~'" 11 I" IUI'!;I' ly os n I'C"Ull of Ih e IIlIpl'egl'u \' el t o their home d istr'lct. I'edent ell 10"8 of h llif its llOllll lntl on In This Is ,,:'l Int we wOllllj r all pll ttln :; hnlfnc . nlllt'yth atlh cp rescll[('o lltJll loD " heRrt" Ill to I'On(l ma lt ing. \\'e \'('nt ll r o of 1'1\1'11 1 Irelanll is so IlIl el·o'R! n s lully. lI ihal t l!c m en who nrc wIIlIn:; to go 10 Sliys P httllm e r V. J on es . In AmurlclI lI th l ~ tro " " I,, will ho\' e b lte r ro.oI s thall ){o nlhl y It vll'w of oRe\·II' ws. Th e ;10I thei r ne ighbors , who thin!; Il tI ~ piau po )llll lll ioll of Ire land has IlI l'gely I too eXJlen~ i\·~. 3nll who aro "'nl \11l1l "'llIngo" Ihe life of Ih e peop le. a nd tb e for Rome c heal/er or .. ash' r " w ny. 11' lauit Of ((I -ti u)' ' Inc l, mu ch IIf being One or Ihe gl'ent 11'01l \)les willi root! th e I re lallli of GO YC3rR ;11.10. 1\1, !. Ing lo·(\oy Is LJIC fa t l hst too Owlnl': 10 lac k of labor. Ih e fOl'm ol' In . molty di s tri cts w ill not 51)Clld an;f t ell s l\' Cl Cli li lvallun of . Ih e soil I l a ~ mon cy . \\ hll c the ir taxpaye rs do ns li t· ce A ~ftl, Tilla ge ha s uel' tI supersed ed lJ)' I ll e goo II. .hnrel, hon es . wo rK up on th ah II1Istlll'u ge, 'fhulis a nds of a eros lhnl In rOl\ds DS l ho' law will permit. Ihe mall' fOl'lI1 er yenl's weI''' Ie m l ng wllh laborel's n l' In whic h so mo s ucceed in do in g pl unll n g and wU I'lcln g )lot otoes nD ,1 hi s Inl\i cllling nle ient·y il sctr. Wo turnil!s . anti har v.esll n g wheal and oot. . , oro s tro n ~l y of l he olJ in ion Ihnt no II~r· a r e 1I0W tll!'n ed 0 111. In gt·as... and Ih e I m nncn l ~y s l e m ...: I'oall Imurov!:me nt ~ on g oj' III lullOl'f rs and lit e wh e ltlll g of will be nclli e \'c,! un til (a rllle r " III'C wll!· 8cYl l\e5 ha \'e hee u 'hll sh ed. nntl in l h el r In ~ 10 nr'~I)t tit ir presen l roatl ·ma l" )llnee ,' u n be hear d i he low ing of cuUl e In g melhod as a ~o r l ous pr oposition lIuli l hc I\nkllng of sh el.'l1 b cll s. IVh en fanne rs a s a: class won t boll e l In nll partH ot l ile m id(II l'. s oulll aud ra nds Ihl'Y w\ll th em . bllt " wonl ' will hp. m'or than mer e d irr. a nd wll west or Irela nd one Hees e vid e nces ot be ba clteu with th e ,\ p.termltln tl oh lila I hill I'smut'knhle chan ge- more I·e ruark· FJ,. 1.-11'< !!I ni . l>oHon>a In aN or tl q ,o.ll. nl,l e s in ce Ih e s l ~us o[ fO I'mer p o~sesslo n Ing "I:i In atem. Ih e bell er the t hin g can and tllU~ t b an ll cnllivallollnres tlll so e ,· itl en t. E'or r eall.ell. Ins or Lbe ,rain. tho. !ld\111. eUlel'g illg W e a dmlt.c lhe tll.'termillo lion nn GO yeol's th e youu g and "Igorous far m therefrom III April o r May , IIccortJ ln_ ' .iIo ha nds hal'e been III'Olll)lng lite hoe an,l ., wl\l ln gn p~s to undergo hnnlshlp Ill"'. 10 latlt nda, or !IOmo t ~ m e . nfl er l ItO spode and emigrati ng to Arnol·lca . lea\, Ihrse r: cl'll1nn rormer s 'Iis pl ay . Th ey yo tlnG g ral:l hilS Ihro\\'n up Hl.o::ms a u .1 J Ug hellind l he m 10 Attem pt the ir worlt "'J ill b I lp r h ighwQ Y~ . a n d wldl p. Ih" )1 F8veral joints hllye bc~otllo cXI\O~ed . rl.'nllr.~ l he CQ. t. lh ~y n r '! cont~nl to 118Y their Inftl'lU old Ilal'en ls al,ld the ir lilli e 'rbo femal e, IIs lng her s lcnd tl r, [lolnt"ll th e IJ I' \(oI.'. Tho prl) l)os lliOn 13 t lcor brolh et·s ami s lslers. Tho children ovipos ito r , III a ces her ~,.t; S In 1111, dream Ih rough (he ir boyhood nnd girl.. cu t. \\' 0 can e njoy good roads . bul W~ 1 alraW s. T be exact position ass'l med II hooll o( t Ie lime wh en t bey In l urn can will !la\'c to 'how Ily our Il ~c d ~ Ib llt tlho\\'n In ft glu'e 2, photo!!rallh cd from go dowlI io Qu een stown ond sa il on (he we arc lhoroughl y In ear n ~f . lICe by 1\11'. O. l. a o'! \· ~s. '1'110 c;;gQ )jI g ship ro r New York or Bas ion. The full nafT1e of tho ~o",pany. CalifornIa FIll' Syrup Co.. ba ll'lI "III! Ih o young grub s. lorm ing A GOOD FARMER'S CREED. Wl .... le l' ilIages ha,'o th uB heen r obbe!l .. printed on the 'ront o. every pa~kall'. the Il'enulne. '( ell s. f~ed In Ih e wu ll s of 11' 0 ste m, of Iheil' youn g peolll e. and I' ll s t counlry • • ,,, '
at Ou,.
., r
Antisep.tic RemeCly
is only One' Oenuine-~yrup of Figs,
The Geniu ine is Manufactured by the
Cali'fvrnis Fig Syru.p Co.
r eaching t.b e lt· . m ,H:llnll", '~ \'O\\'lb Uy I will not work too bll l'u mys elf nOI ~e t:ilol1 s lhal once t.eemed wllh vlgorou" tbe time l hu M r.", bero mcs I'ully hard- l'~ qll l rc "(1),,, no nbo l\t lite fu.l· m 10. d1l rllrm labo rers now contoln bu t a handful The Oenulnc:- Syrup of Figs- Is for Sale, In Original tiled' and rlpc . Wllllering In I he lan'nl ~t) . of -men who arc renll y capable of harn I will b~ econo m ical. but Ittl l r lOli. 1111,(>1'. Ind'eed . olle of lh e most s lrlklng, 8t810, tb,l'y paIS tl s bort 1)1I111l1 l tag. .Package.s Only. by Reliable Druggists Everywhere 8nd emerge ua adlilts In i h e s pring. nor ml sc l:I)'. nnd nl Ih e same illllo 1I10si me lanc bol y, I Th ere nre no known romed'les, unt I wi!1 do th ~ b est I ca n trr l1Ia l(o tn) bight s In l'III'al Ire land 1'0-d1lY Is the un· 'Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita· there orc several Ilre"enlive ru eas 1lr ~s la nd on ,1 my roll ic bl' lng In tile great· us ua lly largO) l1ulllber of des pondentthat ~re I'M fion8bl y e fficient, r,' 1 rio s~ lble re tnrn , e \'e r), ) ·P.:I1', looki ng old me ll nnd ,,"o nlt' n who mope lions made by piratical concems and somcti~s offered by unreliable In Ih e nlltlst of til" I)II Lh n'ol, in Yl rI will I, ep my bu lldl n&H " nll Held , 1I11~ P lI l'lIlltlll e !ll)' nllou t th e I'uadways of dealeJ's. The imitations arc known to act injuriously and should ,;10111. prl!vlOtls ly Q,l o.nllom'd. 11 "'/olnt 1\lul,l ng us trllll a s I ('.a n, Lh o <'Oulllry ·altl e or tlte a ll eys of the W orm Coilvpnl lon " \\'.19 hold .. : Wor I wili nut g I the b lll c~ ir ,t rai n, hll mlreu ' of 8e lTll · d()b c rl ~d "lllages. therefore be declined. ' r r.oton, in Ih(ll SI a l". I.> ,J p.vl:\C ml'l1ll! ri g ht u lollg I'or 11 ",,·,:1. a l a IllIll·. 'I'll' Th eil' ~OU R a lld lIau gh lers Ita\' e g l'ow n up Buy the gellluinealways if ' you' wlsli to get its beneficial effects. for contro lllll g I h i ~ 11, ·>\1. 'l'ItIS LJOd)' j I.;OW of IH'ol\)i ~e was "el I II lh ~ d o",;' nlll\ gone t.o Reclt th eir foriunes In th e It dcanses the systtm gently yet dfcttuaUy, dispels c:olds and headaches reoomOl p. n,lfld a b" II(!!' s),nl() tn of l al' m - r" r 111 0 , ns we ll a s for Noah . wc~ t. NOl Oll e III a 1111 11\Irru of Ih e lll will Ins. 1'\1 e uM of, tp::1110 n nd a llI e r fUrtl l-\ I will h~ ' fair wll h m y II'Jrsps. Til) I P\' et' re lln' u 10 ho e gut! spade th e rocl:y when bilious or constipakd, prevents fevers and acts best on the' I Ct'R to PI'OlllO.tll 0 "~I)l tl g,'owl h ond au 8h ,, 11 1101 li e ove rwork'),I, ir I i a n b t l, 01,1 Irl ~h n 1I1 ~ ago In . kidneys. Ii.vcr, stomach and bowds, when a laxative remedy 'is needed early ripening or th e grain. a.od th e it , . , - - - - - -- by men, women or childrm•. _ millions know of its beneficial buroing of !lIP. IIllJhb lo. Ilil (Of "'hl dl I \\' Ili lldly (' r (> "Hl' l h in~ I I)ro mllt N'o\'cmbt'l' in Ihe CO\\nt l'Y, are as ndvl ••ble to" lay lie tlt ~y wcre to .Idivc r wh c n I Ray I WIll . Or g i ve I A imos l o\·e rybod.v who goes 11110 Ihe effects from actual, usc and of their own personal knowledge.... ,It is the at Ibalilmn. Tile most SH i"",; "~\, ,1 ~1 '~ ;;0(,,1 t'\ 330 (\ why I do 1101 . ". "'00,1'. 01' In,l eed anywue l'c e lse, III No· laxative remedy of the well-informed.. are o b ~c f\' f!d on lhln 01' Impo \'l' risll',li I \\ ,II ~ llI('\' e nelLl l1 r my hrnln \MIl' \'em Ile I'. canl,· ; a gu n. l'al'l r idges lire 801ls. e~l>cc ia'l y along th e Ol :ll'gl,," ,r nt,' !J IJ 'I~·. a cel'lllllll y, decl' aud !Jou ,' are a lways Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs the fl eltls Iftf~~ I "u . An y lbill ~ . lllea, I will 11' lIs t e "ery man to be bo ne!! IlOs s llllt., Rn tl rum ors ~f w\ld eal s, 10UI" 'MANUFACTURED 'bY that lcnll ~ 10 adll vlg tlr 10 tI, e )'0\10,0.: IIntil I 1(lIOW h im 'll lie a r" gue. anti I ce nl er s oncl Canada IYllx e ~ ore SlI f· growing r,rail'l will r.n n ~ litlll c u Il reven- wil t 11'1' to he wurthy of .he ,'aml' , OD. Ilcl c nlly r ife 10 Ih1"l1l th e bloo d of chll live m Cll s llr.~, "urDing th e RI Ubbl c. !ltl r'nrc. . drE'1I nn ,1 I lm"l per Ho lls whe n they where IlIl s I ~ pm ctlt~ahll\ . I ~ , or ('OlI rsc, I , wi ll ~ lll g th e r bee r iPl!t 80ng I I! ~ l pass thl'ollgh a liot eh of wond atte r mORt elll e'a ious . bul U'VI" Ill e la l'gE1' hllli t r y Iu ICnH) j he "' '' I let a little bct .Iar ll . .>\ rorclg-n el' might Itliagill e thaI )lortl on o f lil. terrl lu.y ravaged Ill' IN' lI, an I rUll lld It.- I" a rm JoornLl, Ih e " 011 111 ), WRS in f\ Kta lc of IIISllt'I'ce· _ - _ _ _- - - l ion . fOI' in a lm,1 Et (" 'c ry wn gon Ihat Cut. I ,..,t 01 .\ Wooel. ~'OIl m eCI R !;holSll n or u I' lfl e 13 81)' ever, for Rcc'lIons \~' h e re thPl" Is mllet 113 r c nt , Th e rUI'al lIl ail 'l:uI'I'IH h l'llIgs Afl'!r Ihp !:'1' illng "pa M n 1 ~ ' I),c r fa !lange I' or ",I Itle t·· I" II ing. hacl. 111 0 re " o r ll' hl g~s thu n 1 ~ l le rs : th e ND PInY cum PIa 1JOm.I • good time til I'ut ou t th ~ (,I11l wood , la wyer. 0 11 Itl~ wuy liOn, ) fr olll coart.\ .nd Icnve n:1 !tI'i1g bllt Ih l~ )'cpr ; a . Oyat el' Sh ells. Hto n" " 1111 in hl ~ hU!lKY null Shoot 3 Ii «row t h of ('na N . The ~I"I PR Ihnl bear !\.el' l' oYS l~r 'd lC)\S befor e Ihe fo"l1 ph illiP bl l'll wli hout ,1I scon ce rtlu g hi s ?Tult I.h le YEI r Tt!1I not b eo .· f rllit on - 1111 l h l' Iillte. The sllc ll a DOllld not COSI I \\"e IHl'!I. i ll~tl el eclll ; t wo 01' three s hot. - - - -- - - -,oLlI~ r y ea r. ,,: :tJI'Jl] l.e ntl.y 01 ,\' 1I!lo1l1d Y01~ mO I'e .ll. all ')tl~ dOllar IJH hundred j.:U II ~ 11I8Y orten be s ee n 0l1l81d th o palC£. ~.5 Ct•• be removed , a nd th e 50011(:;- Ihl s Is c1una I s ec SOlU ij <l en let s or e I r~' l nl: u. sell 1100r ot Iho 11I~trlct !<chuolholl e. ' reut-! '"' PI": T1IE ftMft • , Ab.olutely f_ from All PolsollOllJ Ingcdlt* after tne fruit b!,s bee n p lcl, ,I iii I t h em al tllrpe celll S apounll . Ke.c ppou ' Ing ngoln sL I he wall. ,,:h ile thei r )'o uth:'!.;:'V ann" b" lter. If t h e )' 8r't Cllt ollt ,nl l!t nl tim' .• 1 oj on Ih lllarl,ctS,- li'ur m er s' Ilevltw fill OWIIl'I'~ are in side. IIndergolng ID•.INOIl·MY· • GUA~NTEE.D TO CgllE, . A 5VI\.E CVI\.J: . For Burno. Sore 'hro.• ,. C: m •. Sor • •• Be.. m• tb e ,1I!:l!'t rood la~ CIl up by t he roota l ' ~tr\1~pon In more pea fu l 01· tS. Wbat 8~D Rh""niIlL"... Ule., • PiI ••• 111004 "POI5'1n, Cor: aU 1~j)P.B !D to t .b e.. )' OllDg WOOd, lb cl·eIlY . 1Ilg h. s tony. well ·d ral n,?,1 land \\'OllW a c ity schoolmast er t.hlnk It 11 Is' 1 WOg.' " ll A ..... a ..' •••• 10 • c1 ~a'.r-wbo WOb' t II .......... , bunde. an. d " II '\'~unJd :l. h d S hin DisaueJ., , U, IJol1,0'1uur .0.lI:r a&C& •• IT _N'T·OVa&. ,a.E . .. . . . . . . I Ind ucln . laore vi gorous g rowl h_ ,'fbl!! pal·tklllal'ly des:rable for "1'it~ ,1'0)" . lolls of 12 IIIllI 14 came ' ormec1 to l~~I0~-~'_~ ~:!~.IU~ F. "t.D'e"."~., D,.Id ... ~tIIIlurer,.JOr, .. Jljle", _.. rIIITP'~. fl. ".1. .. ~ ~ .,~ ~C.llI.Otl l: lIot to,be r~coml1l ~nded ~ow . ,IDIt, , .cbooJ! - Jl. C. Merw ill. ·\n Athmtlc, . •.j I . • .... • •
'~~RN!!11£(aL f.
' • • IIP, • COLD, IIUDa-IE " ,'I' lEU lALlY
W-" a~;rnesville, Ohio.
HumorollS Ilnd Dlusterful in every St, . John -- Morgan. , ~ wuy is the lecture tonight by f(er bert Leon Oopo nt Sohool Hn.lI . - ' -l:lt-Mil'S Nlllllliu· . ,Iob n IInu Mr . , Mrs. Frlluk Squ ir es had li S her - - AT - Willilllll ::;. Morgllu, lJOth of WilY, Hot water botHes ut .J . E. Janneys guest Miss Pea.rl Urton, of Morrow, 'Phe Ladles Guild of St. Mary's froUl Tuesdnyevening untill::)unday uesvill , Ohio, were Illllrrie,l nt the ~• ~ ohurcb cleared about '50 at their eve ning, I\nd on Snnday the party 'rhe most Popu\tu candie", IIrc M. E. pllrsoullge hy ]{ O\'. P hilip ~ &Dd Christma.s market at the WIlS joined lit dinner by Miss .Elsie the better g;rndes of s weets-lind T rout., MOllc!rty veiling" DOOO lllbor i'i . township house Saturday. ReD son ILUd Mr. Enrl Hookett, of for tho Holi dnys-They will be of. 1 ·,ln05. \ DiamoDd rlnR8, han'd pa.inted Hnrvey~burg . fered llt pop'l1ler priceR. Mi!:\S St . ,J ohn is u young Indy of 1 IIIIl \l1"" ~8\1 t", IIlln, 1111111,; th .. t Ill y Ht,oc k nf 1-1<11.111 1\ Y O()ODt-> noule ohl\ru oter. Sbo lookell very uhina &Dd other novelties Rt Fra.nk Don't forget the lecture tonight Ibvely in hoI' wedding glirmellt8 . h 'Lvo nrrive.luml IIr(' reud y fllr ,Vour Carey's, ~banon. Ilt &Jhool Ho11, by Herptlr t Leon Pure Sugllr Mixed Inspeot.ion . Mr . Morg'lD is tl.lIlong one of WI~y, Mrs, Mary Upphaa returned from Cope, "'rho Smile thll.t Won't OOlne Broken Taffy Mixe(l Ohocoillte Oren inS a pleu.nt visit in and around Har. Off." It is sure to be 0 winner . lI esville's best yo un g mell . Hn ~ Th ere i~ n othill g m MA "" CA I"Hble ~ (;hocolnte Cll rnmel~ veY8burg, While gone she and Miss h old s /I po ition nt t h e l:>tllto H08 · ~ nl! II prllRont. Ihun 1\ pit,,:.. or ~i1\,ilr ~ Mr. A . L. Bides, of Sp ring VlI lley, Frenoh Ore'L1'nfl Mary Davie attended a dinner givell pitnillt Duyton wh ere he hu s been wllre o r «'hinllwlin' 'i'ht~ Hlnt H 1M wua u business calle r in Wllynes. t5ugn r Roll Mixed by Mr. and MH . EJiaaOglesooe. for t h e pltst yenr. h eudq lllll'I.Mlt for (;ltri,,'uIIIM Mhnp ville'tuesdny, Mrs. Sides lIoud their POI\.IJUt TufTy On 'l'hursdnj th ey will he ser ved peril. For Colds use "Red Spruoe and their t.wo litt le duughters hu ve been Pop Corn Cr isp to un elcglLDt di nn er Ilt t be bome ~ Hilv""~vflril . Cherry Expectorant, " sold by J. E. visiting relatives in Willinmsto wn, Mint & LamlDn R;)n 4 'III tUl , of Mrs . Hnrri et Linooln. 'I'he y , Chln"w" I" '. .ltt\, , h 'v . Kentuoky, for a fortnight, ILnd Mr. Cream & OrftLpge Ro ll •rRnney. W "tcIH'~ , went to t he h omo of ' t he gr oom's I,on kt1I R, There wi~ be a .achool entertl\m. t$idl!s expects to join his fllmily Choioe Fruits Nuts-nnd pret. IlILrell·t.s ot Corwin, where they wi11 ('I k . 00 R, I3r(1I >eh e M, ment at ~ngar Grove achool house on Saturday and enjqy t he holiduy ty n.nd useful Gifts 'or Chri~tmIL!I . spe nd on e week . Cuff Bnt,tOll!~, Friday evening. December 22, when Saason there. . . . ~ ( !rOMJ,lPM t 'fil A GII:.lette joins a host of fri ellds BftlOeltltti, Bllr Pinll, there will be~ Christmas tree and Cashier 'J. N . Lemmon, of the t5cllrf P in s, ill extendillg very best wishes f or a Plna Wllist excellent mUsio. Admission 100ta. Citizens Bank, ' attended tlie open· Wnyn esv illfl, Ohio . lon g, hll}lpy nnd llrosller 01l8 life. Everybody invited. ing of the new Wn.rren NlLtional ond !let", A FRlItN D, Neokln ctlR, Gold PillS Obristmas shc;>ppers shoul(] see F. Bank n.t Franklin Monday. The Son Lost Mother. Stet lin g l:lil ver N ovelti os, ~'onntn ln Pen8, B. I.;arey, Broadwa.y and Mulberry. bauk WILS organized by W. 'r. 1:1. Revival will Continue. Hoger Bros . l H·t7 lind Commnnity Fltlt. 'Vnre , . d h C' t ' "(;onsumpt;ion runs in our fUllIily Lobanon, for cut glass dishes, Gil. Blaokbnrn who orgllDl:.le t e l I· ILIld t hro ugh it I lost m.y mother," Silk Umul'olllls withO old IInrl Rilvor Hlin,l1ea, Id ok· wn tes E. B. 'Reid, of Hnrmo ny, Me. 'rh o revival ser v ioes whioh have lete sa.fety razors, knives, forks, wns n. u<\D k lere, Iln Mr. BI a Ed i son . Ph on o~ 8. Reoo rd!!. k For the past five yeli1's, IIOwevO!', ou beou conducted lit t·he Orthodox spoons, ebony tOilet sets mounted burn's bro th er, M r . J ames G • Bl ao· Mns ionl ID s t.rum o nt~, Violins G llltarR, with silver. burn, of Dry Rldgtl, Kelltupky, is tbe slightest :s ign of ". eO~lgh or eO.ld Fri oD<lR ohuroh the 'l)Ust week will Momlolins, Books, . , . . casbier of the institut,ion. Ken· I h t nken Dr . K.m g B Now DIS . oontilluo througb this week, Rud nil MISS Gnasie Kirk, of Olncmontl, . . oovery for COln~nmpt,lOn, whICh hus . . tl . SttLtiollery. is a. guest at the home of Edwin S tnoky, lind e.8peo1l\1ly Dry Rld~e, .sRved me fro m serious lung,tronhle." in or ens ing Intel·.est In 16m IS n.pI"\, Full Line of Toys for the Chll~ren. Furna.s and will be bridesmaid at seems to turn out bankers I\S ea.slly His mother's death WDS Il slld l oss r ent. tI aidlDg of 'Miss Catharine U n . I uS it d oos Colonels . A huge num· for Mr. Reid, but h e lellfned t,illLt 'I'he publio is oordin.Uy invited. Price Within tho Renoh of All Ie W bel' of banks i n this part of Ohio lung trouble must not b e negleoted, ' der.w0od to Mr . . Joseph Heston , are und er the ca r e of Kentuoky men. ,md how to onr e it . Quiokest rel~ofVeatness Oannot be Oured WhlOh takee place noor Harveys · . nnd oure for ooughs IIml colds . . PrlCe . b I I applicatIons liB they oun . In t he Blnokburn fnmlly there are ' 500 and ~l.()(); guarnnte,";d. flt F . C. n~t ~~~lOh the dlsen~ed portion of . burg todl'Y, ' five brothers, /I.ud nil of thelll llre !:3ohwRrt,:.ll! dl~ng ~tore. Irml hottl o: SILr. 'I'here Is on ly one way to ol1re Mrs. Lydia TomUnson, of nenr bank onshiers. fr ee rleafness !lnd thn.t i~ by oonstltl1. Harveysbug,' was joined in Cincin. . ' tionlll re~ucdies. Deafn ess isc!lused nRti a few days ago by her son, In Society. , by un inHumed condition of the 11m . •Joseph Tomlinson, who WIl.8 en COliS lilling of t he E ns taohllill Tube Pence Block . lhiO, • When t.l lis tnbe is inflilmed y ou hlwe r oute from a business trip in tho A uniljl1u oUll eujoYRblo ontortlilu. II. rumb ling Rounel or imperfeo t bonr. East, and aooompanied him to hi.! ment WIlS given n·t the h om e of Mr. ln g, und when it is entirely closed home In '~nlias, where she expeots and Mrs. Charles A. Brown FridllY r\1lI1fnt18S it t ho result, oncl unless to remain the winter . 1 . tho infiumlllntion clln be .taken on t, evening, in oompliment, to t lelr Iim \ t hi s tU.h e r estored to It s uormRl ~___~_~~~~...."'!'~~• .!!!~~~~~~~~!!"_ !!"'!'_!!"!!"~~~~_~~~!!"'!'!!"'!''!!''!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'~ Mra. Walter Elzev bas been bn.v· nieoe, Miss AdR Eyler . condition, bellring w ill be dest.r oyed tng the pl888ure of a visit frOIr her The purty WRS a. s urprise to Mi sR AND IJIM.I. lm I N forevor; nill e oRses a n t of t enure . ) 0 unole . Ilnd aunt, from Kokomo, Eyle r, who entered as .he.lI.rtilY int.o I cllu~etl by catn rrh, which is notbing d but un surfl~C08 Inflllmcd. . condition of $100 th e before bnylng your . Indiana. Mr. White had been II. the spirit of the felltlvltloll ns III mnoolls We will give resident of Waynesville many yellrs h er eightee n guests. . for \lilY ca se of deafn ess (cau sed by ILgo and was muoh interested in One interesting feature of the catarrb) tha t CtLDnot he oured by the Home·ComiDg next year, Rnd occasion was the IndiRn ollmp fire . Telephone i.n his ho uso where be Hlill 's Cot.arrh CUfO. Send fOf cir. i · t be expreslIB8 a d 68 re 0 presen t . A buge kett Ie 0 f soup woe s usilen d • cnn be called Itt nil hours, (lay or,Jee. . Ch eney & Co.,"'roledo, O. A fine Ii no of box gOOOR, beRt of mixed OUn(11es, Bud best nll Mrs. Leelle MoCune lurlVed from ed in front of the open fire place, night. Solll by Druggists, 750. itll.k e Hn \1'9 tine HOll\o.!I1rl<le Conely . Call und BOO as, we Will tretLt yon right . Kimball, Weet Virginia , Monday Ilnd while seated on tbe floor around COI10116S tl.1Il1 ohu.irs Huppll o<l . FI~mily Pills for oon stlpLLtion. Have r ecently m oved to r oom eveDing, and expects to remuin this, each g uest WRS expeoted to tell until sprlDg with her mother, Mrs. R weird tale I1b h e dipped hi s spoon !lIext to Cr oss Bros.' • l:lells More of ChlLmbel'lain 's Coubh Eva Killer. Mrs. MoCune enjoyed Into the soup and drank. . . STREE'r WA.YNEBVILLII: 0 Hemedy thon of all Others Put the novelty of monntaln life while ' Partners for VliriOUS gRmes were 1I1AIN, , .I 'I'ogeth er in Kimball, and had many thrilling 8BCuredby the Misses "running t he . G Mr 'rhos George, a meroha.nt of CounterfeltlDll the eOUlne. Mt Elgin Ontario sn.ys: "1 hove experlenOO8 olimbing mountains, gauntlet" between two lines of boys und the numbers on their ba ok!! Foley & 00., Chicugo, originated hull the I~olll lLge~Oy for Cha.m be:. v'islting ooal mines, etc . C ITY BAKERY . mat-ched wi t h the numbers the boys Honey lLml T~Lr!Ls a tbrollt tl.nd lung Illin's Cough Remedy ever since It Mr. a.nd MH. John Nixon, at Col· . . r em edy, oml on aecount of tho grent WIIS Introduoed into Cl1nuda, ond I . m orlt populari ty of Fol ey 's sell liS muoh of it liS I do of R11 other Ie 'e Hill were h08t and h08tess at. held In then hnnds . dl~ner S:mday, at whloh the follow- The entire ev~ning wns t.nk en uJ> H oney and TIlI.r many ~mit.lltionH lire lines put together Of the muny FRESH i ueate were served to an elegant with Il variety of amusc ments. offere~ for the genullle. Ask fo r do;lens sold under guara.n tee, I have ng g •• _ _ Foley s Honey and Tllr ond rofuse not had ono bottle returned Ioau JIlesl and an abun~noe of good F any substitute off~red liS no other personally recommend this medl'. BREAU oheer: Mr. and Mra. Jonathan Smith COW eed. preP,l-ration \~i11 ~lve the 81~mo sn.t . cine R8 J hRve used it myself anel Mr. and M~. Tim Smith, Mr . John . Istaotion . It IS mlldly 1!'XlltlVe . It give n It to my ohildren and alwa.ys We hllve It ot 80 lind 90 centa u. oontains no OpIRte.S and IS sufest f or with the best results." For sale by Davia, MiM ~ Davis, Mr. George i MR ' Berryhill and hundred. children Rnd dehoute perAo ns. F. F C &Jhwn.rtz Da.v ·Flel'l!o a, n Berryhill, . . osa Waynesville MlUs. C. Schwartz. ,!.1188
FARR & " HI'fB'S
Popular Candies,
Popular Prices
Ho11· da)T
New~1 .
$ $
Call And Examine My Large Stock
MAf4 FI T ' ,
$ T. Ii CUSTE. · $ W~ynesville, ~""""~~"'~~ r '
n tFai I to Vi!!!it the City Bakel'Y
Xmas Candies
Xmas Baking
'Get your Christmas bakiaB hare rrults, Cakes, DOughnuts) etc. The is the only place in town besides Zimmermun's Grocel'Y, which handles Our Bread, which has ever); day,
VOL. XLVI. NO. 28,
Wayn esvill e Man I PERSONAL .AND • TOLD IN SHORT at H d f BI D I LOCAL NEW S, ' PARAOR' A:.PHS Will be Marl' led Toda y ea ~ ~ ea.
Jame8 8toOps, Prellde nt of the Way08llville C.noln g Co" hos pur. ohaMed of the VaoWe rt Cllnnlng Co, the fllootoryof ttle VlloWe rt Oaoniu gCo., at VanWe rt,Ohlo , one of tbe largeat aod beet equippe d oauniog faotori " in the !:Itate, The plant baa the maohln ery .n8(). 8111.ry to OAn oorn, tomat088 or al· mOlt aoy either vegetab le. J. F. Hncok, of Sooth Lebanon, manage r . of the W.ynll l"llle OannlQR Co" II also laid to- be Int4!rested In the deal and It il underst ood th.t the local men ha~e~ureda booau.., They have not d80lded yet whethe r they will operate the faoiory at Van Wert or move h tolOm8 other point. ••
.H arvey sburg .
2 111
Last week 's issue of the Gazette I Mrs. C. J. Robinso n IlUli litt.le Dr. Maoy, dentist , will be at Miss Catheri ne Underwood, a was making its usual round, but Idaugh ters Klithar ine "ud Heltm Harvey sb'u rg all next week. popula r young lady of Harvey s. olotheu in "purple and fine-lin en . " have returne d from 1\ plll"sant ViKit Mrs. Clyde Biatt II here from burg, and Mr. Jos'eph Hes.t on, of We met t.he 0111 Rella'ble with out. with Dr. O. F. WllliliUls lIootl fllowil y Wlnohe ster, Indiana , $0 enjoy the Springb oro, wl~l be united in mar· stretobe d IIrIDe. Our hats off to the at Liberty , Ohio holiday ' leuon wUh her parente , rlage at Jonah s R'Illo ohurch , Har· paper, for t ruly the sheet oame to Herben Fox, of German town , Mr. and Mrs. larael Wright . veylbu rg, at high ooon today, U8 in suob stylish splendor and with spent 11. few days the past week with Tu~y. We otter a luperb ltook, inolud. Wednee day. 0. new departu re of enterta inment his sister, If you want ..Sllfacti on iu 18100· Ing only gooclll of approv Mrs. Wm. !toblns on. ed IUperi. ImmecUaMly atter the oe~emony that ma-kes U8 recogni ze Its superio r MI886S May Miller aod Fannie tlon and eoonom y In prioe our.hol l. ority. J. E . Jauney . dinDer will be aerVEld to·][ excellence. The letters from former ,lanney were shoppin g In Chiolo. day ltook will 611 YolU' needs. J. MIM Belen OglMbee has reiorne d guea*- at the home of the Ilnde I roaidonts were p!\rtioularly inter· natl S&turday. E. Janney . from Oxford where she ball been paren*- , Hr. and lln. EUhu Under· astlng, especially those from old ood .. Remem ber 01U' holiday Itook atiendl og oollege, ' Id ' I r. an d" ... rs. N. B. J 0h 080n h-IOU" , w ., res entl! Wit t whom we had been ... a r_nt guest, Mrs. Phil MoNan . gtvu you new Ideas and supplle . We ha ve the right thlog tor every They will leave the same day da for f~ml1larly ~88OCIII ted in .t he past. Dey aod daught er MIs.. Vonnie of exactly your waotl. J. ·E. Janney . penoo the right prioe for evert a bridal trip, and on Chriltm lll 1 y Thth e OOnCe ?t1 °n O il! our edltohrB witb Doyon, North Dakot.1. ' ' . will be liven a larj~e reoep'lo o at e com btn ed e orts of t 6.good 111_ Apphla MUler and ~l1a purse. J. Ill. Jauney . , . the home of the groom' s mother, IMIOple of Waynes ville in fixing Ii MIs8 (~rKce Altlrtdge, who W"8 Key. were oharml ngly ent4!rtalned Our book stook bas been Letitia H to date, aod prepari ng for a reunion of very lUuch tndt8po~ed the pa~t at the hOlpit. ble home of Mr. and selected and at priCl88 'ha' welJ H week, , OIn't n , _.. ee , o. old reslden> - Is ~~ mork- .1 fonture haB again resumed bertIChool duties. . . . . Mrs. renk Br_doo k over oleht help but ploal8. J . E. Janney . ~ "" . reoenU St M 'Chu rch and most oommendable, ~o it not ¥r, W , O. UuStlD , of WaynCl Farm ers Instit ute • ary s ". llvllle, ' Mrl. E. 13, Furna. and IOn Beth , only brings family oonnectlon to , WIIS a Springb For Wavn esvill e Our dlaplay of holiday goodl18 a were gUIIII&. oro visitor SundllY· of Mn. Mary Gillam, Bunday , December 24th; the 4th gether but all thl! old familia r face&. 01 , popula r IUOOM. It pll!&BIII beoaul8 near Wilmin gton, from Friday Mi8S Marl.n ne SurfBOO was oalled until Buoday In Advent : !:Iunday Bohool Bome who 1'1111 mingle Wayn8 l-v-n-le- w-n-l -h-a-v-e -a Farme n' 1& tl Dew aud Dovel. Ia aat1a6ee good cbeer to Middletown last Frlll"y on RC. Buoday eveolng . . at V:SO ; mornin g prayer and IMtr· for the laBt time on earth lostitu te thlll winter but IndeR!ln. because It aDtlofpatee )'our and will count of the serious IlInesll of her wailte. Our book UIIOrt ment h.. the moo at 10 :80. At 7 o'olook , (ChrlBt· be an epoch oherlsh ed 8S long 68 little niece, Clithlir dentl)' of the Ohl~ Agrloult.i:ral Ii _VM '*-UIe the pricel are ine Fitts. right variety that iDBur81 the eaay and mas eve), the BilDda.y Bohool feetl. life may 188t byeRoh one who will Mr . •1. M. Board. Waynll lvtlle hall been fay. and ftIIllOnable . J. E. Jaoney Bunnel l sp~nt Thurs, . satu.fao tory oholos, the pri~ are , nl with Chrlltm as tl'ee. be 10 fortuna te as to be present on day doing Chrlstm a8 sboppln ored ID the ..,., by havlog more Mre. Joel EnOl eoterta lned Dr. the fall'8lt. J . E. Janney . g, I Chrtltm a 0 Y ~rVloe aod ad. the OOO&8lon. Instttu&el tbau any other towo in .nd MI'8. B . E. 8athaw ay aDd The Iftdi('8 of the M. E. ohuroh Mal. Mfa. w. H. Thorpe hacl tbe plMe. dress at 10 :'01;'';. Warren Coun"- and 'he Board felt ter Elliott Wrleht at • dell ' Today (Wedne sday) at bigh nooo wlll hold a ChristDll!8 Market Rnd UII ure of a villt from her brother and ~, . • _ L.' that Morrow wa. eutltled diDner lut Wecln8 . Membe rs of the 0 h urc h are reo at Jonabs Run Baptilt ohurch , by Fair In the room of N Rogerr .De lday incolUw em. lllter·ID·law Mr. and Mrs. Oharle8 . h to tbe Inltltnt e ,thie year at the ex. oratlou of her birthda y. h h Rev. A. K. Sll.rgeof., Mlu Cathan ne oember 21 <)2 23 ' Thorpe a fe~ \laYI reoen&1y. quetlted to meet at teo lutro .' Underw ood will be joined , ' S a t in mar· MI Et~ ~l ~ , . u r peOI8 of tbe I&aW fuod, but 1IrIed d a y afterno th on and au. l . I I Mn. D. L. Crane and haDdlo me AI III Ullaal FraDk Carey. to.. J h H t 1111 e enoe WIl8 " be deooret lng the edlfiooe for Christ.n rlaKe e rec p . that th@people of thie ooinlllu nity IIUle IOn Ethan have remrne r. osep e~on, pros· ent of a handso me plano last week d to Lebaoo n jeweler , hal ODe of ttioe mas arTaie fOr au Instltu telodep endln'. ' their .~ In Sprio,8 eld perous farmer near 8pringb oro. from her grlLDd'p arents Mr. af~, a beet BIIlected liDee of holiday goods and . I, of tbat body. The ohuroh connec tion had a special Mrs. C. N . Pence. protraO tea ,",It with their relaSlv~ eYer hrough t to Warren . , count" Con..q oently a mee~lng w.. held Iir 'a.Mt 'v':'" J 8 eore~an ' Invltatl oD, and all friends welcome . 'oonell tlng of high olll88 jewel..-v ana , ,. Chris t mas Invita tion. at tbe ouptlal ....,.,. . . ' . s. Mouday afterno on In the. Direoto l\: 1 '~ u Mr · and Joseph Deardutt, of . fa1lO7 ar"olel ...errl tstuwnMrs.called . rbom of 'he N.SloIIal 8&0_, ,I ' NothloR.~lelllllla womanm~for . ~ on Natban . Mn. Albert St. John from Mor· Ro ' We eztend yon a epeoia llo.l .... rcw has been vlaltlng Mr. Mamuel . wbloh the el[~tive oommt ttee, "Obril& mal preeent thau a gers and family Sa,t n,rday. p~,_ty IIilII Luella ~ell wall Yieltl~ tlon to be preaent at our Chrll~ electAIIl ., tbe lut I~.Sltute oOD pleoe of ohlna. Bee the fine as 8toope' family . . Reviva l I18rVIOOS will oommeoOll .tc!Ct In XeDla l..t week. while ~ere enterta inment ChrialUoal eve at 7 I II f Mrs. Cha lea A L .at Frenk Carey'. , Broadwar.'~...nd had the pleasur e ~f' ,band Bla k 11 f . at the United B.rethre D ohurob Fri· eing a IU..r at o'olook, 'aud e II ng 0 'a heany .' e to allt M\eII ~oy r . , . ' 1Iu1b8 rrr .t~, LebaDOD. ' 0 we , a ormer day evening , Decemb er 22. a parcel Ihower linD In bon~: ~ bo I and Mrla who weloom Every' Mra. W. T. Frame, Mn. Chari" II. do oot at~d I teacher In our BClhools, ba8 been bod welcom HI BlaDoh eo,teab ee a brlde-w .·1ie e. BOUlh, Me.... ~. Le~ . Cartw:rtk..., y 8' Mr. and lin. Boy Zlmmerm~u.:of making a visit at tbe home of Mr y . ' any other Bunday Bohoo l," ~here Bendri ok. P B Sur"oe auel Wuren Illwoo d.IDdl na, bave been vI~\lD, 1'01' laplpp e ~_VI U. ';. . . "8hore Aores," /I.' Christm as dra· ~ will be'edm treat prepare W~th ueorae 11:. Riley Prllllid eat d. dudr b~other an!! ,"w;·Mr . ma will be present ed In the K. at M, Eo S. B. ' "~'=---W.T., Becreia ry, toOk, the aDd lin. 1.. A. Zimme rman; . Spraoe and Cherry Eqleoto~~. " MH. Peter Cory is sufferio g from : P. Hall, .1'bursdBy eveuiog , Decem for 8oldby J. E. J.~ey . . ". •• aeever eattaok oferysl pelas. up and' ..~ to hold an lull'ut e .bout a week. \' ber21, by the youog people of tbe ~0118 who aiieDd~ . the ~te Miss Duke In Runa way. . Meeere, W. A: In Waynllllvllle I'rlday and 8&\ur. Merrit' and Lew Ulliver salist ohuroh . Beth Cook, the hu&1l. ,. ~,.on. Grange at ColombDl &om Wa~ ~dml"'on Beare, with their famillu , were 26 and 15.oon.ts; relerve d seate " day; rebrua ryllth and ll*h, pMvld. tal coal maD, toOk a day 350. off. laIR vtUe aDd vlolul'y ..., week ~=~ While retorni nll bome from her enterta ined at the home of Mr. The ladlee Ing theee da&el do Dot oonfllo ' wi&h 'fb1U'ld . .of ay aDd aooomp aoled ~muel !!~ a~~ Mn . J · W ' llB_ the 0. B. ohp'roh IOhool at I'erry 1I~lUday evenlng Miller 8unday . an)'thID , tba. woold effeot the K1U.I,.tbe talDoaa .hOS n&.er "". ~ _nr l011 Corue lIr ,Mrd;~_ will hold their Obrlstm as mltrke~ aD '.ago. ' of Bar· ~ k ' Hariloo k, d B. f IUla, li of .... ~eek)llla III11lBle On e met A pore, atteod&Doe. . 00A1'IJ8 Inner 0 gar 0, and fair Deoember 11M. ~.,..~ &0 OIPrAD"M\, .Whln· ~ Mlsa' Don KUla and Mr. w_ with a piOu1t&r AClOld.ent. , 001001, oorn bread and aawdus ' :It ... alIIo tM& , ~day oomblned ~ u4 ~ L . te,.,. Mrs. Aldridg e, of Lebano n, Willi The 1'i8ttmw... well'" the . Allbe mrnecl loti) ,be gate ' &~i baab, w.. served Charillfl Sbldak er here lal!t week with her JCl~eo over '!D', the At I!D enterflibaDMDt gtve,. "bJdal daught er, ly papers, Ii~e a .plendl d ~port leada throqh the oro1bard, the lildiel, t-be JIftIII&I D to be arraDp d II.... AODle Thorpe one edDlng bug. and family, IUld Mr. and Mrs. Miu Grace, who had a severe of the prooeedlolJl. attack . IJY over·turned, tlmlwiD l MleI ~te MlItoD Hadley Bunday at the by '&be Ja~ ,of the executi ve oom reoen&1,. , a" whioh home of tonsiUtis. ted hi . f &pIDlt the gate poet, ItriJdnI r' her of F. E . Mms. 1Il1"_; aDd tbe evenlog _100 to euoiare wu ~e chief amUIIII ~r. and Mrs. Oscar Cleveo ger D~Dt of Flne hand ~n Ca0 ~ or head aqd tojurln g her .rml. bit de~1ed to teaohe n with Ch."rlllll th' ~tI, Mr. BeD Alit We were oot allttle, but & Rood were guests of relative s at Morrow V. 8ml~ awho Chriatm&a .p.reeen.. at rey &. bappen 8d, the pte poet wu . be· deallntereet-lld io iI. statlatlo A. BIoWD,lDperin&elldeDt of WaJDe II a very &kIUfal player, capture of the Wednes day. d .At WM~ I Book ~tore" ;enla, 'ween the wheels, or tbe J.1one olover boiler whloh lI8Clured ItAI tirst Mr. MaroollUB 'towDablp 1Oh001l. tn oha'rge. t,he geotlem eo·,-pr tu. Thacke ra was a \ ' Ohio; wm be found the flu. col· would ha~tl her head, She patent in 1855 by ooe J. C. Burd. Gem City vlaitor ' hnbe r ~aD tbll 'he propam M Thad Zi ' \t8d laotion of bollday liUI 10 the mar· held OD to 01"l1l'hed on Saturd ay. the 11nM, bot the blow sall. Olover aeecl sold In Obio at an ~ not 1ieen oompl.,t ed, b~~ 'the della':U1I1 dlnoer m::.o;, o'::"~be~ ket, Japanee e. Frenoh , Awitrillo n on her head rendere d ber almOlt averege of 128.00, and thoee enRBKed Mr. t-' QaI8tie will ~eep ItAI readBril In· 10, to ~e lad,. teaobe n di ' 'he and Mrs. W. H. Newpo rt and Germa n novelSiM 10 v-,oh op, ~noonlOloUl, The bone 1'188 .1110 in U. prepara tion were not over. apent last Thnrsd ay and formed .. planl ma$8rl allle. aehool, Mtuea Olar& Ule, Bn.-Ke ye, dllIh_, aalac1 bowll, plaoquC! FrIday as l!',~' 8IltaDlled .badl),. Bbe waa ~ed paid. We bad though t the o· pr88en~ gues*- of Mr: and Hioks Grelat LllUe Benham and o...SI& Autin, \ee*-, e&o., out glaee, cande.1a bJ'll, by Mr. Albert Coruell who went to prloea' from .7.50 \0 IS 26 per bu. of Oinoinnatl. Crush ed Corn. .ud to lira. I'l'&Dlt J, BrowD.· of VI88II. uappiea, , and Iherber t her aIll18tanC18. . higb, but If the farmer oould attord Mr. aod Mrs. Walter HtaDtoU , LebanOD, ' the oooaaiOD belnl the' oups, books . of every dlllKlrlp , of tlon, The horae had made three pre- to purohaa e BOOd fifty y~rs ago We ~re grlndin l . orUBhed coru blrtbda y of ber U"le dan,hte rtaluth at Rldgev ille, apent Sunday wltb Bar· fountai n penB, postal card albums , vioul attemp ts to run away • eyer)' day. We 1t~ groUD~ feed with twenty .elght dollars, he oertalo ly vey Gustio and family, Joha C. Hawke hae been oo.funoo Rookw ood pottery , pioture l f .. med her. Iboold not pnt up a whole drove of Miss Ina. HcCabe lIp8nt to exob&llge 1f y~ have not '~e to to hll boioe for ten daye or Sunday .-..ore aDd unfram ed, lilt framM f~:!~ Tbe aoolden t did DOt loterfer e squeall at present priC188. ""toUl~• . 9ar feed aohang e.1a I~D ,00 owiug to .IU.h t llip. ,AI he .w"; ~thPhal' ~ with MI88Il8 Mattie aud F10m. Wade, 'heldlmaO l~)godl~'~' soo with )(lae Duke'l BIlhool dntilll, We are inform ed SaQl EUIII baa a or ouh buill. .,. ' v .0 e arg.... of Five Polntl. U oub.,.e Dottri .d ourorll lbed a808od lngtbel tooe l&epefr m u u • dt h om.tbe jklodaO f mouldi10 . ng,flne h86d f ary, bowe~er,an D &ddttt ' , 'onSO erreg. I18ven hundre 7 II aDd ' I' .d d and Ib:ty ni ' paveme nt to the ware room · at hll and everyth lDi that ltatlOO , 0 Mr, andMr s.Barv eyGos tllllpen t to make ular work baa arrange d for a Cbria'- hop, and will o. OOI'D ~ . . an ~u w ~ place o Dtlnuo of prodtlo buain8l lng l, hll Mooday foo' Iijpped In Dayton . *Iurtt 1& \a ,he ,fiDei' fl li-of Oh ...... _ .... .-. n_n6 YOll . \ e mas ..... en~rta ' lnmeot Friday after· untll he ball one thousan d. In Vir· •. . , .......,.. .......... • , Wa ~vllle ~ a.~p ID luoh f way , ...ll:.~ the IOPI ue.... WMt'1 Book Store, XeDla.-. noon. . I -w:. ',. y " 'llpm8 llu were toro 100M from hll glnla we unders tand the large I) an· Sprin g Branc h. ;) taSlonl feed from ~ to twenty the. ·l1mb Gree tleO all. . .. ' .:. Dap' Cupid ... been very buily of a Dayton I' 4 U Ooe of the most appreci able pres, 'lbe local MalOolo lodge baa par. late, aod &mODg. the lateat ,Ihota Mre. James Chenow eth and d~ugh _.. _..:... ....e old Baptle\ ohurch 1nro"' . ~'h hie trill'" ~w hal eo*- one oould luggest for the com· ter Annie took dinner with :- been Mra. ....- .,. ,... ..Ing Xmal oheer would be a oopy of Thomall Laoy and family ono dalY qD lIlaaii We take .treet, It for granted that your heaN are In the right plaoe 'bll jOllt bact of thrcqh the bear" of MIIII )f.aBte er "3 I ~ Id rooently n.......... _ _ . ' ....~_ . 1I:&rahart. daqhi er of IIr. and Hn. y -.... r jft_~ have beeo itl the, and that you feel the same gen. the Gazette for a year. t wou .!V~ . - u the" o J ' • ...,.~ _. Dder a t I " .... and .... u _ Thoma I urim~ and -.Tb8 locJce bill for a lonl t.lme Boy II:&rnhilrt, and Mr. Charle t T. erol1l d8llre to remem ber thoMI eas.onc e .w.r you love ,wlth approp riate Chrl.$m as be a oonstan t r ...... I h f hi t Iittl ___ d .....;..' . 40.. mo- commochODl IIllla. elder IOD of Dr. ancl .n. J. giftl, thll a week for twe ve mont 1,0 m wo e aug hters were eUM.- f 8888OD, uheret ofore. . -.v i or her wbo had from the fullneee of Mount Holly relative s Bunday ... 0 thOll8 We are therefo there .... plaaaed 000110 q ft"nen T. to IU'gI! ,EIll., you to accept the invitin g hOlp • and their marria ge II to . -I ...... towollhip hoUle. of the 0....... door that leadl to oor large &ad oomple te aIIOrtm en t hi. heir' remem ber eel us w Ith a take plaoe at 7 o'olook WedDllllday, taliiNews will be more plentlfu laft4!r P-I-i"-In _ ...... " ..... . l i d I t tl 0 of beaotlf ul Holiday goode, perfect ly adapted to the wanta of A .~ I&or~ will be added to Decemb er f. " warm. gin 10 enterta n ngau ns ruo ve. I hrlltma s. ' bMried IUt-ma kera. We are otteriol r the advanta ge of aU that lII:new the bulldlD , whl~h wUl be One day last week, jolly old Ad I Quite a large party of Watn _ and attracS ive 10 Chrlalm.. ..,ts tbat your good taste will oomme nd aod Stoops was In the vll1age a.lodp room, wblle the lowe; ltory nlle people upeot to IrO '0 for the . Corwin. QiaYton your judgem ent appro~e. Oir ltook II so varied and 80 IkIry will 1MlrY8 as. banqna t haiL nut WedDIIIId.y to attend tbe'eve careful ly 181ect· first time In sometbiDg Ilke a oouple I o. eel tba, we do not _ how we oan faU to please every Ilngl,,, _ person who of years. We oonld not see that 1 Mr. and Mrs. _ _.....-. - 101 pe"'o ---- of The "''''d "nd Frank 8bldak .... • _....... -'ft .or .... • 0ld II lookln, for a dellreb le and approp rIa te .' ·he oorpula nt ....otleman bad aus· · Harvey sburg, were guellt·8 er. of or y ouog.We Bally 's Meat Mark et. the lIumm y .t tbe V40t0ri • of Mr . ,,' Robert Shldak er !:3unday. a, iD wilb to make OIU' holiday annual announ oomeot thie yel~ partlou larly a talned any lOll whatev er In flesh, wbioh oompaD1, UDder a De. maD. talk ~ your pocketb ook: Mrs. C. D. Rader aod uephew . We are loma to be 'he people'.1 Santa Cl"tl8 and mainta ined the I have "Oland Htllman .a nd ·Wm. ager, Mr. and lin. I'raP.k Bmlth eamo spirit of Kennet h KUbon, were sboppin g In thll-. on,ln s' al f.r al the Inexora ble laW. of bUBln _ 1'11.\1 permit. Berpo UllIttn g me in my whole. wtll , appMr In new ..,rlf; by good humor u of old, and has not Oloolnnatl Saturda y. 'ha' of I8IllDR gooda at the low"' lOaIe of pri08l bOWD to honMt trade, We gone Into the dray of the ante-de lu· .ie·an d retail m"' ma,ket . Mr. Bmith being ~ Wild Man. 1t. going to make )'our money Mr. W. Hatfield , of Xenia, spent far reaohiDg and profitab le In el[ohange vlao f088i1s by a whole lot. re , I am' now ready to butohllr both wtll be remem bered thai Mr. Sunday with Mrs, Hope Btlles and aod for Ohrietm as ' lifts of merit aod "alue. We want yoo to oome In aod Our store rooms arll all deoorat ed daugh&;.r' k Wil and OIlttle for f.rmen . Will M.... Smlth lpent a part of l.. d Wil t 188 how UWe it *-tea io IIII01lre I!'ultable and approp riate lifts for those wltb Christm as enru, but we be~r~f r~~rveys::::r, pay hlgbllllt market prloe for hop, lumme r at tbe bome of 'helr a~ls~~! rela· you dllllire to remem ber. I Mr: . oal~eI and caUle. would call espema latientl on to tho Robert Wilsou Suoday . &Iv., IIr. and lin. Braddook, ID We bave been .. laborin g 10dnatr ioUily to pre..,re for the Bollday arrange ment of Levioy '. display Freah and aalted moatll sold by WaYDe townllhip, after . Mr. and Mrll. Boward Booth were aD hade aud 01U' ltore tl falrl,. Ihlnlng with an arre)' of be.utifQ 1 Chrllt. Dal8y has been to the olty r_ntly , Dayton vlslt-ors Saturda pound round or qnarter . arduou a I8&IOn,' l "ort, ~d have m.. glf.. , ~I ..,iUl'a nd y and Sun. mDOh cooetderatlOD waa eqISDded to make and -whatever new in deelgned deo. day. E. S, BAILY, 'I now jO~~ed &be.m e ~P&DY 10. 'be oollecUon of Obrtit mu goode ODe "hloh lIhonld inollllll.e lOme'h log orative art that struok her faocy --__.--whiter a tour. After vlIIlUDg Mr. Raymo nd Rarlan spent S~n· reall)' dMlrab le fOr every 1ndlYidoal from th!t ,.oun. . . .to &Jut oldeat. h .. been reproduoed In the Uttle dBy in Clnoinoael. ' Union Place Divided. ersl Ohio to WDII ' 'hey . will playBIIV· In Hoping to _ every reader caf &be a.... at oilr ,a__ M an early o"y among the bills. Young men . ClDOinoaU Decem ber SO, and from date aod extendi ng lIrs. Berah WillOn, of IIaneY I. oue aDd .11 ~e oompJimeo*- aDd pod wlllhea of and ladies are attraote d thither to burg, vlalted her niece., Mrs. Allee B. V. 8Da1'1l; •• nit,. fa~., of 'Bob~ ;!Il':;;'''':,!~~~y;t=:y ' $he _ , we rem.alD. ' W '. toWDih l, baa puro hu-. ... compli meot the brother and sister, MoKine8y .nd MillS , Very truly youn, Nedry, ~~!: . for be it Impreeaed UJlO'l your miod, several daYI last weekLUlle El~~ 180 ..... frlende &IDOla, ~. Gar.ette re&den . ,ed J, 11:, JAlmE ~!'. Y, both. are eDjoytng 'he siogl8Btatfi wt.h them the abaDdaDt 1110Mi8I Alma Waterh onse vlIIliell .• ~ tbe farm adJolD ldl .TO. .a,oenU le ,'who W .......-v1l1e, Oblo. 0811 iIley deeene . ' f ' f-Aln" jOy8 . ber friend , Mi88 Ada Furnas Sol1lb.~ Dcnnl .. UDIoD PIaoI, _ " J 0 never - . wiD .' " . ,- .
Our Bollday lioe II ftI oomplete as It Ie f.fiI8h and dllllireble. J. E. J.nney , Mrs. Fraok HawlII, of Cl'OII8wlok, was .elzed with a ~ery serlou. attack of neuralg ia of the atomaoh
I '
b. ti.
· ~:::::~.e."'New H;me. ~=~~.
ver7 1~dlYIA Co'~dl'al ' Chn·'e,~.':l'm!ls !
d. 6
:~~:::n~~r:~=:~n::y~WOOder oo~:;~:O::ur~~~~twas g .
~r~'~~BPDI' '''"..
The Miami Gaiette. BROWN & AlcK-\Y, PubllsUerl.
mno '
e===~==~="'""'!~:. ~ Defects of the Cen&U8, 1: nl\olluledly I ilo feeling wns ' \I I\!eII'I' nIl IHuong ngl1nUl tbn.t the o\)J ~ t . ,f (he censllS WIlS not to nscel'lllll\ tho 1"IIlh , t be whole trul·h , and nothing but I lie trllth. out mthe r to )lrt>v ... theSis. The luoral t.o ue (Ot the al;e ll is luttered depreciation e\'e11 In Il IeII' days, \l'rHes W, H, All e n. iu Allnntl,'. rhe s ll<l lbg scal e reigned SUlll'cillc; ",hile the slowest Iln ll most Ig norant l od m ost venal lUa n on lh e s to tt was ~rmllted to set tho s umtlard of a ftay's work tor Ullclo Sa·m. Tile e)li=ureau cynicism aud a bnll\lon ot th e lIaK seem d to jusllfy Ihe wom lllg of ~ noted statis tician to lhe wrl tcr: "lC rou eve I' Clt(loct to work wllh s taUsIlcs, the less you koow .of l belr ol'lglu j lie b9tte r, " The difficult ies are numberless, but the count Is In, and mU 9t bo used as etrecllvcly ail )lossible. Luckily. too, the original material Is III cbarge of s l'ilied s tatisllral p~J)el'lij , By mi nu te and I'Wl(llu classification the Inacc nracl es may lJo weighted, rbe (l priori reliable statialics may ),et lle slflcII mol'c ~arefully (rom Iho a I.rlorl ull,'e llalll e, and til ' posslbl lily of ioulltllng upon lho InaI' lIm eles of this . relJRllS III all fu ture statistical tOm l' " ' lations may be minimized. A Iill io lUore time and expense III connection " 'Ith tbe analysis of stalls tics of Ulall· li(n ctllres [o r 1900 will ~:l\'e mu ch out· .lay for tbe next census, nnll miln), mls· lakes In leglala lion nnd a~ mlnlstrn· Uon , It Is n,anltesl1y poor cl'ouomy for congress to spend mlllioDs In colleeli ng less cOlOlllete s late ments than circu mstances pe rmit. Perhaps It mi g ht pay for congress to domaml con· (ess lons from \'arlOlls s pecial ngeuts, 10 be used as hints to lh e e"'perts nud 111011111 to tlle permane nt cen sus bu· l'eAu.
t~ l
I Belllxation of Etrort. - Conduc ting a lIusln e8s Is like roli l nt a buge boulder up a hili. The moml'nt you cease to ptish It, the moment YO'I lake yo ur s boulder from It anll tblnk Joon will r est lind take lt easy, lbe boulcer begi ns to crowd back upon ')'011. Dnd, If you are not care[ul. It will .. !lher ruo over and rus b 1'00, or get away fl'om YOll altogeth el' and go to t h e IJollom wllb a cras b . It Is ner,fS~ary. says Oriso n Swett Marden, In Etuccess Magazine, to be e vel'lallu n gl)' l; usbll1g. followlllg Illl t be bou ld er, J,top ln g It gOing , In order 1.0 got It to t ile top of the ' bill. Qlle o{ the gr eat· t!Sl dnnge rs 01 ea rly prosllerlty In allY Lna Is a tendency La relax ettorl" Maoy ... man ceases to grow wbe n his sala l'Y r,~ rnlsed, or whell h o Is ad vanced to II l';gher pOSitIon. Many a business man, u flel' h e 1I1ls built up- a ,large bllslness , . ct Rses 10 exert. hims elf : anll tlle 1110' llleut he pauses In IllS a mpailln 0: pus blng a nd st l' uggll ng , the momeu\ lie heg lus to r elax In giving his close. j;erson a l allentlon, hi s llus lnells ceases t.o adVAnce, and fatal d ry-r ut sets iu one ot t be wors t {lIseol«!s l ba l. en D seize IIny Indiv idua l 111' co ncer n. 'fbe !'lan who attem pts to rUII a hU;l I.le!!8, J~rge 01' s mall , mu st I,eep his ·O.ll gill·S ('.onstanll), Oil Its pulse, In ortler to dd ct a ny rlso or fa ll of temprraLul'e. DUY Irregularit y, or any jar 10 tb e ma('hiue ry. Wben tbo head o f t\ firm Is Ilyin g to t ake It easy, t her o Is us ually trouble so mewhere. . An Eld orado , desplse,l Bnd tcjecled, l ies I n the heart of the Mlss l&allll.t \'al· l ey. wllll transportation faciliti es at j '8 od, and ns undeveloped S~ Bny of tbe extreme weste rn states. Th is ri ch regio n lias a superb climate, f ree from Dlalarla, with an abundance of th e wa ler and the purest nlr, ple nty vf Ii mller for mining purposes, I mmeURe beds or zinc ot remarkabte purhy, and of lead o re. This Ideal country Ilwalt s men whuse business Is min ing a l!U wbose eKorts nn~ Investment s w ill he requi ted wllh great fortunes In tbe ncar f uture. This n el:'lec lcd Ehlorndo (~. n,pri ~e" un area bet ween th e Bos tull llJoun talns In lh e ~o uth , Ihe Ozark " lOuntalns In Ihe norlh, a nd e mhra.ce. Jlal'ts of ' flve co unll es of Arknn9as.
. (
- The pl'ove rblsl Inall llJl y or emin e nt lawyers 10 frame theli' own wi ll s so lUI to command th e s upport of lh e conrts bas lJeen again Illustrat ed lly th e In· "alldntl ng or the will of tb e late Chief Justic e Paxon , tlf tb e supreme l'OIlI't of P enns ylvania. He tlevlsetl 8. large portion of Ills la uded prollert)' 'tor tbe establis hm ent of an agl'lclIltural Bchool to r poor hoys. Under tbe P enn s ylvania law will s conlalnln g ch aritabl e b eQuests lUlls t lIal'e tb e signat ure of s ubsC"lh ing wilnesses. But the cblet just ice forgot all abollt the wlt.n esses and b ls bequest has been held vultl. According 10 n cirelllnr of 1r1 " 1 ~Il C' lion s iss ued by the war rl epartmfmt, m edical omc'e ra s hou ld r«:J ect a ppll· ,'a nt . for admission to t he ,"oluDlcer IllI11tnry CO IDIJanles If the re IK a tIl t· . Cerence of l es~ th an two Incbes In t he ir I'!?esl meas ure when lhelr lun gs R"O fnll of nit· and v.'hen th ey are cmpl Y, The mlllllDum ches t meas ure ment a l· lowed Is 32 lu c h e~, Every heal thy lloy o ugllt to he nllie 10 e~\Ia nd his c hes t more t han t.wo Inches, whpther he la · lends 10 e llll ~ t III til e nUlloual glla rl1 01 &lO ~
'NOBILITY NO'I ,\!:S. Sho mil I not bo a coward, e ltllill'. ' Not lon g ag a sc hool play ""8.S to II« I· . Ill:cs~ nted , T hl! ,'t'llcl\rsa ls " r Ol'er, King 'I ulor of Haly Is one or )!lu· · tho c I'cnlllg 'had nt·I'lved, . :l1lt1 Ih > r Olle's lIIany 1Il0nRl'c ba wbo deJigh t lIllCctutOnl w r{,l tlte ra. 'Du t ou girl ·111 li llie Incog nito trips Into thS'I!UUU, 1. t l'Y . · , V _\lUOUS' REASONS WHY PAR. I ho hall an ' ImllOl'lnnt .llll.rl In the l'ICUL AII. GIRL IS CHOSEN. IIrs t nct, at the lu st moment J·e rfls~ll · 'l'be lulest ro}'nl con \·t!1·t .lo lhe s uo to ",o ·nn lha s tase IlecHu sa ,he r f! lo l'es t OllJ')hllo 18 t ho slllln J1 or Turkey , \Vhf) I WCI' Il t.oo s hort. She s ui llod ulh l po ut· has 'h ll herto e Xllre~ nel1 tb(l gr eate a ~ The Popu la? School-Olrl Doeg :Not II, Iier ~ I OVC8 did !l ot rca 'h t h el· bOI'l',)I' of I be " del'll wagons" of !lny Milke UnluQ~y Speeches-She Is bow. AnothEil' g irl. Inf N ed hy he r ho· a !HI ull 11I'lIds, BUIlt7 the Co~n'ry Where Minionatle. Have Juot Me' D... th .t the Hand. of Fanatical Chine ••; QlIlek to tT~Qel'l'talld P eople-'rhe huv lol', di SCI)' CI' <l Ihat he r s ho's lind 'l'he Ila isc r haa sent a medal tr) " B,'nnllcnbu" g WORlan. wbo hus hUl l Successful ~der Amon g' OIrls 110 t th e I'l ght bur:I; IC's. Th e I'l wu s Ill s· may he h lnll th O R {'Ones. l, nLIHlI'l n ' nntl tw ills t hl'ee times. Sli e herself 13 a Must POS9eBS Clllll'lll nnd Initiative miln or stooll IiIN(, In I· c beili ull. And (will , 'nud hnl' IlIOt her );0" 0 bir th to -She M llst De Able to Engineer tbe class·pres illcnt Wll S 'S ill I'm'. a Meetin g wltll Ea.... ·and Grace- " Klltlln l·l lI l'." ~ h c Hald, not Iclg'.tnU),. A It,,\\, place ha s b~ en li,ur!<ed on lh e of u clun r I;lty. or 11011 places In Ch lua tOllr sots o f tw Ins. Tb e elllPoror IIlld em press or Oer E x tra W ork He,' P eualty t<1r the but 1," slIl,',!l y . ""hul liP:" " 1 ~ IiDot , map , an d as people are !letti ng familia r II' h ~l'o Am'l'lI'u n missio lllU' IC8 a re IIll1Iany have let It be understood that Hono r. go on w ith )'ullr liuc ~. ' l' h eJY orc wait· with Ih " nBlUO Lf~lI r h o w aud readl ug borlll );,. l.ill llcil o w II':'S IU Ht pluca they will 1I0t recel\'c presc nts of aoy ing f Ol' YOII! " nol l! h ir l ~ o bt"),('lt £I t of lito lerrHile massacre thero . or O Il C 10Ilsidered aB da ngero us, for evcn kind on the twen ly ·f1f1b annlyer3ary BY ~AU G AR E1' E. SA NGSTE R . o nce. 'f ltey 1'f' I ' il M" lli1.CI I rho ae c nl or Amerl ca ll m lss lonal'les, Ihey are wo n, during Ut C Boxer IroulJles o r 1900 tile or tbf lr -wedd lug, whlcb will IIceuc' ( 'oll )' rl~llI. 191);. by J Osel,h U. Do w ' ... ) de tlng w heru tbe pl~cQ Is loca ted 1111<1 ml ssio ll u "Ics the re w(-r e UllUl ole6ted. A Am)' Is prE'si de n t of her clllss ! Amy a Ulhorll y . wltat manner of city It I.. Tbat II Is wl'll " I' who hIlS ~ t!IIJ1e d Ihe poople nex t ~· ear. GirlH, whn('\, C' f c~ l s o rull~ 0 1' ~I W ' ISII 'I tb uld est &i 1'1 In It, nor th e prot· 1'1le kbedlve or Et(ypt bas a lUa3~e !l III Ch ina. tbey Imol" , III tbe nnme In· conRld cl's I hem mOl'c doril e tllun t hose ,l ies t. n or l he best d reG ' cd, 1I0r even cect18. ~ ll c whu lali cs u f ronf rnll Ii anti d lC',cei, lint jlls t wh ere In the 4,2~b .O OU ot I ho lowe r d lslricts, lJcl ng mor8 an enormo us prl l'a te fortune , No ~ Is COURI. lcIIOI1" lUlist ;1 0 (ll e lallur. th o uu o of lles t sc holllr hlp. Ruth hns SCjU.ll 0 mll 06 of te rrllory oorJPI:I S ~tl III r illi !lllll Ut'l.r eclat ll'o th a n Ih e myrl. o uly Is he n l\Ion o/tnmlst and a tee · Altu ca nn ot (ull. She nll"1. slIccee O. hI SIl(,I' lIl urlls, Etllt h hue fin e r doli, os. . hal \ R~t PllIplre t b ~)' h av a 1I11t " I'aglle nd s Ie; I h ~ :wuth. And. Il Is to t11 0H9 tot a ;(),', hut il I ~ BR hI t bllt he does Dot J,' lnr't' nce Is th o clas q llenll t y, a nd Th o (,,'('sldenl 01 her ("\as" m us t will td ea . pooplc Iil a l Ille mlssl n uBrl es I1 n\'e 1Jcp n smoke-e ve n nn Egyptian cigare tte! Pholle Is pi'olJ"bly th gir l with Ih e the ruvol' a nd clIIIUd clICC ot 11 0 1' t cac h· cn rbow lI e8 11110111 :100 mil es 10 1M mlnl s t Cl' ln g. III Ih e. womcn ·. ho s pitAl H e g ~18 up a t s ix enry morning , !luti J.i lurges t UII lllue r or h irl htlu !, ~ . W hil e .' 1'::1, andllll wt nol he arl's hl t.o talie a 1I0 l'th\\' o"t ot Canl oll , til th e province I her'.', 1)1', l;:lcn no l' eht!Jii ln\l t ~ o nC' of eun tnlk In six languages. w o nre yOt lfl A" w e "~ l c l.!U1 II a ca li se linn :il nlHl w h en Or.(·i~ton r ' (lllh ~~ Pl'i zo~ am ou nting to $8,000, olr<l rec\ or i< wulI glll!l /: , the 1l!<tl'ltI from Which t h e tnlll 'rl~n' LI m ts::Holtul' I('s. had lip 10 tor eongt'atn lation, I hat w o are lI e ArOr nod I n St) Ke f th a t fi r!!" c lass nrc [)I'outl Jll'llct~!llI)' ull Iho (' hlllllm n III Ih e Ih .. lim o of 111'1' un ll mply Il pal h treatcll b), 'h' kin g oC lIal y to exhlhltors a t or hc r. 20 tban ~o nt eboll y Who Is oll ly I , . t: nll.od St llt c~ Cllme. It Is a elly of G,479 IlIll l'li'," s hlt'.' f H:I:I, I he ycar of th o :>llIlln .. xhlbillon nex t year , Iu ~lI e nu!:,t Il!arn n IItlle bit ot lla rll a · It we are 18 we nrc Il roull of 1.110 dis, somc 20,000 Inhnllll a nts, II' you co nsid- lI !!r ~ l'I'i vn l UpOIl III fl,·ltl . Uuring the clude one of U .OOO for the be9t typ" tinction. Only us T lwe. 1110 I1I1(,f of me ntary luw, sO thut III Illl'etiu S's s ho er o nly Ihe llOp ulati oll within the cll), y ears :-.i Jl (,1.! tho 1lI1 ' : ~ ltHI w us t'R tal.J oC popular dw eiling- bouso adapted \.0 so many ba\.lPY things, s teal" a \l' U)' s hall tn l<o til e chair with t18" C :tnd Ilro per . hut If tbe popu lous s lIbllrlls ex Ils h,' d :1 1 lhls IlIierll' !' I'I ly iI), l h~ I're~· th o cli mnte or /lonhe l'D Jlaly, aotl ona 011 1' prid e III 0111' yeurH. 110 Wfl Iry 10 /(l'I'Cf' . Th is ""Ill Iw ll' he r 10 ()II gl nee" fur $1 ,000 fo r 1II0tor boats. hldo lh em, YOll girls III "ch no l uro all It mc lill g- w(' ll . nnd ·h lnll s tllol bU\'e lOlldln g 10 tbe eas t and sOlltll nre In · l> )' tel'l:)1I3 cl'llln n \,:tluablp Il rolwl't )' 'fils first )IulJllc 'j talue o r Queen b eauUflllly un ll blis Hfully YOUDg, ht oss Ilrlvll1 0 <'llil ~ wbe n s bn docs lhls , lillt cludad. as tbe)' p'rop~rl)' should bo, I" ~ lIad h n AI'~ulred . i ndiH llot OR It did Al exulHlm h u~ Just becn co mmissioned. ligures \\' ill be ncar er 50,000. l ho hO;l;pilal s, I hlJ !' 1,1 ~Jdun ' ~ of the mmH eIHl c • .\\'o.' fu lJo Iwrfectly fair un'" Yom' llear hearts. alii! YOU u euel n o t I.l enchow 111 pur ulJarly fo rtun ate III lI is .:aIO tiu ril' ::t, nn \l lh t;r· h oul ~. most l y Geor ge W, Wad e, the well·kno w)) lO do w hut I~ bes l ro r the s ood ot lll e t l'y to conc.m l Ih e fact. li s loratlon. "esll ng as It (lacs lJy Ih ~ IItW hulldings, whlr h 11I,lltdp,\ a sculptor , has been chose n to do thB A° 1;1 rI I ImlJ w nue c hu ppcu c t! lIy wbolt~, Mlde of tho /llcIUI·...sQ\le 1'1 vel' 01' L1.n- c hil r 'h Just L'OIllIl !PI NI wltb " ~eatillg wOI'k. Th e desti na tion of tbe statue lJ nl ~~s s he dOOR n o t "hrlnl( froll! ex, ehllur u 10 see II ~ Cl1l 'ncu a 1I0llt h ~r, I ~ Ho ng·li: ong. wh ich has already III n leiter nUl m eallt fOI' lIer oyeR. Ira \1' 01'11 Il I!!1 II'oll! lu lilllS pulu s . a rhoII', whic h "'ln1l9 Its tuft uo ll& WilY cnJla ~lI y or 700. All Ih ese bulhllnS K Ib ~ gll'e n com miss ions for sla tues at K i ng T he ltlt te r s ui" : " 'fllCOIlllrll Is ve ry gil'l wUlllti lII11ch be lle r d ~C'lI uc tb llS 10 the south casl nnd at lasl j oi lls Ih e Chl"" H!! IUUU bur!) et! ufl cr the mllnler Norl h riv er In II . plunlle nllU os t IIII ~ or 111 0 lin, mlsulo lHl r lcs. Mrs. ~ I a c h l e, Edward uud tbe I.l'ince of Wales. )'O'lDg, al,,1 h er :'I'I.ellrtI1ICO Indlcales hOIl"r. If Rhe dons acc<'l't Il abe 'J'ho oa r! of Crnn hrook. tile olde!<t w II1 1l 10 th e grea t West rlv ~ r , II f ' W and Ite r lcn ' ), oa r -o ld uUllgbte ,·. Amy, !lllIs t lill Y Ih o pI'lco, It:" Thou g h Thl'od(Il·1l. huli app lemiles west. Of Cunton. Dr, F.lellno ,' Chr fl lllll t , null Mr. an4 sllrl'lI'lug !lrl l ls b ex-cllbl net mln lsler. IIroll'lI In hoI' e hcells. nnll ~)'es liko Lord Cmnhl'ook was bette r One would hal's to tral'el fu r anll Mrs. "enlt,.~ DI', i\1u chle und Ml~ ~ Pllt- Is 91. Btars , an ll a mn us 0[ clHl s tnut Il al r IMPROVINC THE FICURE. senl' ~h long til Chinn to nnll Ilnolh ~ I' lers,,!) IIJM nased 10 encapo from t he known t o a form er generation und er wllh gli nt s of s un shin e Ih readlng it , Htl sit e ericli whe n s ho fo,uud that people Alrerage W Ol1l.nn HilS F<1I'med Habits r lty ... !th os heautlful lin d a ll ,'acl l vO! cavc whel'e they hall all lu l,pn reru ge his nAlIIe of Olltho rue-H ardy. Bll rrou nd lngx 8S I lJos~ upon wh ich tho and j.: ulnctt the hOllso or till: \':tme n of wa s one o r l.ord Hp.IU'onsflcld 's stancb thoug ht site lonkell )'oung. S he want· Th at T endl ttl Such DMect 1\9 Ileo ple or L.lencbo w 100 1<. A po in t of Ihe I. rorect. whose IlrOteetio n pI'OI'od esl Mlppor tel'~. W ith in the last few eel to 1001, olll! Poor Iltll e 1'heollorn ! One Hi g h Shoulder 0" Hlp, ),elll's tbe \'etel'llu ~a rl has done soma " ant age fl'lIm wh l h 10 look llpon lhe efTect lllil, . Why Is n gi rl cho sen a ~ clnss pres· r(' r tfl ~ pllllt, a ~ il ~' Ihre t c lt es WGst and , It Is Interl's tln ,t; 10 r~ca ll some of th e 'bootl n:;, Ident, wby Amy r ll th er thnn SilO, or You Airis ·who are worhlng 10 ol·cr. n ,rl h I. :It t he hU59 ot the pugodo. Incidents con nected wll h Ih e f,," n,lIng Il acbe l? RELATED OF RACES. come Ih.) IIIl CI'enllrss or lIir's nnd Well, &1 rIB , pro llahl y for t ... o Ilr s ho lli ller3 DlllHt IlI\' o~lI~nle I hc Indl· threo roasons. A gl rl wll o Is tbus Tlte J apsnese lo\'er, In stend of ao e nv ld ~a l ('~ u sc ot tho t ro uble, Nol h lng Kal!emelllrl ng , m ay give bls future bride hlluored lly I hI) sulfrnges of hoI' mate~: is fl more com mon Call S!) Iha n lhe hullit a ulece of lJellllUful silk to be worll as :I. 16 a IJopular person. Sbe l,as not ~ne luh, a round ,,'Ith a c blp ou Ite r s hould er, of I n co rrc~t s tuud ln !\", t h l'Owln g the : A Chinese ge llllf lllnn often preseu l" She hilS novel' mad e e nemies hy un· weig h t uf th e lJu cl y II pon one fool lind I hi s Inl ended, bride wil li a pair of g~es". lucky 's peec bes, S ho lIoes not make le g. DIll 1l):.l.IlY cas ~~ of roltkedlless are IJrollght n1:l0 ut by some odd hnbl~ and th ey are rega rded Ilij e mblems or t Ull of he r trlends, nor Indulge In wi t at .the lr OX l,on se, Th is Is on tbe All your own, FOI' InS Ianre . one o.orconJ Il l!RI ftll el lt y, respondonl writes l hat ~ h e always n egaU I'e s id of th e qn ostlon. ItOlllllnnlnn bospltality knows no limits . " I bavc nQI even a bile lert !"t' On t.ho am rm ati ve s ide lho populor wenrs lon g gIrl rt~ in thA st reet nnll In1\ guest," Is th e llll tol'est complai nt ~ g irl bas 10 t no opportunity 10 do \'(\I'lallly Ito lds Ih\! ~ kirl 10 mlAe Il from IItlle kindnesses nt the rlgbt mom e nl, . the gro llnd wll.h Iho rlll h t hlill/i. T hi s ' hOlls wife Ca n lUalie, She s pea hs cordially of tho ub ~ctil. ha,blt lna), huvc ,llI n p a g reat IIcal to In Oalll'u), !lOIT'O ot th e fis bermen conShe pcrlorms gra.cefu l serl'ieCR A'l'(\ ' lw is l her. If YOLI will not weal' n s hort El ti!'r It >:0 unlucky 10 see a fox thut tiler clously, ' She lu In tlle public il)''? wall,lllg s l, lI·t, lallr. Ilulns 10 cll:)n !:6 wi ll 1l0t 11Ilt 10 sea It Illey notiee on ..In{)re or less. lind peoillo IID0w .... be re hllnll s u!'ten wh en lUt ing )IOUI' train. whil e going to tbel r \loUI s, they caD ·nDd h er. j { ask ed 10 (10 nny· llelghw wOlllen tuke a l,rlde In dol ng Horse\>ack rJdl ng, a s It has neen tblng o lJII gtll g', s he does It wlihollt n pracliccd- lh:t t 19, wit h a s ille ~alhil e t hei r own' work. If asked why they e uru ss, gage no help, th ey ore \'er y apt to rellir ha s done IL'l s h a.·c or dama gc. Que 'I'he llOllular girl has 8 . troop or phySiCian prescl'ihetl a saddl e mnd e fo r lhat servan ls al'e II pI onl y by ltLZ9, friend s, because ' s he ts Crlend l)'. the reverse pos ition, bl'lngln'g Ih e s Lirlucomp (e nl, l·xII'IlI·agn nt. or sick PUI'Bon·s . . EI'ory ono can de)len,\ 011. h e r n ot to .rU\I on lhe OIJlK.slle side front Ihe' lI slInl mal, o a s tupid ruls tall , and t o ~a y tho one. The women of Sumatra wear the proper word In tho prop l' 1)lncc, She costliest IlrclIses that nre known , many Carr)'llIg :c hool bool, or ' .srce ls RI · possesses tn c t. Df them bein g mad e of pure b"Old nncl ways in 0 1l P. flJ'm, eRI)eclall y when Ihey To lhe a v.erage girl, tact is a bette r elandlng a t an el el'ation of sc \'e ral pC tbo lll iss lo'n ~ tallon at J.le ndlow allve r . Arter the metRllS .mlned and III'C held ' again st the hlp, throw s I ht! J:ift limn goori looks, 0" great learn· hundred t eet a bove tb e rh'e r. Flfly su mp 20 )"ars ago. It was uo ~:liI,V las k Imall ed. It ~o rllt d IUIO a tlne wire, In g. Il mullCK a gi rl IIll iel. to tIlul e r· IJotly In to a. onll-s lded posi lio n. vlllaJes Or more. wi , h lh ell' evp. r;:r c II for Ih o I'resilYlel'ia lls III llalJ' " (dol - whI ch Is wovlln 1010 clotb , and anerIn the In1.rotlucllon or verlica l \\, I'H lltanu "!lOr.l e. and It milk ~ them lII<e' grove or oanyans, clI, lIIphur nnll ot l' Cl' hold tlt or', ror. notwil hs tandl ng t be wartls usell fo r dre~ses. Ing In t,o Rrhools. OIllch has beeu sn ld he r . A e;irl who 1106 tllel a lw ays be lps .trees . can he soen a, Ih e e)'e s wee[)s IlrofC'~~ loll!;' or IWOlI \1'111 on the pur t ot A Jnpan ese'll11ctlon Is a sole mn, .. OlhOi' lleolllt! to be at th ' II' lJes t. and or th e beneflt c;ain (\ Crom' It s fon'lng the l.tndscnpe, while In nnn,e ro n!! vo l · th e hie! omolnl I he ~lly . re ppat.ed 'rhe IlItblic do nol ca ll out their bid s, but lh al 1M 1Illlc h fill e r than tl) be brllllallt \.he !'Il11" 10 Sil straigh t., racing the le ys. lIPRl lln g beyond I ho lUoLlntaln; . nl..\ Jl~rs i ~(elJ l olJsl 'll'ics W6l'0 Ihl'O wn wl'ite their unmes, togel her wltb the cJn~k dil'ecll~' , lo sleau of sitting In Ihe and s howy In one 's own c haracter . ,31'0 meny more tha ~ tlo not Appenr. In the IlR l llway or Ih e In ls ~ lon arles. . moll nt Iho)' a re willins to pny. on sllllll dlngo nal Cashion cll!f;oma ry wllh 91/1nt- Grea t h l ll~ In lofty reo!'tlCCS "Iijo behh,1 Nllg ') tiallnna for Ih c IlI lf'I 'ho sll of lall rl or p'\P r, auu pu t Ih ese In abo •. Tbey • In g pp.n mall shlt), Thi s po ~ lIlon ha . c n- 10 Ihe SQ uIll. and a ll Ihe OlljlOsile s llOre und I'e nt.ln :; or hOn ol'8 fl!1I s ho rt or a re looked tbrou g h, a nd the nrtl cle j:, Th l) prcHld cnt of I h ~ e la s~ go nc r· ull y Is u g ir l with Chnnn. A my ha s cou raged ll nCI'enn e<s or s houlders a nd bla c!( I. eu l,s, with Jagged Sll lllllllt ~, (·o lllplello ll. MI·er t il O\\' lI ~ I'S h'li l In. awnrdell to the pel'son who bas l1Ia~ hips . s l a n,1 ont. os If read)' tn :.lOswe r ·qn c.&· dl~uI '<I i lll' lr wll lln ~ llu~" 10 d,u " a the hi ghest Qlfer. hall c hlll'm from her C' ,·adl. Wha t Is So you m ust si ll uy your o wn calle tlons f" o m their so nlhern nelgllhor". burGnlll. 'I'l1ls pc rpll' xed Ih e nll_s io o. It Is coushle red cOHect In CbluQ uot. Il ? How ~ hall It btl " " I)lalu N\'/ Deal' gil' I, It Is Impossible lO ,Ienn e In dl scovel' WhClhCl' you 1l "O no t ID Qne lofty, IRolu te t.l j)(,lIk lifls ltse lr In :tri es srrn ll .\' , ror Iht.y hnt! ~ e~n II). to hO\'e tho sligbtest recolltcllou uf ~hurOl" i ll Sot t el'lll s. rt Is th e l'e r rll in e so me way t wl s,l lng YfJU" Seir Ollt of Simple graUdclll' apoI·t t rolU the rest . R\l ll ·prefect. who was n l!1'8n,l~on or III., a n),l hlng Ihat 0 CIII'8 during tbe J)erlod of a t!owe r,lt I~ the sweetness of th e s hn llc: l he n, wbell YOll have " Iscol'- It. hltb er s ide Is a wa ll ot Ile rpcodlcu- greAI TSl'og-)(wo ll-ron, '111<1 h .. 11 1111 e x. of mOIll'nlng. A Chi naman who balt violin, It Is the aoft flhlmme r of th e e red Ih e calise, tlo away wllh it proll'".t- lar rock, bllt from tho plaia , Ill'essetl the j;rqn tes t fl'h'udJln~ ~8 a nU pllased 100 da ys In mOlil'nlng ror bis motbe r will deem It bad breeding t,1 moon , It Is the sigh or the Burf when Iy, bCHldcs taking cxc"clses to correcr behlad, a patbwllY IcadB to tbe s um . It rcm~mbel' a.nythlng during 80 sacred last It breaks UPOll the s hol'o. A 811'1 YOII!' nglll'P..• DI . ___ ._ . _ a time. . All tleen fmm Lhe Ilagoda, lIlo 1I1.per _ _ _...,..__' -__ who ha s c harm Aleals Into ono's heart. . In s llllple. sla nl1lng exc l'l'i.cs, It Is WheD··, Commissione r Garfield "" ent She may be a ge nti e mO\lse of a g irl. Important tha t you bal'e o ne hand on portion of lis rocky milliS prese nts a tl e mllre a nd qui e t , or a m e rry breeze· t he hi ll. Ihe other clasped alluut lh e most s lrlk lng prolll l1 of an enor mous to the ChIcago Ilacke rs 'and aslled p el'lik e gl r'l. coming ludoors with the neck , The hllnd on 1l\e hill . oolunga h ead , sho",'lng a majesti c but beniSII mi ssion tl) Inspect t heIr J!jlokll, l ha ~ons wing of th o wlnll. hut h e r char m, If 10 the hig h sid e; the othel'. lift ctl to coun tenance, gAzing with watChful cye . dltlon wu lIlade that lDformatlon ge nuine, will helon g to he r pe rsollullty the neele, miRe" . Ih e e ntir e "I de•. hlp , over tbe ell), and plalu benealh. J"or· be 11I11I:~_ obt:8ln l!re<r'etrom .-uld b ... and be n part of h e r. used .In' court proceedings aga inst s hou lde r nnel n II, along with II . and elgn era wbo bave vis ited th e cltr and City girls have t his endowm e nt a nd lKi correct s th e Cault. T)le blGh htp aeen tblllltrlking lIk'bn elJs hay,o dllllll ed tbem. ao havo country gir ls. A good deal or Is lls lIally t ho I'isht Olll!, !JIll y01I 1' ('n" ~ It· the "Old Man of Llenchow," !Jut to -. Mr. GOl'fteld ·, ga ve tbls>ple41e. It Is It de pends on llel ng fre e fro m Ro lf·ab, may dlaer. the native. of tbe. clty · lt 16 Imown us· Ntated, and ' the packe rs rJlo'Wed hi m sorption , No girl who Is tbluk fng ' to study tbelr buslne68 In all Its deSLarUng wJth thi s 11081110n , YOIl ma, 8ba-1D0-lIag, "Mandarin Hat Hili." . It lUuch alJout he rself e ver has c barm. la the reputed abode c;f a dragou' which tails trom th e lris lde. lise an Innn ll~" 1I1I1nbe!' or ~ xeI'I'18~8 Home ly girl>; ofte n hal'e It and pre t· Now, It Is announced l the results of that yo u . h n,'o practiced before: thuse ca n upon occasion pour for lh flo ods or ty I;lrl s miss It, " " you see It cloes water a od deluge t he ~ollnt ry, as lIaP'1 his study lIa'vB been turned over to the HLl' etr h a nll hellli the >pl ll o art! whi ch not n eed to go ~w llh u roseleo f sll! n pe ned lOany years .. go. when a IlIOSt government departl,Ocnt of justice to lind dimples. But Amy wo" ldn 't be Ihe mOSt profi table. Go ihrollgh 11"'8e dlustrous llood oven" helm ed th ~ \llaln , be employed In legal prosecution of c hosen a s c lll ss· pre~ld e nt if lhe oth er eXl'rl'ises , g iving yourselr Hllort r eSIA water ris ing to the roofs of the houses the pacl,or8, wcen: (lurin g t.h eae r c~ t 8 yo u maY bet c lrl ~ bad not heeo impressell lIy he:' on tbe hi gher groulld In t he city. Uul Commissioner Garft ~ld would not lei I hp al' llI ~ rail III I he "Illes whil e )'ou 811 a m.U er ot fact , the wa ter did not charm, have veutured to gtvo tha Jlledge thst Stili anothe r exce ll e nt lIuallty, a nd tnlw dee I' brent b~, come from Ihe hili ILt .. II, but wa s II... was demanded by the pa cket'll wlt hollt Olle that" h!ade r u lIVUY8 li as, Ilf fcore e. r eBUIt of a terrible c101l11bul'st, wll lf ll lastructions trom Wa sblngton, Ho pledged, not his own word, but t he Without force nolJody can hope to USEFUL CASE FOR LETTERS the 8Dper ~ lItiolls awe o r Ih r. peo ple ailead. Most oC U6 urc fo llowers. Only trlbuted to Ihe po\\' ~r and Inlluence ul gove rnment·s. It Is not bls good tolth. I,e re ulld Ih (' rc s prDlgs Ul' th e I:'I I'I ! Thi 9 Receptacle Is Very Ea sily Con- the dragon . Sha·mo·ling Is evIdent I" hut the gOI'c rnm en!'s, that Iii In Ques· considered the pr~Rfdlng genills of · tton now. who leads. , s truct."d-Ma y Prove SuggesIt i. neve r by lllll st e r or ve home nee. t lve fo'l' Lltlle GIft . LlllntllOw, a nd Ib e city hilS been llllill , . 'Fhe JOllrnal has no conceTn for tileby over e mpbasls lintl self·assl'l'tioll. or " 'lth refer ence 10 It, the Etreet IbaL packeTS, except a s they are citizens ot by any display of lll'1'ogu nc" alld hud This Is a 51 11l11t.~ ~xa mjJl e of a \'C ry us&- run~ from tile eaRl 10 th e w ~Bl gato lie · 'J'\l\l'~H INT O 1I'1I1 1'1! t.lV l:"C 1,; .~nJlo: l> Cblcago. If It can be proved that IIle)' UUlnu (' r~. that II gi rl hfl,~om e~ a.- I"ado,.. ru l art id ~ Iu h" ld lell<'l's anll l'((I'I I. Ihal Ing laid OUI In a d l r ~c l line with 11. .0 , AII I~ rA~'r . are gllilly Dr engaging In a conspiracy F'o l'Ce o[ ('hnrncl"r Is Il fiame within Inlgbt olh p" r\\'I"~ IJ ~ nho,,' ill nn "lttldy Ihat In walking to,,'ar us Iho ~a s t tt ~ I, 'o"nn loll l Pl:lcr.....""'d In !loDle Parle In r estraint or trade. the, ought to b . t i l' C hina rol' I l le lJIIIIIO . . ) tJt !J.ll l)t le\l Ih e so ul , Ih a t s hlt .., s out hi dai ly con· "'ay "'hi he 1" ' 1. T he rO lllhllllion COD· solemn head looma liP t onllllllally Ur· 1.1111 Bat.k. ) punlshp.II, · tI,U!! . Bllt tllelr ~Illlt, It --they are guilt Y'. >Ig ts of Iwo pit 'c' of CaI'll lloa rd pa dl n ine 'ore the eye. To Ivls h Ihal a nlUlI ru uy. A wen l, 1;10 I lal,.::!; til e culor of t he iLc h ~8 IOllg. one six ilH:h cs d el'.t, the go to the t(lP of Sha· mo·lllle; i ~ II cu rse wllllngllcss 10 aSNlst tlie Jlli"lIIonarl" 11I118t bo fairly proved. They must b~ la ~ t IJcnwm \\ ho l all \l3 Wilh hc r. \ Vlly. ulh el' four ilit.: h f' s . Thllse a re' ~'(J vered of drlladflll Import. anll Is P ~ I. c ,~ laIIY III llet'omln!! ('s tltlll l$llI'tI, lIut he WILl given a slluare dear. yu" mllY IJfI ~ 1l It'll wll h who m a )';Irl wilh sil k 1·lolh or Hueu, a8 vrefcrred, r p.a r gd br t he lItman pcopl ~, 11'110 ~o me a lyr ica l t'hllle'e lIl un8(lrlll .-ttl mjll e te, Since th o government has elen ted 11I. H OCt' 1I uS60ciati llg ~ y lI or Innee· and go In ~ reat nllmllE'rs. J~/ !lilt! cIlns pkllolls ly two·f,u·ell . and II Its visIon \0 sllch a height u to c,·er·· t lu lI ~ . hf ' l' tfJu(,~ . Ulld her IJC!t nhra seR. All the r hlef hra nr.hr8 or I hp. bll~l · was foulld nfter II l illie Ib a l w illie he look the n est of defiant crIminal trusl!t A -:; f ur npilli(m s, lite: \\' I' al ( II t! f son may n ~S8 of Ll nnchow ~re In tlI ~ han (l. of wa• • 11 ftmllt'a &lid \lrllf,...~ lon to Ihelr In New Jerser, almost wltliln thl) l.I d ul < s lll_' 11:1 !1 lIJ CIIl . hilt In r u alily the Canlone5~, th il l Is Ih e Il eOll le from f;' c~s, b.. h ltll I IlIelr Ilacl,s be 11'88 01" ~haclow of. Ihe capitol dome, In order ~hc I II\ :~ o lll ,v IH'C Jlilli . ·I.:~ , whh:h are the dlRtrl ~ t!l near Ih e g r r al sea POI'!. resting Ihe 1111'11 who aU~mp(ed to sell 10 faslen !taelt a tbellsanll miles Ilwa, v e ry II Iff('I'(·nt. 'rh~ . nll Irade, which Is a gover ll lllent or r Ollt 10 I heOl , \l'u~ ~eattnl\ the agent llpon Cltl cngo, the government and thn mo no pol)', Is Ihe c hl .. , bu!ln eMs don e. " 1lI111Ilyect. ~nll W;t ~ Ilelel r ing Ihro ll!;!! Pre, llle nt cannot be .too caretnl ta • Li r lwhow b<'in g t he c1lltrlb utlng polnl fellr ur I.un ls lllllellt thu. e who wOll ld avoid 811Bplclon that they are Olor!) n ut sll (," Iu } 'OU a s l, me wllat nt· fur n lorg e secll o n or cO llnlr.v stili far· hu\'e 1l 1'~11 !:Iat.l to :l a~e met thp jr anxlou8 to I'rosecllt e western offen ders trilllil" 'II a g-I rl w,lI lIe tl) II!!I' to lle Ih . r 1111 ""11. "h e 1 "\ 8t~ from Ca nton wants. tban olfenderll In tho east. D1 U!, l '''tI" l ,p ssJ'td l .\' pr(" h il l r: Ul o f her ,1I . dl,lt'll" IIl ... lr I' a,:/;op~ Jnto largA TIII ~ is n fall' SOlml.l. ot the tl'r. nell. Some of the methods already em' clas., I I hill l, I ,,·ill I.icl, Oilt tI' lfl he· \\':, rpl'OIl505, fro m whi ch Ihll,V ' ore 8~nt ery :llJll IIOII~ I " <:cullng of t he Chl nes8 ployed tn Ihl s ~1I8e llave not been pal" yo nl l " ,.",., olhcl'. Sbe mll st bave ~.1' ~ IJa lio ll' \Xl.t s 111' Ib e two sm nlle r ' n llicla l., wll ose IlIlItlcnce Ullon th e na- tl cul arly (llstlngul sll ed ' for . decen c ~', whnl "c' I'nll iOllilltivc. That i~ s be t':\'PrPo . Of ,m tbe bad's of coo lies dl- IIv e ~ 1M or I'O ill'se st rong, !lnd 1I'!IOS8 When the government breakll In to 1\ n lll ~ l lie ahlt! fo SUJ;'gP.Sl n ew lin s , to re r ll y o l'crl llllti Into tbe I"o vt llce of nltitud e giveN ellcoura"1\''".at to j ust man'" hOIl~e an ll stoa ls hI. pl'l'l'ate rlO· bt r ii, o \JUt. i ll 11(' \\ llaths. an d to c o u~ suel, oulll "CAIIS as that ,t L le nrhow. pers, wh en It dl'ags the wIves of pael,. \'iocl, .1" , fJl h r r "i r! s that h er ILleas nuu eclrr.n wll b rancy !;allooll. ~o l d lace. HunaD. An 'l lIOII' a ':901d a ~ to Ihe ontlvee 01 which lias ,,<t ded fresh nll ,U'l5 io tbose Itlg·boll Re omployes Into court anll IIrc guod. A gi rl who Is Ii s lave to 0 1' c nluio ltJc ry . Two Jiolo/cd pi e~f!S fo ur Sy s t ~ Dl , wbo C3 l'r S I.rlncllln lly bow Inches bug ~ Ild two Inches wl dr oti lle toten ebow . .... ~o.c fre n7.I"d falloticl Rm \\' ho II" I'e .no t cou nte.1 t heIr IIl'os dear puts them .mcler hea\")' bondll, It Is tilings I Oli, a III I i ' in terro r about lOI> rO,'1\ e n,l s. wh l 'h l1I uSI be nCa Lly J t:II toll c n "'lth such awful s UlltlE'nneell IInto I,h(' msleve. If It mlgbt \)0 Ibat l1!1 bAr dly dlgnlned, ' not 10 say bonorahll', whn' I,collie will ~ ~y, Is not a 'gl rl wltb sewn In . 11l11bolt \\'i lll I.JI ws 1'01'111 n loop J)IOD Ibe ntl ~slonari~~ lallOr lW; there. , Go~pc) tldillSI 00::1" be calf' ted to aU nor ('v~n )'cspectable.-From· tbe hi. trela• • IDlost ·11l.e a IIglllnlol b~L 0111 \lIe I.' l rtb. -, engl) Journol,""Ni)\', 0, i 905: b)' wbi<:b I hc uo el, e t i~ ~uslJellllt·d. hlitl a tlvc,
itt auh'
th'r ,turr llf
s golnt; to 111111 t hem on t VI t he TOOI_, f<l~.e. It 'H,' E<I 1'0<1 hoi , lint, nD 10:1o"n'l:1 wh on the h ~a rdcd \701l1 a n lI e'g,,~ d her a 1<'6;;0 0, ror I a \\' I!!m !.Oll tln ;;: ~ tlr~ ' 1 n ot to pull t hem Oll·t. a ~ to 10' ') hl!r 1111) I:" I" s I..all)' C:' "II hi, ~" IIIJc l~ . r,u
wld s l~c rH woul d II C!bt l'o~
By liON. GEORGE; W. PECK of " Peu' o [j.d Boy A br.3ld ." f k.
(c..:v.,jllw IH IJI J , lI U\J" l • • "
\\'hl: r~ w e w e re, niH! n lUlU lold !Iii W i!
a utl
we re at P(' orla, IlL , nnd he wa ll le d pR. to g l".' e him 8 compl! m c nt ary 111, 1,"t
ronrn !" 'ad y f IJI' till': IIr:"rnPll il l1f.! rfor m' a nl'I' pa \ \',1'~ t h e pro uri, sl mall l'VF r
f o r tel1l !)g what l ow lI W(\ \\, (' 1' (' 111 , h il i I)U l ooked nel'eo at th e mUll nnet a siu',1 wllnt I( ind u f Ult ea sy IIInl' l{ hi ' l !Jolt him for, nnd th e rnon Rlul1 lt n wn y , YOll \\.'ouldn ' t th in k t hry ('ould un ion!!
\\ ., : J I,· \\:.d l;l'rl HI I 1 :I~0\11~ I , 1n!= J1 cr t III!..' f ",1 r~ I l d lJ }.:', nil! ' h'l:I n ~~ o rr'u ':in llall\' a l ~c) III(' l hla ~ I ' ....!! :..:n r 1.).1\1('(1 u r>. and \\,1" ' :1 t hl' ( 'I'{) ',\"!l ",\:n " 10 hllY tl t'I ' 1 h , hi' } 10 0tl H r llll~ 1 I I " gr;llrl (\n, Ira f\t ',· II . d\ l lI t: \ \ i 'H', :, ad h~ h' n ~ !H) goud ll :lIllf'h! l.. !lJ1 1 I i' b, t I " , (h I J "'. n hp ('Oll id g :Ii ·, •• \\' 11> ; \\31 011 ~ h' ll a 111 an Wlh 1' lIdl ':', wi : ' . a Ih~ 't' t'ur ,1 mo nl ,· ,.1 ~1 1I \ l:': h ,· j l n ;q l ; roy n t , :~n (l Ita If it i:.s 1" .1 \\ ' 1111)1 .: lJih •. II ,' ,' ai ,1 I:" \','01/ r,' :1 to II ·, h i' I ~ 1 :11 ' p',l r n Jl ~ ti l' t! !( , '~h o\\' . T id..: wa s lJl .\' n' aPIH·l1r 'I:H't' i n ~h (' !"hq',\ IJiI~l l l t' :-:-had I j ~ t:-: 1I ' 1 Uji h l':""i Ie ti lt, :. .'i~~:~I, tlf 1'illt.: ',v h r, '.\,· 1JIIII' t \'.' lI:-C, :I' H I l~lr'l I1rlrl tn :- t a ll 'l 1I}1 I.t'"ddt' li n' 1I1i:t:..: .·' 1(, '}:.} ',,: h ow lI it; • "" a i c"q n : J:~ I,'\ \', JI II Iii !:!, It \,' 1' 1\ 1 :1: : 11 ~h ' l\'i l 1, iill' ;'; ;;Jut , hei ' all': I' Ii, 1: " .. ~o h ' g I W:l ", a j' r ;!l ,l o r h i m, b Ill ' ~11I111;.; LI I h(' ml tl '.:f'l \ -: :1 ,1 n hl.lllt 111,\ h ~ ') . IIll fl II ' ., toll p t',) t Pt' t 1na . aillt Wl h ' ll I f! " ':l'n wd ~ ll"';':l' cl arOllllll Hoi I "aid' "I)Oh t /I. IIf r aid. 1111 1,' fc,(;O IV. I will ~r ' l h~1 It O 11 11 " ilurJ1\"; ~Oll , "
l in ~'i r:C5 t he ]'nt L nd y n DUI'd en - j tl nsc t wo tntl u H of (' :1 1"<\ , ahnll t Sf) ill 'l'h o Ba d Boy M akes Hi :. Fh'st Pu b- ni l . i n It Wl! C' )~ , hill w ilC' t1 \\' 1' go t lI ill l ie Appcnrn nc c-ll c T o ll(s Politics lli u t ; on;p~ w e r e hlt C'iJllI I ' ll 11 ;;' " ~l ;:' Wl lh Ih e M id ge t - Pia M eet..:" vith 0 11 0;; . anI! III 1f. IlJin lll(>~ th l' Y \\" 1 n' lCl:1tl l~un H~l'Oln:> A cc lf,l(!nt s, ~I~y
\' 0
111,, 1
th ~
,1 11I·,,,I. 'st lim p
Il n A PlI l'I,I 'd up a 1l :t SlUl"f E'cl u n l he I'Bu·!. 11 0 \\' In Ih c' nam e ot hca\'f' 1I wn C"l'r !;Ol !tul! til l' th \ n ;.: ~ on Ih !! I':...trtl I ' ~ IIl or l' 0', .11'1 t 1, )lO W, lIltt II 1-=(!l'In '1
lll CJIIJ.; h
11 fJ
('OnlIJil I1 ,\'
hu ,t a
l(1 rl1l 10 1001{ oftl'l' "\1' 1' ), t h in s:, and IJ( huci n H ' 11 Illl rl l' t' him fo 100 1" nfl c l' I II~ r eg- II I'~ I ' ::;ha l'e or th i " g~. ~n wil e n th o CIlI'S \\' ,' ro Inoll C' d, uilil Ill e boss . ' Iappe d I d~ h n n ll s , 11111 1 I Iii' (' ll gi n c ef j n(l t cll h i~ \\'ili !i tll', til (l(,c w us n ' t a t ent..
'=- ta I( e rH H ro pe. or a IIn,thlno; lefl beh lll !.1.
t;l' a l. or E\ cry man
u OlU'fi
('d a n l'l 011 ti Le Wil Y to I hf ' . lnT , Hud II", ant} I ;":01 on (til ' nl' ~ l w n ~f. 1I T al1{ niJulll tiy ~I " ll\ . 'I' ll" ~\lr\'(\ y o r : W I'e th el'e nhl.':JlI (Ir 11 ).- , alld h ncl m c a s lI l'E!li off l il('l l ot :l ilt! p:I !-- IH'll l wlr r Ht nl;es rll t he t-:.1'f)!ln :1 \,: 11(, 1'(" 1 f h c grtl o rl Hl \\'nl~ 10 I,". a 1111 \ wh l~ n th e fi rtil WU 1~O Il o ( I h .l ' J.!l' lI lJ . oll tll t arr h '('d, Wl!H'lI ,'(1111:1 11 14..'11 a I h l v. rall gf', hi g c ntlll t:.ll to (' 001. f o r a , l hou :$a nll 111(' 11, si c\'(, p i l' P::I \\' ~ 'I'f' pu t 11l1, ! \\') II,' h teh'M" o peri til' int o t..h r- nil', a n ti ' ill tw o mll J U l CS :.t Ore \\' Il ~ hu l lt at H' ha(:on 0. lui pOlulo"' s n nLl t On 'I' I ' Wl' r e ('oo l"ng, lcw u l iJr rui wa gon:") were' un ,
loar/ l ng ur'c ad on th e g rass, :,tl mc n lI"t
it ('ould l!:l{l' til(' dro\'c ' nr (' HI' !il r OllJO l ip to t llC' let rr D: n t H- 11'J.!r: . ~ lJn ll a t'tr\ r
hr ,' 'm ean :; of
liv ulibood . 'rh ell Itl hll g le bl r w r ~I' r\·cry· It IVO ' c re a l I II "CC ull th o 1 ~1I1' ; 0 up body to .gf' t liP H lld b U III th .. ' U!J I( ','nl li 'J ,):' mlll ' h : Jl111' .'i,· a ni) afte r ~ how Jot, null put III) lil e l''' nt :; for J II WI' I'I' en' ' I e " . alld 111(' r l n'.:,; W{) ro the fir s t ~ how 01 tho ti On do n , \V h ro n ~ r Jd ~.'d. all '! ll l(" UI';:n:t:'.; in l he w o gOl (Jut of tli {' s l ec p l'I' WI' u:-il, pd m fl IHl:';'f'r i l! h': ni II II 1: I n 11 I \',' a l l'r ~'d ,
THE CIRCUS A t4 ~ h o r
t t.l"
pel"fOrnH'f :--
'1'111' I !lh. llf'
! ;I
!=,a \' ," I 'r'
\:I n
W .J~
Th ey Got: Th ere. J oha (" hc') III Hh ly. ,-I- I "' j/OtiC )0 11 '11 be gl ll lil' 11Ial'l'i ~ I I "o me Illlle. Sol ty (w ll h a fr ig ht ue d :l in - Oh. I - I H II ~ S8 11 01 . " ~I""h )' 1'/1 Gil IlI Ll rrl co some l im o. " " ~1 ~ IJI, y." "~ I ch/')y " !l I1II~h t bOI h J;11 111 111'1'1." at l he su m limp," "\\'o lll cllI 'l Ii h ! awfll l .J o hn . if the rni nh .le l" HIi I)Il I(1 m aliC ~ mi st al{c an
(Iroa ;j w~,
m U IT: ' lI H I.u
" 1- I HI ,c, 110/ 1I 't mI 1111. " h:': O _
I,i l.!
foh nw
l e tt',
I ! o~\
~ I o .,d
I. " - N .
\\'r lt l' ~
W",'I ·ly.
IJI ' ~"l('l lpd
"Y!' ~ , ma 'am ," . '" ~H P I IO ..;I' you r na pa I s nl way s en , Li t.!€' ~l lI'lrfl fi ~I{ld lInd a Il iglli mnl'f', :l n d w a s 11 , 11111;";' l h c fllml ly nl )Olll il.tll~ , 'o l1 " a ~i !l~ )" 01 1 to 1n l1t. " " !'\o, ma 'am , 11 (" lhl'rnt.~ n ~ to whip IW ,\:t morn i n g, " \\'!le n I WI)IH~ up ," :-; 11 (1 sai d , '" ,,,.as IIl P If I ' \l' ll whl slH' T wh l' 1l 11" i K wri L' 1" 111 frigh tr> l1 l1 d , a nd IllY II c[lrl W:I :-; h oa r , In ~ hi . iJrigHt so r ln g" th e r:lt i l , l r~ n Iia"l' ~ a i d "· - .Jll rlg~. i ll ~ n Ilitl OO-" Il pre h e l' \' Idl'r :3h" rC T Int P t'l'lIpl l 't, SUbUl ba n Lux\\ \'ie~. "H'l w I'u n ll l Y;)\I I' h l'i'Hl Ijllal a tal , M r . CIll n wn - Wl! y til '~ r~Hl lo lI (\0 yolt Io n'!" " On Illf' ,J ru rn or m y f!n\' ~, o r r onr~ (' , " p tJ(' I ~t"r ,\'UtJl: fa r\' 0\"' '' ll1mw !ZUll I' , 1''''1 01' 1",1 1'1 } II I Ind i !'I\ Ulll i)' , -Ca R- ~ n'C . \l ~rflnf'~, wlH'n yo n ('an gf't h t!8n , ~. I I r l!( n ti cs 0 1 t ltt.! (1'IIIr lll<.l 11 '8 t or a' IlII~ n ' j
sp lI '~ ,
~O tl ~'!
1:&l lIlt.
wo ~lIdn ' t
ta ste
m ysp.It."-N ,
N ot to Be Fri g h te n ed. Empl"yt' r- \\'oll. w hill dlcl h c wny
lJ ')gall III ,ui ,
t~ lf3 n
oil o n
I) l li(' !\inH I' n Il oe' ~ U PJ1 I ) ~H' l-i ROil H"h iJtg wlL h : ~ r h ' :..!] El tio w, [P i n I
Made tho Dog III. "I am i n e~ I're ss lbly sorry. Mr. Smi I hors," s he Buid , "to lenl' lI lhut wh An YOII culled th e othol' tillY Tiger 1,It you." "O h . Ihnt's nil rl ghl." h e said, wit h n for ced err,,1'1 to be ch erflli. "No. It 1, II ' t," ahe s olibcd; "the poor Frlend - ll ol\' ts It r 'OIl sc nd all YOllr lillI e fello w ha g been 111 Cl'cr s in ce. poems to I he Ho\\'l or 7 Why H e Didn' t Read . ' LU ll.\' POl' t- \\' ol1. Y OII sO('. all the ir BO Rwell - Do you e\'er rcad anybody wu "'p !JapeI' ba s k ets arc d eornted wit h I ~ ~' s 1I0\'e I8 ? p"',ll)' Illu c ribbon s . Emln ont Nov elist - No; I don'!. [ ' \'e tri ed 10 do so, lint I fOllnr/ th at II lli ey An Ex p losiv e Episode. we re worse than min e th ey IJol' orl Ille ; J\ 1.)0('1 In to h i:! b:::tC' k pud \\ r ll \. J\ IHI tl:('y'(' l;c l.:ompo:S l d " T il l' OOl1\uard , willi " II' Ih ey wcrc hertel', lhp), made I H('Itt." me B3VIl!;e. So I leav e tb e m nlon c..
I <holl ld c' r nllli ~u id : " 111'110. d nrl." an ll by I\ o~h. tlw mi ltg" 1 Illl rod u " II III \! to I hp iJ iJ.: gal oot "s h is rO UIl c;r'" t "011. \\'o llld,, 't that al. in )'011 Th e ftr s t lIuy of l il" " cn "nn ,,'n' ~r r al . u n Iy- !III Ii' e I' e r f() rrm'l'~ ha ,t 11 01 !:O l lim"erell I'li. OIi D uf fhi 1;lrl " I,ll lI,1c n ylll ~ t rapr7." fe ll o:t 11110 Ilt p ti N fro ~1 I:,C rf)Or i,r l ha t (lll t
a u ,l
lll' r
F: \lr-iIJcn1!I'!':;:,
y on ?
C lc r k- Th a t h e'd lJroul, evcry ho ne III lil Y "001), a nll tllrow m e out of th e wl nd!)w If I " h()w ~d my fac'o III hIs u nlc'P aga lll: " Th ell g o I)l;ck und te ll him Ihu l 110 neetin·t t hlnlt h e "an !tlllmltilltc m u by II Is v lol e nce. "- Casse ll's .
li e
f hey go Ir ~ 1' duwu in the It SCf'tIl!'r/ " ' I\II llI flh ~, e r y. I h ill !; s l.... hut! on ' VI" ~"ll1g ,~ ~h lll'l{ j(, ,, ~I'. a mi Ie,arp h" ,· wl l /l lIolli lnj; hUI " >l dll~ uf beu.I,. a:I,1 (l 3 ,',"11 1 u p " tl0 1l r ,.,'110 1: )'("' ltd , to wr:'I' IrI ; tilt" (l1' Ull ll d 1"'1. unil sh e AlI ll (,Xlllo~ l \'clr ~m l d, 1,/r' I,"i1 Ili.; 11"1 urr tl l,, 1 rrl n inlo t h. ' Tnn't th ln)( what lhe l·~ lief;' t he bum lJnrd . Ilre"" ln " IGu nl. · '1' 1'.· ""IIi <: n,," J'p t l1~f:' lI l 1." Jul) ~\.. , yc lll" l. un ll II ' It l.lil,, ' I ,;,.,. . I~I. '~a ll , (l i ll' SMw It \\' n, a 1'''1 II; , J',1, I') ma ko Th e Doctor's Snd Blundor, him l'itl ir' lI lou •. Flr gt Youn g DOelol' (to second 011 In I !Ju l'lnc tl: e rh ~ r i" l 1'111'''" 1"1 lIa ll H lI ll on. old man. ",11I1I's th e lII utt el'? , 10 )11n1J' lili a " hox I"n' to YOII ·'·C looltlng \' ery g lum. I,eol' fnm. h" ln!; ' "11 O"N h)' 8 "No wo nder," Wa. l ho 1'0/11), . ''/'111 four. llurs " ~ h;rl'lill 011 1\ 1',1 h '.' n o n . att ending that w elllt h ), ~Ir . Gohli n1: . h""3" ~il'l . nn ,1 l he 1111 1'1111 nl', (/r ;r.: ~ e:1 ),011 know. and l' ve ~em him th o wro ns P" 0111 frulll 11111/1'1' iI hlllll' h r.r h~ rd ~ I mOllldn e" .• I" ' ill!; l' il ld" 11 !.Jilr" Il ,I" kl ''' . Ii i," (u r y. " In nced! IH It a ve ry sc riOIl' bllln· Then 1\\·r. It or if" l' I"'llcII l!)g"lhcr d e l' ?" wil li n , lr u /I ,.... :.•' I , " I.'~ l' i. I,1"o by a " V, ry ~c r lo ll s. Th" m edl 'i na I' \, e th i ngs t.or her, ' hi e, an d f. hen we w e nl (lIlt o n WiJ;ln l l . ! hl" !-I,l ra p IJII:I,I' illl:) t lJr. hor ses ~ eu l him will 0111'0 him In 11\'0 riA l' ." Ot ,COllrs". tbe ft rot n i;;ht Oll t Is tho lo~ to 8l1jlerin! c ll rl p'II' ~ IH'('a" "pa r i. IInri .O llte one ~"' II " I I th ut alw nys th e. worst on H slpo pcr. tiu g up of the bi s tl!nt!i , Th, ' g rr'a l, !~!t f' hnd ~ 1)1 1t l:i E"lti 'i ll I \\' 0 PH rll sh ..' t..I Fina n ces Very Low . • n ll ll til p oor woman I. ne n 'ou, est th ing was Ii wug')II '·"n l ,dn i ng III til 1" .1" c·.l rry r)/l " hilit of 11,'r int o W ifll - -I Iira r tha t I he last 1II11nher , nd ..... hon the animal lraln . III th e a I\1lulatu(e pl.le drl\'cr . rll" iI ) ' s tPIiIO . lit,. rlr.: ,"I II ~ ,.uo ::> . hilI dl~ W(\3U' \ nr th o \Vpc ll ly Humor hA S a 10 1 of ,'ccond section. rail o n a sld o trac k which wa~ clrll'en iiI''' II 11<1 IIlll s l.1" or hu rl Ul all . '", '1(," I h.' I'I)a llll t bo y ' ol;cs flbont <Ionall oll ]Jurtlrs. I thiu!; besid e our ll'ain ot Hlorper", nnd Ra· whe re the Illg tents \\'~rr! t o he. I1n ,1 II 1111 .1 III " s l... IV.n [I r .. llbt I' \\' 0 0 " It wo uld pl ...,so ,h c con gregntlrlll Ir you Jah. the boss 11011 , got wolle I1Jl nnd ('Iro~o tlown the h lg t.tak"~ I U (1II i': I, >II< . YCJU "o,, :rI ~lr t t<'\1 Iw r h 31f shollirl write I he edi to r an In (lI g na nt ' x ploded· one or hi s r O&l'S. Within six It woulel make YOll r Iwad sw ill! . all li Wil l' a. ltl.- ' II, ~ 111If!. nn d Fh" wOlil li l el t~1' on th ~ s ub jcc t. SI I'II &-ling MIIII~ le \' -. 1 rnn't nfford reet of th e ,tnt woman '" berth. she Just' tho grolluds we rc (' o" o l'e~1 willt 1"IlI' I:1 " 1 :11\ I IJ~" lh"r a ll I i ~ ht , a n:1 oa t . Iota,'e one yell, and rea rClI up, and camo peuple who wan led t o Be t; lip w It wa s down ~al'd III the berth . Something dnne. "" ,illY III l' U/. Cc ". I,u l n ( Iro n.' I. a th e . lamD 1\1)' Ileal'. YOII forge ' Ihat brok e, anll she w ent rlght Ul1'ough the Pa Imitated the bO :is t: a n y n :mIH(& L~ I" ' lJ l I, I;JI.'(' I n stu dy h uma n II [ Ii 1' (', \\' (~ Jmve j ust. her- n throug h Jl dfll1ntiull t. ullom fit the berlh 10 tho lIoor, bT .... alklng nl'OIIllri lit e lot. "ith n.. I II I til' l'I(' lI ln;; ""I fo rll la ""r' aL Peoria parly o Ul'~l' h' ;;.-· N . Y. 'Ve<'i, ly. 'coat orel' hili 01'01. and a dlrl y HIIII t t h' ),. I alnr' 11[1 U \\'iwl" t'.Jr 1l! w\lkb The Pa~1I Egg. · d oubled up lik e 0 jil ~l;knlre. l'a got lip anI! weut (0 ber lIertb,ll on. lr~: ng lu loult It: Ulh. HUrl he bOM",(J I, ll''' 11" ,,' r, par t 0 1 t l!c Dl rlla~cri.: l e nl~ wl lcr!: .tll~ f l ' ,Ii,:< "' NE', a nI! WhEIi th.. "Sc" whnr. I got!" cri e d Rubb)" II
up pol es an ll spread the t ellt on. and oth ers set UI. tabl e s In t hc Ic nt. an ' l In. half an hour Ilreoldu tit \\'a '. '''' '''cll to the nrst 500 mcn . . Pa a ril l I drew up to lh~, "r.~ 1811l~, ,~JUt 'h C ~~ wn s R ) ell to Pt'l om 0111, n ntl ,\I found II'C hud ~at uown fO Ih., table oC thc negro can r l1Sm Cll. nn lt th ey stl'llc.k because th oy wOlllrl nul n ~ij ud · a te on an cqualll y with wl rlil" tru Hh . Gee, bu t pa IVa ~ mur! . II Kahl hI' WU g as good Il ' aoy IIl gge r, 1I1l .1 th ,lt mad I' tll e m mad and they lhl' I\' bollrd IlOlll ' 108S .and scrambl ed 0;;:;0 Itl I·a. and we hlld to re~-Irn, !.JUI wil l'll II:' com· IIlalned to th e hos s (' !lJl\' U" 1II11 II . h" tnl,1 Ila 10 s o nnr! eal wil h th ... [1'1'01. < n nd try and knell III hl ~ 1,lace. Wo sot hrcak r~st al lI )wll,~r l~·
!'lllllll!' h- - Th r y
Why She Lost. Fr clt - .~ net YOli m ean (0 s ay' lh llt J"I'!. h us nO l, marri ed MiBS Payn ? Why t be g irl wa s JU8( throwin g h I'sc lf at h ll1l Ib e Ius l time I sa w Ib em . 'rpd - M y dear fello w, did YOIl eVe!' low\\, II WOl'lllln wbo couhl lhl'ow sll'a I!;h I ·! - l'u sse Il' A. THE TAG UP· TO·DATE.
~ t lJnll
\\' d ~ o\' ("r, lind I he tmll
rOil wa:.
clty ·hl'cd boy. o s he ta rn o l'lI.nnln s; In
pI"h··1 UI' ag llll, l ire... 01111r1 l.a n il from a c li lrl(en coop. hold l nt: In h i,. 1'1 ::1,1 . . H ~ ~ ta rt c tl teo era 1' 1 1111.1-1' t ho ' banrl II china ~gg. ('&h\' I1', anti ~ I; I(I ('I II for fl'ur 01 tha " Db. gf) PUI Il lIack! ." exc lalm ell 1IIn· fl l" "",I - . IIu-l tbl' ral lu: ly '!I : :l~h l blm h I. hi. .i x·year' old s ister. Thai' . th e:egg: lh e li e n nicas ureR hY,"- Judg c,
<Hill sut llo wo on him ,
Di vorce i 11 Burllllih.
Tho Roundel'.
Th e re i ;j S lJlU t.' lhll1 f: tu br ~tl(rJ ' or UlIfm.d, It l ne Burntt' ,:c ! II I SIl:lI H ! 111111
" ' hftn thf' moou 1 i ""s I ~ II : " a ll ,1 111"\ , 11(' l ;lk ()oI th,' d l ll ll l' r' I r< , m II ' l' :: 1.\ A nd , 1I 1:IIl!.! it w llh n l L:h l ,. Il:. t " \\ 11 ' "
lIlI ' L'U/'ln ''".!~l.! wife " omc t o l it !.! t :IJ Ilr.l ' I. hli :11 Ihil t tllt"Y h !l \'r in j llfl!l i ll! 1.... l y Ill .... eI'lD !"!.' ! I I I ~ own'l ag e' I' a.k lhf'ir p I''' ..
.:3 h !~
.1 I' l llk~ I'll) !!!
it l iJ •.tl
1. 1' I l l ;t ~ :-1 11 , t'
-'1'0 \\,11 ' r Oll i .....
ccdu l'l' b s i rnp :e H It I till ', ,.t. Th f' \\" f" fIOt- :t Ho t b"O to her Ktl i . : I o r, but tn l h~ I all 1(.\\ ~ h (l lldl(I', 1i.\111";' I WO Ilttl ('
. ,,, ,
f' :J.1Hll os. Th eBe :: h '! 1.I1n~ ~ Il o nl ' : a n'] s h ,~ ". ntl hor hu . . . ba !h l ~ I' !lOWI , ') 11 th f 1 t\ uo r. p1ac 1ug the canlll '., ~ I, r l ;~; { t.m I h 'm!, One cnnrlle rei" ' t! . . . l! h l ..l. l l!(' 1 : , '~ lla lt t 1. nuo th e \\ Tlu \, nrr' lig hted Rl th e S:llllC n " .UI Citl. iH dl - lh r. 1I\\l1 cr of the one w!J" ' h bOf'~
out fi r :.. ' k av ,....;: th e DOUSE. 1 11~ i :..Jg 'm iy !ll S ', ' I 1\ I' d o i lies. wh(l o the " : n n, o r (·ndu r ln r. c:.t.n d lc r n I H;'l \ ""; , al :i () l . . f til.'" l"lU ~l' n nd 111 lh nt ;h (' r e l ll j,...; Th n. divo r , r herom Oi : (mp h' "'n ~l ( hOTmln l' , It \\ ill ho (J\)' (' r 'J~ d t h ..t ' ~ itr. w l (o u lway s se lec ts l:':'U ' fh .....
,li p
Bhe Kicked Pa's Hat 011'.
0 101" ,'
0 ':, tl~r
tDouSb I told blm to I,cep away. cause I thp. 8lght~ ee rs alJollt, an" ;.e fr el cr08~. 1 1D would get Int~ .trollble. Fir. l he nne! told a m a :. "11'/ " UI" :III with a '·all ,ll·' . . -(' hi ~nho Lew ,Iullnt a/. ..tumbled over one ot ber 8hoe~, and buLy wagon III At'l b !f II. " Ivl. bu. 1)'1 . C .o utcl.~l1C in Arr l c ~. sal~ be ' tJlOlI,ht he had told eye ry· . ·a, ca ll ~11 110"\1 I,y l/w t,I III " 11l 1 0"' 0 . 1 Th" F . r ll c· h a, I", I III ~ tnnlon In "p, tbQdy to keep tbelr tolescopo VIII/ SCS er ot the s bow govII Ull lt 1,1'" 01) . o:. ~ ,\fri. " h as ullu er lal .ell the lru . lro the baggage· C!lr. and that mild !! hcr SaId the OWII CI '" pa " n e· I" ''''' omo nl t>i 'he quall l.l' ·of paulltchollC flIpll • .,-hl," lie reachell In thll b~rt h momb~r, the g u cr~" of 11111' , 110 \\' hi' In ii ialill;; th e n311r l's In sll l la lJ l~ " This is ollr fi J.: hlln g deck! " ulld grit bold of ono or h(' r fect. nnd dcpcnd " on thc (,l c II· h lol " anti f! ood r.)(', hc)('<. Thc n<lllll~rnll"n of caulIL"Ah. hut where I ~ your dun 'I og I'a llot tbe mOD to belp. an~ they got will or th c people whv llilhk ecoII:;h r L " ",' I ~ pntl~cl)' furhl.I(l en . lnels l':n I (! ~cll? "- N. Y . H r ral l/. h e,' ou!. but 811e seemed all squ shcd to- of u s to COIUI: (1I1l to lee 11 3 in th" I'Ilhbe l' tr OOS anct pili III" a rc II rn ., ________ I:tt.ber. She sat up all nIght nnd want· set lin Ite cplug II0u ",. 'iDd· thal thc)' l.. hll r ,l. exr:,' pt 1I1l.l er IIm ll ul lo n ~ rr eHe Wns Incorrl.gibJe. ed lo leln on pa. but thc 81(cl~ton kept are . ltli (IIII' gU (·"t~ ir IIIl'Y get In .cribr 'l. a nll th py lIro c n ; lr pl.l' f" ril~. MrH. Uutlerdone -- ~Iy huslJund . IH ,hI. bead ovel' the rail of the upper all' way we ahoullI go arollml lh em. lion rlllring thos" monlh s wh ~ n th ~ ':1;1 I onllilulning again or !' our coultl II 1':, h"rth and' lIis Inlke-Iike cy,c never lett and look We mll; t not get I. rHlu!;. Profes" lonal 5" h roo l ; arc tp . ~rary . [Ia all night . the M& houd .. "u show tha t ollr hall' be ~" l lIbllsh ed. wh ero thc !.pst process es Mury (res8surlng ly)-·Oh . m llln.,. 1. Tbe ,",ur(le.!. woman got up out Pt\II~, and that we arc tlre!l alld I·I'O~'. ffl r th e h ar,'e. tln g nnrl c031;ulat lon ot don'l take aun y not.lcc of him . for tIS ·. f , bet }>Ilrth 'about daylight, to go This 18 a pl~ \! Q! ~ mtl semcnl. RIIII all Ih cuolll chflllC will be tH ugllL lho l1atllre of hl.m to nnd Caull. Aln 't to .tbe (ollet room for a s h.we. or con n ected with th e gho\\' arc eXfler:led he f1lrcvcr com! IlI inln ' oC yo ". mum ?• bah- ont'o or eometbin s. aOll whcn to b~al UI' fool·e.,.. ins tead of call s lng Knc;-W-h~t}j;-W3nted. 1.ICe. saw INt tJ'1ID' to 800lhe the tal brulsc~. and It ~Oll c,' or sre an em. . CII"tomer- 1 want a nln e·shot r.,,-ollian and t:r 14 lI~r rrQm _break In, In ploy o of 11<18 strow treatlng a "13Itor \·nlnr. Near a Kateh. l,,·o. 8M ' Berl .~ and alapped "at. uDltlndly '~nd him to ~c tlel;et wagoD OnnRnMtb-We ba r e not h lng but fin Totn.....: l·vo been takIng In phos pho~"3 hee, and . lJal ~;. a:~8 M of ~yaterlea. to ' set hIs wagcs. ,u ti le ll him to 10 anll Alx I<hooterJ. si r. during ncatlon . Tbe fat "'OD.t . · ~:1bb~II a coupt~ 01 away QuIck. alld. star p "a y 101111." " Won't do! I 'van t ;0 , ' 11 a cat.... Dl clr,- Well. you'lI 'Otlr meel your ,uatlfull or. f .... , ~ .• wbls~el s , no'... You Clu.ltl . " . Ilt a ma'ch to .'1, Cblcol:o Dally :\'~Wtl. Du,!t.lL_:-:r~');n T.oP!cS
Mrs. .Anna Polls b nc/(llCho and dis tressing' pa in" . Itccom paniccl by oifoDf;ivc dis ch "I'ges a 1111 g l' rH'mlly by irrcl,ruh...· FrClj Ue llt
nnd sc ant ~' lU e n 3t nlHt.ion inc1icn.t.e n diRplu":c lUl! l1 i Or n ervo t\ t'g'c IH'rntiOll of Un.. , wOluh nnd sUl' l'ouDdin g orguu~, Th e fJll ch tion that. tr oll hles WOlll{'n
ls how can II. \ VOJ nall who ha. ... some It...... trull blu lJUlLl' h" ,,11 h \' (lhilcJ I'cn ? JlIt·s . l\lIl1tlPott.s.of r.w i'urk Ar cnue. D ut :-;pI'iD!l'", Ark., wriles: Mr Denl' JIll ... Plllhhnll1 :I, /)ul'illl! Lhocn rly par' of my mnnioc! li fo I OlU Ie
onn ['( I t, ll l u' WOlllJI IJp 1~l l il ll ;.! yr' l. ('!1Iy :, hi t!, hll ~ l\ y f cl low l})! I!" nlo n!-: , a rrol· I lo w ahollt ~& y eit l' ~ old , RHO l;" ~: t l'\Jp(\1 1 ovcr u llLl PUl ili ~ ha ud 0 11 til,' mj tl gct'.:I
I; n"", e:zactly whe ro thc Lhlngg wero tha t he " ' ns r cs poll s lhl.· fol'. AO hc ·('.Qu ld lOy h is hall d s on them In the .jnrk, and h ~ kn e w J11~t \\'lul\ wo go ll hi s stuf'[ wo s to ' go In. Gee. Illit you t a lk ohout system, thero Is no bllllll1 e~5 In fh e w orld Ihat hilS u ~ ys tem 1\1;0 a s how on th road . E vel'Y perfortnAr wns In hI . or 11er section In til e sleo pel'. IInr! pa and J Aot on <!Il 11 ~e lion wll h Ih e , freak s. the fat womnn a cross t Il e ai s le from li d. That i ut woman 15 I;oi ng to malw life a burd n ' fer pu, I call S c thal 1.laln enoll gh, Sbo Is engaged 10 the 11\'l nl; sk ~ll'l ou. and he IIICCP5 In the IIpper berth. o\, er h er. on ll Ill' I j nl· 0 11 3 of , pn. whil e th o fai wom o n hU3 gO! to dtpcndlng on pn 10 do lillie
~II' .
, P g ~u nd I!~ I h(l :.l ~'
,. Wh y nOI ',''' "I ml sell the m
g il l'S!;
UO ~' w ll o·(1 pap :l l u a u y (' Uf(' ~m~ i ll,l:.H o ( l' hil '
II n ' n '....
triu", ".. h ldl I
:I t
Ea si ly :Done.
c'allJp al}.!lL
p lnc(·mcnt o f the wurob III' lac/( o f strength in t h e g ncro.Li vo orgalls.
"Ar£" .\'()II til(' Iitt lp
,·u o lI ,.' h to
do y u ')
mi ';g,,, t
w1\ n\ h) c h jl ~ l1 cM' a ud lone ly ol d ugo, 1\lnn,r a. Wl(i...· has fOll ud h c rb(~lC in ca. pa blu u f moth e rh ood owing to n rl is .
Tr.ld e S ecret.
Shlllll, 1
t he l a l' iJ fl U e'S llOI1 , and li p :l l' AlIrd f or er r I.' ( Ta d , ", hu l ('\"1' ( t.h at i ~ , fo r hhl f 011 h Olt!', 1 0 11 11 mad" nit' t hi ll 't of llrYll 1l d ur, I i ll g
\, . ;,;..:t
The ,Ial'l '';f, t a"ys lit hu ~ bnn ll nntl wll t, lt th ey COml: to look lor.
Wifll HI'"
wllilr ,"-C n :-:;st' I I' ~ ,
\ \'I! " u ti l " j'rr" ,1 l all i ~O la(1 i;lt ll thct
Tbrew Boiled
Urs. Potls To1l3 Bow Women ShoUld Propare (or Motberhood
fl fl l 'l! u ! h f'I " ,'"
fl t ·( 71 ' Wfi 1" 1' .
I IJ:lt (· t1llfr ll1 l1 ~l l 'd
In Proof. Stern "'ut hor-So you wi s h 10 m ;' !T1 m y rluu;,;/tl e r . e h'! VOIIII!: Illall - Tha t ·s what I ~ alrl. "n,. ~' on I hlnl' YOU will bc " hlu to prol'hJp for hPl' In th e s l yle 10 whiCh s hc hn s al,,·:!)," IJcen a eC UHlOlO '(I ?" " 1'111 r'J r tulli II I It. Wh y. last wee l, s he I'CrIlSer! to nl'ro mp a ny m e fO Ih n l uenlr. r' h~('allst\ ;;; h ~ had no (' I f)t h ~ lit
Jam pH- ~I )'
lord . the ca.r rlagc walts
w llh o ll t ~I y
Lorrl - Wllli on t what. Jam 5? any 'osse~. IllY Jo r41, II Is IIIl' o,otOI' c:lI'1' lagt·.- lhll' lillli· da r. J u n.w~- \ \ ' ithOHl
An Impression.
" '1lS tlld.Icllto In lll!nltli ~ both m y hu.'iI.u:uul nnd. I W(!I'O ' -OtT nn:'dnus t OI' n child to IIletiS our IIOIUO, IJut, I b,ul two uli800 rl juge.'i, 0114.1 could ",.t cun y n child lo maturity. A n "i~b bo .. who hnd broil OlU 'L'<l hy L ydia E, rlllkhtuu1a \ ' c~ctuLlu Compound ru!"ISOtI ruu tot.ry it, I lIiLl so nm1 SOO n t'lt ttllLt I wns growing o
, tronA"'" lilY bcaduc·h.., a nd bllCkach,'II left l J hlU1 IIU moro ooaring-dow n J:mius, nud.. reI liko" ltOW womnll. WILhln n yoor I tx.'COIII O tho II IO UJ~r 0( . a Strollg, hcn.Jtby cull", tho jn)' of 0111' bomo. Lydlo. E. Plnli-' 1II1I1I'9 ' Vegotnble C:OIOIXI" nd I.. "nl'talnly tit sple.mlirt r c mctly, ruul I wish 6\' c ry W(imDm wbo wllnts to becom~ n tnotber would trylt,'~ Actunl stcrilily In woman is verY I ra'·e. H U II Y woman thinks s he lsste rli e, le t )1<'1' try Lydin. E. PinldJUlu'a Vcgetable Compou nd nnd writo to Mrs. ' l'inldtnlll, L.rn". Muss. Her ndvlco is Iree to expectant Or would-be mothers . ' III
===~======~ l.= INDUSTRIAL ITEMS.
Th e J!:urofl eon sugar CI'OP thi s veat'! Is csti mated a t betw een 6,550.000 an,l 6,675.000 tons. -rh e !J e rman e~o~ will probably amuun t to ~. 20{).OOO Ion s Englund's nr~ t s pinning mill to be wo rlt ed by cleet rlcity has heen a tarte<1 lit )' cnl/lchu,·y . Mnnd:estcr. 1l cont8111 S 80,000 s pln tlles, Dud has no chimn ey. Th e n1'Nt .0 Ud (ml ,l o r ea llllOi/ [lOBI C\'er s h II'1'0t! from ' !iI Amcrlcan C'tllnill !; fa ctory wenl Oll' fl'om a callnlng CClm;lUll y'!i plaut nl Longmont. Col.. r oco.lI ly. L a-t )' cnr 48,000.00'1 Ion s ot cargo W I'e cllrrl cd from 1\ 11 tho BCliPOrts or th o wU1'lcI. lind out 0 1 tllat total 31,000.(1)0 tOil S \\'e l'o ell rrl"d by sblps of Gl'cat Drlta ill. I Gl'owing of S I'apes In g raperl es Curnl sh es an ImllOrll!nt SOU1'ce of revenlle III some CO Ulltrt ~S . no lably Delgl um ' nnd fh e Chann el Is land s, wller~ largo q lla oLlli ys are annually grown ond expo rted. Tbe Unltod States Is a gOud clISl me r Cor thom. as high a'l ~5 ce nts 10 75 cents a pnund who lesale. and t " ' 0 to three dollnrs. anll even mort) , a VOll n11 retail being paid for: th o fruit. Grape g,'0wlllg III pals \9 mu ch l.rac Llced In parI s of Burope. and CSI)cdlllly In France. wb e ro tho vin e. al'o lar ge ly fiSCII for decorath'o pur(lOses 011 l ust/ve oeclieion •• ODD PLEAS FOR DIVORCE.
JI1 n tl Ihl ~ grl'ot nloc! bo s tltn~ lo'U1Q " \\'0 k lr 1I ~ (, f ILI:t..t.!II:i W tI ~ .'C :
A Clc"cllln ll miln Is s uing hi s wife fot" dlvorco uec8use s ho threw It seashell at him wh c n he read aloud. OlJvlolisly s blt lVII' In th c wr(Jog. A seas he ll Is nol very, ·}'Iercc. baru . ~11 ~ o lile ll,ll - Wh y Liltl Gral'e I~av~ A Penll sJ"'auJu woman who Is suing hn lu s l pial ,'! for (1I"orce finrl s no consolation In beMI,s 'I')' l' l> t - ·Oh, bh " m ad c anI' ''" Ing tbe wl(c of u wbo bas brol,en all tn l :itakt:! rccurd s In . onc lIuc. h o havlllg deserted M I)-~ ~h'n o- (Jr~H" I O II !"- ! \Vltnt \\' lIS it? h er 3" Jlm es In 47 months. i'll ~~ 'I' ."' l!l i l - \Vhy . ~ IH ' 1114111 hH J lIlO A Trenton (N. J.) woman ,,'lIl1ts a dir o ~::: , - 1 ' 11( Ie vorce Ilceau "c ber hu sba nrl . whose name Is ~' Innegun, won't as k the legislallire to Killing Two Dl rds . Mrg. (; ra nll ' l(y - Do yuu lh i llJ. YO II cbange II . When R womall marri es It is tim e she cellscd Lrylllg to change her will he hn ppy ill !'I ud\ aVian'? nome, Mrd. I' . II; - Th e i lltlll r~ lII e nl ~ UI'C en· A I\'umun III Logan s port Is SlIlng for tl40'in g n ~ Ht' flu \n n ~ n rl'!; itle ulc lh cr(" divorce. IIn c (If he r complaints being tbat \\ 1' w il l lH' all!...' to ~t' l our <l1\'u l' ~ tlod ~ \\'I' :l r u n OU I la·x c at 11I 1' ,'l am e tim e, h e r hus liand Is too loving and hugs her Vlllh too grrut cons lan cy and exuber-- PlId, . an ce. Sh c s houl d bave a IRckllng dumIII ); l'l sgeo fin and make hoI' spouse IrT Sounds Like It . Hos ton Te.,()w r - WaldO , yu u blay dc · Ollt hi s en c l'gy no It belore being admitted to I h e ho use. flo r "pro pa f'a n da ,. UOSlon Pllpll - Why . It 's - It '~ TWICE-TOLD TESTIMONY. JI. T - \\'c ll'! n. I' .-· \\,h)·. I gil es It's tlie m R; CU' line or " p rOJlc r goo ,e. "-C lc'·e lallcJ A Woman Who Has Sulfered Tells Bow tD Find Relief, l~rnd t ' I · . Tl. .. 11 ,\' 11 ~, !lv li r e III u fJI Cl! Ulld '1' 1.1.' fI .1 fJ \ \ 1111 th lll h. lhl:)' oU ,&111 t o L. ,- " ' lt h hlt,1;' v ll Slur.
, 'lal' th u u ~ Jlnt.l s o f wume n who suffer Coulrl Give :E·lts . Too. Th r nad' elor-Say what YOll 1,I ~ a sp . \xicJull~ h.', lall g uur, \lrinnry dbordct'3 nnd otherl<l(llll' Y III •• "lit I do n', uclle\'o th ero was cyer a will fl nd cOlllfol't In mU ll Ihat co uld size a womau ur., the w o rds of Mrs. Th e J-Icll edlct-My brother Clill. .T uno )""rrc ll l of GOO Th c BIlf'helo r- HolV li o ),011 Iw~\\'? O l.!C 8U Ave. , Jerse v Th e Il cnecJirl - Uecaus e he Is II la.lies ' City . N. J., who sny~: la/ll)l'. .. 1 reitcrate nll I ha V() baid WOI'O in Appreciation of AI·t. 'prltlse of DlllllI 'd Kid. j;'jrst Littl e 011'1 I showing wOl'k or b t!y Pills . I hMI been fll'll - Ta ke care '0\1' you touch It, hl1ving h eavy back. Ihal 'H ·:ond ·nuintcd. that Is. aelll'6. Bntl my gen· S eco n d 1.lttl e Girl ( contc lllnt uou. ly) eml hCltllh was whon I began - Thll t alu't notilluk. so's ollr f,ro nl using th e ln. My fu ... t "'"re 6wollen. my door. eye.. puff .. .! . IUld dizzy spells were fre-
Wire In • Slmllle- 1 can' t und c rstand why an the slrls arc so .fond of that beastly, little IInkty instrumellt- whut do yo" call It ?- the mandol!Ile7 1'llc Cynlc""'l'lalll enough. L!lIIr 110:-; It'. ~t:ause there'lI a maa ·la it.
CJu eut. Kiu ney a ction was irre gular and tho suc rctimls highly colored • Today., how \'cr, 1 am a woll WOIllBn, '" aqd 1 am t;on6dent that Doan's Kidn"'" Pills ha\'o WIIUIl me so, aDd a:e kcepin. me ,~ ell . " : • !:!old by all dealers. - !IO cents-. bo.. l'oster-M,Uburll. Co., ' Bdalo, N. Y.
-- ,_.
Concerning ' Former
~ NO 39
bO ·YOU GET : -- .
M:,:~~,~~:;I,~ ~~ I~,~~~;~~ ~:;~" r' STOMACH 'ACHE
You bave E x ten ln g 'l'i fl1P Limit, 1 , G mnd Iiome-Oomlng 'and ' .. more orwith Icse SIC. t. u ' It or<lalne<l b y th o no uncll Of -- - . r li III rg l' llll'nt of' I'ro~ tll t" ~ 1II I' d Th III trouble Re unIOn of ' former Residents at Lhe lo corllorat~tl Villalle .. r WIIYQCSI'IIIO' I 'K14nCY Trouble 10 Miserable. i_ hn tlt 11Il infni 111"1 oI /lMII:.' r o u~, aud W ltynesv\l1e week .beginning August OhIo, UlaLSU(:lIo" ~ QC an ortlillallc' entlt loo ---. f nlp,··,d(1I1" .' \· ('11 " .. 11,,"1d bAtllke.n your 110m" A n Or,lIoano U 111I'nll allel ,:.t311I1shlllJ; U Almost everybody who reads the ' ach, your 6,1906 , Hullroa,ll{out<:l n thoY llusuof Wa)·uQ. f1llll. papers I. t k f th ~e~' i o r I lie fi r/H. Si j! D nf 111llllH' t Il l< II cor · bowels li nd Mus l ' J . l h tt H\' f"I sure 0 now 0 . ~ w ~n eOu rf l'h i' I·",.m lll l'il il''' II " d l\II tl Cl " 'HtJ YOl'r IIverObi". Olc. " pa•• ',\ till' 0111 tl"r or Julr. A \) '1 ~ ~~I~er' ~Sw~tRoo~' tlltlll.\' ·.,ltI n ,t'1! "I' r'll- tl i. ·...(' ~, · "r everybo dy Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bradstrl!et, 1"0 • . b. "mc od. d '" as to "on" us folloW", I II In IHl v il n ce f 1 .0 0 1\ J t.'lH . of 75 4 W. Chicago Avenue, Chloa".Ssc . •. 'I'hnt tllb or,lI r.lIlIl CC . hall IlIke the gce~1 kidney, live; R O/l l1 ('~' Hill" Pit, n lllJ" P""I , M.. , ooes. Aud I '.U · l\ Y c.' I\r J I 1I 0 L pa ttt I II Ildvtlo cc t 11 m' be In r,,,·< c Iroll' a u<l al ler tile al.(l bllt dcrremedy', w rI I P~ : ' '' 1 ""•fl' ,·tl'oi \\lI h' ,' III ,·!!,'(1 WheD the_e g O, illinois , will spend the holidays "flec tl arll esl. Ilt rlor' illl O W I~(' h y l a w. ' I' hat. t he delica.te &luel _ II Is the greal medl- l)ro.. tJ'ltt fl c h""l ll "cl Id llt"d.l' It··tt l I.. ollally .di "UFFICE I N .J();-l' gf; B UILDING . w i th their }mrents. Mr. and MrA grant "ba\l \!eOQlllI' Vller" t;'·" 111' 01" " " ""1 1'1 . " .l(t er lt ~ UCC\' lHMh'(! b y uran u,'t,' wh h: 1l ~ cal triumph of the nlno- f li t .\· , · nr~ ,IJUIIlI.,,,, ,, IlIki nJ,! t \\ 11 h If ordered 01'. A . Q. Bradstreet, near . Dayton. "" CQPlll ll "" ~hn\l I,. rl le,1 wIth ' he (Ole r "!lr ~ij teen:'1 century: dls- t.l es (I f 1",, 1o ,, 'f< KHlthl\" ..Cn ,." I 1', til gnuB do gut and his ount, Mr8, Ava Ebright, :;~~ ~~I~:n ~,'.~"~)\~:~~~,' :w':" '~·:,;, ~1;~Y'~':': I~ ~~ '\~~ I ij ~~~~t1;;c l::e~;:~s ~yf \lp! tt' !' ! hit \I 1 h" n ' I'll " ', \,....," \ " .. " I' . oulof order, at Wayn88ville, olso their mauy . ,,"cnr,tI "K lo l:tw. That Lh. Kr. II" " '"" '''" 1 I, . Dr '( "mer th I lIJt.b utWh 1.111' II nw Ol ' ''' I'~ ,,',1 tlo eYllre the , . . ' • 0 em,,. I' " I I \vorst tlllll'"b fri ends whom they will be I d up<) n tllc co n d l t. I0 11 1 h:ll t he g rn ll LI~ n 1'0 HI II _ • n t.n: kk',neu end blad- I' ,-,f' ,WUt ~ . . pease . pay a1\ u f ail\,tr tl. llur thl.. Unl l,,"" e", ' In the world to you . If you took the ~, t:: O!ol ES U A Y . . N O \ ' E MlI~: R ~II · . . IOO ~ to meet. all~ 'tIIIlL,'OUS'< IICtlOll or ", 1,1 .. roct "all wIIY - - . der specialist. and Is i - - right kin d of CIl I''' ,, (them , yo u wouldu't wlthtn Ih < corporate lim lt, "r t il ,' \' tl l ' ~u wonderfully successfu l In prom ptly curIng : J H M"CASSY M A M 0 luffer, hut "ou don't. . u ,..t Mrs. Edith Dinwiddie, of Spring- ~ b all he 'OIHIIIf' hlll n n o r heron' Pf'l' l.' mtfc r lame back. kidney, b ladder, uric a cid trou'" T he ouly Jway you can correct! h e trou"For un to you iR born this day In :11 , 10 0~ . IIo t ountl ll ~ ,Iellll' ,·.II,setl h, II t l~II' bles and Br ight's Disease, whIch ta the worsl I i i' W HRI f.'ifl h :-< tr, 'p t . ble you fl o hElve alld 1""\'"lIt thesonartA field, arrived in Waynesville ThurF- tl on." I form of kidney, trouble, .,, ~ thu oit y of DRvitl ~ t;avl or which Is from gettiug out o f un)er i ~ to UIO ... dny last on a visit to relatives a.nd ~. o. ~ Tht. Ordinan ce s hllll La ke d lcc t ' Dr. Kilmer . S wlimp. " !)c IS nol rec- , Oll y t.,IIl , n hi " . Cbrltl t tbe Lord. " -I:!t. Luke 1111. tho c,.r il,·. t p"I",1 , \l owe,1 ~I' la\\' . om m en d edf o r ev~ ry t h l n g buttfyouhQve ktd- , fr iends i among these were MI'8 . ;u PaS"",IIIL COlllI,' 1I " h:llll loor In the \·III.IKe ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found 11'11"" ....,. . tllill If, t)~, H oI llI" :I ;, n~ "And SUddenly there was with JIlUles Stoops, Walter McClure, W, of Wur "e.. IIl " . ,,1)10. th l. til ' n il tllI l' or Just the remedy you need. It has been tested ( L" ... a.lue) the unge) II nIu1t.itude of the heavU·ocu lhe r . 1\ , 0 . 1 !)I..l;, , tnsom a nyway s. ln h osp~talwork . l n p ri v ate t r;:\, v. 1 1 :",u, N o~ . .} r\ N II 'l'II Uo /\ 'I' ! H . Dinwiddie, T . J . Brown and enly host praiSing God and saying, e u" •. II. n Y-F. II . Ch'rk. practice , among the helpress too poor 10 pur- ~I " 'NIt(.1t>~ HI t p,lnl, TI'It ~mlllhl l' p" i, " , , families, This week Mrs. Dinwidw II . Z,:r. L" Mayor chase relief and has proved SO luccossfulln ' Glory t.o God In the highest, Bnd on every case that a special Ilrrangement h.s Evuryborly kn owsthat PEPSIN I.good ' die will visit old friends at BellI3Brth peace, good will to men. "been made by which a ll readers of this pape r ' CounterfllltlDll the (;f\ nmnll ' for thestolUllch, but lu comblnatiou witb brook. where she spent a part of t;t. Luke Ii 13. 14. LA NG ~fl who have not alroady trIed It. may have a ' . i cerlnin plant drugs by OR. CALO•• " , . ' sample bottle sent free by mall , also a book I FIIllIY & Co ... C hiP,,!! /) . m· i~illllt.!' tl WELL'S formula, its natural value her girlhood. Her childhood Wll8 Sncb was the angelic 80ng on the Rl n(l~: v lI. I.. K, Onro telling more about Swamp- Root and how to i S",," y lind 'l''''·It ~1I thrnllt ",.d 111111; Is highly Increased. "pent on the farm now owned aud Ii""t. ('hrlf.ltTuR8 morning that. dawn. fInd out If you have kidney or bladdertrouble. ! r OIlI P,ly. 11 11,1 II" nccIIllnt. of th,· A'n 'llt : OR. c ALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN occupied by Cloren ce Borryhlli nellr RP K' I ~LT l lt.<; : . DU:!Jl:ASElI OF WOlIKN When wrlttng mentton reading this ; mt"rit n ttll p"pn ll1rit ." rot Fol roy '~ I Is the best thing In Ihe world lor cor.... 1 Ipon earth. duoh Is the song of Ferry. offer In Ihls paper and !:IlIll PY II l1 d 'I'll' mllll" ill\itnti n Jl~ 11 fl' , reetlng and c,urtog all forms ohtolDllcb ANt> m1!r.D1tKN . ( :hriBtians at this R6IIson Ilf 11105. send your address to offflrecl ror t\l .. /!f' IlUill" Ask for trouble- you II say so when you try it. Mrs. Dinwiddie hilS lutaly mllde Dr. KlIn'ter&Co",BlngF 1 ' " I DR . CALUWELUSSVRUPPEPSIN - - - ,,LAt, It11 the earth rejoloe lind join hamlon, N. Y. The I fI oy !l A ~ ln B~' IInli 11lr Rnrl rtl tl1~" can be obtai ned iD both doli nraDdhall. a I,rlp to California where sbe visit in tho Celestial ChoruA. I..oW ~'A IU£ TO OAl..lFORXI A, OOLORA 0 0 , regular fifty cent and Rom. or : nny Rllllstltnttl. ( ' fl'~' r(l(\ ItR no ot.It er I dollnr sizes nt 011 druggists, aDd your ed her guIhood uelghbnrs and MEXICO, ANi> POIN'I'~ SOUTn, WE~T dollar sizes are sold I>v all ~ood druggl.ts. ! pn;p!lrfl.I,lon WIll !tI V... thp SIIUlfl Milt.. I money will he refuuded if it faU. to friends, Mesdames Vlna Morrillon "Ia Penlls)' lvanh\ LIlies Q ul ok train Williamson-Elliott. Don't mnke [lOy mi stnkp hut reo I iafu ct,!oll . It i ~ mi1( tl,V I",xlt' ~\'" , It i benefit yOrl . and Ruth Monwell,daughter8 of thll Icc tnke. passeng" ... from ""lei to ... anD I oontalD!I n o Op1l\tf'R nnr! is Sll f"t I Your OOltal card reQue,~t ,,\11 brl~ b, "Ia~ ellmut"". In a few IIOUrs. I'""nhcr, , n'ornHl' member the n 11l1l0, Swnmp Roo t, cbildren llnel deliolLw IlftrHOnti F . 'I BOOK m nll our n . .. book l.t. I) R. CALDWELL'. . , , OF W O NDI~ lt ::; " nnd rree .amplo 'e The pleasant oountry home of Mr. lat.a Wm. Carmau, years ago owner Lion cunll a ll\' r"rlll " he ~ uPO'" rellu. sl ud· Dr- Kllmor S Swnrnp R oo t. Illld th e C Schwartz tbo•• who I".ve no,·,'r trlod Ihl. . . oll4.rflll lIud Mrs. Robert WlIlInmson, living the farm now owned hy Chas. S. ClrQ.s.. 1 La lhe "can·. t I'"nusytvaula LIn"" dd Bi 1 t N Y rem.dy. Mall your po.lall,,<Iay. ticket n~e nt d~7 a ress , ng \limp OU, ' " n --, near CIlnterville, although alwllYs ' Bellrs nt Ferry. She al80 visited WINT ER 'i'OORIST TIOKETS OO LORAevery bottle . PEt~!~ ~!~I~! nn IIttraotive spot, was unnsually so S eattle, Washington, where 8he was VETERIN ARY SURGEON. I DE>cember 11, 1905, that being the the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John DO, CA LtI!'ORNIA, MF.XIOO, FLORIDA For Stile by ,1 . E. JnnnAY. J.A\btt.nOD. Ohio . ' i day oh086n for the marriage of their James, her old frlend8 an4 neigh. and pol ntJI ..e~ t anU !IIou tb now sold 8 p~clo. l DR.H.E.HATHAWAY, , Can be callerl any hour, day or l~-~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' daDgMerSuellen to Mr. Will Elliott. bor8, formerly of Ferry. 8M reo low t ~r~s "13 Pe n ns ylvnn ln L ines I ntor ma· a bou t r o ut.~HL 8t.op ·O\·e rs BnO trn" cl coo· WnynesnUe'a Leading Dentist The attendants were Mlsa C I ports all thA8'.l old Ferry friends all 'lIoo "Guleo,'c> (reely gh'en u pon requ es~ add rc. · uig ht. Both Bell "nd Valley aro yn w ell situated m life, prosperous and t'O(J Phone!!, Vlllley Phone . o. 238 . ...... _ . . . ~Y' _ _ IoO n ClIoreet Pe nns yl ,!ant a Lln CS a",ent :! '; Omce In Keys' llulldlnl! .. . . Mllin Street Elliott, IIlster of the groom, and Mr, happy In their adopted homes, but Earl Williamson. brother uf the retaining a warm feeling of attach · bride. The bride was becomingly m ent to their Ohio homes and attired In II. handsome dreea of whUe frIends to all of. whom they sent mUll, and MI88 Elliott In blue swo- affectionate greetmgs. zett. Publi. hed Weekl y at
W ,. yn".. lIle.
_ /
Y!'III';' 01 " ~.., ")In, r t '" III 'klll' AME BACK? I Hxl,y WITH A I... n \l'\" ' III,,1 l lln rld.-r Ilrk... ,l" '. ~, u Rually
I. . I
M \V
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
D' () M
H.r,·, I'
. '
Dr. R. J. Michener"
C!~Cobel!.I,aclronu'pS.nCdOWlU.I~U~~~bd. y
While Misl Merl Himes beautifully rendered the wedding maroh, the bridal party at eleven o'olook entered the tastefully deoorated parlor where, in the prllll8nce of fifty-four near relatives and frlllnds, Rev . A. D. Maddox Impres8ively oonduoted the oeremonlee whloh welded t-ogether the lives of these two worthy youni persons. The many beau~lful presents gave evidence of the hlgb esteem In whioh the reciplent8 .are held. An elegant wedding feast was well served, after whioh the bride and groom, accompanied . by MIM Marie Benham, of Lebanon, departed, amid a shower of rloe, for Columbus to attend the Ohio State Grange. The groom being a sUOC68llful farmer, their futnre home wUl be the one he now OOOUpl88. The wide olrcle of their friends unite In ~Isbing them a lite 118 IODff and happy aa the summer day, on which they made tholr solemD promise, was beautiful.
In SOCiety. ,
1 f
! ,
At a meeting of the Card Club at the home of Mrs. Edith Harris last Wedne8day afternoon, it was arranged that the members of the Club and their husbands should meet unannounced In the evening at the home of Mrs. Joel Evans aud oelebrate her birthday In a jolly Rood fashion. All the plaus were 8uooe88ful and Mrs. Evana was oompletely taken oft' her guard, but both 8he and Mr. Evans made the gueets welcome, and all asreed that It was a oharmlng evening. Mr, and Mrs. 'J. H. ColemaD opened their doors Wedne8day evening, Deoomber 8, to a eompany of about thirty of their friends who spent the time until a late hour playing euchre, at· whloh Mrs. George W. Hawke won the lady's prize, and after playing a game with Mr. E. I:!. Bally to determine which was the moro skilful player, Mr. J. O. Cartwright was'· awarded the gentlemll.n's prize.
$5.00 Reward. Lost-A black rat terrier i tan feet., white atripe on brenst, oarries 88r8 up, full face and weighs ten or eleven pounds. Answere to name of Crloket. 'r. M. MCCANDLKSS, Ridgeville, Ohio.
Bank Election. The stook holders of the Citizens Bank, of Waynesville, Ohio, will meet at Its Banldng Honse on TUESDAY, ,JANUARY 2,190G, between the honr8 of 2 and 4 o'clock p. m., to elect directors for the ensutng year. ' J, N. LEIIUtlON, Caehle~,
Good ThiDIB to eat fol' the HOLIDAYS CANDIES Underwoods out mixed Bome made, out mixed Taffy. mixed Fancy French Cream8 Extra Fanoy Frenoh Creams New Eng Peanut Crisp Pure Fudge--AI11la.vors Jelly Dr4ilPB. Gum Drops Boney Oomb C"ndy Old Fashoned Nuts Barber Polee lOots. a pounJi Underwoods stiok Candy Chocolate Drope Coooanut Bon Bons Caromels. Many other kinds. The finest nue 10 town and prl088 th.e low88t. ORANGES-ORANGES Sweet Florida Oranges Sweet Navel Orang8l' Mal&f!a Grapes Nioe Large Ba.nanaa . Apples-Lemons CALA FIGS in 5c and 100 pkgs Smyrna Figs Nioe Large OU88 BULK DATES Sots. pound Package Date8 NU~All
new Mixed Nuts Fancy Almonds The Shell English W~lnuts Nice Large Peoa.ns Coooanuts-l'ea.nutB F80ny Crllonoorries CALA JUMBU CELERY FRESH BALTIMORE OYS· TERt! Fresh Crackers and Cakea Bulk Mince Meat Pickles-UII vee-Catsup If It Is In town you will find it at our. store, Special Price's to Churches an'd Schools on Candies Nnts Oranges, etc. Uet your prices before buying, we can Mve you money. We are giving onr CU8tomers some pre8ents suoh a8 ROB'fER!:!, FLOUR BL.~I:!, BREAD BOXES, EUG CARRIERS. GRANITE WARE i Save your tick. etB. Bring us your Produce, . Highest ~t'ket Prlce8 paid for Butter nnd Eggs. at Z I M M 'E R MAN' 1:). of oourse.
Will Assist San,t a C?laus.IMr. 'and Mrs. P0S"I I 1'l\1 La: LY . PA RA[-'y Z--I-~M"'" '6-:S;lend~,ert . Ttlnity Choir. a." Antra~, J. BARGAINS " the by
h r . "lief . >. ep' l ...'r ·
le~~e:' naturally
feel. gratefnl fol'
The DlemberB of ,he Trinity M. E . Lebanon, will play part of Banta her oure lind want, otbera h H f· ohoir of Xenia entertah~ed an ap. OIaDS to the ohildre:n of Warren OP'flOlANS. fer WI she did to sooure the ~&me preola"ve audienOB at Bigh '8oh001 Couuty next &Lturday afternoon. . Will be in Waynesville Ohio at adva.ntages. Bal1, Thureday e'v ening, Deoember Mr. Antram bas sent ont nnmer· the Gustin Bouse the fir~t Tu~day Don't forget the date, Janu,uy 2 7. with a ..ored ooncert. . ODS cardll reading as followlI : , and Wednesday of each month. and 3, 1906 ,T here were, twenty· nine voi08ll in Lebanon, Ohio, Deo. 4,1905. l.'wo days only. Home offioe 1000 U n. BU11dill g. the oholr and under the perfect OMr Little Friend: . JANUARY 2 and 3. 1906. EXAMIN ATl~~Y;,::,~~h II dIrection of Mrll. W. B. MoGervey, Your letter to Silnta Claus re· every number on the program wall ooived 11.110 . K. and t.he "Grand Old Besin the New Year with ~ood rendered In a fanltl8IUI manner. Man" hall asked me t~o asSl8t him vision by getting a proper fit of 1'he people of Wayn8lvlJle had again thla year In distributing a lenses. been told that they might expeo' part of his pl'88ents ; EIO if you will Headaohes. nervoUB.n~, sleep. a rare 'rea' In lilltenlng to TrinU, call at my oftloe In the Post Fffioe" 18811ne88 eyes watering eyeude Wll· &turday afternoon, Deoembllr 23. ~ . ' oholr, but our hlghe8t expectatlonll 11105 at 2 o'clock yon will receive taring, eyelld8 burnlng and twitch· were far l\lrpaued . It wonld be you~. You~ friend, ing are signs of detective vlslOnln Xmas at Impouible ~ say '00 muoh In pralle WILL ANTRA II. four 0II8es out of five. Attend to It of 'blloonoerl. From 'he opening • - • promptly and lIava your eyes. Store On number unU! the olOilng seleo&1on Pomona Orange Do not let your child go if It the rendition of the program W8.1 ahows any symptoms of squint, Or Free OffiCI. Do flul'ION. The War~ell CoUJ~ty Pomona or0881ng of the eye8 . If negleoted. Grange, whloh InolndBII all the Every membllr of the oholr de· Granlftlll in the county will meet at a painful and dangerous Burglnal IlerveB commendation. Mrs. Edna Waynesville, Baturda'y, December operati on mlly be neoe8~t1r y. Tak . New Train Schedule Ing them In time we ou re without Bell, rendered a delllfhtful BOlo In 30. Under Ii new sohednle In etJeo& thefil'lt anthem, "Pralse the Lord," • - • n81ng the knife. 26,190:'. PaM8enger tnJDIIIMve A REBIDENT OF W AYNEHVILLE Nov. and Mra . Grace Bubble ' hi the uext Public Sale of ValWaynesVille j ....tlon all followl :. anthem, "I will 11ft up mine eyel. " uable Relill Estate. ooroborate8 the te8timony of people For the W e.~t : 9 :02 1& , ID , daily • and Kill Anna Redfern In "'I'he '11 in other pll1c98 IlS to the 8kill lind For the Wetlt: a :411 p . m., dally The of Lewis For the W est : 4 :liG a . w ., SundBY King of Love" Bnd "Btlrk my soul. " A . ability of Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Peterson. 36c F;)r lIen'lI GOo heavy wellfth 93cMen'l Heavy Cardigan Jacket ),flail BenrieHa Logan Bang a solo In Kemp, deceased, on only Fleeoed Undelweer. worth t1.50. the Te '1>eum. The qnartette DECEMBER 27 190 5 Mas. AJl08 MIIlNDIIlNHALL give8 ns For the Ea8t : 9 :Ci4 a m " dally ,or the celebrated prBIIldent 49c08nt'l SUit MufDer.. FaDoy ."a. IIIUIg the p'rinoipal part ' , perml8SI.on to mllke the 8tatement For tbe East : ":11 pm ., dally 43cBuapenders For th'e East: 10 :~4 pm, Sunday In lIeparate XInu or Plain; 750 valu88. ... . ' at 1 o'olook p. m., willilell at pub. 98 Men'l and boy I aU. wool 10 the Te Denm bIling Mias Benri · lio &notlon on the premi888 the val - In her name that 8he Will! troubled boxM. only B . E. Booth, Allt. 35cPure Silk 500 4 In.hand Xmas CHw aten, Worth '1.50 etta Logan, soprano; Mrs. Clint uable 204 acre farm ot IIIlud deoedent, with nervousne8s, 8Jeeplessne88 "nd Tiell;,3 tor '1 .00. 19 lien'. 150 Rl'BY and black aI. Logan, alto i Mr. Clint Logan, tenor i looated one.half mile BOuth of the headache, sutJerin~ alm08t all the Way I Celebrated 2rlC) MutJ. Ct-nllan glov- . Kr John Prugh, ba88. vlll&18 of Bellbrook, In Sngar Creek time and spending money for medl STOOK SHOW U OURSJONS TO OHIO"'oo 19c .- ' Towuahlp Greene oonn~y . Ohio ' Ih Ii f lera i now 00I y 1~ 8-1 50 Perrinll ' flne f9.00 dl'Mll 80101 were 11110 rendered by Mn. lying bet~een the Waynesv(lle Ilnd olne8 w tout aDY re e . VIA P&NIISYLVAIfIA LIlIDi. 4c For Illk Inl"al Japone\te • ,101'81 fOr men. W. B. lloGervey and Mr . John Benbrook pike on tbe west, aod She oonsulted us on our first visit Ereuralon llckelA to Obl.a~" w Jl1 be 1014 Bandteroblefa 13 Ind 1~ for Ohildren'. Jtmu W8Itharwu . bounded on the ea8& !by the Bell· to Wayn88ville and was told that vi" Penn.ylvanla Lin •• Dec, Ie. l~ , IS .ad r PDIft'! 'f150.. ~itlal Band· k ~ SAPriKng V&IBley Pli~pe. Also defective eyee\ght was oonslng her ::; r~~:dn·'r~;" ·~!:u~:~;:;:~af:t~~;J:'LI!! 10c!°rob CAlltt. and G101'M. 1I1a1 LoIWe Br08dstone gave sev· brooLe .e e : .. or""uu 63 U , I .....1 811 W 1 ral -"I hi h h t he ...... . amp olt.e roperty bl oloct E'pO.,tlou· For (1Il1lDformaUon ""a' 5 Vor box of ohildren's hand- . ti:d';::'r 0 00 e r .... np w 0 were vsry muo in Ute Village of Bellbrook. trou e . . lIlt localllck.t ~ntor PenlUlJlnDla LIon Ckerohief. (3 In eacb box.) Chi d ' . Caaai IJIPI'8OIated. The aid farm II impl~oved with a She ordered U8 to ma ke her a pair . l The memben of the oholr ga"e valuable nine room frame house, of len8el whloh 8hereoeived prompt. HOLIDAY IIlXOORSIOIfS VIA PUlfIIT... Gont '. silk bandkerohl'ef• . 25cmere reDKI OornI'OY~ad _~.: 25c D _ I I nee pan_, w........ , h elr tune to reh 't08ether11 with Illl . _ u . r r.n., vvu VB ne. 88rse ... an d o,me ,two frame barn8, t b IIdi I oil Iv !lnd on wearlog them sbe ex po· VAlflA LmJC8. Gent" Purf linen hllndller '1.48~~1!,reDo'IB"~and~b' &oWayn88.tI18 and rendere<lthelr ~rft°:a~;o '::;~f ~i~noedarelleffromherheadllohes December :1Id. tUb. 26111.80111,111&04 25coblefl ...... er ~-, J.lluary lot a.... tbe d."",oll .blob u ...... , 98 Obi14ren'l doOble breen.d aoDcert ....$bont a penny all com· oonaiatlng of a8h, sllgar and ,other Ilndnervousn88s.oonldsleepweUat ololl,leket.a m" be' obUllled toaIl78l.tton lArp 9 7c 38 In, self.openlng'• . 50 C winter lui" ___ oolon. peDII"on $he prooeec1l1 of the eoter. valuable hard timber. Iylnlf along night and ber general healtb 1m. 011 tbe Penlloylunta Line. for OliN..... Umbftrellaa . --, , the traoUon road on tbe Bellbrook and New Year bolldaY trlpe. tlckelo 1004 Y U be II .. 81 4E CJhlidreD'i Xmaa 8u1". talDment going In~ the fnnd for d 8pr1 V 11 Ik proved. The 0ironmBtI\nce8 were "'turning uatll Jaauary 34,lach.aS"•. J'or, m re u, .. a n o y . I.h .1 • • • 1\ tb B Co ID an ng a ey p e. d be h full partlculan call on I""al tick.' .,.llt at. I • 50 bandlea, worth '2,00 equa to • e DIU.. e OllIe. m g . 'I'bis farm will be otlfered In two 8uoh that there ooul no ot er , Pellllo,lvaola Llnel; Gent'. IiIk bow Tiel. Regalar l(I'Idel. , The Oa.ette on behalf of the peo. s-rte, one hundred lIores of tbe ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7 C uo. for 70. 98cOhll4reD'1 double breteted pIe of Wayn8lvllle and the general BO~th par', extending fro~ one = 08" N bb ilk500ud75o winter lolte. I'aDoy oolon oiUseu oommlt&ee having the plke~ the ot.her, and 10'02aoree SEE SPENCER ANI) MONROE 39 C n . 0 111 Ti I 0 IIal '. oapa, lirla' """081 ...... 011 'he north end. The north end 11eb !oa Bqua";1Ic k pi Cwool ama worth~.' Bome.OoIIlllllln oharge, extendl ~ cODtalnl all the Improvements, t-o· Ol'eIlOnl.,:Ohlo. 19c e .or 950, a1Jd 0 nl, 49 II • pi 'h with nl1 the memben of tbe oboir and to gether Wlth about 8 Bcresof timber, When Wa_tlng CntJ Bu'*«Jnll. • . Cdoe:.: cape, p . Min Rroadnone "Doore thanb and .wblle the lIOuth eDd ~ Bbout 18 '-:"'-"""""'C~B ~'I .!.Oo'd fanoy XmMl23cBoY'1 Xmaa'Oas-, npW: 600 unranoe of the deep appreoiatiOD :';o~~:!=.r&nd iswiUtout aoy ~, 1188 ... n ow" 'faIn_In lot. ' _ of th81r work. Thl. wlll be a rare ohanoo to buy lid f "1 10c.... ~blaokor taDBIlIfI Ohl'l1arp'" Wool'Tama . • farml,utbe amewill be BOld with· Shin.leB,and a1 k n • 0 O' , wI~ Ie foot. d 45 Cud &oy.' 0.PI. 715 valaea . . In Recognition. ou, reservation and without refer· :reed rGc . lien I 100 blaok, tan an Bo I rei til ence to any appraisement· there IIIUIOJ' I!<*. , 11.1980:: ~?.::.,..;a:I:a~ IlDiTOa GAllft'I'l:: beiDa DO heln of said decedent de· Corner stripe for tobaooo boxes for sale. . Children'. H_vy lu' black. ' , ' oedeD$ d88lro... of pllrohalllDg U, it· CJ 5 C lOol&ookln... SI.3tIleD11leaTJ'liDedOordu. Trinttyoholr wlllb,estooon. will be IIOldto thehillbelltbidder. D. 0"1 lIlio Illit Ua18 Jan and ' paD'" wonb " .00 VfI1 to ,be people of Wayn8lvilll'l The land la well adapt.ed to raising !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 21ct. - . .pendeN p . ~6 48 87 95 ~9 85 &helrappreolatlonof the royal way any kind of grain andoropesuited In w.... hi·" tb By were. en te r tal n.... -" tbll climate A WARM BR.BAKPAST 39 lleo 'a 600 oy l.pendeN The Bellb . k a1a C~ IDII.pante hoI. 11186, 814.50 tbe evenlna of tbe ooncert. We of a frame :~~r':iu::re ~ With BOmethlng snbstsntlal to begin the day on, anita every membe~ 950..... ,1.50 l'ano, wub V8lt. lIeD' Im Bult. and . were delllhted with your people, about tblrteen rooma ~lg8ther with of the ho08ehold these oold morning8. . 1 ~=:~ I"", IfGtIl · ' E ...... I b • •160 e.oo" •• 00 6_ ,! ~ dellibaed witb your eDthUllium, a bnalnesa room, and is located in MOlt people drink oollee at breakfa.t Ilnd we can 8Ult abe lo".~ '" 0 0 en. uvu n B· . • -. , _. ,'" -. 00 • ...... deI'''bted Ith ah Fri ds a satel Village covering parte of lote . , 39c8OWDI. Xmu &0. . Ooa&a aDd Bath Bobee .. " e en . ome, 51 and III aDd will bt, 101d a& the of coffee. We have &a good a line of COFFEKS as you can ODd In town 1Ial'1 faaoy dNM Ihl$ 12 50 83 95 85 50 wbln .~ 10 pl_nUy made ... ame 'Ime and plaoe as the farm . What better than batter cakes with PURE SYRUP. Get PalMlllke 49 O ,w onh a' I. . . 711c. ,' . , . " . feel a' home dunng tbe hour we Terma of lBIe, 1· 3 and two equal FLOUR and SYRUP here. . ' lad .pen' &here. Taking It altogetber deferred paylll8Dts of one and two ' 33clIen'a , h .."y IiOo wortlnl A up. Larpa, aDd In_t line In " wu ODe of thll mOl' enjoyable y ..... eacb, with IS per oont. Inter. We can furnlah the makeup of III meals; breakfut, dinner and lap t abln.. Double f~t.. , Da~ ... _. .._ tal. f 18&\ I801lftId by mortgage on the per, with all 88Uonable goods. O1h...p WI! ever ..en, or I 'laea ld You are Invited to 0611. S.,,"'&ltulduplayof premlame whiob .... ,pftD which we take otr our hate and ¥;:B.u:or LI:WUA.. KuP,deo. THE CORNER OROCERY .,...or.CJoId80a400QpoIlI. TaketbeeJe'faklr&O'b.BOODdaoc.. mabollrb8l&bow ~ old Wayn81 JohDPeaae Auot • .tile. J~n W. Kreitzer, Atty.
D own..'D own.'G0 prIces . ".. Every Department in Mose Cohen's utore OverflowWith Xmas Goods The Greatest 'rhis
FUN ERA L 0IRE CTOR, TelepboneOar or Night. Local No. 1 LODI Diitanci ND. 69·3r WAYNESVILLE. OHIO
Sale Evel Held Is Now
Gold Bond Coupons With Every Purchsst.- Dllring the Big Xmas Sale Glance Over This List And Get A Faint Idea Of Ho w Low The Prices Have Been Cut
1--.... ,
Portland Cement, Lumber,
a • .ad;
DEALBB S in Flour,
. 9.,
. " ..
C. M. BaOW., Prop...toJP
A GREAT 'SALE OF RQIIUIUB I Gold ~ Co lIpou Wltb Purobaae .. BIij) or IiOS Oo~ 8eonrM en Bl~n' ~ml1llD ..
SPECIAL holiday reduotlons on nearly 125 suit8. broken IIn88 from our own stook and goodl we bave olosed from the maken late In the season. We olfel' these snits In all elzel, regulan Ind IItoutS, hl~ndsomely made; perfeo$ly lioed and trlmed, ftnd up-to·dllte in 8tyle and sabrio. No lltore In C:irestl Collnty 08n dupliOitetheee euits at the price. Valll88 that were '12 '20 , ,20 and '22, In sale, for chol08... ....... ......
$ 9.75
Dressing Sacques
Overcoat -Special.
Men'lI flne overcoat_bout Ofty of these OOllt, many tailored by the fallltle88 E. II. BYltem Colon blaclt. Ostor' brown and olive, regular andiextra aize8, also some ·'I~Ut8." It you afe o~ for an overOOl&t and aan find you eave big money, Choioo of
.. .
~~'=.~O~r~:OI:~~.~~~~..~~~.~~.~: ~~.~:. ~:~.~~~.~~.[i ~.~~ ~~.:
Ben...." .. BriUanteen
o.rpn. .
SbldN Quilts Blanketll Stock 7 otll ShOWD
R. s.
Hutcbison ·Sf OibneYt
.'Xenia Obio~
East Main St.,
King.s hury, Xenia, Chio.
ON LY JJ'M 1)y
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Fa.v ore d· OONVINCING ' EVID~NOE rhat Or. William .', Pink P!II. W!II.Cure
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1 bea r Mrs •. Deane p)&"l o a lld I t JUlt , h urt R tUU (cr. rlblr. 'J'l,I rc," $b silld II' ll h " JiW" ' nt~h In h I' vlIlce, " 1 rlhl n ' l lUcu n t LPJ I nllyo n 8, (or It (Ioc",, '1 scc m lo yal to .Ill,l. He's real gOOd 10 !.II ', an (1 g t ~\'el l'-, Ihlng he ca n otTorol, but 1 g u till I'm lIet- . tln ~ old' and fllded," Sh e Wi lle t! b eJ:eY811 a nli look 1111 I h e blu e sock cIgaln. ,.\ don't SOQ, why ~'Oll ~ho llid feel badly ahoul bl s gotll s Oul III Ih" c " o nlngs," I'Cplied her nlln t. \'al m l),. " a,; la ng ns 1I's on ly J im," a el'l l' lIl1 ~ II I'OIII'Nl III ball of darn i n g l' Ulton In 11(Ir Rtl rtJ r l~(). " Wh ), . Whlll clll)'lI u meall ,!", h e a s l,cti, a~ l o n ls h {' cJ, . " M~' ,It'll I' t"lIJltl," replied h e r II l1 r.t. kindly . "d lll' in g t he. week I h a ,'o l> ~e ll h"l'l', I .Ion't 1,lIoW h oll' 1D1l 1l )' times I l: u n~' l·d YOll HSC l h e D Xllrc:S~l l1l1 ; '(ln l j' J im .' YOlllllll n' l alw ,,,-s trolllJle III mal(c )'Cl lll'~e lr l' l'etl y fO I' 'SlIpper , Lo· calise Ihl' l'o W8Mo nly .l Illi , Y<>II didn 't takc t)OI·t it·lllur 1 1 " lll~ ,,\JOll l hC lItn!: th e l;tb l(' ,, "r8'·l h ·l'ly . h Ct' n u ~e It W U S (li ll y for .lim. I n Olio-l'cl Ihn t while Ih e!! uOs l room WA S really anhu it' . yourtS wa s plain an d u""tll·lll ·th·l', IJceullsa II wus ollly for .!illi. ~I) (It' llI' !:i r l." ll h ~ ru,,·
.llm ; ~illgln g:
l un.' b', and
l'lIflterl runnln s IIl'e us IlI'N ty Ui! .111 110. Thnt's !ll'" w h ul i like. a ni ce , ·.I oy ~ ba i r anrl t"n l too l. and I' m "0 Ill'ed l 'IIII'Y it rlghl away: ' " lllave a numIJer of my wctllling [l1'~S' l 'lll:. in bere ," conH nucd t he younger ' W U'IW, " J 1m's g1'8ndm ot her ga vo IllC l~ hem sti tch ed Sheels anrl pillow (' ''sed (lad sha ms. That Mad o n na oy(' r th uerl I g,lcas you r emembe r. L u.l' IYh l'c ler gave It to me . T hose etchings were jlresents . too. Uncle J ohn gavf' me I he I'oelt~ r. Jim bouglll Ih ~ c h ln'onlpl' la. 1 Klll'l ng, and t Di a(le tb e ~cu l'f a 11 11 I he pill l, 11in-tush ion . }-Us s lstel' ~ inbroi lle re,1 I uul llpjllo b losso m pi llo w for me ; she ,lu es s ueh lovely wo rk . Now I'll go a nd dress, and you r r_1 till SUjllWI' lim e. I c' r t here'll an hour yel." An hour latt~ I' the~' ""r Ul tbe SlIl) Il 'r tab le. a t whl eb Gertrud e. In 8 l,retLy bll l'lgged lawn ct re~ . pres ld N\. Th o loee(sl~ak, was do ne to a IlIrn . I he bl.cull~ were d ellca e ly browned , th' C: UIglass ,lIsh of peaches \\'1\5 fl ank ed I)' a pitcher of ric b c ream . In the center of t hl' lable stoocJ a low bowl of p i nk aod v, hll e sweet 110US, barmoul zlug wltll the ,Ic lieate cblo lL. Jim , as he took b lli li la e al t be head ·or Ittl,! Lahl\!, g iaucillb ut hlJ; wlfe with mingled Surprise Dn (l a p p rohation . " (-[ Oil' PT tty ~ o u lo ol~ ,In ~hlll d l·c"S. · (; ort ie, willi your hair 81\ nully . I al .... ays li ked tha l b luo dress .nnd whaL 1\ ti nc " "ppe r )'o u 've gotte n for liS, ho n ' l hbe, Aunt Elle n ?" Hi s "Ue I wib~4 l"L~ JlleultTl l at t ile II nwo nt ed pralsc. " I thon gh, J woul d Gj!t ou~n l1_ my ;nk'C. c b ll1n and bes l tAb leclo th In hon or or a un t ie,! ". IIh e explai ned, " and "1 foun d hlSl a few blossom s on I h e s weel l)Cns ror a cen te rpiece. I IlIlI'en ' t ha d this yhlno ollt ,[Or a goQd wblle'. You seo t b er" ~ o nly JIm an~ the clllhlrc n al. s llp· IIel':" 80 Itl'Cll lly len'two rth-whll e." A fter the mjla , 11'811 ov er, Iha d is bCII
, . . Rh~l'~~tl.m. , <; , .. Pll0plo.eo ll e l\r tlle lll~c lvo 150,<1(\ fUuh \' t;OUl UIlIIJ IlU Ill U llt ~ li t 1\ vel')' 811111 11 oo~l, 'i r t buy gil II \JOli l i I tile rill ht WllY, " 'roid IIfr;' FfQlIf', r l!Ce IlU.v. I'}'\II' instlUlcO, I bll \, o just c urert 1I1)'rielf of n , 'uI'y pain. fil l d i. eust'. l llligllt l,a,'c OO&( Ull to tl'Cllt it SIIIIUQl', that 'ri .. UI he Jhi~t"ko 1 lUullc " iu the ,lIlll tl·Cl· . . lln t r f!llll lli tbo root o f th e lhfficnlt y £111,1 I pit'}. !'cl on t tho rillb t rellledy. \\'1I,ho)lt t,bo I,;cl 01 £1 d oc tor. "lI. \v.v< r allH)' IIIl itllll)'hi tluli. lllrst folt 1\ Lwi ll i;p ill Illy Id t foot, IIlIcl lIu klo ill t hI' llIid(1I0 uf l(lst J lIllU/l l'Y f oUowi ug eX I~"u,, {) ttl <:o lll. 1 '1' I\IIZ\ltl . blld l'h"n· mu tl'lll li nd I kuow t lmt l'enlly C"'11 0S {mill bllll hlond. U'll!1 Hiluply dm·el "ps . ~ It . '.chell DI y bnudll " ,111 r ..'t't w eI' col(\ nud c lallim y O\'C Il in hot Wl'a.t illH', Rl1I 1 nll l ltli q. ~ l 'l'aL p lll·t of tho tii Ou. I (" l U~ dlleleLi th llt my hlt ""l WIl S thiu nUll poor !\lHl th u l"il'r uiu ti ull f'l u J.u:ish. , "" \fl ur I~ I i Ulo Ill y f oot Ilwl nl! kl c~ 8welh'ti HO IIII1t1l' MUl t ' I conl ll only t lo
"r !\
~ U ti
Ill y "h"PH hlllf \\'11)' 1'1)' My h'll'ij ~ w c llulI t tl l'r i llLy ll lld [ cOlllel w nll, Ollly n KII()r t
di stH lIt'lJ h ~ rIH'O gi\#illg out cOIH plotdy.
"WI,,'n ll'mulli f Ihu ('UI'l'MO fn lll:i Il IIR 0~ . h1(1<" 1 ,li",ns<:8 , thlll: had Ill'oll " rrcc l oll b\' 0 1', \\' Illilll ll"' Pin lc Plll~ , I "'II~ COil· \'Ill ceti Ih llt thuy \\'c ';'o jli~t tho I'oln e(l)' f o l' my Cl IS(1, 111111 so it prov ed, I eon l el ~ c t hut Ih.,y w cro i.>0lJetltiu g UlO buC{lro I hncl qu ilo USCI\ up tile tit'at bOx. Til e 11111)1"1\' mOll t ",us d ec icledly llllll'kod .. f. 11' 1' l blld In lll'n I wo lJoxos. 'l'hrro D1 ot'Q boxQlI rest'"'NI III • b lttlds onrl fcet Pllcl 1C!j/s ' (0 IIltlllrn\ s lze. lllln t C'clillg Il lll\ tlU)II I , tOII Pl'U tllltiug 11JNlic mc I1ml IJllYo sl uco becu 1 >i'r fuc Ll~ wllI I." . MI'. F . 'T..o R oy IT"n r Ii\'e~ nt N o. I ll ~ Onustitm i()u s lreot, Bl'isrol ! n . l; A"y 11110 Ca ll I(CO looUY ill Oi ll 1( evidc llco tlt l\t D:. W illi uill~" P illlt P \lI H ~ n \'o CUI'('r1 nn mmiu . rh enDlnli ~IlI, ' ery.!liIleut9 1 Dll d ot h e r 8crln llij d iSQ/I~o\H 'o~ I h o ! 11oM hy 5imply:: ,rdlillt:: IIl , t ll\! Pl'. ~V illlaw'9 :Ml)cliclllo 90., ~¥l.Icl!tudJ:, N.):.
wer e HUl I'rlel! . how
YOU lI:'l"d 10 fix YOllr s4.)Jf u p for him . HIHI
~o IJ I'l' Ll~'
to cnll.
"lid S WC(' I wh{'u 11 1::' I: n ll ll' ~U\\' yuu u,'(' j ll ~1 n~ ~oo d lool\,-
i U g :l 9 YUII
w. L, Dou~ ••
Cllt· l!dgo Line ' oannot be equalle d at any prloe.
\l.tIIt N I . " Jim 1:-0 I Ji li d"arcs! on e uU c arl h 10 ~'hll nnt! t i lt' IlI o~ t i mp OrlH l1l , ( ,' an r('n l m\Je r wh l'n hI' u ~e ll to c ~ 01110 Ulld "ull
'S·IiP" .-3,00 S ,H O" fJl& .
on l y ~'(-'II JmH Wa l ll 01' Ih~ "l1r~ you lI s,'.1 If) (al{p of rUHr P(,I'::lollul nllpf'Ural H.·(\. 1
r l ' \\' (' r t·.
W. L. $J,8O eh_ hove by their n. c:~1Ienl .style, elllY fitting • • ncl.&.IperkJrw~l:Ir l n K: quaJlUu. achloved tbe largul .ele O' en), S~.150 a hoe In the world. They.e re JUlt ." srooCI •• tho.e th.t _ t you '5.00 to ",00- tIi. only dllrrre,n ce J. the price. could take You Into my '.nary at Brockton , M..... the I.r.el t In the WClrld under on. ftlOf lI'Iakl"1 ..o.n'. fin. .h ou, _nd ~how ),ou the cor. with which evuy pelr 0' Doue ••• tII hOH I~ you ",oulll realilO 1 ... by W, L Douala. SJ .50 .noel .re the ~.t .hoes producodl ln the world. III could I howy ... the difference bet....,n the .hoe. made In m;.; factory and thOle of other
rJ~S:;hb:: u.~~~i: SIIl'h h E!'~)~ of prI'Il ,\' thlll J{" u~ we ",oJ .. I, lind Cor tlllUm l u~ l o ltls of wtl lt ~ their .h_. ., fit lleU..-, 'Weer IDap,. and are o' are r~gRlcd w ilit li ti s w ln l er, 1I 11t1 115 "l'l v I. l hu rkh It .. "alu8 anI crCRm or tu a lace vo r y Ihoe 011 th. IIIlrlcello -dlY. know It mnJe efi It di([ClI'C: Il<.·C \\ lieu YOIl 81'0 Illll"r Illm y SlImll l('r)' " "l ffH R ~ thl're lo\'c ly agnl n9t Ihe " uvwy plla of ~th a dOinb' your OWft w lu ' lt, liUI J illl w uuJd ho ure fllr R :1. 1)(1 \,PI\·""1.i ""o\' (,,,e n ing, hr ft'\'i cr lII [\lc rlal. W. L DoIMIa a OO.~· '-~ I. I l p li gh l(~ ,j If YUII would IIlw:lYs la l~ ,' women a rc' lo l h In g lv c II p e hlrro n 8 nnel T h e season's mil li nery I~ ~ 1\'r L1 O\'Q r CAUTlaN.-hl.b~ "pO" b ~.ln,l! W.IJ.J)on gpain H 10 loo t. fl'l,.h und daint y wb e ll h(' II ke I rllll ;'1I'1 I'Nl(·k s. 0 nt! Ill<' d I' C"~ mnk· I to ve 11\1'1 . hou. 'l'it'1c:o J)n lubtltll\lt o. .N nlie jttI.nulne h ets Bnd I'O!)!)", ' t!t ollltl'" r,lc h cnlll(} huth(' , "Ilhout his nAlito And pri co sl 11 mrel1 on ·bot&.oUl. el'~ hn "t' hee ll mOl'cd 10 om hln e Illc s!' , lleavcrs anr! l e l L~ nrc IIA l' in g thei r f!ny , 'VANTE D. AebGedea lertnef'f\f J town .... L er ... ·· f)UII ·t wea r wrap(1~I '~ 10 tJoyou rwnrl( with " ~"' P I 10 g!'l t I hc tnst~ of I he , Inu : a nu the f il l' \lal , Is wilh UR. al so " .. , L. OnllglA!I RhMS 4ro lint. "old. lru ll. Jln~ of 10: I h ry nr~ fur Th,' ~\'''n llt!': \' e l\' ~ t s bCl\r th~ IIII' Inell hut. Yesie nlhl. . A 5h 11'1 waist Iiny. ."mplea tum' troe for Infpociloll upon rCC1.l1C:2! t. rday w~ \n ra 1m· HlHI a wllts!lnbl e IS ld rt a r c Ul IIl'h neater II 111l1B ch iffon, Rncl are not t he h ea")" prpss Title Q()/or E~/'t. 1I1,d: fMN will not tiled, brou". c I by a p'a rallox : lIlII l thl,s I ~ l ice Writ. fnt' IUUl lrftled <:ntal olt 01 F411 8'11. .. lual cr lmmet'. Th l'll nholll y ou r mtlsl~. fnbrl ~ or ~\'I~ oltl ~ n dny . In t ' ,rh' II gh l· rlay ot s tud ie d s lmpll ~ lt )' In 'mlllln ~ r y, W.L DOVGLA S: 8 .....",... JIlIl... I can re lll ~ mbpr how youlIHed 10 pl ay for n ess a nll IinCllO';S tlley ro mb lull ,'el,), I ha t tlli~ I. the dRY of hou " y tl'lIo111ln ~ J I III to ~Illg, anti how he enjoyed It. 1'1111 ,' hen ll l trll ll y '",I t h lh l u chilTo n , somo ex· In 1U1I1 1 1I ~ ry, For inslonce , w allW I.. Ull YOll[ mus ic R):alll , even tr it Is only Qn lti it e modl! ls Br(\ s hown , Ono . of th~ n l 0110 of tho bes t Hh OIl~ 1\ ',llrban, ol r--..c...,."':.::-,--::-•.,., • ..,.'Posltl ftJy eDrd by fol' len mlnul es a dar. and you'l1 soo n he Imp orl.ell gOWIl" i~ a [lrln Ce~R of pa le llfn Wll lhcso );UUo PUl l . m in k; ahsolllle ly lh o o n.l~, t able to IIln y his accompa n lm Dts agai n. la ve lhle r (:l,llI'on "~I \'l'l all li chllToll . t ri mming : 'J'hcy iJllo ~oyo DISIl c anl ed. 1\ iuoo cs t wljll~ Ma ylle it .oems odd 10 you to h Ilr un o ld a nd Sl rauge a s It mR Y ~e elll, th e chlffon . gardenin • tre:Is Iro~Dyspt'Psl .. In· . Ih e ve l ve l ' potals just light· dlj;esuon and TOo JIe<tt't,y maid III, e Ol P glr ltlJ; ud"l ce ahout bus- RllllRrpnll y torm s I he rOlln(18t lon . Ihe Iy tin led. with p lnlc. Th e nO lVer. to 'EnllnS'. A 'perft!ct 111m· bAncl', hili I hA,'r Ii\' d II go od bit l<>ns- \'1' 1"<"t b bl! lJ t Ill' QI' ~ r the d e licate th o I rll a t• .1poked ,a ,l r Ul o ~q\ l o~ n, ilA· edJ'fOrDI Z7.InesS, N~USCD, e r Ihan )'011 , ill Y rle nr , an d r Ye ltse,l 'my :;u ll ze. Th 'e edl?~ or th o ij l,l rt Is of the though It had DrombJeIts, , D:;ll' 'l'n¥I' po\\'crs of ObRcC'Vll llo n. A greal tl al of velvet, Ihen t h er o lire l'c ln'l pa lle ls ad the fur ·bearlug Inadv c;rte n.lIy fllll~ n ' oll' III tllo )loath, ' 0Mt1.C4 unhnoi : nntl ).e[ It 11'09 thi s worlet'N hnpl>tne ss IR based on on o"el' a cllllfo.n ~ klrt boct )', Th e bOil · a , Tong)1ll. Pnln III tho S)cle, l'ellC't fr om t he overbur d onod uliall' trlti es. or whal Appear to be trifl e~ . Ice, If o f a ccon\lon ' I)l nlterl chIlTon ='--~T OlIPJD LIV1m. 'l'Itq, oa llx /l ear by. reguIate the BowelS. PUrel.rVegeLablc, Now," she CO n Clll(l e(\. " I t h l nl< I' p trlmm ec1 ",tlh \'c l ve l in II way 10 As to v1'1I 6, ns B_Q.on 8 ~ til!!>' pre a c h ed e n ough , bu t I Ihlnk If you to th e f orm I' lose at die. ", nl 5t 11111'. promise d. just thR t 800n th eir SMAL~ lalle my advi ce YO II ' II be halll,t el'." Th e s lceve" nrc "clv et . with 11'lm· wa g said ro be sea led . liecallse Ge l' trll~ e Ibreaded a need le m erllta mlng or ch ilTo n. 'I'h o.\' olv,41t an d c blt· ' were bOUnd " Quuine Must B\l8.r ' be copied in ' sut)h I [n)I)" fon aro c xact ly tllO sam o s ha de. I lmltallo ns, the stroeiB fill ed ",i t )1 "\Vell." ~h . sa id , aCt er a moment 'r 'J' he Ilng,w le wal ~ l ~ secm more dell· drape d {o Ul ai In a U stal:ei ot drag· r eflecllon . " I bell eye j;OU ar ri ght ea te thnn e\·er. with tho "clva oco or g le cln es . . N otwl[\ lslandln g 11(18 , dire PJLLS. / " . . . ~~ Iluplie, I hll.\' e (ci t a s If a s Ion,; a s " winlt' r, f ol' th e s l1\, lIori r$lll) worn f orbod in g, we lind t h e I1rn )lecl veil nol "R R- ,11 m's wife. 'ond lie \pve d m '. It with all ch a " : = = - . . 1 REFUSE SUBSTITUTE •• wai st ' g"'e~ nec:ossnl 'y wholly t'~lIcd by the ftl s hlonahlp , ond rllclll 't mal,e UII Y ' par I<:u lll r .lIl'fcl'e llce " ·,a rm th . ,~I""c" f~ n e )' now Is to h al'e \\'0 bear wlilless 'tha t · the fa hloo t;; n So I ' wasn't always pArt icular abou t th e s lip th l! color o f til gown . 10nl ng ' pret y ,on and kindl y. . fixi1Ig lUy ~e lf up whe n h e ('arne :lOm, In wllh · It. An d we would m e ntion fit I h ilfo n ,!{elve,l II! u 'll'd for lh e ~e\" et rrDm the 810re," IIi,!:, I'll try your Il lar, oll('e. lest we ror;;~t s uc.h An 111l110rt unt hats of tho 'd RY. ane! no t n fe w ha ve f or and ) '11 ta ke Ull my lllus l<'. I love Jill' mlltter, thnt a most altrac\iv ,e nove lty adornm ent · n, bnt\d o t gold or s li ver ' ~E~~~;;i;~ ii;'-i;~;~~ dearl y, ond I d ld n't wonl to feel that ha d appea r(') In the way or a ' wais t of braid. Bea llworlt bandA In IIII! 'lovely he W aR g rOw in g a'wa ,v frtim me." ~pll nl 3h la Co!: tha t d'en r. old·ts l1lon ed blu es a n d g reens and old rose are ye ry As _h e\' aun l .lett on Lho toUowl n g la ce belo\'Oll or our llIol hers, Perhaps BrtcCt.l\'O; ono nlode.1 br9 ughlIO ,OIl}' no· mortl ing, Ge rt rlld ~ ba d e b I' nu aITee' . with a l ittle senrr hln,s 1\e may b e abl e ' tl ce u .~d In com bin ati on with the bellli I lonnl o good-h~'. to unearth n ~oort or shaw l at thi s band a s ing le ,I'OSB a nd a dni'k green 'fr'm so g lad ~'OU came , Gun tie." t!h € l al est fasbi ~ u In In ces, an d luclty In· plume, T he 1V0rd "nrtlstl c" lias beell dced , shou ld "'e "o un ( ou rsel ves If we nll:ch abused of s aid. " for you 1101l '[ know ll ow I' H la te yearA. arid s l lll enjoyed you I' vI 811." co me upon (IoouSh t o molica n evening. we are te nlpted to omllloy It in <;on . " \' cs, 1IIIIoc<l," ('o l'l'oborat ol l hUB' wnl s t. One , of t he host SIIAnish' lac~ : noction wllh the besl. of t he wl!lt , r .hat.l. band . "Gn nie haM look ed I n yeam you n ger s in ce you ' ve bce n here . r . I1P· pose It Is mlhol' cl llll tor her her a with to c llltiv ale 11
(;-::t ':n;a.n::r:.c:::.::: U
ter IntrJq,"c tban otber $.).50 cao, D,.._ ......••,I:z,.'.7 !'Ilao
fit :
r. . ,. . . ,,-
~' : ;J;~
Ju st me l\Del t h phll (tl'on." A s th e s inge tl l'ove nway Gertrud e turne'd t o h e r hll ~ band nll o s lipped her hand In II Is . ' "Don't say 'o nl,l' me,' d ea r," ah s sol li, l "COl' Iion ' t ' yon knQw . d l at you arp t h l) cono, p eNlol! 10 th ~ worl1.1 for IDc 7 ' ,I know 1" '0 !:clt l.e n c' are l ~s nnd 1l,1l!;f;)n t take n J)uiml Uj; .sJUl Il I I, lIut, I ll\ goi ng 10 (1.0 ul'll c r , '1Ij: .11m IS ail th e 11 01I" 10 ntt>. - K " Oh
Oral' .Is Itt, lli ghe!;t f avor,
thl~ quiet
color p \l sh el' Into . the foregrou nd; L ondon s mo1,e. o le ll e l, gull, t.h e, le rm s u sed 10 ill' (:I'lb~ th e Illli ctes t ton ea of th unobtru sl" e ( ol or- the qulplest a n d mos t ffl.vol' ed. Ani! wh te is Ibe ~ hoice for (!omhla log with thc g ra y, the r eslIli alla i nln ;; ,,:hn t som e 0110 ' £P cA~ s of ~iS ' "grltve ch Ic." A BO(t gray broncl clo l h 01 rl t hest sa tin sh.~ n. Is worn with R wai s t of white net, nnll server, the ha l a gra y pa nn e whoso trimmin g WHERE - TENNE- S - SEEANS 00 I . a s ing le yell ow r03e a nd on e white plum e, Th(\ quiet e legance Is c ha rm · ln g, all strotig r.ontra s t al'old ed, Texl\s and ArkanaR 9 Ge,t Xo:. t 01 In ' ll ~c)Lwellr th ere Is shown a lild ng Those.l' Wbo
, },
We ·have never run onto an
of : ' conItipa~ and" ' trouble to our cutaia aU other rc:med~ tha~ ...".....".. ~ether. If Mull'. Grape ~ peculiar quaUt, ' t'. tion and ltomach ,.'~'~I.,~.ball lay that it acJcIa to the health and makes them 'We aU know
3i '
Leave' the
for cOmbinI ng hea vy and light nlll tel'l· als, • tea ,' y la ce wl~h flue n et . ver j~f~tbla~Qb~ "riala~'ihl~~~~ ' ~H~I~~ p retty chemlse tt es come In this st y le. The Ian cc ns us r e port, ma'rtc In Lhe and are worn unlin ed . wash ed and the two cbihlren In bett, tb e ye nr' 1900, Th e Sl 01'e3 g lv cs sli me itu c r e.lI n g ng· offer und er's lem' os or lIet, bolh RlI n l a nd IIl ece s a t logcl h erun lhellorcll , mes s howing th" ron trlb utlo lls made and unlin ed , n lld th e w hil e Jim exc used 'llUns el{ to go to tbl! b., T e nn et;lleea n s LO fhe po pulation 01; lady, If ~ h e have onough mon e>' , \,osl officc fo r the m all. oi ll e r stales a n <l territ o r ies. Th at rC' e a s ily s olve t bo probl em of pl eclog " Be Core 1 go to \Jed, Gel' I ie." s aid bel' P0rL s ho ws that t here were , w h e n th e t ile a rm co\'e rlnA'. A cream n et auot. ''I'm golu g 10 get you to play so m e· ('UI E Il S of tha i. rear was Iu lle n , 2,:192. pea r8 to be 1)nff!r retl. Rnd the t. il i ng fo r m e, I a lw ll Y" liked your ilIa)' · !.Sr. pel'Rons in Ih o United Stales wh o as R rill e arc no t ela bo ra tely I I'I lng, Don't you r e m em he r how I di d 'I " Gertr llde s hool, h er bca t\.' " Oh , 1 cll lI'l were bo rn 10 Ihe state of T e nuessee , a bit of . hlrr 'l ng OJ tile net. th e IdA;' II l unc through IIO W," s h e admitte d . Thl' e ntire llolllli a lion In Ihl ,; sta tc, In · II I'OW or two of lace. Of ('a ll r"llIclaIl Oy; " I d u tl ' t really nll" e I,i m c c'indlng Iho.c not born hrrc, ' wa ' can be mod e at hom e s aUsfa 1'''1' illY music. I' m so n),. 100 . for J im ',,' Z,020.G lti. Wc m e nl ion a f ow state. a nd at s mall cos t , A p retty neg li gee I~ Incll ~ I,)e n S Hble r ell l fond of musit' hut . " lU eho w I've got · that s bow III tbe lr populall on tl large number or nati ve Tenness eeaus: m)' Indy 's wardrob e, a nd th e on e la'r e I j~1I 111 ;'-' hand O ll l. ~ n J I'Dl' p l y lun ch t h e (,i1\lIo no w, You see I hnxcso lUuch sew· Alabama ... . ... . 31.0:1:'1 M ls~ I !fI:!'J lpt' 1 , .. . !!2 ,!IS1 lIIus traled Is slmpl!) Qnrl Ilretty . ft Is A r k an~lU~ . . . ..• . ~4.li401 l M.~ _ •• ti1,91J ma dn of ,'etltng an ,1 b ord ere In!, for I. he child ron t o tl o. Rnd Ibe house· l;(·u d wi th 0 r~lu. . , ~ ..... . 11, 00;, 'r,,&u .......... 130,&8! I IInol8 • • . , ....... :::.!..t11 , \.U,IUIU •••••••• 14.7!1( rath er br0 3c1 ha nd of ribbon , an d ellt "'''1'1(, s o th e lIm(' gOC B. " i{(' nt ul: k r ..... .. G:\.r,oo . Ildian a . .. ... . . 11. 1S ~ with dou \Jle h an T he wt'4'k of Aurll'~; lI ell'8 s tay IJasseu ,1k e rchl ef polnls . Th ese arc .om e of the Bta le to wlll c~ slee\'es fo rmecl o f 14.p ilily. and I h e day before h ~r d c p"1'Ihe upper on CR. l it re . he Sil l. UllOn th e plnz>.a ass i IIn S T e nn e~see ht\H cOlltrlbl llerl large ly I': t he nee l( 19 II. broaci collar of h a " ), I It e r niece In the tasll of dlll'ning slock· bwe iling th " lr (lOllUlal ion ; hul the} lace, and a Inrge soft , bow fa sle ns th e o le by 1I0 Ul ~ all " 1111 . Whcn tbe ,cen: datnty garment . illS· , Th e ribbon may bo • " " ·c ll. Gertrud e," obsel'l'ed lbe eldt! r " U~ was tu l;c' n w ere w(' re 18, 149 T en' at . Ihe :,vasbab le lIor~, or tad,ed on waiSt w~lr' or e httfon, the aquare nec.:k !.oY. as slle crlticall f eJ! ami r,ed a well· r.~. eea n . In In ulll ll territ o ry. 10 N." It CRn Ch i ll' be r e:no ved when thc , IlDd bol t' outlined In the dark fur. worn b eel. " you Bee m 10 be [lrelty WPI I Yorlt th er e w(' r c :! .:d :t of tlH'UI, anc sack nerd s ""loh lng. . lJovely';'tea: gowns In Emplro s tyle .r. th:ee!. ,11m Is a lin e fell ow. lue cutld .."n Ih'r!' WD R 1101 a ~ Itllr In the union or a Thougb we hav e rellcherl tbe IlO io t , 00 dlapla)', the fashion pa rti cularly ai(' I'eal good , a nli you ' I'e go l a ll lr,' I r l'l'ilOI'Y in "'hid ' t l\ ('r(' we re Dot per- ",here \\' e ,.((nder ~ p. e\'e r could o\f~Pted. to a gown of thi s aort. ADrI !{; II ! < oW ll fl Wl'I'P ,·n>.)'" IIltle borne." I K) rn In "c Ul1 e 8 SC(~. ha ve lik ed anythIn g bllt Ihe . we mUlt acknow ledle Ihat very tetch. 01 (' OI Il 'se: I h(' loss of nU l ,,·c 11(1)ula. long, Th4' f C wat; 110 re p l y, and !-'he was BUI"· s len de r 1\'al ot, wo arp . In, 'Empire e"enlnk c loak s are Sileo, ]H'isrll 1.0 see a tcar ui"'<I e down th e 110 11 wa ~ nUlu r II I' i n SO Dl t' d C' gl' ec hl called upon to conl e mnl~le v ery i tbo••' CIt' wblt e broad clolh CS I1OCl all~ ;, " ling wllc' s fSt 'e an o fall llPon tli blu e I I,,· p reRo uc '" here o r m en and WlIm el :litrerent lines, the Jo se ph in a d r ess ' good . . PInk broadcl oth l a a (avorll, • 1(' 1, ~ b c W<lS 111 C IUl i lIg . whll wt'l" (' hqrll in o th e r ~ I atc:;, \Vhllf "'Itb tlie waist "'ay liP u nde r Ihe arme· 1 thI8~:ee&6on"tb~ art e r-th e8 I c r alldl e nc " \\'11.1'. wbar.l uc Ulall cr, child ? lias T r lll1C8liCC c-on l"l bu LccJ 2,;l t:1 to th. In th e course of tim e we may g ro w ac· i ma'r1l~d by tbe ro s)' bu e wrapa aDct ' 1I~' thll\g gon e \\ro n;.:. !" I·Ol>lIlnl l,," or /'(f'W Yol·I; . Ill erI' wer e I, cu stomed to It ap-aln . bUI II will taka h eadgear , And w e would odd tical "Oh . nOlhln g." rel, I;,'d hl~ r n let· • . h ASI- l ili " "t ol e 4.tl9:: I hHI wer e hor n In Ne\1 so me hard en'ort. th e drp"AUl ake r s never ha "e we f eastell Ollr eye ~ 00 SIIClJ i ' y. as she w t pf'd hl' l' J'Y"!". " I r s onl~·. Y u rk . Hll j \\' hil,' tlli~ s tat e l'ontrlb lay " 'e s hall l la ,'e t o. Ih a l the Bho rt· plumes a . are now abroad, s uc h color. ,..... 11 , I"'e got " I!.)()d nO ll o n 10 t. 1I rOll 'li ed to l lo A 1101>lllol ioo of 111IDol ~. thlol wai st ed Jo sophlne . aue! hlgb, ,,·al . ted Ing ot os trich feath ers; Ih ere a re fthad ,011 a bull i It. I I\p n:r lllra lll In l ell a £I u l(' C0 11 11'1 hll l C,1 10 Ih e Iinpulati on 01 Oiractol l'e B tylt~S al ~ to OIl SI tho lOWed plnl:s Bnd green s, 101'ely )'ellol>·9. l Ivi ng so ul . bU l ('1lI11\Jt bO PI»)' . lhougb I Ihis o nl y ti .7n7. Ullt Ihc sh o wlngof tbll ~us\ and dip belts. Tho I~mplrc coa ts all tints of la"endH , and mo st beau · ""I,pose I ought In h~ . " ~I a te iu compar ison with Trxas Ia ~ have Dot proved ao un iversally POI"I' t lf u l grays. W e lI se d to Ihlnlt tlto " Whl' . what·s III C tl'O lIbl c. IItlle g irl?" ' wo rsl: ,,,I, 11e we h acl In OUc' poPlllatt ot ..,. as prop_t ed, IDd we thinlt II all whit e f~thers very wond e rful , now Ger tr uo e beul IUII'('r Ol'er ber \\'orl<, 1\'hl'll t hp cens us was laken only 69! .,olte po.l ble Uat the Jo.epblD es an ll th e d~' e r8 are slvlng us In milliner y " Wpl\. aun Ue. I" 'c a lwll.l·s s aid I ha ted lI at ive T exnnR. T e~ n " " howe,1 up wlU Dlrectol res 111&)' be cl8sseu willa tb e " Iumage a verllabl e fea st or color. '\ Jea lous "'Ife, an ti I know Jim 10" es me I ~O.~89 l,er KO ng hor n In T ennessee 81 other much e.-plotte d Myle. Thl! all·plnk hats are we lgbted down I "l le l' than an)'ton(" e I8t·. But b e 1I0esn 't IihO'l\'11 ab o vc. WI' There are, to be SlIre, somo vcry the old·rolle .have ha,l 1~,496 peraoDt ahaded plumes, Ihe •,ce m to care abo,t li Hlaylng a t home auy hOl D in Ibe state of Arkanfta l, bu t AI' _uUfu l Empl:r e gown s t e be aeen )'ellow ~ are combine d wltb bro,,·nll. more. and lot8 of tim es b e goes over to l,a'D808 had M .6H lmoDC evening t"o~tume s. One lo\'el), Ane! Iht' s ort . b lending_ of g reen Ire born In Tenness ee 1 he Deane'l to spend t h e e l·ening. i caD't Th ere Is scarcely a wesl err, state II aodel was of cltron·y e llo"· pann ll em· among t h e best barmonl es or the . . . t;o. for I can't lea ve Ih e children alone In whkh there is not. ,roldere d In silver au d bordpred with son'. orterlnl s, lar&1: owuha, iii tbe houee. Bt1 tsom~tlm e~ I slt herp, "~d . Tenness eeaus . ~ aano" blDd Itt dark fur. Tbe sbarl EL1.EN O\;;\tOI'f tjS, . ,. 'ON LY
article tbat meL with the 1UC:CCU of Mull'. Grape T on1~ -It has cUred more
':,'1' .;
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Pr~vaili"g Styl~.§ of
IS A I ,1. T il E T O ME:,"
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I lbl i pest It II cystoJllIl l'1 lO' -. ,I4' ,1 wl tll , ,STENOGRAPHERS' ENdLiSH. g,rU$S, aft er wb ul, t\PlI IIlId J" I ~\f1- oon· '~ ~"'(, dltlon I.lIlJ'lll ng bv ' r tile 6~ublJ hi (k id II Som s 01 'I' h eil' .Blundrrs Mnke t h e tJ;. - Il • .l:,i;l irnllosslb l", Such fl,' hl s ~ h ,,;) l d iJe Emplol'er'3 ; ,i.i:e n Burden#' II.. • - ,• .'Z,'l\" '-" rnl.etl OI'C;' wllh Ull onliuar"J hR J" ,'al e, A F ew I n ~ tn\1c(s . A " rlThtm~ a n,1 Ih e I'JOReUpd ,' :II"ul~ l'em ol'e,l 8.n 'l ~ , ' uurn l'd l)r.f"7C (h c "lu ll s .'I;:J e m el'l>c( I n ,()nl ~ . 1('llC,p"",h l" R~'s ll' m a an .. \ f~; " . In lhf~ s llri P. g'. If. howe"er, Ihe sraln :ll'hi , ,.ary algI" lu a r s tand 101' one, two .. ... .. /I .. ' 1:-1 cu l low nt \har-veRt , Uii {\ I.l1 e sU'aw or t!\'cn Llnf:·t: won;s. SOnl pt imes tl1 ~ l' UK,ell I hl'oug h th e SUIiJl cs M hNl dlng 1ll1 ~ lr3ns ln l j,JU of ,"' " 'lo r Ih" "e ;; Ign s fo r s Ind, dllrlng Ih~ wlnl er , I hns ~ e · "'od s 10 fnn uy rttlilis. "U)'" Success THE JOINT WORM .
Honesty 9t tl'8 M odern Kind . fl .1\ 1II1 !l flW .
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("ioll\ llh·II·' · .1I1l1 111,1 11111 W:II ' I '" , " 'l h ' III UJ H (l lll:
" Th e IIl'u ti s b.odteol t d . il L' 111 ,,"1 i l llj l" lt.IIl ! q o! J, ,\r' I OI \ l!l ll lli h' ~ !4 l\ <I l l 1.\1 .. 111 1' :0 .. . .. IllI' " 01 ion 10 'h I' 11111'11 "3 r ," " Th e rumur (,f " tll \\ ' l"Il i ll~ 1'''1' t l .. · 111.1:: ; , ... : 11 1. .. . " I" IImpl · wu ~ 1111 1 Il'nll Slf ll l , Ihuu gB. " was hOl'dly I,v I t';o'IJOl h!t' d t li l ' " 11 1,1 "lIt "I n\ kt'IJP ~ I'cl'o g nlwld l' a s "T he l'nnHn er wn ~ Ull1 ~.I .. t of \ hl' IIIIW ': , 1' ,1: .. i ",, ~ Pu~· 1. (l'aln ~ £: l1d Ihl'Ough ." A ren l··end col Id aho Joi n 9, I Ii. ion \\' u ~ H idp. ut ly In thnl g i"1'8 mi nd . Fr.1.. t-r . 1,\..1111, ~ tJ\. :: -;- 'Ih P';P(I,'i:t l l.- I' "A : III ,,, ,,," fed I h .., .Ie w. ," was In · 1\1.. '" . .\ t lJ /I .1. L f"I.: ! l .... ~~ \' I' n lvl' pU \ III\ " ~ :;e ll loll,ly I"rlured h)' I1nol hl' l' )'o lln g t H11\ lll\" iu H tJWI Il ~ " ' ,11" lI ll ' 1I1, f ' ulW I I rl!U ~ womnll 1111 .. " As lIl[ll11 l1la f~(1 Ibe jn ~·s." J )II~ld '.", l'\. IO llt'.\ P ill ... ; " I \ \ :h d.)l\" u w ith HlI,· ullI.l ti .. m t h r t'f' '1"1 s h/- II'UAn SUII,ln ), s l'll (>(11 teach er . , " :00 111 ' 1",1 \ fl. " II Il J ".11'11 tll lll' )) odd '~ "I' la ys. ,.,." •. " . " lid J H"~i,," the In,,,,· lI,i llj.llt'w m'.\ I·d l .. In ·lph l !t H ' . Th e la..:, l l!l" cril l ."
"oull ed l b.·
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III;; 110,' uprui ng linl's of "" nW proJ e<:tA<I Luh ), "" I'''". Wh en Ih . Iypewrll .. r la"I>"(1 " '" : "Ph ' )' ~ "r n p 8 all,11 ""es Ih p , Inll<)/·('nl." he " c ""~,,' d h ~ r " hagr
:II'(,1I1I,l 0111.1
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FREE SAMPLE COPY. l( you pr-' {Pf 10 r "'o,l n ~nTl1pl<'" c opy be t :t ld ll l.( nil "unt u gc o t (l UI' oO",'r W" wi ll ~ "r Hl yo u U ri ' " (I"I,! I> un r a -
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a nd It .·Hm (' 0 111 : " Ulll s h e· h eld J a"ks, 111'0 , dl'owlll g fo, ' I hal an ti so PU:<SHI. 011 ('. " wuuld II ho\' ,' lJee ll u n ju s t I" ·,'"lill ', iI, · ~ I I' I 01 Ihe ",ac hlne with nil (,l r· lI lf.. nlHI·.\· l' 1I0 \\· h ..ld gc or gambling'!
l i t!
•.• COUPON...
TH Y. omo
U('(':\ "'llln nll y a n(\ \\' I,(oust 01" bird IS telm a: r, JhlV. Ohio, Pelll,"yl vu · I HEART IN ROAD MAKING. l i ls "IJ \' ~ !"f", ! b y 1h t:~ typ (lw l' l l er, thu s: Diu, W es t \ ' Irgln!n , Y lrgl n ia. Mllry. ' land a ncl Kans as lu 1'04 nnd III sl lli Whn.t E a rn est Pur pos e in " C ~m · "Tltp H'~ a - qllnll Wit H. f· lt · .. " th o Int enti o n b",n~ " I h" "~ q"~ 1 WII S. PIC," Thi s wn~ In ,rca te l' Iltlin Oers In 1905, Rel'\'eS to I IIlu n ity Cun Accompli sh tor II n ~ wi l h n bl ll nll ~ r mod e 0)' Ihe sam e bring It aga in 10 noti ce. I n 1904 som d B etter' Hi g hwny s, g irl. wllo hatl uvowed 'hn L "a gull s lInll _fi elds or wheul In ~as t I' Q Oh io were SO badl y cl aUllilled th al th bY werc nol l 10 n pt' I' laln c(\"nty In .. n el!!h\)orlu;!: lh~ 8c h \,lIJIl~ I' , " In~ l tllll of "it "' al ~:" Oil I harvesl d, anti lhe PI' senl yeol' a Re r! . ~lul E' 11, ere Is a tow n ~hlJ) with n lurge anoill e l' o~~a ;, i "n "be tl ~r lul'hl Ihnt a OU8 otltll l'calt 1.11 Ilorthcast~rn In ll iall a pl'opOrilOll or hard world n g, sn l'l ng, III- l!!Ih' of 11l1'i' l's " hlll"')(',1 11 1' n III'PII)' h as so discouraged 80mA fElI'me rs I hnt dll ~ lr L otl s Germo n rarmCl'g. 'rhey ha v~ s qlll "nl. " In sl en,1 o f Ih el l' I IlI I' l n :~ th ey nrc qu csllonlng th o odl' l~nbllll y goocl fUl'nl s nneJ the )' wRu t goo d road a. " pn tc b ~d til' a 1'(' ll~' qllal'rel." lI a \ In g confes", .. ,1 Ihu l ollce ,,!,on a of IlUtlin g In a crop ot whenl lit "II . ( n R nth!'r t hll " wai t tor "I~ ~ other fellow" le)o!~ina 11oj)1I1lIr Boutt-west Virg ini a the pcs t ha ' !Jee n 10 110 somethi n g, th ~y uc !n ldn g t he lilll OH Ii. haul.lee nnwalt . • . '. , . . _ Yen more Injul'ioU H In l a05 'Ihan it IlI ltlall l'o Ih em se ll'cs, vutOn s th eir r es taulant . I h ~ , f!.ltj UIl u; Ileu l \\h)" ,.,'. s Ih e provlo!:s year, h a rt In lo the i r ",or'c ant! bulldLng " FoI st th e Hlu lf'S or Ih e llrlla Kty " w:t ~ The (1111), dOl'eloped In sect ROm e. th ei r I'o"ds, says the Proi ri e Fnrmer. clic!k Cl l uu(: " .,·ft'S l. lJ e uttmhs of 1110 \11 " Th ""hIlL rilseDlules a 8111011 wInged blac l( Th e n earest gravel Is 12 miles awa, ' n,I.lers t)', . I~ Bound R li ke II mnae· ant. . Tbo.colo r 1ft black, with Joints u t from th eir c1l 5ll'lct, IJllt , not to hp. Ills· U I ~' \Jul h is f enl £nl f~ ct. 'Th e pres l,h·nt waH l H ' fll' l) w it 11 nf' l egs and l eet )'ollow.. 'I'he YOllng 01' (Oll l'UIlNI Ul' Ihl s fo r t. th ey have aclllnl· grllll Is whitish . with 11I'Oll'II JIlI\ S. Ih,' Iy go ne c \' pn t hi s IIi sl a,ltco aod llon g ht ('I alm ." tJl l' lBled th £! mall . "Tlw pr~~t' n t W aR har rl wllh 0 d"Ill ," w u~ wbUI Ih c le ngth beI ng about Ih O som e liS tl lftt " f 11 g r,,\' c'l 1·1t. tile> adlllt, n lltl the fflrm . mu ch lik e 11I:lt In qtp.n(1 or doi ng a ll or the ir rontl IYI}eWl'Il PJ' itl~ I S l l' d I hot h e. had sai d . a s ",lIow n III fi g lll'O 1. whi ch I' e llr~ "e ll is \\'orl, durin g I he iJll "Y H.' a son . when s h e te a rfully 111ml ptl rOt· h pr nol{'S. the IBI' VIl Of a II carly rpl al etl SIl c l c~ . f.\1·111 \\'01'1< I~ pr ess lll !;, Lh ey 'llnul th eir .1'h o In ·p.ct may be found lhl' ngholll ~" n" ~ 1 t" II' ln g Ih e wl nl H nlld 11'11 " 0 tl EXODUS OF IRISH YOUTri. th Q j'!'ar 111 Its various s tOS 9~ or /le . III pile s b C'~ lde the ro,ul, .whe re It call ___ _ Imp. nt ·ln wh eat 81e 1ttR. 1t I h' ~~ I he readily s hol' clcd In when Ih e r oa da A ge d Pnrents .nn d Smnll Bl'otl:el's willI eI' Q 0 IlI n ' u or Il:r llb in c~l! s ~~I ll e In I ho s prin g. We ore even toltl find Sistel s L eft lu the m r! III I!le ~ lem B pr io r 10 Ib e T I ~o. thllt lh es" thrifty German s sre nol In· (requ e ll tl y a t th II' g ra,," 1 P. lt !Je loro Villages. /I oyll gld, rcady to load ao,1 ha ul the ir It Is hl l' l\(·ly a s 11 r"s uli III' Ih e 1I11 111·e-. ~ edrllip i l lo:s of ha ir lIs (1 u[llIl a 'lo lI In g l'o ,'''' 10 t heir hom e dl s lr lcL This Is what we wou lt! ca ll plllti ng hair a eC lllul')' t hul [hI' present "OI)(!I l lofl "hpun" 11110 roa (1 mal, lng, Wo vc n tllro lIr rllra l Ircl alld I:; so IIlI Crl'A lln l' II HI uel ), . 1I10t t t:o m en who ure wil li ng to go to Hil l'S Pillmlll r I". ,) on e., in AlIl e1' lcl1n LlI I" trouble will hOl'e bPlter road s lillln ;l1(ll1lhl), HHle w ot' ,He vlpw s. Th p ,Ie.
('O UIII , At t.n ' ''l:nl"lol' II CUll !,,· •• I "III elth" rl ~I ,d yon 75 t"lI tl. -u r w t l l w r i t,. ) '11 " 10
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h~:o,· .. i ll \ 1 all ... tll ill ', T IH I I... I:ltl,d l.·a l l'~ 11 0 m .\I '·J.!I-(,·nd " .·!l.' ! H lu l' Ltc l' .
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t";UTICURA, THE SET, $1.00. Rh' ~1iO
Comp lete T.'ent men t t OI' Every Hu· 1110 ' , fro m P impl es to SCl'orulll ,
, j
Ule\'e la " ,I, ol,ln.
J ac t' "p t. y "'ur olfer to t ~ ., Thill 01,l fl l" 'Hmll r, " nl1 Y"" tuar . ,, ' e r my l u b"crll)tl u ll f u r "'ll' )",·. r,
A pp li ed A r t. f i I .It
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S " " for
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r umph·t e h ·r m u, IU'(' mlu1l1 lI .. t , and sllppll l.!1oI , a ll free.
\ "' 111 h u rt .I! Il' I .\' . IJo, ht rI " 111" H I! '1:111 ,111:0: 111 h~' , · IIr1I1g,. \I.,' 1'f' d lil l.! a nti .. , r'·.lI j.1, du~ lI ·
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'Vo wn.nt to pfO\'e t o y O\1 th l'l t The Ohio Fontlf'r , ~ Ili{" t:tTf'rltc-" t farm Im lle l' publlsheu, und a s ro u ('a n not UJ 'lI r cclu 1.G Il S \alu ,' w ithou t u. t rlul, D1Id com po r lso n with oth er ( or m l)tll>el"!-4. WO w l J1 mlt o t h lJ rhtk o( seuding it t o ~·o u ever)" we ek for eight weeks, Dncl 1t l ilU do no t w a n t It to come (or t he n Xl t en monllis (3 Yf'(l l' i n ail " ""Ill) us a1\(1 W9 positive ly guarantee to atop It lit once ' IlI.1 will J )(l t c hnnrc you a. c e nt t or Ihe two mon ths' Uln!. It tJl\ t h~ talrcf' t ottc r " 'c co n nt nke. a s It giveR YOU on OPflorlu nit)" ot r t:adlng lh p, be st f arm piper pu bli s hed. ton(.f l' ll oug'h to lu '"'vllle lhOtoughly (~m lHu.r with it , 81H.l w ithout co~t t u you, Jt you at,) I lot nn c1 It ju ~ t whu t yo u want. Th o Ohio J·'u r m pl' Js a largo !!O- pago we~kl y e ,{ t o 40 pag()~ In tho \ \' l ul e l' I' {h1i n g ~t" a90 n) , w plt 11lus ln.llcd. o n hlg h-gnu'(, pllp ~r. with Ule la l"g ' l.I l nOll m ost l" 'tr c n ~ l\"c ~ t a rr o t prn f'tlcn l I""tlilonl . ('orrl',''!plJlld('lIt~ OlIU I I ,-ld r C l ml" l (.· r ~ ( a ll nc hn owl,~ d t~o<1 Ct u t h orit lfs In thdr li nl'p), UI:J It yn u arc f'ngnsetl In any branc h ot f 3rm lno. you \l'11l r ,·I'f'I\·t! irll\ u'nmt io ll \\'or lh l1lUIIY t hw ~ tJw !n1 h:o(c rlpth,m prl C' ,·. TH IS OFFER W ILL NOT APPEAR AGA IN , >0 wrIte .t once, 1>1' ( 0 1', : r O ll t nrg't It.
l'ui" " II l" ,·,·." 'Y
WII "I! " 1111 1 >h r he' lli .1 11 1;0 'Uu Il corly rill' I h a , . Hil t! H(I- pa!'1:-:;ed on ." ' was dk-
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c,'c I' alill ul ~ I hl" pul!!',\" lliut ih hc....-t'."
~ I nga:dnt'.
Report ot lhe Gov er nm ent Exp. rt5 0 1' I ~d!; I horouJ;h I)' ('Om [I/J~ I e(l , I lie .on '.l'b is Pest of th e Wh en t I I'('al1llP11l would Ne' m fiuffi ci enl to I.1 cH, r,,}, UII~ I ~oso rna IlIn'a.n, so Ill a l fe w, F ield. II' 1l 1I .1'. w() lIlc1 deve lop adults Ih e fol· Rln ce th e II rs t H1l0WII ",!rluus Olll· IIIWl ll l{ RIII' l lI g, In case or betidin g brcn lc of t h is In se/:I. " ' hk h occ llrred III fCll' hO I'sr~ . it ' Beems Qulle p,.ul)[lol e till ' n'ld s a l)rl ill 11 11 :11 Jr Ril l' Inl' vae Sllfl'lved at all Ih e A') C bar I nll cs l' lIi e h "'I I fm lll 111 0 decomposing manure " V C, anr! GOl'<lolI s vllIl' wOIII,1 ri c I'c lo p th em Jl rema lll" oly, Va., dur l ug Ih e lI owe,,' r , t her e h M I,eon no px perl· }'('UfS lMt8 10 18;,1 'lJI' Il IIlLion a long Ih c~ c lin s, unLi OCIl lIu" bcc n rCl lo l·l. col'dlll g 10 a 1'0 en l lire •• bulleti n by I'd al Irl'egll l"r ill PrM. n, LI. l'eL LIt. or ' h e ~lkhl ~ an AglUI''I.' .II H and 1n !'\rll l lU l'ul f'ull eg,c. r.ttr lu us InJur h~ s h a ve wl<h' ly s~ (lar"t c " I'o llnw pt! Ih o year af lol' npplIcaLion and II)(u lili s. · Wh llt 1.lowlnJ; lIucim' or ba rnyard mnnure In II Is known 10 oc, Ih e fil II boforo the wheat. '... lIS BO\\'II. 1'111' " p.rln~ly o ver HOl lltlo n or cro ps Is adl'atll ugeo ll ~ , mns L or t be wheal 1I0C 311"" It necessl la lNI th n m l!; l':t l loll g l'OW I1111 51'(110115 /)f urt llll , from Oli O lI el<l to a no t h Pr, of IIol h the l ; nll o,1 nntl If I hi " Is UOM In ~t "l'ln y wenlher RUllI'S !lnd CU tlll - " I' 'I!lr tn g h lS h Wlll lls, ma ny or I ho mi. da , a nll 11I'{\hnbly grant s ",Ill iJe kill ed or blown USlI uy docs more !l o illngo I I I, ~" . Ily sr n Ihal wh ore ,"fo.ll'd II r hl IIl' io l' to I hun has gC ll ern ll )' 'I ",ra w Is (( I'IIlI ed 10 n bec n place.' to I t.~ F owln~ 10 wh eat. Ihl e rnigl'l1 l ,u lI ot (' r ~( lI t. Its reap- nrlll l tH ,,"ou lll no t I,,, m ll,le II c(·(:ss nr'),. . ' 11(, 1 - 1, 0 ,0 01" p('Elm n ce lu Ibe Th e "' ''1'1111,: of carl)' ri lle n llll: varllt(l r" ,.•1 ,'. 1111<) : wh oal fl eld ~ .,f III· t l e~ Is also henefl ri al LnI'VU, (I f \\" II I ' /I t II .1 I I ~ . S t.raw
1I1I "' III "~ tlt.,U ,~ lll 1111'111 .' :Oh .
('~J III in h" sal ll rtltcd by ll'luilJ !:l and rr .lJr&
my ,Iou ." l'ouid the huuli 1'1'(')"-
th itl. \'I I\.' I h , '~~hv IJ or Iff,', 1 th·:- II'!.· 10 iUlI rl'~H
fHII· rIWt.,~
with ( 'lI t i" ln" ,"';n'iJ'" l lltl) I . l lt ",n · t(,I' 11.1 r · I(':IIl ~l' , 1111< ~k i n , of T l(I"t.; .uncl ~n~t'C UIIlJ ~Oft4! ll 'he tlll ckeucd l' lI tldc
l'llhhill!(. illlrl :1J1I I ' ):
~ 1I~1 4· u.rt\ OIllIIlH~ ll t f rt>I'!r 'll u1lny itk hin.,c . lI' I'l l ll lh l fl , nd j r.t f:Hlllllut i uli . IIIIlI ~ llu th e
lIlHI I! p,\ 1. ,11 1111 11I~l1y 'ukl ' P lll~
ilnl\' r nl
('0(11 anrt
Illtirllrn ltc, d " u lI e tl
1,lufl.1. " IHI JIll I C\·,.I,\, f,,,,, li ,m ;" ~ .,~/;: It(~:,,lthr
Antisep.tic RemeCly For Family and Farm
Ilrti\'ity : )f'lI"n l(l"f':lt " 11 ref! 11£ fo.,lItp! e . ...~rOrll]f' " " nnd lte l'r d it Oi')' h!IOlfI'·... :H '(' 1 1 11 l t~' nI :1d r 11.\' l ~ uti (· lIrn 1'1:'11I(\d l('~ '.lUll! I,y ;111 n tl! r l' 1,IIIOtl tl lH! hld n (I (
OU t) ~ I~ t,. \\'~:i1 .
ern \..·n.l'- td n.
C' " ,. , -, Itl !C'~ UJ'a I n·.n nw " t I"; )•.,ul a nd (,Cln.., t i· tU~III II UI - cO lllplt\ t c :111( 1 "t· rf~(.' t , IJl.lI'f'. h\\ Cc t HIll! Wllu!l''itJIIH· . B :ll1w t he' uf\"(,('!(.(l
P fu,~ n
Sf: U lcr
A\."t" "n ' Innd in
f,·o", In fanc y to A g'c-A Set Often CIIl'ee,
ri,"r , "' il ho~H
a hRolut t'ly
II I c: \'f< ry Jl ll ll drf:n
On Ih t~ l alld Ihi " ye a r 11:1111 h~~ n pr~' u~d It". wun'- uf t "'l::uty. th· e L lI~ht:1H u f whtRt to the acre.
Jt Il al S0 l he l )l:l'I l Qr grn1. lughuul nud for m f.eJ farm ing It h n! II() Kupc rioT on the coutit1etll. ~JlI"lht i~ l dl m alC!. In\\' ta~f''', milwn)'111 conn .... iell! : loo l ,; Bud ('h\lr ~ hu ,' ;,\M' 8 1 hond o '''ri te for "1· ... I'U t!t\lh Ce nurry Cnnad a It nltrt
low rail " 'tly TAI~1'I 10 S I' I' I\U I S" TI1:N lUt N"f 1,)" 1 \J :I!I . O KATlo ~ .orh)II "lh o rl "'('IICfil1.u;t tt\u 1\ 1lt' U:a: J:l. M. \\"1 1,1..1 4 )1 :'0. Luw U ll i ItJ l n ~, ·rul~o. O.
n·rnl 'll WF; .
It 1'1
ItI'ald,y " I,!!I lh.1t l'uhll1' IJI Jlh llt'( II II! lllI :OOl 'U I, ) 1\ 1,111 ' 11 IIII I!(·- t .\ ,., .h.·lII itTHI\, I ,I i"
i n ll !WrI li t IIJ ... t Wl ll'I\' t.·,)lUllll Hi
1'111 )11., vtli,·I.d... . ,\
111111 ' .1 l 1I 1 1~t i lllt i" u .
Wll en B nby R no the Croup u~c n ,"'I xMi ' . CI'O\l" ( ' 111'f'. I t. )lI'U\' (' tl l..., P il on. 111' 111 1:\ :1 1111 r' :l llil llt'l"ia. :-';0 tl lJi ulIl . l" o lIUU· he n. rJOI,.'Ollt S . A . I' . 11oxs ic.lilitTulo • .N . Y.
Dr. EARL S~ SLOAN. £15 Albany 81:roet, 808,on, MOil.
~~:I r :;:~~.!11~~~\ :;:10 w:~~ItI~;r:h::OII~:~~ ~';:~'~;~:U:~I' '~~fe ~fe:~,I~'\)e~~IP all~ ,I;J;~'~ ~
fm' sOlli e e hea lle r or "easi er " way. Ir.::l ull d of I "·"~Y lac ks lII uch or hl,l llg Ono of tb e g reat troubles wllh rand the Ire land of 60 ),cars ngo . mak in g lo·day Is lbe rnct tltat t oo Owing tCI Inri, of llibor. th e for Ill e r in. mnny dl s !.t'lels w ill not ~ pend an,. IPns ll' P P lllt IVU lloll of th e soil I"" money , while lhcir taxpayers do as li t tIc good, hnnl, honest worl, upon Ihell censer!. T lllllg~ hu s heen ""II(, I'Hell('(1 I,y pn s t1ll'ugP . T)ujll~a lllis of nr res 1hn t ill ru:,ds a s Ilw law will permit, tbe mall· nct' in which some I-mcceed in doi n~ ro rm e l'Yl'II I'9 \\' e l'e l eeml ll~wH h I llbOl'e l '~ j )lllln, In IItHI w/lrklng )lOla l oP'~ lind ' his In dlcnti n g e ffl clcnpy Il se lf, We tU I'II 11'S. ull d h n l'\' (') ~ l il1 g ,vlleal and o nl ~ . are s tron gl}, 'or th e o)linlon thnt no !le r· m n ll Ctl t sy ~t c m of roa rl imt)ro \' cm ent ure now hlt'nell 011 1 lu g rass. nne} th :o I will bC :lC hlevolluntll fal'lllon' It I' will. !<OlIgof l hela hort r s oll"lh ew helll ll !;or scythe,; hal'e b en hlJ ~h e ", alltl In th eir In:; to nccrpl t.he lr pre8e nt road -mol(, pillce cn n he hear/I Ih e ·Io wlng of ~n li l e Ing mnthod 08 a r.erlous propos ition IIn /1 t he Ilukli n g or s heel) b('\1;'. Wh en fnr mers a~ a class wBa t' helLcI l'o" l!! tl,('y 11'1\1 hBv e th em, bllt "want· In all IJOI'I~ of t1l mi ddl e, sO lllh an d will b. more than m ere des ic'(', anll wll wcs t o r I re la nd one Hl'eS el'l,lences of oe backer! with the d ~t erllllnntlon t ha t hl 6 re mal' kulll e ( It nll~e- lIIore remarkIh e better Ihe thin g eB n at,,1 IUllst b ob le s lnrA che s igns o f fonn erpossess ton rea li ze d. and cu lth'atloll are selll s o ev ident. I'~or . W e :Hhllir Ihe (icte l'millaflon an 00 years th e )'Ol1 l1g "'HI 1'!gOI'OUS farm \\'lIlln g n~ss lo un.l cl'go hnr,l s hlp tlilt I h und s have IJePtl dl'Ollplng Ihe boe on,1 Ibese C; er lllun farme l:!! /ll s play , Til ey 8 Plitl~ and t'ml ;;rnllng to Amer ica . leal" waht IJett('r hlgbwayg, nnd whllp. they tn g b ehlntl Ih e m to al .lempt Ihe lr 11'01'1, ren ll w lho cosl. lh py arc conl r nt 10 (lay their Inllnn old paren ts a,~d lhelr 11.1118 the prtre, 'fbe pl'olloa ll.lol1 Is clen r. IJrojh el's nnd sl~ters, I h e cbl1eJrep . (' ut, . We r an e njo)' good road s, bul we dream Ih ro ugh tbelr boyhood and gll'l· 11'111 ha ve to s h ow Ill' our ckeds Uta' hoocl of I he tim e wh en t h ey In turn can \\'e are t horou ghl y in ' earn m,\. " go do wu 10 Qu een s town a nd s nll on tlte hlg ship fOI' N~ ", York or Boston. A GOOD FARMER' S CREED. Whol e "11II1ges ha\'c lhus bee n ro bbet! of th c ll' youn g I I~o rll e . and Vh l counlry I will not worl, too hn"(l my solt nOI secllons I hal "n cc teemed wlih vlgorou ~ r e ~"l l' e (I lIy .. ne aoollt the J'a I'm 10 dl rarm Inbor('rs now co ntnlo but a halluful £.,), or m en wh o nrc .. pully ca pa bl e of' ha l'd I \\'111 be ccollOmio-al, IJul 1I0 t c I081 IIIUOI', 1'11,1",,1\. o ll e of Ihp mOSl s ll'lIc1ng, nor ml rie rl)'. a nd at t h e sa me IIUl~ 11101<1 me lan choly . I w i!1 110 th o ocst I can 10 make Ill' giJ;h ls III I'"ra l Ire land to ' lla), Is th e un · lanll nnJ my caUl c bl' lng In til e great· IIR'lUll y IOl'g/, numb(>1' oC des ponu e lttee l 11O"<i l)lo rel urn , e vel'l )' C:II'. loolll ll l!' ulll me n nnn \\'um ~ 11 who "'01)0 I will I:cel' my I>u" dl ll g ~ lIull lIeld , oosenl ·",llI tled l), about Ih e roadways or 1 1l(' I"" ~ fl $ Il'lm as I can , t hp co unll'y -s ieJe or the nll eYH of th e I \\ ill nOl ~c t Ih e billes " It ra in, hllll,ll'eli s or s.~ mi-d ~serte d I'l lIages. r i i.~ hl :.\Iung fur a. w(!f' l~ ilt a l l m C' , Tltt '("h ell' song and tl[l\lgh t~ rs ha,oe grown up IJOW nf ll ro mi sc 1I'3S "e l In t he l'I u ll ,l' 311 el gO ll e 10 seek Ih elr fOl'tune s lu th n ( .. r me. aH we ll a s ro r Noah. wc st. !\Ol on e In 0 hundred of Ihem will I will hl' ralr wHh III )' bursr9. Th eJ cI'(' r re l ul' ~1 10 hu c an,l ~ Ilu.l e th e rod; y ~ h all Itot l.I ,~ overll' rl, rel, Ir I ,an 11 ' I, old 11'I" h Il e l,J ~ aga in.
..... f.- F.,.,... IP loo, omn In nN or IIcpoSII· ln g es-c ill atem· tog ot Ihc ,rnln, tbe ndnlL eme rg in g theretrom lil April o r ~In)~, ,oc('oru \n .. 10 latl ~ilde. or some t: llle nfter Iho )'oun g gral:l bas Ibrown lIl' Alams and ee veral joints havo becom o c,xllO sell. The fema le , II s lng her s le ll" /'r, po iuted OvlP09itor, lllnee", he r ('!HIS In Ih ~ 'Itl11.,S, 'fhe exact position a8 'li med I. IboWD In 'figur e 2, pboloUI'0 I,hed 11'0111 me by Mr. O. I. :1c .. '''~S. 1' h o cgga halt' h nUll the yo un g g rlJbs , 'ormln;; oll lls, lee d In the wall s of lIlo s te m, r " a chlng tllelr m.l"lmulII /:I'o\\'tll by till! lime the ~I rllw lleco mc. filII), hanl. eoed aoti ri pe, Wlnlerlng 10 the lal'l'ol .tnlc, t h('y puss a s ho rt IIIIllal slag . and emerge as adliits 10 th c s pring, Th orc lire 110 Iwow n re melll es, bll t Ih"ro ur~ s everal pl'el:eativo meas ures that nre rf.'a ~ oo8oly c ffi r lc nt. 111 t he midst of t hn o u l bl'cok in VI.,· r.inia, Ilrev loll s ly' l" e fltlfJn ~d, 11 " Joint Worm COll ve n l lou " """ ho. llI u ~ \l'ar
Tnnton, In Ihal ~i U( 4 ·. to II t-) v l ~c lu,=,un s
for conlro ll lu!; t ill ij "" ' c. T hlR !Jouy r eco mm cnllcd n h ~ll"l' 5'1 ,,1r. 1I1 of Inrm . m g, Ih e line o r ~UllIlU nll ,1 Ol l" ' t· (C rill· I C I~ 10 prOmOI(, a l'Uplu growth Illld an early ri~lllng nr Ihe e rnln . 0 :111 the It. ' burning of ltt~ !lllIhltlc, nil of \\'lrl, :': I \\' 111 .It' llvcr ~ " H\'lhl ll~ I [lro ml.. are os ndl' ls.ble Ill·llay :i t · lIl r ), Wl're I" d,'!ll'er wh cn I Hay I will, ur ;;Ive I at tbal ttmn, Tbe mosl sC "I " "s ravo:;,'" '~('u<1 r ~ " m n wh y I do not. arp oose r\'~tl on tbln or Imp",,,rl" II •.'lI I \\,1 11 ~ ltcrl' C nplllr'r my hmln 1101 .on~, espec ially along Ihe mnrgUIR r.t Ill)' 1"" ly. Ihe fl ~ "l s Inf4!folfld . Anylhln g, Ihen. I will Irll s t el'Por), ma n 10 Iw bo nei'll
'hot. Ip,nfl ~
udd . ti g;o r to tll n youn ,'~
crowing I' rain will ~O IlStl.tuto a preveo. l lvo IIWal; II 1''', nlll'lllnG I h e RluulJle. wh ~ r e I"I ~ Is prll cll r ahlp. Is. ,." 1'01Irsp, IllOs l onJC'U<'i()UH. Iml ,w e r Ih o Illrger p ortion oC tile terril,,, y ra vugcd LI>, _ - ___ tut t ,.~t ~l" Wood. "'I Por Ihr " ~"ltIfl g ."U"'fl I. o..,er Is • 1:0011 lime to cut 01lt Ih e old 1I'~d and lellve ~Cll.~ I r. g bul rl ilM y "~r'a .rowt h of "uu ..... The /' Il n ~" Ih:.1 \lear ~11t Ih l11 ~'el' 11m DOl hear (1'1111. nn· Ol\t~r yeoI', ":~'lllenLJy lll e)' Rhou ld bo removed , and t'he SOOflt1' th is Is .Ione nfler 1110 fruit h as bee n plcl,cu 1, 1/ I b ~Uer , If Ihey are cu t Qul at that tim', tD 6 ' j)lant rood lo \(~n up ' lly Ih e roOIS all I~oes' Into. the )'oung wood, t hereby Ind:ll'Ing ::tor. I'lgorous g towlh , Tbl» -II1Llho~ II Dot to lie r~mi'CI"IDded ,bOW,
I I\ nuw him to he- a
I'll !; U f' .
and l
- ---- - - -
Non,mb..- III the COllntl'Y· A lmo~ 1 e l'e r),lJody who goe" In to Ihe wooll s, or Ind eed I1n),whl'r(' e lse, In No· I'ember, ('a,·,'le, a J;III1. PU l'trldgps are a Ce rl a ltll), . der r and b ~lil' al'e olwoys Ilo~ s lltl e . and rllDlo rs c f Wildcats, 10111"
of F,jgs,
The Genuine is Manufactured by the
Califurnis Fig Syrup' Co. Th_ rull na"" • • of the company, California Plar Syrup Co.. Ia prInted on the front of every packoare of the arenuln ••
The Oenuine- Syrup 01 Figs- Is lor Sale, In Original Packages Only. by Reliable Druggists Everywhere
Knowing the above wiD enable one to avoid the fraudulent imitations made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable dcalm." The imitations are known to act injuriously and should thtrcfore be declined. Buy the gcnuul'e always if 'you Wish to get its beneficial effects; It cleanses the system gently yet effectual1y, dispels colds and htadachts when bilious or constipated, prevents fevers and ;lets best on the' kidneys, ~vcr, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed by men, women or chiIdun. __Many millions know of its lxncficial eHects Irom actual UK and of their own personal knowlcdie. It is the laxative remedy of the wcU-informtd.· Always' buy the Syrup of Figs MANUFACTURED BY THE
('cr\'i ers nnu Canad a lyllX€'S are ~ u r4
will 11')' ib " C worthy of the , am p , nD' " cle nt ly rlf~ 10 1111'1 11 Ih e blood or .' hll· Ud enl·('. dren ullli t Iru l,1 l'er"OIl " whpn th!!)' I ,,·111 Si ng Ih e • hr/" I... t ~on~ , e'l PB S" Ihl'oll g h 3 pa l,'h of 1I'00d s Of ICI' "1111 I r y ,,, Icave I h ~ W"l ld A Il ltte llllt ,lark , A rUl'plgm' I' m ight Ima gin e IIllt t" 1 tlt Rn I I'ullud It.- Fnrm Journal, II II' ,'oll lll y \,,'a :; in :1 8tOI (' of In qul'l'p" , __ _ __ _ tion . ror In ;lIm'l:t e ve ry wa go n 1!lIlt
There is only One
enr, I'o r ~H li " n s wl,ere Ih ( ro Is mild
YOIl me/ t R , hOll'un o r a r ine is ~ J)' Ila l'l' nt. Th e n,ral mnl l'I'31'1'l rr br ing_ IIJlnger u! " i n l U . I ( illl fl~. hacl( nr o l'~ pnl'lri/lgeH 11I8n lette r, : Ill .. ftJC2 PII'1Y CINn Pft IIOm.I , lo\\')'o r, on hi s way hOIll (rOlll /' 0:11'1'1 Oys t er !lhell s, "tR'Hls "I' In III hllggy nnll ~hOOI 3 Jl I{rrp o ~' ~ : e; 1h p. ll s oefo re Ihe to,,11 plll mp II ll'rI wllh o1l! dlsrOnCel'litl"I " all Ih r 11 '!l e·. -1'hu sll ell~ s n01llli not cosl we ll ·t rain ed . IPet!: two 0 1' three g~rl~'t~ - - - - - - -- ) OU lI ,o r e lI/ a n ol1 e doll ar l'e I' hundred I g un s Illn y or, on lie see n ollts lde ~.~Cralt~.~~~~==,i\~ I s ee so mc denl rs II r f Ir~ 111.1: lJl sell door of Ih e .1I 't rl ~t 80hoo lholl8e, I'e.,. I -" I hr lll al t h r~e ce nt s a I I~und. I~eep pon Inl!' agai n st t he Willi . while the ir roul h. ed on Ihe l\l orl( e IS,- I' armers Hevle.. ,1'111 own e l'g ul'e Inside, und e rgoing lu. 'S GVAIL.ANTJr.Jr.D TO CllRJr. ~ tructlon In mort! peaceful arl s, Wliul I1lgh , lI tony, well -draln e.1 lund woult! a c ity srhoolmast er Ihlnk It Iri s ' 1 WOD" . .U .a........... to. d l.l., wbo WOD' .. O ...... te. ... C.1l10.r Jollr .Olla'" ILt.C& ........~ .... ClV.__ parllCllh.u'ly dellll'alJl. for ,ra~ ,I',). lad s of 12 and 14 ea me armed to l~~~~~~!t!!!~~ F. ",.»Ie",er, •• YlUllllaolurer,lII,prt"de",... IniC· -.cbool! -Tl, C, M.r1\·W, in Atlo'Dtlc, 11.-
"'f! ••..
AITI·GRIPI.Ei~"?"r:!!?~A~'~~~~ I
A SURE CUR.E I(he~"n .. i. m; t; lc~ ,", P(l.'" 1I.If>od ~ot.on, C.,: •
For Burn!!, Sore Throllt. Can,., Sores Ecxrma
bu nc lu aDd a ll \.\ uunds Dild Skl r,'f. ' ' PlH'Il . . . . .S •• AAM£ • • ION.,
_ ...1. U...
..... ..
UI . . . . . •
-. ~.-- . /
F. C. 'SCHW ARTZ LOCAL ~ND PERSONAL MENTION Bot water bottles at J . E. Janneys Th~ Ladles Guild of St. Mary's ohurch oleared abollt IGO at their baar aDd CbrlBtmu market a~ tbe townahlp bouse Saturday, , pAinted Diamond • rlnp, . hand ohlna andLebanon 'o ther novelties a&. F,r ank Care's Y , .
Mrs, Uppbu ar· a pl.... b nt vlsis WhlIIn an aroun he d Misa veYB urg, e gone s an Mary Davis attended a diqner given by Mr. aDd Mrs. ElluOglesbee, For Colds use "Red Spruce and Cherry Expectorant," sold by J. E. Janney. , There will be a eohool enteraln· ment at tlugar Grove &Ohoo! house Friday evening, Deqem~r 22, when tbere wlll · be a Chrlltmas tree and excellent muaio. Admi8lion 10 eta, Everybody Invited. ··. f:hrt8tmaa shoppers Ih01ild see'. B. Car~y, Broadw~y. and Mulberry, Lebanon, for out glue dishes, Gil· Jete , safety rawn; kaives, forke, spoons ebony tOIlet Il8ts mounted wltb sliver. M"_ft G ..··ie Kirk of Cinolnnatl' ... - - - " is a gnea& at the bome of Edwin S FUrD"; and will be bridesmaid at the aiding of Miss Catharine Un.
Bumorouundmasterfulinevery way Is the lecture tonight by tier. bert Loeon Cope '~t School Hall. V_. F'ran'- Squires had Ai
, J h
Don't forget the lecture tonigbt ' at !:lohool BaU, by Herbtlr~ Leon Cope, Smile that t Come Off. to It 18 sure to be a wIDner. Mr. A. L. Sides, of Spring Valley, was a busin888 mller in WaYJl88ville Tuesday. Mrs. Sides and their their two little daughters bave been visiting relatives in Williamstown, Kentuoky" fora and Mr. t3ich.~, expeota ~.. join , ~Ia ~amUy on Saturday and enjoy: tbe _hOliday season there. Caabler J. N. Lemmon, of the CI~ Bank, ft'tend~ the open· Ing 9f the new Warren National Bank at Franklin Monday. The ballk W88 organized by W. T. I:l. - h i led th Cit' Blackburn w 0 .organ z , e . I· zens Bank bere, ancl.. 1Ifr. ~Iaokburn's brother,' Mr. James G. Blackburn, of Dry Ridge, Kentuoky, is oashler of the institution. KenD Rid ' tuoky, and espeoially ry ge, seems to tUrD out , ba~ers as.easily 88 It doos. Colonels. A large num, ber of ' banks in this pa.rt 6f Ohio are under the care of KentuokY men, ' kb f ' l tb In UrD amlY ereare five bro'bel'8, and all of t,hem are bank 08shlers .
N I I:lt d M ss flnn e . 0 nan r. -... & William S. Morgan, both of Waynesville, OhiO, were nllI.t'rled Ilt M . E, parsonnge by Rev. Phlhp av~ning, and on 81;lDday the party Thtl most 'Pollular oo.ndles nre Trout ' Monday evening Deoember I wluljolned at dinner ~y Mias Elsie tbe better gradE~ of sweets-and 18, 1905.' , , Reason and Mr. Earl 'Hookett, of fot the Holidays-They will be , of . Mi S J b I' I d f t. 0 n s a young II yo I I ' ss HarveYllburg , fered at popn er pr oes. noble oharaoter. 'S he looked very
Holle day' Ne' ws ,
. ' Pure Sugar MI1:ed Broken Taffy Mixed Obooolat-e Creams Ch 0001.CIUI!l.meI 8 ' R loU Frenob creams Sugar Roll Mb:ecl . ' Peanut Taffy Pop Corn Crisp Mint & Lemon Rolli Ct'e8m & Orange Roll . . Choice Fruits, Nute....:..nll pret. ty ~nd 'nll8ful Gifts for ChrlstDlIlR. '
lovely in ' her ' weddlng Mr. Morgan ill among one of Way. nesvllle '", best young men. He "holds n position at the State Hos· pit$l at Dayton where he ' has been for' the P!lst yeaT. . On Thurllday they will be served to all 'eleglUlt dinner n.t the home of Mr~, Harriet Llnooln. 'They went to tllo of the parenti! at Corwin, where t~ey w,lll spend one ~eek. The Gazette jOins a hoat of friends ,i n extending very best wllh81 for a Waynesville. Ohio. long, happy-and prosperona life. A FRIIUID. Lost Mother.
a Ib
guarAnt~ed .RtF.
to remain the winter. ening In oompliment to their . ev, Mrs. W&I~r Elzev has been hav· niece, Miss Ada Eyler. lug the pleuure of a vlatt from her The party WIlS a surprlll8 to MI8B ANp DEALER IN unole auC! aunt, from Kokomo, Eyler. who entered 88 heartily into Illdlaaa. 'Mr. White had been a the splrlt of the festivitieR as did resident of Waynesvl11e 1118ny years her eighteen guelta. ' • I1go and waa muoh Interested in One Interesting feature of the the -Home.Comlng next year, and occasion was the indian camp fire. Telephone in his house where he AX preH88 a daslre to be present. A huge kettle of soup was 8uspend- can 00 called at nil hours, day or Mrs. Lellie McCune arrived from eel in front of the open fire plaoe, night. , Kimball, West Virginia, Monday and while seated on the floor around Coaches and ohulrs IIUPI)lIed. . evening, and ' expects to remain this, each guest was expected to tell Have recently moved to room until spring witb ber mother, Mrs. a weird tale ab ho dipped his spoon next to Cross BroIl. . Eva lIiIler. Mn. McCune ' I'fenjoyed hll Into the soup f and drank. I MAIN BTREE'[ WAYlIII1:8VILLlC, o. the novel~ of mountain I Il we . Partners or var ou~, games w e r e . in Kimball, and had many thrUling seDured by the Mines runnlnl( tbe 1 . oxperien088 ollmbing mountains, gauntlet" between two lines of boys CounterfeltlD~ the GenuIne. visitlnlr ooal mlnea, etc. and the numoors OD their baoks Foley.& Co., Clbloago, originated
Silverware. Cbln .. w....., Wtttoli ..8, , ClookB, Cuff Buttons, Braoeletll, SoarfPlnll,
I'll nil,
,lew"I;,. ,
BfO(lOheM. Cr'ooe., Bat Flu. Wale. Plnl , i' aDd 1IOta, " " Necklaces, Gold Pins ~ 'Sterllng Silver Novelties. FountAin Penl, Roger Bros. HH7 lind Community Flat Ware. . Silk ,Umbrellas withG old Bnd Silver Bandlel!, . .. EdIBon Phonographs. Record.. " Musical InstrUments, Violins ~uital'8. Guitar strings, MandollnB, BOot'!, ' , u i 8tattonI ....aKllz nes, YO". " .
iJ. $
Revival will Continue.
'rhe revival servloes whioh have been conduoted at tho' Orthodox Friends ohurob the week will contllJue through ,thle ' week, and an
Inorensl~g Interest, in them Is appa·
Full Line of T~ys' for. tlle Ohildren:
Th~ publlo Is cordially invited. '
Prloo Within the 'Reftoh of All •
___ '
Call ~nd Examine My ~arge S'to~k .
Oealness Oannot qeOured by lOOIil applica'ions .as they oan, ' . , not reach ,tbe dl_OO portion of ear There Is only one way to oure deafness, and that is by oonatltu' , . ' , tional remedies. Deafness 18 caused by inflamed eondition of the mu·. Pence ' Block Way' cous of the Eustachian Tube , When thle tube Isln1lamed you ~ a rumbling sound or ImperfeDt bear, iog, and when It is entirely' 010800 & & .... & . . . . . .V"I....L"..,.. .;-.... deafness it the result, and unless .......... .....
~ ,.
. I nm pl/lftll8d to lIunOlUlloo tbat Ipy IItock of 1:101.JDAY GOODM arrived ttnd arl! read" .- for your InspeoUon. There ill nothing more aOOllptable liS a pr8llent than II piMA of Silver ware or Ollinawnl'fl TbllllltoOJe III h!!lldqnartol'll for "h'op.
Bon "Consumptlon 'r uns In onr family and,through It I lost my mother. " wntes E. B. Reid, of HlI.rmony. Me. For the past five years, however, on the slightest slgu of a or oold I · have t~kCoen Dr. Ktlln g s Nh~wh DbIS. oovery for nsump on. w 10 ItS uved mef~omseriouslnngtrouble. " His mother'8 dea,th WIlS a sad 1088 for Mr. Retd, but be learned tbat lung trouble musl~ not be negleoted, andllowto-ourett. Quloke, trellef.. a.nd oure for coughs and ooids. Prioe GOoand 11.00; C. Bohwartz's drug store. T~llIl bottle free _ _
A • M A F' FI T ' -
•. •
"·.ri~sv"Ue. '.~hlo,•' '
~L ~~~~~'!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!'l!' = D ' F'1 V'. h " . 'B' , on t , al to unt t e ,City . skery '
the inflammation '<)lI.n be taken ont and tbis tube restored to Its.normal oondition hearing will be destroyed forever; ~hie out of , ten are caused by catarrh, whioh 18 nothinK but an inflamed oondltlon of the muooussurfllcos. WewlllglvellOO for any os@e of dea.fnesl (caused by . catarrh) that cannot be ouroo by Ball 's Catarrb Cure. Bend for cir.
BId b . ~. Ch~n:y 7":0Co·.fa~~'1r~lf!~ F~mil: Pi~sg,o: ;:;'nsttpatlon,
before buyln!r yoUr
Xmas C~:p.di~s , Xm ' a·s··,a'k. l·ng'
A fine line of box good8, belt of mixed canules, and . ., of ",11' fiue Home-Made Candy. Can and-see we Will $reat Y,?u rl.",
. Sells More of Chamberlain's Cough RemedythRD of IIU Others Put Together M Tholl George a merobant of Mt ~lgID. Ont.ario: says: "1 have had the looal agenoy for Chamber.
aetJ.0UJ.II•• baJdD. bere
FJ.llults ' aka., DOu.haut., .to. , The CITY BAKERY is the only place in ~ mat~hed w~th I,he numbers the boys !::Iy~~~~~ :~~~~o:: :edi;:~ ~~~'fn~~~~~':~l(,:::&~I:: I~ town besides ZimmerUlan' s Grocery, which held in tbelr bands. . mer" and popularity of Foley's sell as muoh of It as 1 do of all other B' d h· h' ,h F The entire evening was tllll:en up Honey and Tl1rmany Imitations are linea put together Of the many handles Our rea;, W IC a8 . REBlI with a va.rletyof amusements. offered for the genuine. Ask for dozens sold under guarantee, ~ have d F ol eY'8 H~ney and Tarnndrefuse not had one bottle returned loan BREAD every I aye Co F ed any substItute offered as no other personally recommend thil medl.' .
Mr, and Mrs. John Nixon, at CoIIe 'e Hm, wllre bost and hostess at 8unday, at whloh the followlug iueate were served to an elegant I d an abundance of good lUea an oheer: Mr. and Mn. Jonathan Smith W .e preparation will 1~lve tbe same sat: Mr. and Mrs. Tim Smith, Mr. John lsfaotlon. It is mUdly laxative. It Davia, 11188 Rosa Davia, Mr. George We have it at 80 an!! 90 oents a containll no opiates and Is sateat for ohlldrsn and d~U.oate persons. F; D i Mrs Rosa Berryhill and hundred. av 8, " Wayu88vUle Mills. C. Schwartz. Miss Fig", Berryhill,
St. John--Morgan.
P opUI ar 0 an'dl 8S, -ATguest Min Pearl Urton, ot M~w, Popula:r Pricas fro':D 'tuesday evening un~n ~unaay ,
derwood to Jlr. Josepb Heston, which takes place near Harveys· hurgtodaY. , .. ~, . Lydia ToInUD8o~, of near HIln:eYlbal, was joined In Cinoin· days agowho by her son, In Society. .nll.ti Tosepb few TomlinlOn, W88 en , route frdm a busln8118 trip in the · b' t h' A unique and enjoyable entertain. Enet, and aooompanied 1m 0 1.1 ment was given at the home of Mr. home In Kan888, wher~ she expeotll and Mrs. Charles A. Brown Friday
Waynesville,. Ohio.
tt: .
olne as J have used It myself and given It to my ohlldren and always witb thEi'll88t results." For sale ~Y. F C !:lohwartz
HUlllorous II.nd masterful in every wily is the lecture tonight by Her · Lert Leon Cope at School Hall, Mrs. Frank Squires bad as her Hot water bottles at ,J. E. Janneys guest Mis8 Pearl Urton, of Morrow, The Ladies l:I uUd of St . Mary 's from Tuesday evening untill:!u~day ohurob cleared about ,tiO lit their evening, and on Sunday the party bazar and Christmas market at the was joined at dimier by Mis!! Elsie townsbip hoose Saturday . Reoson and Mr. Earl Hookett, of Diamond rings, hand painted I HnrveYtlburg ., china and other novelties at frank Don't forget the lecture tonight Carey's, Lebanon. lit School Hall, by Herbllrt, Leon Mr8. Mnry Upp has returned from Cope, "'fhA Smile that Won't Come II. })ljlIIo88nt visit in and around Har- Off." It is sure to be a winner . veysburg. While gone she and Miss Mr. A . L. Sides, of Spring Yalley, Mary Davis attended a diqner given WIL9 a business caller in Waynes. uy Mr . and Mrs. EliasOgleshee. ville Tuesday. Mrs. Sides and their For Colds use " Red Spruce and their t,wo little daughters have been Cberry Expectorant," sold by J . E . visiting rellLtives in Williamstown, Janney. Kentucky, for a fortnight, and Mr. There will be a school entertam- I:!idllll expects to join his family Dlent at Hugar Grove school house on &turduy and enjoy the holiday Friday evening, Deceml)er 22, when season there. there will be a Ohristmas tree and Casbier J. N. Lemmon, of the excellent musio. AdmilSion 10 ots. CltizeDll Bank, attended the open. Everybody Invited. .. ing of the new Warren NlLtionn.1
FARR &: \VHI1'E'S Popular Candies,
Waynesville, Ohio.
St. John--Morgan,
Miss N'lUnie I:)t. John HOlI Mr . WlllillDl H. MOl'gHU. both of WilY, Il o!lv ill o, Ohi O, we re umrrieu n,t the M . E. ptlrSonn ge by Rev. PhIlip 'rhu m ost Polmlllr wndies nre 'rrout, Mond n,y e velling, December I the better grndes of sweet!l-and 1M, I ~O il. fot' the Holidays-They wi\) be of . MitiS St. .J ohn is a young lud y of fered Ilt populer prices. noble o\mrncter . Bhe looked very lovely in her weddiug garments. Pure Sugar Mixed Mr. Morgan is among one of Way Broken 'fuffy Mixed nesville's best young men. He Ohocolate Cre!LIllS holds a position at the State Hos. Chocolat.e Camm els French CrelU11 Il pital'at Dayton where he ba8 been 8ugar Roll ML'l:ed for the pIIst yellf . Peanut Tnffy 011 Thurtldllj they will be ser ved PoP Corn Cri~JrI to Ull elegllnt dinn er lit the home Mint & Lem on Roll of Mrs. Hnrriet Lincoln. 'fbey Cream & Orange Roll went to tne bome oJ tbe groom '8 Choice Fru.its, ,Nuts-anel pret. parent.-l at Corwin, where they will ty and useful Gifts for Chrll'tma!\ , spend one week. 'fhe Gllzette joins a host of friends in extending very best wishes for a Waynesville, Ohio . long. happy and prosperoos life. A FRIII:NIJ. f:bristmas shopper8 8hould 8ee F. Bank at Franklin Monday. The Son Lost Mother. B Carey Broadway. and Mulberry bal1k was organized by W. T. I::l. . ' f 'I Revival will Continue. " " the Citi . Rnd "Consumptlon nnll y Lebanon , for cut glas8 dishes, Gd.'BI nokb urn w h 0 or!\,an I' zed , through i't Iruns lost In myour m other." lete safety razors, knives, forks, zens Blmk here, and Mr. Black- , wntes E . B. Reid, of H armon y, Me . 'rhe r evival services whioh have spoons, ebony tOilet sets mounted burn's brother, Mr. Jnmes G. Black- For the Pllst five years, ho wever , on been conducted at tho Orthodox witb silver. burn, of Dry Ridge, Kentuoky, is tbe 8lightest sign of ~ cO~lgh or,oo.M Friends churcb the pilst week will .. , . . cashier of the Institution. Ken. I have taken Dr. Kmg s Ne \\ 018. continue through this week , anu an MIlS Guslle Kirk , of Cincmnatl, . covery for Con!' umptlOn, willch hU B iR a gU8ll' ·at the home of Edwin S tucky, amI e8!JCclBlIy Dry Rld?e, saved me from aeriouslung trouble ... increasing int~ rest ,in them is appa· Furnas and will be bridesmaid at seems to turn out banker8 as eaSily His mother'l! death wus a SILU Joss rent , the weiding of Mi88 Catharine Un. as it does Colonels. A large num- for Mr . Reid, but he learned that 'rh e pl1blic Is cordially invited . 'ood M J h H to ber of banks in this part of Ohio I lung trouble must not be n egleoted. to place r. 088P BS n, are under t.ho wre of K e. ntuoky men . n,nd and core how for to cure It ~ and Quickest JJealnes6 Oannot be Oured (Ierw whioh takes near Harveys· cough ooIds , relief P, ri oe f I th e by looul al>plicatlons, !LS they oan I h BI kb Imrg today. ' n t e ac urn amI y ere ar (j()c and 11.00; guarant,eed. lit F . (;, not r euch tbe disea sed portion of . five brothers, nnd all of them lire Schwartz's drug store. Trllll bott.1o ear. '!'here i8 only one wo.y to cure Mr.. Lydia Tomlinson. of near ·bunk wshier8 . free d eafness and that is by constltu. Hllrveysbllg, was joined in Cincin· '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!! tionnl re~edies, Deafness iecau8ed ---AT-
Holiday News .. t~H
Popular Prices
FA RR & WH rr E.
$ .
Prioe Within 'the 'helloh of All
Cull A nd Examine My Large Stock
Full Line of Toys for the Children.
plA/llled ·t.o IIIIIIOIUIICI" tbllt [ stock of HO LIDAY GOODH have arrived /tOllnl'j' reHlly fnr ;vonr in8poot.ion . . There is nothing IIlllrll HC'oolltftble HtI IlllreRent thHn /t IIi..."" Ilf Hilver ware or ChinHwnre Thl. ~t,nle Is fu r UhllHt IIlhll Mhop, perRo Sil ver W/l rA, . "hinll , Cbinllwar... .J"w .. lry,,l', I../)c ktlt~ , Clocks, BrnooheM, Cull' Buttons, CrlJllttell, BraceletM, Bar Pin.. , Senrf Pin!!, F'-Z47t~ Pine WRist and set.s, Neckln ces, Gold Plna Sterling Silver Novelties, FountaIn Pen., Roger Bros. 1847 uncI Community Flat WIlt'e, Silk Umurella8 withG old ond Silver HaUllles, Edison Phonographs. Records. Violins Muslcnl In struments, Guitara. Guitar strings, Mandolins, Bookll, lillgazineR, Stationery. I
__ .•-4
nati • few days agowho by her In Society. hy ILIl inflamed eondition of the mu · Pence Block . Waynesville, hio . Tomlinson, was son on COU8 lining of the Eustaobian Tube . . , nWhen t,his tube is inflllmed you have ~""""~~:'-~~ r oute from a business trip in the A unique and enjoyable entertlLinrum bling sound or imperfec t henr. Ellst, and accompanied hilllto hiJ mentwllsgivenlltthehome of Mr. log,undwhen it i~entirel.v closed (leufo"ss it tile result, and unless home in Kansas, wher~ she expects amI Mrs, Chorles A. Brown Friduy to remain the winter. 'l the inflammation ouo be taken out evening, in compliment to their El'{ . aO(\ this tu be r estored to ita normnl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I11'!'!'!!~~~~III'!'!'!!III'!'!'!!III'!'!'!!III'!'!'!!~~III'!'!'!!I11'!'!'!!~!!!' Mrs. Wl&lter Elzey bas been bay· niece. Miss Ada Eyler. ' (lo oditioo, h ell ring wlil he destroyed 1) , ing the pleasure of a visit from her I The party wos II surprise to MiSS \ ANn I)E A.L E I( IN forever ; nine cases out of ten aro 0n t Vi~it unole and aunt. .from Kokomo, Eyler, who entered as hen.rtily int,o causeu by ent~Hrh, which is nothing Wh h d bee 1 d but Hn inllumOO condition of the Indiana. Mr. lte a n a the spirit of the festivitl eR allll C1 n111COUS surflLces, We will give 1100 hefore buying your I'otlideni of Wayn8llvllle \DIny yea~s her eighteen guests. 1 J D. for auy cn~e of deafnes8 (caused by u~o and was muoh interested In One interesting feature of the I ('A\t.arrh) th at cannot be cured hy th o Home·Coming next year, and occasion was the Indinn CIImp fire. 'l'olephono in his h Ollso wh ore h e Htlll 's Cat,a rrh Cure. Send for cir. flxpre.les a desire to be present. A huge kettle of soup was suspend. CliO be call ed n,t 011 hours, dllY u r cu, free. A fine line of box goods, best of mixed canales, and be.~ of all I Mrs. Leslie MoCune arrl ved from ed in front of t h e open tl re pace, ~old by Hn U's ulght. F : Drugglst~, ,J. Cheney jlic. &'ako ,'!Toledo, O. fine Home.Mode Cllndy. Call1&nd S88 us, we Will treat you rlab' Kimball, West Virginia , Monday and while seated on tb e fl oor around Conohes IUlcl c hairs Rupplletl . Fu.mily Pl!ls for constipation . Have recently moved to room ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 evening, and expects to remain this, ellch guest was expected to tell ulltil epring with her mother,. Mrs. 1\ weird tulo ILb ho dipped his 81100n next to Cr OS8 Bros. ~ells More of Cbamberlain 's Cou~h EVil Miller. Mr8. McCune enJoyed Into tbe !lOU P and ,lrunk. Remecly than of all Others Put . whl Ie . WAYNJ!'BVILLIC, o. t ho novelty of mountain bfe Partners for vurlous gaUles were lolA IN STRKIIlT ' Together ill Kimball, and bad many thrilling 800ured 11Y the Misses "runDID!>: the Mr Thos Geor"e, a merchant of Oounterfeltlnll the GenUln,e . ., says::' I h ave · ,'xperlenoos oUmb Ing moun '·1 .... ns, goun tl e tOO L. 0 t ween t wo II nes 0 f be ys Mt Elgin, Ontario. vi~i tln" ooal mines, etc. Rnd th e nombers on tholr hacks Foley & Co., Chicago, origlnnted blld the locul agency for Cha.mbe~. CITY BAKERY '1 And u rs John Nixon at Col· matched with the numbe rs the boys Honev tinll Tar as a throat and lung luin'~ ('ough Remedy ever s1UC8 lIt II r, remedy, uuu on acoo~mt of the I:rlll!t wns mtroduced mto CanlLda, a,n d lA~e Hill, were host and hostess at held III their bnnds. merit and popularity of Foley" sell as much of it asl do of all other .l iuner Sunday, at which the tollow· Tbe entire evening wae tuen up Honey and Tllr many imitntioDS lI,re lines put together Of the many FRESH in~ guests were served to an elegant wit.h II. variety of umu8emen tM. ofl'ered for the genuine, Ask for dozens soid undor g uarantee , I have I d an abundance of good • , - -Foley 's Honey and Tar nnd refuse not had one bottle return~ 1 oa~ BREAU III 0 8 an , C F ed nny substitute. otr~red liS no other llOrsonally recommend thIS medlowe. preparation ~111 ~Ive tbe s~m e sat- cine as I have used it myself and e heer: Mr. Rnd Mrs. Jonathan Smith Mr. and Mrs. Tim Smith, Mr . John i8fllotion . It 18 mIldly laxatIve. It given it to my children and alwaY8 Davis Miss R08lI. DaViS, Mr. George We have it nt 80 and 90 cents a contains no opisltes auu is safest for with the best results ." For sale b y ' , , Proprietor~ DaviS: Mrs. Rosa Berryhill Ilnd hundred . children and delioate persons . ,F. F 0 Schwartz MiSll Flcna Berryhl11. · Wayneevll\e MmB. O. Schwartz . •J osepb
Xmas Baking
Get your baklD. here Fruits, Cakes, DOughnuts, .to. '
the City Bakery
Xmas Candies
'!'he is the only place in town besides Zimmerman's Grocery, which hanflles Our Bread, which has eve ry day.,
hom08. ' They t.oo will ehj.oy
muoh . lleofl o<l
I' ~ t liS
, . , . ' l gtoutftimlJynn ourhl~1i1yest:f\Ii1I}1; l' tiAN 'r I. A \J!! Awl'. ,\')' LlCll~J:lON, ed 'frlend MillS d Man ]'ellley: -. ,'DICA I( 0 1.1 :-,iAN'!: .. eL," ' ,;: ' , lU1c:1,~1J of.. tU8I!8 are worthy- .of t \ V" T ' <"" "''''} v tm r le~te r jn'·gl'~oto!lt nI\Ql:ninTU .. , . (1~1 ~ ~hl\~ ft'l)lIl .1 I~'u"",' : I hl\ seat. of A~roll ' Snrvoy ' Hod.' Wlf!'!, del 1vor.\, h,l" ;'i 0111 l! . , ,~ 1 Ntl Reddocl> ~nd f(l,wily Cbiul Jj'rnnk, llll agent, W . B. . Antl'll /l '. ,, " ll Wl\.ot to Frunk. Shleloke l', nnd '~m1f1e f1n~! l. IHUI tbllnk Y"" 1." hIll!, If , o\f tho One littl e Mnrie apen;t ,Chrlsfm ',tt-Jl t'honsll'll~ ·cluMI'IlII " " \ Ore' s~ Milt.oo Hadley lind "I'lf., iUl...: ~f'rs'" mug PIlOllJ1011 1.1' \:fl lllPm \''' '', (1. t~ro. ChU.R. ~hlil.l\k er {nfor,* s US t'llat thtlY tins effici llut, re pr ~ l,tll II Yc . Sl1r.elI 1Uld " lOng- the many oth"er gooll ho 1.lll s cO lllpl te,l th l' C·!OII,fI.h DOO II~. tbi,ng;~ltlJ whloh the iiln~~)!P utls \los (i in him ~l.v Jnnl' )!1'1IC:' .O US sOl f 0. fruit oo.JCe to fl.11 1}'~ 1 rg~ lIhi() ~i',anl;oll ' Squlr.e secou'l s n of III fnlfilllll g 11\~ t,rot tl OI~~ ' In evory " Ish 1)l\n or olleesll -hooh~ ' .. : ":. ' <, ! ' fiVeDtlO of til mo~t, IlIlOIl1le oruor , ... :St~hIOC)I'I~'1 HllriAfn . r'd "and E Il,a, I:lquirns, wus and wo nl'O h fl l'e in "" ~' " . •" t Ii i" Jot.tor liy ----;;--:~'"--' ramie cOtu.lty, (Jllio, ,IlIl1\1· WRy of utToring C '" Kl'tll..llJlI Hon !lnd Next Sundn.y CbarUf . 1lf~~I».: ' lind fllmily, Clint Cleaver apel jrife, , 1 ~, and died nt, Wilyno . oillllpllm nts Tor tlJ n \\'I" rl< m you Ed MoF arlan' anti Altll. .:wIlJ ' bhl4i1: : wn.,.,..m county , Ohio, Decem· 1111 ve m!l.nHesteu in.Sl1t'lIl '1 nIt-tho one brGlld, 67yt'lI rs 11 mon ths wholo.Holllerl, gl'eflt bli: hOllrted other mastion te the ' ,turltey ' 'Iln,d ', good tht.ngs at, the home 'bt' .: • I' ted ' 0 "Will," wll tl hilS tbo obillaot eris· Mr, und· Mrs, Freu ·Harlan A n"llIH. 18G2I he en 18 , In 0 .. t · .' -:" ~ ~. f l ·' 1 ... , .' r I ' . 0 hti ,10 ul:l JOlUluElI" gu n o\'O~ I'.~. Christm as entllrtll lnttlent at~"'tl\t:I , ,o f'h' Ito M!, s~ vlDu g tU g 1)1J!llder" Nbw, 1 f yC'll WI I! 1\Cl~ c lt 11, ohurohe s WIIS well represe nsed 'In-~ , f.1 oonntr , DI ng n I'll ' k ' , Ilrt of t,h~ wur , linu W'I\, ess . un'lj Rr tl o0l1;u"1 0, WI' 11 I1l!1t ..... e program rendere d to,n: finillh'; WIlIlt .. ~~~~I~:ir~'t~i;~~ i Pd" I tl~ bl e d"180l IUrge, o.·e ' 1\ , onf0891 t . d t 0n w h .lo11 IS ~oj ' tho f I etJoo~, forbius 'detail I' will f tb of 'space' . 1'o :t'Q(~tolr;or ." 80" h not " ,eIIIlCOOl'l~~e . ita 11 " '; sue anrs. YOI'4, Jl 1CU.I 1'.0 a",1 0, e WIIS un. 0 mentio n "Singin g by f.he -chOir," C ,n ,l muy u \\. drOJlS ' .in ourn sdrrow Bolos etc . • . to .r~ulm!l Ij'. Adums. '1 0 oa useu by IDilbili tr Jo be ~t the '. ' ,' ". . ,b orn Ifour sons. CO lluty sellt to IlR. rtioil'l\~' iii joys MILurice . Conet~i oo.rlcat~llt WIt!) . , 1885, be . with .ltl~ rulf(\ 1,r0l1l!h t tlJ f ILiH,1 ur ojJl ns' "1hroug h "B)uen nof Idea8, ~ ' ~notnna~i, 18 at the Prlmn.t lvo :, &ll't~st 'Your un ijo lfl IJ killpu ~~, UI I ~. hope ~.ome and calling Q~ old allSoolates, t Mi(ldl . Run, wb re 1103 for otbei find PIIIUY. () 1)\lQrlnu ities anc;l Warr,I1n VanTi-o SIi ' and' fllml~y, ;,A,.{,,~ln," 1 .Ii. oonsist ent n·nd tl~llOli in ~ut,ut e yellrth W.i~hing Y,oI'L,m ay of ~llIlper;,. were" RuCllts of' (lbarle8 mefubor un til bl · c1outh coutlon s long lJ(~r e e;m eli.r{h I\nd CIOl,\V8I 'Bnndlloy. ,'and E/lr) , 1f4. ~s,'lof BElI'It<lIlS hi~' owuI fa.mlly · ",Wi IInu t hl\t · all thing IlIwY, wotk, tr)get)le r 'olum1m ) II.nd· OJY<l~ OI~ILve r ; .0J , . '. fnr good , we dr your l OVing lit/,le Del ,Wllre College fO\l~ Bons, h e lel~vlUB one sistel' . ",ne1 friond , ' j ·are UOIl.I6'JlIlmo ~ J OK PJt~ln.J( OK, fO,1) :the hoUd~Y8 . . _ oue'bro~leJ: too lIlour n the 108S of p . . lily trDoloJD~ra bas w rit~en ' At J llllil Thok¢r 's 1nst '!SunClay oue\ t o wboUl t hoy \Vero grelltly this latte r forme, Ilnrl ·I hope I.>,y au· tb ere Wet O tdo~DlIi.~y to list nauliIB " B~~n~;?:,~~~!,~~·le ndBllreu. t.b r hristmcl8 r ",til hllve learned thereof the BtlClltl# "WhQ \"er~ fp~" ~, . to writ,e uotl t,heo . will do YOlL li(ll11e nat· in ,behlg favored " ~~ the bo~d, Mrs. qnil'e nl)d foinlly wish ~u lJ1ure. proliession Wl1S unoo~bil iu eturll tbllnk A t op nil fri ends lind Last SlIturd'LY, Mr . ,l;{em:io> ~':,WRlf -The length! .RS the .ltI~6 Of it taflet i~ , ~ ~I, " h"ors . for, t1 . lolr killllo HS nuu oulled to "he bQdside. of hor mother , cOqle .1 \1 bofor~ noon Monda ,.; bltt;.J· " " MrR, SOII I in IndiuDll-. Tbe old lodv .no~ too lll,te llo.~eve ·for .be U~ , . assiiltnnoo ~o tb lil in th nir Blld he· lJRd tt.'~eu Q. . relapse, h er ti). tIle " vi~ndll i were ~r,nWll'tt' 9U~. ~' " rcuuy enfeobl ed oondlt.ion the~e III <1t\leO~bl!lJlt tlte lli-st as. th~ ~~'i<f but little h ope f rf'c(jv~l'Y :" . ~li~ prevlOo a~ay. .~ ~ , '- " ' .' .J;i~~~f'~~~~~f In .S oclety .. Decemb er tllX being dUe, of , Tho Mc.iFatlt Wos entElrtnt'IlOd " OUI' oitiv.ens .j(rs ' Vo.,Ylng 'r e peete ilOuse. ,fUll Uluistm as, "nd tl\e LIl,~t Wedn ~s c1"'y, Deoemb er 20th , the ilounty .II Rt wlio' b aV6110t vellA f,Jlg lon wos gimera\ thrQugho~t " the MtIl bllethda ." ,of Mr. l)elu W. there, prior ~ thls . da~:}n ~!my citv': . .. .. ' .. . ' , .f . yenrs. &010 .~PI!ola. 'qlubso In.I~w \f. Is w st 9f WfI,yno svllle, Mrs. hilS caused qmte a'll 'l1nooilvenl .o);lOO ';." ' • ' and· tbelr dliugbt ers, Mlsse8 iu·as-m uoh 1i8 l1 gen~ ~'-pr0.6i91tod '. ~ • • Corw in . .. and Mnry. Saerved n ~ost ele. ; holding receipts fO,r .coUopt ion ~s in ! " • . ' ,f ' ~\.•'..-.C"' •.'C " , '. former yeMs, and-the IlnfortQQutej ~ . , . , ~ . c (~. ~I,nuer in ~,ve coursel\ to tb e lJ:ldl:vidl lltl who Is f,~ vt\lnO:~ yno~~ . '. 0ur~ 80h6ol' cl08e"d ; Witlr fO!lQ~lDg gue~t8 i, Rev. (l,.Jld ~r8 . ~; .fb have, ~A}>l~ . properbr.oAmp1 i "4te ex!,,,,o.!sos . lllst F . .Clldwnlllltle r, Dr, lind Mr s" ,1 , ,J . w.itb r aq uirem.ents-n.nd:hles liimij 1f '. VILIl'Iltlo n. . A , ~liil~j"l.4~~ EllIlI, .Dr. I.l nd Mrll. -;',l'hOlnll!i 811 l·· to the court tree WII8 one~ ~~:',~Jl!~~~~~~1r~i . Mr. and Mrs. 1:1. Ikv. Cart· , llr 00~P8 of SUlftl} Glaus" TJ'.-t" :".\" ~ !\ud ~" ~Jg.d .,' <. ·Mr$. 1. 1 Geo. ~, i;1",~ tb~ handsOq ,,1) ., 1oug iJo.n';;~~h~~r;;·7~~tr~~~~i"'~~~i~~iftll;'~5); t1;1J!~1~V~~~~~;~8! /~~~)~
• •"
tront of
Tax. N~,tice.
Uncle Riohnn l Fairfax , who lUlIde 4""1'11 1'" L N . Ant r"Ul 'S h,ouse,.lliH h ome ·f or ~rtor~l!-l,l~ . ' II b - - t to <) . ~hl r t.y year. il, s pent Cbrjstm .N o to .x.'b'lI Cllb\Jaga Po.~~I~~a~! I tI WI o sen u~ • \1 8 .W. H . An t rnm ani! '[Il11llly all nati, , , , ' yeo.r. ' .. . non . He WIlS to Brilfh tie The amount 8 Of. talC 1ue' fr{)l,O. verltllb.le ," U nolo '1'om," n 'pllrtille Wh0KO name!!! I\ro po ' our list In ~be blgh,e8t regf\~d by tHo m be t the :bank! IItfter 'l'!Jursi1a.y · fumily, We. ~noo hellrd .1s,otlO'l\n I. Rt~dElr . • w " II, ' trnm B!!-y, RlOhllrd bna ll'i'ed wit.b, De!le1J)b er 2~. " • ' .' , us' t!)ltty ye~rs"rind durbl /i( thll~ If you desire we o~n. then "!Ieod time never tolll' a lie." '£I,IOY e,n. .. . ' ~~~~~~I,!i~*~~:~P~l:[Z:~g~~"~:' your moiley' ana get yO\l~ Tile lPts, ' trusted him. with, the hOUli tn th~l~ It\st woo),t \~lth ·:;~~~~.,.:m~rlJi!;~~:'~~! other ;:v,i se we will roturn vo~r rORd II.b901lCe , Ilnd d,urb\g tb e . period of HI r,ry ;roh.nsl ': , ~ • . -'. tbB Antrnrn afilueno o ppor. , :. -:---"...:--~ii'-""'" receipts lind yon .enn. sottlo wl ~h tuIiitles ' wero (lO'ercdo 'UJllDY Whereb y )1/3 t,htl trea~nr (l r cUreot. .p. ,n;" h ave scoured thonsRnds of ltlr:~~ I, ~t~~~.~~,~~~~~~~~~;: :·;01 W AYNE8VJ1~LK N,~£IONAL BANK.., but · tempte r fuil ,ono towit': pulpit '.. ed ill • mllsteri ng bim to tn'ke I~ fo,rthinll'. O~~;:~~~~:r~: ohl\irs, oUll8t~d, Mlss ·InR< M.CI,.; "'Il6I6f~i'o'r.'~,!lI!tl!ag~j':~"~·Zi~t}~~~~~~t~~ Mrs . Mara L . Barbea u Rnd little on 'fbttrsd a.y. ~hllre ' Spring Branch. I: ;'( bent· Bnd'.olianda clllpel',lier, a ~· t:wo soil Byron, of Ba.tIlvin, ILTTlved in gnest of her'mothez:. yards ' of JO yard.1l qf '! . A happy New Yeur to .1111. the v\llllge 'M 'Will H '1 with ) $a.tl1rda.y to mn.ka Ii of ~aJe.-ca llh_ r. . . 110 nos.' 0 " 11~lohiiUl,:ij~.;1.8 ~ , • Mr. Churles H(.rtf!(lok nnd fnmily, h olidays. ts. (,.n d friend S eluring tho Sp'Ol1dlO~ . the ALl,K~ Jl~lR'" of noM Corwin , enterta\ned Mr. tlnd .' I 1i'. M. a.~~~ell " Mrs. Will', ~loh lit 0. Christm as feust. We henr I~ report of tho marriage IJ(lfBJlts ,}dr. n:n d ¥~. "." p" ,~"", Itlst Wednes day of Dor,,"Del1rJo {If Mill!il Mabel .' ,C;. :;1', H~WI{K , Auotlc?ti~l'. · ." Apprpp dnto C}ll'i R '~m'lls e~er,ois~8 tbis oity to one Marlon Ellis, of ltl spen'£' ~ • , .' , were he1<l nf our sohoo) bOUAD unuer Ki ngman . The contmo ting pUTties • M;8~e8 11.t1rt'1l1,811.'" ;.i-' rd ·'~· ' diroctlon of MI: . .John P. Cum. were mnde S OU" V'" en i er \A ooe by s ome 11 uthoriv.c\l , :'.' . , . mings, Friday uft.orno on, con\llst\ ng indlvidll1l1 u~ Lo!.JILnoll. RU.f os 'ROIInllg\e. II.n,Il:;:ifIl1mt:ly V.i ews' 0.. if .W .. \~yn'.es.y,i lie.,:: of recltlltionll, ' dln.logu es, singing lIbo bneines s el~ment of Wu.yuet! . g Fred iuia (l.. ~blcan. , The lJl1pils prcile,nt. ViJle h ll.'ve Ilroused tbe oufoiot!iliy of nnmlCllf, (Jll. teaoher "lth n;·lilllLutifurshn .v. IMgE' number ot our oitii.ens, ,~...-""'. •"'u, and t!'eated eac h soholar judging . bO;lt of candY ·llnd an 9r. from our by the frequen t v l si~rB plaoe attraote d thither by A Chii8~mas tree and Il1f orded -- atnUllem E'ut for t.lle Ilbllral ad of good!!, w~ro, r" ,.'lIhn".n -1 'o hlldr\ln>' Mr~ Com1irllngs is an e~. brlok · lI. br~k; eto. In the abs'!noo ', So C, H ' PU;rll'''U !U ' c::aS)lIi!lI( : cellent ~noher, lind del\erve s the of this ildvertl,s \pg. ,medium , our Farmer s'" would no doubt hlo. thorn . . . ~18e?f doth 'parent s ana' pupils. selves to other'; cenes and othor 1I1s home 10 plnce8. A: oop,stan t ad tn the ptLller Mi:. ~~~9;:~NrtJj.!it;r~~~~J.~!!'\ N·o tice. ~.ll y l)e, overlookod " numbe r of 8911 ,Q ·lti" ";!i" '}M':! tImes, but there comes 'a liltnH',W JIIlD us it is sought for and: ,the Hllnti'llll ?r~~I:I~~:d.;~;~R:fj)~~~-'1' lus 'rewIlrded at la8~: ; n ....., ...." ',"". your 'lfimps trlmmCl\l ' j
" lUr..... "".__ ~
P~~hI8~~~~~'1 "l!If~~:I~:-~~o::i~:
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, Wellre lind Paul
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·Howdy. Mr ,,\let. 11111 I ~ tb.1 'YI)\II CREAMER ytAS_ A RtpPER. HlDINO .wlf??' H illg SOI'l or lIa bHllH ~r tl . l ' .. .,.... .... 'a nswer's : '\' PR: Aud Whl\l !10 ~~ I{ute CoDtl'"t y to alblllral Beliet, the H~i • Dl'ygoo d.s SueslU" " 'ro ro O'IJ GOt>de dlJ-1i1c hl ll. bcH to b~lIt t bo bunll, l\te ll . for Oustolllel' in.' .Hla l ow Tree la Not tb. :Fa: 1)I~kS the J< ltI ('iSh l up In ·. h r UII"" .u,1I . vO l'Ite PI.ce. Sleep. ' l.isse· him , t\1I11 "'h n she · filiI. ' hhll .Iown I'll un da rn rJ Ie I dOIl't Bl' AOAM CANN ETT bcllu II Willie cOlI.ln member s ot Lho 8Qlli l'"' ''~ " my ,,,,ole (ir.t .earted ill btL.i· • hc rc WllS Il'ar.s in he r eye ', Iho ll).1 11 (, ~~ t\ 0 genei'u] lllUJ'j'hlm , i ll Q countrY' reI tribe s tore ' th eir wlnte,", supply or 1\tOWIl I "In't b , it. wa s in nrlll (' ."h lISe Rhe ,·ul . ,·ll\ h .. iu lO with 4 ) ' tHItlK food In bollow trees, l ' tblnll . wrll os fdlow of ft l,"ut. h i ~ 0\\ u ip"Il~, I ht' bU II"e," rolat\'1'l .. l\'I'it J" in 1. ip(lineo\t ·d. JollI} Dayd. In Recreati on, most of 1' h ~'rA '~ 1>1'1'0 u lot of r>l'~ ll"hl'r ~ i l\r p DU "lug Ihll reRt of t h ~ wee l, there BOlh uora wcrc ' ·..·ry en~ltU Biulit J r u bulI~ them hi de it 00 t b e !'round , undor olt! theil' work. nud nflcl" long duvs Tb. SultaD May Alway. Be Relied On to B.....k Peace In CA.! Hllilow . hnt Of"'O or ' ''m 1" '0 1' wasu 't much t ull:c d uiJolll In "amp hchi u d ·rootl!. bl'usb pilei aad even benellth tlte l'('Ulltcr Ilt ~y would go to th eir t·oo,•• "HtdB t il " 1111 ,1111 1I" ~ 1 0" " ,1111 PromIM . of Reform. in Macedo ni. Nut Fulfilled . I, verybod y II " bill );Ol nl; 10 I' itll l' cil 11ho\, I' tht! ~tHr IUhl (loH t i uuc t o ··t~,l k. WIIII' od 10 hnow \lbat c,,· rybody else heaps ~f dead leaves. Theil' tracl,s Sh OI) "' f .II' I\' ot IIv th e DRme ' 01 \I UIlH'" I he into tho n igJll. \ I{",.. J im ,,'Qllac('- I<llri hll" ".,,1 I,,~ waR goi ll /! II) WCUI', lor all th e world In wlntor would seem to bear tbls Ollt. ,. iIl.t'lc'. pm·toe.· was portir ulul·I.\· eu· . wiCe, who "'as "urLl ler lholl a w·"d,. 11 1.0 II por 'el o f women. Wblle it Dlay be t hat this frequenc y ~I'u of~(,tl In hi ~ wOl'l~, nnd otten h it-! hh'c.J1J W. \ !'I tll ", tllrln;d by llrcanui 0 [. C u~lO lll e l 'lt 'J'h reo · Hugn.· Bill allow ed t bM h. a nd sW~I' I.)r. /lull hi. l'ld . "lIv II US of the ll'acks Indlcate o a Boarclty 01: o'hl IlIg ~ru cs . . ~o l' en yea, s "hi u,,,1 as 1i!,~ I) 1\ lillie \\','s gol n;; III " b' ilud shirl. Un . . " ;ghl hi" n ill lttmn r e rencli('d thu ~' If you food , an d Ille travelin g about a dcalro Wh en Ilea 0 anti I'cs plle ot 'l u le! 1J1li 1" ~ I" relj" " 'NI u> 'he reOI't;oulzotion "'hap 8.S (;nlt c \ t!1' flHHJ ' , WlLf. lhurulIg, ll - want 10 do the r lg bt thin g by Jim, broods c li nhlx . E,tidenlly llir dr~"mC!r w n:\ ju 'C [or tbe mom en t In wo rlll ,,[. ."la"'l, uUl Ihe lIa\'c uo1 bee n alloweU to lind 1\ supply, [ b elieve, In th e ill lhf' nct o[ suiting fiDIUC col IOn Jtuod " lIreci s- oil llr r('() o[ 'ern- Glld lbc camp YO II '\I all weR.r ·em." says be. "Tbcre Call'!l. then Turkey ca n usunll>' uC (lu· to , ' X rd ,. II "' hllrit)' r" r 11I,\ ' und lllAln e ft'It tha t t h hese i ~ ni shtHhi rt ~, outings of the sqUl t . 11Ild i\lnccllul da rotton d '" 'e m from th ,. start. alu 'l nblblllg right.r tba n a b'll ed pended on to stir t " , Ii i. p ," htl'aighl l i p ~ h ~ b th:k , ~\I III~ h ,li h lugs up. It has Is . I ill tl llller tile lyrnn ll,l' t.[ Ih rel8 1""'0 a defini te des ti nation, bc- 1),11 TutkThe Rev Jim "'Ilsn't flny of YOllr s h irl ," tll (' " wnlli rn lml y !;fJ.} IIIg : be<l n lIer ab ility to set nu llons wnrriu ~ IHll (, JIl , ill l" . \I ,I II UIl: l Hllu,, ~ of bnR h l- cntl ~e wll on you see lhem skip across "'1' \,.) ltu',ls. lluhlulU ~ " long-fl\cerl. pilli ng "A re )'ou gOing to 'II('a r a oll ar, tbat ha s It"1)t her 0'"'' p ulp lt~c r ~ who I'lIl pl,·c lJWI.O : l k.i {lJ r nf un:. lh (! it' uu t llO rl1r. " iro lll t he sno w. atop sbort' , aud scratch a t hloks e" cryhorly wbo ain't hlt ti ug liP too ." a s ked ... ho I'·en to ll. ruin , and t be ha bi t of rough ing iu le,'· She Forgave H im. I .l' l lI 4 \'OHMhlc l l h t· ext. ' nl Illh.l cba r . Ilole dow n ; he trail along with them hi on t he to tb e g round, bringing "I' " Nope," says Three· I\IISeI". " I 3In't, natio nal watllfS app cnr. to mnl<e "ft, hS8 come t o 1O}' ro. ," rernnrlud It 1,,,· :; Cl.'r 01 ,I", Olt0 101l1l e',," I...•. Ihal wo Il Stll1l'ly or I'uad to the bad 1'1 ace. not him. BO'tl A collar l,ce llS me c" SI Li; ulld ~ .· lUY possl LJl e that nuts at· co nes, 1)lflced th cl'e 1tl lr'~ Dc I'l nync , ittl",t ~·o u Mid HI ' Cu .;-e 800. 6 \ ' CI' s uh sltlc. uI'cr 'lillY hd ir .· ulld ~I'stantl th o IIwHlllng o f In th o monlhs or lake 1\ drlnl; wlt b an ybody- alwllYs hl'ealb o\' e l'~' Illinute I ha vc il 011. and keop from It'oublin!! W lUukc f\ UIQn climb u Cuoc\.' ," pldnty. yo u uro opt \Vould o hnd hOllell . " \' ~N, th nt'R whllL '1 EUld," rcs porul ed Irln ld ll!; I 11l0llude. of co urse- lInll iC 1'111 gOi ng 10 ('b u rcb to 'hell r what Ji m wltb RU8,qla Bud Japan.1 l pcn~t· to attrl1lll to t heir lucie more 10 a good t he cl rll lun lRtio onto ; "hut , oi tO Ul'df' , to ~ u ne of t b p boys happen ed LO cuss whell has to sa )" not 10 hear my selr cuss; have a li llie brN.thln g 81'011 m~llnl it' he IH'lJlJ to ueu to be un t he o~hu memory t hnn 10 aDY hnph>l7.ard s PPc,,: uut crp he w a~ a l'ollnd h e never baIted an I'ye ; bill I II t'111 YUll. boys . rig ht I'HO- not we collltl seltl" to rCllOsc. · UP a,Jr "( tim fc~~'- ~:~if~ ':. JourllBI. IIlllon . loomed ,lldn 'l cuss blsselr, tbat·s a ll . one 'of you " tPlls t hroll!;h t Lte tl O1I1' of Tu rkoy with the s ultnn I' Cusi ng t he or the squirrel family Tenness tbe most ee Prols.e . \\' ~ mlly have been a rough cro wd . Pnt Shoedy' s do nee hnll ne"t r demallll of the I'ow~ " s ror t he IIn flll D.I\·toll. Tell" ., Dec. Ilt l. (o[lecinl) .11I'O Dllnent In winter are th e blacks. ",,0.1 I r cKon we WIIS. but we wasn ·t mOl'nl"g It YOll alu 't dressell SlIuda r ial con t 1'01 oC Mnl edonla . (1 1'0 I)Or. UIIUl Y prolluncu t. l'c.sidcnh t o He se,ems 10 be nowln g over nil iha ~\,rmvil~ &Iow tumillln g to wbat was trllmp" alld by proper. you Itllow wh a t I Ol QII n. AI: bough to·tlny the ,'o Is no' "Ilklal ... "c Dotl,!" Kill,, 'y l ·ill. i. Jll ... N. n. t ime wll b pe nt· up onnrgy, whi cb Iwells : o lu.' rI H, of th iH plul'<~ . He It·lIs of w lul t "' Ilh th e [larso n. nor to followin g s ull, I ai n't uo l'IlIlI·"h mc mber, lint! I alll'l tI"' lsio,, ltoowo us Macedo nia . th ero him In constan t Ulotlon . lind you H() lI1 p · t h ,' \' h u\' c J nll C' fllr h im, an..J h is wo rd . neltb er. Even Tbree·ll nger Bill. who hO · Cbr ISl li,n , bu t I IIno\\' whUl th ~ l r e ~ ISlS a I'·cry rral Maeedon lA. a VC I'Y will gu <i ecl' inlo the Leu l'ts of nil wit" limes feel l ha t you wou ld 1I1l(! him 10 Ill " ~ utTI ' l"Iu "'all tbe IIrofune st man In Cal Hollo w. hahll ~ Is. nnd lhls !J ere ~ allljl I ~ !JIg ~Jll r cdon lan ques ti on. The lerl'l· ~ i n the ..Uim e wa r. 11 0 AU)' ij~ tlltl n' t renlg no oftener thou he hall lll. (0 'hllrch righl. or It aln ' l gol ltS at tory widely, If not olllclllily . known as " I WRS n m urtyr t o ' lC l0nt'.r 'l'r."uulc be otlo Lo ta lk (lOd I ~ II you how but D"dd'" Kid ney I',II~ ~In co ll o nl a complct!! Said be'd eussed. man and bo y fo r all " ly "ul'oa co mvrlsps IJlposnn lho t It lij 10 lIa"e lhe joy whl r h 1Ill', . ] s hnl! nlwfWB I;,~p I'Ilayol 1 he m on h lUh 40 years. and It was li ke going wl\ lt· Of co urse Tbrcc·fluge r'~ ultimal um (llror lll\'o) uf Snlonlltl wllh Ihc enstern fl ows Crom II gll..1 heart. Now wal ch i n ~ aY.c t il o l'e p;h ouiu Leo o n)' ret u"n uf tI,,,l out breathin g to QulL "It alu 'l for \\U S whnl rou lll lg bi him Jump from 11mb 10 11mb. r u ~ h old trollhlo. but l 11m tl,nn krul to BO Y call rc\·olull ollnry. part or i\lnnAs lir. Salonlk l Is Ju s t nortb t hey ,lid t1u~i l' Wtwk KO \\'l'l1 t hen ' IrQ\; noL Jim." b e says, "lIor yet lbe mis.u <. To begin wlt b, b'lled ot th e A og~all soa , It Is 1l0undCtl o n lile ~ bl rt~ wa. lI· t hea,lIunJ;: tlown the t rtlnk anll c()ur ~e bee n t Ira s hMht('~l @iKD f JIl l' olJ ('U 111 4 H'@ tlte kid . I 'd rBlh el' be cluched rur a u)' 100 [I!cnly In tlOrlil by Bllll~arl" 8ntl eastern Rou· 'at lI ullow. Bill acroas the ij now In long. grncef'll [ ~lnillL coming . hh('I<. T he IlRi n in Illy m e ll~. T he roecnl Inle rn atio na l IIor al ateallng caltle. tbau caug ht clIssl,,!; uy ,1 "ben we ~ecu he wa IU I , : k lIJo'u l to uu lcrribl t' . i f ~ot tlo,"" tt 1 s lu earnest, 110bounlls, wllh no apPelren t purpos e but h all" Ilm'd ,lom o l H r atio n a ~ni n s l TUl'liCY was 0\" )· Jlm'lI ki d. Tbat youngst er thinks I·m . body lho uShl of wearlns j(. h t o I:.trl s t nu~h t ngni n. nu t an)·thln g clso, 10 my cxhlllll IU H'k 18 Ule I1IH) hOllfJlne (\ new oue u ~I wltblu nt\W nIH il rnn ~ n r e that Iho nn tlons hilt! gt'own UI · a ll rlgbt. 1 can tell by t he way bl' look.: lor Thrce· fin ger Bill hi m. hatl a war wil li terly His red OO USlll on'cR In a while may Sl ulJ l' n IIlUl' h alii lplrnh" I rlulI 'l hch c\'t~ glrk uf t he lon g deln yed re,IOm l)' a t me. Calle me fill' . Bill . 100. A111 '11 h,m ; be also had a the re un'" Wag " pa ll' of flsts. aud lion m l.'tlirlUc h ld f ti good Ihllt (lute ' " (' I I he sn lmn's pro mises. II wus O R A \ 'J:::; UI- SIX 11 ' 1'1JIt1,:v ,\I! .\II :.' · bo soen' at tlte ent radce 10 h is hom o ns lIodJ·. 1\ io ne,rIIr rm.: 0 gun whiCh shot six tlm cs wllhout ' back -In lAM, e--1902, IN In AbOul t:O;o.;::;T t ho helgb (lam I\l'>TI,',O ts ld of prom sonhl s I' Lt: Of courae. It waB hal'cler 011 Th ree- lop pi ng- on ly that aln 't gO I an)'lId n ~ ls 1I troe, but In him HI llnu' t flta tHl 'I V fl,h tl ~' t r u" ~." ",a id ge llo .... 1 reo rganizat io n and re(orms ror lh (' 1l'l'asc. " The ~1 1Jcct1onlull Quos- Is uo sign of ell ul! lUOU. H e 10llks tTl wll! I·~ b(\l Rnger tban any of us. so we rlltln ' t to do with th is story. l. "but 1 le ll ~:a,\" Sil ht Sunday mornlnc we all lin ed lip at ~[o cc10 n la., anti a Cu rl st lUll . gu "~'rnor tl,," " lUlIl III ~ · "l· I,,·"a l(ln ~ (1 Stonn In II rou nd as Ir b e wore looki n g anll U(' \' ni u' lII ud · n.~ lI1u,h t ll.Hab ll'l' ~it ll~JIi dlI'Y blamc blm when he complai n 1I Ihut bis vo hulary hull shrun k Lo Ilolhl ,, !:. Big Mille's Ilbout ha lf past tcn for a to ellrr)" out I h ~ rOr0I"l11S. To IJ ~ slIre . th " 1.: .. lllu"s,'· I'hra "e~ thot jlc"s IHwtlL- ",Isillng {or sprl tl t; to co me. ou(1 clear faru 'l , U~ CII' IJ ~a IlIC '; au' li n:, IlH':~.~" " ' U,,, llIogltJll ~ l:l" . • drilll,. nn,1 th' It marche\! ol'cr 10 r.....c t h e (,h"ls linn gO"cl'rl' '' was 1IIlIlOIntcd, Iy ' r ~ I'u r III IICW " P U jlc I' hontll1u es. Tho II\\,OY Ul e snow. IInll no oltlouU l of Shoedy 's <Ion "o hall · In a btln ~ h . " '" ullt h" proved. a ' nry un · ' ltrls U<ln Utlc..lfllhu ' Illpil'l!t " wh 'lc UII th e wune , ~'Ollxi ng \\' III Clnlse II IIII to f'i .. o ' ~ C UI'C for Comml1l pti\ln iJ un i n(,\Il1· II tle r II Ilote hristian . milch more cruel. ",ore l'r has a ll a l" u u f l ,uSO,O ~ ~I l was so anx lotls to be on tlmc th aI wo bl \! I1H'Ji"lII\! (or \,.',Jug lu ;tn t! l·oldl'._ ~' , ' V, mtn~ 1I1i1 e~. n of ~coldln g or alnrm. No t all Samuel. \)cr' ll (;ro\l':.N.:..J :, Fdl: i7. 1000. got lhero before Jlw a.n d b is [1l1Jl1:y, 1\ Iy rant t ha n bla l'ololtsmn tetlau Ill'ctle- IlV llII la tluII vf about '10.00 '.,H"': I, has red sq ul''I' bowevrr , Il eell to Ibe Then la cornes Jim, Mrs. J im an d cessor. In 1903, tbe powers prc ~ c "l~d lIu,u e lll!tt ~ ptlS S~~ lun~ In I>u A ·In TI ll' liM n ,,110 ," 'I ", .. IW,,; or Ii ,,", Jim 'S kid. Mrs. l im was Ille [)u rttlest a detolled sch eme of refo .. ms. th o '"hl "1'1·i"". th e btllk 01' lilc \(' 1 rl'orh 9 trees . Mnny of t hem. tbl'Oll gh want r(',(l I ; lI r~ri tIl fiKht1-"; ldt'wn}I II~ ri~u:t ;>t lbl l'cndy promiso of foo,l, r rcallily ha"c J1rom to tal,e lsud udOI" (I\~l' r wh il'!! t h .... :oi uJlull ' x o r-; i::; c ~ " uclua.l to t be Cllrl h. nll:- ll'.,*illJl. tl' lIl ah· ' '''l l p l ~ I clic'\ 1.: tll .Il I, Ihi ng I ever see n- by a rolle. She had \ion of Ulese r ""l' efo n1 rm or and s. To· da y. IIIncc· )Ju \ c l'c l g u ty 1$ ~rurl~ ' J ' in A Ri u. Tur· luti w rv ll ~~ . ~n.· l.~l l l , 1' t", t o:n · th ir traell III lhe deep s n ow I ~ on Home Ilill(1 of swishy dress ull covII H:jf\~ r . ercd with little pin k flow ers , and don la is li ttle better oft lhnn before : Itcy In ~I .ro l '" hll ~ ullYII )' ~ be 0 dem- a h esvr OOllndcr lnt; Of Inbo re,1 bounlls Jim's kid was dressed up to lI.e limit; t he laxes of t b e people are stolen tIl' cull. fol' 1I " 10 picture dcllnll elr, ant! 1\8 tb ey go from t reo to Lrce lu s earcil but Jlm- I'w a Bo n of a guu If J im Turki sh authoril ies AJlpolnt ed by th e olber~ lllay han! lhl) sume vag ne ll S9 or t he scanty provltdofU! hluden be· didn' t hal'e on his every\!n y clothes. governm ent: tbOBO In power conti nue vf co ncep llon; IV b erefqr we would n ellLh t ho surface. H~re anti th ~r o we mention ttlat 'l'urke)" III E urolle 01U- find corduro y pants a nd a flannel sh irt. In acls of t yranny. Iho gummy SClt los of Ihe 111ns Repenle dly t h o fo r~ i g n aOlbaslls dors prises about oue·thll' d of l 11e Uulkull Say. maybe you t bl.nk Three· Hnger Bill oanes, the shells or tht' acorn . lhe A TIME OF PAIN AND PERIL call ed the sultau's attentio n 10 Ib e Inct I'cn ,ns ula, lhc rog lon Is boundc.1 wasn't surprise d! ou the caSI and wcs t by (bo BluClt a od Adria · aeed cones ' of tbe birch and . ccdur MIse Emma. Colo Bay. that Lydta It J ust tllen tbe women orne lu- at Plnk.b"m's Vei'otab le Compou nd bB8 tic >Jous, 011 Ihe nOrlh by Dulgarl n, S r· scattere d about on !lie snow. s how ing least two of 'em did Ilnd took sca ts 6o.v~ Her Life a od Ma de Hor Well via , ao~ ullL and I\loll lcnegro. all lite t be f<loll On ,hlch t h ey subsist. 10 across tho· hall fro m whe ,'c we wa! sout h by Ih e SOil of !\Jarmorn. Ihe grea ler co ntrast to the d.e llcacles just silting. You wouldn 't have li now n 'em How m nny lives of beun tif" l youn g- . Aegean sco, and by Greece. ElIl'Open u named, orten one will Hu d dllrlug long for the sa me gi rls. they was dre~s e d gI rls h lwl.I been &ncrlBocu just I\S they Turtt1!y has all. arCl\ of abou t 6Q,IIJO a nd EC Vel'O wlnt.er9 t~at Ulo squirrels were ripenl,,!!, in to womnnh ood I How ~o Quiet nnd 1001,lng so palc. ~ QlIaro mile - Il once blld 230.000 -llnd "W hllt's th e matter wllh 'em ?" says have a ttacked tlte bern lock Irees b)" man y IrregUlari ties 01' displllcc men n populati on ot 6,000.000. In Asln 1111· strippin h nve beeo dc"eloped nt this Import.." ,[, bree-fln ger . " Do yo u rcc kon lhey' re g them of Ihelr bltler ~eed8. period. t'f)sultin g In.ye_ars of suft'crin g I nor Ihero UI'O nvel' 1).000,000 91 J1eople scarell? Kate looks whitA IlS a sheet. Wh en o lle flntl s this It Is e\'ldence of "" M ,, 'l'url<lsh rul e; lu Armenll l nnd a nd Mollie aln 't much belte r," I(hurllis ian. abo ut t wo a l1ll a balf mfl- great :want, 1111 I a merciful act wQu ld ''!YOU DION'1' ROB ANYONE . DlD "It·s tbeir way or wearing 1I'ilcd ( lion. ; in Me:o llOlaUlln and Sy rln . OI'CJ' be to bring somQ food amI sClltle r It YOU?" s h irts," says Abe Fenton, gr inn ing ; raul' a nti II hnl r millions ; 'Iu Arnbla. abou t to as uage tho pangs of hun anll wlIllted to borrow a dlcUona ry to "ont, lns teall nf putting on , lilt y' \'. ovcr II Il1lillon ; ilt Afrl on (vllay ts of g ~- wh icb tb eso little fe llows are taken orr." fi nd a word tbat sounded beUer lban Trlp()11 nnd Bcngilal 1.1) oCllrly. a mil- enllur . "Talleo off what?" asks Tbree- unger, bell. but meaDt 80metbl ng. Nor wa s lion "nd n Tl a lr. Thrse llIe j rnm cdillte "Paln l,'" S 8y S Abe- a nd t hell we un, a ny kIcks registere d wben be started POSB1!S Ions. tho t'omnini!)g 1")011Ie3 a "IdUy" -a dollar from every jack· derstood . We hadn 't nev er seen 'em WHAT "THIN a" MAY MEAN. mol'c o r less t l'lblitan', wltbo ut It beCore. lIot-for a De'w cburcb. So It got to Tlte war \\'Ith Russia In 1 iti mea nt Word Used by Woman to Des\gnl\ Tben we 's bu t up und fron t-Caced, Cor 'be tbe regular tblnc to bold out a pertfl tor T urlle)' t ho Joss of DulgRI·la . east· Many Articles lu a H l\rd e entage on all lames tor the " Jim Jim bad got up at his end of tb e ball ern flo umaui a, Thessal r, anll 11 strip and begu" tal.llIng- talking, I sal'. not tJlD t h is pro mi ses bad no t bee n reo C b urcb Jruod," WI tbe boys called It. ware Store. of castern " It come over me all of a 6udden," preacbln g. I've beard preach ing and I deemed; m'er Ihe sult an eXllI'csse d deep pendenc Armenil l. in l he en tire indee '1' there were no Rucb word as'tblng ' tIlYs Three-fi nger. wben be was telllni k 'n ow wbat It m eans-se rmon s as long regret 10 hear IbIs strulJge ,report, Montene of Rouwlln lu. SCI' l'la und gro, In the ndmlnls tratlon of In tbe brigh t lexicon of womal1," said a hollt. It at Big Mlko's oDe evenIng , all a boacon8 trlctor, nnd drl el' tbaB a verrell reforms bad been sct on foo t, Bosnia and H erzegov ina by AUlltrla. the saleam, n lu tbe bard ware sbop, ac" that maybe Jim wouldo' t want to "jerky." But tbls was t1 lf1'erent ; It laid tbe blame c.o Incompe tent and dis· lind ot Cyprus by E l1glao!l. Bulgar ia, :ardlng to tbe build bls· ch urcb out of money tbat had was plain talk, but a talk It ""oulet boo ~ st oftlclals ; tben made easy prom · wllh castern New York 8un, "womllo Ho umelia. Is nutonom o us. ises Ihat a satls ractory stale oC arrelrs be eo I1Iked out of • kItty, so I Jusl have Qone your beart good to hear. oauld never buy hard ...... re. Almost Crete Is a vassal Dlate. nnd SalOos woul1 Olrls' modesty tmd oversen sltlvcne u soon ' r eign In tbe territory unWell, that was t be first preachin g 10 asked." everythl Dg I.s just. tblng to 1bo ladlee. often IIBY8 tribute to tbe BUIt"n. puzzle their mothers aDd bamo "Tbat'8 all rlgbt," says be. ,, \.ou Cat Hollow . but It WRsn·t the Inst bl' der (11 9CUsslon. Tbe represe ntatives of "And tbey get provolte d If yOU don't physicIa ns, because they withhol It A blltll Ha mud as true ho ly IRther d tbeir a darll Sigh!. E ve ry SUlldllY morning . varloll>! governm euts kne,,' tlley were didn' t rob anyone. did you ?" --lIa,Ush ab, rnth~r ot all the Hovorelgns ondersta nd at once what tbey melln. confidcn ce at tbls oritlcal period, rain or s blne- and It was mostly s lai ne being pillyed wltb. II nally It was tic· " No. " says I. A mother Bho"ld or the come carth. to They her absolll to rul er child'. 1Ige a great many gesturos to help " Nobody"s going buu g r~' on a t Oll nl 1[1 Cat Hollow -we all meandc re\! In II clded to make 0.0 Impress ive domoo · world 's h,uHlret:1s of millions ot the aid and rememb er that Lydia E. l'iDkor Mo- tbemsel ves out. 8tration In Turkish wlltcrs. buncb over to tbe meetin g huuse. haw's Vegetab le Compou of It?" nd will at this hammcd ans-we ro ab lc 10 s,et goIng I "A womao 10 h ere yesterda y wanted time prepare the system for tbe comlog W . E . Curtis, writ ing 10 the Ch tcago In tbe meantim e tbe new churcb hnlS " Not In Cat Hollow. " says 1. a 'tb[ng to make a bole.' Tba t's th o cl.Doge and Btart the meolltratLl period "There aln·t anYbody 's wire deprlnd been buildIng. slow buL sure. anti the Record- Herald , s lves this su mmary of In a young girl's life witbout pain or Sunday olter It was flnl s bed we all tbe scbeme ot reform . lind the cxtent nea~eat she could get to gimlet.. of anytbin g bJ reason of ItT" A11 - irre/fula rltles. to wblcil went carrie\! extra early to talee a 100 It around, oul : "[n 1\Iay, 11103. 'tber wanted • 'tblDg to bang over the . M lSS EmmaC oleol " As far as I know, you're the TulltiliODlll, TeIlD,. gall,' writes: married man In camp," I oays. 0011 Early as we was. though , we waso 't tbe powers prcse nted n new J1lau of r~ · . ,'u tbat·s tbe case," says he, "the Ihe first, tor when we come In t bere torm. wbl ch wa.s ,'el'Y compreh en slvo Dear "She b elli one band like a droopln s Mrs. Plnkbam:~ aud WIIS Intend,!d .. I w"nt to waa to prepare tell Jim, $'011 that) th and e way _ SJllke ~:rllllt Hammo nd anlS lnOney's cleaner th.n mos t tbat goes 'ftower over the otber. Sbe got prelll' t<lJ' healtb thlln I bue ror yoaN. and 10.a 10 build i ng churcbe s. Where 1 come Kate-al l three of 'em talki ng, and for Mlicedoo l li ll lluto~o OJ Y . It J1rovlder! angry, 1 can lell YOU, wben we brougbt ItaU to Lydia Eo Piakham's"Veceta bkl Comfor II corps nf fo reign officials (or the from thoy waa after al) tb e col n th ey laugblng some, too. And I ne,'cr saw her ceiling protecto rs. Sbe wllutell ao JlOund. .. When fourteen YlBI"II 01 all'" I suffered al·could rake .In, aoll lbey didn 't make 00 Kate look 80 pUl'lly as sbe d id t hat aclml\lls trallon ot the nnonces and po. Incande scent mlUltle. most constant pain, and t or two 01' tb ..... bones shout bow Il was come by. mornIn g. It I badn 't kno wn b ~ r ue· lice ; [or foreign judges a.nd oth(" civil yearl! I bfld IOrell_ and plIu In my SIde, "Stili anotber ..... anted Borne very line heAdacIJe nei th er. It takes IOlB of hUDger aud Core, I'll s wear I hellcve I 'd ha,·. and Judicial r"n C'li on~ri cs; to be selec t· a and was dlzzy and nervOlll, IUI<I wire ed to go by througb RU SSia. A the lISl dOt.1.ors ' thought r t.blng8 ia nntl nll failed to bel., me. at tb e s he was a lady. German y; misery a nd want 10 build a cburcb 10 .. LydiaE.l 'llIkbam'. VcJrotabktC~ond tb e whole s ides at sysle a pIcture sbe wanted to bang up. was m to be untler tho d l· Aa 1 was sn yln g, tbere tb er wall, jo'ri sco," says he """,nUDended. ·nod nl't er taking I t my Jim, and K ate and Spik e, a setting rec\!'ln or a Ce rman go ,'e rnor. wilb a She Itept up sllcb u lot of thrcad ·the · beultb Legnn to imjlmv.. rapldly, . "More sbamo to Frls(;()," says 1. ."d·l thInk needlo gestures to sbow me how tiny. It ""elI my life. J alncerely bo'pe wycx"jle!"l"Quite 80." says be. "And be sure there cbillnln s. \\' hen In comes Mrs. Tu'rkl sh Inspect" ,· !:cncl'al IlS his chi ef ence will tio 11 bell' tooth'!r Kirlll wbo IU'Il pal!>of statr, who wou Id re port Jim to . the An t! grand what does she uO 'b ut sa il eye d tb o til Inss were I hat T got pre lly Ing from glrlbood to womaiibo Lo tbank tbe boys [or me. and tell 'em od. tor I lino" yow' Compollnd will do a901ucb for tbem. h I' l'e engaged Pat Sbeedy's danc e hall right up to Kate aud k iss her. just liIeB vlzldr of Ihe Otl oman e"'I)ire III Con· ' dIzzy. stantlno ple anti be the connccllng link '1 tor next Suoday morn ing. wbere I'll sbe Will! her own s ister. Aller \\'h lc b If y ou know of \lny young g irl who ill "Lamps give a great deal of trovble. lie g lad to bave 'em altow up at 11 abe turn s aroun d to Spi ke. who was bel wee n Ihe 5,,1 1.11 0 and hi s pro vi nce, It'8 easy to forgot nameH of cblmney s slclt and Deeds 1D0t h crly ud vice lUll; be r and Ibe to visible .... rite rllpresen lIIrs. Pinkham lookIng tati vo of , I.ynn. 101088., kInd Turkor eDluarra ssed , and says oQ'cluc.k ; alsn. any of Ihe ladla. I'v. Rnd hard to draw pict ures of tbem In and ~hc will receive free 1l11vlce whicb "Mr. Hammo nd. allow me to co n!; ratu - Isb sovereig nty. Tbe Ins peclor gO uc ral, . 'e, n ol'ou nd cam(1 ." tbe air 80 that the drawing will suggesl: will put b eron the rightro ad toestron g, bowe'l'er . t.o have no 8U!llOl'lt y exce(lt ·Tbanks . JIm:' saya I. "we'li all be late you." to the clerk's mind Just wba.t kind of healthy aDd happy womaDb ood. Sa)" It s tru ck II' all of a bea p. And to wOlcb tbe pI'llceedl n gs of th e for; e a decll, that la all ellcept Cbarlle Caehlmoey Is desired. These air plcture~ shy. WilO'8 a Catbollc. And as Cor tb e whe ll Spike. boldlng onc Of Kate ', elgn omclals ond make s ucb repo rts as I ~N n OF 'rHE J30l;,PHORW:I. lire a great aid for them. It's wond erful tadies- wby. we used to call 'em ladics ha nds lik e YO Il do In t be lan ce rs , s ay,: be thought necessary to his muster at holy wur. greal r uin would befall. A - Ii woman'u ' air picture of lbe lateal lJ u.t Iluce your wife abowed up we just "Do ys, I want to Introduce yo u to my Con 'l tanllnop le. The basbl ·bllzouka and boly wal' woultl bleed I;lrllain In Ind ln palent 10 potalo cutter8 . - PoeItlftl lY' eare" ~ call 'am women. I'll tall the women. wife," maybe you tbilll! we d ltln'l all ol her Mahomm edan soldiers to Ioe lind EgYI)t and France 10 .Alglers and or Ice-ereal u wltbdraw lI and the wuutry to be po· Morocco, besilies bringing Llllie Pilla. . though, wbat you sold. and I' D' sure cheer . on a wbole. C,·eezara. " RI L 'l'Iull' alaonUe ", iliaHeed by native gendarm es, oRlcered by Hale massa cre or Christia t bey'll oo" mucb obliged and will keep ns In Confore Igo ers. Tb e c'bl f f THE CASH ACCOU NT. "~. ~~n'~~C1~!!!: e 0 flO IIce t0 b a staDlino llle . whl cb-so Iqn g has ueen t belr I'laOl)." Mounta ins Lowered . ~,.• ..... -A -'" foreIgne r and all tb e magistr ates eextbreatpn ed. Uut Abdul Hamid 19 not JIatlai. perhlc~_ "Wy dear Three-tl nger ." says Jim. i Cll nn ot matec lIie Ihln g co All tbe mouDta lns 10 S..... ltzerland n, o ou t. cept tbose of tbe lowest grade ( ....·ho regarde\! a s th e head edytOTDI2Z1aess.~ "you're ritbt .bou~ my wIfe being a of all Islam, be 18 /lave HuddeDly beon rcduced In bel!:ht Though I I,o,'e . ilo ll fl ht nnll 'h o'l;r tit mlgbt be selected from lIrWldnes s. Du4 !'aste tbe natives) to looked U"OIl III Morocco, Arabia, India by atout lady, .nd a Iweeter , truer or a braver And a nd IhouEfh. . teo teeU .ee •,ore I In 1820 the tip Th e t tri ed ' 0 ", .. I,. n caro rl) 1 11 0 1.. . I0 b • In thtl alouUJ. Cloote4 d " sners. alles e nssesse a nd sevc ral other counlriel! as un 1m· 0 f a. cer ._. oever lived; hut she', a woman. too, k I tb e Lake ' or or eVery t hing l ho t I ha ve ~oug ,. I. 'I'OIl8'O ..... n roc O,l'ahIID~Btde. n and collected by tllltlves. under forelgo . an d sbe'lI be very glad to meet the The moro I t hInk (roln t h e Oeneva waH calculat ed to be 376.86 regaIate ~llIIIn!tt. TORrID LIVEn. .. ~ nnd thInk " lid' " Ink s upe rvl ~ lon . und the entire proceeds postor, oot descend ed hrelJVes ei4bla.. propbct. ot her", owen ot tbe camp. There's lOis co~I;~ur; meters above ocean !evel. anrl OB tbl8 ~:st~)' m';~a~,'·"~~c!~~7:'· n.I $, • 10 be ex pend ed fol' loral purpose S-for N~vertb clees {·r wo men what would be lodlea If tbey Wll ere:gr~h~n a great part of IHiam basis all the summIt s 10 tb.. colmtry did I . pend Ihlll lh irl), cenlol road 9. scbools ani! otber Inlernnl SMAll PlU. DOSE. SlWl PRICE!. had a cbance." MfS be. 1m· blUl deep veneraU on for tb e Hultan, were calculat ed. RecenUl' the d i l l' - E4 vements. after paying tb e expense s lbe venerati on add ~d 10 Gena' " M Bear ce nts ror car - Ihal' . ..11 pro I rememb er - SpIke Kenned y ta ltlng Ten 1'1"1 b.Y maasacr e f l Tb t t b 11'. f'lB'ft 0 governm en 1118 U e cour S 0 e rc · and nersecul lon or lbe Arme nians. r,ovepy was made tbat ao tlrrGI' .. me aside that night and as king mo If .ad WQ\IUIlS' l Fao-Simi le Si"""'tur t TllI'eeD doll ars tor" new stra w Itat; " · War agains organ Id ze , a un Iversa I sc b erne a f puu' " ..beeD made In bini tbe belght of tb.t it W8tl true wbat be'd beard . about Jim For IUllcheon. ntty: 8noOSltln •. Ih'e_ t Ihe I"fldel Is a 'duly, a ~ ~-III' Instruct lon to 'lie Introducod. politi · religion ; and outbrea • E "::'-...~ ks ID tbe past rock. Ilnd tbat It I, 2,26 meters ~ ••, ·saylng his wire would bo ·glad to melt Co~~i41~~rl~g'~!hO PILL a.«J I ~ Ys~~ nl:"~u~~ :y~lI l h" l! cal olfender s to be' pardoned, and local going unpunls bed. give 'tbe women of cat Hollow. " I onlyaot encoura gement than The t'l-ellsu r y has too ",any '·. n~ II was marked. or TurkIsh omclal. wbo bad been to I.he sons of Islaro. IEfUIE SUIITITU1& It second·h .nd ." Bay, be, "and I U'~. outgo.. ·It Is no "In to outgo an- th e II mo.:..' -_ _ __ _ _~ _ _ __ . gulity </f atrocItie s to be trIed anti kill a .CbrlsUa n In Ai Wb"re d 1 tbougb t maybe It wasn't Itmlgbt ." spend tb .. t Ih lrl Turkey, e ._, and lobed" the Star,~ " the Street.. pun. . SAL~E' ' 'I', e '" a -of Greeks. A.rmenl anl and all Europea ns . . A order from Bln'-Ie, Wb en [ told him it ..... as dead Cigar •. t our-fift y; B'rape juice. ). ~ n.. &~ ten .. "Tbe aultan accepted all tbi s 'a nd a - RomaD CatholiCS Rnd ne thought for a mInute. tben said : Protesta nUldown In PuDkvll l.... HId tbe. travelin g NlteNtcl f (I thInk 1 h,,,,1 lome on top): ))Ortlon of tbe I'II'forms have .Ire.dy within tbe limIt of tile f Nlhltf)n oa.'• ...,.... 'r gu css Jim', rlgbt about some wom· Bl oach ers nnd peRnuts. foam empIre -five. been adopted . But they are compara - 'tlouallv exposed to malllacr a re ron- lUan; " but' l can't lind out anytblo g I And len cenls more forthirtY m oot belug 'Iadlea lMH:auso, tbey never But glngor pOIJ. e not onl, about tI I I I III hla f1n.ncla l.tandln t d II g. Have If you s tili thnt b..u nUng deficit d d .... ' r ve V ns go can . • n ave a or e hy mobs, " lI.d • cbance. Tbls morn ing. wben Por Bum., Sore '1~ ",om', s. .....C I _ but b, tb cf, BOld~m. Th'e , look,!" blm up In B My deep . perplexi t y "ulI'men ts. rad.tree t B. '" very little rellet tl) tbe peoplo. 08r- are in tbe aame . dlWger ithelliDall.m. UI~~ Pil'1I. 01.... Pol...... c..... OJe ~nd ·l{ale was standln l 10 trout ot Whl\t ....s ' t tor1- 0h. . "tb.t a lwaY'I ' "Yes,' " an8,!,ored the credit mu. "alll1 Iltmcl.. mel IU . . . .. ..... S1IIa well. here goea, m.n1. A1Istria aDd Ruala bave de- sUl'roun l>b<!_. d the J01fll In RussI • •'" 411, 'R"tJrL, ,100& <l941et ~lm·. kitl- ~i!~~:W:lfoll';'I~~8!J~: Bradiltr eet locate. lilm on Baal' atteet, :.rlf QeD"!" ~II:~ tile ~t.",rl c.lTlI ~~·lu.se1a1 'Jt-4":'~=:. .. '1U~l\UOl'r
The Gospel ·and Cat Hollow
.The Troubled and 'Troubtiitg Ottoman Empire
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Cal'. DUring the Willter to Prevcm . Te","s Editor Sings the l'1'ai"e6 of Sun-Sca ld a.nd Othel' tbe Juiciest of Georgia InJuri..: Fruits.
CUI'lug th~ winter seuon the Ques, Tlln 8cuPPlirn ong COWel! between walion or winter Injury to young (ruli terwelon time and persimm ons. and 80 trees as-Itln come lJp , and It Is II. qUell' complet es the Bummer round rrom mayLIon. too, of no ~mall consequ ence. haws to 'possu ms. It 18 uo WATER BY WINDMILL, Winter Injury may colDe from three cotldled, staked and rldered pruned and product o[ a~urceB, namely , lun-scal d, rnbblt~ Ibe Imlre and "praying mach ine, says Be.t Arrange ment tor Pumpln g ' antl and mi ce. In tile IlIlgregate the IOS8 the Houston (Tex. JPost, It sprlugs Piping to the Various by Injury rrom l'lese tbree sources from one to two greo.t tntll1; ~ as tolg The bet lt' r (- as~ l,i uru ggists, ev~ry where, ~r e m " c oi scientif ic atiainm BuildIn gs, must be ,;ometili ng enormou 9. All UH II fat boy 's I~g, and spread s o~ er tb e enll! .alHl high i nl.egri y, who demln t lll'ir live8 t o lh " we lillre of t h ir fel lo w men young fruit trees are liable to whole baclt yard. It in supply ing the b~~t ( rmnroie s and re[uses to benr A corres pondent III tile Farmor 's purr.· t ln PlliciulI1 agents o f k n')Wll v'alne, in !lccorli ance trom olle or all oC these. None may Cru lt In ' great dusters. lv itb ph y sicians ' preEc ripti~uB a.nd to be ga th r ,() Advocat e of Canada wants to know escape. FcilJlIlif ie furmu la. Dru gg ist s vi ['],e better Clll:;S Dlanufa and ~o l d for monoy, but In litt le bunches c ture llIallY excelle nt r emedl e, hut the cheapes t and beat way to stlpply Sun-scal d Is caused by tile oall81'U&te UI' Iwo or three or on s lnglo al waYB Ullt! 'I" vr igi ll fl l or offi ~i nai ll amcsan d they nerer se wilT s tems ll fal se brands , 01' imita t ion m ed iei neR, water from a well 27 rod s distant lrel!'tlos- alld th awing of the bark t hat bron l, at thl1sl,in It proclaim s Ib Tlwy a re the lI;c n 10 d l1al with w)' ·n in n eed of a ny thing hom tbe house. A Grey coun ty while tho al ill their line , whi c b u s ually In cl ud 8 wood and root sY8tem Is In It \\'o.~ built for home fall," only"I I s tand :lrd rl'llleui ts al1 d ('orre:;l' o ndin g adjllnct s of n Lirs t-c au'l (Ontario ) rarmer. 10 repl y. says : l aE~ p h armacy and the fill c~ t twd a frozen and dormao t sta te_ When 10- for n e l gh bor~- ' wltbout h r el o f (nil(, t nd i '1, , ' :l m l p r ~ parations und I n!llt)' u "e ful mon e), and " I would advise tbe lise or an eight· jured by sun-sclii acce~soricB d the b!l.rk ltJrll~ wlthoul price. The c. mill !; of fl i.lir l iv in g, with the s ut isfac(io n wh ic h ar i 'C8 frolll and r em edial Ilppli anc~8. foot windmil l e rected O\'e r w II. pip· tolack, dIes and otlen a kllo",l~dge " f th e bendits acparate il entire· Whoel'e r heard or seiling sC llpperconft' !'rl't! ltpnn tllI' it' pntrons and a !', i ~ taJ\ ce ( 0 (he tllf'dil'a lng belnK run to uulldlng s. A force· Iy from the woud, To p",vent l prof p.ssion, is u S\lally th e ir g rea test III]ury no ngs ? rc lVar.! lor Ill ll'g ye ars of st uuy and II :( 11 )' hours of d ,d ly from this cause It Is neccssa;-y only to to il. Th y all know that Syrup of Just as 800 n tbl ltk or selling 1\ Dl~ti5 or It' ig~ is nn .' :c c., II '·llt I:txati\' c rem edy a n d tla t it gin's protecl tbe trunk and limbs f'rom Ihe ::rrecns, univ~r~ al sn,li8fac ti on , and tllt'reflH Cl they ar e s ,1 Ii Ill; Ul:ln :, m illions of bo ttlr·: anc ually to the well direct raY8 of the su n. FroC. llalley In tllel'ooloJ' themorlllllgorth c"ho~I ( infOl"m cd purch a . f' r s o f the c hoicest r omccl ic< :" 1<1 lil!'} a lwa ys bl(e p le:l';u rc in ha tl di ng an reco lllJUe nd~ th e usc oC wire cloth Or of the ere nlng IH tbe time to eat Rel1l " t the gC' ll tt i ne artiele be:1.ring th e full some mo.terlal lllat 11'111 ohs truct tf~ o pernon gs. Happy I. nl1me o f t he l ~<J tllpan.r-l':l li iorn i :l Fig f:yrnp Co,- prin(ed 0 11 t llll front the man wito Is of eve ry package . sun ' 8~ mrs wllllOUl entirely "btlc\'inl l lall enott They kno \\' i1Hlt in r ~ ~':s ,,[ c"hlg and h,. ..dn cbes attend ed gh to slaod flll t- foot ed ann by b ili<ll1FlleS9 a u d con stipatio n and the m, as In tllo IRtier ca se llle I:ark pluck the plttlclsll, oi w eak n l"~ or t o rp idi ty of til e Ii \" r a n d bow(!l ~, aris ing swl vell,yl S ttg,,~y f rom irreg ular Lahil~, i nui g('stion , or hil S no opportu nity t o LJ ~co m e gra d- itlfll llS of rl cbnes9. Hnppler IR th boy over-ea ti ng. Ihat th,' ro is no otl" ,r T(' nH' dy 50 pleasan t , p rompt and bent'fi cial in its effecls a8 ually used to the suu' s mys. 1'110 Is allowerl t.o climb on lOP a nd enr S.l 'rnp rJ[ I<' i.:o;;" n nd (hey nrc ~hl U to 8(·11 it bcrRUSC it gi ves univ er s al satisfac tion. Care. too, shou ld be e~e .. cl~('(1 In as much as be wanls. Owin g fl) 111 0 c'x(!c \iI'I1 ,'c o i .Sy rnl' o f F igs, thc ' u ni n 'rsal 'nil' WATI!lR SYSTEM . ~!d isf::lc ti o n whi ch it gi\'t'6 1I11d tbe pruning. Tile relDoI'nI or .. 1tl!';0 l':cxt to a boy th e biggest conslt mer of I il11l1l l' n - J) ,J, mH nu for it. iln ilatiolls h a ve b een mall , t .icd a pump will be rellll Ire d. ami I would amount of top subjects the rem~. lniltg <tllppcrnon gs 18 n d ond mn ed, but th ere are th e hh'ed man. He clln i ntll l'idu :d olrnl""i -Is to he ill'lnd h reand ther e, who do not uso anythinG s malier thau onc· branches to a severe- test, the direct, "orne In bpfore S n ot mainta in tbcdi gnityun tlprill t:i plea Uit down with a hrok"n of Llltl 1' I'()ie8' io~·~ and ,vh o~e gr('cd gets the beller of th ei tnch piping, and galvanlzec} at tbnl. )l'!obslr ucted rays or lhe Bun to which badt ane .. pleiling r judgme nt, a n d wh o do cot hf)si~te ~OO pounds of uum to l"eco nltl1l' tl d UI1') try to ~!' Jl the imitatio n s i n order to mak Tho cost will depend on the mill. they IIt'e not luured. \Vood veneer,e COitOll, eat SCuPI)p.rllongs till o Q larger profi t, ,l1cb prepam tlOns Hometi m ,'s ll ave the l1~lIn ~ -" ::3 yr u p of Figs"- ol" " Fig pump. plplllg lind tank. wblch can be maltes a cbeap ano elfecUye PrD tc~UlJn plulllb darlt. IIlld Ihen yruph lind of some pirat.ica l eonCf,rn , obtained {rom, any ot the ageBUl, I against Injury from sun-scal d . fb ls slices of frl cl bacon put away rOttr or fj '!litioU5 !ig E)'I"Il P compan y , printed ,on Ihe packag e, but th ey n c,-e r have two belplngs 01 the fu~ l ~am,e of have uled a windmil l for three years. mntel'ln l Dlay be bad from most Derry. J:rlls and S-rIlI'\' a dl I he Ootnp:l n y ·- Ualifol· :Jia F ig Sym p Co.-p ri nte d on t.he ~ b of cold collal'''" f ron t. oi th e package _ The ~m~tat~ons . and It baa given perfect satlsract lon_ bOl( lJJanufll(:turerH shollld be r pjccL llIl becauso • tb they d are injuriou s ( 0 i he p. ~· Ble m_ In order to sell th e Iml(I1I1 hot bl 'cult s and a quart o[ bltltrl"' I o t h e ma ttor o. grow U a check valve Is used. ns sbown In Ons an ~roller "''''on 1111 11<. they find it IhlCf's< ary t.o r ~sor t to miHepr eselltat ion or d eceplio n . a nt! wh t'never a d ealer pns~e8 tbe aceomplUlyLng skstch. tbe pipe can care liuch may be done In the way at or 0.1\ the \\'1 heB I .... I b it Is 1 'b ' off oli Q .:tI.,tOlnf'l" n p I' o ara.tio n undQl' t.he n UD1e securing a strong, bealtby growth In of " ," yrup of Fig,. " ' 0 1' "Fig Syrup," wInch be tappe d nnywhe re between cbeo!, S 8 . 0 e ,I uons no t I,,'at" tJw fu ll n-ame of the Cal ifornia F ig Syru p and supply tauk · to water other build- tile young trees. Plenty of fertili ty o[ ~~~::~~~o.· .o r 1I blred m an Crom s undown 0, print ed on tbe froll t of t.he packag~, he is a tlcmpti llg to u ece il'e a n d mislead t,he pat ron who hns been Ings or stock at barn or anywhe re tbe rl gbt kind. wltll good culture tends , so u n for~,unate :1 5 t,o :"tcr hIS , to prolluce a 1I0rmaily mntured sruwth esta\:'l isblll ~ !lI, wj, ~ l h cr it be hrgc or sma ll , for if the d ealer 1 he to I:;!;cs I t.hlle ulltl desired. " r eeorl (0 ml s r t'n'sc!nt!1 and of wood which Is bettel' able to s iond grape . arbor· Is Sundayer th e b ~O t'S II\ :\ncl <It' CP!) \ ion ill one r~ se he will do 8 0 with otb e r m edic c\"enln - no t in AI a genis, :lnd III :.ho filll1~g of l1le vicissitu des or tbe seasons t blUl "afLerno~ll:' Tbere THE OUTLOOK COOD, ore DO ufternoo M phy ~i "iull 'pres('riJl tion ~ and ~hould be a"oid ed by e veryon e nn Inlmatu red , sappy growt h. " ' ho "a lues h ea!"h nn,1 happlII ess. lu Ceorg lII. It Is evenln ' ~I'O~ after diu · K nowi ng ilm\. the g r. ·~t m ajori t y of druggis ts are ~e liabl;, we SOlll e growers set tho trees 1\0 tlmt ti er till darlt, and IIIPIl EtJucati oll ot the TImes Is TowardH sllpply the Immen se d e mand It " hl gh t.. Sun fur o ur ,:xcelk nt 1'PlllPdy pn irel y through the d1'ttg g lsts , 01 whom I t may the trunk s Incline to the southwe st, day \'cnln' at.out four the FllrJn-lI Ilol'e. SclenUJfc be p\1rc ha sed ev~ry o'clod" ,dtb wherp., i n origi llal p:w:, n ges only, at the regula r price of tile force of tbe SU II ' S rays being thUI l hn.e or fOllr wagoolo fifty eents per bottle , bu~ as axe ptlOns Farmem , ads of tl elKbbors . t,:'t i.;t it is necessa ry (0 illfrlr m lite public of thp iaets, in diminish ed by the ,"cuLe angle, Low- half a dozcn buggies order tha t ILlI may decline or retllrn full or youn g folk s HoporlS [rom all the leaul ng IIgrlcul- headed trAes appeo.r to Buffer less tbUD tI·g parldn' :Iny imi latlon whi c h m ay b e sold to them. Jf it does not and beat t h o fnll nllm~ of lheCom panylural collel:es sbow an lucrease In at- lbose with 111gb trunks, bo th from ·sun. Lh way anrl enough cblldren to ge t In I'nl iiornill F ig SYrup Co.-pr inted all Ih e front of ev ry p be s tepped on. Takes about ackag , do not b esltate to retllrn the teltuonce ",nd a larger proporti on or agrt- Bcnld and severe winds. In t be mat- twO hours article ali t! \,() J p" manJ t h e return of your mon ey, and in to clean up til e arbor, IInu flltur~ g~ to ~n~ of the beUer cllls.s of culturul sLudeu ts tban ever berore, The tel' of protecti on agal1lst Injury from luere's enough Jruggis tR wi 0 w i II g 11 y u what you wish :md the best of cverylh l ng 111 h18] skins 011 t he grollllll to me at rea~onablepl"lces, stateme nt Is ollen made that agrlcul- mice IIl1tl other vermin eltber Ib, fill th e lure Is, at present, enjoying a boom and wire cloth or wood ven~er will proVi there'll hog t,·oughs. By next Sundny be just as much fruit 09 e\' er BU ll the growtb tn number s of college- efrectJve . But to b& etrcctlve against a oe'" lot of neighbo rs to get their 1111. trained farmerll 111 pOinted to as proor the attacks of rabbits the protecti on 'fbe S<!tlP pcrnollg. Is ferllllzer) by th~ of the stateme nt. It Is true that at 00 will lleed to reach two or l hree feel wild Wllnted to C~t Even. muscadi ne or builises rlown thero time bas agricult ure preseDled so broad trom the ground, [or, as tb& snows "I'd IiI-." til.t loot h. plea."." ,. ill floe 01 ht the c,'eelc bot tom. a range of possibili ties as It does to·day, wlnler &(ll!umulate, the rabblt8 are en, Gmull bu\ afte r t. lw d (, J\:I~ t h ud f' :; tr: wl cd It is wrong for you to suffer from Consti pation , Wlsb fbere were bulllses In Texu. tile t OTUWlli . It may be t.rue tbat a few men are at- abled to reach high er. Bowel and Stoma ch Troub le when there is a positive, .. ( lcl·taird. \ . rtJ~ l ii ' h- ,tt n . h1l1 "Ity ,.1 0 tmeled to the work merely because 9r As against Injury rrom mice, tmmp.. OIL IS SCARCE AND HICH, ' tJ\t ,,"unt II~ " 'llJl.! I': P 1 I Itt· ,Icnt.isi. hU ,1U· natura l apd harmle ss cure-M uLL'S GRAP~ TONIC. Its Increasi ng populari ty. A vastly Ing the Hnow abont · the ~lItl It 0\"1' )', base or tbe ' larger number are learnlliG to realize tree or bank.lng the tree with " \\ 'rli l-ir·... ""P P""'i :/f!(t! tile g l :.. t iii" l.i Have YOII nor-iced Ihe large number of Typltoid Fov~r cas"" earth' Product ot the Skullk In Kaine 11.11 1>('1\'. HJ '1ll gO i llg ( If \ ;11. (' if hO I1l(> ,'li d 1' 111 Typboid tbe Importa oce and p09,IIIIlIUes of the sometim es pro,' s to be Fever, Malarial Fe\'er, Ar.peDdicitis. Impure Blood. IJimple1!. lately? a ,'ery el!ecluol Sick Headache. Importa nt Article of /.tf/ j ll~ tu ,. t uff it full ,If n~ u l ' . T'hrn 1'111 .."o91·ofe8slon In tbe develop meot and reme rly, SkiD D isease, Piles, i'ernll" Troubles, :;tomach Trouble.... Heart Troubl.... etc.• K'l, i ll~ t o pllt it 011 " : liHllf' , lt IUJ." wi l )' a Commer ce. lire the result of Coo.'llipa tioD. vcrowth of tbe country . 'foo long bos Havlllg the orchard s free 11' \ II1OlJ) IU Ht ~t'i u . "wludl " dl·II,·:· ~, ~: . There is a rem~ dy now to be had Iltat cures Ihese trouble~ absolutely, agrloult ure been looked upon as an neeu- blsb and above 0.11, having from ru\)· \I" odd . the ground Neither trndltlou nor the memory ar A full .i.ed boltli) is furnishecl you free to prove it, PllUOO of tbo hands and not the bead. about the tree for sevel"l~1 teet around Ih'lng man runs back to the time when It.memb er we give ooly o.oe boule 10 each family, 1£ your druggist On Rim, As such It had no sttractio DB tor the free of a covering fails to slIpply ),ou witb Mull's Grape Tonic .~n d us this coupon togetber wllh grass or weeds. Prospec t WQS 1I0t the skunk 011 metropEthyl ( to Gluil,l". wire> lin! wit U~ , cd with nam" and progrllllsive student ..bOBO ambitio n is Q point worlh consider address of tbe druggist and we will mail you n boule. ing, 9ays tbe olis of !'ofaloe, EveD In the Umes when e. game of fl)olhHll (Oi' UI(l fir~ f... ti ulC I was to win a atandloG In the higher Ohio Fnrmer. Notice Try nil tbe druggist, before you write \IS M the bottle the "runs" made anglewo rm 011 and snake 011 I'8n skllnk \V •• Reggie on tltn .1t·1"/'n ! ' i. authori zed to give branche s of learning. For thiS reason by, mice In a clover d" t!- lI"ell. de.,". ;1"0111 wI , Ie r put you for Ihis coupon h; three time. ,L.large as Ihe ODe we are he field I'll ere tbe 011 a close race for leadersb lp Prospec t it (;1look~d .. Uowed to .end by mall. 3Jo! thollll!:h I liE' , ,\,.\ ,.. :. \\ ,," I'e ~n the farmer's sons ba ve been turning afterma th has beell allowetJ The followmg coupou will not be honored \lolc"" It is' cut out of Ih" paper In to accu m- maintain ed Its reputati on for produc- L im .- I .ippinvou ·!I. one piece including Ihd Palient'. coupon, Nelllil DntJ(sic.C" coupon tbelr nttl'oUo n to other professi ons. IIlate, . upon tbe going ot and Wholesale snow lu the ing more slCltults to or tbe ]ou!Jer's acr e and coupon, they must not be scpa r:lItld. fatl'er • lIch as law. medlcln e,- Utoratltr e, etc. Spring. 'fhey may be senn running III skuukll than any other town. rll th e Diagi105ls . Rvery year tbe universi ties of the coun- every direction . CUT O UT TllIS COt;PO~ , S IGN AND TAKll IT TO We should talce tbe (lays ot the civil war Gell. II eugau , :I F ir.,t lJoL' !Of- 1l'iu 'l p .UI' IH,h: t i.,,. awon& "OU R DRUC 1ST W IIO IS try bavo been graduat ing large Dumber s hint lind see that AUTHOR IZIlI) TO Gl\' l! YOU A I' Rlm aue. ];O'fT LE FOR tb. \len no ltlt,·~ such fa\'orabl e \'eter811 of the conflict " 'ith Mexico. 1"1'. of these professi onal men, mnny of conditIo ns shall :'P(:O IH.l Jjo tor- TIll' r. . ltt.)\\' \ \ !l1I " : 111 to lead tbe t rascals rlghl gained a reputati on for benevole nce w ilh I ll;;: UWII wbom witness the ~parture of their lIl> to the hase J hcr" lJ), corti t,. tlla t 1 h:l\'o n~ V8r t al.:en ~l ll ll ' M G rupe TnniQ, Ih nt ku ife 1!1·ldf,UJ l!tl(· d o,! 1I11ue.of the unp.-otee tetl and a small fortuoe by extracti J wil t apply for onb ol1e frr.ft l.o!! ll". Ihal 1 ""j\lnO! ...:11 (\I' civa j l Itwa)' :Ind tha l .I will • boyish dreams wblle walt Ing for tbelr you nG fnllt trees, ng tb,) N . V. :0:1111, uka it Ul)'~ It ror olUHi uallon. lJowct :.and Sto luKc h Trouhle . \1 bOlJU U 1 obl tli!1 it. 011 from skuuks and sending It to tbe 1l1'llt client or p&t1ent. In tho meantim e Much Sou gh t. nrmy hospital for the relief of the the technica l Instituti onB ha\'e been del ·Pf.Ol) ]i ' ;U (' jUll-t I fa .. )' ltl JU" t'! :hat P ..Al It:lH bi£ Jt yuur lI .a lU ~ ha re very p eloping tho less attractiv e sclencss . CATHER THE BAC WORMS , strlckell troops. r p.l l \' The barvest of skunk 011 for 1905 hu The agrlcult urnl colleges have made " \I'ho i, h.~" Now Ie the Time to Get Bid ot tho been very much " .-\u 1/I .... ,ll i t~ 1".l. l~"lt .'t " '0 1\"11 T (lP l ~ t-, below the a,' due. 'raphl p,rogress and the resul t Is a s-eoOocoon. Upon the Fruit nnd It Is said, to the 'ract tbat last June anti eral awaken InK of Interest In tbe prodSh!lde Trees. Jllly were cold and wet, nnel as gro.SR~t:l8 . or the fsrm . The business scope of BALD HEADS COVERED NONE B UT TIlE HETA1L DRUGG IS'r M UST SIGN 'fr-ns: hoppers haLch 10 those months the tbe farm blU! broaden ed. 'l'he developOn mnny Ct'ui t and sbade trees (ln~ weather ment" ot agricult ural science hae given killed most ot tbe Illsed s In With Luxuria nt H niJ' Rild Scaly TO THE ReTA IL nR t' C;C; IST: T his t:oup¢ n .ohl IInl eslil ),0 11 dIll YOllr name ami ~ .\ (lrl" l , d II I he lill" h el o w. SClhll hi 'l rull C0 the rafI1lor a commer cial standing . The may lind the cocoon~ of bag worm5. IMalley. tbus cutting on' tho food supI11 )Q1I 10 l:'lr. jo lJh c r u r ", holll yU \) unrc h aB od t bl SCnll'S Cleanse d (l lId Puri fied s rt: ll lfld,'. and he will ~h' I' nm >S ~e lll ~ Iu c oI , h o r 1("lle Tiley are usually from olle to tor cadi CtlUt"-.n, I"lI·oru·rJ y H ii ll ~ rI. twCl ply of the 81(11uk8. As an offset for lhe Improve ment of plants anti frUits: new '\"\'hi r h , ' ()U s .. t1l1 h im . All ; n hllrl"'\ Il a ve I)m :'5l:, soc- I tIli ' LOU lli.!tI"\, 1 h o t r ,oo bw tt lc CO IlHuns 11Y Cut!eu ra Sonp, Inches long. and or.! slIspe·nd uearly G rilm's tl l '~ J ~ .. i .:", ,utlj J tim c J till! 500 :;il._ , ed b,. P01'C,ty In yield, the sellin!; prlre or the dt sco,"orles In the betterm ent of lhe soil -all bave opened up a new fiold {or the one of the pointed ends f ro m t.hl 011 bas advance d from $4 to $6 U ga lllJD, ...\ s Mi"lt'll b\" c1rf':~~i T1w. "l q ( r 'Utlrll tll , tI.,: Illvesllgat01' and excited lhe eltrloslly anrl buyers are busr collectin g oil tb,) ~rl'at, t'k i n 't'ure. , Til l" \I'('.l t lH("lIt n t. Oll l'€! of those who formerly regarood fsrmln ;; job IOt8 on hand, In average years Il '41 "1'8 ru l Hn~ h 3i l', n" !lW\'C~ l'\L-:t.I: . Benl ..:' ;l!U dfl1lill'ufT , d t"rU," OYIiI hair p 8 I'a l;i ~ c s. t 8\' mem dt'\ldgcry. The 'en(lenCY 'ls now fair-size d skunk would yield U quart ot bnoUJ(~ ir-rilnt.c:4l, - - - -- - - - : - y"'o"."':-a=dd'I'I,l1UO h t~" itdl iu):: ,.. \II'fO':OS, ... tim H· inwarll teohntca l eclucaUon . Thoopp or. pure oil, which was worth $1. snd thla lut<s the hll ir I !lick.,., IOO"fll" tlte "Cflll' tunltles are abundan t ror the wellsum added to the 50 cents to $2 received ,,1oi n, tUl!>lll i{'s th~ J'OtJIK wi t h ('ner~y <Iud I ~o 0:\11 B UT 'nm Wil :>r.I1';'~ Lr. DIWGG l !uHlli~ hlll tit. alHl l1I :1kfM t ho hair ~TClW ~lIlpped man, and wltb mo~o scientifi c T lIIUST SIGN THIS: for tile pelt made skunk hunting an 1m · upon n ~\\'('-Ct. u l f')O Ol nr. I If'Ji lt h~' .1;(·n11' . farmers III the nele! thl) profossl on will ]lortant, lodustry for the farm el's anel wlten nil (,I.e failwh Tn TH I ~ JO»B J~ R : Yon l\ il l IJI("a ~ " (11·... II.t thi,\coupo n ir 111ft s, ( 'o ll1p1<' te ""ternlll ,tnd Rn mO (!\ ('Il'op.erly .'.ned. become eslAblls hed as the most 1mLwtll'i\' n h ) lllff rrtailf!1' h n \' I'IC Iht· ro llll!.)V /lum ynu , 3'1 cent$ their sons. in lel'lut! I r N&I IlH'ut {fIr (' , t~l ~' 1lU flIo r. fl'C'lm in ca."\ h or t radtt fur. sa me. This r Oil DUll ,"oid UII) n~l' ) ' C'II "" \111 ~ ~llir ill III 11"11\(1 lU1d 'HMreti~, l'or wanl ull c ur1on !J ro u s . and Wft iIOI'tant contrlbl ltor to the uatlon'! prosThe skunk bunters sa l' that th e ~rj me l): mp l ~;,; to fl ('rofll i o . fl ''':I ' l ld ll ltfT to ·l~(!. w ill l Clllit )'U ll _ " ec lU /"1' I'," 'I' dl ll l"n 1)l l" l~t!)" ... i li:flct! 0)' tbO COl1.'otilUCI , I Ut.I iI or '; 111 ' YOllrllult. l ·o O!::~ t i H:.! "f t 'n! j"l1ra :-:":l p. O i nlmt'\u ! J)erlty, Agrlcnlt ure Is nnt boom In~: It ot substitu tion bas affllcle(1 their traIl", a'h! l)iII .... pl'if'" ~ I . no . ..\ ' ... i ll I" ~d i~ 18 de\'el~pln~. more than any otber. lIS dealers who are Oflt"11 ~lIltit·i l ' l1t. to l ·t l r e . unscrup ulous do not besitate to dllule " ' h"'l1 i";"1tI!<ol H "J,: C! ,' 1111 : ' I ' Otlit' H I d "('(' the genuine product or the skunk wlilt '1 t~1 1I " ,111 ,\ ! ' 1II i ' , " it I't' (pl i n ''': "",Ulllt· Itwlll W per cen t. ur Dlore of ben's oil , wblch tli 1 11 ~ ! , It w i ull t .i ll~t Ihnral POints te :Be Noted by the h l" ' 11 th:tt I 111 1' I ~ . resembleR "Iwnk's 011 In every respect 1!'.~er. as Suggest ed by Ex oxcopt In smell. By adding a ~mall Laundering the llC\by' r, Clothes. Cut ou t tlte ubove Ihree coupons in one piece . Do not sc pa rat~, perline"n t Station. )'1 ' lll' lIuJ1 1 H'I '~ arc Jl ~lt. U W ill'!! IIIllt l:haf· [(uunlity oC the llal'orlo g estract whleb MULL'S GRAPE TONIC CO" Makers, No, 147 Third Ave" Rock s kunk s keep'ln slocle the Imitatio n ar· i ll ~ IIIHI 111111'1 1 d i,wil1lJ fo l l IlI ilr 1)(: l,tJUflc d 111 'lm1leUn 46, ~SSUOll, l . H. Orl.Island, III. h.\· III(' ~tJO II ~ alk a li, '-.! in j L,~ eUilp \\'i th tlcle call be sold to c u~(om e r" WIUlOut wld 'il thp "Ie, central ellpel'lm ont farm, Ott.",·u li tO,.. ~1,r l ! I " l tt "l an' \\"u,..h(1.J. (I'ar ot detcctlo n . II ,-.n t·l·. I hl'\ \\"ul \, ",l,hll!,l l,e dtJ n.~ IInd",l' • lImmarl zes the points to lIe noted i~ The l,ractl.·O of selling arlull el"l\h,,1 : h(' m utllt'r',;:; .J IIPI 't ilill :,1,,1 011 1.\' h -",.\· crowing alfalfa as f,allows: :-""P "".,t. 1:1.1': \ :\ 1111 I:, t '. \HI\t:I~ . t. Sow 8uftklen t serd. a ..<\G,von.)J (II , b , c ) S\l l' t!f'ssl\'c HLH R.f' ~ ot oils tor gennlne bas become 80 wldebpreall that the bunters of I!. .so"" good seed: that 18 , gern.lita ble slntuks snl' A'J'o Wl h; n, UQg ; cj. 1r> tnal f' u :I){-n a tllnd fi ... Lwt l' I1' ' \ 1: 1, 'i"lf 1" !\li l 11 1l\'a.\ J tbat they will ask tbe nli'"t legislattlr~ t::l ~a _d. 81M fW' ilil Jt iun . 'J be I 'J111 1110 11I' r. to pass all act making adultera tion a 3. So",' on well"pre \lared land In good sUlal!er hI'S nches. I'a<:h or the targe, .tate ·or fertil ity. COl'Oons contaluH a large uumber 01 ('rlme punIsha bl e wltb 11 heal'y tine or AIT_ING WOMEN . imp,·lso nmeot. As science I! ullable to • . .Sowlng witllout nurse ~rop over- eggs. which will bal(,h ill tbe sprlllK, dlstillgullih slCllnl,'s otl fl'om hon's 011 eIImes ,In so me mellSlIl'O poverty ,r!101l. 11 allowed to remsln 011 tlte tl'ee, nnd or go0ge's oil, by any lest excep t il9 L Proper Jlrellarll tlnn or_I he rl~h l will produ ce etlolt gh ~' oltltg worm. 1.0 "mell, II, I ~ ten red tbat. evidence " tifft, Idnll ·of soedhed Bnd careful ohser'1Ul(:e Sl rll' ni l the Il'nvc$ :'rorn " t ree ell.rly ~ ' (l ni. io co nvh:t. " ' 11\ be hard of dtrectiOll8 tor IIrst yenr treatme nt 111 !.he MnD1.lOer, al'curclln to secu re. g 1() . be F'a rlll - , 8I\e Dooessary to secure a long dCrle8 of 01'8' 1t~~'lew . Th e"!.' lVerO!" "eeO! 10 l "Hl'uitlg" the tl'Llt~ ~·h ll'.." o f. lIar{ blll 'h ~! Cnlendl lrs in BMsia. remuner ntLve crops. . be ' '' Ile dall~- rond or "ednr trees. The lI ew em III Ru ssia 11"111 lie a 0(1 1,,1\\' to CIl I·. ' I or WEST!!" CAMAIIA i< C. 'Before !lOwing be 8111''' that a ulll - and Al'e very lil,cly to h~ ol'erlool ,ed murl(~c\ by Il change fr<lm t be Julian lhe amount tli Nny I:! r m · t h.· tn . ),11'". \1'. ~~. l'.6ency() f plant (nod r.xlstllin tbesurfllce on Ihc ~c t nlPS until thoy become to Ihe Gregori an calendar . t'nl Du\'i:" of , ; I"Ut'. hl-"", rcaj{ze th ei r",JlI .... hrat Tho crop f lolll thi", I II~~::~:~: IOU to 'grow ,a good "rop {~O bushels 1.0 flO IIItruern u. aM to RertlJlI. ly lIa01886 J\(·",lpnt)· of Sciences bns alrend ,. sub. ....... "u..-" ... a~· "' : . . Ha.l"I, '1e • r _ - tile ....ra) or oats. . t h~ t Fecs. With .ite96 worms 1\ stitc b mi ttp. <i a pion to 3t.'h e !; Inn' \' tne !;O ] 'l.r; llll ' he lfl t o th e Ac r ~ shorten the R~IBB laD 1 . .Do not sow 011 )morly.l nllned Iau.d: i ll I illto ~a"p." ., liI he I 11 ·, A \' cr~ge Tbe (.'OI·oon. Fpllrouu·y. 1906. by 1:: <IaYI , and to lJe. .·,l lth.l "a ~' ~n V ~ tulJd . well..d,·a.lnetl s botlld mean <J.i'lIiJl(,d to:< Ilkl, "rJ from I he tt· p ~ Y ic-ltl or Wh.-a.t. s .bolllci Ile l.h,,,· gi n :Iolarrh 1 in the new style, :--;!)t.J Ip, f)J 'J izzi u ChS depth 6lt:&t IOUt ,two feet. <lug!1I,' i\r t""r ed . :11,,1 :,id. IH,:til'lu.cb es Ttl,. 1~n ~1 t h ~t 'lI i~ 1\':J III , "'\)wn Bnd Excuse :Better Tban Non~ . \\ tll'(I f l'PIJ IIl'nt.. Dill I ' lit!: (al"l1I~r .. ahi60 l ul c,' I" IlCY.hl nu. IHI CObl maay or ~ of Orap6v ines. wh ile lbuse .110 Blood MellI. t i lt' Itt 't iuu of the "'i~ h ed I v ill1rt I II the )011 AI ' I .. til Juol!!:e- Uere YOU bring me a mau l' r.o .. prnmf!tlt We a:rK~ Mr. :Soverhl ll bow l(1l1 g \\'. 11al'03 hp,Hrd a ::n" ,t IltallY pt·ala. l har!':ed with Intoxica • l.ithk\ '" \\ a,s iJ'I'e ~\1 " :~a~I~ ~:, .\.~n lJu)' l ~ n ~1 :a .ljO old l' ~ ,It frulD $b (I) , 10 tion, bu t J see )'011, .. papev1!1 lf! wout" grow uti lINt I bg 1:looel III 0 0 I a.~ a poul lry lin. Soon lifter 1 bt~~nl; roo~ ta ld ug Duuu's lOU, are nnde r t he Inlluenee of al<;ohol. frIllt. fJ.e !laM: '1' do . not )r.<>w. lout 'fhey HRY thnt IL I.. yory rlcll In nitn'- What b&"e you to say (0,· yourself ? K id.H'Y J'ills I pu..4 :-- t: d St'Yl' I'll I gl'n"t.' l C lhu tltr"plt' lHl hl , " dwo l CCJtnf'U I ~hl. tW l '''Y~' wbeD.:.l W8 11 ! l Ye&n1 old my brotber sen. and 11. doubtles a .l\lOllP, . 1 irot \\,(,11 luut 111f~ '~ I' () t1b hl hK ~ c1o~r III lultId.l n:Cc:l lu" . Is, bitt wo mUll Pntrlma n O'CradY·-Sure, yer honor, - - .. -~ ..!..~ - -bo~g}lt the RdJlo8011 farm . an<l l took agr<le with --~. - - - . \.. . ' . ,1 1those pollitry men that tb' dl\' l1 brnthed 1.0 mo face alltb' way Uut ' I. . )1.' HW~ i oS' S,,) od ,tl1~ - -LO f'ltl'on....g ·hl1l1cll - . . ._..aT up .. grapeVi lle thcl'fl ' and replante d Ray 'hat. tbelr fo wlR • ..... . . . ..&1'1'1 'ate ••• '511 ... . . . . . . .••••• ....... 'Iud mY;..'"I' I.11',· .. 1 h (-J.jl lli be ttf' l', 11'111 eat It only tb' stnHolt .---!'<. ~-_ Times. t;('u.l f~r p"~vbl~t · ' 3!th Celllur7 Cana d. " _ , . . ,~........ It. It Jillil bc8ll growinG' now, so far when compelle d o. . Suld In' :J 1I df'ul"I'!iO, fiO t· t ' tJt ~ u I)ll:\. IUld filII p..r tlcu\an; That waR Ihe rt'lanhnIC ratt, ett.~., lO f '" ._- - - - '- -'- -, ~. 811 I k~W', for 49 years. Dnrln/( 1111 writer's "xpp.rler Fw;)L(.r . ~iilbuJ·ll.l·u .. Jhl.n·ul u. ~. y , ice, and be wa ft neve, . ~~~~S!:.~;~o'~~~~O l~:W~ji'~~~:~~~lz~~·C~~~~i:~ " Shortee A . ~ , t\.- ~ tltJl tilD e !t hal! 00 n bCDrln~ .(t·nl t." able til gt!t his fow ls to · pal. en011gh '01 _ J>~ . h,II.Jl8. 118 hriert Sign. Co· ernwe nt Agent. : a.~ \lny sig n ID _ ____ _ _ n ••• ,...,.... _.u.. M. 'W n.Lf.U'". LEW Uul1 dln •• TolHo. It tr. do \'''r'' Illltelt f;1)e>d •• 1\ ' nrl, III on ~ llpon which apl) 8r~ • • .r'·~i.It.£11""'''''' "tIlUO" t 1Jl' p aptT I, In l'l ~ t rically II gb ted 'I1le "!lot .bow m,\1 h but ho\\' ,.ell· lettc"R 1.lul , . !:~':.:~.~!~~ ~- - -,:-::. . -~-:-: ---,._.. _ . ---: " . slngl i' wo.EW" 1.,.J,.k \lw _.lall4 ...,r,~ .. t .., ,.u _Nt I. -the bee', blllhleS i U wlta all7 , J{ ell .!III manur._ ~"Uhill o~l .... \ ";.&;11 I~ (liB Ra l. ' A}Jprl1llr ia tclr Un. !!~!t·"I::~ [)lar~il :::~~~~ . ,}":." o vel' .i i.r::;...~~{ qui,,!;: InllCb ,=::~~: ' ~! bUl • . : .c~P:lg , .• '-.! f., ................ .... ...,,, •• 1. h. tfl"lWl bnok~"!f':, 'pread. "'J ~".' .... re :a\lrllJit. Id . \t" ~1 ,,·h' rt'nl!t'c. . • Ol...t. •••• rJ.( u,' lWhJ U ''''' ~ . . , 1 ~'O .htreh, Iln"'" t'"1'1'WCR4 l1.. n ~ l,;(J•• y....' "', , W. 'll l n ': (( lh. II• •
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..: ,'"·. ~:~5~~:~f,:·:::,::~·::: $16.00·an Acre: I
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'. ,"any Friends waY. l1o.~ \· lIle,
.... ---
'.(1he till'l."Ito hils I'PC'oiov d nume r, OUS oOUIpli m .. u tu ry I 'tter ' I,h o IIl\st • ton UtlY ~, III flU Y fl'o m forlUll\' )'o i-' )( n '1 . I r J. HuuWN . Al"oSUl.' IA 'l' K ~1) ll\.fU dout,s '" r til 'ommullity 1'1':;urding in 1\l1\,:\l1t' ( ' ' • . UO a, y ear . our Sl) oln l HOII IO. I 'oUling 11111111)01', 'I' ·:r,:. "' L'ur If 11(l) .,.I ltl 111 u\.lran~... E:dr, LN~ 1'1'0111 II ro w o f t, h e~ !l ()FFICE IN JON F):; BUILDING . l ettor~ III'" 1'"1.h sh,).1 hC>I", \\,jt,h, liS we wa llt llll r !'I'IIII, 'r!; 10 shuro the pl ol1suru ,'f Iholll wilh 11 ~ , M . '1'. UIWWS - . t AUWL. \I Rll'f,i\l. M ' hA\' \
W,,: U:\£,\UA Y, :
~lll l uni nlHl ~Jan 3U:l'rtt
. IH":l 'r. ,\ IH t-;U . :.!j .
. l1l0 !,
' Ring out tilt:' 0111 . Hillg in tho new, Rin g out I,h tl flll~I'. rillg in t.iw t,rue , " .With uetl t wi s h o~ t or Il hUPllY Ilnd pros por uus New Y011 1'. Th e I'rDKrtJ~~ 1 \' f' llIell ILDd w om 011 at Ih e hm,,1 uf o\1r Fnrmor!< lntltl tUf.H llr(' 10 be <;oTllmended itl t,h eir det.OI rw illlltiuu to give WILynesvili o ~n I n ~tit ut o, e Vlln though wo CllD not rtll'ei vo the ILSllit:ltnno(' of the Stilt " Ag riculturul Bonru, The In · tltil utes h~ve pro ven ot prllctioal bon"U t in the past" anu wo will hllve 'bu of tlnother thll! year.
Some Practical New Year Resolutions.
'l'llis ill the 80nBon of the year wb n 1U0St. people make " Now Yell.r rt1t<ulut,iontl," when, Hgurlltively 1II.lI'IIktllg, a n ew lent is turn ell in !if ,,'~ ItJdger "tld we enll en vor to kl1UI> II olean pnKe with correct eutl'icd and an evon balan ce , LI't \19 then a·t this tI me, conlliuer IIOme JlI'll.otloal resolutions : Lot Ull resolve to try nil the year tbl'ough to be ploaslmt nll the time to overy body. at home, at business, evor y where , '1'hls IIppenrs like a amlLII thing, uut how l\Iany do it :Ll\ t U8 re801ve to be helpful, to beur our share in the burdens llnd responsibilities in the home, in the ohuroh, in 800iety and in the OOIJlmunity. Be II. factor, not a cipher, Let us resol va to speak II. good word for anI' home community on every po88ible OOOII.slon, If every man, wom~n anu ollild in the community will do this for one yea.r, the good that will result can hardly be estimated, Let us resolve eaoh Imd everyone to honestly strive for the uplifting IUld betterment of bumanit·y , and that eaoh of us In our little sphere will do our pIIrt in furthering the good C8\l116, and when a year hence the year 1906 Is pll88ing away, we can look bllOk over the days and weeks Rnd feel that thoul:b we have made mistakes (IlS all of WI will) ye' we have fought a good fight !Lnd are stronger a.nd better a.nd the world i8 better for our efforts.
Bank Election. The stock holders of the Citizens BlLnk, of ' Waynesville, Ohio, will meet ILt its Banking House on TUESDAY, JANUARY 2,1900, between the hours of 2 and .. o'clock p. m. , to elect directors for the en, sning year, J , N. LII:MMON, Cnshier.
'New Orleans
Cuba COmfortl' jn'
,Vie r
" lROUTE: . ti ' AND '
THREE TRAINS A DAY Qlcqo .. 'lodCa special
s.m... JUIW)' ..... UK, '
'lbrOUjlb Pullman owvioe tr_ ChiOAllO, Cleveland, Indian.poU ....d Columbua. via Bi. lo'our Route: De· troj\ and Tnlcdo via Poro Aln.tquetto and C H & DRy., nnd. Louilw iHe via Southern Railway i connect ina with
og: ~~i~~O:Oi~~~~~'~~eCi~idoS~ AuaurnFlorida Limltell
TbroU8b Pullm'D .ervf.. ftom Cbicaao 1l1l(1 luli in.napolia via Monoo a p d C H &: 0 Jly I conne<lin\f with solid train leBvinc CiDciuno.u
8:30 A. M. fur a""b/luviU. and SI. AuaU,line, alI!o lhroll/lbPulJmaD8er. victl LO New Orleans.
Q1iHD .. CreKe.t Special Solid train Cincinnati to New Or.. leana vi .. c.:hattbnooga and Dirm.iJl.. bAm, 6 ",0 tbrou~b PullmlUl ocrvfcO 10 JacUonville VIA AaheviIJe and
Savannah. WIDtu
To\&rw" rat.t.'l..
tlcll: eta now 00 I&le ., For lD!ortnaUOD appJy:_
W. W, Dl1l1UlIT, T. p, A., Warn., U. W'. ol. GAR.ETT, w. Co JU!lK.t.JliOL
-wr~N4Tro. ~~
Lett~rs r.·OI11 Publl" hed W,ekly.,
( ' ulurnhu~ , Mi':\sis .. ippi , EditOl's l1u w I.lo : I mU ; 1 \\Tit,O YU1I 11 few liuO>' of congratuilltio ll" nIJ1l1l 111 ' vorv c r o(1 itabl0 "H (HIIt, .COJn t ug Ill1fllb~ l' . It dO l!~ YU II III1LI Mr, Mc Kay proou, the t uwn o""llit, 111111 will be something t" Jlro~Il I' vO for th o yellr>! to come, How 1 LIill, IlUr! <10 enjllY it! Th ose c10ur fllC 09, how t.hey uronght 'home ' to me . Tillie hu ~ t,Ol1chOll you I.l il gontly . 'l'hut WII~ II goO(I pi etul'll " t' .1 0hn Cadwnlillder . And Will Alleu-why ho is Y"llth itself. But b o oug ht t.o be t·o go wllb thnt lo vely bome of hi!:!. I hope I mlly got to !:IOO YOIl 1\1\ face to fllce next August. Roso unu Ed wina j oin me in dOILr love t o you, lind nil arounll the honrthtltullo, Atfectionately, W. E. Dakin . ' I
DIl,yt on, Ilbl.,. Ed itor>! Gn~.e ttll : The I:!pociul rell(l with much joy. Yo u lire deserving of II grell t· ll elll of credi t for your precious tlllle, I1nd thought In getting up snob vnlullble history , 11.8 well as the bOIl·uty uf the book , I shl\1\ be very pronu to hellr It lulorn my home, Yours rospuctfnlly, MrA . H. S, MntthtlwlIJun .
bui ll /.: lJllt.- " UI .I't IJ r \Vtl~'nl'!l vnh I 1',\II11Il'i'ItTUN;-- ( 1110 KNI't<: U, (·(II,IlI!AO. Mel' Past SIxty In I lfl,I1W- r , wnntlo l'OI' 1.lC', \lIt\~ lUyslllf I~ur(', 1 ('1\11 I Il K.\11 I'~KI~: NI)>I: . ,. J) tI;Al\ ()A4~'I"I' I(: ' . M" l'fl 1," ;" , hil i!, , "j 1I IIIn " ltI,1 \\ \' I;r (10 liUl good . I ho\\'C'vn,. ·ill\; tctl l I onr EIol)l o.OOl ul ng Slil'll'hLl ' ' I'ho nom" ClIllIill j.( H:,li n ~Ix t " )'I'nrl\ nr II 'II ~lIlh 'I' I'I" ,UI 1,111. thi I III ( Wl.m huppon tl tu 11 Illy !ifOC VUI'Y grn(,lf.\· illg, s ho wl nl! IIrl.i ~ ti ' t'I\(,lli VNI 'lIJ\d I IIj l)~·o tl . ( :1'1\ 'nti 11 '" I'I'.V und l, ltid,.!,,1' d l~/l ldAI'~, 111'11 11 II,v .I I ~ . . . ' , ( 1 Id "I' ~I! Ull'Ilr. l. pt (:\ ~t , "\ ' g llllltl. 'I' hi" w if e ) W I 10 '\,1] Intt''' "OllHtlllt oll, R() U~ \",.1 11 Ik Hl e 'blllltcll i Rklll r tm- llLtiLlIlS Ill) n y01H' ;; 1j(~O(''''!; . It I.. It ,. 1 It'b II 1.' f I 1 I (I It n I rn Il ~ ,~ II 11" ... 'h ~. i ' . . ,. . ~ 1l fI 11 tI II' (I, no. ing PI' Htltln~, .1 1..". 'llllll'l 11 111i:'1II11 Ill eri I. worth' IIlllgll'MlIl IUJ(l wi 11 \\'111'111 Ft'l p~" 9 Kltl til ' .\' ' 1.1, tl ,li"ll ll1 11~ t lll,fln H. F, J\I I}~ II KII . 11111 h[lll ~t'" I f nil "rnl' .. w" y W"ynll.- lit, I hl1 f11'~t . i!! n pf dUI,I!!"" II" Ir. l'flr . will bo Oil h llnd, whil h , o f clll1r~" '1 reqUl r Illy pre~ lit· III <,u, ' I 1 ,. ) v illillllS" 11 1I1I IJI'iII f( flll'llI H \I ,' I ~~ I' d~ Iq'I'~ IIIt\nf ll'~ .,,1\1 IIII ~ '111'11(1 . 1L to ('tlllf(rntnliltc Y,I1I UP"" I ,f.); " , ( II Ill. 11i ""II~(1 MI' . 1 \I III ' l OllI''', , IlIlI nl' ' oill 11I(1Il 1, 1' (hl~ '' h :.\1 1 ~IlIK:-IIJ~ ; " , I ltllllmJY BIII'III'II, H,,{\I; PUl't , 1o " ~'():lrf\ pl!lllll itl ( :l!ili O ll n ftlll':-;I II 'I'.'il l, ?llaurth ulIl;sl\,1' tb o hi"t"I'.\' )I,IIO ,IN" C; .I li N101 , ••11. , \\, l ltl'~; "I •. lIil'I'nd · ·\I, t1J PIIIIII'l.:ld It IS wort bY I,1 th o hlglHl"(, PI'II I," ' o r \\'111'111):<\'111,'. !I. !;I'on t, IIl!lI l}' I pl'ostl'lllo ;.: llI nrl II tid ""In (y ("-OU\)IO \\' htl t I~ lliil'nl'l'II ()" III 1111..,\111' 1' 11 1111 1 ', . : 11 1."tl ~,,); , .r")/ . L' ,\I , I ~'(lH N I I I'llI' \'I' III'S nn il ,\fI.,,1' ' ultin" tW I' hilt . m eth ud uf ~,ri lJ'tl1l;': '" wh ll ll I 11 "1'11 1I111111'~ lin' 1,IUIIIIIl .(', h ilt IlI\I~' 1lIII ' [1/-; .. lIt F H II·.~ll.,; I,I('~ ' "f 1,'ul(, I" " Ktt'l;t1~' CIlI'l1 I fee l \ 'Ith b llt, II lo\\' ufllwlIl, 'j 'l. t;'; I [I \J Ill \! ( "1I 1Il1 1l l,;.1 101'111'1' t lt "n Iln"' I' Inr Iwe nt y ,vI' ur , to 11111 .\' t,lll 1")1· t ,'f 1h,' ",iI'yil " 01\ .. I,. l1Iu \"II' u ll 'l'll~' I" 1\;\ '1'1£ F 'll' l.l NIW illtlllluf(h 1 11 111 IInw III \,0111''' , .hl Fl.mrth ·llllyaft.(JI'I.I L1' lII. , pnYllbul' \1' 11 $ ,, 1' .\ 1" " . I nUl 1'(,;l1IiI [,' '. t:\oh warl,z . ' \V i~ hin g ! hI) II l)llIl" ( '"min ;.: II I uf it., tllHl P!'01ll11hllt ~ I\CO(JSH " lllI nh l l _ _ _ _~~!!"!!~!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!'! /) AY 'I'11N.1)1I1 0 . 1('011\1' I" tlll)SL' II'h""1 l .' S(·l·"m Hll ' -------- - -g ruu l..l Snf' ef'~:-:. 'Y on l'!" t1·1l1 ~·. t.:J I' ( ' , nK ,\Idj A~ ~:'I'n; ; , I hi,·hl . y . Plt!IISlIllC'l·L' II.t HI , " l'O Hg mLMcCASSY, U, LJ .\ lnn- '. ." ' I ·U .... I.1. I 0 nI .t , • I \\" hll\' o j us t iillisholl I'tJll(lill l! nl .. t lllll ,.. Y"lI l'lri on<1 , I:W W e~t ~'iftll Sireot, IYO\ll: i:lpecilll HUlllP·('orning od il ioll . ' A Ll a :1I (~ AII I' . , , U~;\) l lI:E :-;" 1/1"" ,. I'KSS : ILllll I WUllt, I., toll y,) U h ,) \\' lII11eh W LI DII) tllll , (lil lo •. My DKA II Flllt;I'P ; n il onj oy('d ir. I' H I':"~ ('1.1' 11 'W CIII ,'" ,," , I'h"III~ .: Mllin If,O =!, HOlllo :I:,O'!, Th o "Spcuin i ~11 111 11l1l' '' is "'h ou' 1 lil'HI '''III\' it 1 t h llll~ht il.l lh :.I I' f.'11 "': ~[)" : I I' I' N '1' . , I I . . ' \ ' IC. I... . \l l . ()~II: ., N I' IIltll A'!' tino. '"111 \\'0 lira sU !')l n ~ l'd Ill, t ltl' WII" Il L'lllil'" Il olll ll .l oll l'lllll. ,,['sol ne l llllll' H1'I!('w l ISH UO WIIH tho . 'k I 1' 11 ' 1 ' II I ' . t " 1' SIO( 'I 'tlll'Ir' H lll tl'tlllt l'UIIHll llllhl fl l' l'iel''' ' 'VOl S l' U lI1\' (~ n e r o l n p 1~ Il" In pi O. ~ u <.' h uUq.J HZ I ll O. It ln nst. }"1\'0 I' ll. JO~ t I)Vl' t SIlW g ot 0 1\ lI th ') n . purin g 111111 pn bli"h ill;': it. And tho ' Irr ir l'(l fl f! 1· II Hllltl nt, (If \l'Ill' k .11 111: I·Ollllt,!,.I' IIn1'OI'. Il oo l' Pll at. it ho th i "-"-"'--"-"'-"'-""'-:::-~---""-"""--"""'=-'-"" .~ "Hllll~(I.COlI\ illr~~ " \\,h llt I~ ~ra l "l l l'x ]JO Il S(I, ~I't tlll g 1111' l'u t" untl ~ 'I' , frl)m thl ~ tlll\llpoillt; ~'~ II ('riticHI I tUIH' It, 11'111 I.u! lWllllt, ]' l'tIllldlll t.ill /.: l.h" t,.I'IIO . . 1 10 W ~ ]llljl e rllla ll Urltll1lrJ()llI l If t ho l 11ll(1 t h o (11l111-<1I101';; to h' of t he 1111111 . /' [oxpecI, you 111'(1 mig h ty :.:1.1111 til : to\l' I1, ~II nil (hings , it, "hO:\'l'll III' i ue r \l' ho Mco k tho h OI1l f' ne" l, lIt t hu t be t.llrongh wit,h it.. 1111(1 YIlll un' I well. \ 011 Ile~ u rI' tl erodlt t or t·he I FUNERAL DIRECTOR I tim", il nd 1 will IIlllk" " !-: I'LULt. o tl' lIrt lco rt.uinly t o h(' cOll gl'lltnlnt.Ad 011 it.,. Istl'oko of ont.0t']II·i80 !lull fo r th o \ Telephone Day or Night. to thnt OIltt ~iucl' roly . ~l1CCO~H . I t iR sOlll ot.hill<> I,hllt Ilny . \ v~ry llllmlsolllll w ily ill \l'hioh yon I EI, IZ AIi~:T/I (1 AlJS ~: l'''l'KKII, 0110 ~" o uhl wllnt t,1) koep, lIull I h I pl'ul:!en tc~l Yll ur [untter. An y now"-I local No. 7 long Distance No. 69 ·3r It, will hll\,o 11 hll'g e ei r c uillti nll . . puper otTl ce woulll feo l proud uf th o l\lOCN'!' H OLLY , NEW JE118I':Y . I (i. (i.IIL. Ml IU'/lV , l ouit iou . 1 wnnt. to Ihllnk YOI1 WAYNESVilLE. OHIO D);;AI! (i "Z K'''J'I': : :<Olllllly for giving us ,,0 nrti .. li u 1\11(1 Branch Office. Harveysburg, 0, . ,. lIullt Uc, r VKAI! FHI~: Nf)~ ; XRNIA. OHIO . I vull\"u \)10 II Sa uvoUlr . nUn! t'or, Your Hom o,( ,0111111" i~ "grellt," I t wil1I1 u ub tlo,,~ ClIll~U Y'ol', r H omo, Coming nUUluur : COI'(lillll~' . C , M. CARTWl1lOflT nllln ,\' of us, 119 90011 II~ tho CIll'i:<ti" 1'01 1111 rlolbl y fin o i ll e \' ol'Y "'" .\' , IIlIIS IIlld )l Oll' 'IIollr 'H hi ll" n rC' lmill, 1111(1 WII wi"h t o ('s tplld tu y,.tl ""r ' ~-~~-~---~~~----"" \ ' t-:'I' I~ I ' I :>IA RY !-i1 ) IUH~() ~. tosllve npfnrtlH10(,CII!;illll . 13~' thll lI' l tl O W O I'( I n I' " " l1 l.: r lltnILioll It . \ ' 1'11 R . . . 1 • . ATIIA\\'A \ T ~ 111,hIlHlln. Ohio . WilY · tlit! yon ~fl(' whllt IL tilll C> Hur, 81111nll1 fool \· (. r y ),ro 1111 " fi t . , CUll 1111 Clll ll'clll llY honl', (In.v Il l' risbnrg 111111 111\ si milllr lin es ? YO lll' ~ Yl\ l' y Sill OOl' Iy, \\'uynllsl'i ll e 's I~cul1ill g Dellti~ t. lIi g ht. 13 th 8 ,, 11 1111Cl V,dl u.\' ("I.\S . EWAN i\1 b:I!I! IT'I'. ( 'LA RK l\kKA Yo t lnlc '" 111 I, ,'S !!! " Hu lld t Tl~ .• . M aIn S t ree t Ph O Il O~ , Vn Iloy Ph on n Nil. 2:11"; .
I l' I I
I I J, H,
Dr. H.. ,J, Michener,
D iI E fl
R. D. No. 1\, Ri chmollll. IntI . Editors Gazotte ; Dear Friends: -, My renson for Illy reply to your invitlLtioll to contribute something for the Special Number IS that I had nothing to MY about myself tbat could possibly interest your readers , I can now say that we are very greatly ploosoo with the entire con · tents of the Hpeolal Number, and value it instead of passing it on for a friend to reau ILS we usultlly do with the regular number George R . Tborpe. Winchester. Ind . Editors Gazette ; Ple~se nllow me to thank you for tL copy of the Home,Coming Speolal It nffords me much pleasure to pre serve its oolumns for it brings to my reoolleotion8 memories 'of the pa8t It was in the winter of eighteen fif, ty.eight and nine that I attended school hOll8e that stood whero the present house now:stands. Oeorge B, Bro",n WII.8 my teacheithe other, teaoher" of the faoulty were Coates Kinney and MiSij Brown. The fami'ly names of somo of the students were as follows; Wright, Evans, Andorsons, Rogers, Henley!!, HILwks Roberts, Haines, MoKlly, Baduen. Meritt and others that the forty,six years sinoe then has partially obtained from my mind. I was born near W~ynesvi11e , moved with my father's family to Indiana in forty, two have lived bere almost cantin, uUy sinoe, with the exception of my enlistmtlnt in the nrD?Y , But I will not attempt to write Ii history of '\ my life. WiJI Rays there hilS been Illore sun shine than shadows , It is IL plel\8l1re to me to rund the s in the Speei!ll of distunt nCCjullint, ances, ospeciltlly of J , W. 81ltterth. wllit of Uta h IInu Anuol'Hon of J n· dillnn , Then there is Ihe comely picture of my IIged Aunt with wholll I have lived fit difIerent timos. I 'shall surely tlle the Special with the archi ves of tho past to r eo fer to in tbe days to come. In this busy busling rusling world of ours, I've not had plellsure of attending any of tho rounion!'! of tbe past . But Ifu proventing providonce. I ~m expecting to be 'pre~ent In August of 190{l, Sincerely yoors, Robert Engle.
'i::iI'RIN(JFIt<:LIJ, ILI.INIlIS.. Dt<:AU FRI.RNIl8 : AM is lllwnys the onso. a nI' nlll frienll, tho ("azetto, arrived on t illl O, IJI1t hlld on II now dress. I harl noted in provious issues of a " spec, illl" to be editod Roon, wns expect. inj.( additiollal I'llges, bad 11 0 idon uf reoei ving the IUllldllOIllO hook, It is Ilot nocc!lsary to SILY how much I enjoy it. I have not Raid nnything COllcern , ing the Home,Coming, but ha ve thought of it, Il grent (leal. Thore
Court 'Proceedlngs. "
N!<:)V 1'101'1'';. "Phil 1"l"Uu klill BOllnl 111111 'Pllper COIllPlloIIY v ~ b'ord Mllllul.u ciuring Utl!llluIoIlY . h'or 1II01I0Y lIue for chll.t· tel prupe rty .. old "lid delive red by plllllltift' til dU!'f'udullt . Amount cl"iulIYll *104. p , H . KIlO iii utl,or, •HlY t'nT p l"I"I,il1 .
, OOU It'f
FrI,IIlI' p , For~y vs Frunk Gillin- · her ot II I .J urlgemoll t of the Coin.
IlIUIl 1'1o'uH Court. re vor!< ~ll , Allell IillilltlM VI< .l,mo i:lcott, tribnt.iull Or(lllreli. Rose Honny vs (;hurl es Rouch , Denlllrrur .. u~t~lin ell , 1'110U.\'I'1C UOU II·I·. of P"tor N. Hull, d eoellHOO, Proof of puull('~'tloll of notlee of "ppolntUient of tllhllinistrlitor HIed . E~tate of John U. Bennett, minor . First nnll fln'll IIOCollllt for ,l I6ttle lIIent tlIed. Estate of 8amh J . EDlley. deoeas· ed. First and Hun I uoooun t for I!O ttlmne n to fII eli. Estate of Samuel W.· Gustin. de. ceaaed. First and final aooount for setSlemeni filed , In re ostn.te of .1e88e Gl\unt, de· ceaHOO . Order for distribution Is. Bued. In re estate of Jesso Gaunt, de, cessed, report of 1IIl1e of promi88ory uotes, E~tl\'teof PI)inell8 Bradley, deooas· In ventory and allprlllRement ed. tilllel , In the mlltter of the e8tate of W . E, l:ltocktou,IlBslguur. Prlvllooosale ol'proved, E~tn.te of WlllhUl,1 .Tockson, dooeaseu , DOllie Juokl:!on appointed IIod · lJIlni.. t,ratrlx with bond of "6000. J,lhu Hludley. Chllorley Woolley Ilnd 1'l!lloc\ore 6rallam, npprllisertl. F",lnte ot Herbert S. Wa.rwlok, mioor. lo'lrHt IIccount for settleuum t filet!, Robert Kim I nl! IIodluluil:!trll.tor of Wl\li tHn Kind, deceased, VB Belle Kind et "I. Answer and oross peti. tion of Albert AnllersOD filed, EMtnte uf Silas P. Hawke, deoeas. ed. Fln.t !Lnd IInnl nooount for set· Illment llIed. ' ~;stuI,e
E:lt.,ttl or Mabel YOUDg et ai, min. orll. First ~ccount for sottlemont fllOO. Estate of David Blow. deoelLsed . Eighth aoooullt for settlement flIod . MARRIAOI!i LIOKNSEII, Rilymond Whl[ak,e r 1Io1ll1 Ulemma O ~ bo rn, bo t h · o f Morrow. Re v, l""ne, uf Morr9w. ErnLltlt W. Daker and Florence Lewis, both of Frll.nklin, Uhllrles A. l:itayton n'n d Shirley N WI b h Ilf Morrow. \ . Lltllore, ot Rev. Swlggert. Oharlee H. Vorwln II.nd Stella Rena Iter, both of Lebanon. Rev. nEG d ' u . . OW y . Charlee Wilford Laycock, Middle. town. II.nd RI88ia Barkalow, Car. 1\ale, Rev. Baar. WllllaDl BherDllln Morgan and Nann\1i 8us~n St. Johp, both of Waynesville. ' Rev. Phtllp Trout. of Waynesville. Joseph L. Heston of Springboro, anti tla.rll.h ClI.tharlne Underwone), of. Waynesville. Rev. Sargont,. of lJarveYllburg .
You~ Uoo~, Leland lIud !:itella ' es on Montgomery pike from Uop. nrfllCA, of Leh'ln on, Rev. Cooper klnsvllle to Donelly's and Or08!! road IJf LAbnnon. ' from 80o'th Leblluon to Maineville William M . Elli of Kingman, and pike and Ditmars and Mounts pike Dort1 DetJ;i'ck. of HarveY8burg. aDd when directed in Hamilton Rev. Cooper. of Lebanon. township. Eugeno Dunl!u,m Coudon, of Leb· Contrllct wus entered into with S. anon, lind Ln Verne Lewis. of Lebn. ' K. Stephimsoll for reptliring lJridgo~ 11011 . Rev ~ OoolJer, of Leul\,n on . on Ft , Auoient pike nnd where dl . ItIIlAL ICB'I'A ·l'til1'lUNBII'I!iIlH. reoted in Turtleoreok township; IIlso Willillm und Lydill Coleman to to furnish lumber, Mury and MIl,r ga ret Clements ; 10 Cont,raot \VIIS e ntOl'od into with acres in Wnyne township; 1650. Philip Niokel to r opuir the suspen · Maggie Hogen! to Wurren W. slon bridge at Frunklin, Uuntract WIlS made with .Tohn Rogers; q~it olainl to 1U7, III aores Bur~ ett to repair bridges ou Maine· In CIllllrcreek township; $l. WilHam H . Juckson 'lnd Wife to ville ano Fosters , M uineville Imd Dollie M , and Elizabet,h Alioe Jack Rossburg, Mainoville IInll Murdook son; qUIt cla,iw to 123 ucres in Har. pikes and where dirocted in Hilmi!· ton townShip . Illn township; $ 500. ' noltlslau!! 8hl\belsky et 0.1 to Geo. Kttufnlfi.n; two lots In Frn-nklin ; ~a , Howard W . Ivins to ' Dr A . W. M~rdI8; lot in Lebanon; $1. Mury Ann Beach to J ohn W. Beaeh . G5.40 !Lcres In Massie town. ship; $ 2000. SUtian M , Bllru.lmrt to William Webster I::!heets ; lut in Springboro; $MUO. Melsena W, Ross to Sallie B , Put· terson. 2 lots In- Mason; $1 iv. Luoy E . Marks and husband to &ltlmore Ilnd Ohio South· western Rullrolld Com puny ; 2,91 IU)ros in Hamilton township ; '400. WlllllWe L. Baxter and wife to the Baltimore a.nd Ohio South· western Railroad Vompany; 43 flores In IIton township; $20U, William E . Doyle and wife t o Bill. tlmore and Ohio Southwes tern Rail· r Olid Comptmy; 96 nores In Hilmi! . ton: $29. Ann Doyle. widow of Mattllew Doylo. decensed, to the Baltimore and Ohio !:louth.wostern R.Lilrood Company; 96 nores in Humilton township; *211. Maggie Kelley and husbund to ,the Baltlillore Itnd Ohio Sooth.well,t. ern Railroad Compnny; 90 1I0ros In Hamilton township; $29. Mary F, Crow et III to the Bnltf. more and Ohio Sonthwestern Rail. road Company; ,90 acro In HamH. ton township; 158. • Elizabeth Parker, gUll.rllian pf Minnie PU:rkor. a miDor, to Baltimore and Ohio Sout,hwest.el'll RIlI\ . d Co 9(1 ' I H II roo mpnny; . IIllros D am· town township; '~9, MILrgaret Mnrphy. Jl:ulLrdllm of Mllorgaret aDd Mtitthew Mllrphy. . minors. to B~ltlmore nOll Ohio 89uthwel!tern Ral1rolld Comp/Lny; .. ,96 aore in Hllmilton townsh Ip; ..2\1 . Emmll MIlY and .10hn C. Rhoden. btmgh to Mary Nettle Wrieden 3 1I0res In Clearoreek township; 'lU, ' Almlna R. Griffith to L . C. Mil . btlI'D'. 34 , GO " aores In Wfl8hlngton
_ _ ----...,_-_ _
~/ '
Baily's Meat Market. l' have OI/l,Dd Hillmau amI W.IlI . Bergan as isting me In my whole· sn.le I\Jld reta i I meat mo,r k et, I am now ,rllllldy to butcher both h ogs [lDd cattlo fo r farm ors. Will pay highest In,\rket prico for h Ol-:s. On.IV05 ILDd cnt.tle . Fresh lind 81\ 1 ted meo.ts sol d by pound round or quurter , E . S. BAILV.
J..)ealneBB Cll.nnot be Cured by looul upp!i.cutlO1l8, 118 thoy cunnot relloh tbE! disoased porl,ion of ear. There is only one wny to ouro deafness, li n d th at is by constltu · tiona l r Cllllelli(ls. DIli~fn ess is ca used by an in filll11ed eOnliitio u of tho IU U· cous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube is infillmed you have a rumbling sound or imperfeot b ea r· 00 ing. a ncl when it I.s entirely olosed deafness it the r esult, nnd uuless the Infiammatlon cun be takeD out UUlI this tube restorod to itK normnl :If. I cou dition. hearing will be dest,r C?yed forever; nine cnse~ out of ten ure 00 causcli by cntorrh. which Is n othing ' I bllt 'lU inHumed condition of the l' I' lUuooussurfaces. \Vewillglve$lOO for any oll~e of deafness (cnussrl by GO I cnta rrh ) that cunnot be cured by I Hull '!! Uutllrrh Cure , Send for clr , cu lars, fren, F. J . Cho ney .'it. Co,,~Tol e do, 0 , ·15 Sold by DruggistR, 7Dc, 'l'flke Hnll's Family Pills f or co nst.ipation .
, A~
Crushed Coro. . W-e are grinding orl1s hed c:orn overy day . We keep ground foo.l to exohange if you h r. ve not tum. L.. wai~ : Onr fueti tl.\:ll hllOiu III J 1111 " II a, toll or ollllh blttli!!. If you have not- triorl nur"II corn oull Ilull see it n,nd ,VIIIl will . " I' that it is' the fin est feed YOIl ,·I·.'r snw . Wnynesvillo MtlJ,~
'l'olopIl OIlE! in bi s hous,. wbe ro h e New Train Schedule cll n be cll llell /l,t n il h\lOrH. dny or night. Under a new 80hed u Ie ill ,efi'art, Coaoh !'~ IlIld o lmir ~ ~ lll']l\l od . Nov. :.!1l.190r., P,ulsenger truioR lellve HIII'O r econtly III II "0,1 to rooru WfLynesville 3tlltion 1\8 followR : It' or th e West: II :02 ,~, In , dILlly n ex t to Cross Bros. For the We~t : G :,1(1 p, 01 •• dliily 4 :55 1\. Ill , . Sonduy MAIN STnKKT. Wt\YNh:S\, II.. LIC . O. For t.l1O W est: ou ly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the East: \J :54 " m ., dailY ~----- Fur the Elt et : ,I :11 p Ill ., dally WINTEI( 'l'OURIS'I ' TICKE.TS. For the East: 10 :24 pm ., SundllY only H. E, Booth, Agt. L() Ul~V lLLE & NASH \'11.1 .1';
W, H . Antraw. P.M. , stamps ii for Auditor ......... ......... W . H . S nnd Co . • m er· chandlse and blunks fo r Auditor, ..... , ..... ,..... .. , .. . :! lJ 1( /\11.1( 01\\1 Western Stn-r. GO blank 001" HT()('K '; 1l"W ~;X"l ; H"I()NS TO "' HI CAC/O :! tilicatet! of election ... ". \'1,\ 1'~:ro:N "V I. V ,I~IA 1.1 Ntell . to o E:<rll r:d u n t k l(f ' l ~ tn ChkalCo will btl MOld .fohn LiLidll. haUling , .. , .. , ... , ~ FLORIDA. v ic 11~ ' nn Fl,\"J\' all l a Lin es n ee . IU, Ii. 1M LIonel W. H . Antram ,P . M.,stamp , 1 1\1, a t on~' II n.l·l '! a.!ls o n e · wu.\" fare . Illus ,I I tor r Olln.1 t r ip. al'C (ll1nl JuternatJon"l Live 'enveloJlfls for TrellBUrel' 1(I GULF C() A~'l' RF,~()R·I'S. HlUC k 1·;:(I )Q~ll lotl · t" or full I nforma ..ton con" Kathllrlne Nunlist, wII8hing Hul t local l lc k t' l l ~~cnl of pe nn H~' l va nla LineN CUBA, towels from .Juno to De AT \ ' EHY Lo\\r ItA1'I':S II OLIIJ AV IC XUU lISIONS VIA PIlINNSYL · cember ...... ..... ... ' .. .. ,. ... . S VANIA LINICS. Trustees of Publio An'lIirH, F o r nneR, {.IIO [' Llt hluii ol' beautlfu ll y lllu sIJI'ccm l,cr, :!:hl. :N Lh, :!,i Ul . :lOtb, jUst an,' light in jlli!. ... , .. . , ,. " ,. ". lr ;&~~l b{lO klt' t ~ o n Florhln , Lh e Gulr Coast. January l ~ l arc the dl\tt!H OD whlob excurHtUIl t10kettl mil}' be obr.aln( t o any atation Trustees o( Publio A Il',lirll. For Uo lds lIse .. Rod Spruce u nLi Now O rl ca n ~ or Cli ha. a l ll1r(! ~ R Jlcare!'!\. rep- on t he J'cllnsyl \' nnla I. .. lnes for CbrtnmaR lill:ht at oourt h o u ~e ... " , and New Yca r h o lhlav tr l)l~, Ltoke tslood ii ~~ Uhorry Expecto rnnt,." sold lJ.Y J E. rfJ t urnlnlS un ti l Jl1nuo.ry :lit, lnoluKlve, For rCtlcntat.lve . Trusteos of Publi c A jfili r~. Jann ey. (ull 5mr t tu ul ars e;.t ll 011 local HeKeL alent· of I '~ , D IJU~III. J) P A . c.:lnoi n Datl P CIl I'II; Y)":lIl I :\ LinCH, w .. ter." ...... . " ... ... .... , .. ,. 'i'2 1 ~~~~~ Valley 1'elephon e Uo ,. renl,s J I·: 0"\'£1'1 ,) 1('1'. I) P A St Lou is LOW 1"A IIIC'['O CALIII'OUNIA. OOLORADO, ond tolls .... . " .... .. " .". " .. ·hle.go MI£XIOO. ANU 1'0lNTS SOUTH, WIC8T L!j 20 1 H e IlAIU-; \' , N \\' PA S. E. Ureely. lumuOl' ." ..... , .. vta Pcnnsylvan(u LtneH Qulok LraiD aervLoub.vUlu You bave J II MU.I.I":N. 0 I' A WillillDl EVllns, lumber .... ... . 100 t ukoH IHuiMcllgCfIt; (rom oold to wa.rm uHroMoA In n few hourtl Fcrtber lntonn,,·, more or leu C. L, H1'ONE . Gen' I Pass. A ~: ent. S. D. Henkle. Deputy Sur. Ltml co nllally r urnl Bb cd upon request ad· trouble witb veyor, platting. record· Loui~vill e, Ky. dr 'sHed too th e n ca rcttt Penn syh'antll LloCit your stomtftokc t n~o nt ('21 ach. your ing Ilnd indeXing juurnal 1:3 00 bowels and S. D. Henkle . plutrin g uncI WINTEII l'OURIST TIOKETS T600LORA. rooording bridge plllll!L 16 !~~~~~~~t; IJO, CA LII'OltNIA. MEXlOO, FLORIDA doea. And ' Bert R ced. contruct No, H<O Ifi nud Ilol nL'i wes t anft 80uth now 80ld Rpednt when these RlllGKnLLIC, OIliO low tl~re/ot \'In P ennsylvania Linea Informa· Bert Reed. bridge r (lJlllir~ delicate and tlon I\OOllt ro ut.t!k, SLOp-overs and travel 000 · oaslly-dis. SPIWI Al.TlES: IJISEABEII 011' WOMIilN [u \"ont e nc.'c8 (reely given upon request addre!t Deerfield townShip ., .. " .. ~od~o ncu re Mt PcnnRylvanla Llnoa ilgent 2. ordered or- ANO CI1Il.IJIIEN. John Burnett, oontrllc t No, ians do get 166 ....... .. ........ ..... .. . , . . . 1:.1 2r. out"r,order. --:..~- they are the John Burnett. contra ct No . worst things SEE AND 17!) ... . .... . , .. ......... ....... .. 17 00 In the world to you. If you took the right kind of caT" of them. you wouldn't •Tobn Burnett, bridge repai rs luffer. but you dl)Q·t. When Wanting Hamilton township .. ... . 1:1 R~ The only way you can correct the trou· bill you do have and prevent these part. E, E , Sheetll, hrldge r e)luirH from getting out of order Is to use Vloarcreek township ..... . 10 IlG D. V. 8tucey, bridge re)l,lirs 0' FraDkliD tOwDship .. ..... . ·1 7[, (L .. ""u,u.) C. C. Cleaver, bridge repairs \J \)0 Massie township ........ , .. . (Jorne r strillS for tobuooo boxes for sale. Elmer Howell. bridge repairs 01 eu,rcree k t owns1lIIJ . .. ", lti ~c. E b d k th t PEPSIN' d I.' very 0 y nows a Isgoo Amos. !Jook damagos for for thestoll1ach. but In combination with ht f 10 00 certain plant drugs by DR , CAL.D· rIg 0 way .... . . .... . ,... .. WELL'S formuhl. its natural value ls highly Increased . .---DR.CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN CounterfeitIng the (ienuJne. II the best thing in tbe world for corWith something Bubst.nntlttl to begin thedlLY on. aults every member Foley & Co., Vhioagn. originated recting and curing all forma ofstomach of the household theso oo ld mornings. trouble- you 'lI "By so when you try it. Honey and Tar !lS, 1I. thron t "nd lung DR. CALDWELUS SYRUP PEPSIN Most people drink coffee Ilt brea.kfftRt, fLnd we oon Hult the lover remedy. and on aocount of th f) great can be obtained 1111 both dollar and balt. of cofi'ee We hlLve lIB good a line of COFFEES UR you oan find In town merit rmd popuillrity nf Foley'S dollar sizes at all druggists. and your Whut botter than batter cllkes with PURE SYRUP. 6et Panoako Honey and Tar mnny imit,nt.ionR nre money will be r~[unded If it fallg to town8hlp ; '1500. offered for the genuine. Ask for benefit you. FLOUR 1LD!1 SYRUP here, Tb,)mas R . Hall et al to ThomtLs Foley's Honey and TlLr and refulle Your poo'.1 CArd reque. t .. 111 brlDllb, r,tII~ We OOIl furnish the lUakeup of all ruel1lt! ; breakfa8t, dinner II.nd snp , fi' d mall our De" booklel. "OR, CALDWELL'S R . L. Hall; quit olaim to 43 flores any substitute 0 ere fL!! no other BOOK OF WONOKRS" and free .ample I. IU Deerfield township', '200. I,repn,r a,tion will give the siune snt- I Iho.ed who have Dever Irled .hl. woadlrfl&l per, with all seusonllble goods. Isfaotlon, It is mildly laxfLti ve. It Ire.... y. Ma,l )'our pOSl.lloday. You nre invitec1 to oall . •• con.tainE< no opiates and it! sufest for PEPSIN SYRUP CO. THE CORNER GROCERY. Commissioners' chi ldren and delioate perRon a F. .0Iltloo'1l0,lIlInolo Proceedings. c, SchWartz For SlIle by .J. E . In-nney.
~~ ~~
SPENCER MONROE Oregonla,,:Ohio.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
Portland Cement, Lumber, ShinBles,and all kinds of ale DEALEBS in Flour, Peed anel Valley Phone.
C. M. BR.OWN, Proprietor
~~~~~~~~~!!!!!'~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!'~~~~~~~!~~~~~~ _~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~
' Contraot was entered Into with ChaR. Bartmn-n for repfLlrlng st-one sewer near rel!ideuoe of timit,h Hlltfield In Turtleoreek town~hlp ~t estImate of $500. Contraot was entered Into with Henry Chrl8~lan for repairin g bridl::-
Q PE(J1AL hol rdl\y redllotionR nil I1Ollrl.v l~fi MUit!'. hrok An linos from our own stock and good8 0wo I\lLVO cll)~oll from the mn-k llr" late in the ~OIL""Il , \Ve olTor tlteso 8ui~H iu alisiwR, regnllirll 1111(1 ~tnlll ... hllndsollloly Il1lHJe ; p erfec tl.Y IilloUILll<l trilllOll, II.Hl ul'.to,ililto iu style nnll su,brlo. No Ht,ore in Hroon County e llli dnplicntolhotln s llil... lit thn pricJO. VlIlullfl t.hat worD *I~ 1\1:10. I\I~ U und '~!l. in Hilitl. 1'01" choioo, ... . , .. " ".. ..
$ 9.75
Dressing Sacques
Overcoat Special
Mon 's line ovorcollt's-about IIfty of the~e coast, lIIany tailorell by t.he fuultle!l~ E . M. System bluok, Oxfort hrown ami ulive. regular undlextra HOllie " stou ts ," If you are open for an o vercont und ClIll Ilnd you sllve 11Ig money , C hoioe of
Co l or~
DRESS GOODS. Rain Cloths Voiles
~I:I~:~ Ctoo~~"o~r~~~i~~I.~l.~~ .t:~u~~..~~r.~. ~~.~: ~2~:. *~~ .~~.(~. ,~!l~ .. ~~~..~~.~
Henreettas "-
15. 00
CARPETS , Llnolt'um CarJlfltt\
Rhades Quilts ' mllnklltl! Fine8t l:itook 7 ctA Shown
HutcbisQn 6t liibn~y, X~nia Obio.
R. s. Kingsbury, East Main · St.,
Xenia, Chio.
The 'Miami
BROWN ' k Mc J(.~\" Publlabera, \,lLl~,
WAY:-: E
Pl'O sp~rity IUld Posterity. b lcaS'o'~ slI perl n e ndem or ('duca-
lio n lersely f, lI m ~ liP th e el' lI ~o '1 IlI ijitlla U"ns of tIltlt a lld 01 her la rge " IU es In the ph ruse. 'Too mlldl pro,~rlty f(1r th" rich and (){l mnrh pos· ( Prity for lb c [loo r." lie is, pc rhaps. rorr~Cl as woll I\S elel'c r- un lInu s II~1 ro mbln allon - Il lougb It ma y I'Nlu lre IOOme Ihougb t t.o u nravel I he e xact mean ing or hi . ~pi gra l1 t. W ltb the bu rde n \I ( Ihc. ri ch . r~murlt s t be S I. LoUis G1nh ~- n.' mOtrlll . wr han! no oo nc~ l- o - t h cy will d ot1utl~ss bo ubl e Lo bear It wl lh rorli t u<ir'- bllt lb., poor mus t be ",Istal n ed nn,\ ll()l1Jfo rl~ tl IlDd a d vls . I\ In t h e ll' at.llh' llon. Th o wholO troubl willi the LIOor ~ecm" to be thut othollr ~u p e mbuut!il n ::l' II r pos l er lty Is too immediate. For this illnte of af rairs \,ho poo r are the msell'cs lU blame. Tiley ara palll'ers In Jud g ment U B . ell as In ma terlul wea ltb . n ld Ih ey mun age Foster ll)' rightly . It wuuhl bB .. bless ing rath pr than Ihe r el'prse, As the PGe t say ., "SweN a rc I h ~ lI SC~ ot poster:ly "-or It 110 ,! III not, he should lIav e, fo r It Is R true t hlllg. Pusl e rll ), ean bo made un R-~aet ral hpr I han a l iability. lIr r ' I'crail:g tb e ordinary modes of pt'Or~d u rp Il ig h· minded men ~nd wo m c n of I en 'pe nd lbelr lives and pcrs uael c 0: " cr~ 10 jolll t hem in "worki ll g for po ~ te rlty." Thl8 Is n ot &8 It s boul d boo Posteril Y sllould -work "->r us. An d the poor, bei ng a majority In socIe ty. co nld ro mpel poeterlly to do lbl s. Tb oy coultl In itiate and carry out program s fo r (ree things - fr ee homes, (ree Lh eal ors. tree food - an:1 llisue bonds to pay for t h e m; IJonds whl eh would tie s o.dd led upon J)Oste rity. It Is one of Ihe ..:Iorlou8 blessings or civlllzaLlon thaL it can run j ls descendants in debL WI' sho uld l ake advautage or tb e privilege. Tben we c.ould alrord muell immedlale 1108Ic rity, and insure so mu cb of It. when tbe bonds hccame duo thal th e " per "aplta" would be Qnlte slDall. i t Is a ~ca utiful 8ystem . aod we are surprised tbat DO great econ(1mlst- or o t her j;reat economist, we may in modesty lIay- has n eve r tbought ot it before. Naturally. It seems to be taking some IIndue Illle rllcs wIth poste rIty. but In t he language or an eminent s tates man. " What has Poste rity ever doll,8 for us!" And let post erity r end or wbat verdl ~ t of us it cbooses, Life 's stat ute ot limitations will ba,'e released us from jeopardy_
Hd Itru k
pa oml the balik, ..ud the cat spit at p., ,.& fe,l1 oyer amoq tlIe _ed cattle and rolled undt>r 'a CO'lt' &iid &'Ol oD h1a lmeM, 'VJbeu tlIe anImal. all begau tD roar, and pa crawled behInd a bal. ,~t hay, and a zebra ttapped on pa' lI face, and pa yelled "Hoy, Rube," wbleb Is a Il:raDd hailing sIgn of dlst.rel!8 when circus m ell 'Want to flgbt. IUld about a bundred of the canvasmen camt! rUllJlln g wIth t s nl s takes to hI t poople wllh , By BON. GEORGE W. PECI Pa craw led out from the bale of bay . A"lhor o( " Peck', aid 1107 Ab .... d ... Etc. whlcb he had pulled over h im, an d th e hay s tu ok to tlI41 fty papor on 11a, Ilod a camel begs n to eat th e hay, aud he cb ewed \la's s hirt un til t he halllis pulled pa nil's), . The Blld 1I0y Puts Ply-Pllper in the T he bob cat, e scnped luto t he main Bob CRt's Oa ge - The Bob Cn t te nt. jus t as the JallRnese jugg lers OauRes a Panic in the 1IIRIu T eu t we r c juggli ng ItI No. I ring. and tbe The Midget Quarrel6 with lh e tll opbants wero standing on the Ir h~ll s GIRnt- P a I s AlmoBt Arrested for In No. 2 rIng. and lhe fiylng trap e,~ Kidnnplng snd lhe Ostl'ich Swel- arlls ls w e re jumplug rrom n ne trape ze 10 anoth er, and th e h ob cat rus hed low s Hi s Di Rmond Stud. I ttrough th e Jnl>a.nese. a nd I\mon gst May H .- ·Thl s h a s been a week t ha t clc pblln ts. with t he lIy pap er 0.11 over would kill anybody , an d lIa aad I talk him nnd tb e audience fairly ye lled, of res igning. tbough Jla fee ls U8 though 'rau~e tl lOY thought It WIlS a clown b e dld n ' t waot to break "11 th e show tlressed up to do !lOme stunt. but the b)" going awsy right In tb e m id dle o r .Japall ese I~fl t he r Ing In Il panI c, while the harv esting of s bek ely from the Ihe elophants g Ol tlo wn oft their b emls eountry Ole n. and [ don ' t k now wbo t And stootl on lh clr hind feeL anu cr ied ""oulel happe n It pa and I s hould bol h llIee chllure n. be taken s ick at tbe same time. I Th e audi e nce s aw th at ~om c t hln): The bos s of the m e nagerie got a new had bappened Ihat Was sel'lou s and animal by expres. from Colorado whe o t he y all ro se to their feet tIJld were Men, "Where 18 the typIcal Am e r ican mall fouud ? , cries an A Io.ioa mn lady, "east, north. wes t or south?" Wh ere. Indeed' Th ere Is no tY lllcal American minI, Ther e i s lhe AmerI can WOIll8J1, nnd tbo man is ber masculine Bccom11&n .!Dent. but not equlvale n l. sa ys Co lli e r 's W eek ly, The America n man fiRS certain ~hara ct er i stlcs, nO doubt, thaL nro 81leclally hi R. and th e type ot btm is s 'IPpose d to Inhab it- mos t rrt>ClU PIJUy tbo middl e wcst, al t hou gh no olhe t' region Ivollltl adcno,\,lpc\ ge titl e, " s pecl"lIy New England and WUI h, t>inr'e tbe United StR Les h"c um ~ cos· mopolltan in Ingredi ents I h o r ~ has ucvcr bee n an agreem en t on wnat !!tyle uf mal e formed th e Iype. but noh. ;u y hos ever doubl pd Ihe Am erl r an wo ma n 's dl s lln r t l"pn es" o r prcp m lI t c nr ~. S h e has rubbed o l·r "o rllers I! i n'~e Dais), ~llIJ e r di ed In HVUl e, hut Kh l' 1.0 " uoL changp.d anythin g "SS P II ' t11l1. It r<B " en be [Irals ed ror I ha t. 'We O"ln lons Itav e ullTI' r ences enough, vary on Ibe lal'il[, thl' proper <llet ror nub les. Imperialism . railway mt e ~ , .. ou 1Itera lt; r e; about our wOlllen 110 y awni n g tOIl"1II of Olli nion could 1J<.ss lbly exi " t . And a~ to t ho wh ereaboll ts and Tnll l; "IIP her ave r:\ge e OllSO!L. wba t do ," ; t mall ct' where or whal b e is 'l
The Bob Oat Struck Pa
the .aollL
'It'. lI'ere leaving AkroD, 0 ., aJld we going off Into a JPanlc when pa and n got it In one end of a c",e' occllpled few brave men came' and drol'e file by A happ;v ·famlly of rabbits, coons. a bob cat up a centllrpole, &way up above • potted leopartl and a hound dog and tho torch es. and :m ade speeches 10 the a house cat.. The new animal was a audien ce. and Quieted them down. and bob cat. 8uc b as R008e"elt shoots when the performance went on. But pa was U.. mall has. tbe camera r eady to catch & sight, and the bead circus man told blm In tbe act. Say. but that bob C&t plio he ",'ould have to dress better, or Is a lerror. aud crosser tlIan lUIy ani· forever ' after hold his peace, tuld pa mal we go t , e;or cept the h)'enas, Tile 8ald If aoy man could be more patient bob cat just walked around and s narled than he Willi, wi th a bob cat on his an4 spit at the happy family througb ne 'k, & s acred cow walking on him, the bars , Bnd 1' (Jp t t hem o.walte ali i and a camel trying to eat his whiskers night on t he road . and lhe Ilappy fam-I and shIrt. Ihey beLter hire that man, Ily held a BOrt of convention and I Bu t It was all 6xed up and e verybody oould see by th e way they all looked apologized to eve rybody , and lh e bob at me th at tbey were pas~l ng r esolu· cat wen t on up the 'cen ter pole and 011 1. lIoo s InvlLln g me to break up th e bob on top of tho (!an,·as. and escaperl cat business. The manager of t he into Ohio, where it will probably be menageri e told pa he wished the con- holdIng omce before next fall. founded IJoh ca t wOllld elcape. 'cause Gee, but the gIant Is a cowaru . he was a blooming nuisance. so I When the bob cat began to rup ,up th e t hough t I wOllld hel p get rId of th e gioIlt'8 leg, and then liP bis back, and beast, · and sa\'e Ihe show from dte-. then jumped froto hi s s h oulder onlo gra ce . So wheo' \\'e gol to Oberllu I the tat lad)', t be gi an t turned pale and
" Obvious" Wben Done. Th 1! I'r.dpra i
bav e Sl:, \'pl'al I iDles
gdison's p ate n t~ 011 the !;rottn,1 I h al t he Improve me nl , lIIade by hi s M I'i , ' ~s w~rc "01l1'Ious" ool mlons or tbe lII ~c ha lli<'"l probl e ms and (h prefore lIOI P >l\l' lIl ubl~ . A s In mallY proble ms ,ha! r"qui re h lil'd , t udy. I he H olulion ~ tlid ~epu, nill·llllI. ~ lIvugh afle rwan\. Not ItJll g nbCt :\\1' , Ed iso D wa ~ II'yl n &; \0 work
I n \' ali~atcd
n p w vl e c f~
~ef'Ull' d
it wben
r oethu oism .
~ :&l pl c CIJO ll gl l pf u\} lt' 1I'I
h P. ""gan it. but il "I~ \'cd to 1J6l'Xlrt'me-
di m ·,, 11 After scveral Lin ~'" exaspenllingl y rUl il p work bi e atlorll~ Y hap-
pe nfld 10 a :-; ll h. i m how It ,\' H~ I;o ming " N v goud yot : ' r pp1i f!l d '\-lr. Ed\H un. ·· ~IJ I. o ( j'U Un;fl . Ihe Thillg iri lJer·
~ l lJo b'
I,·r t Iy
ubvi"tt ~ .
I wi"h yo u'u bring a
t,< ,nIl1I it l(' ~ uf I h() ~ f ' t' f' d cnd j I1l 1~('~ du.·o
hf>rc that ar p alwa .\b Hu yi ug tha' , Hl b i s Utlll j:; is ti O a Imtgb l y olJ\' l o ns, r'H' I'Ua p8 l. b fl) ,"' an 1,,11 IU P b ow, In OIaJi e. iI ."
Down on I.<,n" , . Iand i' i" " . id 'he .dep.r 'ire
:iearC8 Tha t Ih c l'P an abflu t 4
.a d 01.p n hll nl.c l'~ 10 " ,'nl'), u u" (I I : h " .Mohnals Ib a l , ·;t lt be ~~" rr-,J "l' ill t he lIuntlnl> SC>a-; tlll . JJ.IJI. u\'P1' iu I 'olt uec ti "ut some o f· , be -farmers are t'omiJI"i n, l og Iba.I, owing 10 til(' flrot.<11'>11 atlorded by Ih e J;a lllf lan's . <Icpr 11" "11 Ileconle s o n lJ mpl'OUS aud '0 hOl d I ha t tbey . :01Jll! iOlo the tlehlh ,'nrl cal I be crops Ilnd dl'll'e Ille OWnl'rH oawa)'. An Jlgriru ltllrisl wbo .. o ~ eb a ·er). IV his lIome Uy olle uf rJ e\'P t il ln"s the illJle bll~ ,c;O!llf 10 ft.! Q :;1111. .... I
Tackled Po..
eDoUJ;b l)Jld strong eMu}) t o. tip tmtl a box ca r , load ed with Illg 11'00, but It his hean is on n of th oso littl e ones Intend ed' for Il IIllser , wit h no PPJlJI I sauce r unning 'f rom lhe Il eal't . te Ihe arteries and thin!.'1I, Ilnd II live r t hai Is lI' hlto. anu n ec,)Tes tbat al'e t rem bly. and Do gall to SPtltU.: Of. why a hlg mall 18 lillbl e to be wal ked all ol'er by a nervy little lIIun who III ·SI>UII".I'. a ut.! gell! matl alH} fl'oth8 at th e lIloU Lb, I Ual' o \leoo havIllg g l'ent tlme~ wll b tbe monkeys, an d 1 gu ess lh e lIlann ge r will mak e me superlnten dont ot 1Il0n· keYR, "'I1" 8e lhoy all HUO Ill 10 he ~t.uck 0.0 Ul O. unu wll! do anything I t ~ 11 l hem to. Pa says th ey tb lnk I am t;mnc lI ew ((inti oC a monkoy. and th ey look "I' to me, 1 lead out the bIg monkeys that rl~ ~ e go ata nnd dOg>!, and bave a horllo in Ul e rlug, a nd rll8lon Ul em on th ... HlI o unlmal H. all~ when tbey ride arouII" th t' rill': o n I hc ,101:"1 nntl gonts anrl potdos, t.hey k<'lll' lonk· In!; Il t lIIe n~ Iho ugh toey w on (',1 1111 approv ul.
INDIANS BAln TO BE EATING THEMBELVlI:S TO DEATH, rh& Once G"eat Tribe Reduce. to "
Remnant and Very Largely Through Iuordinl>tt Appetite. . It 'fbom ws A, Jtdi"on refel'r eu to lbe AlIl erif'Nu IlId lll." " wh ell he ~ald that l'fl"uJ)J o w ~ re CD.l !ug , thl'm,.;eJ \"c s to (IPII , b, h o collitl IInti "Ie nly ur cor. roborallou uf hi :! th l'Ory 011 th t·e.orI'lIllolIS. O"el' 'atin!: 'is uul ug otor e to lll' llI g abo ut the eXLlll t' l lUll of I he Sio ux IUl d YUll ktoll Iu tllan e th ull '1':\ e s uI. cl de, Ore Wil le,' alld all tlle ,lIseu"es whl~'l lutlln t Ilio "' I;; w:lro o f Ibo l'Iid mUll .
There III on li ttl e mUll I,.,y I hil l s lee ps n eal'ly a ll· the tI we. aud 1 played II. Lrlck on Ila with It til t 11 1;6 to got me arre~ lcd and IiClled by a lUnn who was mad. A m a n anti woma n with a baby In a Illtl e wa go n w;'ro goIng through tbe m enage rie, aud It ... as crOWded. aod Ul ey loft tbe lJa by aMi wsgon In pa's charge, Ileal' the llIonl,ey cage, while they wenl to se ~ t h e hlp· 11OputaIIlus . PI\ Is t he mo.t IICCOIIJ' D10da tl ng lUun nhou t hol dI n g bahl 08 Iha t e yer was. Tbe bnbl' wns nsl cop wh eu Its folks loH It In the wagou wIth pa, ' but It woke UII while thllY we re gone , and pa took It Ollt of t be Imhy wllll:0n and carrIed It around 'URI as he wou ld at hom e , and s bowed It lhe allimal s, and held It up 011 bls shoul· der, aud ] tool. th e little mOllkey and put it In the baby wah'Ol1, nnd it wont to s lee p, and I put a \'ell over It. IUId was s tanding lIy the wagoll talklnll wIth a peanut butclier, when Ih e PBJ'ents of lhe baby enme bacll. and Ihe " 'oman rai s ed np lhe veil to see it tho cbllrl was tll!leep. when the monkey woke up and put it s balry haud ~ up 10 rub Ita eyes. The monk eys looked up at th e woman wltb beau y e yes Ilnd began to c haLLer, and s h e yeile<1 and bllr husband took a look at the monl(, and he was mad , They coulll bolh sce It was a monkey instcad of a ba by, and lhey asked where lhe old m n n wltb the chin whl8kers WR8 tho t they le ft the baby wllh, and tho peanut butcbe r said: "Wbat, that old g uy willt I.he cbeckered vest? Why, he has gOlle witb lhe baby over to th e Ilon cage, where they are fe eding the llons, Don·t you 8e~ him holdIng lb e bab)' upon hIs shoulder?" B y ging er, I ne\'er saw t wo pcople sprint the ....·ay they d.ld • 'canse I guess tbey thousht pa w. . s ure crazy, and would give the baby to the lions. But I told tbem the old man was all right, and " 'ould bring lhe baby back, and Ir he dldn' t they could have the monkey, 'cause 1 didn ' t want them to thlnlc they were golns to be losers while 'allending our s how. Tben I chucked Ule monkey under the chIn and said: "Maybe thIs Is your baby, ' a use they change wonue r(ully when they get Into a s how, " Well. I jllBt had t im e to put the monkey hack In tb e cage when I s aw that couple s urround pa. and the \Vomm grabbed the baby out of bls ru-ms, and the man tacilled pa around th e legs below lhe knee. and thre w pn down under lhe ostrich cage, and saId : " You kIdnaper! I am a good mind to choke the life out of you," and he squeezed pa's windpipe lin UI pa's tonglle I' UO ont, whe n a caovas lIJau eam e along and hit I.he man in the ea r. and he laId down near a ze bra. ' and the xe bl'a kic ked at th e man and hit pa. "allse a zebra IR c1'Oss-e)'od and kiclls Illw a wom an t.hrows a stone. an rl no man IIDOWS whore it IIsteth . Pa got up to murder lhe man that choked him, when lhe os trich r ea ch ed ils bead out between the bars of the cage and picked pa's big diamond stud olr biB s llirt. big as a piece of I,(lck CAndy, and 'swallowed It, and pa : ald that's the limit, amI he called the manager and asl.ed him how he W/Llt going to get his diamond HLud out of the ostrich. The manager lold PS to go to the dress ing room and n sk the woman who has charge of tho wardrobe for Lhe ostrich stomach pump. , and whon he gol the ~tomach p1lmp tI1e man~ger said the os tricb would cough up the dlllmond stu d . P a wen t 0 rr Ihe to the dress ing 1'0001 to get " 5tri cl, Htomach Ilump. and I liDew t he r e wu s goIn g 10 ,.ue t rou be.l ' calis e I, .1 thou:;111 the mullttgc r was JU . ~ t ti I r Ing' I
tho ught tbat. W8 ' a p ioua eommtJnlt, rl'led , and the IlI id··,,1. "ai t! 10 h im: l In gWepall,. h e wen t tip to' lhe woman III n tbat could stand & wild bob cat, . , I "0, you big stiff, why didn ·t YP. II ha,'~ tho clI'CoHIIl P; room . ancl sDIt! h o came Illl t ~el' c rnl sllP"l!; or '1 Id, y tans lefoot ! ~and enough to hold l he kitty till th e 1If1 ~ 1' Iwl' Htomach pump . ostr lc b " i,e, fly paper in the h,)', cat·_ · cDge and I l<ee per came? I've a good mind t.o ge l and you 'J it diet) to He ll the ru cLlon, uppn.,d tho door nf I h~ ,·age . a(ter th e I nn a s tepladder and Irick YOII." anJ Th e wo man luolwd al iJo. a s Lhough h e ''I'VW~ had go nc In l'.> t he main ten t to I tbe rowardly giant cI'lcd again , and haLl e~tnlletl It'OUl a. sanitarIum, and th e IIlg s how. ao d I.h g me nagerie tent , aaid if lh e midget cve r strll ck him h e th ' lI ~ IVl se.' m ed to Ihinl< h e was try· was e mpt y e~cept tb~ keepers. Tbey would report him 10 Ule management. Ing to JJ1ak o game of her , and s he said : w~r e all a s lee p IJnd ~r Ih e wagon~ , and . Just tben pa r..aine 'along and Rslied " You old ~katc, do you know who you the allimals had all (' ul' leel down for a ' what tbe row waR about , and wh on Ptl ha,'e tb ~ hOllol' of Ilddressing? I am nail , and Ihe fr rak s ", r ro o n thplr pia l· (ound that lhe midget was trying to [he queen of Ihls realm, and the}" all form loll ing anlllll, t. waiti ng tor th e I pi ck a Quarrel with Ihe gIant, h e took Iww - ww 10 m,,; now you co me and main show 10 be 1" ' 0 Ih'JY (:oulu do I the midget IlCroSS his knee ond gav c lal, o yeoul' llJedl ciue." and lIefor e 1111 Ih ~ lr sltlltl " nvr. r uJ.(ai lt . ; him a few s punlls . nnd told him to quit r'ould ~ay boo s be had pull ed a hlg Tb e boh ('at bot .. II hi" "j'our feet in ~ullylng tho frcal'~. Tile mlrl get got "Io the" ba~ (. I·cr his head and ti ed It th e lall glrroot 11.1' l' . Ihen he up on a harr el and ,:>!Iled hIs son. who around h l8 feel., and said : " ('.ome or: ~rab b"tI " Hhr- "t III h is mOll lh and Is bigger Iv.nn Jla. when I BlepPPcI In g Irls. we are goiDg to hal'c roas ted ro II ("I m 'e l' in 3 [ (· w more sheets, and bel.wp.en th e m ana told lhe m ltlge l:~ miss ionAry ," "ntl thoy were IIl:bting' II wh e n he Wa " entirely barmless and SOD ir be ~tnl<: l; lilY fath er I woulol ;;a soltJlc torr h to roast pa, when the VOll oouldn't. te ll what be W&>l, I opnned hllV O hi" heart.·s blclOd , lind be Qllall ed . own er or Llle show came aloll l': aud 0, 0 door or tb e c!. ;;o and h e went out IIDd Ibcn I hulli ed Ille giaut, wbo is a IIRI;!'t) whal wa. Ujl. When Ih A wIiTlI' !l.P a red,el, a od rolled o\'er a few (:owar·1. and ~ow tlley are all afrnld of robc woman I.old him pa had In su ll.ed limes III t he sawtl \I. I.. 1I1Iri then jllmper! me. hPr, th o o wnel' ga " c hp.l· $) 0 ';0 bu)' on t h e pln.<.form Wilh the freak s , rlln I .Iv n·( ,e' how r~ big fe llo",' lll,e a .'hampn g nc for th e p~rrormors. and over tbe fat WI\ lJla~ . who WM layIn g g innl ':UIt UP afruid! ot thin gs s m!tll er ~htl l·el.Mlscd pa. alld be went. bae 'li to bs cl III" Mo!'ri '( l'lrah'. 81lU Icrt on e I . . d I b "bok e his dIamo nd out oC t h e ostrich, ~ : lli ll n e IS, an S lY I\' An a dog bark s. ~ I of t h e sb ~el 8 or 11 ,1" pape r on her low Rnd be afraid ~ome onll i8 golng'D Pa sal' S Ihis life I" Dlore eX Citing, i I nock , ~ IJ( i It "ttl',,,I I'" I.~ a ;)urou,; pasitIlJOSI, blm III tII e jllW, but pa Bays the IInyLblng Ihnn day Ing a t h ome, all rI II ter . ::i ll e yelletl Ul a i she hnd beea Jl ze of a mnn rloa't make any dIller- will e lth,,1' 1. 111 him or Cllre him 11[ . it.bbed. " nd p:!. .' ~"'~ . along .Iust 1l;J eDce, 'cnuse It ~ . ~he heart that doe. deHlre til be a Burot'lll 111 ab ti L ~ t8 e •.b~_..:: b ~ t Jl'.!!!l' ': ~rt_ _ t b e~ J tw.JI hi_I .II/Oil tb morc,. ...."ra. Lh • .~\IV.I DU" ~.... rqll M ......
Oue t)lQ'lll&nd rour hun.l .. ri and ",'onty·6,'. chnrnrW I'ij :11'0 d bcrl l)o j , Jl. tbe 2( booKs W ,'lIt~ ll hy '11 'Ie ,'If' DI 'k n s, 'r h o ru Ie follow ed br editors of Mtll Lh o Oxfurd ItOU t:i,mbl'ldge Ohl'Ollil:leBi n tU Q' unsltio n o'r t bo IcUer's A .·M , nutl ll:\. A .. ror l be title mus :er of B1'l . Is tha' ... Iw ro tbe context Is 10 Lalln tho foru18 A. ;II., a nd wh<' rc Ills I~Dall s h, M. 1\ . Tb e rea l name ur Gubrlclle d 'A ullu L, t lo. th Ilullun u" ve lls t. Is HallngnCl!It. Il ls fallie r-in- law was Due Do Ga ll es!!, ,, }en·n,· hman wh o r ecelv tl llorm lsH loll I" tllk e I hal lit IlI on lll ll rryl ng I h ", 1010" D! a for mer IIulre. Th e Jl lt thor Is 110 " t rying I obtul n n dil'oJ'{;o, UIICO U VCll t' ur 80 W lIlI:rw !)c ar. H o wells, '1 he d lSI II1b"\l Ihhe,1 Jlovell"t , orOI)S in lo the uflIc{) or Ih,' A.<btabn Ii ( 0 , ) Se n ti ne l. I' Ill s up hi "IU"lV I$ nllr: ti elS Iy pe rllr h llir nil lwur. ~lr llow ull~ lJ l' ~a n h i ~ ,'un.lo pr n 'l u. pI'1I1lt'r' ~ all IH'C!l t l,·!! In the Senllnpl o tJi,;~. wh lcb " at lt e·1t "w net l by hi " fU I b" r . H is IIno wl f' d~r \ of t y pt)setU u hus ber n of ImweD'$' , alit. ttl bl m In h lH li te rary '1\1·oel' . J o hn K ~ lItlrl Ii BRngs, Ill e tluthor. \I' ~t" for ~om ll )" ' :\1'" hn~ boen dlvltll ll !; 1, 1t ime Iw t wp e n Yunk c rs "IHI i'\(' W Yo rk. " soo n t o ll p COJn(' 1\ r'ountrYllIlIu AG ll l n, .! btll" ~ blu c ' [l ' lll' llc'd dly life," il l' sn i , r eceutly. " :1'1.1' 1'.1'1' Is Ull II fit I'm III No> ' 1': lIglalltl, wll< I'P I hU \I " I)('(o re IOllg to h" able 10 prol'lde li lt ullprcc:i!nlve pllb li., ..... Itb limited Pllil lo l1 Kof s quab·chl cken. 1I11'ge paper tu r ltOys olld <Ieclcl c-ed ge , ~ e g'gR. An d. " b e atltl ed . s lyly, " no Il.e lll III (' !thor CIl,"S '1'111 go oU l \lltbou! m)' ti~I; 8 ture." M Iss A lice "'I'onl'b cbogc her I)C Il lI "m ~ of O" lal'O Th unN In cur ious rn shhl u. Odal'c '';us Ihe name or onc of bpI' . choolmotcs ami lVas sO let:lcl! becau"o " &"'es 00 hlnl ns 10 wb lltb er Ibe Ilurdon 1I'ho bea rs It is u m[lll 01' a womu u. 'l'h RDot was a dopt"tl rrOl11 :l pas elng rai l· ro nd car thnt ~ll ss Frenc h r.hance,1 " , GP. an d Is ImHlOUtlCetl wltb thtl nc"o' m ou t ho secollrl .y ll " bl~ . Born Rnd e,lu(,til ed III N w gllg lan d. the .... rlter h ll.~ IIv od most of h er mal lire II r~ th e ,,'em o nd ' In th so u th. whl r. b hIlS mado h er 1a Oltllllr with whl ell' mry lng pb a, es n l Aml!rlcan clvl lt .. o.lIotl , lJ e r tlr L maga · ,,!lIP s tory " ' US '\'fl t Lon ann ,,"ceplert 1& 18~8. -
Tb,' g l' I' :t 1 lJ'lbe ot Sio ux I ndia ull I. dl.u l'l' ,/.rlJl £. Th e U1em berll, il 1M rle · dal'lld , lire Ii WI'(Jily ealin g- I holtJ llell'uR to ct." l. h 011 U\!(;otJo t "r tb e ple nly at.oo tJt tb m. Wit h Ihe Ii ew rallro atl lIelng lJllltL (h l'oll): h t he W hi te ri ve r vall"y Ihtl IlId lulI" will bo <'o alli ed La scc llre S liP,,11 ('$ with great er Rase, 'J'hp)- a re IIkel)' tu bccolnP great er C,,,,derll Ihan Ih ey aro no\\' , a nd tJ·.IIS to bU Ktc n I he tilD e (,r Ib elt· dl . uPI) enra nCC 1'1'0 111 Lhe rC~ C l'l'IItio nM lu Soulh Dakuta. Ir ('o rroborath'e .n-lIl ('n co was !lot ,'a~lI y obtain ed. It would ~ eal'ee ly be a" ceplp<l us true tha t in tho CO ll rSe or 1\ II lg h t. of fellst lng. danclll g dud s tory lelling Ule a\,~l'ugc ludlllll w ill co ns um e r!'Om 10 to 1~ polU lds or Illel!t. uud If ho bas an al ,ulld.ancc of food anLi ca n make h is Uw n se ler tl o n ot the J)aTlS to be eaten . b e will swa llo w w lth" ut Inconveni e nce nol. less t haD 20 pounn s of m oal III a eln g le night. Carloads of ~.a ltn ed m eutll aro conBumer) b)' I ho ove rted SIoux IndIana, a nd so me ('finned goods h ave become a lmos t a~ "a el'pd a dlNb wltb tlt e red men as the fa t dog s tew or old , ror whlcJl Iho Slollx LI'ibe Is ramolls , Among I he va l' loties o f cann ed goods eal en to pXI'eRs, t he urilte r bolds first place, A hung ry In d Ian will eat half ~ doze n cuns and drink the liquor, Bes Id es Ihe iJarm ,!one by eatlllg ex•TICKLE SOME TALES, cellS IVC amouuts of food. Ibe fact th at It Is not pl'ope l'ly l)re ma.k c9 It "Now. 110),8:' slIlrl a : unr\,tl' -scbor.I th o mo re Injlll'IUlIs , The r e II no va- I!'adwr . addr" ~"l u g thQ ju venile c1a~ -. rl eLy or sty le abou SIoux Indian ''<~ n e ll h " o r you tell Ol e "nyt lt ln\ COOkery, no Frea c h mel hods , 110 n e· ll i)O tl t Goou Friday ?" "Yes , ma'a m, , cesslty for Utllltltln l; appe tites already cun .' · l'epliNI tho boy at Lh foot r.: ol'er k een, lh e . 11\~9 ; "ho W[lS Ih fpllow th at A I'Ot full oC Ill ea Hnd \\'a t~ r is [lut dO li th e house worl, fo r I!obin >lO', on tbe fire hy t he sr,uaw and allowed l'ru~u" . " to heat, but t h c re Is no defiolt9 tilDe to t' tho meal to cook and no point iD .., "dtlc I' lates Ihat he WIlS on c~ t?e cool, lng PI'O 'css whe n It Is done, presen t In tbe I'Ott ag e at J" cclet 'ch a t.! 'I he dlDner Is l'cady whc ne ,'c r hel'lord 'where Carll' l IIrs t $ HW t he !lgh;, <''OIl1 ~S In anel g runts about being wh en a n ~n thu siastlc ' p ll~rlm tl81ee,. h uugry . III I\we-strllci, tunes: "And 18 t h i, If the IndIan is (B \le(~lally hun gry reaily the room In whi ch Carlyle WM h e may begIn on t ho l'Ontents o f the boru 1" and re ceiv ed from gild ,. kettle by Ihe tlmo Ih e m eat is fa irly 1I' lre t he an s wor : "Aye, a n ' oor Mat;J( ,. warm, Th ere Is n e l'cl'. any fault-6nd- ,",' li S born he re, too." IDg about th e ",ay in which the food Is pre pared, aDd whether It Is haltOIlb ~ rl . the Brltlall comi c Ollora mw or ,tl5!llll to r ags . no objection Is IIlJrelUs L, 1I'US luncbl ng at 'a ('(Iun lr)" made by th o, heud of the family, '11Ib \\,b'n be foltnd himse lf s llrrollll t~ · The [n d lana kJIOW the choicest rid - ell b)' s ix or ~even cltrgymlln who bs v bits of ever y aolmal, and how 10 be e u Oil a 1I10tor tour or the ·oun tJ. cook Ul em , The hunt a t. thIs ti mll of lh e l'eabouL~. Pl'e tLy soon tb an tho, the )I€al' gi ves tho Sioux (nd Ian the of t ho ".\111 ad,," " 'as dra,,' n Into ,·U(, · fullei t enjoyment of hIs appetite. and \' ersai loll .1 When hi! Identity IV:!.during the next lhrce monti,s th. known, one or t he' clergyml1J1 n~lcc ', average buck will d Cl'our enough mellt Mr, Gilllert bow b e rell "io s uch Gl'aV' to satls ty (our ordlnarr men. and r el'N'e nd company ," "Like a lt C' " Condimeots are in gr eat de m anll by 'In 3 rlt' ll o r Onn le ls:' was Ih r epl)' t he Intllans, and Ih e SIoux Indl do. probably consume more blacl, and Di Il IJ r wa ~ a 1I1t1n lute . ., I:ue : red 'CJlpel' per capit a lhan any otller ab l ; ~ t1 (be hu stp."s 10 pla y 8Om61h in e peOpl e ID t h e United St ates. TheIr Sea ti ng lIel'~e lr at th e plano s lle ,<In tonne r tavol'lte condlllle n t was the ~ltlCd a Chorln nocturne. Th ert' y~ . go.lI o f an elk, sill! an I11l cf\'al of wnillng to h. Th e Sioux IndlaM are re8POII..~lble b rl dge(!. in Ihe gi'a n s llenro ~O , for Ihn I'cvu lallo n whl<!h nea rly 0.11 IlIr ned to aD o ltl gentl eman (In b er trIbes have of ('otln g dog meat, but rlgll t anel said: "Would you Ilkp. " lilero are few other tribes whtch over s onata berol'e <lll1 l1 el' ?" H e gav .. .. ' . se rv')d dog meat, even at the rea s t slart of s l\rp rl s~ nJl () plNUl ure. "W ll~· . oC Important cer e monies . The e lley- y es, 1 hanks ! " he s ol,1. '" hM Il. {'oup:. e nneJ, Shos hones and Arapahoes n el' er Oil m y way h,·I'P. bU l I th llll, I. COlt I I lonch dog m eat. .Ia.nd another ."
t -.
. Black Hair 8h'ongest, . The king of Porl ugalls-ihe best royal Black hair Is stronger tbRn J;olden rille sho t In the world, He Is al80 QI1It tressJs. aUlI will Busl oln almost double a s good wit h a l'(II'olver a s 'with hI s r ift. , Ule ":eight, Recently u Oe rman scien list hns been, and bas A BRAIN WORKER. fount! that It Is p0S31ble to suspend a weight of four ounc es lJ}" a single hall', Mus t altve Ute Kind of Food Til. , provid ed Ih o hair be hlnelc, Blond NourIshes Bl'a.!n, haIr will give way at l'arylng weigbt8 depend ent. upon the exact lin t. A "I am a Iit e raJ'Y mllll whose Dono ". yellow hall' will sc:a r~c ly SUPllOrt two en<!rby is a grunt parr. of lIlY stol'l: in 01lnCCM, a brown will hold "P I hree !;'atle, and ordinlu'!ly 1 have 1I 1Llo (la · wltholl t hrcal,i11 .." , while a I'p.r'· , .lul'le lie uee whh hreukf!V3f. food s an() I b ~ hrown will Slistain gn audltlonsl ha.ft Cx ll'.1.' ·II;;,nnt <:ta lms ro ude of lIlem . Dll t ounce, Th e gr~lltPt · ,' Il a lily 01' the I ca ltnot wilhhold my Ilcknowl'e,I ;; · lJlack )rail' Is dedared 10 I). Ih "n reRson IlI (. U' of tho uobt tha t low e to Grnp,. ror thr 'n1'tl"'lUdrranco of blanc! lJnU II! l'\1I1M food . " ,n heads. and a ccording to I his expp.rl.. t rll sl'O,'c I'cd long ago that Ihe 1'0 1'," Dl P-nte r. 1\ p Ol'so n with jet blac k hair bulklncss I - ted of t Ihe I ordluary I dil!lhwas d nO. tl will 11.111 enjoy a full gro.,'lh . whL1e ea cUla 0 g ve one a c ear ea, I. t.he i:.iond will 'have he('n IIIIM f1,r Il0W. r or su~talncd, 8ccurate thlnl<i of SH,!D a nd a haIr yp.~rs . \ I Illwo)'8 fe lt h eal'y and sluggIsh il> ___ " __ . mi mI R~ well aa body afl(w ~alln b t. h, From Nebrask& Epicul'~, ol'l llnal'Y mea l, wblch dIverte d I h~ The lJol;um uf tho OIollor" dude. bloor! fl'<lm Lhe brain to th e dlges tlvo s l.ew cd down unlll Ih er e are no ju"'~s npIlal'nlu$.' "o lng to waste , 8 baited potato about " [ t l'ipr\ foods c nsy of dlgllslion. bll t Ihe Hlzr o[ a /l:008e Pgg, ' two 81ke R o f ro untt the m usually t!e6clen t In nlltri' .!lust ' lIl bmwn 1Jr<~a'd_ right Ullt o( the m en j·. 1 experhnented with man ., 'n ·P, Il. nud H,lI'rntt Wil!l bUlt er thot haM breakras t foods and they, too, pro ved nil ulhle ll c t·el'\ll a llun. II " [l oonl'" , or IlIlM~t.lsfncLory, t1!1 I rea cb ed Oral'~' I'UHP" CI' I'Y je lly , It ('tI)) uf \,l}lJn~ lI y- NtJI ~. .Joud tb en the problem WR. Hon, ot. mori ernl e s tl'p nSLl:., .. vle"e of sn ll'eu, IlIlIIll.kln pi e , malt's " IZe, and .1 '011 hn,'e "G rallp. -Nuts a gree ,! ,,'Ilh mo pe l'fw" a dl:1I1PJ' tha t ought to ltc(' p YOII In a I), frolll till; beglnnil:g, s ati sfying r" .• goo d bUUlO" uutll cur rew r inKe.- Ne. htJtJ ;;~ r ond 9u!lvlylng the nutr'm c:~ t bras lta State Journli i. Ihat so mnny o t ber lll'opared 100,.; _ _ _____ . __ la<:k, lItIOUDtaiua L'JVlet·ed. "r h od not been us lll;; It very 11):1)' All r.he mountain s lit S\\'II y.~r IHIIA hofo n, [ round that [ " 'US llll'Ulnr; ('lOll hlll'e Hltrhl enly boen t· dthlerl III h igh t an u nus ll a l quantlty anr! quality .. I lIy !Ii;o ll t ' en fe eL! III 18211 Ihe tip ,,-ork. Co ntI nued u ~o has demoll' ot a \'el'ln ln rock i ll (h e 1.111;" uf ~lra.i.Ild to my enUro sati sfnc~lon tha t OenP'\'1l WCjK t'akulalRrl 10 be :liC~'G -Grane.Nuts food contnlns 1\.11 the ell . m ~tera above o cean 'e l el. and on t his m enta n cetle,! by lhe brain ' nod n onhasls 1111 the ~ lImlll ll ~ In Ihe (;D uritry , OilS sYNLem of the bard wo r ldng 1l1lhl'( wel'lI Htlcpntly the .'OveryrliirlllHLed. \\'11 " mutle tltal a u PITo l' ,((I!. I d writ;!!'," NolDo glv ~. en by Postum r .(•., "eo II mu, ln 10 (lxltlg tb e bp i ' hl ( t ~l~t Bnt He Cr e l" 1\lI.I, .' . "<II_I. , anel Ilml It is .' . ~G UI:tal~?(' l~tr " ~bOl' 's ' a r ellson. Rp.a<'l lbe lIIt t, f./J;!,u jL wlls ulurl;ell. _ ~ ~. ._ _ bWk, "'1'h e R'lad ___ to WellITllIe,~ hI pll"~'
• /
'· 1<,llllll~. .. u· fit , bllCIi lbluklu '
HABVE8T 'SON·C). 10 t h south t1. e ~un DrooPii hl ~ r"Ulnrr b e8o~,
J" ~ I' lI , ~ r
'ow- t be '!ummer'8 cou"a6 ,. rUft An d he,' Ilrhle I. <lead: ' , o h 1.,Iong th o weeded ,·oad.
Goldenrod .t8ondo tllll.
, . nd the pur"lo thl.Up ml ~ 1 P lullles the' 8umlllor's pa ll.
!'\ow In drowny a Ulumn
~rt tLro .
Lock U I he ""'UBCIlPO 11 • • ,
W hllu " oha. t en ed glor y .Ir .. o,.
F"I'om tll o azuro II kl c~: I .Ut tho harmony of bl o om
011 rIpe rro ll, Ih . d ay's !l1ornln g-'!,J blus h and e venln ..·.. d" I" Blur in mi s t - blue ha ¥8. ne ~ p
th o me llow I n nguor ("II. , On the sil e nt noo n: N o hlra s" ve Iho bluo -)Il Y cnll •.
W ooda and m eo do\v1iI liWOOtl: li boBlUer thu n on lumm er n l-=lI l.
WInd ..
~o und
trom .. r",·.
\V c l.\ k th e a un paJ clJ 0.8 lIlO mo o n ,
01' the eve nIng
. Ull'.
So ·th o tlde or li t o e nl1 urfo l , " 'c.u: e s , Wlln es, unt1 t ai l s, ,V hll o en rth ' ~ m)'!l l a ry Immurr!t SOUl8 In mortrtl w u ll !1 ; ..;till to ) O}' m y h ca rl wIll e ll II!:. \Vhat thou g h wint er co m fl, t hn.\to h ~a nJ th e t hros ll e sl nll An a (h e brown b ccl:I hum ,
:-weet •• t seaM n or lh e 101M. Wh en th e summ er W U11f..' S, :-: k l e8 ot tend e1' nmutll ,n~ 1. oC gOld en IP'ul lls: Cl ay. or rlp elled jo)' , Will' th o hnl'ves t orOIVII "4"'I e ltl~
1< 1 ·.".d
;': llll rI Hh c l' or Natu r e's pai ns I\ n r o ll the 8CUa0 1l a rou n d , 'io':(.hvn rct O. Jack so n , In H OH l o n
. cr lpl.
- - - --
FAVORED BY M-ISFORTUNE By CUNTON DANCERFIELD I Copr rl,b' . '11"\. b, J o • • pb B. So"I ••. )
.J rry Brannon studied he r deilcale I,mllie eagerly, tbrough lbe madlum "r olle of tbe dingy, narro,"" mirror lIa ne Is 8e t i n l h 0 car. iillb or t 0 b e b a d ,tlways , cons lrlcred 'theBe panels as a weak t l' u£'ld ing to feminine vanity. Ite now p er ceived theIr Intrloslc value .\Iul blesBed tbe man who had coo,· ed Ib Idea, Il hurl him seriously to think tha.I hbe would pass out of bls lire wben Ibey reached Loul8vllle. He raged against tb e conventionalities wblch set . & barrIer helween hImself and tbe un I; DOWO, A gray-haired, stately old gentleman, whom be correclly suppose~1 IAl be her rather, sat beside her, and was just s trewing bel' lap wltb magruines bougb t !rom tbe train boy. "No earthly chance of an IDt rodllc. tlon." groaned Brannon to blmself. " Not a soul here who could possibly help me." His eyes InYoluntarlly turned Wilb ( flisgust on the otber occupanls of lb e . li ltle ca r. It was a. mixed train, runnlllg from far b~Y l» nd Anchora,e, and Il carried lJalf n dozen owners of smnll tobacco (IU'ms. on Ibe way 10 attend Ihe Louls"llIe auction , and some 'equally bucolic ' fe males, Beveral of ""born wero burdenerl with reslless, sticky cblldren. Tbe r,dr unknown shone tlle more hy contrast, Brannon Involuntarily· :'ompnred ber exquisite grooming with • be frowzy condition ot a Djlddle-aged a nd solitary female who sat lUlt across I be aisle from him. Tbere \Vas a huge basket on tbe leat , I,esld e her. 01'Or Its lOP w&s tied a wblte cloth, whlcb occasionally bulged '111 fiercely ID bumpy spolB, while .smothere\l 80undq of Inarticulate wratb j 'sued from wltbln, The owner of tbe basket doteeted Brannon's. llanee, To biB horror sho nodded, smiled, arose, and, coming across, dumped ber8elf down beside him, smoothIng back her thIn ball' wltb a cotu)n-glond band, " I seed you a-Iookln' my ""&1," sbe "ald, wIth great friendliness, "and I I Bowed .you WUI Jeat Ipllln' wllnd out wbat's In that ~here baaket." "Pardon me," Bald BrannoD, freez· dagly, "I bad not thought ot the bas. I,et, J ""ould not bave you . P\lt yourHelt to any trouble In explaining. I u ~ DOt the conductor, you lcuow." "Oood land!" Chuckled bls 8elf-found friend. "Did ye think I toolt ye for Ibe couductor! Why, bc's dressed a ~ ighl smarter than you. Brlgbt blue, a nd brass buttons on It. 'stld of gray. Not but wbat you look real nice;" sbo mC'ndcd, hastily. "Tbat tbere suit IIta yoU to a Ogger and sort ot agrees wltb YOllr slyle. 'dunno but mebba you look better in that lban YOU would In his blue and brass." "Tbank you." said Br8onnon, wlUl 110 irOIlY totally losl. J erry was no snob ; but tbe tamillar mauners of Ibe owner ot tbe basket made him rsge lest the unknown. sltoIng several BealB abead, should regard her as belongIng to blm, He assumed
;owerttll Ih'r~~, ' b:llit tbat Ice t il" !; lIack lil e re f r some time," J e rr)' returned to b l!. IUY CtstJgutlou ot the window. It tlto lloultry o wnt'r had ellpecled him 10 offe r to utlllg Jler lh e ' des i red wal I' ahe W'I8 dlaoP\lolnlctl. She a roae PRACTIOAL POINTS .I N M AKIN O THE beuvlly. MOS T OF ON E' S OI':POR T UNITIES ''I'll go glt so III" uow ," s he au· ooullced. ",(,his h ure tmlu clon 't go By ~DM\1NI) BVCKUtY, Ph, D, I!lSI Cllotl£h to uI S~ OnC6 1't " lI otl )' mue;h ." (Of lb. Unl •• ully 01 Dut liS sl,e IlUsse ci lh e has kel J e rl'Y 's caution rOlullled to ber w ind . lCoPTrl,.bt.. 1806" bJ J . n. BowIe. , ) Bite lurll od Imell "'HI se ized II" , han· di e ur I he I,as lw l. Unity of ColoI' Generally Disregal'ded "Long us )'OU doue wnru.,1 ru e allou I hy Women-DtSCOl'ds in Hats :lIl<l lenvln' '~ m alone." sbe s al4, al t haI Shl r~ • WaIsts Stunulng Colo.' chcerfui pltcb affected by thoso whl» Schemes In , Blacks, Whites aud ba"e ne" e r heartl of the "mOSl A)-,celGrays-Infinite Vari ety ef A rtlent thin g In woman," "I r ecko~ . I'll Scatterdolll III DreJ;B: ScaUerbl'llius jos t sel 'om by NU till I glt uacli _" Th e re wus n resoiute beav e. u s lug· In Person-Well DesIgned Clothes s c r , and Ibe baskel came dO\\,II phI 1111' May 1)a Worn Twice os Long a s on tll O rM velvet scat occ up ie d by H"phnzal'c! Combinations. Jerry. " Tuite good lieer of ·eiD." sliid tbe TiJ~ chi ef requ ire menL oC benll ly in clame, ullxlously. much as If s ho woro dress is IInlt y, wh ptber In colo I', lIue 01' going 011 a serious journey. and LlI~n tone; a rcqu irclO!' nt Ihat Iweds iu De ah wen t cautiou s ly toward tlt e talll" d\'llllt~ll Cd into 1111 ar~. \'arl ety Is al so J erry ClIst a wratbflll look HI the necdcli, lu ,Le s ure; bUI every o llO Ill. blls i,et, bllt worse was 10 come. rellily fr ed)' Ilracl lrcs Ulul rul e. Swuying and clutching. lI, n I'all· Ull ity of co lo r S L !t I IlI ~ easily fir~t III road '" llu cup In one baud. lit e utl - lJo inl of irnpOrl8'H'O, yet it. Is tbe IIrillY ventllrous ],loullry oW ll e r fou nd hcrself mos t freq" e ntly ",·o l,·en . Pru bnl,l y 110 U una bl e to tllrn th e water uu , Th e Ill- posbl blc "o luhlnu Uo lI a'llo'l g Ih.'~ ,,' I'()llg tl e Sll Igo t was ru slY an ,l would 110 t culors ha s fail ed 01 reuli 7.utl ol l b~' ioSb I move. . e OOitcd buck dcsllah'i ngiy Illlm~ ll\bl fJ drodser , . wh llp. Ihe 'Iulle at J er ry , Ilud scelng olll y II r c~o l l\(e C(,rICC l on CH a rc so rar"" f' "", (u s luI" .ie ba It an U a S l e rn Iy posc,I hoal! . s he i o n by lli ei l' s (range beulIly, A Id nIl fte d up ber \' olco, instln .t Icliins her d reu e r ro L' ia to mix blac k-Itu,j""h,'t, I iI LI,nt b e h_adid l a morc expol' e n 'C II" I I wllh co lol'. as III the very common s uch diffi culli cs (hun allY or th o rOlls h. cllse wll ere a whi te s hirt wais t or a I I d ,a men. " , " ulaCk ha t I ~ WOI'II whli e tb e otb er garYoung t, she sh.ll led, . co me mc ut£ IIro colo red. Any Illngl o IJ lar.k ul" down hore an belp me. I kalll I g il a wll ile al'li Ie of drc~s can nOI'el' SC I' VO drop." as more tlt nn au eva sl~n of t be color . At Lh e wailing acce nts , eadl persall prob;em and 11'0'0 01' mo re s li cb nr li: Ifl the cnr lurned hI s hoad , and J e rl·Y . ':Ies co mbhlf.!d with colol'u<l on es ca n blu s blng scarlet. saw the nmu sell s.mll e on ly jusl pass mu sle r; Ih e ailll!>le r IlthaI dall cllll Ilghlly on Lh e lips oi t he SOil belu g Ih at neilh er blRek n ' ' hlt lovely unknown . I . O. II e luHllonlze Wilh UII )' culor . .1110.1(0Bul I1e rose 1.0 lh ~ o cras lo" . SClIICO T.- ocan vel', Ille black un t bl'enks I he ar t.r ul e Ing paRl lh e basket, !lol wilhOit\. UII II lI ' b I' {fIll .. s ,h e (l ar i,£'r lones or a elTort: he wellt qui e tly do wn tho al slo. COSlu m e 10 sland h loll' lit e Il ' I t r If h o Itatl Rc~n lh e ginn e or adlll ll'8- on eH. g J e_ tlon wbl ch a ce rloin ],lel'son gUI'c his broad shoulder s and fin ely -uull l rorm "'}lere:IH. diITol'lu g t olo l's el ll' lde lhe be migh t bave felt compensute,l. h nrl~qlli n ,iow n Iho middle, 10 h is u. tAs iL WIIS, he saw only tll e JI"" ir ed iSli c dl Rco mn t llr ', Ib o whil e sil irl ,and thirs ty dame, and for ber he fill ed Wa ist d ivides Its WGarer o c ros~ to., the tin cup courteo us ly. wondering bit. IDlud le, which is a ll urLlstlc oLrocitv terly wh)' tortun e should pla co lUlU nt tho l ou Iy usage obsollre" eooen to 111'e a di sadvantage jllRt wbe n he most nu 1·lli cal. All IlJe cooln ess and eco nwanled to appear dignified. om y ot lll e colton walsl cu u be seclIt'ccl Suddenly, as he waited tor the floul- b~' i\ colol'cll one; and It should malcn Iry oWller 10 drlnlt lbat he might reo J.hp s ki rt fo r color, and may <10 SU nil cup for bel', lh ere arose, on the 8nm fOI" Lone (amount of dnrl< o r bo t air / of th e cllr an ~ar-spll \li ng Ji!\lH it' the color, mnklng lints. shades sOllnd. cross betwe en a squawk aud 07 g l eys); tor Lhe dll!erellce of texture a hatlle·cry. bel", c n Its colton and Lhe wool of tlte Thal e ffort of Brannon's t o ge t {la~t slll r t will s uffi ce lor val·iety. at leost lhe basket had torn loose tbe cover . of the I'ellll ed degree. and nC\'er did prisoners more quh' I, ly • • • • • • o"all th e ms Ive~ of IIb er ly. ' rho ll h neilher IJIllck no r whil e SII C. Wld e- lJrcasted, long 01 Icg, arroga nt- c~el1s w it h 'colors, tll ey do siIcceed n noIy ha ~lghty of car r iage. and pow ertul iy wltb each olher; and a costume or wIng, th ey sltot OIlL. a\l Si x or th e m, poir (Oled In black ond While wll h 111Inlo Ihe na.' row preCin cts of th e ar. t ~ rm edla le grays Ul8)' be stu nnin g anLl dtllan ce In l be hens' ey es. murd er a nd very brllllo nt, Ihough ne ve r JoyOUS o r slid den dea lh In th e oek·B. g3y. In proporUolI a ellh r tlt e bloc\( In an Insta nt co nfusion rc l g n ~, 1 aO!! 01' th ~ white 16 redu ced In quontily, a babel of lon gues, tom\lared Wllh the YOl'lOllS g rays, llle Wltb whoops of joy :and peal s of s cheme uecom eH more sedale; wbil e III Tough laughler, the farme rs " .. OSP e u propOI'llon as l be black oud while are masso to help l'eCal)ture tbo runuways: broken III' , Into small masses and tile but Ihey found It less amusIn g titan grnys o.'e vari ed In lon es will Lite they elI.peeted . s~b e me become more reOned. Ind eed. Tbe conduclOr. hurr)'ing in from ths t he changes tuaL can be I'llng in blad; smoker, received a ulow ' In the fO C8 ar.r1 whit orror a well -nlgb e lld lc~s trom a resolule Ir en lhal burl ed her· interest, and yeL tile opportunity Is selt at tbe openIng. Fortunately [l he seIzed by only one woa rer III a Iholl ' merely sent tbe conductor stagg ring sauti, so little Lmined III al'l -Sell80 .lr~ beck against the door, closing it the ' ''e Americans. quicker. • The ot Ii whi le sll irl Wtt i~ t " What Ihe bell!" hegan thl\t out.. wllh a black sltlrt Is the crudes l CODI. raged Individual, forgettiug !fls man- tlne lion possible. Improl'ement COIllO~ ners. But he got no further. The aIr In I,~o portlon as tbe is "dragged was tull of whlrrll\g wings, of wlldl)"- inlo" tbo whlt.e by thc use of a billeli ~crambllng forms, ot s hrteldng wom· bO\\' , colJar, cuffs, buttons or llnl(8, or cn and screami ng c hildren. . by n black IJatlern In the maLerl'!l; Th e games darted forward , retrented a nYlhlng to Indicate lo the eye that overhead . cillng now to lamps. and tbl s waist belongs to the skirt. Any now hest against deceptive wlnrlows: ;.uch s cheme gives unity to the dress' It tbey eluded, feinted , strucl( savagely. oom'crls mere clothhig Inlo costume. 'IU wheeled on angry , rapid wings , played I thcory It would be just as good to bavoc wltb hats 80nd cnrls, Ilnd I c8r~y tbe white of tlle walat Into Inc scratched manfull)' . biaci; of tbe sldrt; but suell natura! It " 'as the cock who selected Ibe 1ac(.es£orlcs BS are found In the waist pretty unknown for \tis special flreY' 1arc lncklng to tbe skirt, and In couse. Ho came whirring flown on her. hu\,- Qllen c(' the mean. for carrying the Ing just dazed a tobacco grow er by II I willte Inlo the blncl< would 111\\'0 to snapping whack with his Sput·,, : bnt be crealed by mere design, WhlUh. 18 he was received III the arms ot Jerry l es~ good Ihan arc element s wh ic h Brannon , who had thrown himself In ~ e l\" c some use. Tlte nexl s tep toward s rront of Ihe frighten ed gIrl . Int erplay between Ihe whlLo and blnel; Beak and . spurs had no cff~c l on WOUI;' cons is t In Iho use of grl\.YS, .Jerry , He was thoroughbrerl him s e lf. whl eu nre si mply black and white In Tbe enraged game was rodllced to \,unou s prollO rlion s clos e ly Inlerignominious submission . but 1I0t Ulllit ,,"OHm . bU l litis Ilh,.. IC ha s heen mCIIhe had left an ugly scr atch acros s earh Liolled abo\'(' . or Brannon's hand s. F inall y, h~r e Is a plac , and th e 0111 :; By thi s time Ih e b ellS had been cap- QIl C, wh e re a bluel" o r a black and tured, the chlldrell hnd crawled from wh1tc, or a blacle aud \Vhile and ~ray uOrler the sents. alltl tho WOIllO" Wl' rs hnl Is s uitabl e, cons is tent.. lJ ecomlng , lwl,slln g up th e ir di sordered hal l', BI~d , in fu cl, lIl1 s llr)lass lo g: wh e rein a 1 he poulLry ownol'. much subtlued, cflloled hnt woul d des lt'o r tbo whul e was sniffling fllintly as J erry b elt) ed to IIl~lllme,
Art in Woman's' Dress
TEST WAS A FAILURE. An IJI u.s trn live IlIstnnce of th e Folly oi I lId"l g'!n g Morhlel
Cu riosity. ' l,l ~il" 1"lnl, ft ·,!tind· Su,n clJll il y load w lhlll a lalio w e:tll'll c. "ltv'crl III t he l)lI n el uf a Hhol";lIll , "olii d be fir ed lh rou;; iJ a bnrn <i lJor u..~ O"Hity a ll Ir it we ro a !Jo it ot Rlpl'l,
Ilavin!; II litlle I ~i~ "r c Oil biH I"."us. he dctP ,'mill ed 10 Pllt (h (, Illa ller lu Ihe t esl, "elales Uh arkd W . Ta.v i 1', lu th o Chic-ago '1'l'I bune. Procuring, willI some d ifll clIll .I·. a
A Sanctum View. O!ltrc Bar- Oil, 1\11-. S ratcll a r, d'y. lIlin ' I h UI, Il Jllll w!tQ was in h e ,' jlls' a lil Lie whii~ as,, '! COllnl l"Y 8c1i tor- Yes~lr e, , do. That wo s :VI" . H ayseed, llud h e came In and Ililid !I,'o years ' bonk su hScripllon Wat hUH g l\'Pll it ("al'r ln g " lI lIrI parr', BeH l cJ~li . I've mos l r ll n my legs oII tryIng 10 get_ "Well, hc 'd ha rdly got oul oC lhe 1,II1 u bas a ~n ll !: i,, "or ne ill h ~ r o wn office be fore h e was bll by a runawa1 lIun)."'.'· ICll .... an' I;JIl ed_" "\\' hu l I,an rto YOIl furnl s b 7" Well, " My~ l\ty! Tha t's sboclilng ! " Well - l'ri'lI' ipR lIy I hp lIal11 e- ~l rln · lhe re's one co nsolation, on)"wa)'. Re <',,,n'ly 11r~ IIalll ~ . " - Til·B it., ", . 111 SI"o ighl 10 H eaveo."- N. Y. Tb e Wlto k T ,·ollb le. Wcold .... "'1'0\1 <1011 '1 Her m 10 ilhe ~li s~ Go bble, W ise Buyers. ~rr~. ~I n l " pr op ," re cd ~ll ·s. ,\ sHI R PA r t . "Oh . ye- ~ . " l'e u;arh,,1 l'rlcil lcy, In a srli-., al i Ilr'tI way. " i.ul" lind I wi ll slnl'l 0111 in 1ll11l'r le d Iir~ 1111 ler 1'8 ry fa v(\ t"tlh l l' (' 1J"(' l\ IIl Sl i.ln t ' U~ , H ~I" JHu l h nr ~i\ C'S li S n Heat II I tl f' IU:J IW\ h t' 1" f o t it e r f' " r n is ll(·. It . ,,",1 h r·.· I-"clt' "e Lo ng
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Plt iillue il'h!" Press. H ~r
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t •• tmfl~ Mht)P IJlng dill s hav e cflme. ')'1"t' t ll ."', ( 0 (' all th e )'t"n.r, \\" \.1.'11 " ll !' l) b u~ ct·s mll k e t llin gs h um ..' IHI ("O IlIL Il . · ~~ COU.DtCrs clcor,- I " . \ \';i, u 'll J"ld ll DCaler ,
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I JUl\ (' marl p H "OW (11" ' ('1" 10 give :I tl~ II Ji Il ~ to IrumpH." " And I \\,0 1114111 ' , (HI' (h ~ \\' hrl.1 hu,'.: .'·(H I IJrNl h ~ 0111' \·o w ." r l"l.lir-d I l a l",'nrd I lushe l1 , ",\I~ 1 '(1ofl Bf~:J 1 "U:-. 11 lIl ~rr mat Ipl' ,-,r fornl. AK I Inr'"H] to heip 111)" .. (~ It'. t--I IPlluh e ~' ()U Ll1 rn ,)'('111" \I:u' 1\" ",hil t) ' ,, \ ,\ill" ' lI !; a !;~~ I " 1' "II" drl flh l" P re .a, Hf.ltldflg
A Yellow S e!l~ r\l l on. Id"n hulun - I-Ir ll q ! \I' hlll' s I hl ~ 7 l\'in~ I.,,·ps '-ufot : ''':1(,,] Ill' "Iohiit's ,\lII o lllobll e! Oh , ,'11 :;-': ; f\,·ol,t.iwnl' - \,; It. -, '.1' 1':0 1'" llw IUnll~r'? ~ I :tlllwflu n (oil~<:u sl ~llln - OIt . lhn l is Mi lll Ih c h cn<lltlJ.'s lInde,· "hich I h l~ ~~lIi 'li lo nll l ,PUPU I,' f"pOl'I>I Ihe Ileul h 0 [' a ral !- Tu\\'1\ 'l'ofli r~,
In il ow ('nudle-tlt o IdUtl youI' g l'und· moLl, e r Itsed to maltET-be broug hl dnWII from t he 'Illi e or hi s dw eillng an uld , sin gle-- lJar reiell. lIIu zr.l c·loadln g ~ho LgulI that had desr;e nd ed 10 him fm ll! n form er gene ratioll. o ·c poured a ge ne rous charg ot powd er lulo il. None t v Hurt. D,loled lL 1'(lller wII,l, and ea"e' ull" llirnrn ~ i ill;we~, I - Wha t ar e th o prlce9 • , I n\'I'sl h!lItlll'4 : (' ]1 II" o r ~'O lll' 1'00 Il1';? HiiPI1Cd tll o canrl le In to lit e' barrel. ' T ht 11'( Ilt t !", l"It\t: ~ th:H Id ' !. Y,'l u' ll I1fl.1 li (1 d ('J 1 (1:~ In:,· : nt,,, .. Il u ll'l ('I"rl - Th c hlgllesl a r o the lowhlllnt end tl ulI' lIl1'nrrl. It o llly re(In 1\ St J.('IO 1.1' 1 mnln£'d to Pll t a " C, D." per c ussio n N. I H.lld Ih\llowE'sl a re t he hlg hest.-Phll - \. Itl('uJ;o " 111'~II:t: . ll 'l> oJ t,hi(t PI"C ~';. ,; all on Ill e tube. and t he old glln was reudy for bll sill ess. NOT COMFORTTNG . The u li e went out lo lIle bacl( yard. Wa s It ~o ss lbl eP .. Old YO\l 9"0 lhe !~olba} 1 game ?" T aili ng n (Ios llion a [ew t eel. from "SU I'''',' ' iris barn , \t e co 'ke tl Ib e glln , aimed a t " Ito\\" \\'IUi It?" lh e ccnte r of the piao do or, pu'lIed th I I" I!;ger . oorI tIIe gun went 0" ... wllb a "Ureal! It rai ned li nd tbo Illnye ~ rl enfcnillg I"OR'·. were plus l ered with m4d from head to f OOL. !Jut Ill oy played a ni ce clean The result wn s slal'L1i ng. s amr,"- leI' lanll P!aln Deale r, I I Is p alnrul 10 hll vo t o record the .' raul t ha t the Rudlc did not plor ce th e Mi g ht Improve H is Looks. du o I'. "Do you thlnlc ells t an co londs enAll il 'dlel was .'0 mal'e a ho rrlbl cltulltm ont to tb e " iew, dear!" a skold s lll enr or tallow ove r tlt e iloor and l be wi fe or he l' h u ~ b~lId on the deck vcrytbi ug else In th e Imme,linle of I he oeonn "teamer. ... n elg h bo" hood, Mr, Flnl<cnblnu er In" Y~H . I do," I'opli\lu t be DIan , wlUl cluclec1 , his lo Itis mOllth ; "( kno,,, PeL . How his "'Ite co me serenmln g 011 1 of louie a haLlged ~ I g >it I \ctt~ r If I w e re ~t Lli e h ouse to lea rn '.hat dl'ead(lIltltln g b ow e,'-Yonk~ r s States man, . I had huppcncrl . ho w he lolel b er, Rltli;Ily. whil e sC l'Rllin g the soft taliolV 01T More Interesting, bill flloillin,.;, to go back nnd nt tend 10 b er own lJus in ess, 8'n d how she 10sis t ed oa helping him-o il L1lls, 11 r ha ps . shou ld bo loft 110 'lhe Imag ln a II nte r --Does I ha l dog or ~'o)urs bi Le? lion , as belongi ng to Ih o domain of Hiram Hot'e ll c-J)'ye r ec kon h e s wnl · t he hom e. whoso sacred precillels no lIlon h UM · 1t .. ight 10 inva de fOI' iho pllr- I ~ I' b i " lil ies w!tole?- Chitag o J Ull r· pose uf ,.1 I·ul!g lll g the InU Ullll e de'talls oal. ot its tlull), life Into tlie cold , pitil ess Caught the Idea • Ch Allged Shops. II S III of IllILlicily. . Prima Donna- The Morning ' Daala The tJ Olt" f) OUl1tJ - l lfJ rro r ~:-l . J1 1(1 II r em" ills t rlle , neverlheless. Ihat say" m )' :l.cllng Is ougges llve of the 1'0 th ~ h lH ch" r hh uJI , 1' " " f ound: Now t ~ h a ll nt' \' cl' Inore yo u ·!tll s hoot a tallow candl e throug h llmher or Ill)' \o icc. : Whal does tbat Buy an millge h.\· t t,c lJoun d! !n enn ? . U born UOOI'. . -C le\ elu nO L cn Ci{'r , H you kee p Ibe door open. Cont rn llo (Y lclo ual.v)- Il means you :lrc a s UcIL-N, Y. Weekly. Very F re nchy. CHRISTMAS AT A PALACE, "I noti ce," said Mrs. Nal¥come. "that He.' Grievance. YOIl mill your SO li 'Mul,' Mrij. Sllltrklll~. Gpl'mallY's EmJlel'or nnd Empress I HtllJllOSe lbat's s horl for 'Malcolm: " Poor A u n t Ju d}' ul\Va)'s looks IU If til.' 'W od w eTl t wrong, ' Milke It a -Gal8o D,a y ill th e "No. IL "In'l. mn'am." replied ?llrs. T h et'e'~ 0 frow rJ upon her counrtnan(!e tt.. Royal Residence. .' SlIlllkl flS . "lilY bo)" s .. ea 1 lIame Is a w l lo11: lln y long, real s we ll Oll P. whnl I got out of a book. ,' )-,~ "' R.1 ~ lH'r rnen l s tn sllenco- dofSn ' t t ~UM~ lh~' · rn 't bit ; 'I' he U CI'fIlDIl clllpe ror IInu eltlllr rss It ·s 'Mal <Ie M er Snl rri( ins.' "-PbIlAA nd "", r Il rt! Is run o f Aorro._ pe rsollally at.l£nci to IIIlIch of thrh Ilcl fllt ill PI' 58 . For Chrl slmas buyin g in the Berlin sbo\ls. H r Good of Baldn eES . Teelh Th ere Is no m " r c genero us give r IIllbls "S ay ,"- Huhl t h man w hu w u..; LJ egi n ' Don'l season I ha n tll e e mperor and the em· Vito press rememhers he r humble s t frIend , nlu g 10 \tu,'c n uare £f1'" 0 11 tOl' f hi s - L'l.kl1.g 'J'rlbun e , bes id es gi "lng In.rgely to charitable In · h ead , "e RII YOII tell 111.' whlll Is go od stltutions. 'fhelr gifl S, too, are useful for In Idn~8 B ?" KAKINO HDI FEEL AT BOME. "Yes," r epli ed the ba.-hel·; "a rheerrathe r lImll ornam ental and th e list of persons remc mbcl'eu eqllal s tltot of ful ,letermlnallon to make th e best of Queen Vi cloria- o!' auou t l ,OOO, aliloid . what call't be bell".'] " - Chlcngo It~ C-1 ,.110 eUl I)I'CBS g i" es imnH!dlate r elnll.-es onl-H p. rnld. so mc trifle srie bas Imll led or embroid A Theory Proved. ~ ered. With ev r y gift a Chrls lmns card ""Ielllo !'y I~ II)' n,l l1I~a l l" Ill e h igh - I Is In closed . untl gifts to r elnli" es con · Inlll be. ld es a s mall cake IJali cd In tbe ' p; t illl oll"c llllli raclli' ...... n mnr1<l'u Mr . ' !Ju sl ill Slax . royal l"l('h on . " I It H.\'O thuu g;hl ,!oo ," I'ppll "'41 )IlS8 Eac h nWlIlher of th ... 1"0), uII01l111 ), has a t,.ee--nll b ~ III~ ~ I [u,. lh in th e s ltell Ca),(! nup, '·uft,·J' I) (ILinJ.; th e rnc illty snlon of I he IJ!l lacc :I t 1'(,t " lul11, Wb en ·wllh wh k h S~ ," H:' o f o ur Ill tJrll f' TIIi lt {' l1t e,' prrtliin g I ~ Iu ,.Nldlll e8S th c 1111'10, t1nan c i e r s fo r gE' i t hln~ :." un th l' wt t tH~ SS I'r illcetis \,i clori a 1.I1 l1i,e It'tll l" I he IIm - Hl n l h l. " - " "Il Rhilllo; l () (' .. ·'a r
---- ---
••••• It Is not a t all nece~sary to exhibit ove" 1I belmlng ev ide nce uf unity ; .md it Is cI'en desi rable. In t he Interests of ,-artE:ty and Indldduall lY, that nin e out I or ten cases shoulil not do so. 't Is tru e of nature, and shou lrl be made so of arl, tbal "Age cannol wIther her: nor , custom stal e ber Infinite variety. In fuct, It Is r el1l?rl(ablc bo~v small a.1 ~mnO,IIJJL of ItSChiem 1I,IS, WElIl suffice to e\'l fl e , e san Y D al' t . ven Lbe wblte 1waist with bl I I-I t III se\l~ l\le as el:~e~ ~,r Ir;:,ns utles a ' ne w a 00 orNI ! ~fa:n'~I~~I~oU~d a~~t ~Uld not; while, th~ fchem an ~d ~ at we;e acl~e d , 0 wou e 1'1'00 aga nst or c.~m, just because the Itat would 6uppl~ Indubitable evidence that Lho I~ho me was meant as such was a deslen- tbat arvelo d 't t ... m UB pro uc 0 rea· IOn that dlsUncth' evlde r b _ ' e . nce 0 . 1I A Long Tim@, manlty, whetber m\nlfest4!d In a dyna· "PI, what kInd of . JIlIn IS It that mo or a dreY. In a catbedral or a OOS· wen their hair Ions!". t!lme_ "Bingle ~en, III)' IOa."-1I0u.lolI On the otber ~Ilnd, 8eatte~om In Post, drfll8, wi thotile rwne fawt In
he found the unlino wn " 'as SLandlug heslde him , Casting looks 0' regret at his Romewhat blood y bands- '" clime-to help - If , con," sbe said. blushing. "AI.ld be re's my fa ther, Mr. Coulte r. who wanls to tbnnl' ), O'j, Mi st e r - - " "Brannon," said .J~rry, joyfully. •• • • • Tbat evening th e poultry raiser nar' rated her adv entu ro al hODle. "And ( met a turrlule nl co y,1ung feller on the tmln ," she sahl , com. placentl)'. "HIm Bnd me came t o La real good fri ends. AnI! atter them chlckons had f1 ewed all around he a ctet! jest IIl1e I'd done someLhlu' clever tor bho '11 hlle ever'body elBet was grum' . bill!' In' growlln', Real Christian, I II bl " ca m.
--- - ,
ccsstnll to th (' Huh.lll" \vli fl rc OUt"
h pr
hro l hol"S cnndl lcts her 10 h ~ 1' OWI\ I'ar · Lieillar Ir"r . The cm per" ,· cOlld " r ts 11J ~ huil es a ll,l h~ IIII"l\l e n of \tI P COII\'l to Ib e tn'cs a"I'oug-Ni for each , Ilud lIlc eDJ· IlrrsR 10 'h r ir ma jes l ir s' I rers. Ch n~'oh1I e .U ppers al'c r~alIlr PH of Ibe Germun
Ch ri :-. tm:l s
dElco ra l.tuns-St.
1'Ic hnias is s lIflfloseu lo hal' e
~n'::t:~~~u~; 1~~e~~I:n~II~h ;:~:u~~~ ;~!I~P~:~Ua:!'Cth~O~I;~ac~~,,~~::~gb:a~:[
.. Ide him. His Indifference aa to tbe myster)' of tbo basket had tbe usual atimulatIng etrecl. She lowered her voice 10 a eonOdentlal pltcb, determlnetl lo Inter~st him ' ''Conductor. he knows tbere's poultry In that there basket," sbe said, In a lIalt wblsper, "but he don't IlD(lW all." Jerry remaIned silent. 't "T.h ey a In no common chickens, ·..:rbey are thoroughbred gamcs. I'm a.takln' 'em In to a young fellet' In town. I'm &feared he's goln' to ftghl tbe cock, but busband Ite says 'talnl none of our alralr." Jerry looked out of the window , "Tbat there cock" pursued ehe "has , , ,ot the wust temper In Kalntuck, an' _I't . h b tt" t h e h ens the, .. n muc e er, Jerry tried another taek, "Then you bad tietter ltay by tbem 80nd watch Ulem" he Buggested artful ,l r, "You shouldn't leave the~ alone: Tbat cov.r look8 lOO1e," ' , "I ree!toll 1 ~llciuI4.'t."1iii'eecl Qt
tirlen r G (I" IitlH IIJ~ ~l!. IK Jlroor poKILh, of .HCA1 l' I'braiull IlII , the persfl n ; UU lG6B, Indeed. .a~ III bal)plJy the r.ase In ou,' ll t tle-cu!ltlvated SOciety. ' t.he cause II a lu merc Incle or s ttum· IlJ r and lral ning. wh ich can. .now be secu red more eas ily e ve ry year. Am <l rIcons work like horscs- atlmllted ly hp" dm' tbllll any othe r people UpeD eal·th · - Lil t Hjlc n(1 like Cool., a Ull)I l! cl ly 1\ illl l e 8~ judgme nl and eCOll<l ln)' Ula ll do allY olb ~ I' c h· ill.~el l peal' Ie. It w('uld slirely h hell er ' lo eom less and 10 eX IIe"d It mo rc wise !)' , nntl no th i llg will UI . re co nll'll)llle to lhls e!l d j han dccor a lil'o a 1'1.. H s elfect I!I I'a s tl y to Irn pl'ol'c 'h \lse of tblnga, slm nly by diR[108i pg l!rem lu a eel·tain ordc-'r ot colo,'. illl e aull tnll e, in olh p. r w"rd~ , by add ill g i tl ea~ to material. ; and hleas . wh on o ll ce In o ne's 11088 > ~ ion, nro Ihe cli clllilost t bings goiO b , A well dcslg ned dross' call ue WO" II wlllt ~o ti sfuc tl o n twke a s long aM 1\ ltul'h azanl cOflJb11llltiOll , jus t loe· cause tho d "~lglI " lays Ull llllp.llred to lit p r lld a nd en hnn cl!B Ib e material frum 111,,,1 to lusl.
r £oi ll d ec t" f!'1I1l\ th en' .
~ lI l; nr
f~ d
imnge of
t1w eh !'i_I r lt lid Is a lI o lh er gl rt- e" ery Ge rmRII chil d. I nc iudillJ~ prince anti prillcess. e' llec ts ' u fintl r1l1lO1l1( hIs present s th e Chris t ch ilol. Th e Chrlsl chi i l is wrap lled ill s waddl lll g c\u tb es, lied with l'iblJo lI s. Tltree da YA in German), Arc devoled to mCrI'y -nml(in g- Chrlstma s Cl'e, Chrls tmus day and December 2".
Suited for ll. " What or£' lO ll ).;oilll': lo y onr hoy? Bu s h'--' a u ~' p n.l ll fl llnl.'pu ~rai l s {If "h nral'lC'r '?" " ~ on f-' tltHI I CH n Ili!' l' n\"(' ''. p ;(C 'ept that h e's almol'lo lllly <: r N lultlll'\." "('r Cd \ llolI ~,
ou t
ll ~':
All . It
WIl B e ll t
t.:un ,
Like the Or Iginal. iiI I'. VeBrlls ll - \\'ll3 l I, I h" I·,· abollt m )' purl rail uf YOII I LuI YUll oJ,ln 'l 1tl,I', madam'!
Etuo l,ltng Teuor- If I lRlie llw room I ,!",,'t Itl, e Iht' rolor · 'U PIl!»;(' ."U\I WOII', obj ect to III little ' in~ : n I he fo cp. I t . !ue ~ n 't 1()I,k nnl- Ulll'jic? urlli. l,an dlll d .v~- -Oh , nu. s iJ:~ 1' blW'e'li be lAo Mr. £) ~ Drll,h - l <tl,! n' , I ry to lIIal;.,' t<>J rnt!Usr r is hl 1I.lIl el· yo u and my daughIt loo k IoB tll.'u L )' n ll Ka ill )'011 wlln,lell tet' 11Tn t!lccs fOllr hOI\JS a day ..- ChICag' l Da1iy N ews. It lru" to life - I CI'p,i~ nd Lpacler . 1111" ,
Dob ~dllll - I
Amorlclln CapltRI In Mexico . How Th ey Managed {t .. Abl e to R epor t Progl'ess_ The lat.est (stima le ,~r American ,., SbOlllll Ihlll l"" 8ald th e 8oubl'6tte. " Is you r bhy gellio.': a long well .., cnpltal Inve ~ted In l\Iexico Is $7()(),·'tha t YOll'\! ge l I ired of ba,lng to alooo.OOn.., It Is less than 25 years since college ?" " Yes, as well ns cfllI l,l be el([)er.too. ways be In th e same CO!011any 1I'1t~ Americans begnn to put money Into Mexican properties and more than hale He has two rra clur ed rius , a t; mken col- ~'oll r h u!thU{III. " " Oh." r e plleil tbe leac.Una i,elr, " ... Ihe In vestments have bellO made With- lar bone. uod a d,lsl<'Cutell s boulder, bUl In the In8t 8e,'en yea~~. The I¥l\'e- tb e doclor says he 'li be out again IU Ii get 1Ir') und t hat by stoPl'lng at dln!'ent " otels.'·-Cbleago neeord-ft@rald: ment has proceeded qult!Uy and wIth. few weelis."-Chicago Trtbulle. out ~e sensational featnres of D boom. Large blnllnll1ls chances in Mel;: Too Le)Jlg IUl Interval HeroIc Eftort, Ico haVe been Investlgat,ed ~Tom time She- I am so glad YOU thlnlt I've "How did Henpecleed ha~pentQ . joln to time by our capltaUn,1B and before impro7c d In alnglns tbat song. I that ex~dltlOn 10 tbe nbr'tb Polro! t. muy y.;an their lIoldlngs In t11111 hore s hall be PlltI\lL~ next lime I S~ he so Interested In ""Ience.t" , .... , "Science notblnl! It was tb. '>lui, countr)" 'WU) PMI the '1000 OOnOt \ )'tIu. He (a m'alclau)-Qb, I hOp~ lI''''' lexcuEe be could tblnk' of to pt ·a".. , illan meet 'before lila&. ~rorq 1l0m~"~Debol" Fne ' ~"
. "
t;-~'i>llt ~1Il
Ilr;;-;: .littl.~
t.~ ' ill" ~o
All yed tl8C\Y,\'lh..,lIt b fore 'g. Hllty 1I0.lH hfl . nhlo II 1Lnt.1 we 1I.r6 stlte B. F. Ro"o wus el.] ' n Itg,IIl\, seomg SOlne qf the , t rip \bilolc... uwl ~.'·o for 111 .1 ~(l1t .•111,1 thluk'ipg of h 'llI I>ovb(1od duv~ (or Illll d pljlCO~ . .'])" nver, w cle('id!l(I, while 1 t1 qot oXIl (It tu btl IlTI'H n t ZTMM~JltMA h e W~f;I R on ill the ·nct. Of'OIi~{,lug s ui tod till ·l)Qst $0 Ih e In , 111111 We "I' t, tho RO'I11e' t"Oi lllhll g Ittllll"llti Oyl:"II·V:~'II; IIF Ci r (l1Id H I' llle· 'Ollling nUll A primo hllorn688 t;lll at Key8. . . 1 IIIVO lilY Je ~ , W H tn. ~'-- i905 Reunion of f(1rmor Residents at on upple tree, und tboseworus Woro 11lwe now beQn In !JlIlt OIt,y nOlLr Y lUttyllnv II gran el gl oel time, wh icb U> II hn nt gOlle , Found. A, man '\I golf glove for B hellrd ,' "'fhOllo poople ho.v e 110t guth . Jl Y yllIlr I ).1I1 v 110 110u1.>t YOII will • Waynesvillo wOt!k l)eginllin g August \)UI' b n ~lll l\tjs durin!l tIle Ule rillht hand. Inquire: lit this ered their o.pples good .." But h o l..lIst Summer we vlllited in UII110n '1'0 011 0)(1 friend,. lIml rl ~ l· m r. 1' YIlH I' hU B bp. n OlorQ thun 6,1906 . office . !lot the fr uit of OOUl'SIl he gonerlllly ' ity IIIlU Brook side. From 'IInOn ue i ~bbol·g. 1 oxt.euu m y hlo~ft IV~"I h ~ .8Il ti ~rII 0t.ol'Y i qnlt II gl'i,1'l , . ' Th l~ l OIl"o~ lIIv~ o 1f nUl RI1II I' In ,W OI' 11)0,1. Mllny n ew (lq.. The Ill/m y fri onu9 of Ml'tI. Laue. gets even with wlmt he Born, December 26, & fourth son under tokes. li ty Wtl went. througb !ihe ROY'll COnlliuTlltivel y . good hPfI1~h ' /llId t."IIl! r ~ !LclIlnll til IIIlI' II Irl'".rJy \0 Mr . &01\ Mrs . Look Stokes, west formerly 111.1",.. H.llchel Elliott. WIll The gu ests d opnrt.IlII, wl~hln'J( the .t~ n rgo , ver tile D. & R . O. R y . I killB fo r wlll'l\ wI th o"gor .wt.!1 i. hi fl!O l h. t be gr ieved 1.11 I""rn t.Il11t 1:'11 0 wns ho~t nnd h os tE'!!!! many 111 0r ollnob 'rhia. I bo\i(H'e, "'ilS one of ·t.b o pnhon, to.l mllol,ing of .,11 III .~· (\11111· of ·Waynesvllle . Wn bt.gln bereft of h ~ 1' illfnot, "on w hi oh ('nmo b.lllJlY dILl'S . A GUti:gT. Kl'll ncl osl, 8igh l<l I h.,d yot. seen . It. ro~ ,111 ·!\.ri .. tllla .. , nud \Y IsllII~Lr .t,ho Mi8!l May Woollard is s pendin& ('4I lI$id erod ono of the m ost r Olllflr\c. Gllzeu,e .md l'l'nci r~!I Morl'Y ( h ll ~t lOme 'Ime with her aunt).. Mra . 8. C. to her Welh1l1"dnX , Deo mbor 20, at ",it,ll lit" Lnnw~t II (111 Most mlU:' IIlId It bn ()\J.V IILIlI ])r OS pIH' JII ~ Phillips, at Washington lj . H. h er hOlllo in Don" "I', (·olorlltl o. In II lotter t o t h e UII:t.ot tc fr.,m 11 I)1 ChlllllllS or cn non s throuj,(h New Yellr. CO lnp/ Bt.O Stoak of tita,ple YI.IIt·S I' spectfulI)" Mr s. Dr. E . H . RnYlllqud, fOI'merl y ", hie " U mill'onU pussos. Tho onno n lIl1,l FlillUY G1',)ooriI'S ever ?irll. Mary lIlaloney 18 seriously Out III J'UIl:lII S th o WlIyutlMviHe ~ hlllVlI in to \"11 . . 1\ VAUY NF:EII I.F.H. III with pneumonia at the bome of Home. Cnllllng iO! buiug tlllketl of Mr... TbonlllS Elnysllt, 1I 0 W li ving lit iH le n miles in lengt,h . 'rhe t,\'tlln WI will hl1nllle <Jnly MIll Ro!:,er>l, Arkllllt> o Sa id : " In nil · plI"ses throu gh between g reut· wull!! r her niooo, Ml'II, Wlilter McClnre . Bt'~ 1 HIIlI will OlJr\ (l(1\'or t.r> and tb ought of " Io:reut Il eu1. lIud tioipllUo n uf th o H om o·Colllin g in 01 l'ollk~, ami win<l ~ "routlu Bnrt RoIII"rl.!!, "ml uf M ,'. lI.lId M I'H. ! 111\\'1~1' )< IInvll nVfll'yt hln j,( Wt' '1'he beet line of horse combs lind the "Su nllolVor Stut,!)" IIllLy be dC'· August Il OKt . .I wi"h tl) UO 1I1IIong Otl O llOt,Ulll\ y wout1 I' r~ how II r onll m V. Roll I·t ~, who wnnl, til (:O lr1l'lI' \ en n lin v Um t ill U .1111 to Ell t. brullhet In town IIot KeY8 . pendell un to senu u Inl'ge and ont.llll Ou r 'llllvlnl! I}OWllr i8 bot, tho num bor to Visit, h Ollle a nd cn ll ue built in s uoh 'I plnoo. From tI " HUVlll'II1 ,Y OlLl'S ago, Il1ls f(! 'onll .1' W • .1. KUbon, of Corwin, is 8uf· sio.stin tlelogn t ioll t,o WRyn os vil lo t"r th lln ~v(\o· 1..~ I'''l'e, being friends . Hn ve b Ol~ n gono [1'0111 th e top of the gOl'go one onn look \ 1)1'011 IIJ·OII\l)I.od uy tho ()hi c ,, ~(1. B~IJ' terlng most intensely from lion un· next A uguet . IIno of l~ ohll in of 1110 of the Wuynosv ille sixteen ye.Lrs, Allh o' down olm ost s trllight '.1 disM.1l00 ~lf l lill l!tun oml Quinoy R,lih' OILd IVII,h Bellt (1roueritlS In Uhln, In . O8u .. l1y large Rnd painful carbunole B. U . Rubert!!, of Uswog o, thlLt now /I r osldent of ~he OZllrks in ~ O OO feet. Tho h ll ng\ll~ ?rll~ ge IS I whi('h h(> '::,It! been om ployed, nnd I~ ,lillll n cIIlIl l\.ollt.110ky. hti.v. 00 his neck . StlttEl. lind UIlO of tho old ti me resi. Northwost ArknnSlIll, I shull Ito glll cl nl Ho n gl'OI~t fen ~uro . . '1 hlH IS S I111 IJIY j IlIl W 1111 I1 l1g111001' 0 11 1h e rOAd. illl! 11111' tli:<lrl huting ho nNe L o.~t . Somewhere In Way nlll' vi 110 d onts uf t hiR comlllunity, ill the to llI oet you. I r ecoiv or! t.l1O bOllu. gr out hoI'S Llrlvon ll1t,O t ho l·ookH. MI'. £tohort.!' I S (lue of !.Il0 youll g. ill Cinoillllnf.l W n hn y ill an umbrella, Ploose lel\vII with lutost to be hOtlrd frotU ILnd writes tifnl 1l0lu e·Golulin g nllm ho r with froUl on e mountain to unol her, fr om I est ell gill oOl'H in tho oo nn try uud hl ~ 11I1m fl ll~O /llJII tJIi't tIll vllry 16 wo14t I1l'iot'II, en· Mn. Ann W"kllley tn the Jon es the Gllzlltto that. h o wlll h'Y- to bo thllnk s. .. whioh the bridge hAn gs . over w'hloh I ud vllll oome nt i~ It COlu(llim ont to ulJling U ll to sell ri~bt lIr68ent lit tile Home· Coming . building . - -th n tl'llill pnsses . I could tell y ou his ILl>i1it y . Bring In yo ur r rmluoe, Wll For lagrippo 0lwliv8 use " Red Mr. un<l Ml'tI . ,Jllcub Neil send mnoh lLIore of this groat 'iVe8t" J'Il ! 11" vo II goott o llt.Jet for ttll the OF fORMER greetiuI's Bntter Il nil Eggs wo OI\U g(lt. Spruce snd Cherry Expootorllnt.' , GULDEN WEDDING CO PI E .. to t ho Glllletto from Oool1n conntry, bnr. fOIl.rill ~ lost] IlInke Illy ; Will J . RogerH, who trllvols tllrn' \VA YNE8VILLE . U, Park. Culiforlli v~. 111111 willlm.y YlJn t h o lJij,(liost lot-ttlr t oo long . Will not n.ttolll(lt ; t.I1 0 ~out, h . wt'~ t ( 0 1' '.h o O~ h ruo Cnl . Sold by J . E . Janney . ( Reported f or t h o Gallctt,o) "'~rknt prioe. It I.I'L!I been a bont s ix yonrR si nco Jlllloh m ol'o. . entler Co .. 'of New York. t.I~(\ In,rgflflt Re v . Philip Trout attenued tho 'I'hnnking ou r mllll Y frillllt1s 1111' . ILlld MrR. J . B. Mosber colo· t h ey 1I10VO<! frollll t hi s neighborh ood It bns b ell so\' on ),Olll'S Rl llce I . OOl11ptllll' of Its killtlill lho wOI'ItI, is fun el'&1 of Mi8!l Ethel Spabr, t h o 11ml Ontltnlllerll for t·b ulr JlI\ 8t onl~ daughter of Mr. lind Mrs. brat.ed their fiftIeth woudlng anni· Bnd while livi ng in 'iVu)'nesvillo lef t Wnynosvillo; whioh oT,ly 11.d<l S I Cloterllliueu to bo presont nt t he plltrnllllgtl, llnd lI!tklnlo: 11 0011 MONes Spahr, of Benbrook, OhiO, ver sary November 28, 1905, tit their t h oy r esid od in tbe (lropert·y n ow tu the desi 1'e to ull oa mol' wn Ik the ' B ' C . I tin uuuoe of t.he sllme, we A t '1'1 old s treet s llnd h nve u good old i ome· 0111 ng n ext, llg us . Ie lIu.t "'riday, Deoember 22. wi"h n ne 1111,1 1111 II Ii0PPY home nellr Lawrenooburg , Kous8.!!. owned nnd QtJoupl ec1 by Mrs. Neil'!! with sotne of my nld , 'ompnll Y is pllt nnilll! to 8011(11111 of und IIrORpor o nR Now YIlI.r, Mrll, Frank Hawes, of Cro8!lwick, 'rh ey Cl1me from WaynOllville, Ohio, brother, Mr . W. B . 'l'horp!l on fri ends wh o still Ii ve thor o, wbllE! Us sn leStIl tl ll to PetoRkel'. Mlcllignll L . A. ZIMMERMAN . hall been alarmlDgly ill for sevoral In 1880, Rnd have lived her e on the lower Main stre€It, o.nd Mr. Nell wns 1l:1Il11Y of whom h nve llllssod llwa.y / next Sl1111100r , bUll Mr. Rogors pro. I daY8 . Her, Mrs . same farm ever since. for Illfmy yoar s the fCllthfnl ttnd 9Uloe 1 left tho r e. I nUl nl.\vIl~' 1:l f 'M to be 11t WIlYlle~vill e durln /! ' to rea u of the Improve. ! oJ . , ' Nathan Bawes, has been with her Their ohildren number two, Mra. em cien t phnrUlll oist in the drug glnd Ul ents tnkinr; pIa co, nnd h ope I.b nt I t h o Homo·(,omlllg woek . during ber mneg. At this Alice Munger. of Mnnhattlltl, K.m · Rtor e of the IIlt.e ,J otllih l::Il1nds In th o Mrs. Bawee is still very low . sas, ond Albert M o~ber, who li ves buil ling now occupied by A. Mnffitt A fine Une of blllonketil and robes nOlI·r his parents, . Their g rJ\lld. fiS an unds l'tllkiu g esml,li sem en t. t K ohildren are fourteen in nnmber, --I a eys, o,nd one not living. Mr. Milton Bellul a nd fn,mily , of I Mr, and loire. Aaron ' Sears, of The bride and groom are Quakers, Sprlngflele~ , , spent ?hrlstllllL~ duy \ lJanterv1l1e, entertained on l::Iunday F I d 'nd were morried by very ba,pplly with hiS m other, Mrs. Mr . and Mrs. Will Elllo", M.r. and or r en s, a E u . Mra. Web Elliothnd two sons, lIl'11. tho.t ceremony In the same meeting lim .Boo m , nn bls brothe r.ln·ltlw Jennie Elliolt and daughter tdiBC! h ouse and sat on the same seat tbot nnd SIster, Mr, o.nd Mrs. ,Tllcob Lo.oy, Carrie, Mr, and Mn. Carl Sher· tho bride's parents did, Seth and ond fo.l1ll~y, ~t Lytle. wood, Iolra, Luolnda 8e&rs and Rev. Dina Furnas, who were married in Milton ~ 11\any Wluren .county Sprague, mini.ter of the Sugar th F i ds n'l oeting house In WilY, friends Will be glud (,0 know thllt h e Creek Obriatian ohuroh. e r en . . . IiI ' Bot wat~r bottles a~ J . E. Jlinneys nss ville , Ohio, November I, 1826: lIS pr08.per l u g nClbce y, ~wnC~tf.l' lit! ~W ll l They were also parent8 of Davis lomo In t h e IWllll on I y, wuerl'l . C. D. Radel', of Corwin. il an and the late' Dr. Robert Furnas, of he bns bee~ o~lployed for ~evertt) , expert in 'he manufacture of flne years by' the WI:oklULm Plnuo PI Me I W aynesv ill e. . candles and furnished the local I and Co .. whlcb Is the largest plano plnte I The groom s h ' . th 1'1 '" . bade with some exoellent "farilUea the bride seventy· foul' yBllI'S of age. s O!~ III e wor u , illlVlllg l~ capAClt·y during the holiday IIO&IIOn, One Th ld Friends or Quakers have of 6",000 plates II, year . . nO"fe1ty he had on the market was bee':'~;eat worke~s in the Pr~hibi. ·Mr. ~nd Mrs. Beam have 1\ family 80IIle fnll lenl(th 08ndy canes, whioh tl oa e ond are still doing all of fonr children, their oldest dougb . proved' very popular, t~ is i:\helr power to do. tor, Miss Mobel, beini;' employed in Mlu Eva Funkey expecta to start The same oeremony was perform. the telephone exohnnge . EVBI'ythlng in tbill illlillon Re ijtock Is rednc'flll. exo.,pt 11 nen.Honday for J80kilonvllle, Uli· ed by two of tho grand .ohlldren, 'l'h e f l)l\owiug very i nteresting nola,' oUyof 18,000, where she hall Mabel nnd her brother William ; letter wus Intendod for tbe Speolol 11lllf dozen art.lolef\ sold un uer contrRct,. been el80ted librarian In a IMge li- thoy wore dressed in the QUI\'ker Home.Uoming number of the Gn. Th eso anlo tlllYR will bo orowrlod fnll of bnl'l!lIln oppor brary, being the 8ucoeuful ap· drll88 of 80mber gray, of fifty yettrs lIette, but rellche u us toe late for tunities. pointee over quite a number of years ago, and Mary, anot·her gr~nd. tho.t. 80 we t~~k e plelLSure in pre· 1 floro ill ' r~ fresh, oleR n stook of t he hc... t of 111 ol'eh 0 n,li ~o applicants. Mlea Fun key Is peoul. ohild, wore the bride's elress of to· sentinl( It to OUf r elLd ers in the For . 'rh e best Is fl.l wl\ys th o Ohetlpest. \ i&rly adapted to the position sbe day, white POlsian lawn . mer He9idents d,~pflrtmen t. . ~ Mme ~andi!!e, unclcrpriced, m ell1lll II har glli ll. will oooupy and 10611 to her new When dinner WIIS annonnced, the DE:NVICR, COLO Ir Al>O. with every purohuse. fteld "lth the lIMt wishes of a. large oldest grand·son, Lewis Munger, led To THE GAZETTE : Good jnclge.m ent would cnrtuinly I)noi<le upon f r eqnon t oirle et triends. the bride to the dining room, and i n May, 188:1, twonty.two visits hore eluring those SAle dnys. the oldest grnnd.dllught ' r, Ma.bel yearR ago, the wr i ter of t.hi H le t,ter Oood Holiday Trade. Mosher, led the groo~ i tho guests first oome to. Waynesville to . Ill oame iu order of their ~ges. The his home, whero ho Ii ved for abont All of the looal merohanta report dining room was tll8tefully deoorat. fifteen years, haVing s pent 1ll0ijt of an exooll&nt holiday trade, and ad with cedar, white and yellow his early life in t h e neighb or ing many olaim thiB year to been ohrysanthemums, and also WIl8 the t-owns. Perhops it wonld be well the beat holiday trade in Waynes. table, in the cen~r of whloh W'a8 a to t ell you at olilce who it is. for I vllle :1I history, V&8e of margurltes, a gift frOID 1\ think that there i s yet IL number of There 1s no·doubt bnt l&rger Ilnd friend, lind suspended from the oell· old fri e nd!! nnd t1eighbors who ' will more varied 8tooke of good8 were ing was a white woddinll bell, also remember Avury ·Needles. oarrled thlll year 'han ever before, decorated with white ILnd yellow It was in 1891:1 thnt I m oved to and also much attention was paid chrysanthemums. The bride wore Junction City, Kent.ucky, roking to the beet quality of goods In all white margurltes, whioh shonld oha.rge of the fionr WiJIllt that pl aoe, linea. For this reason the mOlt of have boon orango blossoms, but but at! the RIIoying Is, when we make the local trade was kept at bome living In Kanl!88instead of Florida, one move it is much easier to make and many persona were attracted tbey were'not so eaaUy \lbtained . the second; so · when I fonnd thut I bert" who have boon In the habit of After dinner they returneel to the eouldbotter myself by going to New dolDg their buying elsewhere. parlor, and Mabel Moshor recited a. Lexington, a distlLnco of five miles very appropriate deolamlLtion enti. we soon found ourselvlls comfol' tll' One of Our Oldest tIed "l!'lfty YelLrs Ago." M~ry bly situated at thl\t pluoo whoro wo Subsc:rlbers. Mosher CLlso hnd a gooo recitotlon, lived for a.bout one YOllr .' ' subject, "In Pioneer Days," that I was not in tho very lIo~t of brought many serious thougbts to h ealth nt this timo oml m y t hree Rob'. Mountjdy, of Corwin, came tho minds of those present. A oldest dllughtors living ill Uo lomdo t~ the Gazette oftloe Saturday to pay short time was spent in telU?g old were alwnys wri ting and telling of his fifty. fourth annual sUheoription stories, jokes, games and muslo and the grandeur CLnd botlnty of the to the Miami Gazette. reoitations by the small children, West and best of ILII the heAlthful Mr . MountJOY has been 110 Gazette and having" general good sociable olimAte, und insisting',dways on me suhllorlber 81noo 1852, and has never being with thelll , so we hogn.n to milllled renewing since, and feel8 time. E, ·V. King, the s uccessful pho. consider, lind yon know WhlLt thM that be oould not do withont it. tograJ,lher, and son Karl, were wnit· melms. FiUy·four yeal'll ill a long time, ing then in the yord for the guests W e So.OU fonlld oUl'llslveH locn tml and few papers can boast of having to be seatO<! so he oould see jnst ill ])en vel'. Colortl.(Jo, RlId I Ollllnot "Mined- sulllloribers oontinuously how they ,,11 looked lit one tlm.e, j suy th:l.t ullY of us htl vo eVllr r egr et 80 long a timA. and he was soon satlsfiod, and agllolD ted coming, for 'LIt.hougb I oft en Probably about half a dozen per· 80nll are now Uving who have taken SOUle returned to .th.e dining room long for the soolles lind fUlIIiitllr the Gazette sinos It was started in to look ovor the remains and r egret f,UlOS of my old frilm(l~ In Ohio s WI the time was so short . . l::Iome vory thore Is something so ox hilinr:ltin g 1850. and ontieing In thil3 good old West. nioe presents were reoelved. Those wbo partook of the foost orn oliwate t hat, on co bere, we lon g R.evlval will Continue. prepared by Mrs. Albert Moshor to stuy . and daughte~s wero Mr. LlDd 'iV e ctune to Denvor in 11l0a, won t YOIl The revival 8ervloes whioh have Mrs. E. VrumrIDe, of Jew· j fr om thero to Iduho SpringR, over boon oondnoted at t·be Orthodox ell; Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Scott nnd th o Glea ror ee k division of th o C. & Friends ohuroh the pa8t two weeks family, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Kmg S. railrOAd. This is 1\ !lroml sighl;, wlll oontlnue tbl'ough this week, and son Karl, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. wIDding os we UO ttround oud around and an Increasing interest in them Is Rose, of Concordia i Mr. Clnd .\1rs. the motlntlLl~8, elevlLting over 2000 apparen'. A . Shayler, Mr . and Mrs. R . A . feet in 37mlle.q, the ultltude of DouThe public is oordially inTited. Crnmrine, of Clyde; Mr. ond Mrs . ver being 5170 fe Elt And o f Ido.ho All of' the local bnain688 houses A . M~nger and family, of Manhat· I::!prings 7fi4:l foet . IdAho Springs is w1I~ olOle at 7 o'olook .every nlgM tan, and 80n Lewis Munger, of Hoi . a nice little mining town of about Ws wesk except Saturday, to give 1i8 i and Mr. an~ Mrs . A, Mosher 2[)00Inhnbitnnts. It is noted for its olerka and propriewl'II an opper. 'and family, of Clyde, or near Law. fine minora,l water. We traveled nn"" W attend 'heae serviOOlJ. renceburg,
LOCAL' AND Concerning: . Forliler Residents ; peRSONAL MENTION
. -...........7 MA..1LE
14 and 16 East Third Street, Dayton,..O"hio. 'THE GREATEST OF ALL
JAN. 2 , 1906.
In every line of depcndable mcrchandi8c fOl' personal wear awl for the household, from the smallest aJ'tide to the most imPortant , the mal']{ed down pl'ices arc so far bclow the actual . values that no man or woman can afford to let the occaSIOU pass without taking advantage of the bargains presented. '!'his store has a fixed policy that must be lived up to. All goods bought for each season must be sold bef{)} e its close, This is the sale. Don't wait thinking you may buy for less money later. You'll be disappointed if do. Pl'ices have had their g'l'eatest and final reductimi. fW 'rhe reduced pnces coupled with the reliable charactel' of all goods offered make this an opportunity not to be missed. You'll lose money if you fail to come next T.uesday, the first day of this extraordinary 8ale. . .
New Post Mast er
In Soc iety. Harve y s burg. I '(snrpn "" CvOw .JossO p·~ .ILnrl Frank PERS ONAL MENT ION I I Hur ris wu~ IL we lUIl Ill " V I ~l l ol' ILt Ih .. . PARA GRAP HS Foulltnl n oy nugu~, ",Il t I1\(lI l1f' of Ch urJie C!t' I I ~OI', nllll l! hul" , - - - -. __ Mi ~s E mll1lL Hoighw uy onLor tnlrt. S c: h\\' ILI'I~". II. lin WII" ~o mu oh pl ofL Elotwn t rUll t llcH lLt.J . E. JulIno:vS ! I!' ino lino f Lo\V n oy'~ s ',I wlI.h hi s u ox CIlIl. nd nt II lJOun tiful Hupper SlIlllrlln y Alln th ( 'I ' .Y f' a r h ll" c"lllell nllllJls~r:'1 oO ll' pnJl Y 1m l'f'tnru Hd with Dr. Muoy, donti!lt, will ho nt di o~ at 'chwllr!.t.'" EI"1'J 'i~ Qvolling. )'1: 1' . and Mrg. A. Mntlit.t ILWlly . Th o r~ f o r .llInlllll' wit h hllll .V , I II Oli. ull,1 I 'fiJlI s h~11<l .,th. 'l ll ny Bllr veYSUlirg 1111 next week . S111<l on ..: lin vl"C lI""I. II g- III l'I1i~gos EmlUlI Heighw ny lind 1111,1 nieoe. M i~~ J O!'lsiu llllmilt,nn, , e I) ro" H lIf :~. :::; :::~'PI';:;'tl(,~\' ir'~I)C'I'lt~llm"'O·.~ I(I,IIII1"1 11!,I'··lr, =.: ' 1"'1'1. o f Il ur ~ont. he M ~. I I . D k t J . 'I I rn R.olld r IIUl , IInu T Icu ore( o, It wh I o S wus ID !lr tu oir e COlln:v g ll(oRt fo o8~ r le Ill' c we ro !;uost~ SnnullY U ,"OV"rlll ll'I "". lelo. t .... no l'. ' 11'0", ,i o~"i " ." ~("n'ln y MI' . .. nd Mr ~ IIHlle l' . Enl'll I·Il tile I' nt o.r e s t S () f tl lIti 'l h,,\'c hr l' ll r" r"I ",i II,\(I n ul' IIl't i" n ~ Ie II III I. '1' () IJIl t; . , Missoti· Anuie l. lint! l\[llIlI O Bro wn . ,,~ J " " " ~' U " , · l'I",'" L f t 1 I11U Col .~11· lInI' . }i' mnk Unrl lIllU wi ve~ w er o "~n ., AD' nl'o 11, Iln,1 ftll' III I' tl n,"in ~ .' ·,·1I 1·. !t" it. hOll1',I, h. co 0 14 ,ulIlpun y. of I ' I, th e l . W\1I .. hi~h " r st' lnllll rd. " \I:' onl' l'"i l's 1m ,liui n" wilh rl' ioJ]ll ~ ill Corwin , lind MiR!! Belon O"I()Hho (', IIf tor " VOl' '' ' ]\11," I I U'1'11110 Uur ll \vn . .. ~ . IlIlll son . 100 c· M .. ~ J k f 0I 11111".'{1,1 ill h"1 II'1' l1Ie ll I' of ,ol f IInfl M f)l o r' ~ ~ llIughtu r bouse is rllnniDg hllP PY vl\oatio n IImo ng fri onllll li t ' 001'01' or tho Mmlic ino Co.. " " II I 111 11 .... t hn R ucco Ul lll olllLting 1\11'. 111111 ilIrs. ti . Le v Cnrtwl' igitt (1111'1l f" t "11(1 ..11\',,1' 1., IIdd hOIUO, roturne d W('dn esduy t<l Ox. , Dll y f,o ll , I'njoyctCoo)JOI' "" milch 1'. " ' 11 \1 '"'' wi lh lIlt .llt jll'<'p'lI,,,,,1 ro r tUlI l soveml dllY ~ u m·. 1 I I ' l ' f"li ci ty wllh I h,,"o \\'0 COlliI' ouleurn ID ('on tCl ford ooll ege. t 1 ·se\' cnt I Ulml 1'lId \\:ilh us our 1'11 1',.,,1111'11 11"IIIrOH " I II I Ill> rl ,ing th u 1, 01it11lY ~Oll!!o n with hoI' vcn;ury o[ t.ll0oirI lll'ty 11 11 "'\l,. a~ e t·ho "kl II" r, mnrrillg o wil·h lin M r. R . lind I IIII t, I" 111 1. wi thforJ,:lJoti t I ' B aywood I It f rl·oml I e n,ioyulli o II o'cl ork oy c linne r ~Iltu r· E1Dl 11 1'0 on pll tJlo of, nnd n1Il Y w" ~o fILl' fil l' 'lIlIel'llll~ tll'e~ he re hel wil:! h o~ froln Duyton spent New Ye r A dlt I, punm ,S 101'0. " II '~_ o\' unlng, li t \""1'(111 \\'oro Ilroso nt sueco ow, " IlUd II tho e v itl~ n ('" wiil un nllllli,,· U j' '" ., U . ;1 1. ' ' IL. ' Y ~'o nntui n Syringe s. lit "l\ynesvll o, uelO gg\llll:! t.~Oflllr ' I' '''' CII\\''lrt ._ ,u 7',e lll il y ti ll! Jll tll'it ut "1,'. [In ll Mre . J . \" . \\' lll·tn. l) r·. Iln (l tll l",I,I,)' 1I1 1ul c 1Il1lIlifo slingnln t) OX pt ' ft . .t. nnt! Mrs. JluneR ,, In [it ~ . Shu to. , 1 y , I ' I I . '" tl <. o. I t' I' ~ t.·R .J 'l' . E\li~. Mr . IInll 1Il r s. C';oo. (l\'on t 0 ftu ' \Jl II .. ,, " I f' ... ·'' 11,.,. (Ur1 I1 ~ Ifl lll'l! ~' I~, II V' )I' 1(111 0 nll \, . I" OS ('11\. ),"" 1'. I\lOli. 'I H lIunll II I'~ . '1IIl1noy f M' n . Ki k f C" \\r. HI'\\' I'o . ·'ir. 0111! '11·s· . .1 01111 (). must hI] III'v" t ' "rH. . n n ear IS8 eHSlU t ocl , Iu • tlll1 l i nl l''' l1~ r. 0" IOClnlla 1. \ LytiC', Mrs . AnD Ke lloy. of Uarv oy s. ( :n rt w \'i t; ht !lnll l . . . t.s of Mi ,,~ Ki z' ~I ,)r rj tt, fn 11nW · 1II1I1I t,,, 11 11' 1 a tll I u"" j,, 1 III ;-vus from Sllturul lY to ,lueH~IlY ovun , bur!;. IIntl Mr lillY ' . i:5tant on , of ~' I'Il t1klin , leg lt,lIllllto IIIUllllt'\'. A lontl ly word , I 109 .the guel!t of her COllSID , Mrs. jure IIntonl{ th o lu tes Sprin gboro . t a utlition s to . .. ' EdwlD S . l<' UrD0 8. , . a IO Rf of brond , a bllLllll de,· t u Ihe I t llo r"'11I'ly at tllo Frl'O II (l~ n Olll0. Mr . I1nd Ml s . . T. B L:hlljJlII llli wur o wltcol lJllroful contl ol'llllll.i ou ~ hORt lind h ostcs. IlTl(I " 'ootl End IlI1Ikin'" tit lJo- t ~'IIIf whllt P ' I' Bank Incre ases Mr. Elihll UnderWOOd , elLst of i~ 'in mn~ I . r In (, . Ino 11 f ':-,uw noy .H II"X olLn· SUpol'lu t.onuellt Cllarlos A. Brown Farm t ho ~(:(\n o o f OLIC of tlt o m ost wilh u t~t sookir;" ElIL 111(1 rveysbu w Ullk rg, ILlJd a promin 81n . !l ent m ember of th c Wllyn o t.o wns hip oh o\lls, f' lIjnynhl o l e~ III :::ichwlIl'tz~. Numb er of Direc tors e llt o l'l ai nm onl~ (11 theseu · ful lIli;< at the l!' riendsl::\ociot y. is lying very IIttend" ,! the IInlllllLI lucetin !; or t hu ~J) 1I \" edn O~II~tY (\\'onmg , ~v he ll 11 1(11'0 (ll'Illkos t~ will h wo 111'0 ull ' Ill ,. . l ;. K De.Il't.lo lr, of Ohio Don · ill from a complic ation of di!~oa~Els . Alll od TOllc h e r ~ A!lsociu l c~ s hei rs We 111'0 erell . till Coll ege, IJi ncill nlltl , s pont I.~ fow l,ion h old Ilt ubout 1.lllrtS' h\'o uf tit Ir frlllllll ;; t,I1I'Ol< o f degl'CeH 'rhe stockho lders of the Uitizens , lind whllt, m ig-hi, be lill Y" IRst weok wit,h h is sis t er, Mrs. W . H. Matlde n & Co ., at 'orwin, t he Ouio i:5tlll c Un!\'ol' it,y, hllnk, ot their annual meetin g Tue~ . Colull1. W PffI ~I\'c n tb e fr eetlom pt th" t, r oga nl d IIS 11Upllrtlo nlliJltJill " Ih ' r~ N . L. just r \lcelveu u cur loau of N,L. bll~, ll\~t week, Roger s dllY Ilfterno on, Inoreas ed the nnm· have utll'll CtlVC h lIl O. PI'(lgros~ I\'o ('U · YI·t tho lIIurk o f II !;rOlltel' fllull ' P I PI N I' ber of membe rs of the bonrd of 110Ioon EI ns t 10 U f '1 h 1 lire WD !! Ibo chi of Ull1l1~Cm o nt of r c' ·c wttll u p a s.ter; IIISI.' n Pro· f . Ell"ene F a te r, "'ru lIS . . Fost('r Honce It lot f 11 8 o"tOII ' I ... . :, I . 'I ,. eucellt"nu AIlIKDI Ykl 8( uds b directo rs from Beven to nine . qUllnt y 0 pr.epared IIm e, wll1C,h lind 1I11' "s L~u"en . . m ., I)f the " evenin u II'cC ' Ilt "Il u"t" v" 11ll( ,,"s~ • eHSIB r ' 1 1'''r e er all I ' " harity F o." 'er, ill Iln b " "I I,ruot Id on. t ice it " ur l'ilw ,Iii u I I t.1 . 1' ''' . •.nr· ' . An(I "1 ' ~ '. 'l'he new board' oonslst s of R. F, w 0" ., N Il ' U e so 0 rig ht pr Ioes. Ca II dill e we~ ror." , v rn.OtI 01T '" , tIC a Y s 111'IZO 1111" It orH " ISSO~~' J ossle j , r , en\' " in Waynu onu llIuliu "villo I::\uu Itln f'a e Ie ' "v 1I 11 " llutrc" yards or telepho E S "I " om B ' t I lle tl l f ne to Fon Baudl e · \\ " 'r ... II ,;" k ' .• A ' 't ." Mosher , Prellide nt, Jalllllll HtOOP8, hotel , . u . ' . U 1 I .'i , u . s .'" t r~l·to y l n. e ... (OJ) A mon .~. Ilt Corwin h eurt . Ask 'l'hus for our book lives lot nrc In ronder 0 tO ll unn co upon th o tu ne rnl of III1)gt d !tCIOU!; lun oh "'OR S(lI'\'l'd . .Vlce Pre8ld8 llt, Levi S. Lukens , . . . ' 111lrel' , IInu in ijunllniu g nl) lit tho t hclr r elatlVo, the youu" BOll of d !Ill'. csorlbln Mr~ " . g ·It/lrle thiS ploster. MoEnrl e ollll .Y Hecond Vloe Preslde ut, W. A . . I.~S 11UU Mrf1. Alfred Buttel'\~orth ---(,I o~e shll41 fcol our work hn s n ot Estor 1 hom lie wcre T , . A new cornori b hRS been built on Merritt , Secreta ry, Nathan Jonos, .c uanon VISIt · . A pllrt,y of Ibirty guest" WI 'I' O 110011 in v ui n fOI' W O III. l ellst, Will i ors lu s t Tl1 esday. W. J . Sherwo od, Fronk Elbon, the M. E . pllrsono ge propert y ond Mr. aud M,rs. Harry ~borwood chllrlll ill ~l y cntertu incdllt t lt o ]Jlcll ~ hll\,o hco n IJe;lofi tl otl lind onr lI1ind Cbarles Cornell and C . A. BinllCb , 'the pas tor und church desire to ox .. re now lU COII1DlIJUti, wh er o Mr , \ "n t Ltov. ,J . W. P lltt,on . of He ven Mile, hOll1l10 Pre"lde ut of tbe Fifth Nationa l press 8peoial thlmkM to Mr. H enry I::\herwood is enguge d in the r~p'lir flll thllwnr f Dr null 1Il,'s U . E. li t rORt WIth "PC'u co 011 BIITth , ~"1)(1 i \\" 1 sm iling on olel (lcqunintlLnces I!rill ll,V c\' ' nill l-; lit 1,1'1)· \'.'111 I() Ill ell ." Hllnk of Cinclnn llti. JIlY for lumber dona.ted , nnd George ~lepartm!lnt . of . the. ,1. 1. reoently. ' ~ RlInllllY fo.! dinn ur F . K Jlilill u e n· Co Ml' L::.II1 The new membe rs of tho ooard Bn.rt.sock aud son Ernest. 81 He'l t,rI'OSRII' e e ll ch r e. T he IlIdy'", I'r j~" Philip rhreslli "1 AI C ' n g Mll chlOe U , . . lor· wns W OI1 ~ by \1i ~H lY rHo 1IIIlv III "'!'i"hl ox. 0 f lUason, wood WIlS visitin g in W llvn es"i llo l Ihe "cu tl () IllIlI;< 'IJri~c: h Il llll 1 .r,. i d \V H .dnt WI\S t h e lire Mr, LUke1J8. Mr. Elbon and Mr. Hopkin s und Ghurles Cornell 1 f· ' 1 M~ Ie ', I' l l ;'~lu for v C for M' a few , . r c1nys Dr ll l1l' th l1n i8 ( f·II ek ' "t,! g uos t of I Mrs ~ . 0. ,T. RobIn . Gornell . Mrs. FAIt-h Barris resign. their work donllted . . son . over J .~ . ' . nll r, y 1111 er JUrg, 0 J. au· Sunda y we . Buily . A d l> li ol f) u ~ t hrl'l1. f'o nl'su , nnonU. ISSW ,h ur ed her position 1\\1 dlreoto r, other. ile Bill y hU R pln yotl !:lll n. , · 'rhe followin g porson s wll o 1I t- l lnn cheon ",as son 'cd . lIUI'IIlt; 1\)(1 III ClunR fo r n 1I1l111ber of yoa r~, h OI .Mastor Horuor WIII8 the membe rship remlLlDS the Death of Mrs. Malo ney. tended the fun t Putton, of ~ven ernl of 1::\. P. EU l' uhart ! (1 \ ' U ill~. Th o 1111'111,(\ g nest · WOl'o: KIImo ILl! lost ~flll rotlLin s u y nllt,hfnl IIJl pOtll'II11 00 'MIl e, who hns . been very yellr _. _ _ lust FridlLY, wcrn ent or t.Li ned lit Mr. uuu Mr~ . .1. ll, Uollllllll -----1.111, Iii n . M,· for thnt. fl111 f!tio nlll'Y. s lowJy oonvtllesOlllg. d inn er by Mrs Benny U pp: Rev. 'llHl Mrs Geo . \V . H uw ke, ~Ir. tlll (l After 0 brief, but se\'ero Illness, Beoket t, Mrs. S . P . EILruh, " . P ref . H . D Kelliso n and fBmily Miss Minn ie Hath away bb r . F I'unk Mrs, MlLry Malone y passed into ohildre n AnnElollnd Goorge u·t !lUll I\1rR. .J B Ch upmall, ~l r. 11Il11 l\lrp. , Ansl olll g S Baily, MI' . ouu Mrs. ,I. I t. hllllllJl p olllted "II!! n Ilnd Ed Dn loll l Hpr nt, 11 fe w dtlYs IAllt week with eternal rest Friday Frl~lny afterno on Ilt the Earnha rt ond wife, Geo r ge UJ,J P nnd , UllrtwT of In st Week \Mrs. K oll ison 's ' po.rents Mr. Ilnd Wins Fine Posit ion. lght., Mr. lind i\1r~. I!: V. horne of hElr niece, Mrs. Wlliter wife, J ohn Upp, WIfe to b nve IIll ed Ilround Ilnd Mrs, C. J. Turner , at Or~gonl tlnd bllbo. Mis. I3l1mhu rt , DI'. lLnd Mrs. A . 'r . Wrighl , \ tlt,hrllay a. McClnr ongh e, Dllyton whioh . bnt hlld nls\) heen her ses .J enni e nnd Elle n I:)t-ewn rt, of 1\11' to tho . MII:I8 Mlnnio Elilthawa.y, and M rs F. B. He nlle rso n,I\f ('~ \ \lloioll1o nt 8tut~ of t h eoWlOg of homeof or severlL] yeurs ; ,yolltbe r. rlo· Mrs. U, .J. Robinso n enterto. Ined EMon, Imd UlI .Lrl e J . t::iell l'f! . Waynes vl\1e, ·hs beeD appoint ed d.lIue8 Edith Blll·rI ., J oal E \lnll s.\l CrI' ClI tbe t rip onu WIll Tht! nwalt II )the fo ll ? wmg g uests on Friday . t:!tenog rnphor In tbt! tlouse of Rell' churohfuneral wos held In the M. P , i:5 uo Hyat t., Llna DeVitt, LllurEl m or~ blllmy Iltlllos llhore In Bellbro ok, thi s , Wedn(lt!. . . resentlLt.lvetl of the Ohio Legisla ture day mornin Mosber, Aunie 'l'horlle. A gll e~ \Y . t;ll oblhn g ~:OIHI'tlOn'" WI when auto· ovenl1l g ID honor of Mrs. Ada Cox. g, after which h r bouy MISS Nann le Janne y al Il IIIllary of 111150 Il month, the W1'Ig lt t; Mi ses Em III 1\ B eighwa y,: fll.vortlb l o t llr t ho outlU g ll UO more l of Muson : Mr. and Mrs. 13eorge , Sell er s, Mrs . Lucy Barnhn rt, Mr~. 11OMitlon belnlr secllred throng h the was laid to rest in t,he BellbrOOk' Called to Rest l llly rn Bllird, i\1Jty Wri ght., J ossio Cemete ry. 1::\0vel'8 1 furn l(:r~ di sllosed of flit : Arde~'t 'jhl!tao/~e ·lliMr. Jre! Mrs Nettie Chi'dlow 1l\lIl1enc~ of Han W . Z . Ron, repre· . ~~bl. CIllrk, Anni e U . allli MUIIHl Brown . h ngs ut 1\1 5.00 IIl Ht wllck ILnd two ohildre n. Kennet h lind and yet l ""n, r . • 0 III "'0 ., ns, r . r ur lIontaU ve from Wllrrsn conaty . In t.he qniot 1,11.ld UCIII1 ty f the : Lin:. Wrig-ht , Ce lestia Austin,1 I!.o· wunld 1111\'e be n u ttor ;nlisfied if COlfll1lln ~n~ MrwC\) Mary, arriv.e d 'l'uesd,t y Iuornin g Friend~ H om ~. MisH Nunni d~~u;~hd Mis!! Bilthaw ay 18 a yonng lady from o .I unll ey I nilllill Bunn ell ; . Dr. ,J. \V. Millor , they ltud l'eceil' cd m ore 1I1l(1 could t , \ r : n l~ South Ullkota , to olosed h er eyes to r8. b ' 'f f .g r~e t enof more tbaa ordinar y ability and onoe ellr t hl y t hin gs l.M ossrs . O. L. R IOk s, Ernust ROllllll b nve pr llner more behold the fellture s of "bout fOllr 0'010 k all IIturdny od uced mo re in numl, I' of or "I , n.l"~md .e r 0 I rl:~ s dO R m orn. !glo, A,lolbe rt M.eKny , C. M. Au st in win e. We un(IOI'$t hlloll won her WilY by hard work, her un d tho product twe ve a c oc beloved aunt. ing, n.ftor ltaving beon nn ' uucollJ . lonl Edwllrct R ioks . ' IDner as un ay , pluck and pe1'88veranoe. She Is a is'Lhon t OX IJllu s te(\ in t hi s se ·ti on , The followi ng tribute wns Ilrll' pillinin g suffere r for n Nicholos-i:5chneider lind family, of ,rudua te of the WAyne sville High pllred Ilum bor of I --SIl.\·O for th o SOVC)ll d lind 8 0nl1l LebllDo n. moved into the School. and for fonr YClIrIl has held mlltelyb)' one who knew her inti · y eur~ , rilthou gh h er fio lll iIlnos~ The Mi sses Ull r oly n lind E<lith sixty head of 11111 E lIi~hundre and loved her devo tcdly , wus of uut short durllti on . pr op ~r ty of Doniel W eidner, and till" position of private secrettLr.v to and I )10Hber werll ltostess s 10 n pltrty B was rend u, tho funeral : k f 8 11 n j !:lohlleiu or Illls tllkon chllrge o f''tlte MondRY m orulng fri ends the Pr8l!ide nt of the Nllt.ionElI Nor· Milry S. Klnmnn was born at at tbe B om o whe r o t he fnn!;utbe rcd ' uf t,wen t.y nvegues t·s Soturde~y OV OI~ ' I , d ,c01'ge ~'ool 's . ~ on ..~. O~l. , h llOk lin e be tween Springb oro and era.1 sar jing, car ds being tlt e princip alllll'or III ~~II\ II ,.~V 0 JUal Univer sity U Lebllno n. In Pekin , New York, on August the vices B lal\ ,e I~ l I.~g f IS Fl'llnkl in, purohlls ing It from Har. we re ill cltarge of t he Rev ,1 I' Sion. As i~ nlw[IYs f lte clI se li ttll" po81tlon !lhe has been rllspons i 8evente t th is Jr o lOrt~llIl ' roo .n; \n entlt In the year 184:1 . In." Cudwlll lndor 'JUs t or of Ht Ma;". Yd ~r voy G u s tin . '~ lJ e home with .t11 socill l fi n .' !l1 ~ llllO I 'rf\ t Ilti, - lIle for all the money that haR pass. h . 1 hlldh 00 d Rhe ClIme ,. . e p" S ·, ro urno ,() J • 11 6 ,0111 0 to P . E . church , who nos( II,V \lll through the IU8tltnt -ion; has er eor y c renll t h e follo w. MI' . \Yldter Fox It formar resi· t.erMill m ents, n m ORt deJi ghtfnl . . d out of this plaoe, but bad per80nl ll Rnpervl sion of numeT· Uhlo with her pl\rents and ~etT,led ut ing bea utiful t ribu t", wh icb IlIlll l evellitl g- WIIS enjo.\:etl , Th e ludY'!j ' uow of DnyTkll Wayne Th ollllls s. v 1lle. hn s duc l!lrmlll certnill ton . WIl S lUorrie d to Miss Agnos Bere s ho h~ed until heen propllred by hiUl ~ l f: rollS departm ents of the oollege prize WEI S wou by MI SS Rh OElHogo r ~ . l~nllkor grown of th(l "Hinge hila 1'0(,,o nt,I)' ' agel, o f Mi llmisbn rg, last week, IOto woman hood , when sbe At th e Friend" B om o in businllllllt IIond 80 folthfu lly Bnd effi wos united ~ . M es8 r ~. Hprber t Wurwic k Il ntl OCI) l "doJlted 'tElI111 'Lrd in marrillg e to Jomes A., ville Oh io in th o eElrl y hWtlYlI 'l'ime in order to olently bas abe perform ed t·heRe MEllony O Il j.~ ;Jf F nnk oy, hll \ling an eqlllli II t11lt bElr tle fe r ~t. Pctor's dccisio n in his caso au March 1, 1860. In 18651 Oeo~lll bor ':10 I UOi> th e rell I~on 1Ilr. and Mrs. ' 'Vulter Stanton , of dullea thllt the omalilla of the Uni l't 10f poi ut., . n d ciding . !;lllUO WIIS at the r esurl'octio n. Ridgov ille, SIlent Sunday with Bor. versity have determ ined to hold they moved to B~llbrook, . wh~re of NllDCY Chnpla. i~ Juun uy ce,n sorl play ed wlu au re9 111tml m, t1~ (! pl'l ~O Miss VlI lIDcl'voo rt urr i\'ed, vey \"ns till lind family. open her old poSItion , 80 tbnt she ther 8pent their ~.ptlfe morrled lIfe to ueat , lIud h er spirit r etnrneLi 1,0 gom g to flIT. Wu r w lck . The ro \VIIS i:iaturtlllY from t.h e city to S(lond Syringe s, rullY take up the work IIgaln at any until on MIl,V 23, 1894. ~he WIlS God who gav e it . 7r.c ot I ~l. 0 I~ t.H'l for th e con5?ln l,lO n. MISS th o winte bt>reft of her husban! 1 , No child . The deClCusc was . t.b time sbe 08rBS tu return e dou gll t'I'r Evn E nil key nnll M:. otokell ,S ll vor t.lli!! pl llce.r nt h or MInge hom e in S hwor t;O: ·ij. ren werQ bQrn to thl8 union. but 1of .TODIIR nnd dRIl~h Sh e WtlH I.he w elcom e , . , '. . . Dnvia ,Tllune \, oOlll,ostlDg, tho Jll'lZO gOin g to Mr. [;Uellt of MI811 Hathaw ay'a friends will re o . li nd Mrs. ( ·lI nA. Mu(\. t~ey wore bot,h great lover~ of unel wusbor llllellr S )lrin~ Lh o C. E. SOCIet,}' of the Reform od joloe In her suooeS!! and are oonti · htUe hnr()" Ohiu' : !l VO I·. A fo ur cour~e IUll c hoon d en elur ingMr ones, and when two httlll . tho dny of ul'I'i val. ICbl1l'Ch gUV.u t.hOl r Aunu~1 Hocep . ' . , dent that her energy and ILblllty nieces were left muthe I ' wa s 8or vod. 'I'lt o gUllst.s wero: MIS' , ,. . the . > ,'. 184 1, IlI~d hlld 11\ cd ~ 4 a t tho h om e of MISS Abbie r ess th ey III YOllrs yenr will win her even greater lIuece!!!! in wore most henrtily welcom of buman 1111 0 of LO"lle5 " ho x. Cllll ,itwn ltfe Ono of II Hes I rrull E• ll'IS, MIII'11 \flo l) ' rNen II . ! . FlIIo ohlJHO II lll st F rldn,y e vening, A ed Into . , . .., . . .' , . . . E,litll L:l'llne gth el Willillll1son Lu . {1O;; ILl oC h \\ntt the futnre, . the home clrole of Aunt Milry nnll f~Ulldl\Of flvJe Oblldre ~ s. vtlry enJ oYllbl e program WIIS ren· ~. sl~e h 18 8ur · plhl COrDolI ~ H elJl';ott, 1I McKil;s oy LIlHt W etln usdllY fol' Il i1111 01' 1\11', dored, ILftel' which Unole Jl!nmle Malony . fVllvl o Yt on Y ono, Ja Jro °E supper WRS r 'd our i:5te ll a Lemn'., on Hhou Hogers FJYI; Ilml Mrs. Chn ,.. ' • d I e Th ese nieces ow Clouvel OWIISml ' (J ntp ltl. l'tllincu sor vod to fifty g noMtB . limes ' WID were ,en er s: cnrflcl . ' . . New M ayo~ tak f l ~unkey, Annn ' ' ' . ' Meredi .. es Offi ce for and watche d over as theIr own Jonne . th, An"" III h.onor a t Ie r.ecen t co~tll" ~tlll g Miss Lonolln G ilpin entertll inod 'lhomso n. Katbr yn Alexilll dor .. nd partlU8, Mr. and until they were grown wben tbey. W I' tYl Ib e~x cep t'I~n f f Mrs. 1\111110n E ilt s. Mr. TAv Kno ' 6f e I e w ~~ enr~ E VIL Da vis; Messrs, will O'Nea bt W, O. Raper, ll88ume d the office married I\nd went out ll A host of l'el ati ves lluu frionds w oro S u~e!;\y. .~, 0 lim tiS, uvu of MAyor of Waynea vi\le at the world to make homes of Into tlie l :~ O~~olllL'in eG~~e~: 1~1~t1w\~a~;~n Wllrren .Koys, B erb E!rt WarWi ck: IJ1'OSe~lt chi~f tl1l10~1~ their whom own. ti ' . Stok es i:5llver Gml Mnrpb y R on· the vIl1ugo WIt, Iko Iholl.1us . WI1S meetln gotoou noJlMo ndayov eDing Whent hehnSb andWa 8 . Now , ,t akeD,tb enCOuA nbes 't b ' ht PI t Rid b . f tb aid B nwlm Edwllrd RiokB ' F rCc1 \ flinCe 'hllrll e hlldpr W m... Ze11 ret Ir Inga f ter h t\v Ing flll'''! eo th e h omo was b ro k en up un d M r ~ , 8 . t If f F o viuctln n Hx l O ' l'Ig m elll or 0 easan e (J " key , G' eorge ge. , ' . the poeltton two yean. t F llukey. , 11111'011 . ltl . ' II' I 1 go I'I ll Malone y mnde ber home with h er .~Ie a drl~n dB, Ite\Iif ) e l' r Oils, our nm!; )01 .e ( e· Mr . Burton Eornllll r t and family ~ \~Il S cor · hi Cook f I1nd I Adelbe rt '1 McKIl niece, Y. Mrs. Walter TIl~ li vered tu e tOlISt,. An I1xtm ct of 1'0'01'0 gllost.s of relati ves be MoClur o, ut HIS nn,. au or gren. es JOY S Ie Hunday . rs p o t, J(1 counm Wllvne svllle. ___ sum o \VIIS t o the elrect" t hu! lI o \\,Il ~ remain smem found I1J the sweet OGllIlIIlllllOn of the BRme as Illst :v<mr, oon· "1'1 e U t . " I h f God's Bouse ' 1"thlLnk I tl ful [or 1111' ''0 Ctl ilacitills ill f D Th sl od I "'h o Mr. ,erlO, h lind d IL b Mrs. c Uv ' 0 Alva YO l1ug ,Tames and 88 .og 0 ... . . . . r. ' omull - lerwo , , lllrl i(O~ conSisti n g ot lIti Hses Mnrthn . little m ell 111111 th o I'owl I" "e n Oftt d een poor health for Nev~r murrlcd, y ot hoI' life . 011 th, s nCCII· nlcce '. va I) ~"tor spen t """ \\n~ O'N O'III , Annlt Me r cdith Preilde nt, W . B . AlInD, W. O' j@evernl years, butID her nr ay . D onll l~ ' , R ioll W ll~ u prim fllct nr in supJll y. mght nnd ~unduy with GuatID, J. C, B.wke , O. J . Burnet t was of short duratio last iUnAss not II hfe cf gloom . 1)J1~ one full IIf II l1 wk o Luolln Co ru ell Honriet tll ' il'" snoh Mr. and n IIml n.nd w hit" very h o kmdly wus tl and D, t:!, Bowell . th pro oughts. , I\Irs. F lind l'Ilnk JOYOl1S Rogers A ll , on · lllllJ.r Lytle. r ' sovere. but she bore it 1111 brn,vely fI " I d I . 11 . 1 'j . \>" ' 11 M cl~ lu Sf1:V anrl Stelln Le mm on, on· f OBRCll P1"1 1I lin t IfUjI ~t, \\ ou ( I' ll tl lor The Mayor's first 1I1JIIIlintlllent ond withou t 1\ murmu r, LInd on De. .ces. I on g rlltclOlls Mr .• llin, Incob ue\l ~ . t 1II' tort.lli ll!'(1 in 1\ ue li" h tful Uornell and dllUght ers smgu Rr nllllJI1 s wee 0r III u css bo IL Tnrk lit Uhl'iijtlll LlH t,im c 1,\.11111 II "1"Ollt "UU"ay aft·erno " A WI I .., W-Ma that of IItroot oommis sloner, cember 29. 1905,l'h e posRed penoe ' on wl' th Mr . ti ons a f ' f111'tl I IIIH J I d \l t Y I,he hOlll o of Mi ~8 " c Iel\r COil VIC U,. Luolla corn el l l turke Vfro lll OUe "hMrles h O litlll Y SmMl1 10 {lUul\te being given thcIllac e fnny into the Gren.t Beyond l' nn u" MrB. Alhert Cornell of Lytlo. '. e fill c1 ' I o' . t' I11' 0 l'1 'I'h t1 l'suILY o \'tllli u!; ill hOll or of th o lko's .holt m HlI snr Onte I v 0 every , . SI'ler In 0 11' nt, ill fl . It ·bad been generlll ly expect.ed reached the age of ,62 , IlEIving su o 111 01'11 · " , II d h yellrs ,I "1 1' 1,11' 11' 11 Surface nn" '''I'fe enter . uOl 011 e er . fI or ' m otIlor f or cn ll e,::o. ~tll clon 1. s . who ha\'o l,oeil illg "'li S ..., ~ ; a ft or t ll' noon I1l11lr 'hat the poeltion would go to Jo~ . months ond 12 days. . [ " u .. j 1 I f'Jl I II YOllrs lin invlllid , recoiv erl fron; her spoD\hllg :11.0 h ohdllYs .t. · t uined lit a Ne w Yoar's dinner Mr. epb Marsha ll who was electOlI llln.r. b or e . Vn rl . h~ ~,)eXlIl;n~ I'll ~rs. Malon~y WILS of a kiml ILnu an Ilbiding de vot,ioll IIlld t,he t(ll\ . ntis . on W\, III\Jtll ont~ wer e pr VI delj \ n . ~ 1U 0 10.. ntH I . C( l(1 ~ 111' [: Sa m Surfllce Ilnd Wife, of ,n ear Leb. 8hal Ilt the Nllvem ber election , the 10vIDg disposit Ion ond made Illlon, 1'111'. Le~ter Hurfooe ond frlond s <lerest ministr ati o ns Iln<l h r fl\ · dn nng the. ovellmg offices of street oommls sloner and of a1l nbout her. None , 011 0 i Otlt nre 'l'\10SdllY Frflnk Wil ~oll WII S tl oin/-: anll Mr . FrlInk Thoma s and wife, knew her t.ber·s deolinin g yell'rR woro glllt! . 0. fomlly . 1 esptlclfll Illl er('st WII R an OhSe l' \" l· Columu us in .. hns marsh III h.ving been oombln ed but to love h er, lind althoug in e!!!1 wuy , lind h the de Deu by lter 10;\,1\'11." IIU c! 10\·A . !I.1l 1l ~n~)tes t . during prevloUll Ildmlni l!trntion s. En cl! you yo.uug 1lI."l1 r.I CBsr s . Ch arl os M~" (l e n lind Elill s ocqualntonClC might be Rlight ot, Mr. Ubnij. G ray and fBmily and The oloslng YOllrH nf !tor lifo woro ~"I ~ g l~ an I~ shp of llEIpe l oon t1ll · ()g lcs!Joe on II mi"RlOn lit WlllI1lll g· Mr. and Mrs times it soomed perfect ly natural shudow od by i;;'flrmi ty , Lester Surfllo e wero for her to be called "Annt Mllry" but she nevor /ll\1TlIll1 diso llse. lU g 1\ ll ~t ~f BubJ O?t s al:d tho num o t on lind m ost of our 'hrlstmlLs vis· entor tflin cd by Ur. ond Mrs. Ernest rlld unr COI11 . of II YOUII " lntly \\I.t,h "hom ho was itors hllve r atll r noll to t hei l' Sllv ul'ul Butl Ellis- Earnh art Marri age. by both young and old. envorth &turlla y evening . )llainl'd , an,d h er COIl,t,lIn Bow she will be missed from the ness was a beuedic tion to t ch eorful. t~' eOll~OrSO for five IIllnnl,e s . . At nlllldes and pin cos of h~l s ln ess, ILnd Miss !IInry Uedmo n and friend h or loved t Ifl OJ]( of tllllt t ll.11e t h oy \~ ere n ow we b eor MI!18 Mazie Edythe Ellrnhl lrt and family circle none CIIn n rumor te\l only ones anu fri ends. IIsk od to Iea" e t,he 1'00111 an~lutt empt con ti nlJan oe of O. !:;,of 1\ prop oscd spent Suuday /\t W est Carroll ton. Mr , Charles T . Ellis. were unit.e d In tbose who hllve met. with Hond, sa id the sam'e For only I\, few woo ks n 1l1 0muor t,o descrlb o t,h e Jlorso ~ ,With ,. . marriag e by Rev. J . F . Oodwulla.. loss. Bot the Milster wh om prop oRILt to be m ude III tlt e near wlJled tbl\,t .of the family at the FrieudR Bom e. h.c hue!. conve Mrs . L: hurles Surface IS the proud r se~ ~ Lh e desc flp , futlHo to ftlrme rs . citi :t.en~ [Iud nny possess der, at the home of the bride's her life on earth should or of Il new pll\,no. parents , near UtlC8. W ed0El8dtlY His call Rhe W08 tuken 010se,80 at Mbe deli~h tfld to t ell of its geninl ~lOns " er~ tltet;t l e llll o nt by th e ono mte roRt,etl III Iln oth ur e ffort to await the ntmosp here Imd tho t.hough tful to Our ,sob ool beean on New Yenrs o~:ess U~( t h pl'1",-o tWllrd e~ to tho boom, nnu Mr ~. Clint Clcllver evening , Decemb,~r twenl.y .\iovent h, last great dilY. , n day nfter I, week 's :vaelltion, kinrlnes s of t.u e M:lltron uOLI Su p~ r . IIU . lOr 0 About forty throe gumots, 1110"' Iy e .1ll08 r ellCU ons cl o· bas been s nfte ri n !l' witb qU ill '), wh He deetb all tblngs well for inte ndant SCrl)1t:lo n, r AllltlvllS, wl'lre )lr68ont ",t. the hllppy t he Jnd ges nna~l1m onsly SOlll e time Pllst , is recover ing fEll" Thore i8 no sorrow but ·t his8we et l'rncf,iClI,1 busines I::\bo WIlS un expres. ion of ull thllt d O~~rl"~g tlha~ WIL.rI'elll~oys event. "'.ns idl y t·o the sllt.i ;;fnoli oll of solf unll I·ll t es of goop juugems nnd the dieinsoript lon , WUR Itttrllc t,ive. YAt fo rceful in I,h on le ent si1~gost tho o t 10 Tht! weddin g mArch was played prl 'l.e. An U IJpat,I;o; fri el1llH ILml la ~t week tho Fortili zo r lI ocessitY' to e veryone 1M graven upon aod from ellcb I{e ntll" tende r virtues who owus I.llnt . III ust, I. n ~ ~I;re\conrse l,un ch eou WIlK on , U ndertHk ol's by Mi8R Edith Cnme,o f Peking . cr cllllltell . u~lIotlon fo nrt aoD properl,y of Imving it insured win ol~ l'. l ove '~o t!lOSO 0 1' 11" w ho t?ITie ( ~}t'her~lI~V I,Il'o.gll . The hrld/!l Is the flllu!!hw r of Mr. es~s: Irl!ln 8t.ifl's, un u n l'" e~d ontell nnll1hor for I\gain st fire, No RlIIg!l hke tbe mUlllo of 1\ ~i1ver Itre yot In ollr pllgrlIn Ol;e kn.o ws when nge, from th e and MrtI. Roy l!larllllrr, of UtiClI, \lnd !< , h R e~ ~ r o l yn Mush , SIX dll YR, 1111<1 :::iu nuoy M as ~ r~. E>l rl fire mllY bell. (>arthly cureor of Nllncy Chllpi(lin , ar. c=:, ell og~os come; don t WOlt Ilnd lock rs, '!)e groom III the eldellt. SOli of Dr. I, ryn Aloxun . I\nd Willie Bnt(ls und (~Iyu c Ulullv or t,he uoor ofter t.he horse Is stolen. Be doet,h all things weIJ .Tunnoy , t.he re will 1I1wn ys r emnilli ~erb ·Evlt DC~B .. At nll i.1; lind Mrll:,T , 1'. Ellis, i,f WII:vnosville, omaon, lin wer e .e nt(!rtllin od tit th e h ome of W. In other ,vord8 t ile vision of 1\ beu.tltif ul life. II life hllve you~ proper ty .... Inson , hI rl R t n e .a ' I f A b.uw. bles!led in itself, I1.nd full of ble~sing D'l\lgho~ty. Uma Early loy, StoJla W . W e lch by 131lbert \lnd 'l'om. !llId IlIsured now, don't Willt. until you ~::n~:~e:d:~ t e g(l()( Wll4leH a i Messrs. Miss Addlll I::\urfllco who hilS been have 1\ fire when It will We desire to thAnk our frienc1s to Ot.lteTS-1I life of stoadfa be everlu t· st flLlth, WIll 0 Nenll, Warre n .h:eY8\ F r ed sic k nncilLt a The newly married (I" l1ple will ami neighbo r!! h ospltnl ln Dayton for ingly too lllte. Begin the new yeor malte 'heir home with the groom' s IInll kinrlnes s . for their "ympat hv unfailin g hope n.)ld slmpl\! uuty, for ~:iskeyHHej'~~t :VRrwICI~'BStO kIlS ereven weeks returno~ to h er h ome right and ltave your propert y in. . . • whi oh oil who oame under l ts intluver, aro .....renta thla winter. 00, ana Ilwke, Hunda:f very W ALTER McCLUR E AND FAIIIILY h Improv ed and Bured In one Qf the safe, reliable ence must give God thanks, .~ay m ou~ S~lI\,hl' ttFredd HAndrtsook, in 1\ flllr way tomuc r ecovery , lind Lorin les represe nt.ed by Leroy .1. 11', c , ny.mon or a OIl elbert Boerstl er and mother caroe blLck to oompan Irons, A~ent . Write, cRlI or tele. McKay , Levi's Sunday , a. very ogreeab lo phone , at Wayn eSVil le. It Is I'r(J\)llhl o that Wayne8 vilill wtll hnyl'l 1\ !lOW l'''Ht MIIHttl r witbin IL IIltnrt tirUIl. No IIIIUut thero 01'0 lilly numuor of willing lllltriots who wunlu be gilld to I\ocept the pOSiti on, bllt only "'Iree C1\ndldll tell Ilre IlII\k Ing un 1L0tive fight for the plnoe Il)l tn tlte prell8nt time, 0 J . E(I\Yllrd ~, F B . FlIorr and Nl'lmml l\ Mol{11l8 0Y uelng ill the field It has been kuown for some time tbllt Post Mllste r Htoo}ls wished til resign from the offioe In order to gl ve all his time to his numero us pl'lvate Interes ts, und It, is Qxpooted thll' his rlllllRn~tlon will take effect shortly , Tile 1108tllllllltershlll PllYM $1 200 II yoar.
O v "
/lillY (
i d.\
The hOIlRO WAS ~tn!Qd ant! lhlOT were away fronC home. t coulct ll ' ~ h ~ l)l wond ering ",hetller tbM s illy youllg /..\lb o( 1\ gua rd sman hact gon e away witb. th em . It saemed hlj hly ' pro bnble If al'talrs had gone on a" th ey were goin g when I left Ellg. land . Jl e would never Know bow to B'y JEA~ COUR TENAY I lIlanagc Prue. I felt sure. She required a " cry le nder. IIllhl hand ; In fa ct It j , " )J1yril:hl. I!]I.,)) . L)' JI.1 "o ph H . U,,"lc« \ I \\ as Ilcl '· ssnry to KIlOW he r for yoars , La really und e rstand her. And she had Slle b"I!An II ""h"n Rho was II "lI rl)" - only mN him a boul six month s be for e. hr. aet ect ",il e o f IIhOll1 I hi','" : he was Ono 'TIRI'. lov e ly' mor ning a bout IUSI Ill e ("" ' 11 ,111""1 ", o'Tle, 1 Il lnd ,- , I h r,'e w" ,' ks after I got back. I went "Y.e li 111 0 1:'1'1
-==::::::=~~:=:::::=====:i:::::::J t--
t.:Vllry ),ol1nl: gI rl Whq\.l ld ll:I'I'C 00 " 11 r dressing tabl e a mllni<'l\r lie" , Tills oonslsls a HlUalllla h' of cu rl'cd scissors, a null. '1110. an o r[lngo sU ck. a chumols llOlis her. aud n IIlUe box SCIlOO LGIRL SHOUL D STRIVE of noll powdor. Wh on a\)O ut to trim the l1all ~ soUon th em by dlPlllns FOR THIS DESIRA BLE th e onda of the ' nn g~ rs lulo wnrm IDEAL. s oapy wnler. ll'1I0 thc nuilp. ~~t geu t :7 pr e~s back lhe ~ utl Ie with a Unde. IEnllli,h Director Creat Thinll' E"peele d -.. Hi. Enthulia ;B:ousew ork Will Not Harm the HILllds orangu s lick. rub them With a il~llft om r~. In the Least-T he Vnlue of Sonp vnb line and pOlis h lhe nall a \\llh New Field of Work· .. Trealur e. of the MUleum . lh e bamo ls. A gll'l wbo n eg l ec l~ of Good Qu nllty-T lght Gloves ExdCIl I.!ln ss In tbe dally toilet of t It o Ih UI ,'-,l' !, :-It.' PHOtl. un d I. fOl' n ::ItJlllary ramblo a ggemte the Size of the li..;.!lCI- hRl'd n Bud o n tho common , ..,all s I, either III:i.Uferent · 8 Idl l ,.,. - /i ~;":'t d 1111111' uf a \Joy . willi Il 1 wa r; ~ t rldtng alon g , sl a.!'1 hln g :be How to Use the Mani cure S ot- 10 ' hnlblng and to lhe pl'o -.:-ol iff [,111;':'1', .111 .1 II W!,\·• ..1l' d hdl\d:\ a ild ller care 01 Ro me day. we are proml se.1 by Sir COnlllCtl llv c e xhlbltlon ~ : s ome hrOO1l1 hh.lsso ms savagely wltb my How to R emove Stains- Avoid th e Ih e hody. or e l88 ber eurly surround to bo f, ,(' t In lil t.' 11 r, ' !'" i" 111 I' II I' slnl l l g l l' ~, It' i l sti l'l<, \\ !lPIl a voi ce '; 1096 b,,~lnj me CHSP'''' Purdon Clarlle. our arll sl~ lH~ed he ld at Ihe .n)ll se um an d many to 1,10 "F•• hlollable Hand-Sh Ake" - '.rh l' IIIgs hav e bee n ullfol'lul lato. , ~pll\e h'l 11 ,' 1' fU.3l'i o :1lio.a s a l (HH t' ObnOl scell the prestige of Ihe J ar ls s alon he ld else where. In tlmo he e XII~ c I S .. I. ..." . ..: pf'l t' tl d . I I0 y '" t; h t- Raid ". i ' ll il iad" lilt ' ~ t :1 1"l vl o le nt.'y, Cordinl Rand-C lasp Better Tha.n servo. girls. tbat a Ind Y's hauds may os th ey do now. tor th e re will be u see cOltlllctitlYe exhibitio ns estahlls hed ·I·: ·.. ·n If YO u (10 fo ) ~ r OB3. Ton), . ,.OU be rOll g b or red . bUI they are 111a h " '1\'III III·~ 11 1'11 1' p llll1l p sh tlllh.I "l":-' ,IIH I the K iss . Ne w York sa lo n ot hi ghest s ta nding. In oye ry Ameri ca n clly with a popu• wrin kli n g l,r t\ hu t Inll l lf a nus e, ,,'I IIe,'rl u'l " ,' nl YO llr III teID lle r o n tho ""rlubly Immacu lat e. Clean hands ar~ Rl r Cnsllnr Purdon 'Ia rke Is tbe latlon of 5U.UUU. nnd pe"hnps less. The tile hall-ma rk ot a ge ntle womlloll. h f' lwct"1l n p air n f l h ~ lJl ,y,gu .;t ut )1.\H UAIl I·;·(' E . SA~ 'STElt . , sn lll'~' , nOlcd En g llE,l,mnn t\,lnt bas r ece nll y CUI'lI oglo aWllrd s In Alld I h l? rf' \\'fhl Prlla! Pru o ' A tllOcl, lh e I'lllsbu rg I1rt (~ 'O l') 1' ! ~h 1 , H10i.. U)' W il' kcd cs t f")t-'~ I (' V ": I l' HI.'Cl lIl1t t' l' cd lui; si ulns llIa y \)0 removed by the ~I GSC IJh n. BOW ass !l' t-. um ) ed Iho duties 'o r director or tlUl o tllpetltlo ll 11I\I'e IJ roug hl fo r th ~O lue Hh" ~ li J1 ,, \.' d u nliir llluu s ull o f n t"l lld Inl: , blowi ng g lp~y or a Pru e! A I"'c tty ban d Is d e ~1 reu uy e l'cry use o f I,,"nloo slono, uy lemon juice Mp.lrOI)o llt a n museum In Ne w \"orll. excell e nt worll I ,; rlI'I' . and NI lI er o U l~lretch c d hauds In Ir CO UlllC lltlv c ex- girl. i ll l!.> mlll t' UIHI IHllt i.lt1 me iu l il t.! d, r . lind or by dipping , a Bull/hur u I l"l r ,1. , null w e stood 811d l aug u('lI at S ir Caspa r won fame ,md IlIll g htho oll hlbilion s we re lo be s cattered " 5 wid e ly Iiou of il l(' ):ard e u. mol, h 11110 rain woler and rubbing It In buil Wha d ing l Is up a pr tbe ell uOled y hant! South ? I SIl K I']10"" enas Sir 'as plll' d~s lre s. UIHlu CH 'lonnu ly rt\t'h 01 h !' 1' roo ll sh l:).r. Atti eI' a $ lI t~ "J1t:;h g lan ce. lo b l" t hat ' sl ng lon mllsoum . urt cenl cr ot Eng- II g reat stim ulu s would \\' " Iali ugr co th ll l II is o ll e whl .:" on IIlI' s tnlll , Fruit s Isln8 may bll " Y (l 1I 11 "t"f-: " I ga~ ped . be ~1 1'e n Ill'lls ts W(' W(' n" IllH \..lusL' r v tI . I } l C llh~d l O li t"!' I laill.l , and when Oen. III t;cs noirL dlcd Ih o country ove r. IL would sce m ,ho I ~ "hll e a nd dlmplet! . wllh rosy rc ml'ved by bol tlllg the Hngers 10 ih~ " " ' II \" 1101 "/ I ' v o jmH a s 11111t·h r !Aht wl s h p!\ R llti we WUlld' " .Ollt Ill tt! ItIL' j n-: rO Il ' ~ ljI"l ~n ltl , with ' a b -IUgc r ont a nd the qu ~ s tlon nrosc us or lhe rlglH I';n gll sllman after 1111 wus lho I'lght Ungcr tillS. nl<:e nnlls und s l11ali johlL' . fUI,llea of a s ulphu r mntch : ~ lilln shtr:,' man to tako hi s 1)lace aL the h ead or mau for tbls de mocratic ":1'. ll'ldl' III h er eyes. co un t,·)·. a Largo. obt ru " lve h nuckI • •. ha nd s tna. " I'l"pli' li d \\hu l , t"oIdH' " NI ,w Ihnl I bave said all this about ur c l oo lhl'll IlIHI pudgy, or too l hi!: :' ;\ 111 \\' ha l h U\' t\ you lJr-C Il U ins all this Ibe New lork art museum . Sir Caspar man wlLh ea rnes t bell er In the ,Ic ma c· feebly. linll HCI'UWIl)' (0 lI r. l:5y mlll ' 1r ll'u l. aT!..' u",.Ullful hnnds. I wanl 10 add someI II'''' .... I 11,1,1'(1. h;no rlng he r las t re- was the mall agree d ullo n. Of COUI'Se, m ey or IIrt. " Uh. lots uJ' tlu b :": ~ I II.: I l' pll .-d \\ " II good Ame ri cans a"l,cd If thor e were L1l1t"U ral I hin;.: e l ~ e , whll'll Is JUl.t as Imporla nt no Sir Cllspar Is gen lal .and warmly e n. not precisely lJ o,l\Ilifu l. 1111"1\ it. sigh of ab!Ol.,)lul~ " O O I.,' I1I IlH ' 1I1 'TlI 11I . 1·:lI i.. )" n ~ mys elf, And what hns l'oIDpelc nt a rt dlreclor s In lhl . coun- co ur a!;lng. but he Is no "eas), mar k ." a s Ibu size lind 8 1,,'1 C 0 1' our na ll t/s r.e uu)' of tho reH t. No band thalli o o!" illY 1' 11 , Ie Tony bee n doing wit h hlm- Iry. If It were really necessar )' to go A roeeut a tLe mllt tu unlond sum e "o ld ar{' con cerned, we hav e to ln li. c lh t! Ul not " OIlHUlly will c \'c r have a c lU1~ And I WC'll l , BS I h Y C(IU\C, We nrc lJorn wll b ILIo' ahroad to lind some ono ror the llOst; JURs ter,," on th e musc bo rt'!;nrcl od as charmIn g or ox,,' Ir "" um. " ' hose I'olue H's a Jwu .\'s l>~c " likl' thal C' t'r Hlll i I ' . but the cbo lce secms so gellerall y SBtWIIS put Wptul\ nly IlQ u(\ s are \hm.ft " I'!U by not your un cle. I'ruo. and I tile dealc r at $uU .OOO. was h a lHI ~ of our an ·cs' ry. hu t , he .. nrc !lul. III' , Prue bas fnll o wc,1 Ih o ~ rr allt- \\ Ol'lIlu);. uf I h ~ hUllds I ' u u r ow n. nllli bas fa" wh kh arc ougugetl Is ta ctory as to ba\'e hu s hed t ho pntrl- met by n prOmlJt In Idnd o mees fo ,' relUrn of th e pa lntot her own wa)'wa nl (and es "lit! I wouldn ' l be tor worlds." ' \\' u"ld ll ' t YO,, ? WolI , you ml g bt oti c outbnrs !. Sir Cll!!par Clnrke Is Il Ings. whi ch wer o jud ged (;00 11 cO]lles mo r e Iv do wll h 1;c~ llln(; th ou> hc",,- l ilo"" une lov c~, Th o gl "1 wh o I~ baye fol luWl'tI he,'. man di ij ot \lO~eu most 10 renvlnbl lhc ol1 e ln r lo eplitatio ll lbat ll In his but nOL what W OlI wantetl by th e m,uOll r bRlllls he lpllil. u\1sc lUs h, genllro,,,, Bud Idud . ha" c 101,1 m so gradu a lly. s hou ld Amon g ' .·O.\' e ll ,ra ,t ,. Oh"udt us U/lCrr illg,.y i.s Ih ~ O Il P w bo~C of '"l' o wn ,e x II I~ .li\\' AY " urt'nl, t hat 80 rt ot Yvu thing geo - tle ld of worl,. and th oug h he ca n count soum. bUIIII" will deHe n-It ~.uaJl)' I "'hI' dv Ille lead ,ng. but I 'Iv." hi s ),oars till to almost thr ee-score he 11 was only 3[; YCli rs ago tho' muse um 'if"l t ll KII so m , peop le I!IIIII;. I 11m 1110" )lrnlsc. verily h ~ll c \'o I. hnt Ihroug h all llJu s , " £'rllc. wh ere's that guardsm au?" I re lnln s his e nthu s ias ms . overllow s with was s ta r t~d. sturled In a vorl' s mall a, our faces do. unJ I th lnl, Ihe mall· I 1lI ".1 odd a wo rd . 100. about th" fair . I OIl~ yr'ars or youth I wo "ld huve DC I' or us Llg , h em 011(\ tbe gen e ra l I "unllll cne rgy. Ulld er his rule grent thing s wny. Its ]lresen t lar!;o s teroly. ! ha nd-c lnsp. So III 9 girls pavQ 11I'oportl o ,," are lert ,ny I,ny "umIIRo tons wllh" " l R I " Ol ,·c It lip . ask mil another, " s ha (\I'e expected for the MetropO litan. found Inarlcqu llte for to-dny 's needs. ll llltn e"~ or ti lu\' r ll ilness whl ' h til · '" I n lim]l. llablJy war or sh ~llllIg handa. ~h ad ow t l,f l' OIllPlUH: t IOIl at. a ny m ll- r e plied, a t.; s h e coo lly borrowe d my And lie franl{ly foreens ls great things. und lho ~truclurc Is to b~ greatly 011- Oil UCI'B Impo; e ur" ~ a tbom. oro [lpt t T1', ~ :•• real ly blll'O 110 g rill. Olbers gil . ment If I I\II~ I'I'U O bad lJeckon eo Ill " I Sl ick to piny wltb. .T his Is what tbl~ muu ot entbu~lasm larged. Au udUltlon to Ill u OIJllos lt e ~ xtrelDlJ, and almost lu th e way or 0 be "<lyelallo ns of Lh" Inward !lfc. with 0' ,,' lui lIu!;cr . or coqno,II IIh l,' I I beg,," 10 fc el abs Rnd experie nce declares. as reported by north wing Is to be hulll SUOll. ur dly IIght-be art1\ frl e lld 's hand when tb~ y g ra~ p For Instan ce, ther e Is AIllY. a l'e~t and OIL Ileellecl , hr,,"gh he r curl9 In m)' Illre, ·- et!. for that guards man had welgb ed a reprr.~e 111atlve of Ibe New York It s co mpl etion a Houth wing will be less. uervous nllli exei lab le gi rl. WbOdU II. Th ere I~ a hSPllY modlum In th iS. 1100 . Times: , lJeavlly. ndded ; the building wilt th e n have. han~l ~ are never s l lli a millu te wh e n a ~ III most things. Whe n you mee~ Ot CO'"·S,· ~ he knew hel' !lowe ,' " ,,, I " Alrea dy co mparlug favorabl y (the frolltage or 1 ,000 t ect " Am I to buy y~U a wedding present. on ~·lfth aveuue. "h e lu awak e . She Is always clasp· ... frlenll In the street or Bl youI' ~6'V.r scrllpleel to use It. Sh e d,·o'·o Prue?" I1IIISenm ), wlt.llI the br.~t of to" olgn art Bnt tho mu se nDl as IJrOposc d In cn- In!; lind un cln.s )lID!; th em. tailing uo hOlDe. It Is I'e ry 8eldo01 oeceBllar,. IQ me to till' ,,",,;1' of madn ess ",b on aI'"Dea r Tony! How pertectly sweet gall e rle.s. tt Is on tb e eve or becomin g tiret)'. will be rour times th e s ize or the bool,~ 1111.1 laying lh em dow n. fu ssl ng gr eet ber with a Illss. Almost IUIVCl' rl".d at elawuin g womanh ood . Her of you. Why of co urSD I'm alwaye th o grealest gelloral Instituti on of thc s lruct ure actl!1' these wings are bui lt. w,' r. bel' halr or bor dress. and aho lV - sho uld o ne girl. ki ss another tn a glp.,. oo lorln g " nel bareface d rogu orl es ready 10 receive presonts . birthday . unIng In unmis tak able wnys tbat s h ~ )lublk place. Tb o only exce pti on Is wOn lhp h ~ .\I' t , of l'lIl uc ~nt m a les be- blrtbday or wedding . You see. It's has 110 basis ot qul el ude In her oWIl when friends are separall ng tor a Ion" tore the~' we re aware uf Ihelr danger. ncver wise to r etuse a sood ofter I, uat lll·C. There ts Lucy. who canoOl tI me or for a journey. s ucb as crossand sh e WOllin {'areas l hpm wit h a l it?" • ait hulde a friend without ]JORsesslug IUl!\ tb e or the contine n t. "T hat depends on " ' hat you conoldel lt ~ rs ~1t of lhe frle nd 's hand. squ ae.- Thfll kisses are In order . Usually. It good." I said. gloomily . " If yoa reter : ng It and fondling It as one slro l{ed Is e noug h 10 s hake hands when one to the gua rdsman- well. of !'Ourse. • klllCII. and ncar Lucy ~Its ~'annlo . enCOu nt ers friends or a 'qualnts llces, , Iss t es differ ." ,,·It Il a yet more ob jectiona ble bablt ond th e hand-cla s p s hould be warm .. How yo u do barp, on the guard.ot h:lIldllu g e verythin g ~ b e sees; ob- (lnd sincere. Inall ." cried Prue. " A si n gle strlnl! jecls of urt. cur ios. filDs. 0" othor deh 1)0 1I0t rusb to fads In hand -Ihnk. beco mes mo notonou s. T o ny." caLO thIngs In othe r people's houses. Ing. Sovoral );ears ago tbere was " "Truo." I asse nted. " You never or In the s b o p~ . arti cles meaut lo bu fn s hlon of elevalln g B frlend's band~ crred In t ha t res pect. Prue.'· looked at , but not Intend ed to b ~ a I aliler abrupt perpend icular ' way. I "Tony. when a lady makes a greal t"'lched. ~'annle' s way Is sure 10 r e n- which had an extreme ly awkwar d efelTort oud ol'ter s to come tor a ""alk der her persona non gmtn wh ~ re ,'cl' t ' ' I. That style Is no w obsolete . In with you. you should be pleasant and sh e goes. your own hom e do not greet visitor" I)olitc to her. At presont you are wllh a more s tlrr bow. Ol'ter YOllr • ne ilh e r ," hand. You of course. !.be prlvGeorge Eliot. desc ribing Dorothe a "Arc YOU co ming for a with 1I') ge ot refusing to s hako hands wltli In ~lltidlem ar oh . s ays : "Her hand an.1 me. Pruc?" I said, gayly. r. II e r~ on you dislike. or ....·Ith onll o f wrls l wer\) 80 611e:)' ~tlrrnecl lhat sb e .. ·Yes. If you ask . kind s ir. s he s aid.' wnom you do not approve . Tony! I,e t's pretend the old days have could we».r II leol'es uot loss bare of "Th'~ hnnd ot Douglas Is b ls own." ro me bn r lc. [lod you haven ·t grown old . sl yle tban those In whlcb Lhe hlessed TH E METIlO .·llL ITAN MUSEU M. Virgin appeared to Italia n palnlera ," bllt (l ne can bardly offer a grealei' nnd there'R no gUllrdsmoll at [lli . shall I ( you look at so mo fll l·o.lle pi c'- ~ lIgh l t han lo ref use or o"erlook .. wo? We' lI bo the Old and the Younll so r t on eartb--a uperlor to the Soutb The Illte Richard Hunt made plans for KenSi ngt on muse,um as a treas ury ot a building ture P retc nd ers." of the Madonn a. by Raphael . 1.011 1"'ofT~ red band. covering el!;bt . acres 01 paintin gs. eclipSin g the greal Cluny " And what about tbe money? " grou~ld . one or the largest building s wtfl- sec tb e aon of hand t hat DOI'museum (Paris) as a. storehou se of Th e worda had slipped out before SOME BEAUTY NOTES. Bver d esIgned by au archItec t. If the oll1<:a hnd. Such buud s ca n lie poac , . AN]) I WEKT. was aware. Prue swpped and gave a carv ed woods. equal lo any Europea n bulldlug a8 proposed will ever be com. fully crosse d In one's IIlP, or, 11 busy rendezvo us of :marbles alld A Little Care ot the Look. Ie ~etl bronzes, pleted It Is dUllcult to say ; some · ~mll. or coax Ib e m with a curl tlll 1. queer little. long drawn "Oh! " TheD place with the pen or .Lbe needle, tbey still and quite oversba dowlng any exlsllng the by Every One and Ie Wroo&, tImo tor such complet ion at 50 rAtnl n th eir toelln g of calmne8 ~. In a very freolY of jealousy . nun g s he sa id. softly: museum In size." And tbe TImes years. At present "Tony. dear. let's pretend ibat the ,·It was all very we!! for DorOlbe 3 to 1feglect. the away Into lhe woods to brood over be l' ""ork Ie promoney came to you and not \.0 me." wrIter adds: " Lasl but not least. tbe gressing In portions . the architec ts car- to have had those statuesq ue bau ds," willful ways and ceaseles s charm , new Metrollo lltnn director Is ambitio S e n us ~ lbl e , young "It's too Impossib le a rase,' said I. me.trons wbo desire rying out tbe designs of !\II'. Hunt ID exclaim s Marjo ri e, "but just fan c)' tba: ADd Ibon 1l,'O uably tbe re would come for and Is w,o rklng toward the estah- a. general ""ay. A meruber of tbe arm ah e hnq been In m y cMe, and hall to \lre~ erve their bands 11'111 Ulle a mop a quh'k Hurry of Oylng fool s teps. a " My pretendi ng won't stretcb to It." IIsbmen t of a New York salon which of architec ts tbat Is to put up "Then let's pretcnd we aro botb al 80rt hond s liPIlOd Into mine. and a lbe dis hes . to was h. beds to mo.k e. and for wnshlllg the disheS; tbe hf.IXds sball rival tbat of Parls_" nortb Wing. compare~ museum s abroad IIOmc t imes pi eces to Iron. 'doar. pretendi ng penite nt voil'e In my poor 8S poor. Wbat would you do . Altboug h ne ed then never come In oontact . willi Sir Caspar builds bIB bopes OD foun - with the Metropo Tony?" ,{'ar: litan 08 It ""ould he I am a school-g Irl I have \0 help m y dish water and may be kept soft and datlonB that aI/pear or some certaIn wltb "Don'( be c ross. Ton)'! You made Its addition s. thus: "Almost all mother with tbe bousewo rk, and kll cb · wh lt'3. de clare. Mme. Hebe. In tbe Chi. "Marry you to-morro ...... again t b e words bad slipped out before I could stablllly . He asserts tbat the Ameri- EUropea n museum s are made from old fn work sJlOlis • pretty band." I am cago Inter Oce.n. me do It. because you looked so glum prevent cans are essentia lly a creative people, palaces, them. Anotber oommon _ and. theretor e, not well ar- awarc that many girls think Just as aellol.8 for 10 tbl' comer. It was really a\l Y01lr There was a deliciou s poal ot laugb. tbat wblle tbls faculty bas heretofo re ranged for exblbltl on purpose s. 10 the Marjorie does about Lhls. I haye even the l,reserva tioD 01 I he haDcIB II tbe faull!" .hown expressi on In great commerC ial Louvre, tor Instance ter from Prue. and then abe laId "Tbat·s nouse use. Pru e," I would ao- sortly: s. Bome ot tbe known girls who sblrked bOlJ8cbol (1 ""caring ot slovn for hou8fwo rk. Aa and enginee ring accompl ishment s. painting s are aplendld ly lighted, while tpsk s and allowed Ured motherg t" a protecLion agalll8t callo.- apo.. 00 1I"·er. fcellog all my angl'r vunlshin g "Should n't I bave IL I'l'i ce In Iba! graduall y the people, with possessi on all of the Ilko morn lug mis ts b e f(\f~ t ile . un . statuary Is mlserau ly placed fp'01', more tire d Instead of Ir ylng to ot wealth and leIsure, are eVincing In- In dark 'I sir?" rooms and corridor s. This e RSl' tbelr burdens, simply bee8Uti But wha . rou d yon do w I t b n girl malter. "Prue." I saId, without looiling al telligen t and ab:sorbln g Interest In lhe same conditio n prevails In tbe vnLlcnn, the:1 feu red to r uin bands of whlell like that? arls. He calls her. attentio "If we were botb as poor as poor, n to tbe suc- another old Ilalace. ,whIch was never tbey wcre vain. You would Thl'~ e days nod. and wlih Ihem ~ , lI eve r do cess ot Amerlcl lll artists abroad, and designed tor exblbltl on purposes I asked you to marry me. wbal drenm I bad he en cherlshl ns till Il aDd . 10 thi s. I am s ure. you girls wbo are 1V0uid )'OU 8ay?" lays empbasl s (In lbe staleme nt that fact , through grew hrlllhi er Dnd clearer. and every r Cllc:lI1g out France and Italy' these thl3 talk , ere long tbey wlll be contenl to remain conditio .day dea rer , ns are pretty generall y round '" sbould 8ay 'Yes, plcue: ,. 1&1" Il Is possible that hord dally labor at bome, wlll not bave to go abroad Prue becamo a gr eat heiress. while Prue. - a rule that Is not true ot either the wltbout InterY~s or r est may coarsen In search of Inl8plrat lon to tbe best Brltlsb I hael - llllIe beyo nd m y captaln' s pay, or tbe South KenSing ton mu- and e nlarge n glrl's bands. but " Prue! Do YOU mean It. darling? " el'tort. few And be IIss, e rts that our art pa- seum In England . In tbe erection ., bad never s pollen 10 her at tbnt SW~I't 'crlcd. forgettin g tbat It was a game. trons are not thEl Ignoram of of \I S lire exposed to thIs danger. Wllh uses tbe car- the MetropO litan museum . it ,drpam. s be had s~emed 100 YOllng 10 ADd I caught bl'r Is almost a III tie care. a girl may wo rk In I.ho to my heart and Icalurls t likes to picture, but lbat they superllu ous to sIlY. the chlet listen . NIlI\' my time tor speakIng Wfi S Iclssed her dear lips attentio n garti ~lI. may sweell. dns!.. or. If nee·t before sbe could nre beconull g able to give expert gone- my dream mus t he forgoll en . crill' la being paid by tbe arch'ltec ts to give he. "c rub . IIncl mny nnswer. WMh dl~ h es tbrel' cislO of tbe really good In art. Their lbe public a 1 mu s t do tbe pre lendlng noll' , hulldlng tbat will lu every tlm en a day. Ilud nOI Injure ber Wb en I rememb ered. and .. stricken bands long pUTses bave got tbem good ad- respecl Othel' engage me nt s _ bu si ness _ any- with s irame. released bo suitable for exhlbl\l on Jlur- In tb e leas t. her. soe a\.ood visers. they have nol Gloves may be WOloi heen Ilow In pose9-t he most perfect muse um thlng- mu 6t IlrHent my secins her blushing like a damask build- In tho gardeu. Inct la rnbber glove •. rOS9 In tront laking Instruct lo:n. o rten . and B rol' l. elderl)' friendlin ess I of me ; tben. g!vlng Ing tbat can be deSigned." me a swift. shy tillin g tl ghil y to tbe s kiD. are a good The Metropo litan museum haa been ,n;ust be illY co ns tant aim . ClIRIST OPHER IVEBSTJ ;;R look from under ber long lasbes. she llroi,' cilon pgalns t hot 8uds. an,l criticise d severely and often BI a mu· She began a "Iolent nlrlatlon ""Ilh a said : dalnly di sh wash ing. which Is I)ree m lBeum bous lng much spurious art. but Glbralto r Crumbl ing Away. C8E CLE A NSI NG CREAM . 'YO UUj; guards man , wb o was pe rfedly "You do pretend well. Tony. It felt the It Is not generall y known that thtl 11"11 t1y IL lady'" work. Is greatly halJled new director tells us tbls may be Ol1en In hi s .Iavlsb udornllo n . ,quite real. Dldn'l It to you?' th e palms a pair of old· gloves m...,. ~ said ot all slmll:sr places abroad. In greal rock ot Gibralta r Is tumbling by the use of a mOD . F'or I>ots an.1 ,,'atched Ihem togel h er several limes . "It d id." I s aid. ferr ently, "but 11 laking )lun s lher e IA an Iron dl~h washer laid aside to wear on sweepin g days. down-t hat Its up crumlJll bls new work . the dlrec\.or ng. rolling ~ "'t Ih c s ultry weatll er . or sometlli ng. was only pretendi I,, " tcad or soap and water to w.asb· ng. Prue.'· does not belittle what bas been done. mas ses must be cODtlnu ally bound 10- which la DlOl' " radical an,l thoroug h "I'set my 1I"er and I felt If I ' dldn ' t "ThaI's all," she asse nted, Badly. getber It you the face , use II. cleansin g. cream. Jt speaks warmly tbereof. He ca\ls atwltb buge patches of J:1BSonry than a cloth 10 IIl1 e'~ bau(1. l;et right o""ay for a bit I s hould mal 'e " It was grateful and will remove dual nnd dirt. p~eve!U comfort lng, some· lentlon of the public to the museum 's and cement_ Yet they who sail past .ro troubl ed with rougb. red or Mia co nfounde d rool of myselt- 8 tblng how. Tony. wosn't It7" rich treasure s. he Is delng his utmolt Olbralta r, cannot fall to notice on the lOll S hond R. If t he)' ~<::rack 11'1 trosLy chApp ing and blackhea ds, aud mail ... I particul arly l'ar . "Comfo rting! Tbere's notblng like to make tbese treasure s popula r-that eastern slope ot the tortress enormou s wealhu , o r t he ski .. peets DIIf. he ex - taln Iho sk in In Ii 110ft and, veIYety _ , "Oood- by. Prue ." I saId the ev ening It tor romrort ." I exclaime tr(.m ely fast 1,IIoU8 about yail" toll c~ dillon. d. tugging Is. to make people of all classes ac- sllYer colored palcbes gleamin g In the before leadng for a trip on a trlend's rurlousl y at my mustach To remove lhe crenm· u·s o, .., sott- oote. Wash the Mlld .. . very thorquainted with tbem. He "Ives this ex- sun, Tbese patches. In some cases 30 IlOal). yacbt , And I kept my ,'olc~ 'In th e 'We walked along some little way 10 pression to his Isentime nts: "In my or 40 feel square. are tbe proof of GJ. oug hiy wltll soa1) ot good quality. ton towel. Rub gently wll'lt,., rotary frigid zone. " Is It 1.00 earl)'. 'or may I sllenco. Th en Pruc's small. sort band experien ce tbe best and disinteg ration . Of tblck, rinsc !.bem In lepli! water . aatt: 00 aure moveme nt until all tile cream bJIII. dissurest way to braltar's crept Into mine and she said: cultivate a nlLlIo'nal apprecia tion for strong cement, they keep Iluge spurll to wipe them <ttl! . If ball.d:s are al- appeared . ~'IT;~e a:~o~~~g~~~~:~;:fyn~:;e. I faD CIf!d. "Tony. let's lose tbe mo ney or bu..,' good art Is to familiar Most refreshi ng In, tbe· mornlD. ,. Ot ize the maSseB ot of 'tbe clll't·s Btde from Lumblln g In'lo ways wip ed nntll al\, tbe mo Ls ture Il and lh e band sbl' gave me 11'88 as cold It. It you dislike It so. and let's go OD the people wltb tile hest g(1l1~ aud ab sorbed. I.ry the lowe l. Ihey atter a hard day's work l!!l a. good toilet tbe blue sea . Sea captains .&e tce. cruising creation s. EnIn . prelendl ng ai long a8 Wl' lIye." will seldom ctaoR_ Tb.e use of ~'O,a water applied to lhe tore head. aDd Now. what are )·ou to do with a girl courage them, do not antagonl :oe the Medlter rane.n Bay tbat Clhralta r cl'~am, well Dubblllll Il11lo tJlI:e sll~ .t rll ee:,a with a 80ft .Ilk sponge. "Oood ·uy . Tony . Yo u can k~ep your like thol? has been tbem." rotting and crumhll ng for The museum Is open to phoWhy. nothing . exce pt tbank congralu lallons till tbcy are wBnted , Ood for berl tograph ers desiring to make ' copi es of maoy years . hul tbat of late tbe dJ s ln- nl ~ hl. eSlIeclRlly lIiIlound tl,e ftn~e r Meanwh ile. you ol'e a grumpy old bear. An Oily Skin.. And. arter all. tho money wasn·t IIQ celebrat ed creatto1l s, students are made tegratlo n has gone on at oL faster r:,ta nails. BOfte ns a,rut whll"216 !.be ballet s. an '! I~ good 1I1a.n !':or a gJ%l' Is It> BI\~ and o h~ 80 s illy!" An oil y Shin mean" , llIat tbe· dIet: II. objectlo ben you grew aeeu • . welcome wbo wlsb to copy the work tban beretofo re. They Bay that r,ho " \'011 ca ll ed me ·sloopld .' I believe. tomed tonable-w stone tormlng this Imposin g cliff II sucb hnnds ulto, 3i loos,", Dllir Or glo," s . nOL whal It should be;. Avoid au taity of lhe masters . It. th e very first day "'8 mel." I answere d, ______ _ _ _ _ In line with tbe policy of making rotten stone. and that In a lillie while AI' o ld I1nlJ' ot ll:er·s Or brotlt- foods . strong col'te ll WId ricb viand", poillely. tbe museum popular . Imo""n to the tbe phrase "the strengtb ()\' Gibralta r" e r 's gloves nn s,,'ers adruJrab ly. Eat fruit early In the mornlns aOll! MY COMRA DES THREE . " Very IIll oly . I gen erally .t\(ok to WhUe D aJ:l) IIobOUl It.. let me cau- drink rol.eral WOl aN;' Ol'een ealJ\lI. people. the fo\lo ....'lng little slory may ,wlll be meaning less. my 0 lJl ni o n- 3nd you haven't alt ered tion you not, tGr- wear dres~ gloves to" Bre go'od _ Sthnnb tlng a~d ~trlogeu.t , -- be told: A liverym an. whose livery 1\ mu ch ." In the Adlrond arl·8. Th e blackbir d I. Ih o pa r80n, ema.lI, tor YOA <IIr lDal til too tlgbtly. washes are need ~~I' to r e ..toro· ~Il' a.rul stables were locald but a tow squares I hear d no th ing ot Prnf! or he r do" Where Is our And he pr . Bcllelh &ulde'" da,.; In Gfead at mailing your hand 1001; vitality to lhe r&laxeo gla.n.da\. Tbe. from the Metropo litan museum . one ']'11(\ bl nc kblrd ts tll (, ptlrson , In gs lor the next three wee ks , for lhe "Over tn tbe l}unkho' ise. d:UOL smalier. t1«bt glOveR day oyerhea rd tW(l of bls drivers talkexagger ale Ir s use ot lIay TUm. alcobol, C l\.ll\P~ 1Io!,4 Uut I n eve r hear d hl"1 prill! . ya cb t was bou nd for nowhere In parWhy?" 'liz.,. 0101'&S 81100.1d· be long enoug'l amm._1 n Is to bll; d'e plore4, Iloilo tl;lese. Ing about a picture. "The Horso Fair." 1\.(' ti cu lar . and we had lett no addrelse s "I wanted to 1Iiake sure ['01 Juat \k1 fit the Hn~.(1I II. they had seen over at the museum . nnd comforta bly, and a\1 ttO drying. Th e blu ebird Is th o poet. for ·Iette rs . going to Hre at a deer." · -Loulsv llit. ~h <>uld come up well aver lhe Wrist. tbe liverym an thought be, too. would I know 1\ by. hi. song: No soone r was r asbore tban I drove The bluebird I. Ille poe I. I a'II 'rather old-fash ioned. and do go and view tbe "hlg horae plclure.' · Courlcr· Jourllal. 'W~ap.,. !or DabJ. s traigh t t o Prue's house , j felt It And he plpoth nil d .. ,. 10" •. It pleased blm mlghllly ; he had found not IIk~ 10 sec young slrla putting on would be poli le and kind to Inquire A swe'!L Itttle wrappel ' for a"". Averted . lhe way to a place where tbere wu ltl. ror t.hem otter being away 60 long. and Mias Sbarpe (gusillng ly) - Oh. Mr. Il' elr gloves Ir. public. One', OUI. - ltaby il! of. pink ~e&u t1e IOI~. matla ' The redbird Is tho soldl.r. much of Interest for , blm, be proml,e d C),DIC. It would be just IL8 well l() koow .. do you bellevo people e';~r fall j eor toilet sbould be tully eomplet ell without a COI\II~. It baa nl.Mln ral. For hie II a buS'l. ,call: himself to repeat tbe pleasure . before Due leaves Lbe b~uBe. I kn.Of; sle~ves, tbe ellt.s lied The r edbIrd '" the "01410'. In love at flrllt sight ~ .OOD .. IJOssllJle wbelb'er a weddl~ wltb whll.t rim. · Sir Caspar desires to stimulat e lb. , Mr: And I love him beet 01 aU . Cynlc-O h, )1.8, and 't all out • "chaol where g:rle receive de''''''~ Ls boIlS at tbe ueck. All tlI. edieI IU't ,r.!.I_II_t .r.e~!~lIe ~uld_ be rel!.u!r_e~. -Frank Leo P .... t, ft ......U... I. &riIltl of ol. c)(mnQ',. Iud pr0P.0M8 I,aln If the)' I go out to or m. ';'1! calla ec:allo(led 'and embroId 1.\ second.- Ql4MII ·I, ._ ..uJlO.l&t · puttlll& oa their' ,Irlvee !lrlt. bUUI)nh olt .U\cJa. • _ ered wtUl. th, '. _
Met ropo litan Museum W:hich May Become New Warld Salon
--- --
"II 'h.
SE vnl YEARS AGO 1I0w the Fe~lng of It Iner1 YOU HAVE NO .RIGHT l8secl thl Singu lA r Th eory: Ad .. Ance d by Ca na- h Rocb ester r.hem l.t Egg Yiel d to the Po Int of Foun d a SiDcul.a lly SUFFER dian Stnd ent of Ra cial Bell i Succ e••. Effe ctlvl~ lI[edlcllle . His tory . OLD~MON K'CURE Fl'ol ll Con s tipa tion , Bow el and Stom moved onto a r eu tell farm Apri Will ia m 1\ . F nlllk lill, th l e 1, Fran ach Tner klin Trou ollre hle. few, If allY, 10 lIIe " 'orl<l who & l'utIII"" ()I' 1~Ol , wri tes II Ne w Yo rK corr cmic "l C~" lt och es t.,r, N . espo ot th e Oblo ~'a rm c r. On the far mnllc nt kn ow tne Ame r ica n Ind ian bell er tban ~r .. w r at es : ~ I Se v(l n Q. \VhoL is t he beginn lns of . were L . O. Arn, str ong. lbe cb lef o f the Ca , ickneq ? 50 blae A . Cons t ip" t ion. l, Mln naorca he ns, six ma les a nd Illa STALK RAKE THA T WORKS y ellr s ago I wus n Pacillc rail way co lonl. lllio n Q, WLnt i.o Cons tipn tion ! . fO llr Burr Coch 'n hens. T hoy were ties l1f'f c d n gv('ry l llu ~ h nil pllrt men l. Mr, An ns tro ng's .Ii•. Faitu re. of th e b o w(!l~ LO ~a rry off hOll" ell togc th el', In s ma ll qua r wor le la kes th ro ug h t h o fui hwe w M te t he , i'nrm I m plem ent Whi ch Cn n ter s, and b lm In to l be out· of· cr whi(' h lices in t im ul1ll1 De Mnd e had been fed the·w uy pIn es of of t.h e kicl ltuys to cnnni wmnU l'Y nil th e co rn here it Ilccn ys unJ. pO I HOIl ~ thenlu a nd whoat the dom inio n. a ntI at H Om" and Wh ich Wil l e l en· , ' nl, ' nate th" u ric t.ire s}sl(!nl. he h as fou nd m nn y they wou ld ent d urin g tbo wlnl e E vcntu nllr thc r~u1t B arc er . I~l: gi ul'p0 rl unltl cs to ndd Do Goat! Serv ice. ... dea t h untle r t he n ume of 80tlle othe s pIce and va riety wore to be eq ually <llvlrled HO a ci d f(' om m y sys- en ee. dis· we I, ovt t o nn' e xce ptlo na lly bus Note t he dent h s from t yphoid rfevcr a " WII'1 O<li,OUO l. y life lly ~ t u d l ea t <'m . .M y uac){ was anu nppe I se nli a u lIIus trall on of II s talll ndici tis , Htom n(' " Utllt bowe l t rou· of t he pl'lm lUv e lrlbe ralle s, v ery D la ur rue in g t be first ten <l uys 1 fed them and bl e at the presen t t illie. that Is a Kuccess. Tb e fra mo MI' . Arm stro ng s tl'un !;ly holu s Ilc h"d It I o\' ~ r Is ot 2x7· a 8 l he IU IHlla d y ha 10 tho Q, ' Yhnt C.UB COIL, tipa tion! d. From Ap r il 1 tD lbeo ry Ih In ' h s lu rr, Is seve n feet lon g a A. N c~ l ec t t o C. at Ih e As iatic peop le or igi nalmi thre e '1 0 t OUI' Coch ln s lult! reR pond t o the call n£ OQ . e l'wel lll ,Ysd r In th e I t ure t eet len Inch es wld ~. T he ~2 eggs, and ~ O Iy mlgr ated - t hn t ( bey were. In fact , de· fro nt of thla Ml uorc as laJ d 34 At. till"W 8 I wa s WC' iJ.:"hC U I,AhoC promptly. Lnck of excr ei. c. E xec.· eggK, I ~a w at on r:e scc ndo nt" hrn il.\ work . :Men t ul emo tion fr ame Ie al ta che(\ 10 the t ront dow n w ith u. feel nnt! into of ing I.he trI bes nOw kno wn as or lO Il ,(!'u o r n nd prop e r d iet. gear of t hat w hea t a nd corn ~o u l d not be cnn" Ame rica • wag on a t t er I'ea~ h nn ti bols n In di a ns. He has so me ti mes .1"p ...·8"i.o u U lid . " tf,· r ed co nti nllal ly I 9· Wh: t are ter bave I'erl ed Into egg K pr the r eoull a of neglected Can, onta bly unl ess BII I1" Illu s t ra ted , been remo v et! , s a ys Cho l'les Hun I It' r 1I Bt,v, t lo n . t b lB cla im lJy M ess ing J a llun- r ~O I U II UIIO,)' II ~ g' lrl'f'g ni cutt, Ille mon letl with b·vmt't ll UI" It) A. Cl1n ~ t ifl n ti on cnUGes m or e Cli n to n cou nly, Ohi o, III hl ng else. AI,r ll ese lu Ind ian k lll n(:y ~c c l· ,! llflU S. 1 IlI'oC tll' l es 0 h• • tr avele d r ound th" world, 8uffe rin g P racti ca l 10 I co mm ell ced reed cost l'd um n. cs box und o f t han In ll iuns In [)U:lll 'S J\ id i ng gree n bone . I J a pa nese Jla rm er , " ,A " tnlte s pla~e. of hn an d e.vorywho re hum a n Pil ls n n d b egan \HJ' n g ~ nt iB nn)' ot her d isense . I t Clt use8 rheu . cos tum es ls ter anti hall no bone Ull e r th en ['\l(\l lcn g· t hem , I roulll'Y m, colds , fel'or s , et omnc HO I h Ilt!. to cr u ~ b ill g 1180ll le "B" a ts } IS reac h , "K" bein g nd h, b owel , p" ll mp t re li ef from t he ludn to dls tlugu l sb bet ween t b ~ the Idng It wfl h n hu m mer . ey, lung n nd hear 'h i t tr t roub ullIl leR. l afll Aflc etc, "n ch~ in Illy b ach u nd 18 r th ey hnd gOL two. bolt , The rallo h end Is of touJ It II( n~ . . t,h e ~ n c dl scuRe t,hnt ~ l nrts all ;h timb er te n IL t ns te of It I h '. othc ~ . ]n lli ~c8t lOn , cJ)' Hpep nd to fig h t t hem tl' 7x7 In cheR a nt! 12% feet long h y tllt& LUliC 1 h w l t n lu .' D t hre H1l1, ch nn 'hoea , 1058 He poin t s to tbo rece n t annO . It s houl d I !,ee ll t he m a way ; e box( of '~ I ~Ieep And stren lln ce· wa s cUl'e d of u.1l irr c g u lllril icA. gth n l'C i ls s,rm plo llls -'p i1ctJ w h il e th at was an U<eil t thal Ill' bolt ell or ban dell nt ench e nd 10 II l1p leusll ll l fen M. K, J eBu p, p r es ill e nt of th O npJl c n d i~itiiJ nnd fi Ktul !l, urc :>old b y a ll ll c nl ('l's. 60 cent".. ture, y"t the salls t ac ll ol Am caus ed preY ent "pll t tlng . T eelh nre by ha ve we lcomed II and b'Ie." IL b Ol<o Con, l illut io n., er ican Mu se ll lll of Nal ura l HIst 42 Ineh es ot l", o lVln!; that It. COli sequence. nre kn o'." n ory , F osle r. M il bu r n C'J. Buff alo N . Y. I h a ll h it on j us l wh ai Is IIbol it for a c uro. to ~11l I'h)'~ l t I~ lo l a n., p ubll I b~l s t. b t.~v t he r esu lts of ela borfi ufTer en r ellhz . I Llt ey wa n ted lIlo re t ha ll ,:0 1l1I1C theIr cond llion unttl Ii 18 too nSa 1eo a t e I",'e sll gatlo ns in to lat e. ' Vom - , t he ques tio n as fo r t be an no yan ce. I ted f ro en beco me conf irm ed ;nvo.lida 88 a resul t · Inn r tlstl.c SOIlI. Pric e, ~"c. and JO. ,. m o Jl e to lo whe ther Ame rlCll of Cons t ipn t ion. peo pl ed tb e worl d , t ll' O pOlJn dR ev ery ,ra y 1111 .I\" hll t did \"1111 t' t he 26th T he Inve s tiga t ions Q. Do J1h,vs ician s rcC()g n i?oc th oon<l uCle d fOl' s eyen t l... Jt l'lI n d (', peril '! " h in l~ tlf UlOtH' "u icc~ n t whe n I h,ld 10 g ive It up on acco is ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! A. Yes . . u n t 01 l'ea rs by pr om in ent " '\' :I('Y \\'1.' 1 e !;()(Jel , il.l fi rs t q ut'l t lC!n YO\1~ .,d ?~ t()r .::. eth nolo giSts ot ro n ~ vo il'etc ," .'I Ihe ll me It tool " R es ull : I~ Apri l 10, Ame r ica a nu R uss ia ' '' ' 1'.'.1 :\11' , l 'lil u rux ; " but ('ull l'lider n- ~Sk8 yo u IS u r c y o u comfl lpated . 1 h at are s aid to s ho w \\'' \''hul gnt here d Ih'o eggs ; Ap ril I f> in g l ~ the secr,e t. \\,f~ I'/I 9 'tl Sli t be red ~oll c lus l ve ly t ha t (he t'OI' !Of' a t M. I f'01l1d u' t h elp Q, Can It ~e cured . As la'lIc peo pl es th in l; lll ' l h ll ! \\'l' fulk I ~ egg$ ; AIIJ' II 25 ga ... in ther ed a l eggR; calli e or ls lnall ., uudicn{'c A . Y ea, Will! prop er t r eatm en y fro m lh ls con l lll e nL, u lI ~ h l t ol ht! 111,i ll ' rll " holl rriIhp AP 1'II 30 ga ther ed 30 eggs . t: ll J he · ... \\'I\ sh. com J.Tl on e rrol' IR. to r es i \I': '. '" ~ 1 .J ' . an d th at Ihe p r lmlt h'ecu ltu reof or t to ph )·8 I Cg,.8U~ h AIlr ll 8 (two Ila ys a fter I com Ame l} A rl1~I ] ls , Ha ih, m m eral wat el', cn _ __ mcn cpu ~a was trnn s plan tell In 8~or ~I] , In· ~Cct I 0 I1 8 J et c., ever )' to As ia an d lhen feed in g bo ne) 1 s et n ben on onc ot 13 egr. ,I, to E nrop e t o bec0 1l10 Jurious . Th ey weak en an d willch 19 In· I nves ti g a tion . t he c iv ili za tion ot iIlCre :l.8C t he mgg s n il prov ed ferti le. but If mnln dy. F 'l' ir ll ou l IUf know oul y tw., : r eat hls lorlc peoples. oIUI·;t'(' Milliona ire- Th e this hy your own ex· 8fI • • p enea ce. cblc lls bod s tr eng tb enou gb 1"I1 ; I , h~ 111 n 1l hn " n hnn l ti U I (I t o br eak of i t . , " 1 ha ve a gr ea t Ulan y curio Q . 'Vh at 111cn flh ou_ t" ' j '/'lI t! I nl'l lll 'i l n Ce ~ l l11i thro ugh t he Hbe ll, aud t hey di l d us be don e to cu re it ? evio ll ni l' l' - Y ed ; tl Ml L ed s hor t. , denc es of thi s In tbe note s tba t I b a"8 tl lt·~ Illuk d U\\' 1l 0 11 y vu . th('n II Jl to you , otA,onGct n hot tle of Mul l's Gro pe T on ic Iy aft er. On A pril 16, 24 and We han ..t •• ide cc. ~f ull'l Grap e 'l.'o nic will fl u ll 1:ll" t 1001; in to YUll .- N ~ S . roo coll ecle d from li . 'Y . ~tlI l. p oai. me to tim e," sa id Mr . s pocU" e ly , I scl t bree mor e he t i\'ely c ur~ Cons tipa tion and ns. E v- Arm s tron g. "Th e th St olnnc h -.... lon g. 2 % In ches ,n lUam erer 8.lI $1.000~ eor Tron y firs e ble in the s hortest Bpnce ry egg hatc hed and e "e r y chl c t occu rrell d set 11 N o Secr et A b ou t It. llen wa f to me through the strll 10 be • .,.,nl for infon nalio n and .. Inch es a part , Th e piec es lU a othe r remed)" h na before beenor li me. No l ln ~ phys ical reill Hepol'll'l'- :""nal or. II'h" t i" til re 2x4ic 45 s tro ng nod vlg oron s, but I los t 12 by sem kn own to give fi ve doll ara for . PO.TAL CUD ..,~t enre Cons tipat ion p blan ce betw een tbe Oji bwa y Indi Inch es a n,1 fille d Into the r 06itively Ilnd pen na· a llO hea d th e moth er he n s tepp ing on them . an. uf " otl l' ho"'l ilit v t o J'dl'l I'JIle l'F '~ givin g the first reliable new. of ncnt ly . and t he Japn n ese. nod a lso by l';' nnt n t r igh t. ang les to teeth , as s how or a til e fa ct ':' 1I11(, l'flp ('.oH Ortl \',h u" '--Tltel"J'I' ,n hlnun t! chanc o 10 .ell I horlz ontll In my IIh ort tri a l I learn ed : (1) n. Thr Q. Wh nt i. M ull'. Grope ~n. tn. of ~' Grai n that lIIe OJib way s bave T u~ rc ' .. no th in g th nt lleccl s plec eK nre t or t he rake t o t urn o? our " , ICI , whh ln Oln f tnl' 0'IIoam t he eam e tote m I' C' 1I 1' 1 1I 11I ~ ! ~ Chie A. I t is a Comp ouD(1 with'l'oni .Iz el . w ... o n In alon e Is too e xpen sive . (2) Bon e 18 a s flJ(, nu o t 'l'd w 40 an llll l pet' Inqu ne , lrie. cent " Ib l. tI~. ' Of . . ttical, . d iSc ha rg ing Its 10a l1. Th e on the Japa nese , whic h Is a cra o e s ot t he I'u ice of Co ncor d Grap es. __ ...... _ _ If.elio o or . " II n&:lnCI . d ot lh e ch ea lles t s u pple me n lal feed I ca n get t a nd· ex erts n peeu inr Iftrcn . , Ing on a turtl e, T her e are glh n ing, h enlin]t, cent ro l " I" pi ece r csts on th o p; in Hu, man y othe r t r ip arm , fo r It decr ease s by ono. th lnl th o enee U llon d the intc8 t inee. eo thnt Ih ey cnn :Wo rds of littl W e is ·'E," \\,he n r akIn g. T he dr ive r mov proo om. fs. For Ins ta nce, In neIth er do t heir work unai derl. ' Vest fi old , 1II . Dcc, 18th [S lleein es amo u n t ot gm ln that wou l d bo fed ' the OJIb leve r , "I,," forw nrd anll th e mIle ).- ~rnd ual , but Bure. It. i. n otThe prOCC88 i. way no r tb e J apan ese la ngua ge AU "'ht.! nrc rm f'rel'~ lIg with Ih·jg ht ',. lHis· dum ps o t herw ise, t 3) It In erellB es th e pro . a I t cures (1ons tip nlioll , D)'se a lllil'Bie, but re b y r evol vIng. The ralle heRd .NC INE 8 AND BOI ther ca"e e nny 's wea r word s .' 1"e socia . houl,1 read cn('efu lly the foll m~ nt cry , S t 01)l3Ch Is aI- <llIcl l on ot ~gg9 . ( 4 ) W hile bone does l lI lg nnu Dowel 'I'ro ulJlc. Bu UtSlll n of lhe mort . " UDO LER S i<:tt tH' ir("j11 \ H . " ing II rich, frUtt y of I nt-lna a.a4 t he R t! \', l L L. Go d of t h is pos ill on of th e wom an In bo t h n tach ed to (ram e at " H " w boU., .. IIs.... lI' In, 0Dt IU&D DIad.Urlr:!.a not -I ns gr npc navo r, it i H r.lensan t to ullonB Is place. lI e IinYF :ur e fertl l il y In eggs , it Ins ures ith Iron ~C<e rD la. l b, wo,ltI th e s ame . Sb e h aa li ttle Yo lce band s liS nn ordi n ary rev ol t onic it 18 u nequ al 0(1, i nsur in gtake , As (1 "1 f. el it ,. 01)' .Iu ly to t 11 ving ha y ,'Igo r aod stre ng th In th e YOll ng chic In th e th e 8rfl tcm ATL AS YilU o [ k. ma nage m ent. of dom es lie ma EN ra l<e. T he teeth s houl d s t a nd C'N ngnin . qt WO discn the RK8 wOlll e. lc lL dll l bene fit I ha\'c cce i\""c il SetuO I " .Dd .. I D all dO.. INDI tt ers, but II nearl y e n wb l II Is ' ' list as esse n lin!. (5) frUlH up 'r a8h~ tissue. olrengtb ellS and build. ANa POL l. th e UJle uf U <I, I'. l, id uey Prill. verl lca l whe n raki ng. Th e A I wor ker." Codl .., r .- r 'al'_, AIIlom . Ue. . I diffe r ence 'bo n ~ cutt er Is ess en t ial for nln" U~b08 )l1tltd, Q. W l\ here cnn Mul l'. Grnpo Ton ic Lini ter o f lh e U ()~ I' t!1, Rl'ld ill my It s a ,' es tn sla n t Is nd j us ted by r a ising ~t!'rC1'::~'oT!.b~~ ~I!!'lDt.. I Wt TtJtM,Coath. "'(11'1\ I h ad! - - - -- or tow- muc h ti me a nd a nnoy 1\L~ alii rrcq ucn l1y c'I"'hI'.I t o ' e r ln g t be t.rlp arm . " E." P ut nil ance went . wast es nc ::ONCERNING l"r. . A. You r druR gist 6e1ls it . The Six y('nT'H n ~o I \\' .. ~ Jai ,1 up fi ick. nny good bone nnrl p repll r es It for BIG FOR doll TUN llr ' ES 1 d c, little b ottle chic k ens mea t neal' " L." 1'0 haul or hous cont t.oJ'~(l w ith a Hum ber r .thY Ricinn s, nnd cen t S ize. nins nenrly t hree t ime. t he so· e t he as we i laa h ens. tina ll y cons lIlte.1 n "peri n1 ist rn ke. II nbol t and r emo ve t he " , but wit hout I" pi eces , Oood for ailin g d .lldreD , a nd n llr81 ~ u cr"S!! . T I, oy all t olll l'bOI K' L egit ima t ely WOn in C 1 hilI! un cou ple at H Ii. and lond o n and Ben ev- Disea. ng ighl·. moth ers. c. I wa. in " ltn tl " 'ny an.1Brallll sled o r ol entl y oot U sed wag on. If YOll mak e one A Al'e f1'eo F a bott le to all who have 1Ie" er usoo vorhelpl BEE TREE HUNTING. ""•. when , t hll nk God , 1 honr Rnd' your d Ilr it usc wc kn ow it will Dodd 'o 'Kill ncy Pill .,.' " el gh bors see It work ' t hey ably Reg Arde d. cure you. 8a,'e ll IlIl' life. wlll all r to k .ixt cen bOiCe•. . T hey' How to Mak e a Bee -Hu ntin g wa nt to h ~ lp you wea r It out nolV J '"11 cllre< 1. 138 . Box And The fi rs t dn y I tooknnd FRE E BOT l'LE th em 1 felt re lief. A good bi g fortu n e Is an Inter the Way One ll[an Succ ess. J'R Jl:p'.. Send t hl lll co nJ)Q D w ith cst1 ng Wh en I hegn n ' I weig hed on ly on e hun· 7 011 1' nAm l . nd addre as, y our dru~ I'L·. phe nom enon , an d a very Inte KEEPING SEED CORN. fl ntI 'h'e pou ndll, n ow I weig name an d 100. to p full y tTsea It. r esll ng dred h one ~:Laf:.~n~f)':: i'~I~U~r!ll '.O&~.;:'~F~~r~a r bu ndrc,\ oml Rixt l'·fi l'c. tRnd I nm fa ctor In clvll lzaU on. r shOUld t he 'pie- w ilt al i a &enct y nu .. ec t'tIGra nl(f be sorr y ture o [ ienll h. i One of the Sim plea t and 1..a IIfOO(1 tor ,UJI r~eo m mend J)Odt! 'R K id· to see big fortu n es go s o muc The pictu re I am s.end lng you purcb ate or lI[oa t BIf _ h out of ney Pills lo nil my friends w on T ODlo froID JOUf s pea ks who have K fallh lon that nobo dy won ld any for IIself, says Fran k P. Sto iel~Ive lIIet hods Is by the lo nger nel' Troll hle, Ilnd I I'rn" to God lh At otb- MulL 'a OIU.PE TONIC Co., 147 Thir we, In care to heap o ne u p, writ es Edw d Avo. writ ing . to lIIe Glea n ings In er' . ufTer e... ,\'ill rcad the.e word Vee of lIox es. B ee Cu i· ard S. helpo . Rnd be Roell: lelnll d, III. o by them ." Mar tin , In tu re. This 18 an appl e tree out Atla ntic. m .. It Iv/l .Addr," an d 1tHI. Pl<llnlV. nobo dy In an Vari ous m etbo ds have \)ee o sllgg buil t pala ces, and mad e eijt- old past ure lot. a mar· A n~ Rn hos to ~ H~ry prou T:!;.ri:~:~~~::.t:,t;t~:l~le~':.IJ:,I~ ed for dryi ng seed corn durl d The way we hun t bees here , we ket for the larg er slzPR o f u g fall and ~1i ~t 8 . . Ute • oea' bOu.le alMl about of dla· ch ild rcn lo th ink they nre as ~oOlI · l ou k,"g have . 'hre6 win t e l'" t angl ng a bo x in t wo parts, tbe botto m . be would be if he ,lid n' t 1111\'0 3.~r:. ~:;t~ ~:\t~t~:.. The, . II LIm" •• havi n g Monds and the hes t plctnTC8, and abu, 80 many & ..... t iul').!!' WI)rieB,- . ~. Y . 1:)rc88. from tyin g t he CDi'll som e oom b wi t h hOlley dilu ted navi gate d the sea In big YReh ts w ith alld the The JenniDe hR . on a at rlng hang - wate r. or we use a little oU ot dote and num ber .tamp on Ihe lobel-.. tuke anis e. land In auto mob iles 30 feet long- If noTo Cur e a Oold in One Day no othe r from Ing to & ratte r In as this dra ws the bees , and they body , eo to spea k, had mon ey to y OUl' dru qi.ot . thro w at Tnke LU ATr vlI BII OMO com e ' Quln t he aLUc , to com - bo ck betttjr. Th e top part of t bird lile s, Tabl and ettl. thre w It, lJfe wou ld not be Druggists r of,uu d nlon ey If it he ,holt fails loa cure. 11 the public is \l'illio ~ to hite, plic ate d Ilc lllgr ee rests over tho bott om. W e catc h a o ear) y so livel y an d, deco rativ e as It Is, E.W . GIIOVS'S signa ture Is, on each box. 200. cur e" not for th e crit.ic 8 unrk tbe aeto r ahelves, . I bad 'alm ost rathe r, If I we re w il e r e qu it of a ll e l l!b ear may be kept track perll U,A hope ful disp.()JCi lI0D/ o f. One onal r espo ns ibili ty abon t II, A Gua rant eed Cure for ' 8a Plie s. id U ncle that E be n , lOis a jJ ot th e simp lest and mos som e p80p le bogged grea t forl un rent t effec tive ;11I ' t ill :I ma n gita looblng. B'Und , B loodl oll, Prot rud ing Pile>, es th a n te r depe ndin in t in !lJleHs meth od s, saYIl t he Farm and Drul 1aistt l oro 811 thori roll to refll nd mo ney It ) ' vll it. to 8ee du.t. do that the re shOUld be non e. And Hom p.o.zo OINn lSNT (ulls toCIl I had a ren t's pllid ,"- \\' osh m gloll S lar , to use bo xes, s uc h as are s ho wn e, Is N ill 000 ~' <l "y 8. IlOc trea t deal ralb er that a due prov In t he is ion of c ut. wh ich are t hree feot hlg fortu nes s houl d be acqu I lo ng, s ix M ud Heidorn .tie" to tbe lIIun Piao'e Cure ca nnot b e to" high ly spok red In fit who bWi Inch es wide ant! eigh t In cbes way s by fit men . Few ot lIB , d ee p. a cough ciJ l·e.- J . W. O'Hl'Jcn, 322 en 01 tb. rig hl kind o [ duol. I thin k, .. Th ird The e a rl! a r B set In this bo x Av o" N., Mi'll ohJe c t to big for tune s per S~ . W e u ea poli ~ , Minn .. Ja p. (I, In two 1000, don' t row s, but butt e nd dow n, ~ot! wan t too grea t a pro por ti on ot t hu bolt the naae t awn y In a dry plac e ot A ft C' lf /lll, the m ll n tlC1I\al weal th to get In to to o few mod ernt e u exc rd.ll~ " t he ha nd s, ln Ol4 l g1'at e fu) scl fkl'c! wh t, mpe mtu re. It Is usef ul, In so tru in t is the OIJU as .bas bappe ned al r eady , and Is hap r ll ng t he pen . w ho uu ld bove Laid u. 80 , and didn ' t.I!orn , slneo ever y ea r s w u<ls Ing mor e snd more. We don ·t ou t , s o waIn o ut l ' u k . Iha t It m ay be read ily r emo laws , or t he brea ch ot the m. to vall a nd sl ve 8n e xami ned. ,u nfai r advn ntag e to t be ver y rl cb who wlln t to be ri che r . alth e cos t of T h e A s para gus Ded. t be poo r . But to for tune s legit im a te ly wo We belie ve In, ,mow ing t hc nSlll n by mon lra gus lit to wi n the m, an ~ wh o me re ly le vy a bed in the fa ll .n.nd burn ing It ove l' to lawf ul trIbu te on beneHts cont IleSt roy t he beet le eggs and erred o n rus t tll at tbe com mun it y, w e ha " e no objection at lIl a y be Ihe re: Otlle r s who bave g rown all. Such forlu nes are t he s igns of genm ucb more of It tban we have p refe r O!ral pros peri t y. We llke to 10 haye t he o ld sllllk s r oma aee t item ln IIntl l grow , a od adm i re the spe nd ing splin g 8 S a helD to hold Lbe ot t h'e m snow on In lhe sam e spir it bed , sa ys Ule F a!'m el'1l' R evie In wh ich we a dm ire w, But ' th e lavis h diffu sion of 8uD shln~. Th ere In eJLb er case we wou ld cut and carr y ' Is no obje cti on to rich es, then . aw a y all the see d begi n ning prov ided to tall. the r ig ht m en galh er th em tn th e r 'fhe little seed ling s In ' lhe old ight. bed arc way a. no bette r t ha n 80 m80 y weed It. llEm -TRE; E HUN TER . s. rr seed lin gs are wan t ed to set & Dew bed, bee In tbe top part ot the box, pn t BRICKS WRAPPED IN PAP ellt the s ta lks whe n the seed Is near ly It on th e bolt, draw a slldo , and ER let ripe and hang ' t b.em Uil to dry. t he bee do wn on tbe bone y; tilt The n (he ltd <~. . . . d and Glas od l OW the aeed I. a uw bed, Kin ds Don e Up tram wblc h laek a little ; set them up on & stick It DIllY he trllllll]tlam.ed wile n Oare fully to Sav e The m & yea.r abou t e Ight feet long or high , anti walt Old. We like good year iillg plan Yro mln jury . ts be t- for Mr~ . .Bee to com e out with her ter than two-yeu- 01dL load . If th e tree Is near enou gh to Bric ks mig ht not ~ ee m delic ate PRY to look for s he w ill be back In obPOU LTB Y WIS DO. . jects that wou ld requ ire wrap from nin e to 15 min ut es. I neve ping up r h a d one , com e back In less than IQI",e tbe heDs all t he s unli ght allt min· to save them trom dam age. but man y poas i. n te@, thou sand s of hrlc ks are now 1I1e. and t lIey were on Iy abou t ' 80 pro60 r'odll awa y , Afte r so,'e ral get Mtxe d t eed tor Iteas shou ld . to work. lecle d to keep lIIem from cblp plng In not be log on tran lpor tatlo n and hand llDg . a line, and are com ing back toO soft , In good tim e, I IIslJally have anot C6m mon red hrle ks tor back s of Fln,' out wha t benB an! ullpr olita her box, wall a ble I catc h all I can that are I n the <And I; Is pose of th em. box and for lI11ers are s tili hand led just BI\ 8t wo rk : se t box No. 2 up on the they have Som e ot the lar~ prod u ,alw ays b ~e n-s tae ked s tick tocera ot and move aenr geth c~ and dnm ped from )luultn:y Hta r to,l s mall . al rods to th e rlgb the wag ons left. as may be mos t conv e nleu t or In wblc h they are The 10 wl s shou lll be kel't de liv ered. bllt not t, and Indo ors Bet the m up dur iug ,cold wot days In late a gain . In thi s wny yo u so with pres sed brlc lt tor fron faU . t wall s get a cros s·lln o. a nd we can g ener ally or with glazod briel,s. Dr«flll In t he poul try hUll ae are bad , nn d the m In hnlf Il ll t gooll ve nUl a tlon Is hene ftcta a day, and som elhiJ es Pres s ell brlck a have . to be aure l. , al · le33. Hun ttng bees Is n't a Wb ere lor ge QlJ ontl l1et1 of CO profi uible way s bee n band ied with care I'1l Are bu Ines s. and bu t ther e Is r eal spor t In It, stac ked with hay t o be foil fo wl s. th e ""rn shou sp rend betw een the ld bo and I enjo y It. l8Oak ed. laye rs; bu t th ey go a good deal turth er "DurI ng ~ et da ys ~ee 'I ,h at l1Ie than thot with g laze d brick s , litte o f whll :b r P rofit In W ..... I. In tbe po,f1.l r y hous e doos not man )' are now used . b~()() me Th eso a re Woo l Is r egar d ed BS t h at farm odam)!, prod . wrap ped up for ship ment,. \loch Indiv iduct wh ich brin gs Ihe mos t m The pllll e't6 are t h ~ hons that 1.,. ual bric on ey k III a wrap per of corr ug a.ted In pro port ion to wh nt cggD In ~ar i y wln te r.-F It tnl<cs (rom the or emb osse d pape r, In nrm ¥l'JI· Re- farm , a nd whic h It II with t he leas t labo r to the cus hion ed AS well as wrap pell. "I a'\l. prod u cer . It)' It r.osts som ethi ng t o wrap up bl'lc ks Gra51l\ lo r LI\Dl h . In thi s way , but It cost s leS8 tban the U s o for Corn Fod der. One can' t hE:.!;l n ,feed ing .,'mlD dam8,!;e to the bric ks unw rapp to A fe w bund los or co r ll' ed wou ld J llm ~ s" O<l soo n n ft e r fodd er set amn unt to, and ao thpr wean lnl!:. J aI e may be seen '",ay ~ 'h ~,g i ll w llh oalM . B y mlxl n ); a up .1.gnln 5( t he nort. h a nd wes t si des n()WadllY s big stac ks of brick s wHh lit tle 8a'il with It at tb e star t t he)' OOOD o f Ule bnrn or s hetls will keep a lit a aver y hrl ck don .. up In a pape r. eCQtIlre a tante tew Jt, and wll lot of w ind 1l1Iit col<l . 'rhe y wlll' do i he e at · 10 g gro~ d1l1 011 yon g ive Ihe m with In mor e good 1I1el'e th an Ins ide t he aolV~uable Med icine . t 'IVO w!:ok s. A M SCOII a~ ' lbey can ca.t ols' 6(om achL "Doctor . I wan t to t bank 'OU for f 01\19 well . I I)r ll in to Jell S& .t\ rour valu ahl" med icine ." ' x In n little br lgllt , IU:lI ed :;orn , so ~ tf' 8!1 ll:lve "It Peed Balt from lJox_ help ed yon, did lt 1" ..ked t" em the £att n g clia r, & ~ ell ed rorfl 'v hen Th e genuine Syru~ of locto r . very muc h pleaset!. ta ken Salt lIIay t:l llte j ust as good to Is for by .up fnr th l! w~ Il ler . My alln f. first-d~ss ehee p " It belp ed me won d erfu lly." dru neve r to whe n feit to th e m o n th e ~ts. fun of grou the compapy~ ~ .t them lito),) grow ing nd ; but '"Ho w man y bntt les !lId ynu trotH rto..,dy ,fpr you 'a,nd I wou i,t Dot thin lind It k rt just r ight tbe mar ket, aud maDa~tI In CO .-i s always th!~ 11;1\)' It we wer e ted thet way . ,Pro vld. lecessal"7 to tak e?'· the ftobt ~f } . (lJOom tull. -.JaI OD. . " Oh, I dldn 'l tak e any of It. My '~ ~me ' clea n bolIet!rF~J1J Jou rn.r. lode 100 Ie , 01 \0 bott le, and I Il?l h i. ~I. lIelr .':;: -J,fodam Se<;lo~. -~
e"- I
StJacobs Oil
Aches and Pains
To sweeten, .To refresh, To de an se th e system, ~ffectually
and G en dy
Th er e is on ly ' on e G en·ui ne Syrup of Figs; to ge t its beneficial ·effects
Dispels 'colds an d headacbes 'wbel\ bi lio us or 'c on st ip at ed ; Fo r men, wo m en an d cbDclren; A~best.on
the ki dn ey s ' an d li ve r, stomach an d bowels;
Always !tuy t.he geJllaiDe - Manqiact. 1INCi
''is ,Sy ruThpe.
14anclsc:o. Cal. Figs sate aU
tecl'ori evu y pacKage. . Price Fif ty prin 'Ce nts per bottle.-
:. i
bO - -
I ;
A. MAFF'IT, Bowel T,rouble You .Mus t :.
us II OI\\I.v~ III" th " Hom .Comlng Editiull 0 1 til<' Mittm i (Ohi O) Uazett"" a 1.111 11' I"QIIl l! I.v llrin tolll and well Is a s u ro .:.. llubl1 . lIe4 ~eekly at W aYl\en fl) e , Oblo iUu!!t,l'<l l'l>collll number just out" UNDER1 A K~R, sign t bnt In t,It tl In t<' rj'~t. n f II KTIIlld reunI on 'your dige~~ tlve 'orJl(RoS ~ . , ,, DKOWN t ~,l l to rl'l l\nd M3 0a jlOra of ohl ij ttl eni I t) be held o.t Wl\Ynes. nre overA ,U a LBEK1' M , M o l\ ~" 1 on the 7th of Aug ust" vill a, ( hi(l, w ork e d""1'4. 'l" J . llnu w!C. A SSt,l' l AT a ElHT u . 190 \. Mr . Fm'tlll tl wns born in t,llIlt· ( 00 heavily b urdeoed' 1 .. 0 0 ", year · . , . . . . In nd v nncc vioin lty nllel expect\! to alleml tl.1e - In n s late " ,!!(I 1\ y ear Ir 1I0 L p a.lli In Bdvanof" reunion" A" oxcel\ent ong rn ving of rebellion, Itl s n ~"ri· \)FFlCE IN JONES BUILDING . of Mr. IInu MrH, FUl'nli B WI1S con· OilS c nditaillocl in t ho ~ \l eoittl nllm ber whi ob li on, and ,if 'l'CLCP1'!OrJC eltLIa • - rJO, 6,£ is, thr'll1 [( lt llut" ' I ll1 Pce of j \.urlllll. Telephone in l li~ hOl1sQ '\\'l1el'(1 lto "o gle t ed istic IIr t. cn.n lIn cnllctl li t u 1l hO lll'~, !lilY or will r eslllt in cOI:n nIiC/\ti~>Ds of tho nigbt. gra vest chnracler . • 1006 WEO\>lESOAY. , . JA NU AIIY , 3 Death Ilot Infrequeu tlyensues ns the .' I ~ lI lCltT(jW N , P F.NN , UOll chos tl11t1 cblli rR AU ppllml. p enalt y for Ih inkiog thnt t he trou ble D EA lt l~ H ,ET'I' F. : correc t il ~e l f lind dlsapP"LLr UII US Btl \Ie r ecently ," ol'()<l to roo m will Ml's BIlI lJkhurII hilS nut lost sisted . A Little Taffy. !lon' t neglec t t h i. condi l io n- don 't inte r " ~ t ill Wll y nos\,ill e lIfter lin next t o Cross Brill-I. invite oisastur by d elay , b u t go t o the absenc'c (I f twe nty. lI\le yrars, lIud WA Y I:IF:8 YII. I ,E . O . Dearest d ruggist and buy II bott le of, The publishers of the, Gazette enjoys pertlSi nrt 'llte Cn lUI11U H of tIlO MAIN 8TRI!:I1:T , very muoh &ppreol&te t.he many Gn ze tt.e f')r lI e W!! d the old h Olll O - - - - _. _- - I kil"t thlllK" I b" t, hit \' Il beon ~1I1!1 lWei frlentl s , ( La":artv. ) !Lb,,ut tlto ~peoial Humo- Coming YelUT Spaoiu I Edi tion does or edlt WINTEl t T OURIS 'J' T ICKET S. , number by frlendH I\nd subsoriber~ to th e Edit o r ~ , .111,.1': !<I'W 0:0: ~,\!.I,' \ ' 1,' .. t home Ilnd "broud , nnd also by Your s kindly , LOi llt:; VlIJL f<: ,I:, NAS HVILL I~ IIcigbboring paper9. ELI-' s BLAl: KII UII N. I It Is Ihe sfl fest, quickesl·ncting nn d Newspaper men are, lIf COUTse, in most effective remed )' iu t he world for LAKK 'l'O WN, UTA II , .. po8ltiun to know just how much , 1111 bow el n n d stomach t roubl es- plens, AnI , powerful , nnd pe l1e t rati n ~. to time, labor, expeuse and pla,nnlng is Dt:A II FIIIEN Oil : I r ecel ved t,he Spechl I HOIll '" It r eaches the sent of t he tro ubl e nnd neceslIIlry tu produce I1n editi on of F LORIDA, instantly corrects it. tbls kind, aDd we publish below " Coming nl1mber ISHt week, It waR The confined gases nre released , ferfew of tbe, many nice things that jl1st fine. I enjoyod roodlng tho (W LF CO A !o:iT IU:::iOft T S, ment at ion is stop ped nnd I be a ffected hne been IIIlld t y our editori!ll IHttnrR very muoh , locality soot h ed aod stren g the n ed. Hoping t bat Wl.lynos ville nnd bor CU BA, brethren: DR ,CAL DWELL ' SV RUP PEPSIN peOlpln UlIlY contmuo to prosper, 1 cnn be obl ai ned in both dollur an d halfAT \ ' F: UY 1.(1\\ ' IlA 'I'P'S Weetem l3t!1r : The Miami Ga· rOlllllin lUI Aver , YOUi'll truly, d oll nr at nil d rug g ist s. zette of Wa)ln8l!vllle iSRUed !l spec· J , W, SATTKIt'fI1W-'ITJr., Vou r 1l10n.. y \VIII bo refunded If It IIlI "Borne· Coming" edition last F'of rl\tt·~, t lnll' I t, lt lc!'t or u t" autlrull y 11111 ~' does not benefit you. XENIA,OnlO . week In antlo1patlon of tbat event t rat.etl hookh'b 0 11 F lnrftln. t.hl' (l uH (.'o a~ Y our (>Ost a l CArd reQu ~j;t ~vll1 bring by retnm whioh occurs the week of August 6, O "" lt G AZK1"1' Jt : Ne w Otlf':\ns or Cuha . :llhlrc~ ... T1t' an ' ... t re I)' m a n our n e w book let . "DR. GAL D\VltLL'8 BOOR O F \V OND"~ R S" nnd f reo &ample to Many thanks for tbo beauti 1906. The i88ue Is In bl1ndy form tbole who IHWU ne ver t r(Nl th l& 'WoDderlai "lI1edy. Mall yo ur p os tA l to J:w . ~Imilar to tbe Ladles Bome Journal fill liome, Coming number, A BapllY New Year to !lll. CInci n natI F , 0 \l US II , IJ P A and comprlse8 "'0 pages excellently . J. ADDISON BROWN, PEPSIN SYRUP CO. printed on floe paper and illustrated SL' [.o uls J h: D Av~Nt}n It T. D P A IIcntlcellOp llllnc" with views of Waynesville and plo NEW YORK CITY. For Snlo lIy J . E, Jnnn oy, hlca~o H C D " lL~ V , N W f' A tures ot Ita prominent oitizens. It OICAIt FRIEN DS: contaln8mILny l!'tters from former I am spending my bolidays in J H M II ,',Kl'S , 0 PA r. uls"l\Ie F or 'olll s 11 0 "Red Spru~ tlllLl rtltlldllnts entbll8laetloally endorsing tbi!! oity . 1 have been here for 110 Uberry Ex peotortln t, " soll1 b y J E . ~be propoeed "Bome.Coming. " , week and on January 3d 1 expeot o. L , "'TONK, Gan ' 1 Ptlss . At;cnt. Melllln. Brown and MoKay deserve t o !! t~ r' for Winston, &Iem, N. C., Louisville, Ky, Jllunoy. the commendation of their fellow tben on tlte 8th I will go baok to oitizens and are receiving tbe con· Cltllorloston, W. Va. kratulatlons of neiehboring pub· I r ead your " Bome Coming Spec. IIsher8, lal," n.nd It Iii a "Cracker,Jack ." Waynesville oorrespondent to Witb best wisbes, Western Mt~r: The Bome.Coming I am, yonrs truly. number of theM.laml Gazette wbioh B. F . PARKKR. '11'108 preeented to Its readers last U 1'1'01' PARK, RooBEBTEn, N. Y, week, ia really a work of art, ILDd DEA n hlENDS: kl be appreolated mUlit be &een. With oompliments of the sea· GlvinK a complete hletory of Way. 80D, Bnd heartiest good wisbell, I nesviJle and Its early settlers, em- wllnt them to Inolude tbe wbole bellished with ploturesque views Gazette force, wlt.h aoknowledge . whioh envIron our town, wltb plo- ments of great admlrstion and keen turea of many beautiful homes, enjoyment of tbe exceedingly fine prominen,t citizens and publlo bulld- "Bome.Comlng" special l88ue of Inp. A moet interestIng feature tbe Ua.zette for December. 18 a large number of le&tel'tl, writAlways faithfully yOUI'll, ten by former citizen8, ahowing I , N. CARMAN. their loyalty ILDd a1Jeotion for their old home. A gentleman in 8peak. IKDIANAPOLlS, INDIA'I'IA. Ing of ita merlte II&ld he found It so DItAI! GAZItTTIC : . full of interest that he lIat up all We were very muoh pleased nlih' to read it. We are justly witb your Bome·Coming number. proud of the Miami Gazette. Few Many old familiar faoes looked into toWDS of ~rjJ8r size can boallt of mine when Hurned the pages. Yon auoh a paper_nd by paper, '11'8 IIhould have had tbe ploture of father Zell '8 hOll8e in It, a8 it is the oldest meaD ita promoters. Wilmington Republican: The bouse in Waynesville. Your friend, Miami Gazette, lIr. and M.rll. T. J. LOUISA J AKNItY ZItLI. , Brown, editoR and proprietol'tl, bas BELLAIRII, 0010, ialued a "'ery handllOme 8pecial bome.ooming number, It Is to fur- DEAR FR{ENDS : The i;peoial Edition was a ther \he Interest of the· tnl week at WII.yne8vil1e beginning first 01&88 piece of work in evary Aquat 6, 11106. It containll muoh re8pect, and tbe Gazette is to be readable matter 'and many 'beautiful oomplimented on its oonoeption an~ iUUllmtions . artistio exeoution of the work. We expect to attend the Bome "ayn_ville En~rpnse: Our Coming, Bnd you OIln oount on lay. 61Wmed contemporary. the Miami Ing plates for us at Bleak Bouse at Gue&te baa iBllued a hlLDdBome tbat time. "Bpeoial Bome·ComlDg number" In Very sincerely yonrs, map.e form. It oontaiDS views ALBERT DXA.J'IINBAUGH. in and around Waynesville, lDter· estiDg hllltorloal claa, aDd a jJ8Deral For any disease of the skin there write·up of ~\e bUIIlneH life of our Is nothing better than Chamber· town. We ounpatulate them upon lain 'a Salve. It relieves the Itcbing the anooeMful termination of their Bnd burning sensation instantly Bnd labor. soon eifeots II. oure. Bold bV F, C. J'ranldin New8: The Bomo-com· Schwartz. inI number ot tbe WaYDesville Ga· :.r.e&te wu a o-ed1t to the enterpris , Ing force of 'ha'.oftioe, and certainly mllllt have met with muoh approciation amOD 'he Editors' 8ubaorl· ben. Xenia Gaze'te: The Miami Ga· ze'~ baa jUIIS luued .. very hand· 80me ' 8peclal edition, the Waynes. Tille "BOJ:De-Comlng" number, In magazine form, on heavy book paper, consisting of forty pages , It Is tor the purpose of advertllllng the home·coming week next August, and oontaiDB a number of letters from former resldentll of the village from an over the country, besides )Yla ' many local hiIJtorioal facts, with plotures of lprominent oltlzens and beautiful bomes. U 18 a very orediable iaaue for tbe Gazette and will be a Rood advertisement for ,the bome.oomlng week, Wilmington J01l1'llal: With oom· mendable busln888 enterprise and editorial abiU,y the Mlsml Gazette, THREE TRAINS A DAV of WaynelV1I1e, pa$ out its Issue lut week in lhe form of the popular ali. Qlcqo" Wlorl4. Spaclal ., la SonIa; J-r II~ u.., monthli8ll, oonslatlng of forty pages, 'fbrouKh Pullman MrVi.. from with oover in three colors, trimmed Cbicaco. Cleveland. Indianapolil and ILDd atapled, The objeot of the Cotumbu,-via Big Four ROut.: :ne... tro!, and Toledo via Pere IilllquetlAl i88ue ill to further the cause of "Old and C 11 &: DRy., aJld Louisville via Bome Week," a general reunion gf SoutberD llailway: eonnectina ....Ith ootid Pullman train leavinl Cincll\D&t\ all preeent and former residents of 11:26 P.II. lor QacboDvilIe and S~. the good old Quaker town on the ~ Miami and vlolnity, set for the Ilmda 11. .... week beginnIng Aagost 6. The 'fbrouKh Pullman ....1.. lrom ~ and Indi"""poU. via IiOOOD 18IIue 18 filled with splendid half· aDd 0 H 6; D Ry ; connecliDII tone illustrations IIhoWing bulldlDge, wllh IIOUd train leavlli. CinciJlAau 8:30 A. l(. lor lacbonville and St. _n61 and faces familiar to those A_tine, aIoo throqlaPuUman8er· who know tbe town, toge'her vloewN_Or........ wltb well written sketches of local GeM- " Cnlc:eat Special history ilIat are not only of great Bolld 'raiD CinchlDati to N.w 0.I• ..,. v ia ChaI,IAI"""", and ~ Interellt but invaluable to many•. bam, aIao..ui.brouch PWII11&D -.Ice to li'rom both an editorial and a ~aIa. "(411 AabnIlIe &lid meohanioal 8tandpoint its publlshNd'::.~~~t.IODOD.:J;~ era may well be proud of thlll i8lae. W. W.II!IJ1Uft, t. r. I., • ."., .. LInneus (MilllJouri) Bnlletln: 8. 'fl. A. ~ 'fl. c:. auu_.. W, FurnaS, of thle City, has shown . --,-'DouJlAd"t. ~~
------ -
Dr. Caldwell's IS p. yrup
lori:d a . NewIOrlcans ,Cuba
reachcd< jn\comfort
r SoutHERN RY.
Bally's Meat Market.
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'S leep ,
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If YOII can'not, it it; 'd ll t~ :)n .~ hO~H IIl1d ~' ,, " 111 I'll" fill " ' t'rl\ ' Will irritated or c nge tet! stat ~' o f 1 1m.\' it il':lJ 'liIt. !H ,LI' I" ,L "r l"n rill' h,,!(tI, the brain, which will s , :1 dc- : (It\l\lt'~ 111111 (~ 'HHl velopc into nervous pr~ st !'i1.~i o l1. F .. (t~ lt unll ~I1 I1 , · tl ,, " '11 1,14 ~o l ll by : , atllre . drl11<1 nu s s ic 1', ,an,d ' poun u 1'0tlll,1 II I'. 111111 ,'te,·, ,t l ' as 11l lpOrL3n l as £0 I,; I t I 1" to; 8-, " Y.
is a pa rt of It er bl1i1dil1~ ::lnd Sllst aining p rocess. Thi s 'period o f ull consciollsll ess rcl:l' :c: th e menta l a nd ph y s ic:!1 str:li ll, au d all o ws nat ure to restore exh al1 sl cc\ vi lality'. D r. III il es' 'Nervi'n e b rin g'S rcfre ,~hi llg" sleep, beca llse it soot hes th e ir ritation and removes t h e congest ion. 1t is a lso a nerve b uil,le r ; it no ur ish es allt! strcn"t hclls e\'e ry nerve in you r booly .. a tlCl cr eates en ergy in all t he orga ll ~ , Nothin g' will g ive st rell g th an d "i tality a s slIrely a nu <l uickl y as Dr. M il es' Ne rvi nc.
D uri ng the t l-'r t lIn <1 tW () oH" acl," .,f 1..0 rl ppow \nw"k" I, (t m~
very wt'n k. nn u In had comll t illn. [ \\, ;1 8 SO ,,,' rvO U" I ooulrl n u l . 1"";1, My Wlrft , nflct' t n'll1 J: (jlftf"r4"' llt r f" !~' (1!"4, w e n t ( r n. d c'C' t.)r . 'r ho d nf'h'l' \\' :11'1
out. 1l1ld n n f"lghbo r 1'('C'o mnwn~h'd Ur. JlIII<'"' Ncr"" " ', ,,, ..I .". Io "'III':' , l n l ·ut tI ~. 1 had nol ~dl ' Jl t f n r ti·lll1(> tiulf' "
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F'UNERA L DIRE CT0 Ht Telephone Day or Night 1 , liN 7
Dca o. long O'lstanee No, 69-3r WAYNESVllL ll • OHIO B h ff' H b 0 rane 0 ICe, meys urg, '
will refu nd your m on e y.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
D I' _ ,I {, J. 7\'1 i (~ h e n c \', VI~; n: rllN
DR.H.E.HA'l'HAWAY, I Wllynesvillo'8 LOll!ling t OOlee In " eyR' (lulld".!!,· . ' Main !'i lre "e .
A I{ Y :-;\ Il<1E?N.
I,,,h,,t,,,,,. ( lhin, Cun ho cnllp,III II Y 1t01l 1', cluy or ni gbt, \l,lth B II 1111 ,1 V'lll o~' Pb o ll e~, Vo \Ie.,' Plt ono No. 2:1
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1 WjJliulIl '('. Cr 'llUl r u.nd ~Ife tot Oeath's Work . (; MIt!) G- 1\, W I UL] tr Cru s hed' Corn. Ann io. '~~Ji1. holh Wllli u l\I ~ i two t.rlll \ l ~ t il H. llr~ i1t q ll ttl wrls h il>: $1000. s ~;w ' Slit'I". ' 801\ g\(i r rl I.. ," HI(';. 1,:.. 1, , '. J'HI \V(I Ilro ~ rh l dlng oru, III ,1' oorn .:'ili' II 1nrr GttTl' taoo; nged ttuont T , ' PlLf·( ""~"ll, till I'ill'. to .N . ·L. 1,,,·,, U B' I\VI "' ~ I' " ~' I'h llk ii( w \)lIl1rtu :10 YUlLfS, ' dl eu Frillny night li t hor II 'y 'UI' lit III\' 11 1'1>1 'H'"'' '" 11 .011," 'v cr y d Il Y . . W ieee]) g'rottl;d tco( l .l .b Ill; 11I 1'''ll LrllOt~ 111 Jj'j:tln k. ers . LJ, v, " 'oil ./:" 01' 1,1~~ ' IJIIJ r h OlllO ut the'Joot of the hili llt. flol" I.'onul : hopinl! 1t \\'! Jld '-I' I' \\ ,, ' lin U)WII h lp ; $ 1 GI f,r. . . I'i~'l\ "" MOWI'''\\' i 1\ .F.,hl'UIl r~.. I 80 , \• .yslJlHg, HUU hl;ll' bod y . in tcrr diu uud lJ tJ WIl H i!0I'" II . \' "1 \I " "I LI.I ~ I " '" LO xCh.ang if. yo u !lavo not. time tu AJI II BI~iJ.·e H "t, ul by '1'. '. Pllt· I... d th"rti /11'1' nn ohilul't11l . Plll lllt,IfT d iROII SO. 'l'hC!r o i~ c1'LII g l'I' ill Ii, t" l. i w4it. Uur f U exoha nge is tUll o n . Mlllmi CCUletor y. . y~V "lIU!\"H 11,, 1',·,,11,,111. " ' IlM ""ilt y III! COl'· I,HI'Hlln , sh ori fl', t o Allen HIlm es; lot bllt if F o l l1 Y '~ K i<lm'.y (' U I" iK ,,,4 "11 ' II t,oll 0 1' c o ~ 1 busis , Tb o fivo yOlll' ohl s [\ f 1\11'. nnd ,,, i l\ !Ill t.f!~ ,.f 11""001 \,It' j' • I ~IUG "f in Wny nl1Hvi lln i f,7fiU: [ f yCl ll hll ye n ot- tri dour Cflll! h o.l 1'Ilr~ . Alfrcd I3uttorw rth, llied lit lit (,IllOO tl~l' ".\' II.'p( n lll~ \\;jJ I .ll ""1'1 Alle n Bui n H to tlle W ll y nO!lvillo JTI VEltY Ul£I:'Alt'J'MEN'l' OFFER::) their II mu in )'1 111'i n, ]ndinnu, lind p Oll 1', Ih e kHln l'\'~ :11'0 ,1)" 1,,,11 ,, , , , / , 1 1 ' . . l'tlpl'nhllll!lihhH.lIIIHln1'1 t wltil " ""r~(?R 1I1'ld yon 11 1'1' s/. nll -."111 111 " ,,, I \II il : 001' 11 oull und!lee ltn.nrlyo u WIll ~n)' p ,,,10 ' 111. wh " 1lI llhe IUlIn",!! III hc.J: Mo~c)ll ic Lodge No . 1G::lF. LInd A .. M. hl ~ hody III·ongh t. to Wll y nl Hyill e 'EI ' 1 'El'IIP1'L NU BAIWAIN1::; SU 11I111t.iun . Pillintiff stlLt,D~ defolldllnt. lot in WII Ylle; *tlfiO. nnd buricd III th o fomi l y lot in A . H. I:lu~" <II ;\I u rg llll ll' .. , , I , d I " d I HlIlt it i " the lin e" t. feo·,d yo u O'VOI' THA'l' YOU CANrsOl' H1~ ] , l' lillmi l'ellll1tll ry Hnndu,Y . . to /-:et. "l' 1"11 or 1,11 ,·1\',· I"". '~ III Ih' sllw . ' Vnynos \,i1l e M il l ~ . hll!! ~ \lld n\)ont *2200 iIJ I lfI r~O UIII T. . Plltte l' ~O D , s h eri n', tu Steph tm pruper!:y llOlI certniu rp.1I1 H~ tlltO on (jor!!uch tlt Ill ; I Ill. 1 1I0rl !! in F l'flnk · 'l'I:lE 1'EMoP'l'A'I' I()N T U UU Y . nigbt, 1111 (1 h ilt! II ",. , ' " '' , . II (' ~" I "'l' ""!!'~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ .Mr Ku,,!u L'oo li"dio(1 nCllr 'p n . IIIIlI pain s in til l' l" d n (lV~ ,"1,1 \\'11 '" I3n CIIlllflrtt "t.r elit, \'ubllnlll1 . PI " in lin t,u wu ",hi p ; :l;71:n.tif•. t OJ' ville ILt lII idnigllt , Wod nes(lny, tin' I"· " .v ~ !Ibn mll'y he 1:( 1'11111.0 <1 IL 01 0. NOllh H. l:llIIjJmnl!, ('xc IltOI' of IfEAIJ O \ ' gJ TU1 !:; L l!:l'I'-(iOLU Dpoolllltor :t ~, IIgUlI 77 yOll.r. 1\ llIont It , (r~~h~~·",~~;1t,-,,· , 1\ \ 110"' \' 1 '11 " I" ('1'(10 01 ollvul'cu nud 1l1iIllOU~' 'l'h Ol' I\n.r on Wri g ht, dtlceuso<l, til AlI clr ()w BON D 'O(J L'ON;:i WITH E ACH /I nd !I days. Cures Co l ds, Cr'mp ulld \ Vh oopi Jlg eoual! . (J ( ~ hlril!t.itl I~ tho at.torn ey for •J. '1'1'owhrlllge; one.hllif lI oro i n PUR l 'li AHE. plnintllf. . 'Iellrcreok to wu lllJip ; $100. MI'H. <.:oon hllLl fo1' " few'y oUI'H AIl111IlUn I~ R'me VB 8imeori G Moil,eull W . ItO"H 1,0 ·.lulm D. Wi )lllst mntlo It or hom e in Cen tr r vil1(1 .. ~ :JOe- for :,Oc: un<lur wuar . KVI; fur IIn L when !!iclmOSfi cli me 11 11011 SOIl I t' Unlll'iI, IIII'" I, Hllnr<l WlllllIlU Ii k ff I . .. Wrig h t'R t.,1.2;, Uud'e l' \\'olll'. :>' - ./"~ IIllont th roe. \\'ooksn go ~ h !l WII S tll lwn IJnnu, l!;rnlllll.J ~uu1Iln~yerl", G enrJ.{ ft o ; ot I)1D mIlSOU ; .. i , ro. P ote l' . IIllcl Rohl'CClI Dunham to M.ell ·>! :.Oc [in cler \\'/)III' (bl'oken lot,.",) . til tl 10 IJOul e 0 f her son· i II In w 111 I' PIlIIIJ\·. ~,'I' I\ 11 M 'l'llU llll' ~lIn, WilllulIl . . "' I111'1011 . \ V 0 Ilor, wh ere 8ho r eceivell ' u I·O·\\·hl·" ,, J) '1'IIU1nJ)II~III , Amolill ElvinI' Fred .rUIl ItlR.. A. l-taYIIll luR; \I) t In Lol m. :J:!' fo r mell'lI [,00 1I1111 noi ·' :1\10 for 1111 f,OC wOI'k ing shirt s. :?:lo I hI' t Cllller est COI'O nntil thfl end crlOk A Clllrk, Rlohl~rd B. RI~hert.~ , n on ; ",tWu. .JounLhllll '1'. V o orh cc~ t,o r.llno. for ::\IIe blnnk sEl t een ~h it· t ~. 7l1c for 1·II IH U. lJIlrtuer uuder the Iirm UIIIlI O of Ulnrk IIml R,)bertll. Money Ilud KII!l V61' ; quit olaim to t.roct in $1.00 kuit .J lwkcts. auo \Ji g 1 t ~ ill~l'. .\{on ·s 50c .J or:>u.l' ovul's hirt.H . \1;'0 . \l or fUll cl':ll' \\'o s lnrgllly nt.toll tIl'd J ml g· Ifrnnklin ; ~ l. fm uoiollUre of mort,gngo. CIM'lt KAu vor ot al to 'harl(JM nlOn's $1. &0 wool s\\'olll el'-'. ·I\lc fur ~at ll1'(l(\y lit 12 o'clock nt. tIll' M. E ""mt iM Iiskull for ':33:1 il~ lllll] illt.or I. hoy~ ([.c s ~vel. l te rs. . :.lC for HC white "h lll'ch in Gontorvill o, coulluctc<l by ttilt on ~IlUl e from Heptom htlr ~ 'j . UleVet1gel' ; If)t ill ~'I'/lnldil! ; *:1,,0. f () I' I ui 1 I f 10 l I t ho p 'lstor, lI u (1 hI'!' hudy intorrnd 11104, thi>! uOlng th .. nlllount of II ROHn B. 'J111llglfn' to DOl'll Lu c ll ~; ifi ll WI'(' 110 S . . t" or C. r ct IIn,e lIt, .thllt villn go. hluu IIILIltl koroll1ofH. 10e l or ilion H . promissory illite 1(1 ven \Jy uefend · lot in Frllllklin; , ,,0. t \V R 11 '1 hll O I~ In II~lId llIluLlko l'chwfs. 70 l uI' ;\lrH. Coou WIIS 1\ wo man of lI 11hl~ G . , . WIt llllt·S Simeon G. Guurtl nnd ]ne)'; L. t.S 01' . ,.n)l OD ,n . ' . 1 mcn H 1.,0 lHLllIl l!ol'oh ll' tH. :120 fur I'h . t· · HUllrd, which Willi seoured by mort OR; oor~o 20. 65 nores lU Hllrlllll town ~ II\Jl ; '(1C. W . M m'~ ,, . _ ( II lie . L (l1IlI WIIS g l.ontl y beloved " r " n y~ . . u e~ . , lu.erfor . :.\.)c hy II IlIr J,{o II 1I III her of fri mlR. ()nt , , 1 00. ~Ke on two tract!! of Il1nd In Tur \ \ II) ~ mutlI e' R. J.' ,cents .. 'C I ~ n!' ur II IU I'f(lJ fIlUlil~' of ch ildrclI , l llu l'e t\A(.lreek townflhlp oont~linill~ nhollt Mllry .J . Wlltkill ~ 10 W . R . Rillm ; 111 111111<1 (1 0, (Ie Illell S li nd boys 1:'C IIr,' hnt, t,\I'O snOR t ,··o (1 1"11 101' .17tj IIcre8. Hluuilton Ilnll Brown f )t j"1 - , , .. Ill" ,. M ·10 llcres ill 8nrlnn t.O wn!lhip ; *1000 \) ow t 108 .. 11/ . C o~ ~)o C\;I . mUons IlilIl sl)vol'nl gl'lIud' ('h ihl l'cn to flI !l1l I'l\ fire Ilttorneys for phlintlfl'. lIIu'I'ott 'Iovunger, ndlllill is t.1'H t.O I' lIud ~c" rf Illnri . II" IlIcn ~ l Uo hGH(, . Ih " I , !I~ of IIllevoleu m othe r . 4~)('. 11 OO UIt'!' 1'110 I!:KllINO!!l. of tho estate of Wi1\iolll Bogol' Ilc· Utc ChOlOC ot ll il ou I' 2:,c IJ e n'~ ho"" ;'0 for lOc Childrcn 's boso . I \/0 IIII' WilliaUl 'Miohnel VH 'rhe Porrino Oelll!c!l, to .J oseph Iiogor ; two t m ct ll Idl :!:'u HUHpe llllurs. ·1:lc for fill j:io Au r" terest ln g State m e n t . , ~C Pllper Co , et Ill. On 1Il0tion Ida in ClolLrcreo k to wll sllip ; $ 1f,OO . dress s hirt s. :lac 1' 0 1' DIeD 's ~)Oc J, E . J an n ey S ays h e h as at last I..: Woodm"nsee Is mndo II Jlllrty de Llress glo\·f>s. 1!tc for DlOU'", :t;,o Ihscove red a Poslti v e C u r e for fendllnt . As tTllohlln glo yos. :;c for m isseH [ndlgestion. Commissioners' Emma F. WHrd vs Josepbin e D. ohild ren 's 1Vo m lLtMIlUlI glov e!:!. Proceedings. lind "FOJ' ycul's," slI id tHe \lll ov(: ,h·llg· Binkley ot III Solomon Fred lind 70 for m eu 's pl ush hnok glluntll:lts, Wll1IlIm H. Wllliamllon, ncimini!!. . --:j; 1. :;0 vld ucs. !:1o fo r H,o 120_.. cll n · gj" t. , . ~ h 'lve boo n waiting for Homo trators et III, granted len vo to tlle RlLym ond Bar8hblll'ge r , Ronp ~ 00 V tl ~ gloyeR. 10c for ~50 cbi ld r o ll '~ "'"l ~o /1 isclI\'er 1\ rellledy t h n t 1'0nl· "II" weI'. t,urjnes,girl ' ta ms, boys' ClipS (Slllllll IY WIll Cll l'e d Y"Jlep~ iH . .Johnson IIl1d Wllt80n. 1!lOu "1 r ece learned that II I) ow La8hley V8 Zell ot Id . Motiou to Si"08). \!:ic Boys' flOc wi nt er cnp ', Court Clllenu er fOI' Pro Htrike out oertaln parts of the pet-i bll to Coure ... .............. --. Il 00 gir ls mills nn Ll wool f, OI] U CR. ·I:.C 1'''lIIody , P e jlsiooln Tn bl e t~ , h Ull hi! n tlon llulltained in part nnd over· JlIlll es K . Slewllrt- s tumps g irl s luge 75c \.... 001 t-lIUJS. \)t<o p!llced 011 the mar ket, IlHd on in ve . ruled in p6rt. 00 m en's soft \lnd stilY h ll t , wOI·t·11 11 [J rt f!lltioll I fouud tllllt n t I II~ t I horc is for IIndltor ...... .. .... .. .... .. n I'Ometly tim t w l11 lWroly cn ro. Arthur E. AppleYJlru vs 'rhe D. Rouert E . Kline, sewer pi po 1·1 i)~ t o /111 . ' ii.-f,l .:19 mOD ' 9 h u.s wor th "1 In!d iu It big >lUI)1J1 y heclLUHe I up to $2.00. (lc fo r 10c ClI r u\l1tf~ . Elmore E. Bill fixing s pring L. Rnd C. R . R . Co. ClUle dlsDlISlled. I, now th\lt ns 'oon n~ th o peu plu h" 2li 120 w en 's cns lullor tJ ~ OU hoso. 2\Jc in stump ..... .......... ..... .. !Cmma F. Wllrd vs Josephine D. gu u to kn ow II hOll t t hiA rcmll l'kn hiD 11 tW men's b OR\' Y ')Oc SWull te .. !:!. ~ (' State VB Albert Lewi s, cosb~ Binkley. Defendants grllnted leave men 's [Irm b!lnc.l s . 70 men'1< 1;,0 \'I' medy t hel'o WOll hi he Il big dnmllllll to plead on or before Deoem ber 26, W . B . Antrnm , 2000 ~c hostl Buppor ters . 20 for Ilig lot 01 [IJ I' it. lind it. i~ Hr"J1iug 110),0 1111 Illy WILl~ stamped envelopes for 19011. t'x ucctllti o n ~.·' ' . 1'retlsurer ............. ... .. .. . 42 ·10 rod 8ml blue hllndker cbiefs . 11\e 1t is n ot oft on II dl'U gg i ~t ~(J 1I~ 11 Eva L. Blierwood vs Jilmefl W . Muson Lumber Co, lim e, boy ~ knee pa nts . $1. :.19 c h iltlre ll ' ~ . CrOll well et al. Motion to <llsmlse ooment., sew I' pipe ... .. ro n -10 ove r collt~, :3 to S, wo rt.h *2. :til. Il l' \\' rellleil y 0 11 " p ositi vo gllll l'l1 l1t,C(, li!lt lI ull\~~ cll red of 1I 0 1' \' Oll S Il AHl<. !leti tlon overruled !tnd Ilefendnnt R1tymond Hurshbllrger, Sill $2.:39 child r en 's o\'el'con tM, :; to 1 grllnted leave to file Iluswer. nry 11'3 IIssistan t jnnitor H5 00 15, worth $ 3.00. $2.0(1 chil rlrens lll'l."y AVells . ';011 1' Rlomllch , e(,,, 1/'(1 10Llgn o, }Jnlpitut.ion fi nd olh el' ~ym Jl' ThoUlas A. Jones VB Lilly Woou .Inll. Follon, Sr .• snlfLry lIS wllrd Barding et al. Snle of renl jnnltor ......... ....... ... .... . f,O 00 ull wool ~ uits , worth ~4 . 00 () c toms of dys pepsia , Mr . J a nlley will ohildrens s ui ts , wortb dou ble. ·Hic hl1nel Ion ok yo ur mone y obeerfu lly estllte confirmed and the sheriff is S . A. ,stilwell , part llll.yment ordered to exeonte Ii deed to the on fees .. ....... ....... .. ... 200 00 toen 's llnu hoys j Cllu p,mts, wor th m.l d withou t n.rg u1l\en t. No on e shoul!! hesitate on t ryin g purohaser. S. K. Stophenson·, lUlllbor ... 00 700. 10 p Ol' cent uiscount olI lill our Uleu s nnd hoys punl s , orduroy IL2;; cen t box. of P op!llc91a Tllbl etH, Dora Boma.n V8 Eben Boman . John Desoh, bridgo contrnct No. 122 ...... ... ... ..... ..... .. 11i 00 coats, duck conts, Yests. cte. 20 per liS t bey will .n ot cvst you 1\ IIp-lI ny Deoree of Dlvorotl grnnted pluintlft', S EE AND cont off h ouse coats, ullt.h r oue, el c . s houl d t hey fuil to r ellevo nnll (\u t'o who is restored ~o her ma.iden nllme Henry Christ.ian, r opu.irs in th e ve ry wor t OIlse of inOigesti ou ot Dorll Ble8I:Iing. Hnmiltou t.ownshill .. .. .. G 10 'l''''ell'S Ore·gonia,~Ohio. lIod (Iy spepsia. in Pearl Mounta vs Luoius C. Monnt!! Eli D. Burnett, r epairs in Wh en Wunting Wayne township ........... 0 75 Vase diamls8ed without reoord, Philip Niclcel, r e Frtlnk. ~umber, '1'1:er e is ~ure Cnr tnrrli i~ t.lIi Theodora M. Schofield V8 Mllry 7 00 !ill township .. .... .. . ... .. Ann 8ohofield. Pllllntiff ordered Jacob 8hull1l~k e r, )'upltirR sect-JOll of t.h ecoun try t h llllull oth er . . di spusos put t ogether , rmd until tb o to l1&Y defeudant the t!UUl of SliO. Wnshington to wnShip ... .i 00 Ill s t few yeltrS wus snpp o~ed to \Jo aud also the further sum of 13 n E. A. Gorey , lumber .... ... .. .. ,JG 07 Lot 1. ~ tIIts llml o ~er. aDd conts, \\ orth up to f ... UO l!I onra ble . For" grell t many yeu,rA week for her snpp<>rt during the The bon~ of "r .•T. 'rllompRo n, in· Lot ~. Boits untl O\'orconts' 6 d?crors pron ounced it , n looal p8ndlnK of this suit, pl1yment to firmary uirector , was npproved. Corne r strips fo r tobacoo b ox es for s1110. wor th up to $ lind $!), dlRease nnd presoribed 10cBl r erne. date trom the fillug of this peti. ~l1ey . J. N . Lemmon presontell nn item· liot 3 . Suits lind Ovel'·q;. nuct<. nud uy constantly fuilin g to tion. oOllts, ~vorth UJl t o $l2.00<W · . n re :vl th loonl treatm ont.pronouno. The New York Brush Co. vs Tho i:t.ed bill for tho ox pon HO i DCU rred ed It llIcurlLbl e. Scienoe hilS prO\'en D. L. Ilnd O. R. R . Co. et al. On In tho traa tment of his son Rohol't L ot 4. Sui ts lind over· oontl:!, wor th IIp (Ol!l!lO ollLarrh t o bell>oonstitutlOouldiseuse motion FaDny B . Pierce is mude B Lee, who wn!l bitton by a dog. 'rh e . iii! ." nnd t il r eforo r.e quil'es oonstltuti on. 13.60 jiart... defendant Ilnd granted lelLve matter wall laid over Il l! the III w III t l'('":tllleut. Bnll'RCatllrrnh Cure Lot 5, Su.if s aud Ov er. • v'\Tit,h som ething 8nbstnnt,llIJ to \Jegin t,h o d l\.y on , ~mits evel'y membor to file Intervening petl tlon forth direots. Sl1tlluol BILxter wn!! ~I v<l n tho con · ooati<, wOI·th IIp t ol.\!: ~l,Illn ul uct\ll:ed ~y F . S Cheney & '0 with. of the h onseh olll thesH colrl mornings. H 00. t;p • • [.oledo, 011 10 , IS t be !Dul y oon stitu. traot for clellning th e v a ult~ IlS of. Pntrlok Uaynur vs W. G . TlIomp. ten IlS n eeded for one y enr be!:ill . Most peopl e drink colfee at bren.kfl\. t, Ilnll we oan suit th~ lovor tlOn ul ~ l1.l' e 011 the. m ll rket,. It is son, administrator of C. B. O'Dell nlng Jllnuliry 1, 1!lOG, h o to r eceive r~ot 5. Suits IWtl Ove r. IlLk n IDtoruull y in closes from 10 of coffeo. W e hll ve (lS goodl! lin e of COFFEES llR you cau fin(llU town COlltS. worth up t.o $:!i> • , et nl. Judgement for pluintiff in $60 per yOlLr. drops t.o n teas poonful. It llCtR direot. Wh(Lt bett er tho u ll(\ttol' anlws wii lt r UUE SY RUP . .Get. Pnnoak o Lot 7. Snits nncl uvor· 1!l!29. t; the sum of $404 .10. Iy Il I.he blood lind mnCO l1 S surfll ces Contrllot WIlS e lJt.ored into with eOl1t ., worth np t o $:IO .iii! "".OJ F LOUR IlDll SY RU P h oro. Peul Mounts vs Luolus C Mounts the Mnson Lumher Co for ~ o wur of tIl e sy tem . They olror one bUll. Lot /:l. SUI ts \lllli over· Vaso set·tlO<1 ond dismi@ sed. We enn dr d doll a rs for · tilly oase it fa ile to furni sh th e mnkeup of nil m Oil Is; Ilrenkfust., <linner tlllcl BUP pipe, COlllent Ilud 1I1'\dge lumher. oont.s, wo rt,l} UI) tOC!2"', cure : Seud for circular s lind t! . per , wi th ttll sell sOlllLl.le good . ljI f\iJ .oo. .~. PRODATE OOVIIT . I 1ll0Ulllls. Address: F .•l . (J 8ENEY You lu e in vitcd to 0111 . Gold Bond conponH wit.h cnch l~' '0 .. Tolel1 <,) , Ohi o .. &!tllt.e of Asbury S Kirby de Dangers ot a Oold a.nd How to purobllse . 00.8ed. Order for priv'Lt.e sale of AVOld Them. THE CORNER GROCERY. ,~o ld by druggis t s , 7ric . ohattels 188ued. .I nk.e BlllI's Fllmily riIJ R for con . More flltulitieFl IlILvc their origin , tJpltt.l on. Estate of Milos Young ot nl, minor. in or r(18ult from I~ cohl t.1UlIJ from First lIocount for settlement llIed . any other OELuse. 'rhi>1 fllot II IUII6 Estate of Jolin Berglllt.lI, <I"cuRsed Rhonld mllke people m orl:l oarefnlll il First Bnd final lIocount for 8eltlo there is no d"nger wblltove r from !L 00111 when it if! proporly treut ' d in HIN03 . Ulent filed. For IlllLny y oanl Hundreds of othol' hi g \Jnrgnins Estate of Asllury S. Kirby ueCOll8 tlJe lleglnnln/-t . ed. Inventory nml nl)prllilltllllont Ch!lmherlnin's 'u gh Rem edy hn uWllit y on h cre during th i~ gr nnd been rcoogni7,o1l a s the m ost prompt ;To.Dullr"Y <.:IOIll'llIlOe Sllio. '010<1. . llnd m edicine ill uso for Estate of Ellen Rltohey, (leoollsed. this I.lffoctllnl disease. It nots on nn.t nre 't' Final distributive noconnt, filed . Home-Coming Notes. ,llun. loosens the cough, relloves tIle Estate of David H. (heen, luna· lungs, opens the so o r 6 tion~ Ilml tio Invl:lntory filed. . nature in restoring I·ho !'ys tem to n· Trinity Ch oir, of Xon ia . which J In the matter of the ,uloption ami houlthy oondltion , Sold by F . ' gave lin entol'tllinmont for tho b 11 · I ollt of the 80Il1 e · Co miLl~ ILt ,"Vn y. llhange of nBme of Btlntrice Bethel Sohwurt". nesville, severnl weuks ogo, hilS Boman by JQsepb Frenoh and wife. offor ed to co mo t.o Way nosvill o th e The name of Bentrioe 811t.hol £loman Clears up the CompleXion. lu s t !lILY of I.ho Homu CClIllin g 1I1l11 il! ohangod to !lellt.rlc<1 Bethel Frenoh and !lhl" 1M now t.lIo uilopted J. E. Janney se.ys Laxlcola. Ton· tuke pnrt III {\, gra nd chorlls . 10 'l'llblot,s Work Woudors for the Tbe oh orus will bo ono of t h o bost ohl1d of JOllellh Fronch nuu wiftl . t:)kln. of the IlllLll y s pl el](lid fOll ture,; of Estate of Dillon B. WlhlOn et al It is harll to tell just wh.1' th E\se the prngl'RlIl, Iloll tllO oIYar of t ho minor.. Fourth nccount fur setIf< proving to ho tho beHt ill onr Olltir C I; i ~t o r y- N ot wiLh It ttle tnblet.s have become 80 popn· ll1emb\J rs of th o oh oir is grolltly tlement flied. lar \' v lt. h W Ilynesville lndiea, bnt con · npprooiutml nml wi ll hl1 tllll11kfully Estate of WilltRm H. Fulkerth. onto~ l' flSOU S either, f rminor, Mary Fulkerth appointed sldering the short tim e they 11( /\Ccopted. boon ,ulvertiseu, tho demand for Thoro iS Il dcciuod call for tui,; you r for UI C~or mer · goartban with bon<l of $r.00. them hlU:! been cause for wondor. In ra will Mary S. BenKeY, do. Thoy nre 80 different in Bppetlran.oe chlLndiso. ond Rike'A show uo ot.hol'. 'l'he Bome.Comin l? irlon. snmn s to oeaaed. COllllui88ion iSllued to .. P. from other lllxattve tablets, but bo f:lprellllillg every whcr o. Th (l TlI o ~t;"ck L olonnor -showin g boMor n~!!O rt,1ll0n tH Ihnn g, Rlohardson, of Loulsv~lle, Ky ., they really must possess unusulL! to tiike the 'deposltlon of Mnry E . merit, for fr om my own personal Dnyton .10nrnl1l is uti vOCflting IL lillY provious .TIIDuary . Furlong, a 8ubllorlblng wltllOSR . obsorvn.t!on 1 know that they Ill · Home Coming for thnt dty . III E voryt.hing i.s roduoo(l throughout UI O ontirn stor o.. ARRIAOII: LJOKNSK8 . wnvs do just· whut Is expeotod of Kentnoky. phllls 111'0 hoin ~ lllid all oxcept tho f w itell1R SOlll unclcr coutroot . Harry Muilerlx. Hillsboro, nnd them. . a lurge son.1e, tho en tir e ~tn te More women- thun ovor hofor o-uro t llkill g lldvttntllgO Iva Allison, Frallkltn . Rev . WHnes . 1'heir n.otion upon the skin and armnging to woloomo h er ohlld.r ell oomplexion 18 remarkable, for the of t.heRo fnvornhle conllition ~, hy frequent vi sits. Char et! T. Ellis; WRYl1e!4ville, prinolpal ingredient in them is ex · from tho l :3th t o tho J 7th of .Iun o, alld Mazie E. JtJ"rnhnrt, I.,(lb:won. trllct of dllndelion. lIocl your own lOOn , in cll1 ~iv e. This snme opportuuity is open to y on . Rev. CadWllllader. doctor wiU tell you that dtmc1elion A Jamlucan Lady Spaaks Highly Dudley Blzllr, Dllyton, llnd Be.'1.· is one of the greatest skin tLlterll aie L . BIlYller, [ ... bllllon . Rey. tlve;, known to the profession. ofOha.mberlalll's Oough Remedy ('"oop6r. If yonr bowelR Bre innotlve, your MrR. Mlohnol Hllrt, wifc of the RII:,\L K8TATIC 1'RAN!l1I'1I:ItS skin 'fml1ow\v, your tongue oOBted, snpOl'lntondcnt of Cnrt Hervice lit your breath foul. lind if you ILre Kingston , Jaru nlclI, West Inlli!. Is· D': C. Wa&ltinR to Perry. Otl bnrn; Irouulo(l with piDlllles, hillous spells Innrls, says that Rho has for some I "iIiO 1I0ras In Harlan town,ollill; $771i. IIlUl lIiokhoadllohe, B25·oeut packllge years n.'1ed 's CoughJ O8co&r W, Pfau "lid wife to T. D. of LIlxllko!" 'L'onto 'l'nblet!1 will olenr RelllQdy for cou gbs , oroup Ilnd Bliank and wife; r;Olloretl In VerDon up your complexion, tono up your whooping coug!\ nud 1l11B 'found It and WlUIllinRtou townshl]l" III ClIn. liver, encourtlge the Mtion (If yom very benefici1l1. She hILS itnpl!oit too and Warren olluotlell; 1111200 bowels anll lU(\ke yon swoet,olnnll confidence ill it, IlDQ . would not be . Oharlle A Dye til. Myrtle L. Pllr. and healthy, inside nnd out, or Mr . witbout II bottle of it in her h ome. I'ett; S.'Oaore8 in Wayne township; Janney will !Sla(lIy lIllY bllck your Sold by F . C. 8011wurl)';. POI). ,no ney .
Court Procec:dlngs.
1\10 E' COHEN}
i= Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
left at
PaU('1' 1l
:37] -2(' .
\Vai s
Fan cy PLAID HlLK goo.1 BfLl'gai \'H.F 8ILK
- -_
for wai sts
R \'I N GO \,'rs 50 cents Up. H ENREE'r'l'A , 'OILES, SERGE; etc., Excelhmt S ilk S kirts, $5.00 GOODS BE HIGHER, Buy Now, Carpet. ', Rugs, hades, Linoleum.
...utcbison ~ (jib'n ey, Xenia Obio.
and Boys' nits and 0 vercofLts at cost p.rice and less $ 4.85 85 9 15
.P ortland Cement, Shinsles,and all kinds of o. al. DEALERS in Flour, Feed
Grain. '
1B 85 $17 ,.. 5 0
C. M. BROWN, Proprietor
This January Sale
0/ URl\1 ..
Tbe Miami Oazette. , lItO""" • MchY, Publllbrr.. • ~AYNESY[LLE.
Advan~~ of the W lrel ... , . I ,nt~restlng r~Alllts In wlr less tel S-
en, _ e III. ,nlde.rl ng, a!ll\. eat 4ow11 j'l (ro,l) 1- of the little pulpit, Improvl led troUl tile bti.rrels the elephan ts sland on, and solD~ of them 1..lIghed lind 8al<l: "HOlllo, Bill!" and 'Ai1. ihere t " and " Got 01. to hi. c:oIJar." and a lot ot other Ibln"l. 'T he IIltie bllsky IIreach r hnd 1\ Sol"allon Arwy girl to Illay the melod on, nn,1 ho dldn't tnllc auy notice 01 th e remarks the !Joys mnde, ~xceJlt to sot his jaws [ogelh e r and moist e n hi s lips. 1~ lnnlly they we rc 011 Bcated. and he I;ot UII to opell Ihe se n ·lccs. whon a 1111: canvaC!IIatl, 01. r gular S~llart Al eclt, got up on a SOllt IIn.1 suill : "Pard ner. how you gains to upeD this jac k pOL?" The crowd laugi\etl and th e PI' 'acber I)ulled his lon g IJlllc /tllll Ull o ut of hl~ pocllel, Dnd lal<l It all lhe barrel, nllil lh en plclled It up lind pointed It Ilt tbo IIlg canvnsm Rn anti said : ''Tbls game III going to he ope ned with tbls haud. "e ven ot 1\ kind. nil 45 . ,Ium!lum bulle18. and IIl1te"8 you sit d(\wn qulcl( I will send n mcss 01 bullels Into your carcass right wh er e YOllr heart ought 10 be, If you 01) n youI' mou t h again bero re I sllY ' aruun! ' rc,,1 lou" ttt Lho clolle 01 th e lIen'ices. I will s hoo t a ll your front t""l h oul. Do you L'Omprehentl ? It RO , be Heal cd ," Tho big rellow UWIJIIC(I on 10 tho blue seat, us th o ugh he hnd brr. n lIlt
1"1.'1 n IIB'l b a prcplU'e<l muslard . on tbe reNned aiItLta
r Ub . '\ III Ih;;I'ougl lly. ami then wipe leo " , anti lake. \'Illegar rub• • oJ allN IIUll ~ 11I'lnkle a IItlle red pepper 0 11 hi rns ' lI, pUl on dfrrer ent clothes and drink nbout a gallOn or red lemon· 001 ' lind b'c tou l(1 tlery yellow fever. t'&. 18 lUI ~asy muk and . be believed Lhe oltl "uilor. who Is tattooed and !naH 8 a s how of bllllselt with th e IrcAks. an ,1 1m took u cbange Of ,clolhes nn.1 a ball 10 (.If mu s tard and a cnlet or vinegar and 1\ bultle 01 red Ilellper nDd ...·eDt Into 1\ drcs~lng room and ga l hnhlnll n wllgOll anti begun to lake th e cure tho sI1l1or Ilac) IJre8cribed, I don't koow aD It WIIH rl gbl to do It. but aboul the time pa hod got to the red pepper courso nnd wo s 911rlllllll1ll: It 00 his '"ki n pr ully thlrk . nnel be WU~ lJeslo· nlnl; 10 get pra tly hot, and was ycll loS a Illtle. I told tb e chief ur police. who was 1001<:1ng Ilrounrl wllh th o healtb omcer 1~1f susplclu us, that tbere was n rollO aotlng 80rt or '1ueer beblnd the wag:nn that bnd a pi ece of cnnvns over tbe wheela. They 1J0t IJ rusbed III on 1111 aod grabbed It 1m. Gee! IJllt pa looked nlld smelled lik e Il plate 01 pigs' leet anti the tloctor salli It was au unmlsta kahle case ot yellow fever, he could t ell hy til e s mell. nud t bell pn turn ed Jlale lind yellow trom frlghl. IInrl lh ey wrapped hlul tip In II pi ore of callVIIS nnd took him awn )! In un ~mprs e ncy b091,II ni Ilmblllan "e, nll,l Ihe whol e s how at on e knew Lhut Wf, \"'· e re in tor n. qunrunl lu c. They burned 11/1 tho Rult at clothes lla look orr and Ih e one he wa s going .1Ilt!
t",,, roa ,,) s trip olr bls I;lot'••
mpby oonUnue to ))e revo rted , orne c(ire e lis n surprl s~ eV1!1I to tbe mas I BlI.nFACT "ulne and enthusia stIc bcllcvel' s 111 the' grent pO!\slblll tics of lhls llwlbod or HO~,GEORGE AuthOr of " Pedr ' , a.d 8 0 .. Abroad," Elt.... .-ommlln l cot ln s bet wee n dlst llnt pointS. Allusion 11 $ b e ~ n mn rlc La l\te fa cl tllnt tile Wns hlngw n II O"Y yord was ahle to r eI ' I\'e R message frol1l tb e s hill whl II wus co n \' ~)' Ing Presiden t Rooseve lt Crom ThA CIrcus Has a Y e llow t'ev.,r S car. "'hnt ill n,,si ng Mrs , (' iokl,nm y'lll l'\ e w Orleaos, But tbls wus Cllst qU,lle - The Bad Boy pnd BI8 Dl\d nr~s . are CC' IIU lliug Jlmr pri_vuto il1 !ol t o n WU101Ul 111 1\1 the shade b)' wbat WIIS tlone Up as Hotten! ots-Pu Tokes " - n w o mau wh oso CXpCrif'D CO willi \\10 at Fort L a,.en wort h, I{on , Mustard Bath aDd A.Ueuda a ReThe m:Ln 'H tl bcu~cs covers n. grellt many years. 3!s ll:lt>\ sent tortb by tbe Wlt·()· vival Meeting . Y<"I ca n tu\l, treely to ~ womun when It Icsll al'parutu 8 on tho preslden t's Is rc voltiol!' to rclnte y ollr privat.e Iro il lolc9 to n. mILn-bc 5 id t!~ a. Ul nn d ",c~ unt, und er, ps<e L directed to Washing ton and Well. we bave 11IId a row ro r your ' litun<l - .imply because h e Is a. mlln , v nrioll.~ Atl anti c !X'rts. were not lire. nnd all the excitem ent a ll y lJo~y Mnuy wOlllen 8uft'er In silenc., ILml 11I'lft along .n ly r egister ed lit til e plnces for f'lI.n staud, Wfl I:ot Into 111<11111;11 anll from bnll to ,,"orRU, Imowi ng filII well th"l, thuy wh lcb they wer c Intenelcr ))Ul were In- tUlV" IIIHI a yellow fever scnre. a '1IIar oUj(ht to ha ve imlUed late ol;>listan ce. but <l. nu turul , t er cepted 10 other loclllllle s, so me mucll o nline that las t.d on~ nlsht. SCI nol)o<ly modesty Impels Uleln to shrin" trolll e xposi ng them(,01110 sleep nn our I rain , tl riot lit ~v · more remote. At Fort Leavenw orLb. selves t o Ull! question s and probabl y c,,,.minu tions of oll s vi lle 'cause we lool( on a coup le 01 whi ch Is n military s tation wb ere numere,'cll th(!ir fnmily physiCian. It is unoeces sary, f."1II1 0 I ralleze wom e n thnt came Crom WiU\Ou t mon ey o r pric<l you con consult .. wotU(ln ous·.r:le nllflc ex pe r l m ~ nts aro cone!uct- lion<llIrB s , via New Orl p. ans, aud n re· whose Imu\\'led go from octllal experien ce Is gNlat. "d. tbe Instrum enl wlta seut tip allacbel l vlval of rellgloll , all In one bunch. and with n pil(lclrtv~r. nnd th o c."owd WB R 10 a kite and reached a rutb er unu slllU pa Is IJClslnnlng to I:Pt haggard . Il k" ltlr8_ Plukha m's Standi ng lU\'ltat lon: II. so 11<;I<le <l II) havo th e bully's blull elevatio n, By employi ng certain de- lilla;, Women ~\tft'crlll!r from nny form of f~malo lVclLk. cu ll ed. 1I)';.t Ili fl Y dll' e red th a prea 'her, \ Ices the Fort Leave nwortb operator s The fe malo t rap Ole per lormera, \\ lIo uc~s arc Invited to promptl y commuu lca to Then he Rol rl with Mra, : " \\I " will now opon this ha,l bee n oxpected caug ht the messago s transmit ted b), the liver s lnco we s tart · jack 1I0t with s inging C1ntl I ~ ~.all kc el) PinlchlLm nt Lynn. MILS., All letters aro received . warship s. wbtcb were 10cl1ted well out ed on th e road, bod been quarant ined opencd. reael and nn s wcrt'd by WOTllt'O only. A OI1 ~ oye On th e gultl temun who \YUH WomlLD cu n freuly al sea. Tbe commun ications came tor At New OrlcAns . wbere Ihe )'e llow fevor 01 her priVl1~ tlIness to a last uP. but whO Is now scated I!rell), woman; thus hus tnlk been esta\.lli. hud tho eternal Illng dlstu oces over both oceon nnd land. ' low down. " cc betweeo 1I1rs. Pinkham nlld the wowen and tho outcome IlIdlcates that tbe servYou co uld bave beard a pin drop. of Amel'lea. which has never b e n broken. ' Out lee Is apnlJle or far wider applicat ion The preacbe r wiped hla tacB calmlJ. of the vas t vol lime of expcrie nce whic b she tllnn any to which it bas yet been put. und said: "We ~' 1lI now sing And I ex· h as to draw 11'0111. it Is Illoru i,han pllssl ble pect every man will sing, ane! to lhat tha t she hUB ga ined ' the very kuowlo,lge Some cbaoges and arldillon s must be thut 11 holp your eMO. tiho WlI< g n o thend I will allpolnt BIg IIle, who asl(ed ingln wi made to Ins ure easy and nceurete work· retul'U e)(ccpt yourgoo d -will,I1nd me bow I was going to opon tbts jack ndvieo hn.$ r e li eve ,l thousan ds. Sur~ ly Ing. but lit tbo rV.te knowled ge or wirepot. to come down III tront or tbe soat. womnn , de h or poor. Is vary foolish less telegra phy Is Increasl ng!l app ears If aud lead In tbe singing, for I know <loes ilOt tako ad vantage this ge nerous 10 be tolerably ce naln that within a. oaer by bls voice, whlcb I heo.rd In debate. or a..slstao cc, -lydia E. Pioltha.m short time th e system will be In (julte tha t he Is a crackerj ack," and tbe Medicio e Co.• Lyon. Muss. general use for practical , everyda y servpreache r took bohl 01 th e hllndlo of the Follow ing "'0 publis h two letIce. Slln Juan. Porto RICO, reports reblue 1:'111 u.nd Big \lIe walked down ters from 1\ woman who ace"II'" "A. you know.l wrotoyou that myd<lclor I mUlt bvo au opernt ion or 1 (.'()uld IHI. celvlnl; a lIIessage tro\ll Now York. a dl,St hrough Ihe rows at seots, !lDd 89 tbe ted this Invitat ion . . Noto tho ealrl 11,·.. 1 thon wroto you. t<'lIing YOll my ull, melodeo n began to s(juawk, Ike got res ult. tance or 1.400 mllos. It Is not yet ton m.n\& I toliow,," your a" vic-a and "',11 entirely well. I Firs ca n do t walk lette wn r. In r"ont of tlfe audlencB . and mU"" wltbout lin l ea rs sin ce Lhe firstlltle mpt at wireless Acho o,r n pain, nud I 010'0 Illy Ute to you .nol some ot tb o boys 8ald: "Bull)' for you , "Donr Mrn. Pinkhnm :t.elegral)by wns mad e. and measure d to Lydln E. ptnkluuu'. VogctolJloCoIll)lOund, " ForolghL yoo", I have I!Ull'orOO sometblng I wlsl:. ovor,f 8ufrori ng WOlDn.u would Ike." anrl nfter s ratchlng hi; head a by th e advance In other malters rt.'no e"ery month with llIy .,urloLl. . 'l'ho this tcsUmonl fll alH! ruulb.o the value of writ.ntlnule Ike turnecl and walked to- terrlblo pains areexcruc iu.ting and 1 call b[l"IIYlu ~ml Ing progress bas been extraord Inar),. AI· to you' and your rIllllooy."-Mno. Mury wards the preache r, at the edge 01 them. My doctor s.'l~r8 I hnvo o\tnrinl1 nnd Dinll1li.!k . 69th Dud E. CIlJlltol Stroots, Ikn· r eaely th e system ,18 In use for man;; t ho ring, and I thought there was go- " 'oUlb trouble, .U1d I must go through nil op- nlllg 1'. 0 .• W nsblugt.Qn , D, C. if I ,vnnt t..o got well. 1410 uot Wllllt Ilurpos~s for wbl ob Its value Is recog· Ing to be the worst flgbt ever was. and crntiou te . "lilUlt to it If I NUl Whe n a medicin e hl18 been 8uccesRh ii help it, nized. In coming sblps ure reported s Iha preache r r eached for thn gUll I I'looso lell me "'hnt to <In, JX1"'!lbly I hope you I'llU In res toring to hc,1Ith 80 Inany womc n willi e afar orr. and tbe news bri ngs oom~ I' awled undpr tbe seat. and n"fllted ont ' ",110 "" 1110, "-Mrs. M",.v Dil,alDlr'k, 59th Rud E, whose t l!sti Cupitol St l. , 11cnuillg 'P,O,. W, ..blnstoD.D.C. yo u cannot mouy Is so lInqllesl ionl\bl e. bet ween tbe legs or a tat m .. n. but Ike fort and sallsfact lon to waiting friends well say, without trying it, Seeood letter: walked up lo lbe mlnlsta r aDd said, • ond to business Interests greaUy con.. [ do not believe it will he lp me." If Dca,. !I rs, Pinkbru n;as tbil melodeo n YOll began nro ill. don't hesitate to get a bol.oJ to cough : cerned wlt.h lbo arrlvel of th e vessels. "Alter following carerully your advloo, " Boys. thla tune la on Ik.... He started and taking Lydlu. E. Pillkhnnl'M Tiu: DOCTOR SAtD IT WAS AN UNMIST AKABL E CASE OF VCb'lltabl tie of Lydia g, Pinkham 's Vegetab le Wlreles!I telegrnll by lias come to stay. YELLOW FEVER. l.:Ompouncf, 1 am '·ory Bnx.iOtlS to ",mel you Compou nd ntonce. and write Mrs. Plnlc· It and every man Bang. and Is one or tbe many great 'blessing s la roglng, and finally .ot through the 10 put on. and tbe my testimonial, that othe... mpy know their halU. I.ynn. MIlM., for special adviceambulan ce drove When It was ended the hoys clapped .a1uOClJld what you ba vu douo tor 100. wllicb modern science bas brought to Quarant ine guard somewh ere In lolls- Ilway, wblle I)a shook one fist al the a nd stamped tor It is free aud a.lways helpful, an encore, and t.h ey .Iaalppl. and gOl. to \IS Saturdn. y nrler- sailor aDd one at. me, IlIknklnd . nnd his skin bo· sang It througb again. and the fa ce oC noon, and so me oll\clal telegrap bed to gan to shrink nnd 'smart, nnd be yelled, lhe vreached beamed with )Oy, and I rHE MAN the mayor lbat two yellow feve r r efu- and the audience stamped Etiquet te of the 'Phone. ed, aod the s aw thore was not going to he nny BEHIN)) THE SAW gees bad'· struck his town to join the show was In the dump'!\, Why I,s It that ths flrst Q.uestloll so flgbt nod I crawled out (rolD under lhL B ...u,work If I\'un Atkt .... elrcIIs, and be ordered tbe chler 01 poWe bad to stay over SundllY In Ev- ~ell ts. Tbe k~u. olean OO.ttLDB eelp many persons belcb Into lbe telephon e UC\l to bunt tbem out, and put them In ansville . and the ahow people aDd pertool tape r of \he were Pa came In tht' tent jus t then. wllh transmi tter Is tbe uncouth, qnery: • pest bouse. Tbe Hondura bl.... make It rua cui, a females 80 scared the ma!nage r thought he bet- a new 8ult ' WHE A.T "lIbout buokltn l . of clothes on. having boen "Who III this?" Tbese same persons, 'were yellow as .alrron. but It was ter have religious services, In tbe tent ,lIscbarg ed from the hospital RAIS ING ~;~b":'.r ~~;~~. 811 cured cr meny ot them, at least. are not (:AnsM by tbe climate or Hondnra s, Sunday. so tbey got Uoo Dandle. a r evivalis t of yellow tever. and I gave bhn m, RANC HING nUL ,bere are otbClr meD behlod b-JOrl sh In. the observlUlllClI of the but the whole show was scared to preache r to prea,c h to them, a fellow 8eat, and he held me In his lap. tb. AlktOISO", TheorlglDator 01 .brce .real pUt'lutUl ha'le common <;curtesies of ~clal life. Yet, dea!b ror fear- we would nil have yel- who used to prl!ach to the oowboys IlL•••• T".L. the anen cruoib~ abow n woa4erhtl The pre,a eher then preached a serIDoa low fevel"; and tbe maDago n.ul~ un tbo AleOt mod. "" .. ,oocI deal 01 a ment de· out west, Sunday morning tbe tougb that obsel've s t he W88bln~toll (Jnd.) Herdid them all good. He dwelt upon mILD, 'I'b.dfii\o v.",rol lh. AtkIn • • tailed pa and I. to bide the yollow girls fe11ow/l In the show said tbey would 0 't the hnrd lICe of tbe showmn n, and gave ald . lhey wIll bawl this Impertin ence temratlDR proceu wa. Uko1Vlee It man of Homa tcad Land. of tram tbe police. do a tblng to the preache r wben he them sucb good Into the telephon e; 8PPIIJ'ently all unbr~l:: ~~err.Di:lb,gb.eJU' workmen bebl.d advice that wben II WEST~NCA~~DA Pa Dnd up ana of tbe cages. with cnme on to do his stunt. . ' t bl.lAw, muter,of Their tbelrcrall. . wbOIl(!:.kUlaod Idea was wos all over and he said he wanted to t',onselou s ~hat tbey Br e oommltl lng an the glrlll blacked up ,as Hottento ts and "&IfTl1tlcoenl Cllmate-l i".nafll1l plowln, In tlle l, prtde of workman lhlp hay. helped 10,Iuke tl>e to walt until be got well on his shake hands ,hln. .lee'l~.ID lbe middle of No,enlt)ef . Atkin. Trade "ark att .Jlurnoce of quaUt)' •• with every man In the o()rtense against gooc\ manners th~t. . ls pa and 1 bl ..cked up as an African king aermon and tbell begin to Interrup t bunch, Ike marshal ed tbem nUable •• tbo Ooverrnen t &SlAy .tamp. •• &11 aTe boondlu be more tbllD plCMCd whh 'he all up to t he quintess ence ot vulgo.rlty. Thal the and prince of tbe blood. and we did him and ask ques tions, Wo make aU 111'<1 .ud II ... of 6a.... but tina' rMulta or ,be pAU lealOu ', Ua"ea'a " and Dnally to the ring and Introduced the m, nnd no one «,"'0-1 b. be.t. REtr4Ct.. per80n at one end or I he telephon e line 8tllnI8 . 41 the cage o.t afternoo n and get a blanllet and toss him up a few AtkIn. Saw'. Corn Kolne. Po.r""UQD Floor mlnluter ever wns more co rdially con, COI\I. wood. ".t.r. II .., 10 abundanM .-.ohool a.. Bc... pero. etc., .... laId b, all &oocI hardwore should attempt to ascertai n tb!?" Iden- even In. perform ances, and the crow<1 tlm~s tor luck. and then chMe him out gratulat ed, eluucbet. wrukotloo P,eolen'. aod th oy wnnted d ealerl. him CataJoguo 00 requut. tCJ coulll not keep nwny Irom 0111' eng.." nlHI Itnve the ci rcu s bulldog. that tity of tbe perljOn sl th o other end go along with tbe show, and preacb ev· Tbl!lllltb eemo fl1.00 'fl'hO"' , &PD1, for lufvn ntll · until pa got hot nnd unbutlo n ell his chew Ihe clown's pants. E_ C. ATKIN S <0. CO .• Inc, catch tbe min , ery Sunday. Uon to Bm'lHuST I:SIICST 0" hUIIOII"' 1' ''' S . without disclos ing' bls own. not only shirt and. Late"' Saw,fanu rtn In tbe World. before we knew It. everyho<ly Ister'R cant I.nll and jus t scare OU,n"o" Canndl\-, or \0 &utbortlt'd Caoall ilin l,UV ' him Is 0. transgre ssion or the rules ot good eaw pa's white sldn Th o preache r said h ~ cou ldn't join FedOf)' ...d £0_;" 0IIl0cs, 1codiua!>9'" Iodiau· ornnuml.a rcULI l below whore bls plum to death. tho sbow. but he tru\'eled aroun<1 n manne rs. but It, Is nn nffront tq the fa ce I\nel n~c k wem bln"kp<l. anel wl.lle BlU ~cnF.S : Ntw Yor1:,-Cht~. MlnnMpoU ... B . M. Wn.Ll .UJfI. La .... Dul1~ l a". T oledO. 0 , The bOY8 said It would be the biggest ,,(lad deal nod he would pro bably 1t9 P,,~~~~~o;~~!!:tlWsri~~Dto~I~~' Jrlwltou Ut" IH1J' t.r . prop ictlcs. beoause It cnrrl eS with It In lhe sam e town with th e show se\·· ~ DO s..~laaiol on Ibo MiN Brud a s ugges tion or clandest l neoess thal, nl'o) limps during th e su mm er anti lIe to s ay the best at It. Is uncomp llmen t· wou ld drop In on lhem occnslon ally ary. \', hy not ' s uy frow yO\lr end w)l e n an el keep the m stra ight. th e hallengl ng' "hello" comes that 111Fa was watcblo g th e cr owd for mnl;cs th e In:'l.rp, go, hut it. often 1: lca'. cs that the central office's rin g the sailor who prescrib es coyenno t uk~leso nc"!r u' mOl'tgage to I un Olt automou lle. has attroct.e d nttentio n : "This 19 01'. pepper ror yellow re\· er. and wbe n -l'u, l;. he saw tho snllor come up to tbe Smltb. l ' ~ho uld like to Spelll( with minister . ~' Ith tears In his e)'es. and say: TORTURED BY ECZEMA. Mr: Jones." Or, If you do not cnre to "Pnrnon . I has been n bael DIan and di 8 ~ 10g e your own name o.t !lllce. Body ,M<isS of Sore&-C ould Not SI~p 1<l lI ed a man once. but he was a Portu· simply ask tor Mr. Jones. Don't shout -Spent Huudre ds of DolIars on gllese sallnr, und he had the drop on me, the Impertin ent "Who Is this?" The the 8'lD1C as you did on Big lite at the Docto1'll, But Grew Worse_ .queatlo n Is extreme ly, Irrltlltln g to opon Iflg of these proceed I nil's. and I bad , most person8. anll It la clowalsh~ Unre· to 1(111 him . And I be'g s the pardon of CURED llY CUTICU BA FOB ~, fined aud .IneKcusobly III-mann ered. Ihl" old gentlem an for lying to . him:' ;'Culicur " ... ed the liCe oC iny molhAne! then pn shook hands wltb tbe er. Mr• • Wm , F. Davis. of Lony Creek. Ra llor and the par80n. nnd the pllrson Conn. ComnterciAllJ1ed Athletic s. Hers wn. the worst oc.e m" I ever put his blue gun down bls trousers leg. linw. he was btlrdly Able to eat or oleell. 'fhe gato receipts of some of tho big Her ane! head Bald: nnll bod)' wns u. mass of aores, "By the way. tbe bulldog college ' football g.m~s on Tbanksg lv· you were going to let lal(e a lunch art and . he despAired of reeovcry. Finally, Ing day are AS high as '30,000 and .40,aCter .pending hundred . of doll a'" aD Abiolukly ....& From AII ..botlOUlII me. III he all right?" IJrCdlcnla doctor., growing WOrRe nil Iho time, hvCIao. tbe Chicago Record· Herald says. Then Ibe parson and the girl went ing in mi.ery for years A SUI\.E CUkE , with hair whitened in an edltorlo. l discussi ng "comllle rclal· away, and the boys carried out I be (rom sulTerlOg "Ull body tetribly disfig· For Bunal . Sore Throat. Corns. Sorell Eczemtt. ized college athletics ." It notes that melolleon. Bnd the quarant ine was .dp.- ured. .he , wa. co mpletely cured by two Rheumadsm, Ulcer'" Piles. Ulood POlson . COlr" cake. of Cllticurn 'MP, five boxes of bUDcl ea and .U \Vounda and Skin Dilra,el. elared 'olr, Preslde nl Schurm an says tbat It co\tld After dinner tbe boJa Cuticura . nnrl three bottle. of l!uticura "ICI raa "1 •• .l.... S . . . . .011(11'. took down tbo tents and put tbem on Re.olven t.-Oeo. C. Davil. ...... ... A.I •• aoa, .ICL 161 \V , 36tb rot...." . It. DOt be driven oul ~Ithout the aboll .. AFTER SCRA,TC HINO HIS tbe HE:AD train St. N. A IhM Y." MINUT Sunday E,lKETU RNEDA NDWAL KED afternoo n, sing· tion of the gato rccclf)lIl. and that TOWARD THE PREAC HER on an .tll2.~I' Ing dccent " W.r· O. on dl.a· songM as they pullp.d up the »resMe nt Harper BU!;gests that a funtl war,andto r.ido... Ull •• MOllOY nwk •• the more 110. and I,be 10.. record~ 01 0101 ..blUt'l&a, 101.1 eoldle n "nloo. an4 •• C~ of stakes and roll~d up the canvas, and be raised to produce '16.0UO .. year, ~e wero talking Oblo men • • ,.anvraol loo. 1A •• aDdI"d"l~ "KICK. Gf your mon ey nu~kc8 your friends ao. picnic that ever wu-a regular barbe- on the train, glbberls b to eaclt .. w••.c:o"'t& ...... III WaIM ..... a_cuI",.... late In the nlgbt. er a country Jake got mad and heothwe led clle. The boIlS canvaSD lan said De was could dnd tbus ellmJnat o tlle mon'e y ques· • crowd to open tbe heor "Old Hundred " being Rung cnge Ilud make UB ollpo"ad t.o mixing religion with tbe as the cnrs ran through tlte pennyrla Uoo. The l1A,cOl'd· Herald OODcl,ud es l'emuvc our sblrts to pfove l tha t we circus busllless , because the ·tellow8 lhu ~: " CertaI,I) It Js thllt If the u:nlver· were district of Indiana. Hottento t8, could get nil the religion they needed .. Ities ca nnot over.:om e their commer · \Vhen the), tound we were white pea· In the winter. when the show wu laid Some of Mleaour l'a :Bouts. elal 8YBIom f ,gTl.hJng athletic s at a pie blacked up ~heJ wanted tb elr up and he would s,oe the boys throng" Missour i has 23 state Institutlo D8; It lJme when bo rd bloll's against grail. money bnck and were In anythin g they propose d to do to the nevor hael a general crop gOing to tip over failure; It 111 and slmllnr abuNlll helng struck In the cage. wben pa saved tbe day by sky pilot that wa.n going to play biB the IlIadlng clovor state of the union; •· '·''' · e S9 s I making: a speecb, at the evening per- game III ring No. 1 at 10: 30 the next It hu more d bo t h th o po II l jc.aJ stock. farm s than anyotlte r ' I1n .. u""'" PI formanr e, to th e errect I hat we were all day. stall); It Itns the largest acreage or blne "t practica l 1Ile. liler wlU be left Ln yellow lever refugee" from New OrWell.s' r ter I beard tbe circus wen grass of Rny state; It has tbe largest an awkwar d p\lSltlon &vheDev er Ibelr len ns nnd the mob III out on tbe run talk about what they would do to tbe permane nt schoof fund 10 the United ,'Inlm to \Ie the be3.l'u·.11 .of the tor~b tor th~ maln LOnl, ~l1ere ·.bey an- preacbe r, I was afraid they woula kill States; It raises one·tent h of all the o f progress 10 Wider ~O Dsl!leratlon. " l10ullced that Ut e re were ro'tI' cases or hIm, 80 wben be Rn.1 a helper brongbt corn rAised In ihe world; It: produce s 80 , teve r jDr. li1:!ber Jon es, 10 "'&bom the cit!· 8~t tl ~dillIt.tb e menage rie tent. lnd loat a little melodeo n Into tho ring. f .. r.ln" Der cent. of the zinc mined In the 'w orld; US8 tbe reserved seats. t told him the ' boya It has one·thlr d more tctJlJl of Memphi s rl!Cl' ntJy presente d a apple trees than The mayor and pollee closed the wero ' golng to rolse a rumpus and elrlve any other state; its farm land has ad· 1>).1[:0'. 01 Sl O.OOI) tor bts care .ot tile IIho.v on account or yellow fev~r, and him out of tlte l eDlt with t he bulldog van ced -40 per cent. In the Il.8t four qua~.\n tl il c Illls ycar, b as w ~atllered wt' couldn't get out of lhe tent. Pa hnnglng to bls conl tails. He put hlll ye .. ,.; It bas tho largest yield ot cotton ij vo f).lld': Ullc ~ In tlte elty ~lId )'et It lIad been (julte cloSi! to ~ he )'.e;Jlow girls ,hond on bls platol pocket and pulled per acre of any etate 10 tbe union; It hse Is ,ro<l9rtlcd t bat he \Va s "greaA I)' an~ v)len he fouod a long, blue gun llbout half way out. the lowe.t rAte of taxntlon at out that ye llow any etafe. ' mbjLr.r...s sect " ,,'hen tlt e leading ",oro· f"hver " 'AIB la dkllSeafte tdha,t ca15I£h~_ YOU and let It drop ba<:k down heslde bls -Kan8U City Joornal , , d hi W cn ,'113 00 ng, an u ... utes leg, and be winked at me and uld be JiG ,vllo .l~e.(\ntcd tbe check l<l s~,e In YOll 'lOok liKe. corpoe. and lD The FatQJ- Q-u.. -tl-oD, 10 tour gll_ed not, lcareely . as be bad full upo\, tile lips, "00 you thlpk the baby 100118 IIl1a !lour» you .ure IInbre to be, a ftr8 preache d to erowds 110 to,l Igh,that a d... me!" laid the fond' mother, 'f/le enriWr anurook , tb e oldest sur- 'n~tih Ct!r,I6e, he sll()()lt tb.e yellOW' ctla gaDg W88 a SUDdar acbool In com"Oil, no." replied the old friend I j , B Ifl " ,ex.cnllh laf lTtlnl~ter. 19 girl•• and ...-ked an old lallor wba~ · , " , II Ill: r s thougbt lessly aa he leaned ' over the . , I maD : oUl:bt 1.0 lIo ".bo bu bp.en , ...• JlBT!lOn. III GUARA .IITE.E .D'I'O CUBit Then J .go! all a rro~ . .t to w.teb CAb. '" can·t say all m ,lIld was bCj.W.· kllOWD tp uo~o~~!~ pOlied to yellow . tner. and the I de! What a old the IUlI. ~bout 80G ,;encra~JQP ul)d~r hI!' nnw!! of tbe .clreus handa. brl,bt little face he hfa, hlUlD't he 1" ,- • lIor, wbo bilS n.~ yeUow tllver lol~ J wOIl'SHII 0. 4.".r 'borDfj,i44r dl', wOD'ca ...... tee pert£J1Il er•. ~Iov;/Il a~ ~ea~t ~u,~!,Je~ ~!!!!~ 1&. 0.11 '0' JOU. MOil aT .... el. . I .wbo '- ~ " - -- - ~, ~_ , IT DOtr'l' iO~ • •, 1Ii'·l'·~···»··lIaallf ~.,...~~
Baars lbe
'1 __
Over Thirty Ylars lbe Kind Yoil Haya Always Bougbt
. .... _.
.e... __ ,
CONCERNING SEPARATE COATS It Is a of the of the . d~y
c~ s tum o,
l a llorcd s uit, and also It I~ tho.· dny of t h sellarate wra[l. Whl r:h would In:t lcatc t hat this Is il time of lall· tudo In dreBs. And It Is u wid e vDrl cty that beal's tho s lamI' of rash Ion. RUL just now let li S confine oll l'soi ves 10 ono ga rm ent , the wrafl to wonl' wltlr varloll M gow ns
wall adorn ed wltlt
tracory, an d
tile hil t 'worn with It h ad a c'I'own 01
pale olo tb·of·gold, t11e teatherll the ex· act shade ot tli e wrap. A bea utiful new 8hado In plnle Is D Hesh tln l. t his prob~bly will ri val th e (ashl oOlt bl e apricot, tho plnl(y·yellow. 'fhe ev~ "ln g wraps aro lined In ~e lr · t: olor . Tb oro uro soone magpie ef· fecls, hl ac l, over whlt o. Tbo des lg a bore Illu stra terl app eared In t he Dry Goods ICI!o nolllls t, I~ blad. Chuntilly laco OVOO ' whlto s ilk; th o trimming use d, bl ack sl ll( braid and Inco frIll s, Spnnlsh lac:n Is making Its way, amI no uouut oro 10 ll g will be well til tlJ e torc. It Is bei ng shown not only In hlack a nol white, bllt alRo th e re ar e dye.l Span ish In "es. We alwn ys hnli n wenkness for t he lace sacro.1 to man· tilla or "ulian o., a n d welcome It back a ga In rl /!lht glaoll y, Thore Is not hin g p rr. ltl cr for nn evenIn g bodIce th Jn n cream SpnnlRh lace wnlst ; th e c"lor 8 0 HOft RIIII very becoming agalnKt ha rp. nrm S Rnll shou hl er R, (imy Is IlIwl! for evcnln g gowns a s WA el i> n ot rememlier It Avcr lictore to have hee n, a nd In t he RIlI(y r repo do rloln es It Il gh ls up bealltlfll ll y. An em pi re ;;own of gray mll 9s~ lIne dc Mlr was brou glrt to ~ ur noltcr.. the sl, 1rt bOI'dered with embroidery don e In smo.lIlJst of gold spangles. 001<1 alld gray I. im oxqul slte combination, "cry Frenchy. Gray taffela ond vcl· vet nre combined wl t b goat! res ult s, nnd hore we will stop t~ mention th e ap proval given the taffeta sU k -bodice of the newest \'c lve t gow n. Onl y the A pnET T\' 1': \' I, NIN l; WHA I' The scparaLe r oat. Is srcn nt It , best., s leevcs of tbe s ill, bod Ice n ro or yet· It Is a revIval or a fashion of ,,~rhnp " , In I ho evr nlng wrap. Fash· vet. Ion now d<'crces tha t my lady appea r Gome 15 years back, appenrs to us a In a cloak th aI bcnrs about It no II til· bit dowlly and with very lillie til rec· Harlan s uggestio n, one evld enLly de· ommend It. nut many a damo Is " ,~ o e d lor rec renllon hours, Mo"t ot nrLer no velty, and t his probably has t he evening wraps uro li ght c"lored , been Im'e ntetl for s ucb as seek the pale blue vcry Cnshlonablp. , And novel a t tbe expense of good sty le. Lace h uls contlnuo to Increa se In <:laths of Hne.I, HmooLh es t qua lit y a p· I,ea r to tak o lend In mater ials. A I· number, black ones not seen so oft en I hough lace wraps arc much alYocte,1 as white. And s peaking of hat ~ we by s ome, Ih e fin e clo (hs are AS gooll must mention a charm ing small chap· "" anythin g the sr.ason ha's brough t eau 'we saw 111e athol' day, one of those Corth. Crepc de chinos also are em· neat, low ·crowned, turned·up cvcnly pli/yecl . a thi ck Int.erlinlng used to on both s ltl p.s alfll irs. The mal erl a l ma lIC th om warm enou gh. One sees wa s ~ lIky folt, th~ col., r an p~qul s it e The trimmin g \Yap n ' ,lI1111 fu r-llned clanks. but not many ; viol et gray. th t'y nro as n rill e relega led 10 foot· wide band of 8hOll oil vlol ct me s~ lIl1ne ball games 'and out·door d e manll ~, not ribbon wrInkl ed across the front, anti for s ho w In opera box Rnd oth er c"(' n· over olle BIde climbed a grMt hunch of vIolet&. The effect was II ko th e Inl! atrulr s. Oan lovely pa lo bille wrap hatl a posIes, modest and s imple a n.1 lovrly. lI ol' l) border at (lellc"I o go ld <,mbrold · Thll hat ml ~ h t bo w~rn day or CV,e n. ... cry. th o gill not In the l<'a8t showy. 'Ing. and wOllltl look well I\1lth a IQn g Th ,'~o deep ba nd s a rc n toat ure ot th e clon k ot vio let chltton broadclotb , It wln t<'r l rlm mlngR. an.1 a Inte no,'plty go s wi thout say ing lIlat It would be I. Ihe bord er of ombrohl ered whit e just lhe tbln g for a broadcloth s treet l'IN h. A very .,0011 pale pink wrall slIlt.
,...;;.-..;;......~-..;.--..;..-..;..... I bank's
By ALBERT BIGELOW PAINE , (Copy r l,; ht. 19o5. by J Olel'h D. Bo wles.)
co mbination wlt,hou t h urUnll t ~e' safe, and 6\1\,e tile eJ(venwe of Ch i· : cago experts, The vi ce pres ide nt wal Inored ul oul, but willing to let lhe fellow try. If be s ucceeded they w.ou ld 11IlY him some· thi ng ha ndsome. Of course It would be illlPosslhle. Thei l' sate was one of lhe bost. Even expel'La would doubtlesR use too ls. Stili, be mi gh t t r y. Sands was plcl,lng bea ns wh pn I foulld htm- Setton SlInds WIlS the name he had given me. He put down hIs 1181l to li sten, " I want YO Il to do It, Sands-for me. That bank was a ga inst lIIe 10' tbe eleclio n. I om li kely to need tb em by and by," " What make of safe I. It ?" Ile a sked, 118 we hurri ed along. [ told blm. He smiled. "Tha t's rath er a dlll'ere nt job tram those toy loci,s of yours ." " But you 'll clo It!" " I'll t ry . Strange r thlllg8 have hap·
In the electric 11gb t I saw that It wus not McGowan, though be waa fit· ling a. key Into McGowan's front door. Then 1 remembered lbat nil the Me· Gowans were away for tb e summe r. I stul thlly approached. I leuped upon h is shoult!ers. " No re8 Istance-yolI';e my prisone r!" "Tllal's so," b o gru nted, "I 'm It." We marched taWilI'd th o Jail. I had been In office but a wee I" and was proud of my Orst capt ure. He seemed Incli ned Ln be sociable. having . "Pl e u ~ ant weath er pe ne ct. " uow." We had renched the bank by lb13 I agreed thn t lt was warm for May. lime. Sands walkod dir ectly over to "Orcat thIn g, t hese electric ligh ts." I usse nted 10 tbls, too , adding that l be sate, merely nodding to th e , vice Lhey were a protecllOll to bonest peo- prea ltlcnt. The banker's smil e was a SImilar CharacterIstics. U6ed to the Fog Horn_ nolxtll re of toleratlou and con tem pt. pic. The New ly-Engage.1 Cook (a8 traIn Am lnls ter and a rather bUall)tlou. b e laug hed, " I s uppose yOIl "W ell, " " Yes," he nodd ed, "I he profession arrI ves at i.<>nehursl) - I think I 'll travele r occupi ed tb e same state·room cu n olle n It." bas n't much show t hcsc days," Jisht k ape this Um etuhle tel' fu ture rH- on a \'oysge across the At lantic. At Sands Inld his fin ge rs on tbo lock, We were Ilt ti le Jlli l IlrCsenll)' . breakfnst on tbe HrRt mornin g 'the c rence. hal ted In t he lighted co rridor, and, IJut made no reply. The E mployer-{)It, you coll't depend traveler said: Pretty good aMe, eb ?" s nee red the " pus hl ng OI'en a door , stood aald e for o n It. Norah- IL's . ubj ect to ch ange " I hope. s ir, my snoring did not dtsbanl(e r . blm lo eDler. without no tice. turb you duri ng the ulght?" Perhaps San ds was a bit annoyed. "Tb Is Is your room. Hope you'll The Newl y-Engaged Cook (naively ) "011, no, not a bit, s ir," replied t!l.e "all, yes," he admitted, pleasa ntly, fin d , It co mfona bl . ... - Sh'Jre, I can' t fin d fault wid It on . minister, " not a hit. You see, I live Pretty good old bread box; but ' I " He looked about npIll'ovlngly. tbat acco un l- "Payplc tb at live In on Ibe t'O ast near a ligh thouse, anel " !-im-soutbern expos ure-head to wouldn't keep cookies In It, If I wore g lass bouses shou ldn't lbrow stoDes ," I'm uset! to tlie sound ot tbe foghorn you." tbo nortb- very n ice, Ibank you." ye kno w.- Town To pics. on thl r,k nl ghts,"-TIt-Blts. The banker flu s hed. " Gla.d you like It. Anytbl ng I can , I'll just "Oh, you wouldn 't! Well Had Heard It lIefore, do further?" The Pesalmlst'B Privilege. "No, Mr, Penwi gg!e," s aid the fal l' " I rise esrly-suppose you have me gl ve you a hundred dollar bIll It you We us ed t o bla m e OU.' tllrlb ly lot that old bread box!" .. open gi rl to tb e literary you th who had pro · Beca use the weather was t oo hot : called lor my bath at seven," P erhaps Sands did not bear btm. He And now our plaln l. wo will unfold posed ; " I cannot nccept you, but lbat I was going t brough bls well-made' Becau se tho weatber' . bea.tly cold, does not Imply-" clotbea, He was unarmed. His pock- was bending very close to tho co mbl na· So let us Bmlle anti be of cheer ! " r know "hat YO'j w01lld say," ~It ets contained a II tlle- s very little- tlon knob, beginning to turn It with Th erc'H ca u se to ki ck t hrouahout the y t o.r. Interrupted; bItterly. "A rejection does cbance, and a s mall bunch of anti- (bls tapering, sentie nt ftngefB, Some· - Waablollion Slar. how we all became sUll, watcblng not Imply any lack of merIt, but It quated keys. . NATUBAL QUESTION. num ber or circumstances render lUI "COUldn't do much with \.bose t bose marvelous lingers as It fuoln. a te d. The way tbey slipped and crept article unsuitable: It's tile old lltor,.." things," I commented. - Wssb lngton Star, "It II ratber 'a 11001' outfit," he and hovered about the secret ot Ibat agreed. "Lucky I struck these free nickel dIsc wrought a spell of silence . BeRson Haa Two Gilnder., lodgings. I Buppose I'm good her e till upon the lillIe group of watchers. \\frs, Slrongmlnd- Men think the,. Sometblng In It' all suggeated th e cat court slls." are goo d reasoners, and yet every man stealing noi selessly UPOD \l.s prey . It "Yes_econd week 10 September." jUd gJd all women by bls wIfe. was almost hypnotic. " Just lIts In wltb my plana, I lblnk Mr. S.-Women duo't reason tha~ Presently the Hnger s besliated, ['II like It bere tlrat rate, Good night." wn)'. I went away, &rlnnlng at hla assur- ceased. A wave 01 di sappoin t ment " r s houli1 Bay not." ance. There Wa.ll sometblng tree and swept In upon me. A smile grew all "N'), Indeed. Every woman Judges . western about It that appealed to me. the banker's tace. her husband by the worst thing abe For an Instant only-the cat bad but I rose early, to bave a look at blm hears Dbout other women 'S husbands." gathored fnr tho final spllng. So fast by dayllgbt. I IIstened '& momen t at - N. Y. Weekly. the eye could not fol\o",', lbe fin ge rs bls cell, tben called t brougb tbe little se-nt tbe revolving disc ep·ln nl ng to tho grated wlodow. So Aggravn.tlng. "Se en o'clock! " I said, '.'You wallt- rlgbt . . An Instant's pause, and a soc· :'Mrs. BI\lzny Is drllf.dtully hoarse, ond spinning, to tbe lett--shorter tbll ed all early caH! " Iso't she?" ti me. Then once more 10 the rlghtTbe cell was empty, "Yes, poor wo man. Sbe went to t he the leCtT to th~ rlgbt-:-a slight to I began to have an ullcaDny teeli ng, opern. last night and did n't enJoy berclicking ·sound, and SaDds s l ood faclug and wasted no time In getting out Into selt th e -least bit." the morning sunshine. As I opeDed ua. "Wtat was tbe r~asoo 7" will the door at the end of tbe corridor I "' Your safe Is unlocked, sir. "Why, she coul~n't malee berself F or ovenln g .w ra p and th e st reel Even a princess street suit has ap· saw t hat somebody was BIttIng on the allow you to open It," . bend above lhe orchestra once' d urlns sllit tbe long wmll Is usuall y chose n, pr.arcd, t he sk irt sbortlsh, tho coat • • • • • stop. He turned just tben, and I recthe entire evcnlng ,"--(lleyeland plain but tor dressy atL arnoon woar the a fa ncy little bolero, th e sleeves elbow ognlzed him. It W8.8 my guest of tbe It was on tb e night befo re court Dealer. short jacket holds ItR own. W o can· lellgth. But this Is, needl ess to reo night betore. opened that I we nt down tbe Cess we find a lon g flowin g skirt and mnrk, Is n costume for sbow ratber "Good morning!" he greeted. " It corridor to bls cell. His hmp was lit Th e Flower-Knot. Jonea-See that· man oyer lllere? cloal( willI long flowin g lin es pnrtlclI ' tllan U,e c\'~rydny needs of a r.obnst, was pleasant outside, 80 I didn't walt - but look ing In I co uld not see bim. Wh en popa 11 08 h i. Tot·s pink boW larl y g ra ceful ; but we add that tbere athletic girl. That sort mDY tlo well for my call. I have been e njoying the Rather eagerly 1 unlock,cd tbe door, He's tho speaker of the house. H . ·s (hlnklng 0'( his work: Brown-What's the matter- Isn't he In a lo t of tity le to tbe shOrt j8clll'1. 10 I( ee p 10 long easy slee ves. s nug, sunrise.'" fl. glveKII 'j1l8l "lItlle Iwl KtSands' cell was empty, aod a note lar marrledT-Cblca go' Journal. . Th is year th o short "elvel cont Is very warm jac)' et. a r M lly alihrevlated pet· ft unti e. wl lh aUght Jer k, I only stared at blm. under the ahaded lamp, And ...·hen he . mliu nnd oays lo her flul4l lo nnbl e, nnd It cerlalllly Is felch· tl coat. And tor Ihe out-door gIrl we "By tbe way, your locks are ralher "Dear Sheriff, and .F.rlen<I:-lt grieves hIlts like a blossom , T ot , Helghtenlng_ ing with a sl(lrt of broadcloth, wh el h· would recommend the al ~·red suit ; a poor," he added . "You forgot to lea\'e me to go wi t hout saying good·by, bllt She (l n ~ W e r8 him, wHh mcrr,. ...u..h: Why dp~ft A. kl •• Intoxicate! or the same color or not. One or t he dull, not R brazen red , A prDet me a key last Dlgbt, but It made no I do not wish to embarruss you with Tho philosophy 0 / Ihl. I•• "Yes ; " (orllet-me-kl1ol." - Ju dge. Orle Uzz will Met mO Rt p eo pl e up, CO Elumes In high es t favor at ' a rece nt difference." f urther responsibility. As It Is, your In R. kl s. th ere are two llhlze fll . gal h<' rlng of VanI ty Fair, .. as a black I pu lied myself togetber. conscience may rest clear: I Willi DO~ - Puck. WORSE. vrlHt coat WMn with skirt 01 blu~ "Perbaps you'd better come ID now," tryIng to enter tbat houae lut sp rlDg; voile; the collars, cu ffs and revers of suggested, "and let me .go over you I wis hed only to opeD tbe door ot your No Time to Lose, tb~ ront of ermine. A'nother att racl· again for tbose skeletoll keys , I ap- acquaintance. For reasoIils I w\1l not He was poor but enterprising and tva cORlum c had a broadc lotb s kirt preclate tbe tact that you didn't rUIl explaIn, my supply ot tunds was low sh e· was rich but bomely. adornrcl with vel vet trimmIng In away, and 1 want to treat you well, and temporary seclusion desirable, [ "Will you marry me?" he asked, abo some lanclful arran gement, Rnd th tl but buslnesa Is busloess, I'm the new needed quiet summer retirement where ruptly. ' tlhort Eton was 01 velvet mat ching the man here, aod the public eye Is UPOIl I could complete certain ~Ilans aDd ex· "W·why, this 18 so s·sudd en," sbe skirt trimmIng. One sees a number me, " cbange' light exercise t or summer t xclalmed. "GIve me a little time of , hart fur wraps, th ele not '80 iood He returDed to his 0011 quite wllllng- board, You bave treated me like a to_H "Can't do It," be Interrupted . " I . Iy. There was literally nothing on bls gentleman, and ID returll I bave oaly II~ t hose of velvet . A black pann e suit, skIrt and short person that I could dlscover_ I looked beeD able to keep your g,a rden In or- lIeed tbe manor." And so they were married and lived Ja rll~ t, Is a good Investment thi s at blm helplessly, He smlled-a pleu- der, and to oblige )'OU In tbe IItUe mat· year ; the short coat may bl'! worn. anI , reassurlog smile. tel' of tbe banker'S safe, which, tllougb more or les8 bapplly ever after.anrl ve ry stylishly, wllh .. arlous " Don 't worry," be consoled; "I'm having no wish to be III tbe public Chicago Dally News, not likely to leave. 1 might go farther eye, I WIUI willing to undertake a t your skIrts. Tho senson has onered not h· Ample Training, and faro worse." request. The banker's reward will car· Ins ot beller lu hlon lhan ccrtaln of "\Vhat preparllUon h~ve )'ou under· He followed quite submIssIvely to a ry me to where I have reason to be· thn black plnne Bults. cell across the way, where tbere was a lIeve there Is a piece of art work. need· gone," asked tho great explorer,' Yesterday we Fnw a pretty little bla cle broadclotb c05tume on a young !!HORT VELVII:1'COAT FA8fi ION ABLIt. lock of an altogetber dlll'erent pattern .. ed that Is likely to pay very welL scornfully, "for the bardsblps \ID· "I'll brIng your breaktast down my· Please k eep the little buncb ot u· avoidably atteDdant upon tbe exped l· girl, thp s kirt ond coat both abort. broadclotb wltb bat ' to 'malcb Is ' Ooe , Tbe narrow girdle of tbe !acket ""as for winter weatber, Bnd may bo woro seU," I said. "Oo,n 't go, please, before lIq l1es-some people migh t call tuem tlon yOU wlsll to take ""ith me?" " I have trequently walket! across lI(11hlly trimmed III green broadcloth, by almost anyone, by bloDd, brunette, I come," and went out , carefully lock· keys-as a memento of our frlendsblp. harefoot," log the door. Tbey were only In te nded to unlock tlJe batbroom linoleum and the vest ~howod a bit of green , " halr'antl.halt," Soon after ( wen t to tbe window and you r sympathy, Put with them, tor proudly answered t he would-be voyTho 51ecves wore short, they anll the The Invisible plaids In green aod a ger. Jim Jack son-Say, what aUs 10' aprn front dl scl 05~d a whit e lin gerie blue blendlngs are omans the best looked down 00 tbe wide jail yart!, In, the Inclosed, Wrom yoU" 'Whereupon tb e great el'plorer apolo· face? wnls l boneatb. Th e h at aDd \'ell were st~et 8ulls, and tb eee are seen botb ooe corner ot wblch was a vegetable gratefully, glzed and assign ed him a bertb."Se fto~ Sands," Pete P"s9um-Qb, di s am de auter· of gr~e n , Ihe II rr1l · pi ~ce and flat I'll· In redlngote style and ebort Jacket. garden . A maD WIIS weedIng o~ e of I s hook the envelope aDd somet hing Judge. mobil e t nce! low muff or r'cr. IAn lamb. It wao a Tbe better ones a1'o <,Ilber clos8 or the beds, Then 1 stood stock stili aod Jim n-G lt out: Yo' haln't cold dllY, a nd th o girl had to thru st more tban ' scml·flltlng, plalda not stared. The man In tbo garden wl10B (ell out. I . .... sa a slender Illece of st~1 Tbe Shopping Fiend. wire, sharp at the ends, halt circular been riding In no atltermoblle? hrr tblnl y glad arm " dcep In the 1)11· dressy enough for lhe VOluminous my guest. FrIend (noticIng the confused heaps Tbat was my weird summer. In Corm, probably to flt !Iome b Id ing Pete Possum- No, but I been refu&low muff, wrap. In rega rd to volls, we think I set nlyaelf now to solve thi s my.. p Ia.ce. I t seemed very stili, yet ap· ot goods ,o t every desc rlptloll sca ttered In ' to btly one to' mah wlfe!~hlcago Hnvlng spol(en of th o sllorl. con· prefereocc Is given to the veil match. promiscuously arou nd the sbop ) trasllng wrap, we may now ~al\ at· Ing the hat, whether or not dress and tery- tbe sec ret ot hlB power. Wh ell peared to hav e been variously bent and Halloa! What's happened? Been Dslly News, tenl Ion to tb e shor t basqufI coat for bat matcll . . A green veil Is unbecom. I locked 'hlm In .hlB cell be showed no straightened. I worked with It for an taking an Inven tor y, had a Hre, or are stralgbtenlng and Tbe Long and Sbort of It. e\'e nlng wpar In color cont rasti ng Ing to tbo l\verage woman , 1\'lIh the desire to leave It 10 long .. I was n ear. hour-bending, you going to movo out! t lo ng t o c atcb .ome rich lirl' • • Y• • with tho sl<lrt. It Is n quaint. fa sh· blue and green p laId tbe blue \'ell Is Absent.tor a moment, I would be like- tw isting It In the cell lock. It Wal of HaberdasherThat shows how little \Vh om 1 m ll ) · court. I YOll know about shopkeeplng. ton. and may he very becoming: or It the cho ice. Glo\'cs are uDobtruslve, ly to hear the lawn mower, and would no avail In my clumsy· Hngers. Wc I ,,'ould not long so much It 1 should have remained Imprisoned have merel)' been wlllting on a lady mav be mad c eccentrIc; It depends one notices rewer colored onea thaD look out to find 111m culling grass. " ·e re- oot . 0 s hort. I tried friendship, I bad Installed t hrough the agcs hacl my relc.>ase de- Ph ll l1delphla Pr •••. . milch on· the sty le of the w~nrer. An eBrly propbesles led liS to Jook tor. "'ho t!~opp ed In rol' a paper or plns.him as a harmless eccentric, l1.elping pended on that bIt or steel. excelltlDt mod('1 was a plnk·ftowered ELLEN OSMONDE. Tit-BitS. me for bls board , I now proceeded 10 A week later tbe papers were Hlled Another Befonner. pale blue silk worn wllh a petllcoat I make bls stay pleasant, Books, pic- wltb accounts of the great burglary ot Walter'. WIt. Stella-So you Are really golog to Was Being Worked. or white taffeta batlsle. This takes It was "Ollie" Jamps, rcpresentatin CIt tu res, a carpet and some Curnlture lbe Metropolitan National. "00 )'011 t.hlnk yo" r siste r likes to marry old Mlllyuus. I had no Idea liS back to the d~Ys wben grandmam· Kent ucky, SaYB that while he and were placed In bls quartera, and I In- wttbouf' parllllel In Ihe history at ban.k bave me come h ere, James?" you were mercenary. rna was young. blm 'to my prIvate table. His vited robberIes. A tunnel requi r ing montbs "Hather. You bMng ber sweets and Maude- I'm not. I am iol ng to "When we spra II of short eoats you certaIn friends were ~ludylng tbe billmarry him to reCorm blm. mllst not Imagine we refer to cor· of· fare In a botel ClD Ibe New Jer- con veraatlon was usually cultured and to construct bad culmlnat,ed with 8 Ilow ers." "I'm glad 1 can make her happy." SteUa- Reform blm! I didn't know ,,,ot. l\ght designs. B)' no means, many sey coast a mosquito 'a llghted on tbe Interesting, but ga\'e me no clflw a.II to piece of lock ,.'ork of such snrpasalng his secret. skill that bankers, detectl .. es and sate "Yes ; and tho man she's engagod to be h~ any bact habits. of the brIefer ja ckets are sem l·lIlt1ng, card . It was durlag tbe first week of Sep- manufacturers were alike appalled. A don't mInd It, erthel', for It sa blm It Instanlly lost Its lifo by a quick. Maude-Yes, be bas one. Hie there Bre short enlplres, there erc tember that the casbter of our local vast sum at money had bee1l obtained. that mucb money t01\' aros 1I0u.sekeep- fri ends say be Is mIserly .~h1cag~ co untless boleros. And ~ven the blow from' th e man holding t he card, bank fell dead one mornIng, just be· read t bese account. wl!th Interest. 1 Dldiy News. Ing. "-Tlt-Bits, blouse Is nol wholly banished. We Its lItt10 carcass remaining on the fore opening time. Then It was found and ratber guiltily teleg rallbed Sands' lIh01lld say It . Is the tbre e· quarter bill. Wltb a sm il e th e man poInted to Quito So. Good Place for Him. \\ rap tlrat goes In for the ~Ios e lit, the remains and said to the walter : that nobody else knew the combination descrIption, Nothing came of It . Tile " Ho",' are you co ming on wltb you r to be done with Shopwalker--What's of the sate-nobody but the presldeDt, burglars were never captured, and "00 )'OU ever serVA these on toasl that jookets and evening wraps Bre who was somewhere ID London or my conclusions may have been quite J en kin s, Rlr-'r He's t urned quite dear: ~udl 3s In the occult. Miss Pe zant?" 8 S a.. rule loose. But. as we sllggested h ere?" " On, beautifully. I am reading tbl abBurd . Yet I have somehow always lemoorapilY, r hoPI>. bul s tili It's awk"They're on the bill, sir,: " was tbe Paris, above, lbero Is no absolute rule as to BhagavOdglta 10 th~ original." Such a matter II of Importance In a war1 , I~ Itno", the pedestrian costume; one secs witty retort of tbe waltcr. - NllIhvllle country town, I hurried o and BaW connected tbe affair of th e Met ropol. "Will'. I didn't know you under· Propriet~I!'-()h, J~nkln s! Turn" Itan National with !lte "p,lec:e at art Illftny a we\1·drelltled woman trlldglng Amer ica n. the vice prlll!ldent In hie prIvate olllce, work" referred to by Setton San,de, deat has be~ Then send 101m to tbo sloo.1 SanskrIt." along In long Ilutomoblle togs , rnln cuE>t17meps' complaint departmcnt." I cron't; but the Bbagawdglta I! I did not go Into details. I merely told After the Battle, proof, and dust·proof ; then there Is Battle Picture. jUlit aa easy to understaDd ~ SaDBltr!' Tlt-'Blts. "Old you e\'er experien ce the slight · him that I had a Cellow helping around the girl wltb the cIrcular skirt a~d the jan who seemed to k now a good ' Tbomas M.')'. a n~.ted BrtU.h aa It Is 111 Eqllsb," -(llev_1JtllAa!l" d08e jacket; and many . 1\ medl·Jm· est touch of lear In a na,'al enga&e· deal about lock.. I added that, oC marine painter. ha, jUlt lInlshed a pIc, .aDora aDd l'II[anDflT8, ment?"' length skh'\ an~ half·loose Jackot Is , "Never," answered the oMcer, wllio COUl'~i I ClOuld DOt A1 .al to h .. eK.,.. ture of the Daval battle ot Ooptnliagen. \ "I auppose you fairly fell ,. l'!ve met with, Egually well dressed an.d 'Poorly-I'm golDg to marr" a nl~ , rtenoo with combhatioDII, bnt that htl April 2. 1801, ",bleh coven an aloea or with those ,old Engll!b me,1\I>fS'" hau teur, "alter a man has gone suitably dreaaed may appear tile wom·' '. _med tn have a faeul~ tor ope.nlnl ,90 "1uare '"to' i ud b .. It 56 pOl'Ald. "Can't eay I dido" rol\lled the t.- slrl . lIDd' lOttIe d01'·Q, all with tbe redlngot!' aull. Faahlo!) through the navl\l I!cademy, be I.n't IUcb locke lUI t laad beeo able to olrer ot paillt. The Indultr!OIll vUl!,. 'WON turned tourist, "Fer ,"",teneY ,lIn . Bootl,.-Wby r.~t mlrrf • r!C~ IIrl dGel Dot dIctate In tbls reprd with afraId ot allylbllll," - Wublllitoa lIa . Pt!hapl Ile, ClOuld work tit. CI1I~ 10 ~_.olll" , and II:ttl. upT-:-:3lJ.ilp. ...;" the Fnacla,"-C"itCIIQ SQ. Star, ''''-- ' ' ... Ulual poilltl! elle..,
- - -- -
COnC ernillg . - 'Form er ReSld ents' .
M I;,~ L.
- - - ~- - -:' -----...-- -
- ---. --
. 1 ~tl \'!\ ru l · y e 'lr.\l lIt1d i ~ now \lJoy m g R .. A . .Scnrfl , \, 10 ;~ m ll~ h " ~(ld'C{1 l·e~t :;),\eD(I•. moved fro l ~1 Wayne svIlle t.o n 11t' ing u ' I' w d,n' with. t hAfter lIIunolo , Indm llll. Ahont. Il yenr, ,,'en 11m br oth or " '"ltel' Zello rnuI U.\' of visited bere Ills.t week . Mr . 15c.,,·IY IlpollS Rhe wllll'et ul'll I,v (' in Imllil ll · I1H'iIlI111 11 18 engt\!(ou lit IllS old tl'llde of
LIOU .11:1 bt) lJ!I kep
• _ _ _ _ _ _--~11111!!11
(I e Valua ble. ColleJ;:tiol1 ! r " om II.n(1 ktll ~t II ll'lrIlle. fr om \LOY . c lbol' (i~ tile kIm), I~nd Wljl ulwuys Goes to Be, lbrook . ).la known 1\8 th . '1' . •T; 'Uro wil 'Ilb.
",,11 ha~ i:f!~I j! 11 II hQr ! pu ,ili,, " II Mll tr, lu in tlw !fIOl" u (I l '1IlttI'111\ n l,OIIlIl I,t P flOl'l u, !lIlU(lls, \\' h ."'" ~h ( : h ,I S hI:' II cll j;f\g~d .for 111
,Mr. and M[ ,
is Nil thlllll1 Bis u t·
'c>. D E~\ON Ii'!'Cl1 TION D A"
. tit onr Rtol'o . pnlnt . ' Ing and ullholst eriug .. T he NI.ti un l m~ouit Va \\,i11~. Mcl\ ll~' , lUtiD lI h'tlr iJ f th e \vill !lond It, Ln(ly t o our slom U W. Morton , form erl y ellgl1 ~ "tl \\ il ll11n ~ ton .l ollrllnl. i" t o dl'1ll0llr tllto th e CIOflu ]i in the renl ast lll,o a !,d IU8Um ".',: \-1 I It tho typh"id f(\v ol' hl \'1) 1')' ill J'~ ~. IC Kn.y ness. t;o o dtl(\~~. orispno Rs business lIt WllpIOSVI.1I0, ~ut n , ~\\ w l'it"~ilho l';"1.otto 1.J .. lh . It 1111(\ superio r f( nil 11 ty o f their of Chllrles ton. "' .est VlrgilJla. V\ . lt· 1,,"1 hlr i\loKny nro nllt.h'lt t i('\l' lIt in~ th u Il\lIn~r ou. u o t~ tllla y ou wi ll ed here II s h ort tll11 C Illst wook . 1\11' ' Il o rn e 'nmill ~ ",i UI grH ut l,lI'IIHllI' O, hn vo lin opport unity . uf Morton wftS 0 11 III ~ Wil Y horuo fr.\l1\ 11 111\ tlJl1t bh u hop(:s thortw, Sllll1p1int.: It full Ii Ill' flf t hoi l' Pltt.sbnrll: wh er o he bud Just cl o~(o,l 1'{HlIl ioll ,) f tho Oh' !'H .. i ll h .. 8 r I Hll l (If ncw goo<18. a d01l1 for extensi ve ooal prop o rt le~. whi ch ~ h H W :\ ~ n 111(\111 ""1'. whloh nottod him Il huudsolllo S IlIll Just r onni\'1l(1 I~ lllTt.:o IIA· Mr. Morton sinco 10llving Wn.yn n,<. ort.nlAnt o f t.hoil' Nuw .'0 111 vl1le hl\8 been extenSI vely ongw!o,l l) .. viLi \ Vbitn y, or ~-'l1li n ll. hilS pllckng. P;( 'O(\F, In various enterpr ises, mostly C(lId bl'''" ful' 1\ bout" wock vlsi l,; \\·tn. All ow I\nd J!'r esh I>roperties and hilS been sllcoes3ful eux 11I1 U ol.hor old f ri u nd ~ in tbe Allul'o ol'dil\l1 v illvited . In everyth ing he has nnderll lkeu. vi(li nit.v of L y Me un.l WU Y II "~ \·IIlt) . YOIlI'H for buo 1.J s t r;oOtI~. AIIIODg thl' New YOllr'!! vi~ ito\' 8 M ... Wh it noy left thiR nei ~ hlJl) rh oou J" A. zHMME ItMAN. In Wllyn l'sville wns S . ,J . ('nses . twonty nin o YO IIl'S ng" , IIlIll ult.ho ' \\ ho WOR formor l y in t·be dry guod ~ h e hllH kept i n t ouch with th o PO,)· hllsln e~~ h orEt, hut. who 1M noIY trll ,". 1'1 0 " n(1 plnco, yet ho ~C"~ mUIl Y ~ling In the interest s of t ho olrcnln. ('h lm gc~ which l\!l\'o tnkl'l1 pin eo, tlon departm ont of tbe Cincinll t.ti ant1 is 1\11 xi O\l ~ to \)0 onl' of t,ho 'fIUles·l:)bn. MI' Cusey Is 100Irit1 j.( numhor 10 retur n to tllo \ .j <l h Ollle ~'or Ingrippe ll\ wnYR uso "Roli thll pictnre of hOIl Jt.h and. wu ~ kopt no xl, A t1J.:Il:. t I\ lIll I'on o\\, fOrmer Kpruco nl111 Chorry Expeotllrnnt ." bn~y whllo berll groetin g his many nCf( nil i ntllll(· c ~ . frlendH. .T£,Htie Lflwis, whu recoul·ly ~"I d hy.T. E . JllnD ny . tnoli: a position on the Timos ·Star Jame s StO () P~ i n with Mr. Cosey , has nlso been sJleml AtJ o t her big ()eal tng his bolldllY vacatio n here. Will J . Rogers, of Chlltt,'. Tennes see. wns II gUlll!t of hi~LllOOgll, broth . .JIIUl OS ~ t oo p~ i~ ilJt cro!<lp.1 In lin er In law. Mr. lind Mrs. W. C Cor othor hig dt1n\ t hnt hid " fall' In provo vory profi tublo. ' . II t L y tl e, II s h or t II me S Ull[1 . ·ne" ny, Be hilS l)oen olectetl VlCt' l:'r Ogl. and MoO(lay came over to Wllynes . dent und II r1irecto r of the Kentuc ky ville to minglo amon g his numero us friends . Ho wus on hie WilY to New COlli MiDIIlS Go ., Il corport l tion O~lJl' York where he WIlS to attond 1\ [ltili~.ed nt $2,000,0 nml ownlllf:( meeting of the sBlesme n of the 2,000 l\crcs of conI 00. lunds in Union famon') CAlendar Co. Mr. Rogers COt1nty , Kentuc iI"pell,s the picture of healtll', Imd . The Compu ny ky. has oxoelle nt fn,oil . 1M 0 type of the suocese fnl, hustlin g, ities for shippill g. both uy the OhIO Amerio an busines s wan. rlvor lind by rui1rontl, lIllll tho surunce Of a rendy IIllll'ket for !lS' all the coal thlJY Olin produco . A number of Indllmn polis nnd & DllytOIl cnpit.nli sts n·re illter ested with Mr. Stoops in tbe COlllpn ny. Ex .ConiresSD1l1n Hildob rant.of WiI· Odd s and End s. mingto n, Is a lso In uu the proposl· About a grocery store In every busineBS will be found tlOn, being 1\ m orn bor of the board some special Arnoles that ShOllld be of directo rs Mr. 1. R. Laycr, 11 represe nta tive olosed ont befcre in voicing . of tbe Compa ny hilS heen in To do th'ls we make Specinl Wayne sville this we ok getting lie.. prices on qlluinte d with loonl people. CANNE D CORN . 50ts per onn 550 per doz. A good grade of Evergr een Sweet COrD , 1905 paok. Only 8 doz left HARDY FOOD 8 ots 1\ packag e .New Cereal roady ~o eat Breakf ast food 2 dO'.& left DRIED PEAO HES100 alb AT A nioe oleun Yellow Co.l!fornio. freeston e peaoh. A &rgan only 100 Ib left CANNE D SPINA CH. U,ota per can 21i ote for 2 QaD8 II. a5 lIOr doz ODe peck of nice oloan 8plnaoh Drug Store -pot up in eaoh can. A very wholeso me artIcle. 190r; paokag e. Wayn esvill e, O.
---~- _:_ . '.Dhe goologl cltl nod mlnorn IO$'lmi l COIl6otiO Il IIIl(1 .gool,ogICll I.b k~, liIur· vnys to. , 1)1)1 nfjlng tel 'r. J ; Uro",n und which lie hnd uoen oHeoting sinoo lloyhoo d Ilro now in I·ho p os· s ssion"n (l 11 1' ' the propert y of tho D IIbl'o k ' oh ool Bon,rd ,}Ji·. B1'0\\,n hll\' iug olTered to doullto tho so mo ritH.l CI' oar tllill cond it ioUl:\ which WOI'n cli norf ully noel upprcol ntivelytlgl'ced t el u,' tho llOllnl of Educat ion of hi
ill\'lt. . '. Mr. P erry lollett., Ptt'8ide nt .of 1 th~ &11001 BOllrt1. und .Mr: A. n·. \ .Elowln nJ, Mnyor of I.h e vll!uge, drovo over OIU' (lllYs Ilga with" Buibl'blo tonlll, il·nd onrrlod ' tlW OY the eolleoMou of II life tirno to Its. new h om o, wlw re it -i hoped it will hllve 0 Ions cllroel' of u~llfulu e!<s " ~ II11 ed ucat or , (\,T\(I 80l'VI) li S II smtllule remind r of tha 1 0~' lllty of itH douor to bls llllUve vllluge.
75c; A'I' .
Jl Utl'VO v ill ll gU . '1'll u gift. Illclud eR th e will n ul· CII~B I~:::::::::=::; Ollll ll1 ining l uO linC(11' f e t. of sh elv ROII!!te r s~ ~' I onl' Bln~, Br all in/.t ~, tlml stnl)d \\'11ioh su ppor t! it , Drug . Store Boxes l I~ ud Ul'IlIlit.e \Vure lind con tui n~ In ud(litloll, UlallY spe I 11 of fo~S I1 8 , hlrgely r epre, II· froe to onr Ol1stom er A. tllti v of tllu Low I' SUurinn. unt Sllve .1'01,1' Ticket!! . I'ling ing Ilhovo IIntl hoi ow , mlw y Wayn eSVil le, O. \'Ill'i ot.ics of iron, Icml , copp or, 1,;01l1. Z I M M E It MAN ' H ._ sll vor lind othol' 0 1'01<. So rllllt it ~~~~::::~=! _ I will IIlYonl Il good opportu nity for ~;~ _ _ _ __ _ ._ I ~~~~~~!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!' young 0 1' oldor pe rs ons f () stnuy =-- -- -j.(eolo~y t.o good IIdvautn go. .l n~t r eo'oivea trom fllotorle ~ In milking this \. - - - - - - - - - - - - . onll tion. MI'. ' 5 C ase s Brow n wished t o ndlldt·o B tho 0Pllo,' ! , !\ppl nR. Orange s, Ilnl\T\I\!I. tunitics II ITo. rded hy the sohool, 11II11 M0 tb el's Ont.s LemonR , Gr&""@. t:iweet po to show hi s IOYlIlty to th o COU11l111 , tll.trm". Cfl,hbn"e.t'"On1ons. eto. nn O gUllr nntee(I .. Illty. Tho Soh ool BOllrd IICCOptOll l in th l1 lot I~t the gift ill tho same cordill l Rph'ir at ZIMM ERM AN'S in which it WIl S offerod . 1'bo c,,1 Z I M M F. R MAN 'S
O F M EN 'S , BO YS ' AN D ' CH IL D. RE N 'S CL O 'rH IN G
~aa"t...~d"T9 · '-""-""..-:T ·U •
This will be tJle grea test mo~t legit imat e and money saving' sale ever ha4 in Dayt on, for the_following' teaso ns, first of all; This is unlLke othe r sales and :shou ld ·appe al to all classes: becau se its a new stock , this storel1Us been ope~ only 9' ~qn:tl~~ ' and wha teve r we offer you can rest assu red that it is new [loud up. to date . . .. Second reason why this g reat sal.e shou ld appe al ' to you as it. come s toy )~ .rom a mallufaetlll'el" of cloth ing 'as we mak e and sell our .own ' cloth ing. Our..factory isin ~F~A~R;R~;&~W~H~I~T~E~1~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=. Clev elan a, Ohio, and is one amoJlg· the large st in, the state an . er ordi nary cir~ . cum stanc es sell goods almo st as chea p as the average -retaile;r b~ysth~emf' b,ut here 'we tell you that. this h;;,p osiii vely ~;: man.ufacturers cost 8a.~e. 'po yo·u.. r,ealize wn'at-it me~ns? It mean s a sav ing of at least 25 .per cent lowe r ,than- any othe r sale· adve r~UI'ts tiscd. W ecxp pct th~s sale ~o be ,the talk . of the .coinmuiiit y and mak e ~or u.·s a' host d of new triendH It'nd customel'S as we live up to our m9t~o: "YOU I' mon eys- wort h or 'y ou: mon ey back ," . that 's wJiat buil ding OUl· business. We ·don 't force ~nyone buy, O~r ann ual clea riDB cver yone is welc ome ' to and 'w e let you be the judg~. . .
Clearing Sale of and furs'. C.loak.s,
sala iDC loak s. Thi sis ¥ou r opp ortu nity to buy a ane garm ent at a bou t half pric e.'
All our Ladies Tailore d 8uit8, t hif< sen· son's best styles thn·t were $20, $22.50, now ~5 reduced to ........... ... · ..... .........
. .
. .., $12
L 00 k an d C'om. pa . re .Th' es e P'.rIc ... es. _ . , . .
Men 's )1nnt,s worth
~1.IlO (md ~2. 00 oholced Uring
Men ;;-' 10.00 snit s and ovor col1.ts, your
95c ohoioe ..... ... ......... $6 .50 slllo
Men 'c $12. r,o "nits und overooa ts YOllr ohoice ........... .....
Ladies Tailore d Suits, thnt wel'e 'Hi. Men's 11n.OO nud IUI .UO sn it R or ovaroou ts your ohoice dnring 116.tiO and 117,50, now retluoe dto thi ~ sn·le ollly .... .......... . : .... ....... .......... . ...... · .... , .... .. · .... · .. ·· .. .. 12 B(lllUeome Tailore d BUitS, n ot this Men 's wool socks, tho killd t,hllt Holls at 250euts, during this sale sen lion 's style, hut fine lIlatoril li In blaoK, oilly blue lind l)rowl1s, rodnced to .........
$9.7 5
$ 5.75
Chil dren 's Claa ks.
Aten 's
*" 00 pants go nt .. :...: ............................... ........' S2.9 5 ~
Bcy's Knee Pnnts 3Do value during this lillIe, yonr
ohOI~ 2~c
Buite. the ·best grade, during this ..Ie only $12. 00 .....................sohool .................................12.00 .......:............................ SI.5 0
,.................... ............ ........... ......................................... ·.. :·15c
Boy's 13.00 and 13.50 80bool snits your choice tor ~DJY .1.9 '5 .
Hu nd re ds of ot he r it'e ms all th ro ug h th e sto.r e ar e re du ce d fo r th e sa le.
Vm'Y Speci al Yonr choice of any Child'!! Cloak in our honse sizes 1 year to 14 years, incllldi ng C'lonks worth np to 1\17.50, foronly ... ........... .... ....... .. ... · .. · .. · ........
I&. . . . e .. . be .- ~~E =- --I. .ee·
W alki ng Skir ts In flne mixture s oorreot In stylo nnd lIla.teril1l , were 'G.7r. Bnd $7. GO. now for only .. ....
$3.5 0
Fur Scarff's redu ced in price to close.
Men's IS 00 £>antB, dnrlng this 88le they go all
Jobe Bros. lCo., Xenia, 0. ",
. ,
'20 ANn ' .·~22 fASt THIRD .STRfU, BUTDN~ OnIO. ,
... .
Railroad' COmpany, Pays $~400 ,D amages
'CorWi,p. ·'
. Mrs. J .., N. Lerillnqnentert'~in"e(i 11:' ..' 'number of friends . lit dInner, },e~ . , ' , Year's day. , 1 • ,_ 'I,." ,,' . 9hanged. 'Mr ' C;' D. Rftder"~wal', ill Daytml ...;'..." ,,-;::+c;-:'--:.....;.;...,.....,__ ~.," one day' lR8t week ;', ' '\' ' , . (j~r StileS, of Clncinnuti,visit-t'd bis" mother.... Mrs. Hope . Stiles and slstOr 'Miss Dora, /Sunday, ',' Mary AnSQn' of Xenia bus 'been 'sMudingseverl.l1 days wlth,l16l' · ....'1 ...,,1 .. " Quarf-erly; daugh.t er;' Mre. BIl·rry J ohos.. . MI:~ OthelJor ArMld sPent the ':'.: ,. " holld!'y<week with his par"llts. Mr. " ",. and Ml'!\. W W, Arnold, , . ' Mr~ B . .E . ' Booth 'nnd }V.ife. SIlent 8und~y wit.h Leb;an,on re)lItlves. Raymond;Barlan arid , Mrs. Viola Harlon were Dayton ,visitors. Wed . 'n8eday Ilnd' Tbursday.· . '. "'Qlti; 1[1..1191[10r { Ur. Erue@t .M~.lrtln ' und Sister, e' " . .. 18 MisS'Evelyn of Dayton were gne!llil! ·uopaaton 'i~ing an .ex- ,, of their unCle, W. T. ' JrrnOie und ,t tlroll1l8lv· pleaSi.Int f.ft' -.... ,.'. , '.' fa.mily; .
,- . ,~' ;I. • .... ;:I:OJ
, !-
.OL X I,Vl. N O.
'",Sno~ .'~1, 1 'Ph
. rRI, 'l' IIt1IIH1
HI "1'11\ l'
1' 1
OBI, WED.tH:S DAY . . IA NUARY 1(1 --
:111~~'r~~;:';::"',:/((t'\II\I:I~ 1 :":,'.' ,'~ .~::::::::.;,
- - _ .. -
,Liberal Qlyllltity LOCAL AND
- - --
I A l'e You Going to
Vi\RIOUS LODGES il ' ____ 1. _ _
~II' . (·. I I j{'"I"l'i~ ~I'l'iou~lv
Have aSa lt:?
____ _ _ _
O. U. A. M. Offi ce r s .
T ill"
----. -
\tho g uos l-s 01 .J el\' ~1orf"I'I I"vur:';ulI 11IlY il1 l , . . . MI'. t;h ll ll)y CeOlI lind huntl y I,·I!.
h o l(lin g ]lnlol lr: "n.1 III I}, I" \\'1'11' II'! I" "" oAlter . . I T uesdllY for' their h ome nell r ~ifh"'.\' . ' ~ ll' '' , lI " p,' "ltl, '" ,·" j " y".1 n v i ~lt, nftor sllondina Il week Il.IIlI Ill" thmr 11l1l1'nill l! I h" "" rili \VII" "" 1''' 1'" .1 Lt\' , C ti , RlIlIIllIl1. II s n ct'os~ fnl ____ ~a l"~ i~ n lrn o t Itt blind. f"'JlII h,' 1' "i-I,"I' 1I I1 ,llI i"r t! \Ir" . \V . ... M with" 1111'"1 1' \ , III' II ", " ),011 ul.1fll I . 1,\, ." 0,' ;(."" " 1 II I' H II I' " ' Yl<iJIlI'g, WII !< in ~jiullli V,l ll ey ( '()lln cil, N" . 1'1:1 , Th o GuzI)tte o lli eo J1)"kl '~ a ~JI" r II I 1I" ', " , b ,,"d pllrnllt" Mr. 1\.1111 M[:< • ." , v ., I \' IItl .. llllI"<Io1l1"~ht H I' '' 1 Xunill';nn . "h,(ht iJt'''''1I ill ohuI< ~p \VII.Ynus vi ll o i:'lltnj'clllY on 11lJ , illf'S~ , .rn lliO!' Unlet' IlItoll A m c I' iCIIIl Mo. illlty "f pl'i ltltio g Sil io hil " . \ (J 'lI'" llll .\' AII,, " 'I • " "111'11 Af llll' . fi ll' " " II\\, 1';,11 t,lt p w"II IIt.... , I I ' }Jl'cpllrod \.0 pri nt hill ~ of ltn~' " iZll h"~11 11 f.( 1''' Wlllf( ",,101 ,,1' 1IU11 h.v '1'",., MI'" , IUnll Ullul h11 ~ ImuJl "mto ( 1 11111 0 " . h u~ pl ected till' f()ll t)will ~ un o! In II11 V n lA lIlhor . ,All I.i ll s 111'11 )I I''' ~: I ' , ~111J (: I' . III "llo klln ,' , \ " ~"" "" Ih " "' 11 'LII/l fllnlily lirA 1111 .1' II lOrni ll ~ Ih " '"' roul',I' hucl fill , ill t'C )I' 1"1111' w, o k ~ III' III II 1'0 witlt , 0 JliCl1rs t o se r v o for th o ll ll~uinl-: I,rillteu o n s tiff W'lt,or IlJ'(lof hlllll'll \\. I I ~ I11ll~ ' l n n . :"ipon t Il row (la,s, r h H " " , ": ,II ' " ' "r tll eu' Brltlllli 1<11) tIl 1:1 d ogl'ee" bl' I,, \\' ZP I''', IInoi .,' tl)I·llllI'III I'o ulll.' I )',ellr : , , . ' th llt will w i t bstand tb e wOIII,hor. Itlt,ten' of U ti' wIl u k Wlt.1t 1101' 1" ,',1'" ,1 I' "" .. ",.; ,II ,' ,- , , illlli enliolll< Ill, Ih i" wl'iI,tng a l' II Ih ,oI ( o ulllOllo r hnrl cs ::;1 11 t h Bills 111'0 g o tl,en up ill II11Ilt.trn c t. , I, ' 1 I w o n llW II I'" ~(1i"g t o h ll\'I' ,, 111"" Mr , IJ, A. l\iJl1Jlle l'lllfl.o wont, t o l ' , .. .. ..... .... .. .. I i \'Cf s tyle, so ns t o b e ellsil'y r011dlln.l Mr" . C . D. Illlrll'l' ; '" ' 1 1:"-" "" "'''"J1I'I""n gllll" i" " wl "I<',' \~ ';J.t,li~'.;'. Ct) lu III I IllH :"ntnrtlllY O~'cnill~ IlJllI ! Vi CO Co un cil ol' .... ... .. ... ,l . C, l:illwke (If the grflotest villue in ,It'Il\\'ing ~lr~ Willilllll ;o.[ P<\ I' I' IIIllI ,i" II' r ~h' ~ '\ ,01 j , ,JII '" ' I oj " . ' h" ... ' h " lit! III~n "" I1111 i 11 011 ",'el' 10 <J nJ' o,V th o irlll g uml Rr ',O I'lJi TJ ~ SOCl'ot.n r y .. .. .. Cnr l ~1l1it.h peop le til t h o sa lo, '" . I <" ' 1 " \\'1 , 1 111",' ,·1 " , III I" '11 .1,, (,.,,1\ LII C,I' ~ , h . t h' ll ~.J n '" I \'VI !-In n li t Hll l' \· "\·~h tll ·~ \\" f'1'O ! A~S I ~ IIlJ) t R r c . ~o c)' ~lIr." .. .. .... . A ll SItleR for W 1ll O we IIl'ttl I ~ 1"'''1'' '1'11' '" , I", ' I' FI'ne Shl'pnlellt o~I Cattl e . C""" ", '.III'I,"," lIn. ,, "ollllrLY, LH , TV U ·' n '11 ' Il r"... 'l,lvorti sed fr oe in th o UII~, e.t.Il ' g•u,,~t, "f l h nil' Il i 'ellH lIlr " Ail e" ~h: , ' I , U I nW1l t l 0 . Mr':-: f).,tn \\"\ ' !'/l \" Mr . lind Mr~ , Uhllrll'ls Co rn e ll I .. .. .. : . .. .:... ..... . fr uIII th o l illl e th e bi\1 s aro ord,H'e,1 h. tn ~ey 111 111 MI"" Lilli., N ..,l r v 'I'h ltnl ' 1\(1' " 'lIlIllllllllll iJ lll, brOllwl' o f MI' t I I .1 t' FttlllnCJIIl Socre llll'Y .. O. l:illlllli tOl l t ' l I t f l · 1 II \'I"tllllld ,, 1,,10 ' " "'" I ~ Jill" .-,U Jlufl.y ltll»'Uln g 0 1' n, un 1 (fl e 0 ~u. e . ( ny , , k' '1 1 .1 t (' Jr .. Il Hlll' or ....... ....... .... .. E , S . 13llnby .(IIll' Ilr icos uro ve r y rel\~onllhlc1 l" tlll nk "II I" ' 'lIJ \l. z \', W , fI B11111l0 0 t ll E1l1r\VI'11r1l1l1l,whll .. , I'lL\\" , ' ~lr ' " "'llll t ll 11, .. ' 1 ' 1 (''''''n ' . I·,rll'UI'1y ",'VI'l . II n I,I lI' \·\['Illl t.y 0,. wc·., " "I.,tWltl II' Ollull , II , ,Conunot o r ..... ..... ..'. " ,Cly d e Wbur toll 1111,1 ~ l1 t i H fl\ ct ol'v 'work' lH uss uro(l " ,'V , '" " " "I l' " ~ I ,. 1" 1'1 ""·"11,,,,,.,. Will III ()rc~ onil\ . being kn own to ml~1l " {I)tlI VIIl Ulllldoth Cl rll GlIlts ln I1ll111InlL \ ",, IJe t 0 "th e udvllutu.g" of , Holtl vis ited Mr~.l:iol ' !l ~tl IAS nnn I We lltll"t.,11 " :...,.:t vv'lr t.! on , ... .... l SlI' lle L ongnc r o II~I' \\"11 I Gnrn olllllTlII nnw t-lll:t.I'tt.. I'nolllo l' ~ , IUllt wook III Illt( ht. MISR ElIIlIlII H ei~bwllY lllljuVl' ll T ' 1 S t I J b S"t 1\11\'011 (' int' nu illA' t o h[lv e Il sn,le t.1l da y' r oce utl v ' from M e~s rs JHIlIIC l{, lI ev 1Il1l B , . II Sll Po I' n ,11(1 .... . .. ,. lice ronse . . , ffi d " pil'11 hI' MI' O,lmrn V , ::illli t h :!:1 flwllin A' c,:;U;:, 1:1'01'11 1;: Il vi ~lt of !lo vol'IIl d llYs I'ullo nlly fl'Ol1l i tlnt!lillo Selliincl F J Haroess (,1tlill t t ho Clll;t.ette 0 ICO . 1m pxallt Mr . Kiruy IInll lllln r,: lJ ter, Mi ~8 . ' , in" in '.':"[")It 1\ :\;\ 1)IHlll rlH The he l" n uphe w Mr , n llrry ,h,co "~ wh o 1 '[~ t' ( ' ·1.. .. · .. · · J ,' n ' II B ' irlll "II III pies o f ~ll1s, quuhty of wor' glsie of U ti c'l ~pCllt ::>ntunln.v with Mr . W,lI Crei t! ht"" '!"lOllt.hur .. ,I' , IIH UllnCl or .. ....... .. .vl Il y Iln ,ll)J' IC O ~ , S' V II " t I h' H oll t,t lo WOI'O Hhippeu fl'OU1 '<" ' wiu to WII S 'llI'Oll tO f l'o m Pittti \)llwr; In 'i'rns l,Cll's, Will Din w iddie, J ohn t ', ". t heir re illti \'a~ Mr. Mrs. Howllrd prill/: II oy U( Illl un u .l pfl·" r Hunvilh. Ohi o, MUlldltY m or\) · BifllllUg linOl Alnbumu, Ii \ I ' ·1 \TII H Plubl,'c Sa.le. Booth Mr . •111U1'!" JJo wis h lld the pictnro ill~ , I1m1 with I) nlJ oxcJept.\on I" silid . ' /L\ ' ii , " Ill I II)'. . Mr" c , 1.'1 , Uloll ltmt !; and fnlll - Uh(I\lI" in .. ...... .. .. .. ......... " W IllHIlY I iiiI', .1 0hn ZaU is cO ll vnl cHcollt.: of Ih" fnuI'ge n ol'lItlolld of tho Le~l!I I,ll hllvo hcl"u th o flll e~t lo t, of eot ll o B III wil l or bott
I~'~ ;t:T ~E , J IInn o,V!;
: ~'I l\
fo r
.. hi "pOll f rum t,hi .. poi nl, Ilti ~ Hl)ll~OU. M,' i\ Hl\ u'y c lodllltlt,) hil I''' " hippc.l t,lt " o11 <'$ t, Io) t of ellUl o t,hn.t, left th is ta li I I I< '''1 "" , .yc'lI r . ~lr. Hilli ntl hll !! hl'rll ..~ll. ~,h o UI'IIwforrl 'n , ut Ul e l ilion !;,'took YIIl'Ii s 111 Cinci nrllllj;,i for m or o t,h ll " j,hiI'I. 1'01lr!; IIII e1 iA ,,"i <l t o he tlt t ~rl'lI i p"i, en t tll' IInyC'r in 'il1l:111llflti.
i IS IlJ O\'ct! lust wl' ll k illto th eir llIllld , I Rl' l lrP~l' l1 l l1 ti \'e t o S. Couun cil ' r.I I' ~ .. Mabe l Dinwirldic will o ller sum e lIe w h [IIue in Fai r Vie \\', t OO ' , , . nt, pnbllo sn l I,r(' 11"\" "I,)'oyio" .............. ... ..... .. .. Wlll G , ruhlllli TB U RSDA Y, FEBRU ARY 1, 1\10(; , Tlt inl HtrOt,t, li nd , . b AILe rllll te ........... .... ......... " r III Bay ' f f ' I t" its luxul'i('~ . Il q Ullntlty 0 lI,rUI lUljJ OlUCII . " ~ toFcnkl'let,c , t' I teak ~I i~s All ni e U . Brow n r ot n rrll'd Odd Fello\vs. \lli r IOn Ilrs n ex w . ~1 n tt(IIIY II f t,e ru onn tll h er 1'0111101 _.. .11·lti"" 1.111" 3 O. 1:; , "" S , () , H oru e lit '1'1 f II ' IfI I I C " , 1 0 0 o \\,lIl g 0 CO I'~ II!\' O lee n Harveysburg. X oniJt lifter tw" wuol,,, h o litluY \',l ' Hulod e'<1 hy \Y~' o lllill~ Lo'l ~o ;:.;, ', cntiou, I \ 1 0~, 1. 0, 0 F . uIHI will be i n~luli ed MII~I " r Itu~sllll C lurk Cllml' t o The Rainfall tow n ~ untlll Y ( 0 vi~it. with J a p Ml' r . FOl' till I -Vn lu llhl e W nyn('Rvil lo t omorrow, T hltrs (\I1.' . o\·,.ni ll g: Durin g 1905. r ea l C1~lntl\ . Illc r ""HinA' in "n ln u Noble Gl'I1n'I. " ... .. .. . " .. I-1:1rry ,Johns cn l' . W hilo' h ere e op:agod .l llp to Vice NobI ll (:l I'II IHI ... CIlIIS . H'lrt BOl' k Illllk n " s lell. 11S .hnd 11 fll ' ( '11111'I n~ I~ l\I ir- h Ol1 llf wh " k('n(l" II e \'I1ry YUILl' . A ~00l1 inv(l!;tlll c nt, " " vomhlo ou tl oo k , lind tho r eul th ,n g J'Ill:,lrIll1f wOIIII .. ,r c"It(1i ti,,"~ ill Ihi!' right, ut, h om e. JOIJ n ir li t th e Ioollrdmg ::;cCr .. tll r y ..... \\ III HII\\'es \V II " 011 hllnd M nd llY m o rnin A'. FillnlJ{)illl S rc rc t lln' f 'I. B , W ri' g It" ' ·t vi e lui t,y ( , )I' lit e go ve r llm e nt" hll R c.;'u~.-tt.e o f1i ell , ,, ' ... I1. W , P. l'ill . r'l. 1 l'- ro. 1 I!lto reC6JI)
nft or
sickuess of ~e voml dn .YH
I f'''llily tIl~ell on !oINt SundllY t.ho (l1O
t,nn,cond1>. ted of Mr , Le WIS, bit! ' b " m oth or , his daughter und Graol\son , prmg oro. I _ MIHS Mmnto Duk" .md Mis!' Oplla Mr, lind Mrs , Chllrl e~ Fitt~ IIl1d l PllIl\iljS II' r e In Le bllllon tlltllko tho , • d n.u!:hte r R Mllr.y nnd Hnona. ot OXIIUllnlltlOn on OlItu.rday, AIliddletowll H)l llnt' ~undIl Y her o with Mr . Henry Sid es will MOOIl he the reljt ivl's. pruud o wner of another horRe , M~q Funlll e ,hnlll''y Rpont, l:iut ur . ' Pleasant Ridge. ,l ilY in L nlJull olI , W . B . ::;el~frilltl IVn!' II Dnyton Willinm Cure y und wifc spcnt, visit or 011 ~'ridu y , " Sunday afterooon with Fraok MilOtI. C.)lIie Humbert. iR vl'lltlog l Rogers and wife , with rolnt-iv'os I.t, Libe rty , IndIana . I HairY Cornell wife and son vur· ro .. S
I i
hllllcl" 11 I ho tlll'l.ctl o t.he followill!; 1'1 /' lO. E lle n alll ningt.oll . of ~llti n g ",rell~u\'Cr .. " .. .. ... .... '" AI ~on Bn~J) PB of 0 cn l ellt1~ r from !ID old pupil who Mi!ls Rh odl A hlrid go of Lobllnon I mlln aod Mllry R edmoo were Ilnter . . db J bl' II d h ' ld r" " ,H·t on Ihl' \\\ontite l' . ('o n,lit,io nA Vllllo." .lI lld 1\[1' . 'IIn d- u rs. ,1 11 m "" ll'ns l oo .. .. .. ..... " " ...... ~\ IIIIII IllZell is ,lo i n l!LoTlldo nRtthepresent , Oo e Ilpeoti::lllturriltyhe rewlthhersister , t·~ R ' i" Roes lSent the Bnme which ill . . \ t.nlO e y RCO vorne un C I ren ' ,. 1"0' I ' I I S It I '" t d 1 I UX,V • ~ ' . ' 1I11S8 Grace Aldridge. ' lllll' \Il ~ lu e ,y oll r 11 ", \V 11 0 I LlIn ; e R "' I "pe n t 0 11 ur Ilyao( ,nnl lIy \Vllyt;O E uellmptl.lont No . 1:10. T. j "Ull ln de~lg n but It thlD~ of b euu ty I I:-illndny Inl erl s rillt,: relltli n /.: : rlt, I,ho !JOIne IIf M l' , 1I 1ll! MrH, '1' . :Irfl' O. \), l~" I.l Il\'e elp.!',t..r\ th e followin g \~i~hIlJl, . I~wJ\in ~ to Illok ~f descrlp· "M:s , C ,.J ,. Robinson wos Il r eceot Mr . John Mllrsh Ilnd wife spent In .),lIlllllry, Ih!, Ifr~ t tllollt,h (I f 'mith ",bil thoy v is it ecI Ih oir nfll cers w h o \"v i ll hp instnll ed .Tnnu. fl vo 1L11lht y Wi ll not ,-,OHIl ou thi~'j Cll'Clnnlltl VISitor. I Frldll.Y with Eroes t Butterwortb I II r v I() : bu t le ll \"O the fluid f or lDlRgllll\t\on , , Colemllll of Deluwl\re ami wife. . 1II 0,,J . n fu 0 t ll nt I) S 0 f un 1no IIII I" lIlOIS· n 'I' llOW' lilt(l III' CI', Mr . llnc1 Mrl< '" J.!,( Ml', Art,hur In w ft11l ; i n th o ~c '0 1111 Ill onth , F llh CIIl \'on g' r , "t. Franklin , .' . > . .' F llthe r M lly erhoefel' . who has hilS r e turn ed to hi s sohool duties I . ' ('hw f Ill t,rIIlTcll ... ... .. I,nfo NICh olson c h ul'f';o of the Clltholl c church cs llt ' 1 Harry Stokes was'l.lotlng , " rIlll ry, t.Ili ~ IIm'o llo t WIIS oXliot,ly ~ . tlnnhltld, l. H in ches fllllin "; :! \1 7 w . .l:J . 1Il,1I11rtell & Co ,of \ 'li rwin . H i:.: h Prie I .... .. ....... .... M. C. Liddy L ohou on n ud ' W'tynesville, will I'' Mi si:! Lue lln Gilpin spent " . fow busilless in OilY tOil one day last have .ltl ~ t, 1'0 0.'1\· .. 111l c lll'l Qlld llf Nil ~"lIi , "' '\Vlll'tl,)n .... .... ChlJf/, Hartsoe l; ~ poll k in t h e U . B . c1lUrob in Hnr. dnYA Ill s t w ee k with Mis'i EmJllu , week ' il1 t'llI' ~ !~ rocllrdlld dll,.i11 ~ ~larol.J , p olooo EllIstlC P uI}J P III!:lt,cr; Il ls" II I ' "iV d ' 0 .' 1 B " l"e Y8bUrg Ilt 7 o'clock Sunday ·even . A tio north of town .\ ' /l Il ,1 AIH'11 th c llI o 11t,h (,f >lh o wer s fj l1ullr Hy uf prlllm rcd lim p.. ",hid , ' ," ~I 'l r " r CIl ... ... n~l r A. ro"n jD~ All invil ellllnl1 wel oo me, 11 M . • " Mrs . George Dllugherty 19 on the " 11 " \"'" ·11 . ', u .lly , r".1'~ "11 011('· fe' l l willho so I 11nrri ~ h t ]lricetl Cnllll t ~'I'lho .. ... .... ... ..... ... " B , W, Pl'ltlt;t.' ..., . u Pr of . L . U.Wilke rsonofOregoOl!l. ' sioklistbutlsbel,ter 'lttthlswrlttng n'O ,n ~ ' d til P H 11 T' • All I:f ' 1111' Illll1 lrs . W ill CI/Jrk ",IUldllv e . , d . oJ . 11 11,1 in .Inllll, (j 01 inch cs; ,1ul,I' .~ 57, h~~l'IS I~/ '~r~~i~~Ilt"A:~~ f'~'J:~ 'h , ::,'~l\t'~ I 1'I.el:~\:ror ... ...... . .. .... .. WOI~' '"~)QI~ wi,tb 'the Mc rce rs, nnd Miss Ai-lOa wus Sllllhllg 011 01 Ilcquamtuo s Mr . und Mrs, Philip Burfl1ce w"ro 111111 AUl!l1st. wtln s~oll tho gi;elltest dc~o rilJj n g tbi s--phl"tor. IU . 06 .. .. ..... ..... ... .... .. ,I III IlI ,e St30ps wu e dR g u est ~ th e 'o~tral r ece ntly . 80en in Le bllnon Frldl\Y. perclplt.atl l1 n IIf. thfl~'11Ilr, ';' . r, 7 incbes I Ho tQ.1 "lime 'Ite, nnci rlfa B a r OIlU MI 'Mattie Wel oh Is visiting > () ,. Co N A L. !i- Ul'!' h nllll ""lIPY ~ur jlri.o Mason ic ~odge's _ w ho "h ilS herm s iok the Plls t week is Miss ' Ell", Richardson, of Magrew, A G07,otte subscriber hands . us l'I" p t. Oll1 h er ;, .2l:l, tOull l' ,' 111; u 1 1l~t Wc'dnestln y ovoni n g w h on Mr • C' g with o ld fri e llUS lin d the folluwing which is g09d enough VI 1m I,,!!' \I:,lfl mllllJ1lU'1I t i vub-. dry, NorllIn n .l!'ro"t, p f ()" rnwnll , Vermont New Officets, ' \'\'ill lOll ve for Btl tuvia in I·h e n e ur Ohi o. to [Ilo ng , An exohange goes to ' ,111' 1'0 hAing onl ,I' I !ltl illllho!l n f rain, ' flllllre·, , lin d Ed Lllken H lmd wife MisR Bln,o ch e Bellsel of Red Lion wb o hn d Ilrrived OJ) tb e ~ix o 'c loc k ' "t ' W ' 11 the trouble of olnBslfylng the town f). I.... " llIlll r, tIll! In ~ l, m l,n l h tn I,lto Thc llo wI 'y elec ted o/ll eo l's nf tho , \,' oro ('nl.lOg ,oys er s 1Il uynosvl e spent SuodllY wilh MI8S Estella WI!R t h Ollnd tmin, hppcur e!l nt hi s l o""I1\tIl~ou i c lodgo IIl'e: ISn turi,1l1Y mg h t Il ft,e r 11. Ol eetlllg of klllors IlB followl' : Those who go oft' YI'll l' t,lwrn ~v 'lI~ II. f,dl uf ~ :IfI. d ou \' fo r u fow dlt,Y~ litay with ' , . t h o !:l rtln ge, nnd Ob, tbe ~n ow , t h e Irwin. to do t1wlr shopping; those who Tho L"t,"1 l'IIillfn ll f" I' rho YOlil' l'O"'tiv~s, h e hau n ot 'soen In 11 Musl,fl r: .. .. . .... ....... ... .... U . .... I3 noth i buuutiful SII OW cumedowo ~ulld llY Misses Olive nnd (irlleo Book wllntaquitlttown instead of l one WII S H r,:1 in b e" • Son ior Wllrden .... .. ... \Vllrrcn fCCY" l ufturuo on · 'LUrI continued "II ni ght e n ro l·tniued on SundR,y Miss '" nUlIlbe rof y.eliTS, .Tn nio r Wllrd on " .. .. ,l , 0, ClIl'twI'i" ht Jl.lld lul e Mondll Y "over tl.Je h Ollse with push and business; those who Mr Mil-hmll1 r fi t,ulml t,hnl, I,b ... l I d Lorretto Hntha,wII,y lLOd Rev. J . E . spe k ill of ~beir home town those " • \ Mi l'!'! Ninll Antl'ulIl bu s ~ ol(\ het' l ~eor etllry .. .. .. ............... .. 1. E, Kov ~ !.<Ip~ , uve r t he ~treet, o \'or t,h e l en B Pa(tdook nn(l Rev. E , Brnndt o f u , , n\'''l'lIgn.v eurl y rn in f.\ll fnr llto l'llHt FIt M " ' r " . \ 01' Ibe 1I00]lle you m ee t ' lD tllllt who deridepublio 8plrited menor r,"11 SIlIII'" hll ~ 101'011 :lti \J in ohos In Ill'l1pe l' ty l'n Olll'l, I ~t, r (le t,n r. 1. r IJIl RUror .. ........ .. .. ~, . \ . 1311 mll ll l t ~o f t, iudesc ri hulJle bOlluty /lnel charm Dllyton . m e ns ures; thoBe who oppolle every, . I,ll" .",'~ IlI"· 11l(1! Ill.,. ,·".. 11"'" 1,11 11 lell!!l, \V l::I . Bohl ut,t fu r $100'0. Mr . IIllll Se nio r DOllc;oll .. ....... Froll HI 'II, ler, ,," :"hi ch iovar i11I>I'.' 1\ bu oYllnt. . 'I/o{, Cr oll of Ncwton , trllllsact.ed thing tI ' . I ,"" S{' lt(ls u lat dOSH llor, orlgmate w 11 t 1 ' rlli 'n l'",11 "f 1I 1l .~ ,V ('" l' I II t,IIll tUll , l;!() 89 MI'~, lioble t,t. will S.)\111 leuvo th o ,lnll io l' Deaooll ... .. ....... ~ "rl is l:li$f\Y \ t hrill of adm!rlltion Ilnew awnken· d themse lves Illld those who sel'\! t o Olll'l " of fU1'1Il lifu to othe r~ II ncl will TUOI' ........ ............... .. H . W . Pl'intz JO g the IOUlIIlllllt.O JO our nn,turo Ilt business 10 our vlllnge Oll Butur ay, i1l1lhos ; UI O·I Ollllll' lI ~xL t h e r ll IJOlll~ h . ' ' tatt d M E h t 1 ' 1 1 lor I ' urA th e 'redlt .lnll ohllrllcter of I • lUOV A In l,hei r /I"w1l' u'cqulred prol' T"\I,.t ee~, Dr , .1. \·V. \VUI'<1 , nl' , .1 . T. 0'1' su cce~tShlve VISI t 0tn , [Ill fll,ehoe' Mrs, Ilrn Rr , v 81 Il{ I nJ " but ~IO ti'; i ll {l h r~ . ' . , . II 0 Ull to e pl'oson s ugo 0 h M Mary MlIrlntt on the ir followeiti;t.ens , • . e rt y unll enJuy t.he frll1 t~ of rJ woll , FJlh s lind ,J . ]1;, Junn oy , WI'nte r ," oason !Ir e I\t a lOllS for a mot er / r a, . S d 1'IH' h"I1. vil l~t, yellrl y l'I\infllll w,,~ I ~ uhs t.\tuto whe r e in t ha t old mOllotun tty . 'f! l'lIU t, lifo . in I U7 whtJn I'uin lind ~n o \\' fu ll t,o C I ,. I d ' Mr. "nu Mr~, Hnrrison Mul!ill of Unexcelled Service 1\1 W ' ll 'ol'll oll nnel lll'oth pr M .. ! Lytle ast e o n OJl ~ ~ r eo"lng cam e so mn y m .. ~ th o alllount QJ H H I che~ . Tho rs . ' I , I t,h f' nbsen cn of sOllle other t han " Oil Fra,nkliu Hpent ::;undl~y, with Mr . to Cuba. 1' CIl Ill A lI \lxt, ill th e 1I1l1 011 ll t flurry Prat c r "'lir e in Gin intl a t i , K. of G. E. Officers. ifl n. 't it, J' ust t,oo cold, " ero. ~ - "':11 J' nn(l Mr~ . ,V. H , N eWllort, l "l.t of JIIol1<nu'C' l,rf' " rl,illll ed . Sunt!ny . ~hllr. O t lilly WIIH t ,) Reo , -. - -- - - ' I ' 1 G II Now, about t,hi s t im e thoro \Vus II, M B rve y G n s'I' n BPI' Ot "e verlll i.'tl'oct·lve Jllnttllry 5, 1906, throttgh '1'IIf' .tn' n t llll hy ~on I'Nis 11 . foll ows: t huil' tlI ot lll/' r , M I'A, He.nry PI'li to r I, I-,~' tl , 'll~tlo, J{ III ~ lIs (I \. t. 10 O. ( , r . Il • ,. , ~ .,.. cer tai n mfln who I~ bode in t.lle l llud dll 8 lnst w eok Il t "iVtLynesville . Pullmlln s leoller will le llve Cinoin. 1901. 20 H!l in· whoi~IH Oet h nsull f.I"splt~ll , \ Vlllnnl P11 F.'I ~l p, hlll'C I!l eotnd lit O I , lI n wlll J.{ o" \\urren w h o~o SIT nllme WIlS Ar . y . nllt,lllt 8:30 ,\ , tll every Friday Vhl ' 1t-\9G, :I7 . ~ O ill . p;n7, .\., 7·' ill , 1 !J0~, :I:I.!)·I in. Hill ... , r uco ivilll,; ~ I " 'o , , d I 1'1'11 t nlt' lIl, ul1i r'''''~: t o'lld. ,mel WIIB li S th o mflln t in t hl\t Brnmb le Wood of West Carr ollt,nn (..luoo n & (Jre ~ceot route !lnd SO\tt.h · H1118, .':I.~ O i n , 190:l , : lf, ~u lit , fo r Illl eye whi ' h \t ,," r;i \' on 1t ,,1' P"~I Chif'f .... ........ Iltlrr~' McG innis hI S I\'o r.v WIIS f ow Bnd far lJot \"een'jsPtJot Sundn.y WIth hom e folks e rn rnilroad to Mobile, conneoting ! H~ !l 'II '1" in 1U O~, ;CO. HI; in .l ~llrilll1 ~ trrl\l~ ,1 1l fUI' ",,1110 WillI. . Nohl" Chi e f .. .... .. . .... .. WiliJn~ l 'll1,.k '1111l ~ In/l n 1111<1 8,lid he WtltlllOt f ond M Joseph Ste llhonllon Illlt.! flllllily with Mnntlon ~, 8, Lille'R stollmer , . . ,' .- , I nf ",mp, hnt, O il necount of u lack of r. "Pn nce Goor~e lit -1 :30 p Ill. 011 IlHJlI, ;11' 11(' fit . I\JOr" H ii:l ill. IJI', P . I). Cln ~l'l,t,. i\.'irH, ' l!1J1 f.{·lll t High Pri o~t .. . .......... K.l (:"1' 1I1 011~' g J'll1 lll1lg orglllls w o ulrl OIl1l.\t stilted e lltort.tlned Mrs , ~~1l11 Rbode~ n"ler l:iuturdn.ys, Ilnd throngh sleepo r Ti m "'111' III O~ t" t.I'IllI"'I II lllI'lI Ih e , oml lit,I,lo .lllng ht,fH' 'I'lt u \, ~ 11I " 1 1', 1 \ clllornl.ll e Ul'lnlt,...... I';\' Pl'I' lt, gll rl y I IIJ "i ",I~ II f.{ I' IJll t ftJustonth oboVO r ,\Sttlldn y . Ifr om Mobile every FridllY ut •. 00 11l1~lymor('''nt'' III ,Inly , 1,11 \1 0111,.. 1. ..' MIt ~ t. o\' ofR"e" rd" ... \\'"lt ,\,. KI' I)I' i ~ k JIg! ' tio II (',11111 0 tU. llll RstIIILton n u r s N.Arch" e llco n'''II". give;la I11 , m , northtoCincinnutl onl1rrivlll . , .. I .' "II I,,,·, "'Po fhllr811n y !l\' tlllm g l oJ" Ito(' l;vIJl" , . " 1 I f f h m u " ~ ( Lo "f roOt motllet," r"r,!.: "'O~ lllf.{. , _It",. '. ' ' ( 'lto l'kllf F~x"hl'fjll" " ... . \ \II1t (,I'( llll'k e"rIIl11l I II ,v mt l(] lll11.ncy 0 t e , of"tollmer. , .PI rnee "",orge The COMfl .. I, 1"'1'",,1 WII ~ III (i'(,hrn I r.IIII'.I' llInti . It pOlll t, n OJlr \VI\~ll1l1 gl'lII " ' . II ' :\ pw Y"nr. lit! we n t I'o rl,h !Lu d pro- vl1ry pleue"nt, 8 urprl~e o n bUll,dll Y I H,lvallil. . , of II fe w W ,,(; i< tJ wi th I h ." " 1'01' n f bxclt"q' n ,1)' ... ,c r t, f'tllf.'\, .III'V w h on thll III IIrtm ry llf' 1 . JlI H'll t,lI' \·1 fl . l !, 0 1.1. 11 VISit, . unre,l n hll llo fr olll 11 ll oir;hbormg ",holl II IlUmb Ar n f IlO r 1'0 I1\ t Iv ell 'l'ic k ot,H now nn lillie good un·til h,:low ~UI'Il tl D' " 1 M , ~l\' li nl'nl.1.. .. .. ........ ... .. .. 1; 1.1'0111 C"X O X, t,hll w .. i" aOll frl' nnll . • 10 r . s IJllr o nt ~ \ ~l' . nile 1.1 l' ~ . I " , ." . '"' ht, thn J' (Jof WILli twoot" J ~I ~ lot Ilt,h or IIOlno to col , 1Il,1Y :lI .. t III tho 1'lIte of "65 .00 fo r lJel'olll\)nr \\'II~ ,,', ,n~n:-lln l l ~ MQnt~()IIl (Jry CIlf/!"\'t. . will) s poill 1I.1 1{ "~lI· .. ~ont nt ' \" ' ... ........ " ,(. , I· . LIIIll\J plllll llls . Agllill, Ih is IIllln of \'Yllr, ebm-te h llr nilt,h blrthdllY. '1'h e Ihn ronlld trip from Cinc Innati in. olotl ~ly m llnt,h , I hl1rll hduf.{ I, (10)",1) ,. . , ' ·I'I' lIstl'l1 .. .... .... .... .. .. .... ..III II ..' S 1.''' \\'1" r on 11I'''C'I1Tl,,1 II lllllllJoth sllgur ket. eluding mOllI!! lAud bortbs OD llnv~, ,LO.I I)ot, I)n o \lArft'(JI,I~' 1'10111'. y etiI' lit, hIlIH"Vl ll u, Ull1o, whIle t,lI" , , t it' . 1I1""u l llls hnl of on ions, Ill:! 0l"ny following hc1J.)~ prescnt.; Prol !'. B , wt.cll mer, UI O ".)!;I, I'tlillf.{ "III·I.lo lll y ",olntl.v ; .'"d famil y Ii Ynll ill thnl vi lln g l'. I 1 .1111 IIHlllllim'~ ."f IIII' ~ I"",l nfl ll ll fl"llIrll"~, , om.' l,enns IIncl JI. goodl y I D. Kellison Ilnll flllllil y, MiMOS F or Informllti on llddresA Frank tlt CI' A ",,'1'0 ... 1" \'(\11 " "" C:U~' I VI1 d nUlly I) .\V. i\1 k t 010'k f " 1'111 II I'lpplll . . t,h"I!' f' ·lI 'n .l " WIll 1''' l't ,oI;1' " I li n I1III II lIl1t " f J.IJ,;P.i{:· Ilnd ll incing ul1 H enry ClI'rlJCn tllr nnll fnlllily , .1Ilhn~ 0 1l, ::>pecilli Agent, Pn 8~ni{or , . , I eM 's (lilV II in th eolll rllllh , . " v ~ I O I' Stl PI H'1' wltH'it hits liol' u th os ,' I hln g" in f 10 pot, dr e w wilter Frllnk Archd ellcon ILOll flllllil l', ,Juhn, De l)Urtllltlllt Mllnson S, ti. Lln o, ' 1 ( 41 1' 1:1 Hlf' ~ t I II \' . '''(H u ng- n I' II'O Ill . II 111'11 1'10 .\ ' s llii n" HO tllnt 1\11 "n'" I I ' (If ml'1y '1 t' tL nIl Mr"~ \"a C . H , OhIO ,' or W . C. ' nti! th" 1)I'U~t1"t enId ~III'JI Ihi A IlI'JlI Il tl'('(lII IIO .11lY 11I8t w"I,k u 1l' \'01l 1l 1'fl U l n gPt . I'!'I l s hltl"'ton fiio "'lllt,or hu~ ~lCII II UII ItnllSUlll1 ,V mlltl Ilpplll" whwll 11'01'0 t.Ilfl firs l, 0 \01 W /I S lI11 l1lHrsot\ t.h e r Ill , lind uod orII Clan II , . . " RiD ollrson, G. P. A. (tueen Im.1 01 II Itin ' ell e,.I I. f'Ir o 0 f f ILggOts, IlD d ,I:l owu rd Arohd eneon I\m1 Mr , lind (' l,"ncI·nnnti. , 1)11 1'11 0 by tu,. ll tn'l) W I)\' 0 II III.'" ' ....111,I1lI1' I,hl onq, _ ~ wcek.._ _ 110111 v roscent n~nto, 1\00 ,1 ~ 7 plllllt mi (' levu LI )'0111''' II go. '1\1rs ' l Nn1'~:-T : ,1'l li ~t 01 "t1i('(" I'~ "rl ,'nl l', 1 l)I' h lllcl I,h o Il1I1~S dId h 011 llnd b o- Mr s . •10hn OotgBl' of IJolllln on , Mr. Our Institute. Muo k!! wh o i~ 'l v UI'Y ~ llcem'H I'nl h y IIth,,1' Ilult,! l1!t CUItI llI'il l'l' ~ \\'i ll h,' (lIIIlH' " nH' ~S v~ry pl\lat.a bl e t o th o nnu Mrs. Frank DAur th, Mr" . Mllry . . fOl11HI nn (I"A'o!i . , t.II~ I. " of Arnol,], A nd It Mille to 1\ Ar 'hd enco n, M e"!ll'~. Will Souvenier Card ,------1I " wClr onlt.ul·I"'" l'I11 setl" HII,' 1" lII on _ _ _ __ - - - ]lHR" lIt tl ~i,!I mlxtul'e h e WA S filled nn Views of Waynesville, 'rho )l~.ogr\lll fo r Iho Wu y n l'!lvillo l1Jl u " Illull t.ree: I,n h oI' \\'IJ.ILI ,,\\' g lll',l . In Society. 10 tho g Ulll S and decl.lred h o was Tr"no, Eu gone Cll lllpboll , wm
I I I .
FnrUlol'~ ' lil ~tit'l\t l' iH n nw 11I'Il'>t un ",PI lC h wllir;hu,1 Il bo u t
11 Pll lllU1 , nrrllnll".I, IlJld Ih" (';11'1.1'11 11 h " "",, ' t ,. b o " hI., to JluIJI1 ~h 'th tl cUlllp Jco r,' 1'1'0· Tho l'''lHl ~ .v lvll nill ""i lroH,l en i... ' 1I1'I'UIIghlf( til lI m lll II t ell'gl'lIph !<t"" g fllm lll'x t "" 'I"\e . 'I'he Frilj"y I'vl' ntl1 !-( Rn~~lllO '1f Ih(l ti nu lit, ',l r w III , \\'hlch \\'111 be " "lIl t . ItI~I'lt,lltO h ll~ 111 "' 11 ",,1' "1'111'1 till rh" 0,1 III, 11111 8\\' 11 "11 IIhovll COI'\\'in . lli ~()ui!)li l)n 1)1 I'II ' ":U IJ O I " '~ I .. p"·" 01 '" , t l . llol k "y"t(I IU WO llt 1'1 f I" • interest tl) flll' Ill " " ~ IIn (1 w tll h, ' III ,,111 0' It , I I ~'''". '' , ohllr"'o of Chlld,'« A . 11""01'11, ~''''. "1',·,."",)11 on tIll " ,lJ'v I ~lon II, lo ,,~ ... I l flr iote llllcmt.. Kof t,h I' e \\'Il.v Il\, t"WI " It ,pI , 1""'11 fOll 11[1 thill, I,h ," n r e .... HIII, [jlllll' I'ollooIR. l ,I'own Itl~ ~"I't1,." , ' I,et·~ Iqr "," t.ok'g l'llph o lli ()e in the II Il t ht! prJll uil),1i " " oul;flr t ,,1' 1,1,1' Il,'p of. IJll i\(lil1 g 111'0 n(l t ""r,h'ol y SI\t.. IIccll . . lon, Prof M F · Anlir('w. "" I' , , " .'{ Pr'lp<,i tlllt, "f t,h e ~f'"1 ,clos l~t,, (:I(H'Y I h .. , u,,'" Il l'rllll ~O llll'lI t trior. I'oh()(,1 ot • ,1IIntn' "lt,1. L, ·I I wlil .. n Ul'll (,' IIl "I,le fllhl o, lJJllro r oo l.ll AOIfrew, . WIII! II "I" ~" Il "ot,' ,of ~l" IIu Il fl l'I I/III 11n it.,v tn l\,lIn~aot, lJmlinl''''' Browu nt, tho N ''''"111 UI1~"l' r ..1t,y with lli r' ]lIl II.1t MI'. H , E Uo~th In J)abJlll" n, .. III h.l t.. C" l't,lllI) th ot I \"1' II 1,,1 \ ' tJ 01111 1"'0 of till! I,io kfot' . • Mr , ",Ll< A I rew WI 111I" \ e 1"'11111 II Ii 11 ;': . v .., 1'1 ' w hH I, Ih l1 ,, (0 froight HUY thnt w!l\n rlt ,,111.1" h" " ,,1_' 1ru in ~xt,lg'~~"I" h tiYSbO I;1 wii l b o I ()n~oll ing' but of pru.otlclli benefit to (I ' u. M . l~ S 't" , nft l' by . r . ",n.y Illl.u. tln-mors.
- ---
1\ loont . tWl'n l y
" -I i\II' ~" Q.'
,,"I v,','y (onlllJf ROUI) allywn.y. NoW' Cltlllpboll, Clydc ClllllplJ01\ th i~ Ih 'c lllrnt.ion wus Il.musin g to n. DOInuy Mllttlt o w.
.T ~'~"'in oor t Hill 1U111! of the Bom o country
( '111 1'1( " frlt' lllI . W,' I'O on l or t.n ln!'ol 1111,1 Il t,llIoMphor o whose Christian Infflr mll'll v hil t, nOll n tho Ips!l n ll lll (l WOH Fred, ' f or In li S muoh 111'1 tl C!lt g h t fl1ll Y' lit, he r np'lrt m onl!l ,;,,1,- Ih p. mlln h ad el\.ion to th e fnlnosH of n ,.,III Y n v o nin ~ , t h e clIllI"eity of hill fl'llllJe ll. nd .hn,.l ___ In 110 wl ~e Jllvl tud l,ny of hiS dlllCl'[ "T (' t . I t pIC" !fO part,"ke .my thereof 'l'b eo l " I' R o . ,01' . .nr ,wnll I , ll n\'!' It. · . ' • r one lll,)OIl t.o II f'O llll)lI n.v n f l l"li l'~ lit. ~Ifl l e lll(\nt "6tlllJecl, abeu,rd nod exN I oJ h ,.,,·!JPllnt,ifnl h omo 'j'nl'!ldny nftt'r - 1 1I·Il ' ·lI gu.nt . oW ,.ln t li S ootl •• try .n. 'H'''ll fr om l:! tn ~ II iEi nnetile El!' tn i n e \\' co un cil lUl.!l becn f()rmod nnd.'[ nil 11 t,hu t nn ..ft e l'n nn ll lOpent wlt.h Bro. Arn old IS fonnd wu.ntlng In 1 M I''' C .. r t,\\'riJ(ht II !! lt o~ toS!l i ~ 1111 (lllrneAtoess, it w e r o' ,better h e had 1,II I,t, cOlll11 he wi!<h o(1 np IJ.11Iellsure . hong to Ius neok nnd be fl ed the lwttle . ; " ee frOID t·\bo wrath .to come" for F OI' Hlile-A b lack overcoat, t.aUor nil triflers s~ull bo tried and If i!D1I1nrle. h en.vy cloth, siz~ as. OWDor' m orllllity ". .bull be C/.\st, Into t.he \0 1 ' 't I t· t I. corpora te Jug, anI1 th . tR mIlD F red 10'" "Iwer ",orn I ns lS .on Ilrge WIll' see to It thl) judgement be fol' bun . InquIre at the Gazette· out W Arnold m ' .Selah . 0 ce,
Rev ,
A !\lIrill!1 nf six MO·l lvenir ollnl". t!h o wing vie ws in Illld IlboutWllyne>l . An oy:!l ol' ~ nllpe r WII;! glvon !)Ilt· vill e , '111-1'0 boon prInted at lbeGa· nrdny e vonin g Ilt t,h o hom B o f Mr , ..:ette ul,lIen RDllure now 011 salo Ilt Stoph on UIClvon llCl r, hoing In honor .JIl~~~~Yf~I~~~:;or:;ewlO aro shown M ('I ' ~9th birthdny I d Th B B d C o f . r . ~ oyen gor H . · . no the ol1r 8 : e Ig ri ge, 01'A jo ll y goorl t,iJllo W'I" r ep o rted Wi ? ~venu~,the Wnyn,esville"cbool tile "tlOS t u (10111Ir lo,1 hOlltn" to IIIJ"nd l mlldml-:, VIew on MlIIn str"et, tl.le ... ~ '" ' tl Mr Old " Wator T . ' ",tone owerI attP lO enn· lllllny m orn ~n r. h I\VCl nlll ~~ WI , 1 • sylvllnhl station, ILOU the MIAmi Clovon ger . Cemetery Cbopel. Uther views wlll be printed lllter. . Lytle. 'l'hese on.rdl! sell two for fiveeentR or twel ve for 25 cents, The pro . The snow is fnllin g fnat Look ottr ceedb from the sale of the Ollrd8 go to the Bomo-Uomlng fund . boys for Blot'gh~ Ilm\ holl!!. ' Rn 0 IIe I B rown IlO on tJ1es lk Persons living at ' a dls-,Anee are Mrs. o ' ' ' list. requested to udd 2 oarita to tbe' above to oover postage. Ml', .Jaoob Laoy lind family were
The ,Miami Oazet~" 81tOWN "MenY. Publlsbrr ..
and r£ad them In I~ club 11\' 0 thi s, It lhnl 8ball be t houg!h L th c baSl · way to prot .. d, Il Ie .Im portant to do 10m ell, t and dlllge nt study al odd tlm el wh en th e club' IQ nOl mee Llng, It 16 WAYS IN WHICH ;NEIGHBORING I mpo r tllllt , l OO , to huvs a regular week· Iy o~ (urlnlglll ly c\',mlng , and to make IS BENEFICIAL. a Po III I of ,,!tendI ng nil sessions. un· leso preve nted by ~o lll e t hln g unfo reseen , Cards, Chess, or Music May FurnIsh the .O~ca.8l.CiD for a Neighborhood T here n eed be no age limit III • C!Ilt-rA' Study-Class Is Enjoyable nel!:!tborhooli lul>, It tn e doctor. lJle and Pro1Uable-Young and' Old lawy£!' Roli t he 10 Ini ler take tbelr .Alike Sbould Be Allowed Member. s llare, Ih e 0 \'( 1) 10 1\ 8 will pl'olIL by' l hJ ahip-A Do"en People tbe Ideal presence of th o.e Ul e ll who In a WilY Nu'nber - Tbe Provincial Mad e lIlay be cu lled prol'lc,.IOII Rl s , a. ,'On· trastEd wi th a ma t eur.', Women ar\) Cosm o)lol! tr..n, on a~ equal roo t ing wlt b me n, old peo.
American PhY61que, Aoy great outdoor spec tacle, like II !Ol1ege football game. g!\'cs excell ent 'pportllnlty to study c wds of fnlr l), well,to,do pCOlll p.- lbe cI ss which rep· ~ents the best thnt ' A erlea n lite ~as attained. No one. • Y8 Youth '~ ' CompanIon, can wilte b s e a crowd '\lourIng forth from t b'c g tes with· ~ut being Impresse d by the One phys· Id l"lIlu ll1 5, leal Ilppearnnce of t he pi£' ar c: n Ot eX,"lllp t, anll yuuuge r onoa BY 3IARGA j\ F:,. E , SAN GS TER. Young men of six feet or t orp, en n, a r e w eleo m c. ( C o pyright, 1110,), b) J lt8t' ph U. Ho \\' !cs.) • re so common that th ey har dly Ilt· nle " hid th ' ug to ,,,'old .s haVIng The charm of ha "Ing Ii neig hbor Is tract n'ot lee by tbelr stilt re, Mos t tbat Ilc Ih'es wh ere you ca n go t a ~ a lI e l ~ h bor h ooll dt:b of this kind 00 sons Irc taller tban thc r fatb ers. him, r. ext doOl' 01' a c rO~ij th e way, 01 large tha t It Is unwl cld)' , A do zen Among young women tlie chllnge Is aroun,l th e co rner, or !lown th e s trec l. peoplE may be suclnble aod homo1100 . le will I,'o rl l' O r even more noti ceable. The number oC You mee t hIm In th e Olo rn lng wh en ge neous. strong. h ealthy·looklllg girls Is con· you, un ror t he train. Yo u s lip Int ~ nt ccs~a "lIy IJrcnl1 up 111'0 se~ ar!lt\l stantly Increasing. nor Is ,tbe gain In a seaL bes ld o him a t ni ght wlHin yo u group", and wil l nut b ~ a ble to VII" . up the ~ am e SUb.EtC". wi h elUle. Lbe average height of Am erican woru· com . home. SomeUmes In th e even . T ilt rc s ho u ld lJc n n e x pe n se a t· Bn one of appearance onl y. Reco rds In;; )'ou s lip an arm Into hi s and 0;0 L"adlCJ 10 a lI elghhnrh ooJ ch'b, eltill)/ Walk ing and talkIng und er th e tl' e~" ~t tbe pbySlcal measu rements of col· o n the way to tbe ])Ost 00lt' , or you Individ ually or co ll ec ti ve ly , be),oll{ lege, girls and of tbe patrons of gym· often sit by bls /Ire aud as oft en he whatever purcbase or boo ks Bnd read, nallums tor women show that tbere RitS by yours , aDd tog etb er you di s· Ing lI.a lter may be tho ugh t advi sable, The expense fo r this will be slight, It has been a steady advance durIng tbe cuss th e arra lrs of tb e v IIltlg~ , " past quarter century: Tiro reason lies A ne ver·endlng Bource or Imerest tS all co ntribu te on 'he principle that unDoubtedly In the greater Interest In alToro ed by th e canvass ing ot tb ~ many "mall sum s Il ~gr ~ ga te ' large outdoor Bports and exercise. Better slight probllblllty that yoU and he oneR In Ih e end, clubs becam e so common, In lOOlfl and more Jrnowledge of diet. and others may one day combine to a Defore IIl1l ~ town or lhe s lIlh , rather off awalten coosclence In tbe particular more sensible clotblng. and above all, corporation I hat professes to serve YOU, th e bealen track ant! r emote from the .ystematlc and well·regulated exerclso and really picks your ])O cke!. Wh eth . ra ilroad , a coier le of co nge nial spirits In ' tbe gymnasiums, bave contrIbuted er this happens to be a gas mono])Oly, kcpt brl gbl lh e flam e of Icarnlng to the better physique ot American ,a wnLer board, a .treet car syst em, or through success ive scasons, Tbere wa.. women; for a tasblon or being strong 1\' hat~ \' e r else, Is of no consequence. an air of reOn ClllE nt. r ulture Bnd ad· and healthy has become establis hed. You "Ill never vanquish tbat resource. v a u c~~ t houghl, ot plain living Bnd and tbat, by creating a motive, has ful tee. But It Is a slight alleviation hIgh thinkin g, In t he faml lJes wh!) sent ahop.glrls and other working of su/{erlng to fan cy that even tually ) ar loy year Qlli etly met, studied an.1 women to classos which th ey would you runy succee d, Your neighbor reo talliEd, thnt IIftcd t hem ou t of th 3 never bave entered bad It not been lales bls experience, you relale YOIll'a , provincial, and mad e tb em In ver,. trut !1 cosmojJOl lLan . ' for the desire to emulate their college and tb e mutual di sclos ures do good 10 hath , Misery loves company, In suc;c. listers. As a nation the Americans &;hasc5 ns thIs, • THE OVER -STOUT WOMAN, are not deterlorallhg phys ically; tbey Ir your wire has 'II) Dear neighbors, are Improving. The ad van ce Is moro no body to gossip with, nobody wltn All Cheeses Now R eoommended In noticeable In the clUes thaa In the whom to excbange dress patterns and the Reductio n Cures - Patient country. but tbere Is nowbere any cook receipts, nobody from whom to Must Not Ov er·Sleep. need of a commission like tbat which borrow a eUllfu l of sugar Or a s])Oon· 1 nere arc people who cannot reo Oreat Britain found necessary aCter ful ot lard In tim e of need, nn d no· body to cbat with In th e gl oaming dueo, oy s lrupl exe rr. lse, and Ih ese J tbe Boer war. to Investigate tbe cause ot the pbyslcal deterioration of tile she I ~ badly olf. There Is dan ge r of must t~e th e .lI et e ures. There are her drifting Into melancholy trolu do zens or these, but th e latest ones race. sheer looellness , A woman with no aro the dl els which embrace cheeses neighbors Is pillably forlorn. unleM ond all s orts of milk concoctions. but Our Standlor In Science. • The comparIson' of American and ahe hilS a whole bouseful of children. whi ch cut out meat almost entlrt'ly. Tbe one who Is dieting can take meat • • • " • • ,E uropean scientists bas been made The fundamental basis. "the deep root once a da y 10 limited quan·t1ty. but by Prof, Waldeyel'. professor of ana.t· of thl.' club Idea Is contained In tbe uo more, amy In tbe University of Berlin, In !Ul one ...·ord. fellowsblp. The reductlon dlelt, according to address befo'r e ', tho Royal Prusslao Mell and women have clubB, ,and t his very latest Idea, Is to eat cheeses Academy of ·Sclences. a few months enjoy them. because clubs epitomize of all kind s, providing they are pure. ago, suggested. no doubt. by his vlsl\ the spirit of reciprocity whlcb Is tb ~ nnd to mak e a meal of them . Ent to the St, Louis congress. In 1904. esse nce of neighborliness. A man goes nothing bllt cream cheese or otber The United States has easily led to blti club, that be may drop his cares. nice cheese for lunch. with craekers. tbe world In all me,c hanlcal matters torgd bls business perplexities and PUt and notblng at all to drink. A meal tending to Increase material wealtb. a new set of faculties at work, A of thJs Illnd Is ftlltng and doeB not and ' the Impression bas been very woman wbo Is rusting out and lOSing hurt you. It s tays by you. yet It docs her treshness In a rouUne neces. not make YOU fat. w) despread that we aro 80 occupied In Eary. but monotonous duties. la brlgnl. Bannnas, fruits ot all kinds, Ice the struggle tor the almlgbty dollar ened up and made younger by be.. cre,am , custards and such are eaLen, as to bave no time tor tbe arts and mornmgs or afte rnoons apent In tbe But the patient must not drink ODe Bclences, I n spite of the fact tbat pleasant Intercourse of ber particular drop ot anything tor two hours atter meals. Then she may take a plot of the people of a new country are occu· dub, ' Thl; disadvantage of most clubs In water If she likes. But s he must not pled In opening up and developing their before or rlgbt atter r~ource8 and In laying toundatlons. "llIa g~ life Is that they segregate mcn drink right It Is oot at all unlikely. obser.ves and women; tbe men go to tbelrs m~als. Sh e may eat one 'orthodox meal per AmerIcan Medlclpe. that In propor· apart, and th o wome n to tbelrs: Tb~ Ideal club Is one In which hUSband. day , consisting or meat. vegetables tlon to our numbers we have always aud wives meet toge ther, Informally at and a salad. but s he must drink noth· accomplished a talr sbare of tbe each otber's houses, having IIgbt re- Ing while enting unl!!ss a very IUUe world's sclentlftc discoveries. and freshments and IItlie orggnlzallon. 1IOur wine, have done a ,g oodly work In otber dl· the mmlmum of expense, anr! an utter The IAte·to·bed and early·to-rlse reo rectlons, Waldeyer pain te to 0. long abse nce ot red tape. It a hulf-dozen du etion method Is one lhat Is being list of eminent American naturaliSts. familIes whose Incomes approximatc trIed for the reductIon ot tbe belt economists. ' jurists. pbllologlst.s, the pame amount. and who nre on a line. The pallent Is encouraged to phllosopbers and historians. and he "lmliar social plan e, combine to form go to tire theater and to stay out as mlgbt ba ve added 'Physicians and sur· a n ~ l ghborhood club, tbey can bave late as possible, She must not seek t;njoynlJl e limes In lhelr meetings. aud her cou ch mu ch before midnight. geon8. He blUl apparently been lhey will be bound by tlea ot frlenrl- Tben she shou ld have a good, soft hed ,amazed at the rapid strides of the ship almost Invis ible. but sl.rong as nlld be permitted to s ink Into .t heavy last decade. lUI tbough we bad just silken cords, sleep. This may last unlll six In the started on tbe superstructure of our To make such a club a ,auccc,s, there ' morning, but no longe r. Six bours I ~ national work. His Intimate knowl· mu ~t be Bome occas ion tor Ils exist. long enough tor anybody to sleep. ae· edge of Americans and the ir work ence, Th'ls occos lon Is sometimes cordIng to tlils treatment. At six she gives great valull to his statement (ol1nll In a diversion s uch ItB card • • Is up aIHI by eight she has dressed. tbat ,It Is now time for European stu· ('Or an Intellectual gome, s tich as chesL ureallfastcd and Is ' !lut takIng ber ' dents and toacners to come to Amer· or It may be tound In mu"le, which ' constitutional. bas a s ublle way ot uniting lhose wllil The follower of the get·up-earl,. lea. to learn. In tb~ same way thnt lovo Lt. methor\ wa lks until almost noon, 81t· Americans formerly went abroad , W e Wn ell frankly tb o objec t or a cluo ling down oceas lonalll' and when sh e have worked out our own salvation. 1& mClilal Improv ement, nnll the mem. comes ba ck sbe Is read y for he r fruit and bave lberetore cut new trails. so 1Jers make QUl a progl'uOlme ror study. luncheon, with one little cup of tea that It Is now necessary for forolgn aud lIursue It thr oug h th e "UCCeSSIVll and a nAp or not more than 15 min· workers to know what we are doing mouths of autumn or wim er, tbere Id utes, Th e arterRoon Is s pent very and bow we are doing It. It tbey are (;reat profit In tbe end , Poss ibly III much In the same manner. And when tb o firs t week or two or lhree. only a evening comes th e patient Is tall en' to to avoid narrowness. &llgh l Improvement may he di scer ned, tire op era, It Is a stre nuou s ly healthy At the recent election In New York hUl £\ 5 tim e goes on all nrc bware of life, anll sho gel. Ihln and strong, , Tammany thugs ~rl e d everywhere to that keeo dellghl which Is the crown· PRACTICAL MUSIC CASE. drive Jerome watchers nway rrom tho Ing Joy of a student 'll life, In scbool or c(Jllcge. The peo ple In Ih e nelgb· - . - -polls, The latter were nearly all borhood s t udy club have ' left schou I Tbe On e Hel'e Illus trated Is Made at young, Intelligent tellows and some of day s behind th em, a nd they s!)metlm~a Oreen Al' t Scrg~ nnd Ie Quite them were brutally beaten for refus· find It a lILlie hn l'll 10 help !be ,chll. Attractive, 1t Ing to depart. At one polling place dren Wllh th e h o m ~ worll that goes ou .....".... Tbls lillie case was made Ollt at OM Ute watcb er, IItLio more than a boy. around the evening lamp. Unuflec\ was ordered Crom his post, hut rerused tools grow dul l. It Is only uecausc piece of green a!'t Ser!!8 entir ely edged ",ah cord or gree n and gold s ilk. The The Tammany leader we Ict our memories !lod ou r reasonIng to move, wort! " Mllslc" was wot::lted In gold silk powers lie dorman t that tbey reCuso growled: "None o' yer lip or I'll on th e froOl or th e case, wblcb was to do [or us what o nce Lhey did , Up push yor face In.'' The young tel· low lU rnert pale. but he answered tl) olu age peopl e ml gbt re tllin great fr esh.less nnd vigor o f thought. and qulcldy : "Of course you can do me lh~ gift of aSSimilation, If ooly they up It you like; 1 can't protec t myself, I, cpt on tailing In st ores. But you may have noticed me wrlL· A club fOl' neighborhood study mny lng, I have put down. ' among otber choOEp. Its own HubJ ecl. This may be, tlllngs, tbe names of every officer, lor 1I; ~tance , th e Social Life or All 'Watcher, judge. Inspector and clerk r.lenl Rome, or th e Social Life or Engbere to·day nnd I bave mail ed thOSE land Under tbe Stuarts. or t he Strugg l~ FOR THE ~ruStc. "apers to a friend ." He kept his post. l or Religious Liberty In the Fifteenth Century. or tbe !lallan Renaissance. lined with soft silk oC the same oolor. For many years Senators Cbandler or It may be some aspect at natura I l'hr ~e ~mall brass buttons fasten It np, and Blair or New Hampsblre were on • .,Ieuce, Nature study has a taeclna. nnd th e handle was wade wltb a piece bad lerma, refusing to re.cognlze eacb tlon tim: quite equals blstorlcal study of th e cord wllh wHi ch 'Iba case II otber on tbe street. At length they What Is Imperative Is tbat sometblng edge l\. The serge should be cut two became reconciled after a fasbion. be s£ lected which can be pursued 1m· Incbes longer than a fUlIl alze sheet of One day they 'Were cbatllog wltb pcr& without awakening partl· mU81c and 31 InchM dee p, one end beBorne colleagues when Mr. Obandlel 03n sentlmenls, or arousing those ve · Ing ttlrned up to form l~ pock et to slip complaIned of sulfcrlng frem lum, hement passions that belong to lIt1ued the music In; tbls p.1 ::ket Is tben told01 the bour, Yet. at times. a neigh· tid over and the end buttoned over It. bago .. "Tbe pain began." be said. wltb t .... rhood Btudy club cannot do much I • twinkle In his eye. "just wben I oetter than take up some bra ncb of Obinchllla In VOl'll" knelt down to ..,. my prayers last dvlcs,' look Into good government, and The popularity of gray, 90 marked Uliarge ' lts knowledge ot whit Ie goilllbt." Mr. Blair .Bald, gravely: In every sort' ot costume. h.. held "'That'. tQo bad. ' And Brat tim. Ing <'n III thl! collntry and th,e world cblnchllia-which threal:IDecI &0 au ODt tD-4ar, . proper ,to write papen -Ilrqlly In tavor.· , '. ,Jciu ' eyer did lucll a tbfDe; too,~'
A G1lHt Who Wti. Na ll.peeter Perionl In a Cue ot St6ll1. Remery. tho winner ot tb~ Vanderbil' W8I condoled wilh on ,the de8truet ion of hi. "upcrb car. relU.. Ihe New York Tribune' "I W all too tm.lful." the "nunl
Frenchm lln, with • rueful
' I let.
"'1'0 be too trus tful," IBid }lemery, e fnult of the l'reDch poople. lOA s t rU II "t' r o m:e viili ted a merchant of
MarAeill •• wllh • lot tor of introduction Irom AI~.allll e r »UIIIIIO, a w •• a glow . ing Ittter . Tho ",erehant ..el comed the I tunK'" wllrOlly. alld enterlained him with great bOl pitolily for ibre. wecb. "TheD in the night th~ di•• p. pe rtr~d, takinll with hirn hiB hORt.'. belt hol'1lo, allIl • 'Iunn tity of oilvcr pIRt• .
.mile . ·~
the peotJl c cr Wd .rouril\ Ine. trustlDil them i"I,licitly, uever lhinkinll tbat IlIlY' ono w'" d be 10 curel... WI to tbro", lillhted match•• about, Gnll hen ce-~oul my car weut up .in 3. mn'" 01 HnmeR • • He ligh teo ' a cigllreU.. , H. l ippod bia colTee, '
"The mer ch unl , ti ll hi'
Paris . ollghl out Duma., " ..~ \lrc t.l~' gllr. t you, .ent me,' ~e bill..-I)\, , I he lellow u . camped IIVlth lOY' beRt ,hone and plnte worth 5,000 {rnnCl!
"'\Vllot!' c ried Durnn&, horror atrickcn. 'Did be If teal from you, too!t"
LIKE AN UN BLAZED TRAIL. Intricate Plea, ILt the Bar of Justice That Wu Too Deep tor the Judg.. 80011 aft..r the lat. G ilman Mlrston. of N e w HAmp.hire. had 'been .dmilted to Natlonnl memorlo.l erecte d to the 'fhe the har 11 ('\ \' j) .uit Wtli urought to him . statue Is of bronze and of colossal ~Ize, The four allegorical figurel at the it in\,oh' t-d u. aoulewh n t eOtnph"alcd que fl l tion of inheritout·t! , allY ' the BU llton Herbase represent brotberhood. educnt!on, a splmt!on and courage, ald. nut th. youn. man, in no way daunt,d. look the looked up aulhor· iti.a all the ,.. , bock 10 J uliul Caconr. QUEEN:S THRONE ROOM, EACH SHOT C.OSTS DIPLOMA and rcd an arguulcllt of B fc'w hun·
d red pngea which ticcrned to him unnnIIwer able. HiM only fear WAil U1II.t. i'
miGilt bo beyond t~e compr.he aion of Um cuurt ,
WhcD hi. cna.
r OBe wilh inwn r
Her majesty's throne room at the winter palace fronted on a court which was s urround ed by well·bullt wulle wi th cunously shaped doors and win· dows and ornamented yello.... and green'· tlled designs 'lit ,Intervals, wrl les Katherine A, Ca!:l , In Century, In tbe center ot tbe wall at t ront was the Immense gateway, with woouen folding doors. wblcb bad Just ollened for her pa8sllge, Tbe veraDda of the tbrone roolD bad two rooms projecting upon It, maklog of It a rectangular spa.:, with walls arouod tbr~ e o'f Its sides. Tbls veranda was quite d,llferent from any at tbe summer palace, where they run tbe wbole lengtlt of the build In 8. back and front, Entering. I was struck by ' the beaut7 at the great central hall-the barmony of Its proportions, tbe somber splendor of Its color. It seemed to me tae most satlstylng. the D\ost picturesque. ot all tbe resttul, harmonIous vbinese Inte· rlors I bad seen, 'with Its dull red wall9 and Its splendid colfered' celllfill glow· Ing In color and glinting In gold, tha central dome, with elaborately carved pendentlves. being p),lnted In brilliant prlmar-y colora. subdued Into a rleb harmony by the deml-obscurlty, tor It bad no "lante rn' 'and received Its IIg'bt from the windows belOW, The curious teature ' or the dom es In several of tbe palaces In tbe Violet City. BO elfecUve from witllln. giving eleva'tlon and space to the, IJiterlors, Is that they are not vl,lbls, frqm the out· ,Ide of tl;le edillce, The beautlrul IItraight line of the roof. with Its up· turned corners. remaIns Intact In Its pnrlty and retains Its resttul simplicity. The hall wns paved wltb great blocks of blghly pollsbed black marble, whI ch dimly reflected the glowIng splendor at tbe walls and cellln;:. In the center of one side was a low dais, rlcbly carpeted, on wblch stood a great antique throne and tootstool at red lacquer, framed In ebony and Inlal~ wltb clol· sonne; the" three· leaved screen hehlnd was or 'bronze. 'with lan'd scapes In 'low rellet, On each lea! a. poem In golden characters gave tbe needed tou ch of brilliancy to Ihe somber masslveues s of'tl;le dull br;onze. , Great wooden doors, with huge gilded dragons In hlgb rellet, opened Into apartments to the right and left of this splen'dld hall. Tbese portals were al. ways thrown wide, and heavllr padded satin portieres hung rrom the lintels, The ' front and rear or the hall were al. most entirely of g:ass, wltb the pillars that supported tbe root standing clear belween th e wlnLlows- the lower halt of plate glass, the upper half ' ot trans· parent Korean paper.
cnlled Mr, Jlfnr8ton
ft 8SUnI,nc'e lt nd
The amount n\lW s pent for educa· in boldly. The judee Re. med inter.Ml ed nnd he toolc hcart. BUI. nt lhn cnd of tlon In the Unit ed Stutes Is $200,000, ao he.ur nnd ~ 1,"lf, ill the midst <II Ihe oou a year. From presen t Ind ication! m oat intr iCA te pn rt ( I f h is plrR, he WlllI the annual appropriation for the na vy pa i ned to lice w h nt. luo ked hl\n l\ lnok of alon e will soon largel y exceed thla attentIOn on l he pnr t of the cour t . It WaA . . he h nt! lenred; the judr. sum , with prosMet.e or Infinite ex' WAa unable tn intc nice pbi n • pans lon. Unlll recently the combined of hi. Qq~ntne n t--' .. " Vollr honor," he 6aid , '" beg four paro military and naval expense ot the don , 1 ,"1 do Y O II r,,11 w me?" c.:>untry .was le88 than one·fourth ot '" huve 8n fA r," n" . wllrc<i Ihe jud~. lbosc of education,' We are. there. Ihirtin g wt"l1 r ily nbou t in h is, "bull 1', 1 1 .\lY frnnkl y thnt if I thnll~ht I could tore. progressing tour tim es liS tast In the ' arts of war as In thosp ot find my way hnck, 1'.1 quit riaM b"re," peace. \ The latest type at battleship will THE COUPON' BELOW IS 0000 FOR $1.00 IFSENT AT ONCE: cost '8,0'00,000 to build. as mucb as the entire approprlatioD for the army and navy durin g tbe elgbt years \l! It II Wrong tor You to Neglect -"tlU Duty to YoUJ'Mlt - Oonatipation. Washington's presidency; since wqlch :Bowel lind Stomach Troubl.. time the military and naval expenses have Increased 15 'Umes aa tast as the Grow More Dangerous Dany. ,,' population- and when this ship Is lin' Tb~re I. 1\0W' a r cmtdy called Mull. Is hed It . will be merely an experiment, Onope Tonic tbat cur.. thetle trouble. abo England baa bad tbe largest eltP!lrl, tIOlulely. , ence In naval construction and ha~ A full .ized bottle i. furni sbed YOIl free recently declared a great number of to. prove it-see coupon below. Ha\'o you noticed the lorge nDmber of , ber warships to be useless. Elgbt mil· tnses "f Typhoid F ever latelytTypboid lion do)lars 18 more than three ' times :revert.. Molorial Fe\' cr~ .APJ1ond ioiti•• 1m, Ille cost ot all tb,e buildings and equi p, pure ulood l'imples. r-kin DiI!enaeo, Sick ment ot .Tutts colleg~ Bvston unlver· HeAdache. nmoulue... P ilea r 'om.le Trou· clc . ~ .-re tho reault o£ ('.onltipotioD. slty, WI !IIams college and Amherst col· ble., non'\- adow it to run on without proper lege, t reatment, Mull'8 Grape Tonio cure. The yesrly malnJenance. oper8t1on8. Con.tipolion. Bowel and tomnch trouble luterest on 100'estment, deterioration in " new w"y. different from any otber. it i. permanent. and gun pracllce or this ' battleship and Alcoholic. opium and morphin( prepwill exceed $1,500,000-11. sum suffi· arati ont are injurious and daogeroul. cient to , pay e very living and educa· They destroy the dille,"I ive or\l1lDl, and littlonnl ,e xpense vf 3.000 young men or er311y tenr tho system ~o pieces, Mull's Grape Tonie strengtbene and women In our hest colleCes o~ •. ta build. tbem up, It cleanse. tho .,.otem meet the scbool expensss of 5p.~ of impuritie', 1ncit~. th o digestive .)'ttem children , It costs more for the ment to natural actionl..lnd cures tb e di ~eaae io time, '10 pro\'o it to you we material to fire one shvt ' trom tbe a'Willabort Give a bottle free if you bave gun at Sandy ,Hook than It did to cd· IJever usc it. ' Good tor aillDW cblldroD aad nunlDI ucate Daniel '\Vebstar. A day·s gun '. practice 'ot a single sblp ftrlng at 1m· lOothers. A rree botlle to ,Ill wbo have ' never aglnary enemies costs more than It UMd it becaulIG we knew it will cure you, diu to educate Emerson. Longtellow. OOUPO~, Lowell and Pblllips In Harvard 0011~ OOODFORONEDOLLAR ~ lege, , Any Increase In r.pprt>prlatlon s aDd a::;~I!~~·;'.~~:1~~~1~~ao~~oAl'~4, =~:: naval activity Immediately produces and wo W'lr;l~rDl[.rou" ' ''UI)!la free. If 'au ba'fI :O~I~~'t,ra~~ ~~~\ttxr~~l:.t,I:: a corresponding Increase In activity :::3r7g~o: purcb••o or more 1'0010 trom fOur dnhllt.,. by tb e other great naval. powers of tbe MOLL'S ORUII TONIC CO,. 147 ThIrd An. world and this , hi turn,,, excites .us ' to Rock Island, II\, t Ul'ther, expend ILure, 110 none gains , aiel I'uU A4d,.., end wrU, Plalti1r. Canything In relative strengtb, Tbe IS ~nt.. 60'*'taJ1d fUll) bOU1es .tan drapt.ta. bu r~en Is merely Increased.' The tax, TbellDJ bOnlecont..,u abou t. "I . times "1I1ucb payers at tire dllferent naval powere :o~~·.': t'::~~~~ ~t~l:,boT~::'"'I~ t~m;~:: ot tbe world are kept In a .tate 'Of . ."la,la bU110l tale ' ..00.110. conthiual exci tement anrl fear by the Th.. scnuine ha. " dale and number activity at the others. each believing .tamped of! the la¥l-tllkc 'DO other ),our druiilst, ' there Is nn Intentlon to secure ' some --~.-untalr advanta~e and claiming t hat When 0 man i. a. p.rleat ftl hilt wire no other reason can be offereel In ex· think. be ought to be, be's nbout dlle to p lanati on of tble extra~rdlnary and I~L m.uured for a pair of wing •.-N. y, 1.lme., unprecedented growth. • There baICe been Qecessary and bon· To' Cure a Cald 1ft One )).,. orable war~ and the tuture may bave Take J.,u.Tlva BIIOIIO QUinine TILblets. others In store, There are nobler sen· Druggist,. rerund money It It falla to curci. tlm ents t han tho se of peace-duty, E, \V. GIlO\' S '8 BI&nll~Urols on Cllcll boz, 2Oc. . patriotism. justice and honor- bu t above th8m all we may write Ivve to AmeriCA', political bose.. and RU88i.'. Ifand dukes are iu a posilion 10 excbani" man, .' To deny one penny of ne ces, ...- Chicago Daily NcW1J, sary appropriation or to cease one • • moment's needect actlvlly In any gen· Do not belfen Pi,o'. Care ler. CoaI1llllPul~ely patriot Ic cause Is 80 wholly un. tion hl8 an .equal ro~ couf' be 'lId.qjllds.-J .. Am erican that It need not be rererred I' F, Boyer, Trinity SP":"" nd,. Felft'lli. I!IQO. , t~, ' Drmn. and impudetKe ill a combin'lLtloDBut It Is far better to direct our la· IInrd to defeot.-Chlcnti;o Daily boes toward the thin gs that will btllld , I ' ,
Topsy-Turvy Arrangement. "Bus mesa may be business." said the man with the auburn hair, "but .ame businesses are certainly the limit. Now this man I bave In mind came over from Gotham and advertised for pages , He explained that be had tbe cloak room privil ege or several or our Imoor., tant restaurants' and also that he 'has a syndi cate of tbls sort operating In New York city, But tho funnies t part of It Is th'at. Instead of paying the pages wages be makes his living by what be gets of the tIps the boys receive. Now. and more In accordance with the • POlltl",l,. ClIne' b)what do you think of tbat sort of a spirit or American development and ! • progress tv direct our energies Into tbele LUlie PUll. I Iklndlcate 1"-Pblladell~la ' Record, the chl}nnels through which we may They alsoreUIml Die- · Gave It a Fair TrIal, , II~~LE tz.a frOm D1BPtps1a. In~onlUldTooBeaIV "Walter, do YOU mean to say tbls II whole worlcl, Eattn\l'o A perfect fttllthe steak 1 ordered 1" adyforDlulness, N _ HYea. sah." W11l Soli It eh ellp, DrowsIn-. Bad 'l'ur.e "Tills looks like tbo same steak tbe Rsch el-Here Is your ring, Solomon. 1D tho .ontb, 00ate4 gentleman across tbe tabl e refused to ( can never marry you. ,'t or , love an, 'lWllue.1'aID III ~ 8IdI. eat 1\ few mlDules ago," othe r, '1'OBPID UVEn. 'l'IIq "Yes. sah; :we alwnys tries It three Solomon- Verll de man you lofe?" YeIQIate ' " DowelL I'tn!TTeptablo. , times befol'e we gives It UP. sab:~ "Heavens! You won't kill hIm, ~III Milwaukee Sentinel, you?" ' "No; but I vlll sell Illm de ring , Genuine .Must Bar . 'Cald Wlntar Coming, . Iheep."-TraQslated from Tales ~r. om 'I ' F~imil. SiKnatuf'l BaSing bl8 prognostications on the babl ts at the tI!ole. nn old mole.klller Fam11le-Journal, In Olten. Switzerland. announces tbat Equaled. tbe coming winter wlll be the longeat eaBY-Did you ever know such • • .'FUIE .U ••1I1UI.... &ad ,everest tor tbe last 16 year~. tbe cold sumamer as ,thIs! molee bavlng added two deeper cal. Hagan-Yea. lerlu to thel/' uauai winter ' Quarterl, "When?" aDd '1IIId 'In double tb,e ordlnar,. ' pro(\o. . . ~~ oa ':"''"';0..-.::;.'' "Llut winter, y, ............ ,.,... u... . ••..... .,.::......... =.:1 YlaIo"I. ' Timet.. I .._· ...hoi- ..
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f.t ' womu OD tile platform with the AId It was ga mbllnlr,
Uel ",e ou·Pt lICIt
fl'em, all the fat wom811 WIUl OTer- to do It, Qut h e alsO wanted to ·kno.... come with the heat nd laad to 8tay In the car. The wa, tbey nXlid Pll up to rese mble the tat womAu "Be uC""..n dalous. They have some rubber things In th wardrobe tent tbat you cnn blow up and make a big arm, and a big leg, and a big stummick, so anybody couldn't tell the dl tre rence, aOl\ they nxed pa up with bl'Jwed up clothes of fles h colored rubbolr, and but for bls RON. OEORGE W. PECK chin wblskers YOII couldn't te ll blm AUlhor 0'" Peck', B,d eo, Abroad." Etc. from tbe tat womRlI. He said b e wouldn't cut 011' his wblsllers lor anybody's cIrcus. so t hey fixed f\ ve il to cover pllrt or hi s face and put tho tat Pa Takes the Place of the Fat Woman woman's d ress on .911. and Iln t him till wIth Disastrous Results-A Ken- hoslde tbe skeleton . tb e mid ge t and tucky Colo nel COUBes a Row-P~ Ilhe giant. Tries t o Roar Like n Lion and the Pa sa id he dl,I:1 't want to do It, Rhinoceros Object5-PIl Plays the 'cause It seemed to:) much like frond. Slot-Machine a nd Gets the Worst but th ey told blm thc fatu Of the show ot It. . depended on our a ll being willin g to tako 8ny part ass igned to us. Ilnd so This has been an eventrul week with pa so.! down and bega n to fan hlm,elf. tbe ahow. W e bave had heat prostra- and tried to look IIlrty l1\IC a woman . tions In Kentu cky, nearly the whole The ot her fr eaka never noti ced but show got drunk on l">-year -old wblslcy. whnt It was the fat woman until the and if It hadn 't been for tha animals show was half over. It was too much keepin g sober t h is ~ho w would hllve for me. a nd I j ust IlIffed at pa. I got been pulled for disorderly cond ucL up behind him ar;td to ld blm In Il whisNobody knows how t bo row started. per that I wanted (I, dollar to play t be but pa says every man In l{entuclcy @Iot macblne. and he told m e to go to carries a blue g un <lnd a bottle of red t hund cr . and get Ollt at there. I / II cker. anll th ey wtlar wblte hats. 80 cou ldn't atand It to bA Ins ulled by my tb e red , white and blue business Is all own rather. so I tooil a hat pin out of rl gbt. only It Is' a combination that Is the bat of the bearded lady and death 'on a circus. I tblnk one of the IJUoched It Into pa's blowed up rubber usbers. at the afternoon performance. sblrt, and Pll began 10 sis, like a so da told an old colollel that b e must move fountain, and the wind struck the IIv-
I l'unetui'ed h'a Tires.
.\long Quicker, when the eolonel bepn : Ing skeleton and bl.\\- blm .. like • to tall,!. bac~, ,and Bay. ':Who Is y.o u cyclone, and. by that time p& w~ talkin' too, sah 1" And the usher stood blowing 011' wind In a dozen places that It. as long &!J he could, when he took I had punctured. and he was Bcared for . the' colonel by the col\al anrt sat llJin fear there wouldn't be anything left of doft 80 Quick he didn't come 'to. for a him, and tbe giant naw tbe fal wom811 couple of minutes, and wben the ' 810'111'11' facJlnc away, Ilnd t h, coward mlonel got his I18n8"3, 'a nd found that hid heart failure .~nd lay down on the' the uaber . bad uahered blm Into a seat I platform. Somebody s houted that the Mtween two gall,. decorated colored , fat woman was all melting away, and wolfren the trouhle began. The colonel a fellow who was watering a camel out _ nner forgot that he"was a gentleman. I Of, a bucket came tn the rescue and for be' rose up, took oft hll hat to the- threw tbe bucket of dirty ...aOOr all colored women, and )laid: "You muat over pa. and then 1 tbollg1!t I better go eltcU!e me. ladlOll, but I shllll have· t.o away In totber tent and see the 'flgbt, go and kt'll th.e scolI,n drel who sat me but pa was lakllD tv the dreeslng room down with. nlggers." and he ~t down and re.t!cued trom tbc sbrlnklng rubol! the seats and .etrllck the 'flth bel' balloons thllt were husted, and be hili cane, 8IId the usber yelled: "Hey. sail! he would hllnt the man tbnt pun cRube!" and all tbe ci rcus people mnde tured bls tire to his dying tlay, but be a rush for the colon~1. The colonel didn't know It was me. said, "Men ot Kentllcky to the rellcue," Gee. It looks to Die as tbough pa has aDd before 1 could crawl under ' the been engaged to act as tb,e easy mark leats tbe all' . WaS full. ot baggage,' 'in this sbow. Say , they got pa to le.ts, tent pins and ;white hats, gunB practice on roaring like a lion. RO hc were !ircd, and blo.ld fiowed, and ill. could slBDd boblnd lbe .cage when the
bow wI' managed to Vllo, and when we told about It pa said It was no sin to beat a alot ll1achlnlt, 'cause It waa lion IninlllIllte thing, jus~ Il machine. lind anybody who coultl beat a nlckei In the slot macblne at hi s ow n game was cQual to II Hockefel1 ~ r . So II.ttcr e\'eryoo.Jy had got excited abo ut our nlcI< els I told them how to beat the macbllle. I told th em I d ldn· t get excited nnd go rus hing In where angels (ellr to u·oocl. an d feeel the s lot machine on good bnrd earned nll:I;c ls (my oWII _l:ut wal tell unLiI t he coul1tr,mon nnd ton,Ierfeet hnel fQcl Iton nl l'1IC ls u ntil It Was too full fo r ulI Nallee. Wh on the moch lnc " well ed oul III(e It was hl o',\'~d AJ. a lit! It kind of Wh ee1.NI. II1<e It wus r eady to cougb up, nnd . was on ly w.lll1ng tor an CIlBe. I put a coug h luzellger about t!!o !;Ilze of a nickel I II ;!lC SlOt and turned th e dlaphram. The macblne shud,I ored a mlnule a.o (1 ~ lIe n had a reg ular hemorraglle. and OOUSlled. up a l in cupfIJI or ni cke ls luto 1l1)' hand . ,m nd tbo mach ine see med to r 1!llt eas y. and tako no urishm ent agli in !"tum th e si lly fellows. Who Ihough t 111 ey "ou ld beat It. \V ell. alI, th e whol e CI'OW(\ was so excited th ey cuulli har,lly walt tb find a slot mach ine. lind IInnlly tb ey boug bt nearly all my co ugh Ioze ngers, alld went out Into th e Ill ~ht . and [III. aOlI I wen L along. 'cause pa sa id bo understood a ll tbe slot macblnes wern owned by Rocl;cfe ller. a nd he mnde more Dloney on them than be did on Standard oil , a nd Ihe mon ey that be gav e nway to ~c h oo! s and cburch eo
~vb~::;.('mp~ I SS:I~t~;,<' ~V~~ldhl~eSI:t g~':d
thing If someone could break up the r eprehen sible praclice by beating tho blasted machin es to a lin Ish. So po he got n ba~ to bring hack Ute n!ckels In . and a lJun rb of us went to a store wh ere one whole side of the [llaco was fill ed wlt!1 s lot machines and tbe way tho peo ple were 1l1!lYIIl~ the gamo was scanda t!lus. Pil watched a machine until tho players had ted It so It seemed as thoug b it WOUld <l Ie lin . less It got a ir. and ''le 6t pped up Ilnd put In a lozenger Ilnd lurn d the wb eel and held the bag und er th e " ~O llt fo~ the coin . but It dI dn't come. Some more fellows put in nickels, and the machine gave little oaclclng co ugbs and coughed up I hree or {our nickels, bu t notblng tbat seemed nt all In tbe nature of a finan cial b emmoraguo, wb ea pa took anothe r lozenger and put It In. and by ginger tb e machi ne began to beave up nicke ls like It was In tbe troug b o r ')19 sea. Pa WaS so excftell he torgot to hold th e bag, anli ni ckels wont all over tbe floor. and everybody mad e Il grab fo ~ tbem , and pa was ~ hoved as ide. and he s wore he would ·bave the pllU'e pulled. and just then a law omcer took pa In charge becau se be ha.J put a cougb lozenger In the slot mac,b lne, and be searched pa snd fOllnd a lot more bronchial trocb ees. nnd pa W0 8 In tor It OD a charge of malpraetlce, for glvIng cougb medicine tor the stomach trouble ot the slot macblne. Instead ot pepsin tableta. They took pa In a back room and sea rched blm some more . and found his roll. I!-nd then a man who said he W8ll a lawyer otrered to help pa. alld keep him out of th u penitentiary. He told pa tbe Illw of K Ol ntucky made the crime 'of trifling wltb a s lot macblne the same as breach of pro mise. or arlion, and t.hat he w<luld be lucky If he got 011' wltb ten yelTS in tbe pen. with 30 d ays' solitary con fI Dement In a Turkish balil cell. with nlggers for companions. • Pa turned blue !lnd asked Ihe lawf!r It t h ere was no way "'It of It. and t h e law yer lold blm tbat tor $120 In Rpot casb be wOllld let him go, and fi ght the ca8e after the nhow had got out of tb e alate. A hundred and twen,tyOve doliars 'was the f.mount they' found on pa, and he told them ·that Inasmuch :l.S th ey already bad It. they better keep the money and l et him go, and fie would he always a' living example
Wonderful Bapldity , with Which Volumea ot LIterature Are Tu:rned Qut. It Is wonderful. Thougbts are pOt Into print at t,be rate of GO wo r ds a a,llIute by Si mple lapping of the IIn ge cs on the Ileys. A keyboard- 18 hlt.,hed to a toundry and the words 1;0 Into In'o . III most as rllili dly, Sn )'ii the Independ ent. Into one end ot II Be rl es of machines th e trullics of I riles nro un cons l n gll~ fed, while (ro m th e oth e r end th ere pours II st rea m of prin ted books. Th e hun ;;r)' flr<!Rses clam"r conLlntlO:lsly for more COllY . Ther e a ro moro bool(3 writte n, mure hoole s sold, more books r ead In ulmos t H ery branch ot literature than ever beloro. Ever y author of originality nn d power bas the sbeets snatched from lJl~ ?tands by the Impatient publishers as fast a s he can write tbem. Every person s howing any symptoms of genius Is coaxed and petted In a WSy that Is liable to turn his h ead. The r eliction t l Die In literature Is astonishingly ncceleratea. Tbe In· tenal between a thought and Its printed expreasl,on Is being r educed to a minimum. AUlhors no I'o nger form a guild, The sometlmo my ster ies of thei r an. ~ I ent and 1I0no'l'a ble craft are taught In e \'ery scllool.. Everybody writes fM Pllbllciltliln, a1\ who bave anything of Interes t or Importance to SIlY and many ,who have n ellber get Into print -omewhere and somebow. New edl. tlons of old books struggle tor ex· Ir tenee wltll the latest cuyprlgbts. No tnrlfl' on the boundary ot tile century protects the literary Industr y tram the pauper Jabor at nntl~ulty. The read· Ing r ooms nre ·t1.lled with dl\lgent Stll' ~ e n ts poring over neglected volumes In searcb ilt Id ' IlS 60 old that they wll\ be new to abls generation. Com· menl'ators. mlltors, biographers and' ('r ltles s warm u(1IlDd every great hook . seeking tor torgotten Ideas. The du mpb eaps arol!!Id all tbe aban· don cd gold mines of literat ure are wurl(ed ol'er every f ew years by somo new cyanide prOCess In tbo hope ot ex· tractln g still more of th e precious metal. Old tbeo rl es, fanCi es, 8uggestlons, themes, p lots, cbaracters, tbat a.ppear to bave t h e sllgbtest value to us of th e present are contlnuapy beIng brough t lonvsrd agaIn In new a nd. attractive forms. Everywbere abilut U8 we see the a\'atars at 1111 tbe ancient r eligions:, pltllollophles and s),stems s ince the world began. It Is t'ho age of pln'clarlsm. Now plag iarism Is the fundamental principle ot the un Ivers!>. In physiCS It goes by the name of the conservalion ot matter and energy. Nature 18 the great economist. Sbe u sel the same mll.terlal over and over . .aln fur millions of ~ears, molding It con· tlnually Into th most useful forms for present purpo s; never hesitating to send to tbo , l!crap heap ber most beautiful living machIne when It gets the lellst bit . antiquated; having DO r everence for antiquity, no regard for leputatlon. The thlngll she valu es most site weara out fas test. It 18 on I,. in neglected curn'e rs ot tbe earth that tbe geological r ellc·monger can lind her old mod els,
MISSIONARY FROM AFRICA. A Harvard Mlln's Experience mong of the Durk Continent. , The missionary, pnle and languid from Jun glo fever, sat with his feet on thtl 1I0rch rlllllng s molklng a cigar. says the Chicago Cbronlcle. The New Hampsblro mountalus fronteil him like conflagralIops, In credIbly brilliant and beautiful t wllh l he lluluDinal colorings 0 tbelr foresta. "Wbat\ed you," t.he serious young 'ady asked-, "to cboose Africa tor YlJur sphere
Some of White House Ceremonials and Weddings Tradition Tells Pretty Siory of ChrIslenlng of Executive Mansion Beautiful Mrs. Tyler "Bride of the White House," .
waSl.'lngto.n I., e\'cr
wel l In tbe W, hlte ! Qlllnc)' . Jr" was mrlr'rled at the White n r~ l pres iden t House / to hi s cous in . Miss Jo hnson. who t'l,rl s lone,1 Ihe hOnt" or fUlure IIIrs. An drew Jackson was burled In fl r e~luc nl :i : l1 um en. "0 on~ wllh senti · tho dress she bad mea nt to wear at meulal l.a ll ll1 ;;8 Icll;; us. "I n swe"l i ller hu. band·s Inauguration, and t be Dl Plll or y of I "~ ' Wtl ile 1I 0us e' frolll ~o ucrul eu.u,,, to the Wblte HOllse II wldwblelt be won alld weulI.d I1ls urhle In I (",er. During Jackson's term of office 17(,9." 111"'1' ' arc tcwcr tales of llrllliant en lerWhen ' Vnshln gton a nti the )'out hful tnlum.IIIS. It WIUI expected I.hey would ~' Id ow CurLl s ma r rl o, d. Ille couple SI1".it l {Je r"s tul'''~'.!'y Martin Vun Buren ; but t heir bo n eymoon at the bo rne o r lhe I lhey \\'~I'C lIoNo th e old degree. lhou g b brl d Wb lto lI ouse. on lh o Pa1Dunl<ey Ibo I"'",, " ce til) .. second wlntel' uf his river, Virgilila. I\. proper lJrld ogroom so n'. lJuulI llfill y,3tf.1lg souLhcrIl bride. looics back ever Wit h tenderes t se nti· Ange llcn HI"~letou V'a.t:! Buren (a COIISm ent all hi s honp Yllloo n day~. and ot In. by thu wUY. of DuJ.lY Madlsoll), course Washing ton . WhO for lheso hUIl- mad e for cun sl derably dred yenrs hilS been helll up to I';oou l'rus \(f cill Tyler was lhe Am eri ca ns all as model of prolJIlely , pres ht uul s to wcd whil e In co~ es und er thi s heall ; wh eretore let tlrst wife di ed s ilortly after be H U(:e~ea , liS forego dlll ll'e nt sea rch afte r facta, eO Harrison. !Iud COl' so me tlmo let us IIssurn e tile elCecullv" manslou til retlrelllcnt. Th e s to!'y of hi s waa nalll ed In honor of scntllllonL mart'luge Is Llnsell with sadn ess. J ust at prCRent, wllon tllo country Is lragedy was CIlIl RC of bls early In l\lustrntlng lJ y Its Interest In the all - maey with the lull y whom he el'cntualproacblng wed ding ur thu preseot Ilrcs- Iy married. wllo iJeca me famous as "tha Ident's llaugbte r, that a li the wor ld bride of Lbe while hou s e." Til e lady, loves a lover, let us delve Into r ecords Miss Juli a Gardloer. or New York, nnd ot past soc ial life at U,e omrlu.\ re ~ l - her fa t hel·. were me mbers or th e presldence, let us slienk ot courtshtps and lientlal vorty tbat met Wfllt sllcb dlsas.. weddings ussoclnted tb erl: lI'llb - " the ter on the SIOOJ)·or- war Princeton, JOY-OilS nuptlnl ceremony. th e IJUmp und when a gront g un burst. Rnd s ix ot tba g litter ot retes alld l'eCep u oIl M." &uests were killed. .IIII'. Gurdlner wa. In the ear ly dal's POJDP nnd Il'lItter one or th e victims. The president t ried ,exls led, even wb en WnRnlngton WIIS to cOlufort tbe benrt-brollen daughter, quite n backwood s plu<:e. When IIl e th ey f e ll In love a nrl were uulted at s flrst lady or th o W b lt " i-tOIl ,Il. II1rs. Jobn qui et wecld lnl!; at tl, o Churoh ot tb e As. Adams. came to tbe cxul'uttve man - ce nslon. New York . Mi ss Gardiner wal ' slon. she mu s t bavo loolced upQn tt as II descend ant of th e lords of Gardiner a lodge In the wllrl ern oss; Il n h er driv e ! ISIOUd. flnd a vory beautiful woman. trom Ba!Umore tn Wu shln g ton. th o Pres id ent Duchan lln 's niece, Mist way was lost In the WOOdS; on fl nnl Harri et Lalle, has sane do"' n 1.0 blsHou s~. bill It was
IIrrlval she fOUDd "a clly ~ only In . name." But tbe Wblte Houae was planned on a grand scale. and present~v the capable lady lIad ber rllmlly cumfortnbly settled. lind on New Year's day, 1801, Presldellt nnd Mrs. Adams held the first ot tile While Hous" New Year r eceptions. When Jetrerson, long before wldowed. took up residence at th e White House, Dolly Madison, wlto or tile S8Cretary of state, pres ided on occnslolls wben ladles were numbered a.mong the presldent's guests; and presided wllb grace and due dignity. not gOing to any extreme ot Jeffersonian simplicity. The first marria ge tbat look piace at the Wblte House occurred durIng tile Madison occu pation, In tbe winter of 181.; the bride, Miss Todd, a relatlvo ot Mrs. Madison; the bridegroom. Mr. Jackson, of Virginia. "The nuptial ceremony Wlls very brilliant, lind was attended by nearly all tbe select so. clety. of the capita""
lOry as one of tbe most cbarmlng women tbat bave reigned at the "Presldunt,·s Palllce." Or bel' It was said: "Miss Harr-Iet' LaIlC, mad e tbe White Huuse more nearly like a . republican cu urt tbun It had bee n since thO andent regime." It was w'blle she WIUI milltress. tbo prlnc,e of Wal~s was entertained tbere. Society ,In I\er day was vory brllllaut, th0l/gh, "dllbced on tb. edge ot a vOlcanal' • ,. '. Tbe GraDts restored milch or 't be old /' gay oty tbat th e dar:. day_ or war bad " Il,ut to rout. On. May 21, 10874. Nellle'i Grant WIiS married at the While House. .:'·
Mr•. Madison was succeeded by Mrs. Monroe, the latler a very beaulltul and of t!le terrors of gambling. usetu lness?" cultured womnn, wbo hlld lived abroad So they let pll go . and all tbe way "Well, you see. I am a 'Harvard man ," m8llY years and was well al 1 d to the train be told us lie boped this , laid tbe mi ssionary. "and at Ha~vard I wltb tbe soclely oC various a~~':.o:Q:U experience would be a lesso n to 11 9 not there are otten to be tound 1\ g,reat many capitals. A Vlrglnlll lady tllat attend to covet the money of the r ich. and RS young African pot:e?tates. 1hesc tel- cd a levee a( tb e White House. ilves us far as he WIIS concerned . John D . lows altracled me. rba~.'s wb)' I chose this picture : "Mrs. Monroe's malln er Rockefeller muld gn plum to thunder tbelr .co untry to work In. _ Is very gracious, and she Is a Te a1 with his money after t hi s. "~ltl you ever have any narrow.. looking lady. Her dress was sup!rb Tben we got to the car. and fOllnd !ape,'" black velvet, neck and arnl s bare and' abou ~ a dozen of th e circus mon who "l'Id,trowescapes' Well, rather. heautlfully formed; her hair In puffs MISS ALI CE J{ OUl:l EvE)..·r . had tiP.en out to bellt the slot machin es. "I was captured one day by a hant!' of and dressed hlgb on tbe bead and orbroke lIa t. and I had to dlv)de my shot naked cannibals. Tbey draglJ:ed me namented Who white ostrich plumes' Tbose tile headlines of tile New Yor. (. J bag of nick els with them, tbat I bad Into tbo forest. chopped lOme wood around ber neck an elegant pearl neCk: Herald the <I llY following : "'~' " .. , "WHl'J'E . HO USEl NUPTIALS. ' .. . , won beCore I let them tnto the game, wltb tbel r hatcbet!! bull'la fire plit OD I ce" betore tbey would let me go to bed. a big pot to boll. ' , a The marriage at tbe Monroe,' daugh - "Wed,lIng or MIRS Nellie OranL!O. !.'ii-; :".. . Dad says thisb circus life Is maklnl ' "( lay e bound on the earth and amid t M iS 11...00 u· .S art.o. rls. '" -:. '.' "" r" r ar ia t0 h er cous D, amue me pretty toug . tbese gbastly preparations you may Im- veneur. was performed at Ille White "A Brilliant A S8edi'I)l~ge .11I ,.Hle E~ • / ; aglne my t eellngll. To be cut up, boiled House In 1820. We who read of . Huom. '. ,'J ,. .~ BEOINNING TO DOUBT. and eaten-tblnk ot It! Alice Roosevelt·. comlng-ollt gown . ber The weddtng. ce remony wa.·~- per- • ··SOOD the water began to bubble and ball dresses, and now awalt description (ormed a t 11 o·l"Iocl< t th e groo.m s'u».. . ~:: Former Leglalatol' Who Feelll That J1Irgle. Tbe cblef made a Ilgn and ot her trousseau. Dial' care 10 know bow ported by ' Col. Fred ,Gran~. th e . eignt ' Be Sold lila Vote Too two men started to undresl me. Th is tbat Wblte House girl of some 80 years brtde.smalds. tb o Mlnses · (Zonld/n , )o<r8-' ' . / Cheap. jone, tbey carried lIIIe to tbe pot. Wer~ ago was arrayed on a certain occasion IInghuy.e ll. Porter, . Shcrw,n. Drexel, they going to boll me allv8 llke a crabf II.rter ehe bll4 attained lO matronly Dent, F ls b and Barnes-nllmes surely "It beats all about this polltfc:al eor- 1l looked like It. honors, ,the occasion th e last levee held of prominence. Mr. Sarlorls ca r rie d • " bouquet of orange b lossoms J:\lld tUberuptlon," said the old farm er S9 ho "Dut just as tbey were about to tbrow by the Monroea: "Mrs. Gouveneur 1s roses wltb a ceh ler ot plAk biids: F rom laltl aside bls country paper. "Every week there Is something about expos- me into the caldron the chief, who bad &lIO very haDd80me, dress rich white this COIHe r Arose a sliver flagstaff 011 ., Ing somo hlg mlln who was t hou gh t been busy cutting ~IP pot herbs, turned aatln, trimmed with a great deal of whi ch floated a silken banner and 01) It to be per.f cctly honost. and Il's getllnl and bappened to 'notlce tattooed on my blonde lace, embroidered with sliver In sliver lette l'H th e word ·Love.''' 1'l"; arm, tbe Greek letters of tile secret 80' lbread, bare neck and arlDs. peaTl j ew- marine band ployed " I Tblnk Their" so YOll don:t know whom to trllst." clety tbat I belongt.d to at HarVard elry and white plumes In her hnlr." h . , "Were you ever In politics your" He gnve a loud cry. . , Verily, history and fashion repellt t e marriage certificate WIlS all' "drtlstic pi ece 01 penlDanshlll, c~ve rln g two: self?" was aaked. "'Iaay,' he sboutod. 'we can·t eat him. th emselves; tbl. desc ription 1111lgh t ellS' f 1 ' . "Once, and thnt's wlmrs bothering you l(Oow. He aod 1 beloog to the samo lIy flt tho, costume of a Wasblllgion paS'~. 0 pare Iment." a . smnrt sbo l~e!, of deli cate Slippers desce nded about Die now. Yes. 1 was elected to the . belle of 1905. the 'brida l carrtage as It drove I\way; legislature ~nce. Whil e I wn.s serv- traternlty.' .. Wasblngton society duri ng tbe lIton- but, alas ! Nelile Grnnt did" not 1\\'8 Ing as a member a fellow·member roe adm inistration was marked by hapllY ever aCter." Beal Dramatic crlttclsm, came to me snd said that my aunt In "Tile best dramatic criticism 1 ever :;!1I~~~~~ ~:~lrdl:~f:~nc~IC~h:~~~he::~ Iowa bad dlod arvllett me $2.000, and Grov er Cleveland "'as tbe ' second he paid tbe money over to me. I bll.d heari," said tbe tbllatrlcal press agent, were prominent both politically and so. bachelor pres l4 0Dt , "ut about . a. ,,1'ear . after entering upon Ihe duties at e ecu. never beard about tho aunt, and I "was made by a mllll Who was In his don't know bow be get the lDoney for oups. Tbo piece, lin English comedy, clally. Wben the Jobn Quincy Adamses LIve be meri ted allother tl tld~hrHt me, and , I am JU8t beginning to . doubt. '! W88 dragging ·awfully. ' The curtaln came to tbe tront (Mrs. Adams was president to be marrlerl In tbe White had ~n up .nearly halt .n hour, 1 from Maryland), we have , period House. A brlillanl wedding took place "To doubt what?" , 2 1886 "wan I Toted for a laDd grah and guess, and nothlq; had b.pQ.8ned tll noted for Its elegance and retlnement; a,t the executive man s ion ' J we car;led It by only four m"orlty. checle the 1aWDI t hat ",ere "'een aD are told tbat "SOCiety In Waahlngton and Mrs. Cleveland becam~~~be' toast. N At thl. gave tone to tbe whole country <luring ot thj! ' town a nd or tlie )Ulll aud I'm 1U8t lM!cJnnlng til dpubt ' It I .the faces' of the ' audleDCe, Adam!: encbantlJl~. and Intellect" M.ISI Alice R008tn'ek Ill~~ 'l\:~.lir °t~ ' Mrs. palllt· Qur IUgbt.!Y l:ntoxica&ed friend got enough for m1 vote, 1 think It I, And one he\U'll muob at .moDopoUie. iiatlonal. ~-'eni~uilllllll\Jlil ere had 'beld out a fe.... day. I'd bave bad straightened up, r,.WDed, lOoked. at _ual regime. and belle. and maid. 8IId 'Iong we aball all be teadill" alba til u uncle "ale, too, alld got . . mucb 81 lall ",.teh, aDd AId ID • 'tOlce li8ard The 'bea\lJt. lIIIadama; . . g, ut. , . ,a,~ out of the tII1J14."-Ba1~ . throUb , tile ,th.a~r and au the at.ace: .lll ",ending their 'WIQ' to Mrs. Adami!," weddlnl festlvltlee of·thlll ~hlte BeU_ "Bal, .... b.t 'time Clloea tIlWabo" beo A.IIMrItUo la 1111, l'rUld. .~ Aclama' IOJI, JolaD malden.
pollee pulled everybody, 8IId tbe ...nlni performance wna !rIv.n d\t, Onl of the proprietor. of tbe 811011' got • wen on 11.11 bllld a. big all a foot.. ball froID being struck by a handle of a revolver, aud the colonel who started the row wal knock; d sl\ly by a tray of red lemonade 1I\blch the butcber .mallbed blm with, and the colonel ' l!1'Ied ,beCause the lemonade was all w_itr. and ' he Wall afraid It would . 801111 Into blm and cause him to warp, WheD lhe lemonade butcher apoloIlz8d . and the usher told blm It was all . ·. ·,mlltake hll bol~ eeated with 'tile nl"el1, tbe colonel wepi on their lieckl and In.. lted the whole ero.w d to 10 to hll dtiltillel'1 8IId b.l~ tb'm-
....... .,
;WheD WI got to tbe nut town .evel'1 man ID the .bow :tad Ii gmnch alid a KatUDjammer, ~ci their_ ~r 11'81 ~ ' ION It Wall mlltder;a.nd lulelda ' com" billed to «!Omb1t. c The _y, pa &Raped lDlur1 '\If" .'Cl.UI4J h. bad to take tJae place of ~
llOD 1181 a lOre thro~t and roar, and llcar~ folks. allod pa has been - gOing arouDd behind the cagee, every . . . nlng. when tbe menagerie Is closed, .nd tbe crowd In lile main te·n t. makIng nolse& tbat bave made the animals look at eacb otller Ill! much al to say. "Well. wbllt do you think of tbat?" The rblnoceros was 80 disgusted at Paducab tbat be reached out his noaa and took pa' on bls born and beld him up to tbe Bcorn of tbe other animals .untll pa's pants gnvu way 8IId he was a slgbt, and be was so Bcared tbat be got out of tbe tent and made a run tor our train, chased by the ' poll~e, who thought h, was. burgjar that IRd been eat li,. a boullll dog; The woi'Bt thing we had on pa :w. . .t 'LDulnllle, where ; '111'" ata,.ed over SundlQ', ' AnoUler teUbw ,and 1 got • .• ,.tem 'On Blot macllinee, :tond' one da1 '\If' beat the . ma('hlnei out of 'a .lh9tbaa fiill at Dlc"oIl, 8114 wh. . ;we abo",ed up .t the tent all tbe fellow I ~~~w bow !.,e__dI4 It, ud JM& /
Cilr. T1JtUL
j( Pllbllahed
Wayn •• vllle.
! L'II dM • ~( tora lUI , :t11:\uerl'l
... T. Bao....
.AuaLa._TN , MoltAY '
.. "'. T. Jot "MOl''', ASKOCIA.,.a 1"; urrt,1 II. .1.00 a year · . . . . . I
" .25.
' In Ihh·nnc ...· paid In Mvanc.
OFFIOEHS .ELEC'fED BY MANY LODGES Grange Installs New Officers.
1Knights of Pyth -
~'Ilrmers Grlmgu No. H h elel an orFICE IN JONES \ BUILOING . interes ting meeting Snturd!\y evon· 't1l~ElPJiO~El eJlIW " ( No. 6'2 ing when th e intltullntion of omoera for tb c !'nsulng yenr was followed by nn oY!lter !lupper . :KDNIISOAY.
~ . aNUAR~:~
It 111l!! been IIrru.ngoll that tho IOCIlI loelge iu Warren oounty which Odd .F ellows Officlal ~ hUl! the Inrgest rejlresent~ ti on at To be Instafled. POlllonu mectings tor the yenr 1906 shllll receive II tmitaule rowllfl1 . Deputy Qrand Master, Samuel The new ottloors of Grunge No. 1:1 will Install flmitb, of Waynesvil lire liS follows : o/ftotlrs for the enawi'b", Mllstor.... ..... .. .... . ..'Vurren Keys "arloUl I. O. U. Overseer .. ............... Morris Cornell ty, whloh Inoludell Leoturer ....... ...... .. Frank Hartsook Waynellville, Spring. t;eoretllry ... .... .. ...... Kathryn FraUle aDd Lebanon . /'1 l i M M F I4ry raUle 'J.·QIb'l)rl~~v. Thursday evening. he v lap an ... .. .. .... ... rs. Stewart ..... " ....... ... \Vlllilllll Corllell bave oharlCe of tbe illstallatlon TrOIl~ url"· ........ SH IIlU ItI Butterworth Wyoming LodICe. Nn lO '~ Wa.v Gllte Kef' I'''r." ...... .. .... ...lolm Nixon Qeevllle; January 13, he Will Insttlll AK!lI .. t",,' t:'te wllnl ......... \Vill Elliott .. be otlloen of Relief Lodgfl. No HS. P L' 1' 1\I' 11 lOIN ' 01"""1t , . . .. " .... 1\\. n •. ,,11111111 t' -at 8prlnRboro ; JanulI.ry 15. be will FI MII. rv "1 ol'lt " ........ " ..... IMr ' " ~ v ug ott oaelate at Warren Lodgr:. of Frank ' (. ~t M rllWIl Un, oloslng with the Leb.mon Lodgfl . "J't'~ ............... .. ......... uy L"dy A~Hi8ttt llt, tit ewurd " .... of Lebanon, January .12. Mrs tlnello n F.lltott ...... ... .......... • t
,- - -
Resolutions of Respect To Miss Lola Zell. Upon tbe reslgDatlon of Mil8 Lola Zell from tbe MdroDllhlp of the 'i'lorenoe Ohittellten Home In Peo.. "IA. Ullnoil, where she had done 8ftlOhlUt work for 88ver~l years, the 'Board of'n oalled upon her .ad preeented her wltb the follow. . iDg reaolutloDi and alIa a' beautiful pearl oollir pin as a token of their hlKb rtlKard for her and in ack.owl· ,ed,emeD$ of ber ab1llty ; • Whe..... MII8 Lola Zell; our worthy aDd emolent Matron of the I'l0ren08 Chlttenten Bome of Peo· ria, DUaoll, feale calJed to lever her oODneotioD wlUl the Bome for a muoh Deeded ieet, aDd has handed !D her . resignatloD to take effect Janna". I, 11106, . Therefore, Be it re80lved, that wbUe we, the Boar4 of Managen, aooept tJ1e reslgnatloD with 8iDoere repet, we.lao recognize the pl.,!De will whloh bait led our belov8d Ha, tron. or, more properly. our Super. IDtendent of the Home, to oea8e her labon for a "me, Therefore be It farther 8eIolvl!Ci tha' we tender ber our heutfeU thanb and eamestly oom. , ,mend ber for ber U88ful devotion, ..b lob • b e hal manlfeated upon .very .nd all oooaalonll, aDd the tldellty with whlbblhe h .. lo oare. ,. tully adDuaiatered \0 $be fiDanol.l ·.tr.ln oUhe Bome. . Relobed, Th.t now as Rhe goes from WI, we rememberiDg hllr self· IacrIflmag .plria, her iDlpiration to Dobler viewl of Ide upon all with wbom .he baa oome iD oontaot, wi11 1011.0w hel: with our prayers UPOD her vacation to ber old home In the Hiaml Valley, aad theDoe to her ' ...' Dew IBId of labor, whereu i& may be ReIolvecJ, That a oopy of theae , ....olu"oDII be .pread upon the IIlnu... 01 the Home and a oopy to _oh of tbe oI&y papen. Signed by the Board of Offioers. III .. Zell hal DOW returDed to her old home at WaYDeavllle.
Til eo mcers f or W"rrOIl eoun ty PlIlllonn Umllge for th e yeltr 1906 "ro ~s follows. \Vnynesvllle Grango bein .. reprl'Hsntod by three meUl .. bers, Mr. Will Elliott. Mi ~s May Strn.wllllnd Miss Luelh~ Cornell: MaHtor ........ .... Mrs . Laura Dunham Uversl'er ......... ...... .. . W~lter B~ker Leoturer .... ... .. ......... Muria Benh~m Secretary ........ .... Mrs, Anna Lewis Treasurflr ... .. .... ........ Marvin White Chaplllin ...... Celestla Hollingsworth Steward .. .... ....... .......... Will Elliott Gate.keeper ........... Manuel JamBS on A88ist~nt Stewll.rd .. ... Jessle Mounts Pomona ... ..... . ............ .. Edna Snook Flora ................. .........M~y Stmwn Ceres ..................... .. Luell~ Cornell Lildy Assistn.nt f:ltew~rd .. .... ... .. .................. Mrs . JessIe Mounts
dfAn-l ~nl cC~h;nle"': ~
ueca.DdtlnYcbeosl. ' knches. "tbeir
' 'I P~riodic Ir:o~:~'H~I~lt7;:gHI:~I I ': "I:;I~ ' I~:;::" Bally's Meat Marke'l.
B Sll ie lind l' e tuilIll O Il~ 1II111·k .. t. I 11U1 now Tl"1I1y to h\lIOh~r botb ' bO~H nOli cultl.,. fel' fllrlllt'rs. Will III~y bll,(llel<t. lrIurk et PflCO for hUI(II, olllve~ 1\1111 <'littl e Fresb und t;u,It.(,d llIeats 'sold by poulld round 0 1' liuartor. E. 1:1. BAIL):,
• Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pill! ias Officers. are a most remarkabl e remedy I m n c h'g fo r the relie f of periodic pain s, Foll oWlDg i~ 11 li gt o f Ilcwly eloot· II " t' "t h'lDd backache, nervous or s ick head" Ie y ed ollicers uf L'l'O WI1 CIl:!t1o, l{ ni~bts ' ",1011'1 fetil ache, or any of thc di s tr es~of PY liliuM : good." ing ach es and pain s th at cause _ ZlC . This eoaCbant'lll\or Co 11:1 IU II 11l1cl' .. J . C. Hisey ,lil iun Is a w o men so much suffering. H. McCASSYj M, A.. M. O. J. Vioe Chllncellur ... ..... . .'; hu ~. ::5011111 , u III ID ° a As pain is weakening . and J:W W Cl~t Fifth Stroel. PI t W II Oinwi(hlie ulle nnd the lea\'es the system in an e.'tre Il 0" .... .. " .. :.. . . I trOll ble i. : hau stcd condition, it is wrong D"ytrHl . Ohi o. Mastor of AI'I"'!! .. " " .. V , II . Huckett ., almose Illvllrl nbly tlllC to pill worms. to suffer a mom ent longer than Mnstor of Fiunn co...... . M. \Vhlt o Children h"\, ~ I1'1 Ihe strcnt:lh to. com· nccessa r.y, and ) ' 011 sho uld take Ph()n o~ . : Mllin If,02, HOlllo :1503. .:o • 'I . 1:1 P l{ , b a t their ill s and in d islJu~ittu ns Without Ev I':, EA II . Nmilt ,\ N n 'l'IIIIOAT MlIst,or 0 f £.X( JUqnol ".... . . C)S Ibe ait! of ")!U ~ re iail le 11Ic,lidnc. th e Anti-Pain Pill s on first inKeepo" of !:Ion!!; ulHl /{ e~o r'I". .... dicat ion of an attack. I Sjwot,lIolt'H Htt ",t II t, TOIU<OIIIlhie l)rlcea .... ................ L. A. ZI IllIJIBl'WILD I S If taken as direct ed you may Mastpr of Worl; ... .. .. . M. L. Pllr~b~II ' ( Lax"li._ ) have entire confid ence in their f tlv ' cness. as we I as I '11\ tie I Representntiv u t u (,m uu L')~ ,' c fec l'l H t ock fact that they will leave no dis...... ...... ......... ... 1I1S . ILr s l is 110 unraili (1 ~, harmle" (lnd nbsolute : Rll.lrlK\·II,Lk:.O IllO Alternat o ...... ...... l,. A. Zilllme rUltln \CUre lor worms. slulUllch IIlld bow. ag-reeable after-effects. SI'K(·IAI .TlICH : l'IIj\C ,' ~II:~ 011' WaMIC" R l' C ' t'l n~ Hllrt' l troubles. [lIlll ~"" be used liS freely f<w I They contain no morphine, Trnst eoB, 1. r o~"'. I ,. either bab y or the bigger child. as for I opiul1\, chloral, cocaine or other ANII lJlIII, IJItICN , sock IIUlI C. U. Lewi~. full gruwn lulks. dangerous drugs. • _ _- - - - .__~------ ' If yonr ch ild seems indisposed. fever- Ish. fretful, !'c.,'ish. n nd nil out of sort." "For a tong Ume I have suffered A Mud,,,n ~Iir" c lp . Ihese are s},lUtoms of worms. ODe dOM fcg~tI~I.:i~~I: ,~fo';'!\~~nb~c~,~b:n~~~~~ ofDR.CALOWELUSSVRUP PEPSIN 'rhe8c a ttack. come on every rr.onlh. "Trill" mifll c u\i )( I" ""',' n,,·,,1 II,,· r,' , as directed. the dejected condition wlU lind last two or three days. I huv" I J i I ) h d I n over been to cet anything tha.t coven' of ~1I ' " Mollie Ii .. lt. "f thi~ lOon g V'l wuy to l en t nn v gor. would glvo me much rellet uulll J boo r elephone Day or N :ght, "ltlCf' '. , wrl' ,' ~ .1. t I It H,'oppr. of DR.CALDWELL·S PEPSIlI bc~n tho use or Dr. Miles' Allti · Pnln ... • beo. bt alne d I II b0 tlSYRUP d0 .II ar nnd h·'.... Pi s. and tlI eyn nln'"La rellevo me In a 'V If I 'I', U ll . • ' ?II P "'IIR. "0 W,lllt un __ .•IJll t er. local No, 7 OOl on . d II arslze~ IrOIll nII druI gglsts. 8110rt time.way. Myhua . flo tho Hamo used who thorntlutfer:'l with I'd I,,· ''' 11 1.(11 lI H.: np I'llR r .. m . ltlr Your money will be refunded If It dOlI tho "'1t1l0 r.-" I1.: · MRS. PARK. long Distance No. 69-31 lunl'(~ Doct .... :4 Ilpcllll'PII her f'lld !lO l llot beDefit yuu. 721 S. Ml chl"un St .. SouU, Bend. Ind. neur tbnt IlPr fllmil .v h!ld w'ltched Yourpo olKlc",d ceQ ue.~twlll b'lcllby r.tu~ Dr. MII.a' Antl.Paln Pilla ..... aold by WAYNESVILU. OHIO bv fort'··"1"ht our DeW boo~ lc t . DR. CALDWELl. 8 your first drugglatkwhO will guarant•• that ., 11(' 1' bell shin ' ., .. h our!l -0 '' man BOOK OF WONDERS" nnd treo &ampl. to the pac 80. willbanelit. If It Branch office, Harveysburg, 0, whell . nt m.1' UI'g'l' lIt r l'q tl e~t • . r. lhoae wbo hava nevar tried Ihla, WODI1eIIaI f II' he will r.turn you. money . it 'C-.,. t o_.y 11 -,._=--~ 2~ doses, 25 centl. Never .old in bulk. King 'R New Oi~(ln " f' r:v WIIS given _ oc1 y. \V re her with t.h o lI~toni~hing res ult thnt PEPSIN SYRUP CO. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind improvcment lJel\Hll , li nd continued .ontloello, IIlInol. I untIl ;:b e Unlill y cOl llp1 etely r ecover· - - - -- - - - - - - VETERINARY SURGEON. edt 8ud ill IL h"n lthy WOIlHlD toduy . ' . , For Sale by J. E . Januey. Ll'btlnllll. Ohio GUflrunt eed ('nro for ooughs flnrl _:::-_ __ _ _ _ _ _=-___! cold ~. GO enllt !; nml $1.00 at F. C For,Colds use " Red Spruce lind. Un ll be cn llel1 flny hOIli'. Ilay lIr Waynosville'll Leatling Dentist Sohw tl rtz·s. the tlruggit;t. Trill I Cherry Expectornnt." sold by .J, E. ni ght.. Both Btlll l11H1 Vill/ey onl ce to. 1<0),8 ' Uull<ltnt:. . bottle free. Jllnn ey. Pbone~. VnllA;I" Phtln ~ No. 2:18.
I D e Id II' r. a we S yrup p . epsm
IM. 'tV .LANU,M. Dj C.M.
Dl·. R. J. Michener,
Rebekahs Install Officers. At the regular meeting of Cove· Dant Lodge of Rebekahs 'fuesday nlgbt the offioers who were eleoted ", a prevloOl meetiDg to serve for the ye"r !!I06 were iDKtn.lIed in to their varioU8 duties with appropri. ate oeremonles, d follows: Noble Grand .. ...... Mrs. Mary Smith Vioe Grand ......... Sue Hawke Recording Secretary ... Mame Brown Finanoial Seoretary ... ............. .. .............. Mrs. Angie Heo~tborn Treuurer ............ Mn. Lettie Evans Trustee .... ....... Mrs. Ollie Hathaway
0 f
IW0 RM 5'1 '.
• 'T
New f ieers ake Oath in Eastern Star. The orucerl! reoently . elected to take oharge of ~tfairs In Miami lodge of Eastern St~r were Installed Into their duties at their latest meet· lng, ~nd the following are now In oharge: Worthy Matron ............... Ella Key Worthy Patron ... Ma.dillon MoKinsey AlIIOOIate Matron ......... Edna Ridgel l Seoretary ... ...........Mrs. Sue Bawlle l Treasurer ......... Mrs. HlUlnah Booth Conduotress ...... Mr8. lsador~ W~rd
Assoolate Conduotress ............ .. .. ...... ......... .... ..... Appill~ Miller
Beata tbe MOllo Cure. K. of O. E. Castle "To keep thft body ID tUDe, .. wrltel lin Mary Brown, 20 Lafayette Installs Officers. Piaoe, Pou,hkeapele, N Y "1 take Dr. KIDg'. New Life Pille. They The meeting of Palestine Custle, are the mOlt fellable and pleasaDt llz."ve I have fonnd." Best for Knights of the Golden Eagle, lust \ the .tomaob. liver and bowell. Frld~y evening was of more than Gu.ranteed by F C Schwartz. tbe ordinary interellt. . drulli.': 260. A large number of the members l WRS In attendance and thtl iustalla. Edmund Retalllck tion of offioers took plaoe untler the Camp, S. of V. Officers. direction of C. E. Bratten. FollOwing are the Qfficers for the I The new omoera of Edmund Re. eosulng year : I talliok Camp, SonR of Veterans, are Noble Chief.. ............ C. M. Robitzer r •• follows, aDd are DOW atteDdlng Past Chlef.. ....... .. .. _ ... .. B . E. Booth to their varioul d utifls : Com maDder ......... Corwin Hamil toD Vloe Chief ................. Sa.muel Smith , Bigh Priest ...... ... .. .... J. E. Ja-nney ' I:Ienlor Vioe Commander .......... .... ... ................ Charles Werntz Master ot RocoTda ..Adel bert MoKIlY I Keeper of Exnhequor .... .Georgo Zel1 l Juntor Vloe' Commander ......... .. ..................... Otho Henderlon f:lir Herald ................... .J. C. HUley I Camp Counoll, Frank Stansberry, Venerable Hermit ... Roy Hathaway JOI8pb Thompson and C. ClemeDts. Ensign .................... Earl Robertson Chaplaln .. .... ...... C~rles Sherwood Worthy Ch~mberlain ... C. B. Lewis Beoretary ... ......... J OIeph TbomJlllOII Esquire .................Charles Burnett Treaiurer.............. Adelbert MoKay Inner Qoard8IDUD. ....... U. M. 'Vbite Color Sargeant ...... Wm. LipplDoott First Quardsman ...... Heoor Mmlth Serlf_nt of Quard ... Fred Everhart Worthy Bard ............... Leroy Irons Prlnolpal 1I0010iao ...... Will lioKay Repr_'a,lve to the Gr!,nd Calltle ............. .. ........ ... _ .. H. E. Booth Corporal of Guard ...... Walter BliP Camp Gn.rd ........Frank MtaD800rry Tru8teea,. LerOT Irons, .r. R. Caskey . .Pi••• Guard ............ Wealey Biggs and Wm. Zell .
". mop' 17$ GOurt Proceedings. ' 1*''5
) .
, 't
... "t r
' EWP .... ~....
<, "
Mary WII.M· tu Chilrl,·!l' Wllrrl; N.I!:W IIUITI/. , . two tz:aots In HtlrllLn town ~ hlp; *1. ~, n.' Wnotlwarll VII Mary Ann . Georgili. Badden to rhebB 8her Snuff lu'u1Iotlon. Plaintiff IItate8 wo~d i . lot- In W"yu l's vil\e; 1300. that 011 "·\.hrtl'Lry 28, 1905, defend . J . N . Lt..m llion and' wife to'l'he ant ft1OOVl1red a Judgement a~lnf!t Waynollville UII I'nllll; Co.; lot in bim' and PI~lrlok Gaynor In oaBe No Corwin; 1500. Wm. A , BowltUld 10 Jonlilhan . 111106. Be 8IIYd defeudant hlld promilled nllt toenfofoe .sald jndge. M"fritl ILOd WilBum S. B.afve y ; ment II gil.l n.. l· him lind oon8equently fUUI' tnlOltl ' lII Mnssle townslllp' j $1, be made no defense in said aotion Public Sale. However, hll at'lItes sho Is about t~ !cIVY uplln lind seJl property of the I will offer at pu blic Rttlo Ilt IDY plaintiff. He prays IIbe ml!.y be en flltlll IX mil .." .. "u tIHlIIAl of Wny Joined fro III enforcing Mill judg. DAR ville, 1lt1 l.rlll W I ~.Vll!l " Vi1l tl /Inri lIIent .. nd ror other proper reller. 01 111' kll\' illil )JI-k e Patrlok Oaynor 18 attoruey for WEDNE8DA Y. ~' EBR UAny 7, plaintiff. beginllilll{ III. 10 ,,'clock ; ·1 hnr ~ol', 1\ Irvin MoFlidd01l, BllPI)Y A. Mo Fadden vs Taylor L.\RlollBrdson. Plaintiff. a." fOr jud~ment In Mum of ,la59, In pay~ent for furnishing boa.rd, Muatenanoe, e~or the term of 161 weeks to the hrae nllnor children "f lI~id det pdlint, who .Inee tbe death of their muther in February, 190a, Ie the only perl!on . legally r8llpon.iblo for their suppor' and who bll.s known ~11 along thflt 1,1,,1111111'.. hav" hellu ,JrtiPIUIllt( ,.htllle "lOr (i08ll. Plltlntlft'8"lIk fllr judge. wellt i.n .... Id "muunt Illld ~'~It.u thoy .. ro eutitlell til hnve uttnollment is. .. utld aKlilnllt oertaln Ilrnpert.v of do. fellllllnt ounMll!tlng of -&5 aores In Fr.. nlllln tOWnship, W. K. Rhone JUUII t~ attornoy for plalntlft's. ng vs John Young, , g .. nd Denj , Young, Harry Y If, ameli YOung. M.. rgalet Surfaee, Kate Wllllllce, Mabel Young, Neva Young, and Ullirl\ E , Youor, minors, Fmnk Young at gUllrdlan of Mabel, NeVIl, und Glar.. E ,Young, minors. Miles Young, Ella Yonng lind Ohu. Yonng, min.
on, Jobn Young I1'S auardlan of MUetI. 'Ella and Chilli. Young, min· ota, Plaintiffs and dllfendanta tenanta In commOn by inheritance frpm Cbll8, Lewla Young, deC6llsed \>f a,bout 25 aores of land In Turtl.e . o~k townllhlll and plaintiff prays partition Dlay be JWlde, F , J, I:It, John I. lI.atorney for plalnt.ift'. COURT I'ROOIC~D1NG8 . Kate C, Dearth ea 11.1 n Jamell M. 9rerg et aL Sale of real est~teoon. armed and ahcirlft' ordered to exonte deed
T' ''
m Sf
READ OVER THI8 LI:S'l'-GO LD BON D (JOUPONd WITH EAUB PURCHaSE. :360 for 500 underwear 890 f or Wdght'l! Il.~5 UnderwflHr. 2~o Meu 's !iOo uuderwear (brok en lui") ' a~o for ilion's 500 /llinnel drll w er ~. ;j!lc for ... 11 GUo working shirts. 230 OIlW..-, I Br n wil Wtl~, 11.l , ull ti UUlHO" . 1 ful' aile black lin tIJen IIhirts. 790 for spriug Wllf!OIl ,' .ue l'l g,'r a lluhl e 0 ,,'n . $1 00 kni t Jllckots. 390 big lot pll)w, Otll. rin:.! lJinlhr, MoC ,rllli ok M"u 'l! f,Oc .Jtlr:;tly llversbirts . \lao corn binder, Whtleley mowe r , mill ul"n 'tl ~l.ijO wool !!weaterJ. ",Ue for buy t< 7uo HWlllltm·!! . 3c f'or 8e wbite h or~e corn <1rill , b"rrow, :l Oliv"r ulludk tll'chiefll Uc for 100 red and plowH, II tnllll OOO piIlW, 'I· wh"nl bill' blu" hUlldkorcl\i efs . 100 for men 'II row seelillf, n Duwllgl .. e .utnl" 11rill. lilltm illllllli Imndkorobi efs. 7c for .. hllY hlfll."r, ~rt\'v ll i bUll, hll.'· rurkH men ',. 1 i,,, hltudll tlrohi fl fl! . 220 for ..h"vHI~, 1,,1,( u h~ilJ~, hurrow nh"IIIH GOo WIl'y" Muillurs, 19c fur :l50 double aD,1 A\III(I .. trlle~ . 2 H"I.• work Wuy ·,. IIluill " r!!. H, cents 250 four . btlr"e~~ . "nil ~ot buggy hllrll f<SH1111<1 In hllllil titl, lic ruen'lI .. nd bUYII ' 150 'IlIIl set of sprit1~ WnKOIl hnrn fl~ s. bow ti ctl. 1Uc for 250 cutl' buttOllS aud Ul/lIly otbE'r nrtioles, aillo Il few ulld IlOurt plnli. 50 men 'M 100 bQse. Ilrtiole~ I,r bouseholll flltnlturll can. 190 uhoiue of ull 0 Dr 250 11. en 'ti bOl:!e 81~t.iDg In pllrt of 1 bedst-ead 3 ~ock. Go fur 10e Ublldron's hoso. 190 for ing obairs , 1 dini:l!:: extensio~ tllble all 2Gc Huspenuers. 430 for ul1 750 6 dining room' oh ..lrs, Iltove, wood dress shirts. 33c for ruen's GOo cook stove, sovernl frumed piotures, drell8 glove!! . 190 for men 's 250 Atl tracban gloves. 50 for misset! tltc. and cbildren's lIlc mitts and gloves. RION BOEL. Hic for men's plush baok gauntlets e 'f Hawke. Auotl oneer . ~ 1. 50 values . 80 for 150 12 o~. can~ A, B. I:Ildes, Clerk. VIlS gloyes. IOc for 250 ohildren 's toques,girls' tums, boys ' ClipS (small How to AVOId Pneumoma, 2:10 Boys' 500 winter ca'1>S, We have never heard of .. single girls t·ums and wool toques, -&50 stunoe of 1\ cold resulting in pneu · girl" Idrge 7Uc wool t·llIllS. 9t!c monin or other lUng trouble "'hon mon'lI 110ft and stiff h ... ts, worth up FOley 's Boney and Tar has beon to $1.75.-11.:19 IDon's hatt! worth tliken . It not only stops the cougb, up to 12.00. 6c for 100 e... r Illllfi'~ , but beals and strtlngtllens the Inngs 120 men's cashmere 200 bose. 290 ASE for Foloy's Boney and 'rllr lind lUon's heavy 500 sweaters . 2c refuse any I!ubatltute offered. Dr . men's "rm bunds . 70 men's H,o U. J . Bishop of Agnew, Mlchiglln, hOSt> supvorters 20 for hig lot ot writes: "I buve ueed Foley's Boney red and blue l1andkerchiofs . 160 and Tllr In three very aeVtlre oases boys knee punts . $1.39 ehildren's of pneumonltl with lIood results in overcolits, :l to II, worth 12.25, every CBBe. F. C. Schwart~ . " 12.39 cbildren's overooats, Ii to How to prevent Bilious Attaoks 15, wonh *3.50. *2.69 ohildrens One who Is subject to bllions at. 1111. wool Buits, worth ~4 . 00 . 980 obiltirens 8uite, worth double. 480 tacks will notice tbat for a day or men 's ..nd boys jeun pllnts, worth more before the attack he III not· 700. 10 per cent discount off all hungry I\t meal timo imd feels dull our mens and boys pants, corduroy after eating. A dose of Ohamber. coats, duck OOl\ts, vests, etc. 20 per lain's Stomaoh Bud Liver Tablets cent oft' houao coots, bath robes, eto, wnen thll!le first symptoms appear will ward off tbe attaok, They I.are for saJe by F. C. Schwartz, .
Men's and . Boys' Suits and Overcoats at cost price and less
s''' 1 ' .. ,
__1_ -
Some Barg in, . left. fit'
Women as W'ell as Men Are' Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble .preys ' upo~ the mi nd, dis. courages and lesse ns ambIti on; beauty , vigor and! cheerfulness soon dis'lppear when the kidneys are out of order 37 "1'1 WI.~~~~ or KIdney dIseased. trouble has bec ome so prevalent th at ills not uncommon for a child to be born '~~IS\£'=:rli.> affl'lcted wflh weak !dd. ~ neys. If Ihe child urln. ~~~.~. ..,..... ate:: 100 often. if the urIne scalds the flesh or If. when the child reac hes an age when it sh oul d be able to conlrol the passage. It is yet aff licted wUh bed-wellln!:, depend up on II. the ca u.e of Ihe difficulty Is kIdney Iroubie, and the first step should be 'Ioward$ the treatment of thes e Importanl orlr.'ns. This unpleasant trou ble is due 10 a dIseased condItio n of the ·kldn ey. and bladder and not 10 n habit as most people s uppose. Women as well as men are made mi serable wilh kidney and bladder trouble and bOlh need the same greal remcd/ The mild and the Immedlat.. cffecl 01 Swamp-Root I. s oon realized. It I. sold by drugglslS,. In flftycenl and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mall free, also pamphlellell- nom. ot S_1IIp-11oot. Ing all about it, Including many of the Ihousands of Icstlmonla.1 lellers recelvod from sufferers cured. In wrIting Dr. Kilmer & Co .. Blnghamlon, N. Y., be .ure and mention Ihls paper.
Dres!'! Pattcrn SiI){s,
I-2 e.
N ice
Wai sts or
Fancy PLAID S ILK 4 ge p;ood Baq.!,·u in <
SCARF S lLKR 50(, . FANCY PL .U DS f()l'
Don't make' any, but re· member the nnlDA, SWllmp Root, Dr· Kilmer's SWlimp Root, nndthe address , Binghompton , N . Y., on every bottle. WINTER TOURIEI',' TIOKETS.
up. VOILES, SERGE, etc., Excellpllt. ' ilk Skins, $5.00 hOODS WILL BE HIGHER, Buy Now, Carpets, Rugs, Shades, Linoleum. 50
Hutcbis~n ~ (jibn~y, X~nia Obi~.
Ail E NO\V ON !'.M.F VI"
SPENCER A~D MONROE Oregonia, Ohio.
Wbon Want.inl,(
FLORIDA , GU LF COART RESORTS, CUBA, A'I' \,ERY I.O W 11"1'1':. F o r rutt,',c. t.lm e wblt·.. !,r h c nUUf\llly 11IUAtra.t.Cd~ bf)Ok1et ~
on F lorl~UI . tho G ulf 0038
Portland Celnent, LUl11ber, ShinBles,and all kinds of o' al. DEALER S in Flour; Peed aad. Cornor stri ps for tObllCOO boxes for sille.
New Orleans nr ,Cu \)3, atltll1b RS n C:UCRL rep·
resenta,&.lvc. [0' .
0 IJU"II ,
C luclnllat l
I) [' "
S ~ I•.ou ls
A WARM BREAKFAST With somothlng substuntlal to begin the dl\Y on, suits every member
Oblcago of tIM! household these cold mornings .
11 C IJA Ir.II:Y, N W P A
Most people drink coiTee at breakfllst, II.nd we can ' sult the loyer J Ii MILLKRII. n p " Lou18,,111 0 of ~'Oft'ee . We htLVe tLK gOQ(ll~ line nf COFF~ES all VOU clLn find in towD . In the matters of the ..ppoln tment. O. L. STONR, Oen 'I Pass. A~ent, Crushed Corn. I Whll.t better than bntter cakes wltll PURE SYRUP. Uet Panuake 01 eamme" 01 Uounty Commislon· • Loul9vllle, Ky. FLOUR !Lnd tWRUP bere. ~-:a·l'!'JI:Ort. Tl:le conrt appoints lot.' We are grinding cru~hed corn. Lot 1. Stilts Ilnd over· 4l' 4 85 We 08n furni sb the mBkeup of ollmoals; breakfast, dinner lind lOp C DrakeftndAltonF. Brown as ex· every day . We keep ground feed coats, worth up to 17.00 ~ • An I ..terestlng Statement. per, with lill seasonable goods. .... ·.. ..ilHlft'Gf Mid rep8rt. - ..,..... '" to exb1ianginf you hlive not tline to 'L ot 1I. Btilts Ilnd Overooabs' 6 85 " You I~r e invited to call . J, E . Janney Bays he has at laet worth up to 18 ond 19, . Edward Bimpeon veThe Keystone wait. Our feed exohange Ia run on Dllicovered a POSitive Oure f'or !THE Lot a. l:Iu\ts and Over. til' 1 ~ CORNER GROCERY. f'..o, case strloken from doe a toll or cash basis. coats, worth up to 112.000 • V IndIgestion. ket at ooeta of plAintiff. . If you bave not: tried our crushed Lot 4. Suits and over· C. M. BRO",,"., Proprietor .. For yellrs," said tbe above drug· . Clayton aabb et III vs Myrtle B. corn call1lnd _It I\nd you )VIII MY ooots, worth up t<l$lO 90 gist, "2 hllvo been waiting for some ~3. 60 • Fr..uenltnecht, CaIl8 tlismilll!ed at that it i8 the /lnest tood you evor une to liisoover u remedy tbat real. Lot G. Sufts lind Over. 80W. Waynesville Mills. plalntlff'.ooat.fl. , ooots, worth up tO$I3 85 Iy will oure dyspepsia. "I recently learned that .a new , ~.\' Emma F. Ward s Josepblne D. 11800. ' • remedy, Pepaicola Tablflts, hlld been 'Binkley et al. Defendants granted Lot 6. Bults Imd Over'$1 7 75 1)laced on the market, lind on inves. Obituary. coats, worth up to $25 • further tim8 to plead . ti~atlon I foond that alt Il\st there is 7. Suits I\nd Over.Clr2? 50 n remedy tbtit·wUl su:rol y oure . . Samuel A. Elli. VI! James W, EIII. Amah Marla, daoghter of Lot COllts, worth up to t30.til' - . "I laid in a big supply because I ~erendant gmnted 30 dl\yil to file Elhlha and M.. ria Pope, was born Lot 8. SUIts lind over· knew that as SOon a·s l~he people be· pleading8 .Anguat 12, 1830, Ilnd deptU'ted this coats, worth up tO$?"", 45 gan to know a.bout this rem"rkable /fI35 .00. • PROBATR OOURT. life ,Jannllry 2, 1906, aged 69 year. remedy there would be a big demllnd Gold Bond OOUPOllS witb each for it, lind it Is selJing boyond my Estate of Selltimus Cartwrlgh.t. "months 20 days . Our annual clearla. pu rob tL8e . expectations, .. She wa8mllrried tc Boston Reeder deoeul1d Adminl8tratrlx flled ..n I~ is not often a druggist sells a C AY' . ~ '1 sale in Oloaks. Thlsls > _/lidavit Itlltillg that sbe bu no Jan 1855. Unto t.hem wllre new remedy on I\. positive guarantee l'0ur opportunit¥ . to otbel' properlty belonlf' born foar ohlldren, two sons II.nd , money but unless oured of nerv ousn688, dizzy spells, sour stomaoh, coated • tag to tbe above etltll.te Ilnd I'he is two daughters. One son, James, 'b1;lY a Bne garlDeat at . tongue, palpitation lind otber symp•• \herefore relltlvlld from any furlher and one daughttlr. Mrs i:lusan Rey. a bout balf" price. tq,ms of dyspepSia, Mr. J anney will oolda, survive the mother, together CIA)THIIS ISHIN(l~ : ; ac06untlng hand back your money cheerfully Estate of John W. Thompson, ,!,Ith foor grand cblldrun 8 undreda of other big bargains and without Brgnment . A1\ our Ladi o ~ 'l'allored tiuits, this sea· • deced8Cl. Firat ticoount for settleOut,of tbe large '",,"ily of whloh Il\v .. it you here during this grand Noone should hositut,e on trying S"Il· . li mIt "tyletl t hl! t, were *20, $22.60, now JII ul;Jliry Glearlinoe l:3ale. 1\ 25 cent box of Pepsi colll Tablets, meot tiled. Mrs. Reeder Will! I~ member, hut tllifl r!~,luc(Jd to ........ ... .. ................ $12.75 OR they will not Cvst you a penny Eetll.te of David Ma80n, Imbecile. brother II.nd one sister I emllID . An should tbey fail to relieve und oure Flnt aC()Oun~ tor settlempnt filed. ·· ~h made professilln of (lI.ith In AJamll.lcan Lady Spflaks Hiil'hly the very worst cnso of Indigestion La tlie.. Tnilnred :suits, that were 115, ) , Eatilte of Wymer B. Wolff>, min. Chrl~t at the I\ge of :-12, and united ofOhamberl&lD's OouahR"medy and dy spepsia. ~II;~'O 'lUd~I; ,iiO, n ow retlucodto $9.75 or. ~nd and fln ..1 account for with tbe Sugar Creek Baptist Mrs . Miobael Bllrt., wife of the lenlement flIed , Chrlstlau Cburoh April 19, 1868, Muperlntendent lit Cllrt I::Iervice ut. j I ~ Hllml so me 'l'lIiJored suits, not thlB Estate of Chaa. LeWltl Young, lIe. receiving btiptism the same !l(~y at Klugston, ,';aIDliicu, Weet India l~· ~ " /I,,' n '~ styl e, hut lino Ulnteri ..1 In black. IlIn118, SI\VS thnt Ijhe haR for !'ome oeaseiJ. F J tit. John II.PI)"ln&t\d the h~nd8 of that tulentod Ilervunt YOllrs Q8ed ChnmberJrI.i n 'f! Co'u gh • hl u,' lIt1d bro wns, r ouuced to ..... .. .. $5,75 .. administrator wlt,h bond of .500. of God. Rev. A. L. MoKlnney. Remedy for OOUgbN, OrUUI) Ilnd Sbe bas' known what It Is to whooping cough and hilS found i .' aarley MilIlI Wm. Hastings and .Albert Brant 'appraisers. struggle hard in humble oiro~m~ very benefioial. Sho blls ImpUo\,l In It ~nd would not be Eatate of Wm 1::1, VlIn Horne, de. stanoes, with many odds aglllDst oonfidence without 0 bottlo of It in bor bome . OGllII8d. p, H, Ruo .ppoluted ad. her, and numeroull dilIlonltle!! to Bold by F . C. Schwutz. . ANO D EA L E R IS mlnlstrator de bonis non with bond overoome. Aud the sound of her Very ;)jJccial of 12000. No appraisement. I,oom through many weary houra Four Hundred Ba·t nes. Your choice of IIny Cj1i111 '~ ('10K k in our hOUffO Eatate of Patrick I:Iwe8ne.v. de 11;1 that humble oottage by tbe roa~ St. Vincent's Infant Asylum, Cbi sizes 1 year to 14 years, incluuinI,( Clotlk" WOI'Ml up to Qea88d, First and final acoount for stlie, bu told to many I\. pas8erbv 011114.1, 9helters homeless waIfs await for only .. ........... ................................ 50 $7.(;0, ttJement filed the 8tory of her life of honest toll ing adoption, and there are nearly Telepbone in his houso whero he · se . that she might help to provide for 400 babies there. Sister Julia wr\te~, Mj,RRIAOIC L10ICNIIICII . ~ Rufnl 8 Frazer, Belfulft, and her family tbe neoessary food and " I o..nnot SHY too muoh ,In praise of I etm 1Jtl called at all hours, day or Foley's Honey I\nd Tar for (loughl" l night. raiment. oroup Rnd whooping cough. " MArie Evana WBBbburn, Red Licn . Sinee the death of her husblind a coldl', CoRch08 ILUd clmlrs Ruppltod, Contains no opiates and Is safe .. nd In fine mixtures, correet in Ht,ylo IIn (1 llIatorinl, little more thl\.n two yearllllgo, sbe sure. Aak for Foley's Honey and Rev. D. C. Waahburn. Save recently moved to room Harley PoorI:' and FlorenOf'titew. were l O,7ri I\nd ' 7. r,o, n O',\' for only ...... 3.50 blis found a oongenial hOIDO wltb Tnr II.nd InSIst upon having It, 1\8 1& ' 8I't, (colorad,) both of Hurve.Vl!bnrg, h d hter 'in Oentervlllf' . The Is II. Bafe remedy and oertaln In re o next to Cr oss Bros, Columbtl8 and el aug 8 teph en E ' Dalb WAYNEBVILLIC, O. _., y, ' l a s t year bus shown a marked de· suits. Refuse substitutes. F. C. MAIN STREJC'I, Jrma B. Oallaber, Ll>banop. Rev. cllno' In her he..lth ' and shortly Schwartz, Oowdv. ' ud. clo~e. Ev':n L . Retalliok. Oregon'", and after the 01088 of the. first day of Omoe II· .Runyan, LebRnon . Rev . the New ,Year sbe was relieved of Cooper. her sulfering and quietly pMsed • VALLEY PRONE Nu .40 RICAL I:IITATIC TR"IfIlJ'1t:1U! into the Unseen. B. U. Watklll,,' l'~ PlIrry O~horn ; Foneml servioe II.t tile Baptist 60 aoree In HHrl"" townllhlp; 177~. ohuroh, Centerville, Wednelldll.Y · 'y ..rtin GOIIII t() Oeurge Oons at aft-ernoon, Japuary a, 1906, con · FQr any dlseaae of the skin thete Cow Feed. is nothing better than Chamber I' lIB' 076 ilcrOll III 'I'urtillcreek duoted by B. F . Vau~h8n, aB8latell ~OTARY PUBLI. LOANS NEGOTIATED. . lllin's Salve. It rellevea tbe ltoh~ : ' . hi • II . by Rev. Maddox. We ' ba'V'e it at 80 and 1)0 qents a Jlnd burning sensation InstantlY"~ We bave buyers for good farms and town property a' tlm8l!. O::tl~. Simonton, 8r., to Ro.a The famUy..... return thank8 to .L lst wUh. us, we can .belp you. - soon eft'llOts a onre. &Id bV 1'. 0 • .' hundred. B, S1Dlonlo,. i ·two lots in ~ .Malne. friend. and nelg.hbors for helpfnl Omoo'RoOma over Poe, OtDoe in 8toopa' Building, Wa,nesvlllo MUle, . &mwartz, .tile; 'l \. .l m pa'hy,
Clearing Sale of Cloaks, Suits and furs!
nary ,
UN DERrr AKEH, EMBALMER C'hildl'en's Cloaks.
$ ;{.
Walking Skirts
Fur Scal'fls reduced in price to
Jobe Bros. & Co., Xenia, O.
'. Wi.l nter Styles in General
f«lnt backward, like a ben, a1l4 pn a chi rp, an4 began to peck abOut at ODce 86 tbolillb bolng hatched fOO years too late \\'as Ju st nothing, . ., 'U1ad to see you, Ma il Friday! ' suys I. for I had sellied that be wa3 to be called 'Man F'rlday' It c ,'e r ' he B7 H. G. WELLS was hatcbed , Author 0( "Tha Martl_?,. 'Th. 1:00d of (h. . . Cod., ate. " You 'd be s lIrprlsNI what an Inter· osting bini l hat Aellyoruls chi ck was . 11 0 fo lloll'eo rn e about from lit e very beglrlnlllf,;. li p II sell to HLanel by me I The 'man wllh the scarred taco and wutdl whil e I nahe<t hi the lagoon, ,traDe,1 over tho table. anu go shnr es III allyth lnlo; I ca ught. "W €II You've heard of thr. Aepy""no lI e g re w. You could nlmos: klrnl s '! " said he. f.e' h i m gruw , And n ~ L WliS U \' ~ r , ··Hatber." I ans wered. "Th ey've gol I11l1 ch of a tiuc!ety man , hI!) f)uiHl, Ia. tblg h hone, It soelll8, nearly a yarll frlt ' ll ,lly \V~r~ s ul letl I1h' t o a T . For pon g. Monsler th e thlll!; mu st hn vu IIcarly t wo years w o wI' re " " IIIII)"Y ,beell .. , as we COUIII be au that blnn c!. t I "It was a tD o n ~ ter. Sinbad'a roc tJ-as i ll s t a lesend of 'e m. Out wh e n us d 10 lie wllt c hin~ Ih e biro ~t lllk · Ing 'ro ul lIl und grow ing. growln:.:. (J1,l t hc y lind t hese bonos?" and lhlnli it oII' I could make .. lt vI "Three or tour years ago. Why?" I "Why? 1:1 cause I tound 'em-It·s iug 111 11 of him by s how ing Iii'" about If I He r gal tak e n o rr. ~ear l Y 20 years ngo!" " A. l le r hi s I1r~l muult III' lJega D to I:N He nallsp,!. ,"I HUIII" ,se It's til e
The Egg of the Aepyomis ~ 'til
WOIp~n '-'--". S~D.rlng~ A... u' ...... ~...-
Builders O'f RallrO'ad. In Africa ' Ha'Ye -belting 8~fdiL the
ThRIll' 0-. 10 U .... I... Dl"ord.r. , The buildIng of the brIdge at Vlctotitl " .. \Jn~ ... p.o•• d ralls and tbe C~a to Cairo rallwa1 lungI"- /
t ••
'Eame llince.
bas brougbt a groat many people to· ge tb er at tbls spot, whue there were previously no houses aDd, Indeed , uo one but all oCC1lalonal traveler or bunter. B~BI!leB tbe birds and the butter· '11Ie8 and tho fis h, tbe chief IIvln g ', mala were lions and elep bants a nd hillI>opo tam llses und crocodll os and jack· ale IUld hy enas, Tbe croCQu lles were found to ho so lIum erO IlS- BS many as :10 be lll~ seCll togot he r sQme times-tl!at tb ey bud to Le killed In grcut numbers for tbo s:\fe. Iy of the ,'COlllo nt worlc One Is known td hav e killetl a ma n and a woman nnel was Itself OIl:Y Idll ecl arler It had selzell anolb er man. A II at! 1' 0 WOtnll-D wa s Lllltlng water from the 1'1\'01' wh e tl lh' crocodile kno cl,ed ,hcr In wtt'i.. II.!! tn ll, seized hel' In liS borrld mO'''D alld
./ floIVoftcn dotVe hCbr t1'lJ eXjlrcs" MimI. " I lim hO nt r' , Itsl' ""~ II~ II " I,oulll fl y; " or. "lJlln't "1",,,1< to m e . 11 J., 11.t1 t: tldugs ~~~~~!!!:~'!)IWli '" Y'''' "od i''l' llId,lll; y"" CII"·I. Slcel', lI n hi" t.u qul"Uy blld tli llllly Jl"r(' r dllily ·tusks "' cure for YOllr cl,1 rt:ll. '1'1 .. reltltinD"r U,e nerv"R "ud ~eil' emLl." 1"t· J.( Il"~ III w"rlle,.. 1:< hll ' : ".8
~O 1lI11('~;
urugged her awn)'.
A kind of swamp aboll: 11nnnS0 ll1 c, w ith a l r est a uu a LJ1tac wutl l(· . and .n lot of gn!cu t'ea th e r~ nl ast OORs t of Mnda gascar. And, sam'! · I ~e hdll llrl of h lill . ACt I'r a 'SIOI'1Il We .bow. tb e re's some thluJ: In tho w'at er w(j ulu go ' round the Isla no tugeltll'r It wu~ tba t keeps thin gs from de r aylng. Oi 1 ~nd 8 e If lit ere was any orltt th e." get a ny more eggs? . Some of tbe a l<1u<l uf Illyll. yoU might Sill' . " A1Klut the end of the seeund year eJ;';s I foun(1 were a foo'l and a naif 10nl:. Wo we nt tor esgs ~ me nlHl n ou; Illll paradise \\' c nl Wh'u g. Frldu.' · nall" e chap, and found the 'bones at " 'as th e n about 14 feet hl ;; h to the hili ,the SRIIIO time. !l's funny ' wOrle. You of h im. with u big, ltroll cl h ~ art IIk o tb o go probing Into th e mud with IrOI1 end of II pickax . alld two 1)llge browll rotls,. you Imow. Usually tho egg eyes wllh yellow rilll8. se t loget he r 1:.I(c a ma n' s- not out lIf sigh t of eac h ~ets s mas hed. "L "onder how long It Is s lMe these (tb e r lIl,e a hen',;. Alld then tt Wl\!I rAepyornl Hos roally li ved? Tho ml s· he lie;;; un lO col'i( hi s comb at me awl slonarles say the natives have lege nd , ;;1 c him self all's, :lUU s how Hl g ns "r aboul when Lhe)' were all ve, but , n llus ty tempN·. "AI Ills t calUe :\ Ume wh en n.y lI~b · n ever' beard any sud; stories myself, Bllt certainly those eggs we got we re Ing hall becll rather uDlucky, and he as fl Es h as L! tbey had /lee n new I'cga n to hall g about me In a qu eer, .1led itnUI·c way , I was hUII!;ry, lOO. laid . '" had three pe rfectly fres h ~ggs. Ilnd when at Illst 1 landed a fish I W ell , WI': put 'em In tbe hoot, and tben wnnt ed It [or myself. T empcrs w ~re I w e l1~ lip to tho tent to make sume shbrt that morning on bot h sides. He colTee. Inclelelltally, I wos admlr' pec ket! 4t il unci graltltell It, and I gave ing the swamp IInder the sunset , all him n whacl{ on th e head tu make blDl .black and hlood-red It wna 'n streaks ieavc go . An!! nt Ihal be went fo~ - a beautiful sight. AmI meanwbile be· me. " He save Ole th is In the face. " ']'be hind my bacle my heal hell wus plotting to cut' ocr with the boat and leave me maD Indi cated his scnr, ''Tben h 3 Illcl{ed Ole. It w a~ 111' 0 c1 carl-horse. a\l alone with three days' provlulons , got \ IP. and seeing he hadn ' L finlsocd and a can'vas t ell' 1 starteu olI full lilt wlt b my art1Ul "I h eard a kind _of a yehl beblnd me. I m nue and there be was -~O Yllrds from land. doubl ed up ol'cr my fnc e, fo r Iht lagooll, nnd went In up to . my necll. He ·to pped at tb e wa(.(!r, for h ~ haleu geLL ing hi s Ce t \l'et. anll besau to maliC a shlndy, somet blng Uk e a p e acocl;' ~, only lwars r. "I WO ll 't tell you all the IIttl c devlce.s I tried to get tbat ./:llrd 'rolln;! agsl n . 1 simply call't. It makes my check burn wlth shame eve n now to tblnl, of th e ~ nubs aDd buffets I ha,l from tbls Infernal cu ri OSItY, I trlei "laning him out and strucll fi~b1nl:, but he look to picking along the besc h al low waler after worm s, nnd rUbbed alon!; on that. "I sbouldn't like to say how loal tbat went on . I'd have killed him Booner, If I 'd Imown how. However, 1 hlL 00 a way of settling blm at las:" not' t h of A IItnnonnrh'o . o n I h I'
realized In 'a ' moment wba'l was ' up, tben I aimed. " Ovel' Wwent, and Lbe )laddie with him. ' It . was a ; preclous lucky sbot with a reVOlver, ·'1 felt a ' preclous fool . I csn tell • 70U. ,T here was tbat black beacb, flat swamp, all beblDll me, lind· tbe Oat sea, cold afler ' lhe s un set, and just tb ls black ca l\OO drlfling steadily alit to . Ilea. I tell you , I cursed Imu se ums and all th£. r ~s t of It. " Tbere was nOlhlng tor It but to swim after. ,1 swam like II Cl1am11lon, th ouSh my legs Ilud arm ~ were aChIng. lr came up to It by tile time the Btar~ were fairly OU L "My three ~ggs and tbe bones were lyIng in tbe middle of tbe canoe and the keg at water llnd so me ~'Q.tre~ an d biscuIts. Tbere was no paddle so I' leUle" to drift until I was PICk~d up. " I drifted len . duys." sold the man . ' !tlt tbe scar. "!l's a Illite tblng In tbe telling. Isn1t WI Every 'uay W!i~ like tho last. Except In the morlling and ·the evenlns I never kept a 1001(out tven-the bla ze was so Infernal. J dldn 't see a sail ufter tb e tlrst tb~1'1! days. nnd those I did see took no noUce of me. "Tbe second day I broacbed one or the Ae )lyorn ls e(:ss. scraped th e sheil sway ot the end bit by bit, and tried It , aDd r was g lael to Ond It was good enough to eat. The s~oo nd egg I opene,l nbout the eigh t h day.and It sca red me," Th e man with the scar paused "Yea:' be said. "developing." "t dare s a,." you find It hal'd to believe. I did . with the thing before me. Tb ere the egg had hee n . sunk In thal cold black mild. perhaps for 400 y~ar8. Out there was 1110 mistak ing It. Here was I ' hatching oul. tbe rggs of the biggest of all extinct bird s '10 a little canoe In tbe midst of tb~ Tndlan ocean. "1 le ft tile tblrd one alon e. " Then came the atoll. Ca me out o f the sunrise. as It were, Buddeniy. close liP to me. It was just a common aloll about rour mil es 'round . wltb a feo, trees g rowing and a sprlDg In ODe ,Place. and the lagoon full of parrotfisb . I toole th e egg a shore au d pul 11 In a good plact), well aL9ve tbe tide lin es, and In tho SUD. to give II all Lhe cba nee I COUld. pulled the CODOC ~p Rale anll loaf~d about prospectIng, "Tbe next dllY tbe egg batcbed, "I beard a whack, and there was tbl' end ef the egg pec ked out and a rUin 1I1tle brow? bead looklpg out at me. 'Lord!' 1 sold, 'you're welC<!me;' anI! wllb. a IlLUe difficulty he came out. ':He was B. nice rrlendly ' lilLIe cbap .t fli st, about Lbe Blze ot B. hen-very mucb like moat olher youngblrdB ~nlv tilgge r. ' I can hardly " tlay 'how p)euE.d I '11''' to aee IIlm_ :' He looked at m~ and wInked ~ IYI. from thl "
ore ner-
utJ'! · l.t ~ ntl '~t) f tho ncrVlJU:i pro","
Ha r hus band de termined to be trutIOl\ " n" ryom' d"l, ility, tho blues. Rl cc pl e:i~ n css utld lIerVOUM IrrilULlllty avensed noli for sovoral Dlghts waltod nriso frurn Kmlle dOrlJ.IIccUlertL tlf the in n cn no o wlth Il loa l!ecl g'un. H t\ lOO: org-ani:-nn whh:h mu"cs he r B \"'OUla " . dis appeared, and It Is thought thut t he "'il.s of ,leprt: ...,I,.o or re"tlc""nes~ and crocotill e kll oc l,ed him oUl oC the "nlloe Irri Lah lli lY. Spirits ly nf1'cclcd . so IIn<l tuok h lOl lu Its hole und er Ihe tllllt nnll rnlnllto Hhe lau ghs, the next bunk. 'ninule wel'ps. Paio lu tho uvnrics uud A week later 1t got anoll er d hcll\' 'en th e s hoilidors. r~OSl! o f voico; ell" , I man a~ li crvou" dyspe psia. A tend e nr.y to cry Illed him 10 an b land. He ro Its t.he INc, 1. I'l'Ov"uatioll. All thl$ polol,lt. vleLlIll gOl holu of tho reeds an(\ Sll'UII\; to lI un 'O" " Jll'Ustrulion. grass and screaDled With all hi s mlshl. Nu t.hillJ,l' wilt relieve this ,lIstr~""i nll nnu a gang of lIleu wltlJ crow411rs wan t eotll\iU1m !In.l pre" nL .uontl". of pro"· to rescue nlm. This Ih ey s ucceeded ID Lrnti" n !In,l NlIlY'rill1:l80KlIrelyali r.y'dia dOing and also sillylug th o dangerous E. Plnlth(lUl'~ VCl,l'dnIJle c. .•mpoulI'l. monster. IIfrs. III. I~. l-Ihutw c ll, o~ 103 Irlatbusb Olle oC lh e lions kill ed had a lso Oiled Ayunu u, UrooltlYII, N. Y., write,.: UII lh e measure of Its Inlqully. Th e "I cnnll"t "XI'''''''' .....~ ,""lor I 6 ene of Itp depredations was a nallve huvo "'I'"rlu ll c",1 by tUl..'];,~ F•. Plnkhnm'g Vugt!t.nhlo Co_nqKJ .. Irun.d fot 'ill . I IIge north of th e rtl.lls. Til tl. hu l ot n long tltHO with norvoWl rot! Illn lla.cltreccls a woman was s ilting wb en the nche, 1"""1,, 'Im, 11m of aPl'otl. . lrouliI 11011 wall(ed In ~nd seized her carrying llot sl""p .",,1 wO:JlcI walk Wu Door e1m""~ bel' a way to his lair 111 tbo bu's b . 1'bell e"~r{I:~~I~~;roo doct.o~ 1\0<1 g~t no I.eUer, and he fancied an ox ill an Inclosllre with IIro W'L' n hunl on. I IVIUI aovhled to try o.h er ~ntl l e and donkeys. J~Yllit\ F.. 1'Inkh..m'B Vel..'Ut'I\JIQ Cwupound. 'I'll II r III t I b 4Dd It h .... w,,,klld '.olldo", fur mo. e on. a ng to ge nto t e In- I ' " J nm Q woll wom"n, my ll O(VOIl,nllSO I. aU closure. so frlg htl nNI the anlmnls tbal gOIll) nn,l m)' tricoWt '"'y I luuk I.n ylJl\J'1l tll ey rllsh etl In a mass fro m cud to I young,lr_".. '. \ ellll, nurl th clr wel" ht ullon the pallsad'j Will not tiill volu''lclI of luUcrA from " , '11 " \. I ' I Jn g LI'ol(e It down. They rusbeu out wom,en n!:t! C 8.r0I1I{ "y ,ydljl I" .. 'Ink.· through t ile ope ning, whlell was jus t I ham s , ,vcgct.lIlJle .(;IJtUp<Junel cuovlncu what lhe lion wan led 11111 women of Its Ylrtuc81 S rely yoU: . cannot wis!. to remain eicll nlld wea" Arter tbe ox he selected a :Ionkey lind discourtt/r cd • e ii hausted el",h rlay;', ~I~d t ben II sbeep a llil tb en auother 01:. when Y')II l.:nn be II.tI elWl41 eur':ll ·u I be natives became v.nle-strlcken ua- other wowen. I ' til sarno white men told them tbey would sit up all night tor ,the lion and 8boot him. ,Th e 11011 C1lm~ and got 1\ '. away wi th anotber ox,. for tho whlto r, ~ ,I f nlen had fall en [Isleep. However tbey ARE S(j~E ClJRl!S ' • " . f were a hi 0 to track blm. fhey are not ·n'C'.... I nt It wns Imllortnnt that bavlng jlrom; a . Lx me \ Ised to klll tne 1I0ll they should do so, I"t fOr thllt Is the secret of the white man', power over th o natl ve-never to ~reak his wor.d, So tbey Bet off to the hick " brusb, wbltber Lbe lion's tracks led tbem. Tlrere lbey came upon hitp and killed hIm wltb one lIuUet. Near by was the carcasS .aLan ox, and II little farther In the bush, In a 80rt of tunnel of Impen etrable tborn, were tbe gnawel! bones- the remains of BOme of h,S for. mer vlctlmll.
S UMPT UOUS 001\'1.. 8 FIlt.l lit Al'ROSS THE WATER.
Walking a long LIIe avenue of an aft- outll tl e the f1gul'c aboul the hlp!! It ornoo n, ofte migh t easily L11lnk he huct 11l1(es yanls IllHI yartls to mal~e tbe exchanged h:ls everyday c lear spectacl es go wn or th e dny . NoLe the mark ...1 fell' for rose'colo r ed g lasses. so many ros e- . tures of the pictured moll els; th e long broadc lolh garbed maldeus docs he lin es of th e ;:own. lito short s ic yes. the IIluUle bals . th e ri ch quullLy but meet. Usually for streel wear t be pinks and plain dlspo 'nl oC lit e trl.mmlng. l<'urs coral s arc to nod down a 'ILlie by acres- or the day are e xtrelllcl,f"h nnd so me, tbel sorles. dark turs lessen Ihe evening- g r oat flat mull's most r)lcture~lle. We dreSM a~pect; an~1 lire alTect d hy the rece ntly had attention called to a lady thnl has chosen for ber ta ilor s uit broadclol h muir arrangell In looso anything as delicate as one {J( these Illeuts but kee lJlng 10 the form 1I0W tarose-colored cloths. If winter gIves vored ~ Rnd Lhollght how easily and with true promise at sprin g fashion s. th e wh al good reslllts It mig ht be r eprocom ing season will assuredly he a col- du ced by tb e bom o need le woman, orful one. Gowns for ilre~cnSlollS are trlmi The very Ilatest wrlnl!:le Is the Illald skirt and plain coat; this affected by med wllh lace pIck ed out In g~i1I YOllng girls. It Is a Jaunty style. and lhreacl, the e ll'ect orten very beautiful. when good mate.rlals nre employed ,_e . The Louis coats at brocade s ilk not Ineffect Is excellent for ~ walking Bull. tyequeDlIy show tracery of 'gold lhread. Combinallons are very much the lhlng. aDd we may say here that tbese tbe lise or u.ffe rent fabrics; velvet aDd basquctl coats of brocsde worn with net we have spoken at several lIme4. plain pettlc:oBt are tbe latest style. A Bnd may bave .mentioned the use o r h6DUllful costume was seen Lbe otber evening a t a r estaurant. dinne r; the chiITOD with broadrlotb . Il Is a South American dodge. I Mlrlwlnter s t yles are s ump t uous. '\-Icb petticoat of white net embroidered In joined a ll my fisblng lines togr.lh'.!r materials, vI)lumlnous cloaks, fllrs and gold threall, th e Louis roat of white WIt.b s tems oC ' seaweed and tilings, fealhers or III magnifi cence, Ollr 11111.- velvet. the hat a .. Iarge while vel vet. anu made a s toullsll s trIng, J!'E!r~,apd tratlon ~hows a nln of gowns de slg n~d ID "onlleclioD with th Is 'beautIfu l ev~n- DANOERS IN AIR DRAUOHTS 12 Yill ds ngth last d tIn leI ' or more , aJoI1 I In Paris. and unmistakab ly .~'renr. n y. lug gown we would refer to on equally th 6n~ ;-:0 umps of cora! r'JIlk to Out the American wom e n wear them . , r harmlng' cr eatloll at peach colored 'Scientist RevlvC8 a t eden s a thi s. Hloo k me aom~ lime and know bnw to wear them. For aft- r IJItrOD broadcloth mado princess stylo An Austrian Well-Nigh b hO d at because, every now anj lhen I 13rnoon and evenin g th e long s kirt hOldl , and worn wltb a bolero of Irls b crocbet Tbeory ploded. a a go In,o tho lagoon or 1111 A sway, and thouSh sklrls continue to lace. tree, ss the tancy took me. This I " ProC. Max erz, an AlIstrlan sci.wblrlEd rapIdly ' round my'~ead, and ' ~or en1l3C, bas just publlsbed an essay th en lel lt go at blm. Thll first time I A.t UPO!! the dJrterences between wind and mlsst'd, but tile nCl(! tllne tile string Blue and white Is ever a clea n. pretdraught, whlcb Is Jlk el to convlnco caugllL hi s legs lJenutllnlly, an'l ty combination In dress, and eapeclalthe )lubllc tbat tbe old -fasbloned preju. wrapped 'rou nd th ~ Dl asaln and agaIn. I I~ attra'ctlve for a sunny-haired small dice against draughts Is not al tollelhel Over he wcnt. I tbrew It standing I gIrl. The desI g n here pi ctured of n . unJu~tllleli . walst·,i ee p ill Lbe lagoon, nnd as 800n chlld'R frock Is a bille aDd white ser 'e. By u drau ght Is moant a curreDt ut na h e wellt dOlln, J was out of tbe wa- the mod el suitable for a girl from ~ Ix air In an luclosed space. Th o men ter and sawlns 'a t bls neck with my to eight yenrs old. Tbe Rklrt Is '11[ or a former generation attributed ncarknife, circular lind fulled hi n littl e ul I he 17 all tbe evils that beset them to "With tbat tragetly, lon eliness caml! , ·belt. Directly down th e .middl o of I he draughts and they would DOt bavc slept U'POll nJl.: like a curse. Good Lord, you skirt rUlls ' a hand of white sergo lin In uncurtained beds. for anytblng. ut tan ·t Imagine how 1 mIssed tbat bIrd! Isbed at tb e bottom with Lhree small course, tbelr windows and doors were I sat by hi s (:orpse and sorrowed over wblte pearl buttons. The n~ whi le sbaky nDd houses stood tar apart, 80 him, a nd sh ivered as I looked 'round serge v est Is finished at lhe neck with draughts were nearly Inevitable. the "e;;olate reef. I thou ght lit what a band of blue silk. nnd tho serge But the modern sc l ~ntlllc world tries B jolly lillie bird he ' had l~ e n 'wbell ' waIst Is trimmed wltb 'bands of white to deny draughts altogether and calls be ",as hat ched . and of a ' tho ~sa Dd and Ihe pearl buttons. The sldve putT tbem winds, wblch are harmless and pleasant tri cks Il l' had Jllayed beroft) has box-\lleat exlendlng to th e elc ven wbolesome to a certaIn degree. be we'l.t wroD g. bow and shoulder strapa of wblte Dr. H erz says thaI anyone wbo care. "I couldn't thlllie eating hIm eo hands. The belt Is of wblte. to find out the dlrterenee between a I put hIm In lit e lagoon , and t ho' liUI'3 I We must say a word for lhe oft·negwInd and a draught can do so In an,. lisbes picked him clean. I dldll'( save lected mIsses, for nobody cares La be apnrtment wblch has windows o n differ· even th e feathe,.q. Then, one day. a wen dressed more than thp sensilive ent sides of tbe house. Let blm open a chap cruising about 10 a yacht had younl! ladles. Fasblons for them are window on a wi ndy day on tI~e side at the a fancy to see It roy atoll stili ex- well decld~d by now . and hOl'e turn ed house toward whlcb the wind blows. Isted. A out mucb a8 was propbesled earlier. Tbe aIr which comes In Is quite harm"He dldn't co me a moment too ~sooi', Tbe pl~ln three-Quarters and longer less ' It the persou exposed to It ' he for I was about sick enough of the wrap8 obtain for general wear ; the dressed In warm clothes . and IIttio chlldesointlon of It. . abort separate jacket 18 seldom seen dreD may take the air In a ·room thu. roll GIRL FRO M SIX TO EIOI'l1'_ "I sold Ihe bones . to a man n~mt'J nowadays, ror \'ery dress)' wear. Elan Winslow - a dealer near the I:Irlllsb .ult. lead 111 favor. There are num· and may be trimmed wlLb posle. as ventilated. But let him open a wlndow past whl cb the wind blows and It will be museum. It was o nly afte r his death ' bere of long' separate ...·raps. these dl) were these hats. ' found that tbe air In tbe room Is moved t hey allra cted attention . They ~allad duty for both IItlilty and " best." The We saw·.a sturdy little man walking by a number ot curreots, all of wbleh 'em AepyornlS- what was It?" colora most to tbe fore are gray,' red along the other day In a . lrlm overcont "Acpyornls vastus:' said I And black, For 8chool wear tbere sre at black astrakhan, and were Impressed sLrlve to reach tbe openlDg. It Is the passing wind whIch slIcks,IIp Peter Thompson suits In small plaids, by tbe fact Ihat black. when ~roperly th e air In the room and draws It out and serges and cllevlote . lI eed Is very 'becoming to children. this causes lhe room to have what I, WHEN THE BABY CAME ALONG, A word now tor tbe still more neg- Box-coat elTectB nre DOW liked In boys' called a draught. lected boy . Boys along trom scven to I lhoughl " "'os ha rd-the tollln' tho tid. double that age take La tbe jaunty overcoats: be re, LOa, we sec the Rus-' Tbe effect UP()l1 sensitive persons 'ls a-pullin ' st r o ng, . B I I sh oul ed "Hallelula!" when tho H'\b,. Norfolk suits. 'The slngle-breasLed sian bl?IlSe pllsbed. back a little by a Immediately felt, like the torerunner ur ca me a long. models wltb bloomer kDlckerbockers rlvnl. fhe youngsters waDt clothes )lain 10 come. A draught will alwaya b'e He cOrlx cd m4J bac k t o ,.·outh tim e, made lead . 'bloomers a feature oftbe' ,present tbat look like talber's. and . tbe b01: telt as colde r than the wind. . li f o 0. IIv l n ' 80ng~eason. Oray i8 a favorite color; fllncy overcoat makes them supremely bappy. r ,,'(IS hI1UPy. f ol ks, I tell )·o u. Wh e n th. mIxtures are also IIkell; and navy 'blue. Boys frOID five to 16 arc wearlug coatll Our Gueats tho Snowy Owls. Baby c nme al ong . as IIsual , hall a big following. Browns vorlte 9 f sbollt t he In sllmo cut. an(1 Oray a faE very few years, eBpecJally along lb. . enlor tbese, lheIs blaick F'Qr u 11 th e drea r y \:\!tn ler-tor nil th e: ski!!. I!iO dim . nre no;; so mueb woru as formerly. velvet color Is otten seen Co d B sea coast and th e larger rive rs nlld 1 8cp m e d to see- my molbe r In the t\\'lnkltn· 'I'be younger lads have remained fulth- denhergR are lik ed for fa'stenl~gS r::.i luk es, there Is a wave of tbolle .splen('~' (>.s Qr him; ful to the Russian blouse, but the sallo, give a good tOllcb to the othe rwlse'ver I did, doy-huntlng rascals- the· snowy An' 0 t h ou sn ncJ s \\"(l'eteat fl owers In desert. bas advance~ very conslder~b l y, r e- plain garments. Caps that can be pUlle~ owls. They are great flshermeD , the seemed l o throng An' 1 htu r d t he lllrds' G.-sln gln' wh en the ::alned much of IlS tormer popularity. ; down over tbe cars nre preferred for only o~ls to make thIs sort of buntlllg H .:~ r ca me along. F'asbl!'ns " of th~ elders creep do '}' n the yery small boy nnd affected b t .le a practice, and may ~:JmeU'mes be seen Lord bt ••• Ih ou Itttle naby-Iho be.t one 1ft Inlo tlfe chili dren 8, world, and br,?ad- larger ones when tbe weather Is ~ett sltlln.:. silent ~d 1BOUOnless, like 0 lhe ran ch! ,!Ioth has bee n u.s ed for the little ones cold .. There Is Bo.m etbln g very 1:.tra:" ! block oC Ice, at lhe t d,ge" of the open He' ll be y ~t Ih ere. In the a prl n~ tlm e-Ju" s great doni this year, as well as for Uve about a little black-coated laddie wnter, waiting for lO. chance to nab an u- wadins In the branch. Of Gouf,8e, thla II And Cod 1f1" cK hi m Ihe p!easur. Of Ihe rlgh l tbe big ol\es . White br?adcloth coatB wltb a soft while Shetland tobo an t:nsuspectlng Osh. iLre warm and may be mtlde very ·fetch- cap on his head'' au c h a . suggest! . gg vo I' Dot 0. very paying way to f!Yet 'a. livIng ' abo v e the wrong- ' 'We \,\;er e hap1» ' , witho ut meaaurl, "'MIl tb. Ing, TI lerB B;re b roa d CI0 tb h 00 d s tor mixture of man and bab and tbey also catch field mice, muskBnb}, came ulong " the Wf!e glrl~es, quaint a~alr8 big In In hand coverIngs .tb 7· I rats, bares and even large " blrdll "llke -Allu' Con,lltutlon . rrtnt a~d t:hn pped off III tbe rear. The variety to select fr~m .=~~ 17~t~: quaD or grouse. 'But t11el'e are only The Definition O'f the Defeated ne t lit-Ie silk booDet fa by no meanl double mltteDs are ae , d lwo other. birds of prey In our country She-And ' so you think I'm a' co- banlabed . ~Illd fO'rma, ~emure ~ntrast (bing, Probably a gIrl :1:1 l~ke a~:~ tliat babltllally' eat fil!h, and one . 01 queUe? 'Vby, T dO'n't belleye yoU know to~ke and bennet; and like be¥ge~. paIr kid 'glove. for "'b Bt.," b b - tbese seldom catches-Its 01\'n, "p ref1l1'what a coquette 18. ·~ • The plcture!lque Greenaway haa -10)-. stand-bY with cillidren 1.e. tb l;lt t 8 ring. to eat the deait · 1i.1i alonF ' lie' HEl (bltterly)-A coquett. Ls a WOlD- low m~ch tiDe Bame JInes a8 t~e plc: mitten. ' e "Brill IlIhOflS or PI~,te ,It iroJD t~8' rec . ~.1I11' :;":,bO syndicates lair affeotlonl,- "~ue L\nllorl, ...~ of la8t IUmmer, ' J!:LL}tN Q_~q~wa.:. maD-th,1 OIP.~7:~t. .~It!hO~... .
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Whue 'Worb __ rna,d equte. _ne. the opera being somewhat drawn ou~ A dowager .... pu. hi·oS her way "ut with the total di."'Bard otber people's f".li"fIII (and tDell) tbat mlU'ka tba
Z ... ery Farmer Should Select and .Pr.· par. HI. Own Nurs,ry StockCONDITION W ABliEVEB BETTD How It b Doni. TRBOUGHOVT COUNTBY. Few people real he how simple a mat~er It Is to propagate on.e·. Irape ylnes. cu rrants. go08eb~rrlea Elrh Standard ttt Efllelency Th'1
FIX UP THE ROADSIDES. Bo. Farmers In Jl[lnnesota UUl1&. the Otherwise Waste LlUld In Crop Growing. .. . The law of Minneso ta calls for a pub110 hlgbway four rods wide and It hIlS ' been Lbe gco'crlLl practlce ~o leave tile full four rods UQcullivated . In most eases this upace bas been overgrown ... Ith w~eds .(,!lty, Lbat WBrB nol eY ~n eut down once a year. In~llls WilY . many of the most obnoxl s weeds ban Oiled lbe adjolnln& elds and been s pread over the adjulnlng country by al1cklnK to Lbe ."S'lD wheels ",henover the roads were we t. Thl. bas not be~r1 tbo only trouble-lhere were thousanda of acres lying Idle eYmy ,.ear, because oyer6;rown by weeds. Dut Lewis Olson writes to toe Farm and Home lbat a grll!1ual cbllnge for ilia bctter Is being workell out by tbe rapidly growing tendency alDong farm · era to utlllzo all ",ns~e land along the roadaldca by CUltivation nnd growing Kraln or Grass up tu lhe Yl)ry road ll1l&lk actually III dally use. All the law
)4l!71'1I00S 01,' W ORKING A
&lIow s or all the la nd not In a v fot lhe roall . It has by exporleu c been round th at roali s It ro lroproyoll by hltv lng all th ~ lund . Including th o sl1a llow dllcll es on lUe sld e8. plowed und cultiva ted. Tho a ccompanying uke lcb s howa a pullile highway wbere DOll sllie of It was le£L wlthoUI cu111\'ll.lIon or ca rll for yea rs and all Is overgrown with rOIlr SC wccdll. wblle on .th e other eltle. cven lim ditch III careCully lliowed and cult ivated with a good s tund ot wh ea t , g rowin g liP to the wheel n ack. Ot COllrse tb o farm nr could not cultect Ilny <lamages Ir lbe grain thus grown on th e ri ght at pub· llc highway s hould bo destroyed, but tbere Is nn llOwrltten law' whlph nil will respec t. tbllt no one will wantonlY destroy any Of the grain so grown. ;Where thIs Jlractlce Is eOllllnu erl for a D\UIlber of years. the roadbed will be gradually raised umll It becomos blgll and dry a ud IltLle or no gmdlng Is re~red. '
ma un ~ r .
APPLE WAGON PLATFORM. Convenient Arrangement for the Wagon Which Will Facilitate Handling.
Tho style of wa gon pial form tbat Ie most generally used In ,,'estern New York ror hauling appl es Is mad e ot tbree planks forming a Illatrorm just wide enough for two barrels Btandlng on end. aide by side, and Inn g enough ror a load of 18 to 20 barrelA (see Illus· tratlon). Stakes are proylded on the ide for a rall about balr way up on QRAV,.EL OR HARD ROADS. sthe barrels. or better. an Iron abollt !roo Ezpenslve In Some Loealltlea- one-oalt hy two Incbes, bent In the torm 2, ' same cut. A board one by Not Necessary It King Drag tour Inches res\s on the bend . a nd Is J. Used. prOVided wltb a CliP. S. that will slide Some thJilj Iru yellr ago t ere wall quite an et.cltement In our county on tbe road question. Tho farmers ot Knox county, illinOiS .. writes tbe correeJlOndent of the Farmers' Review . :wanl good roads, bllt gravel or hard • road a are alit of tbe Questlou. We have no gravel or rock. nnd to ship Itone would brcak up all the small farmers In th e country. Our soi l Is auc! that IC the roans lire graded properly we will have good rands nine or RIGGING FOR APPLE WAGON. ten montbs In tbe year. There arc over tbe stake Iron, liD th e roll can b. places In tbe United Slates where Bueb easi ly lifted alT. and tbe barrels unroads can be buill. Even oiled road s loaded trom thn sidp ot the wagon , may be buill In some places. But In which Is ofton very collvenlent. Tho this part of Illinois tbe frost . goes so Illan ;, should be slilT. and bolted te>that tbe expense wo uld take the get her with thre", Ilc<l pieces I WO ~y , deep big end of lillie farm s to pave Ibe rOllr Inclles. This 18 Ii very conv eni ent roads It contakls. [The lise or tbe King platrorm. as It can bc used for drawlog drap bas s hown how Ihe dllli.c llltl(..11 crates. and for many oth er pur(lOS S. me.Uoned tuay bo overcome an d a Ano th er very goorl rRck for a hill y .r load road oblalnctl.- Ed.J rou gh collntry. an d ooe thft Is In qull ~ common usc In many sc«:t1ons. Is made A HOT DINNER. by ~aklng tllree JIOl es or timbers and • Arrangement for Rel~lnlng tbe Heat rUllnln g tbem lengthwise of wagon, p.qual distan ces apart.. and secured 10' ot Food an'd Drink on the gP.l b ~ r by cross pl~r.e8 . The middle Coldest Dllya. polc.sboUld be ral serl rour to six Incbes above tbo otber' t,.,o. The harrels are To keep your dinner hot In cold "eatber, while working away from laid eon tie slrlo end 10 end. lengthwise home. ha ve a box of the wagon . two ah reaat on th e bOI· just larl."o enough lorn . and aqothor row on Ihe lO ll ot th ese two. lapping o ne· half on eacll \~ hold lhe dlnller box and co!Tco ca n. barrel. This 18 a ver:.' Sim pl e construc· Malw a ti ght cov- tlon, and tbe spring <>r Ihe pol es mllk es er. IJUt SOme bay It ve ry nice for carrying th e truit. lu tb e bollum ot Wa ~o n spring" should alwa ys be used l)ox, tlwn a large willi eltber or the nllOve forms. hot sou;lRltill C. Set Removing Chaff from Eye•• ., your <llnner box I To remov p. ehllfl' or similar ' and con~e can on thal •. pack hay In slances from an animal's eye procure lbA corners and lay two or three thick- l\ small qllantrt y' of hOll cy 'and have nesses ot c10tb on lop. T)ll~. declares I he nnhnal'R head he lel CIlSt. Op~n the Farm and Home. will keep your 11Inner evc " ,It h tbe thll~b and tlnger or one warm In tbo coldes t wea.lil e r~ h·pnd . elill t~ e for,otln ge r or th a otber III IOI\! hon ey. tllllin g U[l a s much as A WORD TO THE WISE. wl il sllel! 011 the I'lld of YOllr finger. --Holel th e finge r n ~:I r the eye. aDd Give lhe ben meat. gl\'e n ~ lIdd e ll . strll,c so It hi ts tho A sccnt (tainted) spoil s tbe face of charr. whlcb wlll .- tl ck to tho honey • dollar. anti be drawn Ollt. By gl vlag a QulcJ! or course tbe hotbed soli bag been strll<e you hit Ihe chaIT berore the anlmade r oady. mal can shllt or rpH thl) eye. a s It will New land or. sad .Iand should be do If you att empt 10 touc h It slowly, plowf:d at the first OIIPOl'llllllly. The Carmer wh(' us es Ibe }JOOl'est Silage, part of hie place for pn"luro Is likely SIIb.M mn y be mad e fr om a groat to lose by It. va ri e ty of crops. a s corn. sorghum. You can raise tbe fram" .;: a calf cow pcas, soy beans. t cos lnte. kaftll' without milk, but not the plctul'p of a corn and c:o\'cc. IJut th e fir st two are lood 8nlmal. by fa r '.he mos t m ill able.
. ~
A Dig Enter. Sbe waa a new cow. Lnd bless your heart. how she could ont. and every· thing seemed to taste EO good to her! ('oul YOU ask for a hdtler sign. pro· • 'tided. she didn't put her Cood Into fat 1 Ever sce a renl good caw tbat wasn't a good Ceeder? We want more 'Dt the big t\IItera.-Rural New York~r.
Do .not let out ~ or~b.rd of 'kind on .v lrgln lOll. It sbould' be lJIed tOI some rears lIe'Core b.elng given over .., 'lIf ul.e ot lruJt tree..
_ - ______
Briti'IJb nrlstocrflC)" wben
The .. Nublack" is a grand good shell. It is iood in construction. primed with a quick and sure primer, and carefully loaded with the best brands of powder and shot. It is favorite among hunters and other users of black powder IIhells on . account of its uniform shooting, evenness of pattern and strength to withstand reloading.
man, .cooled
at tbe on. ltLugh t. ob.en-ed out loud : "The l ..t 'bus h(um 't lone yet, ma'am , No
and most ornamental ahrubd. If th. work Ie prop,rly done these plants may be readll, propagated 'oy means of cuttings made lale. ln ~be autumn atter the leaves are olr of tbe plants. but preferably before cold weatber cornea on. Only w~1 ripened. mature 1V00d tbat has grown during tbe pr. cedJnt: summer should be selantad for the purpose. aU sort or Immature vans belns discarded. The cuttll1ll11 tbemselveH sbould be mafle slit to t!U Inches long and the base of eacb should be cut squarely just below a bud. 10 th e bud 18 retained lit tile low· er end. They s hould be tied up In bundles of convenient al~e. say. 100 In a I>undle. th eir bUllS. or basil ends, all one way, well shaken down, sO IlS to stanrl leyel on a nat tabl e. Tbey mOy tben, be packed In fresh . moist sa w· dnst Rnd be kept through the winter In n cellar Or call!lR pit. Upoa the approach at Rprlng, as oarly Il9 the soli CIlQ be "'orked and beror~ th e bud s h o"o heGlln to grow I)n tltem . says Pror. J. C . Whi tten . 01 Ml sHnllrl agri cultural college. they should be planted out In good garden Roll. Th e row s s hould bn abollt four feet apart, to admit of eaRY cu lll,a· lion. and the cuttin gs uhollld be 2et yp,ry nrmly In th e soil, PO as to lOll'" no air s paces about . It. ~ m , und set deell enOUGh so only tl- e uppe rmost hUll Is above th e ground . They'sholl id th en 00 gll'cn clea n culth'nll on and hoed tl) keell down Illi ..... l<l.I . du rin g th " Slimmer, wheu usually an excel· lont gro wIII or plants will be secilred. Cur ra nts. l;eo.cb~ rrip. s . til " Marlnn· na a nd Golden lIcau ly plums. som' vn rl elle. of quinces, tho barberry. SIller •. •ockorange, Jlrlw,t, most va rl etl es of shrubs, willows. poplars and some oth or varlelle. of for p.~ t trees, root rearilly from cultlnSR halldl ed In
'!'be houe emptied iboell be-!ore the 1m '
need to hurry!"
If 100"". could kill • roroner', inQlleet would hay. folfo ..ed .-Vanity Fair.
Have Attained III the :ae.ault ot Blrid Bules at the Headquarters,
''The army of about 22,000 men In gray who dally hand out mall to city people." remarked a competent WashIng'.on letter carrier to a Star man wbo uked tbe carrier bow tb e se rylce this year compared with form er years as to eftlclency and general atandlng, "was never In better sbape than a t present, and It Is rt'markable how exper\ private! become In th e perror maDc. of their by no means easy dulles . "One reason tor this high standard of eftlclency Is t. he determination of our superlors to frown upon In toxication and to give short sh Ut to our men who ar'l weak eno ugh to yield to tbe temptation DC drink . While this hae always been a serlou8 orrense durlDg the 15 years I h ave been on t h e force In t h e cap ltal • It WIlS about Ove years ago tbat the autborlUes decided ~o cnforce more ·rlgIdl y tb e ru Ies aga Ins t It. A grea t man., removals were made all over tbe country upon this charge. and tho carriers were Impressed with t1'1' Idea that drln l<l ng and h ai ding dOWD theIr pasItlo ns were not concomitants. There ma,. be so me positions In which men can dr lnlt and sUII perrorm their duties but th e posItion of leIter carrier Is not on" of them. Th e t emptation to Indulge Is open to us more liberally tban In many
Gilt-Edged. . Da, on- They oay Jigein. pnt up eome J.ilt. ,~d~e ,ecurity ; whal do you . uppo.a It waR . l':gberlc-Prohably one of tho.. framed
famIly porlru..ihl.-Yonkera St.atelnlao,
To Break tha Coal 'rruBt. "L.wd," pray ed Ul e old rolo:rcd broth.r,
Mpte:18C brenk Uf) de coal tnlt~ t; ~tl wh en
you break it, p]~8He fie nd III few tons f~in' ove r into dc po' man'! yard! "-
\ CIIlbington Star.
He Doesn't Curse lifow. Wa shington. Kan s.• Dec. 25 ( peciaJ).Jes.e K chell i. n telephone lineman. and al 80 a well·known re.ident hel'e. Every· bod y acq uainted with Mr. J\lJ1. ch~ll know» tha t he wa s a man who heJd very posoit ive view. about Pa\,ent Me.J.icine. Hear "bat be " Y ' now: • "I used to cUrie all kinds of Patent Medi· cinesl fo r ~h ey nev er did me any good. but Dodo 's Kid oey Pills ba"e caused me to cbange nlY mind . }<'or twelye year. I 6uf. fered from Kidney Trouble. Thue was a hurting acr""s my back t hat made it posibve agony to .loop. and as I am ill n stoop· ing posillon nearly all day, r ou can imagine how I .ufTered. Af\,er Il day's work thlLt aoy man would think nothinf of. I would be . tjred anld b,,"orn oul · InDofdadc., KI~d'BI al~alYlo tIre d . egan U81"1 1 8 I ney .... ' 8 and after four bexeR I Ccdlike a ne';f man I am u freah at night Ill!: wben I be!lin ;"ork in the morDing. I h:a\'e no ain ; lD mx back now, and 1 am ItJronaer ban ever.' eo Variety Is the spice of !if,e but kIO auch ....onine apoila. tbe ellab.
8RIP, BAD COLD, HElb.eHE AND IIEURAlBla. 1 WOD', •• U A.at1.0 ... ,,,h•• to a "~!lle r who w ()n ' , Ou It. Clllllo, JOU, IIONEY IJA.CK. ,P "1' )'ON'T eVaJlll, ~. W. DIemel'••• D •• Mt.."IIaotur.r.8prl .. gJUld . . . .
I nconsis tency. flI t
"ery funn y to me," r emarked
the ObHer,""r of E,,"nt8 nnd Thina- " to Ablolultly frO& from All Pollonou. ICC a polit icnl orntor, W it h a f an cy \'tlt I
Ind WlIXe'tJ nHIAtnrhe. t rYing to convin ce
an audie oce that he hnlollg8 to lbe plain Por Burns, Soro Throat, Corm, SOTn ' Eczema. people."-Yonker. Stal es man. RheumAllsm, U1c eu, Pilei, Dl ood P ... lIOO Il, ClIP buncles an·d all \Younds an d Skin Di licasel, Rl"'ht Hand". pale. "a 801 oil' AnN., .., fOITP.ID Il. ..,t.I.AAKER A. , . . jauoll, ..... The Seedy·Looking Man- I beg pardon bu t i8 there a lit erary d ub Ilbou t bere ~ ~ 8- paIlO book rrur., l.usa1.ine Ed itor- Ye.; I'"e got on. beh t II h "" t rt'furonoe.. nTZGlClU.LD 00 .• Bu. K.. WUDID6IlUD, 1), a hind lhe do.r.-Chi~.g" .Iournal. .a. Guaranteed Cure tor Piles. P dl PII ~~~~s:~;od~I~~~~~'to::ru::d ::foneyer; PUOOINTV,NTraIl8t.o.cnreIIlGto14daYI.000 .
A cistern muat be filled before it can be drawn fr.m. So with life-tbo"" who put most inlo it get tbe moot out of it. I
.... N. K .- •
~up~~~there~nlli~ ~~ -~~iiiii' jii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~i~~i
ties take us Into place wb ere liquor Is sold man y times during the day, and tbe lnvl tati on to partaltc Is extended, often lh oughtl c&sly nnd In goo rl fello wsblp. Th ese Invitations, to say nOl hin g of th o )!lIJOI'lun ltlcs of llUrch atie. mean lroubl. for tb ~ carrier. "Whal hns bee n accompll"herl for tbe betterment of bot h the men Dnd tbu Rervlee In thi s rega rd Is .hown by tha fnet that last year Ihere were only 65 dis· charges or cllrrlers ror Intoxication olltof tb e entire arm y of both carriers and substitutes, or 14 less tban tbe precedin g year. Indicating a very s mall percentage of discharges for lhl s ordinarily com· mon ollense In otb er pursuits. "Our delivery service Is superior to tbat of other coun tries as regards per· sonnel and eftl~ l e n cy . Tbe removals for cause show this very markedly. as they have decreased In the past ten years from fOllr per cent. to les6 tllan one per cent. Carriers violate the v,rlous rules Ilr tbe postal laws and regulations as do men In other branches. and the strictness at tbe departmen t In making dis. missals. for tbese olrelfSes. as well as for :ntoxlcallon, Is shown by the Increase last year at a eonslderable number ' this cl1l-58 of removals over preceding years. It bas gone a little hard with some of the boys In this respect. but upon the whole tile service bas been Improved. "The carrier service Is one In wblcb there Is II. larger percentage at separations from the service by reason of resignations than In 8Ilme of the other branches oC the civil service of Uncle Sam . No less than 335 of our men last year shook the uniform oC gray for oth· er callings. The lICe Is a bard one. neces· sitatlng going out In all weathers. and ns lbe minimum yearly pay Is very small and th e maximum salary Is oDly moderate, and that reached only after somo years ot elTort. our Dlen are not slow In acceptin g olher occupaotlona wh eo ar. opportunity presents Itself. It the hlgb· er grades could be reacb ed Dlore quick· Iy tbere would be more Inducemellt ta slick It ou t .. " Yes. we baye the 'deadwood' they .r~ talkin g so much about In our service, too. It Is call ed wilh us 'physical dis· .. blllty,' whi ch means In other words' tbat whe n a carri er has given up thE best years of his lite In tramping abou! a clty'~ streets delivering mall and naturallY becomes incapaCitated for the full performan ce of his dulles , the cbarge 01
There is only One Oenuine-'~yrup of Rigs, The Oenuine 'i s Manufactured .by the
Califorriiil Fig Syrup Co. 'The rull Mame 'of the company. Callfol"nla Pig Syrup co., fa printed on the front of every pagkulr_ of the l(eftuln_
The Oenuint- Syrup of F~s- Is for Sale, In Original Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists. Everywhere
)Knowing theabov~ -will enable one to avoid the (raud~t 1iDlfations maac by piratical concerns and soinetimes offered by unreIiahle dealers. The imitations are known to act i1)juriously and abould therefore be dedine,c1. . Buy the' genwne- always if~you -wisli to get its bencfii:ial effectS; It cleanses the system gently vet effectual1y, dispels colds and Jvadacbcs' whm bilious or constipated, preVEnts fevers and acts best 011 the l kidneys, ~v,er, stomach and bowds, when a laxative remedy is fteedccl by mm, womm or children. Many millions know of its beneficial dfects from actual use and o£thdr own personal ' knowlcclge. It is the laxative remedy of the wcll-infonned. .Alw4YS buy the Genuine- Syrup o£. Figs
GilNRNIAFj'r . .sU\~(a1.
ftICZ 1U1Y CIft'n ... 8O'I'ftf
th e se n ' lco and his means ot livelihood To the credit ot our superiors, however, . lhey are loath to apply the rule to good and fal ti.'.ful men, and tbe)' endeavor t~ , find a place for tbem In some branch 01 the scrvlce where they . can perrorm ' other and less exacting duti es. But II this can't be tound. there Is no alterna. tlve but ror tbe IncapaCitated cbap~ to ·go.' "There are several remedial acts be. fore ooDgress Cor the betterment oC our condition which ought to receIve tbe attention at this seBslon of that bed, at lawn:akers. The claims' of the carrl. ers are tbe result ot years of practical eX Jlerlence, are just and considerate nnd tb elr enactment should DOt be post: paned from year to year as has been done In the past. It Is to bo regretted tbat there seems to be so mucb oppo. sltlon to us In some Quarters. and that the rule ot s ummary dismissals sbould have .been 90 often applied to our com. panlons who have sought to assist th« force In general througbout the country."
Xnew Hla Man. "You seem depressed." "Ye6; I've got to aslt my glrl's fa ther to·nlgbt for her band ." I "Bosh. Don·t be alarmed. TIn stern talber exllta only In the comic Do More Thnn SpI·ay. p.per.... I Chemical sJlrn),s I n the Orchard will "Maybe so: bllt the borrowing t .. 110 much. but they cannot do even tber Is & painful reality. He'll Iud Ulln g. For IIISlance. black-knot 011 me for a 1Ifty to a dead moral cell plum tl'eon cannot bo removed by talDty. "-Louisville Courler-Journ.l spraying. This disease necessitates an opera ti on with a 1<IIlte. Cut out thi! FInancially Speaking. ' "knots" and burn them. Wedderl,.-! lind 'llY second married life far more ellp.DlI" It does not pa y a rarmer to ral.I than tbe lint. varieties ·oC aJlpl es lhat hav;e. not beef . SIDcla~n..,.Wb", r IUPPOIltCl It woulo demoDstrated by long uaage to be good be JWlt lbe "Hvene? . "No iDdtMId. Yon ' _, It eo.ta u Do you aun believe In fumlplilll a.fIIl lot tor 10d.. InltlaUollS Dursery .Io<:k .belor. pla.nt!q' all1b du. ."-(lblcap Dal17 N.,...
Spend Winter where the Orange Trees are Blooming Not necessary to i"v~st a fortune on that California trip. Few find it extravagant-most people find it economical to go for a month or six weeks, avoi4ing.cold and snow-doctors' bills-coal bills-
costly groceries. And the finl~ weather and good times awaiting you there are all dear gain-in happiness, health and a ~tore of strength for future years . The Rock Island offers more lines of through tourist cars between the East and California than any other road. Two routes~Southern and Scenic. Two daily through trains via the former-the lowest altitude route across the c;:ontinent. If interested let me send you our i.Uustrated literature-of great value in formulating plans. Our Tourist folder, and California Trains book with literature about the Golden State, free for the asking.
p~'TrafflC -
M........ Itock laland Iy"em, ,
Il'or Jo grlpp 1 U]WtLV!' MO "Hed t:ipruco nnd 'herry E.,·qJOOtol'lLut." . Sold by .r. E . •Tonney . ~Tllyed-Blilok ourley hnired ,,"w, 011 yenr olll, with white ~Il' tlu, k
(H en.
'\l nHJ)1U~::l.
\YUI .
"''''ylll'S'' i II " , nltl" H [? L> a Mr IIlldl\JI·~ . l1 ps liJII'A :'1 . Wilitu
r t't nnw'tl
. [
s . 'E ALE
,..-orluia HOlno·Gouling RuuDlon of form l' R "itlllnt l\t, Wnyne ville weok beginning .ugl st
, .
(), 190!). . 'I'h G zette outlnues to r c h' o lettcr R from a ll over tbOo, Unit~)t1 Stut 'f! ill u pprcoint.ioll of the preial Uoml\. (,;\ miug u Ulbor. '1'0 1111 who h'l\'('1 wrttt,en, tho lJUull sh ors r oLul'll ~i " (J(\ r v tJJanks
--Mi~~ L~ z~ie Evuus, of Z:;prillg VIII
The Greatest Bargain Eve,nt
Recorded ' in Waynesvilie
\\' I .. " · ',, p"r" )]IS ,il ()wlm"hllrt;,
. .
rJlOl n t l'\lIl1" vOlr.,· pl"''''''",1 vi~it "itlt Mr. 11 1)11\0
FQr &1e-Au op n oonr t.o,o. Inquire 9>t G!lzette offloe. Dr. A. T . Wrig ht, who 1~1l b eu III with lIueumonlu for cho Pllst two weeks Is 'con'v ele, oing . Mi R Ed un· Zell hus t.n,kou u po!!l. t ion liS oOlllposi t.ol' in the Gnzetlo unto.
'fhe ol'io'inal eo·t 01' value ha been 11 tirel)' iguored, .a 8ale planned t~ dispose of a.1l surplus wintet' go()(L at prices which in n~a.ny case ,arc from OIrc-q Ual'tel to onehalf less thnnusual . . 'Lh is ., ale in elude the, ery things you need l'i?'ht no w, ThousNatioQa l Bank ands of bargains, owing' to unsea onable Elects Directors, weather, which leaves us with a lal'O'e toel 'i'I" , "took lI"ldl'r~ I)f the Wnynos of' w!nter goods, We candidly state that VIII · Nu,I ""d B.llIk ut tliair nDoua]' 11 """'!jL! T,,,,.,tlll Y lIfternoon elected our Immense surplus stock forces us to reI Itll f l~l1 ., w l"l{ h"ILl'd · of directors: T '~tI\Vk" . •T. B P nce, W B. ducp Qur prices to a very great extent -lower ,11 10'11, Il eo E. Ri loy, . LeV',OGrt. \' right .1 W .' Whit,e lIud Ohtl8 . S . than ever befol'e, S n r. 'l'htlre Is but one change in tb e DTe llJbl'T ~h ip of the board froUl otice our domestics. t ll.H of lu!<t yoar . Mr. ett.r s uc· N EdIth M,).. hoo', ,,(tOI' II plens · unl "11011 1.11111 will re"lll'll to onl1ego Itt H"I1IUil'" thi" ""11'"ing 1:'It)I' !:Its H' I', .11 I"~ (:',roil' l1. wllo lie bf' n i.n ill h"a II h III11HI ,II I,h" "'jntl r , «xpects III "'-':"111 1'''11.'' h01I', IInol if h l1 .. htllolth I U "· "III ~" wll! tu k.· ttl' It Ct1 nl'~f) o f , " II]" II lUi rem" 1" , I t. t.lw college 'I ,dd 1111' (.Iv"" .,f Ih "YH,.r M,~~
la.', III .. ue wln g th~ s ubscription to t.h,' tl~e ttl) for he r moth l' ,M..,i . .'urah ~ . Evnus, sn'y s: She WllS born a y ou)'s I.go tho sevoutJl of In st No ve mbel' on the lot where PU\l1irm Butt rworth.,go\\' \ivIlS. H e r fnth ' )', fll~ ton owneu till lJOU ~ Il , t hlll tootl on ·t·llo lot tholl . !\lI'R. EIU Il~1I Arcliar SmJth , III .Mucorub, I\1iuois, in n anI t o til l' r olutCH nn I n to l' o~ting in~i dl'nt whic b i~ ao outoom o of u lett",· fr olll bor whloh nppelll'od in th o r ~co nt SPCOifll ~ul1lbel' of tho G,, · A frieJJrl of her. whom sill> hllll (lotir Iy l ost Sight. of aod hllil not h Ilrd from for thirty."ight, Y III'S. Sill\' h er IettOl' un(l wrot c to h I" ', li nd IL Wllrlll trienlI. hil) of r",' 1111'1' yflltrs will in I.hb Wil Y bl rt·IJ c\\'ed .
M.. . ~'I'ud Stun tOll, who ~ l'IIdllll l " ' 1 Ohio tit!lle Univer sity Ill· t '" I nmlJU~ two y ellrs ngo t.llklug u. pusition imrnedintaly {\fterw!J.rd ill th" go v rnlll Bl\t employ t, t. ,Lonitl, h1ls rece ntly be ~ n Ilclvuncocl to II I position as oh iof of 'hlR de ptirtmeitt, wit.h St~ bandsom' iu ur outlo in sA lul'Y. M t r. tan on , tudi d cheulis try ut co]Jege ILud his trJlluing thoro. IlOllp. led ~tb a na tuml tl11 ent for tbis ki d f ,. fitt] l ' t II 0 wor", . e<: 11.'0 0 C m ~ . . 100 FI anneI ett~ llend outing n.t SYno 0 for !)o , 7c., for 5c. All 10c o ,,,din \! P. V . BOl <>, of LebRnotJ. u.s IIhlrtlDg f?r 0., Itldl~8 union suits, 2uo fot· 400 }cind ; ,I c for (\r, l1t1cl 7iic mnnd so exoelIElJ,lt It IJ0811.ioll. MI' . It dh'B<\tIl}' ..,e!ll" 250 for SlIo.nd .100 k ind. 4 c for (\~o Jiiod; ch ild 'tontoll'lI wode hilS to do witlr the All.,ftl cll r~ nf t he ~lIlnk were re o kln~l ; lodles uud e rw for the Umtell Alecterl: 'fJV . a Anen, ]ll'llSidellt i rens underwenr ~. t ~·te for Soc , ldn. d ILD d other s in pl'oporti n. \l00 hlRn . I1nnl yzil1g CO lli (1H" E . Ril ey , vice]1r liideot; ,r. O. k uts fo r 600; $].,00 bl!ln~eta.for $1. 00; n il wC/ol blnnlwts be low foJ' cost ; Str>ta Gove rnlll li t . 'rh e U",n 7. 't Q ,rtw.ri g l,i, o ,,~hi e r; Fred B !:lher. comforts at great reductlOn j ladles and ch lldlreos h e mtlcll lon'or. ,. " e "04 peoinl N 11111 bel' .hill:! wl)otf, Inltlvidutll book k eeper. led our fri end !! living' lit II lI i tU llCO ~ S t o send tu this o01oe CilPl llS of silO' I~ iul nllmbors of Jlupers pnbJi bed in Sery'ices at the The rnosts~,riu gent measures will btl employed to efl' ct!i complete th it I)wn loco liti S. AUh)J)g thos Catholic Church. nnd hn ty reduotlo.n Qf o.ur grent took of hoes. nothihg resen' d . Tbe r ecei ,-cd wns 0 bn udsolUll iIlus~rut,orl cust ·in sboe : e8peOlul~y, IS not oonsldere~; '1'1 ' Gpprecillto tlli li is to "tll) It edition ' of the Tell er ·o unty. '010, Thil regnlar monthly servioes ome liS soon as possIble; Wo guaranteo to pny you for yonr 'trouble muo. Banner, sent by Lawrence " M01'lln, uf Uripple Oreek, and n oO'p y wlH be held at !:It. Augustino's Oath, We .glve You belo,~ only II few prloes. . 750 o~ndren s sho s :for GOo. i $1,00 shOl~e '7uo, ; One lot hoy 's of tbo 'l"i · tnte { ews, of nit Lllko olio ohnrch in Wtl.YDesville 8undl~y Ilho,,:s for 90c. j other $1.(1,0 shoes for ~1.15; boy!!. 2.20 s hfllls for. $1 4D ' Ity, 8 nt by J. W. n.tterthwilite, J 'l Inuary 14, I\t 10 a , m , .c .orhes$2.00 shoes for '1.25 j One lot of ~L 50 shoes for 1 00 · $1.75 ' fa; f Luk o Town. Ulah . 'l'he eWI! , cO Dtlllned more than It hun 'Ired , In - the eyentog Futher Mttyer. 250 kind; $2 .15 for ~3.00 kind i Mens ~:1.50 s l!loes for $2 r.o. '$300 ho 1. W~ mnke chis pilgeR, ., hoef~r will ,also spea.k at tbe U . B. for ~2 50 t;zoo flhoeli ror $1.25. SOlUe os 10w!iEl AI~o 1I c6JjY of the mid win t el' ohu~ \0 lfarveysburgat7 o'clock. sPettl!lJ. cut 1D sboes to make room for n comI1!et;Q 1int.l of tbt) famon s .!JI' .tnlllted to b"oth servioet. and flA,.lLu.JTUN.BROWN sho.e s which we ex:peot to urr\vo in 1.1 few dl~ s numbor of the Los Angel e., nli . .w~~ .' '~-' .. . und whic~ we exp,oot t9 hu~w)e .vel·Y exhlns,i vely . In the fumre. 1rb~ fOl'nilL 'rimes from :til1'. Albort ml.1~n obJe.ot now 11;1 to get ~Id f all other wu:kes, Ilnd' jf low prices will Ke lsey, of tJlII.t 0ity · of o . Original ,dOit we Wl~ll1ot' ha.v'e a pall'Le t '. We '~ 1l1Js<Jr:bavi'bg uillde-in Bo~t<>n ' thel · · --' . ,ob .·1'::<': • R~cl BaH Blwd'}eather shoe>' \\"1110h are 0 !\:hll_ed to eolipse the flllllons Bnll . ' S u SCflu"rS.· bfUJU rubhers.ln ,,:l1ar !lOll populn.rity, In hort wo eXlIect tu Dluk e lin. .R. L. Du.v I , n. uro~her of !d !lr>l. , '. ~,_ __ ...,.~.__ entire revolutlollln the sh oe depn.rtment, u.nd must s '11 tlV t y ·".dr '0 ' O. ulld ;r hn D!IVI,S, wri tes to the A 'fE\w , -wee~s ugo the Gazette on, hllnqa,no matter wbat tbe cot!t. . ' ' . t' n w .Guze t~e from Wlohlta, KUllsns, ' ns mentlened SOm!! of its' oldest sub., Our co~dnroyOlothing !I~OOk is yet ' cO~lplew: Duok Coat . So '" .fo~loWs: . . 80i:i~. Mr. 'Philip Hawke was in suits; Ilhnge stock of mon's SUlt8 and pnnts; . boy!' odd couts. VOl" . 10\~''1 cnroe be!; 1D 1 II W.orked nt the 'G.".ette office n. few days ago 11-.50 coats for 7Y<t. j UleDS lind. boys cap at grel1 r ed uction ~50 Yf tho bor:J:tur I,rude five or 81X y.e llr<l; and ~~nitloned that he began tak. lind 400 kind; 5~ .for ll5 nncl 7Go kind . Llltest st.I' Ie.'1 l1ud 00111; In. ~~ n'~ finn.lly quit tlm~ !lUU begun'tCtlmlDg Ing the Ga.z ette with the licBt num· hu.ts a.t a r eduptl0!l ' Our CARPETS' nnd 'MATU1;fGl:i hnvo, u.lso b oon amI /1m stUll\t It . . . her ,lflSnetJ in 1850 and he ha!! take.n m",rked down tturlllg the snle, Our priciljs in Il r egitlar WilY are nota III l'llee tbn t Wflyn~S"ll1e I f:! to bl1ve It llontinuooBly ever sillce. low, but those who fI ttend our . Olea.ropoe SII.lIB; will be 9urprisetl . nt I,b~ ~ grnncl B~me. C?ming Retlnio~ of . More th,aD thnt. h e W[JS one 'of present red.notion . We ar'e II.nxlons t o how yon the bn.rglll )J~ , unci urge fo:.m er reslrl~nts. I. wus ralsed th~e , ~bo really sto;rted the paper, you to Ou.Un8 ellrlYILt! 1)08111le . We wnn t to plensa YUIl . . t-h.e r e Ilnd tlllnk ?f tJle old t-own II· . nil tlae first publisher" oirouh~ted n. Very R eepl'ot.fnlly , ~ood delllnn~ Gll1 .oomlOg ?fl~k on a paper before .underta.ktng to est.o.b· \iHlt li t I.hllt, time If llllll hVI~g fl.nd •Ush Il..newllp~per in w.ay.nesvill.e to • wpll pnough to ride on the oare, to ' Beoqre. pwmtses of ~upport from ""f> myoid tnenrls. Tell Emmor thl}'JIeOple of the community. Mr.• . B~lil y tb~tt I wnnt him, to . ha,~e n. li t tit
All Boot and Shoe P'rice Record thi 1 b ro k en. s sa e .
-'- -
:::'~:~;V~~~80;:pe~~ ' the
! •• ••••" . "••••
IUnn}: IllIniCI! unVll lukl\l) plUM h~ ~ F~· tlf hllll" Qftllo 111<1 ~ (lnl.! ~i ~I!I·';t htllf /1 C/'n ut'.\' ol;{..... ' ' I tll r . I~io ill' J I (l'I r l)l' t.hll )1 .rin(\. I ~ pru lrl~s of tJle iill n u w (,f .I OWII , w1\ioh hu!'\ ~v J' i;unQ ~l1y lIomo, n utI which llllll h\co n>:"e . ., _ 1'i~ n c rl It wonderf,)l 11 \·91:mlm " nn ,. u I~ shlt(). . 1 OllC hOlll·(1 .ft !;P nIHI l' r OUIII"1, ! n; R~ ,,\ 'pm I,hut .. rown WIlS II. g rout Mlota t,o IIvo 13.\ ltltER': In, bnl Ohio WII" " mlg hl.y !! , t;l . ~'I , I N I" ", stnt 10 ho 1;01'11 in. " . /:;q, ~'Ol\ !\,w LI lUud tL g ood snl"er-Iull in hoth Qa", .. ~, Ii'OO-rZ'1:\ Ii ~~ '-\... lIml II t oo' tra \'I IiJP OVOl' Ihirrv thl'o ~tute~ 1 Htill faol that, 1Il,V (\~" ) I'l'l'n J. 11 01110 ~tnt. 8 Ill' I.h o best . 1 'O I,U ~lti\.J~ i( I'H 1 Will.< I'~p · . !tIlly 1[11 I'es toli in Prof. I DH. () t,Y ~ \' ('ou Il l" 'ij l 'I.te'1' Ollll lui I)ed io ,'om,' DR I)t\NIF:VK • · fitlm. j.(·O lllilll-( ' · i,sue, b'litJ,{ oil" (,r I h u "Uu 1'1'. t ~~HI"" rerm'):"tl to . w lttl i II I t l·IIt.l,,,1 h iS fu·gr, 'ohl 01 III the Ii tl hl bl' ic ll lS~il'JOI hon s" in D i t.riCI. No 2. " U, It !'Y" ( \V1l l,hclI ,lllt·(j hln,) W u~ , \.I '11 1\ 1ll'"I",1 tem.lier li nd Il I'UC('I'~~ 11""11 ,.,.Il):'neSVI e . th,' ~I""I,. I;ilhl~ hold in hi llii t! 11.\.III I ; I• •- . . . .- - -. .----I~ ill' 1111 !tIl.< UIl).lil;& 'I'h o old wllt(lh to wllh·1t hI! rcf,lI'8 is s ~i11 in t.ho rlllll\Jy l'l1e : Orlglao . .. lid lI uking ,,11' tJl11 ~I lIo llllR liS regu. ]1I1'}Y II" \\'\WlI (" Lrri uu by IllV fulhfll' .I<'(>}II .I ' 8: U'" ll "iCl' I ~(), ortj!fnntl'd o v~r h ulf u {lonl.I.II'.\· ugo·. · I ( ') IIIW MIn '1',11' Ill" >\' th '· '1/I. !LIlli Innl' I {'IIII bardl y I'tlsist tho t'lI1lJtllttull l'el1\ "d\·. II'1)(1 OIl I\(·I·t1tltlt of tllf'l-(r Allt t Il '1lotl'rlLI tho i:luml),Cou))lI r:: Honn .1 II II .)'i t•. 1\1111 1'''1)111,1 ·(I·Y .flr . rol ey'. 11m, bn L I~o i fi g u It' lL\'011 1.1 g M 1 t.'~ llllln , ,. 1 1 , ~ n n .I' IIn(1 Til I' mlln ,I' i nll tn t.](1 II 8 ",1'1 lIJy t.IllJO IS u nt IIl \\,IIYS lit my 11iI!PU 011111:('(1 for tim g.'nllln A!<I{ for $11 1, y t I s hnll l'cqneMt Illy hon!:lo 1<1 1 1~"If1.\' · '; Hun llY 1111(1 'r'II' .. n (1 r(lfl1~ 1 OIJI.lD tlle.i!' houd!:! un. II gnlnt. IIJ 1l lll l1 .V "tliJ~tlt. ut.~ O'T~ll'u rl Ill'! 1111 nt,lalr "IllY, oil" during 1I0X t A uAtH t,. !lI'AJlIlI'U t·lOn wl.1l g'1Vf' t·h, ~ILIIW ~II t But I willllot fLUI.her wllllry Y"II. IHfucrl"ll . H/ I" lIlilll v Inx" tot VI It. uS ttl is let.t e r i~ IlJrlilldy t-J o l('Iug !(··' llt.llm" nil ")lJ n t -:£O IIn() III ""r,,!It. for Q ~vishin g rOil oontiune(1 n( :I'I'"~, I h l1t1l i'11 1I1lt! II, II ,,1·, PIII' HIl ll • F. I rOUlllin yo urs very trllly . ! C. tlCh\VII I' t.~ . Tll o!'. B G,,"JtKT::IOl" .
J' ---.--.-
Nptice of
~ppointmel1t . .~--------...,
E-I"lI! of Il<'\lcrt l~ n ~1c.
' l'h\' UlltlCr:, lgn uu ba heel! :l JlI)OhIL ~ n ntJ IluattllC<l II. lI,!",IIII,rr"lor II" l>unl8 unn WlLh I n ~ will 'lu"oxc,1 of 11\0 ()!\IM' ()f [(ob· en l·:"~lo. Into or \\ 'non COU II ( ) ' , n~to, dr '
$21.25 ·Naw
ceasell I l). t·,1 th l" ~ilti ,Iu ' ot NO"CU1b"~ A. J)~ lI'O'" J . I;; ..I ANN"" . •\d 'tll nl,'lr~LOr ~", IIr"",loo . lJ"rr and 1\'1015. AlLY', ' '!~ I • ._-- - - - . Apple, Ornnges, BILnnnll R, Loni n ~, Gl'I\ pO~, !::lweet. p o ~Il t\)O~, /l. \) ltn ~,,:, Ollions, e t c. nt ZIMMERM.AN·R
20.00 Mobile ROUND TR'~
TiCk. .. on ..,. Feb"", 2 101 10 26th, 'l ~ln rt:lI JrtI. a' len 00 to AI.rd. do",. I 01
I t~ . 1'10.:., ma y bo ".d
of SOC ,>'lIt! I' No,1\'plymenl .Od...... or .\h,~I1"..
tl&ket and
It l'ays ·to Pay in Advance
For Informntlon nddteu:-
Til nU nt,loll of QUI\otta !luI !!crll~ orR iM oulioel to th fllot t.llllt t1u\ price of th e lJllper is $l.Z5 ·wheu n l)t pnid. in Ilcl vuLloe. If puld I:t Re1.' vunco it i only,41. 0U. A II nulU· ber of su bscription . Xl)lr n· this sensun, .s ubs d .bltT 811OUI(1 1:1 v I,hl) rna t tor ntt otion .
Clor.!. W. z.,1~ u. P.i.. Qi C, Roult. CI.d..lIl. D. ". &>,0'", t. ".oA.:Q. (l C. It•• le, Clad ...JL
w. A: O"~~tlTI',
w.e. RtNllhRtoN,
Oon' l r.l"",,~er. Ocn'l PIa., "'PI, _ • C1NCtNNATl. • '
Is .now hannl)'0 their"If· yell )'l"J fnct()I'Y .. ' ~
'costs and cleal'ance sal .of Men., ]10.ys a~ n",U· 1 . ' ehold' ' '. t · 1. h 1 lens SOt' tll ~ an dO J VClcoa , W ne .. \Vayne 'ville 0 nlo~_ bo f ~tenk cot ant for me. mean <I. sa, ing of at least 25 Jpel' ceut 10,,!!!!!!'!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!!!!!!~~~~~'~~o~ re!:~~b~;"(~~:.OfA~~~ G:~~~~I:,~1 er hi Price than any othel' advel'ti ed . Kez'ah C00 k • )l ome h.ore all thntwllllDg - . . dflUght of I·he InteMrs. Jone Ario~ J US t t' 0 remln d .you t1lat tllIS . aI . I hands who y eo r s " go spent n good de!}l of e 'lS • g h ell l'ts. cnuln .do WIl8 time ill Wn,:swesville. Mrs. !::lbownl· on'Bl'.an New ~~~o .'Jovlbn ' Mer·chandl·se an'} not -a .·.cle''"(";1'- ,"".' Ke?lab Coon, daughter of Jilmes . u~ . ,notwi th 8 t.fllldll;l~ u11 till' hm. beou II membor of t h o Shnker u.i1d Mn.rgurat Sheehan, WIIS horn in these, Itddl tlOll to the Sk.1l1 of I.h" sett·lt,ment tLt Union Villuge this ' I . f ' ol~.1 catried over stiop. ",\votn , , ,• , (,;enter county, ' Pennsylvnnin, June ph~'~IOJu.n, ·t.hl) cJ?se of the f'flrl.h ' county a Dumber of yen rs: 'nud !111Ce S!1.e. O 20, 1828, / ,md died in Montgomory Jlfu cli me lit 12 0 clnck . ~,redncsda.y, writes to the Gazette us follows' . conntyOhio,nearCenterviJle D . 1JIIJIlt.. . ..... ~ "lhILve·hndgreat pleaSurelnr~ad. O'oods, that .y ollcan btl any $10 .()0 suitor . 0\IDber 28, 1905, aged. 77 y e~rs u · iug the Spllclul Rome.Coruing Num t In tll~ St 01'e' ~itOI' .$ 6 . 1" h 't h . h' mont~8 nrJd dItYs. ' ber of tbe M.illrui Gazette . It hns 'overcoa at :w ~ll , ' WhAn. three years old sbe Ollme t," \' oltlled buok 'in !Demory of 40 yeura th ' . ' $ 8._ t.5O... this OOInU.lIlbit,y where they !tIed I "go' when I entered the little toW]) ey say a $12 . 50 SUI. t 01,' ove~coat tor op what IS OIllIed tile 181111C Millel' rLy~llll)g bride. 0, ~o· lJ.Iany ohanges . . ' t 'h t" H ' _1 .,' . 'J fi>tm . Ii' e oruemelll · · Ih'lve ~xperlonced!!lllCe tIlcn! meansJus W , a ,~ .e y ~ay ,all~ notlllH!. ese, bar qf t he fUlDil y lJaaliveri there. It Will fl lwllys', be Of.D WlLynea. ~15 00 h:O 'S't "~a O·V~l'COULS' "~ " OnOotober G,1 52, she llni t(ltl villl'to JI\e, still I ILUI ~lell~etl t.o ~ an d' . Ql.'lu· ~ .p . 111 S .01. for in IDl\rriage to George S. COOll. For note . wouderfu l improvements $11 50 ~o~e tbl,ln ,fifty yom's they ~!Ju ..etl , of WlIypesvi!\e amI would like ,an.'d c JJOICe 0 f th e 1·'lOURe 0...."~. •any "SUIt W .· hfe s uu sb'lle ILud S hJl do\\' , wIll '" I " t o be lit tht.l Home Ooming nflxt , 't .. , tt h ).' I ~ . " ' . ol.l Decembor Hi, 1002, he budl' fure . i Augn~r., which IllOpe will be ngrt1nd or ovel (loa ' no rna er . 'l· a t le ' 'lormer · :::::~ !~Il~l,e!,~~~~h\'~lj· M~l~;~~;~~,~.~' j Bll~;S~e~L~~iOit~e:rs;r~o~r~l~rn ju~t priQ~wasJ~91': $15~o'O,~ ~: -:' . " ' . .£
Roasters. Flour Bins, Bread Boxe8, Il.UU Granite Wore free to our Qustomers. . Save yo~r Tickets Z I M.M Iil R M A ~ , 8
]:::!:::~~::::5!I J URt reoeivea trom fnotories
.. 5 ",aSes
Motbers Oat·s ltD 0 guoranteed in t h e Ic.t . ZIMME "'RtM AN
N··e 0rIe''ans. .C.uba:
oounty. '10 t-hem weI''' b1)rrt oigh t I , ohlldren, f,mr of whom lire left to .1. mourn tbeir lOR. of .1 m ntll~r'~ sympn.tby aod lovu. ,,' Some fifty :velu's ago 81)(\ lmit pt\ with th M. E. cburch nt. t:t'nfl!r . ville unller the Jlllstorll! lltl :ors of ' Rev. 81le em orml upon the Christian lifo \\ itlr u CIt1IU' and RJl tisfuotor.v ex pfH'i en P . H ill' consciouslIEll!g of JIlS U ~ Cirri .. !' us (L ' 8uvior \\On n tl'Ht.illlOiw
f. C. SCHWARTZ . . ~yne.svillet
lorl. da'
.UU((I.I.CRESC' n u: LnII'.
Jo~e)Jh NmY~OIl.
she offerpd the ,V(; tll'!I of:3bolo,"ol\ th li t hrough allinthll tho lIel'viccs of the churoh, nml t;h e expeotetl to uttelld tho rllCllu t, Qmtr. torly Meeting ervices. '1'hl'Oll"h th fifty f '" e yenrs 0 rinls lJy ~iek n "~H, berellvement. , losl!e~, wit\lIwllOl/Jd. h t 0 ex perience of l\, prOsclit pOI'''''"n l Savior hns enabled her to 1111 p,dient resign dundoheel'ful. She WI\8 II oaroful, uneetl Junta t;Uother, n. gcwd belpful neighl,,, I', " 10YI~1 friend, 1\ cOllsietent 'hl'i~ t, illn . lllHI t.11tl cClnHdtlnCH of 1111 t im IlU" ple The ....:ords of kin g Lomtlel lire lip '. lJl'c1prlllte: tiel' tongue WIIS IlLw of kindness . !:ille luukod weI I to tho WilY of her hou~ ehol d, IIml II te not the bread of i(\leness , B e l'
_ H,alf the' WorldWondera . ' . 'lIow the otlier hnlf lives . Those ulle Bucklen's Arnioa Sa.lve nevel' ~onder if it will cure cuts wounds ·oorns. sores and skin e~uptlbn \l ~ ' they know it will. Mrs. Grunt Shy 1130 E Reynold8 street,..sprmgfield, ohHdrenri8eqpaDrlOldlherbl "s. ~d . . Ill, Bays: "I re~a,rd It ooe of the -Proverb!! xxxi :26-2 . , H er s Iokness .a bsolote becesmtieR in housekeep. began Ilbont' three Ing." Guaranteed by F C Schwartz wASks ' ago. Iftlr daughter, ' ]\1:rs, Marion WeUe . r, took her to her druggist. 250. .
'. l
·rHREETRAINSA D,AY'Itneir obi](iren . .
tJalcqo &. Florida Special
I. Sent"" JuW1 alb. !"6. ' ' Throug~ !PuUmnn I!erVIOG from Clavolan<l, In<l!tllIllpoU. and Ct'olluonb""l'T" ill Bill. Fo\1l' Route; p .. ro I .,,' oledo vIa Pcre MIlrq ...lto n.nd 0 II t!:.,I) ny.• l1li<1 Loui.viUu·ia ~I~~r't., Rou1w~Y; 1 CQnooctlnl{ with ( , b IU8g0.
~~25 P~ALmoy'.i'?r:'~~~~eC~3"gp A\IiU5UIlo.
Florida Limited . Throuilh Pull I fro
' OSKA 'LOOSA Id, A ,.mUI'tOR!I MIAMI GAZR:TTIiI : ' v . 'l'h i H ·C . .. 0 ' ome· omlDg Issuo of y(>ur vnlunble paper WIlS raoe! vad . . . Ilnrl rend With much mtel'est . I also received yonr prevlouB'Jetter -ill regllrd to it/and fully intencled to reply; hut overlookAtl the foot that the naper was to bo Issued so SOOtl'f'" d h ' fl terwn.r ,thoug perlillps It Is 119
~~ft':; ~liJ1t~n Dd;ri;,~ .~~=t' :~:!r.·e!O~~flt~.~~~lu.~:~~~~ S~ai~~
1::u.~·n~~gr &=n~~:: f.p-restlng tiS whu.t was conk.ined In ~ lco to No,,<;,rleana. , th'fl le,tters published, e'to. ~~... ~~.! Special , Wayllcsv111e 'wns for mlluy yeors Solidtraln ClncumaU to N~.. ·Or- ruy home during my sobool ' boy 1c!l1ll8 via Cha':.~ ,lUla .Biimln,. • ba"'.Jalsothto,~rat::oerVIoeLo da.ys, and I shall always oherish ,' YiIIe and with.pleusure ti!e memorieS of 'tbe . .. _1iI'::~~'l'oarIi\· = - DOW OO.p~_ ••L ossoolatlon~ \lonneote'd w _..tOt., 1'01' -UCP -h 1h th h , IIIth the h.old •••• IIJJIA'UT. ,-' r..l., e. so 00 ouse on e 1 , .. as t I'!Y 1I . .., o.ulIm, . W;~IU."~ereamongtheb~ppl~tofmy,life. " ~~A~~~ rears ~ve passed sincetMn~ncf
".llhl tu be u.rouud; have a 8pin.(1 troublo tltat 'ulfecl:8 my nerve~ i \lim banlly n~e a Pp,]) nt 1I1l. • , 1::\0 mnny 110ft in Woynesville In 1 14 arll taking their long rest ovpr uo the hill in your bouutifulOOD10 tery, where I hope to liq if I should P'iSS awuy while IIvinB in Ohio. I would Dleet so few of my 01(1 no. .' l . I qlla nt'lInces . mude In tbe 'GO'!! now, t.hey are mostly chlldron !lUll
reached ·,"R'CO-I'..oi't·" .ivla !'
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$1.:50 and $1; 1'5 Pants £01" 95c. $2.50, $3.00$3.50 Pants for $1.9-5", $2,00 and 2,{j 0 Childlen' Suits- 'illClto 1.5~ 0 $ 3 • 00 a dn3. 50 Oh i Id ren 's S u i ts--II!> 1.95 iii' $4 • 00 an d 4.5, 0 C h ilu l.'en' s Suits, . II!! 2 .5 Q . .. 'ill $5 · 00 and 6 . 00. Children's SUIts $395 . . , \' - ,
EagIeo [I t'b')',.ug •
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20 22 E3rd St .
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~·~O~L~.~X~L~V~I.~N~O~.~11~2~·~~~~~~~~'!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C~il~.~m~l~l~'~V~M~"~'C~t~lv~e~I~.v~'~I~'j.~'l "~I!'~'>~'I~i~II~II~"'i!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~L~y~t~l~e~ WAyNEtW H~I.J ~~, ORIO, W'E DNESD AY, .J AN UARY
A Busin ess Men' s
Club for aynes vl e. Woynes vlJle have II. BUSIne . ss Men's Club, If plnns now under wny ore lIl,lccessful. Tbe most progreKslve towns nil over ' t'he country huve za· tion8 of buslnes 8 men lind publio splrlted citl7.ens who look lifter the Interes ts of tbe oommu nlty not only . in a buslnss l' way b u t In evory ot·her respeet thnt will help in its Ildvano ement. IeIWay nesville ha.s needed suob nn orgll.nillation Illong time . It Is the purpose Qf those Iuteres ted in th.e new Club to Inolude not only bUSI· uess men, but other oltill8n s of Waynesvl11e flnd v,l0lnity, also. Death Come s to Will S. McKa y. W1l1 8, MoKIlY, former ly editor of t,lltl WlLYIII~ IIVi\ l tl Nuw~ , the ~blL ' noo 8tar ulllI Republ lcun alld 111\er lUlI.nllger of the Wllmln gton Journa l , died Ilt his bome In Wilmin gt.on lllst Wedne sday night, death being dUe to typllold fever. Mr . MoKIlY ' W08 n bright nnd copable newBpa per man, strong In Ili8 convict lon8 lind fenrle88 In ex· I)resslu g them . Bis den·t b·, in tho ver.v prime of life, WIlS a terri ble shook to his friends . Hill body WtlS Illid to rest at Leb I\n"n I:!oturday. Mr. MoKI\Y is snrvlve d by his wire and two SIU.LI1 ohildre n, His wlfe WflS form erly Miss Mn,ry M WiI1ll1mson, of WaynellvlJle, I\n~ the sympllt hies of the people of tillS commu nity go ont to llllr III her doop bereave ment ..
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I::l'ucerybtlsillil~a; b'l WH<l uk i l"i 'LlHI
husbllnc1, u 10Y ili o\t.i z" .. , eD It)\. 0 E R IIffectio tru~ frlnllte ellt! . ever rent!y t,. m llli.,,·,·
WROIJI!: N UMI:l).;Jt ~ 11 j
'~~~~~~IF'!!,~~~· ~~M~i~d~'d~le:r~u~n~.~~~,! !. !; ;" '· 0\ , 1
Our snow has disappe ared afte r I I expect people think til(! \~ a .-,· nffordln g Uluoh plellSllI to tb.ose In ueell A.utl wnnt. H " \\' li l '" ont in sleigh riding. 'e und enjoy. (bns not. mllde ve ry good r e.•ulull for 1900. busyd un.I ' Being bl 1 ••It III.r,I,· be ~ndly mioAed by h l~ IIlnn .v f .. il1 I11I_ !< be ..III Mr. Wn.lter Murray is r ecoveri ng e v.wyt Iling omll ue 101 , " ." "Il.l neigh bor K; In"1 f.ItOt. h .v 1.1'1 ...I P1'" i " 11I r, am a s evere attuok of tbl", w"e~ wnll t nt,. hyet IIppeurs C!otllllluui ty iu Wu C 1 h .1l re i• .-. "III "hioh oonfined him t o hi s t Il e "b ri p II b8e >\ b<!d for n nu muo II Il \\' . . in the bllsineB~ ill whioh he WII~ ,'". furtnig ht. Mesar!!. R~y.mond ILntl Roya ll.r t. ",,,,od. h '" , , sock Rpent,TRundn l\1r and MrR Joe MoUrllY of Ven' '('he oounoil .of which he w,'" II l ,. . y tnftern oo n With . • . ' ' . Jakie und I . • oun' Maxwe I, rvlUe, l:iOOt VIsited Sundny nt theJr Miss Ruth ll ancl slstPr Illellll)~ , ' <lesh'e t,o IlXp",,", 1. 101 1' ",,, rentn-ll1ome, Mr. nnll Mrs. Albert .Sl '1ylll)JII ,' 'I'tlesdl' ." night witb t, htlil' tl Horro\\' ill t,ll " 1 1 .·" th IJ M M C t of t.heir flrlend Ilntl fellow ('u n"l tl t J6nl •. , " rne . 1 ' . c ray rep~>r.s llL 'l'ents ncur Bellbrook. Hmnll ' hiS father Is slowly recoverlUg from grundpa Mrs Frunk Hlnt-oo k, who hill! Tn hi s cJ(~votell wife un.l III " in!! hlS. broken leg caosed by a horse boen quite sick, is some 'better. fllmil .1' thl'll r AiI' OAr ll ~:-' l11l1l1lh", roiling on It. Mrs. Ed Morgal l Rnd er, Tlu'I refor ; l'i ll cC! it. hn ~ JlI"n~",l II I The banque t Thursdl lY night (was Miss Ed no' entertu lned dnugbt I:!oturday IIlh::h ty ~~oll . t o 'l'emovn f l' 0 l1 1 Olll' a grlUld suooess, oysters , pickle:!, fSeVel'!llllldl~!! at a ollrpet rag sewing lIlitlll t, our fr iend Ilncl fell ow C '" l1 dl. CI'ncker s, ooffee and celery being Mr .•locob Scott and wife were In IllIIII W 6 on ;)r tbe f, lI owln ;; I'P.!!OJU ' sl'rved by the Knight s of the Gold· LebCtuon , It WIIS the tlrst lions: en Eagle. time Mrs . Scott hlld been there for Resolve d : 'l'hu t thoRe mluut,os ).e Miss 'l'rena. Oornell of P leasant u nnmbe r of years, and stood the s)ll'elld upon t,he villa ge rollo I'd!! nnll Ridge, visited Mrs. cliff Lewis one trip well . . thot 1\ oopy of the sum e be !lont t o dllY lust wo"l<. Mili ~ Llllil.l Osborn e, of Dnyton , tho falllily of the decellsed . Quite" nU lUlltll' of t lu l1i,.~ III IIV nt RU Vel'll"l' dftyS last week with Resolve d i Thllt these minutc s be our commu nity wurt-! it!" ~hl)]Jl'ill g ill .rucob Soott ulIlI fllmily . printed in the Miami Ga.-.ette Imd . Df\Y ton Saturdl i y . '1'be w~it6r being sick this wee~, Waynel lvlllo Entl'rp rise. . Tobucoo atril?piug ~e" IIl" to lrll MIt' b " . c.1 oelf nut know m~lch thn.t.: 11.-,. Resolve d ; That tho membe rs of ohi f OCOUl)/ltl on uUlolig the fllrllllll'" gomg l~l.l . • tbe VIllage Counci l attend the fun · It is reporte d· t hllt some of thl'Dl SeTvlc~ (n. t Bllptlst onaroh erlll 08 a body . . hove fl"lsbed . Sl1tlll'(luy ilt 1 ;(JO p. IIl .,""::;:gd Sunllay B. B . MII.L8, (JUAS , RlI:YNOLDS Mr . flnd MrH. Berne .Jones viHit el1 a t 10 :ao, IL. u~ , oonduo ted by Eldtl.L ._ D EN.I. DAVIS WESLEY BUlnll Mr. bllr1es Crew, a/1st of Wuyne s Lines . . URAS, WERNT Z· Counci lmen, vill e, Sunday ' J -,1Aaoll 1. CLAnK, Mayor Mrs. Wrn . Duke hus besn on the Pleas an,t Ridge . M. VANDUSICR, VILLAC)E OLERK sick list., bu t ls better ut tbl ~ Wl'i.ting J.aoob Cornell 'und (laught er I!pont, L -~D OCAMr. Edwnrc1 Brown cume fr OID undoy llfterno on wit.h CUlTorll L After an \IIneSB of Uttlem ore t :lan 10\' 01' of the bElI1utiful nd tbe J ton SUlld"y tl) Ree hi s mother , Eurnhl lrt n.nd fILmll.V. ' true, PERSONA~ MENT ION tt~a:v belDg nllllrly Il YOllr a week from pneumo nia , (J. D. ' nnd found mnch pleasur e stnce hI' ~nw Severa. 1 frow this llhlOe attendo d Rnder of Corwlu pa8Sed lIW8>Y ubout of music, Ilnd' wus a membein the art her . . tlH, dllnctl n.t Elmer E.uoha rts Batur. r of the M~f!. E . S. Furnas has been quite I) ::\0 o'olook Wednesdl1Y evening . dllY night. Sons of Veteran s Band at Xelllu for ill w\~h fev'lr and cther oomp\lcll' Seldom Indeed bits the announ oe several year1:l. Harve ysbur g. Olin" Butld spent Sunday wlth . tion1:l this w eek . > . ' ment of' n deatb come us suoh u He wn·s nln.rried to Miss Andrew Ma.rlott. C.une -rhe infl1' n t; chlld of Samuel Mer· F,rldaye velllng , ,Tnnuary 19th, at· . Mrs. Su.m Surtaoe shook to the people of the oommu · · Genslin ger on Novem ber nlty, and seldom hos there . been "fhis ~nlon was of ilhort 21, 1811S. editb has been very ~Ick the pa~ t' t! o.olock, Pre8id~nt Kelly, . of ~"rl ' l la!l t week with Mrs,' liP n t one duy duratio n, wee~. Philip Surfu ce o • .' . hllm College, RIChm ond, lnol!onu, suoh deep Bnd genel'll isorrow. his wif~ dYlllg. July '. 1894. Mr. '1' , . 11 Don't Forge t th . t f Miss Lola Zell, after fl8~ort .t\t.LY will delive r the Genial whole·80uled "Ollnt" Rn· 1Roder was ngaID mlurled first lecture of II rena .come WBS e goes 0 to Miss in Wllyn esville, went to Clnolnn 'litl course der as of be (bree WIUI known to hundre ds Suruh Et·t fl Kilbon on und Olle oonoert bercon sln Mrs. lIffLewi~ Wednell · the Instit ute. Novem ber 28, Monday, wb ere 8he will spend some un'der flU spices of persons and will be held in offoo 1901, lLt h er home in of Clnlstil l.n Endell.v. duy. Corwin , Ohi O, time. or Ilt Friends churoh Ticket-s for 'fhe j)rogrnu l for Ollr Farmer s' tionate remem brance by 011 Mun! by. Rev. Wm. M. Coffmnn . ThIS Mrs, Fenton Squires hns been suf. the entire oonrHe, 5 0: Institut e il\ uot quite oomple te, but of his triends did oat know of hiS ulJl.:Jn ~roved a most cent~; tor sllle . h,IPPY one. ering from III severe attaok of grip lilt Weloh & Daklns and of Miss Sprin g 6ranc h. will be rendy to pu bllllh III next illness until n short time before IllS 'l'lIey hved tor ·elLch Eva otllers enjoy· for some days . Her slater, Mrs . t Tuck er . week 'i! Guzette . death, and fow reali.-.ell that it was ment nnd nfl'eot.ton until ' . Mrs. Frank Hawes who has beeo the day of !Sallio Watson , of near X>enia., has La st. week (Jhllrles Ml1dden wus serious ly ill for tbe post few T b.e Institu te dntell uro FridlLY of a serious Ufl.tnre. . his death. week.a been with h(3r tbis lind &turdo y , Eebruu ry 2 nnd a, week. He hnd the rBre faoulty of mllkIDg I Mr . Rader grel\tly enjoyed tmnSl\c tlng busines s at the CoulltY' liS ~Ughtly Improv ed at the time of the MI~s Mllrgue rite Thomp son was .sellt, untl Mnm promise s to be' oue of the bes t !nsti· friends of 1111 wIth who m he ollme soci ety Bill heau and son t·hls writing . of 'hi') fellows WI\S II. hostess to II party of little boys und returne d to Blltllvil totel! ever hllid here. in oontoot . He waS' nevOl' too busy membe r of the Knight,s !Lnd l Monday, u.fter! Messrs. DRVlq La.sbley and Fronk of Pyt,hias girls nt her .h ome on Third Street, tbreo week's t,o say a pleasnn t word or t o do n lof Xenlll , Ohio, ~nd th~ min.glin g with home I' MallIe were Lebano n vlsit!3rs 'lne kind aot I1nd he leaves u pluee tllllt l Lodge of Wnynll~vllle, belugMnsolllo l:!uturdlLY afteroo on . GOllles were folk" , nnd .Wl" Ilre Informo d Messrs. day la8t. week. In SocIe ty. enter. p layed and lL jolly good time s~nt. Amo.,. Ellu. a~d Floyd ~ndOt'Son Miss OU.le Pepper has been tho CIInnot be filled : . tl Appren Novem ber 22, 1904, I:!uperi ntenden t Shldak er of M.laml wl~ll FUllera 8ervlce s were conduc t.ed lund TlLised tice their' fliUllhes bave glven 0t;t guel!~ 9 her aunt and Unole ~r to the Sublim e Degree of C6)1.1eh,ry has been Mrs •Agnell Wright and brother from his llute . I~.nd Rick for about a gomg to MillneRot41 118 heretof f home at eleyell ore Mrs. Frank BllrtsO<lk of tbl8"vttlbt~ " C. U . Williall lson entertu ined very Sunday , nnd in spite o~ tbe .o 'ol ook \a Muster Moson Janu~ry 17, 1905 . week wi th mulllria 0 nd hilS been IIrrnnlted ant! the IItholic priest of for t,he PIlSt few dl1Ys. 1 ; plellilaut.1y ut euchre Bntnrdn y even· Iy Inoleme nt wellthe lt IS ex.trellle He loved y for Its ow~ s.~j!e, oonfined to his home . '1.'hI8 Is Mr, ~ebonon, I~t the U. B. churoh . Severul from our.vio lnlty Ilttend. estltlmt ed .lUll WIlS a beheve r In the prlJ)Olp ol l:ihidll.kers second lng, In honor of Mr. and Mrs. \\'111' · thot five hundre d r peTsous slok spell in a. long ~unday evemng . Our loe en are etl thl! dance ut the town hall Inst reo DeVitt, of Cinciun atl, who have present to pay the 11l8t sad .weru tenent~ of this. noble order whioll numher of years und It gpes pre~ty prepori ng their recept.llcleR mfaT the Friday night. trIbute are "Brot.her1y love, rp.\lef n·nd hnrd with him to bBve been ¥ueitE! of t·Jtelr mother , Mrs . of their regnrd for the dooeCtse to be lLO !D . harvest when tbe SlIme ahall d. M DI" n Whart n f M$ Bolly tl·Utb . " Be WI\H not. 1\ membe r of l vnlid . I.lnl1 DeVitt . the proper oonslste noy, and the few Fifty persons ClIme down on tbe Ilny ohurch , but he woe a firm 1:1 rs. ~Io th he MrR. Warren DeVitt reeeivl"d the mornin g truin from swine left in thiR herltllg e nre being wn recen y e gu es°t o~ h r'grand . Mr . Rl1der's old liever nnd in ohristil lnlty lind was II .0 ,first prlll8. ml PU.bli · c Sales , . home at Xenia , and there were liberal suppor ter of the churoh held for increus ed weight Rnd more ~'IU~~ter Mrs. Frank Dakin IIno;! 11. . . - - -. money . many frlendll present from Duyton , enooura ged others to do the um y. Mrs. Isrl1el Wrli(ht nnd dflught er, Lebano n South Lebano n and RO·Ole. wIl1sll llat myresld~nce, known oth er '. As a busines s mfln he was indus 118 Ithe Mr. JaKe Laoy of Dayton was" Eul1l8s farm 4 miles wes~ of ' Mi88 LIIIII,llntertutned in their usual polnt,lI. ' • I reoent guest of bis sister Mrs. trious, ell.rnest, enterpr ing, uJlrigh t Waynes ville, on tbe Wnyne ebarml ng manner at dinner Batur. sv llle The membe rs ot tbe famous 80ns und honest, WIIS " ~ntervll e . James Cbenow ~th~nd fl1lOlIy of this a gcod neighbo r, and Frllnkl in pike, the fo~lowi MY: ' Mrs. Wllllooe Tibbals !lnd of Vetern.ns ng . violnity . Bnnd, of Xenia, kind and obligin g and e~er ready to' propert daught ers, MlsseR Floro. and Mary of y, nll In good oondltlo n: lind J.l?ew itt. Miller, tb~ noted leotur whloh Mr Rader had help In time (If need . Mr. Ernest Dakih transac ted busmuoh of it nElllrlv new, on. Mrs. Annie Tborpe ! Mrs. George W. been ' 0. rnembflr for six r, WIll dehver the t lurd numbe r In HCwke, .Mr1:l, A. " . Wright , Miss ~enlled in n. tlody uut of years, at· ' He leflveB to mourn his dellth his 'I'BUR~DAY. FEBR;UARY ~, lUOB, the Sellson 's Conrse u~der the IlUij iness ill Xenia on Tuesda y last. News a scareel lrtlole this week Jtl8Ble Clark, Miss Emma Bl1ighwHY, respeot to their former love !I,nd wife aud his1ittl e nephew Kennet h, n.t ~en a olock fl. 2 htrs~s cows ploes of the Llbmry Club, at the ev ry bodv strippin g tobacco snow .Mll!s Myr.\ Bl\lrd aO(l Miss May Tbe Knigbt s of Pythins oomrad e. of whom he was very fond, one 2 plgS, farm In:tp emen ;s: eenn g '1'own Hall, BlLt. evening , J an , 20 : hus about ~I dlssllliellred und every ('nstle of Hister und other relati vel! nud very blnder ~ peerll g ~rlllht, m~:'er, . a t0plooorto Xenin, of whloh he was 11 membe r, many friends . Bllvlng lived The Library Club met recentl y lu body glud of the ohangl' in tbe rhe lllnOA oordsco lIslsted of oie,:er WIlS nl80 wen . I traI1sp jan er,lL I1ml~ on oorn an· the K of P. Ball well rllpr"se nted, as wns " few year~ In this oommu nlty, onlY . Encouru !;lng reo th er. yet er,.o. flfty. tooth verses of poetry, olloh g~est eo8~ly nl80 barrow ! II. Buokey e potta wllre given. Therll .trl~ about the Knight s of l'ythlus he will be 11 grel1tly misSild A rldlUg ~U1tIV'!-tor, a .Mohne breakfn ll 600 volume s In Library reooKnlzlng the verse WlllOh apphed Costle ut Waynesvl1le . New books . ' and tllso str ong DIan hIlS fallen . A dnrk plow WIth Corw in. . f.O ber JOIn ter, 1 hayrllk e, 1 new are being plucec1m it fre(lllllOtly. f Ii S th Leb . , ~i-'----b t to~acoo membe rs 0 t e au · pr888 small barabar e plow nnon Provide nce oonfron , ts UB, . . U e oUr 2 h , a 'o ' I The JilQo4rPl!Iv IJ lust Wedne sday ~na 1 , !:laDle good IJI!lno music wus ren o 'I'hls oon and the . ~enloCo firi~ fuith shnll. not filII Iu B1Ul who ;IOtf~~ \lnlty WaR . greatly e"eniD i by ~J'8 .. DeVitt nn'(1 Mr . und depn.rtl llent. The Vlllllge : ~fl :'Chal!~~~~ dry pow:. dtlred, and Mra. Spring reoit c1 very shocke UTIO .ioeth d by tbe all thlll~i drnth of well. our "For now we del' tOh'IOOO sp'rayer , 11 Little Giant luioepta bly . highly / . M1'8 Bally I1t their hospita ble howe of Corwin , of which c)eoellsll r espeoted Ilti<l' itmoh beloved cltlwn, was one IIf tho soolety event!l of the mem\)e r, ottende o till' fuu Il w~s , II eee through a glaSB dllrkly. buttben seed sower 1\ ped'II gr inder with tool Jnmes Lawson , who roo Mr C. D. RaUer, whloh ocourre erallu A. flloe to fnce i now I know III ¥urt, polishe r s~w gumme d lit, r slokle !1!\'lnd, turned from New York Uity , wh tl re his lnte ISaBan , lind greatly eujoYlllt by ~J1, bOlly. . hOllle Wednesdo.y, .Tan. 10. but t,he~, 1 slHLll know ~ven Ull om er, n- 1\ ~bovel cultlvn tor, sugar sled he had been taking 0. oou I~e they 110 thoroug bly underat andlllg The funeral wns m oharge of tbe known. 111 Phys· Among t1;~l.e who spent 8uud"r P tfl~IlETn~u;'h well ironed, llteel snfety lift with iOllo1 Culture , hilS moved tbe a,t'of ent.erta lnlng. F. & A, M. No. 109 Wllyne svllle,. of mw MrH. h ere Ilnd nt.t!/1lde d t,he fUllerlll of C. . ILS ,or , 0 ll.C . rOlle, grub hooks, wogan jnoks,:: l Blmos' hOllse pn Oemetr An oppetil/;ing hot Innch WIlS wbloh he Willi n. 1I1omhet' .~nd y Ave . D. Rader. w(l e : Mrs. Adl\ms 111101 "re A ong the frlendll from u. Ilis. borse evener, straw knife, I18rved lind three pr,.I'CII I\~arded, Phlli P Trokt" .¥"II~ur ~ sleigh Mr . 'hl\rles Kindle , who iii' no w a BOil , of Xenia, Mr. 'Rader Adam81 lDlI HI'''. Thorpe lind Mr\!. BlLtbllowlLY churoh , spo e ee ng y at;at! d t.l\no'~ who were present wero: Mrs. bells, harneAS mender , orossou t 8/lW very efficien t olerk in R . M. Pine's family, ,o f Yellow Sprlng8, Chl\rlnFl A IIIm8 Mr Toe At!nm~ Mr set of good hand made heavy receivi ng the ladlei', amI Mr. O . L. oellSed tl.bnd olT~red Wll~d~ 16 e work store will begin tflrmln g in the DUll llDm IIn.l fumlly, of .Dayton . of oom Ett\' M(r>1 RIlder Mr Frank bnrn ess, !lilt of slnp,le htlrttess, col· \t;;prl~g Riokll the gentlem an 'II. • fort to t ose w a reollLlll . a monrn Ill~l and will move on tbe Inrm Mrs. Mllry Anson lind family, r M'r Geo l'hl;r ters Mr T lars, bridle hnes, fly nets, of ThOll8 prel!ent were: Mr. nnd Mrs his 1088. Several seleotlo Corn in belongi ng to bls Unole, Willmm ns were ~IS~~~rSIlY ' M1S~ Alma Ov~rhoisfl'r, orib, BI~Y in mow, I1nd Ruy Zell of t.he sllme u 11;. ft. itldtler, Kindle. (JlllLr\ey Will bl~ve the hest Xenin, J. 8. Oolema n, Mr . nnd Mrs . Geo.\su n g bt the ~ E. ohol r. oity, also Frnnk I tl M~ F D ' Alex,m t!er ILIld otbers ClLrpent ers' too19,llxes. StOKes, of Lebano n Htl.wke, Dr. and Mra. Bathaw ay, I As t f e o~~ ~ Shovels , rakes wished of his friellds for his success Frnnk cat~!I~)n~~ f 'o~ Xeni;L' M~ lind Mrs Shidok er lind wife, of Ruder forks &0. Mr. "nd Mrs . ~. V. Bn.rnbn rt, Mr, 10118e "or d Kind. LIYht" . in fnrllling Barvey sburg, visited their futher, and liS Adnms. of Y~llo\~ ; MI'. and SOUl" ho.uRehold goods: One new Mr. Aleo. : "iaud ~rs. J . O. Ullortwrlgb t , M~. linll ~l~:r~~IIte:t the ~r!ve ' ~he'v played MrH Chas DunhulSprln~l\ ll, Messrs. Kim COLlI heRtlllg stove u~oo only two pies Mr . Cllrver, who now oeoll. Robert S!lidllk er. SundllY, who Is MrM. J, B: Chapm an, Mesdnm es "In the Sweet B e and Bye' Kindle 's flHm , will movelo on\"eles omg lIfter R SOvere Illness '' ·· Rader, Chns Rader, John Greeno weeks . A: wooc.l hel\tlr\Q' . Edith Lnttru , Il,tove, 11) on the homost eud furm of Mr. ~Ilm Tl fi I ffY I WightHarrIS, "lid Annie 'l'horpeMOl'her EA.rl Mrs . Alico MoKlns ey is visiting 1)unhllm nnd MrsAAnes of Dllyton Dr IIUCl Ie l Yd S ora lllgrUlll 0 er onrllet. nilS were 5100km ml1ny g glass. uel Weller r " , M'~ft M i l B\\~neli and very beoutif nl and were sent, others frolll es ijedsteo d a hOrie blanket s (one her dau"ht er Mrs I N Barris . .' J Wrigb t; "",e8 nelghllo ring tuwus ' on III 1\ 0" . ., I' . Id ' t 1 . , Mr. Job J';J.cCrny, r ecently Ilu db I~ ·May Wright , Myra 41n HIl~rd, LI~a, by the f 0II ow In~ symplL thO "'!!~~~ ne w.) !!!!!!~!!!!!!~ 1 gaso Ine stove. ~!!!!!~~~~~ l o s y (I ' leg lf bll.dly ll I wish t o tbunk t.he mllny fri and!l b\ll'O"Q bruken by u horMo, but I" = Wrlgbt" Etnnltl Belghw ay, JessIe ~ie~dll ;FSo~s ettin ilIon vel' nioely now . ~te~~ BNnd'16~f who 110 kindly helped 11\1' in this l I DINWI DDIE. Cll\.rk and tlupnn Wright ; Me!lRr8~ gReg J : !> ;i gs viii I egin 11. ' ~~s ine. Kni h ts ' ~; P~'thill~ rlllrk hottr . for every kind w(lTd. of , C '1.' .MABEr~ Bnwkle . Au ct. pro Miller, 0 L . ~1~.~I!,~·o~s WII Lod~e ~eniu'. Mill~1 Chllpte serle: ' of mceti~g: ut ~ the) I:!ugur r' order lIympllt by, .. nel fo~ th A \rPfl111 ,1fnl I I "1'111 offer nt lI~m8oJl onll &lw.n~ . . public sule ut my Creek Christln n church t;;undn.y of Eas~rn St~r WRyne svllle ' Mrs' 1f\o\V"r~, n t astllllon l'll of your love fllrlll 1 ~ mllElS south.IlRllt of Wny . Junuur y 28, to Death '" Work continu e some duy!! . Carl Bender tlop MrR. iil C. Miller for Clint. E IT I (I 'R Iw n nea vllle, on the Woynll ,ville "nel • and MiSs Appb;1\. MI1I~r , Oorwi n ; . The Farmer s Institut e for \Nusb . 1'TA ~Il. IN . ,\ • . Olurksvl1le pllte Mrll. Sheot.8. widow of the Il1t-6 hiit slst-er, Mrs . JilttlL Adams, . ington and Von Buren Townships, I WEDN ESDAY , FEBRU ARY 7, Ueorge Sheets! died 'Lt hili hOllll' in J,)6 and ,Rader Adame ,l\nd Messrs . \vill hold its AnnulI.I session 141'8. C. ~es olutlo ~ Adop ted beginn ing at 10 o'clock : 4 horses, Ii Hall , Monday aud '1'ut!sd'LY in Town Lebl\non Monuay . Funeral21lrvicIlI4 D. Oavtdao n I Menlbe rs of , Jun. 22 olt! Way· by the Corw in Coun cil Oo\~s , 1 Brown wag~n, one buggy, 1 nnd 23, 1UOB will he lield at her lu te home Thurs · ne!lvll1e Band. . : spring wagon, oueTig er double oorn &y. Buria.l m Miami (,emete ry . The oruoer~ of tbe Institute nre: h I CORWIN OH10. J 1\ N. 12th. 1906 . 1pl ow, Deering bluder, MoCorm At the fnneral t e fol owlnl{ Obl~ On Jon~ary 29th, 11104, .t ho mem . . oorn blnder,IV~hlteley mower iok J . Mnson Prugh, Preside nt : WH. Notic e. , one. bnr Kelsey, Vi oll Preside nt; Cho rles nary waa read by Hev. Mr, Trout. \ bel'S of the Vll]lIge CounCil Cllnto.n D, RlUler WitS thl" son of win were oolled togethe r III of Cor· horse corn drHl , hurrow , 2 Oliver Broadw ay, 8eoretll ry ; W. A. Wat. ' ltvllle Connin g Co. III Wlllhin speclRI . The WaynA plows, n tobdooo plow, a wheel bor· kins, Treasu gton E lizabeth R a der'!8eSSIOn to take suitable notion 'l 'h e execntl ve now ready for 100U I,uok . (;,,]1 lit and wall born and row seeder, a. !Downglao grahl drill, co 1ll0littee conrer. ill Xenia). Obio, Mllrob th~ dentn und borill-I of theirupon of A. S. Weller. es a hllY llldd er, gru.vel bed, hay forks, Arthnr Wrightsi~ls their office for IlIl rtloultlr s. 18, 1866, and died in uorwin , OhlO' jteemBll friend und fellow and J. E. Blme!!, F , towns· shovels , log ohains, harrow ohllins, A. Derthrl ck and J . W Junnar y 10, 1008, at tbe age of 39 men Mr Birom Kilbon, who Ilt the double ond Singletr ees. 2 sets work are the State . Nicode mns Reviv al Meet ing at . . year. 9 month" I\nd 22 ~ays. rll . time of his dentb wus our villnge hnru es8, one buggy harness 'ond . M C Chur ch Three l!ell8ions will be held Mon:; HiB parents botb d!ed when 'he trel\sur er . . one set of spiring wagon barness , dRY beginnin~ at \I u m ., 1 pm., '. ..... . ' waR yonni( nnd h~m on orpba.n To night. this the 12t.b day of Jim. ' I\ud many n.nd Be I . l-g-Tu-6II-d-Il"y-e-v-e-ning there a.t tlle oge of 15 lett otbe,r articlea, aleo a. few 7. p ~. , Tuetida.y there will be ses yesra Be found a , ul1ry 11106 lWI' are agnln Cl\lIed ' u)l!ln i artioleR I)f hon.!eh old turnltu re, oon· 810ns, will t:~~ival Mer'vlce at the' M. E bome with Oapta.Ln and Mrs beginnI ng at \J II. m.,and 1 pm, Dl\vid. to pe'rforo't the sad misslun or , sistlng in IJRrt of, 1 <lhnreh 'every nlllbt · this week. Ron of Xenia, and grew to bedst-ea c.l,3 roc~. .The LadiM Aid 800lety ar. bi h ve y body ill Invired to' at- , Being poIIIIesMed of a fr&nkmanboo d, offer resolutl onll and express ions to i Ing chairs, 1 dining extensi en table, ranged to Bene dln~er from bas 11 ao to and free sympat hy upon the deatb of a mem' 16 dining room.,o w : e r hlllrll, stove, wood 1 p m o', and snpper from 6 ~o 7. :OO,Pc lapirtt. he ~Rd Ilsml~e an4 a. cbeery ber (If Mr. KUban'8 h(luseho ten : •• .' word for everyon!J he met, and It Clint D. Rader, who departe1d, Mr. l' oOOk stov~, 8BVleral fru~ed pioture s, m ., during tbe In8tltu te In $he B&n. d thltl lito. The j-adlllll Gntld of ~. Mary's 'Was t~ls warm and genial quet rooms of tbe.K of P bnUdin g. nature l Ufe JRnuaY;Y' 10th, 1906. '" Chnrc~11I meet with IMrs. J, B. ba!. JlllAbloo-:'blllL RION HOIiL, The 'progx:am, is ~nl1tlU.lly good to eoqnt hiS \ Mr. Rader at thft time at his death ' C. T. Hawk" . Auction eer. Castey, TbU~1 !LUefnoou. lit . :f~dB, by-the hundred'• . Be. wos .a was Ii membe~ each 8688ion the~will be in'er. of the vll~ oo-qn. A. a. Bld88, !Dlert, 1" estlng tJ&il61'8. lood m~io; ete. l'
. .
.- .
" ~,
H . I I
--- - ..- --
.- .
Tha t Cou gh with
HON EY and TAR 25c, 50c and $1. For sale at
, I
"But s lIrely ho t'Oll ld not. ~'nftrat ~ t hIs ('normOIl $ <I"ant Ity," "On , ) ' t's! J Haw all,l~ Xf'l C' I')''il , 'nt nr
80,' ( '$
The Future Commerce of !he Mighty Pa'cifie
h15 on \ \ ' I IHI I":" 1I1 n ' it mnn t h "I~O . Au 111 \ 1~:i hl1 ' lH1) I [1'1", of ll1nUf'1' IIroppl' d on t !1 I' \\aIPr pro d i ll' fl, j m l1Pll nl m() ~t
0' the V . .., 1920)
o f ,,1 n It. ,'1011'1. I Ita \ ,'" in ( e rmat 10 1\ lhat h f' 1:; U:l IIIW o f Ilw d r s:-.rt N ) I.:;. 111111 1:, ,')r U r(l .\Il\dC'ira ~. 1.!t'!lf 11 111'
1 "======='§.~~=;;:;::;:=7.:::;::===:i f't~Otl, t hr .nu n;..:. ( \'v ~l> r1j;tl t 1 eu,),IJ~' J""uIl'hll
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ofliltcr •
" Harr\" ~ " n\V wUp I· rl (' ll.
, ,I
1 b IJn"i·(,(j a-t t ht~ wat ' l' ftl r a m o· mil l'S of I,'t;jl l hal . I.hl' I'u pilnl n( l ll ~ ent. 'l' )wn 1 ru bhed Il l,\' 'PytH4 :-: hnr p. ;\lad t'lr a " , l' anll >f11 ,,~, I rubhed :hc lII ">:nl ll Th p plll l, VA pnr >;I'P W 1II ' l1;;,'r ,\ f!l'r ef or!' ! ,," o uln h. Hew' l-1tC' lli . j\ ('uri · \\' ..... hU l l rUll ( Ill' hal !" n n hou\' al h,lIt U9 pnl o pink fo g wn ~ ('Ios lng i n roun d spf'rtl i L 1It'1 I1I1H'I ~n Ih k h I h al \ \' 1' I ' Ollld be bay rro m ove ry di n·I' t iot1. n ot Sf'f' (1' 0 : 11 hf";\d t o ~l " nl \\ f Ill!' li t In a fe w tn () m ~nt s we werf' w pdSf" d 11f' \'t..s"' .... 1
Iln by I'~o pl c behi nd us plt s hlng frail ' \\' ~ had "',m" Io.n nl 0"" /tlcnlly to wa rd s thc s t l' i' ~, . l ll :'= 1 ns I lo okl'd I,j\'c r thc lr heads. bolng- n tall man , W('I ha d UII I:-hl'(1 , h l' I'I ' wa . . It ~ l'al\lI1.!. Ion<l saw the jO ln l! COIlIll cum in g aC I'O"S nol 6 P : tlwn a :{O IITH I II ~ o f ::; 111, hil ing !the s ha t tOWA I n g .'~at . lIppl" 11 \'('1' r l pl)N_1. onl.\ 11 hllf lllt-" U ,1111\':"\ ·'o l1(\I.'r. lrunnlu J; on e a n ot h er.
~1I~ntl y
Tl wn it el'P pl
up the sanu ,
I lilt dOP!:in' t llt1r t. nn ylww," ~a id. IdrRwi n~ my br~ath, : My wife Inu ghl'tl. 8li'ntl<:.- Iy IIn rl Ufl ' ontrolln bly , T he "en or ru ",'_ lon lci n);
\\' ('1' · III I It~' 1I1 u l (>!4
/.dow n rrolD the 8 t ~ 1)S \\!(l ~ I'n o\'i u g w i th
r, Ilnughte "The 'Hark !"
lUu sic!"
~sslble ,
Th ey were gOin g
" '\ I J1 ~
c ried .
[ " The music !" cried l he e.'owd on 11,,, lairs. '''rbe mu s ic ! " I I look ed roun d In l)c,,\l rlcrffl nl. rrh ere was no mlls l' ~hnt I cOllld h eu r ; !but some \Ve~e - kee pin g t i m!' with , ltbelr--h entls and olbers with tbe lr jIIllnds, The truth f1 as h ~t1 IIpon me, tw"hlltev er the pll!k vapor wns, and w. e vel' It came, It sent 1I1' Ing cr a· ures mall ! 'had escap ed for some eason Ihat I dId nol kno\\', 'du ot know now, Tb e next morning , leal'n ed from c papers that London ,was s tili s lIne. o J decided to get thpr ~ n.. Roon as
to rlln
III last traia up, "to carry the good
Thrn w (' H1oJlprd . "S h ,. ·::- hi lI t l:' Ilulr l!'>ftn prn nnnn rl' ll . ra lm! r .....:.l .. , II l~n down \\ it hin f\\' i,I rniTlul l'!-= I"'V \~I' r tl! r 1,01\1 :--. h( I~' ~" Tln' l,v: ,! '" \\"r(\ I n tilt" Watl' r . an ti
~l lll\s .
III I~ hl
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:ll!l. It' t'tl
1111 on r or Lon;.! ·:~ i llff' l'llul n pPH I':t III:-(.', I I WOU 't la id' a m inllt t':'
"I (I a n ' t wa lll you 10 rUII fillY l'I~ I\,"
down below ~ lIq t\l'lI l y tho horH rt'ph:' (l ove r UIlOIl II ~ I [ (> 1\ Il1 YSt·1!' " 1' 1I!; h pl l dow n iuto lhl' w Hl('r - do wn do wn . Wh e n I e RlNSOO I \\'a ~ al m o", un r Oll ' sclon a, and I . hou lei ha\' ~ drown ed after all hut a Ill eee of grnlin~ non ted near m e and , c lnll g to!t. Th e re WR"
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swered, God reot them. r was tempt ed to let mY Re lf s tole atter thelll, but the "Ight uf the eur8ed mist brollghl an angry r esu!t'3 1.0 Oght It, and , s trucl{ out slow ly fo r the s hore. I was badly bru lseel In Il\ nd · Ing and could ha rd I), s tand , t stole Into an empty hut In th' IIl ght Rnd 'ollnd a lon g knlf~, and somo food and waler, and s lept till the morning , The n'e xt morning I Cll tll e upon Long sudd enl y, round some bus hes, Th ere was no parl e)" H e !Ired at me twi ce with a re,'olver an d m lsse o, Th e se cOIl" lImc I st ru ck u p hi s nrm , My Im lCe went In just undetDe n th, [ dragged hi m awol' IIIHI bur led him , The six me n who wor" le ft on Iho island (three had peri s hed In th e e x· p los lon) were 100 mad 10 ., .Spec l m e, or even to m itis Lon g, The ctherlnc I ya l ~ we re fed from pllos ot ye llow an d g ra y nu s ty ma· l erial. There would be n f~n f'ru: ex· plos lou, the attendan ts t ol<1 Ill e, If A g ray teed we r c fi ve m l nut e~ late, I fought the tw o atte nda n ts at ea ch Bt a, tio n In turn , to pre \'eot th em co ntinll ' Ins tho grny f eeds, n n(1 klll "d lh e m all. God know s I was sorr)', hut It bad to be don e tor the s nk e of the poor m ad world , Th s t a ti on s bl ew up as they s aId.
• ••
Tbat nl gbt In Lon llon wo lce <oon ofter two. The Ven e tian lliinds were lIla lt op enc d, and th p moon li g ht s hon e ~n tbrou g h tllem - pink ! I IHY Rlar, .n g at 11, with m y li,'8 mo vin g dumu , l y , till the dawn , Th e n I dre w " p B blind nnd looked Otl t upon lipi Dic .... o r ld , A rh ell mntic ol rl wat chman !foIas dancin g s tlmy 10 tlt C r oa d. The cha rwoman was nffcct c d lil!e th p 'test. but not so viol ently , Sh o s!'cm ed to have en ou gh se nse to get th e meal s. ISo [ dec id ed to go to tbo prim e m lu· Ister and ofter my s ervi ces, The prime mtnls te r sow me a l .,nce, 1·l p looked pal e nnrt v.'orr le<l, hut ~ e was very resp l ut ~ t o Oghl Ih e " I'il. "It Is "IJr,'a ctlng VNy ra pi d ly," hp flald, '" can only lind C3 " e S oC 1m , munity up to now ; I prollo 'c thal 20 m e n and t he wom e n s hould s tOll her !' t o a s'sl st m('. an il Ihal Ihp olil pr ~f) should go tn search nf Dr, J.., (1l1g . I
&'now n o th i ng or any or YOll, ~ o I nm
t \V p rd liP 10 L ll n don . U u til l' way [ Ipar ll N I tlln t RP\' .... "nl of tho se who 'ervcd th o IIrl m fl m i n b~ t l· r t!lI l'in ~ l h e ('J li t} m l e ha ll \')(' 1' 11 n :-;sa="s! ua tN I. M v wit" an ti ('h i ltll'l' ll r f'c('i\, ~ l l IDe
n lle~ li o lfn t'ell"
I prl' tenfleri
hav e
sll t:{,lI mL r d t o t h f' va p or n n (} 10 mourn
for it a s lho )' dlil.
My pallor and
w €a kn .... ~!i IJrf1Ve t, t(' r! a ny ~m~p:('io n . aL! d m y \Vir.' ~ aid l hat a \\,pighl wa ::; r e" mo ved from he r mine! now Rile '{ne w
t hat · r h ad b.. ne Otr d fro m It. I found a lett(' r from. tb e prim o mlnl ~ lcr, whl 'h , Ilt f' I;ll y, ~he had 1101 op en ed. It In<'l os .. r1 bank n O l p~ (or .t: 10,000, I " rartl' rI · J() go to hi nt t he
n ex t
lll o r ~lin g:
h u t a moh was
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h i,; h o u ~ ,' , Dnu I ~ onld not g-c t ne"r, Th!'y h;1I1 torn him IImh fr o m 11mb, 1 h e ard: and
on e
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win dow ~cld ijom ethlng un Il IlOle, It wa s hi s hend- th c h ~ad whl ' h held t he hr a lns tbal s aved we \\'orlll , Qu ite Sate. 'Arry - . J'",! bt'ou~ht ye r a r ing. ·Ar· ri el; 'a le' t it a beA uly ? ',\l' rie t- Wh y, it's a opal , 'Arr)', nnd opa ls is awrul onlucky so tbey 8es , 'Any- You n ('c t! II ' t worry ),ersol! o\'er , .. Ill, 'cos It ai n' t d real 'un,
: rr CORBS ALtKB TIlB waOLB LOT. : O • • • OOD • • • O • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••
---- - -
----- -;--- ----
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-.~' --
THIS COUP ON IS GOOD FOR $1 .00 ON PURCHASE UpOQ receiptlof yoar JWDe,_ _ _
FREE Address
• ••• :•
WomAn and Toko Heart.
no sign any ot my brllve comrad es. I called thorn by name and n on e an·
tnewB," the station master told me, /l'hey refused to take paym e n t for the tickets, and, crowded rOllnd li S to shake' Ibands before we lett, My wiCe and !Childre n saog and lau ghed at noth· !lng. I sat In a corner and read my Th e plnlc mist grew fninter a nd lJlaller. [Ilave lb,; sum mary by me tainte r, till at las t It wa s onl)' a dim 1I0W : , ,"A curlollB pink vapor which ap- 118zc on the sca afar , I don ' l reme m· ~at'9 to produce m ental aberratt on ber e xactly h ow Il wunt, and t dlfl not settled IIpon England yeHterda y morn· know tha t a Cortnif.lht hall 1>:lsSt'd till the ing. It haa now attacked tbe whole t he Sarah Dillon Illok me orr, of the south and cast cOllsl, and so me captain to ld me , I t hou g ht the matln pss \\, ould hay!' parts or France, Portuga l and Spain, , "Dr. Long, who Is cons idere d by au· PIlHscd by th e tim e I hat 1 rf'ached thorltle s the ooly persoll chpahlc oC Eng land , a nd In my vanity I JJict ure n coping with the e p Idemic, h as , dl sap· myse lf lictn g bailed n, th e rescuc r o f pe8.l'ed and can Dot he traced , Wheo the worlel. But when' lan dou I found last beard ot. tbree weeks ago, thIs all the PeQple Bom beT nnd s ullpn , The eminen t scientis t was contemp lati n g '''bleSSin g'' had go no, the y ijU ltJ , and an excu r s loo t o Bome r emote locn IIty s ufferin g aDd s In had co rn e bock to tn order to pursue his experim ent8 t he world, Most or lhem wpr e ve ry pale otl d feeb le, In adtl lttofl to the I(wh lch Involve consider able r ls ll) lIervous ex hau st ion of Ihe I' r~ nzy. lecluslo n. i " Three or four cases of pe rs ons un· many or them had bee n ha lf sl un 'ed affected b y the vapor are r eported . during the opill e nl il', a s t.h ey nl)g lectoo rJ'h ey Inc lud e the prime mini s ter, who the common n ec'sH itl,," of II(e ; hut !Was attacked at Seaford , but esc aped they 3sr','iherl tIff' pvll:; whh-h we re rn u HPd by th e ma rl n f'ss to it s (,t-l ~:: ntJn n . 'n h is molor·ca r. H e Is nnxlon. that It w a s (lilt of th f'l q tl pglio n I n procla im fler sons who ha\' e pro\'ed Immnn c my part i n n' m O ''' II1 ~ i l . a n d I ju dged s boul<l co mmunIc at e with b lm, In or, d e r thal thei r se n ' ice, may b uti I, II Wi se t o prc tt'n d t h al I. lO O, h ad HlI t · ~z e d in lh o ev en t of th f! e piucm lr. fere l l fr0111 h . T he t raiml wp.rf,.' rlln n in~ fl L!.ain . and flpreatlln g:'
Rear! tho Experience of a Mlnoelo
('h lna \\ I t h tH ' " 11l 1IIIH li flll .;; l)('o pl " " has .... Inw l\' . IJl I I l i l e ra ilway r l e -
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T uc:-.: day l11(J r Jl l n c. I h I" IlplI t (' non l 1'~'I' I\ o nrri Ihar w'. Wf' n ' wit h in u hllltdr,~d
" L onh, ! "
lI{oll: ll nc\ J::ycs Oover ed witil Orusta - Hnn s P i nne, l Down-r .!lrncu lous Our e by C'uUClU"a.
\Jf WhOlll
('arJy \V ()III n it :-;l\tlll" b n Al1 gU ~1 1 wa s lt li n g in a. Iwac' h· d oy mU I' lI i u J;. T IH' (j f' n "e p I B \, ntmo;-" I'"llnfr on 111" c row ded sn nd ~ Itl Broad· phf'rp IIlRllj ' nadg:ali u ll dlllkllil. On lI11J rn i ll ),!
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An d 10C ,'" sta m/J$ 0" si/t,tr to pny postag~ we will .mail yo u 11. . samp~. free, if you ha \'c nC\" c r used ~lull s Gra pe Tooic ~111 '! will also m:\~l you. c ertlfrcate good fot 000 doll ar lowar d the purch ... uf more TO IlIC Irom ,your druggtst, Add rtS3 Mt:LL'S GRAPE TONIC CO" '47 Third Ave " Roell Island, lU.
........". . .
e,.o ..... . , ..
Druglrist'. Name His Addre.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..:.r1" --
. . . . . . H • • ••
f ic", In ) I-: II I}\\.· go td : ri ch In hp r \' a ~ t (' lI pi f> d, hillr I f:t· f l' l li lp a r rp~ He un rUi Ps t.... . alld ri c l! ill ti s h p r ir 's " .I\n ~l fi llp-.I" ul tf! IJl i r)1I I ii l: u lI" ',1 In Al a~ l.; a '~ ;.!,r f' a t :\If 1." 0 .... 1' . I he nll i lw r o f rlH' Ar r.(~ rh·I.' r \\' 1111'11 n ill S Info I hl! Pat'i ti e. "o n ~ un li t .1 1'1iI· t,. . 0 ].0 10" . " I... II '\'nllflf'rf u l or tilt: wlJfld'q grrw t, ' c; r f' I \(' f'~" Nn w 1 11l :11 HI I "(I (lplt'~ 1,p L:, 11I :1 t I:. ::: t 10 ~rfl t.olllhwu r rJ 11' 1 II :; 1II 0\fl . a n ti he r" /1"' 1 ' 11 ,11' 1111 1" 111 1.:' Ih l ~ 1 \\'( 11 11(: 111 c (>n l llf Y t hr CH 'l ali!l . ( 'rl n a dn n f la f; t il w ald' 10 h f'( JI:I(' jf\r' o r ";, n I-.. '0 l l!' Ill e !-'c'f' np il nll wonr/l ' rflll iI~ ri (·lIlt",..11 IIO Ss il ll IJl \lh .. (" ' nl(' r or hll t1la ll fl l' l i \' !! , · " Il p l'(> rl :l s ll f':"B .ltl et 11 0 II Jll!~ f ' r ~ '~ ndin ~ 11f ' )' :-. 0 11 ... I (, r ,·() ;,\I r:,.; , (. r h ., IW \I ::" '''a l ( l\'tli l a ll olJ~ , 10 rl l1 in ~ c a r"'l I')f ro rl l" I ' ~ 1>\11 k l'I' p lll -; i . hc.s(· cd' o ("'l dl' nl ;IIld 11 1'11. 111 1l l' f'P tl ll· m.nt hu m p Hnd f')W'lli n A h ~ r 'l"or .... l ~ h :11I h(- cl(J l f· r ol lll l 'J 11t {, n.11T1t' nne! I II IIw ol lL-i ll/'·r·. Alllf>I'I" :1I 1 ;, ~ ,n · 1I li S I r klr ;jt ' '''r or thf' r;1(·ft wl : id1 q h ull ho: d (J I ll W'11'11 1 im ll " ;~ rHn t " T il lS \ ' 1';' , lUll . I :l lo rt f ltt ' ~ ta ll dar" .:z ur I Ir(\~rt.' ~ S \ Vha l ()t lfl,tl fjll IHI', Ilf'I :; or w h f! :J 1 wi ll 1,(' l '\" ' 1 1, 1. •\ tl ;1I1I I. · UI '!';& II 11:1 1,\ Ul.'l> fl n llrlll g P O I I, · r!. it ll rl Yfutr h y )'I ' nr f t\l~ \' i t· 'ft \\' , 11 I, wo) ""1" "rl l'", \\' h 4\ 11 1", .\ 1 I di ll: rntrtt ' an · ''-:P il iltl an d g r o w F, o rn It e r 1'1 1111 I II )! WU ... /1111'1/1.:"': fh,· ("' 11111 1\1':-; w!lF" U Honp; i ('r l ll(' p r: ll r ll'R i t I.~ f)nl y :t l i lil l' \\':1\' :tIl ,; r· ~ n h: I ).! ' · rfl Olt ' l l1 lt'rl 10 0 :'; » nd v~l . h y 1'101 1 II) )if,,"in r. flort ~ . w i,,' !''' h " ~ " 1 i"ldl y r') r Il~ 1CI . 1 ~ 1t· 1 ,', I h ill III .. POI ' l" lli p s :-HlfJ n will wuit. to LJI'a r 11)(' g" ryd ! (' Hl r w ill h ,· rt ll l l !1~ l !t l' (Wt'lll k tl, L'! II ' .... 11 whf' at or il o llr to nil IIJ p, hll n g r y t'l r y - a n d tll'"f " I fln. l .. ·· Y ~· ... , 111I ' rl' nl :.\' It t' ~ Ornr' <l1I (\';'; Iion f\ ~ Farthf'lr ~ ott th . n orl \\' t) 1" ' 1111" nn o n t l') \\'1t(·tll ('l 1' o (' d ele'll II r o l' I"UI s ha ll 'h '-J ": :lI c h lp"g rnrp s t !' ,.,r Or..-gon , 'rllle' 1\ 1,' I .ll nl ' r wl'i:.:li.. t il.. rnatf fl r \ \ ' ns h l n :': lo n f.\nrl n orr )lI' r n r,;'\ lifn r ni ii : : lIl ~' " " VI II il hi. I1 I.d dOlll lU lo n UV(,' S IIII f :II' lhf'r !i;f)ll lh :lnd \ \' f" h:. \1 .... tl ll~ th r 11 ., 1' 1111' will l\ ; H" I ' p ' I ~!: l'd (J-om th f-> Kr d .1 ;111 (1 rrull ~ a n d ~ I' : li n I') t (;a l l rn r rll :1 11 ;'\ nil ... IJr "rnl'rl(' :l ill ; n thn sp. p er . rl/ JII I/lllln:..'. "0\\,1 1\\ :11'11. ;I u rl 111'1' 11 i.~ I rl1 :1l1f·, '. o r 1111 ' ,1.Q P\ fl l · \of' " \VIII t il, . I\1r' X HIl , " Hrr lJ , ~ \"' h l(' ,, pvC' n no w raIl · l(l n ~.: lt lrnl' (· rln~ (l,' I IJlI h v Ihi' rutrtd t... \ "";\\' l-o a l P ();} H~ in ;L.! Ir o m Illf~ ea ::-;t nnrl th ' flf Ifli !'. (·fl fl llll" ,V . fI )lv" "'l ll ~" r1 l t ~H.l f Jo:fI (I ( t l' l l l. Ifl WJ\.rrl thu P:Jf'l flr, Jlrt"vi :-: loll I hflH)II;! lily II P lt II ,, · rldp ur I"" nllll .... rrr Il l/>! ftu : I'om ln g :'; II ' :t ln ~··t:F.. in trnl)fl n il" , .V ill 11 d ' lt h ~'\' f ' I If ' rt f' " and bf' f1ond tn ;! , ·fI! l)1I1' ·I'('f'. tlf 8 Ii ltlt C' rlo I o n ·II l r.''I n l I ,.d l! Ill d , r, lI !; - I I,P 0 1'1 1' 111 11 (1 Io n !!,. , o t· f·;&1 1. In Cp.tll r;II An H' rtt-a WP. 01111 1 1Jl' ('.\'p l fl II N I , h ll l t i l l" (' xp l n i tC' J' ; A n ;t'r u \\, 1>1\ 1'11 or tnl' (,:. I ~ ~ l1d f rtl ! h . 1\1 . ' 11 ,. a or, IlIt, l,·.· r ~f · nll l l1 !!. r n ' lit r r (l n1 ~ h l")p (' o m" ' 0 Ilw nfO '1f t 'l n o t v .... rv i l fiII Orl ;I)" :1(111 f il(' ltlr y ,f, li d ' n l' i'~ 111 mn nU r fl(, '
! h oonlUpatl on oor fuoL, bu rtul!.:", uit t ulili. uu.n,l' o oure fuu r reClobor ltOmaob \tOoDlta ~'*1
t h" nn t nral .I\trnnath enlnR,
barmleu remed, thlt.
"11f'l P'lt .. "'lIlt wh ulu ",,"t "m i n IIp lc m l l d rIJflt1I I,I bull(1!1 on tho t.1 ft8 tJ08 of 10ur(l,l~O!llhe or. ant V" L(J lJ"en.."'Owe ull aUDc il l . H la "or, plo .... an .. lhl t\\t ,. ')· /l uc h llt1tcnIBH1 I L nnr1ll,doef4 ,thOIIJM,eCLt.Il OOU. I e III :\[1 ... nn l . ~.Q Itnl l " III bOlllofll nl. "U(j rll lofl(hIt D. 'l' h o 11.00 bot~I.O conha.'::'~:~~~~·I! .,~ m ll" h n "l tlln a.") '·"fl l. "firS ilbuu L UJruo LiwoI". m u ch n ll l.bolNcent u aa...I!I&,: I n b\lyln/l tbO ,. U) .I co
f' ••,
t,n" '"
MULL 'S GRAP1 t TONIC CO., 147 Third An" Rock
"'aDd, m.
!"in il lh
AlTIPI \I'1I Y1 ,'ar"i Of' .. lnpf't; . WI' m:-tlu" :l w1rlc f(Wf'I" P :-t('r ,)~-:. I hl' wa i N, a nll h r rr} I, "lf strnll n, h, l n flcl ·"lIIHln f 'llt . Inn ll o f J.'!' TNl l Ilo "~ t h tllllf' ~ . or II ncJ oII IH ,' 41 rll11l1 . 11 larl lt wlt u ~ (' f or eign Irfl ,lr In·d a v :1"'011111 '. I ,,) u f'lH r ly :'I 11I 11l~HI oI cl\l :u ~ :1 \·t ·;1 r To j"';!1'. \
compellPd to t ru ~ t 10 h lind Ins t in ct mn se l ~e tlng a lea dur , I s~le~ t YOtl , (You must go and ngbt th e HII at it s source. A nll\'al ompe r OIHt s P\'eral eo 1101'S and , s tok e rs a re nl'al lahle, You ~\'1 1I go?" t ho .... ast lI e ~ N ~.\ \'" 'l ('l:l la lill ,d . o l An d " " Y" • ." I saId, "Now tell me :lhout of ri c h r(> '4() lIrr t' . ,l ~ v ... t IIllfl p \'~loprt l . '. rhe Real Pel'lI ot .Kieslng , \. What Is tbe e,,\H" N ex l "'€-I jOl1 r o lr'. to nllt e h p(l ~SCS' "Do you renl ly thlnlr kl8lling I. "The (,,,II Is etherl ne. Dr, Long- \J~altbJ'? un· .Ion s n or th "tl sl r:rlln, " n rl mrty " ' bo Is half genIus nntl half rnndfllan " Il d e pend s on wbetller tho g irl'. . me nti on Ih ~ wen·l, no wn '18 Iand ~ nr , Iseo \'ered It In seckln g tor an 'atber ca tch J3 Vf\ " Sumatra , '(;cle!,eH, Borneo n"TIt! s you," -Town Topics. ~ ' n 'slhcilc wh'lch , would destroy selts l, Dutch Qlllnna. wh ich " hov ~ II Im al IIl ty to onin without destroyi ng con· populati on of 86,000,000 sOllls In nn A Oa se ot Oash. ;clbusn esa, To the best of my beli ef ftrp,a Of 783,400 square_ m ll cs Ella- On wbat grounds will Th ev" 'Ill blls llellbera tely loosed It lI(>on the baso her' claim tor dIvorce? Boll. ore Immens e omm ercial I t e r !> I, yorld I\'ltll the Idei' of hel1~lIting suf· the' ' lin ports tt1 ~ CX llOrts fo r UOI' Stella Iucome· p!iUbUltTI 'erlnl: hum8Dl t1,H , TOW~ I ~ounted to 115'6,000,000," To!,_
',It . .
I lIl t .) ;": I lfltl s. 11!1 1 r lrh' III<! , II \'
ail ·, anti
oll l(' r
h l l! 11
In r
r (' ~H(II ' l lt11 1 ~
i un l:n: ('- T "tol"- 10 rl rf'H nl t lo" ,,,,,,,,, r,,c tllre" I1f ("1 01 n l"."(' o r .Japanpo,ct"> f :l C" l or i r- s, e mn l o v . I nc la iln r H li' (· hp·nl', ·~ t In l h(l w nrj (1 tr om ('oan pptl n r.: i ll d n m~M I r. mn.rlH~ ' ~ w ith 1I1anll f nr I " rup' "r~l1."c: ar ll y of hl qh fi r (. 1.: 1 n f nro Cll H"lI (; n II N ' :l ll S 4.' (I r hl ,g h . nr H l a n ::) :H .I ~ or li vi n g n n el cO n !;e rl\l t- nt h I;..; h p. 1 filfi '~~ Of \\,:!" hi? "
Th ~ Par lne ' h~ .
hNm .,.llpt) " T ho
N ~w Pa cI OI'," " n r.~ our wn r wltr, S ('1,,1 n, -;m:;c~ \\' ~ n l In rrrr-lm('l ~ rl "l .
tSm lIntl coloniAl J1(1s"p,s~ l {)n ~ rs r ' r~, mO\'~r1 flom " th~ gtAl es," A1'1(1 Pt~s' 'ntly we s lla ll have n ~ Ull D,we r P~_ c ln c wben tb e Panama CDna I~ COla' pl~tcd and It, lise . CHRISTOPHER \Va TJt.1A..
O n and after January 1st, 1906 , the shops of the e lae (Assoc iation of Employ ing Printer s) of the
wil l he open 10 a ll compet ent, tru slworth y Compo sitors; S tone Hands, Linotyp e Opera tors and Machin i sts , Monoty pe Operat ors and Cas ters , rega rdless 01 th eir uni o n affiliat ions.
HIGHEST WAGES Perman enl po sition s.
Addres s immedi ately,
TYPOTHETAE. City 01 New York, 3Z0 Broc.::Jway
BRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. , t - oa·, •• n .... U .O ... ltfhe l~' ft ""I., "'hn won'lOUG
,...n&4le I .. ' CAll to. ,'n • • UOIUIY .. ",e • • 1' ' II! lJ0::l. .~'" ,. 11'. r .... MaIIUfaol1lrt r.S"rl.. .~
. " '.~~
Some l ruporttl'n~ Things rot· At_ia,'lsi to R em em ber at ThIs Timo of the Y enr.
NI',ul), all th e willte r I OH ~ l'" t an bs tra eil lei ~ IUI'Vnllol1 . S ee Ihol car l, colon y h ll~ fUl abllll du u,'o or Wo ll '8 I) a l e~ s tOI'PA. I( lil!' IJI' eh lvPH ,irP In an c x p o ~e d ALFALFA ROOTS CROW DEEP. ph,, ''' . I r)' e(lJ; I''';,11 II so me bonrlis at Iuv e!:t.lgntions at K n ll ~!ls EXl'el'lmeut the ir hHI'II': 01' g·L liP a rrw 1J1l11I1I c~ oi rO l ld ~ r hdnre \\'Int l' r rl~hlly . e lS In, Sta t ion Th nt They 1J0 Fill' Lols or lhln g K u n ! n u l nl lpnc l nd t u u t tor W:.te,'. al l. sim ply
Man y u re anXlilllH 1.0 kll o w ~o m ~' thin g of the del'l h 10 wh ll'!l ulf:lif R root s pe nel rate Into th ~ Ho iI. tos:;e t her with tho ('ounnctlon . Ir Rill' . I)P l\\' ~ I' n Ib e df.e ll RTuwlng roOl and IhI' "UllllCllY 10 ro.lst r1 rvugh t. Some IlIfol' lIIution In r egurd 10 Ih l" llIu tter w ill lor fO llu II In th e 1II 11s! I·Hl lon. whl ~ h HhO'WH the reAlIlI , Ihut hn\' o bce n o hlul ue tl al the
tl(H'~I\l Sf"
they l'a llll n l
,IOllr' in a sh l pli lJ ape mau nuI'.
Dll lIut t r y to win l~ 1' Y01l l' lJ (,(,~ 100 wur m . T !troy O f' f\U O (; I~el5~ of ni r 1'1'0 111 I h .. bo itolll . Lirl',l" hon p), nl' HII"I1 (1 , hl> lIl<1 n ~t be I; il'('n t o bep.s In ",11I( er for 1'0(011. At Ih l.1 l ltniJ!t hl ~ .r arf" ll ul nhh~ to P\'llpOra le tl le P.x ,'~ sK lve w/l lrr fr oll1 It. Th ey . h o(1:<1 have he('11 s IIp pllpd wl lh food i n Ih e lUi · tumll _
Hut. fiR n IllHt I' CMo rt. I a l.; p a r :lp ·
fill "I' 1I"II II t IWI" 'Y IJII!! 11'0 1'1, illl(O II. ult the 110II',lel'l, ,1 ~ lI gll " Il will 1'C'lldlly nl> · Rorh: IIInlw tl\l' " o ll" h Inlll 'hp f'lI"In o r a IJnn l!a ll". HII,I IllY II Oil Ih e \l r oo (\
E xel et~e a n d Food May B~ Lool,.d U p"" tn tb " L ~g ht ot Ben ell · del Di auac Uou 3.
\ \11.( '1) n r.lltHJa l'uIIl P!i
h om p
'fhls A g e Ha s Scenled Iln A ppall ina On 9, Bu t the Midcll e of Tb lLlgll tho Best of A,ll. Tli i ~
1'H\ llll g u ~n
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I Iley
1~I jJ""rt.
lI ~ n' ~ ' ~
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" ' IH;h: u",t I! ll~ ily Ul)!l' ~t p r l fo o d wi ll Hot kl" ! [1 On ~ IJw :tI, (I - 011 til(' (·n IJlrllr y . I t I_S IIflr 'fl III ~ ' \'. h .l ! jy w 'c dl'd I u Hl~ dll "' (' ~ lf "' P \\'~Irr ri ll ~ IJI
p yt~ 1t
hl'lIl1 \ \\ ,fllan 1111:5 1. IIII\\·..-~ \·~ r . h : ' dl ' \'PI' • 111I 11 g, h III 1, I' t p lW I' h r ,ti119
~lI al
[ h, ' 111' OIln
I \\ ill
\ >1.,\ :-;T ~ .
Best tSueCeliB Ie Dependen t, on Pl:lnnlng th e Work FRr AheAd.
n hnrel. s l enc..1 c r.
pl.o.cell alo n g s ili f'
Il r
th e clil"k ·bcot1 e thot ga v e " il Ilf~.
}-j UY S t h e For m ,Jo urn al. \Vir eworms are L h e y () u n b 0 r
m ur cinl ent er p rl s('ij lu :iu rt"csH fnJ t er mlnh-tlo n s IHlVO ulw u.yfol spen t w eary
lold In th e fip r fn g, Il.lll1l1~' . an d f ro m t h o m Ih e lit tle wi t'e W0I'111S 800 n b ('
d avll nnd week s In " "I nl: nOl h ln!; olll hut cll nn rl hrl! ltl 10 r~" Il.
II generally
pl~unlng - h u lldln,., th o u ght npon 111 I{rH ~p vl'rnl YC'Ut'H hr r oTro tlH' \V orm~ t hought. SU ' h pln n ~ do Hut o ftC' n I t::n'e fel l ('1l 0l1P- h l oJ hrrotlH" fll l1 ·g:ro\·,·n . (:0 010 u.s In s p il'lltlo u s : tll('), C'ome IlN hUI wh n th I s ('OIHlil l on hn H h ('PI1 t h e .. 's utt s of h ant wu r ". or t lw bra in . no(;IH" fI . (,~H' h for m s a If tth' ('c' lI 1n tho 'r h o tur nll!r nHI Mt !i\ lI r,~ "f'd alo ng lilt' ~" Oll nd till r inJ!, thl' lat tf' r p:\\ t or Iho ~o.n'.e -!'3ad as .to nlit f' I' m e n . Th l"' learn- snm me r . a nd In t hi s 1"('11 rl1n n ge s to
10 pla n Is o n e of Ih o hCHI l" llI gs nn ndllll "' 3(1Jlln ~ · iJ,'eli e. \l'h lt'h r~, l hal o ur YOllri g men get n : Iho l\g rl clIl · ",al n s III ll\(' I'd l till Iho foll owing co ll eges.
Th ey are J:! 1\'(~ n h a rd
IlrotJle ms to so lve nnll II!lVe , lO HI! du"u a nd th ink nuou t lhe m : so m eti mes ~~l ey have 10 Iblnk barel fo r (111),8 be foro ur · rll'll1~ at a so lution . Thi s giv es Ih e m t b e Inlllni alllllty LO plall. aud plannln !; Is for p.Rl ght. ,
Fowls in Winter. ___ Wnt8l'In g VarIous dev ices h ave h 'l'n pla ced all the markel for wnrmln g I lui WR w r 10 be used by tbe fO W.l B cJurlri,;lh e rlJld cJnys oC v.' lnte r. Tbese BPplll,u.·r K depe nd u pou an o il lamp to kee p Lfl u wal ~ r from fr eez· Ing. While they art guoll euu ug h In th 81 r way, t.hey are reall y unne cessary. U warm wnter Is fe,l I wlct' a dlLY, t b e hens will tllke nil tl: "y wan l. espeCially lf the water Is alway" !l' lv ~ n al Ih e HAlll e time 80 that Ihe hens wil l nl way~ h" t' x, "eetlng Illl l that time.
~~ IJrtn~ .
t h ree ,Yf'I"l ;o1. 'l'hi ~ t1 e!:! troy ~ th f' wir(', wo r ms by hr lng ln!: Ihom "I) to Ih~ s urface of I hn r;;round . wh ~ r,'. expn.p.d to th e frcezl nt; Hnel Iha wl n /: 0' the winte r. man y wil l p" l' ls h 0' bA <leo ,·olll·ecl . Brpaldng the re ll s "hove dp. s c rlbe (1 aPP,' or" 10 rn u se th~ lI patb .,f lhe In sl,,·t ~ wh ll'\l or eup)' th e m, an " thll. faU plowin g t R II Ac f1l1 rur thA 110' s trllCllon of thl . Rtag e 0 " "'I'l l. Rota· tion of c rOI'" Is unfn vorohle 10 thp. tn · e reaM of \\'l r e\\' OI'm3. nlld "h':> lIld h~ pr act\('ed to r t hI s 1'l'(\Son H fQr n" oth e r.
i I
tninll ~
lh Hl
~ 1 1f' i..;
h UJn or ;
rorConstipa · I\on . Suur S lulliarh . Diill'rMCl\ Wo n us .Collvul"i( illS ,FCIlt'T I"h· (11'55 IIml Lo ss Ot· SLF.E I~
For Ov·er .
fllcSu.,;tc S i ~ ntl lu r' or
Thirty Years
~HL\' IIH~
dl;! 1'1fl an d
WIIOi ..lU
ha l i..; ... " appallli' A.
Tlw fln ft qll a llt~' m ()~ t l«'!·;! rll hlt! In a Wonl'lll in I III )'; I'f"~ t I r j: ~ tW f' lIti Pt h re n · ll1r y , alllJ a huIII Ihu tjl\l' ll cH1 1.0 fln(l , 11::1
.\ ,.; t I f ) I'f j 1,:\"1; ( ', . ) . Uli i\ I I L I...
1.. DII M), with
Ih r
Aperfer l nClIlell y
t t ha s h,·e n ~o ,h' Il1NI tn ln UR III YOIII h I h al 1r1l" 1," n,ls IIl1d I hI.! i n ·
l'PPO Sf'
1110111':11 rs of " U!)W
:, 11 1111 I m al<p nJ\"", :' lf lall UHI(' PJl ?" Tu.ko t: v lt 3 'J 1p. lll hw hi e r l11ftt f P.\\' o r !I f; Knl)W t Ilt' :UIJILl ofT ttl(' dll"' lP' U ()lit ('onH' u tlcl ! he,)\\' I f I~II id l e wit.ho1l t sprlolll; qlls1m!4 (' C lll t' l ' It U1I el ll'''''IIII !r4 hudll ,\' n1tH' ''' lit ~·(t.'~('If· n(· f· III Pnl.M, In dllr l u ;; til . ., Irod it y fa Tl ~IJ P' hy
T';jis , F ol'm of Or n nmen t::ltion t 1< Re· vi verl f' Oln Days W 'h on CraSh' Slit ch \Vn .. i ll I{l g h ""t F nvor. Th l'r e aI'" mon)'
artl(:l e~
Ih al nre 1m·
helll g (JrllunlP:nLP(1 wit h a hftdh' l' or th ts 1,intl, 1' 11f:h , fu r 10);1011';0 • as ,tit! ~n d ~ or lowols, Kld e UtHlrcl r·l ot.1t3
"ll'OVf'lt l
(" no!':!; ,\ ;o.:\J L1 0ll e In In g r a;n co tl on .... u~lr lull sill' nr Ita x Ihrp"rl I n t , ItS~H wlwre Ib t Ilia ' t erta l III lor "rnam e nt';,1 3 s moot l Rur f uC' c , '01
w ll lr h
lhrr::Ht ~ ~ =lTlnl / t
r.:: ot-4 o r ,..e l a ~ U' Ihf~ Y W e l'l' metl v'l~1. nnO th e tl Cfl lgn wUl'1i l " ) 'hll. ,,~h hol din g thei r Iw a" s (J il h )' anhl n I {)I'Cp. i t : lilt' 1::lllVas 1hr(" ad n ('a,n tlJ (~ n 11 ft Ttl esc :;. trtH('hl l 1;'; t·~t~I'C· I ~f'~ \\' , 11 :;; p r.ed lly draw il aW.1)" \\h en l h e wo rt { I ~ till i:-i h II (en c h o n o )](J\\ ' l O 1 ('la~ o n r'~ II ll le1 " "
l: n l' IlII ~' f'itl11 !"
A lI sl
1I;' 111t"~
:-. I:l l l. ·.'
d eu ~.'
I nt.:::l'l l)l' 1' wl l l1 dll llO TI . T he " 'lu a'I II. l hn ;.! wa ::' :1 p i "'P 0 1 pall" l h11a l tn g th t;,
": " 111"
: I'''fl"Y ,"
· ~II11 re.
"' (\I, pl ."
t ('al e·
Ill i-' 11111 1" 1' rll:lll ~
I(' t' d r a l. A !Je arn al a Sll ! P '~ huw '~ I('al h ... ad 1\ r e li giuus l'c Il Of'e"
ltl sln.IOl Cll l 0:
I\n arlid.!
U ~ I 'f !
~Cu t u '
l u rl ll l"l" !
Nine 1'/111 •. ) Do mcs l'" quadrIlW" ," III
( C" IIl e.)
(Ca la·
plasm .1 houl{ or
Tllf.1 l ollll\'~' ln t; rt1l' ip - iii f o r r (>)o: t:'a l [i:
ill l': pe' " p"J.' hltl . Jnu lI1a~' hA Jus:. ...·b at Y(III 11( " 01
"~r i n~ "'3 ' e r. 'wo OUIll'C8 ; dll uled ~ t1j~ ilu r j.- ".-I,:. 40 d rop ,: "omIJOllnd 'piril s u t "" ·""oIpr . '''-0 ura","
T dIH':i 1 (' I\~ pi) (l n "\l i t 9..-!Ct.' a day. Tbe flXt Pl', u l I'Pr-ipe m :..y r p lipnA t he ~Hl1n tio n \'\"l thtJlll ti't~ abo \' e ln t e rnal r em · ~'dy .
,';ntic)'lJr Rcld . 1... 0 I 'urbo nat f\ o f
o','e r thp r~ UP :. lj() h .s
z ln (' , t hrPe ·OIlJU C.'H
Impure n ll ~ t
~ lIrrnce.
an ~ we I' 9'~
1' .11111';
,) fl II
I ii !)
l or C ..II[' ..r11I.t 1e,I v e Unio n 1 ) ;s s"" ' Il ~~L: r St; lti tl il. C hiGlgo. (H)) p t i l. ;Jnd ' 0 ' "'' p . II I . d ,lI ly. 1 'r :r~ 11I1;I11 \, condu c l ·d 1.-111 11 ;; 1 C;\I p.Htll.! S
T')UII " l
',i('c ping
.Il 10 . 2 5 p . m .
' ;I t \i
IlJl~ sd :l )"; ~l[ld Thul " d , l)~ .
T! tli C: I ~; I rn ftl .In \, :1'2.I: llt ot JnV (O nll( l lll1 '.: line,
llt ,l t
Y" tH
u r l(( ' l
\\,(' ,; l
CI IlC h ! '). Mil\\, :luk ce '"
0 1 ChI
' :l:.:,' I
II ' .ld;;
V iol
Ib t.:
St P .lu l 1' ,lilw" y.
F 4 . MILLER. Ge ., .. ,., t· ane nater A" .. n'. Ch'''''lo.
tuffed 1\ IUf'l1 rno y b e v;lvc o . For n:~ rr p8 hm (lnts. ~ 1"'P ll d r il f' tau l a wit h a
IV[ R P,. LLS..
Pn . lt ivrl y currc1 by tJU" .." l.inlt, I'ilh . 1'hcy '11" , r cllo.'O I\IS'
(r Ona l>ynpc pstn.. In·
,1\,:,." 'ou "",ITuo n CArt.y E.,\UuJ;.
A pr rh'cr. r ('\m·
,:t1y fo r D!utnl!SS, N'llusen.
f) row",ne~~. lIad T ru;!A1 In I.bu Mouth. Cl (ll,(~,' 1'oDg'lJ8. Pall) ttl Ulo tileJe.
L=:===='--_-''J'llIU'!ll 1,IVElt. 1't!lfUluto tbu n\.'l"C~ Purely VcgctnOle,
Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simlle Signature
WONDER SALVE Ab,oluuly f'''l from All POhOn DUJ In!n.dilnb
(Ca t ec h ls m .1 Good Ski n Food . I"or lIr lz es a COllY or IIH' Hlac lt Cal Whit e wax . , ne OIlI)(,P : ~ Iler-mocetl . mn.go z ln e a u ~l 11 vt;'fl wiver ornam e nted on e OU U CH; lanu linp-, ;\\,O OU n (t!R: s w eet h,v
Un i() f1
li nes .
1",,1"' " pi. IIIllle, (W i'll as I'.ali. r s lise).
Pe<'! l'i "nt io n of th e lfIallds.
O n (' WllO ,) r~J\· ll1( ·:~
II ,,:
P : I \.
: 1U Ut!lf' 1 II
A Pi p. !l orty.
An nulll1 u l fuulld iu I ht: nilltl l li i.l lms " . j 'lI ... l arrl ·· \\ h ... 1P\·p r utf' wa ~ rl p' pig· ( L"nlnmOtllll. ) na ltll l 1'1 " 11111 11 had ' I) g l \ ' , j. !'('.('·i p o A grefl l (·H l nmil~· '.· Il ~alasl rup h f". ) Inr It , wh i l·" IIj l~ la rl :" rnrt d (, It in Iwn· A cl IH tl a~ , · lIla t tl ll1i" I:-t mall':" ) 1 1',1 _ 1(J lJli rrl P TLJ i 'i "'n" fU tJ~ l am i} .... n ~ ,"(if t ftl'rh . ) I I'('frPbIlIlJl"' [lI :o ull kl n n..: u f PII' W ~I'e A hont r a rt' l y :-; r-' ( ' 1I : (Cals ll1ar oll . ) 1: "1' .· .. 11. \'\' ltll t:,urrc,:, Gild ~al:u w ldlt:"
A cllI ~E 0 .. Ol'Uef gur)'.)
('() lIll eu i'. J[1
IUl'li .lioll ~ ror ~ P Ip. Pa rty "'flre sp nl ,,"l "" 11' lnn g lltn r I,i c,c(' ~ of CUi'l l. ho'a rri 10 ,. i~ , · (lup l p~. ul l ill1"oat ~ f rll'll"". \\"h e n ' nn 1;""' \" ;"r,,' NI I.IJU m'", "'Cr'l :r n.- , i',I\I· ri on' lJ y th p. I'I)SI. wh l') W,-l~ (\ x. ~O( lIn~ly p ltH · Pr. Th o " 1)0.-101''' ",ri s 1, " r ",l u",,1I un the b lo e,f( :II I I I: Ifi lila II ner o " ,\ n,. n a f WII wal1l· 1' <1 . , h""g il ,uI ,.. b "'. I'I \(-I.~<1 lO tbr. bot. li e." Th n bidd ing wa. ISH t anrt l u r lou~ '"11 II ~:'>.,,()U lIpans It 1"0 "I; hi Ihe m ar, 10 id s pu rcl'A s~ r . Tb e r.oa l r"ip. sl el' waa I "('~ rr lu ,', 1 " ' "' h p mau WP Ihlnt! a bout "• ' II" n lh" .S IIO '" "I r·'\ ' \\' h~tI 'l'll l h nd
t l':l l :tl ( ll t'\'. l l lnl' l l' IH'(]
lh i ll~~,'l -
to Calil o rnia· Chicago. <I t
11 1.
P l ll ,·,·. 1 Pill·IIII'!"''; UIP l aciit.!H W ~r E' ~ ive n jent I V i ~ j ' p::s " I " if- nUl.tlp I rur'J IW O p ieces, of
P ;I.,;,;(·nger Stati m ,
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
n en'O IlH
Su n H.' tl1ut>~ 1I ~\' d III J'u n e l'llis'! alu tqu!'.)
U.t1lC1t t
d :l ll y, arrives Omaha 1) : 20 a. In . , alld Sa il a fte rnoo n IA. th e th ird d a\,. Throu g h ~ [an(L It! sle ep I" Chic.)go to Sail Fr:1n .. isC:0. Dinin~ C HS ;'ln cl (. h St·T\·' lti o ll c:.l r s <I II tl J(> wa y. I\ oute - t he '
t Ho san)f! tlm f' , I t is " ~ Ilall . 11 11\ n ~,: k he r.Clll n t.('(1. th en a ::;n fl ' ': nn\ln~ ''' 14 I.,! (h a l i s so tl' n ~'" n lHI r igi d t hlll \'PI '3' lnt:k( ~(1 r') Vf!l' I I w lu '! r p il I 'f, ltt' IHna -
(1.. '0 t O('UI11 11 :-;
l ro nl
l ; r aIlC I<; CO th
(lrri sf' s. lJe ln g b y nnw qllit e lou
A l'uriul p lar t-'?
x p.
1110rnlll <; 11 1)1'''"5, e t c. , I be wor k may L.
Tr~atm p nt o r Ihl. Pp ~l i~ aot n Rn· ( Cow rol'.1 ally llosfl. ihi (\ h'y m e a n~ or pohhl n ~ . "'h aL 11Cl'o nw :-\ u 1} lJrl (, I'II~ '! ( l'a t e r 'l though In ,onw rasl's ' Ihe ir nllll1hcl'u 1)llIu;'.) ml ghl be reel ll cpd by ~1I (' h mNhods. . to. c ry ott heard IU ' tie' Ult;h ," ICnl ' P rollably til(' be '" wn), In whi ch If) I' l'\\'au\.l (:ontrol wirnvo l'Ili s h~ by Int~ 01' (larJ~' w ln tPT p rO\' in,.;. I'e pea t e d for tw" or
h nlu t r'l w f· ll hJ ~1\1I 1)' Ill e ll H I : rly
uur' k lKJ II C' u f :o:cwif·, ty , S\ f'a llnl a~ p{)t1l . I la r' PI ) In a rll Kldn g . !:'l1urkllng ri\'f' l' it-i I II tJ p. plh s a THI nI1 5 u ~ p e''' ted KIHl l low:-l : h .. t l ail' ~(I (' n l h!'HIIIJI(,!. Thi'! IIT11tllow n IS » Iw ayi' hl t ror,, :-. Ll n '-· . I t'~ t ll H.t v/~ r .Y qual ltv It t' ' f' I' l aitlty :tho ll t tlt~ llv C- la g '~
lu r\'a c of c lt clt: o r on c-s UW I! l (' n RC nlll ~ (: l n~ . w1 [\1 h f ~ Iht! sna ppin g bep tl es . very n l'St Ihl n/! 10 I.. an, 1'0 ' IIH' ''' wb o Ih e lutter nam e ButTc r From In "OUl II' u. roml ng t ront Ihe habit Ihe r llBvr. wb on pla re d on Ih elr ba c kM. of s ud · A Goo<l G ues, ing Cout est . <I('oly snajJj)lu); Ihcmseh 'eR In ~ lI~h n Afl e l':o ll 1.111'" :L" " ~ Ul h I NI. 1'88" proU)ullnl"r a s l" thr ow thplr hort l t"~ lnto K l n llltn [~ " r W.lll lI'IlI,' " wilh ('ats, and I ho IIII' (wh en ,b,·), iu 1110"1 cas CII can l l' li (I ll' j.\IJPSl' til" : Ih" 1J1I esl lu, t' arc to r:tll on I he lr (.' el l . be Q lI sw ~r ' ,; I,y uti" \\ur<1. t he Iirsl ~ )' I . Th e rp a re man)' klnel . o f !lnullp lng· lat- I... Qf wb k h .. ,·nl . beccles In the UnIted Stnle~. and a cor · .\ l\"ul e,lall 111111 it (Ij "e ,,". ·~ lCa tarI'e s poudlllg n u mber of k lnd ~ of wire· " e L) worms, t be lr l' otln g . A fe w li ve "n,ICI' All i nSlrume nl or to rI ure :tlll t au the ba rk of ,rp.P, or In decayi ng ",our!; an lmol '~ (( 'UI.l mo st, bo",{'\·e r. li ve In the g'l'o llnd unr! A II l' III ~'-"~ I Calol' I),s m .).
The far iuer t hat cOO p l'ojwl' l), pillo lD bls form work bat\ tb ~ h est eh a lwe of SUCCORS. He run th on hll ,lband not only tbe time of hili mOll. but h is ruaterlals. Lack or fo,'eslg ht Is l·esp0nAl· ble fo r a very oonslderable "·!lRl.e of t ime on rarms . Tb e wlnl e r 1.1mB Is a good SCal!on In whI ch to ca refully go ' ov e r th e work of th o com ing sea . lions, 81\)'S t b e F armel's . R c v Ie w. \\'h Y nol? Ln" every ot hf' r hua tneliK lUlu'b f epCl upon :i('pd ~ und th o rOOlS or \Iu r i, t blnhi ng Bnll l)lun ntng bofo r p hand hn s 011 :-> plonl s, oftr'n c a u s in g mtlt! h hlS:;. to be uon e . The "wn Ihn l "UIT Y " 11 m' Tbe Pg" s of th ('sl' tn errt s App~~ r ' 0
tura l
\\u rll;JU
; e llowi,;b worm . n OI a l all vleusunt th II ~epy In do 0 0. hur Llw olhe .. mo ve· Lie "" yo ur 1001, ~ l or 10 110 " 0 In lI,e C!lrden 0" m e nl " '"n' N/u a lly ;o:"otl n" ld. It nt lar li R s prollllnl; Inrll c ls at back lln rl pull Ih .. le ll e .' 1111. Inhal e r o m . 1111 \1 ol h ~ r Hoet!: i t eU IR Into po. I d""I'I ), "' hi le doing I b l ~. \V h ll e Ih e lal o tube rs I\n d \'arlo us OIli e r vege. lore3lh is rl'ln ioe,1 , ilif 11 ane! ~l l'~ldl lab l ~s : III fR et II clop" a g r a t dea l or til e m ll s I'I"" mal" ,,!,: Iii " hod)' ns te liSp. da mage wb e ne ve r a nd wh e re ve r It gets us pogs ihh ' No w rc lal( ~ lo\\'l)' Rlld thoro ugh ly lJeg lnnin r. wi, h I.he mll K" l p~ th e ~ha u rp . H er e's tho f £, p l'ohat A'H p l ctureuf th e ,~p ('k, IIIIIJ ~ nuc! lJaC'l\ : f' ~halt.' n t
w ir wonn
r l l ar.r' ~
1I1 1'rhJ IJ.1l
C' r :l C" , a ~ '~ U l"(·
IIrlll ); 110" lIluNd.,. II. ~' , "nt1 s a" If il . I hega n nI l' hl'ekl"> I,l nJ,; "tll'''I:r with ' \\' ollid la l(· fU f \'for , 1.J11l II lIl)~ ~ II ' t. .lu st nOx hives. hili SOu" dl sC:Dnlell th om for lry It . Tll(, fi lsl I i IIit' .\ ' llli ff'f' l n)oO I f yo u th e Olm'u bl p fram e hil·c. Tho s,' wh " w(1I1111 I W H 'I he u bl(' 10 rall a...... lf ~ .\ P wl . h to try t he box, h ll'c 1,Ia n \\'111 do Alr !!U' h y ntll'st-!l r CUI wh i l e in h pd , OIl' m A we ll I" hel{l lI 0 11 It s moll ""al e. I f lo r!,;" :.ttH .\· \, ' 11.,\ h mlf' . tIlU MC J(·~ lCn ~ (' liD d rl' IIlrn" (ro nl Ih e m arp Bssll r pu it will be SI.U,lcll p,1 to IIII'l l UIIUOHl. RI iffe n I ~ R n.nd urn. m1Hic l ("~ [ll ld t ~(' 1 SLQ m11 ch a8 nn oa!!y 1OIIIII'r lO de\' lop thO' plan. pos~ l lJ l r- ug )011 " u Wh N I ~t " IJlching I" Ih n nl orn l ng. Hclux " om ilic i ely allli II'Y THE WIRE WORM , 81(11111 . Hi r e" :,, tll p I lmh ~ III cJ lfI\(' I'eDl S omething A bollt Th is Troubl esome direclioliH. 1"0\' In " I U n ~p , !l il t Ih IIl'Ins ou t t n fron t. Y"u will "Imedll y nrHI 1119~r t nnd How It COD li e.! :YOul'"clf Iawlllri,; " ""IfOl"llIh l), and you B e D estroyed. Ilru hnllly WO O' t " "" ,1 10 1:0 ,ltrollg lt allY Th'
0rillm,Mo rl'l ulI ~ .Il or Hill~wl. NO'I'NAltco'I'IC.
: ~ h ' " i ll f:'111 li t" Ill'..' ~· I t' t·\(' U!i \ ,' i' 11 all l ilal. cd t il l' Dut c h r :' 1' I1 \,l1r ' .~t " f" t' fOl·.. g(ll!j. I ~ a tlH.loty tl'd : o r fllrb c l o "A' o r All ,',' 0 1 lli r "tl l ~ f !)1I 11 l'!oi if'S \"." lire: l h" f.;~ lIrn till' q tl~ lit ,." l'I 1hat bri fl~ !I(' r .- rnllillj.! !y threHI I-~ h p \' ('r:1' ~a l c i it l unlt:n l I do 1101 wi ~ h 10 be 'lit ll ,· 1111' a\' ... a~lll
n ile JII "I at Ih e "ohillni""; "I' I ho Innl,,' h o rll':ly lIo\\'. nl1 ,1 J)1l1lil1 g o n tlH' Sf't ' IJuU hOS PR. Th f'l Ill ea i ~ It) IW(lD I h(' wh"II" \\' ClI'I\ llI~ f nrt'p l lr l ti ro I 'o l o ny tllge lh (' r u nci ('rowd I l u' ln i lllo ~ "" tlon hox es. :\130.\ (Jf H ~ r p m emhf' t' I h f' olrl m fn ho t!
Knn sas expe r iment !>Lallon. whp re fln .,«ort lias been ma de lO tro ce Ihe lI opt h ot roots. He r e are at IpU"l I.lirp-" jJlf.l UI S! .Jllt of so me sIx o r se,' e n Rtllfl k d wh e re tho root \tns II n el ral ed lo 1\ de plh g reater t han s ix feet. It Is a gen e ral opinion a mon g Ihn se .... ho bo. ve s tud lell I h e • u bj ecl t ho t I h n deep grow Ing rOOl hn R A !,;rent <1 enl 10 do with. the ~npaclty or alfalfa lo r c· s lst drou r;ht . on ,8 'COtlOt o r Ih e d is· tance tbat alfnlfa rool s a r c e nobled to pe rf!t rate Into t he g round. Thl H nhnl:llJle rlstlc 0'1 the alfnlfn plao t I ~ on e reallon , d''IIIbtless. ,,,hy It Is ad" I.· able If 1I0 t n ecessary tor I he so Il t o bove cons ld e rnble de pth und n ot hu vn a hard pnn a s hor t ,lI stn'p b ~ lo", the Httrl'acc. ' rn Ilddltlon to Ibe deplh lo whlt :1 a l· falfa ruo\.s may ~ut e " the ' 011 . tile II· IU 8tratlon Is Interes tt ng tor th e fa ct tbat t~ s hows Ih e growt h of IIbrollR root s nt t he s ur fn c£'. Wh ile th ese are 1 ~8~ t.hnn what on e n:1I11 rally I'X pectd wit'll t love r, the y art> (' horn ele r lRt 10 "I(b alfa Ha.
11 ·' ' n h .' ;lr II hy
l i ~ f! anLJ
\·P.T·Y I 1111f" ,," rpill s hr)1l1'Y w ill UI ' ti(~{ ' u n.'!d . :'I oys tli f" Fa r m ,J(,) lIl'n n l. Many h<!c l1lot1, IIwlurll llg m~· s{Hf. n uw use two hOlli pg!tt t'c rl Jlill tlnlN~ o r fh p !'\easo ll . TPfIlo \' l n g
roube.1 uf 111(' i .. hu ney: afl~r wh ll'h Ill cr \l' O I'~ SIOI"l'ti aw a y 10 UP used a gain 111 0 II c xl YUR r .
t l 1l11'
1' 01
1) 1' d[ ....... :-.
LE Sl1T I! 01" HOUTti 0 1' AI.I',\t.I"A
Promotes Diges lioll .CIK'C rfulne~s andH(, 5t.C(l n l ai ll s neither
IIIIl II ! ,.I~.d': 11 :-;11,· wi s I1l~ ~; tl' lJ ' a ~lO -1 r l:. 1 " ' It' r 1 :'~ ,ILd I n fi~ mfo" lll hf' r a t l ilo
l h p hh'p!oo Iu ",Intt' !' 111 Ihun ar c- ~ hatl(lw Ollr·f' ; hUT Ir !he h i\·,.. .. u r p m adro tno d,..PV,
Rwar m J: \\('n' IJI' lrmi l o n 11 :\)1(1 th e Il i\'c~
Signature of
Tht· s ""cf'l w ri n ...
,II. I'll " ,
~ 1t 'l' 1J " 11111 : ,1 ,on )(' 10 I h t~ 11 1';.ln IIt'd
1 hl~ PIU tk", "
l<1 pd Illd I IV'P, "arr YlllJ! 1I !i I lrr " ~ :-; tOI' Y, IS alt" Hd~ :I .......\l i n l' t it~ tJlw OucJ O. . ~ ·t.lI ; fl· I "; a h. l rnll y !1n H)lf'l' :11'11 I<C f'JlH mu n, 1 ' (lnlpf' ~ I ~HliOIl"i tor tJ p r ug l y .Iw:h! u'g .... :'Ii /ll d 1t:1'" n he-all l), d ll I ts
h l1 .-'
Bears the
S'llai l W(l Il II"1 Ih ~,t so II11Hry lu a k(" a ln rt ,I e :~!) a n d r ('f \ ' ~r hi :.t lh· u n t·f~, ('a J1 11 ~ III ~·(' I II IH · (! ; lI l1l I l rt to nid I II " r e~
or il' r i (U l pri unc i {l X-
The Kind You Have Always Bought
"l dr·lI a h Of)d , Ra y ... J:oi t u pi~lt t 11l :' hus d('l(·p . I:; II :-; Pc) i ns l(· tuJ orn li ar ( ' 0 \ ' 1) 1' . p p Itivf'f4 are v(l r y IJ l1l1' h Uflllel' fd r
or I;cppill ~ hI''': in III " II h 'PH fo r br ecd · ,·r • • o l l o w lll~ Ih e m In s wr.rm , Ihl' n 1'-''' ' 1111;; Ihe s \\'unn R Into uther hl" PH u lI ,l III' s llr \Jl n ~ Ile IJl' IIIJl nt; 'lIl Ihc l1I fa,' h o ney . tn I·h p. fnll o f I h ~ yp.or Ih ~
For Infants and phildren.
~on e !
('u n ' Sl id ! 11 11 a n 'H hlr 's Ilmt.' . L n!it Df HI I U " lI jl q f WIl I' Ill lOI Il( wil li n pl u ,; h of !'> :Llt. M:lII \' IH"0 111 t· I U I ~ :111\1 11 -8 Jl Hr ti c lI )url j' tu llI e l l , NUU f ' r rru lJl Hlt'i'pl" , H I1 Cl-'~
fec(l. fo r sll mll lnli\'e iJr o()LI ~ l' ea r· ill 1;. IIqu i,1 h Oll ey (I I' " "IWI' sy rujJ . BeeR \\'ill WI Il ICI' bOll c r In a uo uhle· WR llpcl Iti I'P . north of la ' I\llu~ ·10. A "I ll , I-:le· \I'IIllori h ive \\' 111 ,to very \\' cl l. pro·
')00 DROPS
h e r l l' yln~ 10 J; O I •• "" 11 a l O lh~C.
TI ,~ n
IR :r.ur,' l·:r. l'e ,1 Ity wom el
I hnn 11. i1 ~:(,-I'\·n~ . ."l it y~
U wl'it lr In , l.e L Lonrl ull (Jprlodh'" 1 du\'O lf'd It' le wlulnl be l' tll ilO a WUI" I1I 1)11111 . 1 ~ll I II I; Ill " ~olcl in l{J n~. , ~. Th e- m i.l tllcs f' Jr th i u gs un w Htp.r f u n In II11l11 1 he wa t.e r IH'! f:O m f'S r e ul lv IlIr li·~t It Ih fJY pOlilli unly f i'U' ,:001, Ult'tl I · t hl' r ~ tfJ wly t;U 1 1 11'CllI~ 11 t ilt.! Ib~o II : .Iw ,.; i ll llin gs u llll t' ntl i n ~:; a r e fu ll mauy fJ l tt t' P ' 1I ))1 ,i Il IH "f l il (l t ui lt 'l. or ru a~ a nd i lr(' d ' l. :"'it tJ I. wil f" n l h ni ruun l (' urlu b anti nai r bru s h llJg for In · UllllllUU S IIUHl b(:1' ·111 Hi 111 Hig ht , whal utan(e , A o rt ell d ouc III a rll ... 11. Tht~~t! 11'~ IJ1 fJl' ~ il ,",4 ' lHt ~ r h ro ugh (he f(' ul\l\ine b elp rtl Ja~ b.ll d 411U' ( rh e IWn· , '~ h hll hpun- 'I/' , UII U LU" "t· ~t h ull o r I1 fe
"loo 11"NI 10 s!<'pp "' Ihnr u III 110
f r am pf> .t11·lLf·' iy over t hp f ' I,, ~j r'r or hpros; corp I' liP warm unu l puve UlltiJ 5 pl' i ll ~. I
a lm ond ')11. f Oll r
I H1nf'eR :
~'(J ('oa nut
oi l.
two O UIl C~~ ; I ln ' '' urc o r LJ~nzo ln . :Jt) red dotb. use lJluf'll "al cU lluy I)OXell dro p ci ; or8n g~ · tto '."'cr waler . IWO ror ran)rs. 1,,,'1 "" "dies III bluc k OUll f'(l3. w roug h r I ron holtl.' r !:;. a nd Ih i' e rrect ~1 ,, 1t the n n;1 tlve In g r e d i~ nta ta;v III he II nlqlle. S halles ma y b ~ made gelh"r . T nl,a orr t hA nrp a nc! bell I unt II :Sorae JJuman-Like In Makeup. Teeth the B est G rin d er". The hor~e IR tb e n earest III,,· Il man Tbe re I@ Dol mu c h li Re In gri ndin g frolll rpt! pnpr.- "'Ilh 1I11ll'k cat. pa sted nca r ly co l<l. ; ng IIUl e 'JY lill ie Ih e btn 1.o ll1 an d lna l ly I h" o run ~e flow e r of aoy anImal. And ye t , we do not . ree ~ for horses ' It they have good ('.n. tie r vc dev il ed c l'nbH, s andwl c bes. (!of. water, alwaYR treat him a 3 we s hould lik e teet h . Yon will mak e n,)ll1 lng hy f ee . o ll\' er. and n mull e tl 'Ide r It uo une to be 'JJod ollrse lvei<. If we are s lel, ~rl lIc1 ll1g ont. for Ih n h o rsp. SOamrOo IluJ rC18 . T o Fatt= tho Hands. Ilncl p ~ed r eet. ,~c us ually get II. II h orsem e n ('Ia lm I hUl crus b od onta '1'00 fal It . hnnt! is unl ntelleclual t ho /lorso 1/1 dull nn(1 does uo t <hIve not near os goo tl Oij wllol e o..ts. lI'lrat Calla. lookIn g. J u st. a mocle r ate pllumpnesH II '11P 600d, I'll! take the whIp Ill , ·hlm. nrst cn ' ls In the Feason s hould be more to be desIred. To t hl8 e nd , take Tha l' s wrol}c.-Farm Journal. Don' t Give Stlnnilftnta. 'rlllurned vllr y prolll j): ly-on t he next the RaDle eare you I\re O?! c rclslns and. In makin g ai Ice pond IL II Willi 10 Ne\'C~ mix cayenne peppe r, sloger , or receptio n da)'. or-lf-t h1fr e Is none th eo In addition s leep n glovea I ,f le r havl us Dlske It In auch1 a ,ya.y l b·a.t t he water auy o1.her-)ll5werful s timulant 10 Ul~ un t il< ' mos t convenient dRY Within a anoIn ted th e hand s with the followIng: I'AZI pUil oll througn ~() sarnA source mU ll. These stimulantB will ~ooD er o r (ortul(;ht. Arter this excban ge of clv- Ground btrrley e nou g b te thlck~D. tbe ' Ing Ihe WI1II,t - later ImpaIr the vItality of the fow~ lillIe,: & longer tline between v18lta ",hi e or an egg, a teaspoonful of ,17. u It tllllera, therl!by . OIl')' be allowed 10 ~! 8 PIle. IQoI D" a t of tbe b&nks. I mulua tl1em aUIr-c ptlb.l e to dlselu. «rID Ind ODe QUII. of IMme,.
For Ihun ... SO t!'! l·l\lfJ ~ l . Con n. :;'0 ' ' ' . F.r,. ma,
R lulU tll.lll '\1n h: f" r,. I)ile s. n lnntl P U I"U II, Llilf ' bIJlrc l ~'t "lid " II W ound • • ad .,win U i se au: ... P.uu na PGI " "-" .... & (lON"_ ,'.,"" ....111 u .., ...... • . ""Wit , .ICII.
It'" "'I'l
elope toreDe~'"
PUl ille ... ttr. autl i l
f orm to be dissoh'eod I n pu""
nlore ch:anst ng , hu1 il1lt. g c: rnllcld..& aad ceo nomiCOl llNll liquid aOl'--eptlc. for all
TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES "'nr &.:Iolc at dru ;:gl:ttSt 60 (~D' l a ' bul,
Trial 80_ .nd book 01 laIuuctlon. "'... Tlel R • •• 1l'0" COMPAN"
Milia ••
"" B-S\ ' I . I I'ousness Y ou' r L' 't- fe I ..
Lytle Castle, K. of O. E. Banquets. PubU. bed Weeltl, at 11\ . 'I'. B RO"N
A U.L 8 & n T M . M u l~A'f IIUJI .
,>J .
W"yue.. . llIe.
If E]I d /oJ l tors till . ann~.:l~ r8
UR t)WN . 1\ S.~"')U I -,, ' rN E I)1TOn .
' 1.0 0 11 Y nr . . . . . ~. tn lU! \' IUl ce 11. :2" n y ~ llr If TloL Ilald In IHlya lli.'t.'
l)l'" FIGE fN .TONI!:S
r c:: .JElF~O~E W ":U >l E~llA " .
(! .lILL . . ~ O. 6' 2
. • JAZ" l' A HY
Ii, ' IiHHl
e::: Truly. "Iu th o mi ds t o f lifo we tUO in dou th ." Lu<t 'l'lIurst.l"y t ha people of t h i ~ comm u nity were s hooked hy t h e 1l0 W S of t.I.l1t dellth of t wo y onn l{ 111(\ 11 , o ne II rl'!liden t of I,ll.' POllllllllllil,y II lHl 1111 a II fnrrn pr
TlHi uWlIl bers of IJy t le l!llstle, Kn igbts of t.h Golden En g lo. of our nui ghboriu g villugo of Lytl u, ente r· t.n! ned thei r fum ili ... " lind II numher of t hei r fJ:iends 11 t. II n oYllt~ r llu pper Tlnll'slluy eveni ug . Almost It hun. dr e(l person WBre presen t Anel tIl e ocolI ;;ion wu,; uno o f ra ro pl ell ll uro . Lytle Cnst le is 0 110 of t ile bes t tlUd str ollgost, lodges in Warr ell county. Its m embership iuolu des th e mos t prominellt people of Ly tle nnd vi -i n ity , lIud t he mcm bers of tb e ,;1\,.1.10, whiob \vIlS orglln ized Il bou t six llJ ont h ~ ul!<l. 11 1'(1 thllI ',ugh ly il!· to r u ~t,,,lIl1n d fil II uf tmt·h n ~ill~ 1l\ for t ho "om\ of f 1\1\ or ,ll' r ')'In
I)e( · tlv il'~
c n l1
h)\\'f~ I'
fI , H )!'
th ill):s "1',, 11 hit·
j" ''''1L'«, \\'hiLhi~
2 0 .0 0 Mobile
Ihcd,n'cllesu lt"f a Ih·..·r w Jllc h !. \ l!:-\ to pe r-
R O " NO TRI P ._\ 1·\ -
r"I!!I.(S[' ""·
~UEE~!~R~~~~!,ROUTE I I IIl)() . m D) 11(' IIlH\ It ' ~1"'I ' lt'l il ,,( .lc k ~1 and p3,.nWI1I ~I\' !Olh nlth lul"l A.t' "1 at New U rka n !'i ur "' "bill.'. "th ,
Gen ' )
M o nBgl~ r .
Oen ' l Pass , Agen t .
\,.,.,,111 '"11 )''''' " Itl'I '
gl.' t
l i l' l'r in
form .a n d 11IIlhing w ill 1l('t" "l1 p!t:-;h th is so qllt ~kly ~ lr!,>11 t h~ln...Illg'h l y as
Dr. Cald w ell's \ Lu.ltarluu )
Syrup P epsin
The , pupils of the WaYDOliville Will Celebrate Fortieth High School have a very flourishing Uterary SOCiety, whioh bas been ' Marriage Anniversary. orgl&Dlzed for some weeks . " Mr. and Mrs, Frazee W . Hatha.· The Society bolds general exer· 018es every otber FrldfLY aft.ernoon way iss ned invitations roalllllg following recess, and these meetings as follows : Mr . and Mr s . F . W . Blltha,wny are proving very belpful to the pupil8 of the 80hool In acquainting invite you to be present tbem with a correct knowledge of at the p&rli~entary rules and the ability Fortlo~h rmDl versary of th ei r nUlr· to expre88 themselve8 olearly nud rlage el1sl11 In publio. Tuesday, January thirtieth Last Friday afternoon a progrll.m Nineteen Hundred nncl Six of unnsuallnterest was carried out At their homo by the members of the Sooiety, Wny nesville, Ohio I MI88 Stella Lemmon, President, Dinner at noon . pr08lded with dignity and ability No doubt the oCOIIslou will be a and was ably assisted by Mi88 Mary very happy one, Bnd the fri enus of i'ariette, the Secretary. Mr . and Mrs . Rathawl1Y will join in All of the pupils who took part, acquitted themselv08 In a most tbe bope tbat t hey mny live to ell· oredltable manner, and there was joy mllny more suob anniverslLrieB . an utter absence of that peculiar malady known' 0& stl1ge frlgbt. Married. The first half of the bour devoted to th~ Society's program was taken Married, a t the home of t,he Beck. up by It debate on the qUe'$tlon : "Resolved that thA world owes ett brothers near Corwin, on Thur!!· more to navigation than to tbe day evenin g at (j o'clock, .hLDuary rail roads, " 11, 11106, Mr . Rlohard E . Bookott The affirmative side of the sub· , jeot was Ilpbeld by Fred Hawke. nnd Mi ss Lizzie 'l'nylor. These young IJeople OIIme tu War· John I:)trawn, Eloulse Smith and 'ferrel Maoy . The n egative side of ren oOUlity fr om Kentuoky nnd have the subjeot was presented by Lee' .m llny friends ID lind aro und Earnhart, Sybal Hawke, Jessie W a ynesville lind Cor win who wi!!h Marlatt and Raymond Davis. &> many exoellent arguments tbem peaoe I1nd prosperity in tbeir were presented on both sides tbat ma.rrled life. I t,he judges were equally divided 8S 'l'he oeremony was perform ed by to whlob side was entitled to the Rev. Phllll) Trout, pllstor of the p,.J , decision . After ~he debate the : following E , ohuroh, program WI\8 rendered : Instrnmental&>lo, Edna I::lmith (nstalla tion and I Recitation, "Twilight 'Memories, .. Ellen I::lherwood Oyster supper., Recitation, "Iu God's Care," Loraine Hamilton 'fhe officers of Covenant Rebeocll Cornet 1:)0 10, Edna Zen· L odge, I. O. O. F ., will be In!ltallod Recitation, " Courting in tbe oountry," Amy Hay into thetr duties Tuesdayovening. Reading, Raymond Williamson January 23, after which a hot · Vocal 8010, Ra.ymond Marlatt lunoh of oysters and other g ood From the Frankll,n Cbroniole : "Owing to II. pre88 of work on our things will be served. own holiday l88ue we negleoted to comment on the beautiful HomeComlnl{ number of The Miami Benta the Music Cure. Uazette, recently tuued by brotbers " To keep the body In tune," writes Brown I1nd MoKay. The pnper tw. was gotten out in magaZlDe form Mrs Mary Brown, 20 Ll1fayette Ilnd was Il oredlt to Warren cOD'n ty Place, P ongbkeepsle. N Y " I take Dr. King's New Life Pills . 'l'hey .L journa1tsm. ,We heartily ' congratulate the enterprising editors of The are the most reliable and p1llflBatJt laxative I found. " Best for 'h Gazette on the very sattsfaotory the stomaoh, llver an(\ bowels . • reenlts of their labor. d A number of visitors were present Guaranteed by F 0 Schwartz. tho drugglst ; 260. , ~~. !Ul'l enjoyed the exeroiset,
• lC \J ,'Ie YOl
. Il i n ~ " cI "pS''''', I II t ' "0' II I'" ' '''lI l'!y TI' '"~ l(tll hll hil'~ 1111" P. I-i i ~ t.·,· .1 nlir , ,, \'SI ' ~, ~£ .i. ~rli~ 0 " 1 "fl nn ll l ~n\' t iHl II lll(-" In pru j,.. , · ,.f • . ,, . 1 Th ,' 1 0\\'(' r t hat g- i\'c,; ~'Oll r crloy ~ H'ln'IY lIn d I " .. th r "t \lI~ 10'. l ift' anel mlitio n is l ite 'lC' I'\' C ; (·.,1,1,., (· ... )111' :C lld W! IIIOII ' "I! '''\I ~li .. forrt', or n,'J'\' c flll id , 10c;l t cd ill I ( '''n l /1 in~ II " " 1'1i\( '" /1 11 ,1 ,~ ... " fll ,1 1111 I h .' II C!'\'C cdl' of th e hrain , I ~llrt " A~k I" .. I,'"t.w ·" I \ ,,,, ,,,V II nll , ' l'lI l' :I li d i U ~ \ "' I . Upo ll h UV 1U g' it" Ut'l it, :ltlll II C' \'L"
~ l'nt lu
Ii \'Cill
Ol1t th rough lhe. Iltc va r iou s urg-a ns.
l iS 11
1' 1' 1111.1\\'
" n il" 1«' 1(1" '" I Hel lw lIl'l~ .
!I ud ClPl'tlli n i n ,' U II' . U .
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C I~Cll'l'ATI. .. numhe r IIf .,· t b e Gtt . h ,, 11 ~_IBl_ _ _. I • • • • • • •IIII' I 1t dlreL' !l), t n till' nlft'\' l ql paris, HAr!! it W II ~ I,hllt tIl! dolicioll ; Hette..' !' th ,ut 1'!l1~. ~ 11 1 ... s; dt ~;1I1 t1 n: lII Sl '· Z'l tt" " " " ~ t.r . lD g I ,v ,"1\'OCII t,erl t he -------___-~_ ------ ' o us p lITg-atin'!'\ wh il II :t\..:.~r:l\' at c ,-'11 11111...:"",'1hi ",hU HH' t nf JI Bn MhH""" ~ MfI' n I t' oYBte l ~ Rn(\ f l'U g r ll n t oul1'eo, p l'lcl pn r I t ioIH; IlrHl lea v l' t ht..' s uth'rcr in '\'lI rsc 'I \1 A l' lIdl' r n . 11'11(' 1(' , l'l n h in WII~' n t' ~ \'ill " A '" ' I\·P IIl .. " t ed Ilullor t.110 ~ k illf lll dirl'cti on o f condition t hatl hd(ln', 1!'1 no w n n fon' t t l qr~" n iz A ~ \1 u h n Mess rs W u lt~' r Ke'n rick IlIlel (; E. HT 1 ' 1 · 1 L F ormt" f atll H,:I ..' r( H I1 C'S nil\\, \\' ('11 nl Hl -1' 0 y 1l111':\(' 11 Ull~!"< "Itlel t 10 rt' · · ~trtlIH~ .payt.'ltlq\lC ntlrilr ;ltct"iISt..llil'a~. y Illnh, ul1d dasAr ves t,lae ~ nJ>p o r t of J ohn " , Wflr C ~e r vet.l . Throe lon g I'o ver ~' .,1' ~I I'~. lIl ol lie' I h.1t .. I' t h ,s Ia "d I"""l'r , ... vpry oit! ?.en of the oommllui ty . t ll blpH woro fllI eel t,wlce nun fu ll plll c(>." wr it .. ~ .1. O . H , H un p" ". of IJICl' .\1.D\\, E I.T :S S YR l ' P I'EPS [:o.I j Ull tico W IIS dOl1o to tb e good t,h lng!! \ V0 0 111'0n1, '1'1 '11 11 ., " ~h(' Wlls ~O \\~H:o' t . CUI hI.' \~ht:t\[H:d I II I,olh d ~I,l lara ll d hal( , I dl)!l ar ~11.l:S f nH~ 1 all dlln!,~I"; I :;, Good Words for s,st on the tnhlos. nnd t.h e mem hors l'tl h,' - ('l H I ~1 1 1 1l!! np p n!"o f ruI Il l H' r , \'ourll1 .1t1t.'\, \\,illl>crcfllIHh..'<i ifit do('s l n u g ~ , DO('t 'I t' ~.; (l p('lnJ't'd h e r l' Il l1 :40 , ht.:llcfit \ ' 0 11. our Public Utilities. uf tll e lod ge sn w to i t tllIIt ovory on 0 u cnr t l lU t l u 'l' fa l1l 11,v h tH 1 \\' Ht (' h t' ,l j nn!Y ~urtm ... l.·.'·. Ir{'f1t1(·,~fw i: ll !rI!l~I" f"tun, W IIS honnttfull y s uppllcd . hv b pI' l)(ld ...- idf- f ot l't ,\'_ ~ l ;!rn h1 11(\ \l I' ~'• m lli l ',)ur !lC~': I .. ~ l;~I' I , . .. 1)1{ ll\I.\I\\' I', I.I~ 'S . IIIHI~ \ l l ' "o " q'. I ~~ u ull ( 'CC ~,\llItlll~ l u' A me mber of II."'s u'pply Af't er sllpper t ho oomj)nuy nd· w h e n , nt n l ,\' n r;,!('nl 1' 1'( ltlt':..:t, lJl ', Ihn .. ~.' whn h 'l\', ' n"\'l'r tr h:r1 l hl~ wonllcr ful l{ i n g '~ New 1) 1~t·tl \' () 1' .v \\1\:-; ~i\'lJI\ 1 rc m ct.1~' , " 'IIh:II'l'llt uda)', ' houOIe of / '\1lcIIl,Uati , reported to j U'J rncd t o t h e lorlgc room whoro a hRve ~~"'-" thRt the t wo s hor t progr lHlI wo s on r riod ou t h er. with t.h(, 1I~ 1" l lli,hill~ rc"uJt. t.l lIlt PE PSIN SYR UP CO. _ on lio ollo,lIl1n o l. msiit~ m l\nnged lIys t ems of water witb C, E . •Toh ni.i, Noble Chiof of ll nprOvOlll nll t 1t C~ lIn , a n,l l'o n tllltl etl un til ~ h c Iin ll ll ~' Cl1lllll le t ... ly rct'ov c ~ .. For S"lo 11 \' .J. K .1nnn o·. works tl.ud eleotrlo light.s iu South· th e Custle, 11 8 ohllirmAn . I'll . IlI Hi l R II b pnlt lty w<1IlI fln l o(i" y, " __ , _ _ _ . ) ern Ohio were at. Wllyn esville I\nd G Ull r ll n t ."C'd e n r C' fo r ('n n g h ~ Jlnll Mr . Milton :stu oy r endered a nUIll colds . r,o ('Cn l", (t llll $1. 00 fit F , C For l'oltl~ u~o " I{pd .:3pl'uc· ... nmi Oxford. b 3r of vari ed seleotions on h is splell . Soh\\, ' lI' t z'~ . Iho tl r ll:.:g i ~t. T .. iu l l' h (] rr ~' Expectol'llll t.·' "old by .J. \£ , Coming from IL mnn In this posi. dtd Vlotor G ra ph llph olle lInel mem · bottl o f reo. .l l1 nl1 l1.\· , tion _uch words mea.n muoh lind it bers of the Lytle GlL8t le san g sev· will be It. Roource of gratifiClltion to eral of the Impressive OlIos of t.he th" peopl!:! of the oommunity to order, Short tnlks were' wade by know tbl'! 10CllI s:fstem is s o highly Mr . S . L . Wlllamson of t he Lyt le regnrded on the ontslde, Cas tle, I1nd Messr s. SrLmnel Smith 1'h08e In oharge of tbe plan t have and Adelbert MoKay of the WAyn es. hl\d muoh to oontend against. The ville Cnstle . problem of k eeping the plant In Une of the l)leaM nt-est fea.tllrel! of runolng oroer, pl1ylng the neoes· the entire ocoaslon was tile friendl y sary expen888, paying Interest on thil bonded Indebtoess fLnd striving and sooiable spirit tha t prevAilcd ,to PI1Y olf the bond II 1\11 they come am ong all who wer e presen t. und due, has been a serlODS one. and It the members of t he Ly tle Cus tle has been neoessary to praotice the are t o be oongrat ulated on arrung· illg uud olLrry lng ont Slloh 1\ deoid· utmoet economy . It i8 en90uragfng to know that edly sucoessflll entertainment . The f0l10WlDg members 'wer e these elfoJ't1l a re a ppreciated and present from W a ynesville Custle : are ~l'lng fruit. Brothers Samuel Smith, He ber Bmlth. Commodore Cus ter ., Earl High School Robertson: Raymond MBrl.a tt. Lee Literary SQciety Hawke and Adelbert McKuy .
~' o r
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or - - · - - - - - W. A. OARR ETr . \\'. C.K I, I;;,RWN ,
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Cbu. W. Ze U. 0. 1'. A. Q& C. Roul• • CI. clno>l l. 0, 1', n rown. T. ( I , )~. Q. a. 'louie. Clllcl nn Atl.
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arc t ir ed . II l' r\'OtlS, ('a nti t ,leer: hayc I, - - - . . " . . . . . . , . . - - - - - -"'''' h '·:ld .l r1ll', kL'l ~l lI((\', u lI lI ami i H McGASSY M A. , M. O. u lt· l:lIll' h 'lil' . o r h:t\·c n Cllral g i:t , I " I ' rlll'llIlt.lti sill . b :ICk;1('hc, p c ri - I I:W W , ' ~1 F if t h DlrOtll. oeli c tl 1 ' ;l in ~ , i n tli ~I: :;L i o !1 , tll's - I On ytnll . (lh iOl. . '" ~ 1" '1 "i:l, ~(oIII :t c h trollble . o r t h e P I Il) n ll~ , : l\lni n H' O~, Homo :HiOll. ki d ll~''" ' an d li\'c r arc inact ive, ,'; \' , ":'11 ~I I~" , \ '11 I' I I H , I ' T yll llr 'llic,>I..'U rr l'llL i ~ \\' cak . l'U\\' ll·' l'nlllllci ll gfll,·l is ncr d- I "'~" " ' '' ' ' ' 1i''' d,.' .·.." .. ,,, .. h}· · I''·'''··... cel: :--olllvi hiltg- to i ll (, I'l' : l ~C Il e r ve t _ lite lI cn·l's. 1)1'. ;<.Iiks· I~ cs to rati ,' c ~erJ :\ l~(;, j\ . ; \ J . l • vi !),: is t lte fll e l \'1I11 Il c ... d. It , H II " " ,. V CI .I.I,: . ( ) IIIII fl 'l"!,; lh e 1l" r\'l';;, !l1:udun'" n er ve :""0 1' 1':1' , ' 1, 1 i 1'::-: : I I 1.... 1': ,\ r; I';'" 0 ..... \\' I ' ;\I I(,N furc l· . a lld l'l's lo rt's yila lity.
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Fo rl nfo rm:u lo n o ddrcS5 :-
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t el rllll!.! he:ttJ.·
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$ 2 1.2 5 New Orleans
it'II!,)y IIr rnngOtl hn ildi ul!. the UppAr r el'lillr n r : ( :. D Rudp r . llf Unrw in , ~ I nr y bf'i ug 1I"l't) " '" 'II lml l{f'r llcH lI IInel \\'ill ~ l\[oT{uy, o f W il Uli nutll ll , IlI l l l
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w llu ld 111'l' Om w ['n k and n l m o!'oi l hulp· l e:o;~ , I'l l ,\" .-irc u i ;1t Ion w n!4 P UlU', I h n ft d ne t ol'('Id rl ~h l o..l Otl.; !J u t b"Tl' W' wI'n l.!'1' UIH I w orllc f'r. ' nlc N cr\'lno ,1'.,l,. J t f! Rt r C' T1 j: t lll'l\ m., r l.,: h t uwn y nt1~ l Ill )' dn' lIln tillll WfiS " l' tt er , t h nv t al'I ' 1l I n n il 61" '(,' 11 b(l lth'~ ut t ilt) l' t·n 1111', and I JIm I'n tlr\.' h ' \'0' ('11. " HOS A E, \\- EAV":: H, !:Hlw rl ~ . l u _
Dr . Mll e. ' Ne rvln e I. sold b y you .
~~~r~b!il:~~ lIw~~n~~;~,ra li el~ ~~ i!i, tg:
w il l r efund you r mon ey_
Mi les Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Dn.H.E. H ATlI A'VA Y, Waynesv illo's L oadin g (lOtce In 1\:Cys' lI ul ltlt ut:', '
Dtm ti ~ t
:'I aln S t r ee t
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,· III I.PH t\: N
WALTER f~cCLURE FUNERAL DIRECTOR, Telephone Day or N:ght. Local No, 7 Long Distance No. 69-3r WAYNESVILLI:. OHIO Branch office. Harveysburg, O.
D\,. H.. J. l\'li c·honel', \ ET I<:IUNARY t:;U IWEON . LI' lJlln on. Ohin . ( '!l 1l hi' (·I1 \1 p.lI n,II Y hour, dll Y o r ni:.: h t, Ro th BAli 'LIHI V!\.lle.v I'lt o n o~. Vn II A ~' Ph<llll' No. 2:ltl .
'C ourt Proceedings. , 't ionery .............. :... .... .. 78 90 A Letter from Cow Feed. Crushed Corn, I Ueorl(e Urtou VH Anna L Hunte. Stakalta Pen CO·,lmerohan. ~---~:28 10 Spokane, Washington, We have it at 80 tlnd 90 centa a mao et id. CII8e ilettled lind dis. di8e for oounty 'omcers We nr corn 1, mlllled , Pen Co .• merohan· hundred , M i~s Ll1urrl 'MoKinsey., of Wayne8: . every day . We keep ground feed ( di f Waynesvill e MtIlf . aeh or offlolal stenog. Marie Brown VB David A Brown. vill ti, hAS reoei ved t be following to exohange if you h ave not t,im e to I Decree divoroe grl\nted plalntm rap er ...... ... .......... .... . 15 00 I who III restored to her maiden name George Kitohen, damages tor tltt er from Spoklme, Wllshingtfln , Another Oood Man Gone Wronll' wait. Our feed exohange is run 011 1 a toll or oosh basis . • of It.luie Saucer. road around bridge......... 3 00 written liH fill exeroise by a young Be negl eoted to t",lt e F oley '" Kid · o H 111 Ind y uf thill, oi ty who is II pupil of II you have not. tried our cruslied 1 Sarah E Dill vs James M, Phlllipa . 0 ngsworth. bridge reo Prof. Ii: Uly de Milltw, who WIIS ney Cure ILt the firt<t Higns uf kid ney t rouble, hOllin g It wo uld wellr Ilway oorn oallllnd seeit And you will !<uy et al. Sheriff gruoted leave to pllirs in Turtleoreek I:Inll"rillt""l(lellt of 1,lI n !lcliools lit, lind ht\ WII R s oon II. vlct.lm of Bright 's that It is the finest foed you ever amend return of saJe of re"l eatate ' township; ... .. ... .. .. .... .. , .. . 18 00 w W U Soh I "orwin ~" v o TIII .YOlLr ". lIIuving t o lliHulU'o, Thel'e II! chLnger ill rlE' lIw saw . Waynesville Mills. Sarah E Dill va Jo.mes M Phillips . , u tz, bridge repairs til'" klln e Illst MUllllller . but if Fol ey '~ KidDey Curo i8 tllkci~ at onoe th A llymptolll R wi/ I (lI~IIP · et a1. Bale of relll estate oonflrmed, In Turtlecreek: tOWDahip.. 750 Tbu h,t' ~l' r i", so good thllt we bp.. . via Cleare upl the ComplexlOn. pelu·, tho kidneys IIl'e sl,renglllllllt'rl and. distribution or·'ered. W. U . 0 glfesMbY and Sons,bur. I Illve ' u 1111 our re "d e r~ wlll be in t <2 r. 'lOU you are soon "ound 1I0l1 \\' (' Ii , J. E. Janney says LaxlOUla Too· August Ztnk va The Valley Tele. la1 0 . Byers """ " ." . 5000 eNted in it : A. R BaSH of Morganlown, Jlld hUll io Tablets Work WonderN for the phone Co, Defendant granted Ie" vi! T. N, Wilkerson, "rtd!;., r l!· to ~et up ten or twelv o times ill I,he ,Skin, ll/ lil .. ''' ,~ .\ .' r , p.lirM ,... . ,." , ... " ". " .. " "... :l 00 You were referred t o m e by Mr . night and hlld a se vere bM ckliobe W 1::1 B ' k Miller.• your form er tett.oher, u.s hav· and pllius in the kidneys ond wus 11, i~ hard t.u 1,,11 j ' b l "'la ' I I" ',e Juhll lill ... hu!; v~ 'I' ll., luourporllted . . opplng. r epulr wor httl e tllbl e t:-- hu v" h l ' i ' I · IIl ' !'> ' I ;" . AND cured by Foley's Kidlley Cure. F. Villug ...... &luth Lebllooo , Le"V ut cuurl hUUIIU.. " .. " .. " ". 22 60 Ing never visited Spokaoe so I will Illr wll,1I \VIt \ 'I ",v ill . 1" , ,1>' , ,: . L b G tell you some of its foots whioh 1 C. I50hwartz ",idering t,hl! ~ h " I ' 1 oi .,,·,· II., ' " , t{mnt.ell tl(Jf"lIdllot~ to) flIe IInMw8r, a anon UI! Co. , gilt! Ilt jail been 1111 v e l' t i ~p. ", II ,,· "PIll " ber .. . " " ...... ... 2 25 hope will interest you. I suppose George 0 BllrkHluw VI! Alexander T Uf ur P0 ecam THREE TRAINS A DAY How to...AVOld F'neumol1la.. you have hellrd how it reoeived its It b di t,h utu hlt.!l bf' sn ~'u ~ ,.. r,"- v. , ' l<'olr' 11.1. Qitlt,rilmtion of procee" s . . ,, ·arson, oar ng Chicago I. 'lorida Special 'rhuy ure HI! dilf., rlln r, III " PI" ," ' PI _ u . f O b name from an Iudio.o Chief. It We have never hClftrd of II single ortillflnl, IJrlSOoers or eoem er., 41 20 10 Semu, J ••• &r)' lib, 1m instllnoe of 11 cold resulting in pneu· frum othel' J,UWtl v., 1,lI iol ,'I - , ,., I, o t BI k Bo .1 meaos "Children of the I::)uo," Through Pullman eervice from they r eully '" UH t P ' ,,,HI' '' · n" II " I J , W, I:Ihertzer VII 'rbe Villaue of "1 on an ok anu monilL or other lunl~ trouble when Cbl.Aaa, Clev. land. J ndian apoli. and ... P ' , 1 hope you have learned of t,he Columb us. V i lL Big Four H oute: DeFoley's Honey and Tar Illl~ been tll erif., for froul t tl\' ,' \Vu l h·!· ... 'II 1 Frnoklill ,Oomurar tlutltnilloo PIllln. rlutmg UO"meroho.o . troit. IUll 1 Toledo via. I'cro ~larquelte dlse for treasurer a 60 cleanlinesll of this olty and its beau · tllken. It not onlv ~ltO)JS the oough, ObSIl I'vntillll I kllOw I.hlll 1 11 "\ '" tiff it! Kiven 10 days to llIe IIll1emled BlIII C II & D H y .• and l A u ilw iUo via tiful publio buildings consistin a of but heals and strengthens th e lungs Wt,ys do jut'" \v )u lr. 1:01 'X lJ, ·!·t,·tI III Soutbern Rnll\\,oy: C0J1n eo1 1 ~ with Cb Ilr Iell B u to h Inil, WItness IJetition , . . ... thelll o City HII,]I oosting ODIl hundred and Asit for Foley's Hon~3 Y and 'rar ILnd ~~ig ~~1~~i~:rJ~~::~!:ifteC~'r3~ f ee om i tte d on IIheep 1'helr a otion upo,. I,h,·, s kI ll IIUel Emllll!.U . Ward VII J, D. Binkley Auauatioe. I i ve thousand dollars. a Lib· refuse Ilny substituttl offered , Dr oomplexion i ~ l'eDlII,·k" hl". I ,"' ,11 11 Florida Limited J . Bisbop of Agnew, Miohiw.n, et ul. Dllrendant granted leave to O!l .Dl B" ' "'d' ''''' 1 50 ' C. . ... ... " . .. ... rary oosting eighty. five thousand U. O regoma Througb Pullman . crvfce f",m writes: "I have ueed Foley's Honey prinolpal ingrt'di eDt, in Ih,' '' ' i~ '·X · fileauswer . rl ICe 0., repair. Chicago nml ludiannpoli a via !lonon " 1 dollars, lind a COUl't Boulle costing and Tar in three very sevllre ollsea tract of dnnl\nli un, ItDII ~' ''l l r " 11' 11 In go. t Jal ...... " .. .. , .. .. .. ,. 1446 R p dOH &: D Ily; conneclio!! Laun~C , KlIibyvlICllllrles U Klb. with solid trnin Ica ving CiocillllAli d ootor will you thill, d"nrlo' !iOIl of pneumonia with ~to od results in lMoy et o.\. Order of pl\rtition ~rant. ~. D. Hinkle, bridge work. .... 20 00 three hundred and fifty thousand 8 :30 A , M . for a.ckoouviU. and St. iij olle of th" grA ut, .. "" A kin .. l' eflL · every CIISt'F. C. Sohwartz. (, . A""UHl in o, 01. 0 througb Pullman Ser· ed. S. 0 , Hlokle, commissioners' dollars and twenty three l>tlblio v ieD to Now Orleans. tlven known to t hfl prnf.. "simi • t' d 8Ohools all ot whloh are built of If your bowell< !lr ~ irmor iVl" your OU"a &. Crelceat Special Mlonie.J. &tterthwaite vs Mary mee lDgt! lin oounty briok and surrounded by green grass skin salloww, :v onr t" >III;'1I 11 OOll, tp!l , Solid troin Cincinn all lO Ne. Or· O. Batterthwaiteet Ill. Order in W wor k, .. . ' ..... ....... " "" ..... 6400 whloh IIdds to their beauty. They WINTER TOURlS'J'TICKElTS. your brflilth foul. 1\ nd If v 'II "r', lean. via Chat tnnOOao. and Birmin,. b a m. 0180 tbroUilh l'ullmlW Mrvice to ARE NO W ON !, AI.F VIA partltlou granted, ' H , S Ig f re Id ,ap Ik etl " .. ".. :J 15 troubled with pimpl.,s, billoil~ H]lell ~ ,rackoonvillo v,. AIlboville ....d Xenia Uity work hO~lie board . ba ve among the best system of ed· 8avannnlL flndsiokheaduobe, II 25 oent PILOkli/.te LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE ' Vlnlet ToW'll" UCkcte DOW OD MlI . . NEW IIU1TS. 1D~ prIsoners during De. ucutlon In the northwest. reclUC<lC1ra_ For IniormaLioD 'PPI, ,of Laxakolll 'I'oot,c 'l'ubletH will oh,n r RA ILI10AD W. W.IUl1 I1Un. T. P.l., W.."., •• Frank Youog va John Young oember" .... ... " .".. .... .. .. .. 1550 Spokane also has ten beautiful up your oomlllexioll, tone up ynur • , •• (lARUE"t W, Co ",&.\&8011. &1. Par,ition. parks planted with grass and ahru~ liver , eooounge the !lotion uf your to ~ ... Cll'NNATr;;......'....... Mllry Ellen Jaok vs William F Contro.ot let to V, J . Zentmeyer bery, a.lso aft'ording amusement one bowels and ma ke you s weet,olelill . for team and labor for mlloklng reo FLORIDA , and healthy. insidll nnd out, or Mr . Jllok . Divorce; ab8enco, etc, of which haa a zoo, all ooverlng Janney wlll gladly plLy bllOk yo ur GULF COAST RF..t;OR'l'S, PROB ... TICOOURT, !:~~nOg: ~rl:~:tnr~:r~~~, bridge three hundred fifty acres. money , "' . This oity is growing as cun be secn CUBA, """tate of R , W. Gllohrlst, deee&l. A ref under waa granted to S ..rah by statlsti08. In 1900 the 1>opula · d FI rat liccount filed, e, Wilkoff on lot in lIlI.8on oorporatlon .. A'I' VF.R\· LOW IIA1'gg "'_ tion WII.8 IIobout fourty thousand and ...tates [or lIeUlement: Edward it being on the tax duplioote twice, at the present is about seventy four For rates. time tII,hles o r b ~ autlfully llIu R' F , H oover, minor, flfth acoount On motion the bond of Bherli! tr~LIld boolll elJ! on Florldll, Lhe Oull Coa. flIed; OlaueUa E , Surfllce, bened. T. C. Patteraon in the aum of thousand making an average of i about thirty. four thousand tn tlve Nt: w Orlean s or Cub a. a d .t ress n e arest. re i)' yellrl:l and n.bout ten thousand of r08e nULlve. o ery, twelUb Ilooonnttlled; Mary E. f10,OOO was approved , Merrlng, deoea8ed, fiut acoount i • - • Thomas JO.nes, deoeased, fifth aeThe Grip. , these people are wage earner.! re· F'. 0 OU811, D P A CInci nnati oonnt; Nova A Crane, minor, first "Before we can sympat·hize with celving over nine n illion dollars l\n · J ..: DAVEN PO n '1', D 1:J· A SL Loul. aoooont . Perry &lIl'Y Idiot third othera, ~e mnat have sutfered our· nually. He U,\1,.z r, N W}> A Chicago . , " a e l v 8 6,' No one can realize t"e A oth tf t fS k aooount. Abiah S. Wilkerson, de- an1ferlng aUendant upon an a~k n er grea ea ure 0 po ane J H MII.LK r.N, D P A IAl u18"lIle ceased, aooond account i MordlC& of grip, nnleu he Iula had the aeroal la Its falls of which there are about L, STONE, Gen 'I Palll. A~ent . 0, Cregg, dOOO8lled, flnt and final ae- experience. There. is probn.bly ', no three but all tormlng one beautiful oount. Berndlnn. Arummer deceased disease that CIlna88 80 much phyai. fall, It Is not aa pretty aa it was be. Louisville, Ky 'G . cal and mental agony, or whioh' so cause of Its being used so freely b fl ra.• aooount i ecrge J . Roaoh, in. auooeufnlly defies medio~1 aid. All y aolvent, floal aoooont, William M. danger from the grip, however, mllY the people and alao to turn the SI~K Smith, deceaaed, fint -and final ac. be avoided by the prompt nae of wheels of the milia oonslsting of An I ..tereetina Statement. oount i Jilmes Grimes, deoeased, flrat Ohamberlain'lI Cough R!lmedy. j. . . three fionr mills having a daily 00· J, E. Janney SaY!!1 he bas at last t account . Cura B. Harper deceaaed mong the tens of thonallnds who pacity of three thousand two huu· DIscovered .. POSitive Oure for ~, " have used thla remedy, not one case d ed b Is f I I i Indl""estl final account i J08eph Ayei'll d~. haa ever been reported that haa r n.rre, ourtoon p a. n ng and • on. ed, flrHt and flnal aoooont i Mary E. r88lllted in pneumonia or that. haa M\\, mills which do bnainelll of over "For yetlrR," said the above drug. Brandon, deeensed, flrs' and final not recovered, For sale by F. C. five million dollars Ilnnulilly. gist, "2 have boon waiting for some .. S h t one to dl800ver a remedy that real· account i Aaher B, BordeD. deceased c war z, Two companies named the Wash · Iy will cure dyapepeia. fin' and final aooount; Abigail Ington Water Power Company and "1 recently learlled tha.t a new Maple, deceased, fll'lt and final ao- Notice of Appointment. , the Traotlon Co., have oompleted remedy, Pepsioola'rableta, had been cQun'i "'Robert Engle d_ased, seventy tonr miles of street rail . placed on the mark<et, and on invea. of Robert Eogle. deoeased. tll/:n.tlon I found th6~t at last there Is, third lLOOount i Eltou .,.,. , II&ldley, The under. lgnccl ha. been appointed and way8 whioh run to all part@ of the a remedy that will surely cure. beneflolary. sooondaccoubt jEdwud quallllecl us Ildmlnlstrator de bonl. Don city. The WlLBhlngton Wa.ter "1 laid In a big l!Dpply becauae I withEngle, Lbe will of Ihe 08 .... ""Ohio, of 110bh Ieted aeventy · k new th a t as soon I~a th e peop Ie b e· -A" ChIlr IBtl SoImer, et 11.1, minora en hueannCJ<ed or Warren county. de . P ower C o. as oomp third n.ocont i Catherloe Fnrman, ceOUled eight miles of suburban electrio gan to know about th'la remn.rkable Dated tbls ~tJd dayol November A, D, lV06. · Th remedy there would be a. big demand deoell8ed first and final 1l000Urlt; J, E. J.uoNXY, AdminIstrator olA>. lOes . ere are also twenty IIBven for it, and it Is sening beyond my Glenn Ii: Bllno, minor second a~ Drandon, Durr and Ivins, ALty. , 1) 24 pasaenger tralna arriving and de expectations, ., count, Bamuill A. Chamberlin, fint It PayS'to Pay In Advance parting dally. It is not often a druggist ee11s II. aodbnnt, The oountry surrounding Spokane new remedy on a positive guarantee but unl888 oured of nervousness, The attention of Gazette aubscrib. Is very fertile yielding all kinds, of dizzy apells, sour stomach, coa'ed REAL EBTATIt TllANsrl:R8. Is called to the fllct that the fruit and fllnn product.s but the tongue, palpitation Bnd other symp. Clifford Thompson to Ja mes A erR price of the peper is f1.26 when not prinolpalorop Is wheat. toms of dyspepsia, Mr, Jo.nney will Thompson,80 acres In Turtlecreek paid in advance, If paid in ad. We have moro telephonea than ho.nd baok your money cheerfully ~ownship. 'I , Ilod other good Rnd vanoe It Is only 11.00, As a Dum· and wlthont argnment, No one should hl3sitate on trying ber of 8ubscriptiona expire. at tliis any other city of itllsizoand accord . valuable conalderations, ing to its population . ' 0. 25,oent box of Popsicola Tablets, selLBon, aub80rlbers ahould give the Charley E . Cnrtill George C, matter a&tention. The olty also haa I!lxty secret soci. lI.8 they will npt c.)st you 0. penny Pllrker. laore in Harveysburg, feGO . should they fall to relieve and cure eties 100lndln~ some of the largest the very wont CItae of in<ligestion' Dannel H . Greathouse to Jilmea Jackson Indicted. local lodges In the United 8tates. and dyspepsia. . B. Davia, 2 lots In Lebllnon, II and other valullble conalderatlon8 Ueorge JackBOn, the young maD . Wlahlng you mllY write and tell AND Margn.ret Clements et iiI to Alooz? who was arrested for stealing a me something of Ohio I remain eyer: TitWl, , 66 acree In MlUlele township. horae from Carl Smith, of Wliynea· Yourl! Truly Orelonla,:Ohio. ville, It. few moths ago, was Indloted JH:8SlE BROWN. I,WO. Wben Walltin ~ W, '1'. Schuyler to John H Bean, by the grand jury in lI088ioo at Leb., Portland Cement, Lumber, 16.90 acres In Clearereek tcwnshlp, anon week and will be tried on Baily's Meat Market. the oharge of horse steallDg soon. '900. ShinBles,and all kinds of al. I have Oland Hillman and W m, Loull8 J . Wright to John Smith In all probability he will reoeive Berl:lln aulsting me In my whole . lot In J.ebanon, 111900. DEALEBS in Flour, Feed and AND ·DEALER IN W, M, Thornbury to Georl'e E a term In the penitentiary, 88le and retsil mel1t market, Corne r strips for tobIH'AlO hoxes for AlLIe, Young, 115,80 aore. in Turtllloreek I am now ready to butohar both , townabip, II lind other vllluable The ohances for living a full oen· Valley Phone. Grain. tury are excellent in the case of hogs and cattle for fanners , Will oonslderatlona. Mrs. Jennie Dunlmn, of, Haynee- pay highest mflrket )"ice for II O~H - -..-- ville, Me" now 70 'y earfIJld. 8he calves and cattle, Commissioner's • writes: "Electrlo Bitters cured me . Telephone in his houae whore he Proceedings. of Ohronlc Qyspepsia of 20 yean Fresh and Mlted meatR Rold by eRn b(l called at 0'\1 hours, dny or at,a ndlng, and made me feel a8 well pound round or qUllrter, With something substantial to begin the day 00, suits evnr.Y member - -- - -- night. and strong as 0. ;roung girl." IIlIec. Johntlon & WatHon 80.' of t,he hOllflehold these cold mornings, E, S. BAILY. trlc Bitters cure stomaoh and liver Coaches and ohallrs auppl\ed . oount and inventory reo Most people drink coffee M breakfllst, lind wo oon suit tho lover blood disordera; general There ill mure Cl1rtnrrh In this ord for probl\te ju'lge ... 66 00 diseases, Have recently moved to room of coffee , We have as good II. line of COFFEES Ill! you 0IL1l flud in town debility and bodily weakneB8 , Sold 8OOtlon of the country thlin all other Johnson & Watson, oourt on a guarantee at F. C. SohwBrtz's dillt'ua88 put together, and until the next to Crees Bros. What better than batter cakes Wit.ll PUllE SYRUP, Hut Pl1nolike calendara " " ... .. " ...... . " . 8 00 drug atore. Price only 600, FLOUR and SYRUP hero. Ilist few years Wll.8 supposed to be IIAlN STREET, W A YN1C8VILLE. O. Ruggl08 Gale Co ,. blanka for inourable , For a grelSt mo.ny years We can furnish the makeup of allm 6al s ; breakfasl" lliunflr ILllll sup 1 25 Uanlirers at a Oold and How to doctors pronounced it a. looal probate jud"e"" .. ,.... , ,., per, with all sell.8onuble goods , disease and presorl bI'ld 10001 reme· AJamalcan Lady Speaks Hllirhly Samuel Bax$er, care of vault!! AVOId Them. I You Ilro ilH'it,O\l t o nnll. mles, and by oonstantly fulling to ofOhamberlaln's Oouf/h Remedy for 6 months"."." .... ". 3000 More tlltn.lltiea have their origin cure with local treatment.pronouno · THE CORNER GROCERY, ' W. H, Antram, postinlUlter In or re'lDlt from a cold thlin from ed it incurable , Solence hIlS proven Mrs. Michael Hart, wife of the stamps for "udltor " .. " .. , 10 00 any other canae. This faot alone clltarrh to ben. eonstltutlOno.l disease auperIDtendon' of Cart 8ervlce at M. Propr ietor should make people more carefnl as a.nd therefore requires oou.s titutlon· KingstOll , Jam,\I0111, West India la· W. C, Turton, ooal for court there is no dAnger whatever from al treatment, Hall's Catarrah Cure anlls, MVS that ilhe bas tor some honae .. .. " .. .... " ...... " .. ," 49 00 ooltt when It Is properly treated 10 manufaotured by F, S Cheney & Co years uaed Chamberlain'a Cough W. H , ~tanap & 00" mer. the beginning. J'or lO&ny yeara Toledo, Ollio, is the only constltu· Remedy for OOUUhs, croup n.nd ohandise for auditor ."." 62 90 Chamberlain 'a Cov«h Remedy has tional oure on the market. It ill whooping oough Dlnd has found In VALLEY Pil ON .: Nu ,olll been recognized as ahe most prompt taken Interntl.Uy In dORes from 10 ver:v beneficial , Sihe haa ImpUcid Tbe Weatern Star, publish. .Ing ratea of taxation ... ... 263 97 and oft'eotual medloine in use for tlro]l8 to a te&8poonful, It 1i0ts direct.· oonfidenee tn It 6~nd wonld not be this disease. It aotll on na'nre's lyon the blood and ·muoous Rurfaoell A\lthout B bottle of It in her home, Geurge E, Youog, "qnllrten pllin, l008eDs the cough, rellevee of the system , They offer oJ hnn· Sold by F. C. Bohwartz. alilaryand 10% of floea lungs, opens the secretion!! and aids dred dollars for any 088e It ill! to oollect.ed " .... ... : .. " .. ...... , 132 22 nature in retltoring thuyBtem to a oure. Bend for olrculars an test!· For Bny disease of tho skln' there NOTARY PUB .. l . LOANS NEGOTIATED , healthy oondltlon. Bold by F. C. monlills. Addr888 : F,J.CHENEY J , p , Rn.wle8. mllrehandlse fs nothing be~r than Chamber· We have buyen for good farms and t.own ·prolJert.Y at 'ill times. n & Co,. Toledo, Ohio.: for cnurt honse ...... " ... \ 5 85 Schwartz. taln's Salve. - It reUev88 the itching List with na, we can help you, ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! Sold by. druggista, 750. . and burning sebsa'1on instantly and 'Rugltfe Gale Co:, blanks hed Take HaU's r~ny Pills for con· SooD effects a cure, Sold bV F. O. Olios,ROOms, over PORt' Office in Stoops ' Building. f~~-proba$e Judge •..: ..... 1 2Ci Any , 8tidatlon ., Schwartz. . ever W, H. StaDap' ,~ Co" ata· ~~l4a, CroItplllld ~ ~
g~in4lng oruShe~
.reached jn comfort
soutHERN RY.
r.' "
Some Bargins left at
Dresl5 Pattern
37 1-2c.
Nice for
Waists or Dresses
49c good Bargain
RAIN COATS 50 cents up. HENREETrrAS, VOILES, SERGE, etc., Excellent Silk Skirts, $5.00 GOODS WILL BE HIGHER, Buy Now, Carpets, Rugs, Shades, Linoleum.
~ Ciibn~y,
Chamberlain's Coun ,Remedy
The· Mi~mi (jazette.
BROWN & McKAY. Publishers. WAYNES VI T~LE.
Th Talkative S Ol<. A bold clIl c ulnt or 10 ll g I\ ~O
noun ced tha t t he av cl"ng(' tUna s)wnks '
nbout l~ . OI1U wo rds III " dnl . nn,1 hIs wife o r ,,1' t<' 1' HUOIII I ~ .II O U . Uy what m ot hod of oll. el' \'(\lluo h e Hrrh'c,1 at l ho ligures I. slllI Il II1Y ~lI· ry. "a),S You th's ComPllll lull . I)ir! h u kpcp I be Hexes unrl rr
" le w a s
h, l' ep~ hi s f..{ tllTl ca
'water hi s ",kllru ?
By nON. GEORGE W. PECK A ut h t." of " Pec k: _ Old Etc )' AIHt. ~d .. Elo,
ulI l \og i !'1t a:oi I'I"<1f. At·
Or wa s
hi ~
The Bad Boy F.(·cb
II IJ.; ht .
or at
P"pper to
th e Sacred Cow - He u.ncl 1-Jl ,,\ Pn
wo man 's
Inneb l'o n Ihe tlay a(t~ r Il flls hlolHlbl e wedding ? If t ho sll mate Is "urrect, tbe lUau "hll IIvus Ull t hi s ,tl YOllrs wlll IItler UbOIlL :JUt'. th)('.Ui ," wo rds In hi " II fctl me. nnd th e wo man "bout 46 0,000,00U. Im:lI; I na I io n ';1I8jJ S III lhe Jlum b~r 01' I'Clll' ttlioo s of favol'lt o Illl· jCCtl'·l'S . lik" " Io l' ely" Ilr " awful" or .. ~tunnlng. " In so ,' a <t lin o lltpuurlng of words . !iure ly Ihc re ll" e llo n mIght sUmu)at e t ht' inl · ft.! n~c t\f one's yocnbIll a ry. Dut l)pfo rl' we "ell Ie do wlI to nceelllllnre or I hl s ,·a!r ulatlOI1. it Is nOl'essary to lakc Into co n"ld erlltlo D lh e ol)\l1lon of 11 l'll' ,' c r J:;ngll sb wow· an, who hits hcen r cec lltly writing on Ill e s u bject. h sels for t h h er co n· v l cti on tba t I he femlol ne sex Is u n· justly called Ihe talkat"." sex, apd ' t hnt. Inl,ln g the n 'al' 10gC ~' men tAlk more tban WOOl u. It Is not 1m· possll>lo tbat wOlllan's r e pulill ioo ror !alJurtl'yimelll! Is J)urtly bllllcll OD ~ . I' ability and Inclinallon 10 make much talk at lllti n Sluff. Althou g b the man may s peol, more. ho may seem to talle l ess, s In ce he h as more of ImpOr tance to say. Still . "sruaJ I talk" will cOlltl oue t o be 'A userul do · m estlc asset. Silence Is b y no mellns a 's ure marie or wisd om. If I herE! are Ih oso who think too Hile aod who ta lk too much, therc are quite as s ure· Iy those who neither tlt lnk oor 10111a nd dull companIons they aTe lu thll workaday world.
tll l J1 ~. · 1· nt1 !:~ 'I P ~\ a ... ( l iH I I~ r}w A rn b· tlllle tn (' llnVll lt t' I h l! I'n ll t'(\ I1H' " t h at , 11,' 11, : 11 ·t u u rl had l it d q.': lIlIl c t l u!\ w e wer o lin t I; HIlI o f (ll su nkr !y {"() 11 R ide ill .. Clr{' u~ Purau l1 "-'ltll Tilt lhCllIJ.!:h h:. wn ~ pra ', III )! I" 1\l l all • UIII ·t. Rnd Jw·;t th f' 1l fllf' o h'phunl n lll iO \)trcQ!lsian nt~a utieh- A T1IJ!'4Y EleI llIl J I I ~ t 111'·11 11 110 11: 1 II I) !-o r nil l. Hr.I I I 'H I I fig 11)" "". W II h t ht;, 1, l!I' n"r on pho.ut Lundt; Tht lll io a Pu bli n snu we !-o lnrlf :<I Illmll l j) ~ IIlalll ~t rt.Tt llOf~(' llltl" l\ IJf'h l lllt h l lll , P f(lI!t'll l1g h lnl In Fountnln- l'u Mak cs th e A cquIllnl uf ~ tt 'l dJl.' Il"ill ,! The 11{! ll ll k III'!}n ll l l llt! IIIIfI I £'\· (' r~· Jllm" \\ 11 11 jt ~ tlltl II iro ll. anee of Jehu J~ S u llivan. I() (·Il l 'l· r . . aUti l' (t ill f ' ll-pll ll ld I II' I~: III to Huel t il' w e n l Ihrnlll!,h Ih" ~ 1d(\ o r th u I hlfJPl ty hup , :lI p l Wl t lt / . ~ liI· · ·.\Jl) ~ {I·Jll ..l :' th~ltl g h h~ ' \ql !' nll t-;t ll y !'>HII Y Ilt' I aID l eunl ln~ wore ab o u l, ofl l lllal ~ n( · rr , )-,~ t h ... ~ trro .. t hnl1 hadi :l;-:tlll , ull el ! ' )I dll ' , 1\111 I I :-i a l l. eve ry day . awl wh I, tbe.! S'~lI S I ) 1J Is tH e r ) LtIl'II ~ ht pa \\ 111 1101 illl ! I II It II - II;lrull O I ' fJll ' Y m ldl ,o h l lll :'t't r!t )\\' /I " n hi ::; I will be n.n eX\lort unlrrJl ll In all . A UI .! '\nf! IIIU II o n :-.. fiUft'J(I :-. II' I llt.' e l,.· l lt lll'C.S nll rl Iw ll(l \\ I f I li / ilf II o r n .·n Dlol9 naturall y hll\" 0. Irtrll-:lJllgC of (Jh f\ II' ~ , Sfl Ihl! s h (O II,~ d tll L' t It:\tofl :lll y- Ut' r . hl l ~ 1 Ih ,-1I ", . ;d l \\ f> I\l a lld , 1 )l 1 ' 1 ~ 1 ' 1) their OWIl. RDU II(nl s und Cn;la nd f!llf:fl thIn g l u :~ a\' . :-tIId Iia Il'lIl :dn,· d I l h(l " , uu r t ' lql h l ' ti t " r r lH ' I:I. llf' I'II" CHI "1'lrtl nll ' oth r . 8D4 he~lr ... (;an C;Ollve r"'e with !; la t IlP . Hlld lldll III" alit! lilt:: (' llf' a Hs lall ' alle l ' A ~ " ., p :1'•. :-' " t! I lI n m;.; h I h .! twUJ'K. hut I n n S tJ'IW . all ftolma ls 80'111 h,'n ut it·" to ti ro f'h ll " . Itllli (r',~( In him l UI(,II Dg P ll e l.- u l di l l plll g . · \t · l~ :d l ll11al to havo A. COlUlIlq l1 IUlIg ll(tg~. t\f l t hf?Y alll} Allall . T his ,\lln ll 1111 ~ l n f '~ S ""I ~ :-\ " 1 Pl) a Y" I J. :1 ;; 111 : 1( · 1\ a s I" =" iI~: u uu e rsln l Hl PIl('h ot h er Il Illtle nil .. I,.;hl whf'tt I hl~ 1'1 p hlili t. WFlII ....' ;c1 . ! ··· I'II1 .r r ' , ru n~ btl Ji ll ! ~\l,\ ~ I\f' n\ ~·I' II I1 I ' 1 round that OlJt WhN) 1 put 8 oap p. r hill ~\IIf · rt \\.(. go t tlllhlJ [U" 1.. Itllll!( till - , Pl' t" ,(' r to a p i Oil S · r.d '\)\\. Iq.:,nlll , or cay OIJQ C! po",,,, 'r into u b oau or Jut - h ca s t lJ f' gun to Sf lill(\ Oil 111 :-; IIIt H I Ct-f: l c" JIlf'OliIHI )1111. " allil thaI I'U U \ Illi l:i Oil'
total ba:5I'11 on a st etlo!(l'aph k l'ellO rt or 11\" l'UIl ""rSlulo n IlL Il man 's cllLl> Oll
Ih,' (II'
" ' e bll ..1"phelDl Ie o ne ot th .. 'bMl l eemed til I h o " g~ )w n~"" ,,, ~ .I d V" I r InG pcrtclrnu' rs . hut. lIu hn s u l'f.·n),s lh rou ,:!. h I1slrl !; jJlL ror H IIIUp . h ll: lI }ttlll y h (!e u .Hf'J1Uy In I hf' ~ l rc e l pi\ rnt! ... . W,,11 the H" ()ple g Ot H J'IIPf1 ar' ~ i nllll illi , an :i ;1 ,he I I~ht or J\ !; Iu. u n hl !\ lJht" lc \\' (1 [(''I t k el' ~ e r ~v; Ull Irun 1\ ,,411\ HI IIII' "Ie· DESOLATE L ."u · D KAS LI'l'l'LE to lilt! m l,.:t.: o r l u\\ II au rl stuVp<.>1\ to 1~ phunl 's ear . UIH.l I h ,'y p ll ll nd PH nUl KNOWN S('UR CE OF WEALT ri. the reD r \V itJ(OIi S .-Ius,.. uP. ulld w e re In on CHIC s IU\, . lll HI t.: tll 111 (' ,~ I4'Il 'H\P l UW :IY rl'Oll l or a ti:1Juoll . \ / Iwr(' th e tmrtenrte r uu th o utlll ' r t" lIlj~, Hnd ju:; t lh ell trill ho rl be Nl eIHpt yl nn stLLIt:t IJee r OUl ur (lIlt0I10, Unt t I' n lb 1/1 (1 IH\I !ull, " '.l flli : (m lllClIse Mtl so es of ''1t1t ~ I' MIl sse ls I ' hI! h Ot!(JlIl:t or Id '~S l hlO a WO.1!h l llh, Ly li S Htld I t1:1 \,\ '11 Ih l" "B lu l' Dal lll " "," ill Mn ny 01' Wh ich J e wels AI'e "lli r h \\'1\5 stnn O I Il ~ on I h .., RIlh.! wallc.. nnd th e .; ll'I,I1 :111\ r,l)t o n 1 11 ~ h illll f c p [ F"ulld Ch oke Ihe rm:atiy t u b~ lold t o people w h o lillY i t n Ofl wallJ. f) c) Inl t h {' Pfl \'(' nl p nt Thp:t RI ·,er8. In II/, ll .;. pu t llB a nli lI,,· Cln 'h ::; s inll lJt' atlli N~ In B \\' l'il, slr , lhnt ('nnr lll lntiN1 f\l r' p llant ItH t r l) l wa AlI lI itlld t OtJ l< I h l'llI t() {tIC Tho "pep ~f '.1 fl s JH'rtllf'1l und whale AOI hl!:i (Iun l, In Illal tuh {l r ~t HI .. 11{<f' r. ~ h()w lo t . anti I ~Hl by tla· ctrh~ r . allil ) 1' ~ (~n l IUlll b.'I'S al', ' aliolll tIlt" on ly 1J.lld h e- 111'\' "r H H III II u' Jl 1111 1111· 11(.' l! f he h ! l UI P ftrl"e Iht- t (oHltl. I "'J\ ::O ull ~: (I n e. I !fltJ !{.t'f) \11 1\\'11 f l o ln lhl! Pa tl llil hi ~ Shtot lt rl')l h uH r o ll N I lIP 1't.'Op!p \\ tin IUhHV 111111'11 of t he non h· I'rn i..uli ralior' ('O:l S I, wht' n' It l'Ilit H llP 1 ': I ~ n t l l l HtllI In ld 1·.1 1 hf.' f'lf ' ph UIJt Wit S ur()UI !(1 tll S '\:t lh l , nnll Wll ~ \\ IlllgllIl! Oarrl1 n· ,lr,lIr!, lflg :q.;:l l il :\ Fl d 11.ld drl\ul;: a wa:; l1- t JH'nl. n iH , hull la lldll l-! ll\dul HU :. .... . alill 111 10 Il ud St) 11 hay ft'rritoI'Y . d e~n la lln t1, l'ul'l(Y s hul''' '' 11111 " r ), ..•or . lJllt l,a ., 1I11 ,11I · \ ~ :IY nny - when WI! but ItJ l h t, lo t It tnul;: a lu n l! I' t-' ,-Hi Ull ll
hll r~p
~ 1I 1
freedom of 1 ho \Vhulp plo(·(" . :lnll i!Vr' r y· body abo u t fhe ~ how is rf'Ctrly ttl f ull
o\'er tb ctUs('1 ,'CH to do J o hn L a SI 'I'\',
Ice. \Vell . Sullll'an s howell
a' ranlnn.
a nd h e wen l every wh Cl '8. HI I IIH.1o furl'·
noon , und m r.1 Ill! Ihe 01,1 IIlIwl';' . an" al th e aCIPr tlu OIl IJ(' r form;llIt" \ h e wa R
Dwfully Joll ), J oh u I1'8S H tan (lln~
;;&'J' -
... .'"
b"~l ,k
I IJ p l' ln t;
",' b e n fhe ~J a IIllIH~~V: .1I1 gg J flr~
Wi) rp' jll~ 1I~"I Il"t Il p', ll'.
The Elephant Xept Ducking Pft . It nd Swabbing OUL Ib~ Bott ol:) of the gll ng'. alld I". I .. n,,<1 Fountllin. Pa p,nnte In from tile n,(, Il , g ll r le I(' nl . tuea and save It to tile sacred cow and pl\ anll the hourI s ro ll pd to I h,! aDu he ,licln ' l kllOw SIIIi ' \'III1 . ,111,1 ",h ro ll Sh e chewed the lEttuce IlS peacetull y hack " lid or the howdah. IInll wI' re 1111 1be Ha'" Su ll l\'a n b o ld ln~ I h ~ pulp lip. as oould be. anct swallowed the pjh:d i n u heap . wl: lle I 'I Llltl (III t o lh i> p a sanl to l ip.! 11I)!oIS p l'o prl t:"fo r 11i11 1 tha cayenne peppor. and then stopped to cloth o f go ld O,'N th e plephnn t ·. b e nd . fil l IIJun whl. lia R 11I 1f·r flrlllg with t he ~blnk. You could tell by th e ex pres· Pa ye il OlI to tl1l! [l l'o ll ie lin Ilrlr~e bllcll "h"w oll!;hl I., I", ... 1I~d do" II u : "ut ilion on ber face t haI when l be pe ppe r to ki ll lhe el c~ h "n l . a nrl Ihe em w,l o ul. began to beat her up InSide s he wallt· dleeretl. thlnklug II Wli S Ihe bes t per. Th e boll~ s nlcl 10 pa : "Y(III 1<0 18 K~ ed to swear, althoug h s h e was a slIcre, l forlll anel! Ih ey c,'er s aw It, It I rca strct:! him hy lh p ear an <l put h illl out: an" cow. She humped hert~e )f , a nd shlv - p arade , and the unilllal ~ i ll t 110 rug£,H pa , w h f) ~ ~ as lJru\' p. as a Jlnl1 . !'IIHrt l'l ~ credo and th ea bcllow ed lilee a ca lf beh Ind we re yapplIlJ:; a s Iholl gh Ih ,')" for Hullivall . IIl1d tbe bOM will k,'o/ It t who ha s bee n lert ill th e ba rn 10 be .Im ew what was I:olng o n. The ell', the ot lle r "II" :II S 1II(·n . Ulltl llIl W ~ lIt 'Ill wean ed. whil e Its mOLh .. r guos a lit to phullt got dowII n n 10 ull fours. (lnu to ~u lil m n a nd looll hul,l "I Joh ll 's
pn!;;ture, ond th e t-lul!r ed bull . h er hUH'
We strnlg h1 encrl li p tn thf! pugoda . iln(1
band, he came unll lIut hi s DOAC III) for a block o r ~o Ih e lJ!' a ~ { <J nl y wnli zcd t o h er nose , u s IlIllC"h a s lo say :
Is tbo maile r. a oa rl e ?" anti sbe talked sac rud catt le Ill lk 10 him for a wln ' u te, a nd thon t he blli l lurned to IU" and c hased m e 0111 01 I he le n l. ","o\\, a s sure 8S you IIv o that co w told Ihe bull that I had gil'on her some t blng h ot. All llh. I1Dlm31 s w ithin h earing w e r e on to me. and Ihey would s narl. lind ma ke nol,;es wh e n I came Illong ' and act as tho ug b tlt e y wa m ed 10
As WE!' ~O l
tu somn s o rt
h n n d~ ,
011 1£1
SlLld :
,,' .. II . s ir, \\f~ o n ~ hl 10 han~ 100\' 111 ':: ur what folluw~<l. Hulll'all
" puhll c ~~Llar('. w here Ih ~ r e \\'(' r o l l ho ll ~ I"ltl H o f proplu. lhe "nip lIeer ~ee m e d lu be gell lll'; III Il~ work . fur Ih" e le pha n t look od at the people. a,q much a s to sny' "Now I wI ll ~ Irow yo u somNhlllg 1I0t Ilown on th ~ bIll s." II n ~ . by gInger. If he dldn ' t rai se up I:i . hind (jllnrl el's a oa S{Olld 0 10 h, s front l rell t. right by th e side o f 11 big f0 1:nI taln . and h e re8,I' hed In bis truu k for
"C.'OIC on ('lit of he rl' ." p;"I. II I'<- "
tllrned on IHl . And : rowl~d j l\, 1 It l, p' " lion . Th e n hn "'ok I, n uro unu Ih~ \\'Rbl anI! h eld hl lll up un der hi" "1'1 11 . and IHekell II I' a plN'e 01 1"1U1'I1 all,l I s laUcn pa .IU"t n.s I h ~ ~11(1! IlU \\'U ~ Ii c hild . and Ih e >Lutlu'nc '!' JII .t ynlll" l. und pa coller! to Ih" rlrCUS nr ~1I for he lp uut thcl' Ju s '. InuJ:;hPlI. . Pn I;ot a ch a ll re al I li p fal ft" ll
I h p hit hIm I h t, Ju t\' . hilt it iht1 !turt Sulltvan. only mo,le him m nl l. II He took 1''' "I' hy Ih e !IOllar allU I whlrlctl h in, arolln,l III ·til p:r wa~ dlz· In
zy . a nd Ih e n h p s lllrl ,,11 w ll h him for mellage nf' t'm l . and "a ll,'d 10 I h .. bo~~ (·auva ~ man : "Bill. rO m e un nnd tell RI C whi<'tI I ~ t h" hun );l' irHI lIOn . and 1 will ieptl 111 111 Will! I h l~ ,' oltl w ent. " VA. ypllp/l 'rauHc he IhO Il;;ht h r. WB~ In th l! hal"l , of an eHf' a~"u 1lIlIlItk. [l ll~ th o dn·us hand s t·a ll) c- allli took 1dto
I the ,
Aw ay Th ~ n tilt.' flwll(lr tnlrl JJf\ who Sulllv:lu "' as. :I1H' pa al l1l o~1 ralrHl'd .
Bul IInaIl y . a f l"r br (,n t hi ll /-: hnrr! for
gra f t'£!-
awhll r. . pa W"ut
1III 10
S ulllVitll
fl nff
~ho o l (
hi s hAlliI , 1\,,1'1 Hnld ' " "If . ~ ." . I "van . yon mu~ t _I X<' IIS'" ! II(' . II' I h;t rl
1<. l1oW I1 you Wf'I'(' 11l e J!r l' a l J o hn L .. r WOIlIe! lint h ave IIl'1t (O (\ )'011 . " ~ l l ll l v:l n
look('iI lit Pli anI! salt! : "\V ,·Il . ro "
w(Jl~ c1 e r .
o ld Ol Un on(l ')0'0 11 t'1id do me 11fl ." nn rl fl it Hilt) Sll lll~' un hrronme J!rput fr lenlt !-l . SfnrJl tl lf !1l p:l l~ ,,, .. f t f (·hPRty . ' ("i1us+"! 111" rotr( ' I1 ~ m (, n p"int ft.
Johll L. Slatted Pa Jus t as Thou gli II ., W as a Child .
!'I: Il0WR t hat .1aJ1ane,~ c (ox ports
make me und erstaod Ib a t Ih ey IIIIr.w I gave II III t CIl w a h u Lbox. 'a 0,1 tll t' Y . ." 11 wanted to gl!t a "h a ncA at. ",e , Tb ey don't Illtl) pa an y b,:ltl'r IIlali tb ey 110 m e. nno Llw bIg IOl c phant S""'II S te) hD"h heell 11l)'1I1!; for "a e ,' pr "1111 '0 bp. rlill the ~httr" Iro n !tIlO him . Ihe tIm e he go t 011 a I"ur and Irl ,·t! 10 l'Uf) • town . Whp.1I the elep hu n t. ar" prn formIng 10 th e l'I1:g. Ihey al l IlIIv~ un
IUll-l uDt ert to $1~ :;. OOO . 1I0 0 in Ih" fir st s ix m on l hs of 1~1)3 . Lu $137 .000 .000 In Ih e fi rs t halt or t90 4 nod 10 514 2.000.· 000 In the same Ilel'iod Ihl s yea r. He re wa s a s telldy IlIc rPllse all th~ time Ja· pan was Il bhti n·!-:. It nlso appea rs that .Japan ·s ImporL. s howed a dec ldl~d uod r h contlnuou. illCfPDse. a n d mU c b 0 I em r ame rrom thp Un Ited S lat ps. .~ COU D' Iry that CUD carry " n war a DrI busln esB s imu lt ancous ly. an d make a Illg slle· cess or both, has qua lit ies to comma Dd admiration. =-=-=,..",=,-....."....". . "'~
It j , sold lbat ulnong the n e w [Jce rs
at tb e nrxt " "rcatlon . v.-lll be Col. Ed · " 'Ilrd Sauo, le r so n . who IH grund mus· tel' of (l ran gc lllf 'n ulld th e hU(l.est a n ti·bomo· ru ler In Ir~ lD.nd . and ba.~ l'eprCJ!eD ted C<l uot y Armag h In parll a · QC Dt for 20 years pUSI. Prorl lclI l Iy Ii II has done Is compri"ed In hl~ d&-
~latloJJ of lile I llsb
sllOw g iv es a Ilt' rfol'ntlln<'c ho h UH Ih,'
fund lug part of he r o hlh;atlons at low· l' r in l(>,-f.,' !:) t , and th en' i!i no d \Hlbl Sh t4 will m:ltlag' lIJ a lljllHt sal iHfu ctol'lI y h e r fl nll n,·"s. Ica o whlle llli Ilmela l ('ummull kallo ll I'('CC I\'N! at our s late d,-pa r l 1111'11 I is of inl pr PRt a. ~how lng how Japan Il ollrishecl e ,'e n whil e ~ h e wa s bavlnf( It out wll h RII N>la, ThIll ~ tutt~ l11 e nl
VOll111I N: f :i
us cil to tlo a box inl: act wi l h Ihi_ sho w , yeu l' ~ ugu . 0lH1 CYl'I',y lto dy Iilt ps John , a n u ,,' IIN1 he Fl,ho w ~ I1 p wlwrt' Ih t'
Iy to hu\' o IlIl c l'rllpt cll he r mal e rl a l llf'ogres !I. To he s lIre. shc i" Ir ft wl.lh a bIg national lI'! bt. Ull t alrcady s he Is t he uunh' lI uy
h ...
Bllt 1l wu s a 1I1 f' nn lrif'l\. I hc PIIOl ' i pai ow 111: 1' or tlJ· !'i huw pluy pd fill 1m at Canton, O. Y (HI ~f' .Ioh l1 I. :-;ulli\'an
J'npan 's Wonderful Progress. Japan Is sct Utng <lown In to wa,ys of p ~acp., a nd Jlruml ses to> .. nt e r uJlOn a fresh career of prosperity. In tact, the war In wh ich s h e s how efl HIII'h
) cs:;~e n
l)l' pa l\ .~
ye ar.
plannin g Ul
w urk aud Ih. !t, fUll I if all~ \Jod y 1:-; ::: iI[, or ul!inlJlt\d . h u WHllt !04 lo I Lilu' Ih"~ lr l}l~H' l·. (l S hi.! s ay~ ~o 11 0 will IPH r l1 every th i n g nhu lll c o mp etent 10 "1111 b s huw n l"llt~ IIt·~t
Decrease at Illiteracy. Government staUstics show t hat Illit eracy Is decreas ing at a much mOTe rapid rate amon g women tbnn among m en. Thi s is c hre rln g ne ws. When illI wom en w'e abl e to read, nnd to und er s tan d what I bey I'ea d , It will Dot be necessary for men to know hil'" . at all. Th e women ean t'll them ali ahout It. digesting the Informntlon accordIng to its vaiuo. and Im pa rtlog ~t to tb e m e n at mea l times and at n ight. The m en will thell 118ve more ' ~me to attend 10 btl s ln cs~ . Bod need ·1I0t vex their silul s Bbout so·ca lled "culture." As chroniclers ot n ews Bnd r e tailers of Information, women s ho ulll partIcularly s hine . It Is t h e ir nut ural benL And tb ey I:OUId keep th e uooks and attend to I·orres polllle noe. conserv· Ing tbe wealth whleb men c reated. It would be a fair divIsion of labor. Anll man, not having occ as ion to r ead, woultl learn to retl ect. and so g row wi se. Woman , !'oases"l ng n bettcr moral aense. would Impart to hIm on ly !,ueh knowledge a8 would bene fit. S he ,.'o uld t e ll hIm stories with th e right kind ot morala to th e m . She may even learn to te ll a tunny sto ry without for· getting the polnl. Let h e r contInue to learn and man I:ontluuc to f urge!. In time the bl essed day may come when lJIan of his Ignorance will be happy. and women. who dellgbt to worry, ,.ilI be well pl ea.~ed to bear tire bur. den of sor rowful wIsdom .
amazi ng r ('so urcc fttln c ss seems
tlUl t 'Ill l lllul !' al l . lillll i all Th e [u;-; l WI 't·l, lJa :-. II, ol' l1 I II .. hard l"st IJ Il fIn fl r UII Y \\"1'1 , ", Ju n' \\ f' h lt\ \.! "I ' ~ II out \\ Il h l h~ ' "111 ' 11 :' T lli ' !1'1I 1Il l!'e W I lli JJa I ~ I hat h .. \\ alli S (0 IJ I ' .. l ( oilllllY n n lh e s pot. ·· : I ~ l1H' ltO\'~ ~ a\' nut! It tUt) -
nationalist. e ulo gIes of the lon g ·s ulferlng , ords. Allhough a colo ncl. he ,. did lUll'. flg bLlnr;. b a ying beeD ,& Norl,b Cork millLla. Of ilillO. tb c p er~ge h 1\5 Ii IJ I8IU-Y.
eyo Oil pa. " 0 "v~r.\'h"dy no' k(' s II.. I l(!J ew ~ollle thh' l!: wUlJld hal)pen l u 1):1. ~o wlleu tlltl U\OIl wll" Illa)'s th e " h(!II, . alia rid .. th e c l" IJha ut In tile ti ll'l!!! l ph "ulo. In a h o wrt uh . with a ,'UIlOpy
uve r I t . with ~o ru l'! r f: fn ull' h o ur l~ In It.
Bull th .:y calJe,l ro r Ii vo l'".t.···. 10 ,10 tb" sheik a<:t. al St P. lIhc lI vl lle. an cl I'" of· fer~" I'. d" t ho "tllIIL. I W'!III ;01 .. ,, /-; a' .. n l;;gy ptJan girl . "'"usn I l<n r w t h"rl" ," ou ld U.. BO "' ~ th l"s " " Ill;': . 'fhe ele pbant eye d pa wh en h e ~., \ up Into th tl tHlIl l\lllow on (Op f 111m . "'ILII tb o Clrca."IS,n womC II IlI, d 01<:. an d wlnkea aL th ~ "rt, !!r el"r, hall t ~ . ". much Il.t! to SIlY: "Wa l t h lO y smoke," As h.. wenl out frnm tbe lot.. fin thl! woy rtowut(........ . &h ,,"d ',f III" bun e h , all Lb', "thl" aol ollll " aCled po· cll llar. lind SPPIl''''' lO aoa y: "He will I Cl n ls Deror~ we !let l h rou!lb thIs pa rodI! "
a dr l nl, . whl' n all o r II. o n Ilw pagoda. 011111" 1< I Ila . all<I We a II S II' I .. Ig I11 Urr . ~ 11110 t il e b ll: URsin of "'nlcr . Tho founla ln pl aY"d 011 " ". "IHI pa was unn er WUlt!I·. wll h th o f"u .. "'I'f'IlSSlaU hp." lI t1~" . " ",t whu n we ro ll ed ')r ,,1I11 flown over Ihe "Ic phallt'~ hOIlt! . bit Inohell a l li S allel s eeml!<\ Iu c bu ,:kle: " Wl lul Y"U !;cLll ng olt h.. re for . the sllow 11111 '1 ha ll' UIII "
Wf'll . Ihe patade weill 00 aod left th., "I"llhunl au el Ih ~ r~sl oYr II~ lit I'he foulltu ili. linn to s bu w lhat animal. und,·,.,I"<,,t each ut her , alHI "all apD!'e. cla l" II Juk c. "\'I'ry Rlllrual that passed
11 8 ~a\' U tI ~ Ihfl )a ll g h. p \ 'cn l ht: hi ppopolt", " " . "' hh'h ojJelll!ll hl ~ mOlllb liS
tn th e
1n\' ~ H S
th e mou
\ \110
whlppp.d .John I. !iull l\,llo . E "PH t S I'el' s . mo '!~ e J a pan e~t~ tif f!
(lX llr' I"I R 0 11 smoke
l'lns. , antl It Is s alfl III Jnpall it Is "011 ' " idererl no uu tu mmo n tri c k to hl ow three rln~ R of "Illoke III s ll~cessl on . n, p s econd trav clln g throtlgh th e fi rs t 8n 'l Ihe third through bOlh . Some s tage pcl' form e r s are crelill cd with becoming HO px pe rl. in smo k e blowIng that Ih ey ar e not only able to multll)ly t he numbe r ,)f rings t hus m ade, but act uall y fnrm .Jllpan~ se characte ,'~ ['pprespn linl; won lH li nd "flnte n"e s . On e .Japanese juggle r . II is declare d . pt'ojlo'scd to hi s wife by fo rming the ('haractcre rep r.~l'Iltln lC hIM "\'ownl of love throu g h " th l/. stream of ~ m o k e. _ __
Going rOT the boctors, !JIg us I, llluUl'1 "u d , ho w.,, 1 hi s t~ el b ,(,b" Zurich city falhel·s . IIfler hav lll[J alHt 1\(·tl)O as tbo" ~h be 9mul' I 111<0 t~ s' l ccc~sr"lIy devotell attention t o hy. <.dllllr);" lanl" w ,l h U N. g Ill• . purp. wate r and ull lldult eratIJd Th e ,' Ireua I"·"trle th a t ~ l\ld he fOof!' hav e now la ckled wha t has b. ' n ~ pllru <.l l\'fln, Ihr \\' ngons ca nlc \I. h elp face tious ly call ed "th e final m l' nace to " ". "lrd III" "111 1.')09 II P- Illed. Ollt lhe puhllC hea lth- the doctors." Hellce. (;lrCII"511111 tl"" U tl C~ wh .. werp pra ylnr; fonb to th e physician an d slIrgp.olI to All ah . and wrlnglll!; O"t tll elr Z'lfl c h will be a closed borough. Forly cloth "". un<l I r.rtlwl~tl liP o n th .. n eck membc rs only ot the professI on hav p. uf a '·lI s t· l ro n s wan III Lllf~ fo un tain. been approved bY,the municipalit y. s al. Pa yf'llc,1 all~ t/llked prolane. and tol4 lli'led at the rate of £500 per annum . 'eno to hr l" l: & cannon anrt kill th e ele'llind r.old to atteed p"'t lc tlts gratis. '('hi! plulDt. wlltrll kIO pt du ckIng btm wltll necessary annual fund Is 10 be rniaed 1I,. bls trnnK . and s wabbl o"' ., out the bot- a ""11' ,,_ tall of four fro OCR ~ach of tile ).12" ~!1' o r .~e _f~~nt~n~ln_ ~~ pa; It 000 Inba1.lItanll.- Ameri ean MedlolD~
EM8A ~RASSED BRIDEGROOM fohu Wn . lIIer,v olls , nnd the Mi slllllCli U e Mnde WC I'C More than :Znough . He W I\~
l: tnh UITl\ s..o;; C.1,
caPle ;
~' lIlr Jl, ~~'I f I' l,)tilll' ~ .... J, rc.u t cH th e nal·
t lll\(l)' (' ;., \\11 .
" If II \\'t.' I, ~ only o,\'er: ~ e whu~p p; r e;>.c,Jtcdly ... , know 111 till It . ~~I'(j ng ,
I l' r s a ncl -; llorl. In 'Ie ftwnl S tlUln lt' I'~ ar e It ~ dl i l'f duar uc' terl slic:-:. TlwfI ' arc bill row si g n:-\. o f hllrlla n I I l ; Hu'n'l}' u n t'1 pnt ,'och hllii t ~ ht'II(' I":i
lak e l ung ,.Jolnl, tI~ ,,; a n~ 1 t'/lI\)o OllllgIYk ,.\ t.) U h ll\'ru \ lO l.lI'h Lp ~ a\ . " . T ill' I l\ lII i ~ l el ' Wt\ ~ ., p<"I\ltllI l.:.:. "J\:indly (' hullj.t" " lac: I'" wlll i Lh ~ lind .... .I u h ll u ll"llq l lt~d t o do SlI , .Kl!·PllP.U o n t il,' l' It· of IIf': Hlwc •• lllfl nU f' 1I1).{ lI tf arm r :IH,.:.hl. h i!" L<ufHmtt,ltI II I Iw r \ t!I I . " nil I,,' l·.lrl ·fu l ,'· ~h l' II l1 plc\ICll. " UII · hi ' RfuulH' ti ~ " udurc all th e'e" I t lll L II ~ Ih~ lI"I (' . t un " "~b h · 1 -, ' 111 (' 111111 1"'\ " 1' 1 \(, ~1I 11 tht! C4' r elllon y . J uhn ' ' ' ' \\ 1Illt ll' 1'lIl o n nfl 'l:l I·d . Bnd flll11 bll'tl wltld I h., I,):otl'~ or ht'r bnU i lu~t . TIIl'Il ho p'!i I ,I ~ hn ll. 1 t il "if; PHt k.'t unn pul",d out ill':1 ' 11I\ll tl "- I'ldlll'f illid " X"l lI 'uly lII u pped h t. _
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111' Ity whnh' f :; troUt r'\nntul'l{.I' l I r
nl nlll ,·sl pr. wllt'o Ol'pe n l u11d whalf"s \\ t'r, ' hlllll (1 l1 HlJl tlng thl' h: C' IH'1'J; ~ . o r rllclt'\ :-OPHl 11Unr eNl · j.; ll nlitll·~, wht'J',. ob · f.;, ·r q t lllt ll pHrl il'S IU lhl rur u uny or twv At It l i nl" 1\111 "uriuu l:t liS It a PI )I' I\ 1" ... . tl \t ' I'(' 1:-1 U Il llil' 1\lIo w n :iOUfI 'l' \'f'a lrlt in Ihnl I(\n .... la nd . It I. fo II 1111 In th o r ll ~hl n !: tll·PI·s • w llkh J! t' lt Pr nllr Illnkl' I tl (' iI- JaRI l ('up 111111 I I", lH'P HO O\· t'r n ~If.'('p nnd high
iYU I t' r l'n ll. TtJ r illtmt" II ~ " mBS!'i (!S r rt' ~ h W llln l' 1\I11 t':;e l ~. w h ll-h til ru ony p l al'C':oI adlw l ly 1'110\\ (' lltl' ~ 1 1' en Il W. fir s t tl i n )I' l t'd 3.lI rllli oli f O It i n lut e yeul'~ . ~1f'H \\' ,'IIHltl !"t' l l \\' II~' t h e ~1c1.tim8 \\' h alt, Ilr !olilal hUllt c l" :4 and oth er NHly
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for the
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" . will :" sh ,,_ ll uh't1- -4>--.Ioh n.-. Just Wonderful. V c<ln·. )I i.< ,. .Inn . I' l i!ir erinl} .-Tlrl! ~n ;u~ u( ~ln•. ( ' . \ v . rt\ .l rsl'ln, wbo rCij id c8 hf'rf' j " t o p:ll't icul nrlv lI\\(','rst ln g Otte , II I''': i .. i he s t nry I. n ll) hy 'l'fr. P CAfS(l n , Iwr
Il1I sh:lIHI, IH
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" ~l l'
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",f,. Iwnlth I.M I .1uly ij h ('
own wo rlls .
linc! [,>r a I ~ n~
W;l R t a h l.' l1
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t-ol\,j w it h "jla S I11~ . I Qr u t fO I' tltt' ti oc't..> r. IIInd nltt'J" IIHlklllg R 1It\)j'o\l ~h t'XOllllnntwn nr lu' r lu' ~al fi 1I1HlouutC'd ly thn raulM'
!tf'I" tr l' uhlt' Wil l! n .l hmrtl.:r4'd . tote nr th l' !\ hf ni'\,fl, 11 11' 1I1cdi d nc oltln ' t 'W l'Tf1 to 1If' d " l n ~' hl'r 111\1(·1 , ),:" oci. so CUl l h l,rd pll " d IIbout Ih" ra mllln,!: pln r p,. TllPn 1'hOll l Ph,I"·.. I\IJ rH"~ PlIl)i, I IZ:Qt hc'r I~ .a ~hnr t "elIl'e\1 hy R w e l1 ' r~ 'lIl 1I P,·rr,lIo· h." Jt1 ~t III Jl i\' {' IIh'lI1 a trlBI. " 'ell , the !'fTl'd \\" 11 W" I1I"' l"ilil. r toIn lY th nt wpll II t('W yonr:-\ nJ;o rl' \'p.lll cd u lurg-e. II'l'Y w,' , t:' 'he r ig ht tII l'd icin .. nnd I !!ot 111'''1'111 11 1'1), Hhap od pcarl. under" pl Io IWI; Ill.m · h l '''('~' \\'I Il'11 "h" l liHI tDI ~ "n 0 1.1 , llI' ll s . a nd Imm rillntply 11 vnlu. th {l';t~ ~ " l' W ille fin WlIl'h tw tl "' r lh:1t ", I", h:\l1 ;nl ' n ·n n·d tl lirl ptlllmill in \\'''''' I ~ht .)hlp ' ~" I'f ' t wa~ r,'v .. ol r fl to 1\ few (lc r· ~hr '" P, l \\' quilt) \\'I~ II. ri nd We OWe It JU :.onfi . , to Onll .!,s. K iill1£")' I'JlIt4." !'11I1'f' Ihnl tim e A CPI'to11l numbcr Possi bl e E xplanntlon . nf II IP11 lut v£' lH'co m e PX IlPrt pear l ;'1 Rh .. ' _1111,. WoIIo "- linl' . [In. wily do 11!.t m.m· PI'> , '"1.1 IhJW Rhh,lmont s lire jl~rlod. .~ t :I tr vll cy p.lI·' )' tooL h llru~ , . kall .,·. alit! In Hu mme r I'rgu larly. m nde b .'nc P n - TI ,a\' p ro bllbly 11I 1H'rih·t.I th e habi t of 1"'IlI'I ~ . Th p~ p m ell mnk e fa l l' w!lgO! rrorll t ht' ,r fi '4 h rw<idling nnc.... fi l on. mY' IIOU _ by the ir labors. tholl ~h ot r.lJ ur R ~ the - t; lil l USO Ilally New"-, -.I'rtlll'O' rar)' nl· r.orlling 10 t he rorillne. A ' Gunra ot eec1 Cure tor Pil e • . J!ont! Or had . "' hlpb attP ncl s tIll' Inlll· rtohlt'!l'. ntln ,1. n iCNlinJ:. Prnl rudlo ~ 1~\It\JO. ,·Idunl. nnlL: 2 1~t." IIr ~ '''Ithl''l1"i 1.c, 1 to re fli lld n'fl"'p~' It !-; O tn~ nf Ihe l>earls are large un, l ot P.zo (h ~ nJ I!.ST rUl ls 1.0 ..· UI·I.! InGW 14d t'rl- !JO~ !; rell t YHlul', Lnst year about thlti time o ne W~R s, Id 10 8 New Vorl,er. of rare GAINING ON "HE FAIR SEX dlscrl minallon In tll~ J)urch ase 01 , r ll rios ror l1PII'O rd of $1,000 . rn aD- According to Thl B R ep ort Men Will peal'R n re l h ese fresh wa ter penrl s nrtt Sooo Outnumber the 1'101 ea.i l ~' ul ~ lIngnlshed rrolll. l hose ob. Women. taltl~d in .onlh er n seas. Ihou g h nnror. IIlfIat ely 0 ,'p\'Inl n per c'e nla,!:e of the m Frau n" .lt1ck· Ku. hne i. on~ of Lbe gren h~)il Lh~ r lll ll n uu th OMliE'B 0 11 th" m od an' Irl'''!lll iar In s ha pe. ,'ru ll t'" OIlH·t'nlent.• nnd nftrr nlOl u re l:'lIu lly th ey aro gil\'er white In tIltull yfll mi Il nd Ih ~ l'oltcction of 8t o t iltt ic. I he ('Olor: IlwII g h a yOlln,; mll n who h as " ~!i f'ome t o th t, c..:t.Hlc lll slon thot the ju,,, rCI urn ed 11'001 Labrador has a fmp(l t-:ll1 it)· uf W01n r n i.n t:~ nlRllY )o;uro peu o l'air of rose pi nk I)eorls. per fectly ('ounlrl~'3 II! n f." ' t wh ich 10 lh e u " t 1\l nMt ;M In Illi Jo; (l:tIlU' 1\11 evil. Dnd in the .ecund . mlltrh ecl. whl rlt we ig h abouL J ~ grai ns 1>1 11(,c Iii r nl\ ld ly di8nppcu nu ll , . eac h and are ,,'orl It IJrohab!}, $60 or In Ul.C) t 111'r l W{, llty rca rll, sh l' bellevel! til t} (I de will 1 ~'J.Cin to : \lI"n tht" olher WRy $70 1I1)IPt!p. :;Lrut1gely enough. thl 8 hlf'ky -o ne n n d t he nwn W ill he .0 the mnj b r it)· t!\' lt D l 111 ~lI('h ('Ountrie!t ns 1 ': Il~I .n l1d ond Ger· WA S not I.~arl hunter: hut look • m nJlY. wh(ln" Rt tile. prc!Cent time \Vomen clll lll)l of . he ll . In ht~ hand , and s at Imm (""cly pred c,lIIll n.'\l~ . .Son. e uf her' duw n 10 ollen them wIth his poclie t. . l ntiw:lIrs nre m olt t tntei'CS(.lI1g. In I.U),,r Ulbollr,;. for example. In 1890 there w~rtJ Iml fe. HE! found the two pea rls In o ne I,OO'o! "01111' 0 for c\"C'r y 1.000 mrn . Thctu la r g" " Iwl l. After Ihat flnd he s pent ar(! n(n" onh~ \l'fID . In i\ufitrnlta t h e prlla fortnl ,;ht In sea rc hin g lor more. but !'OIot ion hn il i.>Ct!11 I'cdllrl·d in the ~nU1e til.n " o nl y ~~"lIred aboul half a tloze n s mall from I.~U to l.l~'\,';. '" Il lIng.I·Y fro m l,nJS 10 1.t ~1\'I .• 11 ~\\"trei-I"l)d rr'''m 1.057 In I.O: ~~. o u e~. wort h I,er haps Ih ree tlollar s tha III :;"''''''1'11 1..0111 1.()6.' It' 1,()49. in Germ. o)' lot. from ; .010 I,. 1.0:r.J. in ,,"~I nl\ cl from l.I\5;. A" a rnlp Ihe pearl buntin g Is gO Ott \0 1047.· Sir . dot,. 'II't hd,.ve IhnL "n~' eurt~lIrun IHll10n ('Xl't,'pt Hu8tli. " ill .Ion, about In a more Ac le ntlflc manner C'olllinue l o tll('r un,," I'up ,tlly III pr-opor11011 . thu n that. . The mussel. a re regularly I~ng l .. nd h;)" 'wa:un to i(l1l9 w the ('~atnp l h s llt cked O)n fl al ro ck_ or 8a nll bare, nf I-'"r.\ncp li nd G e rnul1l Y Will ('c rta lDly rol , a nr! ar ~ al lowed 10 dec ompose. when ' lo w ~: ,, ~la"J· . f 01> .
nllvl ~I\ I O r~ hal! "o lle<''''11 ourh '1I1UII II· to bo see n
ti l'~ t1f f hi" !-i il p. lI ~ u s w('rC'
I n nil ' li d " 0) nee"" Europro1 n .f"lre tile th t' sht'lls ope n naturall y ond or e easl· hirth .-t. t e 11'1 cl thl' r bec("I min): 'talin~rr. Iy eXllllllne l1 for Ihc pearla. whl r h Il l' ('I r bC·· hll_ "ward tendeD~)' . . 0 lIli to S IHr\\' _ _-;\+ _ _ 100F'!I)' "mhe dded In th e flesh of the ft~h . '!'bose Thin gs We SAY · Mi.... Will,"r. 1"1\f ph olo~ra p" 01 It aPIlP:lr" tl,at the Inf!lan ~ of Ihat rtl"trli'( h n ve always Imown of these be r. elfl - I·III . frtlld .t ·G t"lli r r fnd.d . Ilillk . II lIfX Ilcrten.·ccl. "orl 101.- \- ~. ; t l'Psh wAl e r pearl s . and l hu t Re\,pr al of bUl Il' .. lus t !It.- I'' \ '\1 \1 ~ ~ tra)' S to rlt!l . th .. I'Ivpr. running north hOl'e been r pguia rly fi Rhed ror the m . (or mlln" P e"pll' ore .e, .rlinK 80 loud ly (hot gP II ~ I·all(l1l 8. ~I ost or thA pearls col· mor.)itl}' hUll uGlli ing lO clo With S1rt. t!lolt lpc·t pd by I t\ps ~ peopl e In olde n tl lllP.!\ WI"! l!rc in (I a llll ~r I1r tWf'rlnokin5f ' ~h .. (a • th at im mor:Jlit y h ;1 ~ o(" hllla: tu dOl Witt.. \'.'pre rnlned by 1l ~ ln g rud e ly horell. so it. t- i titer - Tow n 'i'OPIc:&. tha t Ihey might be ~ tl' ung fur ncck· io ces 01' ror the adornm e nl of wam, MALARIA?? ? pu m Lelts. No w o~HYs tIl e whlr8 Walte Hudson . Uny ('Illnpany trati ers Dll)' a tal r price Generally Thnt I ~ Not t il. Trouble. rilr all Ih(' Indluna ca ll pollpct. Some P e rs on s with a 1u , ceDlI Ull fl)' 10 rn a. or Ih e Mon lr eRI ho use" have regular \lPAll ngs wIth the )lcnrl hUlltrrs of the IDrlal InRlI. pnccs ~1· .JIl l ~ \)c warp (If co f. 1'011"1. a nd h a ,'p age nt .; on th o s llot te e. which ho g a Irndp nc), to load up t ho II\'e r wllh hll e " ho "; f'( ' lIrP s hipm e n h, for t h enl. A lady wrll P~ [r im De nv e r tbat sbe s ulTe r cd for Yf'nn fr om ' cllili. n01 The Self·Relinnt Man. T h p IIIsn who win ij hi s \\' ay blls t h e f c ver . whi ch at I ~ ~ l ' hPo lenrlt e:1 " 'r r~ 1I 1111II:1to ul!l'anlBl;fl onr t.he other mainly protl u c~cl I), :lra corteo she who"" pa l h IH rlenrcfi for htm , ond drank. " I was al so grl e vousl)' aflll ctpd with "hose lip id progress alonl: It Is an ,' x(·I[I',io"· pe rso na lly cond ucted by a h elld acbrs and Indl ):c. l lon ." Bbe ~3)". captai n or Indus try . At lpn st he uo· "W h ich I beca mp nt ls Rpd were II~ " . rln" land s Ihe "olue of t hnL " ' hle b be \1' 150 lar r;e ly du e 10 Ihp r o lTee I dranl.. ha~ attai ned, nnd whil e more deserv· Six month ~ ago I quit 113 usa a ll o, Inl: or la udation Iltan Ihe easy winner gethflr an" bpga n 10 drInk P~ s tum Is- too busy to lIwe\l u}lon thla clr· F ooll Corree, with l he gratify in g res ult '· lIm ~ tn nce. to waMte time In IJl ensed tI,at m y h ea" B c h c~ ha "e 1Ii sa llpenr cIl. co n lPmp latlon of blmse lf.. And s utb my di gestio n has I,er n r estored and I f(relltn~" "" as he has Is not a ml~tlt. have not h a d II recurre nce of c h lll ~ nnll IHer for more than thr e~ mon l hs, Phllndplphla Ledge r. r have no tlou bt that It was PORtum t.hat brotl g ht me tb ls re ll r f. for I h a "" CaswU. Labor. l)u"l; lallur. with its pres e nL WILllt 01 u .cd no medicine wh ile this Impro,·e. lit waa or~l1ui>.nl lun . I. ne.:e"Rol'lly '·o" ual. aDd ment h~ H bee n goi ng on ." caRuul e mployment " Is one of I he re all y rellrf from conges tion ot I h" Rrra[('" l ,'UI'ReS or modem induRtry." live r ('atlscd by corter. l "My tl o ughte r has been os great a Gol ng 10 wurk too early pre"enls e hli· dn' n Irom I;el tlng propel' ert ucatl on. corree drlnller as r. ond for years wa< no d III l he pnd sentls I he m 10 swell the artllct c d wltb l errlbl A sic k h es da c h tl~. J'<'nllnllall y growing a rmy of u ns kill od w hlcb often las ted ror a w ~c k at , tim e. !'1hc h a br ai n work er ootl 'l' 1. 11\ hor.- LoudDn 8pectA.tol·. cpso lv e nppll catlon togel her Wi t h Ihe hpolla c hcs he ga n to allect hE'r memor .. Cbnllce to DiBpi ll Y Them . Neil-M is. ScholJl tells me Hhe II m os l ~"r lou s ly . Sbe found DO h e ll) In m etllclnes and the doctor frankl y GO IllI: to lea I'n to I,;ay thtl barp. Bolio- What nOD scDRe! Rhe hasn't advl~ed her 10 quit ~ otre . aod me PORtum . any tn lent tor mu s ic. "For m o r~ Ihan fonr monl h~ Fbp hu "D h, s he knows I lIal: but , She hal lo\,ely arms ."- PhlladeljJhla ru hlJo not bnd a h('nd~che-her me nIal la r ul. L edger. ll r.~ iro" e I:rO ll' D more ncti \'(, 'nOll vlg. orOIl~ aod h er memor>' ha9 bee n re storet!. . . Ment ally. "No'. ~ore tea. cotrpE' or drllrt; for If ! . Ho,,·e ll - That · tellow ill a cr ipple. ~ o lonlt ato II'e en 0 ge t Po ~ tum A. Name Pow"il- ( shouldn't kno w It You wonlfln't I1Dl e8~ you talked gl"en bl' P ostum Cil.. Battle I~ r eek, ' With hIm; It's to bl. ' hOIlt!. ' -TowlI Mleh. There's a reos"ll .. R ea d tbe Iltl :. foplcL book " T4e Road to 'i\ 'e Ih'I II." III p;'o;.
- ----
- ......
UPHOLS1Er: :;:D GIR L. 'r" I1 ,~
R oV! She M " lIng I3 to Clo th e:) Ou t 'Ii t " e 0 . • di lU!.!.·:'·,
" \\'~Ie ro
G r-.~
C: APT( ~R,.
Amundserls Triumph in the Arctic Seas
Y "rke' W11C' '';c:.: t t o On lifJ :-n1" a 'Id Bor amp R enowned for n l' .l.veJY·
d o yOlt IInl1 s uc h o.l d a n J
[I'()l'tIler Slh' l'i rr
K. Tllul'I lI" o f rp.n ow t\E'd for ·1') te a rtJ f 01 ' d ,,·IIK or d; ..l'ill ;'; :tn d " 0 \:1'11 ';:';. S \leHt!. ~un; ll\ e tiJ. n Frand~j·t.J Ch l' o t\ · elf\ A 'S ~I H.'f'lfl, T horne, H 1Ufill b IIIHn y ,U1Cl' !t (.!::\. whh Ii l11 :l rl\ C'd him t il I h o v~ht· 1' g"'I~' c-luU II's. YlI -" ulI'ly perio,' of Col1fur nl: 'H hl u t nf ~', ".\lI d yol :·OU hllo w 1 \ 'uu'l alTo }" ,1 lunt e d Li lt' h a1lf Jit, J fJa fjl1iu !\tu!'l et tb t Ilrt J)ltl't l> II UI' j \ !\j) ...· I1 :-\ i v e lL1i ni~q'!" Hn · ~, \, t lIr h t~ dl ~ II''''l and eJT e l ' le d tho e n l)· pklllJ'e!Hl1l f' do: iU°!:1 't" 1I ~l tltd tile: thtH y UiOIlI!O .Ir t he li :l::iu llIl' Ii r lll1(' ~ I. ! i ll a terra \ 'ot ta humw g ow n w ltil a h;o .. o ··ll u! n g inlll'. " (i Yl,.'rylh l n ... .\011 Wl' a r ..;nli.~ so d lfft' 1'(' II I h ll d d l..,t lll cl I 1'oal
~a l:L '; e "H s
IKite d I he Ot hN . rciUI C3 Ih ~ N,' IV Yu r l, :itlll. ·: \\' ull. thul ' ~ J" " t il. autl I 'l l t('11 rou. " ~l v tI" CH" nllowa ll ~ o Is "1111 11 and ill Y i'-le ns are lal·gl·. bllt f"l'llll llu,' ly for me I CUll WI ' UI' lh e j) l(' t ll l'('~H l\H' . \"' h ell I I'cu llzcd Iha l Halin an,} \" I\'t.'1 tl nrl 1111 (> 1) I'O" Ilcl otll \'C I'O IH' ),Cl lltl ill Y IlIll'S~ I d ~cJ " " (1 1.0 IIlI tl whn l wu" ltl IUIlI, jusl I~-~" ~'~ l l or better 011 m e UB f' eos l l"S!4. " I cllIl1\1. go In for Hul" . Ilil t fu r ( roe·It.-; uniT lOll/\' ·!;!Quts. Ih e In ll N' I'a t lll' r Im lsel r I1IlIoie fl' o lll ·lJfafr.... !llnte rial s. :\
ur t he dl 's pc radu IlO fl 11 1I 1 ~ hcll 8Itt r (' 'u IJ bf' r, Uiade Ba l' t. 'fho l' np wa :i hCJrl1 in ~ P W \' ork 'J) {can; U;:.U. li p was a n e ph c' \\' or l ' rdu ,d
L a ll y
wh a t IS
It ?
l-J otlO - Pl e:l s<" m n'nm . I rl'('h: n tll! LlV Ole PCrI (lIllca l fit s ('owln ' fill. Lnrl y - J\l)' t.;onfl rH.!S s ! h o p ~ yon
wuo 'l haw· if Ii" n' .
Hobo- l1"t 's jis t lI'o t I w au l u Ic r s ec lfO Ii HO (: r t,l lI lt. F\~ r II Hnlnll Hum u v II I 'll ~ IJ sU l n uwh er e Ul:i IJ nu ' h u\' e
It, ma ·Blo. -
'bltn g tl Llall y NI· WS .
Mr. .I nlh' y- I t '" ellsy to olley ti,e 8lb'l ll:al lujun cL\ ()1I whell 011 ' . ucl g h · lor Is a prelly girl . 1\11 9S N!!x dom -· Ilu t. slirely. It Isn't ,as y fur you. Mr. , Joll f: Y- O! y M< : I reFer to tb e -:onlllla n d to "Iovc I b y nei ghbor." lItlS8 N~.dorl!-YI· S. but the co m · n lt llli Is reully " lo vI\ t hy n oiJ;hbor It" ~ hYlltl ll ." - Phllad o. l"hl r. Prc··H.
n1 1'nlcl
J dn tl ' t , n j <.l·!; Y oll l · r:l~ l J1 nnl ' d l -. llld, :\1 If' Uc.'! . Ill Y f :lf r h'p\ (In 111\' 1I:H..' li ~l, e lr
Not nu' ' I) ut 111\ Inl1~ u g o "
"Cuw-il n (i l'ol'g:e t.!o(\s n' t l t UuW t! u ·It, 11of?R lw ?" " \ \' hat tiOC':1 11(' ~:lY'!" .. \ ' li v b o ~2.·S ;! /I fill' fal : 1("~; tha t tn
I (l rfo..~ f.
'.\:0 \1
a n"
t ilt,
r ow." --.
11 0 111
- - - -- - - - 'I'he Se lfl ' h I' oi nt 01 V i ew. \ VI.,· utI H.' t :-. m h h" n , l"'t:dh"':-.. u K'rr o.t \\ ·hl l •• unIt- 111 11 a ll ~ .J t- IIIH II
:ongf (lssT'
" No , " Kohl the ne w nl c ml>cr . " I hnvo 3p.nn ob!wr\' lu g c lo se ly . Hod t pcr c" h 'e .hnt W I) 11111 11 who >:ce lls to lie orl/:· .r,,1\ In t h l~ all j; II St n. scmh lnge 1111111 1." lint Iy s tamll s hIm self a 1I01·lce. "-· Nasblngl o h !llnr.
Th~ Trll g edinn's F eltr. F'oo1e 1,l g llte-A bulb t rom an oloc· ri c light I,dl on th o stage th ~ Olll l! l' ;l/: hl aflll " trll ~ lt th e trageu iU II . MISH Suo I.lI'CU f' - 0111 Il h ur t him
nll c h '( . u, It ... wn r. n·1 b\l r t. bllt h ' WitH tc r· 1 ,I ' f r l;; hl l'l.(·,1. H~ thou g h I It , t ' g~ ! " -_ Vl"'I'f: StliteSlll _ rs __ _ _ _ _lt o.
Tit fu r 'l'ut .
SOI f'g1l1 H- I J I>;t n uH H rl'llnw who :01<1 m e that I I'>okc'l! .. ", t u ll y III,.
1I 11 ~~
t ht'
11 <'8 11,'1 1" .
(;lIl c ~ ;;u
\\ "" " 11 ~t.l·l1l·!" ·. IJ j.t &.:I :> 1 (I t' l llI1H If' "1 :0. \ p
l ilt:
l\OI lllI' ,
III ;.; h l d
fl .
tit ... ,
D c,lllng
'f3lk etl Too 1..0 U<l . Io.-'! T pll me hl 8 G r a), - Te r n b lh sl o,'m \.\ f ; h a fj l ast. mame, so lbat I CUll Idcll IIlru \\'h e o I ~ Y l' nl . " I I ~ n ' t ,, ? 'fh u ncl el l'u luutJ eno u g h IU \Y ak ,· lht, d pud . Ice bhn .t SnlgglllR- YolI II cerln ' l 11'1111101 ,,: I' ve Smlt li- Sr, ,! I uH: ll 'l he'a f iI Gni y - lJ ul li 1 IICdl it ·! \ VI:I )· . !lIJO, "I r eady d(lllC It. wlll"ro W ~ IC YOu ':
S lllltl' - A I.
:haL sor"ant \;0 ." "WaR o ' l gh b comp etonl '1" "Yes, hu t WI! r OHorl Ihut
~ h (' Wn );
" utn~ .
n r Ill )' Wl to ' ~ I ll. d
An ol d Kd, l)o llnU le ~hn
IHlllu ' l K"~' n t or
y <- nrt4 h IHW \ lil t! , \ (1 01 0 " 31 UIII' lHJUt:it' -Tlt · Blt~ .
l.{')t ·
Ing p eople that I was un CIVI l IO . Dl Y N ot Ea sily Sc •• ~d . Hpu.ekeepH-Dlrltl ·1 yo u ~.~e t ha t Itlre." "flat anynn e wllo knolVs ~O ll know s e lg" nlt ll hN~-"Be \l'a r u ol t b e Dug '!" nett': r tbtll! t hut."-HolI sl o n "'o. t. Tra m p- No. m um . Jl o ll ~r l( ee ll r - Th e r f' Is B s l!m II, e re . Pl u usibl ". nn,j li Is "" llUcla ll), Int r nded I'J wa r r, Jenk ins- Yu u In ns Iw ;;lIrc th aI there j ll ~ 1 s lI eh fello·.,·s n. yo u . so Ih al yo u w i ll ..w1l1 ImV p. r tll O llr ti llH' hr. a ll EllrolJ€':l n I,pe p awn }', -\\' o.T. J u ~t , l-lI l' f ;t. lI t! ariy I'\l to! r~' II I IC lIr Tr3tnp - 1 rllllll't see no ~ I~n . IIIlIm . !h~ royal"," Is r ~ l lI l co t o tbe olll)' ~ A\\ th , II '>£! - N Y \\, •• 1;1)'. o th er s. - - - - . - -- - Il r nn f' ll"d, r" - 1'h u l '" wh y I thlnl' H no to S.ny H nmc. i hf~r o will IJI~ Jl \\'3r .~ - Ptltk . J-\ ' I_ltn nu- ' IlInll ,,1I1 v.-n , \1' . r e 1:1)11I1t In Ih p ,n r·pli nl; or Ih .. .. ~' ·"· I (· I \ l u H o cII'! ON THE F ACK Chln p~e 'Xorn c n f l:o n : Il,C' CrtH·lJ.y e r F en t
and sort
pl l·tu r('~C!u,-'
an tf
('0 II I'se ,
with Tu b~rctiJo sis Among the Dlnclfs '" Di ffic illt Problem.
0 l~ jl
to n eg: ro8s.
Th c l'c ar p sO nJP rmh ·
II;· hOKp ltal" to which a rOn ' t1Ulllll\'c nogro mar bc adml tt e rl, Ir h(, Is 11 I'"U' pc r a nel CAn he ID elu ced 10 e n te r t Ain th e Id n ot n hos llltal. I1 tlt II I ~ al· mos t Impossib le fo r 11 1;('!l1'0 In th o I'nrl~' 's ia ge. of tub r rule s l. w ho) Is lillI e to pay a r ea so nable am oll n t fo r trca t mcnL. to fiod an), Itl s l itllll o n o llen to h im . W ards or ('olla gl', fo r n eg ro e~ In con nec tiDn ,,,1110 e .lstln o; h". pllal, nn ll sanlwl'lum s. If Ihat br 1) I·oc tit'n · hie. or sep arate In s tl oll ln n' . It that b~ n ccessal'Y. are ~ssen tial p;·pl l nt · Inorlo~ to nn)' ser io us nllem \ll to d ea l wI th t his pro h le m. \\'l'It ., s 1.IlII"n nl'nurlt. In tlHl SOllthe l'1l W Il I·loun n . Th ~ n , si nce tll iJcl'clI l<) fi ls I , n (Il~ e a,o or t h e' r illos . nnd Hlu!'c 111 1' n f.'p: I',' I ~ not oU lIll ted. ~lth cr I1 r h lH In ll " ·; ' l nr c. . or. AS ye t, hl' hi s trai n In g. In ' ·I t)· (,0 n ·
n Gn d ~gl n~""
wou l .l
fiC(\ O'
1)(l~~· a~l'i '· I1 I ·
t n nl t o l{c r p UH m a ny o f 0 1(' 111 a :-i
awfully di sa ppointed . , h ave M ha rd to Iteep lIl c pIBCl> as get It. "- N. Y. Mull.
A Frenzied FInancier's FII' . e. Tbe HeIress (In J91 (l ) - I"athe r 10 cs ' . . ca.,alre fl ud lobs ter so uwell ! I l ee l su "parry f,, ; him . JtOrd CastICa lr- Sorr y '! "fiy d ear? 'l'h e H el l' 55-A ne w rul e hR !lOne In to ~ 1f'ICt anti t h e wa'r de ll wo n·t let o s seo d ,d c llcanl s to h wu a ny mo re ! - Pucle
" i
Frnnk.. , MIss Pa!\tor·f'rYJIl e-Nc, £'JIl oot mar. .. Mr. Foryeal'8'-l mpossl ble!" MJ >ls Pastor·PrYlIl c-;ytis, that's the -way It'. be&lnolog to look.-Olv l'elluu! ~r.
~led , yet. ~
t o m allllu in O r · cam ps or 'ahlVl'nLS
·t11tiM:..~ar s
Atrl cl,,," wllh ptl ralysls and nev or
uh"uluRt t h o co rnp elitftJu of th e
l\sia l ll~~
sIbl e In thl' co unt ry nnd In l ural worl' th el'o. But sin ce th oI'£' nrA nlr'!a l l:' lar!l[' n um\lC' rs of lI~g ror~ In li le r ill r". nn (1 s in ce tiler will I'O Il IIIlIl C 10 he Httrn ct · - - -- . - _ . r J t hit lw r In ~p lt(l ,It nil tl l\' nr~lI' Endurnnr~ "Arp YOll cRpnbl r o f ,e ndur In g 11111 . me nt " t hat "an Ik' n ll,·.n I' ,rrrl ,, ~a lllst I t ioo. I cnIH 110 ' I" l'l' !\ e l r'S~c T1i!c~ a lltl pc rson a l dl s co mlor l s nr h Olll'ar11 I Illo I In s In ),011 1' '.I He rm lnllli oo 10 lI ~ c omp ll ~ h whl c ll Ihe y 1'1' n t '" c t r~ IlIlISt ,e somrth ln ~ )'0 \1 ha\' ~ SP.t. Oll f ( 0 '.Io? ' I t I II illlpro\· cc!. Finally, IIt IIs n ec-es sa r y tr t eatI r tl Ie' iUQlIlre d l ho m a n who I;; I\-P 9 : •. I \· I ~~ . aij t hij necess · I I ary I0 enr(' I I IC " Yes." on nvc r " ~ Ib e yo u lb , " I ca n neltro. u Irt Ill-' con. clcr. ti om ly ~ ny 1 0 m. I n1l ' O ~" I· whIt " m a n . t 0 S Inl) Ip all l com II ' n o" bI~; lHt IS orr cl " m ~rrsc h <lum IlILle. "-Wa .!. II;g. truth ahoul IItuhcl'r h 11 It llY n IlI se'nso WI C can e n,'o I {'e too S lar. rl eanlln ess n nrl rl!:h ~ II v lnp; ; Ih a t It
allu n it e r a lim e Chl nesc la bol' cr s we r e fo rbidden 10 ~nter t he co u n t r y. TI'e s ltu o lloll In t llc g o ld . m llllng <I" s lo n o f So uth Afri ca to.d ay Is , Imllnr \() Ihat In Call1'o r llia w ile n th e Chi ll C.O bcr~n.u t o Hock l h l.HO. J h o m in e own e l's ha~'C Dot I>c~ n n"le to get wh ile o r blacl, labor e nougb to worl' th eir ml ll f~ 10 th e ir filII capacity. A y ea r ago tllc Im portatio n at Chinese cooll es beg" ll. IIlId lIOW tbere urc 40,01)0 or th e m In the ell s trlct. Th e y w e re aumlt te d against t he IJl'otest of th e Ilri li s h co lo. nes In U·.e Soulhe rn Pacific and in spite of Ib{' 0 11(,c tions ot Imbll c mUll In Gr ea l 1Irllalll.
tr~Rln. pnt Is
Alrea d y tile que3 t1on at dlsl'o ntln . lo g th o jJo li c y ha3 beeo",,; a IJa r ly is .
do you
law leR~
Wltb Hi s O wn P etH el . " (lao II Jol;e <)0 J pste r. "
<An he cured Ir rnl lo:lnl
"\V hat 15 it?"
or th e early rn t;es In tho
brg un In tIme. nOrl that thr r r· ro lll' l h"
h~~ l ~a n :H\) rl · SU(' III C:n ;; lnl1d. Tho il ber ll.I.:; , \v h" h o p c " H ~ ha cl nil In s ur'nlll'r Il111 ry I) n Ibo I nms RfI' ru re rt : Rnd 1.11111. . lI hllu ,;h It to como il1to power. declarc thaI Ihe conl or. lO o r h ~s c~ !l g r. a lld !,~ l ~ol1g h l I. commnnlmhl o. It I~ ee ,l n OI hr· ,' om , co n di tion of tb e Cbines o is pra!!l i, 'a ll} It \\' o u lli IJ r lu !! "y I" pllt in n c la im wh en !. - " a ~ on rllecJ nil t he cJai .. "Wh at d :d COl1l:> ~ n )' ")' 1.0 ' h ~ I?" " H a rl Il ln Il ll nl s h e~ lor a no n " CICI'(' I,\ll d L ~ nd e r .
Th e Voluntee rs. Til e I'Olun lne r rorce Mc d s hut lit tle em'ou rngc lll c nt t o mal,e It tho a n c hor . of notlnoal d ofe nse. a l aillabl e asse! P I·o·~oklo g. in th e mllintenan ce or our wol'\d·wld e " /1. g irl wit h pre lly nnl, !', ti llS n ~ . , '1 0m )ll' e. Rn d t be bu lwark of t b ~ cOli n. lIlll f' o f It: ' o \),e r·.. ~tl :ll e 1'.t",,2·g: own Il lry~ If the n ecess Iti es Of war shou lll pbt l osoph~I'. e ve r de l\ ude ollr Island 1, lng (lom ot Its "/\ s \(J how?" reg ular troops Illld u.\llUa.-t; n lteri ' ''J'he rn~i n li me s h e wa nt s 10 wea r . ~orvlco Gazette. . he r ni ce 0pollwo r l, ·toc k ! ngs 13 o n n ra in y da), . nC.tI lh e n 111,0 os ro ot her Good Pc tJent. m t be r wou' t J ~t bc r ."-CI:i cilgo S uo. - ' - .. - - - -.... Dr. O ' Do II - Yotu' tro ubJe arise! Chan ged. from the fn c t that ybu (,Ilt too , ,,,,artie"';' Yr)ul' ,y ire useel to hI) · a nel drlllk too mu cb . . . r albo r pe n s ive be~\lr marrIDg'~. Mr. MCSORb- All right. d oc, air Is She atlll so? rIght. "\I CUt do,,'n my meali III P~rry-Oh, nb-now s h e'", ellpen· I ollce,-(Jlevelaod Leader. "".,.- 'I.'lt·Blta.
on e of s l:lI' ory . ~rol'eo\'e r. th ey ''''''' 1'1 lhut t h e Chi ne se base modo life 1I1l " ~ r, in Ih e m loln g- dl strl ce ; Illat mcn :In afraId to leu ve t hei r fremllies a lu II ", 1I 11 i. that Is has oceo m n l'ccs s nry to harr l cnd e th e doors an tI \\' I\1 <1o\\,s of t il. h Oll ses a t ni g h t. nnd to SllWV wllh m·o nrms wl Lh lo r ea ch . All this Is d e n ie d by the adhcrc lIu (I( tbe gove rnm en t. w h o D.1nl n tal n tbw tbo sItuatio n Is cxuggemte d o r w"o ll~ ml s rcp re IlI cd, n nd that th e In Lrortuc \lou o r C h lneso In,lJ o r b as made Sou th Afrl cl\. prosperou s. A mos t s c rlQus pllllse of ~he slll)n,l.\ on Is tim tho 300,000.000 'I) r 400.000,00« Cb in ose at home aro to . ta". UOle of th e trcntmont of tbe ChInese n.way from bome , . oud are reSOrt lll g' 10 retlill ato ry meusures IIgulDlst forel j;0orl l i n' Cblo~
mU~1 1
Disco"Jer er of . Northwest Passage Plana to Continue His
Sail Round
A rctic
Th a i onp pian t l" l h and a nolh,' r r C'n p 'I IIH' I'('gion \\ hrrl' ,\ n\l,I.nd ~" ,tt llI lI lt pt h has been Sl r ll'.i n g ly 1I1 " , tml e" III 1II:1 ~ n l ' l ltI I"" r ~g l lll\ I~
"" ,,·r' )',.
th e 811l ' l' ~!'I 8fll l vu}'ag- " wh k h 'apl. 1'11 11;; 11 1.\' I n"'I IJ~. ' d \1' :'.1, :1 ~ 'i l'l,'\ t! o r X'A. H u ntd Amllnch';(, l1 and hl ~ f'lghl 111" 0 I n t:II S arPii t\llIl !Hhi f ' lt ~ II L' 1I1 n ear ly h u \'C" mad'" Ihru ug-h ft lP ~o r tll\\' I 's f IJ: ~s · t wo year:--. h i": 1.. .·"1 IIl a~~lI(l'h' W O l' ~~ a gi'o (or li f' btl '; on l y t o ll()w4'rl t h ~ rOlll r wa s .. 1() lI f' 0 11 1\.1( 1 ~ -" ' illlultt ':-i is l: tnd . 1I 0t lUl o\\' n 10 ..'XI~ I by rt<n ,...OIl tli l' d is · t ar fl'lllll wh l, rt, L II· ~ II. nl)1'I' sol \'I'd l he f ' IJ \·I~ rt ( · ~ of ~il' .John 1" l an l, l l ll In 1 ~~ 7 . (PI ,....; I II II I n l 1111 ' '\'! ' Jl t lt\\, l ~ s l p:l ~ H a g .. : u llcl 1J lll nOI\\-ll h !ol la nd ln g tlt ~ l ill'l I h ,l t tI \\'fI ~ III r ' I I I ) ' I he C jtl;1 :-\larterl 011
A ll i l in 1 ~" 11 h as lIol 1ll3 · j ,. . 111 Or i gil'il l l l lW j' "l1 l' f ' \ dl ~ll'o \' cry _ hl ~ fra t In 1: lli.1 l1~ t lt l' fi r s t Ilorlt ill ( ' I- I "~IL \ltia ~ !l Y(':l rs ago. ~ \' c"s l' l Il l r OIl~ h l li n (')HlIl l h '! 11 0111 Bilf 'I N()lw ,' ~j; I I\ ' 1) ( t !ll' N llr\\' t 'g Hl II ::i, Ca pt.
tin ba\'
Hl' b riu ;.; ~t ra lt s
\1 \
(l U fI (I till' :;o; 1'f' 1I1:11'1\nhl f", f ill' il l o n l.; h nll llJl ' s:i 10 1 \llI r l, h ' I' aruJ CIHII'a gp If) atl f' ll1/l t_ fil i i! :':' 1) Id 111('k born or w 'nii HI(1I1t. w .t t ('}lflli pfTClrl I II alT o mp li:; h \\· I. al lor I tH~ P,l s l :: lJO \'p:,r5 I h~ m {):-. t ~ 11· ' · IlI1 IIl I !.i (l l r\ ) rt~ al aT' [il ' o:q dor c r s h ~s l all"1! tn do. I n :.Hld ilion tlJ his brll l .~.dng hl ~ e.w; h IJl th: .s hljJ. L1 1l' (ill),' - a sinoI' 0 1 4i t o n~S:· ""£l~r?l JOllg .:.!U fOO l 1J{~alll lind (lI'UII l>liI'll by 1l');v.JJ..ell Jl(!l rol"lI m I l l1 gltlt' -sa f pl y t h rOll g h , h p-"t'ttis, ~ m ad r In I/or · t nnl OlJ sc n 'lltlon s whic h it -~"\9.!.·J II · \· C tl will. wh e ll th ey ll re a ll fl j;I1I'ed c)lI~ ' rilr6' t.h p pro (1t'! r d ed u c tion s mJul~, seltl th' loc al.1on o f th e m.1gn f' I j(· poll '. A m ag.
1(1):1111 1\IJI \Jnd~l·tI.
wlH' n
111 110
11h.1I1 H IHIY lW';;';\ 11 lil ~ fll :l l' i tllllC eartH" ". ; AJllllll d;-';'~ 1I al l" Jl lh\!I IlIl' 11I11) ik ~ (' h o uI8 j o t l'hrJ " t l llnla. :t ilt! th r' Ulil y cli p l tJ lH :L ; 1!1i1l Il l' Cl\\I1 ~ I ~ 11 () 111 O IIC' Or t h e h lg tl l !il iJOlJls u l I'h" all l'jf' nl Cil lJlt ll l of N 'H· . ,,·n y . 11 0 fir s t l·t111'lC, IU'uIrII Il Pl1 l ly Ilc. I o n? th C" 1)111>1 1(' n~ a rn rllllJl' 1' n r lhl) Uld ll ll' lil' ,' X pftfIlII IJ U 1IH-' n~I ~ I (: a., w tltl'll \:fl9!.i~ 1 111 I t'i! I'j .!J ( ' J IIIS(\ tl i n Ilitt rn llt h po la!' ~P ;\ q lI u der M Ct ~ r la dl H Cl Uf' ld n ;; I rOIll 1I 11 ~ j 'X[I(!( 11i trIll. J\ nHltHJ ~"tl i.·l)ll CC' I Vfl l! I h e Id ea uJ a ll
ar ~ lIt exn lor:ttIlJ II . 111<' I,l>je r o r whi c h I til! Ul SCl)\'pr y of till:! l\'orthwes t p as~u i'f6l.~ 11 1l l ile l ocatJ oll o f thtt
\~' Ol i1.;.....t!.:
n pt lc tHl ln Is II pOi llt wh el'~ the rr eely III Uj; ll t ti C pole . ..... "'''',"po nuel l 1I~'"lI e " how~ ;0 dIp or aO deAmulId sc n IOItI h l;;'-,'n'I.'B ,ds NUII H'.' U. /-:r OPR, An nbsrrvu tl on s tatio n Wll" c.· Ih e explor er. UIIII I'rofs. :;cll\ . ~ ~lId 1I1 11" II Crl by I; OPt. AniUlld SOIl at 1<111;; NUlllllliy e r. o f UClmauy. hi s hop c~. J: <I Wllllaw's la nd, hllllllli e. I;~ rl eg r" ~~ Iiall! "'.' [111' 0 t.b e nl in Ire lall tllll vlau ' I} .
C"HARTOJl' ARCTI C ( ; JJI'- L. I·; S II UII'I :-U I\Mtll\'D~EN ' S CO t ' H::lE T I UN Vir 0'11\ 0:-; t-:Tl I.: J' ULJ;
II lld 31) mlnlll e~ north and 90 d eg reeR ",,,.t. Cnpt. A.lOuna se n d ec lares hIs lie· li ef baBe ll o n th e two yea rs' uf 01>· ",,:";',lIolI lIy him, Ihat th e north COlLg · " c tle pole is wi t hin !)'I rulnut c!! u( , tI.I.L potilt . Tb e obserVallolH:l havo tJl.!e ll
t'7hl eh, If foll o lV ed, he felt I'on villced wou la ~ oll' <: III''' of th o t h ree greatest arc tic problem s Th es!) frlen!l H, t bor. UU'g hIY be ll "vln g III ud sen, r ealIze<t lit on Ce t he n"' r il M hi s argu· !lIe nl s , attd unh esita tin gly Indors e his tuk c n oay and ni g h t for a p e riod or sc l,c me, u n,l thus was Inaug ur ated tblt O. S." IIlrcr Y<: llrs. lill d . III til e (1,,1 1110 11 u r the lIxpeditic>u Ihll.! was d esti ne d to live eX IJlorcr. the UCtllal 1l0s ltlIJlI h[ the Inrev e, as amo ng til . ruos t I>rllil l\tIt 811· CHINESE AWAY FROM HOME IJlU g ll et l(; Jlole w ill b -. d c lt!rmlu c d k S pedrUons III history. s onn 0" hI s ouserv a ll ou s t an I", Hg· Hut CUpl . A 111 II 11 d.', " I. no! slI tl sfled. Treatment of Them In ForeigD Coun. ured ou t. . It see m s, f or h e t!i 1,l an filn s n eXL sum.. tries A ruus es Retaliatory In 183 1 C ap!. James Ho ss . from ob· Dler to co nti nu e hi S voy ng c arOlln<l t lto Spinto To fl O IIII S ho must g o serval lo ns m ade l oca ~e d Ihe: m ng ne ll c ar ti e ci r cle. p~l~ (I ll l:lothla F e lix. Am e rl ca 's north · t h roll g h till: No rt healit passblle, a f e llt Mos t Eo g lish ' 8Pea.tllng pers o ns tblDk secont! on lY 10 tn · o nc W~I C t. h" I,,,,. IhH~ the bc" t pillee tur " Chhwse Is I n ern mllllt pe llin s ula . aD d ' It IS e" lueut Ihat Ih e r e bas !JCl' 1l IItrl e c ha n r,e fr o rn Chl un . li e no so oll er ml g rllt~. to a I h,' poin t IlIarl,ell hy him . Call!. Amlll"l · l'Oll llll'), inh ablt"cl by use rs of Ell g li atJ ~c n fOl1l1d Ih a l 111 p a ~~ i11 g f r om t h e ,1, ;,11 Ih ey bcg lu 10 le ll him ho w un wQI- llu I'lIwrr. poin t of P ee l H.u U ful 10 t nt! l O ll1e h o I. ~nys Yuuth .~{, t:o ll1pnulon . \. .·1 ~ t(' r ll li nd 0 1 SI Ill JHwn ' t! ~ trait tt l" The hl Ht ory of C hln e"e Im m ig ration ~ hil' :i c'om pl\ss w ~.; \1~cl e!i~ . III Ih o Vu ltol l ;;latc~ Is la mlllar. La. \Vh e ll Amundsen sr.ih: iI fr r,m ('hrl s ho r c l's w e r e n cel/ell 00 th e P uc illo; ~O:lSI alllll ho,l!hln ese t ame, or w eI''' ul'Ou)!;h l, tl al1! n .Il1ft O 17, 1 ~, n :L 11 (' 1; ' l(:W (It.: f 1!J l11~ III IUI' j;c ullln lJcl's to s lIpp ly lh e !lem an el. Iy t ile "ou rs " li n w;Ull ed t v t:d\ ..... I,I. IIJ i.1tJe t,y l ~d '1'h (l 1"l tho wh ite m ~ll lwgu.u to pro te s t l' !lIl St! of t h e I' CClJrrJS
I'cr llal'" t ile mos t lo sls te nl d pIIlo nr! 13 tOI' hO$lIlla l sana tor ium f»dl ILies
\ \,lI'p- 1 r ouldn 'l E t my ~ ro'ss()n . "\Vhy not ? , "T h o. \'o~ I, w a ou: nrorl Ih e r" n/) one In l hp I,ousp "l r llll l' no o':g ll 10 Idce my Corsc t 5. "- ~· Y " ' e" " )'
"Ho w :tlon 7" · '1 nm to work .f dId :::l
III th e
ro ll o wl n g o f "'hnt s eem ed a "aln a t·e mpt. Blud, Bart first commen ced ope r u:10118 li S II . ta!l e ro bbe r In 1875, aDd In 311; h t yen r. s ucce s full y b e ld up nO l eaH than 27 stage s, wIth n gain to himse lf ot thousands of dollars. He a lw ays work ed alon e, confld"d III 00 n ne . a nd when not engaged la th is was k nown In San Fraoclsco as a Quiet. we ll · dressed mInIng man :wIth hut fe w frie nds und pleoty of money. In fact, bls m e tbods of coocealm e nt were s o ' perfl.'!!t tllB t hili arre st tor tho crImes [,la ced lO th e credIt or " Blac lt Bart " r ame a s a stagge ring surp ri se to all but th e omce rs . Hl ~ fina l apture (ol)owed an ntt em p t to r ob t he COPJ,eropolls s tage III l S 3. A boy r"","cngcr had dismou nted qil ite B w ay o r t he spot wh or e t h ~ stng e WD M sto"" el by ~he hi g hwayman, and lI ls s udde n a lll)Ca mnee with hIs g Ull t;H.\'e t h e x J)r (!s ~ Ul C8S (~ n g(! r a c hnn co. \\ h ll·h he sclw<.l. T he " hot stru ck mal'!, Ba l·t III tile h e:ld . hur h o cscap ed. So me t lUI" aft erward, n ear t he sce n e. \I'm' fUlllld a culT stained w ith l>loo d. A. lau llIll'y marie o n th is \ as trace 11 10 fl laund ry w ht-r c Oo les. k n o wn ~ 8. Burto n, hlid his was h ing done a llel al last' til e omr~ rs had c\'i cloll('e e nou s h to l:OOFrOIlI Barton Wltll I h e CI' llJIo. H e wus Lr lecl con v ll: tcd a nd ~c nt e n c ed 10 sen'e Ih-e' years In Slln QlIc~ ntln , Arter h is r ei 'a '~ h c d isappeared, an d whil e a s e l' les or el nr ln/-: HInge r o bb e r ies nOl long a rlerwarc1 ,;u ve ri se tu tbo S U"· pldo ln I hat he lI nd r e!lllllw ri hi s o ld wo s proved l ite, no lilln g d e l1l1lte ugal ns t h im. !:llncl, l:lurt In all hi!! ho ld·ups never too k a l ife Or In su lled a woman . H e work cII quI etly and . ",lfUy. with the 'U1 ~ nll er ur 1,\ geot lc mllo . His pa rtl c n · lar IJrc y WII S t he W e lls·l"n rgCl exp r es s box es , and h e ce le brated line captu r e ur eac h lrens u re c h ~s t hy u v ~ rs e 01 d ug· g erul In scr llJed on tile rllloel · bo~ . The se ve rses he slgncd: "D iad, Dart. I'.
d f' Jlnl' t men t !
11\ \: . t l.lJil lIl lIJ II
Snllg~l' r~- (l'Jo II
"YeS: ' !>.al rl l-i c npt:c lt, "\\ l' hHrI to i et
~' n s
I IInn 'l ch i n k r\'Cl'y l mrty collirt (1 0 It--'in fa "l. I am ;,!I\II Ih r y cnn'l . 1\ g irl mll "~ he elf r Ol-h c r sli m Rll rl plc lll l'rSl)1I 0 1), 1' '. an" If she can . 03 I el o. mn, lw II l' ow n d oth o•. so mll r h lir e !Jett r . T o allY , lJnrly lJIee that I w" lIlcl 9 !l ~" 'Try It .' bll t 10 mh e rA. rl pc ldedly. 'I)on ' t.'''
, ' 011 .
-A---}' "Iry Story .
uph o l fi tel'Y
Th ey hnV H th e )o \'c ll l st
w :;.
~ \\ u~ ' lJlI J;ltl li
ill s ' I ll·
anti \1 11-
that he was 411 iC'ld y
I"rom Ih nt tlm o un t il
ol he r .
I o t~l'e9 t1 nS'. Ttll .. ,,.nrlc1· ,. JI 1I1J\·t lll ": !ooh' ! ~v I lf" Ir.
I f '" 'I
HO ::- oun ' 0 3 In e " ~
JlBU pr n' 1'01' ill Y fl'Ocl,~, h Ull~ (, ~O \,,' n H 7e{'o\' c r cll h hl slrr.- ngth . . ilnd QC 'I:u Hiun al blo ll ~ el:). I !-it~~l l'rh e d Th e ·Upl.lI l'" (If Blac), B u rt . the a"· rlli :t . 1(J\\' n ov e r 1.)(.:fo l'l] 1 SHlIdt Iho ,lImcel oame of C. E. Ho les. tho mo~t r l g hl IJ IH'(' , and w llerr d o yo u Slip. fam(lIts a llli dn l'ln g- stage r obber known pm; ' It. wn K'!" :0 f ro n tier hi s tol·Y . wa s d "B to She rIn " ] c an'l 1111 gi ll e," I' CSJJOtil l eti th e rho rn o's rc le nlle S pursuit nnd dogged
f,,··,· 1I1f ' IHa') \\' fl at pl:U! " I' hUt
!'I Ir ar l' -- JiU I .-Ihle: 1
lI t. Th o rne wa s contlnuously 1.'l7.~(.~. !:I wllh th,' shprllf's olfice. In 1901 he
lC' U liJlll'!-i
t; ltl ng t h e Il ll wmal
I~ .ol l y
I'iio"h~ walleed up ID the to.c u 1)1' " Ip,·,·I·
odd co lo's and deSig n s . " Th e si lles al'O Il dlrro l' Oll t q ua lity from tho e you f1lld In th e dl'es~ ~ lI k. ; tb o goods- are wIde I' and Wcal' he t tel'. Th eu th er e a r e oth e r m nte r lal s by th e yant, !fofl and odd. whi ch wear he tter than sHit. and co s l leH . "Thl ~ little gowu I hOi'll on WIIS m ade from Ju s t such stulr. c ud 1 have II born e ev e nlog gown that I made m y· s olf from a paIr of while mall ras c ur· talns. The dull r edR anti Illn ks th a I I am 60 fond of and us uall y we nr are ea sil y found. III tb e drape r y depal'l· m nts au tl tbe yellow s. (II''' lle r f~ l't l y lov e ly . " T he I' ug h pa n/-: c \l'hle ll WII ~ wo r ll SO muc h ror r"oc llS IlI s~ s lIm m I' fln rl was ro nRld o re c\ a g r 0.1 uovel l )' h H:1 I ee n ~ o ld In Ih' drap .... y .I ep,\r t mc n t lor s ; vora l s<'" s ons. ancl I hatl 0. ,h'{,ss m:tde frolll Ii lOll !,; bc roT<\ I HOW u nOlh· er . , And cords a nd c llrlnl n " haln s mnk~ lov ely tl'lmllll l\~s and gircll e5. "J h !ivc fOllnll 11.(' sc henl' 0. ~r('n t money S U\'(' I' nfi w ;:- ll n::o a m ~ all~ of
DlI l\lIe- [ t il"" .> n g'lrt. I U:II l "11 JII l l h fnl\ l u~ IJf lOr·
PlaIt .
~d s l x .s~ r. a nd took oot only biro ,)lIt his cOITIPa'llToiT to.j~all.
draperi C!:oJ yo u e Vl' !' !;RW. a i llt all in s Hch
f tJfl SL" I
Mll rl Snrcllu ul.
All An cicllt Targe t . Ca!'sll r ',; ntl"III Jun ltn d I.>""u ntlrn c! · ~ d tJy tll O sllo llll:a Yf: r 111 I lit' cro wu Th\l ~ he l!ilSSCli along lu U!; lI lll 1! , ell rtUy . "Ti,ut's anoth f.'r un n or t.hos e dod · lerlu;; .old I;OOsI·· l>one IVenlilel' prOIJh. llfl." b'c c huckl e ll t u ~ lul'l , (, IItll lm y .-' l: lovelO1l1 d ""311 ~ r .
lhnl s 1I m . " T h e n I wnuted II I1 I1S\ud Hhadf'S u n d
10 ah lll ll
" In
" I "' PPO!": Yilll hoyt' so me orlglllul :dCRH lIlIll )'OU woul d like to olTer to
1 1l'IH~: (l ou l it S t h e ma.n
III 1'11l!Toll Ali I! so ~1 xl ll';:-1 f nr ~j, wh u!,f-':w hooil f l1 r~ will m OUl1l up
\ \·u l :d .. r nnp IH I(J :d:,
•• \ \ .1 .. rdnt:
t l:) l ~,
~1J1 <.' h l nb C() \lra~o
1 tb lllgti
h · !:'. !! ., t " .
II l. lm .. WL·III ' ... C ,"
\\ ' ;
Th o mH :i
Ile to Culif ul'Ill" ill
;IlIHhcrl h lmsp lC by
YUII l\ ,!cJW oll P I all IltlY rx qu i:sl tl' n f'c h
" J' w
!:il'lIotO I'
:iepl tHUUC I'.
J o e'.' ''
"lid 111\' hal . g r l e r:t ll y a I\,, !'; \:1)(':16 ont'. ' 1," In t llp ~: lI lit'. IUII P a s lhrt til'Hl'f.
Cl p\'pl tIlH! P l ai n I H'III' r .
n ard f o r Him .
; t ul s
··OBu tV . A I IOIl ~ t Imm cditll l'ly ht:l g ai llc d '\ r PI)I'ltat!oll he ne v (' r l os l lJr nrr l'Sli l l!; d illi l I' ch i ffon Mt·:tl'f urou ll tl .~.~' n ed>: 31l. m Drow n. a p ru fcsB iona l "hall IIltltl, " ID m(lr' C(JIl !3p it-1I0tlS 1h an lilY ","flMl,lI. s ho It lll ed fo u r W CII 'bero l'< ' ti h l' I' I!!
Stage FrJriell. lI, ,\' C til fa lrt 0.5,
"}) n ~' on
jJ( ,1
Fra nidl n l ' X l lh ll i W II
BI ,(I tht..
Itt t- 1flt!" Jr! 1I 1 i wtllll Am . i1 l dsf'L ,
lIJ:ll ('x p (\ ll llh ,1) I.~ r t; al1 y
th t~
!oltO f ),
(I r
hels ;} l't.:lln ll,H ~ h f: " _ On f\ l a y ~ \. HS·C GI'~hnrn n OT". Ii rM Ileu tp u ra t. l o f t b (\ !·; rc bll,;. w ith 1.111. , 1 I I'"
'o m"rr
iHd l
1Tl f' II h · t'l ttlH I s ll l[' ''' :111 11
Rlll r ird ~ U\l l h \l' nld T hf' Y n ' a rlll ' d 1" Jllit \'l tt(H }". 'H\ l ( Ul g \\ ' l l ll hnl L I.L I.l d . '-I !It I WI ' 1l1 I.llwu rd fill Itll' Y (a lll ' " I II ~ 'a p c \1 1" "'(
h "1.
A 1l1 !lr·
t,"\' (Jl lfl
t ll\.~j'
~ ltW
I lit' l on ~ ' hI r\c, lr!t " ·n l f· I H a , tlll~ !'lH\I !:i of \\ I, II II wen' j II II,f·l" h h lt t/!Til e F ri~ Il h li n PX1H"li I II I II h ad 1,. \ ' I i ~I ' T, t tl 'J Il . En ~ ! <.d ) n for 11f ) (1' 1,. r lHl r!J LI ~ e I ll ,I !1 Tu
h fld
;'\., 'ort II Wh-,I 1 , ; t ~.!o. : l ~~I;: .
Til " Jl tt·: ,· IJa n .\' r f'.tl l /.(\t t f lin t 1! •.: ] tm ;:'·~(Ju~!I:· f l~1 p Rf; .; U;"I ' h;,11 )J(" I. dl~ ' al r cldy lt C'. o:npll sh c<l . \\·twa lIe r l'a(' h f:' !J l OV" T t ~ O :, f, '1 LO\lhl HClllall ), hr. iHI" n:. i1 i'\ un\n y tH: Wil l ua\'c dUIH: sut!llI~ lll1 11 g pllsl.t I!. ir t li ~'y l1 t.:': ~l t Old';' f oY( (' I !,e. r . l1fJ ()~h ) r u n :t h. l' Xl)lufl~ r 1i .IS l' Y': !, Li t . ~I. :I ' ~ li.r·(H !r rf ) , (' ~ h c r t il'fI .i rJ ;P p , tt:llIl 1tt:- l , t il\: l,'I f( ' llInn a \'Ig,!ll iU Ii v I' the ' !,~11 il.! r n ·('L C! ,l hrt\\("ttl th p tll a r.d I h+ ;";1(11 " \\ lIh l n Ih~· 1,,(· tH n' glUlIs III H!I
Th e~' 1i(' I ICJ ~ jl"fI
W;t l (' r
r l-/'(Ird
n t 11" '1, ,ll fir.OVf' r y a nd tl ll ' l l 1' " I I !" iI Inrl( 10 thoir ~ h l p..; 11) i mp a r l tip · j ,, :, 1"11 tl d!li ~":~ 10 tlll ' lI r IIl Jl nd l l: ~~. 'I'll, ,} f01 I1HI t l)(' ('x prtlll i(lTl 1111111 /: (-<1 In I t,,· (l r . l .t :O l g rt .. fnr. tl lll· j .l g- IlJt!lr a l}~.(' I H(', :-;I f J nlt tl F r:lllld i n h al l l U1S~{·' t :.twny . IIr wn!- O Shaf f!tl th ' , ml s nl'Y fJt sh h r lll
( ' ,1111
Arn I I IHi:-.(' h
W: l r,
III' ~ t m at "
:' 1I 1t.1I (· t k 1..::0.1 )1".1 Il 111 11 w h if'1i !)(' V (: n years h .· u IllitO I: l'n Jl {Jrt ~ lJ l d l" .. :u v !'Ius i ll t h e l-. Ul1l h t.: J'I, J)u l.u l'(,!~: I(ln ::;. at HI D r. FOred . 1: 1"' ( 1\ ,\ . Cuol<. Ol Hl'l luk ly n who wa s a trl l.' IIl J Il~ r o f l h e t):tJlI(' c:q lt-d IU on, RJ)ea k a I n ( h ,., h \;.; lIeSl tC l' m~ fJI ttH': N ' I rw eS ian .. "\V II CII une 1s s hi !Jtnatl: w ilh u nlan
wl' h h is men the s tarv a llUl 1 1!o,,1 l,e l"l I,. thl: are t lc r~b i tJ lI rUI twu loo g yea l ~, " h e sa l d " il l: 1Il'g i . ll~ t~ \uu)e r. tn clr ShillS nn ll .so ug h l It. · Illh lll ll1nU . sta lul him . I 1<Il~1'.' AUlIIt.dseu well . An d Ii 15 I hls SI,,"mer ('hannel a lo ng As rSl 1113t ,. 01 " I" Uj1udltloll h6 111[0 eon~ t t h a I Arn li lids n h fl~ lol lo\\' ·rl III'O IICII h in l e ll " '" onl y n c<l l\siml)l westwa rd: on d th ~ F r anl<lln Pllrty ll ut e OO1\111.l1 10 n, out tl' lIta ll or wonderfu l ' raonly l)o tl,t ~tI 0"1 t h ~ h()rt cu t to 11Ie) sO lirc~ . A'llIulJ~.r: 1I h lu l oD e b Obby. <: h8.nn " l. bul I h ~ rOt ~ u l Its s hI ps ga" . That IVas. 10 lind the rn gne th) pole. 1 , a w n rnl llg to AI'IIU!\(.ilen whic b he (t,lIy 110 no t lay so milch Btr ess 011 . the j):lSl"- , a g ot tht nortb wes t stl'1llt~ au 1 dtl Improved. Tile nlal' s hows Ihe. tracle or tbe t he. r eportee! di scovery of tb~ mJ.gnetlo GjO" I\s ehe o CQre d ' Lllocasle r ~ouutl , Ilole. k\ -mll n ltsCI) want ~ 10 m I:v t ill .. I ran, DI\ H1 u bay 01111 ~hreaded t'be cban· pa s$,'l gE'" u or u r to 01'(1 IV' . n el:! lelt.liln... Wt:&lWllfd till .be re' ched W U ;L1S a EOSl)rJ. · th em :-til wi l e n ·th t y fin a ll y fLlJalHl ont:d
'lVL'[ )
"; I?\r '1l'~-:;;j~ ';'-'n'l !<t.~;VI! ' ;\t!opl",l hy 'l'r \l ('~ flXJuir " at nUiI"tt "ffio" '' o f tJil' ~rl()1.I11" HUILrll ing li Ot ull \ 1 • Jl'or Jn grl pI'l) "lwIlY" ' , \AO "HoIL it .. rO.!i'nl/lr IIW ,·till~ First luc>Dtll ~. ' JI~U'\) IIl1d ' GlIul'I'Y 'Ext> torll n t , , . l\1(lG . . Hold hv. .J E JUl11llIV. . \\,hun'n ~, " n tl ll' 1I.11 '1·Ulu g (,f J ~th l'l lrll 'S,lr,lh Mil 1't;\1,; , ~'Iu~h Of , UOr, I\t\lu th' :10 . .HIII;" OU I: )",us !lU!< ! "'II,.. \\'in hll ~ I.Ippn vel'r ill ' with ' (m eu. f,,,· tl h' fit',,;!: lt lflO. rltlPIJI.·ll ,,0 [101'1'''", mont u.. . : . . b.\· Iho II ~lllg lO t ;- tI~lIltO, ( . .JUUIlCIY . . .. ' , fl 'ou\ t hl IJ fe t n tlll ' Itr h, tl' I·lI nl. MI~R ;nil .H llblll$O Il t.~ IlnJI)~~lng.H 'l'Ll!l'eft'n ' t, It l't',h.lved thu t III \'\~i t ~f II fo r tnight- .\vith l·ehlti.V l! '.bOlT cl, 'tlth I l ;I 'IIl ,. "t1h l l'~"r tt'lOllu lu ,' un rl fri e nd!; in V .. yto» . 111IIily 111'0 1l1ll,l,' 1110 1' 0 fdl)" t u rUlIl. :\ir 11011 MI'~ . •J. Milt Rey lIuLl IIIr. i:r.u thu t Jl(J l'IOlI lful' ts h n\\'o\'ol' Vl oll ~' and . I:il"'I'WllIl pyko ' woro ill 1I11t . '\l U won lt'll howo" e r f{rl' llt l'nn Dnyt oll a ll husl n oi;s !:;Itt,lIrrhlY st n~' th o IJ ilIll11llf nf'Slill.\' '11' lift th l' Ro \' . P hilip Trout w nt to 8 1lrinll' 11111 lit II ' ,J!' :.;l'iuf , fl cld MundilY tu soe hi s bl'<lt.bol' ",lI " Ih,:<ulvcd. Thllt hoI" l' lIoorfn l sWl r elllttins vory ill. cuullton'~IICl1 UVU Il through lliro ::infMr . P. E. K ('u ri c k hll ~ 11(1011 ve ry f' · I·I1 I~. 11, ·.. '1' 0111 .: ., 1IIIIIt l". I,,! ill f or 8 'woek or tnotl' but is now tai ! 11111 1 1." .' 111 1' ..... 11 "' :111" 1111' " t HI I I\blo to be Ilboll t II glli n : f,)r(.K "I h"r 11I1·"d.: :lllIla ~"H ·I III" ·. 1 · D11 lAl D . [""t1Io ")II "'" I I,."t" "" I'II I'IIII~" " " I" M i: lsses e flnO( (tL ow ulngo "" ItT",l il ' r IIii'll 1· 1 \ . , ,tl \\ 1 ' tl t ~l l" Xellin., vi~i t,ed ar ll ong th eir r elntives ( I I "IIIU lu ll ' 1" ' 1' I , P IIII Itdlu"lit 'l! tliid In this "Icinll,y II fow 11nys t h b hlll'p~' I' lui 1':1 ('1 " 1' \\reek . 1: \I~,.;nh' I\'1. Tll!l! n t'l lpy .)1' tlw ... p Mrs. John C. Hllwko w ont to Dn y· rI'"" llIt i' ,' h I,,' 1""""1110-,1 I .. II,, · I.. ' t on Illst Thllrsda.v to s pe n ll th o tilLY n'II\'(,d funli, .\'. Ih nt th, '.\' I,,· 'I'r, ·" t\ wit·h her dllughter. MrR. ,loh n lI P'" ' ,, "I Il JlIlIlIlJ~ IIn ell! c·op.I· "n(·" ol FrOtnnl. t il \)tll' t'l llll g llllHI II..) rs t n l" I. ..lblwn tl fll. Mrs. FrrHlk HlLwos of Crosllwi.':- . ~1 ,IJ n: L R 1l ,' '1' IIN . P rll" who hall been dultgero u sly ill f. I' I ~ I )',\' I:'I 1' 11.1 ~I . Lt: I! . "l'e. two weeks o r m o re. is now convlll · A R C Il A~I'U:I(. SIIPt.. oMoing. I.YIlI A A . l·"NA lt l •. ~ll1ll'11n . The chlhIren of Henry ·'Lttert h · _. - __ waite nOl1r Cnesn r s Ur eok IIHlotin ~ Warning, '-----. h o use htl vo boen unde r going IL s i('l-1(' .. __ . __ ... _ of whooping cough . \Vlsl , t" ,.,,~' to fl fHfHl l'l"" 11', ' Mr. Racle r AdlllUS lIud family o f h ILI''; IHln' tnl.iIlOCO f rom . w,' YeJlowBprln~woreguesttl of MI'. wilt · , pay full priqe fo r IJ{)x .. " 'W il ham Zell lind fnmtly lelst. SI 'rIiilde of popllll'. or plI rt popillr. h(II I1 ' day . lock or u llythi ll g (1xcopt pin t'. Th ()., Miss Mabel Grnll! MUS'I' bo plulJ , Notice >10111 (' of t,h !' Mr, Geor iilia m, of Xeliltl above kind boing put, out. :wore "-" ts of'Mrs. S. S. Haines M I A~tr' V 0\1. 1,1<:\" L ~: .' tr or' lUA "0 ("II. ·_- .....Il"'.tirda'y nnt,j) MondllY. " er StUll Mere~lIh .
Mr. Ray Zell of Xen I u. came to Waynesville last 8unday to l1.tto1\d tho fn uerll.l at Mr. O. D . Rader, and wus also ~uest of hi s relatives MT . ~illlUom. Zell a·nd family· Booh , who hil A been Ilssistiug in Mrs. U. M.· Whlte's millluery store for some tilDe, htu!! r e turn ed to b er home In Aroonum. . For 811.1e-Valuable Wu-yuesvill o r eal estate. lnor ells ing in valno every year. A good inves tment, right Uot h oru e. Inquire lit tho UlIZette office , William Myel'. n vetern.u of tlt 0 Clvll War Ilud II brother of Mrs . Mary Lewis went to Lebanon ,Mon. day where b e will bOl~rd lit tho County Infirmary. Mr. Chari ell Dunham n~d fllmil .v. of Dayton were in attendanco at th o funeral of Mr . C. D. Rader Sundtly aUdwereentertalned over Sutnnlny night at the 110me of their friend s Mr. nnd Mrs . •Joe Evnns . Dr. A. T . Wright, WIIS greeting his friends down t own. 'fuel!dllY morning, for tho first tIme since 110 • was taken slok' with IJDeUDlouia. about a month a go . The Dr, h as had 8. hard siege Ilf siokness and h is' rnllny friends are glad t·o seo hi m uble to be about The venerable Joel Evans bad severe indisposition Inst week , which wus the oause of I1llloh lLOxla· ty to his friends fnr 11 short time but his remarkable constitution came to his aid nnd he hns rtdli ecl once more. Having purcllasod the property known as the Evnn~ place lind iu . tending to occupy it in the Spring will sell the very desirable modern . eight room dwelllng,--" ornE'r Mllin and Tyler . For further pnrtlo':llars Inquire of Dr. A . T. Wrlr:cllt. WilY, ne8vl11e. Ohio, N . B. Will sell witl1
Apph's. Urnltgos, Bunlllllls. Lom on , G ropes . i:5weel, p o tlltoe~, (J'tUIJH !:O, OJJiuns, .. tr.
, I,'
or wlthol1t barn . An ordinance of the villllge nf Wayneeville prohihits positively t.he throwing of nshes on tpe public. streets and a.lIeys. During the r6~ent cold weather Il numbe r of p e r · . sons vlolilted this ordinan ce. ILny further violation will . sl1bject plU'ti6!l to tho penalty of the 1l\w.nntl the Marshal is ,autllorlzed to see that this ordinance II! strlo tly enfor · ced. · .
- - - .--- .. •-.
Storm Does Mu ch Damage.
That Cough
TAR 25c, 50c, and $1. For sale at
Cl. \ ~lIRln
'Vitlt willt<.,l' onl.,· heg un, Ollr Ureat ,Ja1l113.1'Y cleal'9l'nc(' ~nJ(' comes OppOI'tlLllel~· . ]>:Ll'ti('.ularly 1'01' 'those who h ..,\'(, thtl~ . fill' 1)~vAg'ht fI()t Ii ill .~: ill IlI· ;I·' ·' · \ ·~()t ltt ' ~. I ( :-., '('111:'; :t pi1~' t ha t guod llH' I'(~ h;II)(II S ( ) ~ \t)\tld 1. 0 1'('cll1(:('d III 1'1'1('(' tlti~ t':Lrlv ill the ~ l'''~()Il. Imt IHlIt.' h oftlu' hllyillg' , f\ S \)('('11 d01H', allel Wt' hart'
i'rom al\
I('l trll('d
...;:tniili(·(, (11:1 11 hll~i lIl's~
of t"'('llt .' · - Ili~.l~''- lit' s i1
(': I\T ~' ~.O( )(b()\-':~ IIlII'I('
is hd.l'(I\,
(J1()po s itioll,
lip at. a
!.IlIllk g'otHl
lIlld ,,' ('
~./ ""--
i'oi(IIl :-i (I,
Vin£ Suits.
Fine O"ettcoats (' h" if',·"r Iwonl .v . liI-,' 1-1 (' 11 '" FiliI' 1',,')1 -. I'; \I
~yStl \ l'l
t:li lo l' in g. BI :Il'I,s g: 1'ny:-: :-\(' I lt t'h f... n·oj.'t~. "re. l{l'gulnr va ln ll ~ ~I"' . ~:!I l . :;;:?:). :uHl $.!.... ,l an n !! I',\" ( : 1 0I ll'nll (' f ~
l 'l",i,'" o f ~(I\' l' lIt \' 11\' " M (,Il '" ' lI it~, III1I1lY I~, M . S ~· "t""" ~/(ilnro(l, "ingle • lind ,IIIult l,' . ),/'1' 11" ,,·, 1 "t~· I ('~. t'nlcu'K hllwlt , t;:re.\· 1:It "v i ()t~, woriltellll ~, I't e.. 1111 thi ~ ~ 1 ·1I" 0 11 . ~ 1llllllllrlll'l lIrl'K Vu ltJ ,,~ *lfi. :l' IS. IIIllI l!':!tI .IILII 1I111'Y rl,' nrullr (' pl'il' ... ..... .. .... . .. ... .
$] 1 50
(' ltoil',' of n r arly tift .\· Fin o ()\'C1·I· [lllt ~. 'i ll ~l,' lnuny c ut ;,:! iJl c lll'~ l r)ll~.(, Pril ' t~ *11, ~1 ~J, :j:ltJ aU ll ~I ~, .11lIlUIII'.' · SlIl l1 III'\{·P ..... ... " ,
IIUllbl" lon':Jsl(·ll · st. y"'~ ,
Chllil'n of
11 I lIq':l1l1s~"rt.n1l1I1t,
1111 w",,1 1I 11l1 hllllli tllil ll l" '11 :j( 1~.
(;hoico of 1l1)onl. fu rt y ll \" 'I'(")lIls in Y"lI l h, ' alld g re y!!, uml fll II 0.1' lllixtlll'l''' . 1111 j·l'p,.h 11I'\\' st.:v ( ',~ . Vllltl C'R $ t :!. :j:J ·1 I1 l1cl :;' I~, . .tll llllllry c l eO I'I1UCU l>ri co .. ....... ..... .... .. .. .. ... .... .. .. ....
$9 75
to t:,. /llI d
s" II H)~ I "lI l1tl $ :!II
SUIt!!. \"'l1lnlls \ 'IIIlIr
~ tont...
u.Drl oxtrlllllze", m lm jV
II l1r e ~H l l \ .. .......... .. ... . . .. .. .. . .. . .... .. .. . . ..
:'0 1,·" ',, ';':" ' . h lll(' I,,,.
All onl' fin est. hlllcks 111111 fi lln I~ . M, S:V HI'('III'1'lIlIh r(111 SnitEl 1I,llel n ow " '!llIl,, tha t Il I'I' ~o(), 1 \'I1I 11 n~ at 1'''j{lll'l pri eM, !lnting .11l1l1l 1l ry Clollrtlllc(1 ~ 1I1 0 lit,
Ovn l·I·" "\. ~. f l'n~ h
Ultoice of II l;tImll unt, 1.(11,"1 1I~''' r trlll'n t o f MOll 'S ()vCl'cnnts. ~7.r,1I 111 111 l'llln rs UI!1llrllUOlJ Rllio prit'IL ... .
20 Per Cent Disoount
A IlI l'go Ii no IIf fun oy !lha II
1: ,.h e \o o~t
~t.i IT 1\ 11(1 / l<nft-
h il t" (rnfll .OQ~
Boy~' ~fic
.; ...
Oll[l!;. eluring the -.Illnullry sl~le ' for .' ..... .... :. .. "., . ~...
82'!..,48 . ;
Choi oo o r 1111 iillo 11011 lili U ndol'wl\/Ir, 11m'ln" .Innnnry ~ IIIA
nlllke rH 01\ ()/lrth. :103 111111 f,:I.1iO \'11111 (11', . ill .JlltJlltlr.v c le u.ranoo ~O l'l ... . ..... .... .. .. . ... .... ... , .. .. .. ..... .......... .. ...... .'......
~,.;.." .,...,.
jl1 ~t UI I) I,hh;~ for ', .llllItl ltry Hille llric,n .. , ... ." ... ., .... ........ . ....... .. .......: .... .
nn,l ('ll l'!!" Scot.oh 'J;/lIIII', ..B OYA' .
~.Oo v llltl o~ .
A . n ul,i ce Bon'ed nn 111 0 mb"!,,,; !l OW..... ..... ... ...... . .. I of t h e city COil 011 Mondtly t o m eet ! . - - - --_..-- - -....,....-----~-...,......:=:. in Mlleolal session \n t.h e ove niu g t t' consid e r .1 dr.lllilolld u1l\de by Mn h lnlt Ridge ono of the t,wo pe r sons 0 11 t.h f' bond of Mllyor VlT. O. Rave r r alr Hs . ID g him fr om th.ut r espon sibility . .: Mr. Ridgo mtlde it in h is let . tor to conncil thn t h o would 110 lOll gel' serve . Bofore .tho time for n l(, , B S fl meetin g, how9v~r . . . owell \\'11 ;< secure d h:v t h o Mllyor 118 l\ 1101111;< man Imll th o meeting WIIS ca ll ed 011'. . ['hu ien of Ilil o nr tinest Suits. worstcuM, c hev iots, etc, Hllo U. l:i. UJe Utont is t h o otll nJ' of t.h e kett ,Cllrllllrt 1lJIIlle ucst ill t h e In,nd ",.II1C8 $8 Mn\Tor 's bOlldsmen lJ.lld it. \\'H~ r oo I 'hoil'f, of 1I11.oUI: t: I: :,s t ~ 11I ~I,n "III~ oI ' l~lh ln hl'l'II'!!',1 B~:v~ 8.l11t~. w1l1() _wa lo .Inllllary olollrlllloo 'price, ' . " p orted Slttnrllny night tllll t· ho wnn' tel1 s. bldl k!'. 101 11''~ .0 " .1 (1"' 1\1 ,1 • . "·~I1II1. r $ t .•. "' Ie. C h oice of till onr r ogulul' Iiuo~ uf KllOO PlLnts Suits ~(j wouldl\.lso withdJ;lIw ItS II bmlll slIl lIll nncll!UH \',0111,' ''' .l nnlllll''y "I I'U1'IIIICO ~1I1,' 1'1'I(·0....... . . . . . '1. • . I und som e vIl IIl O~, Juuunry olenrlln ce price .. .'.. " . .'..... . ill' hut if h e intended to do so h o 1'0. Gh oieo of llLrl.(e ll t!s· o l' t.l1)ont l)f B \'~ . blllllk ~i nt;<, ILIlII (IIDO Y Jln.ttel'ns· 1 Ch oico of 1111 ~r, Ilt)(~ soma t.U Boy~' l:inits, many Hplendid consid e r ecl lli!! intention . ~111!(~0 IIntl Il Ol1blo hrron s tNI. * I"! nnll $1 I \'1I1n ti, .] nnullry bnrglllllf:llll thiS II ASo rtlllent·••Jnllllnry prl ce .. · .... ··.if. .. · .... 'I' ~- - -~ -.- - - clellllln ce Rnlf' ......... ......... ....... ......... .. ..... .. ........... ...... Ch oico of 1111 Boys ' Kn eo Pan ts Snit!! 801<1 lit '2 DO nnll Notice of Appointment, A ' VOl'Y gnO t] 1I,. ~O l'tllll ' 1.\t "I' 13"ys ' L O ll ~ Pllnts Sni ts. Clo '-I h. :f~. now in .1lLDunry ~l~le 1It. .. ...... ... ,...... ... ... ... ... ... .. ..... .. • .f . , :;;\ 0 nntl :;:U VIIIl1PR . nllW in .,lInullr. ,· "1If' .... ......... " ... .. . ~ ,~ . ,
Boys' and Children's Department.
::O~~1(~~~~.~ Suits.
. .
. '"
$11 DO
K~:~~~:!~ Suits. 'i. ,n $5 .75
$ n:75 0
I~i! th l t·
of M a r y
S ~ ~f3I ollt' y ..
ucct :UICt!
Oht o , dCl·c a ~ l.'11.
(l'1I' l'llt i ro' lilll' of ( ' rlll'('nl't' l o~ 1I1lt! ~ nl (' al' /I dj,i"')ll nt o f :!tI P"I' eont.
Outell trdl! IOlll Llll'~' uf .1 ;\lIl1;U Y ,\ :\1,\1<"
f 'l f 1I J")t "f 11l'1I )\,PI1 1111/ ':-: , lura ll Y 1111 w no1 :-;tli t ~ . and *1; , l!'1\f1nd * 111 '· 1I111" ~ .. 1111111111'.1' n!o'IIt1I1WO ,,, Ill prl oC' ...... ..... .
( lh n;rf'
I !l il t:
Ml,.t ·I.U tlt:.
(" If\ t ~ IIl'n
Ila in
.hnnll ry
Adll1lul ~ l ralr ix
"I~. ':1..
1·.!:-1 p 'l i r :4
CHEs'r PRO'fE CTO RN f)Oe anll
.. l n u lIlI!' .\"
F i tlt'Ht
Tr o \l ~p n=.
ClI oieo IIf ull our fi1111~t Boy,, ' Ove rcoats. '10. '12 lind ~01ll0 $1:" n ow in .TllnnlLI'Y Hille !\t ..'..... ... . .... ... .. ...... ... ........ ... . "lrOrAII clnl'i ng Gh oi(1o of II IlIrgo RSHorhn ont of Boys' O\'e rcol\ts t,hllt ~old [It $10 ••Jllnllary prien ... .. ... ... .... .. . ... ....... " .. ... ............. .
tha t sI)111 at, $ (j ,
~alr l 11 1.\\" .... .. ... .... ....... . .... . ... . . .. . . ... .
Ch oit:flllli 'I'ro ' \l ~I' I'''' tl111t wPI'P 'i'l.
ICh oi ro
:r:.. nnd
KIII IIO 'I'll OIlOH. ill
( 'iltli,·u nf
r ),'HI'll
II hIli '
puttl'nl~. ~q
$ 'L'ltp SCHWARTZ'S $ WaYll('syillo, $
~~- I$ .J~:~;~1;;llm fa c to ries I IIU 0 gnI1l'llntc('c[ in th o Jot at
__ Z .l
of Boy ... · O\' (1 rellllts th n.t. sohl 'IIt 'i'.r,O .
Boy ~ ' ()v o l'co nl ~ .
,)1111 '''-(01' I'il' ~)n
li nd $ 1
1'11111" ,
; ' : 1,
hair li ll (1~.
II lid
a thol' .n..I'.o..t.
n ll\\' ....... .. ...... . . . . ....... .... .
$] .24
I J)oy~' :::\1tOl"t Pnllts. in 7r, lind 1I5c /.:mdo. now ......... ... .. .... : .. "....
PlLntfl, ill riO nnd (jOc gnule, now .. ... . ......... ...... .... ..
' Boy!!' :Short Punt·s , iu 25c gradc, n ow, ............... : . ... ......... ....... ..
i ~oy;;' Short
ha('kwal'dlH'SS of winter ma,k('s this salc greatly to yonI' aovantage, as many lilH' S or warm wea.ring· appa.rcl ar(~ practieally eompletc.
, , Xenia, Ohio.
iiil\l.~.l.tJ: .R.M.A .. N. ' S ._ . ",~1~~~~ "
n o w .......... ........ ... , .... .. " .. .... .. .
110}!<' tih nrt PlLllt~, the $1.r.0 !.(rn cl 0, tlo w ..... . ....... :.. ..... .. .... .... .. '1.23 , Bo .\'~' Hhol't Pltut"., ill $1 tlllli U . ~r, graclo, now .. .. .. ...... ... ... .... .... 890
50 & 52 E. Main S .t.
$7.50 $4.4
Boys' Short Pants 81.!) H
Ilt ' ! ' l"lIlt'"l . . . ..
vo lno
. .... ...... ..
.I H U 1I II r \' !-o ll l, · 11) 1' " . ..... . . . . . ..... , . ..... ...... . . . . . . ............... .. .
.l n u n:l1·Y
30( ~
~t~ · H '-.(
1I!.o4.48 $3,50 '$1 98
Boys' Overooats.
Men's' Trousers 4 ' h(I1 I ' n~lr
. ,
Jl n :H RV
;f ;' lIlld * ~
A furi on\! 8t.orm of ruin , wi nd l~Ull h ail enrly Monllnyevoniu g, did n: g r ent denl Qf Illlmuge to pl"op erty in t his vlcillit~', but IJQ very sorloll~ hllrrn hilS be~n I·opol·tell. AJ'HI\'\"veY!itmr g n. ll\J·go .~eotion at' n (1 roof wa bl own fro ~n th e United Brethre n OhUTCII . At Lvtlo thl' hili) was ql1ito s!lvOl·e; .n number of wi ndows in . tho'('0l-id olloe of Levi . :Jli Dozen M el1'~ $1 IIUet $1 :!:. N o,.d i ~p(, Shirts . . Inllllll l·y u ) r~noy wero broken ou t, lind ut th o o~ (. homo of Muuice S il 'fer 0 1.1 the U p cll lLI"IlII Ce 811 10 .... ... ., ... .. . .... : . ., ...... . ....... .. ...... ....... ., .. .............. " per Spring poro ]lIke. n l'lrgo gl l1~" . Uhoi ce of nil BOHOIlI !;hirl~ ILIIII Malllllltl nn.." ill t hn .~ wns ~lown ~rolll ~ .ll!LY winuow, n N0l:rltgee, styll'~ . H :,0 nud ,·nln "". rnl' ... :... .. ... .. .. .. ........ . 'Ii' chimney WlIA ,bloWll fr om' tbe r o i· dence of J . 'Vill Whi te In ·Wuvnel:l· Ch ioe of :'U ,1 " 'l.e n \n l~{) n Brlls. Fine N(' c IIWOIII'. ;,Or 7!JC IIlld. $1 vj lie. and nltluy fon oes, pllr~>I of .·a luo. IIn w in .I anullry 0InIl I'1I1)('" ~II" ' , ~r,o ('I' l.hl'l:'o fo r .... .. ,~1.00 ,~ trees, Rwin gs. Elt,o.. -;vere blown llmvn -tFino HplII!'titt'h ('ll Hllucll!l'l'oh ipfs. I'l1l' t linC'l1 . I:;" \'lIl1 tr·. ~ nl r1 prie(J ........... .... .. . ................. ......... .... .. ., .... .. ...... .. ., ..... .... .. .. ... . Mayor's Bbndslnan !..JII 111 h l'l!' HlIll dI;P l'l'hil'f." , plod n nn,l fllll('Y bOl'llor~. l Uo v/l lnf!. Demartds to be let off.
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L I. .. 1",1"" t "'''" llr( \ ~.' nt.. tl.Yt.Oll Wl'r,' "' llI ld a y I I,d 1;'," , I I.!"!.'" ~ It!.! iI 1tt \ 1" . . r, " ' 11 1 "I"! ; \- I I ,. ~IHlH 1 "" tl f ~1r , J oP L'r inl z 1'\I I III I !.! 1 1) i:;f'u ~~1 ' 111 ,-\ 11 , !.!I· II, i.. ~' I "II I' II • IIf 11,,· 1" ·"ll l i,·~ o f i'i ,,111 11' ,, :. ~ , . .\ 11' III' '' ' .~ . ' ~1 '1l 1 1 a ll d \ \' 1f lt ~\I 1l el'n ('hi o Ilt n t 11'(\ 1111\'" "II kllld .. l ,r .I " d \111 1" '( It,· " I 1'1 I' 1(l a ip. MII l' ril i, II ll1 k ill :,! " I I: " "d ill ): .. .. ... .. ..... " . Loui~t., Hr l lHd :-:. t l 'llt· B ,·II Il ITII . 1 1:1' I ,1'1 I d ,'., \ . I ' r li l li, I L, \,' Ilfl tl I Ii TlIlI, w lt1l111llr a t nil til'll~ U ll ti Hllt1 Ht H l t\' bl'i , .. , ,, 1' \'bi l with ill "" 1·: 111 1 :11 11'1" '11" 1' 1 . \l i ~· \\ \.,. !I 111 1 111 111 j'\I II I I, -4 ll il tl un,l i, 'f'. 1'ain HtHl IHllls1)inC' urI) lih o 14 11111 11 ptl l \·11 ' 1', .. l u l'lI · . ... " ..... .. Il o ra cl· 1\1. ~r )l " Jl. p ...... l1d\· 1 1\' !l " l '11 1 1, 1'1 1' - ,',111 .. 11\ ~1 1 .\ il l l dl, · r . I1I . ~ l lf' 1 I,\' t o (oil" ,,· Oll t> 1111',111 ,' 1' ill I'II }>i ll tt t Iw l' :ot \lbnrllllT l 111 111 11' . 1 '11 1 I , "'! II '1 , 1 :'"'lit I II ill .1,' \\ ' 1 11 1 IlI oIIl . 'wl l l' \' 11 11 111.· , ... Mr , .J !1 ~ lI11 Itt'dft ·rn . nl' X ('n iH . ~ Pt '1l1 1 1 t b('t1:-;~ I\I /l '111', 1. , 111\ \l.' 1' rt l l.\" I .f 1,"' 1' \\' 1' ; ' 1' 1' "' liT \' I II I' ll I'll 1h ' lt ~lt . Sn llr1 ny alit! M O il 1 1:> w ith 1\ · "'· " l'~"I ( , ,, ,. n I·:.\ h il,il . Th, IIli i t' l al ~'· " rt ' I·: lI d ;\( I.I!'lcd h~' Th l' Ohio I·:-'. \I t· l·i A l dlll l l\\' I I : .• 1; 1. \ I!, I",\ . I ~ , r l \\ .1\ 1\' 1 ' 1 1I11'/I'I - \\,' (\ :-- :-- tl l l ' I\ I 'll ll l\ l l , l ' \' 11'" ( r i< l!l1 1;. 1"1 '111 ~!a t ll) ll wi ll Ill.' \I ~ d in j lld ~i llg 1'{I j lll !'-\ .\ Lu·,' Fourt h Numb er t '1\ f' /, wh· 11 I I ' • 1 ' II' ", .. I 1' 1.!hl .... Id.· \\'lt ll 11 . .:. tl·O \\ I· It! }I 'rl\ h' ~I '" . ' I t tlllk ,\w l l il d ll Jl 'd 1,1' , .:111 '1 ,11\ Li lll o U c loll ~I"r i lltl , ,ll1 l1>:h l, ' ,. " f l :\ j.' r ic ul l ll1 ·,· a nd Sl'i I I ,, \I "' ll d,,\' 1' \'" tll i l \\' 1' 1" " 1' 11 hi ' 1:-:' of Lectu re Cours e. , 'II I'I ' " .... . ..... .. .. ... .Ju ll 11 l . :l1t·l,I..,al1 I' ""i "I;I,, "~" It 1\, 111,,"1 o ld h:l" ' II ." 1'. ,II )· II ,co 1I 1<" 'l y ~II'. lin t! ~ ll·" . .l l'll lI l lIrl lI l t. I, ,li lY. 'I TI" , fourl.h 1l1l11lhlll' u ( tho \\' 111" . ;t n d \ \, l dll\\ I' r ... , 'I ' , ' I II II" ld 'l ~ . I ) i"lI~~ i()11 1111 :'1 1' , II II!'!' \' ~l l' (l I IlI\I H all d fa THI }\, nl '"I'i llt , L,, (:tul'(' (:I)UI';l O will I Il k. · " 1'1 11!,! gl't"ll ly \',' ; th ,.h'·IIIlI:t t l:i 1ll (·l ltl ll't· ·. t l' itllll '" l i H I " 1" 11t 1 1 1' oIl' t. :--;lllldll ~'I 'd\~l l hl rH ' l lI lsHI B , · lliH· "" I~ .. 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' 1.1 , 1 \\' 11 \ ' T i l l ' l d ' I!l f I " nlh l l' 1' 1 '~ ld~lI f , MI' ~ Hn ~ ~ 111 ,,11 1 h eing g il'l' ll h .'" th e ~1 () ~ll l't i ~ . tll l,· \ \ ' o ndl ' I ' 1"; r h ",' d o n" 1 . i l ll" I' ll IIIIIII 1I t · II1 ~ l1jr l' rJn ~ 111 1\\ ' F !!IIl.\ Y , I ~ ' . ~1. . \\' I I'I l'-I! th 'utl l uC Cllr n'll fr\llli tll lli{' nlt h' ...: H.I"Ull'h O Il~· 1.'11111. o ( Nnw Y o rk . 1 1 H IIH I ~·· ;.In d 11; '1' \11 11 1' I\\' q 111 111 ' ttl r J, II.! lI t 111" }l dll ll' li t lIlli' :-; 1>11 Ex · ::;LHH· 11l' \\' il i l 1 1l ~ III 'IIrl \\ . (I ~ I .\ N . :-i S I-: S ~ III N Tit,· M II~" l' t C lub i H 1111 11 "f 1111\ d In' ''.... lo" l' ll lt l{ ll " rnlit 'l ft 11 1 Lc.. l )J 111 1~n , ,f-~.(", l· ,·"t all,l hc~ t ()'''IIII1lIlif'~ IIPI'IIlI l' i ll t;,,1<1 • ,. • I) n ' 'I" III J' ... dll \' \\'1 ' n l t' l \t 1"1 :-1 Hll l ll :'"- 1 " :III' . 111 ,,1 ~ II'" ( ;('UI'W' Ba ll ." . " I' l ' I'.·"il l,- l1 t . ~ I I·B . :\11 , I"utl l \\'11 :" d l tt· t tl 11:l! ' nlt1t) 111n . 1111 1·:l li ,. :-i(:l'I'e l a \'y , Mi ~" 1,'1 " I'a I J '~ I t)1\1 plalf o l'lIl a t. Ih e pr u'u llt lill\ o I ' I ' . (' 111('111 11 1111. \\'"n' g ll f' "I '; "I' 1),, ·i l· I' ,'1 ' 111 " " 1'"1 1,,,1/; Id" ' ·I.( l' n lll h i'\' ",,11" ,. . . ' I ,I I ' )1 \ ... 11', ·. ·t . Ir" I 'I )111;1 IIi I ~ I:\ Th o l\Jp Zt Lrt Cl11h pr (,:-t o nt~ u pr j) Htl \' h~ Id Iht' Bnl 111 1111 1' I H I :\ 11111 1111 \ ' lit t o n IJ I.i lH' }{ , . \ lul a I-i :1 W kU1S t. I 11 ,V I 'H I ' 11! t! 1:1111 ' l,\' h c Iw' s tl'1t d ~1I11 In \ tll'~d i o ll ' I I \\' 1I ~' \\1111 p "l f.(I'IIIIl tn c l tl1lin~ r Ol llnnti u . c l ns~1U . . , .1\\' 1'a 1".\ '. t 1'l ' lI d J1 111£.: :"1 11' )1 Itlltl p " IHllnr Ill ll>tiO 11 ' 111 ... ' I ,lil Y· C t '11 .. Zoe I' ul, ~ ' III ~ I ' II I " ,, ",," 1111''' "11 . I,n !,llt ,1in j\l u s il' . l it,. e n ervl e N"Ll Il (' lil'in~llt. () r"'''1l 1' \\'Il,' n"~ :'IlI·". I';lli lh 11 " ''1' 1-; i~ 1I1,, 1;i 1l L: a 1It',: I: llnatt li n . ,... . II'/I ... t hu t f ll li t lI t " 11 1111'1 111' ·11 I'I d ' "~ 1 " I . II I a /.l' "1 :>' 0 11 I \' . . viII" ("111 ,tlr" "l 10 1IIi ~~ Ih o 'pl"III11 ,1 pr"II'II I' l ud \' I, i l . " . " I 1l1l~ItUII I~ w i l h 111' 1' '''; lI:.: lt l' ' I' , IYln" vo"y . \\ !! !lln n \\ J \l' 1J "" Ill ' w l lh 11 "1' -1" 11 ' 1" . . I (It. III g" nppo, III . C,lllno!'\. willc it Ih oy w ill f.(ivlI 1Io ru Mt'~ . \\ ' Itll H ";1 '\" 111', : IIt l lllH L UlI I'1' ~ Ia ];i ll g 1'11 1' ( ' Il y IIla l' ];..,I >. le mll !; 'I''''' ln r, nt ('liI'lon '1.11 It · 11 11' \ l lliI :.!" ',li t' /I II O I! ll' 11 1': 11' 1l" ""l'v(\11 ~ou t t.ickol~ will I", n n :\lr=-, . L',' r1'Y H,'''Il ~(J y SlHlt,h uf 'I "" I,..,t 1" ( 1111'1,, \, 111 ,· I,,'r \\"" c; 111 1'''"", l li l\' \I' ll " ~ \' ~ laId ,, );" (II S kill llll ill g' Sl al i"n . . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . '1 1\ I'~. 1\ ul'Y oJ ,." Inllt .1 lllll\(1Y·0! tlrnA' s t"!"l' . S ILf n r ( ' IIIl'innll t.i. w hill' J . II \. 11111111J.{ . . : .. . . til I\' 11 " Hl'lIlinll Mr . TlI y l,,1' 1,. ,, " nll,l o r Il I ar ll\l t\t l 1)1 10 II 11 11 11 I'! '1 1. (I ll,\' .Illllullr y ~7, Ilt ;l P M ;"J l l\\' :..l ll t ' \ HI ' I' I II ; IH aihll l' llt. . ~lJIlt. U II II "n,ill o~" 1l'ip. I 'i s~u ~,; iOll " ")\' " 1'1'fl llI '.,' 111 1 11 Iil'l ll "Ill' III A :II " ( il t) ' htlilli" r,,f'd lit !'<> l x t\' li\' I' Ihnt! - - -r. . . (' . ' , It.! p o pn I.I ll' Itlle · .1 . C . l.I" wk l' Wll" 0 11 (I n l y a l hb Bul t er. ma k ing fol' I , . ' 1I ' ! I1H! ~ I al'k(· t t 11) 11(' ('1' , hu~ Il ~ r oltt tnuny ~H 1t' :-1 Corn Conte st p1:H' 11f bn ~ ;ll P!'\:-I in t1 10 : \\ h 11£' .t llP I'.I · i :-.ul1 tl l ." 1d~t T1ll lJ ll llI h l l\l-4~' i) i ~~ u ~ i ull l ' I1 ~ ltgtlc! f ll r t Ill' 1·1I 1niI1l." wf!ck~. Aft,f'r tlj", l )HIWr trr Mr . If OrIt C'l' ~utlln1llY uftf'l I I f't "" 11 111'1' II , ""I'"I III I )II ' EI1 "I I,I, :-:u\' t'ral ,\'\'I'vk :-o \' 11 · ~11' ., IH len hny . 1 ': I'II t1 ~t, ill i ll , '!' III'S Rllllnk. of l.(l hIl11011.II·t 'l'h eFIl I'IIl (J!·~ (,Illi nn t'llll sl'.lh.v I \ Inll l·.nl !l ~ I " ('h lt' f I I II' ,· ,.] ll ' I' l i o n . foi\J !l lI' II l mlll,' SPTllIIII.tI l·i a n uS"I" .... .. ..... .. .. ... . .. .. .. ... .. ... il1 ~ ('lIrll H'· ·10 elHlt~ f ot' co t't,niu p,l)'. ....... . .. . .. .. MI'~ . lIlinl· l' \'a l, I I1· n l'tl l l ll ·w' pal'(. 1' II II' ll hlll' " ,,,, III ~til, ntl1. t,llOr o will h e Ilonrn ex IInk h' . , · t't, ·d"I ,, · . l tlt ·~. tIll' , ', 11'11 10 btJ ll ('lh'u l' ot1 n il 1{l'aLi in);" hihit. n rut co rn "l'O W ~rs uro 1'f" l lllPs t . .. ........ . l."l1 i ~" Il r" lll.btll lll' " Li ll ' · . "Lid , "1'" al1l1 " 'I ]'1 1 1\' '1' fl l i,l " n " A ),Ollrtl l'nl'~lI t ( 't' "1 0I'VIlI uH tntiOl!1 · .... · .. · ,· .. .. ",,· .. · · " I·~ . 1'(11'1 I> I'i I"'.' in ...~ 1 )" (lil11 \1l~ o f w!tl\t" 11)" II' . Y"'"1 II , , )' I " " . ( '/l -411 11 1 1) 1):-; (1 1'\""1' \\' II ld cl j ' lI l1 l' illd" (I ll . I 'L' ' ~ ll's . LlltiJi t! Vllll g hnn , of \Y ost, " ' " .... ... .... .... tlt.,.v hu\'O ~I!rOWTl urn"(l ( 1,,,,1 .. .. .... .. .... .. I: lu l\ c!ll' Cu rn dl 1''' 1'' '1' I 11 11 I I II I; " 11 II "a" hl'I'~. ll 'I)' I. t 111., 11 ' 111" " "UII ... .. . I; H '"I \\'"' 11111111111'11'1', I~ ",,,kin" lin ox t on,\ot1 'I'h •• o tll ni lll ~"nr(\ c lIr ll. Illlnptl'r l o r h o I' ""l1ghll 'l'. I I J 11111' (l I It' I 'l"' lli l' l~ It. 1' :,( ' I1 I llig ., W" ... ~II'" '1'1,,111"''' Z I' II. "A I'onn y S a l'l'd i;. a 1'''"11Y 1'::11'11 0.1." \"I ~ lt III ('l l l1ft'l'\,\l! o with .... h orbro lh ol' .. ~1n;. ;\l arg-are ltl1 h . L l'O\\' n " " 1 1"' 1'1, '1,' \\"111, " 1.101_ h , Ih o Ohi" A~ri(,llltl1rnl 1';xp(~l'i . 1I'11l'1'1l ~IIB WIll " IJI~ 11 » 11111,1 " 1,;11'1'. ~.II' .1 tJ"0 l'h P . Blm hlllll 111111; ,' II 1' 1' ,,11':1"1"1 / i{ t'l.'ila ti .. n . .. .... .. . .... tl14'ut s tuti n ll \"' ill bn lI :O;"ll 111 jnrig-. vbd t . .. ......... .. .. .. ... .... " .. . .... .. .... .. Minni e Hal·t~u ck ' )I 'i,' :'I;III ~'I " I , . III ' d I I,,· "' ''1 1101 '1I" ' \l II'Y 111,,1 ~'\J ," o B!'nhllll l . I I ~ , .. l ' III1 :- Jl II ' illg p n intR. ~ II 1It,'" III 1 It· 'I'h\.: La tlios ' Aid Hoei o t.,,. u r e vor.v .. ...... .... .. .. .. ~ I r~ . Ll' lil' U1I 111lL' 111", 01 1.'1'1" 111 . fl n ,1 .1" '1I I >tIl " .\ ~ 1 1'~i (' a n lI u lm ' . .. · 11 I· ,. ' " Il11 IlIl Il \' 1'\1 " ." ~: ,,·i'ih e l'ilr () w in~ t o II I" " k II ( flllld ~ , it will tilt ' V" p l' lI pnl'lll ~ \'el'l'u~ nt.H fo r 1'llIlIll's "I' ! I ll'l l l ::! I h r n :-> 1 1l1 1!' 11 I't'!t jl , ' " '' F'II', m l' t llt~ FH,l'l1hH· 'S . IIlK ti'tlut.u ~lnHIR Ilrn h e i InI' O~~ i1Jlc t o Il fr,,1' " 1I1 fl lll' )" \Vl l!"hlUg t ll ti ( ; . Ii. WIl l:'l gr('I.'tlll g uld l { l..!adin g , .. .. l.u u i:-iL' f!r oad :; l IJIlC I ]I tt f'. H fn ..·. ll " 11111111 ;.! II/" II' H:-;!-o' W l llIlt! IH '1 t1 ~ ~ l ' I' \· lH.l ill the, K . 1' . BUllque t liriw, hilt 11. i~ !t n p!lli t.hnt Ih o h l111nl' f ri l' ll lls In \\'lI,Y11 urt"ill" II till )' 1)1' t \I' ll , 1J"(·I.JTl l( ' II n 'sl'tl i C' I ( ·t l ll' II I IWtl \ 'I .I,. \ II :tl J. 01 'Nmrin g t.h e u\\'nnl will hn lin in. II1"t woel<. , 11 11, " I.HI " i'. "l:lllllfl Il' III", ·d \\' 11 11 FI{I\)AY , , :lltl 1'. ~l. . (~t1I l " 11 11 ""eitillg , h o oti ll~ Hillt c h , l'l'lllh ' l':-: I nk flJ'ltl JI ~ HIJ Il'a l ll' l' . h nt t l lld{ ,\l1('(' ll1 o nt to 1IInny j)f'I'M()nS 1,' ~ 111 p l' Mr. llll1l Mr •. .11'11' Mllr ll1 tl hll, l pl ll(!1' tHH l1' thld.;on tlil\· ill o rllil . '1'1': ,\1 : 111-:1 : :-" :-i ES S I() N " 1'1' 11 tllili . , lid 111'" 111 1'('" 11", (""" r "l\ d ~ l l\ li"n i'i1l for th u it' !; l1 Utit S :--;'undll Y 1h ei r 1)111 t.h" "n nt (l~ t 1.nrdlly • •ll1nunr:v~() . , ~lIt ' I }('t',l ~, )Jng 1."1 1) tll ' ( 'i l .\· , lind thi ' rl ' l lll \\' h it' h S~ ITIIP pru 1)1 ('h a J').~ I ' II f Ch arl l '::; A . l:ruwl1 c ti c pd 11lIlJ'k~111en 1!'<> .", 11 1114 ' I Hl P ? u l II J'( ' ll 'n ~ (' In li ll tJ lI:- . I llll k 11I1J't fri e n,l " IlIH1Ihl ighh fl r" , ~LI' . 111101 Ml's. S ' I I II I , ll1l',' t UII 11 Mrs. Chap man Surpr l·sed. Bobn rl, Williltll l '''" . MI' IllIll .~I I·." . I'i an" S o l".... .. ....... halh l1e l' n Ill 'f'l',' (' d .) .... . . .. .. .... .. .. .... .... .. .. 11' · 'k . ' I 'I' - a\l' ; e " lI}L ' n !t'1HI II IH, ~U IV ' II I' II ' .• 1> . . ··' ... · .' \ ' 1 " , 1111' • hl'l'I1\g. II · II wOllt,h ll l' o f __ ___ Il I' lI l 1 f O ' 1 II tlI111 I ~ l u ltoi llJu lIlr . J!,UI'I \\' 11 11 ,," 1. I{e atlin );" .. .. .. .. .. ...... ' . . . . • • " .. .... . ' h ' .. .IIl .. ... IIII .. .... . .......... .. .. Ll>ui s l: LlIIdd s l ul1 l ~I. 1111,1 dll'y~ pr ecetlm LIl~t Fl'ic1IIY "'Ii,. tht1 hirlllll,, )' an. ",m (Jf ( \111101'\"1111, . . ~II" ,\ . h . i"\"I' H"nt, 1111" l'I'IU I'n"" , alld I' ..O r.l' Il " \\,111~. Wl 1l111 lit" l.iterlllol HtJg n\v or ~nr.\' llf Mrs .r U , V hltpll1U Il, .. ... ... .. ( ' . :\ . I :1'1111' 11 I "' t,'1' II 1'1"1111'" ,,1..,,\ "llti" l1( 'I' '· I~ i lill ~ . t )lI'!-l . Ht, l.L'ewl Hu nda ll. Wil l I I lu ~ Sl· hnol \Vllr\{ anti " " l'I 'IIl'llt 'd ; ' (1 in th., ~hlltl(" I,. ('('I' . Life \ \'u r l.; .... .. .... . , . . " \: 1111 1'1 ' 11,11 1"(':- , I1I1 t1 ,111 ~ t t-il1 Ui1 I1 ,\ ' : tu i lll .\· phl ' I H ItIlf'tlld IIl1I111nrillf.(h ol'''I,"'~ IH't1 nil II "I~it l hp. " l1 ~ Pl' llll : IlJ;I,htJ Wi11I(1J' III :\ , nHf} th o ' f l'uit, " ll i" . I 'i a l1" So]".... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .... ...... .... .. ... .... .. .. ..... .. . .. ~I rs . Fr.~d \\'hil l' ~I' h ,," 1 ( IJlI\" ' II II 1111 tlllpd I III' 1'1' " , "tl ll ~ 1l 11lvhl' for Iho dll" lit. t.h,' h " lll O o ( 1\11' """ I\'ttlll\l' l' I> ru l.ito I ~ 1' lI"l lit 1111' ~I I·: I'IllIl'l'h . 11111111 I ' · " " "hl . , I'" I'(' "ij'''I'\\'lIrd f'li ~" Il S l ohl' l'. ~II' . ti o .. I' ''' ' \I' , , · t\g'1' i~lI l l l1l'l' al l" the 1\\11'<1 1 Sdll,,, I~ ... " t tl,,' ~(1I' t'J 1'\ 1 bltl,l,. .. .... ... .. · .. .. .... . .. .. . .. M. I.'. Al1 dre \\'~ , ""1" ' 1'1('.1 :l IIIl' gll j\' r~. C. F " ( ' hnplnn'n n pt-ll' 8PI'111~ Ebl'i g' ht.lIa~ h Ol 'n !'i n C'e lH~1 TI~n~ dn y l'i l' .\I I·H' ·.I· III ," b 11I Il l l \\, II;"l! " 1'1' .' 111',' tIl f'''''Il' l" t ,' 1' lIll . /{l" ldilw 1""'0 ",h!'1'1l she' nn(1 MI'. 1.'111'111111111 I IItl 1-; 111',;1 " I' Ltl'!' , lr \' 11l :--:lIl1t1 1 WC ' !'t, .... .. .. .... .. . .... .. L ou isl' l:ro ~tI " i.nll l" f r i" " ,l ~II' " . . I \\. . . I • I I II Il 'Hll' r it 'd\1 n ' t 'I ' 1I 11 ·\'' 1 1> .. ,\•. ".. .. .. . .... ... .. .. .. t t t l t l' Ifl. ""1 ('1 " I" ,· tlll' . ll on " 1'h" • IIII''' 1'1 "" ' 11 . (. " I' 1" !\lll"~ I ~',lf . ~\lllk i , .III · \' " I' t l ,,· HI' pnillip woro e l1er ,nll CI 0 (1I111 f'1' In Otl1.ll White . ,', I , :\ 11 "11 wh .. " III Ih , 1,, ·,bl. , ~ . :\'I'l "I' I,, l l{ ·,. II A't'.~I I 1Ih ll e. nt, t..o t,ho Iln'l~ I' : : :IlA 1 . ~I . I' 'j' [[ II ~ . J . hot' 1I1 0 th f'.•I', MI'~" M~i, ~, ~ A. un P1\ll tl l) S t'lltl : I.ltl l llt . tl ul l ' l ,oI l! ,,,. ~II' .- i'i"lIl l1 l1d wh " i "1", 11"1\'1' ''' '' . 111111' 1 11\\'11 II . utm' E R. RI\11y 1}\ra1111PI 111 Imrtl" !t,r he1' t,I' 1L [u c!'"11!1Y ('\' UlIllll-! , ' I'n' .... 14 · 1, Ji ll' :-- '1111 1' 1 1111 1' 11:11t \)f III~t \\'\' 1' );;:, 11l \ ·Il (' tl l it .n I ...~ t I.It.... ,I III \ d:l\' " . • Julllll1ry ' ( ' \' 1'111 11 I'"' :.'O , WU~ 1tStnJ I. . . . .. . ....... .... He\·. Hell j all ll ll lI awkin s 11 . I)' ttl 1111.1 UpOII hpr rf'lul'll in till' (' ''''l1in ~ ~Ir>! W,lItl'r MI.· ' '1 11 . I t' (.' t ' t' 11 ., h\~ rill I nII 1l1~"lI t 1111(1 HppreCl · I~ ' " !I I IIII I\ ' ' :-. 1'111\1 l 111 I !-I. 1'1 allYU lli l d l l'l1 C U, Ch ln · 1111 ,1 Tlw ,b t ~ "I' lI1Jje ~ I ,. c f Ulll t t.O r " 1)'-'1 . .. . ... . .. .. . .... .. .. .. .. . . ( ·ha rl l·" l.i11\ I11(.' 1' 111(>11 :llI d 1(" 11,, HlI . "} '1 1 ' " g-an n " l 11 11 1'1'11 ",'01 , 1111<1 II,, · IfI \o'-t " " 10 '111 'I "I' Ih,' "'cllIJ'(> foun ll 11f'1' hOlll o in Ih e Iln~H'~~-i i n n of lN 1' (.1,10 v III Ill\' lll~ " h " I· . I>I'OI ""1' I'; ~ ' I\'lIS ,I' , Ii) rl . ,f l ~t· n !llt t ll:; ll1 l' 1:-1 t'''Ucille l,'') II 1, 1' 'I,' I1f h nl' . 111111 II' lIe !-\hl!l'ifl' SkYl! !'hlll i ps u f \\', ,,hin g . i 'I :.", I ' I. t! I . U ~ I'r, Cull un' '' ... .. . ....... .. ........... . ..... ... .. .. .. .. . .... .. ... .. .... .... .. . ""'anl; " 'Ill 1 J;1l1'1' II ]l1('tlll'l ' 'I" I I )u k e to l Ik dt l' 1111 t 111'1 >' 1.'''1",, 1 I I IIIllI ('\' I'n 1ioinn~~UPl'lll'r(\IItI,Vt.tlMnl'\·fI . ' '" )t'l'( ' if .l lr g l ' ( ' !l~S I,I I S r(' t' ll t nnl ll 'd ' on1' tO ll e . a . l ll~.". ussilln ll:lli o 1l 11 1 11l:;tnJ'v Illltl n 0 1l1 ')111'11 Tho (\nti m• uO'nil' wn8 Ilnl nnk orl , nndgpI II IIg[1fn lllftn '·" I'lI"I' III I IIt. I I · . IIII'. ,,11\1 MI'~ . 1>1:1,,1' Hat lio\ll lit . . . \ I I .. l ' ' I Y I' r UIl I\: WI' tl 1 t). 10 0 1) It ' I' \\1, () 1' 11 I' I '" . , I (UtUI {l .l 0 I10 'UllI~ .. .. .... .. .. ....... ... .. " . . .. . .. . . . I .l lIII . [".JI·· ,I I·I· .>\III,· ·' f l1r hy MrK I:hnJlllll ll1 . hn1. lI'a,. n0l1l' t·" 111.1 0(1 sl' rv i('p "1"" '11, 1 l(1n( ·I ,,· !'F .,,,,,I ... I\e'· J 1)\\1,,,'111 : 1 111'"1 i' tj ..I", . . tlt'1' 11. ,hl1o"' I1" ' t 'd . 111'011 1- I' "\I' 1' I'"1'" . 1'1III I til I ' t ) (11' . , ' , 1\' ('l' Y thol m'~ 11 oli g, h'tfn l too h er IIIltI h o I' \1 13.fI.Pti ~ t !:)Ilu'oll litSUllIhltlll' .I' )Jj . I I 1.1 1 I 1111 (1 t" (l lt i :\p p "lntllw nl ,<I I "Illllll lll " '~ " I! :\'ll ll ill:tti' I fi ll , 1I, " rp I/"HI'I\' p " I· f,('(. tlll~ wun"l )IJII' (\ ,I!SfHIlI l{l'Sll lllti"ns II II lI g h 11'11 1'11111 I ' ,I' III" ~ , . " ,,, I "1I1 11>" " 11" 1' ·l· I;,,.. ' IIf 1,;1108 t.o; . ti ll.' first. 1'111Ik I I\' n l o t ill· '''''111 urh, \\ ,1I1111ur ut 1h " .h l)1I1(' Il f .1"It 11 ti lll i lll .: I\l' a"ill~ .1. ( .. "" ." 1111 ,1 1 " . . '1'1 I I' . f I) ( ·Inrl. ~1:1 l' r 11'1 11 111 ""1' III " " " ,. 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1111 11,-" l t 1nlld i l ! 11! Ih l t l' l1 i ' ;~ t ( 1 \,\' 11 11 1 I( ' II !.! tlr /11 11 J~I 'I :I" 4l I: II ,i 1t' d Il('! liH' Y 1111 ,:.: 111 11 1l \ 1' 111\1 ' 11 I tll lo..: \ \i\": 1I 11 t
1\' lli l(\ in (lld, 1 I i" ,,· I ~ I ' rYi rt's Ilt Middl Cl'ull. w ill il l"" I' i ~ it 711 ,' 111111 01'\\" )1111',, ~i,; tll f' BI ~pli:o:' C' lI\11'C'1 1 I t nr . "I HI'~" . ('' . \ ' " I" I (·' ·(, I Y d :1 Y lind ni!!ltt ti ll " \\'" ,, 1; . "I .~ I111""'ll 1 f IIIlI!' 1y , lit E"urSh l"\Y III1"Y 111\(1 10 ::111 It. ,,'1 . 111111 lit 1', ::l O 1' . I". : (,,, n Sl'l'ill~ \ ' lIl1 oy, h i. broll",1' .1 " hn II I ~Illn~ 'IIi . \\ 11 " li !l\' I' 1"'1 1\ 11' 1 11 ~ I II Jo'l tl r i llll hll' rilll'/ ,,(\ hy Eldor~ Lill c~ 1I1l ,1 ).'IIr d D,l la wII Hl. 111111 Iti" "bttl l' ~. M,'" " 1\1)11' fll llt· ]'II !'-- t \\'111 r( 't tl 1'l1 I II HI ) ll '~ l\ Il :ol.~ l: pl!t H't' U (;1'1 \11\1 ' )' !"llll ' l1t \\· ,·tl · Anllli t) ~hll rIlII11t1 t.liss LOllrll l ' " !\II's . Abn o l' J' rnf.(lt , o f B.'I1\·" I' . ",," 11 11',' I'm lll wlt i"I , Ihpl' " " ,101111\ 1I ..~ d",V "it" 1I11' ~ .1 " I'll II ~ " I' tt. State Dairy Assoc iation . t own. 1:0" \'i!olitiog \vit,h fr i(' n I1 ~ lin d r l·!.! ,..·t (' \'Pl' (1 nt' \\' ()I,, 1 II t /)11." 1(\1l . 1";! \'1 1l!.!. Hnd " IHln I H' , . :III'" Fmllk I,; H"l't.~u('k i" 11 1,1 ., III I ... 11'11 1' 1' t l Jt' .,Iel la \\' 11 1II \ol \\'I'r ... 1111 11 hc\ 1t ~t\(" 'I1 ~ tllilt it, clnf'!'<1 n l l l Il wttl'r. lw lip Ulltl uh o llt, Httl'l1l111l~ ~f' r\' H' os nt, tll p (' ilurr h I 1l 1l1 'Hr t l l l'd til n g nin . t l'llli t ilt , g rll!ol~ in tln r Lo("al rlHit',\'uI ~ ' n nro int, \t'I 'R t"ll ill \Vllt~tht'r 11 1~ wluter ~' r ~HfllIlH'r t i lt\l ' MiHH H (1t) H Dtt\'b. Dr ()n'h l llli ll. 1 t! CI" l' } ' l lr' d !'oi :- 111(' 1' ir hath uttuill (,cl /I th o "nn\1111 tllt.'l ·till J,: .. f th (' (lJIi ~ 1 tilt' wind ~tllrrn~f I ',." f I '. H . Titl ll\\, 11111 ,1 ,' a hripf ' ''n I U jll~f til f'S IIIIH\ \' P~ ll r \ IU:>4 " 1' 1)\\· tll clunll " til' '\'Irl l \'isH at· Ih l' ~ c h o () 1 1'n (' ~, l "y. fin ,l l1'~ ~ I"' n. t t.l o n.\n .y wII.h Ue rtltn H .y,' . . ~ . ~ . I. I I ~tllt" fInil',' ''''''' '" A~~ od;l t i<\I1 wltil'll 1'b ')"11 thai. !'-1'1'1l\;.r 111\0 \\'('u tlH' r In It,,01 tl II' ir P1'f'l ..",t y in«II" tUl~ 1I(' }' (l tl..l Ilt l~ I'nl'tI ~ Illl (loin:;: I\'e ll. . Mr .•In c nh l:ie,'I.I. to ok 10 \1 ' a Y I1f'~ ' 1 1",1'." ! r i g i(l (' 111~ I P nl)11VI' IW:4 III. l)lI\'foll Ifllla\' 1\1\11 \\' i ll ednA'ili , 1I11 () lIl ll,V l'~ e l'l' it's n~t l Illrt\JIl lf) . .' ~a)'(' J ' (\al)tll~ tl\1\ nll o ]\[(1l)(1n' y f o ul' h o g~ "' l' lglll lI g 1" I f, (' t 1111 11 I IJ1c n by I Lt., ftr "t o f M I' .1 " It 11 EI'III1 H i HOil tit " Blf'k I\~t, f~()n;inth' in !-I11:-I:..jt11l T"I II·Htl :l~· nutl h one fit f" n lll 0 1(' : 1' p"hdl · ~ . 1 ha n" nillt'tee ll hundre tlulltl th i rl Y p l)\lI1lI ~' '\p1'IL Ih (". r h pul i ll g tll f' 1II 0 nth (If }1""1ritltlY · ~Ir . NI1\\ t o ll 8mlth will h o Ilik e n IDl'W I n~~(' ~ 1I11 1111r a tijllt-llflH 'lIt fnll ll , . ~Inv 111 th ulr p () l'f" l.' l l l1 ~ I'I'O Ct''' ~ Thcy w nr c bougltt, hy 1"1'11 1'1 Wri Thorn will 1>11 ~(l""i llll" l\l o min g , ~he wtrltl "tn r~1J " f g h t . · .__ ... In~ t, w(,pl; 1'1."tN' !' I" X IIi" '1.' 1l()~(1,,'y t o tlw h p~[littd Ilft01'11 0"n 111111 ')\' (,11111 1{ IIf ti lloh .1 11Y . yonr 1"'''1' '' 11), The bridge u enr t.b o 'C'hul'clt hn ~ 11 1 11 11 (',,, 111 1('11""" II fil l' nil n pOl'llli o ll. Tll o n eiglt hol'~ Cow Feed. A IlUIll ))01' of I 01' "0 ll~ IV t' ll n tt , on. 1 lIlll S 1.lit you lI 11Xt. ,'Ull H o,V . .1 rOl1H h " l,e thnt h o will 1'I100 \'(' \' uJIlI eat g ivon o"""Y ngnin lI nd is .Quitl 10 bo. \\' . 11llv o it nt. ~0 1111t1 VO e(1 I1t ~ II trom this Vicinity . A g t ., Wayno svillo Ohio. dtloger ous to cross. Ill()n~ 11\1 right. h llD(lt·o{l. A, -
1 )1'
:,l1 ' 1'"
I''. 11 I .''II' 111111. \ . 1.1II1'.1' H n~ I'"Il I.
Ba ri<\I ' I· . 1).l~' t () lI !'i ~kilH ll l ~\1r · 1"" l'f'Jl'l11I'( l
n' t !lllnll ~
Il)H} J'nt.i l 'I'i,
1\\' " Ja (l\ n~' launl "",,·k . ))1:. P I, PI'\' o l' \\'H!-i hi~ tl!o.;~i:-lt,allt. i\Ir : l' itu l IS II c·ul'Jlf'nt f'l' . 1111 11 n ldl.!'h I } ' I':.:t .·( · II II ·.l C' iti z f' ll . HIUl his ' III " I1\~
rrll ' nd~ W(l f!! ~dllcl to lPllrn t hat ,; .. ':-t lilid tl lt, npf'rltti on \\'pll HI' W i l l OVI't' f,·nl ~ l'Htf'fn l t·o ;\tr . ;\fllt1I1I' 1. Mr . i\lill e r IInLl MI'. \\,,,i '\nl''' . wi ... w l ' n' 111!-"truIH entul in rlli ~i n g fnn d!'\ h) f' llHh1c.' 11111\ to Tllflf't 11I n ti Xppl l."n f) f !:"ou('l\ 1l1l opf' l'uti u ll ,
' 0
Wnyues villo Mills.
Crush ed Corn • \Vo
gri n cling ('; I'u:o'il t'd ('11 1'11 (,VPl'Y .h,:\" . \ \'0 k e pI> c; r LJll llll ' ''''I I 10 tl x cl.Uln l,;O if yon h " VI' 1I 0 t t.IIl" · I" wnit . On .. f('("'11 UXC'l.1 ltrl gl ' i ~ I llH 11 11 11 t o ll \1 1' (,JI ~1t hn si~ . If yo n 1111\'1' Il ot t ri tJtI '1111' ''l'n"ItC'( 1 e ,ll'll CIIII umlseu it' lIll1) .\'"n w i ll ~"Y thllt it, i t,11O fino st fe Ol\ .von ("'ur SIL"' . . WaYDO 'v ill o Mills'.
and;. . '
.~,6 <t" 59,c, i
TX1:t ,,-
ana $:1
'For': sale at
'. '
W8:yne8vin~, .10 ~ ... !
• ..
,ReOl arl(ab lt:-Weat ht! r. , ,- -
!? ~r.
-0..-- ..
Will 11; 1' " f 100,." tI I ,lWCl III hl ~t, 'll' .I· 'I~ IItt!
will 1;0 m uM, IgiJd in 'flnnv VOII1'" if tht! ollu,liti .. n ~ thllt hllve n i'\1:k~tl tl!tI ""ust ,u t.hl1~ fllr. continu o to pr('II'nil. 80 fur . th.l thermo meter hilS heen below zero only two rtlOl'nlnlls. nntl there hilt! ueen oUly on e sever e SDOW st,orm , Snturdu y; Sundny aOll. MOlldl.y , •Jlln\mry 20, 21nnd 22, the weMhe r WUA like Il sUlUliler dl~y. ' , At the home of the GMAltte e<1it{)r Itt liIl1l1tlu'V t.lle thermoT not,or regiS, term) 7'0 degroe9 . The truoitio lml olliost inhn hit-I).n t wbo i~ suppose d to a I wily s be n.ble to r eCtLll Home 118st time whon IIny po~!\i ble extrem e of tho wouthe r WI~ 8urpnss ed. finda It dHlloul t to rem'lIm ber anythin g to I'qul\l tile present . It III one of tho ben.lltie s of South. ern Ohio that we ltuve n,1l killds of wellthe r at nil sea80ns and snow lind ioe, rain an1l8un sblne nre like, ly to follow one another in milid ,,,uOCes sion ,
1'.O LO 'IN SHOR T PARA GRAP HS !:l. nt wn i;;r bottl e Itt.J . E . •l IlllUOy . I!'or Itlgripp o n lwuvs usc "Roli i:;prl1ce nnd !llon'Y JtJx}Joct,nl'1lnt ," Sold hy.J E . ,Jannoy , '!'ue M07.llrt SYlllph ony U ncol't Go .. !~t Sobool RILlI, W ctlnosd.lY. F ebrnary 7.
Inde pend ent Farm ers Insti tute. Frien d. Mee tin u ' House, 'Vhi te Bri ck.
'l'uo witl .. \\, will
T h " lI1ILS
brenk up
III H l ~f'
of l h l ~ p illl'(' 1 laH:, p1utt 1\1111 1
\iV I' with hoI' d on!,( htll " noltl
~ prin !! .
Lytle . t\ ~U IlIII"JI ' J/I.I' 1I
pOtJ pl u u
,d IIl1t ,u~O " I'
\II \V II , I, · ,· 1,111' , ' ll lIti 1l11IUIHI ' U I 11' t"" II, ' " , d,
ii, to. gil vi~illll ;! \' I'~ , HILC h ol Bn;",,, '_ lll qll" ' , A g:~ i 1) ('Il l \\'Pti lll '-. l iI \. 1· ' 111 1·.... h ',' III " , 1 i~ ('outing s l' l\\· l .\~ [ 0 1' ~hu I)" IlIHI Fri ,III ,I' lll~lt l " /I"I J,,, , .. "I I,' 11 1- up II ~ h n l't t,ime (,,,r h dlL.v h'lllll. "11,,1«1 t tl c·m ,'.d ' ll 10 , •• '- q) I III' S IV il ll'I1U Duk e 1:-1 AI,ill "n th o s uhjcet, of Cat ll .j UI I :-411 1 I II : ' Ill' " h, (l bnt I ~ glli ntu ~ tol l" ~n l Oll J.; as t l lm'(! i.... n ' ( 1.;11 ,, \\: 1111'"1 , I! \ p a Vll1ll0 tl1>; t.I)" ~ " ''' Il''I ., C:",' ',I ' I ' ~ I ... I\ lrs G , ::; , Lamb ~Iltll '
\Vaync. Yille, Ohio . Frida y and Satur day, Febru ary
HarveyshUl·g. ,
and J, 1906.
" '1'llll,v II I' ll 1,l)u 1I/\1'''U\\' , '' W I"" ,, · SOllta on sllle for fourth numbcr ~" " 1 , 1' :0 1, I;J<ollloroo k wit,1t 1I:1 ;'. ~ ~ , ... l·' RIDAY. !):!'\O A. M. orud t/O t he cll)Vtll ~ . f flint' !' \' I H i lt' I L l d lll, · leoture conrse noxt l:>nturdny ILftor , incheR ot tho l>tlr ll wltil " . ,, 1''' \11 H Instrum ental Music .. ..... .... . .. . ..... .. " ..... . " ..... " ... ... . .. .. .... .. Earn h IJ ~t (j t' K"IIl'Ink ,!LlId ,,'iff! W,II ' , ' noon ILt :1 0 'olock , ar t I'DR. fhinl o f t,h dj ~ lHtH,.·P hi"" V!\',IJI\, "I I1'" I1:-,,\111 d !'l\· tl n~ "u t, illt.tI th o n , lllnt ,, \, hnrlos. Dnnu Janncy of Dayton Invccat illn .. ........... ... ..... .. .. .... .... ... .. .. ...... .. ....... ·. ({ol'. J . F, Cadwal lader t o f" IHIl tlll'd A 1 0 SI X ll1 f' l\1 '" !,~)I' t I ' U ll ;o-:. undu \" p~dcst riutl . 'rh~~.v slll!nt Saturdl lY and Sunuay wi th Opening 1'all( ...... .. .... ........ e nt i ", ' I \ ~d ll (\1 .. . U I~)' lh' \\'lturt,\ lll was ~lwn ... ... ...... ,.. ........ ", ... .. PrcHide n t Geol'ge Rliey w~l1 c ut, ~ n oh u lUIII ' tlrf' t\ 1 ( 'l PHI' t ill ' t ql! I ll'l \'i ug t uw ,lrd old friondl! III WayneS Ville, L",,,barlll u on bnt,\l[ \\'1l1tl, Reading of Minute s . I l1uyal -1 )'1111 1 )11 \\ Ilh B .v o ung It'll \' Lust . \\·eli \{ w e ~{t lt I I I t i ll' I dh t>I '1\ ""hI) i:; ~ 1 11\ 1 1l~ Mr. George ::;ervice !lnu two youn g 11\ o nr OlttiUll l1nit .\· ) Tl t-4bud t·oo :.i()1111 ~ 1 't!\Vh H"q "/ rt'd 1I1 Hlt,1.HH1 11·' ! IlI'1I!' t I Itldies from D!lyton were 8\1I1[IIlY ,'When Young Begin to Make a Honw ," "" .. .. ... " ... ..... " .... )'~ .•. IlO'nin on~t11.ullir . lOmas thfl ~ tUJ'lIl tI",1 '1 M n l\'lI o,:,· III " n)' ' I'r nlt,; " guests of :\Ir . Joe Print7., Discussion ' villuge. ::;l1ffi co it t"· " ,I' it w,,~ Ill" " " MI' (~"Oq! .. Kt.:OJn IIlid wif" SUlI . Miss Ki7.zle Merrlt l!i Ulilkin g tl Reading .. ........... ..... .. .... ..... .... .. ........ .......... .. .. : .. .. ...... LcIJise Broadst one lind uuroof<>c) 11,,' ""~I ~il l. ' ,, ' lIlt> I' icl a ), (] wi l ll li' r'l1)k H"y IInLl fll1nily , B , nu u)' ,11 "lIn"" t " 11 111" ' , :I VI"'I I .\ I ; ,'~ ~! bri ef vi it with 1\1188 Ella Miohen or Corn .. ... ..... ...... ... ... . .... 110 " F unlk" ho.l .... ....... .. .. ... .. ... " .......... ...... .. ... . Horace M. Snook H1l1 ul,1 1'11 1(111' ~pnll\ll'I',I , ]11,,' 1, 1'1"" 1t,II .. \ 1' nUIIHlII , ",,,I at h er suburbllD bUlIIe. llr ~Jic\dl.,[ ' JII,; of ]J( '~~lbl ," hy heu ,,: (,," t,c''' NI ' " 11t" \ D'ly t,Oll I., ~1'l1JII I hUlltlllv wII,1I the1ll . Mr. Juson Redfe rn, of XcnirL, spent Discussion he\fr,I' tilllh.' t' \" l' l.t M wort,hy of uut., ~ " "t l,,·, dll ltl "~,, ', 0 III' ~o rl' .v to '''Ir,n t 'Lt. Sunduy and Monday with Wayne . Corn Exhibit .. .. .... ... . Thl:! oflicial Re OI'O carr! I'. . , . adopted by The Ohio K'(periWll il al'U ·1',h lllll. was _tnnKI'lI l uil t Ill Al,d n ow H ' B VIlla friends. Bl li y 11 11 "V" , I ' Hlld l l'i " ht ,ill .. wi t h II tilr u k.. of jlartll,Vl'i" me nl Station w ill be used in judging )Joints Fourt h Numb er 1Ilur ,V ·O rt · wIlli h ll \' !' " " I HI' "tld i ')I~ l~d 'ICl yo " " hu t W(I Illllrn he I " Helen Marla tt, dlluglJ tor of At\ ricliltur e and Science of Lectu re Cours e. ' MrLittle ... .. . .......... ... ...... . .. ..... .... ..........J ohn p, McClean took ~\llll mil rrlell tlw III,het' uay . I I rnllyill g uiouiy . . lind 1\11'8. J eti' Murlo,tt , is su ll'I!:! "dlokln n8" how I11Hnv olcl hlltuh p" H ." f 'I l'h(l fourth number of tll.e WILY ' Ilring grel~tly and widowe rs lire p'lll Ckill g 11.1' _. Mr. Ilrr): lIl ~~lDnt Discu ss!on witti l'heumnti~m , nesville Lecture <.lourse will choices t plulU ~. uml ,·pt t1.lf' rt! 111'1' !SundtLY lld w, th trlendsS litlIud lilli' y Bellbrq ok. Friend ORvis Furnns who hil S boen Solo ...... ....... ...... .. ..... ..... . ...... ......... .. . " .. ........ .. ... ... ..... .. George Funkey otu ers on the vi no pini ;,g to bo C0111 pluce .at School Hall, '''I ednesd ay \V fl llre sorry to 1'!lIrn of tbe doa.t~b evening Februa ry 7, the entertll in · ill ill hOlLltll for m onths pus t , fort,ed in tho ~lIm e .. Id wnv Tho uf oll r , forlll or rtloldcn t, ,Mrs. Uus. mellt being given by tbe is snfl'orin g now onl y wonel o,: iA th e y d Oll' t "iitm '11 !:l.1I Ul 11 ton , wbose Ilenth FRIDA Y. t 1'. M . froUl (limcul tlo SymIlb ony Club. of New York. bllllds " nnd I)HOOltlO t"·o little tU;'ld, ,\'lt t u h Olllo (If hur ~on oocllne d ~~x · 8berlfl' UO ' 0 The Mo?,u,rt Clnb is one of the old · wi t.h his h eurt. ~'rllnl( I:l.lIllllltllU llt L bUllon, W 0 MAN '~ S E S S I ON Ber ,\~ .~ , . . d"utl! WII~ lluo to pneulIlo nill. 'ruo est una best COlUPllDies ILppoorin g on Mr . and Mrs. Goor!,'1l B!llly nf > rc~ I· (l ent., · 1-'1ora T'bb 1 MI'S. Anna Ellis, I ~ Il lllrsdu y W ' S mot, M ~.1 1 eCl'etar 5S, l~ut lJ y. ~t l,. ISS' t fl' the platform tit the prosent tiule , I II"I" 11 took I as I pllLCIl from h er sou's h , WOl'e guests of thoir 1'1'l 1. "" u ll t, 0 ~t r('Ht . t.rIPP'"/ ! lit 1\ R'X hom B 0 11 The M07.lLrt Cluh preE'ents 1\ pro · atl Invocat ion" ..... ..... ....... . " ..... ..... ... .. .... . " .. . " ... .. ........ .. . Violu K MondllY lit ten oclook . VIlS tit the Bllily homest elld . Hawkin s t ""n y eur old no gll it, It. W,H' wit,1I gram Inoludl ng romnnt lc. claijslo wenry. tr \IIuling !ill'p of t,he lunn st Mus ic ." ... .... .. ... " ... .... " .... .. .... ... .... " .. " .. ...... ..... ........... ... . .. .... dilY. nun popull\r Inusio . Zoe Duke Htn p;e of COII SUl1llltio n. not in t.lICl Cente rville 'No one living lit or lIear WByne s MrE!, Edith HarriR is ' mAkin g Il Decla l eu ~t ; hul, t,ilU t of II tburong h r ohu ~ 1 mation " ... " .. ....... .. " ... " ... .. ... ."." ...... . .. " ....... ... " .... ... . H aze I N' .l osl1ph VtLugh ville can alIord to miEIB ~he splolldi d protrnc ted an Is lying ve.-y ill Ixon w mnn , Wh en s he with her ~ i~t(Jr wit.b U 80verol tttack visit with h er dlln gbtel', of la grippe. OllDoert wbloh they w:1Il Rive here. Butter Making for City Mal'kel.s quit t,h o villll15 u for cl bomo nOllr l'aylor, Ilt Clifton .. Reserve d soat ticketll will be on Mrs . Fmnk Ml·S. Perry RlIlllsey , 80uth of ·\ Ghlrksv vs Takl· ngtoS ldmm_ingStat illll " " .. " .......... . .... · .. M l·R. Mary S Iver r weig 111110 nt ,J,mney 's drug storo, Si. ~tnr. Oluoilin lltl . wbile Mr, TILy lor is au . d illn h e h 1l00ler Il i ht, I p(lssx,iblv' wn~ h ' town. is .."rndnal l.y fullin'" nronn PI one ull e r f' C . ~ ... cw s e 8crious Ililm ent, dl.Y ,fllnuar y 27, tLt 8 ;Po M, $ent n ' a busines s trip. Discuss ion tlIO VeH th e b UID -.vith It firm (Ill Mr, A . McNeil , the llOpu)ar RUC . hunure d sixty five thua. J. C. Hawke wue on duty nt his Butter- making for H ome Market tloneer hlu:! Il great , many sales Wbile tber o is IlD II.I~Jl0st nnlill~ l t e n~ug e~i, for tJle ~oming weeks. Corn Conte st .plnce of bnslnes>! In the Wllt'll hOIl~e D" . ' ed numb!))' of wonls 111 th o Eng\l~h Mr. Eruest MIller hilS been buy. After tho ' piiper ' .by Mr. Horace l3ut-llrdll.y I~fter sevurn) weoks VOl· ISCUSSIOO . . Inngllug , e, ohief the db coll ection, b dl Bome ing corn at 4.0 cont8 for cel'talu pI\r. . C1 P iano Solo.· ··· .. · ·.......... .. .. ....... ....... ... . .... .. .... . ... .... Mrs. Snook, of Lebano n, at The Fl1rmer s cutton Mmerl' a Burnet t newsJlllper m e n ht! va seleof,ed one, tics, the oorn to be deliver ed on Institut e, there will be 0. oorn ex; ankle. eallSo y It n y sprnlUe " Lid " ; " Lid uff" nnll " lill on . " Reading ... . .......... ....... ... ...... ....... ........... ...... ....... . ... ... LolUse A I board cars at Centerv ille Station hlblt, lind corn "rOWers ure request Broadst one . CIlHUlII observo r woulll oonclu( le Mrs. the Mrs. Llubie Vaugba n, of West W. Tyson of Dllyton, ed to bring In specim ens of whtlt· arrivedPhollbe . ' .... Blancbe Corn ell ]\ll])llr hat! t uk on II hnok s nt. Wll8 BlllthllOl:e. 1ll8t Thursd ay nt the h om 1Song .... .. ...... ' ... ... ........... ..... .. ... . ..... ....: .... ". .. ........ ...... is mltking lin extende d thoy havA grown. . one of tbo 10 t II I·tS if .lcll )llIge w.. ~ visit,ill Centerv ille with her brother uil gbter Mrs , ThoUlil S Zell \ "A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned The offlolal score card, adopted o fI ," ......... ·· ·MrB. Marga ret? K. Brown not r opl ete with " Lid " Dig 11J1 li lor u ., . '. ' nd hy t.he Obio Agrlcu ltnral Experi. wJlero 8he sister, M. r \Jo~epb P . BenhuIU _ . ye old (Oss, 18,lI nl,'l tllI!< would occupy ILIIII MI PS Rat,tle, Benbllm ' WIll mnke 11 prntm ctud Recitati on ..... ..... ......... .. ........... ... ........ , ment 8tatlon will he ttsed in judg. ... .. .. ....... ......... . Mmme Hartsoc k 't ho DlO~t cO II~l1i ' 11 1)1\8 pillce In the '1'11 I..l1dies·. visit. Aid SOCiety are very ' in~ poJnu. . , " '.. . . .. ... .. .. ... ... ...... , ........... ........ Mrs. I~elie Bun';ell Elt'.t:lhe rilf Steve Phil\!p s of A Mell'lcan Home. .. . .. . , co ~lectiou. 1I1lc1 .\ 'ot it is cllntinl1ull y b u~y llrtl}l!lrlng ~efresbmenta Owing to a luok ' of fund",. it will for . . belD g thrust upon .re'lde rs , For our th~ FI~rmor·s. ~nl!t.ltuf,e · .. , ti" II Reading ......... ........... .. ...... .... .... . .. .. ..... .. ........... ...... Meals aro be impOl!8lble to olIoI' a moncy W o.s h mg t on.. C. H . wus .. Loulse I1roads tone JlIIl'f., It fre 11 oOHlIng process would bOlng s erved III the gree ng 0 ( K.P. Bunqne t become It restful fn ctot' , Howove r. UIIll . prize, but it i~ hoped that the bonor frionds in .W aynesvl lle 11 dllY or two . P M thi~ "Lid " ill tU lllJ ufllctur ec1 wi th , t~ui to 1111 exoiting 8hootin of Hocurtng tbe award will be nn in- Illst we~k. g matoh fRIDAY , 7.00 . . printer s ink firm ns Gibrult er , but t oo k pl'lce' neILr theCen telville Mr. and Mrs_ ,Jolf, bud (luoomo nt to muny persons to euter rail· 'r E A H E I{S . S E S S [0 N evon thllt old 1II0nllr oh bU B COII\· r oad ~ tlltlnn Sllturdo.y. ,Januar tbe contest . y 20. for their guests Sundny thoir old m en ced going into deo/lY, 1!D(1 thoro in whioh In charg e of Charl es A. I3rown is some iJ ope of II r elooso fr om this. took p"rt,aome practice d mftrksm en friends nnd neighbo rs. Mr, und Mrs. Mrs. Chap man Surpr ised. Robert WlIlhim son, Mr. lind Mr. Piano Solo ........... S'b .inco too it both bOlln 'd e~r eeq., 'I'be lIlil.1 , Spring. like weathe r (If ...... .. ........ " . ....... . .. ... ... .. ........... .. .. ... ....... I YI H aw k e s,·thore shall be Iln end to n)l tlnnp:s , Jllllnllr~' 21, Illld c\fI,ys Will Elliott and Mr. Earl WiIIl"U1· Reading .......... ........ .. .... preoedi ng ........... ..... ........... .. :....... .. .. .. Lcuise Broadst one Mrs, A . K . Surg nt hus r eturnod and followlDg. when the therlllO Lalit. FrldllY was the blrtlu'lu y an· Bon Qf Centerv l\lo. nfter a protrtlc ted absonc( visiting t er 'r<llt ch od 70° in the sbade, llle· School Work and Life Work ...... ......... ..... . .. .. .. " .......... .. .....C. niverBfl,ry of ' Mrs .T. B, Chllpm nn, i8 001'· A. Drown wHIr r eln,tive~ . lind , In st , Sundll:\ ' tuinly phellomemll" und the frnlt Mrs. RedbecOO Rundal l, .W·hxO u~~ p ,'ano Solo ..... ........... . ....... . " ...... .. ... .... " .... .... ... ...,.... .... Mrs. F red White Sch ool and oluring her ahsenoo on a visit been spon inS't1Ie winter 111 ouventi on (iliell th e IlI' O. buds mny b e forwn,rd ed so as t.o be e mil for ' t,he dl1Y nt.. tho home of Mr. and witll b~r brother , Mr , Ue rgo \V . "Agric ulture and the Rural Schools. " ..... ... ....... .... .. ........ M. F. A.ndrew gTllIl1 lit the M . ]~ cuuroh , nnd it if unllbl e 1.0 resi t t,he sevore ,liIustB s r e portod MllI'gnl'ie MoRoYlIold" II nil whioh nr sore to cOTlle llrs. C. F.' Chapm an near Spring, Eb I It 1 b ' I t'1' esd Iu.ter on. r g I, 1R8 een s! ~.s U ' ~\'! Reading " .... .... ......... ..... ... Smith wore mnrrie cl recentl y. ... boro where she and Mr. Chaplll un DoWit t MilIor's loc ture on "Th e ...... ...... " ..... h .. f : .... ....... ... .. Louise Broads tone In'in nnll II I'ecen~ lott,ol' fr om !lIn the ~ue8t of or r enll ... r8. J , T .. Amos ~tllf.Sllrncioll0Y of tho Republ io. " were entertR lnod t,o dinner in com. White. Allen who I S a t tup bccl sld Q of h er delivore .) in tue 1'own RIIII 8n~nr. • A, ' l'URDA Y. 9:30 A. M. plhnen t to the flay, her mo,her . MrR. mothor. Mrs. SOIlI lind who hu s ~oon tloy ('''filling, Junuur y 20, MillS Ann Phillips ente rtuill ecl lit w~8Iisten. very ~ I ck fur ~O 1l11l t~mn Im~t ' ~ to oll to by 1111 IJJtellig ent and E . s, Bolly planned a 'part.y for bor teu. Tuesrll\ y ovenlng of In st, week. Invocat ion .... .... ..... . . ..... .. ......... . IIpproOl ... .......... ........... l{ev. Benjam in Hawkin s th e ~flect tho old Ind .y H cOIIUllttm 1'1 tLtiv o uutlienc e. 'l'he BlIbject matter. and' npon )ler retnrn hi the evoning Mrs, Walter MoOlnr e Ilncl8i~t e r Mr~ Ch I Z' e rmon and I{olla Bogan not llI1prov6(l . nn.1 tho hltost ~.Y~tl'm of the lectnre wns (If II. DIJCt ...... ··· " .. ........... . ; ........... .. .... , ar es Jll11m . found ber born!) In the possess ion of . of ]lonmlL~Shlp Is ouductod h.~· Mr , nllll gllve II pictnrll sque, high order, ·Nettle Chldlaw IiISO)ter uisorilll inil , a oOlllpl\ny. of her friends and f\ (1e Sllerllf Steve Phillips , brotllor JtJx. . Bile Culture " ....... .. ..... ... . ...... ... . ... ... ... ........... ... ...... .... ..... . Frank Duke Mr. DedrlC lit tuo sohool bUIldin of ~ashing . g t.i ve IlDd even fllsoino ting review of IiqioUR 8111lPar roady to serve. wheru It I.llrgo cltl';!S hil S hoen formed onr nntion\11 history Imd ton O . H. 111scussion Oompnr " and get~lllg on III fin o orc\(II' t o the tivrJ, mnk with t,be other The entire I1ffalr WIUI unlooke d ' 110 HI't'/lelc} ot. Mr. lind Mr c'. 1811 World ' H Honce • .1 Ankene y ,. Adultur ation of Foods" .... .. ... ... H atl ~f!l('tl on .botb teuch .. .. ........ .... ... . ...... on . fol' by Mrs <?hltpmnn. but wns none Pow ers. Bull tho delivor y ueoll f pnl"l , I1I~d ,.of t, HI reporte d e!'F l'uHn.1 nk m c re n etLrly t.ended service lit the , MirldloruD AI1poin tment I)f COI~mil perfeot this would hllve tecs on Nomina tions Ilnd Resolut ions the les9 elellgh~fnl to her u.nd her Baptist Chllroll I::)uuuny lind Hough WIll qlllt tho I'Ulugu IID(1 c nl · huen a lecture of tho first took mnk , gllesta. tivl\to thll f!lnn of \V . ,T . ' lind dinner lit the bome of ,Tolln Smith. Reading Clluk Sturr will move t,o Gcilott som o nther Our Townsh ip Hull is very innuo· The Indies Qf the compon y pre. qt1uto in oapucit y und nrrango . pieco of dirt IlOcI continu o tillin g Ul(lnt to Its Mr. Cbarles Crow, of Eust WII.vue nccoDlIDodnte the peoplo sented their b08te8s with II hlltl(l S!\'I'lI ltl )A YIP M \.110 soi l. nnel [l couple of olrl " Eu st who ILSSlllllb townsh ip. hae been for 0. week viSIt· lo ti t tho Instltnt es, leo. SOl~e mirror Be a blrtluln,y tokon. . " . Enders " Imve viollltod iugnlll ongrein tivesin Indlllnu , llnd Musir: .. ··· ·· · .... .... · .. · .. · ........ . . ".... . .. .. ... " ... .... ..... .......... . ..... By Grange edict if Ituetrn oouo tho S nnll'l~' tures llnd entertnlnment~ ; which aro of thomWI IH h old iuit, Wenee< 1llmore modern , (loring bis absence his brother ll'rnnk R cntting wood lit n · t f rous r"to Corw in Oirl epor 0 C,00nnn'l'.ce.~ wllon o[llletl to t ime b,yvigo hiH wifl', 11 nJi 'hett or tlrrange d lin d· equippe d bnild· Crow of Medwa y lUIS been lit h orne Election of OIHcel'R iug with Anllito Library und tp be Marri ed. on tho oth er WIIS coilccti ng re nt lind Rendin g Room, rium, 1\ furloug h with their mother . CouDoil Chamb or grnmuJ ing becllnse th e post, "m co IlUd Voting i'toom. Mrs. Henry Prntor,' whn ha{l boon , "Adultl lration of Drugs. with bltsellle nt, " ,,, .". , ." ..... "" .. ". " ...... Hon . H orace Ankene y ) waR not doing Allnoni loemon t lull' been mll(le of ' lJusiucBs for hilll!<()]f Loe t, onr,e nterpris ingoitiz ens ngltate nlld n o telling to whut len!llh of n tho npprOll ohing lUurrlu ge of M'I8!! for ulittlo lUore thnn two weflk~ IIt\ Questio n Box .... .. .... . . .. " .. In chnrge of Frank Hartsoc k :Inti F:lla Keys llrohiuj ted II ct they might h,LVO1'0011 thi ~ Ijnostlo n until tbo publio Nom Clnrk, of Corwin , to Mr ' 1\ hospitll ' l on Walnut Bills. ' Oinoln· "The Tenant Farmel~," .......... .......... is [trouRed to feel our,Benti. 1':1 DoHter guilty of h/ld it not boeu for Uw mont. .. . .. .. ... ....... .. .. .. ......... . .... :,c • culling d own pror! os ~ ndmlnis tol'ed un d our '1' rus t 005 ILre pe t' i nneed, 1 to lint.!. receivin g trelltm e nt for fI, bad· .lllllles McCorm lok, of XelliC\ , ' t o t,h eir tnwlesR lle ~ . und tho IlIt,ost suhlllll. tl~e ql1o!ltlon ,to It 0 e( I.v ulIeotod Aye, rotn;ne d hOlUe Sun Discussion 0. voto of conoopt ion of m an ufa ctnre in ClIns, tho pe.op , lIllY n.fterno on hoping 010011 tn he nA " 'Tbe Great Agricul tural In Socie ty. Movem ent of the Twenti eth Centur y," ~~r(lggy ' s rlon is I~ "gr'lnd fnt,he r's" ,well as ever. Dumel I Dr. n, P. Clayton aloc\; u euring complo tion; it is II nuden\ PI\l11. of North Yllnkeo St .• Mir8 Donna Rllwke entertni nor\ fit , 'etlt qUite Mr. nnd ,MT@ , Ueorge Undorw ood, I Music ...... .... ...... ..... " ... .. thor onghly l'eJiuble struotl1re Itnll operutlO n for oan~er aof OOUlplico.tod " .. .. .... .... . ........... ..... .......... ...... " ... By Grange perfect a obo.rml ng six 0 'clock dinn er I::ln to tho month counte rpllrt nf yo oldon tim e Jnn . HI. lit Miallll V~lIey ,HospIt al. Grampi on Hills, Ponsylv llniu , nro ICI ' tlrday evenIng nt whloh WOII pres · of and Benedic tion .... . : .. . " ... .. .. ..... . .......... .......... .. ...... .. 01'. Clayton visiting at the home of their pa rent,. ti ckol' , ,find Profoss or Kelloy' s lee Dr. Bltrke~~ ~?c:ont~e SIr.~l I osmg pIfU) t~ur. ent: Miss Elltellll Collett, of Dn,y ton, tllre FrldllY ovening . . "fhe ,l::)t~lr geou •. per r '!!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!!!!!'!~!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!'!!'!!'!!'!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!! '• ora on , Mr, n.nd Mrs. Dn,vld Underw !!!'!!!!!!~!!'!!! !!'!!!~!!'!!!~-~ Porform el'" WIIS r e ndored in un ahle requirm g two ood, lit ' !!! MlflS Emilio. Beighw ny, tl\iss Mny hurd wark. sciloln1'l y lUunl1er giving t,borou gh .or. D , K eeverhours WIl8 his Rsslstan Midd Wright, n·n d MiRs Stella I.ammo n, Harvey sburg: While In Ohio tbey t. lerun . Service s nt the BU[ ohuroh e\'idcl1 ce to IIndit.or s the gllnt wllllt l80 visit Mr, Underwood:!:! SiR ) leDllln Mr. l'anl is a ~rpenter, and n high1\0(1 Mell8fll. D. B , Roil, Geo. "'un. t every dny nnd night t,hls \veek; lit WUf> perfoct mnstcr of t.he subject Iy esteem M G V I S' df \I t ed oitl7.en, nnd his m ...ny key, Warren Key" and Dr . •T. W. er, rs . . 1\ 1mB Iln tLlI1 y. II i Everyb ody busy lind not lllllCh 10 :ao 0.. m. in nnd Solon Cllrroll tLnd Wife frIends were glad to learn and nt 6 :30 p, m. ; COil· whhnnd that hI' o hll~e heen living Spring Vnlley, his brother Jobn at going on . In Florida for stood tho ollerati on wei). He Miller. will dllcted by Elders Lines and Ford, Hom e time )J((st will return to God'M ever feel gr/ltefu l to Mr, and his alsters. Mr H " , Manuol , Miss Robecca Crnmer Mrs. Abner Prugh, of BOllvor. country from whlob they Ann& Ogborn Ilmi )1Iss Laura Un , nesdllY with Mrs, Juoob spent Wed. no donbt Mr . Miller lind Scott. . who State Dairy Assoc iation . derwoo d at Do.vtou. regr et ever len,ving , [lOd Boon or were Instrum entalMr.In Wel~ner ' fumls -town, is visiting with ·friends und ~oonor th o old lawn mewer shall be to enu.ble blm to meetrul~lDg . I Mrs. Frlmk E , Hllrtao ck IS Ithlo to attendi ng service 8 nt tho c hurch ,' It soems -tba,t it does n ot matter, b(l ullllnd 'about again. unearth ed to t,rim the grus8 in our of suoh lin operati on. the eXpOI1Re Local dairYDlhn nre Intero!ltod In door yards since it hnth ILttuined II w h a tb er I' t i"n ,ninte r or RUDlmer ti m e Miss RoslL DaviS, of Oregon ia. P f C R Tit! 1 b I f the linn un) meeting flf the Ohio the wind vigorou s growth during the warm Add'" stormM oOJ;JJe just t~~ 8o,mo , ' vISi~Oat. th~ (lohool T~~~~;,e :nd~l~g 1",0nal corr e ~pon d ence 8th )JIIgo spent Monda y with Bertha Rye , Stllte D~irymen'lI A1IlIooin.tion whiob Those t.hat bud tbeir spring. like weathe r in this hereto propert,y In ur· the pupils all doing well. Mr. Jaoob Scott took to Wayne s. foro frigid clime, lind May o..nV"llefl Itt DIL~· t.on Wllu,y Illld will ed oherrle 8 . ,t 11e Crush ed Corn. . a.gai 118 t ,tornn d oes are r6l\Iling ' tbe 810k list, ill e .... Mr . •Tohn Evans is on . h ,ng ' perfect a,nd ripen by the first of v .,..on d ay f OUr h ogs WOlg con~inue In ~o,,~ioll 'I.'hllr8\1IlY and benefit from their p'llioi We nre ' grindin g orushed corn llS. [have Mr. Newton Smith will be t.nken ninetee n hundre d lind tbirty ponnds Alldl. thus cheatin g the month of Friday. , , May in their perfect ing process . every day. We keep grouud f e.l .' . now' losses under 'ndjustmAI~t from to Kenla Tuesda y They were bought by 18nel Wright . Thero 'Vill be sQlltdon8 mornin g, the \vuld storm of Inst week to exchan ge if you ba ve not time to , Proteot tl t~tbe hospita l The bridge near\. the ohurob bU8 afterno on and eve ning 'of elloh dliy. your prop I.ty- nt onoe, walt. 0ur feed exchRn ge is ron 011 boCttuse it for IJ,n opera on. Cow' Feed. e neighbo rs a toll or oneh basi8. hope thl\1;· he will roc'over and eat A nu~ber of per l!On8 wlll attend may hl~ you next. See Roy given- away again and ,is sliid to be If ,you buve not. trie(l' onr crushed We bave it at 80 and 90 centa Iron II along all rlght ' , ~dan . geroU8 fr~~ Ullll Vicinity . to cl088 .+· hundre d. IL corn call/md seo i t ~nd YOIl will 8f~y At'., ,WaYDO&VUle . ' ~ that It i8 the ,finest feed you ever WaYDesvi~ie Mills. !laW. Waynes v!l1e Mills. ,
The Miami ?!
tlle sceels and jule. "nel pilIp !'UD dO"'n pa'8 lI,btr t and bllell , and he looked as tboulSh murd~r had been ' comlpilled. but pa wiped , hls face on hla s hirL sleeve and ahowed game, because be kc:pt !Daullng Bolivar ' with the book, Bolivar brolce liP a mllllncry st,o re by tbrowlng to matoes ILl tbe women In lhe windows , and he went Into ' a yard wbere a woman was wasblng and squlrled tbe bluing watel' all o vor the woman, and a l\ over pa, and' lhen lie chewed tbe c10l hes On By RON. GEORGE W. PECI the line. and dl'Ove the family over the " ulhor ot"J-.eo '. Bod Jlc1 Ab1oad," El¢, t nce, You 'd a di ed to Bee thos o milliners ellmb o\'er II bllrh board lence head first, and Dollvar Bctnall )' see med to The Rog,!e Elepbant ereatee a Panic lau ~ u , Bolivar run one at hla tusks and Pa Proves lIlmself a lIero- through a barrel of gaSOli ne. and It Tb. Bad ]loy Get. Scolded ' tor run 'lllL o n tile street 'ar track, and an " BeIng Tough" -lie Finds That elect r ic s park, set It on tire. and the fir e departme nt turned out. but the AudlWDceII Like Accidents. e ngin es hnd to all go around Bolivar. , May 6.- \\1e bad tbe worst time at 'cause he wouldn't budge an Inch, but Akron las t weel, and pa proved himself seemed to s,~y: "Let 'el' r ip, bays; a bero. th(Jugb be '\\'88 swaUed go od by this Is I he Fcourth or July." ' the rogue elephan t berore he got bls The clreus men began to come with second wind and we nt fur tit .. anll11al. ropes an d c1uh, to li e Bolh'ar and We have a male elepha nt tb nt I al - ; t hro\v blm, but b e escaped Into n sid e moet buma n, 'cause be gelS all a lear ijt reet ond wB,tched til e engines put out aboul once a monlb. ilke a reg ular I bo fire, amI be !'WtltJ/l around wllh his ugly ' hus band. YOIl an't Ip ll "hell .trunk and his tusks and WOUldn't let ~I B mincl Is in Mndltlon roo' .. " ,u ln g snyone co me near him but 110 with th e amuck, bitt sudden ly lie .... 11 whoop hook , and be see med to enjoy Ibe prod11k. a "-rllnken man. strike hi s poor dIn g, bll t I guess that gave hIm ('ourpatient wife over the back ,,'Ith his age to keep con llolng thIngs, trunk and gr.a.b her tall atld try to Tbe principal proprietor or Ille s how 10
, '
81tOWN I Mt"~ Y, Publll hcr..
earpe~, and.' said: "Eat ,I"
row alII
Ca\a.n'uir~ n , or I'll kill , ; 'IL" .. nil Bolivar, ~' a8 so scared ot pa 11e ' eat De Ath
. - - -
of Bl'othel' o~ King L eopol~ Placu the Yowig ""an Neal:. to, Belgi"n Throne, . -BI'IIB! Is,- Prince Albe,r t of Fland ra I lho ne w hei r ' to the tbrone or Bel~ lt lln , thc'ol',g h the recent dea lh of his Inth ur, Count 'Phlllppo I~u genc I·'e,'dlna nd Mnrl e Oiemeut Hll ll upln LeopOIII Oeorge, hrother at i,lng L'opold, Prluce Albert , \$110 Is ::0 y ar. (JI,I ancl ral he!' nut looliln g , Is ono of I he n10 ~ t PO llulllr m. mhr" s ut th e mlgnlllg h O ll ~e , bUI he fnce s n ~ tor lllY IIJlJ O from I he sl roll); Huclull ~ I_~ , whon I h ~ I,rupo· . 111011 Is mad lu l ru n ~fer 10 h im the annual I'uut or ~ 4 U, I JlIO. whldl h n~ IJce n
Rheumati s m end ,Other Blood 1)lsea••• aro Cured by Dr.'Wililam B' PInk #'1 II a, "In the I~a tl mltI P~ I,WII at ,""prJr OIl.tIl knees wilh tIIy \!Iloow. preHsolI nUlllu . t IOI)K wall s, ill dItUIP\I c:.~~ u nd ex tr elltc: 'I r cold." SHI n. Mr, ,J. G 1\1 ' ulU'I, of' ' (I~,j In '1Iwu sVlluue, Dubuqup, r UWII, III cl,'· svl'ibi nl; h ,s exp,'r!\'I"''' , IAl 1\ r ~ llor \o" , "IIUcI 1& is uot. 6urp J'\FlU(l t,hllt I ", '11Irll 'I I·d "'Jtl1lnllll, l ~m , For I,hl'eo y 'IW I bud at toulls uO's,t iuK tho joi nt s or III ,V auld e', ku (!e,~ aud ' elllow: , My unld ~. and kn uu. becllnll! so s \vollcu 1 omll li ~cClrc ely \vulk au Ullc\'eu grou,,,1 n,".\ II. Jitt.! .. pres. ure trolD n glllllU uc"l~I' my feet would !!ause IU" 60 III ud.l'IlIIl II th !'L I would II al'\y si nle dOWIl, 1 waN otl, 'n obliged 10 lie iu bec l t.)r f,\,lV rill dllY " L " lime ~ly f rilJllds wlto woro .. onll" rcy [roublod WOJ'll K1!tllug 110 rollur 1'''' 101 1I0 c t()r~ nnd 1 did nOL 1'" ,,1 c " co llrnCClII til Ihrow money "wu y for nutlollll(, 1'1 \('bIllI on I renn. th .. story o r HlllJ<lrL ,"lilt'. " of Lhil Kll\uer MOInuf" c lurJlI~ en" "I Dubnquo, who hud n \' ery hllIl C""(J .',f rheumot.i.C1l , I d e\!l cle'l to try Dr, W 01 · lilllll s' Pluk Pill s for P"le 1'0,11110, ,/,h" r e Ul edy be hl1d used, 1n thrl'O '11' I.. " " wauk s aft,I'I' bllgill u i n~ ( f) ll S" Ihu 1101 1" I \vU. lUnch bell or II cIII iu tUI'110 III llnU I,_ [ WII~ well , 'l'hl) N w ~llcuS of I,be. l U"" < all(\ Ih e t e nde \,I1 I' ~ < di""lll'en rc, l, I ,'",,1,1 worl' . t cnd oly cII,,1 tM " I ~!Jt, Y~lIrK I 1000" Il had no rotnrn ul' 1100 Ir Ill ll, \, My ~y l l"l" fall1i1y belie ve iu Dr, W illinn'" P" ,.k Pills, Butb Illy snu . \1<, ' th", ... , \\ ' I considor I helll 0\ 1I"".;o' hold rClJlUd)' t bat W (' nn~ snra "hont.·' Wh al, Dr, WtlllnJII R' Pln\c Pi1I~ diel P" r
the carpeL, whi ch sbows (he pallo' of ' braIn over a\ ordllpols, pa s ays. " 'fbll regulw: keeper ot Bolivar henrd be was On t he rJ£wpage , nnd he cam. Pace ot UI8 Time .. hack on tbe ruu to co nqller 111m, after pa. had got .hlm back In the tent, but "hcn t h "t lm~s" wero le~s sw l~ t Bolh'nr loollell at him with a/araway footed, 'BY a ceuturl' I1!;O" to I, eep lIll look In hi s eye s, ns much us' to -ay: with Ihem was doubt'ess a cOm meud· "Seem~ to me 1 have nlet you someable I hlu&, to 'do, \lOU not so dlffic ull wbere lierore, but /I new king has been IIA It Is now, tOI' In \h()llc hnr'Il~' duy>! crowned." anll he took hI s old keellor life wa s /lot eo campI x. One mi g ht by tbe bnell of bls coat nnd Ih rew him Ea s ily hayo llept ahrrllsl of Ihe limes toward the monke y cage, 'l'he mon then, and s tudied ,t hrill In leis urely l(cys gave ,(h ,! Ileeper th e laugh, a n,l comfort, to the Im!u'Ovcment at bls Bolivar pul his trunk lovin gly on pa's should er, and seemed to sa)': "Old mind 'and soul. He bad no trains or man, you aro It, from lhls time OUL" t elegrapbs to burdeu bls thought with Pa looked proud, and the old keeper uurelated facts, Ilnd bad tbe leisure to looked sick. The peopl e In the s bow absorb and digest su h e\'enlS, Inciare going to present pa with a loving dents and episodes as be ca,ne In cu p, aud I g u S8 he can run ta e m enngcontact "' ltll, But t ile times DOW erie part of the s how, wlftcr than a weavcr's shutlle. and When the freal(s heard of po's bravI;orged with unwhol eso me e \'ent5, dee ry, Ihe fat womlln aull tne beanlecl .... res tbe Sf. Lollis Globe- Democrat. lady wanled 10 illig pn, bllt pa wu.v etl The'y ra\'e and s ht'lck In maddening the m awuy, nnd said he l\I,ed th e ele· ln cca to nS they p'ul'<l lle tllelr headlong plllint bUSin ess best. caree r, 'fhey are Illtoxicatcd wltb May 7.- 1 used to " hlnl, that II I co uld belong to a circus, and go awny iEenealion and llIlllidlin with Incober· wltb 'IL wb pn it left lhe town I li ved iiI , D!, beter oge neou s fllCI S, 'fbe times I hat It wou ld be pretty near gOing 10 a re bad campa ny, and menace lbe heaven, J nscd to hope for the time moral and Intellectual welfare or when I would g t ner ve enougb to wbose en deavors to I,eep pace with run away, lIud go with a circus, and 11lem, Th e unfortunate pel'son wjJo wenl' a dlrly s hIr t, and bc aronnd a 6~el;8 to I(C~II up wIth lhe present tent and wns h art the legs of a spotted Mr. Menke l th ny uri' t l Oln~ (ur 1llIlIti n 'd s pr:1 :-: (; E I\LBF.tlT IJI" VI ,,\ :-; I, I': US, 11 mCB ca n do lit Lie else, He lives In horse with sat lie sonp, and wh en peaof 0 ' hm'H. ~\' c l'y tllI~~ /'J t:lld s R' lllln llllq,~ "Ie gatJlered abo\tL me to watc h Ih e (:-IOIV Ilolr 10 CI,. T ltro". 0 1 B c l ~" , "L) t,h l'on gb tile VOiIU:, purl! ... trou..: . I"I nh , no t! a frenzy, and his Dlental digestion IB proceedlllg's, to 1001, tough and tell his lute fat he r 's alloll'an~ e frtJllI Ih e blond I hilt Rtril"',, ,<I rn,~lot I\L , ho c:a\l!:U 'Ir r uIned, His mind Is a catalogue or oil ill heldth , 'J'bo n ~ \V bluod re»l (lrl'~ them In 1\ boorse \'olce way down my Slalt, wars, dl sll'/'SII, electlous, hOI'J;o s bows, I '~g llhll' ity, IIl1rllJl ' nc~. 1111 Iltll"I'"IIII~ rnr throat, sort of buslty from s le' e plng In Tbe ne w hel r Is or 51 uclitH 'S dis p", Inew novels nnd scam/nl, and he does 1 heir ~ptl('ia l tn!"h ~ . TH I ho g'PIiUIIt ," IJ r. tbe wet st raw'\, Itb Lhe spotted horse. lion II nll is sl l'llillIgl y lil,e 1,llIg I~o W illill cns' P ink Pill" 1\1 .\·U llf .lrul!l!" C,, ' not know wbal any ot these thl u g~ thnt they must );0 on abollt thei r /101« In looks a nd man I1 c rh:ms. Th e re. 01' clic'pu L fl'/llll llo e Or, WIlIIt~uI 8 lthJC\imeaD, He has DO lime t~:r t'etlllOnlng business, and not dlslurb the borse. however, the resembl an ce end ~ , Prince OWII 00" I::lchcllcctudy. N .Y, o r thoUgbt' of any kind, His memory 1 bad thonght If I ' should run away Albert Is eX)le~tea 10 he almus t liS is overworked, but Ills cOgillvc taeand go with a 'Ir us. some day, wben s tri ct n disclplilluriun a~ \\a s hi. fll ' nllles are atrophied ['Tom tllsuse, He I got far enougb away from ma, that Ih er, li e lu," tra velet! e~le n s l\'ely, und CONCERNING CH U RCHMEN, I would up nnd swear, and be tough, a lway s nlllU e ID" tln g I'rleu li shIJ's, III loses tbe relation betwlltt lIlmselC and and when 1 came borne In the fall, and wh lr. b he hus boen ~ re uil y uit! ed by e vents. He knows Ihe "what" and Dr, Glr. nnoll, r,;1, I,nlllo, now \l',w,,,the neIg hbor boys w01I11I come aro und hi s wife. the " wben." but lIol tbe "bow" and l ug III EIJ~; lulHl . is Iht> , o nngclil nn:rtme, I wOllld cbow tobact'O and tell TIIB sor:lullsts donOIlI1('el1 II i" r."lJer the " why ," He lIa9 no power to anlJls hOJl lu lh ~ \\' orlll , Leill ", 0111)' ~2 Y~"' J lhem of the joys of ci r cus life. Well, wben It loul,M a . thuuSh li e wmiltl 1'1' - o lcl, aly~e or camllure. Ask him wbat he maybej wllloome day, but at prl'seut JI OU IICe 'hiM l:Ialm~ IU Ih e Ihroll e In \1" , Wi lliam ~L Z:\ " n~ , nil Icull ll nll ~ k nows, and he will , Ive you a list of 111\'01' of Pl' lnco AI\Jerl , IIn ll ul .hat I am sleepy all the lime, ~'ords, w bereof be knows not what one 'Ve huv e showed six limes th. las t Ilnll! seo l'e,1 him for acceJJllng cite ~ c a l e o1i !"i dcrgy ulan. ha s .'oUlph' lCd &2 Yl" .tl ~ of ad l"c St'rri( p, I II w l lch llel'h,d fh' means. He ha ~ lost tbe beUer part weel{, and tl'aveled a tho usa nd ltJlles, grll nl , betllu"c ho WDS e no rmou sly I' ll- h. hOd Io o~ n 0111 ur hl ~ 1J'.! 1'1t 011 nc '011 10 t , r o f his mind. He Is keeping "up wllh and IL seems as lbough t bere ID nOlhThe prln co vl ~ ltell In Helg lullJ 0 fe w 1I111<'s but si x llm r ~, t he times," All at whic h generalizaIng doIng but putting up and teklng y ~ar~ ngo nnd WIIS favoraul y rClcl \'ed. fl c \', II, Oli n 'odi', Iln wor EV3 11 11 II1 I1, down tents, and goi ng 10 an~ ~rom Pc'ln('e AIhe n wa s born April H, I i :i, tIon we lieg 10 olfer a s an escuse to 11 1.. who lin . UN! n ": tJl I I : l~ ~ r .. d wHh tbe cars, and you ca n 't he tOllgh. ','allse all(\ wodded OctolJCI' ~ , t ~OO , I he P ri llt he dozen people who have r ecently o t!!s t. lI1i ~a ion s in \\' i"sl Ch i na fell·ttl l) thero Is always ome boss ' aroUlld to cess KII I.[\lI 'lh of Du\'ul'la , uy wholl1 he I;s ked us had we read Borne particular la ~ t J9 yeur s, hn . hr ( n rl'tlrc'd wlt ll 01. tell you to 1001; pleasan t Ir yO\! are blls had two SOliS, bi llboard " lItel'al'y s uccess" of late Is1)('11<1(111 uj' IIHl bOllr of ",n, l1J;crsof , II .. cross. and to tell you to char-glS :tou r , . Th e (\ eMI count neloN ed , mlltlar y 1IU8, and who r ega r ded li S co ntemptul ulssi onury 8tl(.- l et l' . shirt or get out of th e s llo w, auc l , ll fIrt'o r carly In lIIe !luei :lIl'tl l1cd di s()usly ", h n we onfes£eu tbat we hacl BOl ,n'An T OOK IlALF A WATERilffil ,ON 1\"'0 f' Vr T 'nE RED SlOE ON YOU sweBl' at IIn ylhl ng yOu are Called tiu 'l\oll ns a s h'ntc;;l: l. 11 0 hel'l hUllli e", G, G, H I~h a nls . \' ka r 'o f SL T'cto' ! TOP OF I'A ' S Ii E A U. not. We were charged wltb beI ng dowu, t)rn ,'y cocullla lld s In l II Uri l I ~ h and nn ll 1'0111 1'0, 'J'cl\, lIns 'ull. I~ u gl n llll , 10" , " behi nd lhe t hlles," antI we arc proml pull It out by Ibe roots, and jump up cam,e along, a,nd when be sa w 1'0. wit h Pa and 1 putlu a good deal of Ill1Ie Prussl,, " arml cs, b ~ ill g IL Ii l' Ul nn l1, I S ~ ll\'d n J;~lI r l'l\l Ic \' IIOllolI to Ihe [1 11'11 'to admit rhe u'mh .of lbe c harge, Just lind el'acl, W8 h,oel8 together Ilite a wa ter meloll and bluIng wal er ,all over Ilnrlng tlte afte rnoon ane] evening per- gene rul o r <:uvalr)' " lid It onol'nry co m- or h i. IllIT i. h /11 I'all UI Ihe VI CMII/;" " " :'t) ur.duy 8 \'cu I I1J!H IhrulIJ.!,1J(J ut t he WIII (cr now we are In the 1\fteenth century, drunllen shoe maker. and bellow as hIm , aDd pers pira tion roiling clown hi s formanccs, In the d ressing 1'00111, ne:tr lIHlml er {Jf (i 1'UgOOIlS III I ~ c I, lIf'r nllll(o r a " f,.irndly rlllll' ancl " t hn l." alld 1Iope 10 I(ve JoO!; enough to get thou gh be was saying be W i\~ a bad fnce, he aald to 1'8: "Why don't you Ihe tlOOl' leading to the main t enL lury ~s Lab J\ s hllJ enlS , I, IS ~:I IC I to iJe , Las t '\'111 11' " Ho,' , 111' lI al sQ Y, <,r Ill " take your e l,~phant bac k to tile lot, Thal is tbe nellrest to being In au more Il,n n likely thut Ihp. II nw Iw lr nll-, t brough wllh ' lt, W e s ball not eudeav· man from Bitter creek. rr rsb )'te.l' ilill furelg ll I JlsHlon IllInnl , Insa11e asyl um of any plnee l \Vas (lvor )HlreOt UI ~o WHt ~ glwlO IoIJIIOI" "Y WclI , aL Akron, t he keeper of thi s 'cause the ali'lernoon performa nce Is I' to ov 1'1 ake the [",cnLletil, ,, !,ile.l the Il i l "s llll ~ 111 West 11.1'1'11 '11 , elephant, Bolivar, hac1 to go and see about to begiu," and thal made pa In, The perfor mers get ready for l helr cOlDnuond~ In lh e two armi es. .' l llt'€! Ids r 4.)t Ilrn he is d eno llllc 'lIl a ~Ir l I hat he m el wben th e s how was mad, and lie said: "You go on with several a CLS, In bunehe>! or families, Lcr'11nld of It elg illm a l.d l he Cu ngo 1,' 1 ., Unrewarded Kindness, h ere last year. and setlle ,a eose or your aiternoo,n performance, nnd I all 10 one SpOt, nnd they acL Rerious NEW BUILDING READY. :;fa i c us " th u m O~ l illhll1l luUS mouu l't.! It Is IKlsslbl e to get Ill to trouble brea h ot pI'omlse betore a justice of will hllve Bolivar there all right," and a nd jaw each other, nnd eacb blloch U l nt ('f \"(' r fiu t 011 IllhrcJllC. " Ihough aile has the best and mas I be- ,the 'peace, and the bos8 told pa 10 1001, tben everybody laughed . bllt PII knew ac ls as though their act WIIS nil I hel'o Stniet urc in' Which Live Stock Show i'ro f, Orr, of I he \:n lll'ci Free Chll r h after the elepllant tor an hour o,r so, was to t he ·show, and If It wus cut out t he was , about. bevolent intentions. Tho Bu rk~sv llle W ill Be Held Is L n7-g ;;$\ of Its co l l ~ ', .. Glu"j; ow , h'a ~() III'_ i nec\ Ihu ll rnSH Pa dropped bls hook anti went to a tor any reason, the s how would 11l1\'0 ( Ky,) H erald (ella of a young lady So pa look a pol e with a hook In it and ltin\! In thn W or hl, prll.~ of $I; ,OUO for t he hrsl lh uJ.0g lnol whose Ilindly di s position received ,1 sat down on a bale or hay to watch bose cart an d took a 13l1bco~l( extin- to, lay up for t he seaso n, when in Cact l ~tJ(ll~ "liter 'd III l"Cl ll1l h.. 1 l !o n. Tho))I 1;1 1' D<>lh·ar. It wss o)'le of t hose hot clays, gu is her a nel I!trapped IL on IllS back each one Is on ly a oog In lbe great Chi en;;" -The Inl~l'n flliOIJ : t1 Li ve ~e vere s ho I( III burch on a recent ancl 'Bolivar stood drooping nnd per· ,a nti went LIP ilo Bolivar. who was tip- wheel, and It one cog s hould sli p, th e S ioeic ~ h,' W I hi " y ar wi ll be held III ib nwnrllpf! LJy th ~ II U !1 : '~1 ~ o~ L aht, I,'or· Sunda)' venlng. She sat directly he- spiring, nnd wishing t.he sbow ,was In Ur, Orr 's bool( , .111l pi ng over some dummies ill f!'Ont of wheel would turn just ~he same, Tllese lh~ nt 'v tlXI'( >'I tluh b"lldln~ nt Ihe cs t unl\'('rsl l), c'>' ltll Ihe Olel Tc,. tam"le t I'ruul c m, hi nd n tall. we ll-dressed 8l rang ~r with Al lIsl{n, anti pa was kind of sleepy, a clot hin g store, and pa salll : "Boli- people ne \'el' s mllo befOre they go In I col oll Htotl( l' uc'el tt For nv" years th .. "1I1'11lt; hi s \' i ! 1t 10 Ib West of j;;n ~: 11 raveling banging on his collar, and II1;e everybody In the sbow, wh en ~lId var, yo u Iny d.own ," but Boll var threw Lbe ring, but jllst aCL as tbough to\1 u ire tlonl or I hc ex po ~ l lloJl ha ve wO" I,e,1 ~hought how glnd s he wQu ld be It denly that elephant whooped, IUld n. se\'en-dollal: s uit at clothe. at pa, mil h depended OD Lhem to crack a I" I:"t Ih ts new hulldlng and Onn lly Ih e lr IUIHI , nO', TOIT"}, , ti le t'\'nllgrll ' I, Ita" l'<Jme I<lnd-henl'led gi rl would e1a as 8\Ynllcd Jeanette. his wife, a ooup\e or nnd bellowed. as much os ,10 dety pa. 's mile, Whe n a bunch Is called 10 go rlr e "", ~ hav e been r~a ll 1.e d , III c'on- len rn ed Ih al Cu pt. Willia m Torr y, l'rolll milch for her tat her were be to go tim cs, an d she cried pitiful. and lla Pa turned the cock of the e¥t!ngulsh- In I he r in g, they all look at each ot be r s crur.II,,,. nlone tile P. XIIOs ltion bu ilding Wh Oll1 he Is Ms" .. u,l cu, Idt Cumbr !'it. Ni l'llOlus , J! t' UI" ( ' hard . Sr) lll {' r~~t " lI lI t-: . 1:0 cbu rch wltb lJ. mvellng banging pu t t he hool, In Bollvar's blele and er, and pointed the nozzle a t Bolivar's as Ihough It was the Jlartlng or tbe rt! prese nl s an o lltlsy 1)1 $260,000. Ono tor A "' t .. ir a In I h se\'('ll tN!1l1 h c'01l1 ui y, ,lawn Ill s bac,k So wilen \Jbe Audience gav e a jerle, and told blm to bush up bead, and began to squ irt th~ medl- ways, nnd they clas p ha uds and go alit thr)"~and or tho lEnding ~ c o ~ ll me n o t an cl fo u ro de d \\'rYlUolllh , Ma 's, Lltnt noise, bu t Bolivar just r eared and (:jIted water a'll over him , For a. mo- or' the dressi ng room as !.hougb walk- Ih e country hav ~ s IIi.>scr lbcd ~l O II, OC). Ilose for the firs t hrmn s he co.neluded UI: lh) I' M ~.: s , ot CO\' lngloo , I<l' ~ has pitched anel walked right tbr.oUr;h Lhe ment Boll ~ar acted a s t hough ho In g on egb'S, Whell Ihey gel lu Ihe whl I,' Is t o /;~nr811I e l! lh e ~onJlnllan c o 'to pil'lc It oIT, Ca refully rAisin!; het rI ng lhey look arollnd to see If all of tIle an nua l s how and 10 JII. t If)' t ho J)lIr 'hn Bcd th e 'rhumBs Moul'rly hou ... 1,and, s he gave a lill ie ('WHen, but It "J "S are upon tbem : and bow to peo- expfl n.1I1 um by I he s l'lrl, ya rds man- ~tPad Ilt 1I1(' I, mond , Ky , fur lh e I'UI'~ O "" WIIS longe,' than s he ~uru>CCCd, and a pie who are Joo I{llIg III somet hing go- agemen I ror cIoe Dew 111111,1\ ng, J\ t I h" of C'~lt bll ~ h loll; II IHHnt' for Ill c bron,' lo t II\l g~ lonal' lc" "otlDe,'1"d wllh lite (:0\'1 " ":_ 100t "r more aPllcart'd , SeLt1n!;' her IlIg on In another rill/,;, and who don't to n dioct?R6. 'J'~It~ h Oll se I~ It mugnlnrt-' Hr. see them. and then th ey go through teeth , s he ga\'e a. llUli. and alJoul a o lrl ,'olonlnl 1"'''' Hlol1 , SlIrrOllllli tcl bv I ~ theIr performnnce with everybody yard at tha t hOl'rlble tltl' ead hUlig ft, ' r Cf\ nf b l u e gra ~s (arm IU 1HI nl1 l l ia. 1001; Ing somew~ere else, f1owo hl~ ba k, This was ge.ttj l~g emadm irab ly 1\l1" l ot~c1 In Ihe Jlur ~o~c fUI' Wben the aCL Is over the aud ience barrassin g. but, delermlned, she gave \\' II ~c h Il wa c s Pell rNI seems glad , and clap hands because j t another yanl" a nd discovered tha't tbey are ' polite, and It don't cost anyehe was u~ravellng hi s ullders blr.t.. thLng to clap hand s, and lhe performlier discomfiture was !j() paintul that ers turn some more flip flap s, and go THE "COFFEE HEART." chldl'oror·m wo uld nut have rell~ved running out to Ihe dl'es,sl ng room, and :-\EW H ~'I E· I" LI\- I;) Sl'OL' I, !; tJ u w ber sufferings nor a pint of powder t ak e a peek haell Into tile lilg te nt liS AT CHI ,\00, ' It I s as Dlln ;;c l'Ous ns the TobnceJ o r bidden her blu shes wll~n t he ge ntlethough expecting an encore, bllt tile Whl ky Hea rt, audIence has forgotten lIlem anel I. end of ten ~' eal's the amounts ""bseri\)man (urned an Inqt;lrJng look to see Uf::offcc hea l't" 13 tO lUlD on OJany looking for the next mess of !lerrorm- ed by I be IIIulvllluol me mbel's of thQ what was tlel,lIng hi s ned•. e1'8. and the ones who have Just been IlIl ernatJonal Li ve Stoel( associall;'n colI~u IIscr8 :uHf is Ilnl)l" to selld I I", own", .. 10 hl R or Il ~ r 1011 ,: hn,u « IC Illd In go nnd lie down on st raw and won- wi ll be retur ned wi th Interest Popular Prmce. 'The new lJuildlng ' ln whi ch th e 8ho\1' , dl'II fO is IICl's ls tcd In, ' YUII can I'll" ,;1) der If they can hit the t~eas .. I'er for PrHlo('.6 Louis of BattC1lberg lias made an ad\'ance on t h clr salaries. so Lbey ·... 111 be held will lJe th e IlIrge t 8 11'11e~ or 40 ynl'tls uu,1 lint! o u t It ),011" h" JI' fl n Immense bit In New York with his can go to a beer gard p,n and rOl'gef tu re of It. kind .In the worill. \t ~ ac- Is trou bled. A lat! y \\' ho was ou e.. a tual seating C8 113Cily will be 10,000, vlcll nl of II' e "corree hear:" IV l'ites It aU , monly bearing IUld dem',el'atic ways, An average audience never gets It.t The lollo wl ng Ilgures gl \'o so me Id ea from Oreson: H , I here is anythIng snobbi s h ,a bout " I hnvc bee D a hablluol " "pr or <'Or. money 's worth unless Borne one Is burl ot tbe vast n (!~s at t he strucnll'e, Size blm. It' elInnot be detecJ.oo In bls mandoing so me daring act. Pa Buggesteu of building, HOOx310 feet; sl~e of audi- feo nil illY lifo. !lntl havc Rulfe''!.'c l VPI ' ner of greeting, It Is ",'bole-hearted, thllt they bQ.\'e $ome ouc pretend 1.0 ~ torium, ~ I Ox200 feet: Sl16 or a,'e l18 much In rec~nt years from ulllu ,'ni s as if be meant (! \'ery ,vord of II , and burt In every act, and bnve them 2('OxIOO fe~t; tOlal floor space. 2'13,600 \ ' bl r h I bC<:8IUC sn tl . lie(1 'wero d irt ..... square feet. he does ; for Ihere Is about h im the Iy ll,,~ 10 the IlolMn In tb e bCll' ('I'!\!!" , picked up and carried out on stretche rs shupllclt.y tbat a ttraets sallorm en , The big teut which has In rOl' mer f' I:( II as 1III'IIId liv e r I1Uol In d i ~rRtI ' H1 , l'A TI ' YlNED THE CO' K OF TilE EXT1NG1'ISJiF:R AND PO INT E D TlIE with e1octors wearing red CTl'sses on rear s been ere ted for fhe JUdging of and one kuows tbat tbe b'Teetlug Is NOZZLE AT BOLJVJ\\t 'S HE AD, their arms, In attendan ce, giving medi1.'llll'il III 11l1'1I maele my CO'lll)l exlo ll genulno, Tbe pr ince lool;s and tall;K cine and resto ratives, The sbow tried t he horse C'lnsees will not be ne(: e~sal' y biOI lJy anl\ muddy, , li ke a 81 ,'ong man , He IIk"s to talk .Ide of the menagerie tent, nnd seemed !-'Onldn't take a jol,e, and wa ~ going 1.0 It at Bucyrns, 0 " and had seven men Ihls yea r, There \\'111 be plenly (If " Then my heart became t1lfecl(!cl. , It "Come start off again , bnt pa hept squirting, and two ",'omen Injured so tbey had room lor all Ihe exhibi lions In the II e w wnuld beal. mos t rapidly just nf! r I aboUl, atilleUcB. boat races. sparring to say to t.he otber unlmals: bui lding. matches and Iblngs of tbat sort. He Qn. buys; there Is gOing to he some- and wben the (:homl ca l water began to to be ca.rrled 'alit, and t be audience e1mnl. JIll' ro lToe. anel go loclo w uo"n.:tI aG lito colTeo e",ect wore off, Aomelikes to lalk of I lie .ea or guns or en- thin g doing," and the anima, s all set eat Into Bollvar's bide, th e big animal went wli'd, and almost mobbed the Story ot tbe Sul tan, ' IIJl a bowl In their own Il\n gunge, as weakened, and trumpeted In tollen of dressing ·room, to se& the doctors oper. tlcn~s Illy pul ge would go :!s It lsl1 a . gines nnd other t blngs tha t malle The ,su lton or Tu,'lwy Is, not SUllposed thongh they were oIaylng : "Wbooper surrender, nnd kneeleel down In front tImid men s budder and tur n pale. I II uP. old man, and don't le t thelli of pa, li nd finally got down 80 pa co uld ate on the Injnred, 'It was such a great to unoerata nd any Innguage but bill 1~ 7 \Jest s 10 III(! minute, Myfn mlly we rc success that next week we arl' going srca:Jy alarmed at my co nd it ion loro.l .. bar I, be Is II slIlIor, who needs only monl(ey with you," get on bls back, and pa took tbe hook to put In an automobile ambulance ow n, and ' therefol's oil offlri al QueR- nt lai! moth cr pel's "~, tI~d me Ie; u(>gl n a pall' of rtnrlng bOOI 8, a long s word, 1Ioilvar went out In Ih e ~treel and and booked It In the Ilap ot Bolivar's and have an operating In tb. tlon s mu! t be hiLI befo re him by on Ille ust: of Poslull\ I,'ood COrt'P8. aud a romanll c uackgl'OlInel, to be lhe mowell a wide s wolh , with pa nUer ear, wbere is a tender spot. and be told dressing room with a gauze screen I!O In lerprete r , 'l':,ls person usually thun . "I Kave lip th ~ old co lTee l\Itl lrel\' IIvln;; eJ llmple uf a good old >!e" him , booking blm all tbe lime, but he Bolivar to get up and go back to tbe lhe audiences can see us cut 011 lege de rij hl 2 JI'.aJ~sI.Y' l! qU~slions at Ihe for- an'l nlJsohll uly, RllIl mado Post u"':' III ~' paid no attention to pa, He put bls teDt, and Bolivar was as meek a8 a like tbey do In a hos pItal. Maybe wo elg n ~ r, but r rlllgcs and shi vers wltb sale table be\'el'u:;e, flghl cr, Thl3 was bead under tbe sIde of a str eet ca r lamb, end he got up, with po. On his shall put ,In a dIssecting room It tho aw e while li s tening to hi s royal mas - montbs ago, nud nil my Ill., th e iu dl. If everybody do esn'l i( eep Ilralgbt loaded wltb neil:roes thaL had l.'Ome to back, and I he ~Ire extinguisher on pa's people !Ie em to demand It. ter, The contras t of mann er Ihus seslJon. inacllve 1I\'er and ricl; e'v on ubom hi s business In N e w Yorl{, see tbe s bow, dressed In tllelr Suuday back: and mar,cbed bael! to the tent, s howll bord ers on Ihe lUdicrous, At hcart nellon. have I;asscd a,,'ny , .an ;1 tbe ccncluslon of such Intervi ews the clotbes, and lipped tbe car o\ler on tbe ,tbrough the bole be bad made comins tbere Is I rouble aL onre, If a chip my complexion ha3 become cletl l' nn ,1 Wanted to Know, sulliIJI usu a lly rl~es from his lhrone Iltops on tbe s wlftly ·Uowlu!; Hlream at aide, aud the negrocs crawle,1 througb out. Tbousands at people follOWed, "Mr, ElnBtelD, I gome to ask fel ,and ~&18 qulelly, either In the vlsltor'~ natural. TIle Imp l'o\'~m~nt 6et In VeT)' Illreet life, there Is an eddy 'formed, the windOW. and went uplown ye lling and cheered pa, and when tbey got ID Rebecca's hand ," language or In French: "Now IIlat ou r soon aner I made Ihe change, Jus t u and lben a blocknde, A peanut almost Dlurder, while Bpllvar went In front at tbe teut P/\ salcll to the principal owner "I'd Is yours, Ikey." a grocery Htore where tbere was a pile of th,e 8bow, who bad made fun ot buslaess Is concluded, you will come soon all Ihe calfee J'tllwn had time to caused II pani C nue cay late ly, and a worll out of my ~y,.;em. "Do te . dlamond rlnp On It go mit Into my slud y lind ba ve cotree," of watermelons, and began to tbrow him: " Here'. your elepbant, and woman tr)'lng to find Iler s bell hair- them at lb~ people In tbe street. lind wbellever any of your old anhhals get It, Mr, Einstein?" "My husband has nlso been sreatly be.neflted by tbe use of Postnm , lI ~d ",,% pin blocked trallle fo r upward ot J !) Ibe negroes thougbt an ele pba,nt was On the warpatll, and you wllnt 'em .flipRueas Conl:r8l'lneS8, minutes the other day. Ouly ,pauae not 80 bad, 80 tbey came bac\{ and bad rounded up, doh't forget my number, DOing ' everylhlng by contraries, as lind Ihat a simple br~akta8t ,,'It'h P03' Wuhlnc KUk. tum 111 is satisfyIng nnd more HI rCIlSl hfor v ne Instant •• tbe buman stream. , a teast. ' 'cause I can knock tbe spoUt out of aD)' Bacon-How do you know your milk- usual , tbe Japanese, 1118tead or bllrylng undo,r a foundation sto ne tbe. name. 'o r cnlng Uinn the old heavIer lIIeu-1 "'e and sbortly I bere'll be yp.lls (or the Pa tried to htad olf Bolivar at tbe anlm.l elCcep~ Ii ilralfe." The crowd mall' ilvea, )'OU clean mill; ? Iilabert-BecauH I've seen him walb. tbe PHsons c~nnectecl wltb llie build- IIsM to liave with tbe otber \lInd -Of JlQllce 'a/ld a mJ;r.lI, like a battle' ~roCfry, but Bolivar took ILalf a cbeered pa agal,n and he' got doWD off "afermelon auti Pllt tbe red lid. OD til, .)c-phant took' off bls lire attn- 111,. It .l- tbe , Ptill,ljl_-":YoDkera SW. Ing 01 ' a telDPle. In,crlbe tbem on '. r.qfre~'" NalDe given 1>1 ~Ium Co" .J!!J4" , -;;.;. ' tabl~t wbteb II eOn,pleuoully placed 0.' BaHle CreCK, Mlcb.... toD 'l!:i~~~1 !iU~ ~dowj) ~bar•. 'laal~4t4 sOlIv~ • P~_ at" ~... Tb trre 'll n realion, tIlt! lIIn~ ~, Ua~ root, " " !look, ." Tb~ Road to )Velhlllo,"ln plli
'HfLPS FOR HOSTfS S'I~ v:~Ya~;: .I~,~~e .
NOVEL EN'I:ERTA L 1M EliTS ~OR A F TE J:. NOON AND E VJ:: N ING, l':'!l'tv fol' Au t umn B l'ld e- A uctl on ot l3~ sl-: e t ~-To A m u ae L itt le OnesA lt t'Ucr lve Qu:\ l~ers - Ot h c,' xo nll S
R ~ Cl'g!\t.IOU ,
A Bride, 'E lec t 's p , I ty ,
A n UU l tlllltl h ri ri ('~d .... !,; l of IH II! O I' Hi t h i s \J!' ''l IV a
\ \ ; t:-.
e~~;~i1:;~-e~:,~~;'t"~b l~
Eacb <lbll J II' I"i Iler l1ll ll t eU iO R I · ~ l !,:ow· a cOI,; r l)ll ft\~ hlo n Illate th e d , ~s ~ sbe IlI,ed tbe best. He'titdtl had lIeen ,lU t 'Ou t or adl'P('tl:e lUc u t~, . Cu rting out i be dr csses IGIII( Qme t1m~, TH en t l~Hu e PIi IlCI'. loc ' ll a pN'. a nd all SDrl S of od lls nntl ~Il(\ ~; of Ilanel' wer c \lil t o n Ihe l!1 hlo, a n ll /lr t'Ss~. lU ,u de ror t he Imp J' lloi:s I ~IHI , I'lII t! In II It Pe lJ lo t: k ~ a nd ma Y II II Il I'I ' h u~~11 1'0 1' a Cr i fl ~. Libral'Y lio.R l ~ wa .' Jl rovl tl ~ d " 3n ll a hlls y l!lItl l' was ~pcnl. A II.' il· 0 1' rOl.1 nd ' l;ollited S iS~ Ol" lit .:t !eat. h" ,· ,. 4 P IleHg ht cd I h e Iii III) ;:11'1 \\ I.l~ IS .' l.1 r ... ~ ...., "' Uti "Clt~d l h e IJf(lU Ic :;.;1, ,I hp I"t-I tJ'l'~ htne llt ta b le w as tiC f' t1I' At f d \\" h !.W~ I,' ,,j I'L' ,;,,r d pa IJP " !lull". whll'll
lli r Sli est
tfl 'I~/ ltJ!\ il n 'jll l' , l Th e h tl51o'~" II' !,,' ,I cl~lll or h ~,· ~ l'l" la l fr ll'u u.' lU l' l It,... h ll ll!':-' iJt ' ''-l ' '' n t hi { .(I jl l1 d I 1111'
si x o 'd
d \: .
A I Illp tu p 0:' I llp il1\·itu -
iO Il ~ Ilt" WI' O: . lh f',.,p d('\" 'l l' lir,c. ~ w ll h Ih" rL'q ll r "1 r,,1' l be 1" ('11 " ur ~ :': ""r ile ' sll ln<1: '1 ' " , , h " I, 0 < to ," , ( . , " ' : . • \ 1 t '-':;";" o( I : H'j " 'J ,I , ,."' 1"': ,
A ll " Ir'( ' ~
" J! I'\" II , /I (~ . '
girl :'! tu n k h o nw with l h e m, a s w ell 11 ')11 :'1 't't hh. II t hey tl r ctiti LI. C U, l llll Cl( t ll R:l1 11IWie h fli S Ilt! l' l' u llc)'S In
I 11:; , t h t'
, , hape or c1tJl!, \\,r re s r Tl·PII. T h is mo l lJe r I ' ''1.1 sit ...hnd ~Ol th rou gh a IIlII'I , 1" lO ro I\ll h " II li ll ie fn l l;;lI" (11' ('1 ·le tlon . 1 1 \' l'l ~f\ Jl "" l ' \\u:; IJe'I' liu ~r I h ItoY fi w('t 'P
l Ul ' t 01 ,1:.I :, h 1:, ! ., 1~ \\ I: h 1 ',L I' ~ .; (, t··,' ) l d llefls, A Id IH' ,'1 '" h ("11 ~\i t h II · \" , i: , 1 IJl d \ 1' 111" ~ II, ..J{J ... ! ~_ H " ,, !~ lr : l\l~
" 'It! : ",:1 : 1
H ilI
"r t~ I I~ ., F e3~f} li
D om estic D il'loull\cl" MIl\. 0 Swe t-J ·t! 1;0 and s ppnd a w ,,~ 1t wil h m y 5ister in th e couol ry If I rbou -h I yo u cuu ld mll lla ge Ih e ho use
01 '"
I:lw ce t- Oh, ( ca u
m il u ~ :;e
"' 1 \ I.
bllC~ I :';
11'.1" Dr rivet! . e a (' b
." I" " " IC I), Inlo Ih" 1:-
h ,' (> II (l 1'(}\'id l>tl. W lt tl gOl d hl:lt-!~ iul. ant, a Jil ll" iJn(l l~ w h !c'h ":1':- il ll ! ' Ira l t:ll w it h \11"'11 u lH l I n k tlrH\'.-lnc;~ I ) t t llt l !If'\\" 110 11 ,; (, 'w i rf' p '-' r f l}t·tl'i ng \'llrl l1 l1 ~ du ti r :-, ill ll1l ~ Id lr lll' ll. " ' hell eUl' h 1.. "f'lC Ilotl lJ~e u w rlt t el1 UfI d slg-u etl, Th t:" ho;)k VIa:; ~1 \'ell
l u lbe 1"'llOl ed ' II '·.' aUII
to U"e Up to the Pre l e nt the Boso G ave H im and the . Relult. Were Diu. trou."
"On Clir l"t maa J;" th' ho, ~ m cct~ me I a l'-I'-C l hetie ?' I 11 , 1,1', I' ('1111" Wall 11.1' tll' 1 111 "oml n' in to Ih' o lll t'e. " . ul d Old j lOO PS th a t I' Ul, io wn w all f.lde a l' til' Mall Hoga n. .. 'Ale rr y CIII'I _llll a ,;,' he tbiIJg'. ~ .. ys. huud ln' m e u Iwln ty 01111 1' go ld .. . () lh im : s bc ay ~ , ' WhY, dou' t you :13
p l~(:t' . 're s m oke. d C11' t ) e'!' 11 10 say s , ·WIIl. her 's II II l thle ~ ulll el h in' 10 r ay,
lulm be r 111 lJ e.' Wi d I II li t he g l\' 1:5 tn l' a IIUllle sll,· r m nl ch hllX . 'N o w,' h e " l)S , 'yr' \! nl wRy g Irn ow \\h c r~ t o fln d 11 li g h t,' n OI IIHI I (I' I. B tll I t h luf{ 110 \'5 l'o u id h " Dear ma ll! H e millt \\ III. !:I ut lh at LI1Lrl'ta ltl t':1 i nlhe tHU ll e w a,~:. fo t' £11(' S f'(' r pl o r I,; ",'p i ll~ ehl ltl r p l1, a s We ll tiS lII t h l(' ~I h'e l' cont l'R [l li o n I, SU I'C lO'luli d mc III t h' ba nl; rtliltcy ~O Ol' l blly rul'c grow ll 1'''U \l !P, h upp y, Is t o ),ecp th em NO I' u glts lhr oug h 11.-1)) ' 11 11 to Il, uusy . " I lllk ~s t h' t \\' lllt ~" a nd l h ' mal t h box h o m e 11'1 11 m e In Ih " mo rll ln ·. ' FOR BEAUTIFUL EYES . .. 'H e re. Nora ,' ( 6 1l ~'S to hel's llf. 'Is P rop [' At..t e n t 1 01 ~ to H y gie n e W i ll Iwi n l), dol la rs th' boss s lnt hOlll e to I e for a Ch1'lstm ns prlsl nt. .~n · 1001; 'at I n :' i~'h t i!l. Du ll E yeS- A b out L o lh i, s lll'c r malch box bc Sl' m e.' . t t O llli :\nd Ey"brow G rcw~r . " '0. alll ·1. Il 101' ely.' he S :l),S , g rab, ! ' n ll ll ,'·.w , Illar he m ude IUSl rrlllS by ll in' th ' maloh box an ' parl ll ' li t) nlt tll'
I w llf' l'L' peT'':; 1.) 1 \ \r iu H&:,! ;.lr·s h ad I
w," ,... I\f'r~d
IJr al'Y.
--- - - -- - --
I 1)r()lle,. H ~I'_'.I~l l o u
c1pliti tJ lb, M ille. {~11 1
t o h ygi en e, w rlr r ::; I n~. III t h!? Ch k a go Heco n l ,
s al ad of l h p lI d, ; j '~ ~' o WIl ,'\ 'nr O(' l iun wu ..; ' H r r nld . J\ !JPll Ut If l:JI eye J ~ alway..- b r i! · s ('\ n NJ; nl ., o ('il CCHe w:-If'pr:i a utl ~~nn'f'1.~ ,l lirHI t. "' f;'H I' nnd f u ll. Eve r')' w Olllon
whic h W IlS llIa ll '~ III H \(1I ,;oi& n S U 11111\' n I' In Ihe oI r n\\'ill);'l'Qom . Ilt'I'" I, lht' rl.l'il,e f or Ih" ti a lad : T al(r '"'i ll ~l e"s beun , . ' lI1 all Fr PIlI' h fl ea:;. dk e "";:1'01<, 0 " 1I" I,i<'i un o f ull l,",. a 1I 111 ~ cple r,\' ; ma r in i, n '(: \\111t a Fr olll'l, <ires,l ll!,: or mo),on 8 I s ~. n('t'(l l'llln g 10 18S 1 . SE"': on a lett uc~ I"af 01' In a s Ulu ll ~ \\' ~~l pt'Pl'er.
d'="' \1 3 11 .
BUI I 't..! Ht a n d Ih .... n t l (. 1' trOll h ;p!J ' ," ..·re It n o t f I'rootllUll1-utr. - (' hlL~ ;;;o ElI l1,
FORCE OF lIABIT, F or Sw ea t Chai'i t , y
,,10 110,
1111 ';
Afl t'l' a ll l il t'
P alicy , T1I!.ked T oo M ucb . (' oOD uI E'r clnl Tra vcler - Ob, yo, 1 ai, " r o il us ed t o t ell me I W :l ~ ll lrtl ,lit,c ." \l oy,; I:ecp my ~I r tbl !ay, co mplalne(1 the fon d wife . l,ll' le n t!,- Y Oll ll11 ? 1 h' h us band conlln ne,l lo b ur y It l' Co mmer c ial 1'ra\'~l e r - Y c3, If I ' m a t nose In t ile pa pe l·. . hOfllt1 1 I, CI> ft . ": ') as to gi ve t he m 3 "~'U ll use d to tc llm r I was It i rol ,li hr." /·ha nc.., to maL,~ me ::lily lilt le p ,'e~c n ts , repeated th e fOllll wl fC'; " h ili now JUU .\ ' 0 11 lu u) w. ~ ne vc r a.-I as If you Ih ol1 g ht go." l"ri ell ll - Qn it ;0, "1' olt'r e s llli blrd, IIIII'." ;;I' uwlru Ill ~ CO lO llle rclal T r,l\·~ 1 '1 r-.\ n rl It I ha ll' hu :;; ball <.\ , " One woul dn ' l t. h ln k )' OU thO ll gu L(,( 1, "~ n n to be ou t lt~ 1'0:,01 , I a lways k C~1l It -· 10 j udse IJ)' - " "Is n'l a pa l'r o l a bln l ?" - T il ,Blls . 1~l'ip '"I - n ea ll r7 Co mmcrcial T ra \' Ip r- T o mysel f, or Can't Stnnd That. el ~e '1 Hhou ld Lu v~ lO s tlill d d l'ltt l" AU tl1l n 11 a ll our , II ''o w Uull U:f" I , l'OU Dl!,
Hogan 'on the ~fter Eff~cts .0 £ Christmas
i t all
A II lPra.r)' du ll of
I' Ii:hL.
70 mc '~Le r ~ \\'l s lte~1 I
t o In alle .Olll e lUo nr ) for n B ~ e , Inl cha l I I ~: "n, Ih,e)' tie,I'ISCli antl , :~rrted. 0 11 1 ~ b l.~ vel y d eu r scb r m r. 1 hl n y bas kel s ,,",c rt' pUrl' h llSe d a l who lesa le. a ncl (,llc h I,a" y 100 1, one a lld fi ll ( d It wit h l he mos l (,ell r lolls s lipper lhal shp. rOll ld prepa re. He~' cnrd I~' n s 111 ? t': d Ins ld. and t hc ~ o n c O\ erell I\ \t lt. t ,s.ue I·a pe r, Ihe n ti ed down with n bboll, In" iulti oD' wer e
M I1I, 0 0 Swoe' - tl ul. I 'm o[rold YOll
\\/ ," ltl bo lonely ud tlI l se rahl ~. 1Jo Sw eet-No t ru r 11 minute. !'<INJ , Do Swea l - T hou I wou't go,~ C' h,,:agc) Da lly N \W ,
'.rile Scle!lno of the Game, 'rho l'res btll!ln- Oul' uta I' ha \{' \I Qck " Ri lt " Oougel', ll rol.c fou r , toes li nd w ra lu~(1 a n a ul, le lu yes terdny'a ga me, ' ;"p! Oul l ha cap tai n roas lell h im to
"111111 111 IUlit' tl l ~ \l tm ll ~ l core o r hc!' rr C$. I b lh lu" die m 'lc I'u rul IlmeM a da)' III I dcal' wate r a ll u al'o ldi ng a ll so r ts of l llIi ll l:' Ih ol o re II kcly 10 ove r lax lh~ n l. Llol l (O(l \'('1\:;. r r u[lio g III a poor IIg h l nil e mbro ide r y, s ma il ty pe-a ll tb es~ wil l drain t he forces of lhe eyes a nd II! ICI·rere w ll h per f" cl s ig ht. A 10llo n Ihat s hou ld j.le on eve ry dress· Ill g La hle Is made atte r this for m ula : One t cas lloo nru l of pure boric a clll , 15 d l'o ps o f ~ lliri l B .of camphor, lw o-Ihlr~s , of 8 CUll of lloli ing wa l er, Coo l, ~ lra i n I lhroug h UllIslin a nd. apply with eye C:IP sever a l l im es a da y. Tills will cure ai , lU os l eve ry cns e or i nfla mmalio ll . t ired . ness a nli ge nel'al "'ealme ss of lhe e\' R I I I I h Arm l .s~, ' "he ey brOWn a nd eyelas hes will re' ~pu od q ulcld y to good t roalme nt. Ill s a mazing Iha t Wom e ll \\'ho pe ncil a ile!
se nt to ~O m en, ns),i tl g Ihem to come l lJ a n "s ucti on sUPJ)(l1'." on ulll'll un c r elli ng-.
&1';lng l be add r p.~s a u,l Ituu r. On IlITl l' ln!: ea ch nlU n was I' [Iulr ed to bid for ::1 bas l,e t : on openi ng It, he \,; r. 5 10 flnd l it o lu dy wbose card W8S con · cealed In t b" lla!; ke l. T eo. ca lfee, cho r o la te an d napkins (I.UpCI· or. e, i w el' ~ r"'o ,.ill lI . lll . o "lI!llil taille . aeil foldl u;,(
1 tU l 'n!
· ' ~ O R" . "
'rHRI'I N'
liAR D
NO'l' TO S HOW HOW MA l) [ "' AS.
li on at all to t h' go ld Ill ece, ' Why, It 's nil ea rNed ,,"Id \)\r ~s nn ' Sl'opevtn es 'on It,' lie s a~'s. 'U"s pernelly II lg lnt , /l(ow y e g O OU to bid nn' gl t l\ gOOlI da y' s s lape. I'll wa ke ye ' Ull tOI' dln nor,' ~ t1 o says; , rhn l l'14, 'Ph llr e w el'C" i cp!o; and cr ~a m ~ I "I bea r be r g oln' O\lt th ' f r on L d ure Too S eusltlv e, wh ich o li id 1)(' Ilu r c h n~ d It l s o muc h a I bayru re I gil to 1I iafle Ull ' wh ln J s it up " Tho, Ch lnea lll ilde B dreadful plu te, pal nl I hei r 1.'),l'l)l'o\\'s do no t set 10 1V0rl; at noon t hey's a pagt e board box la r in' be 'uss j 1lRI. becous 001) of our admlt'a l. The m pn t'nlt'ret! in lo t hp sl,l ril o~ t ho SYSlPlll li 1k ntl y lO Impr ol'e t be healln .me pla ce on t h ' tabla In t hO kit chen. I lbnl a 'hl nes~ woma n by m ls ta lle:' H e- F llz geral d h ud to g l\'o u p pl$Y 11 ff a II' .. a nd rJ l'einred tt \\' a 3 th e joll l1.'5 1 alltl beauty of lit· g row tb . opens It , wbll e 'o l'n dan es'aroun d IlIle '''r hl'Y re 8 Il:lin fully la cltln g In ('bnl'ill' PBt'l)' Ihey e l'r l' alt c l1deu, T he re If t he er l'lJ ro w.' a re thl u lhey ShOlllll II kid looklo ' to see what 's In It's s tock' I\'i.l lzln g InHue oc!3.!, J ust notice bow log golf. Is It way o frlu lllg Ih lll ;;S Iltut a ppe" ls S ho- W hy so? h p. urus hecl nig h t an el mOl'lt lng' with tl in', I unwrap a lu I av lIfshy pnper au ' II: r 'Moi ne gu ide are popped ove rH - Hp li ad plaYed footb311 so la na n man . Ho lo \'es Ihl liS" t hn t ue has a t iny loot h IJI'u. h wh ic h has been d lppe,1 Ih ere 's wau IIV thlm long Ge rma n Cia ), l nll 1I0boli ), ever th inks at gol ll g 10 li lli e myste r .I' .· In Jltll'e oll\'c 011. Or thi s po mo tum clln pipes. lla lls pa n In, 8 u d he lik es '\'~ I' lib lit It."-Cle".. ~ l a lld Plai n Dea ler. lha t ho l'Ouldn' t h e lp 1;l r k ln", tll a nd 1I0t n mun l;t le w a 1I' 0rll or wha ll h l' be 11\11)11 d: , - Chica go J ou rn a l. .. ' I could' nl bal'e )'0 IIghtl n' a Il l rt b ~' " au linn supper " W BS t o b e , w h lc lJ ]lIthle blac k du deen wid a s lll'e r m a teh lted vase line, thr e ounccs, Tra ns l tl on, Fllea ks \\'0' 11 for th e g irl s who mnn n!;'ed Pit iful. box 11Iee thut t b' boss g Ive )'e: s he U )' , 'f ln elul 'c t)f caDI harldes , on e o unce, A H1WrO n f:9 , 51 ' 0 11 wt!1 t o u h t h t' 1l 1r t h ' atral l'. It t~ n a nd rHl ft\ (u l 81ght . J\ ~ li um nler ~ U\· t1 .. to ft t\c: 'so I run out an.' gOl ye lh Is hau dwme J a mn lcu 1'lI0l . Oil!! OUllce, 'V he n w lnd~ orr h leok HI'UJ h r ~ ~f.' .!' rnw . [lel we" n $;jO And $cn rolled In lo the •': r (! IUl1g W(!'"It tir.d i t rro ~ t bUr wh e re pipc wi d [t pa rt av t.h ' twlDty.' Oil of I'oscma r y, 11,'(' dn i l)R. To seC:l [ ti n alJd h u ngry w ight 1'ltl' rw cklc u ~ d 10 be. a Uf't i n llC'cr ' ~ h nn dli, uncI I he inPtl nIl Eui d " 'Nora ,' I s a ys . thryln ' bar- rod not to !\llx t horoug hly nnd Il Pll ly Iwlce a dB' A (, ~ OUl re d t n n ' Rt or SII':, \\" , -· \\· .I ~bl ngton S O _.U' " il wa s l'ilr nll for ha lf Ih e mon er. -c.: l1Icu go ::u n. with Oll e)'clll'o w b ru s h. ' show bo,,- mad [ wa s: ar-r ,e ye th lnltlu ' A "PHYSICA L' C(J I/l' URE" GIRL, 1' 01' co n llnuous lise to mllk e Ihe ~ye , aI' havln ' s ourkruut fo r C hris tmas d inAt the I n telli g en ce Offi ce. A Ou G Rille. bl'tJ \\' s lu s ll'o u ~ a llli br Illia n t Iry a 1011 00 ner ? ' What I'll do w ill t hi S tb lng? ' l " An ' w ba t will m r wages b ~? " 'Th is Is u deH I' IIl1l o g UEssllI!; game. ll1 nl le tJr equa l pa rt of gh 'ce rl ne an o s a ys , hol d ln' up th' plp c. 'Do ye eXlllct " Six doll a r s n wee!;," ~ , ni P to s l ve UP lh ' A, 0. H, au ' j ine tb' ' li st loog en ough Iu ft llin n few mome n lS ro sc wS lP l', " Thurs da y a[ t hel'llO flll an ' enlil in t hnl m lg hl hnng h ·a\' y. Pnss pe ll cll s Eeyebl'ows lb at mec t avel' Ih e n os ~ Sang e rbulld ?' off?" " ' I .explct )'p to s moke It , av ('oors e,' Rn tl pa pe r w it h t he a n l ! (JlH1 Ce m en t lhu l g l\' c oile n Silll "le r . brig a nd Is h 100 1;. T o " YI'3," Ihp f\u ~'t l o ll " e r e lO be UllS \\,c r ctl hy l he do nway wi lh sucb a 1I'01lhie go to u n elec· s he says . ' Don ' t ~' e seo hOW It Jis t " 00 yez se nd th' was t,ln ' ou t ! ': o. b ~ l' Hi G. l.i o l :s of Ih. nal1l ~s of stales. t ro lys l5 o pel'll w r IlUd hal'e l he g r ow til mo.l c hes l b ' carvin' Oil tb ' maL clJ box? ' " Ye~ . And we ba\'e 110 cll ild r en, It "It ll eltt ' Cbrls lm a s Day I used no Que. t. loll " a nd an S\\'O,'5: r COlo\'e d by means o f t he electric n ecrll e. Ih e r e nny tbl ng . e lse YO:t'd ' like to 1. Wh at i" lh e mO"1 rellgi uus sl a le ? T he ba 11'" will not com e ba c k and no vl'lIn ce an' thr led to s mo l,e' tlJ ' ul g m u' ltnow ?" - ~I nss, Bca rs w ill r es ult. T be s uccess of the op· chine, scaldln' th ' Inelde I\.V Ill U m outll " Le t Dle seo a phulygraph a v yor 2. T he s lO l. ofc xc! nnl lll io n ',' - O(ll lo) , crntlon of co urse d epe nds Up011 Ih e sklli e ntire ly In 80 doln', b us band ." - Cleve land Lellde r. ,. 'Nora: I s ny s, wll III I s l IlIll't ~d to 8. B ~s t sl al 2 In ha y in g tlllle~- Mo. alHl cl,lD s rielicc of t'b e operator. Only lbe 4. Bes t s til le to cure t ho s ick ?- ~Id, bes t ~Lt o uld lJe co nsu lted for work of wor-r-I<t hat nl ghl., ' I'll la ve thIs pipe an ' . 'Not n Homeopll tllist. 5. BeHt Slat e In a fl ood '! -Arlc this I<l nd . Fl!r i1arke nhl'g lh e brows mat Ch, box at hom e . . SlIre I might be "Is Dr, Blanl, a homcopathls t?" W4~ 6. The lUO~ t l1lald e nly ti lntc~ - M i s, llt a l'o I ~ not h Ing be tter than the s talas fouod did wid Iblm on m ~ an' tIlat 'd aelted ot the porler who ans wer ed lh f 7. Na nle (l Ilu emi cal s lale,-Tenn , ' IU de In Germllny. These can be bougbt cancel me Ins urance In tb ' ' la n-na, ring at the door,bell, 8. The ra lher o f s t a t ~s ?- Pa . fo r GO ce n t ~ . When applyIng them on& Oael. ' Hesltatlng tor a mom en t, hi s. Af· "Wull. sorl', whln I got home ulxt 9. Tb e bes l ce re31 s lul e ?-R. l. (rye) , mus t exer cise tbo ,g reatest kind of cau, rlcan rea t ur~8 lighting UP, tbe panel 10. Best· st ate fot' mi lles ?-0l'E'. tlon so that the aleln und er th e growth mornln' Nora. me t me ot tb ' dUfil,. She re plIed : 11 . Sl a le r e present ed h)' a girl', b" nOl dis colored, Otherwise ooe wll) bad on Ii long s hlfl lik e II n lgbt go wn " " No,. soh; no, s nh, Dr. Blank goe! ll a Dl e ?- Mlnn, ()J1'y 'Iwns plnk,- tied . Ul) an ' dOll' n lb' look mos t utldy an.d really un cleao , Cllap ple-Do yo u I: now tb at ath , . out an' trea ts PAtiOnts rlghl aloDe:. 12. Good s ta le for the untlLl y ?front wid blue rlbhons. Ir. Uc-look lng g l rl~ a er fa ce I~ famll- sah."-Judge. Wp ~ h , " 'l\1 IU, cr av JlJoses ,' I says , 'nr, r 'e' ye Skins Used I'n Tbls Count.,)", la I' to me, don tc he rlmolV, . 13. Slate Indlcal cd b)' a nn [e in Ille vo'I'll Is co unll'Y Is th e greatest coos um. FOOLISH MR. FISH. Yalcv ard-Yea ? W r ll , lalt e my all, eal R C 8I e ·~- La. e r of hi des and s ~;ln s In t he world, It v lc~, Ill Y boy ; do n' l )'OU g et familiar 14. Th e mos t ego ll; lica l RIAl e ?u. os In 1\ ;vea r 48 .000.000 goat sklDB, t o h'll' tt!ce ! - P h ila,!d phla Press. 1>!I.'. 2~ .OO O. OU O s heel) s k ins . 1G,000,OOI) hld e~ I ~ . Th Imper onal sl3 I e ~ - 1. T. or nil 1;lnds. 9.000,00 0 coif s kin s and .rus t Now, 16. Th e Sla t e 0. tra ml) c:l rl'les wit h 2,000,000 o lhe r s kl ·n~. It Imp orts all Its 'J' he f'u mmcr g i r ! w-ou ld KIn d; )" s i ve b l m ~ - Kan . s oal s k in . a.IOl al alllOUnt of a bollt $25,' M (1'H al l her ho::a. : etKJ 5h c k c ! f04 17. T ho hi gh es t tut e ?-:llon t. OOO.UOO worth. and o ver $J O.OOO,OOO ' l',) him wh O w o u l d r c !fc\" c h t' r o f wOl'lh o f h ides a nd ol'e r $17.000,000 Ah.l\l l n thou .. :.I :: t1 r r('c k l e ~. ' - 11\.1 u I sv lll e' Co t!rk-:'·J ourn a t. wOI'th oi othe r s ld ns , a 10lnl of uver A QuakeI' T tR P art y . A Jolly ~ e t o r !;lr!3 wcr,' ri pplorln g $50.000.uOtl wor t '1 of hides a nd s ki ns . D l t'fel'ent, t li o rl!la lll dn t ed et,nd lt lon of the ir G ~l' lllany Impol'ts one, rhlrd Icss hI des " Sho ; sn 'l t ake LUuch ploas ul'c willi a nd sld " s th a n doeij t his co un try. nnt! wn r d 1'o h e~ , aft er th ~ 1l ll Hll € 1' a t \' at'foIH her hUllli and. " r esort ", n n ti werc 1I'0nc!Nill ): hoI\' III 1.' )' l::n g!nnd B!ld F rance each irnllOJ'l OliO " Wil y oo t ?" coul d gcl reod y for on " a rl ~ l'n OO ll " fo r ba lf li S lllllCll. - Shoe De:lle r . "Ill spell.klo!; or li I Ul yes lel'Iiay she aald a stl'nn go gll'l whom t h ~y ";Isheel 1.0 clo I, ,' was 'aU art.' " Th e Selfisb Girl, "pec lnl hOll OI'. T her . ol ,' pc! I he proh· " OIl. fi he's E nglis h IIlld ilrops her hs; or ull Ihe und es l1'a ble Iypes and UII Ic m by Iss n lng InY lt ail 'J n" for a IiO O me1nt to Sll;' t hat he Willi aU heart," "Quak er tea pa l· t)'." T he J;lle ~ l s wpre he orab le ts . til e aeillsh g irl-she who - Hous to n P ost. ash er! to co me ottlrc d a 3 " QuRk er , hi des s om ething go od s he mlly be eatesses," All pe rson s wer e 10 be n tl · lu g ral hel' than s hare with her fl'lcnd , :Blulf, dressed by th e ir firs t. nam es an d t her e Tb e g l rl \\,ho Is unh appy If h er hes t , "J hend MI'II. L yonA s pesl' of him would be a pena ll y 10I 1'03e:l If thn pro · chum ha s a pret tie r gown on than li ef 8 ij ,'lite autllor f t bal colcbrnted nevi' nonns "thce" and "I hou " WH O not o wn, Sh e who wlt hh olcls an Introdllc- ' OH, 1.0VEL Y!" SHE SA YS. " IT'S Ho ve),'.. •' u se d eJ{c lu slvely, It Is ne~d l ess to say t lo n for [car the one Illt rouuced rn a ) VERY BECO lllll'o..... M,', Bugg-Come here, fellera! I " Yc"." see wha t tbls s ign means , Mr, Fl s~ I hat It a s a most enjoyable afl el'1100n. become a grea t er fl;\v orl l.e I hall bel" " Well, wbat Is II .celebrated for?" aelt. loin' to a fanc)' dr lss ball th ' n igbt or "Chl'.'!ly {or lh e Immense sale Its was n't I-ery foxy to put tha t slg o ther£ and tb e g irls looked ~o hew il chln g In their pla in s ltl rts, s nowy I;er ch le(s and wllaU ' IlI\bll~h e l'l! claim it Is bnvlng:"-Pblla, Ii he wonted to get one of us.-N, Y. Good lBreedlng. .. , 'Tls' a loun g ln' robe, P a t , dear,' ! be '6lmply dressed holr, t hat so::ne of t he Sun, " ~ Ip liia Prl\sB. Good breeding I I~ tbe bus ls of eonBleI- sa ys, 'an' bere '-shakln ' OU t a rid, blue men who "just dropped In ," r al li tho\' "'Isbell thAt style ml glit become t h~ eraUon for o t hel'lB, and tbls trait or In ' ylllow arraogemlnt sil o ha s u ndb er , Dead l\ight, Informo.tioD Wanted, Tom- Then you retuse my otter nf f. -hlC/n, Thesll , wholesome refres h, quollly Is as near the "unknown con- b'e r ar-r~ m-'bere I.s II. amokln ' j ac llet "What did you Quit lbot good job ments ,,'or e served, gold b:l1I ded \vh llr c\ltlon" on whi ch "'popularlty" dependl1 Cor you.' marriage, do you! , for"(lood rhlnll. and perfectly plain sll vcr spoons as a uy that may be named. .. 'Nora,' I say., fearln' th' ",'or-f-stClara-I do, "The boss calle d me a fooL" . Tom-Pardon m'.l, but I'd like 10 BSIc beIng us ed: Chick en s alad . tiny bot hn edlns bas Ita Mlgln In th!) heart It ruol In bel' famlly-yl l thry lD' _to "But be didn't tire YOll? You quit you Just one more questloo, biscuit, cus tard In oJd-ra s ..ioncd ra i lier thall In mllDuals Dt manner, :II'm her, 'Nora, lIt dO"'n an'Ut m e call ,u st tor thaU" glas ses, with brown cnls l )' 8ponge :b' Doc. Where doea II bur-r-'t most!' Clara-Well, what Is It ? "YOI!, Blr," So l!'~enchy, Tom-How many tlmea do Y(\II uaual, cake, tea and co lfee, . : 81)' . , "Tbe'n .. tbe boss wu rlght."-Cleve , Tbe Ji'renr b ba ve not hes ilated t bll .. ' Hum up ,' sbe !BY., 'take 011' yere ly refuse a chap before you a ccepl land l,Alader, ye or t o br ing blue Into coDtras l with ,oat an' tbr), It on.' . hlm?-Oblcago Da~ ' y News , A Pailer Doll P ,+rty, -'-:::::=--=-=:--,plnk.-a comblnatfiou. we bave 'DOt ieeD , Who He ,Waa, "Wid th ' Idea aI' bumerln ' he r I peels H ere Is II.D Idea ror IIpallel' doll party before In yeara , and ,'ery refrtlshln" Appl'oprillte, "Wbo , Is tllat diabOlical looklll, 1118 coat an' she s\lps this yo ung rain,,'ort h pass ing on to t be mo thers who nn il be autiful aod glrllsb It I. " , "Jess ie's fiaDc e propoB,:1 to hcr In • n el;lIfl?" bow around me manly torm . '0 lov ely,' h ave litHe girls to entertain . Th e lnvl,"tto works, t,roun\l hero at tla cab.II .be s a yil. , 'Jt'I1-"'ery becomln ' ' 8 he~Bl)Y Il to.tlonsr ead two 'o'clo ck, an u I he r eQuest Done, :1lI[u"h -' " [ would caD that a l;allsom otret:" ba"k,,\,y; e ma'kes' Poll .thelr. "An here's th' i5\pe'- bandln' It to me, W brlD, s clssol'fi, At tbe aP.1I0l Dtcd bo ur KUHns time la wQati'lg ill .... Judge. c:al\o,"-':'HoUi.toD pilet, , r : • '.Aa'wbat tQ tll nallle IT Hlvln 'l'ho Darlenuer- Vi' ho t fo r ? '1' 110 fl'r shmsil-Rotl en j udgment. 'nm" tried n kl cl' COJ' l he s tolnach , but ' h A ~: uy ducked li d block d It n pat l), " Ith blij h aa d !-E'uck,
I~ n ow
Whil l Ihi m 14 r -r -e?
"J'him nr- r-e
th' f1'01;8. T h~Y ' I'c gCll awln e ~ \I'I- I!" 6118 ~ u y ". wlel her nose Itl til' ul r. .. ·!tn' h ' re llin I ,' [ sa ys, '11 r a ),s p il'tIhul m lm bp' I' a l' t:a m p T ,,' lu IY , wi d a Germ l\ n pi pe in me m outll an ' l"r lnc ll f rogs runnitl " a c ross me sto mac ll. ;\r- r-8 lh' s ha des a ll [l ulled do wn ?' . " 'Wh y, t hi s oJ't he rnoon,' s he wint o n, pay l n' no a lt lnl lon a t nil to me, 'Casey's o ld woman come In to I)USS tb ' tlDlc av day an ' I s how ~ d h ,. th' lli p9 an ' th' ma tc h Eufe, '0 yls,' s he a y 8, snlmn' , ' t hey' r e pUl'ly eno ug h. It's too bad, th ou s h, so meiJocl y d ldn ·t give Pat a s lO o l(l n' jacl;ol 11111.' m y man has.' " ' I t a in ' t 11 110 we cou ldu' t h a~' c 'em If we Wllnted 'em, I'd bare ye imo w: I ~a y s . 'an' \"h lll s he wln l l goes ol'er to l h' s t ur e an ' Ill cl.s thc ~ c olll. Ain ' t t ucy 101'ely? ' .. orn e: I SOYH , Ilay<:idln' l'lgh t nway I'il say nOlbl ,, ' mor c unt il .[ eould g lt In tb ' Doc [UI' un exo ml natlon 'COUlB nn' Ill 's s ll dow n lO llr ea llfast.: . " ,," e s it 'dOIl' II In th ' Il lm, n, Slhlli wear in ' Ol1r tallCY tlrl ss cost u mo an ' t li i n I no ticed tbe b um an ' eggs a u' ~ h' brill a n' bu t te l' was u't on t h' t a \)J e, '! ' W hIJI'e's l h' grub'!' I says, (cel lo' s ure no lY t h ey WIIS s ome thin' wroDg w id th ' poo r woman , .. 'Wh y, Pat: says Nora , grlnuln' a cross tb' tabl e a t me, wid a wild l uck 1/1 her eyes, 'It IIln 't th' p rope r thing to uave nan)' fo od o n th ' ~abl e . Ye should .sn rl'e Il In COOI'~ e s . Will ye b ~ havln' a IIlthle f l'lll t? ' ~ h(' sa,l's, shrUn' t o blip me lo some dri ed appl es. ) " ' I will nDI,' I s al' s, mo d en ough now 10 boygln throwln ' lh' dl sb es, ' I'll hava 8. g r eat dea\. All' I'I! ha ve Doc Mac Namarn III bayrure noon to see wbat'li allin' ye, too, Th is.' I ;tays , 'Is damn DO ll ~ ln 6e , no IlsS.' .. 'P nt: s bu SR)'S, 'do n't tall, at> coorse, Th llli 11.1' ya re new s moleln ' jacket an' yera s li ve r match EUr un' tbr)" to Il C ~ III(e a g lnt. Do yeokn ow, Pa i,' she ~ay s. ' I'm tltlnlcln ' tha t a rUl er thi s we 'll eat In th ' frollt room . It nln 't rIght th at people. wid clothes IlIle wc've go t Oil . s houl d eal l " Ih ' ki tc hen, no w d o~s It ?' " 'N o,' I s8.), s, 'Itdcos no L 'l'h ' pr ope ~' place tor th lm to eM 18 In th ' vlllnt war- NI li t th ' Dutlnll oll bos pl ta l, Bue
- - - -'-.
"GOO D, [lY." Mf:
8 VB ; " 1'1:: JlAva SY MPATHY."
nlvlr mind, Norn .' I SIl )'S, 'tIlry to torglt 1111 about It ' till .lh ' Doc glts be re.' "He come In at 110 o'clock au' Nora sho"'ed him Ivrylh lDg Crom th ' matcb s afe u'p to lh ' 10ulll\ln ' robe . • 'i'bln ( give blm tb ' o thllr symptoms a~ , finally, th' Doc srln s an ' a )'s, 'Hogan , I'm sorry for ye, but r e'll not ll lllg 1 can do, Tb' case Is bayyond me . Yere poor wIfe.' be says , 'I. ~ urre r ln ' from a s liver matc h box on til ' brain . Tbere'll mauny cases m e It uflht'r th ' holidays, It" ain ' t bu), ln ' Ch l'ls lmas pl'ls ln t5 that ka pes peo ill e brol; c, It's tbn'lo' to live up t o (him lhat ot her wlll-Ju oanlp ' but foolis h Id jllls g\l'e ye. 0 .10d by ,' lie says. 'Y o hn l'e me ~ y mpatby.' "T ID m in u t es a ltlie r he WIUL ou t Nora lold me she re<l ll y t it oug ht 11 mlln wid u smo ltin ' j ac ke l ll l,e ml r. c- losay nothlug av th ' t:n UlclJ Ea fll an ' l h' m eel's ba M ,'II'e-- Oll g lllto hal'c a Elltl ba t an ' a lone hl ue ll coat to wen r all n S und llh . Whln I gc t hom e lomo n ')' 1U0rulrl' I'm fully e xp lclln' Ih er e' lI be a nau t; htymoblll slan din ' Ollt In frout III' tb ' dure.' H E NRI' M. HYDE.
- - -- -
Appropria te Hymns, For a CUHt OID hOllse olllcer-The Doc ltso logy. For a gas man-Lead, Kindly LISh t. For a geolos lst- Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me. . For a landlady-Abide wi t h We, For 11 div or ced mao- Th o Strife I. O'e r, lbe Bal tie Don t' . For aD ae rona.u t-Ncarer, My God, 10 Thee. For tho drummer- FromGrecnland'a .Icy Mountains, tram India'. Coral Sln;nd . For a balter-I Knead 'rhee EYer)' Hour. For an alltols l-Oh, 'Twas a Joyful Souod to H ear, . For the diver- Out of , the Deep I , Call . . , For tho Mag aat e-Ten Thousand ;rImes 'fen Tbousand,-Llfc, Xn .Soclety, It. somebody Is a ny body" 110 (8 enl'led by e ver.ybody wbo 18 no ~( · r. \, A ' nobod)' Is everybo d., '~ bo '!s IgnOfe4 :by- anybody wbo Ie 'OIL ~b o")',....To~
'. ,
-- C ...
, our! Proceedi.ngs. N ~~ \V
T.holllas n. L. l ull \'~ 1'llonlas . Dill t, Ill. YII,u·ilia., .I'd litom iLJ) polntod ThoUl' . R . L. ti II II " Il l 1il\)/utl om ee II I.' 0 ol'ee i u purtit,lon or . ' . d e re ~ . 'I:)tllto of Ohio va Goo rge .Tuok on . Ploll o f lIot, ~ uilt.y ou t l' (1. ' EJ.i :;hn Do. s vs Th e Hllrtford Fire Insurdll oe Co. CIlSO 'sottl ed II\)(I dill·
. mmissloners' .Proceedings.
---...,.,-\Y . Thompson , n'ppll
F. If fo,' sheriff's r e idence ,..... :l '20 J. . Mi t()h~l1, servioe us in f;!rlllilry direotor .. '.. , . .. : ..... · 62 50 , , Westaru Star, pduUng b~r.. dockets ...... .......... ......... ,. JO 00 Western Star, ' lotter heads and onvelopes for r eoorder 4. 00 Westorn St·llr, prInting lie·' Jinquent tax li st.. ........... .. 6 00 Uli s~od Fl'llnklin Chroniole, pnblish. F.1Il1ll1l 1" . W"l'd Vll J OHophino D. iUl: lloti c(l to ttlX pllpere ' :l 00 cle~uance Opp~J·· mllkl ~y Ilt ,lI .TllllgelJl onl. fnr pluill ' W. H . O>!wuud. merohlllldise tiff ill th sum of $l ,n20.!\'; SIIIDO for jllil ,md ,court house 0 05 f~U' orc1ol'ntl to ue 1'1\1<1 ill 1, d ays. H. S. Conover, tspikpsland lllerChlll\(Li~e :-.;11011 : <1 1"('do(:('d ill pti( 'O Blmt,dco I{nll .\' \·s 1"1'11 II ;' l1 \1tly tlnil s ...... ...... ... .... ...... .. .... 7 02 elise dislllisl!o.1 II t (:" >1t lIf plodlll.lfT State of Ohio vs Jerry Bnsll, hl'l'1l dOIl(', M il!')' 1,: 111111 .Jll c k v~ Wil li nlll 1"oy,1 cost...... ..... .... .... .. .... .. .... .. 2 25 .l ll c k ()rllOi' 1IIt\(ll 1'01' .orvlCtJ by 'l'rnsteol! of Publio, ligh t lit, year~ to d(~all :-to pnIJl i('II ' illn j,lIl for DoceUlbe'· ... .. ..... .. 4 OJ to OVCI'. pI 1),"'i<1 LllshlllS "" :,j'lrnh .J. i.tllsh. F. W. Tb o DlIJ ~O ~ , supplios 11')' . t !IIH" IIi~lIli s~ed wlt,hont r ('loord. for court pouso .............. . SIII'"lt A . Nix(m \'M ,\\i on 8uu"," TruRtoos of ,Publio Affllirs, et ,,1 , On m,,1 il'll Roso El. \Vi I~o n light for court houso .. .... 14 00 i s g h " ' 11 10 11\'0 tn HI" all~w"I'lIn,1 Tru~tees of Publio A Il'lIi rR OrusH lmtit,ioll fnrt.hwilh . \V!ltor f O I' Docomber ......... 4 7~ In:A L J'J;l'A '('b: ·fltANSlfltlli:l . Lellni" Whil4l o.e, IUllluer nnll f(lpllirs in Blllum town · O"Pl.1L 'I'h ol'llbury flt ILl to .John G . ship .. .... .... .. .......... .. .. .. .. 35 80 y " iI. l .. t. in I.nllllllun, *4.000. CI ,\ r k 11 . ItlOO to Dom Yugor, lot V ..1. Zontruoyor, ropuirs in DOllrHeld townflhill ...... . .. 32 00 til ~'r"nldi ll . $50 . ({"t o I.•. Ros>1mnn et al to Georgo C ltl~rles Hurtman, cOlltrllot No. 11:11 ...................... ... .. r; 00 Choice of twenty.five Men's Fine Coat~, E . M . Choioe of sevont.y Ii \'0 Mon '" l;;l1it~ , Illllny E. M. 8yt't,olll tlliJored, slug R . H. ..." FlllIIIl. lot in Franklin,St anll Yalloy Te leph one 00., rents 8ystem taUoring, Blooks. grays, Sootch lind doubl o broust,ed ,,1,yle8, culors bllloJc, groy oh~viots, \Vorstolldl', II I.l,,·r valuable oODsidemtiol1S . and tolls .. .... ...... .. ..... ... .. 15 75 effcotl!, etc. Regular values $18, *20, eto., 1111 this ~Ou~OIl.'" nmllufn ot,llrtlS It Wilds GilohriH to Irwin E. Centrnl Union 'l'elollbone 11125. and $28. January Clellrance YI~lnos '1&, '1 8. IIIllI $20. Jun HII"till, I" t in Lebunon, 1550. Co., rents Ilnd tons ........... . 12 90 ~1liz;l F . Hninl.'s to Benjamin V. I1nl'y c\onr,m ce Ilrioo ................... .. Contruot let to J. M . Staoy for Choioo of. nearly fifty Fine Overooats, single and donble breasted style!', Smith. 1(1:114 acrell in Wllyne town. IIIllny: out 02 inobtls long. Prioe 'H, '15, locust poat ut market IJrioe to be ship. '3,828.50 Choico of n Inrgo I\s~ ortlll e nt of Men's !:lUltS, stouts Ilnd extra slzee. n1l'lOy ,1(1 and '18, Jilnuary sale price .... ..... .. I 'll" rio" O. Cleu.ver to Peter B. furnished on or before Set>tem ber nil wool Imu hllncJ t.lltlorocl VIlI.uei< 22,1906 . ('1"1\ ver, quit o1tlim to lot In Bar~ $12, '15, nml some $1 8 !lud $ 20. Clear · vey8bnr~, $600 nnce sllle .. ...... ........ " ... ... ...... .......... .. JUli'4 A . Btmth, trWltee, to Ti1J!e Unexcelled Service Ohoioe of about forty Ovoropats in Yonths ' anll Men's sizes, billok~ , Bnllr, deOlee for lot in Lebanon, to Cuba... greys, amI fanoy mixtures. al1 fresh new AIJ our fill8l<t blncks und floo E . M . System TIII'ored ,aulta and M. QJlll8ter to Harvey O. Effeotive Jllnnary », 1906, through .. ... .. • O,'eroolltl!, fr esh Ilew good!! that ""e !;ood vlllues I\t regnlll.r price!', !luring Folen, 109,31 aorell In 'fnrtleoreek Pullmlln sleeper w!J1 leave Clnoin . · .Tllnnary Ole'lrllnoo sl\llI at natl nt 8 :30 1\. m . every Friday via Oholce of III small bnt good IIBSortment of townShip, f,7,OOO. Patrlok Pholan to John W. Ed. Quoen & CreRCent route alld Sonth. Mon's Ovorooats, $7.. GO ami $1< vlllu es. em railroad to Mobile, oonnecting ward8, 119.5 IIOros In Wayne town. with Munson S. S. Line's steamer Olearaliloo sale prioe............. .... . ......... • ship, '4.000. "Prince George at 4 :30 p. m. on Absolom M. Fox, 'by heirs, to AI. Saturdays. and throngh sleeper bert Fox, 23 Ilores In Barlan town. from Mobile every Friday at 7.00 p. m. north to Cincinnati on arrival ship, II and other valuable oonsid· of ateamer, "Prlnoe George" from erations.' Bavanll,' Absolam M. ·Fox, by heirs, to Em. Tiokets now on sale good until ma Adams, quit olaim to 54% Aores May 31st at the rllte of '66.00 for in H:ulan towns.hlp, 11 and other the ronnd.trip from Cinoinnati in. olnding meals Ilnd berths on good an!l valul\ble considern.tions. steamer. 36 Dozen Men's '1 and 'l.f~o Negligee Shirt!!, Jauuary WIlliam 8 , Bart.sock to Nathan For Information addres8 Frank ole&l'ance sale ........................... ............................................ . A In,rge line of fanoy slll~potl i n !lUff IIn!l lion ,h"ta fronl 0011 of Jones, 1,037aores in :Wayne town. Johnson, Special Agent, PnBBen~er Choiee of nil Bosom Shirts ami Mlluhnttans iu the Department Munson . S. 8. Line the best milker s on ellortb. ~, aUlI ,:UiO vn lnell, in Jauuary Negligee styles, 'I.liO and 182 values, for .......................... .. shlp,160. WaBhlnifton O. ·R. Ohio; or W. I OIOI\rllnOe 8Ille ...... .. .. ... ............... ; .. .................... ............. .. Rlneftrson, G. P. A. Queen and PROBATE iJoURT. Cbolae of GO dozen Wilson Bros. Fine NeOkweAr, GOo 750 and *1 Choioe of all 500 nml 6u Underwear, !luring .Jannary 'dale . Creroent ~nte, Cinoiunati. value, now in Janullry olearance Mle, Suo or three for ...... In ie will Mary S. Bensey, deoe~. ed. WllI admittocr to probate and Boys' 200 ClipS. during the .Jnnuary 81110 for ........... : .... .. . Fine Hemstitched Handkerohiefs, part linen, 11le value, sale wldoweI; required to mak~ known Churches of Warren and prloe .......................................... ............................................ . the t>rovltdon of the will. . . . Clark County to Meet, Boys' and Girls' Scotch Tams, just tI,e thing for winter, . Camhric H,mdkerohiefs, lliain and f'lney borders, 100 vlllue Estate of George L. Ohenoweth, 500 valnes, Junnnry snlo prIce ...... .. .... ...................... " .. ~ ..... "" .. now ............................ .. .. ; ....... , ......................................... '''''' non · resident. Third account fOr The Quarterly Meeting of the fll\ld. .' Free Will BaptlatChilroh of Wa.rren Estate of Enoch Whitacre, deoeas. and Olark Countios will be held at ed. First aocount for settlement the Beech Grove Baptist Cburoh flIed. Wellman, Friday, Saturday and Estate' of WllIlBm Boger, deceas. SundBY, Febr~ry 9, 10 and 11• . ed. Seoond and final aooount for A varied program covoring the lIettlement'iilod . three days has been arranged for . Estate of Lanra Belle · Cunning. 'and,a season of muoh helpfnlneBB ha.m minor . Fourth and final 11.0. is antloipated. 14 to~ 20 Year.C/. . 3 to 17 Years. ' oount for settlement flied. The opening ses910n will take Choice of all our finest Sultl!. wor8teds, obeviota, etc., Hao· II! Estate of Benry O. Graham, de. pilloe at ten o'olook Friday . Two kett·Carhart make, best in the land. vlllues 17•• 8, '9, • oeased. Distributive aooount flled. other se9sions will be held that day Choice of all our finestsingleancl double breasted Boys' 8nits, wide wale .1Annary olearance price. worsteclis, blaoks, blues And oheviot:s, regnln:r fUi. 116 Ohoioe of all onr reg alar Iincl! of Knee Pllnts Sruts, '6, ,6 ' Estate of Mary S. Maloney, de. beginning at 2 in the Ilfternoon and and $18 'VlllneB.JanUllry clearance sale prlOe ...... .. ;... • nnd some '7, valtJeB, .Jllnnary olearance price .... .. ....... :. oeased. Mary MoClnre appointed , 7 In the evening. pf all lind somo f,6 Boys' 8nitll, mllny splendid Choice Choice of lllrge al!80rtmen( of Boys' blaok Sints, and fanoy pattern8' aclministratrlx with' bond of $1,000. Satnrday tbere will be S6S81008 at bargalos in this assortment ••Tlmnary prioe ............... , .. Roy Iron8, Fr~nk Farr and Robert Ii :30 A. M., 2 P. M. and 7 10 the ev.. , Cross apprai8ers. ening. · OhO~ ~o~\~ya~!~;e~:n~ ~.~.i.~. ~~~~.~~~~.~~..~:~.~~ ..~~~ .. Estate of Clarenoo B ,. JameRon. Snnday ~hool at 10, in the mom· A very good assortment of Boys' Long Pllnts 8nlts, "'1:',. ~_ . __ 1\110 and f,12 valnes, now in January sale .................... . minor. First and final aooount for lng, sermon at 11 . • Choice of a lot of broken hnes, many Illl wo01 SnUs, and *6, settlement filed. . Souvenier Card 3\8 and '10 vnJnes, Jannary olearanoe sl\le price............ Ohoioe of ..II ~ur finest Boys' Ov:erooats, 110, *i2 and some ', Estate of James B. Bilyes, deoeal!· Views of Waynesville. Our entire line of and Rilin Ooats are offered dnring '15, now 10 Jannary Mle at .................... ... .. ~... ......... .... .'. ed. Third and final aooonnt fcir 'Jannary 811le at a ,disoonIlt of 20 per cent. Choioe of a large assortment of Boys' Overooats thnt sold settlement filecl. A sorles of 8ix souvenir 'cards, at '10, January price .................... .................. . ....... .. J E.'!tate of Mary E. Davis. deoeas· sb')wlng views In and abontWaynN. Choice of Boys' Overcoats that. sold at 17.liO ................. .. eel. l!'irst and final IWoonnt for set- v ille, bnve been printed at 'the ea. 1YIen~B TrOUBel"S zette office and are now on sale at tlement filed. Janney's drng store. Choice of 125 pairs Men's Finest Tronsers, that sold at $6, Boys' Overooats, valne $5, now ......... , ............................. Estate of George W . Keever, de· The following views are shown and l~, January sale now ......... ............................. . ceaaed. First and Onal acoount for no the oards: The Big Bridge. Cor. Cbolce all Trc>U!lerll that were '4, liI5, and some 16 ones, in ReHlement filed . win A venne, the Waynesville 80hool Janu'lry 81lle for ........... .... ............................... ........ ... Estate of George W. Keever, de· bnilding, View on Main street the Choice of a large lino of Men't! Trousers, $2.50 anu 13 value, Old Stone Water Tower at the Penn. Boys' Short Pants, t,be '1.,50 grade, now ...... ..................... ·.......1.23 cellsed. FirRt Ilnd final acconnt set sylvania st.ation, and the Miami January clearance 911.le ............................................... . Boys' Sbort Pants, in 'land 11 .25 grade, now............. ............. 890 for hearing Febrnary 5, 1906. Cemetery Obapel . Other views Boys'l:Ihort Pllnt!!. in 7G and 850 gracIo, now......... ......... ......... 690 w!l1 be printed later. Cbolce of 8 lInfl of never ri)) Plmt.s. hnlr lines, and other neat Boys' Sbort Pants, in 50 and 000 grade, ,now :..... ......... ...... ...... 430 Estate of Peter Carder, el)l1eptio. These cllrda sell two for five oent.'I 1)ILtterns, $1. liO and $1.75, now .......... "... ...... ......... ......... . Boye' Short Pants, in 250 gmd!" now .................. .,.... ...... .. ....... 190 Admitted to the Ohio Bosplta.l for or twelve for 25 'cents. The pro. Epileptio at Gllllipolls. ceedb from the sale of the oards go Estate of Wolter Bo"er et aI, mi. to ' the Home. Coming fnnd. wi~ter Persons livIng at a distance nre nors, Joseph Boger appOinted requested to Ildd 2 cents to the gnardian with bond of .-s00. nbove to cover postage. ~ Estate of Ed ward Stowe dooeaaed·. I uventory and appraisement flIed. 'l'he ; Or11llan. In the wlltter of Mary William!!, .Foley & Co., Cbioago, originate!} 1m al\eged inMne persou. Admitted Honey nnel Tar liS a throat Ilnd lnng to the State hospital at Dayton. remedy, and on aocount of the great Estate of H. S. Haines, deooalled. merit Rnll popularity of Foley's Boney and Tar Dlany imitatIons are Nmth Ilnd fiullol aooonnt for settle- offered for the gennme. Ask for JUont Iilod. ooley's Boney and Tar and refnse l<]state of Edward Stowe, deoes8· any snbstitute offered fiS no other preparation will give the same sat, cd. First and lInal aooount for aet· Isfllotion. It 18 mildly laxative. It ~aiD Olilo~ tleweut flied. oontalns~~o OPllltllS Bnd Is saf8Rt for Estate of Edward Stowe, deceased. ohl1dren and doJicllte persons. ' F. O. Schwartz. Bale b!ll fllod.
With winter only begun, OUl' Great J auuary Sale comes tunely, particularly for those who have thus bought nothing in heayy cll othcs. It seems a pity that good. he this early in the season, but much of the buying' has anti we II n, \ e learned i'rom an experience of twenty-nint' it is lwtt.<,l' up at sacrifice than cal'ry goods A sim pic OI)ORition, and we think ,good business sense.
nletn's flin¢ Ou¢Jtcoats
$t3.50 $9.'7'5
$11 50 •
~::~::~c:;:~c:s .~.1.~.'.~1.~ ~~~ ~~.~: ~.~~~~~.~~
$9 75 $4 98
20 Per Cent Discount
$2 .. 8 .
$1.00 9c 4e
45'c ' 19c
Boys' and Children's . Department
Boys' Lon. Pants Suits •
Bcys" Knee Pants Suits.
$11 50
~~:::::!ds~¥:~~~.~~~~~?:.~~~.~~~.~:.~.~~.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ $9,75 . $ 7 .50
$4 98
84.48 ,3.50
Boys' Overcoats•
,$7.50 " 84.'48 $3.50
$ 4.75
88 75 "
Do31'S' Short Pants
$1.98 $1 .24
$ The #
backwardness of makes this sale greatly to your advantage, as many lines of warm weal'ing apparel al'epractically complete.
50 a 52 E.
, M. 1.'. 0110'11'1< -' I ~d ' ' ~V~I ,"ilT" . ~IOl(.A" Ilo.. and MnllllllOMI_ ';'ILA. 1.1" J.:"BhuWN. A880~Jl.: ~. EUJ:ron.
'1.QO ~ yellT • . • . . •.
10 Dt\,'nnue If ' 110\ paid I~ BIlyahOO '
and Mrs. SOU . R 'STOMACH " " .I..' E. Pe ter so n, .
, I I"
I""Uj' kl u..
:-i l,.
lII eBut '~ 111 flin t A:<.\'II1/.\l, ( ·hl. I (,II~II . ""Fljtc'rs hrrhlC'l n~!< WIll (II II wnft
·I , ~
h.11l /lllll l)fiOIl, tlT)ti I,h I'" ,I r
11l' lIrJy
,100 l)IIhi n!l t,1l ro. f'i tHl' .lnlin \Y1' i t e~ , " I lili lln ot !'toy t no IIlllcll lu llfUi. e of
1;'I)luy', HOIlt'y !Iud Ttl]' for 'ounghs, ' Is your pulse weak, too slow, c:o l d~ l'ruil Jl nlld w h oIJJl ln'J{ Cilll ~h, " too fa s t, or does it sk ip a beat? t ,','nt ll i ll H , Il Ol' l. lt ll~ II III! I,. ~lJ r,' 'md ' l)FFiCE nr JONES BUILD ING. Do you have shortne ss of !:1m'. A~ II fill' ~''' !I' .\' '" HUI ,l-'Y nnd Is tlcommon auddistress. ' breath , weak or hun g ry spells, I,T ar nnd i l1~l~t \1)Jr m lI H\' it l g' it , 1I~ it. 'l"E:ui:Pf:lo~E: ~J{IaIa '. : ~O. 6·~ i H " s'lflll'llIllC'd ,l' 11 11 ,1 /'0 I'l lIi ll III r ll iug ~omr. l ai ut. mt is Natures's way of fainting , s mother ing or chokin g ' HU JtR Ht' fll ~" ~ll1r~tll ll lt · : r' I !. spell s, palpita tion, flu t terin g, Hell ll'lIr!,!, protestin g aga inst Im, WII:ONIIl S OA:V , ' • JANUAR Y proper food hustily de- pains around the heart, in side vourell Or too hea rty I and shou lde r: or hu rt when J, H, McCASSY, M, A" M. O. meals, and if the wllrniug is Ilnheed" ,l sori uus ' lying Oil left side? Mail 'Order Buyin g, lim W('_t (i'1 i'lio :-' 1)" "' 1, If y 11 have any of these resllits w ill folluw, Il ll y r , .n, ! ·hlq, When ),ol1r sl"mnch sympto llls yOllr hea rt is weak 1 Mati ordel' bn,Ying builthl np the r ebels at this abuse , or llisease d, and canll ot get I P h""I,>I": Milin l :tll~ . 1I "li lt· :1 r.0!l, It becomes iunctive, your food fer' I argo oltleli a,t the expens e of tho mellls,g asc's form"nun thcre is troub le Letter wit lial1t ass istan ce. 8vlt, E II , N() ~ f' )\:-11> 'J'1I110\'[. ahead, 'Phe quichest, sufest and surest slJ1allsr olties nnd towns, Every Dr. 1\1 ilt's' H eart Cure I' , way to conquer this condition and I strengt hens Illlctncl dollnr uled by Ii residen t of this " tHt 1"1, 1" t , 1'C'nl,m llUbit, price!'! . ' prevent its return is to immediat ely ra rely ev er weak hea rts, and 'Will be in Waynes ville, OhiO, at 'olnes \yithou oommu nity, iD this way, takes a fails to cure heart t any relief. com menco the use of I I dollar out of Circulation u.t home the Uustln House TlIesda disease . T ry it, and see· how y a nd She consult ed us on Oll l' lirlit " C. M. I quickly you will find reli ef. and puts it IDto oircula tlon many Wednee day lto Waynesvl!1e Bnd wu!< told IIIIl', , ' • , , miles di8tant. l't Il H;t~\, ll" I ,E. O IlT O ( La,.arlu .) "About Janunry 1st. .TANUARY 30 AND 31 1906 1902. I t; ok defeoti ve eyesigh t WR S O[HI 8 IU g h [,T down with w ea kn ess and dro psy. :S 1 ' I~C I A J.TlIr.S : The dollar spent with your home ond gTn.dunll y grow worse. J w ns t old IIISt-:MmH 01' \ \ ' IlMR:N Begin the New ~OI\r w;th ~ood Sh~ ordero.d u~ lo mnke l1 0l: 1\ by m y fa tnlly phY81c ln n thnt m y ('AlSO 11 1'~l i~ grocer, dry goods dealer, hardwa re vlalon by getting a proper I waH h ope leS9. lt1y neighbor s and r nmAND O HIJ,ll/Il~N, fit' f Of enses wl.noh sho I Lefl l '0 '1'lu8,great rcmed)' will instantly put 11 )' ha d giv en me up to di e. :M y 0 prompt ly, and Oil wenrlng them Elit e thln!;s! Ilmlls n nd body w ero Rwollen to on emeroha nt, drllilgis t, or other husl. Ien S9s. n order. th ird largCT th n n norm a l Rlze. and exporle nced IJ. relio f from h e r hond n e~s IIUlU. I1p I l\lill1 ~ t,he (!1l111IDuni t.y It l S J ~st whnt your slomaeh need ~. ' w(L t c r h ad co1lc e led n rnu nll Tn)' 'h eArt. Headao hes, nervou sness sleep I F or u t l/4aHt th n !9 m onth s I h uc1 t o s it III I Onctn il al of this T" wO Dderfll1 preparat l e hsnfls~ ion e t · ' , aoh8ij and n en'011 n weI yon 8 nas~, 00111\1 vo slel' uOB6 llIen p!~y convin cc yoll thntourctnimsn re foun- ~~'rriJ:ed lUI~~ri't bfgr ttt~~t~cGotlW~ '!,~Ob~~ , w.. OrID!;. ,e yelids well at, n ight night nnd hor genernlp witl tuxes to 811J>(Iort, t.he town, r C»lIlr burning" andyes dec1 on trutb (tn t! upheld by experience. fUN ERA L' 0IRE CTDR, lil li e.' Heart Cure, Dnd Ill' tho tlmo I tWitching are sIgns of ' " " Dr. Caldwel l'. Syrup Pep.ln cau be hnd t ake n th e m all [ wns entir ely the streets, maintll in the Bcbools, d "fectl .. OU In f ou.1' cusell out of healt,h l111prov etl. ... ve VI!lI 'I ho ClrCU!lI · obtained il\ hath r1Io ll nr aDd holf.doll outed. I feel Telepho b e tte ' r than ne Day or Night. 1 h n\' i) f or , nr tw en ty yea r s . n nd I a m n ble t o rlo fi ve. ' At' I atan6(18 woro snch t hllt thor o conltl sizes fro m nil d ru &'I~ 1 6ts. build aDd sustllin tho ohl1rehes. o n y k i nd ot w ork o n my farm, l\t y .enl to it prompt ly nnd be lUl otlJ Local or en No, nRe 7 fo r hoI' r elior ex. Do the mail hou80~ ovor subsori be snve your eyes. Your money \VI 'I be refu nded if it f.;td~·~I'?,~e~hr~:C~~ ~1:ros\"~I !~~~ t~~! ' I does not benefit YOll , to the buildin g fnnd whenev er a I would no w bo In m y grn\' ." Long Distanc e No, 69-3r Do not let your ollild go if it oe~t our lensos. L . T, CURD. Wilmore, Ky. mJ,ouo"u~o~:~c~~~~r~l~~~hW."~~tb~~ErE~ . new ohuroh is to be built, or ANT 8hoW8 any syml)tomll of squint or Shc nll tnr'lLlly feels gratefu l for I BOOK 01' WON DE Dr. M lies' Heart Cure I. lold by WAYNESVILLE ; OHIO It S" a nd , B.mpla to publlo improv ement Is to be made P crOSSing of the eyes. If n your druggi st who will guarante • 'I e that f those who ha\'o no\te r tried free t hJ. w onderful el~lected, her CllTllllD ll wllDtS ot,lerR the fl r! t boUro will be"afit. If It fall. w 10 au . : nwody. Sond'forll loday. Branch Office, Harveysburg, 0, h. Will re fund your mo noy. If you were notive in Rny good work a painful aDd danger ons surgica l fer os sh!) dId toseonre tho 88IDe nel PEPSI N SYRUP CD. Miles Medica l Co" Elkhar t, Ind for the betterm ent of thill commu : opemtlOD lUar be necessory. Tllk- vllntllges , Monllo.ll'o,lIl1nol. ntty, whom )'Vould you go to for , Ing th.em in time we, oure withou t DOIl 't forgot tlle dntes, ,Tllnullry I For Bn le'by J . E, Jnnney . finauoial aid' The 10001 busin088 uslug< the knife. VETERINAIty l'i111WI !:(),' 30 IiIJ ~ al, 1006 , m~n or the mail order houses In A RESID ENT OF WAY DR.H .E.H ATH AWA Y, I NESVI LLE Bome offioe, 1,000U . B. Bnildin g, Lebltnon. Ohio. For Colds uso " Red ~p ruce alld distant cities? oOrObl)rlLtes the testimoDY of llOople O m be on lJccl nll y honT, day or Dayton , Wayne Ohio. Cherry Expectoralllt, " 'Bold by J E, s ~illets Lellding Denti st" Let u!! look at the situatio n brond· in ot-her places 88 to the sllill n igh t., Both BAli nlld Vu,lI ,v and EXAM INATIO N FREE. Jnnney . . nlcc In I(CY8 ' Uulldlll~ . , ' . ' Main Slreel Iy. Itt It not Bbort si&hted selltJth. ability of lIr , a\ld Mrs. Peter80 PhO Il O~, "\ nl1" ~' Ph nnn No. !:!:IR, n. !!!!!!!lI!!!!!!!lI!!!!!!!lI!!!!!!!lI!!!!!!!lI!!!!!!!lI!!!!!!!lI!!!!!!!lI!!!!!!!lI!!!!!!!lI!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!lI!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!lI!!!!!!'!!!!!!'~~!! '!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'~ ne88 tbat prompt s us to send our MR8. AMOS MZNDENIIA LL gives us money !lnd trtlde to the mail order perml88l on to mtlke the stateme nt houses? Enlight ened aelf.lnt oro8t, in her nnme that she WIlS trouble d in which reoipro oity i8 a stronB with nervoUllDesiJ, sleeples soess fl-nd elemen t, dlotates tbat we all work helldllohe, sufferin g almost "n thl' togetlie r for one OOmmOD good and time and apendiDg money for medl_ t,h e oommu nity at larg,e. Besides, the 10081 dealers oan Harve y-Car r keep tn IItook mall order grades In mDBt linea of goods, if you MUST Marri age. have that GRADE of mercha ndise. Married at the M, E . Parson age and oan sell them , at mall order WaynesVille 01110, Jan'IlJL~Y 17th, prioes. I~ lome i~taDoes, the 1006, at 7 o'clock in tile evenin g. low price quoted by tlie JDaU drder houlee 18 reenlt of vrolated oon· Ilr. Wl1liaw L. Harvey I'nd MiSs traote and phlcane ry whloh have no ItlPory A. (Jan, both of Harvey sburg, plaoe In an honest mercha nt's bus· Ohio.' II'bls couple 18 (1.180 well ine88. E. known I~ Wayne8 ville. Mr, Harvey , is , an. enterpr~h;ag busiDe88 man . Third Anill vesra ry of He Is Secreta ry of the HarveY8 "Will ing Work ers." bllrg Fertillz erCom pany and is also ---- =:.-.-'-," interes ted In farming while Mi s8 , The 8(xl1<lty of "Willin g Work. , .Carr Is one of our be8t, young wom. ' el'll ~ ' held their third annive rsary en. mootin g at the home of Mr. and 'They hl\VO the good wl8hes of all Mr". Alfred Swain near Ridgev ille, their frelnds . 'l'be ' ceremo ny was qhlo, Jan. 17, 1906. The ~ue.ta Ph,lI1p T,r out. arrived at an early hour eaoh one par formed by Re.v. _ t ..ying,to see ,who oould have the Your Name on ' beet tbne 'until the Invitati on to V~ur Statio nery. "come' to ' snppe,r " and . ;·,BraDd Ularoh ta~en for the dining rpom Some months ago the Gazette _where oovel'll were laid ,for thirty begaD,a dverti8 ing,to priot 50 sheets Ruest. and to Bay every ooe did of paper aod liq ,envelo pes for 800ts ,ample justloe ,to the bon~~fuh re" Mo,DY farmer s have tallen advan . t pall' ~ ,pllttlng It very mild,, ' After t,age of this offer a~d have had the snpper the gllests Wl're all invited_ names of their fartl ll, . their own In the parlor each one given a sllp, names, rural routes, eto. placed ou of paper ~th the OOl'ner turned tbel~t":tloDery, down under whlo~ Watl thenam~ of Wel urnlah everytb i ng und do the an animal, whl,ob In your turn you printin g, aU for the Ii bove price, us .. were reqllire d to draw on the blaok- ing II- good quality of eDv8lop e,s an tI board, the rest &0 gUeBII what it W88 papel'. , ' The one gUeBIIlng the m08t correct For 11 00 we will p ri nt 100 en vel Iy wal 'to receive a prize whloh fell opes and 100 sheets of l!lper, ' tp Mi.. Myrtle Will., a box of fiDe { candy; and Mr8. ,C lara Kirby had Teach ers Assoc iation. to be o~nductAld with the "booby ," _ _ _,_ __ a box of olUidy buds. ' The Warren County Teaohe rs As ~r. R't1ey'th en,eaid as t he. ladies sooilltion WIll mllet in t be I. O. 0, F. had been servlng them with 8upperll .Hall 'a t Lebano n, Saturda y Januar y for ,the put Ulree yelus, 'h e' would 27 , suggll8t that the :gentl&men take a . 'rhe morDlnlf 8essioD opens lit ten oolll'OUon and turn It over to the o'olook with the follow in g program : TreUa re of ,t he 8oolety. It met Primllr y Arlthpl etio with approv al lind about four dill· Grace M , Aldrld~e . lal'll was colleot-ed. Percen tage Mr. Orane the,n mllde Ii motion . Miles G. Thomp son. that the gentlem en whose wives Advo,noed Mathem a tios belong to the Booiety enterta in the E. D. 8mtlgn n. . ladies at some future time. This The afterno on session will conmotion wns carried bot no date sot, vene at 1 :30 fIond will bo gi ven over The guests dellllrted at II. lHote hour to an addresil on " Idenls in Educfl, feeling It was good to be II "WilliD i tion," by Benr,? G, Willhlms, Dean Worker ." of t.he I:)tllte Nor III III Collego nt At,hens, A Modern lwllracle . Having PUJchB~8d the proper ty "rrllly mlracul olls seemed the reo known as the Evanll place and in· oovery of MM. Mollie Holt of this tending to oooupy it In the Spring place," writes J. O. R. Hooper, of will 8ell the very desimb le modern Woodfo rd, Tenn., "she waH so· eight room dwellin g, cornl'r Main ,00 by 'oollghl ng up pus from, .her rlDd'1'yler. For further pn.rtioulare , 1uDga. Dootors deolared her end eo inquire of Dr, -'\ . T. Wright , Way• Dear th., her family had watohe d neSVille. Ohio, N. B. Will sell with by her ' bed;8lcle forty.-e ight hour~ j or wltbou t'Mm. •when, 1101 my nrl(en t req tlost, Dr. KllIg r• New DI800very was given • BelOte the MuslQ Ollre. her ,with ihe atltllnishlng result that "To keep th'; body iu tune," writeS Improv emeot bega,n, /lnd contiuu ed until sbe finally oomple tely reoover, ldr& lda,ry Brown, 20 Lafaye tte ed, and 11.& healthy wODlao to<l~y, " Plaoe, Poqbke epele, NY , "I take Guaran teed oure tor coughs and Dr. King's New Life PH B. They coldli. ISO cents aud '1.00 at F, C, B re the moat relil&ble ~nd 1plelt811.n I Bxatlve I bo va found . " B!lat fo Bohw&rtl&'I, the draggil lt, Trial the stomso h! liver and bowelll bottle·froe. Gual'llnfeed D1 F C Schwar tz.the drunis t; 350, 11 ,2ft
OPTICA l'N. ' , .,
Dr Cal dwe ll's
.yru p
11\L\\ ,LANG~J\,i,D;
epS lD
Dr. R. J. Mic hener,
.. '
- ~-'- !
RABBL ~'iI"t,.I .' ~ ht", lhu", n 'bbL ' . :rh ... man sh II dO lind live? t:n)dge flO .O; btl ~ thou unsoarlnsl , Th) chol"eol "' Ine. aJld Sl \'e. "T h y co u il8oJ 1'9 (u\" jll{\(u : _ Jjow s"' e tr \\ iul'!; h 8 no(7 ~ ptl all lhy 3 " 0 ~. 'Ill kn (l w l{\,jgl' f; ttlSn 'T h~ edJ;:el' 0 r t hI' Pot. 'T" I VU \\' ~ n Ill€' (H I I tl tlcd\V h A t dvtl, l ! ) t.'OUI1~IJ ' l' lI~' '!
)": " 1111 ' H ' t ill 1" in5": \.In Mld llNI : t ; r u d~c lct'-t vll~ d r o p !oI llCJ lI !d ::' lR1.
n "r1 R abbl. It llS 'll~"' r ", l' ~ . J ' oo r We lt' ~ I V hf· ("r(' ' \"\'hn t .Iur " ~ (' f' I' 1\ .... ,lI )l i (Otll.'(~, . Thl n h, lOU . 1-:-1 Id.\·11 "n h m t'II't"!
.: She \'ra ns.rerre<l t1uI ·, '10,110 to 'th~ old gontl emllh, '{ r~~o con cluded ,>. i\· lth Bome IlDOIl Ines , thai Ib\l was a 'ent!. me n tal 0 I'so n all rt tbere.(ore /flva lt L th eo rl ~1 ng. fJ'c o>\,l tbe ill'l'S ~yeB. Th. y c xchlln @,~ rt lall and ~pem~d to undcl'$(l\nd one nOlber. "Do ),011 Ulld t b ~ lon g JO llrn eys lIr· In/: ?" III o ld lady a Sked T rcroe . . "So me Inl's. ll'de(lcnds so m ilc h on' 01111',5 fl!lIow I rtlyolCI'ri," . Tho gil' l harl her eyea fixed (\ r ~I1 Ul ll y . QI1" (,he ,!ltIss.1l1!\ landscape. \ CH . ~ 1 11l 1II11rn\U retl. "The ro lire Occas iollS wh clI I coul ll 1 ' ~' UVO I Oil nll,l on un, l Il c " ~ r rcallzo lhut lIme WR ij pa 'In ll ," ho' 8uld, " 'i es," l h" g irl IIIU rnllll'ed 1\,I;'\I ln , "W' ('un renwlll l)c r su ch a 11ml! , "
Styl~8 '
AMUSING A'D VERTIBElIlENTS, :An nrtver(lael' In a British mn!-'1lzl-tJ e snYH: "Old urli O '181leeth bOll gh t. 'Call,
ir tor\\,Krti e'd !;y 1108 l , utmust. va lli e pe r' r el tlrn . M e~6 rR. Smith , munururlllrlc:; d~tl ll s l~, Oxford 81 rect, LonUOIl, E s· tablished I OO years." . Fru m tho London Moming PosL: "I r1 . h In (ly. lIluch I'edu ced Ill ro me. woultJ bp 1110>; 1 gralerul 10 IlId)" (YOll ll!;. mrdl· 01'
um ~ i zC} ). w hu wo ulrt g l\' o h f~ 1' left -ull
l' lo lh m, 10 h" 111 h ' I' II ltt llll aln sudu l p081t!llu: I' (ercIH·l' H. Addrc 'ij - -." fI. 110110"11 Ion " 1)llonl's in u SUlTey (l'~ u:· .)
U t! \\"~ lHl l wr
I'hl nll HIY .8\\'('('1'
10 I ho e ffed
t 'J \h ll i rH'rC:\ :;l' III
h t~
(lnil lifort!
bnsin eSH
o\vl n ~
,,,, er ,,. he Is " uliHill e lu acce lll 111 11 <1 '111
t' nt;lIf,e IllCn l for 1III lIli u "o ll o:e rt s . 'It.:. , \ lallor In U m tlClIl . Uncoln s hll·e,t::us· ' all mClin, I . ""POSO, \1 111'11 we were I RIII\. h a~ hll I1IKIIl n llo \' ~ 1 IIllYel'll.c· 6,. L nWITiI" I'!" n lf>ul , Il" h us lHl i n t NJ u 1t.: IlCI' o r bls " Of c:OUI'S('." Hhe saltl, sl:ln<:ll\;; lIun1l ' o n I he Ilu ri, or eurll of [(' II 101'lowa rd lhc /-:11 l's Siuved b ~. I\t1~. IftI,LDDUOLASMAKEBAWD ilEUS. I,)bo" II ,,1i hUH (II IIC." Ih e 11'" In lh e wlll- ."r !MOHRF: Mell'S 8S_1J0 8HOEB THIf. • 'l'bl! girl u nderSlood at OM " ihili. Sil O .... OJi ER MltllUFItDT"RE.R. • luw or h;, . hnl'. li e a frol's a pl'i ?e o r ,\'t\ S belllg wh.!" I'u r 11 YOUt\,( wife. Shll , REWAIID t~ .nyona who ea~ , 1"1\ ,lol lnl'" II) lh e IlI'St. norso n who .eeB I dl",cov.lhla alahm,nl W!lS s o 111 11 " " tlI IlI1 HC,1 ~ h ' , ~ [l It(! had \ t he tl lrt ui s p s i ll a lilll"!. SO a r r nllJ:;~ d t hat W . t. Doual&. $3.S0 .ho•• hove by axmaliC 1\ prelo n ~e or J;c l ~J n G s omot h lng tl1 (· l ett ('rs Ill'(' III t ll o · ol'Cif' r III wh l d 1 cell~at 8(,, 1.. , cas)' fl'ttnc. and lurerlorwcarh ,,, fro m lhe l u gg age ra~l(' Wh e n 8\11) aL quallUea, achieved the lara:~!tt 1 810 ot any 1.l.S!) By CHARLES K. BURROW ll,rr "1'I)oa r 1', hl ~ uu me. .hoe In "the work!. They are Jl.t. t a. "GOd utJ rl ow n ngal ll " h ' b'sa n slowly 10 talto th..... ·th.t coot you 58.00 to 51.00 - tho only or ei:cc lIII'Ic ad\'Cr ll . "mc n ld Ih e Lo n· (he g lo\'o from her left hnnd . '\'he 0111 difference I. the prlco. If I could toke you fn ttt d olt Chro"I,·;" rC lll o rl •• : " Pl'u bslJl), 10 my 1•• I.. y .t Brockton, MG'.,\ the I.r~..t 111 OR n coup le of hou rs 'frevoe had h\dy wa Lc hel1 fU l'livcly. Illn wl lh 1mi'll the ..'orld under one ruuf mpk " It mc-u 6 n nts tll(' pnel ur tim C' 1' ('~ P (h; ll1hl (} WUnH' lt will .hOClt and .s how you the curowl t h .. hkh e.-f'ry been 60 ll lhrll y Hmoiling In bl ~ ev id e n t In te reSL lhal cyen 1'r v oc' ~ 'wa nl wn ~ hln~ ,' I hOllgh It I" h ur.t 10 pair of DouRt•• s hocll4 m lOdt, ),ou wou Id ieall'II , IIm pnrLmen l , a Cll 'to aLO P scallllins nl a sc\llIn e mind ju mped 10 lit e mea n· why W. L. Doua". $3 .50 .b""a aro t ho b..e r O"o 1\ ('11 Ihelr 1'\' "p~l'Iab illty wllh thei r .hou produced 10 .heworI4. I h(' ll la Lrorm an~l o\l;; ly, llnd afterward InS' of It. Whe n Lhe ba nd was Illecio cd t a(' \{ (If p erbotHtl t · lt· allliIHJ:i~ . lh l~ d H' I'S. If I could Ihow you Iho dtfference between th~ IIIMk hlg n cnrerul 11fofllmbuiaLlun o[ til I ~ hnd no marrla.;c s ig n IIpon Il, hUI .hoc. In m)' faclory 1ft"" tholt:! o f oth lw 100. Wh'l ure III'rlllll'cd 10 ' l nnYlhi lt g ' matte.,nlldo yDU ....oul .. undorJltand '(\'h ), DouJ;ra.'l l orrl dor. He was tlrad alread)', wh ich , lho third tlng I' hare a ring wh1,,11 wIH' H in \;(' an'h of e mplo ym nf. al'(' \\·c ll SJ.:SO IhnH con mnrc to make. why tt 1\Y hoT" ti~t'l lIg lhut he was Lrovoll ng frolll t bo might very well r ep rese n t engagomem . rn alrh ('cI h;; th,.. c1 e al f'r who . wnn t lnl; a tlu!l:)r Ihape, fit better, wror IDu Re r, an t: Cft ut "rtoter Intrinsic valae tbln au)' o ther $,:0., ~'\" wes t LO lawn, made tho rest or Lb n Tho InClulsl tlve olt! la dy slj;h M , 8.! Ra Irhll1l1II. I l rcdlto tltl'~ l hal h e I1I ~ S l bo .hoc on the " •• rket to-day. J ur ney. loo\( blscll \lH nlgllt. The t houg h to Mugsesl a Il lnd ly wa rnln " W. L, ~,.. IItro,//! Mad" 'all l'c wh en wanled," Ifilin was IInu~lIally e mplY. His In· a gal ll~t a lOll&" coull nuance or tlll;t M"n, .:1.110•• 2.0 • B~.' School . BJ,oe•• $2.BO,$:l•• 1,71J,."IS(;I. ve. lIgaL lons h al! proyud barre n o r SlaLe of allnl rs . CAUTION.-l n ' I.~ UI'on b","'IiW. l ... ll(!n~ · II" sltoo!t. 'j~il'k e nn 1!111b!Jil tule. Non R:OllulHfJ Ilromlse, Thc g irl s lid the r lns liP and down BR IO i'il' Dl'rS BY \V 1'1':;. w ithoUt. hts l1BmO nud prillO ' UHlI(1Ot,i o n IjQttom. Just at lhs lagl mom e nt a door was IIpon her finger. ,VANTf:n. A Ilhno d onler tn c"M), tuw n ,,11 0 "T here's 110 r1 s le Of loslllg IL now 1" h urriedly opeoe ll. H o heard 11 soun d l-hll Y " whiio, 11 0 ha. Icrt a blac k W . L. Oou glnJ Shl.0.5 are not toM, 11'ull lIue (I f ' '''HlpI .. ,. Itln ~ ft co h , r hHlpeotlon UI ~ n rC(llteJtt." of lugr;uge belos lossed Illto lhe ra k. TI'el'oc askNI. marl, II('hl a, 1 It. fut Co!Q,.'Eye/. t. u'tdj the" will not wear b'n.~tl' lh e oblnk or m ono)~ and 0 pleosnnL "011. no," ahc sa.ld, willi an ullward T h ~ 1U1I1, or h UUlUIl I:l ndness Is ort ~ n Writ. fnr IlIunrllll"t M.loR of Ii' n tyl ..... "ThlUlk you." A portor lllun ged out g lan e Lhs l r eally thrill etl Itim. SilO W. L. DODGLAS, lirockt ...., _fIo ~n n rtchfi C (L l from Lhe neXl com lla rlm e n ~ and lurned cc.rto luly. b e t bough , a ct ell unco 11· Na lu l',' dn~su' t h n\'a m ll~ h U ' C fur Ihe band Ie, Tb It'aln started , monly well. self malil' beu lILlcs us palLpr ns. In the far corner a g irl sat- a nurs e, 'l'he Iraln s hot Into n tunnel. Wo rth mal;es the man nnd Lho want el·ldenlly. Tho c stume became her, "Are we go ing to kee p Lhl8 up ?" lie o f Il Is whal mtl kcs h !m worLhl ~s9. PR E TTY WINTER TOIl.J!~ TTEB . he t bougbt, In 0 roactlonary spa80l whispered. ',' If we drpp \I 1I0W lb e old /I 1111111 mit), bllrl! so mur h " lIIhlnl ~ hL M\ er the form er tlt.iUnesll, as the lady'U Ihlnl. wo'vo been foo lin g he l·... Tba othelf evening o.t Ul e I heater we or t.l latillctly hig h-bred Illlearance. S h .. oil " lhlll li e has Ilono Ic rt 10 011 tlte Thlscompany wl11 live Dne dollar for leavell ' become a. ro~tI. HH eyes were "WhY ~ bollill we drop Id" we re luclty' 'e llougb t o light upon a lool,~ rl a plclul'e. co~ tulDe and gll'l I,er · the ftrsl reliable Information an dU y'R muchlll el·Y. downcast, studYing tho tOtl of her "Jt.1I rltbt. My name's In'I,,'' r og ular gnwrt opera audl oncc, \\,0111· (cc lly In accord. opp'orlunily to sell a steam cngin'e or ·Ad\,!re Ihal does n'l agrl't1 wlrb our rl g bl shoo altentlvelY. Wben h~ "Mlne's J essie." e n In hravl~S I. a l·ray. And tbey nddell At the pla.y tbe nal~ plnlt \'Ied wHh bOIler of our Blatldard type. wllhin JiMsed a .Pllcond time, thoy were rill s d, 'fo Trcvoe, nfip r lh1H I!Ollllla rL, 1hll graally .to the Ill el ul'e ' or li g h t. Dnd ald· rose . the re wcre 1Ilso some bea tt- OW" Idens ull(l Inl' II11Rll01l8 la noL tlte our range o. Ilzes, This doe. not include vcrtlcal1 Iraction or gil en· "nd met hlB WI Lh a nTloslty wIlieh all · pos ttion hecame dellghtCu l, anil t he beauty; WI) fel l III. e gldng lit em 1'1 tlflll s ort gmy clolhs . One of tho 1. ln '\ we nro looltlng for . AH Ihe ' wise llIall lilIOW " he Is a lines. If )'OU Inow o. anybody In.. WilTed his own. He r eturned 10 b ls g irl called J es~I " nppearc tl lo e njoy It vote of tbnnlts . LE,t us see Ir \\'C Ia LL'! I' wa s IIlIesL c1: iITOll broadclol h lending to buy an engine or boiler ow n Quarters " nd wa.ited. no 1088. The old Ilidy became mora can I'ome mlll' r some or lb e COSlumes t rlnlmell \Yllb light chinchilla fu t . [Dol , h~ Is II1lgQl'uh b; tbe Co ol Imag· leU ui. A P~st"l will do. Afte~r a time t he lady came 1010 ~h o and moro co nfid enti a l and g rad ually In detnll. t bo !tning a pesrl gl'ay, wll h s ugges· Ine he Is wise. unll ,. happy. 1\ m U ll lIl ay buy (h e rptlulallon or becor ridor to (ake the all' ; 1I00n n a im· drew her husband Into Ul e talk bo ono lo voly wra~ of rose· lion of pink , 'Vorn with Ihls wa s on6 '['here itar Impul sO moved T rcI'oe In t he s ame sU II hall Lh e s plr il of youth In hl)r Rnd colo r ...1 broadcloLh mari e 1; lmono s tyle. of the beplumell plnl; \ta ls, whi ch In;; n phllanlhro pl st. bul be ca nnot di rection, They met face to tacc. He tllesc a \? llarently unlLed lov eI'll re ylv jld The charming g\l'l I ~nr. (his adol'Dctl ' scr.m Ihe new "plcturo" hea dgear. And lill Y (h e rBtll Ilhllunlhwplst·s oharacti \ood uslde to lilt bol' pass. It to a bubbling confide nce, She even f;pol'led . 1l hat. of Illllk \lanne nil Ile· we IIIn y m on tio n lite Id 01o Clo eve ning w ENGINES AND BOILERS ' " Tbatiks," s ho . aid; "I (co.l safer begged lhem to 1:all IIVO Il he~ after plum.,d 11'1 I' to Illnk fea th ers •. lhe 'Hap npllcars lh e Oli O III hi gh est es· b.,·. ror , ........ n Ihe .C.n~.rd 'or.1I e~; 6t.nndlng stilI. T hlB thing !lwlngll tbelr marr iage and named h el' a dd reSS. l)lumcR lit e only tl'lIu01[ltg, wreathod tp.em, being eS llCclall)' apPl'Oprlllte (o r planre, Bu t or nllte-rlel .ad wor1l:mtnlthlp: ' Ilbou t 80. thllll s !loUld b'e atra' c,I 01 full · Tecvoe nOLe tl Il wILl.! a shudder ' It was OVI.\I' and nround t h n hn l. H e r wl'an th e sli m girl. OQr bl. DUIPUI enlble. uiloR Imall pro" I nG'. " . wlUi,lo a stolle's throw of hili n:o.lh~r's:· JUSt· r sra[lc,d th e ground , the neal esl ~~~re ~~.~t:::·o~~:rb:l~iU cbe "'orld, CGJ ta no 110 wnsd I' ly In terest ed . In thl B He e vad ed Ule g iving of Ills own n&m~ uf . palc Ittlll Hucolo slip per/! . wero di s· A \ ' N,V nttrac tlvo blael; panne go wn . Writ' t oday ' or our sp...Ia' off.,. yuung porson . wbo w as so p ~rrec\ I)' wllh 0. lIurnlng Hc nuc of gu ilt. closet,l. . ll e" lg n~ d [or s ireel w ~ or. WAS ncoo lll· ATLAS E~GINE WOR.KS ca.pab le of taklug ca re of h ~rse l f ; a/:le At l'ntldlnglQ n tlto two )Iar tetl from An olhcl' ~slllm() of marlicrt elr~anre pnnicd loy a hnt of hln ck \lAnne, w it h S<III....... ,.. I••U.IU.. INDIANAPOLIS met blm, as I~ were, on com mon t h!! old couplo ou the llla.tform. A~ w a ~ of II lac!lc pnnne. It suIt wltll blouse conical crown o[ Ih n season and ha l'· Corll.,btln".t Ullb,SPHd r.... rl. W.. k 'Tn ... tw ..... Unqu a lified f:ucoeae or Lydte. E. Pink I:'rou lld, .as a w un : ml g hl hnv e dlln o, tb e gir l h ud unli cilln tecl. th cl'll wa ' no j llclla t. This coal bnll u wai st oat of Ing :t brim ot mOd el'8lC s lzc ; the t.rlm · r OtI!"" ..I ... [Olin .. Cooel'ou n"ll r.rt.lno.. T"h,t, Otl'er. bam' s Vow.table Compound 10 ' tbe .6.u11)N ..U C' r.."ti ~ lh loUllb, .. ~ 1'''' 1 ,"1111.-,. yet s be lo~t tione or the charm of her one to meel Ue l'. " "hl.t, broadcloth , aln~r.5t en li rClly v e iled mIttS was a wrea Lh ci l (he middle, Ized CawD of lId,re. Fannte 0, FoE. Ala. 'i~t\.' In "" .... . .MO.CIOO n p . tiel[. The lrain s ped on. ' "ATe we to part, loo," Trc vo e 1l3lced, w\tli bolero front of heavy ream lace, ros~s-also a fealllr~ or the season- In ' II .. Uollf .. IQ ",,,"'n I.OOO,\A)C) U r. One of t he gr~lltp.s t triumpi. s of Lydia "Do you mIn niy comll1g Inlo 'your " wltl)out eve r 1(I10",' llIg each .other '... A "ery lillie exquls lLO sIlL e mbroIdery dull l!ahlla s hadcR. Worn' hy a han d· om parLm ~nt ~" he aslted. "It's a p lly ·. nttm as?" " , on '·tilo blacl, POOIIO g;lcampc\ ' nGar the some wonlan or brunette ly pe. It wa~ E . 1>1I.ll,h8111 :8 Vt'~I' I.,hle (;o,llPUlIlId is the COll'l'lc nng ·of \VOllUln'~ dl'cud cn' ttl ho Scpl!.\'llte(l by a ' partltlQn when ' 'YOUTS I~' .Tactt," s he htl1Sh btl. s houldors. gave Ih ~ Hual m od l ~ h mest ertectlve. Blnck In the rl cber omy , TUlll o r. __ we mIg ht Plake qlls wf.e lched jour ney "Y H. Bul i'soDluhow dou ' t fcel quI te tourh neodled. Tho s lee;'cs ..... e re el · mater ials Is dccl tletUy In fns hlon, Bnd CUTTINO 'r ho ~ro\\'th of a tumor is ~o all' lhllt Ulore endurtlbl() hy a c bat." a ura lha t )'our~ 1>; J es~ le ." . bow ICll g\ h, cnlling In frill s ot Ihe t he Lhln blacl. stull" alld lace are In Ire., "';" ~ly, Its p re"e nce is not ~U 'l pcclcd R "Oa my honor. " · . " Clime by all mea u8.". ~he "aid ; .... un ly. ri ch lare. The hat wu s . p erfe ct , n excellent ~tyle : This mornIng ..... e oh· uulllit I ~ rllr ad\'''l1l·"d. Tho p1lr f?05C of n I "W Ie to eu ' Ill Y co ihplu'( ment Isn ' t a lIU1ol'l.'r." "lL 'Would raLbcr s pall Iho romance largl511 blalcl( IlUnuo. turned lip 5hlll'\I' IIcr v'd the moii els on dls nlay a l 1L . liould cut C!tuil1y ~ cuJ. ~l IDly, By , 80me means hllllO~sible to· trace of t'hll lhlng to k now more, would n 't Iy at olle side and droPlllng 10..... at one or lho best s hops, ond no· "lid c ut wit h c \''''rY luoTl'l lllant. t Itru rc r nn All;lns ""w, I ts hlad" th other occujla,\lts of Lhe ' CIlr r lagc IL'I" a~l(c (\ Tro,'oe, doublfnlly. th o other . Th e so le trlUlmlll~ on t\ced very plea.I!lG' combination s 11 "S\I\'I'" GI(~c\" . J'Qc~ b h.e d th seemed to 'have beco me u,yure (lIst " 'J'h al'lI exo(!tly what I was t it Ink· tbe top '\'[IS a banll o f gll l..,the 1<lnd of bl r.clc and wlllti'. Th er e wns n \vorlit on' r OJ th l! Oncst orulclbht ILcoc l C\'Qj' mOOo hi aneionLor anodtr.rll 1'rev oo hatl ml\de a cba.oge. He 8US. l ug," IIhc suld. " We got tllrough a that rosls. mon ey- woulld abo ut t be bla Nc urt , princess style. tine ver· limes. 11 h hnnl. clojUj. ~ ru.ln,.tI rUiet pe ted the '' ''ced y m a n with lht) [Ium. loug journ y: " c ry plealiail Ll y , dlun't crow'! and lied In a how wllh long llc.lli tuelis s haping tile gown at (h e t o u ~ h . J l hohl!l!\ Ihnrp cUUiIIg edtlO lon;l.·r .hun GU y other Sn\\', H, phle ls lO co mmunicated tbe In. we, aud mad e lile acqualnLan ce o f a loops {lxtendlng lengl hwl se of th e bat: wnl ~t· line. It wa s madc ov~r R lin · bl.,I" lnl"''' l~ rl' lIy lrono Ihlok t elligence 10. 6 III ~ubtle way. One by mOMI lll eaBUIlL a ud klnd·h eal'lctl Old und ~ r t he brim. or course, o n Ihe Ing of whll'o satin. th e trimming blael, l hln. (ro Ul hnod l' 10 lip. 'l'hUI a ?" mnkel leeWAy [l'I f itself. r "tls ens lly Lurn 9(1. \Ip side, was a rnRS~ of blacl, v e l v ~ L nnd Inse rts ot whlt r lacl!. lh e a n II tb ey wl!.n d ('re d liP tb e cor, rldor, lady and d oe. not. Luc1 :1o. Itl t Qm Tl~r b " 1 leel ralhe r asbamed abou t he r." rr.cI. When benl by .. crook.d plumes. A muff of block. and brown lace on I he large m mlnJ\loll orller. A ' ~f~ll' l, it ! prl ul! 8. 1nl o Ibll~ wr1hout kluklnJ;. "S<;l do I, " the girl admitt ed. fur-Hud son bay e ted t be broa.1 -band of velvet edged IU D ;rhO An;!n l ~wcull-nndd oc. 1t bedornuy. "if we ne ver meet a galll , I s hall al· tollctte. \\ e mn"'d 11 11 tnl«l' and a l r.C!;t. (r IIt.W~, bu~ ou I)' Th e . girl had btOwn eyl's robc. tho medallions were sel 011 000 grodc- lh best. " ' . wnys ·be your ll e~tor, " bo said. " llut and hair. ~... a5 tall and well rounll,e d" ~Y vol vel. about Ill e c 1ges. Al\: lna Sa,,' • • Corn Kn"~ •• r errHtu\)tl PtOt'lI:' If 1 do happe n to see you, mill' 1 claim SerBpt' U. etc., .TO ,old by t111 Good landwQrc Lhe ocqualntan co ?" . dcoit:rs. Cuto!oguo on retltle'l , SOtt1le - "CerLulnly. " E, C , ATHINS CD. CO.. Inc. "Than I, YOII ," ,After.a vause he s aid: Sa.. "'lnUractutef1 In 1be W.,t4. The nebl and 'oth er IIhect mnlerlana maoJe waIst may be Irreally Improved " I don 'l much Ilke parting Ulle lbls; are appearin g mad e with no small Ity ~t1dlng a bIt of this ribbon to cn rt F.-,. oad Eae<Uilft O5ca.loc!iaoapo\io.lodiua. but, cundlllly, I agree with yuu it's t he fullnes ~ aboul lhe hips, hangIng In and nlocl(, and the v.'!'arlng of ribbon BRANCO ..:S , oNt. York, Cblcago, Min_pOliti. SO'cal1,'d ': wondering polns n rna, l'orUt.rMI .. J ""R'On l, 8caUl t , a.1l "ra.DOlJocoJ. besl way." match . 'Th ougb Ihe {lrlncO!s simple galhers from tbe wail.t. Bnt glr,Ue Ileaapll-, Atl2 UW Iud TOf'OQto, ~, . "Tllo unly way," s he · said . " The the skirt Is most art[nlly Cllt. there Is styills are advancing , the wide gIrdle como from Its e,~rly stage", or the presence of t((,nlCer mllY be made manl· wbole ulralr was 100 trlylal to bear Done of Llle limpness of tlte \llaln full Is Sllb.s tltuted by not a few-those tbat fcst by profuse U1enslruntion, Dc~om· touchlDg again , :As It. stands It was a l'>0lD IlY GOOO ~ EVmVI skirt of otber days. , Petticoat frllls of feel Ib e princess would not prove be, panl".1 by IInlls llnl pain, frnm the dellglllfnl ellperlence." ,~WN;.""""",V.''';;'jM;.';;';';';;;;';;:;.:..u fullil~ls " tlmcient to hold the gowii out ~omlng, A black ond gold ribbon 1& o~orlc.. d (m' n thL! .g.rnlo and thighs. "DeIiCiolltl:" ' I r yO~I hn.v . ' m,l' s t~rlolls I,oins , if Ihere ------.--'-------~ \'ery good style, and the JnpaneBe color "But I shall't r cpea,l IL," sbe "alII, ' combtnations cons id ered modlsb to a ore IndIcatIons of 1lI0alnmnlion or dis· laughing. plllCClocut, .lou' t walt (or I ime to oon· dogree, . finll your fen rs :,otl go through the . , '''Thanl,s. Tha t mRlteR lilY debt I ~ It !s tile rule to hove the collar tlnli hormrs of II ho.' pllul operoLion' secure you al~ tUI! heavie r: ' ' Clllls of tho wrnp ot \'el\'et the same I.yc lia J;l. Pinld"""',, Com· "W bere ahall I Lell the m ~ n oolor '1l8 Ibe , body of the garml'nt, anti pound rtllht&\vuy nllli begIn l ta 'ugc, ' drIve?" he uBlled, wltb a l,iDd of lin· IIIrs, I"!l"h ~m, (.If L'ilr" MO"g \vlll ' .! tllo yelvet may, or may Dot be, el)1' ",.art. 1\ ".'6<I vo'; ·,. geri ng hope. c.p•• lty In 01011 .... " f broidered, We lately SAW a most nt· f!1 "0 VO Il I. , ~r 8.I.vico free of 011 charge "'fo Vi clor ill. pl ease." sbe said, OMh· "vor f1 6 ",,<a cre, trac·.tve slreet sui t of oll"ft gr!!el'l If .VOII " ,II wrIt" her r.oout !'"ursc lf, I our le t l.·r will b(,sc cn by \Vome n ooly lUI~:1c~~," tll",".d'.'r'h"I,·ul,1 \ ' lo r, a tl'lumpbant s mile at him. " C O~ IF. . BY AL(. ~IF.AKS , " broar1clotlt , thll \'elvOl collar nnd ouff! lll'nr !\lnt. j • i ukllllm :. I p rice t, Uo th,lnf.' but t.he " 1'hon It's ·snod·by,' J essie ?" He look ed In an d (l a~s ed; even th e olll el.nbl'oldel'l!d In 'olh'e anti old ros,: .. I tn"e .. o UbPrty to mngrBt.ulBte YOII 00 of toll nil' h. ' ell. II • held QuL hl ~ ban,l and hers clasped It la dl es marte l\w jour ney and It!llr tl owu "orr, shad .,s. Some o r lh e vei ls of the da) rhe 8urri' I puu ~ Ull wl tb youl' wonde"rul nlt'(lh'ino, ...!c;llt.ecn 1Il00ltbNngi.) my m ont,h. wi th pained lOuper; o'r ily. 'rre voe "lIet ..... armly for an In s tant. sllodes , 1i ... . 10'?1"'.1. "'hnrU y ufter I felt.o haollytbot Th. C.n.dl.1I Cn' ..... .,., •. "\l'a 'good · by: Ja cll." h is ~l mJlalllou o bse r ve d this ..... ILh d c· A hrXll rlllnt fas h Io n for ho use IV a, IlsnLln~'tt.t"'t1 ',0 u tllol'ou~h t!:'\n llllnnt.lou b\' R free loe'fcry scUle r 160 acres of!JlI:il l~tI~ltlteIY "Vlclorla stu Llun ," be caJlr.d LQ t he li :;llL. pl.r~ L'mu lI i:,j "'liS lold tuaL ( Ilud n tUlnor . Is tb ~ lingeri e PP,tLlroRt or · wa s h·sllk nn I h8 u turU3 unci WOI! !rJ llll vo t o undorgo nn "We see m to Ile c realin!; a sonsa· cabman. Th e Dl u n drove brls llly, Rway. It Is s tri ctly for hOIl ~ e wenr, bl'llIg too o(\t'ratio n , J.And ~ .dj n lnh~ tt c :,,~ lx' Vll l'dl a~(,1 1 !'I t (rOll1 iIS TrAvoe hu ~ lI1ull e no clTurt to ell,,· tlon ," be said. " Do you min d?" sott to hold Ihe h eav ie r sldrls oul "SOOD n(~r T I'clul onn or .yolll" n(h'(lrU~ t,olo'" r a4.: re j tU1U r ;lI l road IUIa.! vlher ( qj{l( • cove r th e cOl1lpllnlon or thut jou rney; " Not III Lh~ leas t. But IlIl n Is n 'L a deSigned eape('lally ror clin ging sty\<,s : m CIl!.t5 ",.Iul cl n'\' ldl~l, h'l J,!i \''' Lydia R Ph;". hnr~u; '.i!t;ctnblu (.~' lIlpo1lt1f1 (I Idnl. AftRr .. moili ng ca rr iage, rO il I,"ow; I Lold after u limo hu ceused even 10 wlah such os ol'e Invored tor neg li gee dre 5~. tr A"reDd.~· 175.~ (orl11er:!I '10111 the Uuhed Sble y mrr . ti\·!) lmt. llo!o os lllrt."'('t(~.-1 I,ll " ttl lllnr i H 10 mee L her. [l/olhlnl; III th e w(.lrl(! Id you Illal. We're Il I'Nllti og rUl e:; ." A wllito sll1< pettIcoat wlib full Inc!'· "fltirely ·t;on~. 1 ha\'o l~ n t°X"ttmhlet"' 1')\' R b a\C' III Rue I heir h o mes .n' C D- llodn. At E xeLer aD e ld crly cou (ll e were less I!xhllal'atlns than Hal (·hampltsne. P or fJ~mll h Tt' t " TWf!'lIli C!th Ccn lllr \" C;l nnda" rh~·~iC'i .\'1 nnd fiR 1oC:1YS I bn'~o 1)0 sigm; or n edged nounces Is 10'\'l.'ly, milch prettier I IOW It bus al~ brought my mo nfh. alll.l nlllll(ormalion apl)l y 10 Suru Ri:'4T BNIIIUH" ('onvoycd Or l'OS8 tbe c rowded platform Ihon It muslin ; It (le es noL ro st 11 tlllllN' 01' I lItMIOkATl n:-:, Ottawa. CrUH'1I1n . or to 1he h ~ l1I 'O IlUt.1 flIU'U mora. BIHI 1 am ' entirely Better Goods. lJy aD assldl1011 S porter and lcft In lh e A\Jthorized CanadlAIl C o\'erulu"ut gfe!lt deal more. eltllel', and will weo! ",oil "-F"""iu D. ~'os, 7 Cbc"tuut Street fo11owing A11<111 . : 11 Is not the relali"e cost of a dozeD "o mpa l'tment ",lli ell batl IHUl e no h (,~ 11 . B 1, Wn.I.I.lKIJII . L fUt BullOln.a , Totedt'. 0 , ~ well. -rhe silk undersllps worn "'!Ih DrA,Hot·d. r". (J ua rr s of tomaloes or Ilcaches of pear'8 S8c rc u 10 Trc I'oe aod his charming a c· lingerie waIsts may be made In while Ntn(to", III, pup ,r Qualn lance. They ass um ed nn nlr or \\' h le h are bome'canned or purchased or colors, aDd there are se,'eral wa),8 l,e ns lva res lgn alio n. bul Lhe n ewcom · frum lhl! g roce r that so lIIuoh concel'nlJ of Dlaklng. One Is a plain mou el " R USSIAN COAT. ',c rs di d nOL a ppea r 10 observe It . The lit e cons um e r. It is a question ot geL· without darts, tho sl oe,'es qnlte fu:1 lad y s lIllTed ~I1S I'lclously alld glan ced ling ~lllrr 10 eat tbat YOII hove put up well gl ve an ample look are "orn. 10 hold Ollt the waist slee"t'. aU l 'your.elr. ICIlow whal conslltuLes It antI thou;;il Ibe threatr;ned hoop boa sunl, 10 right outl lef l for in di cations. reaehlng only to the elbow;· tbls sn~l. " Is Ihls 0 smol:lng compartmenL ? , l htl( II Is pure nnd whol oHo me Insleaol Into retirement. buttoning In tbe back. Tben tber .. \s uf Pl'Obllbl)' balf·green moterlal , likely "lIe asl,e u TI'Cv oc . whose fllll e wa s saf e· Velvet ·trlmmldgs lire used very conculoreo1 wll It ('oal lar d yes, aud all In siderably. a wide ve!vet band at file tbelrlnd that fits Ul e Hgure ('los01y Iy 0111 ur sl"h l . mllY fasten either fron t or bock. ~h~ "Oh, ' tlO," IH. ~ al tl ; "l ile s mol,cr's a ll ullnul,'llious, If noL "clually hurt· bottom of Ihe dress mur.h approvod hy . sleevcs elbow !;Ir so fasbloned I n,' v luI 10 Ih e digestive sYBLe!ll , The n ex l duo'r ." Ihe tiresslllal(er., And a hInt 10 the ",III do duty with long or short olll c'r " 'I1hen [ 8u/lpode Il' mu sL bave leallcd chan ces al'C. s o),s .lhe Ml cht,an F'armer, wI.. con,cernlng remodeling an old sleeve; this attaIned by leaving the t hat If rou fl g ure rour time and trouble :t brtHlgh," gown by t.hls UBC of velvet may come under·arm seam open from elbo\\' 10 . "No doubt.. .. he saId; "those c ar· as anytbln g, lhe borne product will in pat; so often Ihe bottom or the wrIst, a book and fYC mnnning It cost a &ood llen l more than tho store ;risCI"s are sboel:lngly made." worn slllrt has to be ('ilt orr; It Ii 611ch when used wltb long sleeve. the lo\\'c r The old' lady was mollified. She good s, bllt th e comparIson Of Ibo valuetl a problem how to obtaIn the r\!C1ul red pal't turned under when an Ilbol\' of the two Is 8S night Is La day: .miled benl!.'?ty upon Tre voc and I he length. Fasblon Is Iclndly In thlB reo sleevo I~ desired. ,; 11'1. wbuse lIalllC he d id nol kilO"'. spee,L now . And ~pea klng ' of Irlm· In cur illustration we present a L ady Frederick Cuondl s h recently . .1 ·h"y ce rtainly ma tle n . (Ileasant ou · mlDgS, che nlllo embroidery Is used on moll,el of. ba8Qued HUBsian coat (or told a slory In illustr a tion ot the pre. cloth , a ve r1 handsome addltloD to a Vl~ . Ihe street suit of severe simpliCity. It " 1 can 'l bl"AI' tbe .mell ot s mol,e OD vailln g Ignorance In cor laiD classes In dre:; - : often a bit of' metal or, glass Is tlght ·flttlng In th e bock, t be fronls England : A: poor woman, In discuss· will be In.lrol1nced tl) the embroidery, a jourMY: ' Ins tbe of was bl ng b or Ibts the day of gilt and jet, Rllibon ~, ?louije a ' lItlle, Ib e opening Is sllgbtly "ll 18 rothe l' tryIng." 8:1.ld .lh e g "'1. cblld 'o bead , sold: ('I know betto: long 1) ,,0~lhe8Ied, .seem netllany-com' ot one side. T~ls model bas Ii nent "vf ~O UI'~O, tbere are cl rcumslanceq look, the .hat 'pletured ~er" I n whldl It mlgbt qot be unpleasant. Ul!~n to do t1!M: ' ['ve beard e noU~b or \DI . torward Cor. dren orDam~ntaLlon ' ta!!..~r~d approprlat e~wlth It.. .' ..J • water on. lbeDrallIo" '.. . ~lIen 1 ,"'as you apT j dldD' t mind ." thll Qower~,! ~de!l11.1l!I favo~ ~ _read1: .". ". El ,l.l!:N 08M O~tJ & ' u 'u la !-\ll d H't'f
l' l l \ tjl , I n
.\t laI\ Ue.
ru :~'~ we '!" t; hc asked,
In a Railway Coach
$1 0 000
.h.C_. ,...
One Dollar for a Postal Card
___ -TcL AS
" Vogue Fashions -Now tn
T,. enl,. F.·,. 'h,h,II" ' r. 0f Wh I.It0" th• I ·o
"' .,
Rxcellent Qu~lItl~ of This Varh!ty uf Grain ns PI'oven by Expe1'lincn ta. On e ot tho mos t Important features In lh e wor le of t he eX J)or lm cnt st ntl un 10 t be IDtrodnclion ot new varlctl es ot 1:1'0118 8ulta ble t o c~rtalll r eg iOns nnd under 811 c la l conditione. It Is a ma t ter oLrecord tbnt mnny vnl uabl e addlLIons bave b en macl e to th e lI ~t of crops wblcb tbe co untry Is " livable of producing. Muc h ot this work Is don e by th e ~ (ntlo n s III coop erntion with Ibla dl'Plirt ment. but some Is done IndepCn(1enll y. says a writer In Farm frS' Bulle lln No. 222. A Ilotnbl e r eI nt l':t:a lDille of va lu a ble work ot thi s
.Fa r nl eJ's In ·gen er!! 1 1l11'8 1I ~lle aUenlton 10 Ihe moller or cond lUo n III li or ~ 'l~ which tbey (')(pe rl to se ll. In\,CS iISIIUOD ' a long t his 11'le ha ' ~howD t hat ver y 100 pounds of Ild<lll lonlli wei ght In-! lh e ose (It tl b eavy lIralt hdrse· Is' w I·th from 20 to (;0 ce nts more 1181\ l..Oll Jlou nd~ . · ln (he Ors l.· place. th e (armcr Is 1ft .\ I,',sllton 10 tced n ~ eho9..ply as any pl'otcBslonal feeder, for thert! aJ'C veJ'Y re ll' ft.rm ors who ca nnot fcp <l so as 'to lIr .l u lice fat. 'fa SPoil lVell on the m a rl(ct hOl'ses mu s t be fli t • • ! ell ond we ll g l'oomed . At th~ seUS(l'1 when th e g rn~~ Is pl e:lUtul nn,l cOlI.lll luns favorable f.o r fa tt~ lllng hOl' d~S II Is a VCI'Y ,'nsy mattr.r to put on many po und s ve ry cheaply. After hOI'ses o nce heco m e tilt on grass. o r a ll ttl e ad ditional feed. It Is l!. very s rpa ll mattel' to 1111L them In a bOx :1a ll nnd hnrd en thp.m up In prepa ra(Iun fOI· th e sa le U:I,'. T he uuycrs de· rUlI:1tl fat. If an a t a s time to give l!rop~ r oxel'cls e and '1lg h t work h ll can adll f Ull1 cthins to U: e va lu e of Ih e h or~e as h e will be really to go l'lg h l Into Ih e ilcavy wO l'I{ ot l·h e c it)' bu y· el'. 1\ littl e IId<lltlollal g rooming (0 ' ge th ~ .· whh blnnl(.!U"g for (\ m o nih. will also o.t1d mucb to the seI lin g prleo of hur&es. No malleI' wh s t market 1178 go Into ,. the fin ·) appoar lng , well ~roo Jned : e nergell c , fa t h or~e Is pl'ere Tl'~ <i by th o buye l'. wh o Is reauy (0 )la y fur these p.Htlculllr qnllllll c ~. Fllrmprs cnlll\ol alfo re, e mphas izes Ih o ~'Brm e r t o brecd and deyc le ll o Or. t-daMS anl .:nn l a nd th en I<\se a large \ler cent. of lI ,'o ll t by n eg le ct i n:; Ihe fir;l ~ hln g tou ch es
Lack f~r E;ntertainolllllt.
wh er e th e sea Is ~ I ean nnd th ere i s n.
s andy beacb upon whl r. h te nl s or mal s beds ha ve hee n put up to ser l'p. IIsll rp.ssIng room s for the Indl ea. Th e m en d<"ln batblng Jell on l h e DOW curtalned laun ch and swim to jo in th e di\' ln g he li es, as
Ing o~ lteeder" .
l!R O ~ 1
• n;'
PrOdUCei' and Consumer. Tbe Colt's Tnll. Il Is very blll'd to rec ollcl~e the InterIt )'0 11 ,,·a.nt YOllr c.. lt to carry bll Ests ot tbe produ cer and the consumer. tall II ell trIm It qllil short wben bft 'rbe producer iles lres to I'ocel"o hlgb l.'Om ~ s from I he !lel(1 Ill. I b e tall. It prices Bnd the consunler desires to pay Is usually filII or burrs. BIIII if a llowed low prices . The only point that all ngree to atay \\' Ill cause Ih o COIL to bold bla upon 18 abundant production . " 'bleb tall In a ve ry sluggish munner wh eu It . maJrts .moderato llrlces llroflllible and Is grown. If c ut lal e In Ihe tall tbe .QUaraelory 10 !ill con cerned. co lt \\' 111 Ilo t 'he troubled·by ftl ee betore
'Virglo iaD's Awful DL! L s. Tbrough Kidney Trbubles.
W .. 1.. .t ad'Bon . m m' ·hllnt. 0 1 Pn " ~"rM' "For t wo Y~Ol'. m,' ned, wa. COl' rod bur g , W. Va .• 'nys: " Uri, ingn I.nut ill with '0I'f~, lilfl hUlIlor "prt8d inK 10 my ba" ' \I' IlI IH! I' "r"!! h I huh', wll i,",. fe ll Ollt. II!n\"i ull; 6n UII.iH' oI ly l<id n •.y L .-ollhl,,~ ( , 11 b ll Jd :-lI O( . al)(I I h e ~orcne1'C. iufhllillun, 1hm. t1 l1d l1H'U'lI cs ij(' h ifl~ mnll e lilt' wi ld , 1111_', and 1 sntf~ t't' d )"ri('fI,j_ ...h- i-cd ('UI;" Uta ~O" \I nnt! C!., i. t.w' ·"ly Y 'lI r" ...- ii ll purn Oinlm(lH1. 111111 :l r t e l ' It Ie\\' uPIJll ('! 3' 'H hal' p~\! I':lI npiu g p:, ili ~ d",," d ,e tor,"en ~ ~lIh ,:d e,l , t u lilY I(re!ll i n 11 ... 1'1",1< " " o' rri lljoy , T lw son'''' tin ,,11 t\i,l;.~ rpca rrd nnd tn,\1 U.I'\.' ,I i'":' Jl'il t l l's . J rJ Ch.u · IIl\il' ~I' e \\' ~Jl:d n as tlai e'" a n I Iteo"h.)' (hi ,' en.;- . I . II ,oIl '. lI llI'a)'", . rcc.Hl/m enU the hu d t o I{C ~ up n <1 0 " ' /1 C ll f l f'III'n n'\lIlcd lcf!o:. (Sll{lIf'ti ) 11 11 1' IV .J t ifll i'''' u t n i~itt h )
~.l tnhl c, .!She n,.k ..,d, " If II t hllt 1.f') . 1I 1 d i lJ.~.•. .. I f) l deCO'BII.)lU l fu1. .l; 1111 le .of I, e.. . , \ .or" l. ,y. .. · yc~, I
:.l uI. f'oo Jl~ _ ' I II II ' -p 1&1111O.t. .1,,(·,·I"d 111)11 " Ihi. <!I II',' I ....iu , poi nt ing ,,"I Ih,' " ~ III·" .. i\'e alTa,r. '-\' I,U li lt l l1lM h lt\'c BC'e n IIt! I' face,
" ' Cti t
a t rc.l(! l •
- - e- - -
S ometlli 1• I 'I d ( n g Smnl l. I . II : I"/H I ;~ . II ~ (J 1J~ I"lUII'l lIg 1 1t! 1ll 'j,,, 't it rall.c,· r I'r n q ; ,· . ·· · , lie "" id Ou .. ...." Iullle II III. I,ut •.C dO'lol' h,,1 .. 'Oil , III) ,' I ; ni(1. . ' You l; l\l, ' L e~\: p el . t P l'lJ!lV UII 'e it . umt·th :ng \ · (.1 I'y tl'i flil l~ .
1J 1'~i rltd n .!tI('TI ~.i',n Ii" in~ ~_ :lIld wn. ' .
h~ cl
ulll'llo.:d 'n eal l""l! f. 1
tl ",
t.hefl o '~ ') r g lai1 i ngt ohcl p. " I" 1" I '1'1
' 0114.1
th e r:hl c r Ju sti ce l eatl suci ety. and l hl:! hl shop lJl cs8e~ l h ir tJolngR n ~ f ar 3 S he
con tic1p.nUouRly '!an . " Of t h e dyUions In H on gl' ong. all Ihat we s hall say is that som e nre ni ce r
~'c}1HJit-o I C ll t'i,~1':I in Ih e 1:\'1. :,. 111 I'l e nlt~ ltI hp r~ "f ~ I ... Kellosg'" 1"1" .... ·10. 1'" 01' reo' S O Ii K " I I.i, IOwn. which I" . JI,,"on 11 .1"'
s evoral Hongltong la.dles may bl! call erl. so profic ient are tbey tn 8Qua lic xe rclscs. '''h e n tlretI or t hrowi ng abou t a foolball in the water , tho balh e rs rel ir c. !.he m en to I.he lallli e h anlll h r. wo m He re th ey aro gl\'c n on to the t enls . r herr y LlI' an dy antl t he tiex~s t;ioth (* anti !'cunlte.
T ea_ Is lh en Ren'ed , plth er on
lund or on th e laun r h , during I.h e I'e llll'll jrnu·n cy. " So mellmes peollio <li n~ on th ~ I!1UD t h &.=;. Anti h ei ng til n o h urry to bu t'. } nnd rliHsol\'c in J-i o ngl{o ng, I hey s tar out
pretty lat e In t he moon li gh t. The gO \' , c rn or, th e t wo aclmlrul s, t he genr.ral a nlj
I han oLll o r's. Th e numhel' ones, 1WOg ev e n threes ot th e great co m me l'·
~ n,1
l"Ial 11rm s a re sometime!! great soelal HII .. ceS~ CR . The re a rc dl Rtlu clio us, how !) \. r , that are not ea~y to l1ndersta n,1. Why Rho ll"l pi g- iron turn np Its nose at " T o Ihi~ d l~ln ll t 10ll d
pcol,le "o ow wilh douhl e UU01 N\ th al sou nd fonnhJahln uOlil II iH<l!H"o "oce<l that the <lonlll r I Hl I'l-o l ~ll nll(;R ,liRc:h nrgc vO l'y slnall sho ~ al hom e. Th (! se rvl cc 1'P.OIIIp. ca ll I h e l' lvilians dol tU r," natc·ho.rR. Dn,1 th e la ll e r thlnl< ur Ih n fOI'nwI· uAdullur· ln<.:1' CI'Fi Danl!ing tlH ysn nl1 nl ~hl ~ hcg ilJ wl lh Ih o Ihrco pra ·t ic-Ct d Hnc '(IA th al p'r HC'I' Ue th e hnll ",hl. ·h iH !; i,' rll hy • o ld\ r rs ;'l c nt ~ o n eDch fit. '\ndrl' ''' 's lI i;;h l. Th r. grPHL d lfll clllly mCn I," \O(! i ~ III get pal'lllP r s . ,
to 3"'t 'gooJ
In Spl !.\! of th ~ Cit.y's lIus Oe Th A re I'~ w D e.ltl1 . ( rom , Nen,~u s Ailm ents . Th ere I
1"t?:J ht {' lI ts
:;C I'!i.
~~ IHJ
i . -- - --.. _ _______ _ PATENTS
-I .
li o n
IHI II.l i""JliIlK
d UWU\,Of' ill g
of 1111! 1I' OW II (w e'lt l"d,
in ·
' rl l(~ : 1\' '' I'II~(,
:dd U" p II III I! in : i ll l ' I'i u li n~! tlt e Ilton·. ' gulHl hC. ldt h I hf' l·it il' t' li de'l.iti'u t o )'c mo,'c t o nn ullicr V;1i n A. JIlin lO t" 'h ~ hl "l e.
nr. I( ellugg oll e dn.,·. sl", rlly ~don ' 10" d(· I.nrlll~. I, e ..tid : " \\' l!II, I ,"II PIHI ,o: ~ yo u JlI\\c )1 ill'd 1hn l I .Im gl) i n ~ 10 1.-.I\' \" 1l1"1v n . uucJ l d Ul'e 'f\~' .<V II ... ill II , ~ Iud ,,[ il. ' · " C:I,h l of il '? \\' IIY. ))11 ." " I . hull Joe
I\ cll"g~.
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1' 1'
A . N . K ._ £
~r r,
I pp l ic:d
" '.-.r ''',..'.1'
" ,I h t'" I ();) ", l ool, o f IIi ,. It •• wls "I ''' lI t hi'; lI dll ' ~ ;Itld
-- --------_.-
~1 "" l i n)l
In l(1sa
u,.,(·ltd 11) 'lie m IIlJ knuo;\' how 1 (~,.m ~I HII 'e l"o lJ
r u ... ·' · ' -~·p;t l·l.
~ I ' u ti _ v
lill "~ "
l'I~ PI ':I I" d
IHlI';),·d. " 11 ,, '.\' i~ tl !:\~ : "
For Infant. and Children.
" it in!:" ,
" \\' h~ ... . ""d 11". •,101 II ti', '-I" ", wil hl n '-, 11 11,' 10·. ", . ",,:.~, I 1111' :I , h,·,·.. ~d . Il Jol ('hi T HUI !If II !\' 1, .ld \ (H I IJII I'I\" f l'll IlI nn t' ('li d fir I Ill- {I i l' " t o 11~ .. 0 1 ht 1" , Y( U ore ti le ~.H wUlc h.oI o.: I ,' I e,' 1, II l' W:'
The Kind You Have Always Bought
----.. . ~ __
F acts nnd Proof_
l!:tlett \\'~". , J) . • ~ I I ' 1 ~I'C, .i. ! ~ . __.\" onnIo,' " .f fllr l. I iH '1" "r 1;' /II 1 lun f uf "t "-0I1'1'. all' I I " 1: \ 11,111('" OUIIt t (I n li e tl~ lh"rk- '''p ",,,' )' \II:" ,II' \),,01,1". Kidll"Y 1',11. '1' 1". (\ .tlr,"·Q , •• lleo l,le who 1«,,,,,, whut .",~. <III . ~l r •. ,\I OOT Tll hcr. h i ~ hly C!olt e !,llll'ti -" "'H! ('!l1 tit I!ulct.l. ),o,oy,;: " I 1. .. ",,- I)'\fld'~ Ki<lll"" I'l l! . II .'C " ~alfl .. hl•. nt . ,Ii,.inc b~". n.,; 1 hn'" ll>l,1 I.!t c III. I ••)1,1. . ·'·cn ""S",, " lid l h ~y "'1l'oti lll!' <of , ".'·ere alt.... ·!; of Kid ll Qi· T r OUl il t!. T lwv l'('1ie n,d nJe:,' f roIH til l! fil's't when I I",t! li " i. I.,.oI till' I".t b l) x I I,all no loi ll nn -l Illy Ki.l "c)', are ..."'- :"l iflll \"'''1",1"1 ,-.'' n"lId·· I," II('~' 1', 11 0 "r. ItOW lrc .'~ ni".'1 1 ',,11 '1\'0" he ,,,'" ,,",wid n elll" ,I\' I"'i, h","" ,tb· ... ,. p~re" ..... "' ..''''1'.u.1\ ;'llIP)' T ho)' tlrr H11l1l1l1a t" m. 1l 1l ' 1"~· . ( :"nt , I.nl11 . h.'~o. 1)", llt· I,·. . I '" iu"",' " It ,1 II IIL. I<I . .. T Wil l 10". 11 117111'< l) i' Pl" .'. ,,," I "II oI il.~,'!~~~~:" l<in{! fl'om '''1 )' fOl'on of Kid nr )' 1 - - . --
""'P. "',,'
Sour SIOUlilCh , DiJrJ'iloCll
Fae simile SiGnclure of
Il llC" I(!;.
wragons, ,I r l!\, f.' r y
I'tti h'ou d
arl s... I) n t ~o l
Cr.l1se !lut! Effpct. '1'(1 111
-.t, II'II I J
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lo w Ih<! ~ t"! H S. Thl!r e are Swift. movi n g ti lll'J Il1 1l1JIl cs , hkycles. utnl)tllan(~ ('!-l , (l.~hl" ~.
For Over Thirty Y8a~s
Worms ,O;mvui:;iul1s J"el'r n shn~s s and Loss OF SUEP.
Th ere ar" f~ s l. run n ing .. un Iho till'e.:ts. u l ~ lre Ihe Slrell" a n ,1 lip.
nr o
Remedy forConslipll.
A petfecl fiOIl,
('I·nllp.Cut''O _ It. )) I'O I''''JI '' PUr'lI _
UHlIlI:lil Ud I li pllthOl'i a. . ;'; 0 npit w i Nn II :I U· .. cu.. ftll t'dd !i, A . 11. l1os!-ic , Hllffil ll\,;"; _ y _
NO TNAncO·~' lC.
W1l m Bnby Has th e Croup Ilt ~ :\:oCi r.;· ,..
Bears the Signature
Promotes DigesliOlI.Chrerfulness and nt?~\.Conlhh' s nell her Oplum,Morphine nor Ninccul.
W'hell Gl'eck lIioct 3 GI·eck.
']')' (' I.! " ;' '''" 'III '''~ 111.1,, 1111 ' 0 .tliithl pen~ i \'(} h . " I' ' r ll~ hl :t J,I: .-vl. l' II I 1' 1) 1'""," lit t nild.I." '1", ' .. i.1. " \" 1111 d" l ' I:",.•III < '"'!·· I'I:! } lIltl ~' ~ I ' f f l .lll· .j I ) \1.\.1 ~ llut (. ~ " yh~•.- I"."r ".11\)",: ' _I '''." 1" ,, 01 1.0" UOI".
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Il r V O u ~ rl l'SS o r
I h i n ~~
S3 a0aySure
I l' ~a n u s i Jl ~ nt JUl~ !"\ \ Id l .. ..". 11 , . \ I·r:,' tl lHull. Ul 'lno S0 0 11 e:Hnc 1~, p("l y OJ!UI U. nurt t.lI . t. hat tlt bI,· 1\1 mr n d tI I' Uu~,' I S:iti~ 1 lu th e 1' 1'11'11.-1' - ~ h, J "In I!.O rf"IIC":d , (f) r I tl' n"4 f pain g ralll1ull .}' d H.. app(\nr, ~,l . 1 h lHIJ ,.:n l ('OiCIIIIlII_ ' I 'll 'P :IY ' 01' It 11 11 d r !t\' I! I·\' .' roa ll y 1I 11 l l0 n til Uhlll rt hr r., ." hil t 1I'-'1;?:i t ir e I 11f~"11 elu'ed (~il"ht 'y1'a l'!~ . nnd t i ll "1 I' ll 'J:tt ,.n r wa)lu.d OUI , I WHiled (l lI t ~l dc U1I' Jo.,:! n r " Ii .\· lh.· tr tl ul d c U~: ' H I ' f - 70 0 111 0.."1 ~' di ,- t! a ;l l ,0\' . " t .1 1\11 1,_ S JllIIld y "' l' lI t U\\':'I\', tia c il I'a n Ld Ill e 1,:1;111. II. \\ ; I!~ .. o nlf't h ll l ~ \('ry . 1 . ' , h Ul"k to 11rr Ioj, fufe N JUn lf' lliI:tn dcd Ih l! t)l" let·IIC'. O h. I I' ;I \' ~ II 1I 0W~ Z(· 1I ' ll-t t .•::;o ld It.\ ' n il Ut'all ' t·~ .) 0 ,~ c II1 S [l t(. 11('1' fUI' Ih" iii lN tn hI. . . , !l lI d '!oo k Ilw li ne ~'Ij ti .~:d TI1 Hd Il IlH' lu_" I , t: Pi muJl vul ," -- l.lJ ll' - FUS1I.!r. MiIl1l1l"11 ( 'l). H ll ft'u~o ! N _ y , [ 01' ~1 I "':0" ",...)" "fl." ,,·anl . I lo a, I d" " I vlkr. .._____ _ .... '" _ _ ____ . _ haJ,,' ! ""·l,·,·I,,I! :l la l, I( · \','01 t il uhl) Ul ~ 1 1)O, S.ndl'l'JotIr ....t,s,.... j u~ t ~.. \ I "P ll fl thn t WII II I:II I " A n A r cti c lr! ! nute, b~~7::.~I~:;.;~ .~:; '1'11 (' .. ix 1111,1'1 111 .. - u hllll IJl'~lI n . -l l ld ! ' \lm l.h\h.... ..II \ .1I11 1"* . I' r~,~i'~~~I:I>'~\:::;;k ~.7 \\fAS A 0000 WAT'CH - DOC ' ~II _ .. _ \ ~ \\ hllit' I bl ll l, IWl" d l " )lI' l.' 11 II I LIII ~ II" ''l:I. "'~l h, t ,''ht." J'" ,' ' IIII •• :-.oM.1t 1'.1t~.d(I . ., • • • ndI '. '1 .. lt"l , n,I ~· tI ~t II ff \. . .. ~; ~'t~~~! ;:1". v,i~;":-w,~ .) ~;~,,:,~ ..';~II';~~;;',cli. ,. okw~i~: ~ ~~~_ He BAt-ked a 'Vh ole Lot nnd K ep t -· I,iI.c II lf \-j ' ll l' f lit" Ul Ilf'd Ih e I lIl ri-l lIt.lUL .,,,t" "l"Il!IU~UlO .. 1kI~ J8'1O &k:'ruU.. . ~ th e Sheep Within Ihe v .l.tI,le Io ~.. ~" . . .. ·:01. ... 11 1" 11 t \\'llr1 h Wlll h' :, ~" a ", ,11e> ,!C'- I 4..... 0 11 ,::0 hn ok i'TH~ ", F oUL p i," 1 tJ1l1~ ~ ·~mt.: \l1 ,.\1.) a \ \ \ j ! \ . h 1,: 1I01'I1, r c f c r unl ·t' .. _ t ' hil', I~U ~UIJ. "' J'J'Y.Ot-:UALO,\ CU, n.,. K . WU ll bltljl to O. tJ, c. IJII I I Il f.; the I. H' He '-' Elija 'i Kp llllg[,:'. • -_ . __ _, _. _______ _ P'"'~ t O I .It. ' il l i\tu ill c hI' \\:1 .. P (' I~I ... Hlrl l l y ~nl1'(' rne n Irp. "HH'n RT"n 1 li nd kf'I'P , tl jl J I O~l'U hr 1)1 ... iti zO IlJo>, II I lUI rrl i ~i O ll H sn',l t ul l 1III'Ir I I' j '~ . ,\ lI llt- (1I Itt'l l'I wh u fllu ' l' fI!l\·l ..t iUII "I . \\lt o tntJk IlIn l it· j(l\l !i ~l I1 ISfll (,· 1'1) 1' 1\ 11 11 l'l l< ht , Ih'j '(j nl C b H la li ,lIId HH' ,11l I
Thol'e Is no tim e when we lghl may be add!!d to animals so ch ellpl), a!t '' li e n tl'I" y a l'e voung. Exper lme n ls '~ ... ,1 110Ve s how n . that a lam b mllY aI' l'a ' l) n gulo uf II po u nd In we igh \,. [or clu:h Hlx pounds of milk. wh ich Il l a k ~ . In thi s cas(>, each pound of solid s In tho Inore tllll n u 10' 0'1 , II'ou ld prodll "e , pound o[ ga in In t be young nnbll a I ~. :; Cewunmarri cd' ~uirh; are l nlh p C'f)lon .v . Wi t h olde r animals s ix to t n pOIII ...J~ Hr re it I ~ nlf 'n a nd IIl)t ' \i' men who aI''' of s olids \\~ould be reqn lre d for each wa l l-Ilowcr~. "If 1l1P.'n j-'nnnot h.rnt narltHH's for A lIound or ·.Saln .· T IIe sam e Is true o.• cal ve. Hence the Importan ce o( l ho ua n N) u nle,s I hey hp~I"ah Ih e m ua y~ farm er haYin g Ib e " n nL o f th., 1"' [01''', II I~ e ,'PIl I1l\1 l'f! (Iiflklill to get gro wth or the anima l durin g tb earll, I hpm fo,' li fe. Ow ln l; 10 I h l~ ~ca l ·r. ll y o f ~St II .r ind or Its IIf. B uyin g [eecl ij r~ wifn ma l.-.rll1l. 1l.R WI! 11 as 10 I ml)f!r-IIO't o~ , nl Oil o r two Yllll1'8 , or ·age. o ne l(l se~ I.y. )' 01111 1; l, nrO IlPllll m"n. In siPRd uf ihe [l rofit of this carly. rall iu and ceo· m nrryl"g. rorm . hnm H<'l v S ,iuI <') ~a c h \loOll co l g rowth, n lHI 1nl' !II Ihp ri sk clo r m p.!;so~ . .J II~ I l)('fu" n lpuYi ng llon.' of Ih II' g row th hO I' Ing b een RI' I' Slci1 Iw n!;.' I dlu.<I al fin o of I hf! f," p.51nuli Hh . by II rlolls of \)rI\18tlo11 . How!!"!;I·. It Is ll\ e nt ~. I t wn ~ ll\ 'Ill!\. rOIt K. 'I'1H'r e \\' ~I' e I beller t o buy f eden ; tha n l1:>t 1.0 leed; si~ mere m Oll da r ing 10 h::1.I'0 fl S nk" ~ I all d u nde r lh a c ond ltl on~ IJt alnl llll <ll'l1wlu g -l·onm . as wpll aro'ilugo(] a lahl~ . I n many ra"m s, tl. \\'111 I)" mo" p roll t· I and (l K go')d ~ I'I'D IllS a s ony hou~e I I .. hle t o buy feed ~t'ij tban t o l'Olbc t.11om. havc . ee il rll ll by Lhnt oM i nstl t ll llf)n -But, !lnys Ihe Co untry Genlleman . Ihe l'G Il wlCe. II wa~ un nalul'n l. nlHl a rom · are 111811 " tnrm s In llll! IllIBt wh:"J! orQ !lIl Ucc o t wum e n oll!:"ht to hr 111,11 111 h.' Of I f rr 10 )) In ll(l e Into heof nnt! . ~.\Illon m c.~~ .e o r a Ih ' 0 /" ,,1 r~ get 100 mn"h woulll bo ( 0 th nlh 'un la ge o f tha f ll 1'1 n ' In lo !.he hab it or rcllha y n u u (ll a k . " er. Th is l!o nclu 'lolI I ~ cl1lllha s lzl':(.1 by me ~ of th eir liv es . Th l' Iloo r [oli' ''''' lbo high pr ices whlc h nre now hplng am " l arl' l!(I UI I1" 01' t . h ow ,'rr r op 1N~ 'III pa id tor feedin g lambs. s iom ud •. an.1 <'ae h ~ j urt " n ;J llg (II I' ~ (O ntpa11lOli. J\ la ~ ! som o o r fhr. !ll go II I LINES FOR THREE HORSES. t1 " ~R In ot ll '", WAYS . A l e n · lllt)LL~ ",,,I · n J iI ~~ . a",,, y- f,,olJl h Ollte (re lin l; II ., < A n-nng ement by Whi ch the Thr ee man y IClll pla llun s '·o IHIe,·. '!(1 wl,h II." C!\ll Be Dr! ven CUI Two '\.\7ou1d B e. NEW YORK NERVES HEALTH
n USS IA. rbarnct er Ill' !I ll expHlme llt Slallon 19 th e jut r oducUon ot tb e so-ca n ed "1<h rs on UIlI K" broug b t fl'om Ru ssIa ' I' y PI"<Jf. P . W. TllyIOl·. of t he Un l ver "It" of N e brns lcn , 111 J 896, a nd 1J10r• uugh ly I Blet! by l he N ebros lla 8tal lon nli lO its olinp labllily to Iho CQI'Il bel t uf tb e United S tates. 'fb e cllmRtl c cOlldltl oo mosL . fn,·oJ'ble to the g ro\\,th or oalS' doea not n " l\lly obtn lll In th ~ "coru bell," amI It bas hel'n t1lffic\llt to !lnt! 0. va r lcty ul o/l.l3 , cll ailapt ed" IO I,h ls region. It Is 1\ cl lrlO\l$ rao( that al,hough th e (!r Rt ca rll producln g , s tal. 8 a re th c !arg ~ t llT tluce l's of oat s. Ihey 81' no t Dtlli es Iu w 1Ile b t h e ,.-feI·• ... pe r a cre I3 _ Ig t•. An ali t to pl'o~\Ice well In N eIJrIlH!ta. and Ilar ii ulnrly In th e cen tr l ?lnd wcst I'll part. s hou ld be I'o r y 11I\'l y m nturln g. !\llrJ shO\l ld . not 1' \I U to H!t·II\\,. SU h a variety WI\.S found In be Kh \'SOli governm ent i ll Ru ss in . where th e s oli Ilnd olim atlc ondl1 l on~ , ("'1I11111I11i (1 uncerLaln rolntoll) Rre sl m 11nr tg Ihos'c at t he Great P ln lns. The !{h r80n oat Is n vlgol'olts bl,ll not rank 8m\';" r . T he st raw Is vorl' Ilb o rt; th e lea vos ar broatl nud eXJlos 1\ large "UI'(a('c. Th e - panl les aro ~lIrl!lidl llg- i. c" " Is nu t a s id e oar. The b r rl es nre light y e llow In co lo r. ~m all , bUL lIum erou s, n nd hov e n ,'c r y lh ln . hull. II. LL5\1l111 r wp, lg hs well per 11\1 h e l l\lld lnal urrs n~ r. early. 'I'h e rC911lt s ·of cnrctlll les ts oC t he v. rle ly in dlrter ell t Il a r t.q o r Nebraska Fo r \lrl"vln:; tbree hor~e8 the line lu 190 1 t61903 hltl, nte t hat It Is "lIe- cnn be m3rle t he s ume a~ ror t wo ex ~ uJl llrly suite.l t o cen l l'ol and IYl's tern Neh r,Ml. a on Qcco un t of Its ha lllt ~ or j;1·OW lh . .. AHh ough It usuall y yi eld!! well In eo~te J'l\ Nellras lw , ther e are oLh er li etlet; that III lh e river cOll nl! 8 . at least , compare favo r obly with II. West or tha t I he les: s Ihat hllve b een mlllle ot It dudll g tile l hr6e yea rs Intil ato tha t It Is earlle l·. yields lJ et~cr. aml wei gh s h eal'lc r Ihan any ot her variety. wl l h t he PO!I Ibl xccp Uon or Ih e T exas Red on i he tarm. IQ,' tbe dry $ nson o r ].90J II. , h o wed r emnrkahle drought ·r esl s tlng Qunlllles," . 'fbe Texas Red , t ho ng h . approaching the Khe l' 0 11 In yi eld. I ~ objectlO:ll1hle trom a n;nl'l,et poin t of view on a~ !floun t ot 116 fo lor. The In<llcallon s a re thnt In InlroducIng the Khcrs on OQIS the Nebras lia ~latlon hos r elHl eI'cd a grea t ser vice to ra rmers o f ·Ihnt Il!rge secllou ot our AnHA:-; OElIn:NT 01' Ul\E15. wellte .... t!omain where I he ralu fall I. t!.. .. ",-",, !y or. un certain 10 Insllro goo,i rCI1t tha I. No. 3 Dllls t he nulled ., 'howu In the diag ram. Thi s llJlI St be crop s ot ordinary v:ll'lcllcij uC oals. t en In ches longer thnn tb e No .~ . The way th e lines are cross ed llIu s tral cs. POINTS FOR 'l'RE FARMER. ~ays I lie· Prairie Forme r . how - they IUIiSt lJe put on th e hor ses . th e bit" OJ'ten tl'lIlh (e lllng ' Is n time savor. In th o 51. e tch I'cpl'ese ntin g th e hOI·,es. G I'umbllng Is 1100r t '.I e l fO I" content. Wo," may ue' a mlll·ston e to Cnllure 'Slluerkraut tor Fowle. or a slepplng stOIlO 10 s uccess. Plan and exec ute t be wl'rk care tully Sallel"l, ralit !s fin e ' for fowls . when Bnd tbe profits w ill take ca re ot tbem· fed i n cunnectlon wllb lb elr r ~~ ular !!eIYes. I·al lon s. L.ast s pr ing .. wh e n we tll'eel of Now Is tbl' time to lnke an old , dull It. I ted all thut "as lett to the bellS, IlOe aud s I;t'a pe ort a ll Ih e loo se bnl'k seve l'nl 111191'IS to 100 ben s ca c h da y. from tbe apple t rees. Idll ing Ihe eggs They were very g reedy for th e I(rnut found ben ealh . Eyeu th e c hll.lren cun alld lo )'ed more eggs wh il e It las lEt.I. help at l h l s.- Davls. Now If one ca n !'Bise more cabl)age . 001'. Deuee n Sll)'S: "I tavol' tcuch· 'han Is necessary tor· thei r OW II .IM! • lbe elemelltnry tacts o( ng l' lcu lture 01111 th e price Is low. a burre l ot llraut 10' ever~ farmer's chilLI In tbo s tnte. espec ially fOI" t b e Io e ns. wo uld he a and when you are well starLed on thld good,et tor tho s nrplus.- Furm ttlrn your atte ntion to the grown·ups." uod Hom e. KIl F..RSO N O ATS
Humor with Loss at Hnlr by. the Outlcurn ,R emedlea.
" Ill th e wlot cr Hongkoll:; In g O)' . "50)' 9 T hr porI!)' W"-::.::l in Il,. (·r" •• ' ' 'At ~r E. J . Hal·dy. In ' ''J o hn Chill uml," al. R <UU II""1' ,:" ,. lV.n! ,·o l1 lj.H II~ ill I,e r t!.in Hom e," pu"ll~he<l by I he S ·rlbnc r. : i'i'ielld ill 1I voice wh i.·11 ,i',," he: .... 1 ab.m. l ilt! 1',; \\1 0 () f the t rU III , I C!;llL'S I II!! ~(! W "Th ose 'I n l he sw1m' mo.y di~n or ()~I nce Ydrl~ .PI'Cfoifoi. ,• out ever y evening. III lite 9'l1nmp.r " I 10.'.1 j 1t~t pi" k~d ...,u ih\· ([oI,le I \I·nllt· peo ple are In ' l he fu\' Jm tn a mo re lit\~rnl ed- n 11'1111 hl t "~ lhlll g I(j ht II I a CU I'I,H' I' (I f sen so. (01' that Is th o liln e rur baL hi11 ~ "'.1' 1'01'1"':-11' 1,011 ~v l \O ~I ' o 1tld ·vlIl e. ", llllt l~ fJ l1'ld 1\1 rH. ,',\'. I wouhl n t lin ve 1)0 rtios. n. 1'01'ln of olnllsA.rncm t 60 hP.BII h ./'J thnt ~1l'1: l:Ul\w . fOI' II le \\' ud ll . th a i 1 Ka~ pay, li nd j'ntlonal that on o wonll or" how ~o- oag 01,1., ~:l.r".1 [ 0 .. l h~, t:,ul ., •. '"~ I tllm ed ci ely look to II. B e lwp.c n (Clilr a Ull nv e l O.. I~II e. 1 ~ I ;'lI lctd , I tol ~l,)e fl'l ' ~ hl' !:0 1l \\' . OU· . o ' t· Ioe I( a pa l'l y steam I n a Iaun. I1- 1<"1
t o Lend all AIlP.I\.rElnCe of W~a)th.
I t'U1Jenny fl alls?
Time to Get the Best Resul1 s I s DurIng the First Y ea r-Th e Buy-
tMERCILESS' ITCHING. :JstEntatlon 'l'h ·_",t......:.w - -,a-s a Makeshift AI~Oth~I' _ ~p~edY C~i-e ot an 'Itch l ng A
!o Wh~~ AII'onl It Do
Care liS to "'the Flillshlng '('ouches on Wllere T t~e AtiiPtn l Greatly Irlc.t ense • . thtO Rehu-n B. ..
J '''un', Iwl t Anfl.Orlpln e
( (I
II I\(' u h ' r
wlhl W OII ' I Gull r .... tefl
II . ( '0 11 hu ''' ," 1.0'; 1(" n " . ·t'- IF IT uo~ "r CIiUE. "'~·"' f!r. 61, II •• Mu uu(Wllu rc (.8 p"/"uJl,.'.', sVo.
r flJ.JH ir wago W:i.
10". .".
ill S U,lIl,: !larl s o f town HINllll ifIl l . road s. Th o Bv pro !':'n hl: lJ; h. of Ih o hll; hllil.l -
ba ~ i lll' r f~ D ~ e cl
pn.ornlfJn9l y
St. J 'a cobs Oil
~i ll f '~
1897. Th o. . " are Ih01l>lBDLls o r e ICI'all " S and lIIany 1110 1'0 t h~1l 10n.I,oo ' ~ I ~· ph Oll f" i n lI~e a Dd yel t he bun rd lO r I" 'a ll h tl :!Ul'es s bow a s lea dy d" "line in Ille tlrn t hs due 10 D en·o u s n es~. Nrnv Yorl{ ha ~ hC','ome more se r p lI ~~ and Inllue nl"<'ti h.,· Ihe pX'; illn g ( 'O il ' dltlon s Ofth""buln~.ily IIr ~ ", lt ~ ~" r
tb~:le ::7;~ ~::~h:~I~~ I)~~~·;· (t.'~~'c '~II:li~l~
P081t1yel.,eurcd hJ thcoe l.ittle Pill •• 'flley also reUcvo Dis. tresslromJ)yspepstIl,JDdll:'cstloDnt,dTooneUl), Il4tlnl:'. A per1cctremcdylorDI:Wness. N'!;:IL
PILLS. ~:~Ilei'ou~h~ Con~':
, 1 :
'I'oDgue.PulDIDtb. SI~e. · TORPID UVUI. 'IheJ PureI1Vegetable. '
ce lerily th e e ffecls. IIl ~ t . o tl fir IIe lll g Injuriou s . see m t .. hn" e th ~ elfe (·\ .. f gene rally mailin g NEW YO" I,cr~ mo re careful lIlid l es~ IIl,ely to be InOll !Icp.1
wlll<:l1 In e lh e r day. wOlllol
Must Bear
Poor Fellow.
Ab.oluttly fru from 411 Pol.onou. ln~.. dl.nh For
of your name _
_ _ _ __ __
Addreu _____ ._ __ _ __ __ _ _
1 0< /"
Druggi&t's Nam e _ _ __ _ _ __
Hi. Addreu _ _____ _ ___ __ _
.\-Iuml's or s i;'· .. ,- 10 p ay P0;;:.IJp '" " : l~ will m :lIl ~' 0\ 1 a ~ l llIp l e fr eo, :'\J 11 11 .; ( ;r:'11c Ton h -. :-rod ,.. al l :II,.u 01,1.1 you a Ce"t' ·
\'Oll h 3 ' -C n e\'e r Urf' tI
t lflcale good for one oo ll.Jr to\V, l r d 'he P II'lll~" C OJ ug ~ i !Sl. Ad d ress
MULL 'S GRAPE TO I': IC CO" 117 Th inl
~v:~~s ::'~::~ at:I:~~~)~!t 1~:::~Ll:~£~~'~~ I_______R_E~U.-E-.UBSTITUTE •• FLllton street. ant! br id ge tU' e r ' Ih ~ WONDER SALVE atreet had to be built fur th eir acco m · I . modlillon . Nowadars. with Ih e tram " enorDlolI Rly In cl·ea.cLl . luch II "roJect woul·1 }le Inughed o.t.
• .~~~ •••• ~~~~ _
I\\..)rl.! T o o ll: i r ont y ou r
,·"'c.. ' , .................................. -:%3Iz;;lIt!' .,
Fae-Simile Signature
A -
. ,
II':~~~ i~ '~~~ I ~~I;'li ~~~tall~o anlf'g~.~~ •.~: SMAll PILL SMAll ~OSE. ' SMALL PRICE. .
• • • • • • • • • U • • • _ _ • • • • • •_I!'_~~~
hel' 01 dCa lh" (ro m a ll nc,v'Jil S a il· men ts In New York wns 28 G2 j)fr 10.000 of pOpul atio n . In 188J il hod fall e n 10 2;\.17 lIer 1O.00U: In I H9J I t II ad , falle ;1 flll'lhel' to 19:1:1., nn t! In I !!G.: !I 1I0d reu ch.e" Ihe I w figllre 01 11 S:l InLE LB ~t yenr It was 5: 111 low er. J\ s Ihe cl'y' ~ IIOLll a. tlo n in(' rL'aSes !lI e nunil.ll' . or death s fro m ner v"us oilm~nl s sl ea tl · Il l' I' edl ne •. l hou gh oppa relllly th e producin g .. allso~ of n e l'\'Oll s n ~.s a re eo n ~t ontl y 0 11 t he 'In( relt He . ~ 1lI0 DO'IfCIs.
Rheumatism.and Neuralgia
11 per,el rates to l il t sea t cf lortm e, and re lief prom ptly follow s _ Pr ice _2!lc. :and :>c.; .
A SUR-It CUR-It 8Ilrl~!'. Sore "broa~. eol "!. Roru : F:e1 "~':',
Hock Island. 111.
CONSTIPATION AND STOMACH TROUBLE ~1I'1 "f! b lood ,KlIMlD . k ln 'tl il eallO, . Ii~tc he !uhlf~ b e- . bI HolI $o",,,,,. I ' -j"lnQI r1, Q. pp " nr1 I~l l l • • pile, allli e . ery ~l ud or ielllAlt! If o ublo n_ 'tell " 8 III tUI,- U lb~U. \ -",ur "'WII ... lI" "~I .. o ¥l l lI lt ll) OLl t 1J ~L ulll~ l . IS true. UU," d OD L CUu¥ o r pb' ~I C "OU I ~ t! i . ti El
Hh"umall, m . tlleN". Plte" , lIlorMl P(u ~UII , t,;a.ap bunc let alld... 411 1 W oun dt and Skin Vi~ ~ ns~s. PlU.'W r•• 101 ....~.E . . ... _UNfIJ. . __ .. All ,'.0• • 1(." ru"I,&IP t I .. • . •
"Blu"h e r IS Ihe mop[ lIac"ful man ( the tJ.hlral •• t~nID,.b.rml... ,..lDett, ih;1 " blilld.ap t·he l\ ..t1 .. of 1o,i'"rdl.,eltheo,..ns ~u . andI1UI110n,wool.'lIIC1D In "plendld C'OUdlt(ODluo~e,rolP"OIl.U:tlt.''', lt i.,er,,,'ealun,, e"er knew ." ., Tb ebllclre lIkeltan41 t. doeltbemM: r\I:\' . OOd Better th& whole Bide or I ho next year, !" '~:'Dt , 63010\.,,-:',1 .. botU U&1 AU,ll ' o.. '1'DO" '~ bOll l e eont41nl t. tH",IU .~. ' l mt-~ . , It bas bee n found t1Jat seed of oe. ..Ho .... on earth. tben , did he eame to . m••nA. 'n. :n • • nLbO~'I.I."UbO•• "'.... Il .." •• IIIU.b.Ub.W .... ""\( .... 'IOf. •• 1. . ..... b(lUIIe open tll.~n • crack or a knothole "'e t. married'" .n ... ul!_-<!I.n War; o. OD dI_ , " '1.. 10 ~UIID'III.fI;GO.I... . ~. tb& .....11. 'brongh whlett lbe wind pe. . ke pt In dry co Id .torag& .t a · t em· I"' . 1111"'1".' ..... and ror ..'do....11\" "\ NVLI:-•• a.AlP" TO_IC CO;. IU TIllt4 A.... IltKk ....... DL c:an bloW ,III the bead ot a fowl on 1\ perature ' of 12 to U decrees wlli'" "H~ was too bubM to rduse.--- . ~o':~.':.~~~~'::!;r.~II:.:~7~":~~I~:·.~~?:r,r.':.~~ ~~• • • • be di sturbed by t he \free,·Il. I A.Bw.e~. ...•••d ... ~1U .IO~"." " ....·. "' .... IJI'!I ..' .... . " Jlfl'dl. "..
II!i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'.
Next Saturday Evening.
Public Sales.
I will ull at .my 1'ei!ldenc ,. kuown An iilte'tl!~ t1l1 g( IlHl en~.(I rtriinlng '. M~. a, .Iil: G nstin pent 'llbursun.y ns t·be Enl,.IBS fllfm ·1 . run os was t of In D il tOn. • . Ul eeting ot I h C,lrn-in fkhu '1 LitoI'· l3aol\u~ of tho IlfLt e~ of the Fum· '1\101 li'l1rllllg, of Fraolt lin' WMl W ' uynesv lllo , rin the Wn y uesvillo nr . Soclet.y. ~'IlH It III !l I, t:ho- soh 001 . !'Il'l' hl'stltllte fn;l1ing 00 the regular I.l't\usn t\n g busin os, II r ll r ently . nu Ll Frnll kliu Illk ll; t he f ollowin gla t fridl\)' Id ( 1'1'11001):lJr4>perl y , nn iu good coud ltion. tU\d .' Jil(\et;ng nlgb t . of Farmers ' Grall~e D·l·. J . ' M. Lubllrgb , of .MI ILmia: pill h ' of it n elll' lv ll l:\\\', ou ,.. , . N o. 13, Februu.ry (3, the next meet. .lIr: . O tt,,' H nrlun, .M OkltlhOtt u wns n r 'out. Vi Flilo l' Itt'th il! Okl llh mn, . i. ' ' ''I~ i M lI g hi ~ 'l'H U RoDAY , l!'E BlWA RY l, ·lUOG, 'lng will hlke phloe·· next Sntnrday ,Mr:<. uLllni £:Iu rlull. Mr. tit teu o'tllo 'k n. m., 2 h or ses j COWl! evoninG', ,Junlltlry 'l7. aUll it is es poc· H n.r lan h ll 1101 ho(IO hOl1lo si nce h o '. ·ft[ossrs - Eruos~ Hosnng l a nd :.. lIigs, fn rm lm plclIl nts: 1 Deerin g thnt lIS IU Ilny members loft h ere SIX yourll Ilg o. lie se Ii Dwight B unlt\oIJ Silen t· "nudny in hinde r , I Doorin g m ow r,l\ t oba.:J(lo . mn'lly Chllll go.'1 dariu A tho :VCll~r& b Wllyn I!vilb . tt'n n ~ pl ll nte r ,lt f:( llnli.Jton corn plttnt. be present us Is 'possible, . i\ll's. Gcorg~ 801101'8 Iln<1 1\l1·s. el', a fifty tooth harro w, It Buck ()y o Remember th e ohnuge in dl\te Snt· bas been II Wil Y . Mr. Bon j ~tlll.l~ lIud d llng h ter, of ,rumos Woidnor woro l.lElIlI ity vis. r .ding oulth:lLtor , n Molino brollking Ilrdny' evening .1nnllill·Y 27 inateall pl o\\' wit h J oillt,or, 1 hny rake, l no w Morrow, W ('l'll g u ~ t ::l o{ Ir:3. Hopo itOI'H itl8t Thul'suflY . of }'uurull I'y :1. i\ r\'~. Estol' Millel' Il1ls r oturneu tollfl C()O p rtl~~, SUlllll bLLrsllUre p lo w . I3tllos SnnullY. homo fr om II v isi t o f sevornl weeks II II hOl'80 wllgo n, Il hnggy, 1 tlOO,lll , Mrs. Cbnlfll ut li nd li t tl dllt1g btOl·. wlt.1t h el' n lcco, I\1l'a. Uolln, Hatha wn y pIn tfol'UI IlCltlo,u Uh,ltllpion dry pow· P. E, Choir Social. 01 I 'd Ishn!'g, P,'nns:ylvlluin, f~rO of l ·inoi n lh. li. llel' tnh Il't'l' spt nyel' . II tIc Giant 1111 1'\ ' 0 1.:- , l\-l ,' , U llt l M r~ . _lIoll "1)\\·l' l'. II podn l !{ rilllle r with tOl)1 '1' 11(, (' II .. ,,· , ·1 ::), ;\1" , " Church ~Ut · .... ~ I ~II'~ . •1. .M Lllburg ll, u f . ~ l i llrJl1 R . P :1 !J o\' l, l :I .lI'I\ . 1' 1J11~ h('l' , <u\V g UU l lIl Ol', ~l(' kl o j.! rlllcl I n ll '~ , "pe ll t II f.JW lIllY'" I" s t w Huk nr . II ii Sh ll\' pl r. lll tl vn tor , !!llgn r ~ 1 011 wit h iler pu 1·<'L\t~. "I r . LUld M1'8 . J . wnll ir or;f)ci , s(,oo l !'O nfot,y lift with E H o ui tl ~Jtl . rlJ I'll , g'rn b hooks, wugon jnc ks. j Mr . IIn li M r s. C. N . P oncu nnu MI'. I lll r ~o ovouOt', .>:I tl'll w knif. sleill' h II H(l I......s . :S. [c. 811U glllllll U a t to lld ~ ct IHl II ~ . hI\I'IHJ" ~ llIondor,. Cl'osscut " IIW III" Fllrln! r"' Cl llU l ll~ t, 'l'h ul'sdllY ,d set or I{IJ0d hulltl Ill lldo hell vy work Il1 l 11l.:-: I'f tu' v ed , t.lll' ho m o uf M I'. II ml ~h~ . H a rr.{ Ull r nes, . ~ot of 8in [',lo iJllrnO!lS, cui· ,o;h ~t, ls HI'IlI' Frtlll klill. P rlll 'l'l'll~ t o hl! n"l'd f" r I ho pnr· 1111''''. hri llio hn o!! . fly not!', Co rn in W u r og r t to h ... 1' t lll,t Mr ~. l£u ~th, .R uth W loh and fr . Iu :l c rill. lillY in IIIOW, I~ Vi. ft. Indll ol''' c hu,;o .. r now Hy :nnlll" Fn,'u,,:< C'>1I \tllllll'S 10 UO \'Cl' y i ll. BllI'rol'lgh H. of CIIlI'I,s ..-ill (', we r o en l' l' ol\(t, I''' ' t ols.ltxes, ~b () v(' I ~. rnk ,'~ t<; vor'Y hllll,\' cnrrl i,lil y invlterl, \1,·. Will ( " H1]1or 1I1l11 farml y nlllrJiud lit thu 1\1 . E . plU'sonll'>e lit fo r'ks &0. r/l v" ", 1 to , Wn,v n " ,'v ill e 'l'1I0SclIlY. B C' d Lion Sll tllJ'dny ovc-lIiu,:: .'" v,'o ~ l) UI O hOl1sohold !;ooll ~: On 1I C\\' K. of G . E. Notice. oxl"rHlt u tbmu ou r bc~t wi s hos . cI1al g ~ to v e uscd only tw o . 13 .C. H . 8i rklJ ) on pont'l'hnrsllll,Y W O I · ll:~ . A w ou(1 ho·n t·iug s tO\'I', I :• A. B. Sides Married. A ~p"c iul tlw" rlLlg o f J:'"l e~till e I n ('mOlllllll ti ytl:.< . in grllill GllI'pet . :; l ook l n~ g illS" <'; ,, :<11 0, Kni:,:h l"ol Ih tl l.lolden Eligle Mr , notl I\1 r s Howltl'd E' lrl.v s pou t, cs. Hc·lIs renll .:I h or so bltmlm t!,.(,)tIr. wil l be h nl,l Mnnrll1Y o\'elling , ,lnlln. A . 1:1. !::lid ,,!,. illlplum e nt 'dea lol' of F ridllY I, t, Cin.clnnnti. 1lI' \\·. ) I gl l ~o lin u s to vo. 1 ohl tityh' nr\' :W . All Il\mnho r~ are Ils kml 10 \V nY I l('~ \' i 11 0, ull ll Mrs . La un. Mell . lmn·lIu . P rof. H . D. K('llison is ont or(,lIin . 11111 kll II "Iloeial ('ffort to bopl'esllut. gilI', or LC' IJII llon , wor e ll111rriell in MA BFf" DI~ WLODIE . in ~ h i~ Il ioc . Mi ss G rflco Kell ison U. M. RomnKlt, N . V. '1')ll e mber . U· '1' . Hllw ko. Auc t . of Bloomiu gton . ' --A M . MolC,,·, .M. of R . l'h ey will pl'o b'lbly mak o thoi r Mrs. Lucy Bllrnbnrt nml 1\Irll. l will on e I' Itt pnblic >'1110 lit. m y hOlll o in WILy ues ville . Ma uel R ohioson tttto udeu the fuoo. ftll'm 1'y' miles south· ous t of ' Vn y LOCAL AND I'IlI of 1\11·S . J o.~e ph P . Hlll e of Fl'Ilnk. n£,:; ,·i11e. OU th o ,Vllynesvil!o IIml FridllY. Clll r kSl'ili e pil<o PERSONAL MENTION Revival S.e rvice Coutinue lin.T hOlle .Junior L('n gn o of t,il e Uuivor . W ED N ESDA Y , FEBRU ARY 7. p'·lIr. ,11111 Mr'~ e. E. Brutt-on lire at M. E. Church. sl1lis t oh nroh mot lit tbo h omo of ho!-: innin g nt 10 o'clock: -l hllrR o ~ , n Mifl R llt h Bll rnh ll r t on F r iduy ov eu .· oo ws , 1 Browil WII!{On , ono Im ggy, J rl:jolning nvor the birth of a· little 'l'ho r ovi VIII service which began in ,;, !lnd s pe nt lit o v() nin g ill n good AJl ri ng wn gon , ono Tiger don blo c or n ~ i rJ who IIrtivod at their house 8u.t. at, tile ~ . E . ( huroh Ills t week , will so .illl t im e. plnw , Deerin g binder, McCormi ck lll'duy . con tlnu(I IhrOllll'h t ho p ros n t weill, MI'. B. '. B. i m )J~on , clls bier of com binder, .Whitel ey m owor, onn a nd mnch illt r est iM ll'int; Illilni. t ho Fill'lU O J'~ Buu k ince its orglLll i. h or:;e co rn drill , hurrow , 2 OlivoI' William Ca.rl.nou,v and wifo ILnd f('sted . zlItion , hilS I' ~ i gtlecl nll Ll th o plnco pl" w!;, n toba oco plo w. n whool bill'· lion Evor, t of Lytle ILDd William f:;() rvicea ueglll at 7 ouoh cV{Jn i u ~ will be fi ll ed 1;IS O. l'l. BUrJ'ison of TO\\' scetl o r, u Duwr!/,(IIlC· g r ni n <1l'ill. Will iu u) t OWill , K ontll ckv . ' .l lillY 111(1.11'1', g "'I \',' 1 br d. hn ~' fnl'k!' . B IlY IIntl f"mi ly . of the UI>per aurl IlJl [lre ourdinlly In vi tod . Mr . ,J. W . l::;pigfriod, 'of t,he Ohio ~b ,' y e l ~, 1,,11' ohains , b ll rro w rhllin A, "'pringbnro p.i ko, were guests nt the Dentul Co ll o~() at Ui ncinnn ti, s pont ,l flu bl III1lI ~ in g l nt reo~ . 2 s ol ~ w(Jl'lt . h ome of Eo S, Hanby, Sunuay. Miss Frances Morris HUlItln y w it h bomo fol ks . hllru css , nUB> ~ et bu g!!y harn os s allll Mr, nnd Mr ij N . O. MU1'I'IIY unu out" sot of pring \\,' l~on harn llS" . Receives Life Certificate. Union Place Farm Sold ch ilclrEltl , 'of LebtlOo n , !'pent l:l uu<1u y a nd lilLn)' other ar tioles, a Iso a few wIth -M'rs. Murrny's pnreutR, 01'. Il rtio l c~ r)f h ouseh old furuitur o, con · Miss Fmuces Morris, north It is re ported tbl\t Mrs . Eliza Fc rry, btl secured n s toute life cer· lind Mrs. J. A . J ohnson . si~ti ng in pllrt of, 1 bells tolld, :ll'oc);· Bnioes hilS ~01(1 to Frullk Elbon, n tificate for t.eaohlng . 'f1le girl~ of the Clollror eek town. i l\~ cha irs, 1 rlinin g oxt·en~iou tahl ... Miss Morris is a young lady of ship Bohools h[l.Ve chnllenged the (\ <l ining room clmirs, stove, woou prosperous farmer living near Oregoola, the Uoion Plnce fnrm k een porceptlon und romarkl\bl c h oys of the schools of 'tho town~bilJ cno k s tovo, sovornl fl'llllled I)ictnr os , succeRS u.s an instruotor, l)eiug Ilt to [j, spelling match Frida.y e veuiu g, ulc. jll!lt sonth of Wllynes vl1lll. prin gboro high present prlnoi pill of the Bell bronk ,Juuuary 26, nO th RI O N HOKr~. The furm is now occu)li ed by A . 8i gb 80hool , and her muny friends s chool bnildin ,g, A IImol1 utlmissiou C ~~ . Hnwke, Auotioneer . fco will be cbargel1. . Sollers & Son. congrutnlnte h er npon this recognlA. B. i:>id cs, Olerk. The Distriot, Meetin g of t.lle K. of tio~ of her ability. P. Lodgll WIlS held nt Miuule town . As we 'solel our fnrm and Jackson found' Quilty Ftidny e veuillg, January HI. Those will 1lI0VU from this county, I will in nttendnnoe from h ere were Mes. so li nt my r eSidence, 1 mile north, GeorgE' Jaokson, who stole a srs . C. C. Langsd ou, ,r. B Bnin e8, Ollst of Lytlo, on tho pike 1 00Ltlin ~ h orse aud buggy belonging to . Carl . W. B . eigfriecl, D. F . Corwin , E . from Lytle to Forry. Smith, some months ago, bud his A. O..l1Illbell, Henry 0 ck er and 'l 'HURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1r., 190ti, trial beforo Judge Cla.r k of the Henry Decker', Rev , W. A . Fromm b<)ginnlng lit. 10 o'clock 1\ . m . th o ~oo Ibs of Santa Clal'l.l Pru u os Common 1'lous Court, at Lebanon, f ollowing fnnn stock. hnplem ent.A, :30 to the lb 'It Gc a Ib ; yesteruay, and was found guil~y on elo : ~ h Olll1 of hurllos, ono a hlnCllt Next week 50 alb, Inure 10 y curs old, onll Purcoll co lt, tho cbarge of horse stealing.: Fllncy Pl'unes in 10 Ib boxes. ooming 2 y en Ts old; three hellc1 of He wUl be sentenced Monday. milcb cows, one to be fresh SOOll untl NEW OAROLINA RICE, 3 lbs 2&c . two giving milk ; two hend of 110gll. Not all rice pleases y u. Unexcelled Service brood SOW!!; one MoCormick hinil llr CH1~CT head rioe is 0 nice and A~ goOd ns new; one AtOlll tooth to Cuba. white white. Yon will be delighted sui ley btty I'll ke, one 2· horse Farmers PR01~ECTORS Friend corn {)lanter, two ridln~ cuI· Effeoti.v e Junuary 5, 1906, tbrough with It. tivators, ono Gale oultivntor almost Pullman slooper will lenve Oinoin· SALT':""Conr8e or fin e, ~a . 20 p er bhl. new, one Tiger culti vator, one hill'· nnt.l at 8 :30 a. m. every Friday vin. Nioe Olenn barrels. Nice Clean r ow, orre GO· tooth harrow, two sec· QUllOn & Cro~oent route IlQd South· salt for covering men,t or general til)ns; threo breaking plows, one ern rnUroad to Mobile, conneoting use. Loose in the bnrrel too t,op bl1g gy lI!toost new; two 2·horse with Munson S. S. Line's steamer ~ I O lls nne is iron shod; one set of "Prinoe George 'at 4 :30 p . m. Oil T8NDER SPIN ACH-16e a Cnn . oheok lin ns. two tons of clover huy Sntnrd"ys, and through sleeper Boyles gu rden .grown SpillllOlJ, sorno h1(lder; 17 bushels of Whitll from Mobile every Friday at 7.00 Ono Peok of SpiORCh in each CI\u. s eed oats; two heuting stoves, Olla p. m . north to Cincinnati on arriVAl OF SMOKE, 7iic. bottle purlor hOlltmg stove nnd box hOlltof steamer, "Prlnoe George" from ..".iI. ...."'''"''' l og st,oVfl, IL cook stova nnel a ur0l> Havnna, An easy WilY to smoke your mea·t C. F. SCOTT. l eut tilblf:l. Tiokets now on sale good until Only Deed a smnll brush to apply O. 8 . ~ U ItIrA O l!:, auctioneer. Muy 31st at the 'rate of '65.00 for it und a small quantity of Liquid the round,trlp from Cinoinnnti in. Smoke does tb e work". The Grip . cluding mellls aud berths on _ _ _ _ _ _-'-_ _ -,-_ _ _ __ "BM(lre we oan sYQlpatbize with steamer. others. w e must huve "uffered our ·' For information address Frank Relves. " No one cnn r enlizo the ,Johnson, t:!pecia l Agent, Passenger Department Munson S. I). Line, I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EDISON PHONOGRAPH. Buffering u ttendant upon an n.ttuck of grip, tlDless he hue had tho aotunl Wnshinj1;ton C. H . Ohio; or W . U AJam"l c an Lady Speaks Highly experience . There is probably no Rineorson, G . P . A. Queeu · amI ofOhamberlam' s OoughRemedy di~euse that Muses so mnoh phY"i. Cresoent Route, Cinoinnati. cal und montal ngony, or: which so Mrs. Miohnel Hort, wife o f the suocessfull y defies medicfLl aid. All Bupermtendent of Cart ::\orvice at 'clungor from the grip, howevor, mllY Klngs tun, Jamllicn ; Wellt India I~ , be nv oic;led by the prompt .u se of lomla, says thu t she hus for !I me ZIMMERMAN'S Chnmberlftill 'iI Cough Uemedy. A· ;v ellrs nsed VllnmlJilrln·i n's COllg h n10ng the ten" of thousllnds who R emedy for congh~ , CTOUP lin n lta va usetl I,hill remody, not one caso W hO<'I,1 ng , cO\l j:('b /lnll hilS f ound in It II ~ e vel' been repor.teu th [\ t hilS \'('1' ." l)en ofi ciul. Sh e hus ilUpll cid ROSE of SHARON BRAND 1'('",uHc(l III .pneumollin or that h,U! confldpllce III it IIllU wo nh1 Dl,t be Canned Goods New York p'lok ""t r p" " va red. For sale by F. C. Mith out It l,ottln o f it. in h oI' b orn e. l"PllWlll'IZ Garden SpinAch, Extro. Fine Sold by F. U Sohwllrt'll. Lifted Garden Peus. Green 1.lma Banul', '6ed Kidney Benns Brings ob e!!l' nil t.b o ye ur, Ev(' ry . hotly l i ko~ It, D' ) sl(i 11 is l'0'luirl ' d Kin.Kee Coffoo POtA som o· t.h ing now Unll nncl BOO t ' I'eproduo(' pe rfoctl y , band lUuslc, thom. lhe {itl"~ t \,oe .. 1 solos, C\llet~, ond qlllLrte ttes; tho · finest character APPI.ES songs Ilnu v.Lllller vi lie !:Ikiti. 'l'hlt York Imperal!', Groanmgs th e Ph nl)Ogl'n ph pro\' ides more fnil Blllrlwius nud music thllnuny other automo.tic Omnges-1OO n do?: tip entertuiner , y~~t · is withi n relloh of nil . It spettks for itself. Lemons, Grapes Bananns We will be plaaseu to s how the STONEWARE mnchlue8 to anyone interested. Milk Crock!1,; All SiM8 A fu ll s u pply of records alwnys Climax Corn Syrups It can't on hanll. be beat. qt. 100. ; Yo gal 20c
1ase after Case of ·tho Now Well Y cOIuing, LOOK AT THE LI 'f ,·' .Fig'd fuul Dot.t,·f!· Swiss, Ohiffon
New Goods
_-a... That Cou gh . with
1 gal 35c.
T.ANTERNS BergeI'll ColO Blast Largo 8i'lle No.2 only 750 If it is in town YOll will find it bero. New Goods every day
at .
ZIMME"RMAN'B of·conrMo
For sale at
SCHWARTZ'S Waynesville, O.
,Notice of ApPOintment. I·;~t,aw of RC'l hCrL 1':nloil 0. ll ccoafic d. 1' tlc unl l<.· r~ t g ll l!d has been appolntc'u aod q u:t lltl ccl a ~ Ilc: lIl lnlstrnto r llo honls no n w il h th e \\' it1 annc " et} of th e Q~ l n t.c o r Hob · rt l O:lI~ I· . late Clr W ;'II"r c n C(lun l r. Ohio, "c' ce a sed
Oal 'd lb' . e3d Ila),ol N'H'omber
A. I) . 1006. .1. ·I~ • •IA1SN I: " ; Ad m ln hllrnLo r ctu. Tlrando n. H\lrr a nd h '! IUC, ALLyS, tl~ .
25e, 50e, and $1. FOr saleat
C I' U pe
Enlb'd Ponger,
eh i ffonettn,
Li 1l011 H,
Mercerizeu Effects
6 New
~ how
of Glass 50 feet long . full of tho .N ew Dresl Tll'im mings J
;\ g oou Stock .. f MI1~ lil1 UIlc\OI'WOlll', ;11t,h o l1~h Cott,OIl hll~ 1\tlvl~UOl)ll, WoJ soIling Nkll (iood,; fol' I h"
Skirts liO
()e nt.~ \1)1, ('lOWII R
pti C·fI.
r,o cont·s
( ~\
I'set. Co w' r!!' :J(i
up. Nll'lllltreh Wnist:Jr; OllntR
!-;tock Slw(lt.ill l-: Bi lis. et c ., NBW (lOODS.
Hutcbison X~nia,
(jibn ~y, Obio.
Dayton, Lebanon & Cincinnatt R.. . R~. SCUEDULE OF
~~ Il'I: 1l:C'l' I \,K NOV . 1 2 .
No . G No. ·1 No. :) PM PM AM \l 25 Arri vo 3 ao 6 ·Ill (6 aD II:! 22 119 In Lna vo :l 1:1 \l 10 116 21 II!l 07 II G I tl 11 3 11
to III 16 12
09 05 3 O:.l 12 57
Ii Oil 116.04
2 51 r; 52 2 4r. tt; ,) 0 tll ~ 2 2 :17
5 00 (D<
8 29 2G
2 00
N IIt'1I1l0UND
Nn. I A 1\1 Le b'LII 011 1j O /l ",ti " 20 LelllTltl " 11 7 ll6 7 3(1 Docl ~IH l{itohn,,!'1' IIi' 3::1 VAnu!)l" F 40
Edgewood Lytle Muuor Con wrvi II fI
".. .. Hhukor Cro""lng " .. [Joha non ,Junotion IIrr "
n. &D)
1\1 or; i ll (11 M 08 t8 r;:j ·15 8 :17 t :3 3
2 ar.
r; 42 r. 00
S() UTI11101'NIl
California Prunes 5c. a lbs. this week.
Bornrl~tellc1 Ro~lyn
x T)
1·1 liS " 66
-1 30
11 4 36 'I 4r14 47
UO ~ t!l &0 19
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Sunda y only: 'l'ruins })1l 811 Lyl\lIlB followH : NorthlJOllml '; 66ft . Ul . 5 ·17 p . m ~ol1t h bOllllll 7 0:1 ]I III 904 n W. E . MOORE, Henarul PAssen gor At(ont, T... elulIlOll, Oll!o. II Flllg stop . ,.
A WARM BREAKFAST With some th i ng subst.nntilll to begin t ho dl\Y on , snit,s oVtlr.y me rnoor. of the household these oo ld mornings . Most people drin k ooffee Ilt breakfILst, IIlld we oon Bult tbe lover or coffee. Wo hllve IlS good u line of COFFEES UR yOU-o/Ll) fiud in town Whllt better thnn bntter cal(os with PUltE SYRUP. Gilt Pnn()llke FLOUR llllU SYRUP here . We cnn furnis h the mn.keull of alllllelLls; breakfnal" dinner IInc] 8 Up lIer, with all sefisotllLble goods . You nro invlteu to 011.11.
C. M. BR.OWN, Proprietor "!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!
-----~~-------.---------~--~- .
Overland Limited To California Now IOILvett, Union' PIls8enger t;tat.i on, ChiCll gO, ut 8 I' m ., dai ly, arriving OmuhlL U.!!O Ii m., lind HILn Frunciscll t h e !lfwrnoon of the t.hirrl dllY · Thrnugh Mtantlllrd MleeplJrll, VhiclI",o to Btlu Frtlllcisco, Ulning cu rs nnd observiltioll cnrs 1111 tbe wuy. Route-Ihe
Chicago, Milwaukee &Sf. Paul· Railawy in connect.ion with the Union Pncific91ln6 South e rn Paoifio lilies. Tourist sleepin g, r,ars for Cnllfornit~ leuve Uniou Pa88. enger 8 tutlon , Chiollgo. 10.25 p . Dl . daily. Personally con. u notou tourist ()u.i' llllrtios at 10. 2r. p. Ill . Tuesdays nnu 'l'b nrsdo ys. Any Ue kel a~enl ",111 ..11 you l!okelslo CalifornIa no. k h trn to do sn, Defil.or1l)U ve tohtc rs tree..
O. c. Mordoullh, Traveling
For IIny dlseuso of tho skin there Notice of Appolnt~ent, ' is nothing better than ·Chamber. F: . la le of lIIary S. Malon.y, decealed . lain's Salve. It relieves the itohing The un~ cr.lgned hILS been appoInted IUI4' nnd ;buming sensation instantly Anci 'lunllUed '" admlnlSlratrl1l of the ... tate of . soon efl'll(its 0. oure. Bold by F . C. Mury S. Ma'roncy. Into of Warreu Count, Oh io, tlccoasell. • , 8cbwartz. . . Oul ed tnle IOlh tlay ot January II . D. 190ri \ MAnY MOCLua_, ' . 13
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WAYNE, 'V ILLE:,OJ:lI , WE DN I~~ D AY" ,I ANU A RY ;a , !~'ll \
Thought house Serious y
1?l'IIuk Itlldtlie'k, whu live" on th H 1~lijnh Bnwkiml f'lrlll, north of fillr· V" \ nl, U I t..., 11.1 1' 1 \ \ II Ii t l
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· H ot \\'111\1\' lto LtI flll.t J ,E, Ju n ll O;VS \ A f VI' I!lnukotfl Jeft, to sell lit ous t. Ilt, 'K eys', Mr, JUIll 1I Kerriok hil S 1)('ell ill for two weeks with Ll\grippo. 1\£1"" MIlY \Vri!-(ht WI\M II ~,tr's l uf Mrs . [;'ril llk 'l'lIylOl'llt C lift " " . ( 'ill ' ,:I !l lIa ci . sf\\'f' r,ol clilYS tbi~ 1V1)<!lc . ~"'l' Ill\!'.-iJlpl> III \\ ,IV." 11 H' ·' H.noi
h;:IiL i n thu IllI y l llTl ~1I111r(I,,)·. wi ntl l\\\'I "11(1 1'''ltl' llI:'':- thtl huw'4£:" ,\us The fi ll C'Ht li n uf l,'ll'sp (,' 1I1l 11, !I 11 .1 "" Un'. ~ tal t< 1I 1 t.,wnl'tl tlu' h \ I \I ~ f" , hrl1~hc" i n town nt. "" Y~' 1I111111 11 ' ~ \\,1110 t l'r nlli " " 1"'I'd MI'. The Ii I t 10 t W~l ,V WI I' 0 111 dn ll )!hl,'1' o r 1tu.)11Il'lt Htl'l lCl h It lUI hl~ >! IrIHJ Mr . n n d Mr .. H ll\\'" n l \\"owl 111'11 1' whl t' it wII ~lrli l o li , ', 1 ill th .. Yllnl. I :Bntr rvilh. h,," be li ll \,ol:y ill with II l'ltc l"'IJU s lnH;1t Iillll in" j u\\'. se vo r o on ld . Il lI Qck in g lint s l'l \'ol'lliof lI iR t cet.h, 'J'II ', ".IMII .. ~ lIlp 11l)n y ' \1l1 Ol't I· t n,Y IOONU Uitl g o f1rN II !HI Iin'ukill A' hi~ Co. , lit, Rr llllol 11 ,, 11, W ocll l(' ,,<1ay, jll \V in two pIli (;61<. MI'. lttl(lilillk wus I' n ll orClcl I1n OUlI· i!'l'hrull , y 7. MI' . lind MrA. Ii'l'IInl, A, WI'igIH, OiOUH for Il, tim fr o m tho 1' 11'(, t.B of th o blo w, !tnt hlllll olllllt·e ly upon n on l' FQI'rY h ,III It!I t.i lOir guos ts , "un. r egui nlll g oonljCiOt1Rlte~~. s )1T/lll g 11p UBY, th e ir fri e ll tls. MI'. uml MI''' . 'Will uml IJIls t(' u ct\ to tho h o u se unu A, Phillip:4 fr o m U('II I' Mun or, Thp. 1 nllt ius titnt.o evor lI olu lit fuulld Il !oleo cUI·t.nin 1I11l'l,ing which It i 8u pp o~ed Ilau ileo n ig-nlte ll fr olll W"yuelSvlllo. ~'riI1I1Y lin e! S,lturuny, II I1IlIlc h with which h k lI tt lo ~O ll l!o bnllll'Y Znlltl :1. hlLd been pitlying-, B e ~e i:t.otl n F o r Ront-I:loI1se OIl l'u il1 Snll l., bucket uf wu l e r und x tin b~l i ,dll <l kn o wn us the l1lillol" H h OIlRe . ~BUR the f1uUl es, .n o t r e ulizl ug uuMI /l11 " r aoud gllrds n ,watel' , ot c, Inq11i!'e of th o Efxoite mont WIIS OVer, thu t b e Iernel Wright. . hnd been Injure d , M I' . Ilud 1111'S. NlltJlfl,n BtL W CR lind Noigb bor!:! / pb~'8 i oilln s were f,lmil y hnv e moved in to the propor · ha s tily s umlDonod !LIld f o r fl, time 1t!!1 0 0 0<11 t.ioll was the ell u so of grave ty of Mrs. Bllw s' motbe r , Mrs. ('Ollel' rll . Mllry L e wis nml will naRist in cur. ]t Is b lI evo u t,h llt hll ll tho r ope inA' for h e r , MI'!I. Le w is hll ving beon qnite frnil o f lute. ImUll II fe w h lOlil'S 10wl)l'. tho fo r ce nr Ih e blow w o ulll Imv o hrQ\<e n Mr . An nounccmont hn" been moue of th o e n gllgem e nt of l'l1is Edith ::)hutc nmllli c k 'R neo k , o f Waynesville Duel Mr. Ellis f Ric hmond IIncl fh ei r DlR rrhl/~e ",ill The Corn Exhibit. til ke plnee ear1y in tile s pring . . Th o o tJloors of t.l1O FI.lrme r s III ti. MI·s .Jonn F ronlm Itnd little dungh. t,ul a ul'u.plul1ning t o moll e I.h e corn ter , Fl.oro, of Dnyton , ' were g nes ts exhibit wh! ob LukeR pIll 0 lot the oC tbeir llul'o nts, Mr. and Mrs J . C. r"ridll,V UlQruing 8eH~lon o f Ihe In, Rllwke. from Fl'idrlY to /:lundRY niHl !'I,flnl " 11 0~ oulyof intm'e8 t , bnt of w e r e joinecl o n Sundny by Ml'. lu'lI otieal ben ol1t to the turille r s . Fro mm , v,' ho tleeomlll\ni e u th e m I It i~ tltltJlIOilllly urged thll,t e very hOlll e. . W'llI' l'!ltm bring ' b luf /I· UO;l, n cIlr80f . Mr. lind MrA. U. E. ,Jullos , of Corll fur nxloll,itiollllnd U01l\llurl on Lytle . o.r.ved .l\tl le/!'l\,ll t tnrk eydinTit!! VII Illll of ' a cllro ful solection 11 r SlImjn y t o th e fo ll owi llg friends. IIr t>f 'lJc1 ill l:ll'cllI'ing II A'uou OI'Oj) of Mr. uod Mrs. U. M . Bough oneI ~on COTU will i11 ~" b l't!bo wn . Kenne th. Mr,llnd Mrs. AiI", n Em . ,- - .... . - -.-...c ri Gk and dllughl,er BlunollU, 1.'1'1'8. The Sick Lu.tliryn Keever. Mi s 'Ilndaee ---. - -"- - Bllird !l.nd M . E. E . K eever . W. \V , 'l'ibbnls, IIf n on l' Lytlo, wILli Will! stric k e n wit,h )llll'IIlyr;;lij Tbe Q llzt'tta lIoknow]erlges wi t h III fll'11 thUD II W 01 II go. is improving thauks 0 large collectio n of hUnd Mrs.- AUl fiA Bongh , of BIII'V yH !lome !lnd d elioiou s cn ke from tjle I I I 1 bi1'thuuy dinne r o t Mr, J fl' 8,'lU ifh • I 1Il1'!;, ~1< very ow w t, I olluoer, tltJ( Al f. tl d) ' . it IS tOnred tho e ntl i", not fllr ofl' , . so t OUl · IA wo ( lOg lI.nlll ver s llr. .Toh u Ollrnel'. n woll kn llw ll \'t'~I. of .M!' nn ll Mrs HlIthuwu y .
._<L....,._ ......
W e bu ve h e urd of H ollU );If! " I { y o ut,h s I1n (lor 'Ll(e wh o IWP.UIIlIj 1111 Harveysburg. -. - Ibue l] w it,h 11 ~ pi1'it o f 11I1\'~'< · . II11 " N OTLn : - IJ " n- lly~IJII 1' ~ jJl'o"Ip. lc o nfinln g- th e secr e t wlthm tllt '1\' wi~hin l{ t l S l1 lt~c 1'111(, f il l' th e (in ze tl ,iJWIIAts, llltlde II h01l1 dU Rh for C ull IUUY lell V(1 111111111:-' t n ptly for " ' 1I11I~ I f 01'l1i", The ..,., R11ccced e u Iu ooveri11g i1t th o jJo" t 1l1li,·c. , 1.00 ."I 'nr , th o Il i"t-il nee hetw eo n het'e unu Da y. \,\'e h n"" iJr'I'1i th inkin' I vo : L\lU . n h i o, wh en from , some olluse ·g 1 r l Ohal1 ~ tHt (1 1n ll' IIt~U· J'lh&'!:O- untl IIrl'\ \'I"1 llnllll 'I" I I I . I "'it' \, 1II.I ~: t' I =,, \\ Iltl III (' . . I . 'I' I I ' U 1 t 11 11 I H IIllt I,'jun w hll\11 t.h ... v stu rt. ,JI 1 11 It ( 1 \ ' , 1 SP t'\' Ir' . , tllll II" /' I JI1 .. li lt " , I ' I I I)', I b ' ~ I 1 1,, 1 \I I t 10 ~""1(' I IlV , 'L1H /! t,l Itt nSln eS~ . • 1)111«"' Ill ay ". 10 O llllt l,'( h Ol lt t' ulJ'niu. . hn t. "li t IIII Ulll h lnlllly ' \'I t h til " >' lIh. 1 '" ';"(' / In Illillll WI II ' Ill » t " 1I f, ·\\' " " 111 II I" l" 'ul 1,'1t.-I· from .Tilll flar·
l'hUI'All 1l.l'. ,lnl1 \IHI·.v ~:;. I \Ill",
IItl. ·ud ", ' ,IH' l l ' " \ ' t ' ll l lI g. t 'I!D I' f' S ,l t'lI \' , ~IH 11,' " li n d ( ' 11Cl lT,V E X Jli · ( ~ tHr' 1l1lt , " Wit S tlt t' ;' ;'1.11 1,id.htluy Ilnn i I~ ,1/111 11 ".1' 0ill ~ 1,11tl1l' 1 \V al ('1 01 111 1'1' 11. 1I~"ll fi -,"Pltl' K .., ,, 1.1 It." ,I \,I ' I'~Il I'.I· of' 1"I'illll cl lJa \'i s I~III': Ilrul 1''' 111' Jl H I1l1 h~ Il '~ J II" I " ! \'t' tj' 1 III IJ lIl' Mr . F I'H lol, A, \Vl'it.:ltt"f F r r l' \, ,11111 "i sh ,\, ~ J " H L b:;"io Y PIL:r,n!. \\,(';.[' i n f"I' /I rOW mom o nt".
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I OeOl r ge lJ" rlall, ( 'IIII'I\IIC '(\ lJ o llglo , 1I \I,I'" ]ph'Jlli"ll" till .. of "F,)xy G rund \\, leh nntl J)a l;in. \Vllltl ' \' lI"dlln , ) Jl" " A 1,, 11, ,]· fr lll il ,Jim I" viewing Jilln'y (;lil)p, \ \' A . ~ 1 "l'I'il t , Frr" l , l li o u u /uul ~e l' 11I' ch ' lli ot,eLl . Thiuk of I {arlllll , Bml AII1<rm . FI'IIul; \\t ll ~" II. I b il't y Aix I'" ~"~ r l\j)leto with inte r. Ilr. J . U . Mil e',\' . B L DIII;! ll . 1 ~ '11 1I1 1' 1 , P ~ t. 11 11/1 illllMITut ed Iliot\l r"~ i n mill · lil'lly, ,1 " iJ ~j o r e~l/'. AI Mo l" ", ,J ,,11 11 j,.tur(' f')\'111 1,0 utili n· r en.lidtic vi w 'l'uck" l', G (' II I'gO !:)er ogf.(\' Ilull s,) \ 111. " f I,lt fl JlIIIIUI'IUIlII so g ruphic In do, 'I' her o .It'f olhpr H t ' IO ~" m H of wh olll !tCril,tilln ,wd ,,11 6 hll!l but II flliut lll iJo!h t. I· n.i n~' nll l1l ' 111 01'0 ~ Illl r :; 1 1/' ~nt jlll1'tielllu rl y i,lpIlI.Ill oc! wit h I iu ~ 1I. of lite lillt.i..fu otiOIl an epistle of IIf h plIlth , Ftrl'll g lh nuct prol:!' II pllrtioullI !' bll!lillC\s Imt wh o III tllJR CUt· CII U IIft'ont 'Va lire proud I)c r i t." . .More t hllu fiff .V l otI hl'ir C~ Jlu('ity urI' wOl'th.v ILnu I'e li I t? huv bHe n lin 11~8oci ll.te of him t el'~ w (' r c l ' coive d. c Olilin g III)JO e1tj r.o n ~ . One wi ll feel I:;'llld olg ht,y yell1'~ o r so me Jes!! ngo, for f f ' ufter mllkillg the I1Cftllldn t nllcO of 1I0 W w e ti l' e r e Our r e warll. r o m fl l'\lU c, n elll' . :-Iwh . W e d otlLfe WllnciitiR no t, ull l~oul;lIInyheliveandmnyt h eslllrit. Few lO on jll t bi H oommu ni · in tonl,ion ". to ".li g.llt. I.WY . Thor e is m ovo bi" p en lIt fmquent inte rvllllI I I ' h f I d . h t y ILr ll UlOI O w idely known Lo vi .J esso p. Wil 1) 11 HIII'voy, J. T IlIH t letr 8 11 ts p o nte strll.l g t. to n Ql' more hi g hl y r ospect,ed tbnn DLL \'I~ Il. ' J:-j Fll lt'N A:-: II ~~II~IIt~?'IU1" C. ICl od v ,rfi' 1. J . 'I'h omu >" j ou L' !luoue . I li e vO Lt, "y 1U ul'vey J , .C . On nocollut of nn over qUlI.ntity of Furua ~, I 1('1' or .I" '''I'~ hpl1 l1 IL I' 'cog ni zc,c1 m i ll ' ." ....r~II~liltoll Bn lll er; B, L Dnktn, , w o rk in the dentlLl line Dr. J . G . Bis usefulnoss hilS not been con.\ 1"1-tor (I f I li e ~"l'illl .v . · · l' I0l':d .Anue rson . loroer W e l.oh, l'I-llloy WU detaine(l in Spring Valley tin 1111]0 11 0 t o IItte llt.iou~ to hi ~ OW II WI "I<' 11' . E' nrnll .,, ' h II lth bll!l 1-\: I. ~nbin, J ',N, Mill t r , R.o v. ,~(l. r. thi R ' w" AA'k . lind Mrs. ·Mildred Etlgle . . . 111 "' 11 ~ \I ' " I I \' it ll]lll ll'I'(\ t ho ltl~ t f \\' 11' •., t. ('etl'r CnrAY Rob el t t l I I film l ly, hnt. ha s \J1tIlnlleul{)nclo ".'~" II,IInlh" ( Iill!' hl' llI )! I hl fir~ t t it;" (' I "· In I ft.' ' II I' w.. u t Til ()1I1 0illllltt.i Snturday to min. to hi s n i",'bhor s tLU ll l\ v e ry br/! <1'(,"111'<'. _ 1111.' ""'.'r .. t l'I·"ku /'1 JI 1'lllllnl' "I VHI ." WilT( ", 111011", ~" • . !''' ; A'le J)llIlI,~nl'li with husi116(!R forsevor . " ~ , .' "H.ellslln /Jod f~ny nml ~",II.lU he It nn · ( ul t1ot~· ~, I1nll ''''ill W"heh t and oiro le of fri e ncL . R'Lving n birlh · II1I! It i ~ lOIn!! liff' ) h ~ \9 I1 S IIlt l t o ""I'RtlI~rlllg" IJI/1rl' 1I!:1, wort h y II ~ t·h e cjlLul(ht.O l' Ethel ""nr e slll~ltingba.uu!l ri~h t m embe rsl1ip i n t h 'oci e ty n f rp'f( 1 11 11,1 ""'j " " lii A I.. tfl'r:; 11 1111 f' in t Ul·l'!l'llI l1g . \V O 1111\'0 r n ml Ct'Hlnd" l WiUlll Oljuldll tn llc R here Itlst Batur. Fripud~ , b o h il S l oug been II tivP. in 1"" '1·1.,' II I'I'C"' l'lIlt l'd t,hl' ~ Jlit' i l, I blLt. t oo whl' !l."Y 1'0>'1'1 ot!! to I'~ vl llll ~ft l duy, nnll Mrl4 TYbOl) of Dayton mlldo fnrt.h cduj! t lte usefuln oss o f thlLt· pr l "liP '''cl , h i' 1\11 j'P.I' r"lI ll! liI h r ll llC'" " toW of \\ It 0 III we 111111111 .F~. L, Bon ' II two dILY~ VIRi to with Mrs. Hurllln rel i ~ i o\l,"· body , qnll has fm' 0 nom, "n I lll~ ll('r"~111II Iwt f·. Mosr, UIII;II11 , Mrs nnnn , Eliul:I I uuu Hllrvey , "nd Illde eribRble ' is es 1)c ~. Burl BIII'V .1', .. Io hn ,r .. l/u. ! t,b' RIltl'el'in!l' of Mr!', Amos Hough J ff S 'I S hllllk l'1s hl''.'. Irll HlClJ, Buny wh o hilS b eon so vo ry dil:!tressoo for emIt 1 urprised In SocIety. 111( n/!h . Ollkley. ng~nsblJ':L Lllum Il long t,hu H, nUll Mrs. Annie Elooo k on his Birthday. - -.-.- - - \ . , Bu r k Hwl.t, DI~ve WillltLm t<. uf ' incinl.~ti Is hl' ro with lIer mother Mr~ Ag llll~ Wri g l ~1. 1L!I~I"' t.o" by \y,, ~ . IJnr l'! ~, ('h l? 1~l h ~: TlI ?s. Me- 1111d s illtc l' fur II ~ho rt duration, nnu ' f;;~II~(I ~ , ;'"Dl~t1 ry 2 't,h WII R MI' 1\(1' Clll l'l gh ll' r , MI"l' ~t1~f1 n . OInrl h (:1' : (~IIlUL , ;1 11111 H Ll o ~gp.l , ,CIII UIl ? Ur, C.LD1l0t ue oh ellt."d o nt of the pleas, J e ffl t>llll t hs blrthdn y. lUlIl M r", l)fflt.h r r. ~l r (l ~ illilllll ~Ot1, e n C. ~ 1p."\'\'.r ! lJllnm l'IQr, Mill t im lin t wpnth()r o njllv(lduptothepres ' l:lmlth n.nd dll.ll ghte r Mi ~s Gllllmll , I IHrtll i ll f'cl "hout,. tloirry o f the ir ~:?(" I~IH'. :V I! t:llI l'lc, WIll ~~Illlllll, ... nt' c\'ltermd t.hllt.i!lIlOmesatlefnoholl lIrl'lLlIg'c\'1 fittmg o!lle1JrutJou of th e fri (, tld ~ \".' ,,'1 1\ l«l11Y o \1c nill A' in ber LllIl."t. 11lre r. A L Ken n edy. ~v .nt with ot.tho know I dg" of Mr. u': 11111 (lo rdl ,, 1 nUll Itp!:' plfnblo I1lnll AnDl e MIlre.llI'. ,III~W" M ' !1~1'1'\:I? ' ~ . ! Middlerun. " 8 11l1th 01' UU)' other m e mbe r o f tlw 11t1r , '1'10 1' ~',ciu 1 felLtnrl' nf t,h o v e ll' !~ U IIII" r\\ (jocl . Li un ~~1'11 .\ , t.b ",. fro mily . 'OIJl'equellt-ly, about fifty i n~ 1111 t'lt"t olll1ld be I) e'!1red f,l1 cltfl l'\ J ,? rll 1:l0ckCJ1t. U P WIIII?!1 tlervlMllllt t,be ohnroh olOi~ed F .ri gue,s ts , Illos t of wh om were ,r e lat.ive,.; ij I\l! I hp. h ot. II111 c h ~el'l'ed W11~ j urI! HI!\lII~, Lu 111'1L WIIT<I. A. [ lh~y lIiH'h wit\1 l.,.rR,e (l,tte!ldanco ' \V er e i n t.h e house befo re Mr. Hrnil b d ell cio11!' Wa r d , h ,E, VII TI!I .l'v nort.. W . A. ouch dll.y lI.nd night. Bro. Forq COli· wn!' llWIIro that, a n ything unu!luRI UutnflS, hus . RIII !lukor H,I1'ry tluueu the mee ting us Bro.' LuiC!! hlld u eoll th ough t !)f, 'I' h p 1!I 'Il t lo Illan 's prize lit eucb r o ':IiIillll knr , ]~li 'T'hoIll11 011. And y WtlS cullod t o Miohigl\u Wednesdt~Y l ' h e dllY was s p ent in ooillJ r:nll. \\,I:~ \\' 0 11 br jUl'. B , E B oo tll . .J ll o lc~OIl, . Uhu s EII\\'lIl'Cls . W o C'1I1 to COIl(l11Ct II fun om ,1. ' \Tersn.tioll si n g ing anu pinna u.nrl I'l! fl I1!IWHt" prl'HI3 IlI. werr.: Mr . ILlIII no t In t.l1I~ le tte r t,e ll YOll ~o llltlthing ' M 'p. ' tI· l' tl tTl "rIII11"I)ll!)'11 InnSI'o Mr~ EIIIM H. B~II.I·, M r IIn r1 Mr o f !lulIh of 1,111" Iruotl 1)l1nL)lo h e l'oin " lr~l\'11 IUl1\lll~ tI; . tIla ) spen · Uesr "y k ' '" . 1 ~l (I W A k D' rl I I ? . . WI.. I SS j tn11l e Ilrtsoo. B'>licl ('>, wI'il Iilletl uinn o r \>1l!llt IJt s . lOn e 1 r" (' 0. . nw 1'. I , "~ mlluer )1]1 !rOIll · tlllle til tlllW \\1\1 . . muny of t,he t( uost!l 1)t'Oll "ht J1rf' ~ ~1t';1 1-111110 11 \\'11.1', Dr . "Ill] Jl,lr~ A . r . gl \' o som e tlddlti o n nl lnfOrrnllt.loU . J e rry RlJlllnel ,mel wifo ent.ertllll1' . • t , t k f tl n W" ig hl, MI' nnd Mrs .r I:J 'ole, • en the mllll~t,er ~ lLUd I~ few fMenus 11('nt. of j·h l) \\',,111111111 ne lg hhl)rhollfl . M .... . l:)tlll1leY!'l1l r~, of !nlllm1111S 011 S n~ II e n s 0 I n nmv,;,rsur,Y,. II\nn 1\1;' 1l1l ~1 M!'s EI E Booth Mrs. S lIwlle l Hu!'lol11,1I1l uW unll hil{hly to dinner 'fnesclllY . who loll S 1..•.. 1I ill fur II1 'HfJ fhllp 11 It' ll gl1e>lt, n f h e r l)Ilre nt,Q, MI' . IlUll T hoH) w h o pI\rtook of th t' JOys v I : 'I' . ' -M L' 0'" . r~S llected fnrUlI:'" living sO llie three .. . M I E K d fl ' t th o O)CCllsi on WAre ' 1111' /l11f1 MI '. An n Ie h OI pf' . r~ . III II e Itt" 1 tl f tl · 1 d' I M Mr . L e wl St,lbbs \Vus tuken slelc ,1' 1'"r, h,, !. hllf' n in quit" II 01' \1·10011 "'lr~. B' e'j e~s slln kO' 1M RI!ler, F l'II lIk L) I' 1L1t nf e~rWill ' ~l r lI';d l' :\It""I:'~ .J e~sie Ulul'k. Emma H e igh . 'UUI essou.l o ft IlS I1'.1I1;e , . le(' 11 o n Tnesduv evening, bllt Is now !!OlUe ..-'"u(litil n f,h e P" 9t w ee k" p r". n I1I1IIU II\\' IUS " . ". \\'1 Y l\[rl" Wrl"ht Do nna Bllwke IIY Ulor nlD g H o r m get'lU g I n ess b tt ' I'" ,"'1' 0 L R ' k ' of ove r,,1 dttys e er. 'flt e unll lilly milrl wintor b" s hlld Mrs . R"Uel·t MlIllIu gtOIJ. MI'. ,J oh ll '1' " . 1 If . .., ' 11 d 1 I 1\1 ) I " " I1H,rO\\'lJ. nesa r . . 10 S ' M '1'1 .1 ' tl W ddt 10 e eot of Rtlln,lll l! th o ~lIgllT "Ill I I. son IlU I uu .: lter. I r . l I Il lEI 1 R' k D l\f' ll P f' S d " r ]Olllll!! B erry 11I'111 os t II goou F or t Ie 1 e Ing A nnl-- ,,,"f,OI' t.o f1 owit1'~ Inn e " Ill~r'i llr 'thllll Moo n IIJld I\\,u Ilau g h t e l'!:', JI ll'!' E i. 'e \\'tl n 10 ' ;<, r. l or, ro . nJJ 1l:'J:' evo~lug. Frunk H.e!ldo(lk h rSIl 'l'hnr dRy night v~rsary of Mr. and Mrs. iA l1:<onl 1111(1 " nl1m !)pI' o f lIIupl e Je n i\1 II IIi Uj.(tOI1, Mr. fi n d ~I~ FI'IlJlk JIJ OII , ~d o ll){'rt 1\I0K tlY 1111(1 Ernol' ",os f oeulll/! 11I s .. to 'k w\ll.m It WIlt! Rov. Forc] , Mr , lind Mrs . Joseph J?rlltl MIR~ 1'11th 'Olh'lt ni l o f Blllly . ,lr . dl SCOVAI'Otl t h e h Ollse "'">1 o n . fire E' u M ) Rol an d ; M rs, ~ \'rllp l'.II mp .. Ill'" 1l1"'t1 ' .. . • 1:1 ' 'f II I d I' 1 f \I\n", rM, orry F- . W • H a tit away, '. ! ~1111\1~ \,.) 11,'."; 11ft· ulld Mrs Hllrr.I' ~_ 1 WI P. CII e( , 1111 III "." I'I~ ~ I o r 'hllrll o Rve !lnd d!l.ugbter Mis!! -- -. -;- - - -.Th o In \\' lIf C)loi" r eq lli \'I'~ thll ~ , J~lII hW und s nn . of Dotlds: I'Il I' II n tl \ M' M th ' C the h OIlStl ClIll lf bt t,h e llppl' I' JllW llll , Be rthll, lIiril AII1I1,nd .. Smith antl A VHI)' pn JI)Yllb l" OI,C jL~~loll WO .. l:l\'o r" I'e r" " n whll 111 1"(11" /lilt! i\ln. A llou Hunl" 1IIi~. B'''' IIi" ISS ar ,a 0111pt0I1, II. cl otll Q11a Ime 1n fIho yaro, lJl'''lIklng M I') \, (' 0 t Th tI " I I . t I , M ' I M F . . , .. , .' , .. til I ~ ISS , 0 uOCC!1 ,I'll mer ijp n ur!!, ~"I'( 1\ 1111 ,1,, 11 ,~ ~ , ~ "\II , I r~ . 111 11 \11' ilyrllp mnSI II " \'.' " II I h e ("Ill II I I) \\' n , Mr lind Mrs Pllt~ y , :111'1'I1n " . - ,- . ~ollle . t re~ ~ r o ur ,eet I IIn ( /I so dll}' Itf t ill' 'hurcll with JEl oob Scott \\ . Ii" I hll WilY, .. n . I (If'~''''), .1.11111 11\ h l? l, b"l1 1'llI g t.IJI' w"l'd ~ ,. Pn rp , ,,11 "I' LVI lc : All' 111111 MI'" Ed HllIi r h fh e Hllnlllto n bve ntllg Oem o ru t i breltkHI t: hlH JIlW hool' ~ f \I ."~~. :ll', "r , I,1111. f~I'f.1e~h "II"I V,)I'""ry Mnplo ::;:V1'l1f1 fl to" TI", O,IZoltt " I ,, ",1 r":1l ~UII!'. o f XOlliu ; ~II" 11 111 'If,lnnn",I\' :? 1. oo n l llio('11 th o foll o w . I J:lnwnrtl Sallill , III X e nlll , "'1"' IIt. ILD tll/I y .. , . III I hl·II'. \\('dlll tl(.! ti t!) " fll eo prinl R th ps(l IIlI.E'I ~ .\I I' ~ I~ O. CI O\"~ ll gllr lIulf t \\'/\ t),ln ~ h 1I1:r .l t ll lU wJ~lch Wi ll u e of I.nor o t!t on : olltnrclllY lind ' uil(lll Y vi s il i ng till! I Mrs., ~1I1 ry /?lU ltll nUll dnughtAl' On t,hl" ~IIIIP , II:Hlb, thl'll) l a)\I Jllo~ . I " I". of Frlln 11Ii n ; :It I' U nil MI''; (11'111 nil 1','- In t CI' CSI', t o f 110 mUll Y \\71'i rh t 'fllmil ' Il:!pe nt E rluuy WI t h Mrll. .John Bart, wuro 1I1 I1 I'1Ie(\ III O'lylull, ~11111e !' I,h e Mr . BlIlkll';I' ,wh o hllR !onen Ol'GI1PY' 1'l" II!'!!I' P r ntt. !lfr 11 1111 :\lr s Eel fri e n d of 1'I 1i!!s l'llu.rt,b ll 'o mpl lJll : g y. . l soe k lind daughtor. f;!ll1ne 061'(111)111\ " Of. t,b o fl iX. I1l1ulll e , iu g Il jlurt .,f t h e ~"lTgl1llS OI OIl\Ont R ( '" ,k IIncldilughtnr, f!' o w C l'u:,swlCk ; "~ll "s ~loLrthn Uompton Jln ~sot1 1111· ~ ~ h nvo It . new possessor o f t~ l' l Mr. lind Mrl:!. WfII . Hobl et enterwho w(Ore hIlJlJlII ,v JoinOl1 In Wpu · estlltt) !lout b of WllYl1 n"V lll n, I ~ 1II t)\,. MI·~ . Rn mu ol B n~n l1 IlllIl !'Ion , o f oM11'1' m ila ·st oo e ill t ho jou rn oy o f I ol d !:! g l'l t 111111, ~eorge Hurillo II' tumed I:!av rol friendll to uluner Jl'JCk all t hllt dllY, "lIl~' t-J1l""~ ;t nr· . t tl t 1 ' I " t I1 11' 1\ r r Iln" Hr_ ~ i l"(l1l 0 life o n ~ edllcsdny lIUll in bonol' of t.hat fo rtuna te fnnotlOnury. Wh olll l!' nduy . ., tI , ., M 1M ' lUg 0 le ,a ne n t IlIn.. I' nil IImne l " ,, , J.u. U Ill. " 0 . ' : ' • I " 11 t' h . 11 . VIva . I,,\(lse , Ir(.e Ill e . r. llnl . rH o . , ' . h"rtI , o( Boll hroo k; . l r . i!I Il nk \IlfJ occm 10 11 n ltttl ur]Jr\ e WtlS or Ie '" p n 1U t a .1 0 or fly1<1eUJ I CIllrllllee Ity e s pe nt St.tUl'!1n.y IInll 1>'. \V I:Ilt\,hnwllY, uf W/l Y II O~\1II1H, S1(108 f~lrl\.l. II!' I\l,' lilli' Mrs I'lldo~ Wn, dl.", . of Le btln o n; Mr. I\n!l i\I,'s pl ilDIlp.d f o .' h er rlu inl\' th e su p]Jlr or continu ye old on Lllue hurr pru 1 ~;l lldl\ in VII t oo. 1I!,,1 Ml'~. Mllrthll RO!l~, of l,,' IHtJ!ott. n o \...- nJoYl1lg thoir 8ubHtont i!11 n,e \\' ,)')hn \ ' lIoble , Mr . flnd "Ir~ . .Io hn 1I onr Ilt t ho Y. W C. A. '1'110 ,li n· cos~, ILlIl not. propllroc1 o t thl!! writ., 8 ,y I flY U. d ' d W 'l'he !tlttar WlIS onll of l,h e lUVltElc1 hOUln " I)a \' , ~ lind fnmil\', "lr nl1l1 M )'~. 11\ 1-: )'(10111 W II~ v ery p)'(\tt i]y Ileou l'llt· Ing . ,. I rS~~\; IU~ ,'( ed u esduy !;IlO!lt,~ who , lIHf(' lIIhl o,l fr o ll\ lIIu.ny E ' . , ,. . 1,1 11",,'" 8 11111,h , Mr : nnd lIIrM ,Inll\l's "d. a (),1l'!I 11 1)011 w lJ l(lll W.I!' \\'I'ltt,on : 'rhe U. Ii ol1ul'oh l<! wourlng II 'I \n~ 1 .o w 8 I ) ij 1m ,n e, IIIIYt1rent POlOls to groo t the bride'S. Hllnby "It S ShO\\ln~ .1I po 1)() n eII'l'I(II~t.. Mr. nn(! M)':\ ,T oo ~til es It cC ll1llnlll'11111, wus plllc('d lit onl1h ' n o \\' " pring blLt lind III lato ~ t.y l c 1t,,,,,1 ,. Evo ry o ue e nJoying .good welltlJer . lInel !\roolll of f(1r t,y ;venr.. ~l gO, IlIld onllnrly !lhupetl pot~~t,o OD th e ~ tr()o t.l tllI li t \VIlYIl ~ \'ill.. . pl ll t il u nd ,," ob o ne "'li S II s1w tl t OI 1'01' the belfry , Tb e r e ]l ;lir ~ IIl'e l Lh~ h Oll c y I~oo:; were out lust Mou . to onJoy the nospltttl,ity willoh IS I~I Monllny . Th e p otutu WIIS much th n M I ~ ::;;l11 t.h ' ~ hl'()~h,.l'. lILI' L OUl" 1'1"" 01 h ~ r>' 1I 10 11,I IIIII} 1(1 \'0 tho a n s w er ' q nito 1111 itnpro ve m l\lll nv I' 111ft ,ti ll ' dll~, lind M r s J'lOob Scott reports WII ys freely ~h o,w u t o 1111 who g/lth · l4ize und s hlL[le of fl. A'il1gerl'nap Mr . I 1\ t k I;1 : ,\11 II ncl fH Illil y, I f D Olhl ~ , \\'1'1''' I t o I t ~l.r~ D('A I'Il1 ond 1'1'('J1u rl'!1 " : " nt lqu .. tot1 I'~of. ' Lwe I ve little (~lhOk~1l8 . ur 1ll1ller theIr Inof . . .. B b Iii' . , . 11'(' ,. I' II !.L,.1 fl' 11\ hmnf.{ \11'('"" 11' nn \,fl r,\' drolll',,11' m (,lIn . MISS MlIl't,lm . . A 1I1111l1J01' of fnends guthe reu li t Perhll)l~ rlle 1I10~t, lll klllg n vol1t lin y t ~ lk ~ thAt .111 growl n f.\ II I ~ Io i~ hIlJlJl \' Or,C'(I ~ IOI\ ltv th e Ir hnr~ ... eut rill' ltll·tlll},,)' I'!> lkl' \\'hl l' h I-: I'nc ('cl I MlsJ;es M I~'hl l3 u ullll AUlIl ll l:; l "."p~ tho h Olno ul Ed Mo rglln and flllllily of thll(IIlY WII1< thu clnhol'nh. tu r k .. y must· h rHe b een bnt\~eou two st.() l1 e~ I k· · I tl tl I Ih fl r' I' nl l' I' of 11w IIlhle " r c tnrned Suml ny p . m 1'1 o m ~ " turdIlY uvenio" IIUU Cllrrlfld out 'I · l ' II ' lll , r tn· .. \."'tl l"t e \ 1')11 \(. 'WHY u ' r (l, ! I ' I U \V "tl 1 0 lIiu1H,r , ~n rved lit I \II; I II onn, . und tbu!J f1'ltteu e d '''llt , 0 11 ,1 ~""I'I) ll hh~ oll 1,1 I'f't 111'1\ Illllllp , ~ l i HH 1;" 111 ItlHlllnrl h,'r .i ~ t,)l' i\l i,s I'I \' ,!1t \~H 1, I': ' I 111111 UIIC ~ UC(lO I:l~ful I:Ituprise. o n thorn : 'I'ho '111l1 'J'lle b'IJ!\tbl Ih 09tfoR~1 r eeol\'ct! Tllel)')ttrLltb of Frllll,no E \'1 11 1 . •• Mu lt ll' 1111\':' 11r (ln In 1:llllll11trm IL ' \fv.' fl:ldOfnht·IIII :': ~ M )lll:\~ lloltllllkllllf.{ III lI\'otllug\VII~.. l:Ipent III hILvlng Ilgood 1l111l\ y VII UiL e ILII( use 11 Jlrl!~O nIH , ' ~ "~. \I La \v Su 'I t III I ., . '. .• " , II UU 8 _!lUi,!" II ,,1\ In II' , 11\ n 111110 unll e ntlng oysters. lITu o ng whi ch WII:! a hn nc\l!o me 80t ,ull nnd of MRry R . Bunt, I,he fum ' , . ,, 1·' !.I1l ' II . 11 10' (. .'1I1l1 . ha th I~'I\ (J gllod \'11 ,\'u 1:;'0. A .1'1 tic s odll ll \' 0 M I,hl ~ ,IIlCl\iJ Scott lind fumil nt rwin. il,lOU c hinn IJj!lh oR th e ,,1ft W C'I' U f .' I Squire s court' I I II," lt\()ll ~ 111\(1 11 10 ct'llng Ill uoil' . Bo klllil ILdll"llI ~ t ll rl' ll "ftPIIOI·\Vo ultl l . y e. e o f 11 .L V , . . . . ' on s • ' . . ounuers oud work · f ,I , • \ \' . ~. ' 1111' t 10" II III , eti t;llmllty Mrll. ,Jnmes Plllllips and ftlcl cl iltlre ll ' IlIROl1llLny lieees , -___ _ __ "" Ul\lllg 1l,) 1)',. \ .. 1 " I )JI'UV e tll!(1J\l'tl cl" l cll tl" t! \('OlltIl O\' PI' . Of I; :rl'l'~re allli cl;inu J ers, whioh wore secur ed by tb l-! F 'r , .(, () I \0'1] \\' 11 J'(I~ 111101 " i I'h" I'gl' I)f I Ill' " ,.Ilf'.\' '1'l' ll1 jlhoI10 Co's : t IIxolI wo rk oril Mrs. All e n, of near BeJlbrook, anti o II v ... 10 I W U T U U . -' III I . .. .. e X'I ' ,(' h C' r ' IIHI IJI'I'f'j rll1 l1Cl t h eir ' . ~1r,; . Rnth Chenowoth . ' F(Jl1owlngt!lnh ~ tot th o nnm o;t of OIL . . . , nlon, I:IOl.l1U t,mlll u .. n ~ i " I , ill " .. r ,I :II ' ·,II llc. " II ' " C.],I II I-: ~ II , ' . \ I' 1 " • ('I ' ·t· I . h b lui . ~ \\. 1 ' I l 'II1 IIl' ~ lII1L III " nI\P''' lhll twn s nll\vn l' ' l J u W ln,) ~ 1I/!" 111S. 1111 /:1 O b t M'~ 1{ ()~Il D IIVltl, ' f 0 . UIO J1ur~on f:l who werB proA IHlt. 1m IlgO, ave een P !lee Ii th e Hlgb '1'11111') 1<', \1 ,I BIII'1I1!1. . . i'i \PI'. . 11 " . I' " 111\ OJ frOtll tll l! IIl~h o f Il whil) It u 1 I. ~ 0 regonm, . ' M r . /tn u ' l\l I~ ' . Sohool room . . ll\ l\(' I IIII II"I I\\. C:.l . Il 1111' II" ' 1 1"1 ",. ~ Il I , I~ ,,,·· IIJI·\' , IV.II ~ wie luing in II]l . O rS l1l1 ~i v O IllIlII ."I)"nt nl' g llt \"1"11 thl~IHljl)l.vOCO/l~lOn. \\'olld . i'ill , v. ' '! 'llllr"UllY . ~ . . •• Be rtll 'L .1 olm Burgun, GOl"hell. I) • ,l ellll1e l' HIlwl;,' ""1'1' ,· II t!Hf.{",1 rn "'$<II1,Y 111 I 'Hl r to " lIlul l1 tl1lLlll "r t h o F'orlil bm r ::;U II I,h , S t lblll', LebIU~IJl1 i. MI'. !LIld MI''' . Ollie David Work, /l.1l old soldier who h p'\I'\II j.! l h ,' ' ·II~I , .. f (;tl~ IIn \' s l, il1(l Cl1' I A Jolly Crowd, ! nll d O IlU. Hllrl ll u t: lI11Hl n ear 1')OS ing i . Mrs. b:li~1l Murphy .of Wf\YllO~. Mlsslldlno, Mls R N1uIIlSh orw(l"t1,Mr . hu ~ been liviug at OorwJn sove,rul Ur l .. fi " t lof' f'lI'l ~ III I III' r ll~" 1 /Ill (lye f l'OUl II limh llint wn g tlt' LL W!) vlllo, ~J1llnt lust wook WIth bor SI~tAll' IIml Mt·s . R oy I:lnlhtlwIlY, ulld ~on yeu.r ... ha s been quito slok this win . brllll ldli " til III t ill' I rI,d Ill'(' Ih,',, ' : "Il ~ " I\ u lh l' r~' n We' l'n t z g n\' o II Iono k tllld let go th u UI1I1 o f 1'1IlJ1 (). ' ~h ~. WI1l . Boblet ullll ntt~n!l etl Melbunrn e; Mr. IIn.d Mrs . Lo w . II nil t e r. The members of the 100111 :';0 11 ,1 01m I{ \1 1011'1' " '''.I l'II I h'.' f II ~'1\I for I Il pli ~h l fll l p ll l'l .\' t.. , II fll \\, of h pr ~lrikiu g IIim o u t h o liLi cl111sin ~ bl uu(1 c bnr(l h ~nn nll.t plt , I,e w tit" .Tohu . St.lhb~. Ill " rl~' IIwn. ·" I,,' \\ . II: (,",''" IIPil l' fri C'u " ". T h u l'.• ,IIl\" lIi.:hl. in h o n ',,· to settlll ill II co tupl ot e oirol e lI1'ounu J~dwl\)'(1 lind Hull.\' Hllt.hll\\,I1:V, nil ofVeternns Galllp and of th H U. Ar W ol1l\1 lln [1 " II g l'l'I'll I " I'll .\' "lr·. , II f~ l "s H "'!l I·"r" W ('l\lI ll llj "yod liI o "ight.. Wellr('!o(llIcl to uot o Lhis Spring Branch. ft' Olll WII.Yll es vlllo, Mr. 11)1(1 ~trH . H, in~eres t-ed thlllllSelv118 in hiA Cll!ll1 (jU Rt,11I :!'I :,O f" ' "11 I hf' I l r, 'e, '~,I." ~ I I ,)Il!,",'I \'('~, II ~ \\'1' 1I 1 '\Y/lY ~ (I, ) wllll n \\'0 ('Ioal'inl-{ I\ wn .v 111111 tht) gcntl e mall _______ ItQlnnd rtn~~! 111.111 ~on 1:11'11111'; Mr. und t1rmnge.<lfor hisodmittnnca to t"IIIIl:t'Ol 11" ,1 ., ·l lI HI1" II ~I r ( ," ~llIj ;:,, 10 1 \.lIlh l' ry n ·~ Mn ~ i c. n n d rIll lie · nppellri ng li S Ilis f" l'lI1.o r Molf ul-:llin ~lr . llnt1 J\ll'>l. 'l'holll;l~ Lil ey \\'('1'11 '~U11 Ml'~, WIU !'t ..•John, 1I1r .. Mil 1'." II Dllyttall h Ollpit.n.1 whore 1m WII S ~lf':'IC'd 1" hllll ,l " t tl l '" ('1'" ., Io I'C1. ill ~ \\'''rp ln dl ~ l g"d'ltllll1ld Inlt'.wl1l'1l JI, IS III I", h o p"II CUl't,is will n o t gne;<ls!:)ullllI1Y of l\:[rH . Rll ollI' I Talll . ~t.,l n hn, MrM, 1\l,lIUm nOll~, (~wlr~'" t , k I t .. k , I hl ~ \\11 :4 1I11t.llIll lt " lid ~11 h llHl or III : 1,,1I'llIflk " t, Ihl/nt .I' r r ln'silrncntt', I lo~" I h ,' l!I1tir" ,iglot o r hi>:! UVll, hut sett.. u elLr F ft rry . 1.. W"I 'rhul'Y, of L" lJIl110n; Mr II nIl . 1 e n liS \\ee , clllilll P,1 ,l i\ \lI "gI' ~. "" II I'~'''"lt I,.\, 1' ': 11 · " 111·10 lIs 11111\1111"" . 1'llIlI l,I' . jl OI)Cl)rll l Ih ns rill' Ih !l c'h"" <:\I~" " O llgllil;!:\ t. him. M r~ t~lil. l t~I'II.lI\ll11l1nd chllrlrPrl, (If Tho ol)ngregntiODf:! o f wo of til.a •HOT! nf ineOIl\'llI lh'IH' lO I n l ' ''I'1I1 ~ l o r fr ilt l' rs. !III.] C'I'I '1I11l1 1l\ Ir .s . \VI11' IU r('II lI (' I'~ ( I f tl IU ("~ lI ",e too 111'0 . I () M' WI ' .MisA1 Anni.,e. ChOllolVHt.hI WIIS o nteIr · Vnu g hlls dl (" . ,.; I H~ c hurches of WlIyu lls vlll e we re fllV ' t,ho I'1'OP , .. ( )"" f,>nt 11I'i' "f 11101 o " c'nin g \~IIS )o ru!:\in r i t.H. ('Ollllllll!', lIll will n o t e t:tLlIIBl 11f- ulUll,'Ir ;;un( flY ILt I Rllth,LW/I\', IIf (,nlll lllhuil. () ,Mr II t" 1 I h .. ; H(' JIll HI ~I ()n 1·",,1 ,,1. rdll ~l lIt! til " 1"1'1:" 1)(,,\'1 Ilf ~1l\,' t1l1 H t 111 w Ilt hili f gt A t J J. I f f h o m ", of 1)11111 ('1 W ,," llll ru . '1 - 1 I 1:1 tit " " \' n 1 \l'ol /I!I Q UT\( n.y \V t 1<0l1le s peCIal I I ' I . '11 ; I' I , 10 Ile . Il II ,11110 "' to 10 SOil. a nIH I "I'!'! . . "PW Mil , . .' ". II I ." . . I a y th e '" III1\'P . .. jll'PHf'n t < W(' I'\' lH c."n t.,.. III , OI1 ClH lndlllnllp llJi~. wil) lJe fllle hundre d 1 MI' , 8<1 (),Jo lc IIlld flll1lily woro 1111.Il~lot Hr b orul<llnll, "I" til/! 110!<1 II111 SI . \\hl eh WIlS RlDeerely Itppre . · ~llIt WIIS hrClllj! llt 1(1 1" '1'0 \"'1 lit" [,OI IT io II nfT Ih p 1"'1'1.1'. \\'h1l'h wns fI \Tea r s ojrl t h Iirst ,IllY o f F eiJ ru a r ' 1IL. th e ~. 11&'1'i! ut the ~l\rpri so Dllrm~ t h" IO/l ~ mllrrle~ l~fEl of M~ . cllltod III UGh CRRO. At St·; Mnry's hll}nne~ . , . '.' I,('ll ntlflll cll n ll y h Clltr t. '1!lOti. Tho (ju esl,ion h a s hee u IISkc!ct dinner fit tho h o m o of Mr, .1 11 11' nnll Mri< H~II:huw".vt.h fl d (."lhnDt!:II ' ebllrohin tb01ll0rnln g,M~"rl:\.Freel l fh e ,lllrY II\\,Hl'll rci i\lr. l ,n" tll1'l'. ,O . All tl l' I'nrt l'tl /I t n lu t e iI 0U1' for h ow mnny birt.hdnYA hn s she seon' ' m ithiu Wnynos ville ::!u11dIlY hil I! 11 0 \' 1 r VI"ltL'Il tll l:ll r hOl1lo Fn'" Ii , 1 . Hill!' d I with i nI J' I'I''' t, "I ~ ~l1 ~ll1 l lH'tl ~lT . . t,h ('ir hOll lP". Tho@o pres nt w o r e!:) . 11 . . "h ' I" .. • . ~ ohllcll'en hll v.. 11el'lI b""n to bh)s~ ( Ill I SOl . 1[( re 1erwood SIlU fO ll d e r ' s Olll ill1 f(l r ciollll ll l!l''' n I\Inun/ .. i\li ~"1'~ Mic Hie (1 0011]JIISl flr, \Vini fred " o llle n ve It " lTIety ·.n n e, O~,I l:lI ~ M09t of our fnrm ors hll ve tiDl!.'.d .. tll r.n r lln ln ll (Illnf wholll woro prO'" . II III 0,,1, V10Ul!lu g dllllt u.nd lit tho ev I' I'TI " t o "'10 Tho 111l\' lIu' nt IIf c~o~ t ~ l l )fl"l'" I IL(lI'll W e rnt~ hll l on es ,.on e, budndredCI 1111," ~ f.1l1 oth e rs on o strirlplllg Iuhlleoo IInl] sevent! hll v(J r , . , , ~ . .,. ' . I " • .. ' ., .uun t,re un oue ' \\' tl C(l.nno t e n d ' l1 \ II . M I out 011 this OCCllSIOD, e nln g sor vICe lit the M. E. C hurc h fllll l:! (,ll 1\11'. KitHII' r !l Oll" PI'l'k, ,J('lm il! DII vi~ IIml In 'I. I' ht l' "f . sol d n il WI rever In IIrc I. Lute .Ill the. IIftero Ooll t h g~e~t>. Mrs . b:u~ntit Daklu lIud Mr, Ray, ' A l tC'lrne y W , .1 . \\'ri ~hll'P.I.'J''l.'"cn t.. \)11 d,. ~~t ~l o:n':e~t~ ~ru n ~1~1~1~~llr;'J\o~i~ Additiolllll corr esllont!uu c,' 81,h ]Jllge 11\1 toqk bhlill' l ellve, wlshl~g Mr . mond OILoh sllng 1 8010 in cd Mr, U n till II lI d Att nrnl' ,\ Albert )N'E WIIO WAf.! '!'lmUIIl, hnndr:d Ilnd ~ne .. I~nd Mrs. Hn,thu.way · mtlny more tl ' b ' 1 ~-tl fn to An\1ersoll , Mr. Rill clor . . ' third oolnull1, . yeaTS of weddedhaplllnes,s, , 1elr U".UIl "'. 8 ,,0 ry mllDDer . '1'1 11' O('c'" " io n WII ~ no t fo r , "" 01 t"11 I).v tl'. l~ U I' III1!<' frie nll $ ILnil fr o lll ,,1I 1 1l1I't~ o f th o 1.Jnit. 1,,1 HIII 'p" CIl Il IO 'f1 c,,~ n ges pf Il fl"'l' lio n IIllll rO Il !-(l'utnlul ion, ('011)11 ,, " with w i;;I Il'~ Ih ut he
S('I1" j
*• *
:pJDI.x ·'111. . . . . ' : ,
, Bu t s h e returued "'Ii bout the Ia~ n. " Only ·or. 0 11 c.ondltloll, " sh e ,':t<~;Ill n.u lbat ~olh walt 011 chnp Is pl.llled, "w ll\ he Har t \\'Ith ir is s p o cl~. . h e .... , . ~ led lliddr, 1I1111 t b&t Ie I hat f conse ut BItOWN ~ 'M~"AY. "'..Isbert. }lom~ pauli. of •• ,.elation own. t he hour; , .A M ralnt a nd' t .. r 1 h.. r·lI.e eta. .'OmllljLIn to be :ome bla wiro," WAYNESvr~ omo.. Tho ri ch mlln leaned bnc k in h l ~ Whom 1:1'14Y .. nel alla"erles. lIIe hu a · 'lan dli to",.r. ' choI r a nd laug h ed. It was tb , first lIlUe In m a n y rears tb at his rl ~ llJle. 8 to .. t.l l. Ih. e"~ nln lr Gt \ho 4 )' 1 ~~ ),.nr, Unr....oning Predlctiou., hall operal ed, anti hi s bo uSl.'boltJ wu ~U.t y an" dim Ih. pa tIent ro relts \Ie. "About thlll lime," lhe nlmanac ClliU' OCe ft1 1 wl nda the ,,'uted Vt oodlan d gr~atly 8I1r fl~ d . might s a)' , "look for " ' l1d I,rollhecles I'rle"t. "Very \\' c 11 , " b e . alil , wbf, u so ber ness And ear th\\' llrd lolterlnc the It:a.ves go b y. and predlcllons.:' Soolllsa)'e rH do 1I0t had r et urned 10 him , " pro mise lO' be :receive so milch credenco as form er- Sohold how nature a n. wert I 0 ' ...· hili wlte." bud ' ly, yet there are always plenty to propb· Whe n tb e mnhlclI relu ru ed aga lll tl The m c morl . . .p lendor of blr aumm .. r eel' and plenty more to beli eve random great joy was III hpr 'UreD" t, an ti ~ h e ev es gueSSeS about what t he futuro holds. Luv l. "o\! .nd loitl her .. tallh ot I,un ana brough t to he l' fa ther lire s l.ecklell hen. k y, Tbe mOlluml th o .'Ie h m all tOllch d 'F or Instance, 91,\y9 Youlh's Compan· Scarlel nnd 1014, &n In her CrltUn r the h e n ~ he l'ael, lml :md II. d lamonr1 lun, ' we are ' warned to look for a lel\ \· t~ . welgblng 4,7H ka r~ls roll ed upon I ho ,tillaneJa! panic In 1907 or 1908, W e Va In pBleOnt"' ! for Ih l~ , al .., I. Cea lh, tlOOI·. The rich man sa id " All!" are told that panics oome once In 12 No r may l h • • e•• on'. r l pa fulftUment Wh e rea t t he he n ('a(; I(led IIgaln alld chli!at or150r20 years,or ""balever be the mysOu r thro n.1 n c mlmorlea of t h o •• , cIj.O au other dlamon li a. I:.rge us the OrBt tic cycle. U nder careful examlnatlo:l \\"lt h Ufe's ),ounlt MUmmer pnmhs. I n· bit the arllet. complet e. ,the causes Of pllDlc are follnd to ue so So I be rlcb ma n we nt on slrol.lng ·many and so various ly oomb ln ed tbal The (,i e2.d lea v •• rv.lle ' n eath m y tl nlier ln t t ile han 's buel( a nr1 slIylng " Ab! " ond' t re ad. . Ih e dlamollds co ntlnu el! 10 accumulate. even If one knew all the cau ses of formurmnrln l' ever Co I he s pir it ear : \Tb e n Il Walil roosllng tim e und - Ih e mer panics and sawall tbose caUSe.l '\\'Low . 1\'en. o.nd y el a«aJ n .Ih M.lI be once m o re , hell ' ex hlblted a tend e n cy to become .reproduced In present event s, It would In the a un circuit of the ro tltnl' yt'QI" still ' be Impossible to Imow wh en a TrUll thou the craft of nat Uri . 1,,01 t or nen·Ot.s Ihe rich mQn pe nned h op In 0. cornl.., lind wen l on stroking b er 'lulil panic will' be due . No doub l t bere th eo he bad diamonds e nou.:h 10 1111 " bar· . A com rade wiN . he mO\"f., ... ne l) ~/1ll be a pani c some day. That suprei. At lasl, phYSically e xhauBt ed , ho 81" • • t, ,J;osltlon Is almost as safe as ' Ibe pre- , WlI h wli lrul pre.clenu mockln , •• of ~e t l he hen 0 11 tile uack at a !:lIt chulr I .... (,h cllon Ibat s ome day Il wlll rain . und we n t to bed. F or "I w h o m o u rn 10\·. ·. unrtl u rnlnl It tlle s tory ap llea rll III the newspaper:! In t he mornlo g he ·got up early ani stroked the h e n 's back. wh e,reupon s he that weJl -known financi ers are arrangthou her ,,'t sdo m , she will r eonclle bel:an on ce more to produce diamonds. i ng tbelr alfalrs 1l!:lllnst an Imminent nUlt The fal uring s pt rlt to f'U' rnll\ (:h Rl1l'e llnanclal s lo rm. we should reme mber When. In her f ading \'\· Qo(h~· u)' s. thou sha lt Wblle li e WIUi thus delightfully en .. ga ged th er e came to the 11001' a Iloor tOU Qh t hat s uccessful rlcb men Iteep them· DOl1r hands lonrr 4.8 C ana kno" Iho m youth wbo culled for the rich man 's .!!elves protected agains t bard tim,s no t 3.A .t ru.nle. dau g llte r, and, wben s he allilcared he ~very year . Anotb er large class of took h er In his arms lind kissed her, For thee a .. ol den para.ble ahe breathe. liOotbsayerB Is busy making propheclel 'Vh e rl In th e mYltery ot this repos t; ~lIy l ng he had come to clulm bel' for .bOllt p reSidential candidates. So me " ' hUe dellth Is dreamtn.- Ufe, t~ ","' Ilnln, bls wife. wood (If tbelr reasoning Is curlollsly lallaThen tbe r ich man, who bad uee,1) Wl tll (ar·causbt Usbt ot heann dlyln.· peeplug out bf t he southeast corner of CIOUS. Since no man was ever elected I)' . 10 .... In the presidency direct from t he se n- "l"hou, when the n....lton.lint • • "ra~' 1!1 near, oue eye and listening with one ' ear, ate, It Is argued that no mall wbo AnI! oartll to _rtl! ber tired chil d, rushed forth and ord,ered the youtb away, • s hall have a s eal In the senate In 1903 1'J the .we.t Coa.t&J1CY of nature It rOll" " Be goue , vagabOnd." he cri ed , "or dream ..... In- how d yln, nature call Bucceed Mr. Roosevelt. Tbat I. Imlled. [ will have yuu I um ed ove r to tbe Ill>lIke saying because no man has been - 8. Weir Wltchell, In Con\ur ~ . lice." lI11cceeded In the presidency by a man " But," the youth replied , "If r ga 'With hair the same color as hi. own, your daulbler mus t come wit b p!e. [ t.\erefore the next pres Ident musl have have h er pro!Dllle tbat s ile will becom. 111)' wife." lilr ot dltrerent hUe from lIfr. Roose· Tho rich DlIIn mocked him Ilnd reveU's. Some realiOnlng , from present fused to deliver his daugbter or to reo Il&use to future etreet Is, sound- with, ",......... "no ...., .. 1M ,,..•• lurn the specltlell hen. and the yo uth e: ut. It we could not conduct our , wu dragge d away to prison. 'fben ar" Eo •••lta. fa irs. But we should examine cauthe rlcb man returned to the heu and tJously the sort of argument fl'Qm anlestroked ber . back again , but she cedent pro-babllity In which the aute· bllnl(ed after tbe manner of I1eDs and Na ' great city where tbe temples cedent III not lIurely , kndwll o r Is not refused to lay. A s core of times the of ' tnA, cl~ft the cloud. lived ,. rich ·man trletl to again start UII t he Clearly antecedent to the concluslou . IDultlmllllonalre ~ho longed to become diamond work s, bu t his etrorts were tbe rlcbest mall III the 'lforld. He E!l.Y E_pe from Fire. , owned all the fast borses alld bad unrew arded. The ' ben was u obstiTo be carried to 'the ,s treets on flow· bought liP all the worlul of tbe old nate us a co unl ry constabht who kllow! the own,er of the au tomobile bAS a t ery bed" of ease trom a t heater fire masten. He oolltroIJe1 railroads, leas t $66 on bls person. A t last t ho hi the bappy destiny of those wbo use mines, mills and otlleT vast Indus tries rich man went to the seer and laid the the new lIfBusshardt fir e escape. Ho of a hundred kinds, and dally he m a tter before hLm. proposes to remove the pit en bloc reacbed out after more. "he warld Oazlng luto hili crYlltal, the seer with tbe boxes attached to IL as well .was aghast 3t his ac; hl~vement8. and said : market alumped ~hen be bad a as tbe partition walls, Into tbe s treet the "You bave IIOt kept faith with the headache, ~', 'outb , If you had done so all would by means at rollers' underneath the ~toroo"er, he had Il. dau gbter who havo been well. After he had marri ed ftoor, running over a trnck of ralls was l>eautlful. your daugbler you could' bave be· coutlnued to a s uitable leogth outside Now It came to pass tha.t Bbe on e the theater; the scheme also allQwing day met a yout h who carrletl ulldel' atowed grent wealth upon h 1m lind tlte tor lbe s lmul tnn\l9us r escue of people his arm a hen, and tbe nlald e n look ed ben would havI~ k ep t on layin g for you until you had gratifi ed your umbltloll In tbe bal coni es abov e by exits through upou blm and was well pleasetl, And to become tile ~ icb lll!t man of all time s. IPcclally consttucted wlndowo()oors !.be yo utb straigh twa y fell In love .... It Is. rOll mus, e lth cJ' g ive LJaclt (Jpe ned automatlclllly , all ' at onc e, and with t ho mald en: bU l h e was JIOOr: the the hen-In wbl c b case all l be dlo.leadIn g 1.0 s uspended galleries wblcb b en t hat he ca rr l~ tI belll g h lH only pos· mond" s he has la id tbua far will a't session. III,e . lowered to tbe ~treet by t he same once m e lt away alld you C41n never ue1t waH lhe rich man 's hab it dolly to come the rlcb nst lDall In ' t.he world·r.lecbanlam actuating Ille movIng pit. consllit .. ~ertaln sccr. In whosc dlrec~'be th eater Is thus empll~ f rom ga l- tlOIlS he' hlld hnplld t fnlt h , Never had or you mus t 1:lve to the youlh your I ~ ry to pIt In half a minute. whetber they bep.n wronc. Th e ridl man 'R vas t daugh ter to li ve wllll him lu I.enlll'y tbe aud ience ' nu~btlrs five or 5,000. a ClminuI Qt\on. of we;,alth 'II'ere due where you lIIay ll e ver S fl ij he r "gallt ." " And If r now giv e h er lO hIm s hall 'r he galleries are SURpended on hlo gei .wholly to bls obse n 'an ce or Ih e seer 's I slill become tbe ri chest DIan lItl! a,lvlce. Wbeuever b e hud follolVM hI s trom b eavy outrIggers, which act as wOI'I<1 haN e ver seen or ever wi ll Hee?" I(lWe rful single arm levers and turn owu jUllgmeut u ngalnst tbe course " Yes. Tlte moment yOUI' daughter lound pivots fixed below tbe first l,nl· become s his Wife the h e n w i,l l IIl;alll (;ony. On beIng lowered all the out· hegl u lay in g u ,l llmood s ; but ~u Ibat (';a~e your child . who might hav e h ad .Iggers ' and the suspended galleries great hallpln~n If you bad IWPl faith lDO\'C to the side and descend to the with the YO!li~. will be unhappy a ll t.treet. '. The gearing . Is so , arranged ber day ~, " . 1bat at the moment tbe outrlggel' gill· ,£II~ r lr h man went bome snil put I dr ies toucb the street the 'II'holo pIt bas tho h ell In ono r..ulll and lils dllugbter l ,een removcd from. the tbeater build· Into aootb er. 'r ben he annt out for the J ng. ~. • youth. lind willm the YOlll.h had 'beeu brough t III the :rlch man looked lit him ===~ lon g au d earnemly and pacell lit e lIeor Czar or TsarP aud ran IllS finger s tbrough h is hair One of the subscribers to youth's and t oll Into dllOl' lhougb\. f :ompanlon asks the pertinent,questlon A score ,of limes he de ci ded nlld as r-'h)' It has adopted the 8pelll ug tsar many [IQles ga\'e up his declsloD, but $a des ignate the emperor of a\( ' the at last h e lOOlt tile ' young .. man by tb. RusBlas. The most natural and 011hand and led him 10 a closeu door. :Vlous answer III tbat the spelling Indl, sayIng: cates the Russian pronunciation of the " Ente r and hike for 70ur own what fWord, whlcb czar does not. The title you sha ll IlDd In tbl s I·oom." Wblch. think you. follow" d. a sig h towes from an old Slavonic word, or a cacl(le?-Ctilcago R~cord.ller : dll. Ir;hlcb the Ellcyclopaedla Brliannlca .a1s Is not derived from the Latin Oaesar; but othe r outhoriUeR 8ay tbat MILLIONS TO WORKMEN. Its ullimate de rivation ' IR trom t be Two Mi ilion Dolla~8 Paid Out to CarRoman. The orI gin of tbe common n ~ gle Employes In One Day 1!))4I11Ing Is sU IlPosed to be the writ· Recently. tnll8 of Herbersteln, abOut 1&&0. The
,The. Miami '. Gazette..
Fashions"for the Children
. '.
JIE II!':T Tllr.: liEN O~ TH E: SII - K 0 .. A CHAIR.
letter c In Roman·Slavonl c has tbe Bound of lB. The letter WtlB copied.
Tbe b lg'kest pay dar In tlo a indus lr lal hi slory of th& world was at th e ar. Ilegle wo rks, a l and near Pitt sburg, e mbe r 16. Tbel'e was paid out wltbln ~4 hCJurs ' ~,IJIJO.OOO to I h ~ wor;; t::e n . Th~ 1V0rkme n were paid while r,t wo1'11. Not a minute Is lost uy the wo rltmen gOing to th e o tnce for their pal'. The big Ilay car Is whirled up al o ngs ide 011 lhe man at work, :ind hi s mon ey Is haniled him. 1'h& ~or, pnll cd uy a "dinky." Is run 011 the d llTere nt tracks through th e grea: 11,1118, o.nd comen wit bin reach o r e very and bo y In the place. Th e b ig baggage <: ar Is filled up with feur pay wlndow ~ . wll h Puymo ste r W . fJ Cor. bett and bls eIght ftSllalollttl lociled Insi ll e among lhe uags of gold. 1Jo1leg or sll" e r and mounds or , ~o bills, nOn;) • malle r , Two men al each window are r·aylng out almost a s Ibe ca, Is movIng . wh ill) al o ngs ide of lh e car sial Ic C h ier o f the Car negie Po lice Gr itT WII. I; am s a n d fou r of bls ue st m~ n . Eaell a rm co 10 the leeth,
but t ile HOUlld WQ8 nOl. Tbe letter II prescribed t?r him by the 5eer be bad never belonge(1 In the wortl. Tbe sllrri1red enormous IQs8e~. spe lling cza l' Is now-says Murray's On the dllY after lhe m eeting of th e creat English dictionary- regarded us , mnlden and tbe you lh , tbe rl c il man old·fashloned. Tbe accepted German sat In the presence of the seer, and lI)e1l1ng Is zar, which Is pro\lollllce d the seer, gazing Into a crystal. sold : I;:ar; th e French have lately adopted "Your daughter love s a youth whose lSar as t b e spelling, and that form Is only Ilossess lon 18 a speckl ed ben. Jr In creas ing in use In English. The you can s ecure tble h e n !'or your own 1 II Ti s a m03t careful autbor. ' you will become tbe rt chest maD or all o!..On on me, , times, for the moment you toueb h er Ily. employs It, and so does tbe s he will uegln to lay dlamoods 118 bl, Brl talln lca In Its ,m ppleme ntary ,.01 · as eggs. and thla , he will contluue to limes. tlo a s lon g 08 sbe I. In your keeping." ==~~""=C""=II=1 ds that In The ri c»" man became excited anu A Chicago n ews pa P ~I t ' h t I I'nger ly os l(~d how he might sel;lIre Iil e J 2 cities of the Unite, I a es t e nil o· • prize. ' mobUe. s ince tbe beginning of I hl'l " You hue only to p ~rsua de your year, has bee n res pon s ible fill' toe dau gh ter to aelt tb e YOli l h fo r be r," d eath or 42 perso ns atlll th e l1I ore 01' t hp. seer replle<1 , It'ss se riou s injury o( 343 01 lien;. Tho ! ID grMt haste tb~ r lcb mao wpot to I nte restin g t hin g Is not so 111 l1 l'h tO A hIe dau ghte r and Irr.plored b e r to go lIg u res os th e analy~ l s of Ihe111. Th e out In ~e arth of t he )'ou tb aOd get , Id en ts n early all lhemsp h'e> from h i m the s ]lecllied h en , Oit ,Cd er one or three beads : Ouugero u~ i "But wbat," sbe as !ted. " <; ball I glv p. un . Im In r eturn ?" Su,e eeeded . IIpeed. un skilled dr l" ers, Indl,treronce The rich mao named a pri< e wWeh "My 'II'lre married mt to s pite SOIll. to th e rights of olhers. Th is IS a ea1 WBa Bufllclent to secure fo r the youtb a body ," oomn1 enIDr), on the ' inl " lIl ge\tcc 01 II meal tlcl{et at a gre n fro nt ree' '''Wllo was It ?" Am~r lcons. I taurant, and the llrIa!dtn b ur rleu forth. "Me, I llllnk." Leader,
Sure Sign That Dr.Wllliem.' Pink "lila A,e Needed to Tone Up ~e Dlg.atlve O,gDn •• Los. of appoti te, llistl'er;s nft r eB'ting. shurtl"'"! of lll'on rh . t1 feelin llt of utter w 'nkn o '~ -I, u c,e "" .. HyDl l' tolll~ tlu1t lue fl"uilill" to llI o.~t, s nffsrers frOlu sWmach tl'ollulu. Touorl e ll th !> ordiu ttry doctor' s Ir r~'III' ll ut ~1'l'ves but to w enkeu tile Ilis· en"ptl OI·gIl IlR. 1' ho " eW t,ou lc mothod of treating dis· ord...... of t.t.i~ kiuu liol!ll not aim to tlo t h e w ork of th e stomacll, does u ot dOluo.u,1 thnt t he food he pre·digest,cd, bnt hn il,l~ nl'thu w Cllkcned organ8, 80 tbllt thoy eIlU dtl tb e wOl'k tbllt upture intellded.. . Mrs. L ,Q, T.a w, orNu. 824North8tr~t, 1101'100, Knn""~, Sll,I'H : "In 1897, wbll e we w ere Iiviug 011 a farm ill this noigh· bllrhood, 1 beClIllIe genol'tllly d ehl1itat~(1 8Mt,he r,'"ult of u"onvork. I hlld s orioll" ludigeHtiol) , 1'I,t lilY appetHo, Ruifllre,1 from 1\ s ~ n eo 01' Hnft'ocnt,loli ami frolll'!Ic l,ion of th e ,·ircnl"tion. "0 thllt art;· 'fl olallllounH1,,"1 10 ho URNl to r ostore it. Aft or 8Uft'.. ri II " fllr ",.mthR without Undo 1\11 V 1'll1i.·( T It';otl a ball of -Dr. Wll· li '"II.' 'Pillk Pill. of whid. I ha(trend ill n II PW"l'ul,,'r . '1'II A IIrst fe,,: hoxI's In~d e lil t! Inl s I"'tl cr, 1IU1ll1flt' r uSlUg tilo t ll ll'd IJox I felt, 0111;" 1'11' w en . "I t\ln now in l'xl'ollent h ctllth nud atlL "blo II t.t 011 1" 10 I nke CII!'e of my bOU ~B bllt III HO tIlIl H,<iKt "". hu "ba"d in a 8toru whid. ho hn .• lllt d y illl"·,, , Dr. 'VilUllIU R' Pillk Pills eu rOtl mo PIIII I a m r ecolll lIl ~ ud Ihem . Tll oy nro sn Slll1l,l o, SII Ms ily tak olt Blld 50 prulUpt iu their a o-
tion . "
Relll~lIIll1'!' DI·. Willialll ~' Pink Pilla Ill) not ad 0 11 I ho bow e l ~. 1' boy u ~ \V blootiRud I'ost,o re sLlOtt.ered IIcrve". III FOR BOT AND GIRL, t,bis WilY llruy Cilrrv h palth an" v igor tt> R ed Is the r.o lor for l ll p. di lldr!.'n the r p;j.h'r to "'t prn, . "ny~ , too , wPff e\·or,. orRltn 01111 f1j,pl' n f th e body. 'l'b ey arl) Sol<llw nil Ilrulllli ~l" or will be !leut,. thi s year, a lld as n rill e It Is Hry b e· to r ccci v u H\lt~ Ullon . F i r Kt It:'t II ~ co mill g : ag rpes "'e ll wllh s nnn y hai r, m a lle pl·ovl. loli ror I li t' ,,·r y s mall lad , po.tJl',I<I, ('" """oiptnf pri ce, 50 cents per Is not t oo startling fOI' 9. \.)rowo ·eYI,,1 di e, t he one so yotl n ~ it ~ t o ho \'e Ju st bos: "i. lx'~ ~M for $2,r.o, by the Dr. WII· liall\s Mediciuo Vo., ~honoctady. N .Y . lassie. Other colol's III favor or e tlt e got Inlo h iM fi " l I t n l<;I'~ r " . 0." .. Ihese pale bines, a fa illt g reen and or coUr"p gartllen ts wi ll be wor f! U 1,' lm little wblte. White for best I ~ p','e r I he ta s tl' , tunic ( no le IIlus ll'ut IOlI) double· 'rOJ.D OF THE TITLED. Piqu e and tblu mate l'luls over col, brea s lp.d, r:r" t~ ullI g .Io wn Ih e .idu with ored SUIlR Rre e mplo ye<l for tbese ~I.eabl e hlllIOU •. nppn at th e n ee l, 10 Lord Ftoupr ts do esn 't s moke, toucbe!! dreSSel! , and the latter hall mll r.h s lyl e tll ""lose " whtl " lIull npl ~bieIJ , The '11'106 UlI l se ldom . and rJsell at G; ;;O . about It. But . silcailin g or atuarlaess b"lt may I.' or wh it., lrl d and the ""ery lu,'~olng , ~ Ulllmer and wlnter- with refere ncc to chIldren'.s clothe,s, ,we ;,lItcllell rll l:l uo: of whll o, If "'hltn II' uo matte,' tlow la te he may hav e r eo receotlY,ln tbe publi cation cnlled "'Style not Ibou ghl llruet h'ni. a ('0101' oonlrast· Ilred. and the American Dressmake r ." came Ing 1\'011 w llh Ihe ", HII' rla l IIr Iho tuulc Lord She meld Is the proud possessor acr088 a design wblch seemed I" ne shou ld hu l' hO ~" II (01' h I! le ltl aull the of a pholOgrapb oC lbe Millington c r lcl\ · parl lt: ularly fetching ; It 18 reprodu r.ed trlmDl l n ~" , et club of O>:(o)'lI . oUII among tne team In tire accompanying lJ1u'lra tlon , The The llu ,,~ ln n blou se for " mall boYII 1& King Rdwa)'d. Ihen an Oxford un · froclt Is red cbllllie tl'hnmed with " 1'1· Is longer lila u It 11 ."11 to I"" • nd for Yet ribbon of shad e matcblng, Bud de· tbe boy o ...,r live I h" ~ .~ a df'<,lded C:ergradu o' e. Princess LOll18e ot Couurg Is s aid tl> Signed for a '!bl\d fI'om fa ll I' to s ill lcndeu r y 10 Itlal( ~ l1 :;:c of the s a l10r yean of a ge, ~ 1I 1t. Th e Wfi a r C' r 1 i1,e~ it. Iwlt c r , too. bne solll I h e manuscrlpl of ber " Msm· All a ru lo, littl e glrln' .Irl)"ses are va· I~ plcturcs qu tl, For I hn ",Iul nr parly oil'S" lO a Brn ~s I ~ editor tor '2011.00 '. rlatlon " on 'list t'll'O model. : th P. on e· t here m ny 1Jc worn (1\' 1')" ~oot.l tht r. l\: lin· and I.eopold has o l'dI'r etl thc poUce H' piece fro ck with long wal . t outliu ed de rwear t ll o rrptty wh ltll s nit or la ~ t lIno I he cdlwl' :\lI d s~ l ze the boo I,. Bal'on ue FOI'est Is said to be Inby a hnlt passi ng Ihrou g b str a ps; tllHI s nmm er -- If It I. ~ I il l l ar~r. r.nollgh. the pl altr.t1 blouse lUltl s kirt. ' A hole ro On o rr.N'IIt1 y !JrOlll(hl 10 ollr lIolli,,, was lemplatln s- th e eSlabllshment of ,an a m· e rfer t may bo slve n. as In t hu IlIu. trl\· of wlllll! lill r ll \\ ilh ro llnr or 1'lI le hlu.~ I.l re In Ih e ~ll ha rQ desert. and carpln:; lion . with no undu e fu ssin ess. bllt IIncn. !l ilt! III ~ re w"rr hlnl' k s lll< tsh" u llicH decla re Ihul Ih e Britis h gov e r ~· generally the "Implr.r th e little dro,;s 10 (ront ,,11I(' h li '!11 with u whl lP. oord . men t. will oblalll a polit ical ad\' ~!1~1!' the \wne r. Square alII} r Ollnd yoke" A fetc hl,,!; Rallur . nll I)ntl rolorerl by Ib o IJrace s•. g ive a I~ han ge, anll wO bove 10 mln,1 !l'OIl.C"" wll h ~ whi lP hill""" , Illp <:ollar. Lo rd Br,,"" y orrered to e rect, ut b ls a. nice mod e l for thl! r hUd too YOlln g tie 'nnd aflt' hOl" tile "olur or lh" t rous. own cx pe nKe, a In nw numb er of wr·" i · .. n co t\Q!; e~ o n t he l~n gll s h model fo c to don the two' lllece fro clt : I be re Is " era, ~uar o IIPc lc elTect In I he gln)I' of Now IQt IlH K\l r.ll lc of frlll'I," for tht' Ih e ~ 1l ft'I'rer" by Ihe rece nt itali a n wblt p.. and the nnd pr " Ii~p. ve " nre a ls o Itlrgrr gi rls, 1"(11' ""hool \\" ':rl' .h ere fllr lhqua\(o. Th e olTe r W.I S a cccp lOd by of whlr e ; the frock I, n tllllty CIIl!" 1< su(!h illiu pl aid ..; Ih il~ !-(fl3 ); O n , ItI., In- th o go vfTnm eul. wool mad e up In I'nlh ~ r ",lIl u box vls lblp. OIl P" ~" II.' · I IIII )' ;:O<ltl ~ We tbor· Tho dul,e or ,"rg yll. King Edward '! "Ialts. , one 'Iown the m iddle or th e ollgh ly lil;pd !IIo ,1" . 1:: " dls plaY'!11 At brotD e r·ltI . la,,' , Il a" I'nll.lrt;ed h is liter front . commencing a t Ih e Stl"OrO II cr lc, one or th" !;llolI s l" 'I I'. a n u IlrulI:.:ht how sry s('ope br '\'I' I.I IlS a IJOOlt of .non · one eac h ~idr starting fl'Om th l) ~ houl · HtrC('1 ivp j tw clrfl SM 11 11 11 h O\\l ca Rny It t ense \' er~c in I h e fo rm at a lon g b9. ~ ~ der ; th e plaUs leff free and full at tbe ,'nnld hi' l'Olli cd h I' IIw ho mp .11'I "" 01nl; · lsd , His 0,'.1 \\'url;. " Tbe United Slale ~ lon g waist lin e. r r . It w:r s or ullll' R.III br(lwlI 1III\Id After th e "\·ur." bl'ollg ht him to lb ) Challie , cashmere. henrlel ta and mo- ser !:e, Ihr "Hi, t H k III . The wn iSI had notlco of A merll 'an readers. hair are the mate rial s ",II,,:t ... d for Q bOX ' PI3 i lf'1 1 h~cl( n ll ,l fl' o nl . a n~ t bl! Sir William :'llal'l-l'regor , go,'ernor " t child ren's dresses,. nnd ge t1 IJ ra lI y th ey plall lit «II I! . . s i,ln I II" rnld.ll p. plait Ne wfoundland. is o ne of Ihe most 1'1" are m all", s Q a s to be tllbba hl e: dalllli · wu , ",n a mflnl ",1 w il li , ma ll I'AIII 'Y hut· n.ol·lmbl e me n III lhe Briti sh culoninl ness Is th e I(cy notn. In I he rloth eR or Ions, TllI' re W !l. a IlIIlnll>.1 ),01(" of Ihe EPI'vl ce. bUl h l, bys lcully aud m~nl aIl Y. baby. too, Qr;d s uch lo\'o ly. lovcly 1'1111<1. o vt'r wh Ich I hI! " "olIl<l"r IJlall~ Dnd Is lhe only gO "ernor to wear' l b . t.hlng s arc to be seen nowaday s 10 lue 0 10,",,11. a llll !rom Ihe pOin t IIf whl(' h Albel'l ru ed al. wh Ich Is the clv llla!l layette. A 1I0velty In an Infant wrnp' lhe mill.ll n pia II I, e;;nn A I;I'C" " lealb· counterpar t uf lhe \ ' Ict orillu cross. per III. luHc II Hllll, the co lur whatl!,'e l er bl'lI nnd n" a t t ul'n ·ov e r collar com· Th e princess uf \\,Ied. "ho 18 U I, romd eli cate s halle I. desl rell. the I "flin g plet"d Ih. frook. In~nt fl glI" e In I he cOllh cirCles ~ l affording II dull cnte ,·ontrasl. Th e n ~e , All equally attracti\'1\ little drus waR E erlln , a ud ' whose hUHbnnd Is In tb e !ul and conv entional lIllutl e~ wnll.pcr or gl'ee n, and whlt ~ ~heck ~d Iweed line of i;u c c~sslotl 10 lile throne of Ho I· II Yery Ilretl y Hower em broidered b.lll IJlpeti 'II'lIh wltlt e cloth , TI" ~ kklrt Innd. buys ull the IIl·u sed horsea tbllt the sca llolls uultoll· holtid tiy hand , A wa ~ mali n willt 3 brou.d plait and nar· rome to hel' nollc ~ a nd gives Ihe m til, (;r eam fl a nn,,1 bood .. nd cape alT a ir row ,alternating . the d[pc t that of 11." .ben,flt of a glay ill ber well.a /lpoln ldJ adorned wHb (Ologet· me·noi s Is 10v., ly , bron,1 pall PI olhl fipt ,ln IIlalt ; Ihpre wag ilabiea. and a Cl'eaw grosgrain 81111 d Ofllt and a "hem h,,,,I ,, or whit e ('loth, nnu IIroad ~~~~"!'~~~~~~~~~~~~ cap ~umclenlly beautlflll wllh '10 ol.h· uund . or plpptl tw eed, Ihc ' w al ~ t hnd II " or trimming than Ince, If nome IJOrtl e· narrow v.. ~ l ur Ih e IW PI!aJ plpM wbe ro PASSING OF PORRIDGE. ular color I ~ made n ~e "f for (h i)· it f3 . llm. d lu IIlc -.n laJd lp, a bronti band Ucular baby, the IIl1lu k ilt .hoe~ toll)' of Illp ed twced ~nm l' from Ih o kllolll· Maku W P.y fat' the Better Food of Il he or thnt .colo r ralh e r whlt~. ue r 'down I' lth er s llh' or tb" theso Better Day; The sof.. moc cnsl n ~ ' Arp nl cu and warm. bands deco ra")tl with Hnlall whit e IIl1t· and Ibe ones now au sa le 31" very lOOlI. 'fhe " h' e ve~ W~I I' IHllt y nbove "Porridge Is no longer used fOI' pretty . lile elbow, lin ,I wlll'rt! the lou g c lo~c breal;fust III lilY homa." writes a. 10)'111 liero we :tI". liS " " ual, !levollng many ruff ruN tI", U II (l er~ wu s a !Jand o r Britain frool lhlOts ,·lIIe. On!. Tb l.. lineR to con gld c'I'ulllln of "llJ thp.M for I.hwd t\\'c",!,' 'I'h .. . cullar also wu was an atlmIH ~ lon' of no small slg \ll fl· tho girl" wheu our till .. ;Y1)111,1 lead plp"d. ~ ao c'e to on e "broll:;ht np' on tbe lim e· bonored ~tolttl· br,
· t er Blouse and Shl·rt Wa· W In . ISt
"One m onth a go," s h e continue • . " I IJonght a )lackage 01' Grape·Nuts fo ed B es"y tllb waI sts arc well til Ihe for my hU RlJanu, wllo had b een an In· for e. aud for matlnea and '!res~ y wear vnlld for ",'e t' a ye ar. He had pass ed tbe s heerPS t lingerie hloll "e remains tbrough a "cyere aUack of pn eumon ia In fa\'o r, The form er kMPS It,s r .. e~ h· Bnd la fl rl""c com bined, and was left n ess b~lIcr Ihan the lalt~r . \, 10 be pro, In a Yc r)' uatl coullitlon when th e y vussed awn y. fe n-ed fllr ~ hopplllg :11111 . ,,,'h mat· IN'S, A r hinal! blou se thft Rha<l t' or Ih,' "I I r l,'d c "Hylh lng for bls bene fi i. , Idrl I" IIltl'3, anll as pr~lIy a ra , hlon but IIolhlll l: s{\{<mutl to tlo him atl y ~9 ralt lip. : thl' llind or wa l. t c1 ea ll i good. ~Ionlb followed month IUId h ~ nlce l\" so me cu n p.ven lip wa sh,'II , . tllI re lliuln ud 11M we',!; as ev('r, I w a~ Tilu s hirt wais ts arp. plain an" oat 8lmo,;t dlRCOlll'aged about him when too Rnug, nn eaR), Ht u!,:oin the Ihlng 1 gal the Or:lIlO· NnI R, but tire re ~ ll l t III bolh wais t nnd bodi ce. A s tyle mu ell baa coml,e n ~ nte d m e for my o.nxlety , esleemell JIa~ a central box plait rlown "In tile on e month thut be has eatcn the front, and double ho>: Illalt. at eat " Onlllc· Nnl R he hU H ga ined 10 p o und ~ Rld n; lile back may 11 0. pl a in . Or have In wei ght. hlR ~ tl'Cnllth Is rapIdly I'e. turning to him , an ll h c feel s IIkp. a • shirt yokl! below wh ll'!! a IlOllhl e hOl[ fllRlt ellteods Ilown II,,~ middll! , On new man , Now we ull eat G!ope.N lII s the Iront s ide plaits 1IO(' I'~ I " 103 y lJf! tooll , 1I1It! ure the hOlier for It. Ou .· little ',,)·cnr·ultl buy, who USCII to SUtt!.'l· Sl't, PO el'At Hap Rtlll frllnt 1,Iail orna· menl ed with pellrl buttons , from puln ; In I he "Iomach after eath' ~ A fan cier wal~t Is of Hn e IInon . fo be the ollJ.ra RhlollPtl porridge. ' lIas no worn wltb on exnl "IIf,ly fino embrohl · marc tronbl e ~ irll' c lie hegan t o " "., t1ral,r ·N"I R. alill I I!a,'e no more dllc. , rcd g lmp. It. Is plaitetl rrom the IJbouhler~ to the uelt. and ('ut down a l'RETTY C.\SIDIERE BLOUBE, LOr's bl11 8 10 poy for him. IIltlo In 1\ round ed lin e, Iho noell fin · "We tl ~ (' Gm lll'·:\nl s wltb only S"'cc t Ished wlt.h 8 fiat rOl.nd A.1 c ollnr. (· Ilher aLt l rcdll!; rn)"l heenly~o'or tbatCl"eI! cream. alld fiail it the most ta sty dl.'h or whil e or colored li M n. The lin en by tl s C'lng of Ilull ve ll ow IJ~a ds. He r In our 1;111 of fu re, mO ll ~ ls are cOllled In olh e l' mate rials. "Iilrt W' IS, un In\·i,liJ lp. " il p<: k . Dnd 01 "Last ~ I () nll o ~' I lI le 4 t ens poolI! nl • In broadcloth. s ill' an d :tanDel. One :;Ud l ellt an ti Inng ns 'Ll on ce to Buggett of GI'OJl~ ·Nllt s nn tl crcum I'or urca1< fn ~ . exce lle n t violet WAi s t or hel vy slill a goo r! t olior : Ull! \\' ,1 1, 1. \Va . a Bofl notblng c lRe, Ill en set. to wor~c an tI got was fa s hione d on the same scvrrf) plan mesoull me, lh n (I{'s lgn s illlilio b'lt s tili my mornln ~ ' ~ wOI'1; .Iotlo uy ' 9 o'clor l•. O~ l ue 1irRt wa is t lI e sr l'I ',;~ d , th e li'l m· p.11.:'Nu Le · c'~_ u~ h !O Ill a la! on e think anti rc)tless lirer!, mu cll ~ tron gp. r , th un mine bullons or s hallI'd "lo l ~ 1. An ll th e cost UlT.e s ultnU le fOI' a lmost anv If I hnt! mnde my br ol,fast on 'aleut, we m enUon '·ere thaI th e s hnd ed bill· or ct1 ~l o n , ' pototo c.~ . e lr .. ns I lt sed to, I WO llltln '1 tODS gll'O a line tOll ch to Ih e mo d is h Th e l a~e h lou se Is a rpat tl re of th e be wltllort!. Ol'alle')./ llts In th e bOUfP. wai st, nnll that shaded bu ek e l. also ""In le r, QIlII us a · rllie IS' mude IVlt h th e for any money." N!lm o glvGlI by nre In fa sblon.. i ca.ow .I~cvc, Mall Y or lh A s to res 3ell Postum Co.; DlilllIl Creok; Ml llll: _GraY Is most rasblonable; and we nO'l 'under~teevP.s to ' go' ''''lt~ th eall' lI'al ~ts, Tb ere's a reoson. _ ' lICII <1el Bl:lable tOiles at tills 5p f ' c~lor. ~~tt g-~ ia r o lI y I bey are n~l.J"-'. 411e at· .'. R. elld (he :lItlle b06k;' "T1ie ~R oad to .,!~'~ 0111\:1 d.ay ,: lI'e_~~ t .<.Ia r~~l:~rtclllrl, 0 e WO:.Jlu like. ' ". . , . I Welh~l!le, " III plq;3. '.
l'raln to l5O~th..,r.' Oalifo. hicngo ··nnd Lo. ,Angelea abook ~Jid, 1 1¥l~ w,,,,k ,for til e 'fir. ~ time~ The fo~mal introauction Wlta ninde by I"e . .. orUnvcat~ I'!" tho , l\i~ l)n~ific,l ~b Sun,l!edro , rUlh'lIIY colnpn llica, ·. od now tb e tWct citi.. ulld wurlll friends, Hcretofo~tt tbe I wo hu ".; been· .o,plltntct! by desert. lind D eath VnlThy !l1~~ the Dc\'il's !'Inygrollnd, Lut now an OI'''''III!; Ihl'ou~h these ohMlncles hili" made, ond h IS for the firs t time po•. BIble t o look westward from t he ri[, on Luke j\ficbiBnn ar.dBU e ut the fnr elld of tho stee l ribllOns l he spurlding blue wotero of tho Penllic oceun. T he li rst l rn n.cont incnlnl trnin o\'er thi. new ~ollte frortl & It Lal," to I lOs A ngeles ti, e ],OR All gele9 Limiied/, left. ' Illell go t en o'cloc k nt night on olun d"y , Dec, 17, and ",:uched Los Angeles WerlncHlnv uft ~r. n oon . The di Htnncc of more titan 2 300 m J l e~l wlt it' h hau ni wllj"s hc fo l'~, Ly 'UJe r~ulldnb u ut ~'r i8co route, req uired eighty.
POTATO BLIGHT. A Troublesome Disc'.Ise Whleb Thrl ves In Damp Woother-How to TI'OA t It.
R oota coruo lnap th o nnluralau\)s lltute ""'}tat ) want. you tl> ,10," .n id t he for pasture , sa ytl the A lIl c rico n Sb EOll n lKIl who hod clI g:.tge tl the new t- ' (.'11O~' Breed er. ' Vhcre \d in e r g ru.SK n ot pos. ntpht'r, " i!f 10 transc ribe my If'ttI1 1'''' t.' ),;' SIbl e. th e l'o Is 1)0 8ubst lluto fo r roo ts. n Cl l\t 1t!J I dH!htc t he m . J c.hw ' t W=tll t. u. n), · .,f IlI cli~ .toit d tcd for;n~ ill 111;. I I)l'! , >' In lllct, lhey arc In e"e ry way fllll~ !pondcnrc. Wha l I heli.,.. ill J"i"~ i.
equnl , us J'ecutn g , to g·r eou g l'usS, Tu.'· n ips, li S to the ' f'!I!u log: value of the I It I' (I'Y mn er 11 th ola , corne almost ex· ncU)! all !I. pnr with gf'ee ll g rass ; l he p ropo l'tion or t he fooLl el c lO enls
Of all d Isenses whlch alT eet lbe po· tntu Ilon o can bo more drcaded than t he bll ghl ; late bllg ll t, as It Is som e· fllX h CUI"H . or f ou r d03'S nntl thl'ee: n ights WII, ", nue by this new tra in iu . ixty ..,;gh L ti ll1es tailed, It Is nOI caused by wet h Ol1r:oi. weathe r I\H Is the whl c5 preacl opi ni on, "A Atraight liDe is th e 6hor le"t <l i.ln neo but, liS wo ha ve no: od, by !I llaras lLi c bctwel.'n two POi Ultl," Ano t h~ new L Oft f un g llM ( a planL) . Th o Idoa t ll at th e j\U ~C,I NI. L im ited t l'ui n , o\'cr the Nor-th. Wl!KtCJ"n f r~' 1U Ch icago to Omnlw. o vel' lho hll g ht Is eau se tJ by we t wealh er a r is es Urlloll p ""illc frolll ' Omaha to "·a lt l.ake, from tllO (acl that It gClle rnlir occurs and (}\' l~ t' !"crwt ur Clari('H new 1ine frolIl only In wet Bensoils. Th e tru th or th e ·nlt l.nke III Ln. An ~cl c., ia ns st ra igh t a. .lin!! bt,twee n th e efUlt and t ho wcat as matter Is, I h ' s l)orcs (sce ds ) of t ho Will C\' t! r he knQwn Il crosI'J ArnoJ'i('n. fUll g us only upvclop more qui ck ly at I t iH lI o t a g r eut nlUIIY y C' U"J'H ngo-no t 81lch a lim e, t hu 9 giving r ise to lho so 10 111( ngo, in facl, tlt nt it. d ucs nut s t ill 8tnm..l 1)1 un!incntly in t he Ill clllol'icA of t.ho tll Roos e. Th o fi rs t appearance of t. h e cli soaso gl."lL mJrmh\! I'8 flf Am cri cQ- wli(, 1I n trip from lRen t o I)l.!a !lI ea nt· mnldn g ,fnrf'3 li t t ed ion 'l LS n o l d b y th e leaves lurnln g n brow n monthA of hnrdfol hip, w ild ultimuls, trcn h. color; first In spol~. bu t o"entually \I ('row, "in.'l's, ~ h nl'p r, th irs t, 8tn l'Vll. sprenrJs 1I1;e a wave ov r th e whole tl Otl atlt l fhl:d.h ll r:se Jr. 'l'mlny it 11'4 pn~ s i hl o to slep int o a pal· lea f. g l\"ln;; It t he appea rance of hllV ' nCe on whe(·ls in Bny e\'cr!ing of In g Ile en bitten by th e fr ost. La lor I hn t. ho 3'('<11'. to "cc fnl'ln ~ 11 1Id railwuy eta. lea\'es I1 IHI s t in S u<'co rn o bl l1ckenoLI, t ion s :lIId 1Il0nnti1l 11 f nngt.'lt on s h by wit h kinc tot--ropif' fas hi on ; lu cat three lncal l:f an,l gl Ye olT a c llamclc l' lsti c odnr when fr ollt nil excell e n t. m€!'nu of oys te rs und wet. 6lrn\\'hcl~r i #j null turk,,), {lnd wincl;; und , On exam lnl lJg close ly t h lo wr r su ron th e thirrl nftcl'no('n. to Atnnd in the !mlm' n t tn o~ (J h cre of Los ,\n gel~s, CIlI. fa ce or II U ulYeded loa f we fi nd lhal Il prese nt s 11 whiti sh . mll dowy a ppear · l fol'll18.. Th clic tl i n~ tra ins nre new from ('uginc nnce. Now If we s ho llid exnmlll C> somo t o OUflt'n 'aliu ll CU I', DnrlcnrM:I iff can o ut of tbls b mnwrl lll carefully wi t h hy nI(an s of brill iant el eel ric l ig hts which OI.J,e cov.y every bel,th in Ihe . leellel'!!, A t the tt'nr e nd or cueh t r ai u is a new style eomhlllo t i n bu~ret , librnry an d obscrvn. tion cor . In one corner i. II bulletin board UP OII which , tll'ioe or t hree time. ench doy, ia poslet! n \lIllictin of lhe lntes t tele. grnph neW8 from nil l1.r18 of the world, the nioll PaCIfic hn" ' ''g .dopled til'. pniquc schcOIe some munlh. " (to . The lmio is n sister t o the o" crlnnd lim ited, e~ ceJlt i n tt that it cuta tbe winid at more rapid ROlt, It wos ill . uch lllxury th o~ th o lll·irl\" It) four n.\Vs poper men (,'om nil pnrts of U;e cnunlr)'J llIcJlIrlin ~ New Yorl<, C hirugo. Ci nci nn at i, [' i t l ~b u rg, Minn enpolis. St. P.ul, Knns.. il\', Clevo lnnd,. Omnh. Dcnver , De,~ M oi ne. mit! N orfolk , made .ihe lr i~ Jll\ the n ew trnin in H. in itinl rifn, ' ",th F.. L. I,(lmru:, gen ral pnsson· lIer ng n t, ond Adolph D.rln w, nd"crtis' IU(t IIKcnt f lh e nion P ncific R oil ron" and uther r pi lroad oflic i31fol 8 8 hosh j it mn~ (8 WflS
pu UinJr
o wn p ~ l'so lt aflty
III U1 .~'
l 'tn ·
.l'cliponJcnce ." '·Yt·p, til"'" s:\iri th e nC'W 9h'no~r:'lph c rt mo ck I,.. ,\n .1 til ... "Tito>l ( '. \\ .. ,]," 1' lor . .
t h ese I'oot s b e in g o:moR t pl'(lc;isei }r t h e , same u.s t ho ~e of green I; ('USS. Thus, the Simila rity l;el vllen th e g l'a s~ and turnips, r utabagas . und m a n;!; l es , i s
in '''" L·I",·ngo Tribune, i's the I. tter 'that
In Usc
b'tlars Tho
W (~ \1 :" furn- nn l to u new CU... luUi CI· ,d t ile hi In lhHt nft."rTlunn: ' · ~l ~ . ,' 011 11 H. wlult tho, d it'kNI~ 1'1 tl lP. na"l ~ f trial fel low down fi t H l n~\.: n " ll , :--'llIl t h , who \\'J" 1111 t" lIla n ;-,1 Itl l l!!'
\·II!t· t l.nt.
a :- kl.~ll
Over Thirty Yoars The Kind You Have Always Bought
"r i(" J ~~ - \\h Ht': -
very close- so mu ch 80 tha t o no be .. ~k Hl fll')I'('~ - ,'u tll l·hI li h(, :--:~ I d dnu - All , f' i-!'lIl L \. Ille H 'C: \\, hl'rc \\', lIi l 'r - ,I olil l L"OlIles a n eX('eli l' lIt slI !Js littt to for lho H. "hlm" ,·., B i ll ~I' i ll", Te , . Il.'or l' " _ other .
!\ 1 f\n S'l~s are lhe mo st p r efer·
nul<' of lh e l"Oot8 eln arWH n t
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j ll l1.\' 111 111 n! ., nf.:
~Iy " ea r ~ I r .
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i ll~ tu Y' I\I1' ' :11I1rrl i " l t l' r I,f I llf" \.11:l t .bt l' Wit H h ue 1"l llr ·~ \\ 11l' 1'l' IS 111 '1 1,' 1:1'1' . It e lL' It j". \ Ylill-s 11~ 1 ' II h" ;1 w ;Illung , l1' rl'''~ n bllfn~'-;JI ·d . ( ' "u ' t 1lI :l I~ f!
IttI \ ;' "", ?
O\lt lilt, d ab'. l.fI !J I. ,; I,\:!, ,,~: h. \\ l' l l . jll "'~ r:n),. l't'I 'lyin~ I" ~>i. 111' \' ,d ll t'd (1l\'u l' l h' a C're. wh lr h i;; eq u iva le n t l(\ Ovo (Jf n" ','nt rl llt~, we t a b~ 1I1(' :IO:::IlIl' III tin ),' lon .,. of dry h :l)' ot tl lf) h e::;t q aali t y, III!: tho I \\'\' ('lin fll1 ll tC ~ (' II ti ll.' lOU tH\ 11 , Of CQUrHC, t his g ,·p:l. tr r (l I'OpOn iOH l' ~,> 11 11·· .. 0;· ~ . l\. :--:l!li: l! . , Wllol ; \\' 111 til ,,, ,1u1"· I Isis Ihe sn. rn p In 1'(t:U n to HI j:!'1'Pf' n J('r q,II! 11 f\I:' '1 CLI . ~ I\'(' kl ". h ll l1 ha l'~h '~ t r e t l:.ld tkn. Il l" 11\1 ''; I II 1~ 1. 1 !: \·1 1I(' . I I P('(l(l l1 Ct , wL1ll o the CO J1t e ut o r W:lu.'r 111\,.1\ I II B i llt~\'d l t'. l'rI t1.. l1I!" :l 11\' ld l(' ior maii es lhof'>U r oots exceedin g ly con - !i;1J ;\I: III;..' n,I~~ ~~~.h a l! l I 'd !l;t'" ~ll If'in y t " WfI . I \' e n lc llt f ol' fc c(1in " i ll w inu.! r . as no Jo t '~ 11 1(" ... , .,'\ :l t ti ll . I \II '~. d'd t '" .t },nu t . , ( 0 1'1' '' ,( r; Jt h ,;..:h'· l tll :.l l ,',' , Ii ,\ nq.!'C' .11" '· ~.tli p. r s upp ly (I f wa If'\' Will be l'c ('J ulred 'l OT\t' ,.1 ..('. :\ 0 "'. 1;1 11:- 11 II \II' " , :1. .\ w!t;t,. J llllS wh(\r e pa:tu r e In tll O winte r 1ii1 1 1nJ.! ~"' Ul' f lll·tlif·l' " '1\1,,':- 1' , we LC!:; tv re. IJ Ot pos.s lbl e, l hlJ ~·m1>v l y or r oots m a y lua 'lI )'(J U I'~ ~ ::lt: .2'~Y.. IU·(I(.JII('L
l H!in~
\\' II Il.
of thei r ' III !!e .
1 t · o s l' r m;c mulU IIf' 1J In n ll l'CH peC l~ \ to lho g ra S:4CS , n nd \'€ r y muc h so 0 , D Ccount of lh ell' Jar a~' yi eld-a commo n .
m Ol't!
to us
be nWl lu O\·'·n mo r e r:o"" e nlenl than grass fectlfn:;:,· on act(, lInt of th e to m· pl eteness of Ih ~ ro<'l feed in g In this r eR pecl of walrl' s ~I[)1l1 y a lone; nnd th is Is qll li ofl e " a most Important and troubleso me I'lall er . T ho lII ulte r (-J win te r IlUsl ura~e. 1l0 wovcl·. 19 or g reat Imporlllllce i n ever y wu y: nll,l wh ell a llywhere It may be on v·mlcllt. It may 'he mo st jlrofitab l~' cv ns ldert:tl us a mos t !leo· no mic.a l ancl In .ve/y,way sntlsfllclory m etho d of prov l d l ~lg for lhe g rentcr pa rt o'f tl'e s n uslsl"nce of a flo clt. [n additio n. th er e Is ~cnrce l y s,ny loc nlity In '~' hl c h bra9H pasture may no t be vcr; III'o llla bl)' mudo au Impo rtant purt. of t he wint e r s ubsis ten ce of a flock. An tl l hus th e regular provlalon (If It Is 10 lie well cons id ered hy all co nc er ned , wh c \>ller for th e occas lonnl or l h o regular feedl'ng of • fiock as circum stan ces may happen.
olwol'ft fnir wcath·
er from the M i. iasippi to the l'nci!ic nnd Af'PEAHA:<I CE OF P TATO ur.lOl:I1.'. r eturn . . ( A) I'll "W8 sporo be,,-rln!! orgall R of Inc Th e. 0 r:st th!c~ d nys o[ t!lnt M oiden tTl~ iun!!u. w ith 8pOr... : Cl) A SlnGlespor., ~f t h,•."uPUtlOt tralu 01 cnrs w~re Sl"cnt (2f ,'h 'collum rrom WhiCh tb e spore In g tttng t? 80uth!'fIl Cllh torilla. Tho b~nrln~ s .n8 OrI8&. n~ t fo.,,: \\cr., dchgl!tf~lly and . Il.r"D.l"h· . (11) Sho·w" a "poro will" h hos !;o rmlnaloo lcnlly " rt l~c n upon thlTt) ·fon r nlln ,l. by (I) Tho spore ( 2) Pl'otuborn neo whl~ h mt!i1UB of rude .t rlps out from. Loa ~ ngelea, I Ut b '~ lIerm ln n.llllg tilJorc. nnd then there were th ree nl ore III com. • sen t a ~. ing home . h Id find Ornde~ hnve been reduced until the 3. .('oml)ound mlcropcopc WO 5 ou U'Qi n roll. nlong so 61noo lhly that it is It to be mnde up o r a la rge number of hard to en tch t ho clicks of the rnil. in mi nute bran ch ing, tre ~ lllcc fo rmS (see "'trymg to count them . And where. cul"\·M 11~"bl'a~). Thesc are lito s pore bear, h:\\"o .ecmcrl imminent., the bulldcl'II of r t.l ( this road ho\"e pnid mnn)' mill ion. to boro Ing organs or bnlu cbcs 0 Ie ungu s, through Ih. solid rocks , thus linlfing 10 h' hlch bea r upou the m mluute seedth e . trni ~ht linc theory wi th admirable like bodies cllll ed spores. rore@l~h tedne/!ll. The ,outlay in this con· These spores , or co n idia, as they a re struchon hn" b een trcrncml ou8 , but tho 11 r csult hns chopped ofT eigh leen hour. fr om :erme d, wheu ripe fall off; · m an y f a 81l1~ I•• ke t o tile ~ca t nnd. proportionntc- upon th e ground , a f&w perhllI)s fall ly n. much in bringing £resh California fa ll th e aurface of othe r leaves, Now frui:. 10 the midd le wcet, nnd i n tak ing Nilea one of these ·s p()r es fa lls UIJOU 0. N"hrnRkn prot!uQt. to the con.~ ei th er for con 'umption the~o or ftn' shipment t. the leat [f condltlous of h eal allli mois ture orient. ire right It will germInate and , \11,0 a R eturn ing home, a Christm88 tree wos Iced send out a roo l-Ilk e protulleran ce illuminnted on bonrd the trnin, and o n ' II 'hri stm.9 niuht n (ormnl bauQ\let in tho known liS the myee UOl. dimr.!! car, with all prCflent "atbed ill tux· Alter ge rmination lho mycelium erlo. becn me tlte nov.1 fen ture of the dnl" p-ows 'nnd enlers th e Inter ior of the An,], hr i~ tmns , the llIuc.l. of the r aIl' potato leaf through on o of the m in ute r on<ls " e.lnred, next to bein!! . p"nt nt ' r c"thlng pores (sto IDa) ; ouce In sldo home, wns pleasantes t OD board the Los J a !f!1gcles J. ;mi tcd. N. A . HUSE. the leaf It makes an extended growth ~' hlch kills the tender leaf tiss u e. Now Office, Uter a tlmo 't his my celium se lld g Ull OI"\;lle Nemil!S-Ilow_ do you know branches again which bear spo res. are. ~Oln (t to ha \10 a. storm! . C,' pt . tinltc r- Wc have n mnn III thto rhu s tho life cyclo Is co mpleled. fO l'e~!\ . tlQ forecasting it.- PitlBbur" ClIro,,· Oftentimes we notI ce thllt wben th is ich.-'folo&;raph. bllgbt attacks a pa tcb of pota toes the Important Uovoment In~vertblng. :ubers will rot. The ques tl0 r a t once 'J;hc ereotiou of It General Ad\"erOsing trlses whcnce tho cause ot lhls rOl' Dcrurtme nt for the New York t..:e ntrnl ang? You will rem ember tbut when L ilt •• , nnd the plnci ng in churge of tbat lbe spores becn me J;IIatufO t h ey fell d epRrtment the yclCl'nn raih'oad "dve!" 3rt: somo few rell on othcr leaves, tiser, (loarlle H, Dnn iels, who hu been for nea rly twen ly yen r. Ih. General Pns· ~' hllo mllny fell to the ground. ·ocn{tor Agent of tile Ne'.. York (Jentral When ono of th ose apo res fall s to Railroad, marks nn erB in the Illstor;r. of ,b e ground n Cllr th e hase of thtl plant advertiSing iu Am~ric!l, . The ' ell' Y ork Cen t rnl Linea nro the If It h appens lO fnll upon a tltber wh ich first grout 8ys ~em to crea to nn ndverti s, ;8 exposed. It will ger minate, anI! scud ing departme nt wh ich eo,·crs nil the rnil· Its mycelium tU lo tho tuber, wh ore It wnY8 ill th eir ~l'a telll, nntl the far·renching eonse'luencl)S ot such a mo,·em.nt cannot continues to g rOw, causing t ho tuhcr be IIpptecinted !It lir&t sight, hut this ac' :0 rot, According to Massee t h e t\!b e r tion on tho part of the lllllnngelllc.ot of tUay become infected by the mycelium HlI.!ffO li n c8 eUlI)h nsizl"s the vulue of nd,·cr- ~f Ihe spore g rowing down d Isoa se tl t ilti ng: SCllcm ll.v, and forces the conc hl · . ion o( n . ttc)nj{ l!clic.f in t ho ellieaey of Items of the plant. In e llher case tho tUycelium mllY live over wlDt er' w ithin rn ilroAd l\rlnn·t: ud ng in particular. &IIne iden of the importnDec of th is :he potato, and, If this potato he plantlIew departmcnt enn b o had wben it is ~d the next year. l he di sea s e will bG IInderstood thnt it ,nil con trol the gen· ernl uclvCrlitiing in .Anll~ri c n nnd i.n forei~n preseu t; or If nrrect od Ll ta toes are cou ntries of the New Y .. ..!. Ccnlrol, 110.' placed In a. cellar and swe atin g taltes ton nnd Alb. nl". Lukc Shore nnd lIIich ignu place t he mycelium will g ww and relel'cland, Infect other tuber • . I;olll hern . 1Iichig:1II Ccu tm l, Cincmllllt.i Chica go nn" St, Louis, Hut· Th ere Is no di rect means of l<illlug lund, lind t ake E,·ie nnd W estern railway. nnd their leaaed lin e., hft"in K their west· :h18 fungus slncc tbll root , or my· ern tcrm innla nt. 'hicD.go, St. l..oIOlliM and ~e llllm. remains within tho lea! OU t of Cin ci nn n ti, :lud t.hei r C:11Otern tcrmiuuls a~ reach of 1111 liaisons. Evon It w e r.uuld New torI<, Iloslon unLi Montreal, nml em· bracing more I hA n_twelve th ouslltld mill'll 1I1pl)' the polson lo Ul e myce lium any. of tlle best equip]lc,1 rnilwnya ill t he world. tblng whi ch woul t! 1.1ll It would also Mr. Dnn lels has ( Ol' rna"y year. been a kIII tho t cnder leaf tissue, We can firm heli e"cr in " CwspA pcr nnd mngllz,ino lnly nl'ply preventive mean s. 'l!lv crtiai lfll. nnd , thel'cfor~, ~qe org"Dl7.n· All affeoted tubers, vines, Icaves. etc. , tUIn of the GenernI A(t.'orb"IOg 1? pori mcnt of the New York Centrd l.meN .. Ihould be burn cd . If rotti ng " l ilat of impol't " t o cI'ery legitimate publica- ~ Ince In potatoes whi ch are stored It; tion iu A,""cricu , nnily, weekly or m onthl y. !ellars the best plan Is to du st th em In nn ~ddre .. beiore the New York Slate Pres" A ..,oeiat ion n fe'v yenl'1l ogo, with dry " alr· slack ed lime. This pre· Mr'. Daniel. mado the pnint that the roil· renta further In(ec tlon and rOlling, r und i. th~ admnee .gcnt of commerce, To preve nt spores from tieing wWlhed Ol!" th nt I'uilwny n(h'ertioing hod been or immense. \ :lIltC to Am eri ca n tn llnufftc· Into tho hills and tbus Infecti ng tbe t urcl'tl in cnllins the attention of the tubers, "killing up" Is advised In that wh ole worltl t o the e:c~c ll cn t work done It a llo ws, first, wa ter to draIn a WRY by our ill\'c nt ora nnd mechanics, . s [ro m hill: s~cond, polntoes are covered tr:1t('d in th e Empire Stt\tc .b:XIl1'CS8, the l 'wclltieth Century Limit.ed, and other more deeply, IIl"'nL train! that conncct the ea. t wil h tho Use Green Bone. wes t ; tho twerugc fO l'ci ~ n e r orgllinR Utat the men who src abl e to turn Ollt snch For the Noductlon or eggs In ·. wInmAeb inen mu.t be aWe t o build anything, ter, wbon th ey are scarco lind high , and thnt the farm machinery, and nil kind. for rorclng t he growth of young of ind\l8triut tnnehinery made i.n Arne.... ion, m""t be o{ I he very b •• t quallt )", R.IIIj · ~blcks, bringin g pull ets La layIng and rond odvertinin,g hlUl cerlJlinlr been the putting fl esh on the coclt'lrels, there meanll of cringing tlloue.nds of hlen here from foreign CODlltriel to invC9tip:nte our la no teed eqnal to gree n c ut bone. IDIIllufActnrell lind ,,"" wondC1'fully in' j<'resh · liones aro abundaM 'on most farms or easily obtained Ihe local creased our fore ip t'Ommet'ce, J.; ,·er~' lEgitimate lIC\\'l!PArer ftnd IMgII' hutcher, and tbey are qulcldy and ;.., zine pUblicntion in Americn will have .. cheaply converted Into a hi ghly paioll ~ :r. t.:tc~t in t he General Adv.rti8ing DepArtment of . tllc New Yort. CentJ'l\l a table food hy the use of modllfn bone J.inl'l!, and e,'cr), adverti,ing Agent on the cntlers. . Tbose wh.o have Ub<ltl bote cont inen t will tnke 0 ne'" leollO ~f life cutter ~ and fed green Cllt bone, sp ea!t hec. ll'e' o( ~his endorsement of tbe V~Uf very hlgb 1)' ID theIr praise, . adverl!ElJlIt. ' "
A nlm o.l with a R emar\cable Rec\lrd H ono r e d by Monunl ent i n England,
1(1) 8 JlIt! d ,:lItge l·o u:;.
lJu a' t wait unt il ull
\'clup in YOUI' U\,s tCllI, ("oJ. y our physjc ill ll
, h.I,es 111. hea,} gru \'ely as he tiiag no ~s your ea.c. If you BUE]lc ct ,.our Jl..idnc~'s , turn at· onCe to t be great K ld lH'Y. ::;p ~el li e - I)OdU 'K K i<llIey Pdls. ' ou can do so witlt c\"ery cOllli,leoo.. A (ew of Dodd's 'Kid"ey 1'ills tnk en in time hnv. sa" cd mnny n life. The early s),mpl 1118 of K id· u e.y D isorder may be the lor er uuncrit of lblght'~ D iseuse, Dinbctcs und D ropsy. Mr,
l{j dncy
li e Bnys:-
.. Uefor e 1 commenced taki D~ ])odd 's lCid ncy Pj1l8, J hot.! n 1\\'3 \ '8 tl tired (c'!l· iUR
i got out
e very m ondn .... when
bcd , nlld my KuTlIc)," were iu ,'cry hnd
Plli n QCI'O S~ my 1 ina, nnd 1 llnu lI arn work .t o h.. I'c, LOOp. Th ere l tool; wns IIIlwnys wo boxes a dof ull Dodd'. lI." vy K idney PillA, th e t ; r~d Icell ng und back T' Ui.l~
nHJob tU 1. bQ3S C(!nt. t)Ct.t.1Q ""u rlUUUL LlJrOO UWQII as m u cb 1.8 I.bO W<lCIl L bUu l o. 'l' b\lro lu"'rr~u
IDil n bU )' ID~ tlluJiJX)61:e ,
Mt1LL'S GRAPE. TONIC CO., 147 Third'AYe" Rock l .. aDd. UL
• ,,·d,
QlINi tion, ~I r, ~,."\!~p-- \\"ell. thnt'" no r. "~a n w<' v l' OU nhould ·nlwnyti b~ on lhe wrons aiiil~';l
- :it l'3Y !StOI' lt'F.
ot E rin Kn ew lie Wa s In the
t io n dn.\' t hut a littlr.! old. WCil1.0tll'll lion (n I! c \\"I)' · m"~c /:Iti" "I Uroilc,] in. lie lt ro\'cd n " c I'Y f.Jn!1IJPY l1 11(t 15 I1Hl]ici n\ls
~1~1\~~~ ~'h~rctin~~~~rli~~"lt\nn:;fllt6J~~t~~~I.:~i'tt0,!ri~~roowu nJl u ttllcla. His yurT plouu ut ~ CODt. 00 CernA"\! 51 ,00 bon lr . au nil drn""~IIU:. t} II O fl .OO bonll3 conto. l na a.boltt. .1 :1' 1.lmf'tII 011
No E XC\l!:~ f ~t' ITCT. . Br:t;:F,s- 1 )"011 ",o"I<1,,'l be M p08It i,·c . nrc \ WU .l:wJ.c. to e rery ~fr.
M Grm
have cutil'e}y gone, 3nd 1 GUl n ow
At lhe r.ce nt elect ion, owing t o thll
N .1l:1C _ His Addres3 _ __
A mI J oe 'ill ",,(((mrS or $//;''' ' >1 pay p o';t;\ r' e we.' will m1.iI )'O U :l sam p le .fr ee . if ) O ll havo: nev e r uw d f!.lu ll's C rap~ '1'001 1(" and \\'ill nisa ru n il )'o n a. c cr t i fi..::~lo good {o r OUu ~ oll a. r lO\\,:lIu tht! p"rc h:L';t.! nf m o rl! T onic from y our cl r u~a;is l, AJd rl!!.,q ~1 L:r.: L'S CRAPE T OX IC CO:, 1.17 Thirtl Av e.. Rod, Island, IlL
I . ..
l:u:lc of propel' n ~(!oll1 lU odnt ions, it. was iolt ud II CL'e~ban' , !'e lutes ItlC' ':\ew Y ork ·I ·im~.!f, to usc ihe rO Oi11lO u£ t he American j l l l.'n ~ llre :1S!loc:inii on (IS U :JtlJ1 inc phll'C for Qu e (' I t he lower E;~s t side. ui.. tlicts. 11. h ilppened o n t he ve ry IU'st l'egis t ra ·
tbo na.tnra.l. stJ'enQ'Lllon1n., barm IeSfi romot1Tlb n.t. b1J lI (f'!l up tho Ulanos a t you r ClhceJlit1Tl'J o rJ: nn ll
Wrong Place ~y Lett ers on tho Wall!.
According to Work DODe. Feed horses grain lu proportion to lhlJ .w ork done, The feed s hou ld be lessened on Idl e days, or serio us resnl ts wi ll often f ollow. R!!gulate th e amount o f th ~ feod a ccording to tb e a.woUUl of worlr
S~ a
ONE oOLl.ll.n
\-,', 11, J clfri cs, a resident here, t ell. below
Feeding the Work HOl'se, The coneen tra les for work horses cnn rarely consist wholly of ontg because at their C09t. Holl ed whNl t antl bllrley are exc ellent s ub stitutes anti Ilrefe rably cornmeal, or corn lind cob meal mny [arm olle· thl rd to on e· ha t! o( tbe rallon\
h ow ll C trealed
Pi ,o'. Oure canDot be too, hil!hl y spo!:?U ul
Sav in g th e Manu re. Lo~se s In til e .'able s bollid lie pre· vented tlY prov !c lng ce mc·nt lI uors Hnd ti ght gtl l ters wflh pl en l Y of absorbents. Th e s (ahleR s hould 1m nrr>!ngcd I~ poss lhle to allow a mBnure spr ~ nd\lr 10 pnss iJet ween th e adJarent ro ws of cowa for th e rClOo\·31 of Ih e manuro,
CAU II O b lood 110111100 _kin d llo.~ c" tllck h OPldllCho, bllt onIQ('...AfI. 1.1 Ph oil116 9c r, I\Pp ~ D(U CI"' • • J)lIes nnd ot'or, kind of i cmn. lo t TO llblo I\f wo l1 ns '":lOY oUlOr " . l.·our O\~Q I.b,,"cl~n "Il l t ell y o u t.ll~r. all tbl &ta l ruc. lhU. do a 'LClru"or pbJlilc YOUfll'r r. Uuo
n II oough <"urc .-J . \ . . 0 .Ellen, :t.l2 l lurd Av e.• N .• ],l mnenpoli., Min n .. J ail. 0,1000,
F ed to k eetl you r hors es I tJ go od h ealth. D lI er t.llan any med icine. It Is InltJoss lltle to kee p a laq;e uum· be r or dn iry cows Cleau If they ar c kepI In a ~t n llic too small [or th em . 'f be m a u th at will study the ua lr)' busi ncs8 wi II malte money o ut of It If Ill' circums lll ll ces arc st 1111 n or mnl. From te n l u tw e lve puunds of oats, divid ed Into th ree feeds, s ho ulrl be s ur· ficlent COIlC ntrates fur t he corr luga ho r se tor nile lillY'S feeding. Fodder Cu ,' h, ,hid;ly gro \\' U so that on ly s m al l nullbin~ form . ntHI c ured so th ere Is 110 dU ~ l, Is Oll~ of tlt e bes t klnd~ of I'o u;;hagc (or horse fecclill g. For lnmon ~ , ltill.! hurses, brood murc~ IInll gro wing co Ils . cor n-forus" of goo d qualily. curpd rl g h l. Is one of tll o vcry hC9t an.l most ecunomical RlIbst! lule.i for tlmol hy hay .- F a r ru J ou rnal. It will not tlo t o try to make the hors e fit t be h arn es.. It i9 wi ser economy to fit the harn ess 10 t he ho r s e. 'f'fIe h o rse hn s hi s shape, lIut ~·, .. t ca ll chan ge tha harness- lhalls whal It h a s bu cld es for.
.....Address Dru8"B"i!t'1i
bli",1 !"-'l'o!t i~::~_
U;lon receipt of your name _ _
th e Q'r't'htl S}, l uptom i:i uf K iu nt!y D ibt ,l:'C de ·
In tile J ~Jln.nese, r: .,t \lrQ- How old arc y ou , llI::l<lam~ Jln/ il;o- I h~\'e F CCl) l£t F-Ul1 llnl: I'S, lJ; r . •• }t; ,- \1m ! Ut" . . lona b3.\,(~ you be en
1\10NUM F; ;'; T TO A ··lI10THE RLY " SOW. men t to all autl· ruce suicid e pig, "Pol· l y," W\l sow, who h as gain ed this dillt lnctloll, was 15 y. yea rs o ld, and had h:!d a progeny omo un llu g to t he LOlal of 2UO, of whic h num ber only ro ur died In In fan y .
D on't W lti t . " '"yo., ,J a il. 1:;11 , (SpI!cin!I.- Dc·
A Guaranteed Cure tor P iles. In th e haml et or Wors ley, near Man[t !lIng, Blind, B leoding, Prot,ru dlng P lie., chesler, En glsutl, the re Is a monume nt D l'U!!!!'it; tR IL1'n nHtllr'll'1:0\\ to r c f llud monn.".: it unique lu tho wurld' s h Istory-a mon u- PA~'J IlIl:T~IIt.~T fal :. w eu" o i"Oto Hduys. We
. IT.
be imftgi n ed thnt it
Of Various Root. tba Hnngles Are P rotluction ' ot II. Stelll)gt' ~.D h er the Bes t Sub·s tltutc for tbe Obeyed Orders to tho Gruses. L etter.
ilu!i " iu unl. nnt! the illf'I';'('LOI'S Qf d ec· t io tl {\l und it a. " ~l'y (lif icult tush to pxtrn t L from h im 'iuit able rcp1iC9 t o the Uh llk l 'l\l e~lj un s, tli£! u]ti ft:lI uw di~ pl Ryi ng keen r c,;cn l lllcllt :md t.'l k ill g m uc h br(ltt~
the n r: c(1,,-!"p.I·,r
jn f n nllutioD
cluirrd quali fl'i ng hil'U t\ij n VlAc r . tiOUI1 the C la innnn of .. he uonrtlnnll t he ohl c h op \\'el'(~ l! co n\pl imenl8 re1n th'c t tl pc llg l'(,(", mlclli@:c lU.:c nnll
fa el,,1 IIp\>ell ranN
to o f1allcring a
, 'L1drlfnl)' in the midet of his bnl'nnlfUe wi:.h t he (!,Iul irmnn , thl! f'~('it(t\1 Iri:-: hlllll il stopped , hOl't, th. colo ,' lei. his ruce, he threw h is dllv pi\1e Bondly upon the floor, und W:tll l is ryes blalin g tire hrought his f1 .t. d~\\"n "pon t he lnble wit h n bnng UJI he to!hrlckcd : "Begurry, 1 thoug. ht thi £( wmm't the rj s il~ nl acc ! J knc.\W' flo lIl(!tning " ·08 'rI"(j Il ~ ! It '. 'L trnp [' ve fallon into! 1. ",1 t Il e'·t:. D the llJ'ouf! II he n~JiI \'f l. ,;:lliIl{iag h is li llg!Jr 11l('nacin~ly fit t ht... . wu ll. (rh ~ in spef..' toJ'S qnicldy til I'fI IIU. , ~ mi1 1! fiif..' lw TC(t II crUHS I li l 'lr fa,~'(lfI.. U II t.he waH, jlili n h,d ill gn!:lI . hi;.! ,\~· II t)\\, )t· t tCrI!I, "i1~
til e dub'lf; cmill e-It! . ":\. P . A ." .\ 8 IOIlR Il~
th e w o r ld
m("A~urc!' e ffo r t "
by r-·sult ~ . t ht most f 1J!i; nm y Ket. the shol't end u£ it.-·· PudL It
vn iD to e.:tpcct.
iO 11\' ('
~X pCt; t
And fn.t.
VETERJNARY are a necessity to every ·
Farmer & Stockralser. MAILED, ~REE. Sloan's Treatise on the Horse, ::md Sloan's Advice on the Care of Horses" Ca ttle, Hogs and Poultry. Send your address to DR. EARL S, SLOAII, 015 ALBANY STREET, BOSTO", MASS. HOW KIN GS 1IA VI: DIED,
Two Oerm iln scle nllsts anno unce the He n ry I. of glutto n y. disco vel')' of a new aune s t!l~lI c h av ing E1war<i VI. of a d ~ cl\ne. all th e virtu es of cocn llJO wlthoul tho Charles l. on th e &co[[0 1<1 . Geort'e HI. as h liv ed- a madman, lat ter's s econdary III e[[ccts, The new subs tanco Is called "nllyplrt e, " It H en ry VIlI. or ca r buncles, (a t nnd dcadens I, aln by l<,J clIl nppllc:uton , a nd fur y. docs tlO~ co ntai n polson. Geor g e IV . of Ilj[ullony and dr unk· Thp e!("~ t of ult ra·vlolet r a ys o' en uc~ s . li g h t on some kind s 0: b la s9 is s lrlkH~;HY VII. wasted a WIlY, as ~ !Dlser ItJ!; ly gllo\\'n nt hi gh :lllll \ldes , At . ollt; ht, moun tnl n RLa!lon oi Ihe Cnn:ld lan PaJam es l. o! drln!dng and lbe e[[ccts cilic ro.llway-5,OUO c r 6,C OO fe et h lgho f vlcc. gr een glass t lephono Insula lors ha,' e Chadcs II . s udde nly, It I. sold, of ch a n ged 10 brilllanl purpl e. a poptexy. l\1any observatio ns bavo c<' u vluce<1 H eory ' II . of a brake D beart , occa- Mabe l S . Ne lson, a l:lrltls ll ps ychol· s ioned by tllo bad cond ucl of h is cllll - .o glst, that m en heut' bottfJr th·au wom· en, Jl ud that bot h lIlen and !lOmeD d ren. W il liam Ill. of consumptive hablt ti h enr f ur ther with tlJo rlgll t than the of body, alul from th e stumbling at left cur . Men IIro clearly · BU llerlor In r ecog nhlng bltlO, and women n ro pos" his h orse. George L (rom drunkenness , wbl r.b .slbly superior In recoj;1I1zlng yellow. 'fhe !\lmo"p hcre con tn tn s II. greo.t hIs physlclnns politel y call~d an apoqu antity of so!ld maLt er, us ually 1m· p lectic fil. E1 ward H I. of dotaze, nnd Richard perc epti ble, t h oug h ~ lsl" l c ",he n a rall II. of s larvatlon, tbe very rev erse of Of sUlI lIght " liters a dark room, It.. Ditta fl tllleB tbat a cubic motor of t he Geor;;e IV. Helll'Y VI. In pri son , by menns all' of Par is uSllally con tai ns six to ltnowJ\ 'th en only to tile Jail er, aD(1 now ei g ht m lili gram mes of tlust- so nte llme9 23 rn lillgrllmmcg--Ilut away f r om c: ltknown only in Heaven. les I~ leas. Nenrly n thl n l or t he WI:llu m tho Conquer or froll! enor· city du st Is oq;auh: mlltter co n la ln l ng m Oils fal , f,. o m drlult aud t ro Ul t ile lirln g germs. 'l'h o du st us ua ll y carvt olence or his IlD.SS lOn s . r ies a rew m etals- sollium . ca lr lum, Henr y IV . Is said lO ha" e ri led of magnc.l um, ll l u·minulll, lind espcr la ll, "fit ~ caused by unea slnes9," u r d 'In- Ir ~n , wllh nI ckel an ti cobalt , lhe last en"lncs8 In pa laces In those times was three b ei ng Ilrough t 10 lh e air In m()o 0. v c~ y co m mon cOIll;J lulnt. teorlc dust f rom s plice,
LOST EYESIGHT Through Coffee Drinking Some people quesli on the statements t ha i correa hurts the doilcat& nerv es of the body. Personal experIence with t housands proves the> g eneral Btateme nt true and phYSicians hav e r ecords <If gr eat numbers of (:ases tbat add to tho t esllmony. The following Is fn>m the Hockford , Ill. , Reg ls ter· Gazette: Dr, Wllllam Lnnglllorst at Aurora has been treating onl8 of tho Queerest eases of lost eyesight ever In hl 9tory. The patient Is O. A. Leach of Beach county, and In the llll!! four mon th s be had doctored wltb all or the specialists about th e country and has at last r clItrn ed home with the tac t Impressed on his mlDd tha.t his CllSe Is IDcurable , A po rtion at tb e optic nerve ha s heen r ulDed, rende rIng bls sight S<J 11 m /ted that he ·Is unable to seE any· Ihlns befor e II I\n , but h a ~an see plaJ n· Iy ~Ilyq' loy at the sj(l'u)~ hlllJ , 'There
have b oen but few cases or It., k ind be fore, a.n!1 ther have been raused by wbls l; y or tobacco, !.ellcb has n e ver us ed eltber. but hilS been a great cof· ree drink er, and tho specIali sts have dec ided tha t the CM e has bee n cllus ed by t hla, L ellch Slated hlm Hel f that for s c ye rll l years be hnt! drank t hr ee cups of corree for brea krast. t wo at noon nnd one at nlgbt. According to the r ec ords at th e spe clall . ls of lhls country this Is tbo first 'c nse ev er caused by tbo use of colT~e, 'fhe nerve Is ruin ed beyond aid and his case Is In e. The tact tbat makes the case a Que er on e Is tbat lhe s lgbt forward has been lost aDd the s Ide s ight bas been retained. Accord · Ing t.o the doc tor's atatement, the young man will · hllve to g:ve up coffee or the r est ot his slgb t will fo l· Iowan" tho entire ncrve be rulned.n f~i"Cj·· a u :C! rC, It be re memhered tbat tb e eyetl may be IIltac ll e<l In ono cllSe IIntl tho slo mac h In anothe r , while lu at be rs It ma)' be kIdney s, h eart, bow ~ ls or ge ne ral n e rvous pr06l.rullon. The re medy Is ohvlous nnd s bo uld be arl optetl before t oo la le. Quit calfee, If you abow In cljliont dis ease. rt Is ellsy If ooe clln have wellboiled Postum Io'ool! eo tree t o s erve fol' lbe ho t morning bevera j;e. The 'Wllbdrawal of tho old kind or correa thnt Is doing lbe hllrm anll th e supply of tbe e lements In the P ostum whl cb Nature uses to rebu!ld tbe broke n do wn nervo coils, · Icsurea .. quick ret urn to [h e old joy at sl reDgth and h ealt h, aDd It's well worth wtul. to bo able nga ln to "do tbln gs" an" feel well , Th ere'. a reason for
ho Ga .zet ts. _.. --- --- ---
Cente rville -= Farm ers Instit ute.
-;h(lI~: J1t)tl"(l Il!J'Y:
'AL-I:. DHILO"R'EN N e' ur~ . lg~·a
creu (1 tlltho\ll; h tbisbeIs sJighU; questio riu n- I able, but tIle ri;'~\l l t !l 1\ r. U. V 11. tlY1 Improv d. thl\t th(1 Ill ll t t ·r " f III .11 .V outla l!l uf WI!IO I' itll 1''' , bm\'D. A vo.'111 dll tl L Wil l'! II' 11 1"'I)l\ffl'oO I b 'Mis 8" ,\1:'-11 11 11 ,1 N'lIl11 \-Iltr llhy, " kverYbl'tiY \\' Cll' k ~ lit Onr . Bonso, but 1>1"1 Old .\JU Il . " ' I. Irclrll . Rev,· ·Mlld<1o..'i: spo" exp el'l . cnoe on . '(>ntrn li:intion of " h Ob I.. . •
al birth 'hiheril n prcdlspo' . And Othe r The rnatlt ute WM g.r,eeted Wi. th. a ~ItiOI1 t o \) dlly ltl. 1111.1 nil. menls-m ore or I .. 'I'. H"O.v1l ~R~1lI'itlq 8. potu . down I Editor. ~ -e rA and,M:tn in Monday .¥er. mornin g "nll'.,,_..... N. MOI( '.... { '1'1.1 ~t IU ell nnd Januar y 2:1, yet the atteodn llco ', was Q&l1 ..I. • M lt 8 'I' J . no('l "". A8SbCl A.TI E DlTOR. bo wels /lrQ the '\lust , . I ~t-at·ive Irepr(\se the aftin the Olor nlng and e , , -~l l itl h ie . sourcesof .ill ' 'I All pain in ilny rli SC <l s IS ernoon.Mr urge n • 1.00 a ,.ear . . . . • •. In IIdvnDo<! . Mllson .. T llc)'urc lhchntbcds I1 cr\' c l)n in, t he res ull [a 1111'P rugh presided In his eusy prompt II . 'l~ • ,....r H no~ paId In IIdvauce or ,li."usc, Hud l ulc nt r'~l1d il i(1I1 of t he 11 'I';'cs . for eoful wo.nnor . . " B t\by l':illlt' h " li g n in deli~ 1l h ill ti ll! be,'allse le~s ntTbe opeDl og (Iavotlo nal sor Vletl audi uco wi tll ~UIIIC .lUor o 1'!llll. The :;1:tl liJillf.!', bll:l'r:tt l;Ig-, ll Jl' FWl!: IN .TONES . BU lL OTNG. dill 10 111 Io n is gh'ctl (b l'ling-. ullrtl illg', ago n, z lng waA led lly .Rov. A. D. MIl~dolt, reclt llti l'II ". . . them, more edl pai l! t l,la t C"I I Il'~ [rom III promTbe h orse wnll t be prlnQlpul theme fELE:F>t{O~E: (Z./iLL - • rlo, 6-i Mr, Der lhr iuk l' In h iS .1,l d~ II)" of the foren oon . . Mr. Derthrl ('all be IrMer! i l\~il t 11I'1'\' r branch es, o r SC lIok de. ["'dr"O" "(llll .' 1,IIJ,"Iilli" 'ln t l'tlll lH,I ' .n ~ I' ll II h '~'l t h directl), 10 110 0111 , d 1 . I le!~stng >U V~O" I 1 k g "'" e an lonoe D 1\ Ihalltolln P ),olher the 11lIPI'I1V 1 ~()I'\' I'111tl'' 11l'vlllo 11 t'rI'L'';. is II L' lIra "1:1 , 3nt ' ~ I jllil hnl tltlk OD IL H(lood H orijemnn . " He place i ll ( \OI1 org:t us o f the is "ill'" h ..,I n \V' [II the "1,ilY 1>1'0 II ' 11, (; 1''' o i a ll t hc "'I:O~ gOAV . . J AN U AR Y 3 1. .. : . 1906 evinced good knowle boe ly . .' d ~e of t be here y ..aJ"~ II .! " h ""i1)"re lilere is Ib" leas I ind icn tioll of C>:!I "r 1' :l il1~. . n ' n 'll or ae UD d his proper lUanago moDt J, H. McCAS SY, M. A" M, O. " . I " B n e ~1'\l1:t, , or ), ou ar e r oli ng out ,"I " H.t J(" 'C ·II " ''' ' Id l 'I(, Iroulll" 1 r. r.lill' s' Anll -' a liI I I S I:lot! texture wae the s.nb joot of 1\ F!lrD1o r" it of sorts, I 1 I" 11\',', ·, .. " " roo 1100 Some Choice Slang . 121i W l' ~ 1 1'1 1'1h :-;1 nll.l t , r :nd\' ,'\'t'r fai l I 1'l'li c"'l! . t j(~5e ~raot' l cl\l tlllk by Mr. NlCodom u s, II life llud wI'III,,'in~ " f till' : "·IIH·'·. 1''1;11; Dny l "0, l )11 111. hy Sta te spenker . snll li1ill g Ihl'St' la rg~r Ho III IV IlI" '\llIln" 11 " " '"1111',,,1 Mr. Charles Il <TIT". eehaD told a bout lman , Jlh:v~iI'II I 1111<1 "" ',"enl a llt! n :slol'l n g- th eir Ph'lIIIJH, : lll I li n With dUll modesty Wayne sville Oklaho mll, andSh IL"..,"p U ".,' tral1 l'lil il ." . mil" lay clllllU to'haviD g " the great. thinkB ODO acre hiS vlllH t here, He best t'll ' r l"II ),I,,, , C' ,l1l i:" 1,·, 01 11 I' hll "':" t of Ohio bett er . thaD of ovor,' I'o' ",. "'I II,II' '' llll' lI r D r.:-' Eylt. K .\ I(. N l):-H: ,\NI1 ' e IlIt I)A 'l' . 1 A nl i- Pai n Pil ls . lI~t .oollection of shmg over , s b own ten in Oklaho I ' I'j' l ., ma . Irrigati on IS e Clen r l i:o illl;i n!.!. qt1 i ... , 'O ll\lIlUIlIO I1 , -hOtl l(111C Illk "'1 nt Ollce . Sp ocl,lIc lf'~ till"ll nt l· , 'n~ " I1 :1I.JI ll p riOl....q . le;l\'C' 1111 Ii'" a II,'r- ,· [ under one OIlDvas "how as a s maD hopo ofthe f nt Dro i n Okl[l h omll . a llu '. II !'I{, ,·I", n;.:,· would PDt It, with U ,I'I '·'·. r",,( MI88 Ruth Long r endered some work aI'\' a ,'I ro , ' l : 'Ll" I' l"ll l'dv Il l' (," (' ry 1l,"i llb""el:lllOIl w'lh 1111111 1·,1 ach on<1 howels, 1.. ,..... 1 ,,[ 1';11 11 , !'l:l' h l1"ada c,hc, Ull lbterelltlDg, If Dot instruo tive )Vhls tling 80108 in a pleasing . way. life ho ll's tn IIIlIko up H' Il l\' 01 tl .. , Tlu l l' i s )l il If Ihey or" a ll Oll t of order. ,t will to IIllteD toa group of pupils from b . It'k:lc\ l\'. ;'1\"lI:,c ha ch r, SC lat- SI"I'lioll of 111(0 (·"ulltl','lI f't ll l ' r h i ll 111ts Mr. Derthri ck. ~ State speuker , desirn b'o 1~ )( P" 1'i" IH'I' ~ ,.r ll eo 1,11 111l ,III ."I llor 01 " \,I ,U erH,licnle Ih~ trouble, t "?C "!) th~I P~:~,;~ tbe Bigh Bohool talking togethe r. ic'.,. rh cn:lllli ,- ", :t11,1 lI~lIr~dgla. db,·,,,;l'~ \lui, I "gI1 11,,'I'.\' iIl,, spoke with enthuslaR m on Furmer s farOl . Ill' 1,;;: lI ly l'I'('Oll llllfll1dc 1 lIuI11 I,lto d i' , l'eSlore Here are some oftbe e:a,-p1'088ione Organ! u.tlon, and T ill' " ;,\.,,, J'( '!;"IT 1 )I ZZl ll CS S, lut.-l t, f l\\:v YO llt'!'; wa :-; ~ll )lpO:-H:,~l til La his tending Iho ...,I M" I'a 11' , "" d II - , ' d a GlIlII!tte reporte r hoord an evening talk With irsclf 10 111 0 • InCIden ts, com· ucati om" nnd 1'0'(; "" /1 II ':' . " . In,· i n ' ut"nhl e . 1: 0 1' Il g l'l 'Il 1 fUU1I Y yt lll rH or two ago when" party of bOYII and Ing uude r hiS persoDa and ils bellelidal ""U l ar . . : .. : l observa t ion , He 01 quell til' ,1 1'H' 1'1 p,,, ~, n}(l ' f. curnl ivcsyslem a nd D Ist ress a f- t1oC't" I' ~ pro 'U() llll l'P,j I r. 11 11,11111 en'vels nrc pronouuced and Ilrls were talking : "That'e keen," of tbe benefit of suob Organi [ " I' ":11 i: : '. 01 i""'1til' 11111 1 1>1'''$ riloo ll 1')l'II I !, ·,utl. "Give your look," "Wisb I though t Be Is a TrU8tee of Hiram zations. our gr ollt n ,l t.ur ,I' ,'1:0 , ' " ,, lr experiencecl . "I ,. ' " .; :;, .,,,., I 1.1\',. I,e,'" !\ CO DCollege, cenery fUl l! thn "" V" , I". " o f , "01 Instnnt IIlH'S. III1 Ie,l' c:n ll ~ tllull .\- r" lhll l! to 10." "That's the candy. " "Up a Garfield 'lI old It \I' ll keep ),0 11 In ~ooc1 h,'alth. " ., ." . " , .. , '" "lII'a h::" ancl onro wHh,l l"e,, Coll ege, also of the S n t bcso. 1 tl'll" tllllllll .j11'1lIlUlI IlO' DICCA LDWELL'S .· YR UP I'E I'S I~ I" .." , "J &1'00." " You see me doing it." "1 Ohio State il . '" I \0 .. '.• " " " .,. 1""' 11 ,(,10 Unlver sary, and livf\8 i Mr . J . N. rxru " I I,, ' n 'por ,,! cnn 'll it. iuc ul·" hlt". t:i('i"I1 (,~ IIlI H pr" \'IlO lJc n.btlltne( lln uo til t1 1\,!I,: l:Hllll huH " G tth C " d :'4:' · l ,L ' ;!III:~::~ "<JI.:tin, ~ (~~ ;~:. b 1 ' \1(';:1l~1~~ ti f \~ I d I culurrh I, > lJll lIl'OIl~tltlltH) 111I1 ,ji~I'aHH L' e e [In aD II f o n ull drugglsl, I 1I' , I'" \',," . .1",'. I',dll 1'111". t IIn(\ tbhel CllC ". l ( . ol nti '11 - . d \ .• w ill be rC£ Il'I;dcd if it t l,orofnl'l' 1''''1tti1'''~ t'Ll ustl ttl IIOU· To bl dO outside r 1& is almaet im- 1avored the Grange as an edDCAt '1' : " ; \.:.; : , ." lon· w A nlotl'o':11 IJIls~ r j,w : h,' doc" u I bcuefit you. nl trell tllllllll·. II" ~I '~yll,tn rrll h \ :.u~e °be coove-tlOn . : d " ., , ' 1 \.,' f ~'"t. t t I .... :, the • • ' poul e ° folloI meaDS .. " " "n , r.: eb. " • .. al ao soola r pos,al c nrd rC Quo . ' will brln~ b, ro ' u m or n A majorit y of the expr88ll .of CentrELh znl.i,)!\ III' DO',,,,' I "U ,P.lln PI;I. ore sol d by IlIlHlnfn otufl'.11 h .1' B. ;; t hlil1 ll.Y ,~ . Uo , '. DoThe III'" I I,1- \'II0 uour 10ns 8eOuring many11.0advantl n e IV bnoklet. "Ol{. CAI.D\\·ELI,·t; l~es in legIS- '1' '0 '.''' ' ,." ' J. v 110 , . .:1 Q""'.n ah il1 Tololln , \)11 10, is t h" ,lilly ccnatltll, tec th . t ·_ above ap'-" to be entirely I t ' ~&K OF wor.;I)I::I {S" nnll fre'o . ,""n,lo d f~~ tilde .• t ·p ".k. " 0 w i ll uen"'.t. 11 It He decried t he own LOU '. r-I.ionlll Ctll' LI IIIl 1111 II\lll' kllt. II, III ''", III E" I,' "'' Ul0 •• who h ,,,,e neyor trlo,1 ,hi. wo"~"r ~ "".: a Ion aD ,r .. 1001II1, but h It they The I' origina II , "e w ted i ll ., " ". " Yo u r ", o ney. bere IDequa lityryof Ik tax- paying tbelr author baa made DO clatm payers; t ernan MU810 1',,11 01, .. ".. I i" !l1i~~ ell ,.,W re wed)' . \ Vrllu fo r It tod /lr . tnk oll to of ordina :C::J c t;'n ts , Nev e..!' s o ld I n bu • means tax on Illl ElIioU Mil es Medica l Co., E lkhart, Ind I dl't>)J"oI t intl)i'lltri ly ill (IOROS frOt H 10 tbe fame wblob be d8118rvllll, /" • • .. , ' I , .. ' " 1 \ :1 he hae wblle tbe mooeye d manu- ...;=~.~~~~~~~~= == Alwaye OD ~be alert for . the moat, factor& - 18 exempt i l'om tax 11 .1 !lldll ~h ll PEPSI N SYRUP CO. , .. ,. d " r-t l lJ. " ·, ' :o1 00 hie up ID ali WDJl8 tbe Gazette I' C h e ll e 1', ' j 11.(' ... \ ... f "III flDlebed prodnot . 'l ill ' \' • II' P I " Il l l, u ll Montloello, mlno'. ball oomplle d at!(rea t labor and ell:For t:illl ~ hy .J. E. ,) 11 IIJH'~' 11 1111 d l"IIt J~ I III' a l., I "'~ " I t ! :II I:- (.0 Mr. Oscar YODng of Dayton renVETE RIN ARY SUROl~ON 1' 1l 1 1' :--"1 ' 1111 " ' 1 / " ri 'l : ! It:- oI\ •• i hri t·l penile a Dew diotion ary In wbloh dered In & vilry happy man~er -- - - -- -, some LabtLUOll. Ohio. For ' olds n~A "H pt\ -':;H ,\'l'lI n'"A Y , 1 " " ,"11' 1. All.!,'''' '' : I" ,I ('II I~:-' \j;y will be include d all of tbe choloo recltatl onsl.n the GermaD 1'1' \11'1' 1111 11 dlaleot. ()n.n be call ed un y hOlll', day or l-~ ( ' II , '!'t, b ·dll, (l L ll t "' r Uherry Expocr. orllnt," uprllll ioni DOted above, belJldllll Ioy.l Ii, . The Institut e voted in favor of an ~ , d, l lt v d fll t!!.!l ... t .... ; . 1" night Both B,' 11 IItul Vll ll oy mauy o~ers forUle benefit of the Inatltu te at Centerv (' 1 11 (,' ille I" 1 next ,1','" lIullct ,,,.. year, PhoDe~ Vn lley h , ne N o. nt! . ,lnu l1 oy . !(eneml publlo. A few enrao* e from "'rco" T" k"l H, ,1 1'~ I'll 111 11.\ 1' 1I 1~ I,. , I'\l n, Tbe eve. sessioo of the Instltnt .. ____ e ~~;;~'~~~.~P~;;~ ____ _ ~_-----,;..._ _-_~_ _ _~~~ ,~ ~~~~~~~~~_~-=:~_~ tbill dlotion ary are pubUab ed here- orowde d tbe Hall to It& fnllest OlIo-rOb. ' .......It... Some ell:oollent plano muslo • mm;<o ;. ""'-,~~ '~;>:I . ~'iii!:.-7i.;,;o '..I:. ,''..EJ,,' ' , , ri~l'6W "The word "keen" iDdiOA * the ::~:,:: . ..~ :. . . ' :.' ~ \ ... " Mr _ . Nioode I .... mnsgav e _ auperlA _ _ tive dqree, an4ngiveto . ...... the IUlY·4a good practIc al Lecture on " When aribUi 8aboyo rgirlm. 008 the Test In Life come, "/ (®) -' f • • 0ooCo; v ID ..,;. ( )t ~.JI , .... :;" 'hiDW la "that', keeD." :.....6 f ...... " ~--..: " ... ,""""", _.,.".. \0 " ••..; .. , . :..t.,•.t ..£'1>', , . Hhowtn g how strengt of oharao. ... _ .... " "Give7 0ur look" · refen to em- ter 18 de vbJopt'.d . Mr,hOlifford Long barrlllll meDt. blushin g, eto, recited an exoitln g us aDd "Wish I t houlrht eo," '11.11 exprBl!fI. patheti o(?) story of a humoro and the 10D of doubt or dertalon , meaoin g relief be reDdere d his negro, they do not believe a IItai8m ent etruggl e with a deer.Master in his Miss RDth made. "'J1hat;', the caDdy, " aee def. Long again delight ed audleno e Inition "that 'a teeD. " " U p a tree." with a whIstli ng solo. the And Master we're Itumpec l, Impoee lble to cb· Berma n Woods recited ID an eotaiD a olMr 4e6ni"o n. thnsias tlo manne r two selectio ns "You 188 me .dolng it," meanIn g reoelvl ng 'lond applaus e. Mr. ~r ' &hat U1e penoD epeaJd nl baa no io thriok lectDre d tor an hour and a tention of dolDg It. . quarter 00 "Advan of Farm We believe thie J8880D haa gone Life." He showed tageIt need not far enough aD4 ma, ooDtlDue these be a d.u ll life but onethat of the freest, dedDlti ona some time apiD. bapplea t and most. indepen deot • - • spberea of man's life. _.
0 . .
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The devotio nal e:a:ercl8es of the mornin g were oODduotsd by Rav , W . J, MoMiohael. It hU alwaYs beaD tbe oaaeln ,the Couoty Commi 88ioner , C. W, put with the FanDlII'8' lDetltu&e8 HaiDee , Centerv ille, read a at Wa7nee vUJe ~ba' the atleDda noe thought -fnlof and v uluable paper on at the 81'1& II8IIIlon ball beeD lIJIIall, "Road Improv emeDt" giving prllo while at otber lI_ioDS , it bas heen tical hinte on rolUl oonstru otioD and almOllt Impolli ble to oare for the prN81'Vatilln. . ~~. . Mr, OJark Thl1 ye.r ~e commi ttee In charge need of oreatlnPine emphas ized, the of the Institu te , hall arrange d that improv ement, g an Interes t in road . lome of the beet Plpen ,OD the pro. It was stated that tllis Couoty Jf8m, u well u other good f83. raDkll tbe flnt in the State turee ahould oome at tbe finS see- III rQlJodamong Improv ement, lion 10 no ODe OIIID aftord to miss it. It was brough t out throug ~ " Therefo re, arraDge to be present qDestlo n put to Commi sionor Haines at a :30 Friday momtn g. that the amoun t of tuappr opriate d for paymen t or attome ys fees in the trial of orimina l oaees in this AD Iuterel ltiDll Btatem llnt. J, B, JanDe)" eaJ>1I he hall at last UOUDty Is not Buffiolent under pres eot mat'tag eineot, to pay suoh fees . Dtacov ered .. POlltlv e C~re for Mr, Nicode mus treated the su~; Indltru tloD. ject, "Dol1s the Small Farm Pay ? "For YIIIU'II," aaid the above drug- Be thou~ht some nf the best oon· gil', "2 bave heeD wattlDg for aome dltions of f&rm life. and iDdeed of one to tli8cove r I remedy that real- all life, were to be found with those ly will oure~yspepala. in modera te oiroDm etanoes . Hoo· "1 reoantl y learned that a new esty, thrift, integri ty and a worthy remedy , Pepaloo Ja Tabl~taJ had beeo aim count for most In life. "Baby Hmith" rendere d flome oup, plaoed on tbe market , ana OD lovestiptlon I fouod that at lilt tbere is itlll recitati ons In a very blIppy and pleaain g manne r to the great dea remedy that will aurely cure, "I laid ID a big lIupply beoanee I ligbt of the audienc e, She WM ~o knew that aa soon as tbe people be- uDoonecloDs of self, so 'artless and PD to Inlow about this remark able yet 80 intent ID her art. remedy there would be a biW demand Mr. Derthrl ok spoke on "Uonvonfor It, and It · II eel\lng beyond my lenOO8 on tbe Farm." A good trus. ty pony tor family use in going c r · expeota tionll. " . .' I& is Dot . often a drnggis t l1811s a rllnds . A good variety of bolta· new remedy on a poeltlve gnaran tee ready for anyem ergeno y. Enoour · but uoleas cured of Dervon eneas, age the use of toola by t he bnys . dizzy IlpeUl, sour etomao h,ooate d Practic e syst-em order and keep tongue, palpitat ion and otber symp. thhlgS in plaoe. Mako thiDgs con, toma of dyepepe la, Mr, Janney will venient for the women , about; the band back your money oheerfu lly hOU8e and adjacen t buildin gs. and wltbou t argume nt. Miss Edith Hatfiel d 'render ed 90me No one IIhould helltate on trying exoelle nt plano music. a 25·oont box of Pepalco la Tablets , The last afterno on 8esslon had M tbey 11'111 Dol Oollit you a penny an overllo wlng honse. sbould they fall to relieve and oure Mr. Nicode mns gave lion interes t, tbe very wont ClMO of inaiges tloo Ing and suggest ive talk on The an~ d)'spepe la. Yard or the Decora tion and CD,re of t!urroD ndings. This was followe d with some good hints by some of the lil.diefl OD the growth nnd arrange ment IIf llowers aDd shrubb ery. Miss t:!mith again enterta ined the InstitD te in & most delightf DI m a n · ner, with Imitati ve recitati ons. tiupt. William Hatfiel d talked OD the "Advan tege of the Centrlllil!.lL· AND DEALER IN tion of Bohools ," He believed thnt before our Aohools can nooompJish their great mission there mU8t be oeotral lzation . Mr. Derthri ok gave some explan, Telepho ne in his honse wbere he atlOn ot his experie nce with central . echoolll, showiD g sometW ng of can be called at all hours, day or ized the system . Dight. It Inoroases the attenda noe und secures punctua l1iiy with grea.ter Coache s and obalrs lIupplled. hDess . Ba"e recentl y moved to room thoroug It avoids the oorrup ting nnd 1m . Dell:t to Cr088 Bros. m ora\lnfi uencea ()n pupds gOing to. and from sohool 'Onder the old sys. M.t.Jl( ITauT , WAYNII:8VILLIC, o. t em ,
session of Instit ute.
high88~ w;.~ndered.
-=D r. R'. J . M
I l'I I
~ -- -
8\1HtQn Bllnter et 1L1 to the B: & been bitten Ilr 'l rn bid dog nntt being O. S. W. R. R.. 00., slip of land In sent awn:)' f (II' CrU'shl~d Corn. tr -/It.m nt, ij!l9-l .10. Ilurlrm to\\'hsh ip, $·laG: 5 . . Resolv,,{\ Ih ut I'olld for corpora We IIro griodin g orushed corn MIIY M. 'l'houlp on to Wiliiam Me- tion line to el{"l rnrtwJ( brillgu UII t,he . 1049 ,I nll1 e Hellrne W ; w, ev I' Y llr~.v. We kll('1J ground feed Itug.1TIH lnd .M"r~iH·ot Rogers , Mou. Burney , trustee, lot in LebilDon. Frankli n lind Lnbuuu n roull lIe'I(" to oxohu Ilfl:e if you II " v not time to . IlY unly ; umoun t olltlmiJd ~370. 94 $:1,500 cellted us un IIIIl'rOV.,u r ,lIld !JDct wnit. Our f oet.! xohllng e is run on GOOD~ "I:y.·ith ill t-UI'IlKr.. EirtLudou', Bl!I rr /LUU Boru oe BOPl1inl:l tr;> Dessle'H , Hor. that · the t(\WU~ lll " tru ~ to S be so It t·ol! or cn>l h b,IS·iA . Ivlus, urtl "ttnrutl ys for pllllntif r. me l, lot in Lebano n, $3,000. notified . . . ' [f VlO\l btl \ 'R t· trierl , ur crushed ''''' (' aye~ ROBOlv ,I tbul, w h .d· i~ knn"'H U~ co ru 'ca llllllll setlo 1 0~j)U 'N·ort.h lVut:llern Lit\,logrlLph. 'ulUnel B . NOIllsbt.ry to Emunu el .. it II llll .y ou wlllso.y ing Ot)JIlllllll Y VI:I 1'he Morrow Ale 'uydol', relll e tate in Hamllt oo the Rog erH Il"'-I)UH ""2(110'11111011 r ,,'1l1. t h llt It is the firll;st 1'0 d you ever be uooept II i llli d.ll in 'p"pv,-d run d in "I.W . BI'owinl"( 'oillpnoy". For LOouey due town. hip, :;115. Wnyne sville Mills. C1earor oe k I .I)\', It,h.1' uu IIcoOnnt, fot' hlbels : t\llloun t Thoma s Bunttlr , guardia n, to ~eo. Resolve I r htl t Wh ll l i~ kn ow n "~ ol!,itnur! f;IHl.24 with iuterIlHI.. Jeoning s, llLcr e and 82 rods 10 SlL· the Cheno .tr,th 1'11,, (1 In \ V"\1I1i t ow nBBIL t s tho 11.1 uRill Cure. al1d HttlJ1il tu n lind BI'own lLTe nttornllYS Ie.m townsh ip, $150. ship, be " r:I" 'I,1;,-d II .. 1111 'lllll'ro vpn for plui ntiff. " T o l<eopth " holl .v in t une," ,yrlto. aeirs of E. E . Irous, ueed to'1'rns· road j the tow",," i!' I" I1"lpU8 to 110 MrH . M,II'." B"owII , ~o Lnrn~· ' ) II." 10347. Punrl Ertol V/l 'hl\rl08 W. teet! U nion Buryin g Or.o und Assooi. so notified . Ol'III CO, Tholllp ~on. gUludi!1n of Rolund ns V. fltion , :.11 square p oles in WlLshing. Oontra ct IIl I I" HI>!I"I·.1' Dcl< .. r I"or Mr . I{i"n POllghl< pepslt', N Y "J I ,· k" New .Life PII.s . T h ,')' Brlldley II min o r boir lit luw . at ton to wnship , '9. labor und t ell 1l1 Oil h l"',..r ~ pl'in gbo rL' IIr" tila g'~ Phiu6I18 Brudley , docell~ed, Essie 1£111 P()IJ~ee, W. '1'. '1'horup son toOharl es Long. pike and on I)('u rlh r""d wl l.. n eI. III XloI"'" Ino~t reJiuhl" IIml pleasilII t. J Ihl v.'fulll 1ll" 131' ~ 1 1",11' Ha.rper lind Mnrtbll M. Brudley , en hrunne r, lot in South reoted, in Cl ellrl'l'''l-Ic t"""T/,, IJip Lebano o, 1.1\1' H t om ·l ('h . I b.' (' I' IIIllI hO Il el - . widow of Slliu PhlnellS Br!ldley . $1 (And other good und valUllul e G " urnnl. 0,1 h y ~. c: ISchwllr tz . t l s 1'11lintifi'lIsks lor partition of 164 contlide r,l tionl!. IIOIIS , trOll d ' n~' gist; ~r.o" IIcrc;! of ltmd In which she hl18 ns Wom en as Well as Men John G. Vuil to Nellie McL. FiBh. h ol r n t III w of Phinea s Brttt.lley nnd lot in Lobnno n, *1 Rnd other good Are Made !"iser able by subjeot t,o the dower at Mnrtha er, Eif(~ct~ Cow Feed. lLud vrtltiabl e oonside rations. Bmuley lL one third intereRt. Do Kidne y Troub le. Sybil Noscnr to '1'homIl8 R. Bod· \V o hll vP it fl l·. ~u Iltlll 110 r·,·"I" " chnnt. 11"1111 Luugdll n II re I1ttorne ys ley . 6;;.25 lIol'es in Burian towosh ip, hunlln,, 1 Ii ~p\\, for plnintil f. f,1 und other eonside rlltions . Kidney trouble preys upon the mind. dlo· lrtme Wolf V8 Peter E EmmlL W lilt. P'lrties were married at 44 1L0res Constub lo 10 Ora ~rI8wnltl, courages and lessens ambillon; beauly. vlcor of ID BtlrJan townsh ip, *1,750. and cheerfuln ess soon Lehllnon Deoemb er 21:1. H!05. 'rhere disappear when the ki dLudwio k W. Miller, by T. C. Pat· nrc two eblldren , Phlintif f Ilvers neys are out of order tha t since J nue 1, 1UOO . defend· terson admlni stmtor, to E . '1'. Hns· : 'r or diseased. ~('w eltlne, 103.80 acres in Deertle ld tlDt hns been wilfully nbsent nnd Kidney trouble has !""o, 1 \"lIr \' I r ' I r:-t \1 ,, 11 1" H " l! ' f tli1~ townsh ip, '3,0· J 3.38. hns disrego. rded ull mlLri tlnl duties. become so prevalen t ),1 ,'(' 1' . " \' I'i lc>" .J () Th HlJo l'l'l· . IOf William R. Conove r to Joho A. Ihallt Is not uncomm on \\1 (11'11 1'111 .' . '1'(11111, ' ~111' WII:-l '-.n W )I ,.:I Plnintit f "eks for di vorCIl, oustody l' 1ll1t1 ill 1:) (or a chi ld to be born ('d h.\· (".dll! hin ~ np }lll l'li fr of ohildren Rnu u limony. Joseph Murtin at ul, 32.00 1I0res in Clear. ,' ll. 11 1"" .\.~~~~,~t;i.J a(flieled wllh weak !:Idcreek townsh ip, 'l and other good M. Braut i8 attorne y for plallltif f. ' Ull~~ . I} ()ct, . r~ dt' nlnrptl h ur I' ll d :-:1. neys. If the c hild urln· ILnd valulibl e oonside rations. _. • . . ales 100 ollen. If Ihe "I',tI' th 'lf hpr fllnJ tlv 111111 \\",,,·(·h., ,1 OOU R'l' PIIOOKII:UINOS. '11llie P"u c~, ul\,"iUi<,tl',I' r1 X, I" urine scalds the fl esh or If. when Ihe child li t I \(, I" h.·.1 Ai de r (l rl~, . p ight h " u l'" . W. 11 . NI.lWI)," I, Iut i'l ~' runk: l ill , reaches an age when II should be able 10 wbpll. Itt my ul'I!"Imt reqlW"t . Dr control Ihe passage. II Is yet affllcled with Kin g ~ N t' w Di Hc"vM~ WII" .. I\· (' ll \1/. F. '/<:ilzrut.h , II H exuulllu ,', tlt.,. t!l UO . bed-wet ling. depend upon It. the ca use o( her' wilh t he n~toni"hi til! r esult VI! ~' . 1>. ~' ulkllrrlt Ilt III :;lIlu uJI IIl l' nt filed t,hn t· Ihe dIfficulty Is kidney trouble, and Ihe first improv eme nt. be/.:"n, Nllzulr( '\t \\'ui~1 2.. ('11 ,,11"1 1,,·u ,·t'll IIuc1 ounfirm ull und dl.StrilJll Estute of WUI . It. Kempe r, do· slep nnd oon t.inuf"] s hould be towards Ihe Ireatmen t of tit II I Illud e. unt·jJ sbe liulIll.\' cl)J.npit1t.I" I.1' reeov, ·r· ~ulI"" d Fir!:!t. ulili ftllILln ocuunt fur these Important organs. Ht., wl, ~11I' e tin l: BiI,,,,. e tc., NEW GOOD!:> . This unpleasant W . ~' . Eltz"r.h Ill, III e.xl>Ollt"""~, Ilto , stlttlerutln t 11Iu<I. trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the ed '.LllLI is" h ul~h)o' Wrtlllun Indny ." GUllrlL Est/It" uf <.:ionlon WI-ijt bt., de kidneys and bladd~r and not to a habit" v" .1t-ulIl" W . Tr. nt ut Ill. ~Ille "'\1 as nolr1s ntl'f'ct core fot· CO Jl g h ~ " n 1 . GO Cen l.S nnd ~l 00 at 1<' n. I'rllvlIll IIt1l1 ormU nued !l1H1 cJi.;tri bn cUll.tlCl }"'i.r'L Ittlllliu tLl ucC ' )U o~ for mos t people suppose. ·gef·I.l tlllleut fli ed. Women as well as men are made mls· Sohwl\rt~'~, the dru~gi!!t ' tiOll Illud e. Triul ' . Esr.utu Ole Nflllui" O. Jllllnoy , dl'. erable wllh kidney and bladder trouble, botl.le fr oe, I!:VII L ~lter\\,"(tcl VII ,I n\flus W and both need Ihe same great remedy. 1l1.1I"", \. J . ll:. Jnonoy "ppuiot l'd ud. ( ;rl'~woll, or. Ill. JUDIlthlln b' . tiller The mild and the Immedla le effect or I\"" lcl. ,,(llIIiuI Nt.rutor of 1,h", I'~~ .. ttl Ill' minl~t, rn tor wi t,1t bond a t UOOO . Dr. Swamp .Root I. soon realized. It Is sold J . 'l' EIIrf<, W. Ii . Alien lIud J ohn Fmnk t;IH.rwl)..,d Hle~ ILn~WIlC .ILOd by druggists , In f i f t Y - I. I i I i I t.ll'llhllotll lLiJJlI"'lis ers . cent and one dollar ortl"~ 1I,' lltiun. ~,~..: Estate of <.:iorct.., n .J . Wrill:ht" do sizes. You may have a hitl BnlJe \3tl~l)rU v,; N uttio Buw. cunsull. 0 1U1l11~~I sample boUle by mall On wit.h will 110 . SPEOIAL TlES: 0IS,KASK8 OB' wmlEN • ." Y"I', tit III. NoticA of \lunde ooy or u ex d idbU (I to E V free. als o pamphlet Ie 11- Domo or 8wa_Roa~ lmrnhu rt . lhm.. l by I'llbliou ti o ll. ANI> C HII_ I"I ~ N Ing all about II , Including many of the In I'e will GOl'llou J . '....i' l·i~ bt , de S 'HEDUI"I<.: OF PAt:)tiE NGER TRAIN S titlltu of Uhio V8 Goorge ,Iuokson . ce1l8ed, COUllni dtliou re l.urned nnd thousand s of tesllmon lal letters received b' .•1. ::It . •Iohn uppoiut llu to I·epre· widow eloots to tt1ke under provis o from sufferers cured. In wriling Dr. Kilmer KIt'~'ICCTIVK NOV . 12. 190r, 'l'he 0 rl8'lan. &. Co .. Bingham ton, N. Y., be sure and allot iucli gent del uuc1nnt . ions of the Will . mentlon this paper. Foley & C"., Chit:Jllgo, orlgioll ted 800TnlloUND ldTATI ONS Estate of Mary S. Mulone y. de· Alice lill.t flllan \'8 Cathari ne , NORl'aB OUND Don't lUa,ke any mistake , but reo HOll ey !lud '('ur as a throut tlDd lunl' Mount et III Writ of pllrtitlo n iS8ued o088ed. Invento ry and apllruis e. No.6 No.4 No. 2 remedy , And on acooun t of the great No. 1 No.3 . No. 5 •llI oob hoot" Uhus. }!'rllnz and Janus men t flied . m emher the n(lm~, SwumJl Ito at, merit And popula PM rity of Foley's PM AM Estate of Chules Lewis c\ecellstld. Dr. Kilmer 's EI tzroth I~ppoint-ed commis 8ioner to AM All PM Swamp Root, uodt.h e Boney mi d Tllr mllny imitutl ons ure (\ 42 :l 30 Invento ry and apprais ement filed. II 25 Arrive Lebano n Leave 7 20 make tIIIld partitio n II 30 4 30 offerlld for a,ddrcss thll , genum Blugha e mpton , N. Y., on Ask for 16 30 11:1 ~2 Thoma s 8unter guardia n of 119 19 Leave Leland ' ., 117 26 119 36 John W . Voiles vs f"iIly Wood' 114 S(I oOoley's BO.ney and Tar lind refuse 11(1 every 21 ·bottle. 3 13 9 Hllnry 10 BUrns, Dodds Imbeoil " e, va Henry ,. 7 36 119 46 wnrd Burdin g et al. IS. B. Wood' 4 45 any 8ubstit ute offered u.s no other 11(1 18 11 3 11 119 07 Kitohen er " 117 38 119 48 wlJ.rd i8 nppoln ted gUllrdia n for the Buros et ul. ApprlLiailmo nt approv . tt 47 prepnrl> tion will give the slime sat to 16 ed 113 and 09 gUILrdiu n ordertld to gl ve an 19 05 VAnable "17 40 t9 50 I" "9 Bnits for minor defendn ots. Answer s " isfllotio n . It is mildly IlIxativ e. It 10 12 ~ a 05 t9 01 Notic e of Appo intme nt. oontain Edgewo od " 117 44 ,9 56 fIlor! . Same. Writ of plLrtl~ion additlon nl b ond of f,SOO. Order for t4 53 s no OpllltllS !lnd Is 8ufeRt for 6 09 3 02 8 58 Lytle ., 7 47 9 57 &soed lind Joseph B. W eis, ' EIIa.s private snle of rell.1 estate givell. 4 56 ohildre n ILnd dellon.te person!! . F. 116 04 12 t8 57 63' T . C. Patters on admini Muqor EStnLC t'trntor of Roberl of "17 E nGle. decMsed . 52 tl0 OS Folk lind George R. Rossmo n a.p. t5 01 " C. Seh wllrt71. 5 68 2 51 Ludwio a 45 k W Centerv . Miller, ille decellse d vs 8 00 10 10 'l'he unde""IKllctl hQ8 been appolnle nd ~~~~~~~~ pointed oommls loner to mnke parti. 5 07 ~~~~~~~~ Ii 52 2 45 8 37 Wlllil>m lliJler et Ill. Sule of real quaJl.fJed UJIC lldminls uu.tor de bonisd.anon BeUlp!ltead " 8 08 10 18 tion. 5 16 wllb Lhe will annexed estate conflrm ed . of <he t5 e""'ne J t2 9 42 of Hob· tS 33 ' " Itoslyn " t8 11 tlO 21 teJ 17 Englo. InLe o r \va rrc n cou.n t )', Ohio. c1e, Snrah A. Nixon vs Alioe Nixon et 544 2 :j7 t! 29 10 re Cathnri ne Smith un nlleged ert. " ~hlLker Crossi ng" ceased B 10 io 26 5 ' 22 al Demurr or overrul ed. Defen. insane ptlrson 5 42 2 35 8 26 " Lebllno o Juooti.o n arr 8 18 'Oated \bls 23d day 01 No vember A. D.IUOD. 10 30 ' Ii 211 'don't 'accepts and III aiveu '20 days In 8t~ta Hospita . Admitted to the , 5 00 J . E ••IAlln,.. Admlnlsl ralor CIoC. "DAY 'rON l nt · Dayton . 9 40 II 00 whloh to file answor . (0 .1'1. & D) 2 00 lj:!<1 Estute of WilJlul ll Donson deoeas . DrnnOon . nurr.aud J\"lnH. AtLY8. 8 OQ (0 a &: D) 11 :00 (0 a &: D) . Eva L. tlhl"rwo od VB James W. ed, Mary B. DoMan Ilppoln ted ad . . r; 00 (D&XT )(O &: XT) 9 00 (D X &: T) 6 00 Creswe ll et Ill. Motion for soourit y ministr at.r ix with bond of *3000. (D&XT ) .I (0 & X T) (D &: X T) for miNts overrul ed: Defenrl unt glv. Riohard R()s , Geo. M iller and J. M, ·Usna-e ra 2t a Oold' and How to SundBY only; Trnln8 pusn..y le liS follows : eu til Janul10ry 29 to file uns\Vor Avold Thomp son I>ppralsers Them. Northb onnd 7 56 a . m . 5 4711. m . t!outbb ound 7 03 p m 9 041\ m . 'l'hOlllll>l R, L. 8u\l VB TholDlLS DllI EstAte of Wm . H. Dwyer, .deoeo-s. More fatalitie s have their origin W . E . MOORE, Oenor.\1 Passeng er ARent, Lebano n, Ohio. et al. Est~·te. is udj odged to 'l'homu s ed. Proof of publiOlLtion of notioe in or r~sult frow ' /I. oold thrm frow IIFIllg stop . R, L. lia.!l who eloots to take sI<ld of exeouto r file(\. any other cause. This faot alone Est.l.te of Rnohae l A. Tilrook mor· should make people more preml~1lI! ilt vu.IUtlti on. PurtilLl dis· uB ~~~~~~~~~~~!"""!"!"""!"~~11111 ton deoea~ e d . Proof of pubholl tion tbere is no d .. nger whl\tevoareful trl butlon made. . er from a Clears up the OOmpl ell:lOn, State of Ohio vs Geflrge Juolulon of notioe'o f IlPlloiu tment of admin· oolr! when it is properl y treated in .tbe beginni ng. Defend llnt fOllnrl guilty, .Jury as· istrator filed . For wlLny years J. E. Janney says I"axlco la Ton· With someth ing substan tial to begin' the day 'on, auita every membe r Estate of Chltrles Lllwis Younl(, Ch!lwb erlnin's Cough R emedy has seslle!! v ..lue of ml>re stolen R t *135 10 Tllblets of the Work househ old these cold mornin gs . Wonde rs for the , nnd of til" otller pl'opert y ut 1100. decease d. Proof of publioa tion of been recogni zed as the wost prompt t:;kin. Most people drink oolfee at breakfll St, uod we can suit the WoOl! Co lo V9 E. B. Rogerll, et ai, qot.ine of appoin tment of Ildmini s · !lnd effeotu al medioin e iii use lor lover this disease . It acts on nature 'e It is hard to tell ,just why these of coffee. We blLve aB gorxl "' lille of COFFE ES I>R J)e murrer of } f so~tlLln6(1. trn tor fil ed . vou b,ul find io town Estit.t,e of WillillUl Jllokson , decells. pluD, loosens the oougI I, reI ieves h httle tablets have becowe so popu. Ollije dismiss ed ut dtlsire of plnintit f. What beUer than hlltter oakes with PURE SYRUP .. ~et t e l w·th W ill 1 d ' b t ed. Proof of publio!l tion of uotioe J ' ope s the secretio D!' Ilnd aids PllnulIk o ar, I aynesv . 8 lee, u can· FLOUR lind ~YRUP hero U[l~S , n . siderln g the short etllwe . of R.ppoint.merit of ndruinis trlLtor nut,ure • I' ROIlATh: OOORT. they have in restorlU g the systemF toCo. been I\dverti sed, thiS demand for tileeI. We oan furuish I,he DIll keull of nllmeu ls j hreo.kfl lst, dinner lind heulthy oondlti on . Sold by . . them hILS been Muse sup E~tnteof ,T. P . Gllohri st,dpoellsod. for wonder . per, Estl~te of Enooh Whituc re, d l.lOeM · with ull 8eu80nulJle goods . Sohwur tz. . 'riley nre BO differen t In appeara nce Excepti ons to tJltlIlCOOUUt!! of th" ex: ed. Proof of puhllOutii'n (If IIUti OO You are invtted to onll . eoutor wlt.hdrt lw . from other Itlxa,tivll tablets, but of aplloiut.UIl'Dt of ndnl illistrat or W . F. Eltzrot h lit! assigoe e for the fil ed. It Pays to Pay in Adva nce they reully must possess THE CORN ER GROC ERY. unusua oonpfit of tbe credito r of W. E ' Estnte of Lnt.on M. Wnrwio k, ·de. merit, for from my own persona ll 1'ho attentio n of Gazette 8ubsori b· observn tion 1 know that Stookto n at III. Appruis lllllent oeusell , l'r .. " f of publiont.i on of they 0.1· Ildopt.ed "lid order for su le uf real notice of uPPlli nt.meot of' P-Xflouto r el'oI is called to the f,l Ot that tillll ways do just whitt is expeote d of fil ed . prictl of the paper is *1.25 when not them . estate 1880"d. EstlLte of ·Eli Kirk, doc"" sed. Estnte of HIiTry Enstmll n, dec')lIs. puid In advanc e. If plLid in nd. 1'heir netlon upon the skin I\nd ..-'"------~~~~---- ~-------~---~~•• Invento ry und nppruit mmlmt tiled. ed . Proof of pnhlicllti olJ ,>1 nOLiCt.1 Villi t; it is only *1.00. As Il num· oompla xion is remnl:k llble, for tbe hor of subsori ptions expire lit this prinoiplLl ingredi ent in Estllw·o f Ell Kirk, deceulled SlIlo of flppoin tmen t of PXtlcntor flied. ' them Is ex· bill filed, E~tu te bf Colon !:>)lenco, deo!lllscd . ~euRon, subsorib er!:! should give the tr!,ot. of d!ln(I~Jion, l\Dd your own mfltter attentio n . Estu te of Anna Wei~. dell6118ed Proof of publiotl ti on of not ice of ,doel.or will tell you Ithnt dandeli on First and fin" 1 IIcoouOt flied . Ilppoin tmtlnt of admlnl stmtor fi led. !'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' i!:! on e of t,he grelLteB,t skin !lItera· , ·f • • Estate of Ohurlea J . und ~eorge known to the profess ion . 'Ih!! ehllnce s for hV.l ng a full oeu · tlve~ If your bowelR are inllctive , your W. WlLggoner, deolll\sed . FirRt und t,ury arc exoelle Comm ission ers' ll t In the case 0 f skin Sl\l1o\\'\ \', yonr tongue Call ted , fiOBl lloooun t for settlem ent mild , Now lelLves Union Pus~(\lIaer t>tution, Chlon~o, ILt 8 \J m .• Mr". Jennie Duncli.n, o~ B' · lyour breath foul, I\.nd Estate of Fred E R,,'udnlHn, de· if you I>re Proce eding s. VI lie, Me .. no,,: 70 .yelLrs olu . She Irouhle d dnily, with pimples bilious spells oeased. First and fio.LI IIcooun t for a rriving Omuhu 9:20 IL m., !lOll Huo FrHncls oo the Wl"it;es: ':Eleotr le BI.tter!'. c~red me lIud Rlokheu dache, settlem ent filed . a 25'.cent packag e afterno on of the third day. Throug h .t&ndar d sleeper s, Burt Reed, bridge repairl! l of Ohromo Dysl)ep SIIL of ~O yeo.l's lof Laxflllo lIl Tonte 1'ablets will olear Tillie Penoe, odminiM tmtrix, VH in Decrfl £lId townsh i\l........ . I a 25 stnudlD g, und mllds Chiou~o to San Frllnclsco, Vining' CRrs nnd obllenn tlon me fer.! ,11S ~" t;11 up your comple xion , tone up your W. U . Newpo rt et Ill. Sale of rOlLl John Wolf, bridgll r epll. lr~ in Q.nd strong oars IIJI t,he Wtly. Route -Ihe 118 ~ young girl. ~Iec: live r, enoouTl eetate oonfirm ed lind deed ordered Lge the aotioD of your Massie townsh ip.. ..... ....... :17 41 trio Bitters oure Rt.oTunc h /I.nd hver howels IlOd make Vall ~iven. VV. H. Blaine, dU]llllge for disenile s, blood . diso rders, genem l uud h ~!I Jthy . inside nnd sweet oleun Estat-e of Mary S. Bensey , deoens. out, ~r Mr. road way. .......... .. ... .... ...... () 00 debtlity and hor111y welLkness . Sold Jllnney ' will glndly }lILY' blLok your ed . Edgur W. Hensuy I1ppoint ed J M Staoy, locust posts .. .... " on n gmLTlLnt.oe ut F . C. tlc hwartz m uey 8 28 exeouto r Itobert MnCnlo hoon, Chns . o P Wheato n, trellsur er, drug store. Prim' ouly u· . , 500. Thomp son and Ed EmerMon npprnls . foos from Jnnuur y settle. ers. llIout Dow tlLX ......... ......... 18 33 In re Belle D, CadWAllader, I\n nl · S A Stilwell , nudltor 's fo os leged Insllne }Ierson. Admitt ed to from ,Janllar y settlem ent the Stute BOl<pitlL! lit Dnyton Dox·tnx .. ..... ,. .. ... . ... ......... 65 GO (;hurles MMlc1OlI, guu rd inn of W Ii Hopkin! !, dU.ffinge for VALLF.:Y PHON" No.40 Bushro d ~lnglflt. otJ imbecil e , VR rOlLa .. ....... ....... ........... ..... in conneo tion with the Union PacificC)l>nd Southe rn PAolfio 'j' 00 Bushro d ldiDgleton .. Pe titlOll for the E 0 Thomp son, medion l lines. 81110 of relll est·l>te set for h ellrln~ service s t.o prisone rs ......... 10 00 Tourist sleepin g OOfS for CR.l Iforn\tl leave Union, Pass· ,Jnllllnr y 23, 1906. Frunk T Whitllo re, sewer Frunk Ruokm an, nc1min istmtor of engert> tution, Chlougo. 10.25 p. m . dlllly. Pert!Ooully oon· pipe, oement and lime. ..... 43 36 LOANS NEGO' l'lATED . Mary A. RuokmlLn, dpoeu·,.ll<l, v~ Lewis Bros, sewer pipe ami NOTAR Y PUBLI . ducted tourist cur parties at 10. 25 p. m. 1'uesda ys nOli We IlILve buyers for good fn,rlllS and town propert y at U.n Samuol C. RuoklDlm. et III. Ap times. cOOlen t........ . .... ... . ........... 3 2() Thursd ays. 1"lst with U8, ·we oon h elp you, prlLi~t'lIIont upprov(>d lind order . fllr Lowls Bros, ooal for JILl!... ..... 30 61 ()ffico Rooms over Post Offioo in Stoops ' Buildin g. IlrlvR.te Hole (It ren.1 ostat.e ISIIIl!'t} . Any tick.. a~c nl will 8011 you tlckels to Californi a via Ibis ,Tltn'Loll MoMul len, merohll U. routefr you Estute of Seth Ellis dCCetIHf'd. nit htm to do so. [)cscript1 vc folderl'> rree. (ti~o for court house ..... ... , :l 00 First. lind finlll ncconn t, for ",,,ulll ,J F Rich, COllI for oonrt 2·\ CAREW BUILDIN G, hllu~1l ......... ......... .. .... ...... II ICA I, Its'rA1'IQTRA""'It'ICIIR 1i1 7[) AND Wllllt.m MoBnrtlll.\' til M.. ," M. B F r.1!lls, lumber ......... ...... 16 87 . Traveli ng PaS!'en ger Agent, CINlJIN NATI. B F Burdge , gravel rOll{1 dl~ Or8goDia,~Ohio. '1'hmUIJS,)\J, Iut in IJl'hAnon, *iI , ~O(I . ~rlot No 7 in Fmnkli n tp II----~~--~~~- ~~~ 0 75 When Wantin g ~~------ . I,ney E. Cor y ,' II "" MIL .\T M 'l'1""IIJI W Unglol' by & !:>OJ:lfl, burllil ~01l, quit, (Jluim t" lot In 1 ",1111",,", : of Nnllcy Alberts on... ........ liO 00 "1 .8ud othtlr !l"nd ami vllinu h i "~ eon A I·orundo r of tUxe:< nllllwc(l ,Jerry For any dlsease of tile skin there Notic e of Appo intme slgecati ooH. nt. Ennis, '01 34, .the slime bBlng 1L8SIl!l~ ' is nothing better than Chamb er 0 ~ . WlIdll Ollohrl st to ~ltI'lIl(\n Pot. Il,i on II :Ieuseh E8Late of l4ary S. ~aloney. docoue4 . old which does not taln.'s Salve. It relieves the Itohlng The unde",lgn torf, lot in Lebl<non, ti aod vth .. r flOW exist. bu been appelnte 4 aDd and burning sensnii on hlstantl y Bnd qualified ,," admlod nl8lralrlllj of lire e."'le or Corner strips for tobllooo boxes for sail:'. good and valuabl e oon@ld eratlons J . N. Lemmo n, expenlte inourre d soon effects a oure. Sold bV F. C, Mary S. Malon.y, laIC 01 warren Count" and a good mortga ge nole. Ohio. de9<l,,"ed . by reason of son havIng ·80n havinK V.118~ .hOJr&.~ BohwB --, rtz. Dated tnla JOlh day o( JAnuary A. D, 11108 iliA Rr NOCLlIBa,
and6lR~l Y
FRE SH NEW YEAR SHO\VN Case after Case of the New com ing, L.OO K AT l'H E LIS'! '. Fig'd
Dott ed
S wiss, Uhiff'on Cl'ep e h'd
( )II i
S how eases
Glas s GO feet long',
fnll of t.he
'1' i
:M.W,LANG,M..D; C.M.
Hu tcb iso n Os (jibn~y, X~nia, Cb io.
Dayton, Lebanon & Cincinnatt R. R.
Telephone Day or Night. local No. 7 long Distance No. 69-3r
Branch Office. Hanfeysburg, O.
G. M. BRO WN ', Pro prie tor
Overland Limited To California
Chicago, Milwaukee &Sf. Paul Railawy
o. c. Mor doU Bh,
Por tlan d Oem .ent , Lum ber, Shin B18 B,an d all kin ds of ala , DBA .LE BS In Flo ur, Pee d and .
AdmllllJ lrautI.
BROWN 6: ,\ kU V, Pablil be rL
WAYN ESVn ,LE, ae::::::= ______.__ _ __
"The SUllslulle Stunt." "rf you bave,lrO\lbles, do IIOt let anyDoe know about lh m. The sunshIne stunt Is (he oue thaL wins," enid lhe Alnbum inn ,to U cOlcri o of tellow lrav el'l'8 galh e ring iu Ihe I;orrillor or 0. Ne\\' Orlea ns ho tel, r late(\ the Tlmes·OemDcra t. " I WIlS In Tel!1lS Ilurlng tlle 5nanc lnl pnnl ~ thero s \'oral years IIgo. )1.1' Il1llt ren t wns galle tbe day lba( I receI ved :t drart for $150 froID my bOllse In the ea s t, The TexllS bllnks ,,'e\'o not only not cashing dratts. but Ihey wcre lurn lng tlo\\'u New York ex. ~lIan ge. It was my fir st tril) throu gll Ihat sla.te and I hat! no fri ends to whom I rOllld IIII'll. 1 'was Informetl at the hotel where I was s topping thllL there was nothing doIng at \.he 11Ilnlt!l. :But I figured that the \\~orst they ould do would be to order ma out or tho plac~. I dId nOL lJOlher with I he ijmal! Cry. I ca lled fo r tho president. 'rhe l.mCe hoy proba'bly toolt me tor somo liersonage of importance, for I bad c u· Lr~e to th o prese nce of Lhe gllntlcman ...,iUlout delay. I greeted him cheerily. The old boy appeared to Hlte my style. I e-xplaIned that I wns famlilar with the IInanclai altuatlon. I had money lIDI8ugh La carry me through, but I had IW obllgaLlon to meet In bl.s cll.y that woula burn up t he draft tbat I flashod on blm. Ordinarily I would not ask to be treated any differently than other folk, but ihls was a case where, If auch • tblng were possible, tbe bnol( might temporarily suSpond ILs rule necessl· tated by the IlBnlc. [ chatted for .. half hour with the old chap. We talked borse racIng, books, etc.. for he Wall verBa:tII~ty personified. He W88 a des.. FOn in one of the churches, but be told me that on the quiet he illd lovd to gamble on the ponIes, nod the last year 'fle had done 'faIrly ,,'el!. I gave hIm !-he latest dope that I had from Sara· toga, and we grew quIte chummy. Did I get the money? W'ell, I should hope I dId. The president called In t he clUlhler and told him that the draft 'should be cllShed. That was a lifo saver, for really [ don't lenow what I '~hould have done had I failed in sitting up to tbe hend of that bank. I tell YOIL th ere Is nothIng in tbls business or r;etlllli; down in ·the dumps. W-hen I went broke In Portland ten years ago, &II tho result of a Ole I' at I'OWette, I took 0. job drivIng s ' butcber's wagon. That migbt s~und like a faIry tale, bnt It's the truth. , I waa not on the road then. I was simply seeI ng t h o country. f drove the meat. wagon for six 1I;10ntb8 ' laved my money' and returned east and got In wIth the j)eople for whom 1 am worltlng now. ' There Is always 0. way :>1 geltlng nlong. Never say die. Just mile and Deg and cut qut looltlng sad. When Y'OU nrc gloomy go wbere no mill will See! you. " . Injury to Consumptives. A me~ica l , authorlty says that lI;1ucb harm hns been done to consu mpU ves by the · IndiscrimInate presc.r lblng' of (reslt air, outdoor li te and exercise, wIthout proper Instl"uctions and educatIon of the patient, toget.her wlUt 0. consldcl'aUon of the exlent at ~be lesIons llr~sent. It Is fo ll y, says thIs authoray, to place a patient with hI gh l'ever, chills and sweats outdoors all day long lu cold \\'oatber, a nd tlleu requIre him to s leep In an open teuL, wllh no provIsIon made lor t ho comforts ot life to which he has been ac· customed. On ~be otber hand, the patient In the early stages of the disease who Is told ' to adopt tent lIte without beIng gIven deOnl te In9truct!ons Is v~ry apt to shut hImself up tlgblat night. In his tent, and so speud sev ~ n or eIght hours B d~y In a closed canvas box. Patients must be leept outdoors all day long In th e open air, aod practically the same condItion. must prevail at nIgh t, but they must be :und e comfortable and protected from cold winds, rnlns and storms, a~d ~uring the summer nionths from tbt ,'Irect rays of ~he ~u n. The begIn· n os of th e outdoor life must be mada I;l'a,lua l. wi t ho ut abrUl! t trans Ition {rum the patient's usual mode or hIe. Slm:lar fnllacl eH exist In the mi nds of tbe hdtl', and eve at the professIon uluo, r egarding the value of exercls~. The patient who Is told to 11\'0 out at doors and "rough It" usulllly does hot live long to carry out the Injunction. or G2 patients In varIous stages of the dl seaoe, wbose hIstorIes are known to tho author, who durIng th l; past live years have been taken l he "roughlllg II" cure, 43 are dead and only two show sIgns of baving their dlceaae ar· res Lell. Rj!St Is the clement It Is ImJ)Ol'taot to secure, fo r usually t he lla· tlent Is only too apt of his own accord to taitO too much a cU I'e exercIse.
(. \ .
While so much Is he lng p,rlnted about hlgh·sala rled officials of insur· ance companIes, t he Interes ting tact Is recalled tllat 40 years ago Robert E . was ottered the presIdency of a n orthern Ins uranco company at a salary large enougb for tllose days. He wrote that be hndu't tbe , ability Dor lhe cxperle nce to command such a salary. He wo.s told tho.t hIs name Was worth it. "What Inftu6nOl! I lJaye with· the southern people 13 not for sale," saId' Lee, The times aDil the' people have changed.
Probably few glrl8 olfend ' ,by ,pu'1Ilon· lite . vehemence ot this kind, Ylft 'uow nnd 1hen one wbo has not learned soH· control may b , h troyo d by 'liar tem· per nnd her "ol eo may re\'cal a titute at things' tha t those who love ber must deplore. Not only sbould you be ol\r et ul about your yol co In Ilr!\·Rte. but do not o\'orlook t hp tucL thll t In \lubllc places n g lr]'s vole' SilO~ It! not be sn rai sed ns to malte her on s lli c uou~, F or Insta nce, It you go to a matlne' or a cotlcert , ha\' o In ml nll tile poo· pI nbout )'011 who hnvo bought ti cke18 nnd wI sh to liste" to Ibe I)crfor m er~ .
Til .. Voice an Expression ot Health Stt:ength, Oharacter and Per'son~ nllly - Indistinct Enunclntlon )tars Many VOlces-Somo Girl s Speak Ltke Soldiers on tho Wal" path-NeIther Rush, Shout Nor e!ic1t.\e Wb en Talking. n nd ·rlo not let yo ur own conYI!rsatioh go on at n tfm o ",!Jen nttcnlion ,hould BY M .\U OA RE:r 1::. SAN c s:r l m . bo focussed on I ho tr YI>\I ore (Col>l'rlghl. 100:'. by J 08<t>h fl , Bowie. ) One of th pr LUes t slglns 10 Ih ' In COl'S or t" rry boal s m:l lm It B ,·ul e world Is thut of th o youn !: )lco [llo un ncilhor to dl s .·u~s your rrt.mdg nor "le n· th eir way to school IJct W~ C ll eight and ti on nlI A~ !\1 p"rson " hl' na me. Thi . nIn e In the mornin g. I lll(!~ to soe t he Is 11 littl e wor ili. nn<l )'ou neve r llno\\' gIrls between 14 nnd 10 as tUey 1'(0 !Jut SOnt ciJo<i y lI1ay bl! Iwa,' .1'0 11 who arm In arm, eal!h with her !llle o( know s all abo llt yoursclt aud th e per· bool, s In her huuds. chattIn g garly or !";0 11 5 abotl t who m YO II nrc talldoS'. A tulldng coulldenLlally, theIr Ilay be for.' I; ir l may Ii,·.~ t n Nell' Yorl<. Philarll'1 , them and not a clo ud 10 tl lm l llei r phla. 01' LOlI ls\' itl p.. nnll alto mOl· M tall<in g III San Fran I ~ co or C:1lclllta sl,y. "Whal 11 swee t voI ce thnt girl has ." or DOlll un )' wli h n frl c",} nuoli l 011 · • heard some one SUy as Ellzuhel!J r:U\ other rr ie n" whose hOttl e is 111 Co· a cross t he slree t to meet bmlly, rail· 11Imbll ~ or . ~ep, a11 11 HOll lO un ' iug Ollt her cheery good mornin g. It I, nown J)3Hs ("'r or I>co r ' on til Un lllng or was Incleell a sweet voI ce and bad ca r, s i t! jng nl'nr, mar )war St,: ('t' Cl ::; 0 ·1 rylng power, clear as a bell or II IJlrd tn r.nnt ror OtJl!.j( t pl'!i :and OIay Inlo\\' nole, yet It was nOI loud. Vulces nru perfectl y 1\'l·1I th o I'POl ll o 11' 110 n('(' os d llTerent as faces. We pay n grea t menllo ll ecl, As YOli roro\\' o lder ), 0' 1 deal of attention In Ih ls COu nlr y to will mol'C nnll mor c 1J 0 alll az~ <1 10 cll .· tm lnlng th e sillging volell. lIllll we an: cOV" r whn t a li llie world t hi ~ I ,. :U1U willing to pny tenchers largo prices 10 h o w l il~ ly peop le nre to hal l'! m e t develol! th line sopra no or the rkh other peo plo nil arouilli tlt e> I; looe. n efill 'mell t anu IlIleltl g" tl(c are contralto thul eve ryone admlr~3. Onl (ur too littl e Ir(}ilhlo Is taken wIth lhe showil by th e \'olco as (Jlllcl<1y M by spealelng VOice, and It Is a ' pllY, for the tnce. Il.Ilto,·ntc II ~op l e sOlIlol lme_ wo si ng only occaslonnlly. ond most hll\'e s wcel \/olces. espec ially In some countri es, bill In ours wllb our harsh of us tnlk t1'om mornin g till nIght. If you hear n group at girls talking dlma lo. lece n wInd s nnd fr equent on tho campus Or in a Rlrect car, you chnn l:~ s of w 'nIh ' 1', we sball not h:\ve arc orten pained by tbe lack at mel;>dy ! th o velvet ,'olces of our Ent;lI~b In their voI ces. Some are harsb ilDJ cOIl ~ lns 11l111'!!S we moko It uur ombl, r ott~h, otbers are nasal; some ore tlon 10 obtain , tll em . CUrontc, at mnm.ed and croakIng; a few are pure cOU rsl.', has a mal'ited elrcct lIpon the and sl h'ery.- Shakespcare, who wa s an vo lcc. Tho <lweller In tho mOllntain acnte obscner, In speak ing or one I'f nnd the lIwe lle r by the sea speak III his heroines, saId : "Her voice was dilTerent cudenceH. bllt y.IU gIrls. ever sort, gelltl& and low; an eltcell en t wh erever YO tl arc. may have sweet. thIng In woman." First and las t YOll "oices It YOIJ wl1nt lh om. Vou wIll find a good mnny 01lus lon9 to voIces not ha ve them, It may be. wUhout on in Shakespeare. Thore aro t08}lIlcs In erro rt nnd wltbout laltln g poln s. but whicb each seems to t ry whether or th e ('lTort is worth mullin :;. Don 't be not he or she can be heora by speall. all('cted. It )'O U are taught, LO uso the Ing so loudly as to drown the re~t. bro a ~ 11 in school a nd If JOU bll vo This , 18 always a mark of very ill. been accustolO ed to It ut J10m o, YOIl breedin g. No well.bred person are fortunate. for It is correc l nnff eoreams or shouts In the family or Illeasl ng. !Jut I~ rath er funuy to bear anywhere elsc. A low voice may be a girl attempl the brOlll1 a \[ s ho mero· heard quIte as cITcctlvely ' as one thaI Iy 1.lns It on her speech IIko a' bow Is loud and shrill, if Its possessor· hns on u dreSS, usos it sometimes and learned the art of managing It proper . sometimes forgets It. Above all things IY. Even In a large butldl ng a per. be .natural. Aff.cetntlon Is a budge of son who speaks SloWly, ~I v lng ' every Ins incerIty a nd shows n s hallow har, ,,:ord It.s full. value, and thro\,:lng tire acter. Do yourRc lf, but mu lee your: voice trom lhe chest Instead of from self In everything as deli ghtful ..tiS you the head , w.1ll be 'beard distI nctly, In can. order to have a full, agreeable voice, s gIrl should practice deep breathIng MILlTA,RY BRUSH CASE. _everal times a day In 'tbe open The voIce Is t he expression of, health, May De Made of Matenal About tbe strength, charaoter and personality, Rouse and Is Not D fJficult to Tbe Iij)s, the teeth, the roof ' of the l~t Together. mout b, tbe palate, the vocal cords and the lungs are all Involved In this The size or the oase must, ot voIce of ours, whIch 19 ollr peculiar en· course, be regulated by the slz\l of (he dowment, and lifts us up to the hIgh· brushes It III Intendod to hold. Two est plane In creatloil, pIeces " ot 'stout 'cardboard should be , cu t th o shape at ·th o baclt of brushes, 1 will suppose that some gI rl for bllt' one Inch larger nU round. The whom ' I ani \VTltlng has contracted 0 piece for the sliles Is cine.hal( ineb slovonly way of talking, that her voIce deeper than the two brus hes would Is no~ pleasa nt., and tbat IIer enuncla· be . whe n pla,ced together, and sllould tton Is Ind Istinct. How shall she break ' hersclt of bad habits? Just as sh woul(1 break herself of a bad hahlt In any other direction, sbe . must set . hersol f to work about this an d be In downrlghl earnest If she Is to aecompllsb anytblng worth while. She lOust remInd lrc rsel! constant ly It sbe I ~ accusto med ~o ahr l!!I, . tbat .people around ber are nOl dea r, an,1 that It they were they would hear he r as easily if sh!) spoleo low as If s he SPOllO loudly. Every tlm c site begi ns speakIng o's If site wero a soldier on th e warpatb, let her call a hall, nnd dr~ D her voice a tone or two, If slle 1mB the heedless method of omItting P llEl~j ENT I "OR .\ MAN . tlle IInal g nnd sayIng morn In' for morn Ing and eVenln' f or even ing, lot b two Inche!! louger thun the cIrcum h er rem edy that. It sho run b or ferolice or ';j(ICll, as it Is ' ,'l words together , as too many of us ove r tn fil s ten. do under tho Impression t.hnt Lilcre Cover nUd IIno RII th e pI eces with Is no Urne to sparc, and thot word» colored linc n, cloth. sill, or ve lve t. mu st tum ble ovor each other as \Voter T bc piece for uno sille to be em braid· tum1;lles over roclt s, let her pause and ered os shown in IIlu struUom Sew g6 more' slowly. the two o\'ala to th e strlll Ilbout two· T wo gi rl s the other day worn ,li s· thIrds thc drclimfurcllce, then edgo eu:;si ng a thIrd wbo was a s tud cnt In nil round with conI. g ew a 10011 of a New E ngland college, but was '1 na· line curd uucler lli e uuJnin c(1 e nd, tlve ot lndla ; a hI gh caste girl whd which i~ .lO iJu £nslcueu to a button bad bee n taught Engll ~ h In I} er buby· n~ ~h()\V n . hoo d. "You should bear her perfect English," one said to the oLb er. "She Personal VisIts. spealcs more slowly titan we .10. and Por~ollal vis its :11'1, necessa ry in her voice Is lIIte music. She 1$ nev er the least In 0. hurry and th ~ r" Is th e ro :OJ;llllion of invltallO'I" · 1.0 lllnncrs, prellles L little nccent 1I11e a frat;rnnce." l uneh~on " , lJrcall (nsts, bulls or Ilny We often notice thIs crystalline per, OilIer luvlta.lion to un on terta lo menl tectlon 1n (oreigners who have nco willch Is limited to a selected num. qulred Engllslr Dnd speale It leRH reck· be~ of guesls, Oue s hould always call Jessly and wllh more pr('~ls IOII than within a fOrlnlght after Ihe function . we who are to th e mann er bOI n. Dcnr A receptIo n or tea Is accounted a girl s. take your time. There Is plent y visi t a nd ca llcel~ olJllgatlons on of It. Nclther ru sh nor shout, nOr t ne r.n.·t o[ hos tess nnd g ncst. Form. cack le, nor make n shrill clamor wh en al railS in \lIC .:Ity ure paid be· you are talkin g, but romcmher t ween t hree and ~: :1O o'clock In tbe Sllal<cspeare's low anrl gen tle v,o lcc nfternoon '"HI the visit Hbou ld be a which Is an excellent thing In wo'mau. v('ry s ho rl one. It Is nlways more compllmcnl nry nud con9idcrnte to observe • • • • Of course, no gIrl who respects h'e r, a fl'lcnd' s tiny nt homo tnan to pay eelt evor (urnes, freta or "coills. he r Ii chnnce cull on another dey. Tbere Is a scoilling voice and thoro is a rrel.tlnc; voi ce, anll bo Lh nre most Hnnd""ork. <In Oo'IVDB. Fancy Coming 8u(ldellly r ellollcnL Exqulslte!:andwork II beIng Illvlshed .Into Lite presence or a cirl whom you lipan the ;;owns at th e Winter . One lova. bavl1 always thou gbt lo"ely and at. ly re ception dress had n Ilule hoiero tr~"l,ive. anti find ing her ' and wblch loolced ' very much IIlte a 'baby', us ln:: Invectives., Bnd IIn d,l ng tault In ' blouse coat. It was Cllt vory short,. bad • coarliC, hal cful way: that would wide sleeves Sod a little turnover collar you tbal ber charnct<: r IHld a . mllryelously, embroidered. A line of em, very. seamy side. You coul,\ ~ n ever broidery ~,"teodc(1 all the w.u y ' around Jjavo th e same opi nIon ot suc h a 'gi rl the border (If the little IloreIQ.' whh:h, ago In. tl .vould be as 1£ un der tbe by Ib ~ WilY, IV!lS marie \If bro.-(\Cloth and fair' out s iUA You bud seen a gll m~se at wall In It ."ale abu.lIe of Green «i'lllateli. ~m~thln:; and repuls ive .wlilll,n. .the /lawn. . .' '. :, " ~
'.The F~hions of ' ~~ Day
The !!'lIVn maIl ers conllnuo to tUrn out skIrts 'In th t'ee lengths: th e short, praellcnl oue: the ull·rollnd I 'nsth for a ft ernoo n IV \'0\ 1'. wbloh JU Bt louches the grou nd ; lint! Ihe really lOll I:, loug all around. perhaps three In ches 1),l nr; on tho nuo r, th e kinu s U\lposecl lc g !\'~ a stulu esClue a p\learan ce to the w~al"· cr. Th(, laUer Is ,:;enerally becomln and to ho ,..~r ontm ~n 'l c d tor hOIlSe wear. ~k lrl S arc til ill s hc~th' lIke, p ~ r · haps n e ll more 80 tha n they bave of lute heo n: I\nd tlwre Is not quite ~o mu ch ('o " c~ l"n fu r th e fl a re Ilt th e hot· 10m. althougl', In so me mystcrlou s wuy n lot or fulln oss Is nl.lal ned, In I'u rl.< lile pri nces" ancl Ji:m plre robos aplloa r to ha ve bani shed nhuo, ) evp r>'lhln g pl, p. a '1(1 Iho holero Is af, !"cted !Jy 'cI' r r y other w,)ma n mt·t
fellow - no_ 0110 t:t~hlon-::" an'" II It fin tru e Olltt Il16 AmerIcan "':lm ... n II bulh1!ng 'up all Inclh' lduality .,f tyll that bids ,faIr to ' I !;8Qn .the PI'o!SPgl or t be lon:;·ru1!ng ParlRlnn T \\: hl\.\'o fo)cc ntly !Jail. 11 ' peep lit "pl'lng models, nnd, lh o'. gh It · Is eome whut OU l' ly to tnl;, of (as hlons t hnt (11" to hloo m late' In th o s pring, we tool t(' lllllted to I t (all I\, w"rd or two an ~n l noon 'lo,Uo shown dnslgr. R. 'rltore lire 10 un Ro me ve ry E '~lIlrt \val l'ins Ru ilR ot t hc throp·ploce ordH, lho t pa· ' tnr ~ ' ) ha t sld rt anll wlIl, l. nn,t Ihn ! tile Jarllnt IR n sellarn to nl1 nlr : fo l' IIISI:tnc , ther, will t e 1\ Rlt lrt· \\'n lst ,mho flf bl'ow n !lnll b lt:o ch p.(·I" Ih. dll'l:lfR smu ll nnd Iwat , r:nd wom IVlti. I hi. n a('lic L or eith er lI lH: or 11 I'IlW n, '1 It " whol r. m:1ld ll ); for h ~ l' nt O IlY l'oL her tt Ita
~ ha l
, '
The ml:.sion of the Old· Monlt· Cur.. .
(' on t r~ s l.
1I1'O"'n. l hat color whoso lJ pn lltl p~ a rp (rolll t lnto 10 tlml' hrou J;h t for , wnnt. i s now much t\J :hf' ro l' :I. " n It hO!l Itop n r;,nnll th nt II I
Iri nnnln g,
Rf' r\' l'li a b'l l1t n~ ~'('I ll n s hl iU'l, h1 r e·
IlIlt'u n,tl one lI own. und thla YCllr wom en \\' ~arln g
h,'own hat w ilh u p n i c h l ll~ ~OWll , with th ~ old ·rolie fin f; ~s ldt)nahh '
n ow, and with
1 11'I1I W~
A~" U SEJ~ Ul•.
wllh. Tho ten deney Is to do a wny willt tbe \Valst line, to the waIst IIno of tho dIp belt; bu t on t his s hl o oC t he water we are a bIt slow to bani sh .t he Btyle 8 0 becoming to .womenklnd all. I t ,Is woll tu be (l' lI~tle !llow In accopting ab!lOlute rlllos. tor to,day. It ever, It Is the fa sblon ove:' Ir~re to
f:tRllion. illlll fnncy way bfl\'e " t~rtl't1 wltll Ih o ra!,;" fOI' hrown tll r Ir !ln mln~ lhal has mnl'l<cd th e scn >:Oll at the Frcn r h cnll1t nl. Aga in tempt o.1 to rerrr to ~nr ln!'; tas h lon~ . \\'0 wOlild spolle of the tucl thilt th m'e fl ·rn I:O ln ll to b'l Rom" " ory nltracLl ve lonl;'I'onl sui ts ill . 11 Ie. ' In th o sa me br.'a llt we wc:,1.: mCl ntlon that th o short P.t,) U coat will lead for wrap nud ol her cOHlum'cs. In cloth 1\ knl; redlnJ;oto is pn' tty heavy llnd bu rdo n som e, QDd sa ve In s ilk It will not be "0 popular ns It hIlS been. ' SlI le IR e:<tensl\'oly USed for trIm· min t;s : tho plaited frills are new aDd l)retty ; there IH a llklng among dress· mal".! rs to molee sleeves, gIrd le anll yoke at 0 wool gown of another fab· riC. lIud 8lile Is preferred aho ve others. Tbe nll·5l1k dress for evenIng wear Is the bos t slylo. nnd a more serv iceable costum e than this cannot bo hail; wllh lillie c hange' her e and lhero, It w1l1 do for auy hour of tb e day or avell' in g. The ~ ra ce ful wmp h erll pictured Is one at th ose e\,er·a vallnhle posseSSions plaIn cnollll1r tor day tim e. elegant enough fnr c\'cnlng ; for carrIage or I tor walkin g, althou gh too cum~rs91110 for a very 10nI; tramp. But It Is a . very deslrnble wrap to own.
Pretty Negligee and Underwear At this time of yea r the stpr 9 di s· play new lhlngs In wrappers ' and t a· jacleets, and the Infest thIng In u nder· wenr Is now put out Cor my lady's con· slderatlon, We observe In our s tudy of prevailing mocles tbat the princess has Invaded negligee appnrel, a nd we vute the prIncess wrapper , a stalely and graceful garment. Emplro styles are very gOod al ~o, the skirt and waist Joined In lines most becomIng' to th e Individual wearer. Sometimes the prill cess wrapper Is cut In Oae pIece" bul oftener in two. It I~ IIttell to tile flgllre by meane ot small t ueles ttea t .stop just above the hIps, sImulate a g irdle. Not Infrequently an elabornte bolero Is' added to the wrapp er, which tbus becomes a "houBe gowu" and QuIte drossy enongh to wear at dinn er, Such n gown Is Indlspenaable t" tho " 'earled society woman, and the busi· ness woman mi ght well a dopt It Lo luxurlato Ja aCter the s t ~e58 of thll day Is over. The French woman has bet t'er taste hI underwear than tlie aVl1ra ge Amer· ~ao WilmRn; thn former goes In tor fin eness -and eicqulslte bandworll, lhe latter tor s ho"'y trImmIng. Dut there !MIems some Improvement noticeable.
lately, and we flnd the better wear less elaborate. of s uperior mao terlal. Tn IlTghtgO)wns, considerable trimming Is allowed, however, and thCl mode illustrated Is a talr ~aDlple. It Is ' mn lle EmpIre style, wilh a low, square nee Ie, whIch ' mayor may nol be filled In, ju st as olle fanc ies. The matel'lal used is fino nalnsool,: t hp ~est Is uf tuclts alternating with In· sertlon, Rnd the Empire bolero has turned·back rllvers trimmed to match. ' The sleeves, (ull I\hd sbort, are lin· Ished .. 1Rlth a deep, lace·edged frill , Thl~ la • very ' attractive gown, and might do for a ' ounglng rube aD a bot summer day. • . Almost all tbe pretty nIght goWlls arl\. made ,with short sleeves and low n'eck, and ODe sO(ln grows used ' to t,!re decollote. Corset covers are less and Ius ornate, and drawers not ·S(I fur· "elowed. p,etUcoat!l come. In endi!!•• 'I'~rl~Y. . .,.. " All a , rule an old .~alst 'dnes- Dot' an~ !'!~L,!er! ~e!! (or ~~ .Il~ . ~ndersllp . . •
10 wear with a ljn gerle blOUSe ; mU CI) Ilt l he Ret ot tho lotter depends on th e 'unc1ersllp. nnll slllls should bo J'ilBdo wIth tha t Iclea In vlcw. Thoy aro cut to havo n little tullness in front allt! to fi t tn tho bnok. the .s leeves should Itave cons ld ornble fulln ess . I\t tbe s houlder. The new IIn ge rlo waists nro very lovely, unll 1\11 signs Indi cate thtly wIll be popular tor R long t lmo to come. A very pretty one ls made Ilt white orepe tlo chIno t rimmed with Valenclenno8 Insertion and frllis und large medallions at otber laco. Bm· broidery on . ~ bcer not Is a plp..Qslng novelly In the ~ay at trimmIng tOl' tbl!8e walslS, a nel a nother vnrlatlon Is a contrasting clellcate color; \lulo plnke and blues ' ap\lea r on a soft 'cream ground, anil th a effect Is charmin g. 1':l.r.EN ----
BIRPS SCATTER FISH SPAwtiI Take Up the , Eggs .Whlle Bnthlng and Transport 'fbem to Pm!t·I .. Ponds. I
Is to cu re .• r.d lit" world "no","s 1\ does 11 salel y lind surely . Prlc .. , 2$0 , and SOc.
n nd
p l u rtlM ~uHI rpd s . (\ touch of UI'OWII with th e 1IC!lIrodt l o ue~. IR Ihe hc l~hl of
.., Th" more.we know 01 OUf Ills, the oas or aud aOO(lor roll .. f will conte. PaIns and ..cites of Ihe lIesh, jolm, -a lld m~s' la 3 aro , '
Senator Young aaked Del Travis bow . • ha ppe ned tbat 'caUlsb aDd 8unllsll could be tound In ponds on lhe praIrIe or any place elso where there was no eonnect,lon with rllnnlng water. anti rocelved an exp l:l.nallo ll which Is 'Interes tln g, rolates th e Topelm Capitnl. Every boy 1000ws that ho can cntcll "bullheads" In pbods whl,c lt hnve not hnll ru nnIng wnler In ' lhem tor years. and lhe boy,s have ha d many ,1I£forcnt ways of explaIning It. Tho favorite explanation ot the boy 18 that It ralna fish someti mes. "Tlt e reaso n ot It Is lhls," silid Mr. Traylo. "Tho ' catfish nnd the sunllsh lay theIr nggs In Bha'llow water. In fact, they n Iways get as close to ' the shore ns t!osslble to deDoslt th eir eg~s. T he eggs ar(l a sllcley sub s tance nod wh(\n th e bIrds get Into the , wnter 10 tnlee 9. bath tlley get tile eggs on litem. Th en, they Oy n~ny lind tbe eggs, wbl ch really can banlly be called' P,gl{ R at'the Hme th ey are in \.h e Ol'st stag o, hl>come ,dry. The blr<1 th en, goes 10 the firs t water It com es to and tall~s a bath. This releases the eggs and thoy setlle I n the pond. They hatch iiI 1\ sho r t time an.d thlLl: a cwunt. for the bullbeads In the ponds, "Thero Is anotber way the eggs ·are scattered . ... Mapy of the wlodlng blrda get theIr fe et and legs covered wltb th o substa nce ' Rnd they transfer tbe eggs In n Ilke manner, All other flsb In thI s stnte oltc~lInp Lbe catllsh nnd the 8L1nf\~h Iny theIr ' eggs In water so deap that tile b!r.tla cannot dI st urb them. Thl3 Is true of the cllannel cat. IIsh !; nrl lhat Is the renson Ihe bull bend Is the only calfliJh found In tbe panda, "
llm[l1.!J?ii:-1mJli!!rl ~
u;oltl, r ly FRnQ
, ,, ,· \'t" l,'
M" tl l!: r
I.,ht tl
1IIII II I r rt i 111111 S i x 1" A(· te~ o f l :hl U iu \vni. 1t' 1' U
Ca tl Atb.
t ,;\.,,1 lu\}n i utnf! ehb
On tll hl In'l'\ t h lA yr-:u ' hA~ h C"l"T1 » m t1uc:ed' 11)" al"d ,lY ( tw rllt )' . 6\'tI bUlb~l l$ of WhDaL h) the Q n:. ~o ' he Mllit 0' IirrJU.lnjtlnnd And fOT m hc4 larwlu" lL hilt' uo liUIk'rior 011 t hI.! conUucnt.
cllml'll r. 10'" ta xtA. TnnWR)'~ com.~ ... It lll: .-choo1s a nd churdlU elo1:t: t1lllflll ll. W rlt~ for ~'''l'wf:nti el h Ce nl ury CRllnt11l .. on'" low r n il,yt\y rnt~ . to S t"lt' I~ ~INTtH"W n:-; T OP 1 N·
GllATJO N.Ot' touulhorh'edC n nadlou A£,e IlUi : 11 :\1. WU.l.1A318 . Ln .. DlllhJluK . TolC(Ju, O. M"\.tw,~ CA" PII,"".
Tllomas Garlleld, tho only bro(l1e r of lho martyrccl (Jresl tlUlll, Ih·e. 0 11 11 lIltl" {arm a bout tll' e mIl s {ro m H ud sonv lllo, Mlult. Ha 13 83 b'O!lr!! .f \llle, aud 11 tYlllcnl tnrm cr . I Miss Ellen Pollocl( has t!io distlnc, lIou at' being Lhe (tnly WOlDan polit.Ical leglst rat.lon agent In tbe) Uni ted Kjn!;dom. Sbo Is secret a. ry ot , lho Strand Llbernl and Halllca1 assoi:.1atlon and Is agent for the party In rhe borougt! of S rood. , Former VI ce Presiden t Lnv l 'IJI". lor" ton has gIven to nb lnocJilT, N. f,' ne~t whI ch hIs home. Ell rslle. Is Situated. an IlHl us lrlal bome and \,c:1c1ll1g- room to cust $50,000. Th e !lCW butldlng ,,:111 ba\'o a gym\lit.siu tn baths, rend lng-rooms, library anll assombl y Uall, .Juo s e Bond, of Brownsville. canll l.• dnte for Democratic nomlnnt Ion nil. cov"-fnor of Tennessee. Is un old·fasbloned clLlzen wco refuses to ","ca r either cravat or n~nit:l Q. Fllshronabl~ )'oung mOD ' of (he larger cIties I Tennessee sra makln:; Gome 0111 .ovar the Jlltllle's Idlonyncrasy. hU L be Pill'S no attcnllo'n to lhe clamor. Emil Zcrkowllz, for merly Aust rian commlsslon"r \.0 tbo St. Lo uIs expo· Billa':! and 'now permanen t? commer. clnl commissIoner (or lhe AustrIan government In thIs r unlry, .. a(l nllmed hIs Intant 80n Ceorae Was b· iD glon Zerkowltl:. fho Cllmmlsr.loner explains \.hat be gave th. c;tlld th& namo hecause of his lOve fo r tbo Unl lall states. . Chester Day, of Colton, N. Y:. t bll oldost guIde III tllo AOlrond a cks , h!ls passM Ule cenlury mnrlc bl( o no or two ),oars, he Is not sure which . Anyhow, he thlnl19 It Is nbOlit lime for him to rellre from ')\ctlvo r1uly and fl ll wll! <10 ' 60 at the end Of tH o ),oa r. Twelve mont hs aClI his ltcnl t b began to fall. 'rhs old mun llaS U 'ilral~ or<::--= Ind Ian blood 1;1 h is ' veln e, nnd liM s])ent all Itls life lil the ' w!1 dorne!~' ot Lawrence, ~r[ll1hlfn uu~ H amilton' ~ountlCl!.
'4 .
UNCONSCIOUS POISON INC. How . It Often nappens from . , Cotree.
". bad no Ideo," " ' rlt es II. Duluth man, "tllat It was the cQll'eo I hn.l been drInking all my Ilia that was respon· sIble for tbo h eadaches whteh wero' growing upon me, for the dys pe psIa.. that 1\0 mcdIclnes would roll e ve, an,l for tho acute. nervousness wblch un· fitted me n ot only for \Vor l; but OI B~ lor the IDOst' ordlnn,.y SOCial fun ctions. "But at last the truth dawn od u pon me and 1 forth Wllh ba de ' t he harmfu l beverage II. l!rOmpt (aroll'ell, ordered ill BOme Postum, und b egan to use It. The go od etrects of 't h e O(,'\\' food drInk were apparent '\Vithin a very fe w days. l\.y headaches sre W' less. frequent, and decreaseci In Violence, ' my s tomacll grew s trong ancl nblo to. digest my Iood wlthoui dl D tre~ s "at nny kind, my n e~ \·OU Bness bus gone, nnd I am oblo to cujoy lifo wIth my neIghbors and sleep soundly o'nigbt~ _ ~Y pbys lcal strenc\.h and nervo pew· er havo Increased 80 mu ch thu,t i Whnt II Deautyp crin do Iloublo tbe work I used to dn" Beauty, Iilter all , II largE'l,. a m.t. and feel no undue fatIgue aUerwllrd&. ter at opinIon. Not everybody oonsld. "Thls Improvement set In just a:~ ers tbe face Iho only criterIon o~ SOOIl as the old ' corree polson had 'so beauty. A grAcerul flgure, E'xqulBlte ' worked out of my s)'stem as to al\ow cleallllness, n .winnlng manner, cbarm , the. food , ~ Iemllnts, in tb!! l>os tum 'to. 9f exprosslon. prr, lty lIalr. ~ beautifUl gel a ' bold , to bu hll me ul/ again, . I hands all ploy an Impbflatit paM In chee rfully . test1fy that it wu's Poatnm, the .Um total of beaOtY. ' .and P06tum alo~3 that dId ·,n11 this, . for when r began to itrlnl( It I ' threw , For E;very Woman. Jt 18' willi In ove,ry woman'. power, pli),slc to tlIe doga. " Name /;iven ' b, . " ~'l cul~lyate 80me " talent · or: cbart:1 ot. ~08tum', Co" Battle Creolt; !If leh, ..There 's 0. £eason: Road' the. tamou~ face or , figure!' nil ber owll, If IIhe ...,111 bd stUd), her OWA capabUlit.,. fin I • little, bO(lk, " 'Thf ·Ro\td . to' We.l~yme'. '" ,provelneDt. ) I . 111. l~ pl",~, ,, -", ' '.,,-;,~ , I
Was Much Obliged to Squire for Ad'ri~e Whi ch DisBulld ed Him_
' fLlttle Ev a" Dls j)II,yed Her Veuattllty Before Taking Final Flight.
S l\lIlre NI~ll er~on was . lilln g In bl ~ )lllce the oth e r da y lei s urelY r Itl n g :be ne wspaper, II'h ~ 1l 3 ,ma n ,rtl s!led 10 II'llh a eb lid 10 f acio ha nd and a,ked
int c Itluy ... iu wh it' ll hI:")' t.UY(' no 1"W Itt . D ' ale pk,·c ~ 11 111 n lit·\\, Jil ulli,'C h,\' ~ a ll Y
la a lou d volcp. fo ,' Squi re Nick erson, relates the Indl a napol lR Nows. "I I' m Ihu man you urc 1001;· :n g fu l·... aru;we l'ell th e ~ qui rc . layiog! 181<Jo !tis "aileI'. " \'011 Sq uire NI ~ I:N' .on ?, n s ll ~d tb" olU n. "harp l)'. "W e ll YO II u rA th o man l I'm lookin g ror, aD d I wa nl to file lU lL" "Whom 110 you wis h 10 fil e s uit '
!,: ,,,,""
"ga ll) K1'! " fpH1rfc.1 th e s quire, Il p re I IH~ m :)n n ' I f'!:l St: I I the dlildrc n aod be·
OleBD"ln~ Dalt;y Utensil • . All d~lry uten s il s. s neh ns can, pails and l!tlllal'atar }' Brts. orl Mr IJ Ing II se:l sh oulil · 110 s coured wllh h oi wat er , brus h an ll wash In" powde r. A.fl e\" this they I\I]0uld be scaldel1 an,l rlll s~(1. thE'n placf.U so -llst9 h ly drai n lint! dry. #, __
J.. I _~
\\'1J~ l' h
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lilY hourlllng huIISI ·... " Whal 1111. ~ !t p. <l un e?" " R h o'~ gflt a tl i. hpan or m i n e, f Ciutre. In (1 I wa ll l 10 f; 11( ~ he r I'or 11.." . .. y c~ . YO II I nl~ h( g"1 lilA fli Hh pn n by £ lI ln ~ lJ ~ r ror it " agre~ cI lhr. sqtl l rf',
" hut how jIO t~ ~ IH -lipun?" " ' Vnll." ~:ald t.lroh:t1 a Jamu IIPr. un,l s hu
"' he h:l Jlpe ll 10 hav e you r f lu;- ~ tr t\ n ~f 'I" , ~ Io ... l~', " 1 f'i111ll1l" Y IIf'longin g to
!; U~
lu 'l' anti gf'll
1 onl ~
(1 . l ~ ,
gO 41 0\\, 11
11 ;01
llu"t..-rl p:lJf. t',\I'Il, pul'h' ud ,1'Ht ht! "UK dl~ · l,r1\'pJ IJr n.&t Ul'e of rhe p ower to ,1\:;. I it{ tl1 from wl'oll&, ig llOl'll ll t 1\(
1 lngU Iti li
tI. ~ .ji~t i lll· tit)1I wlli t h (' si~t ~ b4'lWt!"U h i li (1\\'1I ,)I'VIII-", y Ull U t hkt 01 otl u' ns, To 10:111 . Wl 10 t h c' ' wo '~f" .. ruIJ t'llIIJ . "h ,tl,
II... , !Ja t feh. ,It I'Mid
"dllllJi:II!~' h ud
\ ' ulllll '
I III N PCI'Ut'3 I icl lI :
of t he JUlY, lauk u l my TIs" t low , l 'I '('L.Jitl\.t lo rt·h. ·:~J , IhuHu
" C;t.'l1 tlcllleo ('1 H' 1It.
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No t J')J..... .
Ill s t l~n t Reilef
t ilt'
""u RA.
Speedy Cure
l~ " d S 1 H It h ' _w w an en Y UUI OT' , C In g
Day a uu Night I'ul' Mu tly Mon lbs.
U III\:-l .d~ l· IU ~' (Jllr p :l ' ';d ld , I I", i ·lld i~11a 1i1 I l..III , t' lIt (,l'I ll ~ , · d llu I IU ! !'\:lI wl lllli . " I W :lI'oI H Ili: Il r
" T do "1I~h ~'O U wlI ul .1 puhli"h 1I11 "! let-
1H , ld {,
" .'.'
, .Ihel'f.! ," uU' - I ' IIi K a l'! J I.a,',! ma1 I ll' hC'IJli'd . 1"01 ' nmll y r",m t h ~ f'iol 1'~I,· t'n.tI Ill,' f~H:C ;ilId Heck.
rh i lt 11. ;1 11.1
C ·\'II I IH''tiln l ~ .I , I' llt 1I 1111 "l i(' 1II:ltl'l . Ii\du l ~. " ~ , :-l . · ,d,,~· . alHI \.111 il ,, \ j' YH II .·d Ith ' 't l. e >, ,'ub:-; fq lll lllig' . wh ich 'wuuld tlWt. ll u nJ. ~f·lIlw'J \\1I 1t;.dllw(, ll,d,1 .1 1,11111 11011 .' " iu:h t 4:l'flbl.r d~I Y nnd lIj~ht. lind th e n l i l t·
:: ~~~,II I '~: ";::,tlll~;:~ ':~f ":ll ;/, ~'(~::,7r' ; l '!III I ' ,,11 I I ~u" Iy :1\\..,' \\' :11'/,I If'III II ~i' , , ) IPC' , I 'm a ('oa l 1I1('ldt:lllf '" :-- t ruy i
LJreuK () Pl'U , "nn a ing Llnod uUlI mutter.
I 11 i.~ d ni (>11 many f emf'tlIl'S, ~1It. An' \" l n~ \\'U1'''(', w hen I ,.1111'11'4.1 Wit h C u t l -
t: 4..' 1: UUII.
(:unl. Til e l iI'~t Ull pl icu l io n gU \'4! me iuI ",nut rel ief. wh"11 I h",1 u<etl lwo ' l·.I<e~ of ( 'lit i(,I1 I'" Soup "no t hre. bOlle. Con't'in clng Eviden ce. ) " I) f') r tut u: llra OUlI IIwu1 , I wn l'l ('olnpletel, \ ~-,1II1I1I'n », '. ,II I.. :"",1.. .._0111 I"PC<l A ~ "ured . (Si a".d) Mi". Nelli. " Hod . r ,~ 1,lnlll und l"t l 'ltI~ h ~ I lIrwn ro SIOI '}, ~8 \\, ie lf!,' , .N, Y,II
;, I'x:!\,,,
r\ nd that IS wh,ll b ,.!'! 1l 1l11l 'C!oil'lt'U I hl JII U,olt iu rt·nu ing 1 II .. tf' :- I i1nt) HI : tI ~ i ll l 'p j.C:II'd to J)oud ' tI t, idnf'" I' dl ft , T ile t" \ tlcl' If'IlCI! told by n n "i ~ · 1.t'wii4, "r 1}1I,)01 Ill nt"', bf!;tf''' the ring fIlI ll .. 1111111' Ilf trulb Up OII it. li e IUY" : " I \\" ,1-; U'o u h ll 'd fu l' ,.. ix m Oll l h" with .1 1111. Ii,'a ,,)' rHl i ll ~ i n Ilit" .. mall of lII y.,,\.wck, 1111: Hu) '' ''' (·OI I\· IIHIII;":.
hC' I W~H
$1 ,000To BeGlven for Reliable Information We will give One Dollar fora Postal Card givinl the firs t reliable new. of a chance to lell a horizontal Iteam enline or our slyies. within OUr renle' ot ,Izu. We do nol ..'ant inquiries at tbi, lime ror verllcal, traction or gas encine ••
• _ _ _ • _ _- -
Not So Badly 011', " :', e. hull t o wOI 'k f or r\' CI·ythtll!.t l ive
t (tt ~"
M,l'(n dN! 1lte S>(';l~ In1 i "' , " " t· II , w huL oi jt?" U brH~ 1 \' l'd h is o pt :lIl i" t fl'icml. "~olll e p poJl I ~ Will'I.; a. WllOle )ul, SIIJ don 't ha,.e an)' tblO" tu
I la ,.,~ ed int. ~ III)' Htl)mn('fl, " at
;'UII II' tiuI Olol it. 0 1 h,:l' l1I1IC~
It Conquers Pain
- - -
LI g lltw eight.
... ill ,oflen a nd heal Ih" muscles while JOII sleep.
t ill Il O,] ." .1, \Jl l ' ' ''
St. Jacobs Oil
I' ..
I" "liP i" 1H' h i ~d 1(1I 11'Oh('d I h'lll tl l'I ' ,II'" li p · II II' II lit! 11'11 , ... . ~I ... J~' llIlll t· .~ to "Bel l lJe ,1"1I11a l' \t' llt I.;fJl&-
,\~ I, f4'l', \\ 1 1 \~ 1I : .. ·q l.It )\ \ lrJjlfl d , I li t,
'!:n :1<" 1.1 \ '''I' ",l h ' L
ir ! " ·- Dt!tl'oit
Fl're I'r~,. .
Rlumluers , IoIt(l1118, 'h 1 wa ~ I lly
\ Vlwn It WR~ in mv '''Il('n" ~' o llng man btgi fljll to knoW" bow don1Jlt!d up , 1111(1 h al'd ly 1mf!\\, ",hut to d o r 111dl It,,,,,, tit' 1"'0\"1<1 tha n JI C think .. he rnt' t he ptJm. I ' '' ,IIi m!d:oic,d t o ulkr 1111 1.n(l "''' tht'll IIf> kIUl\'''' !l,UtlU\ lII1Ui t )mt 19 1,i nd M (d', r ..'nwtlu')OI, i~ nJ (I i,d. ,,"0 hut wit h· I I t-n il)" \\'0' I II L1HJ~l lOi, - St , ,Jolcpb (M o, )
h ... 'or , ..,. bttl .b, leled.,d 'or ,11 I'U. pl..... • ... or ml,erl •• ID4 wor' •• a.bJp. 0", bll el.uput 0 ••1•• u. to eell on ....n pro'" .... AD AIIII. 'bettu, 10 .he wnw' Mig D10" Ibla
.b, G.b., a. lud,
.It... .
w"" ,eu, 'or .or'P4cl. 1
Corlllt f:'Qcb... VI,. S.,.oNd llu. la . . . . . . '"...BoU.n
roa"'''''. t;II,I II ••
. . . . . M1a l:ac'DMI
CotOpe\UI ••.a.III~ '.b ...
tb'~lIIDI ~h............11.,.
AtJ .. .....1... In .. " I... !I.tJOO,*
rathr. r tbaD , spUlin:.; ,h .. I rq ,, !;I\> for a Hil l "ci1ITlK nn,\" n: I",f. e one t:ulC!H r : au.. h i..,.. I . . ." ICe.~._" told mO! 10 I n ' j),,,l d·. K 1idhell ney l!Iutu I'ilk I _____ _ _,__________..!..-=-_______________ _ nickel?" a skl<d thp I' Q,oI rr" in" ro lu· go t a uO'X' It lUi bq~;UI \ukiUK 1ht!ll1 , Tht: 10llsly. li " s t fe-\\' d fl RI~fI t(u \'c nw I'e ild: b~' the "Nr.vor thou ghl. of ~p. lllill ~ it the lim.- I l(ul.1 fini"hl:' ,1 ,h.-u l Jill lh e palll WIU way yon s uggest, s Ql1ifl~. " r c markE.-\l ~4JIIC anu I llUre het ' ll \\'..- 11 ",' t ' l' 1'"IIH: " ," Ihe ma n. aCto r n I hOll ghlfu l pause . "!Ju t I r ec kon yon are ri ght ." Whe re· . Y ll U c'all U "\ c l ' h " l ~ t ,I 1I ', lI l l.Jrlip\',· t h :1t l l~ ",, "'1 .dToltl t t,) PII .\ " ti, I l nH" '" It "I 1II1l1'!. Upo n he took hi" ('<vo c hildren by lbe i.lI' hill o il, lwr III U 1 f' ,, 1.nJ!';I .. t \\ II P! " \'f'r\ llnlllis nnd lort t be om"p. b Oil ,' iJi. IOll k ; q; "t ~ .i lll al!l Ut \ ',,11 ;1\ il u nH! , ~ ' "Much 01J1Ig.. ,I . Sf)u lr,,: ' b e sho uted, :0\ , \' . PI t>~ji. a s tho t ri o clatwrP',1 dowo Ih e Slalrs. m en 'BAby HA!'J tb~ Cr oup j'
lluxsic's C"oup ( ; U\'4' , 1f PI'O\'c ut,ft Pn etl~ ln nnia anJ Uiphtht~ I'Id. , ~~ hl,jllln . No IH\U· scm. C.Uccn t s. A.. )" l::I o x ~ic, Uutral0, N , Y
In lise
SMALL BUT POWERFUL. Stream of W a l eI' lIefol'e Which Sk)sCl'llpcrs Would Cr umbl e a nd Dlsappeal".
l (:r
'V II ~n
.- .
. ." _.,
a ma n 81'0 \\ .. I :" • t hf'l'f'
p O ~ l l iu ll
od s whit 'li
j .. II n imii i· iI ~ I\ ll lg t ) l1l' " t :1111 b ., .. 10 th f' lilt" n .. "f! l"t> u!-t'u iLl tI, .' III \l "t' ~~ , ·- l' h d .1·
For Om ThIrty Years •
"elv !: ia Uulietin, P i.. o's Cu re (,{lIlUo l bfl too Idgh1y J:pfJkl'Jl ul ". a l'O Uglt "" ... ·._ .1 . \\' . l)'llt Il' h . ;I~~ Thll Ii A\' ~" ~" 111 j ll ~lJ,lt,li; 1 ~ll~ . , tJtLD. 6, )t.aQtJ, \\ Idle
1, : ~'. 11 11 /' i:oo
I ~ 11,111;' .1110; t he qUlt' ll) aUb,:oIlJ Wl ill
lillie "115:
tU.;elr tu
lhe Kind You Ha'l A!ways 80upt
S 50 a 'on!h Buys a a.n~i~e KIMBALL ORGAN
t h' lwue.
WASTED TO A SHADOW. :lnt Found a Cure Afttr Filt"ea Yearo of SUIiCriDg. ,\ , H. St.otts. tnl"SClJlJ" r ILt tile !-\lntc Capitol, CulllllllJ,, ~ , U .• BU.)· 'I : •• F ur ~\ IIn ,'e ll "enl'R I had ~\"' Idu lu' v tl'Ol1lJ lt~tl~ und '\ tllllllJh 1 d udu,.ed fuithfu lh ' , could Dot II nd II ~. ,,, ,.,. 1 had lu'u ,' ,)' ua ch ac hr ~, (I La,\' llt '.Hla ,·ht's nllt..i t" l'ri'hlu ul'i uar\· di iloo,·dt ' r s . 011\ \ duy 1
j·olll1psl·ll. fe U tl,1on t. o e si dew(\.lll, !Lnol thon
Rt~ U t-. a))"
\\ustctl . 11\\,3,Y in b r!d
,,?celiSo A rter \)t'!.i n g- ' ;:i Vl' U up • I hl' ~' an I"iol{ DoulI '~ "idu ~}' Pill s. In Q. e"uple o r WUII Lhs I refrailled myoid lu·u1th. UI1(l 'u) W Wt'if~ h 1 H~ p u und s. 'l' w ."h 'e hox('~ did il . und I h ave bt'C D
'01' t Oll
\\"(· n
tw o ,)"C'nl's. "
a ll (h'a lers,
(!I' nt 8 a b o x.
Fosl",·.i\·Ii1lll1rli Co. • Uuffnl .. ! N . Y. '
j ••
--.!.-- -
AFull Sized BoHla
At Your Druggist's
Yo u h:we no ri ght to s uffe r from com;lip:u ion or any stomac h trouble, There is no necu$Sity -;»r exc~ for it. Thern i. one po.ili"". natural. h.rmle .. cu." - and only on.. - for tbe ... trouble. &lid we are ,otne to JO\l e'DOuSh iree to prove it. C llt oul Ihe cOllpon br:1ow aDd take il to aoy ornesi,1 io tbe UDi(ed Stal"" aJld he will give you a!Jsol ulely (ree of
'b·~'·'·'M'''ii;s Grape Tonic lb. 0011 permaDeal, nalural cure for constipation :LDd :111 bOltcl troobles and indigestion and all stomacb \roubts.
to lhl ~ l)Uwcr huuse.
Fllture of th .. Telephone. The b l;; n"s~ of Ih e te lephon e Inler· ~sIR, present amI nros pt:(; lil'''. of Ih1.1 rou til ry h; cenal n Iy lIcSl ullderKtood III Ihe ellglnecra. (fb csc limn at 'i ;; lIl' c~ nrll) forCl'asts, wholle c I'er)'day s l,el'<!b abounds In referell(.es to loads. III MIII", I lon9: 'l1nd relays, hILI·C. a s Is we lll,nllwll , magnl Dcfl nt Id ells us 10 t he fUlllrll of I r, ~ H ens for the Boy . itldus ll'y they are IJlllIdln g 1111. A I· It YOll WDllt lh e bo y 10 becom~ inter' l eady th ey nr~ haHl ng Ih ei r rstlm a l"" 01 eSlell In fanning IIlIup a rnrd eomfwhcre necessary cOI1Sl ruclioll upon n 1" ·{J ~al.l l ~ nnd lr t him Ec e wb al b' can do wllb II 20 per ce nl. rlevelollmcnt w ilh lll Ih ~ few bens . Let blm h n"l1 wllll.l h. lIluk es n ex t two or (llree ,IC t:lldu9- iI IJrcdl r·t'lon :11111 s how h im the hu~luess s ide of which mean s. In everyda)- "pc~c h, I ha l farrr.lll g. S\ll~)' t il e wllrl. wllh blm g. nd by 1930 or 1935 t here s holl((1 I,e. Ir Ih@ furnlsb plenty of lllera ture on Ihe s ub- Ilrese n t r ltle oC "xpun~1611 clllillllll r,~ . ject . . ODe leie ph cme fo r every fin! Ileol,lo In tbe United State8, or, n 1L has iJcen nuLlts Ehould always be lo cked In at otherwise, ~xt'lressed. a. telPllbolle 10 ,nlgllL and Itepl on on , absolutely drY'1 e very other family anti. aa n inny- mDre s oft ~"'or . TheYlay b~~" alltl \he-fllil II vlaj:e8 of blll!luel!B.,-;-:(> . W, CI)bu r , 111 •
· \I ' hJ .. d
D\On ,"
brin ~
10lJ ;lt lf'!'Uu(. n
~\l,,·d ". 11,,·1., ., '" "~ .Il101 d" ' II'"
to t he gro-
' 1' 1H'l r
ti ll
r l l lli d
nrm ."
"rc«'ob wh Lt
II,· knH \\'1i!> n ei lllC'l' w hy It. d ot'll Jlor \"h~ I I Ilut'ij lint. Um" g(>lll)r lll{' o IIf 1 ~\ e .1\: 1'," . ,; udl UH' th,e IU l:!l ltlltl u ll ~ oi t h i N. "I I , :t:t~d,.. d i ll t he lI l'i u :~ 1 \\ :i.\ ' i q ~ lO Little vu r 11'c '~ iliitl )tll ll' IOU~ ,'ountry , 1/'81 '!'.V J', \ :I N dea t h ·hed H 'I-'IIf' , ' I .....~ tI gl'f' at 1 ('I,"lIt . Itl l lIl 11' I,11" h he t"'I I :~" lor t ria l l l!lll t, .61111 Itlll:'cl ~ , "I I ~lI n! IIIl! ' 'O f" .. hide t' , (.ln~ 1\\ ,I J"" ,)f 1I11oj P!" 'l i 10:,:1 . ' Tt:'l 1 lUI \ ',11111 ,1 .,\ h .. ~ 1I 1 ~ 1 1I ' I Ih, I IIJ(l i oI Il. v l tllt~ 11 111 I" ' ual l y II the 1: . l lIc\ ' lol ,I\' S "II, I I' 1 "-11 '11 11(('1) l ill Jc I :"~ 1 1tl ' "
"The lam p cblmnl'Y ,,' 111 rO,lt "o ly ft \'o ce nts," "A nd '
Ir all ll ~t'l'
from head 10 fool? Can'llIIork loday. bul lonlorrow yo u can. as Ih. O I<i-Mor.k·C~re
co m 't . lli ~ til i"IL '' 'l' Wl1." t hal )1111 ,·lwllt W,-, Of :1Ir iJ !ot' , "'li d liIH\lJlc lu dhd l llgU II:lI , hfH\\' t" ' U J i ~bl <llld \\ " lug, JI " dUI"'t.'d a ,h,\\,(' n '
tll(! Il ulh,e f u r it 1III'~\'''t' lI IH:t l illet:' , Th ilJ Wil"" j Uf'l t whut we we' l' 1.. "k.lIg (II I', und ( lu' ltil' d In u tt t'nc1 In . 1 \IIH h , '1'11., "Ilww
cpr)' '"HI buy a lamp r h lm lli:Y. and Ihell lok o II. lI o\\'n to thi s woman and S<"t YO llr dl"hpaD ." "nut can't I gr.t It by su in g her?" a 3lcP.lI the mnn . stubborn I)'. "YOII mlgbt gCI Ihe dishpan. nml I~ mi ght cost you Rp.vernl dollal's. In· st ead or Rpenlli ng carfare 10 ('om" U» bern an d sec m e you r.oulCl IlIlIl' hnd a new lamp c hlmnpy baughl. by tlll'i tlm ~. and YOllr d l. hpan woultl ~e tin-
der your
tli · I'I' \1'1, 111..1 h ... nu
r1/ ",t', ' h , . It W u", III d 4.d (· fiIHl HI' a hll n\\' " I t ) "'.J~ ilal f· \\' i I It·d , nt'r(ls teu on ' t li(' l'I,U1W' ot foo l (! ldiuw: U Ihtlol . t h e YUU IU( ~lt (j rBf~ 1 l1n' i ll~ hCCJl IlPPlt! lI tcli hy lhl.:
~{,j ll t'I(, I: 1! )ll1 noitt , N U'tof UtN , \\' ~ w e re out with a OIl C' lItJ(itl · t! tHlIJ p it:C't' , " lid "{h') It IUIlA junl)J lHid 1:..t1l.!1 '" in a tH Il Al 1 t owu \" ~ I'." tin·d b nd \ r n ,.11Il.;IHU" l u I' t!~l'i t " IHt.' ht ,
or Yo u llg Lawyer
ru o l dfoO
t' . l r licl'
ti l" I t' I Hi{'' uc.,· iii !l Il t It III' W 1:.0/ 1(', h. 18 "lllcr Ihu.n I1I O,.t Ilt , o u . lluJ n o 4' ,.,n m. flU' uf i ~ t llUt, I Ia S \' C .. ft' U hlle ly !t il,. L et'll ~~ Ili l lHthllK ,~ .... j 'UO: C 1 :<IUW in
"" I,I t h" "!jil l,..', " ~·o u li on ', wa nl 10 tlo "nylltill/; of lite 1;1 nil . You wa nt 1.0 tnl,,"! tfm
HI .l1l nch
Ot , '(,111, 11'1 \\ 11 Ilc l on \\ PI P d . ". ' n A! IIl~ t l m:; nil.)t·I , t \\ h c lI (me I ,f 1Ii1' "I d,.", t uf , li e P U1'I." ",tit! : " B orp;, 1f'1 '" l' li'l l YO II lh"t
he di s h·
Ja t l' i'o
111 i! 1.1;0111111 ,
X u a Mos t Unba pp y CouTt \8 well CtJ r It S P t! U~ (, I' t o I, now wl1t're hi 'j Pt;'l'ol'utl CJII Iii !-:, Oillt( to t'IIJ wl lt' ll lit.! .~ r,hI M . J IW'II'" U Ollllg t..\\'~· e l' wake hio'i
,Itt're h ~I \ ' been I IW l l lll( 'CI'i whl ' 1I IIh' iut'·lj1t. lIutl .... I.I'l were o f II ~ "tII t!\\' lu lt I"t .. nii IlJl, "'01 ',. A IImnher
pall." , "Now,
lOol : Ih, · 11I~ IIlJa n She , aid ' hnr ~ h e wOllld I,r ,..'p il uotil I pal ,1 hel' for Ih~ lamp I·hlmn ry . Bllt I wanl
T hr. in t rodu cti oll UL t.ongOj "Dd dltnrrA
Imagloe a Ilerpend lr. ular col u mn or wa ler mo r e tb uu one-third or a mite hlgb. 26 In cbes In ' dlameter at lbe lOP nnd 24 In ches In dlam eler al the bot101ll. Those r emurl,a bl O) condltloos ar" co mplled with , n ~ far as power goes. ID L1ui Ml1l oreek pillul. wh'l eh opera l<?s und er a b ellli ur I ,Uf.O feet , s ays ham ll · M O V AB LE HOO HO USE_ ton Wright, lu 'he Wo rl d To·clay. Th is Home, until Ib e 11l gs are 81x 'I\'~ek. Illtl e col umn or watcr, which , If l1 uold _ Thon Ih ey lire "ilowed to come erllled, would he just about e nougb to togeth er In an o pe D lot or field. tbe malte a sma ll trout' Slrl!lltD, gh'es a more ran ge Iho be tte r. Wil en the pigs capucl ty < of r. .~OO-hol'se I!O w e r, ur ;,1'0 two wI'c ks old arrange a f .. co lrough e nougb power 10 rUD a good-SIzed so as til leL thom get to It. I,ven lng lho ocea n-going vesse l. As Lbe wate r s ow ouL Place s lo ps at th e ir d ls posul , strikes Ib e lJu clcels at the wate r wb ee l mad e of I: I'ound oatll nnd whcat and It has a pressure 0 1' 850 pounds to lbe to l·Q. equal proportlolls. Th ts 18 a aquare Incb. $(lioollid ration ror til e little 11Orl(01"8. Wbat t b ls pressu r e Implies Is eviShoulo any InCline to scou r feed Iho d enced by Ihe fact !hot Iho a,'erage ~ ow charcoal. salt lind a slles. Put some s tea m locomotivo cu n 'les s tenm at a ~ a lt In Ihe s lop. pressure ot dO or 20U pounds to tbe , Wll eo "' I;lI'l pigs Drs!- come s hut , t he flflu a re Incb. Wer e tbls st ream. as It 'Sow awa y 'from lhe peli and examine Issues from tbe "Dozzle, turned ' upon their tcelh and re move the black Ii hi11Klde th o earth wouli! fade awa" lom b . ir any , ,",'lIb 'a small pair ot beron. · It \lil a s oow before a jet of I'llors. Th\l~ )'C\U a vo id lhe nnnoyanCB Bleam. Hu goi boulderH, big a s dty I.CJ til e sow of tho pigs biling Ilnd' ma k- ' offices'. wo uld llltU ul e luto ' ruvhies with in g th e t~als SOI·e. as little etrorl as a c lo,'er burr Is CIII' K eap sa il ~nd M bes alway~ before rled betoro the hydrant slrealI! on a Ihe pig unlll he Is )'cady for tbe frout lalVn. ari el, WHlls wOllld c rack la butc her, ' Illte pllpe r aoll the hu ge·t sl.yscrllPers Wean tbe p igs lit ten .... p.cll! Old. nt ~rumblo bel are a s l rea m 111;0 tbat oC whi ch lime some j!nr coro _can iJll fell Ibe Mill cree l, plaut. I hom . K ee p Ihe m. o n good c1ol'('r or It takes 11 pOlI' er[\11 wuter wbeel r l'p. [last ul'(t. glV'1 t he m pure wnl ~ r to wi th s lund III" t re melldous press ure. l: rinl. 3nu pro l' ldc s h adu io th e (lasAt Butl.c c reek . California. a s ingle Jet lure. or wuter, six locb e.. lu dlomele r. Is· Hues rrom the n01.7.lo a l rbe tre mondous ANIMAL NEEDS. vr.llIcil y of ~O.OOO fe'!l a m ln ule. IL Plc k ' IIP Ihe swe<ll apple8; all Btnck Impin ges on rbo blle l'" l" fir whal Is 101'0 lh e m an rt Ib oy will do Ihe f1nl- said 10 li e tbe mO , l pu werful Sin g le mol s 1;,,011. water wlleel el'c r hull t . •:au s lng I .. " tr Ih e hn~ l pror.1. Is rcallzed, nul laller to travel al til e rale of 94 wltes ani), Ihe \\'001. tloL Ih e mult.on and ,Ibe no hoor . lamb lJIu s t cOlltrlbule tb el r pari, I Tbls slx· lnch ~tl'eDm Hub a ra;! dillpetl In l, er ose oe over 101 12.000.lIorSp.pow'}f' t bc lI'l t lI y ~g!;:! on your horse two loperaung 1110 plant Is cOD" eyed from 01' th,o.a Il m r~ 11 \\' ~e l (. II wll\ d enUoy nll ll ~ ~rec k tbrough tt lil leD alld dlst he m. r h'ltr~ c d Into a rcg lllallng rlls erl'olr. Pllmpltlos f(,r caUIp. feed tn some whlrh Is 1,5UO fl11!t al.lov~ tDIl powe r 1.~~ ls on uODlan ,!rcd pial:> y leldell Ih'e hous.,. Two itec i [lress llre "Il'A lin es. lons ,"lr a~ rr.; on ma nured sectJou~ au IIU;h"H In r!lamel "r , condu ct Ibe
_ 'AR80rt. tbe eggs on ,.h,e rarm . ~a"e the dealer , the trou\l1e nnd yon \"111 , lIot onlv ~ct~ .. tJfll· .p'rJ c,e.. rort_b~m , bllt ,..ql ha" ~C.lISld m"r. for yo.ur st~cl ; are: ti!ill¥ 'Illher.~ 1 Wlw',,' Ill"'lllwll)' "aWlilt. ·~ur. ' com'ill;'
r .
some rn llt1 ;.~pstk illation ~ ,
ODlons sbould not be pulled u nti l the lops are ent.'irely dead to Insuru II (boroughly ripened crop_ Thc y sboula be pulled Immediately at tbls Blagc. howenr. to provent tho starting d a scoonagrowth . which has proved dl ~'ls trous to mUIlY Dolds. 10 wet w eM ha r lh~e Is mu ch !langeI' fro m ..eront! growth. a nd o" ery meaD8 IIhould be talle n Ul makfl a Qulel. har:vp_~t Ilnder these conilltlons, Puli ,ng by hand may he somewhat fucllliatfljl by tnklng a Iioubl e wbeel b oe. arrangin ~ th e two hoes wllll point of blaljes 10 como logethe r In cl!nt~ r . By adjustillg elevotlon of wbeel Ibi d may bc pusbed along the roW8 and Ihe .0nloll3 IItted, BO !baL they· will PllIII (lVer Ibo holes wllhout c ult lng or lu"ulRlng. and laic! wIth roots exposed to Ih e SUD tor coring. A bar of Iron. bent by. the blacksmith. wi\Jl tbrcarled • ods to ' fai ten to frame, Sllghlj Y curved at rear la co nI " r. wUI answer th e purpose ,a s woll or better In ,pull)ng til e row: 'rhoroug~ly curing borore s toring IS one of tbe essc nUals In o llion har vesting. says Ihe Farm ond Home. Artol' the on ions bave cUl'oll they are ' gat.h .. red , tram tbreo to Dve rOWl! illl ;) one, Ind tOllpe d In Iho fl el... Oft', n. bowever, our work I.Imc Is s uch I hal 'We find It more cllnvenlcnt !p »lIt Ib ~ m under coyer betore tOllplng. W e lIal'c lilat bushel eratcs In which onl on 3 arc Illoeed In tho fi e ld a nd moved to cOI·or . Vie used these crates also for sI.OI·agl!. J,lIIng the m one n\love anolh er 10 c~i1 · Ing of building, leaving on e foOL or more bolween tI~1"8 for clrculal\on or air and e,'ery third row a R ~ ace (or ,passage with a ccest provid ed at c.en· 'ler tier for Inspcctlon dUI'ln g .to rl,, !,; .eason. Tho ideal t.emparnlur(l !s II!Sl Ilbove 32 dagreoR. A d ry ulo' Id u ccc. IIB'Y for satisfactory onion s tora~e. It Jllaeed In II cellar I ~ mlls t hq \'~ II nlaLftd I1S o ccas ion 110rlll1l 8 to k C2 [J :.U. tOD~, tbe air dry. A l:IbleRpoonfll l of carbolic ueid In a pail o t wa le I'. s pr lnl,led over thlt The Practical Side. Some oC t.ho sdcollfic mP,h s~ e m to Unor o f lhe pig lIen. Is a "ery a rlee!!" .. CTleve bccauso farmers do IIIll l31,Q <IC(1I1 or l ?er . - ~'arm Journal . LoolS ali t In goo(l scaw D for th" tbelr saY'BO '\I'lthout a grain of sail. 1'be fact Is tbat tarm er~ arll s l ~ lnfl nl) llreNl ln g ram this rull ; be suro thaI the 1IIllllltion aecu ral.~ ly. Tl> .. y H\{ p, h e l,o;s;eRs rs Indlviduf.1 merit. RO tha L 1!U!(SCnllolls . but will rlep,md llp~n' h" will Imllr'lv e YOllr Ilock.- ·Weslern practical e xperiment for flnal an s wer. Jlarnt cr .
Advi ce to the Fal'me~ to :at: lUll But O .... n Breeder Thougbt· to lie Gooa,
),Iocb 8 1 ror.~ lij tJeln g placed by certain farm a nll dblr), SIJeok ers tbtsyearon Lbe Import ane" or a b ome s upply of COW8; fnr!D ,mlse,1 mill era, wh'bse history nnll HOMEJMADE LIME SPREADER hl'lnglng lip t he (armer knows a ll nbout nnd wh I<:h , one by oue. lnlce their pl~ Bow the Hatldy FUl'mcr Cnll Simplify In lbb IlIllI;ln g li ne wltboullbe NlQulNm''"t or n IUl'g" s um of ""at ~a6 b on tb. the Method of DIRtrlbutlng I,art or Ih ~ farmer. . '.rIll s Fer 'fhe 11,lvlce Is gooll . On many rarm, Make a bOllper of p lunk or Of board3 Ii, ,! c,,~ t alJd care ot Ih e young s lo!! k 19 almllar to that of 1<11 ordinary (erUIl?· !if'.,un:cly noted, [lod the co ws so raisel' IIr 111'111. oxcept that It s bould bo ,";;ht Ula y be bll ller l baD can be 1J0ug hi alllny feet or moro long, wllh sides and lop prleo within reach or lhe owner. Tbe D. lS to 24 Inches wide. For thllllot- lOO. thr.... Is ~ mall cbalice o f bulldlD8 tom get lwo "IHCCB at hea vy galvilnlzed 'liP a 1'I,0icc. hanll :<ol1l1,. h pavy milking .beol 11'011 as lon g as the hopp er. Cut hCl'd uu l,·.;s the lOC!l1lU P.I'S are C~J'e full)' .. lot at hples In the middle or each iJred .. ud ~c l cc ( e d ou tbe farw ,.,," by ple<:e. eacb one IDCh wldo. two Inch es )'e~ r . 'I'b ~ vla n 1M. howevp, r . not 8uitol1l,' All long aod eight Ineh CR apart. Cut the hol es In thA two pl e~na or Iron so Ihe y dl<i rr me n ; th IlH". fM iIl Rlon r.c. wbo hav" 3 s mull retal,l m ilk ronlr. wi l li Ilml1 ed "111 registe r. l"aston on ~ st rip to I.h e hopp r.r as a patrollugl) lind lJurn ruom . The milit 0 1 bottom and let Ih e olher s lld o on the u goud dairy co w a l relal l prices Is 0.'01'111 Iiopper Otl st rips of Iroo, whi<:b ~ houltl morc In a 11l01lih (hau th e growth of a I;o lr ror Ih e wh o l.. rear. H ence Ih e room of ttl ... al f Is 1/,,1I(' r ~I ve D to Ihe cow. Thl! Iwet! . of II r(Oluli ruul e oDd llil c wl. II or wltnl csa le 111111; Eh illlrllI g orten 1'6'I'>ire a l:o nRlallt anfl un ifo rm s U11Vly . ell W nlll. l be Loughl. SOld and traded to s uil I:onli illoll . T il ls frN luent ,hifll ll g or the h. rd IA rm a uf Ihc ,lrawbacksoflheUlI s lnesB. A hart 'r"d., nWlle. In n hurry beeallse o(lh t Till': J.I~H: SP READER. nl"'u" of 'h e s lluallon may offset a lle carrie" arou nd tbe bo ppe r every mo nl h 'ij IIro nl. bUI It ca n ' t be he lped . two feet to s iron gi hen It. To lhe un- Th e far mer s ets II down to account o r de l' 1,I late of Iron rivet a V-sbaped arm PX II ~ r i e n c~ and I,eeps lin ae well ns b .. exleodlng In front at tbe hall per. to r~n. It is 6urely wi se 10 rai se o ll e's o iv n which oltaeh a s lron g lever whi ch ex- row. say s Ihe Am erican Cultll'alor. t end s s ix or e ig ht Inch es abol'o the to p Pe rh a ps It may "be les8 so in some fa r Clt t he hopper, so that by worltl ng tbls o ft mill e nnium of m ill; fa rmi ng whell \ ll\\,p.r and s lidin g Ihe lower she et or rvr.rybody shall be s lrl tly boneal. Iron bacl, and forth lhe size of t h. fran II anu tr ilthful In a cow lrade. Clpenlng8 can lie I·eg ulated . Mean v.' II lie. I hose .... ho ('allnot falell Malee a wood frame from th e hOll(ler OO WR mus t bllY Ihem, rourageouRly 'WIth a tong lie to It s imilar to t b e bearin g III IUln<1 th at the choices t cows . fr~me of an ordinary ,grain drill. Then prov id ed OOP. really gets Ih em. !Ire tbe I:et a pair ' ot . old nlowlng macbloc beet lJa r ~al ll ! at aDY reasonable price. wheels with ratchets In the hllb s and a~te8 8ulllr.hmtly long \.0 fa s ten to a SOWS AND YOUNa Plas.• ba.r or Iron wblcb will extend through the bopper ~rom one end to the othe r. Successful Stockman Declaru That Th ey .ust Be Given Plenty 1'0 thlB axl~ . whlc b wlll turn a s lbe of Room. . apreadcr moves forward. attach SOI'tlral short arms above eac h hole In My expe ri e nce' bns been that 110," tbe bottom of th e hopper, which will sbould not ba cro wded Inlo s Ul all al(\t ' as a r('el to lwei) Ihe li mo loose quarlers. I build m y b og h ouse 7x~ .and the feed con:;t a nt. feel. roo f on ly 000 wal', f ront r, feet Whe n lhls hoppe r Is 1111 ,1 wilb 11m !lnd tbe spreader pulling torwnrd. say s hig h . bacl, ~ fect. I lIoor these little tbo l~arm lind Home, lho rc ol will I;ollscs o n two scanll ing ~'fJxG Inch." turn, break~ag all IUIlIPS Illld caus in g Il'l tll l he e nd s bC I-o lefi 0 as 10 malte the IIllle to teed out evenl y. It two cled r nno ers of Ihmn . T hese ho use~ pieces of ?11 cloUI nrc attache d to lh o ra n Ihus be drawn w llh a horse abou~ bopper, . j1lB In rront and th e olher !tIe place wherever mos t convenIent. behind. 'Or !uffic le nt wldt~ to r each Pu t o ne door, 20 Incb es wide, aD Ib., the ground, th e y will r oduce t ho an · blgh s ide ot lha bou ~e. and set · t h. 1I0yatlco to tho mlln and t cam or tbo hou s e wilh door fu cl ng sou l hea s t 10 dl Icct tlrlvlng rai ns. !lying lime dust. I I,eell l he sows t hll s s" paraled. U1' ST'-O-R-IN-a - O-N-IO-NS. a cor responden t or Ibe Farm an~ Should Not De Pulled Until the Tops An~ Dead and Xust Be Thoroughly Cured Before Storing.
CUT O"T THIS COUPON Toke th i. C~\lpon
your dru!(gisl and he will give -you
re~ulllr full ~i "" 3.~C. bolil .. of. ~hlll 's ~r:tpe
1i: t:f1I (' mbc r, wC: give only OD e bottle to eac h family. If you , ',t il fll1e1 :t d rll ~~I ... t who r;Q~, i not keep ;\'lnll '5o Gr:tpl! l'oni -.: , scnd us lhis Coupon, togelher with Dame and adlirC! co of Ill " Jr llt:g,st, aod \" : JJ S t! C Ih:" you ,- W:lDts
.blOJutely free.
arc "l' plil 'd.
I !'O olc rnol y ~\\'C ;l r that I hnvfIJ Dever t alu~n Mull's Gr3pe Tohic, 1 will o1.pply tor but on e fre e LJoltl~
w illl ~i; o
bo \ll~
my eli lo r cODSlipaliOJl aDd S!omadl troubl u.
MULL'S GRIPE TIIIIC CO., I.kerl 147 Third Ave., Rtt)OK ISLAND, ILL.
tll."l I
Public .Sales. Q\lI~ .1;,1.,: -fJr:o;-j',rintnd
COl1cel' tllllg
I)~('IIT WI i:;ht . •Ilill then Ih m'!'
I.ho KelJ .vf'. Br()''' Il ~ , 1:'.\lI·n f\1.t~, "hJ, lit . Forme .. Resident,S. 1 u"') RoltAr t, FIII· I III~ . Dun! I [hII'· Y0111' oon-espllllli on t, wh hil S •• - • ..0. _ _ . ' til G U'l. t l O ome fat' t,lI following n,,1. KI·UI~.l futhl'l'l,f ( "'1' 1\ Bnrrll,t , .\ iill ' 1(1'.,,1 1' or hlll'lHl s all li t 1 r'f . 1 be II np!lollt "so long, III b'lc k nnd f , r l; " flllel }1"lll c·.l"'lIll ng' I/,lll .rn ll lllllU.y o t,III'I''' ] IIli g h t lin '~ ''' ' I\ ,'n ' II'.\' i t . . "'It~ . , YOU ,CXPll t. to 1l11\' tl ll SU O r endy t o h g ill bu ~ ln $!:j Al-(lIin. 1 l' lIl (,lllltr'r Wh,'11 I hlJ ~ 1'11'1I ,IM . • , It WIll po y Yotl to ('om t tl th Uo · I\Jr~ . l:' '' rry l{olllsey, w h o 1mB H ,.,,1111llil o f f <1 l'1llul' ~ l'"I(I. 'n t~ 11\· lim It Ih o. HI'Ii 111'i1'1, ~ l Pt· t i !l 1-( li p" ,,', Tr~' Lif, ! of l.oollwl' o n h orfl rHllty zu ttu om o. \>(.'(\ 1) \'cr y ~ink, is n l)o l.l I' lit thi!' \\Tn V(11 \:-0 \' i 111' \\~ 1'/' 1\ l Hl~ j tl'ni Il l{ .:\ lit-. ns t Yf'S. IlHtl 111,' llll Y:-; Il f thp uh l :--t l ' ~(" "h "'~ .Y.) ll will 11" p lC'1\ ep K oy~ .' tl , J ~ I nl ~ , l:'al blll ~ art II "1l>l'iulty with LIS wri t iu g. l~l)HL' h . :'liRS 13011111 00 11 ill SOLllO bet t or . ~ I!~ 1-; . 1:1 . EI\l~ nnll ~li SH Dam 'l iud w o g utlt'Il(lt e Ul~1 ·· t fnll.v.'l1 c th·(l b ills It ",'111 1>"'" ",11I'C'0 of l!1'1I 1iliC'lItinn ~ 1.: r ll nHl \ W~ :.Irll. 'l\\ u\l8sI1 t~ox s pon t n tiny (H' Elh~ hud ,,~ I he ir 1-(11 ;. t~ S nndn y ( tl lO kind that IJring8 JII!Op)O ttl Il to th" 1'1'11 u(l - (If ~ I!' H . lkl1 ) 1,"["'11" . 111I1 ·all" . H F. Il . :1 ~l l' s . S. A . ,' cillwe)ln n (\ Miss \,iyi cll "fi le ) pl'lL1t<1\l on lJ(\flvy bris tol hunnl I,W\) ltL!'t wook WI th hor m o l,hp l·. nf ( ' hl"" t'tll h '. \\· ,·IH, d n:.: . t n Il'flf'lI !lira. I 'Ilu r\ utt C' Tho/lllls . HI 111-\"1' 11 , (1f L~l ha n o llllll<l ~lr !!. Is r/l ol thll t wlll with ·tu ml t,JIO mi n IImlldl I Iud .. It , It" .. " " '~ lIt 1.1' Wl' itt"lI It"" P . E. ~lioil' ~tH;ial. (Jll ltu /I Il tlLl1 1JI'1' fl'om thi" ·pl n.·,· \\"I'i ~ ht IInrl Al iij8 J,;<'lut) Jlllllloy. \\~ IIP"("II j·, !tl n t\' f t'i n t11 1 ~ t hHt ~h l' W ; I': o rll ir Hlry w!luth or. uxpl'd t O llt t nn I th F' 1l1'111 ~ 1 In ~ t l . t1 i~('h l l l' !!f' d I ht"l ' t') W(lol,~ HI:!" f r l' lll U ' t'll" "h .l ll· ,t! :--,t ~ l l\;·v· ..; , '1 111 1\'11 ~lI ~s L i nn. W /'ig ht 1:\ cl)j oyiu~ II All SI\IOH f o r whi oh W I' pr i nt hills lut (' 11 t, \\'II )"n U8 \ ' I1I(\ flJili w,'ok . lt ll:-'I '1til 1 \\' IH' I'I ' H ll1 ~ lalld l )l't, ,, l'P (" ( 'i\wllll-!\ \' jI H ~\"' I a l II :, · 1'1 1!l1' ~( 1 1l \· , ' \ ' , ' 11 · '"-i~ it wit h h e r .. i~t.L\ 1' Mrs . l ' lyde t\l·O fl clYorl\sctl fr ee In th e GO )lotto. Ulu' r)' ('(1rn (' 11 ond fnmil,Y , J n~C1 ph in~ tr'I'll tlllt' nt f n r ~t'\' i 'n t1 \\·I'("k~ . HTlIl iTl~ F vlt l'l lHl'r l ~ r Ht ; ,, ·,·I ,H· )\ lit I ltu 111111 tnt Win h aster, IncHllnn. ~I.('( : r ..v /lntl wlfo. nn d ('ltlll'lltJ (.\ 'l"' iR n o\\" f l'O(' fl·,lm plI III ntHI I~ nn \\" 131"111 ).,:4 j ' ! H'\.' r III! rh l) Y () Il, I'. I ~ \' I'Y ' h " lIh' "I' ~II' ". \\. II ,\111'11 . 1 wili .un Il t my l' sidollco. ku o wn A pl' p~ r;tln " I' \'1'1 ' 1111 1\1 111'" n ud 1t"".I' llk, ·,. II . 11 '1 ~~III IK r'(" lnil" '" t ,,),;t- A hllll' k ,md ye ll o w Illp robe liS t lnl EUltlH<l ftLl' 1II ~ m i l es w e>lt of 111)11 1l11e1 "is te l' He l'lllcll \\'o n , g' 11t1sl s h opo lnl t hll t h C' r 111'111111 \\"ill hI ' l'l' t · ::lnnc1ny ",I' Roy ()ol'ufllI IIml wlf . t ill' tltll n ~ h ll hll ~ ,'xpl<ri on.·l'ol fu r lll\l !oill' wl i l bf' ~ 1 \,t·lI. :11111 t'i'f l ' \ ':4 h 1,'!'\,IIl Y \lV nin g uotwoe n tht! reai· Wilyn s,lllo, 0 11 t,ho \""yn s ville t I ruJl I'IIdw. .·t, 1 ' l' lll~\ · II\' ~· I , nlld 111n ~i l ' , l1 11 rn C(~ L,lCk oy gil Vl' II ~ol('e'~ d IU/ elI ~(\\" {, I 'U 1 Y 0 11 t'!' . lU (~ Ut ~ ~t' I'\· t·t1. null h' runkliu lliko, ' t h ' followin g (Ielloe Of F , ·W. HothllWBY and t h e ight t o OUlll u f III (\il' ' a t,n l'uII Y n Pn ll'l,\.,b til Ih' t1:-t"d rll" tilt' l,a r . t Ill' Ii 1\1.J ... f \'lll' II .... , I\IIH . 1111 11 1"", unt1 property, ull in good oouditi on, !lUU ~ Mr F , N . W . Dtlllll ~lie.l in El w tlwl ri ve l' rioj:;o. Fillel~r (elL v e with Mr. mlllTi e(l 'Iri ends. qIlH I'tI ·ttl h : t hi ' t i1\t ' ~ 1 (' hlll'Il ( ~ tl' r ohl1 :-;(' ,.1' Il l'\\' II V ill 11:1 11'" . _ mu ch o f it, nottrlv n e w. a ll ~\- l\ I' .\' 1I11d y (' \ ll 'lh ! 1I1 ,'~ 111 \' 111,,1. hlis8 Ruhy Orciln hll~j:!on e to t/lltO !lIlilltlll . DuC'o mlte l' '1 1, 1\10:;. IIlId $ I q\~ ... lind \'lltil l l 'I' \' ll l u sIan", 'rhuH H nthnwlIY· 'l'BUIlS DA Y , FEBR1. A RY I, UI OI; Wil l' huri od, t,ll( ,111 \' Itofol'o ( ·b l'lst· MrH , B(Js~ie Billf:loy of l\i nclnnllti lit t en o'clock o. m., 2 horses :{ CO W 8 up 1\ POSitiOlllll Xonin . t Iltl !'!t " ll U;':T ll ph pr(ld" .. ~ 11101'0 1'1l11 mil s. H e r iIlll ()!; ~ ' wn~ o uly of II i\1I In \'l lnli. r, rh e IIlfI plo s yrup Y(Jn(l l' h!l ~ I,e· ",oo k '~ d umt ion II rl(l tll'uth r O' nitl'd t ~ d y tit the h Olllo of h oI' ;l pi ;.;s, fllrm hl1pICllJ opt.s: 1 D oerin!; Hil i! lil lI-I,' t ll:lI1I1 11 Y Ilthm' Illlt')lIl1l t,ll Mpen nu IlJ bincler, 1 Deo rin g 11l 0we r. n l o hll 000 g uu tu IIl,y ilis pllln ~ . W "lIHk \' (1 11 tIl t.ry 1/ :!:, " I'llt holll,' fr o m pn ou m on ia , • I'll 111/'1 II i ""1' . ~"' I i~ ,,·It·hill 1'{)l\ o !t or. gl'llmlpn.ronts Mr, 1I.nd MrR. J . M ' I trrUl s l'lllllto r , It H'Hniltoo coru plfl ut. I ':vol'.~' hody i ~ lJ1l ~.v ~t l'iJlJli n g r..II·S. D Ofl n WII R s ist er of t ho Inl,n of l · IO I'I !'. I"': ·" , '01 1 ~: 1I I T ln :. ~ll\tl Wt: Hll , II " 111 ."1;,, 1',11' ils, ·II . 'l'homp~on. !er, /I tifl,y t.ooth harr o w, IL BllI'k eye to llll C1CO. \111,·1; y <ll ir IWllll',\' II It 111\1, MI'~ . A.h)lphns R o b ll r l~ o f \YlLy n o~· will \\"" WIll h,: P"·H.' I·,I I II ~ h"l\"' 1\11'. tLlltl Mr8 . E. S. Boily and Mrs. lrldiU !; .(' llllivntor, /I Molino I!rmlkin ~ v ille, IIllll hilI' ni ce'£', l\1.. ~. Li /,z if' t o {, llI' P. , \ :-' lllg11' 1\ 1 IS " I n1\~('" H ~h(' A Vllrilh\ ghright wore in lIt.t en\lan c pl ow \\ltlt .J ointor, 1 htlymke, l n e \\ t llIIl'III1 W ~ III nll .\ · Il1\, ~ inf(u'ItK IHII . h ll)'(l o~ l. '·" lI gh. /lll a ~'" i lll1l1l1 l /1,,1I11I 11 H ()b'. rl's Smi lh f ? l11n e io. Indill nll , Mount Holly. . t.ollucco press, smltll bnrshoro pl o w WII~ with h e r whon t he CIl Il C ll llltl . tLll(l ~ i \'t"s r\ ' ~ tfll\ 1.1.1('£1 1)' ~ 1\ rlill KIII'I,I ,\' I)f I'l'I'o nI H nlwu yR at tho funerll\ of their r elative, M.r!!· It 2 horsll wltgon. It buggy 1 ' 00. 11), .1. I,., .1 A:-; S 1': \" Hcr 1Insbllll (1; DI·. Don n. 1",,,,,.,.1 t" 1111 H~1.ekiah Baily, in ()i n ciu naU, last platform scale, u. ClllLUlpio~ dry po w. " " h llll<1. lll·. ILUd Mrs .•Joo Dilvis onwl'tnil1 · II \\,IIY lo~s t,llIlll tw o ,Y£'lll''' ngo , Saturday . der tobllcco sproyer, a Littlo Clifi ll t od SllturdR.v ovoning nt· tlInc h r,lr . T. B. CUSTER. Tho .r " Ill"lJ lll.Uozc t H'. of ;\I" nl' O]o, Valuable Property Miss Leila G itheus, of Day too, seed sower, apedal grindor with tool Amos Jllckson, MI'. Vorn l:lrlrtsook. pOlis her, SlLW guwmer. I:!ickle ~l'iml . illr ::; ;11.: r , 1" \ , 1 \ Sl H'l1 t 1\ fu w lillY" 1{1('ently itl ''{ay . et, 1l fi tooh o \"" J c ultlvalor , ~u gn r :,1 1 t1 !\I r ' 1\11 11 Il dl 1I 11.d \\ 1 11' , .\1 1' .I .. hll \Y I :--~"" I :-' l' , \11 ,,1. ' 1 0\111. :!:;, l' U ll l a l l1 :-. II Ill , ' 111( 1' . 11\ . ' 111 '0.:", , .t' HII ' - Itl !! IHl l l '''!I~ ' ,I ') 11' IP " I n l'~ vil1f1 With h I' n~llIti Vt;s , Mr. and woH irf)lwd , , 10el ~:tfll t,y lift Wllh ~llIrl · ll l. Mr \ '" ,·,,1 1I1l 1·l1 l rd . ~l i"" ,l t1tl:,!p 1 ~1', ,,, k ... !)l1n\\' ld d l", iI ,' t! /I kn ow n 11 ,-' !h, ' .'; \:,1 ' ''' P ' III ' \ ' ' '1 ' ;! 11 ropo, gmb huok!', wn~o ll jllll klS , :J 1l.' If' 1l ,\I c Cl n ... ·. )I ',,~ 1"I "I'I'jMllrllllt . tl' l1,U ti' t;o 1l1 tn i n \l itH\' Il l' f 11, 1 C" 1" . t p ndll1 :! t o 1'!'\'1I 1'\.. 11 1'1 I ] , , · ..., '11f !.' '¥Yi~(MJ Mr~ . •1. H. L'a~lr ey . h orse OVli U Ol', !"itrll\V i~ l\i r(l:, r; l oi g 1J R"f r·(· .. IInl(!n t", (if po p r' lI' nl1I I(IIIP p l \' ~ hra t io l1 l' T1 thn .:!:! Il tl , I'r h l:-> ~ '''''I I will )0.1 '1 \1111' ,,'1 \' , 1":0-11''') \" 11I1" I " rl \ MrH. Alstblr~ Ale Jl,andor ~ pon t bolls, hurn~ R~ m onds l', Cl'O '~e n t ~II \\' hil'tht1II ~', ,Intlg.· ! )ullw1tl .1 jt , 1111 '- l' i ~ ht rC 'lI l1l1 11 \ l ' I III t\~, ( ... ! I " "' , ~ II' '" MOD.ln,y in XeuitL. set of~ooll hnml lUade hetlv,I' WUI' I, \Vt'I' O .,j\\ , ' n ,'11 t.u 1.ito hit P)'I.'· I.{ n ol"t~ kllllt l 'f'{' l1 I ''' ~~ ltl' (l ( ' (l H ~ th'" IIlH';:CHt " nUll '1'\,1111' . F "l' t 'lll h ·q' p ;" ' 11I' 1I i11~ The fl'i, tllld ~ o r MI'll . l <I e In,rlll t t of GrOel1l"lllllt .\' . \V i~(' ro ll ~ in, u nd It ,,~ Inql1 il:" ,,1'1),. ,\ T \\· , "~ ltl MI'. H.npert B .. iley of G,17,ett.O boru os~. ~I:' t of s lllBlo h'lrn oss. (\IJJ · ,,"II " IRrs. brid!o lin es, fly nots, Cl) rll in f reo, v,i><lt,pd frlol)(\I' III Duyton Sut. orib. HtlY i1.\ m o w. II l.i . ft, IrHl (I"I' ~ gn "f! h ",r 11 ~nrrri~o on he l' bl l'thrln y pl'llbllhly .1 .nn m nl"! fO I' til .. (," l1nll' !1(' ~\· 11I !'. (l l<i" :\ I'l \\' II) " ,11 " III , I ~ ' II ) " 1' 1'. 1: 1' 11 1'; t,h n n I1TtY n th f'l' 1l 11 \11 Ih· in ~ 11f- (h' llIl. u cda~' Imu SnndIL.V. cRI'penters' too J ~,ti Xes, Mb o vel .. , mK l'>' Th o:;,' pr ese nt, \\"l l'O Mr:;. A1J11 r r Dill, H n \vn~ J'Hi ~t'cl I tt' ''l' 14'\' 1'1'\'" . i n r;" fWlIl' \)r \\"lIh nn t l l~ll l1 ~ Ml' ~ . Vhlll'k'" 1\1.\'L, rs a nd fl ltllt\ r , hll'~ . Mr~. Huuuuh Prlntzhafi been snft'. forks &(' . cou n ~v . Ohi o. uncI we nt: I.n ,,'I,coll AJ amulCfl.n Lady Sp ~ /l. k s HIt!l ll erlng r"om a vcrs Ii'ttl!ok of th e Some 1Iou ~eh ol<'l ~ood~: On u elY Ecl BIII' l n n lind fllrully , 11'11 C hHI'I I!~ :;i1l lo ' ltl lt , 11 0 WII" Prolllltl' .11I d!.!l' o rOb am bedll\n 's C l) ll g bRt! lTI a u y ~()I{r11~1 EN T . cool heuUI)';{ stove ul'cd o nly t wu IIll t lt "11\1 H"rl (,co rg e, Ml'~ Be r t rnt· ~ O ~' ('lIr '~ (,<l llt ln'JI n~ I ,., hu t is :\1 .. . ~ I it'll1lf'1 1I ',n. wtl, · "I' Ih, grIp during the past twu weeks. weoks. A \vOOd h eR,tillg stovo, t l> Mllrlutt aBct .Inn;rht,nr , l\tr~ \VII1 n ow tll k inl,: 1\ , \\"('11 I'ur nl' t! r l'~ t . ~ \lp (1 '· lntt' l1Cll.1 nt. li t, r 'lIl'1 ~I' l' \·i", · III OF 1906. For Rtlle-A WArren Syrup EVflp· yd8. iugrltln cn r pet. r, Inokiu g g In . ,.. \\'b i lt' h e> hll ~ 11<'1' 1'1 1111 i n n tlllu h) .. Kil1~ s t'H1 ~ .~u ll ud ('tI. , '\"1 ':-; 1 ~n di " I ... Da llghtlll's lIutl fllm lly , I!'If)TII M .. r Dl'sig·Ii."; liS ' J'eBOlI~teHd.:1 h orse hl u,nk ets.(nn nl'llt~r 1H1I'd on\';1' 1\ ~ hnrt e und 10 es. u cq n i~it io n to till"' ('(' lin ,''' I H~ Hd' l ptpd new. ) 1 gli.~oll ll o ato ,e. 1 o ill s t.yl I'LH, He lfl n MI)Clllro; '111m Unll i:h. 11 8 h l~ 110111 1'1 iI' iA t o It,· I'l':,; rf' tt"<i hy lallt1 ~ , ~ ny:-\ lh nt, :;h r hn:4 Ifll' ~IIl IJl ' VCIII'!O\ llS(' tl t'hHlll h"rlll l u ' :o! ('Oll ll h lI X(·\·I\t'nt 1'I' lIlIir . Inquire a t this bm·cull . tcr~, MIl ['.I' :->mit.h. H 'd hi _ fo rme l' II St\(l(';U!'t," tllll t h I) ~ illlnhl 'RPlIl'{ 'd, 1'",. '·"11 g h.", (,1'I ,IIP I>1I t! .,tUeu. MABEr, DJ N WmDlE . 0\"1'\1' It ,t\'o le ft Ohio; It t' wo u hll", VI' whOll pi!!!! l'nn!.!1t 1111.1 1111 ~ fllllnd 111 ' . 'J' Bn w k o. A \lct. aL W,LIt r Bmit.ll who Is plensantly Bjrthday Surpri se led f1~ u~ e fl1l II lii' f' hl' r·" . ,u1l1 "' Ilnhl vorv bCllt'fl ri nl . HIII' 1t 1l~ implitdcl I will (1]tor Itt pnblic Bille Itt my ba v(\ un<i' ll IlH hi !( ltl,. nppl'uCllut l'ti ('on'filll' ll('(' In it' nnll w , 111<1 n ," I" eml,ln.Ve.1 ill D(~.I'to n , clime dowu for Mrs~ Alexander dudn g h ifo' ncth·c·· " H J'(1 ~ q' uucl nllW , ",ith uut " 1I<,t t,ln uf il ill liN ~l1nclllY to join in the festivities on f"rlll JX Ulilei' sout,h ·ellst of 'VIIY· t,hllt. he i!! Vfl~r, IIc t i " 0 lifo. ne ville. 00 tne Wnynesville And , ::;0101 hy Ir , ( '. S(·bwII .. I)I. the occMlou of hill fother's birthday. Olorkllv W0I1ne8uu.y, ,)nnllllr:r :t-I th. \\,:h~ ille pike Inr. I!1d :/It..".. .1'. K . An(ll'I·"nu W El. Madd ~n & Co., of Corwin, WEDNE DA V, FEBRUARY 7, thc birthday o.nniVl"rSIlry n f Mrs, LOW: HI\'mS b rne joet re\l~ivnd u: oa.t:loa~· ot. NII... beginning at 10 o'clock: 4 horl\o~, Ii Ale thiu. AloxlIulle l' anli Whli ll ~ he W!'itA fr 'Hn H(llt " I1 . )(nn '" • . II ~ ful lows: "'Vo IIl'C v 1'\' 11\\1 h i n t('!'I'"l r ,1 \' 1. poleon EIDstio Pull) P)D$~r; oa~o n eowlI, 1 Brown wagoo, one buggy, 1 \\ n,}JH\ ~ \' illp, e ug nged m h e l' h O\1.8ehuld in th o l:J"mn ()"m l;ll,: lIl l, 1 wil l t' llj ...\· qUlUltlty of prepll:red Wile, w]lioh s pring wagon, one Tiger double oorn Wit c O lUin~ b'lck to t,bo lI l(1 hOI1l (>. Itl & dnti e ill tIl e m o rnin , tI le d o r will be !lold at right 11ri008. . Cl1l1 tlt plow, Dering binder, MoCormiok '1' (\ ' I'll !.: yArds or telephone to Pall Ba1)dle coru lll nc)er, Whiteley lJlower, ooe· b II rong allu ou r tls po u(lin g bl;' he · th o ug h tllm'e oro II g rCM Ill llny (,If . llotel Ilt · Corwin. , Ask for; booklet horse coro. drill,"!,, 2 OJ~vor he1d s tu ndiu g o n the vnTllndn , h e r t hll IIld fri Hl lll ~ gono I1ml '1111111 y t hn t IL r o s trungP, I's t il lUI 1m VI! III " \'/,cl III . u csoribing this .pIAster. plo\vs, u tobAooo plow. a, wheel bar. oh.lld l·o n , g'l'Illld . hihl l'en /I.nt! two but 8till it. will ulwu ys bc, It ' ,rll l' III \ Don't forget the II'llrmer~ lnstt'. .row seeder, f' ,powJlglao .grnin drill, Uf:! . I t W it H t·horf! 1;lIl1t, Onr OhI 1011'1'11 grout g'rrlllQ blldron, wh n hod , . . ' d ··S r" Febru. i,L hllY ladder, gravel bed, h ay forks, tute,. Friday. an I~tu (,I1Y, ~hovels, log cblLins, hllrrow cbalns, OOIllS oye r t1l1Lt Ul (lrniul;r fr um Mill wt'ro hor n llnel W II of tt' n t hi n l. Itr l it ' N .1<: " . ' (I I{ L I·: N ~ IU'y 2 a.nd ard. double nnd slngletrlles, 2 sets work dletown, to s pelHl tho d"y with old h n pp ,v lIu,.\'_ wr hllll in WII YII"" MOBILJ': ville . h'lrJle ,one set bu g~y liorness lind tb ir r overl'd I(nd lI)1l1'h beloved ' it t ' F' armers I nst P~~N:-;I\. · ( , 1. Hlllt.i'n I!' II ve t·\· pre tl..y l.o W/1 wi tlt u e . l one set of spring wllgOn ht)1'oess, CI p t:l puillt ill rl of 1IIIllnRC :100(), ,' ll! h l at -Bellbrook anu UlllOY otber artioJes, also !It few lDother. T kl.. ,·!o., UTI ",:11 ,· 1'·ul' ll1.11 \ ·~ I ... I til :11111 'l'bo fa mil y circle WIIS compl el ' clmrch ell lint! fnnr )tl l',(" , oh .. ,, ) lIt:tioleR f)f hol,1 ehold lUI'nlture, call· O~eans Sugarcree k Farmers , institute slsting iO 'plirt'9f, 1 b edstead. 3 rock. with Iho o)(ce1'lIo l1 of ono , !jon lind buildhll;r ~, IIllrl ~OI I\O \ ' fIr,\' Jirll' iu rl udln l: lrnln .. I'h ' h(' lllIlr d t" :""rl\ l O :Il :-:,'\\. Ol'l(, ~l lh. M nllUI' ,Ir ) ' ,'n"'; I,·,\ 1 I 1"'jl1 1' (,' IH ~l n .. will be, hllld in Bellbrook Eridl~Y and ln~ ohairs, 1 !lining exteDt\lon tub Ie, dn,ughter in .low , Dr. nnll Mrs . R. bom o ." Mrs , A nclnr. n i ~ II 11'II<l{h t.I' r of l·'(' !}nl:Ln· :::Lh 11II1 1I 'd til 1' .. 111 1' 11 :\I,lft"ll :l , SIlturdtly, Febrllury 9 and 10th, Ii dinIng raoUl ' clltlirs stove wood AI Qxnud e r . of Eliun, Ohio, Mr. Itn (l MI'. . N tl lR(1Il Uluc "l'flrel . 1.,\ ' tlt.po~ll a ~,1 1 1 'lYIIH'lIl n l III c(' nl ~ (''''1, .... 10 11 wlth ...1. L . SblLwver, Bellfonta,l ne onol' stove pevernl fr~Dleu pic tnrclil (~ . ROUND TRIP !lud G . C. HOllso keeper Bowling e t o ' , wh o wor" , il tainerl tit b o me on ne· who form fl l'1 .v nwn"r l n n.1 neo npipcl of limit "iLlI he ~ CCII rr .l un III Ma n ' h 17. I Ulin. -VIA- _ F ol" r;:\1 (':-.. t illll' 1 :111)1' ;11111 I,r';, ultllll 111 11" Green, as state spellkers, while . RION HOEL . . oonnt (If ur gent bUBine!,!!, tiut. who B lle nn Vi s t" Ffll'lll lIt tltn 'rhree Brirlgps IL Ulil o h.,luw W", .v ll e~v illL' . ) ,berf' will be It ,nuP;lber of papers C T ' Bn,wko. Auotioneer. r rn e mbe rerl t.ho 00CU811iol1 by s e nse ~d dl8Cu~lons by local parties. . .A. B. Sirles, C lerk. Ing blrth llo y ,::r eotillgs hy tcleg rlLllb B ()NN I"I, MUSTAN ,\ , • 'hIC3Vt) II (. 1\ .\ 11 .1; \ '. :-l W P ,\ ', .J C:, OUllninghom will deliver fROM CINCINNATI. . which W'~l"e 1.' £ ' 1 1<1 while th e guo~ts \)~:AIIEI)l1'O!IS :' , thlll\ddres8 oj! welo<;tmA a.t 8 :11. Fri. As we l)ave sold oo r farm fino N otwl th&tllnrlln g ou r u o lu y in J I,' 11 .\\' r:~I'I \ U'l' II I ' ,\ dlly, JIorulnR und Miss La~ra. Alex· will mOVtl from this comity, I will w or e sell,ted nt. Ule tt(ltlo TItkeb on ...10 J"-chrwlrY 2 Iot /0 161h. IIc knowl ulh:ing t ho rocelpt a t tlt A limit March J,d. 1:"."IIIIIn to hlan:h IInder will read A paper 00 · ' Hom r. sel l at my reside n ce, 1 mile north · , '1 Iu ' ( n n;l l l 17(h. IOIkl. ma y be hod by doposll of ·E ve r ythi n g t.hnt, g n ~ 1")\\'lIrol lin oxtm .'dili nL1 of the uuzo t(,tl, ]lor. ).' , II IJ C-t ll . I I I' .\ Adornmlmts." ellst of Lytle, on ,the plkelellding Ilcket anti p.,)'I1'.lI t or soc with Joint .1 II M tl.t.\H . . . : . I) 1' .\ el egnnt l'flPIl l't ,,"us IJronght ,,1'lllg ' 1~ l inln!{ In 11I ~ Home Comill /.!. we, agcot CIt New OrlCDJl5 or olJlJc, In the IIfternoon. Wilbur Berry. from Lytle to Ferry. hill, of Ferry,will oonduct the Que!!. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, l~ OG, and spr e Hd ant, fo r t,h e' fea_t, In I ll e "l'I. th lJ l e~. " ful1y nPJlrOl'llIt,ed . YOll l' O. L ~TnN n, ll(,n' I I'II !<!<. t\ ~ :ell t.• tu multe it th H g l'llnu s nccess STOPOV[R PRIVILEGES. tion Bolt a.mI Jame!l M.ullen, alBa of begi nnipg at .10 o 'olock a. m ., tbe the ceo te l' of. the. t Rblo \\"n~ pI .. ' ,111 tllTol't whinh 1111 hU\'e proolaimed. It ,Yc', LO lli~vill(' K.V Ferry,' wi!l read II 'plq)er on "Frult following fa'rm stock. implement, very IR,r ge blrtlu}'lY oR kl·,honll Ho rn o. llike 1\10. 1 of tho otbor s were tllk en For Infornlation add ... ",:Mtlrketing ." , etc: 2 bend of horses,ono 0, blllck ly orllomentod Otlel bearing thfl ill , I ~ll o 11y It.\' . I1rtJr.t~o by it mAgnif. tho. W. Zell, D. P..... Q" C. RDIlIt, C!IId,isau. i 'ridllY evening, besides lectureR mItre 10 .yellrs 01<:1 , one Purcell colt. n. P.. Brown, T. P. A. Q. "t. ROlli•. Clod •• ,U. soripti on: "MotlHJ r, Hl3~ 1!l00. " Ilccmoc. \V A.AntI Cl pot,ed gl'o lltPl ell~. _ __ _ __ or by. the .Stllte spe(lkerB, Mrs. Carine coming 2 years . old; three beud of . l urfl 111 I'e udlllg neoon nt,,. of tllO~o '!;lmlth will give A r8lullng, Rnd miloh cows, one to b e fres ll soorl'und Tho g n est!! wora: W11~I' ed Alox wilo h oiLl \~ ILy noHvillo so tl OU I' t o W. A. OAIU~ETT. w.e. R,INEAROON, , Misses Currie Kemp and B. M , .Kus , two giving milk; t·wo bead ot bogs, Ocn'l Manager. Oon'l " .... Alenl, sell .. will furlllRh selections of music. broocl SOW8; ~l!Ie MoOnl'mi ok IJinder Rndor . wife nDu !Ions 'Eclwnrrl 1111'1 t.I1 hU· hr.,.rt" hu t we we r e Iittl o pro. . CINCINNATI. . t:)umnpl AIm: , p Ul'l'd 1'111: slich e le;:nllce nnLl dl !!Il IIl Y Mrs. William Tate o·nd Mrs . B F n~ gOOlI A8 new; one steel to )t,l l Milt,OIl', Mr, ,w(1 Ur~ . ' nlll1 wo I llily I' Olllt )l(J hnw it !l11l!!t ,Jamesllre on the program Stltnrduy sulky hllY mke, onfl ~ , horse Furmors unde r and I'otli' i:latllllf'l 11l1~1 Mn.'· h .. \'u hrollg llt. \'1 \'1( 1 I'Pc.)1I0cti on8 of morqing. anu in the IIfternoon Friend corn I)]aoter, t,wo riding oul· nllr(l; FrulJk Alexllndor, WIfe 1111(\ hy gon o happy c1I1Y~ t,o HO lIIuny FrRnk Zell will 1I0,ve ohorge of the t,ivAlorll, one Gole (m ltlvator nllll08t dn11ght<'l ri' ,~~rtrtlde 1l:n(1 Frllnce 'l whom ho vo uld hnllw" nnd Ho'\V to Prevell t BIliou s AtttLcka old Question Box, 'and J. Mnson Prngli new. ono Tiger oultivator, one bar. Merrell ; C htl o rl1 Aloxnn.l e~, wlf r fd o nds ~o dO(l~ be~lind to seek houlth 000 wb" ii' ~t1\)j rc t. t(1 /lillon8 li t . ,will open the~lsous8iO,nof the !lub:: ro~v, one (lO·t.ooth·harrow two !leo· and rlnnghter, 1\[lIry ThIll , Mr~ or pro~perlt,'y 10 ile ldl; nfnr . ' tacllR wi II 1101 ieo 1,llIl t, fOl'lI lill Y Or jeot "Farm Lu.bor Problem." tions; three br."king plows, one John . AJ:I) And (Ifl ugh, Aolon; !LII \ We feel thnt w e owe yon U II apol Illl)m I)ofl/l"fl t hI fl t t llClk hI I,. n ot. During the two dn,YII of the Inl:!ti . top buggy a.~most new; two 2 horse of Mlddlet.o wn. hnnf,!t'y At lll ell)I,llJIe Ilflll fe<1h; l1ull ogy fot n t pI'ejJflring n m or e np. The cenulne tute music by the Otterbel'ot QL1R,I!. leds. one is iron shod; one set. of propriate nrt iclo for its columns hn t FOLEY'S HONEY IlDd TAR IslD lIft,or ('n till g . 1\ dl) ~" nf Chll lllhot'. - . - .tette will be fllrnished. Meal.!l . will cheok. lines . two tons of clover hll Y Five Years is you see yon ovc rwbohningly ont.dill a Yellow pnckage. Ro fu~o substitute. Illin'~ titn lllll c h lind Llv.,· 'ro hlo t Q be Rsrved by ths W . A. of Bell · some focld e r; 17 bushels of WhUe whon thORO 111111 'I,,. u01,(11I hI npllOlll' • ou r OOIDp!·elwnsion. PerhuJl~ wh on l)rook , ' seed oats; two beating stovell, ouo Prepared only by will w,lt'd off t.r onhle. Th oy IIro Jackson's Sentence. you rel\h~ e how you t hre w U lj 111 1 ill Foley & Compeny. Chloell" f or sul o h.1' 10'. '. :-;()hwflt·t1.. ptu'lor h elltlllg stove und uox h flllt· co n steruu t.i on you ula)" feol llA rt,ly log stove, u cook stove ,o.nd /I, drop George JIl'Ok901l Wll8 bn MondAY.' for t11 fl ~01L1 YOll bflv o ~bown for the Illsf t,~bl o. C F. SCOTT. !lellt,enced to five yeurs in the Ohio succe~8 ~ f tho Bome Gonllng. ZIMMERMAN 'S ('. B ::! URl"A"E, auctionoer, Penitelltinry. fOl" hors e Rlell1illg. How httlo cun those w ho hnv o 01 . Tho ext,rolllo ]lennlty fo r t1lii'\ Wfl..YS b e 11 nlll llllgst yo u ullfl bn vc I will o ll'e r lit publi c ~ale tlt lily resid,'nco 2 miles west of Lytl o O n O/'irne i8 lift,ee u Hf) co ns idt.r. nevi'll' felt the pClugs of tbllt uread· New Goods New Whito Flsb the OilYta u Rnd IJe banon pike. On i n~ nn!llnr()n~ ~crn [lA~ .rooltson I'ul di srll: Cl." Uollle f'lok noHS " known New Lake Herrinl{ the fUl"1l1 know,D !lB t be John n, hilS been in he got otf pratt,v el\sily . of whut It, II' t o he tiD fnl' fro m lovo, . Ihlll\ oallll kindt'ell (lnd von uo n ot Ne w ~moked Hulibut l5ides furlU. WArren Co., Ohio. conceive h ow Illony ra y ; of "uu~hil,I O TH U RSDA Y FEBUARY Vi, 11101i. .1'(\11 11I,v(l s tro wlI l\cros~ o nr path ' Beginning ut 10 Il m. 2 work h orses. Revival Services NJ~W PRUNES lind wo n~sure Y(111 thllt, our s illCe r. 8~zes 1 will alRo on'er onll -I year olel gOll. 70 tn HO tn th e poulld!in Ih, will Continue. os t, srnlUnde iH YOlln!. e .... 1 purpose b orso sou nd and nU· !i0 to liO Prunos to t.IHl Ill. Mos t Hi llne r ol y , 10 pounds !-IOc ri ght. FOul' milk cows, three milk. TIIt~ rev i VIII servicos, llt th~~ M. E A. n. ANI} ji' ,\YF. COO" Slff'l'll. er~ , on e lie frosh 1IIl0ut tho middle ·10 t.o r,o jlruue~ t.o th(' Ih ; 10 of A pril. 'fOil helLd of bogs consillt. Church Ine stel\dily ITloro!l!<lng in 11,R. \)Oe iul': of 6 1Jr0 ocl S(1W8, -I stock hogs. int,orest., lind IlLrgo enngrl'j.!tLtlonB ure A 11 New Stlntl\ Chm, Prunes Thr o u~h tit" ];inlln (J!ls o f "OUIO -~O. One D ee rin~ hinder in good I'e pnir, presont ellch e ve nin g. ~ rviooB he· one . I 1'0ceiv o.1 I,he ::lIJIlCilll Hmno. un impcrilll IIl'ellking plow A !';woot Putllt oO~ J;in lit , o 'clock ILnd will continue ()f)llIillg numb or nf t h e GA ze tt o. Chll1llpioll brollking plow. A dou · Purs nips . which I hfl ve enjoyed r ending vory BAH,CAIN~ oycry night tbls weo k , NE~D ble shovel plow. aile 50 tooth barrow, C'oblmgo tnn c b , n.nll 1 think th o Ruunion OEl r. ouo M oline corn plunter, o ne bay - --Apple8 tHinly will ho II g run,l I1l1uir. lind rllke. on e disc hllrl'ow. one Cas8Rdy . The Grip. think I would c njoy blliug thoro. ns ~nlk y plow, o ne t obacco wllgon , hllY "nnror'O wo ('Ull sympAt.hi1.e witb thut pllrt of tho Buckeye StlltO is ICxtl'll F'unoy Culory - ( )Y~'l'EJ{, ' luli(I(JI', one hllnll 11111do wheol hILl'· IIthllt's . WO rllllsl; hllvo ~ntl'o red our. my nllti vo plllCO, fl.S 1 WAS ono of D . row. hllY fork, 1'0pO nm1 Imllu.\·~ . ,,(' In' s" No ouo CR n rooli7..e the ::!. BurHon '" > e ll~s and romernhcr BontR OVCl'H a, Rtl 1l1Inn . :-; PEC1A L. 80,11I10n, fOlll' set.s nf work hfltn Sli. 1 ~A t s lIll'('ri n g ntt.ontiullt upon· un attuok wit,1l J1l e l1~lll' o bo mo o f tho pl OASflllt .1'Jllhl o Itnl·n I\H~. co llnrs, lilies IIlIeI IIf I!I·il'. nnlnR!,I htl hll" lIad tho Rotunl occlleioll~ during t;hllt winter, Rorno A hl r kv Pnrch 'lso. O Ut· ()n~· brlLllos. d o ubl e trees IIn(1 I'i ll,.;l u ('xl'r ri f' rwo , Tilr e is [lrob'lbly no of wblch if I s h ould r e lato ill publi C) t,ollil'rs /.(ot t,llI" hOllofit, t,r oes. IIbont liOO bushols o f un l. 10 ,1i'clI se thllt cll u ses so lJluch physl. woultl Cll1l~O some t o blnRh lind liO Il o ~ . \ "LOS Funcy Red tllllfl llf hllY. ll;O IJ1l~h l! l s of whito Cliloml mentlll ogony, or Wllich so othors ,to luug11 Iwnrl,iI .r . ~AI,!'rl()N I,,"t8,. AI~o ~lI lI1 e llOuschold f!oocls, RIH'('I)~ sfully d e fi os mediclLI oiel. All A few of the 1>uJlilA were Dnyis N n . Tull Cans, sold every COtl SI ~t:ug III purt of on c cook ~tove. dIlO ~(Il' fr olll t he g rip, bowe\'er, may nnel Rob ort Fnrnn s . NI\t,hAn .J ones. nn n gnsollJ? e Ht,ove, nne bo~ 10ung(l. i llO nv oic1fltl by tilE! prompt use of I. E. l{OYR, It young IllILn nam ed wbere ut lijc ., Our i:lpecinl Prico nne axtell IOn tltblo, one umon chum ! Chnllllllll'IClin'R Cough Remedy. A. Denny f r om LelJllllon. besides some ,5 yd8 . of .cnrpet, o no stancl , one Ill ong the teuH of thou811nds who of tho fflir Bex I oould nnrne. Of IOC a can broodo r, tilsh o!!, dinner bell and have u sed this remedy, !lot OliO case the 0ld-re8ideots on'd busiooss people ot.her nrtlClc~ . hus o \' er been reported thot hus were DnviEl Evun!l, E qr. BuHy, It PILY~ to trrJde nt J OS lI UA FOSTER. r esu lteel ill pnonmonlo, or that. has J ohn M. !:ludden, Thomns Alloll ZlMMEU, MAN'S A . A . l'kNl!;u.. n ot recovered,' For snle by F. C. SIlDluel and .Joseph Rogers, unol~ of course Lllnch will be sorveu by the Lndios Schwart,~\ . Imd fllth e r of tho Into B. W . Roger!!, • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . Aid Society of the Lytle churcf' I
\)() _"T BlY \\" .\LL .l' .\PER L .\ IU'l E "\
. /.
DHUG 8'1'O IU£ O.
Nashville R.
Mardi Uras
$ 21.25 Haw
20.00 Mobile
'HO·NThlEYorlglnll IIDTAR LAXATIVE cough remed,.
50 pail' Mcu1s Lca.thcr Hoots nn(l R; $1.25 and $1.50 a pail-
(5, "
pail's Boys' Lcathcl' Boots, all sizes 75c
FOO'l'- '
Felt alld at disconnt Mcn's Hcayy Unuerwear, the $1.00 kind 75ca snit. 'Vorldng Ulothing, pall ts .a.nd coats Yc]'y cheap.
Corwin· . , Ohio.
X r.V L NO :q
_._--,.- -.
nots aro SOD1otllll e~ mixed with·IJep. {Itl.rge that bls liudi ence sho wed pel'. He suys the (u rmcrs d o n ot plainly tbey could not ~wullow tbem . beli eYo in t·hi s Ildulte ru.tIDn Imd bn ~e Buch us two smnll boys thr'iwi ll g it on the Wonl of Uod, tho hi gh est out of a brtl.noh with pitoObfork!l III ,, '11 I "' I II "'"'V\ l' p~ IIro IJJ'ohillitel1 ij tnndnrd of llIornllty known , 30 minut,IlII 2r;O p o uDd~ of ti~ h : IIUl'in~ t.\ip Ilr ll~e lll· epitll'llIi(l of tlOf~r Tho J:'r o~iden t nppointell connuit, threshing 900 bushels or oatl! in on A I I 1,' \' ,' ,. ill ~priflr.: VII I\"Y . tees ns· follows: h our yielding from 60 to .130 bushell' APER ~ Un roso lu tiollS: R.ov . .J. ~' . lJIH1 · )ler lIore; (140 bUl!belli of I)otlltoes to !" j l l' '" ,[ri pl'" ,, }WHV I'l lUI( \'.Hetl wallnder, MI.Lry ~ilv e r. ~lI thn Jl Lup. th e ncrA. !:Illid /til grain is bmu.1\ Hl"'nt:1I 1I11t! Cbl'rry Expootortlnt. " to n, Hurry Cornell uud 'n l\'il1 WIt· spring grain domet·imes sown in the ~lIlrl · h~· . 1 E .Junll y . lilllUson . wi n ter, Ill st yetl.r in February. Tbere A !!flU "'"fl bnrn Friuuy night, Fou· On nomil1lltiuul' : Dr. p, D. Cln g. is ti mber in some seotions, mostly l' flILry 1, lUOU, to Mr . lind MrR. Minol' ett , Mnrgll r ettlL Brown , Ellu.l\.oys Itlon g strea ms . frlee of lumber Rose lit Lytic. fmd Chnrl es COl'oell . ahout tne Hllme 1\8 here. Our bllzJno. P. MoL un , in a fiftee n min · :Gill' B hutoh this side,or mther south Mr. ILIIU MrH. Will G ustin aud uto tnlk, mostly on the subjeot of wes t of b erd. bube and brot·her Ueorge Gustin , of trjles, A,tid ho w nde red why t here A Holo by Ueorge Funkey was Xeniu, spent Snnday with their nUllt 'Lro n ot more fruit tree!! in WlIl'ren followed by musio by the Grange, Mrs . AlethllL Alexfmder . E.'( cept, thnt the m eronry Iingorf111 " Buu nr l\{akin ~ f or City Mn rkpt," ~1, ' Hni ll IllIlt ~ 1 : l wolll hll\'c' m/ld e county, since t.bey /lre profitable nftor whioh Dr. Clayton in a few Mrs. JORelJh H'Lwke . of nOllr ollal' UI0 zl1ro mflrk , tb e wonthe r V!! 'l'llking t o Skimming Station. " TIl.pill pmg l'tlHS, hnt t.hol''' i~ ~ti!! Itnt! fruit is beal thful. He did not remark s 8poke feelinglyof the loss Spring Valley iM visiting hllr t1ILUJ;h . wa>! ILU t1mt ooulel be deBirod, und Sillce Mrl:!. Silver, eluri ng thll \ltlSI ,'",,11\ rill' IInprIlV" llll:ll l ; th,)!'" is fnvor trimming t rees; ndvisod of our beloved former preSident, ter, Mr8. Mary Zentmeyor, ILt Pllrl!! t.he InHtitn w o)llllled nt 9 ::Ir, by 1m yelLr nHul o fo r rh e Duytoo ma rk"t, II nnll f,"' IIl IIH' IIl .)Jl(lY . ['"" pll li re planting Rhude troes for stock , l~l so I:$eth H. Ellis. and of the Illness of Cro88ing, IndiuUll . inRtrulJ1eotul !!oleo tion ,well r onder . over 2000 pounds of buttor alHl /It 1 l\'HI~ IIl'nt"', bllll c\Jo , het,1U 1' h ' JlI ~es ornam ontal trees, but seleot a pl' oper our vi co preSide nt, W'LJlaee Tibbals, MrR. ElhIFurnfl sandlittledun~b edbythe J~ltrnhllrt. broth ers . After theSr,ute Dn,iry Convelltion r ecei vl'(1 ,11 .1 sJl " llI llI1 ~ IU'II'Il Illllll" .\' . lind kind, that i ~, 11 kind that is oleu nly . and e xhol·t,eu people to live up to Jean, of Dayton were Satul'IIIlY find the invocation hy Rev . J , F . Undo first prizo for the bes t butter , W t' -clt"" ls :'huultl IHIVO Lhulr "hu re To Following this was a 80 nl,; by It t h eir privil eges , dismissing with t:lnnday gUll8ts at t,he homo uf their wIIllader, PreSident George Riley feel thnt sbo thoroughly underKtooll 'll/I k ll " 'h,'ol", more elr od,1V H 1!ll(\(' 11 y. oluss of little girls whioh was en· tn e uSUlLI benediotion . . fat,hor Duvis Furnlls. followed in brie f hut very IIppropri . her subj ect. ,11' 1,0 mllk e tll u w",rk ilJt ereM t,\ng, ohored Creely , Then uuj ourued tu Thus ended the first Independent ute remarks. B e Itsked for the co· F,umors In stitute held at Waynes. J!'or sev ernl y ears they pntl' o:ti~""rj [' hu th ree " U 's " tir e lI llt ~ lln id l' nt one o'olook, M t b A littl e (/lug 1 ht . er was orn 0 r. ope rntion of furmers to mnke this, h k' i Ii f for thu pre~ent ti ~ll e but, nlthf I' the viJIo in whioh the Interest and at· and Mra. Stepben Burnett, wh o IIvo tl fl t I d d t I tit t t e S Imlll ng stlL un, so r om fi X in the Kelsey IJrollertv. on the Lebll- Ie ra n ~en en k ns f Ut~' perlenoo tlbe was uble to toll t h" t,llI'tJe " H '~' culti ,," t,ion o f h end , SATU RD. Y 1 1'. M. tendance from start to finish oara success. e spo e 0 e 1l11l'llDtllgOS of makin g butte .. u"l~ r ua nu unrl h el1ft, in other w o n l ~ au ,Mnsio by the G mn~e. . tllinlY 'indloatod that Farmers In· non pike, January 2 th, 'r eachers' !:lession us being appro. sell ing tb e or eam at the skl mm int; ul l r 'lIlnd deve lt>)JullJuut . \:i u "1"Jke COlllmittee on n omiDtI'ions named stitnts uro growing In favor, Mr . and Mrs. J . Clint SPlrllr, of prillte, as there is n eed of broader tlttltion . Ilri ~ n.\' 01 (Je ntrnlizll rion wh un 111'11" the followi ng offioers who were by W . T. FRAMIIl, Boo. Xenia wer e for u. few days last, eduoutlon for the farmer, und a lso 'l'hey k eep grnde Jerseys and unr litad . mot.iU ll tlecllll'{.J ll olected : week gU88t8 of their 01<1 frIends ItDd of the ble~sings Imd joys lD farm ing the past yeur they IIvol'lIgcd A piun o I:\olu Ity ,\Ir... 10'1'0.1 Whit e Pl'csidont Guu ltiluy· Viou PrellCenterville nolghbors in Waynesville . life . '73.75 for butter . Besides all this WUI:! generousl y ench ored . .. Al,(ri . ident,!:l. Le~ l'1l.rt.\Hir.:hi; ::>ooretu.ry Mll\ml Qaarte~IY MeeUng of Or· The minutes of tho last meeting butter for the mArket, they hllv' culture nml th e Ruml , 'ob ()ol~ " wuS Ilnd '['reatlme r , WIO . '1'. !frnme. Mr~ U.o~~ell, n orth of t own, on thodox Friends. will be beld at Cae- were read nnd approved. the milk for pigs and a number of the subj eot of M. F . Aud..,ws, who Exeoutivll Committee: Wu.rrell the Abner i:llLrri!:! f.~rm, died Tues· ~Ilrs Creek Friends Churoh nflx t A woll prepared paper by Edwin promisi ng calves. in llia introduotory r eDl ll r ks said h e Keys, Morritt CUI'Dull, P. H . t:iu rfnoe, day nigh t, Jlllluury :l0 . Saturday nnd ~bbl\th at 10.:\0 r. rn, I•. 'l'homlls was then read, subject, Th ey find by marketing butter WllS proml o f being n tllrmer, thnt Mrl:l, ~lItrthll Houg h, Mrs. Inoz Mr PlIul, wh o r ecent·ly underFebruary tenth Bnd eleventh . " While youn~, begin to ma ke a they enn dispose of other farm pro · mOnt uf 111 0 grollt men hllvo come Brown, Mrs. Annll Elli~ bome. I t . He suld, In part, it is the duots whioh wuuld otherwi sll be fr om tl", fllrm , R oce pt,iou lJo rumittee: .b' rank EI. went nil operati on tbr cancer , WIL8 M(,ney to loun Inqnire of Leroy tOl!timony of-all wllo have suooeeded wlIsted or sold Itt u disoount , !:lbe He suid he WuS b 11' 11 on tile lath bon, P O. CIIl/;utt, Miss Dol'll Ellis ILbl o til come to tOWIi J ,mu'Lry 31, to Hoe tbo doctor . . IronB Stoops Builrllng. thut that is the time to begin. 'fhat h k f F I tl 1'1 h ' lu f 1· It is better to own a home even if tbinks unl ess one loves suc 1V0r 0 0 Jruury, Wus 10 . , C I 0 "unu M,s!:! E ll n \.eys, it would not be hest to undertake largo fllmUy , wout ou t, to work when Tho lJunlln itteo uu Resulut-lon!! 'rho Looke Mille Cqjuurtette guve . Mr Mllurice Cornell Wl!.S Mworn In ILR olerk of t·he township Bchool not. ILhle to puy fu r all , at time of butter making as there Is grellt Illbor lJ e W/lS l a IUld discovered thlLt h e produced th o fo llowing whioh were thflir entertninment at the Town ' 8"11 'fnllHdl1Y ove, F ebrullry 6, undar hnn rll Il t. it.s melltm g Mnn c~Il:V . O. purohuse. That on 'L ocount of lu.bor oonneoted with it ILOtI 111uoh t,illl e is bad umd e 1:1 notes on hi s s ubjeot unl1nilllouRly [ulopted: R UM!]I vod, Th at we llUur tiJ " .11" 'ur til" II u~Jli (Jlj~ uf ,.hfl Vill8ge Library Ii CI"m ..nt·R, t,{I\Yn~hll' olerk, 1111" ~om~ to oities, tile farmer ought to 'required , Sho tolu t.he mlln .\' pro" The koynote for th e naxt t en Y efl~S llnceutrnt, fI hit!brnins forcilstoon tlmaller ' t 0 I."u t.t er ' I '11 IJe t lIII ll1 . S tr uc"Ion Of . th 0 IU(\ I· uud ~ mcul'e l y d 'Iii 1'C:l the (JlIl!l:!llgU J IUJI'll !let.jng liS olerk of t·he l'Iohool O nrea . It tnkes mllnage a eessel! to oonV0r t oream 1D uf (,Iub. VIO I," I' L~' nn , r eB del' aooom· bOllrll, but u. OhllllgA In tbe IIlW telling how. to oure for the Ol'ellllt vld.ual. He thmks t her e IS more III· th o Brigg!! Bill, uow )Jeu.di ng uufure IlIlui lll1 t,hfl lll 'l'bl' pillllll UMl'd was , the tllne reoui r equirell that the clerk must be II fBrm "Vb t ns I'welln ll 00s any d .other 0 f bUBinel:!By, ~ofter' SelJuratl'on u .. red lIi \'iduali ty in th e ooun try 80hools. th u IUl(il:!l .. ture ul' Ubit> t o permi t I'rolll \Vpuve r IUIII Kil hllll , MlllmlR· to ohurn "'ood butter und tho l)r (ll)e .· '1'b .r e is m ore to be lellrned t hwomun n ntu "v ote at looal opt·ion eleo· burg. resident of the "011001 distriot, henoe • It · W su ee on ne lurn mit 'S t tb d th t th I ~ working. . Oltn be ~en l'n ed fr oDi. bookH, bnt on ly tione. JUl!elJh \'Illl~bllll doetl not improve no on IIno er , un u · ere th" ohange. higher nim to labor for, thon "' well Mrs. Will F rame upened the dis l!. I:!moU percent of tellchers mllke lI) uoh, be il< Mti ll very wel\k Mr. IIond Mrs. Curtis Tomlls()n , kept. farm, lI.nd in disou88ion .Tohn oussion , She told her experlenoe in IIOY iDlllresslon for good up un th eir Res"lved, Thllt wo thoroughly Mr. LUWH"II i" deulin~ in (lOllI, 0/1,1' · who ... re lIvtng on t·ho old Onder Zell sfud "Study to make hoU)e both rnlloking butter, and nil the Inbor pupils. He fllv ored centralil'.nt.lon e ndorso tho reovru. of the Hon. r yi n g II hU H Of thA different ~arle . wood bomeMoolld n eor Har\,ey burg pleasant and comfortable, I I oonnected with it. and h ow she III som e localities . B e thought oon . Hornell An kouy /l ~ !:Itlltltl Food Uom · t,ietl. HI1 hlllll, well equipped cream· are ve ry hllPIlY over the birtb of a Mills Brooclstone, of Xenta, WIIS hailed with delight the opportunity dition f'Lvornble he,r e on aoconnt of IlIls lOner ."od uro highly gru.tltied \l ry. ,w ith" hut.'llr lIIaklnl( OIIopaOlty lIOn January 30, u.n Interesting ooin. present nnd deligbted b er audien oe of t.oking tbe milk to the skimming 1(00:\ rOtl.ds. Said no girl sh ould wIth Mle Ju~t, honomble lLud oonl' ,of noo or 600 1htl IJer day, and sn oldent Is In the fnet thnt the lette r WIth u reading from Mark 'I:wain, station. She greatly fllvo rll the think of getting Ul,/J\rriell until Rh e ILg ous mlume r IU which h e ellu(lU v ' ~ av o l'll~eou t)lu to fllboutlOOlbs elloh which oontalned the news of the "How 'l'om !:Illwyer white·wlIshed skimming station liS it save!) hlbor ooul d make a oup of ooffeo, cook I' ors to IInforco t he Inw.':! unu diHolmrge \ IIII.V it- it< OIJll rlllell . birtll, whloh Mr. Tomllson wrote to the garden fenoe ." a.nd thinks it Is more , stel~k, lIluko a loaf of breud , make 11 tho du ties 01 hiS dliltuul t ollice., Iwd hiI'M Mllddox hu.t1 been very slolt. his brot,her Poul Toml1son. WinonllO A pa.per by Horlloo M. ~nook of Mrs, Vbas, Hong h ,wns ver y en · bed etc. that wo I.lS nro ball ,)f ,) ur Ilbllllllg 'l'h Hit' "on III.tely s urprised them Indiana, PURSed one from Paul un· Lebanon on "Corn" WU8 of unus ual thllsinsti o in the dis'ousslon 'of thl' All have nott.he same oalling, but support,. with Oil nn"iilllcted visit-. nonnolog the birth of a Bon on Feb. Interest. He h e had thought subject. dlle ndvocates taking milk no matter what the oalling, be pr? Itetlo lved, ThlH, t v til " Fri.mdt:l B. F. Vllllllhlln I!upplied the pul. rUIlI;V 2nd. the subject an OllSY on e to write t o the skimming st.ntion a s being tioient in that onlling . He saId for tho uile ot tl." ~ "umfortu.ble .1Ild pit. uf l{"v Dr. Barrett, at Coving. Mrs J!lllu. Gra88er, who has been upon , but wh en undertaken found less l aborious than making lwd nlllr. ther e lire no bad boys. &Jme all.' cOll1lU'JdlOU~ uUlldlu g, to th e spenk. ton , Ohi O, t)unun y Junnar;v 28, fore. for two weeks with her parents. it quite diffioult to say anything keting butter, and besides s he finds peur bl1d because t hose in ohargo ers wh o .lIn \'e tlU gen cruul!ly given noon IiUri evening. Kr. JUld Mra. William Blaine, near new. Be . said the total value of it more profitable. fail til IJnderstan<l tl~enl. You .can 't us of t.helr labors, t o Iho oificerd lind Ur . Mont Million. dentist, fram Wellman returned to Columbns 001'0 orop as given by Secretary Mrs . Minerva Burnett ent ertained tell how boys will turn ont . Some. to all w h <.l bIH' A contrlbllted to r·he Cinciullllt>i lJRyt! Centerville II', viSIt Tueeday :.oomlDg and today, Wed. Wilson 18 misleading. That it gives with Il pi uno lIolo/ and Inter Jba witb times promising b OY8 nmount to pls llsu re lind profit uf thi:! In8tltuto, every t.v,) weevs for profe8slonlll needay will start· -to Ne w York the Improssion that farmers ure Mrs. Fred WhIte, a piano duet. In otbing wbile no ucoount boys de· !'nu to !he It,l'g uudl s noel! u ttEl ulling work . Tlmrsduy nn(l Friday being where Bhe will be llOOupied for some getting JOioh, while the foets are Miss BrORdsoone (:Iovern l vel ope surprisingly. His t alK It 1:Ie 'SlOn 8, our t;hllnk ~ lI·rll duo und tho clay ~ he iM 111're time in purchllslng goods for the that muoh of the orop was raised at readings to tbe delight of the t! t,hrougb out WIIS rapid a nd interest· lire he reby te ndered . Mr!l Lydill Kelsey moved to D,LY cloak and lult department. of tho a 1088. He Bltid that ono orop on Iludience, \ill g', HUll . HortleB A."keny then s pok e t on ,hl11'ultry atilt., and Arthur OoJumbQ8 Dry Goods Co. , whose np-Iand Is enouah. on one yellr old ,Missel! Erma. Stokes lind B1l1noh o , Th e r eRrling by MiAS Broodston e on tho udu\ terntlvn of drugs Ureon un rl wife moved Into Mrs. bnllcUng "I\Ias burned last spring, olover sod , He spoke of the Impor. Cornell etl.oh sang u.. bellutlful SOlo 'j dllserves es peoinlly mention. Tb e beld tbe IIttentlOn of t·he 18rge lIudi KolsoY'1:! h""~ B . but whioh hilS sinoe been rebllilt 1tanoe of well bred seed oorn. It " A Penny Sav ed IS u P enny En I'll . enob ore descri bed . in puntomlll e, II en ce He Bald coal t,n butter oo lors Rev. J E. Sprig~s began Il series IIond tbe oompany Is now prepurlng must not only be good itself, but od" wus the s ubjeot of u pnper , b.v young lady Dluking 'her prellflrn tioll lire >lome of t h e,m hurmful (mel of meotings at the Sugar Creek to open up bnslDest' on a larJ;er ILnd must be able to r eproEluoe Its kind·; Mrs . Mu.rgnre tt.u. K . Brown. ISb A for a buggy-ride. somo barm less. 'lbut wood alcuhol, Christi 111, churoh Sunday Jllnuary frllllher 8Ou.le. During their tern · of the importlince of II. good stand; t.ook ns h er theme H ome Economy . It pOison, I~ Bom oti!nea s nbstitnted 28, but, owi ng to 111 hen lt·h had to porary smpanslon ofbuslneslI, Mrs lotherwise tbe farmer, in tending, 'rhe M re of smnll tbingR WIIS em : SATU RDAY 9 ::10 A. M for gram lll oolhll' , ln witoh hClZOI , cl u~o til ... Illl'etings li'ebrunry 1st. Gr,,~rier Wilt! vory oongeulu.l1 y Ilnu works until lIoon every dILY, for l)bllRIZed , thtl use of fragment.s in After the invoclltion by Re\,. Benj . bllY rum, blLrber 8 supplies, hllir Mill!! Nll oml :Mi les of Bellbrook is profitably employed in the H. & t:!. \nothin g . "Three gmins in!\ hill," foo(llInd olothing. Orderllnel clellll Hawkins, Pres. Ril ey commented tonio!!, eto ., und nllln y go blind frOUl "isitin g AIl'o ClIr ver'/I and spent POligne e~tab1l8hD1ent in Clnoinnutl su.y" Prof . Holden, tl!.lking for Iown. liness in tbe borne each fonnel II Ullon the interest mnnifest,eJ by the tbe use of ~ uoh drngs . In Ct:l: .,rllots , Friduy wit.h fri enu s in Centerville . and. Illinois, but Mr. Bnook thinks large ]lln ce in bel' p,.por. people of this community 10 farm . if IlIbel~ I!ay lem un or vlmillu flllvor, J oollthun Mc(JrllY de liverll his to Delightful Affair two gl"alns ]lrobtl.bly enough for Jt. WIIB a pructleal paper, wull ers ' in sti tutes. th~ ohnnoos uro yo n. lIro gllttlng bll cOO t hi " week to 1\ Duyton firm at Ohio. writ.ten u.nd woll deliveredund \Vell T hOll CIlllrlell unil Ruth Zimmer. nOlther . Renll your h.b .. l!! when l:iot~ SOUle eropR of toblloco have was Choir Social I At the olose of t,bi!! pa.]lOr a great reol'ivad by th(l entire nudl ence . Illllln ent.ertuined t.b B nudience WIth y.ou buy lIod /lee 'yhllt you ure get. be e~ r eoently Bold lit Oot!!. ____-:-_'._ - i mallY qt;lostion .. wer o aRked. Ono Mr s. Bunnell read u ]lnper, ber utluet.te llud wereheurtilyenohored. tlOg. He hud found t!lIDlpl oH o f , . . The IIlmolous resldancA of Mr . und ' WII!!, "all \'0 you di~cllrf}ed tbe bllr. /lnbjeot being "A Mexiclln Hom e. The tl ubJ'ect of Bee Cult.uro was Lemon, 'friple Extraot, wi t h h'lI'dly " 'l h6e t;~~e"DloDleteFrl roglHt e~edd f romd sllnre? " 'YeA II'l · OU' l · ~a n o seut on f M . f t 0 k fl. ' tl'ace of lemllO in thurn Dllff"'s:' to auvve zero e )rn/lr . yI _n ' t " Mrs W H A II en W8S th e scen e 0 ' .",. u '['he peopl e 0 eXloo !l,r o 0 wo then tllk en up by !F rllnk u e, 0 • .r h f bled db ht '1n tl.n de' llghtf~1 I'ntartlLlnment Thurs , them ." Prosiuent Riley thonght, clas~e8: the well.lthy and the I)eon~. 1L'.' t.le. He aU · ys he "IJenrls lelsnre Molt Whis,ky B,htluhfLD's Mlllt, W hi". t e a groull og· In g 8.VO w I l' k d th t ~ k d 81 ' M It WI i k seen his slllldow, 110 prepare for the day evening wheu fully one hundred blltter to ]> 'lOt t 11 0 an . en 0 Eig hty. five per oen t of the pEl)}ula. h our::l wi t.h bees IInel finds it a ·ple ns. .Y an ,mw s II .. J S Y 'l . e ~evere winter weather yet to oomo and fifty par80nR enjoyed Ihe gen · I tbin. Snook Sllid. it I ~ very bard ~.o t ion lire of the IlItter 0111 S. I ure. He udvi ses ILII f nrm er s t o k eep !!IUlply whIs ky U.1l~ \\ III be t,rol.l wd for ~' h loh this , thin und you hllrdly ever get , It W e were sh I?wn tl r a t It \\' el\. ItIIY u fQW b ees, W hid Two Htlwthe g ratifying to knows innooently erOUR h 08jll' t·11I'I ry " IC I 0 b e tt, ,er I n s mll II as s uoh 1uftor AIml). 1 fiL l tbI' lllgs (?) Irnnginll groundhog moro home is notet!, , don~ . Better reJillallt ~oDle wItb ~n \lom e The bUlldlDg, olle story, fiut quunt.iti es lind flouri s h In lllost locII1 . h e nalllO( ns reu . rUUl ll, C)u w il e ubor.t it thlln we do 'rhe OOOO8lon was for .t he double eluller oorn . DISC\lS"10n was splr- r oof, r eottlnl,;ulnr shlllJe, tuoele fl oors !ties. He 81lYS the 1t~\1ian hee i ~ the nn~ Vl t(~ Orn, sUlll to be Illud e" uf ' . pnrp08e of raising funds for the !.ted RUlI intorot:ltin g, ellpecially on lind IlIl of nnbakel1 brick No will · ,only bee [I.od the Lan gs treth t he . tlrtleleR thllt onll be IJuught ut aOO PI t D·d"" purchlllttl of new byn nal" for t,ho outting and branklng roots. Cal vin dows only ill front lind one Inrgo onl v h ive~ Beos are usefu l in fortil . I per t on . Bo oloso(} With II lj\1ot41 easan ", be. oholr of St ' Mllry'!! Church lind 1\ WlIllumson Bllld "The l oo~en d oor the only entrn~ ?e. Tho p 'Ltio izing fruit bloSSOD1s- of greater tl on from HOrll l)fI MUllll, . "A I\\'.~ys j 1o' rll llk Itoger~-·.. nd wife of noor 800ial gu.therlng of members of the grot1ud III five yellrs before. p1~ntlDg ill the center is belLUMfnl With How , "ulnll thll t Wl'y t.bllll t,ll e ho ney crop, • t.o ll t h e t nlt:l, lll:~ ,~h I:lT~1 nth l1 ~ed 1 Lytll' s pent ::)nnduy With 'VUliam ohureh and tholr friends, nnd In by adding hnmus to the SOl I. era tlnd fountains. • Will go U dis tance of ten lUilcH; : n ot nl way~ ' 0 tl) l . e "POll or , C;,rey lind fllmil\, both re8peotslt was an IInqUlllified Next enme ,Tohn .~ : MO~~lln on The peon borne wus /llso tlrumribel1 . so utborn 1)1' ollstertl slope prot em · I WIIS gen eroUl;ly lIJ1pln.1II1ed t.lInJllgh · 1 Alvll JnrnllN lIilll wife wore the suooe8l' I "Agrloulture a?d Smence. Ue It hos one or two rooms, th e earth hie, nnll clon't chnn ge t.ho po~lti oll l Ol1~ hl l! ad dru~s , ., gnost.s of Earl 8heets and wife . A novel gue88ing coot,e st oonupied stllrwd by snymg that he thought for floors, II\rnost no furnit.ure, 1\ of th e Im·os. Whito cl() vol' ig t hll I , . F~d Du!;t.e r UII.m llt ~oon r~erl Oil tb e Il'eeentl.\'. of the eVlllllu. ~, eaeh, forming fI ploRsuro but you hav e bunrd servin'" for a lied th e floor 111.t h IDI'V hut 100JU::It I [ eUlmt, Fltrmnr , liml \t, "/L S " pit per . th e early I\llrt, ... d I k you.r se If , liS 1t 18· ~ervillg for II '"t.llblo. ' .lll' 0 11 Mr • amI Mrs , Burton Earnhart guest ~UlIlfl OIty, Bud 10 . 0 tie \Vor hl" uo the fines t flllvor .: 11 0 AllyslJel1::1 ! t,IIII t IIcser~e8 s(J!I CI .. UI III outiOD ' . eaoh trying to guess the oitlel:l r ep Impossible to get re\rab~o help u.IlY Their metbod of cooking wn ~ ""llnllt st.lll(! when one's Iungt! /Lre i ucconnt of Ito.. )ll'll ctlcul ~Ul:gIlRt lon~ I ~ e r.e onl1ed to Lflbanon reoent ly 011 resented by otl1 ers . MiIIl:I Editb lllore. Thnt Ula farm IS the plll oe dt'sortbod anti t.ho lBs of fUUll ' full of Ili r but one C!ll unot, hold hi ~ . J;:l e s tarted U)' t l K klll~ why t.IH1 t.eIl ·1 mtlme~ 8. . . Mr. ,Jlloub Cornoll, of thltl ne~igh . I:lhute gnBMed tbe greu.t t u "tudy Bcience by studying evet:Y· uaed . Sh e t old h ow tlJll fUlIlil y : hron t.h /I'lwnys . . The numor ous I ~nt fllrmer .I~1Uv o ~ o (If~ ~n . . An s wer, est lIumber, thlrty. slx,· while Mr. E t,hing ab<lllt ll ~ . '], the En~li 8h wlls\Jillg wns t,uklln to 1\ flt r ea m ' '1 U l'st;io nB Il~k od dornoll'ld thnt. S ?1Il0 I!I.IJ\ . frt : lll . II I C{lS~I.t:v, ~Ulllll ~lJr h ood lind Mr. lind Mrs . Mil B Bnlly wun iho oonHul"tltlll htl.v · !I\1I~rrow hn s driven out Iln tive blrcll<, where th e olothes were rubbed 011 , h ... hnc1 nlllclll his s ubj ect mte restm l,: . fr " Ill tll~h o u e' t) , S\lIU U f I UIII CIUO· StIlOY, Mr . uml Mrs , Hellry t:!1 s l~g no 'na1l10s tl.t 1111 on hit:! OII;d, nnd oonsoq\len~ty we must fight insoots. tlllt stone!'. !:Ibe t oll.! Illso of th o I Tho S. uhj cct WUtI furth e r l1iscns8(Jd , I f'~~ n ~l~~, ,," me 'fnlll~ IIl telll)Jurtl.n ce, nll:1 Mr . ILUd Mrtl .Ed Ketterrn"n of lioii It result they wern nH~i gll e(l to :rbe m ole IS bnl'mlos~, c.ltgoovered ~y public wells. . . h~' .Ioh n ZMIl. introou IJocl U!! Il llrlW · I On(' l'f~ Y!! tllI'l ItllltIl'~ I :1 1>1 \Vhlm~.lCul . L~ tl (~, Ilt,t ended I.b e funer~1 of t !llr eat !!up)Jl'r tOKet,her. Its nlnke\l\l , but the rats and lIJlce Miss Minuie Hartsock gil \'0 II r eCi ti cltl hel1 lllUIl . 1:1 0 el WiJ It, m ore on H. 'I,t m hUlllo.r It '1 \ e dollnr wh~1lI r:.Olllt l ve, Mrs; , Harvey Cornell of ,'he following progro m ~\'1I" tlum follow in t,helr run . nnd tIo tho dam· tllti on . tb tl ntltnro lind hublts of hem;. I,hull 1lI1~k u II fift y dollar m ove. Ev . Sidney, OhIO, IU6t1dl\Y of IUllt we~ k . rendered, enoh !lumber hRill\( car· age. The Rk\ln~ IS v/Il~~ble, even 'rhe seoreta ry reud II irom HI1;t Bornce A.' keny, Stnto D.Llry ('ryunA IS lUr.lrtl or 10.::1" WbllllSICIlI , Mr. Cornoll l\~te rwlll'11t:! went to see ried out fnult.lesHly . If he doeR o.. t ohlok~n8 . lhe crow the W . C. T . U. Iisking tbllt th o llUtI Food Commissionel', WflB t.hen , I1ml If YUll hum ur hIli whIm," )leI' · hI !! hrother.IIl ·luw. Mr. Frank " I.ove·!! Devotion " I~ a on.rniverouR bIrd a.nullvos on Ins titnte I'eoorn moml j,he (JIlB!!nge of lIltr" llllced he spok e un the Ildnl' IIIII\lH bo WIll hUIUOl' y ours. rhere MIlI ~ , of (, hllttunoogft, OhIO, wholle Zolt Fnmlly OrOhf18to/\ inseots if he OIm get them, lind not I the Briggs Bill, to permit women to ' t'''rlttion of food~; be AUld ndu!tol'll ' uro som e bll(\ hlrldl urdo; IIlIll ~ou frl end~ /IID ong rel\~erll of tbe Go ReIIding, "KnOll DeAl) in Junn," corn. vote at loonl option elections. A tion i ~ !lot necCRsarily uuwh olesomo, Inre qompellod t·o leRve th em . thvo ~,ette WIll he 1I0rry to len rn of his Mis!! Uonnn Hawke This wue out short by tho !Dotlon wus IUnde and cfU'rll'(\ t.1mt hot. the ('ffoct II< mor n on the poc ket · I yo.ur t enunt .1\ clllluco to do !lom e· 110llr llOn lt.h , bllt h ope for bis speedy Solo " A Wint~r Lu\1lby," Dtl Koven IIrrivol of dinner time, ILp)lu.relltly the In stitute reoommends t h e P"SR hook; Iluythin g t.o ofl'ect, qUlllity th m g fm' hllll,,"1f and h e will d u re(:uv ll ry . Wea the r",n" fln e dnrin\( Rool'tu.tlou, "The Oourtiu", llIuch to t.he regret. of the . very ngo of suid bill. lind !ltr ength is ndulterntion; h e HOII1~ tlJlnr.: for yon . Pot yo urself tbi~ .t,rip. li nd f/lrm erH were ll\l~.V Mi@8 Artl' Stoko!l 1I!,1,en tlve yet Rkeptlca l lI.udl~nce, FLOllA'1'umALS, h/l rl rocei \'ed . nmples of llUrtl 10 1118 place . .Holltl>lt,y, lI1dustry nnd pl uw lIIg . \ 1 A RUHn. DI!l1z~ , el'IJoolally those who bud suffered Secretnry WonulD 's Session . Ih onoy wlt,hont a tru,ce of h oney in ll1 ? rnh ty 'Lro m dl'lI:n nd . ,I . --- - - - - - !:k.ln , 2 ll,osm~ I,fter Rnln , Lehfllll1l from the oftects of Hkllnks, moles 1\.I1 t-1Il . Bnt. b ono . y in t he comb 1.8 llUl Ilue~tIO n>l '\ ore collectlJd by Valuable Property , MIMS Etllth Bhute l lll\d crows . . TEAOIlERS BressloN . ,:IIlU t.imes out uf 1000 pure h onay , tho CUl llllllt t.CO 111 chl1~gll lin II rC" HI . for Sale R8Illling . "A n UUe to II Friend ,' · 'l'he \'(lCul ::1010 by ~e . 'rge Funkey, At 7 '30 the Teuohers' 8e~slon was Ihnt. E'lfeot.otl h~' t.h e food out, of which hy Frunk Hart.sullk .. of t,hem __ . Mr ..•J . E. Ju.nney on aooount of lllok .. f time, wns 0 ened'by 'a piano solo IJY Sibyl ltb .. heel! hnve' to muke their h onoy . ilrov e,cl t.o be lIf s(lc ·~ :t l mte re~t lIml Havil'l( )lur elmse" tho property Solo, ' Uo()(l Night, Llt·tle Oirl. l pOlltpllnod. Jawk e wJ10 was h eartilv en chored , ' Lnrcl is adul torat.eel by heef tallo":,, ehOl tOl I ~ 'Ille c1 1~cns~lon . M known a8 r.he EV8UH plaoe and In · Goodnight., " Mr. Guorge .~\lnktlY 1 I' JtI . LADlIt.'" BIi:8SION. Next wa81L;rondlng by 'Mlss Brolld · 1oleneerill lind cotton seecl oil and IS "The (;lreu~ f'blc~ltur~1 . . Ot~o , t end ing to "C(l llP'y it in the Spring ReolltLtillll, "'rhl~ OltlertlllOIl , . . , . stone followed b IL vooal 8010 by ' uglllnRt t.h e farm er bllOl\uao he must m el!t of th.e ~Ot 1 en ,ury wn~ 10 will sell t,h e VIII y d esira.ble modern M i~~ Kntbryn Ii \'/Ill'" Tbe womnn 8I1te8~it~n Fr~t:y aftert George Fuokoy ~'GoOdnight Litt.le Icompete wit.h the nt1ulteru.tor. Some subject /I~.!!I!Zn~d Dr . Itd F . blul ~n . eight, r ooLll dwelling , corner Datil,. '''l'h.,l1lIenf 8 ,)ille," noon wus mAS 'I er e~ 1; . I I G dni ~t I t In response t.o lstl'llwborry jams lUI"on 't oven 80 of Frnnklm . t prove to e no fL lind Tyl er . For further partlou,1al~lI~ MiHlj E{llth Hbnt.e an.i ()Jlene~ )lron~fl~IYlat' ~h: ~h~II~~k Wlt.h : :h~ ilell.~~y engah~re Mr, Fnnkey sang I 00UCh::IIS 'struwberry seed in the~, pruparod addr:~\3but'tr~tll ~r ~;41ltk inqoire of Dr . A. T . . Mr. GeorJ!f\ Funke.v M~@ . nUll s n. . , "Three Little Chestnuts ." t.hllt mlLy not kill or even hurt ~he ut rnndom on e rea or , I 08 .. lJ vIJlC:!. Ohio. N . B. The .le1't1ey CnrnlvlLI • Orohe~tr . ~~e ~ouije ~': ~1~~:i1:~'t llf~'~I~r~:! "&lhool work and Life Work" by Ioust,omer. Col or ~ddtl t o the .prlce Ti h e tult~ throutgbtO~~t wllss:~~~r(t"~:l or wlthollt hnrn. A generClUB SUIll WII>! eon.t rlbul.ed en U!lll sm w C. R. Brown was a short talk to tbe , of lID artiole but It Is not alway s nteres mg , ;v~ a lIueR _ _ __ _ _- - for the purchn86 of hynmula for the b!'i~':~~~~ Invooutlon by Mrs, Viol", 1p<>int. He su.ld he had. desired' an 1injnrious. Ciller vlnegur IS sef·ldom m~Syt l::::I~~'I':e~'1 a~~Il~~fn:~~l~~ ThentMozllrt ohuroh, . . H INI d I \o)lportunity·toget together people Iluretl.nvmoro. One81\mpleo pep. ve . I' d r ht d hi Co" School 8~~~~0~'1ed~:~ti1~~~ Following the program a delioious Hu.wluna, ~1.e xon gnve a ec " . I.nterested for the purpose of oon. per had"SXU Mnd,6 % pepper hl,l11s r.le!!. whloh g rellt y e IS w~re s~ ~'ebr llary 7. ~~~ft~.r~ three oourae lanoheon wall served. m~~~. Mary BI}ver read a paper, !sldering questiolUl of interest to all. IIn(l 509(, coaooa bu.lIs, Wheat proll. audlenoe. IndeBll some
"I I .'
8,. JOSEPH Y.EAnNe (CopyrJebl . a9O) , b, Jo • .,pb 8 . Bowl ••. ,
Little li ght s moved about In tbe dark of tbo morn Ins on the lrllls ld c, Dud Sh,o n' Ddu met a row straggll nl; mln era of l be nl g,h t,workcrM comi ng homp, Tbe sleppy bonksmao- the CerlJer\ls of the I'lt gntes-Yllw ned and st retched h imself as Shan Utlu s tood reauy to de· . cend. "You be earl y," ~ n ld tb" oonksman. Shon Il)( no re ply. "I Dm In tim e," he tbou;;bt. "No one Is In yet:' H ~ reached tbe hottom ot tIl~ pit a nd turned Into Il tunn el. ' His li ght went lhro'ish thc darlcn eSB Ilnd the r ays here und th er e touched t.h .. coal which hon o out In the gloom like a genial demon In hi,s lnlr r eady for any misc hief. He passed s lo wlY along the tace. I<eeplng his li ght \l1)On it. H is t rained ye saw the weak partij- th u Innocent " slllls" whi ch ao e~D l'lenced tou ch eould turn Into a s s aH~i n s . " [ mu st bo Quk k:' ~ald Shon Ddu. "The others wil l he In 800n ." He atoppell at th e signs ot r ecellt work near th e rlghl·lllind wall. "He'll be cuttfng here to·day." The coal when he tealed It gave out ft dull !!Ound. whl h told him that very IJlttle cutting would make It tall out. Shan Dilu wenl down on bls knees Ind dll'g carefully around the hottom 'ut a post Soon be stnpped and test· e d the wood with the tool. The post Bounded, without vibration - dull lIIte • drum with a naw In the parchment. Any violent llbock would knock It out, and bring down lbe root. If It fell :upon a man It would crusb the life out of hlm"':"well, hundreds at QCcldentB of ·t hat eort ' bappened: and one more or lees ,.-ould 1I0t attract th e IIl1gbte&t at· tentloD. He Budden I,. s topped. his head Mnt Ito liste n. . A raucolls cough came from an _thmal\e chest, and when tha noi se .,f It passed, there came th e slow t!rud - thlld or dragging feet throu gh t he 'dust of the roadway. "Sbon Ddu!" came from t he li gh t. "I was coming throu g h the face," !MId Shan, car4) lcssly. " I saw you r 'lIght7'so I thou ght I 'el stop and sec 'how David was gelling on:' , "Glad to see you ," Da,;ld answered. y!>u 1 w'oull1 have thought h im very -old. but the IIgbt r'eac hln g his t ace '8bo)\'ed YOIl on ly the wrinkl es or III 'bealth, on a kindly, pattent fDce : with tbe Iron·gray beard and balr o r a man , not past 40 years. Stili he look ed pale And trail. 'l·tie SAme light s howed you 'thn dark, strong fn ce nnd tlrm body of Shon 'Ddu . You could riot doubt wblcb of these t wo a woman would love. 'Soon after Shon Ddll r eached hIs own place, n.nd , stripped to tb e wnlst. tool< up a mandrel. hltcbed bls lamp to bls be lt, lind set steadily to work.. ' cuttlng the .:onl. , , : ' Tho , llay passed. No n ews of an y acc lde n ~ came, and Shon Ddu's frown g rew darker. He bad planned thi s \~ I tho\lt care for lhe consequen res, He 1"3red neither the pun.lshm ent of Go d nor Of man. He bad planned It be· cause David's wlto must never know how h ~r freedom came to her. [n that Jay Ihe secr el or ills acti on. "Have r failed?" cried he. That night wh en quiet fell upon the work ings, wben all others had gone h om e. whe!) he knew beyond doubt that nothing had "happened." I Shon Dd.u strod e fi ercely down along t ha. coni to the place of David. He s a lV woOd·chlps among the coal·dust In th e " gob;" be saw s igns at "slandln g tlmbH ;" he s aw a n ew "cog" In th e lower s ide of tile road ; he snw the 1Iame tram he had seen In 'th e morn, ing _w It tn Its sam e condition : o nly halt fill ed. Not a IUmD ot coal nad been added. Shon Delu lau ghed bltter l), . "Well," 1Iald IrQ, "I wou ld have ha d It flnl s h ~d here, but It was not 1.0 b ~ e nd ed th at way. It m ust cnr! with her. Sh e mus t leave hIm for me. We will go away 10getber- lenve tim Vall ey forever." The next morning If you had seen Hronw en -w lfe lo David . s la ve to tb e gtrong will ot Snon Drill- as sbe wen t II Il the valley road, alon e, oberln g th e p O\\'e r th a i domin a ted her, you might ' pity ber tor tho troubl e In h er fa cn. bllt you would hardly th ink ev il or her. The woman carried In her hand a Rmall snt ciltl with the Intention of ma ki ng hl! r errand look har ml ess . In tho eyps 01 th e peo ple who m she met a s she I)assed through th e s tree ts. But the lIgony of ea rn est ness In her darll eyes, the twitching of her red lip!!, th ,' pnleft OSs ot h cr cheek told a mor~ s erious tal e;' amI some times her s tcl) halted and hp.r Il00r body trembl ed . Out of t he bu shes a little way up 1he mOllntaln "Ide clime a man. He p ut hi s ,h a nd Ul> to " had e his eYl!s from th e s ui! aod looltecl down toward th e bridge. H e cauf!ht sight or th e woman antl ,came down the roall swiftly, cross· In!; the bridge to her side. "1 hal'e hee n wal tlng," said Shon Ddu . "Let us go: ' As tbey cam e n('arer th e Bryn pit ShOll Ddu h eard the plt slgna ls-s lolV. dl stincl blows or an Iroo ham'mer upon an Iron plal e. Bronwen beard the 8Ounds, E ver ybod y In th e coni minin g places kno ws Ihe m anlng at the sig. nals. "Something has happened 10 th e lilt." said 8hi). lookin g toward It. , "Yes," said Shan Drlu. '''An accident to someone," Sbehld stopped , s badlog the ijun trom lIer eyeS to look at wbat took placC1 arouDd the pit· bead.
«0." aptn urpc1 Shon
tatJDg Mr band..
' " Pe rhlLp~ be
But she did not move. wtll ,_ us!" she lIIurmllrecl. She looked , toward the p!t. and Dt \V hat took pia e tbere. for hundreds of col· lI ers had come ' up Ollt tb e d'llth8. Their dark form . swar mod OVM tbe bill Ide. ' Beblnd all the oth er.!! came four men. Tiley bore "110n t hell' s hould rs a rou gb·plan l, bie r cove red w it h brown tar-can vDs, and und er tbe Call"os she anw the outline or a human be ln&. She kn e ll' whnt tbat OIllallt : A pit worker la y th er e nllltllated-I'e rhap ~ delld ! The men carried comrades hom e trom th e pit like Iho t every ot be r day. Accidents were the rille In tb e pits . Bu t this '"accident" made the woman Ir emble. She 8tarerl at the
"Perhaps It Is him·... sbe whl sperod lu let ....... "Let u s go,'" urged Sban Ddu. dl·a .... Ing the womnn by til e band, " 1 ca nn ot see blm among t he men," she an swe red, be r white face Quiver. Ing. Small collier. lads played abou t tbo 8 111rt~ or tbe process ion. To th em tho accident wh ic h bad broug ht th em so ElIlrly out or the pit m eant a day tor play. They IIroll e throllgh th e hedges to the lI elds. One small boy In pit clothes, with his lamp swinging r pc k· lessly at bls belt . came runuln ;:: nlong th e Ocld and the woman caug ht hi" hand. "\}'bo la It 7" she atlk,ed. "'t Is David," said tbo boy, try ing to Dull himself froo tIC as tG go on wllll bls game. The woman's hand lost Its hold upon blm. The boy joy tully broke away; but Shan Ddu turned with a frown , and cought tbe lad again. ."What happen ed to blm ?" he asked. fie rce ly. The boy answered II) tbe pll terms: "He just toucbed a big tac&allp the first thing this morning and It fell oa him." "Is-I. be mucb- burt? " "Tbey sa)' It killed blm." Davld's wife bad fall en upon the neld In helpless agony. Shon Ddu bent over her and ra.lsed h er to ber feet. The procession with Its terrible bu1'den went slow ly down tbe mountain road. pass in'S Shon Ddu and the wife of Dav id . but the hedl;o or white hlos· som between tbe road and fiel d bid the man and ,,,omnn from lhe others~ 'Vheo tbo colliers and their burde n had passed. Shon Ddu tried to rOllse Che woman t rom the stupor t.lrat. had ov erpowered her. . "Now;' he whispered lIercely, " YOIl are free ! Let us lea ve all things b~ hind us." He tried to draw her awa y, but sho reslste(l. Sbe tried to tree herse lf. Her botly trembled; her pallid cheeks clull'ered ; th e red bod left her lips, and her darl l Btnrlng eyes look slgl"cess. "Clln I l et tbem bring him borne dead- aod I, his Wife, bring shame upon him by ruy absence? Let m e go home. Let ruo: bls wife, be th ere to bonor hi s dead body, and keep sbame trom his nom e." "Come," said Shon Ddu , In. ange r. " Let me go back," S'h'! II lendell. stru ggling to free herself. ". ca n not shame ·the deal]!" Shan Ddll slared Into her eyes. He saw there a look of , fea r- a t error which mad e him hate her. He could not understand the strange sp iritual power In a woman's soul which will s uddenly awaken and conquer the nier e fo rces of s tubboCIlly atrong mascUllnlt,. Her Incons istency bad Its root In compulsory obedience to her spi ritual power. LIving, this wo'man had dos plsed her hUs band; dead, sbe r everenced him. But her action ha d a'Wa kimoc\ a teel. Ing of hato and contempt In tho hoart of Shan Ddl!. H e would ha.v e com· mltted murder for sucb a woman os this! An oatb came from hi s lips' and he cried out In his anger : ' " It we part now- -we part forever!'" " Bow can [ s lJame the dead'!" said s be, stru ggling to fre e herself. [nstantly he r eicased ber- withou t anoth er word climbed the hllls lde. He did not st op; h e did not look bacle once , HIl r eac hed the mOllDtn lu. There t he road s loped sudd enly and he dropped out of S l g~ t. T he womall lOOKed after h im . sobbing. Then Hb e turn ed awa )' clown tho hilI. S he ran. She crossed Ooids ancl h edg c~ . avoiding th e road wa y-tr ying to escllpe bei ng seen by th e vi llage rs. At tho door ' of ber cotta ge stoort a gray .bea rd ed co\ll er with th e blaclt dus t or tho pits upon bts fa ce and clothes. The /:ray·beard smiled when s lle ca me to th e door. " I was wa iting to see yo u," said lie. " J 1<11011' what has happened ," sbe said , " Oavld ~~ Killed:' The l; ray.beard shook bls hea.d, "No" he at la st declared posltlvoly. " It 't s not so bad os that.
Th e big
sllrJ fell on him. but It fell a galo st a Il09t tn fro nt of It and tbe Ilos t held III) th e all P il bit and Just saved his lite:' Bron we n stared at him. Her voice trembled : '" He Is not dead?" " No; ho Is not- a mistake a ltogeth· er . li e h»d a nasty kuo ck-some rlhs broll e. But with a g ood wlfe's care be will get quite well after a btl:' Now , In the heart ot Oavld'S wifeso 81ran ge ly II ld God mako the heart of a woman- tbere a ro"" n prayera prayer 01 gratlturle that God ha,1 given her tbe c'hance o~ atonement t or tho t hing she had been about to do . by placing the burden 01 Divine r Esto rati on In h er care, And ",beo j,he com rades of David brough t him home they were astounded at seeing David's wlte greet hllll -not wIth tears-but with a smile.
Sy stem Which OM 1'4:1.11 Follows 111 .Emacia ted by DI~' , tes; Tort\lred WIUi ARE SURE X l)oCplng Tab ~ ~ th e Producti vo,. Gravel and Kid Dey Palo • •• ness of HI ~ Herd. They are not an Experl-nent JJ cry ROlll e , cobbl er, of HammondsPOI' t, N. Y .. sa75: .. ::lin ee Doan'a K id· In kecll in g the r p.cord ot th o milk we u~~ a r ulcd ijll et wit h a. spill co l~ lU',V 1·11 's e ll,oed m~ -eight years O g: \ I. i 'yo umn In whi ch to re cor d the mOrnl ug rl mcl~cd 7') I,nd h ol'l' ttl Ii 1'0 mony y euI's nud evc nln ~ III II I, I!.!;, writes H . H. [on:rel'. 1I1 ~~ tlVtln ty yenrs os-o 1 111,,1 kidll CY trouble so Oenn. W e p laeo t he l'OI'.' ·S number at bad I eoultl 110t lh e head 01 Ill<! eo hun I devoted lo t~ :lt work. IIncltaehe anima\. T hese 6!1 c'" IVO kcep In u IVUIi versl ~ t e llt and (!"3lU/) with a :uo va lJl g ! :t:l~ to pro. it wr,. ngooy to lirt tecl th e " ~ eC l t ram a lr L anything. Grave!. It Is nol RII(!lC, C !IIt HI well,1I the mill\' \Y h i r I i ll" hcnd· you mUfit lalnll' wbat tne r.ow Is test: ne hes. d i ~ i'. i n o ... 8 lug III fat ; t h~ rcfo re . w e ke ep a tolt Ie untI t 'rrilJl o 11l"1n. III wbl ch to \110 ('0 Bllmllies tal<t'n tram ury di!'lonl o rs 1'U n t::<c 111111, . E ach bOll le Is lalleicd wi t h me down fro m 168 Ibe uum be r of thl) CllW. a nu the lab ~' to 100 V O \lnu~. cOl'er('u Wl lb sh eli ne varnis h tor pl'O- Dnclol's tolr! m il I hud dilth c t cs uud eoet ion . I!:ach mll kol' has his o wn rOI~ cn1l ld n ot 1i YO . 1 was \V n:. tched H nd or hott les corresponding with the cowr h op" le~~ when I b egan 1I,' ing l1oa1\'8 he 111111:8, Arter th e milk has been Ki lh,,'!, Pil l_. bllt they e1ll'ed 111<1 eig ht weighed, ho l'Ollrs II Uny ,lIpperrlli y a.g-u a ad i 'vI ' U I!C tl w t'l l t."\' UJ' sin e t".·1 PRBB SAnPLES luio the ,t o ttle ue iongl llg 10 t hal call'. t)I)I<1 lJv a li de"l or... no CO li tR IL bOlt. YOU ARE ENTITLED TO ON)!; In each bo ttl e 11'0 Illa ce a IlrPSe n 'a l ll' l' ii'ostcr· ~I-ilburll Co., lluffa lo, N . Y. ...:::.-WB WANT eVERYONB TO TRY _ -TtlEn AT OUR EXPENSB ~ cOlls lslinl; or polndsl uUl lllcll rbollut c Illld co rros ive AulJ llma l c. whlcll will HI~ Partin,; Sh ot . POSITIVELY CUDf I, ee p t he milk pcrfec tl y f res h for a "Mr , !-< poonlill. h,," e I ,·,'C '· g,,'en v"u A'II~ma, .Heart Disuse, Rh eumatism, 1m · mo nth. The lest fu r t il e InL Is mado r cn"'o n to t h!hl.:. I 1 .,ob: ~r1 1IIJIHl )" UII ,,~ • p~ re-Slug*ISh Dlood, Nervous Prostration, pUl'I$l dllf' I n \"tll ' ~" I I: emale lJls~Sest Kidney Diseuso,lndigen.. OIl CO a mon th. " ~ n. ~11 ", .. OUtnW f> II . r f' 11 1 1~\' pr 1111\' 1' hon. Dyspepsta. I do not l;now I hal an)' PUrl of the ,~ 'QU 1 4I"~,:d Illt.' up ID l:l'otJ' 1 II you .~f1c.r hDm anf(lf fhu~ rn.l.dln.h rIRhr 1I'0rk hns e l1all l~d li S !Cl Imp rove th~ n.lJott!~l",;•I)::t:! . - ·l: II U'lIitn J I lbll r l l lI own lind wtlte UJ for . .... mph!: of our J :'Ipan ese k em. ro ord of our C'OW .~ . by cull!n;; out lh. -~ t d y rOt' your parti utaf dl.u~ •• nd ii_ill be pronlptl, L o,..i c:. forwarded Ol b:solu lt'iy lrr e. It . 'iIl no t co.t you on e pour o nes, s o effec tuall y as tll ill sys , peuuy-Don" dt:lav . tem. t llf" :\r;- u m enlft tlv c' ..M l' l l !"It . I~ .\" r'f'lr ''''rite lo-da y 10', f'~eR.mple.ndbookle t.el1in.«a ll As the Blips become t.orn or nre los t f~ ll u w . I I f"11 ~' O l1 it's \ll lp()",~iI,It' I., r l IH.· I l'l~out our J~~"UC Remedles . 1'0 everyono ~Titin~ m 0 11 l o b e i nil l1 h it f'd, \\' h"l1 It iii full I wll !lln Ihe ru~. t.t Ihirty dlj" we ..·111 send a J ap;lbeM It Is necessar y to have a perman en t It i ~ nil I" i ~:hl , bu t whe ll it \\'an('~ rlowH \0 I Sounn lr. Allbee. Addru,. I'cco rd. On ce II mo ntb. th erefore, t ho n !o l eic r·I'l"~~ 1IL. whrr!', lll<' ,1I;u, c w 111.1 '" ID.I u. rpcortl at ooch cow Is tr!l nste rred Inlo all t ill! p(!op le go l. o ~ - la lt:i'. -. . .... R a book; ono page oC which holds t.ho II Ton. Grana I!'rp.e. I . OCHESTfR, N. Y. record oC a co w to r a year. Ther o Is E"ery body 101''''' IOl8 nml l~ lR of fo<ldcr a special co lumn on lhe pago for reTh (1 rlrt1 IChO\ll d gr.1 on t anCl rum b le [or hogs. COW8, . heel' nnd sw ine. Wltil the po or Ol'('u 8 io na ll ~' , III order that marks, . In whl cb aoy Imllorra nt tacts the poor IIllll' lear n up on' doscr in8 pt.--cti oft regarding the anim al nre noted down ; th a ~ there i~ no CRu~e for en vying the m , so t hDt If you ask mo abou l a ny cow - ,\tc"1>101l ( KI1 • . ) Glob" . III Our her d. 1 simply bave to tur n to the In <lox lind look her up, I do no t A Onatftnteed Cure for Piles, tllink tbe dairym en r eall te wbat valuo The enor mous crop. of our Northern Itohllljf, Bllml, Bloodl .. I', Protruding PI1M. t horo Is In keepin g a r ecord ot per. Grown Pedigree Seed. on mlr seed lam" lIrn nllthnrue<11.0 rofund money If fo rmance of Individual CO ~J S or more t!.e p."t yCIlr compel WI 10 i.. uQ '" . pe- l'AZOOINT>lK:<T rnllato curo In6to Uday .. t.Oe c,.1 catal ogue called ot tbem would do It. anll I think porSU.7. SU'S B.A.ftOAlS 8E£0 DOOK. There are fl g ood ma n)' ptop Je whO' .o~ld haps our dDlrymen's asso latio Ds o ught ' . b ' full f b . throw down . g. unUeL if t hey wore qu,te 1'1 , us IS ~Im 0 nrll8m seeds at ba~ lur. it WQuid nol M pic ked "p ,- l'uek , to (!o someth Ing to assis t men wbo galll prices. ; are willing to ta ke up tbl s work. 1 88'-"1> Tn.18 NOTICE TO-DU. would sugges t th a t these llssoclatlolll' nnd recei" e ftee su!llcient 80«1 to I!l"0w ~ shOUld furni sh suitable scales and nec· t on. of gross on your' lot or f. rm thi. essar y ollpnrlllus to men who wIsh to, summer nnd our sren t Ba ~"i n Seeu Book i\8 wo nderful @urpra.e. aod grcat keep rccord s, and It nocessary send II with borg.i"" in sceus at bargn in price . man to show them exa ctl y how It b Remit 4c nnd we add a 11acka ge of Cos· clone. It mig ht also be desi rable t lJ mos. the mos t fashionable. sCl'l'i cenIJle, b~rt utifll l an nual 1I0we r. offer pri zes [01' the best Ilel)t rocords. J uhn A. Suber 1',,",1 Co.• Lock Draw· er K., La Crosse. \\" i8. THREE.WIRE GRAPE TRELLIE. -- I It i. all r Ig ht t o ~dv l.' p.ople not te> " Au Arrnn gtlll cn t Yl(hich Greatly R o · im'cAt thu: r n,ol1ey. hu t if they don't how I a l'e t he fi nan l:it' I'~ ~ I~ to let il ? duces th e Tendency to Mildew on t he Vines.
pl'Oce s~t('l o ,
BURNINCi CHARCOAL. What I . Necesllar y to Secure nn Excellent <Q uaUty of the Fuel. Wo oci USed 10 ;;;kl~lg cborcon l must be quit e el ry. I t Is belle r If cut III lilo winter nod al\owel\ to dry untlliato SU Olr' cr betore bur ni ng. Alt houg h ul most &·:lY &ood wood wl !1 tIlli.. sOllie chur coal, hardwoodH will tu rn OU l a bellOI' prod· Uct. says the Farm and !-I Ollie. Split tho bloo. l(8 nho uc s ix feel lon g In to Qllar ters nnd place Iii the pile wlt b tbe bark s ldl' alit uu tll dr v, The wood It! ploced In a "onl ~nl I' lI e'abo llt 12 leet 'Igh and 8 to 41} lee t III ~ lumNcr. Pour
\' '
l~ ~~~ " ~EhT", zl 11
"~~~~f.I,J.~;:WJILUJ,UI~.. .,' .......:. I'~!~\."" ~, Id Al'\XIOJI 0 1' I3l' tt..UI:>:1..i Ttli': 1'11. 1';, cbarcoa l ciust or ordl n9ry cual dust all o ver the pil e a nd COl' r l he entir e Ilenp w it h so li , It wHl Gtalld better If sarno IOlId sods a r e placed on th o oulslde, H oles IIrc macl e III "tho sides Hear the top to allow olr to enler to th e fire . 8\111<1 a fire In tbe cente r of the top ot th e heap and allow It to burn down Inside the pile. nnd nR It descends malie an al her row of bol es about ha It wuy down the sides of th e pile, As smolle eeosea to come out of t hese holcs make others below and s top tb0 80 abO"A. With so mo wood s conslderablo tnr Bnd ncirl will be torm tI. which mus t be drain ed orr from the bollom of Ihe pile b,y II d Itc b. Wh en, smoke no lon ger com~ s ou t of th e bol es tbey are s topl>ed a,.nd I he whole pile a llowed to co;)1 two or t hr ee duys. 'l'hen removp. tbe soli nnd son the cbarcoal, putt ing any Ibat I ~ sti li h OL Into wal er Dnd quench it . It t borough· Iy burned and well mn nn gOcl a co rd of wood sho uld give 30 b~shels of clla rcoal. '"
- - ------
Points to Eo Remembered If th e Duildlng I s t o TIender Good 8 ervi c~.
Th PO I D~8 (0 b ccn red In 'an Ice house, Bay~ th e. F arm .TournaI, are fll'st, <.Iral nago g oo d (Imlnago musl htl present. T he reforo lay n l OO EO Hoor or give othe r mea l13 fer thA aRay ct cape. of incited Ice. 'rile next essenti al Is 10 k eel) all beat o ut that can 1:0 Ito pt Dill. Board up ' Ins ide th e st ulldlng antI In side the rarters and po ck with sbavlngs, sa wdust o r bay. EI'en with such prccallllo~ s much hear wi ll come thrt'ugh the roof f ro m t hc Bu n. Th ere mu s~ be ventl l:all n al t he top* to let all heBted air o ut. Th e cut shows a handy Ice·bouse wit h Drrangemen t tor hoisting Icc to nil hclnhta. The dool's are opon ed rrom tho lop downWlll'~ a s tnst na tbe Ice Is used. - - -- '- _ _ ' P ermn,!lCllt Fencos. Tho far me r ulloultI avol~ bulld ln;;: tem po ra ry t en ces , unl esR Il Is hi s InC tontlon to r emo ve them occasio nally to make way fo r h is rotation or crop . Mo~t fa rmers. ho\":cver, do not do thi s ; bu l c:qlcct n l way ~ to k eep oa o (ence In pla~P. , One cause o f loss o n A me rican farm.; Is the lack of pel'mcncllcy In the fe nces. A Ul an s hou ld bUild a t cn'ce that w Ill last It lifetim e: saY5 the Farmers' R evi ew. He Shoultl eelect postll that will !lot decay nn ll hal'e thom s o long Lbnt ho ' can sel tbem ' dee!)l!, In t bo !:round. 1n Fac t. , th ~ y should bo se L so tn at neit her th e frcs:s nor [:ales nor I: o()~s cau shak e thom . H takes a li ttle longer to built! 0 , fer.("~ o f t hlB 1<I:1I\. bu t In Lil o ye3rs to come t ile exlra lahor aL t he lJeglnnlng 11'1, 1 he fou nd to be economv . . A G!\lIon of Crenm. A gnllo n or creDin, If well sklm m ~ d e ither by hant! or machin e, shOUld produce from tw o and ollo· halt to three and oo o."hnif pound s of butter , The crenm t int produces m o ~e th on this Is 100 r ic h , and there Is np t to be cons iderable !OB ~ In handling It. It less than three pounds butler Is made per gullon , yo u li r o ha nd ling too mllcb mill! along ,,-il h your cream.. wblch m eans ex t ra lat'lO r. Quail A re ~I-G-e-ct-D-e-v-ourers .
Qualls devoUl" large numbers of cutworm s, and o ther Injurious Insects. L nrp;o nllmbers of th eso pests have bee!l found In t he crolls at t he birds, anll c'Ol'eys of Qualls are often Reen In fi elds wben" cntworm s and otbor Injll"l(Jus l)ent8 were present In large nUII:bus. Oet Aloll(; W1thoUt a Dog. Better run your dairy without A dog and kee p your <:ows quiet. A dog will nip a t their b nels a.D.d cause kicki ng oow3. Th e :no men l .:lnc touches a cow 's h eels io milking she will klek.. thInking a dog Is after her.
. ..
'J"p"nese Medl'c"l Co
Do not b elie ve P iso 's Cure fO T Comulln p ' t-ton hi, nn IlPI;!\ for coughs lind coltt s.- J ,
A ve ry useru l trol!ls Cor cer tai n 10' F . Hoyer. 'friuay Ill' IU C:!. l nd., l,'cb . )5. 1000. cal l tleg whe rll grapes (lro Unblo to W e shot:ld II\'e IboL when wc die mildew !s tha ~ clll'Siglle :l a n d used hy 'I . V. • IUlls oo, of Tel:ns, s ays tho ou r mou rncrtl will HOL n l:lo lie OUl' pall· l.t t: rcn. l"arm and Home. A pl zture or It I. sllown In tho. cu t. Tho posta are four reet blgh and :0 the tOn of lhese are nail ed crosspl er ea two fc t long, 00. the posts belo w th crosaplece if. . Positively eare d by st rung a wl~ e. God otb er wl ro~ on top these Llttlo Pilla. o[ the cross lll ecl's nt eacb eocl. This , TlIoy aI!!O reIItmI DI& ma!les th ree Wlrl':1 on ~ root apar t. ThCl' ViO El' ts tralnecl stra igh t liP unlll It rr a c'll cs Ibe midd le wire and' no R h oo t~ n 1'0 1I11owed to form bet ween It a'nd Drowalness. 'Bad =1.0 the gr ound . Th e ~ir.o Is tied 1.0 this . In tho 1I0ut.h, COIlte.d Tongue. PoIJlIn tbB Stelo. t::===_.....ITOIlPlD LlVEIl. 'l'II01
liT ==~~
IVER, =7Dt!I:a~a:C~
Price, 250., ,8'00., and '1.00•
Dr. EARL 8. SLOAN, 615Alb
M ....
~tbeBcnrela. PI1reJTV~
SIW.L PILL SIWl. DOSE. SMAll PRICE. Genuine Must Bear
.~~ ..... ~~ ,.,..j"~,. " - .
t;SM ftJI. FO RM 0 1:' G R APe-
. ~'. ...., TRELLIS
w lr~
and two nn!'l ~ or ca nes are fo rmed , one be~!IS t rD ln ed a long l be celltl"al wire 'In each dir ectio n. Tbese ca ll c~ are tor tllo OraL crOll. . T ho next year tb o caDC3 are cut bac;, to about Ihree bu'da eacb . aud as the n ew s boots ]Jut OUl they naturally gr(nl ahd drop OVOI' the s ide wires to wh ich tlley tas tr n lhemselves by tendri ls. No summer llrtillln g or tying Is rreCe~S llry wltb · lbls lIystcm , The fr u it Is well shaded , Dnd yet the fo liage and new g rolVlh a re so <\:.-' t.ribute,1 thnt lhere Is nlwa)'s a free d rcu lnlioll 'o f air QI'o unti the fruit. A t pruning t ime the canes wblch ~o rp. tb ls ycal" ~ «rop are 01\ cut back. except tb e two n"arest lhe main s lal k, whir.h fo rm the hE!arlng lVood for t hEl nex t year. As th e vInes heco me old. er four canes may be laf t. THINRS :FOR THE FAl'tMEB.
- - -
'!'h" cro"-s';'j'ed pe:son Ibo ws thal th er ..·s mort> el ., n olle way of looklol at things. ~ o n·t jud ge ib" country by the land alon g th e railroad trDck . Otrl blood Is tliin and runs slowly; glv o the folks tbe ·warmes t nook In tb. chimn ey corner. The size of tbe kernels of see"cl COrD s boUld bo Dij rrearly uniform as PO!l* sibl e. No one who plants grain from t1P3 nnd bulls can expect an eveD stand, One or tbe best fields of corn tbe writer sawall las t Bummer was bar* rowed tbree times betor,o tbe COrD came up. Tben the weeder was USM ' unUI tho corn was big enougb to cult!. vate.-Farmers' Review. The mau who sells the besl co"'. a.n" tbe best calves out of bls dairy III surely whittlin g with the blade of hll knife toward him. He will be luc" If hl' docs not get eut.-Farm Journal.
We cannot very well wash t!le cow, udders with cold water now; but Redprocal RelC\tion•. can carefully wipe them with & molaL It Is clal med tbat tbe manure mlde cloth dipped In warm water. Do Ulli from a too of clover fed to fattening every morn In,. cattle IB wortb about '7.50. and , What I. more ImportllDL. tile clovt>r crop haa The boy who "doesn't like fariD One faded rote Ie better than a 4')'e8 ' not robbed tbe land of aM' fertllltr, work," may lind that be doeso't Ilk. IQ kind o( worlL-FIl'DI -,JorunaI. fruh IlIernl, ' . III fact 11 ~ade It belter.
WONDER SALVe Absolutely fr., from All PobonoualnpedlC1ltl
fac-Similo Signature
For Durns. Sore Throat. C«ns, SO'"I P-cl!em.. Rhe uma1is m, Uleers, Pilei, hlood POll cn. Car· bunch" and 0.11 \Vound, and Skin Diseues. rill:. na 101 ftA..&Jl• • .& .0Na. t'O$T ... D 'If.. .I. .£.II • .ARIOa, •• eII.
I':' ~~~JIl!
To Printers and the Public The undersigned, .including many of the largest and best equipped printing houses in New York City, are making contracts for a year or more with competent foremen, ston~ hands. job compositors, proof*readers, Monotype and Linotype operators and machinists. Ninehour day, open shop. Apply by letter or in person to: Amerloan Bank NotttCo.. A.morlc&n PriDl41r. 'l'be 041\00 Bro. .. 0 11(10" & Co.. L. H..
JJla.uabard 00... 11&&0 lJr."or&Co.. U . K..
'1'8 Trlnlt.., rlace
%£tell., ua.n 11JAce Llbort1' 8\q(tL til BronclfHrfet 2iO Cnnal 81reot 1(11
88G o l d8~roe ~
fJrown. JAnt & Pelt. Hllrr Prtol.lnl 0011l1li.
13 )l.'deo Lanlll
Coo~., DoUi1 .. B ., Corlles. &Co..
16 .·ron~8Lr"~
e.. Peul8treet. :~~nr.::r: ~~~':h~~L.°o.,&, T.• 1~ ~;::l:~-;I~ett
Doubled.r. p.... Oo., Ilaton.ll~l....
Clanlell: Prue:. 01111> Broo. ... 110.... UIIUII I'nu. 0 ..1101.1'.....
Dill PubU ahIOaCO..
606 11!eil.fl StreeL
KeIIOl • • CO.• A.nd,..w R •• 4ttPeul8treot
Kn! ckerbocker MOCI UN Co.. 8. 8..
McDonald" Co .• 'Vtllis. 11!&ltnerA OIlY IBr. Patteson Pre.. _ Powor.l-tr. Co. . Oto. A, Publhbera' Prtntlnlt Co.. Ran_I. Co.• John C..
Ia:lB•• U6~ILSlreo~ Boaen .. 00.. IrouFltLb ..... u. 8t.enlalf Df'OL.
W . Jnb 8t,.." 8UnlOn Co,. RObl. L.. t5 1\oI101!l"" 8IYI.. &C"b , IIIZ... 2511> a".... VandeD HOULOD. W .... , II' W.. U:Id 8 ..... WI.,l>rop I· ..... Tile
Orecn. William '
New Rocbello. N ,Y I .. kat. 25t h Street.
I» Goid 8treot
e. '''ulton Street 13 Gold Streu I~ 81I1b A.enue
n J,.r.Totte Place B6 Cortl.ndIBI. &SJobn8treei IJ lIena, 8tree,
12 Da&oe8t.ree" 1210 •• ' .. 8'....1 77 &I.blb A. ...... toI Po.rI8troot. lQ Laf.y"'"
PI 'oe
When.. their act was on.. pa rolled o'nr lUI.!. J;To:.nOCl In ~ t:'e J;ape bowed 'to the audv,lIie. anil berth, and wenL to a eep llnd- anurell Iltarte(I out where tbe Rus.lans were Do tJle frenks wllIlted to bavu' A no~e line" , up to come riding In. The biG , bag, lIuch ns boraos ~3t OlLl u!, pu1lecl Russian , .ald: ' "Look at the ,l,ttle over ' pa's face. " , monkeys," bllt ha hadn't got the The ~ueere8t thing tbat ever bUll' words out nt hili mouth before tho pened In tbe cIrcuM busj'ncsa In lb t,1 Jnps ·turne". and livery ' man grnbbed ' ~ollntJy tool' plnce ' aL Gr.rn illnlOWIl, tbe tau o. e,ery ocher ' horso, ' aUlI Pa. The teamsle rs we nt o n a slrlhO jl!mped t' l' behind the 'Rl)sslans, nn,l at pJ[lsburg, (ur Incr ease lu ,,'agos and each ' ot tbe ten Jap.a' t ook a RU9~lnl1 ebor(er hOllra, nnd for IVO days tU ~ by the , nO'Jk with' a Jlu jltsu atralfgle mallagc menL had a grqnt t ime. ,W e hnd to ge~ d:' ys to huul till! hold , anll r eached out bls ' Ieg and 8y BON. GEORGE W. PECK wound It around tbe RUBsinn on t ile l'tutr from the train tc the lot Bud Aulhoro/"Pedc'.lI&d Bot Abroo4, " Etc. ' next. borse. and In ten seconds they , ~hen' OUl' tcnm stors gO t I Ito lo cul, 'dI'BYhalt -..llborsed the 20 RURs lnns, Th e men to join tbelD: uncl whe:' we got wk:ll" 30 men were on the ground rol!- rendy to baul t he SL,uff back to thQ In the sawdust, the Japs roili ng trallL no body would do any work, and The Bad Boy Causes Trouble Between QfRr nnd under the Russians. twlsl\n r; Ule walltl llg d ~legntca frOID lhe Team. theIr legs and arms In an unlmow" Stel'S' uIL lon jus t look possessio n ot th~ Ruslllao COBllacki snd tIte JaJ! !nanner, and malting thell1 yell ror the show, und wo were sluelt, lIke illl .Tugglers - A .Tap Tight - Rop. lle1p like a mastiff tbat has trifled j[( automolJllf wh en t be gaSOline ~ (vrll oul_ Walker :1lu-llt.1u'. Pa-The An- an overbearing manner with a 1It.1Ie W e had gO L to 1001(lnl> a l lhe leam. 1mnla Go on a Strlk_Pa Runs tIte bulldog. until Ule bulldog got marl s tEI'll aR ot no pnrticu lar Il ccou nl "IFh eu Meoagl'fie tor a Day nnd Wln.e and be.;an the cbewlng act on the mns- tb ey walll ed out, bu t when Ul;,y 'l'helr Gratitude. tllI's tore leg. wouldu 'L worl, . tlley becllme the mo..l . It wns the worst mix-up eve r wa.; Important 1lurl or Lbe sbow, and atLcr I did not mean any harm wh en [ told and tbe managerR told 'pa to put a I lbe hhow wns OVCI' til e managers who the Japanese Jugglers that Lhey ought slop to It, and pa pulled oft his cont b u~ Will th o s triking' teams ters lO gy to kick ngalnst having lhose RUBSlau Bnd grabbed tbe ftrst Jap he could dl!; plumb, found thal they .bad gOllb cavalrymen ' In tbe show. the fellow' out, alld began to pull him. Uke you plum". and Lh ey had lo rush all OV~I who ride horsee Btandlng up. In the would take bold ot tbe leg of a dog I'IUubur;; and lIud t hem, Blld sranl wild-",est depnrtment, 'cuuse I had in u fight. [lielr demands, and ge l tbem to go to ~i&telled to thefT _ RussIan tnlk, 'and ( Pa Skid: "Here, Qnlt this fOOli shness, .wor!>. It seemed to me they were spies who Pa was aenl OUL to find a bunch ur ' C8U~O there la an armistice, and the "" .,re looking for a chanco to (10 Inthem , and It COSl pa over $30 to Get :lUI'), to the "poor little Jape." I war Is over, anyway." the m Ollt ot Ii becr sard,!n. and bacl, or O! buL tho Jal' didn't do a thing lO the lot, and Il wp almost daylight could see thnt I made tbe Japs mnd t.l -~i1. He' grabbed pa by lhe wrist. thc ftrst thing. tben I told tbem berore we got our train IItancd for the th!t pa and all tbe managers of t~e nnd hE> seemed to be having au epllep· n ext town. Well. at tb e n c::t [OWIl wo could 1100 th e:'e was something' the matler with tbo animals. They ncted as thougb they had lost all luterest in tho IIUC, cess of th e s bow , IUld wouldu't do any 0: theIr stunts worlb a cent. 'fhn elepbants wen t lhrougb their act ·L:areIIlNlly. and When tboy were scolded 01' prodded wi th tb e I),on hook, they BOL mild anti wanted to Ught, and when lhey sot bacl, from the ring to tb ~ anlmnl t ent th ey w C~lldn't eat tho baled hny. but tbrow it all ovor the tcnt, Ilnd acted riotous . ' 'fhe ltangaroos wou ld not tlo lholr boxing a r.t , th e hors s klckeel al lholr hny, und wouldu' t eat their oats, tbw camclo growled at th'e lr rood. anll Kcared thl< people who passed by wber a they were ti ed to ~lal, es, the sacred PltU~ got their bnc ks up and acle,1 ns tbougb tbey. uelng pious, oouldn't swcar. bUL would like to hire lll~ by'(:nns to swear fOl' them; tbe glmltc8 laW down and curled tbelr uecKs 80 tlley WE're no attraction to tb.l sbow, 'cause' a glralre Is 110 curiosity unless tie stretches himself away ' up towards the top of tbe tent., The zebras 1'6110;,1 " "Gee, Dut Didn't That Ruaatan Ti\lk Kopec and »amald," In the mud and spOiled , uu;lr Btrlpll8, • 110 pe(; ple couldn't tell tit em Irom comahow telt Borry tor the IItUe Japs, tic ft t. alld ' pa's leg Nhot out eo Dis , mon mUles ; the grizzly !,lear walked 'cause aome day toe big Russians would feet hit a guy I'ole. nnrl then tbe Jap hi s' cage, and itept giving vent to bear ride right over them: nnd kill lhem pulled him back. like he waB a rubber language, and t/le big UO.n was how 1_ right In the ring. 1 said that every- ,ball oa a BUlng" and then he took pa 10K al: the time. body thought the Japs ougbt t~ resign by ~ b& elboW and held him out a ~ ,ThE: show was a failure at that town, from tbe show, ,t or tear of a cluh wI~h arm s length. nnd tben swung him and when we 'I oaded the tram the the Rusalans. or else they ought [') aro.und" a few tlm ~s and let go of him. managers, beld a meeting in our C8l' bave BOme grown persons to act .. ann be tell down ' among the reserved to decide what In thunder was tba cbaperotres: -' . " ' , eeatll whleb representaUve~ of th~ matte r with the animals. All kinde 'You ought to hnve ael:,! the look or press occupy. Po. stood on one ear of theories were IldvaUced. such as BOOrn o~ the ta~ of the Jap Juggler3, on a ,crushed chair. wltb hlB legs over pol!:iOn , malaria from Indiana, a,nd when .. tlie Interpreter told them that th ~ r.lllllng, and when ,be (lame ,to, pure cUS!ledness. After tbo ,hlld ' dIsthe Circus people were , ~rald lhe !lUi' , news~por mea wanted , to Intel'- cUllS'cd th'e matter awlille, came lu. slans would hurt tbem. They jabbered ,Io.w pa. pa said all he reme~bere!, and tbey nsked blm what be thouJ;bt awhile, and then tbe Interpreter told "'ss that t be all' ahlp ' was anllIng over "bout it nd th t tickl d ' . b ~ , a , t b a' t , 'teen b t II t tle J aps ' cou Id me " w hi p the t own, and tel', t Ii ~ew h 1m out for as (oollsh as he a lookS epa, he helpscauo\! the tbe 20 RuaalaJIS In .. four qtlnutlls. ballast" and be struck a ch~rch spire £how out Qf Iota, of bad holell. Pa Probably it was nODe of my bU81nell9, and bounded onto a , warehou8e ftlled lit a cigar and pat It In one side ot Ills and I ,never o'ught to have repeated It, with dynamite, which exploded wben mouth put his h t 1<1 • but m a circus everybOdy wanta to Iftl atruck It, nnd tho neighbors plcke" I I a up on one s e o. know everytblng, lba' Is going on, so hll' rcmalns up on a dustpan aDd emp- I s ead, like be was tough, an:! looked wise und said' . . when the big lead\'Y ,of the Russlllll. tIed them. In here. Tben he asked I f " • . aaked me wllat thOle brown monk.e yt lit. bead wu on etralght. and the elr. F ellow fakirs, I l'lIv~ been watch, ing the animals all day, and wlllh: I do not, say th ey understand enougb of the waya 'o f human beings to be POSld , on · Ipbor nnlons, IInll all tbat, I want to toll you tb e~' are on II strll,e and that grizzly and that lion ar~ the wnlktng delegates that ara stir . ring them up to mischief" They rna,. nQt know anytblnl; ' a\)Qut the ' teamsL~cs' strIke, btlt they 'k now 80methinG hall bappened, and they nra dlspleasoll at lio_melhlng, and they bave lost re o spect (or the employer. T.hey are 01. a strike, and lbe very dev il Is gOing tu .I:ay to-morrow. unless the CBuse pf th dissatisfaction Is discovered anu Dlutua1 conceSSions maile." "Gentlemen'. yo u benr me," said pa, ana \1<> sal down 011 the edge of tll~ ar:n of the car seat. The) gavc pa the laugh, but ftnally told him to tnlte charge ot the strike and settle It quick, but tbey wanteil to llDow what he thought ail.lma)d wnuld be dissatisfied about, lUI long lUI they got food enough to eat. Pa said : "I 'll lell you. You feed I be horses and other bay-eati ng animals on musty baled hay, bong:l! iI'om contractors that may had '''0, But the .Tap Didn't Do a ;hlng to Pal" It on band tor ftve years. How woulJ were talking about, I told him: cus men took him o.wai to the hospital you like' It If you were served with "Nothlng particular, . only ,they say tent. breakrast food that had been stored the ten 'of tbem could lick you 2~ 'T he circus hands sedarated the Rus. In a warehouse until It was mildewed? RussJau8 In four minutes," slans and Japs. or D t least pulleti A horie or an elepbant hu reeling:;. Ofle, dldn'~ that Russian talk kopee olr tile Japs. and thll RUSSians IImpe1 Gh'c tbem baled hay, and wben they and ~8mskl. nod troth at the moutb. to the dressing-room, and their act are trying to pick out a mouthrul tbat Then he called hla RUBSlan8 t:lgether, 'II'" eut out. UnleslI the terms at I~ nQL spoUed. you drive along wltl!. a aod t bo talk BOunded a8 though -a peace between Japan and RUBSla 'In- load or nice new-mown t1motby or aisoda 'f ountain had burst. Then they all clude the belllgereats In our sbow, there taUa, and &eO them make a rush fo~ }'clled: "Klllovltch the monkeyou8kl.... 111111 he ro1llS every day. , tbat'load of hay, the way my ten-horse ' I woot and told po. tbere \\'8S going , Pa came to the car on crutches tbat team did the other day for lhat load 0' to be a riot between the Jap jUl;- night. just betore tho train pulled nut cornstalks." Jlilus and the: Rus&!an horsemen, and for Phlladelpbln, and wanted to know Well. they told pa to arllilrate tbe prubably the light would take plac:.J where ' I W88 during tbe light. He ' IItrlke, and t:.te next day he had a when the Japa camc- eut of the ring 8IJd he !'ushed right In aDd grahbed a ,:ouple or loads at timothy hay, sucb at tl!(\ afternoon porCormance, and th e Jap In one band and a Russian In :La metber used to make, driven 10 RusslanB went In. right near the the, other, and bumped their heads to- lind unloaded. and the horses. uledressing-room , ,I ;l8ked pa .lIot to, gether, and threw one' or tbem towarus .\lhants. camels. and t hings almost set milt In It. but Ileep a1'lo.y In tile animal Ihe ring, and the otber up among th~ up a 'cheer tor pa. The meat-eutInl lellt. Pn snld, not l'Iuch. bo wouldn't sents, and he wanted to know It' I animnls wtre given a p,lcnlc of the lie nWIlY. and he told sll the Dlanagers. Ihought he lellllld either ur both ot fresbest beer, 'II'lth a IIUle 80 decayed a nn tlley all got nrodnd tho dreSSlng- !l.hem. ',. lhat It wall only lit to be bUI'led, tfJl' rn.)m to stop tbe mUlls. If otfc started , I bote .. boy that will decelvlI bla the hyenaa and jackals. and eYer, WC'll. to show how the Japa ,,~cro tAth~I', but I told hll)l there " 'as talk animal w(Ut bappy. · They (lid thelJ' organ lzed, .. BOon !llI Uloy .telt thert' about two performers, one a RUBSlan turnB better than ever. anll the sacred ' WIUI gOing ~ be a I'OW, they l(ep ~ and the othor a Jap. that were left . cattle almost acted devilish. ' Now the animais l have declared tb. I bllir C)'tlS on the RUll61an8 all the time nt the morgue. but I dldo't know 1lDl" t h ey wno to ' the ring doing their' pole thinE; sure 'about 't; and pa said; "1 strtkp. ('ft. anei the,. want I.e lIek pI.'l ,l,altlnclng, and the-little Jap ll~ . on the wall afraId I should burt tham.. '~I hand. , The ~W1lers tbo Bho. apbamboo P<lf~; .;Wlt.h A., tlln. ke[lt jall-I they brollBbt, It , on themsolvel . .1'Y, ~reclate pnlu. ·and they h.,,, .raIsecl berto, to , tlll) MloWG do'w u 00' >tho breaklDg the ru1_ 01. the, .ho'w agalll8t pa'B saJal'T and )lIm fuIlj ckarlo IrOUAti~ . ADd I oollld _ . t,.at troU~,IOl q.lttl~S durtDf ., p~o.r~!,£,," i.A.~ of ~ m,na,Uta;~ , (:~ " '
Sarcoph~g-U ' WBI Benvy Enough b
Rheumatic Torture. C .... When .tIr. W\lIlams' PInk Pilla Meke . Ne..~ Btopd. ' Tho flrat ,ign 11< rh omnn!ism III 'frel. H enry " igIl8 "J , secrel ory of ' Ih ci Amer· irun ,. l1tbail~": u t Vlll'i s , e-njoys l,~ 1Jili& 01 queu tl,. a ~itl r,ud ,s\yolhu g ill OIlO (If Ill} )\Iu eric-ull whu Wd B bet ng ~h o wn th t\ the 'Joints. , ~ : ~(lt, 'oLllb~t(ld lu tile tomb uf l'ulJoleulI , reiute. SlLtC••• l'Iingn · blooll. whioh 18 tho sent of Lito ,USellRO. "ille , 1\ ,th e 101luuciolLS gUide r.C.nell tho Poison spreads, uO'ectill g othel' j ojnts tu th e \'n1'iQ UH /loi nt rl of il1 tC I'C8t. in <:on· I{Pl'd I' II wit h t 10 tomb. lh ~ Amct'i'cull nnd tissues. SOllJotirues rh ClIlIlIItlslll at. e \ iall'ed die gl'CUll!Bt inl 're~ t. in nil th ut mells th o llClIl't nlld is qL1icldy fnt'"!. ) ru t; ~ u i d , The Olle r emolly thnt llns c llred' " Th is i l1l m elHle HIU'(:olJhnUlI s," del'111 irnecl the ,", uidc! " \\' ci~ h f\ 40 tOWlI , Illside uf t h nl, rb eumntism 80 t hnt it etll)'H olll'ed is Dr. Ilir, is II ",t t:c l rCcf!'l.tllcle wC I JtIJln~ 1'1 lO l li , WilIilUlls' Pink Pills. Thl)He pills expnl find ,llI ",i u c uf t h ul iK a leaden l 'u~kcl , ,hcl" the poi SOL) from thu blood nud r aj/tor!> mct icfl ll~' ~nl pd t wcigtl iog O\,,~ ,' two to n 8, t he system, so tbnt the poillOuous matter uisidt! of t.hat rc.slrl " mu hogan y f.:offi n Is pnllSed 011' 8S nllture intcllcled . . ,c:ollluini n g t He "CIUUIIIS of the gr t! ut mun." Mrs. I. '1'. Pitchor, of No. 130 MonFor a moment' Anlcric.on WUH /'Oilt.'n t, .. :[ in Ilu!l) med italion . Thc ll llC~ an ;'.J : month street, Nownl·Jr. N . :r., lIull'llred ,. h. Jl;Cl'ln R to Ill e that yo u' \,e t t;l)l hlln fllr about tbree yonrs , frolll rbeumaLi slIl .11 1I~ llI , If he .vpr ~e l uut . t able beforo she fonnel thiJJ onre. She /lays: fl i ngu!!.r Qualificntl.on Required of &t. III )' l\ IPCn B_o_:_' ......._ "It beglUl 'with 8 qucer feeling in my Melabers of n \\r estern fillgors. In 8 little timo it seemed as Etiquette. Jury. r: ti q n eU~' i:; 1\ Ill:u,k, U bn!"I',t! r , n l'l on k. though tho fill gor .ioint.K bud lumps OU ' o rJ i!;g l ltt;t!, a p1"CttHlS~J fl tie ; il t!n uh le.... II J.oJ thom and t coold not get my gloves ou. Th c l'e \,ph :') lik o that p~UlilU'l y ri cll. t o h ide 1.'111' n~nl l,h nnidc J"1fi f1'01ll ,·n ch .. Then it grl1\V worse allll sprelld to p ll ip y \\'(~sh' l ~ I fr uit knowil us tile paw- ot.II('1'. It is ul"fJ uircd; i t ('Q UIeti f l"o (1l til e paw , willt·1t IIIlI« bet! [l JelilH"d LtH " no lu ral h {,IHI ; court esy Iii ~r.ontRlu'+ O I1 K. it. (' Cl tne!\ my knees. I coulll 1I0t st.IJ!lCl up Duel I could not slee t> ]Iigbts. lily sulrp.ring \:wlilard{" IU'C l ilu:I." l u In.' 1I1lmolierntelx fro lll the II N ll't , Th e tirs t hU8 Hi' much (ullci 0 i t ; out. th OIl(' wllu .I v !lot like It in l'OIHnlO lI with the SCC'OIH.i 3M 118e luw WIlS more than I CIlII describe. 1 toolt 11 Jl C'lll'I ~' n lw,t},.1 h ltv~ a 2'trou)4 Q'"cI'sio n to w i th j usLic'c. medicine w ith h~, {! j c l1 e 01' grent il ~ 1I1 of m edicine. bllt 1I0thiniC even il. bUyti ;h L' Youth 'K ( ·u mp:m'ion. A Inull th{'o!ogj' '\'t l h tianclity .-l'or tl llnd Orelloll- gil \'1l1II0 rolief nutil I tricuDr. Williams' wnti un ll'iu l ill n .i\ l i~l'Iou1'1 (:ourt. Chlll'JLC4:ll laU, Pink Pills. w it h ho vi nl\ hl 'ok ell intn It IIci ghbo""8 • .. I read lin acconnt of a onre iu a cnsa pl '.'·.nl i.c~ J IHI . t ulen n " ". hol of ihi. fl'ui!. THE COUPON BELOW IS GOOD that was eXllctly lil'e wine nud my hus· , 1 he hr.L ,,!"n exa mlllccI "" lit I". !lual:. FOR $1 ,00 'F SENT AT ONCE • bU11Il got me SOUIO of the piliR. I took fi ca tlOl\ t{ t o SIt' on the Ju r y W!tPj uskrd tlu s ' .. them for three w oek,. b efore I.ronlly felt c,ucst iOIl , 11 11"'113 vtil et'b: " 0 0 yo u li ke pa wpaw"?" It Is Wreng for You to Neglect Your better bnt tbey filllllly cured 111 0. " Mr Pitcher, who is 8 ,'eternn 01111 a " l ca u cn t a hlltrul o( "em Itl ou e . it· Duty to Yourself - CODstipation, tin,,~::' Iln~wl' Il'd the cuun, with a broad member of E , D. Morgnn Post, N o. 807 BowcI and StolUach Troubles ,nlil• . ot New Yod(, 6nbstlllltinws \Ii" wife', "Your h ('\ J\ or ," Nllid tI le pro.!'c!.·utin g at-Grow More Dangerous Dally. atatement and BOyS thnt ~he now walks torr,ey , " "'e ch Q ll e llW~ th il, m An." without difficuay, wb erens 8 yflftr ago "On w h'll ~l"o und ', " ilS1ccd the ('ollrt. Thore i8 no" a. remedy eallcd Mu1\'. ho WRS compellod to pnsh her nhout ill a "On the g"ound , rom' honor, Ulitt Iny mOil wh o likt' p UII'paws ,,'ould Cecl iii", Grupe Tonic th~t cures Hlese troubles ab· wheeled ' cll1l!r. Both Mr. lIud 'Mrs. Pitcher are cntbnsiftRtio jll tbeir pmise ju .t i ry i n~ ""Y other mall for I; l t~linl: ~olutely. A (ull sized uotUe is (urn ished you free of Dr. W llllnllls' Pink Pl11s th em, all nr,· ,lint of the teJJlpt~Li on beto prove it-llcc coupon below. For 'fnrthar information, adllreB,9 the in ~ Irl't:"illli hl c," flllye you nOliced tho lurge number of D W' .....11 ' C " You m ~y stand obid • ." .niil the jud~e. enocs of Tr\,phoid Fever 1I1t. ly? ~rypboid r. 111iam8 _O""ClUO ompnny, l3cbe. The ne~ L man who \\'ao ~~:lI .. illed J id Fever4.lIIu arial Fcvcr Al>pendie itls, 1m. l_n_e_ct_ll_d_y_,_N_.Y _. -..:. ' _ _ __ _ _ _ __ L not l ike f,"Wron IVB- the I'ery idea of eating pure »Iood Pimples, I:'kin DiBeas.s, Sick ch ern ·' tIl. tie 111m sick," "\Ve'l1 UCC' l:pt him , yo ur honor," .Iid the Headache, imiou. ne.. , P il"", I"emnle'!'rou· ble., elc" nre the rosult 01 'onstipntion. prOti(! ' ut i ll ~ I! ttnrney;. Don't allow it to run on without proper to Hold on : " e:;:c!n imetl t he uttorney fo r th e deren, . , "We objecl 10 th i. lIlan, trcatment. Mull'. Grnpo Tonic cure. ConstipRtioD, Bowel nnd 8tolllnch trouble . )'o ur h ~ lIor , " . ''' \\· h ~ l iii your objec'tion!" inquired th,e in a new way, different from an)':. olher• ,, 'DftAnS a p roc!ueci •• nnel it i. permanent. ' ' Judgo. C;\ I>ocil,. in dollars of Al coholic, opiu'm' nnd morph ine prep· "Tho fnct Ihot he el o~s,, 't like pO\\'"uw~l uvC't' fl6 per acre. your honor. would ~iI 0 him 1\ fcelillg 0 1 aratlon s are injuriou8 and doneerolls, '1' h " nn lind. whia I hilS cost the r.rme. prejutli." I'ns! CO IIICn'11t for a mnn clllll'ged Tbey dcntroy tb e digest ive organs, lind lit· not l1ll1fr' ,but th e priCe with fl tcnl i n~ the in, antl l'cnc lcr him i'n- erolly lear the system to p ieces, of t illi ng it, tella it. . Mull's GraIle Tonic strengtbens and c!lJ.lll hl e fl f I'ritu'n inl( it fni r verd i!.'l ." owu i lory, " You InO Y 8 t3Cd tlEi tl t' . iii I'," ,cid lho builds thcm up. It 0lean 8es tbe '1I),.tem of impl'ritic8, IIlcitea the' digesti "e .y.tem ('ollrt. Tbe, can.dlan Oowrnment &tvel 1bt40llltel• . \ jury W . lA HllIdl ~' Mt'l!url"!d rOlJl i8ting of to. natural actionl..and 'curl!!! the dilleR.e in a obort time. 'J:O prove it to you " '0 free to e.ery aettl~r J('() acre. or such laud . WtU who L,lIJ ~~r t Qs.ted 8 pawpaw. ,viii give ),OU .a bottle freo , if you ba,'e Hold Bemains of Napoleon , ,' Down.
Twenl,-five BlIshe.s f Wheal 10 the Acra 0
never \Wed it.
I.,1,,(]e adjdiufnr: can be pnrch.,.ed at from' " to SIU per Mllell!. from r:a.l1road and other to rpor.
Good lor oIUng ohlldren and nUl'1llnll ' , A free bottle to all \vho have never Suffered tor n Long Time Without Reused it becausc we know it will Cure you. ,lief-Doctor Was 1I1rllid to Touch. COUPON. 'Ih~m-Cured t,y Outleura. 12711 l~ OOtiD FOR ONB DQLL.AR 811U1 tbtl 00l1POD W1tb ,"our nAml • .s add ..... "For n' long tim~ 1 BUlTered witb BOrell anfl10l1r drullllIIL', alld 100. \0 p&, po.tlCl en the hOlllis which '\""1'' il.cbing. polnrul l all4 we wm.Vptr. ,ou a ."m~o rNe. t f ron bl"o Dnd d'M'gre.nhl". 1 hud tbl'ee doctors Bnu ::J~r,.g:~ ctt~IG~~rri::oa ,g~C'I.&rt,;~~a~~~ derived no b.:'llellt.' fl:om Bny of them. purohuo of mora 'rO~O"frolD 10ar draa,I.,_ ' Ono doct.o~ ••id he ,'1'1,8 "rrald to tt\uch my hnlld., 00 vou must know how bnd :M1l1.L'8 GnAm TO:>lIC Co" 147 ~ Aft. Roc!e lslund, m. t he~~ wer<!; another ftaid 1 ne\'er couid be cur~'Ii; nnd the third said the 8Or"" Qi" FilII .Addrt.. OllIS n 'rlle Plitlll/r. ,.,ere <nl",ed by the d ipping or lO y bnod. tL\ ~ h t.. r.ooon, Gnd 11.00 bot.liQtl at.alldrn"llte, in water ill tbe dye·hoU!e IVhere 'J work, Tbe 'Ull bO~la con.alD_ nbo"Lstl: timet; u muob J ""'V in the paper. 1,.l)ont the wonderful lUl ,lbo M oeo h bo, tI. Clod abo"l. \ohra8 HalMa" cure.ofthe ulleurl! Re1l11cdi"" nnd JlroQured :~~~,': ~~;l~.~-:".m'a\~'o. Tbcrtl II . 'lfGat SUUlC of thc Cutietlrn. !:io.p nnd Cut\eurn Tbe geilUinc hla ,:I date nnd numl1cl Oin tment: In tbree ~ nYB Nfl<r the opplica! ior. of the Cuticura Ointment my stamped' on the label-take no otber frem . • hnnr.l8 begnn 10 peel ODd were ~ttcr. The rour druUist. ' " ~oren,~ disnppeared. and llie,\' nrc now 'mooth "",I c1c.1n. and, I Il1I11 .Iill working No wise girl' "'er lel8 the yount! ltIan i~ I.h • . dy e · llol~"~. Mr•. ' A. ~;. Mnur~~~ she ha~ spott~d (or · h~r own '.ee he!' with 2340 talc t.~~~~:r~!...~ July J, 1003. hel' hn lr in cllrl I1u\lcr. unl·n Qftu , tbe mmister bus said hi. (~tal •• y. 'hicaio U"Uy New.. , • Sinlilnr. "'VerI! ~' OU ever al :m Afto.l·n~()n ' ;~Il ? , •. X 0; but I wns in " 111~ec mIce IVh~I'. 1:1 To Cure .. Cold In OM DIIY \lhunogr" .,hs were nil ~'Oint ut lut ,-.1110 T3ke·flvn BRO)(O Quinine Tablete. ti m / ' -M.ilwuukc-e ~e lltint!l. Druggist" rofund monel! it It rolla to cure. E. W. GIIOVE ' S .llll1aturols on ouch box. 2l\O. Jo:'fen Ihe wo,n,;n 11'110 slond. lip for lIor righ t ~ ."Idom lik"" til du it ,In ¥Il doe ll' IO It take. ' more than a buuyant Dutllre to 1IIU·.-SolUcniiUe Journal. ' keel) up ~PI)Curallce. , · . ' mo~bera.
'b:V'::~a'el1~~:~~:'(nrcc..-=at;~ Uuiled ~tatH For pnmpbtet ,· 'Twentiet.h 'CentntY' Ca~:'da"
a lld all iuloftnatloll apply to SU['JlJtiNTlt~:UB!'tl OF hUnCIlA'I'JOK, Ot~I"., enn.da. or to the follo1l'luc lLutbo rh:ed ' Cauadl,u ~o\lC!rl1mela '
.Agenle :
.Q. M. W'Ll,IA>I~ , .La. Balldl .... 'l'oIKo; 0 ,; , . MItltIo"lblJ , P.~..
- ', -
-----4--- -
To ,sweeten, To refresh, To cleanse the system, •
and Gently;
There is only one Genuine
stipated; For men, women and children;
stomach and bowels;
ficiaI eft"ects
lie, Ky.
Dispels colds CUlci headaches when, bilious or con-
Acts best. on the kidneys and liver,
Syrup of Figs; to set its hene-
.all eomln&
IA FieSYRUpe 5&.1\
The genuine SYl'UP. of Figs is for sale by an fir:>t-cl~ dru~ts. The full name of ,th,e company-Calilorma F iSS y r 11 p Co:. - is always printed ,on the fro~t of ev.ery JIilwge. PriCe Fifty Cents per bottle. , ,
AZJl:lrrll :
' BI~oe recolvh lg , the many letters of slnoere lIyoipltt.hy fro m the',mlUlY old tried nnd trl)e friends of Wayne sville, Ltt hom o and ubrollll Rnd realizin g th e ilnpo sible tlLsk ai tbl~ time of answer ing ouch person· RlIy, I will wri te t il !,11 !.hrollg b \ I ~· ~--~------------~-----' t)J'FlC E IN JONES BUILD ING, your exo'ene nt plfpe r , I .. f • Wltll a heart so bnrd~n ed wltb ~. ' eJILta .. . rlo, 6'i grief, 'tis II. sa{) undor tlLklng to Wrile I have always been t,l ltl tha,t .YIIl ~I:DN.I:SDAY . ' F~;llIWAHY ~ . ' " , 1906 path:v WIIM !!uoh a weak sublllit.ule. 80 meanin glesil- but t.he sy mputlly extend ed to m e hilS n ot btlen of \.lm t The Other Side of the Mall Order Ques tion. kind. I have felt that it was of the purest, IInll it indeed bl\8 helped , But 011, the shook was so gr~III. FO Edlt,ors of Miami Gazette : . We were very muoh Interes ted in tludden and tiD llubeu,rahle, ~o hurd a verv senRlble and well wrlttfln ar· to under.s tllnd , But I do I' ILHze with the other r elatives that God pluoked the fairest flowpr in I.he j1,,~! II' hi", .. , .t' I ·!U~ I\t" "".p ottn hAft'· tlly pudor...... 1,,1 b,' m l 'ht hnvA IC" "O oonlleo tion, ul1c1 to the best bn IIIULlo "1111,,,1 o.. nll ~ rnn nd ''''OthA f prlOotlnn no mistake , liud our IIv(l;' heel! that i" qllit~, n~ II et.r\m,m tI\,l t.o the differen tly spent po"sibly tile wound s lUulh.r t"wn~, nl\mely , t.(oiog to tbe would oot have been so great, but larger t')WII~ or olttf!l! t.o dOllllll\>ping, 'twu,!I !illch a sh ort , sweet dreutll of a pnwt!oe for wbioh there Is no ex bllppin esr and oonteut,ment- ut' vpr ouse, except a larger 8tcok to select au unkind word, 1I0t 80 much u,. 11 We oooh r ellliz!!d from 1\,011 thlH dillBd mntage is often frown given, oVllroum e by the fRot that ~nny thllt our life was 80 differen t h om people on ,these shoppin g excursi ons mnny ot,h e l'~ ~d ofton spoke of th p pA.Y more (or the artloles purchas ed salUe and feared it too perfect tn tit' 'han they would ha.v8 008t at home, enjoyed 11 long perlot\, Bat 'with t.u 88.y nothing of the oar fare and that ever obeerfulu68S the dear 0 would flaY , "Well , we will mlLke 1000s of time. best or it ~ long liS we are permit, Bnt hE" lIaY8 "every dollar used ted to live togethe r," lind we did , by a residen t of this commu n"y In But lIuoh a chlln~e I 'Us as II. strong tlil~ WAY" (tbat II buylulJ of ,m at)· founda tion sudden ly droppin g out onler'hoU88ll) "tatetl a dollar out of 1 ftlel a8 n babe who hilS III olnml.t lon at home and Pllts It in been pett-ed aud then suddon ly ol.ronl ~ t,i,'" many miles dlHtant .. aU , But I bave been and do intend Now t.1111' at. fir8t glanll6 looks I'll trying to be brave for the stike or oorrl'Ot but. III it? 'Suppos e we w~t the dellr little du,rli!!g8 left in my &0 bU,f au a.rtlole that osthi oharge, who'tal k like thi8: "I wan tie Waynetlvl.lle Sl.:lri retail, but Instead my papa, ' I mea.n It, I wantle of buying In Waynet lvllle we send my papa," "My papa good Mld '&0 a Wholes ale 01' oatalc.g ue hou8e dearlr,p apa," and "I want to show aD'il get it at wholesa le prloo, we will this or that to )lItPIl," and "It's time ' o.y Now"E " _ys tbat t1.00 for papa medie, " and. "Papa bun , 'g oes BOme where else, whloht s true. gry;" and then at other time8 little ,Bllt had we boaght of the dealer at daught er will say,' "Papll up in the w'a.-11I,.vill e , woald not he, too. be sky; papa oome duwn to write," OOIb~U8d eend that same ' dollar or "We are going.11I two minute s on away &0 get the artlole at who1eaaleP tute lute oars to 116 papa," and "It Then where 18 the dUferen oeP 8im· time to tarn on the light ply that the 260te. profit oIrouIa tee papa," Rnd oh, It outl, but I in'our own pOcketS ina\e&d of tbe them to never oease thinkin g of c 'dealer i for oerta.ln ly · nothing bat hhn Dor of taUdng of him and tbe profit i8 leU'to oiroula te in thl8 remem ber ' everyth ing possibl e . . oommn nU,.. Then papa who was never too tired Tb8D we want ,to 011011 attentio n to to romp' and play.,w ith tbem 'at any, the faot that moet questio ns have hour-a nd to Chink' of the 'blight i~ ' two IIldea and tht,18 no excepti on. their little lIvea, ' , We hAve 'freqaeu t}y refrain ed 't18 Gcid &~~:' ,GOa~~iO:ne' ff(lm bUYing grooeri el of agenk ' of hal given us strengt h to even Dayton firm. out of respect .for the s{noe Ilnd the prayers of 1111 oor feellnge of oor own grooer, only to, nom~rous frlend8 , 'kind neighbo rs - thllt hme grOO8r lend oft fot pO , and relative s. And of all people to ta.~, Ilpples, etc. when we. had ~ye , nelghbo re, we have always ,tbelD to eell. , been bl_ed with the oholces t and We are very willing to admit best and they all still oling to UB, things 'are not as they should be and a better thing than a good neigh. ~or 1&8 we Wilh they mlgbt be, for bur 18 hard to find . Our friend8 everyo ne 118811:11 hil oWn ' good Ilnd frpm far and near have been \so not ano&hers. ' But oontend that though Uui. We have receive d 'hit fault IS not all with the buyer, leUers from many ', distant points. but that the dealer 18 largely, reo On ye8terd ay's mllil two, tram Cali, epoDllible for the present situatio n . forlila and one from Banta Fe. New For,ls I't not a fact that In the past MextOc, from oar pastor and wife he not alwaY8 been 8&tisfled who : apeut 'five years In Lebano n wl~h • ltVlni profit, and th'ereby, bA8 and len to 8ave the Ute, as they driven mooh of the trade to the largo though t, of their elde8t daught er, I' er townll? For eurely, no one w01l1d but Mexloo climate made no differ I attemp t to den, that,th ere Ie where enoe, a,nd ehe too was taken. 'rhe -', . IlU Inorelle ed am'Oul1t of the trade is welcome one from our esteeme d 'goln~. And 'it the deale.r In the friend, C. M. Cartwr ight, Heemlld larger oltles Is able to 11611 at smalle r s~ange, as the sight of his hund· profits beo&use of thll! luoreas ed writing ' had ~alwaY8 meant fun trade, then why not the dealer in· and jollity and tbis was of differen t 'oreaae hie trade and lDcome by sell, meanlng,- and yet all has been up Ing at less profit,( slnce be has nQne preolnt ed and soothed , and while of those enormo us rents to pay) for we look on bls pure noble life as a people will buy w~ere they think rloh heritag e, and wish to raise tbb , ' l bey can do the best. little pets 88 he would have done, .--"J.~~ the dealer 10 towns adopt up We realize a task of trials hnt intend to ~te method s. Let him cease to to do our 'best and ,f eel we allow some of his ollstom ers to pur. have mllny dAIlT frlen~8 tu help, all,!1 tbankln g each dellr frIend for theIr ohalle a large bill of goods, out sweet sympat hy extende d and trustand !!aY ," Just oharge this to my ac· lng that none will have coune please," ohargin g up to his first sorrow so keen a one. a8 their cash buvers what he loslls on his We are at present with t.he denr , • parents of husban d, and whIle they oredlt oustom ers. They do not do are so strloke n with grief 'tis help, that In Xenia or Dayton but people ful to hav" ~he little ones with th~m , take their money witb them when Our goods have been eent to Leba.- ; they go Il.way from home to bUY ' non and will try In a after weeks If he cllnnot be origina l let him to make that plaoe our home. study the method s of success ful Most lovingl y, denIers in olties, MARY WILLIU lSON M c KAY ,
LA. 'M AF 'IFT ,
lo ri da;IIi1ne ' Bottle
O CrIUcan bas
of Dr. Cald. well'. Syrup Pepain,used
. \ J I
. comlo ~ rt I reaCllle d Jft 1L.
n~,dire~te d,
'ywill ou give 1m· mediate reo liellroruthe Inexpress\· hie tor'tures occnslone!1
Continue Ih," use of this wonderful romedl' for a ti me. II It will 800n 8et your B)'stem right, AJlfD when nn'occasional dose of it will kce~ v I your Int,e~ nal organism in the very pin • ,10 of condItion. THRE E TRAIN S A DAY W ell Inside, you're well nil over. ChlCl~O &. Florida Special
from Cbic.~". \:Iovcl.,!d. li. "",d Columbul'. nn Big I'',n.I::UI"I,u our H uute ; Do-t.roiL uno! Tn lcclu \ ";1\ I'ero Murquc tto un,t C) I .I.: D, Ity .. un,1 LO lli ~villo ~i' RailWUYi
COl1n ~ l
IFlorlda Limited
(La ...atlve )
";"1)' wlr
nllmcnts nr~slDg
or disordc rctl d.gcs·
It acts quickly nnd surely "n the CO lise
ThroUllh PuIl"'!Bn ~.""ic. « om I of tho trouble nnd Its Len di ' l.d effects Ch,cago ru,,1 Ind"""II>ol,. M o ~an I are instantly percepti ble.
I I It will cure the mosl obstinnte cases. I Dr. Caldwell'. Laxative Syrup PiPliD I Ibro ugu l'ullmlUl &r· can
~r.I~ "5i,i \r~n \)' "~;'i ';' K cct:.~,f~:,;:'1~ ~:3(I A, M, fur Jockso"" illo and 81.
Au;:u.,," •• uL'o " l~ to Now&.orCICaUs.
be obtained In both uoll .. r "nu Huf· I t S _. I I dollar sizes from all druggists. , ljiueen reseen; 10 pe ...a Or. " Your Solid trnin Cineinn.I III b id d If It I New money w e re un e Je Ans v i m ('lmttn uoolJA. nn J llirmlDR. I docs not benefit you. . bam, Ilbl~ ,hro\1~h Pi.ilhn .:m scrvico to I
JoolB>nv llIo Savonna h.
\ ' t o,
A! luldlle
\ ' Otl
"a nd i'n'il ,d.'t',
I I Syr up Pep sm- II IIs thethebestmQ.oyprepnrat . lon ,obtainable' .for I F.~~~I~'I~:)I:~ l ll \:t }'I ..I; ··iH~:.ll:,1 Jlls n nu
ln lC, w l tb ~l i t1 J)u ~ lll1Un l ru il' J(,I" illl( Cmcmul1t i 811 U:26 P., ~l, for J""k, oll,'iII c lUlll til. , from overwor ked AugusLlnc . ; tive organs. SOUQIOCU
f ~ (' 1 i'I:-: ,:l. i.1, ti" ('I!, A)lU 11I'li\1 .I'; \( 1 )1 ,'U \lf '\ i· t ,ili ty is IOW-)'l ll: 1' '1:;' I:ly lI f n Cl've tI('I' ·' ), ('.' 11:\\1 ',I. ; 11 ' 1 yo u r sY : 'CIlI rUllnill t! t.lUWtl i01' I lack of po\\'cr, . I' ToloPb'~ ue in his h on u wh en· b.e Th c o rg-n tls of thc h0(1), nrc w orlcing poorly , o r n nt :It' ;iI !. 1"' II be ollll o(l nt, nil h om's, lillY or nnd y ou arc n o t 1" ' 11111 (; llic ! "i g h t, n ourislim c nt nccd rrl. Th i, "'o n COllolIC!I lULl! oblLirH Hllppll od . ill; 1 o\'cri shcs th e l" l""d an d in · Hnvo, recentl y 1II 0\'oll t.o room stead of th ro\\'ill}'!' olT t he illl ' ,'xt t o Cl' o~~ Br'OH, puriti es, d ; ~tr ibll t('s it :I ll I \1 ,\l N I<,.Itl£l£1:. WA\,N~:HVILI . I£. 0, thrQ\I· , h th e },och·. This Lri ll ~~ di St':l s~ and mi se·f\'. I I' ommon C"ld s are tbe Cause ot ' F e.:d thl! ncr~cs with 1)r. HCrtO I1 S Ui ~(JII SO~ , P h y~icill n ~ wh o hll\'I' gni uo. l a !l l iles ' Ncr\'in c, a lI e rvl' fn .I, n nt'I'\'c mecli c ine, t1 I:11 lI ollri ~ I Il' s 1 . .. tiOIlIlI rOl'nl.ltinn Il~ Illllllysi~ or an ll str 1I g'l hl'lls th e II , ,!, , L' ~ . :11 11 1 . , I " I'I\URe of vllrhH1H LliROflMO!:l , c illim sec h ow qllick ly Y" U \\'ill get 11' lI t if (,lItchin !; (lolll cuulLI be nvoill· ",; II l on ~ li~t, of clllnge.'uus ui1muu ts str Il f; alltl \ ' i !;Or()II : . • \I o n ll1 ne vol' ho hO llrll nf, ~~vllry ' Vh -i l
nCl'vnU 3
Your pOl ta] card ~uest 'Will brlnll br Tctum mAil our new booklet, 'Dr. CaldweU' . Book .1
Woadan" Ilnd
t o t ho~~ w ho h a vi roJ~~~L·:~urls~o~QI~t:;:~:rog~p't1;:~ DOftr tri.c1 thl. 'Wooderflll rem.:dy, \ Vrlte toc1a7. W. IV. U'VIUI'I U, T. p, J" IVlm., 0, 1 1'7 • •t . 4aJ:n r;n. w. c. 1l1!t C4Il"~ 02\' . PEPSI N SYRUP CO. I Utllt l'fJ •• ~ •. ):f lj,~ . Ofa. .............." , (lL'\CUiN6 .'I!. O. .o.tlool lo, IInnot. I t
tCItO .ampla
I Dr. Cal d,\veIl's
ID Svwlu, JallUUT 8t b, J906-
!-lll rrrrf'd
w 11 h
'lI"' \' nll <HlI"C: ~
I:.'; " ' (!' rl~ :,; ~; I1~ ~ ~:~
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( "1'" , "
, ,'r'I'''' K aL il.
St. , (:;\JIi :oi Yl ll " , I li d . Dr. Miles' Nervl ne 18 lloltJ by you r
dr uo ~ l :a, ... ~ho
fi,.~ t
\\ 111 Q'Jnran lCc t ll <:: t t h :l lJ"l!. U" wil l lJt' n efi t. If It fol li S, he
will r e rund your mone y.
Miles Medil:a l Co., Elkhar t, Ind
hn l ll,' htll..a , / lllil
• III' l ifo ()r till" , C Il Il I H'I! ~ wll llr, \
...\ f t.- r t h,-, l LI:-:t II J,.: tI • •d II h: h l· :-t
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uo upiutll. rll llrilhitli or 01 her ,, 1'll1fnllll'ug nn ll hU H thi rt.,,' y"ILrs I rnpn tlltion hllck Mit., I-(ILinml by i' ,.. O llr(l~ unllLJr !l\ ' OI'V conditi on , I I. , r ~1I 11l by F , C, :;011 ,,;a rtz, h ill!!
,J, H. McCASSY 1 M. A" M, O.
Fot' Bille b:v ,T . E , .1 Annoy,
1:! li
'''polf FIII II ~1, ' " " r,
VETER I NARY t:;URGE ON (l , \'t" l' i H, I., HATI TA'Y AY, For CoMs uso "RNI ':;;pru re II nil Lf>blluon. Ohio, Ph.,'nl'>1 . ' M ill " 1:,/1" ', II P I : ·',1\2. Con be coliI'll ony h onr, rIllY' or Vborr,V ExpectorlLnt.. .. ~AI (I hy J h~ , Wn y no!<vill o's I.elll1il1J! nO l1 tJ~ t, nig ht, Both Bt'll lind V!1 l1 oy( E\'I\, 1-: , " ,1(, N"",,·: \ ~1I T}lIl'I\ "1 .rllnlley. Phone!>, Vulley P h one No. 23 , \1 t ill Slrl' c t ~ ~ 1 1r·('tl ll'h"~ fitl ,'d n t '·j ·nol,.,..:uh1 ."' p l i('R~ ., ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ., ~~~~~~~~~~~--~ ~-
Du. H.E.
Look :lot the bill-boa rds in our A RADlT TO DIt EN~URAOED, townll, Are they not covered aI, , most continu ously with "ads" of The mother who has acquire d the Xenia and Dayton meroha nts? And hablt 'of keeping on hand a bottle of Remed y, we can BOarcely look throug h our Chamb erlain's Cough herself a grent amoun t of un· local pa~rs but we see "ads" of saves easines s and anxiety . Coughs , 'heee same meroha nts telling the colds Ilnd croup, to wbioh childre n people just what they have to sell are ansoept i ble are qulokly cured and liow ohaap they are selling It. by Its use. It oounter aots any t en, There we would say "go thou and denoy of 11 oold to re8ult In pnou, do likewis e" aud give U8 a. chanoe monia and If given as soon lUI the 'ooomp are your ,prices with these first sympto ms of croup appear, ~t other house8 that are stealing your 'Will preven t the attack. Th18 trade aDd we venture the assertio n remedy contaln ll ' nothing Injurio us It Wtll put a oheck on BOme of these Bud mothe n give It to little ones dliDge that are .injarln g our tOWD 'WIth a fee~~ of pertect seourlt y. Sold by:E. O.. ~wanz. uF"
,,-- -
A. t o ....R";n .In re 88tablillltWIID_' of Hari. K1dney trouble UI' liu , Insidno u8 .."I'm the luckies t m nt) Iu' 'oial :>Ob.ool DI8~rlota"rlni of ' ~. diUJiter. .and many PIlOple are vic· sas," w~ito!l B. r.... Stnui oy, ofAlIkan· tltlQn Het for. Feb.r,aa ry \10 11105. .Bruno ttQlS of a·.8odot lll, m411\dy:: .before l le . 'since the r estorat ion of l1;Iy wifo's. \V . D. 'tillilbu r t, 'AUllil;<lr 01: tho E~t'll.' of .Jonnth an Elmlth, deoeas ., sympto ms lire .raQogni1..ed. F ol t.y'8 ben.lth niter .fi ve Yellr oontl nuous hl t." t l\ 010 i , VS t,ht\ Mall'o n Ullnk- ed . I:ltd e bUlfiled Kjdlle'y e ,q re;corre Pts irl'llgul uri tles cougbin g lind bleedinof .· . g Pilliutifl" "b~tt,s I,hut on .1.f,\roh " 11, and etr.e,u gtheIl8, I\nd Quil<ls .qp t b e lungs ; n nd l o we illY goodfrom th ·E .o f 8 . VI. Rogers fo ~ t~ ne kidneys , ilDd it 'should 11105, h e U1.'"JI l' .q ulsl tioo upon tho\ O~der for 81l1e. of desperl&te ~Ialmt! t thl! first indioatl on ·be tuken t o the worlll 'M g reutell tll1edl ClIl e, r~nfe8 of ' kidnoy Dr. KID ~'s New Di ll ettllah Il t UTllltll' ~uo tl on 38 17 I~nd I~BUOIl. Estate of Absalo m Oheno· trouble , I1B It is impossi ble to b iwo 8UIDlltioll, wllioh 1scover y for UOI1.. k n ow frou} ox · ' 3~ l 1~lw'INell ' :':\t,,,tno:! of Ohiu . to . ,wetb lI ec l'"lse.d . Order LTS.a: ~ good hea.lth if the-kid neY8 dlllll. peri ence will oure oOll for sale sllmpt,io n if ,. "Ulk!, II re po!'t ,,1' ih e cumlitio n of UNlperlLte olalms issuod ,. aged , F , C, Schwar tz. tnken in tim e. My wifo illljll'o vod . ""It\ l"," k at I.he 0 1080 of bn~ille8 s with first lJottlo hDd twolvo b t tlos Est.ate for settlem ent ; Sarah S. L AM E lIAL' K. oomple t ed t h o cure ." Cur es t he M,u'oh ", ) 1105. . Emloy. decease d, firRt and final 0.0· Thi s nl lment Is uUlUltlll lly . co.lised wqrst oougbs ILOd ~ol,d s .01' 1:1 0 fur tIJ L' ~ tut e8 tlmt dofQndl lnt connt. 811muel , m o~l e~ GU8t1n, fil'IIt and by rh ouUla ti sm of t he Ulusclc s an d rofund~ u . At F :. C . ::>ch~~lI rt z ch ug. h ' L ~ tl illu(\ IhJ ~ lo cOO U I,ml f.dlecl t o flnnl 11ooount. Herber t S. WtIorwlok, may b e euroll by I1ppl ying Uhu lU. gIst . uOo und l)i1. 00. '! rllll bottle .m ukll ~1\lti r llJlOrt IlUd thut it .also minor Urat aoooun t . berlaln 's Pain BRIm t w o or three froe . times u day o.lld rubbing the pllr ts Unexc elled Servi ce D e~ l ec tC\d 1,,) IIIU Ir e Huch rllport for MARRIA GE LI0ENSII :8. 'vigorou slyat ollch IlJ.lpJiO'lt ioll . If the sml!' immodi utely precodi n g to Cuba Fred E. RooseH Miamis burg, Bnd this d oos no t IIfford I' ii of, bind ou Ii Mllroh U, l ~Oi. . TIlIl defollljllnt, It i " Alice Rudclif fe. Frankli • pieoe of !lun nel sli ghtly d llllll lllned n. - -- - - - - nOll~, nlll'xoli . ill c on~ oq1Umt.l .y lilliJl o t o Uhllrley Kendal l, and Bertha Toler with 1-'lIin Bnlm, unu quick rclief is EO'cct ivo .lnulInr y i,. l\IOv, t.brongh Itlm oMt flure t o foll ow. For ijnlo hv PUlllU1I1 I slooper wi ll le pounlt,.v uf ":lU fOl' ollch dlLY'S ue iny both of Kyles Rev. Cooper. llve Vincin · F. C. Sohwur tz . . n/lt,1 ut I> ,:w u . Ill . ov er y Frluny \'ill aft tlr llilid r Ollort WII S rerluiro d to be Horman Betzer liud Ida Shuma rd Q uoon & Cro~ con t I'on to allu So uth· mlldo: l'luinl,Ur ns ks for judgem eut both of Frankli n. Crush ed Corn. e rn railr oad t o M() iJiJo, oon neotin g III:lILiDt;t defoDcllLUt ilL S UIIl of "7200, with Mun s" n ~ . ~ . Lin o'~ "lcHtne r ilEAL ESTATE TRANSF ERS . (~ases W o lire g rindin g erushed corn "P 'I'he suit 1(1 brough t iJy Wilde H . rin oo (-l cor g" lit ·1,:10 p In 0 11 overy dn,y Frankli . We keep n Hydrau g round lio f CompB epu uy to ~'l t ul"dIl Y 8 , Ellill on behllif of plaintif f. Smith IIll d tb roug h ti Thollllll:< A. Jones ;quit olaim to lot t o' exohau ge if YOll have n ot t im e 1.0 fr om Mobile I'very I" ri ll ll ~' n tlt,o llor W . BOlluet is couu se l for phLintiff . 7.00 wait. Our flied exohnn g is ru n un p. Ul. n orl,h t tl Cincinn llt.i 11 11 ILrrivnl Dllniel W. Allen , inf!\nt, by Fran in Frankl in; tl. n t oll or cash basis. of steIlIlHlJ 1. E. Keys to Raobae l E. Keys; If YOll hnve not t,ri eu our crn"h Nl B ,tvnml. ·. " .PI·in('o (ie(\ l' ~fl" fr o m oi!! M. Allen, his next frie nd. vs Tho lot In Wayne corn sville; ollli Ilnd se o it o.ud yo u w ill ~ IIY t71i0. Ceulml Uni on 'l'elephonoUum pnny. 'l'i c k e t. ~ DOW on sIIle nn til D , Clark Jaok et 1101 to John Jack; that it is the finest feed yon O V('T MIlY :l1s t, Ilt t h o l"ll tc oj'good il-ur, 00 for DUlIlllges us ked 10 sum of "aOGo. s aw . Wayne sville Mill s. the r ouuLi ·t l'i p fr oOl ClO oin l1l1 ti i n. Pilt Unynor is a ttorney for plnlntif f. quit olaim to two traots in Sa.lem oluding lIleul" IIo Llll be rths 111 1 townsh ip: $1. Gas III the Stoma oh. UOU 111' I' 11<1(; 1' I' U 11.;(1 >I . ste llule r . F . Gillum CrOmer to Uharles E. Bolc hing und that sellse of f' 01 ~~or in f ' II'lI'.l t i till Hllll n'~4 }t ·'lt l d .: Lurn Cathe riuo Kihbey va . Chits. E'Lton ness 80 oft e n 6xperie uoedn ft"r .,,,' .J ohn"''- III , nI H' ( ' l U ; lot 10 Frankli n ; ~51i0. I A ~c'l r , l:'1l ~:-l·l h!tn· A g'fln ll ~ toc k of 1\1us lln Ulllle rweul' , I\l t l\llu ~ h Ulltton ha~ atlv'lno ed, lVe ( U . Kibbey , ot ,,1. RI por t of com 'I',homus Bodley et al to Sibyl A. irj g is ounsed 'by t·ho f orllml.i' ,,,. " , lJ" p ·,rtlllt tl.t, ~1 I1rl .. ~ m ~ ~ L l l1 l" gus. The st omlloh fnils t " I'C solli llg Nice Goods for Iho price . mission ers UlJprov od am} conrmed Nosour 'orset Co vcrs 25 (lAntl! up ; quit clalUl to ~/j aores in ItoB fUll otions alld the foodo p"1' 1"1' 1\ \Y ""h iu!!' 1\ I ' If . (lIIl I!; " ,. W C . fe r"' ''I ,I '' RHtj 'M r ~o n , H P . . \. (~ n o P I1 Hud Onler of ~lli e IS8uoll . Ski rt , ~O ('ent~ up , G own fiO ce ntR UIl · Nuzntr oh Waist Hllrlnn townsb lp '1. h\lluber laln's Stomac b lind I.iv ,· I:,., , cent l ~on " . , 21i ' cent' in "' l11111 t1 Pourl Ertel VB CharieR W. Thomp I Robert R. Gilm'or e to Clarkso n G . l'nblet s will oorrec t tb e d is"" ' \'>' . i::!tock S b eel,i og Bibs, oto., NE W GOODS . son, gUlmlilln eto., or. III PartHio n Kelly i two lots in Roohes~er; '75. They liid digestion and 8tren ;!1II I'" f unu invigot' /lte tho s tomnoh 11, ,11 oruered . Thorn nit Coughli u SmIth I. W. H . Newpo rt and wife to Raoh bowels. l!'orsllle by F . C. !:;chwul" ~. Hntfle ld IlOd Eu~e ne Mulford lip· 01 HardIn g; lot In Frankl in; 11000. pOinted cOJllmi ssioners to make sll-id GrlLnt Snook and wife to George llllrtitio n . W. Turner ; lot in Avalon Height s; Cow Feed. .--- Llt NE S- -- , 'I'bo New York Trust Oompll ny V8 II. hu':crr ~ve , it at Ound 90cent s u EXC U HSIU Nl '1'be D. L . & C. Ry. Co . Geol'ge R Young and William B . Young nre Comm ission ers' Wllyn tlSvi!lo M II1 ~. ~== ~ -mnde parties defendu nt, Proce eding s. - - 1'0 Snme. The Vincinn ati, Lebano n and Northe rn Railwn y Compa~y W. Unglesb y And Sons, buri· UEDUL E OF PASSEN~ER TRAIN S R moE vILLE, Onr o hlwe leave to filo ans wer herewi th 11.1 of indigen~ soldier s' El!'~'Et1'fl YI£ NO V. 12, 1U05. and tbe @llme Is filed . SI'KOI4\ LTI ES , DIB~;AB lI:S 0 1" WO ME N widow .... ...... ........ ......, &0 00 Sro.te of Uhio V8 . John W. Prloe W. Ungles by And Sons. burl. so U'l' n 110 )/1.) NO OOILDIl E N. i::!'l'ATIONS NOR'l'Dn oOND ~Ve st alof indlgen t .lIOldier ..... uQ 00 ............... Proseou tlng Attorne y ent~rs nolle !!!!!!!!!!!!'''''''==''''' N o. 1I N Il: .1 No . :l No. 1 No.3 No.5 J . S . Morris, record· and sup· l>rosequi to iu~lotment . . La Grippe and Pneum onia! I'M P M AM AM Ali State ,of Ohio vs Qecrge JnOk80u . plies for Probate Judge. 22 Op ~ l'I~ ",\ t. LO \V· I,' l\ n: E: '1' (1.; .\: ]0:'1' Pneumoni~ ofteu foll o w ~ L ll (1 42 :~ :10 o :U, Arrive I"e bllllo ll Lell ve 7 ~O II 30 PM· "30 Defend llnt is senteno ed to flve years J , S. Morris, record of 1100Grippo but never follows the \,l S I! of j (l :10 II:! 22 Fl)r Winte r 'I'ollri H s, l:I omo 110 t il Lellve Leh~ntl .. 1\7 26 ' 119 36 114 86 of hard labor In the Obio Peniteu ti · count for Probate Judge 16 50 Foley 's Honey and Tar. I t o ur A~ . .see kers . Se t tl ers 11IJd Cn ionis!s . 11 11 21 a 13 \l 1(1 DOlltl s 7 36 11 9 46 4 45 In grippe ooughs and preven t5 pnl' u, 11 (1 18 113 11 11 0 07 J. 8. Morris two deed records IIry. Kltob ell er 1"o r d e t a ll6 a hOU ll.hcsc exc ufslvnH. " 117 :18 119 48 14 47 monl~ and consum ption Ask til f or 10 113 0\1 til or. f llt't!s tel a ll y POltl l . lInc\ p ;:l. r t.h1llla tM Vaullbl e " " 17 40 for Reoord er .... .. ........ . " . 42 00 Foley's Honey aI\d Tar t9 50 04 49 PIIOBAT& OOOltT. and refu sll { 3 ttl or. t il 12 (11 Ed a lJoul ge wood P 'n rl syl\,unl a 117 L i nus 1)f)R,,", cn ger 44 III. G{ 14 53 any 8ubstit ute . offore d . Mr. G . (\ on :1 O:! Estllte of James Pettigr ew. de· James Follen, I:1.r., slllary as 5$ Lytle lIior \' lco CO U!'Ull •• 7 47 II 57 4 1i6 " janitor ......... .... .. ........ .. fiO 00 Vacher , if 157 Osgood St .• Ch iOllgn, Il l; 04 t:l r.7 :l:i Munor oeased. Proof of poblloo,,t,u:m of no. lJ . I!:. u O 'J' . 'l' h.:k t \'~cnl . Co 17 62 110 03 15 01 " writ·es: "My wife had ~ r, .J;' 1\ l IL 5 sever naymo e nd B~rhbar ier. 81\1· Centl'rv ille ' " ·8 00 , 10 10 W\'1l1~ . Ohto, tiotl of appoin tment of ndminl stra· Ii 07 OIIse of 10. f. 52 2 -I_G 37 HArnjlst eod MAll! U I(A . I!: xcurslon l1cltet.!-I to New aryas l188istllnt jan\tor:.. 35 00 snd:it left grippe three yeurs ago, " 8 08 10 18 5 15 or flied . . her with a terrible cOllgb . tf, .1\] 12 ·I!! 33 Orlea II tji, Moullc ami P e mmcoJI\ I·'ln .• " Ro"ly n 21 tli)7 She tried a bottle of Fol ey' ~ Honoy Febr" ar \' :!1 to :!O. Estllte· of Samuel W . Gu!!tin, de · S. A . Stilwel l, a!lvanc e on 5 4-1 2 :J7 :!o I. I'{IHlirer Urossi n g cc" . tM!:I 1116 tlO 10 26 Ii 22 and feea Tar ........... aud it ........... gave G 42 immed .. ; .. ... 200 00 2 ~G iAt e r e. \ ' - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _..J ~ 2(~ .. oellsod. Proof of IHlblicl ltion of no· r .. ' h~ II 1,1 Junoti" n arr 8 1.8 10 30 . 5 ' 25 lief. A 50 cent bottl e cllre,l bor fi on Lennie Whltao re, lmdge " reo DA Y'r O N 9 40 tioe of appoint mont of adminl stra· 6 00 PlratlD ll FoleY'1 ! Honey and 'l'ar. (0 . II , . II) ~ rlO t; 00 pairs Sa1!lm townsh ip ... 33 00 cough entirel y." Refuse BubHt itut09 ( R .$; D) 11 :00 (0 B '" D) tor tiled. Ii'. C. !:;chwnrtl':. 5 00 ( n ''i: XT )( F oloy I).~ X & 'l' ) Co . Chi CAgO. or gllni zell 9 01) (D X &: T) 6 O(J ne bond of Alex Boxwel l for EstiLte of Jorry Cono ver and Sou, Hon flv 1111(\ 'Pur ll S ,t t b roat li n d Inll~ ( 0 & x 1') ( 0 &: X '1') (0 &: Jt T) Probate Judge for ,1)000 was ap rem ell .. , li nd p9puillr i t y /If Fnloy's 1L8signnrR. FirRt Imil final accoun t , 'untlny unl .l' , 'l'mi n" puss L~' l li S fo ltnw~ : provllll. H, n y IInti 1',, 1' UlII II " ill1 itlt ions nro Nn rthbol1n r1 I ~ G II· f11 li 47 P 111 So uthboun d 7 03 P nJ lIottlem fm t fil ed . 9 04 I\. m ,f!' "'11<1 I .. r I.h I' [;C1 " oi n . AlIk for Specific ations for a High Trus~ IN 1>::: . 10 1)11 11:, Hl'lll' ru l PUM!lp.ngor Altellt, T..abanon, ~~!Jtu te of S IlIDu!l1 Hllrdillj l d e oell~ Ohio. F I , ' 8 8 0)1 " \. "lid '1'11 r " " II n' / nse II FlnL! ... 1111' ed. Proof of publlcat .lon of notio pridge aor088 the LUthI Millmi Ri l't" li n ,. H\lb ~t ' n r·r· lIiT"1'ell n·o o r.h(' t n ellr M" rrnw, were "1'111'\1\' 1'11 of nplIoin t,ment, nf OXA(1I1 t,>r n(oo,\ I, r, j)~ rnt.i , )I1 will j.ri l 'l" H, .. ~ " 11'1' ~n t. Audito r wa~ instruo ted to ad is fu cllnn . It ill lll ittl l.v laxu t.i \·() .. IT In r o eilrllliJ or fnnz E ~'.,x, lie v , The rt.ise lor .bids for the cun8tru otion .ontain . 11 0 opiu! i!'!! ,,".1 i ~ !l " f e ~ t. O~8ans -C1l1L8t'II, AIIl'lUllt· subj tlot t" inllur . of t,he brltl/!fI IIf t,h .. u hovH HIrtH 10 for child,'p o .111d r1 ollCl\te p Brsont! . Wi th 8o ll1 1'thin g s nbs.tnn tl ul to begin .the dll.Y on, suits every \tUII OI' tllX f,11:l7 9 ~ be opeued Febrliltory 28 membe r ~' C. Hohwllr t1.. of tht) housoh old theso cold mornin gs. In rll c"t .. t.e Hll eh ,,1 A .'I'hrook . ROUN DTRIP Deafne ss Oanno t be Cured. IJIOrtoll,l1eoolLgerl Amoun t, of moo · Most )Joopl e drinir ooffee lit b!'OiLkfll."r., · "nil. ~ o cun suit tho lover .1 -VIAhy IltOlllllpplic l.ltllln .. , III! t.hny con· of (:ofl'ee. W o h ,.vp II ~ good 'l line 0/ UOIfFIGE:-l "" von OILn ('loy "ubj.,1 I. t,·, iullflrit..lDoil '" x ~ O 1l3 find In towu not renoh Ihe di~OII"H ' 1 portion of Whn t hnt.I.M tllll11 l"i t,I('I' "Ilke~ w ith PUI'tE SYRUP . Get 311. I,he PilI'. 'I'l"'re 18 "nl~' oue way t.o Ponou.k e · FLOU R lLml ~YL'tO'P h er u In rtl .,,,1/"" ~f .Iuhn W· 'l·hOIl») . Olll'n d ea.fUl·~l!. nUll I.IIItt. III by con · Rt.itlltio fROM CINCINNATI. nll 1 raIllPIlj,," DeRfntl .. ~ is 8"11 ll ceell~I'd . Amoun t >' uhj tlc r, i", We ml·n f l11'ui h the lll" keuI' of nllmollls ; br~llkfllst, dinner tmd Telephone Day or Night. ell used b.Y IlU InDllIned · O. >IHIIt.\nn of ROP illhe)'\I."11I", t<lX ':lur,G Iii ~ on UIo February 21" to 16th. per , with "II """ annll iJia guuds. the IlIUOOll" IininK of Ih .. EIiSrHohilln UmIt March Jr<!. Extmolon to March Local NOI 7 E~',"It1 III M"r,' I :,uH!t'r , I"Ul t fl oi ury Tube. Whon t·hi" You Ilro invited to oal1. ~ 1906. y be hid by dopos" 0' tuhe i.. InfiHmed UtI ....YDImt 01 SOC wllh Joint Mtl.rtin .1111111'80 11 . b"vllJ ~ r,,·i <!Ih'(1 yOIl h,lve t, rumhlll ll( ,,<lund (I)' 1m THE CORN ER GROC ERY, Long Distanc e 1liii' "New Urteaoa or Mobil •• No. 69·3r , "~trn,,III", Mllr,' t;nn!{'''·. iii "PI' ,illt, perfeot. hpllrillg . 111111 \\' 1" ' 11 if. ill f'n tirf'ly olo~\' d, DtlItfn'1 "~ i. t,hn re.ult. STOPOVE R PRIVILEGES. Prop~leto1- , I'd in hi~ pl nOtl wil·1I hnl\rt I lf 111700 . lind unltlRH, tltn Irtlllllnl1 Branch Office, Harvevsburg, 0I For IIlformatl on ddN..:F.... ' .. t,.. .. , ROI ln 'I'I, ltll l1 lt! dl""'n!lj ,rt t,lLken out nnd r.\li. Inh"l1ltl"l1 clln bf' rl·~ tn'·l'rl In Invento ry ond uPilrlti~l1 lD l~ nr. tll ,.(1 itR norm,,1 comlitin t ,. h"lIr nit will. , ...... ret~ .D. P.A- q a Coloate. CllIdauIJ. D. p, linn, T. P. A- Q. a Co Ctocla.atL E..,I II II' IIr flill n B' Wi 1\ n, .Ir b~ destrnyp cI f" fav l'1 ; 111 11 ... l' n ~"S " n' All "Ifltt'ts h,l\'o full ed to fin nnd EU1.nbeth W\1s,ln. minor". B " ui ()f ten lIrA ~u~H.1 II \' ' ''"''1"11,. "'llicb b eltbl' rtJ lI) lid y fll r C,l U 'hll, cnll1 h lllindn ill not,hin ; bllt. Ill, 11!f1" 1Ilt'(1 " " Ildit.\on W.A.OA IUtI!1T. W.C.RINE of gU~rdlOll redutltl('\ to *20fll' AROON. Iuntr t.r!luhl ,,~ thun h" ll l oy '~ Hou,w of tbe m110 1\l1~ ~UrrHCI'8. . 0.1 M-cer. Con') P.... Apol. CINCINNA1'I, In ra WIll .11111U Rlnkl",. d, ' r ~ II", "1 ' We "III vive One Hundrp d Dol 'and Tllr. I t sl,ops t h o cUII ,.h. h ell I" W hlownr .,I!lct~ 1o 1·llK« IlI ltltlr the IlIr .. for any case uf Deu.fness(OII11sed : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ,th e ..lung" pre \'I'utH oll6 Il, "mit by' oatnrrb ) that OIInnot be oured : fr um 111111 Il oold . .1.. N sori 1'IItt u l'~Oroo provisio ns of, the wilL /Nn"hnu . I OWII , "'rit.(,·~ , " Ll1 st wint or by Ball 's Catu.rr h Cure. I::!and fO'I' Now 1{IIlVOll Union PII~8 Il1 ,!!e r ~IHti uil. ChiCIIgo , ILt, 8 l' 111 . , In re wl1\ Lvdil\ Sheet,.. 110001111011 mrouIR.t's , free . It Pays to Pay in Adva nce 'l ll.lIIon barl colrt 011 Ill y lungs lind . 1rlO,lll t 1I'I1 1< t bllih. dozell ulivrr t lRel1 Appliou tlon set for bl" lrln!! .r"nIllIfY F. J. Cbeney & Co .. Toledo. O. dni\.y , IIrri\'in g Owuhu IUO Il m .. lintl H"n Frnnels oo the Tbe attent ion of l1u ~e t. to '/lubscrlb oough m edioine s lind hull Sold by Dru~Rlsts, 750. l,reu ~\l, nt 9 o 'olook 1\. Ill . . nft.ern ooll of t be third (111)' . Throllg h ato.llllllrd 8leeper s. ors is oulled to t,h " fil e t t,hllt tho fr om two physioi uns witbou t Lll ont Tllke Hall's Family PIIl8 for oon· t get· In ra Bllrriet E. ~'ul'nlls. nil 1\1Ieg Chi c" go t o Slin FrnllciSlio, Ulnin g cnrs nnd observl ltion p'~ ice of the paper is "l.~ (; when not ting any he nefit. A 8tipatlo u. pnid in ILdvuncB. If )Jllid in nd· mended Foley 's B oneyfr ie nd reeom · 8(} inllDne perRon. Arlmltt ed to tbe onl's 1111 th e wil y. Ro u te - Ih ~ Illlll Tnr lind vunce it is ouly "1.00. As II nnm t\VO thirds of a bl)t·tl o State Hospita l for I,hn Insllno nt ourerl me . I bor of Huhsori pt.iollR p.xlllre ILt thi s conside r it th e greates A Remtlor kable t congh und Skin Beautif ier. Doyton . seuson, suiJsori bors should give t,h e lung m edicine In the wo rlU .· ' F. () Charles Wnduon . gnllrdlt lu of Henltb, Beauty tmd a. olear oom· mutter IIttentio n . Schwtlr tz ' ploidon through Laxako la Tonlo BURbrod 8mglllt nn imheoil" vs Busb· Tllbletll . " In all the years I have rod Singlet on. W. Maple been In busIDes s," says J . E. Jan· appolnt cd guardin n ad litem Wilt,on Dey"l do not roo lin evor selling any. Bllrvey• .Tohn N. Feuly Ilnd ,. . W. thing that bas aroused 80 mlloh in· . tero~t VALI, E V Pil O N}; NU.4 0 Merritt tIoppoln tod IIppmls erl! of red II day among my oustome rR, and not pll8Se9 but wo hear of some estllte. one greatly benefite d through using il.l cOllne ct,iu ll with I,he Unio n Pnoiflc')un<l Southo rn Plloitle Iill ll~. W, F. EJt.zrot b, Il8sign ne. oto vs Laxativ e Tonio Tablets ." W IIynes. ville Itlodies who bave ACC IDE NT W E . otookto n , at Ill . Anewer lind wlt·b pimples , hlotohebeen trouble d TO l1ri ~ t ~ l e o p i ll g on rs fo r Unlifor nin IOllve Union Pass. s, mothsp ots LOANS NEGOT IATED . en ger l;tn!.ioD, Chi oli go. 1025 p . Ill. r1 ni1y. Perdonl llly oon. orollS petition of the P oopleR Build. R·nd other skin tIoffeotionti. now pride NOTAH Y P U BLI We have buyers for good fll.rms !lnd town propert y lit u11 tim es. ducte d tl)Uri ~ t Cllt' pnrti es Ilt 102;, p . m . Tncsdll vs and ing Loan 1\0(1 Snvlng " Comptl.ny thellll!e lves on the fresb, heaUhy List with U8. we can help you. comple xion obtaine d through usinR Thul"sd nys . flIN!. . Oillce ROOUlIl ?ver Post Ottioe in Stoops' Buildin g . thlR mild touio laxativ e. &it.a te of .Jllne Hinkle deooase u. J-\ ny Ll CKct 31.!" ll t wfll l'lc ll yfl u lil' j' t: lS t o Californi a \'I a thi8 And It is not surpris ing. Tbey r o ut-c lf you ad li. him t l~ li n ,,0. Dcs(' r i(lt1 \' c r o ld c r~ r n·'o. lovenl,( )ry lI.nd , npprnis l'ment flied. differen t from anythin g else you Estate of Bolen M. Bennet,t. IInbe ever betl.rd of. Laxakol ll. Touio Tab. AND let-a are a per.foot 24 VAIlF.W BUILDING, ation of oile . Invento ry ml!d Tholllllil Mil. du.ndeUou. ollscarl n oombin and other lax· Travoli ng PR ssenge r Agent. Or8g oDia ,~Oh ioa OINOiN.N A TV .. ler APllOlnterl gunrnin n with hond ative remedie s known, to havo a When Wantin g I?eoulia r and benefio lal influen ce 00 of 16000. EMt~te of r.lul'lI 1-1 Hll!!O. IIf'ol'll!lpd . tbe blood, htlmull \te the liver fresh en the skin, and cure obronio con· Flr"t '"nd finAl IlCOOlunt, fill' N",tt,lo stipatio u hy toulng uptbe inteRtin el' Fo~ nny III cose of thll s kin there ~ll ment-· filerl ~ Notic e of Appo intme nt. , and enoonra ging the natural aotlon is notbin g better t h"n C hamber . of the bowels. Once tripd t,bey in . Illin's SlIln'. It r Bli e"o~ t bo Itohing "'; 81a10 o f Mary S. Maloney. d eceased In 1'8 Wlllinm Dunn , nn "PIII'llt,lo IIpiJ:e perfeot conflde nce nnd Mr. Oornor st.rips for tobuooo boxes for Rlllo . lind burning sOUlmti ol1 iU!ltant ly and T he und e rsIgned has boon appolnte,1 and . ArhnIU.p.d to the Ohio flm'll\t.u1 fol' I ,Ta~lley return8 your quarter q UQllfl ecl n. admlul. lrOllrLr of In e ..t ' le of snon olIeota 11 oure, !:;o ld by F .. O. If yon .Epllept lo lit Hnllil)olis. Ma,~' ,Malone y, Into of Warre n Counly lire dlllllppo inted, . ::lohwllrt1.. OhIo, d cc".... ed. . - . , Doled tnla 10th lIay of Janu,a ry A. D. IROtI MARY 1\l00&ua. , 111 t J AdmlnlJltntrlJ:.
FRE SH ~ E'V ' Y;EAlf
Case after Case of the · New .. comi ns', ' LOOK '.A.rr l'HE
Fig'd and .()rit ted·
S wiss, Chif f?n C'r epe Emb 'd Pong ee,
Chif fone tte,
Merc erize d Effe cts () New Show
of Glass 50 feet long . ful19f the Now Dre s
- -- -
Colo rada ' Mexico N. vres t S. Sout .h outh east
!!!!!!"""'' ' ' '.........
Hutcbis~n ~ (jibn~y, Pennsy lvania X~nia, Cbi~. - . ---.. Dayton, Lebanon & Cincinnatt ·R. R. Calif ornia FloriihL
i Bras
$21 .25 Nal 20. 00 Mobila '
m o a
i_. ----- ---or---
Overland Limited To California
Gra in.
Val ley Pho ne
hicag 0, Mil waukee &st. Paul r Railawy
Por tlan d Cem ent, Lum ber, Shil !Blc s,an d kind s of' al. , DEA LER S InF lou r 'P eed and
C. M. BRO WN ,
c. c.
Mor dou ch,
-Wee Macgreegor's Pie~e ' 0' P~tty
I ' "It " l ight " 'aleen ""tlt, Jp,snnle'," bl added, a IItlle hop~tully, ' " I dl,l riot /!,J<RcLi r Pt\y .• ,~,,~ whlI) I bo 1:lll dfej" ~nltt hi s 11'1(0, "hilt YO ml gh~ s l'e h \tu a les on he'll 1I0t foq;cl. 1'111 not ;;ui n' t hl1'o ~;IItl· 110a" II,,' a ll ' il1·u ~ ln ' ot her ch ildl'on . 0' ye 3CC?" "Dil l wha t D m I to cl o, l.l zzle?" :' I 'JI 11'11 y~, ,Jo h n, \ '0 go 0 \ ' l' [0 tllo
Decrees' of p,ame Fashion A TRULY. iDEAL-WIFE
, N(twherp do we sea Ih p IIS'lll·ntted Hleeto III Ihe ~tre.ot nul\. Tho coquet, HER HUSBA~D'S BEST Ife:LP~~ b'R rm ea tR of 1I0me y e& r~ ha c' I;. Wh ilt Is ., ,iSh II Icorne hnt la of felt. trlmmect __-__ , s pok~ 1l of a s rloEe I¥ nnyl hlng but I w!lb yalvet nnr! te!lt hel'\!. A gllmps. V! ~orouB lI,,~l tb ls tile Grel't Source ors nu g, 11 J,)oseness oblalns, A princes ' of wblt lingerie nf \lro n cl, r;I\'<! 0 Po,vor to IMpl ro nuc1 lllacolll'a&oI .LUI Womon 6110ulCl S oek 1" I g <i wn t I lut Ilas u ,r"pml sngh 11'111 IIbl IIalnly Hnls h t o th e charl':)ln!; tO~ tllm o . ,I Zncouralflng RaUwa y g NP, By J, J, BELL have I:,e s8s h couHIlQ Ihl! tI~lIr .. , bllt Uol ol'os uro ex tremely sho l: In W <! Ono of th o mos t. 1101.0 (1 , sll cc es.~tul ancl , 'he ln ilial number of 1\ IlubllcaL10e \\'111 oe sew n hi gh dll the s l,ln of t ho bn cl; nnd pretty lon g In tho tro nt aH ,.'oh,.st nh~n Il! t.h h~ Cl'O LltI'Y. i u n I'CCI! ot dT ~s~. ll. ml... Thl3 Is II k indly tr ick to con· n rtiul-.!, h a ' ttai ci., ~ . \!v (..'!' I finl unu eij~tied " "The orth-WegtorD BulI c Op,. I~II ', ' 90), b, J O'<r ~ Il, uowl ••. ) .1r ~sr t· an ' open lh ~ w ee drawer l\n ' Al though " Iorks ore hiGher lind fit , ceal rleOcll'ncles of th e n l; U" ~, to soCten whnu' \'l' r u nCCC!;i:" I hll.vo at t.a ined i f] leUn," just Issu"cl by lhe Chicago A" Wllell I'm " man." obse n 'Nl Mac·' YO I n~~ out t il" lab it!t >'c lrr'ou !; llI I;o mo n"atly nuo"t t il neck, muny wom ~ n nngulnrltl 's and to rull ea l too grent thi s wOl' ld l ow" nil to my wifc, 1"1'0,(\ Nor th western railway In ilie Interes~ grego r, Icll llln l': aga ins t th e Ilnees of for ~I ll cgr cego:l' -- A 1'0 yc Ilsll' lItu "/" tfl u ,IIL,\' I II I'~ t k,IlIlV hel' s ho has IIN' I. W"lIr for Ilfternoon nnd \'cnlnl\ no I c:nhonpulnt. It Is n nl), lo \\'0 muy coil BIl ins pirati on. u n d. tho gl'eatest h dVof hs eml)loycs, Is (L mnBL co mm ent!- hi !! ralher, \\'ho was e nj oying an ('ven ' "Ay, WOJlH\lI . " Glocll at all . Tho rctllrn ilr the DUIC h gencm ll y be,:oll1 ln g. ' mute of my lifo." able move on tho Ilnl't of t he co mpany In g pipe bcfor' the Itlt cl,cn flrc"An' y o ' tell. ~1 ""g rQe!;o l' yo boug ht '~l1srat lllatlon A colorfu l sea~ou Is u po n us, R colorn ec k fs motte r for In the dlre~lI() n or Impr oved cond i- "w hnn I'm a man , I' m ;;oln g to be th e I ~b l ct fO I' hi s Sa"" ',I,,y tr<'at, Hali K' among st ou t womc n, ond unl ess th e ' f ol se~ s o l) I. 10. ~ Il C'·OC t l. Tim ftl,'o l'· In' ho desery cd Il , !Jil t ye ' ve fOUllll ali t tions and worlhy of elllu1!\\lon by ra:l - a palnler ." throat I~ very 8cr a n'Oy Indeed l he hoil : 11 ~ shudeR lire har tl 10 determin e ; lIut "A palnl er ?" echoed J ohn. ' "0' yeo ho dol'S no t ,Iesene It, I1n' ,vu cauna way oolllpan'les I bo \\' orld ove r. On low nce ll I ~ 'lu\ta nltmct lv c, nltho uli h I Wp run)' mp. l1llo n th ut pf'3corll hl u~ has gi'o him nny." h ear what Mll cgr ce,;o "'s ;:.yln', Li z· tbo var ious dll'lslons of Lhe road tbe I he r lgh l point 1ll1l~t be choso n, neither str vllS holr! bo t h III millinery ond zle?" he Inquired of hi s wife. "r\w, J, i? 1.ic ~" agel~t s liave organized looal agenls' too lilW nOr too blgh. fro ck mnt rrln le. 1\ ~h,-, Illr! Il ot b(' Llz1.le mol s tcn ecl he r On ger nnll " A n' ye ti c 1I f' t ho 1)3I'rl' l, tin' m[\l,e S~ealli ll g -'If 0111' ,.tOll t .Islp.r., w e IIsed too S~llcroll s l y , 0 little 13 murh associa tions, one fl' r each division, tbumb, twl r l c ~ th e end of n thread , alltl hili , tul; e It rou nd 'ho eo rU"r 10 Wli llo a nd at th ei r monthly meet ings va rlo\;. Inserted It luto th e eye oC a need le er e Th nm. on. nn' gi'" It to \\' lllle 1'11llm- wou d \1'l1rn a galn 2t thc ~e l c ctlo n of better than n g l'eat weill. We recent· pl'Oblems I bat co nf ront th e local ager,C she repli ed, "Whot ki nd 0 ' a painter? son, un' /:1'0 blm b.lclt ttl S PlitlY us ti g ht hod lccR, I ho ho le ro properly Cllt Iy h:t rl our Illt en llon c:dll'd to a lov ely an d Irlmm od I. milch lIelter. 'r ho combination, "whl lo mnUnee coni In th e performa n ce of h is dally dutiCB Is It "Ictures ye' re wunllD' to paint. well. " Dut it 's wom a n nf a,'o rol 'l jlolS mllY he g la d worn with ch in chi ll a fll"" nntl n hnt arc dlec usscd, oJ<llerlences recited and Macgrcegor?" "~ I nybe ye'r,e rIght , LI ,,~ l tl . Wud I fo r th e 10llg gklrl, \ 0 0, but Rhoul (1 not of peacock lone.. Il \V a 3 " r!lffprenl," "Nllw! " sold her son , with great n hnrd tlfln!; ye',." " ' k in', n ew methods sugges ted fo r tbe better tntJl ct t~ I atreet, If s he Is short nH well liB stou t, wheror,) rO onc I'lement o r Its :l.ttrnr· scorn, "I'm goln ' to ba'e a big pot 0 ' not do t o gl'e hi m hul [ the m ent of th e ser vice, Tbese dlscugtlv enes~. An d now we have s poke n of IHo ns r esult In much prac.l Ical good to paint an' u bi g bru sh, an' I'm goln' to tako to Willi e Thomsoll?" mnt lneo apparel, ' we a re moycd to t ('l1 stand on II ladder, an' paint with wblt e ":-':0, no ," sa id Lizzie, ftrm l~'. " Here, all t:Qnrerned, T h e Inter est manlfOJ!tof a Ilr ctty II lt ll' lI l'(,RS wo saw Ih o paint, an ' red Im lnt , an' blu e paint. Macg reegor !" s ho ca lled t o her son . ad by the management of t he Nor t bothel' atternoon at the th enle r, It wns AD' J'm gel n' to ha 'e big dabs oC " Ycr naw lI':tnts to s pc3 k to re. No\\', ",'cst ern !lne In tb esu agen ts' meeti ngs putty fur stlckl n' In holes. I like John !" 0 111' of t.he old.r ose cloth ros tume$ 1'0 bo such 0. successful ",Ire, to r at hat have bee n notlce:l.blo th is wlnt cr . tnln thil 10 " 0 nnel admiration ot her and th e value placed on their expres - putty, H er e's a bit!" And Macgrego.r \\'Ilb a hu ge s ir;h, .J ohn rose, wetl t but Ihls ono wa s 'esilecialy dalnt}' nnd llU shallll, to in.plro h iln to mnl'e th e sions, Is Indicated by tbe openi ng produced from h Is I rou sers-pocket a to th e wee dmw",. In tho dresser , lind ,'ery becoming to the da rk.halred gi rl most o t himse lf, should be Do WOLOtLU'S paragraph ot the Bulletin : " Tbe pa- lump of Ihe g ray is h, plast'lc Rubstance, return ed wi t h the IlOI[c or " tab let. " conslant stud \', " ' ho wore II . The skirt was a princess If [~ womn D finds that h er enc,;ri~~ "Ugb!" e xclaimed Li zz ie, 10 disgust , " Pow," snld Mn cg l'os or, absently, " I pers which ha-/e bellO r ead from Ume with a hi g h girdle, the uPllor part ot arc Oagging, lbn.t ~ h e gets ellSily tired, like Ill blet be tter than putty." to lime at the m elttlngll of the star th e bodi ce a tlowered silk mu slin, old d nrle s hado \V ~ uppuar under h.'r "yes , "MILcgrcegor'," snltt .Iohn, with a Uon agents' associations on tb e vartrose with elaborations In dull brown s tihe bas baden 'ho, h cnrlll.c hes, bearin g · nalnful effo rt, "why did yo st rlll c poo r ous divisions ?f the Cblcago &. NorthSlid greens , 'rhe muslin was fas hion ed down pains, 1ll1 rV0l1 ~ U CSS, Irregularili 'S ,Willie Thomso n ?" with mu ch numn esR, and gav e a dressy 01' th e blues, shc should start nt nn Cl' we st~ rn railway have IntUcated caro"I wanted a woe bit 0' putt y." look to what mi ght hllve been n r ather to build up h~r system by lL toulu with rul ,tbought aud a keen appreciation o! ~pccitl(1 powers, stloh as Lydia E, Pinl,· "AY," murmured John, an ll ~ ,lu sed conditions, " 'rhey bave Ilecn of such plain coslume. The hat was co verci! balD'S V~~rctn ble Co mpound , for a moment_ "A r e ye so rry y~ hit ""Ith plumes ot ru sy huo, shadln:; trom Follo win g 11'0 pubttsh by rNlllcst " Interest and Inspiration III tbe omclal. him ?" pi nk to wino red. Ictter t rom 110 young wife: ot tbe road that- It Is dee med advl..... "Na"', I got tho \lull y, paw ." Dcttr MI"8. Pinku:lIu: A plain IIltle sblrt,walst suit of s llb "Ever sluro my dlild W1lS born 1 II",·" s"t. able to secure IL wide r distribution fot "But yo should be ~o rry , ~lac or wool may be transform ed by t bo ad fer", I, os l hoper.\\, WOllle n ovor havn,wlth illgrocgor." &II many of tbem at poss ible." Whe'/. dillon \') f a belt of gold tin sel or 01 IIIUTllnntluli. femnle woal",_, Oenrhllr;·<lowll Macgresor's vlsase besao tLl a~s llme the manage m~n ~ of a corporation free.Pompadoll r rlbboo, A II ltle Persian pain., backacbe nn,l wrewhed hearlneh...... It a n an~lou s expre~ s lo n . . Qfr~knl my stolluwh ~ [ ('Quhl nf)t enjoy lily l, declares' that tbe vlews ,Qt.' 1,.helr lotrimmIng Is ,'ery , freet h 'l! on ' a IItlll mool. , Bud h"U m y time was _rent In hOc!. "Yer maw," conti nued John-'-"yer cal' subordinates " have' beeo' of sUell tarlnn It shollid be Ullnecer. "I,ydi4 E. Plllkh/Llll'. V9jtetnbloCompound Dlaw BUYS ye ca nn a-" Intere$t , and Ins p.!rat\ou" , as. to ca~l sary to menUo n that trim stoclt nnd mo do 11101\ 11'011 womlloll, and H ooI "o gmlllrul "John!" murmured L i1.l l ~, wllrntbllt I Rill gl&cl to writa and leU you of my tor the trouj)le and expense of g!.v ~ cutts nro n dalu ty nn lah not. to be ma,,'elou. rcrovcrv. It broUj:ht 1M hcnllh , in gly . Oli' IVJN~;' R EO CL01' H nel; lecled , but orten thl 9 Important I10W lito and "ltnlity,"-MI... B" 01l18 AIII"ley, ing t1iem wider distribution among of" Yer maw nnd me th in ks ye eanna one ebnormall y 1 ~l1g t or her heIgh t. deta il Is omit te d, Thel'e Is dec ldnd 61t & ut h 10th Stroot , TIIl'oum, W l\lth, fi cers aJid f eUow employea, It 18 obvloua get ony ta blet to morrow mornln '," Wha t Ly rll n. F.. Vegetable .to' a.Il that existing Industrial probr " An '-ye'vc got Lo g\'e th e tablet to W e yet r emembe r wHit amllselnenl :, tende ncy Iowa I'd rellov lng the former Compallnc' did forPinkham's llrrs, AinSley It will ' Iem!< ar~ In a fair way to meet a 'soIII · Will ie Th omson, nn' gl'c him baek h is tbe appearanCe of a In:ly whoso trai n plnlnness of the shl rt,wals t flU It, and do for every sick and allln j.! womnn , If yon hll" o sympwDls you ,lon't linputt~, too, an '- au '-oh, Li zz ie, I seemed to measure more In ches thlm the fnvo rll c means 18 by use of a Ilt· tioQ along t he most sati sfactory IlneJj her heIght, This Is ri diculous, I led girdle on tbe walH, wh ich Is derstancl wrllo to 1I1rs. j>lnlchalll, canna soy on y malr! " to all oonl."erned, The employes ot Everybody waot s one good cloth co~- worn outslrle ot the sk ir t. MallY of dal1 g h lcr·I,, -la,v of Lydia E PinklcAm, It toolc a re w seconds for thc dire the Chicago &: Northw estern railway, truth 10 dawn IIpon l\tacgregor, but tnme, and t he design given here b t he new models look III,a rao~y jacltet at Ly nn, Mass, Bilr advice Is fl 'e auu t ~ seems, are to be congratuilloted UPOIl L~~~~~~~~~~, when Il dill a low wa ll Iss ued. from an ' admirabl e one, a costu me .If ""Inc. I suits, tbe wnls t Be trimmed as to slmtl. la.I~'!!V~"~Y~S~h~~~I~P~tu~,~ , ,tills movement which serves to bring r ed cloth trimm ed with velvet Of ' Into a jael.c\. hili), aud the toa'r s boga n to IIow. CUltREN~' CURIOS, tbO~ Into ~Iose~ tou cb wltb t belr 8U. , John was a bout 10 !ltl him OUto his darker shade ; just tOllches of the vel- , Th Q very la test In wols ts Is th e r1yed pertors, many of wbom bave grown kn ee, but Lizz ie Interposed. vet, no hroat\ tri mm in g, The skirt ' lace blouse, tho pale pink s and blues "'Where did ye, get that ? Ye'll just J.fg htnln!; 81 rll cl{ the 1,,)IIno ry or ,'UP wUh . the growtb of 'th'e road aDd "Put on yer cap, l\tacsreegor," sho Is very long, tb e coat ODe or t il e loose II pcrbop s most promlnont, Ther o ar e 8011 yer clothes with the nasly stu If," MI'II. ~"ow l cr, In B100mft Id , Con n., advan ced to placo~ ot responsibility said, quIetly, "an' take the tablet an' close ones referred tv a bove, No tt~a al so snme n'l1vy blue onos show:l and "Willie 'l'l\omson ' sometlmes, gets ., irom tho' ' Iowe~t ranks, Much ' of' th,e putty trom blll' pa,.., WIllie's paw'1l a putty round, to ' Willi e Tho mson, It 's that the sloeves, too, are lon g, a nd we probably the fancy w!ll grow to auch and 1, llIecl one he n out of 100 per ched on t he dlrtol'fl nt roo~ts, but ,Ud no not dark ye!," she M cted, s lancl ng ollt would mention th a t tllO latest 1m· nu extent the Ince will be dyetl to suit s.trellgLh of o)lr railways to·day Is due joiner," . ot h er d:lma:;p. . of. the win dew. portatlons from a Paris bouse s uggeat IndIvidual tns te. Personally we do 'to this training, selection iLDd pro"J thought you au' Willie was out," A bushel of bituminous coa l I. dit· an abutemen( ot the craze for the sho'rt oot care mu ch for the fas blon, "'r;m not wnnlin' to gi'e tho tsblet . motion, by which tbe most', humble laid ' John: "Ha'e YII. been makin' rel'eht In <ll n'prent states. In Illinois, to Willie Thomson, " so bbed the luckmember of tbe working staff Is encour- friends wi' blm aga.lJl?" 101\'11, Mlssoul'l aod . Ke ntucl.y Its less youngster. "Naw, But I seen him 'wI' tbe put· aged to climb tbe steps of tbe o,mctit wc1:\'ht Is 80 1>0UnclE; In Pennsyl\'an la, "Ye've jist tQ do what ye're tOld," 7C pound'l, ani;! lu Ind ians, 70 pounds, Jadder by right of Indlvldua.l merit t)', au' I asked him for ,a dab," returned bls mother, calmly, but not A &Own we OnC& wou .. 1 bave spukcu this blouse It toiles three and 0 halt "It WIV! resl nice 0' tbEj laddie to IJ:llesherbc, I hc r enownod FrO;JCll .an'cl bard work, and the modesL sbeet gI'e ye a bit," ~emarked Llzzlc, looking uiJklndly, "Ve'ra nat to be a 'solty of as "Frencby" would have been yards of materlol 28 Inches wide, an: llol', found b 'mse lf In a dream a t-referred to will go a ' long way to.ward now," sb e \' I 'ent on, endeavoring to dry artfully complex, ' bad dlmcllit trim· LaRt RUmmel' IbA s hlrt·wo l! t wit up trom ber seam, ta ~ke d try a ro , .. dy who stabbed him . e»tabllshlng an Increased conftdence ''HE! dldna gl'e It, maw . .1 took It his ey e~, " Ye're to be a man. What mlng~ Introduced b ore Bnd thero, just was not Quite so. much In f ash ion as Ih e In his left breou, with a dagger In an wud \Vlllle Thomson think If h e seen aaved trom fuss ln c3s by the skill of jacket slllt, a bl"lIso of. thin material and gOod (eoUn;; that ' means , mucb for from him," nren whero th o following eveni ng lie Ita creator; but to·day all this Is favored. It would now secm that tire employes, ," , " Aw, Macgreegorl" sold Lizzie, sbak- ye crying? Ell, Maeg.eegor?" fo iL th o fir ot a tt[lck of s overo PII UU. Lizzie had s truck the right noto, changed, the di stinctly Parl~lan gown s hlrt·wals l Bult tn ",'as h mRterl a lH Is ing ber head, reproacbfully , Tbe sobs ceased, ' thoug h the breatb III Doted for elmpllcltr, a be,aut!tul to return to favor the coming 8 ~un; monlo. Our Brealda.t Food.' "W1111e' s bigger th~n Ole, maw," A moctln g or I'e unlon 01 tbe sradWin ter bas many charms arid 110 ell!"Ay ; but he's vory wenk In tbe stili came. g ustily. }-io mopped the sImplicity tbat mf allS mv gt Intl!!!!ge nl [lnd 80 mnny get r eady t.belr s "rln" tears wltb his c,a p, and replaced It Gn knowledge of . "!Inc," 'To'da,y th e nnt! ~nmmer fro cks durIng tho In~ uat es 0 1 [l ,Ieur·mut e school wall beld ' rerenL charm 'tor allI!ost every class of It!g8. .. hIS besd. . best Impertatlons from Paris nre clement weather o~ lale winter lind In a wost orn city I'ceen tl y, und an acpeople. It 18 ,the seasOn of society or "I hit him, aD' he tumbled: aD' I "Am I to gl.'e blm all the tablet an' marked by the Inde~crlbable "line," early .aprln:;, we tblnl, It woll to touclT count of th proceed ings wns Re nt out ' the dance or tbe skating rink or the jIst took halt blll pntty," said Mac, tba putty too'/" be Inquired, 1,lahi- an,d are almo st s,e vore In their pIal,n. on ad\'ancll fa~ hlo'ns, A fancy that to new tjllll,ors by a local Bc rlhl'. Thl g , club or tbe revlva.l "meeting, ,according cregor, un~oncerned,ly. ness. The dressmRker muat labor .,un- promlMs to appeal, Is that ilr rorribln- account con tained R careful "Us t or Joha was about to laugb, when he , lively, tD a person '. taste" Some enjoy the caught "Ay. An' ye're to. sa), "e-re IIOrry til sbe bas gOt for ber patron auch Ing n lingerie wais t with the material iP ~al,c r s , " his wife's eye. , long nights !lnd sleeping and some enAr:l0ng the cunoa prosc rved In t h "An' how ' would ye IIl;e," she said, fur hurttn' hIm . He's not a big, st rong hang and lit that both can be pro- usod In the Bk rt, thu ~ mallng a COB , Bank nf England 13 :l. hanillto te thnt loy the rich winter diet, Wben It addreSSIng her Ron, "If yer paw gl'ed laddie mte Yllrsel', Macgreegor-mlnd noullced becoming.' graceful- wblch tuma no:! ke epl h ~ to s omet hing a litc~mes 'to Victuals, l'aY/I tbe Cblcago ye putty , ' IIn' IInother laddie came ~hall yer paw an ' me wudnn lII.e It tlo dreas lp.r thnn the plllln 'shlrt-walst pn ~ : ..d Ihrou sh t l!e Chlcngo. Ore, Tire Cbronlcle, ,tas1ies dltter ,widely again, ye was weak I,n the legs like poor WII, suit, And t hla Is to. be recommended, paller wa s cun sume,1 but tlle ,Jlsh II Id lie, Now, JUB,t go round an ' gl'e him but a 8urprls1ngly large majorl t y or as th Ono sheor mlltarlal s comllino so tog ethor and Ibe printing I~ qui to "Paw huna any putty," Lhe tablet an' his putty, an' see If y~ ' errectl"cl~ with h eavier 9nes, For le;;lb le. It Is kcpt care fnUy unll cr mankind- we :wJl1 no t Bay all-1s parJohn snlg:;llr ed beblnd his hand, hous e gowus daInty lawn berthas and cla ~s. The htlD k paid tlt e 1I0te. tial to paDcakes at 'lhls season the "Willi," suld Llz'~le, castlnll her hilS' canna malIC friends wi ' him again." S eagulls InI'R(l ccl a b ontful or hcr· "I'm not \Va,n\ln' to ,be tr'lcnds," said cl\em Ise ttes will be preferred to lace year ', Some like turkey. somo ham ~d band a s~ v cre 10011, and turning again at Nanalmo, "Vash" wbllo t:l ' rln;; Macgrp.gor, rebellious ly , "I ' m not Or embrOidery, , aome llOrk; bllt all, or n early 01.1, are to her son , "how would y~ like If yer fish"rru co ,,:cre >llYay. Wb en til n.h , wanttn' to so," ELl,EN OSMON D!::. a·pt . to' like pancakes ' ,for b.reakfast., paw gl'ed · ye tuhlet, an' anltber lad· el'me n r\1tltl'll t!.lI CO ha d oalen Bll mU C!1 "Are yo tenrt of WIllie Thom son?" WOMEN WHO MAKE NIPPERS lhnt bey could tlot ny a way, '1',1 With most of us brea'kfast w'oulel not d'e caw' an' 100 11 hall o' lt awa'! " 'rl would gl'e him oue on the nose asked Lizzie, Anotl)er clever slrol.e! be breakfast wttbout them. Tbere Is twice!" sa id Macgregor, boldly, going "I'm no feart! I 'll go !" Lively Vllt~ Their Flncers and Can fi shermen Ilftotl them Into t he wat :',unci I hey JIlBt manased to s.-,Im to t1: o no Imagln'allon nor 'caprice abou t t his, over to tho WIDOOW 10 'see the lamps "That's :he boy! " cried Joh'n, . who Knit F:lSter Th a n They shorf', wbore th ey Itly down 0 t'e " '''; Win ter weal ner . cul1s for food Ulat Is being rlshted, had been Il!Itll!Dln g In g loomy sllonce. \ Walk, '1'00; lill' h' dinner, not· b nly hot Itselt, but heatllU', It "But If be bit ye an' knocked )'e "I knew ye waSn't feart," ,More t hn n ) ,1>00 women.ln eastern Ten minute!> dra g~e d slowly past. ' calls for eatables toot can be swal- down?" . A Deftn! tlon, Hancocl, C<' llnty ElRrn moncy ' for "Old ye expec' he wud dae 't?" asked '" wudDa let him, Paw basna c!'ed "Pa, wbat Is expel'lence?" lowed beforo they get coil!, All .eorts Chrlslmas pr ose nts and wi nter cloth"r;:xpor iflOce, my son, Is ' Ih e C~ ", .)'t bread ,sets ch'llled before th~ colltie me tablet fur a . loag ,while," said (be John , prcseD-Uy, Ing by knll1lDg "Ioolen nippers which pound extract of t he r esult of butt :nl; "Oeb, yes! " with' alfeeted eareles80 gelS low In the cup. 'rhe pancake- buy over his shOll hll'r, are used by l pc wlntcr fi she rm e n who 1D,"-ToWIl Topics: "Macg'r eegor," Ruld bls mol her, sol · neijS, .we are tbJnk.lng now ·ot home-comes ' sail out fl'l"lD OIoucester, Mass. "I wls ht I bad wBnt wi' him," saId emnly, "I'm t1llokln' y'l're gettln ' from th e gr iddle every t wo minutes A Ils l1 cl'man's nipper Is a heavy Joho, worse every day ." and I?nc 16 placed over another 'to keep THE LITTLE WIDOW_ wool mitt ,·, Ith a short wrist and with "A.w, th e boy '~ all rlgbt, Llule," In, Llzzlo put lID half a dozen stitches ID !t warm, Tb ere are constant fresh- terposoil John , sortly, a thi ck orote ctlon for tbc thumb Bnd . silence. ' Th eil she said: "Ye migbt FOREVEHYDAY WEAR. ness. llavor and warmth such as we ge t foreflng er n nel a padded palm. It was A Mlgbty GaCld Sort ot NeIghbor to "Hold yer tongue, John," retorteel go rount! an' sec wbat's kccpln' him, .Have. des igned for protecting tbe bands of In no 1JI.ber way In our food , There are Ll z11", quietly. "The boy's DOt all John." J ma ny a greeable \'arJetles of pancal,es, ri g ht. An' Instead 0' laughing at him ""II do that .. Liz zie. Do ye tplnk I w!l: mean tbe desl rable attainment of fishermen who haul wet lines In oold "A HLtle Widow, a nelgbbor ot mln c, weather. some mucll more common tban othe rs, an' maltl'" " pct 0' him, ye ought to might bllY blm a bit tahlet when I'm "litle," to persuaded me to try Grape-Nu ls wbell But again "lines" are new,fashloned Jo'ully fiO ,OO O pain of nippers are be gI'en him a good whipping," alii 1" lie wsked tbe Question dim· Not many people eM rJee pancakes or 11.110\ and 0 d-fashloned, and to te ll the truth worn out every year, of which more DIY stomach waa so , ,~ eak lhat It \Yoll lel " ,'''e never whlpPClI a lad yet, IIn'-" dently , not retain food of any otbor 1<lutl ." cha" potato Ilancakrs, though they mal' be "It's (ODsy seen yo'va never whlppod His wife looked up trom her seam, It Is a bit hard to Bssert just 'wbat are than i 5 per cent, .re knitted by women writes a gratef ul woman, from San and , delicloUli, Flour paocn.kes are just a9 modish, for tbero exists considerable wbo I!Vtl ! n the shore tGWn. east of good when ;iliey life called "Jlan'neJ MUgrer.gor, John. Ye jillt let him !:et "I f yll like, John," she sold, genlly, Bel'Dardln'.l Co" Cal. COUI hlB own way, an ' he de'Cs not know "I'm ttrlnkln' tbe laddie's had his le~ dlsaenalon In the ranks of tbl! good Penobscot river , As 11 rule, a wom"I had been !II and connned to my calles," IIOt ~e"au8e they are an .tol1g~ gown makers, When doctors dlsag!'ee an with active finger. can knit four cast when he's mlsb ehavlD' hl sselt," son now. He"s very prond fill' a child, bed with fever and nervous )li'Ostratl"~ as {lIlUDeI 'Of' lallOO like Oaunel, lIut bethere Is trouble enough-but wben the pairs of ulppers ada)' ID Ilddltlon to "WeI!, what do ye waot me to do, Is he not?" or for three 1(,, 01; months after thc hlr't h (~1I8 e Utey bave the porous at.ruc \ ure Llzde?" "Ay," ,said Jlotm. "There's not man), gownmakers! You may appear long· doing bor housework, . of my seoond boy. We were In despa ir and tbe rI ch .Y.el!low aWl of old flannel. waisted and ~ve:to, or with almost A amart knitter can IIl1e lip a great, "I want ,e to punlsb Mac~got' fer like Macgreegor." lie nodded to hla equal approval, you may atrect the Jo- er lenglh 0' yarn tban sho can cover unW thb little widow's advice b ~ough t All theSe 1U'.e goo.d, but the palm must hlttln' tbat poor laddlo, WIllie Thorn· wlte, and wen,t out, reltef, sephlne sbort waist. Skirts generally, III walking aloug a good road , her be awarde~ to bllck~heat, ~leued be _ , an' stealln' his putty," said Liz, About 20 o\lnutes later ralher and "I liked Orape-Nuts foorl from the beIt I. a co.mfort to say, are plain and' Oneers out~t rlpplng her feet 10 a ratio tbe man woo 1I1'st tn"ented buckwbeal zle, In an undertone, lIOn reentered tbe bouse logelber, ginning, I'.nd In an Incredibly short etralgbt up and down, aDd for eveninG' of se\'en to five , She Is counted a cakes! Theal! _t only the best Macgregor CAme back from the win· Botb were beaming, limo It gavo me such strength thlll 1. of l>an Cil~S, but the e.ldmBJI of all , win- Itow wltb the putty plastered ower hl ~ "I couldo't I~et Macgreegor 8\\'a' trom we , have returned tLJ tbe small train, poor knitter wbo cannot knit liP a was able to leave my bed and enj::)), Some dre8llmakers keep to the sqUAre mile ot yarn whUe she Ie walking a Willie TbomtlOa, Llzde," sold Johu, ter food. Nol!hlng Is 100 frag rant, DOth · nOltC. In 2 ,boulders and puffed·up sleeves, otbers mile, though w!'en B person keepi bel' my three sooll meals a day, "Paw, see mY' nose!" bp. said, gayl)' , smiling. Ing so Oiling and utbfylng, nothins months my weight Increased from 05 b!lve brougbt blck tbe drooping ahouleycs llpon the flying needles ' all the "Well, well," said his wlfo, loeklng to 113 pounds, my nerves bad steadied so nouri shing, xwthlng 80 warming anc unaware nt Ihe oonversalloo which bad pleased, "An' did ye &I'e Willlt the der and drooping sleeve, Olrdlea are time walk!Dg Is more from teellnlr down, anti 1 felt ready tor anything, nOLblng so wllolel!O&;o! all buckwheal l.uRt passed concerning blm. worn as deep as ever, and al!O tbere tban from slgbt, and oonsequeDtlv John laughed loudly, "Dod, but tabl!!t an' the putty, Macgreegor?" cakes . Winter \l'oilld IIOt be wlntel Is 110 &lrdle or belt at all, the prlnce88 slow, ' My nelgbbors were amazed to Boe me ,e',," ~ line aose to-nlgbt, Mac· "Ay, maw." models muoh ueed, We . can amrm The women carry their I;Dltt!n~ gain flO rupldly, and stili more BO Wllhu"', th e m. gree,;or!" Whereupon hIs mether caught and nothlnK .. ve that there Is wide lat!, work about "bem, no matter wha·t they when they bllDrd that Grape-Nuts alone :=~~~ "Take It oft' tblR mInute!" cried Liz· r.uddled him. "GI'e blm a bit 0' tablet, AI ~Ianltou, Cnl" at Ihe base of the tude In Ityle.. are doing. At eveDlng prayer-meet- bad brought the change, "My 4-yea1'-0Id boy had eczemn, very Vl ke Pea!: 's rang e, tbere .s an elec, £Ie, ",John, .Y" OIJr;bt to be ashame" John," sho ~ald. Getting to s"lId ground, the subject lings It Is n<tt unusual for a WOlDall to John 'lid 'so right gladly and gcnel' trlc power Rta tlon which Os operated ,II' yel'!lel' to sit th ere laughing at hi s ef the enr,faltbful shIrt-waist, we knit acrOS3 a 'nlpper befol"'! she C&'l bad, last Hpring, and lost his appetl e oasly Irlcks! - 0' ye DO' mlod how Mrs. oltsly, and Macgrpgor ~rull1petl away to by a " nead" o.f ?,100 teet, The press, call attention to the neat modet In the ,rise to glv:! her testhnony wben called enUrely, w!lkh made ' him crops and ::o.chrane'fI man tell 't u;; his nO$E' his heart's COli tent. accompanying lIIultratlon , Tbe deep upon by tU n elus leader. ClI.ges sre peovl8h, 1 lIut him on a diet 0{ Grapeure IS ;; renter thun that at almost any NaG alwaYH benl wi ' trim pullin' putty - "AD' what k:epI YII walt/n' 01 Willie's Nnts, wblch he relished" at oncc, Ho oth e r ~Iallon In tb e world, It Ie 'D 't wh en hp, was a child? Take It all thl8 tlme1" Inquired Lizzie, piCa&- yoke front and back' Is fttled by a known in which women bave laltelL' shoulder 8eams, three small tuctt:. e~- their knitting 10 fUDer~ls, thougb n.>.ar · Improvod from the begInning, the eccalcu lat eU to. be 91~ pnuoda to the oft, Macl;:rcegor, er "II Rpank ye!" antly, teud down the center ot tbe back; relatlvea or Ibe deceased are bnl re~ z,I'ma dlsr.p)le!lre~" apci now be Is fat square Inch wbere the water III utll· , Macgregor, but little abasbp.d, ro"Mil gl'cd me a bIll piece 0 ' putty, and there are three tuck. either aIde ,from tb'ls privilege, As tDe CObiDlU- flnd rosy, lY.Jth a , dcllghtfully soft, clear Ized to drlv o IlIrblne wbetlls, ad at .urne,1 10 the window, removed the of- maw," said the boy" produ~lng a lump t~e tront, thl'M stltc;hed only balt-,.,ay nlUe. al'e strictly orthodox, no knit, silln, . Tile Orape-Nuts diet' did ·It, 'r the nozOIle of tbe long pipe .tUployed :endlng plaster, rolled It Into a ball - Ih!) ~be of aD orange, Inq'tlrles," down,. In ~e box-plilit of the 1T0nt U~g Is don~ oD Sunday., . • will wlltlng ly oDswer" "Uh!" excloJmed Linle, trylDII Ilut button boles are worked tbrough Ibe ~tream glIfbes out at the i-eloclt, tnd p~oc~eded 10 squeeze It ,throu&1r The Dipper buslns" fut'nlshel &lOOtS. Name given . by , Po8tum Co_I I!:ltU. ." . ", to look ' annoy,e d, of 250 mlln an hour, What were until irla IIn&t rs with ,undisguised relish , "bleh a sOft' IlIk till ~ay be pulled_ "Inuel 1.'), rallroade, eteambo~ta 'and Creek, Mlcb" "Jolln," aaldLI:tzle, "do. wbat ~ tell yc.;' "An" blm un' :e eU tbe . tablet," 'I'he sleeves are ' on the bishop o.rder "INe. ' and IDvolves ' aD eJ:paIU~UI" -at Tbere'e ,:a J'UIIOII . neid tile llttlel ' Quite I ec~ ntly " western ""I i.ds" ar' ~J Clnnl," returned .I0bD, mlseratll), . added ' Maclrelior. al!d , lhll.1be4, wIth poInted c:.olra. "Felr about ,10,OCt. I year, . ., ,.. , ~k, "Tllo Rl!.ad to Wellv,U1e:; .In pkfPl. MalUn& up ~ODle. , '.
Fashi'o ns from Over the Sea I
:jh ,-<~~
d\ '
all .
---,---- --
~apan ~4 ~e Philippines " '~
Centunes Ago
R.1ilioua F..... Eal.tlne BetWHD Japu_ aDd sp...u." - J......... P_utlOD of CbriaiiaD. - Leper Ho.p'ttaL ,
, There hal JUlt been unearthed In an At thQ request ot Pblllp IV, aut! old , Catlrollc monastery In Monlla a Donna Ysabella ot Spain, the POile, dllapldllted, worm-eaten volume, well Urban VUI., by bull daled September worn with age, which brings to light H, 1627, declared tbese mlsslonal'les aome meager details of the relBtlona to be marlyrs and patron saints at tfle existing between Japan and the Philip- second class, This oull arrlved and pines about 300 years ago, as well &II was pubJ\sted In Manila In 1629, aml 'l to throw light on certain lucldents In feasts and "",,pillar rejolclnge, tbe history of Manila Itself. Tbe papal approval so Increascd tnil The book was written decades past animation In fa'lor of t he mlsslolls 10 by a SPllnlsb monk, one Father Juan Japan that a sblp was fltled out 'Il de la ConcepCion, and gives wbat Is, secretly carry' 36 pries ts to tilq ~ o a[h e n perhalls, the most authentic hi storical country, but the vessel was tI'~eCI( Cld account of tbe Islands and ,th e people off tbe coast ot lIocu8 province, nor tb, as far back aa tbe year 1500, a traDS- ern l.uwn, tbe crew and priests beln!: latlon of the work disclosing eJ,haust- saved, tlve and valuable Information on many Arter thIs unsuccessful attempt " point. hitherto left to Imagination and large sampan was 8ecr~tly prepared r ', guesswork, ' a distance from Manila to convey lIw It Beems toat during tile reign of party to their destination. but' as lhey Emperor Daytusam\l and that of were about to embark the governor his son, Xognesana, decrees were Is- I general sent a detachment at his 801· 3~ed against mleslonarles who dlers with orders to stop them. preached tbe ChrIstian , religion and In 1633·34 the nnal extinction of made apoltates among tbe Japanefie, Christians was vigorously commencod subjecti ng tb e priests and th eir con- by the emperor, To-Kogunsama. ard verts alike to the most atrocIous tor- In the latter ycaf 69 lIerson~ were j.ut tureB Imaginable, tbe tormer for to death, the majority beIng burned, preaching a foreIgn religion and while the otbers were either beheaded the latter for having abjured the or hung up by their toes and lett to religious teachings of theIr fore· die, ' fatbers. Among I)ther things tbe can· This pel'llecutlon was so effective verts were deprIved of their proper· that all the work of the mlwsloDllrles ty and. In' less aggravaUna cans, their was brought to naught, and U~a
rhe FamoUII AmedCl'I/o Ph,llosoph .. : York Doctor Taught, .HIm the' Wu the Bage of the French TrIck and B ,o WaR an Apt Court. ~ .Pupil.
, Franklin became the fashion I)f the season. For the court Itself dabbled a ,lIttle ' ln liberal Idea!; wrote John Hay, In "Franklin In Fran ce" In Cen· tury. ,So powerful was the vast 1m· pulse o( free tbougbt that lhen Innu· enced tire mind ot Franco-that HUS. ceptlble French mind that always an· swel'll like the wind harp to tho breath of every true buman aspiration-that even t he highest classes had caught the Infection M liberalism. They bandied tbe momento us words Liberty and Human Ri ghts In their dalnl), way, as If they wura ow y a new game fOl' their amusement, ""t knowing wbat was to them the terrible Import of those word s, It became very much tbe accepted thl ug at cou r t to rave about Franklin. Tbe young and lovely queen, Marie Antoinette, was most winning and gracious toward him, crammed The languid courllers natural science to talk wltb him , Tho small wits who kn ew a little Greek call ell him Solon and Arlstldes and Phoelon. It Is Bad to think of the 'Utter un· conscious ness IJf these nm lable arlst...· ~ rats. Tbey never dream8l.1 tbat this man Franklin was a portent and a IJrophet to th em. He was Incarnate 'democracy, and they petted blm. They never Imagined tbat In showering their gopd,natured homage upon this l\1ste"e republIcan they were sowing ,be wind which would ripen In an aw· Later, !ul harvest of whirlwinds, wben the whtrlwlnds had hardl y got ~eyv nd the frisky stage of their derelopment, the queen lamented bitter:y tbe folly of tb(;Ee ovations to the t rt!at democral There was ono saga· !Ious head that was wisely shaken lver tlrelle Indiscretions while they ·asted. Joseph II., emperor ef Aus· :rla, brother to the queen, whn was In Paris on hIs travels, nnd wbo was IS much of a democrat blmself as an .mperor can be, wben his sister reo ltIked his coolness on tbe American luestlon, replied: "Madam, the trade ( 1\ vo by Is that of a royallst." Court Incense could not tu rn the , hllollOpb lc head any more tban the .When loud acclaim of the p~opIO. Franklin found himself the honorhd ;uc~t of royalty, bls thoughts reverted \~ t nose rarawa)' days of his boyhovd IVh~n his fa t ber used to quote to hIm :n Ilro old candle shop at Boston, 'the ,,,,"orlls of the wise man, "Seest tb"u a !Ilan dlllgont In bis business? He shall !land before kings," The old sage beard t he ecbo of that paternal v.oice resounding over halt a century, and 8 new end strange light as of prophecy fulfilled. illumined the Immortal word.8. Surel)' n() mun ever lived more dIligent In his buslpess, Surely no mel) ever stood, with inore of tbe In· nate dignity of upri ght manhood. bo' torjl kings. ------
"The present czar of HUDsla learnrod the art , of making an American cock, tall from an American phYSician ," said a man In an uplown saloon where be was . Ip~ng tho old·fas'hloned tipple. ·'1 have tbat from the pbysiclan him· Belt," r elates the New YMk Sun. "Not only tbat, but 1 s ipped a cock· tall made trom tbe Bame formula, out or a handsomely carved cup wblch bore an Inscription from the donor, who at the time was czarevltcb, , and which had contaIned the sllrrllp cup drunk at tbe last meeting between the Rus· sian heir spparent and the American doctor. "Thc doctor was a few years ago practicing In a city In western New York. He Wll8 ' once nn attache I)f the RUSSian court a nd bad some a))point· ment, I have forgotten what Inter on, "One evening, wben he had been called to 8('e the czarevltcb, the tnlk ran to American drinks, Tbe n ew doctor carried bls own stock or Amer· I ~ an liquors, He spoke at tho Amerl· enn cock lo\l whIch nt tbal time was the most called for mlxe'd <1rlnk ~t the bar. "The czarcvltcb was 11Dl\'sed nt tbe name. He thought It was a joke The Yaullee doctor assured him It w~s not, " The czarevltch said he would like to try Ure drink, The doctur brougbt In his Ingredients sncl prepared a cocl<tall In the presence, of the cza'(evltch, who was Intensely Interested. When be had tasted It he wcnt Into ecstaCies and called for m.ore. "Atter he bad sample(l s everal cock. tslls be prepared t<f malte the mixture bin. self, nnd learned with much more ease tban than he bas learned IIOme other th Inge since. "Wben, the American, doctor was leaving St. Petersburg tbo czarevltch bad ascended tbe tbrone. Tbe pbysl· clan asked IenYe to pay his respects and was accorded an audIence, ' "The emperor remlndeld him tbat he was an expert In mlxlllg tire Amerl, can tippie, aud thereupon they repaired to a private ro()m where the czar o,t all tbe Russlu produced 80me Ameri can whisky Bnd the Ingredients The cZcijlr to work out a cocktail. mixed drinks fvr ' the two like a regular barkeep and enjoyed It, ' "Tho czar assured the doctor that It was tbe greatest bracer he ever took. But then, you know, royally lays on Its lIra lse Bnd compliments with a However, tb'e doctor Wa!! trowel. probably the only American wbo ever had tbe ruler ot RUSSia mix and give blm a cocktail."
The Silent ODe Jleard From, ~~~~~f~i~h M'And YOli say you did not give tbls "Your wifeJler doesll~t· Inten'lew which appears In to.llu's "Bbe Isn't" paper to my reporter r" asked the "Sbe look~ worrledT" . "Sbe Is" newspaper man, ,' , )( "What's the, t rouble'" '.,', ."rhal I. precillely wbat 1 s&),," replied the Indignant caller. HI bad tbe part Y-lIn:e telcPbo~' ~ , " "Why, my reportH said be called at out of my houlN!," ','., j t, your OffiC9 and talked for four bDurll "Tbat·. a fuuu)' thIng' to wo", ' with somebody," aboul." j "Oh, tbat was my .lIent partner,""Ob, I don't know; ab.e haa no wa'y YODkers SlotesmaD, DOW of finding out what bor Delala· bors are about, "-Houaton Post. So Do We All. "Tbere are some dl sadvunt.ages ID Poor Venus, being a milliona ire." Poor Venua hos an a w tul time "For Illstarlce?" Among those other ItarlShe ca nnot wea r her aaturn .cSf"!sa. "Well, mllllonall'Bll IIrc contln'Ually Nor cloJl.!r s it to Mura. getti ng ietters t breatenlng tb em with -Cin cinnati Commercl&1-Trlbune. all sorts of awful tates unl ess they Immedlatolly pay the 1"rlters large MITIGATING CIRCUl1l£STAaOES.. sums of money." "Thal's notblng. 1 get just sucb letters every montb .' -Clevelund l..eader.
. '/ I.
He Didn't Start It. Tbe Beak-Defendant asserts that you provoked tbe assault by tbrowlo& '1 <loubt upon his .-eraclty. The Prosecutor- Toln't true, si r. It was'lmwol 110ne tbe throwing, "You're a bloomln' liar," was all 1 sez, sir, and with thnt he lipS with a big lump 0' brick and ebucks It tllap at my 'ead. lIusi.neaa Is 'Bus lnesa. Woman-Wbat! Twenty cents for tbat little piece 0" beef? It's out· rageou8-lt'l robbery-it 's a shame, but 1 s'pose I'll have to pay It. Butcher--lt'\1 cost ye a quarter, now, mum. I'm sorry ter say tb' price he. gone up again 1¥hlle you've been Kicking about It.-Life,
Righteously Indignant, Jenks-The boss told, me thlll mornIng tbat I looked as 1t 'I bad gone to bed with my clotbes OD. I told 'hIm Judg&-sa YDU confess tbat yl>« .t8l•• pretty sbarply tbat he wal mliltaken, Clark-ob, come now, you know you the Bult of clothes? Have yoti 1.IIything to uny In mitigation of sentelolce? did It. Prisoner- Yes, your honor. Tbe'vest I Jenks-I dl" not. Tbese are my brother's clothes.- Pblladelpbla Press. was a wr~tched IIl-Fllegende Blaetter. Corrected, Gebhart-I suppose b e Is breathless· Like a Wo~ftn. ly awaltlng tbe p08s lble outcome or "Did .You notice that hat ,that Mrs, that wlll·conteft? ScrumptiDus \lad on at the theater, toCaraone- More likely, brefl,thl essly ni ght, Mollie?" "I should say that I did. It was awalUng the ' possible Ineome.-J udge. pertectly horrid, and they say tbat Ilhe Dead Egge, brou ght It frDm Paris with her," Yeast-Did you ever try to dye "Well, I'm' just sure that she ~uaht eggs? " It on one ot tbose little back st.reets Crlmsonbenk- No, I never did; but tbere."--Cl nclnnatt Commerclat-Trl!;j. ' I've tried 'em atter tbey were dead,une. Yonkers Slotesman. English .. She Ia Spoke. An Evidence of Disregard, WossatoogotT "He seems to be very fond of mu s·, Atnoonnoos, Laesdltlon. Ic," said on auditor, EnthlnklnnutT "He Isn't," answered Miss Cay enne Now. Nuthnlnnut 'copt lassPeec.h' ' ''or he wouldn't try to slng."-Wash: roserelt'!!, Lotta7tlt, ," ,Ington Star, Donsayso? WOSBwetherpredlck shun ? mil LlI.8t Words, Sesraln. Donblee.vtbo. Funtblnc· A &1rl In an aUlomoblle Thas rlghtf - Llte. t, Ran down an ala mnn wllh a eQulIl' "'hon they picked up tho pieces ' A Profitable Fo11ure, He said: "Excuse ml ce.s, You don' t know bow funny I file." Blmple-Scrlbble~ was telllnil me -aouaton__P_o_B_t,_ _ __ tbat he made .£6p out Df his last v:olIN POSl'l'ION TO liE OVERLOOKED ume of poems. Is' I~ true, 40 1011 tb lnk? ' The Cynic-Yes; his publisherSwa.r ehouso WIlS burned down wltb all tbe poems, and as he ,was well llisured, Scrlbblell' share came to 60 Quid, Lucky chap, Isn't he?
Ilng!!l'II, toea, nose and earl we~e cut churches and 'convents were all demol' Isbed . ' Dff as a mark of disgrace; , Later on this same emperor sent 150 The emperor"aeelna that some pre, ferred to undergo these t.ortures rather' lepers In a ehlp to ' Manila, 8ayl1l(; tban renounco thclr new fatt.h, ln Sep- tbrougb , bls ambassador tbal as he tember, 1622, .... a retaliatory measure, knew t be friars were especially fond ' RAPID CROWTH OF ANTLERS had a large n.umber ot Spanish mls- of lepers he wished lO remit t!lom to thol r care. "rhe first tliought of rbe sloDnrles from Manila, together wi b Those of W!lpltl 'Become WondertuI tbelr ' Japanese CODvertll, publiCly exe. Spanish w~a' to sln~ the Ilest s hIp wti.1I Structure i n,.-Four Months' cuted at NagasakI. Twent,y-llvo were lhelr artillery, but nnally a Chrl Usn Time. burned over a lIlow lire" a'nd the reo s lllrit cnused tbem to agree to receive malnder were bebeaded, ,their remains the amlcted Japanese, and th,ey we"1I AbJut th e end of tbe lvlntel'-that III being Ihrown Into· the lea t.I:J pre.. ent s ubsequently conducted, with greBt VARIETIES OF TRUFFLES, In mld·March- the antlE,ra ot tbe yea~ the foreign Cbrlstlans following , a j)Omp and ceremony; tbrough tha befo re brealt ot! lIus b wltb their basil practice tben ' In vogue of preserving streets Df, tb~ clly and ,lodged at DlIao. or more above t he skull,' usu. The Violet Is Moat Rigbly Esteemed ~II Inch ... the corpses as relics: on tbfj! tben outeklrts of Manila, a y LUey are found cllose together and the Snmmer Most It was 'thls Infected dele$ation from Some days after this wholesale exeshowing ,that they fell nearly at th~ Common, c ution, two FrancIscan and two 'Nippon's ahores wblch gave rise to [be sume time, writes Ernl!st Thompsoll Seton , In Scribner's MagB7.lne. DOmInican frlal'll 1¥ere also burned foundation Df tho San Lazaro leper ' Of varle,tles we may mentlo::!, lint, at Omura. Tben followed ' au Jm· bospltal, ~Ich InStltutlDn, as heretoAt first, the place of eacb antler II perlal edict stating t be pains ' an'd fore st!'ted. Is In active O'Ileration to- the vlDlel trou'me, which abounds In a broad, raw spill In a lew days It penaltlEIII, sucb as deatb and civil day. ot course the Inetltutlon bllll perigord and Provence, say,s American shows a thick rounded pad Df ,blood. It Is .covered deprivatlons ,etc., agalnst all thOle wbo ~een Improved and so enlarged from Homes and Gardens. gorged skin, This swens rapidly, and' 'refused to abandon tbelr new rellglOIL lime to lime that It now beara but 1It- with polygonal warts and otten marked in a fortnight tbe great bulbous fuz zy with rusty spots. Its weIght usually Anotber edict was lIubsequenUy i.. Ue resembllll\ce , to tbe little adDlIe born 'begInning has shot up to a belght lued Imposing tbe penalty ot deatll .tructure buth to acoomodate the ranges from 60 to 100 grams (two to of several Inches, At encUy the right upon any,one who ,Ilhould bring prlesta JapI, Wings and separate bulldlngn 3'A1 ounces), ' tbough specimens weigh· time, pl~e and In ure the rlgbt dlrec. to Japan, togetber wIth forfeHure of ba~e sprung up, especlall; since ttlo Ing 600 grams (more thun a pound) tion a bump comes t()rtb to be the t be ship and of tb'e mercbandlse l~ American regime, uatll ' the bulldlnl;9 are sometimes tound. At maturity foundatlon ot the brow Une. ~hlch , It reaches 'In late autumn carried, and to all ,denouncera Dr Japa· In a fe'" more days Itbe bez tIne Is winter, Its flesh lB. black with a r~ddllb nese subjects profeSSing Chrlstlnnlty or violet sheen. ' Ita. agreeable lIavor pro)ected by the InvisIble arcbltect. the culprIt's property and goods we'd [n n month the structure 18 nearly a ,and delicate odor make It the moat t ransferred to tbe IDlormant as are· toot high and all em'eloped In a hlgbly esteemed of all varieties. ward, turgid mass ef feverisb, throbbing The black trume, smaller than the NotWlt):tsta~dlng al\ thll, there 'were blo()d vessels-the sculfoldIn g and "Thal's I"nther a ' long nose you've and of variable Size, II precedlug, trial'll In tbe Philippines who wer" wNo rhkmen o..f this 8u!,prlsl"g ,structure. , got. Isn't It? Have yo u Dever notieed f9und abeut"fDur Inche~ below the su~· eager to' seek martyrdom, but the Pblll g t and uay tbc work Is pushed with ,It! .. tace of the grvund. lis fl esh Is gra, Ippl,ne trad erS, fearing the conftscatlon "Yes; hut I genenlly Inanage to or 'blster, fDarked wltll light re,d spall as tounding speed, ond In tour months of tb!llr sblps and ~argo, If they car· this s l(yscraper 1s lInlBbed-a wonder. overlook It" at. maturity. 1l Js not In 'very greal ried tbe II!lssionarles Into, ~lpPOn, abful structure, Indeed, tor a score or demand, because of Its mUsky Ddor, solutely refusel! to transport the clam· Happy Days: nature's forces. have tolled; a myriad Tbe St. John's' or summer t rume b orlng !'Ccleslasts, no matter tbe pt.ce ~a tclle-ClareDce, just tblok Df It! or ' lnvlslblo workmen have done theIr pthered In July ' or In October. The olTered. The Sp8.n lsh governmen~ als<> purt ,and an edifice that according to Five weeks frolU to·day aud we will be s upported the marlilera by strictly, pro- 'O ERVANTES FJRE STATION AND OITlI' 'tubers of this species are Nunded, and ordinary rules should Ihave tal<en a married. hnve a brownish black sk in and large hlbltlng the transportation of monl(s' STABLES LOCAT!;lO NEAR TH E Clarenc!l'-Well, let's be happy while polygonlal warts, striped transversely, lifetime Is here rushed through In a we may,-Tlt·Blts, to Japaa. Tbe archbl.hop ot ' Manila BOSP1TAL, summer nnd all In absol ute Silence. The lIesb, nearly whIte at nrst be, contrary to cUBtom and ' ~o the rules August sees tbe building done, but It the church, joIned In the crueade uy cover over ten acres ot ground, but the comes, on ripening, a , clay yell~w 01 Is stili cluttered wltb scalToldln g. The Cruel, light , browniSh blster, The sum mel Imposing c!Jurcb penalties on tbe origInal stono structure, that pat:' YOtll\g Mother- Oh, Mr, Bachej lor. su pplies of blood at the base are repriests 01' frIars who persisted In 8e- shDwn tn the center of the picture, II trum6 Is found everywhere In the tor. duced and finally dlHcClntlnlled. Tho you must see my little baby. He's cre~l' vIolating the governU;ent'. pro- allParently sa strong and substanUal ests of central and s()uthern France, antler Is no lilnger In vital toucb with sncb a funny little felow, hibltlons, so that the mleslonarles lUI It was In the troublous days of ltiOO, ,growing under horn beams, blrcbes the animal; It begins to die, Tbe sen. Bachelor-Well, Nature will hnve were hampered at home as well ar. It Is thought that from tbe Importn- and bav.el busbes. Thougb Its rathel iltlveness leaves each part, the vel. her little jolle.-Puclt, abroad. Tbls attitude ofr the, allthol'I- tlon of thesf(l lepers sprang the dread ~oarse, onlonUke odor lessens Its value vet covering soon drIes, cracks and Bia Chance. ties, both cIvil ' and , religious, caus~ amlctlon of leprosy In these Island~, It Is almost tbe only variety seea I~ peels, and the slog assists the process Mrs, Jawback-John , walie up! tbe chlers of the varloua monastic or- as hltberto a case had never lIeotn the markets of England, Germany and ot clearing olr tho , kin by scraping his arc talltlng In your sleep, dera to hold, a conlultatlon, As a..... known, and to-day the Dumber Ilf na- Piedmont. ' borns Oil the bruslrwocld, September Mr, 'Jawbock- Lemme 'lone. 1t'8 the Tb~ truma" known lUI the "grosse lees blm fully armed 1[1 hIs spenrs at suit ,t bey some tI me later bouaht a live leper. will ..reach Into the Uiousblp to carry four ~mlrucan, fOllr sandll. Indeed so high 18 ~e numbar toulne," or "pltcbfork," somewbat' re- 'lead bone, strong In body, gloryIng In only chanc.., I ever get, ain't It?FrancIscan and two Recoleto trlan to that It has beoome neCBII..ry to estab- sembles the St. John's trume, but fl lis weapons and bls strength, and Cleveland Leader, tho home of the heathea Japanele, ' lIsh a lope I' oolony at Coulllon, wbere distinguIshed from It by the smallness "cady to battle with all.comers. At the Concert. When tbo governor geaeral, Alonzo In future all .uch patient. will be sect, ot Its warts, Its moderate size rougb Patience-That long, balred man de Fajardo, heard of tbe Intended ox- Ool\lIIon II sald to be tho mOlt modem black skin and dark, tawny gra,y with tbe dlamonda, at the plano. 1 just Greed,. Seagull., _Itlon, he ImmedIately Prohlhlted town, (rom an American lltandpolnt, I. lIeslr, marked with line black lines and A Nanalmo fisherman had a unIque beard slarted Ufe as a poor musicIan, It, saylnr that he would not consBnt to the Philippines, and the lepers will be usually by .. broad cleft near the base, Pat.rIce--Well, he's that yet,-Yonk· Anothef wild species wblch ' Is eUII , experience with a tlock of seagulls sev· the lIandlng of apy more vlcthos 'w ,Iven greater advantages there thlln ers Statesman. Bold Is the musk trume, known In eral evenings aGo. He reached NaoalJapan, whereupon the beada of tbe dlt. they bave ever known ' bofore. ,T he mo In an open boat containing two Wasted, terent relll!lW18 organizations called buildings of the town are all of Amer l. Provence by tbe name of "caineUe." Tbe remaining wild Ipeeles. wblcll ; tons Dt herring, While uptown the seaPati eno r-Prlscllla saYI there's nothupon him to dtate tIIat If he pel'llisted can material, the streets are l'llgularly are Included under the general deslg. gul!s took possession of the boat. On Ing wlls ted In her house. In bls 'p'roblbltlons upon his conscIence lald out, a water and light plant ,II Dol' Plltrlce-Bbe's wrong, I saw ber ItIssalDne would tall the eDOrmOUt respon. Ing Installed and there will be a ma· nallon of "dog's nose," because of thell bls ..eturtr' all but 60 flew a way. Thle alblllty of huln. loet BOUIa wllich nlelpal government formed among tbl resemblance to the muzzle ot tha. number had' so gorged themselves with Ing her vet aog.-Yanl(ers Statesman. they Intended to ....e at the rl8k -of Inhabitants the lame, &II other townl ,uaeful quadruped, possess 110 gastr'~ herring that they could not Oy, but nomic Importance, hopped about In s slate of helplessness. Must Be Humiliating. their lives, ' Tbe supentltlous gover- enjoY l So much for AmerIcan enterThe IIsherman tinally climbed 'Into the Bessle-U's quite a come dowa for lIor, after some deliberation, therefoto ,p rll8 'and charlt,. Wben tbe Ooullloll boat and lifted them overboard. They him. wIthdrew his objectlons, referl1n& the' colony Is ready for occupancy the laMounuln Sheep ~me Take, were able to swim wIth all effort, and Tessle-Wbat do you meanT ~atter to the arcbblshOp or Manila, mates 0( Ban Lazaro are ' to be traniMounloln sheep tn the ,Iclnity of W.' moct at them went asbore to recover Bessle-Wben he Is at home he bewho at once permitted the sblp to terred there, as the rapid growth of F. Givcal' ranch are b~comlng vel'J frolll the elTorts of their feast. Taco· longs to tbe upper ten, but here at .c()I~ leave, but with the tell erlan dil' the city haa made the retention o~ tame. Mr. Givens" who Is a special IDa Ledger. .lege he 1& 1.111 Ute HeoDd eleven,-Town gulled .. merchanie. th~m at thel~ prelent domicile a meD' garnA warden, 8IIy8 that neMly e ..en Topics, 'Several tlml!s the "euel wu n.arly ace to the lIafety of the city's Papula. morning six or eight of tha.e animal! wrecked In ltonIlII, but It IIn..lIy 8r- tloD, The Cervntell ftN Itatson alll gather around his bouae tQ ' be fed. Frank Enough. Extinct. rln~ lI&tely In' a ;Japaa.e port and the mul1lcl~ ,stabl .. occupy QUart.eI'll, There are between 40 and bO sbeep I.rI "What wlU be ,your chIef alrn now "People no longer use the term the friars effected a landine, r, But- .. lbawD In the pIcture, u::t 100 yards the fl90k, but only a tew of them hav. I'ou are In oongreo'" ,a sked thl! Inter- 'Your obedient lIervant,' .. remarked 'Mr Oldstyle, . " . shorUy afterward they ",ere deieate4 from the holpltaI, an , evldenc. of&the become tame, This Is tbe 1&I'IIWt vIewer. ' , art'etlted' and at low ai. 111 llll~ ,r emark.lIle aro~thOf the cIty WSUlI4 Df thele' animals In tbfl 'state ..' far ... "TO .tay bere," tbe lacoruc "No," responded Mr. Houaelt!lBP' onl. ' ',: ,ua. pu~ ~ _.. _. , : .. & W'bO~.. . , kAoa bere.7DeDver Repllbllcaa. ' , fOIiq ~!,&t"maD.-W..k1qtoD ~. ' "there', no .uch thlllK th~ Uyl. ..,.: ~blC8lO BUlL , . ' ,..
Still Worldng, "I found an adder In my kItchen thl • . morning," "Nonsense! This Is not the 'season ' for snake Btorles." "This Is no snake story. I was re~ ferr ln g to my g lls meter." , , "Oh, mine's a mulllpller."-HoU8toll Post. ' , MII17'1I Frankfurters. " Ma r)' hlld' .bmc mi le, "dogs," 8h" put 'em fn to SLO W: They novilr growled ", /lIngle lilt, Until she'd enlen two.
-. Yonk ers Slalcsmuh.
Jones (arriving late, after a : day, and adr.resslng his wlf.),-Madam.. loke my ~ h.,at, please, I'm 'cusbtometl to sthand.-The Sketch, Pleaaantriea. He (six weekI! after the honoJ'moon)-l suppose you think yOU were a fool wben you st'lOd up and marrle<l me? She-Well, I WIU! the nllXt thlna to. fool! He-:-That's' trne, or I woulo1n'" have beell there,-Yonkers StatesmaD. Not' Dangerous. " Yeast-Hlte are lOme ve,.. 1111 U),eaNIld boy' wrote, , Crtml[ODbef,k-oh, I woulda't wor.,. over that. , H.'I\ VII 'y IIk'I1' outlN1ll
ltI-Ycmketl Stateuu.a,.
belllnnlPg l1t l~'
m .,.
ItOI'll, II broot' ']'U ltrEl.\!·, 1
Fot ~l~ A Warren Syrup
oratorued only a short; t,\lPe ~lleDt rel)Ulr Inq uire at
ofIlOO.: .
• • Calvin L ; Oglesbee, ~ well k~own • J'eIildent near. Harveysburg, . hasl · beeU' ql11te siok the ' past severnl
' day..
. , The W. . 'll, U. will meet thIn Wednead&y 2 p. m . at Paullnll Bu~ *ti ~orth 's. Falla ttendanco urged. T.... ' \ ~.port.ant busIness . • Mias Lorena DeaD', of the \VeU. ', man neiKhoorhOOd who h~s an ex, oelIent poaIUqn as book keeper in .J;Iayt-on, spent Snnda.y at ber home )lere. ,.... ' "" 14188 Bellm Ogle!!b,~o, ufo nllll.r Barveysburg returued to h e r studies &$ O.xford College Mondl\Y morning after 110 week spent lit home becauso of Mlokness.
GUllotte oflloo for tllO r ll owiu~ If vou c. root to, have a -ea.! ·< . , 1>tIY Y u tq 'Olll t,o t,h o ~: o fl•:toe, -'bills ure 1\ . sp ciltlt,y with us we g uarllutee nt.trll ot.ivo bi115 . (the fin d tbnt b [\lI g~ people to II slIle) prlnf od on henvy 1.ri«t,01 boord that. wlll wi~hstnnd t.h ruiu 11Illnl1 ordiDLlry wOll th er. All silles for wh ioh we IJl'int billtl
a hooll
IHarveysbur~. milk , 'MrR. Ev~ q "rey, ,of ' horldBo, In ; 'qf
2 year- old
It; J h Itil of QIlttle, :! to b fr h this m onth" 1 g i vh)g mlllr; ~ (huh/lin ste l' comlng two n urs old, a yenrUug heifer ; 2 'b¥ooiJ sows 1. b()n r 3~ ' h (1lld ot fllll . ~.' , Tlig •, Fp rmi ll ~ impl menta . cousi stlng cf Ii j hu rso wllgon, ,2 h r!\o silring. hoCci lind ~(> d Ilttuohmout whpnt Llrill. gocd II now ; D orillg m owi ng- ;nll chiue,' n W H o sier i!on llill corn ll r ill, steol t,ooth IUlY I'u k\'. ~ b('oukin/,( Ii I/l W ~, :J I" \.rllm! 1 1) Ie Ul tIVI\I, r ~ , '~ (I hll,t II IIIlI'row, (OU hO\'o '1 pI w , ~ h or80 pln \l Hlod, Htl.'lll s hod, l ~eL ,)1' hoy !rllhlcrs, fllell ~ \'i UlI l\r , nc w Cllrll ~b oll l' . nnll mu ny urller ul'tlcl o~ . A qnn n tity of h ousoh ultl gll Oti R. (1
aol\'~, l
Ilro IIdvorhsed free In tJnl Gn 7.0t.t o, I will offor lit, p ublic' ~ ulo lit my farm 1y' miles s ut,h ,etl~t of WflY · neaville, on t h e \Vnynosvillo IlIlt! Clarksvlll tl Jlik 0 ' . ~\. B L'I(I')!;'L''I'. C. U. bnrCo ce, Allct. W ~\JNI·;!:W .\ Y, If ~;I3H. ARY 7, b(Jg i , ,,"" ~ n , ~ , , " 1, ,,' 1, : I ''' , ' ~''~ , ti cow " I Br ,"'" \l ug .. ". U ll t) hl 'q:.v. I s}lrin " II'U !!'lil , " ,10' T' !! l'I' ,It III 11 11' (''-'1'11 plow , 1)" I;I'iI1e- hintl ,"' ..I1 cO'"11 1t11; co rn
hIU l tt" ' .
\Vlllt ulp y
HI II\\" ' I',IHIt'
MlsR Anna Thowson, who is Ii hoI'S ' cu rn Ilr tl L It ,,;.,.,,\\,. ~ ( )I , I" 'I' .tndent at Jaoobs Busiuess College in Dayton, s}lont Sl'turdllY and Sun. "low ', II t, ,It " "''' "I "v . " \\' lit ',,1 UIII' day with her IIArOnts, on the Dayton row ,... ~cI "l'. " 1)" .\ n~I IIC I'n' lII dri ll IL h tl\' ",,1.1< .1', ~I'I ' ...!I bf'd, III' ,. F" l'k - ·\) 1,' 'anll Lebanon pike, shov 'l l ~. 1..1' ,. I, n i " ", IlIll'l" IW "It II \II~ . '1' 1"': W .\ YNI,;l" VIt.l.lo: 'rhe guild of St. Mary 's ohuroh Ilouhl · ",,,I -1 ·'I!I,·t l"'PS. ~ "d.,. \\,,,"k will rneet Ilt 2:30 Thursdt\y after. hl\ru ·'s. "1\ •• ",' 1 hnggy IInrlH'"'' ",,,I noon at the borne of Mrs . •J, H. one s" t of ' 1'I'lnJ,! \\'''J,!UII hnrll,·' " ~ . \. '1' ~ Coleman. I~nd 11lIIU,l' fl llt" " "r r, iclp.~ , 111"0 II f, '''' •
Report of tile Condition 1
Friend Davis Furnas, whoso ill, ness has been mentioned from time to time In the Gall&tta, Is still oon· flned to bls home and Is troubled groatly wi&h Bhortneu of breath, MI'>' J "JIlt'" Stnop~ \Vil A hOl!te ~s to th .. lIIt'mber", of the WOmRlI 'S Mi ~ ~iolll1ry Society of tbe M. E . church Th llr"rlll y afternoon. In addition tc the nICulI\ bu~lness of the Soolety /I 1'Ioosant 800lal 8eBIIlon wus ·enjoy.
urtiolt ,~
'I t' h " " S(' hl tl tl fnrnitul'f'_ " (III ill parI tlf, I 1'(ldt'r(,IILl ,:\ roc 1;
sistin ! ing 0 1111 I'" I ,lillln ;,; "x t,e lls ion 1.,.Ie1 .. , t\ din fl J.t r l)O lll ('hn,it's, s t OVf'. W IIf .lI l cook .IIlvP. ~o ,'orl\l f rllill OlI piCI,UI" ''', ut.c. RION HOltl .. ( ~ 'I'. Hn wleo. Auctionoer. A . 1:3. ::; i flu~, Ule rk.
A L IL\ N Ii ,
1\, II I .1 11 11 . IIi 1~, : II :': I :l
1.",) 11" ,\.'hl ' II."H,"iltlll t ~ "h', rd raft ~ ~I!i'url'd
Wil li
P'ublic Sale of , personal - Pr.operty.
c/lillillg on ,n qnllilltl\nCOI!
Qf my
in tIle "ilIllg0 '.cll\~1:!ldBY of In t "va k it hils boeu fifteen yenrs siul) 'abo
!n rm I
P. .~ ' LI.O I'ATH.
auotion, lit my PhY810lnn H,nlt Idu~!,eo#, vi It,ed tho old h ome, fi nd slie ann l'rcISi[leLlICO,oIlIPo'i!lte tll l3pring VL\lley not illlmen l1mblo ol,mngcB, .U n!, u1i1ell south of Xonl", Forulerly of \';'i notnDl\t~: rOlldorH ; or 'Hlllly of t.hem , ,W ill r l)' ou t be lIlJati Pike, . now of ' IIH:rnbcr her II little girl nlu) ns Ev/\ . . A ntmm w0I1I,1 lltmlly r eoo!;ni7.e TUESDA'y , FJtJBRUAJl.Y :!O, l\lOIl. h llr . Wo cOllfoSR bein!; ut SOli uven ommoncing lit 0 ::10 n. 111. , t ho OREGONIA, WARREN. COUNTY, · OHIO. lifter 11 clIl'efnl 8U1·vey. l()wlnl: Ilr operty, to ,wlt : s ix heud Th o ~ll s~o8 . iua nllll; Re bll,dllu~b: horses, c n Rlst,ing of ono go uol'lll • ~Vll ll oy Phoue Z3, ,I;'" f'ilrR of J ob u KemlriollB, ,.f ueUl' WIl, p urpoae Mid hroorl lllllre, brei! . to "'!'!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~'!!"'''! mingtoll . lin welcom e g u ~tH o'f F , Huste Boy :\o.12 l ; oue Rnuu mil " K Mill!' II lid wlfo. 1\lure, weig, ht, l liQO ponotls, lmlll to 1'11f' i\1i ~~oR Prim Rosg L~re mnkin g L. Orph olitl Do IJI ~ Lanvi l'l'U ;(:i O ~2; Ib oir lIunuul vi ~i t, with Mra, Ed Mo, OIHl Sorr I (I(llIling ,~o llJ\n g fOll r F'nrhuul.who Lrellt.. t hem in thut en , yours olLl, will wolgh l UOO pllnn<l~, tOI t 1l1111 1l ~ munner so na tul'nl und 81retl by Prlnco Albll l'l, IlIO:!,I ; O li O uUll fYecteel. It i8 no little woudol' Roun Gehllug comiu g threll YOllrs th ut t,ll y shoulll b e profuse in olll, will woigh tr,oo po nnd~, s lrei! UN'l'I L YOU 81<Jb TAJ~ , ",u "I 'Ill . ",,,nh)' huly's bospi. by M'lrSoniLl H\lll;! ; one G rtl y 1!'\Ily tllt Y·
I'bo lI ig h r-:.l'htlnl
\n lll I111 ' ~
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d"l'~ " in g 1I lI) 1' t' t' pait·H . n nt · (' t':'~~ 1f ., · (lit " \-1'11\\'11 of tlli ~ nt.l ine l' wu:-: ill Il, 'cd l i f fl' ~H I\ th l! tuu t! of it~ Ptl ll
Th t'J'(1 n e vt.')' hut' IIPP IJ II flfll t ' th"t t,h,' '\' att~ 1' (lid 1I 0t lilHI 11~ WII." t h r nllg ll ce ilin g U1H} wull Illll' in!,! II "Ili n , du n t il ,1" ft ,(, ti \'1! ~\' I!r1\ Jl lII n ~ ldl' Dll III " ro nf , Th,' it'lilt WOl'k i ll, th l' ( lid f,..{ 1 ·I ~ t Ifl1ll hH:-' h':l ' ll t' l ' n'l tv l'd hy l'tll't i ,.~ I J',, 'n X . ' niu hllfl \Vi hl\iJl ~t,jjn Mr . If uriUH hil S lu ·.. tI ~I l licth ,(l h.\" It ~Ili id
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It I..!llP(l II l l h' " 1 ' / \ \\ ' HlI(l tlt H ' hull t'n11 1"11 f ll llll th ~ D id . : ~ ~ h t·l. d 1If' ho c !'! . ( ~l! lIl'-l!'ltltlj..! It t 1\\'(- Tl l \. I'4t'Yt' 11 h. ·ud (If full Kh l IUf..a , !l111 " 111',,11 nt' pl l lnn(\ C'II11111 111'1 11)1\ .. ,,\\.... . ,·h!!l hl" 1 1 1 1 · 1 't.d~
I II ~ ; lilli' P'I I.'IIl' l ' hiTlH ,dh..:J1d, · II, '· I " ' I~I .. r . ~i l', 'd hy '1'1 ' 1' , ' lt l "l' F Il t"ld,, ~ ''' lpl''III' II f.~; l\ld 'H I' III k Ii: ,"" .if \u ltd, ·,. 11, ' PJ'lf1L! 11I 11 \\ ' I ' r, II l un y il1 :(" (':-4 ll'cl fnl'lH t'l's f p "11,, .. 1 tIlt' I ttl\' "III" , t. wn 11f "' /ll\llI~ pll 'w!'I ri ll .. h i !-! "lIHl lind {,hus !j('Pll l n lt l ,lt\ , I1 , · I"~ t'u lti'vll t nr, ri :i fH! (· u t\\' lI t H I', 111 " , 11 ill 11 11 · w il y of ft ' ('" TIIf ' Hit Wtt Jkitl g' ( " ~lf1 \' uf ( ' r , fif1,\' t" tl lh hili' Itl l l' t lttllll l! 11111," ", It bll \ irho1l1 l' I ' l ' 1' (1 \\' f l ll'tv tuoth 11I ITJ·IIW . f\I , diltt · t lJlll IH Jl :-(('. ell n ll n t !-I ll y at ]lrf'!oil' llt ( 'urr~ plunt ('t' tl lI d ( ' hl '(~k "II" 1"1', p i l" 1
;-:,ul{ t l'~l ~~'l'.
OF 190G. I h' ~ i g' I \." .J II!-'·' (:.. i \'('«1 :\1.
Ipl' , H I! \\,ltl1 111111 1' ,
SCHWARTZ'S ()I{ U U ~'I ' ()I{L \Va.."I1('~\'ill(',
.' ,
Mrs. ,I ll" M.lIl'ph y n llt('I· t~tin(· ,1 ill II 1'llll nr , h ,, \\' 11I1"" '~1 III ~"'I '''n nit-I, II 1' 1i:,:h 1.1 111 1IIt11 11J0L' MondllY, .~ t I H f'lJr n ltitlll" I' . lw" \\·I,, ·,tI '\ 1'1 ' 1-, f,, " \In . 1~i .fl U Jl tIl O IInLl Auiglll.lolLn ~o n. of Clovur 111111, ft) oll cpu l", l'. !! .... I n 1' 1'11 111, ', "C.I· Ihe", ~h o " el .. 11 11,1 ",,1.1"1' im \JIo'IIH'1I 1R. HIl 110 Doll. Wm. B. Hobler wltl olIer lit pub, H :l llklllH hou ,~,-, . :-': ,llinn al H.lI1k:or I n'!t PHONOGRAPI1. It IlIIlY he II fe nt lll'O of int£' re!<t. 1,0 P IIIIl II, UOX I)\\I! ~ 'T, phafltoll hnl!l!l', I ; OISON lio solo. 2y' milell llorth of WI(YII( ~4 . Pu \.' t n.un Hi 'l1Cn' l ' '\~ I.' U ll'o ) l'tI , ville u.Dll y. of LI /.Oile sonth of Mid , '''It ( rllm aPII1"CH' \.'c.! n ,:;wn' c ;l b t !i 1 ~. , :t":' :?rl ob:! rv o r~ of l.ho UroulI(1 H,lg t h eor y :l 1 ·1 in ob 11'111111 t \lfJllill nl'tl W"I!" " . ( ' h l, ,' k:4 ::I:n'1 l)lt\{' r c a,.h lu'm" Ultlt fill t.1.l 0 :&1111 i1lRt IL :': "11",1 " T :! iiH' ll t.n-liel WH g''' '' , 'If\(~ hnt' hhlul f·d , W . ii , Mlidden & Co ., of 'or win. dlerun Meeting hou se, ~ t. t, ·~ fr n l lH.' r :": :\11 1> 113 1 ll a llk M l. :!lH, (W wllte h pu t ovor . t.IlO PIIIIIC:O " I I1rH~ ('" IT t., ~t,t. flf h i' ll V\" .11 1u IliA 111"("'('11 hll VA ju"t recelvAd • ~rlood of Nil· TUE DA y, FEBR UARY l:J. l\W\1 fo' t .H' lI . n.a l lla pt.·r 1·I~r l't.' I1 '; Y , nl c kc"1 1'i hi ~ h ogsbip III 1110 UilH!inllll tl Zno f il l! 1 1I11'nH ~~ . !'i et, PI' t\(t11hh -l If'nd 1I 1lf poleon Ellultlo Pulp Plaster; al80 II. beginniu g li t to tl, U1.. 1 Jersey mil k ~ 1I1t1 ,' ,' lit ,.. l a~ fH h l l!.!t.~ \' hllr. Ji-':('" IIlIn strllll gl~ to $ 1I 'y hn tu il d t.) up, ll(ll"~ 1· \\'0 !i'f' t~ , tI (JOW ; 2 furm wugolld;. n top buggy . L4.\\\nH, MII:O:": ," HK'i RUV,.: I S HANI{. . \ · l lI.: qn ' (If prepltred lime, whioh Tf'n t ll n ~ of lil tsI'l l 11/1\' in n qw . ·H)O ~ l l e('f e II I.:lU'; tJ lI ul, I;)l e bg rl '~t< O r hl ~ IlItlntill l \ll'ar ' Me -, 1'1111 0 hl ncJ,Jr lIellrly now; w it l he ~(lI1\ "t, right prices. Call at I. cgnl · l c1lflt- l" nn tl~ n l.ill lO ' HJ Icbnde . hut, RIt· l't . "" III 1"'1"'(' nllll h l\ ~h(·11:! "f (lul'lI In r r ih UIlI( ,,,huhl y,.rcl .. or t.flltlphono r~ Pan Hundle lIollrl .y u ew, /\ 110 toot b hnrrow, II 1 ·1 .~ 111 ; H(I quil t., 1'l' ~ n"II" ss "f Ih " .. "XjOI1~ J.{('I(td ~ IIf t Jo \'l)r ~1' 1I.":oIOI· t pt.tnn h OI..1 "I C.. rw!n , ARll for book let t h tlrse oorn oultivlltor, ridiug hI! Y t1 f·~l' · III (lt ton fUlltl with 1 ~ . Ir. ·n,,· ·L .-IHO 00 wIII,~ lHlI' M w h ll \\', , 1'11 tll " .. rih· th o "Ill m Ke, 1\ Deerin!!; Dlower, An j!h o url' r (:. I.... -" n ( c1n"l11. tt h lll , '\' r 'II ~; All ~ '1fn !'l of trl OO " 1\(1 , d~o rlhinll thiH plustar, h u"x of d l't,fI "lI lilllllg \\ : hlll lit .. nnd .. " ('l l l"lh : I'll 1111 1'011 " I~ • •, ' " ,' . :. 110 I l)rea.KKing u)J plow, b.\r~hal'e fur, Bot woter bottiOK at.J . E , Janne.vB rowing ont plow, corti ill t,he crib, ,,;,r,.I!!\I ~; wI' Il I.I",r will ltP ril l' th t' II Px r ~I x ,' r II (' TPt\ 11 of u ill n " '"I1I II.Iot. \\ III I,, · /o! I V O' \"'I' A I. oigh t llI'mrhs. all it (11111111',101' II I' n , lHll'(\ II" ~ f ' r' l!i vil1 l! H .1.. W111 i t w " T ht1 [AIUe.. lochltltrlul Sooletv clqver ilA Y in th e ro o w, 1\ ] .IIIJr!H' I,h oug b t hn t n,t II r" l1ni (", 01' rlll' hnl( IIPP"nvt " l ~"OUI· lt l l\ "" li'UU I' P " I' rl ' nr tbM Ortbrii!ox FrlendM (,lburch de~i culti vllr.or, l . h r~e sbovel pl ow, :i behl I II I ht) wllll:l of A I ricn" It. w"t- t1it'O"l1l1 t tQ tlillnk every one who 80 kindly big 11'0n K l'l ttlo~, 2 sets sln gl Ca pital ~ t ot.: k p td!l 111 "II~h ~ :, " . UflU II/.l d epm eLl E'xpedill nt' by SCl UlO of 1111' allHi8ted theni by donations, work lles~, ' bridles alld oollnrs. doubl o SuqfiuH r U IH' t: 1. " Utc:~ C I~ H H" ltIU ,", ~:;. U tJ lI UII rTlo"t 1f'IITI\ecl speu\cer!l uf tho dlL,Y 1·0 Unli l\' ILlc(l prott18. l'l,ft,. I.·X }It! I1 1f.C" anc;lllberal patrotlage Riven . to the eto. ;Llltl tax es (la id ';7 . 1!1 1 <I" dotlLiI "mllll t lll'fl. " ,. Inur onl" 1·0 A wn.rdrobo, /\ cupboard , feothet' \ dlnnerB Berved ·In red briok during A BeBiing UURpel. Bl'ill os <:11('1'1' 1I 111h" \ ' 001', Ev , ' .V N a tiona l UJ.ut 110H' )4. Qu ls lan,lIng ;,11.111)(' nn IImllt! th Air Ob>!oCll'v llti nlJ s ill I"l'hrl1 . the F.rmerll Institute. bed, 2 bedsten(ls, st.u.nd, table, LL sut Dh'I,1C Ulltf 00111\11.1 '1'ho Re v .•J C. Vva.l'I'ell, p'1Mt.o r of I "",1.1' Ilk"" II, II " "" ,II I, \'I 'quI" ,, 1 (II'Y, 1906, IInLi I'flJ)O\'t t", Ih u IJ ... 'I,h ·· Mrs Edwin S. Furnll8, wbo for of ohlllrs,:I rOCKing ohairs,ice c relllll O U~' t o o th er ~n llOl lll t ren i,t rh o ne:llt au nunl tnoetinJ,! t,o Sbllroll Bnl>tist Churoh , Beluir , Gil , I·.. r OI't'".tllO(· I",,·r,,( I Iy ,h'lll<l mu ~i( , nlll{~ I:"UUO Ou ' two weeklfbfl,s been receiving spec. freezer set of bed sprlngs.lnl1 wo I JjI ni}l\,iclualll e nos1t... I b h old in tbo vi cinity of Snn Fisb sny!\ of E1Eltltrio Ritter!'! "It',; 1\ Ih,~ IIlItls t, vncul ~"I",., ,illOI.• , UII<! ial treatment at the State HOR}lltnl oorpet, 1 I!art w ool oarpet, a ra g Hu h jcc tlo ch oo k , ,1 'i !!, rl;,f. '!'.! I' Hi ll", Ohio. Godson'l to mnnkincl It cUI'eu 111" 1)11" , 1."",,"; t l\<' 1111",., (')'urIH' t.t' r Dayton at her own request, Is 08.rpet, 2 milK sep"rlltors, a . 10 gul· Dem and cc rti li t a t c ftl , .' , , of lamo bllok, Ariff joillt~ , lind ClO Ill. 1 ij,,:If1,O OU J :.!O:!,U"(. ~S reported to be improvln Dd h Ion milk can, and other tblDgs too of Ih !pnfC h Lorin BoorRteler hns tel llllhclIoti pl ete physlo,,1 CIJlhl11Ro I WIIH !Ill ", '"I!,.. .. n,1 vll lldllr vlll " ~ kll t' . I hll~ ,. ..' g a e l ' numerous to me ntionhiM grand IJllrent", Mr. !Lud Mr~, we,;k it took m o hnH lin hunr tO I' III ' l'h " " fiL!rll llh I"'" 101,· ,.. III"" " 11 111 many frienull jotn with ber in the Terms ; All sums of 00 and !Jr.ii, IS0 '.! T . '1.' TA r., Levi J essop to I\nswor r oll cll lI ut wnlk tl mil e. Two butll(ls of I':leo I.. 'III 11111,..11, I,\r" .. .. " ' "I,lIl1l' IIII L" 'IIII I •., bope tbat Bhe wililloon be rennited under oollh. On nn ~ums over '5 .00 hi s r OAittonce In Lebuuon, prompt lIt with h~r home Bnd family. "oredit of nine months will b e gi v, S ' rAT O: OF 0 '" 0, C; UN'I'" 0>' WAIUI"", "~: tuio Blt,ters hllve millIe Ill'! !lnl\rr'III~ I ' · !I" · l' t"'IIIW . VI'I; j>l \\'I lhin ""11 el\ I .,r n...-rgo Reyn~Id £1,0f Co rwi n, b l . . t itb "I"'Te (, J . nI):lIllo,l . CAltTW Il IO IH', C.. hlcr nf L he II fiv e o'olock dinner I:InnLIllY a.nd 11. ,."""k" r",' il'~"II . "'''''' u.s e n t 0 puro lase r 1§1VIDg no e w b a nk . 110 sololllnl), "wenT lle nl tbel) [lnt! thore partnke of It s prell!l J h just walked three 1IIi1 "~ . i ll "II entered ·the United Stn.tes navy bi npproved security, t he ab(),·~ . tnt.nlont 18 I rue tn Ihe \Joot fif oo mpo~Lld of 1111 the d ellclI l'lioll pro· 50 mlnu 11IId fael IIko \\' .. Ikln~ . \ VI} \\' 111 III" pl,'":oo."ll t.11 !"h .. w t h o three m o rfl . }t's mude II n ow m n" the capacity of II. blll.cksmlth. Mon, W , B, HOlll.Y.TT m y knnw lc<lgc ;..... 1 hellef. duced in this tropionl, o)so to wit: of' m e, " Grentest remedy r,'r w«" k 11) . el'1I11" ~ III IInyo"H inrnrll,. tA.l. day he pa8IIed the examiaation tlt A, A. MoNeil, Auot. .1 , O. AII'I'WI{J(:\'(1', Cn,hle r. ness tbe IIgility of hlS performilDcc n oss lind Lill Stomnch , Liver und , I:;nhl nn 1",:\, 111"111 " of $1 00 " \\,p,.k , Clnoinnatl lind will !'hortly begin ~ u u)jtrtJJc(' n el Mwnrll t o before m e lh b 011 t he tmpese. Kidney eOll1lllnint", ~old undor Ufe on one of Unole Sam's battle As we have sold Q UI' furm and 2m\ day of .,-..'b ruar·.\\ 10l,)O, ·T. B. CUSTER. Oharley Boorstoler IlIlB . purohused g Ullrnllte!l11llt F . C. ~chwllrt,7. DruJ,: I , 1-1 . h7E!YS. N01'AI,," l" lJ III. 10, ,hIps. will movtl fr om thla county, I will o nice residence proporty ill I..ebu- Store . Prioe fiOc. .fEWELER \Varr e n Cnunl y . Ohln. Mr. Georce Benbam, of Lebanon, sell at my reSidence, 1 mile north· non. of Lytle, on tbe pike lellding CnIlIl KO'1'-.AtLe. t : blls .requested t he Gaze~te to SllY th.t during the Farmen Institute from Lytle to F e rry, w, \I AI.! •• ,, ! NeoeSl'ity ulone \VII tho only WEDNESDAY , FEB, 14, 190U, ~: ~~~\,~VH~';'~'\V""' JI"I' ( :olri'CLOr.o. illoeutive to nn aniUlILted 1I1 0VO 011 hill hat and thd belonging to some one , ell!8 were exohanged . As he beginn.lng at 10 o 'olook a . rn • tbe ·our people lust eiltnrduy . Geat-Ie Mpring with b er buds und blossoms · requires a No. 7 he finds the 6y' size follOWing farlll stOCk, Implem ents, - -unequal to its duty and desires to eto: 2 bead of horses, one II, blllck Mrs . Mobel Di:nwirl,lJe .. who hull n closed tbe sllllt,ters lind will hlber. make lin other exohange. mare 10 years old, one Puroell colt sull;l of her persooul propllr t,v Tburs nnte fl,r IInother sellson, wbilo the rI'be Rn.ell Baml1to~ ro ert at coming 2 yearll old; ·three head of cluy, hus Dloved to .Wllyne. ville anll ioe king Is monurch of ull he sur, Lytle wal sold t!a.turday Pro! to mlloh c~ws, one to be fresh soon tt.nd elle .und h er three httle ohl1,lren ore veys . R ecei pt!! . 1'0 1,,1 WIlUam Coleman, of the Clement8 two giVing milk; tw~ hend ot ~ogs\ no~' II.t hom e with her pllren t~, Mr. Qnlte u number of our citl?ens Supplios I Wlttar neighborhood 80uth of Waynesville, b!ood sows; one MoCorm.lck blD(ler a.nd Mrs. Ow en .f. Burnett . at.tended Fl\rmers Institut,e at I $'i.j4 08 I 1250 iI:l 715 l G1'--.2~=1"'l"7'=-=5""6 The property consists of two lots 1'. good as new; one .steel tooth Th ' £' ' I Wllyu os ville Frldayand Sl\turday, - - - - - - -Bnd a very pretty oottage, and Mr, Aulky hay rake, one 2,horse. Fllrmers e series 0 reVIVR meetingA IIncl profuse in tbeir enoonlums Colflman wll1 occupy it and will ~rlend corn pIllnter, t":"o riding cnl· which have been in pl'Og ress at the of the proceedings . No doubt the 1660 ___ probably open a meBt mlLrket In the tlvators, one Gale culhvl\tor alm os t M. E. church th e past three 'weeks moe tin gs were very ibstruotive US _ __ vl11aRe of Lytle. new. one :riger cultlvntor, one hur. ure still continuing. with increased well' as iut·eresting. Then, t,oo, the 4377 GU . ' row, one GO·tootb hurrow, two sec· interest, innell man wns 8llti!'fledand thero is Mrs. Frank Long. ot Johnstown, tillns' ; three breaking IJlows, one Meetings b egin at 7 o'clock each nnught on eartu, thllt will appeal PeDnay}vania, has been for a week top \,uggy nlmost n e w; two 2.b orse evening. Come. vifiUng her Bis.t er, Mrs. fl, H .. Wl!. "leds. one I'u I'ron shod', one ~e' t ' of more for olbly to our representatives Ii dh Id d' a u Mrs . Rachel Tamsett hilS Hold h e r t,h lln ~ooll wholesome hash, Expendit,uros Supplies Coul Lu b ur aRlIOO, an er other 0 frlen 8 oheok lines. two tons of .clover lillY property, :cootllining , GO lIoros, boo We Ilre Informed .Josia.h Rogers in Waynesville, MilS Emma Heigh. some fEJClder; 17 bushels of White tween Lytle und Ferry tbe hllif bus purcblls ec.l the property on way enterta.ined in. her OOluIIUment seed oats; two beating stoves, on e contl\ining the bmldlng~ to Milton Main street f ormerly occupiod anll Inoillent als I Friday evening, and ~rs. W. B. parlor heutlng stovo and hox b ellt, Clu.l'k, nnd the billunao, inoluding owned by Dr. Witham, uow of Bal roUl, in bandA of Tr. 88rve da ~llenLo ~in:M: :1lj;rSo to iDg stove, a cook stove and a drop t h e wood lund , to Orlo.tHlus Gltbens . Kings Mms . Janl1/\ry 1, 1000 ng,a 80 0 .. . era, lesf tflble. C. F. SCOTT. Mrs. Tlim sett's ln.w, Mr. C. .' re. f 0B ICohlnmbusd' Jllnd M llI9 eB Emmn r~. H , I:ItJRt'A \C, nuctloDeor . F . Scott will D.lIlko n. 8111e of his It Is reported tbo.t Eu Hatton has e g way lion ess ieCl a rk, . ' left Kinge Mills to !\Ccopt n more Accounts not yet colleot.ed belonging to supply ota' 1 will offer ILt public 1:I1IIe lit my t the pU1blio g l O residence 2 miles west 'of Lytle on afterwlI;ds move to Clinton oounty so IdO s a · t b mtlhn on,. Dl /\ tiP acef 'k () J . . ' 'ma · e vactt.u y e re91g I on 0 th e D IIY t on OD(1 I..e banon pi fl. n n ear Mllrtms vl1l(3, where thoy have Clint Mllddell . . ZIMMERMAN'S t~e farm known tiS, the ~ ohn R ILl relLdy b ought llroperty, Walter . ·--~-- _ _ _ _~~· __~_~_.ISIdes fl~rm, Warren Co ., 01110. Foster. son o f Mr , Imel Mr!l Joshua Paul Wright who neveL' knew IL , THU RSDAY FEBUtRY 15, 1\IOli, Fo~ te r, will occupy tha TlIlJIsett flliluro b efor e 1\ b?ard of eXaminel's mew Goods BeJl;.mnmg lit 10 am , • worle h orAI;'~. h OIDC!!ten(\ tllld will have ohllrilo of nnt.! wbo hI'S all kmds of oertlficate~ New White Fish I Will ulso offer one 4 year old gon · t.h e ITl tOf(l~t.~ of Mr. Clurk'R fllrm for tenohlllg the idea, attended ox· New Lake Herring orol1.lurpose horse sound lind 1111· whi ch \s nioo ly squnred nu t si o,:e !lmluu t,ion ut Lebllnon Snturduy. New l::Imokei! Halibut right Fonr milk oow s, three nlllk, r,h o r ecent pnrchase. Gu e ~s he novel' IIlIS8e~ one lind will erB,on fresh ILbOl1t, the middle Dot be ~utlsfiod until the blghest of April. Ten h Olld of hogs cOllslst . nrd or will be attnined in t,he zenith NEW PRUNES ing of 6 orood sows, 4 s t ock hogs . of Ildncotion. 70 to 80 to the pound 50 Ib, One Deerl~g binder in good r e puir, W e lire In roceipt dlLlly of the oon. 50 to 60 Prunes 10 tbe Ib 10 pounds 800 dili on of Mrs. W. B . AutruuI who un I~perlul breaking . pl ow A 40 to CiO prune!! to the Ih : 10 ohampwn hroakm g" plow . A dou , ~"" is 'it II bospital in Cinolnnlltl unl] IbR, 900 ~ ..... Rince u, succeflsfnl operntion perform, hie shov~1 plow, one ,,0 tooth harrow, si~es one Moltno. corn planter, ulle lillY ~ ad fur tnmor eome throe weeks IIgo, All New Santa Clara Prunes ruke, one dlso h l\rrow. ono Cnssudy at ( ) 0 u!!' th(, reports lire she is getting along sulky plow, one tobllCCO wlI gon , bay <..> nicely ILIlt! 'ere many du,ys hO}lOR to Sweet Potatoe8 Pllrsnlps, lodder, one hand Inllllo wheel bllr· be r estored to ber family. row, h,1Y f ork, rope /\nd pull eys, ' Cabbage Apples four !lets of work hnrneB~ 1 set Wm . Howland o.nd family move do uble hurneRs, co tlnrs, li~es und , in /\ short time to BirminghaUl, brlelles. double trees IlULl ~ingle Alt1baUlo , where Alf Edwards bllll Ext.rt\ Fancy Celery trees, about \100 bushels of corn , 10 secured employment for him at II -OYl::I'l'ERBtons of IUlY, 150 bush els of white good salllry, oats. Also some housebold ilood8, 1 Eph Smith will have a Blllo of Salmon. SPECIAL, &tImon. consisting in pn,rt of one cook stove, stook and f,trm implements in the 1 one gllsoline stove, one bed lounw', nellr futur e; and will movo to A Inoky Purobase, our (Jus. one extension tublo, onel1ninn chnrn -) r::. r::. Wllynesville. tomeI's get tim benefit 7r.yds . of CIIrpet, one fltnnd, one ~vC to) C nil( oJ;, . , There are four or fiveln< . tlO Tloz. Cuns Funcy Red e SALMON brooder, .dIShos, dinner 11011 Illld t who ure see kinll property In tbl S articles. ci ty and when docile spring shnll 1 No, Tull Canll, eold every where ~t 150 ., Our I:Ipooio.l .J OSH U A FOBn :\! . have sprend .ber wing!.' over thi!! A. A . MC'NEIL, metropolis, what 0. bustle the olLl Price Lunob will be served by the Ladies cnravans will bave to put up will be .Oc a can anotber epoch for future reference . Aid Sooi ety of tbo Lytle church . 'It Pllye to trade LI t I wl\1 11911 nt'my re~idence kn o wn .Toe E 7Alrll 'l'rlnldad,of Klllumn7.oo, US 'tbe P eter Monfort farm, :IX was looking up l>oyhood acqullint. ZIMMERMAN'S of course mil os west of Wn.yu p.H villo on tlw alloes in the city last MondllY und roud, visIting tho tomh of sorne of ~he I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . township THURSDAY, FEB. 22, 190 0 depart-eel. 1. Ii :" 1:1 :, U.lIIJU 1111
:t ll i l U II , \-, ' 11 n'tl. U I,,; I h .IIH l s (u ,"h·c.; l U·,' \' It' ~ld, \tI '"\ B Olll l ... I'tc,"ur lt le" . ,.' tt"
Water & Light report, for yeal' December :31, 1905,
_ ___1_
Rc_o_'e_d_c_o_n_n_t_ Y 'I_'r_·-_~l--
;::i::::::::::::: :
~~~;;ni'l l~~~'~~~t;Il~~I~~fll ~;~ IUlora~ive pO~~'l°~ i~
50 pail" Men's Leather Boots S1zes 6, 7, and 8; .$1.25 and $1.50 a· pair
-.a It
rf h
rOl EY'S
1 \ill
For Sale a
SCHWARTZ'S vV ay nos ville,
HONEY an d' 'I AR 0
40 pail·sBoys' Leathel· Boots, :111
Felt Boots and Overs at a discount Men's Heavy Underwear, teh $1.00 kind 75ca suit. Workiuo' Cloth'i ng, pants and coats vcry cheap.
Mrs. c. D. RADEB Corwin, OhIO.
Mrs. Levi Kelly h 'OLD IN SHOR T ., ~~.eased from Suffe ring. PARAGI~APHS
Adeli a Flore nce Barke r.
Prote ctive Assoc iation
Harveysbur g.
Cente rville .
Adoli ll F lor BnCll Hllrker , dllllg hElect s Office rs. Mr , W O\I ",~-;;ithc ~~ry tlrill of l Mrs. Maddox i8 s till impruv Atter Ill~ny wellry months of in- , t,or f Re v. Da.vid O."ilUcl Mllrthll ,J. i~g . The Wu y ne und M!I"sie - T'h VII,hll' \\, "I t~ , \\' \I illingto n , hilS lJeen tenee Pllln, Mrs. Le vi Kell y plLSsed l i\ I , ~ . J~/I'" _ J q llll~ \If MIIlI OI' i ~ ti L 'in our I J oseph Vaugha n 18 l!lowly glli nln ~ Bllrke r , wns borll ill Ewhlg, B ock- P rotecti ve Assooin t ion elected Il w'~y Mo ndllY o\'oning ut h el' home ! I,', ,,·,,, 101' u 'nt : IlIq ulJ'o , " i .\~t ~0 1ll 0 tWII weeks tnk illg orderS l stre n~th . or l\Ii~ !\ ing COllnl,y, Ohio, MI~rch 21st, 1871.. followin g officer o:! t,o sor ve the en" ll- for f lui 1 n MI ~s 111" hellu Brown' s h ouse on M." "j ,' ",n t orl h w'li t o. L I rl"·.' , et o Mr. Pllrry Broadw ay il:l quite lIio)[ As rl child sh e wu s eHpeoi ~lly in,;! .v oll r , nl, it!' lII eet,iulo{ in I,he to wn M,md " .I' ,, " rl 'l'ue~dIl Y uther de le l ilt this writing , Third Rtree~ in Way nesville, where I M I'M /'i" I.b Cllo k hu brigb t ano sh oweu II wllrI(etl tllleot Mb ip h() u~Il, Snt urcllLY "fl.e s lJ."" ,, qui! e : gllti u u " . W" r·~ . abc' ouOle WIth h er fllmlly of three ~ir'k for "O VCll'lti d UYH II th o County An infant son of Mr. and MrM. . . for music, Bin~in g , in h er childi~h Pre~. , . J . Edwa rds ; First Vice ,'~nt c)U m issi unII~ell"f t.viuve~t1g . youngd uug h terS llnd onll 80n HIlverui l lll.iull P e rry P ope was burled in the yJIIlll(e W I.y t,110 h ymo~ • Illugh " t her by h er Pre .. , F rhnk Brndtlo ,month s ago h oping lIoon to UO 1'0 ok ; Seoollcl V,co hofore I,ho I','\II't. 1'; \' 1" " ' "'''' whll hus MeAII " HUlI M,ot jCe meter y Illst Bnnday . fn ther. At th e Il ge of t wo s he waR 1're8 , Bu rry Uo rn s lI ; . tieur e l" r.v .. .f -etbrell to h~r u Bua.1 h ealt h . on ly t o. I!h'H" I>~' . U" 'VI'I'MlI'Y 0 Ad li nd ,", mus tilu.)p~ with t heir Barry Davis and family and Er. stricke "11111 n .. wit,1l 110 (: Iu opinal ll Me ningiti s, C. Bn \\'ke ; Trolls llr ur. J . E . .I,mn er; fll mi li e~ IIl tt! nel"d t h e be lliRlI)JI)()intod ami r emovCld from MI"' II I; 0 1 I . I" I,hu VOl'." hl fUll oml of ~Ir~, ' ucst Burris and familY, 1111 of Day. g; host 1m I1I H. whioh caused hor d eafn eH!I . IlIId 'l'rtlstell~, Cbllrlo~ Co rn e ll, ~" rullk 1:),,,, 1 tilln,I",V. "u,1 \'lsil ll .1 w it,1I HII III· . to'n spent . or f"mlly , lellvlng th om o rpbans ollnday In Centerv ille . 'l'lh' 1,II .llf".. Ai.1 oocioty ot t ho M. on l.r II dill' or t wo be fo re he r i1ln e~s El boll d Mltlllt t ; l\[n r!lhlll~ : Ch llM twl StOOllMII n,1 fllmi ly : ~'h e extra servioe s at the ~et,ho. Iluleeu , . f . Ii: " hul'I'" will h"lrl t hoir Ellst Elr >Ill! Sllll g w ith her fllthe r tha t oolLn- B tlrl.s~ck Pe rry Konri c k , H'lrry ~1 ~ ~. h i.. An t rll1ll ,n 1'1'1 veil Mrs. . K e lly wa~. tef OrlflleErlY All i"rS j\1Il" k,., u ~ u~ \1111 1'lIrtic h y mn, ths ch orus of wbioh iH . I' te l::I' 'M 't':llrk .I ohn Linde I' III ,t I h tH"rlllY fr o m \,;lIlcl nuul l. hultle , .list churoh were poBtpo ned OI~e ulllJ' Mlu t.ol'. tiful Bllttle olLbm, dllug u r 0 . II Beautl' f u I wor ld sq . . • h UH I Ii gI I, WTIl. O1',. H.llper, " T her e IS . . . " Oil ' I . · \\.e It,, pe t ,) 1,;1'e t· I week .on Ilccoun t of Mrs. Maddox s F rllnk A. Hl1I'1.Mock , P itH I. ". SlIuln , of Barvey sburg . . rJ1'l' I uu~ l\l,.~ !llvin l::i,·lhlr. , of Uni on Ph~ot! e : oondltlo n . . Wh y Ah oulu I fe ll I' t o di l', . F rllnk S nires Cb ll rl es Spnrl', W ill' h"1' 11I 1:1)0(1 hOIlI I.h .. g Be r funernl wlU tllke 1)llI.oe lit the Fill "' , 1t"'1 l,hH (Jl ouNuro 01 . Th er e Will be preaoh lngser,v lce lit Anu 1:1 0 lIus go ne t.o preplll'[! I'en Key~ Geo r ge 1' hoUlJl~o n . W . E I Oil " Xii 11,111111·", ,, I)f tuh"lI1. Mortua ry Chnpe l nt 1 2 :;)0 o'olook 111 ),( It ,·,· " ~~ I " I' 1l l1l11w r hU8 .mte rtulIl "" " f 0 1 II ur the Sugar Creek Chrlatl an oburch A home for you lind 1." O' N u,dl ough , Ern "st. Bnt"1 ~(' h, ,, ol 1'lIIlcllll~ , It WII S ,Ie ern ed e x» ? , !:lnndIlY this, W ednesda y, a f terllo o n~ ,uIIl I)II y l" ," t,II tnnl llY nig h t- h'II~(1 f l'oOl Thi" illn ess lu sted ~everol w ee ks l or wllrtla,C.C.M.H.BCl nn (l Sun(] ny. , Fe brullry 25, by R6v. J . E. ements Itl II 'IIt tu .... )lll1e .... t il ' ohl tl ufllCIl\ Ol l:lpriggs , pastor. will be oonduc ted by R e v. J . E . Cad-, Mill ~ Emmit H eighwll Y sorvod 11 rO~ l1lti" g in t ot,,1 deafnes s, lind of ~ WIth II 11 (' \\' I'l) vfl rwll llu l,ru .\ Preaohi ng serviceB were held In wallador . Ide liciOUS dinnflr 'l'hnrl!tl ny to Mr.· course her use of th e voioe was SOOIl Corw in. \\', 'nl \\,,,~ rt'c'el vccl III ~ L wctlk Ol l the Baptist church ~unday afterlint! Mrs A. MIIOltt., Mr>!. ChurleA forgo tte n . I,he ",el'i on ~ ilI ue~s Heart s Playe d At th o ILgo of teu 8h o e llte red tho :;birlull or of Hllrv uysbnrg . MrR. C. III I' H owllrd Booth Willi CI ( 'illf'i n. I.'\ IIdo r~on '~ h" by ho.v,"I'I m J\Ir~ Ma lHI nOl)n by a pll8tor of one of the ill. I nd iUIl :<, Bllpl,i;,t c hurcbes in Dayton . . at Miss' Jessie Clark 's. w, 8l1rlI ~tt n n,l Mi 88 Mnlllu Brown . Oh io Slu tu Sohoo l for deuf u.t Col· nllt.i v isitor \:lundo y. whithe r ~h e IUIl1 1:"" 1l t." IUIIIIRtfl r I.O! Mr~ . Lihhi ll Vllugh,l urn lJu R. Here she Wllll groduo ted h"" Mi~!!e~ !:ltella L emm on lind Bon. t.h u ~\·.ILIII.'" cof llCll1 1' " lei " gl'lIlIdnlll , hoen v isiting railltlve~ hll,erewho M I' . ltion 8.oel ' R hom e helng hrok- ill 18UI , untl in tho same olll~s Wl\~ Mis" .I (,~" I' t; llll'k WIIS h ~s tes !! for sevri etlol~ McKins ey we re g uest!! of M i ~s ' 'cul ' III h() r I ,,~ t s l ulm e~~. . ernl 'wcA k~, return ed to her home In .". htl.l'lu iru.( Vll ltl llt in P"I'I..\' \Vedne" li n np uy the ue llth of hilS wife, be Mr . Ri on Boel, t o whom sh e WIIS Battie Bawke n ear Spring VlIlIey i Ed .Luk en ~ h tl:' lll1l'uhuSI'cl II hlnder' l We~t .1'I.y e vening , ut. which' " H "~lr~s " wns hu s dis Ulllntie d his h OUle a t Klld llre "unrri ed ,Tune 30th , 1890. lit Za nps 8nt urdny . B,dtilllo re lost I:lunday. I for hlUl solf li nd II CeUl1l1ll Udut101l 0 1 B , I!'. Vuughl ln will attend the ver y uppr(lp riate ly the oblef Hnter · Farm anll h ilS gone t o t h e hom e of vill e Ohio. B e l' IlIl1rri ed life WIIS Mrs Will Philip" nlltI lhmghl er I who IUny b.l loo klll l,; (111 f uture) f or , Uffici,,1 hi l:l sis ter , Mrs . Wm . IIi Mill @, at Sile nt nt Kilde r e Fnrm nellr Way tllinme nt.. Bourd Meeting of Miami . of MII~o r spent B ellrt!! oooupie d n promin e nt vn rt N orth TOflUw ontlu ,New York, whm'e lIeBville tbis being the homest ead moth er M~s. Ly di'lS'anday with he~ IL clOlID s wcop of I.mal n '1'hcn he , Uo nfere uco lit 'froy, Uhlo,1' hursdllY , Gortloo . will . be llreptlre d thrush e, us : tll.O :!~nel , loA hoing 8eorew ry of the in ' ovor yt binl( , 'l'bCi tlocomt lons he will remllin fo r II fe w weeks 00· ot he r h u ba nd's fllmlly . She wos MI/l.q Apphla Miller s pent Sun dn y he 18 ut,tendll lf,; to tll.t1es IIml on Ih o 'onfel'en ('fl. COIIRistod of Meores ILDrl Moor es of fore deCIdin g upon hiB fu t ure course. gr eatly Iltt lLc hed t o he r oountry wi t h her pa-rents Mr. lind Mrs . I N . lookou t for lI o E\lI'ek ~1 Lhru~h~ r . h C /l.r t ~ Mr s Enlli ~ rlieclSu nday. the 18th, w h ich wero IIrti s l.ienlly " SUIl .let" in BI~h Sohool hull hom e Ilnd h er hnppies t days w e re Mill er of Har veysbu rg . . t w no k ::;11111 Ell IS ~lIld 'ILrl'llll l!ml t hrougb out the r OOlllll F ebrullry 2:.1, f or ben efit of B om ll- spent tber e . B er life was full of Mr Phineas Colli liS and ' f"mil y .l oe SmI t h t w" hlll1dr,' (1 to H or - ""11th 0 1' ti,wn on the Edgar Crollley II od sIx ty · fllrm ','It" ~oor e oflrll!:! \YO I'll in th e form ' oullng . the s unsh i lle o f God 'B Love , and of M~rro w visi ~"11u erul serviotl(l at thA hi s ~ister 1111'•• W . two hend of h oJ,: s li t ~\;. 0(1 IlIl r hun · hOIll,(' bor fllith in Hi s promises WIIS n les- Bi B ao d fllmilted o f !.!1l,1l y o(ll.. reo1 h nalt't ~ beul'ill g In . 'I'ul\sdll j Ilftorno on, oonduo ted y Sunday drUlI To tlt e illlUl U ""rl,y Miss Will Miunie B lltha wlLY. s tenog- s on to III I who knew her. While tor. by RllV B. V . Vangha n . HUI·iftti.iu H Ilpprn~trittt,e to V u I" m.ille gg , . Elli s sold so mo si xt y beud, lind Gllfl , Th u LilJrnry Club is arrangi rlu v O n ("coll tll bl e WII !\ II tl h. 1t of rll ph er in t h e House of Repres ent.fl - hor d oofll ess chllnge d the chann el ng for Mo ster Lae Lemmo n has rec~ver . Hu wke t.wun ty · ~wo h ood , euch ur i CL "Uhlilk 'ralk" enterta in mont to fill illh' lll'll rl..... I u.. tclld of til Uli Ull1 tlves at COhllUIJUS, OIlille home on of h tlr life , itdid not dim tbe br ight. ed IIftor n serious IIttll ok of grippe t b o iol t tUI' reoni vlll g ~ "IIl\l n ~ Mr · hE> gi ve n ut the Town Bull Tueeda y '1Il1l' ki ng ", gll U1 0~ Wtl U by pllnohi ng Jrritln y c,,'oo ing, lllld 0 11 Snturdl lY ness of h e r dispolliUon in the lellltt, • E lIiH . 1' Ve lllll(.;', MllfOh 1:1, by lin t h" M,l ll l' fI Pllru. II Liny hfl(ll·t WIl M wU S ll'reKe nt Itt. the nnn iver Bllry blln. R er illness g r\lW upon h e r f or Sprin gboro . Will HUIIl OS , un oltl l' ElSldlm t of t1:lIlt line Admiss ion 1Ii expert in IIt,nok 011 t he Cllftl fo r. auoh I,;um e WOn. que t of Pro.f . Alfred B ol}lrook !lom e months , ond althoug h she cents. A . . 'hill plnoe , no w of Mlldillon , l udillUII, jl,(oud plllrOntllle Is cordiall All 'Ippetir. ing Illfloh Ann \VII !! ~ rv- g iven by hll; f ormor pUjllls in wus trOll ted for it both a·t home Ilnd y solicite d. Mr . DWIght . Bunn ell of Duyton I~ oirolll utillg in the vlllugo und nil , tho Mr N . Oeo. 01'111£1,1. lit Cinoinn ati there was no permll- SJlOll t ollndllY WI th bls Acl nnd he re ugll.itl ·ltt1ortH w er e in purentll MI' . j llcont. Whil o Willinm givcs CVI . /' EIIIl Wilson'Weller hus rented Mrs n ellt re lief d erived until about a and Mrs . J M Bunn ell. s Rud Mr8, Broadw aY'1:I evillonc e. th e I'tllldwi'ohpII, croqu~ tt8 . 'rhe r llvi val m eeting ot the . 111 . d ence E . of the fr ost s of seveml will · fnrUl , Mrs. Wilson and mother anll month Il go when tllld (,~lk iJs bein g t the prevltlh ng churoh olosed Suliday evening was de oided to Mr Il~d Mrs. O . C? Bllrrl ROn r~. ter~ yet t,h er e is the sam , I\·f- bring h er to h erit brother e flloetiou s l urother will move to Centerv Rbn\lll. 's hom e turnedou~dny AVllnmg fr om Ii plens· "I'\(; lind ol'i . ter fi ve weeKS of earnest !lnd sue· gi llu Ji ty w hich ohllrno- \ Mllrion Weller will move from ille where she Mi~!I My rB Boirtl r eceived t he oesafnl effort. . 'rile m the eotlng!! have otue bOllin!;ooul(1 hnve the bus t uf unt vl!!lt with re lHtive!O lit DAy tun · 1t,erir.Pd the mun wbe ll h tl hud a full J err y All e n' ~ fnrm In .lv· .• prl".fl llllll Mr. OeOl'go Fnnkey r osul ted in Ilringi nl-( ullm y . Jonatb an Mot o nurse her llllok to MrH . C ,I : ROUmHO n ~peo t ~he set uf teet h IIll rl Fulbe r 'I'hue hllll , Cru y will m o ve on tbA fllrm Routh th o' gent.inm tlfl' ~ prll'.o, while Mr . O. into ohnroh lind alloo lllpli I' 0r ~ on ~ heulih ' l1goin . I:;h e 1-( . e w het te r f u l' po s t wne k wlt,h h o I' hu shtlml lit, Um tld Ju s t · . played 110 PM t III whtt,o. wu K hing his of JClhnn y '''' eller's farm. lind Robt. ~ Rioks W I1S uwurele d the 0 [l sollI>. i ng g OO(\. Re . . v. 'I'rout . i ~ n ~!C i ~t hl g •• l.Im e , but durin g th e lo@t two olnnu ti. . . . locko:!. . P off will move wbere MoCrny nuw tlon Mlri!l Abbie J ohnson o f Wilts • in a U nion meeting of the milllA wee kil othe r conditio ns de velo pell Th e pllJler s ho ve in 11 mild form Ii vA>! nnd nn ounda.y oVOll ing ~be wal! ComUl erolol College lit . A VM Y Illo .. ",in /,: ~ url'rl se OltlllP. ~o ter!! nt Bu.rvey sburg t biN wee K. 'rh~ Librury now hilS 81x hnndre d tak(lIl with ~evere pdinil in the head, hOme fo r t,h~ week l'ooov Dny ton, is witbou t ostellloll tlOlI lind profusi ou, Mi H>! Ch;rk lit thA (\I ()~e of t he evouer i ug from ILDnoun ced IlUd flnnlly succeed ed ill v ,)lnm p.~ of we ll seleoted bcJokH, .. nd whiob proved to he II r eturn of tbe lin RUnok of ~b~ muudlPsf ing w h n I!he W,1I1 pr e~['IlI ~tl with II For Ingrip)l A 1I1wIlVS t1~ "R d dt'seuse ' CI \ t . !illfOrlllitl K renders of fL ~eddillK at the y lire lrlling reud whioh c~u~etl ber d eafness Itllnd6IJ me mirror to w\.1Ioh \VIlS !illtrllOO und Mr . . J . W. apprecia tH4l SelgJrl e 0 nc nnll I the White B oulle . Copies of ttlEl by the membe rs ofIIDd 'llfJrry Jo; xpectnl 'llnt. " and durin g the evening Pll8Sed lntJ Llbr.. ry Club fttluQhel1' a Inrgo h e llrt bOlLrin g tho Sold vi Blted home foUts Sond~y . e \' en t II sCllrc.e IIrticle, btn the During the five nnd hy .T 8 .Tnnney . nnconl!o a h .. lf yeurs iousnes s frolll which Rhe nlLlIl()S of h e r g uest!!. Mi8S Mllry Emma Darling ton was ourious MIG "T di g uJllllld Wor(1 bill! boon r eceived by friend s ne ve r rallied. find some 8ince t.he Librllry was founded thero a Lehano n v?si t.o r 8aturd~ y lind n otice of n. '1'he re of C. B. LeWIS who wen~ f r olll h er e Bhe leuve/! h e r h'o.lshIlD is .probBb ly h/ls nnt been It ~ingle book 1000t or Notes ' Conc ernin g t o Coft'ey v llle, k a n slIl!, tL fe w rnolllh R t hree bTotbor ~ re~iclinlI,mol,he rand I:luuqay , ulld SlItnrdllY e veDlll g li t oth llr r eoding II ~ entertll lDing hut st nlen . Thi!! spellks well for g the In Coillw, tend <;d the Belles ond Beaux , no t blinded dClwll ill Borne ne ws pll· v igihmt librarls n, tl8 well ~ Vario us Lodges. IIg0, t hllt h u hus late ly " u 11. ·Hrod . u 1111"~, Iln'l, a "Iilter who lives in PItt!!· Mr. lind Mrs . U. M.d P enoe for the th f enter11 l'c l's of t be l)rosont . • I,rok e o f J)lIrllly s l~ while li t t ho burg . her futhll r lind I bi"h ... honor of the membe rs. ono brothe r 'Mined t o dinner Bun ay e 0 ow · I,ust StLturrl'Ly. e vlll~illg at·.7 O·C.IUCk! '['ho home o f h is RIBter i ll thtLt' IJ1"otl I t hoving preoed ed h er to the Bellven - ing. Mr. and Mrs. l,flCIt l IIII'lIIll;,; rH of t,h o Knig htR of Is not known N . B . J ohnson th e. vitlll .Rpurk 811 s tuming hfe YIeld · tflllllP!< oomfor tnble. housing of how Mr . Iy Horne. In t~e viJIuge station bouse I\nd dauICht er Ve ra., Mr . Ilnd Mrs. ed II,S mlStilOll here., and Py lllili s um 'lI1tirllJl llting u very !.owis 'conditi on if~. hut Mr.M. Amos /"llouid receIve HOme hi fri ends .- • , pl..,a R' e next We tlnoR(!ny e ven· Frlln!> Fox and ohlldr6~, . Mr. lind Hnugl!,. who hll~ heen a Ol.ln t il hellr of hi S oom I Mrs. Jane Down ing S · e I plltlOnt hnt from 8noh vllgran ts in the way of Mr~. W . U Pe noe und ohlhlre n., Mr . inclescr lbable s nffer er frOIll OIlnoer, hlg w"ben t·b e · ulom tlOrs of oprlnglope II . wnrk on the streets, or s ome form Ninet y ..Third Birth day. Jlloob Penoe, Mrs . Ardella Whltao re IqoH thi s mortal coil of )luiu Imd bol'O CasUo from Spri n~boro will P e ·e reoover y. her of Inbor , fo r the night's lodging and . I ClIIII daug hter Mary Anna . ""m il UV(ll' l1nll oon(luc t t he work in s)Jirit hu s 1:lo\\'n to the Inco lllflre-ib reokfns t ~iven. It enooura Tho ve ne rnble CY Tlil:! Smith met ! Mrs . ,lllne Dowuin g colebrll ges va . te~ the i. Mrs . I:ltlm~el Banglll uan i~ very h en ible Beyond , wher~, le~ us h ope, dI U t.llir.l rull k . Aft er I,b e worlt rl !L seri ou s ncciden t one d tlY granoy to feed hOl1se 8uoh ahle I"'\l1,lifnl NIII! POI' will he !!erveol t he wbioh result,erl ill ' (I :diH lus t week r \l:\d nllnive rsar y of per birth 'I u es' I' 11I CIt UIIS writing . jSh e tltrollgh ul1 ettJ rlllty IS ono of bOOlec! men lit,am) loo.tti on of ; rlu. y , Fehrno ' the puullo ry 13, at tlJe home of hAl' eltpentl e 11111111 bur l< nn'l I Iwl l' Ul1 llsts . Miss .B erth~ Steovens on WUN II Lob · the Il,Ilgelio throll g who hi H shoulde r . SlllIth hud gone I !Iangh ter . Mrs Elihu u!ingle wlt.heu t ~ornetbina being demand ed U nderw ood, i IlnOIl VIsitor ollturdlLY . round Bls .throne , Funeru oul· l t ruas. o his barn of them Il.nd 111 in return. . ~.lUlln e r 1neur Bu.rveYBbur@, where she has : Born to Lee Wicker foyl,I" C;o" t.1 o, 1{llIgl~t.s of tI.10 (i olrl· fell , his body h ellvilysome s lLud wife fl day m orllin g at It o'clook from . t,ho s t.riklng the boon slnoe lus t Septem Onr grooer y rooms are lUI goodlu! uer , , girl. en J!:ngl u in tho th~lVln g vlllng e of fi oor, Be tnullage rl to m M. E ohurch. IlIterm ent III Mtnmi ;lIlIy sm'LII villllge OIln 8how , and a ke hi!! Wil Y 'fh e till Y waB B grent plelU:lur e to i Mi8l! (iruyce Kelli80 n hilS 1., yt,l o i~ rlClJidly fOI'!;lll g t o tho fl' ont to th e house and n phy returned cewe ter y , sioinn WII S h Ar, as she WIlR enaule d to have to h er home . Ithe. lire not. Illere 10llfing plaees, but, !lSOIl P. of t1lfl 1J:~\st noUvo lodgos In oulied (lnd attende(l to lit Bloomi ngton, Ohio .Tap Mer oor v nnd Mr~. F. E , rrhlls plu oos hi s injnri es ! with h er ber oblldre n, . grllud c hIld · tlft.or 1l1l where questio ns of the day ell!!llnt visit with he r un ole ' went t o Leblluo n WedneB dlLY. this fler tiOI1 rh o IIIOlllb.llrs of the B e is gettln~ ILlong nioel.v n o w II.n«1 1r l ~ILJI ' lire fr oely ond often intelllR ently un rmd ~I'ellt gfll~d Ohlld, who tuke H . D. Kelliso n und family. ClClill o huve beon tl evotlUg 8· f{reat, in Hilite of hi~ uge it 1wns gone t.wo rlllYS und re tllrllNWith ' ,liMO US. Oel , is Ihou ght n o 1de light, III h onoring their l e \'e r etl Ilnll where farmen inter. • _ 41!'lIl . of tllIlO to tellm work nud fi re III effeots \uccoun ts of th e wonder s to be se en I ohrtnge ' i(lpu~, ooncern will resnlt. , mother . ing s tobk, pro. , r Nl(ll vlll 1-( oongrntul~t.ioll ll . Oll tl~el Pleas ant Ridge , lin LeblLno u . nnd r eoouu ts the m With j duots, IDflth odR, eto. . Vulgar ity and . ! While Mrs . Downln s B str,engt h is imllre~~lve UllInn'llr III \\'hloh It If Mr. SoIH""rt7., the WoyneB vlll la degree of thrtlltn g . Mrs . ob~oene lungullg e With low 8tory e fuillll g , she Btill enjoYR \' iSltM from Oe o. Lnrri~k , wife and Bon Ber- Mills is visiting wi t h Intere~t hAlng put t.llrnu!;h . A nl1D1be~ ol l drUg~ist, h llll hit. npon he l' sI stoI' Mr~ ! tollin g i~ not en oonrllge d, but frown one of the h er f~iellds, and reoeive~ de vol,etl bert [Ind ri.l w IIIBnlba rs hUV A belm tllken In to mORt novol 8clllllllf) Plltsey Curren and wife Antrllll l who hUH 1'1l1,uruetl f1'll1~1 the l ed UI)OI1 , Ilnd t,herefo reseldo ru beard. ~ o f .s howln g hi!' ult AntlOn from h~r nometlllke grund . 8 ent Mondny of Illst. week the Indl(e t,ho 11lI~t few m onUIS. with City, nnd wbll n hc r reco very lIl'IY If tho SllllllJ jlllrgea nd well ~olc(lted Htook of woll clnllght er , Mll'~ .Innie wholeso Uuderw ood. J~hu R edmon und wife . . , be II.ssured ll, will tllke t.irne oro she t one WII~ I'ruotice d me hearing ond po per . A~ 101" ~I,ore CllII be seon towurd ty MOlllhm'~ of Uove nlln t R oheknh Ilome forty .lill'eren t. •lel'l:;n~ \lJlo" regllin~ ~ood h elll th, und Ollr IIIO(h- 1lind nnch .. rltllllic estimlit eept''lfanl Notic e--Fo r Rent. Mr . and Mr~. ~e~~ey t En.r h or t 'I oine of otherll Lodge, 1. O. O . F , lire Rskod 10 m oot' l t1~e WIlIlS, with h orde mon "re k ept lJu sy Ildminl ~ te r' l these wOlllrl6 00n benome unpopu lar rs ILt t'lched, A f'HII1 100 IIcro~ iiO lIorllS river ; e r: t~~ g~r; ~n~ dfi;I~'L~ lit G :90 f) 'clock next Tue~dtLy oveu· giving the Jlroslloo t,~\'e ~ \V~~~. Ing to th e otlH oted , -'IUd Al Mo le r 01 8 0 . ,md buyer 1111 bOI t,IIIll ' 10 >lores het'~Af' n first lind ar an :am. justice, fairne8s Bnd kind . illg whloh is olle JIII.If h our (,Ilrli er idea bow t.\' fl room Will , hilS a. good . uppl y of Ice st ored, the ness w lJld prevllll look d 'b tl . to b ' I k rest os _ _ __ Mrs . Ahce James and rrena 001'- cukos meas uring from four nsno,l , nil t·h e ludl is to bo u 8cd fiuishlld . PerilOns, who oonte when , t.o SIJ VfJ ll SlIrllh Beruhll rdl the Frenoh ao nell spent Thursd ay Ilfteruoon with inoh es tbi ok, lind feed !Ilter iu Ih e e venlllll for the nunl,,!!r blly in g wall .I)lIJlIl~ thill l'eallonjmpl M.El of IIny kind l sh nnlcl " .rill • water tllot ne \'e r gi\'e~ out . Mary Redmo n. is no w milking t!lLry ·hlLllquet of ,tile I O. O. F, Tllo oull Imd see thl~ ,..'-II C is the grelltes t commodIty of tlUl In this oountry , lind her llUIt t.our t!lt np to.dute /n"\~n ns on &turdq y nu~ i:!llIith pltloe at Mrs . Chlls. Ura~~ . spent one dllY mllrk dM-e of the IInlllye rsllry ill MIlll(lIlY, Iiue conSist ing of ,r. ot lit this stnge whell g ellt III I afternOf)n , Februa ry 17, ahe rendllrlast week with relative s. Februa ry 20, but 118 thllt is the date slgnR, at priM!! we hoh.11I~erent,. tIe I~I"''''''' Cree k ·lorhl!!" . Februtl ry 's ~ephyrB ~!lft e , II tn ue th p A. ,Iv 11'1 AIII'n Kiltl.'r. On gonin , Mary Redmo nd spent SlIt urrlay banner on.t 18 hurlin g bel', bulmy 10d in M ulli c Ball . . Cinolnn atl, thlJ of the Jast nnmbe r of the Leot,ure 10wllIOt, IlDywh ere ...:e: (\ S frost I<lrllUlHtlo COll1pO~ltlon of Rnplnr, II . • nlg hl ,md Snnduy wi th (Jelin Sn v over A 11 Moth er E llrth nllu Conrse, the banque t hfls lJee~ I)ost- - - - -ICIl Cr"1l1ll hl~hl .V giftAd .,nel famous clu.lo - 1I !!1l l)(med nntil the foll owing o~ ening, i~ u luxury of Ihe for got.t.An P~ Bt' II t.hat PUBL Frenp.II iC Irll l!,cdillll, known 1111 "Phe' SALE Mr . • J'lOo h CornAll FAbrl1ur 80ltlll fin e tlIlP' !II11Cl th o . Forllh.w r , "'. '1\ ~ 1, i ". " In ~T :.!'7. " WIIl Oh, Ihfl 10VA 1'1I~~if1n of B.v orel AI' of SUll Hawke, V. U. ptlll{l'U" t l) Mr Tha DlflM C r nw , I will ,..I1'e ,· for sal e at m y I'e.~ic I ene t', 2 12fill In g WIth 1111 kll1,l ~ " I' ~ 1·I(f .. II''' ''' dr 1.1", wife of rhuHenM. the fallletl s ' vc~lnl " I' thi H vll1iuit.y '11' 110 " th o the '!1 ),(rl'l 10 I,it e n'~T,,1 " ful1r mil h " '1 "reek hero . fnr hcr SI,OI) MOri . Bill 0n ei'\ Sou th F:n;:t of Waynl'>lv ill e. Ohio. Valen tine Socia l. - io- k (11'1\rl ' regi Ht,'retl kinO 111101 Ih, '''' l~ 1~,lytll" , I~ H" !Olronlll T UI::s n AY, 1"EURU An V '27. Hlnr. , y fiAt forth. . . , . _ 'I'he IColleuv or ::lrtfli,,"\' '~f th ,' ( 11'. ' 11" tli ~oril1l i llHli"" wh"!I' II,,· \' ,, "11 Mr • . Dr Kee v!'r Ilmlsom e frienclH I M ,' II n ll ,l\I '~ lJh tl ElIl'IIhu '.t IInd ! pl·" purl'df nr flK,H.pb ,.wl ,UII ,1 ~I,· WIl III. III the Cit.y t.ll' )olox ~'rj !' nll .. ohll' ,' h h..) tl 1\ Vn !Beg-inni n g a t Ij:l. TlI . to uttund " 'I ll !.! " "'" unci (hll l!1 c'. <'01'11 0 11 ).')rill 14 t;(1I VU II me" I)t.i " " 1" , 1 Bornhn nlt's notod ImLlnu 1i' lOift l "t tit" hOIl'" of ::{ll'l \\ . I-'I ORSE S IIml high elllHH 14 -1" '''', K l1 l1,I I1Y IIft,"rn" c~n Wllh Bill' · Fridll.V t o Mr~ I~" UI ": I .I C'~s"p 1111 01 r .. ncIMing ~ OuVIN OU tilt' eVl'lluII g of l!"uhrnul) ' ' o n ~"'I'CJh " rt ul1 el flHllll y 1 I1h 1 tinc regis tered P rch '1'('11 t1lar~, .K, yca r;: .fll:<oph 14th. Th e vtllcnth lf1S bOillg cut, 11\ .I ""s" )\ lit hI >! '''''' Mr 11110\ Mr" Alvo ,'"lIIes nnd ho mo iu Leblll" lI , II ltcl old, good breeder nd work er , su !c III foal ; ., 1 Resol ution s. hlllvOH in vurions shll'Jle~, wtlre V"~~ ' ~Ir~ 'l't'ill lll1l1 Prute r ('."lI od un .luo ! our c itizens be"id (>~ No~lIv"r.t1 II tine g rad e draft a mares , 1\ In 7 yoa ,.,. old, w t Mill" r. I (' II I I ' Id I ed to Qll.oh oue prMellt . 'l'hm' I,hn \:lunrla " 1:150 l.; 1500 Ibs .. 2 bred . _ _ _ _ __ C\ \ ,,,mEl IInc 011 rei fun of mlltohl ng them he gu.u, oooh ." , Chllrl ey r Ulltl .' O~1I1 Fulc,\' 1 pure bred Percheron fill y, (; Illoryt.hs olu . Wherea s :-11 hila plellsed --' -couplo ~itting d own nl! soon 118 h e \ wore ot the oounty ~ ellt, cifllnl( lHun . of Provide noe to remove the will I fin e driving mare , ci.t y broken, 11\ foal. hy· the Sprin g Branc h or she found their "other Imlf " if \ n ells the same doy, IIncl 110 1.110 o f our , hand of dOllth one of the older 1 tinc driving marc. cOlllmg .3 Yr1!,1 old, sound. ftnd Dot a " beUer" one . me rohanl,s IU'O co mpit,ini ll l': of II ' estlleme d m embers from our 2 cotlch IH'ed colts, commg Z yeal'S "Id. Mr. Ero AS t Dnkill spent ~" ri(IIlY laok o f bUllinos When 1\1\ 'w ere sented, pf\per B IIml · s in th eir line Olf t rlldn , Rl'l\olv ed-Thl lt In the mldllt.. I Purcell mare, comin~ 2 y(ars 1)ld . recent uIHI 8Bturdn y in Dn.ytoll IlDd was i llnd Chnrli e TucKIJr bUR llllDoils were paH8et} around allowin g a standm'd bred colts, COll1l1lg 1 J'ear old , by ney er misserl d euth of ollr belov6( \ sister KeZiah uO(1ompcll lied hO Ul ~ by Mossor s Pa!I[' i a trip d oln!; th e. rurnl bn"haes one for every few porsons , for the C. H. Purcell, Specula tion and Honest J ohn , t\ sinoe , Coon t.he society snstaln s the 100000ltf Ellwood and J oe <.:a sey who remom- I he got tho ll osltl oll 11 1111 pllloying ,of the R'tlUJe oalled "Jingle ." hot ween t\~n II kintlnn d 10YIII friend as well uS C TTLE 10 ed a!! his gueste ove r Sunday . The fir8t ooullle WIlS to wriw II line h ourll of duty m thl~ C1IJll'Clty III , helper in 80 far as she wall able. 10 of poetry (origina l, if p 08l!lule) then /. Mr Geor e Adams Ilnll fllllllly 2 tine 2 yea r old AX J e rsey a nd X. Gue rnsey nnd Mr CI!m PIJDne wit we re the jobB not ne glcct,lIlt:( hlBImos ond .odd Une who throug h the many wrn the plIl)or down t o oover It,. IIn(l . cows , I to be fr esh by sale day, 1 III March; be~t Snndll ' nests of Mr' Fred 'Onllml y is lin 1111 roulld h'lstler girl Ilnd of t,rlul" tlnd bereave menttl lIIalll at 1\ gIVe n sigll ...I, pllllll It on t o the J ve ry tine 3 ye ar old Jerse~ bull. , nud ,:,u,· t.alned a patient and chAerfu l 11 0 . . nnd fll~~ of Cor"'i~ . next, oouplo, wllillg Ulem thO Ills t . pnper hllnge rH nre busy d lBplaym g Im almor, whioh shown out Th e entire h erd of J . P . 7.ell, conslstm g of In a obearMiR~ O!rtrud e Trimbl e wortl of tile Ii ne, whereu pon thoy of Bop . , 81lDlpies of ~holr \Vlue~ ~nd hllv £! 'fill ccuuten Bo06 7 REGIST ERED POLLE D and happy fuce . ARE~DEEN i kins,,\Il e Ohio waa the 1)lea8llnt Mmeured ]tus te In torn wouhl write 1\ line rhymin g ' for s evern I J,obs 1I0t ANGUS ; 2 g ood young bulls, 1 CO\~ Wi th calf ReBolv ed-:ThB t we will oherlMb ; ~uel\t of her unole Frank Mil pIe lind withsta nding th~ cold, with thllt last word, then turn the ot side , 3 cows breLl t o calve 111 ¥ay , I and lSI~turdIlY , I,he recolleotl61) . of tbe admirll blll i flunil .. nil other pn.per down. PIlss It OIl to the next , rolot\ve H in our II11 0ther dAlegntl yeal'ling heifer . . On fro m thiS yillce IqUltlitle s Of. mlna dnd heart of our (To be ~old £I t 12 0 clock) ! vloini1y a few daYII of la~t week . OOU1)IA, t~1Iing them their lost word, wont to Lcbl\T1nn on le gal bU~lIIe88' l siliter and mBy the memor '7 0 · HOGS y of lI!'r 70 : Mr '1'bomll eto., eto. 8 Bess returne rl horne I~evi J ESSOp, Dr. Rnlldall~ Charles ,goud worrll! I lind deeds he an iMplBoar ' I '1' Aftl)r t.llis hlld oontinu ed for Hom o l d ft t wo wee ks vis Mlldelen 10 Good Brood SoWH Imel RO IIIO four nr fl ve more 1 Goarl ration t{) 118 111\ : timo the pll)JOrs were tuken UflIlDlI . of wholll we fnilad to learn the fir.; Good Feed ing Shoats Resolv ed-Tha t WA exwnd to the (;fi i Weat Virgini a. Be reports every nlLmes, and Mrs . Davis·B rood Illoud. The "poe tio jillgln" nr ; ool of w.h om family our sincere . sympat hy lu A COMPJ .~E -LINE OF J-iARNE S AND plllllll t,hnslDR de wns cortalll ly nmllRthing high in and arouDlI Morgan - mentio n hIlS been nllldc ~,:. , ~rom time their great los!! al80 that a oopy I 'I ng and 80mettm es qult.e "onl oh y -" to Ume died Ilt her 1I0llle 10 Indiana . of these resolutiand ,FARM IMPJ~EMENTS, ALL NEAI~LY NEW on8 be plaood on the to~I~: Lester I1fuple, Miss Uertr~de ' and the rrmia\nB dther~ gn,mes w!lre Indulge(1 In I sent here for burial . minute s of our Ladles Aid society. AND IN GOOD CONDI TION . 1Trimbl e lind MrB. Walter Dakin Funera l fr. o~ the Frienlls until 110 proper hour. \"hen 0..11 wen t ohurch ~ Raohlle l Campbe ll home teeling tbl\t their first 80clal were the Sunday guest of their Cou- I:!nnday ~t 10 01001C, Ilfter :ov hioh the TERMS : $5.00 or I~. cash : Over $5.00, 9 mo .Com. _ sin Mr. Bert Mamie U. Ewing Balmes Bnd family of bad been a 8UC0088 In every way. • reIllllolllS time on bankab le note . Discoun t for cash . werA illt-e rre(l IU MIBm) . JUlin Cambel l near Wellma n. oemete ry. W. E. O'NEALL. Centerv tUe Ohio.
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i~M~it~:~sr~\~t~ve~r ~t Morgantow~
The ' Miami uazet;ai,' ~. ~-~ . BItOWN 4. McK,W: Publishers. . Fehc~ty an~ the
ANTIOU[-F:-.U' R~N·""-I·,T" U.R'E
polterlee can on see though. 'OnD WIlDHelty. True, er bU8bl\nd not!lad til t ,der ,over t,he wl"'~ ear~b, ' the bablt , of bklsal~g ' her ; ' ,,",-1 kl~(etI And tile huporlaliolls aro a~ , sntls fy·frlnce Lpul., Qf BIl~t~niierg hM annot ,' ~en Included, ·In llio programme , . ' Ing til tile 'l.ense ot. beaul,y '1lS 'lbe do- cit bel' dlstlllc;tlon beside/! , t'b at of bav· M \vedded life ' which th~" wcrA ratber " ':Destlc l>roo,uot.,. O~~ los so n '8 heaTt Ing pl\ ld 'a , denUst $1,000 ~cir t~o jlll\nlll ' wearily slttln,g cut; .8.11d fnllt mlgbt ac"'AYNmSVJT,~-.-, OHIO. . co unt tor the ' perttnace;) us ' way " III 1tN0WLEDGE Oll" OLD CmNA AND to Lo.mogcs, to saUn Sbeen Il-ud 1I0we1'9 t at four , teelli. ffQ Js a prlntor nnd pal.nted with tho sill 1I of th e lInest 1I:t. I Clan s t up ,hIs 1,000 ems In very good whl cb that strny one remained In her MAHOGANY IiI' A CULT. One adores the goltl hlaf laId ou lu time. ', Btllutlfylng Oil\' Cl Ues. memory. But theu she had never B,. JEAN COURTENAY bars and lIne1l on ,n tl)(i'5eP'\CQ ' tClr a P/, lnoosR ,'Ella' of Datt onbort>, wilo ' l'tI' MallY AI]' rl~ull cities arc buUt U('OII 'rnnt d him tIl ki ss her! Sbe wOllld', In fnet, have been serious ly against Revere~ce tor One'e Ftunily Heir looms bride. From a salad bowl lo an afte,r- r eported to be OIlSl\b"Cd lo th e king ot sites of wh ich tb e na tllral boouty Is un· Now Fasblonable - Bome WOlnen dinner coffeo set, from a [airy' like vllSO Spain , Is t he only royal child boru III su ch a proceeding hRd be suggested 611qla9,; " 1. Maoy bave fin park s and It , Perhap 3 Its s udd enness hrtd robbed l;lave an Indlscrlmlnnte LOnging to a goblet ftt tor tbe nsctar of tb () Scotlund tor moro .than 300 yeurs...,.. bou lc\·ard.i anll bandso me st reets ot "Felicity!" tor Anytlllng Old-Essentials for gj)ds, there Is ~ome lhln g to ollcbnut that Is , sl11ce tho l,>lrth at Charles I. Th e weak lones carrl' II tremulously It of 11 8 unpl easantness. for Rbe cot\ld nn e h O U i~ S. Some hn \' c oxre llcnl puuWe· eye lind bowl tch lllO j\l d g~lIe n t of .lit 1600, not bon es tly say tbat sbe bnd dis· the Well,Fllrnlshed House. II c buildln!;. and mngnlfl cent brldgea. tbrougb the quiet garden, and In an· liked It. womanklud." To WILlie through a l~les Queen Asut\l'olo ot MuduguscBI' hll" ' t.o th call a girl rose Crom the s wer Yet as to nrchl tL'Cturnl cou s lrllctlouo, BY MAROA RET E . BANOS'l'ER. between splondors ot Cllt s· ao (1 r ecently realized a lon g·(!llerlsbed lllU' But Olere 'llIIIS more than tbat. no A m ~ rl can city Is beautiful a~ ILN dart'()dl1s with which sbe wa s filling tbe (COPyright, l!lOii, by J O.'Jlh 11. HOWIe•.) crystnJ Is to get n rou llzlng sellao or bltlon by paying a vis it to Paris. It had altered her attitude t oward. baskot and sped qui ckly t owards the Pnrls ·\ n,1 som e other European clU \ld. bou s~ OU\l 811mm r dllY il friend Rnd I were the dreams of en bSlltmont In l be Ara- While there sho enjoyed lilA f IIclty of lIfordaunt. She found It barder than , Ono roaso n ls, SQ)' S Youth·s Compal!s he could bllve bolleved possibl e to dri ving over the hUls In the deep green blan Nights. No luxury of the past. 11IlI'lllg her IIlIow!m ce Increllsed t rom "Com,!ng, darling!" 1Iho cried , " Ion . thaI tho , anolent cities have bnd As she ' reacbed the wide \lor ch she keep up the cool frIendliness und In· solitudes of a New England parish, no matler holY gorgeous, hua been ut ,G,UOO to $1 0,000. Among the celebr!ltlons co nn ccted time to lIut on lbe bcauty ()f nG e; but almost rnn Into the arms of a man dll'ferent politeness whleh had hlthor- wher e aband oncd farms were numor: a ll cOUlllarubl e to tho s umJltuous luxury o f tbls run.J;lIiOcent lise of ours. with' the "namu dny" of Francis Jo· to mark ed b'~r Intercourse with hIm, ous IIlld neighbors scat tered. th eir ' 'lIoderu portions. constructed ,,·lio Illugblngly barred tbe way. Ot cou ru, d ear lady, it you can at- Bcph of Aus tria Is th e giv ing of "Pleaso do not detnlu me. ·Mor· She could nlo longer meat bls eyes often at leMI expense than too mll ny Sud c lc nly my companion ultered a ' ford it you will bave lu your bOUJIe mono'" to se rYll u'~ Ion" I'n the service wltb steurly ("I gldl ty; that absurd ki ss h t I , ,,,, America n builders lavis h' on coslly daunt," sbe exclalmod, Impatl~Dtly. kept coming between, and hOI' lids 10"" raptllrous e.xclaruaUon. w a ever rna ISS It more as rcellblo to o C aile family. Eleven '"women received /llonstroBltlcs, have tone, barmoo y, "Motber Is calling me," "Look, ob! look; Beo that quilt you~selt, but lin less )'011 have a deep $Gu, 50 eacb, and the olhers ,41.60. erod In spite cif her and ber cbeeks "Tou are nn Idoal daul\hter, Fellcl· s prelt! on Ille rail fence Ilear tho se purao do not fnn 'y when you buy an· Kin" Carlos oC Portllglll, an artis t ot good !,sste un~qlll1lod In this coun U')', grew rosy. It wns most ,'cullous! ty," be rOfllled, stepp ing us lde. ben (x10118! I won ,ler If that womllu tlques troUl a deil ier tbat you arc gel · ' " . Th/3 rea~ o n Is tl!!!t In European cities And sometimes-but th is tbougbt would Sh p. flu shed talntly, es It reading an sell III Oh, wbat a beauty !" lint> bold of th e eul tIl f a cons id erable ability, usunlly Honds bl u '. r ' I ug or you m' Y plIllltlngs as gift s. Ono recently pretb ere :s authorltatlvo s up ervision over Implied reproacb In his qui et words. she .was 8sham ed to mect even In tb. App reciation or ()Id quilts, old' ch i· be WIlSUng sh~l,els wblch It cost your . se nl ed to th e king or Italy Is so exostrictest prlvlBcy-s he had an Insane every blllloing. Architects ' !lre re- and said, almost deHanUy : lUI, old mahor,any 0111.1 ali tbe rest Is a hus brutd hours of toll t o earn Only wish tllat hE' ,,'auld do It again! q ~lred, 115 tbey ure not regulred In " Out I tall as a wife. Is that wbat nce tuted thllt In one Ilosillon It reprcscnl9> au " e."pel·t can detect til'c dllI' ,,~ OIearly a kiss was a very dangerous cul L I hnve nOL mn.stered It, but 1 ~_ e a sunris e on Ihe sea, but, If tllrned this country, to build with referen ce )'011 meant, Mordaunt?" neva" quarrel wl\h those wbo hnve. I betwee n some anclllnt sccI'etarl cll, 8()taa around becomes a BUlIset on tbe plalll,. thing tIl trlflll with. . "Your perlect tulflllment of one to the archlteotural and natural IUf• It had alfc'c ted Mordaunt, too. sh. hold tbe horse' whil-l my friend Inter - and clocks nnd the extremely closc and Qu cen Maud or Norway wl\1 n ec rt roundin G', Tbe American unit ot de- duly, dear, need surely cast no bl,ame was su re, Ii Is face was not now viewed tho quill'S owner. Presently I s uccessful mod ern reproductloll. There tho otber," said b er hu sband. upon was called from the doorstep, a re tactorles III Lbls country wblch lIttl o tuition In lh e spe,ceh of ber neu algn Is tbe bllllding. The Europnn meeting her defiant look wltb steadfast really halt so sad as "bo had thonght "Come In, do, There Is a sugar bowl turn Ollt Queen Anne furniture by tho rea lm. for s be took to tb e Dan ish 11.'1unit Is the street, the district, lbe tendern css. ,It that day, and there was a little h er e In tbe lovell e'3t oopper luster! carload. Your borne will loole just us gllfige with Ins lllH!ttv , en~o during bel' whole c ity. Tbere Is a cbange for "Ycl you are not satisfier! wltb me!" domon ()t ml EIchlef In his eyCl!, whose Leave the pony, Hi! will stand." pretty and be jllst 11.8 attractive with glrluood. The dllterpnces botweon th", dreadfully Infcctlous tbat smile was so tbe beUer. WllIlhlnr;lo n, wblcb owes "I admire her daugbter," he aald, H I the modern Imitation as wltb the cou. tw o languages , both In vorabulary a nd she was afraid of meeting It tor tear what ;ucltltectural ord er It has to a wit b a sbade of bitterness, "but I t()DS e d d stand, IInW the bargaining ulne article, alld ypur amount to tbo pronunciation, are prlnclpnlly dlalec·· of disgracing berself torever, by Join, tor quilt and sugar ' bowl was com. I Frenchman, 'Will hav e a consls r.nt ror my .... lre ... plel~d . goOd wm be larger It YOIl are IIIltlslled t c. Ing In. pIau to ,which (u'ure bulldlnS8 are .LO "She la my mother'" sbe Interrupt· wlLb buying stralgbt Cram the rueThe Oel'mn n empress, In addition t~ Now lite f elt fuller and ' grandeI', As I have said, knowledge of old torles. , ewels worth $600,000 tbnt are her conform, and the main street to tho cd. haugbllly, then almost In a wbls· arid natllro s eem ed to encourage h~r • • • own private property, blls tho Tight te) caplt()1 will not always be lined with per added : "And you knew. I made to rejol co ondl be merry, with Its ten· chlnR Rod mahogany 18 a cult! Some ' hl\ve learned It. Some bave not. But, About all china, not old cbllla par- 'uso the s pl endid colll"Ction ot gems squalor lo the very root of that mlcht y no protense, " del' green leal'ets and 8prlng flowers. Again the Invalld's v()lce WIlB heurd : She paid surrepUtious visits, to the · owing to Its bold on tbe feminine pub- Uculnrly nor new, It your benrt Is set thnt bclo ng to the Prusslan treasury. 'bulldln; . Tbe mayor of PorLland na9 "Felicity! Where are you?" rosebush ; she watered It regularly; IIc It has created a r. ew trade, and the on It ,a nd yOU ' want to kcop It from Tbe eml)ress Is thlls able to somettmes r ecenUy IS&lIed a l1alDphlet on t hll old farmsteads ot IDe country bave breakage and los8, you mUJlI take care Rill/ear Ilt co urt wca rln!:'j ewelry valled In an In sta nt ahe was gon e, and her beauU!ylng ot his native city. A mor9 husband, with a "mothered slUh, went she turned taint with anxiety over the been searched and I!leaned and too ()f It yonrs elf. Hired bands cllu.nol be at '1 ,2 60,oOd. . mystery <It that tiny swelling. Would dlgnlfle>l approach 1& being planned to Into the garden. often their treas ures bave been bougnt lMlsted with traglle CUllS and saucers. It turn ()ut Indeea to be a bud, or the beautlCul Brooklyu bridge, t he 'fbe peasant woman wb() hIlS been "GoI1' grant It was not a hopeless was It the Il ast flicker of lifo and tor :l song and sold for a fortune. SAYJNGS OF SAGER. great piorll of which now rl8e out of mistake!" he murmured. as he ,atood would the trele die? She had a Buper· I can understand love and r everen ce brought up In a cabin wh ere a skille t rubbish heaps. The AmerIcan city of eying wltb d lssaUsfactlon a small rose, stltlou8 teellng that her whole future tor furnlt.ure nnd dishes wblch have and a ~poon or two and some wooden Olory sbould follow, not bepursued .the" tuture will bo a work of art, DCt bush 'near the porcb. "I did It with bapplness depend ed on tbnt swelling'. been In one's ramlly tor generations, bowls completed the 'stock or house- Pliny, Jr. full knowledge of ber Indifference, I , ultimate development. haniled down from mother to daugh- hold utens ils, can never learn I\ow 'Benevolont foellng on nobl es tho most a cbaos, '"I y an d d eIlcately to look ' IIDew. as sbe said Just now . Sbe waa aft er trifling aCllon s.-Thackeray. One day when Felicity was presiding .ter,' and from fatb er to son. An old da Inw 11l!rfP.ctly trank, as sbe always Is , Her at Ibo brcakfast table, a pIcture of clock which has ticked faithfully an(1 egg-shell plates, nor can IIbe underTile IIsual fortune ot complaint is te) Bace Deterioration. mother was Irer one thought; ber c()m· dainty tresbn'css and cool composure, steadily III ono hou nehold during the stand the pang that goes to tbe very excite eon tempt marc tban plty.- Jobn. I Tbat pbyale&1 degeneraUon at tbe tort tbe one object of Felicity's exlat. ber husband remarked tbat tho r01l8- changes ()t 200 years 19 an b.elrloom to so ul at Its owner when a beaulltul dis h son , ' " Brltlsb racp. at home III-an Impondln g ence. And r tempted ber with tbe busb he bad been 80 anxious ab()ut- be pr ized: no malter how ugly nn arU· 18 chipped 'or cracAed. Pepo's tamo us A gl\'41n force applied for 11 given time danger lias been recocnlzed to the OK· luxuries and ' alleviations my wealtb did ebe rememhor?-tbe one just out- cle il may bo I,n Itself. line, "Mls tress at hersel.t though china upon a given 1I0lnl 18 bound to wln.-t~nt th"~ a parliamentary cQmml8slon wbuj~~~ pr()cure for that beloyed parent side tbe pOI'ch-had unfolded two A mahognny table at wblch one's tall ," strikes an ec ho ot r csponse In NlIl,ol eon, ' haa Investigated 8UhJecl. In a reo tilt she c()naented to marry me, 'j 'Dat's leaves, and be felt confid ent that It grea~·greal-graodmo~ ber po\lred' tea Is every femlnlno brcaat. It' one 'hna Courage consists not In blindly ovor'P ort . ecently submitted , til ; comml5· just about b().... the matter stood a would now do vie II. And there Is no a possession tIl be tdnderly cberlshed. achieve<! tbat degree of self-control looking dt\llger, bUt' In meeting It -wIlla ," '8tO~ ' ~eCOgntze8 the daDcer and eDn.. 'Year ago-and now! We iare a~ much sbadow or do'u ht t!,lat he appreclatEld So wltb ch ina. If It be crowned Derby lbat sbe can s it unmoved IUld retralU tb e eyes open.- Rlobter. : 18 a bundle ot bnblls. Habmerateil Hie', CallSes of the do. w:~"gr .' ade str.ngen as we were tben. Sbo or· to tbe, full eVllry .sbade of teel lng that or Wedgewood" or copper luater, anU trom scpldlng or complaint when she de"! my bouse and servants, J;I!aY8 an chased ' across his wife's tell-tale race a. wQlIlen at lbe samo Llood ud lineage h eal'S II. crash in the kitchen 8ho III 01- Its orlglnat!)' In thO m'lnd and are reg is. movemant. 9 verorowdlng, with Its 0.1. - encbantlng h()stesa to m,. Il"cSIS. 18 a he spoke, tbe sudden alarm, the over· have ow n ~d It since colonial days , they most entitled ID the balo n.f a sai nt. tered ()n thO bMy.- Oeorgo p. Tripp. ,tend ant Evils, II ,trim first "consldera- devoled nurse as ....e!l as . dallchter to wbelmlng reUet, tbe hot sbame at tb,.t are not to blame tor cons iderIng It 'as In the tace or tbe great calamiti es Every person has two educations ;: tlon In the report, 'which' shows that ber mother ( .... h() Is tadlng away no~· rellef; none were lostor misunderstood, Ii t blng ot which tbey mily boast. and dIsasters tbat sometimes coile ono wbl ch he r eceives trom otbers an:! thll dea!h rate Increases In startlh:g withsta nding all her CAre, and In spite and whon he quietly and oonfidently laid Apar t from tamlly assoclatlolJs, I upon a bomo, wrecklug It and blotting ono, moro important, which ho gl\'os 1)roporiIO!lS' wberevet condensati()n ot at. her s,a crllll:e) and neglects not one bls hanl! over bers as It lay on the table, am flu6ugh, of a Ph1111stl nc to pret er o,ut tho sunsblne trom a clrclo of loved hlre,solt.-Gl bbon, . people ' takes " place. Other ' callses lola of hor duties, saye tbat trouble· examh:;illg elegaut ' survivals wb lch ODOS, the ! ra oture ot an elega nt liP The mere lapse 'ot years Is n()t I\tl\~ ' named , lITe unhealthy ' condlt,lons ot some and superfluous belng-ber hus· have a large commarcllU value when 01- vase I.s very' lIttle. 'But we do not kno\vledge, truth. love, beaut)', gOOd: tbey, are sare behind glass , doors In !I al;;ays remember tblB. nor do wo keep t ness, ,f aith olono can g ive vltl.lIty 10 work, t on'd eney to leave tho opeD bandt country aud huddl ~ in towns and eltJl's . He Illugbed hillf scornfully M be museum, or when they stand about !ll ' w ~ t , wo ou ght ~ost .to try for In, life, I tb e mechnnlsm of ,exlstonce.-Mar U9 , earefllllyremoved some green 11y from balls wher e I:\Ls torlca l collcctlons are an avail mind smld lItuO' thinGS and A,urelluy. and ba1 or Insulllcien ~ food. Tbe r9- . tbe sickly rose bush and examin ed Its In tll o custod y or a cnrator. 1 don't great. A scr al ch on .tbe furn itu re 01' Hillt the so rrows of women woUld ba, port of the 'B~ltIsb commllls,lon mny , , lea ness branches.. ' Getting 'Up ~ 't rom wnn t tbem In my bomo. however well a brolten cup seems ve~y trl \'!nl a\" rted 'If tbe)' collld repress tbe spee'ch ., ",,'ell ' 00 ' slulflild ' tiy 8()Clolo:;lsts and bls clos(l Inspection ()f tho plant. be lhey are Ins ured, lfo r chairs and ta- on the day thllt 'a sl;,!p...goos down at ', t.hey llliow to ue useietlS- noy, th o spece'll t-'tv)c'( nuthorlties ' IIverYwhere: 1:h(\ brougbt a 'ca n Of water and 'gaylt It to ble's tha t are slmpl ,v cld I do not care, sca and corrles a d ~ar one with It. ib'Y bave r Di ved not lO utle r.-~eor;;e exodus fI'um the rllral districts · to the almost IIteless·looklng r<lsebusb. If thilY have uelonged to somebody ' Vo need more and moro, all of us to Eliot. ,_ crowded cities In wlpesPTclld, and a !( ," 'Nev'lr aay' die' must bo my mono," else th ey ar e uothln!; to me. t would lafto lessons In the truQ " a luatjoJls of' the ' oth~r evils ,making to~ard roCB he mu ~ed , I be quito IlS conten ted with a GOod ute, and less ,slloul d, we pin our afWISPS OF WIT. oopy of something entlgue as witb the lectlolls ,to IhlngQ which fire or flood deterioration spring trom (hat. 1u cit· "What do you lind 60 absorbing In a ntique tblng It elf, w.ero I ,;Iven th e or oarolcss handlin g or any· 8udden ios thl! struggle Is for existence, not that dead rose Iree, Mordaunt1" ~ ObodY should iool{ anx ious excopt I:hol o_. pr incipally 'for lho reason Lbat. heedles sness may r uj n. f~r pro ~r e~ 9 , and me'n titust wo r k unHl g wife's pol~telY trlgld ton es sud , tbose wbo llll\'e- I\nltll1l.y. everyday born e life brIngs bu rdens and der cOnditions whl cb would not t~mpl den ly startled blm from bls sol1 loqulz· A man lIlay he w)mt he thinks bo III , , . Ing cares ,en()ugh ~I~ou~ st,upldly adliing n\,HI srlll not whnt h cl a ims to be. _ th em in , thA cpuntry_ There Is just 100 ,: , ' ,. PRETTY TAFFETA WAiSt, to Lhem responslblltlufl which on e noed h 00 •. h a k nd ' 80 It 8 not dead fet. dear, Then after What we all tb ll II 'art ' Is 11 ner vous m~ c r m , so muc w r ,a 'f, moment's pause: "Do you knb. not carry. 'The Blonse Here Desortbed Is a Wel- I l)nSuUOn. 111:1) ~ IIYll es8 . whi ch grailumuc,h breat), and Plany are s crnmbll ng what rose It Is?" . What we really went ()f a chair Is . nll y dlsallPenrS In ~f}clety, come Article In the Average for, 11 p'!.l.lou, Tho tbreate!llng ~ on dl. "Not In the 'least. Tell me?" :solld It y, respectability , and comfort. lie franle nlHI ""Illloit. That ' Is tlls "Ions "lOll tendencies found ,. In Grea~ , Wo~an's Wat;drObti: ' . "[ planted It soon after we were PerJsh tbe tbouGht o~ splder ·logged 'r igh t line 10 Inlte wh n' you IVI ~h to conBr! ~al n ,aru to be n()ted in this oountl'Y, engaged,' he slild. slowly. "I boped It c~olrs and toltorln;; sofas and jim· 'e8l\1 your OW Il wlr,d nnd to confuse tllllt yet It ,!.s JIOl t()() .late lato to avoh\,he l'o! would bave taken root bere and Oour· craeles at every Idnd that' are traps f()r Lady's waist of r asllberry red tal- of others. ~ . the unwary. 'A tallie ohould be large (eta, as given In tha Oltlcago ' Dally Islle'd , I pictured It a wealth ' of 'ra· the bUgbllns resulUl notlc,ed abroad. grant nowers sbowerlnr: their swee t· enough to hold papers, books, 'a lamp News, with stock and chemlsotte of ness upon me In answer to my love or' what-not; sbould have' a flat sur- baby Ir'lsh lace and fesloo ns at Ia.!ll OVER ,SEA HABIT. Since tbe annoupcement at, bls com· "IoIEVEft S.>\Y DIE: : aad care. Look al It I Leaflese, 60wer· 'ace nnd goOd legs at its ovin. If It, be Insertion. Tbls smart mode Is matle ' Ing marriage ID Miss Roosovelt COil' leall; just alive snd nothing more-r. 'It was not illllln appreciable Interval of elaborately carved It wl\l need time o .... r a IItted lining, the w~ilt &114 Difterence OD , This Side the Water. gressmlUl Longworth's 'mall has In- fusing 'to be reconciled tIl Its lot." time trad elaIlsed that sbe wltbdrew and pains to keep II. In decent order, -- , , ereased fourfold. Nearly half at his . "You are quite poetical 'over It:' It Bently and asked him whetber be for while carving III 'beautiful when Tb~ perslslent ejfect upon thll heart I~tters contain certaln"reclpes for pro· 'Iallgbed his ' wife, Immaculate, It IIi, not 'beautiful wben or, _caffeine In (:oCtlle c1!nl!0t but, Tesult , "It doesn't loolr would Lake a !lecond cuj). And after breakfast WS8 . over be eloggad wltb duat ilnd ,dirt, Whother motlng t be growlh of hall' j\nd be Is of- wortb troubling about to mo, Wh, In tbe ' grave ~t cOl!dl\lons, In time. wickedly reUred to a favorite posl· a table be of oak, \l llJ e, walnut or mar ,Each aUack of the drug (and that fered any qu'anU ty of infal1lble tonica don't yoU glYe It up'" m e.a na !Jacb cup of colfeet w~akep'& the ' ~ . ', II be wJII ' lI8e them and send testlmonl"I shali neY4!r do that as I()ng u I tlon or his In the garden, fro,m w.blcb hogey la' _ matter ot Indllference If It ' organ iii little more, and the end I, al. .~; 'als In ret-urn. He gets statistics ' Lo lIYe," replied her husbanll, ahnos\. for·' he distinctly ' saw Felicity gQ d()wn ()n harmonize with thl) rest of 'ono's 1ur.' m()st a matter of matbe/oatlcal dem()Dprove lhat no hald·bead6tt man has ever ~linr; In bls earnestness tbe type ()f her knees beside the rosebllsb. and nlture and meet tbe !lsetI of " table, after patting the earth remove every Tbe peculiar beauty of mahogany 18 III slration. A Indy wrltea from a Westbeep. lulown to go IlIBlUle; that lacl. ()f Its protOtype, "I aball, uever lose ,bope, slcn of blight or other marauder tram its ' deep wine-color and Its capablllty ern' uate: ' . , , hair IS;l preservatl\'e against all man· 'Wblle one spa rk or lite · remlllDs In It, Lhe two pale green leave. It now of retaining pollsb. 'l'he older It 18 "I lUll of German dos'lent and It wall that tine day It ma, yet bloom and be n e.r of pulmonary diseases; that crlm· and the , m()re polish It has had tho natural tbat I should learn at a very boasted. happy ." Inals ot all classes are noted for. their It was a r.lotlou! September' tlrat m()r8 pleasing It Is 10 the eye or the early age to drink colfee, Unlll I wu .. "And Its name' You have not ,et growW at ,shaggy .hall', usullily straJght enllghtened ' m, I,norance on that year. notable housekeeper. , . 23 years old I drank scarcely anythlnl Bnd blook, and tbat bald-headed men In poInt." I merely mention tbls In passing. beIn the sOlltb In ante-belillm days olso nt my meals. aU times and ages have stood for benevo· "A tew years ago I began to be at"Its name II-'Fellclte Perpetuelle,' " cause It really would not have mat· there waa a good deal ()f ()Id mahogany feeted· by a stendhy Increnslng lIe"- , lence, Intellectllal ripeness and lawSbe started, and her tace crew hot: tered to them, I believe. If th e weather that had come down In famJlIes, some of It Imported from the old home beousness, wblcb cvcutual1y devetoped abiding oQlUl.l1t1ea. then. as Quickly, tbe blood receded, bad bepn absont altogetber. Her motber had passed away early fonT! the sea. and It waa kept In perInto a distressIng bcnrt trouble that leaving it wblter an:i colder than be· made rue very weak and In June, and soon arL er. tbey went feet condition by the dally Tubbing of Alm.,.,t an ything' Is likely to happen fore. abroad. I datresoy tbe 'really la~ae the house servants. Tho air of stabt\iTbeh. Borne tbree years ago, was ndded to us I.t 1We ju§t slt around Bnd ' W!lll, "You 'lTe, , fear-" abe hesitated. asthma In Its wor8~ torm: My 8l1trerThe mu wbo kllls .himself beca use he "Welll W()n·t ,.ou IID1511 YOUr sen· things, th()se I mean that 100m bll I ty, comfort anI! leIs lire III those lovely and cannot he Ignored, such as cust()m· s(>ulbern homes was in entire contrast Inga from these Ihlng8 can be beLter has lost a ll Interest In Ilfe should al- tence?" h()use oftlclals. bolel proprletora, with that at a cluttete<! modern drawImagined thlln described. " .' ' ways glv,c him.selt silt months morll Her hn'sband Bto~ped towards ber, Frencb garUcnhlllly and German 8/1" Ing room , where there is a ch8()Uc "During all this' time 'my hull band when "e ,MemS ID be a t th e very end ' and for the 6r9t time sbe noticed ths peLltes, were forced tlpon their notleo, medl ey 'Of all aorts of articles, some of reali zed more fully tban I did tha~ cot. , deep sadness "f his tace; the threads feo· waa Injurious to me., and , made of bls roPP.· In tbose IIlx month~ , 1 of silver thnt had aurely' nOl been but t be less o'b trnsi\'o things, such a. l one Jlerlod, some of another, many at evary eiTort to malce me stop. " . 68;''' t be llinneapolls Journal, Il I i present In his !lark haIr a y ear ago, weather, wj)Uild cerlalnly be outa)de I them purchaseil without lhe lesst view . to th <l general effect. It must be "Finally It wos dcchled· n few montba w lt hlu I he' oounds ot poss ibilit y thnt And a wave ot pity surged up within tbelr c()mblnecl consclOUSDeSs. They came home In S ~ pt l'm h e r. and mournfuUy admi tted tbat the taste of ago to qllit th e lise of cofl'l?e absOI\ltehis mi ne may begin to pay dlvlden j a, ber ~()r tbi s m n wlth- bls untaliin g A. TRIM MODJilL. Jy, and to nilopt Post urn' 1!' ood Coffee that ho ma,p .find a ten-dolltLr ~old ple ~ !! kindness. bls unceasing devotioD the morning lifter their ar rival Mol' lhe a,'erage householder Is a li ttle daunt entered tbebrcakf ll~t room wltb doubtful, or ill ~e that the Illeal putts are tucked to give the a!)- as our hot table drink: I bad but o n lbe sldN'/Jllk, lhat s~mebody wilJ towards ber- who cave him notbhir;. bouse furnishing mIsses the point of pearance -of box plaUs ; , and a novol Idea tbat I,t would help me. hut contbl nk be is.l\ pretty good tellow an I! The teellng seemed to stille her, an.d one band l\eld behind bls back "Ouess "'hat I have here, darling?" simplicity and utility. sbape applied yoke 01 the silk opon. sel1ted 10 try It to plo~se my busband. , . lenve him $ld,O()O jn Ills wLU, t hat h ~ sl() .... tears gathered In h er dark eyes, • • • at the neck' to reveal We tiny che!:'l- J preparcll It very carefully, exactl y ': will se a good dog Ogbt, or get ' a Her 'huSband saw them, and thoy gave be cried, gay ly. "An appctlte for br~~k fast," WI8 tbt A house to be well ~urnlsbed must ..tte IUld h igh stock collar, ' Size 26 1 accord ln!; to directions" nnd was de. blm cOtll"3go ~o draw he r 51111'1 figure , . cba nce to ~t the co al trust. ~Il'l withIn h1. arm os he /lent bls bead promp t reply. lave had one of two advantages. wlil require f()IIT and one·hr.lf yarus of , lighted with , Its dellcIons 1Il1vor ' and kill y() ursell. Walt! .tlll nP.S1'er to hers and whispered : "Cl ove r child," sold be , sl~t l nll' d!)WD , Slither Its old china ~nd mahogany, 21·lnoh silk, flve-elghtbs yard or 21- I refreShIng qualltl es. ' . . ' ''Tell me. Fellelt y?" 'Just so soon AS the JlOlson tram tbe besid e ber and nndlng 1111 be3uty ra- , With Its old bnnglngs ~d rugs must Inch all-over lace and five yard s of ,n' A few weeks a,j;0 tho huslnefls me ~ coffee hal\ time to get out of my' eys- . " I was only gOing to say-tbill-it f1 ec tgd In bel' tace. "Don' t you wan t to have been an Inheritance mellowed and serllon fOI" tbe deyelopment. of Ch k s >;o s unt a oommlJ.tee of 1':: doosu 't loo'k hopeful, rm afraid ." kDow ?" lubdued and enrlobed by time and lov- ' tem lb e nutrl tlvG prollertles ot - tb. ' .. r ep resentatives lD th e large clUe. 10 i . "But appearance~ are deceltful"or conr oe I d(). Tell me." ahe a& Ing labor, or elae the furniture tram A 'Valentine (hme. Postum 'began 10 bul)\! me up; and 1 :,...1 the mJddle ro ulb, to persuade the mer· . 8GlDellmes! " cried her husband . cagef" Iwered , lea,nlng her h ead agalnllt him. attlc to cellar liIullt b&ve been sele<:ted A St. Valentlne 's po at office Is 11.1- nm on .... tully rec()\~ered . !roni 'all , my . cbaDt.r. or those places Lb'et It WIla!J) I,.. "Look b ere'" And imllelled b,. "What" III you give me for It!'~ ' and arrange<.i according to 'a good color waysgilOd tU1l, Reqtlcs t cac'h guest to nervou8nes~, lIeRr~ t~ollble and" C\stlJm~ v.' Ihelr at vantage to trade with the mer· eOmethlng In bl. tODe. she slooped be- . MGreedy bOy'!" she sa id , lau gblngl,., I achem~ by .somebody who ' kne:w. what bring an original "al cntlno: preparc _ I I glaOly nclmow)cdgn tbat no~, for tb~ '/ '\ 1.0 buy and hoV( to arrange what WIIB pretty box ' wlth 11 !role In tho' top to first time In years. I enjoy Jlt'rfcoct.,' chants .of CI;I cagQ. They "ere 0101: .Ide blm Bnd Baw tbat his .'Inger was •• she lLl3~ed blm. "Show me?;' He held up before bel' a cprlY ot bought. , . ' l'ecelve t he ml3slves a '! Ihe g'u t. I bl'altb, and Ihllt I owo It all tIl Pbs-, drumm er. In Lbe limited sense' lbat pointing to a tiny swelling on the To me there 10 breathless de1\sht!n come I,n, l~~,r ' Ill tbe ·e'Vcnlug ._ha.o tum." , Nl\ml/, give n by postun;l ' CIl,,; they 'SOUgil. trade ror particular JDer- stem, whlcb l()ok~d as tbough pubapi creamy blossotnB wblelr lined the arr with tbolr deUclo.u8 fragrance. TheD looking through th e storcs of exquiSite {he vlilentlnea t1lstr,l lluted ' pro;nl~c\l' Dq.tl1q Cr"~k" Mlcb" .,".'.' , chOIH.. 1"'e d " 1h ft might mean slIme day to be a bud. ""bo l ' ".,y w 1'8 . &or ' B "Do you see thatj" lie lIIlld, tIOr'tly. ' bavlng tastened It In Ihe bGllom of ! china and ', i,lai;~ which· 'n re ' shown ' I~ ously, ,eacti· ono to bo read alou d. ' lI' en 'Thore'M" .r easoQ.' Read tbe "ttl!1'~" B ot the ."real and gro"'lng , city "I tblnk ,.our tears hue started It fnto her gown, he drew her tenderl,. InlD 1 the large estnbllahmen(s devoted to .guess ",ho 'was the anth()r, 1?!H'Ulm . oonk. ' ''Tllo j oall . te) ' WeUYUle,t' In_ .hl ch Is Illrcad, the 8ec~nd lai-aC!Bt on'· life, my dearesl!" And Budden I,. he bl~ arms and ,'r~lsJlered: ' , ' . , tnelr .8:le. :Nothlng m?re charmfog are founll; for retre~hments by . a 'll~y pk/I8. : .' f,. ~:., tb e eontln~nl, ano.' mQ" IOma LIIilII lald ..a kiss ' lipon 'ber lips. . • My queen' CIt fOMII1 . , . Follett, th~~ the dull opaque ed gra~erul and girl recognizing veacb , otber'li at." l>o9!Um Fb<>~ (Jjjff~ col!tal1ul DO' Ul(e We llri,1 pI@I Tbat ·kiss had curlou8l7 arreda4 ~~ Pwnetuan.,· _~~P.'I. of /lnldee (rom our AlIIericu fUilotl';~Mad.llle ~~ < ' ,' i iI;ua 01 aOF d~QrIPUOD w.~otTer.
Rose Tree
NO BOUQUETS FOR DEAD. ::ommun .i ty in ' KIUISRS Wh el''' the· R e:>dtn g Matto!' on Tom bstones Is Brief.
~.In r.~~(c)
. Lf'Y ~.
~J/!.1 l!.:i.k~ ........ -&-;n,'
r-.1U1 f:.'f1c;r~
Is sU II . t ho cx to rtln ;.; or l arge quau U .. l sl ;;ht. tics o r r u hhllr. Rubher hf. or COUl"I'JO, . 1 ' \V got wise afte r tr llm 1atlon . th e In al n CUll~C uf t h e sJ;"'e I r,1\10 lu do u ut If YOll CO\l!c\ fin d a mnn i n t he ch e Co ugll. Th is com modity 11I1t!;l be I ICJ 1\' II wh u If h a lold you l be t r ut h. hM II t I I llan l I de \'c l'c d n cver' l1 el'eat; Hi:; tl "' , n ut caton into somel hin g holl ow si nce
tho Ice Illay lJe
untl Ibe
coverin g l, e pt eno l aud dr y, Two rf'1~ t of cove ti ns Mhuu ht iJ tl hf'lIL Ull 11I f' l(f1. an d tbl s may he hill' . n il e "lr u w. chaff or s aw du s t ; In f ac l nnr poro us SII IJ'
l ies , o tlH!I'wl:-;c th ere Is ' l ruuul c ' fl'OlU be h a s heon h e re , ]"01' a wh il e it I atnnce ' lbat wU I no t d t: cotlll,()Se D .'! I. Se ls." eecnluu a s it lh ls was th e ca mp ing
q U lc k ,
nati \' e lli a l
ta il~;
t o IJl'ln J; III
Their Sufferi ng" Are U"~.l17' Due to Fem"l e Dis order"
" Un~u ~ peel .. d Wh en" CO l\" comns f res h In milk (, H'ry crru rt shotl ld be made to ha vo A MEDI CINE THAT CURE S her start h er lart lltion willi a l ar~e flo w or milk. T u LIli s c nd she Rhou lci C'l.n "''' d ispute be brou gh l t o , hi gh phl' ~ l ra l t one by the w ., lI- knolV n 1:00,1 a nci It ln rlly ('nre a n ti p rope l' reed . factthn t Amer ica n say s T . L . 1I 11O,·I, e l·. of ~ lIn n eRol a . women are ner OUl S a ro n 1;00<1 In l ill ,; llmlll :I11' . so s he ,,' sho 1lld he f<'ll a fcw day" on lot; t hat liolVofte n (10\T8 hus bee n sort~ned .wllh h ot "'at r a n h e ar th e e xpres· t s lon. " Iom "o n cr hour bc rore f e('(lin~. A m lxl il re 0 vous ,l tscelTls o.i t b ran nnd oats. cQua l r>lIrt~ . would a ls n sbolild fly .... 01', be good . T ho c'alf fi ho u l,1 UO r ~ lllo ve d Don' t spe nk t o th e Il rst ,la y. so she \\"1 11 qu lek Iy f.:l r . ' " Little thin gs get It Dnll trun <for he r uff~,. t io n " to n oy y o u and he r fer,l('r and m;II( ~ r . Th osp t hing!! mnlw l'oU Irr it all ie i y o u can 't slee p. gh olilil III' do ne whl(' h wI ll mnke h er \'0 11111'0 un a hle t o quie tl y a nd calml y com ff)rtab le and c,.,nt" nted . All no. iwrfnrrrt ~·O'"· d aily tasks or care f or tlons tha t n ''a\\' II~I'U~ "x('rr l ~e anti )" 01 11' childr e u . a (In lly eXllo, "r~ \.r.' dl .l'olnro rt to T h, ' l'(·lalion of th e n e n cls n nrl g enl i,·o lJIY""" ill w oman s so close ma l(p her hnnh' f' h.l ll1c1 hI" aha n do ned era that uirh' .tc lltils o f t il 110r vOUS pros~ K eep hpr quil·t ' ","1 ,·o lllforlllh ll'. Pl'Cld trat io n . n,' I'" » " ,, de h lli ty , th e bl ucs, a ull m illt "" ';II ta 1'I)". anti In thI9 wa, sl""l'k," I"'''-~ amI n e r\'o us irrilabil ity n :c Oil\\' ('an Ill' h l' llI Itt t h('l maxl m nm u l'i:..t, fl'UIU :-~(lIIH! d\'ru ro r a fl~ w mOlllh .:;, I r I"('SI' rf\W hints (I!' j!illlb ll l wldl' h nw), t o r the h er II. 'w o m n n. 01'(' f ollow.'I I, yuu \\11 1 IJ", I n a t o. lr Pi 1" II( dl· pr('~ .... io T1 0 1' r l's t Jc ' n es.~ nod WAy In Ii,'," '''''' .1 " " "" "sst,, 1 dalrY llI lt n. i,·.· it.I· : ~riri t " c a s il y a/l'cct.~cl. BO thifllll ji'f'\\' ('O\\ :{ 1}ll lf l at. Il IW 11IiuUlt! flo h c lnn g h s . t.h e n ex t mol''' than frOlT, m ' \\,1'~'P~ ~ pain in t ho o.b d o lni oaJ
SPV f'n
I nnf) not hp. ro rn
at Orus ·"I" sen,l no- I/la ce of e vc ry fra ud a nd s kin ga m e on Lice of ul s~~lli ~facllon, t h e w ldle aJ.4c n ts Lhe f oad , down In ll1 e Con go mH~t IJUl til ' Ir 'Afle r a lo ng run o f lb ls so r t of IICPUIJ(!8 10 g l'a:lI e r Wl)rll I" ge l ,·cSU.IlS. th log (h e 'o rulllllnit y nn nlly got 8115. Ami to ge t n mtJilc r 111111'" 1 sa tls tae· l llil'iOUS of Itse lf. 1' he n a fc w of t bo tory LO t he powers 111 I be. I 1Ie II lll I\' es !c'aders organi zed a sort ot tosli n!; com· h ay(: to b<: lerrorl. ·d . Th e re :41'(: tl lI·CO . mluee. Qu o of the leneta of lhls co m· ways In whi c h thl H is done: by 110g- : mltl ec WIUI to say n oth lug abo u l a gt ng a IUOII
Nervous Wo me n\ Perhap
\i\ ~r.. ,('~ ,t.. , ""
bee n ~I vc n o u t. te ll 01 must ho r rl blo condILio n.: "thollg h the docu men t Is of ve ry IImlt ecl d im ens io ns. II n!!u l'lls a " lrll(lng co nllrm a ti on of 1111 th a l tho 'Congo l! c rO r ~te rs' h a ve u ll ege d. It wilt no lon ger be 1I0ssl hi e to de ny l he ex lste n 'e ot Icg" I1 ,.~<i hu~lngo t;\I<l 1I;;; of mUIII a tlu n Ill' ul ack "uldiery ; o[ tho ru in ot villa ges a n rl who l('ordo lU ur llerR. th e t' nl y ohJeet 01 wh Ich wa" . a lld
Wh ell Ih o
Hal!d lJng or th o He lfer When She Firat Com es I n to Milk of GI'"",t I mp arlA nce.
Th'e r e Is a curIous s ett lement In a If. 11 !bo r t grass co unl)' ot Kau sas. a ccor lIng to one who WIIS I n that. pa rt ot the co un try look lug afto r cl a lll ••. .--~ "The Jl OIIUla l lotl." said th e r et u rn cd THE ICEHOUSE. ~oll eclo r, " Is a sort o r mlxlllr e at --Qua kers an d 110pu li sLS. Of th e lalter More Pertinen t Discuss ion of II Mos t t hl ll Il es l Is ' a bout tbe onl y 0 11 0 lett In ' S ~asonoble SubJt.ct - A Good B u ildi n g Ule Slnle. . " Tho cemele ry nellr t h e to wn Is a ll T he m ost e s"onUIII requtrem enls Ind ex of th e ch ara cler or tho 1)lace. Tbo fe w to mbs tunes co ntai n o ul y lh b o r an Ice·hous e A dry [.,un da· perfectly se.. led n st e O lrnn~o u,uues of t h ~ depa rted, wlt ll th e dal6 tlon. at air. .An alr·tl!;ht agai ce iling o r wa ll of denth IIIIlI so mall m cs th e a ge. NOL around th o Icc. so Ihnt a n y danl( ,"(, ~s a li ne of scn Llme ul Is ca r ved upo n a that ma y exl~t In th e wa ll w il l ue single stu ne. e Vll porate d fro m t he out side. t huu by " I was curious to know why. A th e In llu on cu of t he e \"ap",""ll ol1 w l ~ panlar ch Illule rt onl; to en ligh t e n m o. a ta n <iel1c)" tu " " u l t h!' wa tl. A "'Th Is LO wn: h e saI d . ' Is no Ha ll .o f we ll ve nlila.ted . hil t Il g llL rout . wl·.11 1~lInle. Lea s lwlse no t Yf t. Th e CO lli ' "1 I I I I ' hi n g au es OPU D t o t II ' mu n lty hus uee u roo letl to oflell llmt a c urren t uf .llr lUay It I' l ll'nuLl. 1 \\' C . tID.R~. swlh .. tIInl~· we dOIl 't talio Ull Wllh a ll Yt hins; lI ew ture wh Ich gath e rs III th" cn " l'r ltlg o f n.t. firs
Tht.·Portion of D.rk•• t Africa UDder the SoYereia nty of Kina Leo. pold- Country Ezploite d Commer dally RatherT ban Admlnl. tered.
A n article In tb e London Oro phlo 8nys te rror Is lb'e k ey to the admIJlI~ tr a l lon at th o Congo Free Sta te and eives a defi nition at the a,l mlnls tT!ltil.n at. lbls dark region In da rkest Afrlcu" In a lnutsh ell the Co ngo admln ls lroUo n Is this: 'ril e (a rmin g out ot gO I' e rnm ent ta xation t o com mer cial mo nopolies to whl ell th e rl gh l o r th blr cla im Is ca n .eded . nud tho en fnrcln g of an e ver III rcnsl n g lux frolll t he peoplr . fro m whi ch th e go ve rn mont Il5Clf d rn ws 50 Del' COIlt. o r lh e profi ts. T he w hlto'-nge n ts carrylllg OU l this 6y ~ tCILl a I''' (10r m llleu U)' Ih e t-:O\'C' rnmqn l tu emilloy la rgo bAn ds uf 'I evl os' or 'se ntrl e, : a nd a lso o rm the ·Ir rcg ul :< r.<: Th ese 'om fla nl es h ave nlsr) t h e right ot COOl m it (le corps. or th o ca ptu rin g an d h u hllng or h os tngcs unti l th e de ma nd o f rub bcr Is sa tl sfac lory. Th ese a r med BOn t ri es cu rry o u L th e CIl I)tu r. s lin d brin g In to the whi le Ill un lh o hnst agcs. Tile ro.l,ls fo r lh ese h OSl ai,:CS nrc ~;!I d om free rro m hloods b etl and arc otte n a c ompnnle d by ll un\Qless to,. t urc~ o n t he defe n seless pc pI.,." W b en we ull uerstum l lbat th e se:1 trlcs oml lev los a n ti Irregul ars nr c n a· tlv es n t tlt e cou ntry. Ilcr ha ()s fiS .10graded n nd cru el a 1)"'11,10 ItB IL Is p o,:si ble to Hn d on thl H ea rt h. We ron li !e 80ltle th lnlt or wbUl It means lo pUl thI s power In to t h eir llllll cl s. 10 pUl t b esl!
\1'.:.';~""" -'WOI''''''-'''''' "fl116\· r.lfl I HAECKER ON COW CARE.
.-:<{,~~~,];$w''l?~''''firm ~l!u INIIU~
r l1r(~ or
rlf! t~ 1
punl1d !:' o f
~rn ltl
dall y,
b(' t \\'''~C ll
r "l! itl u und
th o s h o u ld ers;
Ihn n half o r Ihl :l ~ h(ltI l rl In .. ~ of "niet'; n e rvOli S dyspops iu. ; a Ill "n l : IlO' lt " r Illala' a mix. t, .".ll'''I'\' t ,) c ry at t ho l east I"'o"ocn..
n'hll o
Ihf' pnrts hr,tn, or oats, nn d ! t illll, - al'l tlJC!3C
lhrf't" IHU ls 1'01'11 weal, IIIHI fCf"d a 1'0' 111<1 or ell<' IIIlxture 10 th n'" puund . or Ill il k )"1 01,10'1. F e".1 mell l a"rl()TlIIIl Ir. to Ihe qllan l lty or mil it srp. giveR. Alfnlf" an ,1 rOllrl ~r r o.... a r.. III M I r otll; hlJ!'.u fM '·O\\"S. hilt pra lrl o hay
poiJ~ t
to n et'vou s p ros.
trat lon ,
::\".tI~in g- \\"i ll r~ l ic','c this tl is t rcssinr: em""t,,, ,, "'1(1 pn: "cnt III"n th.s ot pro.s· 1 rat O tahl I!" sos l1n,' ll as r...,rd Ut 1::. i'lon:lfl in ldlllld:-'1lIr"I'I ll 'S Vcge u 'OOl pOllll d . )l l's. ~1. E. i'ihot,,,,.l l. of I O~ I' lnlbus b A" " 'lIle . 111"00I<l "n. N . Y .. w rites: I !\ nl~o ~ootl . T oo Il"llll'h , hn s been HI C'/lUlInL QKP~S t h., wonfiol'ru l r eli c t I "" Id nbo ll t hnlan ot cl racions and too have """rioneo.1 I.y t!l1;l1I II ' tle ahout l<l u rill Pss lin d rog ula rlly . ba",'" Y,,;;ul<II,lo COI"'I""fll 1~ I.).oill K l' lnk. fl. I ""tre",,1 f r uecla rcH the Pralrio I'o rme ,' ; too mu ch n 101"1: " ",.' with 11I'l'\''',," "f'()':~rnt, oll . bnclcp ndlf', h a.d tll'lt" , l us,,,, or nppdl U't, . abo ll t clul r)'-lJr~d cows Rnll too li lt! · I , ull 0\10<'1' nfllt wO L"Guld lIlJ walk tbn 1100 1'1alwost Ig ba ll t da lry · lll·cd m ~ n . First Il'n rn """ 1')" ni J; l.t. how pro perly t o care for a "CI"llh co w . " I hUll thrro ll,w(OI>1 nml ~ot no l",t tcr.nn(1 hro W tL'i U b lirdulI, 1 WH:o( ac lvls ~ l to nnll a flor YOIl hal''' t horotll!h ly Ipa m ed. I I.J.lln E. PilltdH\III·. Vo~,'I"lJl" '''IOI IOU II , this Il wil l U(' t im ' cnou~h lo lh lnlc 1 "'1 iL h"" "'011'1,,, 1wOIIulu . ' of gelting uCl ter r o"'s. Se rve yo ur 0 " I nnll1\,·.. lt wo",,,n. .." for II",. mY II'f,vOlusn= ISo U cla lry all prc nllc cs hi ll wit h I he s cru b ~~~~~~~~~,lllY (rIOlul, say I uok Le u yOlll'S ro w ; t hell you will nOI mal(e n tnll· Wi ll n ot t h o vol u mes o f It'ttorll from lire wl1(' n yo u em l)I.:IY t hc dai ry g rad e w ome n IIH"l o str",,!{ by l~y<1 i'" hl. P iulr. of (JUTe breed. hu m's V"i'c ta hlc Compolilld cou \' ill c" n il wom en oe lts v ir t ue,, ', u rely you A GOOD DAIRY BARN . cunll ot wi sh to r e ml1in s ick, ' ''cal< an d d isco urage", e "hB.URt.c d e ach clay , Arra ngem ent of L orge Buildi n g Up- owh c n \vuwen. YO II cau be us eusily c ured us t her o n Fnrm In Mi ch igan-F ea tu r e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of Basem en t Portion . = H e' ll Beli ev e It La t er. 1 I'ul) m - JJl1r~ina.r. you. hu\' • nind e me . The dra wi ng s ho ws th n a r ralt ge mr nt ~ c'l'lu! 1'~' happy hy lnllrr),ll1g 1110. . . or a la rgo Ml chl gnll dnl r y fnl' m wh ic h '1he Hriclr )h . ,lfO ,, 'L u,o u llOIl It:· I 18 O,S well adnplCll t o
marl'H virl ues. if he b a.d
a uy, untJ 4 1116 rcqu ir ed amuunt: iJy CalJl ur lll/,: a nd be had Leen dend n year . I(Ce l\l nr; hos ta ges ; by raldl ,,/,; a vil lage "'Seve ral men who had cut a call. and II " .' 1<1 n g., II S0 of a rm, prodded by slde l'llb le 1l "llrft In l' llftl r li ves ,·l led aud v lhe willce ma n. the tortu re aCCUIll[lllny- rccel ved a b 10lIU of 1t.: EHOliSE ASLJ l 'OOl. I :-':O HOU:\1. notices a bout wh nl In g su pplied by tlto . ava:,;e. the bad dune We found OUl later 1),. We h al'c n lways u ~eC: bay w it h T ho Lon do n Cl'aph i<:. w il ld l we 1\11\' 0 l,tl",Yt t hey lInd Il'eeu mo ra ll v l'O llell a u d good res ulls. T his ma ltes a covorl ng a lready .Qllolecl. duc" o o t. ns U ril le. go , rasca ll y u n t he s ly. ~ th at ca n bo qul cld y re muved a n,1 reo 1"11 fo r sen atlona l IlIuslral lo ns; bu t I "'X' W I' b n . ~I e In t bls , placed. a nti Is easily cl~an ell u f( {I'om tho atroclt los nu \\' going Ull lu l ho 0 e a. ma n S I 1 th e Ice. On e of the prIn ci pl e lhll1 ~" Co n go a re or such t: ltara Clcr Itnd s o commun ly. es peCia y ~~e w to l\lOSO~ to be rc me m be rM In I" '(' pl ng Icc Is ~elle l'a l Il Is deo med. neccRsary a cr u- tOn th o gooI d. tlhe co llm!!! u l r:,e IId e- to s eo that th e re 8IrC a n In fin ite n u m· on s as lted ' " ," mecIH 8 S t Je aade lJc swnetl t hat Ihe wholo clv lll 1.ecl l e QueSl d 1 • .d h r be r o f min u te a ir spaces In the rna., world .l ea rn w hal the " elo Ds e l e"~ na - ce~~.c w lat. h ~ craclte . Imsal 1.~IPht~ at porous d ry pac li i"S. so us t o l alle tl ves a r c s u ffer ing. lh nt the wholij elv- I be . It auyo uc p rcsent eRn pro t 8 ort nil mo is ture. The Inn e r wa ll 01 Ilized wor ld ma l,e a IlroLast the "nad be was we si m ply ~ccoru th at be died I th e house s ho ul d be tight RO a s 1.0 Old Man" s h a ll have lO h oed. an d tb en wa lt a )ear t o sec If any· I e xclucle air complet ely. Saw du st In tho accom lln ny lng IliustrIllio u WB til ff h e·1 best an I ng t urll s up aga Ins I. bl m . s we rs th o pu r flo so of nili ng ure s howu a scone It h as been Il TO ven rin gs ou t u ll rlg b t "\Ie hold an ot b er In bet ween th e wa lls. · beyoud do uut Is of commo n (oCcu r- meelln!> and th e deceased gets w hUl Is Be s uro that th o Ico Is pacl,ed In a ren ee. T he white mao h us co m I.CJ cO:ul ng t o a n y gOOd mllll: so lid mll ss. T his Is HeC ll red ul' ge l Ills to ll ot rub ber . Th o n atll'es . 'By t llat ti me tbe monum~ n t fever swee pinG a ll the 11100 du st nn d sm ull come fo rwa rd With t ho lr sev ra l bas- bas cool ed down anll one good dend , pie ces of Ice In to t he crevlcos . mail in g kets. a nd each bM llct Is carefu lly Ul nn Is o u a lovel :lI'lth !lnolher. Be- .\ a s ing le solid block ot Ice lind to t ur. wels hed. It the scale turn sl:: Rnd aid es. thl ~ sort ot It9 pu rpo~o a~ b n\'I ' 1l1l\( lc I\\'u ot ll" .' men ~1111 11ll{!(Her t h ing s a ves money. th e r pra vont uuy Etlr s p~ce b e tween , lhree-Qu a rte rs pou nds . lhe m a n II ·· ' \' ,wIlL ho w dlft yo u un l h nt.~ "'If th e dead man 's fa m ily wan ts to the callOS. ( would an y t hO l co uld be fo u nd. I ho ba r n h a" e t he " II)' Icc CUi III to lIIUI"'y thelll."- Chicago luck y. and he Is s ive n s ome trifle- put up a monum ent cO ll sl~ ' s of on e l a r ge, lhr~e·story Slruc .. Duil \' ~ C\\'li, and smear: lt o ver blocks so that tile jOints ure brol(en. ' perhaps a bit ot sni t. a belt. " ynrd at . with a lot at Scrlp tur~, thA l s l h e lr l as for In s lnnce 16:<24 or 1 2x1 8 crOSS, tllre. 40x50 feet. w lc h nn e ll ~ 4 x52 reet . . - -....- - callt.'O. Tb e unfortun llle whose ru bber bus iness. Bu, ther e ISII t a mo nume nt In g two. thus e ffeetuull y tlreyentl ul; e r.~e llcl l ng from th e s ili p. wh lr h has two A Guaran t eed Oure for Plies. sho ws underw eight 1& laid ho ld on. ot that kind In our t I Ilh ft It chlll " . nll ll,l, Bl oo<l.h'll", g ra veya rd. It we Circulat ion ol air througb th e mus • . n!r PilCtI. 8 or OR W co w s t a II s In t h c b~qo· Drll t:'Jifll.8 n,'o n\1 thnli~& l t oProl.rudi Wbe u a ll th e rubbe r has bee u weigh ed, le arn anytbln g agalD l'orll n el lUone,\' if st tbe decease. The building s ho uld be locat ell on ment nud st r a w s Cl)ra r;e a bove. PuoOl s'nms Tflllls t.o eurolu OI.o HduyS. 1IOt th e s hon - we lght fellows are brought !I.! ter h e has been Th e ontJrp b~ rll h n~ a ha" ~ m c n t. tho burled a yenr we hi gh and dry ground. wh or e th e w ind forwa rd . On o by on e thp. y are flogged 5a)' nothing. but we are very partle- will hav e a cha nce to s t r ik e It frmu par t ,weie r th e ma in buil d in g being A fav orite writer wit h most worneQ a nel a dmonl sh ecl to do better wilen ular In any bus iness gi ven to horse s ta ll 5. Impl e mcllt roo m, . b t he hllstlll nd who Is capau t ran s actions we all sides. It s bo uld bave DO s had e. le of writ.iol tbey bring the ne xt fo rtnl ght's loll. ch.cck•. may have wi th his Immedia te kin tor- Th" floor s h ou ld , f' LO O Ul~ J) Y UH A t! H U It T WEIO IJT Ot' be care fully sea led Mutllatt on Is II llIoans e m p loyed rre- over afle r: J( ll U.EH. a gnlns t the e ntrancEI of air. In ma ny quontly. a.~ Is attes ted by tl: c num ber .. , asl, ed the old man It be believed , In s tances this Is th!! weal( est part ot or wre tch e d beings thn t go a bout with ~bat Ih e commun ity was auy b elter for I an lce.hous e. It will oot be lI eces~"ry arms Into their possess ion. And who one foot one h a nd an d som e tim es the lhl s sorl o! cautlon. to have any floor It th o soli Is cl ayoy Is It gives lhe bloodthi rsty. Irrespon - lWO hands cut o rr. ~he two feeL Wheq " 'Perhaps not: ho r~ plled . 'except and alr,pl·oo t. othe s ibl e creature s s uch dangero us po we r '! th e commiss ion o r wise a ce m e nt f Inqu iry was ou tho ;ha t It makes tombsto nes cheape r. I Hoor shonld be pul In. This should The white man. s o·called Chris tian . Congo there was brou ' h t forward loy Th e r::'0re you pnt 0,11 o ... e tlte more It have good drainage. by makin g s e.,. s o·calleLi hIghly civili zed. The Del- relatives of the vl cLims a sorrowr ul ~s 18. eral chaune ls all c ouve ylng to ,on a glan s; at tlte hend ot whom slands arra y 01 cru elly mutll Rted person s. "~'''.;.~ ~ "The old man s eemed so Sincer e In corner where a p~rrect Ent/Dg. Apcrtcct rem,KIn g Leopold - whose title r~ads tha Hero Is one case presente Io-~---.-.-:-l=",'---atr.trap. maLi e d to ·the com. his views that I did not care to han like cdyfor DInlncl!8. Na_ an S laid on Its' 81~e Is placed . COMllt NE D DAIRY oppoSite of Glads tone's. (But we I!ave millslon : ··Uoajl. wife 01 Lombolo . of : my talth In him weakenc~ by a s king AND HORS E BARN. ~ro:~~~a.4: Water will alway" &land In thi s. lhu s · read what Mark Twain thlnk.s or Leo- Ekerong o. was punis h ed by the s ontry , bls neighbo rs how they r e j;arded blm." IIreve ntlng the entranc e or all'. Art e r e lc .. white th e. ell Is c nllr~ ly . ~ ev o te d 'J'oD8lIe.PalataUlllBlCle. · pold, and arter tbut fluylng It would Ikloondo In thi s way : H er toot waa to cow s tall R. A high bridge Icads onla TORPID LIVER. 'l1IIIgI Hlllng. as the weath e r commen ces to be weak to attempt anythin g In the cut otT and she t be seco nd 1I00r or th e main barn . 01 - · 1eJIIIa1.o tho Jlowe1s. was lurtbe r bellten HAVE IMMENSE INCOMES. way at donuncl atlon .) PureI.YVeget&ble. be warm. go oyor t he Ice frequ e utly with a gun on h er s ide. wblch CRus e II lowin g a WII ~O Il to ent e r upo n tha t How cnme Leopold to have control an enormou s lUmor." These de tails Iloo r for haulin g It ny. ot c .. bUl ne d r1\· e· : of ·that very consider a ble region nom- are revoltin g. but the time has come German y and Great Britain Have way leads Into th e second story ot lhO ! h inted the Congo Free State? In 1876 tor them to bo Genuina,Must Bear consl~ered. lime lhe :Seen MAking Large Iuveatcow stable. Th l" barn wa s r ~ m o del e .1 Klog Leopold , In turthera oce at Al- public r ealize th e F8l»Simi io Signature full enormit y or the mtnu Abroad. from an olrt hase me nt barn. sa ys l ll l) rlenn explorat ion and colontza tion. or- crim es committ e d .A _ ~ In the name ot Farm Rnd Ho mo. lhe cow Rlabl es hegan lzed. with the coopera tion or lead- commer c'l. Let US /~~ reca ll the loca tion An int ore.sllng compari son betwee .. Ing adrl ed. alld bas pruved entirely sa~ ·· log African explorer s. and Bupport ed 01 this slate under " lhe sove relguty of Oroat Brltam sntl OermallY as Inves tIstacwry to tho OWn er. by Boveral Europea n governm ents. tbe Leopold . It li es II ,_ REfUS~ IU.l&l IlUI£J . little south of Cen- I ora outs ide theIr own bo undaries Is IDternat ional African assoclaL ion. The Iral Africa nil but the n a rrowes t strl() mdae by Edgar Speyer. the welt-IUl own followin g year Stanley was sent out to Is Interior: ' Its boundar y on the n o rlh : London bank er . In a letter to t h e the Congo country by the as sociatio n. Is Fronch Congo A dairy cow ' Hhoulrl give milk ror lind the E gylltlan S t atist. Figures supplied to him by CROSS SU;c.: TlOl': . Leopold defrayin g the ex (lenses. Trea- Soqdan ' on tbo eas at IcaHI 300 day s In e ve ry 12 m onths. t lie British East · Prot Arndt. of Frankto rt-on·M aln. aod Bee that th er o n re no all' hol es. ties wero made ·wlth the Oongo chlefe, Africa. ' Ge rma n Do Oil t se nd the rows ont Into the East Atden nnd ! s how that In recent years Germa.n . ), , which will Quickly cut a way thro ugb pas ture aDd . posts .establls hed. The Intema- Norther n Rhodesi till the g ra ss has obtained a a: on the 60ltth. · has been maIling large Investm en W H EAT l.'l the Ice. . tlonal . Associa tion of tbe Congn now Norlher n Rbodesl . good s tarl. a and portugu ese! a broad. and that In a compara tively RAIS ING In describi ng a build ing whi c h cml took chnrge or the work. and the sev- West Africa ; on the west. Portug u eso sh ort t.lme $7,500.000.000 ot Oerma.n A pIn ch or salt ort N ea ch foe,l will , be uti lizI'll a s an Ice .h",, ~e and cllol. RAN CHIN.G eral s mall territori es were combine d West ACrlca . the malt o th e cows li ck th e mnn gers to the Atlal1ti~ and ("rencll money has heen Invested In torelgn G!I- In&' cha mbe r combln" r!. th e 011 10 t 'nr. V<'Ty co rn ers. Into one state. for which recognit ion Congo rh rr8 ""otlt- pun.lta b .... e cudUes und ladus ll·les. German y'. m er Ba ys : The d t lll ~ " " lo \J " o u6:nl n, 6th .",n woodvrfa l was nSked cit the ' clvlllzeci govern[ t he MO' l or t he proOt hin ges on th e com. In ;he s ummer ot 1903 Mr. Roger annual Income from rt!3 ulc.s uu lobO this eno rmou s In- buildin g as we lt a s ch e cuu llnll c hu m. men ts·. This recognit ion was given. Casem ent, Brilish tort ot the co w. p rov Ided you ha,'c a cons ul. made In- veo lment Is between $350.000:000 au:! Homes tead Lands 01. bar could be lllu cle til s uit th e rellu ir(" good cow to s t nrt with. and the Congo Free State ca me Into vestlg<\ L1on of (.'Ondillo n s In the Upper ; $375.000.0000. Adding to this t h e s um WEST ERN CANA DA being. . At an Internat ional conferen ce Congo. a nd a r e&uit menls of th o bu il d er. '1'1 10 \)uil lll llg A mode rnte lempcra t tlre In the cow ot his InveeLl ga- ' she receives trom her sblppln~ co mmls · I describe ~tn.lllll<o " , CUm qto-F. rmor. pIO,,'OJC In ....II. · on African affairs. 1885. an act was tloo" was sellt d Ts 12 ft. w lu l' . 14 fl . lo ng stahls promo tes eOl1 lfo1't . Lord Lansdow ne. the I sions. Insuran ce and other Bo urces. It not ob· OIILr"I"".~.'n 'h" ,"lddleotll.""'b"r . . Ing t h erg h or , ' and I h to' 0 1 t b e " report 12 ft. hi g h. passed conce.rn II'llh ~ the c h a mbe r ~ talned at the ex pe nse of golod nlr. pl'rhap9 t.he most ..damnin g In- tola I year IY IItcome t rom .. All nro ho und , .. ,,0 on. ro LhnD "IO...,d wit h ,,!fore Ig n In· 1 ft. lon g nnd tl ft. ' wi de. Fi g . I sllows lIeveral nalioDS In the Congo. human" dlctmen t ever mad I The bc ltQr IJa vlll 1; he r fi rs t cn lC s hollid a~~,.:~' li La 0 1 t,lJ o Illl~~ a,' a 60U'" llal'Yeet& e a gnln s t the ad- vestm enlS Is $?oo.OO . treatme nt ot the natives. the abolitio n 'minlstr atlon of tbe cham ber w ltb Icc UII threo s ides be rare rlllly ha nel R civilized gO" e rnled. a s It IS at this c,,,,'. Great " 000 Brlmlo . .... or. 1m, In. abunb1K lt-.. _ s Inco me trolll s imilar l of It. Th e c e iling Is slopln;; 10 be t . lime he r habil" of the ala"a trade, etc. The atate was menl." Lord Lansdow ot m ilking and reed. chu ' chos. lOo,l<. laco".o " ne ur ... ed lin In- s ources IS $900.000 .000. but lhe dlffe r- I , ter support the w~l t ght placed or tbe under t h e person II I sovere I Ice un d log are e~t3blls " appolnt- ence b hed . gn y ternaUo nal !nqulry. Leopold Thl.,. , h. ..... or SI.Il\I .. ,,.... Appl, to'I"~ etw een t h e Incollles 0 r tb e two socure tho neCC" Aa ry drainag of Leopolil . (LeopOl d, by will made ed n commis sion e. Th e Mnn y {'Ows t hat. n re 10 gO.ld ne sh 0l lull t A) S I ' I' .:aIlSTr.Nm of his . own. or £:"""II hl )( IOItA.Yl,"~' The countri es has . In r ecc n l years been ; noor shollld O~. " " ••. Cnnnd •. ur to ..:~T "hod_ In 1&89. ~equeatbs the state to Bel· commIss ion contrary be or cem ent aud pta ceel now will com e out 10 lh e sp ring 80 .rn,,,.nL. ve,, IS' to expectnt lou, rapidly narrowI ng In lavor of Ger· about about 3 lee t be, low the slIrfnc.o peor that th~y will h ave glum.) Other matters calling away carried on 'most careful Inv esllr;nLloil, m~ny. bacallse Great Britain bas ta to staD~ twi ce n ~I. WII.I.'UIS. lAwnulldlna.'Iole4o. 0. lled of the grouud s o as to take ad_an. In on e pi llee from this region the attenUo n of the t o ma lte a shadow. all behal gh'en report of a mos t. p~cullar to Inve3t nny apprccla J/."" ,,nlhCl'"'I''·''' .everal JIOwers, Leopold strength ened and ble amount of age ot the cooln~ss ot th e e arth. At cau "c1 I I t t l " se of ShOrL U.I;.e olf wlnlc r teed . cailital nbr<!ad tor nearly a decadl'. I, C In Fig. 1 a pille Is plac e d lO tnK ~ the Belgian Interests . And the Bela m n s r~H~~STOPHER WEBST ER. "Doubtl~~s the rul e that prosperOl. S · the draInage tram the Ice Into a trough ,Y .Klans bave stoutly upheld their' klDg DispoSIt Ions of Cows . people USUally become more lavish In I In which cooling 1D his exploita tion or the Congo. cans for milk may Cows dlITcr as mil ch In th eir dl.JIO-I Aboolutfly fruftOn l.AIlJoa Books as Medicin e. t he ir expendi ture will also apply to be seL .o-.tI. . .. . . . . COngo Free State Is a rich country. silions as human b~i n r;s. Any rnrmer Dr. C. W . Branden burg. ot th e New Garman y." saye Mr. Speyer A SU&E CV&C ' . "In tact . Fig. 2 shows and' wblle It could Dot be Bald lha Yorle M~dlcal college, a cros s section of tbe that has han d led a lal"ge number declares that he Ih ere are already sig ns thal the coou · at Por Dur ". , 50•• 1:1"..., Coons. building. . The door at th e ch a mbe r Is cows will ha\"(l rlln BelgIan s havo "develop ed" It. they regularl y prescrlh eil ncro~s the stnb- :!.'~~I.~':';:d:.U I\V~~D:~I:,.d.BJIT.:'D~::;. Car· humoro us bookB try Is \;leglnnlng to L'Onsum e at home a bave exploIte d It all a commer cial en- to a certain class protecte d by a porch. Rnd "hould be born cuw . . th e afle!!l lollnl e cow. the "'"·0 . . . 001 or patlents. \Vhen larger portion at IlS growing 'wealth 1l4..4JUlR .. aox •• on the north sid e ot building . To mOl hcrl y r ow. and ........ . GI... ~'" .." • .., th. . . . . . . . " . .,,, .. eve n t he ba.:sy ctlw. ..... r41l>.... Do,l.. &.. Ohl. ~m." ,~n .~tII. "U th" U,,,., ,,'· b. .agmjtll of the white man, tbe "l8n- &.go he was a roomma b.... ,~". te with J ohn M. ~pentl 'Dare at home In order to live ,,.tho< MOTH 'PH one.v , • bule mlj;ht bc built Ilt the entranc e som e nr.. bod . A '"~ tries" and "lrrllgula 1'll;" and the na- Pattison . now governo man should try to r ot that s tate. In greater comfort develops In Gar" 110' UnA. ' ~ and two doors Hlted. Tbls building . ellmlnat~ th e. ba Uvea make' desverR te elYort to procuro The latter. a law d qualltl c!! and e n· .tudent. was III and many at the same time that Great . SWE£ 7" POW DERS It properly construc tlld. turnl s he s a courage th ~ deve lopm and 'band 'ov.. r tbnt Whlc'b the white blue one night And ent at tho! guoo the doctor saYR! Britatln becomes moro econOmlCcll. ~ FOR OHILIJRIEII, cheap and Bcrvlcen blo .torage room ODEtS In th e f' p. lec tJon man demand s. Rubber Is by lar the "I read one 01 Mark ()r th e cows for Twaln's booles to 'Great Britain will again Invest ahN.1tl A Co•.ao Cure Ibt ............ ..eea. Cor summer use. most 'linPortB nt Qrllcle ' at commer ce. blm and he lau the continua tion of Itill ber d. ghed himself well. the mor 3 largely . . and Great Brltaln'~ :i::.."':::CI~::.:..'-=...4:.1:I:.; formlDg nearly 90 per cent. or tbe 6pe- Laughte r Is one of tho best, DlClst n n t- i export trade and Income trom her f"r.oni:'i ••~~ I\V.:.:.:.d~.r....,':r.:.~:;~ elal eltjJorts. Tbe general nport trade ural forms of exercise A Mlstalte . FCllss Econom y. I know or. The elgn Investm ents will grow more rap1' " .... u I.'bu: InllO ;.R~...~.' ....... roea In the four years succeedi ng 1896 Idea that slde·spl The stockma n who allows bls young If ana ha s prollt;thl u co _ It wan't t-:~.~~;: t."'1i':~ ltung laughte r may Idly than German y·s." 'OL:=.D. ~.,:;,;:-.;;,.. stock to loso from 75 to 150 ponnd G pIty til allow th e: from $,OOO to nearly t10.000,OOO. retard the healing n to gel out of con of wounds Ie. T am durin,. the winter haa nut onl)' lost cl ition by econom Belgium bae abOut 83 per cen,t. of the atrald. a trlHe tar tzlng <m feed; and . fetched. I really Bobby"1 Idea. his l eed. but total special ·commer ce. he has lost a part of the It th ey an! not ..11 IlTolitab le. tblnk that granula tion might he gen'tly 'now 19 On South Waler street little Bobby last summer 's gain. It ' doel' not pay tho time ,to <10 som .W~ are told that II InC4! LeopoId ae- Itlmulat ed. Inaten d e c ffectlv E! ~ulllng. . or eourse, \>COp Ie I saw a man testln& eggs with a Iighled t I t 8tock rUll d ow n . • umed to'l8l'111lsn power o.,er tbls ter- ha"e hurst their 0 e and ilin!'! 'sa\'c tee ll t ('L' th e paying; IlDl, hel\rlII by lau~hlng, . candle. . rltoQ' lhe alave trade , hae been BUp- but the Instance s were n\~I8,-'Farm Jo u rnal. most ncep"Oil. pal" lie exclaime d. with wldenF ..rm-1'Itad e lI14nure . :pteaecl. If not entlr8lt abolishe d; t~at tiona I:: - - -- - - -. Ing e;8II. "ellA 1 ask just one more The farm made mamlure Is the beat ' Inte'l'-tftbAJ ·wan aDd c.anlllbB lt.m, ae Give the C<I. . Light. questio n'" wall g ' abu" · ai-II Ina, frOm tha liquor aU.roun d feTtllile r tlle farmer. CUI Do not k ep co\\'s In 0. dark, 8'm\... . Objectio n. .i·Yel, III¥ IOn ," replied hiS fatber. pt. IlII m~blnlclIl traGlo. bav. ~baeD "mly ·reduced • . But a'l)d chemica l cr. plsce. Have tbll stall s where th.1& IIUII ,Weary Wlllie- Can !er swipe a ' rl~~ "What 18 tl," . . ' . feet/! all 8II~ 8011 U'8 qnlck and ccr- will sbiile ID. batten all ltlle ' comml "on appolDte d to Inquire .under an auto! cra~ and . "Wia~ ~ tbat" mK an e&vIlU"~' I Uln, and !t ,,111 lut lClliP,f tban. 0Ga&0 a'troclUBII, th!l rep(lrt of co~'1 make tbe 8.3 warr~ M poql~l.. Dirsly RhC?~85:-Naw. that'a Whore eaP'DaiIJ NeW.. · ' . · ",1aIcJa _ m I ' " , ' 11M "II~ ncellUi tbe oWller I&.a¥a.- N. Y. . '_ . ' "IDlrela l fertilize. r.: -Farme1 'll' Volce.
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Subscribers Please Notice SiDoe takiDg oharge of tbe GazeUoe the preaent publishers of the paper havll endeavored to put die snbaoription list on 1\11 nearly a oaRh basis as ia possible. Maroh 1 we begin onr third year In b11llu888 and we have decided t~ IDaugnra~ ~he plan of sending I.&emllnts the first of eaoh month to all Bubaorlbers whose subaorip. tiona expire during the month . While we will oontlnne to ex~end reaaouable credit t~ aDV rftllpoJlslble penon who may ask it. it is our iD· teutlon to put the lubsoription list on u nearly a OII8h basts &8 is po8 albIe, 'l'bls. we Me certain, will be moat satisfaotory to a majority of nur IIUIlllCI'lOOl'll lUI W.,11 "" tu 011 .' IlelV88. March 1, all subsorlbers who lIn' not paid ID advance, will reCt' lv ~ • statement of their aooount. Rnil i' is our int.eDtioD to ooD&i1lne t hi" from montb to mODth &8 subscrlp. tlons expire.
farm. Uen! Ieaao Wale! beglh !.be heav y tAak ot oll'ftriDg the Iud, ~m ~imMtiis IIttle ·daugh ter ow ~he doer oome 011~ of the I h i,.Qk WOoUtI Wa t!IIlt SPI'ID~ whore they' dmq!-I( l The ShRwnee Indians had JU8t . left> • that part il~ Ohio. and there were trao "ul thtlir wigWlilll8. . The llooonci yeor eaw a olearing lum iently la rge to raise a few bush. els of rye. I'he ohildren looked fOr. Wlll'.i "D ltioll!ll y to white bread . Mrs . NlobolHou remembers Beeing her mot ht;l !, hel p winnow tbis rye, whloh was l.hl'lI put u,w.IY until it oo)ul,1 be t il k. n 10 n distlln t mill to lJe gro 111 '1. In the mellntimellU omce!' of , the Ubio ~tll to lllll.itl6 OllJlle to oolloct tho "mullter tiUtI . ·' '1' h" Quakurll Pl'otetltetl Hl!lliullt Wllr IIUli would II Ulther l!rlll for Dor CO'UIlI t'. . h fi DIln oo Will', /:10 t ey were ned . 'l'b.elle offiollrt! took whllt they oh.", ... IIond made' tll il ir VWII VIIIWltlun, 1u thl" ou ~e , fut'll floe uf \ltlrbllplI $2.50, 'bey t ook tho crnp of rye, lell vlng
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" And to your dotlr IIIl11h •.
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' S ufferlu!; th e misery and agony thnt COlIll'
your liver beingout of ortler ':'" tryin " to bl'ar up in t ill) be. Uef thnt yon will he all right in II day Or two- urcyouu"lilJer· atel)' . neglecting tho from
of I
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M'rd-I Gras ' Dr. C aldwell's S commence the .se of
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$ 21.25 Nal Odeans
20100 Mobile
ID li:j;iO .b ... " 1, ,,.ley Willes Wtll! married I,,, V, j,-IIIlUtl Niobvltlu.,. ROUNDTRIP since dec.", - ", II Il"HJeodlln t 01' "" • -VIAIy EnKh~1o \ ~ I.''' " 'III. A youu~ " , SiSler, N," ,oy, WIlS mlirried lit I,ll" same time to ThulIIal! Bllttenv,II·,.I. Til ... certlll10DY WIIS thllt ul tl e Frill ulI's ohuroh luul meetlnll-lllJu". fROM (!!KINNAn. WIl8 of hewn logs In the thiok WOII" • TlckeU 011 _ F.bfWIry lilt 10 16Ih• . Often in the ]l&II~ IlS tbe/:le tI ' tlt" .' " 111111 Marcb Jtd. (!lII.nlllon 10 ,\larc h eatthrough tbe II11eDt IUtletilllll:! tlu·y 171b. 1906, ml,. be had by deJ)OSiI 01 ticket and pa~1 01 500: ... IIb JoInt had hll&~d th" ral'" awee ~ I1vl.1I <il. llFD.tat Ntw OrJean. , or Mobil•• the 'helmit thrnah. In thi" boulle EUIUI Hioks had once pr6lWhoo liis STOPOVER "RIVILEBEI. earnest oonvictlon tlnd his iW\HItllI ' For IIIflofmatiOll add ..... >ioned words bad earlier divided the Qos. W. Zeu. D.P.A.Q ac. R-. ~ Society of Friends into Hioksilelllll,d Mrs. J. W. Nlcbolson's Orthodox. Do P........ T. P. A. Q. a c. RoeIt. . The fouz: yonng peoplll Anniversary. in thIs double wedding wero. lilUk Ilttis. W. A.OARItBTT, ' W.c.R,INeAR,OON. MaDY readers, of the U~te r e· Very _rly in tllllir married life Cleft.. Manap.. (len" Pau, "ami. .uamber !Ira. Jane Nlchollon whose Mr. IIDd Mrs, Nichoilion were eDlist. CINCINNATI. " home was for many years ilear ed in the Iln~I-8la.very work, Their BarveYllbul'l. honie W!\8 one of 110 ohain of hospitn. 'U She has a number of relatives ble homllll, IItretoblDg from the Uhio about HarveyablU'lf, ls a lister of river to the lake8 !!tations on the tbe ~enerable ),(re. Nanoy lJutter. "Underground rail wllyS. ,. whose worth of Fosters, 'his coun'y, . well t,4lns were mllinly ~nde up by the ~DOwn here, Her IIOn·in law, ·BoD . faithful Quakers . . A night's ride Borace MoXay. oflDdlanapoUI with from Clllolnj1ati; it was a frequeDt ' whOm Mrs, NioholllOn . makes 'her oooUl'lIDOe mt Mrs. NioholllOD'S ohil· >bomfO, 1,i a hrothei·of Mrs, B; C. AI . dren to be . awakened by tbe mid· len o~ WaYD8IIvllle. .. Dight arrival of 110 carriage load of Mrs Nioh018oD reaohed ber ,Jlun· fagitlve sillvee,· ID addition to ·her d1'8t~-a,lrthdIlY Febrnal'J' 1; ueS the OWD falDlly cares, AIrs, NioholsoD · 1mt....poJI8 FNeWll ,ooritatned the mnst provide ', for these frightened fbll!,)wIDR, ooDoerniDg 'he event and alwaY8 hultt'y men and wOlDen. wlileb ~wm be of local iDter.:, PerhAps they'lDuBt be oODcealed for , .lIre. Jane Wales-NloholsoD to-day a tilDe frOID the ~lous exeentors oele~ted ber one\hundred'h birth· of the fUg(tt"e slave law . . uDive....ry; at · her home in At thll time the Anti-8lavery Broach,.y, OwiDg to Hre. Nlohol. Soolety decided to hold ODe hun· 1Ido'lI'delioate hea.1~, there waa nil dred oonveDtlona in the W~t. · In .apeolal ''dempnatra&ion il) honoi' of .he dlstriot em braolng southern die , day: A f~w familiar 'frien!1s Qhlo Mrs. Nioholson's home :beoame '. oalled dnrlng 'h~ .. afternoon . aDd the headq~ar&ers for the noted jp'88&ed'her, wh.,re she eat a1ll'l'011nd· aDU-elavery lectures.' All'll. Nioh · ed b:t' loving m_gea iD the .hape 0180n baa given muoh study to ala of fto,"re, glfta and o:ongratulatory ery In all itl aepeet.., readlpg eve51 no&ell . . MH. ~loholllOp ,tB .. 'WPIDBD book and pamphlet "btalna·b le. . of UnnaQltlly ~ntle ' .nd Iweet per! ' DurIng ber entire life three haH ao~my. , . not.been one worth,- reform .with. A Ji" hlKhly prift8d wu a iolid out~. Niobolllon s sympathy and allVer lovina cup, I8Q~ by the In. support. This ofteD saoriftoe dillnapolla .Wom.Q 'I Clab. Mrs. deDtal quite iDcomprehensible to the NlohollOn Wli A· Mnnder and ohar. young or even middleaged people of tel' member of ~iil literal'1' olnb, to.d.y . Perhaps Mn. NloliOlllOn'l Quaker . and hukept her iDtcireilt iD I. mein. bera and proirrame'. The oap .- 1s heritage made her deeply symPl" with the very earliest move· IAiO urn ahaped with three. hAnd. thetio menl for the rightll of. women . i ed . 88. At the ~ s eDgrav OD, ODe HOll8ekecping and home-loving, she aide thedato 1806,oD the other 11108. Will ever ready to give the uppor~ midway between OD oDe aide tbe of ber name and inlluence t II every olob monO«~ID, 0])Il0ai&e the hme f JaDe Nioholaon. ,'l'be CoIII!II8 Cor movement or tbe welfare 0 f hu· Der l.'lub. la ano&ber in whioh Hra. mT~!yyears. have tak~D from her Nloholson has .tea a deep Interellt, oODDt11llll old friends IlDd almost all ud oluh'meettngtl have frequencly her many ' nOllr relatives. ODly been held a' ber ,horpe. .that she twelve firat oonalna remain and the misht enjoy tbe 'p apers, The Par· h di d lor O1u.b holda an,' iDte-t. as her Il""ter. w ose wed Dg ay WIIS her .own. Mrs. Butterworth wall un· . .aKhtar, Mill Ellzabetb NiobolsoD, able to take the 10Dg journey, to wu foonder; and wu nreatdent for observe &be cent.ury anniv!lrsary. many yeara. Tbeae club members ,... B te h delight to·hoDor IIH. NiobollOJl, ..... rll. nt rwort ,at ninety. six, ItIII wrltea long and Interesting JetIIi". Niohollon'l malden llJ!.D\e ters and enjoys life. waa Jan.e FiDley W.lea . She ... the . SeveD ohildren were born to Mr. da....bter of lraao ADd Ruth Weloh and Mrs . 'NiohoI80n. 'l'hree are liv. Walea. and WItA born lD North Car · Ing in aaUy oommuDlcatioD with olio, Febniary 1, 1806. A Jieecend. Mrs . Mloholson, Mrs, Horaoe Mo. ant of gan_tiona of QukeH, she ~I'y , Mias Elizabeth and Mi8Jj Marv waa early taaght· to "teet all thiDgl\ E, NioholsoD, '1'wo granddanghters by the Inward Lhtht and to liaten are Mrs. Brandt Steele and MhllJ for ~he voice of , ConBOienoe ." t:!he Mary L . McKay and tl)ere are two I waa the II800nd ohlld in a family of Krellt grllond.sons. Boraoe .MoKlliy dve, fonr girlB and one boy. When t:!teelu and Theodore Steele, ehe was elKht years old, her mater · Of thOtle Ilt!sooiatetl With her in l Jlal grandfatber. &mnel Weloh. de· her antl811&very work, only two re oided tbat he must remove hi. la,rge main. Extracts Ilre given from , family of twelve ohildren and' their toWO birthday letters : ohildreDJ from 110 slave S'-te to a fref' " BostoD, Mass., JlIonaary 30, 1906, 'gtate. laaao Walee bad juat oom· "Dellor Mrs, NioholllOD: pleted a new hoose Rnd plant.oo. a "ID two days Dlore you will have ' dne orChard aDd disliked leaving reaohed your ounteDnial birthday. hili beautiful farm for aD Ohio wil· Let me oODgratnlate you aDd yoar dern8llll, but his wife's extremely daughters that you have lived tlO tender love for her fa'her, Samnel long and well. When I remember Welch, tnrned tbe. aoale, and Isaac you aDd your noble husband as I WaIns IOld bi8 farm at a great SilO· knew you both more than fifty i rltiloe. yean ago, I can hardly believe that They joiDed the Weloh oolony. I am nearly eighty. ODe and tbat Thie Wl8 10Dg before the day of car· you would have Jl8IIBed yonr hun· rlagea, but the grandfather and dredth mUeetone when this letter Irandmotber rode ID a amall ~wo. reaohes' you . wheeled veblole called & !(ig.and reo "'l'be world b&8 grown older aud prded &8 Jaxarioul oompared wit h' I hope better than it was wben we tbe great whUe covered wagoDs were figbtinar for free soil and free drawD by four hol'888. whloh con. speech In Ohio in 1850. 81a very is "eyed tbe other families. The memo no longer an established InstitutloD , ory of tbls jourDey from to The people hdove largely outgruwn Ohio II Itill vivid In Mrs, Niohol. their belief In aD avengiDg (:Jod and lIon'l mind-the bells on the hor88l, an hell aDd whUe our work. for hu· the Blue Ridge mountains, the manlty draws to a olose, yonD~er lINuty of tbe IIOenery, Her word blloDds and he arta will take np and platul'M of thiB trip have oharmed oarry on the OdoUBe whioh stili reo ber ohlldren and Krandohildren mliin to be furthered. I am iliad many an hour, yoa have fought a good tight al)d Samuel Weloll I8Uled iD the that your dl&aghters ltand beside Miami valley In lIOutbern Obio. He yon. WI h warmeat rllKardll, iD bad bought 1 200 acres of exceeding. whiob my dear wife, Luoy StoDe, Iy rich but h~avily timbered land- would join If Ibe were stili with me' e lloogb lo~ eaoh ohlld to ~ave a and with kind repr~ of m~ dau
----------- 0.-----------
tho better it will be rM you, Von enn', nlIurd to roo l wilh y""r , liver. null you ccrtaini'y cnn't nlTor" to : be with out Ihis gl'e(l t remcdr il YUll r 1 liver Is Oll t or onler , 000'1 delay . Both yo u nntl your Ih'cr will be !le ,ter 1
"livers" thnn ('ver, DR.CAL J)"'ELL'S SVRUP l'''I'SI N
CnD be oblained ill b Ih dollar nllt! half· I. d oll nr sizes ( rom all IIruggi<t• . I Your m Olley will be rerlmdcd If it • does uot benefit you. \ l'Qu r post« 1 card reques t wll1 lJ rl !lJ: hy r et urn
mall Our new booklet. " OJ{. C J\I,I HVEI. t,':-;
, ~~oK w~~ ~~~~:v~~' lt:l~j ~I~~ "~~~~I:r'~ n medy.
Send (ollay.
- - ' -- - -
PEPSIN SYRUP CO. \ MonUoello, IIIlnola For ~o IA by .1 . 1':. ,ll1nnl''I' F n l'
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nutillunl "( ' llt l l.1 n,H I u:-I Hllltl Y!"I :-4 flf flit , (·:tU~ t · 1,1 \'111'1 ,'11 "'; d l ~I 'IIHt'!'<o. c' l,d O) l h ll l I f ('lI l t · IIII I/.!, ('I ,It! j"t Ul ti II" II "uid. (ld H Itlog' list t I d HII ~ t ' l l.I ll~ niJn .I'ntH I Wl)flld nov, ' !' I", IWIlI'II tiL )':V rt J'Y
hl 11 )W!ol thllt 1'IlllllrtitH ai a
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IIlironl ,,," L
iI\lI g t""llhh, IIrll nl;~ rl1 · • ,,",'ll,11I1 1(1 1'l·U d l, ,.,,d IIH.I'" "0 1'1011" by
fr, 'sh "I t"nk . nil lIot risk CJr \.Ilk,' t\hll lll'l1 ~ w ll o n yo u II cu ld L:hllluhnr llli ll 'M ClJllgh Hmnedv wi ll ('111''' It, l",fol'II those f::J II ~\'II SI;" Ilnv,·\o) p 'l'hiM rul11 uy (Jon · It. . l . -, A'fIlAWAY, t,Lin" 11 0 Opilll1l. lII11l'plliliO nr ot her . ' llllrmfnl lIrl1 l,( " ,ul 1111" Ihirty )'l!tLrs W ' II' II,W \· ,II, · ' " f.1'1I.1i ll l1' Dentist· of tl 'IHltntintl \"'I'k IIf It. A'fli n Hd by its Ol1ro~ l111dor £,,,,"'Y condit·ion, M,ln tro ct Fo r solo by Ji'. C. ~ohl\'lI rtz.
I) 11 1' ((
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Itlln l"" i" g 'rJ ,l. '1'( 11 '1'1 ' Iu(j ".'i·-,' .rllll 1 frulll 1i~ f1It ~H ,g (' I' Il\ ~,~ Ia.· ,"1"" 1 " ~ \:U'
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Tho Y 110w FavCl' ,Barm. 1'11C'eo tl,y' 1IIlI'LI d "", v " l . II
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'.n h,I"'. \ warlilng 1',''' '
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e x~ctfl (l. IlV 11 hll i f II "f""l11'" .! •.: ..... I hO]l1'l the w rIc! 'ill hi Ltl'l" r,hu II 1t, I
Dot IIbitttlrly I(fIlill.dl'UIJlJolUtIlIl '1'h6 )Itt-Ie tohildnm were il see 1111 the oro}.! I(l), IJII' ,IH'Y hellord 11000111 plaint frll'lI " 11. ' U j' the IMher ur mother, Ie, \\". " Duuter of cou scitmoe. tllI,l \.11. '. lJtJlievod it rl~hl to 8u£fur lU I t . I '
l. zy' L•I er
Warren County Court. J!l1!l\V> IIU 1'1'8.
. Bart N,~wullm vs ':>l.LI.e of Ohio. 11lrl'ur. Bl'ought on . trl1l1soript ' ,o f Mayor Gtlo. MoLune, or Frllnklin, Langdon lIull Deohl~ni !l,re attorneys for I)l!liutlff . , ' UrlHI(l WlIlluce V8 S. W. WlIlluce VB S, W" WILIItICS. DI vor os. Ab· Men co. W. ,I . Wright I1ttorncy for plllinttlf, ' EUl1IlIl Bunce vs Cburles BUDce. Divorc.,. Ifllilure to provide I1nd ex tre m e oruelty. umgl1011 uud V o· ohant ure Itttorileys for pluintifl'. In rO 'lIpplioation of Bart Newllllln for IL writ of hll be»s oor)JUS. Set for beurlng FebrUllry lij, Lllngdon lIud Deohll.nt lire ILtto rneys for pllllntHY. Albert KeeY'lr vs J . M. Unyner, F . J\{, flulm lton, P. V .IBone [I,nll W, F. Eltltlroth, pllrtners dol'ng busino!!!! undor t.l1O firm ullmo of the &UII 6 1' PllOklng Compauy , P ltl.lntlfl' 'Ltilt juligme nt for I1H on oo ntrllO't fOI' .. weo t oorn . Seth W. Brown is ,,!,turlloy for plllintii{;
cov In I' ROOEICPINOS. Minnie J. Slltterthwnito vs MI~ry C. Huttorthwulte et al. Minnie Silt.
Mortguj( to People's a .ullning Rud Wonien as WeU as Men Lolln <> .. ~." i~tlou ,p,lI.ld l1ull proper '. d.l~ trlblHI!J\l (If prooeerlll 1D~lde. Mil vi~g rl;)uted tbe fl4rm to the Are Made Miserable by ,.In 1'0 t3l1r:l1 ' '1'1.R, It!) I'1lfl';flll lu N., w ' il'clevll(1I Ylm niug Co., Ilnd to ' Kidney Tr~:)Uble. sllue I) , -.' I) ' ,;,b, lIf d t ,j l,h " 1:;1 III tl o l <l~1I out tbe pll,rtn,~rS hiv, we will ~ ~ Jl .\t 'p 'ubliO Auctioll ut tbo Ta:flor Bospitul l' r. .Dn,y ton. . Estate~ till' ~ 1.·lI l "lIl ell 't: ti., ti. OlLll'y 1<'lIr01, 0110'1 milo east of, WlltlhKidney trouble prey. uJ>Qn lhe mind , dis. Baines, 01"(;'''' ' ' '11 , phlLI; 1111(1 tiulII ilJ g~on O. fl., Obio, on the Cirole- courages and lessens ambition; beaUIY, vigor Rccnuoti; (~ Il h'.". t h1 U\\'H, tluceSlRect, villu plkll, on 'a~d cheerfulness soon " ~~, first RPd flllnl!,. WII\1 ItL; All llll Wuiss, l!' HIDA Y, FEBROARY :&a, 19011 , I·f. ;) · d,sappea rwhen Ihe kldu ecellseu, ji l'd r IIflLI /lllill lIue uu L; th I'ollowlu" Il!'OpOrt y : I)eys are out of order " or diseased , thus. J . \V II~ t';III It' r, H " Ill. u li liorM, lu7 vA'rJ.~~11: Kid ney troubl e hal! ftrijt IIUU fin ,.! ; ()",.,."u W ..t!,lIJf,', do LOllil of ftletitu!; oottlll IVoigh .1 'become so prev"lent oelLsed, firdt ILUII lincll UCCOUIIL; W1I1. HI !;JUu 1roUl GO tu 1L~' O, u[ axt rn l:;oOll thaI Ills nol uncommon R , Kemllo .. , d "(:",, ,,·d IiI ~ t "li d 1111111 I (or a " hild be born .., afflicled withtowe.Jo: !:IdItooount; t:li'IJI .I!:' '''' , " ''''''tUlel\. £1r~1 lu"ltty; wiU bu ~1Ii( III CIU'lOIlLl lot.s . ()O uOOD DAUt Y. vOW!:) neys. If lhe child urln (md flnalILll" .llltll ; l-l, " 1 W . Keevllr. -, , ntcs 100 olien. i( Ihe decOllsed , Ii ".1 111111 lill,,1 " "Ollllnl ; tilcurtIc Ol'n , I:lol rituio , ,I orsoy !!took ; urine scalds the flesh or if. when the child Jerry ConI IV",· lI lili e;u fl, II H. dg IU fl, UUll i'u ll Angus IlIlll., reaches an age when It s hou ld be able to f!.rst nnd fiu ,d 11(;(:'''1), 1,. U:j 1:I0Ul:) con'tro l the passage, II Is ,yel afflicted wilh In ren'Pllo lutuclllil, "I II"Ltllly CIll l'k ~u bl'o uil "OW!!' : 14 will flLrrO\~ R1Joul bed·welllng, de~ nd upon II. the cause of Annll Mne 1'11<1111' l'u"pp·,I.IIo-tl ~llI r 'll HI I,b., "".c'm AJll'tlllilIll\lIL.Y , I lhe dlfflcully Is kidney lrouble , an d the firSl In re .\ 113 1< Hit >: "' 111 1, 1'1'(liJ.,I . (iU !! "\lIl L~ IVt1 11{1li ll ~ ''')lIlH IlU IIJ. ;':1 slep should b. towards lhe Irealment of " "., . , ... ' Ihese ,mportant organs. This un pleasanl .Judge. B 1111 IIppr",·t'oI ""d "ILllt .,It ..M ,M, w~t!lhtllb IlllU IlL GU It. , 1 Bul,. I trouble Is due to a dlsoased conditi on Of Ihe ofoffioottl ,,,· I. III IIllItlp .. u \·,·1\ :lblro llJllle Log. : kidneys and bladder and nol \0 a h.bit as MA lfl t l l\I'I~ 1.. 1C~:NtH: . :JJ II1~ AlI O~' IItlH, ::H~ ::; most peopte suppose. ,I. L. M .. " I' II IlI liI C llil'll liar!, \),,(,1, W!;"" d 111111'(1;; \\'ulr.; llIlIg rruUl l;1UO I Women as well as men are misof Frlmkltll. Il"v (JlnvultilHl. t .. WOO IL ; ~OJ lno w"l1 lI",tuU i ll puil's erable with kIdney and bladder Irou ble, and both need the same greal remedy Chlula:t ' ! , I " HI" " "d I " ",,, ~k II 01'1 ' <.1 W 1111 1InjJ' ~l'tc< I 1~ Ul'· The nllli Ii mild and Ihe immltdlate effect oi (labe,hoth "I 1.. ,1", ""1/ , '1I 1'mll 1' < " .. lIl a ll h u .. " " .' ge neml SwampRoot I. soon reali zed. II Is sold Wu.rren 11; i\!h :f hH II',V, 1'1 0 . :-011 11 1 1'"1'1',,"LI Iillll'I', Itl i I HII/I,y 1."'uJ,e; ~ ' by druggists, In fiftyPlain, ClUJ ,\ 1111,1 g Klrlq'lltj l'IC ~ I , oI ful l. ~ 1 'Il UJ lbht \\"lLl g IJL ~tJUU lb i j cent and one dollar Leve l. c Ullln .l 1 I/urp ' ,:-o\! b "' I"I Il ~::; l H.B weJl s lzes, 'You may have a
'," HUTCHlSO,N 'and 6IRNF~
....'-;·I' .\ 'l ' K T IC
N :..W ICH ....
comi,ng, LOOK AJ' THE LIHT. Swjss, Ohiff'oll C"C'pe
S. B. WOodwnrd vs Mru-y Ann l:inulf. DefeDuu,nt hll9leuvo to verify Itnlendment. Earl Ert.el vs Chllrlea W. Thomp. son gnnrdian et al. Reul estate ud. juugOfI to Marthn M. BracUey at u)lpruised value, W. K. CumpbeJl VB Sam ,lobnsoJ). Order of utt&ohment dissolved. HRrry BrQwn.lan jnfant, vs B . and O. S. W. R. Ho. 0 0. Seourity for costs ordered given. Clam U. Bowers vs Frank Bowers. (lause dismissed on acoount of condouement. George B, Ba.rkalow vs Alex 1:). 1,'u,,1 ... " u I. ,I u.l l(lIIont lind CURll! )luld "uri cUlla ditiUlissllll. WlLrd \'H BIDkloy et fli. Answer DOli or\l~jI plltition fil ell. Burt Nowmau VA 81ul,0 lit Ohio . ~lJtence ~UtllltlUulld oml hond of .2CIO given. Alillaliufillllln v~ CRthRrinfi Mount e t III Ruul el!tntu ndjudgerJ ut "p. pruiH"ll vlt.lue t.o Frllnk aod Ed wlLrll HllO'mfLU .und dl~tribl1t.1OIlIllR!lO . InCAr; tc8TATHl 1'RANSFEI!8.
EMtute of Ell wllrl1 Duy, aeeen tied. First und tinal II.coount for settle. m ell t Ii lod. ' E.qlllte of ,llllnoS Pressley Stewart. decll1L90d. H"rry C. Ruhn uppointeci lIumlllitltl'lltor with boml of ~:luOO, Will. Hendrioksun , Dan Deo.rdoff n nil Philip 'E beri.lI1rt ajlpruisers. E~t.I,Lt e of MRry I.J, ~tewllrt, minor. Emmn M. Stowllrt appolntod gUlu;llilln wit,h bond of $760. .. In re will f"yrno. Sheet!!, ueoensed, Will ndmltted to probllte. ' , JtJst.nto of WilIitulI JIIQks on, dooellS fir\' Prollf of IJUhllcatio n of notice fir Ilppotntment of l(dminitftrlLtor HI All. EiltlLte of WIIJ1Il111 D onllon, deORus ell. Proof of publication of notice of R)lpolntment of RdmiDlstriJ.tri.x: flIed. W. F . EI,z t,rot,h, II~slgnoe of W . E. Stoohon. vs W , E Stookton ot. AI. 8tlle of real e~tute ooufirmed ILnu tleerlortlered gl ven. ChaR. Mlldden, gur~rdlRn of Bush~od tiillgletnn, imbecile, VA Bus hrod I::Ihigletou. Appruls61nent IIJlprovetl. Hontlof 11000 of gUllrdilln given nnd order fol' 1mbllc Illole of real eMtate was i~!\I1B d. EHtute of O . P . 'rhlL,rp, llooclIRed. tirllt. IIcoounp for 8ot,tJelllont filed. Estnt tI fQr lIettiem'r,nt: Clttrence B. ,JulD~"on, til 11101', ftrl!t II.lld final acuount; Bl'lIj . K e lly, c\eDeft!lod, first aoool1nt; Wru. ' tI UIII~j;nllh at. a,l, millol'l', lIOollnd U<"'(lount; Mllry E, Oil vi,., deceut<ed, lIrlOt, IIlIIl finnl f\(J. ('..allnt; Wm. Vllnlle~vool' t, .Jo.oe" !led , firMt II nil fiDIlIILOOOUllt; Miohlltll !:lOUI , dl'cOJIMllcl, HeOnntlllOCI finn.! "Cflount; ~lrllh _<\ l:ruwf',nl, d ... CCIIH1L1, Ilrst nod tllIll IlIooou n t; Snllie K . EVllns, decIl1l811,1 , 8t'0('IIU uocn'mt; JumoR Wiliter MonroI' deceusAu, 'IIAOI/IIL1 , llooOl1l1t; L'H1~u Bello, ennllill, hum, clOCOllSt1n, tourt,h nltel IllI,d IIIlC"tlll t; Wm , Boger, dooo;uMlld. BOOOT d nl d fiunl nooillmt i EDooh Whil'l1or" , tl" oellMlltI, first uoolmot; Georgo U, 'Che noweth, nonl'el'ldeot. third nc COUIl,t . In 1'0 will flllril h Luco, decellsecl. Dollin M . nnd A IIco .TIlCkROIl [(ILVe teSI.imnny I.n the !'lgnn.lllre of Wile lhun ,Jllok"un, IlllCOIlRPrt ,' 1L wit.lleH~ I,t tbA will of tho abovo, Will adm itted pl'ohato Estate of RnI'Bb l.JllOA, decellHIlI) , '1'. BriHllflY Itppointeti nx«!cntor. No 1lo1»)Jrll iAf'llltlllt.. EHlnt.n of Mury S. MlIloney, dpcen ~ ed . Proflf of pllhlloo.t,ioll of not,len nf :IPJI"int.IIIAllt of a(ltninistrlltrtx 111('11 Estllt,~, nt Rohfl rt En~\o\ . IlecenHAl). Prdur of publi(\llllon nf nl'tioo IIf appointment of IlrimlniHtrRtor 110 bon!M non fl lt'll. E,_t lll!' of l,nolwl(,k MIllIIT. r1f.ICABMAli [te llflrt, "f~:t I.. of porsollll' property filM!. '
Li HOHR, Ch iifonette 'M 0 I'(~() ri ~ed E (r(~ets '()
"""·U" ".' "/IIK I!' .l:SUI·U ~, f;,"nl\l~ ~WO) mentio n th is paper. ~1~lIU . fl ll d ~:II'I.l t HI'II '.\' " to Y t-lU .'" i I S IIl ' llI ~ Ul il r u UU lt by \'lIlne 0 ," \ ' to mllkellllY lUl"l.nkll , but r, · Fredorlck aud I ' 18l·l\" H I'OWII ;;' I ~ dUI'II,,; I " lJl'wg .,It·UI L e4l!;; llllnl''' 1I0res in Hllr ",,, I" "' " s hip; $ 1(11) Uti. " u,L . hy l:irUdW, UUI II UIXld !:lurll;! 1I1Ofllilpr the UnTll A, SlVllmp Ro" L .1aDles
John B. 11/1,1 (htlu I, . N,Xltll 10 . 11 11 I:.I UI' L U AULlI " tlUI'U~, :.i .J u 1,:&; Dr · Killllor't; Swaml,noot. IIn " th.Georgo G. 11. ' 111 I~ II ".' 1'l llrr ; ·ICJ lIe\'l:.- l ~'''ill "hlHcttl puu .y . . nddrtl"~ Binghampton N , Y . on in C1earoree :< " f \\ 1I,.;ldp; , 2 tj~n . FA lt J J MP LEMEf'T8 El v,~l'y b'ol,tle. • . ·1 L,liltl "1' 1Jl IV I g outl WI tit ~i(\ e· bOIHd s- ; Commissioners hug til e "':, l u ' l!; 1 1I'I.,) h wboa' WUe:;' Proceed i Ilgs, UIl, l I'ua u WI .... UIl guu.! a;! IJOW, L A \-t« nltLrlmble I';)ki u Bf'Rutifi .. r . w ug""I I"IOIUr~,;ll:!ltl~. , ~I:;rtlvel bedt! ; Iiell ft.h , B ftlll1t~' lind II, elnnl' C t'II11 1 Cldl WUIO ,JII, ,1 iJr"l~k cu rt; L KeUip Illf' ' ioll throug h LUXllk olu. 'I""oio T. C. Pitt" ~ "' . 1'01l1'L1I1I I,:' IIl1l1l ur" "Iu'dlluor, 1 Bull '::I .l!:Y" r;ol'U Tu \) IoJt,,, " In UIl toh B Vellrl< 1 hll Vil prisono ' Il l\ r ill ~ .1111111 . LJllLlituf, gou.l ,u :; ll tJW, t:l "1'ai1k ilJg hOlm ill Iml:line8~ "illty'H .J , E , JUri . Ilfy .................. ....... ." .. 55 70 plow .., :& :; prID!; to o th lIarru\V~ , J ney " I do not. r"olll1 ~wn l' Kellillg nny J ,'D. Rlgg;, bl1l'illl of Ro l " Illieu h ,u'r uwH, 1 cilSO hl1rro w, 1 tbin /! that b ll~ ILrou~ U, 0 mlloh in· dier's Ivitlflw .. .. .......... . .. roo 00 whellt 01'11t, 1 iruu roller, '" drugs , (I ltlr A"t Ilmtlllg lil y o u~f("1\1 r .. , 1t,1I (1 n'r,t a5 cu lt,lvutor~, 2 w o willg Ullloblnes, 2 II UIIY IHI!;se9 IIIJt. WH hell r of sum .. U. S. ElCprd!!I ('II " expres!:l ... McCormick bind';lrs, COl'll sheller; ono ~ rou ll .v bendlt-on I;br u\l~h u 8i ll!! Wi 1llr11lltj IIUU Mon fort, JIIu · wUI'k hurue~8 fur 18 hor~e!! , ;S ~etl:! Lu.xlltive TODic Triblets. " W lI yn e!'. a Hi bugl;'Y 1mrn,,!!!! i 1 tladdle, a buggies ; ville IIIIli 08 who hllve beer.. t roubled teri» I lmd lrLbor .... .... . .. . Bnmllton count,y, 1'0pulrs of lU (eed boxel! for- outtie, 12 of the with pimples, blotohos, m' thspotl! ne'w 4·hog boxa:t; I\. lot of hog und nnd other !lkin ILifeoti~nH , no,v prid A Irou bridge ovor river Itt LovolAlld .............. :... . .. 24 ·lIi pig trougbs und c hicken coop>!; 1 tbemsel vel/ on the fr e~lJ, belLJtb y pILiute .. '" hu.lllur; VU' ouck.eye corn oomplexion obtniutld t,brough o ~i l\l! Xenlr~ City Work H ou!'f', l)()xes; 100 I:;l'llin SlLck.; 1 ttlfJlllUllll t,hi!l' mild tontc IllXllti~' e . bOiUtllll/C pri~ouora ... ..... Vi 1i0 "'~ relit 8qUUl'tl; II tlLlIk IUJI~Lars; And it is ,not snrprisi!lg , Tb ey Lebllnon Gn~ Uo. gill' for jA jJ 2 8 Rbou~ 500 Dusllel!! COrll; l1buut 4U are different from nn.vt~ hlug else you tollK mixed huy I,n the burns, I'luvtlr uver hetll'd of. Lllxnkolu Tonic Tltb., Wm. ,T. PfuLm mr, r e puirl! Ilt sueo, struw unll 811SIIIl.Ke. J t!< 1I1e Il porfeot COlli binntioll of jllil .. ... . .. .. ..... .. ....... ..... 2 60 DAIR y FIX'i'ORE~ dtlndelion. ollSOI1.rin und other la x · Wm . .r. pnllllltler, repllirs nt Two milk wngons, one ns good 118 atlve remedies !tnowll, ' to have a oourt house ................ .. 8 40 n (J w; 1 set milk WtlgOll hRrness, p eC\1JtR,r u.nd belletlOtlil inqueuoe all about . lfiOO milk botr.Jes-quarts, tbe hlood, &timulll>te the liver fresh SaDluol L, IrQIIR bridge reo k en Ute skin, Rud oure ohronio con · pairs Turtl('creek ~\Vn pillts,. half.pints; bnc ete, Areutor sti)llltton oy toning up the illtes tines bottle.tillers, Ii 10-gullou ollons 1 12 ship ...... ........ ......... ... .. 8, 7r.i l sullou oall und suvornl ",mtLllor oun,,; I1P,d encouraging tlJe nlltufal notloll A . D . Shult~' bridge rep"ir!' rl of t.lle bowels. Once tried they in · IUll tern!!, ) bottle tublet!, 2 sepurlL- ~pir!l l)erfeot confidence Ilnd Mr. Turtlooreek township ... l r, 12 Iltors, whole dllil'Y outfit, 2 epruyers for a'praylnl:; odttle, 1.2 bbl. Minor',. JSllD AY returns vour q, if you Trllstees Publio Affain', flUId , 1 elevutor ·15 fee, t long, with are,dlsappointed. lu mp for court. hollSo ... 3 00 olmio, slate und IJollper for filling =";"··i!!l:;::::;:~"""=~=~~:~====~ Trustoes Publio ~ffalrs, Rilo j one No. 18 Oh1O Ensilege Cut. Ilght for oourt hOuBe...... 11 2-l ~'!:'w~Ylth blower attllohm611t, good I1S Trustees Pnbllc Alfalra, wnter at court house and ' . BOU~EHOLD GOOD~ jRil '........ ......... ......... ... 6 32 l:on~isting of beds, o'Lrpets,ohairs, JII.9. K. Stewllrt, 10 S \lno dlt!lJ et', a nil con.'1 oil cook s tpve, one stamps .. ............. ... ...... a 00 Itlrge .,'u'Vorite ' bBae bnrner, t,wo fiut "nd one roll. top desk8, une book. W, H. Staunge, !lupplles for Survoyor ... , ...... ,........... 11 76 cuse, han k e ttlos, copper kettles, TO Johntlon lind WILt80n, 1 book olle GO·gullun cUIII oil tullklllnd other 'l t, 00 ttl·tiol"". Cigaretto Reoolpt.s ........ ~1I1(l til COlllmenoe promptly nt 9 Johnson nnd Watson, 16 selos ,Birth lind Douth book!:'. 16 eo o'oluck Il. Ill. Both !luct,looeer!! to sell u.t the sume t.lme on flll.minl:; ! B~own u.nd MoKI'y, 1i00 rOAd , notice!! ..... , .................. 7 GO tools Itnd houllebold Koods. 'l'tirutS mude known on day of snle. Western I:ltnr, hJ'll1k~ for . alork .: .. ........ ,........... ... 11 00 ?1 RS. N. A. TA Y LOR & !SON. ; ElJls Smit.11 Wl\~ grunted R rp.fllud !>PI': ~.\l. r.o\V· I"A,ltlo: 1'101(1, '1' er of taxe>! on But.\(1rvllle !Lull MIIr· row pille for 1004, flf GU: Ii'or Wint~r Touril'tA, Homo· Cow Feed. EstoRte of Forgu~ l:leuwllt.H \v1I~ I soekors. ~ottlers !lud Colonist.s'. grnnt.ed "' rl fUl1(ler of tnxe on $100 'oN., hll\" ~ .It. il~ tlO ,,"t1 90 cents u . Par detail s about theRe cxcul'9lon8. ror 1901, ,'02, '03, '04, of ~5 uO Ituliul'ed lares to allY polllt. nn,J panlel/lnr. ContruOlol! waru 1IllHle with the about J)onnkylvlLnta r.. tncH )X>lU;c ncur Or~gt)nill. Bri(lge C" for repair of sc.r vlcc commit low truss 11\'\ul-((I IIntl n El w j INt,1t 1L0Il . [i. & . B001' , 1'Ic.k L VJ,tC.IItI. painting on F'~"", r rl \nrl In III'ltr, \VU Yll ~lvUle , Oh io. field td\'l'n~hip . Ill, * 21;17 liO For 1\ MAl)] (rRA ~. l~ x c und on t.t CKCts to "N ew "t(',,1 hellOI 'lJ1'hlg " Wit h Cllllllreh' Orlean,.., MObUo nmlPcnKilcolll Flu., 110m' I1l1l1r rl1KidencH "f \j"nk~ Du.ltin Ft'' ;!j to l! ti. In MII~Rie township ut f4Gi Hi For !'loIlf'1 bt'lun hrldJ.\ fl ' wit h lltJIlorAiA Plra.ttng Foley's Honey and 'l'ar . flnor on ~l.uhunoll uml Ii'l'Imklin r""d Foloy & l:o. Cblcng!), or!!,. i~. e d in Tlll'tlef1roek t, " wn~hlp . lit .:l~.8 7 1. HOlloy II nIl 'PIll' UA lL tbrol\t 1I,lId ullg remedy, nnd pBJlI11urity of F"l eY'R itching Piles. li nDt-y nnd :rar mOllY imil,l1f.ion .. I~re If YOIl ur" uCC}lIllinted wit.h IIny· "f'flwnll fnr th o gelll1tne. Ask fo r The ,enulne F I p, ~, 's BODey nnd Till' 11IId l'efUA [l IllIII who i ~ 11'''llhl~,'l with 1\1,., I't·S~· iUI! uilln6l1l; Y"U .mn (h, him un I'OLEY'S HONEY and TAl\. II III IIn,v !lubstilute ofl'p.r(,d na no other l!fllntel' f"v" I' I,hllll to t..,llllim tu t.ry • Yellow packaie. ReCuse 8ub8UtUt.el. 11 pplll'lltio n will f!ive I'he sume sat l:hII1ll1101·llLill',. "ilIV,I. It , giv"~ 10· isfu oti nn. It is mildly Inxutive. It Prep. red only by .. r,ILllt rH\iflf. 1'1'100 ",r; cents pel' bux. r.ont41iIlK no. opiutles und Is Bllfo~t,, ChiD •••• fol'" ohitllren .md rlll1icnto porso n s . ~"ld by F . U, ~c hw"rtltl , F C l'\ohwnrt.z,
A (,:,,,
, j ~j oo k
~l\1 uslin
~"i rts
HOIEYIIDTAR The original
VETERINARY SURGEON , Wbullon. Ohio. ()nn be culled any houl', dn,y or night.. Both Bell and V ltl1ey PhoneR, Volley Phone Nu. 2:J8.
----_._--lI.n Invttntlon . We ask you to try II, 2G oent bottle of Q IIO~IIIIE 'R OOUO II QUliN u,Dll we wI1l1!RY tHIck your !DIlDey If It ~tlih' to cure. A "in~le dose ' In();jeus the hllrclAHt coujlh, .LlIn.ys InfiRmmll tion Imd givp.1I r,'~tful ~lellp . ' t Inl J . E , JANlhr.'V.
Crushed Corn.
We Itre grinl1ing crushed corn E"tat.~ of ( ' \11 rB A pOllca, d8f'rll~. .wllrv dll,Y. W ('> keefl grnnn(1 feed .,.1 Pl'oof I'f l\l1hli~lltioll IIf nottc' t,fI IIxoltnnllP if von hl.VA not tLmA to of »p\",lnt:II"\ t1t. nf R.lmiAtrnt.or filAlI walt Our f('Otl 61t:Ohnngl l III fUll 'oti EIItn.f.A nr. 1.\'rlln 8hllPh" tleceIlRllrl./ n. t.II1\ or onsh busia. W . G , 'l'\Jom]l!<nn "PI)ointoft(l O)(I'OU If 'y ou h,t\ve not, trilltl 0111' ottlSlled tor. No RPI,rllbllilnent:. 10"l'lI oull Rlldsee it I\,nd YOIl wl\l May W, F. Eltv.otb, a8llignel' of, W. 'E that It Is tho flnEllit feed yon ever Stookton VII W" . E. 8t~oktoD e~ a). saw, Waynesville ~lla.
Dea.fness Oa.nnot be Cured. lIy l oolllnppliClltioll", Il~ t,h e,Y (',j ill · not reuoh the cli~ el\ sod pl)rtinn of t.he ,·nr . The r e is ollly olle way tn Cl1re den,fness , DlId I,hnt iFt hy oo.n ..,utinnu,l romedi cs, Deu fil e, 8 ill ('<lused by lID infllltllcn onndition of t,he I1IUOOU,,' linln~ nf UIO Eustnohioll TullO, Whl1ll thi!' tube is inth1med yon huvo n rumhling 80ulld or im · )Jerfect bearing. nnd wh An it. Is en , tirel y c losed, DelLfnes", is the rcsult, nnd unltlsM the infilllllmlltion Clln be tuk e n out. t1nd this tnbe relltoretl t.o it,,.. nortntll connition, hPoRTing will bA (lestrnyetl f,)revOI'; nille CIlSP!! ollt nf ten nro OII,uRed by' Cat,nrrh, which I~ nothing but an influlllPli condttion of thl1 muoous s urfu ce!' , We will give On e Huoc1rod Dol· lArs for any Cl\88 of Deafnells(on 11!!ed 'by OI1.tarrh) tltllt CI\,nnot bl;) o11red ure. &nd f01 b:v Han'" Catll.rrh olrol1l"1'II, froe. , F . ,T . Ob~ney & Co., Tolooo, O . 8nlll by Drng~ista, 750. Talco.BIl\) 's Fa.mily Pills foJ' oonstlpation.
Dayton, Lebanon & Cincinnatt R•. R. ,U8DULE OF
enace tu Henlth Kiulley troubl o 18 an Inaldoolll! r1ongor, Rn(1 II1l1ny pflolple vic. tims of u RorionR malndy before tho Ftym ptOIUS lire rcpngntltle(l. FoleY'R Kldnoy Uure cO l'r('tta itrregularities lind I:!trollgthenslI.nc1 bu:l\ds up tbe kidneys , Rnd jt should be taken tit t~e first IndlOlltioll of kidney trouble, aillt Is, 1III)I0881b1e to hlLve good It.eillth if the kidneys are dllll1. aged . F . C. SohWllrtz .. .
K~'~'~~0'rlvt<: ~,
,U'rnnO IJ Nn
NOV. 12. 1!lOr. .
No. , l No . a . No r. A M A 'M PM (\ 42 a ao 9 2fi A rrl vo 1.J(,hlwOU LI'li vn , 20 ' II 30 . .~ !.IO 1.0111,1111 ", 11 7 2(1 11\1 a(l 114 al) 'I Ii;lO 1I:I:t:.l \I ll U) Ll!Uvn Do,jll!l i all 119 ~(I 910 116 21 a 1:1 .. .Jfi nlll1r " 117 fiR 119 4a 14 47: 116 1 11 3 11 119 OJ Vfllluh lo •• y7 40 til liO tG 16 II:) 09 tIl Or. .J 4 9 .J fiB !(J12 , PJO!'i to 0 1 • Edl{eWc1011 117 ·J.I 19 54 ' !if{ 4 [i(l 6011 a02 Lytl e " 7 ; ~'i' , 9 1i7 Mllllor "17 ,Ii\! 110 03 .. tli 01 r.a Ii H O'J t2 [,7 " r. ri8 2 51 ~ 'J.fl 0antprvllli1. 8 OU 10 10 Ii tJ7 ~hHnH)oI.teud u 0$ 10 '1 i'j lfi r, 52 2 '10 37 I. ttl Il tlO 2'[ 15 4.!I t2 ~ 2 ill :1:.1 tfi 17 r, 9·) I{ 29 Ii .14 2:17 " l-lhuker CrO~Ring" R' 10 10 2/1 5: 42 2 Hn " [Jo bnllon Junotion Rrr 8 11:1 10 ao Ii 00 " DAYTON !l 40 . 6 00 (0 , H , ~ D) 2 00 , 00 (0 II & D) 11 ;00 (0 H &. IJ) r, ~O (D&XT)(O & XT) IJ Qr). • (II .X_&~) '6 00 N,) fj P M
N ... ,1 N.. 2 l! M A 1\1
, Ii 25
(tJ &X T)
( I) &X 'I')
( ~ ~X. T)
'Iln<luy o llly : Truins ]lil A!! I.Jylo ns fol1(1wll : Northbound 7 Ii(i 1\" 1\1 G .17)1. In HOllth!)(lllnd 7 0:1).1 1\ () O~ a m W. E , MODIIIC, Generlll PIlAAOllgor A~ o llt, Lebl1noll, Oblo. II ll'lug f<t.op. '
With sOtnothing s nbstnutluJ to begtn t it" dlLY Illt. s nits avery mOlllbor of tho hous ehold tho!!Cl colcll1JornlD~!I , Most people drink oofi'ee [LL bl'e,,11fllHt., ILIIll wo 91111 !lllit t,ho lover of l!ofi'ee , We bllve I\S gOIlLl ,. li llo nf O OFF~~j~ II.~ V'111 Ulm filltl in town Whllt. bl'ltt,e r tbon hllMol' clI,kot« wit,1t PURF. KYRUP . He t, PnnotLkf1 FLOUR 111,,1 RYRUr 11I 1'U , We CRlI fllrnish t,h e lI1a .lam p nt nllmolll M; hrf'lIkfIlHt" dinn or Imll sup per, wiUt 1I, 11 ' ~"'llifmlLliI ,' go"d r;. ' , Ynu 11m i ll vitetl to 01111.
C. M. BR.OWN, Proprietor --~-----
P fl ON.F: N( .-t ll
LIFE &. aCCIDENT INSURANCE. LOA'NS NEW)'I'INl'li:D , NOTARY PlJBT.l. ' We )mve'bu.\'''I'>I lor l,!ooll rUJ'lIl ~ ILllIl tllwn PTO)lIU·t,y lit ILII timeH. Li Rt with lUI. we ('11 11 Il\Ilp .""11 Offioe Roolll" fJv (\r PORt, OIllUiI i" Ht.nop ~' Builulng , -----,'"
SPENCER AN)) MONROE Oregonia,' Ohio. Wlwn
Portland Cement~ Lumber, Shingles,and all kinds of 0 al. DEALERS in Flour Feed and
X~nia, O"i~.
Telephone Day or .Nlght. local No. 7 long Distance No, 69-3r WAYNESVillE, OHIO Branch office, Harveysburg, O.
Nnlllltroh Wllist 25 oen t.
Hut~bis~n ~ Ciibn~y,
WlTIVEcough rl.ldy.
Dr. R. J. Michcner 7
Cor set (Jo vers 25 cents up
1i0 cents ull, Gown!l riO cents np .
St , ck Sheeting Bibs, eto,.
U nderwoar, IlltllOUgh (Jotton hilS uclvlLnoed, we
" "" sellilJg Nice GOOds for the l)Tico.
'I' I'i m min 0'$
California }i'lol'ida Colorada M.,exico N. 'West S. West Sout.h Southeast
full of the :N ew
pe,nnsyIvan I·a
of GlaRS 50 feet long.
&111111 ' :-'
mILn; lot III MIlI" 'OW;
.bim hl"<l
i I g uuc.J. uri v- I sample boUl e by ma il torthwlLite tttkllll ' real estate not IIp. Edwtlr!1 C, : ' ''" l tl l~ 10" ,1 wll, ' to IJlg: IJ) ill"l'; 1 }Jl iU' unili. ~ i.1 1111ugl:i , free. also pamphlet te ll- H OUle t>' SWAwp-1COOt. prnil!ou value. Distribution Illude. George F. I". ,x: 1\\' . 1 1 "tll : l~ 1 1~ )"";1 111, OUI IIIII " I W.I \, u llr~' , Iln,fL !';ellllllg Ing a ll about it. Including many of the Ex 1'IIrte Fru.nk B.'andon. Thotnus \;UUIIO ~ lllt't"~ 'ycu,,~ '!Jil l ; 1 UUlle by ; tho usan ds or testimonial letters received Drllka ull!l Chltrle8 E. Monroe . 81~le lin township ; rWUU ::; u • • UdO 0 11111.. " [WU Y"'ilIS ' ') j fro m sufferers cured. lnwrlllngDr. Kilmer John E. P ,.]" III M I'~ , It l'l i" !ill ,., /,\1 L ,U '" , ~ & Co .. Blnghamlon. N , Y ., be sure ana to villlLge of Lebllllon authoriltleu. 1I1' • .j,l' I llHt
.f'1 () ,.y ;\
Caso oftbb Now \V (':I \,(,\ '
, Caseaft(}l~
stri l)~
for t.olliwof) hoxo!'! for RILle.
Valley Phone
,- Frightfully Burnfld. ChRs. W . Monre, It lllAoblnist of The mo th or w ho IH'!! noq l1lred th .. For!l Uity, PIl., hll.l hi!! hlLnll fright, h,'Lblt. of k e~ p~n g " ~ IlIInd II bot,t.1A of f nll .V Imrn ell ill 111\ olcntrlc furnnet! l:llIunhHrhm.1 ~ 1.,'l1/(b , R tlmp.c1 Y He u,PIlliad Bnnkl l1n'!, Arnio" Hlllv. " ~av~8 h O I' ~nlr 'Ll!rt'nr,."1I10 nnt, of un · with tho u Rn .. 1 "cMult: "11 'quink llud ' OIl~\t1C8!! 1I1H1 nI1Xltlt~' , Cough!!. I perfect, onrn" Gri'llt,nHf, helllAr on ooll1a IIm\ or.ollp , to wbloh obi\&lren earth fOI' Borll", Wonnilfl, &l'e~ lIre 8USCl1ptlhie ara C}U\ckl.v cured EQoomn .md PilM , 250. at F. C ~ l)y Its u se , It oou ntoracl./; o·lIY ten , I 8chwlutz DrnggiRt. , . UeDOY of II cold to r osult In pt1on . \ ' monia, IIncl if given ~II "nnn 118 t,ho For any dis nso of the tllein t.hllro firflt symptoms of C'OUll apll ear ,. ~t I. nothing bAttor thl\n !1holi.lhllrWill prevent the nttu~le. 'lhl!l l l'cin's Salve. It relieves, tbflltohlnj! remedy oont411ns ootbmg. t,njnrlous and burning Ren!!lIt.ion Inllt.nntlv Q.IIII !lnd mothe!!! give It to Itttle o.nes soon effAOta II. cure, Sollt b F 0 with a foohng ot perfeot security. 80hwlirtz V . . 801d byF . C. Sohwaftltl, . '
A HAm,. TO
¥.NliOU ltAtlli:ll .
tll ! m~ n dO. ~o t tho.ught It wonld do la two· woek.· stand, In ~fildison Sl1nar. ' (Q bnrm to ~el<eh . blm to chew tD- Oalden .!:CIE.NOE Alfi) INDVS TBY, , WI) I\ro h9~il1g th e t nUl, roo bacco, ·c be oould ' alre/Ldy ImOke J)n\re~ , and dlon'\ hll .,' 'lo to pul np autl cigar Hes. so l bor/'OlICed a clwlw troOl tako down tOlDlB•.. nud . During the year. 190"' Slam exported rld Q all' nlgll l on ',he bOas canv,,-qman. a great bts trains, We are all mOle thn'n $12.000,000' worlh or 'rice. Dr,Wll llams' Pink PIli. · lite TonIer stoppIn g at bo tel ~. That Moet People Need for ch VI' at black plug lobaeco. nnd th\! nnd· .geW oll: rested. 'reak wood is 'uocQild In value. lIItAN" OF SURGE RY. and pa Is ha.vlnll· ,. Blc;lod and. Nerv.1I. I monk g rubhed It, ond chewed It' awblle. a cilunce to s hlno. ACl'Qrd lu g to a recent report ' from III wIn ter tbe air of lhe elo!\O roolnalD I jils! bctore tho .atL rnoon portorm ance, TOol manage rs think IlIl. Is trying to 'I'ol:lo. thcre arc 1,186 wholesa le and which wo spoutl so IDnoh Bml s "'8110 ed It. of tho time I knew that anl- com mit lulclde. tor he wan Ls to taku Eb Has Saved a Quo.rter of a . KillIon ·23f,.414 retail tobacco dealerH In Ja· docs n ot .furnlsh e llougb Oll,.gOll to tbo-· '.Ierl lhe m nl,. ond when the audl lln 2 the place . pt anybody . Lives by RI. F.amous Discovwho Is sIck pan. 1011gs to bllrll, ont the foul waiter In the came a long by his case, alld pa waa or drunk, and Is th ery of Germ Dee understu dy 01 The a nntlal valu e of tbe mIneraI 'blood. 111 t,ho cold SOOSOIl tryI ng to get blm to pe rrorm. a.; everybod y. We go t '11'0 dDuOt oxor.troy~. act l hat jUllt prodllcls or German y Is IIbout $260,· CiSOl\8 lUuch and the 81d11 By DON, GEORGE W. PECK I h e did at New port . eatlng dInner Ill ' curdles yo ur blood. n one cage In the rlnl{, 000,000. Coal and Iron al'c tbe most n ot tll'row oft' tho waste andlddu'c ,.sdomatter 118 froo11 a mall . tho monk t urn ed plllll. and his wUh 1I0nRand tlgcrs In an age wh e n hOnOI'H are lavIshed Impo,·ta ll!. nnd leopards . wllo as usual. Tbosyst em boconl es ovcrload ed I stom:!f'h ached. and be stood on b le go tlll'Ougb all kin ds of slunts. One ror the skill with which me u compa.o!s P rof, T . J. J. Sec. at Washing ton, with poisonou s mattor, aud ' too , head. ami held his slomach In both lion rid es a borse aud foeblo Jumps throU~1I the dealh at tbou sands ot Lbelr tello\\'d has determin ed the helghL of lhe at- to thmw it all'. Relief con be hud oul,. 1hands, a nd kIcked the lable OVN , hoo ps. and lands on IIno cannot pay too much homage 10 : mo"ph ere b)' a uew systcm , wblch turough th e 'lack of tbe tho nse at u. 1'll1U6t1y t.llIlt will TlIen h e hit pa a s wat wltb bls fOOl . horbd, nnd jllmps all a 'Il us lng aul! t hose wbose mlssloll It Is to Rave ana cons lsls In notillg lhe time of sun set promptl y Qlld .A Newpor t Monk 'Is Added to t be 1 and wouull ' his tall thorong hl,. purity and arO~lRd pa's neC k. I ts the horse go arouu(\ LIle ring , ant: nOL to dest roy lItc. nnd hUllpl ly , 811.)'3 And thut of the compl ct~ disa ppear. strongth en the blood, and the one boat Show-T be lIoy Tenches Him Some and Inl d his heall on pas sh irt· bosom , the n jumps on again, Tho horse Is tho ,ChlcaI;o ChronI cle. th ero 8LllI nn ce or thO blue at the sky, "Manly Tl'icl's" -The To t 111 e antI wa s sCalIlck. adapted for thl8 purpose is the great bll ndfold ed, so he don't kllow IL Is a mllius amon g us tbe Illng at them all It IS stn ted tbat tbe bes t mnnager s. bloo<1 touiokn own Do d ' P uJ F I; ~ Dr. Williu!n8' Pillk Pn 8nld : " Well. t his beat s every- 1I0u thllt jumps a man on whose a ll. bls lIack. but mO Dument DIal' some valium dpslgl1 Prs wn ~n a a ' c II. DW5- . a l hill g'. . Whnt did YOU do to htm '!" d),e rs In the Pills. thlDkd It Is a man. day be Inscribed tb ls remnrll ab!03 Lancnsh lre cottDn nnll M anages lhe Anlm .. 1 Act Whlcb mills. tempt ed by I told PA I had anI)' been tcar hln g "'fhoy aoted like mAgic III my case," :I "H d Th e tigers r ide bicycle. and t \lc Ie t f I Ends In a N ovel Manner. ge ur : M,'s . Ollll't\ L. Wildo, " e suve a qua r er a a N~. 377 the monk ma nly tri cks, and pa saId : !eo pnrds Jump about hI gh wa gcs, (Ire -golu g out to Inllia lind snid i~lIrn swur th 1\1'0 11110 , Dotroit, of wllcI'evc r lim 1I0~ llves, Mich. "I . " Wpll you hav e ':"'E'r,joll e It." A nd train er te lls tbem til; ,11I 1)an 10 talco charge of mills there. was wouk ali<I thi" nlld ool1 a mo ld nkey \lot 10 81~cp. act" no ol h~r ll1an ' V(' ha ve ad(lerl to th e s how t h e m03 1 Ih en lhe Humn nc socIety who has ever lI vnd Clrent Qu a ntities ot textile machine ry My stollll\ch all,t n Crvus were a nt of orhad pa a r· 1as clo wlI. a nd a Iittlo elephan t I'UIIS a Cll n s uch u t ribute be Iml.l : uu l . LU ' nr e 111 50 being ex ported. Temarll n hlo an Imal lhnt ,w er wrus- '\ I'c" tNI folr cru elly to do,'. I O/llI ' t d'iho how misorab le I nnlmnls. Bill I lIlal,p· believe a ut o mobi le. Tha t act BS"e ~1 lU lll Lord Lister, tir o "';l'Ourl 0 :.1 ba bOo n th Ul d resses III' e a mao, aDd t he mon k go t ol'er A l'ecllli l1 r p~ocoss tor se parnting It, and now IUl al one Is 1V0rLh thn price at a dmi ssion man ' of sUI·go ry. has s lIaldwII 250 ,lh!I) non.magnetlc pnrtJeles like bold from r enlly \VII S. 1 drngged th,'ou!!'b <iiI[ wts I\t a lalll c, usiug 1\ I, "i re unci fori; ' 1Irl £s. tC' ho u mas h 1lI0llth s of foobloll O"", g rowillg wOllller r. a nd winks at Well . Ih o r eg ular trai ner W lit to men fr om th g ru l' u Is prollab ly to snn,l &nll a Dal.ldn. ThIs baboon has be"n I WOrne n, nn d flirt » wllh li AS bee n pntentml by L . 'r . allllietil lflun llylutdu them JlIs l as Coney 1 ~ 1 3 t1d, and got drunk. and 110 lIlI d 'r" tat ~ I he 11·lI l h . W h 't stron,;tb pl ayl l\ ~ a n eUbagem enl with Ihe Fo,,1' t he Il J os epl: Weiss, 'rhe me lalilc Ila,.tlcles In lI\aS 8 cuollit h t o 1"Il\'O Illy b mou do at Newf)QrL d I I ,r] , I (l lth or hAd to CUL OIlL thaL pl1 rfor m- LIs t cr . fI. rs t . I "'I'h(m H ll nured al l'cwport , dinIng wi th Ih·· l ru 0. g lad <lilY Clllne, tho c1ny wll on n e '. s acqua IIInll ce WIl Il li re electrop lnte!1 • ·wlt ll Iron , by 0 s pe· 'I bosall to tltke Dr. Willi,,"I .' Pillk P ills. • • • • • ali ce. or gIve back t bo crowll ed h nd a a L thai rason. hu t 'h ~ : W .. thought ey. a,l-I a IhJSllIt1l1 uiJout GO years AI;O, an 01>- ! clnl 8lJpnrnt we wcre smart whell Lh o manage r was wa iling mou lloou t it era tloll or nllY In1l1o r m nco mount al· I rnt"d by anyus. Ilnd can Ihen 00 SIlIll\' They nmdo 1Il0 fOld .11'''"1> r ig ht IllVlly . co nroundNI IJaboo n ga l to he too 11l1· I "'e h eld up the rnllroad Olngnetl c method , ror damagCl; 'callsc noLh ing ma l,es a eI"l'II S mnn ", (>Sl cc rla ln dell My I\PIXltit o 0/1111 0 \)11..1,. I lh, and e\'ell qUIto m a n, a nd ' h' fe ll ID lov e wit h fi n hel: '1 ba k In Pon nsyl l' nnla, Tho lise or milk 01 lime for qlli oidy n,u} Iho color r M III'III'c1 to"k a ll fl as h aft er th e wrcd;, wull IIlle g il' llIg bu I, soutl moilo. y. ti~ lIll>l C o p~ , ntlo to I!ly cheek". nR CIIl! , Ilud lu:uued ono of th e Willie boys but w~ ro tull at n sot, nnll efrcc ti l'oly exlillgu ls hlllg fir es In P oo plo wUlul cred thut w e are ge LtJ ng a dose of our own I T hen I'll sn ll! he th ~so pills !lid for would s a \'o th e ,IllY 1 he wOllnds ma(le by I he surgeon " CO ll i min es Is th al wns a lso In love wllh Il l' I'. I IlIclHcln e. re commen ded by Ins pec. IlI O w hnt th o ll ut'torKt'on hlll't do. I look AI POlIg hlr eepSlc t here . hy tl:l<l n!; cJla rgo uf th e unl llll1 l 0.:: . I', nlre r eru sed to he'll 1'lItrcfnc tion II'II S lll s (rloud s were afraid t he , bu llOon ame II I) a wind and ollly .ix I)(IX 9 "lid tll(' l1 I 11'1\8 )le rf~ctly < • , • ra instorm tha i Hc , aIel ho had walched Il CI·er y d:l)" tor Wolfnn g Kumm w ou ld cut \Vllli e out enllrely , or ge t ~Ie w t he lcnt down ful low cd by s UPIHlratlo n, Iho pull en ts s ugges llon Is not ner, a Gel'ma n. The woll. If I I""lune r""l1rl l, hi ~ woudorf u! w. but h as been l'ol1l Qtly 1 sure ly thililc Ilmt r must hnvf righ t In tile nnd 100e w bow to <ll' It. li nd ho ('o uld UCleIlIlI C delirious and lu a stllnllng mil· .Jealous and InJuro WIllI e, so t he man" I mIds t of tho eveDlng nowly tested with ~Il tl s rl\ctor y res\l lt ~. \l'lIsted to Ilellt h. ·Eeliol'il pertorm ance, and d ress lip In l h e clothes or tho rog ul ar lg 1I1'1111y IIUlI JorllY or cases die d. : The cmu!alo l1 - wh l'h call lie used wIth th e,o I ill. I!lll','" ill Y tralllor. a nd t be . animal s woul(ln' t I. f" I,y ~ h·" " j.(li' It wu s Lord Lls lel' who dis overed hAnd or 110II'cr j\lIl11psrlln s InLo aud wh i'Jh th oy g':I\'O . ' IIO lit 1\ ('r iti",, 1 I11 U · know th e tlllTel'en ce. Gee. but I ",n·! t ho deuIII)' secrpl or nil t his lUo l'l a l- Ilils the cre vIces of the coo l or mlnernl. IlIelll.;1 ul"hcsltatUlg-ly rccolll ll llllltll'l lUr l scn re.l to ho ve pa tr y 1.0 r un Ihllt In.l· Il l'. H o fOll nd lhnl Ihe j)lIt l'ofacLlo n tooch or", ' mal bhow, aud I t h ink O\'cl'yon o III of t he wo und WU $ duo to the presenc", , . 0 1' . \Vllliolll s' Piul< Pills cOlltni n 11 0 Ihc s how belle"cd it would be \l" " of ge r ms whicb wero in trodu ccd from ' WESTERN CANADA S stll11ll11lllt but g ll'O) ~I reubot h tha t 111. 1•. !lnlsh. I relt like all orph nu whcll .11 oll lKllle. nn d In ca r bolic n ItI he d13' MARVELOUS RETURNS. ~~~~. nmy b o obtalut'd I\~ lilly uruG ca me out of th e dressln g· room wltn co 'cretl th e Dlenn s to lilll these germs. tho t rain er's clothes on, though p:\' ~ t hus hy th Is s lm ille di scovery revoTbe Increase In th e CTOP r l urn s of I . s tomach was so big you would t blnl' l utloulzl ll g surgct;)' nnd sllvl ng eoun '.· tbe Canad ian Wesl, In th o pasL seve n RE~lEDIES All ear ly r esult 01 U1 1~ years. hilS approac hed n blln lHo ld ed horse wO ll ld I<oow .jJA less Ii l'eR. tho marvelous, a ntlHc lltic I reAlmelll was t ha t "gan. anli there Is no r easoll WD S no traIner. to belle l'o ~hnl ARE SURE CURES \ Vell. pa wenL in t he rouu d cagu. gn)lI ~ which had infect d SO per ce nt. a co rres ponding IlIcl'ease will nOL reo mal1e or lia r Iron, and motion ed 10 Ihe of I he woull ds dlsnp llcaretl elltlrely." suI t for mllny yenl's to co me. T ho In· They are not an Exper imen. a ttend a nls 1.0 se nti Lb e nnhn p\~ . Inw nll (l lo.du)' 0p'C I'atlon s which \Voul.1 orcnse hilS been /lorlleul arly notl cenb lo I he cago t hrough t he cllme tro m till' hll l"C mell ll l enalll death hAlt a cel!' in what was for merly known ns th e a nlmnl qua , ter;iJ. The firSL 10 con!c t ur y ago n r~ perform ed dally wl t houl NOl' I hw esL T errltorlcs. b ut which. 00 wen t wo tigers t hnt were to ride \'0 · the loas t rlsl; of fata l consequ ences, Soptomb er t 1905. becamo the provSuch 10 Ij,'edes, III briefest outlool, Is tho jnccs of Al berLo. and Saskatc I trembled for pa wIl en hewa n. th ey went In and wuved .their tail;! ch onge Lord LlsLer has wroughl III From tho otnclllJ ret urn s we find the n.lld loo ked at Jla as mu ch as to sal' : sUl'gery. I\ntl aile has only to rend ~r foll owing results In th e ac rellge sown " 0 , ,,'e won 't do a tblng to you," Th", t he horrors or th e hospita ls In pre- to wheat. oats and barley In lhe yea rs IIcLuall y looked at each oLher uwl L lsterian days• . with theIr deliriou s mention ed. nnd 0. more favorahl e show· wln k~l!; but. PSI mollonc ll to the vo- a m) dylllg pati ents. and "I heIr com· Ing cannot be pointed to In any other locI[1p.des, aDd l()olced fierce, and wh en po und odor of· boiled mutton anti sou r country durIn g II. lIko perloi!. they h esitated about getlln g on , . pa poultice s" nnd then to POl' 1\ visIt t-> . WheaL When. Sbe Saw the BAboon She YeU ed .Flre. On ls. Darl ey. said: "You won 't, 1'Iou't you," nnll he II hos pltlll ot.. to·day to roa ll ze now 1898 ...... 307.680 105.017 17.U92 took a club rel'oluLl fillecl onary wIth 18 lead lile lind sla::'tchange wrougtl l 1899, ••••• 363.bta -.ger of the Four Hundred s how de· scared everybo dy l a4.938 14,216 halt to deatb. Be.... ed for tho bIggest tiger. H e by thi s one man. hesltatll d c:illed · to banilib ctbe baboon, and oll r I'ral people were 1900 .. .. .. 412,864 116,439 17,04. hit by tenL poles aull a moment , anll t ben he Jumped It Is GO years al most tQ II. day since 1901 ...... 6Q4.G91 on show sent pa to Newpor t to bill' lh e hurt some. aDd 229,439 24,702 it was lhe wUdesL macb lnce, and th e olh e~ followed the young Liste r began , alld ba hoon aD,d brIng h1~ to our sbow lit sco ue I ever saw. and to study surgtor7 1902 .... • . 625,758 310.3 01 36.44 5 people wbo gOl they racctl around, and Lhen and med icine N ew York. pa at' ma,l~ Univers ity college. 1903 • ••• . . 837.234 out 011\'0 rl\n away In the dark, and them get 440,002 G8.~74 olf and Jum p bur<\les. l<' lDally London. He was lhe son ot 0. very 1904 .. .. .. 965.549 ,Wo bael the darDdes t aot- somebod y saId l he ~23 . G 3 4 98,154 animals had ' all he motioDed to a shelf. lor them cleve r mau , a fellow at the Royal so-' 'tlnG blm away from Newport . tri Tbe yIeld ba8 been II DIJo rmly good I'a got loos6. and Bome of the . peoria jump PRBB SAMPLE S up onto, and whell th ey ' heai- clety. ond the III- ventor, practica lly. of every couldr.'t 1\0 anytbln s with him, but never stopped running year except 1900, wh en' till dayllgb t, tb. tated. be kIcked one In the slats, and the modern ·mlcroscO pe. and, as mlga '. pellrs 10 pave been a slump tb ero np - YOU ARE ENTIT LED TO ONE he took to me, 'cause 'be tbougbt I was n ex t morning. all along ~WB WANT EVERVO hit th" other w ith the cluh, aDd they b e expected from the son of sucb a the Nll 1'0 TIlV _ hls long-Ios l btollier. and I could do line. ThIs, bowever . wall more Some run,lnto the river, and tbe am · wenl up on THEn AT OUR EXPENse -='Lhat sbell tob quick, bllt fat her, b e quickly dfsUn gul sh ~d blm- thall compen . anythin g wIth blm. :We got hIm hi bulance s carrIed the sated tOt In th e tollowln g injured to bal· tbey stayed . the'ro and snarled POsm vfiy tUDE Ou.r state,roo m on the boat, and tOl>k pUals. Pa Itamped ed wltb at 11&. salt among h'ls fellow l!tlide nts: gradu- year. when the bumper crop In wheat, tbe e ,&· and 1 WIUI afrnJd tbey would jump ".thma, He.. t Dbeotle. Rh""mati. m, 1.... his clothes" a'f;ay trom hIm, 'cause he phallts. a nd ner er "u allng brllhont ly and taking the cov- oats and barley put 10 relurns of all :.howed up till noou hIm when hIs back WIUI turned. ""r....sluggish Blood. Non'u". Pro51r:ulcln" eted F. R. C. S, betore h e WBa 25. prevIous years com()lllt CDly we~rB bls clolhes when bc I. . the next day. By oly In the ahado ~.male IJlseaoes, Kidney D ise.\~ , I ndlg.,.. . that time at IClIRt Thon ihey brought In the blin d Then followed a perIod of splendid being dIned and ,.,Ined, and we chaIned l !lou people h t\d and gave an Imllotu8 to seLtlc mon~ III tlon, Dys peps~ tiled claims (~ r horse aad the lion, . IUId traIning the him·· In tbe .upper bertb; lion under the great surgeon , Mr. the wost whlcb hl18 preva iled to ~he He JU!l ""mage l, and all' the j lt , 00 luftn- from an, of t;,,:se mabdle. _It riat-. TlLlsed ttie very deuce on the WUy bany to New York, lawyers , from AI· was onto pa, and he struck 1'lght olt. Syme, \Vhose daugh ter be married, ao (1 present . .118 tbe followIn g . 01lfD ;li nd -"Tife WI for. &ample 01 Qll" J ;I;p.ln cn Rtm~ were 'on our traIL He got up on tbe pedestal tallle by bus h· ~d ~ l ur you, pa' ticulu dlKaUl,. nd it _ill be prumptl, .down to New York. Atter pa 'and I from In 1860. at t he early age at 33, he wa'l cis will 8buw: . 'I be manage rs appointe d pa to aet· 'Df,qrde:d .bIolvltI, free, It will not ~O'I fUU ooe which he 'was to peon,-l>Q n " delay, jump got to Sleop ' ·tbat baboon got my tle with tbe onto th ~ made reslus professo r ot 'surgery " t Wheat. Injured. and the way b·.' hOrBo's back, but whon Oats. Barloy. \v.lIe to-day for me ample Indboakl, ' 1('llIn.ll1) t.he borse camn GlasgQw.. ·clothes, anil put them on. slipped th.. argued with lbose 18.98 ..•• 6,642.418 pe:lp' 3.040.307 449.61.2 about ODr J_pan"*! RHl'IcdJe.. 1'0 e"""ynhe wrifin. Ullin over hIs bead, jumped tbrou!lb tion. ODe old woman e waB a cau- around the !fan wouldn 't jump, and It was h ero that h e became so deep- 1899 ..•. 6,915.623 .,G86.0:l6 331.521 6!~;=D~ AU~~~7A~~:"::tt _ill .tad a J"p.Due "tbe transoin . and went Into every pa trld to show ber was killed, aull pa said: ''1'11 ~:Ive you one more Iy Impress ed by the terrible mortal, L) 1900 . ..• relatlve~ that 4.028,294 4.2~G,152 3&3.216 chance,': and the borao went unde " due to operatio ns 'Ixlrlb wbere tbe traosom WBa OP ~I\ she W&ll old and helpless and be set to 1901. ... 12 .~08 . 447 11.113.066 . and more r,r the lion, and be wouldn' t 70510U jump. &I work to discover t he cauSe. wllb the 1902 . ... and ,cbatted wltb the l)eople who oc- leBI a burden to the 13,956,860 10,6Gl,295 famlly. they ought pa ste pped the horso 910,411 IOCIlfSTI!R, N. Y. and took an Iron r esults whIch we have descrlbeJ . 1903 .enpled ~e bcr\lls. Tbere was an old tC' pay tbe show somothl .... 16,029,H!I 14.119.705 l.,1I-l2 ,R24 ng for getting l' ar aDd knocked ,Lho !lon oil' onto lhe There are stili \Ivins students who 1904 .... 16,816.537 16,332,551 2.206,4J4 floor, and be growled at pa, but pa saw him first experIm ent In antlseiJ· It wlll ho seen . that the number ot kept mauling hIm, and IInally ' tho tic snrgery by maldng a paslB of co.r- acres sown to wheat, oats snd harley !lon jumped up on the ' pedestal aud bo\lc aclil over tbe wound. and It was In 1898 was 429.749. and tb'ot thla bad seemed to. say : "BrIng on your borse," soon admitted thai "LIster ward.!" IDcreased ' In 1104 to 1.687.337. Tllo Bnll pa 8lBrted tho borse, and Mr. LIon were tb~ h ~alt hle st 10 tbe \Vorld, But. lotal crop In tbe cerenls mention ed was made hIs Jumps all rlgbt. aud tbe &~ like many ano t her prophet, he tOUDI! 9,O~3.291 busbels In 1898. aDd In 1~04 d lence cheered plL leasl apprecia tloD among hIs own It bad grown to the magnific ent total All Ihe anImal's went througb their 'country m en. German y, Frnnce auJ of 36.413.62 2. In the year Just closed stunts Ill! rlgbt, but I thougbt I could 'o ther contlDen tal countrIe s ado pted h is the "forwar d mov e ment" In tbe aRrl· see thE'Y wer" I,aylng ror ps, and ,'1 metbods with avIdity, and his tamo culture of the wes t h OB been the wlsbed he WI18 OUL of .tho cagh, Tile WOIlwas Europea n before' Oreat ,Brltaln b~- der ami en.vy ot tbe worl!!. Ne~ aec:wlad-up caOle wt:too the ,1l01U1 wer~ came a tardy convert to his tencbing . .1I0ns of the country ' have .been phu:eel !eatcd on IJcllcb es. and the elephau t Howeve r, unlike so many world ben o- under tribute to the plQ w .and harrow. was lIet weeu Ih em. and tbo tigers anil ' ~ factors, he has Ill'ed to Bee the ' nnl· ond: lhe KT.aln area has been larg~ly leo pards made a pyramid , and ' tb~ versal Irlu mph of his 'dlscOve ry and iU Increase d. ThIs , . Is partlcul nrly . the mouk~y was clawing around pa's le8l'. reop honol'e such as tall to few mon cllse where It 'h as boen demonst rated Tbo slgDal was allom to be g lvea tor In a . century" that "AI ~rtl\ Red" 1~ I11ter wbeat may the an Im",18 to rHura through tn~ And never, perhllps , dId so great a be successf ully grown , and cbule, wbell Ihe OIookey tackled Pll:S man bear his honors so modestly . AI Un es ot the new rall,.,IIYs along tbe' towards tno legs Ilk" a 'ooll"IoIi player. the eleFor Famil y and Farm ph a nt ,puMhed pa ovor, and. tbe Ilona 78 he remains . to quoto a 'great s ur· . center of the' counutr y, wbere mIxed gean , "as s imple and lovable as n rarmlng prevails . pawe d hIm auO "nar l ~d, and the ' chUd." His old pupils adore h in:; The fut.ure at the Canl\dla n West I. IllIers took a mouthru l out at pa'lj pantd, and Ibe lUO I13rds snatched bb his numberless trlends r espect anol D.l\s ured . nnd for yenrs to come tt Is rea coa t ',fr. alld th o 81gnlil was give, love him: the world counts him ono bDund to be th o land of promIse to thn lur UlI,m to Het Ollt at tbe cage, 011,1 ot Its greatest benefacl ors . For 1M 1 agrIcul turi st of eve ry nation aud of Ih o)' wu nt out II ko boys at rece~s, rest he Is an ardent lover at nature, , every Clime. and th o land of opporlea vlna 111 III th e calle wllh the blin d skilled In botany and wood craft. and tunlty to every sottlor wlt.hlD Ita bar... ~ ltD DOt clothes enough l e(~ h o declares tbat th e s weetcst musIc on hOllnds. . KILLS PAIN. Fullest Intorma tlon can be secnrell on him to Wild a HUD. He was not earth Is the song of bird s. Dr. EARL a. aLOAN , eVlIln ijc r I c h~d, however, th o anImals l rom Dny Canndl9 n Govern merit Altell~_ Ma•• Th1'illln g Moment . ba_lng JU Il combin ed (0 bumllia te pa. It was at on English lock lbat 8 Tho aud ie nce ch eered, Pa sal,\. English i ll India. Pa Xept 1if[&uUng the LloD. "Well. woul dn 't lhal skin you. " They dIver 'wns workIng at massi ve gutes Of the na tives at India, ubout ~OOO.48-p8I!It boo1rftD t mlln and woman from New Haml). her off theIr hand.. the shuttln ~ 000 enll now read English. One tramp b.d tbrew blm an overcoa t to Pllt on, an1 when a current. caused • nT&G.~. co,. 1Ju Jl! ~~t.'~~~~ .. hire In one berth, and when the mook his fee t cut olf. and of th e gates (or bis Inspecti on, he sucked bowed IlI,e a b ero, Ilnd !lull th e rIng pa trIed to show got III th eir berth and began to ta.K hIm bow mucb be would save In shoes cage; and WI18 mel olllside by th e whoia blm off hI s feet and he telt hlmsell th e Newpor t language . tb e old mnn Lhe rest or h is 1I(e. and Iha t be wa~ phow manag;.e ment, and congratu late,, ' beIng ~rawn lI'e tween the s mooth galef thought It was me , nnd h e saId : "Now, in big luck . We loft NO MORE MUSTA RD' PLASTERS TO BLlSTE R. pa at Pou/jb. on having more nerve than any man with nolhlag a t wblcb 10 g rasp. And bub, you go away to your pa," THK SCIEN'fIl "IG AND MODEIll'I EXTERN AL COUNTE with the sbuttlng his air h ose and IW keeps ie to settle Ihe cases and weut al1'\18, R-IRRITA NT. Th.. monk wenl out, and got Into an· on to New York. and we PA saId : "U you will glvjl me II. Une would be cut liS with a !tnlfe. BIll heard the peopl J <o ther borth, and crawled under lbe bad lynched hIm. but he sbowed up sbotgun loaded wltb bird shot. I will In a flash ca me an InspIrat ion. As hE bunk. and wh en tbe woman camo IIJ In a couple ot days wIth money lett make those anImals get on their kn eo8 was HwOpt througll he tool, hIs bam· to go to bed, she looked under It '.0 , No;W all the lawyers In New York are III thenext perform 'lnce. and beg mypar· mer and held tbe Iron head between ~e if any mnn was there. Wben sbe I after us. wlLh claIms, and they ba',e don. You can dIscharg e your train or. t he clos Ing gates and bung there, HE 'saw our babooo sb e yell ed "flre." aoj : attacbed mDst everythI EXTRACT' OF THE CA YIlNNB PEPPER PLAN'! ng. and tile anll 1 will teach them a lot of new dared not signal to be drawn up, tOI the omcers of the boat pulled blm ou : : show Ie up against It to tug at lilm would mew death. Bul stunts. " t52~,I~K t6~L'i'i;srl[l 'TAUNB~S~l,.A~tLR6~Ebofs~~l! AfPl tfu~~t~ by l he hind leg. and lore my pnn L Wllat a dllferen ce Sar, pa II a wonder. and be bas al- tho men above quIckly realized thA' It BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15<:. IN POSTAOE STAMPS. DON'T WAl:T leg air . Pa and I bad to slL up thu wnnts damat:es. Wben makes who ready got old Barnllm beat somc thlng was the matter '1'ILL and T ,U:El PAIN OoME S-KlllE.P A TUBE the, a bloclL we were worll ' BAND res t or tbe nIght wIth him, alld when :ng the railroad for swung t he gales open again, and not A subslilule for and superior to muslard or any ot~er plasler-. and will Y. damage s, It was not we II1r. ded hIm wllll · lbe show at a ClllCh, and like getting t\l1 bllsler thell Ihe old The most tbey Old dellcale 810wly draw the dlvet Excuse. .kln. The paIn-allaying ",nd clIraUve qu.ullles of money fr om thl. arllcle arc wonderlul. 11 will stop the loothacha at oftee, and "I a ,ii son Square Gullen ws felt re- hom e, hut now 'tbat Th e sparrow had Jnst ahot Cock to the flurfacc and to sate ty.- ·t'eehn!ralleva tbe people arc Headache and Sclallca. We recommend It as the bes! and safest ealernal . 1I~vt'Q . cal World. workIng us for damages , tor heinl> Robin , c~unler ·l rrllant known, also .... on eXlernal remedy OIlL ..oman on tbe bOat has rol· smasI:ed up uuder .our lor paln~ In Ihe chest "Mistoo k bim fo 'r a deer willie out tent, we look and stomach lind al. Rheumallc. Neuralgic and Couty complain ts. A trial lo wed \IS ever ~ Ince to collec t 110m· 1 upon It as a crime. ",ill prove ",hat we claIm lor II. and It will be found to be Invalu.h Helping .Rim Out. and tell them It hunting ." be explaIned, In the" agos from Ila, 'cause his oldest son. Is an act of ProvIden Th Is waB really the origIn of tb, household and lor chlldl.n. Once used no family wlll be wllhQ~i It.le "'any ce, and tbat Lb~ RIvers- Brooks , you've heard that the roonk. proposed to her. Gee, it I thow Is not to hlame people "ay "ills the best 01 all your prepara\lons." 'Aacepl nO preparati familiar sayIng: "GIve a man rope for a wln~ tlme·hon ored cuatolBl. - N, Y. Sun. ,; 'e ms 10 me a woman ought to knol~ storm. 01 vaseline unless the .ame can'l.e. our label, as olhe",1se It Is not.l'enu on But tbe lawyers can;t be enough -" Late~t Tbing lit 11 Waddin g II you cannOI oblaln It from your druggIst lend IS cents In atampilne. 'he til/tereuc e belwee n a balloon aue! very piouB, tor tbey 1;11' Brookswon't "And believe he'll smoke In Mrs, hlmse\t Knlcker te -We.s money It and It will be sent to your address by mall. 1\ fashIona ble a man , but some wom en will · tn8l'r), tbe act of ProvIde nce , death?" O. yos, I've hoard thal, and racket, and we weddIng ? .anythtn g tbat wears clothes. shall have to cougb up ' all tbe 'profitl CHES EBRO UGH -MFG. CO•. Mrs. Bocke~Yes, Indeed; the bride 1 have n!len wondere d wbo tile J!re' l The monk took to me so. pa sliltl of the season. t7~ATE S!REET. NEW YORK CITT _ tendlog frI end ' of YOUl'S Is I bat·s Iry, attended by a 4lvorcee bonor. " InUBt leach hIm evorytb lng r eouU . SInce we got Bettle4 Ing to kill )1011 olf.-QhICll&o Trlbua.. III -...,. - York r.r N. Y. 8!ID._- .- - _ - - .. _ . - . New j
N- I
W" ,
Japanese Medical Co.
Remecty .
5LOAN 5 '.
-- -- -
Ii I
- -- -~;r"__=
,0rdil\Uty of the People When Tra ...-
THE RACES FOUND IN ' THE PHILIPPINE .ISLANDS . Helnto. Suppo.ed Dea~endantl of Abori,;ne. - Pre.Malay and tha Latar MalB, of Comparatively Hiih Delrae of Culli".tioD.
. E ver sln co tb o Phlll pplul's were • (~ lsco v e red " to t hc Am crlca n public, tbaL public has uce n call ed upon to c:onsld or vari ous matte rs r ela tin g to tl,., far·a wu y lun.1 li nd fll l' -uway poo· pie . .Il1 st a t presellt our polit ical nnd tl·~t1e re latio ns wl l h tbe Is lauders fUI m It topi c concer nIng wblch there IS conslliem ht e co mment Whal IIl cllIro floc~ Lh o wo rd FIlipin o cali UII ? Wo Iblt)lt ur II IIrowlI man, unclothed, luzy . ur we nUI Y thin II a s typIcal th e fi uree follow s 011 sho w at lite St Louis Il xlJUs lUon, In ,any easo, wh a t W e IlU ow of tho 1~ lIlpino Is alm()~t no thing. ~1111110 8e we try 10 1I0d out a UllIe_ One of Ihe IIrst authnrltles cOQRulted tell s us th ero nre, III a ddition tu the
'f AGA..L.OC
WO l\lA N.
brown man, bll\clt Filipinos, yellow ones, wblte ones nud even a rew red ,, ; tho ugb , to be s ure. the browns pre · dominate gren lly. Lo ag , long, long ago-thousunds of ago- ulIl n dwell he r, a nd to·doy supposed r em· nants ot UIC abor igin a l PCOllle a re 10 be found In lb e Illterior' dlt;trlct8 n nd 011 the outs kirts of th e Is lands _ Bill lel 11 M QlIote dl recLl y frolli our nuLl\orlty : T he blaclls compri se nn t lve tribes, with des Cli ti a nLS or Atr lc. n n egrues a ud Papua ns Introduced by ~pani ard s. T he na ti ve hln ck " a rc o C N ~grlto type ; th ey lIrc d WlLrfl ~b In B/)L lIlre, a nti dwell In I' mote parll! o f the nr cll ipoingo. T hny ar e us uall y reg:\ l'ded as tbe nbOl'i;;lnc-", a nd as r em· nun :s of a plbrmy I'llre. T here n.rc oll ly 20,000 Dr th m. T he urown race, eltb er pu re 0 1' m lx od, co lll; tl tllt "_~ u lno' leUth s or t.ho po pula t io n. J\ Ir:J Cllon are r o· · lated to th o l'u l yn c s l ~ n~ , The first Imm lgra n ls wore no cu llllred s a '·ases. Thcee weI' 10 liOw e d by In curs ions lu his to ric li Jll H of l\1" tny poo ple hav lo C" alpb a bets nntl a pl'imlUv ll r ull u re. Abollt B. C. 20 ca me th o a nocstors 01' muny h lmtl- huu tl ng u·lbcs. TIIO ' 1m· mlg l'mlon o f th > ' ('ag a, Vlsnyn, Vlcol. Jlocano an d o t h" I' ulllus trlul tribes It; asSll!llCd to A_ O. 100-60 'l'blrd Ull d last (OanIC th e 1 ~l a n llte or Moru Inva · Biou, occu rring III Ihe fOllrt o"nlb l\lId ftftecnth con tllrles, ,uld brOUGht 10 au end .lIy S\IIml llh conquest 111 tb o six· 1eontll cerllury. 'fhe yellow or l\fon:!!Iolohl lypo exists 111 the PhilipPineS tmrUy !Ii; IIl1ro·bluoded Chines&. Japan.6es, Sl:llllUIIO and Cllmbudhms, but Jlrln clpa lly In tlIlxtures of vllrloua sorts • . 'fhe Chlnl1se beld sWIlY 10 Lu· IOn (or c.ltllUrl" ~ , lind utter ~, belr rule wns thrown ull t I'ad ", col1t1nned t,o· ""een t hero and lilt, natives. It Is 101probll ul" that the;,,, hnmigrutIDD8 ~lId IIlendhlb"S were nutllerOUIl prior to tbe
chnuge<.l, but elsewbere tbe Itll'JlI " pu re .l.llood" h a~ little mea ning. T he rnes rt zoH. th e hall· breeds, form the Flllilino arl s lo cracy. In IndIa \t a lf-tas tes are luo kcd upon with COIltempt by eIther ru c~. they nrc o ll l ca~ t. desilised; but In th e Philippines w, find an exactly dllTerent st uto 01 a ffulrs . Maj. Woodrult, In u must loter· csUng a rUclo In lhe Ne w Yo rk Times, 80YS: "The re Is a fillnl p.leruent amon g the Filipinos wlltet! UlUs t be con sidered II part, for It Is a tYlle or collecLion or tYlleS havlag notblng In common with tbe 1I1ulaY8. These are the ha lt· breeds or mes tlzos-descenli Rnt,s of Eutopoan or Chinese fath ers and Mal ay wOLII" n . They are 1I0t so very numerous- per· ba ps one·tenth of one per coot. of th o whole, perh a ps somewbat more Iball this." Maj . Woodrull tollo uo tbe mest!ztl Is lbe socIa l leader. tile land owne r, consl!tulcS the wealtlly cll1ss, Is )lOlItIcalleader, We leam It Is a grave mistake to look upon the \o'lIiplll09 as we look upon American Indllln8, lllI belog closely r eluted . There a re found the fly. distinct peo ples , mi g rating at dllferent periods, Amon ~ the 70 tribeS there Is (ound a va rloty Dr lang uages a nd dialects. The NegrltoR nro pyg. mles , and b,ear close ret;cmblance to the s mail creatures or Ihe Malay penins ula and the Andamun Islands; "the close resembl a nce betweell tbem and the Negruos of tbe Phlllppinos lea ves little doubt that uti thIs part 01 Ihe world was , for a "cry long lime, In tbelr undloputed possession. " ~' ru n DC physique and of very 10\11 in telligence, they were no match (or the Ulgger and more Intelligent ' meo who noxt como upon the SCCDe. Tbeae 'Vere the pre-Mulays-sa v\lges who no doubt overrnn tbe Whole archlpetago. and, Indeed,' most of tbe cha ins of II;· lands Clttendln& huel. to Sumatra. Thl Igorrotes, wbo were Of so much Interes t ut the St. l..ouls world's fair, belous to th is great race. ' "Tile Ncgrllo Is IIltle, black and haE kinllY hall', wbll e tbe lire· Malay Il
Would Scrlltch and Tear the F1BtlhUnless Hp.nds -W ere Tled-f.'Would Have Died :But for CUticura, II ,
Come to neir 11001'8,
De tained at th e Siberian village or K.t'lvochOko vo, Mo ns. Jul es Legras re!Dembel'ed that he hud a letter to a .ot a ble Dr the piace , and ha.stened to pt esent It , relates you t h's Compan ion, ~o n, s l e u r Gau Ue r, In hi s hook on U,WI' 11 0, d ~s cl'lb es , In Mons\e ur Legras ' ow n wo r ds, the cordial bosp llality wit h wh ich he wa~ r eceived, a nd also tells Jf th e d lfll culty wh ich conclu ded h is d lnrm lng viSit. ''T hey h nd detained me Ull ten ~ ' clo c l l In ' t he evening," h~ wrl les, "by I'epeall ug: 'Wb y a re yo u In a hurl'Y'!' iIIld 1 was on tbe poIn t or ma iling my de pa lt ure when I beard llle ml s ll'ess of U10 hons e say In a low vo ice to her hus band : 'Shall I sell II tor the car· rl agc?' T o whi ch he roplied ; 'No_' At thi s 'Wo r d a s hh-or passed ov er m Do ubtl ess thi s hos t, wbo bad made m. se nd a way the coachmnn, was unawaro ot wbat his r efu s al meant, elso be
wouhl have sald
WI-r:J:I SORES.. ···-· - '-
me : -nere i8 a sotll;
"Mv Iittlo 80n, when about P. year and a hnlf 01<1, bellu" to h:I\'o 80re8 'eomo out on bis fnet:. I hot! a IIhyaician Irent him, but t be 80res grow W O' .,,0 , 'J'hen they be.go n to COIll O on hi. arlll! , t hen On olber ,ar ts of hi. body, an·t then OI\C cnme on Ii, c h c~t , war•• than Ih e others. Then 1 called lIJlother physiciA n, ~ till he grew worse. At the c.nd of oboll t a .. ear and ,il balf of 8ufTel'ing he grcw 80 ' bad r hnd ( 0 t ie' his banda in cloths at night lo kcep him from acrntft ling Ihe oore8 811d l enri,,!: t he flesh. He I:ot to be a mere . kelcton, and \\'39 hardly abl e to walk. My Alln t ad viscd me to try Cuti· cllm Sonp and Oillll llOnt. I . eut to the dru g . tor e and got a ca ke of the '0011 nnd a box of \ he Ointment, and at th e end of Au Epitaph , .ho \l ~ t wo monlh. th e sores were all well. Tonr i.t-Tl oe cl imate here i. onlubriou., He I, aa !lcver hod any soreo of nny kind i.m ' t it . s ince. H e is now strong nnd hcnl t hy, J\'OILh.c Sill', mi. ter. jest. write t hat nod [ ea n sineerel), sav t hat onl y for your won l d'''''n (u r IIIe, Will yer ' 1 git t' rcd most wonderful re mcd :eR my preciolls ch ild . wenrin' OIL t his clim" l. in the ''' l11e old wo'uld h n\Tc d ied (rom thnse t erri ble l;o re8. w ny nil t he tilJll' , u nd an.v th i n~ ne w It1 MrR. l, ~hc r t ShcMon, R. F. D. No. 1, t hat line t i<'klc. IIw.- Ph ih"lelt, hio Pres •. Woodville, COlin., April 22 , 1005." • . Th e Cbu lrs. uverau&. liThe wage8 of Bin il't d ea th" p.lflph a.. ' Mr•. t:hllgwu tcr- ,Io.inb . whnt i. a "dur·
r (Ou tle t· \' nlue" i n l If e i Tllm1"a ll r('~
t ' h u~ wn t cr- Il's
. tu lf ~'I J U 8urrC'nd ~ r t o the
stee p h e l'e:
sized the rl'cncher , a nn ounci ng i. iR t ext. ·'Hu h," ~ cd l h' d Gl'ouc h , sullo " ore . .In good I11 I\lI Y people of my ncq ulti n lRn ce ou gh t. t o h e their c tl v ~ l o p cs , "-
the ,·,, 1110 of t he fo r
('o lll)Hln r
" My slt uallon was perilous, but what the oUlcers to got ric h o• .- Chi'·"Go Tri b· N. Y. 'I'ime. . . "ould I do? At tbe end or a. rew mo - UII • • men ts I ro so w take my leave, and Cures Blood , Skin Troubles, Cancer, t'i Tons Grase Hay Free. having asked 11 I could get a cab, was Blood Polson-Gr(!ateat Blood E" erybCKly lows lo is a nd lots of fodder met with lbe r eply that at this hour Purifier F'ree. for hogB, cows, sheep nud swine, .' a~~e could be obtained. If your blood is impure, tb in, diseased Krlvo cho kovo 10 a. vlllage whose ho! or full 01 hum o!'s, if you have blood popu lation constitutes the very flotsam pOlijOn, ~" .. ccr, cal'bund eR, •• t ing 80re" and jetsam or Siberian CIVIIIZatlon ' l s~rofu~a, e.cumn, itching, risi ng.• a lld lum p. : . "h scaub} , Pllnilly SklO , bone p. m. cotll rrh J e v1llage has neit he r streets nor t r bellmn"8m or any blood or . k i ~ disease: • . . ' Tho .normous crops of our Northern ligh ts nor pollee. It Is COl}81dered a talte. Dotnnic Blood Dalm (B . D. 11.1 at>cullhroat spot where hones t people cordmg to direc ti ons. Soon a1\ 80res helll, Gro wn Pedig rl'<l Seeds on OUI' sect! fun oB sltu t thcm8e lv~ s ""'ht at nlkht. aches nnd pains . t,;,p, Ihe bl,?od i. mnde t!le post yea r cOlllpel us 10 i•• ue a spe" " pure an:! n ch, len ," nl! the slun free from cml catalogue callcd . I hud nait he l' Blick nor revolver, e,'cry eruption, and ghdng the rich glow 811.z£ll'S nA lIG.U!I slum DOO". . and' I bad 011 me a iarge 8um of money, o( perf,>e t hea til t o .lhe .Iml. At . the Tllis is brim full of bargain seeds at barF1In a lly, I was Ig norant ot.. the uact 8 ~ tnC lIme B. D. B, IIUIU'ovea th e dlges· pin prices . lion, curo. ,Ir opep8m, IItreng!hen. wea k posilion of m y Ill,n, situated o\'er a .nile I kidney.. ,Tu st the med icine (or old peo. - 8B~'DTmS!l OTI/JBTO-D..t.Y. ~way. Fi rst of all, dogs threw them- . Ille, ao it gi,'cs them ne"" \'igor ous blood . lind receive (ree sufficient aced to grow 5 3elves UpOll me, I s book tbem off and Dru!!,gi818, $1 per large no tlle, wilh di - tons of grll8s on your lot or form th,is BLar te d os best I couid TeCLI O!'. for h 0!ll ~ cure. Sample free lind ~ r and our great Dot'j{ain Seed Book " . I,rer,ntd by wr llt ng Blood Raltn Co., At- wllb Iia wontlerful surpn aes nnd great Tho night was Inky black. Amid " nta, Cn. Descr ibe trouble and . re~i nl bnrgo.ins in seeds at bargnin prices . the Irreglllll:r clusters o,r bouses tb ere free med ical Olh' i~o al80 6!ent in "e~I f!(1 let · 1 Remit 4c and we o~d II packll ge of Coswas no regular street by Which to guldo ter . )3. 13. 13. 18 cH Peclnlr. ad'-lllI.'d for m OB • • the 1II08t fn olllonnble, "crvieeable, . .1 , • t hront c, deep'srated casCO! 0 'mpuro blood beaullful annual Ilower . w}Se C, As I hes Itated I heard a Who ond Bi; in tliseose, and cures niter .11 el8e J oun A. Salzer Seed Co., Lock Draw. . er K., La Cro..e, Wie, Is Ihat ?' It was a watcbman or a plJe fa ile. ot \Vooel who balled me, He directed That glow of good feeling lrad itionally me, and g Iving me a large branch that H e who nlteml,lll by th e acquisition of U t Id d tl k h id Y m o nc)", to eO ll1mnnd milre scrvice , f rom belie" ed to follow n ki nd nd i. da nlp, In wou 0 as a s c, e sa ; ' ou h io fell ows Ih nn he ren,leNt th"IIl , " uu. c nc.d when one iR n ot exact) ! sure whet h· RI-e wrong, Barlne, to ' go about this con8cio". ly wor kin g for t he disrupti" n of er or noi he baa been p ro,'ell no f llfJY . way wltbou t a revolver; tbo place .11 ti ,e Bocinl b OIl.1 " Oil lio n rn ;'l of t he' cam- mark. not safo. May G8d protect you I' Ulon wen It b .--llul;..;lo:..:;o.;;k•. _ _:.. Ladles Cau Wear Shoes "As I approached anothel' cluster of Robbed in Cburch. 8i7.0 smaller after using AlIclI's Foot· bouses" walchman sounded his rattle Just Ihink wh nt 011 oulrnge it i8 to be One EMil. A certaill cure for swollen, 8,noting, menacingly, and dogs flew at m'e sav· r obbed of nil t he bencHt. of "the MrI'i<>es bat, achin g feet. ' At nil Dru~i 8ts , 250, .'\ cagely. When this watchman ap- by eonlil'!uoll r oughii'l! t hrOJl ~ h ou t th e ccpt no 8ubst ilule . T rinl pnck. go I,1 U;El. proac bed. I Induced him to ae com!'any ~~~:~K~~O~I; r::he':,ll~!:~~:~,i;~~. i" 2."~l:: Addrea. A. S'. Olmsted, TJC ItOl', N . Y. we. He Informed me that the evenine I J1 W . Diemel', M. D., Munur. turer, 'fhe hcst way to esti mate the for.ce ' of befor e a t ra veler who was stayl ag at Sprinaficlt! , Mo. a lIInn 's nll cgcLl gnod nnt ure iN t.o se rv e my botel havIng sts r ted early to catch . ~----~. him ind ifferen t Illcala at home . , . '. It 16 funny h ow n man Will g ~t up 1n .. train, had been assassinated about c:hul'Ch and confe... that Ioe i. the chi"r of To CUre a Cold in One Day ;en paces from here. Fi nall y we sill llel.1l 0011 deny i~ Ill. lo omu if I1nyoIII' n ~~ rcnch ed th e Inn. It took a long Ume cuscd him of si'1,pl)' ,l.IcinJl: . n ou t~ i <.le Tuke L AXATI ve BHOIolO Qllinlue Tablet&. 10 malle th em open the door but I guttrd ' at the Slnnera clu b.- At chl.on Druggi.l.. I'ofu n<l UIOIlUY Ir It f nils t \> OUI'8. lil.W. G IlOVl')'S 81 I1na tul'B I~ on euch box. 21\('. , Giobe. fin a ll y got ins ltle and reached my room ' l • 'I'he wor ld isn't nny worse tho n it WDS trem blin g wIth tever and faU gue , and Piso'. CI;re for Consumption is . n inf. lIi· rell dow n h el plesuly, only conscious 01 ble med icine for eo ~ ghs " nd ,colds - . W. wl, clI .1' 011 wei'll y oU US. You'vo me rely " ot <;, nto it. blwLng p\tssed an hour and .a hnlt Samu~I , Oceu n ? '~L~cb . 17, 1000. ",hose .r emembrance wlH r emaIn wi t h "I t ', U cllrio". fuet," Ehen,
.L OfT
Wa. ' P•• t DrifUnl Into ,tAe I'~UI SUe- . of £l<loe1 Sielene... 'Dr,. Melvin M. Page,· Optioal Co.. Eri e, l'a. ,. wr ites : .. Taklog too mBIl1 iced drinko in New York iu 1895 " ont lIIe .I~o!ne with R t errible ot kid· uuy trou ble. 1 hlld oeulo con gestion, Rbarp pain in 'th'! bac.k, h e ada o he. I1n(1 attacks 01 dizzl· n ess, lily ey es gnve Ollt, and ,with the longuor and ,\Ieep' l essness ot . the dis_ u pon 10" 1 w",.ted 11'Om 194 to 122 pounds, At the tiDle I 5tnr ted u sifll{ Donn 's I{idney P illa o.n abscess waa forouing ou my ri g ht kidol' Y. The troubl e w us quicl<ly ch ec1ccd , how ever , and t.h e · t ren,tment cured me , so that 1 ha v" b eon -well sill eo l 811a Imd w IJi glo 1 8 pounds." Sold by. all dCll lcr~. 1i0 ce n ts a box . Fostcr- ~hlburn Co., llu ffn.lo, .N. Y.
--------- ----- -- -
You Will Prosper in the Great
SOlu thwest In Oklahoma, Indian Terrirory 3J1d Texas aro vast areas of unimproved land - land not now yi eld iDg th o crops of which it i,. capable, Tbe Sam e cood itions npp ly to the towns, F ew lines of busiD ess Dre ndequate· Iy r epresented. Thero aro openin gs of all sorts- for mills lind fac tories, for slll~ 1I stores, for banks, nowspnpers nnd lum ber yards. You bave only to get on the ground 10 prove th,is, To enabl e you to Ihe Missouri, I(aosas &, Texas R 'y ollers
Ratea Cbeaper Than Ever February 6th and 20th and March 6th and 20th , On above d Oles mo. t line s will sell both oae-w., and rou nd t ri p t i c k ~1I Dr cnca pllo n.. Ul' low ra lll,. Jt yo ur lu, ~ , e8 l r :.ilrolld II j;e,u (.IWOC aiye you the fatu, wrho ruo for partioul ars.
Jr , outre In .o,.",.,.lnt.rea ~d In ,b.
Southwell, I'd like to l e nd ), on In)' pal)er " T he ComluR Count". II AtJdreaa
408 T...ct.ioa Blq"
.~Io " ... ,.wlloro,.1&
ID e long.
A s fo r m y so a m iablo h os t ,
"~id n~le
fl cl at de. mnn wh o nlh1" 1'5 '~I 'IIIS
,.-"o r HUltar7. Uouaty I'.and W ....... nt. ' ,,!mt'(J
lfl ~'hl !.'rA ota~ fwn r. Wrlt e mea '. I')IICffi. A d nn';!l.!l
FRA...... X. H ,
u,£OI:R,' OIIIl'" ,
L,Ooo •• , ; oO(I\,
",ho se hospitality migh t ba,' e cost mo de In " S' Io urr)'in' I. <I f! JU"" dat's nl!u~ my H(e, h(l will doub Uess n e,'er know behin' thuQ." - Wa8h i ll~t() n Stur. ~ .. - -.-. of this adventure." '\Vit h tho e-x:cf.!pt ion or yo nrscli, \n"cry .. body i. more or Ie .. <ie""il ful. .
- - +-.- -
I wo n't se ll A..lIU~rlplne t o ' & d eA1t! r ""he'S 'W0I1'tOwuUa"'tee It, Ct.n for you, If ON lilY UA.ClK JI' JT DON'T ()'IInn
r he Flig h t of TIme Is Re si stless IlIld Not hing C:tnWithstan d It.
E. W. DleIRer.&IJ•• ManufllOturor,B" ..'i.gJktl4• •~
,The yelU's cODle a nd 'go like tWAS W e s tand upo n tll o edge o r lim e a nd ,h e m urmurIng oC th e waves g lves nR as • clear an an sw'or to our questioning, " whence?" " whltb er ?" Then Ulelr ni ght leaves, us to our helpless ImlX'.Jblilly, says t he Boston TrallscrlVt. We A l\I Etil'lZO WUMAl'I. have dlvldcd time and gh'en those d;· .darl. ,brown. of tAlr slz\!. and hu£ vls\o,ns names, but wo do not know th~ straight hllir. This I;tlcond type 01 source nor th o destiny or ItB course. Ulan ovldently sprea d over all ,these All tbe multitudinous acUviUes and efINlands. lust a8 the Negl'llo bad done Corts or life. all the - expres~lons of belol'e him. hut he, too. IHld ,to UlO". · lime, yield us no clew or a beglnnln;; on eventually. In bis turn he WOl nor any Intimation or an end. ;)rlven Ollt by men of higher types, The \lIght or t Ime Is res lsUess, notll· Ing can wl tbstond It. The flowers fadD . and retreoted'to tbe mountaID.: " "Tho mahl WaVE< of mh;raUon 'lise tbe sun sets and llte II sell w (tbors the true .Mnlily- a race of considera bly away. And behind Ihe years Is dark· higher Intelllgcnre th an Its predeces· neS8. But tbis, too, we know- thM SOI·S. so tJlnt It probn bly experienced all we lhln k and all we do Is record ed. bllt IIltle IlImculty In sMiling posse.· "All, all Is s eif·reco rded In tho Boul; slon of oll the best pa rts of the I., ot Llfe" - all our elTorts and all O'Jr Th. full narne 01 the eo",pany. California Fie Syrup Co.. 'landa," It ~'!'8 ' no doubt l!PS8essed 01 errors, all our strivings snd all our fa printed (J,n the Ir'Ont of every plu~kalirC of the eenuln. . quite a "Ig~ cIVilization. wltb: agrlcul· longings, all the good and all the ture 'and ma~ru clures, so Illat II Bet- evil we do Is written down to OUI lied dt.wa Into more or 'Iess well or· , credit. The Oenuil1le- Syrup of Figs- Is 10r Sale, 'ln Original dered comnlunlties, with kings nnd Tile ways or lite differ, and so tbo minor chiefs, In marked contrast tel patbs nr 'thou ght divide; bUl this, too, ,Pack~ge.s Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere the savag~s 11' dlSplaCed_ we know-that tb ere Is a ' day of re cl;.. "In ttll1~ It broke Into distinct tribes. onlng and account Is t alcen of all we and of Illese scven big trilles lire tbE ever a ccom)Jl\sh or full to accompjJsb, 'Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imitaones we hear tbe most about. and tht!y of all Iha t we ever stri ve for or lit. tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable are the Dues IVhlch are bouud 10 glv6 t aln. Nothing can res ist lim e but l it" dealm.. The: imitations are known to a,,1 injuriously and should ..he most concern 10 Ihe government good we have don e. All passes awu}' Tbey COJlstill.\le the bulk 01 \Vll a t II but our deeds or k indness, or mer cy fir therefore be declined. gen era lly cOllsldereu Ihe FIlipino race at fairn ess. Time Itself is II hla r. k Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its beneficial effects. The l:iIJalllards ,conv,erted them te s pace, aU60;ulely worthless unless " ' 0 cleanses the system gently yet dfectually, clispds colds and hcadachts write upo n It Wi th our deeds. A ne w Christi a n It)'. bllt Ih e re Is little doubl tha t liley wOul tl o tll erwl se SQon ba'llE year m eans new l\{e to. th ose who are when bUious Df ' constipated, prevents fevm and att$ best on the become Moba mmeda ns , ror tbat reo r eady 10 begin one by word or act. kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, whtn a 'laxative remedy is needed IISlon \Vas alceaOy t'eglnnlng to mnkE Its.e.lf known. Crlminall! In Large CIties. by men, women or clilldren. Many niillions know of its beneficial " T he last lIIa ve of Malay Invadei'll If E ve ry large cIty IS the r ende zvous eHects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the rchw vo rcrear bl ~ t()ry, lor Its datE of a eOl'laln por tion of the crimInal laxative remedy of the weU-informecl. can lie tl xed at a bout the fourteonth classes. For tile police to plead IGel'lIt11 ry. Theso Ilcople ar" the MolVs no ra nce on tbls cOlln t would be absurd. Alw~ys. buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs or I.h A Sultl arcolpolugo aod Mlnd anu o. T hoy a rc famllllU' w~lh thIs class an d MANUFACTURED BY TIm TII<l)' aJ'C rh n true Mutays of literature kn ow th clr bailUts. If Ins tead of tol· tOIWdm g -or Ma u lla (1571) und the - th e ,)lrlllOS or Iht! I eas tern seas. eratl ng them under any conditions UlE .bJ.w:Lnc of Mex ican !lnd Peruvlaa 1111- Prior to Ihe tweltth century thoy wer e town waB made so uncom fortable they Yel' .U1 trllue_ So vigorous was the an ln91Sl116 'u nt tribe ot l:illmntra, bUI 'would either be co mpell ed to mend .(:il.)J le~" fllvs&1on nl'lerwards ~hat It th eir wrl\'ors!on '0 Mohammedanism Ihalr way or move on Ih e spasmollic tlJrruuclIed [0 Itvel·Wr.\l w Ilflanlsh rule, l1.Cell'ed · lO ~to;'t tbem Gn their historic cr usad es 8 0 f requently Ib evldenoo while It re.~uLted Itl we creation of a ca re r . TlJey bbcaOle colonists, trad. would bo unnecessary.-Delrolt , lo'l'ee l:m; \! mestizo jlopulaullJO, - The red 01' e rs, plratcG nnd religious ~tbu~la8ts. Fress . fYU~:o.Q~. ,A mudcuJ.l -rllce .tound Itt way Into the " No doubt In lime they would 'have,' A Theory. fIID IU1rClrm .... 1IOT1u . luJw lds 111 Lhe Spa niSh "hlpe 84l11ng overrun all . the o()rtbena lilaails Of the ,4lIJ1lu ul! y b<3tween Acapulco and Ma- fh iliPlllno grouI' were It not ' for the "U you '!II'ouid only CQm pel yoursell ' Ill! ", iu tlUl s! x~~enlh, seveJ1tel!nth' nnil opport\lne .arrlTal of the , atlantard;' to Ustim 1,0 my I,laying," s aid tile Wag· ~1J; htcau,ll\ t ~II·,·rl es . . 'i'he ' whllo ra ce TbOy are of about ' tbo lIIlme J,tsy.tJ(;nl nerlan ' mUlllclan, "you would be bene "'VU:! 1I11ul1!ed WHh tilt> broWn In the t,ypo a8 tbo Beven great tilbes to the flted moraUT and l."teJl ec[ uniIY." . ~ ,I Yl':tru, of Spllnls h domlnaUon. In ' north of them, 'but In vigor ~._ . "I, l!1llpoae," answered Mr. Cum rox i AO" hum '1.u': on oiJU In tbtl lIIj)\Uotllln- ,"Iveuess and ·perhaps. 'nt~!lIgtDce al.o ,. · ~hougb,ttuIlY. ' "tbat Is on the the;)rl You ~n .,. "~u. 'II nd con lral rlQI'UOnS oC otb. IG-I~lhey are 80 much supeHor that ' th:tl; tbat sutterlng ~1\'aY8 Improve~ a mu" tol .. moN goo'" bright., and l..ttrcoloNlhln ...,~~ertly.. OftelOCOIcklOaCOIOrt all ...'" TIl., dllin COld wa\e,-ltetttt-tllaa an, other _ l,wllhovl rI"ln •• gart. Writ_lor Irt.IlHIII".,.H~ to ere. "Ncb and 1111 ~.Io... . MONJtOB,DR~ ~i 11!UMiiui. 1~1I1l1l, .8~ II.UIlI:O blliod . h~ J D,!I IIWn I ' 'VIIIl~ualauprttll&C)' CIUUlol'be ~"b~" Cblu'act4l1""-:W~lP&ton S~ ,
There is only One Genuine-'S yrup
of F.i gs,
The Oenulne Is Manufactured by ,the
CSllifornia Fig Syrup Co.
t- ---__
LcNbvUIc. kJC
In, ..,....
.-aa, INVEs~rORS 'VHO CAI{}j ENOUG·H FOR .'rUE IR M( NEY rl'O "VI EARN 'L AnG E DIVID1': N~, \"IL L HEA D '1'HE FOLLOWING CAR R'1'O PH,ES'E RVE Pl' , A'ND '1'0 MAKE IT J£FULLY AND IN E Si' [N 'fliTS ~· 'rOCK. THE EARNINGS OF '1'1-1I~ UOi\lP \NY . \\TILL NOT O~LY P REN }\.S WELL, AND TilE PRIC E OF Y(~) U R ' ~ 'l'OCK LN rJ'I-I,bi y , YOU L \.RG-~ OlVID}~N k, BUTYOURCH.ILD NEx'r.18 UON'l'H~- \VILL [NCREASE FOURFOLD In wha t Indu stry ca.1l you pl:w(' y01l1' mon ey \vhcl'(, it. is sakI ' thn.n :11 a eoal mirH'. ']1h(' pl'OrlU(~t is alwa ys iu dem and, with all incre ase each year 1'01' it. E,'cl',!' illdl\ stry of the eoul ltry is depe ndel lt upon it.. I.t ('alln ot burn up, nor be stole n from you. The prinei}) ,lI is a,lwa p; .' I\Je, your di"ideIHh; :Ire alwa ys sure . Anti wh(,11 11\(, oppo rtuni ty is offen 'd you to mak e an inn~stment of this ldllfl, wh\' not ('mhr:Lee it? Your mon ey thn.t 18 onl,v (\arJliJl~' you ... pel' e. ", ill mak e you three time s that amo unt. THIS COMPANY It; t;.AFKL) .\~I) CO~H.El{\ A'l'l \;EL y' MAN AHK D, AND YOU CAN NOT MAKE A MiS 'rAK E. WE HAVE THE COA L. "VE HAr E 'l'I1E Bb;S'l' M.ARKE'l'~ IN FAC ILIT IES, BOTH l{.'\ IL .AND \VA(I'EH. TI-1EUE \RE BU'l' F~,\ 'I'HE COUNTRY. WE HA rE 'I'IIE B~srl' SHIP PING r MIN E8 IN 'rHE COUN'fl{Y 'l'HA T' ('AN EtlU .\L iT. Ther e h:; lIot all offi('el' or diL'e(·tol' of this eomp ally, that will sell his stock for less than pal' valtu '. '1'lw)" li:t\,( ~ ahsolut.(' conn c.ienc(\ in it, and know that it 110; dw vcr)' hest in\'(~ stJlH'nt to he hao 011 the mn.l'kc·t . • • ·REMEMBER, THI 8IS A DIV IDE Xn PAYINGCOl\fP \.NY, .AND NO \,{AITS FOR YOUn MONEY '1'0 EAl{N YOU ITS VALUE.
at 1\ minimu m frelglit rate, but the bes t footure i::l the river tion, the llistllnc e to the river being about- six wile!:!, IInll the trtlnspo rtll-· The Coal Fields of the WeRter n Kentuc ky Distric t lie sout.h ohanne l . of IHIlI the Ohi o nt. tliis point IS deep enough Ilt 011 stllges Ilnd seaKons to allow The oil Uold!l oont,mll ml hy t,hiM (:"mjJllu v con si~t or ~07 n Clrl'~ west, of EVllnsvllle. lncllalill, and IIbout 12r. miteR we8t of Louisvi b"r~e8 to lie fiofLtecl u()wn the Rtro"m ; thus enablin g us tQ shIp our pro. Dela\va In lle, COlli· re Count.v , IndiM1II, In ,,:llut. 11I IInnwn u~" Ih'"I' 1111;1" ,li~triot, ; prlMlnl lln 1111 about Meven oountle s , 'rhe prnduet inll fl'lIm this to Me ruplns and New Orleons . wil f. dial,rl ot, liS duot . ~even produci n~ wellA UpOIl i t "ll,I ,m av,' TIl :':" JI"" II ..c:I' >n "f 'ii, burl'elll per Now Orleans t,oday Is on III,own 1.y the Mining Inspect or for the stllta, to be uver 4.100,00 0 tOllS. th"t ocelln Sl6lltllerR tako coal o of the lIestool lllllu,rk ats for the reason lillY. lind l!20Iler esIn Plloli, Kanstl ~ ,Ii_triot ; th " 11H11"nnlo"I ~III\1I~ IO('lIt.ioll a-I. this port for Europo , South Amerio a for at lellst 40 more The vehls "re of " uniform thlokne~s and the grade sqUill to wells 11IHI it, I~ ~nrrnl\nllNI 1>y !!n, .. 1 Ohio and Ilnd tbe Islands ; and a great denl of COltl is e xported frnm here_ ,,\lJ{1illC! ,,"ell ~; ono which wa~ drilled in " " xt I.n tlti" lell,.tl 1IlICIllltlilll·, PonDay lvanla coal, Among some of the large opemto l's in Kentoo ky ooal is enge rly sought fnr by till!! trnul' . Pittsbur l( i :);,{) hart', ' I, pM tbls district coal uflY for six months and it Is lHltkill g hetwuen 40 nllu riO I", 1'1"1 ,, 1""- IIII ,\' u\1 are Tbe St. Bernard Coal Co., Relneok e Coal Co. , Ventral Gity Goal Co .. hns been the caul used prinCip ally. but the fllct of U M beln~ IJ. thousal ld se t,tled product -ion. wiles lIeliTer, aml.L deell obollne l nil the YElar, ellll bles us to Natlonl l! Coal Co .• Obio Valley Coal Mining Co., Tra1ew ater lIlarket our Coal Co., coal chenper than they. Oil In t,hiH diat,rlct is found In nillCl out or ien w"l1~ III" I, ",-,' ,I .. ill,,,l , in U. til. Coal and Coke Co. , Wheato roft Coal Co., Wavllrl y Uoal very ftlw dry holes; no wild,, ; h!ll.\ctl, 1\,) I'isk in 1',1I"itIV, Co:, and The googrnp illolll locution of this propert y is unllxcel led . ·" I,II'I'III. numero ullsmal l complln le8 . Thllre ue no failure~ in this ~ugar Leases here sell for I/, honuH of $100 (~U IJf'T 11 0 1'" wil " li lli, district alld plantnt ionsnre hoovy cousum ers at cOl\l and buy rIve r 001~1 exclusi vely, tion . The territor y IU Paoli. KI\IIHII~ i~ ill n w e1\ Il"fl CII ,1 " 111 1 lIn y I'I'/Ilino _ the pnoe of ooal '" the mines ill better than In some of the " .. rr"nlllloll Ohio, IIncl and manufl ictnring induslir ies are inol'ellf\ing very rllpidly in this pllrt of by strong produo lng wellA; there is DO pro,luOljc," UP"" rltl" l)1'''I ,nrl ,I' tlH better than III Indiana or illinois fields. the south; benoe, the market s of the sonth I\.ro good lit 1111 timos re. ' yet; the Compan Y'inten ds to stnrt ojlemt.i olls t·here gardles s of the pe ason . ''''Y ~ h')rt I illln. The propert y control led by 'the Kentuo ky Cool Minlllg COIII»lln Wol1sl n thieterr itorYA tlirt off from fi(lto 100htl rl'l'IIn~ , IIfllIV ('ll, 1'/, 1' .til,\' IInrl It Is IL known fnct hy II II COlIl operll tors thnt prices receive d for .y oolll settle rODfhta of 2,000 oorOll, located In Unloll Co, Kentllo ky, the hElllrt of this In t.he southeI 'n tnftrket s /I,r e f,tr bettor thii.n iu Ut o north. h tlncc , t,h e rellsondown from 5 to 10 barrels. This torrit.t)r v is ("11111 rk" hi" (ro r 11> n thnt. t,he percellt ali e of Ill'.\' ho lt)" 1!l1cIH" r,lw'" in" 11..1' ,.: I",,· " ' !'I'll" dilltrtot , abont 2& mllet! southw est of EVllnsv llle; IndlllDIt ,- . The illinois rellson Pittsbu rg ooncern!! Beck thi~ IIlILrk et r ejffinlln ,,, IIf Ihe UitliOll! tif\!I in tho oountry . enooun tered in the Upper Ohio River . Central Ralh:oa d rons direotly, thrllugh it 'LO(1 It. is sitnated . Tile 008t of wittlin six drilling wolls hore Is Vl r~ IIIl1llh l o~~, IL- nil iMrounoi Ill, ,, (1,,:>I.h Coal at thEI New Orlel\ns Port uuder oontr~ot t o 00ell1l RtelLlne mill'll f lbe Ohio River . This propert y Is surroun ded by rs of nbout 431i feet; the t·hi ckno.~~ of t,he cllal minos brings ' 3.a!) per I;on. nnd on th" open Illllrket ':,1 tl5 per ton ComplLre sho'wln g thllt the weillt will be loug <til hl'f1Till~ ~ Cl1ll1 HOI lin II I ~i f, '"t , thus anel tbe Waverl y mlne8 IIdjoln It on the west lind the liv.,u . Oorydo n on these prices with the Chicl\go prices ot $1.75 t o ' 2 20 pe r tOll . As you the fa.~, . The tBlt holes show fonr veins of ooal upon this proper Ree, we make better profits III the 80uthll tn 1Il1lrketR . ty; the _ flrll& vein at a depth of 160 feet. 0 feet thiok. with a good 88ll1l An ilIustrl\,t ion of the cost of prolluolDg lUlU Itmdlug con.I in f,he wblrb III a very importe mt footnl'o , there bel nil no necessi ty stone roof. New Orleans 1'he oil holding s in conneo tlon wilh tll o cII,,1 P llltll"'~ tlli ~ ''' II\PIL,l\' for market wood , lind the profits r eceived :p_roJ1II, whieh mllkes mining In I~ grent lDllny distrlot s expenRi to PIlY dividen d .. at once, te) tbe Rtook h"I<I ",·_. of I WI' " l-tII l , I ,(Of' m One tow bol\l. will tnk fl twenty llluges of COlli fr om ve; this llll! It v~~ ,"'. "BOWtI· a8 No. 11 anilis frell from water lind the New Orlea,n s and TIll\ke three round t,rlps in sixty t1u.ys ; fl80hihl~ fl eld to Upon the Relling price of the .. took mil iI t.lIp I nqlrtlvl' n"'lIl ~ hI t lllw""I fl~llc l", ' grade of 00111 bn.rge will nre oompl~tell . It. il! the int.onlio n ,If'\lIIII raan with the beIIt bitumin ons COlli In the market burns freely lJlakes hold 1.000 tons, milking 60,000 tons of CORI. The Y '" ~ .. tl :1111 v I'IIII11 ..: h or of mlning. 60,000 tons tbisllto ck to comple te theRe illllll'ov ll"bit8 Ub and no olinker! !; Uresem blee c8nnal c~llland, In fllot, is call of ooal n.t the Unli~n scale of wl\g,es i8 ' 2i,900.00,·ost. and transpo rtation from than 1& per cent, upon the pllr valnl1 em"lIl,~, whon IlIi~ ,,1.,)0 Ie will I'~.Y TIlOrH . f'd ..eml,can nlll by a IJreat many ooal men. The second vein the mines to No' .~'4 I~ fonnd at a depth of 240 feet. This i88n exoolle i8 known AR 000.00; Iflase the :rJver, VI/L Illectl'lo trllmwa y . lit Got per tall m"kes it t:l,When it oomeR to compnrinJ,t tlw 0(1111 mini II!! illt1Il ~ r,l' w\t,h _?f ~ow I~;"~t and hllrges lit the ~alnlltlon of '200,000 on a {i nt grllde of othll\' C<lO 'il'ttb ·. ' Took roof, same 88 No. 11; just south of' n8 by Reinek indust.r ies, smtlstl cs will show very flhV fnihll'"' ' 'I'lI.M is 1l'!'cII:!lll ~" cent bR81~, e & St. 18 '1_,~00 mannin g. nltllD~lDlng tow boa,~ C10(1 orew for the zeol Bf>mard ) and wellt by tho Stnrgis DeKove n and Pittsbu r eason t.IlAt it 18 one of the gTt\C\lo~t, SMplt·,. In I,ll" w"rlcl ' '' ' wll10h ffll' rg oOlnpRnles sl:~tr days, $4 ,UOO ! 1lJ00dental!! for three triP!'!, MO,OOO; o8tJm~teu cost I III~ No. 81R Il vein very little known 118 to grade, not Ilt\ing worked of wheels of every ,indul\t~y i~ Ilepend a nt. 'rh" <tenmnl !-01l1\llg (lI.trtot. , bot the teet Ilhows the vein to extend nllllAr t.hls propert In tlll~ It I~ tho? 1~000; Il!!tlmllted oost ,o f ~1!llng 60.000 tO~I~ of 001\1 lI,nll plaoing _ to the extent of 10,000,000 tons; hance, when ~' "n hll v.,l ('/l nll " ..,, 1' illllr(>n~o1 "II inll vHl,,,,,' nt in lib ew Orhlt~~S market It! liI .. ti , 90~ reoelpt!'! for liO,OOO t',ln8 of c,oal 18 soppoae d to be the famonll Bell COlli and is fouud Rt .. depth y, No. 'i n~ $:l.3,) per ten. '~01.000; CaRt of milling nnd trltn~portar..1)1I * 01),900 indnst.r y of t-hls kind It ill fur better thrln Bnilrlinl,C I,fliln A~~ndllli " n Jl/' of nhout 600 fet!& . Thl,s 18 a fine ende of gss 'Rnd ooklng cOllllln d slLvings Bank. !tIs absolut ely silfo : tlin 1'II,rniuUH lU'e IIInnll LIlTgClT antI brings .\ leaTes rL Jlrollt of *14'1,100 . prtce of IS. 50 to '4 _00 per ton at the mines. It is known readily you have tbe Inoroos ed on of YOllr Rt.oolc . 'Ibis profit is for Sixty days with the ollpuolty of tbe propert to exist on this y 01 propert y' by tbe teats tbat have been lJllide. 1,000 tons lIer dn.y These fllot~ hll ve beell ollreful ly olttn.lneti Ilnd can be Thel'e hns beel';, ]00,0 00 .'Ilia,I'(l ,'; ollhi.~ sto('/c set depeull ed IIpon as being IIccurat e , The mllrket 18 /lbsolut e tllld they seek Tr.D.Do~atloD.ln for this I;rude of COllI. Thill Compan y is putting In I, shaft withn. aside to be sold a,t 26 ct'llb; fJ~r .'111,,,.)'/' , P"" 11((.llI e $ 1.00, capacThill propert y liall a trunk line of one of the lnrgest ity of 1 GOO to l,HOO ton~ pill' day. with elect rio trllDlwlly from mlna!l to when lhe pri.ce urtU'- hp, (ulvan(~(!.(l. 1].)1 ,. ocnl temarn nning dlreotly .throug b' lt-, giving Uti a market by ruilrailroad SYII- river . All improv em elll'H 1)(''' month , 011 this propert y will be modern in every both north re· in divicle n(['s will be • oath and enablin g us to enter the IRrgest COlLI market s of pni(l on tlte m(u'k et, /I l'i ('(' 01 the the country spect .
Oil Ter rito ry.
Div iden ds.
Mar kets .
ING COM PAN Y. . ()lias . .I1.. Bake,:, Presi dent and TreaSl,I,rel'; . Jwne s Stoop., : . Vice Presir Zent; DIRE CTPR l,: Chas. Q. Hzldebl' nt, E."t;. U. S· UOn!!l'essman, (Jth Nicho las .!lIetz, Sem'eta,}'!!; Distr ict 0(' Vhio, Tf'Um in!!ton , Ohio. ' nesl1"lle: O. _ Jame s StOO1) S, Jl'ice Pl'e,'Jirlent of C;f;i zens W. R. Stelle, .Capi talist, Indil~~w.p()lis, InrU(l7I(1. h'lme r L. G,arl. lfhore~ale 9' Reta,a Tobacconif;f., Frank t01't. InrUa .metz, Flons t, Dayto n. O. Chas . .I1.. Bake r, Pl'esu lent a,nd l'l'ca::il{,iBr, lnd1.ana.polt.< na ;,cll',ol,rtJs'~" '~' ;, Indza;na,.
1'0• • few day s only , or as long' as the Allo ttme nt of' 100 ,00 0 sha res last , you can bu~ for cash .
10,000 tlhare8, 12iiOO.00 Cash 5,000 ShureA, 1,000 Sharee ' . 250. 00 Uash 500 ~hat e R, OR IF YOU PRF:ER THE MONTH LY PLAN, YOU CAN BUY; 10,000 l::Ihare8 1400.00 r..a8h 0 monthl y paymen tH '400.00 each ~,500 Shares ,100 00 Cash II monl,hl y IlBym onts '100 00 ,Buoh 1i00 Shares • 20 .00 Cash 6 montbl y }lIlyme nts $ 20 un Illloh 100 Sbares 4.00 Cash t1 monthl y jlllymen ts 4. 00 elloh The 'c ompany rll8flrves tbe right to wlthdrl tw t,bls At.OCK from t.he nlltrket. Ilt ILIlY I,illll! tit t,h /) Id)',ve IlI'iM . ''1'11 " mUlt, be madp nut to t·hll 0(ll\11""'~'. IIml.pu t tn Ih., hlllll., 1'1111'1' tCl1!lIl'lHll/l~ MOl\(, 1-,
'1250. 00 CII.811 12ii_00 Cash
:',000 Share!! 1,000 ShareH ') 2liO Shares
Hot wilter bottlus at J . E . J anneys Remem ber "Mnnse t" will plesse you and 18 for the teneflt of Bome· Uomlng . Mrs. Ann WakelY blUl been vis· ltiug her son, Wm. WaKely at Rex· IIna, for a day or two. MrM. EliZabe th Lewis Smith of Wilruln irton, has lIMn the gnest of relative ll In tbls vlolnity for severlll days lind on Monday she and he,' !lister MrII. Cbas. Johns. of J.ytlll, vllltted Daywn . Mr. lind Mrll. J. C. HaWKe aDd ullucb" 'r Clara villited their daugh rer, Mrll. John _ Fromm at Day ten thll latter Il1lrt of' IRst weeK and
F'idllY evonin~, Mr _ HUWKI' wit · Colorad o tlpringl l, whlJrn sho WII~ lIe~tled the teHm worK of tbe flLlll - englige d in teaohin! ;. vocnl mn!<io, OU8 luln Lod~o K. of P . of Day tall. IL branch In whioh 81113 pO!lSeMSC lU nn 'fbil! tellm iM famollB all over the uuu!lal talent, and it W/l.l:! in that Uniteu Stlltes, and Monday mom . city lIt the Presby terisn mallNe ing left for Bmtton whel'e they will hel' IIIllrrill ge t.ook place by tHrlt. go through the worK hefore thll Rev. Edgllr Work, formerl y of the DlLY' Knlght. s of that city. ton Ohio, Mr _ Perry i9 altLw.Yer ILOd . If yO:J wish to enjoy n hllilpye ven ILlso city lI,uditor . IUK be sure I\lIU see "SuIl8e l," Feb 'fhe D.lylon Duily News Is con. ruary 2:ld . uucting a popula rity contest and Mr . Imd Mrs. J _A. Funkey h,we reo lnl.olld~ sending Ii Dumbe r of the cel ved nnnoun cement of the III/uri . most popular young Indies IU nay' sge of tll,eir neice,Mi~s GIlY Fun key, ton Bnd vicinity on lL trill to Europe to Mr. Gf\OTge M. Perry of Colorad o this slimme r. Among tho oontest . 8pringll . Colorad o, Saturd ay Fohru \lut is Mis!! Allio Dalliel formAr ly IIry:l MisR Funkey 's hom'e iR III of WCLynesville a nurse at the Nat· Leip~ic Ohio. and has frequen lona\ Militar y Home in Dayton , is vislt·ed her relative s in Waynes ville RllIong the contest llnts "nd is at whcre sbe won many friends . For present onll of the lellders in the Il yel\r or more past she has been in race.
'200.00 - Cu~h G monthl y 1m Yllliluts $ 40. 00 CIlsh {i monthl y l)u.yme llts , 10.00 CllIIb (i month Iy paymen ts )-
to huv Htook ill wbon th e Compa ny-i!\ stnrtln g.
('rHllrS , " " .TAMEH f,'l'(10P fI, W A'i'NES VILLE , O.
2,li00 Sho.rOll 100 Shores
Rllv . and Mrs. Philip Trout. enter· 141ineci a happy oompan y of young m en at dinner Friday evening . it b eing tbe membe rs of one of the Sunday school clnsses of the M. E. churoh , Rnd tbe Rev. T. Lee Ault. mlln, Presidi ng Elder of this Dis. trlet, was also pre!lent , and added grel\tly to the enjoym ent of tbe ooclI.8ion, Ilnd who 'lppreoi 8ted the opportu nity of meeting SOCially so many young men. The guests were W . O. Raper, D. B. Hell. Smffor d, Rllymo nd Marlntt , Rupert Bailey Ernest Robinso n, Fred Hartsoc k, L. Comsto ok, Louis Printz, F. B. Farr. Chllrles Ulenn, Ernest Hurt. sock, Raymo nd Hawke , Raymo nd William son. Raymo nd Davis, Rny. mond Conner , l1ugh and Joe Bur. gett, Emmet t Thomp son and How. ard Trout.
III {i2G.00 25.00
1200.00 pRoh " , ~O 00 elLoh r . '" 10.00 o/loh .
You OI~lI\lot IIffOTd to w!,H., All
Prof. C. H. Young, superin tend. Publi c Sa·I~. ent of the l';:lngs Mills schuolll, visit. ed his mother , Mrs. Mary Youn~, Having tleolded to tho fftrlll lind sister, Mis8 Ottlsy. who recentl y moved from nelir Harvey sbnrg to 1 will make a BILle of my raril)in~ the Dtlnlel propert y on Third !ltrAAt, Implem onts .mel rarm ~took on the in Waynes ville, I·hll latter part of Jlllioe known RS the J!anry Mills the week, Prof. Yonng Is IL memo farm, 2 mileM west or New gurllng . ber of the County Board or Sohool ton and 2Yo -'miles - south ell"~ of . . Examin ers and is very lIluoh int{lr Spring Valley , est.ed In keeping up the high stllnd. FRIDA Y. l!'EBRU AltY 23; 1110tl, Ilrd of effloienoy that dlst.inguiHhes beginn ing at 10 o'clook . when will the sohool teacher s of Wnrren coun. sell 6 horses, 4 of whioh areJgood ty. In this conneo tion It is worthy yonng eoltH nnt, IIro\;on , lind 2 ara of note also that Warrlln county 1M work horses i !l head cit o"ttle. 14 one of the very few countiA8 In t.he hogs, II. trio of pure white Holland Stllte whloh absolut ely prohibi ts turkeys . 'l'bore will aillo be a fnll . tellllh~r8 from ulling toboooo or In line of ImlJlem ents used on': farm toxloat lng IIqnor!! in any form. besides some h01l8,e hold, goods in: Don't fall to see the amusin g play olndllig a {i.hole Quiok Meal range, "Snnse t," Februa ry 23. Money a gaSOline stovo and a wood heatln'g refun(le d If not satisfie d. stove; and many other artibles . .
Obituary of
tha t she is rapidly rallying from a l'tnth Ollllnd",,·. W\II) teuches Riege of five weeks sutfering with RO)Jra llll voice, of unusual pow'~ r and Nlr~. ~~~~_s}tough. theJlIiA!< Moont Ho lly scholll in Wl1yno quinsy. Miss Rogers hopes to be sweelnul!s, allli al limes while ~ Il\' wa.- singing the I'oom seemed fi ll ed
The fUlluntl nf &11"". Hough wtis township lind hur sititor. Mit:ls. Ehl'-IL . Iwl<lllt, lilt! M ~; uhuroh ill Hllr. bAth Cllo.ndler wbt> tClwlw!! tllo "tly"bur ;( l'lIur:\,IIlY l\I urll i"~, COli· 80hool In Cleuroreek tn\\'n~hi\l W\l8~ duoted h .Y' h ul' I,.. .. t II' , t im Rev. of' Lytltl. lmvtl Ill'rll ng ed l1[(1rllry l'hil\p '['ruut, w II"" t be folluwlug \I .. ogrom~ to bu l)r ..~tlo r.Hd ul, th"i .. Ublllllll")' \\·tlS reml; Hobool,. Fl'itlllY, rt' brnltry ~;l. who', SlirIl h ~'rnlH' tj H ')llgh WILli tbe r,be flXIlT'cis\lH will he II pprol,lrin te dlllll.:htl'lr ul' ,III CO\) Ilnd l\1l1ry Ann for the cHlubrution of I,h e hirtbdu v l,ulll l> u011 \\'II~ 1),)1'11 ill Munt,golllery of WII ~ hiu ~ tun , Lincol n. LrHv..,1I unll · ' ·Ullllt,.\' Uhin, Diloolllber aOth. , 1!H2· Lott:.:fellow wh""," hir t hrluy ~ occur autl dwd III II" .. h OllIe iu tillrv tJy~. during tl1I " moulh . 1)ll!,/-( I)hl", ~'cllnlll!'Y 171 h , 1!1O.6, lit For CnldR usn .. Red Spruce 1\ ml the II~U Ill' li:l ,\'1' . Illio . Hull Hlull. bllu w , '~ II Utl ri"d til Allh)'i K. Cberry Expe,ct,)runt, .. sold hy J. E. •Ja one.v. 110\1 1<,: 11 "II ./0111\1111".1' l2lh ., IH6f>. · The friends of Mis.~ Rhea RageI'll, '1'0 tho III ",m'lI b , II' U tullr "O ll~ I~nd ulllHn h\"ilJI;, tiltr!'y '1' . AlbH,· t Cl iff· of Lebanon, will be glad to know ord, Frlluk it. 1111,1 1,;111 1"0 1"-''' I'} T IIl' Y ul~n
mi a,!d
Oll il
,llInghtor, Cura M . tuken into thu famIly WhtlD 1111 tufllut, uf sllven ,III'; S,
Sbe "unitod wil,1I tb e l\I ewn,list, . (huroh In Bellhroult (llllo,. when .. YUlIn!: g'lriund hll~ h ll"U u U ea l'llt'~t uud fultllful chri~t,i"n tlll hel' life. A bl1Ut, ltj ~l",r>! IIgo wi tb hAT I1UM' IIlIu\l tlh e uultl'.1 with th e Jll e th,,(1. it,l, EpI~onl) .. 1 (\hurch, durlul,l the · p.~"tum,te of Itev . U. J J Conl;llr llne\ w.... lin h o Ul'~c nncJ l"v~ .1 tiJ"mher t.n "'II' tI.1 v 01 bur ,It'll lb . .\tr>l. H'lIugh WIl_ / 1 v"r,v quiet un · fts~llrnill/! oj>D"oi"utic~w' WQlIlun. lind tIIul!'lIt hor ulllldr.fln 'W love IIml '\0 til" ri~br, durlll~ eltl'ly obrl!l. Nun Ii, ,, ~h" Wil t! .. uoh inttll· &~tel1 ill t,hl1 work of the Bnnduy 1:;,,11,,01 IIUri for yellr~ w,,~ " t"fleber . . ~h"'w(l'" 1'(l~St'IIMl>rl 01'" ~Y IIIJ1nthllt . i l\omrt JlIl.1 WitS e\'tlr r .. I,,) I(lvo
lu "od h olp nl\ thill, W'-l'u ' in ueed .
ulwuy" II, kin!1 111111 helJlful will un lI1i~R",1 ill til\!; tJomtunnil,v wllerll ~htl hu~ livtnl MU IIIUg', uut ~o~t of .111 il) h ,> r OW I1 Will!
Iltl1b:bbnr !I111l
t1iu; len \' ( '!\ t.o m ourn hl1l' I'I"" h er husbllnd, 4 suut!, oue UlluKbtel', ~ix j.(rlind:lllildren lind many relatiVes and dear friendt!. She knew every thing to t,he very and told her husoom) that ~he was going tlI1d Rsked to see tbe ohildren, they all oome and motber thenl good· by ..nd peaoefully . passed away to b8 with the Lord ' 1lke tI. shook of oorn ripe for the l1af"est flhe was gathered into the llt'R von Iy Ilarden.
LOCAL AND ' PERSONAL MENTION .' A nllmber of little friends and scli.oolmates spent last SundaY t February 18, with . Irma Cornell Claughter of A. S. Cornell. in honor of her ) 2th. birthday. She received .a num ;'. . ber of presentS among ' which wa.'! a beautiful vase of red carnations pre· t«lnted by her teacher, Miss Minni e Duke. Mrs. Rebecca .1. t!ides hilI' been IIllmmoned to t,hecourt of 1111no1ll, ~be being one of the belrs of an \lS· . tnt,e.
able to Teimme her school duli(~H soon. Joseph Heston and wife , of Springboro, were g uests at tilt' home of Elihu Underwood. of Harveysburg. a short time I~t week. For Sale- Brown leghorn egg!'!. 50 cents per setting of 13. Layfayette Graham, R. F. D. 4
with melod y." - Raleigh Reg iste r. Buckley, W . Va. "Miss Procter is <\ finely eqll ippelt pianist. Her playing excell in£ both in bl'illiancy and expectancy. " Richmond , Va . . Daily News.
Press Comments Tobaccu huyerR hav e been running On some of the persons who will t hrough ~his neighborhood, paying" be selin in "Sunset" and who will 9 and 10 cents . give extras at School Hall Feb. 23: ,Joseph Thomas 'i!nd family attend· "Bes.~ie Owens Gilmour has a fine ed the funeral of Mrs. Amos Hough at Harveysburg Tuesday. Married, at Lebanon Tuesday eveni ng , Mr. Clyc!e Wharto n anfl CUT PRICBS ' ON PATENT MEDICINE;S Miss Lelia Greathouse. TO CLOSE OUT. NOW IS YOUR Mr. Alex Carver and : family spent . TIME:' Sunday with Wm. Phillips and family Anyone having anything to trade. i 1141. 00 size 89~ l'eruna inquire of Sidney Goon . .',' , 1 UO size 91 Lydlll PinkhLLllts Compound Roy Cornell and wife spent Sunday 1 .00 si:lle ']-41Or.Fenners Kidney nnd ~iLOk!l ohe with Mr. and MI"!!. C liff Lewis at. . , 1.00 size 74r Dr. FeDners Cupitol Bitters Lytle, 1.00 slrt.(! 741 Dr. I!'ennflrs Blood IIIId Liver . Born. 011 Sl. Valentine's day, II .50 s ize a7, nr. li'eDner~ Cough Honey daughter to Mr. and }irs. E~ward : 50 si1,o 37 F ~Q~n. )tear Ferry. ' The little babe Dr, Fenners G o1t1en Relief ' (1I& 'Qn Thursday, ithavinga·g rowth t 00 size 74, Egg Emulsion of Cod Llver.oil '.-lin Its windpipe . . 50 size 37, U,lOcbes Mexlcno QUiok Re lief . 'Mi R Bernice Cq I'n ell , who has a . GO size 37~ dreM, Kentuoky Liuiment posit ion in the National Cash [{egis1. 00 size 71 i I.og Cabin SarsaparilllL tel' at Dayton. spent Sunday with ,50 size :np L,og Cubiti Consumption Cnre home folks. . . .60 sl7,o 31, Beef, Wine o.nd Iron --. ~ -,35 size 11l~ Dr. Squit'es Expeotorant Director,ies .25 size 19, ot . .1ilCobs 011 I.M· size 71,. . Dr. 'Bllrters .Iron 'fonio Th e Waynesville National Bank .25 size Ill ? Dr. Barters Lnng Btll'll has issued an up-to·dale direc tory of 1. O()' 'slze 61l. the Valley Telephone Co's subscrib· Dr.. Hurters Wild Cherry t:rs at the Waynesville exchange. .21) size J7 p Dr. Barters ooot,hing Syrnp The direct.ol·Y is arranged 'in con · .25 size 17, Dr. seth Arnolds t\Qo~hing I;)yrup venient card form in two colors. .ll5 tM,o 19, Lightning lJough Drops with all names in strict alphabetical .25 Alze Illf order, printed in a clear facl.>d type Lightning Bot Drops and will be a great convenien<:e to .25 size. 19,. Wests Cough Syrup persons having phones, as this is the . 60 sil',o '37, One Minute Cough Syrup fi rst directory issued for some time. .25 size lll ~ One !\Unute lJol1gh 8yrllp All persons 'having ph!)nes may .50 size 34,. DeWltts Colio tlnd Cholel'IL curll get these cards by applying at t he bank . Dr. Cl\ldwelloi Syrup of Pepsin .25 size The following names should be Bltlsl\m of ' BOllrbollDd added to the cards: Chum ber10.In8 noagh Syrup 54 3 , Waterhouse, Mary E. Chu.mberlalns otollllloh ILDll Liver tllhlets . 37 2X Witcl'aft, G. A. . 50 size 31" Oreans Augao Co'n queror Adam Stoops' number !lhould be .25 size 17" 48 instead of 14. ,Tollnsoos' Dyspepsia tubletR . 60 size 31,· Ligbtning Dyspepsill. tablets .25 size 17" Lindsle'y s f"mily Liniment, Market During Lent. .26 si7,o 17f Witch Hazei snlve . 25 sl1,o 10' Beginning Saturday, March 3, St. HtLlr 011 ,:.!1i size l O¢ Mary's Guild will hold a market beToilet wa ter . 2r. I; to lor t.ween the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock Pills allliinds Sewing Macbine oil .to size f,.· each Saturday morning for five Sat· Mo!!; of these good~ 1I1'e new !ltock nnd Uft1 perfect. urdays up to and including April 7. Ali kinds of fine home baking will Iy good, be on sale each Saturday and a lih· e ral patronage is solicited.
Funeral of Mrs . Davi s- Seal
Th e I' \' [. Church Extt!mls Thanks
7. l
M r~ R MAN ' .,;
I) R. p , KRIEUl:I.OFF TIlt' Pas":; ,.. and membe l's of th e The rcn;:7i ~~- W: ' ~I ~ .- -l)av i s-Seal received Just 1\1. K Church d f'~ ire to e xp\'el:l.~ t heir wh" di<!<i in F'airml)u nt. Indiana , A I. r. 0 I' A T n. 2000 Clllllon St.rllle W"t6 and extelld the ~ r 'w,!r.., hrough t to) th l' horn e of he r appreciation. MIlk CrookR . Jar ... X' to 30 gill. I'hYSIOi8ll and J:lurgllon, d:llI g illl' l' . .11 r:>, .\ , L. Il endrick . at thanks to .\11' , l ', L , K renk ler f O I' hIS .1 tlg~ . fltc , llarveysbu rg. SalUrday evening, a nd giftof a healilil'u l fl owe r stand t o Fn\'n1ln'lyof Cin !1 inllllt.i , " Il Snnda \' ,d'tt' rnoon a large lIurn - the church ' t .. Mr .. John Tay lor f or Whit l) FI~h :-Itl W ( ll He rrill~ , lOO W of \",1' III' r'elat'i\'p,; :11111 her fo rml'r distribu ting in\'it a tin ns to the reviv~IH ldte r l' l . I:l .tlihl,t,. 8Ilt!iille". al meetings in the h'Il' l leS of all the llei).!hb(l r~ and fr i t'nJ~ !:, a t llf' J'~ al OREGONIA, WARREN \ hI' I·'ri ,·n,\'< l'i lllrl' h in t hat \' ill agc peuple of Wayn t:>s\,i ll c <.I nd l'1) t\~in: "1'(11" ... ' (lrl1l11~O ~ . BlIl1nnll ~. COUNTY. OHIO. \\'h ...., fUllcral sen' iee~ wt'n~ con- and to Mr. J , j':, J ann ey fo r prmtll1!{ l 'l\bhage. ')nlol1 ". Potatntl~, \·,,]t n,v PhOM 2;J'j' ~ ;6 <i1l ,·W.! hI' Fric nd Amos Conk, a t notices of lhe meeting'; a lso to ({pv , whkh d;ll Ilwal W, I' , T , II , also Be njamin Hawkins. for h i" a blc ,as Hnn,t Pic ked N.w,v Benns ~h;ta n('e in se r mons ami talk s durtn!{ \ I)"k 1\ pr<lIllineni. part. ltHO K!tlllev Be""H. Limn Beltos EOISON PHONOGRAPH. from t he t he meetin g . :lnd to all C hl'i "t ian ~ A re pl'(!.;e nta! ion Mllrrllw(llt Belul" , WUY11e ~ l'ili e W, C, T , U, ~vent to who attenrl ctl anrl hellled to make Hal' I'ey~ IJU l'g in a cab whICh \\' a~ our Meetin l,'1l a g reat suceess. 8Pi'~t; IAL, _AU; O )~'IMI'I 'n:I': d ecorated wi t h white I'Ibbons, and CANN ED CORN t he hor~s we re s irnil a l'lY de~o r~tcd W .. 1l1l\OA in 81\Ie thi!l WAC k with the embl,e lll of the o rgal1l zatlOn , Public Sales. 200c1oz JoAn(lY Ohio Plwk attenderl tlie funt1rlll wlH'n the ~o l ~l1""r Corn ; A well known lowi~ tribu te from the Wayne;;vll e wi II ~I' II "t 1I1 ~ I' AS IlIf' IICe IrUIlIVU l>r1~n(1 ilt 'lilio )l4lr tloz or *um W. C, T . U . IVILS !'t'ad by Friend Re· 'IS III " l'" It'I' M,lII fort fu 1'111 , " C!\~ 1l ,.,ell wllrth 1\11.00 per lte<.oea Merritt : IIII IA. \\' ''~t, (If \\"II .I' lItl~ \'i ll e 0 11 the Oml, Onn 't fail tl'l get ' yunr It, ill 'titting when a g ooll woman to\I' Il ~!lI l' "'''''\. tllIRra of t blll great &rgain. l'\ uch aM our White Hiilbon S ister '!'riUltS DA y , b'EII, 2~. 1\1('1: 111II!I!II!:I to her re~t. that her lIam e beginning a t 10 a. m .. a head of New Goo.ill Every Day s hlluld be held in hOllar. She spent horses. 2 brood mares, j 2-year old herself lavisnlly i. the c:uu!-te of tern- draft col t; 4 head of cattle, 2 'milk ZIMMERMAN'S pcrance reform . Her warm beating cows, 1 to be fresh this month.. 1 of COIlI'110 heart ha.~ been like the ala~aster box , giving milk, 1 Durham .steer c.ommg BrlngA (lheer s 'll t,be yeltr.-Eve~Y IIf old brol,enat her Master s feet,her twO years old, 1 yearlmg heIfer; 2 hody IIke8 it., n 1'1 IItEiIl hi rflq ulretl life wa.'i devot ed to the cause which brood sows. 1 boar. 32 head of fall Ellie had 80 eELrne~t1y at heart. She pigs. tl'l rellrotiuoe pflrteotly 'band mosio. realized that time wai telh f or neith,l!'lIrrniulI JU'I,la IlHH1!,,. eo nsi 8 tiu~ tooth harrow, one Mtlwauk8t1 mow- I,he line"t vocal 8011'18, t1not~, nnd PI' man nol' woman. She WIlS earnest .. I' ot ~ b,ll'"" W't wm. 2 ho r..e .. prin~ Ill', one 8pring tooth hay rake, uno qnllrtettes; "be finest 'charaoter and d~vowd, determined to leave 1".eO f"rriliztlr and ~l1ed IHtoohment tobaooo (lult. nne wbeel hRrrow. t he world better than when !lhe whf'!111 drIll , ICOlO. j IHI IWW : Deeriol{ work barne118 and buagy barness ""llglI aod vaudervllle Iklts . Tbu~ the ' PhonogntJth provides ulore fOJ] found it. MllY God raise up women mowing lDuo hhw, lI e w 8oo~ler lind many other artlolll8, ~f 7,.,1\\ and eourage to ntly occupy .Iollhle curll ,11'111, ~t""1 tooth IUIY an,l mu~io than any other II otolUat.!c . , JOSEPH MILI.EIl, Ihe place !\hf! h1\'\ vacatt.'!l. rllk;', :! hrellkim: plow .. , 2 Krllu!I flntert ..iner, )'lIt ill wltbin r el1011 Ilf A. A. MoNell, auctioneer. One object o!this service ough~. ~ oultlvll t,(lr~ , ~,() t.,,,tb bllrruw,.loohle A. R. Bowland, olerk. H Ii £r, iI.-1rIt for it!!elf. be that we eRich of lHI dedicate out:- .hovt11 pI",,,, :! hur..a pin!' .led, stefll W" 'will , be plea8911 to fd.llW i,hl! ': el\'es rellew,e dly to the cause that ~bod, I Ket of hllY llldd llr~, feed ll efl<iA a.Q~istance. ttl the wrona- that IIrimler. lie\\, ('Qrn' shell .. r ~Iop I will oller for RIlle 2 miles nortl. In obinM t"l .myone iDtera!lterl. P~edR resistol1ce. for God and home ('art., "rRvel hed , oross ont, ""\y. to~n , of Centervlllfl, on, tbe Dayton 8n,1 M<J)d on pt&.ymentll ,of $1 00 u. 'K' llll k ~'> . a nd e\'erv land . w, Imc k I; .HV . ~(Jythf1. jllml) ><ellt ~ba.non llike, Her faithful service on earl,); has IInn"y. llllgl'it', ., .. etolluf work h"r · THURSDAY , MARCH lIi,l?Otl, I'Io8ed, it is but a ~hin \'ei! that partM "_, Met oJ' hU~J.\le blll'nes!I. !let, uf beginning at 10 o'olock, 3 bead n{ .1 ":WEr,ER W A YNESVIL~E , II I<. and heaven IS IO\'eher, lMl<:auae Il"W hlll!t.:ie fI vlle tH. hnggie r obe, 2 of them general pnrpOfOH '"!'!!!!!!!!"!!'!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ ",bout, aOO hu"h~l of nora in crib. hor8e~, she has entered it, h orses one 3 and one 9 yean oltt. We g-rieve and yield to :<adness fnd.I .. 1' 11\ ~bo"k. "'illglo tree. l}ou\;le one ~ ' lS year old draft mare, 11 11, NG t r ...,.. "hovel",. rake, forks, hoes lind of tbem \\' hPll sain ts leave earth's employ, flingle Uuers; 6 head {,t .I , . • A , • ; . • "''', ' ilu t thrill ed with hol~' gladne&<;,, 3 miloh ooW8, one jp.r&ey Wi ll RUX1Y.VILLJt:, Onto 'J'iley rise on winp oC' joy . ~Ollle hOIlROhoid ~.roc1l! : fUllr be fresh by day of sule,:I n4 PUll "f.<Iv"~, w.)od kitchen "tove. large be fresh by last of April, ODe hel~er. ~l'lml" i.Til"oII : V1SICAI!tt:I!OF WU().t heISting "tova. amdll on!>1 heltt· Our Traction Linl!. ooe YMr old, one helf .. ". N I' f)l1 .LlIUICS, in~ "MV", 3 borller ItIHlolrne lltove, B ,montbll old, one jeney bull Ii [t hllM b.Hm r llilorttlli the I'II~t fA\\, "rl\HUI 1I~ 1",rllwr. new lard I)retl~, month8 old i 8 head of bOjl;s. 6 sow < - "'-!!",!",..i . -.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ _ _!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!l!!!!!!~~ d,lV" t" IIlt "nllr trll c tinn line " hn" nnw M8U81lgf! stnffer, I"r~e iron ket with pi~, 2 shoats; , 1 Milwl\uk .. " hA~n " .. It1 "':v t,be pr,lm otllrl', Or , tl .. , or01l I.. af table,. 31 yarrl!! new binder, 2 dozen ohiokens , II. MoCer H, MeCA SY I III. ' A.. • . ' \ 'I"orlo>.. Rou !!h II Dr! Col , Rlchnrd .. rll" OIlrllet. never bel'n ollt, aa YRrds miok mower, steel tooth hay rak.. . )l;V&, U:~II, NOIIF. and 'l'HROAT ',f r..... b.. til Illl .. t,tlrn ""pit,uJiI\"~ ;)f~t,r"w 1J'lI&t,tin~, Ktlfo. Cbtlir.. , jar8, "pike tootb barrow spring tooth willi >will hnillll,ho lin.,t,hi" ~t1fnm llr . orookA IIn(1 "to, harrow. 2 breaking plows, Ito rldlvl! IllJllr~-O lUll , to:l p.m . Phones ; . 'rermA of 1>1.10 : nil HOIUK or la.OO onltivator a Hamilton Eagle 61aw , Th .. HHZ, .10t1" nOf, /!Ive thill II" tillndoty- " Bell, lliO:t .f 'ct, hilt h"\1I~!1 thaI''' Ill'Ly ho "oml' lind Timler OatKb, 1111 s um,. over 15 00 II roller. ~ba6oo cultivator, Hamil Ull ,lll . tu 10 p,m. 1 to 2 Bome, 3502 ":' I' 'I' h in Ih .. rumor th.\t ,\(IfIllLl work "crflrlit of 9 m,loth!! will 00 ~iven ton oorn pl~nter, Tiger tobWl') Otller engagelllent~ byappolntme,o t.", , , ; I h,·,!!i 1\ ' ,, '1 tbi .. 11119 whloh I)aK hy I,be pllrnlu, .. e r giving note with plllnter, hay rope, fork and pnllp,\' , F h H 0 YTON 0 Ilpproved tlellurity , ' I ,. " .. ""',I;>,' " ' ''I~iderfltion fl O long Ii 2,bor8e Brown wagon No. S, rubbpr .12!!B!,!!!!W!!.!!!!!!lf!!t!!!!!!,!t'!'.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ' ~!!'!!!!!', C, M . BO\l(/&TT. 11' lIt' tire piaoo box buggy, road oart, .[ ';: C, H . RURFA OlC. Auot , "et,s of work hamel!!, 1 Bet of bogllv La. Grippe andI'neumoDtai A. B. CI1AN1lI.I<:tI , C lerk , ltarnetl8, one &obaooo ladder 22 fe ..t Pnenmonla often follow!! ' TAl " Uusiness Men's 1"1 b M ti ng I will otfer I~t my rellhle no e 2 ' llUl} long. 1 set of hay ladders, 1 grav<l1 HriJ1pe but- 'n evel' follows the use of _, ~ ~ __ ee . 1\ half miles llortb west of Bell urouk bed, llOllt bole digger, Bome tlmnthv ~'nltl.V't\ Honey lind Tar. It onrM ",' hlty, one Met of 1!C8108, capita160U I.. grippe Qooghll and preventllpn611. ". ' 'Th e rnet'tingof the BusineH.'l Men'R known. tl~ ttle \V m . l'ltte farm, on 2 large glas8 ol1pboards, 1 bed room IIlnniu nnd ounl!,umpt,i on, Ask for ':, Cl uh which wa.~ to ha\'c been hel~1 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24.. , 1<'oley'" Boney and 'tilr Ilud re,fn(!t\ " I!oite, 1 aleel B·hole mnge. 1hi!'; week has heen postponed U':!tl\ : Ilt 10 II" m • (} ho)r~p.", one mllre with CORNELIU8 MAHAN. G ' .my lIubstltqte offered , ~r.. . '; A. A. MoNeil , nootlODetlr, Thurw ay evening. March 1. owm~ fool weight 1600 lb nne good family Vac her, if 157 OtIgood St., CblOllItU" tIl it~ br)ing illlJlOSSible. to securt> an rnRr~, one 1:1'10<1 'general purpmle Jerry Himes,olerk. writes: " My wife had a Revere t"\'t' ninl{ t hi!' week that doeR .nnt con- m81'8 12 ymu" old, nne cult OOtUlO!/: l'IIMO I'If It. gt:lppe three yean fl i(,t, with !\Orne ot her gath ertng~ . thr~ yearM old, will motile a ROod A II perlj(ll1 S who signed the agree- ,\river. 1 extrlL liel1.vy draft colts The law of Ohio requires that and"it left her with A terrible Inent to b ecome membertl of the comiu~ :.! y.mrl! old; 3 milch cow~" ever1t person who ms.kes au(l sellll Sbe' tried 1\ boUle of Follev:rfll: l ' lu b are urged to remember th,e one will he frash In M.nch ; Qne flum maple ayrnp mnRt on the can a lind Tar .nd It "",Vtl hrilmlldii~~ d:t.l.E'. Thur!\day , March 1, at 7 0 - wagtln tme bnggy, Qnll br9llklng label, bMl'lng the w.J,r ds "Pure lief. A 50 oen' boWe d ,ork " in the ~ffi(~e of <the Waynes- ,.,ll'1w, ~no BoclrflYerldingollltivator" Maple Syrup etc." The Ga~te cough entirely,", Retall6 lID'I!It~t'UItet!~ l';~ F. C. &bwftrt.z. \'11 10: Cnlllllllg Co, tlI18 new ,liM harrnw, one 8pik.. "m" .. "'l'lntlll1l1\~IlIRhf<'II:
M D () M
MD '
V~L. XLVI. NO. 38.
----------~----------------------~~~--~.~_----~~The Busin ess Men' s
-,--~~----~~------------~------------~--~ ~~
Wayn esvill e Stude nt Conc ernin g Dan R.. Ande rson F~rry. Cente rville . . AI pievloW lly announ oed the Winn ing High Hono rs. PARA ORAP HS Form er Reside~ts. on the Home - Comi ng. meeting for the purpoee of orgll\tI~~ ),11' 'Ilill lIf'·H. t ~I ' 1 1 1 rY " Bt u \\ II Mr!<. Allr r"1 ~ Gl'lInd Bome.C oming spent 'l'hursd ay FIII'III for ront : lnqulro of MI~I\ nOll Lnuren ce She rwood who wus Ing a BualneIJII Men 'a Clnb will tuke lu .lvp, l 111111 I" / ''' 1\ rl .' · 1 111' in 11 Dllyt,on . Reumon of former Residen ts ILt eloot4ld one of tho fh'o Bonnl of Rllg. W plaoe at the Wayne lville Ullnnllig MIUlti ol Suttertl iwtllte. 11 h Ull d !'lIIl H,· lit'\\' hOl lW ,\' hm' .. tlw , r k I I . L A~· ." · I·:·I ·rt;. II'I II " SA MpeClul1 1l Aetin g8 Are now tn pro. l.Iyn e~vil ewee ' legnmn gAugll st TH E \V AYI'>:tll" Ho I"IJI' rr Warwio k of tho Ohio nnts in obllrge o f RIllllent govern . Co'1 o81oe, tomorro w. TUllrsd ny. lI ,I,t' : (l A~, I'.TTI" : 111 II I \ ' r"i ,"nrl:", \\'i~ h 1 !~(' nl u I' Htg. fl lli t ' rAS~ 6. 19011 . u.t t, h ~ ~l. }I~. ohuroh . ment (I.t SWllrtlt mor.u 'olloglJ . hus evening . at '10·o1ook .... I:\r" I" UiliVOrHtlry WIlH II IlIWtlt, o f Mr Hlid ;<Oll'~ :-I ''''\lI Hn I WIIS highl.'· ~ rlll, i fi "t l llt lit " It '' I'I!.'· ' 11 ,' The sic k mentio ned In' former ' Everyb ody Interes ted In Ih " IILl· biH Wnyu II"v ilio friends Hovu rullluY !:I won II new bOllor . ~h . lind Mr!<. P roHtnn ~; I li,. . of illlm e nHit .\' nllll HPII Il,'" '' '' .vill n(,O " 1' '' lit,· 1'1',,,,,""1 ), noteM nrC1 f1till ~ Iowly Jl P of I! r' III, ,,1 I''',· improv in g. The EII ~ I.tlJ'~ 1'IIpOrR MI)Ollk of him vanoem ent of theoom munlty 1M urlt· lu,r w,...,k ... B.' Ill) Con tor, Ohio. oeloh1'IIt0l.1 til() orell by Ih n /';,m" lmir lilllllt,,'r "I' Ih!' \\ ," . '11 111 "i1' plll"o nt ~ lItL\',· ViU'lI tl "1. bein g 11 wllrded nr~l. MI' . HlIll1l11e ll Bigger bud a sale ed to be pre.eut . prize In tho Nixt .\' ~eoo llrl nnniverM ~'ur I,,~rlppe .. lwIW" UNO "R"II )j ". I,: I Brow" I" 'I nil" ill . ~I I' . ll r y of t,hmr Gllzette . I rflllil ",i l.h. ~relltf'''t pl plI '" 'I' l1USdIlY. F'ohrullr y 27 . Hehal! sold ~prull" uull Uherry Expoot. or"nt. ·· "Colleg e OrtHorloo I Uontes t" hol<1 IlIllrt·itlg q 'l'ueHiln y, F e u.-nllrY 1111 1 :\I t· .. · iJru wH l'X ure l)(w tho t U t i l tl \ll\lH Mr. historic ull'll!'l hy ·1·h'I",tl, .1 in In Fehrull ry . Lectu re Cours e not a ~ , " (I l,y .1 ~; .Iunney , Itn tl MI·M . Elli!' Ii veIl In t,h e nelghlJ "r. Brown . I-I eorgc!::\. HilII' i9 II lwn~'" It :00 11 111 t 'illlt ! t o Lh l'" 1{ ('OtJ\'t° r fann hi s fn.rm nnt! will probl1b ly looate at or nelir Xenia . The ~dleB' Aid Lllst yellr be won flr~t pll.lco in hond of WII.\,neR vill c Finan cial Su~ct:ss. mil II ,V ~'Ilo rs In te r est io ~ ill hi.. pi on oor II r ti c l e~ . \\"1"I' h 11,,'y l' IlItr (: h ll ~"d . It ~'. Mo .. l",r uf Vurdillg toll Pre"· l:iocie t,y of the M. E. church Bold lloclllnl l,tfl ry r.Olltn"t, In U1f\ II~II. IIlill 1\11-" I!:lliAiii lIun t of MI'~Nrll . 1 noto t oo, wi th p l ~ lI "u,.e thllt ",)I"e' MI' , II: E , h: OU\,ll l' Ilnd lI)lltlr HI' ~ I r~ Carl L. Wlotel 'lham filled t hu IONt hl",,1 or 1111' Cit.ll'A.iO" Bllllk It.. I"u kill l( ,,"ll"~n . It w(mlll liI\ "l'l e lt~lIre r efr ORhmon tHnt tho sale. HirllUl n",l H o() r~o Dllkin , "f this hllu the Jlre~ell(~p' nf Iltill til ld I ,' r hll .. ltl ""~ tl t " "ppr .. C LlIH"n 'inn J{ ftA \ ' tH will 1II'{:UP.v Ih~ u t\'"h'~ tit. \VU y ll t!H. !lCIlIlB numbe r 011 the preaent MelUtlln'H "I' hlH (lid,) frilill(lHu(lultl rh"y pl,, ~e, Mr. Hlluy . n promisi ng young man clnte Ihe nrt.inlo. ··CIlII~ l i ll l! 0\ 0 \\ n n ont II PW (' I .tt.n~ t1 on l~hnH r ~; a rn leoture oourlHl, IIot &hool Hull Mon. vrlt.· tllI ~ w,", k . h ,,"1' hitll III ",,",n IIf t.IWHO lIno COli from neur Churnu e rsburg, preacbe d l\\r' ~;lIi~ I~ Aij.{hl.y. follr y"nr!< of North str eet." Pl1ltli"tl hn.l'r '. , 1111' \1 ' ,Illrln~ th u RJlriug IIll tl l' ,1 ill Ul e H"t WliItH' Io"t·IIOI; nt ,I K .1 II 111 Ill."S t e~ t,... for h I' I .. mil! of liay night. O llr Alumni Ilgn "nti h i" "olll llllni on will 8"on be Gllzette l~lJ(lll t 'I Y Ill' 1Ij.{0. IInll !mid 8nllll\" 'I' I",d ~11' nIl/I MrR Vnrl M t.lle l:iugar Creek Christi an ohuroh M18~ Ly,ln Hunt, of Lytlo, willi flf wh olll WI' III'v(l u"!lI'Y ro"Non Mr. WlokGr llham'l leoture WIl8 en. lust Suuday . to Ilight,y 0111) . Ae i ~ notively engllge d liS muoh , Now, tbnt iMwhllt we "II I:ibol'lvtl",1 wh " hll" o Ih'ml ther!' tnr titled "Ohloke D8 OODle h'tlu" 1,0 iEII tluoootlMful I.aaoher In I,be Mob ools uo prol111. Mr . ~~u Urlms will move 1I00n ill th e manll glllll ont of his proport y like. If w e lik e flU nrt II YOII I' ' .'1' 11101'" hit" lIIu vccI iot n t h e iclu, !<IIY ~,,! Roost" and was one of the lJeHt lec· DOltr UMh"rn. OUIO. "pont !:>llturtlllV from Mr . Porry Weller 's house into hlllllhl~ A tIIml r,lves hiA \lOrtlolllll "f,. If y ou li ke II person pr opel'l,y "1\ th o) Sprint.{ VnllllY . let h im Im ow I.l i ke tures ever deliver ed In Wllyutl .vllle "n(\ SUlllll1Y II t b or bUUlO. Wash ingto n's Birth day tOlltl o u lot tl1l1 cure of hit! " POl'" it ' Thoy clm boH,or "ppr .Ci 'lto rOl'n ntl y "n e," t'·" hy Fl'IIltk E Hurt· the J oe Robbin s propert y on " Soolal The oolU'lle this yllll1' hilS been 11 For Uo ld~ UMIl .. Re,l .::!pruco 111111 R ow. " Hono red by Mrs. Allen . hOUH'1 . A lthnul;h MrA EIIiH ' Kight when nlivo than whon dead . Bnl' ~()ck . IIUOO88II In every way eIOOpt I·he Uherry Expect. JrlUlt." Bold b .y.J ~~ . I" 1I1moRt g-one . h e s tilllnsi Aj,. IlIJ" l1 then it t.1.ke8 I:III ncl ~om Thore hilS been some fine sugar ),11' . IIl ltll'lIl'" C:hll l:! F . Elliott IlILv c e time!l tlnanela l aepeoL 1'here is a dl'ttoit Janney . Mrs. W . H. Allen .'s borne Wfl~ d ll i n~ III OHf, of her hou se work 1 11m right in It. nll.yhe lIot! lit Iliid mil ch tTilnl ll1! tlurin g thll pn st welltbe r lately. and some have mude of about 125. A leoiUre course Mrs . Murtim Jllnney le ft MondllY tnstllful 101lst. r bu ve not heen (td vised if 1 fll\\, yp.llr~ . ~ 1 r". 1;;lIi ott JIIl ~ been in a nioe gr ade of the deJiolou s syrup. lyond IIp\lrOll rlatelyd ecorot. \ Mr. ,lohn W. Creswell, wh o f o r . 11m not brin.. the uetlt tulent of the land to for Colrllin e. Ohlu, where she will th e p ioneer m e m bo r o f l:it. vor y p"or h,," II,h fol' more Ullin II The roulu!! Bre CO Ulin ~ Uti the III'" ed with tlags. smI lax und cllrnntl ontl l m crl y Iivecl In th e vi cinity nf \\ IIY' Mary's Protest our Iluor... bot f or 80IDe rllllion the moke her futum home . Mr. and u n t Episcoplli ch urch . yellr . RecunU y nls(O th oy hll,'e lost binge l'H of >l prill l;, And thn Ittlnlal lallt Wednea duy lind a hellrty wei nesvill c, hul, who t or U numbo r of I waR people do not aeem to pi\troub .e the Mrs. Fred B She rwood hnvo moved confi rmed by Bishop Mcll . a· IlIllIl UOI' of fin o (lO WI!. Durin g snnshln e Illt,k (l~ ullurin g the south oowe ~reetetl ~ch guest lUI about yea rs bUM hlld bls home near Belle vaine entertal nDlent. ! to an extent BUm. into the . prope rty they purcbns ed In Xenia, Ohio. beforo t·he th e gront hllil Ht,onn Ilhout n yen I' side . of t.h e loog uulldln g pro· thirty of hor frIends r osponde d t o IVon te r. Oh:\o. died Jllnullr y 30, 111011, edifice oitmt to make thelll l'llY. from Mrs . Janney . of St. Mllry's was uegun . I ngo they were se ve re RltfTerers . tected frOll1 chilly wlmlR . d:lint y Invitlltl onH to luncboo n at 1 ~ l after n,n il lneBB of but ' ~"three days quarrie Lllet-A silk umbrell a. .lIt School o olook. d tbe tlto ne on whioh the It. iR t.o bo hoped uow t,hll t tho Thl' lIIi "ornhl o oOlnditi on of lIome from pnou,m onill. Mr. Cressw Odd Fello ws Banq uet a ell Ua.lI MondllY evening . Return t,o house stands. and WII S paid for snme. t roulJles which t hl R excelle nt fnm · of tln r rOil fI R fn rni shell n e w le8"ons The menu WIlS delioiou 8 and WIUI , was the ISI!'4t lIurvivl ng brother of r gavo liS 0 corp9n ter forty Oreat Succe ss, w. H. Allen lit Nationn l Bank or to served in seve ral cour~es. dnys' i1y 11l1-ve endured nre endllul~nd thllt of Ih n n €co~8 ity of better 8111e drain· \ while the Mrs. .1 . W . BIII6Y \.lnd their slater. 1l1bor. I ILlso painted it (fre e) t be urigbto r tlllYs \lillY follow. the l:illzetto office, ILge nnll t;l'tliling I\long our Imblic fl 800lul feature wall al~o grellt.1y en · MINS MII,r y Croswe ll. well knowu In fi rst COllt of oil nnel Tbe lpaolou s hall In the Odd Fel hlghwn y~ yollow ochr e. The l:iI1I'Altte readers will rem em· joyed., The bonbon boxeR wer e IIpthlll nelg hborbo od. Be WIlS the 80n The first Sundny 10Wh 'auUdln g was filled to over. bea WIth pleasure the school wus b eld In lIlu811l pro. prOI)rinte in deSIgn t o the birthdn. y of Samuel a 'I'h "lI Wll lillmRon moves from tile WEL LMA N. nd Margar et Creswell. Hay s HlIll . Those flowing last evening when the fifty. duced 1;y Prof. 'fheodo present w ere re Hawk ilt of tbe f"tIler .of our oountry . nod and WAS hnr Renj Vnugbl ln farm to a fl1rm east. n in Bnmps blre county, the Rev. W. T . 8elms, elMhth Annive rsary of the e8tablls h. the concert given in School Al>slllor u E. Mr . ChllS. Ellls.ll fter much drullY IIf Bollver town . and Frank Hartsoo k Hull by the ice orelllll W"R in the fnrm of th t! Wf'st Viq:illil~. Decemh llr Hi. 1843. Merritt , ,J . D. Sweet. Ill" ment of Wyomi ng Lodge No 102. the MOI'.art Symph ony nnd Vom exppct,!, 10 r ctllly m ove thi~ week. Club on the portrai t of Wl1shln gton plllinly dis· When h o Willi 1Il0VeH on t he flLrm h e hll" ooouple d. only two yellrs of age MI1r8h uil lind t.IlO writ,er N fi t I. U. O. F • of Waynes ville. WI\S fit. evening of Februa ry 7 Mr. olle Hllwke cernlLble on the side of II hntcbot Ihll f,ltuily movcd 1\1r , 11'.. BIlI·t.Holck who hilA 1>I'on to Ohio. whe re other. tlnRly celebra t.e d by the meDibe ra wa8111 at the time of hili Mr . Merritt Will< e lected visit he re while the place curaR were dulnt.v the dOOCllRlld MIDD LE RUN, unrll1r~ " il'~ 1111 op"mti on In Il D".v ha~ lived slnoe with of the lodge. their fSlDl\ll!8unll their und was sourool y Bble to Superin tondllll t., .J , D. HWllot Ii hra · t~II ' lto~pit,"1 '" TIl llch hl1tt.e tuke \ll1rt lItt.lf, hn.tchet s decomt ed with hnnd thl! excepti on r. I)f llbout ten years rirm [Illd IIssiRtont. ~ I1Jl orl nt.e Jl(l 11 nt friend. . In the entort~lin lD ent. lind llieu tWQ plllntlKl oherrl ll~ Mr~ Mnthe w Berryhi ll 11'4 on the spent In illinois . Mr . IllHI MrH. ( go Dl\viH. Mr. and trllllljUrer. lind DIU! R A ntl Ar During the evenlug Mr . Walter nights latoOr lit, Jl'fferso nville. Ohio, !liok list Th o IIfterno on wnll delight fully 111111 1\1 r ~ . A B 'Pllhnl1ge IItteml ed August 14. r 6'2; be enlisted In Co . son seoretll ry . Janney Kave a numbe r of selectio nl where he h!l(1 gone to fill Iln engnge sl>l'nt. In conver!lnt.ion while Mr. nnd Mrs . ~'rank Hartsoo k t,ho fUllel'll1 the H. of 79th Mr ~ Mert.l A KrllCkle r O . V . I • for throe yeurs, but from his flne gramap hone and MI8s ment. That is tho nncleus -only II fow. were Rboppi ng In Dayton T}', "()rsday. ladles. skillful fingers T111111lpull1ted WIiS dlschnr ged before the noor Morrow III ~t Fridny explrnt tibe hud ion All were s tfl1wert s, tried nncl t,I'\10, -" Lu I11 W r Ig ht• 0 f Bellb roo k , f avor"", Many Mr. Ellis Long spent Sunday with Ro ns In thlll vloinlty n o. IIOme dainty fan cy work , and Mts~ of bls time for dlsabilt ty. the audienc e with lin exoelle nt read. tiC8(1 thepar nnd t.hl'Y b" ve b Ullutlli , .. nIl I 11 1111 't !tAen " gor,n f,o'U)\tAr up to "yenr ago tinmo8 wbtoh came fr om Edith Shute (nvored IhEl oomplln Jobn Soott. ill t ho soho o l ~ y of t hiR nn ndjoinln~ Septem ber 24, 1B74, he was mar· rile the timtl I guvo In hoi IDg AII Id e f rom t hi s t h ere ping t.o WIlS no the burnlnl ( of a lorge bllrn belong WIl.l1 several mOlllool nUl1\berll riell to LIlUl'll Bell Stevens on and to Mr .•1ames B. Smith and family comitieR . l:ibe wnH tllen happily erect I ~ plu oe whor A nil Clift (:0 . I let proRra m and everybo dy wu at iug to Mrs. Melissil Ary on the ---~-. them were born five ohlldre n, two bllnishod myself, nnd n·m con te nt lIlurrled. her hUM!Jlln d 's n!lme 81il) entertlL ined a i'ew friends Snnun \'. liberty to enjoy to the ful1811t the Wilmin gton l\Dd Xenillo pike, 1l1ll.1 Knig hts of Pythi as Miss' N orn Scott WIl8 · surpris ed of whom (Uod In IpftLncy, and OIyde, with the wife 1 gilt hy my hnnisb , ping Ollr mimI Sho leaves 0 bllby pneral aoolalo heer. whloh wal struok by lightni ng duro ~CII r ee \I. week nld . This excelle nt tlll.tnrdILY afterno on by being told to Will Banq uet Tonig ht; Frell and Byron, Who wlt,h / the wile m ent, The tenne n t.~ ulIo \\' of The ,uppen whloh are served ,?n Ing the storm wbloh raged lurvive him . 11 0 fnmUy hllVA our dllelJflst sYlllpat hy. go in t,be r oom. Thore Ihe found 18 Satur. dlvot'oe, nnd IIWIlY I wen t . 'he OClOdlon of the banque ts of this day evening . The bllrn of her friends and Its con waiting for ~er to Crown ("'olltle, Knight s of Pythla s Mr Imd Mrs . .1 . W . Burtsoo k He jOin!ld the BaptlHt ohuroh lJ ack tn o lu ' Wa YII Cli \tlll o . • you a ne! tl1I' , lodge MOh yellr have gained for tents, exoept three hor888, tell h er that they had Wl'rfl will ho.v e II· gala time this evening . when youn~r· He oome to reo were in 'I'll!' Dllyton o ld lim e kid,. lh a t u ... ed t o 1.... : wit,1t tbeir Bon a WUll 0 membe r of thfllMl who prepare tbe good thin .. oomple tely ~lestroyed mind her ' of her 14th birthda y. 108S '2000, Oh , the Qtt, Lime boy" ami 111 ohi li m 'ulrlM. lin r t of IILPt week . The membe rs of Springb oro Cas the W. W. ISlmp@on Post. G . A. R.. more tban local fame, and lalt even. Insuran ce 1300. The afterno on wUs enjoyed pla.ying Rell ll h p rr,\, IfI)H a n Llton~ "' '''' hit: ctn ht : tie will be presont .and have ohargo whloh. toget h er with the Mr .. Elvlln Firat! and Mrs . Gecrge W . R. 0 ,. A arl lbe runny 1I,lng. we u!lOtl 10.10. IDg "_me d. as thotll'b un effort gllmes Bnd·sln gmg. At the hour of A numbe r of Dayton people, t"tlOllt of the degf(Je work. In Ilddltlo Dovlt! vl~.lteu t hpir aunt· in Morrow n to' wns present at hil funeral and most W c'lI t~lt: U lt!tn (n°e l', Int! nnll )' 011 ~ been made to even surpaBH what of them former reshlen te of this Ii a ·olook. t.h&]t depl!.rtjld lav.iug I this large delegat ion of Knl~h ts nre ooaut.if nlly I'eulem bered ~ ,ttt. dn\\~o h ore , you ulu1 tilt', on Thn r ~ dll.\· . the dooess· had been · .done In preVIOtiB yeal'l. commu nity, !lIJent I::!nnday mnny Present s with her to still reo In Wny. eXtlOoted from Bellbro ok. Harvey ". ed wl~h flowers Anll talk or ,h e Oll e" that """II (0 he , 'I'lte childre n of F. A. HurulI:iok membe r the dllY. . E1J'e1'l'thlng ,hat one ootlld desire nll8vllle or vicinity . Among All declari ng Who ran J O\\' 11 th e hill wi th WI . peU the mell burg and ot,her polnt.s . eeemed lliL VA I ho wh ooping Uongh. Th 0- - -----0 - -Up a ga ll1 Ilt t he \\1\11 o t t tkc old hand l le l l. they bnll hl1tl a. fiue time Rnd would Ipread on th e IODg tabl Il8 numbe r were, Mrs . E . ·L. &rgdlL e ayton ally. News . ll Fllllow lng the work a sumptl ou8 Through ltl c m IHL\' filhlwm cdm: \.lme tha t 011 11 oguin. and there was an abunda noe of It and little lon, Mr. B. The followi ng wer~ D. Everly, banqnet will be served. whirl,. Persons who wn·nt a good dally Pleas ant R.idge . presen t an , Mr. Albert8 mlth, Commo dore (,'u!!. 'l'oget her agaln' th U boy~ nuft th e girtH - -- .. new8po per 1111. II mooer a te prioe ol1n _ - ••- - - Misses Almllo . Ruth aud Chua &11 After the IInpper a !lhort time was ter, Mr. Ronald Hawke . Mr . WRlt.or J onlun und fl~m lly who WtL8 St.M ary's Churc h Marc h 4 seoure tbo D"yton Dally Newl by Revealed t o me u. I now ~ett y ou. Max wIlli . Ruth, Elsie and MlLri e 0.11(1 I tt the !'iJlOL and l\ dl ffjJr c nt h \1I' lpent In a «enenl IIOOIal minlllD g aooomp anied by hll coUlln we r e g l1 f1~ I ~ I)f Mr. Gllli1:l l:iruy and Mil8 orderin g throug h the Gazette . or hrluh tc8 t sl1yer ador n e lh t he h a ir, Bnrtsoc k. Mary l'ennew it., Corti. .and then came Rood nlghtll, mingled Estella Collett and Mrs fnlllil~' rl'cllnt,l y . . Mary Gard. FlrMt Sttriilll:V in fft'nt. :-Sund ny 1'he m~nngement of' the News O rand (nUllir. gran d 1Il0ltll"'r, l-Ilr. aHo Young Mnrg&ret Baird. Ester lind with she lltatem ent hear d over and Mrs BUI'I~m Enrnhll rt, IIml flon 'rhe Kenyon Militar y Academ y nt School 930 II . '11 ; Utlmy Sermnn hrill mode sptlcilll nrrnnge ments with l.u kc a chnlr : Emily &rrybi ll, Me8srs,' Bertle over again that It had been u mOlt Gambl er, OhiO, wall de8troy ed by and Holy COlUlUunlon at- 10.30 a. m . the Guzett.e whereb y persons con " e . th e c.h lld ren o f 0111, Carrh! ll ll Tlb' a Jmrk Hurl Ilnd MrR Pllt Curren spent Norril!. Ln.mpton Smith. Jtlmes. Ro.y Some wh o hOl\'U' .:on e an c1 will IH,,'.'r W ed nell luy dellRbt ful evening . Ilfte rn oon . with Mrs fire early &turda y mO"nin g and Evenlnl t pnYflr lind address lit 7 p. order th rou gh us and receive the nud Rnymon cl Hart800 k allCl Charlie comr buck , John Hedmon til. . :-8u1;>j ect News or address at a vllry m ode ra.te price. three Itudent a were burned tQ death a·t evening 1'h l:-l It, the way we llt-('d t o 1I0 : Pflonow it. Mrs. Frunk Hl1l'tBook . Wash ingto n's Birth day. a ntlmbe r of others being Miss Bellen Will" of U MPH CIllied " Holcl nil , d o n ' t h oller, I w un' t ~\1r t ,\,011 , -' serious ly servioe "Whllt is · the ohureh and " What will you tl o w h ell th e booC lo ma n OD M l"tI Trelll. Cornall W CIIOCAlin:v why should r be a' m ember of It. ·' Prote ctive Assoc iation . Thul'ld lly, the 22nd .. WtL8 tbe an. Injured . MIBBe8 Carolyn Sprin g Branc h · and Edith rrlllllia tll(~: ch alle u J!c, a nd eve r)' 'HI t! run .. Evenin g Prayer SlIturdn Mr . Frllnk 1'hltllltltl lIul1 fmily y after. ulvlrea ry of the birth of the father M.OIIher are ILt Bareou !\f ll r lu cnu/(b l $ullIml(', 1LlldJuhll m~\I)t ht r,lIC rt BIIII. the noon Ilt 3.4" At, the ltlHt meetin g of the Wllyne Mr. lind MrH TboUlII B l:irlmos' P m . Everyb ooy In· of onr oonntry . Althon gh a legal youug ladleR departm ent rllceot·ly Mil e/" (:;o l lt.\l n~ L l7.zlc, J HC g a t heol1O ln SUr!, we re the gnHHttl of relllt,i of the Col vlted and Mnssie Townsh ip Protect ive und nnll flun ily spe nt II clay lnst week to these servlcel<. hollda,. , buelnll ll looally went on In lege. but fort.unl1tel~ thi~ 1lI11~' c haM eti (icorJ.:la hnn . ::i n rnh 11111 1 .J I'nnle 'Pbll llIember~ of t1Hl RitI~ev ill e departm ent Detecli ve A! 1\~ 8es8ro en t - - _ _....._ - - with I el"tiv fl~ nt Mt. Bolly. IIt'oomln. .:be w l lt.l erct1 ,h c n c ,"('r(·:lllg ht any 80c\ool IIIl't Ilt Ihl! hom o 'If .IlI e:,h *he OIul way. was a luffiole nt· dtsta;~o !ro~ the Will be Marri ed 00 Wfl" m!\de on elicit membe r . 1~ho~e w ert.' "nt.f' Ijf the s tUllt ~ We U,II {'II Mi~~ Gortrut le '1'rlnlul e returntl l.l · To- Day. of t.o llo Cnrnell '"rhllT!-Itluy ni~ h t, fuul nr~in '[be ooly bUllo _ hoUIeB to elOlle Aoadem y to e~OllllO . e ca amy ThI S lI\Iloun l· sh oulcl lJe I>l1il1 to the 10 bel' home in Hopkin~ville lIft4lr 'a AUol '.0'11 look Lt,",," 11\1 over .Galn. I"e :f.!!l1 t he !! oolul~ n/in.ln, all day were the banks. lift er which wm be rebuilt . am\ Yull , Mi8!! Mary Hny nnd Mr. Cllrl Se eret~I'Y lind he will gi ve r eceipts. few dl~Y S viMit with r elutivos .at this l!oglstH my n" IO e In IIIC 1I0me·['n,nl,," le"l nYRte rs lInd t1 f"~"M""ry eqnilllll The flratell bt grad. of ~he Way· ents Illu ce. Rev . J . F . Cildwal lader, Mr. and Smith will be nnlted In marring e .J C. 8l1wk e, 81'c . • J\ S Dan R , A .. no t A U 1.. I Dflll c n l. \vp.rc .. ervad, DIIyil1e 1IOh00le held eJ:ero '- ap· Mrl. W. H. Allen, Mrs. E . V. Barn· to.dIlY. 'rhe event will be quietly Mr . .J esl\o l:.owis, Mrs. Lizzie Mr . Ander HOII " lI closo~ .... it,h t.Iti~ proprla te to DIe day In the after. hart and A. M. MoKay attende Notic te--Fo r Rent. Bnrry Stokos "luI fnmlly c,L1led d tbe solemnl:lA!d, only hllDledl ute friends LewiR a utl Mis>! OIi ve Pllr.bll li· ~f let,tor. a Jont( list nOOD. In addltlp n to the OIuII dec· oonven tlon of the of nnme~ of fu rnltlr on Ernest Uutte rw llrth lIlIIl fumlly t!ondtlY Bohools bel ng. presen t. WllynllRville were the~unday guests A fnrlll of 100 nores. GO lIorllS river r esillent s whiuh will reollll to r laiDatlOOl, eonp, eto., there were of the EplsoO llOlohu rohes e"l;!. ::;l1 ndl~y . of South. The bride Is t he daught er of Mr. bottom ; 10 ne rcs hetwee n of Mr . l:ioorgl! Ulutwr lght unel tllolU . IirRt anti ors of the (;lll~e tt e mnn y who hll ve maroh .anddr UlI by the chlldre n. ern .Ohlo, beld at Ohrlst --~ - ~ ohurch. lind Mrs. Wm . Hay, living west of seoontl bottom ily . . t.o brenk; r8!1t po s. drif'tod ol1t. llf RIght IIntl o nt of Ifluch In the fourth room taDlbt by Dayton , ThuradlloY , A large A Wash ingto n's num Waynet~vllle. IIncl the groom 18 t,h e ture. Guou h (l u~ e and . and II. . ClaraL lle, I dlatino t and ttOlt ber of promin ent men and Mr . •Jess Hllrril! of Lytle Is work . with t h e h omA oOllllllunlt.y. 'l'holle women son of Mr . nnd Mrs. CharloMl:!mith, !!prlng wnter thot Birth day Anniv ersary . n ever ~ives Ollt. nil me.. wW he pu b liRhell III noxt I\lIlO8I efullnn ovatlon wlUllnt roduc· wero pre8ent from all pl\rt~ ill g for Uoor~e Crutho r ..... Mr. Vruth . of the of the SprinR Valley pike.' Known nil C.vrll~ Smith plll00 nt week'" (;'IZOtt,(! ,-[ EIJITOR lid whan .. OODlpaDY of boYI equip. I~te and the gatheri ng c rM lind wife will !:loon loav", our was marked The young people hllve the lw.!lt Cms!lr s I )roll k brlclgo. III rORp rl1lSe to an Invltul,ion to II nelghbo rhoorllL ped with guns went through the by a aplrlt of tmthusl ast.ic Ud 01 01'6011 Ne wton ID&nul of Irma, marohe d. counte r In the work of the Sunday Interes t wlshA8 of II host offrlend ll. ollrpet rllg ~e\V ili g . se \'erltl of Mr" " Buuu ell's I)h.oe near Apply tn Allen' Kibler. Orel{llnill . Obitu ary. Schools . !!'!______ ______ ______ ______ __~__~~~ Corwin . ______ ______~~~~~ 'I' . •,lUk ln ·H n eigbbor~ gnthnred Ill, IDU'(!hed, eto" aooordi ng to the rei· While Dr. J . W. Ward, 1II i. . 8 1'8I1rl Dill of Mt. Bolly WIIR at Lytle. Mnrgnr et Ann Midtli llton WH~ horn her hom e nl'.ar Hurv ey"' llI1r~ Thur" 1 ~ t1hn g in our vicinity one IItterno on alation l Pl'8lCrihed In the U. was putting klndltn gllinto his stove ST • .MAR Y'S CHUR l:t1. Novem ber 28. 1H:I!I, nud died Fehrn tillY, F ebrullry 2~ . It Wn:l ulso Mr I,, ~I, wellk. army. Friday evening , a llpllnte I ~ ry l H. I006.lIg ed tHi YI'llrs ll lll on ths Runkln 's hirthlln y . Abo ut thirt,y frlontlR II.nel nelRh . CoDild erlng the abort time whloh hla eye, and MrtI. Ward r flew Into Wayn esvill e, Ohio. gave tho IImlllO days . We 1111 k e pt hllsy nnW n onll Wh llll bur~ 11 ttel1tlocl tho wood c hopplnl : *be boy. had drilled and that It WIS neoell8a ry 'care, but whloh did not She WIIS D1arrioel t.o ~I\mllel EuniR wo were tnVitell tn the llinilll{ 110<1 'I uil ting Ilt t.he IIOIllIl uf Hlrllm LENT A. D. 1906. rfll' 1Il 'he Ilnt a&temp ' of anythin g of this believe the pain whloh J)ukill \lutl fumily Illst 'rhur!lll oy . became so June 17, 18110 . Six childre n , four where nn " Iegnnt dinnor wuS Horv l!d . Jdod in 'he 1Oh00la, the drill was Intenae that he ;Islted l\It· Vhorley Woolla ru visited hi" ASH WEDN ESDAY a 81>00lallst boys antI two g irl~. fourtee n grnn<l Occupy ing til" cente r of Ih e tubltl unele H e nry Woolht r(lunll oarrIed ou' wonder fully well IIond 111 Dayton Saturd ay mornin fUllltl .v g who Litany . Peniten tial Office a nd childre n IInll fo ur grea't grand·cbilll. WII!! /I lurgo 011 It" ,)OOlll'llt etI with of Wuyno s ville !::\tt"Dllay . w .. a mOlt 8nterai nlng feature . dlllOOvered that .. small portion of Holy Com munion r e n \lre the 00' ~priug of t.llls union fillgs lInd bo urill~ '.1 pioture o f ]0.00 a . m. WIlHh 'I'ho llxllr(,isllS in h Ollor of WlI8h · 111'1. .llnnlT and Mn. the eyeball had been llIced Onu Mon procede d tltll m ot·h e r to t.he Ington 11 1111 tbo ytla r~ of It SUNDA YS hiM Itirth illl-( ton's birthda y held lit. OUI' Huhuul lohn B~adberry lpen' Sabbat h very will be neceln ry to be ;· (holL t Beyond . Mo rning Prayer and Rennon nnll denUI . IInll ul ~" t llll yllllr of Mr h"u~ e '['hurl:!tll\y Ilfte rn u(tn wos nioo. 10.:10 n. m. ~tly with lira. Henry Upp. ful of the Injured membe r until It Iy I.lrrnnge l1 nntler the IIInn ngetuElll t ~~" c ning Prayer and Addres s 'fbe mother hUH lIIad o her home Runkin '" hirt,h . 7.00 p . m. Mn. ElIaa Oll:ieebee visited her heals, and It I~ slnoere lv hoped of nur oX(lolle nt t onc her Mr . John Sunday School that with two of t he 80US Ilnll h or lli\ugh . 9.30 a. m. During I' h ~ ILfte rnonn MI·!< . Ctllvi n I' Cummi ngs . ..other Mn. Mary Upp on Monda y . no serlon8 reBults may follow. Holy Commu nion. the Isl. a rt! . terN · In low for II few years past . OgloslJ( l(1 renll 11 ve ry intorn" li ll t.{ ~ingill~ ulill r ecit.n ns wllre 111 •• and 5th Sunday~ in Lent Her lost Hlok n e~s Willi brief. IONt· ~k(!te'lt nf t h n life or \V The Nation al Normal Unlvers lt}' ll H hill ~t<l n IIIII~oll in II11d nil proHout I' ll jOYflU a Sudd en Death . FRIDA YS Ing but Il few duys. anll before he r 111111 ~evorul ot,horN Drumat lo Club of LoblLnon Rave an T11 1111" n fuw ",I· lliC(, t lUH1 . 111'1. Davld Corwin , of near enterta inment in Sohool HIIII Inst Regi nning with the Second Friday trlllntl!! hnd ILnticiplLted ber depurt lli tiolHd remflrk " . Mr . (:lulI\ Pe nlJowit lI utl flllllil .v and FridaYH followin g, Service Sprinlb oro, wal fouod dead by her Friday evening which ure. Ilnd ere they wl're preparell for WIIS very wort! t.Il1l i:'Il1lltluy gn"l<t, lit' ( ' b~ rlct! \l "l' nill t; and Addres s nil hubaD d on hll return from ....le gratify ing to the large p . m tho IInlll clI ll she pa!lllllli from t.h e andie noo Re.\'llllh is ILnl1 flllllily of Corwin SATUR DAYS n.r I'nnktl n, yesterd ay . . .Ing. The first port of t.he prog 8I1rthly homo to the Home boyonli . Wi HhiUI: Mr. !llId MrK , Itllllldn IIlIlny rllm WUH ~~v e ning Prayer mo a. re ·H; yeurs . t) . ro . (of I'ro>l)ler il.y li nd hilI' Deach was due to bear' failure devoted to mUllo a.n d relllllngK So quickly RometimeR the Maslleo . . Pa rt GRAN GE. HOLY WEEK . and came peaoefu lly while ' Itln. two Will a reprodu ction of " Helen'l\ ger CIIIl!! a way the loved ono~ fr o III !llncRs ,lOll tluLIl kin g IhUl" I'li r II Service Daily truly on joynble tim e. 3.45 p. m. the earthly home. Corwin w .. -ted In her chair. . Cuurt" hlp," a two IlOrt "oono frllm \V"YI1 (l ~"llI u Hmll!,;11 will hulri . Funera l serviceS1\t Ihe h Oltl oTnElR EASTE R DAY MI'. and ltIn. Corwin are quite JlIlIle.. SherldtLn Knowel~' ' ·Th .1 'hose pre!lollt· we re : Mrl! . ( 'Ill viII !.Iwir nnxt re~nh.r llIeel,in e g !-lItt.II r · day . tl. l e 20, oonduc Holy te,l Commu nion hy B. F. Oglesbe e, Mrs . (;orl1 F . Huri s . Mr" 1,111 ., ' fWI1ni ul( w""hy and well Jrnown through . Hllllllhllll ('k," . nnd thll o'nll 7.00 a . MtLroh :i llC~ ellln \\' Ilrk In :i'TI Mo rning Prayer, Sermon out thlllllOUOU, VtlUghlUI. Lll orury Pro Burial in Uenterv illo Alice I.. Fisher, Mrs . Samuel 8L"r,.., 111 111 Hb l legree~ . edy c1rlLlDl1, "SunlU lt." 'l'he enter· I l{.rlllll and H oly Commu nion cemete ry. ]0.:10 a . m. , B. F . V . mlnmo n' wal very Interes ting,on d Mrs . Knte Ogles bee, Mrs . EIIIl" 1. R ec i~Ilti on; SI!'tl;lr Marl,1t , PRAYE R •, Iln. Jane Baphnn II quite 11011:. . all the young people who took e, Mrs. DIl vlll U ndorw" "ll. Ilu vi R . part _ _ The Gazette doeR a. generl1.l OglesllO 1" ~. Help me, 0 God, to be Th¥ faithfu l child, tJl1 rront, Event,s ; I!II>lt... r Oor/? IIi. Peait 'DuMon t of Da ton II ".tllde a favorab le Impress prlntin g 'buRines8 . We have recent . Mrs . .lJllDtI. Moore, ion on the Mrs. Annn EIIi" to Icve The Blessed Savior, who died for me . ., y, large ludleno e. A neat lum was . Iy pu~cha sed conllde mb le new type Brl\Un on. Lula. Bronn oll , Alice . j . ~Xf.J'tlut . . .un of h., annt. IIrs. Alethla .reallee d tor the benefit of and always to obey The Holy Spirit:; That s from State O rallK" •. the Home. EU uollt.iolUtl Bulletin . By ttrif.C~ I may come at last to Thy .Heaven ly IIond other materl~land are 'prElpa,red Oglesbe e, RusBle Cll1rk "'~IIIIB.. ~ . turer. Coming fnn<i. Kingdom; for Jesus' sake. .AMEN. to do bette~ work than ever before 1 ONE OF 'rmlM. 4. M~slo ; By the
THE UNIT[O fAMilY ----
to vJri'ft; to- cltiZeublp, to hOllor. u tbe 1I&ti:,' 8hould be lnol\l<l&ted aa a fam- , II, trait. Ii OUr hllltory there 11.111 Is an ITIIIM.Utnt
fllmlly bames whlolt s blne from on. ' general Ion t o 'lIlo[bol:. wil\l UJl ll lmln' , • A~Vll.Ua. AFnC'l'lON' ao DE~P AND TRUE Is bed IlIsler , IJ'he Qulncys, tbe Adam .. ' -: IT LASTS A llIfETIME. . ~ lblO lJ ales, t h E Ve ratta, fli e .Ahbottll" ~fr. H'U~l ro 110110<:. WIl t r and formel '" L e Lees, III Gra nts, tbe R oo.e\'elt8, Oxford loot.urer wbo IIIl!! reQ~oU" lleon Empet'or Willftun's Oh:lU'R.ctel'carTf Oll t ronl oue ora to t he next tile I l a kln g n bOlld ~y In S)lllln con t~ l bllle! , A ll the German emperor III the WI> trad tr lons o~ Integr it y, or altr u l~m a nd 80 me !luer cijllng l'etnlnl 8~n ceB or t be ., IOn :wltb ;X whom tbe world'a p a e II Membel s of Clnl\ulsb F /lm UletJ .Al. ot h igh. am blUOfl Wfl lch hn ye b e n w nyH Rea dy ~ to B elp Ono A'nother tbelr . dis ti ng uishIn g ehllructcrl~tlC! r oadsl!ie to tllll a blel, Ou e or hIS nd · mo." boUlid lIP, lI gh t 00 /l Is cbnrncler - Bu rdens A re Often 'tJ'nj from th o fl r~ l Our prC!;ldol)t Is' v rsa vQotu rl)B wns an enrounler wllb 0 pe· Ilo.a mora tb till '(l ol'l!Onol In r~st- Arc· Borne b y Unselfish MeOlb ers- We, ; ll l tAlght!or wo r ct ; manly Ilenll pub t1eS lrl~n 1I11I(er, wbo sang as be wal k ud, tont booll o n (lermony blls n ch~pt , Dnughler; Ma k e Nobl e Sacri fic es 110 sp irited. Qunll Lles which bave \1& ".",1 \\ hoso rhym ~s. Iranslntod Into de oled to 'tbe kaloar. 'l'be Boston T hat A re U tlappreelnted - No 8cended to h Im t rom Cn l her nnd gralld. ~ngllsb Ilroae, were In nl dcat ]lrR se '~\lmld, s~p'nrl z lllS; It, SILl'S I t j\how~ Blck erlllg or Fnult - Fi ndi n g falh er, nnd wh ich, lot \I S hope, wilt bt Of"hls own cI VerneR!! and CI,I,lI lnG. , that. .B 1 ~ mAre l('g policy. blltb foreign A mong M embers of R. U ni t ed be[! llelltlic(l to his chil d ren aft r 111m, Men tha ~oolc hI copper. was t hl' and a(lIne$Ut, ~A n lUI von COlII'SP': bu t tn til<' 'ommonpllLco da l1~ life or th. J)urtlorl of O li O, "Icllow Ihal all ~ool< l lIG FO lll lly - Fnmlly P ride Xeeps ·tbnt no soOner bad lh e kal~or got r id hom o lil a nnlt I fnm lly avold~ bIc ke r I» Il double labor unl ess th e rOllper Is Ma llY u NAlJle Free troID Stain. or bl m tban Germa n )"" fOr'lgn policy ing, fau ll ,flodl ng envy j ealou sy ami ll l'opetl y ll nll NI" Anti a ~u lII : " All bocawo ' Otful, eolllIDUlle (\lId unstable, Jl\ ~I.\R ,AIl ET ". _AZ'GS'rEH t il 1lJIIII gnnnt b~ood w'hl Ch follow In kinds o( I;llllle nr~ l, ~st runRlod " 1'<'11 a " T b.. lUrches nl ,' such n utllled fam t heir t rilln o re\Jllca of t be emperor's hnpu\sh'e Th ey do not talk a bo ul SI)Il, but whlll "ilit IS ~o CI ~,Ul an.! frcs h oonrncter. T be Rerald gOcs 011: "All' ll y' Til,'), seem to I1l1l'e n good tim"!; on ' IlIIlJl hcl' t o outsldors. Ther e Is 8 JlS n RI>lt Ihul ha ~ b ~ II newly lIn net! !" " I wish YOll gooll I' ·IY." s nlt l ~ l l. Ucl I) lhor elCDlll Dt of w eaku~8s 10 Iho IiOV- a mong I hr rn s,' I, I" , nud 10 d ' p~nd I'cl'1 Qua int \lftlvp rb 10 th u effect lhnt soil ed Inc. on flrsL til "\III!'. Ih~ llOl' lll' 111I1<0r. cro moll t Is Its lock or sta blllLy. 'Tho litt le on II", OUb '''" world ." The re· linen Is IlI'st wtlHh\!11 at '.Jome. mnrl, \I ns tle, erll'l l>c of a ftlln lly No ru mlly with thl) sllght('~l claim . \' ou slug So as 10 ntll'<'r l lso ) our cmp ror: It Is said, 'co ns lders Ills mluwb lc h ha d - Il lal ge a COlllI OCt lol] lhnl talers not as experl eocell nnr! lod e- It mlgbt UIIllO-1 ~( 1,IIled 11 clan You to derl'nl'Y airs Its grlovanceg befoll tmtle?" th e world. 01' GOca a boll l rCUlIJl ll1: tIlt " I llo." he nns\\,' r et! . " IL Ilfls Ih p penlieD t chiefs of tb deparlm e nts or l<now hOIl It Is III om 6 localltl"s. luflrmltl As or th e si ns of thoso whc henrt , s borl e n. Ihe way, II l lrae ~ lh e SHIle, entitl ed' to 0(lln lOn9 of lbel r owo, Man) ) ''' " 111:0 th e Iradltlona l t hrllp. bear Its nnme. It Ihe family he largo ntr clt llo n Of cltlze,, _ /lllcl g lltlranto p ~ but DB t he eXocuto rs oC Ill s will, nnd brotlu·ru cam " "ailing ove l th e g reat Ihe ro Is evury reDson to eXIll'ct Ihul SOf,d wO l k " be romoves lIlem lUI s oo n us thp), do oc,'un, un ll "s tublls hcd th om. e1I·os on 801llP.boily In 'It IIl ny fn ll sbol't of th ' In wh a t way," $01 11 MI'. Delloe, "tlO f O not s lI cccell In (ulOll lng b ls wbbes' LOD!! bln lld 01 In Otsego couo ty, or fam il y s tnn llnr d. Th e re 1M nil t ht It gunrunt'o goo ll wor l," Ifhc domestic: policy o C th o emperor Is drl fl ed OU I In pra irie sc hooner~ to t he more roason, th is helllg tho cnse, t o " Tha mnn." be " n ~ w e l ed, . who " Ir g. depicted DS equally' u .. :ortunate. H ts " CSt or ~ t\l'nlllp e d In the south t h row th e mnnUe of charity o"~ r thf lo udly. cleally nnel ' HI! Is 11 IIlIlIl III He nce, Ibere Is In ono IJlac a gren l IInfortunnl" !lnd to kce[f sile nt n1>oul good h olth. He 16 rnn ~ l o r of hlm ~lI lr. arrogant Impcrlalls m nnd laclt oC tolselli r ment or nro wn ~ , In a nother of e rutlo n ba \'o d r ive n t he libera l ele- \ \'blll", III nnother of Grny s. Up 11111 whnt ca n not bo holped, ,Family pr idE H o Is strict ant! " ell- mn nngNI. \\,11 en men ts of Ger lIJa ny Into the ranks oC an ll do\\ n In adjacen t parls bes t he Is a ft on carr ied to excess Dnd It rna) pe(tplo hea r Itl m l hey suy : ' ll ore Is ,I t be aocla l domocra ttc pa r ly, wbl cb Is ('ollslnbood rf'sldes. nnd Ih a ou tbrnnch· male o us n laughing stork 10 our l)rOlllllt. ready nlld spr vl callie Illlln. n eIgh bo rs, pa rtlc nl ar ly It lhe fa mily lie Is not MIn i,!. The re Is nO rll d r· no mo re exclusive ly a parly of m,llton · Ing or th e family to remot er regio ns bonors n re all In Ihe past, ancl t be 1\ 'ss In him. He Is urllnne s wift lind touts r ecruited fro m t he labo rin g sturts from Ibat IJo lnt, so that wb n pros III doe8 noth ing 10 j usllry It to Ihe polol The re Is mel hod In him' here nro fnmlly ralTylngs, o ld nnd t c1usses, but now l ueludcs nllmerous A rer la ln family In the sout h li ved All th eso lh ln,,;~ may lie In a IIllln wh" ma oufucturers, mer cba nts, baokora, you ng, di stan t anll nca r. co n ver gr I" co ntentedly on the comm unity aoco pt docs not Slll l: bU I sl nj:l ng ma lIC" lhelll proCo88lonlLl men, et c., a proof of dis· Ihe old ground a nd l he old bome st<· Ins gltts of rood ,a nd clothi nG whi c h oppo r nl Tb erero re lu ou r Irado we coote nt among tbe mi ddle classes, T ho tla of blood Is nlwa ys s trong, bUI were IL l ways dellclLt ly t en dered, no tl sing." Ihera are tribes of David an d of refu slog to do a st roke of work, be " Butlll e ro nIHst be SO Dl O." :'Ilr. Delloe 'SUmming up th e oet r esul t of lbe emJ onnthan , wh ere t he t r iba l Ins tin ct Is T he bl ue snhl, "\Vho 110 1I0t sing, a nd who yot peror's In creasing a ctivit y du rlll!; Ib e r elati vely m ore ,' Igorous l han In cause of Its blue blool\. ' 7 years of bls r eIgn, tbe au tbor fi nda tr Ibes, let us sa y, of Benja min aDd blood t hllt turn ~ people In to me ndl are good tinke rs." pltlnbly d genernte st rea m At t hIs th Spa nis h Unl(c r ga ve a th at Germnny hu lost g rou nd a nd of T heodor e, who hav e tbe nom ad lo ca nts Is but fam ily pride Is a good th Ing li ll ie shrug or bls ~houlde rs an d S IJT~ ad prcsll ge In Corelg n pollllcs, and lit Ibe d rop more deeply colorin g lh el r lives. wb en It k eeps s tai nless tho family do wn Il ls han do s llt;btly bu t Impc·rn· same tlmo \.ho emperor bas <:c,mm unlWhen we come to a united bouse· name, whe n It mai nta ins high ethical lively. bo ld, we mean by It one wbe re attec, cated ' his own nervous restl essness to " Tllere a re such," said he. "Th ey s ta ndn rd s, w lreo In a ll lts tlnn ala th ef( · l he rest ot tho world. Th c Inck of true tlon Is deep an d true, wh e re It Is a a re chivalrous me n an d ]lur e women nro e"en UUm e r01J9. But whllo t hey , llersPCIltl on, (o reslght an d es pecia lly ot joy to make concessione a nd sacrifi ces, who make I he world n belle r place by get loss trad e, l bey a r e a lso less bapp me n. For [ woul d h aye YOU noteol.f1b lllty Is g Iven as tl\e reason tor a od wher e one, sla nds st ead/nsll y boo th olr nobl e livIn g. side the otb er Ih ro ugh thi ck and tbin. tCOllYrll/hl, l!l()6, lJy J oseph n. Bowlea.' snvillr; YOur r esp oct and t hat. of Ib e t ~eae dl8l\ppolntll\g- results." There are s uch hom es. In th em broth· ompnoy-i hat tlile s lugl ng hns n Qua l· e rs a o d slslers love one aoo t hor w ltb A POSTAL-CARD STAND, I' Woman's inventive GenIus. Ity It does good w it hin as we ll am la sta to Ule la test a devotio n t bot. I It Is oQt true tbat woman lACks witho ut. It plenseR t ho slngcr In hi s h ou r oC life. If one In Ih e family Mad e of S ti ff Cnr dboR r d Cover ed w it.ll very selt, ns we ll WI bring in g him worll , creaU.e ge nIus. . [n fact, the In ve n· Is weak or errIng, tbe others close Green Ar t S erge and E dged wl\.h nntl ell en ts " tl ve tal ent Is marked In woman a round biOI like a wnll and de fond , Green Oorllln g-. T bell Mr, Bell oe Btlld' " Yo u nr e rI'. here Is us ually a om e~hlug orig inal h im from nd verse criticis m, shiel d r ll;ht, a nd I wish I hnd "ome thlng to In her mnke up, use rta the Wasblng· h Im If they ca n from tho cem se· Th is Bland Is co ns tructed very mucb I li n. Let me howl!ver, te ll you somc, ton Star, The rude moscullne obser v· Quencos of h l ~ m Isde meano r s, a nt! on tbe slime 11rl llc lplo ns a pllOtogl llpb I hlng In t he place nr the trade I cannot er wbo 'makes th e ch a rge tba t woman count no seJf·den la l too great tr the y frame , but wit h lhl s dlttoren ce, tbnt It o rrer YOll. All Iblngs are triune. no ts defective In cr eatlveoess Is wron g. can uplift h im an d help b lm over his bas II po 'ket In fro nt Ihal Is ca llab lE you have heard"-he re Ibe IIn l,er H e baa noted tbnt' wben one woman ba rd placo. ot holding pos t-curds. It s ho uld bo In nodded-"ond YOU I sloglng does thcre• begi ns ' to wear a ce rtalo or uncer taIn s ize about 4 '4 In hes high by 6% [ore not n doubl o, bu t a tr iple goo d . £hl\pe qf hilt every other woman musl. t t Is not unu s ual In a unlterl fam· Incbes long, 'lOa co llslsts of a piece 01 [,' or It g ives yo u pl easu re wl lh ln. It b a ve the IIRmll Bhalle, be It s hapely or Ily for the burde n to press too h ea~ lIy stout cllrdlJOllrd or t hin wood covered brings In t rade I1ml co ntent Crom oth. ahapeless, .HIl hu ob;erv~d tbat ' when on some ono wbose Ideal of tbe bome ors. ' and It tl ell g hts tile wor ld a ro un d )'011. It Is ntl a d m lrnble thin g." ooe woman IIwltchllS ~he fulin CJIs of Is so 'Iofty tbat be cannot bear to bnve Whe n t.he tinker b enrd this he W IlS the ' aleeve from tho elbow to lhi,. anyone belong lnt to It s uller a mo· very pleased. He took 01'1' his e no r. aboulder or back' agaIn 'from tile abou l· me nt's uneasiness. Ono brot be r por· baJ,ls forgee nhead, gels on In tbe mO ils hst. "'hlch WIlJI at sl ra w an d as der to . the elbow every otber worn· world and Is wha t Is callad successful. big as a wbeel, an ll said : "Sir, t o tb e an must do Iha" same, He bllS ob- H e '1lakes bls mArk. He beco mes con· next meet lllg," an d went 01'1'. s inging .erved that ,w hen one woman des igns Bplcuous In finan ce, In JIOlltl cs, or In wl tb a bappler aDd moro triumph a nt to 'bake ,a " cake sbe Insists 011 bor· Bome walk ot li te wblcb be Is fitted note: rO~loc th~ nelgbbor's recipe, though for by r eason of native tal e nt or "Carrots, onions. lentil s anll bean s R EC EPTACLE FOR POST-CARDS. this argUes more fbi woman', rev ~r. strenuous endeavor. The r est of the depend upon tbe ti nke r for Ihelr wonh tamlly lean on this one. The world epee tor pretedent tban for ber look with dnrk green art serge, and edced to monlllnd." of origInality. 'l'be bbserver bn~ , also 19 apt to be prelly eve nly divided Into with a cordillg, nn ex t ra piece of mo. noled that tbe GrIt womSn got •. ff those wbo 11ft and those wbo lean. terlal In front f~rmlng tbe pocke t, nnd Tbe eminently successful membe r of this ma y bo 1I0ed Insldp with silk. The WANTED TO '·ALK BUSINESS the Grit street car 'backward and tbat tbe family Is expected to carry tbe - -- evol' tIInce eYery othe~ womBn has Test, and be often does It wltbout a words " pos t -cards" are worked In sUk, "nd George's Girl Wanted to Heal' and two IJ llIe Hower designs fill the done the same thine. single note of complaint. HIm When He Went apace In ellher elde. It Is Supported [n tbe old days, beforo women .,..ere at tbo back In Ib e snme ma nn er as an Abeut It, , Insects ana Disease. , - -, The 'aCleoce of medicine seems to be so generally self,slIpportlng, It wns ordinary pbotogra ph frnme wltb 0 A bUSiness mnn bas a '\lau gbter /n d on 'tbe verge ot a ~ nst cbange. It the not extraordinary to see a number of piece o f s tout ca rdboa rd (thIs for np. brotbers and sisters growing old to- pea ra nce sn ke may be cove red wltb also n confide nti al clerk, nnd Ih o conreputed discoverIes are reliable, phys lgeth er, all unmarried, becauoe no 0110 co lured IJupe r) blnged on with a pI ece ftdeollol clerk hllJl for somo t ime been ellanB. will bo ve to· abandon tbelr medi- was w\lllng to dlm lnlob tb e r- mily atte ntive to the da ugbter, bul he bns cine cbesl.S and tnrn the mselves 1010 Income by withdrawing his sbare fr om of clu lh g lu ed on to tbe back of the n ot-or h ad not a montb ngo-sums ta nd a nd tb e top of tbe support. eotomologlsta. The alleged dl scoye ry tbe common stock. Brothers do not 9 0 clen t courage to come to tbe pOint, tba t tho mosquIto descrIbed as sto~· otten In these days r emain single Ihnl though the young womnn, goodn ess To R emove Dandruft'. ~ Omy'ln wns alone res poos lble Cor yel- they may mnlntaln s plnsler sis te rs In By cnrefully brus blcg out the (ongle knowa, has n ever done a n ythl og 10 lOW ' fe ver was sumclently Star tl ing. comfort, nor do the Biste rs wlsll It at niGht It will not barm t he ba lr to scare him off, (or he Is n fir s t.cla ss If fello w In e very re s pect. The o tlte r evc\lut tblo bos been rollowed by a hosl Tbey feel entirely able . to t.lllte care mnt It In a rrnnglog It each day. of discoveries wblcb tb ~!!n t e n to 1m· o! t hemselves, and It Is docldlldly t he t10nd ru ll Is no t very pleutlflll It oln g he wns ma klllg n ca ll, a nd a bout their prefe r ence to be In de pe nde nt pose upon InsecL'I tbe sole res ponsl bll. There scorned no little sol fis h ness In IlIny !.te removed by Ihe (ollowln g 10' nin e o'clock he r fa ther en me In. "Ah, Gool ge," he sa id, " h ow about Ity. for tbe s pread of disease. Acco rd· the demand tbat man or woma n s houl ll tlon: Vinegar or 'C antharid es, o ne· balt that denl we were talk ing of thi s atlog' to tho president of tbe Medico, live a solitary life, for tbo sn ku or ounce ; ean de cologne, one_ ounce: ternoo n? Old yolt see Ihe party ?" rose water o ne ounce. Brush t he hli lr Cblrllrglcal college In Phlladc lpltla otbel'8, and yet the re woo III It of len a cll refully and apply to tbe sca lp, HaIr "Y e~ , sir," l'epllcJ George. "nnd I tbere are 16 varleueij of bouse fII ea nobility greater than Is lIIustroted In Ton lc-Tlnclure uf cantbarldes, three expeeled to aee yOU tbls e venlog aod whlcb s pread dlse!Jstl. 1'bey appea r ro tb e modern tas hlon of eve ryono for ounces ; o ll;-e o il, one-halt ounce; 011 tell YOI\ nbout It." " My dOllr," said tbe fa lher , turning wa llow In tbe germs of typhoId fe\'er, blmselt. Many a dau glrter ha s put of r ose ma -y , one· ha lf ounce; bay rum, to bls daugb ter, "will you retire for - ond tbey cal! communicnle It 10 per nslde her own hope of Individual ease s ix ounces. a few mInutes ? GeOl'ge wanlS 10 , 80DS, wbl ah may account lor tbe facl and of happy marriage for Ih e so.kv of a mother wbom she could not leave, speak bu siness for a whil e." .AS THE :BREEZE ABOSE. ot tiO much typbold teve r during lhe and wIth whom she would not burd en Tho daughter rose up , but besltated, Slimmer nnd ,Ilutumn In places wherE a husband, The mother Iiaa lived on "Wby do I bave to go?" sbe ns ked; 'no Germs coold be round In tbe drink· COl\tentedly accepting a cos tly s'lcrll1cc deubtfully. ,tng water. which Bbe has un denalu ed becau se Its "Bccause, dear," s miled Ihe father, magnitude never entered Into th e "you are no t lo terested. Wby do you A New York cle rgyman some fe.. scope of ber Imag ina tion. wont 10 slay? " w eeko IIgo wa R play log s ol[ on tllf In one of the mos t IIl1lted familI es She blushed and Hdgeled. Jloks of the Mounl Airy cI'Jb. nenl within the circl e or my a Qu al nlance " Because, papa," sbe Iwlltered, "I'd Philadelphi a. In the cours') ot th~ there occurred som t hin g vo ry Iillo a r a ther like to hetlr George lalk bu s l. game he drove luto IL buoke r, wb e r& tragedy when a g irl yea r nfter y ~ar n e s~ ju st on ce" upo n Ills partner benrd blm cxclll hn : refused to l1larry her betro lhed lie· Then Geor ge got red, aod tbe rather cause sbe would not Il ese rt her IV Ir\ " Cro ton ! " Tbe lalle r did not under look er! a t th r,m botb slgnlflcanlly, and \ s tand. bUl salll oOlblng. Sho rtly nfter· owed motb er nnd her yo un ,l" r 61. tors Pilimber Pele-Wllat's tho maile r the girl fled . T en yearo slipped a l... Y ll R s \V ir tl y a nrl ward, upon slklng his ba ll into Ihe s ilently as s nowl1ak ea that ra il In tile with s~ tlln' tbe stove down an' gOlD ' Th e lover W IIJI path'nt, bIll IU81t1e Cor a re st? l o ng g ra.>;s, Ib e clergym un ugn ln eJacu· nlgbt Roumanillm 'Festival. luted : "CrolOO!" "Whut do you tnell~ cradually the roman ce vanl ~ b pl I anu Hnlmogen, In Roumanla, possesses a by that wonl 'Croton; Mr. H-1" In· he ceased to rel:ar d "Itll wors hip a unique public fesll val. It Is a little 41ulred bls purlne r, "It sounds like no belo g whom he eaw very ofton III a.n lown of ubout 1,200 InhnblUlnts, and e xo rcism." "No," sa id tbe reve rend unb ecomIng print go,,'n, with B on th e mornin g of Its annunl fair da y g e ntie mao. " but It elpresses my feel. ~lngbaU\ a pron, drudc1DII:, drudglnl, lhe popul a tion from aboul 80 villages .ogs exacLly." . How so?" "Why, It growing laded and wan "lIh c renou. comes troopin g In ownrms. Then Ib ere upon tbe forehead, and puckers allollt 1:0 out to mee t tbem nil thl'l young we· r ,,[,reseots th e biggest darn 10 the the eyes. BT and bT a prf!tty YO ll nger men, married or single, of Hnlmllgen, world " els ter came bome from .cbool In Ihe each bearing a small flower garlanded . FIve cblldren at a lIabltual drunk. lissome crace and ""Itching cbarm vessel of wloo, and all attended by ot Sweet and TwelltT; ber eyes were their IOdmotbers. As the vlsllors ap .rd ID Cblca,o have WOO ao nward free from care, ber cbeek had Ihe Un d e· t-:dwnr'II - Whal's the hnrm 0' proach the young women ol'l'er each a of 117,500 damages from tbree caloon bloom of the peacb, ber balr wa., thick ltee pero. who 8uld liquo r to their ra· and browlI, she was wbat Berl ha had Ine putt In' down the load ILnd slepplo' toste of wine and II kiBII. This strange CU810m Is supposed to have lis origin tber aCter bavlng been warued nOI 10 been len years ala. John prompUy In8ld. fe r a Kpell? In tbe escape centuries 810 of Bome do BO, It Il! to be hoped they will lJa for sook Bertha and rurtlvely courtet! Halmagen women, nfter being carried Jo~ l s l e, and one mornln, Eisia Slepped abl e to collocl the Judgme nts. ot!' by Turles As tbey neared tbelr Into hl B woltlnl buggy and til e two own homes, Ihelr JOY caused them to Se, e n ~U1 les vOled do wn wo man BUC- " ent away Bnd ,.'ere married, afl~r embrace every neIghbor at slgllt. an e ngageme nt of a single da~' . Poor Ir ll l; ~ Illst ) es r. No t on e udo pll!u It. Bertha, a martyr and a saint , grew old No P088lble RIvalry. Thl' ro Is In New York Rn uSSOcl ullon a n d an ~\I lar and after a wll tlc. Wb~D New J erseyman - The only thIn g Of ea rneij t Wlllncn who u j) po~ e It : nod her mother was dead, look care of rour slate ha s to be proud of 18 ItB wh e revcr th e Ques tion Is up tbe y anI El ij l p.·~ I' hlldren. tllI e or "mother of presldenls" on band t o l'OII'clemn It, A u ulte<l family maT make s ucb a Virginian- I know It It neve r oc. . trngetly posHlble Not beca use of th e curred to my blunderIng ancestors ION! Ib uD 30,000 blllls wero u8ed IMt fam il y lIn loo , but because human na· (Fl zz .I·I\-tl ·pop·POp ppp·pop!) that It woul d be s bi gg er tblng to be ~aSOtl Ill' lh e baa ball t ea ms In na- turu ! ~ mu ch too ready to trampl e \.h e ,Imothor of trusts."-Chlcngo Trll>(IOtllll al..,." cmeo.t Icab"Uea, but not down t hose of us wbo do oot remem· tioe. noug lJ of Ihom wel e kn ocked over tlla ber thaI we o\\ e a lIuty to ourselves all III r 8eld fe nce 10 pleaso l be public. we ll as to our kindred. Flsh tOt tbe Poor. • • • • [n Stuttgart and some otber Soutb German cilles fishes are 1mporled by Ibe carload under muni Cipal supervl. slon, and s old at Jaw ' prices for tbe hene~t I)f tho poor.
1DWN.a MCl4,V. PlaWlalllra. ,
QIRDlED TREES. How Th c,y May ~; Saved If !l'h<l)' An Worll>. the Troul>le ot l'reUsnllll y, whe n a Iroe Is gl rdhlll. It ~ economy Iv illg II \Ill oud plnol ~, otber In Its pl"C('. bu, OCCWlluJlIIJl y, II Il tr ell IS va itllibio. It m il)' )lay to trl C;O RN , PLANT. to yn ve It.. !f so t be Collowi ng me t h rill rullY lJ', uset! wit h ,II1Uft) 'lr less s uc A n Exp\ n.ltlqll W i ll n . He lpflll t o COSK. Itl t il e ~ lJru'l g, w:t ell the. Ir(l' , th o .IIIan W ho Is Glo l,illlg ' Is rOlln d ~;f l·tl J O d , 111 1\ 0 Ii fi nlll il c hl ~o II II U tln v\> It In to 11.1 0 barll UbO VIl ,Ill< t he Cra l" iJ~ luw Ih l' "Irdl 'rl portion , "" ~ how l J;: \' ~'ry \V lI ·cI 'vulopl'ct c' orn p lu nl In illt' do tt o l! Il o oN , .. A I s h u w ll 110 C(ltI'I IK L~ lit prl mnr)' lind s ~ru lI ' lary lO W. T h Ull cu t BO Ill ~ Ilea lil lY t Wl il rOllt . : t ho " tent, ~ lnlll , or 1'lI lm: tlllJ \ Il';\\'os. t h o fl ower . nn il I he k,:rnro l or Tho il" ('0 1llpa n ) In~ cut, fu·cord ·
8'· . .·d
to De WIt l , \\' In ". Ih p ailihor Th" I IIltlrO",' nll'U I of ('o rn lit
I'cTl Il t-lylva n la:' S h O\\,fi u n nnt In' pl ,\ll1
t cH~t\ 1111 ~
lIm ~
, .. ith
Ih t:
",IRon' 111 l1ebrew. a I.Ily, .AIlJla Is Llllln, th e }(Jntll)'. Cuy is Fl' ncli> \I\e LetHlcr • )J a r !ill.".'t Iii Greek, II Pe nr!. Pa ul I!I (.nUlI , Lhe SmnJ l One. Joil Is H eb .. w, tile -MOl\rner. '}l.lIcbe l Is H eorew, tbe J..u mb. ,CI,lTa Is .LIIUn, t il e 13r lght Olle. E llwlll Is Snxo n, II Conq ueror, L lolLel, Lall n, Is II L iltle Li o n. I :H IISh Is DtJlch, tile Lotty Mon. J nt ob ls Hebrew, t he SUDplunlcr. G ll tJO rt Is SaxolI, IJrig hl IlS Cold. E unice I~ UI'cel., t,ll! ~'ulr Victory . Ellte" l Is Urcek, Iho 8011 0 ll S Une, 1.1.nlln I:J I .. till, Ihc ~I,H tla l uno. .Lurlt ls Is Lati n, lh o Shi ning Ono. l 'l'w r Is or Llillu uIIGl n, Ih e Itlirl e, A mbl'lIn Is 1_l lIn, Lho Uunullfu l AIl nr !\lfl ~t)ti, {1
\lH IOll o;
pa rt s 1,1I' III1I1" tI In 1111 3 IIllIs lr,llIlJU T rc prl'selllS th e·l : i; ~ I.' I " . L•.
Q\l t
8 , I~, E, ('.lf ~ , N. N t nflil('s H, brnro roots ; R , f' nrtb If) o t :! n
)o'lol' o tJ ~e
eX I)()~h
it s
Il eb rcw na m e, mea ns D rn wn Ia Latl 11 ,
Dl oo mlog
i\ gl1thu Is a Greek nl1me, tho Good
Sllrfu N) o f Ihc g rounll TI1\' IJ IIISII'J lI ft n to th e r Igh t " hO"" 8 n " jl, hl'h' t I II I h,'n J.; lh wl s f' t o
O n ~.
l\\ 11 lI o\\: ~ r~.
So phi a Is Gree k, aod meR ns WIsd om. L{lOflili d, n Ge r mnn nn me, is Ll on-
t h(' oue On lhe "Ij;h t rllil y nl' ~ n I he S,\Vt:<o THI~ OI ICULEll n n;p; o lhl' I' not yet mature 8 \(. "inill iet Irom l it e 10 1> 01 I h ~ II <'II (I a r,,;c t wigs " I lII,e C, C, oll te r bract s ; n, Ic. lon or uract_ Sara h, H c~ro w Oilloe, monlls Prlnt t1 e prcc 1;:!(11 ng ye.\! S h llJw t h ttl e 0 101 e. or til l! 011(\0 Dower; n . lodl cll l c~, whic h 'lcslnll)l e J. !lOll CIII l ll t: 1l1 1\ lilt I J lo ng- cess Jl al ry cr Ih ull t he di s ta nce llelwcl' lI 1111' UII t'n ~$n r, Lullo nume , mean" pu,s ltc cut iu tho Irm!, Us shuwn. 3 fl ,cr ll MIl II . ell bM h !lHls nntl he nri Ih" t\\l 1; II n lll R %ll mOod Is S UOll, tb e Hose ot both l'ntl , Cl I O be Ilt scr led lu Ih e, ClltS . P C,ICO, Ihe n ))r(,. 9 th elll III 1I1t11l Ih e lwl;; I. Ed ith und Edllhll UIO, Happ lt l S II cu rl y fH r .llg h t us fJo~~ tb l c, tllk in g liCSS r:-lre th u e th o, o I ~ .t p l1 rrUC l 11 £11\)(1 tH"~ Oll vl'r I., of Ho mao orlgt n, nil 01\\'0 Iwel'1l 1M lUll r burk uf Ihe lwls; Hilt! Tree Irun Four o r In (1I'll tih u ul d lJo' pi nel'" DUII g I,IS2 Is Gaeli c, slgnl f) Ing Darl, HH ll ln d til e li en , n c'C'O «.I lli g: t(, it s s ize, il!ii s b u wll tn U. Aft or Jill tl1 0 u r c h p8
O ral'
Dutl lol Is Heb rew, moaning Ood ts UIII II) pllWO Ih e wbo le Hho ll itl be cov · 01"" with I;rurt lll g WII X. It Iho wo rle .lntl !;". J lllnC3 IE oC He bl'cw o r l ~ l n , lIl e Doh ilS h l!(' f\ sk il l t ll ll ) dll lu ' t h o f ree will C'un llllll U t o ~r"w : und In u rf~ w yea r s gull~r. M lith w, R J e wis h n.lme, sl&o llle3 wil l Ito comp letC'ly clt r"" c,"c~ 1 fo r II sllg h l eo l·lrgc ll1 c u l. T he wouad s houl d a Glt t, Ilaro ld, Ihe Champ io n, I. of, Saxon bo clo"ely W.ltdlPd li t firs t. fu r 1\ nl ll l,es a n e xce ll e nt ha rbo r for Insecls . origin. Jl (t ~ lliJ !l Is a Pe ~sl:UI II II III 0 , lhe Dny TIIIH Is o lily , kl ll ri of gm rti ng, ex· pllll u" th o HilI a l N" w YOI'I,e r, Ihe Dn wn. E stb~ r Is u HetJrcw word, mOll nlng pri ncipl e lJe hlJ; to \llli to l he IWo por· (J nnR of Ih O' barl' with t he burl< of lh e Secret m e Rtl S ISlloe , n He br6\V namp, IIV I~ ", hle'h I )prfnr ll\ ~ Ih o noce.sllry fll(Jc'l\unw until ne lV bar k Is gro wn .La11,:hl er !n g rafti ng It Is n ('rrs~a ry to reme m· MCl ed ll1l Is COllie. Iho Roaring a! uo r It I ~ I he loyC'r lJ t we nt h\' hil i I, th e ea, PARTS OF con" T't.;\;o.:T H(J \\ N nnll Ihe wood. knowlI as Ihe ca mh i"," F.uj;enla nod Eu gonlo a rc Fl onch, by s welli ng s l; r~a " the brart s ll1mr l ; Ill ye r , whl 'h II(1rrUI!TIS l h t.' Uf"rp. SS1HY W ell HOI n. Agnos Is of Ge rm,lu OII&1 n, the F, F', f1lam elH s cut al'ro~~ , F, \lin· funcllo n5 nf life, ,11111 tl ltil Ihls ltOr· mt' llt bporlng rlpc antl" ' r (It A) shcd· lio n of sr'lnn unll Klaelc ml\ ~ t iJ O uu ltcil Ch l1bl~ Que. dI ng pollen (1'); Y A. younJ; Alllhe r;;, Ocrorc growtb Will rCNuli. F INANC E AND CO"MMERCE . the left-huD(1 o no cut to a llO W t hc po ll en. HOME IRRIGATION. Th e s,,;es of Am erlran good s 10 NorWh il e mnny are more or less ra mll · w ay e~cecd $6.000,000 n yellr Inr wlLh t he parls of t he corn pl ant, How On e F lume r Mnml ged n Smnll , N Jr way oxported nbou L 6 ' .000.00 0 nll d th o pu rposes ror whic h enclJ Is In· Irr igation Pla nt for T"ees p Ollllds of fres h cod lIud mo ro Lhun Icnded, tho followin g ox t r:lCL from and Ga l·den. b utt tha c nUltlUot of suIt cod las t yea r. t h is bull eti n conta ins s ome Infon ua· Tho J ap aoese rO ll r per tent. lua u of tl on t lla t Is Inte resti nG Durin g a \'e ; y hot, dry seoson W 8 1905 hILS been nd mltted to quota Uoo In " T he prlmtl ry r oots are lin e a nd found yo ung s bade trces d yin g. f;() de· t ho o Olcla l list ot Purls fo r a sum or cld ed 10 Iry Irrl ftbrolls, on d a r e produ ced In ab un· 3 00 ,000,000 fra ncs . ga llon o n a s ma ll dance. 'They a re the feede rs of t he Tbo Russln n cereal expor ls fr om selde, a ud an vO pla nt. Li ke othe r me mbe rs of Ibe \ I C tbom If POSRl bl., Nov embc. 13 10 Dece mher 24 were as grass ra mlly lbe corn plan t has no • A e cor d Ingly WlI f ol lows: \Vhen t, 14 288,000 llusbels; to p root. ' For lb ls r ellJlO Il the rOOlS • procured Ii 0, a ll cor n, 653,000; oats, 7,1 01,000, nnd ba r· bra nch out late rally In all t1 lrectlon3, an d In deep. d ry or sandy M ils co n· hu rrel , so wed It In ba lYes Rod In tbe l ey, 7,2 10,000. Dl' rlng 1005 \.here we re 4,116 s hi ps 81 dcra ble verti cal ext e nsio n Is ma dO l>nllo m pul a pipe, a , Illud ing 10 tho In the search for moisl u rc, I n solis s tock IIIU11. Nea r Iho lOp of the bolf passl llg through the Suez cana l, us containing ad equal e moist ure the roo ts barrel we made IlO olhe r ope lllo g, fltle'l ntnlns t ~ ,2 37 In 1904, and 3,7G1 In 1903. grow near th e surfnce. 'rh ls e xpl a Ins In a sho rl pIp" , b. lind with Ibe aid of it Tbe yenr s reC41lpU! IImotmt to $~2 , 76 5 ,th e philosophy of s ha llo w cultl vnllon s horl rou ~ b . c. ca rri ed Iho surplus WlI !!r 9 85, Il8 cumpared with $18,146,7 20 In Wate r tlll rl ]llont food Rre taleeo up to n smull 113 ~ ln which we dug in tho 1904, an (1 $20,724,060 In 1903. The Perls Trus'ee Sa vings ba nk In by tbe rool halr8 with wh ic h the prl· g rot: nd u bollt s ix feo l from th e winumili. mar)' rools a r e prnvlded and conveyed From thi s b8~ln two ditches, "bout six 1905 rect'lved deposIts am ounti ng tq; thr ough them to th e plant nbove tho In ches a croal! the top, were dug , one $7,563,271l, ~od rei mbursed $7,306,920. runnlo g 10 earb row or Irees which were In 1111 of Frallce, rn rls excep led, Ibo aurra ce. Th e secondary or brace r oot s hegl n s.1 II! lW O rOw s nlong the pa lh running ba lance o t d e po~ lt s o \ er r elmburseJD e nts nmounted to $6,476,990. to dC"elop about lhe ti me Iho rrOl1 Is hI 1\ h,l lr Circle uround Ibe house. AS a :tJnseQuonco or tb e large pur"laid Ity." Th ese gro w Ollt at UIO Th e n th e win d mill was s ta rted nnd lowe r nodu (,,,h e ro Ih e sta lk Is Jolttt· o ne dltc b wus s lOPlle d with a s pade fllil cbfls o8 III Corelgn countries mudD foreig n ed 1. as shown In FI ~. 1 ARlde from IJ C ea rth uutll tb o Il rouud uround o no n ecessa ry by th e wnr , th e nl dl ng In It old ln!; Ih o pl a nt e rect. row or trees W(.8 thoroug hly son Jc e d. trado 01 J a llon for 1905 W ill! unprece1'110 ' IIllPllrts tow lell abeu t tb ese Qllv('nll tl ous ronts r r ally ha ve no Tb en th e w"l e r was lurned o n Ihe Oiller de n ln d. s pec lnl f lln ~lI o n The wr lll' r ha s a l· row ulltll llle trces lbe re we re woll wu- $ ~ H ")l'O.0(tO , a ud Iho eX llor ts about wa )'s r e;:nrded th em ns e mer gency tered o Wltlliu a wee k the trc~s I)~gn n ~ l GO,GOO. O U. rools: t hut Is, t hey dp 1I0t ha ve a ny to put o ut ne w leu vcs nnd soo n Sltl rloJ s peci al "'o rk t o pe rform unless on ae· a vigo ro us Gre wlh WISE WEIGHTY. cl de nt berall s Ih e plnnt. tr th o p lant Th us encouru gCd, contlnlles Ille writer "We s-row strllng by du ties pe rformed. should be blown rlo wn or pnrtl all y up In Fnrm nnd Home, we e lte nd e(1 Ibe roote d so th a t th e brAen rool s 011 one dl\ clJes 10 th e flowe r gn rd eo whera '\'e grow mora ll y a nd ~[l lll lUa lly wea l. side wer e pus heel Into I h" ~ oll they eve rythin g was bro wn a nd den d SI.'OI\ by Il ulles neg lec te d " " Tho ve utures or Cal th nre ever r o· would th en se t ohout to re pai r th e In· Ih ere wos IL decided trnn s fo rmltlioll . jury, Fend ing forth primar y rootl! from The pas t) car we extended our plnnt and ",·a rtled . We eaonot SOL ou r e xpe ta lll'lIs themselves nn d collecting wat('r and by mea ns or bra nch ditches fr om OIlU t oo hi g h. Whal we do re scu rcely hope food . It Is a mI stake 10 Ihrow IIlrt ma in d\J.cb Irri gated II soect -~ I ze d gltrden &l OW, we s hnll on'o da y remember." toward nnd against th e hills or rorn aod slrawberry patch. All lhrough l.llQ "Tbe gold In I he quart z Is vu l ua hl~, In order to cove r the brace roots , dry wea tber the windmill W,IS I< ept ron · blll the gold pllrlflod by fi rQ Is Ill o re valthe y do not require covering. and tlo nlng dny and nl gbt, nnd ,,~ soo n "5 ono lin ble. Th e orde al of SII trol'ln g makes til" not seem to serve any particular pur· po rt of lbe sardl!n gOI thoroughly pood IDore beauU C\l1 I t Is I he smelting or pose except In cases of accIdent or 60aked In~ wuter was turned ou a l10tber th e are." whe re the s urface soil Is continually lli:.rt. " Courage Is Ihe groal Ilun llty. It mus t m ois t and the cultlvallon dee p. rrsl {to faith, ot coursc; for fe w or 11'1 From 12 to 18 lea yes . •va rylng In could be rournr;eous Ir we slood nl one. CROSS-FERTILIZATION, wldtb from Iwo 10 fiv e .inches. are It I ~ fed hy Ilope a nd II lives by lo ve Du ~ , tound on ma ture corn pl a nl s of th e: Tbe More Certa in Mttbod of Sclenee 6nmoho \. It 19 th ~ fine fl ower In this I de nt \'ar lctl es Part of the leo! Is LJuuulo li[e of tol l tb ese h igh tJul\lItles:' WhIch Is Improving tbe Qualcall ed th e &hC3th, whi ch cnfold s 0 por Ity of C .... eals. tloo or the stem. The lenv es c xhal e IIle Belief - ,- nod Inhal e, Ih ey are the la boratory of "Do you bcll t' ve th 'll e \'e ry politician Wltbln r eroot yc.,rs new varIeties Ilns his prl re ?" the pl a nt. lalling food ( cnrbon dlox· Id e) througb their pores from the oC wh ea t htl VIJ been produced by erO'8· . No, lJ ut Ihn s~ who haHn 't nre look. allr and with tbe nld of th o B UO 'Vork· (et·UlIzlng. Must ol the vnrl etl es of lll g lor It "- Hous lon Pos t In g II Into plant ti ssue. This c .,mpl el whelll produced by nHture have b~on process Is Indu ced by the action of producell by cruss· ferllllzatlon accIthe s un on the chlorophyll or green dentally ulltulucd . Ii bus ta ken nalure UNDER WHICH KINO? coloring matt er th e leav es contain a long tltIle to produce 1\ fe w goud The lenves are th~ mos t valuable part varl eUes Our sr Icutl s ls who bave "The More l'oatum tbe More 1'004of the plnnt, aside from tho ear, for tnken hold of the matter by pollenlz· The More Colfee the More Ing vurletles wIth a Ilollen from oth!!r lead . Poleon." Tbe tassel Is th e male and the 81lk slrong varlelles, have baen able to outslrlp nntttre In Ihe work of producthe female of the corn plant Pollen 'l'be Pres, of the W. C, T, U. In a graIns are produced by the tassel, Ing gOOd' varieties. Tho evolution ef )'Qung giant state In the Nortbwelt trom 16,000,000 to twIce that number the wheat plant Is thuB takon Ollt of ,ays: being developed by a healthy tassel the domoln of cllancp. and IntroducM "I did not realize thnt T was a Blave These grains contain live germs wblcb Into tbe domaIn ot science. Under Ihe to coffee IIlI I lett ort drlnkloll IL For when coming In contac t with the fe- old reglmc a goed "arlely waH more threo or four. Tears [ was obliged 10 male parta or ovules fertilize tbem, likely to be pollenlzed by a poor Ya rl. tnke a nerve tonic every daT. Now and thus mnke possible tbe grain. ety than tltherwlse, bocnuse poor VII· I am Cree, tha nks to Postum Food Silks ILre hollow, and tb elr endo, rlelles are more num erous than !OOd Cotrea. which prolrude trom the husk, arc varieties. Man, however, Is able 10 "After findIng out what coffee wUl hairy (under the ml c ro ~cope) . This combine thl' good Qualllles of th'l do 10 Its vlctlm3, I could hardly s tnnd enabl es th em to catch pollen grains s trong est ce re!\ ls and by selecting Ihe to haye mT hlls band drink It; but be , more relldlly wh Ich fLl\l upon them besl of th eir progeny ge t Immedlnle w as not willin g to Quit. I studied Cor tram the air results, There are to·day 40 or 50 moutbs to find a wny to Induce hl~ " Rrl eti cs of wheat Ih ot bav e been tlltI! to lellve It ort. Fina lly I told blm ~ Sowl n g TODlll to Seeds. crcaled. Such varl elles havc longer would ma ke no more corree. Sow tom a to seed seed In the house hen cJ ~, heR vier grain and produce "I lOt Postum Food Coffee, nnll made the las t of I'e bruary, to be sure of larger yields per acre th" n the old It stro ng- boiled It the required time, e~rly .omato plnnts A grocery hox va ri eties ond nrc lit the same tlmo aud had blnt ren d lhe littl e boclt, 'The seVOD or eight Inches deep will do to bett er Ilble to "Ia nr! adve rse conelltlnn. Road to Wellvllle; tbn! comes In e very sow the sced In , Fill th e bex tull Wllhln the next 21 ycars, SAYS the pkg. of good rich soil. If Ihe bo;t Is not Farmers' Review, we shall eee tbe ~cI "To-day Postum haa no stronger ad· tull, the seedlings will be splndllog, ence ot wheat growIng develop ATeatly, 't'Ocale than my bus bnndl He lells OUI Select a good variety for ell rll ness wIth the result of more fully lI!!lng thl! friends ho w to 'make It, ond that be and of unltorm s ize. Sow the sced land devoted to Wh eat growIng. Hnrt! SUr Ihrough tbe winter wIthout a 8pell one·Quader loc b apart as nea r as call wheal!! will be evol1'crl for use on the of tbe grl pond has not hod a heodaehE be, cover one·balf Incb, press down seml·arld lands, while' sotter Wheats for monlb8-ha used to be subjec:t Ie he soil, and cover wltb a soft cloth resistant to- fungous diSeases :Will be !requen t nervons beadacl!es, .tILl tbe seed Is sprouted. Water With ' prod~ced for humId 10~lltle., "The stronger you dr nk Ptlltum tb~ f(arm water. Atter the plants are more food YOU get; the stronger 'you Typhoid In India. t~o or tltfCe Incbel hlglr, transplant • drln 1c cotree ~he more polaoJl yOQ get.· MIne Hos t- HI , belp beret There', Typbold fever ' I, respooslble tOI' to a Jarg~r bex fiJled ' w~th good loll, Plu! ~p tlle IIOles In yo!!r ~II~ pnlll, Name ' given by POBtU\n 00, •. SAUlt a popcorn avalnoche a·hlttm ' u.!-< nearly one-thIrd of the deaths la tile 'tbeT . will IP'Ow to be good, I!Uck, but don t do It with o,ld ~ac.. Solde, Creek, .neh. . ChJcl\gO Dally N..... BrItiSh um, In Inl~1a. ,"anta If kept.ln • BU!UlJ' window, ' .....,. _18 cheap and clean, There', a .roaeon...
- - - ---
, .,
George ~arts fQr Bltsiness Dr CHARLES BATTELL' LOOMIS
T he
Faaldona' of the
(Aulhorof "Cheerful Amcrl_~a. ,. "' Mlnorva'. M.aneUVO(5." Etc.)
"No, t dear, your f:vebtoft are \oQ Two teaturea of the 1\.7les prevailing color matching the gown .trai;;1i for tblit:' 'bls wlnteJ\ we have now" "t:lub! Where's m, ruor~" .. with de- trallt aeen ~avo lIerhaps a !lClc<l IljJprl.lvnl; the I\I'ternOon gowns Dting of gol(1 or 811 ver "Ill tile u ual plll()e. my lie.... ~ aut >t fine 'uloth, -and the cloth · lulte In morning ae onll. of the It th every da"." , ~nsl I 11111\1105. OUY8 pI/lit and prG~ent w<\ .,no II ced 80melhln~ povE,1 in t.rlto"Ob, yoU're a wonder, nrcn' t )'oul aave· l,lrougbl fo~tn Il. mullllud.e of ve ry mlng on a wltlte gown, a tlbr t ot cord ~~~t'8 what It Is to be wen brought pl'ellY s(l),ltl~nle blouses , -but there Is of white Halln Ulon us braiding. Tbo Cl!or"'o 1ft alrna-d latberlng his face loruethl'Ull' about a costumo, sllll't and de~lgn wns afm pl e, .tbe elf~(~t gno~ At ... I . waltr the same color, thut mllk c~ for tilo ~ame bouso' w ero Reen two white and rUb~log It Jo , olnd while his w fff o'armon'y and \!omplcteocss as th e oth- ' wus b 1rocl(II'; olle WIIS elRbornt~ly om gO,!!" (lown to expedi te mailers 110 boo er son oC to ilet d oe not. And we broid ered In op n. work anil leave .. ; ' . I Would' mllhusl7.(1 tbalal1nn<1 HoID c COll- the oth l' Jl hol olo lllI lte 19InbO"u tely g inA to s have. "Ellen! . Illllen! Never mind that 1 tume of fine dotb Is a\) ut as sallsfac- brnld ed WI th beav y brll\lJ. It W.) II d Lraln . I'l'e cut myself." lory UB a UYLhtng .procuraLl e 1'1 t he 8 em th e bolero Is to be mo re thah Ell e n rrom dow!! stah's says : wa y ot clothos. Th lIIu strlltlon plc- cver In e vl rl enco tb e com ing ~e.lso n. 'Till ~o rJ' y, tl eur; LUl 110 you wlln' tUI'CS a s imple 1Il0eI ~I, IJlIl ail e wIth u n- ! An In exjI n"II' e,·.m ln g (I 'ess mil t me to go "~d lell t?l em th ey needn' t ' ml s takablo nLt cnti ul1 l" ()III, ullmls- bll lllnd l' or remnants ot' ' rcam n~t an ll ~toll , nt Cranfield this mo.nlng? I tllkaolo SLUely o f good lIn cij. It Is OIlO ecru lacc. 1'U Qlc l h" ne t.nud a lLe rnate Th cl'e JI be others to tak e It, you of tho luven de r alHI da rk ' plum com- gro u ps of tu cks wIth In se t or tbe l Ice kn o\l." ,. 1'JOg I blnatlons, Ilud trimmed wllh tou uhes Ma l,e a tI 'lm Ol" net, nllu Int tue "B y JlllPs, t ell minutes of e ight. But of Illllin doric clotll cugell wllh s ll n lr [ Will tol; e It. " (H e looks at blm ijelf braid nnd lavcllLlr l' silk ploatl ng. A 111 th e glass. ) "Bleedl Go on bleeding, s m a ll unobtru slvc h at flt s In well with Wh e, c 's l he abso rbe.ltt colton? I~lI e n, lbls coslum o, a IlI vcnd OI' jluntle t r llllwh er e'a that coniounded nbsorbent mcd wi t h PUI plo pluille "I' darleel ' ~utton? Wbat arc you d oIng down- s had e, lh o h n,I Hello Is o f wblle s ilk s lalr3, nny how?", wltb tin y rrlll of thread l a~(' . Th l~ "It's III tbo batbroom. Hurry, deur. gown ml g bl be WOI'II ulm osl (l UY ho ur 1"'0 broke n your e~g~ In 0. cup nn(1 of tb e day, It 1" II vc ry good Illus trapcc lc(j yo III' ornl1ge, li nd you r coffee's LIon of el ga nt elmllllcllj. f.; tllll g cold." Tbo cloth s ull In pl'~ l el Rho.rles Is U ~'" go I)rances Inlo Lhe bnlhroo IU suItabl e to wen l' rOI' occ:I" lo ns lh at re . nntl ups cts 0. ho ttl e u r arlli ell wlli lo Ite ',. (Iulre so mot llln g- j ll s l ~bo rt n[ f ull g ettlll g th o CU ll on dross. and yel some wome n h ave bee n " 'UII't you ke op thut cnfl'e o bol' WlIat do I want o f " lot o f L'O III co C· ~~~~s~~ eo~ ~~I~~ct~l~d\~II~~etr "'~~l:-~ ':~~~~ fee? I look nn o 11 0". Say, Ellon, I loo le 1I1t (' wllb lhul nbso rbont cotto n ~i~u~~'Olew~~:'~~~)Q~;~~ll~ ~:C~"~be~~: 00:' pin g , but n ve r y lig ht b roadcluth ce rSil e nce ro r lW O m :nutes , nnd Lhen tllinly Is out or ~I ace. To Ic l urn lo Geo rge rusb es down s tnlrs, tllree s teps tbe costume In Its prolle r pl ace, dlsal 11 tIme, nod, BLe llpl ng ov e r tbe baclt cuss th e wily II Is mud e nncl trlmlll ed or hl H chair, snat R h lm50lr. -Lbo bos t Illl "O t be lon g circul ur sk irt "T hat's e lega nt. d~ar." wIth sellm In front nnd a wide swi ng George bas fill ed his moul h 80 be from below th e blps. AbDUL lh e blps cllnn'>t s peak, !.tut ho pall toml mes 010- Lho sldrl Ilts s moolhl y, hut lhere Is n o quon '.! )', nnt.! loo ks nt his wa tch. sb ape oUlllnlng, just un easy CllI" ' ~, It ORA ElFt;r, AP'TERNOON GOWN. "13y jlpps , I'll mnk e It yetl" may be ubsolutely untrllllllllld, or It ends ta ll below lll e wnls t, WOJ'l\ w ltb He tasles b ls eg!l~ and makes a mllY havo a m\llln er 's fold n ear th e : Lhls s hould be a s lr" l\) of crell m s ll ie (lice. b1lm. Th e coat Is fu s bl oned very IIko rlbbo o bellowered with !lInk r llSu" Tb ese eggs are co lli as a stone. " II man 's fOllr-hutton cUl-away; It Is uudB and In th ~ ha ll' nbout Lh e cor/)" Th ey we re warm wh en Ann brou g h t lin ed with salin a little li ghter In net bra id It would bo e lTectl ve to twine l hem In , dear." shalle 1I1 un the coat mate rlnl, down tho a wren tb or bllds a nt.! blos ,oms-/low" \\'e ll, how many lImeR have I told rro nt und a dorning tho s leevos n ro e rs now plny ln~ nn Imponall t part In he r no l to uring Ibem In 1I1l s ho hea rs IlIrge pllll, vclv et bullons wi th a s llvol' coIffu re "decoru lion, nty foo t on lhe 6Lnlr8? Br ale rus t rim . Th e lint Is IllI uld -rose relt tdm Lus t yen r we ha d l1 or mo us lr IOIlgollghl 10 Ie some Lhlng to loo k ro r· :ned wl tb :i plu me or Ame rlcllll Bea ut~· fUI' pi eces, a nt! lhl s yonr we see " lit ward la, IIlId It's II n 'ghtmn re." I·cd. Otber pas tel Shades w e would lo ng a ud s hort. Onc or Lbe prettiest Ell e n draws 0. IOll g hreath and k f Chi bl" I ~pea 0, urc neso uc, < a nna V 0- thIn gs, and most becom in g Il nd da ill ty, s nys: let, lettuce gree n. The bl ouse to weal' Is the unob trus ive s m nll el'JU lno necl," Ir YOIl gaL up at ~l'I'en, you'd bave wllb lhese exquI s ite ClOll1 su llS III t ba pi ece, tt glvos a Ipv oly to u(~ h to n co. white IInge rlo ovor It co lorless s lip, 'I 111m , Ilnli becll u s~ or . Its modes ty 18 li me, denr " Have a belt or tll O d ress mll t erlul. s uperlo l' to cll mhersoDlP, Oauu tl ng " S uIJIJose I n eed th e s leop?" "TIII. e II al lll e o Lh e r end ." Wlde gl rll ics a r e s tili lu fa s hIon, tbe , ca pes and l)olerlno. "\v ~ II . wit en Is a mnn to bave a goo d
..... 11ke
(Co\'1"I1,bt, 111», 1I7 JOHPb U. Dowl...)
CrnnUcl.1 Is Ii pre lly IItlle park.Jlke !lamlel nooul 30 miles out oC New York '>11 the N w Jorsoy & Suburban road. N !Il "erl' fu r (roOl tb o SUltlO Il 00 ODe or. I h. Hld o s t roolH Is a II llJallls b hilt comrorill ulo wblte hCJusc, nlHI III that willIe huuRe with li s hon o)'suckl o comIliulo ly c{Jvcllug th e w n\l 9 lives U®rge Illlrlls. 1:18 wife F.,le n Ilarlls, and lh eir t wo elllldrcn . lI a rr y un,l Eleanor. wbust) ,, ~ K are so me \\ hel'o het we on g IllI.1 I ~ Gl" ,rj;(' 1M In Uu " llI rss In New York. all.1 ho I: n J;"oud u\{·rngc Alll e r lcntt . EI I ~ Il , h is wlf ' . Id s ll/;ht IIntl [lleas· lug. loo ld,,!;". "ad llIe nlally aho I" lIIuro t h lln u mutc h for her wcll ·Olca nlDg but Irnsl'l hl e hli sLlltJ(J. It is Cl' orgo's CII SIO LU 1.0 taleo th o 8'1I~ tl aill folr New Yorl< , nnd It Is l hut hn llil that Is 011 1' (r III ca uses or Ih e I hrec ~ray bull " lu th e henu or I::IIl' lI. h is '1' 110. Uehulll 111 0 bedroom III whi ch Geo rge nn d hl8 \\ Ire nrc H I~c Jllng . OIlLslde th e s IIY 18 dark anti luw f'r lng, and It bids lair LO tJ o n rain) ullY. A lit tl e s ll"e r t raveling clork Is tkle lng o n Ih e bU rea ll II e vid ently h it.>! 11 0 alnrm llttacltllll' nt , for Il Is 25 ml ll'IIPs pu st am'en by It . Ilnd Geo rgo uut! h is wlfo ure Htlil IlC[lre rully s leell· l ng, lull ed t heretu uy til e dnrl,u ess, nnel tll e hou vl nc"H or t h ~ uutllmn nlr Th o clocll s t rlle cs lit huH· hour, nnd Mrs IIl1rll " wahes a~ c l looks nt It. "GOO q:;L' ! George! s be cri es . . Hurry and ge l 1I11! II Is balr· past He ve u. You'll IJ\l ~s your tnlo" A ~ n o r c Is t he only response. Geoff;o WIlS liP Intc th o III!!"h t be fore nt th e b OIl "o o r thei r ncxhl(lor ne lg bbors, th o Cbh' \ In ses , u ll el he Is co mpress ing eight hOtIl's' . I e~)l Into s ix " Geo rge ! Br oak ra~ t mu s L bo ready. Gel uP." MrH II nrll s nud grs Gro rge, and he ri s es willi I)' UJ> 10 a s iltin g IlUij tura, " \\,h nl 's It a ppe ncd ?" " Yo u've overs le pt. Tbel's nil Don't La lk, bll t I;rt dressed, 1I111 (,5S yo u want to bo s(O n<ltJlo nod t nl.e th e : ~O . " "A 11(1 hnv e the 01 '1 ma n s nren. tlc at my exp e nst'1" says Oeot'j;o, Jumping
for M d ' 11e a emOlse
lim e? Work ing all dny III tbe city, Th~ Prt'nc~ss ove llltlg 's nlY on I)' chan ce." ... ... EII ~ n PUSll 08 her lollnlis oul at 111m. Of course It Is R llruped princess, tor e"HydllY wenr nothlo g Is be lle I' th ll n "Eal. cat, dcar. I want ~' ou Lo cotcb Lb e average girl of sweet slxtaeo would fl full box-),I elltcd s kirt of t.!nrk serge lhat train ." look angul a r In n tl g btly fill ed Cl'Ocl( wom wllh a trim whito Ishlrt w II~t " Glad to get r id o r mc, ell ?" Jt th is styl e. And we would sugges t nnd v c lted perha j,s with a guy red "Well, l OIl ' re not 10 l'oly wb en YOU'I'1I 1lhat Mi ss Sweet Sixl eell do es lIOt I atber belt. Th o bi g ri b bon hnl r In 11 hu rry , you Imo w." 3h euLb e her youn g rorm In any stUf I bows that QUi nd out wit b such bull.orGeo r g e le \'ules his oyebrows and :lage of stoc l, but tbat sho allect tbo . 0'1 sp rend , would give u finl llhing tOll ch He looks nar- , mnll rlbboo corsot, a mere girdle. to t h is jnllnty tollot. Th separa to s hru,;s hi s s hou ld ers. r owl , at h is wlCe. fhls Is s ufll ele nt to' gi ve roundness and coa t of three-qu nrler lenglh, wnrm und "Thal coffee would hn,'o been all nea tn ess t o ba r wnlst, a nd does not a t bea l'Y enough for th e colcJ'!s t days, Is rh; bt. Elle n. If you b ld n't poured It out , ~ Ii compress Lb e growIng fi gUre. tbe se ns ible wrap or tb e sellson. so lo ng a gu. Well, good- by." I Th e frock ll er e Illust rated Is mad of ELLI!:N ) .\10N OJ!:. "Goo.l-by , dear. Ar e n't you goI ng to , brown volle, tho chemlset te and Irllls k iss me'!,' are or crcn my Ince. The bodtce Is THE FLOWER CARDEN. "NJL Ihl s mo rnin g , unl ess yo u catcb ~ulte full and draped In s ortes t fo lds, me o n the way to t h,' Iraln . RemInd Ule ankle- lengLb ekll't Is decide lll y full The Permnnent Flo~ering Plants Reme lo·nlght. Hold yo u In my lap, and nt tho hew. '['Wo or tbree chemlsctte quire the L c.'l!t Care nnd In tbe 1(l s~ )'ou- " I se Ls sho uld a cco mpa ny the frock, that End Cost the Least. "P\1I1't ta lk 50. Ann will b ear Lbls dllinty a C('OSHo ry may always be you." I ~aluly nnd sPol lesS". It L1l c trock wero May Is tbe great montb In t be !Iowor Ceo r ce lau , It ~ l erl" ~s his napldo for IJ luo, It wOll lcl be pre tty to have o ne gardc n, for mos t Oower s eed!l ara plant ed hi s ,\ If" tu f..,I :I: and rus hes from the : h c ml.otle 01 , t llclte d pal e blue lawn, elurlng the firs t two wee ks In May. The house "lib tw o minutes In whl cb to tbls wlLb Ib~ wblttc lace f rIlls parttc, exccI1Llo ns are t hose' extremely bani', ntllk e tb e cqulvlliont ot fou r cit y lll n rl y fresh nnd c.larmtug. blngs IIlle sweet peas, mignonette, LI I L I II b d 11e Stockings a nd sho es mus t be se- Drummontl phlox, s weet a lyssum a nd 'otb; r leded wi lli cllI'e, rol' Cnllfornln POPI'y, whic h may e ven be I b I throwlug fee t arc ruthcr prom ine nt. "Itb t he so w d tbo t a ll be fore fo r eUl' Ues ~ sprln,; s pr 0 tprs W 0ge w ves Ilrc uro wtl frocle , brown h o~ nn.1 l,rollZO Rlsses to th em from ~he front door. sllp perA would go ni cely, nnd wllll tbe bloo m. To nInny people II. flowl't gardell HurrI ed a s bel .ts, bo ~ketl reH ects thhaot blue eltb e r blncl( or bl ue wou ld be a pnte8nR ooly n s mnllinc iosed plac8where Ellen thre w lim n o S8. nn d chl cl,ens and dogs are IJOt IS all..,osod to comes to tbe conclUSion Lbat 110 must breok 10 and wh ere backucbE' nnd Ilnnua l be a bear. lIowers are ulllvn ted Yet lpo whol a As Ih e threo mon make the two plltlot upon whIch tbe hou se slands Is, or (orma ot the last car George pu lls out ougbt to be, a gllrelen, and the relative h Is note book o.nd \\ rites ' dowll tbese Importance of the vlll'lous uella rtme nts Items: or nn outdoo r Uvlog room a re about as "0';10 alarm clock. follow s : "On" pound best cbooolato mill ed." 1. The trees n nd ~h rubs nenr the And Lhcn he stews and melts h ouse anti on tbe borders of the plnce. tbrough tbo beautiful country to New 2. The "Incs on tho wnlls and porch. York , and tbe otllce hoy knows as well a. Tb e lawlI, free from Oowor bods . as If he hnd been told that Georg. 4. Tbe Informal border of bardy perBarlls overslept. ennials. 6. The annual flowers that fill In tb~ Knew All About It, gaps. "Do YOII koow o.nythlng about 6. The coleus and other gaud)' beddIng palmIstry?" ate asked. plants, "I sbould think 1 did," he repUed. Tho most permanent pl nnte, like th e forgetll ng for the moment !.bat be was flow ering trees, shnlbs and vInes, ore tllo In select syclety; "I worked as a waitones that requ Ire the least care, und cost er to pay' my way througb college. "the least In tbe long run , as compared ChIcago Record-Herald, with annlla l flowers, the sce,ls o[ whi ch mllst ho sown e"ery year It Is humnn As They Met, Ilature to thInk last of trees , f;hruus an.l Miss Sweetun-Wby dou't yoU kIss vtn es, because tbelr firsL cost Is sreate r, 1U0? Tbls IS the first time I have seen bill le t us reso!\'o t o put a ll ollr S[J1Jre you for six montha. ",nney and strenglh Into the perm a nen t Miss Tartun-Because, dear, I have things this yp.llr and depen d on th " just been kissing a lot 01 girls I don't bounty or frio lids, Ir necessury, ror like. Give me a liLLie time to forse' flower ~eed 8.-W tlh e lm Miller. tllem.-{;blcago Tribune.
out 01 b ~ cJ ' and emptying hIIlr Ihe conte n ls o[ Ih o pit che r 011 til e was bs tand and Iho res t all the floor, " You mi ght tblnk YOU ivoro olilee boy, Inslend ot junior partner," "It you're talking to me, 1 don't hear you," says Ceorge, vigorously splas hin g watcr Into Ills ears and eyes. "Where's that conrounded tow e l ?" "!llgbt In tront of you, as us ual." Ceorge. h Is eyes full oC water, snatches a t lho towel and pulls 1I0wII the s plasher, "Oh . If you nren't a bull In a c hina sbop wh en you' r e late." says Ellen. "Why In tho world didn't yOU call me at s even, anybow? I 'll have to get an alarm clock like I used to when 1 was a clerk," "Like YOIl used to II good. AI you usod to Is bettor," . "Well , look bere, If you tblok bave Umo tor one of your grammar lesaoos, 1 haveo't. Wbere's my toolhhrush ? Confound It all, ,there's never anytblng In placo where I want IL!" "Take It out of the cup like a good IIttlo boy, and don't get blind be· callae you're late." "Whose fault Is It I'm late1" "Fault ot !.bo weatber, den:', Really, brIdge Isn't good for your temper." "Oh, I know l ' m cross, but I baven't time to bo anything dIfferent. 000(1 temper takes time, Where's my col. lar bulto n 1" "Now, George, do be original. Even If you are a suburbanite, don't go buot1og tor a collar butlon . Here It Is, wbere you put It. I bave to be head and bands and feet for you wben you're late." "Well, It's lucky you bave the head and bands and teet. I'm not kIcking at you, bllt I wish r C'Ould get up at a seasonable bour for once In my life, and oat bave to gobble my breakfaat and rusb tor llie tralo llke a man In a IYlmlc paper. It'a undlgnltled." "That's wbat I always say, dear. Dut it you'd talk loss, you could burry more. It's twenty minutes to elgbt DOW, and tbs breakfast bell bas rung." "Well, that's a wonder. It would be just like Ann to have breallfast late, and make me mlaa my traIn In splto of my burry. Makes me 81ck, tbe "'..y abe ttas ot delaying breaktast." "Well, hilt sbe basn't done It thIs mornlog. There, now, here I am ready, and you're not. As It's Batur. 4!ay, I'm going to let the cblldren sleep, U's a pIt, I'm Dot takIng tbe traIn Instead of you I'll go down and Iret your colfee rudy." "Tbat'. all I'll bave time for tblt morning. FIrst thlr,g you know 1'1. be down wIth dyspepslL If ooly we had an alarm clock." . ''l'n tteen askIng you to get onll ever alnce ..,e moved ut bere. Be 8UI'1I to «at Gne to-day." •"Well, rU,D along, and don't delay .me, Ob, hang I~ a1)." "Wh"t'8 tbe matter now'" I _. didn't Ib~Te J8Iterdar. ud I',.
~~~~~'~s al~lI~. ~~erl~l'I~: lW~n
mad~1II~ISell e'3
To Take Out Iron llLust. Now They Don't Speak. ' 1'0 I" lte out Irou rusl dIp the spot URAPED PHll'CESS. Emaru-My doctor tells me that Inlo a strong solUtio n or tar tAric acid blushlog Is a disease. proprlnte. 't his Is II s eason or hnrmony a nd I'Xpo!<" to Lbe sun . When dry Marjorie-Don't let tbat worry you, In color, both for mothers a n ll daugh- Wet t he n rtl c l ~ wltb wnrm so"psuds; Ilear. You are lnimune.-Town To~ tel's. I rllb 1tlP. s tain with rip" tom nto Jlllce, lea. A userul and attra ctive addition to e xpo JH 10 tho stln lI~altt. a n li wil en sucb a dress ItS h "re lI e s ~rlb c ll , would tllp. s tol l" Is tlI'or ly tlry wl~'h 10 mure be one of t,l e tet( hlng lI11le bol eros. suds. ThlM I~ a goo.1 meth od. IF BLUFFS CAME TRUE. It tIlllY be mudo of the same m. lerlul as tb e dress, or of s ilk tbe samp _had ... StIngy. Malie It .louble breast d Ilnd (ulilug In A )' olln~ f cllO\\ n s k r jl hi s ,. ,, ~ ... th"8 rl wide hox-plente from II square yoke. To ..:h·,' him I I !If'IH 1 u f twr tea.rt, Hut ~ht · snhl \\ \t h It s ,,-' a rt It should lJe very s hort lo give Ihe (!f" f IJon ' ( lIk ~ 111 "I',lrI (ect , now favored, come we ll ohove the ''''It h m l' t c otl " litlll hel manner waft learL -llUU :i I On P o~ t , walst line. Tbere are nil mannel' or darling lit· HE DRANK IT IN. tle holeros espeel,llI y suitable fllr marlemo l ~e\le There Is a double·hreaMcr\ one cut low 10 tbe front aod fastening down to the waist 11M with big vel vet button6, the s leeves, or but elbo w length, slashed almost to lbe shoul der Grandma-Now, Willie, If you eat and Oiled In with Illce rrills. This your breakfast food you'l\ grow to De bolero In fnct constltutos" bodice a big man, wIth a tine, long beo.rd , when worn ovor long cllemlsette of In ce. Another lIttlo jacllet eltect Is gIven by a prettily rounden bolero worn ovor a Oulfy boCl l cll of net or Ja~e, thIs ono quite sbo rt all nround. The bolero should alwnys be ~ut t o I suit tbe Individual figure; this girl needIng to have Ibo ' walst 1engtheneel, tbat gIrl needlnl more IIlndly c un·~B. The bol&ro 18 a _&ood fri en d a tbe f! eDcier misS, Tbe frock. and accessorIes mention"You Bay your hnsband, Is devout ed above-,' of cOul'se arE> meant for dresay ..,ear. For everyday, lII!1demol- Does be. read the scriptures'" "0 yea, mn'nm, I'vo beard tbat thr selle If ahe would be truly "smart." mUlt' eiCh•• turl:ielowa IlIId 1U88. For mlnllt"t ~Id blf·"'1lI real WbuklUl," AIl4 he dld.-C1aiUp lorullal. An~
I '
PROTOTYPE OF SIMPLON. Tunnel In Holy Llmd That Will Com'plete~ Twenty-oslx Hundl'ed Years Ago.
Old Ireland and tl)e Hoped For New Irelal1:d
Wben tbe IIVO h u.d ln/lSortbeSlmplon tunnel met lUSt s pring, norl Ibo SwlHS und th e l ml lun l'IlIJrCl<ellt utlvek g ..,'el t.I eaeh otbor bo nea"[b Ihe Alps , thoy but r epeated 'on II g r'l ndel' ticnlc a scen ' naelted 2, 600 yelll'S before on th e ou ts klrte o,t Jems o.lem. . At lIll1t ea rly (lllle, s nys t'outh 'jj COUlpu nlo n, tbo' II rat rod, t40lI el of wilt h th ~ re Is ll;; Iluthentlc rouord wns co mpl e Led, and l he wil y Willi ullc ned rur Ih e ad mlss lun of tli o Wil le r of t be s ilrin g of Gihu ll to lh e 11001 o r SIIOIl Ill, Bllt while th e fir s t e ntoq )r ls" a lnt .. '1 nt sccurln g o ll e of th n "esstl l Ii o f li fo fo r a s lllg io natIon . til e scco nu ll a d In OIln(\ the m o l" (' o nv ~ nl o l't, 1,,-
. I
• A Fertile Land and Kindly Climate - Earl,. Civilizalion and Minion ...,. Work - Social and Political OJ.cord - Iri.h R..vival.
wo n der If poople gell rl'1l ll y l hln k, as I did. or l h1l Emcra ld ls le 11M n ta lld of U"ll" li nd bn n ens , " 11t 1l 11 t 10 poor to SlIlIlKJrt " jloo [ll<' largely agrlCll1iII nJi . Bu t lll e I~m nr ~ll rl I ~ I ~. Il" th e onlllu s\lggests PIII I n Il t li e ~llIdl' s llows . has f\ so il ( I l e ma l lOlu le 1'l'rIIIII Y. " few f'flll n·
l CI'C0 11'"Se o[ Hc ver a I n at iOl IK.
Gihon, ' oow'lmown as M ary's Sprint;, Is In th o " ,llle y or 1(',\l o n,lIntl W .IS III>! ullly na tllra l s prlllg In tho vlc , nlty " t tho Ily or Da 1·ld . It waR He I'" rll 1Il~ 1 rro llllho dly by tho Oplleil ldgc. Ilmll !l ~
tri ac; h a \'
1I11all)' ove rlhrown, Then we co:ne t() ntt An glo- Norm a n conqu est o( mucl1 bcs lcgeu Ire land, and fr om Ihe dIlle or (h e beAlnnln !: , ma(le by Hen1')1 It. III 1155 t he re fo ll o w ct' nlllri es of IItruggle betw ee ll tlt e I rl . h Il ntl En g ll s ~ ; wa r. ro n lJ s,·ntloll . re ll glu us pel'secutlun, op-
so l arge .\ perr'l~nlHl-;C of nrcn
IJrp~:.i() ll ,
I1d ,l])(abl o fol' cui t 1\,lIt Ion" ( 'llm ,IlP , 1<; " 1;11,11 "" l1ju A" lio n or Ire lan,1 meant to ,I" IIl USl rll\'OI':II,It'. 10 mlln u rn,·· the gl\' lll\: Ollt "e large h o ldinlls to lures of wou l anti 1111 ' 11 .... ,1 ' plrt'" Ih .. 1~J) !-\ II .hllton, Ill' Arllwlll ot 1I class ot Iris h It,,,·c 101l1t been IlIm' ,II " \\, hy. ll o n ' l csiLle n l 1,lIllll o nl s, at t nrla nce of rock, !o; O thnt wb ell cncmh~ ~ uppCll l uu lh e n, had lhe 1. le lJe~il mc 10 be loo la't\ wit h the ll' tCllall t. , h h l~d by tllelr t enueforo th!! wall (hey cOIII.I ('UI nff lllis fnmlll e· bllf.; hl"d , c\ so lnt ' , It nn !..<, Hoth agri culture a nd what s uppl y Il il il compe l th e \lCtllllr' with in ntUllufll<lllrels th ere were, we re hllghtto de pe nd 1I 110 U "lo led ,,;,a(eo Klll f~ cd. I'I'lor to t ho t Imo o r C b ~ rles H. lI eze ldnb, a uull t 'i OO B C., tl ovutoo! him11'1 .,1 wool e ll S hlld l'lU lld rea lly nmrket self La remt> c1y ln g thi s hy cu n"1rurU n ' ,llJrullU Ull t lite 11I1\'lg"lIo lI nC'L~ In the n. tunn ol. whi c h Is refe rre el tu In ~ I(I" g ~ "el,;n or 'h UllcM I a ud II. c ut lrol a nd 20 : 20, lo br ing tbe waters Wllh ill tlt e ort Ir(lm th o Brl tls lt mark ot ; a o.1 the wall s. fo r·"11,; 1l marl,et. we re lus t lJy l\r.ta In At t h nt tim e nol on ly WIIS l unn ~ l l n~ the reign ut WIIIII1 I11 II I. 'I'h!! IrlBIl thro ug h roc l( 1111 unlrl ed worl" Ilnu olle 1I'0olicu man"f,\(' tur's we re excluded whi ch tIlII . t bo pro ~ec ll i e tl whh (JU t such frO tLl England by a b ea vy tlllty; riOIl'lng ulds In Ih o way of drill s "nd IJl as ti ng tbo ~l g hLee nth rentll ry Iris h agr~ul powde r us eve n tho mos t amateur wOl'klura l produc ts wer e excl ud ed. mllll woulel use no wadays, bUL th erH \\ lUI Thin gs br lg iJ terlOll cOlls lderubly dur. no mdrinar 's compass or olh e r nlea n! lo g Lhe Napoleonic wnrs a nd th~ early for following a g l"eu dlre '~ tl o u un derpa t! of th o nln et ee n lh ce n tury Is ground . Th e dl s Lance fro m the s pring lil a rl,ed lIy a mOI'e me nt townrd the dl· to Lho pool of Silonm Is abo llL 'noo fcet . "Is lou of t ho gren t estates Into small In a s trai ght line, aod the hili overhead ho ld lll gR. Dill th o po tnto blight 01 ]8t6 Is about 150 reet ltt g her th a n th e s pring. bronghl affairs to a crisIs there ca me To penetrate lhls. Hezel(lll h 's workan en,l to the expe rim ent uf s mnll me n hud lools of bron zo. of n d escri pt Ion hOldl,, !;"; th e landlords w('nt In fo r nnw unltO own . They bega n diggIng pn sttll'flge. mlld e a "lIango fro m till ago rwm bOI h ontl s CIt th o ~n m o tim e, ancl I!v ll'lOcl th o lena nts. nnll trlef! to keep th e ir henrlngH III a plnce to be ,lcse rted by Its SO il S a n d No \\ we !la "e the ahomluatlon of R tral ~ h t lin e by sighting from 011 Rldo. Ilnu C:!lte rs' (Ieso lntlun, th e c\'!ctcd peasa nts 1ll0VTh !! ,· did nol s uccee<l - If th ey cnd eu,''J'\\'u e· a ll. es IlI IlY he numed ti S prl - Ing lI'om Lbo rlr3 ble lands to barrens o rd ~r-IJ\ llI ulntalnlng Il uniform bore, mal'y onps, p~ rh aps we wfJllld betL" r o n which no la ndlord ha d jealous ey". but kept th o s lope o f Ih o botto lD wl lll su y , hI' '0; the 11'1"1t .y~Le m tlf a g rlclIl- f a m lt! o and s lun'lI lI o n rollowlng t be grea t acc urary. Tbe shtlft Is frolll tw o tUI'.), Imd IlIIage a n,l o\, prclollplng ; crowc)l ng th eroto And Ihl s Is til e e ra to th roe rect wl dn, a nd from ten tee t hig h su bJu GaLlon by Enf.;11II1I1 with the 1I0 r· of olll lg l'lllloll , the young s o ns !lod at one e nd dimini s hes to n foot I\ nd a 1I0!lIr,g (Jut or f r(tl e tcrrltory lO En g- dau ;! h!Crs oC old Brln lakin g sb lp fo r ha lf In th e mld cll c. II s hnl c n IIIHI th e opp rosslun fir nllt h 'o Lh l! I,roml s c d Innd o t Am erI ca, to earn S I ~ l lIlng from the otll Rldo did not Inllll :1I rle6 IJl' thp CU Ii ClIIl' rors ; li nd th e quicl<l )' ~h e bi g dollul'S and seod prov' a " c ry ', 1Li. fllrtCJI y melho<l. Ma tly fact lha t Irela uel I. nin de lI l) uf (lcuples lU Oll CY to IJI'lng over tb e poo r old [nthpl nce" a rO to be "een In ti l" tunn el to- wid e ly d iffe ren t III tOlllllCI11111cn t an d er a nt: .mo lh er ler t beblnd on ·tho ,I ny wb e re headin g" wer uba ndo no.l rell g lGo. wr elc),ed la nd s. '1'0 ue su re, (h o rfl lltpn rn ti vo Isoilltlon nnd n s tart mll elc In n new di rection. Thnll /; h e ml l,'l'R llo n rellev ee! tbe dIsE\'en th en ( he tllun el rnmlJl e~ ahout, of tl.e Is la n.1 h"" l esld led III whal th e tres; , ol hc r r eli ef ha d t be given, Anrl li nd w as JlIuTe th on 1,700 fe I long bc foro e nlc molog lst cnllA U IlO pll lllllon r{'la - we fi no Eng la nd uutt llllg wIth tbo lrlsh Ih e two e nds cll me Log ther. Tho op- li ve ly ~ llItJll e In CO l1lPos ltlu l\ . hU l t it" ql1 C ~ 1 io c , w e fintl n. star\'ing , desperato po Ing di gge rs were e nnb led Iu find en·b el e,Il " Jl(~ wuro Slllft cl ~ lllll' .lirer He to people. Acts were passed relntlng to o tit e r utill s t by IIs tentn g (or th o sou nds le:lu to long CU llt Ifluud socla l nnt! po- co m pensa tion, full' r on ts, land Im proveol each olhe rs' )Itcks anll worl(ln !; Jl lICRI dI scor d, r CMullin g In w eakness to\\'urd lh c placo wheneo t1, 0Y seemed lind min, to como- nibIL of Infol matlon Cor whl cn Lilt us Lry to get u plt-tllr' of th land wo arc In(lol{led to a n Inscrillti on on the nnd peo pl e. I rcla ttd Is tlesc rlbod ns wa ll of lh e i)nn e l dlscoverell Itt 1880 by bn s lc ·shnpod, Ille mounUlln M 011 the some hoys Ilt pl ay, coa s~ givi ng u mis leading Idea 01 n For a elly s ituated as J e rusalem WIU, ru gg~~ la nd; lhll .ce nlral II rea II wide no J;lft coulel hS"e been more wei omo de p rp3s iou In whi ch occur ma ny UO!;S thall that of un assured wa t e l' s uppl)'. ann Inl, es; to Ihe llorLh nnd Ho uth Ih e Ono ca n Ima gIne, tborefore, tbat Lho co n:d ry Is lIro ll en. Of lhe f[I\'orablo ceremoni es atlendaO!. \\pon Ihe comple - SOi l c l\ll cli mate we have s polt ott . A tlOIl or l:l eze klab's g rent IVorl( were on r ich lauel and n beJ ullful onc It wnb as mllgnl'll cenl a ~calc os could Ihe n but In Lll e co urs e of tlmn boca me Ibc d ~ vlsed, nn,l represe nted as mu II to know o us R b"Ood la ud Lo leave. his peop le ns th o o penin g of th e Panuma Al a ny names lb H 1. lund has Imon Icno wn by. In tb e Celtic It WIl S IlIlsca na l will to America ns. Fall , tho Is le of dcs lln!,; Inls- Elllga, ul e noble Is la od; F',oclh ' iuls , the WAS NOT TO BE CAUCHT, woo dy Is land ( hnt littl e WflO~ Is lett now) , M Haverty, In h Is "H is tory of Ins tallc e of the Diplomacy a nd R en dy Irello ll d," le ll s us by Ili a Grce ks lhe WI t of an Expert In I:lnu W ile cull ed " Irn e, pro ollbly (roOl Repartee. tho, ernRoular namc ot Eire, by Infle cDULSE: GATHERERS. tion I~ rln; whe nce, also, nQ doubt Its or a certa in ICb'<ll ge ntl eman notable La tin name ot Juverlln; Plutarcb calls m cn t, [llirchu se by the peas~nt. Boards! for hi s dlplom:lcy and rea dy wit. It I ~ IL ')gyg ia, or tho "nelent lanel; the we r ~ created 10 give speedy relief to relat ed thut be bas a re marlmble lIll- eurly Homn n write rs ca lled It Hlbe r- ai d Ih o peo pl e In wh at we ro Hste d as IIl n, pmbltb lr from Its Ibe ri a n IlIh!l bl- " con~ s Lc el dls td ct s," nml to Improve ent for In genuities of s peech. On one 0 cas la D be was tu ke n 1.0 tasle IUIlt. a nd Lho late. Homa ns and ruedl- co ndition s. III th e wes tern IIlstrlct ot by n Purlwn!t;nl olel I:lfly, who com- n c v ~ 1 wrlLe rs ScoLia. fwd so met imes C(Jlln ntlgh L to ·dllY th e re Is an extreme pl a in ed Lh at, In reco mmend III!; 11 W O II\- II lbe ttJla; a nd flnnlly tbo name or Ite- of 11 0" .1, lhe s mall ho ldin gs not fertllo an ror a s itu a ti on, the lnwyer bnd Dl e n.:. lan,1 was form eu by Iho Agglo· No r- e no ugh to sU llply th e wunte of the ramII nclous ly "la.tCd tb ut candJdato. wlIs manG fro m lis native nallle at Eire." lIy, Iii me n oblige d to leave Lbelr Tit ... ea rllest Inhabitants are s uppos ed hOll1e" mo uLhs lit a time to work In the unrl er 2». "No. no. IIIrs . Dla nk," cor re.'t ecl the to bA" e bee n s horl dnrle men, savage ha;'H s t il eitis of Scotlund nnd Engcl llll om nlls t ; "I dldn 't sa y s he was lin- buo ters lInu fi sh erm en. Next clime u Inn d. \\' ~ must make menllon of tbe Im-' ,Ic r 25, I s alcl s he wa s no t 2;', lind s be hlg,lo r grade, tbe FIt'bolgs, these al s o low of s tature a nel s warthy (()!k . Next pOI .;,ltl part tbo bome Indus tries al ~ Is n 't She's 2i ." 10 anal he r case Il rrl end eX ll r eRse~ t ho afte r th ese II Is lhought lIl e re cnme th ,~~ dl s trcssed years bnvo played In oplnlun thnt Ib e law)'e r hnd "alllod fn~ ScandInavIan Invad e rs , bIg, blond e , lh e welfllre of tbe people. The handtoo cxtra"n gun tly some lillie servlca blua-eyed. Out ire lll nd " s cems specia l- Iwl'! ln g the band-emuroldery nnd lacely la id out by kindly nature for th e making hu va contributed very large ly rendered to him by a thlffl (lersoll. to wnrt.! solving lho pI'oblem of food all" "GraLltude's " goorl tblog," sllid the clothes. . critical ono. "but 8u rllly It's goi ng a litTo-day tbougb lbe political questloq tle too fa r to tell a man who does YOIl :l. Is 51 ill unseWed tbere Is noticenhle 1mgood tllrn th at money won 't pay him for pro"ed Industrlnl conulLlons. Follow· whnt be's done ror you." log the; work of the congellted dIstricts "Perrec tly true." re s(lon~ecl th e dlploboanJ comes the In bors of tbe depart.mnLls t. sl1lll ln g wi ckedly. " It won'~ ." m er. , of agrlcllllUro a nd tecbnlcal In· A lhlrel c~"m[,le of Ih e lega l gentles tru ctlOn tbese lubors carried all. mno's IImu~11I1; ~ophlSlrle!l WA S note,l throtlJ: h the coulltry generally. The when he was s hown by an enthttslas llc fi s h Ill!; Ind ustry hn s ueen encourllged . co llector n ra tb er battered s l,el'lmen or anJ IIHl cb e nco urage ntent gl\'en tho u lroplcal Ins ec l. Unh es ltntlngly t he sm tl ll ho me Indus try. T hen tbere Is & lawyer derlur ed thaL he wa s the fin est force u 1 work of de e l,e, t Influence, II. exampl e be hncl ev er scen , for whlrh IInworl, th,'l lutS nonlln g to do with state blushing s latemellt he was reproved by m ac hin ery . We refe l' to the Gaello hi s wife Loa!(tle. wblch almH to give Irehlnd "My ~"ar ," res ponded the c ulprIt, baek lo tbe Irish ; whl~h ulms at a r esw~"tly. "1 "aid It was the fin es t examvlvd l of th e Irls b I nn gu n~e , litera ture pl e I had e V,!r Slle n, It Is qulle true , fol' ani Indus trIes. It ls making a unlyerI bav e ne ver see o lIny othe r!" LOOM FOR HOMESPUN. sal appea l, the cou ntr y with lrue CelUa pro, p.cLlolI o[ Il weak er ru.'e strllggllng enlh us las m Is spu rrp.<I to hope and New Stnndards of Speed. .. I It wUl l1 worl' ror Cl new . prf) ~ pe rotl ~ Ireland. ' I r III 1M Sr po a stroo g~ r. a nr " CHHIST O(' II I!:H \\' EU8'l'J:;H, 1'h ~ olel s imi le or a "mil e II mlnOI'PCIIi' th e re W:lS 110 whOI"' ,ll c ~'tcr · 1 lite" i DO longer of an y use In ri cIIIlttUIl Ua or the Flrbulg s, Ib~lr lullll · Per Ton . 6c rib ln~ a rap lt! gnlt. It Is as s lo,"
s t:lnd s tlll In thc e y p~ or rn nny nf lilis day nn,l generati on. Our faLlters and ollr gr a ndfather s thought th y struc\, n record I' alt when th ey dill nnythln g thai e ntitl e d th em 10 mea~· ure Its s\\ iftn ess hy thi s sta ndard, but to their motor in g dcscend J llts e pace mu s t be 1\\ 0 miles n mlnulo or It la not worth mentionin g Anll no one claims 10 be wise as to how IUQ~ this will be considered good enough. Not ror many years, oo c may SI1Y, ludglnG by events In th e aUlomoblle world For, of cours e, automobile tim e Is standard now; -no one really expecta to get anywhere with his wntch standardIzed by ngu rcs se t down by raee horses and grel1t locomotlves.Boston Transc~lpt. QS
enCQ w as felt iu th e
pi es
1100 -
SlIc c'l ' ssl ,' o
Prcsp.utly caIne Ih " Mtl c ~ f a ,, :-\
"~CU ll. "
ove rran
~ av ~ It the
name of .:icl) ll a In 'hPo filth l:f. nlury Sl P ,I,II c}, ' e h b II l 'IU" Ie u i tetD1H 10 e'm \' crt I h ~ Oil tI \ 1':-; to c..;hr l ~ lUjJlilY ll lHl a t ClItury 1;l lt' r w o
Tile f.\ umrnen\ m e w l l) mak e a rnendi I'h llllR h nt)\\' We' r U.llllot ska t"', \ ' ,.Ht' thp "'•.•• I) w t 1I1t.! " ' 1 f o rm \\ 1, ' 11 1: lIt thu Ha;ultJ S. - N Y. ~lIn _ _ __
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nnli th, . lullh lormly .... ". Il II" lt c,1 10 Ih l' lund Ex t£:n gl vC
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I In 11"'·':lnll . , ' IVI I I I'. at1(1f1 :IIHI tc ar!ling f' 111ll\' Ulcti wllh :1. 1' 111. '\1 ... :;.1 011 nrllHi w e ill lorth lrOIn 11('1.11111 , "-tllf\ f' 11 1S
frO to Eugl un,l avel 11)(: t o nlln over to
1u ht-r
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Institutlon c;,
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I U ~ lnll ' tlf)1I
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lanJ onll England Itt I hose ct ay s, I hla summary Is reach!!t!: " If , ttlU~" w h t, dwel L nea rer to Lh e ma inland of F.IITUp~ l,eld ad "3n lnges over those or Ih,. far: hel' Island. the y IOo it ttollt l n~ fro m Calendars for 1906. th'J lll In the earll~ " J;"" II " r"l lf) lI ~. 1;" ,. Do you throwaway your old calen- were o"crlcapcd n ntl p,."s e.l by wh~ n dars. A Paris Btatlsticlnn has dl scov- lhe IIr~ t 1l\11l'ent e n t of Chl'ls tia nil y Hn il ered thaL It Is a mistake to do 80, and C brl~lIun l:llIture In lo thp. w es~ ~ e1: an; being 01 an economical turn of mrod has l nll i t wus lrela nd, not C:Ugl:Uld, C..,tdl8covered furlher that calendars tor ~br;>~ centur los \\'bl(:b nn urlslte(1 th~ 1900 will ~e f\'e equally well for 1906. As purcs, f:lIUI and hlsb esl ch 'UI .nlon of a rule, of course, a calendar II only of ' \be liP." Ji gson-l jus t jolno.[ use 11 years la te r. and leap year upsete C',VI',I"hlIOIl In Il'elllnd W:lS rudely In - Worry clUb. _. this calculation -pre~ty often. But III I 'errul'tell · by tbe Invasl'lD~ f t ile , - l,!.Ig1!On-\yby ! ' l900 was allotted '365 days only. Instead DIllie.:, who hilTra8~ed a nd devasta(ed l Jl g)KI u-Golllg to 00 of 36$, the d'a ye ot tbe 1906 week e:tI,- upward OC tWO ceulu\'lell, lIut were ; wee k.~hlca&o SUD. . ~r tholt at 1900" .
• "11"111 .• f LaV\l.11I Ueutjolo" I. Bt .. bj'll Ilnd u.o.r 811111111)' J:\t!lI"n f llr m,lII AY oaly. ll'or *HI)II wiNI inttlr.... t. fr om Marob 1, 11103, hetng RIllQUnt M. A. ,lameson Is lif.torney for ))IRintiff. OJa"a Floetwood 811 rwood . . Dj (l . oruelty, Plnt·les ware mlltt'I(''<1 MarcIl 6, "1900, and there is one ohlld. Plllintifl' ~ Iat 1:1 rlefond/~nt ' bal! been ~lIfully II bi!ent, t lie th ree yel4rs llUIt ptull lind thlLt in April , 1902. he struck her wit.II ' bis fist, Sb nskt'd. to ho tli\' nrcB<l , r o ~tored to her Ulaidon nRlll O li nd 10 Imyo t be oaroofthe h1ld . M . '. Drnk 8 ttorney for plain t.ill .
O() UHT P ltllCKKl>INlIlj .
John W . Voller V/:I Lilly ward Hudinlf et Ill. CrOlls petiti on of Lilly Woooward Barding fil ed and answe r to ame filed . Thomos A Jones vs Lilly W OOlI Ward Harding ot Ill. SUlll e '\lIlry , .• I'II'C" I tli nt..: ( · tl ~i · "' . •1. II . Whtttl. (,r A ,., H I \' ~ Benjumiu I t.)\~fll1 M"I! IU f' ,r II rld ll "'II" I He· t'li l
i1,V 't tr
nu~ t ~
II \"
,· u l.... ,l
n ,~
f, ·"dullt It .. " Iw,·nt .,· . II y ~ I!, Ii' .. fn r 1,It, ,,, "lultdill!!: her ·llI . ~; 'IIII1U
B'thOf' - " " , h"r\, ~
BIIB e6 ,
Hrt'·'·IOt, It." pllhll c"t i"l1 "rolf-n ,d . Ohvlll ('llIIllIhl'l'I:lhl v~ Pulrlok Uu y n nr I. ul .Iurl gult·nl I" ,· ,ll'f,' nd· aut ill ~1I111 "f f :11 1I1 wilb llll,-r"st froUl A\lril ao, 1)00 1'111' II nt'j!" tilln of f,bA LebllnOI\ NII'.ioll ,, 1 Blink is also ,h,olllrAlI t.rll" U n l ,~. 1' 1" l lItiff In Ii,,!, ,I .. .~" IIII ~" dd " lItl " ul ~Ili d "mount ItII\.'I "Joo wiflt iltlf'rtll'l. Irq m Inr,e re>lt (rllli) April 'I . 1!l0:.!. whi llit is to be p"111 I.he Ltllllll l" l1 Nnlio 'lllIl Bank, ' the plllln~lfI"!I qnit..\· "r reo demptlon 01 mortt;1I ,." "ill itA for 01086(1 and order wI\! I,,· i .. "mll t· ~berlfl' to Ildvel'tiseanel .. "n property David Lashley V8 Thomas Zf'1l et a1. i>emurrer of Tbomlls ZeJl to ameud8llpetition overrulad. Thmri · u Zell has 80 day8 In whlcb to .file a~8wer .
. Bame,
Demurrer of LidlL T . Zel J
Ito amended petition overrnled Li da ~. Zell bu 30 days In wbloh to file an8wer. The New York 'X'rust Compllny vs The D. L. lind C. R. R . Co , et ul On application of plaintiff lea '-e Is IJ'&ntecl to file answer to the Inte r vening petition of Eannte H Pence fortb witb. . . ') asme. ,vi. E. Moore. Reoolvel', etc., is IfI"nted .leave to tile ens\.Ver tc ,be .lnwrvening· petition of FA~ nle B. PeDC8 forthwith . In re !foppl,oa"on or ' &r~ Newman tor writ ot babeas oorpn",. at for , bearlug for Jl'ebr nary ' I n . Ilngb h. Arm.trong VII Jo.mBil W 'S.....)', at al. J ttdgnlen t for plain· tift III 8um of . 1109\40 Forolosure ofoba*i mortgage to be made nn 1.. ..Id judgement and 008t11 Bre paid•. . TbcnnS. R . L, Htill VB ThonUl8 Dill &:1. Anna E . Moore wlthdrlLws '8leotlOD 'and mo.lon to Vllcate decree tn tbis CB1l88 deereelnR' property to '..111 plaln'lft, Thomlll! R. L . Ball ·~d by oonaent costa therein f ollow tb~ oOltilD Bald caule. . .
:' Same• . Ben1'), C. Shnrtfl, admln ,i8b'ator, of Ntate of Peter W. HIII1. -deoea&ed, bavlng filed oortiflCftie tliat the personal estate is inllom olent to pay debt~ , liherifl' is Inlltruct. ed to pt.y ,200 from little of relll es· ,taie to Bald ~ dminilltrlttpr. In the ml\tter of .the • h"riff 's al· 10wao!'.t'I , It i~ Ol'ejC'l'pd h' U, A nou · t tbllt the BhpTiff hI' Hllmv,.d Ihl' sn01 of ",aoo for ~er"il'''' ILn d f .... " 111" " Illned In t\f>lIrl"n 12:11 H. · \· ,~ , ,1 "'I., t · utell ..."Id ~ nm t." h .. I" rnq fnr ""nh allnWllDl)H frlllll JftnDllr.~ t, 1905, to · .1l1nnllrY 7. 1006. O1orence Fox v~ Mltry Ii: Fox ' Divorce granted wif.h onstody of · ohlld to pllllntlff. Bart Newman VR ~tlLte of Ohin. ~upplemental tru.nscrillt permitterl t-o be Dlcd .
l.\'rl~~'l' ()l{ ~ -\\' l[() -(' .\'HF E NO till 1,'OR 1'IU~lH ~LO~"'E·y . rl'·O\~L i a· 'ro PRE SEltVI{ l'r AND 11'0 MAKE 1'1' · E.\HS 1,J \JH;E DfVI1H;X " " ' ILL H.E "-O 'r UB FOIJLO\VI (+ OA Rl!.lF ULLY I~ND IN\l~~'J' IN 1'111' ~ 'l'O lK..· ._ TIlE 1~ .\ltX~ ~· (i:-; (l 't, l ;II I'l ( \)~'tP .\ ~, Y, \Y[LL SlYl' O~L\ PAY YOU L ~RHE Of\ ID.B NB , BUT~YO 'unCn!LD l{l~ X ."-~ WELL, . \ ~ \) 'L IlE PIU( ~ E OF YOUR lI!'OCK IN 'l'HE NEx'r JH l\tON'l.'n~ 'VlLL IN IItEASE FOUR~OLD III whilt llldllstr~' ('illI YOII plat'l' ,rUIIl' IlIOIll'l wlt(:I'(' it is slLt'el' thall ~ll a(~lmllllill('. 'flIP pro(lud, is. always in ' demand, with all iIW\'t,;tR(' (1;1(·.11 Y('al' for it. E,-('r!' illdllstl'Y of' th o eountl'y i~ oepl'IHl(mt upon it. It t'llllllot burnlup, nor})e stolcn from YOIl. 'I'll(' pl'ill ('ipnl is Hlw:tY:-i Slife, ~' ()IIJ' di\'id('lId~ arc alwa ys SUI·C. Anel whell til<' opportunity is (~rrerea,Jyon to lltakt' ,ill ill\'(' st lll('It1 ot this killd, \\'ltr IIot ('llIhr<L '(' it? ' 'our mOll('Y that iR ollly (,lll'llill~' .\'ou -~ pCI' e. ~wlll make you II \r ( I (' t i III (' S t II 11 t
(lilt \I II II
:-; .\FEI Y ~ \ ':\l) C ()S~EI{\' ~\ 'I' L\,BLY MAN .. "-GBO , AND YOU C _ \~NOT M \KE A M[~TAKK \, E 1l.\VE fl' IIE ( I().\L. \\' E IL\\' E 'l'llE BE~'L' M.\H.KE'l'S IN 'I'IIE COUNTRY. WE II \\,E TilE BE~'r' SllLPPINU F .\( , [ LIT 1I~ ~ ) B() 'I' It I L\ I L . \ \ I> \ rAT EH. 'l'lIEUE ARB BU'r ·FE"r M[NE~ IN TilE CQUl'JfL'HY 'I'IIAT CAN ' E(~lJAL IT. 'I Il o're , 'I S not all 0 f'f'lweI' OJ' ( I'1l'(1('( OI' II f tl ti' S company, tl m t "1'11 se 111' '1.'11")' 11'," '(' ,'11)8"lut.(, eonfili S S t ,OC k f'or I eS~ tl lall pal' ,,,,,,111('. ," 'denee in'it, and knnw that it is tI\{, '(II'.\' hest in vl)Riment to he luul on the market. • • 'UEMEMBEH , TIII~ I ~ . \ IHVIDEXI> PAYING CO:,\[PANY, AND NO \fAITS FOB, YOUI{ ~IONEY 'j'O E.\I{N YOU IT 'ALUE. 'I'IlIK
('()~IP . \ ;\'\'
i ILt II minillluUl fr eight rotu, but t he buMt fenture ill ~h{\ river trILll~port" · ' t iun, Ilt lt dist,lDce t o the riv or being nhout six milef<, nn,l the ohunll e l of . f ) O~ . The Cno! F ifllds nf tiio \V nll tf' rn J(on lttf'l<y ni~tl'i I. Jill ~o nl It lind the (lbi o nt, thi s point IS dee p e nough"t nil stnges ILOd seasonfC to IIHow Tho (IiI H ol,l ~ CO li I I'll I 1",1 by t1li~ ( ;ollll!ll"~' cO H ~t"I. (l ~. ' norml 111 '" I De ltlwllre Count." , LLIllillHlI , III \Vh,~!, iAkl\ n w" .I1 ~ 1\ eltl('p puy el IHI.rICI ; wlt.h w"" r otr ". vllnsvillp, Inditlutl. ontllLbuut 1 ~;' ",l ln:l W BRI, of r~()ni~vi ll(', c nm · ulLrl!('s to bo f ollted duwn the ~tr e "m ; thn8 enttblil.lg n8 t o Rhtp onr pro~ . r ~r I I ~O\'OIl prot\llciul; w(lll~ upo n it eln,] "" nverltl;O I1r,lIluOlUn 0 ,., II1rro " 1.>01' i N M 1 0 o )ri,io" in 1111 n.bou Heven OOUtltl·C "'llll llrc .i'· l ,·. , tt·(lll fl'I1111 thl'," " l ' otrl' ot t'D doot to e mp IlS and · ow rl enu s. I I I ItIUII Iall!!" I lIieu 1 en '~'lltI O l l • t l, . . .. L ~ ~ u .~ N 0 I d ' h I k UIlY, nUll :120 Il(l ro~ ill l'uoli . KnllHn~ cli~tri o !. ; tWill ~l · (. wn l.y Ih e Mining Inspcol()1' for tb u ~ l ld,e. t o he uvor -1.1 00,000 t ons'. ow r 8ltns to uy IS ono of t 6 best COli mar at!! for the ren.son fo r ILt lellst .10 m o r~ wHII ~ IIl1ll it i~ Imrl'o llll(\ nci Ity g,)otl 11I'" clIIUIII L: woll!'; ' . . thtlt oeellD ~!tealll ers tnke coal lit this port fo r Europo, Sooth AmoriOlI )' 1 I I TIH ' velb" nrA of!L uDlform t111 ('I(JJ f'::!~ IIIHI the !; rllll0 OqUfll to 01110 nnd and tb o Is hlUds; lind u g rOllt d elll of oon l is ex ported h o m hare . . one wbl oh Will' dr ill t'cJ iu nnx t t.u t,hi!! Inn:'" pnIllJl,', 1 ~ . , I IlIrl'" " pe' l' P " Dn!lylvllnill COll I. jI, m ong seme :If L lll~ III rljO opernto l'~ in th is uiAtrict Kontucky oOltl Is engerly Ro ught for by this trlldo . l'itt!lburg oonl UllY for six ut On t hH Itml it. is 11111 kill~ ~let.w oo\1 ·10 II 1lI1 r,o lJ,1ITfl),' Ilf' r ,IllY o n Itrl' Th e St . Bernnrd ConI Co ., R elnocke Cnlll ('o.,e ntrol City Con.1 Uo . ~ b~R been t h e coul u sed prin cipRlly, but tb e fllct of us bolug u tllousnnu Rettle(~;rf~l~~~!~li~trlct iH fOUllll in nill flo ntoftelll \\'nll~lhl\t "rf!elrill.,din N III,ionul ('Old Co .• Obio Vu ll ey '00 1 Minin g Co, Trn ~l ConI t;o., ! ~~~~:~~~~:;~\~~~ :h~~ep obllnnel 1111 tile yf'nr. onlLLl es us I.) mllrket our very fow dry b olos ; no wilt! CIIU.i Il I,;; IU1II lIO. no l'i~k in l,h A\l1\','s l,mollt,. . U. H C(Iu.] lind ok e Co" When t cr qft (Jolli Co. 'IV II v nrl y UODI Co, nnd The g'e ogrnphlolll loe! t.lon of this property Is unexoolled . ~nglLr Leases ber o se ll for It boo U~ of fol 00 lO 1'01' IIOrc1 wll huul. 1111)' prod nu unmeroo!' mnll com)l/lDie rrb re ure uo fllilnr eR in t h is distriot nnd plu.ntntlonsnre beavy cons umers o t oonlllnd buy rl vor oOILi ex clusive ly, ti on. The t.e rrl'tory 1D PlIoli , KnnRlI~ il< In 1\ woll d el hI el CI ll O . ~l1rru\IJldtl,1 t.ho price of coal Ilt t ll o mines is l'el,tor tlllln in Bom e of t he Obio. and IlUd mftnufnctul'ing industries are Inorolliling vory rapidly in this )lllrt of by stronl; produoing wells; there is no proehl Unll "pun I.hi .. 11I'()JlOTt~ III! h h 1 h k t f h h d 11 yet; the 'ompnnv intemla to IIt.ll.rt nporutioJltl I.hore ill " v"r y ..llOrt time . oottor thftn 'ln lodinnn or Illin ois fi elu s . t e sout · ; lenoe, t e mllr e ROt e Bout are goo at 11 times r oo Wells in thitl territory ~t'llrl oIY frolJl r.o 10 lOO hnrrol~ , 611 Cl h. pt'r rillY Hwl gnrdlo8s of t ho lIeltson . I f I . Tbe property contr olled by the KOlltnc k.y Con l Mining CUtll PILOY It is It known fn <l t by nil COlLI opOrtltoO rs t ha t prioeti reoei veu for coul 116ttle down fr om G 10 10 h'lrr"I~ . '1'101 .. l,tl rl'il.IlI·Y Is ""II"p ' 1;" ,101 u r I 101 OOJll'il',ts of i ,OOO ncrcII, locuted in Un ion ' 0, Kf nl.noky, the h llur t .o f this III tbe soutlt ern tnurk et,s nre fur bett or tltn.1I In t h e north. h AllOO', the ' r anKon thRt tho peroo nt~I"o (If Ih'Y IUlln" i!4I,,~s tllllll ill lill y IIllt er turrttor.V on Pittsburg concerns f!6e k t his m'Lrket r eljllrdlo:,~ of the eWUoultie8 in t he country. 1 I distri ct. fI bout ~5 miles south w e t ·of Evn nsvillo, Indianrt The Illinois rells onoounterell in tho U ppe r Ohio River. The cost of e1rillin ~ \VolI~ ltoro i!4 \'e r~ IIIlIoh IH~S. lUI oil i!4 (0111111 "t, 1.1 (ept I 'ent,rlll Rflilrontl rUll s direotly I ltrongh it Imel it is itnRterl within 8i" COlli li t the Ne w hie/ill S Port uncler contrllut tu ooelal IItoBme rs of 1I1JOut 4;11; feet; the thi o kno~~ o f t h " oi l bt'lI rill l( HIIIUI HI II hOIlt, :!;' (,'e,L. UIllH mil l'S t'f tb f1 Ohi o Rivor . 'l'bi s prope rty is !! Ill'ronnded by CO[lI ml i1~s brings $:Llfi llor t rill . Ilnd on tho open rnurket ta 65 pOl' tou ComplLre s hnwing thllt th e wells \Villh e lo n g livl' ll. Rnd t h e Wllverly min!ls 'Lrljoill it on tb" we~t und the Corydon on' those prices with the Chicllgo prices of f.\ .7G to $2 ;U. per t.on. As you the DRSt. 'X'be test holes sl)ow four Y!\inA of 0001 upon t hi!' proper ty; the see, we TIluke ben er profit s lU the southern IlInrkets . An illustr'ILtion elf tha cost of prodUCing ILlid IlI uuing COlLI in t,he The oilltolrllllgsill conn ooti nn wi! h thn """ I "n" hi llS Ihl ~ ( '''1111'" 11 ,1 ' flr8~ vl'.in nt fl d~plh of HiO feet.. r. f('ot t biok, witb IL good sand st on'e r oof, I,n PIlY dividends lit, 01100, 1,1' lit o ~ t"l, kh(lle1t' r ,. . "I' t p",. r., 111, I"'" 1II,lnl h . wbloh 18 II, very Hllportunt featu r E'. tb ere bein~ no necesslt,y for wood ! ew OrI OII,nR IIIILrke t, Illul the profits r ecAiveu :0 11 0 to w blml. will take twenty bllrges o f 001\1 from this fielel tn Upon the ~elliug priC£l of the !4tno K nll!il t.hf'ln'lmll" · "" ·lltHin IhlwlllIl f1elll" pr~p~. whioh mnk es min in/! in It ~re'Lt WILIly distr iot!l expensi ve; thi A vein IS kn own liS No. llund is frce from wllter nnd th g rRde of 00111 New Orleolll!laJlrlll1Bke. thrAe ronnd t,rips in sixty d.lYS; enoh burge' will nrooolUllleted . It. ib th e intonli on "f th, ' /:0111 11" 111' In ~ .. II , rol .1' """Ilgh or rllnks wit,h the best bitumlnouA 0 011] In t he mllrket hnrus fr eel'\' IU n k'" hold 1.000 Inns . makil1~ 60,OOOtou lI of COllI. The ost of mining ,GO,OOO tons t.hisstook toc ol11)Jle l. e t.ll PfCe hJll'l' n \·f' ''lI'llr ~. whl n t111 ~~ l oc k will plly m orn of oouillt tho U nion Boole of wlIges is $27,1100 .00, IIlI..d trRuSI)Ortntion front tbnn Hi pe r cllot, 1I110n Ut e lltLr vuhl!' Ii \Vl:lt~lt~lt flnll no olinkers; it,r esembles oonllll.1 o~ul li nd, in fllct, is 0011 When it com ell to compllring Ih o COllI mlnin~ inehlHtry with otllflr Pdllf'IDI C'llOnul by II grellt Ulttny 0011 \ m on o The 'eoond vei n is kn own n!1 the mines t o t he r iv r, villilleotrio truU1wny . lit 50t per ton makes it $:1,000 .00; lease of rmvbllllt, and bltr 'esnt the vl~tnlltion of $200,000 on n. 6 industriell Stl~ti81.\c~ will s how \'erv fAW fnlhlr,' !' ' I 'hi~ I.. 1·!,""f(lIi:t.Pd f ~ Nt); 9 and i~ fonnd ut 110 dept.h of llJO feet. T1li ~ Is lin excelle nt ~rade c<'lll with It r ock roof, slime ns N o, 11 i jUllt, son t h "f us hy Rein eke & St. per cent b!'l'Ii!', ill i1:!,OOO mnnnin g. mllintuinin g t o w bout Imd orew for the reason' thnt it is nne of tlle grru;I(l;;t st,lIpl n!< In tho w.,rhl Oil whioh IliA Bt'rl1flrU , lind west l)y t be ~tl1rgil;! DeI(oven nn(1 Pi t,t!\bllrg oOll"pllnies. sL\:ty ua.vs, 1&4,000; in cid for tbree trips, tolO,OOO i estimnted cost of wboels of every Indnst.lY III Lle pendent. 'I'he d emnnel Plloh :v,,,,r Incft'llsf\14 . ~", IR It voln very little known 'LS to gru.d e , not hA i n ~ wo rked in tIll!! mininloC 10,000; ostimll tell oost of minin g 00 ..000 tons of coal flne1' plaoing to tbe extent of 10 000000 t,om• . hence when yon It" VA ,In Inp"14I.!I".l1t In lUI !ll~lrlot.. but, t he t est s b ows th e vein to e xtend Ulldf'1' Ih1 8 propert:v No. 7 it in t be New Orlenns mnril et is 1111, 6,1100 receiptll for 60,000 tons of oonl industry of tbl!! klml it ill fRr hettor 'thllJl BIlIItHn!! I~OIID A~""e,llIti,,n Jr IS 11I1\1)JOlled t,~ b~ the f!lll1C!us Bell (Iou.] lind Is fonnd lit n depth nf n bont' nt ':.I.3f, per ~on, $20 l. 000; cost lIf mining ILUlI trlLneportation 1II1)(i,1l00 8uvlngs'Bank, It is ItbSlllut.ely [Hl fe: U, A pn.rnh' !!~ lirA 111111111 Lttrllflr nmI you hnve th e in crea sed vululLl.ion of vOllr Htook . r,OO f!'l't. T111s IS n. l1no grtlde of gas 0011 ookillJ{ COlLI ILnd rendily brings Il- len ves It profit of IjIl'H.100. This profit i ~ for si xty dny with t he oupllcity of the property of . l'I'le'" of ,a.50 to '" 00 porton Bt the mines. It is knolVn to exi ~t on tl,i s 1, 000 tons pe r d/ty '1'heso faot~ have boen oarefully nbtn·lned ILnd Cftn be 'i'her e lins bet:1t. J ()O,OOO s/"r,/" '''' of lids .~t()(!k .'leI l'rropf'rt,y by I,he t esta tllll.t hllve Ileen lIlllfte . depended upon liS being lI uc nrnte Tho market is absolute and they soek ld f) I ~ tJ.l (l() for t his gra de of coul. '1'hll' Company is put.Ung in IL shaft with a OILPBo- {tsir~e to be so . , a.t - b cr·"./,o.; pf'r I'i /,{I.I'O. pnT' VlU,/(.(! 'fI" . ' , Tbi" property hilS I~ trunk lin e of one of the illrgest rlli Irond ~ytj _ ity o f 1. 500 t o 1,800 tOll!! pM !lay , with oloor,rlc trumway frow mines to when the price Will be (ulv("'/.I;(~rl. .11JC I· (:cnt f}el' nwnth. I PillS running directl.,\, througb it., givi ll g n S ' /1 ma rket by rail both north river. All improv" ll1 e ll t,~ on t hl!' property will La modern in every reo 7:n dividends will be 1}(I,icl all. til e m a l'ket 7J1'ier. oj' the H nIl! Rnd enabling us to enter tb~ Inrgest cou.1 Il1llrkets of t.h e oount,ry speot. stock.
Oil Territory.
Trans'Dortation In Markets.
Gluts . .11. B lfJk er, Pl'e.~idenll and.T1'ellS (('l'e 1'; ,Jmnes StO()PS, Vice President; Ni cholns .Alet;;., Se,(JI'I3tnl'!I ; DIRECT9RS: 'has. (). !l.ilrlebmnt, . N:t;. U . S. Cr/77..t!·re. ,'mnn , Gtli, Dist,.ict of Ohio,§ton, Ohio, J('tmes Stoops, Vice Presidl'1l,f; of Cili.=..ens Bn.nk, Tf,a,yno8v/,lle, O. . W. Jr.. St elle, ' 'opifc('lisf, Inrliana.llOlis, .lndinn(l . ]!J'Zn uw L, ('arl. T¥holesale g' Retail To7.Jacconi.<d) Pra,nldol't, lnrlio.nllr .Ni,!Jwla,s "fI et:::.. Florist. Dayton, O. Clu~,<; . .11. Bctker, p,.esident cmd :1'7 :ea,l;lf" er, Jnrll.ana,polis, Indiana" -
For a fe'W da3l'S only, or I.lB long as the AllottDlenf of 100,000 shares las~, you can bl1Y for cash. lO,OOO I:lllarell, '%00.00 Cnsh f>,000 1,000 Shllres , . 2£iO.OO CIls h 1i00 OR IF YOU ,PR EFER 'j'HE MONTHLY PLAN, YOU OAN B1,lY : 1O,000 .!Shares ' IBJOO.OO Ga sh II mnntJlly )ltlyut ent.~ *400.00 elloh ~,5 00 Shn.res *10000 Cusb tI TlloJlt.llly pnYlll ent.s ' 10000 each riOO · ~hares '20.00 Ctl~b G m ont,hly 1'IIy menlH :lO,OO Cllloll 100 hares ~ 00 Cn~h t; m onl,hly )lII Yllll'n t.. $ J.(1 (1 ouch
Shnt'o~. Sbnr e~.
5000 Shures 1,000 I?bBrell , 2aO Shares
The cOIll).lnny rASfll'Vps t h n ri gllt til withdrn IV t hi" HtnCIi f", )oI1 t1t A 11101 .. kAt li t .tn.I' t,jJll A /I t 1.110' ,d)()v~ prioe. 'I'he timo to 1tuv ~took is wheu 1I111 ~ 1 .,.' murl e f.nt t o th (lCl" " 'l'lIn~· . 1111(1 >f'nl In 1111' I" r." p ,fYI,"" " J'\H'h n l ,,~ Mf't~ . "., /'TrlII r..- , nT .1AMER E:'J'OOPI". ' VA rNF.f'VILLE, O.
t.1 10
Iu the matter of Li m.ett,e Ryder, AppUoatJou for . admission to t)tatu , UOIlpltal for Eplleptol! lit HIIIlipolis made, and oaUI!fI oont.inued. -'tat.e of Bachel B . Mftdden, de F1ni aad tlnal acconnt for
leW_leD' Ilea,
2,500 Slttlre::c 100 Shnres
$1250. 00 Ult8h 125 .00 Cash
G~Ii . OO
$200.00 Cash (\ monthly Jlu YIlIAlIts 40.00 Cllsh 0 mouthly pl~ymel\tl:! '10.00 Cush Ii montbly Im y mrmts
COIll\lllny is stltrting . Y"U Cll llnot I1l1'or,l t.n Wtlit. .
i200 .00 , ~O 00 If, 10.00
CflRh (;n ldl PRoh elloh e'l ob
All r(1l1lit.lllnr.n
i i$ .$
1400-1401 U. B. Hldg.,
$ $
ErltlLte of ,1. P. Gllohrist, deceu.F. ed. R . Wilds and .1. ~ . Uilohrht .ppeIIl rrom decitlion of Common Pleaa ond alJpou.1 bond is fixed lit '200. In re estlLblillbment of Stnrlent's Ba11 School district . Tim e set for bMl'tng petition is March 10. In re will Georg.e W. Null. deoeued. Appli(lu.tion to t1cllllit w!ll to probate set fOl' hOlLrlng Fehrllllry 1;' E'Al'ate of W illillm B BoU:, !leoeesed, Second and flnlll Dooonnl for llettlement tUeli. In re assignment of Frank Lud. lum tn trn~t for the benefit at bis oredltol'1l toO M . •1. Hut.ohin _o n Deed (If ll8IIilfDment filed . M. .1. Hul oh · tD80n appointed allllignee with bond of tsOO. W . F . Ellzroth, gnu.rdlllrl of Samuel A . l,'blLmberlain VI! Samuel A. ' bambarlain. Additl on,,1 boud of 115471.6. given by gUllrdian . Ord8r fur prh' ate 88le of relll estate is. aued . BIlle approved .
. ~$
H 40 Et!lute of Al onzn M.nTl' Y, ,looellHed. In ro estllto of W. BII,II 110Th omas '1'. Hortt !Lnd wife 10 AI' lumher F , M. CUlllling bnm npPointeel nd - r.fl'l>4eel. Cert,tllcu.te of 1200 is!4necl di n \V . I:)mith ; :17 uor os in HlIlllilt.on Frank Dukn, lumber :.!7 1:l lIlinlstrut.or with bond o f .::000, to po .\' a ll iutlobteclnoss. town~hIJl; *2()()0. ElIifC Smith, briUge lumber E~tnte nf .lolm L.ICk oy. d(lCell~('eL ~;~I;'lte of George W. Null , ,l/ 'e)I\/(" Mar y Pe llo t o Murgnret Dnw ~o n ; V. J. Zontmyor oontrtlc t No . Lincoln Luokey a]1]1oint eel IlClltliui ~ · ell. Wtll ndrnitted to prob Ltc. I; IUlI'O;; In HllJlIiltoll township; 11 HI2 102 10 with b(lnd of $1000. Nn IlJl ·. .J ,I"' '' H (t. D'lVis und wifo to .r. E . Drllke, brl· ·1 "e r ell"I'r Itl£,\ l . EHl'Al'lI: TItANl:!trll:R8 • l)rni ~lfI o nl. . .ll '~P Jlh I... VIIi! ; lot in Frllnklin, 'loO. . 'l'urtleereek townshi" GOO . l~ml11l1 R. lind II . B. Monroo; 10 ' .. - E.t,lIte of ElUnlll ]{ ntlP]J. lUSIlU O. -_. Valley 'l'olephono Cn., ronts Frunk IInll r~e nlllt Monroe; 1)1li!, C .. ne'r " '1'llIrcl /l oconnt for !lett Iemeut til eu . OlnlnlSSIO S and tallH clnltll t il .f.l t :! ncr es in 'Llllrtlecr onk l r. 60 1~~t, "I H of Annie KnltPP. ill'lbec1l n. . PrOCeedl-ngs. t,o wlIHhi p : $1 00 . . StlLto vs Otto I.e Veok, cost~ 18 85 Finlll II r'(l llntlt for sottlement fl.led . Cent-rol Union 'X'elephone Co. OBOrl{(I H. P'lyne. OXAoutor of La F:~ull f\ (If Annio Kilo I>)>, ·(lccen!lell. Trust()t)~ 0)[ Publio All'uirs, rents IIml tolls viII It P" y n!'. IlocellNcd, to . SYllne.\' 15 10 Wm ~: . KUllpP UllPointed ndmlnis . .J 00 wlHpr fon' " prinkling !II P'Lyno, lots in Morro\,\' ' . :t.12IiO, Frtlllklln Ubronlole Co. , letter trntor wit,1t hOUlI of *1211).10 . No '1'rll H tOI)~ of. Puhlio Afl'uir~ , hO!Llls Ilntl en volops for Wnt. Ilml Hnnnah. 1:Iuffmnt.l hy II JlPflti8onH'1l t , witter for fonntaln :t no Probate Jndge 1r. CiO F.A tlllt~ of ~;Ii :t. ttheth P . Wurd , de- 1'. C. Ptllt."' r~ n n , Hheriff, t,o Frank Ent,arpri~e Printing Co" nnd Ellwiu l:Iull'mlLlI; tbree' truots The Committee . Messrs. Brown cAII !<eu . R \\ . <.1ilchri..t nppointed le t.tor hen d~ lIud nnvel owl Drake, who were appoint84.l to uu ministr,"t,nr with ,bond of 110000 111 Hnmilton township; $2027. 17. o)1o~ '1'. C. Patterson, Shoriff, to l\{nrt,J,n oxamine the Oommissloners' AnSlIniuel l' I:>mit,h . Albert Brnnt !LOlt Rl1~gles G ,lle Co, melso for !'If. Brudley; three t rnct" in 'rurUoM. J. Blltehil18"1l oppruis e r~. III 20 n ulLl Report tlled 0. report <if thei r Audi tor oxamlnatlon. g s tnt.c of Auuie KnIlPP. decoflsolt , Cl'pn k t nwnship ; $4!lBl. 8 mith Promiol' 'l'ypowriter '1'. U. Pllt,terson, Sheriff, to Mflr- - Co ., pillten roll Inventory fil el! . 1 20 The following u.mounts were or!:itu.te of Obio \' 51 Ar tllllr O. Sickol glLret Ford; 00.44' IIcrCA In ·Hu.milton W . H. Antmrn, stumplI [) 00 dered tranllferrOO to reimburse tem. Defendun.t, KCD ten cetl t o he il11 pris . tQwn sbip : $2775.G2 . . Ueo . E. Young. Pl1rt of 1st porary loans: Bridge to Soldiers' 'oned for sixty dnys timl giycn'll fine Jllntell B. Wj].)t tUld wife to Royquarter ealn.ry 7[) 00 Monument ,3.000, 10Bned 10 3O. 'Oti. of '25 (or us!mll nnd bnt,to ry . mond E. Mulford ; traot in Do(Iels :$ \. G. W. Kendnll, tax inquiMBridge to Soldiers' Monumont,' 1112, . Estato of Fru n k Lud lnlll , n s.~ ign o r J . N . and Mary E . L ommon to itor, feo on colleotlon 000 i 10l1uOO 12:~8 '05. Building to In ventory 0 nel fl8signDlont tiled. Al ~n ... o A . EverblU't ; lot In Cnrwi ll ; oft8 7 12 177 ' 32 ~0Idi8rs' Monument, j loaned Order for pri \"II,l e slIle of goods is· 171i. Wnltel' .MOClurEI, burinI ~J . - .' 10-2-'05. _ sued . soldter ' ~. 50 00 ldand I . Allen .at 1101 to M,try 1:1, ' 260 68 Sberwood i 2.63 1I0res in Tur tleoreek S, E. Greeley, lumber . Mo n~e lind OOlllter, ' brldg~ ' to'\V1lshlp • *400. ' (""urtI Col4I. Crou.p AllIl WbuoP.LDa Coucl!.
. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Prosperity of the Warren County Fair Board. A moeting of tho bo [~rd of (liroo tors of the Wllrren County Al:riooj · tural Sooiet,y WBII helel Februrtr.v Hi. 1006, lit the omeo of Ueorge W · CorllY, Lebllnon, OhiO, for the lmr pORe of settling np the I"st ytlflrs bosiness o\ld t.he oledinn of nffierH for the ensuing yelLr. whloh ros nlt oel in t,ho elect,ing of A. D. Smith. prosident, J . T DOltrd<lrtl', vioo ]lrell illont, George W . Cllrey seoretn,ry IlmI P . H , Snrftl.Ce treasurer.
It will ho relnmn bArod the last f/~Ir Willi nehllitted by nil to be thB .
host fllir nvor helel upon tho fllir grouml. But overy ('Ifort 11.1 llEling l m t forth In mAke t.he comlnl( fair of U)OIj~n clown 011 ht!!tory'" lNlgos all R record hrp" kHr.
The Boanl employee) Mr. Carey, Rooretn.ry, tu oorrfl8)1C11t(l wi t,b Reve rs III dlllerent l.mrtioH In roferenoo t,n !\l'Ciuin'g the bllst Ilr.trftotioit", obtain nble.. Time or monel' not oonsidllr' ed. It wnll nlso IIgreerl thlLt tho fllir ground be put In first· 01llS8 or_ der, nnel that tltllblE1S IIml all other After f!6ttllng nil 0.11 bl1sinesR, the bulldtng" bo rnll1rnlel el1 nnd ' pnt in snoreto·t:y's [LUd tretLRl1rOr'S bookR np to dn.te l,r(ler. The clalo for tbo f"ir WIlS fbell showed 14 net gam of '308 2ti Mr. Minor !:Swun ; of Bltmohester, for the 18, 19, 20 Rlld 21, of SepteIDOhiO, 8.ntl t,he ShRrUe BrOil ., of Day. . ber, tlO romember the blrdll ' and the tOil, Ohio. met with BOllrd ILDd· bOllsts w!ll be t,ber", tbe belles and secured throo stnnds for the pri vi. their beaux will be there, they will lege of seiling peanllt!l,, be coming from tbe east, ~bey will candy an'll lunoh rtnd pnill '450 00 be coming from the Wetlt and we forthestlmo, IIOO.CO more than they will 1\11 1111 gOil)g to tbo fair on tbll80 fol' the same privileges Illilt mornlngtl. yeltr, thill g\ vi n g ' evidence that they !!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!' havo every reason to helleva thBt . The law of Ohio · 1'equlre. "~bat the .Falr or 190B, ' will be & 'record every parsOD who'makes.:..and lel180 bre&ker and ' win - for surn..88 any: maple syrup mtlilt liave on the ban . '" I:"" , label, · bearing the Wllrda "Pure previous fair ever ..held I~ Warren , Ma.p)e Syrap eta ;-'-' ~e GUilt&& ounty. oMoe print. tbeee labell,
1JJn1l'" 1 w\1l oiTflr fnr sn.11' 2 Ga~" .. Ih. pr...... nt Il11hli"IH'''~ nf . L U!>''' lit', on tlJ.o tho H'LI"r h 'l ' , . "fI',1l1/1\",rt'tl 1'1 \1 nt 1" ' hAllno I,i kll. N, 'II, 811l1WIt' AII.l,\I.~'l'lI, MOr,A Y F.41lor..... II ManAI/""" the A 1l \ ." C·l tl-p f I' ,n i ... , rtfl /I .... "PH rh- tl TlflJR8lJA, Y. MAR 'U 1-5, J\lOlI. oosh 1111 h II. I~ 1'1'~'\hl l" M lUi. '1\ J . IHluWIIII, AgRH~lAtJtll JI: JH 'l!t) It . I(flf,ri ll nillg nf, JII (,'.. 1< k,:1' h,u(lof . M MI II l lV,. h Fgtli l)\lr ItJiril "r'ul' -----~ fiOl,~f'.!L,~ 2 lIf lilt "'''1 gtlll 1'111 llur(Jl1sB in b\l ~1l1l' ,,",I \\T(, h"v, (l.f'ni,I",1 to Lo Ihl"",I ,,",' IJ r i'l'fl . mil' a /I nti one! U Y It r !! Old. ,inau !ui·, II' I hi' l.flll" ,,'r ""nlli nl! 'L~fI .. ye"r II 1I0t pahl ...; ll,lvantl<> " 119 11 1;1. :v ... n ~ li lt dr fto m l),r p, ull statll'lI i'II ' " n\!. (tr~~ , I' (lli" h IlIcmth IIf them l'n/!Ill lIn er.~ ; 6 )wtict c Of toall ~ \I" ~" " I h,. v~ whn~f' nh!'t; l'ill . ~)FFtCI!J IN JONES BUI1JtJIN~. . ,II t.110, :1Illi l'\1 ell~I' . (n e' j r ~o~' - wiIJ tions f'Xpirl l.lln rill L' rb A'Ut ,,'.h· bl. 11'.~~ ll IJV rleL .I' ·n!' AJtlC', :) "otll,nll Wh I" w,· \\111 ' ~" hMn.w 1'(, ,' · t'Hn]" I" , F'·"H. h.l· Inst CI '\Jl ~il .. nn41 ht"i f" f :' ''l'El~ElPr10NEl (zHLL , · .~ NO: 6'~ r0ll80 l' ',1 ,· f·" ,.,Ii-! t" ,tflV . ' · " ~ \l"l\"lhh' nlH~ " \'lI r . I llI l. nn e hl' i f r p erson " b,,' I" 1\' " " k It. II 1..,-IH l i' in 1\ • Jl\n!l t" ~ u l,l . "" f' kr'sf')' hull ., " · 1000 tentlon t,ll I'llt ' llI' " .b.,.,.",t,,,,, 1".1 . " tllIt h s II ltt i ~ lw u,l I ) f ll ot.!~ . li t-o l . W~ 00 as lIf!llrlv 8 o lHh h UH!'. Ill< i M IIO!; E ,," fI 'a.(. ~ . Il '"d~ ; 1 l\I i l "'uuk~ Cl slllle. 'I'hi .; : "' •. 111', · · "H,·t " 111 . wlll"' '' ~ 1"11 (14' 1\ ~ tl u~ t ' n }li clu~II ~, H M e lU I',
The Folly of War.
\Vo ronu tho 10!lSO D~ )f forme r times bllt wil OllllllOt rO'It! our OW1l. Wo are n ot fl.ltogother bllnll IIml uon/, howe vor; for hero III1U thero Il volco cau 110 hOl~rd tolUoll tho t en. d01lci~ of the tlmos, lind clIllltlg lI11Ull all to opon their oYOS IUld 1I1l1l. It it! tho voice of ono who 1mB louro. ed the leijsoos of 1)lIst ages, anll IS trying, wit,b broader vision, to op. Illy them t o the ueedH of bis own tiru 1, Nil 1,,~l'I III trlllil t ll. l l'U~u!'f l j l ll1slllr .I' Is ",,,,.,, I'luinly t'U lrll I'ourl Ihlln t ll nt "f I,Ia " 1,,0.\ ful i"Hu HUO\' tlf w ur . It, ts ind"l'll VI' I')' ~ ,")tlr" lly IJnliuv,'\1 11111 t II I£U'f! W,," " nn w \Vh e u )lu ysi('ul I " I'('IJ Wll~ th u o nl y 1U"lIn ~ by which nlllll '~ I'i t;b Id ouuld ue oHt 'lbli ~ h od; but if thi'1 wel'O tl vo r l,ruII, Hlll'ol.y thu neool!Hity for WII r is uow qUito )l'l~~cd II WilY . Evory YOllr Hwolls tho runks of tboPt) wbe IlIlhuvll 1,lml, lIl"bitru.tion OIlD mude Il lr"ctulIl ill 1111 u'lMonnl dis putes, u o IIlllner huw 'lilrious theil' iUlpOl·t. All ILre llot yot propul'Ul1 to th o h o r. rilrl o evill;, tho plti'lblo folly of wl~r . W1H:tlltl 11 YOH, rllinou h Ollies, povll r I,y, !lllll'lll'iu~, oJlPl'e~iou, yos, we kllow the8Hnra It!! unav oidulrlo ILt · touuunh., anti why will wo llOt see thut the mooster itS(3lf might be done IlWIIY With, I~nd thl1t t.ll o!!e oouditiou>! need nevor
Ulost ":',11"",fll (' I · .I" · 10 ) II IHllj1lrit ,V III Qur 8tlh..!('l'il)t)r:o; u S W('"Ii 11:-; 1'1) olil '.
'rile mORt patriotio nlltlon Is the OOH wh o~o S008 are truiooLl in t,he ILrtll of pl:lice uucl stri vo to iU')Jfo ve th eir eonllt.ry IIlId to bette r it,s \leo plo, 'fho evilij of wllr UfO seon in fuut thllt \I. eXllctly r ove r sos these princil)les , Through its lige n· ey hornell ure bllgh ted 'IUU brokon ; 1'0tnll1t1rce II! rot.arde(1 Woauso th e pwduottl <If the uouotry IIro used f or ruilitarr e xponsll8; tho IJoo ple Ilre oPJlr088(1d by I,he hurden of tlIXtltiOtl il1er~Hstlt.l for tlm pl'lI!!eoutioll of wllr ; Illld t h u ruOtlt ubla livel! wll·h . urn wn froOl ' useful IH bar unu slIeri· Hood to ~he desire for military glory . 'rhe condition of war ubu r ever!!es tho established principles of ethios Hutl morality. Murder In orlliullry life iR tho !;relltest of orlm es; hut murder in warfllre i9 perfootly legit hUllte, cllllod, of oourse. by IIl1l1tlJer 1I0me. aud tile slLmo intI,. be s.Lltl of robbery, iocondiurislD nnd trenchery One of the grellt purJlOslls of oi\' lIizoo Amoricu Ib t,ho eduootion ILOti Improvement of itd peopll". oud to tltls end lurge SUllI8 of monoy are eXl)lllld(lu. But tho monoy a!lkl\d for oducll t,iou Is redioulonsly Rlnl\ll when oompurml with tlln umouut used fur the building of bllHleshiJlH lind other ongin68 of wurfllrll , It Is sula fhllt one flrAt 011l8B 1111111 of w'lr c08ts UII illlloh U8 141\ tllll nlnet.y the
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Mardi Gras
$ 21.25 Naw O~eans 20.00 Mobile ROUNDTRIP
ancl Japan is over.- [Selootoo from
Lucklbst Man
" 1" B tI.t' InchlP ... t 1111 111 ill ('\ .-I"un· ... ,.. ., wrU, o~ H I. ~rllldl · .\to f B r 1lHn "t' IIif". tho r~HtnJ'lttinfl IIf ttl .V "...1f t,'!" 'IP,11Ih nlt p.r flv, .. ,:\'4~nr~ IIf " ",,,j'IlHnl"" "lin ' 1'1+ l! II1u1 hl'·I.t ' lUC fr," '!! tilt' I" g~; "1(1 I "W" '''.\' u, ,," 1 f :IT t·nue 1
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'A . Beginning Saturday. March 3, St. Dr, l{uu'.. N"" I li~· ·"v'· t'~· f or 'vull· ' 'a GUI'ld will hold a mal'ket be· ""11'\lt.1On, "h' .,11 1 I, nnw fr lllll ex· Mary " , •. ",,,,.(,..,. will t ' lI", · (l"nSulHl,n"n tf tween the hours of 9 and 120'clul!k taken In lime. My wife improved each Saturday 1lI0ming lor five Sat· with firllt bnttle IUlll twel vn bot,t,le8 urdays up to and including April 7. <t"Ull,>let,ed . the opre ." Cur~ t h o All kinds of fi,\e home bakil'!g will WOfMt cnlll;! hli II ncl onld. "I' mono~ L. ., 0" sale each SUtllrdllY and a lilJ r(lf\lDded. A-rF 0 "IJllwllrt? dnlg. ..., .. -. gist. 600 IlUd $1.00. 1'rilll bOttle· eral patronage is solicIted. ~J I
UJI IlIt(·rt'~h · d (, ll ~ tolUfH'. h tl !'l h ee n so ~ )'(' '' 1 /I .1 ,,111,,1111 fell' 11 ,
Louisville & Nashville
QUEEN &CRESCENT ROUTE fROM CINCINNATI. llckotJ on .Ie FdtruIry list to 16th. limit Moreh 3n!. Extension to March 17th 1906, ma y be had by dcposlj of tlcket Ind pa.ymcnt of MobUc. 50c wllh Joint qeatltNow llJk4Doo,
UOPOVER PRIVILEGES. I'or Information addrclU-
c..... ·". !ell, D.P.A. Q"C:: a.k, C~IIIII. II, P. 1ImnI. T. P. A. Q.. • ~!,"k, ~JIII. _ _"T"'_.,-_ or W. A. 0AJtlETT. W,C.IUNIlAAOON, ,' Oeo, llllaiier. Ooa'l Apat,'
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COl nm o n CHlrts are the OBUfj S
,!'i o ns Disol\~e9. . . ] ' hy~id ll li S who h,w gninodt a .Hll l" ,," ll' upnt·. ltion U S analYSis of It iLL' (·.'Il M" " I' VllriO\1SldisOIlSe!l, ch.Lim ( h, lt If "al uhing oold could be llovold· , ,,,[ " Il \1l g 11., 1 ofldllngel'OllS ailments 1 wuu ld II"" .·,· hll heard of. Eve~ " 1
I'''''' kll L! lI"!l 'Imt pne uUlonill and OOD~ ~ lIl11l1tion " rigi IlItto from a oold, and ', ChrOll il' e llt ll rrll. bl'onohitis, and an
Imel Illng trouble Ilre nggra. r 'Od ' : r t't l lunen :oon ('l UI1:4 by c'lIl'1, 11'1', 11 II Lt 'wk . Uu n ot l'iliit 1 .veo lll· lifo u r til II'! ch Hue S whon yo~ \" ,,1 ,'01 Utili
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Fllorida Limited
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TH R E E TRAIN S A DAY Chica(!o &. F lorid a ;>ccial
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111 ('1'0 l{uIII'IInl eed li t, F C, Rr.llwllr! 1. Dru!{ 'll '\\' r "'llf'll y "" tlo o rl' I" . just. n il \\' Store . Pri c e fiOc . fo.· P (l (1~i Iwll1 'I'll bIdS . \\' "YllI" "i ll l' ]lel1/>10 "r o com ing in HI'e r.v A. C. White Speaks Well "a ,1I inquirin;.! if it rl'lIl l.v i" tru u t hllt
" ,I
n lean
I" ~(:r"h:e, Ju nua.ry t h. I f}O~.
11lt1'Ili' !-I ,!ot . fllln If IlI HI'C't. 1,,<1 114:11' ;!:! ("t l t A Htlaling t;" Rp e l. I.- II !.!, 1 '-I I'I q f lin ,'" IHlldjlr ~. 1 ~ l'u\' t ' l Tho fl , ' " . •r t ' \V,,,.•.,, ... pu st ,' 1' .,i 111 " 1. Iu' ro: l 11 11 111 dl !;g:I'I ' , :-i ' \ Il1t~ tinilltl! \' Sharo ' 1I ' '1I'' ~ I, ('h .. r h . Bulldt' . ( ;" 111 1 \ ', I l I a'" :O'l ·t "r ~ l · , dl ':o'. t ' IIjHt,l1 !~ U O l!nys "r 1':1",' 1.';' B,tt,- ,·,.: "I t' ~ " :..' l " q .!: t· gl l !"O~ l · l l p li" lIn l ~ . 1 IU-'.d I'I h JlIl n ouso, "1 til IIlllnki .. cl It, (,11 " 1,,1 "" , ... 1111 1 ., J rO t I't ' l ti 111 ,I ,' ra IIg l' .
{J'c q u cn~lv
"llInt " l' . 1111 .\' 1'''1'' ', flll·k IIn,l )1 1111, ·.\' . "! linn. ,' B,'o \.\·" w n gnll N i l :1. r llb lwr Ill' ft pi H l li 1 Iltl X lIug~y . l"lJlltl ['" I' t. -I
lle'·",'0l1 hJ1C.,·;
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apl' 'lite, Ilud ,';., ... \
b r,':n- .... ' c· :.il1 :v ~. i:, t \ .-:\'
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OU[f' ItRfSC[NT I;J.~'.(," , Ihnl
o.n d
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.... tH II I' w o rk hunlt~~~ . I ~ I ~ t of' 11l1~t! .\·
, .. :Ia bullcllng I1f englnll!l to destroy 01' 0 11 "'1)' 11 1 ;, 4" I '! '~ ,. :r : . • . _ 1l f" lIlp~ tt.·lut ;' :! : ! " :1 BootheI" und s hould vie \\'Ilolt 0110 1''''' ' '' n ' IIIo' ;, ;., " rol ~ :. • ~ f, ;t u.n~tber in tbo tlOOnnHl}t.tlinn ul n,rtH Mnnnr ' • I j \H .:.! Iii '1. ;. , , t s tI" tj n~-I :( 11': IUl.ellts I W hut f .. tn.1 e rror! . J 11 ,I· t., :~,· woool "" I ~ ".' n;, " I I ti l • II ;", peOllltl who OtLll t,hemselvll.'i Ohrl,. ~:;::~::::~,. :::~ : ~~ :.:: \';' ~ I I II tillUKlLllU profeM" todet'irE"'he~pre"d !J( d ') , ' 11 ') 1 :r , 'I -!, . !I 'h . I 1.1;lallt l "II a t} · :t '.!:..' of t he dootriues .)f pl!lloe ~ OUll . (l ll · 1... ,ba""ll - A''l'I \, ,' II . ~ :r "" 11 -: :, courage these (ollios instead of 011 · r-;OWI' IlJlOVS I ' deavorin",:c tOOPP080 their ioll11enoe.. . !iWllons ,I . M. tI . M I'. ~1. It Is notioeu.ble that the true ap. " ,~", I"~~ '~ 'J' •Ii. I11I.~0 I) preolatlon of t·h e evils of wllr bus DJylull - ,I, rh'c I " "n Ii 0 0 P.':. X 'I' beon most strongly oxpressed hy \I . X '1' l' M. ,I . ~L ,'~I 80me of our lea dl ng stutesmen lUllI 1 I ",,,,,,,o n J un ' 11011 x '" II' "0 :, :: '1 III ~'I m ilitary Olen wbo are in the best Sh.I,,·r Cr os. 'II H ~ h i , :. 17 UOS}lllI "~ II 10 !! l potIitlon to judge. Secrelury John He lll I'. ," ..I s lJH In '" [, 1.-. il i H IlY Inanaddreaa before the Boston I Ccnl~n'1I1c '!. no _.110" uIO", ,r,;, HI ' l \ ' f ( \ n o r " • r,:! \I Peaoe COngres8 said: "'fhe must fl~ l.y tlO ~ I. 1!1 .-.1 "·"",1 1. ' •", Edge mous utteranoes 0 f G enC'rll I ( ~rRu Vell.hl.. 17 ;,' ,,, ~ n ;I n t tl .. x ': 4 .. i t.he whloh will linger 100geKt III the l'"" t,.:, ."" o0(1t1 ~ .UI 1t l -In .. .If. memorle8 of Olen, was the l'rtLyer of LOlnnd ~.-!!'I · 11 :.0 ls war· weary he!lrt 'let us havo 1 .,·"a~lOn-I.IJ.\'c .. ~o b , :t Sl.UP on !oI 1 ~ nll l. peIlOO. · NII,polelln, the grolltest ex · SUNIIA" 'l'llA'~ '. ponent of military conquest, said, A M, .'" 1''' A '" t.· " .. '11) :-. I r. I.dUU lO1i ~ :1;, \I an 'War is the Im,s inesllo f b IU:uarlnus. . ~ . :. r,:r~ D" ,II1. 17 , ~ ;" If, Suob word!! ":s the>lo iU(lline \1>1 .. ,-,II r. ," '.), lI u -;- "" "O L toe 0 nUl ( 'ClIlt"rvtllo d ;-,/1 K .-" strongly to tho belief thut thll war III ri ~~ SlInt"'r I ' l'n.. l,,~ 1\ :J'! S :17 will some dl\.Y oomprehend thA fo1\y H ~" Ii 2:1 Leh."nn ,l uneU"" II "" ":I:, of war \Ve OllD lin jolo in II ch orll~ neDerall'aS!.'"K,. ~v,;.~~ 1~1' :~',~~;:,;,," . o.
Market During ' Lent.
tnu t/it lln y ru), ,',
,reached jn comfort
MIL ·,· 10 I. 1111 ~ 'l h"," " IIf'I'" wh" u ... · l'ul l i \' utilt', a Il run il t,'11I Eu g i p r- Iu w , : pdt1 in U"VHIIC · .. . w ill rpC'PI V I ' II 1'"llp l , Ill h /l cwn I' nlti v il h l l', l-:iull lli stiLt. ' 111'"111 nt tll~ ' i,: 11(l4' 1I 1I1It . lind it I ll n (' \1 1' 11 },I Hnlll'r, Ti t.!'6t' t .o tW ( '(l r l
buildings of 1:I1\fvurd Unil' e rriity. 1':FJo'E ".' In: NO I': MJIf: lt I " togeth er with it.1I eq ui l)lllents nCllu ' SP IJ"It'ln UNI) . muilltcu throngh the two hundre d f;laIl O"" I'. M. I'. ~1. and fifty years since the IDstitutioll ;, 0" ~ 'I\l Wa.ll founded. {C II D [) & .X T u ay t o ll - 1,I':\\'<:' fl ou What folly! that th£> moat onligltt· . . 11,<;' X 'I' ened uatlons of tho ellrt.h "hflUld )'. M. 1'. M. . Lf'lI3IHlu -JulH' ll o n ;j ·I '! :.! :1', tlIJ8nd their beat energies in tllH e l"ll" lnl> ~ :<:
The Messenger o f POll or, by n 1llf't\1 ber of the W. C. 'r. U
st ~H l
'"\)WlH' ,
In l(' k
'pil' H ,,,,)t.iI lilll'fOW . "P" lll g' ' ""I h har l'ow . ;! h1"" lddng 1)10\\'.', n r hlt ll :!
~r:J8ye :ll'lcs' J·cslOi".I ·vc :r n':.'1' 1\('1'11 so 'Ic<:,'"fllt ill
pIl Jl llh l' !f\' .,f F . d".v '~ : hnl· ll\ftll d rug nnd hUri tllirt,V 11 " 11 " :1111' ~'itr '11'111 \· l lli lf a t,i+lll "' url 110 f fl' P Ulll fl' \ n 1uc le I)f I t, Rulne· dr"I', ' 1 I 'l l' t1l( · ".1 11'11111 ' /\ :--\1, f. n· I t .; f'i1 r' I '~ 1111 (1 r evo r y oood 1" '1I 11"! '"
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,'ilfl t nin'" nil II pht t i('S n nd f lU'
c' h ih irC'1l HI lll
F (. "';I· lt wur l z
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l~ , u fl' ' ' 1 l'(, I"~ ( H1 S
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l1~ ,
' . bo h\'\"'u,rt:t. ' .
Falll:ld 11 ell'" n ; h ' l\-O failed to find a I" ,i t" r r'J,n " d y fo r OOl1~hS , ooids and !\
I,," ~ tl'lJ u"l c~
·t huo' Foley's HonBY
oIll fJ Till' . Lt s tOPR the co ugh. he~ls lla n Inn ~ H lIod pre vents serioos re o ~Illt s f !'Olll II co lc1.
J . N. Ptt.ttersoD,
NII :ihnll. I own., writes : " Lnst winter I l1ll,l 11 h",l calcian illY lUDgS Bnd lI'i,' O\ 1\ r, "'"st half II dOllen lldvertlsed u"tlgll 1lI"t/i nino!! nn d bud treatment ' fr ll '" two physicitlDS without get. l in g' 1111 ." he nefit , A friend r acom. ""·"llp.l "'uley 's Ron e y lLud 'f/lr !lnd (; t",,, thirclH "f 11 bottle oured me. IIn.itl .; I· i~ th e j.(rel~tost cough an
ii.")liii~!:i'II ftIlt
_t ot tile rlDI I hew' YU tile cue for tb elePhant. (0 come til, and when the dre •• lnc room curtain was pulled ulde aM old B<l1L~ var came out Ilt the bead or the berd, and they mar beil' arou nd Ihe oulslcl8 of t he rlnS, clear. around Ib tent, my heal't jumpod up Into my l.h roa!,'..aQd 1 tolt alck. The 8 lIalor'H boy !\AId: "When tb ese raU' and things beilln to cbase YO.lIT old elepbnnts, Y'oU ,,,gn't-be ilble to SL'e tlIel r tails [or tbo ausl they will I<lck
8 .nator'lI Son :Beta, the ]lad :Boy , That 'Elephants Are Cowards . '1'hey L et a Bag of Rats Loose at the Afternoon Perform ance-The , . Elephants Sta~mpede, PI> Fractures , .. rub and ' Chlneral Pandemon!\llIl !telgn• . Ge~, .b ut I must be an e ns ), mark.
AId be was a senator's son, bU"t lbe o(ItlIer bOys bad rath e r be acqunlnteCl ,wIth ms. becatlSe f belonged to tho libow, anc! 1 took pity on th e senator's lIOn aDd let hIm talk 10 mil, wllhou t lOOking cross at hIm , or s nubbIng , blm, .... I do mos t hOys whO try 10 butt; In o(In m'll. J got to llltlng lbe sena tor's lIOn and had hIm come In tbe tent. nnd we put In ·th e afternoon lookin g at the ,at\lmals, ' The elepbants were chewing bay and looking fl erce, and t be senato r's bny .gIld elepban ts were tho gr eatest cowards on enrlll. und I said . "Not on your lite ; th e . g Ia nt tn our '$how Is t be grcatellt coward, Ilnd tbe behemo l h ot holy wrlds n llxt." 'I'lle sena tor's son saId elepbanle wero s uch co ward s lhey were afraId ot mice. and we ('Q uId !ake trnp full of m ice and turn th em loose In the rIng IUld Ihe elepbanls would ' stanlpede, and he would het five dollars on It. I exc used mYRelf fo r a 'DOment and told pn w hat t h senator 's son olTered to- bet, and ps said: " Here's
aDd wODderlDlf It lhey were e wilrdll by DatU1'e. or had Del1111r d row rdlc. by a58Cfcllltll\S with ma'lklnd, wh en pa came aloDS and eat down by me, a ~e tura or dcs pnlr: 'call80 Bolivar !lad fl'nclurod -.ono ot hl8 rfbs..-and Ih a JaC WOO1l1n ball p8r\llyz If bill knees sittln g o n bls lap wblle thfY. bro\u!;)ll hor to a fier s he fa inted ,,' he n !he thout:h~ a rat was climbIng Into llc r spelt. Pa slshed , lind sold : ' "He-nner~, . 1 waotlld an exciting life, t o Itee p me UII." -' rro m brooding oyer all"andng; nge, Then 1 thollgl1t or the money pa IUld !\nd T chO!! the cI rcus bllslness , bat I g ive n m to bet. and 1 otre red to bet It nnd It ts ralhe r too str. nllO UfI fo r me. nil , nnd a neSTO ' pr oduced tunds and En h day so methIng 0 curs 10 try 1111 look my ba ts like n bookmaker. n rv es. 1 do not clnlm Ihat YOII oro W ell. aUer doI ng a t'lrn 6rollnd Ib e to Illnme ror It nil. hul I Ih lnl< I .. oulll bIg ring. t ho traIner atee red th e ele· enjoy my pORl llon wllh Ihl' Rho,,' It pban18 Into th e mlddlo . r Ing. und tbe YOII would Inl, t ll e Orst tral ll Ihnt :;ones \!:Teat audI e nce Icaned forwnr d 10 calch n o rth . and l Cllvn me rur n whill'. Whnt e very trick the elePhon ts dId. UII l:oy! I nped 1ft r est. Go , IJOY. ~n!" h eld o n to the bags thllt th e mIce and r rei ~orry ror pa, hilI. I put m v m Ihlng\l were In. wnl tln g tor our r ue, around hIm . an d I s nl rl: "l'a. rl' unt The e l o phnnt~ s t .x> d n their h eads f en r. 1 wIll novel' <l ..~~rl )'''". "" ttl and hind , fe ot. nnd fo re reet . laid tloe sellson Is O'·c r. Where" or YOII 1:0. d o)wn. fired pIStols , and clld eve ryth ing [ wIll go and 1 will I,p op ),011 I1W" " O, jllst r ig ht, without makIng n mIstake. I clon't fear. Now t hnl wr nrr j;1I ! n i; F ln nlly tho trainer formed Iho whole I loto th e Rlln ny BOlllh , wh~re p" ~ r)' hnd Into" grand py ramid . with ol d mun mRY hl"'(>' It In for ,YOII, ',' a\l ~ " )'011 Dalll'ar In the cente r. oacb eleph nt ! wer e n Yll nk ~ " flOWI " r, I will May hy . holdIng an Am e r Ican flag wI t h hIs , ' 011. Rn rl the r wl\l he th lll!':s .Iolng t runk , and wa"lu g It. nnd thc audie nce thnl wi ll mRke yon thi nk Ihe Ilnst ~a.8 broke 0111 Inlo a cheer that fairly hecn a sweet clrellm . !'; f' . pn~ " rillped the caOvnS8. PIl s lghNl Ilgllln , nn ,l . nl cl: "This 18 T hen I s nld to YOl1n g Mr. Se nnlor: tnn mllrh! " and he r us hed of! to lI nd "Come on wltb your ra ts, now. an d I the elephnnts . wIn $50. " Alt hands ph'k ed up ttle baskets and baGS and we nl to th e elrle ENGLISHMEN IN DUELS. or the ring and e mptied Ul e Who le blln ch of more thnn 600 Into lho rlns. Some of th e Famou s M ~ n Wbo Hav. Th e rats an d mice r usbed for the eleF ought \vl l h S\\' ol'ds Rnd phante, Rnd then turned and mad e a Pis tols. ruob for tbe r oserved eeat s. Ob, dear. whllt a tim e we bad. The Tb e earl of 1{ lmborley's cuseed cbult cugo to l 'o!. Eln l'w cll Is a re minder rhnt Ih ollg b th e dn y' of llll lIng are cons Idered 10 ha I'e passpd In Englund, lhe 1II';IIIIng 811lrlt wIlt Hli ll brenlc out on o ccasion s, says the Lon· don Express. Not so vc ry Inn!; " go Mr. Wlns lon Churcblll wns chall en!:cd to an encounter a I'o ulrnn ce by nn Irat e cou· s lllu ...,! at Olrlham. One hC31tlites to think what would have hnllllcn url un,l Mr. Churcblll barl ' leisure enough to r esume bls ruanlnl r o le, Lonl Bencons fl eld once cha lle nge d O'Connell to u du el, bll t lhe fumons statesman found hi mself tl{lu[(d ovel' to kecp the Ilcuee 111 Il po llee l~OU l't Instead of rlel)lIrting a eros. tho ch[llluel to hlow out the braIns ot hi s Iloll li cal apponent. O'eO Un t' lI h lmsclf ~o ll g b t a du el wIth n memucr of tllIl Iri s h house of rom· mOils nam ed IY8alerro and killed his oPllOne nt. Anothe r ratal due l was t hat In wh ich C1etlr Across the Ring. Lord Cam elford, one or tb e mos t conelepbants got down orr th at py~amlci Ormed du ell Is ts ot hIs day and n mn o so q uick It wou ld make your h ead who had th e deat h ot mo ro than oue swim. and Old Bollvnr trumpeted In fellow croa ture 011 hI s bnnds , was abject tear, anel trIed to break a way. killed by Mr. Dest. Doth wero excelbut po came aloDg wltb a tent stake lent shots. and one or tbo two IIlstols nnd hIt Bolivar over tbe head. and used was supposed to be s ltghtly mor e told the trainer t o put lho eJephnl'lts \lertect tban tbe o th er. A pI ece of baek Into tbe pyramId and 'hold tbem !lioncy was tosse d ull to decide the there till the bell rung for t hem to cbol ce. Bes t won, and In tbe res ult cease their stunt. Tbe traIn er cou ldn' t l..ord Camelford tell mor tnJly wound ed. The Inst duel foug bt lu I reland was do anytblng wltb th orn. and they bellow ed and dod ged mice and s h ye ~ nt helw eea a ma yo r or Sligo and a memo ra ts, and Bolivar took bls trunk a nd bur or lho legal profess Ion, but hon· ora were declared easy. fo r notbing swatted pa Qlenr across the rIng . 'I' he elephan ts tollowed Boll vnr to bappen ed. Mr. TI erney chnrged Pltl with "obtb o mai n entrance. ench elepbant tryIng to walle on t ile h eela or Ib e one st r ucHng t he defe nses of the country." ahead of him . nnd a ll lhe circus banda nml thnt orntorlcal ob~c r vallo n sound· trying 10 h end oft tbe elep ha qls. but od so l ~ rrl bl~ In tbc eRrs at t he elUith ey wouldo't b ead off. They w ~ re nent sta tesD10n that he sent bis se~ s Imply scared lO deat h, aud the v onds to Mr. T ie rn o};. bro ke out the sille of th e I.. nt ,\lear Tbe two me t at three o'clock o ne tbe .Iemonade stand !lnd we nt wh oop- Sunday morning at . Putn ey cath , not In g out Into tbe open nIl' a nd rree,lom, far from tbe KIngs ton road. fir ed two sbots at eneb otber and t h eu r eturn ed whil e tbe audI ence yell ed wllh JOY, YOUIIS Mr, Senator 81114 to me : bome quito woll tor brenkfast. Cbarl es Jn mes Fox, PIU 's brllllo rrt rl Vol. t.ook occl1slon to malle some scathIng obscn'nllons on the powder Bupr,lIed by Ut e war office nnd pro mptly receIved 11 c ballenge trom Mr, Ad· aws. f'ox Rcce pted, lhe cIuel was fougbt and the slatesmnn was woundel\. .. Adams·... he Is repo rted to bave salfl on tbat lamentabl e occasion. "I do bollevo you'd IlIIv e kill ed me It yo u hadn 't us ed government Ilowder."
I hcu'e got so I bet on a sure tbl Dg, '1nd "'When a fellow bets on a su r e t hin; he -II bound .to lose. It wns this wny . 'fho show nrrlved .. WlUlhlngton, D. O., on n Sunua)' morQlng. and, as usunl. all t ho bo)'s III town came to Ibo lot to see li S pu t up the tents. I wae around with lIa und the boss canl'asman. and Ihe town IIoY9 could seo I be longed 10 tb e silO\\'. and tbey envied me aud wanted 10 go acquslntCd \\'Ilb me, so I would let them wa lk arourld with me. nuel go Into lhe teots Sunday afternoon and ilea the animals. There was ono boy wllll a sort of rougb rIder hat on, and buckskin frlnae on hl8 pan ts . and everybOdy
noll Swatted Pa
flee It. t YU Ullnklnl about l!'etllI~ta
WASH IN RUNNING WATER. PubIlc DTlnklng PlI,ces in Buenos Ayt'll.. Must Clean se Glassea That Way.
"Pa, Do Not Fear,"
"They do SODle lblnga bette r In Bueno. 'Ayres than we do In thi s coun try, " Bnld a form er Milwaukee man. wbo hasapent many yeal s In Argentlna, ··It may be conSid e red n sm nll malter by ~ oDl e .' Mld yet one Ironcl ad resulnllou' dOWD tb ere alwnys stru ck me us eml. ne nUy eo uD~ -a r eg ul al Ion providing that all glasses used In barmoma, saloon8 and public dri nki ng plnces s ha ll bo wa s hed In running wa te r. Th e Idea 19 Ihat by cleansIng tb em In wn ter t bot Is ul ed Over ao d ov ~ r t'uere Is a good chance for th o transmI ssIon at di se ase. In spectors arc al way s on tb elr rounds seeIng that th e la w Is observed. nnd WOO to Ihe man who is round dc ro,ltct In Its o bservance. ElI.nos Ayres. by tb e way . IB kept IS cl ean d S any ci ty In th e Unlled States. and Is onc or tb e most progrea. alv e lowns In tb e world . "When a man di es rlow n lhere It rloes not mat t er wbether he marie a will rlls. posing of bl. proper ty of nol. Th e Inw of tbe country co mrs Into play. and d lvld es .all hl R pOssessions eflually among bls heIrs. Not On p of Ihem enn bed ls ln. ber lted. Onp good e rre c t or Ih is I. to do away wllh bIg lan ded es lates . Ma nYof tb ese , thou g h. ore s UII o r e norruou s s ize, and farms of 6,000 Rcrcs nre the rule rather tban t he p.xce pUo n. '
150. and YOll can .take all the bets you "What /10 you thInk of elopbants can get. \Vh}'. th Is oord or elepbants now ?" wpuld walk o n mIce, and rats, too. 'tou I told him to take bla money nod be bet w It h bl pl an d tell blm to bo'lng dnrned. along all t he r als and mIce he csn !1nd The sudlence was getting nenOUR, In t be wblle house, &lid yo u can tUfn so th e band s truck up "A Hot TIme In tbem Into the ring Monday afte rnoon tbe Old Town." and tbey were Qui et •. wben th o ele phanlS do tb el r t urn . and lo g down as the curtain to I he d rellsIf an elephnnt bals 'an eye 1 will cat Ing room raised and th. h o rses for tbe bls ears for mu shrooms." charlot race came out. Juat tboll a I went hack 10 you ng Mr. Senator womnn with red BOcks got up on a and too It hi s het , a nd told him I nad cbalr In tbo press seats and pulled har plenty mo re money to bet tbe sa me away up IIDd yelled. " Rat s! " and way, an d . he silld the next afternoon anotber woman screamed and jumped be would com e wltb his m Ice nod r a ts, up on a seat with ber clotbes at /laIC and a lot of money to be t Ib at you mast, and yelled that there were mice 'couldn 'i bold tbat flock of elephants on the seats. In les8 thaD two rulowllh log chaIns wben be opened bls utes every woman In th. andl enc e·. and ba g ot rals a n d mIce, the bearded woman, and tbe rat wom· W ell. how It got Into tbe pnpers I do an . were standIng up on Bom~rblng. 'not know , bllt t ho n cxt m ornIn g t bey boldlng up theIr dresses and s baldng a ll said an Int eres ting experim ent the skIrts and screamIng. and wben woul:! he mad e t he n ext nfte rnoon at tb e fat woman t ell Into the arms or tb e !lreat alld o nl y ci rcus, to determIne tbe bearded woman. In n ralnt. and the once Rnd fo r all wh et her clep hdnh bearded woman dropped Ib~ tat worn· were a fraid 01 mtce. and t ha t n qen · an, pa told the besrd ed womari he "'U ato r 's so n and a son of one of th e uro· aabamed . o r ber tor screamIng. 'cause prletor s or the show would co nd uct sbe ougb t to be more of a man Ihu tlle e xpe rl.m ~ nl by turnIng loose a lot thnt. Saves TraIn; Hla Rewllrd, o r mt ce an d rats In th e rlogs nt preW ell , ev ery mouse and rat In the MIs. Helen Go uld has g iven a ",Ibalan. clsely 3:30 p. m. bunehse.. med to be lookIng for womBO tlal reward to Roy Irvln s DIxon. '.he Well , you never eaw s nch a cro wd In to sc ream a t them , and there wal no nlne ·year·o ld lad who snved a OClI1\'er &: a cl rclIJI S9 we bad t hai s fternoon . It use trying to run a I bow with sueo an Rio Grande pS 8s~ngpr traIn (rom 0. •• aeemed ns t hougb Ihe whole POlllllo· excited audie nce. so pa bad the band slru ctlon last year: The boy 90'111 bOil'l1! t10n turn ed out.. for"lgn minIsters. ae· rla y " Good NIght, Ladl es." and be an, study at GOOdwill farm Bchool an d MI81 ~, soclely people and clerks. That nounced t hat the performance mlgbt Gould wIll furnl sb Ih e money for his ex.enato r·s so n and th e wbol e fa m ily , lie cons Id ered ove r ror the aftern oon . pen ses there aDd a t Home unlv~ l'!Ilty and th e n elghbora, must ha ve bee n up EverybOdy mad e a rus h for Ibe exit. whlcb be will attend afte r finIshIng preall nI ght cntchl ng mIce lind rats, and Eacb womsn b old up ber skirts and paratory courses. Tbe boy Oaggeil a It took nin e boys and three servnn ~~ fairly ga ll oped to get· away tram lbe traIn wltb a r ed han d kerchlet just a81t to carry tbe baskets alld lraps and mice and rsl s. baga or mIce and rale. I pllSsed Ihem The}' all got out of t 'lIe t ent lIoOll1y, was about to run Inlo a rock 8l1de. 'an In and we lined up on a fronl seSI and th en the managerS bad' a meell ns ' 1":Iremen In Loan Sharks' Grup. 'to walt for th e eleDbant IIlunt. and to nnd out who slarted th e trouble The /lre department of San Frnncla. w!Jen tbo thing "'a8 rIlle we were to nnd what ,It was beat to do sbout :t. , co Is In tbe clutcbes.t loan sbark•• '~m pb' the whol e me'. or vermIn Into was sIttIng alone on a tront seat. Owing .to ·.exorbltant Interest charte, tbe ring. tblnklng over t he scenes of tbe aller. 68 Ilremen bave DO salary coming tG ·1 relt , ..___though something . was noon', and Wondering wbat lha young thea tor Ueptember, and s ome drew ~U, cauae J .l!Ilw tbo ne... mOOD sehator'9 80n ...ould do wltla tbe Dlon- none for August. . A typ ical case 18 ~ert ehoulder the nlgbt betore. oy he won of me, anti. "hether be bad tbat or on~ man wbo. borrowed '5"0 pI'! !.OW I wish t bad died 6efOTe . tble depo'Pu lated tbe whIte bouae of rat. three rears ago. bas paI d $840 ad ~lU IaaO"'lled. Whe n ~e JapaDese . IIJId mice, ao .the prealdellt would nO!- .tII1 own more than the principal,
:lII.Jatak\m· Theory. Ji'pollllh Women. "\V'oUlen," renlll~kO d tile keen obMr. Ol ub!llun (en wring tho dining.server, "t1I1\' O [l .w ()ndortully acute room)- Ana 80 you rou lrln ' t be doW'll SIlIIS ' of hllDlo r." 'town U"'ee bours wlrboul SloppIng to "I:lut," pr otcRtotl , t bo' CQn lmry Der- : gl)t u lun~'\l ? Cost aO o r <1O ceUls, I'll so n. " It l!IIls 10llg bee n t he unl veraal \10 bound. U does bimt all how wo rnbe ttof tb u\ womeu bove JlO 8eu ~tJ of 'on thr~w nway money . . By the way, hUDlIJr at al l. " YO\1 dou't call thi s sllilper. do you 1 "And l'ip:ht lhere 1. whero tl)e li n 1Mrs. 0,- [ sllilJ)Ose It Is the best versal bettllvel'll go lume ," r ejoined the tho no w s1'rl could get up Oil Bu ch k , 0, " W hY, eve rybody knOWNth nt only shon · no lice, 11 Wllllltln CUll Ilea a llyt hlug to la,ls b ut " Hu h! Calch rue allO n g <lo wn to wh en a n loasly \lanilOiI lIeol on the thnt tnble. I'm gO ing nl'ound , to the sld ewnlk go ts bllsy nn[1 tnl,cs' a fall club." -N Y. Weekly. flTOT 'ONE, BUT QUITE LATE out at " I1HIO ."-Cll lc:lI;o Dnlly News. Lover's Plea Answered by II. VoieD The Sblllu and the R eal. H ellling Out. M l d ~ l nl \ '{,I K ,.n brlghl 'fhat Cp,rrled Couv lcti on I~('\\'n l'e f ut u r o I! or rl"w, \\'! th all uxdamlltio ll of dell~l t the with It. F'l~ ,· chn mpngno HI nh;ht h n r ,l~ned tonrl" rll Nhl't! o n tho bag:\1 II}' 1J r ,'n l pn l " t O~ l llo rrow . gtlg,' pIal fo r m nn ll S UlrlOtl to Sllla ~ h Prof. O. A . li llt, o r the nnt.iOlHll f) hMt'f\'l\· - \\' usht n f.t'l On Sita r, ht:; l r ll'n l( w itb un ax.
" lI nld Iln !" Ulan .
. hlJlll ed
t Oly .
" AI' O YOU 'cnl Z}'? "
":-:.IL ut a ll ," I'cplll'd the lI" ruoned tOll rlo t, liS he conti nuo,l 10 8 1tHI. h. " I .. <' ad I har bng!:H!;OmCn wero O,'orwIITI,ell lit t.bls 8 a son, so I UlOugbt I wOllld ;, mns h my o wn t run k nnd S:lV' )'lltl Ih e Irollu le." - Chtcngo Dall )' . 'o wP..
tel men g't m d u. t m eOh. ca n ' l you ridd l e my rldtJl ? ]'m NOl.hlng-tlon't YOu see? -PI1 I1R~ ellll1lil
U nCle Ha nl,-Are you a good skater. WIt!le? " '!lll e-W ell. pretty good. I 've onll playell hoo l<eY t hree Urnes this wlnleI' to go skatlng.-Pb\ladolphla Bulie tln. ·Indlcatlon. Mrs, N elghbol's- The H omers evidently conte mplate lhe purc base ot an au tomob il e, NeI ghbors- Why do you think so? Mrs, Nelgh bo rs-A ca uI'asser was a lo ng to·tlny taldog orde r s for a boolt e utlll ed "Fi rs t Aid to the Injured," and Mrs. Homer Ruhscl'lhed for a copy.-ChlcagCl'Dally N~ W 9.
Q!J tl l\Il' 111Iu'n l l'orps dllrtl1t: PIl c c h p:"l~ .
" Til l.' ",: hpse," he .Hi l.!. " lH[lY m ll y Inl" L fh 'e IIH llult."!'4i , E lI.l.'h lU a u in t h e purl)' IInll n ~t'rL'ltl1 Iwe or wurk. ma p ped uu t fo r
·Gt\r6.eld T;a , Mild Lu:atlva, NOlhlng b •• yet takeu the plo<;<) of GIll'fi eld 'l'~11 N .Iure'. re\lludy fur klduey una 11\'01' t,·,,"I> lo, ton_lIpllrl ') Jl uud sick b eud· Rc be : ' onlaln l ' no hurUlfll1 11Ijfrod lcnt.s " "tblng but Illelll .... "ul bet'b.. 8"ld at al1 drllg . tores. lId fQr l rce f alUplo \.0 UurO dd 'l'oa Co.,_ Bro~I~~N Y. Thankful f or Small MercleB.
'A lim n l o~ 1 " letS i ll 0 rnilwu)' n 'chl~nt1 IInu w lu 11 l iI.·~ p tcl.~d hi lll up tll ~ hr~t ", ord h t:. " jllli """' us : .oThu, lI1 k ~h(.' L('I~d ." It ",us I he Ie.: wit h ,l.h c rheultmUblU In .\., AllLHlt a l \) lI blll UliOD.
A Gu nl'Rnt eed Cure tor Plies.
It 'h'u ~ H IIT" I, 11 Ic· (,dhl". PI'('I tl' U,lIu~ P IIO!\II' Dl'U~ 1 ~ 1't nr.· ,,1 11 h o r i'tctl\ t Cl n,r ll llcl IIH1~ll\.\' l~ It..ZlIOI~ n.ll~ S r (uil ~. t.~\!UN l~1 Gl.u Htlu,}I;I. OOb
T il ,' .! \" I,j·p l lc
as- IUI- "
I'rof. llill "mil.d .
"An int c i rupl1ol1 WQuitt b e os l1nwt"kntllf' t o it as it once ,,"U ti \0 a )'uung f rtt"'1H 1 of
uune ill Ehzubclh . " ~ I l'
rr l(~ nd.
u.ccor d iDK
the st01'r .
\\1 tlS cul hn~ on hh~ IIweolhcurt, who I lvl.lJ 00 r:l lzalJllth'ti o u\.tlk lrt l . " AM t ho youn'J man WRa hlklo G 1...·II.\·c
for th e niN-ltt . IUiI \Ioiee,
Ih e plnau.
1'06 0
''''I h e
ol'dc r ecJ
en ll.'f ,' hI' lm !4 t u lUll
4i,h lJ~5 .
t) IlU
it " rI C'!" ,. An B!lrOIlO nli cn l eo r p :l a n "d lp s{' ,!t a \' l!ry hu~)' body . All ill tl.' rrllpt lUn wuuld be a. uu wch.'ollle to 1\
, l~y h is
t n w/l ll, !I\'C 111111'":; U d .I~, II ILlI \\ h., I.'\'tt" "r" h ili h,o:11 1h by ( ll lo wlIIg t h u t\ J\'I l'(", l lu ~ b t nt \t. l o CH lI lp \!1I1l 110·
r''''''I II' I,\1I
lltL\' co
I h ': W
Hol e" pu t. IJ Il
H oxsie's Crou p Cure
1' hi' Iiff'" f; tH' ,' r ehildt'('1l w il tl PIh' lll1lofl l n, Cl'OUI'.oo lJll'~I :.:~~ ~ ~)tu lii. W l 'l' UUt.
rC IIU&rl t fl . AnJ »0
Y Oll Ct1U
t h.uJt if
\' 1111
nc,'e r ;n~kt' n won1l\.l1 h\ . lic \·c 11 }l litO to luncu Dnd l 'l U , c
t al(tI
n l,'tJ llll'YOl wit h !JIm, lhat UlhuncF!t,
llltCUJll lK \ 0
I! t oud 11 11
pus"lonntely in l he oi llt
aIr .
.. ',Ju lill ont ,' he Ilid . ',lus t. n n~ . ' " T hen t he yo un/{ girl's moth el' inter·
11l plcd. rolli ng from bel' b.tiroo,"
adre. Millry Dlmmlok ot Waablnllton telle How Lyd tA E. Plnltbam's VOlle,able
(lompo uud Made Her WeU.
d ow: " Just one!
bl th e Neru' Fu ture. Mrs , Hlrnm Oflen- I uudet;,Stand you 'r om-It·s a' lru e snyln g that flgures to slty y01l 1' las t IJlnce WIlS with tho don 't Itc. Swellmuns, Dlcll-Well, ! see 60me on the Sireets Allllll ca n 'l-No, Indnde, ma'a m; 01 thal Ilre v er y tiecolvlug.-Clllcl on llli so ld l!J ey \\runted me to s lUY wId lb lm. Enquirer. hut 01 wouldn't IU/,; age. Mrs. Hi ram Offen-Why not? His Harvest. Appll can t-Shllre. they WOUldn 't let Old Wlnt or hold. n huoklng boe me kape me uutomohlle In t belr 'l\,t Jd jo ll y s hout s n nd c h eors: And you can Heo that h e has kis! ed garage, mn'nm.- Phllndol ph la P ress.
Nothing. 1 make the young girls giggle.
11 11
d urt u ~
m eau?
A Practicnl J oke. T ram p-You gave me a coun terfelt 6ve·dollar bill 0 fe w momen ts IIgo. Practical JOKe r- He ! hel be! ho ! ho! Fou n d, It Ollt, eh 7 "Yes, s ir ; u lld, n my Intormalton, an omce r 18. now lookIng for you. Glmm e Uve dollllrs In good money, ~n d I'll I\)I'O;V '1m oil. tb e trucle fb nnks. Ta . ta l "-N. Y. W eeltly.
tht1 dUli N' u f
h im dunnK Ihc S I~ l)fC'cI OUt! lH illut ,..' .
Hus lJulld·-Um- er- tlJ e fnct 18, my rlenr, Mr. SIll lth Is s ho rt of cash to-nI ght. anll. uS ho cOlllu not I)ay my bill. h e in· slsted on tren ling me. 1 had to accept. of cou r se. It doesn't 110 to offend a sli p· pery deblo l·.-N, Y. W eek ly.
, Double Quick , lIIrs. Nngge t-Youllg; B.ntc bell er b as gone throu g tl nit that fonuue In ono year, I hl'" r. Mr. Nagl;et- I belteve so. Mrs. nggot-:-Ahl If be bad oo ly mar ~ led th ere wou ld bo n dllIe rent s toryMr. Nngget-Yes ; It would only bnTO lasted s ilo: mo nt hs tb on.-Phlla de lphia Press.
dl·.: \, ,·t!,l lIi
Ul n n III l1kes h url'tt!u 1l(' 1\('~ 1 blt ct t.' il es , An · o l IH.' r m un p hnl o; rfl phs. t\ thiru f\W n t H k~'-I out'ol'n' nt h) I\ ~, wl ll Je D. fuurth Jut s d u wn IllS
Ho w It H a ppened. WIfe (at the tll flater) - See hero, Ueor);o ; yC.ll! ""Id yOl'r onl y object In ' o ln !: out w ;u; to sec a Itlnn n nmed Sm ith , \\'llIJ O W ~9 )Io u monel'. What does that 0 <10 1'
..; try" .Id a.....'~ lltutao. aaL ·1~.lhirll bfofoTe • "'!lthle! Indld-klt\l I " e"" wbloh to propUll n a qu" L ",..b.twou wouldcaWII YOIl tlte hu.n umbarr~trr~h lp movinl a,"OIl do if ,,).,," iii'" a d blft ~ 7\1V th~ v"rad. grollnd an a'Jlproae , be,~~,~;' .top d;:;-n k inc, air," ~plied t he 1101dier. "bor tly ,-Jlld~e . _ _
Tho 1I\1l1ds w ho hlJ.vt) I'cll -I'. Y. Sun.
cn n~ .
It Is with Ifrent pleasure we publish No, it nin'l q. uit c that vet , But it'. close on 10 l2, 00 J Ihink )'c'd be~· th e (ollowing le tturs , as tb oy cotwinc· iog ly prove the clnim we hav e 6U w OIlY tor be &OI n ' jU!lt t he SAme ." timos mado it, our colulUns that h1~
TERRIBLE SCAl,( ECZEMA, Eruptions Apl)e'nrcd on Chost, and Face alld N eck: Ware All Broken Ou t-Cured by Cutlcurn. "I bn d nn . ruption lppe&r au lilY chtllt and 1'0<17 an d extend 1I11\\'orti autl down· WMUB, 00 Iltat my Iltck oUlI (n ('e wtre " II broke u ('I ut. ; uJso my
und the lower
limb. AO fitr • • Lho kn ee.. 1 .. 1 11 1' l thought it. wn. prickly h.ot. But 800n •• nl•• or crusta furmeti where the brtnk· The Escn;,e. She a wnkes from n deep slee p to find III ~ oul W. .. I nslend o[ 1(00 11 K to n phy· S":ln n, f \Hl rCb luieti li co mplete ll'C"ulrncnt tbe liames ronrlrig and c racldlug a ll o[ Lho ' u leura n t; lnedlllO. in wh ich I bnd aboat bel', great fUllIt, and r.1I "'no •• tl.(ltctnTY . A " Me rciful h em'e ns! a m I los t?" s he yea r or two later tbe erup tio n uP/, ngrlin , ouly II lit tll! I we )'; uut b e o r~ it. cri es. h nd t ime t o 8[1r~Bd ] procu red n n l) ther No. On t be ('antrary. The /lre. In !t upp l ~' of the CU I icura Re mediev;, nnd con · poInt ot fact . l'lls heat ed bel' cllrllng t inued their use un ut the cure \Vb8 com · ton gs to such n degree tbot ij ho run IIlele. Ct i. now fivo } eal1i . in cr the I•• t maIm ready to elTec t he r esca po with· oltllck, Dlld h"'e not e.'. n ony " i ~n8 o[ n. r.turn . r hove mnre f..ith in C'uticurn out Ih e loss of n precious mome nt. R,m?dit8 for . I<in diaeo rM thnn ."ytbing "Ho w little we k no w!" s he mur - , .know nf. EIlI'),'~, I!:. W iI.OII, .Liscomb, murs , wh eo a t Ins t s he Is borne down Iown, Oct. I , 1900 , the ladder, lookIng toO s woet.- Puck. , From HIli PoInt of Vi ew. Lltlle A" d rew-Pal''', whol clo people N ot in His Case. m •• n when tbey lalk about "the hii " You \Ion't refil ry wonl to marry mo. al lc k 1" l>nPa I mclllbr'r of C'ongrt'I! from Iho J ack," s he said, pre tendlug to be dee pty UlUjlt 'cll ih di.t rict I-Any "il.. 1 lalc. in terested 1.0 Il mic roscopic nnw In lhe ICnnt nr, my suu.. "hicago Tnb une. toxtur e of his cant coli nI'. "You','a bee u readIng tb a t a wife Is Il luxu ry, and YO ll Curea Blood. Skin Troub les, Cancer, t hlnk- " Blood P Oison-Greatest Dlood "Th at do es n 't fit my case , Nolllo! "In· ' Pu rifie r Free. terr upted tbe young ma n, " You 're not If 10ur blond is ill1lJUre, th in <1ilK'nscd a luxury. You're nn absol ute necer.s ll y, hot or full oi bumo... , If yuu I;"". blu Id pOIS?n, concer, (,l1fhuncles , ent inj.; "''')'<' ' . I s imply cn.n ·tltve witho ut you!'; 1t waR dea d easy for Jack utter tMt.- sero(ulll.l' UI.a., itch ing, ris inG" snu lumps . a. abby. plmfJl, .kln . bo ne fJni " •• rnt nrrl!, Chicago Tr Ibune, rh eum arllm or Any blood or .ki n cI i8 ••• ~. tok e lIntll nl C Blood n nlm (U. U. D.) a.· cording 10 lilrcctio". , Soon 1111 oor.,. b•• 1 A Whol e Half-Day. Hll1ckl ey ha ppened homo for lun ch· Bch es nnd pllll15 IStOP, lh e hlood i .. mnd~ pure on.1 r ich , leu\'i ng the skin (rcft (rom eon onn clay ood found that b. tie'" every e rupt ion, a nd g i\'ing tho r ich glow coo k hurt arrived that morning. 1'h& of perfJcl heallh to the . kin. At ' the mca l WIIS perrect nnd evcryl hln g mOMl !>IRme t i llle B. B. D. i mp r oves th e d i~es· lion, cure. dyspe-plia , Il trtn~t h~lIfI wenk satIs facto ry . ~ ide.y.. ,Tust the llI edicinc [or old peo· At nIght, wben be sot down tor lli n· rl e.• s it r.i r~s th em ne,,,\ ,·igorou. blood , ner, allol he r de licIous rp,pos l was lJru pgiSl8, Iller Inrge lott Ie. with di· served. Turning to · bls wire delight· rect Hllls for home cure. Snmple free "nd l,y wrili " g 1lI 0od Dallll Co., At· ellly h e RaId: j.lrepaid ant.a , all . . . Desc ribe trouble I\n rl Rpccinl "I sco wo sUII havo the sa me o ld [n'c mcdiral .d,·lee .1'0 .ent in ",," led I.t· Icr. 1:1. D. D, i. especi olly ol!<'iurl for coolc"-J udge. ebronie, deep·. rnled .08<8 of illll"'fe blood nfld 81<1 0 d iseD~e , and c u red uIt t!r all clae Sp ed the Parting. r.II •. b:va- I hear th a t' they eloped at mld• Long and Short of It, nl" ht by a durk moon. " 1- Ycs; nnd ber ralher deter.led B1 ~ckel'- Are you \.0 be long in tow n! Tioml<u- \ V.t1 , 1 tri.d to be, bllt tbe tb o olo llement und run urte r them wUh _rkot went . hort.- Puck. II whill, 8 va- Gl'I1clollsl And did be cntc\l Shake Into Your Sboes th em'! AII~ n'. Jo· It curr. pAi nful. awolleD, Ed nn- Oh, be wasn't tryIng to ca t ch IIn1.rling. sweAt ing (ret. 1\(ak es nrw ehocs them - he wn ~ mNely tryIng to speerl CIlllY. ,Soltl by all Druggietl . nd Shoe t o"3. Do,,'t necellt nny !ub.titut o. Sample Jo· R~E. the horse. - .Turlge. Addr... A. S. Olm.t~d. Le Roy, N. Y.
- -----Flea Information.
Shc- I see thI s paper llo'lYS that tbe mOllth of the flea Is located between bll' fo relegs. F1e-Tbat may be very valuable Infor· matlon, but I cnn't see tbatlt's goIng 10 help a mnn to be told thal when 0011 o r the Ilos ky thing!! 19 la lling n tIleal hom the middle of hi s bnck.-Yonkers Stutes · mun.
Va.hion write~ oaya: l'One can Qet " re.1 cute I.yette [or • baby ror "'.000." Woulrlo', tbat make you ioiD • Race ';ui· cid. Club !-N:.!:. Rerald., To Cure a Cold In One Day rake -Lu.n v. BRO>lO QUl ll1ll8 Tnblets. Orugll'lat.a rerund money It It f(llla to cum. It. W. OIlO .. ·S al\rbtlturela 0 11 each bos. 26c. Many a
Ol ll n
Plnlthnm, ofJJynn. Ma8l .. IR fllll .\· quaUfiedtoR'iveh elprIl1udvic-e l<:l sio kworn en. HeBd Mrs. Dimmick 's loLlcrs. Her Urs t letter: Door M..... Pi nkhn.m: "I h"oe been n MulTornr for til" Jl'I"t eight yet\r!J with n lrouul . .. !llch IIrst orir; hmtcd from polnful peri ori.' l-the pILlnN",.r"l'xcrllo!· allng, "I~ Inflamnll\Llon 1111\1 uloorMioll of Lbe fOlll(lloorgnns. Tho doc tor snys l IlIUnt. bave
no operat ion or 1 cnnnot livt", I rio not wnn t t0 8ubmit. to un oporat.ionit 1 can p,1SS.ibly
PI.~ h.l~ me."-M.r... l4u-y
avoid .It.
Dl.mnuc", ' VLULlI1gton, D. C.
ner seco nd lette r: DcaI'M .... Plnkhnru :" You will reltl omw my oondltlon .. btn I Inst ,vrolAl you, Bnd that the iloctor "'lId ( must ba,'o an opcmllon or I. ('QuId not II"... 1 roooivcd your kind lo[ler and followerl yout' ad viL'O very ('Rfutully Ilnd am now onUrely woll. As m v l'lISe WAS 80 r;erl~UI! It _ m. a mlnLclo t.hut· [
c ured.
1 kilO\\, (lint I o wo
not only my hOllJLb uut my IICo
Lydln E.
}:Ji ukhIlUl'FI Y eg' tabla olllpound RUt.l to you r ] cn n miles without. all Reha or
ndv i~_
n. pAin, nnd I wiBib ovc" y Butrering ""oman would read th is letter ru\d' ...wJ ....... hnt you l'an flo fOf tbeln. "- ~I ... Mary Dimmlck.fUth lind EI\.!j~ Capiwi St""'l8. Washin gton, u . C. Bow cosy It WM for Mt1l. Dilllm lc1c to write 1<:1 Mrs, Pi lll ,hnlU u.~ Ly nn . Mass" and holY little It cos l h er-a two-coo t stnmp. Vet h o"", valuabl e wns the r e ply l As Mrs. Dimroicksays-!tsnvcd her life. Mrs, P ink ham has on file thousands of just such le l.ter s as the above , and offers ailing women help ful advice.
Po.llI"l" cured lI, the ll8 Little PUle. I
Tboy aJsO relICYO Dill-
from D;1!pepstll, In, Id~reBt~onlU1d Too Bc,"" A perfect rem. IO(\~ t'le tllzzll.tiell9. Nausea,
IIa4 T u tAI
Kouth, o.te/I PaIn ID tile Std&, =-.....I'TOI1:PID LIVElL 'J'Ile;J l'uro1tVeptabllJ,- _ _ "
re,war.o UMI DoftI&
Genuine Must Bear
i':Z~~ PI
\vhom we' think hal a big
beart on ly b ai II pat.ient ea r ,- N . O. "Pica.Disco uraglnl!. ),UDe . " What we wa nl." saId the r eform er, P erhaps Both. "Is It s yst em of gov ernment In which "Yes. th .. y l1a ve bp-e n marrIed ton s ra rr Is ImpoHs lhlo." years onrl he I ~ s tili fo reve.r pa yi ng RAISED FROM A DEATH-BED, "Ycs," nn !lwe r cd Senntor Sorghu m. he r eompllmcnlS." tIIr. Pitta. Once PronouDced lacurabl •• " bu t eve n we r e such a condition at· "So '!" Hal BeeD Well Tbree Yeau. lal n'ed , It would not lust Ions . SOllie "Yes. he mus t he deeply In love wIth rog ue woul d cornel' tbe ha rp und hulo her. " E , E. Pitts, no n nthawI\y St.• Skowmarltet. " - \\' as h Ingtoll Star. "Eith er that ,;r he 15 nrrald of her." begao, Me . . Sill' S : .. SC" en yenrs aR'o -Hnu ~to n Host. my bacl. ac hed lind Im posalble. I ~"ns so rUD down "He' s too Ig no runt to ser ve on a Splutt.ered. th(lt I was laid up jury! " A wnman on e tlrne wa:-t I!O j~nlotJ" fOllr m o nth~. I S lu, I'plulh':r edln u ' }' lnl( 10 t«lllio u. " I kn ow D, greater lJ;Dortlmus tbnn H e r t roub le'" n.nrl WO~PI. Ind nig-ht 5wt'n18 he Is." Till ::t h e ~ J)rlnk1erl h~ r do t h i'tI nnd tltin tlng spe lls "lmp o~~ lbl e ! " A~ Ir i t rn h,ftto r m h ntl Ln(cnl('lU8 . and dr opped to PO "Y ell, I Im o w a mnn too Ignorant to - il ousto n P Oflit. pouod s, Th~ ur iut! be a lite Insll ran ee <,om pauy dire cto r." passed o\1cr,V fe w N E W COVERS FOR OLD SONOS. - Holls lon ' F'os(. nllnllLes wilh inteese pa in "nil One Thing N eedful. looked like bl ood . T om- Don 't yo" think ~lI sg OeSendd3 Drop"y s~ t in nnd Is a perfect poem? decid ed I could not Ih,c. Thl3 13 me Mold cf lOW R"nown. ,Tack- Not qui te ; but she expects to bo My \y\[e got me using Oon ll's Kidn ey Who scrumlhe floor" of ~"{,.!!:I1bwn, In the near ru tu re, PiUs. and 05 t hey holped me 00 I took Tom- Come o n wIth Ihe explanation, To lind 6 ~k when Yll" ~ rtlrough. h~art. k e p~ on snd ",ns cur,'d so ~h o r J ack- H er father bas promIsed to buy Would Coke 0. poir or ~ or twa . oughly that I've beeD well thr ... e years. " a title for ber.- Chlenso Dnlly News. Andheremptoyment I~rit 310w .. So ld h y 1I.11 deale r s. 60 ce nt$ a box. B'oBt e r·l\lilburo Co. , llutrulo"N , Y. Of Recent .ul1.te. ror $Ie empl0y3 SAPOLIO. " Now, Tommy," snlll th e fo nd parent. "who was It th a t di scover ed ~e h on'lwrllins o n th e wall ?" "Th e tell chel·... promptly replied ··LEADE .... AND "REPEATER" SHOTQUN SHELLS Tommy, "!In' saId I did It wIth my new Ca~erul1y inspected shells, tbe best of pOWder pend l, nn' I<e pt me In."-Clli cago shot and wadding, loaded by machines Which Dully New s.
Not tbe Ori ginal I ssue. Mugglns-I hea r you are n bout to takll a f1yor In matrim onial bonds. Huggins - . Yes; second - mortp&e bonds. ' Mugglns-1tvhat;s th e answer? Hugglns-I 'm e ngageci t.O u wldo"",- " tl Chlcagr> Dally News. The
Is not mine to aJ~g th e a tu.telX graco, Irre&~
loul be_In. In 1111 ~y'a.!a.,.,"
~ive invariable results account for the superior. Ity. or Winchester" Leader" and" Repeater" Fac.tory ~adcd Smokeless POwder Shells " Reliability, velocity, pat~ern and penetratio~ detetmined by' ' 8c!e~tific apparatus practical experiment.. They , are SHELLS U'E C'1AMPIONS SIiOOT
Some Aspects of
Inte~a~ional ~arriages
1"".DlliaI • Que.lion Alain Prominent - In Spite of Fore. bodin,s There Seem. i" the Enllli~" Union. a Fair Aver.lre of Happin-.
It Is wHlJl n th e Inst qllflrtllr ot n Clontury the IIlLcruati onnl mUrl' llI~e haH baco m [\ ~uhject ot 1"'011'11111 "0,1 Intor· 001. I.t Is Within th e lust qu nrter of a century tb.e Amerlcnn mlll ti-mllli oll. al ro hilS hod hi s rlSll, t he .I!lu ghter of the A 1O ~ llcll n l\lultl-IIl 11lloll llll'c h n ~ lrer rl ' I!. llllt Dlaklng all {' ffort t o b fllir. to POlt ,lawn · praju.I"' ~. IIIL1 anti tlme·worn. Itt us call to mlu~ thut th is p eriod bu... becn mnrlced by ruorc trnv el, 100" 0 opportun.lty for IlC'lUUlllt. il.l,lce bct'~C\l th e Am ~rlcau >; Irl !Lilli titled forell;lIOr; thab not 1I11 U1C III' " Jullon hn9 beeD tram : tllo othor' sid e. not nil th hUDtllIg booll tor the mil .
arrl ve nt th e nvernge amount of hn)l' plu css. Tills Hllthor. rete rrlng to lhe uurnh er 01 Aru erl cllll lilrls · \hl\I" haVe OlarrI f)(1 Into cO"nsplc uou s nob( film · IIlcH nltroatl. em llhas lzcs llro (!Iel that fpw 11""1) l)ee n dl v01'ced, and Ilslts: '"Tn hnw ma ny ca n you point who cume bar II to Am ri ca to li ve. or wht took lin Ameri ciln husbaDd tor n new all ve nture?"
[Jut th o writer jl1st qu oted lrud spo· clnl rderence to Brllls b 1I1Ilons. Lei li S no w tnrn our a tlenlion to other Iitlet! foreigners. Hnve you ever henrll that A merl cnn futb ers are more nlg· I:Il rdly In yieldi ng family fortunes to Iluu g hters mailing nil lances with nobility tlr nn rich plebian fRlhe rs In Ger· many? Alld hav e YO Il eve r h ea r~ why Iho O.. nnnu noblemen uro won l to preter the IONs, richly dowe rcrl Am rlcan girl? An American Illrl wedd d to a fo,."I!.'11 nobl emnn. Duroness ,-on We· dpll . t {' I1~ us wl tir tho convincingness l of IL jlllllc lni oversever: "Unless a D U' I lIvc German girl without runk has I gcnteel r ~ lnlion s who are possessed or lnnd e'l prollerty or military titl es. u noblemau loses casle by union wllh I her. H e descends f!'Dm the nrlstoernt· l ie sets In towlle to the ' Ilnnneial' or I mix ~ set. or Is excluded (rom his I class altogether. So It Is jus t these mcn who al.lI1 to avoid s uch a desce nt. who relnln their solf·r espec t . an~ mean to sustai n tnelr family traditions Intact. that resist the te mpt.~tlon of gren t native pl ehlan dowri es to ta llO I " IIIl willY the s malle r dowries ' of Aowr· I lran glrls._ T hougb hnvl ng no cln ss. ....."-'----'--=S..:lo...<:4f4.~:"::O::::u.~::.::::..J I IHcation at home. repllbll cI111S ILrc reo UL'C IIl!:5S ('1" JIl ,\IILUVHU U~ ll . relved Into ony clnss I1broo~. No UlIlO HOIl 8. Anll In fa irness wo must add sllcrlOcos his ca~ t(! by marrla go with th nl und ou btelily SO IllC. or Iheso Inlor' nn Ameri ca n." Long II\'e the .Am e. I, n :lllon nl alfalrs w ro entero I In Lo with Clln repuhlle ! Dan CU llld as a ge nt. amb ltloll 1I0t the 'fhe fortun e·hunter ex l~ts both III ru llnll moll,,!.'. Dllt for- b~ It f.-om li S America alld Eu r011 , Ile rhaps If W Q t o IICr"l)t IL dass llkntlo ll 011 thi s bl,., ls. will letln for n mOIl! Ilt to th e philo· Danl I. or New York. S II \"I'I)" II goodly sOllhlc olLitllll e W ~ may ue willing 1"0 DlIIlIIJI'r- of trnn slllnnt NI Am c rl cn ll ~, " ranl that tb ere Is more e'cUBe fOI We wi ll keep to patellt tacts and Og- the latter. Tho baro ness wh om wo tires.' Somll st all.tielD n ha s been at have Quotcd aho\'r. ~ ILYR. In defl}nse 01· work and tells us thnt no less t hnn. tbe non-me rccua,'y foreig ners that 43 grea t Am crlc!nu helreHs~ alld 100 have made rnarria t;cs with AlIlorlcan s. lessp r heiresses have mated with tilled nnd also 10 InCline the rca rt er- to bcll , '0 for eigners hI the lallt 26 Vl'{lrs that In tbe extelecce ot extenuating circum· . the 1088 to An\(~ rlell -bllS a~o\lnlell to sla11c8 for tho$ looking tor do wrled scorcsyf 'mllid ons and 1Iome two hun- brides, s nys : "Il Is a false prejlld lce dre,\! lftllllons of .lollars.· Put to us 10 suppose that the tllI Cll gentl olUen tfrl s wny: It quito tnltes ' our urenth nro mere tortune 11l)Jl lo rs nnd degen· away; it Is s tupeDdous. erated speCimens of nobi lity. Tb oy are Let us namo somo nnm e and .10ts . otten meo. It Is trn c. who· could not lIome recent and en rller mu rrillges. 'fbe duohcss of Roxburghe. born May Ooelet took her busband th e nellt sum of $25.000,000. The fortuRe of CanBuello Va,nderbllt, now duclross ot Marlborough, WBS $10,000.000. Bnr· oness Halkett, born Sarah Phelps Btokes, belonged In the multl·mllllon· alre oloss. ber fortun e equal to tllo.t of Consuelo Vanderbilt. The girls- Lady CUrlon, tho countess ot Suttolk. and Mrs, Colln-Campbcllooch was ricbly dowered:' possessed a fortune of $5.000,000. Tbat otber Am eri can" dueb e88 consuelo: Duohess ot,Mat;)ohester (dnughter or Signor An· tonlo Yznnga de Va lle, of LoulslDna) In her rtny was occol1ntpd ri ch with . II tortune ot $1.000,000. ' Prl.nccss Col· onna (Eva Julia Mllcklly Bryant) had . a-- tortun e of $2.500.000. The fortune ot Mrs. Arthur Paget (daughtc r ot COUNTESS DE CASTELLANI!:. Paran Stovens) was $2.000.000. ot Mrs. Vivian (Urs. Mnrshal\ O. Roberts ), marry women without'· dowries; tor $12.000.000. tho fort une ot tllo countess gentlemen on t be continent. ss It ot Craven (Cornclla · lIIartln). $1.000.· mu st bo lle llt continually In mlod . nre (]lliss Tbaw. ot Pittsburg). $1,000,000. el<cludetl Crom th e chances of mnklng Mrs. Michael Henry Herbert (Bell o mODey. 'l'hey nre brought up for tbe Wilson) took bor husband 15.000.000. rOYIII anny or the royal civil se rvice, 'AmoDg other American women tllat where the bonors tbey may atloln to have mndo International marrillges. nre the blghest In tb e laDd, but whero we must mention lIIrs. George Corn· the salaries atta ched to rank or wallis Wost (Lndy R andolph Chuchlll , ofll co are smnll nnd lon g In com In:;. born J ennie Jerome); the countess ot Dowry giving and tailing has remain ed Tnnkervllle, dllugbter of J. G. Vlln UDder the Circumstances a boa.ry, un. ;!I1artln, of New 'Vorlt; the countess or Ques tioned custom , so that tho lover who looks tor a witt' with money mny he totnlly unconscious ot his expecta· tlon being 'an imworthy one." We are ~ble better to appreciate the exteDuatlng clrcumstllnces "litter readIng the baroness' 'words, but th ere ens. Ily comes a limit to our good nnlure; ami we avow nothing but scorn for such brazen tortnne hunting ns thnt Collowed by Bon I Caslellan-.hls title being a duhlous one. we'll not be par. tl cular about nnmlng It. every tlmo wo make referen ce to the "bad Bonl"' of that Indul gent fnmlly over In France. How dill this n eedy :;ontl c. mnn PH rsuo his protesslon when In Amerlcn on bls fortun e hunt. wbnt were his assets? Under th e laUer we mny list tbe Rioro·ment lon ed dubious title. carefully selected clothcs. un. limited nerve. Introduce d to Newport. bo at once looked the /Ield ovcr. with precipit ation made known his s earch for th e r olden girl. Dut not all the golden ~lrl8 approved tbe preclplta· LADY CURZON. tlon; tbey called blm "PowdorllutT." 8tr&lford (Mrs. Colgate. ot New laughed at b18' pretensions. But pres· iYork); Lady William Beresford, torm. ently he met with success. After 0 er c1uchtlllll of MnrlboroU&;b, da.ughter brlet courtship. be married Jay of Commodore Price. U. 8 . N.; the Gould's dnu,hter ; returned to France marcbloness ot Dutrerln, born Flora with a bride. possessor or an estate Davis, ot New Yorll; the conntess of valued at $17.000.000. In America It Is the wlte thRt I ~ Essex, Adele GraDt, of New Yorl<: VlscounteBB Deerburst, born VII"!;illia expected to be extravagant; In Europe the husband . . AmI thlQ mak es :\ gr cnt Daniel. of New York. Has Ollr loss becD tbelr gain. the deal at the troub le; the America n girl 'A merlcan glrleT Let U8 Inquire Inlo thinks she has undisputed right t o the matter, wit h thnt fa irness we as- s pend her own; tho lItled 11l1s han~ I, sert we lrre so persletent ot. III look· sure h e. as b.end of th o fDmlly an el rep· Ing over the long list of .wldely chron· resentatlve ot tho rnnk. h88 lIndl ~ pllt ed Icled InternationKl marriages we 110.1 ri ght to spend munificently. Th e hor few that have reBulted In .divorce;. Of oness tells US German wi ves economiZE course, It does not neccsll!!rlly' fo-trbw the more In prOIJorlion 8S the ir hus that the others have lUI ' be'en happy bno de spend. I{ ATHERlNE PDPI/. lIDlons; ~but the great majority bavll not come to' the public sllipwrecl{ exSue Was WlIIlng. p erienced by Nellie ' Grl\nt-Sartorls, SaId Ihe lnd to the b .. lo: "We two Anna Gould Cableilane, M_IlI. Burke· ,,1'111 m a.rry sorno (thY. won't we, SwOT" Roche (F8.}lny Work, of New York), She hunlt down her hend And bnahCulty .end: r..o"ntess Festltlcs (Ella ' HaggJIl), "I don't Mtc 1\ dllrn If w. 4"'0: .. . ' ·.dllJ'oneea Hnlke~ . The a lthor of a recent article tn tile' - Rauls't on Post. . An ~-~-----Idea ot VIvisection. Cosmol!9\ltan on ,the subject.. '''l1h~ Bllcon-Do -you belle~e In ~. yiTi. American' Wire' In Elurope," seell4' .t/! lbloK.· IIOc!l\lIy ambltlous American seCtlOD ot dogs? wo~en maY there. eajo7, .lUst the 'oppor- . Egbert-Well, If wo have to ba"" 'ell tunltles thn long for. and that 00 the In BIlusage meat, the finer they are au ~etter_~Yonkera Stalellllll\D, . . ,,~Ie, " In llarr'liI~ .t~relnel'8, the,. up
·~.."""u,,' In Dtorles 'ot ihri conteats of· weaJ thl ~olks' bouses Is the 'work; ot fll'o clover young WO~U l1 In th,e I;l ty, .who earn on an IIverago SlOO' a month, orlen more, rello.ts the New YOI'k Sun_ II Isn't that the wo~k ' II alto· Kether nolV . Ol1ly th e ~Ieye rllll t gl ~18 oa u 1\0 tbe wOI·k. l' ollr out ot 100 Is the aver:tge' nu Dl b r aelected trolU th ose whq 'lllllty. . When !1SlleO w\l at nro tho qualifications n eco~ 8ary for n woman lo beco me oxnert at tbe bus ln e~8 the you ng mllln wh o,dlrects the worl< tersely responded " Brnl,\s." "Nur Is thi s a ll. " he went on. bait s ml'llo g ly, but blr lng hi s wortls off IIi n mnnn er thl\t In .llca ted that he mellot wh UI hfl sa l~ . " <l he must not oli ly be ollLlowull with bral lls but she must u~e th em. "I t seems to me lhnl uln e out or every ten g irls go Ihroll l:h lifo wllh th eir eyes s hu t. Th y mig h t be s to ll e I>lIl1d for nil the knowlell!;o lhey retain . "If one or my URs lst:l llts Is cnl led Ullon til t la Hsiry a I IItb er dl n ,n s lIe 111\1"t Imow whelhor It Is I,ebhl,> 'If calf an,1 th e rellso n why. Iill r(lw (I"" may be IIf nny Of a dOl.c n or 11I0r I'Urlel ir8. Sile 1I1u~t be ablu to rc"ugn lze It uy Ihe co lor. th e !;ra lo a ll d th e quality a n a 60 rCco rd II. "On e woman n ln)' think he rsel f t.o be un eXllcl't on rll~s. T o hur Hotlon a ru g Is eit he r Tur ki sh or Pe ...,I,," or th Q Ilru. lllct or so me ot her CO \\IItr)". "Blll Ihnt won' l do. Sho ' l1IlI st IUl"1) su Ol clent knowl eLige of ru!: lore to tell from wh nt nrovlnoe 1I rU Il romos. "In short. s he mus t bo un ex pert on no end of tblngs 111,,1 Ile AS ready to "Ioss ify r. rare old Ivo r y cu n 'Ing as a Tombola lato bo,lspr all. She mnst k now Rl·t rru m A to l!:. nn ll hOI'e ber Imo wl od'ge at her Illl gers' oulls wbl'n IVn'l tod.'· AIt1lO\\ gh th e rcqulr menL~ :<ro so"ore, Iho gl rl x wilt) "uccel',1 enjoy the 1I'0rl, Immensely. A clay Is eight hour s. a llowing all hour for luncheoll. th e glrl ~ present Ing themscl ves tor d\lty at nin o II. 111 . and IC"";l1g at nllO p . m . At 1111 Illnes Ih y nre surrounded with bClIlI lItul ohjec ts 01 nrt, for no ne hut t he wCH lt hl esl fo ll< cnn nffo rd to h" ve the worlt ,Ioun. as Ihp fee Is $30 o d R}' 1\1\(1 th e wI)rlt f 111I'01l10 rylllg one hllll. e 11'111 lillie ;\Ilywh e re from 0110 {O ttUE'e we ,K S . lind In I he case of n Il.o n who own s so ver" 1 IlnmM the work may ex tend o,'er se,.cral months.
DEER FORESTS SPREADING. rhey Are Gradually Crowdlng Out Sbeep Pllstures in Sootland.
The RlgI1C'S" Amount Ever Att.a1nDd in This
<It Any Other Oo~ • Was That In the Yea r 1905.
In I'tcw ot tb e VlLst Incr ase tb a t h ~l t nlte n (liace durin!;' tHo past de<:a"e III th o nUOI lle l" ua d wealth of, 0111' Indus . tri a l eSlabllshments ullli In the VUIUI uf om' munuractureJ prollu ·ts It wl'lI be sU I"\JI'lij ln g to mlluy I' 'opl !, ~llrs Ole Sdelllilic A lllerlcHn. to lourn thlL t our rU...n~ HWI g rea tly exceed In vu lue nud liS a sOtlrce ot r,,"""u(: ""c ry Olh", sour 'u of wealt h. not e,'en f! xcludlns our gre"t lll an ufuell ll'ln g Clltllfllr-Ises, The w slt h prod' '',ll uu ur th e tano s Ilf the . I·lIlted Slates "'-'ached Irl ]905 the bll!;hcMt :r lll Ollnt eve r attn ln l~ (l In t'll ~ or nny otll p. r tOlllll ry. Ill ' t ow.! O ~ur e b' ln 1; nea rl y six al ,,1 olle ·lm lf bil lion lI ollllrs. FOll l' of 1I1fl cro lls reac bed n ew r O('urds 11 -;
" ,·ulu e. na mely. COI'D . h ay,
wll""t lI nll ri co. Cu rn exceeds pre" IC)lIs yle lll 11.>1 11 In IIm""nt lind III prl co. nn d 11:IY. w lleal un d ,-Icc r ea('lI eu ue w Ji g-II res a"~rage
"" to va lll C ullly. The ge ner:tI of IIroll",·tIOlIl wns hi gh In the
t:l f; C n f C\ ory cru Jl, a lld Ih e pri C'cs r a n hig her stil I. Th e 8 o~ r e.ary of "gri cll l·
Illre e ~ llnlll as th:1l In IIddlllol\ to the enurlll ous )"1·1 <1 ur we;1 llh . th e farm s of III
cuuntry ha vf! thpm selv c s In reuse!!
In ya lu e liurl ng the P:lS I fi ve years lJy O\'P1' ~f;.()l)O,OO't . oO ll :
n nrl be 1mt s
t he
matte r drumatil·"lIy wilen he states t h;, 1 with ''''I','Y Sll ln !; dow n of the StlD du ri ll/: lhe plt" t fivI yrn r. thl' re has h ~e " rCIII" tc r'll I1n Ill cr-case of· oor, III the v"l tl e n f the farms of !he count ry. A ll 11 1l 1l 1y. h; OI r thE' princ lp nl crops for Ihe yell r Khows th a t curn r~ ar h~d It s hl ~ h r s t pruuuction with 2 .~ O M.nn(l .000 bu s h ~lij . a clea r ga in 01 42,O Ull.OOO htlshak C) "or I he very profit· able yell r Of I R~.. Th e ha y r ro!, Is valur~ at $ 6n" .000.1I0(l : rotlnn nt $r.7 ~. !lon.QOIl; wh eat at $:,25.000.000; na.R, $2 2.000.000; potutoes. $1 3S .000,OOO ; h!trl e)". $58.0rro .ooo. tl llIl tohnc o. $02 .OOO.OuO. Vl' ry r 11I11 1'I(O hl o Is the in · ereOMC of $54.000.00 0 In the vnlue of dll iry prolhlt~ tH . which rCllf:hod tb e 10 tu l vultl ll tion o f $66:,,000.000. Tho farm",.·s hcn. SUY S Ihe seercta ry. IS h er'nmi ug
w o rlhy
cum panio n
The better clUI! or druggist., everywhere, arc ~en of soientifio atb.inJrl enh anC1 hl~h int.egrity who devo.tll *eir lives to the 'Welfur/) of their lello".. men in supplying th e best of remedies and purest medioinal I1gentl of known value) in accordu nco " with physioians" prescriptions !!ond scientifio formula. Druggists of !.he better class 'manufncture many excellent remedi es, but · ahvnys under original or officina.l nallles and thoy neve r sell fulse bratlds-, o r imitatiolJ medioines, 'l' b ey are tbe men to deo.l with wh en in n eed of IInything in their l i lle,.whioh u s ually ipcludea nil standard remedies and corresp o nding ndjuncts of n Jirs t-cln S8 pharmacy and the fines t and b est of toi le t articlc! and preparations and many u s flll llcccssories nnd Temedial applianoes. T·he oarn ing of a fair livin,;, with th e so.ti&faot ion whi ch ·ari cs from a knowl edgo of the ben e i,li8 ., confor red up o n their patrons and a.s sis tnnco to tho m rtlica l p rofrs sion iH u ~ ulll1y th eir greatest row u.rd for 10uI: years of &tu dy nnd many hours of tinily toil. Thry all know thnt Syrup of Figs is an cxclll1 unt laxntiyo remedy and that it g ives uni\'ersal salis fn ct io n, und th e re fore they Dro selling many willions o f botLlos nnnul1.1ly to tho well infor m ed purchasers o f th e choices t remed ies, ant! th ey always t ake plellEuro in hallcl ing out the gen\1 ine art itle b earing thc full namo of the Company-Californ ia. Fig ,y rup Co.-p ri n l ~t! on th o fr ont of oYe ry p ackage. Thoy know that in cases 01 col ds and he ucl a ches a !:tcndcd by biliousness and c on s lipatioll und of w ess or lorpid i~y of th o Ih'cr nnd bO \l' o l ~, Il. ri Fing from irregulnr b au its, indigestion, or over-el1ting, thllt thero is n o other r emptl y EO pl eClRant, prompt nnd bt' neficia l in its effects 88 Syrup of Figs , and ~hey aro glud to erll it because it gives 11Ilive rsn l liul i. fac li o ll. O wi ng to the excelle nce o f .~ yrup of Figs, the un ive rs al slltisfac lion whic h it gives lind the iwm e n se d e lUand for it, i mitations hav o becn warle , tri ed amI cond em n ed , but th e re lire individulll druggists to be fOllnd. h ere and there, wh o do n o t mnintain th o di gn ity and pr in ciples of tho profess ion and whosCl grced ge ts the bolter o f th l'ir jud gmen t, :lnd who d o !lot h esilate to r eco mmend and try to sell tho imilution .~ in o rd('r t o make n larger profit. Such prepllra ti on B sometim es have the nallle-I( ~ yrup of Figs"- or " Fig Syrup" nnd o f somc pir:rtioal con ce rn, or fi otiLious fig syrup company, prinled on th e Jl 3cka~ e, btl~ thl'Y n ever h a ve tho f ull nam e of the Company -Ca lifornia Fig Syrtrp Co. -printed o n t h o front of th e package. The imitntio ns should be r eject ed becrl use th ey ar e injurious to t ho s~· s.tem. In o rde r t o sell th e imitati ons thoy find it n eCeSIlil. ry to rea ort to m i.src\",resenta t io n or decepl iotl . a n d lI'hent:v e r n dealer pn. ses off on 1\ cus tomer Do prepn mtion u n,]c .. the nnllle of "Syru p of 'F i gs" or "Fig Sy rtIP," which d oos not b ell r the iull namo of th e Californin F ig S yru p Cu. printed all th o fron t o f tho pack oge, ho is uHempling to d eoeivo and misleo.d the patron wb o h os h ee n so .unfortunate as t o ente r his establis hm e nt, wh ethe r it be lurge or smnll, for if th e d ealcr r Cf-orts lo mi. repr csc ntati on und and d eception in olle cllse h e will do BO with olh er medicinal IIge nts, :lnd in the fillin g of physician s ' p r escription s, Bnd should he avoided by 9vrry 0110 who va l u('s li ealth al1d ha ppiness_ Knowing thllt the g reat maj ority of dru !!gists arl' r t'jinbl e. IVO EtIpply th e immense demand for our excell en t l'emedy ('nlir-ely throu g h t bo dru~gi816. of wh 011l it IlIny be purch ased o\'erywhere, in original packngl's only, at t h e r egn lar . r icc of fi fly cen ts 111'r h ollI e, but n~ e xce ptions exist it is n eccssary to i n form the ]Jublic of Ihl' fncls in Qrd r th nl all may dE-cl ine or retu rn nny imitation whi ch mlly be Bult! io them. 1i i t cl oes nol b£'ol" th ftl ll nn m €'o f Ih'l Com . ll nyC a lifornia Fig Sy rup Co ....:. prinlcd all the {ront o f cl'cry p ac ku ge, do n ot h cs ilal.o t o reLUrn th o arti cle and t o demant! the return of y o ur mon l' Y, and in futu re go to onc of the betler cl us.8 of dru gg istswho will sell yon what yon wi sh and th(lbest of everythi n g in hi s line at re a~ollll.ble prices.
Vegetllble Footwear. The Lendon "egetarilln Messenger commends footwear "wit bout "nl 1111\ I tint." The 60los·are made of "Bnlata" -wblch Is made of canvas ond rubber. convns Is used for uppers and "bright American cloth" for toe-caps, s tra~ aDd trimmIngs.
THE REALM OF SCIENCE. Prof. Wilhelm Wundt, tbe crento r of cxpe"i mell tal psychology, II O W 10 his Ec,·er.ty-fourlh yen r. rec en lly celcbrnlPd Ihe Ott.l elh a nnl,. ersa ry or his t:radlltt t Ion with the doc tor 's degree. A rulnlly lumillous Illi st In tho bulb and aD Ihe Ongers has beeu noted by Prof. Sonlmers 00 rubbing electric light bul bs that hu ve hee n not long In use, No ~ all s{uctory explanallon ·bus been given. P lllladlum, a rare substnnce little used, I" tbe active Ql:ent In ulIt.omaUc gll9 lighting devices. Flanlo Is produced as SOOD as the illuminati ng gas str ikes a pellet ot nsbes tos covered With a oll xture or palladium and finely LlIVlded platiDum, kDown as -platInulll bl~ck. If odors were solid particles, tbey wouJ.l tend to form nucleI of cloudy con~ellsp'uon In Rupersuturated olr. Dr. J ohn Aitken bas tested mus lt and 23 otber odorous Substu Dces wltbout find In&:" 6ucl1 nuclei. nod h e conclude that odor!. are gaseous and tho.t smell bas gus liS Its tundamentnl blUll s. Carrying out experiments In p sy~blc phenomena, some scientists of Ruvo proJllco·1 some s triking re.sults. A Hyenr ·olu boy wns put iD 0. trance. nod 10 thla condition nnswcred questIons put to h im In Greek, Lalln, Arabic, French. English. German, ond conversed \10 tho se ISllguages, his " olco being tllat of a mao. 10 an attempt to liquefy h elium, Prof. OIszews.kl rece~tly produ ced t he remorkGbly low temperature of 455 dogrees beiow IOOro. Fo.hrenbelt . It w"s don~ by sudde nly -ex paDding a mags of g"olS heliu m wbl ch had been sub'ected to> a pressu re of about 2.700 pound s t o the squa re Inch. In 11 tompt'ra,ure so low that It nenrly solidifie d hy,trogen. The bellum sbowed DO Gigo or liquefying. It use1 to bo tbnt astrolllilmy, with Its rtupendous IDIir;;nl tudos. In credible velo ollle J mid Inconcelvalile dl stnn ees. ser:med 10 malte the greatest demanll 00 man 's belief. To-day It Is physics. W e read, for IDstance, thnt Hertz's osclllalloDJ give riM to 600.000.000 OSclllnllons por second. Where Is the man wb o can conceive ot unyth lng happenlllg 10 the five hundred mil lion th va rt of a s8cond?-Lon don 'fclegr/wh.
For Your Falnily and Your Horse The a 'e st Antiseptic Known. TRY IT FOR
Rheumatism, Slraln's, Sprains, .Swellings and Enlargements. Price, 2150., aoo. and
CAPSICUM VASELINE Eslr.ct or the C.70CDe Pepper Plut
A Qulclc:. aure , u re and alWAY. read,
MODERN SCIENTIFIC EXTERNAL COUNTER·IRRITANT Superior 10 mus'ard orony other plaster. and will not bUSIer 'he most delicate ski n. The pRln-aliaylng and curallve qualities of this arl lele are wond erful. It will slop t he toothache at onc". and relieve Headacheand Sola lica. An ex ternal ,c:medy lor pain. In tho ches t and stom ach and all Rheum_ltc. NeuralgiC and Couty com plaints.
'! ' ·I.le r who w o "·~O ••r.Dtee Jo ur HOSEY nAt! H. . r IT DO:'II'T CCR&.
J wuo' I • • 1t A"U.Grll,tuo l H ;' flU
Twenty· Five Bushels ', UNION Oi~~!~l:~~!:~: :~~~::S~~ut~:tclI~~Vnac~: of Wheat to the Icre I
A SeriOUS Trouble By Or,Hereditary William:)' Pink Pilla_Cured
tiOD nfter l1uothor or their family 111'0.119 · to b . B. ro Ja, i DCIi ue d to 8U b Wtt t. elU os tu5vitnble. Tho caso whiclI follows proves 'b' '" tury ul -"m Cul t.les . ~ro . uut .Ullt/SUC h b ereul beyond the rellcb of ourative forces oud shonld iu~pir-o bO~lCtuluo.., lIud II rcndi~e8s to try remedlos thllt bu o effccted 91gual CurC8, 'ncb liS thll~ wblch Is bero \riven. ' Mrs. E1izabetb Rnune\l~, ot :No. ~OS East Se.entb litr~~tt Ne,,·loll, JrnUSIlR, gives the tol1o".iul ncco\Ult oC hor ailmeut. aud lIer cure: "For t;v.·oy~ft1'81 sufl'crc~ from n trying nerVOUKUIJU trUlu • IU my luwer IUllbil b I IllY ' ~rnudluothcr
, j
a 1>""1",,... ".!pll t' II)' I II (f o ll .H, 0 1 un:! SIG prr Iterc- . 1 "rio" '>n lI nd. whlrh . Ion " ." but Ih rllw1..prtce ",<, II U .l hll.I~'
~ ~S AI
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r~r, gciro~f~' ~.l':. A\~ri~lt
Chicago 833.00-' ,
Cd "
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W. O. NEIMYER, Q~ A ••
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Ab I t I r f AIIP 1_ I.J.J . .om 0.. 01lOlll "),. -..... L I JO U I YA tel.U B WI" C.Y-& . go . ....... ~_ " • Por Barn•. Sore Tb,oal. Corn •. 50'0" Ito •. . , Rbeumoti.m. Ule.". PiI ••. Ilfood PollOn; ~ . b••• III WO.Jlell •• d SkiD DI....... '&lea na lei .&....... eox:... ' .
A. N. E.-& .. .
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011 wu~ rcnlizillg lwullfit from t lJ(. UI'C of ! .-'1(11(1 0 " I hi' ,, ~p tr Dl·. Willillms' Piu\,; Pilla. I thou!:lrl t hero - -- - - -- - -- - - - - miglIt posslblybo 801110 good ill th em fur MOTHER BRAY'S lue: My troublo b~d ~heu bcCOlllC EO " SWEET POWDERS ; C,..OU9 nil 10 1lI11ke It dlft\" ult for 1I1 e tu ~ FOR CHILDREN IIcoll. I ofteu blld to ~\'nlll tbe 1I00r Iu . "Ce".lo Cur. lor r • ..,orlot. ...
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lmd snff'el'cd before Uto. I ll' 'aIMIC R"'ll n s. Otluwa. C !l UJa .1 UI \ 1..1 IhC! I nu~ny yours nc· I fo l1owlIIl .utlu,nlnd CuuldulU GO\lCI U ltiC'Qt I ! 1lS' nllllvoiclablll buciluso bl'redi. '~.u\S , ~UTy , nntnbouthvo yenrHogo,,,-1.Je·u UJ\" U lS . WJLLtA~I ~. [,aw Bul!dlor. T oledo. 0
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,.'. tJ', DllJlIltJl·.IJ. D"AlaoulaO'Un:r,S"rl .. /IJleld• •o.
tbo tioll . InOuenZA, headacbe~, lumbogo. sci. ,.,Ife Centhu8InsUcaIl1/-Ho.", mucb liUen, liuumlgia. nervonsneu, .plual do YOIl thlak t.ook ID at the be.zar! 'weakueaealld Ibo special ailments of girls Husband Cqulelly)-How maDY. you Slid ","mell, Fo~ further lafQrmatloa. _la_-Stray 8torlea. ~ . irl"rQ8JI the pro William, Mecllcine 00..
of lS cents In posbce siomps. DON'T WAIT TILL TII£ 'AIN
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.fllit Been' There.
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Dr. EARL 8.8LOAN, 61S Albany St., Boston,. MO.B.
.·no ........ oo. n ".d."te. 7csl Q&S1l0S8 t.h o '~hol<.l nlght . Aftprtnk· ~1g sOllie six boxus the twitcblllK diStil .Uow •• b Troo1lI .. ,", p., ...... r •• r •• aud o.erolt' tb I d d I ocared nu eell6C 10 usa 0 rClII C, y. 1I0fH •••• I'lwor_ •. 1' ••, B ••• " • • C.ldl ""lIrt~. t bvill ollt!V st OP1JCI!1\ little too SOOIl for " m .tu ..",,'. In 2' bou .... AlOll Dru8l"'o. 210 OLI. Re ..- .~ ' b n I r' b d"n~. Du". ~ • • '.I. Plattoo FRIIS . .. d.r.... OOrvoURIlOIiS ""UItO . C C a .! r II mau l a'· II •• YO'"C I17: A. 8. OLM8T~D. LeRo" N, Y. Sklnner-Wltat are you doing with 10 aud 1 u sed tbo pIlle agnlll for n tihort tbllt old choc\.ered suit on? Don 't you tillto. Reli ef entRe M 011 co lind since I , know It·s out of date? . stopped using tbem the sl'Coud tilllo I . Fllnter-Posslbly. But I'd ratber bave been frl'/) from IIny returu ot tbe have my chec kered clotbes than your twltcbiugRorfromau,.~nterfereucewltb ~;~":t"~':!.·~'::::.:''::c;:~.'=''':~ checkered earecr!-Detrolt Freo Press. mb;lWt·" •.•. a. '"•• a_a_ .
B. !lad
eow . thc lI11n"81 prod ur tlon of el;g8 heIn g now 20.I)ofI .IIIJ II.OOO. Poultry product" hit\' cllIII l)I!cl l() a "alue ur 0' r half 0 billion doll:,," . so thut poultry (,olllpe t c~ ' with wh eat 1'0 .. pre edcntc. Tile tota l va lue or hQI'ses Is eSl lmat cd at $ There ltre oYcr 11 .fiOO.OOO mi lc h cow , \"111ue,1 ut n ellrly h nl( a billion doll ars. DurlDg t he ~'ear farm produ ce to the vnluc o~ $827.00 .000 wo expurted. During the lu st 16 years the 110m sLie xporlll of f!t rrn products IIIH'e ulllounted to $1 2,000,000.000. or $1 ,000.000.000 more t blm enough to buy nil tho railroads of til e eou nlry at their com mer la l va lu ation. Clea r evidence or tb e prosperi ty of the farm er 15 see n In th e fact Ibnt uniler a recent nmeodmen t o( th e natlo oul banl<Ing law. ullowlng the eS labllshmen t of ba nKS wltb a capltallzaUon of less thnn $50. O. there bl\l'e beon 1 .764 Bu ch ban lI B esta blished In tbe las t year. neRrly oye ry one of which, says tho secretary. Is 10cILted In II rura l community Ilnd tb e cap ltnl tn :rnlshed by farmers. For the first time In tbe flnnnelol history ot tile south. tbe deposits In that reg ion exceed $1 ,000.000.000. Should thero be no re lllpse from his present position ns a wenrth producer, three ye ars heu ce the tarm er will find that tbe fn rm ln!~ ele meDt, ",'hlch forms 36 per cent. or lhe population. bas produced I\n amount ot wen lUl wltbln th e preceelln!: ten year!! equal to one-hnl or tho ent.lre Da ti on· nl wealth prodnce.! In tllreE' centurl cs.
Sportsmen aro beglunlng ' to reckon tbo ga ins a nd 103ses ot th o seuson In SL-otlund: for Its duya oro nearly Dumbered. The "aotler'd monnrch" of , bo great tore ~ts b as lItt1 0 or nothing to tear now until n ext August. Even tbe tood supply tbat used to bo 1 probl em to blm Is R problem no lOllger, tor wilen be caD not look lifter llmseH be knows full well that he will ~e calered for; ' and, In sptte ot the :omplalntB made by many good judges Ihut artlftclal feedin g Is bad tor 8tags, because It encourages the wenker ·to mrvlve. the results ot tbe stalking sealOll tend to give tho complaint emphatic con1rad lcUon. The oue question ot no'l Ional Importllnce In connection wltb tho pursll1t )f red deer Is, ot course, the spread at deer forests. The latest ava1lable re!\lrns suggest Ulal tbe addition to the rorest a rea Is becoming Quite conslOeplble tltls yenr. It Is nlllllrnl enougb when we conIIder tbe limited number ot torests and !be over-Increasing number ot well ltby MILK IN TANK CARS. :nen, thu t laod-owners should succumb l'llln Originating in n tmmnrk Now :0 the temptations t.hat beset them. on Trial in Two W es tern , Sheep forming Is not the most profltlble of all Industries these da.ys. wheD Stl\tes. Oloat can be so chea ply Imported. A One of the ellrll""t econo'Dl les Inl (orest, on Ibe other hand. will yield tram $150 to $200 per stag. and the rent duced In tb e di stribution or pNroleum Is not dlmcult to obtnln In a good was the use Of tsnks as receptacles 10year. So the sheep tend to disa ppear Btead of barrels la shI pping It.. ind the deer forests to spread. not The Id en was next applied to WIthout a certain Inevitable dlslocll tlon Some years ago the proje<:t ot be r )t native Industry which Is bitterly re- I tra10s or bock tra ins. a s they n ~e tented. . called, tram GermRny to F'rnnl.'e was Ills also untortunately tMle that lho la\l ghc~ at ns hn prllctlcable. BUI If Introduction tor n month or two of on bock ser"lce w as I'sta blishlld between .118n tenlint who kn ows or care!! noth- I Munich and PAris. I1nll now thousands Ing about the vnlue of mon ey or tbe of gallons of Bnvlirl nn beer nr-e s hipped traditions of th e Highlands does not throe times 'a week rrolll tbe brewery :end to Improve th o worthy Scots wbo ynrrts to th e Pnrl s brasseries direc t work tor him. Wbole districts look to without brenl:lng bu lk. and to Ib e Rue~ugust, September and October tor cess of th e projec t Is due the ge neral umclcllt proHts to enable tb~m 10 live 6ubstttution or beer (o r wlnc as a drink wltb IlS little work us maY'be for the among Pnl·ls lnns. 'est ot the year. Tbe lasl Ould 10 he ca rr- led In lank Moreover. It Is n singu larly ensy caTS IR mill\. The pra cll ce s re w up In .blng to cheat, or. at lellst . to decclve, DellllllLrk, fl n.1 for sO llie mo nth s mllll th o man who comp.~ tn tho Hl gla nds h as been Rhlpped long tll st.ances. "nil 'to fis h and stroot." Consciously or r ecently all tho way to Oerlln In such Jnconsdously. tho s tranger Is orten ears. dCllmlzeu Crom sta rl to t1nlsb. some. Tbe tanks ore not hOli er jllate cylln :Imes In lillie Illlllt ers. sometimes 10 ders. but wooden casks. each ot 210 ; reuter ones. cubic feet capacity, IWo or wlrlr.h are fnstenod to Ih e Hoor ot n ~overeu frelgbl car. Berlin gets much of Its Qot a Move On . " I thought you sa id John was too milk from Denmark. nnd tbe old· fashloDed tin cans are nlll(e cumber.Iow to bc Interesting." some. oxpel:1slve and subject lo dnm· "He WIlS. but he tool; n tumble ," age. By Ihe use of tank cars for milk "How?" "Fell Into a forlune !"-Detroit Free th e cost ot handll nJ; Is mu ch reduced. The two western stntes ,which have Press. tbe largest milk shipping Imerests nrc 1IIInois and Wisconsin . For CRns tanks A QA Y YOUNG BLADE. have he en Bnd are being :su'bslltuted, and \I Is reporled thllt the exper iment bas been enUrely successful. p
... aIOf'" ..... oN.
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Hovernor Friday Mia es BlAuobe . ROd Perle Riley & mOllt 'd ell"htful algued tbe " 8earofi aDd Selzl1re" bill 1 L of tlDI' loo\1/1t.I,,'tIltoil rllr \lQlJII\I l\11'alr, Klven at their beautl. wJliob,llad been p888ed by the qhio W. H. ltll&dil n I\ntl 0., ' or.-, fnl bOnJe nl'a.r 'RirllNvlllo. W 68hlng. Legil!lature. The law 18 Of more than onlinaiy .~. '. . ' t. I\-. .2'; .' ~on'~ birtbdl\y. .. .t~ Roy ZIUlnletlURll of Elwooa. 1 Mmu' nf hat,ohAtR sAned os 1)111:0e est- to t.he readerw of the 88 Wlly nQt!vllll) I a ·tlry town In l l1,ttllUl"', Iii tho ~uest of bi-s ~tt ther. , Clm1t!. . . ' L A" ZIU1U1oJlu;nu . , 1 . After: the bO\lutlhll and delloious nam e'. Ilt l · \~t.• lt notstrlotly in faot. I" . '/ . d 1 l' dIQuer. leulleta en titled "The Apple , l~, lIwvhlot< Ulllt' if any person !\(Jill! Oll~r "ro. le V\~l~O lllr . . " ' . , ot Discord' W I' 1'11>1 6(1 1L1lIong tile IImk l< II "\\'111'11 COlllplllin t 'that he 'l'tf r ytull &lturdayand un · I tho j&uests IIonda g"ell,t delll of mer. IIII~ rCllIllon ttl believe that intoxl. ~\\'y'. , " . : rlUlent ensued in the effort" ttl ollr Cnlll l< lIre being ~old. fnrnlalled or .N. ;' 'BlIr t Robert · who hat! bool1 in l'eotly fill out til\) cllrd!' . gi vpn n WIlY 11 M II be verll gn. II wnr, JO;'IlI10 tl)t Bev 1'~ 1 y~l:'t'. Is vl ~i " I '1'hose present. ,~e,.\) ; ruut >lhllil be h,,!Ued tu lin olUcer IInli ,', \ng )lIt! parent.,; Mr . on'd MrR. E, Mill!l Anna M. Boml . Dtlyton; if "nob liquors are fouud they mlly , ,·Roberts. I MI~sel:l JO>Isio Ill1rl Mary 1:)\1 68 t:8, lind be seized with tbe vessels in wbioh ,Dr . . Mnoy. donti"t. will I., It t, Mr . l ; .J. Miller. Fr'llIklin; Pruf lJ . they Ilrt) fonnd lind all tbe·lmple. gary yS)jnrg 1\11 nel't wc k . M. Autltin . Wost lJu rrol\ton ; m (lnt~ or furnltura uRedln lIuoh ille· ..Mr. ILnd M.r R. ,hOR. M . 80ugh II .1 , Mo~!tr,. . liOWllf(1 1I1l11 A, I:) Collott" g"III('lIIng und shllil be holdsubj eot lIt.tle 90n Kenneth IIml Miss CUlIllnco , Ht'r\·H.v~ hnrlt ; M Ill'" A hhi" .Iuhnson t,o th n order of til" r.o nrt to be IIHlld Baird dlneu 011 An nda y with Mr . : Imel M.r. W. N. All"n. I:)pringburt) ; nH eviclence In tho prosec uti on of lihd Mrs. S. L . \VilllllUl80n I~t Lyt.le. Mrl!. W .. Un oA 'I'l bhlll~ 1I11l1 dllughtors 8uch C~titl8 Mi~se" FloTil 1I11d M,.r\" L YII,, ; Mi H" If tho nuh1 Mare poured uut or d,,Mr. I\nd'rl\llk E . Bart~ock Nollie Dnke IInc! Mr . W"I'run Keys. stroyed by Iho tenllnt or other per. who hll ve beon livin g in the Mi41JI. ·. WRy nesvllllI. lion when tbepremisf!H lue sellrched, rill.! neighborhood have r ented II IIl tlnifBstly for the pllrJ>OSO of pre. f~rm Iloor ::lprlng Valley where th.·.,· will move sh ortly. New Century Club Honors venting thoir seizure. tho Huhl8 j\delbert MoKoy WIlS the gm·, t Washington's Birthday. sbRlI h.. htlill til ho illt.oxlrutilllC liC!. uor", lIud ill tonllllli fur UlIll\wful 811le. of 0 . Gall M.urphy at DRY ton :0;.. I. The Now Uentury lJlub was enter. 'fh" !I\W pruvilietl tuat lillY per~on urday and ::lunullY aud BIIW .. 1' !l 1l Tenderfoot" a t th e VictoriR t he lt,f' r t/lined on Friday Ilfternoou lit the vioillting thtl Ilrovi.lon8 of thtl 1I1w Saturday. . bOllutiful uow home of Mrs. Cha8.· shllll be tlnell tor th e fir8t oft'en86 Mr. Frl\nk Crew. of Oreen\, I1\.· , Clements, In honor of Wlishlngton's not lellll tbllli , fiO tlIIlI not 1I10re thl\n Otun o down \Vf tlnl · ~dl\.v V I~ Hll1::t, fnr blrthdllY. The house was beautl. 'ZOO. and for elloh 8ubeeqnent oll'ense Ii few tln .VB IHdY wil h hi~ ""'th,~ , ' fnlly dooorntetl with the National not 1888 &h"n f 200 nor more than llril. Ul'ew nll,1 IIr'llh ,·r. Mr CIlIlI' lt·,.. oolors. A portrait of Wiu!llington '500 and the persoll oonvioted of Crew. 011 thl~ ir I'llI'm ill ~JII,. t \V" .VII P ocoupled 1\ conspiollous plaoe . A suoh ~tlbtl8qullnt offenso 8hllil ~Ive chtlrry tree. boorlng real (sugar) bond in the 8um of '1000 pllYllble to tow nflhi ll · Mr . .n.I.ymorul H. " 'k" l,ll " II.I.·,1 II oherdel!. Iny noor It with the hatohet the t:ltatB fur the use of the collnty surprise glv.m ill h,",,"' •.1' h i ~ lIOIlr . . t 1Ie base as George left It after where thellotloo WIIS brought, that glvlDg it tho"baok," WM quite he will not agllin violate the 8eft.1 friend Mr , Burr,\' 1" 1'1111'111 II I, Dayton t,ur(lll ), IIllti r' ·lII l1illl,.1 11\ sugltestivo. IWBpon88l1 to rol1 0011 law . were IncidAnl1l of Wttshington's life. Another feature that will com. the clt;y uo tll ~nl\CllI.\·. ' "Al1lerioo" Will:! 8ung by tbe Club. mend Itself to the temperanoe peo. Mra. JeffMnrll\tt viijitl'c i n' hl~iv R.w In Dllyton from FriO,,), ullt.ll MlIll· Mrs .J . E Jnnney fend 11 sketch of pIe I II this 800t·ion wllloh prohibits d,1Y evening And Mil<~ E. lnll Zell WUBbington'M life . Mrs. Cadwolla. the railroads from carrying IIquon watt. also tho guest of lJlI,ytllrr frH' lltls der rend u tlket.oh of the life of Mnr. nnder fictioious names. It III said th .. WaShin gton . Mrs . AileD read that 1I(1110rB have been coming to t~o latter pllrt of If\st week , a '''rri)l til Mt. VUrJllln , " Mrs. Corwin under 8uoh Innooen& namllll Mi-. and Mrs. E. S . Bnnby had the 'l'rmtt. rp,,,1 ""I'·l'tt .. n ~ fr,)m WRshing· til! ··orookerY,""apples." "gla88," ete pleaeure of entertalnillg thoir rrellla ton '~ Iif., 'l'h A olosing number of 'l'he seotlon readll as tollow8 ; 'ew, Mr. Albert Morris. of Cbioogo thiM t1xc:ul1ulI t Ilrl1grllm wns a bellU' It shull be llOlswrul for lIouy rail. Friday and &tnrday . Mr. Morrl tiful fill ~ drill by fourteeu yonng rOllll or common oorrier or draymlln holds an llIoollent position with the h I I I f th f h McCormiok 'I'wlne Co. at Chicago. 8C lIO g ,. S. 1' 0 111 e onrt room, or uther person &0 handle or oarry undor the dlreotlon of their telloher, In~ oxiooting liquors under false or A~ ~ apeclal meeting of the Fra· Miss Lilo . fiotlclons titles within the.State, a,nd ternAL Society of the Deaf in Day. . Every memher of tbe Vlub wae the books and way bllle may be ex. ton, resollltloD8 expressing their preso~t with but two exoeptlons. A nOlinnd by lin officer Ilt any time to sympatby to Mr. &ion B oel upon few guests werA present., waking trace snoh liquor, to shll>per or rethe death of bls wife. were pllssed tho numbor about forty . A most celver. ,Ilull 'YI'ere published in the Ohio delightful !looilll IIollr W08 enjoyed, '1'he doctors "od Ilrnggists are not' llhronlole for tho Deaf nt c"luwbu8. with cltI\uty r ofrll8hmonts of ice overlooked either, and th088 who ,; , , . ,Mr:s. Nathan Austin Is recovering oream garnished with oondled oher. hllve In the Pllst done a thriving . fr,'lm t~e eftects of a very 8evere ries, with the usual ocoompanlment trade In the "presorlptloo" b08lne88 f.,tl Ihe received 8 furtnlght ago. of delioious cake, colIee and oli()()(). will need be more careful in the -when the table upon whioh she had Jate bonbons . Tbat It was one of future. Bere ,i8 whllt the law saY8 ollm~ to duet a hanging I"mll. the pl6(lsllntest meetings of the year about this: t'IU'Ded •and ,ahe fell to the flcor, wn8 the unanimous verdlot. F. The law also provides that It .hall wher,e Ibelald uuconsolons ror q nlte be unlllwfnl ' for any druggi8t who awhile, ,!he being q,lone in tbe house hae been convloted of @elling InWxi. Cow Feed. a~ the time. We hllvB It at 80 "nd 90 centl! a oatlng liqnors lUI a beverage oontra. Mr _'-Ibert Gaines w08 called to hundred ry to the local option law. to 8611 Wnyn88vi\le Mille. Spnngboro laet wll8k by the death intoxioating liquors for any purpose . !>f,; bla mother, !ttI'll. Emily Gaines,' for two yean thereafter, and upon whp died from the effeots of ,. 8~01te SHOWN. SAMPLE BY 'PHONE a second llonviotion he shall have 'of pamlyllil. 8he was born In 1889 . his oertificate to practice pbarmacy .8he leavO/l four daughters Ilnd two llIMnt.JI[lndeci . Grocer Bola. ftIISt revoked. In dry dlstrlots a book: '\ Ala ~ront of ltou~·Ple~" SOUl to grieve Over their 10l!8. Ih!l.ll be kept by every retail drug~ Cutomer'. InIpecItlaIt. gist, In whloh shall 811pear the name ·Mr. and !.frs. Frank Becathero, ,'from near Lytle. will Occnpy the 'ODe or the cleanlt eue. 01 UMlil· of the pnrohaser of Intoxican"'. the property on Fourth str!)et vacated illUDde4neaa on r(oord wu eoacted br pnrpose tor whioh ' It was sold and by F. B. Idherwood and Mr. and I leading grocer or W. eltJ, lUI the tIle addres8 of the purobll88r, t.he Dlliuth News·Trlbuol. 0"., the tel~ .Mrs. A. B. Sides are now at home Ghoue eame ..n order froa a, name of the phYlliOllln ~nd the sig. in the propertYI of S E . Mart on euatomer for lIoml DrauS" Co ... ... nature of the purohaeer. This book shall be kept on fl1e for the lnepee. IIUred 'durln, the atteraooD. Fourth 8treet. "WhBt aro the pric."''. ~ ... tl.m of the officers. The provllJlons of this bill lue now cUafomar. "Oh. we have uaem a' .u tII'IoIt. III effect and the offiolals of Way. ,.... WONDERS OF THIRMIT. " "I!ville, Corwin and other t-oWU8 in ~oin 20 ccnta .. dozen up." "Well, l'm aot purticular lbout Uae t.his violnlty have a good opportu. ~ta .,... koIl &a4 MIll Ia . . . price. What I want 13 the QUIU17 aDt) nlty to !!how Whether they r6(ll1y a.a.-hnlI ..t T.m........ Wish to enforce the law and the dzo. u ~, .. 1,.00 "Wult a moment . "lease." ·He weIIt will of the people. to tho b ox cO;1b':I'ng hl8 cbolcest _.'17, WbIct;'";We1t.N to ...... !rull, sel edNI 1\ I ~ ~· ::~. Jellow 8:lmplu Menaoe to Health of 80 deirre... _d wltben ana &111. It aDd bnst p!lcd II le: , to tue 'phooe. Kidney trouble 18 an IIlSIduoU8 the .IIIercul'J run. up 10 11 decree. Boldtng tho Ol'lln: .il ulort 10 onll baod danger, and many people are vlo blEb.r. linda It hard to realise .. helt whUe hI} gl'n ~ lI~ u the telepbooe I'll- tims of a IIOriOUS malady before t.he of 6.'00 del1'ee8. yet. 'D,I the Brook· :elver with tbo olher, be "'4:. ''WUI symptoms are rel10gnized Foley 'It lJU Eagle, that I. the heat d ••eloped \lb Idn4 do?" Kidney Cnre OOrrl'ot8 IrregularlUee 1n the combusUon at tbermlt. .. heat And etrengthens and buildl up the which ",.Ida tOlliUlcr plecea or the tPOCKET ELECTRIC LAMPI. kldueys. and it shonld be takeu IDOlt ponderous maeblllilry. which at the firat indioation of kidney mall" It poealble \0 m~d 11'00 cut- beat V.mund fO I' Tl" m 1ft .o'qlllto. trouble. as It Ie imp0B8lble to have IIlIIII wBlsblna lOll', wbleh herefofo,. JP,ldden Bes.1.t!-SUllulor to. good health If the kidHeya a .. dam. had Co bIl replaced at great e.I)IIII" ot Hged. F. C. Schwartz. Kerosone USht. abor and Um e; which e&.n unite Iroo " rail. 10 perfectl, thlLl the joltlns C&D ''We b:!.ve .old • ",rat maa,. at ~I, be .een 01' felt. and & rail C&Jl poe , .' 1. e1crlric lamps th ou .um· be made mllee long, Inlte&d or 10 III' :ner." ,aid lbe ealeaman to a reporlei VETERIN ARY 8URGE9N. a hundred teet at the outalcle. tor lbe Now York Suo. "lIId molt Lebanon. Ohio. This thermlt II a eoDlpouncl 41ecoy. ,y erybody '!rho bu boulht 0011 bu (Jan be called any hour, day or 8I'ed by Dr. Ha... Goldechmldt. 01 :akco tt to the counll'Y, Timid per. night . . Both Bell and Vatley B_n. G<lrmanr, who bu OOen No tOna wBnt to be Buro of baYlog 10010 Phonell. Valley Phone No. :lS8. luring In thla country before chem'- lort of a light at bllJld to cu. ot n
I werq hOlltessf'tll a.
... .
»-c-. or
Dr. R. J. Michener,
cal IWd unghieerlng -.c1&Uoo. 00 ~ chem ical ell.conry 0( btl that I. ea rull of eng\neerlng poaslbllltle.; • dltlCO\'i!r, fbat. unlike ea many IId"n' Uftc dl~erl8l, ta not me rei,. Inter·
wUng to
tmcrgency al nllbt. and the pocket Metric light answerll the purpoee. 10 the country boarding bOUl\lll kero· leoe lamps furnlsb tbe l1lullllnaUon. md it lhey aro left burning In 00.'1 IlIOm fill nliht theJ draw Insecta and iDosqulloeij. There ar. bait a dozea III and canelle lampe on the market ~hal sh'e tbe requlslt. amoDnt of !Sbt, bu t lh e e le ctrtc poe"el IIlht Is leadtng lhem III 10 BIllee. Th..t lhrowB a good. stroog IIgbt b, the ~ressure ot a button at one end of It. .ali ~~a .. Grat-cl... dull"
tho 8ClenU6t. but coommer· de11y .lIlu&ble III the Induu1al worlel. The tbermlt .. I mtJ(tu", 01. IIn.I, Kraoulated or powdered a1umln um with IIOmn mec.alllc oxlu, _ t tr. QuellUy oJ(lc1e 01 WOlD , TbiI mbtllre lookl not uWolllo pnpowter, or ~ I bouaewU'll woul4 aoaggMt mlKed tea. the 11gb t IP'ft Well bel DC al umlD urn and tb~ dark OIlCltl odd" or '1'011. In ' burning tbhl mlrtnre cree.ta a tIIIm. I!!'C~ _-~_~,~.~~~~ _"!~~~~~~!!!!~~
... Dr. Ooldeehmldt eJ(· It In .. Il8C*' reael .. t die
paratu,., p~d
~Una at the J..merlcaa 800tety Keellanlca! Engineer., ....bout equ.. 1 to tW or the Iloctric arc: l!allt."
HONEY•••TAR . T~. Irllll"
LUlIIIE C'UI~T•••d,. Th ••_nuln. rOLEY'S BONEY _4 TAil I... a Y.llow pack.,.. Retule Inbl&ltQtM, p,.pia~ .nlJ bJ
·.e'., ",Oem_en,. Ch. . . . .
the roadlJ about, WaYDIIII ville are 'very bad oondltU~n .at. ""Wie PJ:'f1lle~lt time . Usually-"'t·Ae roadliin thi s violnlty in ver y " fair oondition hul now tbe rlWOI'86 III' the oa~e . Some uf the pikes are out down many In ohes by heavy lond~ -·thllt hav_e been bn,u l(I(! oyor t h l;lUl . un!l it. will r equlro I. grelH. deol of ' time and money to put them in 'shllpe Il!Jatn, Reo ntly tb e County (Jowmlslllon·. rA postell notice!! I)ver the oounty prohibitin g t,h e hnullng of heavy lood!\ O\'or t,h e rnndR hllt the lllw blls not, huon onforcell. Allin), f"rllum. '"nu ot·ll orll who hllve prllol,lolll kn. )wlocl '!o of .road bulldln/t " oltave ,.hlLl. the preMent system of I,'oplliri nit the r Olld" wlt-h gravel 18 not only expen sive but llnsatlllfnot;ory lind it iij urged thlit the towlI,hlp trustees purohase a etone orusher IIml u tlltze the 8~nel! whloh oan be fouml ill ovory oreek. We IlI\ve 1111 oXllmph.of "'hilt klad of rOllds 0011 be naRde with tb18 Illa· terial. In the vil)iu it v of our neigh. boring town or Cent"rvill e. They hlive used 1\ Hton" (,rl1l1her there severn I ,llarli IIml llllvo splendid roadR .
2000 Hallon Stone Ware
Milk Crooks. ,Jal'fl, X to 30 gal. J ugB, eto.
White FJlsh 'New Lake Berrll.l Maokerel. BaUbllt, Sardln8ll, Apples, Oranges. Bananas, Cabbage, Oulons, Potat-oee, Band Pioked Navy Beans Red Kidney Beans, Lima Bea\ll Marrowfat B811-nll. SPECIAL. "ALE CANNED CORN We plac8 In Sale this week 200 dOlI Eanoy Ohio Pack !::Iugar Corn; A d(n wellorknown brllnd at 650 per '1.2G R Cl\8e ,.,ell worth 811.00 per Doz. Don't fail to get your ~hare or thiS great Bargain. l)/'ew Goods Every Day Z I Ml MER MAN' 8 of cOllrse
pro\' l .lolOlJllltaYliIMaa~.
a prIllUD.,""' ... u.a ......, ......
Ia,,.. ......I ,' DGIII'" (llat "'Ill. fit * - 1ft...
--'1'0 11 IlAIIIT ,\:'0 Ute EKOOURAIIIUJ.
he.., .... &i!larf_"
1",taDcel 10 the Ualled". ftUaDl
. LM~t !::IUUUIlY ber r"wliln>! were brought frow tb"t villuge to Mto,wi OelJletery, lind dter a brlef,IUlpre.. IIlve 8tlrvloe. oonduoted by Ruv .J F. lJ'ltlwlllhultlr. !Ill" Willi 11l11l t" 1'''111 oy Llle side uf htU' llIuther. tho 1.1" MrII. JIlIiB Arion , Illid her uwn little BOil, whu, It will tie relJlllll1<l, Ollllle to his deatb In D"ytou by being orushed umler a rtlilrue.u Otlr. Bllt few of her ()Id a8800ltltel! here were left to be pre8tl1tt at tbe fnn . eral exerols811. and 1I0me ullllbie \0 be present, felt that. a muoh ·loved friend Weill laid to a loog needed reet. Mrs. Showalter WILlI bom In Bu\· lor, Penn. In the year ltJ-'2, died a~ Union Village, W ..rren County. Oh10, F eb. 22. 11106. Bhe IIJ .urvlved by two ohildren, a daugbt-er, Mn. Mariti Reed, of Kan ... City. and eon Cliff, now In the United Idtate8 Army service. 8tationed at lIO~e poIIt in Minn8llOtoll, the location uilknown to the writer. Mr8. Reed waa with her mothe!: two weekll befOre her d~th; her eon reacbed . • her two hours before 8be breatbed hdr Ias\. Bhe Wtl9 stili 0008010118 and gave him 110 pnrting kill9 . \ , Mrs. Showalter Wtl9 a woman of beautiful ohrlstlan oharac~r, 'loved h er blbl e IiU d··... m ....e Ittl preoept8 the rule of her life. A sweet memory i8 oherlshed by many friends in the oommuni&y where ehe passed the lut yeaI'll of her life and also by others, amonR th88e tbe writer. MM. T . J ; B.
The mothel' who bal acquired &he _Ilt Cel.x. I d 9\IIp 1I11bit pf keeping on hllond a bot: Ie of Ramed" {laYe ...d8 'rhea ~~ ... Ohamuerlaio 's Cough savE'S herself a great amount of un ._ ~ . _. wtPa ~""'....P ea8in888 and anxiety. UoU,hl, colds Ilnd croup, to whioh oblldren Ta $m.- of ~11U'11 publica have ..1\'IaYIi 1le811 r..nrl....ltI are suscepUble are qulokly oured by ItI! use . It countera0t8 aoy ten· ) 'OUOS collectors, dedlr.. st.. HlcMla. rhe bright colora aDeI' . . .b> uar....4 denoy of u cold to result In pneu· lpeclm.ens bU\'8 mid. the ,....., .., monio, and If given 8S 800n aa the bums appeu' "ery altracU,.. T1Ie JetJ first symptoms of oroup appear It "r stamps Ir Jued bJ 10m. or th"COIIU' will prevent the attack . This triea bCP'D qctte oumllraUl, eo t!t.1II remedy contains nothing Injurious aDtllllothers give it to little onll8 lhet. bu " eeo IIlUe clllIleultJ' I. _ :ur!DS a rellre ;;eot.nU". coUec11oa ., Ja. with a feeling of perfect 86ourity. , ,.rloo. 1J~ ' , ell. SIICIl ctnIatrIte • 80ld byF . .C. Sohwartz. . Se1"ldor bv. hnIJ.he(l aIao . . . . . r~.ular 1&.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....,
c'La Grippe and Pneumonia Pneumonia often followlI La Grippe but Dever follow8 the uee of Foley's BaIley and Tar. It ourea DR. E. P. K & 1 E U H 0 F I' la grippe 001~8h8 and pre'v enta pneu· ~ L LOP A T R, monia and ooullumptiou Ask for PhYllclan aod 15nraeoD, Foley's Honleyand Tar and refuse any substl t nte offered. Mr. G . Formerly of Cinolnnatt, Vacher, If 157 Osgood St., Chicago. now of wrltea : "M:y wife had a severe caae of 10. grippe three years ago, OREaO~IA. WARREN and:it left her "itb ,a terrible oongh . COUNTY. OHIO • She tried a bottle of Foley'lI Bonev Valley Phone 237 4y' lind Tar an~llt gave Immediate' reo lief. A 50 oent bottle oured bel' cough entirllly." Refuse BIlb8tttutllll !Jeafneee Oannot be Oured. 6\ C. Moh 1"8r&z. . by local applicatlonll, &8 tbe;; can. not reach t,he di8eall8d portion of the ellr. Toere Is only one -way to EDISON PHONOGRAPH. cnre denfne811, and &hat i8 by ODD· stituticlDal remedl88. Deafn. . oau14ed by an inflamed oondl&loA of the mocoua linlnt( of the Euataobiln Tube. WheD thi8 tube la ln8alDed you bave a rQmbling aound or 1m· perfeot hearing. Ind when U Ie en· tirely oloaed, Dedne. la the reaul&, and unletlll the Infl..mmatlon CaD be 'aken uut Mnd tllil tube reetored So ItR llormal condition. hearlnir "Ill be dt98trnyed forever i nine callH ont of ten are oou8fld by Oatarrh, whloh III nothln!: btlt al. Inflamed oondltion of rhf! mIlO.. UM lIurla088. We 111m gIve One Hondred Dol. 8rlnj(~ " heer 811 the ye~r, Every· l"rll for any mea of Deafn68B(caUB8ll by ctltarrh) 'hat cannot btl oured body IIkll8 iIt., no ulll 18 raquirl'd HIIIl'1I Catar~b Cure. I:teod tal to rl'prllllucl' I>erfeotly fbllud muslo. Clroulars. frae. . F. J ,. Oheney & Co., Toledo, 0, ' the fille ..t voo,,1 8010s, duet!!, and ~Id by Drnaaiste, 760. . ' quartettes; the finest oharaoter Tillie' Ball's l'amUy P1Il1l for con· songs Rnd vaullerville skits , Thu8 stlpatlon . the Ph ..noKr..,b pro vides O1ore fun and mllsio thnn tilly other auk>matlo ~~~~~~!!'!~~~!!!!~~!!! entertlliner. yet is within rel10ia of all . It l!}lI!uks for \t.seU. Wo will be plel\sed to 8how tbe maohlnes to Ilnyone Int,e resteU Sold on pllymentM of 'I 00 a week ---LDl'B'I!ISi---.
flumber of ,roYlalaaal ....111 ..... ., the an at 4Illerea' aar.Jl...... ·lfttI
SoBle of our older 1'8IIldl!nttl doubtl888 recall 'h" time Wllt'D Ed~ard Showalter bruugbt ttl Wa,ynlltlvllIe his beautiful . youug brldll, Ailallde: and Logef,hllr .tarted" liappy home on the sltft Ilf the - prEllient- resld4!!:loe .of HahJon Jti<lae, Ilnd' in the room adjoining, Mr .. I:!\Iowalter kept a jewelry IItore. Here thllY lived happily, .. nd here sevenll children were lI?ru . ' . WbUe tht' children wore yet yuung they m oved to Daylon ,. to KaUtlWl City Imd frieod~ here lOIn IIlght ot thel!! uutil a few yearll a80 Mrll: I:!huwalter oowe ulone tu Union VllIllge . nellr Lebllnon. and while there IIhe renewed frlendothlp wllh 1I0l11e or bel' old WIlynlltlvllle RtII<u
QR. H.E. HATHA'YAY, 'W aynes villll'a Leading Dentlat OtllcelnK.,.· 13uIl410(. • •• Mala Streel
California Florida Colorada M.exico' N. West s. West Sout.h Southeast &PECIAL LOW·FARE TIOII:ETS
For Wln~r Tourt.t., Home8eekers. Settlers and ColonlBt8. For delalla about Ihe." ucunlon •. 10 anJ point. and pUIloulan about Peon.,ly.nla 1.lnea poB."Opr
Tloket VIt:OD~. waJnes.lllo . Oblo.
II A&)I 0 RAll EJ(cunloo lIck.tII 10 'New Or1eao•. 1I0bue, and Penlloola Fla,,. FebnaTV 11 to U .
Fri8htl'l:&lly Barbed.
Chaa. W. Moore. a maobinla" of Ford (lUy, Pa., had hla hand trightIf you are acquainted with any. fnIly burned tn an electrlo fnl'JlaOe "Iltel lor tU NIU ......... . . Uaer.for.. W one who is troubled with distr81J8. He applied Bnoklen'a Arnloa Salve Ing ailment yon eao do him no with ~he 08ual resolt : "a qnlck and greater favor l~hAn rotell him to try perfect.oare." Gre&tea, heaJeao OIl Chamberlain'.' l:!alve. It stvee 10. tor Bama, W01lDc1t, ~ d Pueit. lllic. at ~ C, relief. Prioe 21i oenWlfper box., Sold by ,F. C, lSohwarb, peat
t)ctt AIDCO"'~ b~ .....'. . . . . . . . . .. .
Itchin~ Piles. .
aet,,-,.... .....
Fig'"d and Dotted Swiss, Chiffon Crepe Embr~d
Linons, Chitronette Mercerized Effects 6 New Show (lases of Glass 50 feet long. full of the New Dress
'r.·immings A Good S&OOk of p.iualin Underwear, al$bou,h Cohan Jui& advaDOlld, W.
lire 181l1q Nice Goods for Ihe price,
Conet Covers 26 Ot!Dtll up ~
Sklrt8 1i0 centt! uP. GOwnl riO cen" op.Nazatreh Wlliit lili Idtook Sb66tlnlr BibB. eto., NEW aOODS.
Hutebisan 8t (jibn ~y, X~nia, ObiQ. A W.&RIII BBBAKPAST
W,*h 80methlng 8ublSlnttal to bettn the day on, lults every member of the boull8hold thlllle cold morn In ... 11011& people drink ooffee a' breakf...,. ..nd we can lIul& tbe 10Yer of coffee. We bave .. aoOcla line of COFI'ICICS al you oan Bnd In towA What beHer &bID blUer oak. "tah PURE 8YRUP. ~et Panoab FLOUR and SYRUP here. We can furnlah &be makeup of all m_la i break,.. t. dinnar ....d lap per, wllh ..lIIMAOD.. ble gooda. You are invited to nall .
O. ,M . BROWm. Propr••to.
,LOAN8 NBaOTIATED. NOTARY PlIBLl We ~ave b01.... for IJOOd f!mu 'and town propeny a' an &lID•• Llat with Qa, we aiul' hot&~OU. Ofllce RocIIu over Poll, In 8&oopa' BulldlDr. • • ......
O~BoDI.,:Obl.,.' Wb8n Wantio.
Po~uuI L1IIIi......, .bID~d aU kID. . ofod. ·"
. ·lDrlo1U' ....d •••
Uorner IVipe for Sobaoao boz. lor ...le.
Val~Ph. . . · "
CUT PRICES ON PATENT MEDICINES TO CLOSE OU1\ 'NOW ' IS ·YOUR TIMe. Perona '1.00 1118 se, 1 00 ilse 88', L,dia Pinkham8 Componnd Dr.Fennen Kldne, 8nd Backaohe 1.08 8118 7"~ 1.00 MIZft 7.,. Dr. Fllnners Capitol Blt~n , Dr. Fenners Blood lind Liver 1.00 81Z'! 74, Dr . .Fennel'll Ct)ugh Hone, .60 1I1ZIl , Dr. Fennflrs Golden Belief .1i0 MIlO 37,. Egg EmlltB\oo of Cod LI ver oil 1 00 ..118 74, . • Gooobea .exloan Quick Reiter •CIO ,;' .37t .60 .1141 37, area' Kentuoky J.lbimeDt 1.90,else 71_ Log CIIbln 8anapatllIa Ldg Cabin COnaumptioD Cure .110 Illte 31; .1i0 III~ 31, . Beer, Wine lroD . Dr. 8qolrea Expectorant .S5 Ilize 1\1' tit. Jacoba otl ; .25 Bille IV, Dr. Harters IroD Tonlo 1.00 81ze 71,. Dr. Hanen Lnlll Balm .lIli 81ze 111, Dr. Barten W'lld Cherry r.oo Illze 811' Dr. B ..rten Soq'hhl18yrup :211 aill8 17, Dr. Be'h ArDolda &etblng 1d,ruP .1111 11118 17; lightning Coogb [)rope ,:lG llize 19,. 'Ligh'nlng Bo& Dropa .25 all8 IV, ·Weet. OonRb 8yrup .26 alse le, Qne IIlnnte eou,h Syl'up .50 11M 37,. One allna~ qoqb 811'UP .26 .11e 111, DeW1U8 Colto and Cholera OGre .GO elM 3.~ Dr. C.ldwella 81rop or ~ B&laam ot BoarboQDd Chamberl..illl ~olllh 8yrop ' Chamberlalna 15tomaob and Llnr tableu , Ureena AURDe Oonqueror .50 Jlze 31, JObD80D8 DlIIpepaia .ble.. .25 .118 17, Llghtnlnar DlIIpepaia .bleta .50 ail8 81, LlndaleYI family Ll ..lmen, .211 elze 17, WlSoh BaMI alve .16 aI.. 17, Bair on .:all .... 10, 'Tolle' W&~r .211 .he 10, Pilla aUlrtnda ,211 1\ to 111,. ;SewIng Machinll oU .10 JlI8 II,. ~ 14011' of theae gooda new stock and artl ;"Iee' . Iy good.
W4YNEAVILLE, OHIO. ,WEOmF1I)AY. MARCH 7, - ----- - ~
A bum be r of oltlzens of Waynee. _.Vllle and violnlty ulet at the offioe . of the Canning Co. In the Stoope 'Building Thursday evening and or. ,ganlzed a Buelnll8R Men's Club. J. ·E .. Janney was made tempoI" ary ohalrman. of the meetIDg and J. Will White temporary eeoretary.
---~-~ --
'rhe ladloo Guild of · St. Mary's Churob hold martet at J: H. H ut water bottleH IIt.l, E. Jllnn e:V1I Coleman's store frolll 9 to 12 every . Mr s. I!(rne l Wrigbt is vllliting her Saturdu.y morninlrdnring lent (ex. (1ept the Saturday before Elister ,) dlluKbl or , ~rl!. blydo Bi"tt at Win· All kinds of home IIllide baking, obellt el', 1Ullumu.. j elli ell , Sal£\UII; etc. will be 011 @ale, For lJolds \lse .. Red .:;pruce ami (JhOl·r.v Expeotoruut," solll hy ,1. E . Change in Main .lu.unIlY.
Mrl! . •1. 0 . Ut1.rtwright waR the • C. E. Bratten WIU called on to UCllt ot frl cnutl ut MIIltIllltown uplaln ,he Bubjeot of the meeting gl t k all Wllll . and In brief sta\ecl tbe purpose ·of the propoeed. orlJ&niza~ion to be that Mr . und Mrs. Zart.mll.n and little of Mlilting In any and . all ways danghter Winifre(lof Xenlll IIllent that would forward the Interesti of t:iunday very pleaHllntly with MillS Wayneevilleand vloinlty. Ann Ph tJlI piI . 8, Lev Cartwright, N. L. Bunnell, For lugrippe ulwtLvS mll:i " Red James Btoope and everal others I:>pruce Rnd lJherry Expoooorunt." m :!!\l-a.180!lpote along the same line, 8UI(· Sold by.J. E . Janney . . , . , aelltlng ways In which t~e Clut Mrs. Frank fay lor of CUfton, Cln· oould be of UIi8 and telling what th ny k new 0 f tb e wor k 0 f II I m II IIr olnnutl, who Iuut been llpendlng f\ few dlloYs with Mrs. Edith Harris .Lnd U";"~lmIM In otber townll, family , returned home on l'!Ionday 'rhA ohalrmll.n aPllOlnted J , F. evenhlK liccompanled by' hor moth. 9tHlwIlUllder, e. E. Bratten lind er, who will make her an extended J . A Funltey a oommlttee tu clraft visit. . . a OOnlltltutlon and byla.wlI. Tbe oommlttee to nominate otfloers J. T. Liddy of Dayton, spent 11 the following naID"" few days in Wl1ynesvllle last week whleh wel'fll&\lllroved by the meet- having been oalled home by the i1\ . haK : Prf!llluent J . E, Janney; Drat neM of hili father, M. C. Liddy. MI'. vice pl'08hlent., J. F . Cadwallader j Liddy Willi II very slok man for a rl!t'lCund vice president, C. M. Roblt- time but hus sln08 rallied and III , ~r j tIfIOretary, J. Will White j treas · able to be about again . 'fwo new Sunday School olllss ul'flr, R A . CroMll. An executive ' nf ninA members nOIll · room II ure being bnllt lu the M . E. III.tell aUlI wall nplJOlnted at\ fol Cbnroh. Tbe rooms lire Immedl. : C F. Bratten, ,Tlt.mell Btoop", aOOly over the two 011188 rooms on ,W . · H. Allen, Walter henrlok, 6t\ob side of tbe vesHbule at tlill en. -t. 110 . 'Lemmon, N . L Bunnell, Adel· tranoo to the ohnroh . One of the bert ·MoKay, Benjtt.mln Mill", and newrooml! is being paid for hy _ ...-.•:»,., ••• Surface. Mrs . 'l'rout's olass of young ladioo . After the election of officers J. (),'lVrillll\was IIo8ked to speak on DON 'or ~Uli'll'lI:n with oorn~. Home-ComlnK. ~hwartz 's Corn Cure Is guaranteed A
----. -
E~ster Market.
Business Men's Club TOLl,> IN SHORT Organizes and Elects PARAGRAPHS Officers.
Street Property. Dr. A. T . Wrlgl.Jthlls 801u t o L. A. Zimmerman his residence ti.t Mllin lind 1'yler streetl:l. 'l'be Rille does not Inolude tho larKo stable In the rear of tbo property whloh ,will be reroined l.Jy Dr. Wright. Mr. Zimmermo.n will ' tnke posses. ilion of his new purohase "bout the first of AprillLnd in the meantim e Dr , Wright Is pUflhlng tbe repairs on tbe stately old Evans homes tead whloh he bought last fnll, Ilnu which he will occupy us 800n us po s~ ible.
- -- . , .
Birthday Anniversary . of H. Fred White 1Sunday was the birthday:nn[11 ver· aary of H . Fred White nnd Monday evening Mrs. White Invited n. num· ber of his friends ~o tlJeir bailie to h elp oelebrate the event . . The ocollslon wnll In the nature of fl surpriee to l'!1r . White lIud for that reuson u11 the moro enjopL ble. A bountiful dinner wuH serv'e d u.t Go'olook, IInu following this u very enjoyable ev ening wns spent with mnsio !lnd ' vllrious 900lul IImUl!e· m ents. Mrs. White was assisted in enter· tulnlng by Mrll, lUiy Smith and Mrs , J onn.than Cooll;. '1'he guests were: Moosrs. Carl Duke, Fred B. 8herwood, ~'red Hender80n, ,T. B. Chapman, 'yVllrren Key8, Ray Bmi tb, IJuther Bellers, (Jhurles D. Cook, W . E . O'Nellll, Samuel Hllnkle, Guy Dllkln, · J . A. Fuukey, .T. O . CILrtwright Ilnd BeTt Roberts .
CORRESPONDENTS IN NEARBY PLACES Let us Hear [rom our Co~re s pondents. 'I'hi!! !lee lll ~ t.o he un 011 week with the G a~ Iltt.A'1\ corr nH\l()ll d e nt.~, IIond we hu ve vory ftlw letter A from other noi g hb o rh ontl~ uS 1\. reMult.. Therfl i!! nil feli t-lIrA nf more gen. eral interest, t.o fllllf1erH of tho Cia· ",etto thlln the lett.ers fl'Om !lill'eren t n eighborhoods . It Rnnwt.irn p~ h " p' p ens of eOllrse, t hiLt th ero ll , l(lH n ot appellr to bfl muoh uews in It Ullil,( h· borh ooc1, but. n little effort by th e oorrespondent will u S \l ~ l1 y relmlt in findin" somethiog of int erest to write, l:)om(l tilllu~, !llso, whrm tir e oolumns of the GIl",,, nrn very much orowded it is IlI)Olllls.Lr y fo r llS to leuve ou t IL l)Urt of the iteul~ ~o nt in, bot· this iM never d one exCe l)t tiS B In st resort tlnd oorresl'01Jl1ent>l IIIl1 y be Bure tllllt wlum I.hei r nOWI! iR out. down,OIlr own ill 1I1~0 out . Let'R h ear fr om e v o r yhO(I~' next wen k .
Centervi lie.
Enterprising Newspaper Prepares the Trip Witbout Cost to Travelers.
DON'" 8 FF~;R with eorns )o)oh· wartz's Corn (Jure i~ g UI ~r!lnteell POPULARITY CONTEST to remove them without· pnin . DECIDES ONES TO GO. Price In., 11 hottl e. Mr s , Madd ox is uow ablo to oome Residents of ~i.s County Eligible. out iuto the sitting r oolll wi t h I,he to the Lis t - P1ll1.y Will b e Gone I'llmll.". IIftl'r hl'ill!! in IlI'r ",ok r" olll About Two Months Points to f nnr \\'1'11"" be Visited . .1 n~l\ ph V" l1 ghn n iq cn ll "u l fl~(' in l( nm1 nxpp('ts t o mnve ~nnl1 n\'E~ r n(Jllr Til" 1) 11 ,\ IUn Dal l y ::\' (1 W:-I h a.. . . il l"· tho rtnl.i 11""11 ' 1','wJ) 8ch onl hOIlRe . \Vil h ll.· Dll\'i~ hH~ hntl!C ht Imok Ill S old !-(r or[ll'.\' nll(l IIlrlltt, hn ~i ll e"A of Mr. 1i:,1 Jo:~ JI(1~. IIn(l w ill .. glll n
rUJi,.:, c ,l
uf )'fJun G' .A pnpul n rlly l: t.H 'llC.':J' hu,:-l 1Jt"t"1I 1113UgU1"lIlf4ll. a nll whll It hI hul It w t*l" fJ l d . It promlHflt4 to b l! U nu ~ t I"xc ltlng WI.Jt\I · n
lu w"' ,ul
-tu J+: urOI.H."
nunlltc r thb~
:mUlm e l '..
oC(lI1l'~' hi .. own prnpClrty. tho briok " 11·ugl:l ~ . Jt If< of hllenml bere ho~ !ltom r no m .lItd rlwol1 in !.: Oil tho oor· c:au~ n nny f mal(' r (lo.s td p.nt 01 thl~ Accident Sustained by n or. A :VAnr '" rAl"t· from tho worry COU llt~·. bt?t Wf"en l h n n.g~ of 18 D,ntt 4 5 Church Notice. nnrl weur of 11II net.! VII bURiness ltfe YNLr". I" ellglbl ... Mrs. Funkey. The Dally .:oJ 'w~ pay" rUl oxr",nsc. hu.9 r eRtororl h enlth ond energy. The r egnl.Lr m onthly lIervlee nt rr o m th ~ time th e tuurL"Il lea.vCH h.,r Mr . P erry Br nurl \\' uy n.nd :nother h orn e unUI Rh a I. back ,;gam. ·rho Mrll . •1. A. Funkey hfl.s boon suf. St. Au;;u ~ t.ine 'II (J,ltltolio ohuToh will hn VA botl!{h t tllP lIew \lrOper ty 1) ~j4l f\f' occom.noda. Uons u r o contrnct· ferlng from the olfectll of II Reve re lie h eld next. Sulltiny rnnrning III ",1 fur. Thl.: lrlp to New Yo rk will where Mr . DIIVIM liverl, from .larnes It t> mau n In Pullmnn palnec CBr.!. oml tlLll whloh she sustulnell Iflst Wed· 10 :30 u. m . Every llOlly oorlli1ll1y Ih ~ r" will I, 11 "tny of /L lIuy or 8 0 In Mn.n uel fnr n hout/ ' ~ 800 And will :o.: nesday evening . invited . e w York. ,)'he:Klll lr1p C .rom New into it I<onn ufter t.heir Rale. move V.,rk will 00 mn.d.c In lh " bIg Whlto She was retnrning from prayer Rov. B. ,J . Mayerhoefer , PriEllit. Corwin. "Iar li ner. "'I:'hc Columblo.. .. which meeting lit Ule M. E. Chnroh and Mrs . •Jennie Ellintt hll!! r ented the Hn ll . July 14 . ')'he first "lop'" In Ire· wbl1e on the north fltrAet hill naur DON'1' SUFII'II:R with eorns. Ch lule:v Ln wson I'eslrlence lind will h\ lid, a.nll t h en the big boat gOe8 on t o ";cotlane!. The tou r"'''' huld on Sun· Orange Meeting. Mrs White's millinery Hoore lIud· Seb wo rtz 'Il Corn (Jure is ~ nllorl1nteud move into it snon . rluy rnornlng, Jul y 22, at. G r een oc k. /In.1 1('1 hy mil to Olnsgow. where the denly s\lpped und In fal\lnp; struck At tim meeting of tbe Grnnge to removetbell1 without pain. Price will be 1.110 order with 0. cu th erlr lL I Pu. rk . 'Doa tnnleuJ Gn.rd e ll ~, Moving her hend on the hard pflveU1ent. I'U! •• l U'tl vls lt.e<l In carringes. .Mun· Sutnrduy evelllng five caudidates Hi, a b ot.Me. grO/lt lIItmy thiR week, !lnll new ,1:... , J u l)' ~3, the pacty I_v es nla..· Mr. Levi Luke n ~ , Mrs. Dr. Clog. bomes. new nelgb bor~, IUld plenty ,.;uw hy morning trwn t or Hnll ll,'l(, ~be was take.n to tbe offioe of Dr. were taken tbrough tbe tblrd and (rom whIch place by rail and oh ... ",PI' ' Wright wbere It was fonnd neoe8 · fourth degreoo, nntI an excollent gett and little daugbter Taoy were of work will follow . Tbe American n. c trip I" mad e through the b. uti ' y literary program WhS oarried out guests of Mrs . Alioe MoKlnsey and TroRmlcha to Stirling. Here u Vi"" sar totake ,seveml8tloolles In lIer pooplu nre tl restlAsR. ~tirring, fill \\' 111 b, mude to the tArnOUB , ·sUe . scalp. She IS getting along us well under tbe directIon of tbe Worthy Mlss .Lillle Nellry FridllY. Ih(!nc~ to ~~d lnburgb. w1Ucb will b' IlllPA ful people . " ('IIC It cd rlurln g thi evening. 'l'u e .. Leotnrer Frank A, Hlutsook. Mr. Will )fatfield and wife of as oould be expeetetI now. ,Iny. 21. will be 8J>(lnt In EdlnJohn Hili, tlt A jolly bllrber, hllR a hu r,;h.JulII.y caM'loge • _ • Xenia spent one dll.Y last week with • - • drive being made !\evere oase of mumps. Robert l,) th p ~tU\ t1 e. Holyrood palace. hOl18e Concerning This Week's Services · Mrs. Hope Stiles. vf J ohn KnOll:. i'lL OUee' cathedral. hn~ I\lso heen kel>t in with St'oll'. monu ment. Carlton HilI. ol.e. The gatbllrlng adjnurned to meet ~~;:m:t~l~~em withoutJ>llln. Prloe Former Residents. at St. Mary's Church Mrs. H . E. Booth spent a, few Polf Th .. \jord er 18 CI'08l'lOO Into England mumps, bnt eXlleot.s to move this days last week with Lebanon reltL· tbe Canning Co'll office tbe even· Wn,lnesllay, July 25. th" depariurt'l week on Mr . Vn.nghun·s pluce Routh from EdInburgh being made on tho.t big of Monday, Maroh 19. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Sherwood, of Lenton services will be held I1t tlves . . arGraDd Home.Coming nnd ,I N), by ral1. vlt\ th .. Cnrllllio and ~Id oast of town. It .bould bot-borne In mind tbat ColumbU8, have been spending a Reunion of formor Residents at St. Mury's Churoh tbls weel, . as lund tI'l1roo.l1, the flLmo(l8 aeonlc route Mrs. Benj , Mills and son Rny Mrs. Eli)'.!\. Watkins II! the oldel!t "t Angh.nd. Th e tJ"'t stop In England pnrpoee of ,·bo (Jlubls not only week with Mr.Sherwood'lI pluentll, Waynesville week beginning August fol1owlI: were guOOtR of relll.tive8 Saturdny wl11 bu at Blr.nlngbam. Th o IIDoTD O person I~ thi s village. If not In the ev n(ng th truvelers go On to Stro.tbenefit Wayntlllvllle bnt tbe ell. Mr. and Mrs. W. J . ~herwood, on 6, 1906. Friday evening at 7 p. m . I!:ven. neur New ~nr1ington : f"rll -on· Avon. whore the . nlgbt Is oommunlty and tbe fanonl lower Main street, Mr . Sherwood The many frlerills of W. H. Bon. Ing Pra.yer and Sermon by the Miss Alma Waterhollse visited town ship, Ilnd lives II10no in her "Ilcnl. On the nexl mornin g l'Jhal<es· property, the old stone tavern , on 11 ure'H bIrthplace will be vlalted, and restdent. of '.urroundlnR nelgb. Is with Case Threshing Machine Co. neville will be Interl'lsted t.o know ReCOloor. . Miss Ada Fornae Sunday. th o trip goes on to Oxtorll and Lon· Mnin street where Henry OII\Y once cJ\.In. IIOIrb(lOOl8 are urged ttl join In a8sl.t· a t Col nm bU8. MrR. BarlJn.ra Mullen aDd daugll~ that be has been looated In Los An · At 3 : ~G . Saturday afternoon ,. Ev· I n the great melropolls of the stayell over nigbt. on [l. Htll ~B cooob Mr. George D. Mills wbo recently geles, r.allfornla. for about a year. enlng prayer ser.vloe. Ipllo IOOd caUtle . ter, Miss Battie of Cinolnnati spent ~ world will be SpOilt Frlelay. Saturday. journey t o Duyton. 8unuli.y, Monday and Tuetl(\IlY. moved here from New Burlington Bnd luurbeen very fort unate In hav. 80nday: Morning ) prayer "nd Bnnday with her mother Mr8. :Aoh· On thtl evenIng nf·Tucstlll.)'. J'uly 31, t.otake tbe p08ltlon of cn.rrler on Uur yilIllge hits sixtel)n stone re9· ea.h Mullen. infi employment In a large barber sermon at 10 :30. Evening p:rayer th e porty 1"lLves London by expre.s Home Coming Committee rurel route G, bM heen oonfined to idenoos in the corporation limits, tr ..ln for Pam. lhe short soo route ~hop, where be conduots the hesd and lutdresB at 7 p. m. Sunday Mi88 A l>phla Miller visited her hOlIng to.kM viII. Folkelltone and Bou· Meets Tonight. hili bome by II very severe attaok of ohair In " fourteen ohnlr shop. . School a.t 9 :30. parents Mr . fl,nd Mrs. I. F. Miiler of some of them have frame additions. lognt'. From Welln esdny, Aug. 1, to Sun dA Y. Aug. 6, lhe tourls'" remain Subjeot of the addres8 at thl~ ev· HarveY8burg Satu!'clny and Suudlty. Some of these Rtoqe buildings are In. P"rl~. The tomb ot Napoleon will 1'lItl Citizen" UenAral Comml,tee rheumatlsDl and uJl to the prARen t ball been unnhle to 'all8Umll hlH tlu· Former Waynesville h' vlsl led. Sl. Clou d (tn ll Vorsallles. eulng ervloe "Baptism the Door of ·.... v.n" charge of arrlt.nltt~mentll 'tor Miss H enrleta'MoKlnse;v is visit v ery ol d, hut In a goorl state of pres. It 1<1 r equIre a book 10 narrate t!Bt:!. ervlltion, mnde fr om drflRsed stone all wou Ih e poInts of . 10ter<l8t In the Ing her alater. · Mrs. 1. N . Harris M"U1tl C"mlrIK wl\lmeet at the Girl Married. the burol\. we ll mortared. Our villnge Is not p,." .",h m tropolls. Flv" ot tbe busl· ..t &h.. Wa,nruoville UlLnning MillS LI:t.:t.IA Hopkin>! Is on tbc lIiok 'These services are not alonla for and family in Dl4vton. l UKY" will bo .. pont here. 00 two B sbllbby , oilnlddlLted town, hut ,," tlu~'t', cnr rlu.gUH wilt b o u8ed tor ex .. till ... W.'dullIwlay' .. venlng at 7 list, Rud, thnul!h u hlA to sit up II Mr . J08el>h Mnim i n~ton Il.nd fam · At. the TAllldonoe nf J FAlk!n nlembers of the chnroh. bot the ttmd('d trips . one of tho pretti.eRt In tblR Reotlon part or the tiln", iK unubl" t.o otttond hllTI!' in HnmA Cit.:v, Ohl", nn the ~oneral publlo 18 also m08t oordlally \1y ot Dayton were gnests of Mr, A g il mpsc or Swltzerlancl then com ..... of the stllt.e, wit.h many now, neat M,,,,t1IlY morn Ing the Is made tor to homo dutlo, to which II\J" hllll "I pV Anlnl{ of MtlToh Ii. 10011, Mi~R Invited to IIott,e,nd at any nDll all ariC' Mrs . Aleo Emily Illst week , t.II CerrH • , r esidenoes. W. H , Madden the lumber dellior Tu""c1ay will be spent In Lucorne. WRYM heen 110 fllithful i MrI! Arnl\nilu Luov Lvman .Tacoh of I\H Alrv times. J. T. Ellis Imd vl"1tl! will b~ m lo tho colo· 'rhe Nlj.turnl GIl-8 Company will l>rul"'l . lion carved OuL at saUd roc\<; spent Sllndny at Clarksville. her reKldllut friend, ill Ohl~ . ~'LIl murrill(l t,n Mr ftlon't : Buys Property. G.I"more, 110011 be Iflying t·b eir luuln line pipe Ilw ulll monumonl..1 buildIngs. etc. kindly mlnh.terinK to he~ (1omfort. \liOHlArv Bmvllrd r)f Mldrllf,t.own, n Wellne!!day morning. Aug. 8, Lhe PERSONAL AND south ellIOt of town, and ogree to deligh tfu l trip on Lucerne Is Juhn Burgett IlIlIt week visited Ohin, t.he (10Temony boing l)6rform . Pleasant Ridge. pil.oe of Waynentlle LOCAL NEWS fnrnish light and fuel to snoh "s de lIuul e. t h o st.ea m er going to Vltznu.w. hili lIOn (J M . BurK"U, who rl'oent : Ad hy Rev. W. HughA8. wh l r" c th tru ln Is tR.k n to the sUlurnlt rDirotlftrt~y . "hanged handll MondllY DON'T BUFFER with OOl'llN. sire U, l\Dd for lighting the vmlt~e. ~ t ' Ih<> Hlg1. Aftor luncheon the lrlp Or. J. 'f. Ellis bouI(11t from Iy moved from the Monfort farm to ThA hrlde will hA rAmpmhoTed by TIle union meeting whioh the 8ohwurtz 's Corn Cure is gnurant.eed 'C'U ll)ot \-) u tu Zuri c h u.ntl Schofthault'"' u. The Swadoner an(l Snnderland Ihe luU"r Ih e F"IIt1 of the Rhine. All Ella FurnaM, flf Davton, her ~orwlJOd . U.. fOllnd hili lion · in thA ol(ler lI:enllrllUon nf nur I'fl!lidonts ministers of Harveysburg have to remove them without pain, Prloe hills nort.l! of tpwn lire Boon to be ,t Thu/'~uIlY will bu sp ent here. r;~reJ\delrioe on Tblrd "treet jn .. t baot very frail hllalth, but before be left 'All t.he ~ranrlll'LllI!'lltp.r of t.lIA late been holdlug for tbree weeks olosed lli ,. at bottle. 0 .. I'rlu uy th" JlIlLck Furest rullroad I < (Ilk,,,. 10 Reldelb"l'l(. ThIs I. Qne uf o~t down, gruded , nlllOac1l1mII'Alll, Mech, .. tiRt ohoroh. n'IW ooou. thore Willi a ohonge for the better JllIlgoe John W . KAYs, and also of Sunday nlgbt, Rev . A . K . Sargent Il l" r llu~t bt1llutlful trh)l'\, In J.::urope. th o Mr. ElIjuh Rolanu und ' wife and top dre!lsed lionel rolled with st_m c'Ii "y nil Lhe way beIng ot mlLl.ehby Mr . and MrH Hl'nry ,Jay. an(ll~ill phyaloians are hopeful that, t.llA late Hon. E . Jacobr, oot.h of Rev. Benl Hawkins limi Rev. I'hl1ll' hnrm , Ellhl.aDd hlB f.mily will move the Improvelllent Illt1.Y o()n~lnue whom were, at one time, ilmong tha Trout partioipated In the meet ings. Mr. Clark Burget,t moved one ul\y roller, milking one of thelinest road '~!iSuc(ur,lay morning Heidelberg, the be<lB lind grndcR known . Jllr. Chns. Ima" tnn.t(lr o f (1erntnny'H grent m en , their new In ' . ' IIhort and he mllY lIoon be completely re mOllt prllmlnent ot our oltll,onR. No .effort was ' mado to bring oon- IMt weAk . 111 Ite v""leu. The Olel CIUlt1e I\nu ' an(1 hll lIOn (Jharlll8 and wife storod to helLlth. The newly.mlluletl oou[lle will vert~ into ohuroh, but the Mi88 Trentl Vornell spent Toes. W . Hnines, onr enterprising Connty . Iher l)ul litA or Int o r e~ t will form a ' 01' 1 ul Ihln Iluy'8 slght·seelng, Wels· ' tbe family ' residenllf" Fred B ~herwood, b()(>1I,kee)lflr Ht ta.k e up their resldenoe near CollAl(e effort WRS for tho good of the E!II tire day of IILl!t w eek with Missel! CommiSSioner, dooer yell muoh oredit I(I P fl. ono lit F.uro PC'H most tnnlOUI::l for gAtt,ing this bigh OltUlB road JUlI"'W8I'IS of town. . tbtl N.tlonnl Bank, baH heen unuble Hill, Ohio, where Mr . [fowartI will community. tba and Rachel Burnett . 'o llh r"Hnrls. \V h rf1 fWlhlonllbl e \leo· ' 0 nH' l ~ t Il\,\'ry ")lear, will b e vi s it ed w ork ilOilO in thiR p IUt. of the conn. to leave his home the )Jllllt week ow· engoge extenllively In fllrmlnlC aud • _ • Mr. Imd Mrs .• John Ma.rsh Rpent A recent number of the Chrllstiao lIulllY. Oh ', whole day b eing apt!llt flt t,y, Tr,l al ' at Ridgeville. Ing to an Injury whloh he lIuHtained Htook raiSing. I.I.i l ' IH U ' Il11 11 g pillc e, Work and Evangelist, ot New York, onedny la st weeK with their rlaugh. l"l·n m \'"e!s b rLdcn an e lec tri c ca.)' 1ft dnrlng the time bls \tom II WI18 torn ter Mrs. Ernest Butt.o twor th who .1(t' 11 It) lilt·r\)rlc k, an d lhun by s t Pl\m · one of the mo~t Inlluentlal religious , II PJ.{iIi H Ih e. g lu rtouli trl). ') OWIl t h e Layfayette Graham, of up movlnl(. Me got' np during Wi II be Married Nliddlerun. jOllrnllls· ln the oountry, wns aln in· IS on the siok list, , ' dill ' III ' : u i oK ll e, ThtH \YIII b o HIW o f 'B14~8VtiU8 was en~ged in bearing the nlgbt lind Htumbl"c1 OVAr t1. gall· • 'IIH~ t tlt.'ilJ.;'htrul lrlpH u C th e. w h o l(..... Mr . IlUd Mrs. Cit,,!!. G ray spont terellting articlWl on "The Relig ious Wednesday Evening Ir, of Jaoob Cornell altalnl' ollne IItove Heveroly Injurlnl( the DON'T . cSUI'1f1l:11 with corns . Influenoe of t·he Oreat Poets," by one clllY week wlt.1I Mr. unl1 rUt'~ dHY, Aut;, 14. th ... rum olt~ (" hlll'e h i :-;ol!wllrt v,'s Corn Curu Is gunrrn.t~ed , ~t , LT I""'lIla, !h e cnt h '! fh 'lll alld 1I\111' r .lldrew Zeazeil, Tnooday Dlornlng. IlnidA bon" . Rellltives aud InthnutA friends of. B. F. Vaugltun , of Centerville. M.r. Mrs. N. B, Rioh of Wellll1n.n . ' I'''' ~ th l\ t ml\k,~ C o lo gn (' rUIIIIIU :-t, wi ll I t·o rem ovo them without ~tln. MI'll Fran k Un weR of (Jr08l4wiok tbe oontraoting partlell blL ve reoel v. Vaughan Is u scholar Qf Ilbillty and · . ' In tlif! hearing It wall shown that VI NU "cl. und 11\ lht, t..' v o lilltg t h. ' parlY Mr . nnrl Mrs. Perry '\T"de nnll Price 100. u hottl e. Il tlll,lIlt l. III , ..~ Oil tI, ~'IUHh.'fllum . Mr. Zeazell WIIo8 ooouPYlDg a hOIll!B who Wa" tlO IIArlollHly !II with 01) Ad invitlltlonR 1'eal1lnl\' 0 8 follo\vs : devotll8 oonsluerable of his time to Mr, !lnd Mrs . •lohlt Sheots lIud !lOll nt' 1'(.. t'> IIl'('l:i. l h e ItllJ:-l l 1 1 1 1o'1'\ , ~ t illJ.!: 00' &he farm of Mr. Cornell near tbe pendlciUI' U mnnt.1I Ilr melrA IIgo haa Mr.• nll !\In. II . M. l.Iul< . Mr . A. B. Norris wus tHklln quite llllry III u ll 1~:\lI ' '' P t ' , will hI' 1'1 ",II'IIt!'" literury work bis artloles ap'IJear· sJlent Tuesdll.Y of ItL8t week with , !lpxt I1lq "nltl~ , n,lld tl !':er-rin..:. ' d l'l v ' .....,...,•.1,.. & O. Croeslng on the Ridge. ..keu attuthl1r IOlap!!ellnuls now In "''I0r.llh., 1,lc,.ur. o f y.ollr co",pany Ing in " number of prominent reo ·Mr . Ernos t Butterwortb ulI(l fa III· ill Wedn eRdny night. Dr. Bevin · I b. , t u k. ' 11 t il Ih., In ll !'!''' '''I I , park R Tlllle_nU WaYDeavllle pike. It wallo a very serilll1l1 ooudition , her dau!(h. allh. tIIarrlllgf> of Ihelr .Iau gltler I lit 11 '''1 ' \11 )11 1t.:-. or Ill! \ ' I ' I· ~ l. 11 l"l fl O ger, of BellbrOOk, wns OIl11ed and "t ·li~lou8 pnblicutions. \ly . ' lI l t t '~ l'ld . - til 'I' ll . ' Jt :tJ.:'IIt ', 011 " p it y or 1E~~1t'~r;tttitlr.tated by Mr, Cornell that ter In law Mr8. Natban Hawel' Is NCI~; w. thi s writing is much improved . , ( ' I' .. Wh. ' I'. ' all (utur" Ill r"I'II Htlun u l Jacoh Cornell and fnrnily aro en· John E. Cbenowet,h wbo, haft, \iv· " III I'~ wltl. It l:-t h lll" '11. yl"' tI to Ih '" dapeiidant had ' oooupled thp wlt.h hllr aMHlllting In caring for her Mr. Samuol D. Hellkl,' Miss Ester Berryhill Ilpnnt Tues. edlnltbe Ferry neighborhood. fot: a joying tho luxurios of tL tolephone , l l altl" lI t " r ,' 1111111 11/11 1', , ' \1;, ', Il ~ ru "1:~~'1~."':Y and .Inee f,,11 hlld "nd UlHO ber dtLugbter, Mrs. 11'000 Wc,ln.",lny. March .he IOurl('O)IIlb H 'I " " II .. .. I· a l :t~' . , III I I I" \\' HIHht, o ld number of years has eold bls farlll whloh they had placeel in thoir home clay night with Alma Maxwell. liltn"' I, 1 11 1.\1:'.. " . :0-:1 111111 " " "ri :-t IHl, anti _"'IeI' done aDY work lor him or Rolaud. nlnc•• en hundred .ml ol, ,"r I' '' ill l ~ It r II1:-. t ",'I(' 11i a 'o,II1<'la tl on , to Elmer E. Keever of the same Monday. .:ttk:I,,~.biJlI) .IIIODey rent. , .e,·eo o'olock p. m. 'rhe pUp\lR of the Sugnr Grovo , ' I t.: IHltI will tlh I I III ' '1 :-: 1t".1. Ht' ru ooart deo!ded 10 favor of tbe Mr. A. L . (J01ll8tOO({ who hna beAn . llhelr hOIDo. Wayne,vl ll •. Ohio. neigbborhood, and bought a farm ' ,,,"11'\ ll1 Ii "', t h, ' t{ ")111 I· al r u~t.:. th a ' ~cltool bllde their Rohonl IIIIIt.e , Mis!! (: ; ll l "1 y, ll ll ' \\ ' 11 ' 1"(,'" 11 u l-toum . bl r I.n oharge of the French BrOil. Dllirv The many. friends of thOllfl young ellMtof Uregonla. wbere be will move :...., I- d .b Spring Branch Cora Young, goodbye Frirlt1Y evell· · _ a t ... an w e COUI e was 0 . , 111 110 ' 1" ,if I) " 1.llt i , '~ , 1'1 ( ' " Il l 'l' I II b e ..o--'A ._ th d f dan" lltations at BllrveYHburg Rnd Way people will join In wishing them u In Il Rhort time . Mr. Keever 18 gain. e e en • . . · ........ . ..... remove Ing. ns she with her llllrtl ntR will DON'T I:>OIl'I'ICR with oorns. '" ! I II, /' .. 11 1" \\11 1 lit · IIlndt· n il t h e . h i b did t ne~vllle for everal yell~'ll, lung , prOllperolls Bnd l1oPl1Y life. InK 110 reputation as II most 8UOOe!lS· ' tlf l d .. \ 111. - I'I, ' d II l ll1t'l , 11\ t-' Hyndanl. lAava thlll week for A rkan!lll.s, wh er e ouae n Oftlle e no about the drAt of April for Cleve· fill denier In farm property, waving Schwartz's Corn Cure Is gmLrlmtced they wll1 make their home. Th oy .. , 1" 111 " , \ )!u l o " \\ i nl elH' "l')tnr ' 10:'1, ," 1' :1 1111 " 1" \\' II ",l lIll ntlout lRnd where he wllI become a melD · How's This . bought and 801d 1\ nllmber of pleoes to remove them without llllin . Price werl'l nil RIln to Bee her go , hu t. \Vi sll '" , " \'-1'01 , " " 111 1' 1111 - 1" '.'1\ ,.ll\nl\\I..1 h.'r of" firm mabufl&oturlnlt wood · We nITer One Hun;lrecl Do\lara of good farm property hi this vloin· lii ~ u bot-tle. ber muoh aUCOWlR in h er lIew hOlll n. • ••. • 01 . I ,., II t .. "I ' I 1I t"t· "/t I Jln c~ . ~u " Lots of Coal Coming ell nllvf'ltl8fI. Mr. Com8took ltaR R" ward tor IIny oalle of Catarrh Ity <luring the pa8t few years. A nnmber of our Jleit:;hborl! have " I I, I ! IH ' p l l '- 1':l I,,' d ill 1'l'UvlcHulo: Messr s . Frllnk Tholllll R 1l.1II1 Will . ' ''I · .. I . tl h JII ~ \111 ~ It ': IJI\~r nllil un 111.111 .. mllny frhlndM during hili "tAY thltt oannot be ooren by l:Iall's ohanged 1IItL08S thi~ week : Wm . .. ' 1 111 . ' rll Dukc, of Lytl", woro clllling on .... I Probably tbe bllJSllI't shipment. h"r'" with w\l1 join In wl_hing him <':"tarrll Cnro I!Ir The Gazette dO&.l a general Rloh nud wife moved nonr Utiot~ j friends , \""": 1. 1"j , ·:~ w il l , WIB th e POil U· h e re, y . ",coal ever made to anyone "' thll hl.:hll.. t mAIl"llre or "IICMHI' in F .•J. CHENEY & VO., Toledo, O. printing bURlness. We have recent. ,,'.1 .... 1. ,,:- • • , cht · "l ltlr (~ lI ' h~ WUh. Edward Morgan and fllmily moved "1111"' ': , ' 11:-:1 Lli lhl~ fU ill being received at hi!! lIew uTl(IArtakln~ We the und&rHlgned, hlLve known A new OIlrpet nf1(\ Rnvprn I Ill hr' r ~ I " nl 1.JI~y lt.Jn. un e tront lltatlon by I:!elh C.oot antI F. ,1 . Chenl'lY for the la!lt 1G years, ly purchnse<l considerable new type on tho farm vaoutod by Mr. Rioh .or, .. ~ \ " " "'llY. Il ut,.'lIh.' of Day· *'- -'11 00 ' n'ID ' oe.~ roll RAv Philip Tro. nt, 11IItltor IIf t,he ond bl>lIeve him .p erfootly honorlt.ble and other material and are prepared aud Martin WeHt moved luto tlte improvement.s 11II\'1I htlA n ",ltlAti t o .,, 1 ":I~ [ , 1\1' 1 tip · dt l't U'l c t m al10 .~:tlb~l.• 1~1'lmen... ... w .., In an bUfllnp88 trllnMctlon8 "nd fi ~ 11 , 'I I ';)' :--tluml. l'l\ rqn pul ",n. .. - fo'r daYIl to olome. M E. Ohurcb hal! m.IIA " retnRrk· nanololly abI0 to ourr:v nut any 0 b- to do better work than ever bEl fore· Nul' Brown llroporty vnOILted by tbe Balltist. church. .1 , " " , \\ ' u l' ro.:' l l. Inltl t-, !" P S'cble I~ _WI u bY Mr. Morgan. ?Ir Tim ~mlth nOll wife hllVA ,:"" , , I I" t , l l' fJo!, ahl" r.'nord tbtll winter In thn nllm IIgntions mod.. by hili flrtn . , • .• Eol,omn, Tetter, tlalt Rheum, Itoh, gone to houseireeJling on their furrn WlIoillinl(, Kinnan /lnd Mnrvln, 'A lDons tbe coalll beln~ received bAt ,.r ~..rvIOl's whlob he htL" con Mrs. Elijah CruoAv /lnu Mrll. lately 1l0rohl\.lle(1 of Mrs. Frll1.Ar. I. Oampt",U's CW.tlk, ae& Jaekllon IduntNI Whl'n t.h .. Unlnn "HrvlceH Wholel!l,le DrugIl18t.s, '1'(lledo,O' Ring WorfD , Herpes, Barbers' Itoh. All of thee dls81\888 al'O attended MaiDie) Gulledy, of Uorwln. were , near his pareuts. I A Lively 'ruH!ile. JII>mp,~ ~t Jaokson nut, POO&hontll~ ol"~to.1 tLt Uarvl'v,.hllrl( Bondfl V he Hall's Cat/.trrh Cure III tIl)ron In. a -hloh Is a im t the guests of George Adams and . with thut oltl enAruy of tho. rl.~. Blackamtth'.ooa1. his flft.leth oon8ec~t.lve ternally, aoting dlreotly npon the b y 1n te n 8e ltohinP' . • 08 family last .1'hursd o y. · . Mr. UrvlllA Berr;vhill, one of our. ...., ill ~he enormoDllqullntl . t ht Th blood and mnc,ous 8urfUOtlll of the InlltaQtly I'Olieved~ by aPJ]llylng ~ (JorIAtipot.ion, often AIII\" in Apptln. . . . night of constant n g . e pro· IIY8tem . Teetlmoniala !!Bnt free. Cbambellaln '8 Salve and by itl! oOn.. .... . k"''' I II •prosperous young 'gentlelllen, OftJl [\ioltl8. '1'11 a voill 1\\1 AtlriOllK trouble £Oran map e an son """,ter, were now be found In n grooery iti Bell. t.t",.·1IIIhl(!lh he has, M~. Cook;::' able tr.oted meetings at hili Own churoh Prloo '15 eents per boUle. SOld by tinned 0110 a permaaent cure may Dayton villlt.ofs ODe day last weak. with 8tolDaoh, [;i ve r ,md liowels" . ma~e'bll o~el'tl ,r ook ~~ in Waynea~U14! oooupled 31i lllKh~ all Drl18KI,8t1\, ' be effected. It 'bas, In fact, 'D ated _ _ broo~ 1"'hloh h e ROll 1\ friond lately taLke Dr Kiull'!I N., \v IAfn: 'Plll " prtoel. ;>.., '. .. ' " . '. . anll when tble was oompleted be Take Hall 8 FRmtly Pills for oon8ti· many oases that had realtlteld all · Mr', and )In. Joe P~nne~it, of pureh¥ed. " rheir friends wish They. pflrfeotly rel(ulHA tb~ or· othe~, treatp:1ent. PrJqe 2GOenta per. near Mt. Bolly ~ere BU,nday gueat8 them much SIlOOOSS: ga..lUI, w.1tbout, ,pll.\n 'ur ' IItl\OOm·fort-, It JOI1 want coal orde.. from' hlm pll1npeJ' luto :·.t11e worlt at BatveYII. patton. . . , box. For ~ale,bY:Fiecl O. 8ohwdtz. .a,' ~e ~ome(o~ "Pennewit, . ' 250 ut Fre4 .u. I:!Q~ wtntz' dr~ila" ~ " btUj&. '. . .
. -.
I ,
.. fIlle4 to 1M If )'Oa'"- f bepa t.
a loutler voice. . . . . . . . . I!II'II, 00".... olG, "lIey?" abe lil ierrupt ed. apia, "I'm ttu. bm mr latll.r u.e4 10 1>014 & IIt Ue hard o· heaNn'. sir." WIIb reverent mlenl "" ),on. . .110, " I called to see If you'd loat • Th" chIldren luatcred, all ... Iow, cat," I sbouted , _ I J'or DOW the InCll1a 1I0u!' had ~om. Deal' to each II u.t In ~ha.1 .w~ot hOme. " Oh- no, WII don't W&Ilt no~e too i day," ~he returned 'fhe )OUnl~.t ,Ill, Illlabe, pparl, I .\rew a long Ilreat~. t"1110P II wl<nnl) t e tM m<)lh r'. heart "V t II/elng Ujl UIUfU!I cle a.T, gTB)'_ ")'CI' ' " Have - YOIl - 10Kt - a - cal!" J I 0"" .1\1<.'11 Wl lh IIIht 1n plm"lI.~). bawied 'tit' "ddtn., llttn, With hllPIlY fa •. A suddon II gM or cQm(.lrehenslQJl liel' H,"et vol ", rlsht In UflIc und place. came Into the wom80n' s eyes. We "On J or:d o..o'. Stormy Bnnke," "Wo don't IteCll cnts," s he A nd " Mro, In bloof1\lng, "lulelv rllnk s. trownlng. and turned her bnclf. t~ uY~n'~ C~trc_l trngr","n t flQ\Y~rt.' tiro"" t nt Quelled by lime or rroa t th~ g lo \V 1 dldn t Lry auy more houses In Ib at t:l)UII ttl)' (n. lU c r 't' to.C~, wh an 'w e Immediate vl cln il y- \ rlldn·t neell to ' Sunl;' or tbnt land ) ~ an should .ee. the Illiro nel !;hho rboo d must IJn"~ " ' ~ snug " M y Sou l , nc o n T hy Gnntd/~ bee n B\\are Of my 1lI1 ~ 9 1 on nft cr I h ~ 1 Anet tl· ~n. ,!; cr(! SOJl Hy lold l f1 \\ [lTd las t en ouuter. I bu rrll'(1 till the ave\" 11 h f,m~ tnnl WH lCoh th ro"!! " fI meet. nue and stop petl l1t th e ('OI UN house Then l"t'VI~1\m t 1.) , ""l'be. l\b l c ) '''n t, '' 1'h (lu , ··,,' hen m y rlp:h h !O Uti JlI J ~e shnll on a cross st ree t come "11,\\ e lost n 1(1t te ll 1" 1 IIsli'll,
- A tbrl11lllg Itory of how the aide slip- back tire baa bUI'II~-a deep rut ta tb.~ wh~~e -robed prleets Bland belween UB ping oC a motor cal' nearly resulted In n road haa caught the wheel, too. In a anti tbe Inner sanctuary. But the tbree man beIng rolUltfld ILllve Is lo ld by moment we swerve round. and.,bOrrQrl or 118 are old footbllll players; Ihe prl_ts Ernest Esdalo, In MOlorlng \l1uBtrated. s mll8ti rllht Intll the lempleiloor_ Alaal nre down like ninepins, "We lenr llle Ilur t.a.ln .aslde lind 8ltl!:d The Inl/ldent oc urred In Duhlln. a vil- we havo commltted_lIacrtlege, II.nd ~f ~or a mo me nt rooted wl Lh horror. lage on the road Crom Delbl toJ3ombay. tbe worst kind. "WQ..aet to work to repaIr the tire. ttnt! "Sablng Lhe upUlled· knl(e trom the The ~ar was being driven slowly pUllt a Jnin tomple. amid the wbooplng oroa- just ns we bave Ilnlshe,1 a beartrend- neares t fnnalle. we cut '" t ho leatMr Ing; el\r- plercln'g Bhrl ek rlnga oUt rl'om strin gs and IUt the fainti ng sac rlOce ttvCB and the bCl\tlng ot tom-t6ms, We .rusb In, tram Lhe nllar Tllen we beaLlhe prIests "At Ule temple entrance." wrIt es Mr. the temple Inolosure. IJ:sdnle, " s tood twO prl SlS, regll rdlng us brU.9hlng I18ldo lWO j\l\'elllle prle81.8, who orr, regn lu ou r -car, nn d rldo away nmltl wi th no friend ly ,·Isnge. Bang' und our try lO stop our progre~s A c rowd of a s bowor of missiles."
To call lila "lnSOmeu chhlren h o m.;> ,
Thcn lup. l\, "nni'o1"H ~ mc , S \' .t JI Olll f',: I\h.. when shn ll y, e too lh llhf'r '1"1\(.' q u csUnnll ., ns were d, om~ 'l"he !lingc r s luld their arm or
cO lm ,' "
Ull t'
n It:.,,oJl to the bubQ. w ho"o ht"n \.~nl) ~~(,JI lht 'H ' smUtld 50 long in l' aro. (1I~ (1
An<t we w ho
(eo t; m f\ 11 0 l'fmd t
i~.~~l~~I~~~f~~)~\,~II'~~ ~~~. ;:~~f~ ~\
m er ~anlrally.
era, An d o t tp.n w hen (11:'111t!~.-;r4 t nnr\ ;::u,t Fai nt . (ur·Qrr \ ' ('11\' . s: S " .'f'll nlld g nd . In <Urn r( 'f\!; R C ~ o( lht!' ~O U I Ing Ro t t l ) , fr om th und) Ing IH' lnll Thill m e ln o n, k ~epM: hid d('(\p l\. \\ U), tmm onn } trnn ~cr l ')l o f nrh du) - N o. 0 Pi eR) uno .
. W hat co l" . ~· I brl ~ ht~n ed UD "U l lI) . "At! g rn v ? " ~o, \\ hl te s pot IIn rler "h lte f('e\ " I gll rl'l~ d . A kill e n - H tUll :l1l UTll' ·· Y t'~.
AJlC1 cour.n gCt fr m t hot§ ~· h \ m l1f>t "n de. II Tl~ c mf"mor) o f I ho~ 4.' s i n..: 1ng hour J( !i;LV C ton(!d o.n4 Itlre n blh~llt!d u U our PO\\·
Fi fty Years a Rabbi. W ite Girl_ h leC ](uiJlll 1>1011, of Trles tu, recen tly ma rrl d Ih tl t Ilwfu l Jilek Rou nde r? W hy, thrlll·t Hhp Imu" lhut ('Om "I t " :'0 ) cu rs' tUUUl e or office. hff hatl beeu ~ Iat! kl lllil ,I Ily overy lub Th o julillce \\ 118 celohtated In nil tho H) n u!;o~l'" Th o 'hl er btll llUlunst or III Inwn "]" • "Yes- Lha l's why Hhu lIIlIll him Sho IIP r"Uliall y IO'lIclt 'loc l h l~ cungl" tttiutl o n~ th ough l thoro'd b Hllmu chnn u of tu th c thlCI 1.lblll. koel,lng blm ilL home o,'enl ns s "A tl ficinl Enrs. <..I e, eln nd l..culle r. 11111 ts,'11 Itlll' night yeu t s old, wh o W RS Early Stnrl. lJOI " \\ II hllul ,·n rs. hilS bee n fltl ml with a Sir Ollver Lodge, wh o_o n.,me Is fn Hi g h F l n un~e muns In cOlluect lton wllb Jl") ch lc,t1 I~ It Is hl;; h Jln,lU cu wholl the law Jl !II' ,ll Ih) \\'llng Clem Ii IJSIlItIl I, T oledo, w as \lut In \)us ln e~8 al th r ,11;0 b n'l Sfll nn ullou gh lo cntch you - N O. Il l' II IW,I\ # 1l(lij~O"SCtl tho "I'u.e of hUUIIII !; \ Pros~
Extra Army Rations. All Europ enn a rmi es h llvo cIlItaln Ilxtrns woek ly In tbo WilY or food Sugal Is glveu 10 81l1;1311<1 nn ll ~'r anco. two sallolls of lieer In HII SI;l,l, hllif n gallon of wino In ltlll y, thl~l' pOllods of fis h In $1'1\1 11, Hud 11\ l' oun ces at butler In Belglu lll
\ PR
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Sho . ho ok h ~ r llMtl, and I tllrn ed awa) r lghteousl) In.lhr"O.ullt !lo ,v. e ve r , 1 Urli\ uJ y rang lU" tl lXl J oorbell " Good mo rnin g madam . to see If ) -0 11- ' ·w ~ II0II 't eve r dpu l " lib (l o lldl ~ NI ' s nal' lIed t Ue wupn n, clntl t losed t he door with a bu ng I am not a IlUlle nt mnn. hut my sla ta r sa ys 1 am s tubbo ru At any rat e, lbere seem rt n L Ihat moment to be nothIng III tb e world wortb 1I" lnll ror SllV O to find tbe nwnu r or th a t ball or anlmll ted Iniqui ty \Ii altIng (o r mo 0 0 th e plana steps at borne W1 th tl gbtly comp ressed l! ps I marcbed lIown the 8leps a nd out t he g nl ~. 1 I'ltervlew&d the postman, th e Ict). man , tour gl'Oceryrno n, nnd a bfllatcd milkman; all wl t houl res ult, san thnt eacb loo ketl at me with IL plLy lnG g lnll co tbaL plainly said "lie'" slig htly oll- llOOr th In!;:" I hadn l been able to translate llle loolt unli l I caught o nu Icema ll t.o a u· other , a s h e s lb"llIO camly tappelj bis forehead' "Sa y. Bill, you do n·t l(llo~ anyone what's los I a cal. do yo? Thle relle r'S buntin' fur him " T OWil.l d noou 1 fou nd a . mllli g irl crying "Whot's lhe trouble?"] asked. " Boo-boo! - I ve 10sL my h illy." My heart leaped within me. "A groy IlI ll)'?" "Y-yes-boo-hoo! " "With a white spot on Ita neck?" " Yes-yes!" cried the small gI rl, her walling silenced. "And wblte feet?" I Rlmosl.beltl my breath . "Yes, slr-nnd a little teentl' bll of a tllli. mi ne's a bob-tal'" you know," s be explnlned. eage rly, Tblllgs grow black. and swam befo r e me. Wer e my bopes le bt raIsed tl) t hi s dellrlous h Ig ht onl, to be das hetl to th e ~o und ? I d re"i a dl sco ura gLng slgb , and begao aga!!\. " W II, li t tle g irl, lhl~, kitty Is • long-tail ed kItty but If you va lost
Peo ille now dema nd t he rl gllt to t, now who l Witn ess lhe nnll -luJun clio n bill Lhey a l e U" II flS I!Insfi n II (l ns of Il mnnuexac Lly wh,lt th ey ent by \\ IIl eh 1111101' \Inl on~ seck LO tlo the fll~lu l e l .vllkln!; b) eX:JlIll'lu. llllnLlnll on '1' 0 bo tohl by 1II.lkor or I tall -r lhllt h a n,ls ot 0111 ~ntll'tR ,I ntll" evc n t. I he Isslle euch Illtl( n \tlllhrn i. ex.It I . Iill lIlu nt oC Lhe footl Is . Pil i " Is lIut sall. to(·lOI·)' • o r lI n y ol llol 10 rll.tral n tho mc mbat s of in g retil o tl lH t p s h ,llU (, ut b j" r tll llkp rfi In 0 Cu ndy LU ll)' con tuln pure" whil e d o l' th nt Ii II s l trolll attacking men or Ile- .Iolng th e fair Ihlll" tJY th e lO lnnlon (leoUI "pure" d)es lUll I , et IJO VIl IY ha rlllfUl I SIl<1Y lrll; prnpol'ty Such a bill Is pcr- pie. nnd cs t ll ~lI sh ln;; un 1'l' U of Illt. Of\lod, Syrups m ny r:llllt .)ln "P ulo "l; hl ro~ 'nnl l ha ps tho most infn\Uo u ~ Insult to our but lhllt Ilrt,t udu. C' h,'" nll l " t for'ed ~ el li e tlult e diges tibl e unu cVl'n ullll e- ('UUl'fl3 lUll) th e Olll mUll I)eo plll ever Inlll thoBe who I\llull el lilo ,I II" dec elv o to oh,ltlile t hell I1\elho.lo 1\I'II ce I hlH"trort to Quo n Am cli e of P (,rtu ga l, "ho Is ,I tloctor of medicine a nti will bo houOl ' Ucl al Tomalo catHull IIl n)' Clllllniu II beforoCI)Il;;reS" I\I\(llbonellreMe ntatl "e ~ tit 01101 ' public .0nll lll ,," 1 1\ ntl ~ h o.w II wny ary proHld nt oC th o' fifteenlh IllternnUonal Motllcal 'ongress wh ich moel S s Ol .11l a mo un Lor sa ll e ) 11 0 01' 1orn Ie ael l! III ClmgreHH l\lu ~ 1 he he ld to a aLI'I 't nc- ollLot th e !'. escnt culldllhlnof rlnllLl , do nL LI ~boll April 19 as a nCCl'l;~l\ry [l1(l~erv u tlve, whl cb may cuull tllhlil ly fo r th eir ucta relining c,,11 unrt hlll'1ll nl;' wi th ono und Ile h a rm(u l to nn- tlle r(,Lo. But wh en bills C[)Ill Q betore By ELEANOR H. PORTER 'rhe uu(\ e. s ig ned Is IJllyl ng to l he IlUbathol' Cong ress thllt al'Ac\t'n wn In tllO Inlorost Wheat nOU" mny con laln a pOI tl(l ll at (If IIIl tlie peop le tl, ey ~ hould reco h'e the lIs hers (I f Amorle,l altollt $~II , OOO. OO to plln t t hi s nll noll nrpmcnl III 1'I ll rli CIllly (COpl'r 1ant . l i106, b, J Oll4!llb U fiowJ .. ) CO lli tlour nnrll'clllly be Improve ll Oil e act l\ e pe rsona l s upport of the peOI)l e ull FINE PLOT THAT FAILED. ANCIENT CITY DISCOVERED ut the g rea t plI I,el's nntllllo \~ uY.!ues, In u ll mny bo mude at cO ll on sl'ed 011. 'Iud the rellreSC n lnll\ es be inslruc tetl My sisLer, Vo Ith wh om I lived , bad Butter nmy cont,llll boef s ue t ~ Ild l' l be by th e clLlzens rrhe Se nnlo rs also the condu,·t uf "h il i h~ choo scs to le l'llI. Pool Tnble Thut Wan n Wonder, But Relic of Gallic and Romon Clviliznuutrillo u~ . should be wrl tto n to lind Ins tru cted It, " ou educa tl(l nal vaml_ ll gn ," estee me tl to gone a -summerlug. That mn y ac· Not Pl oper l~ Mnnlpu tlon Uneru th ed aD Mount Tho p r50n who buys nutl ea ta mus t the r{lfOl e. ) OU will r eme mbor yo ur prlv- bo (If gl'eatel' ,lIr..ct " nlll to the people count for my being outside the hou so th un Lhe c tnblls h lll 'nt nf nHlny IIbrnl'les, lated Jouher. protect hlmselt and fumlly, allrl he bns II liege u nt! dut y yo u wOl nt ollce- no wand on tlw Jllll27Al wh e n Ib e e M came Th nL I s Itchl to be II W,H Ihl' tnt' t Ill'lll of It was a tlnv gray !Jail of fur th nL During recen : excava tion s on MOllut " I'm not mu ch at n 1(lcl'er-tnke I'Ight to. und now domands a law undlll write to YOllr Co ng ressman nnd seiiiiOr usin g mouo)' for the lI ublle good Tell bounded up tbe long n,ght of stOPS JOllh come." Buld whi ch h e 'n n nmite Inte lll~ e nr se lectl II Oil foud llillI)resenred Clip andon.l enclose urt er , co mmUD f L CO or SL Gouss nnd ' do- Lhlngs pretty m\tell ns th ev J the this "all\'!lure herewith Ils k t he people facts. ' how th~1Il a w,'iY'lO anll bounced Into my Illp with lin unn dlrouse. a Oallo-Rom a n a now prosperous Insu ranco age nl, of foo d. thorn lO m nk n busIness of foll o wln p Il helll th mse lv ~s alld rely u pon th ' m to P mont '.a ml s lllli able gUl sle at IlatJsfacllon CllY ' rtnlb itS ueen r b seoy-erad The un - "buL I do feel sore wbe n I r emnJ eber - jo ny Im','e foot! "U ls ba,'e been lotl O- throu gh tho Cllmruillee COJl$ lt lerln g., It. n 't In t IIlge nlly nnd orro" tlvely. "Well. wcll. upon my soul!" eU.. bn~ 0 n etlUll ful strllll roste red th e lime wh e n [ ,"ns so fl a t '-Ioko U tllat ,Iu ced "IIlI ~ omc 1lllSseti U by Sente leglsl:!- U rgo ,.liS bel ng' III ought t 0 n vote und r e'I'h I'Clt d r wlll b free ly fOl'glv n Ir eJnculr.led. Ie ellor that further operntlon s I had Lo'Walk f.olll Tiffin . 0 ., to P ltts- t Ules. lllllny b,l,'e bee n o ffer ed to Con- quest Ing thllt Ihey ,'oto for It· he e ntirely" lhe IPtore nce tD A m ellow rumbl e came from th e WOU~d revcn l the ex istence at 1\ "moll - l !JlIrE'(, and when r go t there hod a [or- g're "b ut all t hus f,lfseem objec llOUlible So me oPllre~s"cly In to lll l(ent lind Post Uttl 1\lld C.ope· ' 111", If h will but gray ball , nnd two ambflr eyea lroked s lo, di sclos ing te mpl es l1nd stntues of tune-- to me- s lip awuy t ra m my It has see mcd tlilfi cult ror Ilollt klans to ca rping crlLie mllY say t his I~ s lmllly an Join Ihe pure fOfld mcn cmellt Ullrl confidingly Into my face. g reat n rch,lcolo~lcul Importnn co. Cer- g ra s p through another Ulan's car eless- fOl mul nle n "lIt1stnctory bill tll .lt woul,l nd ,·C!·t1~e m enL for Pos tum unrl Grupe- do Ihl n':R. tnln details nnd IlccullllrltJes apper-- n ess protect the co m ilion people allll yet II " OIU NuL' I ~ la I rllO th ,lt theRe a rl lcles nre C \\' I'OST. "Humrb! Where did you ball taln lllg to tbls s tatu e re~nll tbo fea "J've always bee n n fnlr pool plnye r, burm to lIo nest muk el s l1mlll lo, c nteud H{lo lulII of hCl e In II tJlIbUe Ill n uner, but trom? ' ltires of nn Olympia n Jup~ter, wblch nnd In Pittsb urg I tell In wllh th o I'ro- less t ro llbl e to r e Lalle rs No gov 't com- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - ' ' - -- -- - - . - -- - - -- - -- Th e rumble Increased per cepllbly. T>~ XT (ll' l·t ·n y. FOOl' Jl[U" [ Hatched out my hlUld and genlly g ives Its numo to the mount. " Jovls" - (lrl ~tor of a billiard hall who occn. miss ion or o ffice r h ns tbe rl!(ht to1 fix ,Jouilpr. stroked th e soft fur. [nstantly thc tnil Th e n, the dls covery of pieces alonally arrnnPI,d mat clJ es between 10. fooJI Hla nda. ds " to define whnl t he 1 00If II m c ts nllllrm' a l CUL It out. s ig n nnUl and n tlt! r ~s~ nutl 80nll to yo ur f b k I ., I"e sh,lll'and shnllnotent , torwhnl ng l'c ~ came u pright anu waved a Joyful welo '0 en ti cs wltb cu rved edges , an ca l s harks. Th(lre was n you ng fellow Wllh one IlIll y notag'ree with c ooth er a nd repre~o nLatlv e In cong r ess. Duy t wo 01' mor e publication" frolO whl cb you cut como to Lbe ca rc$s, wbllo the bncll lInmls tnlcub le sign of Roman buildings, lhere from Ne w Yorlt who bad beaten s ucb act woul el deprtve th e common thiS; K ee p oue tor r e fe re uc anll sond Lhe other to ali t) of lb l ~ Sennlors arched Itself bard against my hanu. oxldtzed naI ls , enl'lhenwnre, t uneml all tbe rock players of th~ town. and c ltl~en of his pOI Bonal II bOl'ty. 'rile from yo ur Slate Ask ono o r two frl end H to do lhe slim e 'Ult! t.h e chan ces ro r I uldu'( care tor ~ats-tba b Is , 1 UIOS c nd buman boues led to fUrLber after seeing bls play I proposed t o tbe PosLum C rcnl C , LlCl, lIerhdpa lhe My sister sbslIPpol<ed (dIdn't. I ese' r cb, wh ich. was. soo n crowued proprieio r afo rl!sal d that be should lurges t m a kers or prepar ed foods In the Pure Food wlll be good. horre~ tbom wilh mos t sallsractory results, Inus- ba ck me In a m alch . "aln st the Ootb. wo rld , h ave naturally n closo Itnowl ed~ much a dlfi d d " o f the needs ot the people Dnd t ho deta Ils was something extraorTilere s numero us e ces an pe OS- amite. H e Inug hed-sal d I couldn't do of Lho bus in esS of th e purveyors, (the dln~rlly fnsclnatlng, however, about :1~1;:t us e for s talues wero brought It-he'd seen me play.- Dut I outlined I cluB groce r) and , guIded bl' thi s e xperithis ~urlous lItLle crea ture In my lI.p " . my scheme to him ana he fell to It. enCIl haye III cpu . cd u blll for suhmlssion She rubbed aT\d s ung. and sung and H e re and there nre walls deleriorat- Tho chall enge was made and acce pted, to Con g ress which Is Inlended to acco lD rubbed, and wInk ed Iler yellow eyes ed ll) tbe o lre~t8 or tillie, nnd others with a purse of $1.000 nnd a bIg s id e plls h th e des ired ends, nnd tnaslllll cb as a TO REQUIRE MANUFACTURERS AND SHIPPERS OF FOODS FOR. IN. ecstaUcalll', 1I1y cigar went ou tbuUt of freestone sho wing \n pillcoa bet, In wbleh r was to sbnre. nnd th eu citize n of tho . S has IL rlgllt to foou TERSTATE SHIPMENT TO LABEL SAID FOODS AND PINT t CI h protect ion even wh en' be ent.ers nnotber sbe dldn'l IIk~ th~ smoke; 1 COUldn't rnctlS 0 t nmage by fire. but 0\ erwlse I h unted up au electrician who could Stata It Is deemod prOllor Lno t lh e gov't THE INGREDIENTS CONTAINED IN SUCH FOODS even r ead-sbe objected to the rustIn gOO d Ilresen·atlon. Surrounding a be trusted la lle conttol ot this mOiler nnd pro"lde:l ON EACH PACKAGE THEREOf . \lng ot lbe paper. Sb e tugged at my protly lo\'e l surface a re otber mass ive "Unde r my dllrec tion the e l eotrl c!~n uatlon ul lfl w to go vel n n il the stales A \ est butions and chewed awhlle on willis, whi ch we re probably tbe PIO- ri gged up 0 horse3hoe elec tr lc' magnet CO py or Lhe !J1II Is he rewith . eproduced sce nltlm of Ule e pen-alr ci rcus o r th~n- In tha fram9 of each pocket of the Sec. 1 gm'e rus Ule malie r wbe the r lh e B It enncted by th o Se n aLe and Houso of n prescntatl vos ot tb o ' nltoll my walch charm. then curled berself te r, wh ose h eml ,~ycle can easily bo ta ble we " ele to use for the m a tch fuod Is IJut UP III s moll (I1\ckng cs .enl eu, Slntes of Am erica In Cont,"l ess a sselDbl ed Tbat 01' ry person, firm or cOl'llOraInLo an Impossible ball and wen t to lrac~d In lis eotlre developmen t. CloJe Ea ch magn et connected With a button or In ba r rels, boxes 01' olherwls t.!. Uon e ngaged In the mallufaclure, llreparnllon or com poun dlu& of root! ror sloep I held her until nllle o'clook, b)' Is a reslde nLlu l bulldlng In perfect. located wbere my bncller Mu ld put h Is Sec. 2 gover ns l he retail er who OI ay human eonsumptlon, s mil print In plain \'iew 011 cach I)ackllge the roof made lben gently laid h e r In the hamUlo ck gresel vatl oo, built or fr eestone, Rnll fo ot on it conv ~ nlently Then we got openII a burrel and soil Ihe food In by or for them s blpped from a n v State or T e rrllorv. or the DIstr ict at olum· and w\lnL upstalr& to my rOOID. with n wi hi h t li I S IDU qua ntities. When be PUlS tho J In th e mld(Ue or tb e nig ht I was ng" c appenrs 0 avo a seL of balls mad e "lth soft Iron goods InLo a Illlper bag he mus t also b la, _a ~omplet nud nccura te s t atement of nil tho Ing re dients t.hlll'eot, tle11l:uld a'\\'Rl(oned by a mOSL eXl raordlll!&I'Y been a cOluruba rlum-dovecol cores-nil but the cu e ball - and began enclose a IHlnted copy of the st lt tcm erit b Furlher r ees8cch ba s led to Ibe dls- to practlc~. of LlIe mukel' whi ch was ulllxed to lhe y word s In common uso to descrlbo said Ing redie nts, togathe r wltl1 lbo noise. It r esembled nothing 80 . .uth em'ery of s e ver" 1 coins In perfect pres-, "I made sbots t bal waul" bave orIginal pll g. allli Innsmuch as tbe anuouncemt>nt that snld statement Is mad e by the a~llhorlty at, nnd guaronas lhe "thunder" we boys 111194 (() ervatloll. mos t ra re and at great nu- turn ed De Oro gree n Itl I aller c~ lIn o t un dertake to guarlmtee leerl tn be accu rate by, tbe mak rs of such footl. nnd lh o nalD e and complete malte in our amateu r tb entrlcnls out mlsmn tlc " ullle Among them there I s Wilenm'er I got the ObJeC~ b~lI ~~I~~' Iho s ta te mont of lugred lents he must adtlr ss of th maker s shn ll be affix ed th e relo, all printed In plnln t y pe oC 0.'\\ in l\1e barn There was auo tb er r eon e ffi gy o r le h E ll shd tbe s tnlnement oC atld the r ess ma lw " I)un Hng, vibrant r umble. tben a wft . mperor AUgustu s, n s Ix Inches a t the pocket my backer. apubli nd ad b Is ow nnme And n~I6ns ize ' not les s tllan th a t k nown a c Ig IIt poillt. nnu In tb e Englis h language. thud , n xt caIDe a pla inti ve, le u ;Sec 2, That tbe co, erlng of aUQh nnd every package uf II1lUlurncttlr ed. with Lho legend I M. O. X-12 years B, would press llJ~ proper bultan. and " "aruntee o r hi s ijelllng the fond n III d ra" n ' wnll that lJrought me Instantly C.; ,Ill effi gy uf. 'flberlus, co in ed nt whln! the ball Ilouid shoot In so Qui ck rCl!resc uted tu hllll whl oh l elle"c~ th: pre paled or com pQundo(1 foods s hippe d frolll any StntO. T e l'rllpr), or tb e OIsto my teet. I Im ew tben- It was th a t Lyons In lhe Y8ar 763, severalothors YO'U eouldn t Slle l t. W e had It dow n retailer of res pon slbillLy of th e truth o( tr let at CDlumbla, "h en tb e food In said pacllag allaH hn, c heeu t~ken from kltt" n dOing Ii cake-walk on l he of I'Iberli's, Nero and Claudius; ot IIn~. but on til o '!venlnJ:: of tbe great the stateme nt nnd tbrows lL.npotl a 0 I II d b r u II cl'Od, In the year 16 ot the CbrlsLlan match my mauas~tr got drlt nl( I t ri ed makel, wboro It propel'ly belongs. c ye r ng supp e y a. or le milk er" nnd ro-c,over ed by or for tbo sellers, sereon door dow ns t.ulr s ! e!'Il " nnd: Illst ttlt not least, oC Julius to hrace him up, for I didn't dare to ge~~: remaining section s expluin themshnll be a r upon Its fa<:o or within Its enclosure nn Rccuml COpy of the slllle· ]o' or just one bou\' I lay t here IIstellCae-a r , DO yeal's 11 C let anyone else III on th o secr et and Th P t C I Co ment of ingre die nts null nam e oC t he mnkers which nllpeared lIllon the packIng to the thumps and llangs anu Th ~re 11Ie lral'cs at numerous Roman I hoped be wo uld <'0 all ri ght, but that nmPI; . I~~v~~ro~~e~~le be'g~~~~~~o~r °l~~ a ge or cove rin g of said food ns s UPlllled hy or tal' tbe make rs Lbe reof. prluted walls ot woe f rO ID th e plnzza-t hen I roads blfurcallng this anelent city, the was Vo' here I g ue;"e:l wrong. existe nce prluted a ll the ol\lsltle-of each In like mann er as the stn te ment at the mllk ~rs was prlnt od, a nd s ucb ~tate went down staIrs In righteo us wrath most Impo rla.n t leadi ng to Limoges, "r won tho toss 'or first breale, Itnd a nd every pkg. of Pos tUID nod Grape- me ul shall a lso bear the naIDe a nd address of the person, fi rm or corporntlou and !et tha t klLte n In For tb e re~t of the ni ght r lay on th e bed r epen twhence bra n chi ng In two lines tbe one ma de a gra ce-ful s l'o t. lily accomp llr' N uts food a trulhtul find exact statcmelll tbuL r a co"ered s uch toad Ing wbaL I bad done. led ,0 Dourges und the other lO Cle r- lea ned forwartl to see the play. Ilnd of what t he conte nlll were mude of In 01', S eo. 3. That It sball be ulllawCul to r any '*'rson or persolls to purposely, H was nOl t hat the kllten was unmont. Other curios di scover ed are JJ oarelessly Pitt 1, 18 fo ot on all sllc or tho der tha t tho on~lImer m ight know preur n 1I y nn d mn 1\ c Ious IY romo,'o, alLer, obllterate 'r g . A per(une'al lump (latl Dg rrom lhe tb1 rbutton s. How tho'e balls scattered CsloS O ld Y wlhla L he Obi' she WIII Senlln " or deslroy suob statement ' grat efu l-ber gratitude was of t he The b II b t th n es r nl{lQ ny, t or nRtllllce,strlctly or Ingr e tll ents a ppearing on pnclmges /If food. os prov ld ed,l n tbo precedIng deepest, nnd she s howed It by chaseen century nnd a phylactery concue a or"ly touched tbe pure fruit jelly and willin g to pay the soctlons, and a ny person or persons who sbull violate this section shnll be .. Y-i......-B00-nOO! • seln g up and down my r eoumbe nt ta1nlng Il fragment at bone suppOsed of bunch. but In nn l llRlIIn t. every ball Ilrl ca has a rl ghL tD eXI)eot not only nn 11 f St. Leoban n nd >al ued at 10.000 [t'an es was off the tnble and the pockets were equlvalentrorthe cost butn further rlgbt g u ty 0 a mIsde meanor. and lIpon convtctl on shall be fin lld not leas than one form with what seemed to me Il pro- yours, perhaps you'd like tbls one," , by an Inspeclor of t be national mufull. to n certai nty as (0 wh at be eata. Or be bundred dollars nor more than fiv e hundred dollars, or Imprisoned dIgIous roar for 80 slender a throat s uggested, hope s tru ggling o nce mort sOllms of F rn n c.~. The commune of Sl. " It mI ght h<lve gone orr all rIght nt mail' be wllllug to buy a t loos cost a Jelly tban olle monlh nor more tban six montbs. or hoth, III tbe dlscrollon o( tbo to ~roduee . She poked her little nose In my heart. Into my ellr uutl t hrust ber whiskers The small maid s hook her bead IlI1d GOUdSllI1d owlug to Ita archaeological that, since I ha d been Louted an a boy made purt at fruit juices, sugar a nd n court. LlOn of glucose. BuL be must be BU ptrca5ure~ 'nnd IL~ geograp hical posItion , wond e r , bUL my drunken pal forgot to Sec.4. That the Burea. u of Cbe mlstr y ot the Departinent or AgrIcultu r e s t-all Into my nost rils, then she lay down ass'lmed an Importan l air hard against my back and IIll ed me "No. I don't want yours Bobby W8ll Is one desen' lng the attention of Lbo lake bl s root olr th e buttons, and aa pi ed with tr ut hful Information or th proc r to b " \I e or cause e procured [rom reta ll dealer s, and nn.aty;r. e, or causq to with lerror lest I ro ll ove r and crusb a vo~y s' pe r lor kitty pllpa s ays: and anlll\uary llnd tbe toul-ISL From lbe I le!t thr ough 9. rea r wIndow the gang Ingredie nts a nd be permltte.1 to us c hl < sum'lll t at Moullt Jouther n ma rvelous ,,'J\!I try ll1g to pry the balls out of the llersonal IIberLy to selc('t hi s ow n tooll lie ana lyzed or cxa mlned, cbemlcally, microscopica ll y, or othorwlse, snm'plel her If he Is Idllt papa ha.q mad ~ 'ran gepanornmlc ,' le w extends lO a distance pockets whh a crowhar r neve r went acc nrntely. ot ull manufactured, prepnred or compounded rood s olrerot! to r sale In orlgIn th e mo rning . heavy-eyed and un- lll enlS to get me anotber" Th e pcop le ha ve all owed lIle s low Olllr- Inal, unbroken packngcs In the Di strict of Columbia, In allY Territory, or la r est ~'1. 1 a rose to dress Crushed aDd d lsconraged, 1 enter ed of m,lny mIl es To tb e south Limoges back to lea rn what happeued and r de r of Infnnts anll nd ull s, by Lrl clo' nny Stat e other tba n tbat In which th ey s hall have been respectively manuAL last 1 was r ~ ady. and . leavin g a r. onr-by resUllIrant for a h urr ied Is cl~a rly seen, to the north there Is haven·t played pool for slaltes since" mnker~ offood . drinlt li nd dru gs to go on ractured or otherwlso produced, or from a foreign co untry , or Intended tor tbe k llten on th e frc.nt. porcb wILli all lun ~ h then I we nl down to mJ sou ;I ~ ra ln c , to the eas t tbere Is Mnnper g, and away beyo ntl tbere Is t be The Crows In Winter. n houl long enough Duty to oneself e xport to a for eign country Tbe SecreLary of Agricultttle sball make neces· o ld " nleh cbal n for IL play tbln g , I neg lE'< ted o fll co Crt)ws ,tr e not Iy so numeroua In family nnd d nation demands thnt e,'cr': . sar >,' n,lIes an d regu Ia tl ons for car rying ant the provisIons at tbls Act, and la burrlell oil to my boardi ng place Tn e eve ning a nd Ih e night w ere du o heauUtttl Puy de Dome Ilnd the MonL mnn anent wl) In nn organ u mo\'cm to mnn deo rjoin our pcoflle from Ized thl. he re Il) nu 1Ilor IzatI t 0 emp IOy such cbe mls ts, Inspee Lors , cl erka. lallore r8. a nd All Ibrougb breakfllllt I me di taled pll cate u of th ose before Tbe next oor a, t IIe um ont Ga rgan nnd L1le range t he wlnl cl , In 1l0r ihCln New York all.1 Clearl) something wo ul d have to be dav '. as a bollday. nnd I was bOlllt o f hil ls which ~xtend. froUl the north In Ill nces eqlHllly co ld . a s the)' Il re In hl1f':ht. VOll mnv not be ahle to go per- olher em ployes. ItS may be n ocosllary to carry OUL th e provisions of this Act done This was eviden tly BOrne- fro m morning until n: ghL: bUl betorE of La Cal rp zc 'n Montron The vlew!s slimm e r Yet mnny or th em ga in a .nnal ly to W n-hlngton to Impress your and to make s uch llubllcnllon o r the r esults of tho examinat ions anll analrYSl. IIvlnl!: by pIcking up t he grains at ConA"res~me n, hilt YOll CR n . In II most e tI d !Jody 's Ic~ t pet, and ought. to be Im- two hOllrs bad pILSsed I wlsbed th a t "Impl ) ,Hlmlr,t!Jle Further excav ati ons will take place rorn t hnt balie bee n sca tLered along fertlv e way tell him bv letter 1:011' ~ Oll a: f Ie ~ ny ee~ prope r. And any manufactur e r. produc\lr or dealer who s ball medlatel. returned I would make n It had n ot bee n a holldny and t bat a nd Will Liouh LleSR bring to light other the .rack And s in ce lhey cannot long desire hIm to rep resent you . r u se 0 sUPP y, upon application and t end e r lind full p\:tym e nt of the selllng few in C ulrles In Iho neighborhood I ba I been go ne from morning until QlI,u n l '1111 l\.lbln a ntiquiti es This exist wllbout wnter they 11190 find Rememuer Lhe ConJrresslllulIls in COll- price sallipi es of s ucb articles or rood to IIny pe r son duly auLhorlzed by the Surel v It ou~ht lO lie a very sim pl e ni ght. I muc h toad on th e rl,or banks and !!ress to renre-ent th e peuple trom his Secretary of Agr iculture to rece Ive tbe samo, sball be ... ·llty of a mlsdt hlo g to IIntl lbe Iltlle creature's ow nI t see m~d that my tam e hntl gone nl ere.t l ll~ G,llIo-Homan city, so long dist rIct und It n goodl y nllmb er of cl lld "u ~ bllrled In oblivion. will reap penr with a lo ng the spr ing rUll" wben Lbe s now zens ex pross the ir v Iews to him. he se- meanor, an upon convlctlo n shall be fined not exceetllnjt one hundred dollars, er ' So It was with a cbee r fu l race 8uro:\d. nnd almost lutltln uously my that. I star I d home a li ttle la ter benr- door-bell r ang I wou ld nO l ha ' e I l~ temp les, Its reside ntial dwelllngB, Is dllep No other bird will better re- cu r ellaverysureguille todutv Rem em- or Impri soned nDt exceeding one hund red d§ya. or both. S ec. 5, That any person, firm or corporation who sliall violate sectlob. ing arefully In my ba llds t he killen's belleved there could ha...e been se lis s toltlles, etc .• t il l ho deli g ht at the warrt close observat ion . t he s tlldy of bor a lso tha L the sa fely of the "conll:' IR on endless nssured b y IlI s l~tlng Ihnt th e will of t l) e one nnll Lwo or this Act sball be guilty of a mlsdom d Ilreaktlls l many los t calS In the ci ty ~Iy lillie lIe ho lll .. r ea ~e r to vie w a Lown wblcb bls la nguage Jllone helng ror 'nu ny cont urlo" bns rem a ined bld - so urce of l1mu,ement und Instruction. peDple be ca rrlerl (lut, li nd not t be ma- tlo I II b II I eanor. an upon convlc~h ,,"lk \V as no t &1together ple~ gray ball of Cur was gra"ely InS llect. Cro ws a re amon" th e ea rliest birds to chln ntions of th e few fo r selfls b Intern 8 la e nel not exceeding two hundred dollars tor tho first 0"00"0 and n ant, fo r I alLra cted mo r e atte"Uon cd \)1 o ne man, - three women , five den un lle r grou nd It Is bUl tll ir to a d l" Co r ench s ubso "u .. bulli t They IllY their dark green eggs ests. en t ouense not exceodlng three hundretl dOII""s IL' or be I~than I r p l b h ~ d People seem ell to boys, and s even lilli e gi rl s. 11.\1 III t 1111 thc <e ex(u ' nllons are due to tbo be tore t be lalll soow baa fallen - St. 1'11 IS pure food legis la tion Is n pure pr Ison.e d n,o t exccct II ng one ycar, or both. In the discretion of t he u, cou· rt. think It nrr amus ln!; to see a JIIan whom had lost cat s-yell ow cats, Inltl ~th'c of th l. hbe Dorcler, th e of- Nlcbolns. l tl Ie peop Ip for pllhlk prou~ movement If S ee. 6. Th llt any pemon. firm. or corporation, who sllall wllfull six fu et lall carrying a sauce r of blael( cats, white cats g ra y cats. and hclat.lnl; uri est of SL. Gou ssa nd. f d te ctlon \I will be opp O~NI o n Iy b y t h nse posely or mnll elous ly cllllnge or add to tbe In~edlent8 at Y• P who rRtten their pockels by dece ivin g h .,. any 00 , make tal'le milk and a r hlr keo wlng t hrougb Lbe - barleqilln ~ats nnc l Injurin g th e people Th er efore, If c nrges. or Incorr ect analys is, with th e purpose oC sulljectlng the makera of Wtrtll.s Invention. ~ t re e l s I s ho uld \.:1\e tb ought n.IY I was ed'i sed to sell It. to kill It; yo ur Representallve In CO ll l; rcss e vnrte. 8uch rood s to fin e o r impriso nment under thIs A t h 11 h Progress Is being r ap lllly matle In All He Was Fit For. hair (It s s llg b tl) gray) would baH to keep IL fo r lu ck . to give It awny: hi s patrl ollc duty holrl h im t o ~trlct II c- 1 m eBnor nnd upon conviction shall b II c •s a e guilty or a rol.deOJ,Je Heau bad Iun cheon with th e t be Je \,ell'pmeo: of Wireless tel egra phy countablllty Il nd I( necessn ry dem Qn rl I I h e ned not e XCeeding one tbousand doltaugilt th em- res ll ec t-but It didn 't 10 I(l ke It out and d rop It ; an d to by w ean s of the aIr. And now camilli equltuble ond honest se rvIce Tbls Is a l ara n or ess t nn three bundreil dollars , or Imprtlloned for nDt leBB b T e n mlnU le. late r I left th e kitt en write to t he Animal Rescu e leagn8 pr e~lucnl II few days ago and told blm t aa hanqueting on the front walk-It "as and ba ve tbem call for It. Not un l ll thi s s to ry nbou: a r eceut bo rsebacll Rev . Josepb Murgns , n priest 01 very dlrrerentc on rlltlon th nn wh en a fa c- thirty days nor more than one year, or both. emantlsel nsslegls lntlon oft beCo uSoc. 7, That It s hall be tbe dut f well. Inde d. that. my siste r was away nl/; ht a,d a s wee t-faced li t tl e woman trip be tco l( throug h Arkan sns He a,! WlI!tes-Blirre, Pa., wbo claims that he tlond gressmnn Severnl yellrs ngo th e butter Seeretar of '1 0 e very I\lstrlcl attornet to whom the - and began my que..t. sugg~st tbat I look In th e paper; rolle up 111 fr.:Jnt at n shanty and hns III venLed a system ol undorground InLeres ts or the country cle mnnded legisy Agriculture shall re port sny violation ot tbls Aot to caule ~ wIreless tele;;rllphy, tbe success of Ii. sleep) -looking gi r l answered my Ihen. marvellng at my stupld\ty, I round a na ti ve s itting on the end of a Intton to killtbeoleomllrgarinelndu8try ceedl ngs to be commenced and prosecuted Without delay for th ft P d log In a broil ing ha l s un "Wby don't whl'JO ho hIlS ue mon strated by experl- and by power of orgnnlza t!on ' forced penal lies In stlcb case provided ~Ing nt the Orst lIouse. loo ked. and read tbl8 : fl nes an IIlOlits f'lr some ~'ears He asserta that "Have you lost a killen?" I .. ked " Los t- a small gray kitten , white )OU mo\'e o,'or In the s ha de?" uskotl before long It wlll he p03011lie to trans- c1n¥s legis lation r eally unworthy or 1\ Bec. 8. Tbal this Act sball not be t tree people. Work Ilea pie waoted beef b i l l cons rued to Interter~ with oommerce pleulUltly spoL on neck , and 1\'hlle teet FInder Read. "'T ulu 't time ylt, fe ver ain't mit mes89gea to Europe bOlleath Lhe suet butter becaus e It was ChMp nnd beL- way nternal In any State, no!' wltb tbe exercise of tbelr pollee powera by co m'! on,' ans we red tbe craeker. Sbe s book her l1ead. suHably reWarded at 24 lIarold Ter·'s tbe ma tter? ' "Chllls' "How ocean. If all that the Inventors aay 18 ter tban much unclean milk butler but tbo several States, "Do ,·ou know allyone tbat bas'" race." true the earth and the greaL ah' epacee tbe dairy Interests organized and fo~ced Sec, 9, That all acts or parts of acts Ineonalstent Ith tb ' Anoth er shnke. I went to Harold Terrace and there loni: h u vo you been lIvlag here ?" a bove It, las wad of beIng obstaclAB to tbe legIslation. The Inw should have repenled. W Is act are bereby , I jlaused bopelessly IlIld she sbut I round tbe cat's owner-Aad Ma~ . '}3"u l 30 year.' .. How long ba ve )'ou provided that pkgA. of oleomargarine hud cbllls?" .. 'Bout 30 year." "Wliy certain torms of communlcllUon, ar. bear Ill. /Joor So mew hat crestfall en I de- s u et They are one and tbe same, the s tntem e nL of.tngrodlents antI Sec. 10. That tbls Act .ball be In force aad elfect from ' and aids thereto -Troy Tt",p. In thllnde r don't you move if you ha, e then let people who desire purchase ItIlor dill' of October. nineteen hundred and six after tbe tint _neled the stAlpa I bavo been to Harold Terrace many just what It Is, and not try to kILl It hy a • Two mInutes later 1 ",ug the- bell a t thU9~ plnce ' tben; the cat Is there, cb!ll ~ that bad? " "And catcb 80me At. VarIation_ beav7 tax. Manufacturers sometimCll & aPl~1 while cottag\! acrosa the a nd Margaret. Some day [ sball not other dlse:u;c I don't Imow nut hlll' "_I see there Was a bad ezploslon lry to force measuretlln theIr own InterTbe underelgned res pectfully requests the Repreaentatlvell from hll '41.ItrMt, and & womKn wl10se aki n was so '..0 Harold T errace any morei the ' hom? Not. mu '·!).. Dlls ter. Wb~ a you've tbe other day wblch l>lew up a m&Dests but contrary to tbe Interests of the trlet and Seaatore from hIs atate to ituPpoR this measure. ke wrInkled parchme\ll came to Lhe cat ",til not be there, nor Marg..ret. 1 ;;ot cbllls YOIl hnow wh~t tb ey are. I bole." people IUld the labor trust la alwa)'8 actocr. am bul!dlns a '151,., blS bOUle Dut my want to tell you . sO Ill e,tlilllg, mi ster. " Odd, that. now. Bnd 8Xplollou tive to, push through b1ll8 drafted la the I , "I called CIO ... tt-" sl8tllr'II, .&lid lOme da)' the cat wlU I" 'e h nd chill s so lo ng ana shook 80 generally (blow up a IIUln lu pleces."- Interetlt of tbat trust but directly con much I uln't fit for n u thl n' 'capt to 81ft I llve Il1ere laetead-aad MarpreL "Hq '" t:-,.ry to tbe latemu. of the ~ple aa .. \SIPed ' •• ," , •• " •••• ".,... •• Cit., 11'.', Baltimore Amllnean. mila!· and 811~ke down perslmmoas"
..... ...........,.............. ........... . ~
The American Buffalo of Past and Present
Gowemment Inleresl Asked 10 Pet;pelultloo 01 V.. luable Anlmal-preed ludlmproyldeuco lI eaponsibla 10f lIapid Exierminatlou..
Mu ch hns UillID su ld. and more writ· ten. ubouL lh' e~lermlll n tiou 1'1 tbe hll rrulo. hut / ' w uro a waru ho w lIt tl(' hnK u..I·n Ilou o 10 prnlect thl H lIu lma l. nnll ho w r w renll ,. . hll w Iltti ' "'". Ill" COlllpll Hll cu to SU "e th' IInal v. lpln ll OUl or 1111 , pllre ly Amrll (' I\u iJ e a ~ l
Ilool'd to sta rt about tho same tlmo The Jlll l'ty rO :t Kls tPI1 or 213 carts. 65 !Jnnle l ll and tI ,el,' families . mat- in ll UO lod ge" In ull. TIll' Pll rty It ill od l .i7ti ('O Il' R (hul ls not r nll nl\'d. 'ra::, ot whi ch 11'(,1I) IIlII ed. th ollgh not enn B ton gu" wug take n I . ,-,I!lcll yl c ld ed ~ ~I! or lilt' I fn nH'u s l~ ht'lu ti th ul t')l1 U:' bll~ " ur 1"·lI1 udl'llli. 1 . ~1 3 bngs of drIe d r oull1 c u utn nllJ c hs of t 11 <.' \\ " !; ! I'rn m ,\1. I Gti "or l,s of lallow an cl 656 vlalu :-I . s u " to ry few lIO W lI'Il) U 1Jl lh . ~1 blll,IIl e rs of ma rro\\' . it 10 a Q lh' i·;rlll ll Ir tll p Bu fftdu cun 111IL WIlS l)Iot UII,\I IX71 t hnt nn)' offort t'5 1l\ t' d fl UfII t ' utll e L'X llrH.: tl tllt How - \\'n~ mnd, ' In 1110lr rt th l' hutTnlo. uut "' Vel, ~' \! t ' ll nuw III lilt ' ( , l l ' VI nL1 1 11 0111 from Ihlll Y"<lr 1111111 187(; cOIlIl rc ss " " n ~ r ('SH II III OU t l' fllOl' O he tl(lPCa lNI t o di rt Iry 10 lef; ls lat o so os 10 g i\' l) til e a mi U I1lPO :->lI r c IJl C' IUH d by m a n l l IJllrfalo som.' I'I,anc'o fur IllI life. bul Its 1II IIUIlIl""II by ~II ~11'I1l1 ) re. o t Okla- ,' lTlll'LS II c rr In I'I\In Wi ll iam T . Ii ol nhoma , \\1 11 lo; ll.., l\ t l} IHl \ C lho ~ O \ 4! rn IlIln),. In \\'rltln~ 01 thp. l'f1'or t s or con · ml'n t Il1lt· t(,.... r. 1 1 ~ 11t In lh(' pc r pol liu g r~"H . sal' " . Th e ra\llll c of all Ih,'so 11011 or Ibl' 11lIl1'n lo. Tlie hili nHII" flM· \\ i' I I ~ m eu nl nl'1orlf' waH tltll." to OH I' r c puhllc'lLll f011ll of
~ ()vl'r nm e nt
I h l~ g(J "PI II11I"lIl UCf' n n mOll a r r ll) Lho !Junnlo woulll
Iln\'c boe n
hu t , un fn r tllua t fOl ) ,In th i s
It IIl th jlUII ' hu rrulo It 15 t no ;;1~ll n · hnr" Iho:. olll y on" 011 rpco rd \\h NP ln 11 (' II jl rn pn"lt lClII for n s lo j::lp 111 11 1\ 1.111 - u "In~ cou ld hav e a l' llolIIJllt sh eli more a l to 1""I1 (il e ,",,1 It li e" e (llllc' ly II' ft h thu11 th p rp "rc~ e lll n ll\'cs or til(' peo ple th e J..:ll\ <" r nJlH' lIl t o
[J .... I Pf' tUOl t· fll
Ihl' final Ii l b; ~ IJl g "wn\, of thc' ,1(1 r l l1~ till' III'I'S" Il L " "(It' ratlon
allow 1 1I11[~lo
ll.vic ~
Easily Made Which Will Milke Qul ~k WOlk of Hlln dJing 'the Tubers.
F", llflJ'lIn g pOlatnes Quldll)' t be dt>vice ltcre lIIus u'uted will be rouu u 11(1Cll mble . • It I ~11 ~ l s L' Of .1 Klntl e d Chll l'J ubullt s ix f (,t In le Jl g th pro' Idl d wllh legs nt 011 0 elld Tho s l ~I tg s houlcl be of Inclt 6tu i'f fas tened as ~ b o wn a ntl abnllt three-qllurle l s or an In ch " 1',11'1 . Kll b !) t ·
tl oll H. QUlIJl" l' ln!; Ih,· ~ l1hj C L W ~l ll'\l o I by tll ' IHI l) lh d urIn!,; Ih e wholl ' 1" rIlI , l'lnk 1,lncu III tIll' l'Ias3 l " OruS. lJ ur lu g "' to tim e it W.I " Ihe l'USl(JI U 0 1' Ilw , ulro 'l l' ~ Hud f, le ud s OJr tb e stu lI "lIlH tu \' I"IL U!C a' , "tl ~ Ul ; Uu lh ~ o o;~ _ ~ IO U reCu rr ed tu , tll<! JII ~ SNll t · uf a l1 u O"l IJ C I ti l you n g Iddy .lcq thdn l:.lIl CCM 81 1111 1 ed o n tho hllY. to (I" Lhl'lI ue st
Tit' s lIhjc{l u n \Va k h tlt(') We l l' exI J4:llCd
t o tih ll w th ei r IJI O Hli !l: 1I 1 )' W.U
Ih.II o f 11 l1 lurnl phllo"" "II), Af lcr 8 0 1' Illl IlI l)mbe l's 0( til e cl ass h"n lIb l ln /l ltl sh d th e mselves more or les, 11'011-
a r t o f ('o rt s.: r (1 !{tl wa~
fl a lll) in th e ir a UclIl l)t ti lO exp lai n [a mllidl' phl'rt o!l1c na, !(ou \'c r , w h o had
lit ....
s '~:s I (J u ('ull etl fUI vat'a t ton , c~1I111 1 I1 a
sn J H' t1 ~f' ll I n IJ Y oIlKtrt('l t'6 lh u t It n r \'t.' f
n Nt"\:-i~ ary
Th »rln C}[llll ot the vl!1ale IICIldemy l'~nesvllJe, Ohio, ,[urlug Lbe- fltlles ot th e (lItllL century, was a Mr. Buhlwlp. Blahol', He waa ,t IU u'll who~e bett.l'l aud ijo ul Wore lu hls work, writ' s Car. Ler Dmll'd In SUCCess Magllzl n. · He' waH ijll\'e, In Born unexpecled uutl orlg lnul WilY, to Hho w hi s dl st Pllro val of any IndlvhJua l In Ih o In sL ltuLl o a wllh wlli ch he wus connecLed whO (.'<l uld jus Lly be cull d II. ~ blr ko l . Thero WP~ . In one or Ihe clusses or wilich L'rolessor llI ghojJ had chul'!;e. a Iud by Ihe l"lme of }juoI'e l, who IlfUI evnded tho rC1llaliun of Ill s le"so ll s wh en cli UIJu n 10 Inlte h Is pa tl, p pnor " le mo l·Y. l!b dell uqu u " d c~ huwove l', Ulllh lSt. It 1I0 L cut" Iy. du e III a ladl If upp llo·II II11 Il . ,lU« th Is th 6 I ll(Jfe"~I)r 111 0 10 tll all S U " I)()~tud DI" lUI: tho IY cc l, 'I,,,rore lb n s. hDOI
prolected; (·ntH'
1111 t4"i l o n t tl ""' .' R PUlL of tilP t l nd " ' 1 rn· " ' I'\'(' III l'U ll Sil l. Ilk !>, . li S ,\ burfalu 1,ISflI'Yf.' n1 11 1 f o r nn 8PlII'o pl latfo ll ,\lth w hl r' h tn ("'H_t' th e rl.' !:ji"' r\ fI a n d s lot'k
Be O~81'Ved It Most Batt.etaotory Reaul~ Are Obtulnea
Oondltions to
Ba4 DlacovU'ed It, :Rut Ba4 to Say, Bad Forgot-
_. I have ronnel In m y ellpeMence on tbr. fnrm thn tit 15 necossilry (0 IIS9 cQlIs l\lerable cnro III 'the storIn g ot potato"" 10 lIltl eel 1111' rt t hey arc to be mnde to keep wall a n~ not SPl'out til' rOl! 'fhe s lurln/; 10 oPlln ulna used to be follow d by my fa thor whe n' W lUl 1,l boy, u~d th e pata· 1 0C~ 1\"(1t n gwd deal of SUlllI" ht and Wa rtlllb . Th" J'esull W uS tbal s uvora l tilll(,!\ tll ruugl>Qllt the wint er w e boy a h ~ !I j"lIs SIII'o,llln !; Illlt LI,.Llt toos. Tb .,.ork Is a ll J'lg ht. !JUl the poWtncM nfl' , dU(l·t! In (on dltl o n each tltIl e tbe y "r ~
MotorIst WCltI Actually Not MovlDg and Machine Was All Right.
The Cons ul tn t lon. Y9uOg Doc'lo r- Ll o scems to bave eve r)' coulldcncc lu illY ability to him. Oltl Doclor - Is he dellr[ous on other s ubjects Illao?-J udge. He Knew. The class '\VllS stuoy lng Grc"k his tory " Wbo was' Porus?" the ••.teacher asked.
"The mar 1ho.t . Invented pla1ftel'8," InstanUy yelled lltt le Johnny 'W'lse.-· Phlllid,IDhla Bulletin.
cal rcserva-
a ;\
I' tH e,1 p ill II li tH hrut l .dcP II Bloo,l B.\lu l HH l\ In ti' l t ill' !'i tola '" ( (J I/ ~,,' 111:1 ), hn 1 11I!"t n )tot l. I t 11'4 i"~ II f'C' I.dl · nd\ I~(' tl ( 0 1 ' It Cure s Wh llo You Wnlk. IIl h' I w i th lIul a Ir 1'111.11 " (· ... III11 :{ l h, u U I,l'. 11l?~tl.f:I.H ll't1 (' I .. l'" (lI1po .;.,I\,!(. (" r Alh," 'fJ r ont· F .l fo l" It! , (i' l {11111 C1Jre f o rhupt f nH u Hlllo lll l ll g "1 11 1 11I w;t IIl t'H I h t' 1lI 1 ~ ' In t' to ,. UlTL·1 t ill' 0J!tJ nl e,. Ct l foI" l1Ipt o nlt~ IHJ t , ~\\ r;on t "''::f \ ,,1111\1- lI ud ~" ' J lI en 1I(' llIng l\ ll Jll frllUI 1 (.J~1 1l 1O IJI I JI ~ l lI n' TU t· y of 111I'lImnt IIo( I1l PI cutll il h , \\ lu lc 01: n tlcr I tl l'
h'l l '
--: la fll ll d b e' U N · u n nd .UI U lill i'll I.l t l· In th t· " l nl eJ .1 1'1 w lll" u fi l t) l P ili In t lafl'l 1(' 11 . 11'
'f!.t o 11t .\l,:(' r ~ ()f blllh' r v ery ctl l l l 1ul nlJlJul ti ll ' I\l nll o r wa t Ci tJU\Y lI ~e kn W ,tt~ IJi ll b t il e b u llp. r aud iu W(l fo hin S lh ~ I hUrllS ,Ind I) Lh I;! I" lI t t: D 4 s1ls, \"-0 n u \'c r,lI Jtld ,ll l c nlio ll I l c·
QUl'ntly LO 111 1' [a l L I ~,' L IllUC h 01' t he . orr" IIn vor In UUll Ci ha" bOl'" t a un t! Ie be duo 10 the hu d wa y In wh i ch bullur Wu s WOI ked . AL OU O large crealllcry It W . IS l'u lOu\! th .,L Ihe w ul" I' w as lJeto g
lU lccn
l l rurn u 1.1rg lJ
lan l~
It 11.1""
li nt·!, IJ C~ 1 \'( ' ~,i 'lHlJl p
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111 .14 14.1 \U l'!'tul\' tJ
f lll ru w
~Il !l1U
li nd s ll r n .: !1 111 tll n 1I 'i to mix tt wi t h C!oI l lh hy f1ll1 nl u h a nu n ' bUl ~" 11I 1t1\ Ult /, il io n :; ti ll ' fll ll fh\, \Vll h IIII' t l' ''th ~"I c ltl. O Cutll p",l 11I~ rl u "f
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. 't" lql I F11}
tho J :Hit
k 1)11of
f l O t,ol
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~ \'I ' lt l ll
~Nd fill tll~
f' \lrnpl,1 Wi to I"'" UC
dill rtl l"IQ~""
It (' OIllIlW rt. llll fe l'·
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O!II1, u'd l e Jl o) , X . Y.
A Cunrnnteed CUl'e f or Piles.
' A;'-/
t u lU 01 t tl"
Do n ' t
T he' m:\ n \\ IIIJ f,·"I ... h ." d r\lIl ~ F.omel hi nit f" nll., h J,,wrll ,, ,,l h Ilt l ~ Iii ... ~~ ~I I l n il ( ru mc J lip I II IHhnIl Cf',
I l I " !oil r ,\Ilr.r I llnl
Ji'r Eg,
lh(' \\ I, h' : l wn ~\ fI r h np In t ho I.,d ol hC 'HI n t tlh ' l tul ltloj'1 U~ ,.hr..\' hi l-{l'l1t mll.\ I ht, Ol l~ "h u "I \\' II~ 13 .,Il'i·p " ,, 11 1111 I,f' i!ot'~ 10 ehBI la .
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T r I t1 p ,ld{ I ~('
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ti T OilS GroBs Hny FrAe, I" a Mull \\'t!1I ~ t 'Jt ' It\,\l 1 With E~c n Lotll' 11l\ ..'~ lo t'" "Ill t h,t:\ of fo.ld cr rna It r" 1 III lI lll !' 1 Wv f'(h\, 1\ I (0 1' lltlgrl , to W;;, !il,rt:'1 £t 1H1 bW IIi C. " LJ IUl' k IUU III. 0: IIlll el, ~o l l. I I ~'f. ~,'. \,' I I ,,~ I' , I' /. c · '1"1 I , . J , ' l '. V '~1 IClllll zl'r I" w, ·11 (I ~I'U)l!' 1 I; . r /{ , .,~~I" j'. \d~i" mUlll lle ~ 1 1'I"VIl 111 I hl' 11"1-1 11.1'lfltft .. i~' \ ' .;}.. '\ . " " .
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I\n, .. ulJ... t I
n lh l r il' b, t h l' rcl,y gl\' inK , l h ellil t.\ ,11)'Jd ~ lIf ' ll1r _ ( 'ured nl - p c rlllnn c lIl 'lnti lI o t '1 ",\I ~ 111 115: liP Dill!! P t \ 'll' , $1 W 'I Jll n.:;'" b utt I\.', I"' r,,"pi.'!lf 1 ~ l o() t Un!!I' jI: {11I 1 fUle Hlld fll'l'lI,lIi l ,,11"1 1 ~ I H ' ~'Hti 1I \(" IIl'lli ~t1 ' lit' 11\' ct"... , dll l l~ \ 011 1' II n uhl t· nn J "ll l
lI1K Hlo{,d Bd m t'.;'. 4~ l l /1 ntu. Gu .
W ha t Til '" T n hie DeJlc .. c:;· N • • ds lor It. M DSl SUCCC:;zflll Olowlh.
f)l' C:l.yp d
IL make- t he 1,lvu d fr et. .'o ld 11\ HI ;
I\l nod Ih lm
_ _ _____
1','1",," In T hl! 11I's, n oed to LJe farm yurd
Uil I1....1 fI;.,t,7. :T H-' ''' IIA l( fl AJ~ BCI n 11001\_
PosltlvclV cnred '" th ose Little PUll.
111iA i ~ IUIIH fllll o{ h 'lr~n m ~e<,ds nlbn r·
Tl1cyBlso r-Uovo DI,9.
Il lher. a n ' userl. the I" b radl e nt 11 1O' t gam I'rl<o. . tre!lS trom Dyspep9lL\. InBt:!<"n T"I ~ NOT'e," TO· IJAY. <1 IgC-SUolllUldToolIeartJ needed Is nlLroge n appllod ol tflo ;" 18 nnd r eee,," il s" ffi cient ,ceil to Il1'Ow 5 EaUng. A perrectremor. "uY. I OU p"u od s !Jar ne re. I' 1ft)· t U II ~ of H, n... on yoU! lot r, r f ,'nll lhi& C<lJ'lor DIn1ncss. Nauaea. 11011l1 d9 pe r ne rC co uld be so wn 11 1011!; .ummel ulld our gluut Bnl'llnln SCCl I I\""k Drol\'SlntlSS, DII4 Tasr.e Ille I'OW~ CI t tile lim e of (llullt\ug. Jl1 St ~" I th its .wonder ful FU1'jIrl OO" ".ml gl cat In tho )louth, Contod nfLer th e pla n lR ha ve ~ een SC I, UJI LI bllrgnl~" III Bccci. nt lmrgnm pile"". 'i'ongue.PalnlntlloSl4e, R ellli l 'Ie and wc add ,\ pncltn ~" of ~•. the bulon ce some weeks I.\ler. IO U., thc most fo , hio nnulc, .cr\, l ~ealJl" , TORPID LIVl:R. TI1QJ U~'lnlly encb s ta te 'requlres the fpr- bcnllLlful nllnual 110 \\ 01'. regulate!.bo Bowels. ruretyVegIltallle. _ lll lzllr 10 be a na IY7.l!cl befo re It Is Plit ,l ohn A. , '1lzer :-:~cd Co., Lock .Draw· 'I SMALL SMALL DOSE. SMALL 00 Iho murket . ulIll a sUli e meOI of Iho er K., Lo. Cr aBill!, \\~_ ._ . __ analys is to be furn is hed wllh tho l<:very intern ntlanal rontrovcrs)' i. in' Genuine Must Bear goods. In some In~lIL n ces , SlIt;t;Csts the stJ'\ltncutnl III tle,·.loIJ1lIIl " laL of dJ'y Fae-Simlls Signature f"u rtll a ll d 110 IlJ e, RUll h mll t crla ls may gauJ. box dipl ornMs I .4 . ~ be ch emlrally unal y,ed by (\pp ll'[ng To Get the Best Out of Lite . PILLS. /~~ to lbe sw te cnemis l or to tho cheml.( Orilcr Lbe Io fe hob ll. 10 ""n[orm to lhe ot Lite ng rlculluro l col loge Ae to gen- law. " C hygiene, tnk" prorer rcst rood. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. em il y \lnow n. nltrog"" IllIlY /)0 l)tIr- drink "nel ClIe ,,,, •• , lou,," plenly of hght. chil ~~d In th e fMOl or nitrale of sod n, fre6h nlr und "unshlll e, nnll l:lk" (\ cup of sulph>lle of " mmonla and ~ 1 1I8. Gnrhcl,l Teu I),. '1 1110 lodd luxnlJl'c lTI ' s.urc. Uoall 1-Ieuh h. J)l·U\:~I .I B ..,1\ Gur· Ab.olutely free from All Pobonou. Indrtdltnu. field 1 ell.
whi ch. on Illv est l ~ll tlon. WIlS d hjcoveret! to ba very foul Th e disca rdlllg Or Lhls wut e r ~ Ul ll! ly nnd tb o Becurl ng of pure water resulted In n " c ry de· clleu Improv mncul In Lhe qua lity of the hUller. Tno Ohio Slllt& unlvor sity reports lnat recently one of lhu daIry cxperts conn ected with lhlll ulll · ver slty was call cd t u GreenVil le, ()., by Il. CI(,llmery compaoy, to tietHm l[fO th e CllU8e ot tb e buller rapidly det erloniling They bad Ii COIII. rcte buil d ing. we ll venlllnted . w e ll Iisbled, and clean . The wllt e r Cor Wus hlng lh e butter was taken from n We ll IJ3 rel!t deeJl, driven In Holld rock. The wa ter wns round \'cry hurd. Th da iry. p,xpe r t had nil analysis mach. or th e . A SUR.E CURE wllter, and It was dl scove rull that Tb r.!rc lJl Toom Rt the top rnr t he ~n. n [lor Burns. S ore ThroBt, Corn!, Sorn!ll J!c%a m~ EASILY·MADE SAW CLAMP. there were 1.800 germs In a alng le \\rho (nn Il\utill th~ vlhe r fell ow ofT - Clll- Rheumati SUl , Ulcers. Piles, Blood Pollon. Cubuncl .. IUid all Wound • • lId 51"" D, •••>••• drop, or .15,000 III n cubic centim eter Sometblng EvA..... F"rmel' N eeds cago DUlly N e \\, o. ~ " - -. - - rim " I'1R IIUX 11.\ ABEll. &:: eON •• Ano th er we ll nCRr by wus t esled, and , When Putting N ew Edg<> To Cure a Cold in On e Day l'05fv&Ju.... ""~ ,... ' ••UII•• ICIIo IlI Lhough this well wa s only In feet r nke Lb.J"ATI"~ 111(0\10 Q,.hll lle 'I'nh!ctA on Hi 8 Ssw •. deOI), IL WIl.S found I hut lh o wat e,r on ly Dr_~8g-hH8 l'~r ullcl IHOIl f'\' H it. failS tin cure. C. W _ GU.OV11 d sl&:1mttll ~ is on cadI box, 2bc. conta ined tw o pe l' cen t. aa many germ s Th e s lmlll e 81lW c\nmll here llIustratnl1 us t haL fou n d In the deop w'lI wattl r . IR m ntle n~ [ollow y' Tuite tw o li ne -Inch II c \\ ho fi"d . n... COII SC fur grotil ulle A third w e ll was tes teu . tbls tbl n l l'l)b <ul)' enu"•• ._ Il"np. well hnvln g been s unk to n d"llI h of boal'd" and dress ' neh do wn on uno slda ~_______ _ ____________ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ 9U r el III I h A same slrata or r oc k as 'I ' ~ t .. .'.. .. . th o firsL; th o wnter cOlllnlne u 10 ve ry larl;e perCp. nlage or baet,' rln. T hi s Is contrary to th usual expf!rlcn c,~ . Sill' S th e Far mllJ'''' Hevl e w lu cu ~e9 th e dCO II " 'ells procluce wal.'r allllos t e n tir ely rlilO ronm b:lctcrla Th e caso In Ohl .. llIuslrated the facl tli aL no rulo cun be lultl down as to Ilt A Jlurity For Infants and Children. or ~h c water s upply. hilI Iha t eucll m an mllst know tor hImsel f Lhul the Willer he USGS Is ]lure.
First F orks. T he Gr~eks Ilud HOlJlllns, with n il their luxury, ate wllh Lhelr finge rs They h nn large forks for h tl)' a nd for Lolllu g ml'at. from I.enles. IJIIt tll ey nev er dreamed ot havl ug sD1al l on eM fo r Ulble use. These a re the on ly form s or forks kn o wn to h uvc b 9n In nse betore th o firle e nLh cen lury. SClme tlmo during thnL epoch lhe Ilull nns be~a D Ihe practke. now commou 10 all c1vlllced pco ple a lllon g Ihe Westorrl n atl J Il ~ . or eaLlng wIth rO l'ks.-S t. Nicholas
r. .
We como up:>n the auto standing upoo tbe IIro w of the hili, relates 0. writer III th e Ka nsas City In dependont. . Hello." he says to tb e ch a utrcur "Bruken down?" "No. sir," lie r esponds. "OUl or gaso line?" "NO}, sir. We have plenty." "Tire jJllnctur" Il?" "No, sir. The Ures nre In perfect condition ." "Los t yo ur wny?" "No, sir. The co untry berellbouts Is very famlllllr." "Dropped somethin g from Lhe auto?" "No. sir. Nothin g of the so rt .. "Tnen why are you sla nd ing here? 'Why lIrc you not s hooting down the hill nnd across Lbe level al a terrillc speed ?" " I do not ca re to do thllt," soys Lhe OWMr of the macblne, wbo 11 119 been sil ent untll tbl s moment. " I had my nllto s topped bere so Lbat I IIIlg h t cnjoy th e magni ficent view trom tbls elevntlon." WILb a f rlg ht enod g la nce at hlm , we A BUTCHERINC TRES'TLE , turn and \Ias t ~n to the n ear est town, to wa rn tIle omclals thnl an evldenlly Uaefttl Contrlvance Which Will FaInsa:Je ' person 15 at Inrge in an autocllitote the Handlin g of moblJe. the H ogs. Washington',. Lev~s. Kere 18 a llescrl pll Cln and sketch of:l President Washington beld levees, or rcCellllolls, once n. fortnight In bls bu tche rin g trestl e usad by a co rrespnndent ot tbe F urm own hou se. At precisel y three In the >. JOllrnnl ' A lltl")Og. IItLcrtJoon Lbe doors or Lbe greal dL,wllh low t ab le lng- room were Lbrown open ; and the ~ cross plccos nailed guests who wer e admlttcd snw the presldeul stand ing betore the fireplace, wIth m embers of the cabi net or olb er emInent men around him. On Ibese occas ions he was us unlly dressed In blacl. \, elvot, with while or pearl-colored wlIlstcoo.t. yellow gloves, and aftvel' knee buckles a ud shoe buckles. His hnlr was powdered, and gathered Into a silk bag behi nd. He cu rri ed a cocked hat In ttl B h and. and wore a long sword wllh II scabbard of polIs hed white leather. He nover shook bands with his guesls. but bowud to eac h wh en Introdu ced , nnd Rrterwarda ho.d a IItlle conversation with each.
WATER FOR DAIRY LISE. " Profosso l'." he Ha"I, " [ kll ~ w th.} n nsw I" t th .lt CIl! ('SL[OIl hefo l" 1 CHm.. T es t It nnd Make Su re It Is PlII'Cto Ih e c lHss, hu t I hn\c fUlgo l le ll It." W ell \V"l er Th nt W a s Full ·'.A r t' you t; 111 e ) OU trtnu o t l ('me m o r of G crlll fi. It? .. a"llC n hI" te:le li lll "T il he thne and
t CfI\rJtl ()f) n l
fu r m u la.
Lhlol<. 8 11· . .. Mr H Do \' er Hhook hi s henel "No. sll·.. • he SHlil " I Imew It a liLLIe whil e 111':0. but It hitS ~ lIpp ed my , mlud en tlre l)'" "Whal a pit)'." said lh e professor. n pI'l'Oaehlu .• hIm nnd l uy [n ~ hiS hnn d~ UJlOU Hoove r' s s buulders as he turn e d hIm nhout, (ac ing the vls lLors. "Lndles and gcnlleme u." be said. "look at lhls young muu. r nil whO' have lived upon the fuce of th e cnr th. one person-bllt one-Lhls Mr. Hoo\'er, It he has told liB th e lruth, bas learned the cause nnd nalure 01 elec t ricity, and," conti nu ed Pro fessor Bishop, dropping h Is voIce. "t he pI ty of It Is thal he h as forgotten It."
flufl n ttd \"rtlll<lecl. In LlHtl eoudilioll they ar p of IitLio \'nlue f o r el\,Un~ au '! ~1 f I C ~!i va lu e f o r l;(~ud,
bl'l' am,' an ue" ompl l, he cl ra l'\' 1':\,PfI 1 ev id ently lJell ll drOdd lll /l th e tll U '.11. wl,,·o 1I0l h hOllses of cOn~rt'.8 s ur" ""II' 1 \\':Ul 8utld cIlly cull od UI"' U. .111<1. In the I U P Tld:-; Will IH (1\l' lll l IH' 11(' ,HU(' .., tllII " find Iq : ls lnt eti HO I hnl thQ hllf- II In pass in g. a " "Itallic a r t - Jllll o d e fere nce tll " rule IlIIIl (U"IO Ill of tlruo f ro lH Ilc\:ulllln g wodH, ' (I in lll, · bhH~ 01 :0, thl!Y loll dc.wn. Th e wloll h , holl 101 b·, rnln \\ ollid hal'e Iice n prnt.'l·tccl. l 11e In· ~~ . I R71 - 11 \\ c nt 10 tb e prcs l,I(}U t 10. Ilil d pl u,'c," ~lo"tl IlP to bo lI uCBUoned. u tWlIl ~O in(' h e~ Ull lltlu · !- ldl\I)I) Ild !-. ~i g Il 1 "~ II 1100vol. " eni d I'roi essul Dls ho p, "wIll YOIl 1(lndl) OXI'IIIIII t us ttte 11l( h es In h "'lgh l. T hp p u t U l0l' :j IIIUY lIlC H b e li! w\el c' rI f l CJITI th e W : l ):h ll d l r o c l l \ a ll Be and naLli l e u ( elerl rlclty'!" Th e q uesti o n 8UI'11I 1s ," ovc r y one Inl o lhe e lalll! down whit h fl l4' Y will rill) Jll'ose n L bUI lI oovor ; " II lJlI "s llo ll~ the 5JllolII r "" "" fullll l!! Ih. Olll! h Lho LJcarlll ).; 1I11l11l Ull ~' s ullj ~cL Lho r l'tn s wa s b llll~ If d!'611'1 '1 1 SUn;(', I. lilt! I' roll ll' cn d In s tud ylll!,; we re Lh e to Fa) IIlcr. two " hurl I £"~s w uy he r. l S I .~ ll l' d t H tho Juwer (' flU of llw \.hll lt· Sf , tl h ll , I him. li e r:o lored up " " "1 Iia ll sel i. Stllln- U:lNI,c t lIluy bo 1I ed III !''' Lchl og !ho 11" UIlO~s Il~ th c ), f~ 11. U1 p n·lI . a ud too l. re fll ge In IllS u s u~ 1
Hrr~ ,mLh. ti n"1 ,"hlt~ I """' in nn i n ·
rOlllllllll': ' HUt'IIi lK ," \' II'~_ Ada (l a u (lIrd ' \\ II I , '(III Inn l r~ me nllw ? Tn~ I!lrflllnnr 111M w<!11I.3 UPaM~ Upon the :lrr('cr~ or .5po!l~ 1bwn. An ~·wc l ul once r tl~f n(' r ulHl n ' / . K f' w York - l ~ II ~(, lIt ' TUlh1l 1 Y...... "\ lla l 'u\U· rh e g lllrcr of Ill~ !ln lnlnS ~ ror T ht.'re 'H e tw o thin g s th il l n f!el t to hi - fu rd . " C'lf IlIIlI - " , lin l~ull!ll1l H I (Iif'tll ory Arre~ ts otlc-ntlon from o!or. 1001\('d a l l l' l In rI ((~ ~ lo rl llg or 110 tHtOC " of 1 h ' o l lw J Rirl \\ Ito ~ ... t h "l 'lI>(, ..1I 1 it\ One 1 ~ to 1("" 11 rh o lHlUtl nC'!i hoxcd fir I c l (' ~ r "" h :"hc n"k. cI thl" !'II"I. 11f!\\ 111 111 '· II 118 111:1 the bc'a[ nn d BOC!S to snow' Lhl l r r if'd ( 1;..: 111. ~o as IHI ' 10 per l lll ! f b .-\ wurdr4 ", h ( nuld tol' nl fU I II 'lI 'll l ,r li e s~ l d l e u , n ll d h N ,1II ,.WI ,' \ \ 1"4. , .' ' lor, TllnfnouGht CM bca t l UI tu P:l ti!:i l hrntu: h lh e M{ II t g l' pI:u , ; \ 4,'1:1 . \I 'r.. ,,' ' 4, \'t,.'S, l CJ , },Cri l jel'l, .\N" ' 5I Hrlrl d r,J w I lIni "l~ U l t l fl lllll I ll\! t ubt' l s h us l~U 1;1, \1/ ', TilL'lI II1I'I Is t ""~" \l II,.. c.. II,"rfllu l Un o. A N ew W a y t o 1.0n Ang el es. (1 1' r 1I 11)(jP III (~lud tt I Hn!ol 1hl .. I..; nlOr8 Cures Rh c ul1ulli s nl Cntn n hYou 1 1m no ' \ l" d ll'l'l l Sa lt. M eu ic ine Se nt Flee. [' 11\' tl) 1o.! '·1I11'''1 11 ( , dlrIIIUi.1 hy n ntty 11 111 11' III tll 1l 1l1 1 \\ .lS 1II1!1 £'ll h f' o l el c'u ucll.. ~ I )' , ' - Rlm ,1\ \\lll e 1111(1 trY ,l,\ ily tl i'III, \I". J.\I~ _' II/Pit· !' Llmited, , lUll ., rUT lit. I (' I ~U II tha t t ll a ll ), ut ou r Ll, en r nl'I'I "'I" I"' )1 .1 . 1' I:"',., I,." n I',. t' • I L ''111 IIl PNI \\n l, .tl l I I•• 11t " .. t ln n o \n tlO ol 1, 1 ~lll l t (,( II ,I In lh V II C h . 1 f I I r I' (. "I l ar Jllh n u ~l ~ lIl t'"u wht',tt('Jb \' II ' ( ' n" ~ clt l l ll \ IC IUtHlI 1 1\nlll1 l lL 11 U ) I. . !l li'l til dc. I II' fll \ t t',III'I I ' 1111111 10: 11 1'1'4 .lu CRI a ~ b\ Cn rtt' , ()!jol,I\ .I' I \l1I t 't r~ \\Ith Buffet f tlr ll 'i,'! \\lI l f' l1 b lt' ll t ly l U !'J (, .q:;" h.' t- "I l,\S the p t,'~(l n III LlllU u ,\ II1 f' h J p \lnl(lI lJ! H" , qll"l Inci I .,hr:l rv, P.11'~trio \\ ,rlltUl III lIll' t l' l l.ll', I II , I ': a ~eu r l lil I I II " ... th t! O\\lul ~\(· h r.t4 In back '~nd tili OIl I· L i l= i ltHl 1hrlll l l..]U.I I! \1;'\ t ilt, lhll'illJO & ki I i I I t II J t'r 1,1,\(.1('.: , .. hd Ung l1f\ln~ . dlfl, c tdtv 1t1 ~()I l h \\ · I, .. I I' fll l ll1o l1\ I'.l "llit li nd Ra lt. ~ ~1(:1 (: :1l1 ;1 :~I~~t; 1;':~')'~n~;e: ~::I;;~: l ~~ h ~ ~: nIU\ lIl~ flll ~( r~, tll"I~ (Ir 1"'""[' I'l Ilnln~. L ak ' 1!11 111 1' I t.' . . J.. t'I" "~ ~" u ll \' lI 11Iu "'~' h' ", II ll t J IJ IIl !t 0 r l l' tllllal lRl0, t lUlI A n ll d fllll ill1llrllhll"' !1 In'l llllfl v f \v. tb e Ii I ~l ( t>II .Lr d I vldv d lIlt " 1,\ U pUrl~ by IlJ , I'l' (ou l lu (>.l l h, 1111\\ l'iI rl~, SP' Lt. II I{l , It " l' ,'1 f!I \ ('I , t . \ . l'1u ,J ul'lc.son Bouleg s III lll1 oa t , L'lll h ("lI lltlg, "' IJt" 1. . 14 11\ 1I1 :,?; I.t dOll il la ' w,ll l th :d wil l no L PC"IJJ1it thro . d l ' ll! 'IC III It t::I I fl o rn III .. rill 11.1 (" t o W ~l rUl " 10 ,l lr li' flHC t1w "'Y ("S , 1\11 p !jl\ Cd ( ' lit f\,->4,' IHl~ Ilf \ ,l I . ~. "fl t.lIl h . B o t.,ln lC 1111"1.11 ,1 Bnhu l J1Hi. 11I1 {·d I 1hp t("lrn I\f'u l,' L,I .I .. In t lri ,\n" m\(,llt cd II'· 11I 1)\I ·ot lW I" IIU I1 h ' l1 T h(lw lnd n \V ~ J r ( J ' n Illill Jl cd E(o r('as~:i ( 3() .)r·lOy('un' Hllf' t.I· 1= 0 t h il L J I1I \ -II I, llI rI \\, .HlrtH"! llc n iol:h tl m ~d T i ll: l'() T.'\T u ::;II HTJ : n til . (·f\ll. lI l o th ('f) JJ\' lla lr r : I11 :i lh c fl ~ f'dl'J ml! ~ f " I' t1 I'(·to rp , b f) t IU'llI ~" nl1 d p ,l tt 'u l l n ch l hj,ll\ c{\ tdl.u I41ul lI l ,I1.l ll';Rlom rt. cb Iv f,lI'III ' r .1 \J ll rt a t ti l ' LJII UIlIU l h:1I1 .I( OP'! II , ~o lh n r now .\n O ttl (' 11 thf(lu ~ h n llt. n ll'cl u.: ln r'l IHl d ,dl tnd.d , ~l o~ t of tli (lt:;e nc! 'I '
lI a 1 t l1(\ gO V!..I ln n lt Ilt 11II r' rcf'tlr,1 In
dlntis, who are to-day be ing clotb ed th e Illst duy a of th e s ss ion. only tl) and fed at lhe people 's expe nse. could bo pl gcon·hol ed Ilnd die 0. nlltural have I!ved"' lnd ependcnt of government deallo. 'I'h e nrst ste p tuk e n was March 13., assistance. F rom t he Great Slav e lake 10 th!! Rio Grande was the buffa· ]871. by Mr. McCo rm ick . of Arlwna. lo's hom e. alld 110 one ca n cor rectl y es· whose bill was ordere d prlnled Ilnd tlmnte l be number herded therc. but lhat \\as the e nd. Mr. Cole. of Call· judgin g - from th o unrele ntin g chase forula, Oil F ebruary 14. 1872 . In tro· lool! s laughte r. rrom th e mounta in s or du cer! a resolution In tho sCllate rehones Lll'achlllS 0 11 t hc pla ins, millions ques tin g that th e comm Ittee o n t e rrlcould be menlloned without fen I' or ex- tor tes be Inst r ucted to In quire Into nggeral1on . ' th e expeOllIDcy 01 passi ng a law fo r Tb o causes fo r the e xtc rmltlallon of tbe protec tion ot lim bu ffol o. c lll. anLhe buffalo might be s ummed up as t elope and otber uset ul anlmnls runrollowsl Mnn! reck less gree(l. hi s n lng wild In tllO terrllorles. It waft 'wanton ext!'8\'ngance, destru ctiveness cons lde rcd by uUllnlmous co nsent uud and ImprovId en ce In not husbnndlng agToed to Ihe resoureps that comc to hi m by th e On F ebruary 10.1 872, Mr. Wil Bon, of hantl of natur ready made. The Massachu se tts. Inlroducod 11 bill [n the total and In excusab le ab se nce of pro· se nnte restrn.lnlng Ihe killing of tho lectlvc measures nnd a ge nclcs on tlto butralo on public lands It was read part ot the national gover nm e nt and twice by Its tltlo and refe rred to tho Df hunters genenlll y. both white nn d committee on territories. The same red. tor the robe a nd fl esh of th e cow disposition ... as mado of a blll Introover thot or the bull. The phenom- duced by Mr. Fort. ' ot JIIlnol s, aD fnal stu pid ity of the anImals them· March 10. 1&'74. 011 January 31, 1876, lelves lind theIr IndllTerence to man Mr. Fort Introduced another bill to rho perfection or tbe modern breech prevent the useless 's laughter of the loodJn~ rlRe and other sp orting fire· bulTllIoes. and It dIed with he dom· tuns In g eneral. mltteo on territories . as llld his other According to sla tls tlcs gathered by bill. A bill Introdu ced by Mr. 'Fort tbe Smithsonian In~ttLU tl on at Was h· March 20. l SiO. to tux bllffalo hides IngtITn, D. Coo 15 years 11&'0. th ere W DS r eferred to t he comm Illee on were less than 600 bulTaloes In the ways a nd means. and was [l eVer heard country. ond these have decreAsed from aflerl'.-ard. ratiler than multiplied since thtl.t time. I Thi s " as the fin al move made to The slau ghtcr of th e bul::\Io was not . protect the buffalo. ond at thi s ti me as many belle\'e , carried on on a small the h erl! WM 110111 Ishln g .anci could scale as dec!" hunting Is to-do y. It have been saved rrom extermluation was on a scale of such ma~n ltuue as On my buffolo l anch at Pawnee, prohibited It trom resembling any- Okln. I have n herd of pure bloods thIng bordering on sport. It was g l· that are yearly added 10 by n atu rl', flantlc murd er. The army of hnH and not once hnv e I looked al th em breeds wb[c11 annuall:r went torth without contrasting the present willt from t he Red rIver settlements to the past. Where my herd nt)?I roams make war on the bulTlllo 'I\'as orte n waB th e home of count less thousands larger than tbe one with which Cortez only a tew )'~r~ a go [t Is rcgrellaBubduetl a lar ge empire. ble to say the least. but It Is to btl As early as 1846 It had become so hoped that while th ere Is yet time great that It was necessary to so par ate tbls noble race or animals mBY be It Into two d ivisions. ono at wh lchperpetllated. tile Wblte Horse Plains division-was I have over 600 In my herd ot accustomed to go west by the Asslno· crossed buffalo on my mnch Bnd they bolne river to the "Rapid, CrossIng are known as "cattelo." You can not the Plllee," and from thore In II s outh· tell the dlffe renco between rea l hu twesterly d[rectlon. Tho Red rIver dl - ralo meat nnll thnt of "cntt"Io " Tn vision went Bouth to Pe mhlna . anti tact. I think the latter 19 b He r. b,·t dId tire most hun tlnJ: In Dakotll. Tho , It Is a luxury and se lls at prices UIKt two dI vis ions sometlmes m et. but not on ly the l'le h dare conRIrler. Hem Intentlonnll ~. During th e year 11>49 I are th e prices thnt I get on my I an eh Loin a nd porl e rhou se a Mr Finn' (oolt n cen s~ s of the White Ilt Pawneo Hor~e [J lnlps d ivision In Dnkotll ( th n ~ . 'ml' . $1.1)0 per pound . round st ak. t e rritory) nnd found It eonlslned 603 11 .2& per pountl. sho lt ~Ib ron st. $1 " CRrtS. 700 hal! breeds, 200 Indians, 600 per ]lollnn: plnl ~ or stew m ~ 8 t . $I hor sl.'I!. 200 oxen. 400 dogs and one nAr nOll nd . HOIl P meat. nO cents pH cnt. pOlmll. lom p;ue:.. $2 no each. "hole In his "Red River Settlement" AI· hind Qllar ter. $1.r.O per pound : ,,11011) exand c l' Ross g ives tbe following ·c en · tore Qua rter. $1.26 per pount! E I'~ n BUS of Lbo carts asse mbllJd for tho at these . fi gures th e demand I Is far buffalo hunt at _fiv e d iffer ent \)erlod s . gl'flQter than t ire su ppl y. Th rp Is no In 1820. 640; In 1825. G80 ; In 1830, stich thin g as pll r e b'lffBIo mPRt helnq 820 ; III 18~5, 970: a nd ,In 1840. 1.210. ""I~ . 'tho bllff<.\lo Is too \'BIllabl e to /lev. Father Belcourt, a Catholtc be s laugh tor tl. \lrl~st. Iii hi s cOl1trlbl!tlO'll to Hon . 1111'. MAJ ,OImON W. LII,L[Fl. SIbl,)vls p np~rs on the buffalo, ollea ("Pdwnoe B ill.") a trip be took with a buffalo outftt. . It , An ExplsJ\atlon. was , 1\ eompllraUvely _smaU. ona, and Plit-An pbwilt Is the 1lverag'o man? .• tarlet! from Pembina,' takIng eve ty Mlke-He's the man )'e meot the eeIIIneltltlon not to !Spoil tile ebances of the Red river divis ion, which was ex-. domost.-N, Y. BUll.
uY fl!-;.-;;;e~Tll~es.
pc rmf l wd lu sl,trQu l. Th e lu utst llrc th n t
llu c·stl utltlthc8J)rouL" lea v~sthe tuber ~
. . . '
The 'Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
·A I\·.
to nea rly nn eelgu Con.Lruet a bll ~ e to ho ld th cso as fihoW Il In ti le ellt, It CUll bo made t o st and e l tJlt' r o n
Ih e
1100 1'.
PI ~c e
l)c n ch or on
Promotes Di g~s lion .Cheetrul ness and Resl Co,lllIins neilher 9Jlium,Morpltine lIor l'liueral.
th e S.IW III Ih .. r,u, clll'l
hoa rd s In your b Ulltl S U IH.I tltt'n 1n !iprt tn
th e hevel ed s loL A sll,,;h t Illl'p lu g WIUI secli r eI y to flH~ lh ea hu tomer will reo cle r It porfectly t~o by fOllr scantlings Ibnt fo, m' rig id th .. brnces and I('g~ Two stou t me n ea'! mount thl. tahle to ,Irn .. th e hog f rom Tbat Boy. the sClIllltng re l th ut le a ns nt 1111 Old you e""r tll lil it how It r eJolcoa easy anj.;lr. [n lh'! ,'urV(l A :11111 B·-a 45Inl'\l ,·urve. If n de n 'lck Is u,ed t o ra ise th e honrl of t h, t bll)' tn h~ pe rm itted lind lower th ll hos . "n mil ch the bNte r to /,;0 tu luwn with rntl",r ? It Is Ihe Th e s(' r:lpln g lind rlus lngnf t he bog ma" 8ame wo> wh e the r fnlher dJt ves Dill, bo doue o n this trestl e prIor to 1101sl- no matter I[ It 10 only Lo set a pll; of u n e ighbor Gl! l th e bo y ufl on lhe In~ tor d l, cmbowcilng sen t wllb yO II . s n), " t ill! l'u I'I1I J ou rll:!1 Be I'eudy tOJ an SWllr ull hi s Quc s tlon~-' FARM JOTTINGS nnd t belc wil l be a lot of Ih e ml LeI Tho fa rmer OlUSt uplift hlm sEllr-n o hllll hel p ),011 "hItch up" T rUSI h im one .. Ise C•• II or WIll do Iht' job to hold lh. horsc" wllil u YlI lI ar e lu Our nall " I,.1 s url,IlI s or wllent, In- th e ",om Le t hllll h,·'" YUU gel I he eludin g Iioll r Il t Its ~QlI l\' a lenl In pill. 10 .hllrt. Ihln l. o r h i", as ),0 ' " wb e~ t. lIlay 1>(' ~x ,wc t ool to op p rollch rlght , b UIld mh O ot to-1lI 0 fl U W It w il l 2UO.OUO.11110 bll. I,,·ls th is wlnler do th e ho)' ~nn ll uud I OU Will he tb~ An A m~rkaa wbput ~x~e1'l ha zarols belle r m.l " rOr It. the predl ctlo n th.II Wc> tcr ll ('an nd n wlUlIn Ir a y~ar s will I' e Ili p pr lutl pll TI RIDing ot Fowle . eOlll ce or &uropea n wb (',1 1 1..:11;)111 11' '3 TlI prp 11ft' ~ om t~ E> ~llI hlh)t!'\ n t p01l1 It Is no w d ~lInltply .. ltle I Ih.II Ib p rece n t apple cr op Is jus t " t. (.11 1 lIoll1 as tr~r ~h o \\ ~, \\ hu e lOlnl t Lu t It 13 Pt" f ect l), (l' 3 ~ \ tu tru l l1 II hlr(1 LO t3 11l11l1 I Q rg~ JS Ille previous }' ('ur's <rop . Th e ~rcll anll 'he e xhlhlt ('<1 Th e m~n th a t lIu lll "s Llmn tc tor I ~U5 Is ~3 511\1 OL10 ba r· lIlallP Ih l~ C'll\lm ge ll er ally try tt l ,'al l Y rels. D"llIaud Is good Prt ~e ~ blgh II Ollt bv penl·tl ro F o r \\,pr lts b,' Wre an d hI III 1·' 0 ' the pro teclloo 0r n lnrge llre n U"' Y ,·,hltolt th e ir t o wl " thty contl up f rom tb ~ ('ocllln& moth PI·~ L . III,! ('ope thern 10 C' C Ojl~ elmllar t o th e ones Ihnt In gO" orument b • • proht blled th., lmp o rl am 10 bl' lI S"d In t he e xh lh ltlon ot fr esll a ppl e. or ql1lnce frull In · fee dl n" t be loi rrl o In l h~<p , 00 1" I h~ ) tu e9rto,In larg o SOUI l! Africull dls- pln"e th ' toad 00 hi gh Ihnt th.~ bl rcls 1\1111 ba \'o to r ' ach for It T h e~ claim t rlcl ';. t h nt by Ih l ~ Illeans t h~)' mal<,' It casle r for I he bird to Btll1;ld H eel \\ hon It II A ss~s ' Milk. Act:'lr6In g to lho LoCl d" n Dall y M.3I1. be ing Judged there a re severn I dnTries for t be Pt o · dllctlon or a 'es' mIll. III t bal cilY. Ihe Demand for A . h nDd Hicko ry. milk belllS se nt all over tbe cou'~ try 10 Manufac turers ot \'ehlc h! ~ an d Imple· seale'i bottlcs the price being si x s b\l- meD LS a r ~ lI u,lIng tbal tb e 8\1pply 01 Itog. (lIbO-lI t. $1.401.' u qUlut. \I 'Is con- wood" used In t heir In lt1l 81rles 19 be· sldet'ed ,alliable for Invalids or slclU.l' 'Comln a; more and more dlmcult to 011" cbll,lron. taln, -
Atfi"e tJI' UUb'SA/{l!ELPI1'CIIZII
!El 'h,r..d -
Apetfeclllemedy for('onsllpn. lion, Sour Stomach. Dlarrooea 'yorllls .ConvulslOns ,t"evenshness IIml Loss OF SLEEP.
--_ .. _--
For .Over
Thirty Years
F4l: simile S;lIMlur. or
A Positive CURE
Ely's Cream Balm II quickly .absorb ed.
GI,.' Rtnot at Oneo.
('lc4U!~(,s , L'OOtllCS
hl' nl. allli prot o"LB Lho Il,sea.,"') Illem. brun.. It cur•• elltntTb ond l! r i voe away Il CoW In thl! n ond quickly. nestores tho Sonses of 'l·".t" lind Sillell. .Full .ize GOeta.,at ;Drug. gists or by mlln i Trllll Size 10 cta. by maIL EI111rolbor.. IiGWanonStree~~trII' l'orll.
. p e e...I . .-a:t.....
l~ Y-I£~TO L{~
G ~\. H ~
\\ 110 (' \H£ £ .N OUtd -I FOR 1'lIEIH MONEY '1'0 WISH rt'O 'PRE-SERVE 1'1', ..-tNt) '1'0 M \K~ 1'1' L .t}{U E \ )1' \'1 1 I~ ~~, f ILL l { EAD 'tHE .EOLLO'VING CAREFULLy AND INV1~8rt' [N TllI~ ~'I'OO!~'1 '.
B~ I ~u~ 0'1" rrlII.~ {~ MPA.N Y, 'VILL NOT ONLY PAY YOU LARGE DIVIDENR, nu I ;~)l, h (;11 ~ L() ~ HEX " \. ~ .\fBLL . \' ~ I> "I''IlE PHl CE OF YO UR ~q.L'O C K IN THE NEX1' 18 MON'l'HS \VILL INCU~~AHh L~OUl{I~OLD In w lw t 11I'c1 I I ~ tl'~' ( '(\11 ~' IHI pla('(' YOllr mOll'c y wh e ro it is safer than in a coal 11lino. 1'he pl'oduet is n.lwltys in (lellla,nd. wi th :11 1 ill ('rC iLs{' 1';[.('11 Yl'ar for it. Eyery illdustl'.'· of the country is dependentupon it. .it mLllllot l>u.'·11 ~IP , Il,O\' lit' ~t,ol(m 't J( E E.\
WIl:\.) . g!:jUA Y,
~1 .\It(,II' .·
.. --. '---",- -
E DITORIA L COMM EN T I lastul1 l' BU!'iu e,;" ;\1 "I1 ' ~ \ 'l ull i:! nn Il ctnll j f;lct. A n " 1'(.:IIUi /.Cll ho,ly of mon !loth ' III til<' \I\tlll', ' ~I,; . of 1.11 ' t.own w il l mllj. \YIlYIH""llI,' n C LlRtnully hettor town III \\,111l·h Iv Ih'o lUll] d n b ll ~inl\~~. '!'ht'
PI''' II 1I"' " , I!
1I I IIIllld ,V
li l\\tn,.:oi(,f n nt'
Il"lIt'1 ) 'II ,
1 1
lHU d.·. awl'un
"1 1\.11111"
Inll' lI t l~' 11 tt'lIl1l ~
i ..
or 11111 tir~ 1 is
,:\; , IW
li p
U /.! " IHl 1111 11' 1111,pl,!lfI
II'iI·I It' \~
( ' 1\"
lu".,tt ll' ty
I, ll'
,I, -ul
1': 1.111 1 '111'"
1I ,q l~ "
·t1 11
II IHI;t '
h'. III
01 .1
If tl l
1ll , l k l' illl i IlU ':-; tlH l' llt 1I11'{ '( '
i ~ ;dW,L~' :-; :-;afc , youI' di,'i<iC'Il(h; Hl'e always surc.
of 1hi :-; killil, ",h,- not, clllhraec it?
111<11 amollnt. ( '() ' I P"\ X Y I ~ ~ .\FELY
Antl whon tll(' OPPOl't,UIllt.y IS olh~\,l'(l ), 011 to Yuur money that is only earning you -l pel' (~, ' will ma.kt' you
1 illll' s
\VE lL\\' E 'rIlE BE8'L' MARKEl'S IN 'rHE COUNTRY. WE HAVE 'l'lIE BE~T SllLPP!lNU 1.'.\( ' I L I'I'lE:-; I ~ () 'I' 1 1 H:\IL .. \~I> " ·A'l'El{. TllEUE ARE BUT FE'V MINES IN 'l'II~ ('OUN'rltY 'l'llAT CA~ E<! U.\L [L TIH'), ha.n' alnW\llU' eonti Thl ' l'(' i:-; Hot a n ()lIiC.'('I' 01' din'(',tor of this eOlllpall y, tha.t will sell his stock for les~ than pal' \' aitu'. d (, Il ('(' i l l it. alld kIl O'" t.hat it i~ 1'lw Vl'''Y hp:-;t il1\' cstmC'lIt to ho had Oll the market, ~ ln~ ~[E j'lB E I{" Tlll~ l~ .\ I) I Vll) E~ I) PAY [NG CO Jl P ANY, AN D NO 'VAITS FOl{ YOUlt MONEY '1'0 EAltN YOU
II:' ~
:11111 \\ '11 1"1, w l l l1I1',.: 11I .. I",! 11 ,
TIH' .pl'ill (',ipal
\\' E 11 .\ YE Til E COAL.
1H'1 ~11
." 011.
'\,I I I ~
ti ll
,'I1 I'PI rhllt t lll 1, )1t1 I", .. 1""'1\ l ill; l . " -
fl' Ol 1l
1' 111
\1 114
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IT ~
"bouu lilul \\·;I.\'H' ·, 1I 11 ,· .\ litt l, ' (liron 0 11 11H' \,:11 I ,d "11,,11 "" ' 11t'lIr will fni r l.' - Irnll"I ,'1I11 IIII' I " " 11 h'n l~'
II . I I ng It 111 \',·rli~I·"l1 l" -.I" 1.11 , Il llngl,.l III 111 ,· 1",' .. 1 ". ' ,,', I ., .
PH OPER TY . ,. .[ Il l' ( '''11 I }o 10hlR of t h e 'V"s tor n Kcnt.lll'ky
lillI'I\Olh'" WIII.I .. ", ,Il-I'I"", .1. 'l' I rl'l:~h tocks of I-! '" "I ,; ,,/1 " I I , 'th lll~" n t t.rnOi p" " I' I,. I" 1\ I " ., II "n d In~lIl'o t ho prv~pr' n y ,·or ·. 01 II.\' oj tho inllividll.d Ill l·r<·\t 'ltll. hUI Iho fin ti rll CllUlUlllll i I.\' .
' sn ltl It
i tit· n minimu lIl
fr eigbt ru to, but t ho l>est footure is the river trllnsporta.-
! ti on. th u lll .. ttinoe t.o the river being about six miles. Bnel the ohllnnel of nntl l I.he Oh i.. nt. t.hls pOint IS deep en ough Ilt 1111 RtaDes and SOIlRODK t o BilOW
n i~t.l'i l· l. li n b \\" ' ~I " f 1·; '·III1~ \'il ln. ]11(\ iollll,. lln ll Ith out, l :l:, l11ilo,; wo"l. 'If LOlliflvilll'. (' .. 11\- ! Imr!£H!:1 to IJ <3 flollted duwn the 8trettm ; thlul enllbling us to 8hlll our projOn " II !! 111 1111 Il \I,m t. " " po COUIII ies '['ho produ ction fr um I,h i!! d i~l ri o t, no; du ct t,~ Mempllls lind N ow. Orlenns. ~ " \\, 1I1 '\' th " l\1ini n g IDSpeot.o r fol' the "t1lte t o 1)0 over .1100 000 t onR ,. t . ow Ot rl ElllD!! todkIl Y IB oneofthebo8t ooalmarkets for the reason ,. .'. . " , . " tull ocelln I!I ellmer s t4l e oORI at thiS pt)rt for Europe, South America I I,,· \'elll~ 11 rl' or U ulllform t hickuoss nnu t h o grulle oq l1lLl to Obi o nud n.nll t be blnudl< ; Iln d tl gr ellt delll of ooal is exported from here. 1"'lIn , ,,, IVII ni.11 ('ual. A m un g some of t.1lC Inrgo opornt.or s in th is lli Htrict Kentu cky COlli is tlllgerly sought for by this trade . Pi\ts . burg coal 11'''- 'l' Il.· :":1. 1:1 1'110 )'(1 (;0111 (;0 . , Rei nec ke COlt! ("0 .; Centrnl Cit y CollI IJo .. h ilS been th e oonl Ilsetl prin Cipally, but the fllct of us being '11 thou8l\nd ~a ri olllli ( '0 111 ( ' 0 . , Oh io Vull Y·Conl Min ing l·o . 'l'rll'lt,wntcr COll I Uo. , ~~:~f~~!~II~:' ~ 't~::~~h~~~p cbllnllell\lI theYMr. enablesusw market our l . H CUll I Il LIlI Coke Co.; ~Vhen tcr ofl Cou.1 ' 0, W n Vf r Iy Coal 1)0 ., nnd Tho .geogra phlolll l o~tion of thill property Is unexoelled. t:;u';ar
l l
• ]1!1mtn tionsf are h ellvy oonsnmers ot cool nod buy rlver "qlll exoluslvely, " nud linDU f.lotnring industri es ILre inc real!ing very rapidly in this part of Noig h bori ng pn II a l',' U" rtIl1 lE'[lt,· the sout h ; h en oe. t.he lItarkets of the south lI·re good at 0\1 tlmAB rei ng au til oxco}(ent cmlllit.loll of t b o gnrC\loss of th e !lonson . )j" 'fl llklin ttre d opa r tmont. OV (Jl' ~t is "I known fn ot by nil COllI operators that prices reoel voo for ooal ill the Houth ern mnrkets far bette r than In the north, henoe , the t hel'e t,h ey 11I1\-e u. ohief Hud t wel ve U1 n whu form t hQ lmolou of UIIJ reaso n P itt " bnrg ooncerns se~k t~is market regardle~s of the dlffioultles ('nconnterellm t h e U pper <J llIo River. fire figbti ng for ce. Theso III n Unlll Itt the New Orl ellDs Port untier oontraot to ocelln 8teamers h ILVO ' n regular drill once Cl ch brings *:1.:15 1)81' t on, lInd on tho open market sa 6r. per tou. Compare month nud are pl~i d $1 fo r ell 'h d r ill these price!' with tho Chi oll go prices at '1 .75 to '2.!lu per ton. As you That is good bu sht IlS. Ml) n wi ll Ree, we mnlce profits In the southern mar.k ets. . . An iIlus trlltion of the oost of produomg and IllDding cool In tbe The oil holdings in oonnection wilh 111f. (,nn I PIlIl bl llH I.bii' I :" IlIPllu y n ot turn out to d rill for n otbin g 1~ lld Now Orlellns nlllrket, ~nd the profits received ;to pay dlvldendslfot once, to the I<t.ockh ... I , I H r~ . of 1 I~ 'I' cent" \lor m onth . to be effeotive 11 fi re complm y must One t.ow bOllt. Will take twenty bargell of COftl from this field to Upon the seiling price of the lltock IInlil lli p IIlIllrOVPlI\f'nt... in t.h .. (' 001 fieldtl ha vo prnotice. Ne w OrlBllns and lJIake ~hree round trips I~ sixty days ; eaoh oorge will are completed. It lit the Intention of t.litl C:lllllpUII v Iu ""II , nly ennngb of h?ld 1,000 t ons. ~aklng (,0,000 tons ~f 0~1l!. rhe OO8t of mining 60,000 tons tbislltook to comple\e these Improvelll ont ~ . whon thiM "t ook will jlay more 01 ooa~ tl t t h e Umon !!cal ~ of wllg:es IS ' 2(,9 00.00. and tTaD8portation from than 15 per cent, npon the pllr value. . , ~ How 's Tbi!il . the UlmeR t o Ml e ri ver, V1l1 eleotrlo.tramway."t [ict per ton mak08it 13,When It comes to oOlDllllring the 00 111 mi nllll( mdl1l1t.ry with .. lIl(1r W e olJer On Hund red Dollar s 000.00 ; It'II !:!I~ of ~ 1Y~~llt and bluges at the vBluatlon of 1200,000 on a 6 industries, 8tati~tiC8 will show very few failtu ll!!. '('hi s Is reco~nl1\et.l for R eward for tiny OIlSt! of 'MII.r l'll p.e r . cen t baSiS, IS , ~~,OOO llInnning. mlllntalDmg tow· boot and orew for the rllILIIOn that It is one of the grealest s tllpl AHin the world on whloh the tlmt oannot be on r ell by 1:11111 ' slxtr days, M,OOO i lDoldenttLls for three trips, '10,000; estimated coat Of! wheels of every IndnBt.ay 18 dependent. 1'he r1emanel ello~ yeM InornaSll1l 11 t llrrh Cure. ~111.lIIng 1~000 ; ustJJnl~ted oost of nunlng 60.000 ton8 of oOAI and plaoing to the extent of 10,000,000 ton8; hence, when VOll ~IIIVA "n lIl evHt,nlf' nt In lin F . ,r. CHENEY & UO.. 'l'oledo, O. It I~ th~ J: e w Orlell,Ds mll.r~at IS1il 56,901? receipts for 60,000 tons of 0081 indU8try of this kind it Is far better thlill BuHdJll ~ [.orIn AllIHlolatlnn or li t M .3n per ton, $201, 000 , oost of mIning and transportation $56,1100 saving8 Bank. It 18 absolutely 8afe: th" .'t1rnm ~1I urll IlIn<lh LllrQ'Cr and We th e und Elr ignetl . blLve k nown F . J . Cben ey for th(l III t Hi yelll·S. lell ves " IlroHt o f !II 1H ,100, you have the inoroo8ed vll\uation of your "t,ock . and believe hi m per foc tly h nnomhle TIll!" p r ollt I S for sixty days with the capaolty of t~o property of . 1,000 t ons per day .These ftlot~ huve been oarefully obtained ud can be There has been 100,000 sl!.a.I'('i) of '.h MI stock set in all bu ~ in ess trllllSIlC\ Ions 1I1H] Jj dopended n»on [1.8 bem g Rocnrate . The market is absolute ud tbey seek ~ b ld t 2r. t sJ are par vnlil e $1 00 Dli n olaU y a b le to cllr r'y out lI.ny ub· for t.~i s grnde of COllI. This Compa~y i8 pur,~lng in a 8haft with a oapac- aSt e vO e s~ a v cen s p~r i. , • . : , . " , ' .' liga t ions mnt1e:by his fl r lll . 'rhis. prol~erty lins II trunk lin e of ono of th e lorgest ruiJrond "Yl! . it y, of UiOO ~o 1, 800 ton .. per day, \Vlth electrll;' tramway from mines to ,,!,he,,!, ~he prwe ~l,ll he ad:vance.d . 1 pe, (fcnf ~~ '. rn o.n th, W Il]dln g K innll.n lind ~fllr vin , Whole a.le Drug ''':Its, Toledo. (). 1 1' 1ll ~ rnnlllJl ~ rh rectly thr oug h it, giving U.B II mork et b y mil poth n orth \ ~l\ er: All Improvem eut.s on' thi s property WIll be modern In every roo tn (lwidends unll he patd on the m a rket p1 we of the Ha ll 's Catarrh Cure is til k .·J1 in · ~n l1lh II nel ennbh ng us to ente r th e lu rgest COlli D1l1rkets of t b e oountry Ilpeot . stock. .'- - . . . ter n'aUy , aoting dlreotl y u pon I.h e blood and mucol1s ~ur fil oel! of MIO system. Te t imonill ls sent tree. Price 7'5 cen ts IJer hut tIe. l:lold by nil Druggi st.~. . . 'rake Ball 's Fll mi1y P illa fo l' ('on"l.i. JJIRE CTOJl S: Ch ns. Q. !pZcle7J/'nnf, E :1;. U. S. ()om! ressmnn.. 6th District of' Ohio, Wilmindton, Ohio. James StooJ)s, rice Preside.n t 01 Ciliz.en s B ank,
. 1'1 lill Ul rous S UItt 11 oom p'UlloM. ler e ILre no fu il uro;; iu this di8trict amI Iho pl'ieo of COtl1 llt the m ines is hotto!' tll un in som o of t.ho Ohi o, IlUd Ilf' tte l' t hun 11\ IndiUM or I lli n ois fie lds. The prOllOI't.y oontroll od IJY t h o Ken tu oky Can I Minin g Clllll!'1I0 Y con ~i~I!I of 2,000 noro~ 10cILted ill Union Uo • Ken tncky, th helLrt of t,hi t! dis t r ict, U hon t, :Ui mi1().~ southWf·~t, of Evu nl'lv llIe. Ind itmll 'rh e ll1inoiH , I n. . . . . . . . . . n tr n n;lIll'lJnt: r un.s d l rectl~ hrough It ,~.n ll It IS 8It.nnt.ell wlt illn six Ill ill's (, f t he OhiO RI.'·Ol· . 'rillS pro pAr ty 1M Rurrollnd ed by COlli min os Rnel t h Wn Yl'lrl y mi nes udj uin it on t he west. Elml th e 'or y dun on t.h o ens t . 'l'hp. t est holos show fo ur voins of cnll l 11 pOIl thi ~ prnper ty ; the firs t VI'ID li t lL rlopth of IGOfe et.. li feot t.hick . wi th IL good snnd.s t one roof. w h ich is n very illl]Jortn nt fOll tnre. t hor e beinA no necossity for wood prop~ , wh ioh rim k es mi uin g' in Ii g'reut, mlln y (li!'tr iots OXIJen"i ve ; t hi R VCIIl IS II."OWII n ~ No. l1 IUill is free froUl water llUd tbe /!rnele of ooal ra nks Wl t.h th o hest hit.uDlinolls coni In t,be IIl ll r ket, burnt! freel y, m [l.kes IL wh lto II RIt u n <l n o olin ke rs ; i t. rosem bles cnnllfll CI)III UDd , in fn ot, is call . pel sU llli .cnnn ll l 11y II grellt U1l1ny conI men . 'r ho tiecond vein is k n own ns N o. l1 11n d is fOlln d li t [I. deptll of 2.10 feo~. 'l'biR is till oxoellenr, grade of c n I wah II .. oole I·oof. Hll me li S No. 11 ; JlII't sou th of liS hy Rein eko &, St . Bomllrll, tl ml west b'y th e l:>tnrgill DeK llv n li n d P itt.sbnrg cOlllpUniel1. No . ~ i;<" vnin ver y li ttle kn own 11 8 t o gmde, n ot hAin g worked in tIllS ~1t ~ t' l'l(! t., b UI, I,he t est Sh OWR t.h o vein t o ox tend n uder Ull f! propert y, No . 7 I~ AllppoRerl t o bo t.lle fnmol1s Boll OOILI [mel is fOllnd tit 0 , depth of nbou t flil . f l·t. Thi s is n line grllele of g lls nnel coking CO.LI llIld readil y brings 0 Prl c'" of $:J.fl O to iM .OOl10r t.on Itt the minos. It is kno wn t o exi st on t]li ~ prnl'fl rty h.v th e t es ts tlmt h [ been mnde .
Oil Territory.
'I'he olll1elds oontrolled h.v tlli~ C011l1llln y <lon~it!t of :!,()' .!lor el! in DolBwaro ()ounty, Indl<1Oll, In whllt; iM known II" II <lnu!' }lilY ~I:M I I'I ~ I ; w Itl. ~ sovon produolng wells.upon it andlln av e rt~gu Il r(lllulilun nf , ., lttill'elMpel duy, and 320 IIcresin Paoli, KBn 811~ ,Ii strict ; tho Jmlllina In" >I" hul' ItJcut.IU1~ foratlelUlt40morewel1l1anditi~ ~ ()rrounlle(\ by good Ilrll.luUlIlIl well!!, I 1 .). () burrehl POl' one whloh wall orilled In n ext to thiR ellso 1Hili I 111\( ~., dllY for six monthsaUlI it I" makin g betwllnn 40 IIJ1l1 r. ll hllrrol" pOl' lIllY 0 11 settledO~~~~~!~~trlct Is nill" ont of tfm wull~ Mlllt. IIro drilled in veryft!wdryholes; ; b(lIlI1'\ 1I0 ri!lkiutbe invo8t'lJIe nt~ Leases here sell for Il bonus of *1 00 co pRr ac", WI tbo ut lilly )lr . no· tlon. The territory III Paoli KanslLtI i~ in II w4IllllRflll Eel onll. Rurro. UI.ldml ( by strong produolng weill!; tllere 18 no prtlllUCI,iuu UI)IIIl I,III" llrClper I,'!! lUI' yet. the Corupanv intends to operut.l'1n ~ thel l! III .. Yfl ry shurt· tllllfl. Wel'ls in thl" territory 1It.llrt off from GOI" lUO hl\ rrnl ~, I' lI l1 h . I,..r dllY 111111 k 1I f \1 settle down from 5 t.() 10 blLrrol K. 'l'Iii H l.oni \.f) I'Y iMl'mJlllr Il ) e o~ Ie Teason that the percentall e of dry h(ll o~ Is ]p~s MIIIII in any uther \e rrltory inThtheeOcOo?tnotfr~I'ril1ln" wellH h ere ill vor., I11I10h It~~s, 111'1 oil i~ fontuj lit II ,Iepth • .. ~f I Of about 435 feet; the thlckne.~1! of t.he oil hrnring 111111.1 1M "bout ~ , Pou t, t IUH IIhowlng th"t tbe wells will be lon g 1I\'(1l1.
Trans)Jortation In Markets.
$ $ ~ $
pa . ion. .-t
W . .R. Stelle, . (:117);/(1,1;81, In dianap olis, In.dinn(l_ EZmn ' L. fJa l'l, Wholesale· ~· Rel,a,il Tobacconist, Frankfort, I n d ia,na· CIII(.,<!; .11 . R nkel', Pl'esl:d ent. a nd Tl'ea,m rer , In d zana polis, Indiana.
'!f'a,ynesui.lle , O. .Afr-I :::,
Folr a fcW' days only, or as long as t :he AllotbneDt of' 100,000 .ha••• last;
lorida $ New Orleans $ Cuba
10,000 l:;bllrOR, • 1>2riOO.OO CII SIJ 1,000 ShIITes, :l~ (). OO C" " h OR I F YOU PH. EFEH 'l'j:1 E M<JN'l'B LY P LA N , YOU OAN BUY: 10,000 l:>hurAs '~ OO , OO (Jush (\ m out.lll y pnym eut.lO :1\400.00 2,r,[)0 Shur c!< $100 .00 CURl, f\ m ont.hl y ]lay men I.;. $100 no .. 00 Sh ur eR 20.00 CIlHh Ii m ont hly pay ments :j; 20.00 100 hares ·l. 00 Cn ~h Ii mon th1.Y pUYl.l1eu t" :Ii ~ . O O
5.000 !lOO
ShnrnR, ::;hltres.
1121i0.00 Cuh 125.00 Callh
enoh each
bu¥ for cash.
2500· S;;:rOll '100 Shares
5,000 Sharetl 1,000 SharOll 2GO ShllrOll
8 11C1l
"'OU caD
1200.00 Cuh 6 monthly pa yrnllnhl .. 40.00 CaBh 6 monthly payments 1 10.00 Cash 6 monthly JIIlymentl!
'!']Ie "ollt lln n y " o~ eJ' V (, R th o ri~ht t.o wit lllirn \\' t hi l'< !!t nCKfr o ", t h" '11 11 rk nt. Ilt, ILIl Y t.illl'~ >I t t,h {l "bovn price, The tltnA t.n !tny Rtonk is when the ComJll'ny ie starting. 111 tl ~ t. 1", Ilwd E' "111' 1'0 t.lltl " " I" I'" I ' ~'. 111111 ,"' Ill t o tho h Hl P . dl i(·(· II, l' 11'\11 I ,,~ Met )(,. }" rret"T.\'. " r .TAMEH S'l'UOP~. \V A VNESVILLE, O. .
] -l-OO- l..J 0 I U . B. Blug.,
THREE TRAINS A DAY C:hlcago & Florida Special ChicBJ.,.~,
(,,(,ntIOt'r i"I ~ ,,~il h
fI01i d J~ullm oll l r9in lC:h'inJ.( (;w/IOIla li 0:26 P .. M . f or Jaokf!oD\'dlc uHfI ::it.
AU/IWllmc. Florida Limited
T hrOUKh ]"u lht1!L1I !;crvico from ChiCAgo aw l J ndlllu:loo lis v in l\fonQIl unu C J l & U J ~ y : (, Of\1kl't m!l wi lh. roJiri t.rain l('lIVil1g Cil1t1ll uut.1 ~ ::$O A. ~t . fur I n.c kl'lOlldlln nn d Bt. A th{ U ~WI (, . al~ t L..ruu&b IJull wUJJ Set v ice t v a ' CW UrICtlW!.
~lleen & Crestent Special SQtill tra in Cinci nOR ti t o New Or-
(,h!ll bll(OK!l. lilid Uil'mioghnm. nl.. o t hr ouf,th l' ullm nn fe rvleo t o J a.cL..!OOu, illo Yin A"-~.h l!villo and
lctuul \ in.
t)a ' ·:l n rllth .
Wimer Tour ist tlckrts n()\v 011 aala a, n :dul'W rillc!!. Fur lul urulAWon 8PPIY:-
11'. W_DI!UHl1T. T. r. 1.. \1'", ... U.
'f. A. WlUlf.T T,
n . l.
la~ E. !II H O ~.
()Ultn.1·cUtDl~ ;s ATt"ti. I"" 'r£pa~
• 1. _
-=-:. A l\\,ll Y~
K Of'PS ( ' hlllnl'l'rl .l l l\ ':-; Cp n g h
HolU(,c1.\' iu Uis 11 ,111'<' . .. \\' t' wonld n,lL h,' Wi l lltl ll t Ch ll lll · b< rltlltl '!I l 'O tl gh ltll'lIl"l l' . Lt I~
kl'pt. on buuII enu liu tl ll ll y in "lI!' \\' . \ V . K UIl r ll ' ·y. nU II,or of the Ind opu[u\ n t . I~ , ) "'r y ( 'Ily ;'I ra. Tlll~ t is jll t. w\J ll l. c\'er y fllllli!y s h <)nltl do. '\ "h II kopt li t. Imn d rlllluy for ins t,lln t 1l~ t1. II (lolll m ay be oh ookoti ti t. t l ll . o ut ~ t Il u d uruO ' 1) lliU 11 10ti m" t blm Ilflt'r it hll ~ lloooUlo lIeU.led lll:tbo "'ySl tOI)( . T h is renltl(\v 1M 11\1'0 w \l llonl. 1\ lle r for croup ill IUdron ,·."1l<l w 11 pre vont tb Il tt k whon"iil:ivoll tlS oon n!' (:b blld heOOln t;1 h"llr~ , 9r e ven cr UP)' (l 1l ~1J appears, . hi b 0 Q1J l V \) elon wh en t be nm1!d1 I kep& t\t .,l~lIDl~ sa~e b om •. " l<" I Y~
an .
F. '. Sollwarti6.
1200.00 Pll oh .. ~ O 00 alLoh $ 10.00 0110 11
You Ollllnot afford t,o \Vlli t .
All I'emlttunce
'$ $
$ $
• $ / Day tun, Ohio. $ ~"'~~
South ern iluilw:lr :
1l!l1i.00 CtlHh !lCi. OO Cash'
I. 5<rv1<e. January SIb. 1906. T llroUg l1 l )ullmoH H:lr\' iro f ro m CIC\·chlll .t . 'I n ti :nlllll Hllis Bud ColuUlb u llt , \' i:L Bill l <'n ur }( \HILC ; Jlc·. troiL fU1I1 T CI1t.,,(/fJ v i a l'~re M hfCIIIQttc n ml (; II & II By •• hn d Lo u it< \·j/ C \' m
..cachedVia jn comfort
.Nichola s
Florist. D(I,1110n , O.
Affiloted With RhenmatislD . .Art of BelOg Bellutiful. , A Clear. Heu.lthy Complexion aml "I wa8and am yet amlot~d with How Every WOllllln ruay Obtain It . 'l'hllr ~ rln·y WllS the lath. blrtlullLY rheumatism, says Mr. J. C. Bayne Mere physicBI beauty. entlolng 118 editor of the Herald, Addington , it iI!, will not permanently avall In r\ wil li lo w i n I;lie li rug .. tor e of Mil'<~oS ElolNo In~ T..onh Smith of Mi !<s EI~le ZoH amI in the even· &' C. :-;t:llwll r t.1\ hll!' atlraoted nnus very (It. li gh t fully e ntertlLin oll'L olnh illl; Hllo Wll~ vary 1I101lBBUt\y sur- ---:LINBS--" Indian Territory, II but thanks tu the absoenou of a. oloon, frosh, hool. tGhamberlain's Pain Bulm alii ahle I,hy .. kin and eODlIJ!exion. A WOIII. 11111 !l ll t' lll.ion Ihe PURt. few lIllY>:!. In OUIIIII OII ' Hl of llUpi1S of t he Hig h )lrisoll h y t he nrrivllI of a c\ozlln of o n08 more to attend to bU8lness. an 1IIay have perfect footorell, a her Iillhl friends who came to h e lp II, ,' wi ntl"", is (J il l' 'J f Ul e IlJ O~t I'H~- Soh ll ul Frilla y e vening. U' is tbe best of liniment. If youthful form .. nd a graooful figure !!Hd. Ili n y li nd nn komp t s pecimen s A s i8 nlwILYs tho CIISO with thOl:;o cele b1'lll fl the oOCllsi on with her. tr\lUbled with rheumatl8m give bnt Without tbe hllllith lind bloom - - TO -·P&ln Balm II trail and you are oer- of a olear ijkin , perfect beanty Is u l I,ll " ~ll ll Hl n o "Ii obn. " t.111l1. ono yuun g pooplc. e ,'er yo ne enjoyed 11, l:;{l verlll hnurs were "pent very tab I to be more than pleMoo Widt.b Impo98lble. When the "kin 1M . . I )llollHn ntly n.t gllmes of various ('(\\1\11 " xpO( 't l u see. 1:1 0 1>1 "Ittln g t.h rOllg I 1,:0 0 .\ ti mll . thCJ prompt relief wbloh It affor In~' muddy or elondy or lDarred by moth kinds, Rlilph Smith won ·the IJrizo o n II 1'111\ " I' ~ t uJl e~ , II pict nre of COUI · Th o ],\'uest !! wer e: Mi ssos el OU8 application relieves the po .. spots Bnd pimples, nine times in ten f u rt wil h 11 co rnoob pipe in his ~tuk e". ErDlII, l:>to kciH . J OM!!ie MUl'llltt. in II oontest. For aale by Fred C. Sohwartz It is doe to Nature'l! Inlfobll1ty to lIl')\l tll . A "h ock of oor n is ill ' t h" A,ln I-:'y lor. Ellnll .Zell, Ann K ell y . Not t.h e lellt!t inferestlng fea\ure ,p erform the funotions ell80ntilll to perfeot health. oPPl.lsito corner "r t he window nllll l ;hri "tltl o Koll y. El esh ll Kelly , Oliv o \\'11 8 il doli clOus three oourse supper Mtmy B Wayne8vllle lady oould Cll rol of corn cn t l"oly HI'Il'rOn nll 1.11 0 .P1l1·sh ull . l:>tclllL LOIllDlon . Leuh whioh WIIB dOlle full justloe to. truthfully tell of the remarknble ex hihi t. . '1;bo di""ln.1' i,. t,o " dvor. ~ ltIit.h . b: l o i ~e Hmlth . Ray Hn,wk e, 'rhe guests were: ()lllra HILwke, !> P ECI At. LOW·FARE TICt<ETS properties of Laxakola Tonio Tab. t iso 1/ COl'll ouro of Mr. 8e llwnrt z'H E ruest l:l ll rt:;ook . H.ILymon d Wil. ElInn Robins,on , Lnura. Haines, For Winter Tonrlsts, Home. lets 118 a Bkln beautifior, and tha own prel,lI r11tion nnlllJecnnst) of i t ~ l in lt\~on , 1:I n.rol(1 Howoll , Rllymond GlennlL Smith, Almll Clemonts, 8eekerB, ~ttlers and Colonists . rel&llon III ea8Y to find. They are purely vegetable and eom'lOsed of ul'igiUtllityough t til provtl It V(lTY 1Ilnr ltltt , Ernet! t Rohiull OU, Russell Elsie Zell , Ralph Mrnith, Jllmes For ~etall . about Ihe • • excuflIlon •• dandelion, ca8Carin, and other ex· lares to any point . una parlloular8 nfloct ive I.ll1vor ti >;olllent. P1ll'Io,I.t. McUluro, MH.rshaU Hllines, Carl traots known to have a selective abou t P enn.ylvnnla Lines possenger _ _ _ . HIIwk B, Huett H.idge, Worren Zen. aotlon for the I!kin . They Improve se rv ice comml~ the oomplexlon, olear up tile BKln, lJull tb TIlte in New York n.ncl H, g . BOOTS. 'I'loke t V/lient. EC1.omu , Tott.or. onlt H,h ctl lll. Itch. A FlLvorite Remedy for Babies. enriuh the blood, stimUlate the liv. Chicago . Ring Wurm , He rpes, Bllrber!!' Ttc h. I W.,D,",vllle . Ohio. er, tone up the Inteat.lnllll, Ilnd oure It~ pleasant taste Ilnd prompt M AI.I I O RAS E zC\,rHlon llcke18 to New OfficI. Durin g N ove rn b er Ilnd Dece m ber cures 111\ va made Chamberlain's All of 1.l w~o lli,;enses 11 1'0 ti Uended ohronio oonstlpation by encourag. Orleans. Mobil e and Penllacola F~la ,. Febnoarv 21 to 28. In- intc n ~e itc h i ll ~ , wh ich iR "Imost 1110:1, one fi fth of tho d llllt hs In New Cou gh Remedy a favorite with the Ing the bowels and U8iBting Nature I I;"tll lltly r(l \l <l" e(l lly apply ing York Ilnd Chicago were fro/Il pneu· mothers of Hmall cllildren. It quiok. to do ita own perfect work. Mr. ChlltJIheil lli n ' :,;.d vH nnll by It.S con - m onill. Fo ley'~ Boney and 'rar n ot Iy cures their >coughs and ooids I\nd Janney recommends them wt&h ev· I ill ned n.e .. perDlllllen t cure m ay onl.y s tops the cough but ·h ollis :lnd IJrevents any l1,a nger of pnemonla. Qr ~ ery confidence Bnd a 25 oent PIfoOIr. VETERINARY SURGEON. LlJ , ITt! tljd , It.. hil S, III fnct., cured strengthens tho lnngs and prevents I1ge mU8t do A8 olalmed or you OIln Lebanon. Ohio. other ..e. riOtlS consequenoe... It not DR. BATHA W AY ~ " pn emonia, so do not tuke ohanoes m nny oll ' es tIJ!Lt 1l~ld rel!ist ed 1111 have your money baok. only cures oroup, but when given , . Can be called any hoor. day or otll er t r eatm n t. PJ'lCO 25 cents per un n oold wearing a ~ay wh en Fol· a8 800n as the oroupy cough appears Wayne8 ville', Leading Dentl8t ' night. Bo'h Bell and Va.lIey hox. F'or SId e by Fr ed . Schwartz . ey's Honey and Tar will cu~e (Iulok- will prevent the attaQk. . For 8ale '..PhonOll, Valley Phone No, 238. Iy and prevent serious result's . by Fred C.Sphwartz, • omcelnK.J.~ BuUdlnl. . - I4l1Ja Stree--
Mr. Schwartz's Original High Scho,ol Club Window Display. Entertaint!d.
A Birthday
California Florida Colol'ada Mexico N. West S. West South Southeast
FUN EHAL Tllephone Da, or "Igbt.
Locil No.1 LOI, Distanci No. 69-3r
WAYNESVilLE. OHIO Brancb Har¥l¥sburg, 0,
Dr. R. J.
l ' A. . . ~1!t
8 11:W IItll'l'8.
Ambl'ol!e T. Dearth vs Mahala A , Null, WlllIRm "'rune, Anna Monger Ruth A. V:lill. Hulna Blackbl1l'D; · Ohul'lell Doty, Mary Doty 'Ellu My. el'll, &lith nehrtb , Ann" Dearth , ..Wlllialll Deurth, May. Deurt b uod OOtne Jj" Deurth, ~rah E. N un , Ma r y · Ellen Null, William H . Null , Ethel Lulu N nil, ' P earl N ull a Ulin or nnd Ellrl Null, a minor. and Ralph Mioh. Ilel. Fur partl tion of reu.1 estute. Lallll. hi quostloll is 4U, 58 aores in OlearCl'eek to wnship. RUUYllll Ilnd Stanley lue llttorneys for ph~intitl'. EIi,.abetll Hines va J osopb Hines ' Di vorce. Failure to provide 11m] extreDle cruel ty . P a,rties were lIlarriell I\t CoVington , Kentuoky, No. ve mber 21, 1003, nnll huve one chilli . P lalntUf a8ks that mnrriuge bo dis 1101 vell , thnt she bo restored t o he r llIalllen nHoUle, ElIlr.lLbe th Long, that sho UO lLwardell the ous tolly of t h e ohilll lind that uefendant be roq uir. ull to Bultnbly support herself anll chi Itlanll that sh e lJllly havo IIlimo. ny. F . ,r. St. J ohn is attorney for pllllntiff. Newton L. Bunnell VII W . ::5. Bo!lun, For receiver IIml equitable r oo rOllief. Defentlllnt hll M 1.>111' 11 1 t' 1I1l1l1 1111 "ll1inMfY ·" f"rrll Hi lwe Ii 11 "U8t. , 1\10·1. uucler cou t rnc t t o 811/1I·OOlJu ul. I y in th e proceuLl M of tlllie of Htock .. IIl.l llroPH, Thorll 1M 11 0 W 011 llllnd :1000 pOUIILI" of t,ulmuuo utili I,) brootl tlllW" upon tho Hule Ltf which prop flr ly plLrtle>! CUIIIIUI, II l;reo. Plull1 t iff .... 11M thnt lL r eC'oivtl r he u]lpoinh' ll to 1111\ kll ~uoh ~ ule lint! lli "itle pr"""",I!!. gll zrOlh nnll i\lllple 'HO lttt UI'IlCYII h,r I'lu illl,ift·. . . ,Iuc uh Pllillwr \' 8 AllJe r t Dill. ~'or m " Ltoy l)llly . A 1Il0Ull t uilliruell . :l Ul fif,. with illte re"t Plnint il1' "ICY" thu t lIlI AugnMt 7. 1>105. he sold lIef"'H~lIl1t :195 hI181"'18 uu,l ·11l puuOlhl of wllHul. li t I I? cenlll per IJIlS!lC l, fo r whic h I"" thu dufenduut. lI){reod to IJiIY IJII,.h t.:11 0. or. . Ho "iIY" dofene!. alit IH1" hlll!',1 Ilncl refll Rcli to P"Y HIlid HUIIl It u uynll IIlIcl l:-ltllnlny fo r "h~int!ff .
1r.,.I.LI " of - Will , J ones. tll:!C4lllsed , ~'I r~r 11 1:11' ,lI lIt fllr . ll ttJem en t til ecl . 8~". I '· " r 1\ 110... i I1 lJl~took , deceus. eI ~'ln' I 11 011 Hnlil lwcuuut' fo r· set. t l"llll' nt 1'111>11. I II n e~t'l uli t\ hlll ent of Hnr t Spe. iil·1 " uh" ,,1 Di .. t r lot.. t-:i pecla l soh ool di ~l. ri· t i ~ ' 1l81,'LUIi@ 1l ' (I k now n as H uf't t-; peviul 'uh(,, '] Di~trlot E ~ t" ttI uf I:;lI l11nol IN . Roger s, de· cen ~ ...n Fonrt.ll IIOCOllllt; fo r Mettl e· lln" ll til e!\. .\1 1I 11I ,\ tllt I.I(· tr.I'IAJI: . 1>1 , rl ill L . ' II·1l11Cl r , Enl," n , 1I1l 1l · Mrs. Llt lll'Il U LIII'y , }l' m uk/Jn . . W.IIII/Iln Ii Lu.v , WIlMI, Cr\ rrnlt.un, lind Mll ry rW tl ll RUlltllllllll , WIl Yll e~ v ille. R II v ( :lIopnr . Miol1 llu l A PFlirr lind Cnth"I'in e EtUeb ,1111 n " IVlIlIlIl , hol·1t nf 'l' wullt.v It ... v. Ui"IIIll' . Mile Bt.lIl1ti Carll :lint' ''1 t'lIl ilhlllltl Mul'.v Elli R Hay, h" lil " f \V tI .VII II_v illl1. Itt-v. Trout. .Iom e ~ fillr vllv YOltll/.: li nd My rt.l e R . Ivin _. I>ollt uf Lllh,Ullln . l'tav . Cooper . Roy ( :, Htophe llHon , Milluleto wlI, 1I1111 .llllln il,1I H. f.; illl\l~ On, Lalmnllu. Rtlv . ( 'oollm·.
TI t.~ Ni! "' K lt.'1 .
P erry Hlltfioltl et III to So.ra b F . Hlltfield ; 'i'l ner es III 'rurtleoreek to wntlhip ; ~ l. Racb el Tllmgett ot ILl t o Johll Milt on IIl1d J onnUll OltLrk; 20.ufi acres ill Wlly ne towns.hlp; ~I G OO. R Dunhalll t o AI .1 . l::!cheure r ; a lol.s in ~ orr o w; '100. MlJ.rthu, B. JlLnnllY to E\iY Abetll W Sh erwood; lo t in Wllynes"llIe; *2:)00, C. R. Throckmorton to D. S Throo kmorton ; qnit olllim t o 30. 18 ac re>! in Clllllre reek to wllRhip; I I. Will . .Supinger aud wife to 800tt O~ bo rn lind wife ; 08.72 IIcrl18 In Turtleoreek township; U . ::5. A . lind J . W . Ellis executors of Leo Elllll, clecell!!ell , to ' John W . Tnoker ; lot, in HllrveYllburg; t U:IOO, Peter B. Dnnbum IUld wife t o H . B I3tokeM ; lot lD Lebanon; IU . . Rny monrl E . Mulford Ilnd wife to J a m eHB. Will s ; 7:1.74 llores in Olellr. township ; $1. WilliufII T. 'rtlOmpson to Pe ter B. DuuhllDl unci wife; lot in l.ebll11on . DIIllial W Mixon to Belle LaFAvor' 1l0 .7Y 110raH ill Su)em t·p . ; $2200. '
LillIo C. G utt.nry VI'! Wilmer A. (Jutwry . PI ... intiff Htt~tOll t hnt Hhe Ilnd de fellClullt ill Maroh , 1!:!91l, pur. • Ohutletl tj :.! IIc r tltl ill Dco rfie lll town. IIhip fIJr MuuO. eueh lIlt y ing *;I ,UOO, I1l1d t hllY wtlrtl to It'Jill 8~1Il 1.l . O" f"mlrlllt bill! oeull l1080nt I1ntl his whur tllLlJout.! unkuuwn lIinctl Decem Commissioners' . bel', 11100 . lSi nee 1118 Ile part ure phLln . Proceedings. tlif hllll lu"rnec l t hnt instead uf tbe prope rl.y being oonveyell t il them 8tnte VI! Geo. JIlokMoD , ooat... ,1 6 35 j"iutly It WUI'! conveye ll to [ioftlllll. C. I•. \\' UDflr., 11ridge lumber 19 13 Hut ,,10111> nnd pluintiff hlu! ouly .Iuooh RhllTllII.kor, hridf.(e r e o pllirs Il1<lrntld I hi" !!inoo detendant left. in Pilliutlil' ptllYtI thut tlefollilunt. in Ii W . A . Ant,mnl , P. M . ,I'I~ giH ' toA rflil InHc r l:l for town· roallonl1lJlll Illugth of tillle oon voy tll Ithip, villl1gtl nlHll.4cboo l pluintilf the legit I title to tim umli fUUf1 1l videll nne hltlf t1 ltlr O! of . III dof ult 2 as h ereot it is u.llkeU thlL t the Court Lfl wi~ Bro~. cnul f"r court bouse " ffect,ullte "'lId conveynneH. RUIl. • YIlII 111111 Stlllll uy Ine utl,orucy!! for Alton ' F . Br own, eXl'lminn. · tion of Commissioner!! ' J?llIllItlft·. ', 5 00 I'f' por l' S5 cln .v !! Lilli.! (J (j nttl>rv Vl'4 \VIIIll " r A. 111 C. Drllk A. flXlltnlnnt,lon of Ulltl,,·' ,. Vi v"r"u 111111 IIlhnnny Co mm i"~lnnnr N' r e port 7r. 00 All~e!1 I'l" Pit r t ins WHrA lIulrried roo 00 {)(1I,nllO'r :! ~ . l KI:!Il, 111111 1·111'1'" ,1/'1' t.wo ,Inlll n~ Flllintl , ,utillry R B n l·~hhlcrg o r. ~IL1r\rY 35 00 childrnn . ~'n r nlOlr A1)\.ln fi vA .\·I1IH " A pet-Ition for tbe eata bJishment dl.f"llIllIul llll~ h.. " n wilfuJ\~' uh!mnt IIf 11 brid~ e over the LIttle Millm l P hl.inllff li"k" ,Ii VOrtlc·. 011.1 011.1' of river at Htubbs Mills to replace the cbildren and n·H •• 'lltlt>!>. lllilllony wooden strncture at that point WIIS and r equellt,; tbut lIdunull ul be en. presentee} signed by J. ' M . Hayner joillell from enoumbering or di8pO~- u_n~d~ ' 3~9=ot~h~e~r~s~.==~===~=~ ing of his property con8isting of' • certain ohattels Ilnll 62 IIcres of real D4TT~N • estut., in Deerfield townllhil) . Run' yan und Stllnley I1re attorneys for al pmintiff. W. 1" MOO Re . J(eccl vcr I Benton Soott vs W. A. Glittery and .lohu Guttery . F or mou0y. only TIME OARD Amount oltllmed *1,000 with IlItel" 1,! I;J·'F,C 'l'J Vlo.'! NOVF": MU 1o: n 1"!. lthl,i est at U per ceut fr llm November 18, SOUTR IIOUN U. 1\102. l' hil! ol'Lim i;l ulI!l1l(1 on a S t. a U OIlM V . ~I. ,i ' , :11. A. M . ; . Ili\ '! no I'( 01' prolUi!l.~ o r.\1 ljnte for *I,uno flXecUtOlI I !l I I I) I, .~ 'I' I ' JI I I Ill, MII~nn Nnvombor 18, Jl:!lHI. RII II. L l'I\\' " 1 (. nil H 1111 I> , . X l' & X YIlII and Stun ley lire IIt.lnnlO'\.I'" 1'' '1' P. M. P. M, A . M. Illaln tift'. f.~ h a.ll o n .Jul1 cLlo ll ra .,!! Ii :.!O :! 3rt H :.!Il l:. P. Whe.tAm, Tre lu.nnw of Wllr- S h al(c r Ur fl"s lll g r. H " :47 I r, 111 H n ~ I Y II I !! .. ~ ren county, Obio, VH Murt,ill A. Il cmps\.ellC\ . M" ai' :1:1 r. :;!! :! ·H, ;! ,.. f, [oK ~ 4.-, JIlID08on, admlnlstrat,or nf t.11C1 ON· 'cnu'r\'llIe M annr 1 M rl!l 1 11 0 4 , 2 1'i 7 tate of Clara H SJlence, lIocclI!leu . l.yLlc CI 0 11 a U~ H ;1" ":1 Of, l!:'! gcwool\ 12 "d "II 0 1 Aotion for lUouey only . Am llunt Vc n ~ lJl e o Ot, " 41 III " IO U claimed ljI22ll.0/l. 'rhtR am onn t it, 1{lte hner " 0 07 " 0 1M "3 ll<d,l. II 2 1 3 1'\ " It III cl&imed I\S due Warrun .<'Jount,y for l.4cJa Ul.1 "(/ no ~ :t ~:! ~ II 11 1 11 ~ r,1' :t au personal taxeN lind penlLlty t'llorOOll. LcIJ:a.nllll- A r rl \'0 () .. :! NOR1'IIIlOU Nfl Br.ndon, ':Jun lind Ivins ILro ntt,f)J'· S t ll Llnns . h. M. h. M I' . M . naYIi for plllintiff. () UO U 4U II 00 D.vid B, Denlinger VII ElIther Den. C II oIL D f) ,~ X T C II &D O:l yton - ArrJn·1 A 00 II 00 llnRer. Divorce. Ab"enee und eru· I) ,0;. x l' l1 01L XT elty. Partiel were lll/\rried at ,\ . M, h M 1'. AI , r. :,![, III :\0 Frtlnklin, Sept.eOlber 2B, 1905 Plain f.cbanon Junr. llon /C I ~ S h a k {' r Cr o&!llu g ' " I U fi :?e 10 ~ o tiff .vera defendant h ..~ lit various Ro.y ln " 8 II ' 10 ~ I " ,. 11 r. H,' I~ times left him, Ims u8~nollltecl with ~:::~:~.~ ~~ ~~ 10 r, 0 7 1010 ;r. (I) . other men .nd has been gnilty of Manor t 7 ,,~ IL 0 :1 0 ;'7 • r.U .... l.yUc 7 '7 very Uhoocoming onnc.1uot. u e E#6 W(lod t7 G~ ffi [•• :4 r.a t o 50 H 4~ avert! she hlltl trelltell bi ll cruelly Venable t 7 40 *II .~ ::. 4i . l"Le hn er *7 U~ and has disrega&rded Illl numt,,1 duo Dodd. .. 30 til HI of 4f. H :III ;1 '110 tt6ll. Brandon, Burr Jl,nd I Villli Ilre t:~ann~n_LOa\.e *; ;;~ • au " 30 attorneys for plalntllf. ; SIIlI) on .IKn~l .
In re will George W . Null, elo(loll8ed. Widow oloc t" 1,0 tllke under provisions of wll1 . J!l8tate of M"ry B. Hille, deoen8ed, Joseph B, Hale appointed lldmiDl8· tutor wlt,b bon!1 of ,11000. B. H . lleeker, Oeorge.· R. Rallllman and Carl Ml1~er apptaisers. Eatate of Georl{8 W. Null deceaa· .-1. Willlam·H :-'!i.ull appointed ex~ eon&or with boDd .of '1000. -Wm. · Allen. BeDry Stowe and JOhD R. .' Slafrted appralaerL. .'~ In re Win Thomas :uqlelby, de. oe&aeill AppUoatiOD f9f bear-
'fRAI N!oI. P M
A iii
7 :15
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01 Old ~IdU, Time Residents.
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ll'allme r ,
ALi v ·il I l.f!
Alm!t evDan R. Andel'8on ot 'Layfayette, T . Cloud, Pardee, Mooby , Q I' y 0 I h 41 r Indiana sends t he Gazette the 101. Z. Abnel' Cloui!, Rob : lowing q lLlUeS of oJtl r esidents df t4is Dutch- John Smit h. ~Icet IS utoomlDunl ty whioh will be of j nt erest :r SteWII..-t, b Hi ' Ilie'''ll ,.·ith ,11000 aey, . -Beaoh, Benjam~n th is err i Je to tr.1ll.ny . . , d i ae ri~e i n .One noti ib le fea t ure a.bout tbis Rutterworth . ~-.rohnson J ohni Dllv,'d H'o'olmll n' orne . Sl nge t \1I1l11 it ncI~t i t h e n umber of na mes, of t.h a u Ora l'1tCln, II ul rc~. l ull ~vhich II fe w. year ago the re wer e Ezrli Bpswell; Kelly O 'Neal Mien:: &treogl h n11d Inr go fll milie;; uou whi ch nt · pr esent j ll~ .1obn aol!' .;John lo{ort in . TIm'o th; Kell y, A'Qrn hunt Bowmllll . Btlrn'ell S U <I d c, 11 J Y .. seizes Ihem iu ... r e . ei ~h or not represented ill ' t h e Goode, Ed wurd Kind le, N ed ry .itob , .,,::::::!lI the mnst viQleo t cOllllllu nity, C)1' e lMO ou t"' fe w of t he e r ts amI his t wo Bons, J ohn Il Ut! Ev form . I~ ynur ap~IlL m a llre to be fO UDIJ . IM !te flck l,,? Do If 't h { re·' AdlLTns, Anlsun, Arlo·n . Allen . All . erlll'll Mogog Mcl{n.y ,· --L~1'11 u. . IJ V , Y O Il RIl er \\' 1 R ohur t ~'llrlUl R , alln r y Clllrk a UII tI~ent heudachcs 1l 11 <1 dinilltss, nod t,rulll , AndOl'Ho n, Ar na t t., Apploto n. hi R three SO OR H J ' dImmed eye.? Do \"' \1 laek am bition . e nr.v. , OIll Ullln flncl and coerRY? 1>0 YUII ' I< )~S a ut! lllluol" at Ihil r1.1·, I:!oflll e, Bnrn utt, 13nnnell . , B i~phllU1 , 8 11rtoll , 8l1ins. I3l'nds ht4 IV , Lor n€'lIuR. .. 100 .1 nnAt,hun , h J'l)th p.r I,f IIlght , Ul1 l1 bl" 10 "i,"p?' R idgA lind n t,h ll r~ ' T hese a'rt: ull S)'lllj' I"IIIS and fo reruuBrn wll , But te rwor t h, BOILOb, BordOIl S OUl'Y S I'. Mullion . Ilers of thIS d ISCIlSC. Act nt OIl Cc. All of tlt e Il hove 1i\' p.ll nnrt.1t of Comme nce Ih" l,"C of Belllll . BOHler . Dfl rnlmrt, Bo wker: Bni 1'(1 , Bn Yllfe! , BrYlm t, Bergl1n , Cal'~arsC:-er lf..Sout.1.l oftltll tRI,rell lll waR Thom ll!< Slllil,h , Aj p.t McG nirfl . 8 S BUljt, Burko, BonH Ull, Barge r, Beck . " ( La.Katlu .. ) Bonner, Bonne tt, Binkley, Bowmlln Aloxan d or .... t,e wart., 'l'hOIl1I1H P l1[!h -II)\lel /11111 ,Tnn,O)'1 eO . .. Blu c k, Burry hill, Bnrulll , Bemlor ' .Jol'don .Ta '"nl uu. "on Wll r wfc lc, CI"l'k a ud Rilll LII.Wren n ,A ' Bn tt erfiol,l . Bruinerd , Brinker . u "hleb ",!Il instan tly ch ec k t he p rogrcsa CnmJltnn. Crl\lIe, Curey, Conner Ther'e we r A !l o'uhtl eR~ ot.her~ t.iIRt, I of the dlsc"s" and ull imntel yera(ll·cata traces of it Iro l1\ your srSlcm. (J.".k . CrrNllOl', Cll~Jle rllO n , Clem ents' 110.,"1' not U1 Ant;loned Mnnv. flf t,b o~A allDR.CALDWELL'S SYRU P I'g PSIN enmnerllt ell w'Rre fir At SAttler" on t.h p 19 the g' realest prCtlnmlion e\'er offered CoJ\ /·tt, (Jolrh. Corn ell, CraWford', f aT1UR th ey ocC)u pie U. for dyspepsia , Co le" Clnrk. l:ll1rko. C"uwa lll1de r I ·11 ' . ' It acts , insta ntly. reslo rin" every WI ]IIS. m en tlon tll'Lt, th " Pi b Cheno lVo th, Cisco, Collins, Coope;. a If~ te d par.t \ 0 urnl life lI ud vi"or. DR.CALDWELL' S SYRUP PEPSIN CI'I RJliu , 'hlll)lUan, Curtwrlght.. on eMS Wnl koll. l3tudy bllker. MillAr . be obtained ill both 'dolla r nnd halt. dolt · II r\ CruUdllll , Curli er , Cu.rter, Curlile SlItn n Ilnd B CR ter . hlLc1 le ft th A CfJ un- can try bot ore II11.r r eoolfection , I for ar SizeS at a rug-gists. Your money will be refunded if It ChnmlIe r . n il 1'1'011 , Crllig. Colfeen: got t.o m enton the UllmOH of Philip does not benefil yOl/ . (Jn rmun . Curmony, Culemlln, Cr e w, . Your p ostal cll , d r eQue!l t will b rl n{l b y re t arD Iln d Glunes G00t1e who were bot h 111&11 our De,!, bookie•. " DR . CALDWELL'S ,Comerford. Crel1lDer. rominent O l · t · f E • W aOOK OF WON ORI<S " Rn d free •• mple 10 , 1~ e n 8 0 fi St! u.yne uao •• who have never trit: \J th is ''f'oDde rfal Dnkin, Downs, Davi8, Downing, P at t hut time. Do Ic bOW . Dinwiddie, Duke , Dumlls DnniAls PEPSIN SYRUP CO. (j EonOE 15. l:-l AI.E Dndloy. Dodson" Duugher~y, Doone:
Monume"j _
:8~1 :~~~O~
•.\.., •
If .WI! w ero to a s cmble all tho.~e w ho have 'been cur ',I of h~ait d i;;:case by D r. . l ilc- ' lI~ar I 0 '~ ' t C ur e, and W1 wou I·'u .to·day be i Ii th eir ' g r;wcs fl d n.o t Ur. M il es' b ccil Juct:ess(u l ill pe rfectinr' this \\'O]llkrfli ) I <:> Icart ~1'~ i ie, t hey ,vo ll id popIIla to a largo city. \\' ha t a rcmi\r kablc r ecorda 1.vreat Ili. ng. thin k ing' , IIlovi ng 1:' Pll lllll en t. CO n1 IJU 'i" ,J Or h uman ill-cs . -Ihat fo r \\ ltidl every I " ireI' earthl y poss<:,,~ io n is S:lCI :Ji r ,'d. . ' L'h c l\ li les IVfcll ical Co. re, eil' l.! t ho tl sa nd s o flelte rsfro lll Ihese p eople li ke th e f Oll ow in g: "r feel 1r "I ~h t o d to lho Dr Mil .,' J :oll rt :11ro c",· my II Co. 1 <loolre to ",;11 I. .. on' "" IT"rlng ' , t' !d, tlitt o tl d:4lou r e mofa r 011"". l( a lJ\ o r ('mpd y (tlr...til" h, ,,,.t, I'or n lung lImo 1 h ud "litTered t rll i ll Hh .,r,l rh':-!s ~ r b r:i'nt h ,, ( It' I' any 1. ,,1,0~ , ,'t x.llrn('~ 'r\" ,n." '!'p "1'I 11,10111p'"", ' In: '1:," a Ju " I nr I' hII o•• rhI)" el-t :o n( Ii." h ." ,,·, . "" ",·,.Jo,," II :ut (. C e",'cd \ 1." I """ ltI '''Ill'' 'Imn oIr"I) dCIHI u"on t ' ,. 'r, ·.... (' .,,, ' v I r" d Oli" .. r you r I:! 'I , ItnJ Imf1) (ofJ!:l t , l y w,' nt t o
D r. C ld we II' Syrup PepsI
Ij, Y d ;·l;..:~I·' t
II,·. ,
Doll, Dnnham , Dorbyshire, Denlln ger. Evnn ~, Everhart, Ennis Eberly Engl e, Elliott, EdwardS, 'EbriJlht: Emely, Ellis, Ely, Eulu8s, Fren ch , Franey, Fnnkey, Furnas, Fox, Fllirholm , Fulton. Fetters. Fos. t er. Finley , Fletch er . Fa,nesl oc k F alkne r , Flinn. Frllsier , Frame . ' Groom. Good e, lJo rdon , UriOl es, Gossett. U rn.IJIlIII , G olden. G uuse, Ollllimore, Gibbs, Urubb. G it hons, . Gnrner , Goug h . Hinchmo.n, HiIIlllll n . Boel, Hill, He nc1erson, Hol\llnll, B enley, Hen. liley , H lIwke, HlIude n, . Hare, BSIlton , Hus ton, Humphreys, Bil mmel, Bunte r. Hoyt, Hixl!on, Helm . Hln. mun, Harris. Hllincs, Hough , Heigh'. WilY, HOlUitton, Harilln, Hoy, Hayes, Bnpl!lJ!8, f!lIskit, Bllrt800k, Book. e t., HaYRlit. Harrison Hoey, Hunby , Hinkle, HIlWIIC, H urmel, H oover, Hellry , Hisey , Huc1dle!!on, Horsfall, Irvin, Ivenll,' Johnson, .Jone.s, Jomes, Janney, ,J ennint:s, Johns, Jnooba, Jooo. Kindle, King, Kingdon, Kent, Kin. n ey, Kinsey, Kearney, KeYB, KUben, Ket.ollem, Kelly, Kirk, Kiger, Klein, Keenn,n , Knight. -' Lashley. Langdon, Lykons, Lucas Lynob, Lee, Lincoln., LYons, LInder Lewis, Leak, Lloyd, Latchem , LIppincott, Linton, Leonard, Lamar, Manington, Mills, Mathlas,Mather, Mlltthews, Ma rtin, Moore, Morrow, MOllce, Monroe, Michener Melony, Merritt , Meeks , Merohant, Mendenhull, Mason, MiSllitillne, Menres, Myel', Morford, Mosher, Minton, Murray. Middleton, Merthon, MimndlL , Mill er , Me Kuy" MoKinsey, MoG llire, McOune, MoKnlght, Mo· Oomus, McCoy, Mintl o, Monntjoy, Mo~s , Mu ~ell , Millillrcl, MoKinley , Mc Dollllld, MoSherry, McHugh . Norton , NA wmRn Ne w1\old, Nick. e lsoll, N ellry, N ealll , Ni~I LI , Newborn, NelHon . Ot to, O 'Noul, O ' Breiu, Oglesby, OwenK , OIiPlllltlll t., OdI e . P\l ~ h, PurRimll , P hillips, P enoe, PI·lnt ?, POI'ry, P O/Laock , Powel, Pep. p"r, Pefl rOil . Pinl'poin t, Pritohard, p" Ill , P flUUI . Poot, Pel1r~o n , Prllt her,
Pl'll t t.,
lil'I"'''', 1't" !;A1'R, Russell, Riley I{'. '.\' ~ Il, ~f!tJ II\i o k', itc' lI I!0n, Romine J R·,h'I"I !. H.k h , l'tiil gfl, Rice, Roberts, R . ,hi" ~l llI . Itiuks , RI)~tl ll., rry, Rllglln, 1{,,.<Iti l.,)t. R"ede r, Itn,1l1by, Roudy, IJII~h , L{nylturn . I:iptluj(ler , 800tt, ~mother8, Suttles, Slltterth wnite, HhoeDlllker, Sinolair, I3herwood, Sa le, Hides, Sands, San· ders, Showlllter, t)hinn, Steward, Se well, St,ump, Stll.oy, ISmall,lSweet, Sellrs, Stout, Stiles, I::itansberry, Stokes , Stanton, Southern, Strahl, I::ittlley, ocllDebloy, 8prav, Steddom, I::!urfllce, Sutfrins, Stevens, So.bin, I::imizer, Stewart. 'rreon, 'l'rllman, ThomllS, Thomp .. !:lOll, 'l'horpe, Tha.rpe, Thorn, Taylor. 'l'uttle, 'l'il ton , Thaokera, Terry, Thurston l Throckmorton. . Underhill, U llderwood, Upp, Urton. Venllble, Vanduser. Wharton, WillilHuson, Williams. W.tson, Wright, Wainrig ht Woolly, Wernt,II, Wbite. Wood , Woodrnff, Woollllrd Wi~e , Way, Walters, 'Vatter!!, Willes, 'Vinterll, \vcst, WlI.rner, Wier, Young, Ycomllns. Zell, Zeller!!, Zen tmeyer.
Recollections by George S. Sale.
WAVN KSVILLIC GAZET'U:, MOORE. Ge nerall'as..'lCulI. r Agen•. Lebanon, O. DEAR FRIENDS ;- I notioe in a !!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ late i88ue of the Oazette a commu· nioation from D, R. Andel'8On. DaD A Lively Tussle. ' with that old enemy of the race, a1way~ writ-ea intel'6lltinRly. It oocured to me a .few momeD&8 Constipation, often ends in Appen. d.l ottia. '1'0 avoid all aer1ou8 trouble ago to Bend you a lilt of the oitiZen' with 8&omaoh, Liver and Bowell, of .....t W"yoe ToWDablp -: when '1 talre ' Dr: King'l New . Life Pilll. WIUI abo)" FollowiDg;are Dames. The), pedeo$l)' rttRUlate these or. AblJah O'Neal, B&uiuel Kelly Br., PD8, without patD or 4laQomfo~. George MoKinIe)" Isaao Parmer, ,Goat f1'8d U. Hohwarta draigllt. W . •:.
a ••Uoello, IIlInol.
Oured Bem orrh lLge~ of the Lu ng ... "Several ye urs since my lunl!R were so bn.d ly affected that I hud mlln y hem orrhoges," writes A. M. Ake, of Wooll" Ind . "I took trellt. men t witb Reveral pbysicians with. out nn y ben efit. I then ~tarted to take Foley 's IEionev and Tar and my lun~8 a re now TLR s ound' as a bulet. I reoomme nd It ' in advano. ed shlJ:(os of lung trouble. " Foley's Boney and TII:~ stops the oough and h911ls t h o lungl!. lind prevents lIeri. ons results bom a oold. Refuse substitutes .
I'fl d
IJll r dlo l!'C t',1 t w n h o t .
Ihu IJ .,,'·\ Cure. und look It 1H""" " d; "~ tl1 diro,'II.. ".. with tho I I tI ir,~':) I II ~~ , \,.r":~: l~·~tl~r;-l>;';\~:;a'~nl~n ~~ o ;;om,"" II d Ihl. r. mody t o m y fr Iends rwill) h t \ ll he.u l't trouble: In ta ct 1 a m It In.\,..rl n>f ,,<lvcrll"mont. Co r I am widely k""wn III lhls localll ),. " J . H. B OWMAN .M HIl :u::'c r o r Lebanon Democra t, N" '"lc, Tell n. U r . Mlle.' Heart Cure I~ oold by y o ur d r u yqlst, w ho will guarantee tho1t II,. li " <, h o ttlc will benelit. If It ''Ill. f
h e w ill r c:tu n d yoyr mone y .
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, 'I ad
For 8 alo b y J . E . •ln nno.:::.. __
I:lleeJlles!ln ess,
In. [)i~orc1erscODllition of t he stoOlRc h prodn ca and often Jll'e-
Doctors Are Pn~,z lel1. Tb e r emllrkaole recove r.y of k- e n . neth McIver. of VllncelJor n. MA. , i~ the subj oct of muoh in t(~ l'eRt t,o tlt e medtcal fraterlllt.y Ilnd a wide c ir . ole of friends He AllYS of h iR CtlSA: Owing to seve r e mfiumDlu tion nf the Throat and oongestion of the Lqngs. three dootore ga ve me up t o die, whe n , 1I~ II, last r esort, l Wfl S induoed to try Dr. Kin g's New Dis· covery and I u m ha IlIlY to su.y . it sllved 1I1Y life . " Cllres t b e \V rat, Cougbs lind Colds, BrOllohi tiR, 'roIlsilille, WellK l.unJlR, B OllrRenes8 aDd L& Grippe. GUlira nteed lit Fred C. Schwartz drug store , 500 and '1.00. Trial bot tl e free.
v~ U n~ . "
aleC I) Oh n~m b e r IIun " H St-.0~ , mnch ,md Li ver 'l'lIbl ets Rt imllin te t h e lliJ:(llsti vo orguns, re~t':lre t he system t o a healt hY' cOlHll t.lO n nnd m il li e ,s leep possible . Ifo r !jttle by F red chwurt lr..
A Nil !>lOA, [l til R 11'1
'.:OF · ALL KINDS .' 'l'elolliLoDe ·in h is · h ouse where lie ;: CIUI be rolled M all hours, day Or ' n igh t . (JOUCllCS lLDd ollu,ir s s uppll6{.l H ave r eceutly m o ved t o r oom lIext t o Cr oss Bros. M ,IN STrtH:Ii:T. WhVNll:8v tLr,lll,O, Sme t,1) Cnro I Ll u igelltlon. Unlosl! Popsikoltl Curos Y our D y s· pepSilL .r. E. .Ta nnoy Will Pay Bac.k th e MOll CY. It is not OftOll th at be baoks · up n uew rom ed .I' with lIiA o wn person. III gua r nntee but he kno wl! thllt Pep. si k ola. l~ Hm e to help all wbo h ave ch roOlO LlYSlll.lps io. lind indlgel:! tlon th e very fIrst dny they bogi n to ta ko i t. l\To r&ove r ho is too bnsy a uLriiiH re prJt,lItlO" h ",,,nil II,,) IIl UCIL t o til kn ohll fl(·.·.< In I'Pcn llllll l) tHli ug a now r tl lll l,d ." L Ihe i r OUHt,oulers tlu\t will II 'H d" ,iIlS I, il K \·E'Jlresen t.ed . Po p~ 1 kolu iM,I relllfl rk l1ble prepllr. 1I tlUn u.1I11 hilS pBrforn leu80me c urell ilt Way nesville th a t border npon th o mirac ll l o u~ . It Is IIlso II grand ervo ton ic . It improves the a ppe. ttte, gl \' n~ new strength and new en orgy , t,mos u p the s to m ach and digl1s tive ' o r~nn 8, Il.nd makes you fee l hett,or n gb t. oft·. . Wben yon buy u pa ckllge of Pep. alk ola you ' urI! protected in every WILy . Jf it cures you the oost is U ce.ntb-i f it do os no t. Mr, Janney WIll pu.y bao k y our money wi thou' tll ll least. nrg ument .
Crushed Corn.
J" H McCASSY" M.A, M 0 ..
W o a r e grind ing orashed corD ever y dny . W e keep ground reed t o ox ehfl nge if you h a ve not time to wnit. Ollr feed exchange is run on 11 t oll or cosh basis. If y on have not tried onr orasbed corn cull Ilndaee It. will aay I t hn t 'it ill the fines t feed )'ou ever Waynes~me Mills. DA YTON, O. Is a w .
EY Hl, E AH, NOSE and T lUlOAT P honllR ; HourR-9 n.m . to :J p .lII . BnndnyBall , 11;02 9 1t . 1ll . t.u 10 p.m. 1 to 2 flom e, 3502 Ot,hor en gll gements by a JlPoin t m en t Wi W. F ifth Ht ..
• "lIllCK to ~e Farm," who bave trl ~ tbe \l nrsb ex11 0~\ b e( II ot lll1:! c.\t.Y, fI.nll III wll s~ m mD"tes there IIngors. Ilorhn 1'.11 f (llnt. 1t1llio,llzed platlm;II, oine vlsI 6~ "f tM IIldbolllPln Che('Qllntry,Ul cr)'ot"Da k
19 Ule fllrml "
By nON. OEOROE W. PECK AUlhQr o/ "Podr.·. 1Iad Be, Abroad."
~e l'l'
cl,lts t;\ IIOPO, Tho te ndency to rUllh f.I) the city, I' 1l1(lTI;s \b tl Pllll~rlelllh11\ Led~r. x I[cs th e \!\' l' U of the Q Il O whl) lIt nn arn nzem ..'trller JBJ' ha d n.u swereel th e Ku me all" 'rho It)' o lf r s to II ce rlalll IIINll a llty II J1lwal'd m orc g litle rl .cl; tb llu I ho couutr)' J\olds . a llOlItlcal ;t.IIrl Rod" I I,o we l' o[ " 'hi h the country hUN uo kno wl db'\'. !-'or t\QeH the cOU/jlJ')' need 10 ru!;r e l tll is. h blls It s own r"w.a rd , nnd Ihey nrc beltor tb nn gold. M.oreoyer, Ih e pe rsona l fnllu re In t be c ity I~ n dy. ll Qbbn r~ Ilflu u ts tho crowdfd s lree t. \'ico !w ckoru; Into lho s~ad\lws. Th e city I<fll e r, 10 rl so abo vo cpo dead lo\'el wh ere hi s to be of I!xtraor d ln nry te! lo ..·~ abide, t orca or eh a l'Bo:)tel ; In a Plllicutlo n untlrlD.g, In deols. Pbl'),al'B unsc ru pulous . nnu b m ust be 1I',terwlecl by the gocld S o [ ",oo d fo rlane. The u s ual lite ot the ell)' ltlbon'r or \Wage earner Is Lbe tlll r S l. He cu nnot .6o.vo mon ey. Tbere II r few wnocen t ,pleasnres upon wh ich he cun Clllpend the IItU e h e m a y ha\'e to spa ro above Lb e ,prlGll ot reut anll bre/ul. Ev e n tresb aU and the clear lisb t of til e ~lIU are l':l'(urlos donIed. H e lllay look u pou $plt'..Jon;. but bave no· pn.n In them; bo awu l"! of wealth. with small Ch!llll!e of all.DJnlng It. In Lhe cOWltry there Is "0 n eed II) be rich In ol'der.tO Le In de pe ndent. Xhere Is no limit to the sunligh t and tbe pure air, Tbere Is D O da nger or Elll1'vlllg. The s mallest .farmer, It be exerc1sas thrllt, may lJve on food t ha t the poor man In the city would di'on m about. 'J~be tuuny men of Lhe ne ws llD. &>e1"8 joke grllDly .ot tile Ions bours 1M f llTme.r must work, nlt.boug h tbe y ! hornlieJ"es ure drudgos, It Is only at ce r la ln ticasons Lllnt b e needs LO w ork lun ger tban the creatures of wages s weating In tIle cllY. and be h IlS the s atlsfuctlon at knowin g Lbltt he IS workIng for hlml;e lf. No mn.n. In city or Couutry , II\' s by him· se lf alono. Each must malntllill r~lu· 110ns toward tbe res t ot the world. Bil l tbere Is no other mun, rI cb aT flOo r , who 11; so nen.r ly hIs own mas ter as th., 1Ju'mer.
The Bad Boy nnd Lh o Se nlltol" s Son 00 on an E lephnnt ChA .e-The Sen· &tor '" Son Gets His Friend n B Id t o Dinner n t the White Hou,se-Th c
Ju,diela l Sympathy. hola 1nteresllng to see bow often the rOOW'ts, ~b.lch lire upposed lo be unzOlUlonslvo ID e motion, are mo"ed lO ~etJon by un ' occident of relll pa,lI11l' lOr h In Boston, r ecently, says ·'¥outh·s Colil)lllIllon, an or)\han \loy o t ,17 wue the defendant In 11 BUIt .' brougbt by his Ullcle IUld a unt, to se· ,c,ure tb.e custody of bls' ' two younger :sInon. The bOy told the court !.bat .he ,was earning .only five do)lars a!t. und that .perhaps ·It was !.rUe :that ,Lbe little gIrls would have moro luxur1es wUh ,!he uncle and aunt · but t i :wlsbed to "keep the tSIDJly to,cether," nud fell Bure thal b.e could odo J1, 'With ,such ,help as Lbe two olde r ~rothere bad ,prolDlaed, 1l10r~ver, !&he lliUe girls preferred to stay wltll liltn. , 'tbe.judt;o commended bls .nnd 'hls bumlUlo spirit, and awar,d ed , !IIltn .the oustoily of his two slstors, 'In .order .that be could bave . bls wlab to 4'.k.I!tIP the lamll.y wgetbor."
'It ,18 mot .trlll! that busIness Is neees. IIIIlrUY .harden lllg, declares an opU.m · Jstll! contemporary. Kind mid con· .stant ·.oonsldernUon Is often dlsplnye d in It, If creditors are salisUM of Lbe bones\.)' anti .abUlty or ~a delinqu ent -debtor, ho ,Is usually treated wltb i1en1ty~ ~I! ,relations bet\l\'een busl· ness men and tbelr cualOlDorll mill' be ~otlen.ed .by lubrlcalioDa of kindly lIywj)sta)!. They do ~t. necessarily produoe any more hnrdenlng th a n r eo sults .!rom the friction of me In othel sl)heres. Tboro Is scarcely a consider· able business concern whlcb does no\ r.etuln In Ill! employment old servant<! WAO .mIght be 8uperseded by more elll· c16IU wen, 'perlU\ps at less cost. HuJIlII.D.e enllment en.tol"8 Inlobus lnes8 Jal .mBI\Y ~:y8 .
T m l ned S eo. l S wallowa no Ala nu
Cloc k. The sho w r emn l nell in Vt.' n!-ll1 l ngl on two d a.ys, C\lll SC It too k a ll o ne 'doy nn tl n iG ht l O Ch ic h lbe e le p h nnl :1. ufl r t ilt' r 's boy nn d I t urn ed th o r a l .,.; IUh l mkc l oo se In Ibe rlnl; \\' h li e l h I} UI e· phnnls wer e rormin g n Jl y ram ld, Pa ·, Ilau" I U "... 0 an rI a II til c e Ir eu s IlUll \,lB away d o wn t OWRr(ts 1hf' nu 1l nun bal ·
"W II; it'a fbls WilY, 1ho llrMldent bUlln"l I. a gl)OtI (lC'al like I::ar bllnl I h E IN Ing. You gel on fl. . fre!1h lrack. e;1 ~I OROWN-Ul'S 'MEN UNWlS In p<)111I,·fl. or benr hu nt ing. nn ,l (0 0'" !1'ALK liE FORt: O, mLD~EN, tbo gablB wit h ·dOg!!. or I (llilirIAns, 11. t h tl cas ~ DIllS b Tho i!.ro.lI ke p~ gel · tlng frcshe~ /lud by nnd \ly Ih .. !;IUtii "i.ltt~e. .Pltch erS DIg' EaTS " IlIld is In I!;ht .. and tb & rlogs :\rc nIp ping PI ( entH Sho. dt.l Do Ohre·tIlJ. A\) ~u t ItR hIDlI · Ie I Is n bQilr. or eh w· DIS u~sln or . N &I.;'hbol'$ ' 1U 'rbelr In); bIg wo rd s If It f5 a n opposi ng cnn· " l1idate, and il lpp lng h Im III e:tposcrl B oilrln g- Ohj" c l L a 80ns in Lyln~ placos. YOu rl~ lI kp m,"l. you r rlo tllC ft -'Ih~ I n,'om r telll Nul'fl~ - 1I\1rd eliS Upon Ch lh.(ihll· MUH! s -COJl Yo r )'our r e put allp nl l)rn 11)' llTln rs I( ILIa 1\ be!\r .. o r hr opposit lQII l H'wsllll tler~ It l og Pn ,'ell \.8 ' FauILS. It In II pOIl IIc,,1 cn mpn l~n . nn ,l yo u wl ell It. \\'a~ ovnr . m3n'"' fl mc~, Illlrl nre 1.n: M .\ HC B: r~1' I'; S.\ N( : ~·I I ': B. ..,
~n llr pn YO II
F'i n nll ~'
w fl r " 11("nl l . y ou r h e- or or y rHl f OIH'Iunf' n l to yo u
I"n fr p~<l n "~<1 I ho Il o!!~.,<2. ar"~- t r .' ·· IlI) I,' II"" " ... ,, IIIP c li mh the lr (I, nnrl ,.'no r llca r t:'o
o r }"OU f ll0ltll l'ul (\1JPonPlll I~ \In on 0 Itm h R J)nr l1n~ am i Flin w illg h i!=! t jl t~ tll Il llh flovs o r t h(' poll t ld un s, nn ll l hrn " O ll rld ~ up, l ook t h e ~TO' il\d 1)\" ' 1' , W IlJt -t ill )' ou r h ea rt stops lJ n lnt-; All tl n rt! t ho s hu t at n \1 to l f UlI't. and ,Yo ur h f'IU (,I r you r l> oli ll ~nl 0 IIJWn nt r O lll c ?t t u m· \ \ ' 1H' I1 I }£' C('a'i> i';, h llru: t o t h e g roll l1tl 10 ldrk yo u p ut yo u r rout on hi s c rk il n f I [ ef" I s 0 rr y y ou 1\ I11 <I 11111 1 . lI Ilt "J ou un lO \Vorl, au d skiu h im n n tl h anG. h is I
C C(l l' rl'l~: ht . 1\1 0G.
II.a we tralll we ever ('ern! In Iralblng our 8urreason 1IomethlDg ~. Plctureaque ThAn • KeStl of \\Tater BlllllljnB' LUll" LIII~' nnll JO~Cllhll'" mu)' he lold Over Rocks, all da y lOll\,; lhllt It mnke$ nu ~I"cr~nce-, how tlIP'· IlIol( If o nil' lhey behave w~11 hili If mo.mnl B h ' "alII nlld In· 8'\', ..1 pn .. Il)lq Willinm lr IJoo«I". . II hi c '''' .p('n' n .1l'Jn " n",u lull wltl., ""n (",,, ,, <Ik r,)n!l l~ ~ rll l Ih will pro u" y o ..., ;" ~ e w l\ ,u"p.h,r\'. I'clntc I h lin, I (1 11 hM' r8'tb'~ r . Inan. OOOl' I't r IlrCCcIlt S. )I .. Id. Thll I:,·.t "Hlrnlt'!'> th~ re rQII",1 Ju r k IInll 1J 0rue.. w ill n ot I:\II ~' iluer h'lll' lo kllll< Ius usu.! 1 h.nK .\I'lI l1l, '\" ha.1 I. 01 honor Ih a n III II' fulfll'r I hc" l'J hI" (rim,,1 tllll \11~ of ~i , :!::~II ~" I~: 1\ \'r lll'urn Ih o fath r \I f· tI\·1) snoS. b ·, c~dcl .,{"~~ f:'~ lk n:~r'lhl~ ;JII;III' '' '(''' ;' ' 110 twe r u IIw 1I~1ll\ .o( fuur nod 14, rc hll C ~C:J" ~ n ' "l,,:ul . ~" " ",II,'. "'h,'" he IIIIIY ' lIh p O, lI lv\' j.\ lt,n, I' 8l.o l·y of gllln s ' 0;: I)I,i'mnll ,,,"11111 h ll,~~\f in thl' 'Iu. , ~· fll lt t llr 11Ilt! ma,I" I h roug h oV.l! rreor l" , '\\ Uj' of. grC" ~"" ' " "I II II 8toOtlll~I'" che 111 1; nn ,) th'~ I' In a Dus lllf" ~ trnll sarl,IO U' 1 r"!: ~'~ n you <l irrel " ". 10 \\" I... n·" m .. ', h , lIn ll' 1III ChC'fS hnd Iol ~ ' AT •• 1 hr. y eAoIH" lie inqu lfI.d "f t ile 01 ,1 11111 11 . Il mnll III lhp ~ h n m dn l!lltl. II \\' II\lld 1 The old ",'11 '<1111 01,,'-1 I~'. " j"'. "",I I"",k h 4.' too nl lll' h to r x oo'~ 1 l li a l Illt!' I' o n 1\11 ,·,hntl .. l l\' t' HU'\(,' III lilt' q\ll':O!~l~lI; rt t 1 V" - I C ~p"k , ' ., I ,!I\{' \ 1) \1 1' tn "" II ~ t
St.Jacobs Oil 'for many. man V yea .. has c~rod and continues tjl. ouro ' JlHEVMATISl'f NEURALGIA L VNB'AGO
ti:\ P\' !\.holl ld go for th tnto li to w t I It n ~,: t ll'lI:I\\ ' I t l d l ~ \l tI U '1U~' l o u f ll f,lt: l\: O\ tll t\~ !\lUIU P l'O n bonll ' JI)o rl' $ u,I ' I.1 nnht f' ~' lnlHlu rd B ll d 8 hl n h id eftJ r. i n· 1 w }WI't' !IH.'n'-to .\ ,:III111P tI 111 ,w ltlWll)' I - t lla ll 1' ,I,,' " 'UU (t ' :" r it .,", 1 1\1,..hI,' ~: I rtli t' tt,\,.1. " lin ' ''' >: 11011,1'\ nfT n s SWe e t H lltl r cJ 111'.... 1 I , ,,. (' {H"\iI\\lv, I lin \flU (''III LI' tu t ho ,lcnc"v IJ"I'\" " "I 1'·.. .. ' lIl't til id tl d ld rc.n " 1 i t OU" (,"D" (\ whl.t port '''I f men my tu I h' (" 1\' I I '1 . II to )' t tnr U 11('l "H hl" 1"1 ~;l d 1~ 1I \ t 1 ~' 11 ,cal I) Still. In f ' \ ' ' I )' h O I I~ I 'hIl J d n ltlt U' r s con 1(1 1I0y s 111 1l1u\ ~ o lO'I r: UH thfl Y 1(,8 rll to ld l 1' ~fll lt \\'110'1\ ),"" \ 1.' gn lw " 11 ~ 1 " 'f' 111) "' h lc!, ul'Ul, 1 uclt Iw d t "ir ll ~S 4' 11 Ln m n ltp rn ou fl y nn l) \{N' IJ tl ," !'l h.i fl uU· em I tt!!! I fl lli l \ lila'll .r'lUI l' t tl, .\ 111" :'"i1J11" ... , t tl l' 11 1't' r,(tu .cc o f jun h 'rs. T ltlH l ~ ('!'" le· othOf tn t lull' I n th e' h"u rln g or Ilt s S ()I1 ~ , til l)!' " !ln n "l' '\ .. II ' \I I.n l ! \\ ' hlln • 1'1'1"1 I 'l lII!." ' J .. • ' ', . I c ut "\", n ht' \\\',LI-- , 01,111 1 , , \ 1' 1., 11.:0., ~1 " j' 1 1 filii ' , li t ' C' lR lI , tlile \\'111'11 , u ~ SOIlH.'llll l Pti hut)· 1'\ ol o n t' or rh os, l>o ~ ~ tll r u C't) _ p l.1ld, allot ,. lIl' Il"'~' l'" ' , 'I II (., 1' 1U I11 \ 0\1 p eu ~. I lh' 0111 ,01' f) IH'~ a rt' utl hll1 g 0 1,'(.' 1' d e (' ntly, wll r.n h e n rrh'ed nt mau hou d , ('a u ' , k l"'" 110m ""I )! h ll1 :!., ", hi'li Y,lU .. c t Qll t" UO!ni tha~ ('O I U ' l ' l'Il \Hlt...; Ir1I'r~, ('lth('r , 'r n Ol akt' "ltl ll l ' ~' lin rl to 1( ('f'p It {~ t uO t' .\." ,m " III , I ii, ,. I ).!I 'I . I' ,} n c l l'hhu r~ 0 1' Crl l'IH.I "': If II nr,) rtHn a t e- lo w un illt'al to bo set Wor u n J.;r o w . ! "FlO.: Il~,' 1" 11' ',' l '~llt , : ,1 ,1-""11" 1 (\\I I~ ~'iimllll~~I'~ll t l i ll" ,'t UI<' ,.:,)1 \~, IIII' I'UI"-O - I I\I , ," " h ''I""~ori.1t' th t ll " i'UlI1 fJB" t o II I- hi n holl t 11 tn ,!; )~(' tltl L du" \'~"' I f~~u'll \' I n Ih~ com ll llln lt y whl h t ha l Lno l ~ OUl ror the Bt tlo i11tC' he rs . It ': 1 1'1 ' "lIl11l' III ... ,) lit, I III\." 11(' nn:lwf' u 'd, ' r tu k lu:l P IR w or t lt \\!,t1li ",. n " I) " I ,'II " I ," 'I \,' ",'.. )) 1II"e< ' P III\ III Qr·r rum l l J\' w0 11 1d nu tu r ally preff' I ' ,1\ Q\(~ nU,. 1\ IH\ " HU'''rI 11 " . l l l ' I' 1\1111 II).:; to Ils"'l'. It I. 10 l u~ t ~.' gr~o Io n· A LITTLE GIRL, A 11111" "','. , o· rI " t... ,\III "", ' 1lI 1 1I1ll~ It )'
J out. "\ U. JHJ wle • . )
P 'r lee. 25c.. uud 50...
1l1.........IKIIIiI. . . . . . . . . ..
" II II \"" 1 1,'\,,(, 'l,t ll ~ fi e l rl to ro un d Ib elll Ill'. and ~'(1''''g h lll ~ n n Ih c fe nce I . • !; . l< h lll ' Il>! \\', ' 11 as ' "' wi se 10 ,,", k,· allY FROCK FOR t o y• ." Mr gena tor lel me r lele on e or h l~ 10 ride nil ni ght 10 gN to cUOI I>. If It IS · n lllls l(l ll 10 lhe s ublo.·t In th e h '> llr l ll ~ - - -- - . p o ni es n nd he nn,1 I wen t UI ODI; lo belp II t,ca r. nn d work hnrd r t h a n " III II 0 O il Ilf I'i rO <1l'e n. Th l' tlirre rPlI c" be l", ,-e ,, Suitn hle t or Child fr om Seven to N ine AWFUL PSORIASIS 35 YEARS. I cal ch th e e lcp h a nl& . I II 11'011" 111111 (or tou r yon ... It It Is ~ rllli d n' lI. s o f a r 11" curivslly I. [· on · Y ears-Th e Materin l t\ Striped \\' e we nl out lhro ugh Al oxlln drln to- p res ltiP ntlal '-lIlld lrlnt e you II n ve s l(1l11 . h'rn"11 Is vI' ry mar k"d . An In quls lt lvn Cl'eam W ool. T CI'rible Sca ly HUlllor In Pntch es All \\' n r~ s Bull R un baltlefiold . TlwT<! li e I h a d s at wltb my mOllth °lle n whil e 1 ' 1 "1 I ' 1' ."" ..<11" , 11'\1 1 Iln ~t' r Over the lIody-Skin C('tlck ed and o ve rt oo k pa and th o boss c'an\' nS lll a n Iho Ilr es id ent talli ed 'In(1 neVf"'r s ai d a r 11 If "10 sa Stl f; , , I Oll r morlol Is In n r r 'amy- whll" Bleeding-Cured by Cullcurn. " Ih" alerlhnnt bnndlN, :1n'(\ w e met word but wh en he ;llIlt I .a ld : "Yes. aboll!. QulN ly ull.e rn l nl. hun g ",r:. a ll U .... I t"Q.cerl y on lhn l'o l1 \, J'lrsa t lo n or fflt l14 r wu"le n ma t eria l W O\'C II w ith "ark bI UO \ 801ll r llr merl romln g Inlo fll ex a n'lr la Ioll l SUJlPo se wh en )'011 gol ),o nr hear . II • 1I ,, ~s L" [0 1'111 n s ma ll II ln id. IlII\:l I<o. a " 1 w n~ nffiirtcd Wit h pfO('I n n i ~ rur th irtywl l h th e Ir fnmill os. s la mp.,lIn!; li ke " kun nnCllh ol' lJ ea r sho lll <1 co me 1Iflpr lind moth e r. onl y hair ,,,,,I I' r.ll\l1 , til: e \ CUl'li . J l \\,:h l it\ patl' iH'1! n.!! l!" cr my o ut west wh~n tho In"lIln s So yo u, 'a D,1 dare you La knoel; u cbl p 011 whnt s ho hear s, ull d Ilo, lI n l):; \\, lI hnl:1 ' 1'1' .1' hcru mlnr, d l ·~ .• fll " a littl e J;l rl. fh hIJl h~. l \l l"l.' d Ilt ll' t' ,. d\t'~ of l ut ll'Ul'a Pco"le ., kn o,vl n g IhfO l' xt .. 11 1 of I he m isc hIef Th e (I'onl o f t h e tlr ,·o, Is " rrllu ged Iu :-:',wj\, eo i:c h(lx(,~ I .li 0 111 1 UIl'fl t , null l Wu SllA rnnl{('~ , will r OIHln t sc nQls tha I Mh e lI!r('(' tlueply ·set plC II IH eac h s ltle, lea v· h lllllt'!:I tlf l! Ull h ' l' t l l. III tl lll'l y lt ny~ 1 \\U~ l'IUI Jl1h' \t' ly c Ul'l"i , anI I thllll\' I' t: rt ll.I!\; tll· ho~ h ea rd 10 the und o in/; or Ih ~ f.I~ . h ' , ;1:; 1l w a~ nb,)ut 1iH~ ) l ', IU nbo " J he I'1"n ttt No o nt~ t'UIl ho oth er t t, an morli,;u r lflsl8 li l'li t m ad .... It!; ilP Pl!ill'llOCC In I' c d 1 1 1l ~ d It h er f l'l e ,"l s are 10 1<1 thIn !!:, . " \tnl r4' J;t'neJ';!l ly rll l' l11 l1l~ It I' \ fll" , Ico\' 1I\g 'm
Man)' ,rotC'n ll,e pu rch ln rt 01 ICUClllu and bolleu ar~ untle r 4he Implf'ul an t ha t bCC oIute Itlc Atb. ' r!lIou llna: En l!.l nc h 01 l ue l\ bitt! eflde. and beu",JO it i. tiued wltb. ball nt"c ..... 1- 1: aDd • nu lo bhrlnr, l\lch at on l, Cod .. , cnclne. 01 Othr l md;U ( on\l ln,1t I. n" , .. u u il ., 0 1 .u ( h p rHc IIIaI li lt Quh e aU I of lb"h , r ll h , Thit h nnt !l Ull , A n A. I.. enQlne Ie na h i,ehl'f i n pl\CO Iban " " o tbtl fllt l nr,. e ",.", I, pe rll .. p. , aile I hll I. nude .. " ,lIdy In _ tlJ ll lllli " f UU' Inhuma tion. Iht. IC'fl.H tI , WI'J Klu_ 'br
t hut
she has sal u
u t.
h om e,
n P\'~ r
, =======
f cnl v
JacUont ll h:.11.,
ond over
I lmbtJ nh.hough UI)' 1]0I Iy, a ll..\O
LJuie Rodr,. Ar k ,
Atbcn. , C ..,
('ru~ t
wuuld f n r'" ll!;'o1 l n In h\·t'n ty· iour iwurs. It wus W 01-~C 11 11 my n r l1l 8
il w us in S1 I1J t li Mil o n lil Y ~('(Llp •. r ~ I
l eL th e ~(' n l etl rf'lI\ t1 1J1 t oo I,?ng w l Lh{l~ t rc rn .) ~' in g hy b n Lh ur o t lll ~ I'\\'I~C, ll~~ tlk ' lI ",\mld ('rlleI( nntI hlcl!.t , 1 sUlfe red lUt m.'ioIe
i tch in g, \\'01'6(' t\ t lI i~ ht ~ (fe r \!c t l! n f:; warn. i n b.-d, OT hloon wn nn hy CXl'r,diH!. when it wou ld he nlmtr=.; l t1 f1licllrnltlc. \\ . M. ChiJ~8 t cr, Uu t culnRo ll, l ~ n n "/\ pnt20, 1005."
t';ome m£'n n.r~ h orn i n rh t1lml ~ , ,,"om" grll.l· u all \" hn\'c t hf'ir I't'JrlllnllOn .... ln lt .'n "" ay fnlU"' them lJV Chnl 11l111i.'!CI:I II f Jtl\' l 'hllg,It1U II , - il('l u,"tlon l'\II~tJ l1idt".___
To CI Mn 011 P nlnl ings, ].1 :my nrC' nol In,'nre thnt oil p nin1in '-l!J
No doubt )'ou'll need a
~~~~c~~~ r~~~~. t~~ :~oou~~U;" ~~:u~tr~~: ne~; I:~~:.,."
mnrr;ed genill8 to !t1l'Cll t
t llls~ n,
M. ke no ml>l. kc-!t'.the Irlnd
A NEAT P Il 8l:i S.
\~\SUIT or SLlCK~R
th~ L ls gu;). ra.ntcoo t o keep ),ou dry
piclltre wrv cnrcftlllv IIntii cl irt Rntl epeck.o Ar e j;.mo\'r~ .' then ."ply boiled lin· _d oil wilb " fl nn" . 1 r lot h. E LE ANOR R PARKER.
Ing lhe ce nt r fr o lltplulu. whl eb s lmu· la tc" u wid e box-plea t. Til e pl cuW n rQ
m nv be @uecc~cft1ny c.I~ i\ nf' 1 1 b v 1\ 11 !t llm· t l),ir, Hlp R clofh in tl\pirl 1\'01")" , up ud" ""(I wri n ~ rumniJt dry, 0 0 over the
nnd comfo rtable In t he h:l.rdc:!t ~ t o rm.
in Dlne-k or Yel.
low. Sold by :lliloll. bJo de:1len. A. J. TOWER CO., ... BOSTON, U . S .A. CO .• LI4.
'I'OtoDt... OU. nJ e u ted wl l h three da rk blu e \.el "et-, covered blltlons. A be lt of the s al1l o IDS ONE WEAK SPOT. matlirl ul Is worn be tow lb e wllls t-lIne; • It ero"ses lind button" tn frOIlI . nnll is PromInent Minne80ta lIilerchant Cured to held in I)og ltlon by s Utchln&; firmly to tllo Stay Cured by Doan's Kidnel Pilla. ce nle,' o f buck. O. C. Hayd on, of O. C. Dllyden &; Co., Mater ial s re'lulr~d: 2'ro ynTde 48 of WtsnlN CANADA I. qry goods merchants, of "Ibe rt Len, luches wldo. one-qllllrter ynrt.l veh'ct. • ..rOiIlJI'-'.'1 'thr .mn unt ""'"y fnmt· :MInn., says: HI \\'I1S so lumo thnt 1 ~r 8 'Til l rraH t a from th ei r 'W heat crop thia There wn.s an un)'ta r. _ __ THE PITTSBURG MAN WINS, could hardly wail..accountable well~ 25 Bushel s to the Acre nllll8 of tho back, and Puts It All Over the Western Liars will hI: t he Avtr:J.le constant pllin and Yirhl or Wbe At , nnd Fills Them witb Behlu . I cOllld find Envy, no r est Rnd WIlS ve ry , , The land lhat ,blll w:t !l 5trnwn on ec:Hil mnny of uncom'f ortn bl e o.t the f llrmt'fIIOIl!'tOlutcl, llo th llllt, " ' hlle w., Qk who It was while the newspaper men and night.. As my henlth ..1,h..IIO.dd 10 lh. 1/iO .,cr" th. 10 0 \' '''''0. 0' their rallwuy Cllcorts Irom th o Los AnWIlS good In every I,." t" en" buy t.ud adjollllllgal [,0\11$610 Stt) geles lImlLl! tl WC rll on tbolr way by other wny I cou ld u ot ,. ~o acr<. spectal trolley car to Baldwln 's l'onen, uud"rst.nnd this trou!- . CllmAle .ple.dld .• <hoo l con« n:.nt. rail way. relales the Minneapolis Tribune. Away LI e. It wn s just li S l : al""c'" hnod,lunlaw. to the lert 15 or 5U miles , diSlan ce Is so all tho stre ngth had I deceiving In Caliiornla. we"" lbe " burll gune Irom my bllck. After suffering I Sa Dri for 1'"'."phl.t" :!Orh ~e"lury ('.nad." " C)utlJnc::I of the San Ut!I'UilnUUU muun .. for some tiJne 1 b egan u sing Doun's .nd ("II pn l"t1C'11 1a r t' Tf:'if~lrt'l1I~ fA't, elC' " to .... 1 a ct..ed ov h1I 8u", IMICHt .\ T 10 :-Z , OIt..nW'3., ta tns. Q UOLh U OIan fl'UllI P IIls burg; Kidney PillS. T ",,0> re m~ly ' at SUP1UI.INTS:-;OJH'CT t:.II:\\lo,orln I1l.'ollo",1 horlxcdCn nadt .." "0, s ee tb a l mUll over lburc ou LOP on ce upon tho KHln oys, n ud wh e n Guvernment Ageut' : of th u t m ou ntain! " ' normal n ation was restorod, th o troublo B . l l. Wn,I.LUI K, lAw Du l ldlnK, Tuloda, O. "To !lll ou r,,! That guy Wllh red whls- I ,,,i th my bnck di",' ppen rcd. I 118\'0 n ot Men/ion Ih llV_,_,"_,_, _. _ __ _ _ __ _ __ k e rs. th e lJl ~ n.d," ca Ui u bllck tho hB d lIny reluro o f It." K unsl,s CilY lIlatl . . For snle by. nil d el.t lers. 00 ccnts n That Delightful Aid to Health "He'lI gOl II dut: Wllh him. a lillie rox t b ox. F08tcr·~111burn Co" l1uiflllo, N. y, terrier, luO," w,,:; th" \Vay Il s lruck Ibo Deu vcr I'o~ t ru a n, "Soe thal ny all ll,e dog 's le ft en r·! " · Inno cently uskBd lile Cinelli nu lI1'lmesStar ruuo. 'fb" Ilrs t s peaker . the mun from PillS, hurg. nurv od himse lf for u mighty e1. Whltens the. teeth-purifies fort. ,"D'o you noll!!e." he observed. mouth and breath-cures nasal .\- . I'I'lticnlly. "tbat tile fly has ooly one catarrh, sore throat, sore eyes, WlUg 1" and he looked arouna tbe car and by direct appli cation cures with ' nn exprea~lou of "I guess lb llt'lI all inflamed, ulcernled and hold you awlllle" on bls face. Disgus t catarrhal conditions caus ed by feminine Ills, was on the f nces of tbe otbe rs. "All. d-m n li nr a nybo w," mlltt~ red tbe Kiln· Pax'Line possesses extraordinary cleansing, healing and /:ermlsas City m a n. anti Ihn res t of We lJun r h cidal q uali lies unlike any lbinjS" co uhlll 't tblnk of anylhlng 111 SIlY qUICII else, At all druggists. 50 CCnls. e uough . Pi tts burg h ad woo .,
$16.00 an AcrB
Th e Imperall vll cry or ehllrlhood h for s omething 1'0 el o. Therrfor~. 10 so on ns tbe IIttile one eme~es from th e dawnIng m lot. of babyhood and he· for.e .the ,world .the closely gUl1rded se· com es ao Indepenrl cnt pcr500a.;e. wltll cre.ta .of In.d1.vlduals. It con s llloll, .old ~tlemall, You Ought to Come Down 00' Your Perch, exacLlon~ and d ema nds lbat a re to be bapJljUl8 ,tbat ,a reporle r mu~l do unm el. Ib" klndr rg rt l' o should open fJr A CORRECT LUNCHEON, pleasant · .lhlngl! because others have ~ttelll1l.ll, It tbeee .are your animals. out of the tank and began to pran{e It II n ew world , In tbe multiform been :guilty of .lbose "lolatlons of cus· or hl.6C18. or wb a.lC'Ver tbry nrc, you around the r.rowd Bcarlng Ih e women, plnys nnd tas\(s of the Icindergarten. lIour Is Somewhere N ear 0". \lnd tom..ln.w or .convention tbnt malto ought ~o come down off your pen:1I and makln~ JlII Ihe anlmBls n et\·ous. with I,he IIltl e l abl r s where clllY mllY Course Meal Som cwh~t Like lIe ..oII. :rhe ollPr.obrlutIl . tba t belongs to and taloe them to a Keeley cure, !leo He , Iood on hi s h ead Bod bellowed. be molded and bea,fs may be stTung, Following Is Served. the J'8aI ollon,der ' IR n"t Infrequently cauae tb e,y ar" IntolllcllLed.'· and all Lh e circus ha nd s camo rusblng Rnd pattern s prl e k e,1 InlO paper with ADd JUl came down an .. took a fence up . Flnnlly the nlarm clock Qull jlng. p ins. n child steps Into II fascillatlng heaped ,UJKlII lbe Innoce nl ne w"gath· rail ;lnd .warpened II nvllb liD ax. and IIns, 0.1111 they causht the seal and rea lm of Its own . Cblldren wbo art' The Questioo Is asked bo .... to t;1"e erer. 'J'llru;Jl Is .no work .a r p-pon er de· be run II Into Bollv .... aboul n [oat. pullerl lb e clock oft his tooth . aDd just carllfully t8Ugb1 In a kloderga rten and [J correct lun cbeoo. Ihe hour. courses. testJulo.mueb aa .thallnvoll·lng II social ..nd Bo'hl " ..r trllll'pel04 ror surrender. then ' pa camo up to me, and srud: who arc a11o\\'e d plenty of Ume for etc. One or balf afler Is tho a ccept· ~andaJ, AIld thexil Is no ~ to ry lhal a .. nd tbat . ~ ltletl lhe f)lepbaot slrille. "What deviltry ' YOII boys up to now? ~utdoor play . . who are healLbfully ac. ~d time; the 9ba~ 5 are drawn. and large peJ!IUIDlIIge ,Qi r eaders ,wi ll dOI'OUl ror pa ordered BoIiYar Into Ihe road, SUPP06H thlll seal had swa llowed that live nll day and wbo go to bed early artifiCial IIgbtB u:;ed as for an even · and 10 .e-ve minutes tbe whole bord of clock. and you couldn't wInd It up: It ot night . are not In tIlllch danger or Ing dinner. Tbere Is usually a cen · 1I10re eAgfll!\7, elephant.. \1\;&8 following Bolivar oock mlgbt kill him. No ..... go to · tho car, becoming objectionable littl e pllchprB. l erplece ur !lowers , although a Irull Stephen .I:JJl~se and Wile IUL'-C starte'; I to W..... hlogton. as meek .as a ·drunken cause W A are solng to get out n£ Ihls For Lhe Cbildr'en's own s ake. they pt ece ta somellme3 subSUlutL'<I. Can . from Wlc:blt.a . .Kan .. . (or Gt)rUl ~ ny ul10lI l bughDod being led homo by his wUe. town right nlf. Yuu m a ke me lIrpd." should not too early have burdens lalll di es wIth s hades 10 mut ch Ihe color .pectal l.n:vltat:1on (mm Emperor \\,11· Oee, ovl\:H do you tblnk 7 Tho preol- And pa helped 10 11ft Ih o. slippery seal unnll Ih em thDt the ), ca nnilt bAar. A sclleme arc usell. and placlI ca rds. Uam w ;i.cilIn 1111 celdlnllln!,; . hl. sllve t I dent heard ho.w t he .ellator·s boy Rnd Inlo th o tank , Rnd loollrd m,ul at hi . . . omRn w.ho hns child r eo of her own elaboralO or s lmp !e . nceorliing t<.o tbe I "tamr... ~~d tbe elephants and Invltl'd lillie ~oy. and burt the feellllgs of tho told '"" ' I hal wh en s he WIIS a little laSIO and purse of the hOOless, \ht"s of "Ix ahe WM In the room when In serving a goo(\ rule to [a llow Is a ,weddIng ann:I\lllrsary. Mr. HIlS.. e Is a tbe .PD8tor·s ,boy to brlag his young .enator·s boy. .culptor. T,..'enty-Ilve .),ea l'll ~o b6 clrcul rriend 1)~~uDd tu Lbe " ' blte bouse her parellIs wllr " somf'whal exercised frull. OOUl1l ll l1 o r Iis ht ~O Ur). a lamb :wall a sergenn.t In a 'GtrmtlD ,11l.':lntry 110 8UPpe!' . W~l1. we went. Where You' .. Moot Llkply to Be Burt o~ e r Ih e pllymell t of a lar ge bill '" c ho p. II ch lc K ~D . ov "le r e,r s weelbread ,regIlDent l.I wl'll.lci th e present .1:alsCI I forg OI wbM we bad 10 eat. I was Tw elve PH rent. o r all the fl<·rl · I Irav e nbsolutoly nO mOfl e), til meet It." pnll),. jlOlnlO or r tce crollUetles . olll'es. \\VIIS ClJptaJJI.. :W.ben .the prInce Will! '0 Illt.c,.csted In I·b e pres ld.'nt·s co nver· deots to peo pl e In r.ltl r ~ hanpp.n on the derlared Ihe t nlh er . · For dn)'g Ihere- Je lly ..or cc l ~ r y . ra r!I!' hes. n sa lad wIth ,ollrrled. Fel.n.uu·)· 2J, 1 8'J . tbe lUom· .atlon. He tallted ... \lotll the Iib'o w busl- s t re ~t" . Stall.lic •• lI nw thut Ih e nver· afl e r ,.the child 81"I(I"orod when ever wnte rs anti a li esse rr fol low "d by or hl~ . ..JWjlOlUY '.\IIlerr suest.' 0 1 ness as tboll;;b 'be hnd been a ring· 1 nge citi ze n. If he . ho uld mee t with ahe HaW a stranl'e rna" lurn In at tb" coff ee. ~ h ee5e nnJ crac kers. Many 11 S n1 lD b b masler lu .. r lreus . It e s a id b.. was 10 100 serlOIlS ", I. ohan co" on his wall.. !!lIte. ,and sh.. \\' ,\., ar rald Ihal ome h os tesse" no w ~er" .. Hum e one of th e , <:nor. u , . .& 1111110 era a re LO ~o lbe " how I.he day before wh e n we ahroad . woulrl "lip [In th e Ice anrl ral'l drea rirul thln l! "'us abo lll to happe n popular co rliials In I iny glasses. bOlli. hQl'lored nl;3.1l:\ At ~ e C(ltnJ uK' amI ' 16tamVCrl e d Lbe, c le pM "l s. and be tD ld ,Iown nnd er olhpr oi r~uDl8t~ nce6. f;R In he r hoUl~ lun g aftPT he r II ghl·heart· In g bare ly Q lhim bletul. "c.r. ·:Arl'. UR about bls bUDLlu g trll)S tn th e wcst. Lim e": ho \\,oulll get hnrt tpu tImes In ed fatl, er aDd [[Iorh e r had forgl)tten P rell), . II gbt gown s arc wo rn. blgb A .c url uus qnea.tJou oi Ii;W res Ca Ul!! unti l r could smell '\JIlcon rooking nl l honrtllu~ or <lI s mnunfln g rrom c nrs: bl all n llont lh " lr tran . le nt Ilmbarrass· n ec k and elOo w slceV (,B.-~l adame tJc(OPl tho :Vlul ne OO/JrLN , A hl sboll anJi tbe camp lire . and I co uld s mell tho ' wOll lrl he Im ocko<l <I n",n . or oth c rwls( m l' nt Merr!. bal 80m bou!;w. th ey &!.a pt all. on the , Injured. \l y h n r~rg n n,l wa !;oll s ~ I . Tl", wbol e htl Cnnss or hrln ~ lng I.1n I th o r,e lor Of a )):1I1,,;h :Jr f' ucl a!'! SU P[ trouud . [ lim eN: h e w(lIII,t UP b: II('o by dog~ to ur childre n brls ll es wllh dltn~"lty . It C'a re of tb p Hands, 'o r 1I\IrtJ hy 0 mnD ex.<:om mu IIIL·:I\" ( W he n ho let up a IIt~ o n hi s tall,. limes, <ln,1 h e 1"0111<1 81" P rlisa SII'OIISI} only we could be fl arr~(:1 bc lns~ Ollr.. s ort. t ep id water. pu rc soa p, and by ~b8U.. Th o 8uprem 1:..' JJrt ha s Jus' J br a cetl up an~ ns lted ~im It ho b ..d upon bnnnna·peris "' " '0 1'11<' r umn ln. selves . th e uotir.r lak ln (: wOIlI ,! not he r a r e fll l dry ln ~ when e ver balhcd will Ii id tll 3l tbere Is II li se ot IICI!o n .... tb er s hoot .... Ild cats BlJd hear. thaD ing mi shaps w01ll rl h ~ mi"rell a n<!tOus FO arLluous, Dllt we mai< e " 0 lIlany h j!lp {!rca tl y 10 llcep th e hllnds sort 'The d l~1 from churc h Is ull doubt- lie presi de nt. lIe b dg ell "",I salt! both and mIg ht Ind1ld e o nn or two eol' j blnDrl crs. WI! nrc 80 ready 10 Ico ve nnll white. S I;ln tood and massage ~I)' proj u.dkt.l nl to t he m a o's c baruo oou' pn tlons worked prr lty wol'l.logel h li Htons wllh mo lnr cars. which have und one ,,' hal we ought to 11 0. and to do will kec p lhem we ll roundell a'nd Rkln \.v', r O.lntlrlils an e lSLo m co u te mporary sr..., d he had eoj o yed 'em 1>o lh Then l.6r.en th o 1'1:1"(' of 1,IC'Yr.les as j,crlll! what lYe oll Sqt I~Ot to <10. thnt our s moolh. Well·s ha ped . polis bed ' nalls, \. IILll d him If he W88 I:olnl': to run for tl) lbo ped ea tr ta lj.- Pearson·s Mag... childre n bB'VC II pr etty liard time In wIth wcll·k e pl cullc le and 1.11mnculate ~ ~ mmc.ntl on the s uuJet:I, bUl II prfts .... nt IIgaln . ~. nd h ~. ft ' iuknd nl hi ", -In' . _ , G ,..,~ .. ~"' th eir turn . Som'e h olY Ihl'y · scra mhl p. cleanlinc Es Is nn Imperntlvo law, A wh~t ~ "" d A, . ~ a I.- • ill QueeU!lllJ o~ law os to \Vila> .w 'Ife··, v - J Ill en hA~ A-ked m • . r 0111' m' Is ta.k os. H eretII ty n ~" .,. c . 'up In ' s l,lIe 0 - - ---- .- - .J:l~l.,C .,b eoUJ'U SbOU ld fOc.f <""li o, me ask t ho ·qu e~tlon. I tol d hf'm pa Slow TrAvel. , bas D g ood li eel to do Wllh th e ir ~lle. White Kid Belt. ~ ~l1 l~~rt )\' lt ll t:~.unl!l du "'anl~1I m ~ Jo fln'd Ollt. ! Will him all Few Ru ss ian Ira ln s Irn\'el at a (uteJ cess or hllul'c. II Is 1\ great thing . A belt or Whil e k!.\ was beautiful with th. lio)'n WAl¥ cd . blm to run, CIUI,O lie I ~to IbBn 22 mllo~ aD 1I0ur. f~r 1\ tbll'U to boyt' bad worthy grall~' a large gold Iiueltle at tbo bach.
, 01'('lno r. chl ou -lc: 1'11 .. e. anlS all I("cu llf IdlU' mi nE' . nd U' rlt:lr nll Ihe price J .. li u 'l cd 1. 0, b, ca l . t:a tlOI'f . 01 , II In 11UC' k at uu r "',enelu "u, or the 1II IIu wlni P0 1UII, Nod ol k, VI, M in nupoll. , &11 an , A n dcl wn,~. C, O mltuiI , Nrb. AUI:U Il., CI . ~('w Od t'IU1 " L.2 . &l ulucmnr,)' , AI.. CIf' ro . N, C. Du Ml.llne., Iow a M,.mphi. , 'r un. 6bruI'pO>!I, 1.1 . Dl nnl ne h llm, A IIl. Ft , Smhh , Ark. Lc IVcnlol'(lu h , K-u, Nt.w 8tln. N. C, ) op11n,
h c,I\'Y dry tiCnhl uf n w h il e tn h 'cr )' l\jll)(,'~r' nn C "1lI1 \\'onl.1 gl'u.tu"ily UI' I' nil . 1 0 t'elliove th e clIl in! f'C illr:t IJr b n tl l1 11J! or USI I1 IJ , 0 11 tu Eh)t'lc n \ he1l\ th e fl t'HIi \\ o uld be pf'r.f,'cIl y rn w , an"i 'l tig ht J l~,: ha rl! t! of ll Iuody t- ul ls tn lh'c w o u ld uu/ ' ~) U l. 11u t
... .commou charge brougbt agaInst l> .I:IlPortera Is tbat th ey are hear.1less, that they ,revel 1n lay ing be·
Tht.'nrlud~lcn r lnc cnmp klt. with han d whee:l ,
\' ('J'
tiDrlC I.lower 0'
t Ie Cl'nh~ 1' U sJl nl ul"J1I1 rit e ti ll.e uf " 81 ~ ' dllll~ r t-'{ ", cl ull.1 fh':;h, I tl n. s h o rt t.Ull C l hu nITl'(,'u'" CI t'l'lc would torll1 t\
wh lr h W l~l',~
IlI enn l for th ~ Illlllllc oa r. 1'hA lill Ie nlt che r oft (' n 11 li ll ie c:rlll c. Ou,' of 'thes{' dtl hlr PII .. Irl' 10 m~ : " I cn nnot und ers tun d 01 nil ... 1'. Shf' ~ftW ]\1 I'S . - - - c ru i ng down fl iP 6t r~ r t. lind s he sa id til Aunl Ch . rlotl ~: 'Th rrp Is Ihn t 0111 cal. I am nfra l,l s ht· Is r omln s lier·. Sho alwa y. ~hoo. ps the mw~ ( in ro nv .... nll'llt ti n " ~. nnr! 1 nn ' l b ear l w r nn\'war: " I c xppct eri ," \\',"n l on thE' chll;1. "10 "" e II ,. tre nt Mr~. _ _ ,'ery r nld ly . but ~lI a WM jus t " 8 pol ito li S s ho could be. S ilo Ra lrl: ' n eor Mrs. - - . h ow glad I a m to s,,~ you : nntl 1\ !;r en t doa l mor e. If I I ~ II 810r105. ! nm ll11 n ishe<1. Du t wh nt co n J t.hlnic il r molh er ?" W hat, In <1 01',11 lr YO ll aro ~o l n~ to We M et Some FarlDertl. bp a s oclnl hypor rll e ),011 \\' 011111 holt C'T little p itche r s In th o tllll',pry en the They had ~Ol up In his s hould r. an,I gro .wl . nnd wollc aIM · IlE'E'J1 VOllr 'rS'I t; ht an eI Ih 1nr ln",... or" VallI' <11" 0 the mo r nin g to milk t lt o cows and wny s wll h Iu. s IJI·iSll .R 0 II liP. \l'o u lu. 1 out rf'lt. All the pre'cept In I ho w>1I' lIl ".' 111 roun d sbout 20 el ephan ts In t he h r ll· YOII ruo:. or would lOU Btan.U your n ot mnJ,e childre n tru t hful If thoy Im ve yard. makIng the co ws do a so ng nnd o bJ ert 10591)115 In Ivlng s el be fore l h e!r g round? dance. p", laid I born tb ero \Vas no dan · .. We hOlCcr c hon se t h e s ubjcct," s aId . . S ge r al all. cause he would lake no)' I ho J1r osld ent . !ln d rose from lhe table. oyN~t n great \Vhll l! a go. 1\ beautl(ul elephant by tbe toll nnd IInap li S b end a n,l we 011 got up. He palled me on 11 .1 I d 1I lt' 1 bo sCll'l'cely tour. ,e y, • orr. like boys snllp the bead s olr garter lh e h oa d. nnd s aid; "Toll your pa I . go (en ,a re snakes, and I wid th em tha t 010 snd ' will see.. him Into r, anil In the mean . stortled Il ls mothe r by calm l) utte ring tho aenlt.tor's boy atllmpedell th e elo· time you run your circus and I will an oath In the mi dd le of his play. ·'Why. Hllrr y !" excla im ed Ihe mOl he r . pbants and we could drl "0 lbew bacll tr io run mine." to town like a drove of ebeep. ~hO Qu ee rest thing hnPI,e ned thllt In di smal'. "Wlrer e dlel hellr s uch The farmers -thouj;bt we were great nl gbt The seontor's boy spoke of our a word? Do Yil1l n ot Itnu w that It Is and Lbe), tollowed us ba.c.k to Lb o form, traln~d seals. that catch a flsh If YOll very. v:,~y wlcklld to lise suc h word s wbere we found the berd of elephants throw It to tbem nnd swallow .It whole. as that. hlld taken POIs8sslon and were bavlng He said It would be tun to take a lit· "Why," s aid t'be I!hlld, v.' lth honest LII.e lime ~r theIr lives. About a doze n lie lllarm cl6r.k and sew It up In II Usb, eyes fi xed ·on b ~r fnce, "It ca n·t be so of tbe bl~ elepb'lnts lIad round n coupl e and set lbe alarm at seven o'clock p. ycry wrong. FD.lh er and Uncle Fred or barrelll of cider In a sbed and barl m" ""ben lbo crowd Is walchlpg tbe olion speak In that way." been drinking It. and wbr.n we gOl s eals swallow 1I5h, 11l1U throw It to tbo .,liren are c reatures or Imlla tlon. tb ere lbey ware like section bands wltb hlg seal, aod tbe alarm would go orr In- Tho words they h oar th ey r epeaL s ide 111m. • Evil Is not evolved 'from Ihe rpceSSAS Jags -on . Well I bit lIka a bass and said we of their \}wn h e,a rts. !l comes upon Bolivar, ~ ble elepbo.nt, WQ.S \be dr.unkeal, and wben be saw pa r.omlng would 'dO II, 80 he took ~ little alarll' them as part of the sta in and so il of wltb U.e gang of bBolds, wllh ropes nnd dock anrl .el It for seven o'clock . W. the world In which they l1~e . Ipea.ra. be .... Inked at lho otber ele· sot It Into a fl s ll, and I am aal, t o . ••• pbants and seemed to say; "Wa.tch l e ll wbal happcued. Geo. but thaI .oal A sreat deal 01' barm Is done to chll· me tree 'em," lor be came out of the grabbelt the Us b wltb a clock In It. dren when th ey sre left In the care Gate aud bellowed, and made. & cbarge and tried to swallow It, bul tbe brass of Irres ponsible and Incomp ~ tent hire. al the -gang, anrl po. beat them all go· riog caughl on one of bla teetb. and ho i linss. A moth e r careful or eve ry Ing up 'Crab applo treos. Tbe aenator's was trying to gel It loose wbon tbe breath h er child draws , soml'lImes BOn aaw va up & tree, &ud be saId ; "Old alarm went air. an<l tbe .eal jumped Itcp.ks ror ,Jt B [lurso who Is filrelsn . born. wltb the ,'ery laudable d\'slre to a ccus tom th e cblld's ea r and ton guo to Fre ncb . or Oermon. or Italian, so tl)nt It mllY acquire the oth e r !au g lla~e si de b " s lrle with It s Dollv\' En s lls h. Uo· I ~~s tile moth er ohta lns tor the child 11 nursp who Is pure.mlnd,ed and 8 Un:· rl (' ntly well edu cated to speak he r ilWn t ong ll e \\'lIh prec isio n , shp may be do· In g th A child n great Injury . It Is no n d vanlo ge In In ra ney to learn a cor· runt nnrl barhnfl)us patoi s , In stead or 8 pure 8nil e le/:ant language. If. In ad· dillo n, Ib e nurse be rou gh and Hu t ll' torlld and wIthout 'Scruples ot a Ciln· ~ c lenilous order, th e little pllcber wll,! vorl' I,rollably b e filled to tbe brim 'I\'ltb Illens and thoughts that are anythlog but clea n an d ~holesome.
Ihe prc, ell t a n Illp ro ... lntou e 11 1\(' ('. u" on I 1:.16 'ft,,()ull " ~ Al ta!! Enc1nc, II I1,e .. J to 60
~axtiltt Toilet Antiseptic
The R, PIIX101l Co"
Doston, Mau..
VASELINE CAPSICUM VASELINE Better Ih an Ihe old ·f""hioned must.ud pl asler. A wODderful connter·irri"'nt that \Yiil (I", j""$ fI,.tWk,) oot bllslcr lho most delicalo R ee"" tho skin in a skin. For URO in tbe sick 150ft and h~allhy coo- room or nu rsery it is th o d ilion and pr e.erves sarcst, mosl modern and Ibo tbe complexioD. best. "
to nnythinf: in u"" for chappe.t handS' nnd lips and to nlla" all irrilation or Ih" &1;in. Cures sun.burn,
Can be obtalaod '"'- .", ...1... and . .... or .. NH by receipt of 15 c.DU la Moao7 01' 'tampe.
....u OIl
CltE8EBROUGH MFG. CO., 17 State 8t., NEW YORK I
aRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE·AID .IIEUIiALaIA.. "wonttMIl A .......'jI!lne to ,. 4hlat. r ,.,ho -,ron·t' O ....."t_ I&. 0&11 tor your • UJII 1:.... .a"&{).K. • • IT 'DO:¥IT 1)17."
,. JF.DIriIer.... II•• KaIIIIt.._
..'"""~ • •
By OWEIJ OLIVER. ICo~'rlib"I_. bl J OtOpb
11.110,,10' I
It WIIS evenIng When 1 arrl ve,1Ilt ''i'he Lnurels" My t o.ther's wife ( h e had b ou d eat! two yenrs) loolt ed s teu lth lly t rolD behilltl a eurtalo befo re ab" cam e to III et mo, '\ h nt I ~ (I Luc) /" I Inqllil ell , a oxIOIl~ I) II er L . tcr h all hro ll ,llmos l 111("{J h " , (' nt
I b c pn ' l bas rI se n u j) n~a ln s t me" s ••ld In It s lo \\ III1 " tend ) voice ' It Wa" ,,1" '1\ \\ III NI III !tnl} fOllr ) ears a ~o Il " r m(J l ber """ Ilullau - I " as unl y 18 Dick nn ll I Jlli II od n se, r et 60t;\ ~ t ) 1I,,·y <1111-(\ Ih c llls Ive R 'Av ctlg CIK o f ,I", Oppr "se,I ' They 1.111 "eo 111 ~ - 1 lit" " I' II< II II R~ a ll l" lk u" ,1 "oulol s h~
11(11 1)('111 \ t\ 111111 "h ' n h e'
wnlll id
ns-: ,du sl t h. In
" I", ' S hE' 1"I . t ~. 1 h e r hllllil. \ o u 'li lIt,,, h i. f Hn ol ,11 '1 IIot all ~ lI e r II ~'
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!l Ot ~ Ii 't nl ll U ('1
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I I wil l
o ther mlln r,tisl' il t1. .loJ! g:t' l nlr 11", m.", "I1 ;;111 Mll nl,'eI
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,AfI ~ 1 \\ u r,l ~
I rn1lnll III n lf hilt 1 I huu g ht t I' lt l,lel ), I' .1 \,))0 11 Ill! U " I r' Hd h.. h t hilil Ih' " n ~ \t' 1I1t1t4t t rrul
1' 1111 .... \\ !'\ lI n t
nl\(! h e
1I !H.' tiI 1l 1 " t nd l dt fl ll II' :"'i ( jolu~l th e m h f't·n tl ~ " hr II d J t II lit t o t r pl1 l P t!
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· 1111 III tlO l'iO fll P -
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Thl' n \11111 fll l ip "lUi CO ll1cnt
IIl l h " " ' h "rr" r ll o n n. I r l."I,1 glle him 1 " I" fflll ti of hi m IJ I< It III n WII ) Su J mnrn " d him to ge tU\\lI Y ( l oml ."I , a lld t bem ' ,~n ' l rr ~m - th o mall" I s ll~ ge. l~d N o no
H E' \\ enl
ltl? ro J(l ' \\ t1S
mn rrlt'ci I lit" ne l ~ r fi on him 01 he n rd fr ollt hi m ,I nce I thou"h, Ihntl heso ell'l) had rO. gCllt{ n lII e 1111 a mo nlh u[;n Tll c II I " IW 1"0 Itllllnn u 1I •• lchlng mla s I \I ,"t Into a , hop I fo""11 on r of Ibo m e ll II Ill) <l lh,," H o IIbl ' I"re<111I 111\ cnr - ob Di ck' 'I he fir s l II n lnln l; ' 1 h o ~ e "I", d se rt lh e soclet y nre g ll'c n tltr~e WIll nl"gs 10 retulo It Ihey go buel, I ho) ha'l' e to rommll I he nex t c r lmt' If l he} do not 1':0 blle ll - th ey dl(" I p r efe r to til e- " h i s hl vmOtI I 'lime Il o wn he l. Slrnl lhll) to ,rv
an ,l .~S ~ 1I 1) t hom Thr 111 01 nl " l; be C.. re )esl t'r ,iI" I 'Plliurell o ul (or 11 rl dr I nl ft th., n U l' l\ hn h ad ~ po lle lt to 1I1C /I , g a.\(~ Ihl) ~(>('u nd
\\ .lrt ti lil-:
about 100 3'..-ds on he left. uaua ny left tho hou.e b, the path to t h e I l,Ie, and our wat~he r ha (' \ Idenlly W \I t here I - s mll" a gri m ly an d ~e ' 811' Patrick talrly 'I llog Sometimes ?tho moon wa~ o u t, a n" Iho roud lay befllre m e Illte a g reat "h lt-e ~ nnke Npw a n d th cn I CI~ Ught n g llmllse l)lro llgh a gap In Ihe !tedge of my unllnow n pursuer, a n d Lwlce I thou g hl h e culled to me We ca me to t he ~ rO B$wnY 8 and t he wood • I rori o In lo a little allen s paco. be1.l nti Sv lllO tall bus bes a nd crom'h cel 10\1 In tit , su,hllu I could henr a h"I "" ~ hoofs w h en II Ilry twig f rn. hied s udd n l, III Iho bus)IClS Jus t hr'hlnu m e I ~rlpl)l '(1 my rifl e I cUlli" d lij llll !: lIl ~ h a hor seflll'" o ver tbe hcdl' f wh ell th (' ro wnK nn ollte r rrrlC lti e anr! t he rU Ktlp of nOlan mo vIn t:( alllol1 g Ih e l1u Hhe. I 1m II' tho hnuncl ' I llll r\4" 41 Qu it hI) n u d rnced 0. I,rl l' hl fi a., h a ti nz< 1I ) ILrlI ~ a\lny Th en WillI" UIl f' alJl nt,~ upo n m e from hehlllli I 11\ I,te ll rOllll.1 nn rl g rdPpl e,1 lilt h him allel \\ 0 roll ed 0' 01 Illto tho a jlPn K[lA,e b hln ll lh o bu ~ h s My he.,,1 BlI lIdl ,Iullllll) 11" li nHl a t fPO s l llrnp 1111<1 I '"l " hnlr _1 111111 li lI e pltllwII me to I h grll ulI ll nnu an-
A f t er th a.t
,lbol1 t } Oll too-"
'Are HH I SUre that 'all n rc ll r un n\l n) 0 ' I ns l!ed . H e sllo I. o to } On auout 111 0 ' Why e hollld h" tnl e any In te reRt III me ?" "" mlln mlgllt He mC l e ly sa lll tbat b e hnr! s een Y 0 1l In Rom o wh e.. 1'0(1 " e re n , o ung gi rl nnd h e "unitl IlIle to meN ' 0 ' B e ndmll cs )011 T ha lR nil So f cr us I\ l1 tou olll Is conre rn ed ' I snhl I will back yo u r look s agalu s l 1 be so clf'l I \ on " ould not If yo u kn e ll tb m ' "I m!y not I,DOW soc it' li es hut I know I OP II ' don l beli ev e Co r a mo me nt 'hnt he belo:m gs to II M}' denr girl ' t 1111 Ca ncy No on e Is spyi n g
A.ccount of One That SUrp ..les rhe Tuc k s of nin Klc P orformed by th e -Hlpd u . ,
m illt
\\ l l h
tH IU .l r Q dnlwn I'lJ e rc a r tl 8} ru t'IItH 0 1 t il e rnrll .l n tl II
\\ l y Ilpnrl
1'\ 0 \\
\\ /J
11N lell her' , " hnt sh all 11 < lall J; heLl of t ,)' T ell h r r I am GII lllo
a slt S rs m o n ~ 1
~ nn \('
ti me or tll£' ~nrh} t :\ - nnd ~ \\ Ol n t o " I,p hnr li re I Jo ln ~ d lh ~ Ro,' II' , to nn rl nlll II hili 'hI') l\ I e , 1 ~ ln !: nnel In
a rtI er to c:: a\ H 11(.'1 \ V p I P IH hptI Ih(" h 0 1l 8(1 Ju s t lwf o ro s lIlt rl .e 'r h err \I n. n h""lUV h "lr lig ht
on Ihe " ren t s tnlrs I 1\( 111 11» Ihem nnd IInorll t1 n 1.11) s doo r Sh" r ame Ollt al on er nnll dr 'sscd H er fnre \\ 1\3 wh ile. alld he r e) es s bone III,n .t ~rR shp crl ('d , " ) 011 ha' p folund 111 01\ ' t hem"
Tllo nf Ihem ,,' 111 t ro ubl c ~ 011 n o Th err II a. a thh tl mo re I sa l,l He Is b, low ~n d li e kil led the m \\ 1, \1 s to SPC , 011 5 '''' dlll r bN I nt my arm li e hRd e nll' tell I OU I hat h o belongNI t o t he s;1I'1 ty anu III ~ \lorn t o tllk e vOllr IIf r Y011 ollllll not srp him Ilnlp," \I'" II I! r \\' 110 19 Wh o Is he? s h o gasp NI h(' '''
Ih e
Ilw lulll n t ,tl(l u S 1[I (ldo lt y l tH n fll l., d In \\1111 pl a;O lt Il. l !'\ hl1H.: l o r till (hlrth ,11111 l: hrU lJlU }llt .. ", Hlr tit h al\ l hl I h l Il1 ldt!lc or 1 h t~ pll t UI I) t ll~ ~11'11 11 b lell \ u.1U1 U lf..~
lni )\' UI
1[1 .... ~ I'~
Li l l i ,, "Ilt lln ... 1
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111\; hl~ t (: III I lC.Jd~.
111 Ih ,' () 1 )C lll11~ o f I 1I1I1~ Ih p ~~lIl rl ~ qll. t r
\',' ,t l ' HI I !',
h ll\l ~
IJ ~I I r
t' tl II14j~
llh t :'i IOdg,...
d 'H:'~f r
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h tH 1UIH \1 \
b UI' ~H '
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Tbe nl edlc ln a Dl 9 n n mon~ l he ZunI In ulu n. perfurm 8 teM lit l)ln an nual 'corn f estival" wh ICh 8urpaSS ~1I lhe t umuus D1 HnJ;'o · growlul: u le ll oC the FOllod Ollly I n Fi r W oods-D Ifficult Hin dU . Mu n), Sc.leulilits bllve heen to...Locnte Nests-PeCIlUaTltie6 ot preS" nl 10 wltlll'S9 thl~ s t raoge cereFacial Ex presslon- Won w o n y. but b a ve ne , e r been IIble t o d crflll Eyes I a l hu rn t he w YIILe r y ot It. In (ron l ot l llo so uthe rn openI n g ot Th e lo ng-Ila retl o wl 11101ll:h common t he IlIc dld ne lou r;e a larl:e SQU,l re or In ml1 n) [1.11 t ~ , Is nOl neurl y so wl clely Cl t!llll ) ello w .~IIt! ca reful ly s moot hcd , dl stlilJtlt ('lI .lM Ithe t\H ) C01l1 lUOn c r so rt" " .111 IMCllccl Is S ()rll •• U W Il h n CC IC- Il Is rno. e o . I C ~l 10c,.1 bcl ug o n ly IHuu la l Olr lOW h ~ures . lel) I p.!:SEl lllin & lb lJ found III il r " Oll(l" '~h e r o lh ere " r e lll e\l Sr)l ll t . Ll I ~ ·u nh. s un Bl<y unu Ltr!';e s pa cos I Ol ' '1'.1 II Il h fir fore s ls
It the J l: JlOJ I or a f ev Qh 4 r
ON LONG-EAR£D OWl_~.~~~.U!~!~~ ~~~~~,Splnk NOT
10111'(1 O\<' r Thr olh " r ' Jl rtlll Jl to hi' f t'll hut t he re "U I; n ll ot l,ll re port nnt! he tnQ fell I l osr' II,," lend lh an ll "aW Alll vnnll\ I lr "\lln~ I hroll ,.: h t he hu sh's, r e' ('" or In hun tl Th.' ho rse fl OI1l "hi' h he ha ,1 d l~ m oll lll c ri \I n. plInll ng In Ih o I\n lonc lll nd,ll eRKcd 01 0 lon o IJ~ low l' n F~ l o li ut ' 1\ In Ittlli [\I1 I (li d not un d r rsla n ll \\ hat he sn ld huL II \\ as denr N lou i; h Ih ll l ho tool, me fvr L ll r ) In rI Ihllt ho \\OS In lo, e \\lIh lor 1' 0 11 nrc a hml l11an" he rl " I \\nnt <(\ to \\urn h er a ga ln s l lh em 1 I nlled to 'OU to Rloll but 1011 dirt not h en r nn,1 I fen , Ptl I hll l' e Ili erl p. hundrPti Ilm ~8 to nl ~ ht, "h ll" I r" ,le ' 'ou kn e w lh e) lI ere h ere" 1 askell Th r ,' " ~ r p-- rny confed· I 1<I1(,w eral es H e 1I\\I ~ h C'cI a qU""1 la ugh Th e) \loul ' l hnl P Itill ci l he r So 1 klll" II Ih e m ' H e IUl ll ed th r m OI er. Th p} lI e r .. hoth (I nd I I Is wp ll Th p} "ere woll es-u ntl lIor$( '[ itel r "'lo lI l' r ~ flI P tho sa me hu lll'lS us Yotlr po lh C " Ill th ink It II u, dllcl See ' li e Il tll ~ !;"c\ th em n Ill·
I hey II' t I r ~~ dn) s - tll ' n th e) 1.1 11 !U P ('li n \ 0 11 Ill'sc rib e Ihos,' m(ll lu m o' I 1I. llfU ' 1 11r' ~ nre I tnlln n. bUI I he l Engll ~ h In lonl, s nn fl dress k now ho" to dbcr lhe Ih e lll ' An Ell~lI · b · loolti n g Italilln came down \l lt b me III tho I rain l h la mornlu !: I o bsc n ed l hou g hl fully ' 1'1111 lIll ,1 ,lu rk, bl aek mu s ln ~ h o nod no bMrd nlJo m 35 , lery 1(00<11001,l n& " It Is th e one" bo tlitl not spea k to rno Shr c lutch ed my a rm H ~ p(Jk to IIW free l) en o ll s h I n fn ct he see med an xious t o malt 10) ne. Qunlnlan ce He ga l e hi . lIalll (' a s Au ton elll ' "H e \l o lli rl nn t I;l\'e b' ~ renl nBme YOIl tllolu OI [e ll hlm)tlllCs o rwh e l cyo u III'ed? Yes I did" I s mil ed " I h ad see n h im r en d 10) luggage labe ls He nske d
'- .
Hrl .l lI ~t
Itl r Ili u
tl\ ( lJJ
til l o n ~ ca red ow l ts g:c n e rdlly nlJllndtlnl, but wll e ro ,.1C" 0 .Ire ulls II I )OU m,IY loo k for I' In IlIl n
III SI 1111 of neRt ln g III lh o h o les o f tree_, buildin gs o r IOCit. , ,.9 do the t dw n y clo d barn owlR It pre f e r In li se the uld nest of 1\ C IO'" lVuUO 1J11;~O n h el on o r sq uIrre l. 01111 Oil ln ls rouJ.; h j)lalfollll till' 'ggs 11, 0 I dol vOI Y r~ rly In the l ea r ~ o m e ll1l\ c~ whll o s now II c~ I h ItI, " 11 til e ~ roulld Yery are IlS lu l y Ih e~e blrt!. h>lI C IIO" tc.1 u u l h a grlJ\j u d nll(] ill .l (U I1 I (, Il1JJor~ll y tb ere l:1t -1\ appc 11 N l I l J11 0~t hlft I c~ tins ], hOlll-': l " ph of" 111 11 1; r ll e t! 0111 s il ting
Ih . Ml\lln~ I II I IIr llln,.. III II It 11 het youn g ,1 11 1'S o n n n('s t artu alr , ll!! ( I h l' • I n li foul II II I)IP I ~ I hll ll Iv 0 11 Ih ~ r o ullcl I 11 0\1111 hnl'e gil en Ilirl lll l! nV't lll in tO some lhillg- to hI' '' 1.1"'0 ' '' ch a pi ct1J1 t!ti \lid ll g h t l d , Ut l i ll I;/I) \\ S !.11l " Oli ff I II "~Ih dlllll\ o n ture liS Ih ll t 'fh ,y IIrc .lill ,I} S e xceed ti t ttt " t" 'lIl" "~ I1l1d IW (I to Ih" ll lH' - i nsl } c lose s lll ers \\ hit h m akes It e li S li e ri ll n Il uh i .. d B a llurt ~ s gntu ~ 'CI Y d lllk "lt to Incal( ,he ir lIests , as U\ t; r 11 11' JI..l ti l I, b ll t r) Clr ~l l c lrillu lU ti t hAY I C [II ~e In le,,' ''' Ih em on th e trunl, Ilnlllh l
fUIIHldUi th o 1ll 1! CJ wh v s hO \1 l d It h e It ll' hll lll ll'l'o~ ut tlle UI l.: .Jt S P lI Il Si nd We may o bject t o th e prl n c,,~s I lIl e. 111111. 0 bold del'laralion 1I0l 10 )oO U tiC \ 0 1p , Lel 11 U('! !; lIl1 s 1b l \ ~ h Ol I II t I IJ t" I It) j (t ll( 'lIcI. ::; \\ I I h ( 1 p i H) or buumlt but nel ~ II hc less s h o re ign s o nr! Nlm l lll lllhlf' -- u nd 111 (411 l !i IJrtd l\ tOI I II\..: l:/) hLlUH 111f t li t tbt t; I .Hu r , t. ~O ll ,l r~ l 111 1 111 10 m,lhl' It °11 11 Ih · lft.." .Jl 0 1() 11 1I,.' II . hi cl rrz\ l' (1 \\ it b ~ U I >r e lll ' rh e 1),l"1 \\ Ill ler h n9 bcen one I 'f1r~ r tn \' "' Prill o r 11 11 ('rtt J; I ,n lIliPl jSsl \(' :s oh! II"~It} 111' IIlN IH lnOlll flll w a rlleli lJy hel s W"y th., co l1lfnl: S II IIl - Ci Ul fi t the s'd rt " h Olt e n u u g h ll(l l. I I t lJr u ,\ h tilt! : Ul( red u[rUW IlIlO lil t! B,1U11. m e l sbo Is to domlnal e 11 ad 11" ld ln g LIII . 11 Illuddy II OSS III I'I \\IIIIIII . IW . It "ud pl,1 C~ a grdl n oC Jb n Les l s hOIlS arc s h()wlng prIn cess t envv CllutlSh 1101 I() blo w In Ihe w it" . 111 11 III 'lie hoi" t lt ll , 1111(1" t,Ir~f "l· r lOchs oC whl tu I II CU 1111111 II lId olbe r IIU U Il1ll k Incll R r r ~e t Ill "play of anlcle~ I} 11 1(",1 hIli!; ,he 5,.,,,1 .,,, r II h ~ r ee r lIIulell ,ll m ade In prln coss s ty le, tlce lJ!l t \\ ,'S.I 111m Lolelo, w hich rll _ " "l1 e_ It .. ~ eul whll" Ih e b •• e m il led wll s h dresses amun)' mad e after Ihls phn e d at tb e It Ick .1tId dowlI th' . it lll ti .II" lc e tit t'l r 11111 ' III Mu ll,j fa sblo n To bo < III a It Ie n mod lHod flOllt a n cn gRg lng whlt n w'ls h -silf " II II " If Ib c Crc It fi llir tt conrS es(c n,la fushlon on e l e. v tltrrc l cnt f rom Ul e \l a lBt Tit" hal I',l ~ che rflll Wl lh tn "" "pr lhe I'r" y~ r 0 1 tb e lIIedl rln e olt! s ty le Hh calh IIko robe a lobe Iha t l os le. quito e nil ve nltlJl; UII the d a l il. 1" .. 11 HlIlI he ~' III rally ,llIeH lh e <OI U Will " m il l (ln d e n rl up u s hout All er o n ly the s lend er uu d s lulely could af- .aln y d.\Y fe et, no w cun n inG ly' 'lis posed II Ltle T he Olll e l' sbo rt j,l k et nOl lccd wn' " II Int. II a l o ( 15 or ~O lII"IIItet< lit e boleros anti " I o~ " e l 8R ol e rdre~se" help Im l l of a tailor _1II1t of blu e dulh I, 5.",,1 '" 'ms distil' b"t! (ll th e 'p l" Ilcro "here th o tl g lll e I~ detl ele nt, un tl Il Is \\ I1S trlmnwd wi h wltle hau ds of blu c ~ ' III ~ r,c1 n II( 'u r~ W,lg 111.' lIterl nnd suo n lIue a lmos l "nyone ma l cl a re th e Illod . 101 .l ld , whl<h clim bed up the back Hno till ul. II1 1e r ~recn blad es o f the " Ilroul· ern o ne- pi ece go wn n mplre go wn s pn ,e Ih " h rl -\\ IIs te l e !Teet so 801I ghl l ' ll g LI lli In' SI" I1 Ibuve Ih u " Ud lCe r. lso are the heig ht of fa s b lon ult c r th eso t!U) ~ , Ih elo wus II tou ch UM II,,· pi 1111 (ou li 111 1(' tu gl ow rll pl [lI} Th e pnSl R RSO\1 It h ilS IlCen worn lh e "l~e, eH Hili a na rrow I'CSl .rUWl1 111 ,1 II , tll ' ,llI y d u ri ng lh e UII ) ,Ind U} prln clpll lly for CI VI1I1lS dress, l elY sc l- Ih r fro nt o f h Ul Y c lea l'l -co lorctl lace ,I.e " "'I " UllrI ' " Ih e s ill! .• nd t a sse l ~ r,om seen In sl rCH gOll ns bllt \\ Ith plt l.PeI lJu L In l eJ ,' n d hl llP embro lilory 11'111'''' I. )' UI)O Il thc s ud l! lind Pll r I rln cess wa s h li.cssE's we ce r ral nly \\ Ilh lh e sbon f, lcc,es lo ng heR I Y I. ,. ,,· r N! hC II (1111 nMl urllY and lho ~b III g ruw Il cru sw med to It til ull lac it glcncs " e re WUIJJ rh e h ,lt IV,I" '11"' '1111 1,\ lJ >~l n " I'loally tile blari es hOll rs or the dill As ,t r ille, lhe prln- g r,I) billt' ',in ri 11lI~ 11 " lllrll ) ellow /l lld rai lle WhNl res. frock. til e mhclc ',l lh e. plaIn, unUul 10 reltll n 10 our prIn ce"" Ih e wl",t "hnk es the m All thi s we l r lllln tCri sll l e fu r , J yo l,e of balls t 01 th e m Cr po ,I" r hln p IH tin .\(]m lrll m ll Sl bea r In mlnll, hus bee ll IIOII ~ I" (,1II11rolde r y a lld U II em bro ide r y fr ill ule m nla rl nl ,lo ,hoo"e fOI un e ve n ing ~Ij 11,,"rs On th morn ln !; of t he B~C edgi ng th e elb.,,, al 010 'I h e walsl I go wn m nde UflC I thi s fnl o re<l model o od dll ) th e co rn g rowtng .s (Q mpl !!lc u. dll fined by IIl. le t\l cks nil as fiue '" cb u'lIllll g pal o blu e wa s .ecen tly 1 11 0 1lI1dlei ne Cla n now RcJdrt'.s"-H ' 110 ~ n d dnlJ\t~ as ('11 11 boo I'h tl p r in cess [een tr im m ed rBlher Sllarlngl) w Ith wHtr he rs w ho In co mp ,lllY wllh tlll1l icll ge rl e go\V n~ ,Ire lmely fllltty and white lace So m llny people make th~ b ." e 11 .ltch ed th o p la n t p"uw l v' It I trllly, n contrasL lu eln boratlo n to the \ll ls lnke of plllnl: ya r ds uf lu ce o n II nel or left tl one With n!lpru l,rlat u rtll en fro cks RO LIn nnd ge llln,; so m ethln l: fo r re. 1 ce remoni es lie ~) ll1bo ll ws I he 11oII '05t \\'e undoubledl,' s h ull see m any w a rd that Is fu s, , n od ovcr -elubor.lte by s trl lllllll g t h ~ e,n (10m tho hus lfs spr ing go wns of wool mu, lc with p,l n - The oue 1 apea l, of, wlli ch 100lted slm- I unci pi ,,, lug the COl n tn h is bilS for IU ess ski rt nlld ranclCul sbort Jnckel I' le nnd mod is h IS wll Ut Is calleel a , tllre lis e I he s tallt Is pullen up by I\ nd, b)' th e WilY on e does see eOlile cor s.'go p r incess It WJl S sta yed ,lUOl e I the ronts aud bUil l: uve r th e door 0 1 Ihnrmlng s hort ,.ei! ls a lrendy, the ~lI d to qutlo 1\ d pUI below the IV.\ ISI, th~ longe Impa ti ent Inlli es ,'c lng nOl ab le to b} lIl,my ro ws M s hirring A low FRIVOLOUS DEFINITIONS, WUIl until wa . III ,1,IYs to try th e ef- I' e ~lted and s horl· s lee l cd bol e lo ____ f ct of oew bol pro und E ton ·We no- fO l m e<1 th o bod lc') th e bol ero rounded T ermll b M od er n Us e T hllt A dmIt tl eed t wo 10·rl11Y thnt were ve r y good oft pre tt il y aud cr !!'I!..!: we ll IIIJo l' e the of t h o FollOWi n g Oo n ')o e w a~- I hlnl, 0\ It- pnrt of ,I nllny- w.II ~ 1 A sor L o f I.ehu of lace outllne,1 s t r u ctions joy cost ume' \\' II sod to thi n k t h e Ille littl e O,lt IIth l a bit or lace W.IS In loy -day gUI h " hollid loolt strictly Int rodu ced In lho SI,Ls tLh)!;, of tbe s h ort Luxury-Thal wbl cb m ll kes tb e pOOl IlJaller oC·fnct, lIUl when one co mes to ~ I eel e IIsc oo le lll lIod borM th o r lcb Goss lp- Soclul vIvisectio n unslHtcllt y- Tho Jowel tI'd I
or th e lre e ll e1 n ~ ' tru el! Noth In g Icss th nn tl . ~ nes t ll. e ll being l etlllllly " I ruck by u 1.1'1;" s lo ll e will m alte t hem mo, 0 or le,\\ 0 th e ir eggs A, th e ft l lI oods nre al w,l) s full of old ne sts, Il Is Iml)Oss lble In a da y" s eUl cb to climb to e , er) on e seon Th ree of li S oncc In " Inrgo w oo d Inhablt~d by Ih esc owl s c llm lc don o tillY nearl) 30 ft. lrees 10 no IJU rpo"e, lhough In sev (ora l cases " e fo und tb e cnsll l1 SS on Ih o grou ntl A II o wl " hn I . 'h e power of a lt erIng compl e tely Ihe who lo Hh ll pe of lh e lr fa ce By mus cul ar conll a cti o n lhe featbe r . oC lhe fur ta l disc enn be mnde e lLh or rou nd or IIl1n s " lnr , Ih e lon g enred nnr! s hort en l 011 cn n besIdes dep ress or orer t l hEC il c,lrs," our! t h ey vnd Ih o tn" 11 ) 0111 n re furnl s h od wllh n mu s tach e 01 w it y h air-Ilk o fea tb ers o r a Iu wny COIU I, whI ch cnn n lso be er.ow,1 o r de pressed lit th u will of th e b enl, thun , omp lel oly a lt e l lng Its nppeorn nre 1 he"e IJCc ull ar lti es or fa cl nl Ollr ss lon n r r:! I er y sc illo m dOll e Jus tIce 10 by Ilrli ~u< , IIHI I'" lOO of len Ig no red alto/:e th er But If Ilholog ra phy sco res In tlll ~ I<" ]le t It f :.I I ~ nl lo~etller In rc nllerlog lho \I nml erf,, 1 eyes o f l he lon g·ea l ~ u o wl Ihe g lo rious ornn ge yell ow Irln being re nd e re d by the pho togr nph lc I' lnle (IS black Ctlle orlhoc b rom atl c plal e even being useless In th e exposure n e~es"a ry fo r tl IIvln l: bird). whil e tho pUl111, lbough It nppears blucll h as n 10l 01 dn rk blue I n It , aod reflects so l11u ch IIgll1 as to come Olll while The whole e ~e Is ~h U 8 absolute ly '< vo rse d In t one It
PIli. PurIfy the Blood and H •• I TI ••" ... Rhcn~lIlIRm is a disease ot t.h e blood, Mused by t h o t fl.luro of t h o body to cut> ol! cortlli u 1")180111. Ex ~erll ul nppllCAtloll8aro.J)f USO oul y in ~ 'ori ng tempO;' r nry r ehof f rom poi n- tho nro fO I I II unll, tllnn lIu in p Url f.)l log I\.Dd e n r1c h lllll Lhe b loocl. MrH Frecl ell ck Brown , of 40 S wnpter Rtruot, Snndy H .II , N Y , ~ oS n s u ffer :r frOIll lll tlallllu u({)ry r boUlpat18w f , om tuo tl1" O ah e w ns sixte Il , S h e SIly S : .. I t t1r~t lI )lpe'lrod It1 my kneu JOlllt.s, t h en III 111y Ic lpH a nd ,,, It boouffis 1\ l eg ullu t h iul( that I w oul<l be hl1d u p 1111 wliiter 'I ho rhenu18t1 61Il nffected nJ o!lLly my halld.,, f oot and sh ouliler. Illy ha lld s " ore nil plI ~od "I) ,,1,,1 III) fept oecltmo doform ,, <1 I I".t Illy IIPPl.II l<' , couldn 't 81 c p alil l ~" " IP l l lll e H I li n. compell ed to cry on t, l h n PUl1 \\lUi!10 Intc iI SO.
, j'''1 .011'11 I WIlI lllIS I
under the
ll ~ 1 lor ~ ( .1I 0 1111 11
\\'h tl e }ltR W OdlCIUO r c .. It "ecllil u 1111 11 f." ,,11 1110 \lhtl e thoro
111) 1,rr" l)(f t f Ol n ou rc' J wn s t Ullflll Ul tu my Oil, (or II I ".~ ilL n LII" e
St. ' lllt J
p OlJllnU I) ut
o.·d, off and
l\ly limbs \1 ,,1 tl ll·urlfli lly nt t llllea auu I " US
r ('l d tli {, llnl lll (l1'it to lI o lhlllg
, III II,,· "T'rtlll( uf 1'104, np'1ll th e 8(1-
tlf (1. f[ It lid I l H.: gH ll ( I ) 0 " 0 Dl \\11 1111" "' P u tl, j 'lll, At n ln t tlill e I
, h II
" iL., 1I t. u1110 tn tlu ulI\'"t ll1lJJ.( Ilud lluuld h,l nly ~lIt e ll r II l! h I .. I" "1' " In u, I f ·It
n , h il i!;" ftll II" holl "r III nl.JUL" m outh 1 h' gll u tu <!ttL henr"lv Ilild I sl1 t1 orcrl 10"" P"II' or ' fl lIl '0 I hopt 0 11 tho Il cnt ll ll llt , U ~1I 1 1( caro III 111} dlPt, und III nun l1t
t hrl'o JltnJltl lfi 1 \\ IIS (urNl
e nllrt'l y w vll tadny nnel do a ll my 0\\ It " nl k " Dr " tl halll. ' Plllk PilI R cu r ed Mrs, Dro \\ fI hy d r nlllt;tlwrlh Ullhlt lCPO l S(l IJS ou l o f he r !Jluorl PilL J 'JU III U ~ t gut the gell llllt o D I WIII<nlll5 ' P ink PIli ", 80ltl by nil (lnl{(t.:,"1s 11,111 I" the DI' ""11lt mus M ed. c ",,, 0 0 , :;cl...·noctndy. N Y
FROM F OREIGN FIEL D S , T ho elo tlre collccLi u oC tho dlpIom Ull c IOllers of POJ)6 Plus VII has been stol en rro m the arcbll es of the VQlIea o T h e LOndon brnnrh of the GaeliC leug\lo Is preparing a scbome fo r placIng lh e pr lll clp,ll IrI. h produ cts on lh e l, n",'lsh mark ~ls , confident In loW pllccs ulla goot! qunlllics Tl'o o 'Igl nuj procla ma ti on [or tho cap. lore ut Prlll~e Churles Edward (tho Yuung Pretcnuer), ,1.lted \VhI Lehall, Au g ust 21, 1745. bns recently bee n dlscove . cd, and purchased by the B rl l ish Dluseum Art"r t \l O rerent nig h ts of fog nearly G.OOO bird. "ere fou nd doad u ntlc r tho laUI rn or Ca pe Gr lsne" Iigh thon ~ o , ":1)'9 tho London Ch ronIcle. T h oy had b eu attracled by lh e brllII ll n ~ liGht, nnd we re killod by flyi n g nga ln st the IIghtllou se Kllre .l bus a popu la lltln ot about 6 ,000,000, Seo nl, Lhe " pllll i. bas 22 ,000, nnd Is constnntly Increas in g Alr endy 511,000 J l1.jlauClse Hl o In the klngilom N::> less than $8,QOO .000 h as been .pe,,~ 011 rall ... u) s Tbo for eIgn l raua w oo wort h %26,616,487 last year _ lJt>ublo trncl!log tho Siberian rnU WilY w ill ce rtainly not taka place fo r ~ year or two A ~ tbere are n either r .llls nor olher mnterl a l. nor worll Ul e ll alQrg tho lin es the d iffic u lty is g r03t Moreo l el the whole of l h ., al>p rop n~ llo n for l he llu r pose has been spent A 100n g the presonts recelvcd by D is hop O' Coon e ll, 110 11/ In JnIMII, us th o pa pal c n loy to lue mi ka do, Is a ~od or tiedlc,ltlon for nn H-ncre tr:lct o f 1.1Ud le, th e pope us u site for Cu~ tl o llc hcadQ uarterd, ut Osh ule, s e ven mil es fro m tb6 well n tou rist ruso!'t, Karulzfl "n
' G11l do S rslI1 o:1I11 She ~p r3 n ~ 1''' l m e a nll ru s hed docs uo t .1rtiUl:SO n W Onl,lll 8 eO vy dO li n the <talrs Time to th ink ot s hl rtwa lsla IIl1d 1Ir.t1 form Ih e cuff. an ti ~ tn c l{, but 110 Pop ulartty - 'J h e price ur s~ IC r('SpeCL 'Gil) ' Rhe t nll NI " Co11)'" ;::.-.--- -I ran t o th ~ I:1n<lln [; rp, oil er In ·prlu g gowns 1I0ti n e ll mil li ne ry And Ll lmmln g or f"lness n e ed be gIven In Dl et- Ucuylng )our_" lf tho Inutgl'st .ruST F OR A SMILE hnn d OUI IIhe n I snll hi" farp t r l lI e m a k e bol ll LO s ay II wo rd nbou t th e w ly or l u c1l~ or g aUl e rs, tb e de- ble [((ud you lik e .1I1d eati ng t ue a t lurn ed slo\\lv a\\a\ Ill s nrm s IIpre tEond neles li nd pr:Hulses In the w011,1 s iro Is to h a l e lhese s e, e rely sl mplo ~cs 'IUIO t lt lllgs yo u dOll l Jilt" Mi ss Antique- The man I m a rry must rOll nt! h er, Rn ll h r r hn l1 fplI o,rr his J I fas hi o n BlI t w feel lO me" to add tha t this He.II-Au o lltlnlls " u rlea le r In pessl ho a horo It sco ms 'scnrre lv ne('essa ry t o mc n- ~ I) Ie Is no t gen erally IJecom lng. s ho ul d nll ~m fn r e ti S ghe hent dOlI n LO h im MIss Pert- 'l here's no doubt a bout '10 11 Iiall ~ hlrt" ,l l s t s are to be worn, \ lle avo ide d h} both t h e too- th In nn ,l A. lOr- On e I\h o pays ma rc ,lH enlios t hat SOME CURIOUS PHENOMENA 'or th is old frl ond It would be Impos- tlte 100 SlOu t th e (or mer loolls aUllll - 10 lb ~ bll l- tJoa rd tb u ll tne 111"' 10 Di ll ,I hi e for n gr lit • rm) of dress mak els 1111, he Inllpr ImrtJ) In slIch a 1U0dei C.llllion - 11l1! bra lw ~LUps II ell He-How tlo you li ke m y w inte r s uit; Extr :\\ ngIUl t A ssertIons of M edics a nd s bopl!e pers to \JnnI Rb-k fills Menllon s houll be made Ihllt tho re ~ 1 (IUIll rU ll llln g up-hi li lU OIl CC s s gooil fit, don ' l YOll thln l,? Set" L aymnn t o Tel lt nff o n yOU ' Hlcb It 'oug-felt " li nt Tlte h"!lllke r- n e w un lle r\\ ea l If• •ldallted to the e m· CllrtO. IL} - I'.lylog u tlJollsuuLI doll a rl She-WOl ~ e Lhu n t1)at, m y doa r , !I. Th inS's "So m~ one co mes at nl g b t. she J,l'r ch Ief linen wais t will be ~ er; f a....tllon- pl r!! nn ll p ri nces. s tyles for t he tit of tu "" your a llpendlx purfect con vul s ion! THE KORNED OWL s ls ted 'I have s lood at tho II In dow ollter ~.Irlllellt 1M tlepen dent on th e u nUOO (\ J uo g wc nt- Fln dlll il ou t wbal A P h ll .lIll'l ph l.1 pbys lclan " hl lo mak· In th e dark an d seen s omelhl n g mov~ " Sb e Is one or th a IJest Info r med wo m li c r" ea r 11 good co mbInation s k Irt \ klll ,l 01 nov lco u m a n wa n ts 11 1111 glvlnK Ehollld b a rdly he necessary to po int r k n o w I 11 m wa tcll ed I ca n rool It Ing a soda I , .s ll nt th e hou se or a nne] corset cm e r I ~ m,lde wIth th o Il to him out tbat th e so ca llet! en rs" n re IlOl el' In town' " No wondcr , she 's ~o tlh e s noop Iest T he ma ll who s pok e t o m e In Lon do n Crle nd chanced 10 moet " co ll ellt:ue eh lr rl ng placed h,gh , to g ive the shon· I'u ll- ' Ill e r esource o[ t bose Wbe really enrs . be ing me re ly o rn a menta l Arte r some J.;En era l collvc l satloa are· "as not fa nc) I am s u re, D Ick " " ,listed erreCL CorsOt COl ers lI n il Il •• vc Il() pusb In n atu re, li nd a re In 110 way co nn_c l- &ervQnt g Irl In l he whole \Ilace ' IIIgbt gow lls now bonsl h a nd -wo r ked Cousc lcn ee-The 10l erolll wbl ~pe l "The fuct Is y ou're ovorwrou ght li nd malll was made lhnl gn , o n nr,)I()S" IO ln ~1 ed wl t b the orl:n n s oC henrl ng Th ese LIttl e T oto-~ I a m mu, m ay t go out s ca llo ps nn d ha n ,1 'cmb rVtde ry o f lea! l h llt ' , IYS Do n t dO Il , you OJ'gb l nre e xceodlng ly la r ge a n ti co mpll caled. h ear "hnt yo u ex pec t hear Yo u r al tur n to t he ta lk t el ates Succesl a nd nower, Ollr girls nrc getti ng q ui te ge t ('lIug ht illus io ns will grow. IC you ruIn your MagazI n e Th o tl rst ]lh> slelan said occupy ing th e wh o le s ide of t b e h ud , and loo k ut th e eclipse ot tho sun? " You know o n e may look Int o the Caro(ul Mot he r- Yes , dear, but be cnredeft at thI s need\) WOI k Vnnl lY- fb e food ul rools h enlth and n er ves uy abuttin g yoursel f and ca n ue r ea dil y exnml ned In a M a d ELLI:N OSMOI'DE Apprecia tloQ- J.:uvy In . Il eep s cloth 6peclmen by lUling up tbo edge of She fill not to go too closo. lIP Indoors Come out wI th me to throat of a c blld a nd de termin e u po n In g m orrow If wo m eot Antonelli, I'll In· whi ch foot It Is sland ln g , m e rely by ta cla l dIsc , w lli ch Is quIte loose, DJld Sure Th in g . FLY-CATCHING MOUSE, th e way In which th e bloo d co llects A Co mp ro mise-An UIllI~.lI blc under c.ove rs Lho ear 1I11e n fl a l) o r shIeld t rodu ce him .. H e- lII s doc to r o rde red WilkInS' to on t ne o ther s ide o f t b e body" And If 1 t hink be's dan ge r" us'" Th e 1Il0st rI chly ma rked u nd colored gIve hI s b rai n .1 tot.11 rest Enterta inment Wb lch a T i ny Rodent s La n tl l "~ by wb lch YOll a ud yuur wil ~ ",\ more romark able fncl thu n tb at," agree lO let b er b u v ~ iler o wn <N ay • Then w e' ll havo a detectl vo down lon g- eared o wl I have cler s ecu " US Sb e- Dl d be follo w th e ad, leo ? Furnished In a Show-Window Observed t h o spco nd r1Qctor, • Is th a t Alltllon~-. e gra~a Wld<JW H pell ' In the zoolog ical r,n rde ns II sho rt limo to w atch hIm , nnd s lip arT t o Lon don "U h, YCH, be rell In love ' -LIto. In Brookl yn by manual t r a ining )OU can actu nlly . Io n wben he's out of the way Tbere's no "go; tb e dark m n rk lugs or thl' bi rd Incr6a se the . Ize o f t h e braIn o f a H lg b F l un oc,,- Mll kln g tw o ml il lo nl we re a llnost bl a ck, a nd t ho breas t e place like Lou don 10 hIde In " One rulY u rn tller no, e l spec.:'>C'le stup id ch ild, so t hat b ) proper mental FOOD AND STUDY. "I s hall haTe to take anot he r name," were s lro ngly co lltr, , ~te d w as orTC\ ed I n t he wIndow of the j;row wbere bone g re w befur" -:;atur. feat h e rs exercise Il del'e lo lls a marked degree tlb e obser ved r 11m lied • <I r cu ks Itf Whi te, la wn y, a nd bl lc k I ts largest r oe lle r y .Ind b ri c-a - brac est a b· day Eve ni ng 1'0»t A. Colleg" Man 's Experience. '" suspect til a t Is th e rlnn ger that of Intelligen ce l wo co mpa nion s " e re not near ly so II s hme n t In B rouk ly n A sma ll but \Vorld ' s LIIr g cs t Incubator It Is ~ robabl e Ihat l he host hegan Anto n p.1II threa tens," I told h er han dso mo Thp.) o un,; birds lIro " ~ ry very f.l t mouse, w ith n look of \\ 011"All thro ugh m y hll:h school course So m o u u l q ue lII eth orl s u ru used t e to s uspect that bls m ed ical fri e nds She 10yed with Borne grapes for n du s k y espec l,llI y abou t the face , and and tlrst yea r In co ll el:e," writes an fel l conlen tm ent was cnl'e rlng a bout b a t c h 15 OUO C~b!'t Itt l Umo A n o v, ·J Vi e r.) tryin g to chaft h im , a t auy tew mom ents Then sbe s udd enl y tl nlo ng t he cllt-g lnss d ish es and Jl ar l ~ ~ fe uPlre Is tllat til e h eal of tbe eggt llIte a ll owl. have must , o raclo us a p- ambitIo u s yo ung Ina n, '1 struggled A PO N Y JA~'!' rate, h e as a lay m an contribut ed lall ghed, and jumped up and dancell s l,ltlle lt cs us Lhough In tr nluln g fo r 1 Is r eglllnt ud lI y r u islo g u r lu werlllg petlt os, whi ch mll s t la x the [lnre nts ' w Ith m y s lndles on a di et of greas y, fo llow lOg extrao r d inary addi tion to able, 10 lllle ir Illlde sImp ly, but kep t c huul ~h ly round the room , Afte r a t r ick a cl In n min iat u re d r cna t t he ," In tb e ~ Sg • hambor, whI ch IS e nergies to th e utm os t ex ten l to lICe]) 11IIsty Coods, being es pecia lly fond ot the s tock o f mod leal knowled ge f ro m soverlty by ti, e !lncness of the few turn s s ITe toolt a r ed rose Cram fe l' mome nts ' obse n ,Itlo n. howe ' er. My sys te m n car ly II roo t h,g b In s ide, burl••p sep. tbem sati s fi e d wh Il e t h"y a r e In tb e ca k es a nd fr ied thi ngs Oo ntl emen: sai d he , "the fa cts you m aterIa l nn d the ctb lnt y necl, - tlx ln gs the t able And put It In h er" hlte dress. dovelopod lhe fact t h nt th ol e WIIS a r a'l lI g It [rom lbe plJ)ss II Is we ll n est eSlwci a ll y n.q t bey II rO deppnde nt bo t Into a s t ,l te of ge nora l disorder men rlo n are nothin g com pnred 10 o ne Buttons p romise w b e q u ite II fe-alll re , and another In her hair m ethod In his apparent mnd ness He knu wlJ th a t a . tb o pro l P._S of ha tch in g lI pon t he o ld bI rds for a co os lde rable aa d It w as (Utn cul t for m e to apply CO Ol in I' under m y o wn observati on I Elzenb lc one s 1111<1 U 10 L of t hem used w us c.ltchln g fII ~R for di n ne r Pate u! nrl""1 ces th e u lf tm,,1 hell l In lb e eg g ' Ime l OU think It 10 the love lorn An· havA actua lly seen a man \\ ho, by myse lf to school wo rk with a ny dogrea An othe r nove llY wIll bo n threo- Quarny- t' np s a nd s ti ck y 1),1I1Cl w(' re no- beco mes g reuter r equi ring III 0 11 hout T his ow l ne lth o~ boo ts nor sc reeehM at satis rll ctlon. I tri ed dllreronl medtvnelll tba t wntch es " she asked look ing In hi s pockethook co uld tell te r s leeve 11l10 th e r lIt)\Olly the uarw he re com I) Ircu lO Mr M o u"~ W ntch- ed Iu c llb"lo rs Ii lo w. r ln!: Of lil e te rn nn ll I ~ 10 fA Cl , ,cry s il e nt Mr H ow - Icin es a nd f ood pre parations, but did ' H e, If anyone " you what h e WIUI to have for "I uner." l o wes t or Clift. lJu r average cuffs a ud 1 11 ~ unt il ,Ill "ns usp l, l o(( ~ Oy a mb led "Tben he Is In dnnger'" pCral u re u r the a ir su pp ll e 'l In ea cn 1r d. t h e w r iter o~ t he il f'COun t .tlJready not seem a ble to correct the dIffic ulty. deep CII rTs will a 1t;(1 be w orn , and th e "It ll in hi . r ench, he w() uh l C.lJlW r e It compu rtnt e nt Is a doub le I; la.ed WIO all1lUf'rl to o r lh e nest o n th e gro und, She ran suddenly to tbe wIndow, "Then my attention w ns called to NO CAUSE TO COMPLAIN, lo ug s lee, e the nnll In co mmon lise w ith a I.g h tll n g·ll ke mo llon Th n dOW so tb .l t lh o th e rmu me le r mny be <D' R Ihat th e hl'n , " be n a la r me d by Grullo-Nuts food and 1 sampled It. I drew back t he thick curtaIn s nnr! A m aterllli tlMt I,eeps IlS fresh n ess slttlllg on h is h eunch es wit h tho IIn - r eall wlt holl t "penln g l he ~ oo r She 8tepped out on to the balcvny The h is prox imity III th " yo un g u tte red a bad to do som othlng. 80 I Just buckled lon g tln d doe. 110' muss tinder n wra p fortun ate b(( zz er In hi s fr on t IJn w ~ , he e gg trnys res t on do uble frames hlngo t! hoarso • \\i, \r.k W tlr k ' I h a\A n ever down to a rigid observallce ot the diInug hod excIted ly I ~ m ndrlla, nlld \ c ry pretlY mad r.1S Is pceled DIY th c wln ss and legs nR n by gU IV Hlli ze rt 6r ms o r Inve r. A" th o heard thc bi nI m ake n ~ound , except r ectio n s on tbe p ack .lge , and In less " I hope he Is ndmlrlng- tbe poor, t e; bo h ,lIl, HC]t1lr re l ~ hu c\(a " nut . nn tl a to tbo chlc ltS de,e lo p lho tr,lYS li re low ered ,I s n a p lll n!; o f Ihe hc;)\(. Iho uJ.; h I h ave thu n no lime b egn n to f eel better, In pati ent An ton elll' - lf b e Is watching There a re lovell!!. t flower ed m uslins 10 15 min · OIl lh ese <l uJ)po rts th ll fir st d rop bilin g hellt ono In r,l plll lt y [o r (lver n year. a row w eeks my s tren g th was restored. hody with lo fln lte re llsb t her e S ee l H e doesn't hurt m e " for Stl mmer g<l Wn c lho Oowerd I)lilll " I don't think any man would like IIttio pos ies Milke u p th ese Quaint ul es t ho lill ie rasca l cnught nnd [lte m ade In s ix da ys. a nd ot hers III IDle r fi nnlly r lng It III lil Y nclgh bo r- my we ight h a d Increusetl, I bad a The , a ls " ntlt on the twe nt) Ors t dllY th . hoorl I rea r IhOllgh, It was too lame clear er h ead and t elt hetter In evel7 to hurl Yvu , Lucy ." 1 s aid, admIringly n18te rla ls In Qu a ,nt e mpire or prIncess flits a t the r nte at two a mInute " I don't thInk so to-nIght. SInce Zl) Ie and you will h ,l ve II trock rem - wbole "lnuolV-sen t was cov ered "lth tr ays Ire re9 l1n ~ o n t he bo lto rn of tb . tt. s un Ive " fllY lo ng Ih 0111:h I n ever. pa rti cular My wo rk waa sImply sport you lIave come L fe el at peace wIth Iniscent of ' the duys when g ra ndmnll1- win gs an d legs. wb Ich sho wed that be c ba mbe rs All Inrertl le CI;SH u re t es tf'' '1 hennl of o n e heln g kill cd nnll I did to wha l it wa s formerly. thll world; the whole good, kind world, ' My s lster's b ealth was badly 1'UIl ma was young" 'l'llere a re cb a rmln g mus t ha >o be en at wor k for n long ou t "n til e seve nlh day - 1 ecbllica l Il ~ ar SOO Ii a fterw a rds oC one be ing heeD DI, ,, . • ,bOU l down Ilnd she hatl hecome IIQ nenoua " Wo rlt! Mngazln o Bilk. pon gees that nre a lso beRowc rod, lime There was a .harp flash from the that she could not attend to her mu- , the pos Ies s m a1.l. ol d-ras hloned ones TWa Is A wtul. Decei v ed. tr- at the end of the laW1l. I caught Chinese In Mex loo alc. She went on Grape-Nuts and had It would see m a,. tho uch we would Th" Widow I wa nl to i1 r der a tomb01.1 L. ri y- I (ee l ' e ry ne rvOUS Ar" tho Sllme remarkablo experience that' , her round the wallt and pulled her Tbe Chlo ese Wbo hllve . o me to tbl! have to plan a ta ne y bolero for overy s tono ror m y late hus bnnd below the baluetrade. There 11'88 • coun try as Immigrants at e for tile ) e &l1re ".1 s ba n ' t ha ve any uccl- I had Then my brotber. Frank, wllo torek, as almost overy model, wbether The Dea ler - What kind of a atono mos t I,a rt pellc""ble and urd e rly peo- den ts ' report, and I heard the IIplutter of a " See bere, walter. I've been at work. In wasb material or not. sports one of Is In tho post olllce d~partment' at woul<.l you like, madam~ GU:lrd ( fond of atntl stlrs )-Every bullet against the watl, ple, gtvlng IUtl" trouble to the police quarter ot an hour on tbll tough steak, theae gay lltUe coats And they cer Tbe ' WIdo w - Really, 1 don't know or tbp clt pllal or oC the !tlte rlor cit- pers on who ri deR on 11 I a llwa y tnkes Wasblngton city, And had been tmNt · " The 18IIt warnlnsl" Ihe gasped. and can't do anythIng with It'" to do brain ....ork on ~BY ~ foode,,_ talul, are a welcome addition to a Then Ihe faInted. Vet It Is Do t agerlcd tbst lbe on ll chance II. 1 4 9 1.~IO ot beIng eakell anel all that, ~otned the Go:aM!l "0, you've plenty of time, .Ir! Tbe Ib'lfll whose Hnell are not exactly what kind would be the moat lIult- Ies a ble At two o'clOCk the nen morn Ina I tnln II 20 mlnutea latel"-Flleaenell ri~t for one'. OKUra In linens there Chlnose co mln l!: to Me xi co are e veo ot klile tl Nutl arm),. I eho ....ed h~~ 'What 1t. WIlL Th e Delller-bcw,. me, but what th e bette r c lass of lallorlng people at Uld L.n dy- L!I, Rokes ' Why didn't erept out of tbe back door. It 11'88 Slutter. and could dO, and trom III bro••D.!Soft ",111 be even more boleros than were dId I'OU hus band die of! that roac al!y bookIng cl erk tell me condlUon he hu 4eveloped IAto • ' futl moon an tt I Uddled 81r Patrlok home, lbougb there " re aorne n cep noticeable lut summel'-ud that W0.8 Tho Wldow-IndlgeJlllon. Caught I!O before I ""ught my ticket '-Titby tbe moonIlght. It waa Lucy's lIad· lions Mercbanle nnd th e lr.dustr lou5 heart)' and e!lolent A aood many. Tllere 1a a varie ty of Tbe Denier-Then wh.t you want Is 14.... Sn.ppe-Here'. aD artIcI. .. dIe that I put. on him, and I wore ahBesldea th_ I could ghe ItIIC:OIIAt "pony jaCkets." wl~out doubt they a d v8pepsla tablet, mada m --CJhJco.KO -Cblueae r;ood customers and .~ reful o r Bits the paper .bout a "job for tile toolr long cloak and hat of .ber. o"r m, lbelr credit, meellng their bills of numben, of lIlT fellow..tI1d ... will IIttaln a w) de popularity; they D~Il Y News Safe killer" What'8 It. "Iool-klller" an1' promptl y On t be wh ole , a qUIet aud (JWD clothes. • charitably hIde deftclencles, they are have made Tilllbls tmPl'llYeliQlll' . . . . • Graclou8" MIss Sweetie, ,.OU look -A:-:8af::-:_-.=::~~th~o~d~. well ·""ba yed lolk. - Mexican Herald I walked Sir Patrick till we emerpd way? tally anel phy.leall, b, tlie _ ot _ like you would bite" Mr, Suppa (cl'Oll11)-1 don't know, pacefUl III cut. from the lhadow of the bOUie, tben Sutcher'8-11Dea will a180 be used tor . SherUl-Whln lb. robbel1l beld 700 , "Well. 'OU bave no caUB8 to WOIT1," fOOd," Name st.en bF DlaappolntflCl lilan. I n •• er met on •. pJloJ)8d dOWD the . . .nnl Aa_n Battle O'reek r MtcJr. ahirtwal. te, and tbe60 should be made up we1'8Jl't you IIl'medT , "111m gilid or that! " "Old Oatellily marry for love!" "Of eourae 70u didn't, or I wouldn'i u I so.t Into the roat! I detected the EKaped V{Ctb!i-NI~; llat I ,... _II There's a reaeo1l. quite platn. A Wide band of heavy em• Yea. poor t.l/ow, and be sot DOtll"No: 1 dou't like loblste"'..-Ho.... I01In4 of a ho~e Ptloplna In th, lit- be talldna' to 11H1 no"," - Phlladel- brot41J1' mar eat"n~wD \be tront leccecL-Ju_ Iaa bill money "-De troll Free Prtu. 'IcIolI. "TIl. BoU to W~I1Y11"" toll Poat. phla lAdaer.
A Foreword on Styles
tle lane lIIat nuas parallel to dae road,
I11 Wayne ..dv ill e. --_. r 101U1 or tlJlIIIQ(lnjlt.l)OI~t!l
... 1.
a. Mllddoll
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"\1" I"'pn il'>' w lu l'll I
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w rn Dtaytoll vI8IWrsMomlll:Y:, Mr, Ba.r$()n · Kolly ,' of ::in ollltHltl, tlponi un'day wltll hi!\" lIist llr s nt Wn.!'Jlesvl1l o. tra. \Vlllter 11:11,91.1118 b e n 0 11 tho 11\ k- U.tfor BOUle tim e, but 18 1m. pr()\-1Di nOW .
ll llW
I 1 will nlTor f or ~lIh' 11 111111'" n ur t f 'ntlllwllIt>, I'" th l' Leoonon pike,
I,lt .. I!~VRIlS h"H ~a,.t\l'lll pro. Ill' t'I' h,,\'I' clll~ ol "erl II Ill rg" I:!t QIIl' ""k ""1'11 wbil'll "'ll~ Ie .. Il,a \11 t,h t'l' nr .. f ".c' I rn\l(' rl~' . (111,1 whlt 'h Is n d t' ldl'll " uri o. if'· t" t h" "n\llI~!'r. g t 1H' T,i "'Ill 111 Ollr !(1"I\11.1 Jl"l'\' nt~ ' ·,IIl.'/ l' t.1HI~!' Wl' r. ' PIli " en l1 1111,111 ult" m \,ruyl'lc~ Ylllq lll1d in tn"1 1\ 11 ,' '''' .. ,'ou ther u Ollin, b ill tJ)tIIlY, it .1" prOhllble . but. ff'w rein ill
tII »1 (, lilt
}I'or hlo- Lot III Corwin ; 1nq uire MoKlnl1ey . tm 21 'l'ht~ ""t1l1~ 111 th,),,' ,lllv~ wf\ n ,' an "\. b uil t wit.lI Ih(' Ili nfl of H\;I)III.~' iIV' Printz Ill,.. H~nnah .. htr go f lllllili. \~ wi th I II r~tl II p pe tih s n9f1tt of IgIlt w eek8 with Crip is 'Lfltl Ul!Irt' W II " r OOI1\ f " r dt1l~ol\ s of very muoh Improved. I fl II V r''''' nf !'o1'h)\\'~T llrnu tl lis \\' 011 U:-I lltr• . Mary&ines, window of tIle d. ·lt·I" "I1" l )1l ' s nlHl t ' a k l 'Z-; If\.te Turner,Haines, of HllTveysburg In r hll"",' , ,1,1 1'11 , l u.\"~ lurg-H \ ," lull! baft beoome a boarder ILt t h e F r Iends Bome. fI ,'''~ \\'1"" \)nlll, il1 1.11" ,"'til l " 1111.1 tI ..", 1l11, ,. u '~l\ flll'h> l1t l illll' ti m fi re MI.. Bue Crane II:nd Mt's. Clyde tl r "",,, Ollt. "n,l th " hn kin " Coleman and lIttio ohild of CiDoin· pl '\cpc l j l1 ~itl '-l w h ,· rt.,! 11 Wll~ (l p llt ! 1.u It nllt.l are the gutlllts of Mr. Ilud Mrs. tnrn lt~· fh ll 11",,1 wll1 l" l, 1,",1 1'l1UIl J . B. Coleman. ull ~u rht,tl b ~T tit., l"fllllt \!-\ P Urhll)l:' i t DON 'T Burrlm with oorn8 Bohwartz'ij i" tl"n., t.llllt 1I1t·1II " I·i ,·,. "f oltlol1 ti m o!' oorn oure 18 gnaranteed t.o r tlll1l1Ve tho s \v netrP~ ~ . An ,\' ,,"ny. W (~ Ill't) them without j.IIlln priCA 15( " 10, ,t told t.h 'lt 11 0 hr ~. ,,1 "'nde ~i ll ('e iR t ie . qalt,e ,,~ gon, l tl ~ Ihll l. w hi'h In WII. IJI\k nt! i n I.h o oltl ti n1tl hllk " For ReDt - Flum of 15:3 acre Wllllblngtnn townijhlp. Apply til O Ve.-IUro' . Rov. B. J. M"y~r1Joe fer. l..eb'Ulon, Song Birds IncreasOhio, ing in Numbers. l<~dwln ti. Furn&"s viloif.ed hi,. wif.' " t the Dayton ~tIlttl EI".-pitJlI 1'111, An o bser ve r o r bl'rdtt te ll!:! t h " l1a y I\nd found h r vpry mu oh i 111 Gtlzet.tu fhnt. nUln y re d bird s, r o llins proved in heolth . Anti ot.he r" of th o fonthel'6tl ong · Our venerllble oIU:-.p " Mr C,' rn- "t el'S lin. 'llrfllltly o.rrlyiu g ill I.bis Smith, I" ~Iowly rO'/"I)""rilll'( r"n", viClinir..v .u,,1 IIwi n g t~) th o mild Injurlell rpl' ~lvpol llv " filII II~ wi nl e r ""IllY of th em lI\.IpOll r to 9ta tod in thA GR7.l'ttp I'c',,,' rlll wpp,," appour 10 h","o r elllllin utl h or e ngo. !l11\1 u~ 1 t,I\I' e nti ru 8uuson . A
1Il \)f1 t.h~ 01 ;
The mauy friends of Mrs. Luther
rejolQe to kqow t .h at she hft8 Illmost . rooovered bel' osnal bealth after f\ veryaerlollll illne88 about fonr montha' duration.
Clem Pemiewi tt whQ hilS lived on the farm of Rev. J . F. Cadwallader 'he past two years. will move thiR week &0 the farm of . Mr . Cbll~le!l Clark ner.r Lytle. Mr. C'.adw"l1ader farm Will btl ooonpled by }lr. Imtl Mrs. Allen Bole fr(}~l near ("'Alnter· ville.
Mni. Edith Barris·and Mrs Ll\ura Mosher entertllined dellghtful1y lit 11 81x o'c)ook dinner on lost TnI'll· d.y eveniD" the fonowlng ~nnRt~ : Mrs. aDd wm Frame, Mr. and Mrs, George Hawke. Mr. aDd Mt'S . J N. Lemmon, Mr. ,md Mr!I. Henry ,Toy, Mr. /!oDd Mt'S James Shnt~. ILnd Mr. R, F,. Mosher.
Gongress Playing Cards. . Cards of quaUty. beauty, style and finIsh, no
others compare with them. Found wherever society . plays catds~ Gold edges.: . '~ ·'f;~T~ · ." / ",
C() llN KL I UI'I ~IAIlt\N,
Hllvin :; Roltlm y fllrlll. 1 will otl'e r lit puhlic ;<11 10 III. m y r flMitlon oe thron mil oR no rtJ, !)f WII YUOH Vi\l Il , nil t·h o Cheuoweth ltond, lendi n g frollt tho Forry pike t o th o Bollhr o llk pille ,
All the biood In your body passes through jour kidneys once every three ml nut~. The kidney. are your blood purIfiers, they fII· ter out Ihe waste or Impurities In the blood, 11 thrv are sick or out of order, lhey fall 10 do their work. Pains , aches and rheu· maltsm come from ex· cess of uric acid in the blood, due 10 negl ected kidney trouble. KIdney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beals, and makes one feel as though Ihry had hean !rouble, because Ihe heart Is over·working In pumping Ihlck, kidney· poisoned blood through vei n. and arleries. It usod 10 be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced 10 Ihe kidneys. bUI now modern science proves that nearly all conslitutlonal diseases have th ei r begin. nlng In kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mislake by flr sl doclo ring you r kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer'. Swamp-Root, the greal kidney remedy Is soon reali zed. It stands the highest for its wonderful cu res of Ihe most distr"",ing cases and Is sold on lis me rits by all druggi sts In fllty· cent and one - doll~r sizes. Yo u may have a
A. B.
·~5c ::1,
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~lJHIMP- .·r\L~IO:-< -~' r\H. ;
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Chiff'oll CI' 'pe
..Embl"(l . . LinoI\F;,
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L . sTUN". (~ tl n '
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Loui~vil1o, .I{~~
A Roioll tHio W nm\er .
UI1II1'"Il~ 1\ ~ .VOUI' proclnc", Hl~h \' ''t ~l llrko l. Pri('
piliLl fo r Butt nl' '1ll,1 nggH .
OU ll Wl NDW
OF LA M PS. Z[lI1MEItMAN'S of courso
of Glass 50 f('ot. full of the New
0 ' 1011 ~
1)1'(' S~
'I' ll" o urA~ tlll1t "hmd to its oredit, f]' 1'llIlm 111"'1'; r-, IIln·Jt l' Bllokl e l1 '!I Arnica Sa lvo II Rolf-l1t ino wOlltle r. It cureol E H. Mnlfll rd , leoturer for the P"tronH of 11 ttsblltlclry, \Vuyn o!lbnrn , P 'L, of IL di ~t ross ill t; OI\SO o f Piles . It h elll ~ A 0 0(1(1 Hto\' k of ~~ lu" lill lJ l1Il m'Wl1lu' , tllt.hou g h (;Ot.t.llll III' " '''''' lInoRd, "'" the wors t Burns. So res, Boih!, U loPl'~ Ilro Rellit!g Ni CJe H oO t1:-t fol' 11m pri en. CnrHot, C(I \'. · I' I' :!ii n\mtll ~IP Vnt ~. Wound!!, Uhihlniml lind SIIII. Rh lllll. Ollly :!['o lit Frod C. ~kirts r,o .. o nl.~ up, O,IWIIR fill IJo ntf11tp. NU 'l.'tl.r"h Wlli"t :Jr, ce nt I::ich wtlrt:-. dru g stor ll ~Ho o k 8h oe ~ lIih". ".t r ., N I~ W (·l(l(JUH.
HONEYIIDTAR The orlglnll
(jibn ev, Ohio. ~
, Wit.h 1'1l1l1 e thillg " 111)M~III',1Il1 tu h' lgi n Ih t' .1'1.\' 1111 , " '"1~ ,'v.,,'\' '" ~ ll1h" " , of Ih ll II n n lloJl nl,1 th e,," nnltl 1I\ 0rn i ng,.
LWTIVE cDugh remed,. I
po~pl ' tlt'ink l1o tl''' l1
hreIL kf". t, !LII . \ Wf1 011/1
~ nil; t.I".
body likes it, n o S Kill Is rflqllire(1 t.o r e pro<illo(' p e rfoctly ,blllld mu io, th e fin est vooul so l o~, duets, and qnnrte ttos; th e finest e hllrflotor songs nnd vllllllerville sklt.s. 'l'hns the Phonograph provides mor e fun lind mus ic thOl1 uny other nutol.\1l1tio entertll.iner. yet is within rOlloh of /tH . It !l11 M'LirS for it-self . Wo will bo )ll enBed to show the mllohinel! to Itllyone interested . S old on I'llyme ntR of 00 n. week
ill vih'ld 10 "nll.
W o mell~' Kidn n.vs. ' V ll men nro m o re of ton ufllioted wi th klrin ~v disorclllrH thun m ell, but lLt.h :l b ute tne Ry mptous todi~e'ls· ~~~~~_ ~ _ ~!!!!!!!.~~~~~_~_~"""!_'!' _'!' _~'!.!'!!'!~_~ . '!' _.._ !'!!'!...!"!~.!'.!'.!'-"'!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!~ os 1,p.Oldlat· to their sex, while in re lI)ity th o Id rlneys Are d OrtLngef1. Nl1rvou!lne ~s, he llclaob e , pulf.V" or c\/l1"k olrol es nnde r the eyes , I)aln in VA t. I.Ir,y PH O N I'; N .... O tb e hnok. IIro s ig ns of kidntlV tron · ble that- rn llst n ot be IgnMcld, or I~ Aeri us mlllAcly re!llllt Folay's Kicll1 eyCure hnSl'p-stOl'elithe heILHh of rhOlllltlllc\S of wank, n or vous. brOKen down wom'on It stOpil ir'l LOANS NEGOTIATED. NOTAHY PtJBLI We hllve buye rs for g ood fn.rms Imd t ... wn pro\lorty ilt 1l1\ tim"". W A YNE8VILLE. regultlrities ItDd RtreJj~t· hons the uri nnr y orgtlns . It purifies the Liilt with U8, w e can help yon. blood tlOIl belle flt" t·be whole system. Office Ro oms over Post OmOt~ III t"n Jl~ ' Bnlldlng.
C. M. BROWN, Propri etor
C.M .
..--... . ND ORILDREN.
Southern Ry.
From Cincinnati to all Important Cities South. Southwest aDd SoutheasL Reduced role. on the 5 ...t and t.hin!
TucsdByS of eac h month, F or information addRsl
CBU. If. IELIo, D,P.I.,.llb ..... 8ta.. ctacIa••U. W. 1 OAKRr.rt.~ . II.,
I C1ld••IU •
W. O. kll&lU4lJ, O. r. A., .
IF THEY ARE WEAK-You are in constant danger of Pneumonia or Consumption which can be prevented by FOLEY'S HONEY AN 0 T /LR if taken in time. IF THEY ARE INFLAMED- You already have the first symptoms of lung trouble that may prove fatal and you should not delay taking FOLEY'S HONEY ~ND TAR. It cures all inftammatory conditions of the respjratory organs. IF THEY ARE OBSTRUCTED-It is dangerous to use harsh expectorants which strain and weaken th~ lungs. FOLEY';S HONEY AND TAR soothes and strengthens and enables the tubes to be naturally cleared.
gives the. eat est comfort and relief in advanced stages of lung trouble and never 'f~i1s ·to cure incipient Consumption. Contains no opiate •• For CoughS, IColds, Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia and Grippe. It stops the Cough and prevents Pneumonia.
e•• That You Get FOLEY'S
The more Magazines there are. the more Indispensable is The Review of Revi~ws "'Indispensable."" The one magaz.ine I fcd I mUlt take." "'Inc world under a field-Itl ...:·" An education in public affair. an" current literature:-- Ih cae ate some of Iha phrl1JeS one hear. from noted people who rcad the Review of Rt'vi,·wl. The more magazines there are, the
i I
1,)\" ,,'
The lenulne lof ", II1'AO l,v l'. h .l Y" Il l' g"ncl " linn ,If 1)1 JI" ~·~.:JI:"; ,,~ \, .. 11 .. "" 1111.1 In 'to w" FOLEY'S HONEY and TARI.ID WIUlt I1M.Wr t.1l1ln 1... 1,1\11' ell I;"" wi l;h 1'I J RI~ HY IllJ P. H,' I. PII"uu ir., • Yellow paoka\OB. Refuse IUbsUtutoio ~'LO UR 'lll.1 H YRU P hur t! Pro pared only by W e e)UlI fllrni llh tllll Jl\nk e UI' .If nil III IIILI,.; hrnnkfllHt, dinn" r "ncl 8l1l1 Folay • Oampany. Chlo .... Brings oheer IIIl the y eur, Every · 110 1', wi th Itil R6" !lOl\lIblegoud!< .
VaUey Phone
H\IL:K Y ,
:-I,'\\" Cll hlill gO. l 'nlor)' IItt 11\ wilt A !,plt". L " 'II (ln~
Co ht~.
11 C
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Cough Remedy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Chamberlain's Cures Colds, Crollp and \Vh ooJ,llpg Cougb. Co1tls , Crout' and Wh uoping Cough.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cun:" Crnup an d WIIlJOving Couah.
Cement, Lumbel', . ~~.'\1.d a.l l kinds of 0 al. .__~I· S in Flour ' Feed aDd
by ll f'p\.'ilt f\l ul 1I1l. YU1I ' I1l o r '" C.«' IHt:! ex' {!IIki(I H
o ( 11ull l ";111 htl "'u c un'd lI IH !! ~Inn'h 1; , I !l 0,1 "·ur I' a l'~"" tlllI l ' l~IL h'~ :l lhl tJt' :llltl tu l tl hhO t. rlll t'l! I.JIl(}k\ Cl g:1 \' lm ' I ~ hl:H.ur y ' lI l r.,I,tl'll
Wi RR ,
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!'itt " ,.1 (\rtt n :;o~ , 10 BOXI'H t o n r rh'" th i,. "'''ok . nil I"i1.o" .
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ll in· d alld -lotted
~n h,)
Vt'\'U'UiLry '.! hU ttl n n" l n ol mlllH,' lrnl n..~ I\,"hc (tu lccl t o tlrrhf' Ul ,~ uw n .... MI \\,I1Q or p\;It)o.lh'Qln h\.run..' 1IV4:)Jl 1,'cbrullr\, :!;\h 11 m l uhl l O ' r~l u t'll Marc h a '
r nSP I'Vf tl
1'110 Oriltilllii. Foley & Uo, ChiClLRO, o ri g illlltile [lunev lind '1'ur liS II thrOIlI. ",1(1 l~ng remedy , IInll on lI.count of the g rell·t meri t lind p opulnrity of Fo. le y's Hon ey (l.lld Tllr Illuny Imlt-ll' tiOli!l nre "ft'erIlII for th e ,." ul11n o. Ask for Fllloy's Honey And Ta.r and refuRe IInv ~uhstit, lll e offered 1111 110 tltber Pl"o jlttrlltion will give tho ~tlDle f1lit.i ~ fw t,\" n. It i~ mildly luxlII.ive. It. co nluirHI n'l o Jlillte!t /Iud I" safest for oltllclrpn .lIlfl d elicate IJ e r~"n ..
Don't, mnk e lillY mi stl1kr , bu t Tl\ m e mbe r th e nallln, SWIlDl\l H oot, Dr · Kilmer's WII!lIIl R o ot. 1ITl(ltho IIddresij, BinghnmJlton. N . Y .• , Oil e very bot,tl e .
! r ll'lit! \ ~ ,I'll
/.~~ JtK
Lunch s tunt! privili"glls
free. also pamphlel felling you how to fin d oulil you have kidn ey or bladder lrou ble. Men tion ' :hls pape r when writi ng Dr. Kilmer & Co., BinehamlQn. N. Y.
'HEN()W~~ 'l'H.
C .T.
HQ,ue or Hwamp-llOOt .
Whon Wnn tln g
OHLEA H 1\1 O-BJ L 'E PltJN A '()LA
1'{M\' WlIl'n: IrU:, H Joe /I ki t ~H:W I,A Kg H~J [WINI..
bor~oH, 0 1ln "
I 28-pop",.gatd.forlwoConcr_ Hoyl e JIIdt ....pporo and name 01 Malor
Mrll* lor tobft.OIlo boxl)II for sale.
(,OOD '~
CaH .~ 'lftl' I' <Ja,se of Lhn .New 'Vetln.~ ~ - _ eomi ll g~ LOOK Art' TIlE LI ~Hl'.
M I!: It M A
tho foll nwing stook, iluplem out.8 lIud h o usoh old !(oodR. e t c. :
h,lY h or se 1\; years o ld , goud ~en lJ rnl lJurp usll, lm.l on e II hillok horse ttl ylln ra 0111 , 1;:,0(,(1 ~u n erll! purpose , \JIR ok lo orHe HI yea rll old II h eifer :1 yrs . old will be tresb in t h o April , Uow .& yefus old Will be fresh In M IIY, 10 s hoats \~eight tlbont 100 Ibs eAoh, Ilbout 100 bn. white oats, Ilbout 2 tou of olover huy. One Deering Binder, Revolvio fi' Hny Rllke, Evans Corn Plante r, 50 tooth hnrrow. Diso Harro\v, Iron BelllJl Double Shovel Plow, Bar l;hare Plow, One Roll· man 'I'oblleoo 'fmnsphlll ter, Olle tobllcco I'II'OIIH, lIlLY InUtle r , s lod, spriDg WI1"OO, :l hugg io:l, 8u pnn 40 sug!tr buoketi', 100 sngllr orook". a lot o f fe lloo p ~ t8, loo ust IIOlI oSllge orange. About 15 r od of 5 . in oh til e nbont 5 rod o f .. inc h tile, H stands of Bees, 1100 shaved hiCkory sticks, 1600 tohncco lat.h, n. lot of old iron, grind stoDe, Clllf box, II 30 gnUon . Iron k e ttle, 'L s pin Ding wh ee I lind reel, singe r sewing mllchine, 3 bed 8t~l1ds, a t.Lbles, 2 c ni>bol~rd .. , Slife, Burenu , a Htnnds, :J r ocking o . lIirs 1\ ,f ew oth e r cImini, n lot of rag cl1.r· pe t, lonnge bedstelld. Owens bent. iDI{ stove, :l othel' h Ollting stoves, .cook stove, grlsollne sl.l\1e Rnd oven, alot of (Iisbe~ , tl lot of cooking ulell' S118, croolt e r y , Wit r oo et.o.
FH.1DA Y, M ARUH I[;, 1I1(lU,
.T. E . .TANNEY.
s ample bottle by mail
71 1
J orry l:fifltllH, olerk.
Torture by SlI.vnge" . " 8poaklng of the torture to which ~ome of the II&Vlll{e tribe.'I ill th e \> hlllppIDes lIubject· their captiVtlll, Tf'lIliDd. me of the Intl'nse suffering \ ('udored for three months from In ammation of 't he Kidne ys" SIlYS W . M. Sherman . of CusbtnJ!, Me. .' N o 'hlog helped we until 1 tried ~: I"otrlo Bittt>1'II, tl.lree bottles of whl ob oompletely e ured me. " OurI'll I.\ver Complaint, Dyspepsln . Blood .H~orde1'll and Malaria; and restores U1II weak and DerVOUIl to robust \1.'&I"h. Gnaranteed by Fred O. fIo hwaria druggist. Prloe .. 00.
A . A . M e eil. noc t lOllt'lI l'.
Mr• . RebeootL 8h}I'H h8H beeD 'rem whom I*b w." bo1lCht.~..... visiting her children in Dllyton ; !the 1:1. S. Playing Card CO ... elncln..U, o. fonnd them well and enjoying the • good thiDgs of this life. Mrs. Sides reports a'UUledllughter born rooont Iy I\t the home of Will Petloook who Over-Work Weakens ~nce lived In WII.ynesvi1le. but for Your Kidneys. ' mflny yeat'S p8st hl1s been Il rll!lldent Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood, of Dayton. "• • March weather is alwl1Ys t.rying to th~ ag¢, "Dd we rpgret to l'8y th",t several of our most vlllutlhle ol tlv.ena are at thll\ time foeling the mirloos effoote of the pt68flnt climatio co nditione; among these /lre S P . Kindle who haa.ID the Pllst yoar suf feroo muoh from bronohlal troublll : Dtlvle Fnr~&tI, 'whose critica,1 condl . tion baa be4ln from time to timE' reo fAr red to In the GII.ZI'tte, is 10l'ing H'.rength; A. L · Fllra', Rfter tI )lfn nf 11101'6 thaD ordinary Aotivity, i ~ gr6ILtly enfeebled, so mnoh so that. h.. hall le& go of all home IlB well n8 \1\18In68e cares aDd Intere!<t... ; MrR. AI m Brelsford, mother of Mrs . H"r. r~' Murray; Mrll . JODe R",phnn, Mrs. K t her Ann Taylor and othe rs IIrll ~ Ioll wlDg lIigns of )088 of vlt",lity. It i ~ h oped that when the soaHon i ~ I"r ther advanced these mllY nil r,.,' Ive aDd enjoy r~newed Btrnngth .
hll il t-
H,' 1I1~.. Sll~'~ thu t tho son g bircts "ru illoren s ill g In nUIl/ ber i n thlb seoth II, A fe w y eu I'll II go th e s mull b l)y ~ IIntl M vnrrow~ hlld drive n Ifl rnoBt, 1111 the son g lJi rds II Wny, but the Ilxitation for t.h e l)roteetio n of tho Ii tU e nrell tnres bas r esulte d in their rllpid Inorellse. He Ii)tlo believes our schools sho uld all endellvor ' to teaoh the ohildren the good the birtll! d o and Impres8 on them the neoe8Sity of proteotlng the m from h a rm.
I:IeU~" of UDloD Pllloo .Farm, will
lOUis-ville & Nashville R·. R·
IInt\ '
h end >II" hllg,. . ,\ ~o w" ' 1 I . , I I I 'I I . tlk " wH. 1 I "~, ~ l' lila,",; .• I \\n ," bll1tlo1", :! llo~on oitll'l; .ms , 11 \I1 l:lor · 1 m iok II H1Wt1l', s tool I,,,, flo hll Y n ";o ', " pik,' I.",th hnrr"\\" . " 1"' l1 t~ I""I,h 1111 rrllw . -: I,,·, 'u kIn g pi li"' ..;. 1\ ridi ng ·tllt iY II I" .. . " 11 ,<11111 1" " I'; "gl " (' In\\' "rLl Ilt'I . fulu" ,,'" (' u\ti"n lor. HlIlI1 tl . \U 11 ('urll 1'111 " t.,.r, T igor t o hn er-o 1'111111,,,·, III . )' 1·/l IIt' . rlll'k uutllltlllt<y. ".! h or sl' Brow lt """ gu ll N'J. ;1, l'nlJ loor I.ire pi.lll,' Ionx hu ggy, r,,,ttl (·Ilrt·, ·1 ~O I .H uf ,," ltric h"rll u:;~, 1 Hnt Qf hnggy hnr l1 u~s, IIltO tclltrtCOO Illlhll'r :!:t feot1011;<. J til.t u f hu y In tldnrH. 1 gm ve l bod, po>,l, h cll d iggo r , ~()1Itf) t.illlothy h,l Y, lI11 0 Mot of HO lll o~ . ollplt,,1 liDO, :t lurge g lIlH ~ c uph')IlTlIH, 1 ho(\ roo m ~ uit o . 1 Htt ul li .11I1l c rIIl1g o .
Sprina ia 'OQ~IDg ILDd we could all enjoy " .bet\er If it would not brlD" ,bolll! awlnl wind storms with It which destroy property. Proteot your propeny, ge~ ready by 1118ur· Inr tornadoes. Roy Irons.
f.110f1th~ u hl . \)" ... j " .. ~,.y
MI.'8. Roy Zimmermnn nf E I\\Ion<1 1Ddla11&, jllltiPrl h~r hnAbtlnd hor!' Sa torday ev~ninlC, Mr . ZlIllm r, r.mnn bavi~g been t.hA ~uest. uf hili brllt,her L . A'. Zimmerlllo·n for " WOfIk or more,
Wl' hayo It at hunc\rml.
'fH H~IJA Y, MA HI' 1\ I :" IliM. leginllill ' At 10 n' c' h'~lc , :-\ ll pllll of h nT ~llll. :! (I f . t1l(\111 ~ 11 prll l IHII'\I ~P I h01'80", ' o n e a lI-nt1 nTl!' II YI",r~ ol~l, one (I, J a Y" IIl' ole l thn ft lIIn rp, 1\ 11 of them 8\"ngl ltll ur ll ·. tl Iwml ,)1 c nt.tlc,;\ 111i! ,II ow". lilt' j"rl'oy w ill III . fr ush · by (111 .v o f KI/h'. :! r (ltl llull bo fr esh hy 111~ 1. ~f Apr ll,III1\ h l'i:c r ' l 0"" yltllr tllll , I,fh' ht 'lfl'T
. or MI'I!. Alice
nil" !I\J ,
more neusaary ;. the R.viow of Reviewa, becawe i. briOi' 'oeerher th. bell !hat il in all the moll .monfhlies of Ihe world. Such is the tIoo& of periodical liter.ture th. 1 nowod. YI 1"""';1. lIly lhal the onl, way 10 keep up wilh it ia to Ihe Review of Review.. Entirely over .ncI above !hia revilow. ing I«lion. il ha, more origin.1 matler and i\l1I.I1raliona than mea maprme.. ,Ind the mo,1 limely nnd important a'ficl .. printed io aD)' monthly. . Probabll'~he moll u.dul seeli•• of all is Dr. Albert Shaw'. il""'lted "p"",. ress 01 lhe World," where publie evenlS and anclluciidl, exp.lained in every inu<. Many a luboc,iber writ ... "This de~t a1oee. worth more Ih. n Ihe price 01 the magtWnc." lhe unique "'OOD deparllDen1. depictill\! currenl hi,'ory in caric.lure. ia alI04her lavorile. TIle .....I.w .1 Inlewa conrs live coaliallUI. and yet it American. fint aDd rOraD". Men in public lile, Ihe membe.. 01 Congrea. profesaional m.....noI the IP'Ut captains of indWlry who mUJI keep" up ~ Ihe tim..." i~ men anoI wom~ all over AmeriM, have cItcided lhat it ia .. intIiapenaable. ~
Hone, and Tar A POLICEMAN'I TEITIMONY J, N. Patterson, nIght policeman 01 Nashua, la., write,a:-"Laat winter .1 had a bad cold on my lungs and tried .t leut a hall dozen advertised cou&h medIcines and had treatment Irom two pbyslclaas without getting any beneftt. A friend recommended POLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and two thirds of • bottle cured me. I consider It ihe greatest cougb and lung remedy in tbe world."
2&0, &00, ·S 1.00
NO, 40.
H'lt wllt ur itotlleHIlt .J E . .Jun no.l's l3(\1'n , to i\l r . lmtl i\l r~ Will fitly . 1l 1l0n , WOlIIl!l!HIIIY, Mllrch t . l"rieuu Benj. Bll wki us hll H boon 'Iuit o ill fot' tun lillY" or UIU!'U, I~mu k Mlllor lms Ro ill hlH Boll. brook proport,y . Mr. I. N . Uu t flolll Is in Il very di s. tl't'l8sing Ktll to of hun It h . Mrs . E. D. Ilo h,.'r t ~ b improving II ft" r n hmg lI11d sev(Jre ~ i t' l,( o wi til a telephone mes- }llHlmn t1llill from the chief of Fol' ( 'ollht II HIl " It od ,"; prnnu 1\1111 saying Ole hor~e The dogs were Chun y Kx pOl'l M il II t , " Hul ,1 loy .1 . E ,
Home ~Cominlg
Committee Meets 'rite oitizeuR gen eral oommittee to lurtlnge for t he B orne Coming b elli It meeti ng ut the Wllynesville Clln · ning Co's otb ce \Vedne811llY e ven · in g nnll plnns f or th e great event whioh il! now less :tllRn si x months di stant were th oroughly 1Ilsoussed , T ho bl ggllAt problom tho cODlmlt· t ee hilS to oonRidor is tllllt of feeu· ing nnd lod ging the thron g!! that will be the throll grellt daytl of B orne UomlD/: wellk . The oommlt· t ee oxpects t o secure a uniform rate fr om IlI1 hot,ols and boarding hous· e9, 8 0 tha t ther e w'lll be no possibil · ity of IIny visitor hllving to lIa y 1l1 0rfl thll n Is jU!lt for UIOIT l od ~in g . The cOlllmittee, also, would like to l'eooi ve t ho names of ull llorRolIs who expect, to utt onll the reun ion nnll hllve no fri end!l or ' relutivtls wiMl who111 t.hey will pnt up. Wr ite to .J , C. HIl wke, chllirmltn of oomIlli l tl'u 0 0 holels lIud bOILrdiog h n o ~ 0". i It or der thut ho mlly ostimllt,e hnw 1I11WY po r ~ mlM will be Ilresen t. .111 "00 I3heohllo , who bought the ~Olt !,~ Ilt· tIm old IJI1lpti8t ohuroh Il few woukl! "go, off'e red t,helD free t u t he eOrrJlIlirt eo fUI' u,," durin" th e BOUltl COlllin l-(, The oil er was aecepttHl with thnnk:s . Au estinlllte Wilfl mude of the expenses for the ooclI.Sion . The tw o l u r rro~t it.(;llllS of expenso will be the llIusic n.nt1' the tire works. It Is tb e Int.entl on to have lit 100st one blLnd 1111 threo dllYs Ilnu possibly two b"nd Aon t,he day of the parade. Hegl1rdinl{ the pa rl1de, it Is de8lr · ell thllt 'thls will be the most rep· resentllti ve para<1e ever undertaken in W,lvnes ville Ir\ ndllition to the bU8ln es~ huutles whioh will of course be fully represented private oltI7.ens, Achonl8 nnel r OJ;iden ts of tbe sur· rounllin g o,mn t ry lire urged to par· ticipll te, • A rolio room will be one of tbe fOll tur.os of tho oOMsion , und Mrs, Jnm es tlhn te WB@ alJ point.ed ohlllrllIun of tho committee to hllve chllrgo of this dopnrtment, On tbe o)oo l\ ~i o n of gut,b erings similar t o the Home Comin g held at other plncos it hns heeDI found that the f olic room WIl8 often orowded by ohildren nnu others not plLrtioular. \y int erested to snoCh a n extent that th ere Wll ~ no satislfaotlon for those wh o wished to see and study the relics , For this r ellson it Wll8 thonght best to ma.!'e a nominal chnrge of Ii or 10,. for admlttanoe, Adj ourned to m eet at the call of the President:
Harv eys bul'~.
I Y ('IIIII P" huro, or Mr. a nd 'Mr R
.J I' ~S0 l> 1(0 Iller I'. [t [ II 'I, M r B(lfIrs lnr I ~ 'l
IR an ovhle nt very necessary 1I,ljlln C!t t n t hll If ronoh Bros.' oream· pry, illli ll i n ~ fr01ll t he unlimited pon fldo/l 'f! I ll1po~ 811 in him by t,h!) !irlll . It i ~ c\()nhtfnl if t,here is any PlI rI, UI' bru nch cOllu ected with thl' " l'l'llIlI .. ry 1J\l ~ i l1 ll ~~ (rom tbe IOOllt inl,ricHtt' I1I P(!hUniMnI to t be running " f II plfl n! I,hllt Chnrlie Is not Iln OXpOl't npel'ut or of.
DON'T SUb' h'/cI! witll ro rn ~ , Seh n 'W "I' ~ U I"I"" II WII,h 1:,, 1' '' '; . :-;" iI · " T ho yln o Illlil onk abnU wither wa rtz's Coru oure ill glUlrll nt,oetl 1,0 WIII'I )'. ' ~ 0 0 1')( e ll r , ,j~ ~ lI "r, "If "" oI I.. " WilY, " hut il· is Il sedative to the rem ove t bem without I'llin . P ri oli r l· ," o1 V(l the1ll wilh " lll l' ,1/1 I',.il·" npr V0\18 ~yste1l1 , !l revivlI.I of the l r. ~ I~ bottle 15- II bottl e. I"oul to ho in touoh , to ha ve and to 'rhe 'V. P . Sunderlllnu flinn W ,, 8 Miss J.,i)'.~,io 'tro nl' i" 1'1l 1'''!'in/{ ,,",1 11l oot O U I' old frie nll Dook Harvey For the second time within nine ' time they started lIold Illst Sut urtl" y li t I,ho Uour t ~('n f! rn l 1'''1)0111' ",,, r k " " ), ,' r ' (·"z.v Ilgll\II lis of y(\ olllen time. The months robbers en tered the W'llynes- sllge was received l:iou e ill DllytOI1 t,o MI'. ,1 01111 Kine li t llo hOI", ' ,," ::'1.lIi " , 11', ... 1 II lt,'1' \' Olm ~O r goucrntlOll will appreolate ville post office Thursday nig ht se- police at Dayton ut ~O Jler IIcre. 1:,0 /l nr,'H . 'l' 1 1I~ I" " wll1.,11 ~ Iw wi ll "' :" II l'~' 111l' ~: ,, " , . I" r tlli ~ flld 111 0re IVI thoy grow older. tine fnrm nntl Noltl ell "IlI ' curini' ' 104 ill cash, abont ' 106 in had bet!n found , Mr , ,\VlI lter \Voll er /Il tlV(\ ~ 01 11 1.l w th t) fi r.t 11111, ~ 11t ( '" l't1n' ), ,,,,,' '' ~ ~ [) " Hl '£'IHl wit olll, pro"poot in this sootlon ,) II 11 n o.\' . stamps and about !!or,o belongin g Lu then called oIL 'o n1l1 not 116 moro /iattering Bt this K omp farm 1 mile south of Bnll . t\\' oo ' 11' l hm .. \' I ' ''t'~ II g ll. ~lr . ~I Il I , t h "W 1)" " " " • ...r \\'o ll "ton '1' 11 <1 PI'UIh'I'I ,Y h OI " .:1II " I' .J'l ltl [)S ~ tnge , but " whitt shall the harvest the Vall ey Telephone Co . a nd all of The men had driven to Dayton and brook. which will h n d i v i ll ~oI Into the private paperB of Post Master put the horse in a livery ijtabl e on Olti t) , I " III ... gil ,',,' " f Mr C . II . Huou two Pluts, lind Mr. Well!:r wli l hni ld G l'1lU e ~ hy N u w!, Mi llul' Will uncl el' he" is Iln li fter oonsiderlltion. There ~o 11 gU il e' I'll I lI1 "' lIIlIl " r pll u ~ I !I [mrl y is " mnny l> Alip," etc. 'Ve have not l:3toops, consisting of deeds, mort- Fourth street, reaching there abou t IIlI d f il II ily H new house on his t rll cl . Po .. H,t! " - Lil l til ( \ Irwin, lnq niro Th e Btlllt i~t ohn rc h iMhn\tli ng 1' 0 · in Ih o >l jJrill:'; . M ,' . ~ lI lltll' i lll'OI1(I ~ (lX'''"IIl ,'!1 [r'11t hUlls Rn d know not llages, st ork certificates, etc . six o'clock. After having it fed and vi vlII Rer vices, oOlu]nof,[!11 by oll e of Il ll,k ill g it II ti utiil'fll)l o 'lholh, fll r t ll A whit t, tho Ch IIIl CC/! II ro in this lln fi , r ubbed down th ey drove to the ou t· 1,1' AlII''' ~lpj\ lIlM'.I· , t,III :t1 Th e 1Il ,,~ 1· flt ~ tilll ll ll ~ hil t 0 111 HOI'"fnl lin l-( o r~ ~ tll1 . Will burglars entlll'ed the skirts vf the ci ty, where t he horde t he Du.v ton pIlsto .." . t.l rH. Li llll \ ), <" il.l IH.. ptl ll t\iu ~ ~ o v , WilHl)fl HII rilln Wil li doill!; ImHi nl1Hs Imoet t,llP rllHul t whnn 111 B nppolntml building through a window in was unhitched and abandoned . 'I' he "Chili" Tnlk " ent<ir tllinlllf'lIt th ,' " lllll g(! Tllun<llny. !::lUYH he tune Ilr rl\' '''~ w,t h tr[\II'1U11 compos· the rear of th e room used by the Constabl e Joy , EmmaI' S. Haily Bril l W PlIk>l Wl lh 1'/l l lI l i v Cl ~ lind given at the 'I'own Bull lust wOlllt ill [ r i , · ,"I ~ ill 1/l.lln llll p,,\i ,; rural mllil carriers. The doo r lead· and George Thompson went to lJuy· by the Library Club W I1~ flll rl y well fA lI~ Yll\',v lunely ",heli h.. t,l1ink ll uro. " Whll t 1ll1l8t be will be." Hllt urdll Y'II tOlD)lllrut uro was uo iu· Mr . /l lId M.. H .1 . II. ClJlnmuIl hnve ing from here to the main office wall toni and retut:led with the horse Sat· 'lttondod , 'I'he IIket ' h d 1'll w in g~ I,hnra Il l".' /l.ono (If hi " fit thor ' ~ fllmily -· J d f led uruay mormng. The animal i ~ 1>1" 1'11 101' "" vl' l'Id II /I ~''; v'Hitin b: their wore given with ra pilllty, fin d wo ll left In 1118 lIllLuuriJlll o uelghhorhood . ollnti vo t o II orowding of the ijeason , Iock"" an one 0 the men craw strong, a good st eady travele r ami 1'<,111 I i V",, , !II r. II lId ,\Ir~ . II . I. Crune, tlxec utell . A noot litt le BllIll of to7,00 He und one lJrother 'lre Illl th.n t HO k eep the hu ttons ou yo nr wlntllr remllin of the fUIJlil y tHld the brother tlppnrel. through the transom and forced apparently was not injured by the in L rlJll o" was resll:r.ed by tho Cluh. veil 8 {lm O di"tll.ll ClI fr om t he hom o open the door. ha rd drive. The &olety m et Tues Evoniu !,l ll t Ii Will Wri ght, Il formor re81de nt of hi ll YO~lth . Mrs. A. Mulli !.t" Mr~ . ll , Murru.v, Or , Keever 's lind trun 81lOt.ell t1w The safe was then moved into the - - - . M i ~ s ,I OIISio Mll rlnl,t, und Mr. RIlY. ll fr iends lIud r elrtti vo~ of Wm. who m ovod to Bnrlin gton , thenoe 'I'h regulllr busin esH 1t Hp uk" well t~ Spring Vtllley . t hen to 1\ fll.rrn . 111011(1 Ctlll llUI' ~ Il " ll t Mllt,ur(lu y in baQk room where it was pluced on a Local Talent May for the vll1n ge t hat n well seleoted B ~ ", e. who lI ioll I!n Imddfl1l ly nt W iI· from there bllO k to Burlington has Oil Yto n , r. .ibrary is being built Ull I1 ntl muiu· Ul11lgtOll lust woek, IIttrlhute bls secnro(la lucmt-ive job at the "Aug be Implicated. W . U. T . U . moetH t his Wcll nes· tllined, without debt or 108s in Iiny dellth , or d ue fr o~ I'li km g hendaoh e er Bi t fnotory .· ' in Wilmington and dU.I· :!]I rn witll the Mi"ROfl Anna way . p o w!ler~ . . He \\a 8 not ot herWIse will take np h is abode in . the near Mrs. .Maud McUruy hns s)lont co mpllllmng nnu l.n ubout th~'ee- fnture Itt t he nfforsllid plnoe. Our. The circumstancos surrounding t he /ln d Hn nn"h Kt1ll oy , A full Il tt en tlltnoo df's ired. muoh time Illtely in seleotin g her q Ullrter~ of /In h aUl from the tIm e ing Will's r olling process. he hus cas g ive rise to the sUflpicion that new Spring Millinery sl1pplies, a nd of tJlkmg powders WllS Il cOf).qe. noouUlulnted II. nice Bum and the local talent may have had a hand in For H,'ot- Fnrlll I)f 1;, :: IIcres iu she is now prepllret1 to Buit tho the robbery as it was cunducted in II WIIMbi ll l(tun I,trwn"hill. AJlPl y t,o l t is 1111 11 mistake Ilbont Allen venturo hilI:! proven remuuerll.tlve ta 8ts of customers., wit h" nice Hne Moo re's mllrriDge, liS generl1l1y her· in II Hnnncial way. manner that I ads to the beli ef th a t of ohoice willinery , . ulded in t hiM vi cinity , Mr. C.•J . they were familiar with the g round, Rev. B. .f . Mliyor!: nefol' , L()hnn on, ~ n!lt.urul na turnhst, a looallst of Mr. John Bill Is Il gl~in able t·o wn it Moore in fo rms us tho repor t is with . a nd it wou Id a h;o seem that tht!y had !lhio , npon patrons at his bnr ber sho)l in outfoUlltlll tion , Now, if " AI"wl1nts thlSVlOlDlty haAintrodnoed a nAW a personal Mpite again:lt the :-;toops Mr s. Mn r /{lt ret . J O U (l~ nf Chioago t~ marry, it cer t.linly iA more his del~l1rtllre of Inte~e9 tt o ~olentist.6 ~nd his usual jolly' manner , family . In addi tion to tak ing the lin d MiH~ I:;" ru .lou OI< or Xenin huve Tbe r ond running ell t to the business than t hnt of til e publio. cltllm9 the speCImen lD cl1ptlvlty. privat e papers of lhe' Post Ma::ste r. ret urll e(\ til XOIl III nft,er hu vi ng Ho nllm es the crellture snllke. Centerville Station, Is to be ~rnde(\ , So, " Iut 'er go. " they went to considerau.le t rou ule io ~ p(\ n t ~u " ()r/l l tlll Y ~ with I"'",i r IIroth. ~ , . We are unable t o giv e tbe reader n, Macadamized , top dressed, nnd rol. geuing the horse and rig belongmK er F. P . .Jones Im u ftlInil y. Ed Clll r k no,l WIfe bll ve ron tell descriptIve itlOl).. Even ~ ~e"l(e r led with the stellm roller this spring. to Adam ~to ops a nd which he kept tho ("rill hou,11l of ,WIll . Bruoks underR tlioding of the peou1!arlti l'H DON''I' ~ l'l" I" 1 £11 wit h corns · Heh. Whioh will muke u. tine rOllll bet1 , in his son 's barn . There wer e a drive way, and dry, smooth wl1lk south e~Rt of tow n , 1.h18 f(l rU1 er~ y of hill Sll tllnie majesty . Not havlnl/: number of otbe r barns t hat cuuld wo rl.)'. ·:! cf'lrn curo is gl1urll nteml to Willi Ed s old born e Iln~l he kh uWS In Reen the specimen I\nd In total for those who wllik t o the Stlltilm. uclvll hllve been more easily entered ; most romnvo th 1.11 without \llIiu . Price nco the conv oD1 cn ee~ of the ig noranoe of the soienoe aDd 110 If we now hlld a good traotion , of t hem were unlocked. while it was Hi e " boUl o. line t o Dllytou ulong our bellntifuI pln oe IIUlI how b e~t to ut.lh)'.e them, dearth of love for 8uch pflt~. necessary t o break t he Jock to enter U. K Urn ttcll . Suporintollll lJnt of There I" probn,lJly Ill, this time In fa ct (,.II nnot vouob for the foro. picturesque rOlld way, wc anll the 8toops barn. schools wlls 'qnite sick Rev6ru l dlt Ys . more BOl'O throfl t, grip nntl itl! unoles, going would enjoy nil the advautuges of cousins, A very gene ral theory is t hat some h.Bt week with n !UlVOre Ilttaok of 1.tU(1 lIun Ls thlln P081' MA8TER H'I'() )1'::l oity Ilcoommodotlons, with the froe hus mado nephews one Jiving here got the horse and Quin sey , but was ubl e t o r esume his visitntlo n in this part of Snndny M}ss Malinda. Bnrkl\nOA Ilnd unhampered privileges of vil. the homlsphere in uges. The doc. entertained m 1\ delightful manner Who b"s beon the vlotlOl of t wo buggy out while t he men were at scbool du t iell Monllay !Darning , lage lind fllrm life , work on the safe and had it ready robberies wltbln nine months , tors ure ke pt pret ty h u~y minister- at her home south of town Messrs Mrs. EVil ,Tones II.nd daug h ter Our village 18 bell.utlfully located ing to the afilicted: f ol' them when t hey finished, then have moved from t·he BisphllDl Philip nnd Arohibald Mythers and 11on the summit between the t wo oouple of lady friends from Ol1k' I d b k ' . d q uietly returned to his home. property on WntE"r str eet to .Mr!! , Miami rivers about midway' be00 S In or er The burglars are supposed to have lot of cata ogues an Mrs. Mllra Bllrbeuu , of Bntavil1, wood Glenn , the Misses Strutters. to dead«:n the BOund and blown open. come down to Lytle on the D. L. & ISllra h Hili nos residenoe on Third tween. We havo one of the Illrgest is slOlvly reoo vering from typhoill. If evere in the blstory. of our 8treet. stone quarries In the state, with pneumonia. Her mother , Mrs . F. sobool8 has quiet contentment per Everythmg was taken f rom the safe (' railroad Thursday evening walk. Lytle. except ' a couple of money order ." . b f For Ingr ippo Id wavs uso " Red extensive and almost inexhanstBble E. Mil18, 1I,H! boen .w lth her durln~ fect peace and n.greellblen6811 rulo[l books With the exception of one JUg across cou ntry , !1 num er 0 l:ipruce nnu Cherry Expeotorun t ." DON'T S UII'II'BR witb corns. Boh- deposits of the finost grades of lime hor iIIn~l!R nnll Vo'I1\ rOllluin un tIl with so muoh llDiversal fa vor Ill! lit regis~red letter which was Laktm pe!'!!ons here r eca!1 havmg seen them SoW by ,J . E . ,JuDn ey , wnrt)'.'s oorn oure is guaranteed to stone yet to be qUllrried. Lllrgo Ma.ra hll.l! regalDcd her uSUI\1 th e present stage. Teacber soholllr . d' bed ' durmg t he evenmg . One of th e remove thom without pain. Price qUllntitlOl! of orushed stone Ilro 11.11 stren gth . the mall was not I~t~r . . . . men was tall wore a da rk ove rcoa t ,und patlon are unltell . It Is t,o hA Mrs (Jaleb Hu tTman , a pioneer 15p 11 bottle. time being shipped . t!everal persons hv,mg III ~he VICIn- and derby h ~t; the other was mor e Mrs, Thomns hnR ron tOll part of hoped, this state of barmony resident of New Burlington, died Our now wllrehouse Is still open Mr. Ed. Harris Ilnd wife of Dny . her house to Hom~ pnr tles In Leb~ , will , he enduring to the end onl1- the lty of the post ofllce think ~ey heavy set and WOI'O a light ovcrcoat very sudden ly lit New Burlington t.o bUSiness, and thi8, Its second sea· ton have gone to Oolomdo for the hear,d t~e sound of the explOSIon, and slouch haL both being fairly f rom appopl exy , lie r funeral will son in the tobaootl trade. bas been benefit of Mr , Barris' h enlth wh t.l Is non. 80 sityeth Mudn!1I RUlUor. uccomplisbment slItlsfllctory. but It dId not ocour to anyone that II d . d ' Our t()'\v n 8 111 1~n , 1ke '1 homus, hns . be held t his . Wednesday, morning • robbery was being committed , we resse, very promislDg up to this time. threatened with a serions pulmo. been housed for seventl weeks, du e fh e. florlll art of culture Ilnd pro. ':' The thieves entered tho black- - - -- St. Mllry 's Guild will meet Ilt the Last Tuesday afterooon and Wed· nllry trouble. Be hlld to gi ve up II to Hloknof<s. ' We lIIis h is assooia. ~gatlOn ~a~, II. rooster lland, ~hen smith shop of Wm . Caspcrson and home {I f Miss Emma Hoigh way this, needilY during the delivery of '17,. well earned and lucrlltive busine s tion I~t plaoes of oong reglit.ion lind MISS AnDlO Stoops chooses to turn Government will eecured tool~ with which to work. \V At!lI" ~UIlY , .uftornoon im.teu d of 300 worth of last years crop of position. Bis brother, Ernest bOIlO er e long to greet him IIguin b er Iltteution to this brlloJloh of The men went throug h the rear of Thllr ~d llY us before unnounced , All tobacoo, the JAldles Aid tluolety of Harris takes bis plaoe, hnle. hellrty rohust nnll genioJ U8 belluty One hos bnt to ogle "from Stand Loss. ' t be til.l I oorner of t,lIe eye." 'rho the office, past the Valley Telephone I Mr. J ohn T, Brown, who now 0 0 · of old tlw lII o0t1U g8 of t h e Guilu lIuring the M, E ,' Church served lunch in . window dls\lll\Y Ilt the horne to hllve building and up Miami street to Lont, will he on "V edn tl ~ d"y II.fter · ll"rt of the ware house for whioh oupies the Baptist parsonnge, has Fourth where a horse and buggy I Post office Inspector ( ,ainei was noon, in~ t en ll of Thursd,lY· Of Ill te th e freq uoot I1bsence of a verifiootion of tbe fflot as ~t they received In the neighborhood served his tOWDshlp B!! ,luAtlce of belonging to Adam Stoops, fath er of bere Monday and went over the a~· the Peaoe for ~ term of 21 y r8. Uncle Charles ::lhidnker from the forth . of 110. A ClI r lml(l of fin e locllst pnsts for the .P ost Master, was waiting them coun ts of the office. The government Rev . Mnthews, pastor of the M. whloh is a long term for one of his villnge, is Il re.mlt.rkllble f~lItnre , Miss Kate Surf Roe who has beeu at a shed in the rear of the Friends will bear t he loss with the exception Bil lo. W. B. Mudden und Co.• Cor. E, Church, has gone to New Jersey, Ilse, . since It Is not 10 uoooru With the Ilt home for It few days wtll rAt.urn nieeting Ilduse. ' of the damage to t he safe whi ch ~ as wiu . Mr. Clnrk Pine i8 In some whl\t 1:000 tas te ?f th e old gontlemlln , to h er duties In Columbu8 ono lIay his former home, for 110 visit, Ilnd his t. Il. ~ (j From here they drove t o Dayton the private proper ty of the Post . hrother froUl Washington State feeble health ' Jbnt still Ilble to go We oon n.ttrlbuto t hlRdepartnre t o thi8 week Mrt!. Milry Young hlld tbe )lloos. . where the horse and rig were Ilban- MaSter, and about f ifty dolla rs prellohed in his pillce IlI.St Sunda.y Ilbont and paJY hl8 daily visit to the no oth er cunse thfln hi8 infirmi ties, ure of A nttlrtllini lll{ lit, h er . home on doned. ' which belonged to the Valley Tele· nft.(lrnoon t o n Ilnge and tlpprecla.- pOl!toffioe II.nd store. He Is now )lIlst unu yet he is somewhat· agile fur one Tho inllivlllnill who has the one ::lundIlY, h tlr chlldrou Prof. II.nd tlve Iludienoe . Melburn Hathaway , son of Roy phone company . 75, aud has held long terms as JUS' who hu!! lleell h ore so long. Wo ill eo. of " First person-Slngull1r Mrs . C. H. YnUIl!;, of k ings MUls! HaUl away , proprietor of the City I MrM. Dr. Ward lind Mrs. I). L. tice of \he Peace, Notnry, and Town · hOpo to groot him with t he return numhor" Is beld IlS suoh only In so Mr . Ilnd M:s. Ed Young Bna Wi11amson were gnests of Mrs. ship Clerk, aud 'in many ways hall of t he robin, red blrllllnu ow l. ones own imaglnlltion Rond no man Bakery, is in the habi~ of o~ening : PoatMlIBter Stoops , however, may IIl little son, from Carthage, Ohio Tbe Musonlc Frnterni ty of thi s of 1'1 0 muoh neoessity lind Import. served 118 legal Counse llor, nnd In up the office an~ he dlscove l ed the h e to bear the loss caused by t he Mr ~ . Ed Young lind t he boy are pro. Chas . M. Hough Saturduy, plnoo Is 1111 " ' lI K II haom. The good anoe whose plaoe may not be aup· robbery about SIX o'clock. I av J .. h . I Mrtl. Knte Jobns, who ill visiting positions of trust for the peopl e. P t Master !StooP!! a t once sent ' robbery last. une. .t ~ at tIme tIe longmg their visit t hrough this her sen, Chaa. E , Johns, Bnd fllmlly, Our sobools are moving 1l10n6 work gooH , lInti tho demand has plied with an equal amount of Bblli. es to the police of all sur- i burglars entered th<: oRlce ando\?en- week . attended t,he funeral of her Bunt at smoothly witb good averllgo fl tt en.d. to be BUPIlllml llY 00 1\0 11 moetings of ty frequently at Il cbealle" rate of ~-----;,od t ' and' the Wayne ed the safe by workmg the combmaLelun on I)undny. anoe nnd no dlsturbanoes, whlob frequon t ooour rilnoe. The best evi. interest. DON '" S UFF EII wi th corns . Soh· roun mg owns t' A lation of the Post Of toWDllhip Protective Association 19 n . , regu . . \vllrtz '~ oorn cure it.! gunrant.eed to - - - - -- - - The Llldies AI(l Society of M. E. speaks well for tbe teaohers un[\ den oe of the IntrlnHlc worth of this &I t t k t find the horse fice Department D\'ovldes that when remove them without plLln. Price Churoh huve been busy, II.nd the their work. ordor will be ol81tr to the mind when Manor. ben .0 wor 0 force is not used in opening the safe, Hi,. a bottlo. Mr. Elliott moves int.o the La w. one r euli)'.es thoro Is u ver y smllll fruit!! of their labors will '!loon be lD anBlo~round8 were sent for from t~~ Post ~.aster mU l;!t bear ~he loss. percontnge of IJlloksliding , Snrely evidencs in the churoh, whloh they son property this week . DON'T S UFI'XR with corns. Boh· New Paris, Ohio a small town east Ihls deciSIon was eommuDlca t ed to About, seventy fri endl! of Mr , II.nd recently repllred, II.nd modeUedand the IlreoeptM lind tonohings nrc of n of Daflon, but did not reach here Mr. Stoops by the attorney general MrH. Conner wereont.ert.ninell' Ilt, reoarpeted. They recently gave Iln .Mr. Joe MoCray has uooepte d 1\ I high order lind tl goat! Milson is II wllrt:t. 's oorn oure IS gunrlLnteetl to r emove th em without 1I1lln , Price until about' 2;30 in the afternoon. of the Post Office D~partment only their home on t he J D. Furnlls order to 1\ Cblcago firm tor new position in Mr , Geo. Ln.wson's true ty pe of munhood . 10<- a bottle. The do easil ' followed the trail :a f ew day.s ~e~ore tillS secon~ rob· CllrIll , ::lnt,urdn.y evening when Il quartered oak pews whloh will ar- Creamery, and blLs moved in where , . Whllo thero JI/l~ b" ell bnl htt lo Taffy ; ye s we had taffy oil'a stiok of the mm the Post Oftice t o bery. and If It IS cnforeed he wdllose most enjoYllble tim e WBS spent . rive ami be plnead in position lD due Mr. Wiloox recently moved from. All lIav Sunllny the IInow foil Ilb~eIl Ce of cloudy woot her, yet Ij; th() other ni ght , Joseph Thomas Dllnoing WI1S Inllulged in II.ntl reo time, when the ladies will be able to Fourth street, but just about the about four hundred dollars. Bnd gently, robing nil t,he I wn Anot fnvo mbl o for )lu ttlllg tohoo. all d wife n,DlI mother, Mrs, ThomWl, frcsbments were r;er ved. )lilY from tbeir treasury I he full softly Mr. Chllrlos Conner a mI fllmily, Ilmount of th'e lr cost, through the tress, fenoes, and 8hrnbbery with tl co 1Ll ClI!10 ,lInu 1.1R u liunsequ onclJ.'~ visited ~lr s. Lissie Fox at Mont· who hllve Iivell for a year or two efforts of tbeir own Inllustrous mantle uf snow white purity. It grellt portlO':l of the woed heR 1Il gomry l!' rlllny. Mrs, EVI\ Montlli'omWedding Anniversary. Mrs. Nellie Duke Wll8 suoh 1\ dllY Ill! tbe m ind finds wnlt for C!' ~ lng su mmen t for tho ry roturllell hOUle with them for a on the J . 0, Furna8 fl1rIll on the hanlls. Complim ented· Hnrveysbl1l'g 1>lke, will move tbis Ralph, the tin~, son of Mr, oud delight nnd sweet coo tent in. with s trippll1 g procoss , short stny . Irish potntoes li n he pu rch,l:lot! in L88t Wednesday the 7th, n nUlD · week to II furm three miles above Mrs. Jnmes Johns, when he over- bookA, and the loved und E'llcrotl 'rlto fri enss of Mrs. Nettle Muroompanionsblp of home. For storm y this IImrkot ut, (ln e ll ollllr p Ol' hushol. ber of relatives gatheret\ Itt the MI RII Nellie Duke, \Vh o~e lllllrrillg 0 Bellbrook, anll Mr. WiIIlllm Ben· helud In cenversl:ltion tbe new pews home of Mr . and Mrt!. Perry E . Ken· to Mr . 8limuel Hinkle . tllkllS pltloe derson ond f'LU1Hy will ocoupy tbe for the ohuroh were to be pl1ld for days are never dull or tiresome to Th is is duo t,o Il hi ~h turi1f on ren t . my plnnned her a 8urprlse Sunday, th ose present were Edward Brown riok to remind them of tbeir 30th. todllY, hnll been t,he r ocollil'n t of R flt.rOl they vucilte. ' I>rornptly shoutecl : " I will give two those who find ' enjoymont in the while in Clnd nllllti' where (!x()rlll t· I~u d wife I1nd son, Robert Beare peaoefuland quiet pursuits of mind Ilnt ron tlll i ~ unl y II nominnl tleolurtl. wedding anniversary. Abont 10 :i!o numher of very pretty 1'1001111 Mrs, R.ebecca J . Sides reoeivell Il nickels," Ilnd his name and the and heart. wi fe IlnddlLughter, AnDI1; Welling: tion, the tu ber/! nrQ \Vo rt,h sorno· , the Ruests arrived with well 111lod oo urt~sle ~ in oOUlplement t.o the in· letter from Il Irlend sllying they amount of his offer, which came Mr. Edllnr Crosl ey hilS 80ld his thill~ like hlilf wlillt t ho.v ILre h ere. ton Squires. wife und son; Charles 'buketA! and fine dinner ,Wllol! served. t er esting event. ' ne ver wltne!lsed such 1\ revival 118 from the heart, were placed on the farm Bouth of town to Miss B llttlQ Wo hllve Iloithor to pnrchllso or lIis. Cornoll Ilnd Sister, Bernloe; Edward The affair WII.8 planned by I'4r . Mlsse!l Flom lionel Mury ;I'ibbnls il! now I:Oillg on in their big oi~y list witb other contributors. pose of bn t the prohlelll iR before Bough and wife and Laura tlaokett and Mrs. Kendrlok's dll.ngbter Miss opened their doors lust Sn turllay to ninoty were.llt tho n.ltar one night. Mr. Allen Emerick hllol! been 8 0 Benham for ' G,ooo , all report Il plensant: time . ' the lleoplo. Kn otty, isn 't it'! Bertha, and her parents did not get. the Franklin VooklD g Club ot whloh B e slli<1 t,o God be nil the glory.. "." unfortunate us to loee two horseA • htnt of the event nntil the guests Miss Dnke is 110 member, and served within a week, one having died MIDDLE RUN, 'I'h ere hns been quite a moving TIle Fronch Iirlls. ' ( ~ rflllll1 e ry i~ had arrived at the houee, and their n m08t oharmlng dinner , whloh WRS , Mr. A. Ml1mtt, hy speoial Invita· Tuesday marnin.~ and tbe other IIlakiog 11 duil y 1'1111 I1t; this stll ge of t,ime in ·this 'V ioinlty this spring. tion, was in nttenllo.nce nt the dis· DON'T BUFFKR with corn8.Illrprise was oomplete, Those pres· but one of.tlle many t\elightf111 fen · about a week ElgO, Mr. Emeriok the sellSOll . H.l vo beQn Ilt it II wea k J oe Champion, who bonght Mn. ent were Mrs. Kenriok's mother tures of tho day, MillB Duke WII.S pll1Y of ooskets Ilnd other gooUs of thinks the Bnr.veyshurg Fertilizer Bohwartz's corn oure is gt\uranteell or Clam Batfield's farm, hll.8 moved more )last, the Rlobmond Comn Co. at the Bur· )ll'II. Phoebe (200d1ll and ,l8rllndson showered with (l. la rge number of Co., ougbt to move tllolr fllotory to to remove them witbout paill. on th e lIam e, and Emory Barll8 hlUl nett Bouse, (' ) inoinnati, la~t ThursPrice 16, a bottle. Hugh Nioholas of hanklln Tennes· rememberanoe8 froUl h er friends. Lytle . Ere long now tbe !\tlllosphere wil l mO\'ell where he ullBd to live, Mr. Beryices at the Baptist church lie Impregnllted with th o delioious GrUlls live8 on the Robbins plaoe. lee, Mr. and Mrs. John Custenbor· MOlldlly,Mrs J . B. ChnpmllD enter· doy. The nnmber of guests was Saturday at half past one: Sunday aroma of ohl parsni ps nntI new on der Mrs. Edd Bah I and sons Her , tolnfld the Pan Hondle Cooking Club limited, find the affair was a very Services for the week at half past ten, conducted by Elder ion 8-d e Ii CllO l i:J~ su fliciont t o !'O t.iAI.p Horlloe Laokey aull family Wflro bert and Forest, Misses Mate and lIt her Wood Eml home, at whioh elegant one. The Mllrket beld the lust two Bessie Goodhlll of Dayton, Mr. and MI~" Dnke WlJ,S the bonored guest at St. Mary's Church Lines. the nppetite of thp Ill o~t flll<tidioll'< lit Mrs. I..uckey's mother, Mra. Mr. Samuel Young and famil y, epicure , Evor y fir eHide in t il" ('it.y A. B. lvins noor Ridgeville, on &tMrl. Theodore Campbell, Mr. Ilnd and where she WIlS the reoipient of Sat nrday mornings by tll e St. Friday at 7 p. m . Litany, Peniten- who expected to move to Arkansas, will hnvo oppor tun it,... for I,ho tluj oy. \11·(1"y· Mur y 's Uuild hU!I been liberally pro. Mrs. BlI.rry Kenriok lind 80n Ever. mnny ue/lutlful pre.~e nt 8 . ett , and Miss Nellie Kenriok of Mr8. Vhl\lll1tan'M rooms It.nd tllbles vlded with home mu.lIe bilking , tial Office and Address. Subject: moved Saturday to Centerville, Mrs. ment of the ~e O"'II11 i"ito" IIml /I ]Jilt" Young not being able to make the tites tillod t o slItlet y . • Centerville, Mr. and Mrs , Wiliter were approprlntely decorntell wit.h cooking and other dainties nnd " History of the Prayer BoOk ." Atniot6l1 With Rheumatism. I:laturday: Evening Prayer at 3: t 5 trip. Kenriok of Lytle . . b ellrt~, l1ud the o,mfeot.\ons Ilnll substlln til1l1<, nnd tbo pl\.tron' has p. m .; 8unday, t he third I)unday in Mr. A. B. Norris and son Bertie jj'rnuk Bllrrill will ill Ihu \lOa r " 1 W8l! nnd am yet limloted with been equflll y grl1tifying. These flwllrs were also of that BhIlI~o . future mak e n wond erful chlln ~11 ilt rhl'nmlltislD." say8 Mr . J . O. Bayne mll.rkets will be held ellch J:mtnrday Lent: Sunda/School at 9:30 a. m., spent Sunday in Dayton Mr .. Frank Hartsock and family the intorior of hi s o o mfU , ,,li ,, "~ 1l(1\It>r of the Herald, Addington morning bet we on tbe hours of \) and Boly Communion and tlermon at Meeting of Sunday School Rally 12 in t,he front of J. B, Coleman's 10:30. Evening Prayer andl address moved ThuJ'llday to the 8enj. Vaug- dwelling . Au IIrohiteot W it.. l'lI lItltl 11111 1" n Territory, " but tbanks t~ s tove store untn &tnrday, April 7, at 7 p. m. 8ubject; "Selps to han farm , and Carl 8herwood and t o formnillte Jllltu ~ IlIld ~ u h11lit the Chll'mher!tun 'l!I Pain Bnlm am "ble Protective Associat ion I - - --- - . wife moved to the farm vacated by, 8l1me, when work will illlillullintely 01l ~ more to BttAn/l t () l'nN'n ....... inclusive, and a oontlnunnoe of the Soul Growth.". , Thel'e will be a rally at the Oor- pntroDllge is lIolicited. These Lenten servIces are · beini' him. uagln on t ho const ruotion , It. 111 t,h" h<'st tor linlm .. n ~ , " The members of the Wayne lind , win Sunday School. l:)und~y afteru~usual\y wel\f1t~nded and d'ehask A chicken roast was a delightful Mrs. Luolle Boersler fi Ull ~[aster ~~~il~l~,~lhn~li~~'Llr:I~I~ ' I~"1'i .. m ..; Ivct MUsie Township Protective A'ssoci- i noon, and at Beech Grove III the evCow Feed • w·ilisoevU!' ed cO!J1·i an are eventforfifteenyoungpeopleThurs- L ori n returnod t o their bOlDe In I.lin ttl llA III ~n th~~ '11~ u "I~ tr r • tion are asked to meet at the town- \ ening. Mr. Loer and Mr. P,,:uly, of whl. ~8. Geod !lSSh' prlvil egt e 01 v:?r-ldaY night at Mr. Prank Smith's Lebanon t ho Illtter pll rt of t he weelr. the p'rCl nl"! r RU..f Wll .nl ""t :Plft'. '\ e"h ,ship ..lfouse next Saturday- afternoon I Lebanon, who have been tourmg the We IlIlve It Q.t 80 Ii!lll 90 cel}.ta a II lDplllg " . J ' . rt •11 ladIII b IS ho lh y empd e. to Bugar camp. Bevera 1 0ther re f res h- WIlenever th e 1\08 b un d a n d f ath er One II.Jlrlli08tion r line. Ih . " ,., .. a~ 2 o' clock. ' A f ull. altendanc~ J S I county will be 'present at both of hundred. e 'If:ijl sal fU~h menta we're.,1se!'Ved to make a good ' IS ooUml from th e vicinity of his For Mle by Frat} , S h_", ,e ·).IIt h •• urpd . . o. aawk~, Secretar¥ . thesemeetinga and take im active Waynesville MI1I8. ~~." us jfq In e OUBe 0 e 8upper at mldDlght. . bome to attond t o bUSiness tbe films ~ part.
m....:. . -g
4 .
<tulU <tnt •
KQw 01111 CaD " k e . JlOIIt Attract in
Chamb€ r with a Plllin Chambr a)' and Figured Chintz.
'Tumors Conquered ' . . -With,?ut Operallons
TuberVl llo... In -Chlldbo od. ~ The! \III ilUoh. of the reIIlU~.blp be J Tn t his IIlan Qt d ~Qratlo n lie Great 8y 11EV. R . 1'. CALDW ELL. What FlllIIU": lleeomll s ot tIl.e Covor- p(lO)stbntUI>$ lor Junldng a pretty bed· Unqu alifie d Suoce Ss of Lyd(a E: PinKh am'!' tween bUUII!.n tuber ulos lII nnd Ille ) .... b)'r~rI.n MI I In. Vege t8:ble Cox;n pound In ' Case s of ,!-'Irs. Fox iii... Df Ducks, Gc e><e and Tur,;ool\l wh I'~ yoU III p limited el U~er lUI laroo QnoOunt~red In en'ttle 1l1I. /lot )' t to Spa ", or furnttul"l!. heYII-S oll b Trade bo n' tI II'\cd, IJI IIplle or the 'Ie1l1 wLth ' -a nd Miss .. 'rll Jlchome Is an ullho l tHin!;; one•. Soorets. wblcb men' ot Bclenco 1111 o\'er the In ",hlcll tlte ul>~ an~ ' o! Illrn \tuu) 19 . w()rld, "1'41 oudeavo ring to sottle t h e aDa tllrk ey s uppil '~ moru dlrte ren l t @ll ll\ccd \)~. tllb l'l OlI, II pliUn ami Ii figm lltlN. It !\ppeat , h'l)\'\'o\' r , thnt 1)r. Ita d ~s of teathors tlhll' It ~~lUIon '~ r~. ur d 0'00 Tittl coulbloe d e \\'01 not far back \\ hen the> b oodk r wa~ called :I stnle t1\;l n, Ito II. the ornl nent dlsllo\'er er l"lf tbo cotpt . Of t urll~ ) S t;how <Ilff,rc llt ~s Say you choose 11 Ilhlln .,In k chom· t\l bercie-btlcl\lu~ whlcb 1'9 Lhe ca uso ot or, :It w orse, a s hr IVd poli tki ::m. It i to 1h gore n! ;uh :ll1ta g-c of this 01 till k ) ~. and nit ttollg h [\ " 0 C~gra~ UL:l .. bel'Y Ilf II S I I'O'UJ;, washab lc ~ hl1lle /lilt! 1\10 dl8 ase, BPOke BOlli ow hill mn- COun[ ry tha t he i 1I0 \\' kn o wn by his light name. pound COI·I'f. til rau);" of dlf'fol(l UC6 III 0. cretonne or blllt« in wltl ch lhll10 tllrcly wb on, a year Or two ~. h e a n>.. Iuc of the tu ugh"" l old t om-t llr k~)'a nre pink ros es ~nd T iH! llphe,LI'u l onr t hi s la ntl III the nam e o f ch·i.;, ri t.:'htt'o 'OLlIe gr II li n a ll ~n c ss nnci lb e plillllP '6t you ng hell Ilouuced tbnt there Is no tis nger t o the h:ls lile e r~(lm ~olor'l!1 g rollll\l A. Il s tunlls tauglit the (W Ol lc de:! rly t he lille o f uem nr ca tt011 bel\\' 'ell DII $illcss rl' nth c r ~ ij~lI nt til e Cellt " u Ilound lor lL s lmplo iltl lcl ron b d 18 nbollt 111\ t ua bu man m II to bll appreh ended Crom h o no r and ~t r:lt ghl-out S lt· altn~. th " bolly f l~lIlhcl ~ Ill' 111 01 0 ~n l S 9. turnlllli o YOll Imv ' III lh u l oom. ln tect!on through tb e medluln of lho 110li Ud tor tbl' fin e lo <l l Ic.llI",,, . ailin g \lun gs hy lh " pI nper 1I :1ll1e~ ic; nl l\'a y in the Tile mnlu hlet\ of the d CI'ora t l\~ plan meal or milk obl~lne.d. from tub ercuintt'rc, t 01 Lorlll !,o" ilr), lJIt'n, "")," the Inrll· Is t o CUj'\iI [1I Ihe s pa ce bac!; or til(' l,N] lous cnUle. A.t le:lst, tb.lii is Iho vl ow h one s ty I am n o t atladol l l; the :J(,C II I1\lI ia lio ll 1) f we:1 :th. I \Iltll k the nllnllolla No", s, sort si x lo "Igllt g m rlO'1 In the snm~ \\ a r ) I IU cllIlllln lh e Wi ll' of mQ~t Am rl cnn and En g1tsb ph ys i- a cql1ir~ mcnt of til Ile y h:l s tj n ill{' s,lnell n , hlll l h,' IlIH Il \\'Iw 3s p "e to or t u r ltey foalher. Illld t ho It,' )"r~ dolV I n th l; th olo 1$ 1Iot vn ll a It e' c lan , nnd n Britis h oUlml ~s loll 11\1- finanl"ia l ~t rt l1 llin ;:: mu , 1 h pr~ p , l r('d to g-i l' c a ~ oor l ac cou nt o f the man- make tt" n l1I f1rC n :;;t;u r tnw nl ~. t he rn(!tl d OLI k rr er-t or rH I UI H h! u~ . out "oluted lo st.lldy the fnc1.8 h us r N'cntfl'n t he rs be i ng u s~r\ r r ItS many (lI f· In crc I ~ III tP' Lln n a nc r in which he acqll ireo C\·cr.l pe nn ). and the li St' h g.1ln SL l he (11'I" , ~!t · c ha s made o f it. fN on t 11111 "o,ps Jy publlsbe d 8 rO[lOrt t.o lhe same cf· '1'1", ""11111 hod y I lleij~ . \\' hleh mal, II 01 ,1 r".hl one d I,eo, fClIl~ e r •. which nl'C u8c d tlcaL. On tbe other hand.. s:sys Youth' s o r p ll ""I'!! III ~ ('olll pln in or ' 1110.9 !:loU" without -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~;--;~~ <CompanIon. the obseTl'a lioo hltS l>eon d (C:llbrr lIMR. I\l e WOll h tlhoU I 11 "0 bNlIlbour tl~." I, lio n in h is ,·oke. " I bo\' o not hn~ Inll~lIl. 1I pou nrl fur ~nml!lul l m lxut 1'0 mal.o the al'ranJ:"'III~lI l SyLO III tmadu tlmt luborcul osls 1s al so prcvamil ch rnlul In YOll. I! ops tcatl, but I W hll o fea ttlcr. or t' \\'ortb 1II 01~. ill ' rlral. hal O cllrtaln I OU S nlld rlll ;;s leu l In counlrle s In which tb e calllo I thongh t hellm lhall t his \'011 cunw 'ordln" to g radr. lIr lu;; t"g ge n"rally II hi h rna e h mo un t (I III tllo Sl1 1110 a ro helll lllY. or In whI ch they nro not I h.'l'o fo r un elillcnti llll. nn ,1 hll\'o l>e~n nltuur t hrp~ IllII es th e "rlc ~ II31tl for he ight aI el hoth t lte . "Inuow an ll tho t~ h~M~~~ ] ~M~ wit h mp three mOlllhs ""d learn od IIIlxed fen t hor" kepl lo sU[lply milk or meR t for lood. o o r the F'rrn test trmm~h sof r.ycll.1\ ~l n f"I,'"Jr now. It hus nl;o br(l"ght my bed. Ir the wlodow anti b~d nrll In Fl.On PuaJdllu n s VCg"C't.t\blc Compou n d 19 pt'ri nds l\TOuud )lMI of your le tt ers. I hnve uel'o r had I\S In Iceland, Alaska Rnd J a pan. , onro mot"(]; 61 11\ I Ifun 1'ba fl nr t nll (eath "rs u"ed (or 1 1 ,I~t slich Ill oponl oe th llt Lhe By FRANK H. SWEET it CO UL]tH'rinn I" po si o bio. 01 a w s omu chola n's r CIu drt.'ull lLa so w~nl' a~ YOII. nn ll" f C" nrt> IWlll SCI1UIU \O lind ~(' II f\llt lT ' ly\Yf'Il. 1 8tutllll~· t'rbuwhh~\lt.o.H'\~ Leaving th ese theoreU cnl d iscussio ns t ur hal ~ th e le ngth ot t he IIOI~13 Ihe snme, cn~mr. Tumor. (Author 01 "Th. Inlervenllen 01 Provtthrowi t.l ont Ly,llf\ ng f I oul rh!l~hnll\ K ' t'g 'tnhltl ( omro hi s hnlld with n s ud de n ntlO lIt 40 crnt" n pound IIIIfI th o ' , out ot tho question , the tacts remnl n So cullod \";-nudCl"in ~ pnl us I, m ay ill ilio ltouso. l l- 1.anll lo D. 11I, l" so thnl lo ur curllllns \\111 lJil 0 tlO dMC..... EIC I Fux, Urntltonl, a.. mollon or IDnulH'iati on. .. [ do not ("at her. nro \\orth 11 nrl y t1 ~ Ol\ll'h. snm p Hlze. lhflt lhe two chlet way s In wbl ch lucome f,'om its efll'ly 5tuges, o r the l?'~SThnt al the ba cl< of tho Anoth er CIIFlO or To I ",I. h [0 r e membe r th at )OU hav e bN!1l T h ' win ); "ncc o f 11t"'I,[C I' mav bll mn.rlo IUnlllfc, t 1 y J ,~ (Ill\ ),1 Pillkhu n,lOr C ure d " n il "llOl n! " fen berculos ls la nCQu lred are 1>1 Innallng I\JoP1r1. . .. I.... . ~ J.'."b ...."wI0L1 Ul ::l VCll'c tllme. My IIle Is tcachln g. and I ra rt:! uII I "Ilv ~d nn ll solei t her. al( hl , o b" d sh ould be " 0 wi de that 1\ g ncrous by oxccss;-'c monthly perl(1(ls II CC\J IIl- l:ie COlllllO lIlIti. l O IIlllnurnc .j Rlrl ll or Itl'a n bl> see n len I' tlOWII to p .IIHf·d or by liwn.l lowlng the germ s, and Lhnt U \, unusull i pUln extend in g ftotn rlo not like fallur os NilW you mn, tll rers or rea lh prbo . nc und otu ~ r sub(COflTtg Ihe fl oor ns It exte n d. In el[h e r .Id o t ho nbdom c n tJll'ough bl 1!J05. by In •• ph 1J 0",, 1.. 1 go." It Is young ch ildren who ure pa rtku tho groIn aud D. nr Mrs. PllnlthB~;=n~o 111I.. l lllt OIl..,n. ln <Iltu les fOI II'h a lelJ ullc. ll nd l he lar . " \ ou wi\! r e ma in Iu Ilnd stuely the I "[ want n few word DC the bed head . It lhe wIn dow Is .. AlJout t 11'1.0 y~ .., ., l arly suscepti ble to In(ectlon Indecd, s with ye fir»! .' one~ nod Ih e l r way to mlll lm'lS, aftger 1. !'r unrrOlv hnve th o pole cuI so lo ng lha t lh'1 g'hs i m !\tonmt h with Cl'tunps 111111 n ls;illK lesson 1\\'0 hOI·rs." said the" wh it e- In s ls lell H~psl ead. f ~'()\111 n va my s!Rt' lotls "We pni~s. i t t~ero I~nrlfrch ..\!t 'rho m us tn't parI b" ln g matlc o \ c r. ell'un e.! 3 0<1 dy' d ~hu c a noted Germa n obserYe r goes so tur as haired dCK"t o r PI'\,'St' I,lwd for Ill\.'. U.l.'talu9 will han g ove r t he hie nru ill th cfLtlo nsU r In jl u LUulU ~lo n . u.h.:crn. llut nlJding scho"IDl llst er ~rl mly. If )011 III mls un <lerStunrtl n·." U""t I du l noL ~(' L nny lJt· us :orne 01 tile sma ll I"ath ers IIIV !IIn 'h, Irnm pIVork a n d e\en baek to asse rt thnt every ad ult who mani- do Dot geL tll Hl 01' d lSphu!cm c llt. don t W IIlt f o r It In thlll lime I .hall pun n Iltlle wa y tlXtl lrlllH. " .1 mo fiu d, to mYt Bu rpruw, dodarea I do n ot" Is h t o henr 00 " lip Into nrtiBel .. 1 binI l>n!as(, a ll tulls Dn [h e wall If noCessllI fests signs of the dl seaso muSl hll\'o hh )'uu. as I \\ on ld 80)' 'Y 1-l a "1\ n el ee p t im" LO CO il fir lU your fears nIHI g o 1 hnd u tum0r. o~ th o ~lher He wa s t urning nWIlY. when' H oll' Ib nt !ldo m th ro ugh till! ho rrorso f ILh os pit.a l OpCI u.olltltle~s Ilouo uts T hey bor de r of tllO ngured mater ial a('ros contra ct ed it In 10ClllIC)', lhe germa hoy s. I shall make 110 !'Xce llLion " I C clt ,uN th!'tlt mMlltt') d ~,.t~ \"B~~~ Bteael caugllt hIm sndd enly In h l~ ma v cnu se th' bO ll net own e r s u t\\'ln:;' Ihe top ot th e c urlnln . an u a narrow l IOn; s eC11rO L) tlln E Pitlltllam 's V('~.o- nn~~i'I'::!~'~'J ~~.I;;-'~~~I~~I.nbllt ti~~ l~tIIl\~lr' k'-\p t. b avlng remoLoed dorma nt for yea rs, Tho "boy" "115' a stalwart . , finel) nrms. ns be mig ht a chilli, nnd thfn (I f co n sc l c ne l~ for " ea lln/! s neh n hea stilI) bl>lc ColllpouUll [I t ollce a .. ,1 begll~ ~'O'''ng tlll tho<iool<!r lSIlIII Illltt dO \\"1l t he outA\(\ edges. u nlll some aocldsol lli couse started f or med man of 30. with clear e)es and srater! himself upon a eh,lllr \\lth nuthlugb ub Its URO nnd to ~I r~ Plnldllll u 0 ~n OPCI'I;tJOU wonhi MV" me. FUILuullt t he tlrul blt~ when . 111 r n iH." . th e y a l'o R c metnb r lu put lin g bOlh of th e m LvnD. l\{" s.,.• fwri e!y [ them Into aeU \'I LY o r udv lCo. Heredity is 1I0t good -nalllrerl Ca~e. There was a 1m "rathfu l ~choolOl aster ('Orrtt:fI slruggll lu loo u~ f\'ltlt1ny we3r1ng Runt. X1 In n 0111' ho nnllt of C It'I'crll' arl' ,lu Ged up Lh nt the goocI crt ct Is n gl~nt <lea l 'Read thl'Re s ll'o nll' letters fro m grnto- 'T':u!!I" ...1 Ht ll",.. II h" rul ",,~llll" u r llw New 8upj)Ose d to l>la y so great n part In tbo miltOU a apprecia tion of U1 0 s ltuallon upon his knee. t'l l r Lydl .. ch lr ltl,u or tllrltcy (cath er s 10 Ihe nccurn~y with \I hl ch YOII la y lui WOlDe n wh o h avu been cured : )~ l')'m k u /\1U'8V'-1tl.tHl!lot·U111/Wl lllh.llw Qrt"tiU'~ "Easy . casy. Mr . Pet ers." he snld, traosml sslon or tubercul osis as WflS In hiS eyes lUI be ra Ised them to t ho Ouek fcnlhers ore worth nbou t 35 Ihe lillie plait s wh e n rt;" T tt ) lIlit.ting toQJ} old man. \I bo was scarcol), more ~~~~ soo thingly . "T jest 0llCrRLlOI l , you UII' D~Ar I f flllte uL MrM oncos tArtcu o Pi th nli:bn.m e m :\ I' lIost ,c , er: tuldn 1\ n'gll ar tl'I\llt IU(mt, nudl11~ want 10 sny a rc\'l c ' nt n potllld ror white. to 50 Ce nLQ f ormer ly believed . Tho theory now Is to mY' .. III looldng over 10 th e rings. H[lve eRR), I u nn lno: rin gs hnlt hl s"o,,-n ,weig ht Dut all h 1 y our book Lsoo~~?t...) our ~ 1't\Ut~eUcr thnt m y ,,;olllll ni l.wnlU a bt.gll il t o \\ortl s an' th en )'Il clln go ~I ehl>o Y' tor mIx ed m t hat tho childre n ot consump U\,cs aro was: cdh 1110 ut"U] 1 uJlJln§, 1 hl\,.,o l..,I\...,m t o n im U'O\'O nml t.h Dealers any th e prln clpai i O thaL rf't! yo u IllOl1Lu!oi cn u (lraw th c wlnu uw cur. (1( tor and ho tell" me That s righ t. scboolm . did get a lillie ahead In that J noh 'f.vl 1 hn" a B IIck lo' rcason lhat goose and Iluck fCIlLh e rs la las nL nlghl (thJt 'tumor hnd t'oo u" xl I II &11.p ] liomewh a t more likely lhl\o others to YOU mustn't show portiali und ha\'c a low sn.s ll " ,ll be m Om tlum grnwrul If .yn~,tumur lY. Dut 1 \ 0 a n' t hi s' II sort o· v 1\ up Now)'~ nrc worth <-" Pi hr ip on tnl{ing t.11~ Compoum l. I1ml tu It'n m Ollt ur:1II1)rO than lIIP fin .. st turlloy ~urUll u mad e of tho plnln nnd dovolop the alsease, s imply becauso dono my ~est." IIIC, ns I d'l Rn drooll u" opuruWun . !W1lI0 It hnd cn tlruly dI8l1pP''1lro I ",lthoUL nil hor Bay l 'm thc w altest sc holllr yq 've evel and chl cll CIl fealh e op.. r'0. Fox, BrnJIOl-d . JJ~ rs Is thal. a sltl o :lercd they are so much ex,posed lo Infection ntto n "ml using no 1Uetiwino hut. L\'tl irl E. "1 do not want to filII In m y duty hod on' T Il'IICSS lik ely ye' rc ri ght trom !Jelng Ru fll er, th ~ re Is on ab~(l l\ e urod with /I narrow band of tho flg- Door M... . Plnkhom~ (Seron<l Letter.) l' lI1kblUlI'H Vt>I;ol.nblo CII"'I"'"I1 U, IIIU) wor. IR from tho germs continua lly throwo orr to any of tbe boys," salt! UI O old rO\l~ IlII an' gran <lPfl Tl", nar r ow bands n.Isn oxten d .. I LIlk tho !therty Ul COIII;"' tuIQlu you on f 1110 e.-pr how gmtefu was school·t each ot odor to th em l hnt l'all110l be o ve r. down 1,,", fnl t1w ~ L th e mlud le or tbe long \Viu ll ow tb o su c~ I bu."e bu.d wi t.l1 ),our 'Tondu1"u by thel r sick , parent. II is therefo ro sc boolmas t r, " a n d If 1 llBve ~::. ers. Letters an' fl gge rs ar e mixed l it h"" dono l tlC. "- ~!I'" 1,noU" ,\dLUUB, Colonu ~ come emlrely In cill cl( c n anti tllrll~)' :u rtn lns uI •• helllo. jud ge d you In 00) way, In jot or 1I nllllo Botel, Seattlu, W usb e \'ld ent tbo.t the greMes l possib le pre. But It's th is way You 'vo been brllna tenthers Th c renso n lhAt wh il e rhll' I,. Have a CO\llltCl'llanO ot the platn st~' ~h[~r,ora'yO~~~~r I°,'~\'t.:!~l1rt';~~ cauUons must be laken to sn(egnnr d I WI Rh lo r ectl1')' It. You have bee n 11]1 In learnl n' anr! I'vo heo red sa, ' cn nnd turk ey feath ers Such eliLlontlhlo , t,~stirnf)u,v nre worth more pi nk wltb Ynla ne' o nil Mound of he nufted to 0. LlJoroul:b o~nmluQt,j()n by II ph) - provf.'s thallDqu with me three montbs now , and \ ni llo of I,yd In 1" 1 1I,I<h,II1I S hPo\' e I t hl cl, In )'our Infants and children f rom uny posslblo bloud Willi mo It'e I t hn ll mixed . .howPY I'. I~ [hnl IlI ny nrc fl (:'tlrc(1 alL-mn,I\I \l 1 "I" tol(1 tlllLt 1 hlld'n tlllnol' Veg'tub lo Coml'OUlIII, nn,1 ~IHl ul d ~!,·o put on wl tIt 0. lItlic Culln ess. lenr ned tb o le tters ond a fe w fl!:u r es tiif' rllnt My lin nn' grnndp ... dl d n·t nvnllabl e for mlxlug wltll \\'o"lu havo to tlll.ICI·go lUI ol'cnotloll. contact wltb luborclc-bacl111, cllher in Dut confide t he bet ter Thi s I!.eNl not xtelld c\ ar to tho wId luere you s uddenly s top , Ihrough Imow tb el r letl ers, 1111 0 "1 soon nftt' I'rf'm l ,)DO or your nd\"(wtL~ woman nce aud hope lo en: ry SIck me We b gra,les fo r plllo\\s. their toad or In tb elr SUI roundlng s. obstlnac " oor. but mny h r. \'e th o elTect of onl y muuto and d '"'I~ CtI to givo Lyd .. E y or IndlrtOl'e nce or Inability ; long to the wOilds " »[lIk\ Mrs .. PlDkhnm Invit es nll flilio g ~l ost ot th e h lcltc n fe thers 1;0 In II pholst('r lll ~ th o dce p hox fl[lI'l ngs. 111101' . Veg.tnble oll1l'ound u trial Afteir wowen The Ale of milk or m ent from diseased I do n ot know whlcb, t ho ugh 1 judge to writo to b er Ilt Lynn MILSS., "W hy dhln' L YOIl stay the r e ?" the n"I> Lo t co cents tr'kln g live boW ns dlrllCtoo, the tl1mnr ' . n pound cl nss . to ~Inl,,' fl.w eyers for t h e pillows or the eutu'dly lloJmnla sbould be made impossli lle. the formcl' Since tbe Ind ian runll er ' s one~ 1 bOYtt ugu(n btiuJl oxnnuued for ndvlco. Sll llPIiOil the schoolm lls ler. be , II se d for cheap fenth cl' bl!ds anll plai n Illnk. with narrow rurn e~ all tho lydia E. Pinkbam nod It 18 ot tha u\.most Impor1.8 oce lo brought YOU som etblng threo day s ago "Well. y e see ['d done Barno good, pillows. tbe whlto fenthers 's YeQetable f.ompoond I a Woman's Remf.dy for Women 8 ms.. bei ng sa \'crl lVay III Olllld o( t he "gured. avoId arUllcla l feeding tor babies YOll hn ve dono \l Ule but loolc throngll sized things thut l>r ought m e fri end! Gellarato and bri ng in g fl 'ood premium Fo r t he toil et e hn\'c a sla nd ot wbenev er possible- Plenly ot sunshine tbe wln dow .• I ne ye r ex pel any oC my a n' 0. prell), hlg pi le o· mon ey. an' I Dver t he mlu'tl g rades Fi ne tan a nd tblee 11 la scholnrs ngular sh lvos matl o by a ; I prefe r to punish. enn yo u s pose J !rilt to I ell n' mi ghty a od fresh air, licrupulo us clco.nlt ness In •. I I fri en dly wIng leat hers are sal' d sepnrate , se ll. carpent er Co,et t he lop and cur. \).,lIn- \\ hilt DflSltIcrnc,·. IIt·ar. all partlcul ara,' a firm stand agil ins t ndvance aq y reason whateve r, Cah-In toward nlyse lf Wh e n my frien ds said Ing ns blgb ns 40 ' Va , P IUYClvc ared bJ cents. la in the front. us lnR' th sa rno broad I"" 'ell L h. d "'OliO)' I II ~II~ (n~lIh' n ll)' \\ hOle the kissing of children by Ilny p erSon H eputend , why yO\) sbould not be pun· tbe only l hlng I needed wns educao tt~80 Littlo 1'm., Fat hers slulp pe,l from thlu mnr l(e t plere of f1gur~d goods 11 ur U8 I'JII~ n. t hn l - 1\ , un Isb at ed the ?" Tho1 also reIIevo DIs. to[l cdge tlot) nn ' kellt on ~a)' jaxcept those ot the Immed iate fnml1y, "None whate ve r, Mr. P e ters," th e t1llnkln' m eb be they lu' It, 1 got to ore packed In bnles of 200 pou nd s or of th e curtain thl'.t YOU have on tbe Garfield Teal Mild Lazati n, WBS ri g ht, 9.11' In slx·toot sac ks. Tho tall aect winll' others. tress tro:n DYBPCpsll>. 1110- , nnd vigilant watcb over the milk nnd man answere A coupl ~ of s mall s helves Regulatos t llo T.!vor, K ldno\'''' Stomsob d, qui e tl y. ''I've sue· come her e." IUgcsuon 811<1 Too neo.rt¥ filth rs are lls lInlly par.k p. d In hoxes may be hrnckl':e d mellt s upplies are essentia l pre!lauUonll ceed ed In. about every to the lWo . walls anti Bowols cureR ConsLlplIL loll and SIck uod ertnli;in' l'.,e EAtlDg. A perfect rem"Hm!" 1'be scboolm a st er bnd Bnd sometlm e9 tied In neat \Juodl ~~ [{audlt"h a olld thl. .Ia keeping tho comIng generatI on freo tried, an' some ot 'e m were pretty blg nutke \. Ith your numo ove r Ih ls tnbl", nnd n slmpl o tri ple uod tldd edv!orDI:Wness. Nnusea. ceased to strut;gle ngalns t the Impo$ I'OSR L o tile Gurhcltl Five TO IL Cn cblrlten • Drnole· s will g ive a po un d or eh a "ln g mir ror huns above them trom "the great white plague." nrowslness. BII4 'l'<I!!te ones. If 1 don·t learn tbe lellson I sible ao d sat quietly [f Ivu N Y .. (or frco .nlu plu 1'1...·k8!fe. Sold uvon the knee fenthers . nod wit h In dia napolis flrm s ).ou In the lIonth, Co~tecI have a little tnhle wllh a s helt at all drllg .t.or"". ::;ouu us the nBme of should b e punl s b ed, ot course." "An d now yo u nre going back to show 1(lIIln g lWO to tb ree your druS'Il Tongue, I.t.. thOtl M n rt rhl ck IlS In the bo tom cover tbe top wltb B PuIn In the Std~ • The schoolm aster looked a t t he your fri end s t hat t hey were mis taken n. day for borne COnS\101ptloo and s hill' pink TORPID LIVER. 'l'IUI#' Broa!ier Villw of Art. s trong, self·con talned face with Borne- In t heir go otl opin chambre y slip cover, whlcl. Is 1t i. 'll'onderh ll ion?" reruJ&W bow many \lie have Bowcls. watoh Hudly a cooernU oD ago n young per-. thing very 'lIke wistfuln PweIT •• menl , Veget.nble tills market . near ly t \Vo t OilS edged nn d helll down by B ntlrrow conJllJricrlllr. hnw ess minglin g He pslelld Inu ghed, with the gleafu] of feothe rs II weckhas few thel'e arc In t.he 8On's desire to study art WllS regnrd,ed wltb lhe dIsappro 10 sell A w.. creton'le rum... Und er and nc ross world to Yo h o m ti m e Tet\ll}' tl e Cnltl to be of val la his e yes. ness of & boy a t an nppronc lrlng boll ou tput can be lPnc kerl III 20 bales. with mJsgI.,ln g a ad uneasln oSli by par· '~Yea, It's obstinac y." one !<ide of Ille tnbl e hnv e a c urtnln ot allY \'o luc.-.o\ lchIMon I bon n.l tJlobc. be s aid -ents. feet enob, but If th e fcathors we re Il)lt the chambray or small Natural ly and rightly, mos t slowly, more to blmsolf than nt lllBt, day. rugs.-C blcago Don't Get Footsor to t he "No." be answere d, "I've jesl 100Re they would fill a hOllse. ,parents are practica l. They desire Drat other. "Anyone cnn e! Get Foot·Ea. ., 'l' rll>unc. lea rn It hll tri es. tboug bt some m<1r e, an' found 'I A \Vondorru illowder th.t curel Iired, hut. A single carload of lent hers Rhlpped ,ot all thnt their cblldren shall selecl A fo.llure sbould be correcte d." nchln g fc o ~ and makes nel\' or ti~h t shoes wO\1ld be n mlslake to keep on !Dakin to Oln clnnatl tbe other 'filch an occupati on for life lIB will gin dny con!a ln ed "nft) A. k to day for All en'. Foot·Jo: •••. He went to his desk and exam- a mlstnJte. I 'm meant for the wooda aJjout Rlx tons Th ey cos t the sh l pp~ r -th~n an ll38ured locome and a COlllpe- Ined exerclse Ac" ept !I V sub.lttul e. 'l'rIlrl"nc kage FREE. SOME a for half an hour, tb en I've done good work tbere, an' DINNER DISHES. eaD more t hlln $1.000 ClnC!ln nntl !In,1 Chi. Add ,csa A. S. Ol msted, ~':..Roy, N. Y. jtence; and to make 0. professi on of art 'Wo.lI(~d back and fortb across tbe do more, nn' Il's a !!trong. bearty life. cngo ar~ goo(l buye r s , o r nIl grad es 01 Balr.ed E gg- Plant Is Dellcio us-Di!Jlleaot at that time to earn c_'sllvl ng small room, Dnally stopping ogaln be- [ could sludy 11.0' get an educatio n, I He Wna HAppy, Too. leRth {S. mosl of the l ocal s lripwent~ by painting pictures , with perhaps soma IIlde H e pstead. "I'm going r"~Uons f or Making an Exeel· )linlst.r -l Illude ""ven h •• rta b.ppy to· out to s upgoin g to t hese ties ____ _ _ _ci__ ll1elp· from teaching . A dltreren t view per DOW, bnt will lent Punch and Snlal1. dSI'.. be back 10 an hour t' .PnTIS}1I0n er- llnw WAR t 1 ,!n . HISTO RY henr your lesson," he said. :p~evai18 to-day. Through out the ea8~ and " ~blrlcd 1111 eo CO UrI eR. The man nodd ed Without looktn ~ up CHANCED WORLD'S Doll large egg-[llan t In 1)lenty or UTl lill 11'o.kcb o nl ~ 8tX" , ~t any rale, nod In some of the western tram a s late wbleb I~y on the wnter until It Is ' per(ec t.\y te ndor, trydes k Atkins Saws cut "" ell, do you Hllnk 1 dId .It for notb· Story of tho l! ll4rd of a lIfoslem Ch let Ing It with .dUes, there 8re arl sebools which ara before blm. He was iDg)" a s tra w. Let It s tand In t ryIng to form not only wood, iron Which Fig ured In Anclellt l.urnlDg out aa mnny grnduat es eac b figu res from. n CIlPY the col a nder to drnl n until col d Th en across the t op and other m alerial, The T wo Oonscle nces . )tear as thllsmal ler ooll eges; a nd Dearly ot tb e slate, and to W arfare. Cll t o pen a nd cut out the seeds. rr.olstcomblno th e m In 'bener ! h an any ,all the graduat es Dnd prollllll> le pos I- II simple Bum of en w reC ull y wltb 1\ glil or milk, 1""0 rm··brar me! All w~ h cn r n owadnys Ie addItion : but the (t! I, n't It. .whll ? ' fi!li~. ".he. olber, but they Cut ttIODll. The reason for the cba nge Is th~ ...."'al fin gers we r e b e tter fitted , The most strikin g case In histo ry egsa, n desse rtspoonf ul Of sa IL, a 'salt"Awf,,]! " he reponwd. I m noL ge~. tor the work. of tbe Importa ·Un.: spoonfu n ce a \!t! of u ~ l t or o[ rln It white e~ ' '' Is Dclroit. pep fu pel r· Free Pu:a:... . half 11 gra ted broader way In whlcb art Is regnrded nr '"~ stock of a rifl e or the helv e ot a n ax That IS because they nl ed . thd lll' th' 0ry or Muswbleb lI. t hll lend ersb01 MoII1 slem present t11pe; thO closer rela tion- or II. paddle handl bosl WaD llulmeg , l\ hea ping LUbles [)oourul ot e t hlln Cor n s late are made Of Ihe best lIed " ' hon n mnn .teal. , . lorv nnd tells i~ from Chl'l sten~olll In t h re e anll 11 l>ut lel' und two labh.'"poon fulll of very sblp belween art and Industry . Many II pencil, and Uie brain for hift own [\ few t ime!l, it rnnkes m11l behLnd the In tbe w orld by men that ake b31C a ll hour 88 IlItJ'I::nnn hnlf yeu rs c1o minl on8 which It 10011 flne breadoru mbs 'youljg man or young woman who coul" I wrink ling brows, whlc 1. 1.8 if be owned it.., t o h O\i e b was keen to know how. In a quick oven. A slo w oven s poils It. l ome on€! I tea l ,to from hlm.- t . 1.oull th e solulp.I'>;\ oC th o cr oss 20 c~n er ... aL paluUog or read th e my slerles ,never h ave ma de a \lvln'" prlml.. The followin g Is a n oxce ll ent pnnch Gl o ~c· Dom~r.t . tlve nature grew and dull wllcs and of tl ons to wIn bn ck vacuous H e bad a r ed Atk lnt 5•••• Co,.." I(Q h'u , I\e'r(cC't /o n Floo r 16culptu re Is earning a good sala ry ns a before a p;oblem to se rv e afle r th e meat course a nd I~ '(",pc". etc, "C! ..,Id by . U l(Jod b're".,e thflt wonld bave benrd This was II trWe. 4'&£.... furnitur e or wnlL-pap er or potlery de- been ea sy for an C at,10I"Cl Q Q ' C'q"n l. enslly made. Prepare a qUIll'L or IIg bt ordi nary child 01 Musu . tb ough n vcry gre~ 1 ge ner:. l. s irup wltb fl g\ll of lomon signer, or o.a n teacher of net in the pub- seven. Presentl y tbe E . C, ATIlIN S <Do CO. Inc. Juice li nd fixed stare l,ett wn~ a very vlllin mo n. IInu he 11y e,1 the rJud or n lIc scbools .. Altboug h the United tbe slale and went Latlul sa" Mnllllcu&tC. 1 JD rh.c W orl d lemon, co ve r, lind allo\., Dr. Wllliam a' Pink Pilla Milke to the wIndow , N ...... his ballnl blac k. ThIs was anotne l It to Illfuse nn h our. lhen at r nln FaCllor, aad Enc:ull" Ometl, IndIID.po li. "'ltaa made a great advaoce In this dlrec· and beyond lo t he cure· Blood and Strike Straigh t at tha gnlal forest wbose trlile. of hisl. licuptulns hi m on One lTe d. fuJl y on,1 t r eeze In tbe us unl way, a . ""'t""a$- New Yorlr. Cbl('~()t MlnnupoU a th e subJe ,tlon, IIt: stlll haa flU' to CO· A visItor to edge showed In tbe nd Musa cba fonh Root of DI •• dlstnnco . and then wI th had h im slrlrllcd an~ scourge d Add '11 g ill or Jnmalca rum mix wall l.he South Kensing ton museum 1n Lon- the eyes hegan to Anmmla i s P;1r;:~:I!~~:r.~~!I':~~!~~:I~n (~::~~:)o ,-just the doollOr's nnme for "'on saw .n man patie ntly co nylng some When Mr. P eters' warm and glow . For thlR. at t lllo ve ry belght of UI. nnd SBrve In punch glosseS ' bloodles sness. Dr. W!Iliam s' }>Ink .Pills steps were h eard Aecoptno ~~'ti:'~';;:> .,bltllul..... I.'I'ton Ih.Atltl,.. Brand . . . " Cele ry s nlnd Is both 81mlll e and more aotnnlly mnko Dew blood 11 ' -camllg He asked the draftsm an whrlt r eturnltig , tbe Slate . TheT onre .. . co nquering caree r. Mllsa 11'1\8 reca e .. frequent ly se r ved at dlnne;os :b ~ n any W&S pushed a s ide "KNOW WHAT "I'IS 7" HE ASKED. nummm by jU8taa tbe ('a Uph ao ::. dl ~gl'Q ed food cures bunger. 'I'hey .hIs wna. The mfln told blm lhe..t qui etly and the man's arms 501.0 UY WOO OEAL..fll5 E\IDlYII Tb ls other va 1'1 ely. fold e.d know, fo r [ 've never yet set oul for a Oln'l e It Imposs In tne fle ptb tlf winlor cured Mra. TboR. J . McGann , of · .he was employe d by a furnl ture-ma nu- ncr08S his c hesl. 17 llJlo fur him to COlli ' egb'll are of The schoolm astor s tUln g I dldn't 'ct, but 't would talto doubtful ql1allly, nnd nl- I Lllteoln Pineo, Plnlnllel d, N J • an(l they manll th o Moslem arm} al lh e ha ttI n ' I ' II I MI hi nnd ha d heen Inquirin g look was an s we red by one the best I I flen not bufficlen tly "gone" I co.n do as lUuch for auy other 1>lllu, ]1art o· my life An' In tbe of r ourH. OD th o ISRue 01 wh factur n« rm n c ga n, Wtak l ich. as conle oil .sent nt. .aproo.d to make the se studies for of "absolule ~~ol~:dl u~deslra ble fla vo r. they do not ., aillug, bloodl~S8 person. So ).ou bave done It 1" lbe school - eod woul d It be wnlh th e de. tlnl es o( Eu the trouble? 111."t url ,ln. D"ree. ~ lFtlProdu ction. Sir Pu~don Cill:rke. the master said with dll It Mayo nn ai se dressing I " In the spnllg of HI03 I did my n ~nal an accenl of r elle! The n I 've got thi s." r Olle nnd perh a ps ot tile w1l 0le humun m x r ca y . .new dI rector of the Metro pollt.u.n mu se- ._ bla vole:. He cleanin g." BIIya M rs McGnnu , ' Is u sed. It enn be mixed so as to lessen I hou He allowed on e hnnd to s lip down r Dce de pen ded " aud 600n nfterwar d I begau to ta\'e the th e dan ger of curdlin g by t.nklng fl ll1 0st t errible head ium ,ot New York, uses th is Incident III U1 " No, si r. ] ain't over th e scboolm! L~te r'8 sliuu ftches. My heart lde r until It lS a lmos t eert a ln lha t IC tbe gen· spoonful don e Il-" It r eBched th e othe r han d, whIch of arrowro ot a nd rub It would \JUflt . FoO irrego larly thnt haa IliA "r ~Iusa 411ustra te the plana he wis hes to carr y hltd l e[llacl.,,1 tbe In rn m. '''Wbo.t!. . Th e r elIct booame lIa"" drnwn a 8mall packn it go rrom hla poten ce ti l lh c half dozen tl'lb" 1 le. d . SUloolh In a little cold water, boll a nd ' painful alld tbereCll llloalU91'niugwW!UI oQUt lin This country . He lJelieves tha t prlse. and th e s urprIse hen wrotb "Como pocket. Tbls W IlS carefUlly unlle d ('r stir till it Is c!oar, 'lIke s tnrcb . When cOlllr1 llotget whns" np. dl sBe My ns lon s ma,le vl Clory :it ougb t nolo to be necesHar y for Ameri- to my Il esl, . s ir'" doctor 881111 bnd o cool, ,ldd sa Il. Ilepper, and opened. mustard nnr! and tben nU beld IXlI .UlBIlUd berore b!, the Impo~sll>le. the rorces of Is l" m w,)lI ld <ClIn o.rtlsans ,to go abroad In orller til w,!-" sDrpri.~ d thntl bod H e pst ead follo"ed blm smilingl y. schoo.l mllSt e r's fnee h',vl' jol!l ed bal\d~ fro m th" W.SI lo two yo Iks 0 f eggs, bea t until smooth, II coutlnucd to !tve III tbocond ,l' nn I was stu{\y:the artistIc s id e of lbeir " (>Tk, bnl The sc boolmas te r In . J WI\8 confiuet l to my l>~11 .. lr lloorl), se lect cd tho h eavl· "Know what 't Is?" he asked . lh p east aDd In cloEed Eu rope In tb e ll th e n add 011 , ns In r egulul ltillyonn alse , two llIonths, tho doctor coming every tlInt · a greal museum s houl d be hotb 3 ~st or hi s rule rs. "Wby, 1 think- ye s, It Is a fad ed gr as p tb e n vinegar ThlH will nelUler cu r'll1e day for the first tow a ,scbool where lhe sl ude nt can learll weeks, but ) did '·Hold oul your band." roseblld , a wild variety lhat grows or run, and ns the arrowro ot Is tas te- not improve to amount ",hat the' desires to kn ow. nnd At tb~ to any tiling. H epsl ead did 80. and th e rule r de- amil n g the wo ods." less, tho recIpe Is a ,"ood 0"_ In Ume. "Altoge ther) PEOPLE SCARE D THE LION. when wns Rick for aame 'Ome "a ,pleasan t place .f.or IleO- tJeended UpOD Ita )la.lm with all the success ca nnol be rl sked .~hl- yenrR. I was a9 Wl'flk na nearly two "Thnt'g right ," with a rapturou s forco of the old ma n's a.rm. making a " mg. hud Int er Oceall beadach es, irregula r beart bl'tlt8, loss of »-010 parade In on a ra Iny d ay. ck le. "Tbe Indian runn er brought Zoo Anjmal Escaped from cago lon g. livid li ne u po n which the skin chu appetite It. Th , Ca CrDmpR e ge, re's But a iu girl tuo back IImh. wh and wns ere 1 came W as Gl .. d to Get Bnel< A ,wcs t tlro Kanso.s newspap e r 1m. began to rise A half doze n more IInee Crom. the prettiest an ' bcst one 10 all uuablo to get B good llight's alec)l. My IIIlIDlCtls .thnl tbe foll owin g fl rtl cles havII Talsed a lon gside It Sago Gruel for Invalid s. legs aud feet wero so 6wollon that J In quI CK Bueees Itbe world. hut sbe's like mo In not In it. ~ borrowe d fro m the ed itor --one sIan, and then th e rule r fell as Two cU]l9 of water, two tnblll- fl'ared tbe, would bout. tbou gh Im owln ' fl lette r or 6~er. W'hen [ A group of lounge rs wer e di scuss ing spoonfu l I uf sago, one tabl espoonfu l of . .. Ouedo.y , while IW88wo ndering how pun lShme ot wore hatchel , one I)alr at pincers, ono.Bboo the over. long I could live, feeling . . 1 did, [ reo But Hep· enme here s he bid me godspeet l. for the re"~ ll t ('scllpe o( a lI ou stead was stili smlliog. d e "en tllOll d a t one ~ t tbe lemon jl!lC6 and a pinch ot snlr Put ceived a booklet g h s he believed lhe learnln' m k If last an s tan , o ne 0 co -n e, olle r.'d lh e sngo In the wllter while colt!, nnd liama' Plllk Pillstelliog abont Dr. WIl··Hold out your otber band," ordered ..... ould draw me nway summel parks jus tbls olllbel s ide f or Pole People. I o r:dNewM k . warm by from her s he IIn TIl.., L"L rhc Ml&'or d ~porl\!~ 1bIm, u on<' ex loa bddle and a monkoy wre nch_ A. t'he schoolm a sler. PIC.;sI'11 let lh IIlU u,H seltlng In a so.ucepa.. of rend It nut! t o,ld my to grImly. Th en as tb" ught 't .... ould be for my goor! !let me The brl6hfe et lOOn fbr milt's around portlrul .of the nrUde. ha ve been bar- the man comlillcd . a nd tbllt hnnd wns Thal rosebud was p\Pk d at ou r fir st h d V~ IWon so met h ing DCu s ctlrc.saY &lb e holllng water Stir otten. ond iot It I some of tb o PIns Bafora ' e w Yor l< Pre, " ro1red withou t tb e O WOH 'S knowl edge or al811 crossed with fL A d h Ortt fo~ one bour T ben WIlS goue 1 folt B chnn go forthe flr" ~ bOK The Shlnmt, lIgtlr orwi.:sdo m Cbn scars ' "Now go un de rs ta ndln', 1111 ' ber scndln' the botter . 80 en n It Sca r e ' . c('hoeu a man connecte d boll COn-',. !buthe .l1Iled8tb(L'lIJusq b esamfl l 'To-mor r" w 1"8 will Reneef from s uch 0. poll~d "'lin teu mlnntes. sUrrlng 1111 t Ile U . ] have tnken abont twelve boxes and 111 commen ce over mean s Mho flln'l so stron g as sbo wllh t he pOlk 11 you had conse n t to Il~ t lhom . Ilri.ll& agabll " 'I . hou l<l suy It .'''. n add th e s ugnr. win o aod lemoo, mc, thougb I W9.8 o.s 1I000r thogro.v eas 1 could And so he says fo hi£;h and low and be I now feel t bought. a s If I hall a lI e w leR ~e of a n' cnn' t gtve me lip. An' ,<.rre Th e ppe p le Ill ude MI, ' them .home. if YOIl J;<>t tb. m with oul our II a 'IJI1 I pou r In lo 11 bOW l or mul~ "We 1\ ~a )' "oo d· by to-nIght. school· I, schoolm as te r." with -Tile Drl~IU(,,!lf U.5e SAPOLJO· n slIdd en boyis h W,IS .Ir r.d,) Ih e I",or II ld fellolY WOu l:J wa rm. If Ilrererre d.-Chl. ;0 coQ I Eat life. I bnve uo m ore b~Rdnch e, th~ b enrt eon&e.ll t,. just droll ,'_b ~m In I lie bocl( ),nr<'l m1Iste r." Il e p!!lcad ago Record· bent answere d s r egula rly, "[ my 'm cbeeks lau gb are tba[ plnk s hook aud hI S hllge frame. dIP of fr ight be lllr B we cO lllu cet him Hel ald. and clear your ,' on.c1" " 'Ju" I;;astly ~i D g away - ua>o ll r feel t Oil yenrs y ouuge\'_ I fc,'1 thnt J Into my woo.l s." "maue up my m ind t en cl ays ago that Ila"I. tn hi . " ;1/:0 '" I5Quared . have beeu cnred vI>ry chenply nlld I hnve Th('r e wa s no a nge r In lhe voiI cc. d no 1 I was poyln' loo h lg a prIce fo r the , \ ' " f<l lln fl hi m hld ln;.: hehl od a 'ree r ecomm ended Dr Willillm s' Pllllt PIlla BARGA IN HUNTE R. tra~e of l osonllfl Pnt - nilt hln g. n e;1, learnl n ' I'm gain' bar k to her ,' Il d II W ~3 te ll mlllllteM befo l e we rt Is ..t;is.od IhaL l be u e ~ Jlr~. I'le nt bllt fr~rn dll ness Il<Id k lots of my fri l> uds ,. C::; UI Q n.~u J[at lon 1 he I s traight. That 's nil " Infillco him lO fa ee {htlt ) clling lIIob Of Fra nce ll ellla' r ursa,," 1I 1l; . 1II,,:. e~, ! .f"hoolrn llster s torb'l }"'" fnrt her informa tion ~ ddte'8 th e H e r eleased the pr iso ner and rOM "n ol btl bncl; to where Dr Wilhnm s M.edlolUe 00. , Schenec. bllt :In thiS ll \reJlU UIl H al;c It " IIl ll lI Is he It" ' 1 h. Wu S ~""ll " !lId YOth, su bmit dt0r! thI s pun· to uls full h elghl, s trc tady, N . Y. l~hin g h l!1l ~plf ,are He is ihe !;1!ntlegt olj fellO W In Ihen? " e 400ma n e . finall y tram t he thra ll ,lo"m: of th e Iho worll\. find never colng t be Ju dg-ed h} W I,." h,' c10cs I flhment "011 Jt wnu ld I,,\\e r omlll ' to me. I glle&ll. schilol room . Th \\ il l< e schoolm ast er stood dor ed 0111 had h e not been rr lsbtened .IIot duo It hi \be I'll ... \\' h" ,Iou." [ dld~'t learn t he let so n, an' 1 don ' t for 0. moment gazi ng at the floor. by t i! p m nn .wh o fe il Inlu th e cage fr om (,b::l.e;:I, a we ca D bear "' ; ..... " li ll lh la " ' lUIl nny Whiten s the teet h-puri fies rnllialtl ) I nltl3Y's g Ive Then he held out hi s hand th n cy<,le whirl a bm'c Of cuurse th aI month and breath - curcs M sal e, wbo IlIIl! th.e ye oJ Lb e IlIuc.; ,,11.'1 t l owe 8nll la lt!" whol't, du e me. "1 w lsb Yil U weil. Hepatear !." he saId, u1lset him. nnll when catarrh, sore throa t, sore eyes, A SURE CURE hc sa" the ClOO r Yo lDay I II tbo ', boys g<;"f! ·by .. In a low yolcc. " It may be .)'ou Ilre open he nutura ll y r and by direcl app lica ll on cures Por Ourn. , Sore T bro:lI, Car nl. Soret . EczemL . ·.hlln It Is nOU!d thal 110 p3ltDt ~ mo rrow. an' say I'd " n oUl IIko to hnve seeo rllb l" all inflamed , ulcer ale d :.nd Rhc.a lnall ll ru, Ulao..- ., Pli es Ulood Pol.sol1, "T il ell Ihe )lPo plc m~de EIII h a noIse tS... tJ t o Indlau.1 p ople buncl ee And all WoundS' and Skin D u;e ascs C;ula~ t mor e Qf 'em. ~nl!1'(lll y 1''Je be~n kept catarrha l r.ondltiOllS caused by lhnt It Is one Irleu was to flee. The mo ~. ~oll II h rememb ered t]u t al· In r ('ee ~8Cl1.. an' at "'<1 I'D 11011 fem inine i~;$. R44B.E a cit ilONa, .. D?O n all' ni ght, so Mrs.- Newed- Wbat Is the trip e , a ",1'~ Valuabl e :R.elle!!. ~ ..... be 1':10 ... ' th~ ~ mo ~' · re lh .. ey . Ita. yell ed: Hni! wh I P en W ain 't had IDuch chance ta glt ae· PaKtloe pilssesse ! extraorClinary For the chns uble nnd stole ot TbOm, W ' d lrl gel Mrn buc k poun d. pl ease' lI!)t m.ue<\ OD III;tl,IOO :l pIQI S, qu al nted." , It was hO!lrs be. clean ling, healing and I:erml' ria a DMket. [lr~Merve d lit Paris. t he lor<' be ~to[lped t remblin g Butche r- Nlnep ence a pound, mum. It wUl dily be _u '1\ h t an JlllhlS' l "And )'011 are goI ng away." tidal qu alities unllke anything flaM · tbe fatb er ot tb e present fluke 01 Not1,,)1' Mrs. Newed . It was -o, a I s ITI don't hame to wa scare nt I/JCII /l ' liN. '.he poor pld so else. At all.drugg lsts. So ceots ICboolm lllter, wl:b strong cODdelllCa· l iS .alll to bGve ollere" J800,~OO. mu cb . Haven 't JOu a amall I8ID' I~) :DW 111(e lhnr." URO. 'J:atu. p&CUGJ l . . . . aanU-S cra""
Adams~,~ ~:;::;;;:;;:;:;:;:aG;
l!:=====::::=:;:::=::;;::=.===:!J I"lth
~tolln-Mr f;!o~·m~i~~~tull
ck·~ 4x~x3
Cut Your Work in Two
- ----
---- -----------
iutirif Toilet Antiseptic
---- ---- ---- ---- --
'file It. PulGA Ca., D_toa. ....
The .New Rulers
of the'
[m.PQrta Hnve So Illcrenaeo. Traffic Has Become "E~ tttbll,;h.ed.
'9 r08•
Imp., .aJ'rh, ICU"
CURIOUS CRAFT SEEM -¥-MOS'r 'l'0 IlA VB J.,Di')ll.
"It would sU)'I>rlse nnyone but an American to noLo th e rnilid ilt'rldcy of Ll\ul'Ichr!l ' Sboc;t Tlll'ough the Watm: o.t FurloillS Pace-Accidents' . commorclal Am rica. In 1' ui;1<'e y," the . largest Enlill sh morchant !lolog ~llI Bl· That :lItlVllCn to the \. . ness In Constantinople, a mlln wh llSO MOtOl'S. Frederick VIII. and H is Que e n- Louis e Rl c h ~ st and r,lIesl Princess deallng8 ext cn d o\,el' 'throe contlnllnts, In Europe- Bolh Sovereigns Popul~r a nd Ii Ighly Respecled. la ~lIotod a s having said r ecently. It 111 an ~xc1t.1ng sl!e ne I.e watch hnlf And tho L evant·Hernld, dlacusslng n dozen of these ru,lug ['lllchincs In a tho samo topic. calls attention. to th e contest. 'rhcro are usually two mOil In fact that ollly ten years ago the Idea eacb boat. One ba ndies the uteerlnc of tJlc Un ited SLates exports reo.eblng wheel whlle the other w atches the moGOOd King Ohl'I R!lnl1 "r f) un lll f,rl; moreover. tllmollS Cor bolug the tallesl tho Ottoman empire wus undrellmed tor. These me n ure clad In ollijklns. bad a 10nK re l!; n. a 1'''';;11 filii 01 rI "l' ~ li nd wpalthl nst "rln"o>l-, In Eurollo ·(If. III 1901 three·fourths of tho rol\lng In one bout, the Mercedes. says Pearand hono rs. !5oo n a rt .. r h.! n,cc ulletl Her " LIltU IIl Is nhsulutely g iganti c, bo Btock for th e EgYlltlo.n l'allwllYs lio n's Macazlne. th e cre w. a~ th ey are Mortltying. th o throne. Ih o i;al nlnp: 01 Sehl "s", I!;· Ing 0 \'(; " Hlx t ee t tlVO, 1l1II.1, · so Cur II! 'from America. Durlug the de~ade called, usually' have life preservers There nrt" .. few 50 h '{"11 Rn.! rPfl p cctflhl e Hols te in uy fl c nuuny mll tl .. him V'!' ;- he r fortlln e Is co nce rn ed. 8ho Inhor· American Imports ba"o so Increased aroundl th eir n ec({s, and ulluerneath the p cn;on R lefL ia the tl) lIn lr~' who l' IHe t w~ ~tnpolJull\I' nrnutq; hl !ol ~ Uh j,..('tH. Jlllri h e It r d $ 10,1100.000 frunt hoI' nJlltornal that tho United States has beel! e ll' ol1alllns are ouly bathing s ull s. sO that yC!(. hccn itl\'(!Sl ,Cp!.ted . It ' )l'r; II I~ t o be otton 10n K'd t o rcno un ro tho ~lIrjll u ; s:r",,<lfllthr·r. Prlll cc) Frcllc rirl< 01 tb. abled to s end direct, Ins tead of In case oC lin ucclde nt th ei r chunccs ClIlh n rrft ni n K 10 ll. Il ljo\ h lillll! 11 (,1 to 1..1\' 0 Thl IS rhe M~oror!5porl e~ 'b...m. Till' OrlShtl'!lt mlln tor mil!'." around. out hi s 'I UC ' n WJlS holll IIrO I'O IIncl !I ll ' N" th c rllll1rt R, be:!ld ~ ~ thp o",lro wea ltt thro!lt;h France and G reat Drl tulu, :or drown ing a:ro conside rab ly lesse ned. IK'('U fo un d VII I . \\ t' I\I I.! nil n"," ernbl '! l1 crlt , The J1rn~'rl b lhlk 'Hl)' S ~O ~ To The s hlnrn (?, IIg hC Orwls lJom con tlent a nti bade blm wnl t . I':vc r h"1 uf Iwr falher. the lu t" Kin g Charles 01 'whlch formerly forwurd ed Ame rlcall Th ese oils khUl tit tl gblly al'ou nd the fiil1 hab"! from n tlHnJ l() Ii lud f tiC UIII' (11 1' 11115 coun sel WIIS.: " Wult pnt\p.n t ly; tlo is Sw cIlI·" !5 IIC Is c xtrcln r ' y fo ncl 01 goods, to tbs n ear East all the ir OWII nec ll ancl wris ts to 1;C ~ I> out. the watet CflllJ.!,ht 1IJ "O ll ie of t hcw ' to lll~ wlad e 1I\II'jJ Il"fleer from :such 0 pnll.:>hE'd mlln Cl1IltlJlllt! privnte UI Ctl l l1l1l1..: i" t; III M!1f c,.It " 'av e ot unpopu larity wil l PH"S 'Iwa),. I'nrls. 11 fac·t whi ch I s Illlributcc.l to bills of lading. that "~ lIIllh en;" Oyer ull us l be boat t e mpt . It would he fOlr 'r to " ... I'\'C ll ri Ullt. And .so hE" Sl.\y~ (0 hie h ond tow and yo u w ill bt' on ll or t llC' IllORt 1I01HI' tho ex lstcn ac of French bloud In b ot The great headway m ade by Amer· ru s hes alo ng. Th o mell cro uch down one lI tllt o f FiH'kt'!ol II ;lp ll'CI' nml ring III ·Tnt' ort SI1rC!l1 U5e SAPOLlO· Jnr and hel o \, f'd kin g..; wh o havc Jo:i at vei n s ." Icnn comme rce In Turk ey-bo th C:uro- t o alTer as lillIe rc s l ~ tan ce to the wind n genel'al co n fc~!'Ilon . Lift', 'IPl1ll lhe Ihro no or IJpnmn .. \," lIer As crown prIn ce, Ih o pr.,scn t kin !! Ilean and As iatic- Is uttributed by tbe ! ns possIbl e. word s llrol'cr! propheti ': l ho other w a R I'~ ry fl oPU lar. hi s genllli mannors Journa l nlonll oned above to the grea t The bouts nl'o built so low tlnlt tlot WILD WITH ITCHING HUMOR. d ny. wlwn Christ Inn IX. tlloel. the Ila· winni ng thH aiTectlon [It h is people. care bestOwed by AmerIcan upon. au tion m Ollt' I\l' r! wl lh s ln C" r('~ l brier. LIke hl N fnl hl' I', hB s howert preference auxilIary most osse nLlul to tho main· more than two fee t at the hull Is abo\'e Eruption Droko Ou t In Spots All Over n ut. us nalioll R mn 5t, th o people ro r " 1"'[lI<! ways. Ilud both k ing a m! t enance lind fUl'tb e mnce of camme r· th o surfllce at the wat er. Puffing und Dody-Cured at Exppn ee of On ly "vcro n.·ndy t o cllcer Cor n IJ W I UICI', cl'OlYn Ul'ln cc hau ltually wa lked t he clal Inte r osts- na mely. commcrclul snor ting. "clllml< lng ' and "chootl ng:' 1ji1.25-Tbnn ks CUllcum . to cry. "The king is (lead. lon ~ liv c .. trcalM llUuw·n.lnu. Illlles3 It migbt be education. This v ery Impor tant fac· th oy see m ullllos t to h a v ~ life n ~ they squirm a nd twi st, ans we rin g to tbe the l<lnJ:~ " An ll I ~ t li S . th o Iluhll c, hy n COU lll c of Danis h hoar hounds. tor has been sOI'o ly n eg lected by all slightest turn of the wbeel In . thl UThf..! Cut h:ura Rc III C'd iell l!lIred me or my Ill«'wlsl! hid ha ll 10 " Ing Freller lcl< Th e royal pr:(\rs t r lan s wo uld stop a nd Iki'l dl F.ClI'W , nnd 1 1\1 11 \'(' I ) ' ll' ll llld ,, ) til r xc han gc !;rccl lll )\N wit h paese rs· by In t he othe r nations whi ch lIa vo thus h a nds of Ihe solitary fi g ure sUlndln. y ou. VIII. My trou ble Wh~ r r up l lon of t h t, CURES 1500. and $1.00.\ 1¥ dh'ld ed tho marl<ets at the East, at th e forward I'ar t of the bo,ll. skill wb lr h lI'uk ~ o ut in " P Ol K nil uv .. r Frede rl cl, nsccndR lhe thron o lit th o. th .. 0I0 "t .lemocrallc fa sblon . wllh tbe lIole excopllon of Germany, A s th e timo fo r th e sLU rt draws nenl my i,ncty, and CRu!4cd Ii contliHud It ciI lng The Il e w kin/: and quee n are pas· rille lI s:e or G:l. Crow n Prl nco Frcrle r· wh ic h II C<l rly lho\'c Il le wild lit I m ll'tL 1 10k and Prin cess Loui se of 8IVcllc n sessors of much mOl' 6 wealth tbao wblch has establi shed under th o pat· th ey approach tbe lille whi ch mark' goL Il1cd lCIOC uf a diu-t o r , alUt it. d IC1 oot worn lIIarri "ll July 28. 18100. Th ey wc ru Christi nn nnd Loui se. whose In· ronago of th e empero r a school In Ule begInnIng or llle racO. Each belm s· ("ure me, i,lId wlll'n I !lD W ~ n n .,nller )'o ur Send ror Circ ular wltb nlrectlonl . ha\' o el!\h t ch ll c1rpn li vIn g. eld· cOlUe rrom tbc civil li s t was not large Constantinople, wblch furnish es Il bont m a n has place,d his boa t In as f,l\·ora· n ~1. 1 bent to you for tile Cut H:ut'll book Or.lARl8.StOAN. 61Ulblny Sr..BOIlon.MI ... cst I:; Crown Prin ce Chri sll a n. mar · n nd neltber at whom had a prlvllt.e 90 per cent. of the clorks In t be Ger· ble a position a... 1)08slble. The prowl an d 1 flt liditlJ my CU ri C In i t , 1 t h(' n w e nt lu lI.c dru ~ . I ~re alld "ought nile cu ke 01 Of the boal s nre cullI ng th e wutel rl prt to Prin cess AI,!xnnclri no 01 Mec k · rortun e. Th e present quee n. though man commissio n houses in Stambul. uli cuttl 80:111, one Lox of Cllt lcura O int · To quote the Levan t:Herald: "Our cleanly a nd all each s ide n wave curll C lenlml'g; 10u I> Hnnkon 01 Norway . II g reat belress, has brought up h AT nlent, und une viol 'Ir CULIcura P,IIf1, practical American cousins •. who go to In tbe a nd. turnIn g over, tumble.t f'Tom th e firt;l oPl' lic:ltirm I rCf'uived rc' Seemed Almollt Sane. "'''our h onor." fl(ud the nltornl'Y, ·"tbi. lhe root of e very matter. r ecognIzed In a graceCul cascade on each side 01 lief , I II the first Ml' " nwl two CxtM tbe urgent nccesslty at commercial the raCing mac~ hlne. Then tbe s tartln •. cnk!'t1 of CUli cur" ~. '3p , nml W:Ul com· I'MIl'S in u,nity tal<el tbe form o! " be· plNely cunod. I hl,tl .u II",rrl fflr tw. lid · that ~".ryone wanla t o rob 111m. He education many yearS ago when tb ey sign al Bounds and they aro off. Thl Y«'ArB nod I lh ~ nk C Ull C" IJfO fur my "nn't allto'" e"eD me. bit! COUDticl. to .,,founded Robert college In Constantl· m an at th e motor glvos It a IIltlo mar. <"urn , ' CIHmio N , .Io hmion, MIIJ.le Gro ve prM ch ttln,:' ,. " Maybe he', Dot 10 oro.y, oft .. all. nople-not only a college but, as It lite. and tlle t:lny craft seem fairly te F.TIll, n. •'. D. 2, Walltut, K.n ., JUDe murmu red tlH! court, in a judicial whitwere, the Issue and center of Amer· lIy on towa rd tho n ext marlc Spray II 15. IUOS ." pcr .·-I:iLI'Il' Slone•. Icon commercial enterprise In the thro" 'n high. Some of tlils tails om Tt ill ,... ourledlll )IOW mnn.r havC\ '\"IIt c h,.., _ _ ...._ Orient. SInce thon II number of othe r board. but tho launches are movin g se consideri"I' 1",\0 r.w th. , c nrc In lite · Ocu1leld Tea, MUd L8%8tlv., w orld to who m UnH! rr:nll y fI~(!nu' ttl be: o f Inslltutlons hllve been found ed f ast that mos t reaches the water agal. ('I I llo~u lal60 th o 1,lVcr, Kldn e,,". tlt.omloClb ao(1 B owel! ('Urts ConRlfllo.LlOO aoel Sic" tbroughout Asia Minor.. Alumni of only nfter th e boats ba ve passed by auy \' a.l uc,- Atrlu hUII ( I\nll) • n Jt:, • Il ead.,·1I0. Send lhlo no ~kc wlth yoortlaml Robert college and of the many other Now one s hoots a head, but only for I Rich, Juicy Radi s he s Frte. und "dd,·o•• to lhe Gorfield 'rca Co .. Bro~· Am erican educlilion al Ins titutions In Dloment, a nd theil another has o vcr· F:vc1hody 10\' ('8 JI W'· Y. tr:nlkr r arli~h cfl, Iy n , N Y , for rreo e :!oJ ple ' 'itt.·kugo Sold this country are ' to be found In every come th a I ad \'Ou tago and passed th4 S,,)Z r <nnW8 lb iH hen ce lift nllt!rPl IfJ II('U tI at all drlfg J'lorcs, SCUll us Lbo name or ospu:an l for the lead. The h eims mci Y~II t'1I !Jr,olulely fl~c Mdfil'H' u L rrtd t.. h I'ct'~d l .Y o or dru t~lSt" _ __ - - business conteI' of tb e n Ollr East." o ilC"cp ),0 11 in lcrll lc.' r rllt,lI::;Lts all ~um ' . ..' h Tho graduat es sent forlh by these nrc croucbing over their wboels. Spra] tmer l on ~ nnel b ls Jt r tttL "M I~,. ry loves. rompn D,Y , - lha t 18 W 1. lus tltutlons, mostly of Orie ntal birth. ill blindIn g tl~ el r eyes, but they. al'l 8A.l.ZIt U '8 nA nCu,IN 9ftRJ) nOOK . 1'l1 B.1J 18 a. ~rel:llrIO U 6 oounn l. , Imbused wltb Ame rican Idims, traln od straining theIr' Sigh t to Cntell rl gllmpsI up to Ame l'lcan business methods nnd of tho Jllarlt for W~ C I1 they a r e steer· wilh it~ wonrl edul . " rp n,,·, n llt! gren t Don't Oet Footsor·el Oet Foot.Ea". at lbe samo time made fully acquaint· ing. The watsll' lji \~illp ped Into a Ullc~ i.n .8ee"'d '. '. lf J l l (fQ;l'fU .CtL e d with the languages and tho vc ry cl'enroy [oam, Ilnd ns tll a boats darl • • , N"Y . lu·rl ny rur ,\llon'& l· o"t· I':~ ••. compLlcnted business customs at the a.long It dnllcE"; a ad bolls, seemi ng a h· Ace"1 t nel . uh . l't"t~ ' ~'ri. 1 park.go FIU:E. AcJtlress A . S. Olm, l,·u. Lo I{oy, N . Y. gry that It has bocll dls turlJed, nnd 1I Client are naturally equipped to . be· "he p.nnrmf)\IB c:rop" 00 our 1(,0,1 f ltnll9 come t he mos t capable plan era of lasbes Itself lu to 11 Cury,. soOn to- qulal tlle pRill. Bj'UHOO compci u s t o 1:16U e tialS 11 nt. firBt YOli tlun ' " i uccecu , do il \)yer. down again 1.0 the soo th lng smooth· special c(1tultJRIIO, Am erIcan trado In t he Levant. but uon '( o\"l'nl u It. n eBS thlU marks tho summ er sea. !iC,sD Tnt S NOTU"R"O 1').\ r . 'I' be lea<lers In the contest- are In th! and l'('cei\'e the TUlliHhl!s nncJ the ",onderJUGGLING BRIDAL GIFTS. A Gua ran teed Cura for P iles. bes t positloll ;lnu those aSlern are bat· ful Unr~"i n !'luok (,oe . Itchlnf', n ll ,,, I, H le,·rlln~ . PI Cllr ••!l ln~ PII.". n elfllL 4c ;jnll WI! mid it p U'),II~;t) uf Cf\~· D,·II VI ..oIq,tq nrf~ !llItilfJrl).I',l t li l.. , r UUII Ill n tl y if rhe Result Was a Composite, Inter- tling wHh Lho waves t bat tbose I~ m o~ lhe m n ~ t ru"hifH1 .. I ~ l.... IJI' I Vit t'l\blc . l'AtCJUI ~HII'ST lail " I OCut'\lI IlO\O 14u.y •. !iOc I r:-onl hnve left bchinu to mll l'l, th ell sta te, SfJ')'ic~able Sugar lJenutlfu l nlin Hnl rJU\\' ,' r , course. Sudllenly 1\ wave smotherl .'"hn' A ~ , nl/.to r Sl,(·,1 Cu,} Loci, n rolwcr Bowl. Il 'ft :\ WIl((~ F-O ll witt) l, n uwtl \vI!Ct1 to li Sle o ver one of tbe rllcers. il dasbes ovel K., I.a Cr"" ..., Wi" . b ill fat. h el' 101 l11(m ~ ', the n;tQtoi', Dnd, .the next moment th4 A bride trom tp e eouth eljtertalned, boat Is hopelessly out of the con lest . H i. slill 4 mn1t~ r Il f doubt ",holller tho IWftSCftS(lr (/f tl h l~ h power m otor I:nr il 10 DEATH SEEM ED NEAR. a few eve nin gs a go, BODle friend s, r eo The mOlal' h IlS uecomo s wamped. 11 ':feA.\. luck.' or nltl nd y III great. d anKe r . I,o rts th e New Yorlt Globe, who espe· b as drawn water Illto the cylluder. In· Bow ~ Cbl rDgo Womnn Found Help When clally admired a beautiful s li ver 8U' stea d gf all' with the explosive gaso· Cures Dlood, SkIn Trollbl .s, Can ce r , Bope W3S Fast Fadlug Away. bar bowl amon g h"r wedd ing pres· line, and betore the trouble can fie Dlood Pol son-Gr .. ntest Dlood . on ts-" brldnl gl fts," a s s he called r e medied the others nre too rar nhoa( Purltler 'Free. Mr.' . K T . Goult!, \llf W. L" kc St., tb ~m, In the southern idiom. to mahe It worth while to follow i~ If )'C')ur hlood ilt imp u r~, th in, di seO Red Chi c ,, ~o. Ill .. sl1y~: .. 0 01'" '" ,\Idney "Whom Is that 11'0011" asked ono pursuit. ThE>n another stops sudden· hot. o r ruH of humor.. , it' )'1111 ha\'(~ blood I'i ll s arc ull tbat ,;aved lII e (rom r1 e ... th wbo Is Intimate e noug h to make sueb l y. An accide nt has hallpenetl to thf pni Aon. tl1 l1t;flr, ('n rltunr.l ~ ... cnti nR til)r.!" . hy IIrij(lu'H Dill' f..n Inquiry. Tb e bl'lde bes itated a RCff,rul il , cC7.t' mn, itch in g , rl si n g~ 0'1.1 lu mp, . motor; so me delicate part ha& snapped ICfthhy, pimply ~ki ,. 1,. t Hl1I1':! fJUil1ii, cu f nrrh , ea "c. th a ll know. D'oment. 11n,,1 eyr) trouhl e. and the bont Is out of the r ace. And rh cumntitun or nny n lno,1 o r ski ll d i.ll(,I'ISt" " It's r eally hard to t eil," she saId, KING FRI::DI,;nICK VIlL tokc fl ol nn lc I3100d Bnhll (0 . n. II.' nco ba ch ach e. c:uLch t19 110 It goes a ll over the course. Tbe suc· finally. " I t's par.t1y from Allllt Caro· cording to ~ 1 Irrc l io rl s , Soo n 011 Aur.e" IltJAl, wllOn lying .. hc.l whu marrlr r! Prlnrpsg Mond of CI'cnt l family In a simple manner , and gener· line and partly from a gi rl In Col orado cesstul boat .at . t.he end dashes a.cro~ ne het ond })ullitt ",top, the Llofld itt tn ll dl! or wh e n lJending ~h e line n winner. It h as tra\'eled a' nnl'c a nd rl c h ~ h~ln'i n g tile Rle in frp.c f,'um Britain ; l'rln rc s ~ I,Qnl se. mnrriNI 10 lilly bas followed the s implicity hal" lind pnrtly from a gentlemlln In Jack's over, \V UM la... · the rate of better than 20 miles az t: ver y c l1lp tio n , nod ~ i\' i"l; th 41 rich Io!l ow Prlllcc F rle<lr lrh of SChIlUUlbll l'l;' ncterldng t he borne llIe ot h er hus - office. . Jlrrr ~rt h ~A lth Ill' the ~Ici ll . 1\ I I h~ gulcl unci of Len Llpfle; Prin ce Homlel; Princess In f;c· ba nd 's parcn t s; though ori state o cca· " You see. Aunt Caroline sent me u b OUT. I ts owner Is pleased and h~ of Gl unt.! tll nc n, n. n, i nlpt'l)vt.,~ the Ui ~CA d l7.7.Y and had sick bor g. ma r rie<1 to Prince Clillrlc8 of s ions sho has been wont to appear In doze n spoons, and th ey were lhe only r ests, loo ldng torwa rd to anoUle r con· tinn, c ur~, cl),lpcpsia. slrcnglho"8 \Veu " hClldu.chC:i .. D d Swcllen; Princess Thyra; Prince eus· \lIos t m agni fi cent toll cl.tes, nnd Is !iBid s poons Ollt of 11 doze n tbat war-en 't test when he may win maI'o la urols 01 l<id noy. . ,Iu \ th e mCllielne ror old peo· b (! 11 I' I 0 j( clown , os i t gl \' C8 th em n(lw \' i~ o ro U A hlOt.H1. tav; PJ'lnccss Dagmar. Fredo ri ck. \lil a t f? POSReSS one of th e flnllst collections n.arked. My trlen d In Colorado sent may bave to lower hls pennant to soml ple' paint<. Tho leld· l)ru ~u:ists. $1 p r l u r~e- \ lot l1 fl , Wit h tli~ other boat. Cbristill'U, Is t he tatb er at a largo 01 jewels In Europe. ar. order on a store In Baltimore tor r<'Clions for h ome ('urI" , Somp'" r TPC Bnd n ey kftc r c liOD8 prepaid 1JY \\·titinR Ulood R nlrl1 Cn ~'1 A~· w orc too copiou s and lrc'lu,'! ot., and family. T he nc w quee ll Is not beautiful, 118 anything I w/lnted to select, and lhe Innla , c: , n ('sl'fibe t ro ul 'h' ;uul "w"rTn l It Is sai d th e hllrlrrn of Chri~lln ll was he r predecessor, Qu.e en LoUise, but gen tleman in Ja ck's office sen t a ;Feeding and Stabling Motor.-Car. ' c m cdu.'.11 ndvl(,(: l1l}oon ~ I ' llt In "t'ol('d 1(' 1, "" ry b:\.lln 'Ippea rnlt ce. It was in IUOS lind Loulsc were bl'ollj;ht up with al· ha n. rhnrm s of m a nner; perhaps an In· carvIng set. Tb er G were two other A young motorIst, endea vorIn g t( (n tcr. D. n . H , 11" (,'1pN'Tallv :lfh 'lsr rl ror lhnt 1).,:&0' •• I<lducy Pill. helped IJIC 60 mos t Sparlllll sir l ~1.n esS, thl A r oyal I\ c rltanee trom he r grandmother, De- caning sets. too. con vince a country Innl.eeper lIllll chro n IC, d c('p' ~,~n t ('1 1 riH""~ o ( iIllI'UI·,· hl otld '1ulcltly nnd cured 1M" nr li","c troubles pall' not hellevlng In Indul!;cn re or slrce Cl ary. a belluty for whoso favor "Nobody s ent a sugar bowl Bnd I the decu y of (loachlng was more that a n d e;;ltin dI S("I\SC , .nno ('urt'R. ulle r ntl ('I c lind 1'. 0 been w e ll C \' ' r ~I n ce ." pampering. Th e gossipIng Marqule et c t\\'o us me n s lled, Joseph Bona· I wnnted one worse tban Ilnytblng elae. eomDensated for by th e sl>read of mo· fuil •. Suld hy nl I dc r". 50 ~(' nt s a box. Fontenoy had 110 sca Ollnl to retail parte and Cell. Bernadotte. SQo ~ar' l Aunt Caroline li ves In Dalllmore. YOU t Qrlng as a pnstlnle, exclaimod , as & T he po,,'c r o f t he prrf.I§ i!ll vel')' c lon rlr Fostcr·!llliburu Co., HuO'nlo. 1'1 Y. IIbou1 th ei r eldest Bon; In fn ct. s ho r led tbo latt e r. becam e qlteen of Nor· knolV, nnd her spoons we\'(~ trom tho final a rgument, tbut hIs car wns of 10· d rJl'lOn81rfllCI1 in on apple (, Uillry uun nl said th "plI \r lnrchal Iltlrlty" of f< lng way lind S,Vcden; nnd llOW her ~rand. , snme store that r lla d an order on train h orse powe r, "the equa l. s ir. of te n I'll' CIder mal;IUG imc- III le~ ,..\. . Chris tian and the craW'll pri nce "[lIr· (l llu gh ier Is CJ~ een Of.' D enm a r~, ~I er I Colorado. So I ju st sent tltem the lays of concb horses." 'I'be next 1I10rn· T o Cure 1\ Cold In Oo e Dny Ablolultly Fr.. F,om All PoilonOUlln!rtcjlcnta nl s bcs a source ot. com mont an<1 not 1\ srnnd·daughter s son Idng of NOT\\ny. -spoons and tho order lind as ked th em Ing be read In b is bill: "'1'0 feedln, Ilttli. ontusc ment to tbo wortby Danes, . Tile cou ~t lite of Denmal')' , as we to send mo a sligar bowl ot lhe same nnLl Bl.IlbHn g. 80 sh IIlings." lIe a s ke~ Tlllte LA.XA TI\'R ~no),Jo Q'lfl,l ln e frab lcts, A SURE CURE Drugl:i ll.t8 ((!fuod mn ll'· Y I f it r ntl~ te, CUI'Co bave emphasized, bas been marked by valu e. They wrot e me Ulat th ey dldn't the landlord for a ll e xplan a tion . " Th, E. W .-OIlO\"U ' S 9 1CnOllJrC 1:1 011 cDc h u o a , 2:x:. Fn, OUr" t, So,!" Thr o~ I , (;or " " ~ ore'l Retem., Hhl"uma l i" m, U ICCl fio, l' lle,. Bl ood " o lso n, CuslmJlll cl~y. About once ~ week dul" llavo any sugar bowls liS cbcap ns thnl cbarge fo r 'asses Is two sbllllll' a h ead b u nde'S Of\\J _ II Wuuods ~IIlJ ~L.n DI!~ftbeL Ing the season a n official dln.ncr ana but were sondln g me t ou r to select iiiI': WM t1~0 reply. '''£bat machlno 01 S)JCn k lll ~ 0 1 ~alJ 1Hl' - th crc II Lbo .... 1('. PI& lull IIAARJ::R ....U.ON .. . I'Uttrr. .,*, ' h, at-,,- L "fl. "Ult.., .. . ltL rccc»t1on ' was given at the Amallen· from at dIfferent prices. yours Is equal to 40 'asses, w hich Is 8~ COllgfL! ' tilOnn l Hcc()r d . bOPg, the8~ th e princi pal entertain· "I wanted thlB sugar bOWl, whlcb Ilhll lln· ...- St. Jnm es' en~ette. monts. 11'1 addition, tbore were tbree was one bf the four sent, so I made state baUs. and tl.tCre were numerous Jacl< take ' the carving set to the store Popcorn Trees. [[Imlly gathe rlogs. flliully reU!lIOn.'I . a wbere It W1l8 bou ght and get the Looltlng out in to tbe orch ard OIU grent InStlt~tlon wIth (11,e roynl h01l90 ' money for It, and that made just 'bright morning In early sprI ng IIltlf 'o f Denmark . . At the close ot ..t~e .s ea. 1 Ul.ouglr to pay the sugar bowl. Mary. aged three, noticed tor the tlrst son, a change to the country was W08n·t tbnt flne?" time the wealth of white blossoms COl', made. Tbelr maj estlns retiring to the I And all the women present declared ering the plu.m and cherry trees. Shl by lb. ~R Qe freedom from r e8trnlnt they both en· tbe bride was a genius. studle(\ tbem thougbtfully tor a mo· joyed. The whltc palace of Freden. mcnt, and t hen. turulng her cllrl) borg, situated only a few miles from b ead, questioned: the capll.4l. for )'ears has been tlie Passing of the Horer. "Mamma. Is that where popcorD royal resId ence In slimmer: as some Tho enormous strides that have grows ?"-Ll pplncott's Magazlno. one said. the royal Bummer resIdence l:een made In recent years In mechan· a nti Jil"f'..s tin'lft . mo ue.y and r eu, ou l of m l ~p'ry quickly. not merely at Denmark but of Eu· ' I<:al traction are well Illustrated In tbe Time Needed. rope, tor here was " 'ont to gather roy· re.:Jord at observstlons recently taken "GoIng to lunch now? Why . Il's ani, alty from far and near to visit Chris- Il~ a certain point on a well · patronl~ecl 11 o'clockl" Engltsb blghtway. ' .. tian, "rllther·ln· law ot Europe." "Well?" Of & total at nenrly 6,000 vehicle! The king of DenmBrk rul es over the "Well, surl!ly you're not hungry sc smallest of th e S candinavian king· passing this point between the lrourl early as -this 1" doms, over a land with An nrea at 1)1 nine In the momlng and nine In th. "No, but 'will be by the time th' about 16.000 squnre miles nnd n popu· , nenltU:, only 209 were !J0ree.drlven. ",alter conde.s cends to serve me.". tbe remaInder comprIsIng over 400 lation oC 2,000,000. Il comprig~a Jut· 'rhey alSO rc:Ue.o Dis· GARD£N . Phlla.!elphla Pres8. THE NEW QUE~~ N, tress !rom Dyspopsla. III' AND f'UKIAL lanel the DaniSh archipelago to the electrIc tram cars, nea rly 600 motor InLE c1Ir;esnon an(\ Too neuty nhlcles and over 4.600 bicycles. who arc noted ns a nation for a lively east' of th e penin s ula, the Island 01 A Serious Onse. E3tln A perfect r e m Ctltualn, MelDV n~w 'PrernluGt , Voo apprecia tion of tbe fall' sex." Fonte. Bernholm, oncl t he Faroe '9IBn(\8. The g. . \ho uld kno w ab"ul Vlc.k'. Violet Kine "Sny, did you hear thnt Cholly Soft· edJ to r DIUln\!!5S, Nausea. and Mikado A.atera, no w otTc:r.olor the noy fu rther Ild<ls} to the picture of an colonia l possessions cons Is t of terri· Statue to England'!! Queen. ed bad a ser ious opcrullon pcrtormeo Df"OllrSlaees, DLlcl Tu.c;to (m,1 tinu~ ~c:nd 'en cent•• nd ICccivc. • uprlghl prince ; Informs tiS that Fred· tory In Ellrolle And America; Icelnnd • lJl thO MOUlll. CO:nc4 \' r.ol cltet 0 1 Vlck'. Branchtnlt A l ler IQ The tlrst statue o r Queen Ale:undra on him l a t~ l y '!" ~I" Color., aDd ('oupon 100(1 lor '0 cen •• erlcl< Is a mod el tather, tlmt he Is Grecnlan~ nnd 1 ~ lnnds In the Wesl on Elngllsh 00 11 will be erected III the "Wbat WM It? Appendicitis?" Tongue, Pn.1D In tho S1de. ~ on sure hue o r 't.oo Of nw tr "0m '906 studious. e'oQuent, open·band ed but Indi es. The tot..~1 area at the colonleE grounds or th e London h08pltal. to Gul c . Send t•• lh. C...I..... '.Y.'J, "/lin ; wor ~e tb a n thnt. His rIch unclf I:~".:'!:==::"_--'TORPID UVER. Th~ \be 1I0lJets. l'\Irel1 VQgIItablO. t.·, (.... not estravagnnL. For the desc r iption l iS 86,634 sQuare t!!lI cs, th ~ pOJltllatlo~ CODlDlcmora Ie Ihe completion of tho reo emt hIm out at bls wlll."-Bnltlmore .JAIIE.'1 VIC:R'• •ON. ot Fl'c d cr i ck ' ~ spous\<, we shall quote 1120.000. The law does. not allow n, • . building op~ratlon s . which have cost American. SMAll PIll. SMALL DOSE. SMAll PRICE. I 'iiI • • 8.. Ro~b.,.&er. N. W:. directly: " His ,vi Ce Is rem arkllble tor union of small farms In large estatel £45.000. Th e sculptor will be Oeorgt her Ijuicl<·w lttcdness and Intelli gence. In Denmark, encourages the. parc e ll1\ ~ Wnde, nnd tbe stat ue. 'wblch will 1¥l 01 Mon.e,. and Microbes. Genuine Must Bear On her fil'Rt adve nt to the Danish ollt of landcd rroJ)c"ly; Il.!ld lbe p ens· bronze. will be of bero lc size. It will ' She-Do you belle\'e there are . mi· Fac-Similb .5igQature court &ho s ho clied it a littl e :t>y her nnt proprietors are: tor ~ lng abead, eUlI cost £l.IiOO. and at thla sum £1.300 crobes In monoy, dear? lV~ A - ~#l!" mol\'9 ot dressin g nnd bor treedom of gralion ffllm Cle country has recenl1l baa becQ suhsc rlbed already by the He-Yes ; but they can't got throug\! PILLS. /~,A?#'. 1'0' IIml.u, Do ....' I ..... W ....... I....... manne rs. bllt she haa now toned dO"' n shown a large decr ease. ' Almost tht comm!tt"e. Iho stair and a lew peraonIt any Quicker tban you CIUl!-Yollken .lFUII! IUleTllUlr.. ""0'01 .. ' or .nr ... , . W'''O vo~.t ..... . Jl.dd._ d Iltl ed 11"1'8ell Into the Rlmple whole populntlon Is ~ntlvo born. . ===~ .IU.AJI. U, " .. ~1.IiLllll\..""'~.(,__ 1)taUlsJDlln. _ &I frl'tnllJ. ::rsuer olll·worid millou. She ~,' . ~HI1lSTvPHER WEBSTSR, .
Kingdom' of Denmark
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. lJro&der View of Art. , 'Hardly a &eneratlon ago a YOUI 1800.'8 deillre to study art was re With mJaglving and uneasiness t -ents. Naturally and rlgh tty, ,parents are practical. They desl ,of all that their children shall -fluch an QCcupation for life as wi th4jn an assured Income and a ( ~nce ; lind to make a profession 3IIellllt Ilt that time to earn cae's by painting pictures, with parbap' lhelp. from teaching. ' A dltrerent ;preyalls to-Clay. Throughout th, .at nny rate, and In Bome of the w . .cities, there are art schools whl, :tutnlng out as mnny graduates .;yea.r as the amaller colleges; aud ; ~ ll the grac,luates tlnd prolltable otions. The reason tor the change broader way In w,hich art lR regar 'the present time; the closer rei sblp between art and Industry, ?f. 'young man or young womnn who never hnve made a livi ng at pai nt 1Sculpture Is earning a good sa lar turnlture Dr wall-paper or patte; signor, or as a teacber of nrt In th' lie schQ9ls.. Although the Un ited : "has made a great advance In this ,tion, llt-sUlI bas far to go. A vis I "the South KenSington museum In <Qon saw a man patiently copying -QTyjl!g. He naked the draftsmlUl IIlB object was. The man told hill .he ~aa ,employed by a furnlture-I facturlng IIrm in Michigan, and hn( ;sent abroad to make these studl, .reproductlon. Sir Purdon Clark, director of the Metropolitan ; IUm ,of New York, uses this Inc1d< ~Uustra te the plaus he wlsbes to oQubln 1.11.111 country. He believes it 04ght not to be necessary (or A cmn artisans to go abra:"1 In ord Gtuc:)y:the arUetlc side or their Wur. that ·o great museum shoul d be b IhSchool, where the etude nt can ".nllt he desIres to know , and a: IIIl.Ille ,Ume "a .pleasant place (Dr ,parade In on a rainy day." A ,west"rn Kansas new$paper anlDlces .that the follOWing an lcles ' - .borrowed from tb. editor : ha~cbet. ono pair ot pincers, OOe and ,staru!, one ol!l ce knife, on. Inc .bodle and n mOil key Wrench. port1rut .pt the articles ha ve been r01red ;wIthout the ownfT's kUowl ed coD-'"tbut he.DIledll thertl Jus t the s Jr you had conSllOt to g ~ t them . I them AOOle ; If you got t h. m wlth uu conseDt" just drop '~tJlll In th e bacl< and clear )'our .'Onscl""cc." E squared. [t Is 8t:ii.od that 'Lbe nc~~ pr .. ~ 1 of Frll n CO ll.l'lthcr drl.nk s no." ~Ill' but In lhls .II.lre.nuous age li t' Cll u £o lng to be jurlged h, 11' 1) :11 h~ ,not do. it J. tbe m:u. Wh D
th!::l£$, ns we
.\\-:lilUi b .OOll
de, wbo Oils the eye of Llie
Tb .q~ 113-QD. {)( the relnUI>!l} Iw en hUUllln tuberculoId. /I {O);'tn eDoou~t rod In ()IIttl~" 'b:l1l bl) b d(lc)ldOd, 10" I!pl ~e Of llle "'\1 Wbl Ilien {)f 8c.lonce nU ' 0 wor1d are ndonVorlng' to' sci maUor. It appears, ho\\'e~'ot, 1 f{och, tlla emlnep't dIs o,'erer lu bel'CI~~bIlQlllus ",,·hleh I s lhe , lhe d~8f)aBe, 8l\>Ok~ SDUlgwhn l lurel." w'hol,\, P; YOjlr or lwo ago ClOWlc.ed t~nt 'there Is 00 ,lange bumoo race to be apprehend, lafe 000.. ttlrough th o mcdll1l1l meat or milk otilaln~'{1 rrom l' 10U8 cottle. At lens!. lhls I s t 1>f most Am rlcnn nnd Engllsl (!Inns. ltnd a Drllish otnl1l lss ~Inted to study the fUCLS has 4y 11Ubllsbed a rOllOTt ttl tbe s :tecto On tbe other IHl.Od, 5ays IComllunlon, the obsefl'at\oa h .ronde that tub o rclll os l~ Is ulso ,Ienl in COu lIlrles In whlct. th ,ore healtby, Or in whl h they kept to supply milk Or meat r, ns In [celaod, Al aslL~ RllLl LeAVing these theoretical dis, out of tho <lUesllon, tho fn cLs that the two chlet ways In wI borculoals is acqu ired nre b1 I or by swallOwing the germs, a It Is young children who nre . Inrly susceptible to lurectlou. ' u noted German observer goes s ~o IlS80rt tbat every adult wbe f eeLa Signs of the disease 1lIU! contracted It In In faucy , til e having remained dormant for . until some accidanUll cause them Inl{) acUvity. Hered ity BUllposed to play '80 greal n p~rl transmission of tuberculosis n fQ rmerly believed. The thcory thut the Children ot consumpll Ilomewhat more likeLy than oll develop tbe dIseuse, silnply I they are 80 much exposed to In from tile genus conUnually lim by tbelr slck , parent. It Is tb e~' ideut thllt the greates t posslt au llons must be taken to Sill luCants aud 'chlldreu from any r COI\,tll,Ct wllh tuborcle-bacllll, oi /.liciT food or In their surrou. !I'he anle of milk or moat trom d . 1l~1I~a1s should be mad e Impi nnd it Is ot tile utmost ImporU avoid arWlclal feeding for iWhenever possible. Plenty of su nnd fresh nir, scrupulous clennll all parUcull\I8, a drm stand i the kiSSing of children ,by any !!xcept those ot the immediate . nnd vlgtlant watch over the 001 meat supplies are euentlal l)reCl In . keeping the coming 'generaUc from "the great Whl~ ~Iague."
tIrU ~3 .
$~O. -YCO~aJ
~ '"
~"~~\~ : .
~ ___ lWT -W.IT'- - YJ(· O~tiW" ·~ .
pe.-. ee.. ... .. •• i It' Will DO ,This from The Start and Your 'Investment as Safe as Government Bonds. ~
• C"
$ :$
There is no industri,u,l entel'pri I'e as Iwl nnble; ~11~ "!1 man u/aotu,rel' a,nd the l'l!'i~riJad. m,u,st hf!-ve ~t, ~very family lIUJ,St. /ls.e it: The dema nc~ is. ohm y S 111 01''' than the supply. Hence l/au al'e always .'IiU'eo 0 1 dlUlClrnds. J on r,~l-II, make no mlstake -"n -"nvestmlf -"n -"t, for 1IOU/, stock unl/. UWI'8nSe /onr·/olfl Il l, 81,lfhteell It/ollth,'i . This Company is safely and con.'lel'flfI./ivl!i.y £(,nrl. you oannot m ake a mista,ke. We have the co.a'!. J/ (l havf> fill' bt'os f nut /'kt'ts lI' e. havt' f,/i.r best s/l.ipfa cilitie-The Ohio R,:oer II lid 'hi' /' 1( i lroar/.. .l11/.[l tlW/'8 (M'il few mi.nes that can equ,a.l it. .I171.d all mine,~ ihlll oan ef/ua/ it, lind (( II 711 inn Jha.l- ltre lumrted .on the river, stocl can be bou~ht, 'I'll Po /'{' is not U./1 otlic('.1' 01' director (d this compa,tty whu will sell his atock fsr les.'1 tho//, prl.1' v rt.! Ufl. lJU',l/ hill e tllis(, intl> cOllf/denor. in it. and kn9w that it is the very /)(,.'If i!l,lIl'siment (.f) Inl ~UI,~ on t~u~. m,arket, .Ami of the number 01 buyers of this stook in the / e/l' rlll-!lS,IINU> m'l! wilUn:~' .10 pa,,'t with it, as they are satisfied, tho l ((.//(/. 1'(! II M mbol'. "'tiS ~:; Ii dwul end oayl,na' GOl1tpa,!Jn----l per oent per month. You do not have 10 wa it to!' 1I0/(,/, money to be earnini you sonuthimi , _ . _
; at n freight ra~, but the bettt feature Is .the rlver transporta.tor¥~ tion, the d istl4nce to the river being abont six miles, amI tbe obannel of The Coal Fields of the Western Kentucky Di .. triot, lie Routh and tbe Ohio at tbiB point 1S deep enoogh at all 8tages and seasons to allow T'be olllleldH oontrolletl toy thlR Com\,III1Y oonlllNt of :lOT (lOrllll Itl west 01 ETansvl\le. Indiana, and about 125 mile!! west of Louillvillfl, cOlIn. barp:es to be floated duwn tbe stream; tbus enabling UB to sh1p our pro- Delaware County Indilma, In wbllt Is known 1111 II (Joop I)ay dltlt riot: with duot to M6mpllls and New Orleans, seven produolng ~eJl8 U(lOll it Imd an ILvcrage produolun of 7t. bllrrel .. \ler pr ISIDr t D a II about seven counties. The produotion from t his dlst·rlot IlB New Orleans todllY Is one of the best coal markets for the rOA8On dllY. aDd a20 acres In Paoli, KllnR8R district: the I ndlana lea88 b al' I oculi'ln' 8bown by lbe Mining Inspector for tbe state, to be over 4,100,000 tons .1 that ocean Ilt~mertl toke ooal at thi. purt for EurOIMl, South Atberlca for at lellSt 40 morewellsRnd it i~ surrounded by "ood (.rolluclng WIlII@ : The Telnl are of a uniform thickn918and the J; rotle equal to Ohio RDd and the Is. onds ; Rnd IL great deal of OOft1 Is exported from here, one whloh WILS drilled in next to this lelllla pumped 2flO harrelll pt'r l'" ullIIylvanla coal. Among some of the large operators In this district . Kentncky coal Is esgerly sought for by tbls trade. PlttAlburg coal day for Ilx monthllllnd it is nlaking betwoon 40 anll liO barrels per day on 'll a The St. Bernard Coal Co., Relneoke COlli Co., Central City Coal Co . has been tlbe ooal used principally, but the 'act of DB being a thousand settled produotlon. N wiles nell.T·e r, and a deep cbannel all the year, suables u. to market our 011 In this district Is found In nino out of teu wellH thnt are drilled In IIttonlll CollI Co., Ohio' Val)ey Coal Mining Co., Tra10wnt-er Coal Co., conI cheaper than they, very Illw dry holes: no wild oottin~; hence, no rlilk In the investment. U. t4. Uo&I and Coke Co., Wheatoroft Coal Co., Waverly Coal Co:, and The goographloallocatlon of thill property is unexoolled. l::Juear Let1.888 here sell for a bonus of ,\00 00 per II QrA wUhout any prool1o lIlI1UOrOUe small oompanies. Thllre ILre no failures In this dlstrlot an(J plantntlonl9are heavy consumers of coal and buy nver ooal exclUSively, tlcn. The territory In Paoll l KlmMs is In a well tlefi ne(l one,llOrrounded I Ite price of ooalat the mines Is better than in some of the Ohio, and and manulracturing IndDBtries are IncrellSlng very rapidly In thlll part of by strone producing wellA: tnere is no productioll upon this property as lJ<.tter than 111 Indiana or Illinois fielde, . tbe 80uth ; bence, the markets of the south are good at all "m88 reo yet i the Companv Intends to start operations tbere in a very sbor* time, gardles8 o~ th e !loBson. Well. In tbls territory start oft froUl'GO to 100 ba nels, ellcb, per .day an (\ Tbe property oontrolled by the Kentucky Coal Mining Company It is R known fllct by all ooal operators tbat prices reoelve4 for OOIt.l settle dowa from 5 to 10 barrels, 'I'hls territory is remllrklible tor t b e (', ""lilts of 2,000 aores, located in Union Co , Kentucky, tbe heart of this in t·be sont;hern markets arlt far better than In the nor'th, hence, the rea&On that the percenta8e of dry holes 18 lees than In any ot.her t-errltory ,"iI_I"iet, about 25 miles southwest of Evansvitle, Indiana , ' The minols reBllon Pitlt.flburg concerns eeek this market regardl8:ls of the difficulties In theoountry. . , C. encounterE!d 10 'he Upper Ohio RI ver. The cost of drilling wellll,here is very mucb 1888, as 011 is fonnli at a deptla Coal ILHbe New Orleans Port under contraot to ocean steamers of (lbout 435 feel: tbe thlckn888 of tbe oil hearing sand 18 abont 27 feet, tbus , IIItral Railroad runs directly through It and it is situated witnin six , , .. !It'll of the Ohio River. This property Is surrcunded by cool mines brings '3. S5 per tOD, and on the open market sa 66 per ton. Compare .howlng that the wells will be long lived. . aml the Wllverly miDee adjoin it on tbe west and the Corydon on these prloos wltb, the Chicago prl088 ot '1,75 to '2.25' per ton. All you MIll eaat. The teat holes sbow four veins of 0001 upon tbis property : tbe ROO, we m~lke better profits In the lOuthern markets. V aD B. firll.t 'VeIn at a depth of 160 feet. 6 feet tblck, with a good Mnd.stone roof, An illustration of tb" cost of produolng aDd landing coal In the The 011 holdlngsl~ ocnnootlon with tbe 0061 6nablell this CODlpany wblch 18 a very important feature , there beinll no necessity f{)r wood New Orlea.ns market, ond the prctitAI rooelved :t{) pay dlvldend8 at {)nce, to the etookbohlel'fl. of 1 per ceut, per month . pro ... which makOl mining In a great many districts expensive; this ODe tow boat w1ll t-ake twenty barges of coal from tltl! field to Upon the selling price:of the .\0011: un til the ImprovementR in theooal fielde vein I. known as No, 11 and Is free from water .and the grade of coal New Orlenns aDd make three round trlplli,! sixty days: each barge will ar900mpleted. Il 1& the In&enf.lon of the company to 11811 .:>nly enonlb of raolre Wltb the beet bltumlnou8 ooal in the market borns freely makes hold 1,000 Itons, making 60,000 tons of coa1. fheC08t of mlqlng 110,000 tons this stook to complete these Improvemen&" wben thlliAtooll will 'pay m{)re II. white alh and no clinkers ; It resem blfl8 cannal c~al and , In ie call. of ooal at t;he Union SOllIe of WllgeB III '27,900.00, and traneportAltlon from than 15 per cent, upon the par value. ' • ed HIIlI.cannal by a great maDY ooal men . The second veiu Is known as tbe mines to the river, via electric tramway. at. 50t per t-on mallea It WheD It oomes to oomparlng the coal mining IndWitry' 'witb other Nil. V and II found at & depth of 240 feet. This is an excellent grade of 000.00 :.Iease of towboat and barges at the valuatlon-of '200,000 on a 6 Industriee,lItatlstioe wlll8how very few fllllurtl8 , Thi8 III r~nlzed tor ooal wUh .. rook roof, eame as No. 11 : just south of us by Reineke & St. per cent 118Sls, Is '12,000 manning. maintaining tow. boAt aDd orew . for the reason tbat It Is one of the great8llt stapl8llin 'he w{)rld on wbloh tho :emard, and west by tJte Sturgle DeKoven and Pittsburg oomponles. Sixty days, ",000 : InQidentala for three trlpe, '10,000; estlma&ed ocei Of! wheels of every Ie dependent. Tbe Ilemanll ~lIoh year Incr_ o. 8 q a vein very little known BlI to grade, not being worked in tb1B miuing 1~000; estimated cost of mining 60,000 tons of 0041 1 and plamng to tbe extent {)f 10000 000 tons' henoo when you bave an InevlltDleDt In IHI dl~trio', but the t-Olt showe tbe vein to extend onder tbls property, No. 7 It In tbe ew Orleans market Is '56,900 reoelpts for 110,000 tonB {)f 0081 Indmtry of thl8 kind it I~ far better " hllD .Bulldlng LoRn Allllocl ..Unn or is IUPpoeed to be the tamoDB Bell ooal and Is found at a depth of abOut at 'S.S5"per ton, S201,OOO; coat of mining and trlUlLlportatlon .1)6,~ I&vlngs Bank It Is absolutely 8afe ' 'he t!IIrnln ge Ilre muob LaTlftlr aud 1i00 feet. Thle til & fine ....ade of ....... and cokina coal and readily brin .... a leaves a profit of '144,100. ...ou h th ' 1 ..... I tl r' too' ... price 01 liD to '4.00pe';,'"t on at'tb; mines. is known to exillt on thiS 'this profit I~ for sixty daye with the' capacity 01 the property of J ave enorea"",. va ua ono your II .. . property by tbe tests that have been made. 1,000 tone per da~ Tbeee facts have.been carefully obtained and oan be There has been 100,000 . ~h a,re,~ of tlti<; ,'1t(wk ,clef. , depended upon as being !loourate. The mllrket Is absolute and they eeek aside to be llOld at flo oents,per .c;lua'e. pa1' va.lru $1.00, for this grade of 001101. Thie Company Ie pnttlng In a 8haft with a capac. This property a tmnk line of one or the largest railroad IIYII. tty' of 1,1)(}0 to 1,800 tons per day, wlth' electrio tramway from when the price w-"ll be advanced. 1,Jer cent 1)el', tllms running directly through it, giving DB a market by rail botb north river. All Improvements on this property will be modern In every, reo in dividends wiU be paid on the ma.rlcel, pri-:Cll of the ' 80uth and enabling DB to enter the largllllt 0061 markets of the oountry epeet .. stook.~
Oil Terri
Dl id
TraD.Do.tatloD In Ma.kets.
.~ ~
i' $ i.
. Chas: .11. Bake,:, President -and Treasu~'er; . . James Stoops: rice Presiden;f,; , Jl'i01tola8 Metz. &C1'eta1'!i; DIRECTORli: Chas. Q. HIldebrant, Ex. U. .s, Uon~7'essman, 6th DUJtncf of Ohio, Wilminllton, Ohio. James Sioo1)s rice Preside-nt, 01 Citizens. Bank , Wayne.c;ville,O.. W. R. Stelle, : . Cap~'talist, Indiana,polis, Indiana,. . Elmer L. Carl. Wholesale", Retail Tobaccf)ni,~t' Fra.nkt07't, Indiana. ;NicItQlll; Metz, ,Florist. D'ayton, O. Ohas . .!l : Baker, President and Treasurer, Ind~anapolis, Indiana. : . ' -
ro. a
lew day. only, o. as long as the .allottment of 100,000 .ha.... la.t. yo.... can' bu~ fo. ca.h •
10,000 tlhares, '2500.00 Cash 5,0000 Shares, • '1250. Oaeb 2,600 Shares 4' 625. C""b 1,000 Sl1arOl ' 250.00 Cash 500 tlhar8ll, 126 Quh 100 8harOl ~1i, 00 Cash ~ OR IF .YOU PREFER THE MONTHLY PLAN, YOU CAN BUY : . l1li'" 10, 000 tlhares $400. Cash 6 monthly paymentA '"'00, 8l1ch ' 1),000 Shares '200. Calb 6 monthly payments 1200. tIIch . 2,~ 8.hares 1100, Cash 6 monthly payments 1100. elloh 1,000 SbarOl 40. 0&81a. 6 monthly paym ente . 1 to. ellO." Sh ares , 20. Cash 6 monthly payments , 20. eaoh 250 Sbares 10 • Cash 6 montbly pay menta , 10. each . 1000 Shares 4. Cash 6 monthly payments ' 4. each .. The oomp'ny reeervOl the rlght to withdraw this stOCK from thO market at apy time at the above price. The time to boy I~k. ie when the Comptlny 18 starting. You cannot airord to walt. All remtt&8nos mot be made out to ~he company, and sent to the home office to Nicbollls Meltz, Secretary, or JAMES 'STOOPS, WA Y'~ES VILLE, O.
Cut out thie ooupGn and mall It to \he oompany a~ on08, lta"ng how many llharee you con'l d poulbly take aDd we wl\I mall yon a Deatproepectiuil. There Is no obligation attacbed to this
Name " p , O. Addrells '
,~ -'- ' ,
I mlaht be abe to take, _ _ _ _ _ _ ' shares If I am 1&t.leOed .
$ $
$ $ Springboro. (Delayed]
Mr. Wm. Morton of Dayton spent Monday here visiting with relatlvel , Rev . D. W, Mattbews Is enter· talninehi8 brother. Rev. R. 0 , Mat· thew8 of W8I!hlngton, Mr. and Mrs. 0, O. Bamson spont SnndaY In Dayton wltb Mr. Harrl · 80n,8 mothez:. lin. Mary BrDIIOup Is the guest of her claqh&er, Mrs. B , A. Hatha· way of l.'1ncinnatl. Mn. Dudley Keever and 1IOn Wy. nne, ot Centerville, Bpent a few
days last week with relatives at this place. A'i;umber from hern attended the funeral of Mrs. Mllt{)n Stabler of Washington D. O. !lot Lebanon Sun. day. Mis'.! Mllry Oray entertained on Sunday Mlsa Bertha Pettigrew . of Miamisburg. Among tbo80 from a distance who attended the fnneral of Mrs. David Corwin were : Mr. and Mrs '1'beo. dore Lawrence of Harvoysburg, Mr. Ilnd Mrs . .racob Hale of Wtlmlng. ton, Mrs. Wilbur J , Emmons of Sld· ney, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Mltohel l
of I::Jpringfield, Mrs. ~rrle Hoover MrR. C. P. WheatOD of Lebanon. of ColumbD8, Mr. and Mrs, 0, E. Mr, and Mrs. Nloholll8 Archdeaoon Halterman of Columbus, Dr. and sbent l::Jonday at MartlDBvllle, with Mrs. L'ha.s . H . Corwin of Lebanon, their IOn. Mr. and Mrs . Harrlson,MuUln of Mr. Clarence Vandever of Mlam. Franklin, Mr. T. E . Hoover and isburg Ie spending ·the week with Mrs . Sus"n Hoover of Lebanon, Mra. biB sister Mrll. Wm, Early , Jane Aml Hardy of Dayton, Mr. ' lUes Martha Pence had BIl reoent Cbarles IMerritt .of South Obarles- gnestsMrs. S. H. Ellle ancl daugh. ton, Mrs. Ji.'lla Mlohener of Way. ter MI88 bora of WaynOlvi11e. nesvllle,Mr, and Mrs. E . O. So~era Mn, Elizabeth Blackford and son of Franklin, Mr. and Mn. John Cas- Carl recently moved toa farm near KeY,Mr.and Mrs. J. N , Lemmon, Mr. Harveysburg. James ~toope, Mrs.~, H. Ellie and Mr. J. W. Hadley. baa moved his l\Ii88. Ilora EJUs of Waynesville, Mr. hardware Btook Into the vacant room Levi RoberfAwn and Mr J F in the K, of P. buUdlnjJ, . ' " . :.. Born to Mr. and Mrs, Clint · Butt, Snook of South Lebanon, Mr. ana-. BOD.
The fnneral of Mr. Barclayl::Jomere at hll late home Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock Services be tng oondnotedby Rev. W . A. Vromm 'fhedeoea~ lea.vOl a widow, tbree daoghters and t.wo eons who bave tbe Iympatby of their mllny friends In their lad bereavement W&8 held
Mrs. David Corwin. Mary Mullin Cor!V ln was born on tbe I::Jchool 8eot.lon In Monttromery Co.. Oblo, t.bree miles north or ~p~prlngbO~ l~L and died raary "47, 1906. n Wh n~ ro, e bo en e wu a . ut. Dine ,.ean 01 age her parenti, Job and EmeIlD~ Mullln, movecl to the farm near
Ooi l:lh,
Springboro, where lbe Uved until her ~rriage OIl tbe 18th, of Sop. tembllr 18110 to DaVid Corwin, The flrat t.bree yeara of .t helr married life wal 8pent on. fanriilear 'Ualoii Village. tn lbe ran ' of 1888 they purobaeed and moved o.utotbe farm on Clear Oreek now owned and 00 ·
~~~~~ ~e~u:e~~~!i lt~ tt:et:J~;:: lOuth of Springboro wbere they lIv. ed f0:Jeara coming 'to the honse they built In Springboro 10 t.he ff~~ C::pl:~,,!hJ:e ~ei&.~~Ged t,o death, • nrin e Mra. Corwin WaB not i4enWled by membenhlp with any. reUgloD8 denomlua"on bnt her early uaool. a&loUl were wJth th<'8'rienda and ber IJDlpatblel were alwaya With the faith 'hey profeBl8d. .
" Out.,... 1Iiood
:-~Y;:'::~~"·A-:~G-:~-~'~~·t·t~·"··~"·~·~·I·"·"·"·'I~~'l·'I·,.·;n·lI~'~~:~u·n·U·IC·$~b·o·e·'~d~e~'~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A~r~t~I~~~Be~~aU~~~fW"."~~~~~~~~~~~~------~~~~8-u-r-e~t-~~C~"U-i--~~·~~ ---,
W~.ltl' at W~10 ...IIIi!;
. lot . '1'. )JftOWH
. a,ZA . W A.. Iii'
AllaLa.ItT Y . 10101(1.1' f l!ldltor.
&od ManaKers
MIUj, T . J. BROWN, AS80 qlA T.
11 .00 a 1'Car . - . . - • . 10 OOvaooe 1I ,:l6 .. yeor II 1I0L paid 10 OOu_o.D(I
'l'£ullPl'!oNE WEDNKSD'AY,
eJlLL • • . MAROH
No, 6-i
I • .. .. ..
Warren County Court. OOMMON
Northwestern LUhograph 00., VII '!'he Morrow Ale Brewing Co. De. fendant granted 30 days In whloh to me answer. Newton L. BunDell VB W. S. Bo. pD. Jr. M. Hamilton IB appolnied reoelver and gives '7110 bond. Mary Ellen Jaok vs William Jr. Jaok. Dlvoree granted and plaintiff 18 glveD oustody of the ehlld. William Miohael V8 The Perrine Paper Co. et al. The following perBonB are made oo-defendants; with leave to file an3wer aDd ol'088peii. tlon . 1'be FIlllulrt COlI 1 and Mining Uo., ,I . Gumbunk.v, ,Jacob Hyman , The Milchanical Rubber Co., Erie Chemio,,1 Worker. A" J08eph. Said an!lWllrll 1\lld cross· petitions are ae cnrilillll:ly flied. Jennie Bearne vs 'V. W. Rogers, et Ill. JUdgement fM lJiatntlft In Rum of.373 10. ' , O"nlel W. Allen, aD tnfont, eto, VB IbA Ceutral Union Telephone Co. e llnH!! re·cnt.ered to Clroutt Collrt .John F . t!tober, .Ilmlnlstrlitor va 'l'bo C. C. C. & St, L. Ry . Co. .Jury ordered ooudllOted to view the BOOne of the aooldeut for whioh damaae8 are sought to be recovered AUgU8t Zinok Vii tho Vallsy 'fele· phone Compllny. CaMe oompro· mlsed and dlamls8lId. State of' )hln ex re el VII QlmrJ611 EKing et ~l. .In<igment for plain. tift' In lIum of $11115 SCi and oosts PllllotitI Iii elltltled tu recovor s~ld lIum froof CharieR E. King, W . J, Collstt. B . E Collett, A T. tlBhln 8ftmuel A. EIlIII. Wilson Harvey, Qlocy King, Geo. W . Harlan, Chaa.abdden, rAlwls 8 1.1lkens, W. · A HorvAr. N B Rlrh /lnd Levi .J_llfl. Oefen(lllnt t')lO"l'tiI to 11.11 or tI~ ill j ndgfll1lf'nt, A I'l)e~ 1 hond filt ..,1 'It t:1~OO 70. RJt:AL K8'1'ATIll
of Ellie M OnrrhiOlI et 01 mill\lTtl WilJllinl Klug allpolnted gUfI.I·.Jhtn witb bond of 1. ,000 R . W Gilohrlst Ildmlnltltmtor of d de· the etltute of Elizilbeth P. . Wt ar, d VI< M Itry E NI pgm e 1\1. All Oell1<6 d l t d 00 t huvlng beeu paid e I S I1n , s 8 . tile 011 use isdismiR8ed, Frunk HutchimlOll udmi VII L?l'IIuk Hutchinson et 01. BIlle of 1 nIl(Iud re,,1 estt~to apl)rov(lt ee orcIerIlli gi van. Mortgl1gB role~f!ll d . Est~te of Rlohmlln L , MldtlJeton, In81lne. We81ey Middleton appoint. ed gunrdlnn with bond of 100, de. In re wl' ll LoulsD~ LonOorn"n. ... ~ oeused. WIll nc'mitted to probate. . Estate of Louls/\ Longemon. de· oea a~.' William Br~nn aPllOlntorl :>"'u. tc Itl ,.b d ~f 1000 execu r w I on 0 , . "'ht to f T \V G ' I hit ·· a 0 to • . . lor II " ueceas· ed.,.., , Motion reqnlro Itmnl1M 00 oonnt of oounsels!!rvloes Qver·ruled Katie C. Nixon a8 'j(unrdlan of MaryL.andHarrletNixon,minors, I W S f n Geo. . ton ey a8 truRtee 0 Mary L , and Harrlet NlxOD minors, Clluseset for hellrlng Maroh30. ' Estate of Daniel Bowlth, deOOtlEed. Jrinst and tlnlll aooount fr r settlement filed . E~ tllttl
. :a A 'Iol\r. nnd E f1:e~lthy wC<;Jmplexion o
51 e Ii . H '.ea d ae,-he . . .
1 ... .. n CIlI:! llephikohlr l'i1l't'1< y."" ., Ily~. . > papllil\. .l . N. iJun n r\V 'ill PI' ~'\ n "I'k
'. Lin. " ""' , :nnd Jump ••
.. catllr.J'b.
ow 'Very , 0~1I\\lmlly b tl\ln I t. ... ' . . Mero physical bouuty. illltiol'n g U!\ thr' J lI ~y. : ~ouhd nip from .' , i t Is, willann ol; peiro/luontly tlvil,iJ ill " !tis n o t vftl'lI thnt ho l)t"'~s lip the Ilb so oe of ,ll 9 le/l ll , ft·Cf.\ h , )~ olllU D W l'c.molly wirl, h i:! OW,,· [1 \" "on. thy skin tI.n ~ COOlpl ol'ion. A '\"01111V he-h yo ur h <;ad'ad ics, the re, 111 gunruntoe I) 11 t. h e It now~ tbll l: P Oll' WAYNESV·ILlE · nn ltllLY have ' liei'(l'ot felltll.1'Cf!, It is a· storin ill th e n ervo us sys- sOw l!\- IH. UTa,> tll h, 'lv 11 11 wlt v hu \!! - TO- · yo ntll f ul fobu l1'Utl n: gl'l\O ful fig ure te m, cent.erill ~ in' the br ai n. cll~onio dYfI)lCjl!!iLI IIn,1 IDd iges ti')lI but without the'h eal th nnd bl oolll T his irri ta Llon p rpduces pa in the very first (In,y t hey hf!f( in III of a olear eld n , perfect beunty .is in the h ea d , a nd th e tu rb ul ent tuko i t . ' Impo~sible. Whe p t ho ' s kin ' is ner ve cmrent sent to the stom- I Mort oovol'il u i!:1 Inll uns.y 31111 hlH muddy 'or olo nd y or O1llr rorl by rll th ' . _ , . , a cll causes n aus ea . v omiting. 1'81111 ,OtlO l1 I ~ wor lh 1,00 IIl llc h 10 D . ( ,. spots nnd l:ilmvles, oine t lllles \n ten t k I ' 1 - -Itis nue t o NlJ.ttlro ' H lUlL . 111' I't T II I's \' 5 sl'c'k 11C~"~, CIIC, u~n d a 'o c lanOCl' 11\ I'CCnnJ1l1 en( iog. Il 'y t l' " Un perfor m th e fun otion s oSsen tilll '" is dan gero tt s, a s frcqucn t a n d n~'IIVI romelu y t o t h ol l' CII~to IllOI'~ thaI, ner.foot h eulth. 'p rolo nged attacks w 'ak en thc WI not I 0 J U ~ I, 11 ~ rep1'esente!l. 1(.• Lurll 1I11l1t. AIJrII 2~. IJennll, ten MUIIY (J, 'Vuy nosvillo Intly )111<1 b rai n, rcs ul t in g' in los s of Popsi k oi u ill ,.1 rOlllllrimlJle pre)JIlr(1Il Y~' OU Il II ~ . truthfully toll of tllA rem llt' kllhl,' mcmory, in fl:lIl1l1l a t io n, ep i- u ti on IlIHI hil S pOl'formed som . O llre~ He"""",l )0',. .. " ' " lH'olJer ties of Lllxu lwlu Tuni c 'l'1I1I I fit u" l ill Wlly u o~\'i lJ o t lr ll t honl er ll})Oll cAl ps)"l I s,I . IZZ llI l':';, e " C. 1e I!l li S Il s kl. n b Ctlll t I' fl Ill' , nOI I II11' LOS ANGELES .1 t he ruirncl1loUR U is Il lso a ~ruDlI May 7LII \0 IUlh. SI" II"'I', Im loCrl~ 1 rellson i eH!W to find . 'l ' lt(w lirA ay t li S st o rmy, Ir rl l;tl C' u, ner ve t oni c. It improve!:! t,h o LLppe. co un Cil . rmrely vegetlli)le li nd co ll1 ll11Rr.Cl II I ac h ing conditi on by l aking tite, gi vel< new stl'ongt,h. nnel lI ll W ' U. c n ~o tll'ln . , Illl lI o II,er PX Dr, lIl il es ' Ant i -l~a i l1 Pill5. . (1IL t ll II II .O energy, t,oneil np t ho stOl'lIttOlt ,wd SANPRANCISCO .1,,1 , ('Ih In 1:1 Ih, t rnots knowil to IIllV Il It >l p!<JN.ivl' T il ey stop the pain by sooth- digestivo or gn ns, llnel lllnk o!< you NIIIlonal H<1 u"uUonal ;\,"ool,, "on uotlon fO T til(l ~ ld n , Th oy iU1prov,' i ng , strengt hen ing and r eli c\,- fee l better right 00'. "peoial low fllro ticket,s the cOlllplexl nn, cl6'lr Ill' tho ,,,i ll. i ng th e ten sion u pon t h e II crve 'Wh t'n yon buy II pnokn ge of Pep. l:>ou t h , I:!outhwest und No r tb· enrich t h o hl ood , Ktinml!. t,n o Ii \' · - not b y pa ralyz in rr th em , a s alkoll! you tlftl prlltceterl ill every weR t er, tone III" t,Il O 1'1'11,,",1 ·"' 1 10. " . 1 111(1 ('III'U I 1 '" 'If 'oures 't I 2 ' ~( 0 mo t lc:.rdache rClll cd ic . _ Wil Y, yon tl'I ) 0 cos t 8 ' 5 ol1ronl'c ".Oll D tl · pllt , · rlll lJY OIIC·O!.II·,,!!. h 'f ' ] J I' or <leu,ll. IIIJOI,1 l~ "" orro .., lnn" ' ~ O' D r. jllliles' A n ti-P a in Pill s do , C8 n ",,-1 It l oes n ot, "r. . ILnney furcHLn "" l' polnl. "",I "" .. Llclolar. in~ t he lJowtllR Hn d n~Hi ~ l,i llt.!: Nn1. nr p . I will )lil y bnc k y onr IIIrm oy wil.hont abo1lII'cII ',\,lvunla 1.1" . , p ...SHo·,," c .. to d o it;a own por fuct wo r k , Mr . not co n la lll opi u m , mo rphi n e, the lellst.n r g nment , sc r v,"c, "OlIN ul l II . I': , IlIlln· H. JllIIney r ocorn ll1 l1 1HI ~ t.\1(\111 with (w. chlora l,co caine o r s imib r u n lg-s. - - 'I'lell " .~ g~ nl. .-er .y cOllfWeneo 1111I1n 2(; ('Oll t Ill/ ok. "Sick h <n d nr h n Is hrrcdll n.ry In m y (:l UlU ),. .l l h ~ r ~~ U :h.· I ·dt n g rl"'u t uge mll ~t 'd o ~L~ clni m(HI Or yn ll I 'lln <1 "nl, nnd Mf ynr f'"'"'Y l'~.;"s 1 h ,,,'o ha d Crushed Corn. ~ _____ _ Ita vo YOll r monoy bllck . " ,, 0 11. Ihllt "" ' 1' 0 80 ""\"'ro thnt 1 W IlS to 1111 .. ",110 In)' bu, ln,·"" n IT" I..;. W e a re grin(ling' orushc(1 cor' l} A Fllvol'itll RUlilOli.V for Bn bie~ . funlll,l. .. r 'L rlay "I' .0 Ol "t ime. Durln~ " It It. I d - - - - - - - - - -. "', ry "O "oru """r k oi h ~" d. chc, 1 took overy Ilfl.V. Wo keop ground feed ,f! p eOSltU .,ns ,0 un prompt l lr. MllcR' ,\oll · I·"ln I·il i. llnd " w y to exo bUI1 "e it YOIl h,L VC n ot thue'to cures hllve m u!lcl ClJn rnberln ill 's Curod Bemol.'r h tlgcs M t lt n L l111 gH, rolle\'po me " 1 1n~.t Imrn.' dl llloly. Slnc" 0 Co h R d f .( It I h tl l" II I lnl<o lh,·m. w!., ,, r (,...! I he "pell walt.. I' u ,· 1',·", 1 ...X"lill ll t.( " IH I lUI on ,u ~ emo y n '/l von ,Il W I I, 0 ee"Severlll :rell rs ~ince my In llg ~ <um lnE.r on nnd i t " "I'" Il II I on -o.' Il t,,,lI ul' ellHh II"s i ~. motlrers of s mull r:hilrlren, It (Iuick. ,IO II N J , 1II o l~Rr.A tN, 1 tl . were so bndly nJfccl,cll : thllt 1 h ,,,1 Pr,'•. s. B. Enl.~. C o., Soul h ll. nd. Ind. " If .v ' )lI lI"vP Hor t,I'I<-,1 our C'r l1!.hell y cures , lelr co u g h ~ IIUt! eolds nnd IIlIlUY h em or:rhn goH." w ritos A. r,t , Or. Mil •• ' Anti -Pai n Pills are sold by (JurI! (lld l ""t! ~"" it ,," (1 vou wi ll flav prevents 'n.ny dnnger h f IJ110Ill oliin. or Ake, of W ooll , I n"U " I t <1'l lc tl'elllyou r druUgl.t. who will UII . r. nleo that tb t ' t ' I " f ' 1 ' t he first pack. n. will be". 'it, I( It I ' n l , '~ t, 10 11l(:~t uO( .VIIll over ot 1lIiT Reri ous cOI1!<cqu~ n tle!< It lIOt t · I I I I ' II 1 . 1 1Il0n WIt. I RAVe r tL JlIYS OI n l1" wll,)' ~~ " ~o~••w25":.enhl'.r.n YCe'v,rerm.oo",'deYI·n bulk. 1~Il W. \V1l~' n C'Rvill e Mill!!. 'J!I y onrcs crollp, lut when g ivon nut an y ben" flt. I ~ betl HI /II'lm] 1.0 N tl I Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind - . &8 poon os 10 cr oupy CO ll I; Illppenrs take FOley 's B ouev nnd T ar . "n ,1 _ will pre vcnt "h e Ilt,tnck. F <1r sal e m y Illllg~ IlrI3 now Il!l sO lll111 II A II ~[' bY, Freel C chwnrtz l.m lot, I r eOOlllltlAlICl it in fIll " " IIC· - - - - ,-------.' 1'. \'. • ll' Ie eneI', v l ed stt.l~e80f:Jtmgtl'rl n hI O. " U" 01 ('.\·'~ DR.H.E.I:lA'I'HAuTAY V~~1'ERr AR Y kl .JH.GEON, • LUKENS, Boncy nnd 'l.'tlr !:IIO)li! t ho congh a nd " ,I ~I)lm(ln . OhIO. he,fils th l ungs, nnll Ill·/3\'ont,,. !leri I 'an h A cn ll "ll nll V hour d,wor pn-vsIQIAN AN D SURGEO N, l Oll S 1'0SUJt.H f rOll1 It cold. r:.llfn ~" vV/l yn esvill e 's LourIllI g Den tist, n igh t, Br)t,h Bell lIud Valloy OOF I!'IOE. IN AM AN BLOO K' suhRti tu tes. OIr. tl nJ( ~l'. · Uul "l! n~,· · .\t al " Slr'e P bon CR.,Vulley Pb one No. 238,
Jp di.cllh, .
, B, D.l oc> -
Bores h~al • .iI i8 ,mad. " rt;~ .from ,r ich IIlqw
, At ' · tb.
l he tligoe, wea k ·
e old PliOOUB l)lbod • . with ' di.
M arc h 24t h
'r nil elso
comfort.f us have Puok, Day
, 1'>lbIQto 9 t.0 c UI'a. :U;a
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vay. <In Ii' 0. S t ., Ki dney 1m d eal h hL'~
Di• .
t l k llow .
· trl)u bll'. '. catc h e~ n J! n bed
b" n.r ll1g lall ' ,I orte n had ~ i cl( '8 and I g d u wn £L'I
T h' ldd .
' e l io u ! \ut . and IHOtl ! d Inc so IS 1I1
t. o ublc~
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ - - ----
S l\
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ENT d y l'RF.1l ltle r
S ixt y
,11 ft \ est. in lu" t tlis tlJijl'd flOlU Jaud \."O Il! .
a tbe oc re,
for mize4 :tpfDt. '8
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1M ....
, «: lIl 8 :
unstrung, your appetilefallayouand
JOD feel as tbough the bottom bad drop-
the penalty for the bdllcted upon you ....lf by hastily_teo
IIIId improper food.
Your digestive organl, enn thougb delIcale, will stand a lot of servIce, but lIle,. reaent ll\·treatm.nt .
Use For
Dr. Caldwell's .
(L • • •" •• )
Syrup Pepsin
Ie the greatest remedy In the world for correcting and curing al\ forms ohtomacb and dIgestive trouble. It Instantly impartl new life and vigor to parts and keeps them iD prim. IIIId perIect working Clondltlon. Dont't walt until you are In the grip of these torturlogcomplahUs. but geta CloIJar or half-doUar elze of DR. CALI). WELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN DOW at your diuggist'. and torula\l the trouble. Your money will be refunded If. It 40ea not beDelit you. '
..BOOK ~~~J:.""~:,..ct':o~··'i;'RI~I~~~t~= OF WONDERS" aDd free .Imple to
tho .. who h8ve Dever tried thll woDdufld nmedy. Do It DOW,
Emmn. Wrll(ht to '1", "'''Oil A. tlnd ArU., Zlmnll!tllll1u. lot in W".vneH , vme: 2000. , '8&muel M. Dearth, allllilcnee to Elt..beth A. Dearth et aI, 16 1I0rea ID' FraDkllD townablp; 1120. 'Sylveater TUton, exeCutor of Par milta Dear&b. d906aaed to Margar. et's. BoblDlOD i 18 aores In Frank. liD townabip: 7119. IIl1abe&h A . Dearth et al to Mar. pnt R. BobiDlOn, 16 acrll8 ID 1'nmkllD townahlp: 13". QeorIe W. P.lwell aDd wife to Richard PattenoD, 3 aorea ID W..htD,ton tOWJUlhIP: 500. '1ohD Sheehan to L. B. Douglu8; 5.8. aoree tn Turtleeree,1l ~wn.hlp; GaUII. Geor«eW. Gululnger aDd wife to Peter· MUler Jr. 7:aX aorea ID 'l'Drtleereeek towD~hlp i 1.00. C. Katherine Gilohrl8t to R. Wntb Gllohrlat, 28 27 acree in 'l'DrUeoi'eek townllhlp ; 1.00 Jamea iI. aDd Carl J. "Killer to Ralpti ·· If.· Beel, 101.79 &01'81 10 FrADltUn townllhlp; 7,000. . ID re Will TholDU UDal.bee, de. oeuecI'; ' Wlclow eleele to take un· ,. , der ~taJOI1 oUhe wilL .
w hy
.enled I~ t · lvi_cd (or ,ure blood
'0 ..
,d Rpcc inl
I ,
HARlllAOlJl LIOKNSIii. Walter R. Cllirkf', MlamlBburg and Graoo Want,z, Frauklin, Rov. Shields. Allen L. Dowdell and Anna M . SollIe!! both of Maineville. Phil C. VuUker, Norwood, Ilnd Lovena K , Starke. Lebanon , Wll\i"m p, CI"rk and and Rosa Mvrtle WilBon both of South Leb"· oon. Rev. Brown. .
." Jb.rtln Tl1uMoy t" I ."'''Mle Montz, 110 BOrEllI in FlUnklin t"lVn~hll' ;
ilHbll ll,' , .."lntf'd
. p oUU, . .~ohll . execlHrlx, .IUIlI (,,, .1'olllj)I ,Po ll " r l')",III,I; ,. IIIlI .e .... iI.'l'hoiJ~pIjOll nppraisers: -~,.. 1i" '"I1K Hu'tohluson I"dWiOll:!trotor of th El u~t.llte of'Mll,r.v E . H\ltohin80n dflCe. I ~l'd Vri Jrr",nlt HutChinson' et r\"I,,:u i~1I1el)t ' cflJlfll'r~cd IIIl.d ~rder ,10" p,lvllttl sale of real estllte lssued. E- ltIl'llo f Horrillt <). Kell.v, decel~s, H( t. Bllrton H, Kelly oppolnted ad . mln~'rlltor with 'bond of ,300: :J. g, ,lunne.v , S. LIIVI Cu-rtwrigl1t ond .I" bn H. CIl~k"y ' al·'I)rllisers. lu ro uppli08tlon for the appoln t mllnt of Gutl.rdian of James W. Em8 imbecilo, J A. Runyon appointed ~ lIllrdilln with bonrl uf '4 0 00. E~tute of E\izflbet.J1 Wa·rd, deceu8· e li Acooun t und inventury of ud . rniuist,flltor tiled nnd his refli/,:ultlou
bne bl;;;;a
Aml1ndli SohfllJ til Cla"rl .. ~ Schell ; 190acr88lu Burian tuwuship; a2tioo or C . PattElrs,m. IIhtlriff, t,o TbOll R . L H .. H; 43 Ilor"~ III Oaertleld l(,wIIPhl,l : 11119:1 . &tr.. h M Pat.lAI'MIIII 10 P B. Dun , bam lind W ,1;1 H',II'l'iug, lot 10 Leb. anon; al 00 W . Z. Roll til W. I Long, 6J Ilores , .oln BarhlU township; .'24[;,). GeorgI' R. Andorson to CelBlfta 811roll, lot lu Morrilw; 7..0. ' Thum .. tI A .June.q IIlId wlrs t.o me American Writing, lot In ,FraDlIlI1I ; 1 00 • ~'red (:. Wlttlillger to Loui8:Wltt. linger, 66 lIor88 lu Frlln 11In town , . • hlp; 1.00 George E, Young to E. K. Snook loa In Lebanon.; O'...' aarvey E. Guattu to Lelia O. . stowe, lot In Springboro; 1150. " . George W. Hamilton, deoeaaed. ,ADna B'a mtlton et III to Alexander aDd Sarah "amllton, lot In Deer. Geld 1.00. -' .'·' MAry E. Tb~mPllOU, fit &1 to Budd '!, '.Tbomp80D, quit olalm to three traClt8 , ID Tanlecreek toWD8hlp; 1.00, Me~tle Shaner aDd husbllDll to E B. VaD WaU~r, 158 aorel! square ., poIealn Wayne town8hlp; 22r. . , . ',,fohn W. and [11,\ M. 1'u'lknr to Ed McFarllilll\ 111111 AIt.. M,·F.Irl "lIci, . ~5.87Yv lI(\rf'~ In MU"!Iie 10' n""!(I; l
O(>atlo(l~~url;h . ,l . lJII"
. . . ., ...... IlIInoi. !-I" I .. In .J. Ii: .111 n n"v
:1 :t
U.~ AI.lm
Teiel)hono In his house where he mn be .CIllled at all hours, day or night. Oooohos and ohairs lIupplled Have recontly moved to room Dext to Cr088 BrOil. MAIM BTREET,
l",eVR&. ..··....,.
8ieepieS8ness .
Oisoldortl of tho stomaoh produoo DAr'vous condition and often pro. vent 81e1lp Ohamoorll'l'n'l\ St.o. mlloh lind Lher 'l'ablettt !Jtirnulat:e tbe . dlgel!t.l ve organfl, retltore the .Y8tem to. a healtby condition and make Bleep poetiible. Fpr 8111e b Fred O. Schwanz.
e a
Invented ' by n Vermont lIlacklmith Who BeCAme a XU· GOOD WO:8.X , OP TIlE KAINE HonAlre, AUDUllOlJ ' SOciETY.
'A .Glimpse 'o f the - Adi.ronda~ks in Winter
'rhe l arge sl~el squares usr,d by car· peu ters Bre such 1\ CQmlalOU tool thnt V'ar!ous Speclea WWch Were OU p~rhllpa few Ilnow whelll IlUd 'I\'beN! Verge of ExUnctien Are Now they were first mndo, anU bow the, ' Carefully Roored-In terCArne to be used, or eve n g i ve th o mat· ,The Wonderful Region or Great EStates and Timber Trocel aad Fore .. ter Il thought. 'l'ho makIng ot tbem I. osti ng Partic-oLllll'8, Preserves-The Native. Ruddy and Rugged, a great Industry now, but when tho Accordin g to tbA r port of tile MaIne last century caw e In tIlere was not ono Audubon 6Oc!Ot u, jus t Issued, tho bird In I I H e . · .r li fo or the coast ot Maine, wh ich wua 'I'bo Invootor was a I,oor Vermont 10 dan gor or total ex~ermluaUo o . a t ew Ole' fools theIr s llkll aDd kn a ves would bo Interestad In the Icicle man blacksmith, SlI us Howcs, who Ilvod 10 years liSa, Is now In n tllrh'lng co ntltUoo . It says th at to cOlllprehend fully th eir wine; give soil, fearful t.,lk pnl· who, cnn ylng Iud dar nnd a?" goes Sou tll Sllaftsbury. 000 (lull, rniny day a pedler of Un- tile res llits et sIx years' protectio n by metto groves Of Florida; gl,'o mo roo about the strects looking lip to sce II bUilt winter nnd robust wInter joys, some hOllsewlfe wilt bid him to her ware t"llll ed at hIs shOll to have the ..... ardens . n person s hould \'Isil so me This yeaI' rt Is to be the Adlrondac'ks~ root' to whnck a wny the great stalac- blacksmith fa8ten a shoe on his horse.. or the colonios of gulls nucl terns (b ut - - - - Tbe Adirondacks fn winter ! Yes, lites hnn gl ng th ere-so metimes th ey These ped lcrs traveled ItIP and down are being guarrled. The Ameri ca n cldor duell h as for n why not ? Of cOll rse It will be cold, reach from roo t to ground. This oc- tb o COuntry calling at every farm· but wbat matter? Look at the tro[l- cupatlon of Iclcle·whackln g was utter· h Ollse buying every thins: In tb e way number of years been on the verge ot pi ngs ove r th ere with whlcb to bra \'c ly IIDIHlOWU to me. a nd I hav e enjoyed 01 barter. This one had a number of extormlnatlon ns a breeding bird In 15 GVARAHTEED TO CURE old wloter-deer·f.kln gloves, or, If I wa lch lng thc nov el laborer UL his nov. 'w ornout steel sa W8 tbnl be had l,l ckeol th e United Stales, nud s r,eclal allen. BRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. choose, tile Incb · t hi ck tufted mltlons el labor, He does his work thorou gh- liP In varloll~ places. Ho wes bargained tlon has been given to tJll~ specIe.. J woo't &ell .An.'.Or'p'ntt to •• lr"lar who won" Go"rAntee affected by SO t'.'lO ot tlR "hIcks;" for Iy, attacks the Icicles at Lholr very to r them, s lJoelng tbe pedler's hOrS6 Thero Is only ODe ISla nd un tho l\11I1I~ I .. Callfor'l'o"TIIIOl!r~Y DAnK I I' IT 1I0S'T 011 . . . . F- IF. Dlenael·.61.D., Manutaotul'()r,.8,p ..,,, /~."" footwear, lhlcj( wool stockings, buck· roo ts, somo tWO !~et UP fl'om tho edgo 'a nd rc colvlug Ihe saws In paymen t, eOllSt wh ere It Is IJo"ltl l'c ty known to I'n nd th oub llt he bad an excelle nl breed , a ltllough a few pa irs mny breed ultlo mocClllllos, lumbermen's over- o f tbe roo I, DITS AND B'REVlTIES. But to be Informa tion a l- What n trade, . else wh ere. Warde n CIIsldey of Llbb)' ~o cke, and, If need be, th e pac. that LITTLE LAUGHS. Hi s Idea was 10 Jl oll fi h and wolel twO Is land estlrnntes thnt 1.500 young tern a :-;\ Iff, rousA. hob· n alled s hoo tile woods · big, wond ea-ful region this "dlrondacl( 'fhe olog 1"'l1wn n ~ n Manchester II Denver gIrl aprnl ned her ankh. m" n clump abont In: for pellicoat, region Is: Wllh Its Jealously-guar<) 'U ,snwa togeth er, at rig ht angles. and wore rnl.ed on his I. lund. Ho NnyS lho )) :.lelrt of felt, the felt obtained at the grea t ntates; Ite timber tracts; Its thus mllk e a rul e or measure sliperi or tern s hovo establlsllcd unoth er colony bl acll·anll·lnn Is th e l atest London nt a football game. Gee, she must co nlno tas blou. 0 00,1 specImens nre ha\'e a de ep volc~! \',: p mlll down the rIver; for coa t. rorest reserves, Aod whnt II big pleas· to nnrthlng t ben In li se , lifter n tew on a near- by Is lnnd, Clillt. O. B, Hn ll, wa rrl en In the \'1_ CJuo ted a t $500. , :, ~ t s()Otle<! "mack Inaw," or t he . Wa- ure groulld' II place wh ore mtlllolis of ;attempts he Blicceedlug III making 8 LI\'ln ::; unller t he same root at ({oPnlw- Do men usually 1:1 e RecordI ·~ . ,) ro!): lined with woolly sheopsk ln ; dollars nrc 'spent overy yea r by recre ' l square, marked It 011 Ill to Inches uno! , clnl ty of Crumpl e Island, re porls a "li d ',n my head ) ' 11 place a lumber· ation Beckers. \Vh"t IIltmctlons of 1racllons 01 Inrhes lind tound thut It very favorable senson lor gulis. l orns. l,('mo, l oci" tb ~ ro nrc a 16-ycnr·old Ing to tb elr m eall~? l'npJ/er- "'o ; accordlns 10 theIr meanmon 's toque. So what care [ for 40 wo~d and water. of game and fb h. 01 anSlV or erl every IlIIrjlOSe that he In · soa plgoons and "luc heron s. nnd sny s Dloth~r. a 32·yeor·old j:randmoUlcr and dogrees below? puro air and br,lclng climnte. Jus t teod!ld IL for. 1 h 1,000 gulls and 1,500 torns worO rul sod. U 52·year·old greaL·great·gra ndmother, lIeps. over Ihe wa y Is tho state sanatori um In th e course of a few 'Wco ks ' 0 ad He nl60 reports that the bluck ducks AccordIng 10 1.a Tribuna III Romn. Orango- Has he nn Ill torest ' ln the I am locatod In a s pot that two yoars for co nsu mpt.lves; Jus t beyond liS, bor· !lDado a numbor during bls spare whl cb formerly bred on Oreat Was~ on 01 tile gait ers worn by Oarlbaldl ago was, accordi ng to a local IIhrn8er, dorlng ou~ conllnes, lies tile thousollds jhOUI'S, 'I hesc he se nl out by the ped.(., Island, bnyo sOll ght Il lle w breeding "' hen he W!lS wounded 10 tbe balt Ic of bmllless1 Lemon- Only a sligh t curiosit y, so far back 10 tile woods as to be "out of !lcres that make up the lomous prl- lers, "ho found every carpenter eager I placo. 'I'hls the ward en attributes to AS llromcnle "ug lillt 28 , l S6Z, has \1 ee n t elie ve, {If God's knowled ge." But two years vale preser~e belon.glng to a well' j :to buy ono. Soon he .follnd ord,ere , tIlo fact that Woss Islnnd Is Btocllod presentod to lbe mayor of Romo. coming III faster than he CO U,~d sUPp l~ wlUI foxes, Tbe area devowd to coru In Kanslls have worked great cbanges. The lum· known New York man , II Is practically only wlLhln the last th e demand. One of his steel squares \Ynrden CummIngs on Wass Island In 1905 was 6,799,7f.5 ncres,· an In· Pl urn-Why do lhey call an auto berman haa sighted tbe forest and taken possession, but a lumbermao not 11 years UlIlt the rich mon has s hown ' would sell for five or six dollars, tIllnl(s Inws Shoul(\ be passeu protect. crease over tha of 1904 of 305,697 " she!" al together ruthless, devastattng.' Tbls hla a pprecla tioo of Ihe charm of the which W&ll five times as rnu ch 88 It Ing silDclpeeps. He thinks U, ey aro too ncres. or 4,7 Jler cent. Tho a verage l'runes-lt's 60 hard to manage, and cost blm . beaullful and In teresting, nnd are 100 yield to t.h e aero for t he enUre stote 6 0 expensive, , He appli ed for and obt.a lned a pal· much II pnrt of the lite of 1I1e seashore, wns 28 bushels, :ent 00 his Invention so , that no one sandbnra or salt meadows to be sla uGh.R eferr ing to the tran sitIon Btage of E mmeline-I pity the mlln that mar,e lse could deprive him ot the pront 11 tored. TheIr bodies are too small to tho orlen t, DI'Jlloll Hnrn llton saId to r lcs you. I gavo hIm. It was just sifter the war be of ' value liS food and ho t hlnlts the Church ExtensIon Boclet, ot tbe E leonol'-l'd do the sarno for the of 1812, and mone y watl Bearce and shOoting them tor ~ny other purllOse Me thOd ist Episcopal church, In San lDau \.hut marr ies )'o u, on ly 1 know dlalcult to get. But he 'Worked early Ie crossly cruel. He says gun ners come FrancIsco. the oth er day; "We are to th ere'l) never bo any such man. and late, and as he earned money he to tile Island and kill them In groat see th e ruture his to ry of t he world bought Iron . and hIred men to b elp nu'mbers. th rough Ihe Golden Gate." She- [,l1 learn )'oil to flnd fault wIth him. In a few years ·ho was able to l one of tile largest herrIng gull colo. Baseball hilS fQund n footbold In tbe. my tempe r, When we married YOU erect a Inrge factory nnd pUl In rna· nles In the Uolted Slotes Is on Little CIty of Mexico, and Is to gaIn further t(Jok me for belter or WorBe, cblnery tor the milkIng of squares, Duck 1slaods. They are In chargo of Interest from the openinG of grouuds He--Yes, Martha, but dId I hope there which by tbls limo had fo und tholr Cap t. William F. Stnnley keeper o f devoted to this sport at Chapllltepec. would have beou sometlling like all way all over tbe cou ntry IlLnd had made tile light staUon, re~orts nbou t There Is tile famoua CIIlItle where average. theIr Inventor famous, 3,500 birds nnd i,GOO nesl3 on Ihe PresIdent DIu Is at home, lUI well as __ ._ - - - - - - - '· .-..;::At Such was the Bmall beginnIng ot a Island .thls souson. Warden Johnson of I the military academy of MexIco. 00 : Rls Kick. ~ large and Important Industry, People Swan Islond says that be could IIOt holidays n.o d Suodays. very iarga " You say your willi Is troubled with came miles to see the wonderful dIscover any e lder ducks or sheldrnkes crowds r esort thither to hear th~ bnod forges, the sho wers of 13Pllrks flyIng bred In thlp dlstrlct thLs year , par1.1y coocerts., Flnance ~t1nl,ster . Llmlln. Insomnln? 'fell her t.l eat 101.8 ot on· '. frorn benealh the heavy bammers, an~ because t be fi shIng boals go too ,nea r tou r Is r eady to give a concessIon on Ions; they "lnduce sleell." "But, doctor, I wish to Blellll alB.)." listen to the din ot the thousand work· tb e breeding places. He reports the grounds there for 20 years, provided ' men. . ' gull colony In bottor condition thnn I $20.00n ,Is expended 10 ImprOvem uts. Houston Post. Silas Howes lived to· l)e a million · before. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~====~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~=:;: alro nnd 110 dId a great deal of good I' . with hIs money. Squares nro stU! mad. . Ho ffays thnt at Huron Is land llle on the spot where the first ooe was · ~11 col~ny lias more th nn doub cd. o~es d ' th n 95 vears ago. There " er~ 1,300 hatched on thIs ~ mil e more ,. II J Island. Tho night herons s eem to bo ' ' ", .• hold ing theh' o wn , but the bluo horo n ,, SOME ,INTERESTING RATES. Is slow ly going down In nuinbers, Tbe large~t colony of berrlng gun s , , ., . Unique Sche.dule o( Pulbllc Services on tho Malne const, 'If not In tIlo United Prepared by the Wakelfeld Slatos, Is at No-Mous:Lalld, whIch Is (Mass. ) Item, oWned by ' Capt: Marlc Youog, who acu For the ft\ost w.ot\"ds ft\~de as wnrden. He snys that from 8,000 from ·these letters .. For announcIng to the public thllt ~ to 10,000 gull s r eturned and began to cItizen Is a "successtul business man nest titere In April, They were nOI ';" whcn the ' whole country Imows that b. ' molested, not a blrcl shot, not a n egg THE "l:1l KIl" AT WORK. is a fin a ncial failure and lazier tIlan a broken, and more tbaD-, 4,000 you ng corpor aUon seems to have a 6Oul, an Adlrondat'ks, but now, lo.the huuds or government mule. $3.79. · were raIsed. eye tor the beautiful, and the town It clubs and of In"lvlduals, lhere are 60 , For r eforrlng to a ,~ecturer or pubCapt. .rllDles E, Hull, warden nt Ma. lms pul up In a nIght (n.s Is tile time private preserves herc. Some own t he 110 speaker as having excelltlonal ora· Unl cus Rock , says six pumns wore sco n thoso wanderin g de-foresters take tor estates on which tIley bave exclusIve , 'torlcal powers and a charmIng person· there. About 10,000 tern r eturned to 331 people 'earn these prizes •. building tbelr setUemonts) Is thor- fi shing, huntlJlg anU cnmplng prlvl" al,lty" when he talks IIkll a claes In o · the rock and laId as usua l, but the oughly attractive. leges: otbers leaso from lumber com- stammerers' Institute anll h as a man· week they were h atching· there was a When tho little engine IInally panllls or persons that b a ve Invested n er that would frl ghten ,a baby luto ra instorm nnd the young were Around the fireside or nbout the well -' amateur says: "A man would faint away coughed Its way throu gb the soow Il'bd In theso lunds. All . the estateB are convulsions, $8.7 1. 'drowned tn t hei r nests, so 'tIl·a t only lighted family rending tablo during tho on that," hut my dear frlelld we will put • finally landed us nt Hard Wood. an.. well wooded and contain some body of Advertising a blishhoU!le layout 8S a abotlt 1,000 were raIsed. winter evenings the children and grown- dollars to your pennIes. that tho noon we walked the plank leading from car wnter; ' lake, IlOnd or stream. Anti "delicious collation" when a "hot doS . ups can play w.ith theIr wIts ond see·how hour will fi nd a nlan on our brenkfa8t . many words can be ma de, , huskIer and wIth a st ronger heart-bellt to terra firma, and stepped out be· very beautiful, Indeed, aro these a nd 1'011" would be a ballQuet 10 com· ! . and clearer workIng brain than he ever ... tween tile long avenue of men come places. Not Inlrequenlly It Is tile vir' parlson, S1.29. WAS CONFEDERACY RUNNER 20 people milking the greatest number had on the old dlot. down to see the train arrWe, we found gin forest the owner bas to wander Eulogizing a . clcc~8sed clUzen 11.! of words will each r eceive a IUlIo box Snppose,lf you have neverreaUymndo ourselves In a most unIque place. The over a nd reJoI ce ' In: and the, vlrgio "ono mourn~d by tbe enUre communi· lleclnt Demlse of a Southern Womuu containing a $10.00 gold piece. a move 'for nbsolutoly clean healtll.tbat · village looked to us like a s limmer r eo forests, I assure you, are or a beauty ty," when h is famillar fac e will bl . Who Kept Un.derground to people will eat h win one hOX con- pushes you along each day with nspring 80rt surroun ded by a wIntry se tting ; uocommon. As I look upon these treo~ mIssed only at 1\ seco nd· class pokel Station, tallllag a $5,00 gold piece. In your s\ell and a reserve ylgor In mu· veran4ahed cottages, myrIads of brll- in theIr winter setllng, see them circle, $10.25. 300 people wUl each wIn a box con- cle and hraln that mnkes the doing of lIanUy IIgbted wlodows, and snow au.. stretching across tho vulley nnd up Call1ng nn o!1l ce seoker an "emclenl Vown at Port 'I'obaceo southern talolng $1.00 In paper money nnd OM t hings a lliensure, you jOin tbe'army of th e slope, I bethink me It Is a most town omcinl." ~hen everyone Imowl Marylanu , where colonial c~Btoms still persoo who mnkes the highest nllmber "plain old conlnlOO sellile" aod start Iii Iclcles Instead of Illwns nnd vlncs. The town 1I0s along a bank of tile reasonable way to spend ono's money, tIlat be Is a "gratter" nnd has to hire ~ I':,rovnu, and (be telephon e anti the tel. ot wOl'de over n il cOlltcstnnts will reColve now, Then atter yoil have been 2 or 3 weeks on the' Ornpe-Nu~ tra Ining you . oswegntchle. (As to the namo Oswe· th is purch ase of such l\ wea lth of clerIc to do hIs work for hIm, $7.22. cgraph nre stili almont unlcnown thol'O a box cootalnlng '100.00 In gold. write a statement of pow you used to be glltchle, local tradition says n enr beN! trees. ' SpeakIng of a singer as h aving I waH burled recently Miss 'Olivia I t Is really ~ most fascloatlng bit ot and bow yo u nre now, The simple (aoti! years ago a horse ran away trom lis In the l ast tew years we h ave read "rich bnss" or "sw eet and dell~ate LlOYd, famolls tlrroughout the south run to take UP the lis t evenIng atter will interest others nnd surprlso )rour· . muster and ran uutll It roae,hed the much of Ihe bitter fcullng s prln gt ng prano," when In ren.llty It would~ re 8 S one of t ho "runners" of the "un~ evonlng and see bow mnny words can 6elf. We never publish names exceptoll be added. rlyer ; there the owner caught up wltll UJl between the ncw·mauo lords of tbe quIre a rolLof sandpaper, n bUl'olEhlnl derg round railroad." permIssIon, but we ofteo tell tbe , tall~ A few rules O:re necessary ror abSOlute 10 Lhe newspapers and when requested' It and cried, "Oss, we got ye." There forest a nd tIle rormer habitues-I he machIne and a nlckcl-pmtlllg outfit tc She became one' of the runnera 10 g.lve the names hy prl~ate l!lltor. , '. Is sorno doubt concerning the ox. j h uuters, fi sh ermen li nd guIdes lhat GO make It pass muster In a gang OJ the und erground railroad bet ween rail' play . claimer, wh other Indian or white mttn. , short II tim e ago lIad tree rll nge he,re. street hawk ers, $13, WsshIngton and Richmond, and al. There Is pleoty or time to get pel'lOnal Any w ord authorized by Websler'o but Indications poInt strongly to Il ls , It Is not to be ",onuered at th at thAR~ Rererrlng to an enterllllnment IlS " , I tl.ough her place was surrounded and dictlooory will be counted, but no nnme experience willI Grape-Nuts and wntll a , beIng a New York Yankee.) Tho soul In uepc ndcnt gentlemen lind It dlmcult financial 8uccess," when th e commit· lienrched several tim es, so sharp wa9 ot person. Both the sIngular and plural sensible, trutbfullelter to be Rent In wIth, ' of tho lu mber co rporation hns vowed to adapt !,hemse l\' es to the a ltered CIIn- teo has ooly paid for the orches tra and her lookout, and so careful her con. cs n be used, as for Instance "grapo" atlll the list of words, ns the contest d088 not closo IIntll April. 30th, 1906. So start I~ , Umt the w oodman shall spare the ax dilions ; thut they do not respect tile sUII owes for IIrlnting, ad" erllsln g, USI duct. and so many her resources that "grapes." Boon os you like to buildIng words, The letters In "Y ·l-O·Grape-Nuts" lUI In the vicinity ot th e town, nnd It Is to easy wire fences; nre 1101 appalled by of hall and other Incidentals, $5,79, tbe f ederal troops were ne\'or able to and stu rt In usIng Grape·Nuts. Cut this continue a prCtty. leafy vill age. But I Lho lUa ndntory noti ces posted a~ · Inter- , Reportin g a dance or soclnl fuoctlom catch eIther h er df spatches or con. may be repeated In tho some word , statemen t out and keep the letters Y·1·0Geographical Da mes authorize ti by Grape·Nuts before you and when :lOu .' 11m so glad I hnve come In time to see vnls or 40 rods a long the boundaries as "the event of the SCla80n." whet voys of mercbandlse. She convoyed wrlle your letter you will have ' I9me the 8urroundlng {orcst before there Is of the priva te la nd" ; that they do not everybody sat round nnd wlsbed th ai , clothes, money and letters tbrough Webster will be counted. any s Ign of th e tast approachIng look kindly upon Ihe hIred gnme· It was over. $4.28. the IInos from prisoners. Arrange the words In alphabotlcal rea son to wrIte on the lIubject "Wil, I . I' "lumbering." Now there nre trees I( eopers. Thoy, , (ree· born AmerIca n Sending a doubtful hypocrIte ano Ooe fugltlye Intrusted $80,000 In olasses all tIlose beglonlng with A to- Owe Grope-Nuts." Remember 331 persons will wlnprilOl!, everywh ere, thick fo rest bounds us on cItizens, poachers. Tbo Idea savors of slnoer to heavoo. $3,76, bank notes to Mlsa Floyd. She hId tha gether 'aod those begInnIng with E to which will be awarded In all' enct IUIIl nil sIdes, Fores t-bound nnd 8noW- England a nd the a ri stocracy, a nd, just· CallIng a common " pulpit pounder" n, oney In the BtUalOg of a haesock come undor E, etc. ,ust manner as Boon as tho list tall be bound. ,Exhilarating. novel. worth Iy or not. tho poor rich man find s an "emInent .d lvloe," 60 cente. Federal soldIers frequently searched When you nre wrIting down tho counted atter April 30th, 1906, IilYII,~' while. public se ntiment lignalHt hIm. Ho may Relerrlng to a gang of youog hood, the house, and eveo sat upoo tho has- words leave some spaces, 10 the A, E, anti contestaot will be sent a printed lilt. 01 otlier columns to 611 In later as new 'I'he foll[ one meets up h ere In the be driven to It sllOotlng-box tn Scot- lums wbo smoko cigarette butts on thl lOck, Ignorant that It contaIned a for, names and addresses of wtnnel'll on ap- woods ·ore so ruddy and ru gged ohe land. streel corners, break 'Wlodows nn~ tuoe. The full amouot of thIs deposIt words come to you, for lhey will sprlog plica tlon, In order to have proof tbat th.a' loto mInd every evenIng. prizes are Beot as agreed. The comp.ny reels like ma k ing declaratIon never to Bul thq lumberman and the natlvo make the nIght hideous generally at subsequeotly was returned to the It Is almost certain that some cootest· IB well koown all over the world ror, ableave the exube rant SIlOt. ThIs morn· ge t on together--so long no th e lalter the "comIng gcneraUon" and "youna owner. will tIe with others, 10 sucb cases soluto fidelity to III agreem'en~ lind' Ing 1 saw nn old gentlemnn that was a does not burn up the trees. They Rr8 America," 79 centll. She assisted many e~aped prison. l~Ots pr.lze Ideotlcal 10 value and character every slogle one of the '1I3t wlnoel'll ~!ll veritable Ssntll ClauB of rosy cheeks. goo cl comrarles, pass tho ·tlme 01 day era to pass the line, hidIng them In wllh that olrered In that c1nss shalt be depend on recel vI ng the prl&e WaD, : . I (rosty hair and brIght eyes, I wan ted Jovi a lly. Tile IUnn that owns the acros No Cause tor Jrear. ~be woods and teedlng tbem unUI awarded to each, Each one will be reo Many pel'llonll mlgbt feel II uBelell to to s top and ask him where It lay, the la ughs nt the yarns spu n hy the ma n Husband-'l'hat's a foolish habIt yo~ c;pportunlty for escape occurred. and quested to Bend with the lIsl of .w ords a contest, but when one N!members tbe founta in of yout h from which he and that bas spe nt his life hi the woolts, women hnve of cnrrylnJ~ your pursel then passed them acr08S the Potomac. IIlalnly wrItten letter describing the ad- groal number of prlzes-(331)-tbe curivaotages,of Crape-Nuts, but the cootest- osIty of seeIng how many wordll call l'11li1other of bls fellows mus t ha vo broken enjoys his wit a n d mny hllp IIrolltll a In your hands when In t he street. -RIchmond Tlmes.Dlspatcli. ant Is not required to purchase a pkg. Iy bo mado up evening afuir evenlng'fad the Ice and drunk, but 1 was so daze;) lillie by his wood·lore; tho htter apWife-Why Is lt? These letters are nottocontaln poetrY,or the good, natural tun aDd educatloa In by his glowing health I oul y passed by preclotes that his roaming IR not to be "Because a thIef could easily snatcb Trapped. fancy nourIshes, but simple, trutbful ·the competition It seems worth the In wondering. smlllns silen ce: Assu red Int erlereu With . n o ono Is to w~rn him thern lIod gel away," The Wolr-So you marrlM a woman statements bf fact. For Illustration : A trlnl; there 18 nb coat, nothlog to 1000a ti m I that In no FloridIa n land lies of trespassi ng . Therc are even ~qu ll t"Well, It the husban ds of other wom· ot tow words. and now sho bOBses you! person may hn\,eexperlen ced some Inclp· and a line opportunity to wIn ODe ofue that much ·sought fountain. but up tel's on the Ilim bermen's lond,. find en don't gIve them . any more to put lent or cbronlc ails traceable to unwi se many boxes of gold or greeollacks. ' Thought you owls were wIse. b e rt! everyouc radiates " Hallty nnrl they nre left unmolested; t hei r ~nb \ n s In their purses tban you gIve me to of food that falle~ to gIve the Newly-wed Owl-Thllt,,, jllst It. Sht selection We make the prediction thnt body and hroln tho energy. health and 10 1gb spi r it s. You should see the chll- nfford lng or.caslo n" l sheller tor "~he put In mIne, the thief would stan'e to says a word to the wlso Is sumclent.- power desIred. Seeking better conditions who wIn a prIze of gold or greenbackll, elren; so stout, so strong . so h aod · company's" men ; and then th l') native, death."- Slray Stories. Judge. a chango 10 tood Is made and Orape·Nuts will also wIn back healtb aqd .trlll~ some, 90 full of Irollc. To·dny I If well t rented, orten renders valuable nnd cream used 10 place of the former worlh more to them than a wailOD ClIlI joIned a compa n y of them III a coast aid In prl'ven ling tile s lIread of the Barbarian Rellectlon. .! diet. Suppose one quIts the meat, frIed of money lIrlzes. Hard to Understand , "So your daughter hilS become 8 dOWD n bumpy 1.111, an d min ded 1I0t at dreaded fores t fires, starchy, sticky messes of haIr· potaloes, TbeN! aN! no prellmIDaries., { ~ul ' The BrItish Ond consldnrable dlllIeul. cooked on ts or wheat Dnd outs out the ·thls statement and go at It, and "eu IOlolet." ---a ll when-t h e merry wretch es ujlset the edt in tl In undorstnndlng cortnln Ameri ca n Skeleton-Tile tat lad7 can't ~ulwered Mr. CumLIving "Ne"ceflSarlly," .Ied and so tll C occupants In w a snow co rreo. Try, say, for breakfast, a bIt of tbe list aod letter before A'Oril80~b ~_, rox, wearily. "Perbaps I ought to be Institutions. For Instanto, In LAndon fnllt, a dIsh of Grape·Nuts aod cream, to Postum Cereal Co., Lt .... .aatU. Creek, hank so 5 0 ft t hey Bqul\ ~ bed rIght get II dress maker to sui t her. they are 0 bJettlng just now to the two soft-boiled eggs, a slice of hard toast MIch., and let your DaIIl. anti lit Ch lld·w(\lIder- Why eloesn't 11111-' thanktul tbat she Iso't a trio « • tbrollgb. .treet car strap. IUId a cup of Poatu!n Fooll Colfee. Some plallll, wrltton. Iluartet~e, " -Waahlqton Star. I UUII I!. ),O'l of the oUlslde world -U7 an upbolstenr7-4ud&e.
In Use
OYer Thirty Years The Kind You Havs Always Bought
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lih u llitl t.' \'CI' HUO't' J rrortl l urllll"c 01 nu ul ' b l ll~ I!j'ih.l. 1 II It n .! ha ll Uti Jt('I'~u lla l !·x jJ"r il' n. '.· CI t l il t· leln u. n n\'Cf' h u \ illh )\I!41WL\ 11 1 1~ m lRI' ry o f n h "I1I\ U~hu In 11 11 111 )' III. li llt .t h ave 6( 1~ 1l HI J I ~ nllt! \\'0 1111111 ill Ih .· t J lltd ll..'~
or til l'
h t:-I
llI.Jii,t.; lI;lnl d cmulI, w ho fn~ It'lI:i
u\.' r"I' ~f·f' lI 'f' r~ a nu l' rall1 nl1lll lu o I Ii I I III Is 111 -
fall J,tt't I II
till '
lh o
IJJ\ )Sl (\X hall ~tl!' d .
I U" co "a id 10 II 1;1 1'1 frllmd: " T e ll 10 " . D lu lIl'iI ('. II' hal I. th e 11'.)1 "1 I h l" ~ at", ,,t
u iwadn ' ·hl··.. · S h e an s we red - " Jt t~ 1\ 11
Th r- re Is t!r,' u(l1'11I1': o f II l'ul'l,Ih l' !:.lltIlling or II C·.. O·N' IIIII I. t be C'I PHld uJ.( of .1 bll zz·saw Ull tl th e IIOUI1 III11 1': o f a fr' p-hamm e r. 1111 l'Otll iJ ill cd. w l' c lI I hn l'f) Ouc of my h (·u<lIll'hrs. I I \.. u da ) 'c m lng all tn ", h ldl I Illn WI'(·I '.:h'-' II . II hnt-; fl day of c uci ll r fiI H'P Wh l' ll I II lII [( 101'0 thaJl nih . an ,1 It Il~. n thlnl lIt1l' wh cn ,lt oK J,:u ln g W it nil ~ t r c ll' .
o tT "
Poo r c' hll <1 ' I did noL wn n d ,. lh nl Silch 011 rnflll' IIOIl 1!lld w'nall' h I' lI!p. J' ro halJ l), few puop le bav o I hl ~ ex tre mo Of niHln"M lllg nguny In lh" luI' too conllllUII femlnlno ali m elll , II it nclnc h c. ~lIt ,h O\l ij1l1H18 lOf wom en uC'g lll Ill el r I nlll nlioll 111 th e I1Inlad)' whcn th y n re n b,JIIl H . nnd Iho), never get ril l of It Ul1 t il life e n tl!".
Th , hlnhl'!:.; bl o f n Behnol gl rl i ~ un h ro l(e n heu lt h. If ynu li re ti l III all)'
wa y t h ,.Iorl' I s 1;\ ('aIl 8~ rnr il. SOlllf\bn fl) has hIIlJlcJ nl'('t1; c lth c r you r mnl bc l. y u r I;l'n ndmo t hc l' u r Y Oll r~(I l r :1111 . l IJC)
Do not 'Work loo late at nlgllL ......
1'0. .011 lI'OTAB TM,
beauty sleep comea before mldnlgb L Do l'ollr s tudying , BO far .sa you can, by day llgb J.. rr you DIUIiL wor-k al nlrbl. do Ii:) In !l-..xoom whQro YOU cun be quiet an<\ wh ere you h a Vo Lh e brlgh t li g ht -o f II. \foil -II lied lIu n p. Do nOL w u~ tlgh ~ cor-sets. ] rour clolhlng lOOSe nlid I t Its weight hlL ng ' (rom Ih e s hou lder and IIOt from lh e hlp ~ . A henda ho mllY bQ (i ll 10 llrCS8 urC upon he lu ngs /L nU t h~ abdom II It cor!lat lIuI L 1$ m is ta ken ly ~LllI P05Ccl to I II ~ ul" a !,:ood fl gll l·e. J wl llh I 'o lli rl pe rs uad CVU I Y gIr l In Ih e lunel 10 r el'e rc tho ho uso I" w h ich sh e liv es. Tho lJOd v Is t he so ul'ti hOllse. nor\)' nn ,1 ~ 1I 1 ure st rnn gely u ll ited. H wo ubu a6 tb e lJOtl y w e s ulf er I'lIln. If . ; . t reol Il with rIlII'II" "~ IInrl gll'O Il freedom . Ie we re"l fur it th e. re ve relll'e w' s hol1 ld . \\,,!;O th" ""J';ll life chl'l' rf lli ly eq unl 10 Ih c da y's wo,· I,. 'r h r fl,llIId lll lll 'l for n h 'alt h fn l. 1101l ll), life Is IlIld In )·flllIl1. YOll nrc IJIll lrl inl':
tll' ll .
to · rnorl'() \\' 111 m any (' n R S U b (, I1<I· Ul'iI C I m(,r o 1111111 n ' 11Il n(l p l' : 11 Is II ~tll. Th {'l r U:l 1" n dOll bt l i nll"~ \\'h("l
1'0 1'
l allg lla ~u
it) lU( J
Sll'( 1I1 g
to fi r thr
l)( l(·:lHil m. 11l1! l a ld ll g I h (l ~ n" n l 1 1f~Al n r ~ dHlldglrl H m;
Bnd Hab it. (h,'r arr , (Ill ' ), h u\,(' un "Sn you 1 0~L ),0 11 " 1I()~ lt lo n 7" we ask lI el'l l III hr' IIrr\,(jll S. Irr' lllIbl e or In nny 11':1)' r\ r'pl'l'<"NI I,)' nllY 11 11 ),61<'(11 (. I S l re~ s oC our YOtl ll{; fri end wh u has de man de d \\ !I II I (. \ 't' I' If 111(\j' will f ll,,,y t h e l a ws o ur sy mplllhy. " Ye,,: th o hr m to ld me I woul cl have to r, f 110nlt h Ill" Y "III be well. My la~t \\,lI ld a bo ul hNI!lol hrR Is, d nn ' t ha vo Ilu ll. .. " \V h a t r(l' U ~O Jl w as t::i \'t~ n ?" l hc llI " I s mol(ed c:I:';'II'eIlC " " " Wh y , that .eOUl" bil rll ly a sufficlenL AN INDIAN CHIEF 'S ORATI ON l enOO Il r • ""ell (IraHti c;1c l lo n." "\,~ g; h ut I was s mo l;!n /; th e bO~S'B Gen eml PleRslln t Po r ter's Tn lk on ri ga ':" tt e" IIn u he uught 010 at IL"t h e Prog'l'es s of the C reek .Jutlt;c. N ntiou. The Olel Story, In Ih l'lwill/:hl of tho Ir lhnilife of fh e StIli d o lIl O (a let' f'n'H~ plro a n d trown, And hl um l IS lIfc'tI "t,,,. Amerl(';l ll aho "lg ln etl " land" Ih p c h ief ' Yl lI' no ' or t h e m erc'ur), g'Ol'"H down . .. f t he Cre I'R Ra y" II", MlIs lwgm' ( I '1'.) 1' 111' prlc('l o f COfl l j!OCH tip ':"t 'I'lmeK. I I ~ 1>1 hcn rll 10 II l lc r t il e fo tlo w- \\· It ~ hln.,;t "'ll1 S tar In!; "ro l lun ,It will he relld In Ih e read · THE DOCTO R 'S IDEA. Ing bou l,s of th e )'uulh o r <H 1ll'r conlu rl c.. Tht! Ulllll oll Is 11I~ lIlfl ed . lra n£l ul l e loque nl. Them Is ht/pl! In tho h eart of Iho elllef whoRP pcppln dn rerl Ullt! for hor!' ~tl l o ll ~ III Ihl' 1IllHpo lo e nl'1I1 n f I h n fur ', 1. t: e ll . Pl cusn ll l Port er Hnili ' "Tile ritllilty of oll r rn l'e stil i pcr-
t;IH t~
\ Ve Itn\'(1 lI o r
I I \ 'QI I
[n r
l1uug hl
N o Y ell nt V nsl!Ar. First Va H,!) I' SllI UCnL - Say. girl s, thel'c's one Ih lll g w 'vo forgott!' n . We huven 't an y coll ege yel l. All coll 't;"a ha l'e yell s. you knOW. S~co n l l Stll do1l1-Wll Y. of cours e. Stra nge we n He r thought of It. Let's have on e.
Third Student- B llt I don't sec how we c'nn yoll wll llOll t tak ing tb e gum out
o f o u rm oulh ti .
Fourt h Sl u denL-- Lct's le t the yell go.
It Is n't ver y lad y- like. un ybow.-N . Y.
\\-oeltly .
Tru e Humilit y. " Th o coolc wrut" m e n le t ter of res· IGlllltion " " Th e ltl ea! What di d s he soy?" "She call od m e ev ery nllm e s he could thb~k cr ; sa id you were a beast a nd tbnt s he con s ide r ed be rself ou r SIl P r lo r. " " 'I'hat n il ?" "All oxce pt tha t she slgnod h c rs~ lC : ' Your il u m llle sl3Ivunt .''' - Ho us ton Pos t. R eli ev ed. "They ha l'o ma de sn mo se rloll s dl sCOl' 1'1 s about ), 011," sn ld til e frl entl . "W bat 's t he OInt! r ?" snld tbe 111 su mnce director. " It Is n ' t 0 n~·t h l n s 1Iint reflect s on ill Y lJuslness capacity , Is It? .. " Th ey ay you hnve gott n mQr e l han rour s hare o~ lhe fu nds ." " Tna t Is n't so hnd. I wns afrilid Il h ad lurner! olll tha l I sot less Ih oo my ~ ll n r e." -W us hln g ton Star.
W e ure Ih e or i,;innl lli"c \' e re r, (If' lh ls ('o nUnmll nntl t h ~ ('0111111 £'I"On; of' I I
Our. BL-.I, Ikln Trcnllll_, CliIaetf," 1I,00d Poftov -GrMt" t IIlood the Fl'eneh eltJ of Beaunl s a vebl cle, buill with two wh eela" l'wiAu :rr'" If YOUf blotld Ii Impure, thin d!.t~Hd and draW'll by a man ot: boy; La In comhot or (ull ot bl\mol'll, If 'you tiJ,,'e blo;;;' mon uJle~ It IB call ed a vinaig rette. poh'1 n. r.llr r, cnrl;lIl n ~le. u t)nl .o ~ 1t -~9 estimate d tha t H enr,. La.crMIII / , 11\11, Ilah lng, r iiing, ond lump.; I1<'II hl,y, i,I IIII,11 _"ill l hone pnine, cata rrh, bOllcher e. whO I ~ a hout to rcUre ' trolD rhcu lIIlI ,om or nllY "loed or olein di.ell.l., pa rl la me'nt , has /lpent m or e th aD tol,c lJuIllll1 l3Iood n.lm (~. D. D. ) all' $I ,OOO.OQO I n defendl pg ' l ibel Butts ~n rd l nll 1(\ ,ltrcol lone. Soon n11 I Ores n oal, 1\ hI'. Itntl pu l n ~ 810p, the blood i. mild. l, rOUGht against h im as editor ot pure nn,t r l~ h , len l'ing the Akin free from T ru th . v 'ry eruJltlon , Itnd gh·jng the rich' 8101'1' 'I'tlO nltl ft Price, t he n ew p re mi er of of Ilor!.""l itN,1th to the s~ in. At the ,n mo tIme B . n. n. impro\'cs the digeaS OUlh AJrl ca. "'as born In North Wales Ii!,", curcs dy"pepsin, atTeng thetl8 \\'cok J ,: ) H52 nnd wa s brou gh t u p to hlft lak.d ll ey", ,] 11. 1 the mediein'l fnr nld peoI her·. ca llin g as a stone cutter. Curlpl e. O ~ I t UWCrl I h tH O ne\v vlgQ ro u ~ 1, 1000. tlsl y ~ n o u s b, hc worlc cd on t he pnr))ru~R .. l., $1 pc r IltrS" \>ollIe, \ villl di· ref'tlon ... fo r hmu em·e. I!u,nent house In whl'c h h e now s its nmnle free und: lfe"m" II)' wlltinF. JUnor! Bnlm '0. At8 b prcm l"r. t", n. O!t. nl'~I ' i1h (' t rouh l .~ nnd J1l't'inl ,1.llI . II ns l'O lh . who wns co mm laf !"f'o nlNlu' nt lUh'lC'c ,,1"'0 !It'nt JO "c" lc'd lot. Seemed A lmost Sane. Rirltl C11 b)' t he A II s tra ll nn gover nm en t \ ll'r II . II . II . i. e_po ria ll" ",iY /fecl (or " "Ynur hon or" F;UU the IlItnrw'\' " l h\a f hrlnnu- . fl "\"p""ntc 10 ",,,1<0 a tll ur of Inv es liga ti oD d " AI!I(\a nf 1rul1urc h100d , ' -' · fliis (11<10 dlr-. •'hr olld r u r",· M ,I. f lo.. r n II e I SOl' l lo rOll f; h 110(' Unit ed Slllt e" lind Gu- m a n 's intct.rlllr ltlkc!i' 1hl! IUl'ln or n l it". :Jn, Her Lb a l .,H· l, ."'\ O:lO w :t01B tu I'f ,1! IIlIII ropc, has rcp<) I'INI Ih nt I)y fnr the foro- WOIt ·1.I nil"" '/(' \ ell Ull', 1118 ~oull>;{.'l . Lv 1I j':( .1' 1t I I.," J'1I 1" ' 111 I' m"" t t e legrnphl c admlnl .tr,ll lon In th e '' l iOl" lilt 11\0 1(' com f or '.... world I. thll t of t he .;cne l·a l post or- P I,4~~lal l:~~ Dtl" l:f ti n t t:o (' '" II?\. IIh,., hll, " nltl,', ' IU t il.' \\Iwl. " nlUlHI\~ICd th e ". )tll·t , In n 'J u ,llcJ ul " IU~' l lll ' Pt."l tl\ Illf\ . I1ll)ll! ha\,'Ii r "\\I ' 1 til u s hnv. ltl"ullt - Puck. IIc", 0 rca t Urll a ln p CI . -~ ll"ll \ :;"UH IC";. - .... rran r: ls Vll ller,;, t ho n w En glish . __ ____- To Cur e a Cold in - On 8 Day m lnl "t!'r nt Li sho n. h~n r q a nnm e th a t WILD WITH ITCHIN G HUMOR, 1'nke I..x,,.,,, v. Ilion " " 1~ 1I1 " lnO I Un1t-;!!i!'11 o.; ,'('Ilin d mall ' r If I t. fllilA TILbIQ\,s Ih 1'''roll1e ly 11' ('11 l!now n lit tho forto cure ~. \\ , C lUj'lI.: M ~li:lll i t 1 c II! on e Ll 'h box . :l5o pl l: " "mop Il ls r Ih or wag I hree lim ps E ru ption B roke Out 111 Spots AI! Over , f orei gn ."OrNAr y a nd hl ~ marl,le ~ l<l lIle " ,M j",' ry 1,/ \ 1"-. " 'lI ll1llny"- thnL 18 w by ~o cJ y-Cu .. ed u l Ex pense of Ouly In.1.11 l!oi a I'\.'~ :JI 1011· I'nll ll ,d . n : I hr· fo ot of I li p tron t! staI rcase. Is :jl 1. 25-Tbn nks Cu tlc u ra. . t h e on ty memoria l nf II . klnrl whi ch h nH b" "o rOI·ted In t he 111'lla r t ml' nt. DEATH SEEME D NEAR_ "T h£! u llcura fl" IIlf'd lt!8 cu red me of Illy S ir j) n~' ld Gill. 11'110 ha s bren ,.\;111 lll!'\· ..... "l , n nd I Hil i vt.'I 'Y lh:ulldu l lO n ptrono lll r - roy nl fit l ilt· r.n , " yo., ~I )' Il'Oul ,lo "'"' crupt lo ll of d.e How Il Cblcago W omalJ Found Bolp Hi llel Wben I A ~tl . Is rl'Hlg n lnf; hi s II" " an I r,' ro · bl\ lIl . "' h II'll iJrula' t\ ut III r-pwL s nil lwr r B Op6 Wa s F ast Fad m A w 111 \' lJud y, ,11111 l",HI'l'd h C()Ill I Dll l ti d d ulIg g a y. I "~ In En!:I"n" for t he nell )'ea r Mnn), " i.le h IIC' l rl y d nne me wllJ flL t1lllCS, I I - J uta hl e H::\tr onom l('al p r ob l.~ ltIs ha\'o gr.t In ·d.el il e uf II rloc lllC. IIlI t It lli d not Mrs E. T Gou ld. 0 11 W . Lako St.., Cill e n it' , hPd "'!.,.Il I \,l~\\, In ,n pnr el' \·our · Ch 1 bpI n so l" e,1 a l t h e rape 'UJ,{O . 11 1. . !-fL j'S : " nou n's K id u ey . " atOr y ."I I ¥cuL 111 yu H ftll' tllt.! « lI t l,,'ura flU\~k PU1:, ar~ u l l u n rl l' r Str On" ld GIIt :~ <llf' '11 lha L~n.vl·(l m e from d j I 6 \ ucll cri ill Y ('I"U' III I t J « h~w 111W~H t c l",lI n g the dcterm lnn l,on III It,e slIn 's :tIl{ b Il ' I ' I I" l he ,lt u ~ HIIlrc Itli ll ir(l 'II!hl " " cu ke of y d lFilan N.I rro m rtC'. t s )1" ob ~rr\, ,,tl on~ CullC LI l n ~unp . one vox of lUlh 'urn Q·n t . o r t he case , that 1 k now. mtn o r planets Vleto, la. Sapp ho antl IIWlll, . lnd O Il E! " tal (I f Cut!. urA P,li" I hall ~ye t.rnu b lc Fr'olll l llf' ril ti l npllilrlil ion I 1l'L:ci\cd Irlo. bacl( achc .c atc h e~ lief. I URC,t l th e f1r~ . . tiC'\' a nd l wn \.'X U ,'l Prnf. Dlmllrl I vanol·ltc h M" '1(lele cr. C'tlk wben I ' In· b d "s of l I& t I t.' u rn :-;,Iit)) , n ll d Wit"! om . } J! n c, o n e ot t hp. worl rt's J,;re q t es l rhp. mt st ~ , Idc t f'ly \ \1 11":1. I hnd 8uffer!'!', 1 fur two o r ,,'h -.: n \/c- nd iuR r CI'r lvot! . Ir J O ~"l1 h ~nw l ey's gnld ~('arH. nnd I a~'lln th.ltl k ( ' u (il'un L fOi m y o-vcr, wnq lau · ( l~Ull~. t . i ohll.t.lon . ~ [ /lJl l t' GrO \le m<,dn l reN, nlly nt th e mpetl n g of the. (,~Ir g uiLt n ntl orton I' nrm .. h . I· . D ... , \\ al nut. h un., Ju no II c' ~~ 1 Gop l .!y. Th p. merl a l Ih e~ t ' ~ rn NI dil lY nll d Ilud Nlc.:I( n m ,,;>: chom lst s 0 h igh hono r. Pro f. 15. Hl05" h '-'~~I uchc~ n u d \\7h(' n It r ulI1( .... In U Jlrlu'lhal \\I)rh in~ Mrndlqe d. ' whn wn s 110rn In T obolsl;. b~ a ," i n l-'( .Io wn Sillerl n. In 1 "~ 4. p o"ses ~p" 'I1l:dl tl"" or b n..,iN n il npl''' '( l,dlh, , l1 n l'I I~ I \l'I ' I~ ~"lIh: p rdll!oi.. , 1I' lac ltid · t lI1W" II ) h. ' 11181'1' I'Wli \ ll' \ \\ I.: '1\ tlw ~q\H I 1 ~ t h e mos l " !lr i d Idn, 1 It p Is cbem l: t. n l!y ~ e(! I, .·tionl III1J 11u- hl·.ll :. ... ___ W l", .. 1! t oo cop i o l1 ~ nml f! col o!;ls t . p hllosophP,I' . n ~ erl ll oaLllllJa l, (r NIIl ~ 11 1 , and \ ' I ' \'Y h nd i n nppl': u ·UU t.!(! , 11, , \IUS 111 InO!] hI IIn lt ed In onc I)"rsoll al lt y. R Ich, Ju loy Radi shes F r ee, R, f'n hod)' It)\('~ ju i l·~·. ltmr\cl' ru\li~h e s. tha t n ou n' s l\itlncy 1 '1Il ~ 1Il'Ipl'l1 tile so LI ~II I . Ge n. Si r Wi lli am Butle r . who hns r tlrer! froln I he Br it ish nr m), . 8 ;tI1(' r 1.11 11 \\"1'1 t hl tl , h f'TlI'C 11(" I ~'r ' rs t o RClId 'l u lc1dy uII,1 cu r ·tllIle of thesc II ullbl,,~ yuu lIb ~(lll1l t ly fl cc . . ullit·h·o t J"il dltlh BI·od u url )''''u b t!t.!n well c \'cr Ai nee:' h 3 vlng r enc hed l he a gc limit of ' 1;7. 10 I,rt' p y,m In l elllll'1" '.l.diz:hcri nil bum:';old by 11 11 d e a le r s . r,o C,'lllS " boJ<. "'O S rN'nlloil from Snulh Afrlen fo r Ulcr 11)118' IIlId h it; Cler... t. F o,Lcl' ;\l ilb ur n Co. , UuJl'ulo, N . Y. Insl" In g 10 file homo gO l' orom n t SA L-lEU'S nAnnA I S' twr. n uoo r... t hnt the tott er dill Uol rc' oli1.e Ihe fl l!h l ln g slrcllgth of t ill' Dorrs Hi s wnl'll l ug" prIor a th e ou llJr r nl1 of hosll lltlt! r oused th e l11 al l;;nlty or Imperial ists n lld wore unh oed <1. Hi s co:npleto ,' I" ,lIon l ln n rame wltll lim e. I n IS77 1'he enor mOUH rrol'P on our seerl fll1'm~ A'lve" n.h<\olutely FRBD h e nrurrlrd Miss Ellzah elh Th ompson . t he "1 e\~'·y ticnt C!:r onil! flO t hC' IM)II c_ II!pl'l us to Issue l.his Huuthtd nu ll S ixt " "' ho'~ ml li tury pl ctll"'s. In cill u ing lhe s pcc ull caLllugllc _ Ae,,!,. o f l1\ lh l iri West, t rlrbrntel \ " Roll Call ," mad .. \le r fuSt:s u TUIS SOTtf't: TO-TU \"'. e ru t,:QIIAttn. n lous. nnd re:e~h,t! th e r :lI1iJ'iI('Q nnll the womJpr ·
. In
r " UIlI
Ih e Rnlmnl k lngllom, allll 0 11 fro nt It 1 ulnlll~. If t h .. fnult Iny wll h !'tlu r firijl Inul': h L II II' I1l't of I)~a ['c 1111 ,1 wa r. nll l'~"t"rs a lill t hp) un" 1' uC'I lI en t hell nnd Orst !lln nlt'll Ihl' In s ti tutions of you n 1<,!:ac'Y of ,II h l'nl : h ),111 '" tnsl, I vl rt uo. Irllth nnt.! 11 1)('1'1),. Th Jo: urot(l O\'er('{)m It wIll he II lill ie hlirLi er penll nn ll lll. fOll nd II ~ he re nl1(1 wer~ th nn If Y(1 1l have Illllc"lIe d What I mil)' mu de a ll' nre lh n l II, was I,os s llrl'~ ror mell cnll Ih o ha ltll of be ln!; well. Sti ll . o nl lO ex'Sl allli ~ub"IMt be ro . I W u ha l' C:ll nnOI In )' Ih~ Im pul n Io n of ml sla l(p, g l\, cn 10 III.' 1'.III"·OI"' 1I1l people on Ihl ' 01' t h r es llon Rlhl llly fo r il:lI ~s~ wh oll y cO lltl ne ll1 Our t houS h l forc~~ . • h e hl'. t 011 nny bolly (' Isu. bec a llse healt h Ilnd bl ood of 0111' unc 'SIUI'H hOI'(' Iwe n Inte r· I mus t pos itively . s ick ness llrB ve ry lnrge ly lu our o wu ml lls ied Wllh thei ~.- Only ltcmedy . r hC ~l Slal c. me n and In gls t li pa n l;now1 ng the worst. h Ullti s. Nn l llre mnk es fo r h ~ ul t h nn, l Il'nd lng rl lI Y-nns. Mrs. Bllnlts-{ )ur son J o hn doesn 't We hav e ollrsclve s an Dr . W ise-We ll , I gu~ss my b ill will do cs all s he cnn to Ilr op us away fr om Indestru ctlblo elom seem to have n bll ot en e rgy. He'lI fu l I.\.u gn m ltnnlt h ·cr. en l In th e ir n atural be a bout $Sii .-<:hlca go J Ollrna l. pn ln nn d :t1lJ; lI lsh lind Irritabl e ne r vM ~1~~Ory. ~~'e ~mve nc\'e r he goo d for anythin g until he R 'nul "c nlHt we mid n pnch l1Sc:? o( os· BITS AND BREVI TIE S_ s hown w ha l lh ey lI ud Ih e h an<ll ca ps Ih nt com o from bemo~ the 1II 0fol tl fll",llIonnLlc, t- cr \'lccnl> i(' . marrIes. R ow , I;ld eedP e el'c t o ue nr d nOll deaert p lac es we ra b"nut Hll i nnnuni fluwer. t ng ollir a Ir we ll We dl souey natu re hnblta ble and capable T he flo or mu sicia n '~ (Ln t o c r)", Bllnlcs- Ho w will marr lnge henefit T he ~og know n as a Manches ter of s us taining' J oh n A. 1'.•I7." r cd Co., Lark Dntwe, Am) t his Is whn t 1 h eli r d him sny: n nd let me add. 'lI'e rllso lloy DlvllI ~ m illio ns of r ~opl e h lm7 bl ack-aud· ta n Is t he lot est Lon do n K., La Croose, Wis: On 'hht Inntl t 111 yen r 111"" been produc.d u p" ' Ve have l ed the van"How can 1 la y [\ lillI e by P rovide n ce. too . nnd I h eu we pio usly ~uard or ch II lzalion wn~ "b uf t weuty. five bu§b".,. of wheat lu ( be Mr s. Bll nks-{)h . ac re". Ilfhr h CIII e's ' inc mar~led fash ion. "hen Good In nuna our sp ~c lm e u " nn. wi ll IIu), lilY IlLUc lay 1" con llic t ' r h~ pO\\ or of t he lJl' l.:!O~ 18 vel'Y etcn rly inqui r e w hy wr arc 80 otte n 1\1 a few .week s h e'll gel over t he habit Quo(e(1 nt $500. - J uda;e. ~ I th th em fo r I r lbal exIs tence Cra m d cmoll bu 'lJ ell in an 11 IJph-, ('OUn l r)' d urin~ . ~ceall to oce a n. Th ra ce th at has ren o It ' "also the best o f RTnd lJgtl nd a nd for m lxe4 of h angI ng nround l" e ".ouse. -<:hl cag o L ivi n g IInder th e S8me roof at Ko- Cider IUld, I ng tun Ii l ieDRt. . Mi ght Live Too L ong. o farm ing h b as no 6u poerlo r a u t he coDt inent. • • • • de red th is s ervice 10 I be othe r n ntion s of Dally News. l.r>010. I nd.. there a re a 16-yea r-ol d Oltl Got rox- l proposed to Mias " ' hr. n a gi rl hilS pe rs lslent hend- Illank lnd cann ut pe A Gua ranteed Cure f OT Piles. rl . h ut t erl y . m ol her , a 32-year· old gran dmothe r li nd a ch es a n d can assig n no reason tor Itchl n!", O1illll , Dt Pltinll, .Pro lru <l ing Pi les. . Sp telldlf' cli nt Rlt . l o w t r\ 1l' t:". rnt1 ~ l\y8 con\,en .. " T buug h o ur trl llol orgnnl zatlon Is Peachly hlSt nl gh l nn <\ whnt do you SliPPoor Ban I. a 52-year,0 Id gr enL-grea t·gran pose 'lmo t h er. Dt'.Htcl~ t.1\ nrc t\\lthnd ~.u· 1 to r e. rllu ti mon o\" it It'li l . hch oo l A nnd ehl1rchc.-tt clole nt h and . s be sa id ? th nm. sho s hould \' Islt n n oCllllsl. A fad in g away. we Count Bo n l Is sued ror dlvor co will lre lra ns formed as W l l te (o r ·· T'\I'e l1tif' l h Cenlt1ry COrl,rln .. on" A ~co r d ln g to La Tri bun a rli R omn, PuoO ' Nnm"T rilllsw euN t.. lito 14duya,'50c His F ri en d-She sa id " yes," doublles s. grent lIla tly h cndach es co me from s tra - a Ilol cn t fa cto r, a Uccnusc. he has tl l::t ed too coree; low rol lwn y n u r.1I to U I' t5M ISTIDfOIC" "l 011 1 "' ... • n el m en t w lth1n th e one I ~·. t he t h ought ul l he dough of the I!:a lter s worn by Garl hald l rau.Tl0N. o rloR u t h n ri z.e dCrtlllltllll ll A t-tcu l & 1 Old Go t ro ~ - N o; sh e sn ld hefor e gIv b lijDl IIS. or un eq ua l s ight. If t he ne r ves body o f Ch ri s tian civi li zatio n. T he phi , I. t bo a )1 WIL r, IAlIt;, L Il'llf Oulldln,, , 'J101cdu, O. H a' lI h ave to let gough " ' hen ho was 1V0und ed In tbe battle-o f Ing m e an nns wer sh e would like tn look of the oycs aro stra luotl the ro Is a lmost 10801lhy of t he hi s T hn l's filli ng h is heart w ith r e m ore-e. tory of th e tuture s ball IIM l um th.b ,'tJptr . A" promo n te AugusL at my fa mil y Bl ble. Now, whnt do YO Il 28. cerlnl n ly Lh e \Irobaull l ty t11nt h ond- trace mnny of tho 1862. h as been _ H ou8ton P oat. prlnclpl eij ot go vern pr esonted to tb e m a)' or ot Rome. gup pose she wan lS to s ee that for ? Deh e will fo ll ow. I h a \'c Imow n h ead- menl a nd Ins ti tution s 80 d ear to th em Th e a rea devoled to corn 10 Kansas His Frlend - Oh, sh e p robably wantJI BLAOK AND WRITE : Olt, 'I'HE a ch es e ntir elr "nnquls h ed by the s lm- to! h ose th ey fo und amon!;, u s. , In 1905 wns 6,799.755 acres. a n Into s ee It YOU co me p ie r eco u rs e to a doclo r who p roscrl lJed STORY of a lon g -li OF ved A family. PUZZLE D "Now that we hn\'o de monstra ted t ba.t crea se over thnl or 1004 of 305.59 7 - Chl cugo Da lly News. th e prop I' !;Iass s. No gi rl sho ul d we hal'o Ihe a1Jll lty MOTHE R. La mako fo r o u rnr r es, or 4.7 per CCDt. Tire a ve rage e ve r run an y r is k by s electi n g her sell'cs onrl Our chil dr en hom es. nnd h avWhewl yi eld to th e ncre for th e en tire BtaLa cwn le nR In ellch a ense. A v i Il to a Ing san cllon of over)' In\\·. le I us m ak e Mi ss CbolluB- Mr. Sipps call ed upon was 28 bush e ls. . trustwo rth y spoclall s t Is In dis pens able for o urse lves thi s fi r m on d IIxed resolll . YOll last e vcnlng, dldn' t h e ? R eferring to tb e tra nsition stage of a nd wi ll save ti me. mon ey nnd lullon. L ot o ur every a ct s peuk It fort h; Mi ss Kn ox - Ycs. the or ien t. m shop H amil t on Buld to sirength In I lie e n d, fo r here 0 head- let th e el eme nts or fo rces of na tura Mi ss C l>e llus-J-Ie has cnlle d on me t he Church Exten sIon Socie ty or the p ch e Is mere ly n wa rnIn g s ig nal of cor ry OUI' reMl llt lo ns to our (c ll ow-m en seI'Qra l times. 1I1p. thodl st Eplsropal church. In Snn dan ge r. th o world over; le t t he m In th ei r senses Miss Knox- So h e la Id me la st evcnF rancisco . th e olhe r dny: "We are to A headach e orten liPr lo g s froru a dls- Imow a nd fee l It a lld en ter lIpon thu Ing. nn d I ImmedIa t ely gnve hIm to unace- the future h istor y at tho world ordered 8tu m:lch. The fnlul Imll it of (l erfor man 'e of ollr dersLond th al h e wou ldn 't find m e so bl g h ·m lsslnn. t h rough the Oold e n Oo to." mun ching nnd ni bbling be tw eo n meal s, " Jll nny of you h ave accom pll s heil It, anxious lo ue hll gged n nd klssed. Bnseba ll has rou nd a footho ld In Ihe or t h e a rlpctlte for r lcb pas try t oo fr ee- olron,ly many huv e 1Jeg un It; begi n al. Pbli n d e lp~ l a Pross. C ity or Mexi co, and Is to gnln furth nr ly Indu lged . Or t he pen ch nnt fo r candy, once an d uevelol ' all you r ener gies at In t eres L trom th o oPcllln f; of groll ll ils . th at ba n e of schoo ls lrl exlste n c", m ay so ul. mi nd nnd bo Wher e the l\Iedals Go . dy to t h e ta sk set lJe · d evoted to thls sport Il t Chapu ltepcc. a ccou nt fo r t he re bolllous s to ma ch. fo r e us . c ve n If It First Athlete- Do you see th nt gentlet alc es yea r s-yes, a 'l'here Is t he fam o us cast le wh drll WHen t h e stom ach goes on a s trik e there lifeti me to en rry It ma n yonder? He holds tbe Inrgest numali t. Pr eside nt Diu 15 ut hom e, as well as Qul ckl ), fo llnws Lho n lg ht ma r a Imo wn ber of p rlzC5 n nd m eda ls ever possesse d " W ho n IV e hu" e 1hU B reso ll'ed 10 the m lllLan' acad e my or MexIco. On as s ick bearlnch e. If girls wo uld care- mnke fo r 0ll rnell'e8 by any one m nn. n nn ou r c hil d r en 1,0 ll days nn d S lI nllnys ve ry large lully li m it Ih elr e ating at cnnc\ ijls nnd hom es. we will ha ve Second Dltto-W hll t. thnt Collnw? He Indi ted In n nd li pan crowd s reso r l thither to lIeRr the bun d I!weot moat s to n 80rile wh iH menger ourse lves a law for our gu idance whi c h do esn 't look a bit li ke a chllmplo D. OOl1 cr rts. Fl na llce all nls ter Ll ma n· dessert . nfter n men l o f plnln food. di v ine an d h Ulllan NO JlWRE MUSTA RD PLAST ERS TO BLISTE R_ First Dilto- i t ts Jus t as I tell you, law wJJi pr otecL nn d t our I. ready t o g ive u co ncess ion on theso dn lntl es wo uld do t hem 11Ule su stain liS In ilS moilltc naoc.:. No s tat· th oll gh. He Is a p awn broke r, you see. TH! Gro un SCI EN ds Ute re fo r 20 yea rs. i c l jOI V r- IRRITANT " pro v ided harm. But there nre gi r ls wbo tal rly utor y Ia.w wlll e ve r annul 1£, lind we -TIt-Bl ta. 520,00(\ Is expend ed la Im p roveweo lll. gorm nn d l~e on bon bons a nd s weets. I ~bnll theh have ri Consl l!t·l!nt. s on to tho place of o ur And It Was So. ~uld t e ll you t a leH o f g irls wlt b pnSfY . blgh des1Iny. " Mrs. Neytbrld e (petul nntly) -Nol Y.u " I'm afraid I'll di sagree with YOn," EPIGRA MS ESTRA Y, sallow '1JOlJ\Plex.10ns . and r ed , an gry don 't think of me a t a ll a ny more. - - - - - - -r emarked J on ah n6 the whole swaliow ed looking pimples nnd ve r y CroSR d lspo- THE AUTO IN Mr. Newbrld eThnt Isn't so; my doar . OLD MEXICO_ him. D eterni lnnllon ne ver s bakes ha nds ' • Itlons, entirely due In m)' opln Inn to Cars EXTRA CT ' OF THE CAYEN N E ,P E PPER PLANT Why, I' ve been t hin k ing o f you a ll da y . " Perhnps ," roplled the whu.le, "but It w ith dou lJt. Are Popular and Good :Roads A QUtCK , SU RE. SAF E AND AL WA YS READY GUR their Clrce ssl ve enllng Of ('and y nnd Mrs. NewlJrld o- F'llJbor! You even PAIN. P RICE I Sc w IN on ' t bn n clrcum stnn ce to the way the COL LAPSIBLE TUBES-A T ALL DRUGGIS TSE AFOR Whal n man 's wife thl e lcs of him Is ND DEA LERS . OR other confeot lonery. Are Being Built for forgot to mal1 the IcHer [gn ve you tbl s Its plaoe, pure BY M,\IL O N RECt::IPT OF I So. I N POSTAGE STAMPS . DO;S "l' WArl' theologi an s will d 1sagree ~ wIlen they n ot fa r fro '.I.'ILL m tb e ':L'.I:11:: tru til . .PA candy Injures no on e , but It wns rfe ver I~ O OM EE:l- K I:J J::P A 'l' U BE morning . . Tourists _ HANU Y, Come to dlsc!\lss this Incident . "-Fhlh l" A substllule ror and s uperior 10 musla rd or 3 n y ~ lhe r plasler. a nd II '" tb e IUI:k y mll n who lells l OU tb ere m eant to he a s lel\ ~ Y die t. It is ra th er Mr . Newbrld e-W e ll-er-y ou see. , .... 111 not de l ph In Press. blisler Ihe most delicale ski n. The pain-alla ying and curative q ualt tles of by the wny of bel ng a so r t ot re wa r d .T he Mexl cnn peqp le hav e a passion think of yoU so ell.rues lly th ot I fo rget Is no s uch th lUIl as luck. Iht s ar tic le are wonderfu l. It wilt slop tho 100lh achc at on ce. a nd relieve Th ere Is u re mcdy fur Ignoranc e ~ut of m erit and a cro wn to n littl e f ea s t. fo r tl Uln g nn d d ri vin g and,lI t Is not everythi ng else.- pbila delphln Prcss. Tl:e l\Ius lc Thnt Chnrms . He.dach e and Sclallca. Wo recomme n d il as Ihe best safesl ex te rnal n OIl ~ fo r knowlu!; t oo mu cb The trophi C Is that over-ont lng of re markabl e. th erefore, that- the auto" Th e ol d-fa shlo:>ned Idea of serennd coull ler-lrdlan ! kn own. al so as a n c. le rnal rem; dy for and p:1ins In !~ ce ts surfe its !lppeti le ann fh en ono mobile wllh lis many advanta ges and IlI g has I r ~a c\Jel o r s s hould bo tuxI' d t hen Extr9. Precnut ion. a nd ,",mach nnd al l Rheumal lc. Neural g ic a nd Gouly complai nts.the chest gone, completely out or dnte," "Onion s ! " hi ssed th e bea u tltu l !;I rl. 10lp ml Hs s ho u ld receive 0 ve ll 810n. do es \lot carc for ronst beef nod mut- me ri ts to r ~colOm e nd it s h tlJ4l d have on ld th e rom a ntfc YOU th. wil l prove whal we c laIm for It. and It will be found 10 be Invaluab A Irl.l le In !he hou , ch ~ l d a nd for children . Once used no lamlly ton chOps and ri ce IlIld dl ll!; a n ,1 baked charme d lbe lll from Its very Introduc A ru un's r;r U l (1 S I Ins p i r ati o n Is t h e will be ~'l1h o uf \I Many " Yea: ' uns wered Mi ss Cayenno . " a "You teasted on onio ns und t il en t1arou people say " \l is the best oC all your pre pa<allons. " Accep t no preparali to kiss me ?" apples and oth er admlrnb l e articles of tion tnto t h e ir country . Mexi co with gi rl don't cu re to h k llu "l e<l ge l hat he needs Ih e mon ey. on ear a suitor n nw. of v.sehne unless the same carries our label. as otherw ise II Is not The tfmld young mn n pal ou. food, wblch giv e one good rcd ulood, Its tq uabl ,) cllmale olfer s to t he auto- Bul nn auto mobile h F o r (','(, r y man v_,ho at.:h h.· ,'es .,;' ~ a t· genuine. orn will ca lise her' II yo u ca nnol oblaln It fr om your drugglsl . cnd IS ce nts In stamps "We ll, yo u sec, my dear," ho fn llc re ~. IJ ~SS Ih ere a rc m illion" wbo and build one up in ""holC!!o m e vigor. mob ili s t nn Id eal con d iti on In this r e - to ta ke notl ce."- W or fal l to nave as hln glon Star. money and II wil l he sen l 10 your address by m at! . "I-er- henrd thn t t here we r c 'J;erm s In tt · s t J IIOD t bem . If YOllr mo ther has been wi se she s pecl. An d wh e n t o lhls Is adlle,l good kisses and I th ollghl possIbl y ttle onion bas not permltte rl hor schoolgi rl road!! and pnved streets no thing more Ris Advice. , dau gh~er to toste e ither colfee' or tea could be deSired In the way of natural, ;'What do )' OU think we had better breath would destroy the m."-Chl ca go 17 Sl'AT E fTj.lEET. NEW YORK C ITY N ew Bnnk s . . during h e r childhoo d. These bever- Or arllficla l conditio ns. . In 190[,. 4S6 nallonal banka were ' . do ~ ~' stop the railroad s? " asked the Dally Ne ws. . ages should be the solo consolat ion ot An nutomol lll e club hos been formed ' Dian ,~vho 'Is pa trlotlc. bllt nerVOUB . ,r,alllzO (1. Speakin g tnnce. Brown: l\p people. who may be sup-' In tbo City of MCJ[loo. with a m ember- , "Don't try to. litop ·e m." answe r ed "You sny YOli know tho judge?" a s ketl posed to understa nd th e us cs of a s Um- sblp or 300 e nthusIas ts or diffe rent na- Ihe mnn who 18 alwa ys In a burry. ulant. A growing girl shollld not tlonllltl es. who a re d etermine d to . "Encour age 'om to run taster and the oft\eer wbo hnd just arres ted ltl e A BOY'S BREAK FAST . ohalltrel lr for exceorlln g the fi peod limit. , flc a e r ."- \Vnchln gtnn Sta r . drink. cup of co rree or a CliP of tea brlns about a sys tem of good ronds. " We ll. yes ," repli ed the ch a urreur 'there's ; "I a Natural Food That Makes ' IInder any circums tances. It s he wonts Tb ~ monthly au tomobile tax In the Exchnn go of Confiden oe. bave n speakin g acqunln tan ce wIth hint . 15 GUAR ANTE ED TO CURE a warm drInk for breakfa st on a cold City o f Mexico Is e ight dollars each, Ita Own Way. lIfr Jln hs- I don 'l Icnow bow you He on ce snld '$25 On e ' tn me , n nd I sn l·1 SRIP. morning , let It be e llher coco n Or b ot an d I he club nbove m entioned has IV-' .w BAD COLD. HEADACHE AND IEURAUII. lll fee l nbout ft, s ir. but the fact Is 'thank you' to hlm."-Y J wou'tlell &Dtl.O,., ._,,,e to & d ea t~ r wh o ~C" "' tGu .. r •• ' " Th ere's a boy up ln Hoo s Ick Fall s, onke rs Slates· milk , 'both of which nro uutrlllol is dll ce d Ih e go vernme nt to usc tbe entire It.. Call tor rour "01"'£" n ~"cK .r IT eva.. N. Y . " ' bo Is g rowlIIG Into s turdy man· and Inoellou s. It you wis h to keep rece ipt s fr om Ih ls sou rce In the Im- tha t my w ife , your dau ghter, 18 II man. IF- W_ JUeJlu'I '.IfI.IJ.. MlUluIaot urer,SprDos"r l .. "JIel4o • • dr eadflllly har d wo man hood to on prov 11 "0 with. Gra pe-Nllts breakfas ts. It em ent ot r oads and driv eway s ID bright eyes and red ch oc lcs nnd to feol D ecollete . Mr. Dllnk a- I cn n sympa fhlze wltb buoyant nnd well, let tea nnd co rree nnd nbo\! ~ Ih e capllnl city . P resident ". -',,'lIl1t did sh e h a ve on at the the- ml g hl h3" e been diffe rent wltll lllm, as hi s tn 'Hh er expl a in!!: alnne \mtll you are long pns t srhool - D!nz 16 Ibe possesso r of a P ope-T oledo r uu, sir. I mar rl etl her m other.-N . Y. ater?" • .lays. But drink au abundan ce of co ld Innda,llc tte . whI ch Is orten aeen about Weekly. "M y II-y ear-o tt! uoy Is Inrge, w ell ".A hli ge hat." the ('nplln!. and 'I'homas Mornn . sn , dev el oped a nd ncU I'e, a n d has ber o water. "Wh ot eIMe?" Mon ey Gone. Am er! cnn lranlc er. ma k es cons tnnt u se • '" don'l know: I was btltlng direct- m nde "0 b y bls fundn ess fo r Gra pc· Jt (' l on~(' ll to w cc.l'lht) g'l rl ly of h er an d non o of th o r est Nllts food . At Ova y ea r s he was 1\ \'ery A fru itf ul cau90..of h endache s Is COD- of Ills car ct tll C sa me type. ,,' h l)1rI II(! \\' n~ wont locourt, Onn ot Ih e m os l I n t~ res tfll g nnd pIcDill he hlld (' u urtcd hor 8 0 Ion&, IUpntlon . Unless th e ph ysical s yste m at her cos tum e s h o w.~d a bove tbo ch nlr n e r vo us ch ile! a nd wn", ,,1I1Jject to frc· Co nta ins m. ny nt'W Prem iu m O fren, You t t mode him very ahort. Qu en t nt w clcs o f In d l ~ estlo n w hich ,hould kno W' abHut V ic" " V iold K i ne be regular nnd th e body periodi cally t ll're3que rl ltcs t o be fo und In t he ba"k." - Housto n Post. -P h Unrt c l p t1 l~ P1" c::rs. an d M ikado Allters. now oCTcf't11 ror 'he \\,01'1(1 Is thll t fr om uAcd th e to RIIlla rob l to til blm at b ls s trength lind rellevcd of rhhbl s h nnd de briS, no on e fir~ t lillie . end len ctnlS and r f (ItI Ve a we re "cry l ro e to den l w llh p.'l(; l;e( or Vic " ' . Bra nchi nG A ste r on Slld Blow_ )' I can hope to be we ll. Gir ls !lO m el1 m ~s h istoric nid cit y of Cuerna vnca. just SPORT, !,. I. <.!cl Uff, and coupon GC'\1l1 lor IU eCIU , ove r Ih e mOll n tn ln s t o t ile sou t h west. "Johnny ' s In lo ve w ith hIs teach er , H e n ever seem ed to fo r un ythl ng aegl ec.t. t b I~ Im porta n t rulo ot n uture. on l'urcha.u of ' t.oo or OYf r rrom -1)06 Isn' l he?" for hIs brenl,fa s t \lll l ll 1 tried Grapc· Guide. S end (or (be Catalogue au),w .. y : IlnH lcularly If th ey are away f rom It 'W IU)' fnlt ll (l ed by Co r tez !tnd h M ever it', fre e. "We ll , bo was. h nt h e's feeling so me- Nu t • . n nd I h n~c tl e \'cr h a d 10 chon e bnm c .. 1Jr If tboy bave 1101 estab li s hed Min ce beer. f requented by tou r ls ls os .J~lIm nCK'S !!IONII we ll ns r es ld enls wlint of s qu ~ from rexl elch cli ed thnt. n now. cilles He H e wro te h er n ID mn kes hi s en tire b re~ I( In themse lves a de nnite and In fle Xible 4~S lIalu 8t. Boebeal< !r, 1'1_ Y_ seaT c ~ of r lov es l e a letter nti f h ll calth s on t <J( Ora pe-Nuts fnod . It 19 alw ays d s he glLve 11 ua I, to him , ( " elder. ahOlI ~ the mntt or . 00,0 cnn n ever with a ll th e m ls tnkes In spell ln~ cor - r ell$h ed by h1m an (\ h e says t hn t It leglect the periodic ity, o f nature. A N(,t a ·.l\Io1'(len t t o S pare. rect ed tn r ed In k ."-Clev el a nd Len der. autl s tl ell him b etter than tb e ordln nry ~ .Irl who would be lIotll bealltlftll and " And what. di d sl}',l sny?" . kind of n m enl. . , ,..ell m1l ~ attend . 0 . t.lii nece6sn ry " She so lll s he'a sen d me ber ans we[ •. Doubted Bu.-Lo ve " Bell er th a n all, be ,Is no l o'nger ,JralnaS9 of ·,the lIody, In Its every 80100 tln,e to-d ay." . "Why did you mnrry MS";'-' . tr\lu bled wltb IndIg estion . Qr n er vn lls.Jorm. . "Of <;OI/rse, you are nnxlo u~ ? " . "BeC8~se f loved y ou, and becau8e ness. nnd bas got to be a spl end idly . atm ' another cantlon mat he par"1 s hmlld lillY I was. If s h o doesn'l you IIllld that If I dId not 'IIlarry yoU d eveloped fellQ''W sInce be beann to use 'oned. 117: t h e .nmblUo u8 girl ",Iio gaea a ccept rJe th ~rc '" another JOu wO,ulel /l1Jl ,.OUraEllf: ' s lrl I Wan! Gro pe-Nuts food." NRme given by to aobool. wbo wan ts to kOt'P uil with to p"l'Qpcse to-and ehe starlS for Eu· "DRESS "Hum~b! If YOU bad truly loved J'08lum Co" Battle Creek, lIer cJalsoa, and who .)ongB to take a rope to-mol'r ow." - Cle,ehU ld plall Mich. _ "Mornin g . Kil led anythl~~' PARAOEt me YOU Wouhl h,ve l!erlliltt ed me to There's R reaaon_ Read ths little .'_IOL ... tn~. aN 'nI,!~b \0 ,,,. N .....-. lI}ib r ",No: havo ),ou'" ~ ... $41.. , \. ,...,... ~r. 11111 my\elf.' ·-l(oultl iID P08~ ,. all • • ' e.~_blon ."~!O PTlc ..... ~1.W.n t"'. lIook. "Tba Ratti to Wellvlll e." 1Il 'pkp. "\l1l511), 1I. co.;Ull.h lraa..,,,.... rMladel(llll&.
---- --
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' . PUllIe 5250 'P.rIle
oUth 5UI1I1110118
, Clark M.. liurg~ tt
Touc hing ~ecttal of the ' Simp le Life of an Octo- 1 WIll ull'el' rlA' tIl,1 )t "'ll<'>' 1I 0r~ h r ' nt, rYil l~1 ~n tbo' D"ytnn II l ill genar ian . , Publi c Sale.
Form e.· Resid ents.
JuS t . rece ived
WomeM ' ~dDa,... Women are mom oftclIl ·ld1llolAlll. ,nth lddney dlaoroe rs than men, but attribu te tne lymptoD 8 ~ (1i!!Oa~ · es peoullar. to their sex, while In re · allt, she kldneYI ~re deral:jgect . Nenoll ine88, headac he, puJJy .or dark olrol68 under the eY68, pain In the *k, are slgn8 ot kidney trOU t ble tha, mUllt not be 19nored , or ,a lenous malady will l'68ult. Eoley's Tho ,onuln . Kidney Cnre has reatoro d the healtb of thousan dll of WOllk, n~rvous," I'OL£Y 'S HON£ Y and TAlli e" brOKen down women , It stollll Ir. • Yollow paoka,. . Reluse lub"Im w. regular ities and strengt hens the d onl)' b, nrlnary organs. It purttle8 the C.mlla ny. ChIO.... '010)," hlood and benefit . the wbole system.
. AR l'I.T HONE Til. erillilil
",GI'll Utl Home.Coming and NEW WHITE B'18B ·I[io a kit l1'rom \tme I thl~1l r,hiK Willi r ll of fo~m er Rel!lllolltll. .Reumo e. pik U 1.I1!1I() L EW LAKE HERRI NG N whns n 'drM \)inuh ,)nlUI.;;n tile Glille tt~ h ~ nQted th Uln !'R ot 'fl:f RSDA Y MA Il( ' U I , 190(; , II 8 Ml\.b· 1\11':;.' AU'gU8t iwiCH. nr h h glnnlng wit I,' tho ll a svllle lived WI,.yne o ,th tt, Burg Clark " 450 t h"W1l11111 ot D,I\' Illu. \\'1'\1"8 t.r) thol ' Ilontor trarm for ,", vorlll yea rll. . tilt) fol'low. · ~logl nIli n g nt 10 0'010 k, 3 head of 6, HJ06 . dl'rs '!'t'lI it, lind "y,ettl' " ~4t\t ned tllellt.i r pall 's week Last -----.. · g' lwl' hOlso' . :!'uf thelll g n om l purpolle NEW COD FIsa b.had moved to Norwoo<\, W l lCll'I' i ll.., lUte!'f' tlD~ ldtl·\·. re:;ll!'rlIU W . J . Rogers f",~'ored the Gazette trlli ll ll o r ~o, OUo :1 (lull ,)\l\! \1 yellrs old, . till! 1g' fulluwll /1'0(1 hf(, parl,y c. o Pl Orlean6 New t:;HRIM P-SA LMON-.."'AR. the r ~ be would tAke SIXlOlfll t r on l;mell oopies WitJI 1111 . nHlr, . ~\irCl1l1l ~ IUI~CIl'" wni('h led i.H!.r . t.Q. ono 1\ 1:1 YOllr alrl . ,lmf' r. \ nINES r fl yun e desorlp tive , of tho wngnfti . La8t Wednos(lay tho end onUlfl IIIh" flOll'" . . l1Ity YIC'l tho flf OIll rn!'Hl lL alld he passed quietl y (~wlly. .C b elld 0 I con t Mludi Gras lmld iu that oity , nor!! II ~Ingl tlW~ll 1 0 , rg l1 .\'~b I:Il1rv /loll illu &~v W"YI The body wa~ b rough t t o t lln 1 ,)i [rite nne~t New York Oroom fl nnulltl y. mtl1\y t l' ue cnttlo, .\ lIulob oow . ono J r~ey Will Ilel,l ot the oonn, good a borne of bis father, J ohn Bure;et t 'l \'lIt'I'O "lw ,,111\ rutuill. oeH R Will voll rell 2 ale. R of )' du by l:lsh fr hI' h " l'hlth' l'~ IIn( 1 or whit &$ Waynes ville and fuueral 8ervic~, t l'w",I" Hlhl Llppino ottij Pllro Apple Butter oue heifer . . tr.I' in tlle course of a year and en ~li 11 clwr i"hes 1\ \\'111' 1Il be rr e~u b~' lust of April. sight, In III there all limit we~ held trom the Christi an churoh 1,\,· , hn,,~ Slit) the to joys heifer eHlu oid YIlI; r 0 111' ~turday afterno on . The servi o , ,~ \'O~' ,I'll : lind the best of It III, he Is willin g t.o . W e b!lt~rl! Apple Sauoe. IIl~ H ~' l!Il': ;o;JIs <W MI )llll " 7. ~:'I"I·)f.: were oonduo ted 'bl' R.-ev . Philip 0 11 .. jerl\l'Y IllIll tj shure It with lIis fr jends. \lId, IlIllutllli Ii 1".. ... " ,It ,lIll. h" )1 1,, \' II III 100 a ean II t ~ \1. r t l Trout wbere the 'follDwln g obitu'\" 1 d or h o~~ , 0 SOWI!, !!I\ t • .\'IIl' II 11,\ III III''' rl' lf" l\l~ Ill ,,,, til", III ; ~ hea t,) lIIe ,,1' f I Burgtl' n !.inbur .. Olar : read W1II 1:I 0wurd Muning ton, of UrbauA, fl' . . "I III ph' With pi1-\', :! sllout :!: 1 Mih"lll1k ee Navel Orange 8, 10 BOX68 to .Idee's on 0' John and M&ry Bu r .. lit t ... "I;.'tdl "I Illy II II MoCo r. hus the ondorse meut of both Obio ckells, clti ozon d ~ ur, tl hill t,rrlve this week , allsiilOell. . loll . il k le't was born ne lir Georgotown I h"ugh hul'1l III WIl ,Y IH' ( 'l' ll llt ,\'. !:ienll tors for a position a8 payma8 · k I w",. lilly rll e, ter In tbe regnlar army with the died Mtl.roh j )oth ! I, steel , IIIOWtlr . Ohio, May aI, 18119, lido New Cabbag e, Celery ... "tl yea r8 9 montbs 1'.1 ,. '. 1 IlId lll"" .. Iam!!,,·,· I. I "~ l. l hud II " llilw I.ollth harrllw . s pring tooth rlllJk of captain and Ilt a. salary ot I ""R, ~ ,,"" '" 'VeH\ ,C S .. "" wi 111 i ll tltli Al'pl68 Lemons &ldwln 6 d"y~ ; be WAS Imit e" III u'"I·"I" "" Il' "" I' \' hll ll. III,. h" Ill" I'Il"t ev. ed IL rltling '1800, whi oh will be incr88s ow!!, pl ~ u kl l'l)Il b ~ W, l'I'U hll II , \\' 0 1I 9 rO &nana Maudo :-;n ..dllk " l· ,JII1 ~ I:.!. I I:I\' ~ '1'0 \\,.";" ,, . We 1'"lllt " oll Eagle claw ery five y ears a8 long as he relalnll ~ 1 IlIlI n v ,"ill'll f " " II. th u Ph ill clllt 1\·/(tll r , II R"milt ed promot Is them WllrA h"l'n 4 d lll,ll'tlll .:! '" III~ \\'.t! 1111 he I1S Ilnd grade, thRt bv , HOIl.iur a produce ,UII L your us bll't .· lill Bring ,,1.1.0 ~ i h wilh Hamil· HOHH~,.,(l lI tivator. . t ohll ouo cul in Infllnoy 1'hll there will be accomp anying inor08ll· WI" ·ll!'.-. vI' II .. I.I 111 1'1,h. \\'" li v('ll iu II 10" 1 ~l h in , with "I'llll of 11 ~"r Hlgbes t Market Prloe paid m, lv'''1 .nlre ~ ~ pllln Wr , 'l'iger tobacco l1L1rn l.on I1I"y. uIHI ~ uk i I ~ IIf t uil h ",\' hilllll !: for Butter llnd eggs . "'1, 1" 1,,·.,,\ H tbe of eon 18 ' gton ,l"I1\1"r y 18U3 1111 11 h" Manuin . otl· pnlley, n.nd fork . Mr 1111\(10 log "I,mb,r , ha y rop! Way. of gton, e ver S1DOO Bx"" pt .. 11 M .,·ual' ' 11,'111. in T llal, W il li t,bll WH y Ih fl.V llaD.nin F. Loni8 No. a, rubber llit,e NOTIC E OUR WINDW tIa y" ('A ' hill c;h ill .uoy:! . t llny )lll1"II' r(~1 . Ih ll ~ . h ll r~o Bro wn wllgOtl ( llermnn t, CO Ulllv . until fllll" ""t a gradua te of the OF LAMPS . t HIl pillll O box buggy, r oad olirt, 4 nellvllle, ami isHOllie dell' 0th 'w bUll hu 1I\1IV 'to .. t I. C •.~ S \\, I. t tI 1IIU11 to k 1.1"11 r,Il u lU trlllll l1i~ 0111 be·lore'-,.I and at Xenia. O . ~ . & S, O. ZIMM ERM AN'S We ehlhlrlm wlln' 111II ~1 sots u f wo r k 1'IlruOt!S, I set 0f b uggy for a nnmber of Y'OIIrB h1l8 po8868llOd Norw ~ hurll1D ~ lntliU of ooOl'll8 of whlcb he tie h,..1 h"eu IlItill g '\II' ro ur .V (·"I'~ .1'1'0"",., 1 lII UI'O liko li ttle wo hll rlle~H, nno t,obuooo IlIdder 22 feet politioa l a8piratl on8 bnt , l1 "lIi"ll'lI itu wh o hk Ih.·,. v( Ii III1It.,,1 . many of ion hut hi~ lAd' slokn Ol'~ OIl!.V reulizat tho njoyed e hilS gnvel I, . A e ln1l1\)14 . We 1 011 ~. 1 sot of hllY lalldof _ .. _ _ WP"ks. Wh\lt'l hi .. rllmtly lJ"d h Uiles won, "" 1111)1)1)' ,, ~ littlJ,:unfl~, m oth r hcd, Ilost h olo dlg!{er , 80llle timoth y mild f<lf bis recover y they were \I n ,\,ur \\" ,,'.., h " IIlO wove . olothO>' r ou 1111 The frionds of Mr. and Mrs. bra· wir.1I I,he >i pll n .. nIl ed for tbA end . a" unit.·,1 U lillY, one s et, of ~01l108, capital tlOO, Torture by Sa vag Il ' f I' U ' WnS no 11 ~~ or nhl o I\.bout, :! lurgo g iflS!I oupbol,rcls. 1 beel room e lSatter thwt\lt e, will be InteJ'88ted 1'11111'\1 Chrl".iall olluroll "t. \V""II ,"\'III" Wo ",;t. fiu e lng of the torture to which th "8peak their IIro~l<lIl1 II~ sold I\' in It'arnln g that they hllve ' 11103. Be WtlS tou w(dj kll "W Il! wh o . ·I10 Ie range. 't e, 1 !l100 I U the savlIJ(e tribes In th l) of UI HOllle t.,· r,"" I I" " I:' w lI n t to llI oeti nJ,:, IlS it Wilt! th en M · · aael ield 1 Springf III in llll W ayn68v e a.lI! VIO handso me home (;()[tNELIUS MAI1AN. Pbllippl nll8 Rubject their captlveN , . We wou ld IlllOOllllllory to dOHoribe bl" .it'u. 110 0 11 110<1 . it is ohuroh now on or about the fifteent h of April remind s me of the Intense 8ulferioK t N il M IlS I.Jniot 1 ,,1' ue "nu \\,11 0 11 g'on, Sit 1\11 Waabln to . "mlll " Seu,ttle t wi!l move to hlld often said "111m nol A. A. c e • auc IOnoor. durin g the eudured for three months from die, but if I oould ouly li v" f.O h" lp lUicc>, n ot II word sJloken wbere Israel will engage In the Iinflamm olerk. Himes, .Jerry timo the ation of the Kidney s" 8ays wus t ha t for hour, ,: ulI'etillJ ralae mv oblldre n.·' Thi s ,, ".1 "" 11 11' plumbi ng buslnllllB. Mr. and Mr8, W. M. Sherma n, of CushlOlt' Me. , - - - wo mov . 8no· very been have peaoefu iIy like fallinl; ,,,.1 ,,,,1' I1~~ 1 Willi nine year8 aiel when hwaite I:lltttert Hll viog sold my fllrm. I will offor nevel' hourel In "Notbl ng hplped l.Oe until l' tried sojourn tbeir "'conm during tMYes beelde his wife IInel I."·,, a lt .1 ed to ,) hio, aud hlld nlated Eleotrlo Bittt-I'II, tbree bottles ot ' Sll Ie t, t my r osl'd ence th ree oessful hrloVe my II t pu bl 10 in and d leld Ilrel10he 8prlunf s sermon t,wo t bu _i. .. t.w , mnthe" nnn ... faSher clren, a " comple tely oured me." Cure8 .. rll 11011.1 "h "~ I. u f Hfe, th oy were from visiting mill . miles north of Woyne sville, on the ooDsldertlble of p:ropert.y . They will whlohCompla d two brotb ters IIIn. int, Dyspep ela. Blood Liver i in held d wore .1s vllle meeting '1'he Wayne8 . I;helr iNters trlen .... an r .. I"1 V!ll' , ... 1I1"lIcll. eth Road, leading from the probabl y make Chenow 1 Wbell Malaria ; aud restore s and woods, 'll the In dlsordel ou.bioH he t ,'" IIp lIim I(ive Uhlo While it I" h"rd to Bellbro ok pike, friendS III villit before leaving tbe to pike ry er ' .I! I nerVOU8 to robWlt ng and preaohi weak nce the comme them west. hOllrd horne ' for their new _ feel wbllt hi our loss 18 hi .. j(lI in anll _ the _in bealth. Guaran teed by . Fred C. FR.IDA Y, MARC H 111, 1906, 'h II t we a b a II uleet· hi 111 I n 1\ 11el·te r Wela so hltpPY Ilnd bave never for. B. }'. Parker made a brief bnt Bohwar tz drunls t. PrioeliOo. world where there is no s lok"e~~ or gott,on them. gi vtl the followi ng st ook, implem ents and weloom e visit to his WayneSVille o t Ohio t~ oved m father My parting . friends 8aturda y and Sunday . Mr . his cililtire n 1\ ohllnce to get Into hou8eh old goods, etc. : A Fill r;;N 1>. h Cotton lias aIlVlluood,. ",n 2 horses , one a ·bay horse 16 yearB Parker Is st·11l employ ed 118 sale .. EDIS ON PHON OORA PH. A Good Stook of MUSlin Un(lerw car, althoug school ."nd sooiety . Now comos - - -- - -, and one lUan for the Americ an 'robaoco Co. Ul the moving . three WtlJ.:0IlS m ad e old , g ood genel'lll pnrpoae liro seiling Nice lioods tor tbe price. CorBOt Covers 2ri centle OARD OF TB.ANIt8. tbrougb goods d them, travele on ti hll8 he coYer which with for rOtldy th'lnks onr exprellS to We dealre ~ started 11 blAok horse HI years old, good gen. Skirts 50 centlo up, Gown" fiO oeutle 1111. NII~.atreh W"illt: !6 (l/llll W linr kind neighb ors and fri ends pIlekod, hor8e8 hitc hed lind y rOlld . erlll purpose, black horse 111 years savAr,,1 of tbe Soutbe rn l:ltates y for Is territor his U oorduro bnt clllled we years. whl1t 8ever,,1 on thitl in tby HymJlll for 'heir belp/an d 8took Sheetin g BibB, eto ., NEW liOODS . miles II old Il heifer 3 yrs. old will IlOW enlarge d and he will be looated our aad bereave ment, to Brot,h er We ooulll make bot 11 few and .in be fresh lu Cow for a month or more in Colomb us, , April the wllgons the In Troat for hll oonfort ing words and day. slept Ma ' in Wtlfren y, 10 with beadqu arters lit the Chltten W Hr•.!loClur e for his kind att.e·n course of t.lme landed froUi Ho,r. 4 years old WIll be fresh in $Ion lind Anna Merede th' for her Couuty Ohio not. fnrhome wbere shonts wolght Ilb~ut 100 lbs e.loh, den Hotel. llr. Parker 18 anxious to v eysbu~K, bo~ght 11 be among the home comers next . flowere t bu. whIte oats, about 2 August . when he hOpe8 to greet 100 ubout . churoh nnd sobool to go oould we EN CUILDR · IlU..P ,.ARK. BoaolCTT AND iu Har. . ton of olover hoy. One Deering mlmy ot hl8 old frlend8 wbom be liB, . . 0 !lu. J . V . BUROICTT AND 1 got 11111 my sohooll earning Hay Rllke Evans has not had the pleasur e of meet. veysbu rg. My parents nllmes were Binder ' Re volving ' FAIIILT. " Retlson and Mary Reagon ,n both harrow , Diso ing tor 8evernl yoars . aOtooth , Pluntor , and t heir childre had Corn Friends . •• Sbovel . . birthrig httt in the churob , or Sooie· Harrow , Iron Beam ·Double fio'Ye died 8udden ly Sun· WlIIiam ev·e r.v IlIelDller . Huit.FI Roll 011, d,\y One the Plow, begin to !:ihare lal ..areel Show~r for Bar uba"'nt s ' PlOW, ing a. With someth ty, 118 then oalled. I have been home of hla tbe at 4, Marob day, one .... lanter, Every. yellr, Transp Brings oheer all tbe Carl Smith . cburob membe r ever sinoe. When Dlan Tobacoo of the hou8eh old theae oold mornl!lgll. Mr. and 1_" son in Wilmin gton. Mr, Howe d on d raqulre Is 811:1\1 no r It, love the likes g$on w e m oved to Ohio father settled !lult body er. S"'" lived on a farm near Wllmln Moat people drln~ ooffee at brMkfll 8t, Ilnd wa can tile limits of Mlnmi Monthl y Meet. t obllcco press, bay laa Snn. to reprodu ce perteot ly lband muslo; DEAR FRIEND: village tbe Inl;o goue town bad In a.nd find )1IIon Oelll you 8ugar , I\!I ES buggle8 2 of coffee. We bave III good a line bt COFFE ing. and fatber req ueatlid mem ber, spring wagon. PI.PI brllll ... bat'. In yoar power A orooks. day mornin g to a.stend I16rvlce at vooal 80101, 4,et., and What better 'han batter cakes with PURE SYRUP . liot Panullk ship for bimself , mother a.nd four 40 sugar buokets , 100 soga.r osage the Cbristi an ohnreh , of whioh he tbe flneIIt To 1II1 ':rOaDI frlead', klt. bea . b ower ; tell; the fiued oharac ter of fence posts, loonst Ilnd qutlrtet lot a Ilnd Rachel , Dina~ ohn, J r. n, here. membe , ohlldre SYRUP valued Imlle, and and or lork i11~ akUJttt; table clo'b, tile was lion active skits. Thu8 FLOUR . We bad one sl.s born af . ol'll.Ilge about 16• rod of 5 inoh IUP After service he drove to the songs a.nd vauder ville '.' AllylblDr IUllable for a new ... Ife. Mary r,' We caD tnrnllh the makeup of all me1l18; breakfa st, dinner and name her s more fun OhIO, provide to raph moved we Phonog ter tbe ~ w wholl6 Pb I'lllJ)S 011 ~'U. was Hannah . We were ta.keD Into About 0 rod of 4 Inoh tile, 8 smnds home ot hlB Bon In the vUla.e Will r 9OID4 ':e~:~::' ~ to be celebra ted on and mt1810 than any other automa tlo l)Br, wi$b alleeuo nllble goods. ' lived of Bees, 1100 shaved hickory sticks, blrtbda y was You are Invited to cal1. Plaoe Tour &In on tbo lab le befo re you Miami Monthl y Meetin g, andbecaUla 1600 .tobl\coo lath, a lot of old Iron, that dliY by a small family ga$her. enterta iner. yet 18 within reaoh of and years, iwelv~ there h,oree hill log unhl">h ERY. while OROC lean; THE CORNER 30 gallon lng, and It apeake for ltaelt. muoh attuohe d to the Friend! ! t·here. grind stone ' oalf box • a fell, guped a f~w times aad explr. all. 1If:r0llll, (, wbo was Ma ry Hb1, man M BaO WN ent promin very one ber the remem health I and ~ show Wlnal to in "b wheel r ' g een b ' pleased lib -'It We wlll be ed. · As he had -" tb = Evans. iron kettle, a spinnin ' . , . . Nr;\l l:: .' . " gra.e u • "D~ wb08e name was Thoma s ed. l'68alt. In'ere.t mllohln es to anyone !!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!! maobin e, 3 bed death was suppose d to !!!'!'!!!!'!'! !!!'!'!!!!'!'! !!~'!'!!!!'!'! '!!!!'!'!!!!~! '!!!!'!'!!!!'! !!!!!'!'!!!!'! !!!!~'!'!!!!!' !!'!'!'!!!!'!' E\lther Illude anothe r move a.nd BOt. reel, Singer BOwing cupboa. !!!~~'!'!!!!!! week a ,1.00 Sold on paymen ts of rds, safe, ed from the effecta ofheada ohe pow. Caeaar'lI 8teads, 3 tables, 2 !:Iuch wa the invitati oil receive d tlM within the· limits of lIir8 ders he had tak,e n. He IMv68 II wid· 011 rocking 2 stands. 8 , Bureau we here ' , Meeting . y Montbl friends of 'the happy Creek 'by a number of ow, three grown sons and one dau, b t! h d respons e the 10une coup1e', 'and ave II. few other ·chalrs • a lot of rag car- ghter. u tanoes, aoqunlD new e UUl .beareach ed, J &":I' ~ the ' "ollo "I WIlYS held,. warm feeling for heat. Mr. Howe was 80n of James Howe Miami Friends . Since all this I pet, lounge bedstea d, Owensstoves, who ·bur a .. t or the bn e. with his family lived oa the heating other 2 stove, Ing P11886d throug h many c)lange8 Dun~ the evening. ice cream and have thwalte farm nMr the mouth t:!aUer . \'f Bow'o Tbls. · 1~lDg an d weury I e Journey . oook 8tove, gasolin e 8tove and oven, . tl, liS and 111 servedwhile ' were away cake kindl of two hours of Gaell&r80re6'k twenty or more 8wiftly sped th, utoncooking of lot a We offer One Hnndre d years ago and were ata1we rt memo Du;yt-on IS now my ,home with my a lot of dishes ·o.v1nl' Mes and music. nClce, Mrs. H. 8 . Mattbe wman, sile, crooker y, ' ware, eto. for any oue of Catarrh ARY PUBLl . Rewa.rd here ohurob an ~. Cbrl8tl tbe of bera LOANS NEGOT IATED . bal. be oarec\ by HaU'8 canno' that r. all Mrs. tmlith will begin where I expeot to remain the and town propert y at all times. fal'Dlll good . for time' lroyera that , ta bave WE'l'B We CHENO E. JOHN life and where I shall Oatarrh Oure. • hO\Jl8keeping this . week on the unco of my Lilt with 1UI, we oaD· belp yoa, loy this old bOlly down and theae Nathan Jones farm F. J . OHENE Y & CO.• Toledo, O. d ,AUOT. r80elve ba8 HAWKE . T Bally C. Oftloe Roome over POIt Oftlce In S$oops' Bulldl~l. . under Emmor Mr. rest will hllnds tired old s present uted contrib who Th.,.. known have gned, undersi the We ot e OLERK. marriag IIlR, .the aunoun cement of est will . be A. B. CHANDL YMra, were: Cora, Amy, Alfred and Mar- mother earth, snd ~he r Lun ch stand llrivileg e8 reaerve d Emerso n R . Thorne , of BeonMBeY, F. J. Cheney tor the 1aU. lli AND Yin Hay. pitcher and ·broom: Uhas forever . DINAll REAOAN JOlI!!ISON. SEE rable lyhono pertoo' him beJieve and AlUlon Mary Okla.homa, to Miaa Geora-e and Goldie I:!mith, table transact lOll8 and fi ... bOllln &11 In 00whlob Olty IIIlme the. of , Aldriob Is it Tho 8imple story 18 told Ilnd cloth, towels, coffee pot. dust pan, IIble to oarry ont any oJ>. a,~ oorred Wednet lday. Februa ry 28, nllnolal ly lives of un. . Sale. c by h181lrm . Publi made s pllddin g pan, dipper and pitcher : .but reoital Of tbe\VODlen ligation at be will oouple. happy The 1906. of the Wben Wantin g , Marvin and Kinnan Elmer Earnha rt and family, towels; number ed men and Ilen.rly 611 have g, Waldin eey BenneiJ I wiII offer at, publio sale at my home at Suuny Lawn, Ben V. Smith and family, pitcher ; generat ion of which Whol_ le DrugglstAl, Toledo. O. • Oklaho ma, after Jane 1. last time, l"»\.Ssed over residen oe in Lytle, Ohio Hall'a Olltarrh Cure ill taken in. Mrs. Elizabeth 8mith. two plates; moved for the eurthly bered remem be will Thorne Mr. 16. MAROH have Y 8celle~, FRIDA 0 l , upon the Edpi' Simpki ns and wife, of Dodds, the limila of oarthly body, and direot , acting of ternlilly beginni ng at one o'Qlocok p. m . Tbe bv 0Ider-citlz.1l8118 the oldllls IOn surfaoe e of the mucous and pudding pan; Deskin Lewis and .wife, IlIln down t,be blood :wbo Thorne Alex Mrs. new 1 and ty: Mr. "ra feeS" followi ng persona l proper of Dodds, china dish ; E. 8 . Hanby. the "old tired handH ond nials ilent free. exper. gasolin e stove, 1 cook stove, It til b· many yeai'll oooupie d the propert y sY8tem. Testimo per bottle. Sold by rOle bowli Mrs. Hanby, lamp; Dane •• at rest ButI of the d heartd f , set OD Main 8treet DOW owned by Mrs, Price 75 cents u~nails oooking of (Jorner' strips for tobaooo box68 for sale. lot fine flour les, and lIafe match cooking crock, an aha ows 0 ks Alotha Alexan der, and .oonduo&ed a all DrugRi8ta. oupboo ;t , etc. clooks, lifter; Willie, fruit dish; Paul and lences. tho Ights di~he8, of pencil Oll,n .. Alfred Hanby, gla88 pickle dishes' soch )tves no · pen or be known m eal ohe8t, single bed, 2 bed stead8 meat market where Mr. &lIey' s Take HaU's Family Pilla for oonstl· I ever they CllIl pation. Dor write, Joseph dish. china John, St. chl~ir , dresser , rag market Is located . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!! Lewis rl'JOking !!!!!!' hU1r8, O !!!!!!! !~!!'!! !!!!!!! !~!!!~! ing !~~~~!! Reoord Tweuty two years ago, Mr. ~~~~~~~~!!!~!!!~~~~!!'!'!!!! Marsha ll, water set; Lucy Emley until the books of the carpet, quiltiug framo, 1 new one lpent hor~ e roller, 1 huggy, set of soad Thorne left Wa.yne sville and cooking crock; Jesse <..:onner, roast: Angel lire ovellod . - - -- - work harne ~!!, siogle harne88 , new !!Overal years fl.ll a cattle ran ohman er; Frank Pratt and wife, table he f .. bl' S I ~ardBn plow, shovel plow, barshar e in Kan8118, b~,t for IIOme time cloth, doz. napkins , 2 cups and sauc· where 0 e ma, a ~ · IC Oklaho n U ..... lind IIvin(ll " W. been shovels has holder; axes, hoes. celery forks, Zeller. plow, ers' Mrs Chatt el Prope rty. many othor things too nmerou s to he has aoonmnlatO!d ooWliderable of Deiling er and wife, table cioth : TI.·e· prollert y. Bel has matte bot on~ mentto n . na Cornell and brother , china dish ; As the 1:10 ines flU'm wUfl sold on visit to Waynl3 sville SlnOtl hill re81. (,'hu Frye, wife and Ii ttle son. halfCIlsh. Terrns we will offer In the West. dllnce a doz. tea spoons, and fryins pau; snob short notice t o Uti, est A . A. Mo NEil. A UOT. of V;AY80uthw ~uel Butterw orth and wife. fl our for .."Ie X mile . MILLS M. MARY Oream. 's EC'~ma, Tetter, I:!alt Rheum , Itch. lifter and pieplate ; Joe ~vCln~ and oe~vil1 e, jnst above FreIlch Worm, laerpee , Barbere ' nch. Ring on , ery pud· granite wife, cushion , towels. . 1!l06 24, MARCH . DAY ~ATUR dish china dinl'pa n; Lizzie Yeazel. Tbe Origina l. All ot these disease s are attende d '-.. 9 :ao Il. 01 . and a dipper; Walter MoClur e and beginni ng prompt ly nt of horses. 1 Intenae ltohing , which Is II.lmcet by tde orlglna , Chicago ., Co head ,'k' :1 : g l<'oley followin the by applyin g wife, two plates, two cups and sauany plilco [l oneyan d Tltr as 1\ throat a.nd in~tantly reUieved and by lta oon· cers' Mn. Eliza Murphy . glas:; dish huy horHO. good w orker eilaln '11 Salve Chamb the of e fin aoount on also and and , liner remedy lung a. permaa snt cure may Jarn~ McClur e. stew kettle; Cari und goou. single 12 yrs. old ; 1 b l1Y groat merit and popula rity of Fo· tinned UBO . lit. has, In taot, 00 McClure, fire shovel ; Mrs. R. G Hlldlll o h orse,worker effeoted be imlta· single many goud alii! ley's Honey and Tar Cross, coffee pot; Mrs. R. A . Cross hor se, 1:00/1 had r68lsted all ; 1 bay horso, tion~ are offereel for the genuine . many OII.86S t.hat 25 cents pe Price butci)e r knife and mixing spoon; liner . 14 Yllllrs old pluce. lnt. treatmf other ten years Honey and Tar and Sobwu tz. C. Fred by Mrs. Lizzie Lewis, lamp; Juhn Tay- ~Ilod workor any huy. About 300 Ask for Foley's salle Eor . box ref Me IlUY substit ute oft'ered as no lor and wife. large stew pan and tin old. A 101· of baled SIlDle the old give will hou!loh e tion om H ; prepara oorn of other hels cup' Mrs. Roy Hathaw ay, potatu bus nts : 1 three sutlsfao tloIl. It is wildly laxativ e, . . . The Gazette does a genera maa'her and mixing spoon; Bertha goods. FarUlio g I Ulpleme tw o horse It oontain s no opiat'68 Bnd Is safest I roller, land l!Oction r Esthe and Ida ; dish china Callaha n, g bU8In688 . We have recent printin , persoD8 sixty tooth II nel delicate Carey, Ii-piece cooking set; Mr. and W'lg OIl , 1 \lisc Imrrow .1 I J ohn Deere for childre n ed oonslde rable new ty purchas Iy Mrs. J . H . Colema n, granite bucket: lllll'row, st eel fmmc, .-~~~~~~~~~!!'!'!~~~~ and other materia l and are prepar '!'! row oheck 1 plOW. king •• bre ridiu!; : e kettl Will Loy and wife, ",ranite M 0 to do better work than ever before M CASSY IM"A' " H,C plllllter, 1 corn drill, 1 Krauss Harry Sherwo od and wife. ice pitch·; corn tors, 2 , er' Mr. Liddy and wife. tea pot cultiva tor,;J walking oultiva EVE, EAIt, NaSI: and THROAT plows, 1 Deete hay M;" Muon, ",ranite wash pan : nay douhle shovelruke. Dooto:rs Are Pazzled . at· 8eed clover 1 hay 1 , lonelor W Mr. skillet; Phones ; steei wife, Smith and Hours- U 1l.1ll . to :1 p .m. oorn Dain 1 , 1I10wer for nt able reoover y of Ken· tachmc ; remarl, spread The bed 1502 wIfe, Bell. Phillipa and and Sundtl Ycrusher, 1 tobaooo t:I(lfllY. 1 slokle !In.m . tu 10 p .w. 1 to 2 Home, 3502 neth McIver . of Vanceb oro, Me, Is Orval Phillipa , little broom . grind grinder ,l Cl'OS!! out S IlW, I ments by appoin tment tbe subjeot of much inter68 t to th tltoue, 1 henl,ing stove, work bl),r . Other engage tobacco 1 , harness buggy . ~ss et. n DA YTON, O. medica l fraterll Uy and a wide oir· Mark Easte r 1 ~6 W. Fifth St;, buggy. Large ole ot frlenda . He eaYII ot hili oase. 's fm rue, 1 steol tire uny G 'Id f!:it M _A other urti. \Vater 'rtlDk, A.Ild 'm Ilry . 0 UI Owing to aev:ere ln1lamm atloa a The 1....168 n. tbe Throat Bnd oong68tlon of th A Scien tifio Wonde r, Charob wlll hold market at J , B cles t oo num omus to ; over casb Lungs, three dootors Kave me up to Colema n 'a store from II t o 12 every Terms : ~ . 00 and under cures that stand to Its ore~llt die, when, l1li a. IaRt resort, J givOIl 'l'he be will cretlit months U S5.00 (ox nt le g ~durln Baturdfol mornln purchaser gIVing note with' approv . moke Bucklen 's Arnica Salve & induced to try Dr. King'a New Oil, the Saturd ay before Easter .) • 80ientlfic wonder . It oured E. R. covery and ·1 am happy to lilY. ' I ed. security . baking. All kind. of home made Mulford ' leoture r for the Patron l saved 1D1 Utre." Cures the wore S. A. & J . L. SELLER JelUee, ~, etc. ,viii be 011 Bale Hus~ndry; Wayn68 boro, Pa., ot of Coldl, Bronoh ltill, 'l'on. C. T. Huwke und C. H. Surface , a distrC88i~g_case of Pilllll. It heals Cougha and Lungs, Hoarse n... WeaK. 811ltls, 88le. d. Ancts. Lunc,b...8tund Reserve Burns, Sores, Boils, Ulcet'll and ·La Grippe . Guaran teed · a. :st wo tbe _"my of the t'1lce. , Cots Wound s, ChlblaiD8 and Salt Fred O. Sobwar tz drug store. 600 on8n endll In Appen loDIdi OnlY 25c at Fred 0, and '1.00. TrIal bottle free. Rhe~m . '1'0 a"oId allll8r1 ous trouble kJI stor . drug tz I:!ohWtu Liver IUld Bowels . ILLEI OUIO RIDGEV Pills tab Dr, ....'. New Life R'~ s erlalD' 4:~aDlbCDIda, 'tM7 ~ ~ate &h_ or·, SPICIJIA LUES: DISmAS_ or WOMBlI CI'CIlIP ud ~c:GIIIJ. , c:u. ""..... pUa 01 dleoom fort AlItromi.DBEif, -;-
a kit 100 lb
WlTIYE .ouCh r••••'.
FRESH NEW YEA R GOODS SHO \V Case after Case ofih e N(-'w com ing, LOOK AT TH ELlS '!'.
Fig'd and Dott ed
~WiRS, Chiffon Cl'epe _ _ _ _ _...__ _ Emb l''ll Pong ee,
Lino ns, Chif fone tte Me)'cerized Effects
.... ..n
'6 New Show ('uses
of Glass 50, feet long.
full of the New Dres s Trim ming s
Hutcbis,," X~"ia,
~ Oibn~y,
J A ME S STOOPS, J!!!!!EWE~LER~!,!,,!,!W!!!!A!!!!YNE8~VI,!!,!!!!!LLE!,!,!!!!, RE AL ESTATEKNOBROKEF' T. B. avs~ER.
g .......- In L'.. .....
Pro prie tor
0, reSO D I
MONROE Ohio. L UIIl ber,
I PO:r t aDd Oell laDt , ShlD j!I.e...s.iiD d all kiD ds of al. :'liB S iD Plo ur Pea d aDd. D
GraI D.
Val le..... Pho De
'. IkIIawam dranta l
.. -
W ill yo u co ns id er th is a p.e rso na l .in v-itation to ' att en d.
AND ' WAYNESVILLE NEWS. VOfJ. XLV t, NO. 41. Tobacco is
Telephone Company's New Opemtors.
! ~"l!i
Wl:lULE NU MBER 2 1;1;)
--_._-- =
How the Traction
May Effect Waynesville.
k ave m(,ney and tim hy huy ing Wall Paper at Schwar tz's , Wayn~· i\h' b'r nnl, ( 'rew , wll o h ll ~ bOI·n II " ill p 75 ditl'er ent design;; L I !leI at Savo 111 0n~y and Lint > by huying cOllduc to r 011 II t rn cl llll1 lill'i f)l1L fl f fl'Om . . Wall Pa ptlr at Sehwarl z'«. Way ne;;· Wo Illlvo ha(1 II ,;\, 01·11 o f gootl DllytOIl for I' YCll l' or 11101'1" hfl ~ 1'0 · NEWSY NO r EI' (jAT H E ~E() BY THE GAZETTE'S vill e. 7fi Ihll' 'nmt dt!signs to se lec l -I igll1ng \nth tho till r//lomot or tnrn etl hOmo Itnd Will ~ pO II J th e CORRESPON DENTS IN NEA~BY PLAC ES f rom. r onchlng the :o:el'O IIIllT II 01111 or two Humm or 0 11 lIi ~ m o tb or '~ fll rill in 11Ior Olnl-{S . Mr;;, [, . A ~ill1l1'tl1'11I11II W"KIIIIITlII' En~t Wn y nn t owLlsh ip Think of t h o thermo ll1oter rf'gi8' Ingl y III f,)r" fl'w 1111 "" 11, "1, wlle lr, Mr CI'OW'HIll tost run wn!l hot,\\'I'oll L I ~h p , 1)11 1111 l'hilhp~ . 11'101,1,, ·, II! 1111 1 (-lroellvillo IIllcl OIL"ton_ IlUeI in eon · but III IInw lIlu uh " I'Ll nr. i!lch 'I'11 wnnt 1.11 ( 'lIlUil1l1 l1, 1 t,' l'iti IO V I erlll g 70 In tbe Rhfllle S W Aks ago y t e. , 'erfon tion with tho' (:/1l)\u h o I-(Ilve . . . I "v n n l n g' l ,.(!rnl·l\1 n~ ~ll tlll" y r' \'f'1I1 ,1l~ SundlLV, .Jnnunry ~ 1 . IUld hore we ~'1I1' ll1gl'1l'l,n "lwIl Y" u"n " Red Sa\'!' l1l (\ l1ey an d IIl11 e hy I.11 Y1l1 g 1l1' a n Ilr vernal ef]uio ox, LI nd zero som e iu l,or cHling fa OtH I' o lntin ~ t o I::!lIrurn II lItl 1:lu>rry Expectorllnt " trnct,ion li nes A 11l 01l g eth or thlngR Wa ll Pap 'I' 'It Sl· h\\·al'l z ·~ . WaYIH' H.1 ~ ll'H ~[ur:':lIl'f't Jnllll~ , whO) _ 11t~ weather. Tbo wOILth er Ihe Pll8t Sold liS .1. E .llInll cy h e Hlli(1 t ha t on ·lIt.ul'day s fllrm or s villl'. 7ii dilr~'I'''lIl dl's ig ns If, ~ t'l t· ct ) ll1wn ( 0)11011 0'1 1 III tll o 1I 0 11 ~'. ' foll' ,\l. wluter hus been /I ~0\'l e8 of S ill" 111,,-1 t\l111 "_' '''' • . j" "lillllIl Abl ll t o prise. Ill ong t ho lin os ditIll ot, hltoh up nnll Inm) Tho 11I1I11 ,V fricl\lI H of M ~H"rH A. • 1111' li nt . MI'~ K Atl' .11)IIn;; Is c.\t'in :,; 1'111'. Espy und Wilbur Ol\.vis dr1\'11 t o town to 110 thoi r trniling L . Furr ulI,1 !lllvl .. F'11I'nll A will 1'0· "" nlll r I\l' lIrl<'l; 111'11 ,,1 'I',1O''' fill' III" ' . chllnged,bac k iuJ,o th eIr own properhuI, inst.ontl go t nn t h e cn.r ami f or till Mr gret. l o lpn l'lI tl llLI, Ih nir ph Y~lrAII Y IIf lll"t \\·I'I·k III \)u vloo ll , !j contR well t t o the U Oll r o~t t owlI , . Tll o ! l" t lt · \\' Ul il lallll '-' t t 1 .'l lltl)1II1~'" ties lus t wee k . 8tre n ~t. h i.. 1'lIpillly fniHn!; , A tY].logrnphiou l orr ol' In h~ 8t weeks wlthont hnvin g to holhe l' \VIU, th o Mr~ D.'yTIl \\' lIn1 WI.L:-; ... b n "lJ1n ~ i ll 1 ~ p ruJo: p(;" l'III~ I I ll' '''''' n ' t)- "; (; II I" 'f' f.t, BOlt wltl or " I) LtI C'~ Ill· ,I . E ,\(mI10,\'8 011 1'0 of u h orslI The lJIllj on ty uf Dnyton '" 11tlllf'sdn .' · 01 IlIl't wI'"k ('I"VI·tl glOl . hn Y"I' foor H I III~ \3ros., ltem!! r e ported Mr. Elliott as mov· Tbf! 1lllll'k tl l, hul11 hv ::it. MlLry 's Doctors Will tho ]Jeo ple !;o to the ne u rest, tow n Mr~ , MnW ,ll1 1·.I11 0l' ir k i.. \' IS1l 1Ilg (Juoo'lnllull, h ol,\11 ,\,·lIn· r.v ron \V I;tl 109 lUtO t.he Lllwson llrOI>Ol't,Y, l t ltuiltl llltch ::lutul'llltv - 1lI te o frllnt nnrl not through to th e lur!;o oitle!' r oltltives In !:Iholby c,)tl1l t V.III Hl "Ill III "r\",·, tn k lOI.\ 111 J:!H ('u ,," ~ \'t"U ~ fl " h " nld Itu ve lJolln MI'~ . ~;lhnt, t. Mr . .T o~ e ph Cbllntpi on hus pnr Hold Meeting. ut t,h o cnds of t h o line . III~rL 0 1 J H . (;lI le n1l;1I'" 8tO\o (l ~tOrtl . not be bllc k for II tllrtl1l"ht lit t-: 10 00 1)""l'l lr ' tllP eq l! \ ,.no w v s tIli contilluoR uUII fr o.~h hnklng This is i rnpnrtllll t, to Wnyn 8sv ill e. wt"n thtH J\ l b 'l\ (~. \Vhl' I·I.,t (I f'rr nv\ <\ hl\~ ocl the h t,t le fll rm on I:IlIclld Th n lJ\lcto r ~ of Wurrcn COllnty nnd coololl l{ ulo WIll III on Sill" th er o IIml i f tlw slime thll1 ~ h :>II1H !;ood on Mrtl, Dol'll M cl'rn .~' ~1I.1,ll h n" lol~l~~~ 1 1'1 ''''11\',' ,1'71)11 """,~ \'11 1\1 ('[\ ;11 ~ 1 7,OOO itolld fI 0 111 Mrs . Clnrn l:illtfield, 8.u(l lJetwl'llll 11111" IIIllL tW C' IV ll n6xt [oillt. Ilro 1"'I1PUTlUg for 'L III cetlnl{ flf tho our projlosed linl', tho trll otion WIll Kill nt Sunc1uy WIlli 1I,Il " hI [,.tl l,,. O il J"r hlu y, H"tu.-rln .v "",1 Mrllltln y m O \'[ld t' ll It r ocontl.V \Jountv Mmh cul l:!'lclety wbiell Will he n POHlt l\'e Iltl vll u t llJ;O t.1I th u hU A1· M.r . und Mr" Alllll rt ('ol'n ell .] osOph V:.llll-{ilnu m r)v ecl ovor nOl\r 0" Frl!l u)' th.'" we r 1 tl Tlnhle to I{ol, unlllY Mrs . FI " \VlllIllIllS. III , of ( 'O'IIIL1r · !!ILI'.• Hoii' w, r;, for ce,1 I,) IAll vO it, in th e R ohinson 'fowll sohool hou!!e Y un will u e v£lr know how much lJe held lit tho Ma Ytlr's ollice,ln LIlI>· u nllR ot t he towlI , lI1slR.n d of tnkll1g , on 'l'uesdIlY, Api'll 3rtl Dr bu ~ iI1 B~ N to the hHgBr plll coH, us liltS viiiE'. s)Jont \VE'dn,>;rcl n\r wHh 1\11" , thr: \~·ul' ..Il\J\1"o 101\(1 . ut, lll ght, ~h o last W e cln osd"y . you D OeU ACClc\ont Immmnco till unOIl 'rho BU\ltist mee hD g~ only Insted AntI Mrs H L WII I I/UII ~ o l1 l1t tlli~ hIli 1'1111 I;( \Vns I WO tllll'll ~ full Hilt yon oru hil t! uI> with lin lLlJury, then Vun 1~l ll oh, Cor on or of Clermont heen fen r ed . t" , Stnto Food nm} Dlllrv Com· The woothcr W IlS very plnoo. nl'<l l1~' , h"w (\ vo r, t\lI l'~ n rrlv o(] nud IL few rlll Y!!. it i ~ t,oo hLto tino Fre(l B. lSlIerwood, Coun ml ~~io'n ('r Ank eney, Dr. Sil ve r, of un fll vor"hle. . f or t h e wee k th e hous( ' w,,_. 1'111]11 icrl A~ e ot , for Aetnll Aooidont Ins ur. S ervlces On In ~t Woilne"dllV Ilft,c J[ nOoll Mr ' Mr . 'W ilbur F. Villtlti DS with bill Ilnco 00 . 1l0W. H.nto~ very r Ullson· UII' Htnt .. Mellicill !,;oclety nnd Il 111111 MI' ~ Chll~ M Hl) n gll w" rr' ~" (' n '1' h" II t· _t . 11;HIIHtm' ' HI. Ih n O. I~ . & invlllid wife , will stnrt foI r 8el\ttle : n\lln hl1 r nf looul rtl l1lll cnI men will "b ill. at St •• ,"ary's. driving thr"ll,1;h Oll r s tl·ll,'I.s 111 tb u t U rU !lrOOlHI fO)I' II l o.~ t lll l O ) OIccurred 001ll.rlhnte IlliclTl1N;JOH ILllllrll ports t o Wnshinl!;toll, in about tw o weeks, Ro v. IIIllI Mr!l. Plultp Trout IlllIl the progrlll1l. - - - -- --fin e n e w lIlmgh whICh l.helY pur. IUAt l" 'It!'IY nl f;ht . Ih o.sou ~11 hotlnd to mnke that their futllr e home. tho plenKuro of e ntertllln11l g th eir F riday Llt;')l m LlulllY Poni ten 'lohlllled u few wint r~ ngo j' r 01~ht W II~ luto 1111(1 t .,e l11 ght was -~--The "Lid" will be t.llIl Otuce und ac1dros.' s ubjeot I!xtrem oly d Ul'k . A~ t.lJIl t rllln wa!! Their daughter, Ma.nd, mllde the 80n , Willillm Trout" o f<ll1, nn Milk ~oute Sold. "Morning lind Even ing ' Prl.lye r ;" Cn~c1u ce BllIrfl r et,tlrn nu tn \\ 11), nh ull t tu "limb the littl o g ru de bo· SAme long journey alono some 011 in Waynesville. 8undllY· Su1ltlu y . I.he fotll'l ll So nd uy III Lon t: ~nH\' 11 I e 8I1t,1Irl1n\· . IIft!)r h nv llI /.: III'on Il" w :i//l (l ilt on' ~ wll r o h l)ll ~I' 111 Ly t.Je months IlgO to beoome the wife of IL jo'nr !lull!- Lnt In (;orwln, lllquiro A 8011tl rs .UlIL !11m bll ve Hold t he ir 8unt~y i:iohooluT II ;JO O . m ; Moru- 111 otlr IIl}1g hhllrh o o(j lOl l' H~ \'( "lIl l l,b l'C 1U cnn( clim e l1!lCOU lll cd; t he m ost e~ tlmable christ-inn husiness MUYnJ'Rul'fl r will [lilt till! "lid " of MrH . Ali on MoKinRey. milk r e'tHe to M('~ 'rs Charles Brown ing P ruy or lind Ro rmon lit LO.aO 11. 1WOElk H IJn Rt. fi rs t linn wus f1 1l 1ll1 WII.h f~n co posts , man of t.hllt- olty . ' t lll " l 011 111 ;Vllyn mwilln n ext HIlI1lIIlY, IlUd Charley Moon and family clepnrt.'1 untl Hurry f:l t.(l lr e~, wh o WIll begin Mr . Riohltrd Mll rl' II V hu ~ III nv r.d tIl 0 n ext "'li S OIl1Pt.y, nntl III th e lIlst, M esKn •. Arle lbnrl. nnd Wllliultl Mo· delivering milk 111 Wilynes ville 011(1 lTI . ; Evenlug Prllyer nud address lit r ill" Irt>! lUll tha t tho lid will be pu t thl~ week for OkluhorDa, exptlottng ;' p. m. Hubjoot "What 111USI, f be fl' 0111 tho h OllllO Oil tho Crf'i gbtoll CII r tho f r ~l g ht cr ow . \V IIS sCl lted . un t ight In Ilt.htll· word .. th o l:iun. KRY "njoyedl' vit<it Ml1mll\y frll11l ()orwlIl ne xt week Iievo." You Ilr e inviterl to un t hose lot into Ru chel Brolw n '8 lllrge~t 'L'hoy .wer o l!;n tll'llllt of II, ull, {or t ho t o 10Cll t.e there. nllY UIIlSIII!; IllWII will be (lIIfnroutI to theIr brother. Mr 'hlu'les MoKfIoY Mr . W . Hatfield, Supt . of Sohools Mr Sto k o~ form erly oo ntrolled sor vloos. house. momcntum w biclt the CllrH ItCqu ir lld (If OHWOgO. New York. thu IBtt.llr. this IIl1lk r oul e. dltlJlol!lin g of It to en used t hom t,o m ovo forwlIrel e ven at Beuvertown, Ohio i and Prof. J . 'fhll IIl Ul(t Htu r m~ URIllllly lIir _ nnd Mrs. Ol~n s. H ough unci thou gh detllC'h erl. , ouwb ow Mle 1. Hat.field, Supt . of Milford, OhiO, Mrs. Bllrry Vloaver nnd ohildren Mr. SeJlerll 1l oo u]ll e of yeltr!l IIg o openetlll Hlwrt, tim e 8unflllY m orn who hlld beon on II wo nk ';; VIsit to hi ssr s Brown II nrl l:itokes hll ve II Duke-Henkle ROil Kenn eth, MI ~ . [~lI te .l ob n ~ , lind engi n oor di8C'lV('ll thllt, lie hnd lost Ilnd wife. visited their mother and i nl-( Im'l HOIII" of the I-(roOO rH hI( vo MrR Ull'IIVf' r's mother In Sprin g- thoroughly equipped dnlry fltrUl nnd Mr. nnd Mrs . •1c,c 'IhomlO!S lLud R n IL part of hi!i Imin lind stlLl' tlld to Aunt r ecently. Mrs. Hlltfield nnd optlllod ull OJccll88ionally whe n n fie ld, r et III nod 1I0",e IOR t ol1udny ha vo b een making a large quantity On Wednesday evenln l-(, Mn.r c h Ea r l w r o StlIlIllO Y Ku e~ts (If All en bllok up t 111l.iln t,ho t wo ~o o tlon8 , s lsl,er had both been sick , ulUltomer hus wtllll etl to IIl1lke I' ll.Iorn in g. Mr. Bnny Taylor, the tobacco 'l'he re w erE' no lig bt ~ 0 11 tho GII I'B und of buttur 'I'hey eXl)Ilot 1,0 continue 1.1, 1906, tho boautiftll count r y hom e Emenok 11IIO wlfo IJurohuHIl buye r, moves to Miamisburg lohls with th l!! In u<1 di tlon t o th e milk of Mr. and Mrs . .R. M . Duke, south he hnd no wily of ju(\",11lg tbe dis Mr nnd Mrs. J~ll Dargdnl\' of OilY, The cOl1feotioninl'Y IIt. llro~ , how · Mrs Reblll;cII .TllIHl Hal o" r oealvAd s ln e~s . of Lytle, WuS the scene of n very ton , u\lghtfld li t. our s tlt t lOIl Wodno~ 1-IIIlOe , 1'0 1' II£' on llltl 1\ 'e noth i ng In w ek. into property he recently eVHr , wllIlJrinClp,lIl y hn ,l fTooI,ed by all Illvitnl,iun 1.0 'lttlll1<i t he wodd . lJuAfter thelrsnlo whi oh t,ltkes pln oo pretty h om o wedding, when tbeir dll v after noon to he pr e~ol1 t nt t,hA tbfl int nso rlu r k llesH . Whilu run )lurchased, the ohuuge. Most of thelll have iUi( of he r II Pph ow Dr. Frllll Rh'Jlules tho~" of this Ul outh , Mr. ~e!l ~r s dllllght er Nellie W WIIS led t o tho Acoording to 0. s urvey made by nlng thu>l ttt n filiI' l'IltO of HptJeod the IIHe n koo plII j{ 'I\lAD ~1I (ltlY lung ~un. of ){lInMIl" 1111<1 oluly ohild of Rev. L WIll probably move to the vlclmty. h ymenial altur by Stlmuol D.H eukle wedding of MI~~ NelliI' Duko une1 two secti ons coll ided. T he fr eight Prof. Orton aome 25 years lIogO, Mr Samuel H enkle. Iluy nlltl It Is Muitl thlllr higgest btl!!i ?II. Rhoulles . • •• enterville is loon.ted on the hlgheat h l lOd ~ w ore bu rl ed ove r hoxell ,of of Dayton . I At tbe uppointed time, seven neflM i~ llnlle tbon . o 'olook , to tbe strnins of the "Bridul Rev. Mnt th e wR, o[ Culi fo rmu. f l eig ht. IIlId m 01l'olumoisa und two puint between Cincinnati and Day· Lm !lio MoCun ro, who hall hpen tor A Hl1Inmury of t.lw to>nullllY IUWR Chorus" fr om Lohengrin , played by ' pretlOh ed to un f1 nl,hll sitl!ltlc audl · rnoeived 8e \' fl rO ou ts lind lJl'u1808. to n; with the exception of one ele. ANNOUNCEMENT. of I Ih ln iM Ill1hll!!1111ll UII [lil ge li of nhont It yelL r ongnged liS phllrtllll . Miss Zoe Duk e, the brldlll pu.rty enou on Sundny uf tern ooll . Evcl'Y Th e ' co nou ssio n Wil~ 80 (.tl'eut t,hll t vntlon on theellstslde of Mr. Crelg . t. lit! i ~ ~uo of thll tJ'll':~ t, ttl , whiuh will Rh. t In. Kimhlln . Wo>!t V irg inill , W e hnve purohll sea the Wuyoe!\· ente red nnd nrranged I,hemselves one hu ~ It goocl wo rd for Mr. Mit t· t h e wholll fonvut'u end ot th e IJOst Ar's farm. elUlt of David's ohnrch. vIHit wi t,h r l1lrlli "eR Itt o f II1nre t.hlLII '"'rlilllH,I' IllIt.rllHt mu.tlo IL brief ville milK r outo nf A. und J. L . before the ofIiciatin!; minister Rev . thllWII nmillre g lnd til hav e met him CIIl' wns hro ken nn d spllntll red by Asido fr C\m throat "nd ~tarrb'al n \J w ill vitlw ,If t,h ... IKII. II,IOll for h er A laRt weAk . Mr MoVulltl hu s thtl pOllt!! IIIl they tllId f orwllrd , und tronble, thiS is 1\ very healthy tijlQ. Sellers "nd prOp<lSB to furnIsh cas· Philip Trout pllstor of the M. E. ~ . cl1Itn~ lId hi M locl\tioll ft'oill l{IDlbllll their flnfnr Clllhl1Dt . Ml:- R ober t St. .1,ohn Is sti ll cn n · the whol o t op cllreen od un t il it rest· tion of our belloutifn) st-ate. T:htl tOlll fl rR wi t.1t II clellO , pure, ri ch ml.IK ohnrch of Wuynesvllle , wh o per. to WiIlilll1l!lon, W . V . ? ' Op "'fIltlv e Mit. eel " gll in Rt th o (',(1 1' n ext to it. A outlook across the snow olad hl~111 W e invito interested persons to VIS , formed tbe ceremony. whloh joined vlI~8In~ for t h e Pathetic Circumstances chme Compnny o f . prtngfie.lcl H cOll plin !; WIIS umlie wi th c hllin a "nd to ~he n orth wellt of our v1llaR6 on n. A CII r loull of fino l ocu>lt P OHts f or it our stables Dud dnlry buildmg, see tw o true hearts for life. 01001' day In Muroh, is one whioh Surround Family's 111 _ The bride was lovely in a d ress hn s not.t.rtl.(l ed hl B proper ty 10 Lytle Hillo. W. H. Madden anIIUo .. Cor. our J ersev herd I\ml how it is cared of whltA llll\terial lind OIIrried a f or n MI ~~ourl ,furm nnH hll« no 10 Ihe 0 11 r WI~S IJllre full y Ret ou th e sid· oharms the e ye, and fills t be mind i Ilg 1\ t Ly tl e The (Jllr il" 110 blldly, f or.lllso our 1Il el~llB and metbods of ness. win . t . II. 2;, hUlluliu g the milK . When oppronoh· benutiful s bower boquet of brid e'~ t ent,lon o f lenvlOg hi s present h om e wrook pd t,lllLt It, ClIO not he moved with a deopnese of natnre's bellU~y fUl'lb or . Th E' fr eight WIl S not Injllr. Imd grandeur. 'rho flllllll y of U . H. Whet,sol Frllnk Shuttoj lind fl1mlly who 00 ed in r egllrd to takin~ this r oute,we roses; while her brideslillRi4 , Miss liS 1Illlny huve Ilullposed . ~. IIIl1l.r We lhulIlI, hll .. bl'6u Meve rely uupl ell the 811ttorthwalte fnrm at sn id wo could not olIOI'd t o retu il .Julitl. Ellston, of . Springboro, WIIS The spirit of chul'oh work nnd of ed t .. IIn~' grl'nt, exten t, o nl y It fow Corwin. alVonte(l of Itlto tho mouth of Vnesnr8 Cree k for Mev milK of I he qUlllity we were pro· attired III fl becomlDl!; b"Own of gra:r . giving to the chnrch l1"s p er vlldol1 IJrloku g 's 1"'ing lJ rok n (Ipen. 'flley hllvtl I~ tllllIglttur d ellf and erlll yeurs, ha ve moved to u furm duclng for fiv o cents a quart ; we The groolll WU.S nttenlled by hIS the sohool nt Lytlp. n~ II 00lll llllttoe dumb who hnll betlD l~ pupil !It t·he neur Franklin nuu are now oOlllfor lenrned tllllt in 11Iuuy towns common fri end , ~r . Wnnen Key!!, of ' froUl the 8ig h l:Iohool wlIitod n pon Save money and time by buying Pleasant Ridge. milK r e tllils nt six oout!' a q Ullrt, and stllte Institution for the doot lU tably settled in their new 10CII tion W a ll Pape r at ~chwartz's. WaynesWayn eSVille. the llresid ent, of t,h e Lfldies AId fIl t:olulllbus. 'rh e ohild hlUl beeu tdfect Mr . I::!huttM will be nssisted on hi8 were n"Hnred Ihllt tho IJeo ple ot After oon!;rutulutions were o ft·or· cently a nel l)rPRell ted hoI' with 1'2 10 Save money and time by b uy ing v ille. 75 uiffe\'ent designs to select fld with I' tlorVOtl8 troul,llo aud its fnrm t,hl!. )lummor bv EISlVo l'th Wnynlll-lViIlo would IIppre01 ute II first· ed an elegant t hree cour se con lin. whloh hlld been collel\toAfl fr"m th o Wall Pall er Ilt Schwa rtz's. Wuynes- fro m. Mr!l. E Jmrent,!\ went toJ Cnhllllhu~ u IIhnrt timltll, I' cllpublellnd eliloitmt work. olt,ss Jort<E\v milK of the lutte r prloe. ti~n WII S served to the wedding pupils to h e added tel t·h a f un d for ville . 75 djffer nt d esig n!; to select Miller made ber fare . Consirlerjn~ the city of sultlLble gUOBtM numbe ring about tbirty . well vi sit with f riends and reln.tlves tunl 111(0 nntl IJI'oug ht bel' hODlo . er. ' paying f or Mlo new pow~ tb"t will from. Thorn hUH boen oousldtlrnble dlph. . The two older [\t\ughturs of Mrs . dRiry honus, und the prevoiling price her A l.l Ild nfte r It fe w days visit with Mrs. Henkle 16 a young llldy of soon b e pla oed in th e ohurch . r.Lb el n nd E rm ll tokes hnll Uti bel' pnren ts in Mllinvllle she Will reo theria ill Columblls Itnd It il! HUp. Ellu Enrntl!! . Rae IlUl} Mal'le, oame olf hi hoI' IIOU feed, ond ul1 t hot is nnusual strength nnd beauty of On ltlst Sunlin,v e vellin !,:'1 weo k . t hoi r ~l1eHt8 1 1 1 ~t, WI'lln e~a llY 11lg ht torn t,o hor western borne iu Spo. 110III,d they OllUght tbe disoHIlO there over from Ouyton IIl.8t, Friday even involv Ad in Jlrodu ol n~ 't firs t OlallS charlloter, and numlJers h e r friend!! articlfl, wo Kn o w taut tltll! prloe Is by the legion. Staoy Lumb oonfitl on t ly bUllrdll<i tho Ann Kelley lind Mnry Parle tt. 118 &irH . n.nd her twelve knn o Wusbington . illg to IIpe11l1 SundllY with r e lnt.ivAR yenr old son wore taken down WIth and friondR. They were guest.>! of flsl r w II !! olin jURtly he nlllde i G cts, Winifr 11 Mer edi t h s pen t Wed neN· Mr . H enkle who i8 Deputy Conn· north bound D. L. &, U. pa~se nger, MrR Etta Adams of Xenia visited diphtlwrill Illlhort time u.fter. 'I'he Rev. Ilnd MrR Tr out Friduy ni~ht . '1 qunrt ; a cr'nts n pint i 200n tl! a ty S urveyor is t he son of Mr, nnd resol ved to try life In tbe Gelll Uity. <ln y wi h Bnr to u Ellrn lulrl und flllll· Mr~ . EU" Rllller weeK, little lIuy tiled 'L'hurHtll'Y. The lind of Svhlll Ilml Hulen Hawke hnlf pinl.. Wo oonfill en tl y ho pe to Mrs. George He nkle of nou,r Ferry , He prooured II p O!lition nt DllviA By . Miss Henriettn, MoKillsey iR at m cther 1M still qui te ill. A little l-~lIturdlty . Thllir OOUSill ,InUlie Bogar 1l1nrit. your putronuge. and is 11 young 'mUll of st erling Sewing Maohin e Work s und wIJrk>'d t:lI nrlcs Grnv , l ook ulllller with e after IL dehl!;htful visit with STOK II:>! & BIIOWN. daughter was also taken down with nUB uooomllllnlllli tbllm h011l0 8un. qllu,lities In both the bumness and un t il the following S,ltur\IIlY ni!( ht . his br ot her W'l Ilter of ncn r Hnr voy~ . hOlll h er siattl r in Duy to n. He then r e turned hom e IUl d (Iooiclnll b urg Tne.!llill Y of Inst, weell. "'t he disease Monday. 500lnl world and in every WilY day for I\. few dny!! vltllt. The school at Wellman, taught by Mrs. Rnnkin nnll children of worthy tho fair bride Ite hllR won. thllt h e would rnise tobllcc tlll ~ Newspaper Publishers Mrs Wllhnm CUl'ey hns IIMl th e Will l:fH W6>1, son of Mr. and lIn•. Mr. Isaac Stout, of Harveysburg, The bllPPY couple WIll go to house summer. a s oity life "llem ell not to l ) l ell~Ur o of hllV lllg he r brother 1\11'. Hnl'\'ey~ lll1rg ( pon t TUGBdllY wIth Notice. keeping illlllle(lilltely In Lebanon ngroe wIth him. Mrs W . W. Arn old. has been closed to pre vent Ii spread Frnnk 611\\' o!l of Iho"8wio ll - ------ , Lewl!' K i l'hv WIth her for R, verll l ueighlJorhood. htls g''Oo t o LO!l Au of the diptheria. ' where the conj?ru.t,uln ti ons aud bes t i\[ISN &1mb Wilson of Harveys. The GlI~.e t,l o hn" fur !!1l 111 1l 25 inoh The mumps oro s tll1 li n unwel. gilles, Ullhforuill, whorc he e xpoct~ wi Rh ll':! of a h ost of frlonds follow come visitor In l.hi A locllltt y . MI'. tillY". hurA visitod with rellltives liere 10 r Ol1luin Indefinltoly. CnlifornitL Bos ton V_Ii'll c utt el' wbloh we Ilre tholll. Mr. fln d MI'''. Wo lter Bot ts nnd Mrs. McCune's Calvin H \lnt bod no BOnoI' g ot,ton Ii l,t lo dnllg ht ol' w erc gtlU9t!! o f I'eill. 'l'n f! ~dny . soems TO suit Will all this is bis sec· Willing t~ >lell II t, u renso ntlble pri ce, over tbem hlln Mr.. Clytie ox lIud tives in Ulinton Vo over Sn ndny . 82nd. Birthday. 01;1(1 emlgmtion to' the land of sun · Cutter Is in good oondltion 811(} doos Misses Ali co nnd Kate Olark ar~ K. G. E, Notes. Mr. Bert Urnhom /lnd Mnster ::;tn n· 8hlne and ornnge groves. He spent exoollent work. For s ome 01ua8e8 Severnl of t,tits v lolni ty bove booll mnking llll extendod visit with re1it Is renlly lJetter than a of wlJrk Lamb were tnk on . Tbt' BOllro leV Mrs. Annu. Oollet MoCuno, 11 ving some time in thu.t aute n year or so paper ontter . !lIck list, lJnt 111'0 bot tel' at. ntives in .Tunoti on City, Ohio. ' . Mombers of Palestine Cnstle of EUOMt,ion forblld e Warren , (JILl · othnistho between HarveYHlmrg I\nrl Bickory. ngo, but while working for a tele· Mrs . Ali ce MoKlusey aocI Miss writing . This wUl be nn exeellent thi ng for vin 's hroth er fr OID COllli !l ~ t,o &o hool vl1Je oelebru.ted her 82nd hirthullY phone Co . at Redlundll. f.e11 from 11 now ~ J1l1oper or job office not prOVIded Knigbts of the Golden E~litl e ure aDd Mr. I ~IJr i~ Klui nh eim uull fltlllil'y Lilli e Nedry were guests of Dr. os a r esult I,e bos boen bltrrod r equest.eLl to me e t at tho h~ll for last Wednesduy. . pole and Will! severe~y InJured . Be wi th II llUI)Il r outtor 01111 will bo pl'lIoti oe work, Frillay ovoning, from soh ool for two woele s nn ll h l\~ m oved in tbls vI01IlHy Mo lI(ln v of ' In ggott IlOU fOllllly Sl1nclay. Mrs . MoUuue It! I' remarknble OI\IIlO home I\fter hiS uccldeut lIutI fonnd III Ilny olTlce With a MllroI12:1. not taken tlt e mum\ls e lthor , Be r t lind lust w ee k . Mr . .>lui Mrs . Cha~. Werntz were woman lind her four sooro nnd hus been tlobout horo 1lI0st of the \Iu,per useful cut,ter . M r. Lest er !inrflleo al1l1 wlfo ~ \l B nl Da yl on visitors ODe cluy last week. Th ll new purllpharhnlia nnd Stunley cum e t o sohl)ol up t,o t.ho more of yllltrs rm,t lightly ullon her. time sinoo. sworn!:! hnve boen reooived ond it is tt1l1 u-t,be,s were tuk en s iok l hnt th,' Wetlnesllu y wi th I.h e lutlon ( lJl'Oth or Mr . lad Clark WIUI in (.'inoinnlltl One of Mrt! MO\JUllfl'S ulllrKed In this sec tion we 1m ve hnd the urgod tIm t ull mem hors 1I111ke a Bonrd ho s forhidd en· Bert 's br oth o r~ Mr. FrllUk RlI'lt tlI1l1 WIfe flf [,e bnn· FrillllY . Warren County churnoteristlos i8 her oheerful opto most remarkllblA March (whioh is H ,uvey nnd Nelson to go , and lire on , s)l()cla l ofl'ort to nttend . M rs . Lydia. Gordon ill mltltio ulSllJsltluu IUHI It (ill,lI lJue note ll for Its peculiarities of weutb. Teachers Association. ex ercitn ng every ]lreca lltion toU pl'e· U. M. R ohitl':OI, F . (j . Mrs . Ltl ~ tl'I ' Sn l'fllco \VIIS th e good to oome in ooraaot WIth her. er) In a number at years. vent their s pread throtlr;b the Bchoo l g"U OHt of hoI' jlllI·nlll ,. l\LI' . .lIul Mrl; fri ends in Centervi lie. A . M. MoKa y, M . of R . The day was spent by ¥rs. ~oTbo winter has been very mild A ful1prngrnm hnA hoon ILrrllng. Sut,urday IIfternoon, Irv in Hu r ll · Rich uf Wld hlllln Thursdll Y. Always K eel'S Chnmberlaln's Cough _ Uune quietly at her own horne until this month. The pnst week ed for t h o Wllrren VOllnlv 1'eoch . lIIr , .Il1 coh Corn nll nnll ohildron Remedy in Hiil Honse. mlln wos h elping Minol' Rose huu l where ahe reo eived relatives and we have hnd snow I\nd lileet and erR ARsOoillt.ion whinh will' bo h\llrl Five Hu ndred Dollars '. We would not be witbout Cham . Intlmnte trien dl', but the dny was .hlli!, Ilnd unpleasant weather gen . in 1. D. 0 jo' BlIl1 , Lebon ou, Ohio, Reward for P. O. Robbers. tobllcoo from Mr. Wm . Duke's BIIII 111,1110 Il IIY1ll" trip to L iJntloll FTI also fllrnembereu by friends ut a erally. , YesterdllY there was half " S'lt,urduy, Muroh ~ ·1 . to the wllrehoU!1Il on a I' lod . When lIll Y. , be d n ill 'S - Oougll Remedy, It 18 . distonee, and from .11 over the foot at snow on the ground A h e and Minor were in the buildill !,: Mr. ftIlY LIIOD\1 Muri>ltt, of Wil Y, ke pt on hand eontinually In our Th o Cirst~lddr css WIll be "A ,study 'I'ho U Dlted States go vernmont country OI,me letters at congrntula- ohnngu is oomtDg now I\nd wllrmer of Muobeth" at 10 o'clook, by 8upt. getting tl box, the borsol:!. whi ch h tl · Il esv~ll o !lpollt Hlltnrdll ,l' nig bt with hOlllo. " !'Ilys "V. W. Kearney, editor tlon lind many p~esents. weathor i8 expeotod from tillS time .J . M. Hn.mi Iton, of l~ebllnon , whloh bas offered n r ewllrd or ~2r.o ollOh 10llged to I r vi n. stllrtod . r.o ruu hl~ ct1uHin £ 1I1 1J1,,.1I 1I ElIl'lllltLrt" of tho Indepemdant" Lowry City Mo. for the cnptllre of the two men who Mrs. McOune isallister of Wm, J. forwnrd . 1'l1nt IS just wbat every family wl1\ be followerl by "An Hour with robb ed ~be Wnyuesville p()~t OOloe, WUon t he y mlldu t h e tu rn li t. Ilr _ \VuTll '!:! co rner t.h ey swe r ved too fllr MI' ,l olO BU l'rrl,t Hj1l1ll t 8n tn r llny s ho uld do. When kept at hand Collett, of Hnrveysburg, - - -....___~....~--Whittie r" by E . M. Ornig. lIrin01. r. week ago Tbursdny ni ght,. to tlUl left I.nrl rllU Into IL telt' llhono 1l1 ~ 1I1 IltHl HIlIIIIII,V wi th ~:!I 1{"l lI nt! r eutl v for lDstlLllt use, 11 cold may PIt! Elt st Evcnin g Hi~h School , Uin BUSINESS MEN'S CLUB No t,rn ae of t,h e men ho s yet been )lole WIth th o result t hu t tho brnllos Ml ~ ~ El clll1 0r EILrnllnrl, ilJ1 fi nt Snit 1)0 chooked ut. the outset tmd oured ciunutl. S~ME OLD FIGHT seCllred, tnl Ule police beli ev o they MEETS NEXT MONDAY . 'l'b" u.ftern oon sellslon will begin know who th e m on wer'e lind n were strippeu oil' lind ono ho r~" (lil Y wi th MI ~;; ,I o ~ si o M,ll'iILI,t of In IIltlch loss t,llI1e tbllll. I\fter It has AMONG- REPUBLICANS. be ,\fIlO settled In the system . Thls Itt 1 ::10, whon Prof. D. H. Ulelam\ cl o~e Wlttch i>! hel l)g k opt f or th e hroke 100Ro e nlirel.v fr oUl tho s lol!; W;t,Yn cR\'l ll l! . the othor 1';,11 on IlIld did n ot s t op l\Ir H. Burton .En~ ' t f'ldl eLl !I n r em edy is a illo without [l peer for will direot "recit .. 1 by Ihe Lebl\non s llsJl eot~ Owing to the extremely bad weathun t Il It turned lDtO 'Will . l3er g(lllll's M I' H E rnf',I. BnltOl'wn l'l h SlIlltluy . orOn])11I ohl1t1ron. u.nil will prevent The Republioans of the Sixth Con- er Monday evening the meeting of Sehoul Orchestrft.. - ': field. It WOH SO UIIHV bll t brll1 Hell by _ _ _. t he IIttlt ok whe n given us lIoon 88 gressional district are again in the the Business Men's Club was post SU)Jt N . Jay Fhumery, of 811blllll, the tO l1 lo: ue n ~ It JUOlped II houl , \\'"rn on" Kinn 'Y~ I.h e ch l1<l lJeoom es h Ollrlle, or even same old fight that has disorganized pone'd one week to Monday, Maroh will give I\n alldrml~ ou "Chri ~ l" Gra nge Takes In Many the party for two years or more, pher Mnrlowe nnd the Ri"A of tho New "'\embers I \' 1 f I d n!'tll r Ih o crou py cough "11j1llflrs. n • Suturday ovel11llg, Mr Hnr\'o\' ,' OUWIl lire 1110 rn 0 ten It f! 1011' 26, at the Waynesville Canning Co's. English l~olllontio OrnUlIl .. At Wilmington last Thursday Han . office. Burn ett 's leltl11 bitch ed t o II Iltree \ WIth kllln oy clt sortl or:i t,hlm 111 fll1 , wbioh Ollll on ly he tlone when the I) ~e o.f tl 10 IIlrges t 0 In fI~ell ever sprin g wngon , brok o frnm II hitch hut IItt,rihnI C(1 til l' ~ ~' rnl'tom ~ t o tli~ by Tfl melly kflpt lit II/Iont! . For sale C. Q. Hildebrant was nominated for F. C. ISochwnrtz. Congress by the Hildebrant faction. :llc~lvetl mtu thll loelll Ur'/l nge wns lin g p ost, 10 Wa y nfl~" ill f' nnc! s~n rtorl onllCH l'eoll1lnr to t h eir RflX , Wl111 0 111 Friends Home That same day Congressman Mrs. Clements' Fortieth lDltl!lt.eci BRtnrdlLY nft.orn on w)~en h omo wllrd Th ey s llcceer1ed In rl'uh ty tho kl lhHlfR ure IIOTllllg oIL - - -- ,- - - Scroggy dropped out of the fight, Expresses Gratitude. eloven new members unitoll With lIl uking the \·/lriou. t nr n. witho nl; Norvo ?"n fl-~" . hencll\ cbe. pulr.v or l r Th e Gnlle tte doell 1\ general Birthday Anniversary. saying he would not again be a canthe order.. . disilster anll m ot I'e V OTllI vehl ole", dllrk oll'cles nnder th e eyN'. pllln 111 1pr1l1tll1g lJulIllless . We recent. didate. A fine hterflry pro!;ram onc,;!Jll ed 11ut as th ey share d t h l1 t mul ond It, the haok , Ilr(; ~igll P of Iddn",V tro n· 1 r ' . Among the niany bl e~sing8 nn Yesterday the Anti-Hildebrant 8unelt\y wal! Mrs. O. H. Clements' oomforts thllt hflve r flllCho(l the part of the n-fternoon. WU!l rather durk no one s nppoRetl ble thot mURt, n ot, he ig no r!lcl, or " I I.\' 1 It chnsell cOlls nlern-hle new type faction held a convention in Xenia forti eth hirthdllY annlver8llry, ond "Home" at the hands of It~ 1Ium. The Grnnge It! oonstnntiy Ine rens· th em t o be withol1 t a drlv Flr . Mr . serious Il1l1.lndy will r 04nlt, F ,\l rw '~ llnll oth ol' l)ll1 t.erlnl IInrl lire prApl\r~1 and rwminated Judge Horace Smith Mr Ilnd Mrtl. ClementR celebmted erons friet:ftls Itml Aopporters we Ing its alreudy Iu.!,g~ membership Burnett , t borotl gbl.I' allll'lltllll , bor - Kidney Cllre hn" r ORt orerl Ih " h '~ lIlth to ,In he tter work t hllll ever before. of Xenia. !.II" evnnt in t.helr hIlOd"'"llfl new !lnll 011 our LlbTllry the follow. tlDd th ere It< IL II\'ely IIIter cat in the rowed his fnth or'~ h orse nntI buggy of thoo8anll~ of well Ie , 1H rVotl~, l)l'ok _ _- _ _ The case will probably go to the hOllll A "n north Third street by Invit· ing periodiooillanll mtl.gllzines. w elf"re of tbe IJrder IlnJlong its nnd "turted ufte r t.h om He t ele. e n down WOIl1 (lD. It. Stc1PR 11'rr ~ 1I Board of Elections for a decision IUl Inl! II nnmbel' or reh\tives to tilJelld ph oned for Lytl e peo]lle to be on larities lind' lItr e ngthe u ~ t,he nrlll [»l1 t h rate In New York nn(l The Outlook, Evangllilcal Friend , members. to which of ·the aspiranlJj is entitled the r"lv with them ;I\.nd partlnlpl,t-e Frionlls Ink!lligencor. County Gen. SuturdllY, th e 31st, the ~arr.en th look out. but flln gul a rl,Y enOlwh aryor gnns It \lurifies tho Iolno,1 hloago . t.o go on the ticket as the regular 11\ II~ 1I1AasnrllR A h",ullt.iful elln tillman, Mhtmi .GIIZfl ttO, Enterprl8e, Connt.v pomo (~raDg~1 whIch 1O' \thOY pnssed through llnn ol,icod. Band b enefitR thewhole BY8t01l1 D\lrtn~ NovembAr 1\11(1 Dp(lAll1her Repu~lican5alldidate. nll r w.t.. Reryed Ilt 1\oon Hupors WeeKI .v, Youths Compan . tclude" aU the fu.nges III the oonD · drove on homll, o.nc1 n ot Uudinl: th m . 11!11l:i. o n lift.h nf thA .1" "th8In N.,w Th .. ~uoat" WArO Dr and Mrll J. lon, Saturday Evening P nst , Chs:ls. y , will meet at Lebu.non. , the re he turned around and htlnted , OlSorders of ~lJe stom n.oh pl'oclnc,' "o"k unrl Ohi('Jlj?n Wt'Tft f""'n 'ltneu . Mr. W. A. W~lcott, of ~~a, Ohio, -E Brown an,l dllughter EI(lB, of t\an Berllold, Clinton _ Republican, 1Il0re carefully a.nd found .tb III a nervous ooncl!~.lon uud ? fton pro· lU on lll Foloy'.. RnnlW '1lIfL-'r ....., not was from Friday un~i' ru~ay Wilmington i J., R'lger Brown, of Review of . Reviews. Cosmol>olitan . quietly standing at Il gate south of vJwt sl eep . h !1';"berlmn. ~ 8t~) (ln ly R~ 1.11fl ()o ",ch ont ,,he.h. ~ n4 Cow Feed. morning a guest. of Well . .S. Hal!1 es Clnolnnati ; Mr. and Mrs. ChIlS. A . " The uonors will plea!le O(lCept ollr Marion Clallk's house. For RO me . mlloh ./Lnll . LIver 'Inblets stlll11tlll tA "tr (\ n~t.henll th InnK" '"U\ p .... v~nt" and other relat! ves..-here. hlr9mg Brown aliel 80n Eyler, Mrs. Brown's hllmble thanks. ' ' it at 80 u.nd DO cents_a rellso n they' riell:lected to make tho ths digestive orgun!' rll~t~ re the IPne lll onili. sn '\ " n ot oh,,,j oCQme from Springfield wl!ere he had mother, :Mre. Eyler: :M188 Ada Eyler A. B. CnANDLKR, Supt. hundred. tum and went on strl\lght until they _system to" hoolthy co~dlliion IInrl vn 11 (l Id WPI\,rl nll PWI\'V wh,.n 1',,1. atten~ed the Disti:'ict Convention of Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Witoraft and LYDIA A. CONARD, Matron-:-Waynll8viJle :MIlls, oame &0 the gate. Nei'her horses make sleep possible. ] or SI,le by V'II Honev and Tar wllllnH'e <,IUIQ K. of P. on Thursil~ :Mr. and Mil!. I:tamuel Butterworth. l.. • nor 'wagon was injured In the least. Fred C. ::!chwartz. ' Iln prevent eerl(ltlil reIIQ1. •
More anu more each year i ~ the eou utr.Y HUl'rOu mJing Waynesvi lle becommg a touacco g rowing coun. t r y, und thi!) industry is bringing thousands and t housands 0 f d ollar!! into the community. ' Last yea r 's cro[l is now be ing d eliv el'ed by the grew ~l·a. The Gaz,:tle'~ Lytle corresponueNt tell~ in hl H lettel' of t he amount I'eceived a t t ha t plnce within u few days . At Corwin. MI'. H enry Jay has IIXrunged his old elevlltor so that he can r~ci ve t obacco fLq well aH at a warehou~e. lind big ~hipmen ts have been going ouk from there lhe past fe w weekM. Lus t week Samuel Me redith , uuye r for t he American Tobacco Co ., of Dayton. took in $12,000 01' $11).000 worth of the crup. Philip Surface , buyer f or Hawes RI·Oll .. of Cincinnati , also t ook in a la rgu quantity. Ilu yel' LiiJer ha.'l stored in MI'. .Iny'H warehuullc ahout $1.1,O(jO worth of louaclio bought. for tile H enry ~h .. emake l' Co., of Ullyton. J a mclI Sa les madc a shipment of t hree car loads r ecently to The Ame riCiID Cigar Co , of Middletown . MI'. Meredith, Mr. Lihe r and Mr. Sales IIIIIlX[lCct to Inlll, e other shipm ents with in the lIext few weeks.
A Mr . Ringrr f!'l1ll1 Fl'fl n kfor l" Ohio, will 1.. 11lI ohlll' l(o of Ih n VIII l ilY 'rpIt· pI IOIH' VII'" xcha n gc II t W lly noR\·l lll'. A pril 1 Mr Hill glll" R fllll1i1y COMlsts of hImse lf 111111 wife nml "ister, Be iR at, preHent, tOll chln g ~r hool III Ro~s Cnunty . Th o Mi. "es l' hri ~ l,ino 1111 11 Ann Kelly , dllll l;hter" of t.ho 1111.0 Mrs. BIIW e K" II~' , will m o ve fr ol1l \Y1l~" 'lI os villo 10 Bar\'oYMIlI1 rg in Il Rh ort tiUle whe re 1,IH-lY will LIlk o ch'lrge of 1,111' Vnll p \, 'L'"lfl jlh oll o oxohnngo, Hu ur o!',III 'I; Ilto ~h "H£!:i Tll oknr who hl.v o hU1l 1l in l,llIlr:.:e o\f IIIl'uil':i Ihore tlevl1 ru I ." 0 11 r ~
- ----- .- - ;;'-
Affairs China in a Very Ulnse~tle~~ State Uprl~Il'
A,alnll 'orel,nera rallel Oil ",UOIlal -Cbaracler- til. 01117 Thill w•• Chlna'l - ProlacUDD lor 'orel.... ra.
blsten4le of '1lelnrs Llk. J[&1l .Ibl. In Solar S7atan Qn1 7·
1"0. .
AstronQm ere ca.n see wlUr a r;reat !Dodorn tell's('ope at leaat 100,OGOl OOO !tars In the enllr e IInlvene, Tbe \tueslion arises : ' How maoy other bodies like Ihe ullrth exJ9 l In apace! Prot. r J J See, ot tb o United SUltee navy. elnlms that tbe ijtudy oC th double ftars ten ds to supporl Lbe coatentlnn ,f Dr Alfrcd RIIIlS'1 Wallace tbat the unl vl'.rs c Is nOl Inbllblted excellt tbe ea rth al onc I n 18&6 Dr S ce publl s bed a work on th e orhlt. of all tilt' double sUlra whi c h COIl If! be d e te rmined a t t hat time nn d he lOIi Otl Ih (\ doub le sta rs so dl trore nt f ro m th o !lolar syetem thnt he BU Y S no 0 IIl r ")R lc m like that 10 wblcb tho ea rth be lon l;s Is known to exl!Jt. In Ib e lleuv 115 1 b e do uble s tars re.olve In o rllt s o r hI g h eC'oll t rlc lty nn(1 the t \\' o llI en1i.rr rs at a sys lom ar ~ u sua lly ~qu al o r coml'nrn b le In ma.S9 whU e lito pi UnC t5 of t he solar .) st ero mo vo 111 d rt II lar orh llS Ilnit hn ve m asses "hlc h are In flllil ely s mall compnr od II) Ih nt at til'; SU Il , abo ut wbl cb tb ey re \ o l\!c Th e I eS1l1t Is thal the so lnr s ystem arro r tiA equ ub le co n d ill on9 o r benl nnd IIRht SlIc h n s or gani c lite reqn l res, wbll e t he s ) s t em or Iho doubl e _tars ""ou ld r ur nl s h s uch grent (' ha nge nt li g ht nn d h.,at t h ll t life co ul ll no t Silr. \ h 'c on a Illunet a tl nched lo a m emI)N () t a do u ble Hu ch us Sirius or prothon 1 h e sun has n ma ss HG times grcater than a ll the plnn e ts ('omb lnoll. a nd th!. mak es It an uut ocr at ""er lile plan e ts "hose motions It do mln atos ab solute ly Th e doubl e sl a rs ar In r eality S}s t ms at do uble s lIn s !Inri ma th emati cian s c laim (hilt fl planet COli III not mo ve s llfe ly llnd qui e tly In 3\Jc h a s ys tem- Lb n t It would sooll er or la te r com o IDlO collis ion wl lh on e. or lhe stars or be drh'e n trom th e s vslem Il e ver to r cturn In 01 her ca se destroy. Ing tbe cban cee of org anic lire The n um b r o r darl( bod ies In the ben' e ns Is Imme nse Bnll at cours e It Is poss ible that som o ot these m ny at. fonl con d lUon s SlI lltlblo tor orgun lc lite, but np to tbl ~ time IIll lronomers n~e una blo 10 point to a Sing le body of thIs Id n tl o uts id e ot th e soln r sys . tern Ot dllrk plnn ts attending lh o Ma rs Dr See wri tes " It 611Ch Incon s ld crnble compa ni ons a s ollr su n possesses ptte nd t he fixed stars th ey wou ld noltb e r be vi s ible nor could th ey bo rll s. COY r ed by nn y per t llrbatlons whlcb th py mi g ht plotlu ce It Is, th er for e, Impos sIble to d te l mIn e w hetber tb e s te ll a r s ys te m Includes BIICh bodies ns tho pin nets nnd we aro thus unawa re. at th o exl8~en oe of aoy otber system like o ur own On t he o t ber bnnd Ih e henvens present to our co n. ald e rnUon sn InfinIte number of double ~ y . t e lO s . e1scb of whlcb Is dlylded In to comparable masses Tbese double SY8. tema s ta nd In dIrec t cont rast to tbe planetary syste ms, wh ere tbe centrsl body mil! 746 times tbe mnss at a ll olber bodies combined,"
Vlalted b:r ""'..ahlngton and FrankIIn-Mellll Ueed ' tor Colnln" C~ts of Our Grandj'Ilth ers,
... Weleome Cbang. from Wheat Bread Ja tb. Oocaslonal UIM of Rre anet Boaton-lIroWll. -
wllo coc s stral ehl to .,..Ork ,IO "ure
Bread, Pllt two qUllrts rye nOllr i nto a atone j a.r; st ir Inlo It one c up yellllt lor one C&ke, dlilsolved tn water), two telli 1I[loontu ls salt, and _enough wa ter to moisten well , let rIse over night In wallU place , In the morning s Ur It down "ell do not ndd moro nour, bllt put Into woll- bu~loreu Dans as loon as li g h t Dake In s low oven Boston-Brown Brm d. SIIIt t og elh e r I b ree cups cornmeal, t wo ClIJI$ rYIl flour and ono cu" "hea t n Ollr, Dllx three ClipS BOllr milk a a d UII O CUi> Ne \\ Orleatls 1Il0 10S ~CH two e\ e n tenspoo nf ll lij sili t. IIml l Y" lea· spoo nful s soJn. the "o dll b>l, ln g been dl sso lvell In a littl e ",nlm WI e l W h ll a Iu ixlurll Is ulTe r vc sr lllg, pOllr It Into tho nour hellllu H u ll ti l "Ill oo th G ICIlHO a p ll dell ll g bO iler lor o no· 11011 11(\ ba kl n!; jJ o " tl ~ r cnn , 1 po ur In t htl uUU m fillin g on l) to w llhlll lwn hlt h e" ot th hlP "n 1'1 I' lo, ely lInd 1>llIr III n kct lle (I t !Jo illn g \\,Il,' r , let St ~ '1 11I fOllr 01 0 10 h0 11l ~ CI eam Bisc uit . ~ll x t" o h cap lnH I ~n, p oo llrll l s ot t'hl(l nl; 1'0 \\ dC I "Ith f,lIlr Cllr,s nOll r 8 1111 oll e leu' l I 'ns poo nClI1 oC . nl l nd ll IlI ml> ot hlltt e l th e , 17.C of liD Pgg und e noll Hh lre,l m to O1n llO Ho fl tloll l;h r oll t hin , r ut out fi ll II bnlt e In hot
Hurts, Sprains, Bruises
I ,St. Ja~~bs Oil
'~ and savos lime mOlloy and ~.Is ou t 01 misery quickly, The oldest COPller m loe In America Is the Sc hll) ler. ot Arlluglon, N J, Like M~.~. Prt'~. 2 5c. Dod ~Oc:. whlcb w, ~ op e D.~ d 130 y ear~ "go Urou t For ycurlll)ltij i th o gr eal powers h 'ye n e "'~ r 10 n n a tlonnl mm'ement thlUl «~ :+.~.-: .. :«+:..: .. :--: .. :-~:-:..:-,:*:-: ...:..:...:..:....." meo b ad 11 pilrl In the c.lrly du),s 01 talk d kuuw lngly o C lh p "br nk up ' In li ll Y of Iho uutl - C r Ign n,;lIntluus T Ill this mill e B enj .IUlln Faarlkli ll Wll" h\!ro ChIna, all W the) 1001, 1I1}(lIlsll) lo n I'OO II I~ hu, bellil lullllm ed uy sen su IN MEDICAL CIRCLES. RELIGIOUS REPORT. In 17.9. whe n h~l 1I1h' l.ud til e OWUN to bren.k-ouL <I o ull i .Iorl os appculng III th e press 0 1 In stnll a s tcaUl c ns ln o to pu m p tb tl Tblngs lire tOlu c nlll1 '; o ve r Iherc In the WII\. IlI d lv\ll un; Cblnumcn II rl Owlll, the W .. I, h bard hIS jU Rt AU s, rln n nnrt Ge r mon physicIans shaftfl fr e (t um w.ll cr [n 11 I tlc r to Ua uL ~ e al omplru rJl I{I O.OOO .OOO ROb:';' 'r'II~11 11) Ihe >; 11 111 sClll v fri endly n nd tl nl " llP. ti to hl ~ ""ll srA ct loo a sermO Il hn\ o tlx II 0 11 ,·ol!.u 11" oue of tlle J UI ed Eli o t. uu d' r d.ltu of V"IJrlluy Il look s (lS tb ollgh III I ,sl l\ natio nal I Ctlr a nd !!<'!INOII> , merlcrt n n ,l l lo n 00 \I hlch h. bas b 'C lI ,,,, g,,~od ror 15 mU Nls of cll llr p~y 13, 1750, i'r., nld lll d,"erlbu hi " Vi s it teeli ng w cre uprisi ng. IIlk lu !: tll~ fo r m 1.'lId 11 1\ e 1)('l'u funh or SUI r II up D) 7 ea,. Mll n y I·n ,"'. o f ,1l'a tncBB now \rnder to tb mill o untl btll te" IIl l1 t th e IIr u of II o mm on hat rect of Ihc fo rcl ~11I'r ~l\lcle ut Ujl llllUOn Tbat we Ceel tb E J os~ jlh 1'1 . Ih o Wesle yan rerormllr. treall1lNlI h) Lon ti on phys ician. are Ih eretro m hall 1I1 ,'tl" .... H I II II ~ I . l1I1S dI HS.l tl~ rt\ c tlo u w ilh th ~ gll \ l! rnm f' l1 L In S(ll1\1 U"' Ut o r Lbt. . s lt u;l.llo n h a s beec tool, :1 ~ 4 '• • ll; lI nl llr" 9 to lIlA pl cl l);o .ttll~lIll1hlr ' IIV th em to Inltu c ll za rich aud thllt 1m hid .Idvl",·" tlt u u wn · power. whi ch hn. p rt',ulI\ lIltly r" or~d - h" ,, " III l' ll r pl e ~ . II l1 d lIll s faet h ,l! In Il 11 111 0 dl\\~' l!os pCI tellll1ClllllCe ,\(lplI " ' nl l> h r illhy Ile ~ on8 freor to Btle llli £: I UPO . .. 11 111;; lor .111 ,II Lbo [o relgll 0r-or 81 lell~ l HlJrr ell"rl ell l Ull! .II ItJ,'\I " tr('n){lh 10 th e llO Y~Olt W E m eNIIl); III 1,,"' ro,,1 L:n g lnn.1 QI,,"11\ , ,"1' IlI pHl hc l ln I;c lmR In Ih o gino at II 1\1'" li e h Itl ~ ' II III 111 0 to hIm That I h I i' exl"t~ " " Iel ,' III' 1"ld t h II \\' u Tlll g Fll ll ~. our old Cn n tin n l ( ,j tl thHl~ . s lu l! u hi" 'lr r lva l 11111 11( 11 ! Itp l u ln i uft'( tln g puling (lilt! mlu es ot Corl1w£d l s prea d bat red or ro r c l ~ n"r Is 1111 " rrle nd "f I hp nutsIIl)"" n h uh lt, h ns a tn II li l l m t) rt~ h u~ ord ..,lnj·.' 1,:t Gh , ' fl n ldl1J.; lIh Il :-o ll ~ n n tI III tht s w ay I 'I li e workl n!> 'J I I hi " 1111n~ lJ~bll n In doubled, and tbat tills h"I I r,1 I. I:0 l h · ' AI'l' I 01 . Ii til 110 wllb keeping t he a gl. III \t Rl" li e h,l" 111 50 co nr ' lI cII I hO, th ,) "'!I V he IIiSl rtllll Cnlal ln r, prelld ing 1711 whe ll s l1< lU llS 01 ,lI l) \\ " b ' nt 10 e r ln g tor ce whk h t"~u l llt1 ll) I~ 10 roo J 11th' .. f"'llI dy lnA (l u t. Fre,lcl lc k PI\!' IIll e lln on Cnr dlll ll i Satoll l au ,1 Canl- III,· d is' nSI' Drl' loi. ElI g la nd If/I 9 n ll'1 1I1I ~ r h,' sull In th e "Io lenra r .1n.1I ell) an ti In"r " rlll u!; I.. '"l lI rr's, says lbere II re turn s wer e l" l b~ IIHllmUlI 'd u t l l-l y u 11Ili i ~l li rli np lli IIr 1\ lIr h thl' tamous Ge rmn n s icn· wholesnl e ~ I a ll ghici Ihe 11 11 15100 wu rlo ,I \ pr y .111 II Ir ,lSOU \\ hy th o Ch ln ' sE j\ 11 ~!:i lllIln rl l'!i ot lhl.' J\lI1 c ricu Q M p. tbo.. tt ~ r . Is t o lak t' t h .H gO ur n il PX I1Cd lllToJect" as "c t 011 fv"t tu pM ,1.I 1t.h " very m ucb f e.~ rs III thl- rnll Jl ln wr h'" pI< hed on 11 8 III ndd lLion to thE diM { hurdl ~ 11t 'HIt no t e \\ e r th3[J :n 1 tfon t o In\1 :-ttl s n t4 ' th e Hit'E"p l n b s lr k · sm elling IlIn n t III ar " " . mill e III wltl ch gh " n. t! 1 ~(' rlll\lnntl D b nvo s ho wn reall Mtlu ll o f lbe \,o. lIl ng I'llc uSllnll ) Euglls h co , I wllull l lie ,,"ell .111 (1 til e l 'Il ~ \l nges Tll(' I (' II ru f, OI'" or lh o ~e n ~s~ In (' I' r lll n n E lIsl Ar .hl The! Btorm by makin g ,lrr.l llgemcnl. for l~ul ll " 1 Ihe m Oil at thn l luud , tb nt produ(t used for l h .. CU III" r o lli S 1I , .d · ," or k c ," IIlI d I r,O.OOIl Ch l l linn. UDd e r UOll1lnU ~olo ll l ni 11 ~ [Hl r tm c n t hns . It II recntOl'cem enUl In Ihe I'h lll p plne~ Ihal h lu.l loo ks u po n us liS ca s )." We do cd ror IIi!! I 'll" ul u~ ~1I'" 1 . C1 ,·1IV 'nl t hem / 8.l h l, g- h Oll 1\ J",:,r(" ll ~llln o r Ill uncy toIn cns o ot e merge ll cy IIItI 111 1)' Sf! 'edl ly nllt po ll e h I lei rlto n. w e w er e mod 110 a sllS 01 orc " Cro ~hl l l~ I·t1 III lI ul' 'fh e R Oil" " Ca lh oll c bbhop" nt Ir ... \\ Rrd III .. " ,,,e lh eR at th., ~ 'Jl l' rllt lo n lie gl\ en Ame ri ca n l e ~ ldents e"t In It"kl ll g fUI i)ld c llInl Ly whe n Lb o land Inn d 11 11 \1' I" " PII n i l" IIlnr t o I,,· rea d WllC n th " Ooor of Ih e ope rat in g th .... At Lbls time peo pl e file .Is klng If nn tl ons pu t In l helr c l,tl ms afler Ut e j Go v lIunter ot r\ ~ w Yo rk " n ,1 N,·w O\ CIl In nll th e r hll ll<' l" III the t Ollr I l r l1 vln lp.~ ' ni p, of th o ol d hos p lla t Rt Cllnl c lbll ry. agnln th e nrtful 00 \\ Ige r hns n h:\IId BOKer t~o ll b l es J e rsey III t h e m cn u ll lll c 1111" ,111'1 ~ lhd Soda 13 lSC Ult. \\ u lnlll g fl1l' ){JIIII "; g-t lltlfullou ng-almit l~ n ,.;hll'd "'fi S lo rn up th e o lh o r rtUY tn th agitatio n BUI ,l ,, " ul d see m C~ r l ulnl) It I ~ not much wondor th oy lu terC8 lij <It th e m l ue Ullt ", ~ . llu ll lleu Mi x t\\ O t on~;;qJOOJlr u ) s n ~(}111 or t :u· lIu, . \II~ o r t' I11I Al nl lo ll I Ow r l n~s '" 'I t! dl ~cov llred througb th e artfll l c!owllge r I" no" hersnlt 1111\ e Iltll u likin g or r everen ce tor b) tb e lor ds "f t r ude. Wh o Ileid til th . t a l \I lth one tca Mpoontli1 so tin ~ l lr It II: , II I Ilr,"t 1I 111 1lv<' II Klrl,Q Portel, which w,' re Iln sRe d the co r<ls t or tying tbroat e ned th al her regim e rcsI. (I n " Sle m peo ples Dud metbods I.ook al le ller o ( tile la w l lt ... t 1lI11Ilu[uclu rer. 01 Into fOllr cup fuls nOli! Ad t! a who repcc sP "I, d I 'ilt~ hll rg In tho II\" t pn ll l nl s <101\ n on tho operating Inblo meUll s s h OUld no l lJO pClIllIlI el l III Ih e hnnp lll " tl\IJl cS I>oo ufu l o f blili er o r COIl!;r""". "III ",,,lie 1\ tUli r of tho rl o r to the (lI .cov e r y of an es th etics col oni es, l hey Iwlt! lh,lt all un ~ III II1 Ct! laid nnd 1\ lill ie Kall. 1Il 1'ln !: ni l to \\ o , lrl to I" ls" $t 500000 rUf Il nlltl . t An nl)lllI cn ll on hn s ber n mall o hy h creauollt sbo ul rl nn .out tu I': II !>III IHl Ar th I lJulc lily \\ Ith e no ug h mltll or IlI ls" lon. I hI" ",o ney will ho II sed tlt e lapanose ~() ' crnme nt to t ho Brittor sme ltin g I h ilt nctlnn ru luu" lb e nl 'l lt nnd \\ ntc r. to make U Ro ft dough , to r nltow "C hllnl8 In forel!l:n luo th I l3h r; " n('cu l Merl"'nl r oun cll a s t.lng It SlIlllltlllg an d cow lll g PI OJr.ct I here· r oll out, cut RUt! bDlle IJ llltid y \\-h en tho Y M e A I\nR s tarted t o r ~roj( n l1.e the II(l ~ recs ot JapAnese lifter th e a re \" . Ii 'C UL to 1;III':I<lud Fl cn cb Rolls all J llll e ~', 1St! , II hnel 12 rucm bors , I med lcll i prnclltl o ncrs Iu v u rluu ~ l.arts A. Ih o c nte rlJ rl su ueru lll o I" ,n l" hl e, !lIb: two b ea pln g t 081)000 11l1s bnl' , 81l tl It s \V, ek l), .'xlle nllltura amollnl od ' of the flalll uh empir e It Is In tha tbe atl OI ney {;cne ral for th e (ol uuy s el In g po wdOl wllh fOllr c up s Sift ed flour t o h~ lr a CIO\\11 No" It " wn< blllld- I Stm lls fiNIl l' nr('nlN lbnt t he J a panese fo rth Ih nt th e min ' l'lrl .. r Ill d nn d oHc hn lf t easpo ontul of snll, ndd · In gs '1lI lle d a t over £:6 ,OUIi OIIO nnd I do c to,s pnrtl ell iully wi s h IO'I,e to ltl og 's Ill ll ll o r Of ~, Il ~t GI c llwl CIl lind In)!; S\\ cct milk . or milk nn ct "al er . b u. II mc mbe r"h lp wI' 1I 0"' 1' . ,u~Oll O I p rH el lle a t prcs"'lt I tbnt l herc fo l'e. lI,o IlIlIg WII S '''lllled t o ma ko a - a rt <l o ug b , roll Dud c ut ou t An l ute l ue nom llill t lu nlli nti ""loll ury A IIIt'anb pr 01 t he Drltl . h R oya l Col. to a ce rla lu Him . t) o f Iil e pro Nts fro lU In rO ll lll1 pi ('~~. pill cin g a s m nll IlImp IIOIl pty, 1111 0 \\ n flS t 11n UIIII ",1 I ondoll 1(>:':1' at Vc te rtu u ry Sur~eo n g snys: tho min e Tbls m u ller IIJ\ol voli 1It1 · of bu lle r In t hr ce nte r of onc h Olltl Ml s. lonnr) 801 1 ~ IY III.. h f '''1 fo rm ed - 'I lie ~r>"'h 01 Ull nc k dO ll lioctors and gallon whi ch IVn l! fIn nlly sct tl ed a bou t foldl ug Ilou!;h over lu fo rm of ba it In Or"" t nrltaln "Ilh hClIIIOll artcrs at bo gll " lIl od lcl l"'" du r InG tll a la s t tOI? tbe outbl tlu k ot t bo re volUllolI J'IIQ Circle , bnk' In Qui ck ove n 8hpl1\" I,1 \I s tl olll hl'l ng Nllrt h 1\1\:" rl:l, l oars has UOl' n stmp ly n"poiling. kl ng's side won . bUl Ihe Judgm ent WII 8 B l enktost R olls . lI s IIrs l 8l,II Io n ue lng \\'rlse 400 1I11l~s Th e.~ li og R ll rl lllll ~ t1. n~ lh oy ~all Il c\'e r I)u ld II:.: nl e ve nln ~ tOllr c UJlS no nr \\\th f rom the 01 011 111 or IhA NI;:t r l it e Ill 80 1. ,·. lire lI . ull ll y d o~ d'nlere Soo n nftor Frnnklln vis ited th e mln a on e c up \\ a lm mil k. two beal n gss 1I11ltcd Prc. h)t l' r ln.n. "' C ono or tbe .dth r:oo d lru o "l e <l ~ 1l of canin e hll~lla th e 0 \\ a CI s pl uced ll n orll c r In 1!:1l/: I,lIld ail e rou rth t'nk~ ) en.t, a nll II IIltl e snit, t Oll r prl llclllil l hndlt'~ o f Ch rl sllu lls but u lJsolute Igno ran ce of medlc ln " f or tb o Ilump T h e o rde r ' Yil. III h ,lUll wo rk o \ er t ho l oll ghl) aad s t In warm ben rln .: (lIe ('1I'sb\lorlll ll lI alll e I'hc ro I A Juplln o"~ .r l~ u lI. t na mrd ~Ial sura three yell rs by severn l lIle m bu rri ot t h ~ p tlle to rl sl.' o v I n ight , k ll act In but b us bt' I'u t ol k or lI ullln b<'t,,~e ll the hn" ue~ n . llI llvln g the!'cLq or dlaHorn blowe r family Ih'1\ l.rUI1lIlH!Il t u~ t er l he .Ize of nIl egg. m nl.o Intu r o lls ClIl1Ibt! r l [lll~ nnd tl\O OilIe r pri nci pa l ~ 8".N unrl thu IIlr } ln R ph) slcal SUll e of designing en gi nee r. lor lil o IIll n lng a nd !Ja l. e borlle •• hUI lhu 1 lIitl'" Il ns n Ol b~rn th o buot y UPOII the growth nnd thic ktrutl es. A S En g li s h lo w to rlJ.l dt! lh e e ~ In c illtl erl '1 he "Ited boll y nUWU"rM lies . o t tlT~ ba lr H e On d~ that ha Ir D lo Jlped Bis cuit, POll of mos t kind s ot mucl,llI cry La th~ ;\I nl,c a sti lT balte r of t wo cups a~out a O 000 ' eSjll'r lOIl Y In Ih e cnse of I' c r ~u n s wh os~ co lo ni es, a nd ,IS pum ps Wel t: o n thai " a l lII ( but 1I 0t hOl) milk two lohl ePER.T A ND POINTED bll ir I. ot co nrNe RI rut'Ulre I ~ NO He lllIut, t he pump pa rIS were Shipped ns s poonrili s butte r. 11 p illc h ot all one . g1tl.o tl) uodl!> cOlldltlun thnt It Cll noltl m etal . cnn of so rt ) ellst (0 1' OliO elll," tl r r . Some stro l( es o t good luck nre nl 1.11111. " . 0rl1l1l>l e his tory ot t h", ~ta te With lh e cogl n l) camo Jo sia ll It orn· dissolved In \\ u r d. nn tl white flour m ost as bud I\S s l ral(es of t1RlIlnlllg of tile lud l.ltl u,,1 to w hom II b longs, CATliOLlO OATH EDRAL, PEKING. btow e r , wbo beca m e u g r eat light la Wh en light. drOll from Bpoon on to Do not Judg e the lIblllly or 0. ''''01- tor tbe !)erl oll co \'c red by Its grow th. the e ngill ee r ln!;, w o rtil at til e colo ni es ~ery Insecure foundations, and r evo- t be wily their tOl rltory W[lS g rabbed by blilte l ed pnns t o bnl'o . be ing carorul as well us a patrIot In and out or can n ot 0 a g itate bnllm an 's to ogue by th t> si ze at b er mouth Ju tton may drive b er to soek Jlrotec- th ~ Illtrerent nations-England, Franco, Leper Colonll16 In Chinn. gress Wb en l1a bonurnhlu mll n st enls a tlon In the wnlls of a legation, under Ge rmany, RUSSia , Japan, ond Pnrker Rouse :Rolls. Futhe r 1" I. Conrady, Ib e compttn. ki A year was s pellt In bUil ding We enss h i! i8 fi eH r slltlsflod uotll Ile retb e rorolgner Sbe ts repor led to have Portusnl b ad a hand TlI OY did not Mix Itl how l ono heapi ng' tabl e1,," " lid SIl CCl)ssu r to I' lltnor 1)U1I11 01l, t urus It gtne plaut Geu rge Wll tihlllg wn was been a toe at bea rt. Yunn Sbl Kill Is usk (o r wes Lel n progres8 and mlsslonspoon[ul butte r , on e tabl espo on fu l hl\ 9 I"rlvl' ll III t\ e w Yurk to ,'o mplet. awon!; tbe famou s tO en who jo urn eyed _ An o ld hachelo r Is tortunate In not tne stron ges,t prop to Lbo tbronq, and aries, the weslern progtess a nd mls . s ugar and one hnlf t easpoontul snI t. hl~ lei.II. S Cor ~s tllbl\ s lilu g le per col. to tbe min es to sce ,,01 nblow er II ntI with c lght cu ps flollr, mai< o bol e In h a \' lng to post: U8 a mod d tor bl8 SiS !f ll l l'8 I II Chlnll li t.' \UI ~ lt011J In H I ... a ny day Yuan .Shl KaI may be U8- slonalles were bestowed. Lbe wond e rtul eo!;lno. As ~001l Il ~ tile IIllsSlnated, Yos, on ce tbey did nsk Inlsslonarle9 ~llIm hfill IJ~·t;.h l1 UI~ In lJu r8 us u IHIt!aC tlour nnd POll! In one p int scalded ter's tll ll dr" 1l s butts were pumper! cl ear milling be. It Is 1\1 soutborn a nd central Cblnn ot t he west; back In Ule days of bral's UII e lUa y lau g b at lo c ll~ rnl tb8 but II. I .. IIIM mll i< . still warm . an d on e hal t >ea, t r Q¥QluUon Is I!eethlng. During tbe re- Mnrco Polo In th e m id dle of the lblr- AN ENTENTE OF CULTURE, gnn on n prolltalllc basis From 1770 caite d lsso lH (1 In a IIttl o wa ter , ~t l r It alwn),H fro wlI N uo t be Curollure 10unlll 1783 the troublou s tim es cause(\ een,t Shanghai rio ts the authorIUI!S nre Icentb cen tury Kublnl Kban. bls enJ nps in l'ormllsn. 1n l>nrt ot tbo fl o ur, mi xing th orou gh . Mllllm nt cllll e" I,'r In known to bave enco uraged Lbo rlotmg, voys tlie fn tbOl' a nd uncle or Mare<, Germn n nnd English Professionals tbe sllULllng down of th o wurll s Som e gool1 fl lh lco Do rort' cn ilin s . ') hE> J " lM u c ~ u pUpUI .IUUIl 01 Ji'u. mosa Iy, nn d le t Ii so 0\ c r n~ r:b (. khend Renew Ties Severed b7' the 1.793 Ntcllolas J Roo so\elt, u g reot. lI\ld It 18 they wbo may bave started Polo. requested of Pope Gregory X. a gai n , using I'e lllnlndp. r at fl our . lin d mall u IllI r II .. ' \lr u you ILre rlgu t _ I Out.,O I' IS .lIl ly ~ U,UUlJ uot ut tbo tot..& graoduud e or Pre.s ident Hooseve lt, a c. Boer War I t. The aets were dIrected against tJ1at lhere be sent to tor Cathay u 'J! a \'Uo .,00 let ri se un lll nlte l 1I00 n. rolt out, cut, lhc n u. e ,I tull)" UOII ll qulred ,I n la teres t In tuo m ine, " ull he munlQlpal property andl at~eks made hody ot JIl en to In s truot Kubllll's grent bu tte r and ford as for Fre nch roll s . For t y ·at.e writ ers , artis ts nud sebol- and J 10 1n UlQwer a nd sOllle o t her~ or on Dlaces where arJIlS Ilnd ammunlllon people In Obllslla nlty a nd t be liberal s el I n warm pln ce. 1\ nil wh en lI gl11 were stored. Blue jackets from Bri t- al ls Two m onllS were dIs patcbed but ars In Ge rnHlny have Dlllmorlnll zed gu nlzcd Lhe Ne w J ersoy COlmer Min. euough ballC -Prairi e Farme r t ah and otber warslllps In port bad to tbey turned back ere traVeling a ny thelt Eu g lh,h coll e agues for Ii beUer Ing lI ij~octlili o n to work tb e mine nnd be larder! to' l!'.ll dowJl th e dlsturbunce dls t.ance on tbo long j o urney Tbe unde rstan rllisg between the lwo na- operate 11 s mull"r un d II' copper ,lnd COOO VECE-; ABLE SOUP. Sonle years !lOW Cnlna has been sub - Palos turned to Kublal Khn n (nt Pe- tion s Thcy regret, SIlYS the N~ w York; br,'s~ rollins mill .... At t1me ~ frnm t lle form a tion at tho je led to tho Indigni ty at bavlng fO I- kIng) Wllb Ii le lter (rom Gregory In- Evcn ltlg Pos t extre me nn U-Drllis h ex ('1 (,:11 a:;o ldle rs qunrtered upon b er ten I- stead of th e large body at teachers prcsij lons m nde In Germany durIng lbe tederu l untun unt il GO ), u,lrs ago Lbe S pinach Is Not Often Employed fo,' S oup, Bu t It I s Wholesome tory, but In years she bas Dot been But l he)' hnd broug ht along youn g BOBr war. and they protest ugalnst p ro(l llet rlOm Lbis ol d min e wus used and Pnlntable Murco Po lo n YOllth f 17. He sluye d fulse a od recld c5lI s tntell1 e n ts In the ror coinage Into Ibe bIg COPllN cen ts tradu In th e co un try nlllny y~ars, Wllij ver y Brit iSh pre s ~ whit II e mbitte r relntlons or Ou r grundtat ll e l s nnll to. kindly recel ved and son t on miss ions nli~ r ~ lIdcr mo. t d lfllcu lt tbe tRslt" at tok~n s , Ih clI used by reUlil m~n'lI u (lt9 On e qURlI of s pln.lcb. lwo quarts 01 For the most wOl'ds made to vnrlous pn lls of tho IlIn d. It Is th e peace ma klug th nt lies betOJe tbe Mor- nl! ~Ull1 l1 co in ~'<> I II numb er 01 yen r, mlill olle Ou n oo of buttel, flour n'lc up from these: letters reco rtl of bls Observation s t hat give <> c~o coni Poren ce Th e~e Germans main- Jobn li c wltt, fath('r of Abrum l:i H e w. s ea so ning \V .,sh li nd t r im one qUlIrl Itt. " as III cllarge of Ih e ~ c hllyl e r mille, tai n 1I1111 th e two nations bave been of g reen s pln,leh. PUt It In tl Sl\lIce lJU I llS l he pl ct uro or th e wonrl ertul cIvilization enjoyeil uy (he Cbln es e at tha t pod arc bound togeLber by rec lprocnl ana t11~ IC 11~ 11 boy AbrUlll II c wltt "t. ho ld ing n ' le.l s t th ree Quat'lll of ba ll Ins water. lind three tab l es ~oo n [ul s 01 pe riod, wh en tho omllire rcached Its t ies o r culture . TeliglClu, art and scbnl- qutr ed his liking to, nll'tul WOI king mos t s plendi d develo pm en t , the realm a rs h Ip a nd hespeak a BetUllg aside 01 s ,lll Boll II ra plll ly, w\th th e covel o~ exte ncl eo trOln the Due lp cr In RussIa prejudice nod a more cordi a l reco!;nl- MUSIC IN SOUTH AMERICA, until It Is ten tle r. wJll etb will be frolU to the Pacific O('eu ll, tlonl the Arelic tlon at tbe solidarity at Brlllsb a nd th ree t o se\'e n mluut e s. accordin g Ie ocean to tb e Sll alts or ~ [ a lac c a One C ~ rma n civ il iza tion To Bucb un over- lndlnns Dwell Tb e re Who Are Adepts th e a ge o( the s plnn ch Wh il e It I' 331 people vvill earn these prizes. on Reed Flutes nnd Pnnboilin g . press Il und er the " a ter wi tt wonde rs wh ll l would b,l ve bee n tho r e- ture o f good will but one uns wer was ' n wooll en s poon As soon os I t Is t£n su ll It lhe lOO hrls ll.ln le.lehers hnd poss ib le. Forly· o u e Brltlsb worthies dean P'pe •. Around th e firesIde or nboul tbe " ' ell- amnteur sn}' s • A m au would f a int awa,. IIccept ed Kublal Khan's ntTer, nnd un - .J,roDlIHly w ~ l comad t bls open lotter d er. drai n It In a colander. run ple ntl II. lb e re maIns ot tho VIISt Indian of cold wate r over It t rom 1\ fu t~cet li gb led fOllllly rl'adlog Inlli o durtng tn o on that ," but1l11 dtllar rfl ~ nd We will )Jat der hi s PlItlonage beguu the work or nud ros ponrled wllh co un ter .expreswllller eVl' nlu gs Ihe chllclre D g,o wn · ~lo lI!lla tu your I,e ool es tbnt the nooo Cbr[s tlolnlzMto n at th e Chln ose empl l'c, s lon s of r r le ods hlp a Dd with Sincere natt on shuLLered by PIZoI rro, tb e em- Cbop fino and rub It through a slev. u p~ca n piny wlltl lb elr wl tsan<lsee now bour will 111,(\ It ml\ll o n Our breuktun A ce rtain wrller ventures lIlls asser- de precntion of ' ''lhe nffected beillge r- ph 0 or th o In cus, eve lY m un and I>oy, wllh II wooden spocm. Wh ile the s pin mnny words can be mutle bUBkl ~r uud wllh 1\ strouger henrt- be nt tion. "Tbo Obln eijo In the thlrleenth eney o r Ro me nt our journals!' Sucb Illmos t from tbe age wb cru Ile can a cb Is bo ll lag , preplIre tbo SOIlP a s fol nntl cleatcr \ylIrlllng brrlin than be ever 20 people mu lting th e greatest number cen t ul y hud n Clvl ll zallon far In nd- ao Ill terch u n!; c of gOO d wl sb es must In w a lk, Is nn adept o n (ho s imple reed lows ' Put t he mIlk over the fire t l bud on the Old diet. or words will ellcb r ecel vo a II We box vnnce o f anyt hlog known In the west - n mca ' ur~ "" a k~ agaInst the chaUVin- Hutes lind Pnndea n plpcs, suys H a r- boll. fi rst puttin g In to th e kettle It &11 l.'Ootalulug a $10 UO gold piece, YUAN-SHiH-KAt. Suppose,lt you bavenever rcnllymade e rn w rhl undo without dOubt, had IRm Ih at eq ua lly amlcLS bOUt nation s; p er's Magazin e. They urc " mu sica l or co ld Wille r, to prevent burnIng 11th HI peop le wIll each wIn one bOll can· a mm'e for absolutely clean hea lth tbut no d If It b e s a l1 thot these pncltlc senrace, tbere arc songs apd airs l or eacb Cb r lst lnnlLy bee n IIcce pted by them at to ethor, over t he til e, a n o un ce 0 able to p rove h er a bility 10 protec t torpusbes )' OU along eac h dllY WILh a IIprlnIC talllill'; II $ [, uu gold piece, In your Btep lind a reserve vIgor 10 muselgn residents , and 'I11tll thnt protec- th UL li me h o), wOlllt! h."e nd\uncellin tim ents ure ad o pted Only by certain seaso ~, t or Lb e pla u tln g, t or th e h llr- buttel and an ollnco nnd a bult at nou 300 peo pl e will eacb win a bOll conInlell ,'r(llnts wllhout Influen ce upon vest, C or t be valo ro us deeds at tbe unlll they bubble. Lben gradu a lly lIdl cle and brnln that m n ll C:l the doing at ti o n Is Insure d s he III o bahly Will be c l\ IIJ 'oIl lon n nd II kn uwl erl ge or t bo Season It wlllt I tolltln~ $t 00 In pnper mo ney anti on\! things a plcllSure, you Join tbe army dr subjec ted to tho In lll g nity wuless II I ts a n,1 sc iences lIlore ralllllly th ~ n th e m as~ r " on c cnn only re ply thnt" va/,l lsbed caciqu eH. (or th eir gods at th e boili ng milk pe rsu ll "hn UI"kcs Iho hi g hest number the cloud now nppeDring on tbe hart- Ih o FoUl'upcIln s tat es tbal wore slll i tl e" plle he ijOt la ll s ( dream at Inte rna - ol d to whom a lI e w ti lg nili caoco hnB l evol ta bl espoo nrul at sn It, hllit a tea ur wurd" ovOr ,til' onlestonts will receive "pluln old colllmon SeUM(1" and start In now. TIl ~ n uJ\.er yuu hl1\e been 2 or ;j zo u gro w a pace, lind th' di s in tegrated " , pe fJ ~ d In Ih e illlrl,n oss o f Ihe feUda l- tlon a l brot horhood, based on the prole- l l>ee n Imposcd by 1I pious church a nd spoo nrul O~ w h ite pe pper and a quarto!>l a bOI con ta lo lng 'IUU UO In gold. weelts on the C ra"... · N uts tralnlug yOU co untry unl · e . s tand l u;;~t h e r agalUSL Is m II lId en s bruud od In the supersti- tnr l II 11I1 rn .,lIoll,1 1 understandings Ib e lon g druwn chdlltS by lu e" n~ 01 of u saitspoonfu l of grate d nutmeg write a stlllemelll or bow you used to be It Is rea lly n mORt Casclnallng hit or ti o n s o f th o m id dle ages " hn yo hls lorlcally nl~aY8 bogtlO nm o ng wbl ch . at I hQl r yea rly ga th e rln!>s they , Wh en the broth Is don e, stir Into I What tbe blnese louk upo n us a comand how you aro nuW The 81mllle ruc tll rllD 10 tnke ull til e li s t (1' e Olng aner lhl s etl'" n te r! CI.ISS It was t he Rous, pu s. down th" hi 'Hury of tllclr race, \\ e m I)' Infor l h ll l tbe mlsij lona rles elloll l;h oC th e s pinach to colo l It 1 mon e ne my You re membcr tho prop'h c nln g hod sco 1I0w m a ny words can will Interest otb~I~ a1ld 8urplise yourb ecy g i ven In th e Lell Ol ~ u f It ChlD ese " C lo ·d"y tl o not enjo y th e ro),.11 P,I t- ~~au. "'" \ta lce; Ilod r~rnnkllns that I As We ro I. no Wli lte u lunguul\e . Ill e re dc llcnte gree n and se n e hot-Ctllcagl be added sel( We ne ver publlsll nllmes except on ro n,lge I,ubla l w,'s e,lger to gra nt As brough t "IIoul 5('m et hln g like an Ellro- Is no \Vrill on musI c, It I ~ han ded down lnlor Ocenn ... Om cla l ' permls.lon, but we orten tell tho factft A fe w rules arc necessa ry ror absolute In the IIC" SI>llPOI9 Rnd whell reQut/Hted "Y es, It I. we 1\ ho do no t a~re ll l It we h a ve se ll t mure teu ellors ,lnd pean enl e nlO of cu lltJre In ' the elgb- rroru gllnorallou U, gellcratlou uy tllo fair "lay give tbe nallJe" llr private letter. Uaat prac lke Iho g<ls ll cl u f I,cace It Is PI ea cb el s th pi c thall .In y o thol nRlIon Itonlh ,ranlll r y It Is their s ucces sors ear nlone Suggestion for D Window, Any word authorI zed by Webster's Tbelr national IJlstrumcnts are but ,you who a cce pt It Ih It tra mpl e II un. ,IS a la l ge lIum b!' 1 of tn elll now dwe li Wh o ItlIlSI nnll1 th e wo rk of Inte rna · Tbere Is plenty at time to get pcraonal tbree In nllDlber tbe tlUl e-a For thut do ulli e wlu dow which h dkll n nary will be coumell hut no name experlenco wltlt Grupe-NUIS 8ud write a der Coot-,ll1d Iro n ) ur II (OIII <'8- lt Is lh el c It I. certrdn tbe (lo lt ed Slates li Ou., Ince n(lI ar les or Ilc rso n DOlh the &lngulllr a od plural sensible, truthful le tter to be !!eut In with about 18 IIlCll e. III le ngth . wllb r:~~ b" lI t nlmost up to u nelg hbol l ng lll\el th e nRtlnns uf ' url stc ndolll "lIu ha ' e will be zea lo us to nss lst In Ihe proteccan hI' u~ed, us ror In~ta nc e gral)o and the lis t of words, as the contest doea out The Boa t swa In'. Pipe. bol es, lIud u square 5111 ut th e c lld for wa ll , h ,Ulg YOllr sasb cu rtains Ul1l10 B "grnp come. to tell t h li S by swo rd ,IIHI tin' lh a t tloll u f rOI (' Ign r csld nlS In Chin a ~s ' close uDtll April 30tb, 1!I06 So stllrt In I';\TJ/ I~ HI:\L pUPil: w "ers of naval trad ili o o ,"II be a mo uthpi ece. 1>1.1)'<,11 nfter Ih H mnn- without tullness II Drl e mbroid er u r 11(. rlg b t In lh ls wo rl,1 I ~ po " Pr l, ." IIn ft.s. The lell e rs In "Y-!·O-Grape·Nuts" ns soon DB YOu like to uulldlng WOr(18, plea , ed to le.l rn tba t th e admiralty ner of u Clnrlo uet , thn l'a1ld e,ln plpcl pl y [,n hl{hed deSig n of flowers 0 It be PUI' llo rt cd iI) m iJ;h t Oh <\0 lIut Alwnys Loses, and sturt In usi ng Ora pe· Nuls Cnt ttll'" h as hl ~ t \J er ltl~d to res lore something I -a serlus of He ' cn rN'd l uues lhlll In leaves over the top or them Th ey wll may lie lI'pca tctl In the &l me word, doubt lIlII l " e ah.lI l le.'rll t hu t lesso n' ~n p ltl. t' r PUrT\ 1M('o mp lClO statement ollland kl.'C IJ tile lutters Y- 1-0IIl al h a~ lo ng In ll en Inlo dtsuse Thl~ tb I ' be In on ll" pi ece for e.I<' h windo w m" Geograph Ira I namcs autborlzed by and woe to Eu rop e wh en " e h"",1 .IC\\ l (hn Ul h I m s lUi n g I n Ir Grape· Nuts betore you "lid wben yOIi I II( IJe 0 f lWII t a t a Int In.1'II th, Web~ l~r \\ tit be co unted Is ' I ne bOll tR " a ln s pipe In Lhe InSPlr- , C d IIrgo o neil arc fOllr reN 10 le uglh ' 810U HI II 11 R (I) !(l\l'1l the j u {' k.POt Qulred iL You are IlIm lDg a write your IOIl ... I· you will havo IHJme a n In the . mull nl u nrs acarce ly "a I 11 g' 1It POSH II lew I Ilh ou t II n \ IlIg lo dm" " ' I I I lw o th e r (13 110 \\1:1 wtn It. Ing s lraln < of "h lch s hlpbo Ird routine Arr n [l~e 11\.. word s In alphabetical reason 10 write on tlte a ubject "Wby 1 nation o f fQur bundr ' d 1lI11J10nB. II nu. , ,lYI3 Some IO ll ny Incbes, II nli t h e drum Tb e I.'" t tlle m 51 DlP Ie. un bl eac b e d mils II n nla~ - I I I.) U" l o")n 1 OS l W,lS ca rri ed o u t In th e o ld d Owe Grupe · Nuts," clllsses "II III OSO be Glonlng Wllh A to 1I0 n wh lc b. until ) 0 11 en n It' hail no I" the unlv erslll IlI slrument ot "II IIeube IIsod lind an DI>J>lIqllC linen des l" ( L 1,:,' lh e l tlnll lll o"e begloulng with Ii: to li me ag~ ~I )' onls I'a me to tbo I' I ' ' • ~ THE NEW FROCK. botte r \\ Isb th a n t\> Ih e lit poace w ll h Remember 331 persons will wlnprlzee. I t I I P 's I ,e r ' .lre ft w r,ICC' 90 low tn the lOllY be put on with emuroldery lin er (oaw und er E, etc which will he IIwlardeti In un exact anti thelllseive s a ud all t h e wor ld In tbe ~U llC U~I 0 11 t ~" : IS retentlod ;, Wins un· sca le o f hllm a n ""tlc ly ,I' nut to 1>0"" In bold stltcbes Or n si mpl e cretonn, When you nro writing down tbe jll8t manlie r us soo n a s Ihe list CRn be ~"\m o of Cbrlst ' ou b ll ye . " uod cd Ihe ' H~ . 'd e I OliN ,wI as ilc co r Ins y do oe Bess It 1 he Pautlu.1U pipes are In .. lIIilV he used Th e' whnle Ilnlnl IS Ir Every if~ a I \ III I 0 '11, lnW e \ er lle llUlh o r - d II word~ lea' " Sotu .. ij pdces. lu the A, E, nn (1 countell lifte r April 30th, 1906 ('11 11 to a r m s' In Lbe Ilume of Cun flicl- 1 l' le a l \\ h ' teha ll hu\e change d thel ou I e row llnd a t th e lim o of prep- bring the deS ig n up wbere it will bl otber columns 00 1111 In laler a s new cOlltestnnt will be se nt II prlnlell Jist of oou8 w e r espo nd,' fo r tbe Indl il ds. o r tbe lnte,- tb e most elIec liv e by making It In I words com" to yo u ro r they will sprlug na med lind nddresses at winners on npm I n ' I9 fl ll fI t h C 0(1\ R I b oa! s w n ln Is ar ara t IIItt on I Cblnn h,Ile8 .... nr . bas heIr! wa rfare plication, In order to bave proor thattha h m I PI b r a "'a rs !b e o Ul e r scrles Is Ill/ed ~b n ll o w a r ch nea r the top Into mind every eveolng .and SO l/H ers 10 co n te mpt Hor soldiers app y on " ga n pes are el ng with ranassn th e nativ e liquo r and prizes are lent 8B ngreed 'rhe comp"U1 It I~ almost certain tbat s ome conlest- i8 w .. 11 known llll over tbe world for ab:nu, e bM n me re hire lings recrui ted ' 1" lled tn a ll Hell go in g shl»" a nd 10 ' tbe pl,ly er rece lHS th e benefi t of lbe ants will tie wlLb olbers In 8ucll CUI<CII soiule fidelity to Its ogreementll aDd DefenSeless. rom the , o ry low est c1uss cs Bllt If '1 r etl o n In t h ~ IITt ot sou n d In g them Intoxi ca ting rum es witho ut Ih del kl t e UJ Is t o be s," ~emR ll cn lly g l' e n lO sele ct· loclda , l t d Clarence Klnkby-Aln t aeen nothln a prlLO Id e nti ca l In value and chnracter every nlngle one ot th. 331 winners nu,y <Chlnu shnu ld be brougbt to change b el "It II lbnt ulle red In llint clas8 s hall be depend aD recehlng the prlae won, eo pe lt ) ~ rn re " a011 bo}s of L be fleDt. 0 a a riD ng rani th e bottle 0' Mose Jobn slng hft oly Any thin awarded 1denlij t h e Ilel'so nDel of b er arm y UII to eacb ERCh ono will be reo -\\ ~ l tnl l !. a tC r GI\ ~ Atle don e hnppen to him, huh? d er,;o I'h nll/: t b en tb e powers might Many persons mIght teel It lIftIeleBII to With Prop'er Selll1lg qU8Sted 10 seDd wit 11 tlla li s t ot words n G Was hin gton COIe-Yessah, Moet plalJlty wrltl,n letter describing tbe IId- conlOllt. but wh~n oue remembere th. be call ed UPO Il to ultel Ib elr op inio n o f 'fbe ma n bad tried to kl ~s ber. Sbe Many Indian Nl\mes gre~t nUlllberof (a31)-tbecurl_ done surrerln' rrom a fit ob absent vantages at Grape·Nutl, butlbe conle8lCblnClle ('(J u n ge and ability In the drew !Jack wltb halltellr OBity of _Ing bow man,. warda ca .. real. In Ihc l: nlt 9d States we flnd "Ill_ mlndedness, be came arounel to rle ant 18 not Nqulred to purchlUle a. PKK fl e ld OO A uf h er vlcero) s. said to b~ "Sir, Hbo exciatlDed. 'bave YOu no dlnn ' na m es la protuslon rrom ocean lenHO or Ilroprlety ur Ht Db •• ut, otclub la8' week wit . only a satet, razor TbeBe leiter" are nnt tocontaln poetry or Iy be malle up evenlngarterevenlngaOIi tile strun ges l ma n 10 (;blna to-day. rancy 1I0urlsboll, but almple, trutlltul tbe &ood, natural run and &douUo.11l Al l Ib e greal lakes ell ce pt -Pock Yunn-Sbl · h lll h R ~ II goodly army In lly till s tlW t s lit' had Sli cL'I!u dtd In .ts'lmeots of ract. For lIlustralion. A tbe competition. It 'ooms 'I'OrLb tbe S.I)h l l ' I he large s t rl\ crsMlus ts. «.raining ~ o llUO OlOn auperb physical turning tb~ 1"1111' low pereon may have ex perlen< ed 1I0me I nClp· I rl .. l; tbere II no coaL. nothing to 10M S1~,, : Misso u r I. 01110 Ark ansay and "p'c1m eu .~ 1t Is a g r eat mistake to "No w: she Iltld --PbIlKdclpbla LedIbI 'rum. leot or cbronlc alii troceabll! to IInwl80 nod a line opl)C)rtunlty to win one of UI. C Otln · leA. ol her ontu ral tea tu res, lIucb thluk 1111 Chln a meu are puny. pllllid aero "Yes, she's preHy. ' Her nose 11 ..Iectlon or tood Utal railed to give tn .. m bolleS at gold or &/'MDllackl. kS I I V6 r. lakes mounallos aDd 'al' ol\( This arm ) Is beIn g d rill ed by body and brala tbe eners)" bealtb lind We make tbe prediction Uallt 10m. sllgbtly-er-retro\l!ll!e, Is It not?" 1_) s . ~ ea( n a m r.~ ot Indlaa or1&ln 80 Pa inting Fl\ees. 'I)C)wer dpslred. SeekIns better condlnona wbo win a prlle. of !JOld or &reeDbac1Ul. .,Japllnolt> omce rs And In addition to "Oh. yes; sbe bas what we f'-AII the do J maj ority 01 o ur 45 SUites, to sa - Mra Pnlntl!r- I :lee Ihe left sId 01 a cbnhllt In food II made and Grape·Nuts will allO wIn back beaHb and stren~1l ~Idlng up a b dl at soldie rs, Vuanoothlog M coull t rles a n d to wns Many tbe lac" Is u~ul\lly cons idered by art- ItockYlirda nOBe "-Cblcago TrJbune. d cro,'lm u!Gd III place of tba tormer wortb 1II0re to tbem than a ~ason tOll , ,8Mb-K a l 13 pn ) tug atte n tIon 10 th e diet Suprale one quits tbe meat, rrled of mODey prlAL . 01 s triking beauty-as, for In- ISIll 10 bt mdr.\! bc'auUtul tbllu tbe loDe 0 J:I (' t t1 mnller of educnUon, Sprinkle Salt, I)C)taloea. IItareby. 8t1cky me_ or battstll oce. TlpIlU Uan?8. Mlnn eba h &, .SUII- right There are no I>rellminarllll. cut ont ot Nla dy tor imm elll l1l8 wnr, China • ltm ·t It rather dreu..,Y" If lalt Is sprinkled oVer tile range COOked oatil or ",hellt and eula out tbe tbll atatement aIId SO at It, and ..nd III quell a nna, Alabama_ud wblle 80ml Mr PUln ter-But 11 101 of YOIl WOlllell UIlilt u )! the boYQOtL " eapQu, aDd · Clu US8Y~" eollN, Try. say. tor brellkrallt, a bit of tb. lilt and I.ner before ~pr;tIIOUt. 1101. berore rrylnr; III commenced tbere "III are harsh. tb ey seem 10 "ilL" ~ t" r.1 10 thloll bOlb Hided " hLlllld III ...... bOf¢Ott II\M~III"nt Ilu approo.ched • f eR-Jon 't you _Y Bare-b!t.cke4." be no d 18Ilveeable odor Jl.u.. taL IP!lt trult, a dl8b at Ornpe·Nutl IIDd cream, to PoetulII Cereal 00.• Ltd" u.n •• Cl'lelc. r markllbly ".1I.-;-8t. Nlobolas lI\1 I1lft!tI - Yunl, .. rs ~,tatCllmUI1, two eoft·bolled I!RI,a .lIceof bard to ..t MICh, ...... let YOIII' IIAIDt lerll ~vU',
1 I I
l .,.:-
IV,'. "
31 B-o xes of Gold 300 B oxes of Greenbacks
Y- I
- o - Grape -
. .4 II c:up Qt PoItlUll hod Coil...
»Jalali .rln...
.wAY. FEED NOTES. b01'llelf on Uae lite» and .mlled at lila , l - - -' stars. Utilizing th e Scraps and R efus./ troll! The bour WI\9 late, but tbo nl&bt 1J?8 the Tublu In feeplJlg the beautiful nnd tbo air delicious. SevH ens. eral uurnalled letters In her room up· ._-_ ., ytalrs would provld c o.n eXCUDO for B , We are dOing tbe bcst we enD by th4 wulk to tho corne r; a mOo\ f1 nt later Unqualified Success of Lydia E. Pinl\ham's b p. u ~ I hcso ri uys. 111111 Ill oy ara pa yl nr shu w as tr i pping down the str eeL, By JOHN HARWOOD BACON UIS IIbural ly III c'ggH for 01lr tr'u ubl e. "I Vegetable Compound in Cases of Mrs. Fox 'rbe journey t oo k ho,' past tb e wu uld ll ' t lJolll e l' wltu Iho ueus us ),0' and Miss Adams. ho uso nex t door, and-with n IloculI", QUACK (Oull1r'~lJt,ltlO6, liy JOtl_Jl b n. lJo wlt.t.) CRASS DESTROYER. dv,'· U lI.d;;blJor s lI I<I to 111 0 receotly. thrill whl cb s he promptly d eclarc d un · No ou e Ilt 1\1rs, Wi ggins' hoa rd ing wo r thy-yho eSl1lcd :1 li g ht In an up· ,"' ri, hy lhe wa y, ll'I ~. W(j UlU II Is buy· Ho me-M ado Dovico W hich W ill Uplil t; I! t;/;;tl , houKe-no 0110 bU l ~ lr 8. 1 arte r, that IB stu lr s roo Ill . Th e Impulse to tallo "just root t lle 'l' ro ul, lc'Soml! P~ht - WOU ld have called Wl ut h rop ~e nLl n pe clt" wns too st rong for resls tnnce , 1...llw III llny ot h er furmen; \V B ca o , or tlJ b Fa rIller. mental. Mrij. Po rler WUij a willo w. nnd and. Ulu r CIJ"er, h ar ll1 lc s ~, and abo nClI ,;I\' u our he" " Lhe rul! II "t (Jf feedl o bBc rvunl. yl e ld~d . SO lll e what to ber conster na· On",; II In allowed 10 Inl""1 I hor · !lUI'I O('1 1 hy ( I", ~l'lc "l tn" poultry lCIlCh· As l'ailidly ns UN'CnC)' [l ermILtecl. Lion. a Og uru was 10 the window, sit- o ugtlly Ult1 ri g ht Idlld or su ll, fl'w Wf'l~ d er. Ollr wa y Is lIiak fu H th u most o' W,i lllhrop filll Hhet! hl ~ first melll and b ou ~tte d against a j;IIHe of yellow , IC!it H ar~ more dllliclI ll 10 i ' lu rJlta lt: I fw l'ut!lJs W\! 110\' 0 Oil hal~d . Jlruuuc ed iJcl;);c' l to ' 1.10 ox ·U SC(1. thu s allowi ng li gh t ; IJIlt happ il y 's he ,,"liS unn ollcc<l, lh au '1 IIac' l, g r a bh. A II ordInal r 1:11 11I· Uti tho ra r m , \ VII!';II, (JUt u and co rll a,rc ";I"UWJI I} IJ l hl! ,d Ut'o alii! l he b e n ! cJIKou.s lon to begi n w itho ut deo lay , SO IU ~ tb lug (~ I'Itle ntly was lIusor iJIng Il ls valor will nlu.I{Q lillie Il lI prl' sti lnn uu "What's h is nam e, d lt! yo u Ray ?" UllC'1tio n- ),e" . s h u co uld see dlstl" ct- II , nn d nllO llt th e (July 111111;'; tllal CU ll J.',l't t IIL:Jr !'th al'(1 ur ~ac h . Nu fuo rl we w ld ~l. orc d Mrs . Hld r.l' l y promully , Iy, 110 was wind in g bls walcb, tbaC bo lIu II (:, Hlly way , I ~ 10 'clH'l' r t h u fUUl:t prul1'IJ I'C I s t o u good 0 1" too Hxpcuslve t l Jr lhu IH' IIS Whl'fl tlt u groc'! r g1cull'Y " Ilis l."arJ reRd ·M r . Artb u r All nn tl me -hnll owell ]Jreil nllnary lO a Illght I Jp urlcl ~HIIIJtl l r'r IH,' rn UI't. pay s lI ll! farm e r ' ::; wHu ,5 en u ts pe r Winthrop,''' vou chsaf d t h e proc ise or ruascII iI ne r opose, ThenTillS 1:\ 11 t: \t"v IIrr.,, ·t' ~H , IiOWllV'H' , Mr.. W I~g ln a . " li e's f ro m S L. I'uul, l\1rq. I'ort e r s Uliliresse d a little (TY. Jlf~nr'.!' t tH ' ad v l ~ alJil ll y (Jr c:cII l :::i I rll"l' ,lu/.(' n In l"i l ~ h fur ChgS, After ('o rn bu! o r Den ver." UBII h llrr icd ' up th o street. Th ere. j ng hll ifflph'fllc ut H Ili II UH I ., l"i li oW h IWl' 11 «ru lIm! for llit! h un; I' ~, h UbS a nd l)'IIt,,. ~a f)t1\. we run it Ihr ulI~ll a sl~vo . At dlnnnr. Wlnthrop - h l ~ stat us set- Ih e r D urr() re he r " e r y eyes, WIllthrol1 1o lIll' a ('("H JJUu yil1l'; II U; llIIU, lulu Ib e :i1l\'U 1 1't: 'JII U rltf!al for Hurt f(! c(! and tl cd- wUll rcce ll' " I Into Cull 1l10mue r · t! e lllJ ~ ratc l y had r n t h e war..:hcnse t he (Tadel'cl h r n lll ~ that wvn ·t go tiil lil. wllh t he prlvlll'go o f cr iticisi ng to n ls 111)5 untl-te nd~rly. funuly-h ntl t nl Cl ugh Ihu tl lc \' c WI) tllfUW tll lilter UIlY Ilew bou rd e r who mls ht th e reafte r l<i:sctl It ! tur t h e lJ(!IH' . nl'llCa r. H o wus a to)I, lIrolld ·s hou l · Stl'ulg lll tu h e r room ran nn agltaLed 1';\,1:1 y YI! ill' wfl plaut (lllInpkluH wlt b d el'ed ctull' wi t h u pl ea fi ollt lII un ll e r , widow and tbrew h er"e lf 00 the bcd, n lhu r. Ultl lLllcI rahm tl llJIlI rurrerd . The nlld tho Impress lou toade waij f~ vo r mogt unhapIIY lit lie heap. 11I'1il'; llito th e lll , un ci Wtl li ll tl I lley lHO nble. "Jlo can'tlo vc h er! " s be sobbed. "He On o o f the groatcst tl'iumphs of Lydia ' br tbe pb}'1licilln and bo ""ya I bave no slr;m r,uutl fur the}Jl, tt l-") wcll :15 ro r I hI! I)tiler 1L was subject fo~ co mm ent , bow- mu s tn 't!" 8. PinkhJlIn's Vcgctll Llo Compou nd Is I) a tumor n o'V. It has also bl'ought my til t.wk , Th ~ ~cclhi an! I It t! 'Y'aluable ever. lbnt h e se ldom re mained on the But wh e n , balf aD hour InLer , sbe I ho cOllqllf'rin.... of w oma u 's dread ponoda around Onoo 111 0 1'0; Bnd I am 'J' " enllrely well . I shull no" cr bo witllout a hotverll!l<la afte r dinner. 11''''t of t il e IlU lIIllllin . It I" cla lm ,'cl, u ud rose nnd p ee red s ham u· fa ce dly In to th e enemy, uttlo r. tlo or Lydia Pinkharn's Vcgetublo ComflOunri "YOIl burry awa y as If you dis like s lass, a gl eam of dele rmlnatlo n s hune t ll u 10",," like llil! "p.e". 11"" t,. lIut will S,J-call ed "wandering palnR',' mny iu the house."-l'nonJu D. I-ox, Bradford, PA. l' ;.ll t!Vtl q ' Ili t ur tflU JHI Ulpklh ~ XCC I)t us!" complained Mrs. Wigg ins , w me from Its early Rlage~, or the prcs • In twO ve ry t earful eyes. Another CaRll of Tumor Cured "I·v:. so me Ictter3 to write," he exIlle rin d. I " " 'l ee whell 11le! h Ol;S r ncc of " angcr rn"y be m ndo mallircbt "l! be wnnts h er , h" s hall have hor," by e"ccs,l "o rnonthly pe riod .. UC~OIllhy L~dla E. Pinkham's Vegetar.' 11 Plllllplt tll~ l h ~rH arc aJwny~ a numplain ed . sbe dec lare d. " Yes, whet be r s he wish es IJ ~ I ' III Iii" aP' , lvl! lilli e. Le~'h o rll h eos paoled hy 1Inus1Iai pa in extcndin g rrom I.Jle (;ompound, M r'J . Ri dge ly rosc til th o occ/U!lon . him or nol! " I he aud omen through the groin and Dcnr Mrs. Plnkbam:uruullII )lIC'Itl nj.; lip I Ut ~ sl! I' II ~ . "You're un sociabl e," she av erred . Ju st what s h e wrote to Mi ss H elen thi g hs . ,. Al>ou~ \breoyllUl'll ago J hl1<llntellll8patn "f'erbnps," s bo Utt e red, "you're In ,\ e9 Ll)', of Sl. Paul, MinD., was n evo r A tOut 1.laco I he r lc:lIl'~ t, greasy If y on have m yst('r louapain R. If there iu my stomach, wl ~h craml's and roglnll S lflP, JlIJ d ull l ilt! t ah l o 1:H: I'apS arid love." nre ludic"tion ~ of ill (I"mmntlon. ul cera - bendacbos. The doptor proscribed ror me, wbolly clear to Mrs . Por tc r. But s he w as t o ' pl r;r.c~ ur rr c~ ll nU!RI go to Ule tlon or d ispl ace ment don·t w n.l t f or but dndlng tbat I did not get any better he , "Or j ilted," su ggested Mrs , Maso n . was dimly co nsci ous I hnt the missive n OM E · M A PE (./(J,\(' I< c ; I1.~SS • . ' . .x.mlneU me and, to my surprlac. declanl!l Il TII (J YI, rl. 11t ~ 1I t) . Put a nll 1L11() l u lH!ollllJ;s are tun e to confirm your f cn r a aorl go I bAd n tumor I Winthrop lau g bed g o od - natur e ~ly . was un apo logy, a request . a scolding " lfe lt sure thatltme~lntmy death WatTaDt, bnt th e oo rne rs o f a rath er firm mo uth nod a plea, ull comllou nd ed In writin g b(~~ d uf 1l. whlr ll co n si s t s or h nnl qlll(~ I{lr r lln I h lro \l ~ h u m eat ~ l1tt e r , t hrongh tho h orrorsofa hoRpital ope ra. Pi"l<liam's Vege- nnd WBS very disheartened, l spont hundreds Tho lion: sec ure L yd ia m drooped In 0. mllnnor whi ch au observ- nuld fo rm. wUlle 118 crow nlD g feature WCIIHl unll Is ~Ix t llt:ItCH :iq u aro nod tt t x' ( h e ll rnh:l.!cl wUh lU l'i r IIl IHt h . bL\)lc Compo untl nt onco u tiLi hegin' of do!lnrs In doct.orlng, b!,t tbo twnor kept ant widow deemed significa nt. "It·s was a s ubtl e note o f wa rnin g so unded f n e l 1011 10; , uru ln sc . t n(] nl regu hlr rll s .. hllll' h e rln e; nlTa l , crac l( li'lJ,;s, CI C. , t s all ils u se and write 111 rs. Pln lt bam or t;roIV1l1g, till tbe doct.or ""Id tbB~ notWng bUt Til., crnckltnr;9 Ly nn Mnss for ac1vice. tb o truth! " she murmured . nil oporAtion would savo me. Fortunafuly I lJy th e statloDery, whi ch s he carefully \.un C!eR n ,1l1rt 1~ Aloc l t OHt h, -.!al'h n no wl v" 11 ttll" t h l~ h C\ll~ . , ., , correspondeU with my Clun ttn eno or tho N'ew F folm th e o ut set Mrs. Porter's attl · 5~ l ec ted f ro m a bl ac k ·bord "ed lot . tru' l1 sflua re III I h u t o p /JII I I I'linTll" g a rl! wurl h Ulclr~ n R lI e ll rooc, Il u in they 11e(\d these s trol1g Ictters rom grate- En[!llI.nd S tates, who advised IDe to try Lydia \ Vti )jil va I n t e ly t"l wom en who h ave boen curcd: tud e was ono of cord ial frl ends lliJ'. E . l"lnkham·sVcgntllbloCompoUlid 00101'8111)). ~111Wll' 10 a. s h a rp puinL A ~(lud hla rk .. arc f n r Jio:!., ~: I'l~m\l' . lon g s lOce d isca rd ed. (First LcltUlr.) mlttlng to an o/",rotion , /Uld f a t once started "That man needs cheering ." was her lJutllli sholll.1 IIf! ullin to mak o tht' 01 a..~ ka rll t1 ,1 lhat 1t 1!1I ~ IIHu lIU(l.p rnl l Ut bet-'Mrs. l' illkhnm:" In looki ng m'oryonrbook 1 c;co thl1tyour taki ng Il r egu rtl' t reatment, finding to my t h un tS l~ lIll - ruill (. Th,1Y wou ' t oo nOde ntl ll l dln.gnosl a ; and s t mlghlTh e y ", an I to l i~ 1 w o f" e t II '" Mr~ . Porte r s at ~Ione on tb e yer· rt!llulrt·d . rnoolci no curf!B 'rumors. 1 bl'lY\:) boon to n gl'eat relicf that my JrCltel1l1 health began to way . he d eter Ol lnctl upon a CO Ul'Se of anda . and ne r vously open ed 11 lette r Hili); lUlil phu:orJ iii An a ll~ lc ur :W (l . ~ .. il r l ull li l l m ' n d ll" If tlIl' Y' ' :3 11 J.; 1!t hut· .hlCtor am1 he t.r.ll !11 mo I UO'·O a tumor , I fmprovo, nntl ufter iliroo m onth8 I notJced 1l'. l"Lull1<. Now wn S:l\'C ey,f! ry Lit of will bo mora than graterul Ir you can help that tho tumor bacl redU L"Od III 017.e. I kept treatment. gH!($ with the lc)II~'JO. Th IS. n t 1 ~ lt lIy the po ~l llla n . m0c!'-' I clo so drcml an ol'omtioD."-FI111Uie on taking tbG Compound . tulfl In wu montlut " You'll not run awny t o-ni ght ," sl1e II or eyes s napJl 'd a ngril y as sb c (.'OUI He. shull I,) h o l ol lH!d n ' ly I ~ l Hill l a l lC'r III II I nr~c Jar tor th o h e ll S D. I"O~ , BrndCol'll, Pn. It lind. cnl'lrely tli"/lprlOOr<~1 wlthou. all o~· nlfll Iltu plga ~cl Itat ~k lmnhtd mOle, Info ~ m e d him. In an a greeabl e u n(l ~ r scan netl th e ope nlo g lin es. and th ey th e h ~a fl (In or U ~ l ng lJ(o~l mp llsllrA Door Mrs . PIDI,bnm:(. eoo",l Letter.) ntloD, nn~ ""Ing no mo,helne bnt Lydl~ ,Ill, 'I'II,' re-, illl! SU 1,lItall Y ( cI Jds un tliO aVllr· tonc , wilen Ors t they chanced to r eacn contin ued to na s h as the pe rs ual pro- II ) , o.ud H IHO w .... 11 ' Irn cctJ W i lli lrel!' ,. I take tbe li ber ty to congratulate yuu on I'inkhn.rn 9 V~gOIll)'lo CO III!)()und, (mu "ord8 the success I have lind with yuur wonderful fnil to . "pre.. ~:,w g.rntetu T CUll t or the g()()(1 I1gt1 tarnl thal wc,lIlIcI ~() towl:tnl s DHLkt he por ch alone. "Yo u'll st ay and g r essed , hra r.('~. An oltt "lower or rnlto Sl' at , IllChllcine. ,t b.... done 1110. - Miss LueU:> AdUlllll, ColooIllny with me." " It's worth r.o tn s ults. " sh e cr ied . shot'l l rt Ih('n h" rd .l rr.d (1 11 I~ HI) 1IIIlt IlIg ;t, pI' r r\'r ll )' · lJa Illll t' ntl r a ll o n f(lr . " EIgbtoon months ogo my perloda nndo Hotel, Seattlo, Wash. M,)st Inviting W !L~ Mrs, Porter In h er " A t leas t GIl. Tha '-k you. Miss Wes t- Il1 n ttrlw'! r CU ll r id " Ir Il U wis hes, and lilt:! IU' tls , it 1110 I l"\l"Ifll' r would on l y .topped. Shortly nrter I felt so bndly • subSuch lInqucs tionablo testimony llntfv whit e orga nd1e with It s tillY Iy, I shall marry him mysc U-sln ce YOll Ih"" hy fOrt·" Ih ~ ' op-Ih In their rull mak-: ·.. ~l4 n r I h plH , I'\a ys Iht\ Uh lo ":1i ~t.ed to CL tuul'Ough o:mminatifln b)' IL phy- proves tll C VI.IU Cl of Lydin 1':. PinlchaJn's Tho (l'uull , wo lInrl. ul .":lan. anel WlLa lold that 1 hl1<l a tumor Veil' ·table Compound , nDcl should give blac'l( bows; but Wl nt hro ll h e~ltated . d ~p lh . It ,. Ihll o posol lJl • . saYR I h6 , Wa l"ll lt~ r . 6u ggc:s t Il." confidence nnd h o"" to e"ory slele t'l c lr amI "ollld bDI'e W undergo A\1 oporatlnn. " I can 't," be begu n, g libl y. "I've Th e re veri e that follow ed was Inter- f'ra'rl e Va rm e r. wlJ Pre 6011 I, l.rn <: lI- givillt; tht~ It ' 11 8 a vhrlt:IY In " 1 soon nfter t'P...tllJ one at . y Ollt" Drl\o'crtL~ 1'hill -III -f" " ' Is " l"' bl'l' "~S Y1l11 <l. Of monts an<l t1 0eldcd to give LyrlilL E. PlnkwllmaIl, 1.-" rUIJtecl lJy a voice- his voice-a t the ("ally fr('n fr n m slnn ~ ~, lo t P.a f nut n il , IU lIn' a Vcgctublo Compound a trlnl. Afw... Mrij. Pinkh a m invites nil ailing ro ur St) . tl WOlI't ch, l u I JlI!; h tlte eKg "I Imow"-qulcl(ly- " so ma lellers, gaLe. Or r.ear ly all ,' Ih o qllo('k ro n ts. AR IIlking Ih'Co lJoW.. ns directecl, tho tumor i. wumen to writa to her at Lyun, MaN., and n bustn ess en ga ge ment. aod-and Wlntbrop bad a sui t case In his hand. th ey will cn il ect on th o f"NII. It Is ytc hl 100 fa "1 I'm fl' a.. of r "~ u c l"g fer- coti rely gallo, 1 havo a,.al l! boon eumi.ncd for advice. IIllly II nll vitallly ; hu t ll... rll · ~ uo use loads of tb lngs ! Bu t. pl eas '''-ber tone and he sce ml;(J excited. n cc y 10 " top unit rC Ow \' e th Am lydia E, Pinkham's "e~eI8blt. Compound I 8 Woman's Remedy for Women's chnoged to pcrsuasl\'e pl eadl ng-"j ust " I've on l y a mom ent." h e said. breath· At interva ls; ,his "fl n ho rel<llly clnn ~ or Ih l! whlll" lIo l' k hl,IIIS 11110 a ll wtuI ('r, n ul l uylng c,' nu uo h (!&gs to puy 0. IItlle whil e to -ni ght. Oon't you see less ly. "You sec I·m .,- I·w starling Ill' Ilrlln g 'h e Inlll lcm' ~ II' 1111 a s one 10 1' 111 t' tr rtJ (~('1. I undustand-know nil a hout It ?" w oul ,l nn Clhl · ra~ h. o u el l hay rak e. ' awa.y! " "About wbatt" uneas ily. "Uut - lJ ut wh e re. and wh y.?" NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. PIANO CASE CHICKEN HOUSE HOW ONE MAN DID. "y",1 nnd b er, and -and e,·erytb ln g . "'Jus, read lhat !" He thrust a tcl e H'I! SGIENTII'IC AND MODERN E XTERNA l. COUNTER-IRRITANT. Tau mu s tn't hrood-It won't h elp a gram Into h er hllnd . Aft er" SPoTit5 or Ftlil ures HOI Ma k es Ar ran gement of T wo Bo" .s So ns to b tl!" " Fru m h er ." he expla lncd. " !leall ." Mal, o a Mns t Conv en ient Sh ela Suc.:en of W,ntn Cullure .o f "!J ut I nssure YOll," h e protes ted , ". Mec hani ca ll y s h e did so. Th e m esh,r f or H eu. -I g ll'o YOll my wo rd-" sage r ead : "Oo n't perjure nwu)' )'ou r Immo rtal "Come bac k a' once. H elen ." " Ih rlrty f:CrUl •.ll f.- I""d of Our IlIlIs trnllol1 s huws res ul! of r omBOll i." she laug h ed. " No" -wltb d ecl· "Anc,1 you ' re rea lly going?'· sbe wr ll~r. willi hud Ih . ,," utll largo f:~~ blnl"l: 'IW O nlano c''' RuS III furrll tho EXTRACT ' OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT sloll- "wo'lI wnll( t o th o lal( c , and I 'll ralter erl , A OUICK . SURE. SAFE AND Al.WAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN PRIC! II}', w us oot cllnln 'lL 10 II' St u nd, h) ur hOlly uC 1\ hUIII huu~o. Th e CllSUS al'o 15c.-'N COLl.APSIIlLE TUBES- AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEAl.ERS, OR gi ve you Sis te rly s )'mpatby and motb"Why-yes," bo a.n s wered. dublollsly. "urlnll Ill .. w'"tnr lllUU l hs . H B Wa s "laee,1 ha ,'11 In ha(:II a,"1 su ~~rated BY MAlLON RECEIPTOP ' Sc. IN POSTAGE STAMPS . DON"!' \VAI'l.' erly ad\'lce!" '!'lLLTU lll PAlN cuMES- KEEP ATUBE HANDY, "My train goes at nve ." bu nlelll'u "'lin " Iu.:",' y· nnongllgl' threo f(' ,' l. Th o ha cks ure rClll o,otl A subslilule for Dnd superior to muslard or any olher plasler. and will not His Ous h waa cvl1c Dee of g uilt . " I shall nll ss our, lilli e talks dread- whll' lI w('nl ItII ;l(,5 ""y ~ 11 Y"Hr. <L11(1 :11111 111 0 1'0"1'11 9 lIs l!d (11r th o roar o r 1110 bllsler the most de lic ate skin. The paln-allay lnl: and curallv.. qualllles of "Wben may wo SlIlrt?" b e ask ed. ful\y ," was on the tip of bel' tongue; but pllrl! up 1(cl.l'." '5 ' " :':lIln" 1 Ih O lahor or pcall 'II hulll "nI IR. 'I'ho dcHted lInCll this arllclo aro wonderful. It wtll slOP the loolhache at on ce, and relieve "At once, " s mil ed Mrs. Porter ; "aDd Illfitead s he said wltb a sweet lillie t he ",""U,,' r. 11 0 cl~ 'I:1TNI Ihn l li e In th e <I1'I1wlll !; IlId1l'1110 tile pO ~ lllon of Headache and ScIatica. We recommend It Il! the best and safest exlernal now." a8 th ey stroll ed a way, "tell gJe smile, "1'01 very, very bnppy pve r your wouhl Illl 81)1II01b,"S 10 (JI! ,;C I Ih e mo rl - flH! ("hW~, N e ~ls and tuo~ l s ("an lJe counler-Irrllant known, also a. an external remedy for p"lns In tho chest fverythlng, from the ver)' beginning." good fo rtune . May I congratulole you 1" (a!:p. 111' 11<1 : titl ll:llrly nrrall. ~t·tI 11l~ttlo , Th o uases and slomach and all Rheum:lllc. Neurol glo and Couly eomphunls , A Irlal "Tbank you," he responded. uncomVi s it III;': a laq:r Illllrl(N elurlng Ib" arc 111111" "011 wllh f.,ur-Ill eh board, will prove whal wo cla im lor It, and II will be found to be Invaluable In the ~ household and forchltdren. Once used nolnmiiy will be wlihoulil. Many torlably. "Oood·by." He pressed ber 'lrlnlC'r $I'a~,, " he .,I\V UIl W rra rlil y frt .• h "00 }'OII know," be remarket!, irrunning I:lCnlSS tho hullulU awl top ot people~.y "" I. the best 01 all your preparalions." Accep l no preparallon ritably. the following evening. " It was hand. aed was gODC. \·rsrlnhll,. fUlllld MIl! ,,' nltlltlson./\ 01 vaseline unless fh..-same c arr ie. our labe l, ns olherwise II Is not genulno. rililculous ot me to la llt ns I did Ins t Mrs. Porter smiled bravely ane! wavec! prl t~$. 1111111 1. V H' I'('aI CII 1" 1:1 11I3t If you cannot oblaln It Irom you r drugg ist send 15 cenls In Ilamps or ber band . but a lump In b el' throat grew th p~" VI'!;,·IIII.ICS 11I, l'u t;IUWII III ·hut. nig ht." money and 1\ w!1l be sent to your address by mall. " It wasn't lot nil!" s ho cried; "I t to uncomfortnble proportions, Tears hOll sp.~ ,It' ar 'hC t,,\\·u. Hilt! Ihal • CHESEBROUGH MFG, CO. wns right. and proper, and natural . and that a mOlDent before hnd be en under hand so me IIruUl w"~ ",ado. 17 STATE STREET . NEW YORK. CITY Two 1",,,dI Cd tJlllla, " "'a~ ~ ll c llt In .-and lJes ldes "-Iugenuo us ly - "I want- pe rfec t cODtro l now threatened to be · come Unruly; basll l)' &hc sough t ber th o h(1I1 S" unll <'( I''','lIIelll 311(1 wh"n ed to l!l1ow." winte r 1.t ~"I. ca ll'" ' he li re Wu" ~I~ rl · "It wnll ridiculou s," bp. repea~e d. room for a qul etliltl o we~p. Tbe d inner bell rnng while thai puty edanel Ic ttut(' so w.!. '1'100 pl au t. rU lIl u uI' Impe.t! ently, "and I regretted It Inte·r ." "D,d you. r eally," phe a sked, tr~mu· wa s sti li 10 prog ress. but t.he.sound was qul elily ,,"11 staricll ' I 1111" , I'I OW ' h. loue ly. "Say you '\\'on't nny more," accepted as a s lgl1al for grief s termlna· Whe n nho llt Ila l( 1'\'llIly for lu u lilliI" lion; pr o mpt for getf uln pss won ld be tb e ket. 0. hit (Of car<' lrssll("S ell""'ll the with Il pretty gestllTA at entrealy. OB- OAN' ADA He tooll h e r hand that s b e extend· part of wis dom. and r eso lutel), sbe pre - hou sn til hl'('OOIl' o ve rll""II' II. unci two- '11 , par e~ to go b elOW . thi rds <Jf I I.., ,'r ol' \Va " I(. s r. Nolhln;: ed , and look ed uncomfo rtabl e. «I!.ICII ab. olutcly PREE t o ~YCl'y .ttt In O n ~ With a ch ee ry "sood·e\,e nlng" ready dj\u nt~d , I h .. d~ n(t ,.Iaul ,. were roo led "Honesl. now," sh o purslled , with a ll u ndrrd Dnd 8ioll1 llO li}a;. sly little twinkl e, "wasn't It a weo bit for dell\'er y. she opened lh e dlnlng- Qut aUII RlIothl'l' Crt'V ""w n . 1'hl. wa ~ Ac rClot bull in W n l· fru Canada , room doo r- tb en Slopped abru ptly on nlla(,I. I' d hy Ilcu. ntlll ulWCl 't ul'~ t roy ~u ellds. O.. iweull IlJe"u 11 door Is sn'ung comly? Was n·t It?" the til l' s bold . The re In lIi s accustometl l beforo our Ir lmlCl k".1V WhR I IVus II I(! at nn ll " hi", ;Y lJllu Ilt Ihe 01 har a .".h r.:and ad }oi nlor tht. "Yes ," he admitted, " It "'as. Andplace was WIllthro p, ca lmly enjoyln!: nllltl ~r. 1 " \lIul ~llt l"" "''' s I'cso rll'd to. allli ~11I"tI will udlllil light to tbu cuu p, can be p urchi!cd " 0m. and I tbnnk you for leltlD g mc." fil il WQ)' aDa ' I ud comhiS rlinn er! bu t IJlC' C,'('I' hUll 1><,"" IIractica ll} I u Ih o 1'1111 ul' on" CII" . a ope ll- platu at froID $& to '10 per acre, On subsequent evenin gs tb ey 80ngbl "But-bu t 1 tbousht you bad gone," lillled. T uu" rnr Ih e ,,',11 11$ hlHl 1....· 11 In g IUI1 Y btl rut 111111 l>n)vld~d wllb Ii the Bamo moo o· commnnding s pot. 1111'S, s he whi s pered as sbe too ll h e r chalrbe. d I805 ' ro " •. Our In ~ lIcl w:\s worl, 11I1' drop sli de. In bl'l h III' al.. "Quare Port~r' s metbods wero Irreslstlbly thl. ,rar has be~1I produ ce d ups 1d e h i m . In the (t:lr1" :;U t il s p eult. lie Wa :'l ol.e n l ngs uro Cllt aud prol ecled with ••On rd, oft"tDly ,6ve bu she ls 0' .bll' t o llJC' ac r e, ful. " I m issed m y tra lo." h e explained III Icnrnl nn l'y ,' xIll'nencl', uut It wU s lI c ltlll g. 'fhcse afl' fo r " eulliation aU II " And ber eyes-bille? How I wl sb" an und erton e . " 1' 11 te ll you la ter," cos ll.\' , ' may Ilu I(CIH UIJC II \\'llIl<'r and Bummer. 11 ielll,o tbe: hesl of g'nzlnc land And ro r ml.atd -nalvely-"I mi ght Bee her phOto· Jle d"lrnulll cd 10 v l ~ l ! I:re~lI h O\I SeS P romp tly a ft e r ,lInner the g roup on 'fb e l'U1I1'I19 forOllllg tuo roof s hould farm iure h ba. uo superio r on tbe CO UUl1e ll1 , grapl1! •• the veranda wat ch ed two of Its me mb ers of sue('~s" fll l burd ellN and Icurn 111 . be \O\'e rcd with IlIrll·tl nupcr to make FrOID February 15th to April With pride dtd h e draw f ori h a miD ' disapp ea r nroun d Ihe corne r. I secr~ l " elf \U el r s uccesS. Iu CH' . weel, th o bouse w llt t e r LlJ:;ht ur ie d e s i r f Li it Sp1~nd hl cllmate,l ow 11t:Jl"e S, rallwn y!' co u\'tn ' 7th, in clusive. Colonists' tickets latllre ooncealed In his wat cbcase. "01 co urse :" snapped Mi ss Drown , I he learlleu trw ~llI1ll i c rulrs rebardlu g cun lJe ~ h'JI !;lt'd al a ,cry 8ma ll Rd· if~~~I~h~~~.ftT!tel~t~~~~eCe~:~'~v·tc~~,~~la " Rrltl will be Oil sale to Cnlifornia and " BeaIlUful! And aren·t you r eally Wi n thro p and )1rs. Porter walked soil. U I" I ~ IUI'l· . h ~ at , >un tllutlo u all" d lt lon a l <:l)~t. explain s the Orange Judd low rallwllyntco. t o Su r 1i MI !II T Ei~OeNT 0" IN :...I· Mexico points at exceptionally going to write to h er. o\'er?" some d is tance before el th er spo lte . (1IlI1 lga llll ll , lit' " 'turn e,1 hom e and i"arm£!r. 'Chl,) tJoor tau be m\de trom GaArIO:of,orloauthofl 1.cdClnadl.n A g ~n" : low rales; WILLI,UI S. L .... bu ll dt:lll , TOleoo, O. "How can l?"-,Iej ect edly . "Sb e "Small \\' oma n," h e bcgan, 6n,a l\y, m ad o "n(llh~r errClrl. This lime Ih e tllr ~e or fo u r IIlcl'C S of boardll beld BM. Il,ntlon lhll ••• ,r . _____ To wished me to go , and-" flerc ely-"she " don ' t you kn ow wby I dldo't goY " toge ther wltb batlens Rod eUl)ported _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MOll"" Gily S&n P'ra.nci ic.o crop "' ", ra lscll . 11 0 1. I, " wever, witllwas rlsbt. 1 was making a veritab le Cuadalajar. Lo! An,eles From ............... She ~ hook ber b ead , OUI l .... ut'I ~" . 1'111 II wns placed on the at one side o f tb e jalDb wltb Ihree That Delightful Aid to Health nuisance 01 myself." "Don't you know I couldll't :" be con- nl3TIlt'L (,11 11 I1Clll'd $7 5. The n e xty~a .. strap bin ges" wbll" at tile opposi te 31 33 ChlcallO A fortnight ele.psed before he began t tnued ; '·that I sim ply couldo ' t! Dou ·t th e bu hJ~ t l u r green holl ~e Ilardpnlug 27 30 Sl. L Ollis ~ ~ 114 25 Kan>a.CIIY to question , tbe oompllment of discuss· yo u kDow "-Impulslvely - "tbat It's you I wa ~ , tllIl' ",' lu br,'alcr ~~tall. uod "~v- glde a hasp aDd ~tavle (lro prOVided. IWO plUDO ea.e. at band tbe ....t. t'-' Ing "Miss Westly" to exclus ion of otb- 1 want, and that-that no one else aD), - I PI'III ( h ,CII !:C ~ ul~" e. Th e llOuse ""IlS Wltb additional coat fer a bOllse ot tbll ~ er th emes. Wltbout ftattery, h e called where could lJegln to take your place ',''' Ita(1t d ~3r l y In Octll!J ~ r . nnd lie pt goThrough tourist sleepers from kind. Including t,arr~<I pnper or 'shln- " ~ blmself nn Idiot and registered a res · St. Louis on Tuesduy of each Again Mrs. Porter shook bel bead . "I lu" 1111111 II .., IIr ~l or April. Tbe se a - gles, should not clIc... d $~, but often olutlon. dlun 't know It. Artbur." she answered, r.on h c:tl eu him n~oul $~ OO. or Illmosl lhe mat er ial s rna, be at baDd and Lho week. You step iuto the car at Thenceforward Miss Weslly played a simply. "But- but It's prt'clous sw eet •• ,ulloh u. h ~ millie Uti his (arm dur- cost St. Louis and do not leave it II Ihen loslsnlOcaul, diminishing part In lake-shore eon· to be told ." Sbe ian bls arm Il basty In.; Ill. SUlillUl<r ti,ncu Ih~ H,'at 1'1 , Whitens the teeth-purifies until you reach San Francisco. Ve1'llutioDs. and ' with satisfaction Mrs , little squeeze. Time to Sell. per lln,·ut . " "r~ Ibe Oblo 1"arUlrr, t"' o mouth and !Jreath-cur~s nasal Ask your nearest railroad ag<;nt Porter noted. Summer passed. aeel WheD a berd of 6wlne are just hQld. catarrh, sore throat, sore eye., For a loeger time Ihnn neeo be apeei- 13r;:~I' hOIl .e~ Im\· ... h ~ cn buill . and for rates or address and by direct application cures the friendship of a nortbern man and Oed. they ,r e mained 00 Ii lake-s boro lh,. I,"s'nc ~" h ll~ In c:l'clI scc\ uutll \I log tbelr o,,"' n. bavlug reacbed thE' limit all Inflamed, ulcerated and H. F. BOWSHER, ,a southern WOlDan crew stronger day ben ch. aed botb seemed reasonably DotS 31.UlIt $1,[,00 " '\'110 peol.l e of Improvement or gain on full feed, catarrhal conditions caused by 401 Traction Bide., ClNCINNATI, O. by day. contented. are itllXlltU!t lor Ihe prU!1t1 rLo,;,. an d are then' Is cerl,a lllly DO ecoDomylu hol dlDI feminine Ills. lb ~m Illnger . "You 'YO Ileen wonderfully good to But sudd en ly a allado,,' darkened Mrs. ,.ill,(1"'; 1(1 nay Ill!: prlrl's fot tllenl. Ticl<elS on . ale nerywh,,~e, vi. Putin!! (IOsses!e! extraordinary me," he declared one evening. Missouri, Kansas &: Texas R 'y Porler's face . f'arlltflnl n .. t'll. Fowls. cleansing, healing and cermlWhea t grow" In warm cO IIDtrlu ,. "Ha\'e 11'· she laugbed . "How?" "Tha.t nh otobraph! " s he oxclalmed. " cidal qualities unlike anylhiog It I. "Artbur, how could 10 a rect' 11 I Rh ow vl"".d b, the soft and m nkes r.tlcll)· br~ad. "00 you think I nee d spec ify?" lie reproacbfully. else, Alan druggists, 50 cents milled ('hl.lty wltb IInrel .. beat frOID you!" " ·TlIt' r. 11 ,' nl.tlred som~ hlrds wbon asked, ,ently. LUGlI TR~ UCItAGB PUB colder ~ountrlt's. With a contented little sigh ah e held Winth ro p I ~o ked g·ullty. "How did I' I!" \\' rr~ hl !: hly POIIIIIN!. As lbere ~ R. Paxton Co., Boston, Mulo A . N. K .-K 21is out ber hand In the pretty. Impulsl,·c you k t:c w ?" h~ asket! . " Old that mls ·1 "' ~ . nt' Indlca(I o n or a ny coloring ~IOIIY ~o lls nrc not alway. poor eo\ls way tbat WIl5 be1'll. "We hav ~ become cralll e plJ",~oi '-!.vher t e ll you aboul my OI..II ,r or the al'IJli callon of any glu!'=o m. of lh em nre very rlcb In mleeral friends, baven't we ?'· sbe whl ! pered , gettln & t f. a t pi cture of yours?" I I Il l: mala r,sl , Ue InqulI'1d of the showplant rood and al s o qutte rich 10 bu Their lalk t hat even ing bore little "Ob . no." ~ be l~ugbed . '" Just m a n Di to tb~ mater ial Io:<d. HII aDrelevancy to an exile 's mutilate(! alfe~ gu ~ssel !. How len;; bove you Ileen nar- ""'H I\'ft S 'lI1 a t 'h ~y had beel1 rut>lJed mus. ilons. ,,·'tn I\lc(\!I,J1 ID wblcb WIIX bad beeD r ;'I o;; !U " ~~9 Inqu i red. artlt,s sly. .'grlclut lue I. lh o most auractlt". "BleS8 his beart.' s he mur:nured, U -'Oil .• e,·enll mo nt hs." 411.0Ived. of nil acle[ICes. be bade a r eluctant /tODd nl g ~t. "S!l~ ~! rs, P3rte~ moved I trHlecloser. means no more to. him now ,:ba~ In "Do yo!.! k~ow. deilr." she remarked, In Itartlnl to bred swine I would Farm houses are bellu 11&\.01.11 100 unflUDllIar characler In ancient 1113- irre !e v y. " t bat I'/U very, ver, IIl-'taU OD I .mall .caI& dar Ulall .~er btCore. ' tory, Anci now;" M.... Porter l eatt:! happy!"
'Tumors' Conquered
Without Opel'a/ions
, IIY b'o usetl '1&78 wblcb . cb a door:Ie to tOJ'ill ,turD. Is ,suggos t. 1 both tho : und tbe whil e the I In with a writing I ,drn we r s I torms •
\ u. wltll to stow w, rltlng n ea r at o wn e r
W la1'j;8 ketches. devo t_ 1ra we rs abov(, terence. Ir ed at I c hin a. l'ght ful.
. POT nts la 1-
Moor8 're the I well •
s nnd of till the
or so. nail e d I hO le ' I drew oth or llJnnt e call l
r, and upo.
Cheap Rates to
California and Mexico
' I:axttnt
Too.let Antiseptic
- -- --- - - - ------,.
._ ---_. __._ ,--
ilia; 0Il0I It bleeS. ' In.. .. WI. ".._ • _
dm;r, The
t he I1te, aln. the
Affair a Very ', Uprl$iD~ A,alalt ~orel,nr
.Tbsl Wal Cbi
I"or years PMI th greal pow. tBJk <I knowln Iy or 'lhe " breal China, now they look Ulumsl break-ouL 'fhlngs are fom enting over th at ~ea l empl r .. 01 400.0011.0( It looks 08 though lit lusL II feeling were up rl sln&; aldug t or II co mm on hutrOd or the Ie dlssutlsr" lion wl lll lhe ~eJ\' e rtl po wer. whi ch h as pre I1I11 :1b ly tho forelgner-()r nl Icust Run to blm. 'fhM • hl'ro exl sls spread hatred of f rel),." .er dOubted. ond t hnt Ihls hatred oerlng ro rce which ('yell IulIll)' I Bull In t.he \' l o l e ll ~Cj 01 nllllre wholesnle sloughlcr Ihe llu t s id ~ery mu ch rool'S. In Ibis cnll h nve shown reallz IlI'l/' of t ho ato rm by- making nrr"n~p l!I r eenrorcemen ts In the 1'1I1111,pll In case of emergency II II! IIl llY lie given Amllrl Clln re hlenl s. At this time people nrc II! again the Ilrtful dowager has Iu the agltatl!lu. Bu t .l wo u the arLtul dowager Is OO lV th reatened. lhal her regime re
- with without utiUli~stlln hllr s '''• of 11 ih.entriOl1I I)r dl'lllnn!.io perfor . "The Lid.' mllnc,'. ~lrOllR variety Ahow , ten All over- t-h-e- :<-tl-.I-u- o-r- Uhio'We pins, etc, or tlny base bllll pltly ing, v on the firllt, dtl v 'of t h o wuek, o(>m . hMr tbe eX)lra"'l!lUn . pilll ing on the m only called Sunday . l:'e1ll,lty. liel" , the "lid is on" etc. Illi those fl no not 0\'01' ~qOO, or tl m onths im . eXllreRtdoo~ irl-ply menn that IlIws prlsollUleut. 0 1' both . whioh blH'e 10Uil l)8en on our st",t "Whoovo r . boing ovor 1-1 .vellr s of uto books are being enforced by the I\ge. eng.lge in "por tin ~ . riot ing. Mn,yora of munloipl\lities. qUllrreling. bunting, fishing , or A t the st1gqestinll of tl well kuown shooting, un Sut1(lu.y. Iihlll1. au oom oltillen of Waynesville. the Gazotte pluint lllllcle wil,hln ten days thern. pu hlisbiug these laws all SundllY after. be fined n'lt moro IlInn ~:lc). ur ob~"rvance. Imprisoned more IhlL1l 20 d'~rt!. or '1'0 what exte t ·the e laws are both." . being obsarved In Wllynesvllle, the .,Whoovor. bdlng ove r H your:; of incllvidunlR determine for them. nge. eng-alto" in OI)lUmOn Illbo r 011 MOlves: tho flr:;t <\I\y of the week , o091lllon Tbe st·alute prohibitll partioiJl8- Iv oulJed. 'nnclay; lmd whoever , b e· tiou in. l)r exhibition to the publio ing over H yellrs of age. simi I open ,
. .; Aulll J I'it), : for
or QI1U, 0 t Q be oll/med IIUY buildiug or plnoe for_the trn,nMotlon of hns· in op t he first (lay of ·the week. oOUllUonly oulled ~unduy. or who "llllU reqniro II.UY person In his om· ploy or 1I1ll10r his oontrul to in common Illbor on Sumlll), Sllllll. un COtuplllintllln.l!e within' ten cln,YJ tilercllftor . lIud upou convict,ion. be Hllcd. for the fil·~t oiTHnsQ. f.~ ~ . I\nd for elloh s ubseqnent offeuse, l:!uoh pe rsons 11111111 b fl ned not loss thuu $50 nor lIloro t hun $lon. lInd im · prisonull not les!! thnn G llllYs uo r moro than :10 .(J.ny!! ; But thi~ seo· tlnn d es not npply t o ombrl1ce works of n ooe !lity or of oharity. IUld cl oel! not exte ud to persollR who co nscientiously observe the SlwllIlth tillY of the week II!! the 8nMlIlth. fwd wlio dn In fu ct Ilhstllill on thnt ChlY
from the things prohibited on Sun dU'A : 1I0r sho ll it be BO OOUstl'llOO as to prE- vent fnmUiesemlgrnting from t1"l\ vellng, or wiJ,torllleti from Itwd lug t,Ilelr pnssen~er9. or keepers of toll . hrlclgesJ toll.glltos or ferrics fr om attenuing the tll~lJle on SundllY· ., ~ n y p raoll ~1I0 engll~e in t,he hl1Riness of bllrbering on Slltlduy shl\U be deemed j{uilt.y of 11 misde· m ell.nor lind u\)on conviotlou there· of :;hull b e Hnec1 n ot toss tllllll '15, I1ll1l upon n RuhsE'I"luent onvlot.ion fOr n Itke offonse sllnll be fined IlOt lo!'s tbu n $20 1\1111 not more thlln $:10 01' iUlpri!loll od in the oonnty jail for 1\ perioll of 1I0t less thllu ~o duy", Imd lIot wore thlw ao dnys . or bo ho t h tlnod lLlld imprisonecl n·t the discratlon of tile court, "
The l\unll(\1 tU ll1' oi\ling Uro t hers' Circus will UL'!i:ill ' II· Chlongo, Tb urRdllY uight. April 5 'l'he per · formn.lloo will take pillce iu t·he hllge UolisetlDl Buildil1l!. 'l'horA IH n o form of elltertn iuUlont, wh ich 'uJlJlenl:! more genul'n,lIy to tile Jloblio thlln the circus I~nd to Rmglln ~ Hl'oth e rs ls ctuo'orec:lit fOI' briD~io;,: it t.o its hit;hnfit. ('x prossion . 'rho nxun p tionnl "od Ilrtistlc I\lwI~Y~ precllllll · innte in their !<h owll. Thi senSOI1 thoy hava illll'orl'11l1 two ·' thrillers" which will engon der omotiol1ll I oxi cte nllll t enough for the mORt, c m vi ng 'rlll're are to be onll hundrod nllw
.&..IS r:Jr -W-O-.rIa 'I.~.. maa..... - 1LS pe.-
riO'g not!< " (If Ih" IlrIw hnrull·,'ci 1" ".' fl\rmllr!< I ~/IH tlmn two oore h.i vi! bee n !<llfOll 111 Amllrlcn b tOl·e. A llllilet ilpHCtnolo intr<xluoilli thr 0 hllnrlred young girls 11:\11 by tWlIlve l"'~lilln prel!li(lrll. . The finest OOolleotion IIf ' wild lUll· IUllls on t,llo .oontinent. will Ile on ~x ' hibitlon io t·llo 1II1nOl(. 'rlle;TO uru forty elellbllnta 'in t.he .RluglinJ.( hurtl (morn tJIIIIl hulf of n\l ill tho U nitell Stllte!!.) The ()hiougo ell · J.('lf:{nm ll nt. ollnt,iIlUA!! three woektl.
$ $.
Opening ' of Ringling Brothers Circu~ Tour.
i It Will DO This from The Start
""~""""""""~""'~'1 YIO~ .EW$
and Your Investment is as Safe as overnment .Bonds.
$ .$
PROPERTY The Coal Fields of the Western Kentucky District lie sonth and west of Evansville. Indiana, and about 125 miles west of Louisville, oom. primnl tn all about seven counties. The produotlon from this district as CATHOI ~er, Insecure founda ltons ' no ' lutton may drive heE to ~eek! lion In the walla ot a legatlor tho rorelgner. She Is reportod been a foe at hearL Yuan Sh' tue strongest prop to the thro any da y Yuan Shl Kal may , 118sslnated. I t Is h,l sou them and cen tra r ev,olution Is seething. During cent Shanghai riots lhe author' known to have encouraged the and It 18 they Who may have i t, The act.~ were directed ,. municipal property aod nUael ~n places where II rma and amn were 8tored. Bl lie jackels fro Ish and other warships In porI be lapded to-put down the dlstl Some yea1'8 UOW China has b( j ~cte(\ to the lnclll?ntty ofbav! clgll so ldiers Quartered upon hI tory, but III years she has n,
Oil Terri torv.
'! I\t n minimum. freight rate, \.mt the best feature is the r'i ve r transport/\..
l/hown by the Mining Inspector for the. state, to be uver 4,100,000 tons. The ,elO8 are of. unIform thlokness and the grade equal to Ohio nnd PenDlylvanla coal. Among Bome of the large operators in this district lire The St. Bernard Coal Co., Relneoke COllI Co., Central City Ooal Co .• Nat! I n __ I" Ohi V 11 C 1 MI I C m.... :, te a i c · ona vun. vO., 0 a ey oa nng 0., .. m~e.wa r on 0., U. 8. Coal and Coke Co., Wheatcroft Coal 0., Waverly (.loal Co., I\nd numeroullsman oompanies. There are no failures In this distriot I\nd the price of coal at the minll8ls better than in some of the OhiO, anet ootter than ill Indiana or minois fields " . ' . The property oontrolled by tbe Kentuoky Coal Mining Company oonll.te of 2,000 acres, located in Union Co , Kentnoky, the heart of this dlstrlot about 25 miles southwest of Evansville Indhw'l\. The llUnols ' . .' . . . Central Railroad runs direotly through it aud It IS sitnated WIthIn six mill'S Gf the Ohio River. !fbls property Is surrounded by 0001 mines an4. the Waverly mines adjoin' It aD the west and the Corydon on the 88l1t. The teet holes show four veins of ooal upon this property; the fint vein at a depth of 160 feet, 6 feet thiok, with a good sand· stone roof, whioh I, a very important feature, there bainR no necessity for w09d proJlll, which makes mining in a .grelLt many districts expensive; . this vein i8 known as No. 11 and Is free from wat-er and the grade of coal raob with the beet bituminous ooal in the market,' burns ' freely, makes .. white ash and DO oUnkers ; it resembles oanna~ coal and, In faot, Is cnll . ed semi.oannal by a Ilreat wany ooal men. The second vein Is known AS No.1! aud i8 found at a deptb of 240 feet. Tbls 18 an eX!l8J)ent grade of noal with a rook roof, same as No. 11; just south of us by Reineke & St. Bernard, and west by the ~turgle DeKoven Bnd Pittsburg compnnles . No.8 •• Ii. vein very little known as to grade. not being worked in t,blS dlatrlot, but the t-eet shows the vein to extend under thIS property, No. 7 Is suppoeed to be the tamons Bell coal and is found at a depth of abont GOO f86t. This Is a fine grade of gas and ooklng ooalllnd readily brings a prioe of 13.50 to '4.00 per ton at the mines. It is known tOo exist on this prOoperty by the teets *hat have been made.
TraDB'DortatloD In Markets.
Thie property lias a trunk line of one of the largest rallrol\d SYII' teme 'runnlng directly through It, giving us a market by rail both north Bouth and enabling US to enter the largest coal markets of the country
tion, t,be dlstll,nee to the river being about six miles, Ilnd the ohunnel of . the Ohio at this point 18 deep enough at alletft.ges e.nd seusons to allow The oil HehIs oont,rolled hy t,hi!! COIllI·~IIIY OOll8iMt at :l07 8creB In blu/tes to be floated duwn the strenm ; thus enubling us to shIp our pro. Delawllre County, ludlnna In what, III known 118 11 del'p Ihl~' (listriot; with dnct to MemphIs a·nd New, Orlenns. . . seven produclllg wells IlPO~ it ancl an averl\ll e prOllucilm "f 7i> uarrelill por New OI'loons today IS one of the best coal 'markets for the l'eason dllY, and :120 Iloresln PIIOI!. Kansull di~trl ot ; tb e lnclillOu h IIS0 hll~ locatlou ~hllt ocean st-eamers take cOllln,t this . port for Europe. South A merion tor at 10llst 40 more wells aUll it is surrouudell hy ~OI~I p1'o)IlnCing weUs; and tile I81aud~; lind II. grollt llenl of COllI ill,exported from here. olle which WIIS drlllecl in next t,o thitl le",~ .. pUIllIK'el ~:, o burrels POI' Kentuo:ky 001t! Is sought for by this trnde. Pitt.sburJ! COlli dny for six months IIntl it is Ulaking bet wilen <10 II 1111 !i(\ hunel!. por dllY on h~s been the cOtLl used prlnolpally, but the fllot of us being n. thousand settled produotion. mIles nellrer, ond Il deep obonnel fill the Y(ll\r, enables us to markot our Oil in this distrlot is fOUI)d in nille ont of ten wuIIR tllilt IHe drilled in ooaloheaperthllnthey. < veryfuw)lryhol es;nowildCllttillll'; henco,nnri ~ kll1tbeluvestment . The geographl01l1100ation of tbill property III unexoolled. ~ugllr Leasoll bere soil for II honllR01" $100 00 pllr lI orn wll,llOllt IIny produo plantntlons ore heavy cootlumers of conlllod buy raver ooal exclusively, tion. The territory In PI~o]i. KIII1I1UH Is in n well definrli ooe. 80rrouodell and maQufaoturlng indllstCles lire InerelUllng very rapidly iu this part of Uy strong produoing wells; there is no llrll!lnotioll upo'll tlilM property 118 the south ·; henoe, the mar~etB of the south are good at oil times reo yet; the Company intends to stf~rt oporlltiC1lJ~ t.llare in 01 vAr:v .. hurt tlmA. gardloss of the sellson. _ 'W ells in this territory stllrt off from GO to I uO ha rr e l~, 6110h. p' ·r IIRY and It Is II. known faef, by all 00111 operators that prioes received for 0011.1 settle !lown from u to 10 barrelH. 'fhis territory IN re.m'Lrkll.hle for the in t·he so~thel~n markets aru far b~tter than in tile north. henoe, the rooson that the percentllge of rlry holes is lells tho n in any other territory reason PIttsburg ooncerns seek t~19 market regardle~s of the difficulties in the oountry. enoountered In the UP.P8r Uhio RIver. The cost of dril~ing wells hero is very mlloh 101<.'1, 11.'1 oil iK fOul1flat a deptb Coalnt the ~ew Orl~ns Port under oontrllct to. OClean steamers of about 4au feet; the thiokn88ll of tho 011 bearing slIlId III about 27 filet, this brings '3.35 per ton, and bn the open mltrket $3.65 per ton. Compare sho'wing thllt the wells will be long lived. these prices with the ' Chl~go prices at $1.75 to $2.25 per ton. As you 1188, we m~ke' better profits ID the southern markets. '-. An Illn~~trlltlon of. the cost of produolng. and Illndlng ooal In the The 011 holdings in connection with tho oonl IlnllblHs t.hl!! Company New Orleans market, ~nd the profits received .. . to pay dividends at once, to tbe IItookbolcler~. of 1 per ~lIt., I~r month . One tow boat. WIll tBke .twenty barges of· coal from thIS field to Upon the selling price'of the stock until tbe Improvurnents In thll 11 on I iields New Orleans I. nd IDake tlKee rOQ!ld t.rips I~ sixty days; each oor([e will nre oompleted. It il, ibe intention of tb" cornplillY t.o ~L1 ;mly enough of hold 1,000 tons. making ~OOO tons of ooal. rheoost of mining 60,900 ~ os this tltook to complete these improv!,!ments. wl\lIn tbls stock will plly niore of ooa~ at tbe pni?n scnl?'.Qf wo.g,es is l21,900.00, und transportation from than 16 per cent, upon tlle plLr vlllne the Imnes to I,he river, VIII. electrlo tramway. lit 50t per ton lnllkes It $3,When it oomes to comJl8rlng tho oon I mining Industry with other 000 .00; lease of tow~lIt and ba!ges at ~he valuation of $200,000 on a 6 industries, stBtistiCt1 will show vary few fnlluros 'l'hiR Is rocolClli7.oo for ~~ cent basis, Is ~1",,000 ruannlllg. malD~lnlng tow·boat and orew for the reason that it is one of tbe greateHt tltapleH In the world OIi whloh the sIxty days, U,OOO! inoldentals for th~ee trl).l8, '10,000; estimated coat of wheels of every ludu8t.lY Is dependent . The domllnd each voar Inoreases !D~uing 1.0;000 ; estlll)ltted cost of mlnlDg 60.0~0 tons of !loal and plaolng to the extent of 10,000,000 tons; hence, wile!) you bave an Inevstmpnt In nn It ID the .New Orleans mtu:ket Is $56, 90 9 receipts for 60,000 t?os of 00111 indostry of this kind it is far bettor tban Bulldin~ J.oan ABRooltl.tion or nt $3.35 per ton, 1201,000;,. st of mIDlng ' und transportataon $56,900 savings Bank. It 18 absolntely safe: the en.rnings Ilre muob Ll\rll8r anli leavesTba~roflt fioft !\Ilf44 ,1010 't' i h h you bltve tbe inoreased vulnlltlon of your 8tock. . . IS pro IS or 8 x y dll.Ys W t t. e oapuoity of the property of . 1,000 tons pel' day Tbese faots have been cllre~ully obtained tUld can be There has been 100,000 .'lha)'es 01' thi,r; .~tQclc set depended upon as being llcournte. The market IS absolute and they seek 'I (j. for this grade o~ cOI1I. This Compa~y is putting in a shaft with a capllQ- asid,e to be sold at 25 cen.ts -per .'Jhare. par value '/P I . OO • I~y of 1.1)00 ~o 1,800 tons per etay, with electrlo tramway from mines to when the price w"£ll be advanced. 1 per cen.t per 1nonth. rIver. AlllDlllfOoVemeuts on this property will be modern in every reo in dividends will be paid on the ma,rket price o/' the SI)80t-. stock. .
able to prove her ability to prot elgn resldent.s ; nn d !llltll that tion is Insured she probably 1 subjected to the IlIdl gully. the cloud now appen rl ng on tt .zon grow apace. and the dlslnt country unl :c. ~lll rl\l logether ' What the Cblnese Iuuk upon 118 man enemy. You remember th h eel' IIlven. In "th e Letlers IIf II • Official: " "Yes. It Is we wno do nOI a. that practice lhe I-;osflel o f pen, ,you who nC"c IH It Iba l trampl< der toot- a nel IrOll}" of IrOlll e: the nnti ons li t \ 'llrl sle nllum wi. <-OOle tu t ent h us by s wo r d all d JI
r Ight In Ih ls worl ll 1< 1" 1\\'(' 1'10", be 8lJppon" d by 1Il 1!!hl . Oh . doubt that lI'e oha l] learn Iha t nnd woe 10 Eu rope wh ~ 1) W e h Qulrcd It. You urc II rl) nnlion o f IOll r. bUOdreu millJoll! tion w hich. 1111 111 ),011 CilllIC belle r wish Ih ll n lU liv e lit ,, ~u thernscl\'eH "lid nil Ibe \\' 0 1' 111. It
~nm e
. Chas . .I1. Bakel:, President and Treasurer; ' ., - ':'J anMs StO'O'PS, rice President; . NichO'las Mef;z, Secretary; DIRECTORS.' Chas. Q. H~ldebr,ant, Ex. U. S· Con!i7'essman, 6th Dist1'ict of OhiO', Wilmintton, Ohio. ' James StOOlJs. ·rice President O'f Citizens Bank. Waynesville, O. W, R. Stelle, . .Capitalist, India,no,polis, Indiana·. . Elmer L. Carl. Wholesale~' Reta,il Tobacconist, Frankfort, Indiana. .Nicholas Metz, Florist, Dayton, O. . Chas . .II. Baker, President and T,.ea~u7'er, Ind~anapoZis, Indian,a. '
Por a law days only,. or as long as the AllottmeDt of' 100,000 shares last. ,.·ou caD bu¥ f'or cash. 10,000 ~hare8, '2500.00 C88b 250.00 Cash 1,000 Shares OR IF YOU PREFER THE MONTHLY PLAN, YOU CAN BUY: 10, 000 ~hares '400. ('..ash 6 monthly payment!l '400. $100. Cash 6 monthly payments $100. 2,600 Shares GOo Shares , 20 ClIsh 6 monthly payments $ 20. "Caah 6 monthly payments 1000 Sharee
5;000 500
11260. 125.
IlIlch eaoh elloh eaob
5,000 Shares 1,000 Shares 250 Shares
Not J'el\d )' r r Imm edla!8 lVar u-. t Ule b07cott weape ~" 1IQ.reott m orem.nt Il:la apPI
$ 62&. Cash 211,00 Cash'
Cash 6 monthly payments CaRh 6 monthly ]llLymenta UMh 6 nl!!nthly ]layments
" ,
'200. , 40. · , 10 . .
NILme,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ P. O. Audress_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 mllllitDe Ilbe to tBke
eaoh each eaoh
All remlttanoe
Cut out this ooupon lind mail it to the oompllDY at once, stating how llIany shInes you could potlsibly tllke anu we will mllll you a neu.t PfO!!pootI1l8 . There itt no obligation nttaohed to this
of Cbris t YUH lt a vc BU lin,
to arms : In lbe nUlU e of C oou8 we, respo nd." China bale, war, hns held . .and soldi ers In "ol1te l1lpl. Her , Qla l'e bClo lI t1w r~ It Irelt ng8. f( rom th e l'c ry lowest classes. -China should he hrought to eha' :ideals. Ih e per"Onnel or her ar derso change- Ihen the powers be called UpOIl to niter their opl Ohlnese courage and ability lIuld. One of ber vlceroY8. ani. Ine strongest ma n In Chlaa Yuaa-Sill ·Kal. has a goodly a -traIDlog, 40.000 ruen. luperb ~ "J)eClmenl-1l Is a great mlstl . "tbUlk all Chinamen. are PUDY. toile. Tbls army 18 being dr1" ...J.P'UI~ omcers. And In addl bumna& uP a body of soldlors " ,shlb.}{al I pnylng atleatlon' klq. ae leel d 'matter ot eduelll ~
2,liOO shares 100 shares
The company reaerves the right to withdmw this stOOK from. the market 'lIt any time at tho above price. The time to buy stock_ 18 when theCoinpllny Is stllrtlng. You onnnot afford to wait. must be made out to the oompany, and sent to the home office to NIcholas Metz, SecretBry, or JAM~ I:lTOOPS,WA YNE8VILLE, O .
· ~a ll
Cash Cash
sbafes'!t lllln IIlItls600.
S{fAUt! . ., 'Qa\T,:_ • .0::;-
------- --
~ .' '
1t1r.1\1•. F.R'l·"TlG ~ ·I t.\ N 8 ~lllR!! " . ~:....i tS Dnnlnl Rhlo l,l n.nd wH., to Thllml\8 'I'. 81'\.lth ·; qqi t cllliru to .32 tlo~es in HRmllt,(,n t'lwn fl bip; 1. . Mllry B All en t.o JOI.i n Allen; lot _ . .M , '1'. lI" nWN t, . , in Frllnillin ; 600 . A I,Y.I,U IW 'I' :\t MOI( A'- f 1\' ,lI lcl rt' I\Illll\lana J.:trH r:'fI1D I~ B utchln son, IIdministrll tor, t.() LnniK Conver ; 5t! 23. acr08 in M K~ , ' I' , .J. IlII IIWN , ~ 1\ "'H(I"" 1 A! I"~ I':ll1 "'t II" ------~---- (~I c' lr (lr cek township; 4503,12. tI.OO" Y\'III' . . . . . . . LouiMW. Con over to Media Can · III ud\'uuue over; r,~ . 23 ncrcs iu Ulenl'creek t.nwlls hip ; 1. Nlln 0 Bendl'i!lkson to Edwl\rd I)F~' 1I ~ ~; TN .ION~~R H(HLt)INH N Beuchl er ;10.1" IlCreR in }<'ranklin t E:uEPriOrJE ~JiLL . • f'lO. 6'2 t o wnehip; 2471i Mitt F'lley and wi fe to Bu.rry C. n,uhn ; Ilo lIores In 'l'urtleoreek town· . M,\l W Il ~ I .• ..• 1000 W~IIN": 'iDI\Y , sbip; 0000 . Th oma8 C. Weloh to L . Brown; 3:) 68 I1cres in Stllem township.
PennsylV8.nia ---LINES~--
Warren County Court.
Round Trip From
March 24th H..:t lll'll
Un lit. I\llrll :.'11. ll: ~\'K'
Outing ,
11~' n ll ll )o leu
A Clear. Healthy COmlJ1exion a.nd Bow Every Woma n IllI1Y Obta in It. Mere ])hysical beauty, entiCing ;l:l it Is , will not pormanently (lvail in the a bseenoe of u clell n, ~r e8 b. b en.l : thy ilkin and complexion. A wom. an umy 'have per'fect foatnres, Il youthful form I1nd a graooful fig ure but without t.b e lJ oa.u.h nnd bloom of u oieur ~kin , 11orfoct hOlLu ty is , iUJ]Jo!lsi ble. WIJIln tile ~kin is muddy or oloudy Olr U1l1rred by motb spots find pi mpl os , uino t,im o!l in tOll it is due to Na t ull'e '/j inubility t o .1perform the fun ctions essen tilll to pe rfeot h onl t h . M/lny a Wnyne!!v ille Indy could 1 truthfully tell of tbe -.remnrkllbl e !properties of u\l(u.kola Tanio Tab Ilots as ~ s kin b en utifier, ond th o I rel180n IS eosy to find . They nrA I purely vegetabl e lind 00wp081m o f dandelion, onsollrin, and othor ex · t m cts known to have It se lective /lction for the 8ki n . They irnproh) th e cOlllpllSxlon, cl13llr Ull tho ~ Kin , en rich tbo blood , At th o liv. er, tone up the iut·()stines, II. ntl ou r e chronic constipati lOu by encoul'l1g . ing tho bowols an(1 a~ ~ i 8 tin g Nut,uro to do its own pedect work . Mr . Jl1l1ney r ecommends UlOm with e v· el'Y oonfidence and a 25 oent ]JlIolt . Ilge must do as ola imed or yo n enn have your mOlley lOaok .
You Must
. ~llre to f'ure' l n "I!!"~" " ;:=Unless P opsikoltl l) l1rH ' YOUI' J)Y8· IJOJ,lsiu J ; E. Janney Wi ll P.lY Bll ok . the Mone" . It is llOt oftuu tha t. b u t.ILI' ~. S uv a n ow r em ed y wit,1t h i ~ own P'· 'tlfll'. ILl gunr uotee Ullt Iw InHlwH th ... PPII. s ik ola Is i'! ure to h elp /1 11 \v], ,, 1",\'1-, Clhr onic 11 l'A ppp ~ ia /I n,l tn 'li ~ ' ·!I t\. ,n tho ve ry fir Ht <IllY rl li 'Y lou!.:" 1 t.o taka i t. Moroovm It u is too hus y II I d il iA r e pntotioll is wor t h too IU ll " h t o tnk e cllllnCB8 in r "OIllIllOlHl ,ng 'l ne w rem"dy to thei r c u s t. OIll Ol·~ that, will n ot do just as reVt'use nt.l)(l . Pepsi kolll Is d remll rkn b le 11I·opl1r. II t ion I1nu blls perforrn l'tl HO Ill II " nreR in WayneSVille tllnt. hord nr npon tbo lUiruouloul'l Ih i~ II IRO n ~ rrtnrl n erve tonic. It illlprovps t lHl " PPIl· tHe , gi vel" n ew stl' lln ~t h oo t! new ene rgy, t 'lne!; I1IJ t.I· ~ -~ toUlli ch Ilnd digestive or gans , HllIl mnke:; you foel b e tt!')' riglJl. oft·. ~Vh on Y'lU buy tl pUt'kugo I)f rc>p si kola yon .(1'0 Pl' otcl'ted in ove rv I ~"n.y. If i t C l1re~ you th e COgt is iii '\ contloo-if it d008 n ot. Mr . •J/l llnI'lV will plly y our money wit hout tho lelLAt· urg um on t .
If Y';l1 cannot, i t is du e to an irri tated or co n g-cs tcu s tate of t he brain, which will so II dcv~ l ope int o n ervou s pro~ ' r ;li :on. Nature c!(' mantis sleep. ~ n d it is as irn p<' l't ant ~s ft ,! : it is a part of h cr b l1ii l:it:g- a nll s usta inin g p roccs<;. T i ,l'; l' ~ri o u of uncon sciou s n c:;s r ehxI" th e mental an d phy sical slrai: l, ;lIlU allows n ature to reslon;: ex.11austed v ita lity. D r. 1\lilcs' N crv ilW bri ngs refreshin g- slc('p, !,lor a n c . it soothes the irri tation a n d removcs th e congestio n. It is al so a n er ve buil (lcl'; it no urish es a nu strell gthe ll s ev. ery n erve in · y o ur L ori)" and creates ene rg y in a lllh c org 'l ns. Nothing will give s.t rcngth and vitality as s urL'l), and quickly as Dr. Miles' j ' erv ine.
LIOICl"iOl!. K,.Ih, O,I\·tOIl, "li d Wt'I\.lIk li n \l.w
Hlmkl", rml l. Nc>lIil W . of Wt,yuesvillo R a v.
·ds. suggestn both the nnr'
w hile the 'd In with
a w.·ttlng Id lIra weI's Id forms a
.de to torUl
'al~ whlob
Sleep. '
Annie Todhunt" .. t o .1 obn B, 'fad· LOS ANGELES hunter; 8fi.74 Ilores in Turtlecreek r-tn v -:- th t o I Uth , Shrlll c' r .. ' Iw,Jl' r lal l'O Ufl l: II , towushi1J ; 1 Carrie B. Williams to Clurie, I SAN FRANC ISCO 8eovil1e, quit olftim to two trncts In , .J u ly 11th Ln 1 :l llL Turtleoreek township; 7. ~ !lt lon a l "1d ul'u t lo naJ l\ s~()c l n t tCJn Mary A . -3rown et al to Florenoe 8 peeln i low fa r o t.lokots HaineR Sattert.hwaite ;j70.70 aoree in ,'outb , :southwest .lnd Nor th . Wayne to\Vn~hlp and a lot in west Wllynesville; 200 . Fo r II Cl a ll!:l :it lOli l t bt'St! !' x c:u r s loDs, R. Milds Gi lchrist to Leonidlls L~rc" tll an\' IJol n t, IlIHI pnn l c ulano. i.L hnu l PCrl ~~' I \'unl a (.lnC:-4 p u. ~s en .... c r nud Judith South; 28 .27 aores in "'1' ITICi·... C (J U.... Ul l II, 1-: , BOOTH . "During the past wlnt (l r t l in d tw o 'l'urtleoreek township; 1. s o r Ln(;rlp p o whi ch I I ( t In U - - T h: kcl l' gc nL, _ _ Christian and Mary Kleinhehu to v ery wea k. o.ntl In b ad cOlld l l Ju n. [ w aR 80 h l.>r votls t cou lLl n ot iii i't,'11 , hr ~~ A. E. Clevenger; 21il6 aores in Crushed Corn. c Clel1rcreek township; 4500. :~~i ~~~crn ld~:~~~r, dj~~I~~I' ~ n~.i~:~~d~~i:i o ut. a nd n n eighbor r C'Co m m \' ntl cd Dr. A Fltvorlte Remedy for Bahies . We ur o grindi ng orus he!1 corn IVI llc!i ' N er vtne. Rnd ~h e Ior' J\ !!':'l l hnll10 I n bot ttl', I h nd not Rlco p t t o r sOIno 'time, Ievery allY. Wo I{ nep gr oun d feed Commissioners' If.s plenslmt tnste Imd prompt a nd h n d t ~ I' r lb l e J)uln ~ i n m y h end, oores hll.vo ml1de Cbamberlain 's Cured fiemorrhagos of t h o Lungs. Atter t aki ng a f ew u O!les () r 1"cn'!no to exohunge if .v ou hl>vo n ot t.irne t o th e pain wna n o t st) SC\'('I'{'. u nd [ Proceedings. Cough RemAdy IL fll vu ri te with tho " Several Y8llrs ijinoe m y lun gs slept. wnit. Our f(>e<.l ex('bn nge iH r un on J 11m n ow tald ll J; t he sl.'cond mothers of smull children. It quick. wer e so blldly a ffE)cted : t bat I ha d botU o. r:t~ tl u rn \' \' rv mueh I II \O l '! '\'C ll." . a toll or oll "h bu sis. HENH Y M. SM1'l'H. Unde rh ill. Vt. If you hit va not trhld O UI' cl' nshed T . E. Keelor, M. D. medionl Iy cures their coughs I1nd' cold!! nnd muny h emorrhages," writes A . M. Cr. Mil ..' Ne""lne I. sold by you. 3 00 prevents any uallger of ]lnemonia o r Ake, of Wood, Iudi servioe to prisoners " I took trellt,- d ru on lGt , who will guaran teo that th e oorn ou \l "nll soo it Anll .vou will !lU.Y L nllon Ice, lind Uoal Co., . other serious COil seq uences . It not ment wi t h ~eve rul physioinns with· fir s t bottle w ill be nefit. If It f a lll, he l tbll.t it is tho fl n ost !'oerl y ou ever IBI1W. Waynesvi lle Mi lls. 000.1 for jail 1-1 25 only onres croup. hu t wh en given ont Bny benuUt. ][ th An ~tlLrted t,o will r e fund your money. R . B . Smith, oonl for court· . I1S s oon af! th e O['l)UP y cou gb ap]lears tll-ke .b'oley 's BODl~ v ILDd Tnr, and Miles Medical C.o., Elkhart, Ind bouse 15 09 will pre vent, the nttA ok. For sal e my lungs are n ow UM ",ound as a Franklin Chroniole, pub. re o by Fred C chwnrtll . bulet . 1 recomm end It in lid V'lIIC· port (If examination of ed B tu~es ' of lung tronble. " Foley 'S HATHAWAY, VETERIN ARY SURG EON. Conrt's r eport 18 39 LUKEN S B oney nnd Tar stop~ the cough lind LIIbulJ on. Ohio . Lebftnon Patriot MOle 18 35 , h eRIs the lungs , and prevents seri o Waynesville 's Le/l(li ng Dllntis t Ca ll be cull eo l1ny bour, tlas or PHYSICIAN A1'1 II SU RO EON . Lebo.uon Patriot pub. notioe ons re 8ult~ from 11 cold. Refuse ni gh t . Both Bell li nd Va\loy to bridge contraotors - 28 2G 1I0F~'ICE . .. IN A~lAN BLOC K SUbstltutllS. ortlce In [{ ey"' 4lulldl"K· · . . Mala S i ree t P h oneR, VoJ1ey Phone No. ~:18 . Western Stnr pnb. notice to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bridge oontra.ctors 28 2li wa~ so Injurml it was necessary to Enterprise Ptg Co., contracts kill it. The horse Wil l:! vlllued l~t for s urveyor tl 00 '176 Ilnd uuwage to the buggy wall Otho Henderson bridge reo esthulI.ted ut 251t tot.lll of 200. P . pulrs Wa.y ne township 4 75 l:i . Rue it! attorney for plllintiff. Lennie Whltacro, bridge reo pairs &Iem townShip 15 87 OOUltT PUOCEEDINOS. 811mh A. Buysore vs Albert Dill. E. W . Dumford bridge reo Writ of petlt.ion 1 ~ 8ued with Bert . patrs Salem ' township 1/, 87 7 30 Reed, John Kohl, and J. A . Rebold Mrs. Elizabeth Tuft, gravel S 00 all oOlDmlsslunel·s. Estnte Is apprais, L. L Duffy gravel ed o.t. Ii,ooo and sheriff Is ordtiretl to Stato vs ChllS. (:lIffoi'd costs 8 J6 State va John Doe co~ts 7 115 ad vertlse ILnll sell same. Tbe monthly fiutLncial stutemonts 1'hti New York TruHt Co. VI! Tbe D . L. & C_ R. R. 1.,)0. e t al YO'u ng & of the Auditor and 'l'r6llsurer for Young as partners are given 12 days Februa.ry were presented and order· .ed plnce on ·file . ~ in· which to plond. 'rhe county depositories, the Leb· &mo. A.-E. Aplle lyard has leavo IInon NatioDl,1 BlI.nk· aud the Cltl· to tile ILDswer amI or08811etinon for· zens National Bank lIach presented with. . ' 11 monthly statement which was ChlLrles A. Browp, gUl1rdlun eto. compared with the ohecks returned vs Cllroline Mlltthe wt! rl.lply of pluin and both statements were found to tiff llled . be correot ,John V .,Jaok VB Jes!le Dellrth et J. S. Morris, supplies for III (Janse I!ettled and di8lDis~ed. court bouse 1Ii 70 Kllr1 H . Caldwell, 0 8 a88ignoe eto. J. 8. Morris reoords and vs M'lggie Tilton John Arphis made blanks 49 8.0 party dtifendant lind was given leave Trustaes of Publio Affairs to tile an~wer forthwith. light at jail 7 62 W . Bowyer Vii Albert DIU. J adge Trustees of Public Affairs. nient for plalutiff III sum of 401.48 light at oourthouse 8 45 Eva L. tlherwood V I:! .J . W . Ures· M . H . Oswald desk for Re. well at ILl . CILBe set,tled and I1lsmlsll. oorder's office 31 30 eQ -w.itbout record Franklin Chroniole, blanks •Mandute from t,he. Vircalt (lourt for Probate Judge 7 50 In elISe No 28il . The Miami aud Erio Franklin Ohroniole, blanks Canlll Transportation Company, a lIi 50 for Clerk ot COllrts oorporatlon, et.o., VB Willard J . Rugles Gale Co ., blanks for Wright, administrator, etc 'Judge. Pr9bate Judge 6 .06 ment of. Common Pl"a8 Court reo Oregonia Bridge Co. repair versed and new triul ordered . ' . bridge at Fosters 287 50 'rhotnaR R . L. Hall vs Thomas S. D. Binkle, D. S . bridge Dill: et a\. Fil1l~1 distributIOn ull1de. work' 84 00 . Amhrose T . Dearth vs MJ'hala S . D. Hinkle, O. 8 . Co work SU! 00 Null, e t ul. PllIlntiff bllH IIltLve to Lebanon Uae Co. gay for jail 1 88 fl.le Rmended petition. Xenia. City Work House, 1lo'tuding prlsoner8 14 00 1'80IlATII: COUIlT . T, D. Patterson, shertlY Estate of Unity ~. Lookey, ' de " boILrdin~ . prisoners 72 80 oeasefl Liucolu Lnokey appOinted Valley Telephone Company administrator with bonel of 600. No rents and toils 15 00 appra.!smeJ;lt. ' Central Union Telephone Es~te of Jolin W. Tbompson, de Company rents and tolls 15 00 08...,00'. Final a.ccount-for sottlement Trul\teeil of Oloororeek town· ship gravel -200 (17 '. ftled Examination ot Oounty 'l'rellosury General .contra.ot· for r epairing John Blair ,Ir . . and J . P . Rawles 'and construotlng for fenoing the were appointed to oxamlno county B 'It '. d Leba treasurv . -' amI on graveynr on non ·"AnnR Wyle Williamson, guardian ILnd Wilmlugton pike in Turtl e· of Chrystal ,LIld Alverda Wyle. min· oreek townsbip. Drs, to ChrYlltaland Alverda Wyle, 'l'rustees of the Orphan AsylUDl et al . Order for slLle of renl ' estnte and Children 's Ho~e were anthor. 18IInedFrank Bugh08, Jl1mes Gray anel Lon Bmnt, I\ppraiMllrs. ized to oontraot for and make 1m· Estate of John D. ]furnas, de provements on the premises of the oeased. Finnl acMunt for settlement· Home appointln'g a superintendent flIed. . of Btlid oonstruction at a reasonable '" ,rank Hutchinson. administrator oompensatloD. .. ' oriM~ry E. Hutchinson, deceased, The Trus.t ees of Turtlooreek town. Frank Hutohlnson, decellsed, Frank Hlitohinson et al. Distribution of ship llresented a resolution askin$ ',' lu.ndlJ ordered . . that a suitn.bleperson be appointed £.0 In the matter of Mary B. Blair, enforoe the law reguding the hur. worthy b)!nd person . Granted den thllt may be hauled u~r roads. blind pension of 21i per qW\.rtol . . . In re Arthur Gillespie, a worthy . ';'. bUnll pertlOn Grant:ed A blind' pen· I 819n. . . Est.ate 01 Louis Longeman, deceas. ed. First a·n d flnalacoount for set. tleml!llt made EIIMtA of FretIel'i ok Hut.(lhinllon, , :,n\,,"r Ht'bPr' R Ilt.ohln. on appnil1 t . ' ad g llllrllt.m wllh lft,,1t b. "J HUI·L·S. 1'\ urllh A . BnYl!ore va Albert Dill, . Pltlintiff ",tateH sll e hil S in UOUlll\l)lI wlt.h d ot'endlLllt the un lli vltieu one· h tllf illt.CI't!s t in lot· No 22 III MURon IImll1 ~ k ~ thnt sbu Ulu.y I III vo h el"i nt.uru~ t Nut· off in l:Ievuml· . Oeullllnt "ud Lllngdon al'e n.t· t ortl tlys for pIli In tiff . W . W . Bowyer VA Allier!. Di1\, Money only . Amonnt olaimed is $101 4S which }lll1intllf ll11eges to bf:! due him on u prolllil:lsory n ato dnted M, .. rch I , Hlo~ Brundon, Burr Ilontl Ivins are uttorneys for plaintiff. In the Ulatter of t,he ustnte of J. P. Ullchrlst., deoOllsoo. Appelll from the Probl1te Court ef Warren Coun· ty , Ohio. W. J . Wrigh t is IIttor ney for pluintift'. Wilbur AHiMon vs Joseph A. Cbllmberlaiu. For money ns d"ID' agoH. Amount ask ed '200 with Interest . Plltltlon stutes parties were driving In opposite directions on !I certain jlublie rOlld nanr Car. lisllJ on December 17, 1906. When they were about. t.() pl\KB defendunt 110 mlllOlijnllgedand ClLreleesly drove his horse nt a high rllte of s poed thllt his horse und buggy collided with plaintiff's horse lind buggy wi til the result that plllintiff 's horse N~: W
'I' D, 'hOIl~e.
the owner
slow l arpB s ketc hes. IS Is ,Ievat. ne drawers llirl aba VIJ refcrenco. 'ellulrcd at
old chIna dcllghLrtiI. ~a .
Plnnts iu
: ConM. Moors
Wh ere tlte imull well. ,tan lS and ther of Un ut
OUl t hll
tnch or so, :l be nailed. amull ha lo ili he drew :in cloth or ~
t he pJnn t .
a t the caq
above tILe Wal eI'. and r Celi UPOD
nil da,y. · li ght. T h .. I1ruled, the t ot wnter l- d ny rilln. . says the VB an ~
)lexica .
amI ' enter. lrc. M ont.. \Y O and' a q I
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be to III tilt j'lrod'uctlve
:rt his cane s no 9\1011 " et"op.'''_ !to,
!U JD. to .0Iu 6y a ..... It
OF ALL KINDS. Telephone In ' his ' house where he ca.n be ClLlIed at all hours, day or night. COIlohes and chail'l! liuppli8d. Have recel1tly' moved to room next to PrOBS J!ros, . . ,
BTBZm';It •
Du. H.E.
va nca r at
Dr. R. J. Michener,
nnntl, "ftf,.
Ul'ClI II . wlt IL [ell to sto W'
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satl8ft ~.
tu. It may act ctly IlPOD 141 Yinls I. ~ to rlldhl,,- '
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,bbtt'. e"t (btl etre.ct,·l· ,~
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• The Miami-"Qazette.
B~WN 4 Mct:AV:-Publlai.cra. !W'AYNESVILtJlI. For )" ea:r~ I t l\lked kll uwr Chi na , n o w , break-olit. 'fblngs are tlJ at iUcot 0 1 It looks AS I feello g wor ot n COll1lnot dl ssa Ll ~ rn LID
power, wbl cl th e torelgll Oi to him. '1'1 spr end ha ul d Ollbt ed, an d ~rl ng force ' !lull In tb e w holesnle sit Very n l l1 cb t b nv e shown • torm by 1 r eentol' emor I n CII e or n be gi vell Am, At tbls tl a gnltl the HJ' In the ai'll UI ' th e a rUnl 01, th rea ll'ned. I
Foot ball R eform. 'A nent t.b o progross or fool ball re f orm, wbl ch Is no w In nn nclIvo stage, t be New York TrI bune says: "PbysIcal IIIJu l'Ios In football nro mor e numerous a nd very much worse t hnn tb e public SU llpaS s, and tbey are due to t he In berent nll-t u re or th o game. nnd n ot m erely t o ovcrexclteme nt In cha mp lll co ntests. Ma ny at tbe m aro un a \'oldable It lbe game Is played at all. They nre Incompara bly mor e numero us t han In nny other maj or sport, and fnr too nuweroll s for a ny sport. Tho game h IlS not e"en th e " Irtu e or developing the best typo 01 men from t bo vu-rely physical point of vi ew. Its det rim ental etrec t u pon coll e~ work Is i1enoted by tb e fact that tbe 70 members or the actual lliayin g sqund suffered an aggregale of 1,057 days ol physlcn.1 tn cnpaelt y , and 175 days at e nll r o absence from 1 eel ege duUes du ring t ho t en weeks of t he season ot 1905. I ts etrect upo n atter lite Is suggested by the fact that about halt 01 the players wer e stlll fuffe rlng from Inju r ies of more or loss permanen ce some tlmo a tter tb o 8Oa· mon h ad closed. a nd a u umber ot t bem l eem doomod to 80me disabili t y In certa in clI8es growing Bt"Ilillly ~o rso, IIJ la ter y eani. That la t ho grist of a stu died and r oa ponslble r eport, made by tho hIghest autborltlos-and s uroIy not Un fri endly au thorities-at thO oldest an d largest Amerlcall unlvcrslt y, w blch Is also one of t he three m os t fa mous " footbal l coUegea" It constit u tes a fo rm ida ble Indictment ot t he ga me; , from t be puroly pbys lcal , poltJo t o r v iew. When we a dd t her elo tbe no less grue In dict ments or It from the Intell ectual a nd ethical poIn ts of view we have B. preseutatlon of Its quali ties w hi ch cnnnot be Ig· - Dored, but wblch demands, a nd surely must compel, pro mpt mea sures of r adical reform , lucb as , we trullt, are now oll8ure d.
lOop,nab., IICII, b,. J ...pIJ B. 8.wl.~/ One fi ne afternoon In early October I happened to cspy my Cousi n Maur ice sll'olJlIig quietly to war ds th e bay . Now, Mauri ce F letch er ba s an eld er l is ter , and , thlnltln g o f ber nt tha t ruome nt, [ felt 0. s tron g presentim ent tbat she would ' ba vo me walll acro ss t he road and aak ttLe YO U !!g fell ow to dlnoe r with m o. I a coord lngl y did 8 0 , lhou,tb I find biB lOQuacity pa r tlcularIy d is tastefu l. and h is sUcki ng l)Ower tbat of a r o ving mu d-s plash. I greeted him warm ly , but bnd no ch an ce or utt ering Rnolher syll abl e unti l we were Si tting a t din ner. In the mea n Ume I had g alhered fro m hi s talk (delivered with In cre(lIble rnpld , Ity and j erll ineas) tbat ho .was s pond· Ing :\ t ew weells In New Yor k bcrore r e~,Urn lng to college. , And how Is my Un cle J o hn ' " I pu t In q' uickl y , -nn h e p ause d women . t ar IIy lor br eatb . " Ob, ta t ber !" a ns we r ed Ma urice, wltb renewed a nimatio n. " Wonder ful lor .. Is ago. ISlI 't be? B), ttie way, he's comIng to town." HIs Dews th a t Jobn Fletc her was med itating a descent c.n tb e m etr opolis was eleot r lfylng. 'Tbe position wns tbls : Un cle John Is a wid ower , with no kith or k in to apea k of, be· yond Maurice. Muri el an d myself, an d be has allowell m e t o Inler 1 h ave wbat Is known Ill! " expecta tlolls." Tbrou g ho ut dloner Ma ur ice tslked In cenantl y. "I '\,o al ways h eard you're a r egular Bob emlan," be began. loud enough for everyone to bear. "I<now a ll 80 rt 8 o r Quee r p,laces wbe re t he artists aDd II t erary people go. Funny beggars. aln' t they ? Long b a lr, bow Ues, an ll a ll tbe r eat ot It. Sbould n't balt mind havin g a look nt 'em. I 'U get you to ta ke me, eh ! Wha t do you say to to-morrow ?" Bero re I coul d get out a word b e was well Into a description h e bad once r ead ot th e QuitU., LIoUn. Arter d inner he
",ery In securl lut lon may d Uon In - the ." the tor Igner. been a foe at t ne strongest Bny day Yua M ss.lna te~ 'It Is I SOl r e;voluUon Is cent Shangha known to ha l and It I. th e I t. T he act , m u,nlclpal- pEl on places wh ....ere Stored. Ish and ol h e! b elapded to Some year $ j ~te(l to t be olg n soldiers ,tory , IJUt III
Y lJ
able to pro"e olgn resldenh t lon Is 11I5;lr o s ubj ec te~, to the clouil no. son g row li PS count r y un i: € wh at t he Cbil mon enemy, h ecy gIven In Officia l:" "Yes, It lij that prac ti ce .you wh o a('l'~ de r roo t-a nd the nat lnns a co rn e to tea ,'o ri gh t In I h is ' It be BUllpor l. doub t t hai w. Bod woe to E It. Qulred n a tion or foUl 110 11 wh ieb, ' better wls b 1I .thelllsel\'es n l ~ R m e of ClI rl, ·call to arms! oOus we respar Cbln n bat e. <and soldiers II ilia \'e been In. rom t he vcrl -Cblnn sho uld :idenls. tb e pe d ergo eha ngebe called UPO D Cblneae <'Q urf tleld. One of tile atronges t' Yua n -Sb l- Kal , tralol ull, ~ O . OI ..pectm ens- It t hl n k 1111 Chi 10Ik Tbls nl ~ap"lI C8e omc IIul1l1luII up t\ .ahl b ~1\a l III r. lou- neg]" Uld . Not dy f, anal! 11 >f ~II ~It n\
4~ag"ed m e oft to a boring m elodrama, because he and one of tbe company once traveled toeether for a sbort distance In tbe same railway car. As 1 took my departure, he reminded me tba t be would " look me up early ," the fo llowing nlgb t. Immediately I dash ed oft to " Les TroIa Egllaes." "Lea Trois Egllsea," Is, as far 84 I am concerned, singularly conduci ve to' peace an'd placid calm. I am a habitue there; I know all my fellow babltues' I know the waitere. and I know tb~ Kentlemen of the orchestra. Indeed I quickly revIVed -'8110Ugh to revl e~ dispassionately my past tortures. Tbeu I tho ugbt ot the m or ro w. OllPos lte me I noticed Lucille and Babett t' entertainin g a par ty ot art· Ists. Tb ey w e r~ all In tremendous splrlt.s, Bnd tbe cbat! and bursts of loughler from th eir tabl e al most The People Govern. drowned tb e sort German t une wh ich Wb ene ver In stnte or city tbe power came fioatlng IIttull y dow 0 the r oom fall s In t o the h and s of corrupt or r eck · I crossed over to tbem, tor It bad l ess men, pessimis m crleu out tbat pop- struck me auddenly ttint they mlghl ular ilO" ernm ent Is a failure. Tbat Is come to my r escue. Tbelr rapturous an crror s imilar to that ot the man who, greeting was lUI !lalm to, my chastened lIOelng a chip borne up-s tream by an soul. end I poured out my troubl e am id eddy near tbe bank of a swill-flowing a storm ot s ympathy. " It Is Intolerable," tbey chorused. .. Iver. sbould declare tbat the current "Bring blm here , but for one s bort WII8 not s t rong enough to carry down a piece of floallng wood. Tbere are occa· hour, and I'll 'I\'arran t be'll leave yo u alonal talluree, It III true. Tbe), are In· In peace," said one trom the end 01 tbe table. evltable so long as bllman nature .Is not A way of satety seemed Indeed to lie perfect . Wben an abuse becomes fia· open bef9re me. Tnere was DO rea· grallt tbe people rise In their might and son to consider :be youtb 's fe elings, rem edy It. There Is something awe. any more thaD be had eXCUse fo r fore· Inspiring In the terrific force of a ver - Ing hImself on me Be be proposed to dlct of popular co ndemnation B.t the do. ' polls. E ven wben offenders are not On the followIng Dlght r agatn pre· oondemned absolutely tbe warning or 8en~ \I d myselt at Maurice's ho t~1 & greatly r edu ced majority baa a l1li111' 1 thankful to feel that tbe e\'eDlng lVas tar)! ellect on tbe guilty. to l et me at liberty, To my anooy , s ' ance, I Wat Intorm~ tbat be bad A. bill It:troduced loto tbo New I !Qne out after leaving a note for me ~ora( legislat ure making cerlaln spe. : My cousin, I read , bad been obllgeo c..fic p rov isio ns against. grafting haa to accept anotber lovllatlon. IJut been am cnded by elimi nating the ' wou l:1 return to tbe botel I, expecta , word "gl'artl ng." for tbe reason, .. . tlon of our spendIng Ihe evtnlng to<'X plailled by tbe judiciary oommlttee - getber at one of tho se BohemIan re ' t hat the word baa not yet lakell I~ I;Orts wh I,ch h e beJl ~ved I fr equent place I Ih j dl d 'l . ed . It wa s quite th e, acme of COll i n . e II a ,oca bulary. It ness to suppo so I sbould calmly awai t Is a bou t , time tha t the omission wa. b is co nvenience for the s pace 01 Iwo madol good. If t here Is any word 01 or three houra, but I contented mYSelf co mparatl vrlly r ecoot coinage tb at I. wllb a pOlite regret at his obsellcf betl ~ r entl Ue\l 10 general ad optlo~ a.nd a lucI d ~Irectloll io "Le9 Trois than lb ft ~'Jl e It haa eBCIlllecl our no J!g IiB(8; " r added tbat I Ibould a c· J.lce. cup:v tbe tabl e nea res t th e door 10 ' .-blll I roulcl trulbtLl1l7 detcrlbe aa
the 'mol t 'Bo bomlan cafe In New Yorlt.l It W.18 early wben i r aa'C b d th e care, and bus iness was not -Yet In run swln j;, I was "ble to lind a table II a li nD with tb e doorwa,v • "Les Tro is 1';gl1s.e s·' W1l9 soon crowllcd. T boro was o n Ul1du llltlD g btlZZ of vOIces. lind t ho v loll olat8 wore dlscor dnntly l uning th eir fi ddles . Not fa r ott at , a corncr 'tnble on my lert a crowd o r my f riends were malli ng sIgns ot r ecog nition . Sudden ly I was a ware that t\ fam lli nr fa ce wus ga zing at"m e u r oss the ta ble. Good HenV OD! !" I gasped . "oan 1& be yo u, Uncle Jo hn ?" " Wby. YI!S," he s alil, wa r mly, " nn<l I'm d ~ lI gh t M to me et you. Th e ract la, Lb l. Is n IIl' lng vis it. I mcu ll t 10 htl\'e coiled o n yu u to-morr ow lit yo ur rooms." "B ut," I sn ld. r'n astonish ment, " wb at o n enrt h has brough t YOII (0 ' Les Trois B!;lIses ?' " " A mnn li t the club recommcoc\~d It to m'l for my chnl/ter on 'New Yorlt Degenera cy,' '' he n:ls wered, cOll1 pla . celltl y. "ri o was r igh t. I seo around mo a disso lute COml)an y. I tll lnil I see consu mp tio n of absln l h ~. Then Is an a ll' ot d iss ipatio n and unrcstralnt. As fo r you, nephew, I nin not sure-" The orch ~slra Inl err ul.ted wh at he wat! ehou t to say o n Ih e score of I1IYseIt ,end th e s trains o r th o Mnrs elialse. wltb Its wllndcrful sugges ll\',encs8. addcd ~o a cerlal n ~ Inlster e tr ecl pr oduceil by stri ngs, struck up and cha rged Ih a at moflphere wltb a sense or movement. T he buzz of voi ces was 110 longer low a nd Intermlttent. I' eople. s\J&nlel ll g a t th ei r normnl pi tch, los t the till'eads of each o th er 'S talk . nnd had tb rapeat wbot t he y said :i Iltlie mor e elenrIy an.1 a little more loud ly. T bus It bappe ned thnt el'e ryon e's ' " ol ce WQ.9 g r 811 ua ll y being rnlued . Mor eo " er, I was not a lo oe In reali zin g tbattbe vloIInl s ts wero ply ing t heir bows wit h a I'or \'e more fnscloatl r,g and Ins piring th an they blod ever dl s phi yed bllfo re. Men 's lips . genefally closed by ph ilo. sophie s il ence, mov ~ d 10 t o rr enlS of eloquence; t.he lack.\l lster ot eyes, IISU' a ll y contemplative 01 space, gave wa y to a brlllillnt and signi fic a nt s [larkle. And wit h all th is a cccss of II nltna.tlon 1 t nncled I could d u ect a certal" expcctnncy. Uade J o hn, wbose eyes were e,'erywhere, \Vat! rapi d ly t r nn scrl blng materlal for "N ew Y,Jr k Dege n eracy." How 1 w is hed Mallr lce were with mel Luc'!tto was wnv lll;; recognItion, and I r etur ned a caut Ious sol ute. gla nci ng at DlY uncle, wbom I \loga n to flnd embarrassin g . Tho roo nor I tooll h im off the belter. I d r ai ned my gla~s. toucbed h is s houlder. a nd stood up. At tbat mo ment t here , was a suilden activi ty. T he group In the co r ner a r08e. too, glasses In hand, cb a ntlpg tb e In to~IC8,lIng cbor us or t he Marsellalse; they tUoved t oward liS , NOlhIng co uld h ave been more ill -timed. And Unc le .John, of all peop le ! HII flo r id b row was troll bied. I [elt I mllst explain. 'mllSI waf'll th em. I turned h anW y to m y lIn cle. "I s ha ll r e ~'u k e ' I hose braw lers ." I sa id. scver e ly. an d r.llva llcell to meet th em. Lu cette came fir st . "Yo ur co uet ln who Is seelll g lI (e." ami sbe pol nto:d deris ively a t my ncle J o hn. I WIl:S fill ed "Itb bo rro r. Then It all downed on mo. " Ma urlc:e Is not h ere," 1 sho uted. lIut my wo n l s .. er., los t . Befol'e 1 h ad ove n spok en the COoteD ls 01 IP liquor glass were trick ling el'own my un cle', Ils tou nd ed face. nutl Ihl! Bleltly sme ll of cre me> de mellth e sCl'med to pervade t h e ' al mosph ere. In anotbe r second. bls bat s mas hl'd dow lI ov er hIs eyes. he WtU! tbe center of l:eS!lculatlng combatants, 'ShO'Jt s <If la ught er went up trom every s ide, and woe n tbe manager, attende,l by a posse o f b ysterlcal walt; ers, swooped down on us.. men mounted cba lrs a n(1 tables [ ca tt erlng bottles a nd Slasses wltb a noise like p isto l fir e. In st a ntly we were precipi ta ted th r?ugb tbe doorway. a str\lggll cg maBS ot humonily, bearing somew here tn ItS depths my unc le, ang ry a nd r eo , s lstlng. One thin g more; s llrglng past t hlt o uter p ass ag!: to the st reet I caug h t a Oeetlng g laO(:e of a well- known figure In th e ac t ot makin g a cau tious ~ ntry •. A second's Indecis loo a nd he was e ngulfed . Ou r mo men t um was Irres lal· Ibl e, nlld Milurice was whirled back In to th e roa (1. Uncle John and TIIaurlce r etired, a r m-In.arm , Ne it her bad any defl nlto c harg~ to bri ng bOllI e to mo. yet so meho .. I did no t JollI them. Nor did th ey walt lor me. My kind co nspira tors gave me their breatbless ( but unat!ect edl congratulotlo:ls, alld <loe by on e I sho ok th eir han:ls. It was their Il nselfls h triumph, and t .l' W co ul d 1 dl silluston th em! And yet li t one blow. \t has cloBed my uncl e·s . bos plta ble doors and haB di ctated " cod icil In hili will. And Mau rll:e has a sister. What Cbange • Little Time Makes' George (on hiB way rrom tbe the,t er to hla wl[el -- Wbat dreadful Btreei IIghtlog! Well , Maudle, what are you crying about! Maudle-I was thinking how angr, l'OU used to be In thl B ! tree t o n ly sll mont hs a go every time we cam. to a IIgbt.-St ray Storlel. , Rne'" All About It. "00 you know. allytblng about ~ alm!stry 7 " she as ked . "I should tblok I did ." be r eplied. rorgettl ng for the mom ent th a t be was to select soclely ; " I work ed as a walt. or lo pay my way tb ro ug !1 collego."Cblcago ne col·d-Her a ld. An,r .Now They Don't Sp!alc:_ Ema'!'-My docto r tell. me that blushin g I. a disease. . Mai'Jorle-' Oon 't let that ,,'a rry y ou. YOIl 14'8 lmmune.-TOWD Tllp' dear. Ie.
F. as . eh .i on ' N o t es a n d RutDors ' ANIMIA 'CAN Cha ngo Is In lhe nl r. It wil l be soD}e' time before my Ind y cl\n don new spring h I go I wn amI E aster bOllnet, bu t S ol S U rea lly rnaldng prcpnr a l10n flJ r thI s s r ell! even t. Wh e refo l'D we woutd speak o" r "btl t IsI ,.to be , worn. 'l.t I Ie po ny .8U t sllrc y will meet wl t.h h lSh ra\'o r, th e nUlty I1tt lo coat , Wlth,!l0 prete nso o r out lining the Og· ure. F. ton s uits with sho rt s lce l'es will conliu llo In (avor wltb not a relY. T bo
, ~' E
country Is treatod 10 goodly sh owers,. Dr. William." Pink ·PiU. M a ke Ne';" nnd n rain COClt Is almo st IlU eS8ent h"I: Blooel Dnil Stra•• ige. ht a t tho RootStrlko of Ol.e thell It comes III ver y bandy to tnkl A lImlt!ia Is j u st the doctor's llam e fCYI nlnn g on Hummer trayels ul1i1 Bum mer 1I100dloS611 0S9. D r, ,Vlllinms ' P i"l. P illa o u lin gs . 11 l! bl I TI Amoll g t ho m ostlttlrH ctlve mn tcrlala actlu\ .Y .DI~ e fIlO~d;vC\\1'CS 00\u\lug : , c~r.YTu,...oy ~lrll II UIll IllIll JUS. liS 00 now on d lJlplay ure Illo rough wCrI.\' e& oured Mrs. TboB. J , MeGnlln, or 17 In s ill,s. Th ey como bot h p1 nln a nd Lill colu P luco , Plr.iu tl 1<1, N .J ., a nd Ih e . O/!"llred, UDllultlko UI> ulcel y for SUl lS, Olln.lo nSlllllChfol'nuyotberllul u,WCIl:' [o r so pnrat.'l sld r ts un(1 for wn lsts. \Ve 'Ii g bloo()lo5s P so fe el tempt cd to mako usc wit h rerer- III ..ul~ the sprill'g oe: 19~:i I (lltl Ill)' nsnal e uco to them or tbe mtlch-n bllsell honsD c1emliu g," snJ' ~ ru .. ~. r. k O.UIII, wor d ·'nrli s tl c. " For sl'rlll!; uothlng I" nud S()OII nf tc rwnrl ll hr'::llll t o llllvll l lo u t'ou ld ue llIore charm ing tb o ll n s ll\'er mOst tel'ri blo h cn llnoh~~. My hllur t gray In t be rou!'h or scml -rough wtHlltl bOllt HO irrcgnlllr ly t h ~lt It wu s weave. Some of tho St:(I ), R sh ow II lIue , pnlll lni nlla tll er o (ll\III UJ'I 1tI0l'tlUOP WI.o Oll hni r -li no of bl,nel, . tbe lin e so line that IInclllellllCl ultlllOt eloo tor tKnll nutlg~t houp. wnsMy fillrpri",·(l lon ti Il bnd bnt! nt [t ,1Isl ll11ce the goo (Is (lp p~n r bu t lhe cont inueli to li vo iu tbe ou nol H in n 1 W II9 ono ('olor , J I\ II" n08ll 8 11lts malIC ug ill. 1 WIIS ('onli llct! to lilY b ·,1 r,)I' 1Ic"rly ve ry nice ly fo r tile s ty los no w 10 tl'VO mouth s, th o d octor CUlll ing evcry \'ol;lI e, ontl th oso (I r e Inex))ens lve n~ I lIt.y for t he 1I .. ~t f ow wcelr~ , bu t I did woll us lJ rot~)', Wilsh-sli it Wilists a re I " ut impro\'o til a lllonut lu nll yth iug . h ighly reco mmended tor s pring nnd " Altogoth er I wus ",cit fnr II Cll rly two s um mer ,vonI'. J apanese unt! Chln u &enrs. I. WIIS U8ulnl w onle M am i(, hn,l s ilks nro co m ing Into co mmo n use I\s ' nPlle olllulI. c heson , 11"1' I'8 ill ' tu lltS. losswn~' of hOeli t III t. hC l.otO, ullp. II US n llll f01I11 <ill tions un tl . lI"' tlJI;s, cli ugln g et· "1.Ilblo t o g et II. ROo( 1 \t igb t's slc(' p. My fectR now so weh llked. lefl's un ci feot wor o HO sw ollen thn t I Lillie loose COlltS of \Jon/!"liline s ll1t, fOllred t hoy \\'oulll blust. ol ubo rntely t rimmed wl lb bra id, prom · " Que dllY, w bile I wnswond cl'illghow Iso to bo the h eight of fas h ion ; !lnd t 10l;'g I could lI " o, flle l ~1I1l ns I d id , Ire· 8uch n wra p l\S t his Is r eolly most con - I j olvur! 1\ . bould.ot t e) hllg !'bollt Dr. W II.-enlont for wnr m ' w,' ather wen r. In ' rInm lul!told P illa or Pnlo Pt oeople. ead sIt aPut! my f hu"bllud get 111 0I s pite of p redict ions to the contra r y, lorn a of tho pi lls . Bofore t he first bos the dressy spring coa t will as a r ule \Vn. gOlle I fll it a 9hllu!{O for t h e botter_ havo sho rt sleev8s !l nil probnbl y b~ I have tak eD obont twelvo boxes and al· collllriess. Li nen e mbroideries on t ilough I W 08 IUIIICI\ r t he gra l'e liS I oould CORtS 01 woo l or sllie wlll be a fen ture I be. Illow fe uills if I hn,11I lIew lOMe of a nd a ve ry cha rming t eatu re, of 8prht~ lire. J hBve 110 lUore hcadacho, t1~o b enrt fashIons', the g rollnd of t h eso tr im- I Ibeats plIlthnt k l\lutI feol regulllrly ten years, rmy otllicheek ger . sIlire feel mln gs cream color ed o r OCni . tho em- ha ve beo n onred vcry chnnply II lI d lltnve bro ide ry In so rt. ri ch colors. And with r ecomm ended Dr . Willillms' P luk Pills J:efe ren ce to t he lilack s lll( coa ll!, one ' to lots of my friomls. " mny use almos t any s tyle ot s il k, reFor fu rtber intor mntiou n(lt\rClls thomodel ver y Ilcce ptabl y from old ma- Or. W lIlIll w S Medloiu o 0. , Scbouocterla l In th e house-so mClny dltror el1! ta dy , N. Y. black silies noW In usc, nil the wa y ---=~===========~ trom cris p taffeta to sort pen.u de solE). Wedgewood blue-certnlnly an exqulslte sh nde- promlses to suppl nnt olh er blues as t he \'ery besl s tyle. A I~ins S3WS cut Sort lil ac tones nr o In favor , In s pite not only wood, iron of t he way In w b lch t hoy woro mads and other mOleri. l. so common the pusl w lntor. The oldbetter t h. n g n y rose s ilo des con ti nue In fnsblon, a nd other, but Ih ey cut delicately- toned back gr ounds fo r hnlrru.r.t . IIn os will apl/ellr with the first plcn.sThat is bccause Ihey ant 'days or t h e s prin g. So rt, In(lIsare made of the besl Sled tInct pla ids will \Je worn , t bese so in -the world by men Ih. t m ~~~, more /lUrnCllvc t lmn st:; ~ l llng know how . co~trasta,
i 11
A l' OP ULAR BOL E RO. circular skirt ,will pr evail, an d pl eated effec ts by no meuns be ou t of Rt yl e. T o still . fur tll el' a nticipate, while linen sulls will be much tho fas blon tbe comi ng summ er , tu e . bolero and E ton tbe jackets f or these s ui ts a lon ger cont ,l n wn h goo ds rumplin g and Immed lntely look ing un tldy. W e nre promised I)lIother wh lto seaso n, white to be even more modish th an laa t su mnler. The ra in- coat , sh orter t ho n for mer Iy, Is by fa r t be best gnrm co t of the kind tb at h as beon put Ollt. T h ese ut ility wrap8 come In fit ted backs , In 1000e ripple bnck s. a nd lOay be bad In lengtbs varying rl,"O m 50 10 58 In ches. Tbe m ate ria ls are "er y bn.ndso me this season , and a lso tile col ors . ] n tbe 3pr lng, us a rule, e very secUon t he
Cut Your Work. in Two
.. Th~ Fashionable 1906 Figure ot
As everyo ne tba t watcbes th e s tyles Is a wa r e , tb.ere Is nO) greater dlfferen e between city wonton anil coun try womon t han the form . Of course this dllference Is brough t nbout by dross" Ihe cu t of tho gn:rmon l8 lind t lte dls posi tion_Of tho t rimming. Anti todny the city womllD takes carelul note Jf the wa lst-IInll. For SODle yoors back we h ave had tlto di p-belt , crll%e. 01 late the Emplt'o s t yle h as ga ined ground. 'rh e hnppy lDean b etween these t wo extl"l'.mcs Is th e a ll-ro un d )olt at tlle nOi DIal wa ist \l ne, no dll) iown, no s ~ort- \Va l s ted e ncircling ;
this brlgb t hu e made lise ot. An d th e peaco ck billes a nd gr eens will contlnue to be l he fa ablon . T h is s pring will cerla lnly be a sel\5on of color the comin g sum mer 11 white season. ' For evening an d ela borate afternoon olfalrs the fiounced skirt w ill be worn, net a llcl loce the ma terh,ls used lor these frocka The iUeoves nro made to match the s klrl jus t a successio n of frill s. An addition to my lolly's stoelt of turbelowR Is tbo negli gee skirt, a moss ot nlllf fr ills . Ch ina 's ll k m akM a cbormlng negligee petUcoat, and has the advantage of laundering nl~e ly -thes e s bould be lI ghtcolored, an d wl1\ need be of sli ch s tu!! as wl1\ hear tubhln g. Worn with an open tea go~n o r mall nee 'sack they are oye r y cbarm lng a nd IUllu rlousBn d renlly neerl not co st n fo rtu ne. A petticoat; not quI to so frivolous as t be a bo"e Is a blncle a n d white s tr ipe d taffeta trimmed with rows or bl ncll ri bbon ed ging ' clrculor 1I0llnees. F or t he \lngerle pe tt icoa t , tbo season 's n ew moill'ls sho w lace combined wllh em broider y, a rather ela borate t rlmminK, bll t on the whole VerY attrac Uve. F:LI .EN OS MON DE _
'SIGNS ARE MISTAKABLE. As Ie Illustrated In This Truthful L ittle St ory of a Boas tful D etective, A young detecti ve 'lit a public meetIng was anxious to dis play his powers 01 shrewd per cep tio n to a friend who W8S Witil hi m . "Do you see tb at s bu'b by-Iooklng mnn o\'e r ther e, who hits boeo furti vely watch ing me oll tbo tlm e?" h e said "That fell ow Is attel' no "ood: Ho evl~ rten tly s uspects wh o I a m , or be woulil probobl y be engnged 10 ttyl ng the IlOcllet B of his n eig hbors. Do yoU notice hi s shifty eyes and his restless mo vements? Tb ey nre unmistaka bl e signs or th e tbl et. I mean to kee v my eyo o n him, or SOmebody will be the
poorer." A P LAID COS T U M Iil.
T he young man 's fri en d listened wIth r espectful attentl on, nnd watcbed wltb some cl1rloslty the movements 01 lhe suspected man. 1'0 their su rprise he took advanta ge of a lull In the proceedings to approa ch tb em. "Escuse me." be snld courteously to lhe detectl" e, " but your diamond sc~rf pia bns fullen out of your tie. r have, been wn (('hlng It work Its 1I'a,-, out tor tho last ten minutes. but could not W3 rn you before, and bave been quite nervous about It." And os h e stooped to recov~ r his property tbe young, det ectiv e bluNtlngI)' reflected on Ihe deceltfulne .. of appearancu_
but tbe present lendency Is (or the extreme Empire style. ' Nothin g helps th e dl'888malter m ore both skilled and uns killed . than tb~ ndaptable little bolero pa~ket. With tbls abbreviated coat a lmost ny line deal red may bo obtained ror the wearer, be sbe stout or thin, lOng or short. The bole ro III used not olone as :C wrap. but al so a 3 pa rt ot a costume; , and even the little sblrt-wa ls t Rult may bove a simul a ted bolero. The model here Illus trated Is typical ; one readily sees how the wnls t line may be changed to BUIt the passing fane)-. For a etollt person a sllgbt dip In Up to Natur • . front II'JRY be used_ W eddings of prlncessea always afFIrst A rt\,!It-Gl' ~ aoy Idea s, old man ' fect tbe tasblona, nnd now tbe troUBSeconrl Artist-Well , I gueA ym:. 8eou prepared for tbe young sister ot Got Cl bo ng-up sketch of a cyclone In tbe I!lng of Spain bas brougbt forward action. the beautiful old Sl>n'Jlsh laces. One of "Wba t In tbund"r crn yoU do wi th u .the troussenu costumes Is" an Empire cyclone?" gown of Spani sh Inc e. • " Do with It? What do yo:! 8UPVOle! H ea vy Armenian embroidery OD a I m going to U6e It for the hnlr In my thin gau ze ground 18 a nov.;lty In n e ~ portr ait ~t the AmQrlcn.n glrl'''tr imming, a 'very pretty one. A touc h Puck. . ot color will be lIoen on everythin g. And Iho various embrolde rl-es now Seaeonable• brougbt forth giVe this touclt In a I'a tlence-Wbat color do ~ou thin. ml;.\ acceptnble way. Sky-bille, wbleb would gil with my tllrkeY-l'ed "n188 we have not s egn tor ages. promises Pat rle_Wby, enlshed crnnb a" '. to be lJl bl&b tavor, JUlt a morsel 111 , e<lune,-Youk.1'I Stat..maa. flY, • .
AUt hu ' n; •• Com Knl ' t:I I't;rfc:ctioll Floo r ~(" '.pc.'" rtt' . , I rt ul" hy I Uttl! ba hl • • , . deale,., Ca't l lol Lie o n fc qLl clr .
m. CO. Inc.
L iUCe., 51" M'D\lr." flU" .. la IbIlI \Vorld
Flctor1 . od Exct'udYe O ffkn , In d l.n . ~ rt n " AJfe lUf5- N:ew York , Ch lt-I C", Min nn puli a l" on laod ( O f e ~ o n h SUll ie, !nn Fra nCltco Me u' ptlh, At lanta . n d 1' 0",1\10 (CIDI J , ) n. l ub,tltult-!n' ilt .n lhsAtkln, Br..d
OLD -WORLD NOTABLES. Maj. Gen. T rot sl!! , who was rec nll,. made co mmand er of St. I' ot r. uurg. was born o n J uly 20. 1847. 0,,: Capt , Stullbs, 6ecr etary of Liverpool Orpba n In stitution. Is ODe of tho few li vin g Ilorsonl wh o eervcd on N t lsoll'. 1I8&5blp Victory. Gela von Fe Jercary, l he I"ccoutly appointe d premier or t he lI'(ngn rloll ca binet , has r eceived almos ' C\'o ry decorati on bi B cou ntry ca n bes t.')w. JI1 me: Loubel, ..d re ot t ho p resldetl t of Fra nce, has interested he rselt III t he poor 01 Paris , 11IHtlO ul llr ly \ III t be cbll dren of tb e poo r nnd or phans. M,'B. Poultney Bige low Is a fa vorlto In b: nt:lIsh 80clet y. At Ca nn es, III ]..ondon a nd In th o co unlr y sbe Is equally popular. MrR. Blgolow l. a mors il st-o wit t y mo ra list. Arcblbald S t u\Vock, form erly loco. moUve e ngi ne er of t be Orea t N<lr\h. ern rail road of England, recentl y en. tered his n lnetlelh yca r, hav in g j Oined tbe road In 16'50 when It W48 a nar rowlI\Iu"e system. Atte r reslrtlntr In J apan 29 y ara, Pror. Bae lz haa ret urned to h is bowo at Stutlllart. He .. .. s o ne of th o III.vants Importe.1 b)' t he J apa noso covernment with th e vi e w 01 E uro. peanl zl ng t be cou ntry. For a q ua rtor ot a century he was proressor 'a t t ho Tokio un h'e ra lt y, Most or th o promInent ph YSicIans In J nlJRU arc bls pupils . N ew BnnkR. In 190G, 486 lIatluullI ha nks we re oraanlzed ,
A BOY'S BREAKFAST, Then's a NaturnI Fo'~d That Malul Ita Own Way. Tbere's 11 boy -;;;tn Hootilck Fall.. N. Y. , wbo Is growing Into 8turdy mnohood on Gra pe-Nulll IIrollkfulJI. · II ml&ht bave been different with him &8 hla motber explains : ' "My l1-yeal'·old boy Is larle well denloPed and acti vo, e nd bas' been mal\e so by hla fondness tor G1'I1pe' Nuta food. At five yoara he WClS a very nervoua child and waa subject to rrequent attacks of IndlgcHtion wblch used to rob him 01 bl. s tren gtb and were verr troublesom e to denl with. He never seemed to care for anytblng (or bls breakfa8t until I tried Gmpe~Ut8, nnd r have never bad to change rom thnt. He m akes hi s entire bre:tkfast at Grape- Nuta food It I . • alway. rellsbAd by hi m and b e 8a)'8 t bat It .ntlstle... J m better thon tb klnd of Ii 'me nl, e ordlllary " Belt"r than all he l troubled with Indlg' estlon ! no IQn&e r or ne1'\'OU8Dill, and bas got to be developed fell I a splondldly ow R nce b e began to use Orape-Nuts food " N bJ , , . arne glvetl POltum Co., Bnltle Creek Mlch Tb • ' . e~~ 8 a r eason. Read the little book, The Road to WellTllle," III pkp.
a!lout the use- of Tlnegar, but . . I aolSEAUtlFUL SHOULDERS, not kn!lw In wha f condItion I am, I __ __ haTe not yet t~l ed It Whlln I IWAllow !i'OT Evening '})reA a Woman Llk.. It teels 111[0 s lime tllstened In throat. Well - Developed Shoulders and It tbore III bny rell et I woul~ be thllnkArms-Massage H elpful. f111 Also deslro to kno.... Ir s moldng causes dou[ness aDd h ow to get rId o f Every woman, and 8pcclnnr the th ts t rouble Respec tCully. Mra R l' woman who IlllJ)ears frequently at BO Alth o ug h lhe pbyslclan WhO l:'Xam- clet) Cuncllons In decollete gown~ Inoll you waa probably corroct In re- 1hould take p rIde In tho appea rance of gard to tb e re be ing no s ig na ot IIc ut e Ilor arms, neck nnd shoulders F requent clltarrh at Lhnt time vet I ag1'oe wl tb rllbblng with cocoa butl~r will whiton YOU thn t yo ur lroubl e h a~ boen cnllsed the s kin, while the COlT ct w llSllage by ClItar. II It hu s now pRssrd Into a mov e ments will rend er It firm unl! veln dl oe,lsed cnnu ltl on \\ hl ch rUlIs ~g the ve t)' writes Mm e H olm dI R( ha r,::e 'fhe li se of w as h~s or rem To mlU<s[lSt! Lho sl,les of Lho n ok Ie' rHII (,H to he '1' 1' 111'(1 f rn m Ihp olll al<lp. th e hellel r~s l Willi l ac lt Ilnd us e th. will so me tlmc.- hl\O rpllof lind ~I s l n two middle lIu gers \\lth n rot:.. r y nlO l e fee ts Ih o Ilr hilL I thlll l( guch m e th " 11 6 1111 not r ll r~ I h \\ e writte n YOll "rl' '' I~l v 1M Ifl "' rl a ln 1, ln lls flf tl s sllo " ('lIIl'flt ~ \\ 1"I h }Oll Rhn uld usc li nd RS yo u li P 1I." ' n,, b l ~ dly fa mili a l with t hp,o I,y tId . lilli e I fe~ 1 ce rllin th It ~o u \\111 r~\t1 n y UI1 (J(\TMlnn d th o Ht Iue
It, K eana a 1I:..,1lft' lIlelltaJlty, lIttl1'tl Bb'Ongth and Ena~trI\nce , and i.
&.ll He Re<tu!red Waa Capital to .Becoml'" l\ Dig Success III His , Lln o.
~ ...<:
Generally Bell lellelal, I
AN UNUSED DOOltWA"fo Two Wa,a In Which the KPMe Jla, Be Most Advan.tagllOUII17 U'tlllzed,
Too many, ,,-l\Ul. think ot pb yslCll\ "Uow's bus lne;;;:'Peto. InQ'll rotl the In tho 81U1ng. rooms of m.ny bOUSM education as a one-side d edncatlon-all !tlue-tace d police ma n us ho ~ loppe d 10 hU Ilt years ago ar e door"~YIl whIch I phyal~al-the dev elopm ent, of power &Ido the bootblilok's s):led to l"'lIrlll h ,w.. Itorce, sl<IlI, prys lcal pllrCectlon of forn:: BelL, relnt e8 tha Chl car,o Du lly News THE USE OF WIND POWER, Ort' quite unneces9ary !;Il.ell a doorway can ve ry eus lly he a=flde to form RHEUMATISM - pbys lcn-I abillty-pb ysical en duranc,. , \~ ell , SlIh I: Illn I \.Jlxln ma h p hl Since th e hI at HOlne HealUI Club Th ey fall to reall' e the ettect that "leal IIO"'oh s bnyond 11e lim its o f ea- " &cl01Jt::Ific Study IlS t o the Most L mos t usetul pIece oC tl'Tnl t u re Efficient Type of VUDea-A lect ul es We ro IIUlJl ls llcd, ove r seven !le re an) I wo good m l'th ods suggest. phYSical t raining nIl at hll\o upon th~ d uhrancE; to keep up wit It, n o suh,' YUlIrij II!;" I h" vo Ke \CIUI limps di s F, lt Idea.. ~ " bl' th e N V Wo rl d In both the mental ond moral tOlces rcpll~d tl:' e oootbin ck , ofllcloUllly s ha kdoor IS re mo ved altoge the r nnd th~ e Uij~ C I I \tl( ~ u uJ"' t ot III)(uO t re lImen t A h ealLhy body Is 1\ goo d thing, '\ Ing dow n Ille HtO\ 0 g rate a nd s hove l(Or rh t' ul llu ll ~ 1ll ,\11 lIr th o \ I\ rlolls neCOtiSfLr) Ihlnt:. but" Iwalthy mind \B lug ' u rn o 0 coa l ~ame tahm, Ah on L A windmill In whJ ch t he van es aro ta ll Oile d In with ab el\ co, while the IllCl huol s rip", r liled will (\[llIl y bel 111 0 0 a lso necpss Ir y au II to o nJl)le te tl!e colll plulnill ranl:ed conica lly an'l hav e eun cd ex lo wer par t In ono 10 flil ed In w Ith porfect hum a n be in g ,i he altb} soul Ge tting rlcb eb'" t~emltJ es Is d"sc rlt'TO d In La Nature Jl geon h ol .~ rlraw erw, nnd a writing I hultlt lHIlSlli Ill" wnelili o lt whi ch n ll~ul rlij ts Il s"lf III 111 0 11) WI) " ,.lId ,t1tholl gh G)mll lls tic m o\em ents b . Ides ( ,'No, auh Ab Ilil L wh ut yo' mig ht Ilarl s ) by 1\1, L Hil illukorti \\ho a. IInp abo vc a cllplJGu rd nnd Ilr a \\ era lh o IilJlle ru l , 1t.1I 11!1l1b tl' 8 u rc t4 e \ c lo pl ng mu scu la r for e, Il l ornotln g >j l- ca ll gett lu rid" bu t A4 III mokkln' seru lhat compoT'l tll e tosts hal e I IlIlI g the 'pace belo w [lnd t orms • ""nt e III II L1l1 lv 11 11 ""e' )f I as HI In gesUon und reB pll nll on , nnd exe r tl n .. a mo ney All d tiet ri ch, too, If Ah bad a tIh~wn Its emClcncr 10 be groater t h(w dhldu a l ,(J lloI ll luli It I" ",ldo Ul I ba t IWO cOl reclll'e recrlllltil e a nd In\ Igur ' I'n g III t,l jJuhllll Uapublul Is wllu t "" h m nny otb er now lu Ils e Mr H.llIo n.kors ' "s e~ t,re allk, InHue llee UPO/l tho bolly us II wh , 10 n cudl u In yor uu slness, yussuh S Iya th at tbe CO lD'U OU Idea t b,lt tlt~ It h ." (l tJ II w,' 11 " 1111 lh lt l not hing edu cll le~ lb o IrIOlO I co nle rs ot ' li e P dt III plus ll ell u lrs ior the CUlltOUl Dowe r de velop ed by 11 \\ Indm lll Is 1)10 will lII tk . 1I I I1I1 rrr !t ntl "'n f I (,U 111' 1t of brai n 1.> ul eve n mo re Is acco m " lIs h ~ d e rs 10 ~ Il llu eh ' ~ortlonal 20 t he uroa o C Ill! vanes I, n il! (; (J ll l cllnl. I (1 Inll l l llt o n ~o ldl fl r s ttl I II li nd I rn p orll fl rf' II I th clr li se Su ch for Ih ~ Ihlnl<l nt;' Ilo \V e rH t ll e l1lsel. es ,~u SlI h Ab wou ldn' t frow ma h (lot ollly fal se but ubsu rd a cco rdl n b lo hIll e , to .. ,," u l Ihe "" lII e 1<1 11 01 (I f ~ Impl ~ hn llll ~ rl1\ t' d l " " Ilint ,Irc c Is lly are Illlp rO\orI ru O <l C) 11 \\ I) lh~l n - \l U) l'llIsb chal hs 10 th e res ults at rccen t cx porlm e n' . rh O lllllltl ~ m I\B )O Or Who N lJfJ f'r~ \\ 1111 prO/ III ,h )(, In cl 11 1\ \ IY~ h Hrm lesR Iro J llll HLlln cnt of I h ) sl cal cul tll re 10 m wo IIdf n go \I If th is 01 ' h ICI. noll o w IlI nde by th e Da n is h pr ofo sso r l' 1.a Ih CJ UllI l U ti l 1l \\t l l prn lJ l lJly ~\rn II I IlI Le hl ' st \\hllp t h l' n lW "nr m l1Y lIo t hu le'\lIIS to Ihl nl< n\llr~ f npl dl) as lv-II !';pllll UUIIU IUS Is goot! Cl lIU rr to m,lh Co ur \\bo has es lulJl lsheu tln d~ r tho \Vl th 11 11 "til I ~ u' h II tfe rN. IIn l wil l );,PII I) 1>1' 111 1\1,' ,1 I h< '11 » <Ill\ r g~ "Ill ho us mo re ' ol rcc ll ) Ile r ,elcllun li me b I l ral " !'\o sui, I t Ah ha,1 clIPu h t,t1 aut ho ri t y or his gov". n m('nt a speC ia l al so r qJ<i \\ !til 11I1 ~ J(1 ~ 1 o r fli p IIllny fI\(I UI TI ll tl n d rU I , iI (r dnnl}ge I n ti le \ Is luly ~u l c " e ll ('(1 und .e n ~" nf r~l h m Au IJ e Xlend ruJ~ bu.l ue s" SO IU " tl a)s ohen llto r y ror th e s t udy or tue ra "' Imp l Oll lll\! I llr p.~ lhlt hH C !J el n " ,l1 c 1 ('Ir PIf' \l ll l tt " Ih f'> ~il lll l' r e m Imp llJH cI perception \)"c(JlIl e~ nw,o I Ah 'ucl< IS IUnd l us th ree "'01l 1l h5 Ova ll : J(' nal u lll lZntl on o[ \\ llId Po\\ e r Th e fro m fll11l to Ilrn("g l\ II In 111 ) 1 " 111 1 ~ N '\ \\1 11 r' f, h l(dl\ hfl ll l ll l ) r: til r oa t ». u lO ,II I 11\ 0 111 01 ~ " tt on"CI 0".01\ a- ell .I\Io. C uloIl, Ic ut Ull Olhllh ex pen"," Ll le rnry DI ges t l ra n. lates Mr Rn t h(1 !I (H I III l ( I 111 1 IfH l f', l In ill Y :-::; nlOldn~ w i ll n il! II' r( ~R nr ll y ca use li o n llIore "'cn Ill d "li re In fllct s be - yr Rull flil uc tl olla rs Il eah 1'; 0 \\ tr altcrs s tn le men l os fol lo\\ s Id nu f hll IIHII U lfll l !i 11l I II • J ill IllIto rl(,H rn ( S!i sOll n ,lIsco \ crs lh ll l . be h lR bc ltorco n- It A h h ltl "I>" II tlll urn,, 1l Ahd Il u ll 1ho hlalo r) of th llccIIJen lnl d l ~ lro l or hor 111 111 ,1 1\8 we ll ,,, her uo<l y ull y ,Cnt 11\ (101 Lh r e e oUlUh -h ll rks en ro \ I} oC Ill e pr inCi pl e o n wlli ch t he n ill y o n ~ SII III" IIH II ! . Hillfl J tll\ f ood o r .t I 1,lnhn - J) 1\ 101 " Il r~,l or LnJlfl rtt She 10 ll ul y 1 HllO n glr wo mnn In All I I(>t em ou: fo c r do ll,' h e n e l on Rl rlution o[ t he co ni ca l IIcrOni ot or J fJ I ttl I P Inio n o r II I( III IllS ( flU ln d - T)C'll r Dr) t O I . .. . N o w n O(; eH r y se n se of lIli! WOld for AS b l a in tUllr ol a h e u 0 001(, expe nse. to som" I " !Jas II Is 'Illite cUll ous Soe l en sen o u g l ll l! 1i dl'!l fll l " ) cnnd Jl r melll Ul l CJIl I tlu ~ p li ttf o r , W lot t o till uu wh n t ) 0 11 IIIl\ e nntl uod ) h \Ie II n(o lI sclllu " l) (j OHn p uhsoos es dl dnt IIrll e ' IIm h ll l en Ii Da nis h hulld e r of windmill s us ed, " ' 011 11 hil i ' \\, til I I O l lf or ,h e 1\ I{ Uf n l rl o ll e ru r 1n) Run J t ll l0~ I o r Dl y l o n oped a "I ru n.; Cerllng of s~ H lOll n Lh eu "II All (I bu\ e to 110 \\ oull l !In to a ope nt e h is own wOlk"llO!) an old ros uit H uf I '"1 III " '00 11 I. 11 11 a el,1 \V uHh I II th ' " pr lll g o r 18% h p WIIS ,I ell ce (t lte ro, ul t of consclolls [K,\\ e r ) call (lrO IlIl e ll co llect ma h ren ll! Dol 11111 1 oC hi S Inve nll on bearin g te n !'\ U\\I In vi"" ,," r, r 01 1I1 11 lh," I h' ro l ~ "' nl 10 Ih e ~I ~I II ( ,II 1 ~ llle hospltlll for h ilS ta ke n th e p l" , e or IIml dlt) .s 1111 e ll e ' h. f Ir.ol. m lgul v hi li Lo so me \l oodell \uu es ]hl s m otor \\hlch \I L LL IWt ~ ULD S Il U \ t UlCH li d fl \ f>1 p l" 1 o r foW l f lt.' e f Irl u n k IH l d I"'I HM thl' hU; ln t.! a llil li t (h I' pn " uf a ltUlIl six ~racc Ind M'C nr m()\ e mO'.l1 hl\ C Sli P 0 l!leso ) er cull ~ h ll bo )s w lfuutca puh - Ins lItu ch worn hnd fOll r vnnes ca l whit tal, I lc d away ono tl a y hy a s tor m and o t l10 " '1I 1i I II ~ I, f mi ll' g \l " r ls , l1Io nth s " IS d lf'H h ar ~ "I ' us ru n', 1 m onl , Crolll Ihu Cdr do \\ IIwll rd to Lbe pl a n trt! a\\ I, W a rdn 06~ t o Ill( tI c u II li t (I !'HIS re i m l' OI 1110 0s rh pr o \\: prc no 1111 ))0 1 t lo l rJc~ \ (' IOp nH ul s co li Lr bo ne D.ll ly o xp r c l ~e I n c roaB~ th e powe rs It s n goo,1 che m e ~ lid th e )10 If) t he a s lonls hm ent or Its pro priet or, I u ull! tw o ) ( 11 M !o4 tl Hf' \\h f' 1I hi s h t I lI h Ho w mil ch cO )ll ta l do \OU Ir.tscnd ot slI ffe rln g It worked better 11rod llce. lippi' I' III , t c ti l I» It I'UI II pro minen t cn ll nr !Jo ne IIIl1saago of l eslstlD I o n nt! th , ,I Ul llt l of the II cem lu than ucro re T he blllldm sl r uck by not IC,'s!) n 11 110 1 1", . ~fu I P 11111 101: 1,,11 n ' lIolnr.: \ crv " no" ho r OI1 " "l1 ed )fI \I n bo \o lind helo\\ us in g II" ht press ure tI -sues nnd 01l;a I1R u nd not nn l> len.l~ thlu k ) OU d w" nt to s tart II' pleas l1re to lhe '11f ~ "r t o ti l' hil t Well Buh now yo \ c got me aua h' IllI s de m onstra tion ( " nslli t od Prof L a th II Ih p HOll rl ll g 1) [ Iff I wIll, h Is u IIIrt YOII fl thl aNI n Cll urHC o f tr~n l m e n t with a good sl(1 1I rood ~~ 1I1I11Ir,11 hili \\ ' R I ~ I" ,,,IIOC( o r Ih ~ 11 m , \l hl eh Indu d.·01 Ihp hal hlnn l ' I Cnnll n A s ple ntl ill me l ho d of deve lopIn g the SLores up s l re ll~th olHI en d urunc e fo r , op.'e d th e boot bla c k wit., ,I mellow COlo r \\ho advised hllll to m a l(e hIs g u rgle T e ll)o tb e buf I ent do ne Cl ill s In future en th e pl a n thllS Bu g D E SK A~ D [100 1<511 1': 1 \ ES 1 N UN. nUl l iJdl1g- ~ h olJlt l PI oth u. ( lI II ( H ttl' t I lI nn () (I!:Ic rl hf' fl I n lou r IN lll r,.s n n e) shoulde r s Is 10 !;; hrll g Lh m Fi rs t ex - th e coml o& to mo r lO W N', I I othor s po. lI11 Ir " ,tllll'ni r I<n c\\ "I ~ pe l nil the n lr from t he lungs ~ n d Ic tlll9 tl gtllod on It IIOt t o get It dow n po~- hE-Med by cbance So le ll SC1l a \ItUSE D D {JU Il W" , v W II • • ,I< " I , lI ul , II 1," " 1 protlu ~ t 8uu, ' lve ly Il' }or cO lnullll nl oper- li e lale r pr esented to tho La Cour I o r II h en I I" t)(l,I) a ll li I" 11 m f.. "nd In h l' l l lh " as nnt g'ond I II I dl l uo l l\n ' lw " hoili de r. tlroo ll Ihen I,l l e III a lon(; dU OUS t ' k or rl~h t s nmht er ftgl.l rln r-hse rva l ory on a e rom tor o f coni ca l r omple te nnd most uHe fll1 btll'e IU with WHEN THE PLANTS FAIL. rJ' lI1 fnll m y u relt b a nd ral.o th a " hou lders ns fa r I.",fett l)' II fl' 11111 1 11111 .. bllt 1\8 I . lId IIr \ nll r ","l lO to h im How much have lOU cloared t o- (orm ha ving au va nos \\hose c nds dra\\ers An n s be l\ es In wh ich to s tow III h befM!, IIIP, I ~ • 1I 1111r11 hil t WI SI(' \ll fes hed llh r. ller l '0 , nmp l'I " ly t h nt pll the b e lon s ln~8 th o t for writing B h ~ h ,,1 I" /:1) If) 11 \ " "lt h " "r nl'I ~" It; POSs I e as l e ,111 lenves t he I U ll g~ da y · )lrodll rl .lId « ' lIl1 M f. OIl I "x ld.l ll o n of I II 1" " II Til I \ t 1)llnl; Ih e s ll oll ido rs rOl wo r,1 an t! can- A tmosphere In Our H om es Too Dry-IlUr)lOSeS on e n eedg to bal e nca r at "., m (>~ ,, \\ U \ 1 H 1ro ce I I'nhty ce nts to-day, r opll ed tho 111 0 lIlt rOl;"u ll u ~ I IS, Ill " 11 11 w ' " tr I, r ' 11lJ.tII 1 er Inse cts Att4'ck Plants 1n a r II I r I II t III1 C th e move ment In a ro Ulry dlrec hand bl ncl( !Jut then Ah d h avo to I1 gboot ush s so I spe ll( o f t hl..! hully \\ ~ liP I f! 1111) IIIr \\ p n 10 \ (\ I f"'nl tlo n Dry Abno npb ere In tho cf\se oC the othe r, th e own er ure Dlo h re ot eo pubsn ol eXpellSD!! knu w "h I t rO rlIJ llt (J n ~ al ' t tll (\!(SJlI \ I n pnrll r th \\ ll h u n ntiJ ( r dltl l#hl Or TI "l r If th II r l i d h II ,,('eded a p lace In 1\ Ili ch to s tow large I!1 La t (I Inn «( 11 11, f 1'.' ~ 'H fn I I C! n 0 t 1e nee ( n n s ou ( or outon t hn l pr'"lu rr. formllltn l lo " II III we Iwo w J fill r I I I III, .h o ws • tend lI ey lo\\ u, d bo ny IJlom lThe a mou nt oC "I pa. ure de r h cd mounte l1 phologr<l)lhs a n,l sketc hes, I n~ I!'\ 11)( \V fl n l I, I( I( f If t hu t s th " cllse I don t belle \ 0 t h "O ! -lie I I ' U'" II II 'l ns ,II e I"' ""lit III I l m (\n III II I I I n ell l e the ,Ier ct m I ) lin r e med ied by rom g ~O \\ In " plan ts d ,' ~ nd A nllre ly I he lowc r pa rt ot t he r e u(' ~s Is dc \ ot" op le \\h o 611 1111 tlrlll s Hn 11111 Ih pI 1' 011\0 \\ n I 1':Olll 0 l ie V d ~ !) III' un a cumb lnatl un of m.l!\ ogc \\ltIl e , e r cls~ on th el l cu ncll t lo n A hArd ) plnn t In III IUl os t II ny of m) Cll llliu l wllh od to thIs, wbll e a !Jo\e COlli" dtllw e rs h nl P pp. r" t III!: s t IUII UUl II C l erl ll ll) I n l\n~ r\I " I n I nnrl f~r tl l ~ II rsl lImp Th o IllII ,c lc II,nt I .. pS Ilt Cb houlde r l he I [l t In cu n I. a lUorc hopl ful nud In \ a u ",.I d ll.e poll Ullin s h nldug hili lo r s mull er ph ot Ogrn l,hs , nr..tI ahovo ' roub lp.u \lllh tOIl ;,ll llitlull '") t 11110 \1 \, orn,p, \\ III VO llf ~tI .1 " fo1 Iii III WtO d"I IOld '" • HI} s tr:lngone and wlteu sp ili ng .lghtl1l a n u m lg hl) p alm \\ II h Ilea I ngaln s hel vcs t or 1)00 1(8 of r efcl on ce, II I ) II h ' la ll g'hetl lh e bootbl a ck I rl '"" l lln t III, ' "'" /lHI ", . Ie lllell t II Illy r r '"g 11\ \I 1)111 ~ \\!tlt I h, hr,' h l. lll cc \ prII llcr ly ,1"el"pPII \\ 111 1.lloe tb e IIIW ) e II0\\ I II g au tI "u JcctOi1 etl l:c, I be top ah If not ueln g requ ir ed a t A4 I-:IIVO III 'h 10 f awa y Ih en s unh IU IIl IIIIIl'ts Ih" Ill tiL \\" ell Il lo re lu ud (\ IIIPII II ll o" " " ') 1111 "IIII f; lt l II I,klng' ,lJovet lw h "~ ,l wll h c,'Ra Herc nrt some of lho . ea~ons \\t y th e mom ~ nt 18 !llte,1 wltb old china. \'011 10 II II n au ~ler 1111 th o snme i::J tmlf'1) l l1l l1 l::i I( ll u lli I b~ l hl ~ ,) ~ III£" \\ lIt f'l ....on p' I n r i r IIrl rl l !III In f il II pla nts l ef tl se lo tb r hf indooJ !i Jars, and t be whole effect 18 d e light ful. lem Illl lllo"e l l u ullJlII ,liuns ul lemd 11 10 nr yn"r 11I "lm , lIoon . II " 11 III f,lI, II Pl nn t£ In 11100m tllnl hll\ e be ~n 8!l ld t he po ll ccm IU .I ~ h e \\ Otlt a wlY or In511 1111 Ic n l IU IH1," ,tl o u th " cOlldl- 11I!r. Ihp 1", 1011 tlr """n~ It Is POINTS ON ETI QU ETTE, bo ught or florl ~ ls have be en Corced AUTOMATIC WATERINO POT trnl Y 1111)[11 1 tfl h eRr him l! ~ ", Id h p - -- I', to 110" r by mpanH of n rt ln r lal hrH GERMAN NATIONAL SPIRIT. F 1G 1 - VEN T O C Tl J\ T S ) S r E M l ltl u IH IljJu lUI fCI Ul Cll lUI lu lI ,,", o w pOl h .. ". I h i" ." Id e llollg ll ' " "Id nfll h eI r It I r"lh up l lp ~ "'1 "",1 About An s werin g An nouncem ent Inll molst ur '10 k ct p .lIch p la nl s no 2- HOS E Or-' T il E \\ I:-I D~ SImple D evi ce by Whlcll Plallts 111 ah,) ut l h" o l l,d nll l <lr III"II I ~III," I I ' " ,10 ) ot th lll hp. wl> "l d "I" " dl l\ h,") ",,, Car d s , th e Proper Fo rm Th er eof Ihey m ust be m oll; len ed freque ntlv ~o ld to De til e PrIme Caus e of the 110 J -OLD SOr.:nI!;N E;)'; Mill. Dry SOli M a y Be Kel>t Oon ~ -,., I If II r I N t1 ' R k bl I d E III ~ -CO NI CAl, A E HO MO r O f( CII UoO uf rh ull ltlll tl " m uut slI lI l<l III to nsnne )0 r~lllllllOlIr "h,,"1t 1I0 t nnd th e Rece pti on Da y lett in g t be pot rOR t In n basi n hal f f u ' l n on s emal a e n lIa s ta ntly W;t !l Ive l O U a n I, '~ , wh e . e \\ C IU USI beg in llro \ e (\0 ImlllNll ntc Rll tJ CRS In t \\t) of wate r un t il th e pla n t has II b s or!J ~~ trial Progr ess were s lig htly cu n ed toward the sum tr eu llll ' lI t II \\ e \\I~ h to elleLt tI <:I I ~ \\ e lIS I cO lll d Nl'P :1 Ile,I ,'NI ImproveT he re ex lsls a co n[uslo n somo ll mes enou gh waler a n d lh ~ t op layer ut mit of the con~ Thi s m otor was s ub A fe w yenl sago MI 101 M Moora # th e IllIh t cut 11!;1l1 cu t tu li ve , " o t l lll oni "n" t h e hroon ill ug snOIl ~t nnpe, 1 In ret;n rtl to the \lues Llon ot a re ply to ea rth Is clam p Tho le a\ eo s bou lll bD [he end ot Lh ~ IC,an co-Prussla n w nr, I~c led to compa rativ e tes ts wi th the li ved upo n a s ma ll rn n ch, wb e re t lte Il VIl lu ClI t , I stu ) ed w It h h Im unt il t hr la s t of Ilo nounre mont Cll rds 3prn)ed wlLb a fl owpr etpfllY or gently to 1 ~7 1. sa\\ a uu ltod Ge rma n y I n th e Les t knowo ty pes or w lndwlll Includ o nly watel SUPJlly "'liS a small well. ut lIl O t' ll yO U IbO Iil ,I cnso uf A pr il \\h cn !Jl'lJ p\ln " h im rll red I In fll Cl n o a ns\\ e r a t alli s required \lashed orr, a ccording t o the ir s ize pl nce of so me 4tl Jeulous au d Illd epond- In g Soer nse u a old Illotormllls with In o rder to ha l'e II l e w plants and His le it er, I1II'e IJOPII un I unl eR' Ihe cards cn nta I0 a (Ia te 0 C re '''l I h eUl1lul ls lll Ih ut w .. ~ CIII ~li In a n\lll1. r ome hftrc G .. le n t h e p Iant has not bee n rorced ent k ln gclODIO! und pr ln clpulltles Si ood more or I eBa num e rous \ no es, nar row 1I0wers he gathere d a number of tlB li e. wh ich wouhl II CCU l(lI lig 10 tll o POll fOl ml} rh pe rful anI! th p 1,1< ' onn IS I"pt lon 01 da) s In ce rtain months wate ring mU St be adapl ed to Its Indl 0 G -ma n na ti on Nil evcnl ln tllO bls- ' nnos "Ide ones, more or less In cn ns- tOllllltO. co rn, etc - CUL OUl the ul u. Ide . of th u cau se. o r rh 'UIUIP SIll ' ", r S nJ(' h e Is 011 right Ora t,fully The n th t' callin g lard of t h e r eCIpi e nt I ldual n eeds A ca et ul! or ol he r Glle lor) of EUl ope sa~M th o AlIlurl can Lllned ones e tc All th ese w ills ha ll lOp 80 lhl\( It hald by a n Inch or so, hllvo ( ,III .'jd II 'elY Lilt! elise Of; t /:. )Oll rS, Ii' II . ho ulll b~ ma ile d to th e a ddress, dl cll iont plant re quI re s Ic'ss water t ban MOlll al ) He vle " of Hevle ws , bas beon tlc e snlllO diame ter nnd gavo tbe fol be nt It !Jacl, 89 that It cou lu be nalled UIo\ll \lh ll II III ""ITllcd fu r VO lrs w ltll It Is ' 0 " Rrntlry ln~ tn lInn" Ilt at lect",1 tu w hlle \ er se nt t h e ca rd s of robus t toll age pl a nts. for In stan co o f gre,IIe r s lg nlfl cnn e o r 1U0re rllr- lowing result s 10 a Stlc \i pu n hed n \ ery s m nll holu r4 curu tt tl ti Ul tIJ{j IV IS .t tb ll t t lll\o su r Tn mos h n. hm n so ~r'"t1~ h"nentc.1 h i nn " uu nc~ lI1 e nl \\r lte~ H ortense Pre Many or tho Slow gro\\lng cacta cea rOlll,lI ng In 11lI Ics ull1l thun th is subIt wa s Cou na Ib at the coni ca l a erg. In th e uOltom lhrou gh w hi ch he drew need hardly any w nt " r during the slltll lOll of It n itlon and IJ. na tloaal motor develop ed more power by nca rly Ihree or rour Inches or COllfl n cloth or fe r lnl; ,. lil tl e willi r ll ( um ull c fover Ih e s Uj!j!cs l loll s \I h lc h I II1 Il~r 111 ro vo I IVU N !iy ' Ie I le nt (;O IlOu CII III I dll lU P g ll .1 to hI s tl Ooitmo n t nncl I rt'el posl A card an nouncing a marrIage lS wi nt er months unless they a r o In a po lle) In the pla ce oC Iso laled SLates &0 pe r cellt than that ot the ve ntocrat' stri ng, d rove Ih e s tl c). neur th e plan t bul hllll g wllll o llt Cuo(1 for fl\ ~ du)s , 11" "1 hlhntf h e \\111 co nl in " " In EII"I Yal nt t o a card on ly It Is not an \erywnrm room F erns hawe\C r n eed \\ Ith dlsoo rua m and oCtc nLlm cs bostlle Ivpe who se s urtace I~ ~e ve n lImes nB he wlshc1 to water , so tha t ttle CIlB 1 I II I' IIn II o n n f II nv kl',I d b u t a state III ent t o be watc l ed and s pr ayed f r 0 \l IIen t poll' leu l progrllIDllIes BU l lhe politi cal I eo"reat, 31 pe r ce ot more t ba l' the was elgb t or ten Inches above the li e had ucc e 5~ to a clear Mp,l ng of pu re . I03 lI I "o rI mnn I I ) m ll n\ \ "nrR ' wa lul \\ IIi ,h lIo w, d froUi the . e ll ll ""1\1' n,, \ H~ I III h UIIPH, r Ih ll lU tb cllcet t hlll a coup le hll"e been I) and the s li ghtest n eglec t In this Slb'llltlcll noe o r united Ge rma ll Y 4as l Ro se des venl S t YI1e, wllh surra ce 28 ground Illied th e co n wl tb wal e l, u nd 11 0 ,Iralll, " " a hUIl" III <u an el \\h oll li b f';~I ~ ' \ 1. 11 \1 ti m e nil ) r e tli ln o f th o ",n !rlotl ut a Clllllln time a nd place res ppc t "Ill do the pla n t j;rcot Injury bee n only one ot the res ul ts achIeved times all Grea L, IIUlI 20 pe r cent more then drop by drop Ihe wate r fell UPOll Bl atNI III allllu. t Jl~ rrec t plt y"lca l o. 'l oll 1e Ie " " a uld not r Ill 10 II rlle If hOl\ e"" Ih e rt! l ~ adderl lh:J.t Mr nnd Tho IIlIler s lJ ou ld jf possIble be soft Notle Rs l em nl kll!Jl e un ll no t less s lg- than that or Ih e ai r! Soe re nsc n type, Mrs l1I onk th e II c \\lv ma rried coup le R a in "ater coll ec ted CG, r t he pur pose IlIH ,;tills the InduSLrI HI I)rog ress 01 b lvln g a s ur fa ce onl y 7 per co nt. cOllll ll lon Nul a Lr,lco uf (e"l! Ilud me I lO'lt It s mall er nOl II , he ll'" Illc I)'ll n ur ,dlo 1\ III IJ C nt h o llie w It h d a} on d d ate Is bes t f or or dl nary use P n Iru s an d Germ a ny s In ce It beca me a notion I h,l\ o fi l lju ln tly tllt ~c tCd a d lel li m n pn <l crs or thi s Pll blka ll o n lire nt 111111 ueldress a rep\) mu s t be mad e , It rail a ge IIlants require s prn}llIg every In 1S70 the mH u ufucttll es lbe lnven When ce com ~s this e xtraordInary lt ed slrictly lU or) toUSI a ud Iro" h I>lI t 11\)1'1 tv In Inqllit e for nll y Inro l ma tlo n 1I0 t in (lprSO Il by one s ca rtl Inclos ed lind otll e r doy In wlnler . If kept In room s ti OIl S a nd , tb e fore ig n CODllllorce at the et:lc le ocy ot tho con Ical a er omotor' t llrto ll l< lu , II Iwc k III Ih e u S of j " ert ltlllingt o th e 5ubj ec t o f h en llh a nd pO.led to r p.n< h lho Ilume 0 0 the day "hc re th e tempe ralilre Is bl gh The sepa r a te h e rma n st ates wero fa r b~low l rlrs t tb e curvetl enll ~ or the van es t..uul IJ llu l'lc III ' l I. I,"Il lll o \\111) hll e Of RIIV tllI1 ~ Afl <l r(> s" nll r ommu nl ra- of I II~ nl ll o !ll c propcr t omp era,ture or tb e room In those of Eng lll1ld nnd or Jo' rnnce To- otT~r a r esl. tance nga lnst wb lch the tuo 1I11l1 h fil l th e fc ti " lt Is l'xcoll ~n t Um, s 10 th ~ Hom e He~ lth Cluh o. Dr A n llo un ce ment card s are always seot "hlch p lan tA are t o Ibllve should be da y unltod Gormany st and s In the wInd may ex£crl Its maximum torce . No t onl y will Iho f,. 1 dl slll)eu r , " I [)"I tl I-/ Il~ ncl~. 1, lImrt e lnd WIth b} t h e IlOrcnl1l or those who sland III bct\\een 65 and 70 d og m e8 This will f ront ra n k or th e na tion s of th e world lh en tho s pac e tuat SC IJSrates th e rn illdl> ul. 1 Ih ) \\1 11 I : I I I ~ lI a m e IIlId nrl dre~_ In rll ll ,, " d a t I C" ~11 t ha t re lnllon, or t he br ltle Tb e forw Is s lIm ce for all plan ts even tropi cal InlDuus Lr lall)J'O ductlon a nd s he clt'ar- va"es allnws t ile w in d 10 s lide nround rrclI fr o m rlt ~ u~'III ~m Ie ~ ro ngel " It Co ur cents In postage ~ 1U\"lc on e ~ ThA t empe rature Is orten too Iy leads all othe r na tIons In the nppll t hem and Cll rry lng the air w ith It, 'h e II !I r I lIlr untl~lr " Blan l( announceth c mar dn In the American dwelling hou s e callous ot sc ience to Indu s t r) and t o to cre ntea partial \a cuum Th e van es b (j m Ue rlrel::~ , ~~tll:;; W;II~b8 1 ~1I 1 Sp :'~~~~ W rlag of Ih el r da ug ht e r (or niece) M,trv a nd many kInds of Insects atta ck the orts H er posltlon Is all lit e more co n seque utl y tUI 111 a rare fi ed atmos If '" I , oruall'S Inven ti ve Gilnl us Eliza 10 Mr }tulle s Fe nnel Sm it h. 'It plants In a dry atmosph e re Freque nl r cms r ko bl e because Lhls res ult has ph e re BO lu al pl ess ure on one tel l you n ill re" tiomc uture tim For It Is not tru e lIlat \lOlllln la.ks s ucb nud s uch a ch u lch (or al a 40lUe s pl ayi n g he lps 10 o\ercome th la l beeu nchle\ cd lu a country In whl h 'I de a nd a s pir a tion on tb o olh er worlt lhe trcsr.;' t to rell (l\H lIeuto rh ou creative ge ll111 s In [act, til e In\ en, weel d lng ) on s ur h anti slic b atlate trouhl e, but when the g r een fI, makes th e agr lculturul nn d min erai reso u cces / t ogcth er The following expe rIm ent mal c rill n ~ .dopt Ih u hlil lo 1 h ll ve th o tal e nL Is warked In "oma n Th e ucllno\\l edJ;me nt mu at he a vIs Its appearan co on tbo Irouse plants II lire 1I0t g ren l nnli In the fnco oC the 11 ade nt t he La COllr obge rlatory IUBt given YOII Thoro Is us ually SOli} thlllg onclual Itl!)':: card In a n e n\clope wlt b the must be Cought either with strong to- bur len o du e to l ong and cos tly wars, ploves a ls o (hot a lIurface pl el ce d with In h er mal, ollp, Il.!ose rts Ul e Was hing lI a mes or Mr and Mrs Dln nl' o n the ha cco smoir" or by ,\l pplng the fOlia ge to the nllllnl ona nce of a g reat army, c.penln !;1l obeys tb e action o[ the wind OLUB NOTES ton Slnr 1 be rud e masculin e obse rv o~t s ld~ Ihe l ha\ Ing sent t h e card oC In weak t obacco wate t Voung shoots nnll to th e drallling o [ a la r ge part of l(' tter than nn unbroken on e of t4e It J H U.' I,lIng P ie lSllll ton N H ar_who makes tbe charge that \\ omao announceme n t s hould be du s ted wlLh t o bacc o powd er It.s nopulntlon th rollg h emigration No some size Th ere w c re set up two C h ar l e~ , will Is dereetlve In creall v e ne~8 Is wrong Wtl8hlllgtl>tI a ud Mrs TI\o ot tbe h URband s ca rd s must be The red splt! or whIch attacks plnnts expl, It a llo n or the v irg in resour ces 01 high f en ces or equ a l Sl7Al and the AN A U TO~IAT1 C WATERING POT: write a gnl ll &1\ IlI g their name and ad- He hall noted that wh en on e woman IncloS811 with on e of t h o wire s or If k ept too dry can be got rid of by It new co nUnen' for mil lions of n ew slime solidi ty one oC on tlnnolls dross In tu ll I will t ,l l<u pl easuro In begins to "car a certRl n or un ce rta in cours e washIng w ith a s trong 60lutioD of Or CItl r.I' II S dr"" n trom other lan d. ho\ a plank s nn d t he othe r with spaces be- the grouod nenr th e planl nil dItTo IlIllIWerlng th eir vllrlou. Inqui r ies Be pbapo of hat ever y other womou most A cllnow ledg ments of the re~l v lng tree all brought to Ge rm any the unea rned In- tween the planks Th e latter was some times ull day and nig ht Th. s ure apd s tale ) ollr udd rcs8 In tull havo lh e sam e shape bu It shape ly or a nn ouncement cards are never sent to Diseases arise trom InjudIcious crew eo t wll lch lhe Unltod Slates h ilS ovcrturned by the wind c round soon becllme s atu rated. the Oregon - Dr DavId H Reeder Ln- s hape less He has observed that whe n the bride as s bo does not s en d lb em at watering draU Ghts previous attac ks e njoye d during the same three and 'The ottect of the wind Is u s ua lly Illunt tbro\e a nd t be quart ot woter porte Ind - Dear SI r I h a \ c bee n go- one woman switches tho Cull n ess ot a ll A noto of con gratulalloll t.o tb e brine of Insects or had llralno l~e one I ,If deca des cr lculaled e ith er In proportion to ILS did as mu cb s o od as nn a ll da y rain. Ing to write to YO U for 11 lon g time nnd tbe s le eve rrom the elbow to the fs a lways tn order It oue Is personally Mild ew on th e house plant Is cau~c n 'i he rpu san. for lhls tremendou s In- Br eed In m e ters per seco nd or nt"COrd 'I he nccompanylng s ketch, sllys th. thunk you Iur a ll the good yOU have s houlder or back again rrom tho s holll a cquaint ed by sud den chill s It a tt acks young dU5l11 11 1 dc\ e lopm e nt are 8e\ oral but In, to a tlCale dlylded arbitrarily Into SclentJU c Ameri can. will g ive an ~ done me My stomuc h Is not bothe ring der to th a elbow ev~ry other wom s hoots pnrtlcularly th ey ~II e prln g more or less ."rectly 1 2 degrecs Tbe co nI ca l aeromet er ot lhe de vi ce m e a ny more by Just foll owing lour an musl do the same He has 01>SELECTINO VOLUNTEERS. When t he lea. e. ot Ii plant turn out o f th o strong nnllonal s pirit dC\'el with curved vanes of Dlean sIze, runs Yank ee Enterprise In Mexico ad vil 0 COll s lillutlo n was something] ser ved that when one woman des igns Rlck ly yellow so methlnll 19 ge n erally opetl by the f1~comp ll sh m e DL or Ger w llh n wind ba.lnr; a speed of about '·In M exiCO ' said J M Hugbos 0' w.,s a lmost d e ~ d with wb en I Ors t read to bake a cake s he Ins is ts on bar Men Choaen by General Wa shington tb e matter wIth th e root and t he plant III 10 unity Ono of the Important rat - Inur meters (13 per s econd I m el hu stl in g a nd· en te r. your lectllres bllt Is now all rig h t I rowIng tho n eig hbor 8 recipe th ough Had to Be Excellent s llou ld be t urned out and e xamIn e:! 1000lI has been the system .lI c de'e lopAerm otorij arc usually blawed ror st. Lou is al so wro te you a bou t my nose getting th Is argues more ror womnn q re ver MarltBu:en It t he CaOl"e Is not a ppnront a r (' men[ of sc lelllulc resea rcb a nd th e ap' th ei r Irr eg ularity ot action and their prl s ln~ Americans every where, Montsore al tlm ea, cold sores It Is all right cn ce tor precede nt than for her lack mo\ al or th e old 8011 repOlti ng In pllcHlOn or re sear ch to the practical Insuffic ien t res istan ce to vi ol ent Ivln,ls erey Is a lmost a Yank ee to" n and ' all , now, thllnks a lso to yoU I nlso Be nd of originality The obse r,er ha d DI50 Wbeue\Er the Ullltell States haa Cres h and suitable Roll \\111 effec t a ludu~l r lal probl .. m M uf the nuliOD 'lb eoo two Inconveni e nces have now evidence of ILs progre ss Is I h e COli.. a remedy lor chllblalo s It might be 1I0ied that the firs t woman got • If been at war wltb any other country It cure happily been obviated by tb e dev ice . Iru cllo n of a $15 000000 Btee l plaJllt. of value to so me one Put th e feet ID the tlrst street car backward nnd that has ulways been a m atter Cor se r louH Roote at hou se pl a n ts ure otte n Japan 's Pro gress. of M essrH. R e1lter and S,lIallmm or In tile Sla le of Cobu lia I came a cros e hot sulmon )llckl u I cured ml teet ev er since e.cry other woman haa co m p lai nt on th ~ otber side th a t the rounll to be roltln g If the pl a nt Is aI Ja 1)n n I. r a pl " ly pus hlug 1111 Wil Y [ 01 Klel. whIch enables the nnes to be at :l man wllo h ad a cquired what prob. th aI wa y bllt I have beard tha t peet done tbe same thing Am e rica ns take acr.Ulllte a im !Jer"re lo\\ ed to s tand In wate r ward a nd a lread y Is r ecognized In tb e on ce tran s form ed Into s lal a t ba t may ably will make him a mult lm llli ona h -an es Late o C 400000 a c reH ot Ill:Ild, Orlng- wlth extreme ly rata l results Plan Is most " u ltabl e for In doo r rnnllly 01 nutlooR as an eqll a l Lnte til bo opeDed and clOt!ed at will plclll os nrc jus t a s good WishIng you appar e ntly l\orthless , ye t which _ I How excellent wa s th e O1arkslllan ~ h l p !Jloom ln g d u rmg Ih e wi n te r a ' I! be- Dcc8mher tbe ( ourgo d alll.ll es o f J aa Happy New Year I am, respectfully, lItorality of the Average found to bave u vasl amount of rub,. at I he volunt eers c n Bunlle r Hlli lij a s ldeH th~ forn v8r l etl e ~ ca rnatfon s \1111 In W IIs lllnglon Informed I he s p~ New Treatment 101' Appendicitis, Mrs S 1\J It Is the fash Ion or the day to place matte r of reco rd, says Youtb s CO lD Persian \ 10ietH prlmulas begtnllas r ow ry o r state thllt the mll<ad o had up A German correspondent re ports tha ber trees Ho gOI the prupe l t y COr • A ma jority of the s tom 9ch troubles with which th A huma n fa mily are at- SOC iet y upon th o vl,lsectlon table and pan Ion There Is an In terest ing ~nt ry a ull mnny kind s ot bul bOilS plnnts polnte,1 Viscount Sluzo Aokl u.s umbas successtul treatw ent or app en tllcilis by s ong and the rubbe r will m ake blm a narpls sl IlIlI eo 81dor to the United Sta tes HIU,erto mea n s of ' co lla ngo\ a PUI O " IIv e~ fortune Away Ollt toward lbe P it! 10, nl cted will yield quito re a ~lIy to tb e s ince th e abnormal Is alwaY8 mOIO In the diary oC John Harrowcr an In s lI ch as b)al ln th s Ill y or Lh e vall e} ptc -N Y World J ap tn has been r epreRented here as In solutio n In wuter The antise pti c prop. r oas t I m et a ' orm e r Un ite d States simple lI a tura l rem edies odvoci!ted by eenBatlonal than the normal we nro t!entured schOOlmas ter of VIrginia Colone l Washlnglon of tbls eo l. olh er countl les hy a d iplomatis t of no e rty or s live r h as long bee n k no wn as, army om cer \\ho had an Immeolll tb e 110010 Health club nnd I am glad be Ing trea ted to Irorltylng dl squl sl Sl eeve P rotectors hi ghe r rank than mini ster pl enlpot<ln- ror la~ tu nce III tbe (or m or lunar call8- sugar cane plantati o n tbllt b e tolll me 10 have you not only tell me or your lions upon the results ot these In. ony, ' he wrote , 'being appoInted genDec ldorI ly II( eeptolble to th e busi ness ll arv Un ller IJrllv lslons of luw th e Llc whi ch h us also been admInistered was equal to tlt e 1II0st prod'lleUva. comple te recovery trom the vnrloue ves ttgatlons spys tbe Pittsburg DIs . cr a ll. s lmo ot all Lhe roreea Why do not these sensation n ow thlll J a p In Iuterna II y B as ed upo n I Il is KnO"- [a.rm rn Lou is iana. He rat SI'd his Clme troubl es wllh Which you w ere so bndly patch '" ra is ed nnd to be rai sed, made a de- 'II o mlln n re th o daIn ty lillie Al eeve pro pres,denl has "OWur to r ai se r the Arne Ican Iega ledge, Bucce, srnl expe rim ents hallt by 1",lgollolI a nd therO' was no 8\1011 nmlcted but a lao to see tbat you wont allsts consid e r the average man once mand of five hundre d riflemen rrom tec tors made oC tb e I l\ r~e ra ney hnndk e r haa actet!, On.. tlon In Tokio to lhe• r an k a C an em· beeD made by some n Oled pbys ldan~ thing as a failure of the &!'Op ••_ to help o th ers by telling them ot a In awhile? Is It because h e Is con Lhe (ronteerB ot this c ..lony But tho ~e ch le rs now so m ilch In vogue remedy tor chilblains QUite a number ventlonal and tails to furnIsh startllnll Ihat Insisted on "oln g far exceederl lhe ha ndkerchie f will m a ke a pai r It 13 bas sy Jap nn 18 plnnnin g t 0 sen d am- I throug h the use oC th e solubl" n o nlr Was hing ton Pos t of formulas have now been given for theories? Yet lhere are many mll number wlInted, .. when In or"er to fo lded diagona ll y In tour. and then n bas s Mlors to lnn don an d t0 D er II n, ns rltatlng and nonpoisono us s liver In Radium and RabI es chilblain s, nnd I hope sutterlng may lions more at him than ot the s u\). ~,old olrence, the Commandln... Omrer three cornered pleco Is cut ol1lh e Ide w e ialRt 0 n, vvll l hi nil' t on N0 11111 bl t I011 8 I suppurative d f_.lses IIIIe pnerpera) Th e possIble value oC rudlAlIIL to lilt .. Ind tbo raw edges lhusleCt neatly JOine d Awe I a e ve se Idl I I Jects of socIal vlvlsectl~n at either ChUBO his cowpany by the following be relieved In every case r ,n rIO more rap y n t Ie re ver CollADtrOI has been " ""d In Ibe phyelclan sUIl r em afn s chl ~y a _tend ot tbe scale And tbe normal method with a French sea m Two of the bll1l .oC! ~1 scale than tho Japa nese It Is treatment of appendicitis , bot4 Inter- ter at co nj ecture Two It::U1l1n•• "nIGalva - David H R eeder, Laporte, men and women are to be found In He took a board of a toot 1Iq'~"" removed are sh a pr(\ to a neat angle Iess th an I en) ears" In ce t h cr J IlpllneSO nail) a nd ext e rnally anu has yIelded zonl aod Bongiovanni !;laYe Batl8f1e1 ' ... jotned to the slee' es with th e seam 0 11 d d h I Ind -Dear Doctor I will now Rsk tor slums and mansions ,Ult as well as In lIld with chalk drew the shape of a Id CO llr ts were regnr e 6S av n g he- exlraordlnarlly good r esul l1l \Vltblll them sel ves that It hDs un Importallt: tuthe right B e a nd turned up formin g I III I h advIce, lUI t note your lectures In thll the ordwary dwellln«s that do not be- moderate n08e In the centre a nd dainty cuffs Th e pair desc.lbed wu a COtthtO c v h~e: enoug to try Corelgners two or thne days atter treatment a Ou ence upon rable. Stnd tbat It may a ct either category The pM~elS lonlr to pap«, and It Is with Ireat Rntlclpaot the co nslI decided Improvement was noti ceable either upon th e ylru8 or d1re ~tly IlpoD Qalled It up to a tree at one hundred made of a pa1II bluo handkerch lct dec- w O'll tI c nt h e n enLlon I I r epres ent nR t e n a t on o( th o nccus et.. In Inclplent cases In cases where an the bltlen anImal Wh en the Ylru8 I, tlon that I await the coming of the of tbe nation, of bumanlty, dePf!nds lnd Otty ,ardll dl8tan ~, and t ho.~ orated with nrge butte rnles In dnrke' d h J paper wblch contalnll th_ lecturlttl, t UPOD normal 1Iot tbe abnormal. lind !Vho came nighest the mark with a blue and was boLb pretty and etfectlve a n now t e "pllnese are r ecch In& InCammation ot the perttoneuw had exposed for tOttl' to 36 lIPun to radium IIbould like to get advlce'ln regard to thf!re II every Indleatlon that the lingle ball was to go Dut by the IIrst tbe • espcct dlle to eq ual a In tbe di scus- taken "Ia~, a cllre was 111011' It I. rays It Is converted lni!o a Mwe rfu' my deafness 1 have now beeD trou- n.tlrage III constalltl~ helnr; raIled Corty or IIrty that nred the !lose waa A lItuddy Oomple'Eion, s loo or International " lra lr" - YOuth 8 elalmed tbat tbls treatment Is ..r,. vaccine Inl ec !lon ~ Into a rabbtt 'l e;,e bled with It tor seYeral yea,., It rlnp t il blown out of the board, and by the Tbel'8ls aften an un<;lerlying cauBe C,.." Companion mucb superior to any otber overcoming ~Il other-ille elrec:t. . SlIrl WllIII1er and rumbles 1'0 my head I han not of Inoculations wIth dog'lI vb"us ~ lime his Company was up the whola the so-ealled muddy complexIon Tho ....0 ~ 9 Automa"c GUll An Indetin lte Obligation . _ " "Doctor, t am atrald that he'll dIe bo d h d h ollb' deafnels In rlgbt ear, bu* for tbs a powerful IPecimElll of r-rlulII, uneS " a 8 ared the IIIlme tate" hest way la to lind ou t the cause of the "I suppose you reel that YOU OWl It. test of the McLean automatic gun If lOU don't gl "I him somethlntr that time oolng am deaf In lett ear alllO. trouble and tben scek to cure It. Are your, country something" YaII made tram the deck at the UnIted dIrect expOluree o( radium. ulld dlr..d .111 stay on hili etomach" for It leemit that wheneYer I take cold Good Lip Salvo. you partIcular to use laxative food o r "Yes," answered SCllator Sorgbum, Statu reTenue cutter "MohaWk," some e.xposurea of eevQral hou", dlU'ln, •• .. All right, all rJlh~; try blm with a ' It eetUea In my left lar At Umea It Get this salve tor your 11111: Lano, 110mB exceptional article that will have lhoolghUully 'But wat k1Dd of Ii debt SO miles 011: Salldy Hook. Tile ~n .. a dau, anImals It\Q(ulate4.. to lof 1'!IDII, and tben dearness will hang on poroUI plaater, and it that taJlII to Ita, lin, one draw., almond oil, two ouncca , that etrect' Then do you drink plenty gote outlawed very BOOn. '-Waall1ll«- one-pounder, From 16 to 100 roullds hOLrB betore treatment 1J"r:tI . .v~ for a eouplll of monthl I eonsulted 'pll,01l8 me "-Houston Poat, spermacetll, two dramd, white wax. ot water alld but little tea nDd coffee? toll Star were ~red ver)' 1I11eC86Bfully, It 18 re- wblte almllarl,y Inocula tell a ' ....1. a doctor h ere, who I&ld tbat DO catarrb treate4 all dietl, ODe dram f carbolic acid, one.lralf ported, and the dl8tanC88 range!! from ".. to be found, but I thInk It la eaVery Pretty, Bard 011 DoIIIWt). . dram Melt the olla tc)l8ther and add Of ConNe. 1,000 yarda to three mile.. In the trial Good Ad.te. tarrh, Ha.. been deat ID ear Yaut-Do ,00 keep domwtlt lbl acid wbeD the mlltture has cooled A belt (ormed from thrtte pleoea 01 When a pretty girl tells you &hat lobe KIln, wel,hlllr; but 640 pounds • •as Sh8-Can 70u k.... a lite ...., "nC8 I ... Ter)' )'O\lIlI. It there II AlmaTa ID ,.our 1I0a_bold' Do 1I0~ moIsten tbe 11118 wblle out III whIte kid an Inch wldll. ench one Ilud ,hs wantl you ao much to meet bar mounted on a t1'1~d There... DO H~ertalnl:n GIIl't JOu' ' an,. cure to 00 fOUlld J 11'01114 conlld.. tbe air, and If YOU have the habIt of ded at dUlerent JDte"il1S wIth cut atee. dearnt friend, ot coune )'011 lmow CrIJDIODbeak-No; ..,. wit. apparent recoU to tIUI .,an. It fa Ml4. "Wily, tbe I<I.a' C!D1IrIe ...... m7l8U lnok,., , Ear dOlI 'tiM alft,. her OWD bollleWOrkl-YOIIllen 8&atllo bltl1l. fOU Upe It mUlt be ataeon, ulla: At the baCk, boldlbc them ... that tae other aul III'IT.~ ,.lIell IIred .~ te 100 .~ "Wall, 40. &ML"-I••1ft nai oaoe It bled. I na4 .. paper 1&8111&. pUler, ... a GIlt Iw.l !lucille.
- -- ----
'0Ie an
tIDe loanaaJ.
* ..
Spring Beauties
Former \ Residents. ..-Grand Bome.Chllling ,Rt'uDlfln of .former . Retddents at WII,VnAllvllll' week beginning A ugnst 0,. 11l0G. . ------------:- ' . ThlR 111\ll~ rt.menl, elf the Gllzette lHiloll!!!! ~c) fI''' ~It,lr rttl!hh;~tl! of W liy~ 1\ p.~vil1P II nd v\(\1nlty '1 pe pnhllflh. or" of tb .. p"1)"r de.'Ilre to make it a 'nodlum t.brllul!th whiob 81\ · who hit \'e ew"r 11 vEld in t.b e oommunlty curlY e X\lr tl~ ~ t, h p.m Nelv ~~ New8 'of ItIlY kind 8\1it«blA for this depart. ", .. nt, III solielf.ed.
,laDyJey. . 'MarloD Clark; Il v ruminent rest· (lent neAr Lyl.le, b'l tl been III ill b ...lth tor ' R 101J ~ Mme. LBII~ sum· . 01111' hI! l)lade nn extended trip thro ' .tho We~t., )Jilt his hCI\lth did Dot ~i:n to benefit by the ohange and be ltill teeling fllr fr('lm well. penry Kin g Is spending this week 'alllong his WciynellVlI\o friends. H,e reports t~8t his lion &1\ King h"" been transferred from Blue Ash to Camp 'Hagerman as teleltJ'8llh oper· aillr on the C. L . it N . R . R. Mr King bas resigned his p08ltlon R~ 1\ .&gman at Idlewild, and expocts to go t o Col orados,mltltill)e In Juno. The fine sleighing was taken advantage of Tuesday aitemoon and evening, as the jinglin¥. of bells lind merry laughtt'r testified . Among other sleighing parties was one &,iv· en by Messrs. O. L. and Edward Ricks, whose fine team and large bob sled were enjoyed by a. company of their friends·. A HllOQdOO" seemed to h"ng over t.htl G"ZIIt,te offioe Illllt week and lUI 1ft rll8ult clemorali7,oo t,he force for a few d .. ys . A . M. McKAy 8uffered IjCIverelv frllm a combined tooth ache and Jleur")~il}, ot Ihe fllee alm08t ail week; RUJlP.rt. SHU,,}, \\11\8 oonfined to his born .. n coupl .. IIr d"ys with 1ft pIIlnful Irlttherinl( on bta foot; MIps Edna Zell was the l!WIt vlotlm of tb.e IllJeU, ThurRdH.V evening she fell and IIprl\lof!d her ankle, hnt for lunatel.v w,," not ~" hltrlly .hnrt '88 WIUI at fit'flt retlre<I Thl. week: th .. entire Ga~..este forc .. 11! a).:aln on cluty and we hope the "hoodoo" iB a an end.
boy . ...
The hea vy fall Ilt IdUOW whioh hal Covered the grouud , the put, week has ma!1e fltl,l,I sport ,or tho bOys nntl Rtrle, of Wnynes vllle Bnd "the hill· li\des.linve been oover-ad with' merry oroy.,cl~ of oOllsters. ' O,ving to ~he danlter to pode8ttl. 'I\nll nod vehioles on tha North IItreet b'il) it hall boon necess'lry to prohlb· it oOllilting . I,h oro, but the Miluni 8treet hilllla 8 'lPllBrently beeu j ns t liS IIIIotillfltotory . . Ilt tbe tov of the hill nelr the Fri ends Home the hig bob sloos witb sometimes 118 many I\tj a Mrl\. Dr Alexllnder. formerly dm;l'n I ersonll on OOllrcJ 111'1 ko t.he MI;o. EtM Mi~!llh"np, wrltAlll the run tn thn f ot of 11111 DeUf the Oll z"II,' frollll II"r h"II1" II t· Elld", rnot in ~ oU\"thlng like II lIIile Ii lI1\n · Ohio : " Y,mr "Illlt' r I .. Ilk" Il Il(ome ute time. IIII.t,·,· to llIe, we OQultl hardly do Frlcluy oveuing Erue"t l::Il1rtl!ook with""t It,. 'rbl" Umb. \I" ""tb well fell from a sled alltl sllrninecl his lind Doc'tnT very hURY ·" anlrle twaitle.. "evllrely brl\iHin~ his HOWARD D. MANINGTON, limh. Hi" injufif' R whilu IIIIil11111 Editor Urbana Times·Citizen . Mr!l W . 'l'homl)l!()n . IH one of tbe Tbe foll owing letter reoelved frolll \",ere not, HoriollR . ' In rge oolony uf Wltynll8ville \Ie"llle HOward U. MlininglGn. of Urbllntt , now Jiving In Volorado, bavlng boon luooted I\t Manitou 111 th .., state for will be of Interest to his mlllly Publi c Sale of friends Clmunj( the Gn·~,ette rOlldorH : 1\ number or yean. Mrs. l'hompson Chattel Property. BROWI' & Mo KAY. 8I\YS it .I s about thirty nine yetlrs slnoe she moved from Ohio DKAR FlllltNUS : All the Huines farm WIIH Hllld 011 I nUl ill reoeipt of .. copy of lind she n18·U"l(es to come baok the old fUlIIllmr lin~Altte, whioh CUIlIS I!uoh I!hort not.ioe t,o UM . we will nIYer home eveny tonr or five yel\rB . to my taul\! tOllny Ilil" IItrllllger. In for lillIe ~{ mile I!oul.hwest of Wny. a sense, but neverlbeless II weloome u6<Jvllle, jURt /I bova Frenoh 's Grenlll. Mi88 Laura 8tevens W88 marrlod ono. H"vlng hellrd ooosidertlbio ery, 00 I:lATURDAY, MARCH ~4. 1906 . Sunday, Maroh 18, to Mr. LavernA about yonr "Home Coming " for Nel80n, at her home In Tharnlown. next Bummer, I nil tnrtllly looked up beglnnlul: promptly lit 9 :30 11 . m. Indian... . in its oolumnll any reference thnt tho following : :I head of hor!los, L The bride la youogest danghter might be luade therein to that event. bay horse. good worker liny plltee of Mr. and Mrs. SIlmuel Ste\l6ns. It Is singular how these events take anel Jtood single IInor Clnd also fine who formerly lived near Ferry, "nd hold upon our hellrts. even though 81lddle horae, 12 yr8. old; 1 OOy afterwards In Waynesville. Mra, long years have elapsed slnoe we borse, llood worker Ilnd good single Stevens is IIll!ter of M6!I8n. Idd. F. have visited the soenel! of our ellr· liner. 14 yeus old ; 1 buy horse. Mari'ln, Borace and L'harl8l,Clark, lier d1l.Y8. I Wilke no toeoret of the good worker IIny polace, ten years of Ibis vloinity. M.r. and Mn. fact thnt 1 11m imbued wltb the old. A lot of baled hny. About 300 i:!wvens moved to Thom$own, abont spirit whioh 8eoms to animate not bushell! of ourn; a,ome household eighteen yean ago, and have 1\0· only all the present residents of goods. Farming Implements: 1 three qulred considerable of farm lI\n d. Waynesville, but Illso all wbo have section IHnd ro1\er, 1 two horse ever lived in thAt dear old v\l1age wllgon. L diSc hlirrow. 1 sixty tooth Albert Wilson, who tor many on the hillsido. It mlly sound n hllrrow, steel fnme, 1 John Deere yean wall a reeldenl of the vlolnity IIttlll 8trange to you when 1 say riding brellking plow, '1, oheck row of Ferry, buttor two yl!I'ra basil ved that my famlly, ouo81stlng of my oorn vlllnter. 1 oQrn drill, L Krllus8 In Portage oounty, writes the 6a· wife, daughter and 800, h exaot. onltlvator, :I walking oultivator8, 2 zett-e nnder date of March 12: "We ed a promise from me to take them doubl shovel plows, 1 Dee.r e hay had qUIto a heavy snow fall yeater- down next Augost to yonr "Home IORder. 1 hay rake, 1 olover seed Bt· .day, and everything la oovered with Coming." They never knew Way· taobment for mOWEll', 1 Dain oorn the "beautlfnl snow" Ultl morning oeevtl\e, bnl they know that It Willi orl18her, 1 tobaooo 8pny. 1 Blokle and more falltng. Lut week W&8 my home. ..nd they remember 'he grinder, 1 or088 Ollt .w, 1 grine fine sugar weather and everyone people of Wayneaville and W"rren stone. 1 heating lltove, work bRr. was kept bUBY. TllIl leaves ns all oount,y have always been very kind ness. buggy harneSR, 1 tobaeoo tn onr naUIII good health. We all in me t,hronghout my life, and they trllme, 1 steel tire' buggy. Large eojoy readlnll tlie eazetle .. It is have that natural d6llire to meet Water Tllnk,.and many other Ilrtl· Ilke" letter f~?m home. ADd espeo· lhem upon suoh an oooallon. 'I'here o]es too numeraus to lnentlon. ially prize the Bome.Coming Num. fore, Providtlnoe willing, and other Terms: tll .OO Rnd nnder casb ; over ber." Bope to be. able to be there things falltnp; right, we shall be t/i.OO 0 months oredlit will be given Ii t thd $tme ... purobl1ler giving note with approv· with you on this OOO8slon. 1 86nd you noder Beparate oover a. ed security, Many f!lrmer resldeots of Waynel oopy of tho Ceolennial Album pub. A. & J. 8ItLLERS. ville are aendlng lo the liazetle for \lshed by my oompany, lind edited C. T. Bawke IUld O. B . liudaoe, the sonvenir cards showing views 01 by myself, detal~lng the eveilta of Auots. Lunoh Stand Reserved: Wayneeville. onr oounty oelebration last summer, Mn.E1i_beth B. Rogen, In eend whioh partook large]y of the "homeinR for some of thee cards one clay oomtng" feeture , in a manner sim. reoently Baid: tlar, to that wbioh yon pnrpOl8 001. "I think tt 18 a splendid idea of ebrattng. Also, enolosed WIth the havlog tbeM cards of Waynee'fille Bame la a oopy of Ii special edition for, If one Mnnot always live there whtoh we iuned the week prior lo It i. a. mlent reminder ot the . old our celebration. giving in detatl the "Bome," . exerolse8 whloh were to follow , As We are a\1looklng forward with I had much,to do with the plallnlnl II grOll.t deal of pl.sure to the Bome and oarryingltnlo execution, of this Coming. It will 'certainly be a large oelel}ration, I can Imagine what family reunion. your local commtttees will have on YOIl kIIow wbat It', The cardll 181\ 2 for five oent.B or Ulelr hands in preparing the kind -few people are ex· empt frolll frequent 12 for twenty five cent.B. The prof. of celebtallon I ·k now the good It II 'above actnal con go to the people ot Waynesvl11e wlll d6llire "Ipells" of this dis· complaint. and your commltteee will hope tresslng Home Coming fund. . .The allpetlte be$0 earry Inlo effect, If yon c:omea hnpalred. while Wayueeville frlenda have reoetved oan find any "pointen" in these • severe gnawing qr . nnnouocemen&ll of tbe marrlare 01 papers 'w bioh 1 send you that wtll burulng&enll:llion iKex, MI88 Winifred. the foat;er dauglator aid yon In the Rllghtetlt I' will feel . perienced 10 the upper of Mr. and Mn. JOhD J'amM. of that I have paid a small' installment , part of the abdomen. Heartburn is one of ~ttlo, Wallhingloil, Icli. Jamel of interest .upon the great debt WIUI married Ilaroh U ' $0 IIr .. Wil· whloh lowe to the good people of themanywaysinwhich , thedlgestiveorganiRm' \lam Rowland Kelley, of ,Seattle, your pretty little village and county . apresses disapproval and the young people will be at My heart Ia with you, and my be.t of IIl'lrealment - . home lo their frienda at SilO Ray wlahel are lor aD abundant and glo- warna you to be (: aT~ful. street, that city, aller April four· riona 9UOO8ll8. teenth. ' Very trn)y youn The Jame. family moved from B. D. itANINGTOII. (1. ..... '11.,.) Ferry in the Weet about eeventeen yean IIgo when their daughUir WIUI Mrs. T. Lee Adami, of KanBa@ qutte a small girl, TbOll8 who have City, MI880nrl, kiodly sends the triYeS Instant relief In lall CII"es of heartmet bel' in later yea... apeak of her Gazette a copy of the Oskalooea, bnrn and by toning o.nd sirengthening 8S a bright, eapable and altraotive Iowa, Dally Hetald, in whioh we the stomach and bowel8, prevents " younp' lady, and the many friends of notice tbe following I tem concern· retnrn of tbe trouble . CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN the fllmily, amon, th8118 GazeUe ing a former relldent of Wayoes. la DR. anlnvruuable remedy for ali trouble readere will o:dend hMt wishes ville. Mr. Fallis, when a yonng &riling frolll the stomach, bowels. liver for a long and bappy Ute. man, lived with hla parents In t ile and kidneys, and because of "its purity house ' 9Ppoelte the online bou8e, can be ulled with Impunity for both Aaron Woollard. brother of Benry now oconpled by Benj. Haw kln8 and children and grown folks. DR.CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN WooUard, Daniel Wcollardand lin. familY, bnl the family moved from Call be obtained in both dollar and halfAlbert Shepherd, 01 tblll neighbor. Waynee'Ville many yearilago: .IUII from all druggists. "John FaJltIl,oneof thernraJ mail dollar hood, bas been a reeldent 01 Bagen. Your money will be refunded If It town, Indiana, for a number .of delivery service out of O8lr.alOOllll. does lIot beneRt you. . Your POlta) card requeu· will brfD.&' by retara yean, but sUlI retain. a feeliD. of leavel the service today to take up Dew booldel, " DR. CALDWELL'S loyalty to his old home at Waynes- farm work agaIn on his place lour mall BOOR OP WONDERS" .nd froa .Imple 10 thole wbo have ••ver t:ried thla woac1edal ville and to blli tormer friendli here. mil os 8Outh_t of the olty. Mr. Fallis came int.l the Mrvioe - ..IF. Do It DOW. Be expretl8tl@ thll feeling 8S 101l0wlI' PEPS="I=N~SY=R ' U' co. when the route WI\8 first estahltshed .in " letter to the 6azeHe: .enttoello, IlIIa.'s . "It wonld be impollilble for me to in November, 1900, and he ~8B been For Sa·le by J. E. Janney. do wlthoutthepKptlr. I should like one of the very falthfnl carriers to write of some recollections of my ever alnoe. Vory few are the days early years. It seems Itrange 'hat that he bas not been on duty servo lilY fint sohool teaoher, Stamuel Ing the ])eople of his ronte In any ScoU. is Iltill living. I had not way poll8ible, and he ha8 given 81lt· hellrd from him Since he moved to I.faotion at all times. The piltron8 'LtlJ $:2.00 Dllyloo until ISllt lall through the of the line and Joho's mBny friends Miami Ga7AItte. The sohcol house regret the noo6l!slty that causes his For Round Trip Tickets on Fourt)l Btree' where we wed to resignation. The falthfnl John, or "Shot·gun," as he Is known to the attend hal been used lor many years VIA as a dwelling [and Is now ooonpled oWoe force, has been threatened with a 80rt of paralysiS of the limbs. by Jonathan BalnllBl . The pnplls at that timl', In the early '60'S, were Seated In his mall delivery wa~on To Ne.rl~ All l~olDllI In tbe Merritts, HlUlkete, Wrights, tor so long a time day after day, B"rgerC!, RidgllB. Andel'8OUII, and week In and week ont. month after especllllly Captain Eli B. Andenon, montb. waa gradually Implliring the ono of the many brave soldiers of oironlatioo 10 the limbs and tbl! the Civil War whioh came 00 before trouble was growing to ·the extent we were lIixteen yean old. I will that the faithtul old worker WIlS name another one, 6eor1C8 Bhlnn. compelled to quit the work. He was always gentle and obliging, always wbo lost his IIfA e"rl, in the w.r. I bope to moot onr former leacher with a oheery"bowdy," or a drol. and mliDY ot,hera of myoId friendll lery, John became the popular man of the day along 11.11 ronte. at your Home Vomlng Reunion "
- -- --
Sunday Service at M. B. Church. Rev. Philip Trout will preach on the following subjects the M, E. Church next Silnd~. . ','Momim( ' subject: "Conversion liive8 Liberty." . . ' Evening subject: "The better observance of law' the need of the bour " "
ROB8 .of
Sharron DR.N'D
'WO wlHh t o MI'It.e we tlr t,l l!) flolo D9!\trll:J\lt'er.. for ~h auovo BRAND of
III 'LII th o ne w DeijiguR lint! qUllli. ti(1s, Nicll Sheer (;loOlls. they bnng
GROCERIE Ever y Al'tl ole benrin g t ho
~O~El 110 n
j3y.!JI~~C J'1 I1J1I(El
of t,b a VERY FINE T QUALITY . 'l'h e llnlls t ('''nu,~11 Good s, 'I'h a tllnost· PIIOK""O Goods.
~ O UI' ~' ud l11' i p. " nt·"
l'ANAM i\. MUHAIR ; cl u.
Hll:h e ~t
Not 'L g rollt; .. tllol, "r th Alli . ftL\" , rlt,o IIml olwil 0 " t,y h1" and pl'i c l' ~
r:: .".j;),.,Il!!lu"' a,It),
~ l'..1 .- r:. 'lP
Bnnnn"~ . nWOIl t. Navel Or. IIng08. LODl m lln~. AjlJlI f\~, Lottuco. (nimn', RntURhes. OYBter~ . Ve lor.v, Now Ul1h blL~e . 'rho tin IlS t. Crolllll Cll(lo~ f\ , Fresh Craokor s &
A, jolly .Party consisting of John Nixon and family. M. A, Comell and family, Harry. Cornell and family. Will Cornell' and family, Mise Luella Comell, Miel :Ella Keysl and . Hr: Warren Keys made up a bpb .Ied party Frid~ eveuing and drove to the home of Oren Strawn on the W~esville and Lebanon pike, ,,"'re·. mOlt pl~t evening 'was eojoyed. I '
ALively Tna8le. willi Ula& old ~emy of ' the
race. CODItipatiOD. otten elids In Appen. diclti& 'I'o avoid alIl6riona trouble wlUl Sinmaoh, Liver and Bowele. &ake Dr. ' King'. New Life Pills, ' Tbey . perfectly rettalllle Ule.e Or. gana, without pain or dllOOmfon. 250 at Fred t.l. &bwartz drqglst.
. Eczema• .TaUer, I:!alt Rheum l ltoh. RlDg Worm, Herpes, Barberi Itoh. All of th8118 di8eallM are 'a""nded by in&enae itching, whloh is alm!l8t . inltantly relieved by allPl)"lng ChambeUain'sSalve and by Ilia ClOD· tinued nee a permaaen' cure may be effected. ·It hal, In tao" cnr,ed lD.\UIy caaee thal bad Mlliated all other treatment. Price 25 oenu per box. For I&le by Fred-C. Schwartz.
·'IALTER MoCLURE fUflER,Al DIRECTOR, Tllipboni .DI' or fllgbt. licil flo. 1
lOll Dlstlnca No. 69-3r WAYflESVILLE, OHIO Brane' OffiCI, . HlrYlnburg, 0,
Dr. Cold'w ell's Syrup Pepsin
Women .. Well as Men ~
Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon Ihe mind, dl$counps and I_ns ambition: beauly, viC'" and cheerlulness soon d1uppear .... hen Ihe klelners are out at order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalenl that It Is not uncommon for a child 10 be bom li.~RltIl\i!SE~alflicted .... lth weal< r.leI~Yt.l~WIi~ ney.. IIlhe child urln· _ . ales 100 ollen. If Ihe urin. the Oeab or II. when Ihe child naches an ace when It should be able 10 COIIno\ tbe puss,e. It Is yel allllcled .... ltb bed-wetUn,. depend upon It. tb. cause of the dllJicu(" Is kidney Irouble, and Ihe flrsl alop _boul4 be to....ards Ihe Irealmenl of theR Important Wp!I&. This unpleasant Irouble III clue to 'a dla&sed condition of Ihe kIdIIeYI and blaclder and nol 10 a habit as _ t people ,uJlPOM. · Wom,", as _II as men ' are made m.... ....Ie ktdney cd bladder Irouble, and klh need the l8me creal remedy. 11Ie mll4 and the I",medlale effect of . . . . . .Root I. loon reall.eeI, It .. sold ~ 4ruftg\a, lA Ofty· _ t aiiil one dollar .... Y9111'!1&Y bave _pie bottle by mati flM. &lIo punpillet lell- _ at .... all aboul It. lacluclinr many ....___ 01 tMIIIftolllai 'Ietlen rec.lved . . . . . . . . . . cured. III wriUar Dr. Kilmer .~, ~tOII. N. Y .• be '\11'0 ane!
.-IP:.... .
DoD" m&b., mlttake, blla reo m bir :ahe DalD". 8_mp Roo," ,br,. XU..........p ~" andUle
.....~ .. . . . . . .ptoo. N . Y._· on
Louisville 8. Na:shville RR
Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Virginia., North and South Carolina, Tenne!~see.
Bow's This. A Scientlflo Wonder. We offer One Bundred DoHars The oures that stand to its oredlt Reward for any oa86 of Uatarrh make Buoklen's Arnioa Salve 1\ that oannot be cored by HaU's solentiflo wonder, It oured E, Ro, t.latllrrh t.lnre. .Mulford , leoturer for the Patrone F. J.CBENEY & t.l0.. Toledo, O. of HnsbBndry, Waynesboro, Pa .• of We the undenlgned, have known a dlstrlllllling ClIUIe of Piles. It hea B F. J. Cheney for the last III yean. , the woret Burns, Bol'8ll, Bolls. Ulcera and believe him perfectly bonorable Cut8. Wounds, Chlblalns and Bait in all bOflin_ transactionll and fI Rheum . Only 250 at Fred C. nllnolslly able to carryon' any 0)). tIohwartz drug sture. ligations made by his firm. . Walding, Kinnan aod Ilarvin, Whole8ale Drnggists, Toledp, O. U Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken in." ,.",.. lernally, soting direo&ly upon the ' EVIl:, EAR. N08E aDd 'l:'RaoAT blood and muoons lUrfaoea of the II)'Btem. TeetimOD1a1a lent free, 1l0ur_9 a.m. to 3 p.m, Phones; Mce 75 Cl8IIU per bottle. Bold by . BundayBell, l/i02 all Dr81Pate . II a.m. to 10 p.rn. tlo 2 Bome, 3602 Take'BilI's Family PUI. lor -clOIl8ti. Other enpgemBDu b1 appointment ..t~OD, 13e W, .l'ffth Sll. DAYTON,O•. ,.
on Rale Mareh =OLh ond April and 17th . ,0Qd rel urnlng 21 dny.
lkl trom date ot ""Ie. Fo,· furthur Intor· matloD, cons ult, your Joc1al ... gent or atl-
drea. C. L. STONE. Gen'l Pails. Agent· The OriRllna1. Foley & Co., Chicago. orlglnatde lIoneyand Tar"aa " throat and IUDg remedy. and on aoouot of the great merit and popularity ot 1'0. ley's Boney and 'Tar many imit&&ion~ are oft'ered for the genuine. Aalt lor Fo]ey's BODey and Tar and refuae' any .ubetttute oft'ered .. no otheR: preparation wl11 Rive the I&me eatistaotion. It ill IIlndly laxative. It OOD&a1na no opiatea and 111 salat for ohl1dren and d8Uoa&e peboDB,
iIl'')t; ofi\ ...,u.
,. Co t,tOll
Down YII rll .. oltoir.n "h ort, 1nngthl< wlll't.h I ~ .x t o HI fOl' % t n [0
Utlk e ~ .
tit ~
HUI'l'H, $;-3.75
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,1 bI18 ~' ~JO'-.IEN I'J
hHYin t,:
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your Pr<xluce PriOlll1SJ1d 'fnr
~llllrnnt ee
It MAN . H of courso
[ M M
U ntil you soe our Cllrpoe R oom-In,oooo ynlM Mu LLil1 g. (IIII' o wn Impol't 1!!,X; to aO heH t ~;i tltmllty w e havo hnll , Window 8bntl et! . Lin laum, Luoo ' t.ll1rtnlnfO, Oil Oloth!!. Room Rugs. Tnpestry . Ingrnln Velvot, Axmlnstor .
Tort:ure by Sava gE's . of the torture t o whioh Nome nf thl' SIlVIl~e t.ribnll In t.h, · Philippin e!! .. ub j e~ot thnir ('oil ptl \ ...t<. remin,IM me of tho intllnso ~ulrn riJl~ II'llclurtld for throe month" from illtlllTlll11l1tion of t.lLil KiclnoVR" I'll\, " W. M. Sherman. (If CUl'hlnL! Me. "Notblng helped me until I ' tried A WARM BREAKFAST Eleotrlo BI~t('rH. t,bree hottl ell of whioh oompletely cureu rue." Curf\~ With BOUl etlllng MllbRtllnt.itl\ to hegin thfl lillY on. 'mit" oVl1r.v mom bel' Liver Complaint, DY8pepsia. Blood of tllo househ old these 0 Irl morningR. dl80rderR and Mala.rla ; a nd restores Most people tlrink oo ffoo nt. brflnldflRt., nn ,) \v o cnn Rllit. thn lo vor the wook Rnd nerv ous to robust boolth. Guarnnteed by Fred C. of coffee .. We htlve II!! gOO!lll lint) nf C I)~' F~;Jr.s,,~ VolU lllLIl nnll in towll Sohwllrtz druggist. Prioe 500, Whnt better t,hnn h llUOI' OII k ot! wit h P U I ~~ SYltU P . !-l"I, l'ull ullk" FLOUR nlllll:l'lRUP h o r~ . "Ve clln furni ~ h til mnkl'llp n f Itllll,,, , d ~; h I'P"kf"" t,. 1'1 Inn(\!' .. Ilfl it U11 EDISON PHONOGRAPH. per, with nil !lantln n'Lble gO'l')" . Ynu Itr" illvit otl to 011 11.
~ (jibn~y,.
Bob Sled ' Party.
IItlw ahut '
or t.lulll~ 1111.· L R,,, ' Spruce Bnd ( berrY 'EXl)e tc1l'lUlt,. " Rold by J . E.
'r" ooa " upon A'n~ beai lb.
M. BROWN, Proprietor
l> \l O N ~;
Nu 111
LIFE & ACCIDEN 1.' [N URAN CEo Bringe oheer ail the yeur, Every· body likes It, np ui1l is rl\qnired to reproduo(' perfeotly ,band musio, the fine8t vocal SOI08, duets, anll quartettes; the flnllBt oharaoter songs and vaudervllle skits. Thus the provides more fun and musio thl\n any other ftutoniatio entertlliner, yet is·within reaoh of all. It "pellks for itself . We will be pleased to sbow the mllohines to anyone inlerll8ted. Bold on pllymenttl of '1.00 a week
. LOANS NEOO'l'IATED . N(\'rAH.Y PuB]'l. We hlLVObuyers for 'good forms 'loci t~.wu pro)Jort.y ,it 111\ thn,jH. List with us, we OtLU holp y ou . Offioe Rooms over Post omen in Rtoojl!l ' Bni1rlillJ{.
Oregonia, Ohio. Whon Wnnting
Portland Ceme.nt, Lumber, ... Shil1BIss,and all kinds of 0 al. DEALERS in Flour Peed and Cornor trips for tohucoo boxes for snle.
CE:.ITIO I' 4o~~r l! .!fJ~~IR9!T~t!D~ I!Ile
~howi llR' the m ost romrl t:tc line or billh~e IUV Y(JLl:!S, Tl.ltES ""I MUNlIIUa,;tlll1'KJCKII
UELO\V any other l r1iwuiM' LU T!' T or d ealer in the world.
DO. NOT BUY ~ BICYCLE :t°:::'/";:'~~: an, l uut "I un l l l you ha ve received OUT (;"t.l-
l11 u!ttmt rn J!' o lll
p m) lu t('s l
P.M . Il
P. ll/. ..
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Daylon ,... L en" e { 6 00
A . M. 8 20 8 20 ·
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040 CH&D Dayton-Arrh'e II 00 D&XT A. M . I.ebanon Junction II 1 K Shaker Crossing H IC Itosy In "8 11
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Centerville Manor 1.,tl6
8 00 t 752 7n
A. M. 11 00 D&XT
A. M 10
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'~C banon
Dodd. r.. ylle
U ~n
Shaker Crosslnl(
9 30 ~ U 0 04 0 r,(I 8 ,,1
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10 MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES, Result of IS years experience in tire making. No danger from THO~NS, CACTUS, PINS. NAILS, or ACKS or GLASS.
Serious puncturc~ , like inte nti o nal knife cuts, cn.n be vulcanized like allY oilier lire. Two Hu~dred Thousand pairs now In aclual use•. Over S,venly.llva Thousand palts sold lasl
Afflloted With Rhenmatism . "1 WIIS lind am yet afflloted with :rheumatism," says Mr. J. C. editor of tbe Herald. Addington, Indian Territory, " hut thanks to Chamberlain's Pain BIIlm am able once more to attend to businB88. U Is the best of linlment.1) If troubled with rheumatism give Pain Balm a trail and you are oer· tain 'to be more than pleased with the promp~ rellet whloh it atfo~ds. One applloation relievee the pains For _~e by Fred, SohwartS.
aud UV," aJIiW) rim Etrlp .'IJ" to I'rnuub rim anLllnc. Tbl. ~,~(~o~L1::"a:..'s~1 "Iller );Atlll UID uiw,
JO find
M ade In all .1 ..:5. It IsU""ly and easy rldl"l:. vo ry durable und Un",1 in. lde wIDl. JPec-ial quaLity of rubber, \Yhic h nC'Vcr l.x!conlC~.·i poran" Bud wh ich c10JlteS up r.moU rlll ilctll rcil without allowing the lIir to ~Il pe. We have hundreds: of lett era from sntte6cd customer-. tnling that tllclrtlr~s hnveol11y 1>«0 pumped uponceor twice in n who)~kQSOn . Th ey weigh no more tJI Rti aD onlinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities lJcing tfivcn by St..verat Inye rs of thin ape-cinlly preP"l:red f.brlcon the lr~d . Thnt "Jtoldill g'" R UMUOI1 comOlonly relt ,,,ilt-It riding on n ~phull or 10ft ronds js overcome lly the pntent " }junke t ' Vcn ve " tremt Which preve nt s all (rom· hcl uR aqueeud out between the Ure. lutd the road thuN.Oyc:rco111illg' a ll Ru ction. ,'h(,,. rt's,ruln r price: of thrl'k! lires t~ $8.50 per pa i r, hut for adverti.JOing' 'p1 1rtt4Il",*H w t: nre lUa~ inK ,) 8~lnl fucto ry llricc: to Iht' ricle r of only $4.80 per Pllr. An ordc:rs !llup JX'Cl ~m c d ny le lle r hi rccclvr:d . \Ve shll) C.O.D. on apprClvnl You do tlot pay n cent untU you have u.atlllUcd nlld fOllud UI ~1n Gtri~tly OKr C:l)rt'5l"lItro. . We will allow newshd_lfJaOnot or ~ per ce nt (therehr. tnaklu g the )Jrtre . ,l . lJ {j IJerp..,i r ) Ilyou se nt FlJLL OAHU 'VI'l'" OftOE lt niHI cllelose this n uvtrtl8e'm C:l1t . We wm 11 8(t ".c!.nd' oitt lIi (' L:~l plated bmss ha nd pump a nd two Sn "?1-,~ n m Cl a l pUlictu n: c1 05ers Ofl CUll Pflldu nJeu (lht:k ln t-lnl puncture closers to he u sed in c:nse of 1l1 1Cll tiOll oi kn l ~c C'.lt B o r heavy ~h C!tl . Tif"t'S to he r~tUrttf'd at OUIt. expense if (or ony Tl'!l!OOn lh l:)' fiN: not s..'1.u..'i(aclory ou e.xR1uill tll On. We are ~rr~tly re liable oUfl mon ey foe" l to U~ is (is sn f<: us In 0 bank. Ask: your l'o!Jtmofoitt"r Banker, Expl"ess 01" r'n:dghl "brent 01" the .E d ito r or th is p nper about UA. Jf you Orner ·R poir ~; th~ Urcs. you .will find- tha t lUcy wi1l rIde t:R!!ier. 1110 fas ter, \t;'eQ.r bdt r: r , lnst longer nud look finer thon any ltft! you hp Vl' ~V'~r uned or se en At uny pncc. We kn ow lltal yOH w ilt bc.' eo welll)l e.usfiJ that when you \VIlnt (l h lcycl e you wi lt ~i \'e us y o ur order. We waut you to R ud us Q Hnloll triRI order at once, hence this n:murknbh.> ti re arTer. +l _ r ' R S''''''t'lr'S, bOl!"·"I,· ,·h onlll. laddlo .. pod,,1ct, p'tU Clnd ",pal", and R..-. &i _-..HAC. , l"vcrylh u g in th e bicycle line are so ld by UJ .. t half Ule usual prlcu charged by nI null re pnir. ":l en. W1"ltc- ror our big SUNDRY eatmtogue. ' hool wnto u. n 1'0.lal loony. 1)0 NOT Til INK 01' IIUYING • n l #II hlcycl e or 11 p a tr o f tires ( ro m anyone until you know the nt'w inu' wonderful oO"en: aTe uULklng. It only t'(lf".ts n postal to leRrn everything. \Vrlte l1. NO\V.
DO "OT W·... 'T
" ~. ~ ~r,
AgenL. Lebanon , O•
!!!!~~~~~!! ~:A~Tg
H 37
(: H D S 00
.t. X
O & XT P. M . P . M. Leban on Jun ction "42 2 311 Shaker (; ro9~lng r. 41 !l :17 Itoslyo 1 r. 40 I' 2 · 42 UOmPIILeQO Ci u:! !! 46 CenterVille 6 58 2 61 Manor 1 6 04 I :) r,7 I.YLle 0 00 O~ F:dgewood "O)~ ":J or. Venable "0 16 , a ou "Itehaer "0 lij "3 11
In every lown nnd ro n ofT.r an )'Dl1ll8 me.n wh o apply flt C)Uce..
S 00
D & XT
'!llu poMal.
kind o f hig h.. g ..ndc nml to len ni or -nnrre.morknhle LO\V ~'WibI C llY ~l1l"g from factory
a d8fJoJt·'. the Frelglllond llulke other Hbem l t~r nl~ which no olhe r wl111 ea rn everything and gcl nlUch valu-
100 r. .
comJlt ~te .~
aud ,. h,. tk....ilJitlH:
Dootors Are Pm'.zled. The remurktlble recovery of Ken. netb Molvor. of Vnnoeboro, Mo., 1M tbe snbjoot of muollinterclit to tho medica] frawrult.y nnd n. wide oil'. cle ot friends. Be 88.;I7S of biB oaRe: Owilllt to eevere lDfiammnt\on of the Tbroat and congestion of tho Lungs, three dootors gave IIle up to die. when, liS 0. lnst. rellort r wall induced to try Dr. Klog'!! N~w Dis , . oovery and I am bappy to ' MY, It Th• •enuln. s8.ved my life." Ourea tho wor(lt ' FOLItY'S BQNItT _d TAR. tlla (o.u~bs Ilnq Cold!!, Bronohltill. 'l'on. • TeUo".. picu,e. ItefnM IUbeUmteIo. ,!l1ltls, WOIIJ[. Lungs, B'Oa-raeneM . and L6 Grippe;· GIlM'.ant-eecJi a' . Propareel enl, br . Fred O. Bo)lwartz drug, store, 600 n,. Ol'l~ and t1.00. '!!rial bottlQ free. .
HONEY.IDTAR Thl orlgl...1 WIllIE OIUlh r•••, dr.
VOl •. XLVI,. NO, ·11.
Cons tituti on Adop ted by Busin ess Men' s Leagu i!.
Start a
~ ~I(li\
WHUL E , NUMB ER 212:l
SaVin , gs Acco unt l
Cente rville . Lytll!. Mrs Dom Wurd: Wl18 a SundllY - - - - - -visito r in Dl1yt.on, A hoy witll only ono grrdn of Buy Willi Pllpor at 'c h wu rt,,,,'~ , Buy Willi 1'''1'''1' 11 1 :';,'II\\'lLr t ", 's Aunt Mllry Mills has been spAn.l. C',I'II Cllll cu~ily dORtl'0Y it, hut if ho Wllyno sdll ... Ohio, nnd 'l'ha BUHines s Mon ''I LOI!:.( II" "I' ~nVA :la.... . WU YIl I!"v ,II, ', ( Ji,l", lind FII \ ' j) :lr, "o ' 1311.v Will i Pupor Ill. :-;() hWlIl't'l. ·~, ing tho Pllst wook ot Ke n . WllynllHville h ehI Ii m eeting' 1'11,,,, , will ]lllll1t it. ural culti vn t A it, 11111\ ' M ,10I111 B rewor TIlOVC(l mto \\'11.1' " "Hvi l 1<" Ohi". 111lI1 ~IlV U ~:" :'" ., r!ok'R .E r r~ , .''1 I' . .1\11 ,," II 1I 1l I,1' 1111 1I "'1 I0 "lOveu tillY e von ing, T I C lllrk'~ L ho uso lus • . t 'wetlk. fr om tho 1,,'o(luo t keo]l 'JLHl , te nt.h tn Mitlllll ~ llllr!! 1'1:'" \\'. ", ... ~illl ,\" A Im ORt the e n tire ljllssion \\'Il~ Ie ]lworl,h oll g ne iSoolR I W111 Fill' (,o lds nso " Ited dpn~nf' :Ifill , , he h el(r m ost likely , Ilt the part home of MI' . lind , DI plunt rnie Dill Ilgllill 11Il ~ II Oil ' IUltA . , ;\1r~ nnll cont,1nue g iven over t.o tbe consido rlltioll Hud '1Illl' I' Y I'Xpoctllt'tlllt, " sold h,V ,J K MIl .I \\ 111 111 ', I ,'s, \\' 1' Iter I{onrl' k I'• ~' eek from . >lick Intli'l.\' with a so ver o IIttack of Li lll!'"l/l\, 111 l)".Y t '" , 111-1111 ~1 )On t " .. ",doptio ll of 8. ao nsti tu t ion Itllli hy .Iunn ey. the 1)I'OCee8 he will !:I1l(1 beforo he i .. lIIumps , \.Ili s coming F ridlLY evening . l"wl! fo r the L engue. Mr . . Iohn API' Il1gllt ll ' 111.,, 1, :-ill lu r . 1 Our tuwn 18 growin g t o beoome 1II1' ~ . .1. D. C l ll lU r", t,~ 1111~ h(lt1n vory fity your~ uld t llllt t h er e 'is u o t lund Rev. 'prigg~ prClllCh oli Ill st Siln . duy ni gh t.llIld :-inuIIII Y III 'I'he oommi ttoe to jJr o p{~ro t ll n L .. IlIlll on, \( IUitO u tmding' cente r . During the fo ro·golu g eOll8iHt ed of .1 , F. (:lI d , ill with t(ln si 1ilu~ hu t hti M fnulltl 1'0 enong h ill 1111 t ho worhl to plant tho d llY lit \.II( Sugur Or oek Christ iltll Mr . RolJerl St. ..1.. llI! 1'{\ Incr (\a~e _ wLlllllcle r , J , A . Euuk{lY null I' K lill!' wlt.hiu Il fow ,I"y!>, chuI·oh. nml will p reaoh Ilgllin in urrillY ol'oll ing t.o ht' "t IUl'II U(\ ~at. past week seventl ltnve oome down 11 " 1111' for 1\ from th e v icinity of Miln or on the ::>0 WITH MONKY , Brutten 1IU11 tho work WIl R 111 ,,"1 two weeks. fe w dIl Y~ , ~1i~,. Ghu rlClun ' I'.\' ~n ll of Da y t.r- II trRin wlt.h th e ~01(J \'iew or purChtaB. If you )ln t thoroug hly done. Onl'y a fow 111111 · u8id o 1\ purt of yo nr . Mr~: \VlIltor Ul n~ hus R.ol<1 h er MI', Albcrt. \\'hlll'l'/ O hlL ~ t ~ (ub . ill~ g roce rie!O , or olJll.uge s were llIudo wlillll t,h" i~ IL >(lll'sl, at tho hom B u f Iwr nn · elll'nin g~ Ullt! Pllt it. to goorl U~f) in m oo IltUe propert y III t b o \'lllngc t o ItShOlI hilll l:\Ulf ill Ly tl" ill t li() house One dny lust week Charle8 CIlI.rk IlI ly in~ in ves tments, yo u will S0011 Mr. J OHel)h ClIlllp be Constit ution WI1S Imlnnit tml ttl th" ('Ill Th ll lllll ~ ;1, ,,11 ll. , o wnl'.1 by Aun t. Mill'.\' ~ 1I11 s. i\ I'llI' 101111 of fin u luc us t p"" I,s 1'0 1' find t.hllt you r WIIS in Duyt,on Imd ohllnoin g to pass Lellgue , . money Is milking P erry Brou c!wny. mot,b e r nn d Ris· Mrs (.;1111'1l '1ll W , H, M,u1(l nl1 JlIIlI Co., ( '"" you mor f) t lllln you ul'e IDllkin III." he"1J ~vnw. lI11lrtin lIud Co·s . Music store walk· 'rh ~~xetl lltiv o Uonllui ttoo W'I~ "" Ir. ,5' tor, TII OV el in to t h ei r new propert.y wb"t ill ful' SVcy lli ol imll prl, t. 0 110 11,,11111' well It efl in , (~oite crowd W {lS In there Illlthllriz,.tI t,,, lind II Hlllt.IIUlo 1',)1\1 11 win . ill vested hos n In st week. Mr . BI'OIl(lwIIY'!:! h oultb SeeUltl thllt Mrs , I:>t.II (\)" h,, ~ moro on guged in gu n.essing fo l' t,11lI \' .. til!IlA to m llll l. 't llti rnpoi·t. IU thOll~UIllI tilllOI~ gr Ollter dividen d i8 sligbtly lrnprov tho oumbe r of e d, t lmn hor 8111< 1'0 III .. i c kncs~ . M,'S , ~}\tlo e r l{ohillilOIl hus h ~nll ournin!! powor thlln II milli on d ol. Ilota t oes in II snok . Uharles II{lX t. m eH rill !! Until 1I1",t.h or rl"'1II '1'ho Pllrch ll sing Commi t,too of th o I ~ I 't I I I I ' d r eHo\vod i", !'4t'ourtl,l Hlt\f'l1l1~s ""III t r y his luck .mel mll lio a. h nj( l in qnittl ill wit.h 1II1111ll'ill fnvf'r for II 1111'S fn" lishl y " POll t, Librllry Cl~b ~IAt ono IIlHt tl JYt : oUllT"~ lin' to " ', ~1' llnh g uess , Ittoprovod \vunk nr 1111lrl', lin t tit thi ~ t itlHI 1:-1 Th o C iti :.:ell~ illlnk , of Wllynel l week 1l1ll1 mll tle Oll t 11 Avo~ing to be the oorroct 'UI" CHlln i II !! <:" '" '<iline. 1tl n e w Hat ~f , l· lL~lteh H . I' I~ ' eel' u P WIt I . tl e number a nd tho fi rst prize of 1j12G .I " ,('h .. re/!: u'llIl' IIllle t.II'~" will Ill' Io tllt l l JU1)1'ov i1\~ , Yllle, OhiO, nHor oorr espon ellng Wit . , II t,y l 0 . e J( W'I ~ ]lll t 011 tlg 1 t I hook>! to Jlurolms e for t h e Libmry ' s hi H t d I Is d ' ,,"a Mia ~lIc'Il\l1 MODUli.) ' in 0"0 11 IIl Qn th s. 0 re urnA lome -UlUOI1 I'Y of Htute, 11Ild consul· Hilt wllte l' hoLli ns Ilt.1. K ,J" t.he· Sem'et.I1 'rhe WOllllln's Foroi"'n Mission 0"', U:1 II). \V It I{ ' k I.n t Inn WI. tl) some 0 f tb 0 m os t ,'!J A GII~et tu hn R hClOn lI ~koc1 t tl olate ' , OlOtV d. . 1 .... [ \ ra, prom wont. to . '1'1 t· II •" IlU ll k, ers (t I l ' " 1' .. I(lHtinA C'ls l.le I{ , '1 , E , wiil mOil k I yd og II h h t '1'1~I or 1 tlnl'l CI c~1I 8pec iul nt.w nt.ion t o thn i'IIUt . . , . of the M " E church, h eld 1\ lO ) 110 our , 10110 un m g experl, w 1 0 ' ns lIyI '1ll1 re llllllll flVenin g'l'hunk Offerin g se r . II)'I . n' t lI11'Hl cd ,.,aen . IU wan d' erlllg . I Ulllt t,h n \'eng llA i" n ot only IL Vv u)' h"ld nnot.llO r Hjlill~il\ I nwoting FI'i HIl OO in tlliR hne of husiu e.H) nnd /::lunclny over thi 8 sec tlon vice with nn inter estin lro '~'lIll Uutl u II un ny, w Icn c]n.l' hm' hll ~ llILnd lind WI~S )lurposo d to t,e mad sooms ('vouing , IL fnlJ . uttolldo llOf' ,10 OOill" uss uror! thut nul' chnrter per , ( " lI (l1\ villo A H~ .. cilLti<l1l . but it iR (IOllir. " I I:: . "', I wom ~ l' lind Ilc('oUlj)unH'(1 bl,r , hOJ;llo to hll ve born e a chn.rmed life for a 0 IlxerOlseH, , ert hy MIA f"nullor .. of the nrgll"i:': 'l sl r ell , I I:>utlllu y . nlltted 1\~ t,o lll('lude IL SuvlngR De· Uounty CommiH !lioll or, C W,' . tion Lhnt eVA ry oiti'l.ell of Wll ynp. " fow days . One night last week it Pllrt' ,m e1lt wit'!'l our gon ornl bonklDg I HalMs h .l~ beAn e1i!'l ILbl e(\ MI' . A. L , FIll'r 's 11111 II Y , fl'iflmls fron,l of Ml. Imd fIlrH . II~nu!" I.Ii lI ullcs w ~n t slept on J . M. Stacy's poroh t o wn Rhip ~ h"I\I .1 unlto wit.1l tlml will rt.joiOo tn f\nd know t hat h I) il< ""11' bu!\in es~, hll ve lIt'l'ungell to 00 80 , tioitLI duties tbe Pllst week 01' I Il 1ln YH tv Uuyto ll un ::SIUUI·tlI lY. ",vemng when uisoove red provod invulne ra· tnke Oil Interf!Ht. in i t , Tho L!\lig uU I'IIllui uin!! his ~ t, OUR BOOKS ARE NOW OPEN on aocon nt, of u ro ll t-: t. h slow ly IInl1 )l oullur alimen t of whe l'o they PUI']Jv~tl Slltlllllt llg ex poots· t.ownrl , n ot II10no fo r WilY ifl 1I0W n.blo 1.0 !III, srlver· ble to ul1 the Ilttn.ok he Wll.!l ahle to FOR DEPOS ITo. tho kn eo joint. up It sbort ti me III duys WltU tllell' lltlng hr,., r , Mrs. d ir eot IIgainst It. Dr. n elwille, hut for t h o entire I.nwn· Ulw h (11I,y , No 1II11tte r how BlIlllll"u ILlll0un t Wllrd was 'I'b (~C I ., " F , lorellce . UUUltbu .. t;l uud hl1~bHnd , ~hlp . e ~ 1I 8 ompa ny lllVU a uOl. n next t o IIssai1 hiDll>Ut all his revol • YOll h~ ve. brlllg I~ III !llId.depOSIt · f It. II or dt lnore ' ft· ollrl onds of their piping _ Uur m , Hllv. ~lIH the\\'s,hfl!l vor /I 0 O'go 0 no .. Mi~~ Ro~n r. PlIrks. \\'h o~e h omo We WIll. Imy you 3%,lIlte w>mage i... in the fUlllil yofstlUlre .1, O. I{ ~y~ H loft SIX Ulont.h R, )' ou rellt 00 ~t sidetrllo kfl{lot our f.'lt.ntion , lind wiJl r otul'lled r ef reshed ill botb U1lod d ono. It wns flnlll1y k;l11od ,by was Dr. oun depOSIt no d01lbt Roon be e xco yating aud ILlld hOlly .t:\" r esult of Bad Fire Scare S].lllllt. I::i nntillY nnt! Moml11Y in (jin when you pleuse ond cun h Is v it,ll t, to Ellis, dmw ont 1It}log them 1I0uthea st of h er ll. ~' Now .J e r oy. H owever, hi s bt·UI.llOl' (,innllt.i vi!' ; Lu ln Z,, 11 111111 nil yon put in lit IlD V tim o All en Emerio k bough t It new at Post Of lice. MI'~ . Lonn ()at l.clwith Um villlll;e Counoil hus liuthur. who l'retHJhotl in Ilis Ilb~o lllllll1n,n gh t l3r , u ~e . 0 11· horse Inst Wednes day a ftflrnpo n , If n hoy undertl ik llll. to snv~ one i>leo t.he borrow ing of ~:U'O to oon dUCL",,( t h u HO,l'vicoS Ill~t 1:iUUlluy . I t wus rathe r lute when b e Thllrn \VilA II bn,(] lirA Ronro ut t.h n tI. . Ht' ller>! IIntl !'on hn ve pnrc llll>l· e~ollnr 11 week u~ld StiC k,S to It fol' stroot Ma ca«1emi :-. d r Olld on tho Duri ng til e IHlst wee k "bout IlILlf h nme wi t h h is new purchRrenohed se , but I:'.,~t Utllco Fcilll1Y IlvAnin!! ,nHl fO I' oil II f"rlll nn t.hnl:lro llt Millll1 i rive r h! t ~ ye."r~, be ~vlll hll l'e In t~, e bunk eRlIt r OlLd Inward the 'tatlon . ' 1 " , l o ll'h " pOlmlu tion of o nr vlllllgu flll ve '1'hllrllduy mornin g hnd no 800tlQr " ,19.)2 H.I; he wtll huv(1 paId l~t.Q t he Coun ty Il row IIOconc1s It lookml 'I~ If Il Ol't! 11 0,,1' Dllyton IIUlI will ont nr \.IIQ tlld to conHth wt beeu bllMY trying t o keep tbe illlths c1uwued thlln Mr. Emerio k. with 1111 1II1g ht Ht~lrt thut, would r o~ ul t. In thA I' Y 1l\I "i n o~... tIlfuo. Th e he~t wi"h l'~ blink ~~(J~~? ~o .und t h e bunk WIll puy the btl'lunee of the r ood d own t Ih e clou red trom '!mow al1(l th uther thllt ell gor ex pectatio n thlit ohn.rllO ,,'f t,heir Wnyn ee villll f rl e ncl!' will hl ~ I,1 M,.I.J~ .9.l l~tere!' t . r11l,; I.ruotlol l of the hui 1111 ng St.nti Oll , • Ihulf huvo boen glOOUli ly SPf\OUhl tiu~ 11118 teri:-.os Bnnk n hoy 1Ft who bas bOught a n ew I11corpo rnted lind W. (,), R"par WIll< ill tho otlloo II n fl follllw tb mn t o their IlPW 1 0~nti " lI. , li S to whon t blM ~ )Joll of weathe r will top .md gO"f1 rn ed strlotlv by t.h e lliw!! of llesires to Bee how it ppms; For two wee ks tnol'o IUl8 lJ001l [C e nft(Jr lI ~ b tillg IL o t ~ .. r t.hrew t h e ' t hi h tohell e Stato tG of t Il() Ohio, big wllgon and drove nnd wo rIo a gen . goocl s lelglnng, Tho IIIllrkot h elt! by St., Mllr.y·s 'VIl Bt quantit ies e~l~w~ Inll h I~WI1y whern it 'L1i!;ht.e d ill u , .. . " 01Y down town. It WIiS with shoul· erlll bnnking lJUsin es~, Illllking lonn s of s now ure Imd [';ui lcl oll oh yot iSll t Ul'llllY to ne in found t~u fr"nt. . lot tlf pup r. of t he UlU I.n P pULlents, ders t hrown bllOk lind II look onl y on t he best socurity incl of . He h ILt! bAOll gun" o nl y 11 littlo purt of .J A . Co leuuin 's ~t.oVll RtOI'A, firHt mortga ge on r elll est;tto . uding through o ut tho oount.ry . Thill is It IStll1lley J"llm ll nnd Be.rt G rllhlLUlare pride in hill eyes that be , triump h . perloll At.i11 of winter continll wenthe 08 nnll r h 'I'Rh bilkin g "llIlost ,1lrogres Mlng while wben .the 11\1l!' hln:.:ed up In fi n.llly l1ud expellt to be ull t ly If passed you bnve n(\ m onel' to 'd eposit uup.lrul leled wlt,hln the m em the village sohool house nml ctlok \tl ~ oto will hfl 0 11 sale th M or y of baok ut Bohool ILn 1~lnrlJ]ing w"y III IL foil' more d,iy8, His llluny friends soon forgave him • com e in Ulyde Cox, hOlveve r , hatl n ot b~en for t hi s lit,t le demon8 A: Mlltlltt llntl 'Ilrti ... l:fiABY wore h(' t.wotm ninn lind twolv e n nxt Milt· Wlt.h U8 unywav. 'Lno 'h a ~e tl talk our oldest cithans . tratlon of so fortunn t, , he In the o ffice Itt tho t.hno lI,n tl HUO urelllY , IS stili ruther . orde SIck p rid e IIn u thoy flillf)erely hope' that . r . "'H 'r H OU "E O F YO .RS By of tIm Board of Dlrec., from t he offects . A~ L yet A no oeed ed In putting 0 11 t tho Ullme!', ho· onol ci else hus c.ontruc ted th e The 0 rHt of tIm SJlrin ~ froshot s hi8 lute stI'ellk of misfort une bas, (oro t.h oy Sllron(l. Ill'rived yes t.ol'lluy un(l the Litt,le ~li . to r~ : . m, R , F . M081H~R ' gone, no t soon to return. Wi ll foel more oom forta;blo during Mrs . CharI ell E. John~ is s lowly Illll l ri vel' I!mw to ho 'I nit.e II hig C. A H INSC I!. To one !leated in the offioe 'o f .J .n n:s 'TOOPS, the oold 8 IIson iu 1\ ',l'nrOI 000 t of illlprov in.g after h er , ruth e r pro. Lytle Wareho use and wntobln tho. , ~trl'ILtJl No ~erious (1IlUlU l::tlH Wll, ~ LltV I ::> L UKKN8. g 'lo~ \V . A , MKRRI.'I 'T, Gre9u Sel,11 Puint. Not T'gbt , but ju s t lite truOI.ed Illnell8, t h ough she III not li tter 10lle\ of t olllloOO II!! 11001' hy t.ho fl ood Curtis Hisey nnd W , .l t3 n ~:Il\v ool1, it oomes in, NA'I' ILA N .10"":, 'For B ale by.r. E. Julllney . well yet. ps huro Whito. c(~rri e rR on rurlll FRANK EI,III)N, Mrs. Ju t e .Jo hns, of tho ~tlct t hat tobacoo oal~ure has Same the "Lid" was on. 'HAR . 'ORNE!.L MallOI', who W,UI bel'a for ulmost become I~ great ind,ustr mllil rout. ~ 2 lind :I wor e 1Innl,Ie t.o J N, LltmloN . S · B h nUlke their trips beouu~o nf \.lie two wuek~, Ilssistin g in oaring for tion, is plainly evideIltyin thil 800· C ushi er . ,. ··, Tuetlda y pring ranc . "'rhe lid " \vUi'! on In Wllvo o~ l'iIIe fl llod , ~ er, returne d bome Saturda y even. of Illst week Allen & Wheele r, mf Sunduy , Whil It. 11'(1" lloi nl' t.i"ht Buy Wall Pn.per . lit /::lohwartv,'s, mg, 'rroy, reoeive d .. Ui Ed orops whioh Zell and Mia. BI~n ob e W Ilyuesv '11 OW taW"I~ mi"ht huvtl III .tlll J' ust the sUllie Me s r a. Wm . GrnlJum lind W , A. onllooo llnt of thethose l e, . 0, an d- sa.v/.' 25 % . '" WitS W aynes vl'11 e St u d ts bad welLther fall · Ze." II IlHSt ten· dnn. Ita .' e1:Yeot. . n~ (e lt. I . Ulurk ' ec1 Iln unmve en were IJreS6'llt I~t the Con'''''e a· ed to Ilrrive sooner, Tbey rsnry oe e· Mr, Em'l C'onnor vil,itod hi s )lur. !lionlLi Conven stored !):'b'lIIe 118r90nll whll nej:(lect etl to tmltlon of K : of P. Ln,lge tion in Xonla o·last IlG oal\C~ of it In the wn.reho use. in nny· Respo nd to Toas ts. en tl:! here lo s t onturdn y lind Sunday . '1'uosdn y, Mr UI(lrk _bny meat Sotnrdl l ,I' ul/lht IIlld t~, do toll }It~t Wedne~dny e boing IIppoiu t. ve ning wh ere Thursd ay Wm . J08liog , receive d Elm er Keovo r bll! bought t be ed sergeun t at arm. Thi wit-hon t ment 8 uudn .v n~ not un MisA Edna flLvorell s oll.used so methin g like 70 onsee for which At thecele liration of the semi. fllrm formerl y owne d ollnce wa/t 801d, Th " g~nceri os woro nnfl their frI e nds with the IlI enlbar~ by Cheno. him to [eel so dignifie o that !levornl It is he COl'. pttyed centonn iul of n frut orllit,y or gllni1,u weth out som ething over " 2000. 1I1!!11 olllsec1 tight suid h e wo uld burdly s peak t o his nllt RfrhlS . Blum h e r ellHllnod tiOD of the Ohio Stllte On the some tluy .I n.mesL ewis an(1 Univer sity, Messrs , FranK Dllkin n.nd Frunk friends for a few dUY!:l afterwa W . C. Pbi1lll'!oI' cnnfllct loner y WIlS in the GOIII Oi t y for a moro rd, Perry Wnde buyers of trush tobacco protrnc · h e ld r , t.wo Wuyne sville stu. Uook were open 08 mm"l, but 110 Willi tho only te.(l vltllt. Leban on visitors lust Mr. Calvin Hnnt went duwll be. for Mr , Ohus. Cross of Lebano dents Wllrll on t.h o progrnl ll for TIlllrsd ny . n, .0" one who took Clt tlllOOS 011 pnyillg low ::>outll L ebun ou Wo\lno sduy l1ud 10lllleli nbout 10,000 pounds You will navor h ow much tOIl!lts In .. cur. , Miss Mattie B ess wII.sreo ently the when he r oturned brollgh tbe' '2» fin e which oon be n-sso8slll l you noet! Accidonknnw t [nHUrtlnOO till t wit h him Un Frielll Y Lester Kenrick who ' Mr , Jo'red CnRkey spoke on the gu est of Mr. aud Mrs. George fnr flllllng to elOl!e on Sund~y. Crut It fine ,teoln o f tuules. ' Sotue of (.;01 iR bllyin~ t ro sh yon nro IILI(I np with nil lIIjnry, t.h on ~ubj e"t: LA peep undor for Lawson anll the Lid," ter8 of n ellr Corwin . 'Olere ll.ppOllrs to be oon81(Ie rilble it is too III t.o /::l"eFrot\ B. vin 's pessimi stio fri ends imme diate. Benry of Ho rtDl1ntown took in ll.nd Mrs ..Jomes Chenow eth is v8I;y ill Iy prophes ied t ha t dom e . oonfusl on in tho puhlio mind reo Age nt, for Aet.uu AcoidASherwo od , Imd Herh!'r t W.trw lck disouss ed day when loade d ulDlost twocurM . n t )ll!l\lr. ! " An Aflil l"to." ' .. t the time of this gardhll t tho St!nrlny .1I1ws. Whllll l , Her b e Is hitchin g thom IIIJ, he will s ud. Iln tes very ronson. CO Uo now Since th e beginni ng he has taken 'rho bnnque t Ivnl' heIr! in oo e of mf\ny friends hope to writln~ it hall been oustolll llry 10 1Il0st towns \ UIl henr of b er denly ubI find l11m,self ' in unotber cor in 62000 thA Inn d10 g hotels of Columh lls, and speedy reoover y, pOllnds Of tm8h lit this tor the Illllyor to notify' d ealer!:! who . n er of the .tIL,r III , . iR wnR mo~t, I'umpt.u ous m OVAr y r ea· have been keeping oPen !;l1ndlLY s . The Mr. Guy Cbenow eth i~ workin ... their preulOtl On wJ\1 n ottu be hoped plaoe ond Is n ot quite thrOll/lh yet. ~lIrron ~onllty Mcnicol :'>0. t COIllO truo, 'I'bis togethe r with 30,000 poundR be fore enforol ng the IIlw -yet thl~ is Cloty WIll meet 1lI '" Mn yo rs Oflto.. , peo ' wbich his futhe r Obarles Kenrlo k Ifor Mr. Rich of neur Utioa. nnd not neoe88l lry, Also, Ii~y person in Lebllno ll, 'It In the 1'o08llu yof last w Aek Ilbout ten ho s ,r ecelved o'ol oo k tin '1'uos ut Centerv ille mllkB8 (~ I:lpent ciaturdll.Y and Sunday with his o'olook in th,e morning who knoWIl . of fnilllre to oomply d,LY n ext" A). rti 3r/.1. Dr ', Mrs . Dortt t otal of UI.OOO pOunds . . 0, R 811. M· ' Ed Zell ~ r rised 11l1rents here. With tobe 11l\" enn by gOing before ver, of Sydney , lIt1d Ho Ward unrl Mrs. Charles Bougb woro n , Hornofl ISlS Hurrv TlIylor buy\qg for thn na ~ u P . , Mrs. Fro.nk Cook ILnd dau/l:ht er seon the Mayor have sllob denIer IInost Ankene y, Mt.nto Duiry by u ce rtuin person drIving UUng Br08 . of Dayton 111111 F oo,l beld I~ dellv. , ' . , cd nnd the Mn.yor mnllt of neeeRHi t,y Comml ssillner , will mllke Maude of nellt Mt. Bolly vlslte(1 r apIdly ont of town iu a 81 igh, e ry nn tiBtnrdl1Y. On uoooun t of tho Ilddross o" ]<'rldny. Murch ll.{, bAIng Ab8S with h er sister in law .Mrs on force the law. . Ed wurd T:tat person llurdly kuew what ,to ~uowy lind it. numhe r of 10Clt imedic oi m en Eclnn Zllll 's ,eight oAntb wen.t her only 07 cu.sos caine hirt~ldA.y, Cook lI,nd fnmily one dllY last week. Infer There hILS belln oon8idl lrilble d18. will r OlLli pllpar~ of prosent from suoh II. ph enomen on in f or whioh they gllve oheck . cosel' . I~e r friend" oonsldo rpcllt II BUltl1ble 8 . We ure sorry to lose these exoel. I1nd ull munne r of eXJllull outl$lon of the mutter the lJIL~t few ~tlon'" pre· m ounhng to almost ,~ ; OOO. Being tlmo 10 meet at h Ar hOlll o un.lI.n · l duy!! , ail~l the outcom e of oru. , The "hoOllo o" which peoplo froOl our nelilhb orhood ,se nted themse lves to hIS lent hilS bl'en pu~.~lcd n ounced nnd Sl'pnd the evening ~Ith but- wltat il' our loss' is to got cllrllit WILS . stored In sllde for J::IUD!In.Y enforoe meo' Is be. hangin g over t,he Ga:-.ett.e others guiu I brnm; but when nfter {~sbor t t lln e tunnble oflloe th" her, COMtlqu he wfLrnh ollse, 11 , O~)IJ pany of n.nd wo wish them sucoess ing watChe d with Intere t, in there pust few weeks , continu es t o be "nit ~(\Ull~ pl1O)JIA li'ntly ~hey returne d to Mrs, ~Vard'B h OlDa wnlkAd l:'I 'Jllst nil sh e l now h om e _ _ --_ M(uly of tllll dealerll lillY thuy pre. It wus nil clear to hIm tllut thoy no ~IlY , Miss Mllmo "' li S r ondy t·o go out ILnll fer tl) hnve SUUdllY to tbelll~elvos in spend th e l 'I.'t I ' J 1 CI Brown fell on tne i oy puvem ent eveninl' th I hau been out 011 n sh ort plensur e ( with Bome Iri e nd~ . '1'he ' . 10 sa e lit 0 III Corw in. rather tihlLil do buslnesl< "evnn llnys FridllY lolpralnm IElDowe elst trill. ri ght wrist s nrprise wns comple te, IlOd th e ov· Ii rldu y WllS ____ __ III t,he week. "nd weloom e tho OIl vory bnelly. Mrg, her 1 well ut tendo!-'. Every. 'l'bos . J. ' Brown, enlng IVO S s)lent m amllsom ents l tinng Buy Wnll Pltper ILt :';ohwar lz 's, sellmg. well. Mr. Ch en o,":eth d ]\[r · anu Mrs, .111001.1 Llloy while IIpJittinf! kindlin g Suturd" y po rtunit.y I.oolose , lI ud WuynOfwille, OhiO, liml !:Wove 25~6, lUI ' nre I\lwn.y8 enjoyab le to lind fUlllily WIll l E soon leu evoning , WILS struok in tbe eye by u euch ve Ollr nOl gh . lIug Ite r , VII., .v oung people: r with i\'h'H. . borbood Illld m ove on II fllrlll nellr Eli."n Bellm , Mrs.togethe !llllltll partlole Ilnd Ruffered 8ever()l y Llley's ugf1ellll ot.h. Mrs , 'I.'rlll(x is lying dangero usly 'I.'hose who pn,rticip nted in the Oregon ln,. er, ClIm e to our vi lln go Slltul'lIIlY iIllLt tho h omo of horeIn,u ghter Mr~. from the effects for 80mll time. Runa way's Horse 's event were: .J essie MlLrlntt., Ada Mr. Martin Wost ;;pellt, tL fe w day ufterno on fr om Dnyton . '1'h ey W . W. Arnold . E.vler , Ann Kelley, Mury Gmy, days of laRt, week with Wild Caree r his )lllrentH proceed ed nt. onco to ]llLok ..\ unt, R o.v, the Ron of Mr, nnd Mrs . Eloign Smith, Leub Smith, MisH Apphia Mil1e1' visited her lla Itob. I1t Springf ield Imcl on his r eturn EII",u's belongi ng" which We r t' in brother Frnnk E; Hllrt!loo k.on t1lil !Spring, in~on.. RIlYUlonrl WiIlinm Mr. C'Lrl Miller in Colum. son, Hnr. brough t HlCm with him lind th ey CUlIdico Buircl '~ h OllSfl, prepll rut,ory While Ollrl Smit.h Willi oomin g t.o VII,lIey "lul Bellhro ok \lIke bus Sat urdny ano t:!unElay , hilS more olel Howell, Ernest. Rohinsn n. Bow. will make ther town l!'rlclllY eVflnlnj:( his horNe hI'. thlln or(linar y. tlt.lent e futur e h ome wit.h t.o tnkitlg the m to OilY t ort. Aftor os on Ilrtist nrel T roll t. R"vmm lll Buwkn . RUB Mr . W est Mr . W. Morglln of D"ytOD , SIMlnd ILIlll w\fo who recent.1y Slloudin g Sunday plellslln tly wHh cume frighten etl whilo nAnr the nwne(rlo~erVeceernUltlyPIBcnteQnreb8y SUlJd,~y with his homo folks. °tlflehet8dl' toWrhIOolfl sell P lirIAt't., R'llymo lln ()lI.viN, ItIlY. move d on fllrlll of .J F, CUdwlIlI~dAr, and tlie Nur Brown fl~rlll . Mr, nnd Mrs. o hormnn Dyke, they, ~ Mr8. Mary R I) t little lIal1. W .etto suggest not only unus. mont1 ,MItt _ _- wi t h the e·xcopt.101l of Em ret.urn ed gllter returne dCbalfnn kinking loode from the buggy stllrt, theGar or n " , uper t. B,,"y , Ilr· I tl tl "Tt b t t o her home in, Penn' 11 . hOlllfl, r en Edwnrd E"IL intends ed Ilt.a oorri~o pnoe toward tAl wn !!, Slcl ElliR. v isiting her GREEN oEAL PAINT . . ~(l. Ilr SO li I'll Y n reu Y gemus, t · I . I' . The anim,,1 alm08t orazy with rbe boy hns taken only sylvnni a Il,ftor u protroo ted visit rnnny TI eDt S In t. 11I; comll1llll1ty /I tew les·1 with her Imronts Mr , und Mrs. Pn.t. 'I.'he top n ot oh of pain t ~otlfln """A , dnrin/!: t.bfl , left t.he oenter of Main street sons but his work is of the r coming weAk, rick U1olrk. tec h. ighest Servi ces at St. r Cut;lter's jewelry For sule hv .J, E ..Jnn Uioy. 19 en near of the t:.tlen1le1 l A fllw store or d er . He 18 11 pupil of Miss Luriu Bllrllett,'~ . , ' the sl(lewn lk, Btrlk. I MI.~s Olive ~Orrt8 of neur Bellbro ok . and sta'rOOd up Miss Gu il Dunham of DAyton , Is friends took ntlvllnt.a[:fl of Iho Mary s Churc h. MI DOLE RlJN. tng one of 'thehef\ vy wooden IIlUnrs MISS MorrlA . r.eoen tl y I ad 110 kn owledg e thl1t. h llr soveutconth spenpin g her April vllootio n with ] u.) . on Dr. Sherwo od'8 poroh, foroing it tllr? on e xlnlnl,io In birtheln y ClIm e on Fridny, Muroh 2;1, b er r uill tive Mrs . Ettll Rudor . J1ayton for Frlrlny I1t 7 p. Ill , I,itllny, PAn iton. - three' or four inohes ont Gf place, wlnoh !!he r efused n~r,00, t o 1)IUI1 11 ~Ilrpri so for h er. Twe lve tilll J ohn, tho son of J , N , Lemmo n, offino nnrllu],lre~s n.t. 7 p, Ill , Buy Willi Paper lit Sobwnr tz'H of her frlel1 d~ IIml suboolm aud althong h the shook must have !II et sprnin etl hi~ 11Ilkle ~un(ln y Avoning suhj eot. : Th A Litllny ; tiB t urtllLY at Wayncs ville. OhiO, And RILVO llIi"I; ' Ii ritl'lY ovtminf!; ut. tho b UllIo o f Mi ss been fearful, carrere d mildly on Chur ch Notic e. ' ~" hi1 o in the hurn . of .Tohn 3.'1t1 p m . Evenln jt Prayer ; Sun<luy, Mrs. JIIUles B. Smith il\ on t.ho F orn Smder o\ld t lteu procflcc down tbe 'sidewa lk, ruonlnl' ( clown led in II Zpll, s u tTerll1g severel y . the' Iit.h, Sunday (i>nssio n ) in LAnt, sick liRt . the 8ide street near W . C . Phillips body t o hor home, Lurin, \VI\~ 8ullrln,y oohool nt !J,ao n, m ,; Holy Mr , ~'runk Hurt-"oo k called SUll· tranqui lly ren ding Mi~~ and then turning again CIlmp 111) Rcgula r IlIllnthl y 80rvice "The Youth '" DootorH Are PU>l1.led. the IItreet and wIUI8to pped by Wlll. AnguAt ines o11l1roh Sundny n.t·· St, Cotnml1 nion n,n d Sermon lit. 1030 a . dllY. IIftorno on ,to see his I~oth er . Co III Jlnni on , " little HUMjJcoting Illl.y , Allril 1, m; Evenin g Pruyer nnd neldrA"!' Th e r oml~rklLlll o rocovor y of Ken. MISS Nflra Scott 811On·t rhllr~rlllY I.hin g, whon t.h o o nter HIlY In front ()f Barnhll r.t's shoe Ilt 10 o'clook . All nre d oor burst neth Moh·or. of Vnnceb or o, Me., is Invited . lit- 7 11. m , suhjeot , " ThA enemie s night with Rut,h MIlx:we ll. store. A .heavy Iron post In front ,open nnd in ru!'bAll t.he merry thn ~ubje()t of much interos Rev . (;I. J. Mnyerh ofor. WA renonn oe." t to the Mr . H, U. MorriR has pnrcllll sod lor owd. The surpris e WII R oOlllpla of the Post Office WIU! 8truok and • - • to. 1IIeilioa i fmtoru it,y and 0. wide 01.1' . Everyb ody invlt.ll<1 t o th e~(J Ror· R lIew horse. bent'alm ost dQuble, Tb e oveumg W lI l! s pent plellsllnt.1y cle 01' frl oJl(IR . Ho Sltva of A Solentlf io Wonde r . vicPR, his olise' Mr . E(l . Hartsoc k nnd slstor, Miss ' hy all in \llllyin g gnm oR It was a fortuna te thing there lind c hIt ! Owing t,o sovoro mfluUlU latlon of were very few Jl60ple on tho street MI~ui e Rllen t Snturdu y i1.1.DIlYton , 'l'he ouros !lttmtl to It", oredit ruel l1R, lifte r which t1 e1i ~ htful rO'1 t,ho Throut lind oonges tlon of the 'Iho tnlk I~ ho~ ,!loon WIll we, g et fr oshlllon ts were served . at the time" mnke Buokle n's ArnlCII Slllve Il fho PIlrty LuugH, t.hreo dootors gave lIle np to "H,ANNA't,3 J.USTR O.FINI SH" the teleph one . lJ! e Homo C0\1l' dlspors ed M a In te h our .The horse' was preUy bndly in· Boililltiflo womlor . It oured E . R. , pliny wn.s bere UU A woek lookin g ovo,ry ou o h oping thu t , .euoh u~d lli e , when, .IS Il lIu~t resort, J WBS jured, bat II! reoovor In II variety of boallt.if ul oolorll , ing nicely. Mulford , leoture r for the P atrons .lIIlss LurllL . h\duood to try Dr . King'8 I Thill Is the same horso thllt WitS of. Husban dry, WtLynAs nfte r 1\ IIDe. IIl V/) many IIIIPPY surprIs es IIOrea f ' l oovery nnd I am hn.ppy Now Di~. . l,JOro, U. ill wonder ful wlmt the Illllle8 'MY It Cbf\rles ,Rye,lln d fumily bn(\ f~r tel' stolen frllm Mr. Smith @everal II c1i8tres sing ~se of PileR. PlI. ., of ~ltose present. we;o: Misses 8Ll vocl illY life." Cores to It hllf\ S lire aooomp llshing with the W~rMt months ago . the worllt Bnrns, Sores, Bolls, Ulcers It mnk es an old !:Ioor lookt.his finish. their gu est8 /::lunday , Mont Ho~ht Lo.'" <.Jornell, Berlb" Coon , Forn Coughs anll Colds, Bronoh iti8, 'l'on. like new . a~d family. Jooob Scott Ilnd fnllltly Sn~der, Bllln • . Clit"" Wound8 , Ohlblai ns nnd Salt Old furnltn re Ilud wood work Ed . Morgan and family . Lewi s Willi?,lD 801l ohe Dyohe a nd, ,rtevlL slUtis, WeaK Lungs, BOllrse neaa For lagrlpp e IlJWo.Vfl use "Red Rheum . .Only 2Gc at Fred C , ' lind llesRrs, Ellrl Ihom · (lnd L.. Grippe. GU1\ra.nteed at . Stibbs, wife 1lIl(1 nephew , Minnie Ilf:\, Chllrles ('.arn ell , W Spruce and Oherry Expeot orunt." I:Ichwa rtz drag store . brough t to \Ife. . Hartsoo k and Wm. Hartsoo k of Ernest R<;,ger8, Willilln .. rron Hunt, Fred O. Schwar tz drug 8tore. 500 8Qld bY1'. E, Jalllley .. . t Duke, Hel'- and '1.00, Trial bottle [ree. Bee sample s ~t J. E, Janney . Dayton . mlLn LeWis "nd ElmU8 CarIllon y. PA~AGRAPHS
- - - -...
" "
.... '" ~
Miami ,:Uaiette. I BROWN 61 McKAY,
"Mr. Ley!l 4lD? " . CONCERNING COLDS. Teddy bCCllme a'A' that Mrs. Leland -Wall IIddreS&lng hlUlllCrolill tho talJl e, lUId ;everity of Climate N.ot Cause So that tbere 3eelU~d to be nn aUlm"tlld dIsMuch us dvel' -Bundlln g n_lld cuss Ion goIng 011 uroond liar. 1'001' , Ventilati on. " Ibl' syourpardon? " _ _
----_..•. ,
LO"g~l~t.~n~~· tl~~oA~·~~Il~U~~~I"o~n. ~~~~~ Conlntry W lhe pl'en, lcnL 0 11101011 RECOMMENDED BY LEADING ., By BEA'X'R1X MALLAM VET I!RINA R I ANS. ,tbul "utds null t UUJ; hHure due elltln~ly , W Agnlllst Am ericans. ul:oa c o,' Take. l,llY on our JgnOl'anC8 Llle 'e~' edly ot' t llo li Jn :t lC, Ot' lU s owe -Rel)()rt ~ co n 1I 1I ..ll' kJ l'OWO Lo t be do.. u nd ~ n llg hten liS . " '" ~ll Thlnkln"" Men R-adll" Reco nl.e ~UCXI,c c teu l' ha uge In tho lI'oa l Ilor, Lhey ,n " Imrt m lit o( Slil te fl'OIu dtplo wliLic and " ~lm: 1 h(l l'e bee n III tbe end ~hnllt"r, " rcally arlso, in yory mllllY ClI ses , fnllll Its Adv:tnt ~ !l e s. i Il.u.ula r nf;cJ1 ts 1::1 Chinn showloS ou I. Ih o ug hl T eild y, " wb ere I lert off Aurolla ___ I vurc ~1JJ'cleS~ lI c~~ uud W(lIlt of Ihou g bt. IU c reu ~e ur ("e llu,; IIsa in sl Am erl co ns " I wnnt so mclhing tn Stil' me UII. " s lll ~ w a~ jus t goIng to be married . aud Ludy " A horse 18 n vnl uablo asset. lLCti Culds fire not Ino\'li nlJlc. hut could r ll<l Ih lm..~ AIlIl!ri<'all a, "xpr{)sscd In Te d,ly ilran sco mbe to hi. ~ Ill'riol frie nd 1-'10 \V a. lc) ' IIC he r b~hle!)lnaid ! " Aloud should rcr 'Iv o til e bes t cnre poss lhl·. ~f tl!1I boa\'ul'lcu It· people WHuill ou ly US!) ',r ' s b.'uo,1 by 1(1l'1I1 u"thurltle. In Qnd crony. Jack Leyll e n, oth erwi se El- Il e s oio! : li e sh ould be' \\'e ll fed . ,·omr., ,·ubl y thclr illcas of ~OWUltJU ~c u se anti hu rea. l let. ~ r h I' 1'01' li M n Ward . nil t hor oC the fatihlonnul~ " ,\ 1 "'It' time I- cr, I m rn llt Lady FIC) ,ollable. ~ !.ahle tl . ClJr~fully £,1'I1Om,'u and cli P\1 ptl ,·" rlous ,," I·ts tl I C e tllp IC. ' IIO\-e l "DUSI to Dus l. " to ld ll A ureli a, Illitl ol1 o lhe r time til th o cnl'ly spr l n~ . It IIC r pI'I' h'05 ,I x mUlllhs Ihe . 1.unli,1ll In Chll1fl hilS I Jil ek Leydell lazily PUl out n hun". AUl'd ia to die, .0 as I cuuldn't ucte r . The (' II KtOl\l o r lLlufllln r; the n(>('I; vpry U,es e Illl .. n li ull s he wIll wo rll \\' ~ II h N' I hI! ~"\Jj " ,, t 01 n UII'e ru LU th ... oven e,1 u brac ket '''ll\Joar oi Ibnt wall ,mIn e whle-h was bes t, i ende d by du~oly wI th furs ul' 8111111111' prlltcctlull ond il1lprm ~ In \' a ill o. A horse llv s dl' val'llll,'nt . " " ,I )11'_ \(t1 tk h lll, lI n llcu w ithin r eac h of hI s ,;omfu rtaLJle chatr lea\' ln;; It ~o thut tbe reader co ulu take Is XU·llllI Iy IllIngcrOlts, I( lllulI ghtle~~ - llthlc l' InUfll'lnl "IlIl1lltlun u. In lis :-'lIlICS m l ul ~l. r :II 1\' ld ll!!. Is uud er In- and ab s tracted t llCl'efrolll II ,poon. He h is cilUlt .. .. Iy left oil' U s(, ,','ru culd I" . 1I1'e. A lI ~hl wild Sla l O 1, (, rl'Qlllre el nOlle of th(' 50 <l rLlC'llon" I,. I" ," " \\'Ilshlns ton tho r- he ld It utto hI s frienu . "So i11 g(·"lou_. " "Cnpilnl Idea." Ie.• IvrapI·lug. ~ umciC llt to cX.-\II, l c ~()I,I atl e nt lo ll • . for he w us nbl e In look ""bhl }' InrurlJ lcoI "t Ihe devolopments "h! 1I0,W extremely tunny yOIl nr~ follow d Oil Teddy 's I'8lh cr COli- wind. whil e pcrmlttill!,; \·,·lItllatioll. ou t f(II' h imse lf, Tho domcs ll('uItHI III IIIl' sltuatlou. Whll (' n ot atilllllllng Ih ls ""cnins. my hoy ! " said '[eudy . fu"ctl Hl:ltCIUC IJ\. Jlow Hu e It Is 'that gives the ues L prolcl' tlou . nnlmal . be ln~ worlle(1 III1UQr ('ul1di . I'" Ih~ ,., ltllaLlun Is OUl' of Imm edIate :''10'' mll s t rcully sa \'C s uc~ brillia nt " Ihe !tlng cB,1I tlo no \\,rong!" For 11I5U'II'C, i( Ollt; "I I ~ III" hoat e,1 tlons thllt ul·" In tb msclv cs artltlr lal, I .I I I III not )01; ... for YOllr neXI ooole 1 hluk of the · " Wl1 at rlld th e hero's r enl nnme turn r oo w whil e paying II \,, ur <lurlllg the mu s t be Ic ept In conditIo n [o r 6l1~ h uangrr. th" ullh ill s INI! W tro ulll e \' ~u'lI ha\'e to lind nnotll e r! " out to be? I declare I have forgonen!" at r hllr(' h, WI1hout ro mov ln l; hI' at all s,"·pr i.,>u al wh ll ' a month " Th('l'~ , there ." said Leyden. soot h- ex<-1ai mod allot her gll est (unythlng 10 any of th e III llllY wrap" \l' hit'h hRv e bee II Th e clippIng 01 n horse In the carly n'lIl' urlllg ronh. Although at lh~ out- in!;ly. draw out tb e lion or the e l·cnl ng). dllnnell fo r Ihe cold Illll l o ~ phere oul tiC prlllg I. 11 0W ('ou<" ded by n it tbO til'( c\cmlllldlllJ.: llllly n- ralUm to the I "lI~astly sell YOllr go Ing te a dinner " I had no idea that end ehapler con- cl OOI·S, tile r,'su lt I. ol m ' I sur., 10 bo a e a dlng " cte rlnarlnn s to bo as e sso n\lro"151011 9 or t!J ~ ."rlgln~1 exclusIon I \la.~ty t o-nIght,", co nt ln uodToddy _ tal ned sn mIl ch," thought th eI r haili esil se vere <'01,1. l'o .. LJ· ~"I "d \)y Ih o slid den tll\l 10 a horse's we ll beIn g ns s huelug Perbaps you II ,clo n.~dlnue r party vlcllm. A b rilliant Idea st ruck blm. I rell ty of 1880, WhICh, ~xcl udeu frOiD I I change frutll I b I "a l, d room te, th e cu ld h Im or gh-Iug hIm a ('omfol·tab le bed .h ls cou nlry Chl,,'Jsc III borcl'll. without for me In s tead?" sugge '<I U'yUeh . " ThaI's nor \' e ry co mplimentary to my ILi r. tn 110 on . Farmers in England and , " 'Ir In' lb o classes at Chiname n , "You ' re welcome to It. tor 0 II th e slo w pOQr book !" he s nl d. th u wIth ncndlllh Sle~ping In bll d'I)' Ve ntil ate.,1 ruom~, Iemnr e hav e been clippIng th olr . p . y g III b d Itted In some Insll t11tl ons a dinner party where you gl~e lidded : \Vearill!,: at I ~ 1I1 ' he IInderciot hln g . h orses fa r mllny year., and Am erica" \\bleh cou am . don 't kn ow a soul Is tbe worst." "But I h",'e no doubt MM!. Leland ca n which Is \Y OI'II Ih ", .ut,;h Ihe day , Inte f armcrs ure not .Iow 10 realize Its \lro\'ln c~s mllnlfestos have b een Iss ued "Whnt when VOII are the lion o r the enlighte n you." , nours. l os~ of , I('ep, ~rcasy food. nnd Ir- ! advnn tages . A clipped hnrse d ri e s tl ecla rlng tbat If t h e boycott III rigidly evening?'" sa Id T ec\ tly. en vIously, .Slld T ed dy had successfullY disposer! or ' ,egulnrl ly of llll'als . nil te nd to weaken out rapIdly after a hUll day's worl, . adhered to the Un ited St.ates wl\l ue denly be WIUI all alive. "Tell you whal, th'lt ques ti o n, and the nccfol'th WIlS aI- the sys te m Co suc h an ex tent as to r OIl- and ,,' III resl comfortnbly nud be r eforced to ro rego a ny exclusion at all. Leyden- I've an Idea. ("No ?" InterI del' It quito Incn pabl e or reslsthig til<) freshed for the worl; the following Allbough apPllre ntly directed asalnst polated th e other In so gentle .. voIce lhal ch tltlges III the weul he r or any exposur/) day . An unc\lppe d bors e Is liable to AmerIcans tho fe lin g of III will that Teddy tlo wed on undi s turbed .) A r.IP· to dl ~cnHe. Whllu we 1111 advocate colt.! catch the heaves , pneumonIa and nil soems to bO growing 'In varIous parts 1>ln g .dea \ You k now bQW o~,t.~n we " 0 nnd well-vent ilated s leeping npnrt- 101'1. of colds, rh e umati sm, etc. More . be r ea ll bee n mI stake n for each otber. I lUen~, we, nt tho snme, must condemn e specIally 16 tbl s s o In the early or tl\o empire Is declaren to y "Teudy." and Leyden sat up In bls I lhe cold roam for Ilress ln!( In tho morn - sprIng, wh e n bts hall' Is lonl; Rnd ho II nU-forelgn . Infor ma l rcprcsentaUonll chair. "If you arC' about. to su gg est Ing. It Is most unh ealthy,IIDdadellcate Is "soft." It worl(ed hard be wIll perregarding the Chtnese situation aI- extremely orIginal Idea Ihal You s haull! )C I'5on might r eceive su b 11 shod, as spIro fre el y and th e moi st ure \\,1\1 be ready have boen excbanged between go to that dinner party as Ih e famO\l3 to result In rntal Injury. he ld by hIs lon g hall', and th e fooll 80me of the European powe rs, but thus nov cllst (a hem!) Ellison Ward. a llo ... When lit all Pl'ss lbl e one should bnv03 tba t should go to nouris h hIm wIll be far this country bas not called foreIgn me to tell you on good aulhorlty that n wnrmdress lug- room dose nl haud , but used to replenish .he h eat thllt Is benations Into consult.atlon b ecause ther~ Queen Anne Is dead." If the borne Is not so luxurious tbe fant- In g consta ntly lal;en from hi . boely I f 11" among the Teddy looked crestfullen. Ily s ltUng-room could he utili zed tilr by th o !D OSS ot cold ~'et hair. If Is a very genera ee ,n .. , "But I\sten." he said. persuasively, t hi s purpose, only a very short lime be- clipped. the perspll'ution will evaporEuropean powers that the Chinese are walkIng up and down the room. "Aft e r Ing requlrerl by each persou. A dress- ate nlmost as soon as secre ted. a nd merely retaliating agnlnst Ihe United all tbere's nothIng new under th e BUO. lng-gown and 1\ pnlr of warm bed roolll wh e n \lilt tn th e stllble he rest s com· States government, aod 80 long as th o And, d 'you know only yesterday n great dippers s hould be Pill on 118 quickly iU forta !)l), and hI s food does him good. anU-forelgn t eellng Is conflned to giant of a fellow ca me up [ 0 me and gave Iloss ible, and Ihe clothes could be carSoml! yeaI'I ego n BlliTalo 51 1' e t car Americans Lbe Europeans will bl do me (L resoundIng slap on lb e back with a rl ed to Ihe sitting-room, wh ere h alf lhe ~ompany tes ted the value of Clip pIng Ihelr Hme_ hearly : ',Vell, Jack, my boy!" W e'"e toilet coulll \Je Ilerformed In a vel'Y fe" In the rollowlng m a nner: They ownboth got blue eyes a nd IIgh lls b hall', an d mhmtru..- Bn£(Ol1 Budge t n nd Beacon. ed 500 borses, and 2~0 of Ih ese were • Phonogr~phlc Novelty. we' rc prelly mucb t he slime build, an n rllppe d early . In Ihe spri ng and 250 i For producing th e phonogrnphlc poSo you nnly know your hostess, ond th nt were not cllppt'd. A ('arerul reco rd HINTS TO HOUSEKEEPEBS. tal card a1l apparatus Is bRed In very slightly, and I'm sure nol to meet WBS kept of rc!ults , and It was found France which r ecofds the human "olce anyon c I koow." A writer on the are of the eyes thnt or the 250 nncllpp ed borst's 163 1 "But }'ou baven't even r ead lbe book 'T ~l JACK l.EYDEN 'l'O·:';(GI-IT. JAt;1{ LJ::l'.DJ::N, RF)M J::~BJ£ R." !ays that one s hould n.,t real.I 01' t ax ... ere Bmlcted with coug hs Ilnd SlIIOU- upon a pIece of paste boarcl of the form properly tbrougu, have you?" asked them when tired or hungry: monln , whllo of tbe 250 clipped oot or tbe card. AccordIng to one r eport Lcrrlen ot his ,scatter-braIned frIend. lowed to eat hIs dinner and talk to M!sa A mother wltb rigo rous theorlc3. Dne c;tse of sickness was r e ported. \lbonocard IlOsseses num erou s ad"Ob, tbat's sooo remedIed. Y!lU lond Leland In p'lacc, yet k lnd-be11l'tell withal, soys . that A DIan would not espect to enloy \'n,ntages. The rocorlllng of tho "olce It to me for one 110ur, and I'll eogl4:e to At last tl1,~y went bnck 1-9 tbe drawIng when children nre 111 or convalescent l very good h ealth If be dId hard mllnIs .doDe by an ordlnnry pllooogrnph of be letter perfect by the end of that Ume." room. and MIss Leland loslsted on hili 3he I!'avcs tllem nloue a good den I unl work clolbed wI t h heavy linde rs Imple construction, hy means of a "r don ·t sce how you arc to manage It:' wriUng h is name In her autograph book. snd ne"er pets or nm!lses tbem. In wear, a hoav y 8uit and a fur overcoat. I.encll wllh a sapphire poInt. Tbts saId Leyden, weakly. but Tedd y WIIS Wltb a gteam ot mlsc blef in her eye sll.. he~ case thIs has worked like Il charm, nnd nflcr llcrsplrlng freely, as he pcncl\ makes Its Impress Ion upon a half way down tbe stairs. g rav ely s oug ht tor a pen. as ItH c hildren nrc never IndI s posed nnturally ,,'oulll, go to sle p without "John looger than tll ey cn n help. and never r e n'ovlng sll mo. It Is just as r ldlcu, LOO'He " IIp tI,e pe n a 'nd ""I"ned .. .u suitable substance called "sonor lne" .. y tIt 111' t od to m" Oll mus e me n r uce you , L de " In bls l>e8t st"le ey n , . ~ ll agge rll'~ th eir tales of \\I health. ns lous to expect n horse to be In per rec'• spread upon the surface of the card. daugh te r , s be Is mosl anxious to know "Why!" snl d ElsIe Leland, poeplnl II hl ld bealth If worked un de r Ihe same ton. "h w ·ou bavil Is apt to l>c th e ease w II C ren d l I The "50nor.lOe." whI ch can be easily you :' 's aid flIrs. Leland ro Teddy In Iler over his shoulde., 0) _ who bnv e Indulg ent mothers. I on s. s pread over pnsteboard , possesses all mos t gracious manncr. changed your wrlllng since lust w eeL; I It seems od'! th ll t most women If you would get the best rot urn s the~ropertes of a wax cy linder, and Is As the la ller followed hIs hostess when you wrote in mamma's a lbum"hoose 1\I0nda~' 03 washdn". wh en from you r Investment In your bor~e. In reality the Invention. The signs across tbe room be felt, to use hI s own look '" and sll e look U'" anoth er book, . treat him rlgbl, nnd be sure and . .. .. k Le Tuesday IS preferobhl. from 1he fact are Itllpressed ID form of a spIral, be- picturesque pbraseelogy . "thaL he was and .openl n!;. It showed hIm Juc y- that It gives tbe bOllsewl!e a wbo lo clip hIm In the early spr ing A fl"stI class !lorse-c llplllng machl.n cn n be ginning at tbe margin of the CIIrd and In tor It now aod no mistake." However, den" In a t hlD elegant hand. Teddy's face vied with tile peony In day to so rt out the launllry. to roo- bought nt alm ost Rny hArdware store c ndlng In a very small circle, an d are since re treat was Impossible, he reI solved to pull him self to gethe r and to get hue. A glance at Miss L ela nd's a rcb mO\'e stains that woultl become set In f or I t'~s th ~!1 $i.O(f.-Horse Review, Impressed so deeply that the stamp n g IS mucb fun out of It as was poss Ible. face s how lld him Ihat be was dI scovered . ; washing, and to mt'nd a nd <llIrn any Dec. 51h. 1905. < hy postal authorities can only destroy As for lbe bonk, he bad r Qud It throur,h "Come away o"erllere,': be Indicated a rents and bol es In II110ns nnu slockFIGURES AND FINDINGS. two or ' three word s. The card has most thoroughly, all but the last chal<- s ofa "and I'll conress everytblng to In gs. room for 15 to 80 '\Words. By Its aId .er , wblch be had only LIm e to glnnce a~, 'yOU' but you won 't be very hard on a It a child should swallow an y ,Ian· France's Imporls Inst year amounted people who Cllnnnt write may now send but be co uld certainly gu ess nt most o~ tell~w , will youT ' .;erous substance. Immedlstely slip to S934.712.600. fXIX/rts f. 052,3-14,. 00. communIcation s througb Ibe post that what It contained. "I tblnk ," sa id Els ie Lelnnd, " tbat a 10wn Its throat the white at a n eg!;, In 190,1, Imports wero o$~00,402,GOO, oxwould be morc easily und erstood tllan Mrs. Leland came 10 a stop before a minute account of It wllb full es illarticu- , whIch will form a cUI'd around It. Rnd l 1>orls $890, 191,200. ' Ih e written kInd . pretty tlar1< I:irl standin l: in a IIttlo lars IS the only way ot ge tLlng a pardon t hus preve nt se riou s elfect~. Of the 646 steamers nnd sallln;; \'esfrom me; " s ho was very stern about It, To pre~ent knots In co tton wbl~e sels los t las t YClI England lost 209, ======== : irclc of people. Moneyless C?nsnmptivet!. ~EI Ie, " s lle said . "tbls Is Mr. Jack but b el' eye:; were dancIng. gew ln g. & . ways thread YOUI' need.e Am erIca , 110. Norw ny GO. italy nnd A geDernl eITort Is being made In Leyden. who writes. you know." Ill. befor e elllting th e Ic ngth gr eoltoo Ru ssIa eacll 37. Jp,pan 34. France 33, Two years IntoI', In, II cozy drawing, rrom the reel. ThIs wl\l prevent both Sweden 31. ' various cIt ies, ,It Is said, to pre,'cnt the 'Peddy bowed. He resolved lbnt nntllIng sn:)') ltl make hIm C)Ommllhlmself to room. a pretty darl,-ha lred gIrl was lean· I knot s and twIs ting. During tbe lat') WlLl' the J apa nese !leu ding of In dIgent CUUSltDlj)\I,'es to any fact about th at ,boole He would ingforward In. her Chalrtalklngtoafalr- ! lt .Is hard to cook onions, cabbage I('st o nly 15,000 men from Flckne3s, as distant communIties, where they cun- be a very htwyer for caution. haired youns man In a frock coat. and other stl'ong scented \,e getables compared wltb 01.000 from wou Dlls; a not be IIssured proper cnr e. The AssoHow eve r . eIther MIss Le land dId not "You r e membe r that evenIng wben wllhout renderIng IIfa hllleo u B. An proportion w!tho a: paralicl In Ille recelated CharIties' comm'\ttee on th e pre- tblnl; It In good taste to begi n nbo ut bis Ted masqueraded as )'OU at m umma's : 111thorlty suggest s n mltlgatlO'll of the ords or wur. v~ntlon of consumptIon discussed the book, or she felt shy. cllnncr party1 " s he asked, lurnlng Iwo c\'IL When boiling nnlons, drnln According to a recently pub! IE hcd 1I111Um' at Its Inst mectlo g and dec ldell How tbankrul T oddy was! "Seems to <l eep ylo lel ens on he r vIsitor. "I Itarb from lIm e- to lime and ndd fres h wa- officlal -statement, tetanus Is e~trAmely to Issue a letter to physlclnns !lnd c lt- me ( u ndersta!'d whal g ral lLude r eally aiway s wantcd to hea r your accounl ot leI'. This dbes not mate rially l engtb ~n prevalent In CU.bU. cSl'ecla lly a!l1ot:g izens of various clUes, callIn g nlten- feels like. for tbe first lime! " he thought. whnt he lold you wb en he came back the cooking process and do es prevent In Ca nts. During Ihe I I\~t fl yc reaCH .tion to the consequences arIsIng f rom But just as he was In the mIddle of a trom It." t oo mnch odor. over 25 per 1,000 of ncw-born In fa ut3 "Well. let me see ! He came In a litVe ils nrc apt to become nnrro w wben bave died of letanus. dl oar co ns um p re lation of one of his most barefaced ell:r the p~cuce 0 se n ng P , ploits. and just as his audItor wns gIving lI o before 12. (lIslted In much anxI et y a good deal worn, but Ir they aro - smoot bl y, 11'0 Il e' d up I ' 1 a f t rente d In t h e ' Returns of Ihe coal production In Oves to such slates as ArIzona. 0010- 11m a most Inter eRted nnd bewI t ching wheth er It hnd all gone 0 .. nS.OOI rado and . Cnllrnrnla. It Is declared that >;Iance out of her violet eyes, who should and be said ai rily tbat thanks to hIs usual way wh en t nken oft they will th e depurtmcnts of the Pa.B de Caluls, dIfficul t us It mny be for' a poo r mun t o be see across tbe room but a g reat pal of usual presence o'f mlod he had come olr he found quIte Alralght nnll il k e new ' nnd the No rd, Fronce. comprIsing 25 with flying colors." wb4'n next wanted. collieries , Ilbow IlU ' Incrcase o n the recover from tub erculosis In hIs own his. by namc Harry Hoss. "Just T ed all over." crle!! shc. A children's e xchange Is a Doyel ex- yQar from 22.713/,03 to 24,27~,071 tons; Ity, he Is be l t el' off thcro omon>; hl~ "Why. Ted uy. who'd h a,'e 'hought of At this moment the doo r opened antS pedlent dev lse-d by two mother,. who coke from ],543,3 t :l to 1,772.785 Ions; friends a nd l·elat1 ves. where lhr.rc are meetI ng you ber e?" cri ed bis friend. our old fri en d T erldy app eared . 110 not kl'ep nurses. but. who like to and pntent file I frum !) S ~ .5~0 .to 9i1,!'CS mo re adeqtHllo hospital "n<l dlspen.m ry Tectd~" s sm il e or wel co me was truly "Why!" h~ cr ied. "here's .lack tbe have an .Ifte rnoon oft once In ol1wllo. ton s. Th e reg ion pruducea about OnO[lIclll t le_, he hns far from home. ilaiJoll cal to witn ess. . "I say. , Hoss. you know.' he sa id with Sllent- tnlklng! A 51!):n [ wn s n' t h er e! I One afternooil a weelt all the c hllllren bul! lbe totnl production of France_ b . h I hrow n enti rely upon hI , \V CI e e 8 t . what he flattered hlm srlf wns ndmlrabltl " ' hat may have been the Int ereslinJr stay wIth one mothe r. -flosto-n Budgr.>1 B ell ign:mt eueen. o wn reguUl'CCS :111,1 wh e re Ib e great Ie If-possess ion. " I wI s h YOIl wouldu't topI c ?" a nd Beaco n. "YOIl . lI~ar." salel hIs wIre. _ __ _____ Quce n i\lllr~ l) nl'lla of \laly. r~cet1 t1y nllmbe l' of I;ousu mp Ll " es willIng h ~a ll rut! nIcknames ,"ow. Jt was all very "That e xplaIn s It," salll T cddy. When W ushing Blnck Cotton. pCl'sonnll}' .tOOI; the 1, ln ~'s lJ:ordon to work at th e lowest wIIges ma lt c tbe well at scbool." T his was accompanIed Ihe tbrec youths wbo Inst aututJ1n IltfindIn g of e mpl oyment e." eda lly of by an expr~ssl \'e frown. fo r had nnl Mrs. For wushlng blaclt culto n goods, mnke' bl l h Famous for Artificial Noses. n sla r~h wIth one cupful of lIour 10 one tempted to wreck be l' nulomo e y ~ ulLabl e Illl tUre, alleost Impussl bl e. Lelan d distinctly intruduced hIm to her The cIty of Indore Is modern and plnlotcolllwa ter.bea . lngunUlsmootb; , piling stones on tce hIghway. daughter as Mr. J ack Leyden? Gllbel·t KeIth CheslPrton 8:JyS In hi s Hoss' fn ce expr essed bew ilde rment. ugly and unint eresting. Apart from I pour Into It tbree quarfH of haIling THE EDITOR "Heretics : " "The artistic 1(, l1Ipcrnme n t H e could 1.01 Imagine what 3ranscombe being ~ho Jl~o"peroull c.allltal or a rich tel'. stirrin g brIsk ly all the time ; s trnln: s tate . .' ts chIef c laIm to notoriet y rcsls ' 1 10 fl"e plnls of th e s tan' h ncld two gulI~ a disease l ha t "mkls alJ1ateu rs. It meant by grimacing io tbat awful way Explains How to Keep Up Mental upon Its hos pita l. whI ch ha~ won unl- Ions or warm wflter : was h In thl~ ns If is a disCH:ie lIwl a r tso!o\ from m e n no t U blm _ tlud l'h)'llical VigOl'_ versa l fam e by the manufac ure or arIt were soaps ucl.; wash IIntll th e gar"Why Bra-" be was begI nning. when bllvlng sutllc\e nt Ilo wer of ,·xpre.islon a I~:ry i m ent Is clean, th en wash .!truug b u sec II Hcial nOSE.S . That m~; hse~D1 b T eddy seized hIs arm and dr~glng htm A New Jersey editor writes: to litte r nnd ;.;ct rid of th' el"Ul~lIt 01 0 u ~ • ond wurt:> wnt('r-one \lInt of sta rch trJ a"·a)". sai d In a low tone-mea can't limIted Blndll"ltr~ ~~ \Vh e "A long ludulgence In Iml)rover tood IIrt In tbe lr being. Artlsls o f a Inrg u I\'blspernamll. f ut n I n a .1 elrde arIA seWvebrB ! two gallons of wu[ er. Hlnsc well in 1100 broug ht on n condition of llervous dysways 0 promot ng tillS n us ry. eD . . I lolld whulesomu \,lwll l Y g ~ t 1'1,1 uf the ir ''I'm J ac k Leyden to-night. Jack Ley. t h h It I c lear. co ld wllte rs, ntH dry. Do not lei pepSia , nearly tllroe years ago. so sea rt easil y, as th<,y urcmhc easi ly 01' ~en remember." And a s tb e othcr sUlred a wohman co~es 0 I k~ osp a c~r7- freeze: Whell nen rl y dry, roll til>. le~ vere Ihat I had to quit work entirely. IJur sp ire easil y. Bnt ill ani st s of less blankly Ilt hIm . everybody began to go In Ing er nose n a nap n you may a r- , .tand all hOlt I' or so . and Iron on tbe 1 put my~elf on n strict regi men uf !U!sume that her husband suspects I ;'rong sIde 10 avoId shine. fOJ'('e tb e [h Ing \)ec·"mes it pressu r e, to dinner. ancl Ilttl~ Mrs. Lelanrl "nsat Iy Grupe-Nuts food, wlLh IJleuty of outbrench of t he sevent h command ment. and produces II ,Icflnl .e paill. \\'hlt-h II hIs elbow again saying: door exerelso an d 10 a fe w months found When a man appears In the S8me Fllncy Con t-Hanger", "You will take my duuglJler III. " ,'alle,1 the artistic t Cllll'~ ran""'t. Tbo my aWmacb so far restored that the pli ght you mny set him down sa a Tal(e 11 Illeee or wi de ribbon twice th~ As soon as they were senterl at tbe usu rer who hilS ftl,lIen Into tbe bandg process of dlges tluu gave'we Illeasuro In;.;reat tragedy of the al'llstl L' te lllp p r3dInner· tabl e Teddy took a glance lit tbe of his Cli ents. and ha s bad Dl' Portll len gth of the h anger. Full! It leugth . stead of di~tross. IlIl'n t Is that It ca nnot produce uny lady on his left. He gain~d an ImlJres· 1.0 Illead hl!1 cause. I ndore Is th e Meo- wIse down th e mld,lle IIn<l sew Ujl eacll "It also built up my slrenglb sn that 1 art." e nd on the wron!,; s ide. Th e n gathel .Ion or a h andsome warm-brown fringe WtlS able to resume my \Jus lu ess. which c:a of th r.Sfl unfortunates. the rlbuon on each Rltle. Co ver YOlll (}n r uf P:reslctent Roo ·e,·('Il's weste rn whI ch refused 10 mell into the full brow:) Is onerous, as 1 not only edit my nwn bange~_ lhlckly with woo l ' ;'ull dlng and From Il Frl~nd. frl " llIl . applied to him 1'01' a joll . The hall' at t he sIdes ot the h ead . and of au paper but also do a great deal oC ·ou:· over tb~ 611\1 tho 1·lbb01l. drnwlng uo expanse or booy neck and shoulrler •. "MTII. Ga:lslp Is going to call her nell side' writing. J' fPM i (tc nl was willi ng- :tnd !'''o \1 ~hl t n He turned to ~IISB Lelnnd. Wbat pretty Ilomr: 'The 'Jables.·" tbe fulln!:s~ \0 fit t.he hang('r lind sewln!{ "I find lbnt the Gra pe-Nuts dl.,t en fiud hIm n pl ace. He had II\Jou r set tl ed ao Ct balr she harl . and how was it he had It neatly tn&"ther at Ih e to~. Flnlab. "I cliuld ,ugliest a better title." ablelt mo to wrIte wlth greate r vigor Illl u ne wh ull l h ~ r e CRlll e a J;Jcat pro · not notIced before the Il'llgtb o( her It by puttIng a IUI'61' bow on ;lle hook "Sa:-- on," thun ever tet ore, IOnd wllhou t the feel. esl from the weste rn frlpnt!·s HtalC, blael, las hes? Violet suchct \lowder Is often sprlnklell .. 'The Gabbles.' "-LouIsville Cou. " Th ,'y lII5('0\ c l' cd :' su ld th e presi d ent. throu gh the wool wudrllng to g ive a deli- Inl: of brain-fag wllh which I used to be Th e lady OD hlB left a walte~ a paUlle ! rler-Journa l. troubled. As 10 bod!' J vlgor- ( ca n and ________ ~.nte odor to lbe blou~e cr. coat. thut Is "ll131 h o had IdUed four men. I uldn' t ID his conv.e rsatlon . It came. do walk miles every ,lay wlt.hout fatigue ', UDg upon IL ' "I fcar ," sbe sald to bim. ··thnt you :- no w Wi'l. SIIII , tbe kOIllIt'\d c r('co rd When Women Suicide. -Il few squares used to weary me he----~ ~ Suxodays from D to 11 at nIght II th. <lId "ut form Ihe busls or Ihe pro t es t. h ave already qulLe forgolten me? SureCore ( bell.n n to live en Grape·Nuts! I Sug!\.1' of The fJOOI.le wh .. oppose" lilY frit't.d OD- ly )'OU are Mr. Leyden? Did we Dot favorite lime for women to oommll Ten eenls' worth of sugar of lend Name gh'cm by Poslum Co., Battle met,1 at Mr. Jc;mes'?" s ui cIde. Taking all days In to cODsl dI h II f oft t J>osed hIm nol on tbe ground or killCreek, Mlch_ "Oh. yes. of course! bad not lleell eratlon, more meD kIll themselves Iban Il t r~e ga on~ 0 r s e r will l ng , p o pl o bU1 beeauBe tb ey £a11 he wbo was my ne ighbor." ("Rather D___ There's n rea.'l.on. -Bead the little hook, tad ::::en Ill - the proportion of Boven tG , 1:h~.~a:;y,O hlue from "WI 'Ln Ilgnos tlr." ':The ROIIIS to Wel1vllle:~ _In pkp.. _ Teddy. til}' boy. " )
~-, ~:,.
• From Chicago to
North Pacific .Coast Points February 15, to April. 7,1906,
Fro.>m Chicago to Billings $25_00; Helena and Butte $30.00; Spokane and Ellensburg $30,50; Seattle, Tacoma and Portland $33,00. Montana, Idaho. Wublalloa ....d Onlun man1f1cant opporhalW-ti.. 'hote who I • •k hom •• of their own &ad &II . . .vred comp~t.~c. See the C,eat Northw ••t NOW OD Low On ••Wav Colonbt EscunloD Rat •• ; Uberal .to~ .......
Pull...... IS_Uo. I_rid .10.... I,.. can.
WriI.C. W_MOTT, CEN'LEMl ORATION ACENT. !IT. PAUL, MINN., at Olle.. a.d ..Ir let' pack.t of fr.o dcecripti•• pubUcatlt'N, tallIn ...bout the wond.rf.... opportua.iti ••
t.h.1I couatry off.n. Writ. J. J. F.ftY, DJetricl Pu.enl'" A .. nt. 40 £Ut 4tJa St., Oblo.
Go V ..
Northern .P·a cific Railway A. M. CLELAND, General P ......naer A,ent, St. Paul, MUm.
wn- I
EVERY DAY from Fobrunl), 15, to April 7, 1000, Coloni t J'r\tcs to .nll principal POIU lS in that state from
Touris t, lecplng Cars II Specialty Inquire 0 1
w. G.
- -=
That Delightful Aid to Health
.Jaxtil1t Toilet Antiseptic
Whitens the teeth -purifies mouth and brcnlh-curcs nasal catarrh, sore throat, SOl'O eyes, and by direct ap?lication Cllres all inflamcd, 1llcerated and catarrhal conditions caused by feminine ills. Paxl ine poss esses extraordinary cleansing, hcaling and term1cidal qualities unlike anytbing else. At all druggists, 50 cents LAIlOB
7be R_ Pu:ton Co., Doston, Mas. Hla " Wor9hlp" Wns Well . A prl son br nccused In an Elng\1s l~ court 01 - burg'l ury pre~ented to tlll~ judge u writte n derenso "holl he w a3 placed ou lrlu.\.
" 1 hope n.u t
trus t Ih ese f e.\\ lines wl\l flr- .d you quite well ." Hu gOL three years p~nal ser .!tude. ' Flnal,clally Spa_ k!<lg. Tom-'Mlss Elderlelgb's mnney ,I s hilt only "ttractlon. . _Inck-Well; thnt alio\lld add Intel'lllt to heL IIhil.r:r..9.-OblcIlCO Dally NeD,
, BERTH WAS OCCUPIED LUXURY IN CIEATH VAll.E V. N elt hor Cnndldo .te for I ts Occ u· "T",,; n do Lm, e" Th.l'out; h tile !If lit pnn,·y Enjoyed Its est· . A r id Reglo ll at the 'O n lt., d f ~ hle ss, State".'sin S the Ga lley s-- +_ of the €ae sar s .
On n rCI'ent trl11
nOrllo er ... ,'u jlltnl.
Amoll g th e mos t Im portnnt cl e': e l0ll-
!. t ~ l \\'0 c at' ~ \\'(' rp I"'n guh'll. U iH! b l nn: n\ s i ll railroad St' rVJtc in lh u UutL wLich W :I~ Il sh 'r por. There w ere ' fo ur l ~lJ S tall'S al'e lhos/~ Wbie n uro s liorte n. mono I )C I' I:i IJn!-; i n Ih(' pa rt y t h an lh t! Jll g lim e i llJd d l st.;',llcc u.U'OfU:i the ·on· IOWl ' r Ill' loU 1S oll lt! al'n1nmo dult" aDd lincnts Ow l I, (} 11Ilt.: migh t b t olfnnuct.l , It w ll S il t a ,llnr",. not nHl1IY mOllths ngo, (h-wl d c tl I\ I ~t tu all ot Ihl' h r' rlhR, bilL tu m . I-l . 1I 111J'lm3 11, h(' nd of wllat nrc h ' l Il wlll hI" 'H'I' npll \tl " 1i l'fl l t:u 111 l', Il r s l .. " II oj the "JI ,,, . .. lln ll Lln cs"- t he .
Plan Now Under Consid eration by It"lIan Govern ment
Th p. curi osl t)' of Ilq; ha C'o lo,,;1 Sts 1111:-'>' 0 1' l!lO gall ns . In ht !-; h!lkJ.<tJ I'CPO I'~ Ion s; hco n p ic tur~d uy till"" l';: lI o wl cug~ :ilgnor Malt;ltti I:iHYM th ~1t the twu , 'e j .
Ulli nll P," ·IOc. 'O UtiICru Pac'l lI c, Ore· 1'!C' l'vt" /I. " A ~ nl n- ht a p Pl'oo c h,' ,J, 1"l;H C3 ti l l,' Dnl , !!O ll !:ih ort 1.111(' all li Orpgou Hnllway £: scl~ w er e fou lld lyin g :tlJolll '~11t yar d ... t l llloru ~ III1 , Hom " J Na vl ~a tl on t:OlllJl:ll ly- ·made t he aston fl j i1 4! 1i r~u rl y HtH.! b eatlllfu l " ':"Iirrur of lUana " :tnhHl ~ tilt' di ST ant 1'I'~J ln carb OtJH: J' nt th e norCil- orlH' I'~ r,'IH: d llrtl lall: III 1111' (':tfl! ::; pi n · 1 ~ lJlng !-i l:ltl: I1H.' lll t h at wiLhiu th e SlULCO .A lhan h il l s, lie the vl l..?a~ lI l'p-g illlcy & v l' w es t end vf th e lal<e, The ~uI I HY ( ,r Din g YUI II !-t il ilf l tj)II{ Jn ~ ul Ow proJ· 01 n f l' W y t'ard Lh e railroa ds ove r 1 'jlw!' I us .'111[1 CaUglll a . IIlId ' III CC'. 1.IW Tl be rlc" li es at II d III h "r ~G fer I , 11 11 ,1 fH:1 1". . fo 1 P I hf!lli. Ttl,· J..~ .. I t Ii., r! n ~ II \V In · wh k h )11' Iws cor.l rol have (·x {)c n tlell lni (l ril e age:> th e I'Hlm of Ilu' \\' J l e l's, hu "i th e (lIIH I' at II d e p l h 0 1' " x fel~ t. '1'), 11 dl(' li 10 t' lx, f oul' , tllll'e an ll fllIull y n ul y III lH':te l rill IH :; a~ (mt ~. lhe aHo nl s hltl ~ front tlllt lJ ,t u tlmo bc(>u I'tdllt' d hy Sl!Ck ., j Jaq,!,i" r (, ~1::II . " II II.<JU IJ . 1' th~ 1\\'0, th :lt. or Tibf:' rill s, W"'; ''i t wo WI' n ' l e!t. lu Ilwl l 0 \\, 11 t'!:~ til1laU nn 'till I T h is gn'at ollllay fin; for r e l i CS 0 1' 111\' IIlIJI~' I' lal ~). JcI H'lJr , :!1 3 l ee l long, :.I nti tho b ll1:1ll r J' J!J~ feot \\ a.-; 11 1:1 IlL' s hllp ly in remncl C" ling the tilt.y \\'('1'(.' \\' 1. 1' ou":-; ;, ,; f a r 11 ~ tt, l f~ 'rhe c~f) III ~ ite w o ud s tillrt'U1I lI dl n g I ll ' T)If! hllll ~ al't~ ('0\' r ll( 1 w!lh (lnlll, :1t - IJI' nb; \\'t' !' (> l 'O Il I'P ll lI ' I I , o lel li IlP"l. 11 0 1 n buitdlng H(,W ones. f n r I l1p y l ia f! l'r' ll tll(' POrt ,. !' Hlld I 'U!'!I l w ei d( ' J 'f) ~ l t l ' r! 1e.I{ o ~I lll r ecaJl th o tln 1l1 wh en Diall a 1:ll'l w d by 1;la.\ (':-I " /lve rl h l 'l li fl·i1W l\ d , C llr\' c~ a l'uatlt l~ pi l i'll, :tll! l U.llOH' 1\ onf .... dQ lla l' I. :! I 1'1 1\ "'~ lI l t' h l l!l :WII' of th' (;ro\'~5 Ill al h u\\' IJl" ' 1I C) lllIl lia (Diana N emu r emu ri, l thl M an ' m ;lllY ruld ~ 0 1 UI1 I1 sh (, Pl-1Clld, ll ' d, 1I11l11l'Is u lI lIt wh eu e p l' e mt) wa s w o r s h1 red with (luullI OI! u \' l l r to n g'I'I':lI thi c\t ll CSS :.LOU n lowC'r \ Vlta l IH' n h would he p 'iHl y fuJ' h im ~ lI , 1 a l l t llis I'U ~I 1110 11 1 }' . is Mtrnn gt l ly uarlJUt'lc rlteA Il nefor h:10\\1 : oil; t Ilt, " I. "l" iu C Ul 'lfr" In Utah, tlwlr fasl ('l!H'd with ('op p er U:lII:-I, Th e ~ hll' ~l III lillY h01 l r I\: l I t tlli;l(luw , 'Ull'I'B lh c 1nll1Jl l13 u r lh~ ~od- nr<' a lu l oH I buwld , !J 111'"11111, ,:-; a ti l ll l' l.1 ntl b rid ge l L' ntll u , d ud ~lg' n(l r l\l lli . 1 0\\ , t lI 'rP \\'n , all!'M If'r 11 t H " dl'\~~ wu s ~O l'\' c rl uy fU111 ;llI d 111' 01' , EllIllIo Cllurla a r t! IllJ\'I pa ny \\110 d id II nl p il I 1\JI hi . : (111 (\ lIuj · Rl1 :tl C.JIl :\110 ,.,. 1111 ' i; I Cil l Sa il la l\: e , III I', lJll t ~' :l W 111" ollJf'r , T IIO pril'sl who s l e w th e sl I)',"r ti c) II, all ~ l : c'o" , .dIJ lll , Jl I" ~ uid, 1 ill' S Ulh ~ ' nll ~ t d t:' I'I !l~ by \\.' hat ll1 ('nn R th ey ca ll m(,r l'o\ $l!!," Pers onal R cnsons, (' I' , 110 had \\'ul t' 11I II lIH ~ ~(' l l f ~ in(! ;\11 11 t-i ball hlm ~c JI' uP tilail1 , Il')f), Oj"I , T ll i s l' ,\ l l' rlOnUI);.tJ ' Y lu i iwuy l !tl':-, l I ll' n·t 'or ! rf'il , form e r (:xp (\ri l11CUl9 of Ih" t'\Vhy do YOII Ul!V(l1' p ut nshes ou your pn,' ! j' r, wh o h al l f url ' fnll\' t l,..'d f o r It 18 P:ll'l of tlio rt u ll l Ihu ~ ('11 1'11 1 h a\'l! ,'III'" I" hil ' I ~ ' igll llil ':lIl t 0[ lh i' "a IJI (\ly s id e wa ll, wh pn It ! h t) WI1 th at the atl.c ~vt to rBb-n lip' " II! [a in ).;L' L' 611 rllC"y'!" a s ked :-; flY 1\\' 0 1I" rlil :. llJ C,t' l hf' r ~ I , j\\lJI :'" n e w p ri e .. t l'i hllll id ~ ur' l' cl'd 1(. 1 (llfll ' l ~ I IY Iltp \ cs~p IlIl llfH 'talH'" of IllI" l'ad l1 lJ t il e m a u whu h as t he Illstiu('l ofsupcr · l " Il Y IIII' ct u 'iW1lOn - tha l I ~ , with 1tll\1 ' 1'111110 11 Th h JI\ :l lI 1'f' lr::IHl" d ( OJ r, dll d Ju u nl c r l ll h h i s forerunn ' !' , l ilt' t il l r l' a SO 10 ll'an ~-co n li- vh, io n , Tlu' { ' II -;-I to pull t l U ' l 11 lip \' ('l'lh'~Jly - w(ll1 l d bo I tlf' l il l' ( 1I 1ll'ii til" ;':'!.l ll ll ' rlu " '11 1 II I [l l ll! 1I I , p'Ili an :1 Ila !~f::(' ll g l' r tral1l. t', tom e tltl (II"" ,1 e \' f'll to till' lilllP or tI ", I impu~s lll!(', I " I do n o t (eel eollt"ll u po n to nn s w \.'r H!i wo o d HIlIJO J(' r gf' d fu: do \, n to fOil!, :llId lill'lI 1\ 0 lll Otl : h t' it f'nlplr C', \ Vhrl\ Julius ~:l c~ al', l'Il(' h:1l1 l '! n",a rt y 'ril" I1I fl; l il!l PO I I'er-e ut e vent In. that qu es tion, " wa ~ thu r Ojo in c ~,l)OO y enr.~ \\'0 11111 II C\' f:7' I)Cnr Iii :; 111111) If) 111 0\'(' J': :'1J lI t lJ(' rth w:lI'<I Th (' Jl fJr ' UJf' fl. , \. ,IO pUII'11l u [ pagsc: n g e r ,crv erl with tho r e lreat, St, t Ih" l:t ~ ; h lu l\ , I h e !-=I rairl i co I wan t to a ll YOllr nit nUon to ,It(\ fa ct , Th f~ ~I IJI " rl ll .' (l lIrl c n IS of tli.. ' . tl" r 111'111 1..', 1I ~ 1"(" j It" \\, il lI<r l l I n II hl'nh of n vill a a n l.Al<e Noml, n nt! IUle ;', WUI'J" u rl um t ill' fal L I II I he fa r wcs l was tb a twltI11'o a l m\ls pn!Sentp n' I lu'!, p iorp agn'c d that. rlf'e ltls n 't ,t ti l' d wltlt hi li " I'l ldllJ lI "lI f Ihr r lhhon , lli p illall ~ lI ra l [~a" wh en T II)t'rlu s n nd Cnll g uln a drlr-tl HC-N th ey nrc oll , -i ll lJ eremher, by the e veryuutl y wh o C:l1l .Ilffortl to re CO\'4:!r OJ{' n l'('h ; H·o l o~l c •.l l :-; IiPIH'tl i ll HUt! WU n sh es. " ~ :iU~ 1I i ll tl u, ' lullt.! o[ Ull l oH l 'ar'I n f' , o r a IIHV l as luxlIr lcg lo Ibis pastlmo , l.he prlllll · trollSllros wh ic h illf' t tra in ft' OIU \Vashtug o u Star, Y lJ ~ II ~ ~C Ihe s hlp ~ , lIu cl t\ve rc ll ~ lon ex lRted by tho s id e o( con Ulln. It will be C ld "dgQ, thrulI g h ~ alt I,ak e 'I \y <lnd - - - -- - - nCI'os""r ), ' 0 tll'II !n L a'N ('01. - un,1 .\; r J -_. Wll lIINl O\'~ r Ih e n',w I"ad hllill ~y the sa r I; "0 115 wate r pugennt s Ulll led wlt !l J..A'l Ii: (" Nellli. Si g nol' J\lulfnttt IlrO(lO~U' ~ In, Tlcr' plJrtt'r WUK (' Sccw'e. S nl1~~ : 1 and n ~ Sometlm l{tlod ('!i It '" tm ltr)". vcry : wblch lb e Cuesn rs hCl,[lIlied the ir lel~ · to n"lil e Il n ow tllllllCI , tut4 ' :"1 Se n HIOI' C l ark 10 I....os All ge lc!-4 . t hrongh S 'JI'I.('t l nltl8 It hJ o\\' ~; antI snow". wh len to '" IIOW Ihl'llI to LIlt' Iw rth . Wllh lire. Th e ir burges. crow ne.1 wll" th e lal<e Is to be rlraln'd, Th e lra i u I ~ (' all~tI t h e " L o!i An geles The ,::rtn g-e rlll' s s to ut n nd m e rry \)ul Prot. mUll)' :quJlug ll" !'i th f-l porl P I' ~;a!d t empl es and dE.cora ted with Ihe InSI Glurla w"ul,1 liS" h(~ wus LllIlIH'd " IIl1 tl it l u II si st er to tho Ih e o lll I{om nn out- Vf~ rr ~Ol ry. Ullt co \\' hlcht' VCI' 'wn )' It ~ C~H. u l d only K aV t ' (III ':! " Ov(."laIlL l J.. l rullP tl" (rom r esollrccs of lIrt, affe cted U>o IIIO.' ! [all, WhIch Is sli ll Chicago 1.0 -\\'u shlll ~1 0 n SUlr, I II ~o , "1 worldl1.O; or- hl'rlil , Til e lWO f'ulJ lt a ll s l S Wf'I't ' \,('! ry SIln F l an ch;co, T he m agn lfl cellt 8La ge to thl'se mUslers at lIer. Vor Ih ls he train s whi ch arc wl,l ~IIlI)lO)' thllt al lh l! huttom of L al,£! f\r' m l, Ih t!
epectllcu lur effect. The raIsin g at thes o 10n g·Hubml 'rge·1 galleys, olten nttcmlHctl , soe ms 1l0tllllposstble to mode l'll engl neerlill'. In the fifteenth entu ry Al' c h~I R hoil \...eo:) Alberti made som e uttc oullIS to re·
two poworful p umps. bill h ,,"ttlo n an (1 forc~ , 1,1 ~,, " a"l allolll It , "" " ~"Ing le'l 10 Ih" b"rl h Ihl'y <lId I.h" Ga . ' nil un ll AI· a nd be will carry tho Wilt r III doub le I,hon " ~ art. pilles a cl'uss the Valley or Ari ccla, ." YOII luI,,, It . eO!<Jllel." wh ere be will driv e lin el cctrlc plaut "No. you tal«' It, ~ I ... .1 - ... " whic h In tllrn will s upply Ihe e nergy " . wOII)rl p re f er .)' IJlI :4 hou1d t ake It, (or Ih e IlItJIIPS. SIgno r Malfuttl , on UIU rolene!." ·"No. YII" )'O l'e a hrarla c hc, iI ---. You take It. " " I IOli st I"sl. t tliat you t,I\, o It.. tolono l. " " .I - - . ,'Oil mu M tn );" It. I WOII)~ rntil P T ha\,f ! un lIppl'r b i ~ r th , S o .)011 r In 11 1'1'0." At lid ... mn nJ('ul t h il
,·" lonr·1 ;:a " " Mr. J .. - - a ge ll tIe plJ" 1I a nl l I"n ~ I n l. ~I r . .1 -_. "I'ot ed 1,l co"' lf nn th" li" rlh nnll 1,,"l l'eI II :,,' 1111 ,., ,, as 0 " Ill' : "Ah. my ,10WII Y I'oll,·h ." A M I, fi plll,'d
bm'lt h(to t outhrtl .1 r(lr m , a Ill) to h l ~ 01 10: 11111,)' llnotlll~ r IT1. ' n l lH! f or lhf" party pnl1rC' d 11POII him 'n nll rn hflr nr rtH:\t.' {' Il l, 1U lllls ror d: l ril1 ~ t n ;ll' OIl ~C him at 5n eh
a n hOllr , \\'I'h n i>ul o~ lc'ti
~ Ir
Cr1Illlo YI, J In tlel s n evI .ervice a re thl) most cxp ens lve t ho t " 'ere ever sent I n Ca liforn ia, and wllh th e ex ception of Oll~ l ourlst.. O',,,y are malIc III) exd u· ~Ive l)' of P"lImn IlG. 'Th cy ('n rr), diners, l ilt"! n ew ~oJ'i.lblnatlon bllrr~ t lind obsc r· vat 1011 ';a,." a ll el~r.t <lc II l,[iltcd, wltb a
1I;:lIt IlIll :, III each U I~ rtb, nnu are HUp· pll erl wll h I he ,lull)' ne\Vspn llel' se rvo i l · ~ . \V "1<- 1, Ih Un ion Pa (:1flc estalJ.
It :.; heu
h f)lIle
t ratll . TIll' railroad
lca ~
mlld e armnge·
111 )Ul H with Iht! AS 'oc lat d Jlrcs~ s o t hill til(, (' roso;;- IIHH'ont in cnt passenge r s
~ ""' fI <I ll Ill' by wi rfl. th e lJu II tins or tllO Impol'.tr IL nnw!; ev c nt s (If tho
u rc
""y .
'1'10"- " 1.<1 5 An;:el c Llrnltecl" · J' lIns frtJm Ch ll'ago to 'h ~ II oulh e rn Call·
t o r n l:\. m\.'ll'opo ll'i in GR hO ll rs, four h Ollr. I ('~- t ha n t hre r llays, a,nd It pro vld(l~;- s~r" l c f r o m New Yor!{ to Los e
b erth In dl ..:g1!~t utlll IIrlet1 a. f l! \\' L OR An gr.'!\"3 &: L al{ ~ Sllorc road (tho un pl ca !'ulIl I rj ' mu r k s at til(' po rt c r Till" Clnrlc I l nc' ) "'h klt :ro hOl'lP TI !-; l hf'l schecJ· p ortl l f wa ~ ~ u r" l1f' had r.; nv d t ht-l h'.!rt h 11 1 f Ol' 1 , [l ~H n t!r l'~ h ()t·,\' f! t1n SRIt Lalco ond :\lr .1 - - was ('QII 3Jly :j tll'e It \'''~IS IIII IJ Los "li beleR 1 ~ h Ol1 r s. fllH.1 f Ol'
His Presenc e of Mind . "Yes, I gaL b~ r out before We "aU.
··Dld sbc keep her presence or mind ?" "No; s b e threw ber arms a bout my n eck a nd nearly stranglc d me." "You DluSl h al'O bad a time ' tear· Ing tbem loose?" . "Nope, 1 told h e r her haIr wns ~'Om Ing down."- Hous ton Post. Sympat hy by Weight. Alice- Believe me, I nm nil symllatb yl Anna- A th ousa nd thnnlu;! Lois-A nd I, too! ADu a - Two l hollSUD(l thaoks, my deur! N. B.-A li ce wclg hs 105 pounds. While LoIs does not we igh I.reclsoly 210, Anna, In th o poll,llfil1 cy of hor grief, wlU Il ot dl acrlmln: lle nlcely. -Pu cll.
time ClHO on itK Ov erland
A. !~gc:lr ~ , (r f) tn ('oa ~ 1 to ron t. or l es ~ t ha n / oll r "ays. T il,. saln at tim e Is le ft t he .ma ;\ " by t) ,~ usc 01 the Uno I fld ro,
,1 --
Horrid e ren tur", "Mr. WUYlIlore. I cO llgralull lte you 011 Il w IIl1ln rlarll ngs . Th ey arc juwt ttR ))J'Clly Wi t h ('y r a n Iw,!' "Thllt '~ w llllt th~y are. I wouldn' t t"lle a Ih ous"nd ""I" I'e for Lhem. But wh ere dill YO II seo them, Mrs. Up-. jobn 'I " " Why, 1 IlIIve jll st c'olUe from your bO\lse." "011, )'ou 'ro ' l)e~ I "ng of tl1 0 twin" . 1 thonght YOII " e re con graLul ut.l n g mt> oil the t.wo pri zes I won ILL the dO[J sbow."- Chlcag'J Trlbuue .
Jenn ie- Rowell marrlcd Il SWilla, didn't h e? Jacl,- Yes , and ttS sh o s Its up ror him e very limo h'o Is oulilt nlgbt, b e h as got to callill;!; h er his Swiss wa tch.-Br ookIyn En g le.
Too L it eral, "Th is tlln 't what I ordered, " said a counlry man at a London restaura nt, paI n lin!; Lo t wo s lices of venison on hla plute. "You ordered venIson, " sa.ld the wulle,·. "Yes, [ d Id; bill 1 ordered haunch of veni s on , jllst IIR Ih e bill of fnre bas It. Them nln 't 110 haunob; tllem's 'tI lleca ~ - ROYll!.
Tbey Went To gether. fr p.lsh t. 18 hours. P ~ I' ha(l s th p most had tl fl' lcntl , 1 hall, n!i 'w c ll , A l'tt lo f'u sh to h -IId, lI1~ n c l"u " I alur e 01 th e t rl l' 111 arldi · Anrl noW l ' \,o lost. Oil! satllo l e ll ! lio n to lh u "ar l ~tI ,and aSI nl s h lng M y lO o ney nlld m y friend, FnTew~ll to Romanc e. cover the treasure s, nnd 10 the lollow · other h a nd, would thin gs whu'h are "een he l"''' ~ n Omaha, - 1 hlhuJ ctphl a Pross, JU ulto nn enllre ly Era the y w I' woct h 8flJd her brcnth N c h, " .nrl Sel l. I.o k l) Cit y. I ~ tile r un tng century Guglielm o dl Loreno nnJ new tunnel nnll would parll:olly Hoor; ~ as IIko t hc Jasmin '8 HWCO! perf ume ov er tl1 ~ Sal t Lul;e r OU lc a r, ross tbe the French engluee r de Mar chi wer. r tile Valier at Arleel". On ce Lhe 'J'hat ha d b e n w lulcil tar across On e Girl s Rea son. wuler lamoll q " De, !h \'nll ~y"~ and Ihl'Ollgh down In diving-b ells lD cXllmlne th<! Is sulllclcn Uy lower"d Wide fle ill. of purplo etol'e r bloom; He-I wonder why ~ lI ss nowells al,· for IUC uarges to But now, si nce th y UI'U ono, he 6nyat he D~'· lr . " Pl ay,ro llnd" In Ca llrornla. ways has to be coaxed 9095'els ; and from !Ie Marcbl's dc· be reacbed , the n ex t lJefore s he will qu estion Is, how (Il's differ ent wh 'O n oncls w ed) t SlJnlm ~ r 3:, m n [\le ,1 [rom tb lrst ' s Ing? ecrlptlo ns or wbal be .aw, · a recon· are they to be m o,'ed? DIrect J1 0 Hay. It'. lIko tho ,,"'I'lIo amo ll truc · and cxpoli un' a t he heal In Death I She-Oil , as a mallor .trucUo n ot tbe pleasu re \)arl-:" at tlon bei ng Impossib l e , Prof. Blown tRr n.crOBS nn onion btd_ of self-pm lec G1urla Vall EY nn rl II Is the most fatal rpglon ' lion, I Im ug ln e. _ H ouston PosL 'I'lberius w a9 made by a Flemish cn- poscs to substitu te oblique traction pro · • . He ALTON PASSE S THROU GH. on the America n l Otltl ncnt, an,1 yet I H c-~e l .f·IJ rolectlo n ? graver. would first constru ct U long. smoo th. - - - -STR~NQERS NOW. so gn.:;ll I ~ Am erican (l ntl' With the recovery or Mra y r eli cs til'] wooden pl atform from eneb vesse l t ~ IIIlJ10ls She- Yes: by waI ting to hi! eouxed, TO~J Tha t Aj)}lI'P-cintes the 0 ."t ra in de l lt~e. " w ith 1111rpri sc' ll1at the com. ahe a lway s mou nses to s hift We blnme. elrorts of tbe mlddlo ages seem to th e s hor e. li e would the n bull ') Gr ec.t I mportan ce of Tbat fort s of a l1I o((" rll ho t I, trav els over -Clden go Dnlly Ne have ended , nnd It w ns not until l SU5 roun ll ench barge ws, a ske loto n crmllo In F act. Ihl s wl e rd and awf ul a reD at a s peed thnl UIC work was agaIn se rlousl:1 Iron with clouble runne rs, nnd th ereby ' . w h,i ch (reQu und er nlce n by Signor Bllseo Borghi, be be lie ves h e mi gh t brIn g tile hult s y r arhes 72 miles an Gold Pnlnt. .\\ h ill' Qur vIll age Is In illi no is , It Is hour. A PQentl " e n!;l'l' s ilting a t e n~e at ln whose estale Lake Neml IIc s , to to land withou t cl amag9 lo lhe strllc' the J enl[s-D ld I s ce you s penldng to 1I1 0S1 Importa nt 1,1:t ~e on. '" rth. I II, e ca r wln ;i uw li"~S the rualee n further examina tion of tllu gal - t.ure. tra kl eas' Blnrrers to ·day? The aCCounl.S 01 divers m us; , b '~'~ ~S : the s ky touC~l es, tlie groll II II a t wa Rtes ' of sand. th" mlra!;c "'h I11'1 h M i leys. Wltb lbe aid of divers fron . of rourse, be Impe rfect, bill It would Jon ks- Rulhcr! C.'X, the ~a~ e ~~~\a n'~. frOtollt clea r 1o"'NI t hlra ln" men to their rt cnth, the I Jenks-B ut I thOU l(h! hill r e putation Clvlt."\ Vecchla , b e localed (be galley seem from tho Intest su n 'cy th nt.a r 11111 I I' , ton rou e pUSije. Slra ll!;"nrOl IIl[. fr ald " h s h:ll es wh ich the was-or -cr- damngc d. of Callgula , and brought to the sW" may stili be I>oss lule to lea rn wll.l: tli,r~lIbll It. tnoll nlnlll ~ hav~ eS' "Jl1ctl, the thin for. l Joul[s-M y cl enr boy, h e bas made lhe ga ll eys we re III,e. Slgnll r HOSHI I hey run some bcnllJl/II I ,'n <l s w ift s ts of u ; y nwl( warll y"cca tr~cs, the so mu ch mon ey s uf lhe Itallil n marhio eleCtl'l ea l stalI, U'IlIUM U I' thI s road, lnco the n that .you . b.ut th ~ .·rel~ I ~'~1 qllce r a u rl r nctl ess sng~ brush. can't eve n sco where '.he cracl( wen l clown In a <llver 's dress I'lt·) of 1111 Is Old GICJI wns. y. " 'HI Il b H) '''III all Ih e 01her thl nr,s th nt make tho Cn llgul ns g alley, nn d SOl'S th at sonJl' rel:lIlu l' t hat we set our wa ,ch.,.; \)y I:. ~L"" ol;: l io n of tl: lie ert so p ictUres que Wbnt Pa Though t. or th e UI)arlllle nts sti li remnln till) Ycslu rclay w p st rull MIHS I nez Ent~-I dO IU Imow "hat ed o n )I to I!I ~ l.o . ~n" so!r.m n. F requentl y th o sltclerO Il partition s nre Inta ct Lbo I' _ 11011, us mosl of 118 do. to s ;:e " ;:;0 of a h'l r:" or ro .pa will s a y ubout our engagem ent. w , thal hn mosncs 3 succ"m\ IIU ) ,I U)' suys t he ~dltor 0 1 , Il ( lI : i llO ! ~ In ju rod, and .t bere a r e tra ces of n ' Mr. Hunter- O! he' ll he n il right. . Tbe ' :u tile ben an' l dl'o ght In s umm a r, <:olonnud o In stune. He lOla 'I h I Christia n News . He'/! U brlclt. W l:ill. rJo~:" ly Ing ar t!w roarl ~ l de, emphns lzC5 tbo tbe upper d ecl e h g lI,esl t a~ , unci there .h e was. Ibc cn gl!Il' j)l: sh ln~ ( om ro,·t MI ~s In ez En t7.-Thu l's \VllUt h e say~ ,o\rru ng t lJes Tom- Wha t nlllc1e th a bren eh beanll SP urlty or tb e train. '.I ·~( n .1 ue \\"n\ e 0 f alm osl) I,Grc n"n the S"kip t a n con s 11l e rn bl e e xtent.c eso' ,I 'ul .,.It ILr abcll t y()U ; In fa cL. h o called you u tween YOll anti lhe l:tllor ? Slg) I no r Mallclnl 's wond erful , recons tru e. , ~~~I~' ~\J:'~" :U~d Jlb::~;,e Dlclt- l3recches .- Phlladet phla Bnl~~.~:II ~;~~ S~~~ll:~ SHE T RAVEL ED 'HALF FARr::, ga l J on c.- Phllnde lpl1l:o Press. lion or the gall~y or Tlber lus Is, 01 III ' . . . Iletin . _ , .. conrse, IlIr 01 I ~I -. I" I ' C , h c lUll II I a bloode ll ho roc n Jel ,I YO~H1 ~ \\:" ncnan A~oJlte<l L onger Around . S y mil o Novel Mea na \ e, and Is :l ' tl ashbollt' fi. Thel'e w a ~ h smot h ered more clauora to vcrsl onllu t Of 'Th i n men willI t !u~ f: IL In t he oro six I Lt a bl e to K eep Him Awake. t til ' c l IIp.n l lll ll til e r.ath'oa d . . . crus P C' rh ~lp~ 113\'0 C\'\'11 p i tumrt..~ tTCS (..'('flllo il nd fi l lll tull e n 'jfl The I...ndy- 16 It 1\ ftlct, Bridget, fhat ee n -CeJltury eugra,' ln g made Irum endsh towith Hut r,l l 11)1'11 In n tnll ll i' Hhop It a Uu tt er ot n~!;S and the I Compa l1,.. you wer~ fcedlng t hat policema n last Ihe account Of de Marc lll, but It rnn' l ouly 'hln g' In 'SI"~I l'; N ~ 1'(' ttt(' r llI f'a6II n.', W,I S ,: S~l(I l' b 1/" not exn"gcr - Mllw:lu1{e': Scullu (' I, nll;h t on th e a nge l cllke I mado wIth . f" nle the SIJl enJo r II1:1 t n l\l ~i: i n t h e a ll' 'Sprl lllil~ e(1 with ~ }Jar lt.)',\' . "A ne w ""r o f r fu lng o n It roll road , J ~i. St m y ow n h atHl s? I1Hve arlorNI t be Ill easure c,raft o~ It", th cn th e tlllle" or t he ell~ill e I'c ll q ul \' - a l b\ l l - l,I I t: t' ~lIl1e ~u l U Y ilt ' {'u l.ion fa ~~~ EUCHR E IN THE JUNGL E. Tb e GII·I - Ye" . mnm, It Is. YOII see, ' Chl' YC' Il11 (' , \ \'ytJ. a !~W '.l ay s OJ go, " snl d crO ll 11\ lloe n ll·- thp)' h"" \)eell lefl h e· h nd tI particul ar r cnso n for wantlll' C , L., \\'j l li 05 , ,I L I1 : l n llr ote::isoJ' Th D w hose I · ~~h ! lIcl. to Ilcep nwnl: c on Ida bent last night, e ent st nnr! the AlIlgnto ,.. I wus As ,h ey "'I"he,1 by t he Rmll c c f th e h ome 15 al YUt: I·: u.. n .~, D. mum! -Yonl(e rs Stutesm an. Roy F arrell .Greenc . the pr os ld~nt or en g in ee r loo ked rau l' lec I Wl d~ 011 11 tolong iJ l on~' : 1'11' Inlln the Pncitif: the America n Society of Curio Colle t· th e I c l tcrl ll ~ 011 Ih ~ cars lil( ~ an 'Ot na - COI~ S t li nu JHlt ' l l'ally lJcc ame f a tl g u orl Nothing Like Regular ity. oro, told nt :I dinner of dentists nn np· [Il'C lllul alphab el st nttll br IIg1lllll llg witi! nOlhl nt. 10 110 t notl r~d " lIulo l-1 e - 1 tIIu s t gu and see tbe people at Jlroprlat o story. girl in t h e 5fl mc ca r fo r hnn (t l'~ds o f lL waH just a Ha sh tbe gllK o lliee. "A denti s t," he saId, "wos once trnv. _ __ _._ _ __ miles , and " . s h e ~r l' ~arM to be e u· She- Why, the bills have DOt Inellng In the cast , lind In the llrely Gnn~cll nlon~ hl~ I ocelllc" I .. , dl yer DIVElR AT WORK ON LAKE MIAMI. t myse lt creaHed within s ix months. . Our Funny Firs t E ngines. bont o\' e rturneJ and ho was obliged tn by COn VCl'F ;1 tl u ll w it h lH ,r l-1 e - 1 I(II OW, bUl I hu,'e mndo It a rule 1£ our modern ratlwilr en gi nes liad "H e r dre !:'~ c ;; rcal'llrd l O her knef!8. tace bronzes. pIeces at terra·cot Ul, nn(1 strIke out tor the ahore. lo go rOllnd tbere every sIx months, 00 th e sUlli e power t o la ul'h "As tha~ th e ' _ b ey del'ltlst swnm sturdily h or h air w , br a ldeJ dow n her \)ac l" Temalns ot tho structur nl parts of the 11flndl.l e , nnd - the time ror my s emlhnve to s cream till')' IIII"hl. liS you her cheel. s were fru,h ' a nd r O"Y. ,md barlle. These are now In the Borgb! through thc muddy water lin enorf1lou~ aDoual kick has IIrrlved.-Roya!. chil dre n say, " n e:.rly die alllgnto ' lallg h r lng sb e tall.ed alu ng demu re ly nnd easily slldd,ml y rose 111> before him . museum . Tho Itallnn Oovernm ent Is over th e wa y our HnH raltwn y engin es about nil so ns of things I uought her to. buy the collectio n for 23,000 francs . The nlllgato r opened Its enormo,,>! Entirely Out of Plaee. loolted . L..I lllc. queerly- s hnped. p liny cu ndy anll lal ked to hel' ju st us ouo Signor Borghi refused nn offer ot 300,' jaws, nnd the next Instant would l1a\'e "Do YOll think that sbeer dlsbones ty things tbay "ere. The "Slourb rhlge would been the dentl s t'~ Ins t, only-jlt fit III ta lk to any little gi rl of 12 000 francs from tho New Y'!rk mu· w !~ ~ III tile long rlln for n pollCcln n?" time-th e mnn happene ,l to nOll ce til" I...IOt1" didn 't welgb <J ne-l wenty · Or th ren O's. I !;'J\'~ he r la rge doses seum. of ad· "No," answere d Senntor ~ l rghum, pnrt of tbe welghl or un grent clI !;in reptile's o "r to· s hHrp, whllt! teeth, nn'l vIce about wh ll t a Gir l c,·i 12 s h ould do J ocko- I s bouldn 't hllve pllLyetl Ibat emphu t lc tl ily . "A man who Among the relics wblcb 8lgno: r~so rl" to day, lIud It looke d I1S If peo l. le mi g ht a n ll nn IdeA s truel( him. ho w lon ~ s he . hol'ld walt I>oto:'e ace. Borgbl brougbt to I!ght were several Rlieer di sh on es ty III mode rn politics Is "He drew n probe fro m his Jl" ~ k et.. we ll hes ilale about r isk In g theIr lives pormltll n g h erse lt to bpcomo Infntullt J lIln lm Of cou rsp 11 0 t. ~ very. benutlfu l beada .or anImals I~ 0\1 ought 10 lik e II vu lga r ca rd sh l''1) Wh o tri es to sIt behind It. It waH Ors t used lit Hones· cd with " ny man . At last 1 asked her hn\ c Iwown I coull l I f>U II1 \1t:'.. - Clolcu;;o a t n gell tleman'N gnme." -· Wn shln g bronze, holding 1/1 their mouths rlng~ nnd, press Ing II In to tl, e nlllc:,to r'O da.lo , 1:1 Pennsy ton lvl\ul q, and It ra n ou how oIl! sh e was. gums. be sa id : Journ a!. for moorIng the vessel. He also r ,,· Star, wooden ralls wltb a Ihln layer of Iron " 'Does lh ~s hurt YOII t' ,. 'I am 22, Oli O snld . 'I um g() lng to . covered pieces of mosaic, wllb wblch The E1Cplan ntloT, "The nllll!1\tor screnme ,l will: pain, on them ,. PeOI)la gllthered froJU ncar visit m y grandmo ther Found Rer Lit. Work. tile decks had been paved. These weN In. Montrea l, Tho ft sh had juml) e ~ out of the fry· . "I c1un't see you,' Wife efton, Mr. o.ld the dentist. nmid Its !',Tenl agon y, and from far tbat 8th of Augu s t , In Cn ulldn. nnd as it In porpbyr y al\U serpenti ne, Intermix ed Is 'I IGn g nud cosUy In g-pnn Into the lire. the yenr 1829, wben the little B r l ~18h trip, I dec ldecl to go made gand hIs cscalle." - Philatlelpllill HuckHte p." a s a chilli nnd P31 Wltll colored glass and enamele d by lion ot Iron ano steel was to m al(c Its "The coa ls · 01'0 not arlulterl lted," It 'No ; sh e's always In eome sert o! balr lare.' " fusion. . Wilen these rel\C8 hnd been InquIrer . . first !'IUl. Tlle wlseacrc s s hoal; thei r gnsp d, with Its la lost brcath ; "and charltnb le work ." recovere d, tbe Itnllan minister of pub '· beads anr! proph esied all Rorts Of prob· I just rouldn't stand the colton seed 'l'Ob;1'lCO Uacl fol' Boys. "What particul ar work 18 sbe cnllc Instruct ion stopped tbe pieceme al 011 nnd axle gren. o they were fryIng gaged 1::7" Whate,' c r <llffelcllces of opi nIon tbe~'1 able disast ers. aud people sa id l h ut Attl'llct ivc B~oklct. ralslog of remains , and, with the sup· may be as to the lISC of Th e 3!;J'ICll lt u ral llU ,l hurtlc ultural re- me Int"-Ch lca go Tribune . tobncco hy "noWln g on earlb" could tempI th cm "I belle ,'e she Is trying to saVII N Iport of the navy depar,lm ent, he In· ~dults, there Is onl)l one ~plnlon &.8 ~o to ride across thc brltlge s pnnnln;; thp sO\lr <:s f lhe Grant! Valley , COl., UN! agara now: '':''' Uhlcago rrlhllne. It Makes a D I!!erenc e. etltuted regular researcb es, In order the evils of Its use by boys . Therefo re Lae kawaxen rivet' on "that thIng." But mos t ent e rt ain ingly set (orth In n n a tMrs Nca.\'8\t e-See tbat rudo little boy ,hat We galleys might, If po~slble, be Ihe lIetlon of.' tho porenn a In Nice Vehicle , charI:\! nf tho IItll!! lion \Ven t sately o\'or the tl':lcll,'c book ie!. "Thc Lllllo EmpIre 01 teasing Lbat poor old m a n. brougH lIahore enUre. 1'4e govern- t!le high schuol In Burling ton, "Roller skating gh'h one. line carVt., 1.0 bridge anll ovo r the eIght or n In e mil es the Wes tern Slope," now beIng dl slrlb· Mr. Noar8lt o-Why .. thnt's our Willie. rtru:o," ment IntrustB d tbe work to ElIg,n,,~ barring from tbe athletic ~en m. of tllf of ' tracl,. which wan the entll'e Icngth uled by the passe n ger depm·tm eulotlh, Mrs. Npuslte -O! Iq It! r was just Vittorio Malrattl , ooionel of naval en· schoo; all buys' who UM ·tobacco IIi an7 .f thlM l~n\O'" rallroad ,-St. NI t\h~ "Tbe lin e carrIage 'It gave 'Browo nP.flVC1r r.. Rio Orunde raUroud , I • ., going to remark how !;1"acpfully btl waa nn emeens, ""bo. made .a compl&~ '1&I'\'e)' torm, wLU r_lve pnaral. appreva L In'valld's eba1r."- H,.ultol ... dodsea about.-P blladelp .1 hla. Prus. Poot. OCCIII' I"" The occurnn l or t he b ~ rth who h n ~ cnt Ih e rlll l"' n. wns aWOK en d a t thr, nrst alJllrOH h or Ih ~ co lon e l ana ~Ir . J -- , nOli he harl t he h ~lue' l li me of hI . IIfu IWl' pln g f rolll lw·" !"n!; up Ow . jol. H I: l-nJo), eo1 It Im 'llom ely an d t h~ nexl m() rn ln~ th e jn);1- was on t he colo ne l mill Mr. J - -.
r P T Uil ! L L
"Uncle Tommie Miller," Quaint Character 'takes Last Long, Journey Bun~'red9 of r eaders of the Ga. zette wtll roooll ThOlins Miller , for . merly of 'prinllboro, or "Uuole Tommie Mil ler " US be \vIlS fllmilillr Iv known, und bis rooku\Vn y enr· rln ge ond stendy 01(1 hor se ,Tohn,nnd will be Rrill\'ed to learn of hi s death Ilt, his dsu ghter'E home ueur Carth· a ge . Indinnn. lu st month at the o!{e of nlnet.y four yeurs , Mr . Millet \Vus" llI \ ni~ter of t,he Frieuds Sooiety and ench YOlir for Ilhuost a qUfl1'ter of II. oentury has tru veled frolll place t o place vlRitin"
IJwm h() r~ I)f t,lil! 800i ty nn I their meeti nKS , ' , Mr . Miller frequently etun e toO Wn y ne v lJ]to, IOn,king his 11LSt vi ~Jt her" durin ~ t,he )lll $ t s ummer. He was on unol of Mr!l. Hllnnnh An trllUl anel fr! foItoppe(1 wit,h ber nt t,he h ome of J , B , Clls key, !LI Ra vi~itin g the fllmil y of S, H . EJl i~ . Bonj , Bnwkin ~ and other s. A ulspatch froUl Cnrt,hage, Iudi. AUII , p ubh8ho(1 In 1m Inrll n.nnJloli ~ 11I\pll1' II .' · f lll l' M SO (Igo hntl t,be fol· lowing t o ~"y c ncorll ill g h im: The o 1Lle ~t ruuu in Rush Gou n! Y 111l U p<> rlllLjlS the a ide t min ister i;l I,ho Fri l\ ml ~ Chn1'oh is Th oml\s Mil· ler . He wn s born of stern Penn syl vltnin Ql1l1kl\r ~toc k in 1812, 'I'homlls Millor hilS been n. lllini ~
,< z
'7 ".
ter lu the Fri . n ds Ohur h for Six ty <)r inor e Yll1lrs'. I t Cllm ~ n,bont iu thill WII V: One of h is brothers WIlS IL uw rcilllllt III Slniri gbor o. Thotlllul beOllllle a sill ut purlner . ~rb e two went toO incinouti t,o purchase goo<l ~. Wbil.e nt the hot.el, TllOmaB qUll intl y ~ I' Y~ , he w(l,keol!ll after dn yli ght. nnd heard u vol e s(l,ying, " Fonr YOllrl! froUl DOW thou shnlt IORO th .¥ ()()mpllnion Aud be cII-lled t o suid noth lllg t ho m i ui ~ h'Y " H hilt prn yed ft)r hi a wife to be spa I ' · !'.i. l:;he W II" IlOll hpboclIllle lin ollr. Il e ~t w.,r kor . ~Ir , ;'IlIlI e r li lLS nttend Ull yea rly Ill."el,in:.:>:! /I f F ri omls io 10 \\,11 , Ohi o, In.hllnll , KIIOStIS, North Cnroliolt, Wilm iug ton li nd Philllllolpbill, \)eiog p rese nt nt the \tIMer contennit.l yon r , II., h,,!' pr o bllbl~ " I:rn HI llloro
r .'
Friends' families than any otber mini ster. ' In SI)ioeland qnnrterly m t'ehug he nnce had -169 meetings in Ii'2 days. B ia gr en.test' pI ensure If! In relig. ious work . '1'he YOIir lIe WIl S ninet'r witb Iiis b or se. J ohn , and the olu rockl~ wllY ourrill ge, he drnvo o ver 1,700 Ulile!! nnd wlIsln 200 bomes . 'rhe r ookaw"y wns made for Ilo wid· ow at Svrill gboro, 0 . IlOcl cost over $200 , Mr , Miller boullht it at II publio sulo for *:l0, ·rbrice s lnoe it hilS beon hiM property it has boon n ewly t opped, rimmed I!lld tired . Doring Grn.llt '! Il dlllilllstrlltion Millor WIl S Ilppoillted Illdilln agen t. G run t lIuid everytbiog hud been tried to civilI1.e the Indians but the pell CO prinoiple, (l,nd he prollosed til I,(i " 0 tho 1001l~ns over to t.h e Friends .
Mr Mil it'r \\'I'n! t o Lawrencp, Kit S. in l ·tl\I t il tak ohnr/(A of IUl IIgl)noy, • Thltt filII l,Je' moved 7\'0 lndill n8 aoo mile, south, into j,\u' 'r rr lt Qty. ·Mr. Miller ho s ulwuyll llf ~Hl IntoI" ellted in Frltmds ' pduOtl t io ",,1 , " .. t!. tnti Qlls linn hU ll j.!lvl·n . 1. 011\) 10 Earl· ANt) UPJAL EI! IN hutu , P enn nnd WilUJi ll!!1 ( II (:oll ,·g· es . hesides olluOl' t,ill g L!T,t'Hld 1ilrlI'PII at the 'llI,t lpr 1'1llcI) ~ Ir Mill !' r hilS l~URNrrURE uOQ.U1l1Ulllt.ed lind l(i vIIIl II" o.y ' :IU,OOU Bis wilo dieL! nt W.·st Curthll :.:e with hlR grtlndtl,m:.: ht,,'l'. l\1r ~ Li Hnre 'l'olElphone in his hOURe where he Binforcl , wll ll, "'li S !',ho ~'rlt ' 11(1 -; ' 111::08 '. ~,nn be called ' a t nil b ours, day slonnry in ;\1 f' xi cn II ff'w .v r uTt; ... " or ni gbt. CO\V Feed. UOllohos ILIlII ohnirs illlllllllod \\ e IlILy e it lit, 0 unci 110 cQnts Il Hnve r ecently moved to room hun.h·eel next t o Cr oss Bros. Wllynesvllle MlilH, MAI"N STIlElI:'I, WAYNlI:8VILLIC. O.
.-orw .~ .W-
$ m . . . . . . . . peI.- ee...-ap $ • $ as . Safe Government Bonds. and Your Investment IS as It. Will Do This from The Start $ • The VALUE of YOUR STOCK IS INCREASING $
'$ = - 0 -W-O-tI] $ _ ~~..
___ ~'I~ . -W-O.-r_1I&
There is no industri((,l en terpl'il'e a,s 1 ctlnable; every manui'ncturel' and the ruil1'oacl must have it, evm'y f cLm-ily ml/.sl ({:> 6 it. 1'71 c clem (I ~'/(I i.'i a Il/,(I Us 111 (I/'(' than the supply. Hence yau are alwa ys s£~r('. , of dividrmds . Yon I J(t'" make no mist(£{ce in invest!:n!J in it, 1'01' !IOUI' stock will in,f' l'c(ls e IOIU' -/vlr/, in. l,ig·h! fJ w/. "IU/I,t~I.S . This Company is safely a.nd cons(',"v(f,~wel!J nu au u!ed anrlyou ca/lIn.o' ma,/":e a mI slake.. We have the co.o.l, We haVl~ th.e bcst fn(/,I'lcl'ls '" I', 11(11'1' lhl' 111'.';/ 8"" ,1)inlf lacilitie-The Ohio Ri ver (I n d tlLa f'U/,lroad. ~ A.n d tlu:I'C (UR f ew '~1-',nes thltt can eqll,!,l 7t. .I1 1J eZ nlllnines thlfl ('an elllw.I. ii, 0 fld (/1.1 //I i IIt~.'i t hll f II /'(~ 11/('(/ II ·d 1.11/. the river, stocl ca,n be boutiht. Therc /."1 n(}t a,1'/, OflLCP:1' 01' (i7.l'ectol' of f,hlS oornpanlJ whu wl,ll8ell his stock lsI' les.') thon pfl,l' va,lue. TIII' !/ hO/'I' lIiJsVill/.11 1' II/ijilll' IIN' tn it. and knew that it is t he ve1:y best inl ()stment to be '.tar!- on t~te. mnrkei . ..I1nd of tfte number 0/ bu,yel':> 1)f'lhis st()l:k in the lnst j el/' (Za-fjs, flotMI I II'I! /Ilith",!!' fv tJ/t.,.t with it, as they are sa tisfied. that and remember. th~s lS a, il£1 ulcncl IJayuttl conq)((,yn,·---l pe1' cent PCl' rnonth• .You, do not have 10 1IJa.i1 /'01' y01l1' /lWllt'!! ill/II' I ' UI'I/int you sOl'n6thim2'.
at a minimum freigbt rlLte, but the best fea.ture is the river tru,u!!llorto. tion ; the diEltu,nee to the river being Ilbout six miles, lind the chnnnel of 1'he oil ilehlH controlled hy thiH t:OlUpllll.Y cunsi. t. II f ~.o7 norllY ill The Coal Fields of the Western Kentucky District lie south Iln d the Ohio nt this point IS deep enough at 01\ Rt.oges Ilud seu,sons t o nllow west of Evansville, Indi"na., "nd &bout 125 miles west of Louisville, CODl · bllr~es to bolloated down the stream ; thns ennbling us to shIp our pro. Delawllre County, Indlnn", in whut iH known U/1 a dOl'11 pill' .lil.trict ; wHit !le ven prodnclug wells upon it ulIlIIUl IIV l) ru~" produc\101l of 7ii \)l1rre l~ pel' . . di t i t . duct to MemphIS lionel New Orleans . prtslng in allnbout seven oounties. The produotlOn from this s r C o.s New Orleans todny is one of the best coa.l ma.rkets for the rel\~OIl dllY, und <l2U nores In PIloll, KU:ll sll ~ ,Ii.triot; t,h" Il1dllll1l1 1I'"su h"" 10(!lItiCll.l Ahown by the Mining Inspeotor for the st&te, to be over 4,100,000 tons. that ooean steamers take cOR,1 nt this l)Ort for Europe, South Americn for Ilt least 40 more wells Ilnd i~ i~ Rllrrunndell hy ~ " or1 p"II,lnclllK well ~ ; oue wblbh WII.S drilled In TJCix:t t,o thiH lell~" ,mill I·"·" I :t;,O bllrrnh. pi r Tlie "felna are of a ' ~ntform thickne8B "nd the grade equltl toO Ohio Rnd and the IslumuM ; Ilnu Il greut doni of COlli is exported from here. Pennsylvania coal. Among some of the large operators in this distri ct Kentuoky oonl is sought fur by this trade . Pittsburj,\ coni day tor six Dl onths 1I.IJ(1it II! 11lIlking bel.ween 40 1I11f1 ,,(,1)11 1"I'el11 IlOr tilLY ull are The St. Bernard Coal Co., Reineoke COII.'I Co. , Central City Coni Co , h~s been the colll used llrtuct)l3l1y, but the fnct of us being a. tbonBlWd settled production. Oil in this district IR fOllull in lIine out of ton woll~ I,hlt til re drilled in ' Oh V II C 1 M' I C T ·1 t C I U miles nearer, ond a deep coonllel ILII tbe YMr, enn,bles us to market our Na tl, onal' CoRICo., 10 a ey oa m ng 0 . , ra:.ewo.:or 08 o. COlli ohe&per than they. very few dry boles; no wiM clltling; henco, nn ri" k ill t ho Inv"tltment , U , B. Coal and Coke 00" ,Wheatcroft Coal Co., WavArly Coal Co " and The geogrupluou,llocation of this property Is unexcelled . !:lugnr Leases here sell for a bonus of 'lOO COper II UrI' wilhnlll IIny produ numerous small oompanies. There &re no failures in tbis dlstriot and plllntntiou9are hes.v! oonsll:mers o! 00"1. o~d buy rtver COllI exclusively, tlon . 'rhe territory lU Punli. Kflu~aH is in II well fl .. llr" (1 "lit" ,"rrnllnllNl t'he price of colI.I at the mines is better tbo.n In some of the Ohio, and lind manuflLoturmg IndustrIes lue Illore~stng very rnpidly in this part of by strong produoing wellR; there iM no proclllfl li on upun t hl~ pr"IJtlrty II~ . I dl Illi i 11 Id the south; henoe, the Dlarkets of the Bouth are good nt un times ' re. yet; the Companv intends to sturt opern r.\ nm, th ... Il In It vr.ry ~hort thlH' , bAtt th er an til n nna or no s e s. gardles8 of the ~eI180n . Wells In this territory stllrt off from liO t.o iuo lmrrel~, ""('\1. l)1'r dny "ntl The property oontrolled by the Kentuoky Cool Mlnlug Cllmpnny , It is Il known fnot by nil 0011.1 operll.tors that prioos recei voU for COllI lI.ettle down from (j t.() 10 barrel!!. '1'bls te rrltnry i~ r llll11lrkltble for thn ccnBlpta of 2,000 acres, located in Union Co , Kentncky, the bellrt of thiS In the southern mnrkets are far better than In the north hence the reason th(l,t tbe percentnf!e of dry holeR is IIlH!< thlln itl nny other fllrrltory dlstriot, o.bOut 26 miles southwest of Ev"nsville, Indinn" , Tbe Illinois reason Pittsburg ooncerns seek this market regu,rdle!ls of tb~ (limc~Itles in tbecountry. , enconntered in the Upper Ohio River. The cbet of drilling wells bere is vers ml10h ItlH!!,1LlI oil I" found Itt u,,11Iptli Central Rnilr04ld rnns dlreotly through it ILnd it IS situated witbin six Coal lit tbe New Orleans Port uncler contract to ocell.n steam~rs of about 4au feet; the thieknllRlI of the oil benritl~ HIllld IS n bllut 27 f..tlt, tll!!1 . mllf'8 of tbe ,Ohio River, This l)rOllOrty is surrounded by COllI mines brings $3.3!; per ton,lIud on the open ma.rket $a 65 per ton, Compare showing that the wells wllJ be long lived. lind ~tbe Waverly mines adjoin it on the west and tbe Corydon on these prices with the 'hlcago prices of $1.75 to $2.26 per ton . As you the eailt. Tbe test holes show four veins of coo.l upon this property; th.e· Ree, we mu,ke better profits lU the southern markets. fi.rst vein at a depth of 160 feet. 6 feet thiok, with 'L good sand· stone roof, An illustr&tion of thB. cost of prodUCIng and landing 001\1 In the The oil holdings in oonnection with the 00111 en" hit>!! t.his (Jompany ' which Is a very important feature, there belnA no necessity for wood New Orleans market, and the profits reoeived :to pay dividends Ilt once, to the Mtookholc1Ar~, of 1 l)I;r cen,~, 111)1' month , props, whioh makes mining In II. grelLt mnny districts eXllensi ve; this One t;ow bo&t will take twenty barges at coal from this fIeld to Upon the selling price of the stook until the ItnllroV ell1ent,!j in r,IIA coal'lleldH veiD is known as No. Hand is free from water and the grade of coal New Orleall8 and make three round trips In Sixty days; eaoh oorge will are completed. It ill tbe intent-ion of th o co III 111111 ,V "'I ""II :\IlI;V pnough of ranks with the beet bituminous coal in the market, burull freely, mllkes hol(11,OOO tons, m&klng 60,000 tons of coal. 'rhe cost of miuing 60000 tons this tltock to completo these Improvem ent,8, when t.hi!'i ~took will PU,Y llIore a wbite ash and no olinkers ; it resembles co.un0.1 cou,1 and', iu faot, Is call · of ooaillt the Union sonle of wages is '27,900.00, and transportation from tban Iii per cent, uppn the par vllllle ed semi·cannal by a grell.t many coal men. The second vein is known ns the tni~es to the river, viu eleotric trumway. Ilt 50t per tpn makes it $3,, When it comes to compnring tho coni millin~ indt1stry with other No. 9 and Is found,at a depth of 240 feet. This is an . excellent grade of 000,00, loos,e of ~wboa.t a.nd bll.rges at ~he !o.luo.tlon of $200,000 on " 6 industries, statistics will show very few flllln1'tls . This is recoghi:.:ed for ooal with a rock roof, same liS No. 11 ; jnst south of us by Reineke &- St. per cent bl~8is, IS 112,000 manplng. m!Lmt~lIning tow· boat and orew for the reason that It is one of the great.est stapleH in the world nn whioh the Bemard, and west by the ;tnrgis DeKoven and Pittsburg COIl1))llI1ies. Slxt! days, $4,000; IDcldent~l", for th~eB trIps, ItO,OOO; estimated cost of! wheels of every indust.Jy is dependent. Tbe rlelllllnri elloh V AilI' iPOrOOlltlH No.8 18 a ,veln very little known as to grade, not being worked In thIS ~nl.lllDK l~OOO; 6stlmo.terl cost of 1~lDlDg 60 O~O tons of eoal and plaCing to the extent of 10,000,000 tons; hence, whewl'ou hllve Iln inevHttnent in 11011 dlstriot, bnt the t-est shows the vein to extend under thIS property, No. 7 It tn th: E~W Orleans mnr~et is $06,9.00 receIpts for 60,000 tons of 001\1 Industry of this kind It ill far better thnn Bnlldlng I..oon A!lsocilltlon or is snppoaed ,t o be tbe ra.moU8 'BeH COll.I and is found at 110 depth of about ot $3.3.J pel. ton, 1201,000. oost of ~tnlng nnu trll.n8portatlon ifl66,900 savings Bank. It is nbsolnt.ely sllfe' tha t!l\rnings Ilre muo11 LIlr-r an,l 11 d f d ki I d dil b . lonves a I)rofit of ifllH,lOO , b b I ,1 ' .'t • Thl i 500 f1IIl.. S 8 a ne gra e 0 gas nn 00 Dg coa II.n rea y rIngs 1\ This profit Is for Sixty dlLYS with the ollpllcity of tbe property of you ave t e ncreaseu vnluntion of your stock , . prioe of t3,60 to 1(,00 par ton at the mines. It is knowu to exist on this 1,000 tons per dny Tbese fllct!! hnve been clI.refully obtained and enn be T'T. 1 b'" 100000 '7 •. ,I' t 1 ' .t k ' I property by the tests thnt have been made. depended upon as being ncournte , The market is absolute Ilnd they seek . . l£e1 e I~as e?~ .' ,~ La1 es 0, " I. ~S ,~ oc sel' for tbis grlllde of COlI.l. Tpis Com)l3ny Is p.nt~lng in. u shaft with II. oaplI.o-· j as'Lde to be sf/ld at 2 0 cents per sha,re, pa,r value $1 .0{), This property tias ft"trnnk line of one of the largest ro,i\rond sy!!. I~y of l.UOO ~o 1,800 tons per dIl.Y.• witb elllOtrl~ trumwny from mines -to when the p1'£ce wI,ll be advanced . • 1 P CI' cent ner nwnth, terns rnnning directly through It, giving .08 II. mn,rket by ra\1 both north !~~~~'. All Improvemeuts on thiS property WIll be mod~rn In every re.! in dividends will be pa,id 011, · the nuu'ket price o/' the l,Ioutb and enabling .os to enter the largest coal markets of the oountry sto'Ck. .
Oil TBrritor¥.
,TztaDs'Po:ri:atlon In Markets.
., ! ,
.Me~z, Se()rela~,!~,'
. .11. Bakel:, f!nd . " Ja,-mes. Stoo,?s, fice , DIRECTf?RB. , Chas. Q. H~l(!eblant, ]~;x;-. S. C0n.!!fessmCfn. 6tl~ DLstl'wt ot Ohzo, W~lm~n!!ton, Ohw. James SW01JS, Vwe P1'e.%dent of CI,t~z.(ms Bank, Waynesmlle! O. W. R. Stelle" 'Cap~tal~st, Ind'ta~'tapolls, lndut7za, _ Elmer L. Ca1'l, Wholesale~' Retail Tobacconi,c;t, Fran7cfort, 1ndiana. .Nicholas Metz, Flonst. Da,yton, O. C}Uts . .I1. Balcer, Presulent and Treasurer, Indtanapolis, Indiana, . ' "
For a fB'W days only, or as long as the AIIottment of 100,000 shares last, you can bu¥ for cash.
10,000 I:Ihares, 1,000 Shares, OR IF YOU PREFER THE 10, 000 I:Ihll.res $400. 2,500 Shares '100. 600 Sh&res $ 20 1000 Shares '"
$2500.00 Cosh 250.00 Cush MONTHLY PLAN, YOU CAN BUY: Cash 6 monthly payments '400. Cosh 6 monthly pnyment,s '100 . (J monthly pa,yment.8 '$ :.!O. Casb 6 monthly payments , 4,
5,000 ,, 500
Sbares, I:Ihare8,
eac h each eu,ch , el~ch
$1260. 125.
Casb Cash
5,000 Shares 1,000 Shll.res 21i0 Sblnes
2,600 shares 100 Bho.res $200. 40. 10.
Cnsh (\ monthly pnylltllnt!l ' (\ monthly payments Cu.sil Gmout.hly p&yments
The company reserves the rigbt to withdraw this stOCK fro~ tbe market at Ilny time at the nbove prioe, Thl'! time to buy stook. is when tileComl'lmy is starting. You cannot nlTord to wu,it. must be made out to tbe oODlpnny, Ilnd sent to the home 01l1ce to NIChollls Met:", Secretory, or ,TAMm8 I:ITOOPS, WA YN E8VILLE, 0 ,
IS 621'),
Cash 25.00 COllh
$200. $ 40. $ 10.
each eu,oh each
All remittnnoe
Cut out tbls coupon und moil it to the oolllpu,ny at onoe , stll.tlng how many shares you could pO!lllibly tnkll o.nl1 we will mail yon a neat pro~peotius. There ill no obligation nttu.clted to t,his NILme P. O. Address,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ I might be Ilbe to take_ _ _ _ _ _ ~hares if I lun BlltisfiOll.
, phs. Ga,zseee.
, ,Mu r ia ,' tn"!' lD 1 1" 1 H IJ I II I ;
R,u:r,l' (;
I' )
t, R",II F oileD
~li ll iCl
'l'ElLElPr!O]'lEl t!JlLIa - - ]'lo, 6· ~
unth" I'd 10
A llo"., F ... ·II \·II ; I) :!:. n 'rut:! i ll '1'1ll'11e , Publlsh.a W •• lr:ly 3t Wayne. vllle, Ohio O)'I'I, k t 'h vll" ln p ; 1 --'"'---.-'~-, - - - - ----' Huh!1I L ,fill Ie ~ r' lI 111111 '" i I to , ' M, '['. DROW,", t 'II ' A,laa.uRU'I' M . M ol( AT' ~ t'.t t ort4 uml M an a.:crl'4 l)u1l i.. M ,JIIUItMI II l' t ul ; 12:1 ' /L Ores ill HilI'''''' t nw ll ~ lt \ l' ; 1. Mlui. 'I'. J . UftOWN. " HRQ IHA 'I' I' 1!~UI·I'II It . ;\11,.,. A 13"11111"" I't til t,) D[\ niel II (; " ,,"l1,o n<(I 1, ,, i n l.e\"II 11(l n ' I ' Lon I~ y our · - .. - - : In udnuICl' l ' I,"r1oot l e \V , 1)1 ' lI i~l' 11.111 It n~IoI~1l11 f l. U n yea r Ir n o ~ Ila.ltI 111 ut1\'a llllu ' " Jl lt l" M,_ II " d :' 111,''' ' \3 , Mnl\i",, ; t)j 1 .1' r'I I~ in l·' rlil lidl U' ltl WlI :lhip ;r.OOO.
--.---LINES--Round Trip From
]I" .... 1.1 1311 l' gI'f ","11111,,11111111 l u ~III ,v 1' , ~1il'!kllllll"n , rot, III FrUllkli1l ;
HOI'll nn ,l .1 "~f' )Jh D, N(1WII.1I 11 10 ~' ''''I\I; , Soulh " l'fl ; lot, in Lohnll on ;$i K, A ~I, il \\'''11 , ,>lltlit,,,!'. tl) Jo' 111 , (' ll l\lI i ll ~hJ\lI1, ~Ol , ill FI'''"Hlin : Ij;I U!) ,
Warren County Court. NEW HUlTS,
1'; litm FI,.ru BI'UWII v.. I),Ull BI lau.rt"
Uu.Ktnrdy .
Tru.nNt'!.' tpt.
C]lIl1rt tof (-leul'll e W , CII rt' ,V , .1. 1', Illud IJefulIIlunt UII felll'ullr,V llO \v"M l.ruul;ht utlfol'u ~ 1Ii<1 JU .. tICtl UII th" IIIH,lVU e hlll'llt' H .. 1IIIIII e uoo )Illlu uull WIIH houllli IlVOr 1.0 tIle (; ullrt of \ ;OIlIlIlUU PI .. u~ 111111 gu ve M"lmrit,v f,,1' I,i ~ ul'll UI'IIIH!O i u th e HUitt IIf *4,,(1, U el) r~" l!: Yuung I~ ILltornllY fnr tho pluintill' unu VeellIIl1t 1I,lul L'lIIl;'illJl fllrd ufe IllItLllt" AllIIn g ItlclJIlrd« vilE , \" Rioh. IIrd Di VO,'CB A h~ o n co PIIl'Ii,'8 Wllr o lUurrill,lut Ullll rl,(ut,uw ll, l:j"II, tomhul' 4, I H ~12 , ulld ther .. is unl;! ~un , Plaiutltl' ,t1:.k~ nl~o fllr Ihu CIlHtOlly of cbild , 0 , E, l:lut uhioHOO <Llld Dtluhnnt MId LIIIl!;clou lire utlurn e,Y" I'llt pl>lihtitl', An!;io t:i B'Lincll VM M, Grllnt, H .. lne~ Oivllrco, l'nrt.ill~ wor e IUnrrlu<l MM'e ll a, I tlH7, tlt Le ululOu, Tilree eilildrcn Imve huen hurn to l,hulll. Duhmuullt bU ij fur eig ht ytl .. r ~ las t PII"t f .. Hell t :l pro vid e Ihe OOllllJlon ne c o~~11 rl es of lit'll Pia i II, till' ,lI ijkH to htl di voreou untl the cUlltodyof th" c hildre n , Elt,:f.I'"th untl Maple u, e IlttornoYH fol' pluin , tiff ~IiMheth M , ~\,Ik VI:! 'l'bEl \Ill kll" wn hell'lI of Churle... 1~llrkillH , ,lolIlIIIHeu , 'I'ol)uiut title In II tm ot .. I' lund of 19,U34 .lClre .. 111 ~ ruuk1iu t,)\Vnsbll' , Plllint,11T MIL)' !:! thllt th e olll,lm of the d ll fmullmt to Ill) lutor, "lit therein iH without fl)undlllioll "nd lL~kR thll t thu,V 11\11)' hI' fllrever o... 'rel frllm IIH,. tl l,tin~ «uoh clulm, ,I. D, Miller i~ u.ttorn c,V f ill' pll\ill ' tift' , COU It'l'
I'It OC K\£IJlIW~,
EIllID" F , Wlud Vtl ,lol<o)1hi",) 0, BUn klf'lY e t III H,d'1 Ilvprllv .,d nnd oonfJrmtld I\IllI cli .. triblltlllll uf pro , oeeus III II de. Mn,ndlLtli from /;upremo Co urt in (JUliO N" , 9Il~ S J ohn E ~lI\ith VI! \ylllllLrll ·EvllnH. et, al .1 ll(l~e mellt IIf Cirouit. Court. In ufUrmin,> judge IllAOt of Clltlllnon Pl u",. Court Is r e, vtlrl!ecl FillIll j nelgtlll11m t i~ tbfl.t phllntll1'R in the COlUmon Pleas Court "nd dtlfen.ltmt In orro r III 81lprtlme Court aro 1I0t ulltitlnd to Bny relief upou till,i r Veti tiou , Wilbur Allil!on VII ,los , A , Ch"m. herlaln" Culio HettiI'd 11111\ difnulss , ell
Ettl\ Miller VII Wm, H , Irwin et III , 'ldms , CIIIl"O .,ompro mlsed a,nd di8U1IHRed, OORtR h(1ing eli vitle d, H"tt.le E , StevhollH Vt! (J , 1', WhO!I" ton, IL8 Count~ TreullUrer , Court finds thllt the prollisillll in t,ho will of Dr . ,J , L Stephenll for tho pay , ment '100 por month to the widow Battie E , Stephens oonstitutes ILn annuity within the meaning of the tax lows of O)1io .lDd finds the rea, HOnl\ ble vl~lue t,heroof for tax'ltion tl) be; 1899, ,5442 j 1900, ,r;:l:l7; 1901, '5022 ; 190~, 81479~ ; 19 0:1, *45G2; 1904, '.4339, And t.hat tho tax due 18 '689,18. 'rhlLt "s there ' WIIS no Intent to evauo tho law thero should be no Il8UlLlty IIml the " mount to exoeed the 'riOg, HI fund , due Is illegal.
Oil!U[ue r .. of tlt o AtOlllllCh 1'l'lHluep. " " " ,. vn us l!t) llllil,iOIl lIud Ilfte n Pi'll, vent s leo(l Clllllllburlaill 'R St,lJ, IIIlI oh lind LiveI' 'l"Lhl e t,!< ~tilUulutu t,he dif;e~ t,i ve O " " "II ~, rest,Ilro I,he Ay« tOlll tn II. hOlllt,hy colltlitio n lIull mllke Hlee p "o~l! ihle , r or "1'110 hy Fred C, tiehwuI't,z
p , (: ,
:\ chf", nr '::111 " of tl" tlj j ~~ ,; i ng achL'S' ;u{d p:ti l1~ 11>,. t t' .,use
\\' Ol]l C11 50 m uc h s,,;"(':il1r,:-, A s pa in is ,,,,,:11. I :1,,:. and I ('aves tl> l' 10 \' ,1, III " ;,: 1 cx· h all ~ t ' 1 (Tll ll f"i'.lll , :~ ' . ,-rqng t o ~ uIT,'I' a 111<1".,11 1 1", ,I ltan lI ('ce~Sa l'\' , Ollld 11 111 :: :,1 la ke I he 1\llti'· I' aill h it.; \I lir ~t in·
March 24th I
H. ' t ll i ll 1I1111t. " 1, 1'1 1 '; d , IW I" IIIl .. Lt' n
.1 11\..
LOS ANGELES ~I , ty 7 111 l 'OlllldL
LII Hll h ,
:-.hrlTll'r .. '
I,lH'Op l't'ti
IlIqll ' I'l al
SANF~ANCISCO .llIi y "th til 1 aliI. 1': d\l t' ull')lIal
" .. .,', l'illtr!ll\
tipr"llI i lo\\' fll 1'0 t', ic l;o ts i-\ont1 ., \"oll ut,hw OH I' lind NIII'tl l,
l e t~
Ilf Laxnki)la T u ni c' ' 1'111> I
~ 1till i~ t'1I~V
I'PII lllili ol' , IIl1 cl tI/I'
t it fiJitl. Th(lY nr" Jlun'J ~' vI'g,' tu i, ll' IIltd CO Il\f'('.;'ll " I Illullll oli lln. ('II~OIll'i", IIml "tIll' ), f'X 1 tmct" k llu wl\ 10 1111 \'(1 1\ ~ ,·I., .' I' ve "ctilitl 10J' tilt · ~ Ldn "ril eS' 1111)Jl"( ) \"t' 111 (1 C'llll ploxl nll, (' I (, I\ ~ ll]l tl\l' ~ I\in, en r il!1I t.1t " bl o"d. "ti' "U]"t,!, llil ' 11 ", rC"UI" U ll
di cat io n o f a n atl ark , If ta kl'lI a s tlin'ct.',l \"ou tIlal' ha\'c e ntire conli.J I'II<'L: in lltl' ;r cerect i\'e l1 c:;:; . :1 S 1\', II !';; ill tlt t! fa ct that tit er wi ll k :l\'c n o Jisa g rt:eal) lc af;cr·dTc(l ~, Tlte)' cont:1in llQ Inoq',l l inc.
I OJ' ,
I c hl' l)n i( ~
np thn
il1t, (~sti1\('~,
Hnd o nt'( '
o p ium, c hl ora l, cocain\' or oth .: r dallge roll s tl r ug's. " Fo r gr('rt lly'
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin (La""atl ... > '
Everybo dykno\V sthat PEPS IN Isgood for thes tomach, b ut ill co m bina tio n with certnill plant Orugs by DR, CALDWELL'S formula, ils n a tuml value Is highly inc reased.
DR, CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN Is the best thinr ill Ihe w orld for c or· recting nnd curing 0.11 for ms of stomach trouble-yo u'll say so when YQ U Iry it.
DR,CALDWELL'SSYRUPPEPSIN enn ,be obtained in bOlh d oll a r and balf· dollar sites nt all dr uggis ls , and your money will be refunded if it fails to beaefit you. Your vosta} CQrd r CQuelU will brIng b, return mall our n ew bookle t. "DR. CA LDWELL'S BOOK OP \\' ONUEH.S" aod (reo sample to tho'o who never tried Ihls wODdertul remedy. Mail yo ur postal toda y.
PEPSIN SYRUP CO. .onllo.llo, IIIlnulll
Torture by Savages, " !:;penklng of t he t orlure to which Romo of the sn.vnge tribos iu \.110 Philippines !Hlbjeot t,h e lt' en,pl,i ves, r e minrls me of tho Inte ll He Rulfe rill !; I e nciured for throe m onth s from in 11 II III mn lio n of the Kidn eys " f"LYS W, M , Sherman, of (JUSltlllf.! Mtl .. "Nothio g helped 1110 until l ' tried Eleotrio Bitters, IoIl1'oe hott lOR uf whleh oomplete ly oured Ille ," ' urp~ Live r Complaint, DY~Pfl psill , Blood disordo['R lind Mnll1rin ; nml r estores tho w etl k lind lIerv o n8 t o Tobus t lle nlth ,_ Gua ranteed by Fred C, 8 0hwllrtll dru ggist, Prioo GOo ,
Brings oheer all the y OIl 1', F:vory hody likes It, n o SKill iM r N] uired t,o rel)roduo(' porfeotl y IU'lIld IIlIl's io. the fillest voo,.! sol o~, II ne t'!, lind qnllrtettes; th e fin es t ohllrn ct,er sOllg!! nnd vlltl.le rvill e skits, ' 'j'bns the Phonogro.ll}) provides more fun anc1music thAn nlly ot,b er nutomatio entortuiner, yet is withio renoh of all. It sptltlks for itself. Wo will be 1>leasocl t,o s how t h e Jnllohines to nnyone inter es t.ed , Sold on IIILYWOlltR of '1.00 a woek
Crushed Corn,
" ,III ('Iul url'.
t '\"
I' Y 11. 11I1t11 .
\V e HrC' g l'in[lin~ o l' \l ~lt ecl eorn "l' \' (' ry dn,V, ,"Vo I' CCll ~ l'o uul1feed 1o I'X CI lIInglll' I' YOtl I luvu'not time to :l :~ ,~;"\~'il.' ;;I~ u~r;'ls~h~!~ltl~I."l I wlli~ , (lur fl'ell ex ch llllge is run on - "1 u ~II I L' I S ulil B ' mJ Jlld ' II l ull (II' ('ush basi s. ' " ~,' " U" " " " " . " e, • 1 ' I Dr, Miles' Antl'Poln Pille nrc . old by 1 If yo n huv l' 1I0t t.rW ( ou r ol'ushed r~~r fr:~~~~~~'I< ;~~o:;:m'L~~~~n'eB ,~h~~ eornoull'Lncl seo l tllllll ,Vo uwi\lsa.y f. lI, he will r etu rn you I' m oney, .t hnt iL i>l the fJnest f oed yo u ever ~3 dO' ••• ZS cent., so'd In bul k. I ~ILW, ~Vayno::!vi lle Mills. M ile:; l'.'lcci cal Co., Elkhart, Ind w DuM glvl' 111 '" HUl et. l nlitJr lIIlt(
r U,l-
lJ" gall(lI cU l'vur U,',MII " MIlI'l',' 11I l-'1I ~. :..11111 lh uy fl 1w n ys rt, ll l' \, f' III U In Il. r ll, )l'l tim e, lil y SI Mt",., who s urf"r'
D· C. NL.
tI HlllmHIII"l!~llllon t"
I'm,:; t Imc I h r1\'o RUrrl ~rf' ll t'lJH' Il ~ or bat' kac lw , t ll/l t llll l l',· Ihu n
\\' (Ih
' rh {'H(\ H tl Uc' k !'t I'oml' 0 1\
thllt he UU(:It!.4, up IL Il W r emody wil h hi~ (IWI1 pM~on . ,lIl gnnrnnr.c hIlt, hll kJl ws t,hll t. Pep~ i"ulll I~ ~ nru II' hclp a ll who hlLve 1nh To ni 11:V~jJ PSill II nil lIIo'liJ.!,'s t.ion lito \'e ry nr~t duy thcy begi n t o ! rnlw it" i 1I1o reovor h n il< tl)O h t1 ~.v II nc l hill 11C'J!t1tutioll iM wort,h t.OO Dl uc h 1,0 ' 1IIke t!IHlIIO"~ in J'()(, lIlII llI ol1lling IL n ew l' e rntld~ t.o thei r nnsto m or >l, that , \"tll not do Jt1st n~ rCjl l'oso utc " P op5ikolll i" ,I l'e llllll'tcilbl e prnJlarII ti o n IIlld 11118 porfOl'lIlo tl so m o oures ' iii \Vllynl'",' ilIo I,hllt, border upon th o m irnclllol1" I h is 111.0 Ii g raud 1I0 l' VO tonic, It illlJll'OV PH the tl,ppetit .. , gi\'e~ lit'\\' st,r ellgt,h und Dew l' llC'r:.!,I', t 'Hl e ~ 11]> t.ho ~to mll oh and Ili"es l-i " p ll r l': '1I1~ , IInrl mnkes you r 'n l hl'cl"I' right oIl', \\'h nll Yo1l1 hn ,v IL package o f Pep , "i lc nltl yon : lll'lJ jll'o tc l' tetl ill overy \\,ny, 1(' i t, c m o~ yon the cost i~ :.!5 ('l' lI b-if it, .lon;; no t , MI'. .1 1\t1ney will 1"'Y Imuk ynnl' lIInuoy withont 11
nml la s t t\\'O u,' thrt·j) (l.t } ' T ha .... 1· n e \·... '· ttl'f' ll nul" to K\'I HII ~ lhlnf , hat
\V,L A
14 1"-\'111 H hll O,.:t
ba \ 'f) YI JUI' lll oncy lm ck , trou ble with your stOtu· ALiV AYS T111 N THE 1--- - 1.,1' ,\[. n ch. your (,'I'I,'E • PA I NT '" 'UI'Iltl U 'IllOlTltu ge;; o f t,11 0 t.1I1 4~ • .'~" ' '" bowel. aud W illI pU .. I' Lins,'('11 ()il for' all ou t , I' . .., I ' 11In'_'~ y o ur l iver' , , f 1, '"OV('I'/I ,,>urs , ,.IIl, lIl mY every bod y ~ I'd I ' wOr.I _ '1'111" PI~ lllt I" n u pnv ,t' w t' ro so h.\lli· nO'IJ(:t,Pll "tlnit I h .. d d oes , And bOll ,v Ilflll '" .... ,, ~ 1,llInlllll l,( , It t!J\I" " lUn ll!mFIl'~ h" 'e. " w~'il.,~ 101 when th ese he!!" " I"" 1I ll'1'I ' , I'I"""H ll ll'1I1 f"I' lito AI ' Yf \V «( I IL(I ' "1 ' I, j~. ;., t deli cate and , A, II I J(. 111 """ , III , ea s ily,dis- c OIl,. n,n c ,'" I III 'nt w!lh Rov(, l'ul J.h v~i c iltn. \\' illo ordered orF" .. ", t1 11 h,v ,I, b .1H II LI e:;" l out tLlI V hPlIl,ltt, 1 I It 1'1\ st." .. I"ll to! gan s do get tll 1co F'nl e:v" ~ H ono'rJ Hu d '['ur, UII !l out of order , 1tuy lnng .. 1\1'1...& now IlS s.l)n rHl f\ J-l. I L they are the X (;. ~L. , hul'l ~ , I l'Ut!OIll IIlI'IJl1 It it~ II,I! \ " " 11: worst th ings ~l. , , , ('(t , t lll! " S of Ill n g tl'o n hln,' "OJII',v ~ In Ihe worl d 10 you, If you t oo k the RI IIIH!\·II ,I.rr., 0 11 11, B Oli O," IIlId Ttl I' ~top,. tlHl c:ungh 1111 I righl kind o f care of them, you wouldn 't .n!fer. but you tlon't, S"IC\' CAI.TII".: "1 "":AI:i ~:S II\<" 0 EN ' hUIII" th l\ln~s, illltl jJl'RVUUtH ~I'r i The only way you clln correct the tronw )1. J otl~ I'esu\l.:; tr am n cold, I'l.efn •• ' ble you d o h ave nnd pre" .nt these parts ANI) (' IlIL LJ I:Ii:N , ! !mhs tH,nt es , , (rom gelting out of order i&to use
Alwu.ys KnOI)!! C hnmbe rlnln's Cough R.HIlP.tly In Bi~ ' Boutle. " ' We wonM not. bo wit,bold 1:11111" bel'l'lin'lI ('onch Rmnllflv , It i ~ kp"l, nn 11"11,1 onnt.inunl1v in " III' hll"1O'," MII ,V " \V , "~, K ...,.rtl nv,o(Ii "nr flf n,,· 1II!I " I"'nrlunt , I ... wry Cl lv Mo , RltAI . ItflTATIt TltANHJI'KItS ' l'hit r i.<t Whlll, pv.'r~' flllllil.\' "h " "111 lin, \Vh,'" k"pt nt. hllll'l Hhormall W , Fllrrill "11(1 wlfo tn l "",..l,· f , ll' 11",llInt. lIMI ' II ,1"hl 1nll ,I' ,Tolm E, Vhenowet,h t;!2 29 Rllrell In I I", I·I Ulc k.ul "t, I,h " IIllt~nt. •1I,fl oure'l l WIl~hiollton townHllip; 114100 , hi muoh Ie"" time tllllll •• ftt;o r it hILS RoslL Follen to Albert Frenob; lot beo"me !lAt,tled in I.he llyst-em , Tbis in Lebanon j 811. remolly iH nl~o without Il peer for ,lacob and Josephine Binkley by oronp III ohildren, .LDd will prevent T, C, Patterson, 8herlff, to W. C. thl) attaok when given tl8 eoon lUI Tiolienor j 363,85 acres in Wasbin g -/ the ohild beoomes hoarse, or even • , ton towDBhip j '6370, nfter the, oroupy congh appears, Anua Belle and Oranvllle T.\ whl.oh oan only be done whlln the Brown to Pet Vall i lot in Lebanon i rel!\edy iB kept at band, For eale ,I, by F, C, Schwartz.
Dr, Miles ' All ti·J'.1in Pil'ts nrc a most :'CII1. r!.:t!.k r 'l1I'~ cly for th e relief of 1":rind iC' I':l ins, backacill' . Il ( \'nw' ,I' ,.; " I " ad -
It. is u ot oft
t'on~tipHti 'I'n hy A fI( ' t llll'lI g'· [ar. ·.. I I' .111\' [il ' l lLl , Hl l d J1 !1I I 11'111 a r .. : in!! I-Ill' 1I<)wpl s "uclll~"isti n;! Nntun ' , l l l '.' I1 ,."J"u Il I. 1 .11I~" l lU":-il' 1I1H'r ', t o l10 it.s n\vn p"r[L' pt, \vorlc. llr, ", "n- in ' l'hll .. 111 1 II , E , 1(111 )'1'11, .1Ilnn f',I' I' r,O llllll()J)(I~ ,1 11111) \\'1 ~h co ,', L-_ _ _ _ -_ ._ T_ "'_ I, _ "L_ , \_ ~_ " '_ It_ '_ -_ _ ___1 ! el',Vlconlill anlJl' III\(J 11 :!;, oen l \luL'i! You have ",ore or les!! _ - -...._----------~' ' "go Ill llH I 11 '1 us I'lu imo.l or ,\'Oll 1'1I11
Boward Or!,ha.m" HarveY8burg. and Jen~de Bevan, Clark8ville. Rev . Compt.()n. W. ,Bowa.rd Fulkerth, Lebanon, and Cynthia Allen,Barveysb urg, Rev, Poe , F.dwin ,Iohntl, Clevetl, ILDd Alioe CnmmlnH, LeblLnon. Low 0, WI!Mon AmI )4]ttll Bunter (colored) bolh of Lebanon ,
A 'I IIr. 801lllhy C wl?l xion tl,ncl H w 1~ v ry \VolUtLn !lllLY Obtuin h :
"'Te ro 1Ih),i:lictli 1J alil,y. ontioiug IU! it. Is , will n ot porma'Oou,tly 'lvail i u Ihflllbsooo('[ of II c lean, ft· sh, It 'Ill , thy kllllllltl COUlpl XiOll, A \YUl n , I n U 1Il1l)' hu \'t) Jl rfl'(:t , felnul'o~, .l yuuthful rur ," IIml IIll' rIlotJf ul 1i!{tlI,C' , lmt withoul till' h ealth n.Hl hl o o ,,, of II 'lOll " ~l.i l\, pfJI'f oet ]ICl'L'lIoy is , iJUjlos)<lblu, Wilen t lt u bkill ' is mu c\ll,\' ll r C11')olly ' )1' 111 11 rl'od 1)~' lIlol It " po t s nUll pi'"pl ,,". 11111 0 , hIl AH III t f' ll , i t iR .1 uo t il ~lItllt' ( '~ illUh il HI' I .. ]I(lrflJrlll I It n )'llIwtio ns us C1l1U;,1 1" Iwr fnlJ t, l1 '!lith , , I i !\lU IlY n \\'1I;>,nl's\' ill o lnlly I'ou id trlltllfllll y t"l1 (I f tli o l'OJ' \lI " ~lIbh'
1,' ,, 1' .1" 11 1II!'> n Ii .. \I \ till' "'' "x "'\lr~!() rt .. ,
8tot-e VB A~tbur llnet Mllry 8mith , Mary Smith di>lOhlLrgell Arthur Smith remllnded to jltil au f'Lilore to .prOduoe' bond of 1260, ' Iu re establlshment of Student't! Bu.1\ Speollll Sohoo) Distriot , 'Same tWlIle a special (lIAtrlot, Estate of Lydill Shootll, \lee8!lSed , Proof of pubUolltion of notloe of appointment of exeeutor flied , Estate of tieorge Rholldes, minor, Firllt aooount for settlament flied . - Estate of ,Iam8fl Ellis, tm hao\le, Proof of publioation uf notloe' of liP ' polntment of guardhLll fllod. Estate of Unity Laokey, lIccenselj Proof of llUblloatlon of notloe of fiP' pointment of ILdmlnistrRtor filed , Anna W:vle Willialll!lon. guardi, an of UrY8tRI antI Alverda Wyle, minors j bond of '2000 gi vtln and o'r derfor sale of real estata INned, Estate of Edwin R, Van Deever imbeoile. Fourth aooount for settlement filed,
a.u~e to 'Clil'fl Int1 i/::es tiou, I Vnlo S Po p ~jkfJ llI 'tlrnl" . YOIl1' Dyspepsllt J , E" J lI.11Jipj' Will l tty Buck
D H. . H .E . HA'I'H A'VAY
R J ').1- I r. \,. , 1\ 1C len er,
VETER'I r ARY ST!RGEON. " \ ~bIlUOD , OhiO, \V " Lr:ouuil1'" D lIlltiut, (JU.ll be ou lled B,ny h Ollr, lillY or uynOl"vI llo II '" ~ night, Both Bell :tlnd Valley ,""< ~ I" 1\" .' "Uf\"I I "~, " M,,'" Slrool I PhOlleR , Viley Phone No. 238,
By HON. GEORGE W. PECK Autho r 01' Ped::' s 8aJ
y AbrOAd ." Etc.
1Ir 1:p. Circ us F ~p l e V i, it a Soutllcrn .PI~I\J. 1.Iou-P", F n I Woman A rp
t ho Glnnt nlld the Chased by Bloodhoun,:s-Tbe B ~ d Boy " RUllS the Gauntlet."
l; ,','. hili p:\ Is surl' al m l'.
IIp hn!"
ibp,' 11 ,1I -~I "l ed \\ Ith lH ~ lle fore. bIll h ~
low 111m till hO ' ls trEed ; ant ,hen 11107 'ark. 81\ much IlR 10 's ay : "Ah , t.I1 ero. ~rr. NI J;ger , )',o u just ~ Iay -..' ber \1 you 'nro' ti ll I h ll s hill'lf! ~'() m 1\ to fetch YOI1," nud Mr, N ~lOro JII$l tllrus pa l ' hm ,t\[111 or nnLle sced Arb lllld th e SOlo, 1.l n,1 he Slays o n a limll till lila s herif! COllies wltb his lyn ch ing t<lols Wh e n t h s hc rlIT Illllls Il gun tb 1\ gro Cnnresscs rl li h t fh er o, nnd Ule ue ll1 lty s he riff brin gs t he rope, I ogl,od Ih e boy It t ho IH11lllds would 'mil 1\ whl u~ lUan without bur tl ns hill! , anti h e sal tl If you p ill anise see,l on t hei r s hoe. Ib e houn ds wi ll trail 'rm 1\11 r l~ht, so we Ilut Ilil a Job to h nve "o m ~ (u n. Til e boy );a ve me ~o rn(' Ulli"r or d, an ,1 loid me to put II o n Ih p s h ops 0(. nnybo(ly I wo.utel! I rnil~" . a nfl ofte r Ihe), ~ot ou t In th13 \\" lOeI~ I", 1V0u l.1 PU L I ho hOllnd ~ on Ihe Irnll. and the pellllic wo uld hal' e 1 10 I; t nl' lrep". nr have lh el r pnntR rhl' well. IJllt th e d OI;~ <: ouILl not hurt
anyhody , \\',' 11 , II
nUld ,' 11I~ laa gh to thlnl;
~l e '1 "I'
the limbs, when aurlttenly. In tb", .116' BUVINO COWS AT "VARI)S;" t e.nce, en me t he bny of tho Il~c ll 0 1. blood bou nd H, nntl evory negro turn c'l Haggling Over "MUken" in IPIl Odd I; al~ , and gO t r~lIdy t o 'IIntb a lre!', Corner ot the CblC$go Th e plnntar slopp d to Iislen , a nd wbQu Market. (' no of lhe rnnnugcrs or t il o Hhow asilp.d Il im wha t was 'I.h e mlltt r, ho said: Chlca 0 res idents nccudtomed to "You can seare'h me, sah, Jr l hal i~ nn<,l th e milk for their Cav-,rll" bre ak. m)' pac k. 0 r IJoun rI 5, a cr i m~ ha s boc o , Cns t tooll nice ly bolt led tI', tb e lr liack cO lll m ltt ed. and I.ho s herlrt b a s tar t- I doors each day know almost nothi ng ed Lt ll IJIlck on the Irnll oC Ibe crltn- I at (h o market in which Ilre s old each Inni, ~a h , liCClllISI I he ,logs nro lIel'cr year severnl hundr ed cowo. Th e ani- ' IlIrn rd loose, e ' Cllpt fo r bus ln dS," mul s which g l'uze on th e outl ying Thl?lI tho plo.nt (> r ), oll etl ' 0 I he n l!;· comm ons In Hummer anti pass Ut e lr ,,·I' I'S. and said: " If UI'Y of yOlla ll III' " wlntl'rs In tho little .torlll s holls ot s ulll ), o C cri me, YOIl 1)(,,1 !(N "'01'1'1'. Il l' the n ohe milln Polish lind Irl sb set. 1,I~k Ollt your II' .e , IIn ll gel UII it tl c me nts, SUy~ th e Chicago Da! ly mi!;h ly . I"hle n. 'l'nll<1) I h,' 1.lltl ll ll, New s a re nea rly nil bou g ht and so id lIn\'e n't IJcr ll fl' ,1 lal ,' I)' ." E" e ry ,,"l · In Ii li t tl e out·oHb a,wIlY cornor at o rell fIIan vlcl,,'d n Irrr. lWei Ihll tbe stock yards . . iWlIll rl" I,e llt 1·'lIlI llI ;<. Iba ll y s h u\l'i.lI~ II. c h nrllcter which once seon Is not . up JUI1\))1111: Ih e fl'Il,·,' . lind (,lIlcrill!: I h ~ Moau to ue for go tten Is th e Cru(ju e nlly \lOOUA. anrl Ih,' planl"l' I'UI It dnh '" a pII"II"1 1I 1: o ld womtln who c omes to IIcat oIT th e flog.. I" 10u l, o.<1 as I,",,,, buy u "OW to ass is t III t he h rn lly " UPrent as J ohll \ \ ' ''''11 II ", Ii ,,1" " ph',"rd IIOrt. One m lnllto s he pl eads with a<lrlre..l n!: a SHU' IllY ,1'11,'" 1, lilt' ~In lll puthetlc nccent8, t.h e nex t s he argues .·ow I he d')~H nlld s l:.lI·I,'" '01' I> tlli l \','h ' Ill e lltl .v and &"n lll Sho lifts 11e r " Uy ,,~e . nllll Ih,' fat la(ly s ul,1 s hc' ('o u hln 'l volr.~ to li n italian opom pi tc h ancl lint! all), h ,d, ' hl ~; ,' nllll ~ lt 10 h ill e Ill, 6cold 8 s hrilly, me rciless ly s cOt'ing- tb o '~IIc1 "tho IlIt'a, " \I' n ' W l ' rl' n l)t UI I ' II sc ll pr a nt.! her 'm eu l\ Jl1l sbolld, who
hu ,l i t in rOI" mn l'i0 ~ ~~ r lol1 s :t~ :l.l' Olll II, I \\' ..' nl lo IHl , all rl told hi m Ihe lin ,": f\ p \\ 1 gu ('~~ t.h e wh ol o Nh ow h l ~ ~ h Cl (l:; wen ' all rOV 'n"cl wil b .. p .} e ·,.II I" 1" ... Ih~ ensl ~!' If I s hould fnll off \'I rl', nla .11I" t. 1\1111 I IIIlIk my bU li d· th ,' I I ~II " ' 11\ dal'lt nighl , whe n II W IIS I I' Ndli l'f ulIII Ilus ted Ih('11\ otT. 11 1111 ~tO('l Il )' allf l we wer c rross ln!; a hi gh mnlle "Im hllitl 1111 his fOOl IlItr a horso cnu \I ;.;h 10 l lro Lt'(' l a lad.' .
on !)' <i r 1Uofl Htrnl us lJ i~ pr.csence
w ith r c n f.)wC' d c n e l'gy , A I gu m e nl b e " lw e n 0 10 dealers o od f Ull [ o r tho by-
rill Inlly hllli \\'nl"",t . (\",I fe ll ov er sltlull or$ Illes fast Ilnd turiou&. ,'lI'h vlh, ..', 1"11 n" ,II)' on 1'111'1, we nt ..... blr'.y ,Iollnl's and 0. Llg bargain 't(1 th ,' till ' 11'('" wh f' r~ t h glll n t ha,l nt t hat," sal'S the sell e r, whit l he ai r I'l lmhr,1 III 11lf' il r" t IIl11h, lint! s looll V Q of o ne utte ring an llualte ra lJ lo I'or' I hl' II' hlll, l I " ~ " IIl1d IJllrl,v.! IL "" 1111 ' (' diet.. 1.l m . I h~ IrPlllhl pl.1 HU ~ \lali u rr-a le l hAJl. sure n ow, nod thnt's n d eal t oo be w" ult! full ufl'. l'U l h ' 1';1)1;1111 h is much for a poor mlln to pa y. Can't or llls nlul legs u)'(1 l1nrt t he h ~l\ au,,1 yez JGake it tw nly.four'? " as ks ,the " I' m old 1'lan, whee dling. 1'egan (0 cry. 1 '1 Ie \l Inu' I r I.0 I1\ ~ ' 1 ., "hatcl'cr r.r I me I10 IlU d ('O l11m 1ltCI. n-!ore "'e deal e r can speak tile "" LU was a ll liP with hill! . woman breaks in with: "Arrah, now, 'rhe pa r !. th e pack t ha t wll.S 01) it's you 're the tool and it's mesel! \>a's troll begau t o c l o~c In Oil pa, will buy (he cow, Indade aft' I will. Dn d I said: "Pa, If you don' t wsnt to Then It's robbery you would be dOing b e d og mea t , It IS UI1 t 0 you to (: II III II , 10 take the last ce nt tro m a poor 901l you lietter go l a move on, o r I woman now." .. hal l hQ an orphan ml gb ty qul cle, After barga ining with n d ealer or 'cau so th e dogS I~ro s ta r vi ng." Pa , two mor e tho couDle buy a cow for nmll e n cO llpl e 01: f\lIi nk Jumps. Ilull $23. As tho woman roluctantly parts g rubued ~ 11 mb of a hi ckory tree, anrt wl til h e r hard'earned dimes, wbich wos pulllll!; hllll sp if up ond repeoting , evhlenll y look as bi g as cartwbee ls r n '"/er s. wh en th e lenciing do~ r ellcbcd : to hOI' Ilnll the "us band Is ho.nde d 11 III' Ill s nose . nnd s mel1 ed J)ll 't5 shoes, the rope to l end the cow away, h er h 1I t III I I a w tlt . e III P. ~ "llt an Inll gave Caco tak os on a look or su preme con· ha r k and a ye ll to t he ot her dog~. as I len tmcnt, and the three moye a wny. much as to s ay : . "T~a l's Ih e ide n llcal the nian lenll ing the cow, nud t ho old lIw
. '3·DO&'S·ooSHOESfml !'V. i.. Dougla. c:annotbe
l'h. ,C ase or MISs rrene Ol'OlIby Ie One otTboueanc1ll ot Curoa mad., by Lydl .. E... Plnkho.m's Veseuible Cocpoun\!. How mo.ny WOmon reo.lIzo th&t It,is no\ the plo.n ,of nature that women Ihould tiuJl'er so severely.
$10 000
, lh l•• talomonl. .t"Ji:c'i::o:-.k:,~::,~-:.t:d~t!~re;~~'1::~~Tn::
carewlthwhkh."ert-palrot .. h~.',)'01i
'Ur itl "" ,.\, ' r 11 "tream th n l was o nt of Ihal I., " 1111; s holl. Theil I )Ju t r. Well. I 111'\'('1' CX llrl'l 1< , "~~ n llYl h l ll ~ U~ as l", .. 1 whuull lil\ !; worc! put in ~ t ~ I Hllid ,m nec'ollnt of a fr cH hl' L i l! lId in hh~ blHI PS Itr said I t wa~ ~o tin t' Il H lh l l WllY t1l\ I-:-; t\ h nllull s I' lIn W II P II JiIH wjfe Is lln grles t. On ce In I I \\ .1' nil on ncrOlln t or 0111' laldn!! lHl ~ "ly Id llll In H,P to do It. T hc ll I with Ih;'lr lI oer " ;n Ih p ~rlllll lll. or'a' - Ilw hll e, how~ I' er , s lt e 1111 0 11' 8 111111 to all af! t.'lIlIlOn olY Oll a Sun dny aL Hlr ' h ~ \\ pnt lo Iht' f.;\ ,l ut , nnd b ru sh ,I Irre, I In IIII' C pn" I," , on(' !lac,I 011 II1 ~ \G.~I(' (II'co r t ho p rice whi le s he looks I o[ Ih l' Ihrl'P w llll ~ e "IHH' ~ 0 1' wl tll 1111 t) v. 1)1· ..."slon o f a,\Vle ' ''', llut m nll d . 'II old I)lu n ter tha t u sed to bC' du ~ t oIl hl !'i s h" j·: . n nd Pll t t w o li n n t! , lrall of "fiC) .... ....-" .... "\' ~ n , ,:,. "n liS bu s ln ~8s before t he war I'lIl s of allis e :;,'..,1 iD th ro, 0,"1 he I hn tl tl n('to r ed . \\'I1"n tb u y gn t n e UI t! 1.!~ oll l.Y r r t ul"OS to tll O ch'l r '"o Ilgal n 11 ~ I h e y 1)1'01\ (\ u p 111111 w r. u t n ro lln 1. n ' I'," wl,,' l'o I hnl . pn a l\ tI t h u J.;lan l n Ull
='::''::':'l!Om':t! ~h~i.?:yU~~~: l:.trO.~-
fit better, wear (oulcr. and .re 01 S f :
ThOlISIUHls ofAme rlc:tnwomen,how. e"~r. have fOllnfl.r e li e f rrom,n l,l.monthl,y SIl f!crin !!, by taltlll g Ly,E" h.llnkbams V t.'gut a.l .Le Compoutl tl, U ~; it. I ~ t I10 11100 •... I" I 1 I I I I 'n to u OrOl1 g 1 "'ron. 0 r e~" a 0 " ( n o ,\ . , c.l iClLl sl.' i e nce, It. (~ I H't'N ttl .." l'Ol1tht.IOll wbich CUllZCS so m uch Ji sl..'\ uu(ort and
robs these-pe ri ods of th ei l' t.crr<>rs. Miss Ire n e Crosby, o f 313 I ~ harlton Btrect,.l'; "U,VIIIlOlLh, 0 11., writes:
Inlrlnslc •• hlothanonyalher$J.50 . h..,. W",'L..,no.... ~2 ' LS•O•• !'.r.·o"JI. ~. o. "'B-.:!.·.~!!~~~.!'or& ~. ............ O ...... llh".•• $2.IJO.$1l.S,.71J •• ,.LSD ~ IU.· I C~UTI~!'t . - J U:S III L \I~ ' n IIU" I'~K W. L. I.... tJl.
.~ 1\ 10011. 'i' 6 no lIuhsl.i tntfJ, SODO genuille witho ut. hts flame Ilml price &,.ml1o<1 on bottom, Fca l 00111' E'I" ltll « u6. d; thOli will rIIl( WC!W b,a_
I t
II' ·all:)r· 'lll!,llfEr'l: eI,', ldnlw 'hn:,I'~;'I\"'·I',f,(.ctnl~I'i,~~'r~~':,~ \' ~ rreat• oonoli t. 1.u 1110, (!m 'lIlg 1I1U t If irrogulflll
WrlLo for
)Uunrl\tto(l CBlHIOt
Ilndpninful/leriOds \\'htSu \,crythillgc(:;o hLtd.
t'OtlktoD. U ....
At.. .......
~.,. ~
InltOfl, alld gladly rocolDlneml It to otbur lin" absolutcot,. pan to eve ry K Uler Oae lulfuring womo n." HlIn drrd an. .I~t,. Women who nro troubl p<l with puin. A c row of lnud U. WEW rul or irregular period s , bacl,ache, eCd Canada, bloatillg' (or flatulence ), .-lis p Iaccmen t of organs , Inflammation or ulce ration, 1. •• d odlnhrf"Jr I:'r. c:::an be purC'il i\M:o -frona that , . b ariug·uowu" fe e ling, dizzi· ,all".,. au4 1.Dd oc-ness l fo i Dtn~S!<, Indincstlotl , ncrvous pol.. III from $6 to '10 por .cr• . r,ro.stration or lho blues, tiboultl tako mwcdlate action to \.... 1'<1 of!' the' IIIlrl· ou ~ couscquen.Cl~8. nnd 00 r O::ilo rcd to I On :h l ~ IIu,d t1l1" year ., • • ~e" ,roduced -pperfuct hcn.lth nnd strt·ngt I1 b y to. k'log •• r d' .(J II ~' CU ,y.I i ~e. b ••.b.l.ol .. b.~1I0Ibo ac<~• Lydlo. E, Piu,khalll's Vcg~tablo pound, end the n wl'ito to lItrs . PllIk. ltlnl!lOth~beslolR'r..lnR'l.nd •• d!o'ml.ed bam, Lynn, Mus.~.. fo r further trce nrl· 1:1IIUID"lt 10 .. "0 o.. perior" .. tb«oollne .. t. "lee. She h. d"ughtcr-in -Ia-v at Lydia E. Pinkham lUlU for tw.mty· lh'o years SplendId <lhn.I., 10-' 1".1, 1'1111".,< convea· bas been advis in g WOlDe n frco uf icnl :~chool lJ."d ~h1\ rchc: "c lo$e at h AtHI. ChIlTn'C . Thousands hUNe b CCLl fJurcd W rite f n r "TwcnUet h Ce- n~tlry C ••Hld ... ,met b 10\'" ",iI " oy fatcoMto SUI'HIUN T UMOIU'TOP' lJolM~ by 6O. doiog. ,oKA Tlo N, OrlOD.ut h urizedCllni1dlan 1l(f!Ul. : u ~1.1V'LLIU'9. La.. Uull~I ...,""I_ O.
III."'_'. . . .' SIOK HEADACHE _..
____ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
ClI SS. E a t him all\·e. womnn , lI a r s leirts tucke d uP. trudg. . H e grabbed Ilb[l ll t a \lol1 l1l. hllnd- IlIg a long ue hlnd Some one ott~red to sond G. Dernart! ful of th e IJloth oC pu's 'Io lhes rigl1t . Sbaw IL lIox ot gRtllO, but he repli :! ! hl'low where hi s SIISI) cncle rs buUon VB ~ that he would ra th er Il lo than Il vo lit r-----.::-'Po~lthel,.carea 117 nnd he ld on. an d s hoo l.plI rco l hlll'd, lIut ~UEER PUZZLE IN NUMBERS the price or bloollsbcd. So tb e Otu.:IOIl 3 these LIUle PilI,,,1 The, nIlIO relleTO JQ. I h e clo t h \VII S 101lgh untl dldn 't tco.r. ~ ono r ottered nowers. "Surely you tress Irom Dyspcpsl .. ll1' Pa sudd e nly sceln l',1 to he e ndowed One Combination That Can :Bo Mul- must be tond of nowers, Mr. Shaw'!" <1I~UolilUldTooJleart;J wllh s uperhu man Ru·englh. ror ho tlpUed with :But Littl... "So I am of cblldren, " he r cp\!ed, " but Bn1Ing. A pcmct rem. nrp.w h imsel f lip o n th o 11mb .. nd Tr ouble, I COtll't Cllt ott tb ell' heudH and ~ tlclc cOyforDtzzIlless.Na_ "He". Mr. Con f ede.rate, I Am Not Il Union Prisoner... ' alsell the dog fro m th r grollnd , nnd th em In pols obout Lhe room. " I DrowSl!U!SS, DlII1 T ast.e ill ibn lIouth. Coated <tholls ht It would brlog baul; old rer.ol· sai d I was " nice boy. 1 toli! t be rat oil I h e plI cl, CAme a roH Ud th e t reo P el'sons who llke to puzzle the ir nodCh9.nce, It Is nld, t urned tho atten'I'ongUe.PnlntntlleBI<Ie, Ileetlons to him and I;i-/ u ~ (. I" ~tc of wnlUa" nlJout th o (lllst On ber te le- an d Hc t up OJ howl thal scaret! pa!lo d ies over (juee r omblnaUons ot figures lion of young Stephen I'hnUps t o tb e TORPID tIV1m. TbeJ cou ntry lite In the sOlll b if he tnvit e~ scolle vall s~s , au~ I r\lubed it otf, ao (i th o JllJ r SlllraLlo n rolled ott him, alld hI) win lind muny t hlngs. to Inte rest thorn writing at vers~. He had a 'opg III· I'elIlllIUItbe Dowel9. PurelTVOICtabJo. ·.,11 or us, performers. ma nn ge rs. frna ks , /111\'0 It e r feCI a dose or n ulse seccl I hat lIml 0. c hili so he ;; h uok like Ihe a lll ifl In the num ber 142,867, snys the Drook· ness and became much bored In the land ove ryUllng, to Sl)cnll til day on ""g ilt 10 I:a\'c parnlyzef l a puck or Pn ye lled to Ihe plante r, wbo WI" Iyu Eag le. Ie you multiply It by 2 or 3 course ot It.. "A loved voice." re cltln;; \IU\LL )hIs 1l10.ntnt.lon, and go nultln g for boun,l ij. She wan tetl to bu g me und holdin g liP th e fa t Indy, and sa id : or by 4 or by 5 or by 6 ench answer w1l1 JO.' hi s beds ide Ih e straIns of Colerldgo's Genuine Must Bear Ic hestnuts and hlclrory mlts. pi k a Plllcs iel IIl U 1,lss hor . \Ju t I snld I IIU~scd , " Here, Mr. Conrcde rBte, I am not 8 conla in the snme dig its merely traus - "Chrlstubel," I"splred in hi the s pirit Fac-Similo Signature \and run th em t hro ugh a phler mill and' aud s bo Said ~ b o wo uld 110 us ulllell for Imion Ill·lso n!'.'. anil I want you to posed. To multiply It by 20imply trans- of emUla tion , -He spen t six' ye llrS on !drink self-mad e eltlel', ond Il ava a good m e so m Q time. IVER H"lock your dog's JAWS. a nll treo Dl.... poseslhe firs t lwo figures to lhelast two 'til(i lltage, aud ougbt certainly to have !tIme, PILLS. About thl ~ time the plan te r loolt Ih e 'callau [ call 't hold UJI a 90-IJOund (101 places, thu s: 285,714, while to multiply. learned the dramatis t'. crutt.. As tor i W all appreCiated the In vll,a tloD, lend , nnd tb ey all weill aao s" a IIa s- l' y ill Y s uspe nd e rs much lo nger. U It by 3 you transpose only the first figure lbe poet's-no! REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. George Meredltb., tbe English novol· _ _ 'and afte r breall Cnst w e rod e out In tbe till'.:! Into lhe ,,'onrt s, and b,~g 8n knocll- Ihls Is so uth ern ltlos piJolily, I .. Ilon't to the last place, tbllS, 428,571. To millCOlin try to hie plantation In car'rlages In& nuts off th e Irees. All . 1nrou gb WBlIl 10 be e n lertnined lIO more. 'rbe , Uply It by 4 )'ou transpose the last two lilt., was Buffering trom a brokon leg, ,and expre!lS wago ns a nd bcglllt to do the woods there we ro 9lgns : .. No 'fres- 1,10.nter leaned tile rat lB~!y again s t a I figures to t.he first t\\'o places, tbils, \lUt tbal dltj not preven t him tra m vot· the Illantation. 'fh o rnt Ind)' nnd tbe IIMs lng," and "Boware of tb e Doge," lI ee. anll went , to pa's tree , and took 571,428, while to 'multlply It by 5 YOIl Ing III tila recent English elections. mldgql, rpde ou t log ' th er I n a la nd ot but the planter' slild to never mlnJ Ihe dog by the hind legs nnd . pulled trans poso only, the las t figul'O to thl) He was drIven three m\Jeli to the polls cotto!. and when th ey got Lo th e bouse lnn signs. 1 told the hoy t n lot thE< 111m otT. lIi'st place, tbus, 714,286. To multiply It In a donkey e)"lse decorated with 1111'rho plaut.?r yelled to Lbe negroes to by 6 YOIl me re ly "shift the cut," l.bat Is eral colors. A. nun\'>or at triends Utttbe1 hRd t o be pi ked, I!ke ducks, and dORS loose 00 tho trllil In aboll t hslf tbey looked ns th ollg h they bad bee n '"n bour, and I WllIlt alon g wllh t~il ecme dow n and he lp haod lo th n dogl ,' to any, you tra n!Jpose the two sets of ed him tenderly out, Ii. sheet WIl8 plnced . 'tarrcII and 1eat.l1 e reJ . folks . and 'I told IlR I had seen a nacl bul' JUSt then tb e boy who s tnrled the triplets, plnclng tbe firs t three nguresln ( ':'luud, him aud 'In th\s .. a ~ he was car'L'h e plllnter gavc II R a fin e lun cheon or bloodhounds thot would ea t people !!ogs on Ihe trn ll . at my r equ eg l. cam., the last tbree places, t hus , 857,142. It ' rled bodily to th .. poll box. On return· ()f tried chi cken lind corn pOll e, and nlh·e. and It h e ·hea rd hound s barkln;: liP whi s tling, with a do g whip In hie you muWply It by 7 you get SODlethlng Ing to ills canlace .Mr. MeredIth .... cider. a nd po. octed as the uoss of t b e to run I!ke a Ivhlte llcad nnd climb 1\ band, anli all th e lIogs s urro und e d him. ' entlr~ly new, tho answer conHllnlng loudly cheered by a Iarie crowd. elrcllli rolks, whil e the planter and 11111 tree. I got witb the giant, wllo I~ Hnd ho mau o tbelll lay dow n and roll not one of the fl gures In the original over. Allo r th e suarEld l1eo l)ie co medown number. Indeed, It will ,)onl.nln ouly trom lholr pe rches Itl tbe tr ·cs, an ,1 one digi t. Try It nnd see how near to s urrounde d th e lIoY' nntl the 1I0gs, aU11 1.000,000 you can make II come, lh e (logs panted an.d lolled. as though i tr you wl ah to pursue the e~ .. clseyou Or. WUllam.' ,.Ink Pllta Actua". liley had beon hnvin g a ni ce ruu (or can muilillly the original 142,&57 by S Mako New 8100d and Gaod n, elr mOlley. Th e ol r! plan t.e r aslle,1 merely by lietlucting 1 from the Dnal H •• tth FollOW •• blS boy bow th e rl "gs h ad happonctl 7 and plac ing it betore tile Initia l 1. . .T he evil effects that follo\v ~ny dl.. t() get loose, and -lh,ut. fool hoy lold lhe tho result lieing 1,142,856. And it Y9 u eases - particnlo.rll tue grip nnd the , whol e tiling, how I hnd .allc t! blm to <lon't mind a little fartetching you CIlU . , wlUitiug fevers, snch 118 typhoid and lot th e pac k run, nntl how I had Pli t multiply It by !l by nlpphig the 4 out ot malaria, are cansed blthe ba.dcoudltlon aniAe seerl In th o s hoes of pa, the tbe second p!ace, cbanglng It to 1 and 3 In which the:se i1l6ease8 lea~e lbll blood. Then you I (which make 4) and placlD'g them nt tbe As a result. tbe flesh oontmuoa to fall 'g lan t and· (h e rut lady, o ugh t 10 have Bre o what tuey dId , end : thus,l ,285,713. ' away. tue lufferer grO\VS uorvol18 and Iv me. Th e pl a n ter Raid they usuo.lly Another little t rick you can play with hri,table. aud eVllusligbtexertiouCllnllCl , hllll a ly nching wh. e n th e tlogs mnde this original uumber Is to add all its IIhortncss ot breath, Tbese are daDger. a run, but 1I111t was impossible In tblll component digits together nnd mnko OWl sympwma and indlcate. that the cnse, so lI e 8ugges t,e d that Ihey 27 thu s 1 plus 4 plus 2 plus 8 plus 5 plus .,stom is in a state that inVites p~en. me rliO Ih e ga ntl et. 'dilln ' t know 7 ~Quals 27. The 2 and the 7 ot thIs oum mouia, bronohiti.8 or even cousnmptlou. what rllnnln !; Ih e ~antl et was but added together equal 9 Now split the WhIlt is ueedelils a no\v snppl, 9f rich. , . ' . reJ blood to carry belllth Ilnd .<reDgtb v Iter pa hail to ld me h~ s hould disown origInal number In the middle and add W evor;. part of tbe body, me from that momc nl . I sa id I \\'89 , the two halves togelhe r a1:ld each col· I .. I \VIlS nil rnn dow II frl)lU the ell'ect. willin g to run nny g antlel . so they all umn too ts 9. thus : 142 plus 857 equals of the gl'ip," 6Ilys 1\Ir9. All\ellll Hall, ot cut s wlt r.hes, and form ed i II I WI> lines, 999. Then, It you feel Inclined. you cnn No.5 High atree t, Norwich Coun" "and and let me run <l o wn hrlwCc n 1hell'. alld those three 9's together and get your oonJd Dot seow t o got streugth to wnlk: 1 thollght It would bp. run. but wb en I 21 ol;atn. which Is tbe Bum of all tho conld Dot eat n full menlo my stomaob s tarted and every In~t. IDan l:av e me a digits In ench of the products at all the waa 80 wuuk, and I \VIlS so nervons thal I oould Dot aleep. 1 oould ollly stay In , cut across the entl ot my back Wlta" multiplications you have made. except- bed a few mluntoso.t" lime, either night I ¥felled Mnrder antS B.aIl :Between the Giant a Lep hickory switch . I yellt'fl murd er , an,l Ing the one, which Ie 999.999. ! or day. The J6Il8t little thing , ..ould , I'llD between th tl I;lant'd legs and There now, perhaps this thIng hall .tartle mo, I bad difficulty III. breath· family , with allout 100 neg ro es, I)a.~ scd ,I coward la his own right, and told I 'lckled him like foothAl1. ' tntlpled gone far enough to prove tbRt the num- lug ""II bnd frequ811t fuilltillg spells. thill!;" arollnd . Th ey all seemed to be IJim t he onl y troulli e allou1 tbese him over against the n""t mall . /lnrt ber 142,867 Is a very Interes ting one, 1 .. My general bco.lth w~ completely Inter es ted In Mer'illg how mu ch s tuff ' lI'a t IIlant ns In lh e south wa s tb,' Ihat Illan hit the ~IBnt In Ih(, ..t .. mach nnd If you are not by this time In a , wrooked ~Ild I had lIe~ralglo alld r~eD' 1 tb~ fat lad y nnd tbe ,;Iant could holtl wild rlogs tho t Inbo.hltcn th e :noun· and overybody begalD to Ilgllt, lind tbe hOl1eleSs mentnl muddle It IBn't my maUo palllS, dyspepSia, constl~tlon. without pUlling 11 \1 s lu ebollrcl H to kee p taln s Ihnl wou ld not Il es ltut e to attn c ll [e tlvitles broke up fllult and femalB weaklle8JI .. My p11Ylliclan at· 'IIA foorl f rOltl fnlll"lg o f! If pa Iladn ' t I n If Ih c 'ot 00 I d h ij . ' • teuded me for the gnp and lignin for ' ~ • 0. n n ~ g g I an un g ry, I went to the house with thc boy the condition that it left me lu but I told UI C neg roes not to feed the fat bllt there wa". no dnn g~ r to hi. m. be- and the rlogs. nnd we sot the <Ioll~ on Figurative. got no strength from tbe tonics be pre. lad), and tb e I:ilull any more. Ih e re rn llSc h" WII" 0 go.,11 s printer, Iln,1 ., mess of cnls and treed everytnin" tree" admltl.ed the bolt- scribed. lu fo.ct l llothillg helped me would bll\'e b ~e l1 two circ us fun erals II t J k "blt TI I I ~, " "I'm IlP a , W ' Pi .. Pil'- ' &be next day . rO il ( ,0 " rlln a Il~ rnu . .Ie, g an . pllve on th o planlation . Fina lly tbe ' Ing senator, "but my back Is to til. Dutil I trlea:l Dr. illlam8 0 .. ' .. \HlIlt cd to go bu~ k to tbe hOll SP, causo wbol crowd came back to Ih e bouse d I'll dl i th . t ditch 'lid t110. Y Cllre,l mo. . e wall, an e n e ,U11 '''.. I grew strouger nnd gained lIesh I got acquainted wilh a boy thaI was he 8al d h e dldn t want to rllll no fool th e "lanter'H ~(\n. "1111 whll P Ih Q rest m er wllh ho und s. and he bSld Hee ll til 9 and had anothcr lun ch . wllb mint 1111: down with llDgs tlylng, and trom from tbe tilDe I began taking tbem , J were eating anti ,Irink in!; t 11 C I)oy sign to hewar e ot t h e ' do s. , Jll le p , and champ ag n p, and (h ~ n every· , tbe mountain top or democracy, hurl- lun sntlsfied that the pills aro all that i8 ~how c<l me a II ad, of Itnnn,l ~ I hnl are n~ver OU~ ht t il It J:. cause hody wall hUll gl n!; , so me one, nnd cry· I Il;lg dellance at tbo too, soar on the claimed for ,them and I sball do O ln"e (one " k all I cau kept for trallio g I' rlmlnnl s and negroes th r t I k th' b h Ing on each other R neck, anil swear· ",Inlls of triumph , regardless at the 10 make their 11'00<1 qnalltl es uawn . " e au. womnu 110 s as ollg l s e ing thut tbe war was o ver, .. ,,'1 ' b at , parey IMh that barkB' at my h D r . W'll' wbo have looll ed sas o), Ill. y' hlte worn · lit r eeIs." I lams • Pi u k P I'll 9 cure nero II a IlurpOHe or apop ex)', Ih e north Dort tb e &o lllh were one aad He looked os though ne meant It, yon~ disord~r9 of everv kind. check en. The troublr with negroes IR that was they all loole nlllle . and If one co m- !Jut I told her, as a tri end. not to :lIseparable and the t IVO together could '00 -Philadelphia Led~r. wMtlng dil<llllfiM an ll bullet nl' ~trell~tb. mils n crime th e" can Ilrol'!' nn alibI. I(,ad h ersolf down wltb nuts. hut Itl whip Ihe ~' hol c world ' , For llflokl p, t a<1drOlls the Dr. William, , travellight. solrth e wl,ddog ~cnmu P h i ' bl )lediciueOc .• Scbenectady.N,Y. A. N.K.-B 2117 cause e"ery last negro will I\wear thnt Id h I R some ( IV sa w 'Oll e . wag Int.eresting Con.,ersati(ln, _ _ _ _ _--''-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ g u th e time th e 'rim e wa s ~ommlllcII ~~~~~~I \~, r: h~lee :u~n~~l~~~h~l!~I1~~~~ stalntdhlnlg a,IOII C, smhltlrlln rrom pthtoC Cburch-P saw tdcGrafty. tile Insurth e lIuspected man was altmfdlng a I I j f h IIW C ng go t . w I!n pa u a':lce president, tpll<lng to hlmselt yes. "raye r meeting. 60 th e )' ha ve 10 hn\'e r .,gs l BC enl c n Home I 0 men . Sbel me and said : " I wllnt YOll two boyg honnrls that clln be takcn to th e placo ~~m~ n eu,' fal~lln g rl /i ht there, before to understand that [ don't want· any , tIt~~am_B~d f'lgn when you see a wbero the c rime WaR commltl d. and . e ogs gOt usy. more experimen ts play'ed on me. . I ,mnn !.nUdng to h Imself. tbey find thc negro's , traek , and tbllY I Thpre wer~ about 20 negroos t!lro~ tan take a jok,! as well as ·anybody. "Yes. t guess bl! was talKing to blm. follow . It till th ey tree him . 'ryIe Ing clubs at the nllts , and everybod, 'but when you ~et a bund~ed dogs 00 lIelf about raisin, IaIa M1ary,"-Yoll "ounds do not hlte the n ugr,'. lI~e we wnA hav ing A big tim e. The trapeze my trail, t nm no genUen~lln, se" Ikera Stateamaa. 'u ed to b ear aboul, but they J~st fOI- 1 performers we re s quirreling liP amons Now __ we will go _ba~k to the ~how." I
-HOLD .U P!and co~Jtler
DRESS .' PI" $250 Prile Ull 8 PARADE."
.~ _w
~~,,a ' ~';~l1i"~~1!IJ l!J l!:l W~~l_... f.I.""'~ ~1,Jll::.'f1'i?~ m
Row Ono Farmer U tilizes Ule Animnis ,in K~eping Do wn the llrubb Wbile Trees Are Growin g .
,. ,•.'.
A il c tbeLi Is prnc llvnll y n Ulh i nl: 1111)1'" thnn a bou rd .eol ~ d lit . ill which I g 1 . L ICr I~ f. rruellUIII,; IIIAUII!'e I'Cl I'e l"'11 with lPl'er'l In I f II 'J'I t I , '(II I I' \l,MfU I so 1'1 P ltoll 0 I ti lie bot 'ue . roo N \V I I S IlS H'S W I e I u till n ll y J1H'U $ lIr(' ll UOlit :Jxli (r;.t each At u il~ht a
fi l!""w 0 1' o t il e l' Bl Bt
over Ih" " losH to 1<' ,
lbout Hlx tll c h l'~ In 'fh e ti t Ulot : ch e sull r.-tll c l I tJ r .. n ( ItS l ~ lu anurl' Olll ll' ntfl, tl o t licrlH al' t~ u suully m ado or ffi rll
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t lry to Lll j my 11'008 ul )u u t YQ,-lr~ In IId vanc ... and ~e t tl H'1I1 In
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liP willi ))Ir nty 0 1 di rt Oil tho roo Ls , Hut I.he m 0 11 a sl o n e bo.n o r low v e wagoll und II Ll t Ihe m In th e lJOl e , di r t in '~ b H I IIl1tl ul l. 1 hey gn rig ht n lo ng tbl . way .
1ft C be nt-fit
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New Y ork, Feb. 28, l OOG.- The !Crie R"I1·
d rTi,'
' a t lu l' llC'Y t ' /HI I'I' p r',' . (l li t y ou, hi Ve ~v ll r h e' a l' lOt; W cl{ tAlle r
l :' Jo lJIIllr III lI t1g~ nt : "It ~ o u III ' Jo: lIII ' III l lw,t, ) '11
be broltc out all
" ill·, In I, ~"l'~ . Sen u " " J'r'~. four <I'-o rd. ~ . ample ' 1\ aud aix yards 'il.'
(Olll C' .
I 'm
T n!'" ne . -- - Rheumntlsm lind CntnrrhM d" S F e IClnS en t , ree.
, r oad It al!' pla ced w it h t 1H.' AIIlCI'I CU Ii J....o . ~v lll oli '· l; t 'tlll lj JII II Y UII o r det· 1'0 1' :!.; luco· JUol n,. c~, J cll ,·,,:ry t o bf.'~ i u . m j\lnrc h. T hcSIJ n l'c t o be f'Xl1Ct. lIu phca t '~ of 1 hc In cn g ll lcB rcc"'lv~d tile Eri,c cluri ll l;t t he IJilHt. ~i.x lllont llF1 , n u u Wh ldl hrl.n ," provcn tiO s ur.cC'::"f ll l Hl IJ:lsscn ger sc r\"l '·c u s t o w a rra n t. t lll-·i l· nd UJllll H H::I n stu nt!· nrd t~l1c , 1. u OWH :"1 a Jo ll t(' the Hne os "lUI) :l,5VO CI;l ll!-l ," \ , ' Ith lhplt' t ender s enrry· ing 10 t.OTUI or (,OIL I a n u 8:nO galloTlIt of W ol ' t CI', . t la CtiO In rbl'~t. pn !'"sc lI ~, c r ~ rvi c~ l o=~ · JIIot I,·CS C\·CI· coust ru c t.:u. we igh 38{), ,aD pOlllll.hs ("ach, the w e igh t o f tbe locomotive U. lllll i! beinG: 2:..1 0,:;00 pouud s. tJl'icl l 01\ llic lhr01l gh Cilicago Ilnd .BUt· f!l lo trill n~ o t from t.! to 15 car B, th ese cn· a;iuL':i <::ari dl· k er r) II schedule time c\"t~n when Ila u ins: these lon g t rnius of tb~ hC:1\·Y (.'ollc IH.'8 1I 0 W I"CCluired f nr IIp·to·dn.1..c Jla l'l~ c n ,," C l" fC I'Vil:C. So F.nti sfllctory' have
li e lOS U' 0 CuroB t hU MP f l'Olll '~ h O llhl " I, e.... Il !'WC ln H Hlnee th ey (uUllg:ated tt'ecs t o :3end no Il It I1l CY -- tS lllIpJy wri te Hill.! try Arv e ral I II , "uti,,, a'yell r or lWIl to get tbem "lar ted 1101allic llIooL! Ualm lit uur cxvenoc. BOl· DN I' I' ItAl uP lowc r ; thu " gl v· I' :II IIC H; ooJ Bll im ( II. Il . ll ,) kill . or d e· lI ~'1'l'nl~~~ _ 81';l' . In/; Il " 111111 10 Ihe 1·I" hl. "t ro)," Ih o P 0,"O Il In lil e blond which " Il!lhcs , PII IlIIII III<: I Ilce l' . t he urll Hh tllat g n",,,s LIP In I'''U"~" the alrful lld, e. In back II rtll sbolll· 'l' IUNAL. VI El \\' . t iel I ah t I ,kr l' lad,," , . I"fting 1""11'. dillicu)(y in Ih e pI ce ~' nt er to rlUl ott qule:ld y, T h is wi ll a l· :0 I' ll ( o wn, an 0 a ,o r , lIIOI'i n!: lill grr>!, toes 01' legs, Lone pa ins, low, too, n bette r utlli zatioll or th e ' lime, Ir kept cu l, th e s h ee p will " III : 8WOIl'1I lIIusc les lIud joinl" o f I'h cumatiHlIl, 1lI1l'" heat. Frames may h e mnLi e (o r l it all oul, but yOIl mll Kt IWe p It cu t o~ I be. foul bl'cath, Iwwkll1 l!, "plltlng, dr~p· down ao th ey ca u hrowse It o fT , ~nd III Jllng. In thruot, bud hCIlrill Il, "[Iecks UYlIIg ' I d II b II I In ll or moro SU HICR pace s t oy S ,~. "bout three ear8 'our o rl'!la rcl wi ll a ll ' befo l'e tu e eyes, all plll),el l out fecling of If two or threB goo d eoatln l!R Or'/lII S- , y l ' I catarrh , BOla," c Bloo d Hahn h"s cured th ~y I ' I'O "C II in making timc, durin g fou r tal' are allpll ed h ot. to th e, ins ide of th r be In gO~ II. pa s lure wllh It I:"od ~orl ; itun dn' u8 of CII"C> o f 30 or 40 ycal " sland· months ' H in l in w in Lcr Ii:cn'icc, that t ho g • an d pole nt E.. ie Jl l!Ul n~e lll(' 1t t dec ided to hu \'c a BUm· bool'tl~ II'b l 'l1 ~O Ill U In CO u leet with 10 1(( e III ,' '' hll e a !Wee p will ge t t~ \lIK li fter ,locI018, It ot d c n t num bel' on h a nd {OI' all c lIl ers:en cic. th e (!!I rth , It w ill 1lP.11I to prese rve I l! nu lI'ln g II'ees , but wh el\ they 00 s o ~~~~dCI~'~~icl~~~ I~~I i~II~~~; m~~?l\l~I~lIt~~.~ 111 t hell' fUl!it }J t1ssc n gc.r t.rain ser\'lCC , the m from de~ay. Th e hoards , how· ll'oU n lis t t nl;c h er rIg ht out UIl II ae n d I b at rt.arl. IL i. c"t,eein l'" nlh'i,eJ for Evidence ot ltef!.nemen t. I\'c r. mll st bo Ile ly dl':r befo re lor to t ll e bu tch er. I o nly LOok on e cltronic. J eep.R.nll'oI t ll"C'. l mpo SEible for lItr•. Nllril eh- Mr . ?\ur itc b i. 00 pnrtico: Ill s t yea r out o f 70. Sh e (lill not g nflw , any on~ to Kurfe r the agoll ie" or "Yl1lplom. II)ntlng wltb tn r, In l', 80 rl'fi n f' J in h is ta stea. don 't you Coil eel und e r s h elter som e strawy bllt would go slrnd dl e (If It ~.::t1 n g tre o ,~ltr~~ltH~~~tIB~rm~I1I)~rl;;'"I~'~~I~h~r kllo w . ,l "OI' jll~ t n n cc, he hAS hi s co ffee im~orse manu ro, nn ti let It h eut for a nd b euo It do wn a nd t.rlm th e top .ure and rich, llt ereby gil'i ng n henll l,y ported direct nnJ no one cl6c in this coun' l botlt a wee l; before us in g, t urni n g It UII· IL Is ellSY to cutrh Ihe m , H o n e : ulood supply . Cures ore lIe,lIIonen t a nd tJ· ... Het ~ nu . /'USl Ji1ce it. ~I ..", 11tCa I- Indeed? I .uppose h. occa s ionall y, Seloct a Hunny (30uth· gn nw~ the trees ell'lv e th e fl ock slo wly ~~~e"~~~I~hill~"I~~ic ~ru~l:,.ld"'jjnl~ .~~~ drin ks n gJ'(·ot. lIen l of it. . eus t) eXJlosure for th e hothe d, up around th e Ir e, nnd If 1I0 t fright· free a nd prepnid, a l. o "peeial medica l ad. h, rIo; onh' Il Nl u ccrful at each me ..l:' The pit (o~ th e hol1led may be o n e I oned sbe will I'lln liP lO the tre e tor (I ";(' 1' iJy dCf'C " ib in your trouhle 111111 writ· - I 'lJ il(1dcI J.hia 'Pn"stl. - - +--to three f eel tl oep. Good r n lna ge Is I bil e 'o f lia r!;. I I(ee p sni t In n box o r ing Blood 1l. 1 ~~".:I~\I ~ I , Go, A Gnarnnt eed Cure for Piles. aske n flnl. Tho Il il sll oul d bn fill ed I III so m o I(e ttl ~ or no ek in t ho past uro Trnppcd , [I{lhln~. Blilili. Bl o~ dlng, Prot.nldlng Pi.los. with Htter durin g th o winter to ' I)I'P' for th e she ep 111 1 t.h e tim e, I tblok thi~ DI'ugl!Ist ' nrro :11ltli nl"izud t o ro,rulld m ou ey if UY Oli M Y l ll' haJJ gr own wld bkcrs !S ince I'c nt freezi n g 0 11 ItR lu n I' surface , ma k es Il differ ence also, PAlOO I ~nl ll sT f"i1 St.oClIN In() t.o 14duys. OOc t aFt \ U I1 f>..a W h im ': " .- \ ·C)l . " th is Is ' especl nll y true If IJl nnts Rre " H ow did rou T'l"c o gui 7(~ him?" It h 'ltioJ l hut thr Uo.tnnese fAidy idol· to be sta rted In winte r. Th e lI11e~ Is HOG TROUGH DEVICE. h .e t. h e (>mpC'ror of J npnn ein f'e it was ,,~,By Ill y ulllul cl l.1 : - ~l tl waul, ce Scc ti· lIuown out when tho tlm c co mos to -- lc'a rn t"d thnt tie brcH ktaslb 0 11 b c'a n PlOUp malle tb e bed , Th en nn In('l1 or tw o Spout :I t On e End of Trou gh Wh icl, .nn d hrown urf'n d Dud i ~ part ic1llnrly fou d of codhsh.- Atlnnta Con ~ti L l1t i (j n . [j T ons Gr ass jlny F ree. of coarse Bturt Is ;>lI t nt th e bOLto m ,l M nltes It E!lsy to POll l' In E\'c l'ybody lo\'es Ints "nd la t. of fo<.iJ cl and , upon tlll s, 18 In cites to th ree reet the F eed . An nwnkeneu r:uhlic sf.ntimcnt i. n good fu r hogs, COWB, Hile c fl :tIIU SWlIlC . of horse manure Is placed , N ext t h in k, until Lt lh'gi ns t o pcevip!,h nml unrcll Rotlnblu i rorn Itlck I') ",Icep . - Puf:k . comes a laye r of I nf mo ld. nnd, Cl n Tho il lust r a tion explai ns ~ h " Ile vlce. t Oil. tour or flyo inl' h ~s o f fin e gnrde n T o a ny ortllna ry tro ugh , atLU ch an lip· 10llm , ri gh t bo x 2~ feel lo ng, ax 4 luch es, a nd Th e m nnUl'o Ril oultl lie t r od ll e n do wn In layers abou t s ix Inc hes thl cll . It Tbe r-n nt'mO Wt rrop!f of nur N or~ h e r ll f:rown I'cdij2;rt:c S cCcl :i on ou r I:W,"d, f n l"lH!:I It Is loose and flu ffy une r bei ng trn Ll· th e past yea r comp el Uj t o issue I.\. bPC' !Ie n, the ro Is too mu ch Slruw In It ; It cint Il t i\l o~ \1 c ctlil cu It packs BOggy nn d s olid 1I 00I er t h ' 1 !l..lLZP.U·~ HAH O A1'S SEE D n oo~. foot . thoro Is too li ttle straw , It Th is i. hrim full of u"rt;ni n se ds at onr· s hould teel s prin gy whe n lroclll r n . !JIlt gai n IJri('cH . s hould not swell 1111 qui ck l y In a SE )'"11 'fillS XOTI CE To-DU. loose mass wh e n r IcnRc d trom presIlnd Tf'j"ci,' c free .!'um f'! C'n t ~(' cr1 tn grow::; t o n s of j.;ra~1"I ( '1)1 Yfl il l' In t 01' fnrm tlai;oe Bu~e. A hotbed with t\\'o fce l or mn · IHlI'n mc:r and 0111' {t rt·ut. Bflr~a l ll Seed H(,( I, nure In It Illny be expGe ted to be good w ith its w onde rf ul lI Ur p1'l1S(',:j n llt! .,,·c,11 tor s Ilt weel;s, b nrKoiT1:ot ill "e('ci1'l n t. horg_ ill P I'W" :;, It Is the practI ce of so me gnrclc n· H.t: m l t :I e nlld we aril't u J)lH'kn~c o f ell". 1IJ O~ . th e m Ol'lt fn ~ hl llllni de . rc n· i ~' (·nbl.', ers to make th e fram e enLirely above bc.oR u tif ul nrul1lal fl n wtT. grounel. In tha t ca se t h e from e shou ld .J o hn A . Sa lzer l"(,(Ot l Co" l.orl~ D l'Dw, be at every point about a tOO L In s ide "" A." Lol. Cwo.c •. ' VIS. the edge of the manure heap, This 1I'1 re 1ello,,. ",\'im :I~ '!1Ilu:n 'l'ClJ'J{;aJ- ~) lorm gives an opportunity to add to 1IilmseiT hn!1. th~ few C!lt 1i1t.:1IdL. the s ldcs of th e bcel wh n th e h eat he· Har ing at the lOll. t llnn pl-s hnp" . Tho gIna to decline. pigs ca n n e vel' Int ertNe Wit h th e po ur . l T es t hll foro II nntln g, Push It s lld( Illg ot slo p Inl o th e II',mg ll. sn ys lho throu gh tll o 8011 and m a nure, and If. on wltlulruwl ng the sa mo. It Is found OhI o I"nrmer , Th e)' "uon leu rn to w~ lt for their rtr lnl( II t th u bottom o f tho comtorl l'.bly, but 1I0t ex ees~ lv e l y worm. s puut. the seed m ny be so wn . The te m pera· ture II hould be about 90 degrees: '1'0 secu re s tron g pla nts of uny ki nd ANI~ _T_ALK. ple nty of al~ nn d s unli ght Is required A littl e salt ea t h ti n), AI". I I! ~eR tion a 8 SOOn a s they u ro well alit of the nnd in cr eus es the pig's nppelitl'. Krounel and leaves be g in t o [orm . suys Ove rfeedin g llOr, C" d llrln g the w in . the Fnrm JOllrnal. A s low 011ti s teady ter Is qu ite aR hnll a s II n,l L' ng growth Is best . A qulcl" forced whil e worl(ln /o:. growth under excess i ve hcnt and Plcl, th e ("o b. "1l da lly If CO l'll is f l'(\ closed 8\lll h mul!eR a weal, Illunt thal In th e ear, or III'ol(r n feC I or Ir;.;s may will not s lnnd liP wh on ~ xI, ose d to the he th'l resu lt. open air In t,he fl elel, Ir the brIdl e bit, nre put Into col d The sk ill Qt the olle rut or Is put tb watm' ror a [ew mi nutes, It will taKo the t est In r egu latlu g th e hent unll the (rost alit of th em . ventilation ot t h e beds , Il Is an urt [ t Is generally cone ded thBt It that con best .be Rcqulred lIy e xpcrl- \I\I:e8 r~om 4'.6 t o s ix pOllnds or g rilin ence, IInder the eye a nd In stf1: et!on of orie who knows how, It Is ve ry dlt. to . m u llo one pound of pOI·k . n eult for th o on e w ho kn ows to t ell Cem e nt cn n be II scel f or t he s tnnc!· another how to 110 It; h e cn n mo~e In g 111aco of th e COW " bnt It sholiid eORlly show him. ' be k e pt covered wlt.h heddin g, For further Intormn U"li. we n(l vlse K ee p the s ow RS Ion I: nR s he ron· Bendin g t o the United Stntes depart. t1nu es 10 p;lye YO tl n good Utter, 00 m elH, 'Of agr l ~lIlture allt! OBit fo r frc~ 1I0 t (u l'n he l' on' !;Impl), !lecall se s h'~ is Farme rs' Bulletin No, 94, en titled, l aid. "The Vegeta l)le Garden." The manure In th l' hor s~ s tabl" Is I som etim es very Injllr lous to the 0000 BARN DOOR LATCH. horses' fee t. wh en It is le tt for !Ja ys at n tim e, A goo d way to Bolve th(' sll eell and Easily Opernted Double Bolt Wbleh dog question Is to ha ve small !locl<s • Any Former Can Put Up nnd small e n clo s ures (' n ced wltl' d og· Himsel f. , I I!rQof wire r<m ce. In ge c tioll ~ wbpre mo st '()J'mE'rR An easU,. operated double bolt fol' Illg'l doors tn harns Ilml outb\llldings I'.eep slle ep t be dog qu est io n (IO ~R n ot Is s hown In t,le g ive mu ch, trouble-public sentim ent s ketch . Both or the favors the sheeD. bolts nro oper ated by the lever attachTe<lchlng Horae to Wnlk PIl"t. ed to the middl e If yon wnnt to teach n horse to Um ber at the door . walk fast . put him by th e Riri n of • The bolt p s hould be horse th nt ha s n good h'llit. II th ~ made of 1x3 In slow walker has any sp llnl<, h e wltl IIRrLlwooLi jJlnnoli smooth 80 as to silde Mllrln g In to kepp UP. nntl ~adua lly easily, says the .'Vm Ilnd HomA, Th !l' s lTlk e a fas te r pace, Bill you c!U!1 arrangement is con veni ent, ens lly o p · educate s punk Into Bomo horse·s allY erat.ed and does not ge t In the WilY of 11101'0 thnn )'011 cnn Into s ~:u e m en .passing when th e doo rs nrc o pen , F ClfOl .Jonrnal , ~ I'otlnrl
sands of vc t ernns who
vcr he r hudy \vn..ll •
ond we used c\,cryth iu
r(!co m~
meuoctl without rc ,,,lIB ~. d eam O bacle from the in l hrcc doc tors thev ':11 cinimed Ctl ~ Civil Wa r Buffe ring could help bel': but · sit e conti nued I~~ tor~urcs with ltidoey g row wonw. ]J ~r ~ o(lv wa s lL t n f l ' C t. EI SOf es Hml br r IIltle ( {w 'e WI)8 I e' ,·! 8! t O c o mpn,wl. ap ·7 nwuY.'j her cars loulieu [IS if tt~:vg \~~ U~~ says: I~ I contracted drop oif. N cig h uot's ntJviBcu tnc 10 ut kidn ey trouble during Cu t icu rn Sonp nml O iutlllf.ltt. owl l/cftJl'~ I tho Civ U \V llf, o.n d tbo hod w ed half of lhe ('ake of ~I HII) Hod occnsiou o.l n t.tu.cles ftbox of Olnl ment th • . I d II I I I ""d , c OICS In n )ca (I{. Oo.lly d t.n!clopcd 1nto 110 myr U8 !ttllo on" .b h ceL on ' "1,.11Ue 1 h a. d to use u s -: Ica h. ne\' b'ol body l' 11'" 1I'1'1 I CI Ir O nI' C cab(~ . A "onO n o t. he w ilh oul It \ .~ !,n f a e e, t 11 crutch a nd caue t o g- ~ t. nbo ut., 'My 1 l~ r8 , in stcn1 of .~'~:~~'.\ '~fh:! :sut~~ \ e~r ~~ l.mcl< was r and weal( , n ud bcsidea ( " ·'."~c~ J . tilee.e, 70 1 Cob ur n St., A kroc , th" adl in"'r'I , ther e wns n. dist ress ing reOhiO, tc..' nlion 01 t h e k idney sc · rction~. I was The ",,,n who ('om\l l fUnft IO\l rlr'''' t of h is in n. b ntl .\'ny when I l)~ !in.n u s iog Doan'. h ard l ot--ob~frv f> ;11 1{ I" 'C I f it i:O- ll'l 60- li: idnl'y Pill s in 190t , Lilt tbe re medy i ~ t he " c l' y U l1~ ,\ 11(l1:!(' nfti . :c Ch tll rs 11 1' '': P.LJ· cure d m ~ , alld J bl1~ Q b (;c lI well ever uet.! Wl lh rot:c It",' f ,'\u-li 'J T1 o( ,
si n (:~, "
::;o ld bv all d cnler s . 60 cc nt s a box. F .. 'tcr·~filltllrn Co" Bu ITtLlo, N . Y.
Don't G et F ootsor e ! Get F oo t -Ense. A w Ofld t!l'fu l p u wrlr·J' tkl t (' lI n')j t lrl'd, hot,
:-A Pos"t',ve
Ju: llIng f ('~ l nul.! lI1a)':l'!oJ J1 ~ W el l' t l).t h l ,.h l ll'., '\ li k t o ·tIll,\' fvl' Allen's Foo t, E;",c. )\ cc·cp t no aulu-,t ll ll tC . 'frinl Jl :ll"kn~e F I{E E. Addr..s A , S, UIII". t. ,I , Le Hoy , N . Y . enf.l)".
Some "oople an-ive at n oon It,,;on and ie' sWBy fro w it.- l'b ilatlcl pili. Hee.,
A CliP of Gnrlie ld T cn bofore retiring
Elr's Cream Balm ~:,:~I~~:r.~b:~:::~
It clou nscs , soothes l.wllls and protoc ts tlio <lison~c<1 w em-
w ill ins ure n mttul1l l a ction of Ihp liw' r, k idn('Y8, s t olllllch unci bowC'ls. Send for
"nropll! pnckllge, G,rfi el,1 T~n ('0 , !'rook· Iyn, N . Y. Scnd nOlllo of your L1ruggist. •
I tarrh
egotl. "..
l'I'DSl O acd Smell , Fu ll sizo 5()ct~.. "'tDruR. gi sts or by l1l"n: T rinl Si"o 10 c\.'! , by maiL Ely Drotb ers,fiG Wl.U"l"(ln Slrcet. Now York. . _ ,_. -
A gen ius IR oft" u m erely 0. 1II0n who und cr st nnd s t.h~ n rt of ud VC I'lUUIlK h HS
, C ld I 0 D To Cure a 0 n ne ay Tllke Ln:ATIVR DIlOllO Qll lllllie Tableta.
A m nn !l!eldom I08e. ll i. confidence until hiM mont'}'.
he JO!ieS
bruno. Jt cures elland drlv e e awny a Co ld in tb e
fie n.d qui ckly. It ostores lue SUDMC8 o f
i I PAY SPOTGASH Ii'nr Milltltry Bounty I:." ,
Wsrr"n" ' ''U04
• •••••••• t •••••••••••••••• e THE EXTERNAL USE OF
-- --ret
St. Jacobs Oil, I. the .horl , sure, oasy curo for
Rheumatism and Neuralgia
It penetr:ltes 10 the seat o f torture, a nd relief promplly follows .
Prtt:e. 25c. _ 4 SOC.
Backache gives woman :some of her most miserable and wretched hours. Along with the backache, generally com e head:lche, waist pain, falling feelings, Irritability, nervousness and , the blues, Have you these periodica l troubles ( If so, you' may know that they a re due to disease of~ some of the most Important organs of your body. organs that should get help or, In time, through weakness, will wreck your health a.nd life. Help them to heallh with
Bears The
F)~(1J1't.~ ~£Gri~~ ~t ~' It~b"Jf,.~'lr:b1":r~~=
wlll htL crc st tho' thou..
C ut iCUla Iml!! d one f or my h ttlc daug;h ter. I hUIll I)f ,
o r ~'XP !,,"b:!'tlnr her \\nn ts 10 tile ~sual Len w., ,-d.. \\ h ell ' II ~ hnt! OP l'nr< ntiy rom· plrlcd 111 (' IlI tl' l'ebtlng Ollf' mtlon. shp ntI I t aC'lcc.. t ,,'Cl (, f t II(! flU IlIplcs t o t. h c t (' I eCl'on h r'WIn und ll,\'hll'" hl'I ' IIw,.;tJn ~~ t o thn man ~\~;~ ~e w illd ,,\\' . lI el' td('~rtlJn r ead DS foJ·
I thp l! plli " bu ut o n ,)
Bol ding Out n ;Rope. T I, i. wh,n ' il" c Ilt lP"1.l1t 10 tb r' a dJ'uin. , /;eL Jlo ulll'Y wll'o with Inch w .,s b ClI l . . " I I' laId • , l In!!: COll Tl ll \\ , "Ie: If) tht! (I Tt.: U1t l" r r~ . II In Hl rl l)ij sh Illc h es lJy L111'~c feN, roll "I . It IIOCO_'dl) 101 noe to be II I t ho
. 1"'1 • (( p uut tl O CO t . 10 t- lla r e be twe e n t hfl s oil n u ll tho tlusH IIll1 S l nowh el' e lIl f' a Sll t l' I 'HS ~ Ili-·.n
o rn pan r
' : UlOU~ !;ll!n pic", "Inc h ~hf" C?n fiulto Lom t mlc t~ • .t ! ltI \. n~ 1il,Ie llll ~l eri ook th e ,1.n ~ lc
I I,':\1' I 11','" or UlU l' 1; I I M mu ou re w lIot h eal. li nd will nllt dr y out so mu en, I
Thou9ana. of S oldlera Cootracted Chronil ~alley Trouble While ~ the S erVice.
~.',)~Il llig
u t ('v W lI1 a u U ( " dose UI'UIIUt! I' I I iI 111
I.H l s llPl
Ears Looked 811 It They Would Drop Off-Face Mass of Sores-Cured b;y CUticura in Two ,W eeks tor 7:10.
Afte r .nmc IlIqlll\'"," ". to whethcr th~ line " rea lly nnd tl I'):" did ': .onneet wil h New Y OI'I,," rel"l,'. Sllee~s" ~1a ~"" ,l nc. Iho )' fl un 't WOlll lll.\ il lla l1~: dC<.' ld~1I 10 nOo rd I he
A li SO Oft l iS 1 ('Ill and lH11' 1I lIFf n pl (' (" ~ "I' la lld i sel oUl tho lI'l'I'ij ·1\1 l!y III fe el alilornately, uig h ol(!u l argo llu un gh t.u
s"t 11"' 1Il }'l ly,
This W omnn Thou ght 8he Could Ord er R er · DresE· G'>ods by , th e Onrd.
\\:?!lLIIl In tl P"lln "~· ~\' a",a. tn~\"11 ~\' l~o \~ , ,,,h'!u t o ~c nd Il le lt"f.; I <lln to (\ New l ot k hnn ordoJ'ltlg: ~ fi UJlpl y o f drc~s good!'! .
lo w ~ :
Good Rc.uon.
'1,~'f.r'l~ 4.1 N~
\V ork I"
The ~ .perieneo of Capt. John L. Ely, ome'i,,1 of Olle ,!f th e tel egraph com"I fe el it my Llu ly t o parenta of other o f Co ~,l7th Ohio, 1I1JW llving at 600 pRnlCR L~II. lin "" IU .II I~ . tury of U y01l1l1; poor s ufTcr< lIg bllbics t o tell you whllt E tLst Second Stree t, New ton, Kansas,
Lns t yrll r AU ijL! u Ii r r kk, or Oh io, to ld "bOlll planllng lrceij In bru8 h an <.i _ . _ __ ___.... ... _. ___ . _ IUl' nl ng s hee p Iuto the oJ'C'h a ru , u nd to Ih ~ fj ll CHl lou : Ho w lIo ea h e k c~ p the THE HOT8E~ I - I:e ·p fWIlI l<l ll1u l,; t hu l r ecij. he r ep li ed Il{1W It Shoulel TI e M nde 0 111) MAn- in I he lb,· I{II ral " ew Yor"~ !' a s (ul· a ~cd--ll c:; ! rt 11Hl
To sweeter!, To refresh, To cleanse the system, Effectually ond Gently
There is only one Genuine Syrup of Figs; to get its berleficial effects
~~ECARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEf Says Mrs. Blanche E. Strpl)anou, of 1228 S, 42nd Av e. , C I, lcago, "I suffered miserably for fivo tS ) years with a constant pain In illY back and right sIde and although DIY husband eDlployed several ot tho best doctors In th is great city, not on o co ul4 give me relief. At last I to(lk Wine of C.rdul, which relieved pain, prevented an operation ami restored me to hMlth ." It Is a wonderful cuni.tivo medIcine fur ~ll WI/illens' llIs. Try It. CJ
Dispels colds and headaches when bilious or constipated; For men, women and chUclren;
At all Druggists $1.00
Acts best,. on the kidneys 1,1\ d 1i ve r. stomach and bowels;
Always ' buy t,be genuine - Manqt'act,urecI by t.he
Keep Ben RouRe OlrLlll. Th e droppings may nOL hllVC bllcn remo"cd la tely from th ~ h e n hou se. and th o ;>In"-e Is lilsells lln g to I·nt c r! Purc eggs In p:ent y are not flroJ uceel 'n s uch " Illa cE', sa ys th e F e rm Jour;. aal. Don't e xIle d a bOy to e njoy 'Work from which a man "·onld' shrlnlc. H e will e n ~ oy ga tlWlr lnG eggs trom clea n nests nnd In pure air.
- - -.,..---
Preven t S cou rs. Scours In pl gg ca n S'~ n c rolly be prevent ed by t r ed ln!; crll s hed Outs a nd bnrley run throu gh a sc ree n t o re· may o the hullR. Malte a s lo jl o r th c :n nnel nJace In n low troul;lI In t he pon where th e ~o w cnn n ot r et It.
Much Is los t c.1 ch, year by Ih e Illll,1 preparntio tb a soli, In tensl vtl l!ui· ture Is wna t 1$ needed Inoro a na m o r~' Mltcs doubtless calTy contag louft Spend a IIltle more limo In p\I(tl n l dIseases rl')111 on e' 'fow l. to tbe other, the g rollnsl In bette r co n dition lI lld YOIl Ino«;-,:,I/"I; t\1c birds In . Inl<llI:; theIr, will jlure!y get your PIQ' i:l the IllcreWil of the crops. ' 1:'114
The CooK of SpOl~ 'fbwn,~~ Who tL\kC3 Ihe coKe a~ ~lIn a8ree,
ville t l<y.
hold3 il In her fjng~ ~ "o~/ It i~rit lI~hf _ but anyhow 'Twill brighte n her dom~c ~ A COKe of plain -
The genuine SyruP. of Figs is for salr. by aD first-class drug~ts. The fun name of the company-California Fig S y r u p Co. - is always printed on the front of every package. Price Fifty Cents per bottle.
·---~~~~··~~::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::~~-- I
'" J
, FADEL'ESS DYES PUTNAM '.I1.... dre, I .
Colo, more food. bright....d to.. th•• I.,oth.r.,.. O•• ,Ooplckloeeolo...IlIlIlern. n., .,.1. COld .It.r llen.r than I., ot_e, auc...~ ..1 .11110.1 r1ppllll uart- W,lIolo, "" IIooklot-"", to IIJe. .nch I." Mil CliO'" MONROe DRua (;0., U.hI.~U"
~ ~~!.!n~~~~~~!~~~
. t,
, .orul.G ...
Y.u UI. d,.
:1i:a::: '.lw« ......'~i.~~·~·~:t..;~,:a ll;Ue '.l'bUI Break ••
Jli'n r-.e lc 'IllS, In," h ou .... A LI\ Il Uu •• lat L Sck. ·
" ""~
",,,,,., \l&1"ple wan.., ~'RE/I.
Add __ , .r. ~, .." A, 8. OLMIT.".... ltor.~, v.
--~--~~------~-------~--~~--~-----~ . ----------~--~--~~~------------------------~ .Want, the Lid HRllJ)ah Alln Printz Concerning ~ I 1\1 M ~ H MAN ~H Rey. Belljnmlll 1:I11WltiDR wn II!JI I' to onduct sor\'l ces " I,ho l)rthOlI"x 1!'rlends ohurch \uulny uftt3r' hu\, · mg .been m 'nt hi~ hOIll " for . IIwr.o tlllln two wee k::;. Mr. HIlWk lllf! prell c hed a ' s tl'lIl1~ temPeTllnoe serm on from the l ext : "Be n ot drunke n "'it'll winl'. hut wit,ll th o AJlirlt." At, tho cllls(' of bi s ~e rUlon hEl nM).ed for 1\ y ote of t,h o cong r egll ti'!ll 1111 the quest.ion of wb e ther tho I"W8 whiob 11 re o n UIO ~tn t uto hUII.i'" ~honld be tlIlfor ed. Thi!! rMtll'ruti pArticularly to the ~unday clOllillg Inw8, and the vOto on th e qlli'~t\ " n was em phatically for law tmfun:o· ment.
_____Pas_s_e_s away.
. ~unbnb Ann Prin' ~ \\'n ~ tll ,ltll1gllt r (If Il!ltill h II n',l Bn III h "C ~run ll U )lIJ ' ( 'om i oJ.( fI nll ilJl ~. : wu s uuru In WII:>'IIO j(,wlIship If UlII ll n of fOr 11l 011' 1-tl'lihlNIt.lI lit Wurron '0. 0 ., Jun e Olh I ~:lr), lInt! WII Y II,'~"ill" w N ,l; hngi lln illg An g u Bt dOPIII'I'lld IlIh! lifo MII.f't:h 22, 190[1. lit (' 1'11 1(\ h pr h01l11" HI Wnyn(," ' ill(', lit Hit' " . . _ _ . _ - - - ' IlgO of ill ('lIr~ II 1lI1mt.h!< IIn,1 1:1 r ,ll:lr!.!f' ' n II "~ r I111\' I , iY " 'h o In I "~ 1kl'
The usual spring movillg!' IITI! now taking place and a nnmber '" persons nre .changi~ propert,y ns Il r eHult. . C hnrles A. Brown Imd fllmily hl1ve moved from the Vincent prop· erty just south of Wllynesville . into Mi8.~ Emma Heighway's property formerly occupied by Curlis Wool· ley who moves onto ft tarm . Mr . Vincent, of Dayton, expects to OC()u· py his property here during the IlUnllner. Annll. A . Marllhll.ll, lLving iu Illi· nois, and a sister of Mrs. Jonathnn Hlllnl!8,has purohlUled James Shute's proptlrty on &luth Third street and Mr. Haines and family will move t hera shortly. Prof. Bratten \'Vho hilS been living In t·1l0 honse wlll move to S E. Mllrt'll property on Fifth Bt.r eet, now oooapleci by M.r . and Mrs. A. U. ~id88 who will move into one of Lbe .Hats In tho Penoe building.
The Original. Foley & Co ., Chicago, oJliginatde oonsy and. 'J.'ar as 1\ throll.t !tnd lung remedy, and'on acount of the great merit and popularity of Fo· ley's Boney and Tar many imlta· tlons are offered for the g~uine. Ask for Foley's Boney and Tar and reftl8e any 8ubstitute offe red 1\8 no other preparation will give the same satlsfaotion. It Is mildly luative It containil no opiates and Is safest for ohlldren and dollcate persons,
. '1'
dtlY~ .
Print y" ull Apri l :1:1, I ~I\O, 111111 fur ·11l ~'ollrl:\ thuy " hl\l'I'l1 t.ogetlte r th Ll jny~ lIutl Hornl"''' ,it lilp, Ill' 1I1l'"irig l)fl!!SUll t o I.h lifu h 'yond . April :!\) ,
kllll~lI ~ \\,1 I< ' l'i ' hI' I II'~ t In' CII Utrwl't lo r IllliJl1ill\: II III !'!':,' Il I' W llttll k hll1 1l1 ill /.! ~1 1'. ~I. 1t l li\hl\' II " " 1\ I'Ilpnt nli ulI I, f IIl'lUg- lin I' XIWI'I 111 Itl~ W, lt· "
\\'intol' in . npl1\' lH\ tihe wn" mu r rir\l 1.1) led wllr,1 H . C', IIl l'lld". hll H !-l il li ' il uWII 1111 0 AI"
1 1100.
'i'u tll"tIl w"ra tw rn thr oo r: h illl l'fl n, 1:1"111'.1' Wil son, Nollie A . IIUt! Loui s Ii: ormnll, tlll Ihe child r on ~ l1r . Twent.y bOllutlfnl comltinntinus vi v. h or, 10 1lI0llrn Ule lo",.; o f II in colors' that harmoni~.e, can II1l u b · kinllllllll Inv illg molh('l'. When It youlIg gi rl l>h o rlnim'oll tained when you use THE IJitl!:EN to thu ~tut., "f Jllin oi~ wilh h e r :sEAL PAINTS. pu.rf'llt!'l, IliHI f11r H Ml1l1' liv(·d t.h Hro. 'ee ,J. E. Jllnney . I1l1ti I ill til e' Hpl'i II/.! " I' I ~ \i\I, ~)l . wllrll H . Prllll y. \\'1' 111, W It pr wt,,,t,e nl
Will it be your move next?
Sp~i-;lg A~o~ncelri;;rt of Everything Good E to' ~ at.
Fotrller_ R=:iderits.
h o uu\ wht,rt-, 1h.",
\V "TU Hilt rI ' lnti
I{ov T . M, ·n".'1! ', Ilt l lI n hl''' ''l!hr hl'l' 11>1 hi~ hrlol,· ttl 1.11., htltll ll ill \\' II ,V Il"S VIII ... till Thlr.! HI... whHrll HIItl li'vet! IIlIt,11 t.lll' ,la y "f h"r dB" tho IlltV ur hfLvinl,t 1I1""I'd in ull I:ltltHtI .\'1'111'1<. l\UtI whil lJ .. h e hns bIll} IIl1ln~' ""r· r()w~ and t,riulR t,o b('nr, )'l't t,hi .. Itll" ueellll lin PI':\, hom o. Sbe. unitAl} thi ... ;<1\111 0 ." 1)11 1'. 1.'\lii), with th" Wllynl' Rv ill p MI'I,lwlIiRt. EpiRcoplI1 Church Ihuing t,lI11 pll H· tornw of Rev .J oHlJph .1 . Hill. 111111 for 4tl ylJll r " !lho 1111>1 !) e ll II lu \'"'' lind bonorelimelllhor of t,lIi" ohuroh, Illways r tlllLl y t o do h r purl, lind holp in e very !looll worullu(\ .work . For many yf'l1rt! ~he hnH h cen HO IIf · fltctlltl in hotl y , thnt Mhe 1It1!! not, been nbla t o ntt e ml the ser vill S lit God'l! Throne, YI1 t. Hh o 10v('ll the word nnd rellu n I-{rent lletll ill hor bible. Her life hnt! be none uf thfl~e beautiful home \lves, ullorned nnll beautiU ed, lind o" n~.,c mt·ed by til " religion of the Lord ,I esus Chri~t , To ner obiltlren ItIld loved o n e~ b e r memory will ever be IIR "l)reciou~ ointment poured forth ... Heaven will not seem 80 rar Itwny since mother is there, . PR ILH' TIlO UT, Pllstor.
A Trbute from a Friend.
th n
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bUI· II" 1I11l1 IIi " IlIlIli l y h' ll'" 1.1' Iw hAr (, lit. II", Hmll ll ( ' mllill ~ ill An ·
JIl.tI~ $2.00
For Round Trip 'Tickets VIA
louisville & Nashville RR "0 Nearly All
Point. III
Alabama, Geol'gia, Kentucky, Mississippi, V iI'ginia, North and South Carolina, Tennessee.
THE SPRING PAINTING Is a tnsk of n o ' little illl)lOrtlln ce to owners of propel't,y. Up tu Date painters recommend the use o! Green !:!eul Liquid PRior., beoause of Its extre~e purity. For sale by .1 . E . Jnnney .
nIl invitfltlull 111101 th o Spa itl1llo u", Com ing umul){J I' of'thll (.In~.e tte . In . tlr od ] IIl'prflcintll it ve ry llIuc h . In lookitlg ovor tho book SOlll e t hiu gR 1001( very IllLtnrnl. othorR look R.ltogp,fllllr Mt.l·IW!; ' . to Li)l~. ia lIud llly!<piF . Tiie 1\1 . E. Chllroh l ook~ very 'nlltnrlLl, Ill' fnr n" 1 on n ~oo , with. xcopt.ion of the trees, nnd I~ o f OO llr~e 11 I)r ec i ou~ spot tu me boouuse here i s where 1 uuited , with th o c hurch llod er th o prOllolJing of th e RlJv . Dr . Pt'lIrson of the Clnci n · onti Uooforonen. Anti the two frieUlls ohurehes Imu old ~chool building w enr Il very nntuml liP' pelLrnnce ~oDle of th o piot.ures look li S 1 IIW theDl 20 yonrs tIgo, Uthers, like · llIysell', yenrs hn ve chahged . Aod yet ill It Wlty I feel lik e myself. J cll n brillA' ha c k IifA us it \Vn t' wb ell Il little girl, wllp.n I r elld sotue of the things thlH II I'll io the ~pecilLl number ,' written b.v oth · ers. Bl1~ when I t,urn und look up· 011 two big b oys in llOY home tallet' thlin myself'l rea\i)le tilUo hilS IUnde me a little older . , By the w!ty J IIDl to have the plells ure of ente~taining Dr. Penr· 80n tit my home in .'\ .Iexlllldrill, Ind . during the sixty t.h ird !'ession of North Indhma Confe'r eoce wllich is to converse here April 4, 1906 Indeed it will give grent plellsure to 80m e of us wlio have been awny 80 IIltmy yel~rs t u r turn to WilY, nesvUle to tbe Home Coming nnd see fuce ~ of '.lie oth e r duys, anu nothing 'pre \'enting mv son Edwlll lind myself will J he there to help swell the crowd, nnd nH Rev Bro· ther BurdslllI snid in his letter tn the GU7.ette, "Illugh ILnd ue hnppy." You will hellr from me agllin in am · pIe time Wishing all 1\ grand goo(l time mooting with encl! other n·t the Home Corning I r e mnin Hincer'el.y, Emmu Barge r ,TohnRon , 40" Wlllnut. l:;t. Alex.l lldri!t,
P . M.
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Eczema, Tetter, ~alt Ulteum, Itch , "rnl ~ hlt' " H Itt ~H til! -': 11 II , ) Ring Worm, Horpes, Barbers' Itoll. 1\ Itd l llcr "It 0 7 I" .. \I • n '~ I JJ cc lll ~ :I 1'1 " U 111 , I., A ll of these disenses ILrG nttenucd I.t' lnlid (rom ,'hu.e of tlale. For furthur Inror· "n ''0 ' 11 I II , \ by intense itching, which I~ almost, I.chan oll - Arrl \'I' 4~ :I n II !!:, m Illion , cons ulL yuur " ~a t RgenL or ad· Inatantly r elieved by Ilpplying Ilr l'lJ~ ~OJ( 'I' lIH O I ' N I) Chnmbeilain 's Su lve and by its cou · A , 1\1 , St ll Lln n <: fl.: , ~l 1' , M , C. L, STONE, Gen'l Pass. ARent tlnued \1se u permunent curo Illuy II ·H I /I II I, "t: OU be effected. It. has, III fll.Ct., cured J G H,~I) 11,~ X 'I' II.~ U 1\ 00 How"s This. many cases thllt hnd 1'000isted 1111 nayt o n - I\ l'r l\,(' t 11 flO ",~ N'I' II to..'\ " We offer One Hundred Dollars other tretltlllent. Price 25 cents per .\ . M. 1'. M. "III M Reward for IIny of Cata.rrh box. For sllle hy Fred C. SchWllrt,l! . I ~C hallnll ,'ull c tlon >< ·1" :, !!r, ao that cllnnot be ourerl by Hall's r, .. Shal'l'r Cr(J!'ti-t IIl ~ III IU :.!'f: ,o K ... ;, 17 H II~ y lu \I ~ 10 ~I Cntarrh Uure. Jl e ml)I'H c:lll :, I ;. III I>' >' 01< F . J. CaENEY & CO .. ToledO, U ( 'c nt e n ' il l(' ~ no :, U j 10 III + -; 5:! Man o r :; r, {)l We the und ersigned, lInve known ; IL II" n,-,i' ; 47 lt · ·1 r,ll F . J. Cheuey fol' the last 15 yoors, ~ 7 [J" 1·:tl.C:,l'WllIttl +u r) 1 tI i.a Rnd believe him perfectly honorllble t 7 tll \' c nnuh: ~ u r.o N lit in all business transactions Rnd fi 1\ I LC hlU"I' :;'4 .. ';' ;7 T" 4 H -; all IltH \th 111 .. 0 .. HI nllncilllly a ble to carry out I\ny ob· 1.1 '11111 (1 :r.7 :.!H :tn :HI + " :10 ligations maue uy hi s firm . !.I'lIan(ll1- f~ (l.1 '· c '; :!u II ito 4 :11l Walding, Kinnan and Marvin, : S t.I) I' nu Rh,mnl. Wholesale Drnggists, '1'oledo, U, ~ UNIlA Y 'J ' ItAIN ~ , Hall's Clltlirrh Cure is taken In· t· \1 I) M A L {! hnnnn ';' :li) U:.IO tero&lly: ,,acting direotly upon the [. a:J :::7 I 'j ~u 1 r. n odus blood and mnoous surfl\Ces of the The .enulne ('d 7 L s He 7 0:1 \) 04 lIystem. Testimonials sent free . Ccn lervill o U :,0 . ~ .j1 Ii 01 "OL~Y'S HONEY _d TAR Ilia Price 75 oents per bottle. Sold by u 21 . ha\u: r Cro15 Ainu: IS a!! R :\_ • Y.lIow paoklie, 'Refu,se lublmutel, n '2!J , r... ~ bnll o n .Junell an fj 30 K a!l &11 Druggl.s ts, W . E . 1\I00R~'. Take HaU's Family Pills for Mnsti, Prep.Nd onl " by General P o.ssen~e r AgeuL. J..eIJanon. O. patlon. .el.,.Oem ... Ohio.... Tlckel" 0 '; nale Matl'h 20,h Bod "1,,11 :Id "nd li'tb . goot! re lUrnlng ~I dny.
HONEY.I·TAR Th.o...,lnl'
WlTIVE couch rlllld,.
r t~ "
-'l'he Pong Ja.cket J30x GI"_ I)t li'ltt,IU g' II line A~"tll't . 00 up. fuw ut $:17'[, •
Hltflallll ~.
Silk Gloycs
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,Ill II nien II.S •• Wtlllll ll t 11111- tik,, · Iy I,ll /.:i V I) Ilnt in II wtlnlllll'ful ,Iu · 1II1111l1 I'm'. 'l'h" 1'lIlg I nn~th Illlli mOIl· il1m hilI! lIIlId \) t.h olll ,lilll,ml t ttl ~nt tlllll'lI WII ,. lillI, IL Ri ll ;;ln· O}.;' III \ 'utuil ,,1,01'0 '"r Chh" II-{\\ 111 .•1. m o nt,1t \V" no w ha \." 1111 ( 'III I,rs II II Le n:.:t.It,. Illi ~i ·I.O" .
"" I;; \\, 1; " nl)~:N :-;~~~:II~. ~' A N ( ' Y
C.l'~ito styll~h I, It, ~ 8prml,[. Bill tlwic'k wi II ttll1 yllll tlltl "'n.y to ,lImkc I,h AIII wit,h nil o\' o r~, I.. nen utc. I'IlTlot'n trlU .
l .nttuco, IIl \','l\ y~
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~I'\\' ( : nhlul~O Af11)ltI ~ . 1.1'IIII_nt4.
EMBROIDERIES 1'RIMlNGS On ~ix.c:nll>l!l !-ihow
kiutlnetis in r''''1I 61ul,loring: 111 0 \\+jth
l :!!/;
H"di . il I·' . \ " '1...-1' " . 1111'''1.
Al oxtlmil'ill, lil lI., Mllruh II;, UIOr, Tn th o l\.1iUIIII Ci" wtl'(! : I 'tllllJllIlfH' w!til" n·('oJ.:ni YOIl!'
J)a)' t n n -
Short ,J :1ckc.cs are I a PCl'enniall'aYol'ite. ,
A Li voly ·Tussle . with that 0111 enomy of tho ruce, Constipation; often ends in ' Appell dioitls. '1'0 avoil1 all serious troublo with I:ltomueh, Liver IIm1 Bowels, take Dr. King's New .Life Pills. They perfeotly reglllnte these or· ~un8, wlthont 11l1in or clif'COl1lfort. 250 ut Fred U. &lhwartl! llrugglst.
}ntl\II ~,
~u s t .
'rhe memory left by Mrs , Hunnllh Printz will ever be a benediction to her ohlldron lind friends. To know her wns t.o love her 1\11 n ge ntle, pheertul. \\'olllnnly wODlBn; . unob, trl1slve In manner, retiring in hnbi ts . yet known to be trne liS llteel in every relation of life BS well lis Death Mrs. immovllbly steadfast in whnt she William Graham. believed to be the . right., unu her stundl\rd of right was lJlellSUred by Very sad WIUI the death ol Mrs. , the Word of God. Home WlIli her Wm, Graham, who has been living kingdom where she ruled by moth · on ~rv, May,er's farm ' east of Cor· erly love Bnd wODlllnly gentleness; win, whlob.Llilleurred '1'uesday morn· tt was her Slmctllary, her temple, Ing from droVSY, to her holy b't'onnd which she oon· Her husband and three Jlttle secrated by., life of betLlltiful ser· ohlldren lunlve her. vioe to those bound to her by the Funeral servloea will be held sll.ored ties of fllmlly relation, and from ~erlate home Thursday morn· which sh e booutifled In the Ing at 10 o'olook and at Mltuui oultivation of (Jod's own creationt!, <;emetery Chapel. at 11. blooming plunts !lnd gracefnlly • .. • climbing anu olinging vinos, lind by Womens' Kidneys. her own ohristian IIpirit mude it 11 Women aro more often Ilmicteu saored refnge for busbnud II.nd with kidney disorders than men, children lUI they endl reo bnt attrlblltAlAthe symptoms to dis ~nrned witl!. weBry feet from I·he eases :peoullar to their sex, while in toils Ilnd 0111'es of the dllY . Her rw&liL,"the kidneys are de~nged. rest tiUle has COme, Ilnd she sleeps Ne~_, heodaohe~ puffy · or ber las t long sleep by the side of her dark w,roles under the eyes, pain in husband who silt yellrs IIgo luoking the blioli::are 'lignB of ,kidney trou· one month, precoded her to t·he Ci t,y hIe that mnat not be Ignored, or n of Our Loved Ones, ueantifnl Mirlllli Jndia· nr~. Merlona malady will result. Foley's Qemetery. Mra. T. J, B . Kidney (,"Ure haa restored the heillth ofthonsand~,ofwealr , nervoU8, brok· OABI> OF TUANKS. p.Lint with Uree n Setl.l and b" e n down women. It stops irregn, We desire to extend ~hrough the Jaritlall and IItrengthens the urin · Gazette oor thllnks to nil who liS· numb&red I\mong thEI hapPY' onel!. F or sn le by J . E . ,Tanney. ary organs. It ~urlfil!8 the blood sisted os in nny way dnring our Ilnd benefits the whole system, recent berellvement. 'l'Ra: U.Rll, llII KN OF MilS. HANNAn PRINTZ.
c t~ ,
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Mllroh l lil h . MI' Btll'lIhllrl 1"1~ u ,l t, WIt .v n e,,\,ill fl "jlll'l' 110 111 0"(1"
HI (l IK. II C IlII . Pi,' I "·IH'ltr". I(lc' Cun ' ·1.00 p"r .I"z :~ POIl II,I .I:ll· Apple Untl , 'r. ~:, I 'l~ I~n. ll t .\' Prnn08 :, ..r". II I>' l\Hlrl lip . Dried
l 'n~1l 111 l ' h C't-':-(o I ~ (I p o nnd ,
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Bnttol'ic k 'H April Shoot
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1 'I)tllll)I·~.
FA:'\( ' Y (I I' nc' II t'(\Il'OIl- I " r t.s . 1II,II11d :-.I., \\, :-IALT I-'I ~ H , I:,,· 1I kIt '1'11\" Iltl"t 1': . Y
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I,U' II " lInllllll wi ""·,, IItl .11111 ti~' will l"'I'IlI'.V n ('In illl .
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fI!ttl I ;:' rt,. .- Extrll b'\IIICy t\ pd" I,t,., I r. co nts II p ounu. Pi " 1'111111~ 100 CIl II $1. (10)1.
Arlhul' (\Inkli ll , wI ... " el·u pil.. .! 111 0 nld I\Ul'lll' 1I fU IlII , li t) '" tI'" propol'ly "I' .1 . P . .1,," 1""', 0 11 ttl I' I,y tl ... IInll \VltytH l ~ \'I I1,'
Fl ll "~ \'
Obituary of
Frank Snedaker Frnnk Leo ::-\n[1(llllwl', ~t) n nf ,la.II\(' R Ilull F.\i)l'lilnt,1I SU",IIlkor, W,I!! hilI''' Deo. 1:l. I ' j:I, ,liflll Murch 2G. HI OIO. tl {rotl ;)2 YOll r ", :1 lII"nth~, unci ll.dll.\'" HII c.un e to W IiJ'1' UIl county 1tI th o "prin!; of ItllJ.l lI'ml htlR Ii veel hOI'" eVEl r Rinee, IIXllopt G month s III l!:W S he ~ pont ill lilinoill . Be Wll~ Url'l, IlIltrriod to Mary E 'l'hrnnpRou Ang :W, ISOH ;t o tlliH IIl1i on Wli~ burn 0111' duugthel', s h e uy ing n t th e .nge ~ f I; mont,b e, allll I·h e m oth e r followlll g in jnst on o month . l:I e IIf.:UITI WIIS uuited in Olllrrillgll to Florence t.: Albri!.!ht., Uot . I ~, 190·1. 'fhi!; nni on \vlIS ble"scd wit.b on Iitt.lo 80n. wh o with his mot.ller if! left to monrn II kinrl and lovin g hnslllllll utlll fnth or. Besid e h is wife IIUri sweet Iittlo babe h o IOflvell Il fllt!l or n.nd moth e r Il~d three !listers unel n host of frl nus lind r eln!,i ves to mourn th oir loss . While it is hnrd to hllve to part, with ODe w love, we CUll look t o II high e r pow or IIncl !lay thy will be done . '1'his i~ n double ben.revement., liS his s istoI' burl ed h er hilsbllnd hore jns t twn weeks h flfo re . Hi s sicknefls hn s lusted o uly Il fe w, month s, while he sl1id ho hud hopes, b e WfiS prellilreu for ~h e wor~t .
'ILIlOS ",lill to bo the fin nst ill t.ho HtJlt.n filII of ApI) liqul' PnsRl'lII ont orlo, Motif~, Jt:lII1Jlnll1~, On 100111 BrndeN. oto. nur City DreR!!lIIl1lwrH 110 lIot go to Ilny 0"'10'1' cit,y . Onr ARMnrt.tll onl, hOi ng C OnlPlfl t.e. WI>: PUNl' 1I YOUI! 'J'1l ' KIC'I'K.
Hutcbison 6t Gibn ey, Xenia, Obio. A WARM BREAKFAST \\fiUt !'olllething ~n!Js tnntt.lI to hogill th n tl " y of tile house hold thes£I oolrllllornings.
"uiH' IW'lI·." 1II01llUe l'
Most people clrink enfl'ee at brru,l(rlL~I" '111(1 we " 1111 ~lIit.· t·l", In"!'r of eoll'ee . We lllLve IL!t gootlll IinA nf ()() I"[o'~;I';"" ~ V' I II UIlII Unci in IfI\VU What better thnn bllttel' ('Atk e~ wit,h Plfltl~ HY ltlJP . HI'I, PlllIWlkll FLOU R nud SyltUP h 1'0. We CIlO furnish tho lllakeull of Illlllle,dR: hl·" flkfll~t. , c1l1lnlll' nll,1 " 1111 per, with ull slll~!<t)nllhie gonllR. Y')1J urtl invjterl 10 11:111.
C. M. 'BROWN, Propri.tor
N ..: NII .. n
QA IlD OF TIlANKf! . W e ctosire to express ou r thlln ks to our kidll neighbors IlDd friends for ACCIDEN~r th ei r helpnncl Hyrupl\thy in this onr LOANS NEGOTIATED . NO'I'A RV PU BLl. snd berelLv ement al~o Mr. Tront for .We llllve buyerM for good fnrms 1L11I1 t.own prtlluJrtV'1I1 1.1l t.imHH. bis comforting word~ , to Mr. MafDtt List with us, we can holl) 'you, for h is help, nnd lsnnc Lincoln nnll Office RoolJls over Post, Otllcflin StooJ' ~' Bllilliing, Mereditll Brothers for ·their flowers. ~Ml's . Fra.nk Sneunkor and OObo. Mr. nud Mrs . ,T. O . Snednker nnd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!! fillnily.
A Fa vo <ite Remedy for Babies. Ita pleRsun t tallte nnd l>roropt curos havo made C hamberlain 's Cough R emedy a favorite with the 1lI0tllerR of Brollll chilliren. It quick· Iy cures thei r coughs and colds. Bnd prevents any danger of poemoDtI\ ·or oth or serious conseqnen ces. It not only onres cronp, but when given II!I soon ns the oroupy cough appears will provellt the [lttack. For sale by Fred C . chwartz.
When Wunting
Portland Cement, Lumber, Shinllle-.,and all kinds of 0 al. DEALERS in Flour reed and Cornl'r strips for t.oUIICCf) boxaH for slllo . .
THE GltEEN SEAL PAINTS, t.hiu nin g with pure Llnsefld Oil, ,,"d lire therefore more econ. olllioni thELD other paints. Read direotions on every llllckage For Rn.lo by J. E. Jun~ey,
Telephone Day or Night. .
local No. 7 long Distance No, 69-3r
WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Branch Office. Harvevsburg, O. Dellth rate In N. ew York nnd 01110011'0 , Duriug November. lind Deoember 190"" , one fifth of the dellthi! tn New 'York nnd Chica,go were from IIDen . . ' H dT t monil\. F 0 Iey 8 oney an af n o only stops the cough but heals !lod strength ens th e 'I ungs an d preven t 9 pnemonln., so do not take chances lin cold wellring away \vben Fol.
ey'~HoneyandTarwi1loureqlliok. ly and provent serious results.
Oregonia, Ohio.
Valley Phone
CENT ~Ite'o~tl!.!J~~1l!91~TcJ!!
AJllioted With RheumBtlsll1. "1 Wllfl [lnd 11m yet IIfl1icted with I'hellmnlislI1," says Mr. ,J. C. Bayne oditor of the Hemlu, Addington, Inclian Territory, " bllt thanks to Chumberlt.ln '8 Puin .Bulm 1\111 I\ble a lice more t o attend to husl nP.8s, It is tlto best of liniment,... If tr onbler! witb rhenl1lntism give Ptdn Balm 1\ trnll nnd yon are cer· t il in· to hll I\)ore tltnn pleu.sed with the prompt relief which it "ffords. One u)ll'licn.t,i on relieves the pains ~'o r sllle by Frecl. Soli wurtz
showing' the most complete line of htgh.'g rnde UlVY(J(,t;>4, TIRES .nd !:IUND IU.';'; .ll'ltlC....II BELO\V any other U!aU~rRclurer or ueuler In the ''fOrld.
"n7·~"' ·
atl"'~ 1.:1~~
wund'or 'ul
possible by ..,lIlng frottl r.ctory
II Chit r/q,oJiI, 1''':1 the Frelabt Rnd mAke other Jlbeml l erltlR which 110 a llll.'r
wUlllturn evrrythlng nlUl gel lUuch vHlu.
us a postal.
- • .,, __.....~..._._ in every town .nnd enn olTer on opportunity JUen who apply at OUte. f
''''''!J~~ to,.
NO MOR& TROUblE FROM PUNCTURES. Result' of J5 years experience in tire making. No danger from THORNS. CACTUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. No'l""th.thlokrU"!)"rt~ ' Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can "A" and pUlIolu..... trlll." , and 4jlJ," alao rl,n .trlp .. to, be vulcanized like any other tire. to .,.... ""01 rim outtlnC'.. TI". TWD Hundred Thousand pllrs now In IClual use. Over tl.... will utlt!a.' a!~ other ~:t~'t"'Th~.I4!1'J'.O anti Smnty.llve Thousand pairs lold ,..I year. IJEMIII"",,,, Made In an .1.... It Is I\",,\y and e..y riding very'dunable and lIn¢ In~llIe wflh.~ial quality of rubber, which DevcT becomea porous And which clol'CH UJ-' mud l punctures without allowing the oir to ·e scape. We haVe! huudrt'ds of lettef9 from saUlfied customer. SlAting that thctr tires have only been pumped up once. or twice tn a whole Mason. The)' weigh no more thun an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being "i\len by several l(1~f'9 of thlu spt:clftlly prepared fo.bricon tbe trcnd. That "}lQ1ding Hoek" &Cl1sation c:ommolllyfelt when ridlDgon naphnlt or 80ft road~ ia ove:rcome by the pntcD~ ··llns1.:d Weave" t r.end which prevents otl ali from being aquet:aed out betW~D the tire and the roo.<.1 thus overrotnlng nil suction, The ~ulGr prt~ of the:51' tires is,s...SO per pa.l.r, but ror IdverlislDG' 'purposes we nre making a 8pccla.l factory price to the rider of only $04,.80 per pan. All orders shipped same day letter t. reccJvcd. We Hhip C.O.D. 011 approvnl. You do not pay a cent until YOIl have e.xamined and found them I3trldly as represented. We will allo .. a oub dUooonl of 5 per~enl (therebr mnklng lhe price .4.IJIJr,er palrl If you .. nd FULL CABH WITH ORDl£ll nnd enel"", lhls ndvertlfl<ment. We will • 10 ..1111 one nlck.1
plaltd bt'Od hand pump .D~ two Sa~p.ot\ metnl puncture tloscraon full paid om.", (Ihe"" .melal puncture closers to be used in al5e or mtentionnl knife cuts or heavy knlhel) . Tirt'S to be returned .t OUR expoD"" If for nny ",nson lhey are Dol Ilntlsfnctory oa examlnal"'n. ~ We are perfectly ...Ilnbte and money "Dt to u. ~ tis ""f., .1 In • bank. .uk your l'ostniflAler !linker, Exprell. or Frelghl A"ollt or lite Edilor of this paper about u.. If y"" omer . ·palr c; the"" Un:.. you will find tbal lhey will ride "".ter, run fa.ter, ~ wear beller, I••t longe< nnd ' look Ii~e< th.n any lin: you have ever uiIed ~r Jjeen nt any price. We kDOW lhal yOu will be lib ",en pleased IIi.l_hen you wnnt a bicycle you w,n give UI your ome<. We WIlDt you 10 Jlenil uo aamolltrl.1 order It 0Ilc:e:, henee this temarknbtc tire ofTer. ' BRA.'r~ bullt·u.........I.. INlddlOll, ~... paris arid repalno ond ' R _51 n~~, everything. In IhejllCYCle IIn ••re·eold by uo at balflheu.ual prica ~ by dealeno and repair men. Wrile for onr big SUNDIlY ""l.lowe. . , DO -OT' ..,._ bUI write U8 n post.t lod.y. no NOT THII'lH. or BUYING. ~I - - - bleyele or. pafr of Urcs frOID anyone until· you knQW the ne ... ·nn'\ wond.rfIII 0/1.".. weare moJ,I;'(. It ooly ,.,.,.... n Postal to Itam .v~rylllillg, 'Write It NOW. '
"JL" .· OHIOiaO,·IL1. , ..,. ~
: ." :W:Li4"""e ~
_ _ . . _ _ _ ..
sa! ~m! u! ! Ve~"I! r'! '! :~:~ ~:! '~I! '! ;~O ! '! t~! ,! 4! ,! :! ,! a'! '!s! '! s~e! '! s~T~O~L~D! '! ! '! ~1N~!'lS~H~O~R!"! l! '! '!!'!!!!'!!~~~!s~t~a!!'!!r!!!t~a~ls~~! '! a! '! v~:n~-g"! s! '! ! '! A~-C!'! c! '! o! '! u! '! .n! '! t~s~e! v! "e"!-.n! '!t! '! .y~-:E: i'~ :-1l~t~Y~e'a-~rs~(;) ! '~d~,'1_--~'mN~'~1-6"H·' ~-R--H-O-O-D~~N"';"'E-W-S-~-~""!!"-t"! ~L! '! B,! lI 1n! :~t1I ! '! ~I ! '!U1!' !~ !' !h !' !le! '! r ~'l~I - l ! '! i\! '! 1r~s. -
:~"1(i •
B "
Awayat Denver, Colorado Waynes ville friends of Samu el E. Elliott were Rhocked Tuesday, on receiVing n ews of his dellth at Denvel', Colnrado. Mr. Elliott a nd hiS ft.lmily were almost lite-long Icsideuts of Waync ville, mov ing from h ere to Cinclnnoti and Inter to Denver. The sincere sympathy of t heir many friends among Gazette readers goes out to the be reaved fllmily. The f ollOWing sketch df the hfe of the t.leceMet.l has been sen t to the Gazette by a member of the family . ,amuel Evans Elliott, the son uf SUllluel W. I1nd Rebecca E. Elliott. was born in Waynesville, Ohio, December 17, 1&45. and departed this ' life March 31, 1906, at st. Joseph's llOspital, nenver, Colorudo, at the age of 60 years 3 months ond 14 days. He was marrIed to Lizzie Roger!! March 27, 1873. sharing together the joyS. lind sorrows of life for thlrtythree years. To them was born one daughter, Rachel A. , who, with h e r hus band :md m oLher, is le ft to mOUI'n the 1088 of a loving father and hu!:!band. Mr. Elliott had not been well for some months, but did not give up caring for his sLore until abuut four wecks ago. He WIlS up and around the houMe until t wo weeks a go , whe n he was confined to his bed. His wife. duughte r and Bon-In-lt.lw cared for him at home, 1159 S. 15th st., !;louth ,then fearing Mrs. Elliott's h ealth would break down, he was taken t o St. Joseph's hospital. whel'e he passed away as one falling asleep. Mr. Elliott had Bright's disease in an ac1\'Wlced stage, the doctor giving rio e ncouragement from the first. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon lit three o'dock. the remains bei ng placed in a vault; later the wICe lind duughter will accompany them buck to Waynesville, it having been Mr. Elliott's wish to be la id at l'l!!IL in MlIlml cemet.ery.
A boy with o nly
no gm lO of
Never hald
a Physician,
c;~I,~.~~':~~'ot:~1 b~~~~l ~~1J1:;~~':':1'\~'1~
J SO Uh At IJIII HI",. "hu h,,~ IIIIIIl u llnndr (1 Imel fiv e hood , wIth hnn . B ot WA te r blltll<' H Ilt,,} E .11~lJno.vs curn CIln eusl ly dos lr y it. lJut If h o will plunt it 11[111 nltl vllt M It. Illll1 Ills It nll Hl with Il 'lU:,: hILll , )It • •)1'11 NEW .... ' . I I) f'f:: S (JA' I' Hr-:REO "'Y 'I' H E. OAZETTE'S Ilt'Or1~ 11101'0 to follow . \\' U. Chundle l, Ilt Dllyloll, Wu8 f r Olu tl 10 pl'ur1ue t" I' op oll e I ,, 11 tl I 8 '"lt,1t , 1(11 ;;1)\"' 1,,1 \'O UI ". 1111- 1....· 11 u miDl1l11HllrlUUHh11l1' fill MUl'oh -....., ,, I~ U Thn II VIS ltfl r 111 WIlYllAAVlllo u bllort, part , Ilml plllnt lllo(lIln IInel cout,lnue \ ~IY ~lIJ k tllfl ))llI.t f., w \\ cn le 1'1 hillI " C()PPI ":P () Nl) L..:_-~~I oxoel"lerl 1L1I1JrOVlOLUl re.'I1I1I,. Il~I '- '- : '" l~ , 'I'~ v IN N [~.·A "I>BY PLACES t.imu I:1ILturlll1.y rI,lY. IU H ('Il1I1l! I IIII I 10 111, n ,.' (·If "d t here WI1S bu t rOl ty 8~I'() IIt1t1 ILlll two t lllr(\s of Il tink COl Iha Imtlr" Mr0:4 E11l1n Mnnlll~t on , of S pring the pror.el!8lte WIll lind befo re h o II' lurn fOI Iho \\ ol ~ /l l\nrl It WII, le'III t'.l Corwin. month ",,!le v, \VtI~ ,L g~UlRt, ILt t.he hOlllo of (lty yonrs olel thnt t h m o I" n o t lund It o c nul ll n o t l'Illi v HI " son, (' OO I'gi' Atk111 <IlIl, l r'"1I Lyth:. Mrs Will Cll1rk und ~OU. of Hick . l' .I eff Sl.l\\th, SU IIIJ·t1IW 111111 8nnlltty onou gh Iu 1111 thll w orld to plnul tho mOI'I'IISo. HUlmlt oll, IIl1tl r nillt l v(', fllI'lIllJ Dr llll - -- -- ory, Race ville, I1rrtveti lit .Ius por For Colds mill "Ret! Spruoe 111111 uenburg , frnlll Uro",n )" 'S" ' I K, ,,' II I, " p" 111 Sl1turliRY evoTlln .," I1Uti WIll ~OWI'I'HM.ONEY. I (,')ltntv, \\1'1 1l I ~ I,k" '\ 1('11""11 '1 ( ''IIIllt" I ' " "1\ 1,1 111 .. 1 I II lIio l .,f Iho "ercer's lH Cherry ExpeotorlLn t , ., ~o lu bv J E e lJy his nt's,. W'- I' Ifl "" r" "' II " " , , " I Il ~ ""'lIrd", ' " I '" nll ' n ', Ie , visit for n. Ah ort time WIth reltLtlve!J If y ou put lIsIC10 II purt of \'0\1r cnll 1'.'ed lJAorki I II t It f .Itlnn oy. t n" OO . It, 11I1 1 (III. I! 1< '1 "', " IIII.!~ ~ "" , " 11 ~" IInel M,-, H"I\\' MI't1ln1l18 lLnl1 friends of thIS II)Ul'e. enrnin gs ntH I put. 11 tn !-:t)t)11 n~n III I , Ir 1 I Ill" II , I' llIIII IIrll I t I1)1 1 0 U~) u' ,1 rI Y!ol thh \\,I·1t,1i ( 'I I H 1 1111 111 1 """ ISI)l l h, uI ." \ 1!"I l l t ll~~IIIHlIl Y MI' . Walter Ni Hwon gor, of Dayton pnylug Inve~ tm ontR, YOll Will Rnu ll tleII , o tte rHtH 1 . 1~UI)\' CIllren oe Bough ono of the VI I . I re<'(}\'or 7:-;y nlll" "f l",n Mr At. 1 MI' "lid ;\11- \,,1, 1111 1 ,, 111 1\ 111 11 'l inn i~m t H1t'k !l1t1l \\ l l n \Vel O ILge blnoksmlths hilS trnnserret f I spent SUJldllY with M ['. ThulllM Zell tlllt1 tllLt. your 1I101l(\y III lIluklTlg W IAlIhnu"!t tl u lir e 1I111III Imel family. ...e "el' III 11I ~ !tI n... r"' lnll f>ti I11111'1111 .." lit .· 11111 " " " , 01 " " '1" IIIIX ' •.111 111 _" 111 \V 1 \ n i " .. \ 11.· . 111 Hntlu 1111~ nbodo and d t(> tl10 v 111/'_I,;'0 you m o r e Inll r" l 1.( kin -o n n stun O \n II I I II I1r. d u\ d " ' III ' 11I11 ue (II e IIV,'""t e" 'u IlflS n tho ."rvl ce~ M II plt""H'11I11 I1nlll 111. 1 . of B ur I lIlgton. \",yOU I"u pre fer wol . , F' rH I11\' l\Ii!l~ \{u thryn l!'l'n 1Il0 I!< vlSltlUg thou~nnd t1l1l0~ grf>lIte r l1iville nli 111 c"nn L I llllO"~ MI' 111 1< 1 \II" 1\11 It\· "I l 111'/1 " •. ,,' 1'1 \'11, ( " X I, ,1 ,)\\ Iv 1"1 1 -\ll. ly I Ollllng Inllustrles lO~tetld. of thOlr u t t,h e hlllllll of ,h er frl Hntl. M r H 1 ~\lllrIIlY t.: lh"" IIf \ 1, 11 11 " \I" 1I111" i< \lIIf; 1111" 1 '. 1IIlolil 11 11 111 'rell · ,1"llIlItI1l U. Mur" 1:1 'l'(lrrllll, lI ell1 New VlenUI1. elunln f.{ powe r t hlln II 11111lton d ol ltLrs fooltijhly 8J1ellt 11 I Ii I n"l \ 1111 11/' 1, " r I III' '1\111(1)1I B k New Operators ,at Ll wur t ,"1 I IlllltH Il Ill11llber of onr oltiy.on !< n r n f W Mrll AIlIIIL Rlll okhllrn, of Fillher '1' JO Cltly.en~ 11Il, 0 lIyno~ 1\11 "' ~l l'lIil Lumm. '11 \' IN "",I 111 1 IIl1rl ;\ I! " ICoIwilr.1 L' Hlgllc ra oUlllpllllll1ng with Bevero oo h] ... ttl wn , Ptll1u~ylvunllL, bil l:! urrlveil nt vlllo, Ohlo,uftor COrrllSJlOlllltn1( Wllh Telephone Exchal1ge, fltend,.. In 'I'1 1'y K" Il1rd ,\\' 11 1111 " 11 11 Il l " 11 111 1'" 1'1'1 .1l·l,d 11 \' lit " IJ lrtlt u f" wltlle WIlso n Hl1rvoy I~ wo fPIlI' ~b C! h Olll o of hel' futh e r . O,L VI.. tho Seorfltllry of Htllte. llnll con"1l1 ' tlll\ 1 lIlt}" " lIl1 ghl"I' c ntl clIlly fllhng Mrfl Emmll Luk f . FlIrnn ~, whoMe hOlll tb IA rUj1Il11y d e · tl.ltHIll wlt,h SOJl1 (l of tho mO ~ I, prOlIl J\1t ILnll :llr, C \\. Hlnt';I'1' 1111.1 MI 1111 11 Mr • . ,' 1' 11' 1111111t" 11I 11 1111 ~IJ",.. \ ', 111(( ,11'0 H,lIr(II " IlIl W In (on. Oil" lit t hiS tllne Is In 11 fIlII HWt O II 11Ient bllllke rs ( t,h ()~1l hl1Vl11g ex pOI'I O\Jlllllg e nco III Ihl s hn ~ of hUSlllO-" ) IIn,1 s l" l"r, f Frlllliefol't. (lltlll ,11' [' 11 " \\ fUlllllv II I lJ 'II' 11I1I " pl'nt :-1 11 11 d IV I (I' I vIIl, ' bll"II\' oll ~ II!:l'd III s",vlng- ('OIl VlI lIIRcenoe lind we hupe to ru. MIKS 13ooh, of ArCll11l1lJ1, who hilI< bomg ll 8S UI'od thll t, 0 111' I'hllrt.e r IIC' r III 1'11I1Ig'1l1l1 Ih., InnlLl I' x('ltlln g" " I \\ llh ~Ir" 1~lt" Itllilm 1I1l.1 ~II \\ II I lUI ~ I Js ~111' () 1I \\' 111 111 111 , 1.11 )lort 1111 other!'! HO, ere nllother Issne Ils!Ch.tll( I Mr~ U M Will tu 111 he l' IlllIoted U/:l to Ill clutl e IL !:lllvIU g!'l n". Ih" Vlllln\' 'I'f1lpp holll' .'" tlH 1{11ll<11I (llli l II 11' \\ 111 0 11' tlul!\"J'l u" 111111 of thol"ll~fltlo IIl1lhnory slorH fnr tlevllrul Mell~O n !l mrt1l1 c nt Wi th (JUI' genom I blllll!mg 1\11 1 1{JJl ),(II I w ill l"tt uIIIII I:J 11;0 1 The Inn uI ll1 ur ~II " TllIllX \\,,, " , Ih,' Iv!"", ') "' III h e ll S III1/If III I ou t 1.l ttle WI1Jle~ wbo wltb his fnth . It' 1I g-1I1U in Wllynosvllle !lUll wll! 1'1' r e r e pllH \\ II r l 11 11\ IlIS \\1 (' II II I tl I I I 1 I ,.f I I,,· ""-" I~ Il1Ittl\" li S II ItIl H 111'1'11 e r r'hl1l'l es Harlan I1nu anothor (01011, nllLln thro ngh tho pr ese nt ~u""lIn bURmeRs, hll ye nrrnnt::t>11 to 110 ~n Dub" lind Itt luw \\llll on k .. l ll' l IIIB ;1" l u\V I,',' r 1\" "''' 11'' 1 lori' I HI"g 1I1 'I' lUI \" 'II I S ' '-' OUR BUOJ(S ARE NOW OPIo'::-.I I u " I" .' Illll l Jlsr . rll Ill' II t ILrrlv ull I1t lieorge Harlan's Inst .Mr • . WII~on Eclwurcis /Lilli gmntl FOR DEP08IT~ \\ 01k lit. th o S\\ Itoh ,)( lIlr I" I I( I 11 <)., 11 Itl' v. '1'1 " Ill fl !JHln" l "I I 1111 Wtt, ( " 1111(' h" vlI!" fill lilt ' Nll w week from Indian Terrltu ry , IS lIul . ~"n, 01111 Itn"l<uIII uf o.Lyt OIl. wore No lJIllttor how .. 11111 1>-1111 11111OUl1t 0 1,1 ('(Iotip II"tor \\111 rl' l1l1l\l\ h If , . , "M T II I . , [ Io\1l' 1{1t ( '''II1Pll ll Y Icll:IIIV Il II IIIt'Jll t II fOrlll" wltll mHllmwlltory J'he uUlI\. ~ till. wl'nlt tu IL"S I~t Ih, ' II CW " 111'tIl ~' I ' 1Ct) 1 I' rn llx \\1 "gl llll 1 I I '1'1 ' I .. 1 IHlIlSLM lit tha 40llle of her so u () .1, vnu hl1vo brlnlo( 11 III lin I (1f'IItISlt It I f 11 11\' Ittl "~", 1 h I' b e r 111 11 11 V fr le n ' IH C'II1 "1(( '1I1 1111 ~ ( Ill' tl8111 Charley says t4e lur of ti e '3 t t It tnJ!o~ I n g Ottl11l! t l l ' J'11n n a ILl! '" , f II f I I 1 .1 tho II l!;li WIII·ti", t:16 III Hul' pllrt, of the Wn WI puy yon. !'" 111 1110" on Tltll I)t h t' r !;iOOllplI , t 'lI eJllltllf'1I ;'oI PII.· klll ' \\ 1" '1 hu~ til IllwJ hl'l' MI " \!flll b llll ' r1l:k In" re tur n turl'ltory IS U 0 11111 Ilr IL alu . wutl k. I1nnulIlIv If left SIX month " Ynu h 'I VI' gll n" tn th t' ll tu th er lit Dlly l u11 - -- - ,," h,lUlO I" f t OIl II JlI ()n~lIut",llwIL\\ JoeCk~ wilter of tlmt country vory un . . Centerville, \' I~lt \\'11, I 1'0 utl vtN In uy 0 healthy, Mll.. ~ rH FrPII C'41"k AY 111111 H,·rbp.rt 01111 dep;I~l twhl'lI VOll Jlleu ~f' "nd rllll t; 1'" l' llro Morford hl~ l olurnc(l All bllhes are little dellrs, but If \VIII ",I uk 1)1 tit .. Ohio St~lt!l lJlll" t' r dmw o ut. ull Y"u pnllll lit ILII\' I11 J1('. If It ho" II ntlol' tu 11O~ tn ~II \\~ o n. The Lid IS Down. \\ 1111 .' r I 'Ulllplll'lI 11 .111 WI I... \ 1-11 ",1 tl'O lll lI1I1IUII ,1 with h l~ Iulhpr l' .J thel o WILS IL nlltlonl1l s how of " year. d Jt.\ III1lI BI"'o ld U"u k IIf th ll Oillt> ____ " I MI ~,IIJ\II' I W.·llr,r·"IIl·t~\l I1UII Y I Mo rforll. wbu I" IIIllc h lJ ttL:r thun 11I1 gs." tlle plump, plumJl!:lst, fair, W;••h'Y IIIl U lllver~I!'" hllve heen I Jl Ilol1ltr u 'w o(lk Imd " I.I·k . II) It In l r ill' t) 1I1_ fil "[ till '" In IIl1lll\' IlIllIl \' , ;\)1' \\'lItlnll. 111111 \\Ifo ~ tnrt pu 011 he ItllR I,ee n ftllrest, pre tty, prettIest, eyos, nOBo, J'" lug II l AW duy" 1'1101111011 lit th " lr IIftl' VlltI1'~, h,' Will hll\'" In th e hunk ~!i!Hi2 0:1 ; h A Will h"Vf> Jll1 lfll nt ll \' ('1 11'" " Iltn lid" WII " 11,,\\11 tlgh[ 111 ' t lll'1I' 11l1l g' JOl1JllflV til th" Nnrl,h 1 Prof' L ::;JJllth llrlnclplIl ul the c heek, teeth, hOlr and all that con bUIlJ "~ III W"ynes vllie blink f,2tlOO 00 !llld thl' IlIlllk WIlIlJII Y \VuI'llARvill f> ,·l1 n (l" v . I W", t 'l'I1I1~llll}" AplII . j (1, I Hi gh I-;chool "'11M In Lub/lI1lll1 a ll stltu tes the )Jerfect ohlld, ono muat '1'ho blu~tr.v month of MUT Oh i .. hun "3.a52 .9:1 IOtel'P"t NOIl f> " t Iho Rt orl'" of Im y Id IHI MJ'A ~:lIw r." ~lllntlC'1 hn R bClln .Ick I Sntlll'dH.\'. luklllg 1)11 e!WlJ1lnut,IOlllJ1 ROO on Bllrveysburg llOti W a Ylles . o\'nr hut \y1I1u~t or tll 8 moy com e In Thl" Blink IR 1I1 CIlI Jlortll,oll IInfl I I 'I I 1 Villo rond, [\t the home of the prmul Pl' r"'1lI 4 wIll ) 111111 III' PII 1111' 1"'0 IIr [l1'PO wep (' pust. ~ (0 ) " port.Jnn of HIn hi' "no 1I.1~ r erllllrm M d M H I B n vey u lly month Be 011 the IULfe Hltlt, "OVArnell stl'ict.l.v hy I he III ws IIf W(' I'(, " 1)(' 11 .. lJJ Ili p hflllil of "'n ltm g n nl1l ~II" 11I1 0n,hl1~ , 1. )\\ IV o f HI"h i' : ir.ho nl Wfl cl! or" pI"ent~, r fln I'll ar "r . II nel h" v,, vOllr property 1JJ s nred the t'\t.llte of OhiO. nnrl W {l 110 11 I! (' n I I " "I:lllotliu you e ver come to Mode nn , Tho .1 "hl1 \ V,i1 le r fill III ellRt of l L~II'LOLo n gllfll'o hn s boon \\'orkm~ ~to]l,lprlthee, andgn~eupon" THIS " guIIl Rt, wlnl1 111ltl 8torlll hy Lnrn y Ilrlllhn1\kingbuR1I1fl~~ , rnnkl1ll!lnlln '" Iln\·lol· tll£\I1· " UJlI!I,,'" III'On l or II" onlv Oll the hURt Reo lllltl' , m (' lmllng tho 111'1'''1')11 < \\ f'fl k S IIX)I""If'IW ... 1I 11ci P OWII , \Vnf; ' 0111 I".t :';lllu r,l fll' t,n l\lr~ III f) " ytUll f UI' s verll l wuek:! )1l1llt IlUNIII.1t o~' PEIIFICIJTION. Irun" . A~lll1t flr.·t rno' I.~lIgo un r OILI estnt(l 10(01 "h n t th n.v IHlf'III'(1 ~lItlJl'(l n\' A \ ' 1(;1'" ' Vhl)lJl f(o r tl\7 00 pOI /lorO I It. llii s 110"11 ""rn e whl(t of .1 !!n rprl!lo A cn r Irllil l of fillo lilc\Ult P"RI,~ fnr If yon bnvo 11" 1JI 0llev t l) 111'1"1 It, H11111g 1 1\1"" B o ru eo V e rnaI'll IS ~etllll ~ to lSUllll'" frl o 11d~ to !l00 him Btny Without IJ.SSUDllDg, nevorthele>ls sll io W. H. Mlldd e n find Un . Co r come In un ywny 11mI IIII' e 11 tn Ik I" lo ng \·ol .r 11I eo I l' fI t tl Ie l\f 10 1111 V 1\ I I II W U\' fl',,111 h " nil' f 01 ~o Iu ng II I IIlIe wo IIro known for truth lind verllo · t, IL 2jj win I H I I ulse would not venture tbe Lytle Property wllh u s Law and Order League OV uSllItn "lJJ el' t, IO "pArntlon Thu~e fuw wh n HLI II IIIlIl tobllcoo tty ~tlLtoment that tn tlmlolty tbe muu Clar e nce Harris, who .receutly sold By order of t h e Buurll 'o f Olrec '11 b E t bl' h d Inwly 11 0l fnrll lf'I I hllnglllg wore rllltnntlte en oug ll to IIltlilBU r Oll S1.'{ feet d eep the llltter Changes Hands. a ll of his farm stock. e tc. , n ear \Vt e s a IS e Th e Bdl unci H Ill m e 'l'eloph,)t.!11 ""et It tlowu I/I ~I week . '~, now tbo~e ""rt of lllst week ThiS WIlS by R F MIlKII Itl' p'" Spring Valley. aftet· s pending a w eek tor~' James Lewis , of Lytle . has bought at the home of his a unt, Mrs Cora ,'c "IlPII(lIP~ ur" IllIC I 1 uttlnl-( III II fe w lire huslly engngod strt )l)}ln~ It ILCturLl moosurement Ilnd It was ac MI A HINSllll , .l t A<:.<; MIo:RrtJ ti'fOU I'S, A 11IUV i}'011l Levi Lucy the prope rty on the Harris, near Harveysburg, started C. f,1!:VI I:; L KENS. ,-. I' f , I PlIlllllt II" ()OiltIf' r)l)t I t u OlJ(g'''" t "!lllliJl'l II f 'l,ltun H", " 10 1'0 th o rlolllir l ",hOll th a y Mh .lulli Illore pruperls be curute, unu the lust dllyof Maroh I" • lLg-t ' )l nl1\, II/ I ~ hN'" o l1 uIO(1. IhlllklDl-( .. bont Illllkllll-"b gnruo n. t d there W fI !I snow 10 the J,Dornlng, Eastern edge of Lytle known as the with his family for Califorulll. whe r e W . •I tin 1<:tIWQO II , NATII AN. J cJl\FQ , IY." \\1 1\ .IIWII /lnl N 'allv MOl'ford farm. Theiarm COIl- they will probably locate. II VU " V1 <l I Mr J B .hm Ii hfl~ uen cl'on 0 whloh I~ Il gentle hllrblDKer of FI("NK EI.noN, 'nAfl COIINKI.I. 'L'h A L .I1gl1'l Will htlVI I f(ll' It- ;; )lOC Till' ;;tnnn Ilulll r )' IIn s IlI rgo OJeiorR trn v; h ng sldasJIll1n of stock l!hl1re~ !:lprlDg, und WednesdAY wornlng tams 24 acres a nd aold for $2800. J N LI!;M'ION 'Cn hlllr 1111 obJent th o e n for com ent of I h e f' ,r ~ I \1~IIP.(j ,I"ml, "llIch thoy want 1bv tIll' coo}Je rl~tl VI mnclulle works PoreyRclIsoo wos exhlbltlOIo( (uloake. Mr. Lewis' son, Ralph Lewis, will Th e U1lltket 1I1lld by St. Mury's ' llmlny IIL\\S 'lilt! sille of IJqnol' to gct Ot1~, II~ soon li B the WCllt.hllr I of ' p rl n~lield, We I1l1ll er stn nd thflt the first VISItant of tbe setlson, and OCCUI)Y the hom {arm West of Ly· Ullild eaoh &tUl'dllY in tl\e frunt 'I'hfl Leaguo 1;< ccrln 111 tu lJo or pa. 1111 ts I hny e m ploy H I!rellt III II ny M r Jones recel "es f40 Jilcr mon th \\'IIS of tlle Il'u rter variety. and. this tie whic h his father WIll vacate. pnrt of ·J . B. Colemnn's stove store Sunday School Congll\ll'l,f'(l wllhlll II s hOlt tun e I1nllglLllIlll wU llw llIn now IlIHI tru\'e l!ug OXJl u~e8 MUll wns ml~ WRLL IU theoost end Mr. Lacy expects to buy a larger !<till continues oud frefl b bllkinf.{ '£ hQ wou tlI e r mllll g(l ve us UO , diS of tllWO vention next Sunday. farm somewhe r e in the xici nity of and cooking etc will he on sale tho re , A]J111 b' oo l" allY UJI" Y!lflr wlnoh ' ,J M . , tlloy r e turnll lom e I1tu r be t,ween nine and twelve n ext !::Int· Lytle. We venture the ll88ortlon tlll~t A touring purty of four S uu dRy Ladies Aid Society Mar - we nil e n]uyrd vorl' m u c h . I t WIlS dllY Ilftor hllvm g s pont nlmol!t t h O urd"y. l{et. ' su 11 It roh llf fr ulII th e HtorlllY, a ntire weuk In Duyton, snporvlslng never WIIS 11 son·ln·law held in hlghsch ool worker of t.)HI oonnty, h uel A very plenslng felLture I1t tho e ,' ad by Mr . Vlo tor H LIJCI', of Lo hn More Snow in March _______ c1ro.lry clll r ~ of Ml1l'c h, t h o \" ork on !:IolJl e Im)lrovements on e r esteem thlln Chnrley and yet enlng service Ilt St Mur Y'8 Ohuroh )larlldOxlCl~1 as iit ImllY bappear Levi Than all the Winter. JIlSt Sunday wos the rendition of n on . Will VISIt \Vu yn(>sv ilio n e xt The Ladles AHI Some tv of Il w M Iw \. J3 F Vaughn n Il tt.oolled tho 1118 town prop61 t v I II ~ul1dt~y . '1 I I·' E' 1\t , (ledICIL'ory ~. ~ r\·l c o f tll o 110\" ' Ijr l ~ :Mrs, Wnlter Kenrlok hll 8 been on is glad theMon n· awe UII neS8 oa 8 an anthem by Il quartette oonlllst~~. C h orch WI I III u lin , lIstOI' n r .' " , . I f I d t 111m tLW[\y fr om home oOClalllonally In the mo rnlll g tll0 pnrty WI ll ket In l,b H r oom 10 the 8t'lO P~ hUlld tlnn e \lnr oh III '1'IU\' l:illnda y. Apl1l l tho ~Il:k I~t or seve rn nys PII S , tor Lorm the grandohlld will not be Charles E. Michener haa handed 10 9 of Mlsl!e8 Belen lLod Olive P.,.r ·the Gazette the following report of .shll1J and MeM rs . Fred 13herwood divide up, one of MIO Rpe llk e r~ bemg Ing forJll Arly occllpl e(l by t h o 1st 'I'hny now hll \'e II ne w '\1 rls but ~lte IS n nt n lone In h e r lIill lotlon, oo nCo rted uutll he 18 on the Ilrm of the weather during: March: .In I1nd Fred Hendersoll . lIooo ulpanied present ut th e M e ,hndl~t 8 unduy K r Bokle r Fnrmtul'e Co , Stlturllu\- linn Torni,l o O~ tlll~ nbO\lt f~O,OOO' 1 for Mrs .l c nme Lllmb Ill)d Mrs ~ . LevllIllll we ar e inclined to think MI1rch there was 4.83 roches of ram- by Mrs W. If. Allen ot the orglln . sohool. o n e u t, t he Ep'sooplllltnd on o April 1 J . hegInll1 n g lit II1Il(' () cloo k II 1Ir1 I" pe rlll l}lo Ihe hest. CUIll ch wes t I B .Jo uos (11'(1 II lijo nncl nr th o d ooto r S gm nu\lll Is llOt much in Ildvance in fall includfng me lted snow. There d I at IlIIch of tho Frhmd8 80ho nls All kJnd~ of bllk lll A' .LIlIl couklJlg of Ihe AII('ghlLllIe~ bill It hy thll t l CIlI,' YOllrs to grnndohlld in this lOVing In tlle Ilfte rn oon ~ ' noclll Y so11 1)1 beiu 21X inches of snow fnll. ~he Prnctl1Jl1 1 painters nnder etlln t 1e Will be on 81110 ond th e publI C I~ UpnOllll11l1t lO n lIIl IIll ll MI'R WtJllllr Cllirk enter eOID pllnioll9hl(l, ns the [\fl\mty see11l, rainfnll for February was .80 WIth merit .md vlllue to b e found in the oonventlon wil1be h old 'Lt tho M E IIsk ed t o r e membe r the tllllC fl lIll ~ tnm cd un olt! IIc'C\ulllntIlDce, MrR. oth lIHltuUl. 5. In January there was ulle of Greell Sen I PlllDt. It covers cburoll ILt 2.aO. III the ov e nlug It Pleasa llt Ridge. G r ll:!c Rom lln8, fr om Cnrtllll gtoll . Whllt hns beoome of tbe farmer, 3 ~.,snof'rainfall and 10 in. snow m ORt, looks be~t, nnd wellrs longe.qt jllint rlllly of Illl the !oLchool~ III tile pill eo nnd cOllie nnd huy townHbll) will tl1k e IJI,, ~e lit, tbo M. Mo rrnw County, o n 'l'utlsdny 110U who II YOltr ago IlLs t montb, WI'S th~~eo was no snow in Decembe r . For sl1le hy ,I . E .TunnAY Miss Edith Mussetter Ernl'~ t Bnr,tC' rworlh IIIHI fllmIly We tln estlllY Mr~ RonHlIlS IUHlpr,e v. drelllled In thin gllusy aPPlUel with ' it will be seen thut · we had more. Mr. Roy ZllllJllllrman, brother of E ohurnh "t 7 ·ao n' ulock ., . • "po nt Hun llu v Willi Chllrlc''{ Frye II nu lotl 81y ou llell on Mr, ILnd Mrs. Cor· h lmd on the plow, was "gee hawsnow in Murch than in 1111 three of L A. ZllIlInerlJlUll, t,he grocer, wIll! Dies In Cahfornla · ifllll11l v Il{' nr WII.I' 1I0S\'I IIf' I ne llunr! Mr nllrl .M rs Fmuk C'iI" Ing Buck nnd git up Brandy, Bles8 recently re!llgn e(1 hiS pOSiti o n 1\11 It Spring Millinery Ready t he win tel' months. , . 11IIIIU me" Ilod ot ber ouss epithets too bookkeepnr in Iln Elwood, Indlono , , El t I I t I Suml10l ,' urfll('e nnll fnlllliv lind at Mrs . U. M . White's. l\'1~8 '(II II '1 u u~~n t PI, I IItl~ I ~ I FIILn l{ 'l'h(111111!'l lind fnnllly "Iw nt ~tUIl1Vs . 1l1l1 lJlJl " , ov el' WI1ere.I 1ll1moro us to mention. Why, he'll Services for the Week hunk, WI)) ~t,"rt, with 1I1s wlfA, for It has been th e cu!!tom fOI merly of Mr ,hmeR M\l S~P.t,t fl J', n ellr lll~ i:lul1Ilu l' \\\tb Phil t:>UI fll' I IIn.l \\<If" One CI111 l!l:llrCe s tcp ou t iJut whut crou ched over Il log hel111 In tbo at St. Mary's. Lns AngplclI UllhfilrOlIl. to/ ni g ht he IS m At by the lllteill gon oe t hnt ohllll1ley corner ot his Abode, work· Mr Zimm14rrnlln I'Xpt'lOM 1" rpuulin 'to hllve a speC Ia l day for a dis play of ItLlIlI. C'l1l fo l'l1ll1. dlel) A-lnroh ~-I III 81HI B'L r11l1llu11l1l ' oll u t\'. -Illifol nl .l , (11' ''1 go... Dflll g;hpI t y \v lfl, lind S0 11l 0 of hili frlOni111 111\ 1'8 th 01 . ing hIS toes 00 the Inside of four in U"lItorn lll llii I " "~t II ypu r 1I11l1 will mJlhne ry. Owmg t o the recent inw11111 ... r ~hf> h lld 10(011 A !!(I\· ... rnl IluUl(ht ~ I, 1>tISR Stellll , ~pent t;tl IJIIIl V , MOl( th llll nne huH tho [lUI)1I~ In jlulrs of woolen s ocks and the whole Friday: At'1 p. m. Litany, ~eni probn hly I. ,on te Ih pl n clemency of the weathtlr and Easter mouths be f')1e hO)J 1I1 g t., l e~t o l o \\Itll .1"l1n (irnh nlll II II U wlf.·. "f tentlsl Office and addreS$, s ubJ ecl' l t h !} i:1lgh Room llIlve thertlond t.hp pedfllontfit, en ollsodl n the heuvlest ,TolOl'ph C KIIl~r1nll, !l111I. lr of thl' occurrmg lute, ] WIll have no special ItPI flllhng hOll ltb , hor hOlly \\,11" RHlge v llll' nUluber 1M ,.I.eudlly IIlc r ellslng It fell boot the ml1rket affords Ilnd "The orde r ' for the Holy Coml!lunMount H, lIy. Nt'w ,ltlr",'V N ew ~ displuy . Rent hlHlk tn b OI IHltIV" ".n l \\11" .llI e.,l. Cfl rn,,11 1111(1 1' 11I1(lron "Jlunt ' cllnnot btl forot.nlt l with co r t.llnty g ro wltng beOllllse·l mefeot lire colu" ion ." WI1~ II vll<\t,nr III W"vn" Rvl)lA fllr II My well selected :;tock of r eady Saturday. Evening Prayer at 3:45 • . to-wear and trimmed hat.'! IS ready burled Thnr"cIJI\ In MIllIlI1 Cern o ~llll1rdll\'(1v(,Jl ll1g \\ 1111 Bm' IIOn EIl IIl I whe tlJcr it \\111 llrfJllk lIJi the sch ool 1~0l1 wont rl\1ge not~llnoouse Decem. Ill' n ot . berJ:llntlllg frost WIll be here Ilgaln, p. m , few Illlnr" Mnneln\' Whllf>~Iero he for.your mspecllOn at all times, and tm v ~nn " ll1l, tho HII'UII(lctJOIl III nrrl" hnrt, Rnd fUll11ly MI~. M.u~ , ,,tlf\'· \\lIS bm 11 111 e llJl . e re the frost of M!l.reh will bo OUtell t d dialmvitatlOll to one Sunday- Palm Sunday: Sunday Wtll< tho ~nn"t, of Mr uncl . rR Le v 1 Hnrr~~on ~,)J' " 0 11 11011 IhLn gltt PI" 1 M r .In,lIloll Lo\vI~ wh.o Wli S tllk~l~ the g rounu . "Yen. vertly." School at 9:30 a. m.; Morning Prayer l,Jllr~wrlghr. ltnd MI"" l{1~~la MArtltt andailnto :allo~ld see the ver y latest l/)tI (1"unty. OIIlLl . .lilly 1r.. l ~Ht, IIn ll HILVe you noticed the improve, Mr l{lngulln wnR 011 lion t,n O h\ll by d tr tl u . to-da te style ' and \VII~ b\' 1)1 of!'" ~lon II lilli-I t Ollr h!'l. /.11''' Cohn I:>a \ ' IIg- P, of linn I' Lv ti n. I ~ o sudlleu ly n nd nn llxpo tedly I and sermon at 10 30 a . m . MonullY IlIglJt IS ImprovlIIg I lont III Frnnk HILrris' house ? Be Next week- Holy Wee k, when we ttILI I1l1ntb of the IllInghtnr of biM in s IC y , e~ whethel' you wis h ' he I ell ves h er futhor tllree hrnth Np c nt Momlny With .111 00 h CorlJ"Il ijo mewhnt, thol1~h be IS l'lntb~r slok 1~lls tflken tn quite Ilscope that was follow the story of the Pl!-SSion a,~d 1'£,1" tl ve, l\lr GeorgH R, Iba rt" , of t~lar~rcl:~~~c n~t. P ric es very r eas - a I'S 111;11 twu ~I"ters, i)~ III ~ It lnrl(fl n nd chllch en CI r cle of frie nd s t o m Oll rn i h el r 1",,-, M/l~ ~'fl1 IIhllrl nTHllVlfl' :\ l'cnL i':i un : I1S y e t Mllny frlelfl(lS n,D( I~ lltllveyB I out of rl oor s 1111(1 hus torn tlle pllrtl. Pb ] Mns U. M. WHITE. Resurrection of J esu!! as given us 111 ollyt,pn. well known til mnny Ga '~ : woro in to seo 11m Uti ",n nl" . " the four Gospels. There will be zntte r elldertl, wh o 11IIHRed II wily Dna e, - - Iln y wlt lt Burto tl Eur nhnrt IITHI IUII1 , 'I ;ve e ('hurles Pl1rlett tlOll do wn b"tween every room Oil 11\ 1I1110llg \\ lOUl , I' • the IIrst floor save dining room IIIlU daily service at 3:45 p. m., exc~pt IIIRt weok ufter Il lingering IlIneSll (hlp (~D1okl y Klllloketl O llt Thr' HlllHl"orn n.t W ltln er 111 "\lu.\ , /L m l fIlii Ily, MISS M\Unlo LmvlR, kitclllm The otherwise commodl. on Good' Friday, when the service Th A fltnt.e of Olrln htls a Illw that " 801lle weAkH Ilg,1 tiurlllJ{ [he !-II) n o!wi ll n. E1I111111 . I'll1 h]l 111111 H"I' I~" t I"~ I (hundlllll Lowis nntl oth e r~ o us Imrlor 11IL8 three times the for. Will be at 7 p. m. . . COI'hld" liuy 81110011 bemg ollen or tIo These sen'ices are for Chrlsttans tng business on 8um\IlY.llnu It is 100r Vllrll wlUt,tlr wt'llt,h.' r h llth m y \\ I ttl Bn\\' II DI~ c ns .lr\J\ 0" Benuty I.ell tn nok . qf Lplmnnn , sllI'nt, ' Ittllnl l~ , It. \VII S flll nounood tn thI S column lII(lr. cl~pIIUJty by throwing bed room, II "nrl'rl~lI1~ Dls('overy IIntl NU ll flu )' wllh Put I UlralJ UIII I llIst wCl, k t hllt t he Epworth I.,englle sIttm g room l10d large porch on of every name, and for any, a~so. tlfYlllg to every good oiti~en tbllt I1ndmVhnlf oontrnolml "I\\'Hrtl (!Illd, A fe w I IIl Y~ tl~O tl ~rou l} uf tlt ll Wlfl' Il:inolfll wou ld be holrl III. tit £' h om o of Wost SIde all open oombmlng tlle who have not yet put on Christ. there should be Any question I1bout which " pe(1(1IIy rlavelllplil mill til( - I Mr" ""LIter Kmlrl('" 011 Frlllllyev rour III one. An open stllirway will Come and together let us not only the enforoemento( this law. And yet WOt!Lt kllld of Itl g rl)lllH with 1111 It" l1 e ~t, IIlforme(1 l)lflol'le Ilhnll~ tow n ml Ne rable lWlIll,tOJII"," SII \1 1O M, . • l. wc rh t1 1 "L!ll" ~lng' tim ('OIllPlVutl ' DC\' II '" l~II1IlJ ·£o rtnr.. c nlll)!. AJlTlII, I t \VilA lu ter ueml! lead the observel to another openread.the story, ~ut live the history t,he qnestion Is dlllOossed ID tbe oewfl E Ej.:leston nf Mnp\t· r.lI1l11h lll( l o\\'n bellut\' of tit" IIIUll )' ~ h" rlll lll lJ WOIll I~ n IO \\ or so thltll thf' tNl1ltl" "il ~() ,.1 tl hllVl1 It lit MI' ~ Oorn \Vtlrd !l JOg on spcond Hoor from till!! room of the closing hours of our Redeem- )1II.pers every dl1Y 'bother the Dlay 'l{ntlell lind j nlllt" 1I0hllll( . mll"ole" er. Come. • ors witl obev the wisbes of Gov Pa.t, Alire, h(lnd Rt" )J)lml UI' "VI'. lind n noe 1m III Wuynl',vlllt, Ono of the m e x nf P, IAII thnt IIl1ll e tl'.1 Illl' JO \, nlll' I rO~I(\ u ll ('!·. but no w Mlllce so mlLnv of thore flro do ors opening Into bed titlon tho t tim I:!n b hal.h day Rhn 11 be ruunlnl;: , with IIlttl rnllte 811ell. nf l'ro"sr't\ CUr Hl- Jl V t,o know wh y 1.1,.- '1'h"n 1 WflR IlIlvlH,·tl In "l'l'ly Buc k I th n vOlln~!lr 1.()II ~n 1Il 0l1lltl' rH h,,\'e roum" ~Illora All pretty nioo will I~ rl" "'n 'H Arnroll Snlv ... ,trill 1('"" thlln n I thll lllllrnps It hil S " mill thollrht. ull ventnro when finished . We hke to rpspeo t.ed, Why sbould thllre he Rn .v ohills and fever. We begll n n SlnL( ~tlllldllrli of fr' mlli n I"\'plm " Mrs, Ann Prater's C\nl'stloll' 1I1,out I~ mayor wbo blls Chamberlain's Cougb Remedy, II III 1LI~ HO r upldl y In IhlA Inon htv , why bnx J1l'r lllunnntlv nu r"(l Ili A, wrllll~ I \'I~n h lo to l''''l1 )1ono II IJIli<·fintt elv. Ree lUJprove monts goinll on In our vIlJlI~ e Ilnd Frnnk's euterprisc JOllY Ninetieth Birthday. tflkeu Hon oath to obey the law him· Ing tbe saDIe with II double d ose IIf o<J JllplllXIlIlI I' Hit ~n mnl'll (,If.\llrl· r . I. :; Nllpl o r , of l~lI~ IA R , Ky H n .. IH fir I1 lltll 1111 Ill ll \\ 1" 11 H)!lI lt1 I) nllIHIIYlllIJlLH II)!'V F Ohnk Imoulnoenhveto .o thers. stllf and to faltbfully perform all of Cbamberlaio's t3tornlloh nlltl Llv" , "Y"·KO llln c h hrlgltFlI . 111111 JI, ,,rlO 1111 w O\1JHI ~ RIl11l4 IIlld ~I\\,I'~ hk A LalIt Sunday,Aprill, was the 90th bls official duties obeylnl/; the OIIth he cb ttH k.. l"l1~hIJl)! rll"" IPII \~ Ith 1Il1lf{1r. ~ -IO ilt F t: fil, hw ll rtll dril l-( 1' "IlII11r'; Il1II Y' ~v f) JlI It! thll h Ollln of Mr .Iosm h Rogers Is the most exten. birthday 'of Mrs. Ann Prater and bas taken" Why ehonld he Will t for Tabletll, and by Itll lilte rlll URO l<O{J~I, he .. lth IIIHI \' 11(01' Ihon \\'('ro • \: Br gIRt 111111 MI " \VIII CII1I I1 UlI V, 'IXPOOtlllg sive r 0l11 es tllte dealer in the oity _ oompletely knn()kerl ollt tho t,:rlp her children, grWldchildren and great the Governor to tell him what to ~1'el1 III II,,· 101"<'11 lIllY" II WIlA fIn t n "11I3nll Il '1llIet ~u l1llltv ther e LlLst woek pnrohased the reSidence grllnd children repaired to he.r home dor Suoh unbluehlnl{ dl8~gllrd Of Sohl by F . O. Hohwl1rly. ally <11lClLiflll I, ' re fe r the lJluttf'r to Spring Branch 'L'IlPY were me l lit tllu ~tltO hy tho nnll i:JUl!III8SS property on MaIO St on Frimklin Road in Wavnesvllle and offiioal duty and pandering to IIlW, Drlll.! l! l" t, .IIIIlIHIV for hl;~ o plLllon _ __ __ "olllowhut stlL rthnl; IIlte lltgonoe of Will WrIght. Wit-hln tbe last> Crushed Corn. spent a very pleasant day together. lesllnet18 18 dl!!J:usting to every gooll ' WIt\,. I CII II IIlIl \'11\1 fO IHI I hll I ?-t ' " B,·t hun \' ( 'hl'lIl)\\ pI h """ ' t hilt th o e W(\ S IL CIL80 of tho \l\lllIlP~ few months he has purohllsed and Owing to a severe attacJ( of neu- oitlv.en. -Urbllona (0.) Demoorut, ,lrltl!~I.t prll IlIJlI\' 'It Is nil Iho 1'1' ' b"I'JI "11 th, ' ItMt tllll pll~1 wn nk nn rh e iU~luo. l3 e fl rJll ),l IU WlIld thllt now IS the possessor of five or six W e nre grindill J:( o rush c(1 l'url l .n lt ot II I" 'rllll" prf'~crt(ltl~l1-tlll' l \l r /lll rl lit·.. I"r " nk f) ',klll w."n \ 1I wu~Aprlll~t. thoy ducldo(L not to pieces of realty within the corporate ralgia MI'!I', Prater was unable to MIl.oh overy (In.y. W e k M Jl ~runuu fp tl,1 m ll"l, wlIl/fl.' l fnl [hllv"ev(l ~n 11(J \\lI l tlll'~l111I!II" gll\'''I~ " I V,llnk I :, \nk II I Ii., Aprtl fOlllmllln(lw(llltlllllnyhow luuits [\nd yet Is oontemplating leave her room, but nevertheless she to exobnnge 1£ JOU h,. VII TllIt, timo t " III 1It1 111\' 111"1-( "X I'I I. ' IH'I'· enjoyed the day Very much.. PAINT MAKING 10 11' 111 ' 1,1" h"I"I' II l'u r tI l<' 1 ,.II,'w' 11111 Il e" plte It all. more, and Welch and Dakin have purchased a fine delivery wagon, aU Besides her daug,lters, MISS Mary Bnl! reaohed a solenoe with the Wlllt. Our feed Axchllnl,;ll I ~ 11111 0) ' " Ily I" " t!. · 111 I.. III X" II \ I' t 1111 l:O ntIlIJl " :,;, Ii ,01 VIII Il' III> 1" 11 lt: "lid I' IIlII II"" I1.! P' " I' I M t " ,[,h O IlIIl S IJ rnhll1l\ h , H I,AI' 11 II '1'110 pll Rt w eok hUl:! been IL blld one )Jl1lnted in the latest up oolPrater and Miss Alice Hawke and Green t:3eal folks. T\le hlglteRt de. a toll or casb. ba sis If yOu lIltVO not trillu o nr c rll llh " rn.,!'. [ , ~pt 1~"1 \\ It h ('HI 1111 III olllll'r -lIiY"1 (.1' fl n lll ~l'IJlI"' th (' 1"1"( I\\'o fllr I hose who nr e C()11I1JOlled tn Drs, while W . W. Welch hlUl bouKht family. wJto make their home with (Cree of purity hilS been attalnOll by corn 01111 llIlUSOOlt Mill VIlli Will ~ny " lwrH t1\'O I n", I" I h/l ' I., ,,. I " 0 " ' " \\" 'I 'I.~ 1lI1l\" Mr Ebl1gllt of nel1 r MIIUllItI. Il fine rubber tire bUKRY for the lIer, t here was present: Mr. and Grl16l1 Seal Paint thllt It IR the tlnbHt (m ltl yUII' vel 1IJ1th"- I,11I I'lmJ1 I ~"",,, Iolllll'huei, I 111 h\ll!{lIlovedotlthe flLrm wlllcll he bo A lind Mrs F E MlI1sreturned Mrs. Henry Prater and sons Harry Fur 1I1I1l1 by .1 E Janney . sldl, ,\\ " I' 1I11l1 lel " ~1" 11 si llll" Y l llll I ,l lr • .1 C ·111'11 ,,\\,,·th .,' 1 1)~ f 111.1 purohllsetl from \VILl ter Kenrlok 'l'h~;sdIlY 'ro'm the home of her~IlW. WI~YIl""Vlllfl Mill,,; and Lee, Mr. WIll Cornell and fam· nIH .' XIs I \\ 1",1''' I JlI xlleo ", I'om e 111';;' fr nll l I!I 1)11111 \\ " " 111]11111 1" III"t 11111 TIl e dny lie olloso proved M.M b .. be ~ ily and Mr. ' Harry Corn II and Men PlIst Sixty In DRnger. 'r" lli "I~ '"r,' H :W l I '1'11" I" "" ~III A 1\'1,.,1. ;;1 111 ('"nI IJl """ Illl". I II .. , (Iuro bl t dlltlll'htor rs , am DGr au, a. Cf\ught Colti Whil u HlInt.lng Il Bll rg I ~ ~ . 1 II rllllly o ne Plnd being nnu e 0 Batavia whlthersbe WlLBJlummoned family._ Mqre titan halt of mRnklnd over 1 (l"V"1' ILII t he furniture up. lIluoh or 80me el' bt weeks [\go to the bedllidl, tlJllt I /1111 " II I hn11;r.tlf\ tl' Il(l ..qll H,ly f)f Or ~h 1'1 WOIl( I' Ilj 7t1;7;.ki.,... :wbo il Rlxty yean of-ap lIuJJer lrom kid W Th ~Lf. )rOVln 111111" " II I. ·.. II II ncl t ItI1 1Il /l 11 v wh n I '1'111' AlIp(lllsell 11111,1 .11)g I hll I pJl~" It F~I:"\II th oro u g hly wat~r son ked . of MIlrllCwho Is now happily reoov' , ' . d bl dd .:......... Imnlly Mr. m. os. lLn orglln, I . I'fln IVl'ring £11111 . II rlld"tlt Ill n es8, n6:\, an 1\ er IlUlOrners, u cial Cons~ble nt Obuplellu, Ont.nrio, Ill, VI' II ,ed II UNI 1lJllfllt11llv IIIIlJl,t ht I'll tllrltl1>!h 0 \11' VII lll ily n'I·,,,"lv h" " B. hurl n o fucl nnd n o t even an uxe ring trom a8(lvere siege of typhoid eni~rgement of Pl'OltA\~ glllnd ld I I I,ll With tll H n l"nlt. I uIll ~"I hn g It he,," th o c.lII"e of "" \'01'11 1 11"11" helllg to ou t I1ny with, so on S'Lturcln.y, ~neumonia and Charley 8htd~ker \VI"~ IlI,I" ' t .. Ilri vo to WllrlllUgton, . This'll bo'h paiolo\ }.nd di\ngerous, says ; "I caught a tlevere CU \V II n hJl.uled someooul Ull to him bas sold n. ' fino bay hortle at I•.flood lind Foley" KidneyOUre ' __)l",nld l1e hunting a bllr~IBr in the forest ILt ~fi (" "I "'L ]JHI ling" , IInrl IJll Y Ihe 1.l1 lml . M(lndl'y I Mr 111111 MrR 'L'lIi1l\\lIl< \''' 0 \'. MI~"e!C III II sprlllg wagon . SU Ill and is looking for a duplicate, . S I th fl.rtI I f d~ I swamp I&st fnll BAllrln~ of Cham mOlle\' IJllck If nt;J I ~lItIAllcd . pr ng takell tlt 8 til /t11 0 d 'h~as berlaln's "'ough R emedy. 1 tried 1tl FII \' II ml G loe He!!" "n(1 1.\' IUli G r u· and Brice Smith ~ill occupy 'be. it OOl'rects Irregn}I\l:'ltles &6 " •lUI ,... Iss Lincoln's W'Lnt.('(\ : Trn v'e lhn g SnleAmnn hum wpre Suudn y ."llI e l·s with W[lI Harveysburg. property in enst end of Mairi 1(1UlIl • Announcement. ()ured many old men of tbis dlllBalle, and after "sing two Amull bottles. ted by ClJl.renoe Bongh IUId ,~& .. ,' . " , 1 M.t' RodneyBu1:lIe'tt Rook Port, Mo., wllBcompletely oured" This rem M~t, fill 111..11 roferunoesl1ud invest 'h('JJO\~etb ·8a.vlng spont llulu,·litile t me it8s. hI I JJered' 'f\'ith enlarge- edy I!ltntended'espeollllly for coughs 'IOOv OU III hrs t cl u~s ~~I.; B~nds M d ~lr~ Ge(Jr~o PrlLtt ILt,teuU , Will Ba.rlll,n , of OaklaU(l, was Whetsel girls will oooupi room. r . lin se 011 1\11'>1 Frank Prlltt uoing business to the· vln"ge Mon. tllil homo' of Mrs. ' lsabel Uolif,ltti,_d. it the Openings In ~he ottl~, I am : : p~.te grana and kldney trou. ahd ooids. n will l~ogen ond relievA Sh,lury nnrj Expe nee!! pllld. 1'.xpe. .. • (h",y Be peaks tn .glowing terws Mill Nettie Evans oonternp"teII li: - thorougbly . apquaUnted " Witti ble for years and aft~r taking two ,s severe oold In 1088 time liliau. 1;Iy perienoe not reqllired. w e tBllob ed II !lUI [l1'l pf Okiaholllll and IndlRu Territory. trip to the BlllOlc BUlII,' D1&1w" aad all 'stylBIJ for tlpring and , .~mmer bottles of Foley's Kidney OJlie I aliy,o\her \I'8&lment attd 18 ·a. favor· bnl!lnesR lit a nI' mills. The Wheeling nenr CQrwin, unulty. , ~d ~ am fully~ prJ!p!lred , Co' ADSwet' feet beUer 'haD I Mve for 'J'enty 1te wberever. its lIuperior excellenoe Rooffn g Ilnd CnrlllOEJ Oomptiny, MI s~ FlorencA Lacy din ed SundllY Mr Ilnd Mr8. Ba~don, of Aurora 14188 Perkins wID becolDe ~piUl. tmU with b or un ole WllIillm h e no wetll , ImUllnll, are visiting their Hon.ln: ion to Mrs. Ii. P. aawke. all deman.d. and uetldll1il flp~ lmll. 1M"' al~ol1gh .1 am now 91' YlIIlrtl has b800me knOW,D. For lillIe ' by I!'. WheoU~~, W. V~I, li08Q' Ladler. vlalt me aDd lee for old ,,' , C. Bohwarb. ' yOU1'lEllvtll. GRAOII LnfOOLW, •
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' ":It
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alll'lIIIrlt .,1
UI. • ... of 'II .;mouUl,' nil Be IIIAI"'r:;
II. 1n1lowGct It at olle mouthfUl. nnt be looked aa thour,1f be telt Illut, and ltopped llhewlll8, and lOOmed to' be tblnklng, like a h, ...e th.~ wakes liP the IIl!;ht ' wllb colle, and reJsea tile IUIUI!}' to .It up wltb him all night !lnd IXlhr tblngs down his neck o ut oC ' a Ions-n eck bottle. Th e hl ppo beld bls br alll (or a.bout a mloute, a n(1 (hen- he Ol'oned bJs mout II 110 you <.'Quid \~III'i1 a w.agon In, and gavo lh o ~ralld 11ulllllg Sign ot dlstres8, and qpld' "W OW, wow. wow." ns plalJi na a mnn \lId. [J')le n hc rollell ovor Into II ts tonk RIlII yellotl " mn r d 1'." and wal10wC!d n~O \lnll . anti s tnor! all b ls henll , till an t: of th I, ee.,nrs went In the eng!! to try l(l 110 lhe him. He eha ed th!! keep r Ollt, lind Iho crowd Ihat bad just begun to come In feli back In terr o r. '1' hc r ,'as qnlte 0. ('rowd around thtl cam els wn tchlng them pellcefully chew their CII(\ ~. us they do at evenlu.; ' n lhe Llesort , aull tho Arabs \\'ho hnel charge t Ihe cam els were s tnnd ln;; around, IIOR lng liS Ihou gh th ey w ro thp. wit 10 l hlll\:. whell the old hlael, . t1onblu- ilumjl alllel gut III R 'I1Inrt Qt l,ors .u(1l&h ,I wn Into OliO of hI s stom· arM. a 8 h was kneell ng down on all fonrs 110 )'(111 d: "0, mamm1l." apd got up on ull his feo t. and kkked on Arnll 01T a I1rDyo r rug. nnd bellowed and gruaned. Tueu the rest of the
01181' wutetul aDd, eDd by .AllIne the I r av, of tbe dtunkaro or the SUicide. All hislor), oom blnea t(l IIrov. that too much 11Ilrury bl"lIf!ds o.JtrupIIIlD, tempts hltllvld11als' to cllshoUCIIlY. and me nllces Ihe very Qontlnuan ce ot a dominant 1I('OIIIe Thal wbloh ljlllllleued In t he dim ' pnst to Oreeno nnll Rome muy hllllIlel\ ro 4mertca In the tweutlelh c nlIIry at Ill\! hrl811~n rn , Ir 'Wo s hut our II),es fO I 88008 that Are ,given In IIi ~ 11I111)Sfij we hn"~ of th(! ~ Dlnrt RH. , (Cop),rlll'lll. l'lI)/l. by J O.'·» ~ B. t:lO ~' ~.)
Bbame tlgen -"",,,Mln'l
JOIeClh Hili. &he WIIII.yaD reformer, WilDt to the where the ment was teak 1.845 Blillatureu to lbe pledp' Ia laId out "'Oldy t f d l",em, nnd cu~ a a nIno d a VY' gospe! temperanoe meetWATNUVILLB, (lIDO 11010 In each pj[cce ot mnat and put In DO-'NOT THlNX :BiICHES AND va.. ID& rec.ntly held h' S ....dford. lilurt land. a dOUble hllndfu of 11.0rso.ra(\lab. anel TUE OA.NNOT ltABMONIZE. just t hen lila rocrler came al and Ro,'. Slli/elt~r ROl'1le has ... bll1lard 'I'bl Perp.twU~ Btruggle, began Lo throw thl) me lt In th cages . rO(Jw at WhlteOel d tabernacle London '1111& ijtrll/;Ille to g t uw,.y from no,'nnl- A !l!lno~lty of Our W enlth y Cltlztlna Gee, hut tlll)HO cnfonlvorolls Boyg tb Rl\ID'1 HQrn. !lnd 1i~ suys Ii rl~ )IU beeu- :1 gr III nUI" devol.,'per. I!lnls aro. bnd n~ugb. e"un If you bU B been the best recruIting ground I olud.ed In the 'Smnrt Set.-A Re~~nu \ cry buman bolog heen born glvo them 111<:0 boll (J slrlo!n slenlt. nnd for his churc h. I'"ut POllulnr NoVel D llJ)lcts tlle IIh 11 1l1I , ' C[ ~ JlOlin In blR mouHI--ll'll! they fi gh enolllgh 0" 01" It. al c.ny ~Ime, - n y, I\1r. Rowell of Porter, 1. T .. $illnrt Set I1S Cr u el And OOnul!t-' Ihl'ro Ile n nQ I!"C'Mslty )lut UI>IIn hint but when Ih ey hegan to che w ,md tenr wields tho sl ed go In . blB blnnl\~ mlt.h The Pictur~ Even It Overdra wn ' t.1 wlfrll - lh o ' klll ' wlln id s tili 1)1) In Its the m aL lin d ~ct ho rse rlld lsh hot from sbop on weele claya ond nltolldM to hie P Olllts a W ntlllllg-.A:.lIcrlcA MtlS ~ Ihe g r iddle thny didn't do n tllln~. ~nf n y. g" ),,, ll ll c ' .s, 11.,11 nv ryllody CHILDREN'S PARTIES. mluls ie rla l du ll es on Su a days . . 11 r~ It Dd the Les s on 01' SutTel the Fate Tbo nudl cnr e thnll!;ht th nnlmnls lftJ. Jl. til Ih l~ f'OIl,"r), 1101\11 hurn \\'o,'l1th)' CQtlt:ly murrted A ulta Curd ner lind 'um Do Not Make tl;e MIstake at Hav,.l!!' ...·oull\ I III c v ,.ylMly. ~'h e big 1\011 of Gl'eece n.r\d Rome. Acre In h is Illflcllsm lth sbOll. not e veu (llirij woultl IIIl nne or tile dink Ilges. Too Many Gu ests Ilnu Have Onl y got his moat doWn, b:lt It dtclt,l ~ot stopping 10llg euougb 10 '~ n sb hIs face. 'fIHO Vlls t r~Sllllru'~ ", nllr l ~ntl would rbe lind Boy ~@5 Att er III Mess of well. anti ho turl,otl 0. ~omer!lulJ lt. BY MAllOA lun Ie. !i;'N ';TER. liThlte Turnips tor the Menn gulo Simple Rc!,'oshmen t s . Falhor Uou let. n yen ralllQ OregO'l 111111 hI.! 1Iltd \'clo p" tl. 1111 ;;01,1 woultl unol snnll tl. 0. d pull d tho burs of th o These uC' liS who a~e out sId e t llG -Rp Feeds the An imals Horaeprles l, blessed wHit lln II blllldfll1CO ot lilill IJU In I h JJ)ln p. ~ nlld nu, sr~ot cage. whil e tho grl~zly bellr r olll'd up 81ll .1I1 bel alHI "hO hllye 11 11 \I Is ti> o,' ex\ Ol! as l, hOW III gll'C a hllel rcll s purty rndlsh , But Get s the Worst of the tills world's good s . Has docldo(t to dIllci t! ij wo"hl s tilt hI) In Ill n fOI'csl an,1 III n bnll 0.0,1 r(lll ed Ol'o r In his A e ' cetatlon "cl' to bu Wllhlll 1I.1!'J1II·e ot S U(~CeHH (III1I' In the flr.L pla"e :u not \lose of ~o m o Ilf bls wealth by bll lldtn<; Denl t no lIu~.r ry. 'l,'lI h aUllu lOw es mo rn tJ I WI tho men bad to hold on t th o COli' e only 0. ague IIl QII of thc Ufe ,t u!.Ike Iho 1Il1 ~ '"k a of" Itl nl'; lOO Ullin),. ebul·ches. He Is now buildIng' 0. chur el. ClIO I)c rpolllnl st rug glo " f m ll Il to ,:N "heels to keep tb o sh ebang from go · lellu s. Whllt Is "0.11011 th.! >IlIUJ' l set r'Oll,·t en IR a gu"d 1I1I1Ilhe, . or Lei. for III Blnlnc. In thnt Blat , hnd h a~ otferell YOII enn lenrn f'Ometblng new &n,1 Ing over Th e h) e1l3", wh nro 0.1- 11 "' llId~ s ••.• Iy a few om ong til 1;'· lillie Illl'llll, nctd a J;"e"L loal of lu~l th _ 31hOIlC-'l ot Lyudon to eroct 01\0 ""'fly (rolll IlOverty Ihl1 n III 'n nyl illn i: InteresUII.q ~ , (' r.1 cia) In a cIrcus. nnd \\a)'3 mUll. " on t on • tcur LtJ:Lt cou\(J !IInss ur AUle,lcu ns. mu.t of ll ~ \J'iIlS ,·ldu .11 "tl enlloll tr I o~s lllle hal'e UIlO 1Ilero. plU\ld cd only lhut t bey securo etHn It I. not IluI'c rl ), t1 " ~1t. but tu' a boy. pnrllculnrh·. can s torc his mind be h onrd In Iilll lllo tenl . f ",II ki ll!: 11001110. lu wholll cadi day two 11'lends to n s~ l sL 111 Ihe cnl ol lllln· lbe .Ite. en.,rl to g('t. away rroUi it , (h .ll 111111")6 "Ith usef ul Itn owl ctl gc. tbal will lie Po. and Ih e mann ger s cnme back In (I uti lif" Il 'OLl"n e of d utie s nn(1 ,vho QJ'e lIIent SCdl/:.iUU3" .I ~ " Uol n ~ LO J ertl SIJ' thu mnn . We ure &0 OO ll s llllll",1 thnt ,nlllalll e to hIm lu after )·our8. Futhe r Ir. Ra msey. a fter ~o years or the me nage ri e t n t with tb n nnlma l pe rl e IIJ sllll ~fle(\ I_ wo malt e !Joth 10111." "Droll Ihe hundlw, ch i ' r," "He,'!) Goo, but I have lenrned so mo thlnss la bor tn thn wilds of As huntlhn d. Af," 0 mUkft ollr greu te<lt nlln,.,s ou.1 Ci\l keeper, wlto uael !Jeen s ont for. anll O'tUS IUcc t, uud hU l o II. lIltl~ u, er nt 11'0' gu ro un,lllt o Mulborl)' bU . h. " " LOlltllnt I could l1el'er haye learne d In colrI ca. Is spc\l.ll ng a brier vucutlo n In t he our best wO/'1t while ~ lnI Sg llllg 10 ntth Y begllll to try 10 flud out what I the ,,"I uf Ihe year. don at'ld&e"n 'l u" l'uS~Y wanlsnco t'nor:' UnUed t5UtIC9 Ono or his experlooces lege. 'CUIIS" at oollege YOU only lenrn t al n lhat wbl ch th e hCH t 10ngH for lhlngs th~L haye to be vc rlfl ed - by nll e,1 Ih e animals. and tho anll1l nl It \\ Quld "o t be rllir to ijllY of the II1'e nl wllYs la vulli es \\llh Ihe children WAS whe n he waR cnptured by th t'l It Is IIn .cllca lly ImfIOR.IU le fur III<lSI aclusl ex~erlen e In business. Po. says keeper naIled what. IlIl hnd boe n feed- SlIlllrL Ku l Ih"l It I~ com lJo~ed of the a nti novel' s~ elll 10 Ill.O t h 'Ir lIo,'olly As ban tls, wh o. wll 110 th ey nllowed bln;peuple 10 ronlco their lI . nl\l s t e xert"'" ' one )'eur In the circus will be belte r Ing th e m. and pa said ho hnll g h ell Idle 'I"h Th ey, too. are, ln the minorMost of lho s:\ nl c" III 0 mal '!! Illlerestsell nnd family freedom during tho tbe m th olr grmJllI1 turll l p>. It)·. A g,onl nlliny \\ e"l th y lIIun II 'IJI In l( tr lllu) ed 10 11I11 ~ lc. W1UIOUl Imlle ralho lJ et .. ~~t 1) to tlU - (or me thuu ten years In a ref(lrm day. bound him In Irons every ni g ht. "Turnips, Indeed." saId th e ItCOllor . womon ure ItnYllung bur Idl e. Th ey ProvIde n lo\\' lab le wl,h tho red pro\'e Ill . condlLlon 11\11{ has "fl;~ d IIlr Ha mscy s UlI cn rrles his 8 b ac ltl~s ns he took liP .umo (If th o tur ni p and I wll as Sll e nllo lls ly us th e llltOl e~ L. Ih . y t'llItI '·8 . ""ch It R 11I~ u~etlln l.lnu.' I·!;nrtonll < mnu o nwnrd a u,l de\'e loport th e slolllina nbolll wUh him on his lrJlvel~. l us ted of It. a nd he haml ell a h anddu II gleal dcal or good. o fte n without .IIHI InlHnl clA"S Su rllla), "( hllC, 1 roomR aoIl sterllng charncter of th e wh ole Hev. Robort Hurl oy Is the on ly COn· tlll lO pa Pa t as ted nr It. nllli pa oSle nLUllon. unci Ilwy II I'C not l'Oll 011 Red cllllclles. with II buwl r . ,·url et race A you III born a:ld bred In I ho bod a hot box, 011 Ihe man ag rs lnst c,1 tbe edge of Ihe set allou t wh om we \l owe , s , Oil cnn<lI ns III tht' (Il k, In rose grugnllonnl mini s ter who Is n member mld sl of luxury . wllo nns " Iwn).' of It. aad Ih f' Y slIlll. "No \lomler. ' \ Ilr thlnl;lug. 11 01.1 1"'8 IllIItte Ih e tl\ble "e ,y ,1I'ctty of th a t fum ous LOljdon club. t he AtheJcnnp.d nptJll others. w hn b US UCH ' r Then hey uslted 110. wh c re ho got It, A wuwall may wenr sables nn d dlU - Smn ll ,'orlIIllPC,· h(l11l ""8 rumpt " ,. IIUlIII naoum. nnd he Is ulso a I'" n . I6, It l'J heelt obliged La n~bl hi s wo)' lip to nod 113 solcl h e seul 1110 to order It , mODlI~ go 10 ~urolle eve, y yr al'. II",' hOllhons. which 81111\, 111 lie 6 11 1;:11 IlI' lllle r- curious to rollcct t hut whereas he hall m Illlo Jl world-wldo repuilltloll as a bl. OWlI loa l nnd wh o h :l ~ been eo,:nnd thon the)' all salll . .. rhat set- J III ' Ical ~ I c~ aneo !lnt! etll !l uln roynlly 1 IIIIIlI S fn.· Iho w ~e );II I'" IS tl" S It." allli ~ 11 1I h ~ ns s weet !lu tl s lmJll e UIIU Pill ce ,·" "Is 11111)' he nllule b)' PJl~tl n l,; III nth pmnliula n. Ilo Rho wou but little died fruUJ hi s Infan cy. r:Irel ; de velol'9 I tb oughl I \\ould go '"ny nnd JUIJIJI Il IlI le us hel' neig Hbor who mllnngl S 11 O" lnly "hlldl s h plclure. o n red rani- IlIlUltl ue for JU nLhenlllllcs ns I' boy, nnd grML Slll Ul lnB or SlUYlng power, 1-1" In th o river. but Jl!\ 30lll . He nner; . I small In com o with econom y !luol mnl es lioo rd . \l ~ I II~ hla de . ,,;old nc whllc Inlt WIlM U bororo ho roolly kllow h is mull ~ like the we.1k sapling 11\ the fo rust llllllcallOll hlblc. come Il cre, my angel." and ho s pit Oil brlgh l her lillie 1101110. for lell<'11 1I 1; lhe II Ollle nnd flu te compared willI the gIant allk whi ch Hov Chnrles Stel ~ lo. wbo Is Inbor hi s bllncl ~ ancl ,pick ed liP a barrel sta\ o, It I~ lIOL what we have, but wbat we In"I1~lluu ~ fllr chlldren'S p>lrlle. n ay rcpres('nl a tlve f(l' the Prosby lflrlnll b It. fou g ht ve ry In ch of lLq way u(t I weill rIgh t up t o pa . as Innocent as nrc lhnt OIal,es Iruo \\omnllhood live ly be wrill en Oil Ihl! quaintly (leCOlfllCd ItU : church. Is plannIng 10 have Ule PrOLfrom Morn by strugglin g with slorms could be. jus t as nny dutiful so n nou chllr mlng A lUun nllly ndllllnls · por th .\I ,'()JIH!H CHllhC'l ally fo .. th 1)\11'estuut ('hur ch cR Of oneh Inrge olty SOlnn d tenlpC5I.ll Powcr b Ill e res ult at should , anO rI ght th oro before tho ani- te" milli ons nnd he liS gootl onO l rlle posP. or s!'CIl Il ~ 1 v.Oll. n ole JlnJler mIlY Le le ~ t Il fro ternnl delegl1te at l he labor torco overco me Tile J:lnnt Is mad~ ma ls anci trelllilu pa - well. Iha t's th Bnd hOllo"alll e a9 tllo pumulCst ch ll. II sed Hef,eHhmmll. s hou"l be simple; unlolls, nnd In ll1rn a membor or the I roltg In wresLllng with dlmculLles. r eason I am no t s llllug dtlwn Yery III hI" employme nt It Is a dan ge roll 3 plain SH lIdwh lies .•·,wo.t :111101111 crllckunIon s Is to bo gl,'cn t he treeIlnm DC mllcb these Ilays. So lo ng. dortri ll o whi ch I aches thnL tho 11001' ors. bre lHl HL1cks SUllie Of th e SwIss Ihe mlnlstflrs' mnod ngs. In thIs wa y It Is Impossi bl e for ono wbo doeli 001 nro he tter Ihlll1 Iho rich, because of milk chocohllcl! a re ,IellrlOlIS liS bonIha,'o \0 strugsle and to tlg bt obstacles IlOVOI'L),. 0" tile rich worse Lhnn han s Serv k l> c, cnlll n rnm~ltlns IIml Mr Steillo hOP ~R to brhlg6 tlt e chaRlIl to develop flbor or stamina. "To lin' LOST ARTS AI\ID DEVICES. their bel we en lahar o r gunl7.nUOnS and the tho )1001' becnuse of Ihelr wealu,. Au- there ~ h Oll l 'l hI! s mall ClIlls nnd s iloons. Without trllll Is 1.0 die but hatC " chulcll not Jnv ntlons of the Dills for ellch a ll IIrc APPIO lilted by tOmo hlles n,'e Mnny Have Boen Abondoned Beca uso man." Strongth at charactor is :\ dc \'Il, nor ore s umjllllous hOUSCS dens th e mO lhel's . whil e pnp e r nnpkln ll New Knowledge Supplnnts INTERESTING ITEMS. thing whi ch Illllst be wrung out of obo f Inlqlllty s hould a lso be ~)ro vhl ed os the chIldren Them. stAcle.. ovorcome. Ufe Is a We who b3VO n!) acqualntnnoe with ' love tho g,'), ~o l tlrs, eSlle~latly the In)JThe J a ps Invented Iho t nn. i:ymnasllllll. and no man who sIts 1'1 th e smnrt ~o : exce pt 11M u\e svclelY c. Ull eR (llteN Ih nt como fo ldoll In slll111e ot .... merlenns Ilnve th e best eyes Not &s mu ch as we used to. but oe· umn In Ill e n~w ~pnper8 r epO"l Its g()- ~l1lll1J1ls -Mu,llIlne Merrl :a ~hl1lr Bnu wBtches the parnllel ban Th~ Oamel X1cktld an A ra b Off a ltug. HOIlS, on un ayeruge, IllY 90 eggs a caslo nall)' , even yet. 0110 hears of some In gs to and flO . Its weddin gs, dIvorces and other nppnrallIs ever develops wonder acoowlJIl\shell by . th e ancletlt~ and remarrlnges, have r cently ueell year. muscles Or e ndurnnce, A BUTTONHOLE BORDER, ecbool. But I learne,l sometblng yes- herd ot camels seemed to bave .walwhich cannot be dOllO now, says tho nflorde(1 a peep at It In the )lages of A clock In Drussels 15 wound by t118 terday that mad e sucb an Impress Ion lowed lhelr dose, anel they mnde Rome Sillentillc American. a pOjlular nov!)I, said to Ilo wl llten A Senseless Fad . Nc. Decorati ve NeedlewQrk I s More wInd. en me tbat I will not be able to sll howl. This scn rell tbo IIcople over t!l Not so many years ago It was <lult~ hy (lllO who bas had sllecla l 0P ll ortun lThe Ch lnoso oat annually .63 du cks Favored Now nnd Alw ays Com es Ollll ot tbe commonest expe riences down comfortably before lhe season Is where the sacred caltl e were t rying to olliece- ' I ~ et n pious exnmpl o t o Lhe r est of the co mmo nl)' usserted that modern worlt· ti es for knowing wbereot she s lleoks 01 t he medIcal fraternI ty Is t be <over. i u Well on Fh\llnel8. Tbe condor til es at n bclght at s Ill: You aee, It was thIs way. Once n by thol r meek a nd lowly con- meu could not 'luarry or, having quar- The gllmpso or lbe s mart set given IIH Jtypochoudrlac wbo 1maglues himself I'led , cou ld not hand le sto nes as large lu this romnnce Is dIstinctly depressThis borde r la suitable w be lI'orke I miles or Ilcrself 'k nna ' demanas tl'Oat· 'Week It Is the cl'swm to t eed all tb'l. d uct. the monolU.hs ot Egypl. nnd llle ln g, GllIherln" auout a ce ntral figure, I I Eggs 600 YOlirs ago sold tor two cent.. The sacred cow got ber horserad Ish ns animals that are vegelarlans a. meas wrIter bas h ea rd a publi c spealter of " on Ille t'dges cf lIann el pott COll tS. nm ent fo r wblcb there Is no II'OIUIOD. J. ' of ground white turnips , 'nause It first, a nd 1 could sec s he was trying to note assert thnt It woul d be Impos91. tbat of a bcaullful orphan gi rl. are funts' IInnu el hend-squnres. o r uny fl a n- a dO.on. Wllh many pe rsofta-"women, ,perbaps, III Munich each Inbllbltant drlll'ks a m en anll women who seem to have I nel articl e requiring a simple YAI opens up the poreS, and makes the hOld It wllhout giving the s nap away. mora lban men-lt 18 a fatl io beli eve anltnala feel good. like a pollUclan till her husbnnd. Lhe bull. got his, ble to handl e wIth modern Implement. abou t as much of til e milk of bumnn qu ar t Iln d II Vlot ot beer a dny. l hemlol ves lSJck. They. glont ovor ""bo goea to French Lick ,prlngs, and ,Well, It was ptUrul. and r mnde up my Buch Inrge ston es a s were used In thC! kIndness In dlelr veins as wol ves In a Tbe eartb casts Into spnce n conet heIr O"'D sulferlug8, which f(lrm the h\1.8 the whisky boiled out of 111m. Att- m ind 1 would nev er play a joke on pyramids, or to joIn l hem as perfectly pnck . The women gamble. the men do 6baped shallo w 864.000 mil es long. . chlnf lntere& o'r :/.heJr lives. Tbey , r 'the anlmeJs have eaten tbe turnip Ihe sacred cat~l e agaIn, 'cause It seems as they are joined t he re. yet. wben oc' . worse. As for any ethIcal standard, In medieval times cats were so scarclt The bull lIual1y got casl(ln a rose, Inrger slo nes than any ol If lhe "House of Mirth" Is to be Irustthat to k ill (1118 lu volved.n h eav y line, "orA thl'r trteuds ",.' tb Jtheir ailments. Dlusb, they become agreeable, anll like s a crilege. these we re quarried In 'MeJne, and ed. It doe s nol exist In th e s mart set. Burmnb rubl es, Russlall beryla nu'l Tb"y an iIe"er -80 bavpy as w h en pes- will rub against the Iteepere, aud cat his hO l'lleradlsh down. and h o was t he A N E AT 1l0 Rt).EH. most aslonlshed animal 1 eyer saw, some at the larger monoll lhs . tbem- 1Ilen and wom ell are openly or turtlvePersia ll lUQuolses are severeJ ly th~ t erI ng & doctoc' for medl oln e I," !tIme, .[Jut of your hand . strong fini sh . Th e ' o utli ne s hould be I bad been wIth pa. a dozeD times He swelled up, and then bellow ed until Lelves were tra:nsported, not only ttl Iy unfaithful to t heir marriage vows. lVeo o tton. they make t hem selves sick run Ollt twIce with soft cotton, thee bes t. 10 lind a plaCe whore we conld get 11 tbe cow lO(Jked as though s he would the sea. but across It, nnd erected In a marrIed man does not hesitate tp No less th nn 10.000 elephants arlt by ," DlCllLAI tfuggcaLlon," or whatevor worked over In butt:':rbole with Oann nt England, l'''rance and America. anll take a con temptible advantage at t1Je few barrels of turnIps grouDd up fine, s. n k through ~he ground, eaylng: "Ell:It mlY >tie called, and Iby peralBllng In and .so yesterdny, whe n the boss anl- c use me, dear. but I am n ot to blame, ther e Ilre Indtvlduals to·day who might b elpless ness or n g irl who has been hi s em broide ry silk or sort mercerlsed cot· elallghtered 'lDnnnll)' tor tbelr tusks. In tbe Fl'encil, Itallnn and Span Is\) • lazy, valetudinarian ellistence. In- meJ keeper was s Ick, and tnmod hid because I, too, have a hot box." The It they cbose, cause thtl erection In wlfo's InUmale trlen~ . Me n Imeer at lOll, or which lhel'e a r e ma ny excelten : wIno lands tbe Grapes al'o stili lrod de~ mllkes t o be. purchnsed Slead of ."'4I1g au .active. rational life. job over to pa, pa wId me rIxI PI .(Jut bull acted just as buman a B could be, this country of th e largest pyramids, I r v ir tue. thin k t IIe worst of each othel', wltb bure f~et. But more -o~ Ithe doctor :18 ,naIled In town, at Lynchburg, Va., and get 'cause be looked mad nt her, and was or build n ew o nes ten times u ge and of tbe \\ omen who are theIr klnNEEDLEWQRX NO~ES..:. lIpon tAl prescrJbe tar a patient whose a couple of ws.shtuhs full CJt FQund goi ng ttl gore ber to death. when lIa and more durable. PyramIds are not dred . Chivalry lis appate ntly a lost being generally built nowadays, be- I al t. Honor Is a faint mirage on a rebo b TART ARlO ·TRUTHS_ only aEied b ~"erclsA and open air, turnips, IUId have tbe atuff _ t in to and s(lme of the hands came u p \l.Dd causo they aro not In lin e with lbe . The mara ut fans are eauUtul, but wbam it woulI\ he Impossible to the menagerIe tent In time for the hl~ him with a tent stake, and swore hend of modern ambition. that's all. , mote ho rizon. A girl Incurs financi al liome hllvlng s Ucks ot real tortolsd Wben a man bas n~tblng e1se t~ It 18 very doubtful It a " Oamascu9 o bllsallons from a mlUl. and .~ence- s bell, oth ers moth er of pearl. p ersuade dr dd8. Such people demand afternoon performance. 1 8I't a boy at him, and he quit flghtlng his wIfe. to go with me. We hu.nted ~l tbe JUBt like a man. Pa wanted to know blade" would Iitand half as severo forth becomes more and more entanTbe ba t istes and dlmltles offered to ' boast of he bORsts of hls anc ~stor8. m erl lolnn. aJ1d medicine tbey will ha~e, Groce ries, and oouldn't lind ttul'lllps what In thunder was th e malter with usa ge as a mod e rn band saw blade> or gled In a web of du pUelty. and In 12 and 16 cents 'n yard are s imply too When rl shirtl ess man dIes bls wife'. _h e blggor I an d viler the doan the belenouJh w make a lint P1l)'men&, but t he au.d wan led to koow If even as mnch as the spring o r' a 40- mes bes which fatally ensnllre her. Her attracti ve to puss. They co me In 11 va- res po nsibilitIes decrease accordingly. t flr. No .bomOQI)jlthlc ·cures ·for th em Sballlng dice for the drinks II lhe cent clock; while tbe ornamentation of Inte.nUons are not ev il, but her very rlety or design nnd colorings, lIfORt pb Ylllclans oblige sucb pati nnts any Unbloached Hnen will be yery POP\1 ' extent of Bo rne me.n·s physical nerthose wondertul blades, so far as tbe Inability to co mpr ehe nel that b y pr418er1blll g 80mB ha rmless bllt Ill· mechanical execuUon Is concern ed,can values beyond tbose tbal are fi nan clnl lar for runnbout frocks and the blouso! else. • , tas lI ng 101"lul\6 and .gl~ lng sonte good Lucky Is the poo r man whosO' be exce lled by apprenti ces and ama- are known In tho ,world. complicates are usually tucked to yoke depth llnd advl Ilo. hopin g .thus .to Inllue nco lhelr teurs of la-day, • the situation for be r. ~[arrled women ombroldered 8pl11'lngl), 111 some sm nll troubles don'l hoth .. r blm an,. 'lDo~ mlnda and. lead them out of ,the slok, than h is fr iends. Of the " lost ru l" of hard en ing cop. write com promi sing letters to men design . por I\tUe Is hnard of lale years, whom lh ~y meet socl8ll>'\ who a re supAn OrIginal bracelet oonslol8 pf a sen T he mnn who mounls tbo wllter ' ~eal b&&IIL though one (lccl!.slonall)' hears a posed to be tl'lends 01 theIr hus bn~dS, serven t, the b ead an d IIn9 of massIve wngon "exllerlmentally" II Quite aura U tULly nf Civic .Art. t " 'I!.<IIIDg from t he wlldll wtsh tbat he an d In one case. Ihe mnn wh o Is m ore gold, th e scnles Of gold and, s ll ve ~. to fall 01T willingly, '1'0 make uLlUty the vohlcle o f ·bea,,Imew how t o do It IlS well as t!}e an- n early a gent[ 'mn n lhon any Gther In each one sot with a dllteren t precl(l\l Y People who try to ge~ billed to ty IK u cltlef e nd In olvlc art. Use clents , and , while It a perhaps re- Lbe book, sim pl y tears s uch letters In slone. emornld, opal, eapphlre nm e. rI ches on tho,sbort line ftnd thlunselves gTcttable t hat Ihe doesn't. his ignor- two au~ w snnR them Into the WOSt thyst, sa rdOnY1'. att. ThIs hrucelet C011 1 routo(1 throllgh to ruin, Ilurt beauty hn " 0 lao ~omll\oll ly beon ance Is his own fault. basket. There Is harrlly, 10 tile wbolo around .tbe 8rm from the shoulder tJ It ollen happeus thnt tbe mnn who I'egarrlerl ns lI Acet!5arlly sepnmle.1 atMany nrts and deylces have b een eLOTy. a chllracLcr who could decoutly the elbow nnd wltll the present dec- mnrrlefl for money n ver seems 10 ha. 0 trltlJ\t41s; lh lngs 01 ulill t)' mlJst be aban doned because uew Imo wl tdge IIIllIlI mUSler among Ordlt\8ry me n and oletlO styles and s:m~1I shoul de r strllps. as mu ch ot tb e rcady as 'the wan wbo (:oIllIno~ laoe , nnd It ill Iml1l nte rl a l It ha s mado them useless, and tlm'l women, tbe two who lire slI p(toseil 10 , nfter tbe fnshlon at Gree ce lind Ihe on;- work s t or It. t.b l! cnmn,ollplaOP. Ibe .ugLy; ,1l.8 I' ery ppe nt in re4!.cover lng them woulll bo be patterns Of. goodness bclng s lngu· 1 plre, has lin extremely rnsclnntlng eC· Wben a woman hIlS matrimonial . eleo " gll nes., IOuys a (Wrltor ·tn Cen tllry. Tho Illod ern In rly deslltnte of humor and comDlo n feet.. ....orse thau wasted . 81gn~ on a man she tries to Iteop 111m J1tnt<'e~ ue Dpprec.lnlo nil Ihe mOrA t he outh hnd much b etter spend his time s onso. A nouve aute fr om Paris are rum ps (rom tblnklng sho thinks he Is n't wl1at b(',uuly oJ IJtlll gs rar.e, kept Ilreclo us BlUd)'lug the art ot hi s oootomllorarlO!l It the Brll1ll·t set be IIki! lilja, 80 I' m nde oe loather, whleh nre sowe,l be .thln ks s ho th inks he Is, .01111 3 (ta:rt--tJI3t Is L1, e vi ew Ih o ll1ul Ll- • t han thllt whlch Is " lost." h eartless, so oorruIll. ~o cruel, our con- a roun d the bOttom of t he skirt to prolusion Is l hD.! li S cnreer. must be s horL tect lbem f"om the dust a nd d irt or the tlldll lJ ns h" II loll to ta lIe. II n,1 fro m Wil l/ill evon II1I1I1Y IIrllSIS JI l l' II Ot cx, BEAUTIFUL _NEWFOUNDLAND There Is far too milch essenllal reality . streets. The rum es or mode of lealhl" OR' A'NO TO LIVE _ d"eel to mlllcl, th e . _____ • 1n Amerlcn l O e ndure very long thnt I o' r nltJder nlc wol"hl emllL It W .I~ till olel · fa ~ hloll",1 CII:l ' .. , 11lnl In 1~,\lnto al l tb e .nl ,·t' 1I,Ings 01 • ~ted of It. Sceuery So lI enuUf'.ll That P arts of whi ch la who ll y false and merelrleloua. color of Iho go wn They arE' fll lled 011 And the Lnst Laugh Is Always the th o hnuS('_b"ld .1:0 I be ,beat .room, wb lch It Vlll with Famed X11We aro r I • • to a lelltbel' bund whIch Is IlHadled by llest, Vi as 100 pllodollB 10 lIve 'In . ,But tho we 'found a place wne r .. ;tIbey grate I hud led aem Ibewml\l8. and t 1la..0000ey. 0. n 10 believe, however. m ea ns of billions and bUtton-holes t -, '1! ho rseradlsb Clnd botlle It fIIlr <the mar- told him they b ad eJl been ted, 1Ul'l'l that th e pi cture Is ovel'dra.wn. Tbe re the boltom Of t he go wn lu Ihls way "Six montbs Il~O I wou ld bnye D""t", II 1....letloe jM 10 ,mnko t ho wllolo kel. nuu I orde r ed two wasbtubs ofu:1l Just t he n the giraffe, whoso neck was In loohl ne ~~r )'our lllaga.zin e I \IVaI mU~l' lie Il ehlnd Ihe Kllk e n portieres tMse fllllIo , Ileed only to be worn In l8u ghecl at the Idea that th ero CO\lld tlOlI ~O a~ lirauLl fui as ,pOSSible. We at ho r~e radl s b grnteel nlecU', nu,l sent so lon g the horseradis h dId fla t rell eh lIurprl sed La lind how lillie menti on U'", ve.lve t ltalI gl ngM or th ese exquisite the s treel 'lIld enn be ta llen 011' :10,1 be anythIn g beltor for Il table oevel" n o" su.' Ulll t ju t ltec:UJ"e th .. "best to tbo te nt , but I made the man bUt U vll al spat I1S q uick us It did wl't.h l is rtjade of Newfoun dland: wlt.h almos t h omes some wlto hnve kept unh arm d brush d nlld ele.ln ed They prutect tb e l ogo thnn cartee," writes Iln (JIlIO WOUl r u"II I" WI'lIt unawed. It s ~o lll c nts . It us ground t urnI ps. Iho hlllllO. began to yell fur the po_ unlimit ed gnme, both fis h Bud to\\I, !l ta.ner Ideal All Ihe YO Ullg wom en ';OWII belt cr Ihan one lin Irnngl ne. ad nn-" now I Inugh to know' there Is." (1 "'''"0 11 I)p.lIlL1fll l. renll~' m.I"" Il U Tbe boy und I pluyetl all the lo~e 'Ice ancl dUII"e arounu. Finally he tleer aoel bear. tor those tttat go far wbo go to Fre nc h d ,' ssmakers a :ld well a s g ivIng th e requIred s tl lTness to "Since child hood r d rank colfee n~ ch .""lJ<,, uf .Il,,,mrs. A fa, ep(1 lamll- /'oon. nnd wheu the mUll SUl.1'ted with stood on bls head and oe<:k. with his e n ough . wr itus IIess le B(lgan Oow wan, wea r gowns tb at cost It rortun e a'e 1101 hold u'~t a s ktrt wall oround th o bot· f reely ns IIny other member or Ibo t ,lIlIy Will. u~Il!I "." IIull s III .. I,.. to for the groulld borsernd lsh for the l em. heels agai nst a cage. and roughed IlI<e III Recreation. Ill.e poo, Lily Barr, who tram ba by- tom - l,;hlcogo News. fnmlly. The result was a puny. slcl,. we went nlon", nml 1 In lrau uced thE! he had , ._ caught IlDcumonia.... III'a sale And BeeUel'y 60 beauUlui tbat pa rtl hood had Hvlllg btlell Lnu g hta lJte t.hatortho only Iy g Ir I, Bnd as I grew Into woman, b,·.,,,ly So uule •• ,the ·ye • .\1' w(tllted " Ure wort!! WDS dl"Jllny, lIan d Embroid@ry. t o • lip 1"'''''IHul boY ~oclIlg It 0 0 e\'e ry man to pa, anti Pll 0 K,'d the .bUI. nlld tu the ""S8 canvasmBfI ' .. .. c ...... hat of It ylc wIth Inmed KlIlnrney. The I t.ll t hood I did not gaI n In h ea lth l but wos se nt ,hIm to t he trens ur er after the do YOll Lhlnk o f t b at?" Tng ged grand e ur ot Pe to b arbor. or tho am a It II' Ie bel l r In di e BIlII be Hand cm brolclc r) Is IIsed wt' cnel e r II afflicted with henlt lroublc, a weak t;iJhl. re~ l d "UI In !Lhe lunst "Ollll n"n monoy II wns g(ll ng to get au I.L uu el;. 'fh e zebras hn tl th eir 1=lng nex t beautif ul ba y ot Outer Cove. and the dune ",lth It thall to be oul of tile Woman en n l,ffM<I It elthe l 0\1[ or her •. nd dl sorclered stomn ch, wrcoltllli t illn gg. bC<lut,y >It "'lB lI"'" e:lJllluL lie bent a nr! "otch th e aulmals ell.t. ,but lind uttc r they bad uwall owed the l~ rol!!t hills near Logy lIay. I may be fa. lJlon. All Ihe men wbo und erstand own Mklll 01 f'''DI lIer pu rse Some nl nen cs nnd a " euernl brenklng down. 1;1"'" '" ,/.e Hllull' sN .\ 11.111 \(I W<lolr !l a said . " He re . you lroys. get alit Ta ll{ln ~ of bansen d Is It. t h cs neve r ~ al d Phrle ju dl cle db ' I h I IIl e UIlS .l.1Id downs of firln n e and Ihe des,g"" are ve ry elllooraic Tiley .. t' U4 nve no scetn IUI)'- j wlloie nn,"es [ll e spells III cunjure till Ins t winter Rt the age ' ot as I b ... e t II r - " wor d . t.un t ,.u~.gan to lun oroun d II"Aft t DS' l' e ured I Clrr bu tt c :nIe~. In Iin y ij tlLches. "'''' seem ell to be on Ihe verge at con Ii i fI~ U S'a l O'e<IIl of Klule. lI o III h ,.lI I1~S , lose 11lIns Ull'1 par tl o n u ut •"" 0 M come ~ ear h em. I h ,_ I - I I did Ob ,e\\ N f0l1J] dl alll.) Wlcu .. .. your beau- nll)a w t n'... 11.11,1 I' mn , e . ur" not auel ,vldc·IlPIIl!d bu"kllL< Wll h han ell es o\, el·· sum ptlon. My fri ends sreeted 01" .JlhJOItDJOn 'Ui HOld JUlllLiC 1Illtldttl g~ DIps au d IHI. S ' em aroun d j liS.' 86 .,. cu" ...., ane Ing th e Ia noers. an d '" b en t h ey I a ,'laclous OurSOl' lI el,teW cro wd COUles In, 'eause aft er \.be Alii · !';ot 10 gO ing It looked li ke a I,aleldourul ba}01l6 ,md sh illing eree ]I •. whe lefrleu<!s hnve n 'rlghL 10. I,rote51 agnlu' l flo wing wll h IlCt"le• . but sl mil ie r d,,- wlUI :Row bnd you lookl What n terTh~rl' I "-nll~,'ii :S" It ~r. nli;! jJ h lh,.n ph y .- ve h a ..." a mess a f cu t '~ee d . ~'O p e, an...., Ib "X I ze IIr~~ I00 k e d Ilk e Iu sa I mon an d t b II tlIe tl ~ s lt;nR. whll'll ca n be done III home nn 'l rlble color!' and th is wae not very ma Is ,.... a goo d ang- th ch , cp,os rn tall ve III Ibese pages lhat ('rc ) w"~cl 1111.0 t.h.I. Ul:hL p.lragr,lp b they o;re ,bette r natureu, and 5h",,' oil 11 million. Pa snld I ne> e r saw lpn., spcd'\cu uout, with Its ftrm. prof"s" '0 (1 ~ I,l cl wtlh lruth Ib e s uc- yet ... hlch nd, 1 ~o mll cb to th e cleg nnLr comforting. How (on l· betler. f rnnl 'Il ~ 1 ("gIO~ JJe ra ld . Ruch a "11:h l ~In co I UMl' rJ to ddnk. 1.lnk fl esh . a l!ound . I orten wonde.r ee.sfllt cllmlling uf one of lbel r mce t o ~~; ::;nleIlL. co n. lst mere ly of n vine "The do ctora and lin tent meell<l,nes h h IS wnr ' \\'.b.nt Is blIt· ~,,(1,1 of It.. I WJl£ ,prelly lea r y ahoul f_Ilm g ,uut I ha vo elthcr got th e j Im-jams., thnl lIl ore lo,'en of flne sport don t th e perl'll whlcb . eemeu to Wm a Ollll g did m a abs olulely no good. was 11""1 why KtlOlfloJ uaUoUll ''' " ''''lIt 10 th e aulm~ ho rse radI sh . nnd . ·unlil IIr sum e lhluJ; n\\I\l1 h as bappened to visit lOll. TOllsall Is an Id ea l place so"1 fo r big ambliion NOlwlth s tnnd- - -thorou ghly discouraged. thrl< j(OVernlllPllts r ll lng till W.,I<'r, have pnefm: red to hav e SODle one tJl,l~ mennger lc . 10 spend a Slimmer, Ils beautlful see n- Ing ti,e me lnncbo ly ' muddle of Il all . Tnke PI'etty PIGllt Stnnd . " Then J gavo up coffee and com. 111.11 do lI o t bcloag to tllPlII? On r cl se UO 11 who did not car .. UD Ih e ccl'"'lllcu bog go t n doub le elo.e. 1 @ry, tile olu·fash loned h ospitality at Ihor,' I1Il1sl 111I)( e r s hrcds of human a rom mon st epladd cr. pR int menced Pos tum Food Coffee At ftr st ,~o,'lal Ihllll' with .... D!Jjn" L IC!i&lII ill" , live any Iion!;er. but I sa lU ' "Yes, nn d he H(I" ealed and cou ldn t plet; 0111 Its people leave noth ing to bo desIred. I klntln ~s8 an(1 "om mollplllcC goodness In It green nnll sc rew on sma ll ,ustPIS. I dlrtn't lik e It, but after a f e w trln)" <l lr." jusl lIhe Ihot. MI! tOll ched mJ l.h e r igh t ('a rd and th e n I be lIamns And the n, In Sellt e mber. wbeu the lb e alllart SC I. so that Il ran be moved eo. ll y. S la ntl ~ Ih ~ KU" ..... J a l.HncIOe "'a ' . '_lIlng- LhplO bat to II&- .nnd he sale> to Ihe boB~ 1,;01 hu.y on ..their portlu,n of boree · partridge or ptarmiga n comes In. whlLt Yet t he pl ctule IlDln llJ a mo ral and the nats on Lh o sleps Mine hn s Rand tollowlng the dlr ectl!,lDS exnctly. ,,, Iho lace tll Rt Uer.... :ul y "-'II I 1' J., ll c. M.1lV n5 I11QD : "Tber e's I buy you can TJI,II ~ h . and ltiey c ried In Spnul s b, an,l ~J1ort W go up to Pettigrew's and out Ind icates 11 warnIng It Is lik e a el a n. lJQsk et 01 run nIn g " In ca on the ton It was grand. It was retreshlng nnit \\ ,IU I, I ,p ruy 1Jl ""Col I'" " c,l ul: .\0 OIl"JI 8 By/ear by" £load on Ih elr bIn d legs Rnd sheu 10 Toad's c(lve. when Ib e s hip. a point I; I s llmol un th e road We. In Am erl . s tep whkh hangs down the HI,l es I satisfying. In a couple of weeles I rfo. IIclt on l. n.1 Bee ... Iuoll "" Iltt .qu ldceK I Th e boss CIIIll>vusma n !I8Ild' "You are tenr s Pa got ao raWed he looked t en out t' Tt tbe barrens us uall y fini shes t De ea nr c strllll ng torw ard nl a tre men- put the s mall slips on th e low bact\ tlcell a great cbnbge. I , became .lIlve WIlf 1(> Ih e olhel 'Alire )Ull, JI,Iy r lgilt.. old DUtJ.. but l! he ",'!lS mIne, I ) ea rs o ld" r t han ho d id "hen the tri p. Then lhe love ly rl rle hack nmlds t dOllS pu ce. We ar ' hC"umln" nomadic: s te p The Slund ~an readily be rnoveu stronger, my brnln "'ew clearer, I wns I " lO the d Iffer ent windowl ... · r ,01",.r Atpk,lnsel '" "(lnl rl k ill hIm "0 qui ck It wou Id ma k e a If:J' noou performance opened The such scenes as can Duly be tound bot conlentod with permanence and not troubled wHh forgetfulness as In you r head swIlL'" nnd he pa we nt maJlJlger of t be big ahow ca me In to I among people lb .lt boll fisb and farm Mnbl1 lly . wIth humes tbat galhe r to For Brittle Nalls. coltee tim e9, my power of enduranclt ,II sc~mi I;' I,e " r""l &Ju l I ll' Jtv~ r- off 1&lIghlng. but .1 th lnl< Lbq laughe d know why tbe e le phan ts bad lI (1t been for a llvlng lhem'selves Ih e Rwec tn eSG o f fonI! ILSSOwas more tbon doubl ed. The beart rural ~a" aSMilMr 1I~"l' r 11£)11, ", t ECnl Jnto tb~ dresslu" t b t Ru b n II lti e ~ kln fooel Inlo YOllr nail s l bl 00 SOIOO ",-room. 0 e go elallons anel th e glet!'y Ilf o hl lradlUo ns overy night. It Will kee p th e m rrot'! ruu e and Indlses tlon disappeared ." Ilupnlnted ~3rn. bU I a .....o n fI' It I. Well., we look & .spud and PIlL about ,rendT Inr Ibo ,gra nd e ntree. J ust the n Anhll:lls N.." Graft. -"'e nre becu mlng accuslOm eel to a a nd my ner" es became ,teady and n hrouk lng. We n I' u !mlr of old gloyes INlulCd It GtI'I' ' t! ~ 111111 a8 " " IllIpJ\)' e- • quart of horsera4i1>h In eacb pan. an.! th e e Iev tInnIS bega ll to eat th eir horseE,'en the anima l world Is becomIng ml g r:ltory llfe, when you work strong. lllilUt, IIIl(t h" r a l..'s the " a l" ,ltl .. t(J pUt t he pan s III frou t of each ulmal . rndl sh. lind wlJe~ tbey we r e driven Infected wltb tho tendency to proA man need not be B multl . mi1ll(ln· "I began to take an Interest 1& '111 It • ,vll nl III l Ib l' fllrWM .110 aM YOll .oughl to hu e seen them rUM ,nLo the bIg t\b'£ tlI" y wer e complalll- m(lte graft. and th e ftdell ty of t"q dog, alre to own Ihree or four bom os aud To K eep Young, thlngl! about me. Housework and aboul somethi ng hel nS' wroll g In- long celebrntml 1m sons and 9t'•• y. has s "enel only a fra cllon or " 'e yenr In An (I to home-m'o klng became a. pleasure, IIfy foil ' 8 t"c '1 ,;,111 011 decidE'" uo t 10 to r lb e ~pposed tunsips, like tl drove In!; I" f tb I h b I " U 1 got back to keeping young l "f latUe after salt. 9 ue 0 elll . an( as t ey C41lll! ' y t 10 8uccumbed In !.he preva tllnll' moral nny of Ihe m. FllmlUes. not or the tbe very besl of commo n tensa Is ro,' friends bave mnrvelec1 Ilt the Ilbllngl\ .,.1 t. "The boy lind I got 1111 o n the plat- lernon~~ 5L~?rl , tb ey Beemed to he epide mic. As an lIlust raUo • . tbe cose Bwanset nre too prone t~ dlsl ulegrate. live ry woman to look ner best eve ry lind wh en tbey Inquire what . brought ..... (orm with \be tre n~B . to be In n 8~ yellin.; FI~e_ ') hen they all stopped of a Savage GreDlt Dnn ~ ..!!'. Bro(lkl yn '1'l1e wIfe and daughte rs aro IlQ L Ullwlll- mlnut( of ber Ufe. It' about, I atiSwer 'Poatum F'lod Colh oulil Ilf' no pu rprl ~ h tl Sil IImllO, lJld watch Lbe al1l.,,18. and see nt th e atl'nd Ilnd hf&'lIn to drln~ lbe who mad e fri ends wltb the burglars Ins to lel tbe ocenn roll for .months fee. and nothing elBe In the worI4:" ):ItI ~ ~r It • tlp)' j'!" O tJ iJlIll It bow lbey dlgaled tbelr (;ood. The lemonnue out of U,e barrels. Wblc~ "ho bro ke Into bla masler's Bale which !. together between themselves. nnd th e Wb!lJ1 S!J~urned. Name given ' by POltum Co,. Battle ",lUI lir.( nnlmal 10 open up lhe ~rtl8 wns , ee med to Pllt ou t til e lire. he bad been lett to gt;.rd Ilnd challed : ba r 6-wor.'Jng fath er. who lB' bus y nc- . It badly burned npply a little IImq Cruekl Mich. ,,~erylJD' " Iht hlllpoJ)Otllm"" 'cause we geve hltU TJl e animals quieted dowlia little, and off the poHcllmen who came , to cumulatln!. .nore mlllloDs at home, water nnd s",eet 011. Let :t 'rtlmalll There" ' a reaeon. Read tittle , about IOII' 1)lIar Ul borae radbb.oo JIll "Slit Inlo Lbo bIg teDt ~I coD. lIlt. reacue. . f ount.: men >00 early alloweil co ntrol until the sieln stops s marUn&. hoo~, "'l1h. Rllalf to. ID
• IIIcIn. ............ ..
~--------~__~~~ · ~· ·,..~ ·t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Si I
In the evening. To th!l, . .. o~, tile ' NO REST NfOwr OR DAY. LAUNDERINO FLANNELS. center rOll~1 wa s tied ," rllltr-ell' oilville But about WILh diamonds. A,l,.1I. ruil DirOetl.onll How to Solve the With irrttating _Skin BllJDol'-BaJl" tully solo ' t eI m~ment roses ~andt je,vJlI Began to Fall Out-Wonderful Be~l!l!rult PI ~bl nl of IlA.NY ClU.NG~S Vl!: BEd fell at I,.a Olgale 's ,plro\)l)~ f~t; 13}n nltets SntlsfactorUy. sult trom Ouiloura Bemedlei. lIlADE IN THE BUSINESS. Late ... on he stood .on~) u~blltOne, ByJ&ANNJ.'1:nH. WALWOIlTH wailing ror an upwotd' borInd' cat'. be 'ro l'll, ntl r flHun ul1l lu tb e winter Is a "About tb. latter part \If Jul), my .,hoh, body b"~IlII to it ch. I did not tnke muoh fl ung the red morocco; '1\ $ )",'0 an IlIll ce 'liob~e ... s uuuy dny, whe" pesorlptloll of Some ll'p-to-Dflte 71 .. nptlce of .t nt first, bu~ it began to \let (, llW. u7Jolc.b I; Ilowlu. as b recel ver H e laug hed II n"lIlas(lllt· " there Is lit I mol tUl'u In Ihe nil . li nd worse oil tll o time nn~ th on [ hegllJl I'll ceptacles nn d Trnppillgs for tbe About to s tart a bU810e99 leHer. Mr. Iy al It le t t his ha neL As a. J.lQacel)'lll.k· Yhnke tbu linn II 1M well to I;'t ali t 0.11 get unc... y ond tried all kind. of hoth_ .nl! Dead-Coffius Now R ....e)y Teddy Yates glauced at the big ClJ.l co· el the olivine rlug bad mlsollrrled tbe ,I list I)(JssILJle 1 ha n ma ke 1l1nth r othcr rcrnedlc8 th nt woro r.commended, Heard Ot. fnr .km humon) bu t r becnm';' wone 11.11 dar OVijr . his rvll-top desk and ilIlld, • Nothlnw 60 slow-mo.n ng IIS .~ Btro,el out nt Slltt. warm wDl r by &h.\\'ln,r t he lime. My bnir bega n to full alit Dnd under bls brl)nth : "By George. so It car cuuld co ntain La 'CIsal ~ and her whl,. cas(ll e 01 o llIeI' \>lIle SUII" hit" "T here was u time," sn ld a \';ew my ecall' itched all t hc t ime. ESllccinlly IB " omotlons lhat ni ght. Wlth .1l. 10rg· Lh e .·l1tel fi nd le ltlug It melt. To th ! lit mnht, Jfl 8 ~ a. lloon n8 J woulc,l got In ndd two tubl eS llOu utu's or unlllll)nln. UI' Yerk Ilu d naka r. ac co rdI ng to the Sun, bed IIl1d got wo rm , my wb(ll e body would Wh ich. beIn g Illte rpreted, mean s that dark uls(er bu t loncll clo sely d"c r "he~ .... hon everythi ng auout tile · und ertak. beglO to ,t ch ond my hnger nnil. would the blJ;. pill flgll red cal IInar ha,l r~· gaudy stage 'ostllme, ' !jh'11 W~)it> hOI1.\~ OI\1l or llor.u. to a s mall lubrlll or SII US. It Ifrilnled, lind it ,~•• not 101111 bemin ded blm ot hi s ,vltc'H b lrtlltlay. ,nlll In s lat e In II abo Th elflll 'el hnd It shOUld he Qulle Wl\rm. not b oL OIIIlV lu g busl ncss wns pretty so lem o 'nntl keep In w ose . dnys we lIa d nil fore I could 110t rest n 'gbt or ,jny. 6.'•. hu wus ~I n cl that the r em ln el r IIIHI not 8uelrl enly co me lu t o a (orlu ne · Ari' lu· Ill e fabll ' UI' lI utlllowll anti sq ueeze I~ sombor. friend n.lwrl me to try tb. Cu t lcum Reme-· tome too late. . OXlluusLible lonuue. t lUl I 10 .h· ~l (ljn gnntty , novel I Ilbh ln g It elthCl lI[1on (lIe 6U(:\.1 lhlng liS bU I'l nl ~.a.skets, bu t di eR. nn d I did . OM the nl'llt .Jl rlic~ti Qft '''An nn bel'' wn~ a great fi tl cklor ro r at a rose . J' • : ,... . .~ bUill c.\ 01' wH h the ba nlls Nellh N eve rybody WIIS bIll lad lu u :omn. a nll h ~ lr <d me " nnr1e rfull~' For obnul fou.. r wou ld tak" a hot botb every lunl l'p,rsary observane:eH . · especially . Arte r til cabman ha lL ~Iil IIQIj~ c'lIIC~ s hou ld Ih" gHlment be 5ua l,cel In WIllSI' t bere wlls n 't OIu ·h "al lot, III the co r. ,vecl,s ni ght on,1 th en II.pply the utirurn Olllt. 1 lho ~o whk h 1Il 'ld e tor tdbute. sucll as Oll th e s id ewall. or II s bllhhy ,· ,o ~ s· 0" r ubb"el with Slll1p. Soil ed s pots ma y fin s. mcn t tn my wh ole bod): nn(1 I kept, ~e t " We did mal(e t hem of lll~ho gau1 tlng Lct(er. onr! by ; tI,. ti me J used rnu r Chrl ~ lm n8 . blt t bullya nnd tll ll lik e. Lo wn 8!rl'e' s he hnrt s tlll..qulLe a jOlt r • be lig htly rulJbod wI th u s mnll hru s h. Alao. bpl ng ~ounl! aod hontlso mc. she lI ey (0) malte bc roro s he wu s Ically at A second tub of wnter th e sa me ,e m· nlltl ot auk. tu be s Ul e. as well as ot boxeR of Cuticurn 1 '\V[lR ent irel y cured.1 nnd m,' hn ir Rloppe<i folhng 0 11 . D. E. wa s not nYCI";" to tho gllttel" of a dill· hom. ./ pOiatule of thll nrs t mllst IJ at haud . In plae, but a comn was a corn n. whateve r ntonken "hi n. 3 1 ~ N . DeL Sl., Ind ianapull., "At home," In a Btllrry ' 1IIM" fl a t at whi ch t he nU llllel Is to bo plun gecl nfw r you matle tt of. lind It w... s u un Iversa l Ind. Oct. 27. 100.'; ." mou ,l rlllg or the seductive cbllrm 01 pea rls the top or a II ve·story tenernC IIl hou se. Il ls s qu eelell rrom the IIrst PrOl'eert lu Symbo l ot deu lh . "It had the uccuwlIlatod terror or S eemed ll'nllkeJy, . th e s um e mUllller os hefo re. The J;n l'· 'I'IIIR tim e It mu st be some thi ng Imr At hu mo after s ho ha d ope ned .\lle 4~rj She- I Sl'e that in th o preloc" \«> yo .... Ut'ul!lIly fln e Someth in g whI ch would very ,. ~ orlly and tf ptoed In he r· ment Is now half drl'. It It I. f rec' l n ~ uges ahout It. and It was ~omoth lng 'fnlllme of poom. you aay yo u baveo't ·&u thaL t he li vi ng g IlI g about t belr busicomblue tile mer Its at n Ileaco offerin g s pallJ;lcd s lippe rs.. up' ~p n , I c~ ld It will I \lIn th e nun nel to 'II)' It Oil enf'rll)' In th e worlrl . • n ess dldo'[ wa nt lO see with dignit y ot a rite plulll ed . ln flont or 1I0r: one .w lbel of doors. In 'his ,·uso, or e l'en tf ILIs not lJ e (Ivuglllngly)- V••, hut thot Wat be"Now It's (IIrter li t. F ully three- fo rI.! the book wos pubhlhcd , J • ~ He wo uld be glad t o wipe Oll t that t hat Lbo' stals COlfl d s hine In upon a good dr yin g dny, sus pcnd It neul UIO " Why, bo ~ 8OIOB ODe ,re"d It'''-8traJl qua rl ers or I he peo ple thai die now In II ttl o episode (lho\lt J(lCll PllIgrce Ot A s uplng Amell ot \tCI o se u B/ ~II , hoat In as dl'y a room I\S 1I08s Illi e Tho clll". II ro burl ocl not In ('O tIln s. b,,'t In Storied. all tho URB OS In tho w,lIltt th e Jealous th e s mall r opm Lu Cl galo turned the more qul cltly It lI"les lho b lIrr nss Wll 8 th t! most rltll culou8 With a IUOIll 1111 hl Ah ' . tloel .. beut over che Slow ,Irylng me" ns ruilln g 1I 1lt! stUf· bu r lnl cuske t •. whI ch li re U~ dlrto r e'l~ Cures Rbeumfltlsm and Cata",h~ . sen ee or rec urrent temper h o turn ~tI 10llnge. In lL voice BfI sol~ a~ ' B oolilg Ing the rubric OIl! yellow nllnn el~ mny Cram t he nncle nt cu tJIn DS It Is pOHslbJ,) M edicine Gant Free. Serlollslv. I logard resolute ly tr om contelDl,latloJl or Mr dov e's s h e ca ll ell a na IDe be pnrtlll ll y hlNI h ot! by usillg. horux l o r lh em to bo Scnd no moneY-.ll mply wr ite and try; burial Dot.ll i. 'lIIood Balm ot our expcnse. DotP in gree as nn Irritant to fix hI s mInd ,\ ."'ron\!" then plUls ln g a carcssl\lg and hy washIn g In t htn 1I0l\r at.He·h Wll- tbo III\'entor ot the ' mod ern BUle Biqod Dalm (D. ll. D.) kill •. or de- . a ll the se lection. hnn d o.v e tJ,hc head of the s leel.e r. Mbo ,... . SO ME OF THIl: NEW HATS ter Ono tab l e~poouf\l l o r \\hlt e nonr.[et Us a uenetacto r or hIs racil. .t ro). \he po,. on 10 ue blood whi ch! "!I' ball ed III eaob qU a i t of wate r, III 1)\I,cA lie hns al least ro bbed t he grllve • o! on u .~s t IC awful ncheo 10 hack and Aboul· . HIs off ' rlng s hould be one of tbose k nelt hy h \;l sl<ll>. j'TQ.IIj" dcar" WU.KIlllll"'n .o;,, noye lLl es In gems which tbe shops were "1" I've gut something gl'eat to te ll lon g ' we ohall bo usll ed to t he caslo ns th e big plctnro hats will be af· ot soa p nnd rins ing In (he same t hin 80Ule or Its ter ror. der blades, shifting PO lO8, diffi culty . ~ "Ill Lhe o ld days the CAbinet maker movlUl! f1ogon, tOCI 9r legs boDe pall.\lt, making such 0 blalant bOllst of- an 0 1· you" ,.. I';ed'tlln gs tlla lt' al\\ uys SIlTing up jusl fected hy thc·· talthrul . t ew. and oC sta rch will go tnr toword clell nln g th e \'ery lik ely comb In ed IIndClt'lklng \\'ltl1 swolleo muscles ond jolOt. 0/ rbeuulatllm, IYine set about with diamond s. or a "I 'm not nalse p. Ka~>:.t' 1~.»' :l s Just R8 Lcnt I~om\l& t o. a closo . .oud It Is th ese th ere a re chnrmln g mod els; (I snllo w color o t t be f!!II r men t. or thc foul brcfl tb. 1I0wkmg, SPltt:ng, drOll" elldy th e "wedding ga, · big bla ck chip with broad brIm and To Iron fi nnn el Is n serious mlstoke bls ca bin e t bU8ln es8. and mnke CO mn!! 1110gB I~ thront,: bad h ea ~lO g, ~ped" lIyin! comblnntion or b erYl ond , pink 91\P' \yl nl!' he r e thlnl<l ng wh"llfB. ~f!Cd bur· well to 10 hIs buck shOll Now 111 cllle>! rew berore ,be eye"1 .11 pl.ycd out fc.-IwK 9f. phlrc. Annahel lald.trcmendoIl1\:8tr e~9 lien I "RS on lhe best""t ~yea. It men t. " Ilf lioon .WCd dllll.:.. a clot h low c, own, Ita trimmin g fOllr black It Intertwines and mats the IntllvldulIl "ould ha ve be n belLer for'y~ If th.o f pl umes thllt tnll tor wn rl1 a nel back , h a irs 80 thllt It Is full ed UP ond there ul\dersta korv make tb elr own Ilo mns catarrh.} BO!aIlIC Blood Balm hna' curedl on heln g ate bUl,ldre<l8 of CII.ea 'of 3D or 40 years' otand.. ,. I k I t d I 'd II nn r.nstume of UH>. li ght color Is aIlllTO' .1 bl The ml\tter ot purclll~s lqg anti of ra III ng ur c l in P.8 Ie , cnO I u IIrlate, 11~ '90';"' .. ' would . suggost n bls. rrom a la rge IlDo t ot t .. rquot se ue , Is no WI\Y or IInrullln g It. In place of a nd nil cas\te ts are-hia tlo In grea t lag: ing n ftdr doolOrtl,: bot apring1l and pot~nt. markin g the little 100rocr.i' C8Sll malle. !n 'lI Y eyes 10 put the~ out. h fall en • rt): . . , ve lvet, 1\ Inrgo straw·t olored salin : Ironing It , If tlunnel s are h110g evenly torIes, eq uIpped \\'Ith modern Wi.' medl c m ~. hAd nil fBlled . M9.~t of the ... \ f cured JIlItlc nto hod takeh DlooCl D~ lm a8 .. him Inte In g~bt.lng bo~. Ho hasl ou ~ml' s kull Instea d tpldi kno' cd DIY cult c!,I~ ~, III ~ IVI~1t braid of th e very sott a nd Ills trou s, and a little to. on the lin e, th cn pulled ~ut smoothly chlnery." "The re nre carved cas kets !ine last re~rt. It io especlnlly adYl. cd for only a margIn of- te n mlnllteB' ln wblcb b'l"l)ln5 out," ... • same Ib~f.le) B~ld t rlwm lng Is . Ie lIu th e h' r~ of th e front two\ plnlty c ream an'd llaced unde r such Jlre~stl lfe us the cbroDlo, deep-scated o.oe.. Impos.,ble (or to dress for dinner. He went directly "Now you are talking' IIKP ' a fool. eX len !lJva l'y~ ~mllioycd- th ts scason. roses. Ch ln'on drapIng 'and th e 80ft cUlth es bosket. with Its bur,len for tbe WOOd. , cas l, ets of a lumtnum. CAsket! any on" to l ulTer the agon ies or 6ymptoma . t o his dressln via tbe cblld re n's Tom. and I've It gr.~t nvtlon not t o Lell boOI on strictly tailored gow ns anel scnrf promise to be favorltcs tor trim· next day's IronIng. It wl1\ be fouml plusb DOve red, or covered wltb em- of rheumatism or CI4tarrh, while or afler . taking Blood Dohn. It Dinke. tbe blood nursery. a 8 was hl8 cllstom. >'OU my gooll n e",~:1 " ,. : " ~ .. ,,. I '. Ofl \Jb~ \ l illalJ9rnte. · With tbu mlllg. ond th e rosc tbe (aYO dt ll flow· next momlng l hut t hey nre smooth bossed v el vct. ond r icb. thereby giving • bealtb}' " In old limes com ns were some~lm ea Two little mouths were to be kl sBert "Salary ralscdT' ' ~os't! susi:e.t ett. th e hat shOU ld cr. Moss·gr~e n Is atlrnctlve In ea rly enough to Ill pase th e most fostldlous l upply pennanent and herore he we"'\t c\.Jwnstalrs to: hI s din: La C lgale g6t -~up · ftom Jifr ha!"IJ1RPlzll. tb ~ ~,eli ma y cont ras t. th e s prIn g millin ery, nnd not a little Is a nd with thl~ treatment fio nnel gar- mad e to order tor ludlvldual reqtllr~ 1I0t .. patching .up. Drug storo, $1 per men 18, but commonly a stock ot com II~ ner. two lillie n earts t o be made g lad with a gay la ug h. la tter a novell, It appea rs we arc to no w seen The mal den ·halr t ern ap· ments will lost almost t\Vl ~e n8 long Inrge bottle. Sa'rnpl~ of Blood Balm lent The little mouths were sticky. so were "Bet te r tha n Lhal. But' I ~I!nn.·t ·tell t~e to' ' . • , .. ., . :. . . pears wHIT dltTerent blossoms. ODd Is ns It carelessly hamlled.-Cblcago In tor was kept on band . ond th ese the un. frec 8nd prcpnod. al80 opecial medical addert'ilke r mlgbt keep s tored on Bb elve~ vicc In' dcw \lblll!! YOllr troubl e .nd Writ.. the 20 smoll flngerB wblch clutched you another tblng t~ntll I have fix eJ . SpeakIng o~ weddings. Jt may be ve ry pretty. Ru chings of tull e s how Ocean . iOll DCood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. 1 or dis illuyed s(tl ndlng on e nd In a reckl ess ly at e ve ry ovollable Incb of SUI'per I eX\lllC l you.' I\re .sta rved. IIljd to. IIlare : , /4: jll'cBcnt ·a chartnl,1lgly IInder Ihe brim at bnck and s \.d p. snd • Bothered by Lawyel'll. \ row behtnd the glass doors of a tall HINTS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. ( know I am." , gO'Y ued .l!.rp,l\p I."bo~o costumes . were are to ha ve ulmos t os milch "Imeler " hIs peraon. WIdow- if Jobn bad only made 1\ will, verllcal s howcuse a long one side ot hi. "You have be en ea ting candy," he ·From on Inridtl CubbYlhole. whlctl; !deslJloned arro~s :the wate r; " In .now· trlmmlnl': as .Iasl year. On e Jlr ett y wouldn't . be till tbia difficulty about 811ld , with a 60V re trow n. The frown courtesy WI\S called Ihe other r\,om, c rod s llil . blurred blossoms. wl~h largl sh. oil-black hat was ma cie ot A careful womno noticed tba L placing showroom. You mi ght still fiod s ue" ttbh ere e pr6perty . .. . WDS tor the whltc·callpeel deity who La Clgale eOl ~ r ge'l Ill ese ntll'. 'jI 'g"&eet. daloU tr lolmln'gs. ot lace onrl rll ches , doubl e ruch es ot narrow lace, the only a tres hly wa8h e~ hairbrus h In tbe s un - a di sillay os tbls, but not orten . V,.,tor-Do tbe lawyera "otber you! , "A s a rule now th e burlal rece n" 1101 her mo! They almost worry mo pr sid ed_ auto cratically ove r th e sticky de mure· loo ltln g yo un g mati on. In a. at ribbon" Tb e re arc e.l<ljul Hlte 60w. t rimming 0 'rich. glossy pl um e A s hIn e or near th e lire to dry SOO D spoils taeles that the und ertaker koe ps III to defl th . I declare ~ 8ometITh •• 11' lib: IUtle mou t hs and the 20 s ma ll fin gers quI e t hon se go"n. With de tt fin g 1'9 e r ed sl llis a nd s ilk mU811n s to be ha'i. [ull tull e ru che flulfcd undern cllth. th e the color of the brIs tles. that John hadn' t died.' - Tit·Dib. I " Nurse. Y.J II \tnow I hove prohlbUeti s bo went aUG\lt s preadlug s uppe .. for and elLlle r mat e rial woulll be erreec· s bape was the all rou nd 6l1ilor. whi ch Almost a n y head ot bnlr will be beoo· his show roo m ore mos tl y It oat aitogother cas lt ets. They mlgh t be conVirtuous Ottfllen_ theIr ent lng the s turt." two. 011 a tdil le ncar the loun ge 'TliiJ live " . " ' ~ .. . Is to be so popular and wbl(·lJ Is so tlted lIy an occas ional egg shampoo. Tho "MrtI. Slimoon- I , t hougllt )'ou we,.., com .. • Nurse 6mll ~d vaguely (It (h e small g rat e tlll aroma o r good coffe e 6 110 ' Tbe "can tee" Is m ucb to tbe for e a ge nerally becomln s. yulk contalnt; Irou and Bulpbur, which taIned In ca binets. or lh ey mIgh t bll home eorly to panutb W,lIIe for loUin, . offe nde r s a~ Rb e s hol a barberl arrow ceetl J to the s mell ot the .jIurosc ne loo~e littl e j;,r'IlP~' \Vo, n very 10rGe ly There arc made hats of taffeta thllt n ourish the roots. and the white a s wnll secured, In vertical po~llIon , to th .. ing that Ii.! . Into tbc lr fath er's warOl beart lamp Th e man with th e bandage d Its deco rative val.IID. Tbe s lee ves are are very s mart. Tbe lingerie Ilats will al\{all which unltos with the 011 of tho bllcks of panels running contt nuou sly ~11I1\.o n -1 ...." but I bad to Itop "Mr Pi ngree. sir. gnve It to them eyea sat uP. aN he was Illtltlell to do. Qull e sho rt ... nd d lsrlose below Innum. outnumber those of last year, a R scalp to fo rm II lather The egg s hou ltl aloug tho s ide ot the room , Clnd ronn- the c,ty ball lUlU 1'iI·elU' 011 1111 ~•• ,.... ' WhOl1 he came at lunch tim e to go a · La Clgale ho,·ered over him wILh mlll- emble f ril ls or lace. ond at course a lGome one says, they are going to be be beaten up wltb a n ounce ot wnte rnn,1 Ing, to t he eye, a cont Inuou s hlgb pan. Life. wheolhi1; wltb Mrs Yot cs." Is te rlnG. t ~n"'lr-l1 eJ!s FI.~r~ Dwn wants trllly blouse' 1!Iaows at · tbe open (ltobt ,the rage In.atell.d ot merely tho vogu e. thoroughly n lbbed Into the scalp nil.! ellln&. • E!,ch o~ thqse panels, with a One ot the Two Sure. T eddy was a loyal gent lemDn .,I,'0t to " e ro ~ntlrch s llb~ldlary . a t tbe coate~." \} 1lhc ceatee.l.s. marJe o~ And'.lt I~ 0,0 wonder. tor tbey haye sO lhen rln&ed out wtth severul slI ccesslve- casket attacbed to It. Is so plvote~ First Doctor-H .... you noticed that tbe be tbrown off his balance by Lhe Inao· "Hael enou gh 1'/ sbe .afjk cd. lUI' T4m e~.!'rold o re9 . qlotb, o[ Hnted J~I'. ; ot lIJany g~od polpts \n ac){ll.~lon to tbelr. Iy cooler wa t er s. ftnl shlng with III' co l.1 ond bolanced that without elfort 1\ people wbo hYe 10 a mountalDo~1 cpuucan llo pullod down Into a horlzont31 try 1I_.. enlly han lood IU/la.t . lence of a blrelln g. He .dlsengaged t he leaned baoCk on ' the lounge with a lilt- a wi de v~rlety ,ot .moterlals With A I be;comlllgun~sS-;;-!lre ' lIgRt · nnd com· woter as ca n be com!ortsbly borne. Doetor-Y ... If tlier doo't tbe", Clingi ng s tickY little lingers with In· Isn'ed s igH'. . ., ,[O~'~ · ot gray chlfron .00. broadCloth 1tortable. ~an b~ l\aslly fresh ene d, need . Mellil teopots, It di sused [or some posItion tor, tbp display or the casket illeSecond there.l'biladelpbia 1~U1... r, ftnlto gentlencss . • ," More than envugh . Bu t here was worn a coatee ot pale mauve not cOlit .a fortllD~. ~(.!. Ume. g lYe a musty fi(l\'or to the tea at a convenient belgbt trom the lloor, "When tbe member of the laqllly · " So. tben , It mamma kl\~ws abOut heard your It'n lfe ond lorli . hl!!tfltner ~ wltll grllY <:hltfon. gra Y>'l1hH· The sbqp!, arC' r sba.ldDg lma" rldl o- when nex.t. used. T his moybe proyente'! the cand y It Is all right:' . ·"!:lh. Tom ' l ' m el) Urely fuiJ~:r.IDD·Y to f 'ltJ": 'Jrl Is , billowIng trom the s hort \1to\U!ly flo~er ladeD, ' .roses of s lz" by plnelpg n lump ot Bugar In t bo tOIl- or the friend cowwl8l10Dlld fo r thh 'Bervlce co mils to select a casket, the He was on his way dowo to Ann abel ea t. I W"SI; you c/Juid' itee §~ee ,es , . .. ". piled one on anotber;., A litHe toqu~ pot before pu tting away. a few minutes later wltlJ the r ed mo· tune. ,I mea n. The to~tune tho! came . It~ ls s tili .Qf)mowhat early to make ot amall moss·rosebuds "III mUf: b more l If cup custq,rds or sauces of a ny kIn" unde rtaker can show, the caskets In aGe In biB breast pocket. He too me tied to til e s t e m of a' ro se. Sut:b ossert lo ns n'·-, rocco C_, ;; .I)u~, h a t s ..• b··t u noug II are lo our ._ ......- te. Rlbbon w III b 0 IUse d ex, Lre stirred 101' five or six mInutes utter \'arlou s styles, a nd If he hna not, eve:! would lay It on her plate- before din· a beallUful role among Its ~ oo" 'd~splay'to nllow ot a littl e torecasl tenslve]y. both on olltlng h tat s and beIng mode It will preven t the s kin In bls varIed stoqlr, a caske t precise, ne r was announoed Pingree sbonld ly ing peris hin g thIs moment on N!9 I.n!!:: Whllo tb!' 1'010 turba n Is DOt for . dressier wear. Plumes. too. 1"111 fOI'mlng on the top whIch Is so obJec- Iy s uch as m.a y be reqilired, he way Bell one from the Illustrated cata-' nol s poil the eveulng for hIm- It he tloor In my dre sslng.rooKh .;' tor. ob, WIth us. ' we tl o\! bats a8' a wbole ratb. be emplo),ed. but probal:!ly; not as duro lIonable. could hell,l It. Ta,m! bow could I giv o .tM , roses . '~all Of DOllrse. fo r elaborate . DC· Ing the past seaso n. The solln ha th Is declared to be a logu e of the m aoufacturer, or he ntay As he reachell the level ot the lower 't hougllt ' when I was lid' full' ot ' :. . '. , . ' '' . IH)ecl lle fo r I hellIDntlsm besides re ndel" tako the purcbaser to · the wareroom a 1100r the butlllr bad Ju , t sertly closed WIle), I StrW It. gllltcrlng among tho ~or log the skin sort a nd supple and the of th e manufacturer to seleot trom t he tbe front door on tbe bringer ot a s u· roses, I slIIit !.lell at, It wl,tb\ tbe one. &1 ~. bathe r beauUful. One pound 'of ",as h. all but endless variety ot ClJ.sko ts tbere to be -fou nd. at r'"c". thOll"b-t. NoW".-1'o1n cao •ro t6 itbe besh Tbls s prlng '• tbe ra al'O BUC h pre t'. Y. ' are exercised no maller tbe wln6 and . perb b "'ncb u vo 0 " • .In g soda Is udd ed to a t ub ot hot wate r "AJI tbls Is very Idlrre rent from tbe "For Mrs. Yates. ~Ir, wIth Mr: Pin· eYG-d0<;t0 r In town." pretty · t h in gs ht , tllo ' way or dress for weatlier:' tbl~ outnt Is a practical n& and tbe patieot mus t lie In tbl s for lG . "Bul 't ' 'th ou, " h't' \\'e ~te 'Deve r 'ou to ) L>·ng" gIrl S. A Ilttl e t roc k recent Iy eellslty. Less frills and fu rbelow", , m IDutes. " Tben follows tbe cold s pray, o\tl-tlme wtlys. g r ee '.o c'o'mpllm'e' n'ts anll c' ongratllla: , tloos." th e mnn s aid explanatorily .. tIlke n-res'ents ' rom mcli;, 'Kafy 'l. Y·ou 1),.SUght to ' Olfl' (\llDt!ee , was nr r ed no\\', ' more sensible doilies the rill e. and the bather emerges wit h every . ''To come bM k to r a moment to tbct nromlscd me " ~ ~.-''' . It " 'as' ..-, mllile· , for Il girl ot I,'Jverylh In g is tubba bl e, t b e h I Id net trace ot h or aCbcs and paIns d ls1Jelled. . undertnke rs' wIndow dlspl ... ys of Whi ch . Teddy glanced cas ually at tbe no'v. u" •• vO'T'''. ers. "So .L did , 1;om-so we won't, dear: bight. and w(lg ' n l~ In on e piece. The liompered by garments that lDUst. be Coffee stnlns, even ~ben thero I! we ' were stJealllng. , We may now se3 Mrs. Yates. handso mely gowned and but thi s t·lm e · It JIIs t camo trom tbe skirt consis ted ot two flou nces. the kept clean at a\1 hazardl!\ , ~rea m In the olfee. enn be removed (rom occasiona lly lu them a newer a nI!' late" collfured. g lanced petulantly at the skies, unn 1 looullln't "s0n lt I~ bncl, ,to wai s t spo rted a IIUIc~ ves t of la ce, Tb e lin e n pIque coats are charming, tb e most dellcato silk or woolen tabrlcs feature In displays .t burial robesl and mantel olock as Teddy '. ~nte red ~h! the· good LorU\j ' N,ow. T,lm . •l',OIl .rs IIgll. .whl ~h were rllll rows ot red whother perfeCtly plain or band em" by brushlug the spots wIth pure glycer- th e robes thus 811.,",,11 way be both room. no~\ to ItY Jo-tthe 'face o~ ~rOvld e[}Ce. ~y ribbo n. Prim (olds ot the volle broidered. ,Tbose fa s te nIng ,~n the Inc. Rinse 111 lukewarm ' wote r and costly and beauLlful J Such rob os ond garments h uYe . largel y supplante!! tho "ot all nlgbts to keeIi· lhe vest lO od \V~ro ;] ·, dInner walt· R/'QNldence put It .In\.O tJ.lf\J. ),tf!a II r t I ot qrlgC!,d " ,- ~ u c ked ' In a h'pu Id er on d dl agona II y acro ss Bre press on th e wrong .s ide wllb 0 wa rm • Ing. t;>-nlgbt, T eddy! " I «ODIe rich simpleton to !\lrow~, I B.r ng cl/!ap b~ l t at folded rl buon . ' E!81leClally ;;0011;' and there n'rc hoUI Iron Tbe glycerine 'a bsorbs botb tho Old-lime s h roud . "We have . as yet no , automobllo The butler's appearance Im media tely at Lo ClgnJe's te,el. .Your 'lIt! • • T.hl s same s mall IDa!d ' hoel an·:t:! very· sbort and long' ones ' to choose from. 1 '1 tt ' d the oBs. tb e :otm08' IHll Jle r has b,!"ught. It bom~ 10 pay y trocl{ of - gra~' and wh ite ' check , The reeter jacket will co ntinu e In I>OP- coAn 0 1 II g m(l a r a n gr e beh ind bls most e:- cleared , 1 It '" 1 umbrella s bould not be opened out /learses. ,but thoy ' ljre ~ure . to come. phere. AnnaLel st retcbed ' cager hand s ~'"O ur doc tor btl s '': b it . .. , .. o~.. \vIUl ' a tltreod ot roil s howtng here ' ularHy thls .on sen s ible little wrap fo' Sooner Rr later we shOll .1l04 automotowart\l! the flow e rs. A IIlmlnous smile clluldn't send ; J bjlek:: If I waptltd to. nn\~ ther o· th o s ldr tJ WDS n full plnluid ' • to dry, os t he s tret chers nre apt to wnrp bile ca rrluges In funernl processlon'J, cbased the frown tram ~~r prett y tace. ·And I wou;ldn'l wllltr _It . lp~'4' a l,l t he Ilrtltlr. and' wern " ' Ith It u white' lIannpl wn;:; ~ai8. 'e11 ~ h I In Ih e bent form. glvln~ on IIn slgbtly nil: and the automobile he ar~e will COWOl "0", the beauties! Wbo did Bend oUvlnes ami dlBmoudll In , the, wldfll ' r g r 8 " o~ n t e r teens Ih ~ pen ranee wh ell t be umllrell a Is clqserl. . Of 1 • , . I prln.cess ·aDd corseleL: \Iresses ar e worn. Tbe s Ilk - hould he Int t to drain w'th In due lime:' "'em'" She took ibe clIT~ ' lha t was at· 'World " . ,. ,. 1., .. •'. " 'I " • t, , > , , nno. very gracetul .,th ey look on the tb e h nntlle do-words, ' and genUy She wall' glacl he cou II; no. ,L ~.e,!l I d" C " I I ,. .. s ilk hnndkerohlef.tached to the roscs between her s lim GREAT 8 en er ugure IlSnmere S a nu table wiped wllh an 'old Jeweled fi ngers. A :soft pink ca me Into toars tbat ~ero shlolng ol\,, mnterlal tor these, a:,d t1ow.ered mU$Un Boston Budget and Beucon. t i Skeleton of the Dlnoaaur-Brontobe r cheek s. " 'Compliments and con· lnsbes 0 good choi ce Cor, tb ~ blous8-01' rath or , \ gratulatlilns of J. B. Pingree: Aren't; " Tom. o.ld boy, If 111)1 ,nl glmp; tor t here Is n6t much of a waist &aUI'US in Museum of Nator Rnlsed l>oughnutll. tbey lov oly? And I~u 't.. t nice. Ted, .thl s lo vely ,rlnS<·. !Jl th~t s howing with cOrselet skIrt. anel w'a1' lItatory. " , . Scald 0 hlllf pl Olt ot m ilk. Let sta nd Glnuinl Must Bear to have ono frl en,d In thq world who pItched It at IJIY feet . . I with the I1rlnceS"oIft~ cbemlsette anti until luk ewarm , ther\ alid one tea fac-Simile SignawIV 18 not too mucb taken up wIth ruoney· known how milch good 1 t would und e r alceves. ~. Prot. HeUry\.~rn, of the Amers poonful of salt aud a .yoas t callo dta· g rubbing to remember one'• •blrthday' hU Bb"lld, do ydIJ . sl1PD~e he ELLEN. OSM O N t:!B: solved In one·quarte r at 11 cuptul 01 Ica'll Museum ' o't" Na turul Hlsto'ry, ot SO thougbtCul ot blm." waut It hacll ?" ' .' \Val m w'ute r S ltt In ellongh flour to Ne w York, who planned nnd directed "I am BOrry to be Into," saId T edd y, "Nol If he knew La Clgala tvr Salt Water for Streets. REf~SE IUIITITUTEL make a thi c k batter. hea t wcll for a t b o "mountln g I>r ' tUII glgrmll c s keletou with a chili I~ his voi ce. "AnythIng sbe IB, Ka(y. The d ~a rest Ilnd most Many European citIes o n the B3~ moment, .tben cQver and stund In n ot Lho DlnosuUI -Bront oqaurus, ploced partlculnr on . haml 1" un Belfl sh lItUe womab' ' In tlte world· coast ' use snit wnter .tor ",:uterl ng t he warm place until light onll' s pollgy on public ex hlllhioll there, wrItes Wol"Loh cngrln. The Glltl en are (0 call struggling honestly und .. r a Jlubll c t horou ghfa res. calling It rt waste! Beat In one cupful of s ugar, two we ll ter L BeoM ley. In "An Animal Giant for me They we re so sorry .tbey ool1ld · load ," - . - . . to mnl,e USIl , 0.( . fre ~h walor ror thi s I beaten eggs. two beaplng tablespoon. ot Loug Ago." In St. Nlcholns. hilS not Inch, ~e yOIl In the lu.vltallon , but "On!)!. te\n p.or.'"!!,Y.•• ~P'I;, ~~f:\~ p\lrpos~ \ They t~re tho more saUsll eiJ I fuls of shorten lag (but ter or butter made one of th e mos t notewort hy contheir bo x only bohls BI~. and t hey hlld little whil e. aear. ' . . . hecause cer tll ln llroJ"l~rLlcs or 61'1\ WII· and lard mix ed ) m elted, and ono tr ibut ions to scien ce ' of recen t thnes. Invited the Rl cka rlts and Jack Pln· And, perhOllij. If .. ~.<fdY Yates .ooliid tllr ellmt!,nlfl the necess lt}· or f l·ccjuen·. Bcn nt teas poontul of g rnted nutm eg Fo r I he firs t time the world h as a gree before th,y thou ght or me." have looked 'Into tile borne ot the dis.ullpllcatloD s 00 Ihe otrle r ha ud sil l! Beat thoroughly. the n work In more rea ll sll e g llm ps ot the act ulIl s l7.e nnJ Pingree was In tb e a t mos phore The a )lled bookke~per and seen the hnppl· water c\erts n vcry des ' ru cllvo Intlu · nour to mul,e a ruth r sti tt clough ~ I .pe:1I I1~ce at t bo ml;;b lY balIst whI ch rl'd morocco box g rew henvi e r a ga inst ne1l8 . hl ~.~ o)l \llne :rl1lf' hlld , 'WRu!,ht . ~11;;<'~~~-~~1'I:"-:-"-4r-~~~""" once on the paint Dnd ,·urnls h 'o r \ C: Coccr ana le t ri se a second time, th Jl ronn.ed t ile prImeval "\d r.!; ".!' o[ we"tTeddy's bosom e very momcnt. al· two devoted . ncarts. he would' 'Ih IN STREET Dltl!:SS hl cles. rtlld m erchants alll rm tlmt It.e , turn Ollt care tully on a ft oure<J bOllnl e'· I .\m ellrm '11111 othel IIn l t.; 'If the Lh h It 1 eld nothing moro ponderous been reconciled to tb e tate ,,'f\th\! 011 i ~ -.. , . oatnlga ' g ll"tterll1 g j owel for slim Ine ring. . 1111'" ',. sailor blDuse. ' Abdear. IIt U c loose COll t "1J 1t Is fou nd evel y wh e, c and tll " t It ·; Roll unLII less tban fln Inc h t hi ck. and globe, during th e age or rel.tll es, ellth of the r~k' Rnl s hed the costume (Inri de llquesce nc Is ntlende,l wi th harrnru . , cut ou t. . Spllnkle s ll ~ h : I Y with flo ur, Umated to ba ve bocu from three to white fln ger. SAIUNG ON DUT~ WAT£RS. ornn n'l.'I~1). with .gal' red bUllOUS ,calll! s And. ns all' . s,,11 Wil Ie r Is li ~ , c vel WILh a clOlh a nti let rl ~,, ' lllItII tw elv e mi lli on ),ca rs ago. It was one ~ t ru r ll'" to Ih o n lp~s nnll m etal li c tit · 1 "Imos t rlolllJle In ~lIl c kn et!s. DrOI) 9 ot t he larges t a nimal s thut cyor.,lll'ed "I s bould nol hnve cared to gV ,tlnder '.M'. , " '. .,.II }; ...... , heH :';'.lV"/l~: retl lea ther any cIrcum s tan ces," be said Inn· The eb'naatlon/l {ot ' a ".jllde.( on) the an · n.l ss wpo 1)TI'Se nl n Iln"s an d Ol e le.l ltII gp or l he pI I)I~S kll, s r.,w lit II tlmp. In lI ~e p. s lOo kln g hot rat . to walk OU fO llr le!;9. bein g nearl )' 61 , ile" Will roo l, lhrough tn from four tc feet lo ng a nd JSI!, fee L ht ~h The tat! guldly. nlld altl1l1etl blmself In sllell cc CllIlal Througlt the Jac.k~t s lIlt a ble for ~prl ng nn d ' I\I;C !lI ioll 111 "treelS. pMI. II '"l gD r the' minutes If <m'L11 As s klnlloe d measured :w t ee t In le ngth ',Ind ,. th e to hi s SOl1P ' . It I!ir; s nIt Ja cl( ct of li ght · [iellS -,~ l ' ~ :·· '~"· I1\ '~ .., .. .H!,,, .... • g l cet! 4 ' Annn br\'s airy ass umption ot Jeal· J.... C~l dra In o il soft II!<pc r IInll l o ll In neck 18 fe Q~, lIl0 ball y wetj;hed abo ut (. oth. t11 0 . sl(lrt Qu,t What It . Lenv t s slft~d I. owc!c red ,~ gll r.-'l'llble Tlllk. 90 tons . ousy Jnrred on him. " " I co n thll'" of no m ore r eposeful plnln el ope nliin g ror Bt l'le on ·tli e WU) "Nil. I nover could educnte you UP It han !;' '1 ' h ... Ja cket Is Lrl m m II with It's the Dfte r effect or experi ence that As 1\ rosstl " nnll" this surpasses all to opera. YOII would m.uch rllther g" holldny;: !'.,np l. 't wr.!,t~!;, "tl~on.. to ,~te p ban!l's of sl l1 ~lt ll'l g an rl e mbroi dery ' or cou nts Ric e a lld App, e Dessert . otp e rs .In eX.lste nce. AM an object lesrrl d creature In sbnrt on hoard of OJll'. lO, those bnrges .1 Uull 1\10 wlJl cSliO.,U[UIS ur II e In OM so n o r the slOry or tb e I·o,·ks o f t" e to see th n t IIO r. "'icd~~11' togethef I'd II ' RoUI!r'l!ncfj,'tJa.' 1\11 11 ~hnd e tl .. s lllls. an d Is t ' ll' I;I U, r) f 111111< uu~1I t~ ud er. ' but 001 past· a ges. IL I ~ far morl! Improsslve to BLOCKED ' IN: f'k lrl s nll d saUn s llpllcre. ~ pr e~ llme. Dnl ' arid never \iffldg .a , tltnr;.r , to', .' 0 1 nnh1 c nfnl bUl to ns. \l,e nc,'ded IHl rfllth Nellie Glldet snys halt th e Ul en :In . brol.~ n ; 1O 1111 .. add one (eas pno nfu l u l th e youug t hall volu mes of t e x l· ll ~o k ·r~ fh e ' nutu~IlIIl.:td\Jrs~ ~"'~II\;-l;o.'ItI?JIV' an Imp ortll nt part town are raving over La Clgn le Ols ~alt, Due tuble" lloO n eu l or ' lJUlt lll. II n ,1 read in g To tbo ch llOI en I'3pecla lly It accele r nt e or dIvert- he, curried by I • t be b~o Lon yolll $ or t Wa eggt! P.lf e u n ~ hds pro, ed a ;won de r . at won ders. lrllstlng! " "• sch~o n In mad e molsell e's ~ to. SBV, Harllng ton. In J ·rlesluud. DeU · • , oro sovera l large UJ"lples. pl ace In u Grou ps li nd se llOol (i asse!! 1I0ck to lhe "La Clgnl e Is, I bell ovp. tile Idol 01 , dres' nnd In nl0ther's the m lls lc halls tor the hour . but 1 harl tween the r.lcado ws: uDdll r th e noses Shari . sl orc nrrpc ted "lth the rle'e ll d Is h . lind till tll~ centers with bll t· Now DInosaur ha ll .. vieWing with 119not thought of go ing to see her to o r gront black and whil e cows; post fan cy. EtOQ a and b~1! IO M. bUL th e re nre LOt' and su g.lI·, )lOUt In a IIU le wa le r t on ls bment Ibe h ugo mo ust ero whoso nlgbt." he rons fishin g In th e rllt;b es ' thro ugh mall Y \\ raps with the fIlii I ngth a nd bul,e until sort. Remove from lh. skeleton form tower s U bove theIr He did not care to t ell hor that he IIttlc villages \I Itb dozzllng mllk·cans s leeve Empl.r" !podels a nel t he ho:.;. o, e n. pile lhe ri ce a rolln,1 th e dis h !In,' betwee n Lh ~ uppI Q ~ . I et urn to th e ove hOlllls . The wo rd "dinosaur" m eans. though t o[ s pendin g the oonl ven;ary ho lng ·scoured 011 'the blinks . (lnd the canl ' s t~1~4Ys pronllge to be rlvols. and hl'ow n lig ht ly Se rve with s weet· Il tel'Ull y, "m ighty IIzartl," ... nd "bron01' h ~ r bi r t hdAY qIlletly at home. with. go~1 wives was hing . a mI th e J;~tur· it\, t w~ woulll . mention that the \l ord tosaur" " lhnndel lizard." ened cream . J)C Ir.lps. the little ones treated to n nine s molt ers In block \ clve t sllpo Empire In cludes a wide variety of wJjole A\'enln g jlownstalrs-so t ar. tile pe ts passing the tim e ~f .day ; .LDIOlijglll.1 9 l"yles , Many of the sO'cnlle,1 Em· The Model Dog. :~ G"ap" Fl'appe. most exalting 'uncUon .they bod ever big towns, b!l rOw,,_or. som 'ulrt\9 r emInd at the old rns bloned T:'e Bos ton terrIer Is a developmen\ DIssolve, the cOlllc nts ot a package 01 particIpated In'. Yates bl\d aD 'lId· seeu lhroug a For the t 'vo·year·old cblld, gelntlne In n pillt ot boiling wllte r. add of tbo Englis h fl ~h tlng dog kUGwn a .. fashioned streak In him whlcb Anna· leavell ; unile 18st~ nrn'If; 011 the s houlder lWO cu prul s of grape Ju ice, s Ur tho" lhe, bull-a nd-terrier. Tbo breed orlghel had not yet educated him out ot, "..ttb gormol\t. are ,Oughly, Lhen set cqOl. Be~ ·the lnll\e'd from a ro85 between the b~ll But of what he had Intentled: dolPg he I:ome III pIques as whites of tour eggs to 1I'}ltlff froth ahd t!o~.!ilPd terr ier, but the 'Bos ton tersa lei n eve r a word. . : . The ImP<ITted when the gela tine mlxt\U'e begIns to J1e ~ 1 • no'l' llelth4!r;A moogre) 'Dqr a Then t he Gliders came- a~d .A'Dnabel ....i~~f· li"'lutUully embroldjl r ~t1 J'ilherlt rather the bnrden, s tir lhem Into It, beating with ~e!ifL" ..lI#B~~D18 ,.ent. So did he, I!lter on, after sulk,· . • colors are, ap· an egg·beater. When IIgbt I1ndetllf pili -,lrt,fieli t h ll!i Jthe ~;, ~, hls,~ ~nces: ing over a good cIgar, wade ~bltter bYI and whlt.e Is well lo tn a mllld, altd when Nat\" to sen'e lieu» toM!. He pQsaealles !puC!i of tlie "faitl:unt>I~&!I8nt fllnectlon.. Lite ~jI ' Ita wblpped, cream around It. .1l*rllIIJtetlt little rain coabl are hir Pll888n~~'t we go on T C)owpensatlon~, be 8uPPOse12, and' ID fllln89s and teuaclt .fIr ·the·hulldog. the actlvtty De.. the; terrIer. ' He Is and ~_ the cblldren, as Bmart and TretD omclti.I- No, mum. FOr onoa watching La Olgalo's w;)ndertul per8eD1lally a bouse do&" nnd ts a8 comExpensive Job. ' trim as I hili!! designed fa, big talks. the Iron tiOrse nppears to bo be,lten. ~bI in the ea ... _.. ' formances be ClOuld lind distraction, If It Is propOsed to witteD the bed 01 llI\nlonable, atrectlonate and trul_F P.-You shouldn't call It an h~. 1 , Bbe (at·l·the concert)-Yl7\{ng .,.. The 'Nortolk>, wIth belt, IIi tbe unlver· nothIng hetter, / tho Klel canal, In Germany, by 2~ wortby aa any other small dog. Tbe!!e lal model, lind tbera II alw8ya a yoke When iie entered the orowded mUllle Smytbe II a teDor, II be not! " tards, and the water surface by ' IiC ClunllUetI are winning n ~w frlenell (:>1' a_He poles aa onet but In reiillt, to tile coat. 'the little O)nef no doubt T . O.~W hy nOl! ban be bat! In bl. htndl a tilg bunch yM'ds at DD ' ...tlmllt"ed COlt of t.O,· ~ evel'J dn),.--oouDtTy Ufe In AlXIe~ Hi't!!~~::'i;i!ii!~~~ will take gr~atest prldo! III tbelr rainy F. P.-Decallse It'. block Ualbe 111' & ~L\>Iy -4bJiia a1l1 ot rDtIeII DOt. unlike, th9'.e wblell ,Jack 000,001'. . . , DUtlt; aDtI u tbe ~bl" of to-d., Scrapa. l'tqree 11&4 HDt to Mt'I. Tat.. earlier
'A Birthday Present That Miscarried
tor .
w:"'ashions ,
.' ! .
.lv'' ;,
Mlllt:uy ~ I m pa .. y Ma), b.: Formed Th e
.... 'Iu ... , I V ..- h r. liu~' I,f \-\ tt ,~ D8".VIUr-, I~
(J'I1'It,mplll ll ull th ll
Pennsylvilnla....._............_......--........-........ ----LINES.
"'I'll '.. ml'>I nllt th pIn Ohln nlt,O'd11 11I:jt.ft tes, as · hll thro~gh. " 0001· ""iIi All of R.·,RrVP8 'ond .In every OHIIR thAY hllvo proven themselves 0 ' b ·nt' flt tn th " order HI' well as toO Illwn I" " 'h' oh t,b' oumps are ,
n 'el! li re equipped :with
Match . 24th
Relurn limit. Aprtl ~d . parm lt. len r"/l1ll, tion rill6>', 1I",form8, etc., and dav.· outID~ . The PreeeD' OOJidlMon . of H fi' "X lle I.. " l<l confllrm ' ·0 the Redl!ced Far"" to .. ~da a~t W.ynlltlville I, a et.rong ,.f Ih," Uil lI" 11 Arm~', LOS ANGELES ar:aument for a Itone orueber and 8 no) t ~ "11 rU \l ••t h"r lire " ~1\lendi(lI v Id a , nb to lOth. brln .... · Im perIal a qbanae In 'the manner of repllir. orL!""lv-1'd '1}1f'lldidly drilled body Council Ing~. ' l,r 11I,·n . SAN FRANCISCO .. • - ,• A~ the lu ept·ing of IhA Incal Camp July " til to I :Itb. The Warren Coun$y 'l'Bllobers toni ght IhA nrWl ni"... tion of a oom NatlDnal ~1 du M li o ll a\ A!IIIOOh. tlon AlllIOOIatlon which h~ been mEl4l1 I'"ny of R~~erve .. will IX" oonslder"d. Sl'eohll IlIw f,ue tloketll lag at ' ~~non hall decided t hat "no it iA tt&ll rad that all members &!Jth , M<luthwelit lind North· hereaf~r It .wtll bold some of its he preseot anu exprellB tbem8elve8 weAl mee&in~, aHI,l&8t,' in towns outBlde on the subject. • of the County' se. t, The next meet For d . t~ tI. ubout tb_ e.xr.ur. lon •. fin es LO any .pOint . .. nd pard culanl 'ID8 ·wlll be In )4IiY and t,he teaohers aboutPen syh·"ola Lines """"enwer of WaYDeAvllle and Wayne toW lI HANN A '8 LU~TRO,Jl'INISHi BCrvlce. cOlUlUl t li. E . UOOTH. :lIhlp IIboul4 a' once extend an In vi, Bea,uand tlfulother and woodwork. durt.ble UlI8d 'on ...._ _ _- _ - Tlol<et Agent.tfttlon W 1:he A8lIOOiation to meet at floors "Made ___ _ _ _ _--1 . WaYDNlvl\le. It Is a good thIng for f.O walk on. " The only way to prop. the Maohel'tl to go from one p&rt of erly fintsh a door. t)Iie the finlehed . the oouney to another and will be eamples at.J E . Jallney'i!. . helpfol aleo In many waYI to the toWlll in whioh they meet. Siok headaoke reeolta from a de· DB. HATBAW A Y, rangemenS of She lto1Daoh alld II Much Intetest In . oured by {''bamberlaln'l ~tOJDaoh the Lent~n Services and Liver T.bIN. Bold by ·I'.C. Wayneeville'l Leading Dentist. olllU In Ke,.· Dutldlnl. . • . MaiD Street Rev . J. F . CAdwallader h&l been 8ohwarb. ()eltvertDl a aerlea of able &lid . echolarly lermona during the pree, .en* Leaton 118&110'0 . The evening' .ddrell88s have been dnotecl to' tbe blstory a nd teaoht.ngta of, the EpilOoPlll cburoh and have be8Ji both hlte1'fJll~tng and Inltruo . ttve &0 the .ttentlve oongreptlon, . that have been each 1ItI'. 1108, and they have alao ahown maoh oarefol reaearoh and On the.pon ·of M'. Cadwallader. Penonl not members of tbe Ilple. Ohuroh are IJ!)1'dla1\y lnvl~ and ~ to " +tend tbelle
Obamberlaln', Sal... A Thoauncl Dollar'. Wortb 0«4 '1111, .1.. .. tnteDcIecI .peotaIJJ' I hava been .ftltotecl wi,1i )dclaay for lOre ...ppl.. , barD., (roe' hi_, and bladder trouble (or)'8lU'l. IJUI· obaJllMld uocl~, Itcblnl pl_, abrOD. In, . .vel a~d Itoallll with 10 lOre ~ 'l'tInalated a,a Uda old o..Un, ..In. aaYI A. B. Thanaetl• , obrODio IOrtle anil dl.,.... of' 'be' a well bOWD OOIIl operator of Bgtr• ., , 1m, nob I.. 'te'ter,Mlt ~heDDl, ring alo, O. "I ito' no relief from med~. worm, eoald head, berpes, \)urban '. ClIne anm I hepn taking I'oley 1 Itch, IIQIIbbl.. or hoh Rnd tlOZIlma. Kidney Care, then ~he reeult waa I' n baa me' with auporelilKl lIa<:eell lurprialng. A few dOll8e .tarted tbe talhe ....tman& of \h818 dls8U88. brloK. dnl!~· Uk.e lub8tan.oe I\nd.Dow r PrIce 26 oente per ~. Try It. For ,have DO pain aO.r088 my khiDl1JI and ..Ie b,. F. C. Sohwartz. I feelllkb 1& ne,!\,: man. It bal done , , . me '1000 worth of good." '01ey'8 - Kidney Cure will oure livery form of kidney Rnd bladder diseall8. JI'. , O. Schwartz,.
" rjl/lnl~tl fln
O, u uI ,"II Y of R e8t>~v, II, 'l.h,8 name hv whloh th e' military branoh of ~he OfO.,j. li< Inln~ ..' ·A 11II91hlH' "f M(ln~ ot VAtera 08
1,')tlutf\Cl rill' Re
.. '
.. BL~CK SUITS BLAC K--Alway's good tasto, IpProprlate on all ~IW, becomln, to . everybody. ,
Our 'til.)'5 I
Black Suits have not met their equal In thla ChevIots. Thlbets. Unflnllhod Worsted.
H II ' , , MA:::TST, .. 0 ~nc~mp s
JEFFERSON • • • • • .• • • • • • • •
t~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~
HALF FARE JlLtt_ $3.00
, Cow Feed,
For Round Trip Tickets VIA
Llula'lII... Nal~.III. RR
••• , ••••••
Nearl, All POG'Dt.ID
We bave It at 80 and 90 oente a . hundred. Wllynesville Mrlla,
Alabama, . e~rg.Ja, UNDERTA;KE Kentucky, MISS1SS1P. EMBALMER North lJ~i Al, ~: 1C SEE SPENCER AND MONROE Pi , 'Viro-inia, ~-, ... FU RNITURE O ...egonla, Ohio. and South CarolIna, OF ALL KINDS. Wben Wanting Portland O,e ment, Lumb...., . .,. Tennessee. Telephone In bls hOUSB where he ArW
Shin.las, and ' all kinds of Ooal • . DEALIlRS· In Flour P.ed.a . Corner strips for tobaooo boxes for sale,
G ....ln.
Pho. .
Tlcketa oa ..Ie ".fO" 10,b ...11 Aprtl 114 ... 4 U\b. fOOd retufDl1I& II lrom dille of sale. For furtbur lolor· _lIOR. glUul& 10ur 1....1 ."0& or a4· 4r_
C. L. STONE, Gen'l P .... .~en'
enn be called M /til hourA, rln ,V or night. Coeoh811 ..nd ch"lrI! .. n'f.lpll&ll Have recently muved to room . next to CrOllll Bro". ••11t ItTUII'I,
. , W~ have.a rare opportunity for yo~ to become a, stockh.o~der in one of the b~t eoal propertie~ in ,the Central states . . This 00"" investment will earn you 12 per cent upon the par value of the stock, and for a short time only, we oWer the remaining portlon aern_ of the allottment of 100,000 shares at 25 cents per share (par value S1.00 fully a.nd non-88ses8abl~). Ja The.Koen InhabltecU . '. This .company is safely and conservatively managed and you cannot make a Dllstake. The market~ and the shipp'i ng facil~en08 h .. PJOven lbat th. mOOD .. baa an aSmOlphe~. 'itbioll maw YOQ HIe In' lOIDfJ form P.MIdble aD tha' ities (which is the Ohio B iver and the railroad) are the best, and makes it an unpara,lleled 'investment .for a stock-holder. .aew&e I bu' aot for hUman bela ... who __ hard enough &Une OD cannot buy'stock in 'any mining Co ... who are using the water ways as means of transportation, for the ~a8on that the dividends '1118 ead1a of oun; BlpeOtailJ' thOle '. • bo.u..'. bo. \bat ~eotrib · Bit, are more than in any other investment that can be . made. ... oare SMdaohe, BlIaIOUD_,1I&, Remember, this is a divi~end paying company, 1 per cent per month, and you do not have to w~it for your money to be Iart&, 'ChUIa and I'e. . . JaUDdioe, D,lpell*, ~.l.~PI~ Liver, The value of the stock will be increased as soon as the alottment is ~old • . KtdDv' oOmp~", \'.I8iaeraj' Oe",U. ea,r ning you some~bing. • '" UI4 l'emaIe ' ...un8IIBI, Uae,. A a •
q,aded'........... ToDio aud AP. ___ f . wea,II: ~ aDd
1aU.,,0I' the 1UUIUl&e,id U ~11088 iOtIDd ...... by .1'• . 0.
at .. mmlmnm freight rate, but 'be b8a' feat'ure .. 'he river ' '~r" I'al~ ' tloD the dletance to tbe rlver1letng about ail( mUM, and 'he' obanbel of dobWU1a 'Dra8RIIt',.P'rtoe 0Dl7 IiOq. The Coall'ielda of·th. Weetern Kentaoky Dlatr{ot lie eouth and the bblo at thla pcllnt 18 ~'9Dou~h at all ltaB. . and \I8UOIIa to allow 'l'Iui oU ielda 006VolIe4 Company oonsl"t of 207 acr. In • \" ." I of' EftnI"lIIe. Indiana• • ·abou' 126 mllea weat of Lo.illsvUlA, ,oom· bar(les to be floated dowP tha Imam; thoa enabling oa to ltilp pro. Pela~ Oooty....., ......I~ WhaUI known" a deep Plif (llstrlot i with. ; .'. ' prlalng lD all a"""t eaven nnnntiel. The produotiOD frOm thie dletriot a8 : duot to .Memplila ..nd New Orleane. . , lB"eD )IfoIluolDIJ welta upon ~ and an, averaKe produolun of 75 btlrrel" per " UAL P A I N T " " f -- ~ . New Orletml t9day II one of tbe bela 0061 mark_ tor. *he NUOD cia." ICNI tn PaolI, Dnal dll&rl!l&; tbe Indil'nal8UII hlUl location , 1J • ...uaD bodtecl ' ta, IhOWD by 'h. lIining Inepeo&or f~ the l&a&e, to be uvtll -,, ~oo.~ toni. that ODean steamel'tl take ooat:aHhle pod for Europe, Boath AJperlaa for aU...UO more welle aDd 1l". larrolUlded b, good p.roonoln(l welll; u4 .1ieD ,to The velne are of ,. IUltlorm t\Wlkneea Ad \he grade eq~.' to Ohio and and the Jalauda i atld tI. g~ deal of ooal IS exported from here. :; ' ODe wblah ... clriUad in'. nex' to &hl, leue pnmped 250 ~rell per p g PennaylvaDIa ooal. AmonK.-mne of tbe large operators' fa thle dlatriot . Kentuoky oealte esgeilY80ugh, for by thie trade. Pi'tebura ooaI ·daylouumODtIut makinl bet~ 40 and 50 barrele pe1' d.y on Ire The St. Bernaid Coal C9 .• 7Rlalneo~e Coal Centre I City Coal. Oo hll8 been' the coal used principally, bnUhe fact of us belDg. a tboaancl ~UI~aMton" ~" . ' . ,~bli dlitriot" f01;Od In nine out of ten well" that are drilled in cOal 00., Ohio V.a lleY,Coal Mlnhig Co., Tra1ewater . Coal Co. mUea nearer, and Ii. deep ohannel all the year, anablee ne to 'mar~' oar 7' coal oheaper:than they. . .. .f1r7 tt'" ary holee i DO wlld' ~'&tDI; hence, no rlak in the InvfllltmeDt. U. S. Coal and Coke Co., "'~ft Coal Co., Waverly Coal Co., !l'Qd . . The geographtoal100ation of tble proper$y ie unuoelled . . Hapr ,L euetI bare.U,OI' a lio,noa 0,.100.00 per IIC1'ft wlthont ..n,. produo. Dnmeroal email oompantBl.! are no fanuree In tl1l8 dlltrlot and plantatloneare heaVy· conllumel'tl 0; ooalRud bny nver coal, elrOlu8t.ely, HOD.. TJae terrttorJ' lD'Paolt; KaDIu tiiD • weU·defined one, eurrounded the price ot coal at ,he mln._ .iII better tban In !M)Ule of th~ Ohio; an!! lind manufaoturlnll' Industries' are Inoreaslng very rapl4lyl~ Ih.. pan of by ~aaiDa ..11I i tllere ie uo produo&iOn upon ~bi8 property as better aban ta Indiana or mlnola,fieldl. tbe eouth i hence. tbe market! of the aoath are good a' all , t i p re, ,e'; tlte ~,,1II1eDda to,sanopera"ODI there In tl very "bon time. 4 . • prdleel Qf the 1!8IlUIOn. · .. ,~ . Welle. u..-tert.".~ oft lrom 60 CO 100 barrell, eao~, per day and . ·The pr0p8r""~koJl~,by tbe Ke~tuoky Coal Mlnillg' C~mpan, It la a knollrn taot by allcoa. operators thatpri088recelved forooal aehlecJowafrom Ii to 10 ,-,"II. Tble terrltol'1 .. remarkable for ;&he conal." of 2,000 aorei.looate4ta UDIOIl Co j Ken,uolry, the heart of this In the soathern lIaarketaare.far better than In 'he north, hellCfJ, &he reuoIl"'Ub.~",. oI,cl'7 hol.... l_'hanln any other territory. , I'~: t ' • district, abOut 26 milllllouthwflClt of Evansville, Indiana, The Dllnole reason Pittsburg ,ooncerna _k tbls market reprdl818 of the dUlioalalai In tile 0DIIDR7. ' ... 8DOOnDtered ta the Upper (:)~Io BI ver. . '" The ooet or cII1lUDIJ ••u. hjre ie .er, maoh 1BM, as oilla found at a dep~h Central Railroad rous dlreoU.,Y through It and it ~I situated w,i~n llix Coal at 'he New Orlean a Port under oon\raot to ooean eteamera oIabo1l&.,6 feet; the tbIokn" 01 the 011· beartng Mnd 18 about 27 feet, this . milf8 oUhe Ohio ru"er. ~Ia propertJ' . ie surrounded by coal mlnee brings ts.35 per tOD. anll on,*he OpeD -market ts.S5 per ton. .Compare Ihowlq tbaUbe wen. ~U If.loD, Dved. . Ind the .Waverly . min.,.. adjoin tt On the west and 'the Col'1don OD theae ,prioes wUh the Ohlogo prl~ oUl.75 to '2.25 per ton. Ae J'on . . !II§~;;"=: tbe ealt. The teet hoi.. Ihow four veins of 0081 upon thla proper.ty; the llee, we make bet1teriprofitl In the lO~thern marltetll. ..... • dn' velD at a depth of ISO f8ll& S feet tWok with a good Baod,atone roof. An lllnstralt-!on of'the 008t of produolng and landlug . 0081 .10 the · '!'be oil hoJdblpUl ooaneotiOD with tha 0081 enablel tbl. Comp&l)Y . , od New OrleaDs market, and tbe prollte received:. '. to..&., dt'ricleDcll at ..... - to Ute ,"-kh 1"'- f l · "b One tow boat will take twent bargel of coal ' 'rom thie ~Id to . . ~; ...... 0 ........ , 0 per cen_. pen: mono . which II a vel'1 Impolian\ feat~, 'here belnR DO neceaelty for woo . 1 proll', whloh maltea mlDinl{ In ' ,il great . dll!triohl expenlive i tlila New Orlean8 and make three roUnd1ripa in aln,. dall i each harp will UPOD ~ IBJllDl ~heJ!:! until thelmpro'Vementeln theca.l flelda I.. . vein Is known B, 'No. 11 and t. free from water and the Rrede of ooal hold 1.000 tons, maltlnR 60 000 tone of coal 'fbeOOl' of mlnlajr 110 QOO tone are ~. , , n t UD ofthltoompany to Hell only enough of Brtllp.. cheer ~I ' lhe year, \~vf1r7 ranke with the bella bt'umlnWa. ooal in the market, burns free~,.' makes of coai at the Union 8081e ~f w&gee la t27,900.00, and traneportaUpp, ftom : : 1115 ~ co:a,....~ mprv&menu. when thll! atook wlll/ pay more ~. l1bi It DO .ldll ie r,qntiecl .. white &lh and no ollDkerl ~ Itreaemlliea cannal ooal and, in fact, Ie·call , the mines to the river via electrlo tramway. at fiet per ton mu~ t& taD ~,:.. upoD€e~ ~ neth I II .~ n &O~QOl' i--;dly fbiuul ;roDaio, eNd ~ml'dcalnnfal bY a .. lf8at m&~nYf 20:~ m:n. Th~~ II800nd vill ~: k~O:::; 000.00 i lease of tow~t and bargel at the valuation of t3Oq~oooia • " lndu...........:.':'wtU~ ~ fe: O:::la:a~ n~~Rd:!.II~~~t~~~ .,,_ .. ~ . I 1 d--...· -_.. O. ., an 8 oand a. a d ep nO ee . s san exce e (IJ a per cent baell II t12000 mannlng ' maintaining tow boat aDd orew for ab .... , I"" f .."'"..-.. I h ' .......... " ...... _ . vooa 80 oe, - . ...... oa.l with a rook roof, _me jwi No. 11 i jost south of UI by Reineke & St. ald ' da s t4 boo . InOtdentals for three tri tl0 000 '. " ted oaR f l · teuoD • 01180 Ir.~· ."pleeln t e world on whloh the qaartett.. ; < 'he finee' obataaer SerBard. and weat by 'h, ~Urgle DeKoven and Pltteborg ooDlpanles. inlnfn 000: estimated ooet of mlntn 60 ~ ~a ot' :":-...d ~ I wheell 01 • ..., Indne&n''' 4ependent. The dBlDand O!Iob' ,ear_In01'tl&ll8ll ~ ~ vaadervi1le lki•. j ThlU No. ·8 II .. vein very little ImbWD &I to grade. not being worked In thle It In t:e New Orl~lIln8 market Is $56 9~ r~lpte for SO 000 tone 101 ·1~..tbe~,I."..of,. ~O/~I'~" ~~ ~~"whahenByoluldbaveLoa ..n ~evlltibent In an .... _ Pb h vi".:.· ~ I ' dletrtot bat the teet Ihowe the veta to extend nnder thle property. No. 7 t ." 3" '201 000, 'f' i I d ' ......IH ro;"'". ....Ui~~ u .... mna II! n u ing Ii A8800latlon or , ..... on~p pro un buu ~ to be the lamOulBell ooal.nd la found at II- depth' of about a .... u per ton, ' , ' 001 0 m n ng an : tranepo.~OD •.-.Il00 avla......k. U ...~a..lylafe: &he earnings are ~oh' Lar88r and -alld Dl~ ~ ~y ?ther '.f>~tlo 1100. f~t. Thil Ie .11ne of gall and ooklnK ooal and r~~ly brings a lesves :~lt:;..l:_y days with tbe capaotty of .'het ~ j you. have 'h.1noreaa!d . .l~tiOD of your ltook. ': ' : . 8D~, yet Is ~thlD ~h or prioe of 13.50 to t4.00 pe. at the mlnllll, It ia known to eDst on tbls 1.000 tona per day" These;taotll hine been carefully ob&alned;;F.~ be "'1. _ .~ . . I . 1.-' • • ( . ' prope~:t: by th.e &eats tbath v, been made. depended upon as being aoourete. The marte'" absolu&e ud ~ I11III .•. ~ fKire kaI'lJU7f 100,000 "hares uU.v stoc,k set •aU. 1a,apeab for itself. . We w1lI be pleased to show tbe ' ' for tbls grade of 0081, ThIe'Company Is putting In a lha" with II' _pao. aside .to 1!e Bold dt ~l1trC8nts per share. par v,uru $1.00,. maohiDell to an),ODe interested. Th /' •• "--k II of f th 1a ...... IIa d I II Ity of 1.Ii00 to 1,800 tons per day: with electrio tramway from mllUII to WM,. .th,e ·p~ "~fJJJ. ~ advanced. 1 per cent 1Jer month .. property .. a....... ne one 0 erg"". ra rOR y. I AlII . ... thlep t III be od I' • ~. ,[~-:.:...~- T,iJ.. id ' . , '~ Sokl on paymenta of 11.00~. week teml runDlng dlrectl, 'hrough It, Kiving DB a,marke~ by raU l10th north :;'~~'. mprovemeu.., on roper y w m ern n .vBrJ' reo "n uiVlOC'fCWIJ W_ ~ pq, . on the market prwe of the J lIoutb and enabling us &0 _~ the larg~t qoal markets of the country stoole•
ai_:t', IittJaMal"
011 '-' T.r»lto"'JI•
I '
Q vldenda.
,, '-'aDar.0rtatlon In Markets '
.= . . ::m=!~
. '. T. B 4 OUSTBll. ,
, _4 »Oll't Kaow It. _ _ 'h . . . . 0.1. '
,FlU a bOllle or Common elau with YOIl1 ....., and let It atancI twenty.four hOUf.; •
_Imen( or tllne Ind/calell an unheallhy condl· tlon 01 the kidney.: If It llaln. )'our linen It Is evidence of kid· ney trouble : 100 frequent cleatre to pau It or pain In . the back Is allO ooavlllclar.not tbal the kidney. and bla4IIenreoutoi Order; . Wllat to 110. ThIn IB comfo'rt In Ihe knowledce IlO eItu ~ thaI Dr. Kilmer', Swam,. RIwIt, tIiie ..-t.kldDey ramedy fulfil" ever, ~ fa 'lnlrtfte rIIe_llam. pain Ia lhe . . . ~ya, 11... bladder and every part 01 .... ~ ..-ce. It correct. lnablllt, to &lid ecaJdlne paIn In pasalne
a.w .....
II. 'or bid eIfecta lollowlJlr u.. 01 II"IICII', wtaBor*" and o _ m.. that unplauanl •• 1 I Ity 01 Mine compelled to Co ofteo
the." uid 10 pt liP • \IIIt. 'mild
':.;~=t elf"" It
many tim.
tile au.. Is WOD-Ita
ao. .AiwY.
Chas . .11. Baker, President and Treasl(,rer; ' James Stoop.Ii, Yice President,' i(icIJ,oZalMetz. &oretary; • DIRECTORS: Chas. Q. Hildebrant, E.-u. U. S. Co"'!!ressman. 6th. District of Ohio. Wilmintton, Ohio. J~s Sio01J8, ~ Pruident of Oitizens Bank, Waynesville, O. W. R. Stelle. 'Capitalist, Indiana.polis, Indl~a.nn. Elmer L. Carl. Wholesale ~ lUtail ToAacoonist, FrtlAkf'ort, Indiana. .Nicholas .Metz, Florist. Dayton, O. Chas . .1.1.. Baker. President and Treasurer, Ind~anapolis, Indiana. . . POJ.'. fe. 'd aj's onl¥, ·o~ Ions a. tb. Allottm'-Dt oJ 100;000 .Jaa. . . IIuIt, I'0U GaD . 'bUJI for oash.'
t2500,OO Oash 6,000 8haree, fJlI~ll. Ca$ .....100 . .ru... THE MONTHLY PLAN, ~g:go C~N~UY: 500 ~haree. l~~. aIM .. ~99 ,,~ 10, 000 ~barea 1'00. ('"ash 6 monthly paymentR '400. each , 11.000..,.. ttOO. m,...."lr ".'melJ~ 2,500 Shares t100. Cash 1\ monthly payments '100. eaoh 1,000...... ,.0, 0tIab. ~lmfl"" 500 Shares t 20 Cash 6 montbly payments • 20. eaoh VISO Bbana :10. ~. mopthl1 P'J'mMMt 1000 Sharee 4 Cash 6 monthly payment8 1 4 eaoh The oompany reserves the right ~ withdraw tbleltcoK from the market lit any time at the abov~ prioe. The time to buy ~took ... when ah. Oempant "1..itlnB'. Yoa pUno' a.ord to w_U, muat be made out to tbe oom~ny, and sent to tbe home office to Nlobolas Metz, Secretary, or JAMES tlTOOPS, WA Y'l-IESVILL8, O.
6:15, . Cub 25.00 Cash
•• 0.
411 l'emlttalllJ8
Cat ou' Wi OODpoa aDd mall it to *ha company at once. ' ....... bow IDA, 8IuIrM 1011 OOQld ~bl,. take and we w\ll mall yoa • •, ptCIIIIeOtI... Th. . II DO' obl .....IOD a'&aohed to \hla N~a,
P. O. Add,...________~--------------------I mllbt be abe
to take
eharea if I am ..tladed .
Warren County Court. Na w 'VITa, The George Wlede~"D Brewing CO. VB AdeJane Keever and Thoma" L. X.,er, her hURban«l . PI1l1nt11f ....t.tlll t.bat on. Fob. 23. '11106, plalnttlf paid t1 for 15 daY8' option for leasil of certain .property In M880n at .26 per month. ' That on March 7 It not. Ifled def"ndant. of aooep~Dce of ',amo ; tbA.t defendant hlWl failed and refoll6,d to enter Into suoh oon. trllOt:', ~lalntlff asks that . defendant be oomw lled to perf orm ~greement. BrandoD Burr imd hlDs al1d L J bolle are attorneys for plalntU" Kat~ Newman VB Bart Newman' Divorce. Oruelty. Pllrtles were mar: rled In 1887 and there wa.s no ohll. dren. Plaintiff avers tbat at val' I. oua times defendant 1W18aulted anrl beat plllolnUtJ. Runyan and Stanley are attorneya for plaintiff . OOURT PROOJ:BDUIOS. Albert Keever V8 John M. Bay. ner, et al. Answer filed. David Lashley vs Thomas Zell, et al. Answer and reply filed. J. W. Shertzer V8 The Vlll&ge ot F!,ankJln et al. Answer flied . Myrtle Irene Wolf vs Peter E. Wolf. Divorce granted , Custody of ohlldren and alimony In 8um of ' 5 per week granted IlallltltT. ,N . L, Bunriel VII W. 8, Bogan . e.use comproml88(1 and reoelver telleved. ' &rah Baysore vr. Albert Dill. . Maaon Bulldln~, Loan ftnd S"vlngs Company Is made party derendant. Stat~ of Ohio vs H. E. Delaney. Defendant plbads not guilty. Reo. ognlzaDoo fixed at tIiOO. PROBATJ: OOURT.
Hun jJ Ilf tbe Ore 'Htll ili Urid"e Co. Death of Mrs. ral~brul cUD' ~rllotID g of tbe brld"ti d M .•rruw In "be Bum of Luclnd. Truax. l! IlOQ WUH ILlJI.Irnvt!d, . A IJl;tltll'u HI" utid by ~. l.evl Car'. Luofndli Truax. was the daugbter wrlgb tllod twelve ot~~rll reqo~8tlng of Abllalom.and Cyn~la Ann L'ralg rtlpllto~'og of I'- bl'l.d ge over Mid. and. WIlS born in MorgRn CoUDty, dlt! Run wbioh WU8 destroyed Jone Kentuoky, May 16, 1835,a.nd depart20 22 E~st Third St.: Dayton,-Ohio. , J" l UO(). wa, orQered plaotld on file: ed tbis life Maroh 28, 1906, at 'he W!<tlttlru St"r, printing POlltIlge of 70- yoors and . 10 mon~h. and. ' ILlt! for olor)[ .... .. .. . ......... 3 50 12 days, having lived ,just a little ' OUI' W tlllttlrn t;tIlr priJltlngblankli more tban the alotted age of ttirj,e ' for Auditor .................. 6 00 'score years arid t,e~. " WIlt1tern Star prlntlngbloDks 8he was first marrIed ,to John ,Bel. for Probate Jud!;e.. .. .. ... 7 50 I~re, to them were born to two ohll. Jobn ~on o,ltd Watson sup. dren, one son and one daughter, , AptlY' :~emons~ratlng in assortment, quality and price our leaderRhlp &8 the "Man 8tore" of Dayton. One year sooms a ood plietllor Prt) lio te Court.. . 1 80 Alvin Sellers and Susan Arnold,who .de..,l of,time,under ,Bome oiroums~nOO8, espeoltilly when you have acoomp~hed a great deal lD tbat length of , time. We hav., ~en Johntlon .lnd Wotll!)n BUP wl'b tbelr fumllies, mourn the . 1088 In bnaiDuB8 In Dayt;on one ~ear and have no regre t& to e:s:pre88. Our elrorta to the publlo a firs t·ol&88, high.oltLBII, depe~dable stel'U ba~ pliell for TrellBllrer .... ..... 4 85 of u fa.lthful and loving mother. J t)bnbon Il,nd Watson s up· In a few yellrs otter be r marriage met than we bav€' expeoted . Perbaps we are wiser be"ond d I with even ha dmore appreCIation ' . .1 our one yoar. bu t th e wi sdom we have leurn.. pllet! for Court tltenogra · she sntJered tbe loss of bel' husband e n mero n ising Is dlreot toward tbe working ont of bigh Ideals. Our polioy, we bave cllrri ecl one In tbe past and expect to III t he pher...... .. .. ....... . .... .. ...... 6 85 and was left a widow with her two tutnre, 18 " the square deal to all." will prevail durina this sale whloh will last 2 weeks Inoludlng Saturday before Easter. Bllft'ett 8r09, blunks for Pro. ohlldren , 800n af$er the olose 'of bate Judge.... .. .... ........... 5.jjQtDhll War, ehe wall again married to F. M. Cunningham. attor. r , U. L. Truax. wUh , whom she Men's Suits at $15 and $16.50 ney's fee. Hllt.tle E . lived more than thirty years- he Base Ball Suits Worth $20 and $~5. at $8.&0 !:Itepbens vs UP. Wheat. ha.vlng preoeded her to the ~at on, TretLBurer ......... ... ... 100 00 beyond mCilr6 tban three years a~o, Worth ,12.50, made of fanoy worsteds. Here is wbere we shine. Here Wtl offer Consisting of Blonee, Hloomers, Belt and C, S. Mounts oleek, oourt since whloh time she has made her cassimeres and ser8011, either single or dodble you merobandise that aro of the very \)est ' oosts In case No. 10228 24 65 home with her daughter, Mrs. Cap. worth t1.GO for 1i0c dnring onr "nnl. breBllted and all wool Bootob effect; In this Import~ worsteds and serges atrlotly custom Jomes Follen', sir., grass seed Arnold In'Corwln, wbere she racelv. versary sale, providing he buys hia Elister season's late8l Cut, aotually wortb '1 2, riO. m!Ld€', h_nd felled ool1ars lind hRnd made for Court bouse lawn..... 2 00 edaJ) the attention and oare a daugh. 8ults ot us ' 2.60. Bee them In the window· Lebanon Ioe and Ooal Co. ter could give a kind and loving Annl versary sale price but ton holes at 'lri and '16.60. ooal for jail .................. ' 14 25 mother. W . C. Turton ooal for oourt For furty.five years she has been, Spacial hoUt!e ...... ... .. .. ..... ......... 14 25 a member of the ehristlan Churoh Top Coats and Rain Co'lts Benry DIlatUt!h. gravel ..... . 10 '57 at Colemanville. Ky., and was Sal'8 suits Suits at 1 .2 .&0 From ,$7·50 t o $~ 'l . 50· Amos Runyan gr.veL ......... 16 74 faithful to all her C)lrlstlan duties, &mnel Bowner, gravel....... . 8 28 ever reading her bible and puttlQK 200 Roys double breasted suite IIg lll> 7 to Without I\n equlIl for make. Rt yle and S . F. Elbon, bridge ropalrs, her trust In the Lord. , ' 17. In fanoy OIl88lmers, plaln blaok or blue At this prioo we aro otJering some high quality, from the ordinary out rnln fll1dt 1.0 Wayne town~hlp . .. .. .. ... 34 711 Mrs. Truax was never very strong ohevlot,H. wort h 50 and 'S.OO. Annlver cllWl' merohandise of merit in all the new the most extensive atylOll of EugilHh (lut, Bert Reed bridge repairs In body, but rather fraU tn hoaltli, sary sale Jlrloe tints and kinds Inoludlng the IiUsUk lined Top lJoat , Deerfield township......... 18 711 yet she did well her part in life, al· MUe8 G. Hamilton. fenolng ways kind a»d sympathetic, belpful graveyard .................... 12 0' In slckn888, and pleasing In oollver· John P. MoCarty, brldlJe reo sation. She will be ~tly Dillae(l pairs, Union townllhip... 11 75 by her friends and loved onel. John p, MoCar'Y oement She leavOll to mourn her 1088, two Consisting of bluo serges, oheviots, WOrt!tedll, OA8slmeres and and sewer pipe...... ...... 42 28 ,ohildren, fonr grandohlldren IUId Da vld MOrris, gravel .... ..... , 17 98 two great grandbhildrn, and a gl'8ll>* 8.1ot0be8. Valnes range f4.21i and M.IiO . Annlversllry sale In any color, shape and elyle eqaal to any 13.00 In the Trustees, De'erfield town. host of trne friends. Truly' It may United Statllll for only ship, gravel......... ......... 1i8 36 be said of her: "t;he has done what On motion Wm. GoodWIn was she oould," and has gone to her granted a rofnnder of taxes on tlO bl088ed reward-Philip Trout, Pae· of personal property to the amoUDt tor M. E . Church. , Made of all wool material, double lII!at and knefl, re~lar ,a.oo and of 1.90, It being shown that said The last sad OftiOO8 were ·perfor~. property was lilted twioe. ed for the depl\rted loved one at !ler 10.50 goods. Anniversary sale price 'only late home with her daughter, Mre ~ Arnold, at Corwin, Friday afternoqn Rb ~ ruoti8m Mllkell Life Miserable. by the Rev . Pblllp Trout, eurroUDd. A h"ppy home Is tlie most valu. ed by a l"rjre nnmber of sympathetAs good aa the beat tl5.00 hat told tor only ablo po88e8slon that Is within the 10 friends . Hand80me 110ral design,s 1i0 dIJzen men's and yonng men's Hats llhapet! and ooJ~ra, the A tnll and complete liqe 0' !ten's and Young KAn', aDd .,. relloh of mankind, but you cannot were sent by loving relatives Ilt a usu&IIII1.1;O kind. Anniversary sale price only Boy's 8hlrt& and Neckwear for Eai$er at lInllually low ~Dni. enjoy 11.8 oomforts It you lire sutJ. dlstaoce who were unable to be versa1'1 sale price. ' erlng from rheumatism. ~ou throw present owing to illne88. Interment ulde bUlllne88 cares wben you en. in Miami Cemetery. ter your bome "nd you can be reo _ ._,0--- lieved from tb08e rheumatlo paiDs THE UREEN !:lEAL PAINT &Ieo by applying Chamberlain 's Pain Will cover than other Bllhn. ODe appholltion will give palnta. Thill Is because It Is made you relief IIDd ItII oont,inned use for from best materials. a short tilDe will bring about a per. For sale by J, E , Janney. ~O and ~~ East Third St: Dayton Ohio. mnoent cure . For sale by F. ,e. tloh · wartz Obituary of Mrs.
tor I.b"
C~l~brat~ng .
f"o:r the boys¥ ofbo¥s'
Men and YOUDI MaD'. wo:rth $1.5.
Dr. C8.IdweU's Syr~p
=It 0'
CoD"*" waa made wid! the
of Men's and Young Men's Clothi~lg.
$ 9 50
ONpaIa'BrtcJp 00., for .. hl8h &nil bItdp I' 1Iomnr,. 1887.
'an Anniversary Sale
Mall's aDd YOUDC MaD's sulbl
Est.ate of A. N. Couden, Partner· ship. Firat aud final account for let.tlement filed, 1n re IWllgnmeD' of Frank Lud. lum to M. J . Hutoblnaon, U8lgnee. A88lgnor given '1i00 worth of prop· .erty. Order for sale of ohaUals is· sued, Charles Madden vs BUlhred 8in· gle~,!D , &10 of real estate confirm · ed !lnd deed ordered given. Proper (1IHlrlOOtlon of funds ordered made. Elltilte af Belle Robinson, Imbe. olle. Firet aooouDt for settlement filed . Wm·. T , Van Derveer, guardian nf I!;dwln R Van Derveer, Imbecile, e~ 0.1 HMrlng of OIUIe set for Maroh 30. lit 9 o'f1lopk 0.. m . Estate ot Mary C. 8mith, decells · ed. First and final llooount for eet· tlement filed . Estate ;of Sarah A., Thompson, benefiol.ry. Fourth account for settietLent filed . Anna Wyle Williamson , liS guar· dl,ao of Crystal and ' Alverda Wyle vf!<.,"rystAl and Alverda Wyle, mi· William Oraham. nors et al. &le of real 88tate oon· FULL MEASURE firmed and deed ordered given. The funeral of Mrs , Wm. Gra. Green ~I Llqnid Paints are put W . F . Eltzroth ,as guardian of ham, whoee death was announoed Samuel Chamberlatn Vii '&muel A. up Unit-ed 8tatOll Standard meallure. In last weeks Gazette, was oondnct· Chamberlain et all &le of real es· You will always get Il8 muob as tld by the Rev. Philip Trout Thul'llt_te made to George W. Gulssinger you pay for. day morning at her late resldenoo, For sale by J. E. Janney. withdrawn and ' 8I~le at same to Nat when a very large conoouf8e of reI· C. Murray confirmed. Mortgagee • ordered paid. , Plroting Foley's Honey and Tar. atives and friends gat,hered to PIcIy , a tribute of l'espeot to the dead and Foley & Co , Chicago, orIginated show their sympathy for the )ty.' Estate of GeorMe W . Null, deceas. ed Proof of publication of nolloe Boney aDd Tar as 110 tbroat and lung lug. the building being 100ufticlent remedy, and on Ilcoount ot the great to aooomodate the persuns present. of appolntmeut of exeputor filed. Estate of Grace Rhea ROlen, mi. merit and popularity of Foley '!I At tbe funeral the following obit· lior.' Final lIoOOount for sett·lemen, Honey and Tar many Imitations are uary was read. med. . otJered for the genuine. Ask" for Lizzie M . Graham, was the Dlakl of Ralph E. 'l'hompson, mi· foley 's Honey and Tar and refuse nor ' J'irat lLOOount for eettlelDent an:r substl'nte otJered aa no other dau..-bter of Hiram and Margaret filect .,:' . preparation will give the same sat· Taylor. She was born Jan. 2«1. Eatakl of Peter W. Hall, deoea. Isfaotion. It Is mildly luative. It 1868 and di ed at her late b01ll1l ed. Firat aDd final , aooount for eel;· oontalns no opiates and Is s_fest for near Wavnf'svllle Maroh 27th, ohlldren and dehcate persons. ttementi tiled . . 1906 at the age of 38 years, 2 In ro 8tltate of Peter W. Ball, de, months and 25 days. GREEN SEAL PAINT oeaaod . Inventory aDd appralso. She wae married to, Wm. F. meot onlltlid. )s made right. That's the realon Graham Jan. 3d, 1889; to them · Ill8tate of Firman-Sutton, deooa. wby 80 many of our plllnters Ilre ed. i'trst aooount for eettlement recommending It. And they know, were born three children. Forest H., Edith l'd, and Ethel ·C. filed. . too. These childreu with their !atber . Estate of Eleanor White. 8eoond For sale by J. E . Janney: I\re It:it to mourn their loss of a aocount for eettlement Wed. , . klUd and loving mother and a t(ne .ARRlAGa ,L10lCJ(a~ . Wlil Inter~t M.ny. and faithflil WIfe. :1 George W .. ~'Dder Madllon, Ind. Every person shonld know that Sh If d f I good healtb IslmJl088lble if the kid e Sll ere Kreatly or severa Capitola Crane Labenon. neya are deranged. FoleY'1i Kidney lUonlhs before her death, yd abe William Wittlnger and Maude E. Cure will onro kidney Imd bladder was kind and patient and uncomThompson, both ot Franklin, James H. Ring and Mrs. EllZllo dlBelltM'l In . every form, and will plaini nil' through it all. Dearbom both of Franklin. build up aDd streullthon these or She loved hfe, and lovlld ber r gauuo they wil1 perform tboir funo . family, and gladly would she ' RaAL JUlTATIl TftANaJ'J:R8 . C. Corrington' to 1.. ,W. tlons properly. No danger of have lived for their sakes. But Br!ght's disease or diabetes If Fol " she was not afraid 10 die, ' aild Witbl&in, lot In Muon i $1. .s Kidney Cnre I~ taken 10 time , spoke of it, as going home al!. Barry 'abd Jl&Oob tlpln!1e~ to Alex seeing Je9U8. Spinner i two tracta In Deerfield . C. Bohwartz. .towDahlp ;,t/l200. ' IF YOU BAV~'N'T USED rr ·; "We do not mourn al thOle Alfred MoCray to Atwell In , who have 00 hope." . Linny MoCray i 125 311 I&Ore~ aud She leave. besides her husband Buy a good brul!h, a OI/on of Green Wublngton'townsblp: '1250, ~I Paint" and be ' glad your eye and children, many near rela· I'ranlt Braodon to Anna Belle oaught this, • For salub, J. E. Janney. \lve!!. and a hoat of friends to Brown i lot In Lebaoon i t1. mourn ' her death. W. J. 8tl188 and husband to S. P. She was a woman that will be MOnfort; 196.65 acres In Wayne greatly missed from the com· to\ynahip i '1. Peter B. Donham to Louis Fred i munitv and her meroon will be in Lebanon; 1. , preciou8 to her ohlldren. Lewis V. and Luolnda E. D10bne "The Lnrd R'ave and thl' Lllrd to Charles A. Crockett i lot In hath laken aw .. y; bles>lcd be the ipringboro i '00&0. oamll or the Lord." BoA al)d Jam88 Follen to Ed· Philip Trout, ward Maloy i lot· In Booth Lebanon; Pastor. M. E. Church. t1. . Wll,ll~m B. PhWI.,.. i to John Bol· ~esolutlonl from wepr i SO aorea til I'ranklin town· ahlp; 13'00. CQrwl" School. Be~ E. Daniel to Ka1'1 II:' loUD,; lot In WaJD88viUe i 800 • The Angel' of Death cumes to 080rP'Ya1oD ~nd wlfe to G. W. ever V home. A. it comes to you ' I:I"~ ,i1Q$lP, ~banoD.,j l· lt oomes to me, We lcnow Dot ' T. O. "t~L aherlp:. to Laura who Is tl1e neK~ to ba c.Ued bome. A. D. ~b~y I lOll aorea in Hamil. We lIave tnQWU ~h•. Elicabetb aDn $Ownahlp i 3001. Taylor Graham as one who has •• spent her time and love, as long 'Commlss loaer. thl. con4ltlon-clo." as her trail form would permit, proceedings. delar, but 10 to die for ber children and her hU8baDd. MareSt dnta-l(iat anel buy a boltle af Sbe was an earnest worker In W. Unglelby and Bo08, b uri.' all of her undertakings. especlall., al of indigent IOldle r ...... GO 00 in her home and for her school, (t.. ....., ..Barrett Broe. blanks for .where we liS teaohere lI:!,d pupils Auditor..... .... ......... ...... 1G 00 were ,thorOUlbly acqualnted with Rugi l• Gale Co., blanD for " Auditor...... ...... ....... ..... ,go It.l. the ..fest, qulck_t·actlna- ani her good work. WUItJUCAS: God bas called her elrectlve reinedy In 'the world for W. H. StaDae & Co., .""OD· aU bowel aod .tomach trolibl_p~ from our midst. Be It ery for, oourt ,tenogra· pher .. ............... ......... 10 60 ant" powerful. and,pelietrattor. RBSOI.VBD: That "'e • at a It reache. the lleat of the trouble'Ad Rugglee Gale Co., blanks for school deeply sympathize with inltantly correctllt. Auditor ......... ........ . . ... .. 2 1i0 The ,cooftned ra- are ,r eleued' fer- the famIly in tblR fir~t great los8 T. C. Patterson. tlherUf 6 per mentation II .topped' and the all~cte4 of wil e and motber. Tbat ' they oent of uDolaimed mOD· locality soothed and Itrenglhenecl. ' . ' . ey '~ld Into tl'OIUInry.... 17 72 . DR.CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIlf put theIr trust In the HellvPIIJy J . F : 'Rlob', coaL ....... ; . ........ 2~ 67 ~n be obtaluedJ"u bo~h doltar ..crJaaUo Fatber anef, look forward to a ' 'happy meeting i~ tbe GreJ1,. Be· Tru.'of Publio AtJairii. wtlter a 3l 49\1ar .Ise. at all drugl(iat.. ~our money ",ill be nfuna.cJ II • . yond. ,.Be it I RugglM-GatA Qo "; blank til..: ,4_ not benefttJon. . .• Prohilol'A1 J odIC'! ........1...... 10 00 SBSOLVBn.: ' That copies · of .y..,..: DoIIIII catd _~wm brIM. , I ' ...... _ "Oil. C.u.b Ccintrao& w"" IIntll,,1O into wlsb these resolu,t lons be' sellt to the wo~ .. _ _ . J ..P. ~Oarty for a 16 inoh "war ..... wbo lIa" bereaved famUy. the local papers _ . . ~ tIIII · in U~ CoWll8hlp ., 'eetlma&e of . . . . , . lIa1l,,\>VPootaltb4ar. aad ~ba' they be .prod UOOD the 11.M. '1IIiaut.. of our .oaet,.•.
'First- Bi~·thday With.
....... In.. . . . •• 11 · · .. ......
I'or'" ." I. II. IANND'.
Biped by puplls and teachen
or Coma Vill. School.
81 .9 5
150 Boys Suits
I'Noxall" Hats
Wear Well SUlits For Boys. '
"Y,oung's" Celebrated Hats
Special Anniversary Sale of Hats
MaeGreegor's Best Hat don't Ihlnk l 'll go ollt tp-day, lohn" s!,lld Llu le 'Weo J oall.11le's Ihnt 'tractlou s, f )(PO(·t f ~1I have to ,glv I/.er 011, ooor dear. 101\ s boultl n't ;btl,: glvo n her that bit of kipper last IIlgbt," "Qclt, Llule, It was jIst a tn 1I1lQ 0' y or nttll " " Well, ) I} k nov> well, soo's " mall for Id IlJ)OrS John. An' y Imo" I 'Voulll n 't give b er thai kind a .meBt mysel f J'nI sure yo mlgbt bave morc sonso lhan to g l e be r ev e r~illl ng she cries lor But It can't be h<l lped no" " "I'!U I'cal sorry, woman," said John "1 thInk I II ' bldo In Ih o l\Ouge 1m not cllrln' tlbo ll gain ' oulto-d1>J " "No, 110, Jobn . Yo' \'e got to talte Macgree gor to Iho lInnt!, fur) e Ilrom Ised th e c hild " "Take Jlfn cgreegor ) erself, Li zzIe an I'll mind \, eo J oannlo ' 'Toots nonsens e' y . 9ce I m no j ist s ure If It was tbe Il lpper thaI flone It, so yo oeedn 't be hla.mln' ) crself Abou t wee J en:Jnle " "Do YO thlnlt It "as n' ttbe kI pper?" I8ld .Tohn, eagerly " Ma) he It wasn't, An) way , I kno\l
"80111. folk." obietn( l M'-' Ba"., 0' tiiffii' to be __ ntrl'." "Maclfl'eeIOr," Bald Jobn, "I'm not loin' to walt for lhe tl' blow bla trumpet , • guen be jJst can'l It tor .bow. Come awa)' 'wI'" U1e" AJld, mudl lo hla 811rpriHIl, Ula youngst er ""111 dragged away. FrOm that moment Johu! \, Ie ure was at an e nd lilv rs smile he obsen' ed, ev ry laug b h heard, oS onled to lu"'o a persoua l IlPplica lon SerOrB the band IlcrC",rmotlce \V811 Onl8h d b8 aud bl K KO n wore en their WB} b,01jle. blmself In h)OrtAI terror ICSl tbe bo y s houl,l 8u lf I 111 ~ij l l His worst rean! 1\ e re ijoon rOl\lI ze tl As Ihey \\all,ed along the 8tr~ et Ib ey \\ re ..;ot n,) t \\() swa.1I 00) s, who grtnned at til Ir alll"oa~." and lllullbed loudly bell Inn the h lIae l. s John g rIpped th e Utile IIn gc rs a lhougbl c los ~ r, but beld hI s peaco, Pr ~e t\lly 11 jllvonlle vo ice behind tbem yell cd \V ho dIed an le tl ye tile bOn\H!t ? Anll anot no, Il X IlI lmcd: 'O ~ t\lr) pllp! . • ' Never 1II111~ ~I,lc g l eegol , "hIHper· ed J ol"\ , 1- 1 m not tIlludln paw, snlo! tbe bo) tremulou sl)'. T h ree 111110 gI rls passed t he m pUd brol:e 1111 0 a co mbIn ed Ilt of g igglin g 0110 crl od Gran ol paw' after IholD, 811(1 Ih e tr io Ian up a close Dut they \\ere ncorl)- homo now, and s urely the lor.meut \V 811 at nil e nd l3u ' no' Al the corner or th e s tree L appear d Willie T bomson. and several )Iher of Macgr eegor 's pla) mates, Tbey did no t mean to be unlllnd, but at tbe sIght of tb elr little trlend th ey stared for a mom e nt, and tb en fl ed s nigger Ing And trom a window above came a Jeering h all Haw, you wllh Ihe tancy h nt' " follow ed by th e Imp erII· oc nt H hortatlo n "Come out Ibe bo n· net an' let s Kee yer fee~ ; F'lna lly 1\.9 lhey hurrI ed Into the familiar eut ry a. s hout camo after tnem In whi c h the word "ganlry " was cruelly dis t inct Climbin g tbe stall'll, John wIped tbe I,er s plrntlon of Bhame and wrntb from bls rorSheau , whlle bls son e m lu ed s lrange, ball·cho ked sounds " Never mInd, Macgree gol' never mind, " wblsper ed J oh u, pal lin g the beavlng sboulde rs, ',e' lI , nolo wear It ataln It l'-ve Lo buy ~o a "dozen bon·
. I. very fonll
-Englan d l"U\f4iDg, Stellmed FtC Organiz ed a Lumlle rlos Cooet) 0 ID Early lIDY' a.nd Han lIndo P~dding, and A-pple Corn Stanch It Pay. an4 Somo ~~uc.,
Mix togelber one cu pful of vastl'J' HOllr and aile beaplng teaspoon ful ot baking powder and But tlieiO Now CI ~,ni togetb e r on e. blll!, of a eu!) o! s UlPI:r and ODe tablespo onful 01 but· ler, · and wb eu they alc smoo t h add one egg Thin tbl s mlxlure wIth onehal! c upful ot milk and season wltb one snl lll pnonf111 o( salt Mak e a calle baU e r by addIng the flour n),d baklna powrler unll lurn Into a rather dcep ohlong tin Bnko In moderat o oven tor 25 mlnlltes nnd Ke rv ho t " Ith the followin g aau ce Mix on tables pooll t ul at cornstor ch In a little col.l watllr nnd s tir In lo t WQ CUIJful s or boilin g "ule r To tbl~ add thrce quurtors of II "U I' of s ugar snd ben l with a s poon unlll Ihe mix· tu ro beco mes ~ l eHI, Next put In one tengpooilfu l of 'butte l BlI lI one t a apoontu l Q( le mon Ju ice nntl pus h to tho hnoll 01 t he to ,'e until rearly for use This sa uce s houltl be serv ed hot an li Ir It beco mes t oo t hlrk di lu te It with n s ml\ JI qunntlt~ or boilin g
Monster Fisbter WhOI. Building Marks a New ~a In
N.vel Cons\ruc:olion,
I'IO \'CS H I. Ir Inv lll .Iule Oruurln u~ lI L Sl nl;le Handcrl ~Inks the Shi ps nt th Ene my R n.~ t g ve ry On~ or Iho 1'01\ I [u l Bn' II,·, 11I\.I5 ,'ent 10 tbu HIlt om Boru l u Thpy 'o ll id I,l'l \\' lthl n !Ilirlll!; Disla n. (> 01 GIIlU ! DlllII llI H Mo nSlor WII, "hlp ::lUI h wouhl be th e 11C'"d ll ncs () I It e n e Wti teill og or ' a OOtis lIJla na val C I ' gagcm cnl of th e fU lllrI', Ir ull • houlrl b~
mot a womuu Ilway bOlllt III the rew lnys ngo \\ ho orll Uulzoll 1111I IIrll't ~lIm ber cnllli' It, lhnt suutlon und ",110 bas loggo(\ 1111 t ho Illue t1mllcr ont of lhat lerrllOry ," . DllI W G Arcb er, ot Owen8boro, 10))OdS Ibe Loulsv!l lo cou rlerJourn"l "She Is ono nt Ule mos t peculiar QbUrllClCrs of Lhe tit a t DuU11 Is II oN n 'llll)' 100 ) O"'S of ngo Not oul)' bUG s he I!)gged ott Ihu limbel ,Iod IInHHIscft u SUlII II fO I Lll nt', "ut "ho BUlllh es In ti ll 01(1 log cll blu , fur [1 0111 nny h llmllil llo, bl\ lli oll , ""u s ho ,lIlu'" nO :lUe ndant a ' SC I \,11,1 lo II,{' nuu II I hel 1I0uso ' DUli n!; , III tl l'. nr~ t IIIlndlll. l, nll on O~al k mO\lntul~ or AI kUlISUK tl
HAD HEART PAINS A C .. l1C1111 e ••• ~f f'h.lIlI1I Itla", CUM , BlI' Dr. WIII"m .' PI"k Pili .. Whllo Mr, W, 8, GellMll, of No •• 110 Bast Contos Itreet, Mobbrl! , ~,WillI stuudlly worldug nt hill troilo III a fouu· dry nt thnt plllCO, hI! became' the VlullIlI pi an attack of rhenmnt lsUI, nlld bla e~ (IOrlonco i9 ~hnt of thousnll ila who are ClOIIIMllod to work III shull"" AllI'l'OUll!l. hlgs. lIe d osunbos his 61tunllol l AS fol. Iowa; ., Il1ad boen nt work for a JOIIII' tune In 1\ t llnudry where 1 wns exposed to olampnoll8. FLrRt my fcet bOGun to burb nUll 10 swell, thou n,y Im oos aud llIY shoulder j luta boguu to b o uffccted In tbe same WilY, l."lunlly 1 could n ob wnlk without gleat dlOl olllly nlld sulIeJ:lu g tlud bu d 10 s top w ork nl tolluther . My apputuo WIlS fuoblo 111111 I STOW very pale I\ud wCllle. Illog"u to 111\\'0 pnlua about my \I UIII t and It ilnHered 1\ great dci'l_ I bccnluo ~I 'lltly alllrllu;d ubont my coo' dllluu JlIy moWer 11110"" ahout Ihe vir1n08 o f Dr Willonm s' Piuk PIUS, as thoy h nd K" 0 11 hor bnol' b ur hCtllth wholl Bhe " ,'~ u~llr ly wosttng to death, and wbon Hhl> rUlII" l tlmt thoy " eta good for rben. II I!Ill Sill 100, s bo begnll to Rlye tb01n to 1110 nbon t n tIIoll~h IIfler I WI\S attuoited, 'fhnt ill Ihe ellrly pllrt of Mnreh, 1003, allil by Jl1110 t hoy bllo ,lrlvon awny th e 1)[11118 "lid "welling aud hnd restorml my nppotlto nml color , Th en I folt strong O ll n u~h to take np a lin of out,loor work IIm1 n ow, III October . I ro, gar(\ lIIy"ulf cl\tlrely well Ilild I alU nbout to go luto a foundry ngnlu at St,
!l lachargl ng rOllr lon8 or U1NUI a mh,· lite, " Ith sulUcl ent ene rgy to pe u.truto 16 In clt ell o f I(ru pp ~ t ce l ut n nn,ge ul 6,000 )nrrt, (lr nea rly Ih e mll C8 Th e three· lnlll gu n~, 'I I " hlltl 'nelo will bo IS III ull , will I", lor d cfellW\ agllln "1 tur pc,lo hn,lI B 11 11 '1 dl .Lro) ,r,:, tbis \\ Ol11 .tn WUM the \\ lfe o f u l; c.r nhl n n sc«lce 10 1 whl r ll tho ~'x lUI h J.; IIU I I ,UpIDm,,, lIvln!; lit St Louis Site W,19 100 h ~ avy ,lIld fl ot ""lIIclen t ly rUl,ld In li mon): t ho 11108 1 \)IOml li Cul of t h Gerlis lire UlUD f lmllle's or Ih e cll) bill ~" tlI" S~ I I· r ~l\ Jt '1.e t' lhn t th e <.h th iSth 1 \ Jn t! I)UII 11 A>I to u rlllor III 01 ectiun I to Orca I D UM Ch A I ... t !\ \\CIU IlI auo 1lt;,l tust h ~1 htH:; · ers r lhe \ Drend ll(lugl1t ; u ~ t ,Ullut; 11 Cd' ,,,,ught Will be 11 11 Iholl Inu s tron!:c.1 boo d's hUIlCoI), li nd the) wel l! (011 ell \U aL ron SlllolI Lh, E lI l\ llI nll 'I~ tt c leo r tbe' r ,111 ,1 lI leRt s lro l M O muko hel, nn,1 1100 Ih ~ cuu nl,)' TIl1. III J; ,,'fubc lu th ~ ba Lt lesh lp ahe will Ite buill willi" ,'It'W to les l. 1 mOllil ltoln " Ihe I1UHb,lOll sOO ll <II NI Th Is Ih o 111:;&" "1 II g ht, lI!: s hip eHr th e Sf" ~re ra c king efT t t ~ Will 11 'Lefl 10 hor own Icsou rcllsa ll ,1 wllhbuilt hy /I n y mIll n will w~en ,am· p],\ ),('(1 s tlrh b l"Oc.: w l l h t h o H \l~ ~ l n C o ut fl ieotl s O J m o ne)" the \\ O llUl I1 , wh o~ e pI led, lu\\ 1\ dl RIJlaccl1l'nl lIt 18,50 1, Kh ltls \II Ill r. Ilnltlo .. 1111 f Ul<o s s hip , UUIII, Is !'r1t,s, 1 wns fU I( Oll In 5 t' uro ton s \\111 rarrv ,. mai n h"lI,,) of te ' Abo\,: c n u' w 'H e r tln o tho tll'a, y nrlUO \ '''l~:~c nnll core hal t dO zen "Plll olI ~l)w e ttlc lho,1 of lil ellh utlil L u 'nlu~ 12 lo ch gu n . anrl n lhl t1l: . v..'lf 1 " hrc'" h,I8 be< II 111 1 rkd rll; h t 1111 trI l ile uPIJ ' r nnd boll until teude, In one qllal't lhat tliclU W lIH II sood dcmnml III Ch g uu_, will be eq ll lppl'1 ,,"h ta ll, II ck " 1101 It Is oow ll e r~ pi e rced t1\ Cor lIno Of wat er anel hlllt n cupCnl of sug nr lumbe r In 'lis olul oho prel'lll ell to or· t urbin e c n gt uc5> gU (\l u nt efl to gh ,' ('nserue lt tu I:1clo w th o \Yator line, pru h e r a s peod of r l IrnOI H Ln r OOllr - Loclio n blls " en provld ~ I to mee l 11'" Strain Int o th~ the Ju ICp of h a Ir a ga ul ze ,I lo!;!;l ng CII WII nud "ucceuded III lenlon Befor e Ib e apples lose th Ir lakin g Ihe pine tlmher rlom "'hl eh Is equ,'1 10 the s t>ee l nr Ih e filS' Iho DlounIIl1ar dange r" "hl t h "<ltllC Crom the s cs t crui sers no w bullt- a nel wli l ran)' bllrsti ll g of s hell s boneat h lhe wator hnp e, but "Ith mra tbat they nre tnln sid e lind !i a ull ll!; It w Ka nsu" Clly LonuJ H cooked throu gb, 11ft them from the ,lnd SI LOIII R Tbls \\ Its 10ll g be fore a protectl \ e arUlor "h leh will m uk' nntl wh ic h rtlll . bort of the s hip lllle Dr, Wlllln" ,.' Pink Pilla nbo oqre I a llrouu s w ro consllll~led 10 Lbo n olgb- olher dl"On"CR sprlnglt lg h er pruetlen ll) Indiffere nt 10 , ne he IV clal II It c ntl o n wu s given to tbl S prot!· Jul ~c I ~ "hl ch , th e) are holl ed un d bOI frnrn 1m· hood, Illld ove ry l o~ hilt! to bo move,1 place on th e di s h on "hleh they are p"ro blllod or dl80rtler cd n er v.cs, 611Ch lest bnLte rl es of th e eo!!m), 5 2 h 1 P ~ IcUl D to be ' Berv et! I\S sci n!lclI, locom otor ntnxla, partlnl Boll do" n Iho s irup Ii) mul es or ox eo ~hould Ih e y p.v~r un " \\Ifl nnd cle ,'er Th e mns t s trIking nnd Importa n t II!'Fol(cd 10 work wllh tho ro ugh est pamlysls alld nil forms of weakn o!Oll In enouMh In g I aum clcl1ll y ~eu r to m " ke novlltlon In Ihls ne w s hip Is th e Intra whi ch Is left to hnlf Ils qu nntlty a nd mnlo e)r remnle They th eir gu ns eff cct!' e rlll cti on of s team llirblaes Alrond1 thl~ k ell with one tabl ee poonful o! m e n In the west !.ho womnn beca mo IIt- nil .lrug!:I . , . or dlrootlyIl.ny be had at from tho D~ , cornstar ch moi st e ned In 0. li ttl e cold lie less Ihtln a mun horKel1 a n!ll ea rnol\ Wllhlltll S lIIodlcltle Compan Bul 1101 a ni )' I. th e Dnnlln oll ghl rC' Ibe principl e hn~ bee n apt/lI ed to Ib l> y, 6chouco mnrk nbl e to r . I, e for Ilrm L nc nt nnll ocea n J;ol nl< "Ie,lmcr nlHI thL most r'3' waler Allow thIs to cook until clea r, to govern hOI elllplo yes with nn Iron tatly, N , y, for motive power b"t In thl' xpcrtllto n ce nl nd tlll lo nK 10 l he 'J'runs nt)nnllc and nIter remol'ln g fro m the lire Ild<l hand, Nut a whlsp01 co nce rnin g hor ot ber co ns truction n ~ w" !' It h,lH li ners ho ve be~ n eqllirlpe i wlLh this on~ lea ~p ~onfljr or almond flavorin g Integrlt) e,'cr eSC:l\led the mountai ns lIngllt BOy. Sprinkle bllt ollce, nlld the boure r of the talQ WU6 only bee u four ,m, nt hs s lncA t\)e eel tytlC of e ngin e Tbere will OC rour prt. and pour 0\ or Ihe allpl es T •• eher-No ,,\ J obnny, ","nt woo Wubo this w'-'h sugsr a nd brown ~ In InBton i be killed by hor own hands .' . furewel ndllre.. ' 0' en tor a few minut es J ohunj - l:Iea veo - N y, Suu • j, . r--::~~------------:-~;::=:::!==::::::::::===::; "When s be IlrSt went to th o mounlal ns A -l Chop ~ S\ltt\clen t quanllt) ' at good, Mrs Mnssle knew not , 'q bing IlUt <1el man Shnk. Into Your Sboes cleno fig s to Innk e hlllt I\I cupful and Forced to lenrn Englis h, she plckod Ull Allen'. l oot Eose 1I curesp", n (ul, . ,vollen, mix together Lhorougb l y wllh hll'lr B her knowled ge at the la nguage trom the Hmortmg. fI \\CntIOJ~ feet ",,1uk'll new 8hoea cup of flour au d hnlf a cup of chopped employe ~ In the logging eB~ Sold b) nil Drll~ll'.t . IIlId ho~ Stpre. camp And suet Allow two cu pluls ot white wbat Engllsb It wns! Sbe was can- Don'I nccept nny . ub. 1I1111c Snmple FREE, Adorc"" A, IS OJws\,.d. ,I.e Roy, N Y breade rumbs to soal< In onc cup or sc le ntiolls In her studies and soo n nets " milk, lind when soft a!ld one·l\al! Clip Je~rned tbe use of en~h • word sbe bear.d, Fottnn. knockA once, then ace. away, Tbey eo tered t be houae of sugar alld the yo lks of [Qur eggs All large, expressl vo oaths are lbe most Advero,ty "III pound all day "Ya're early back," s aid Beat togethe r well nnd put In grad· ImporlA nt tl(\junct of Uzzle, " logging cnmp lan"I'LL NOT WE AR IT" ' t'LL NOT cbeerful ly, nnll y tho ftg and s ue t mixture, ono I guage, she naturnll Tbe Best Pouiblo Healtll y learned tbese In WEAR 1'(,'" "Ay, we're early baclt," said ber hnlt cupful ot hOPI/ed nut s, one addition , not !rom La tbole \~bo perltll'l Lh dll:ostioDnod choic e but rrom elrhu~bBnd , In u voice abe was not fatho blood puro by the uso of GI&rllold quarter et a cupful of Ilour mixed cumswn ces, Bnd to wbat t~ do, so olf ye go wll~ Mac· mlliar wltb thIs dn)' she Is nnLbe mild IUl\Llve, mude ot hrrbl tlOiln. greegor with onp t ens l'0on[ul of bnklng pow· able lo lalk hili I a dozen ?o\acgree gor, ha's yo rreo Olltfield 'reI> Co, Btooldyo ,N, y, words wi thout ,,'aa hed yor tace?" "Mercy me! Whot's tho mlltlar? ' der and flavor wllh three tables poon swearin g profusel y , 'Yes, maw," site cried "Wbat ails ye, i\1acgre ego ~'" tul s of s he n y or brandy Th en fold It 10 difficult te reatlOn w,th An cmpLr "If ber oaths are nollced, slle becomes • "H.ere, Jobn, ,eop yer eye 00 wee For a moment tbere was .tomacb . In Iho wbiles of th e rour eggs beaten much embflrro ssed d'lIld Rnd will apologl ~ e Jeanni e WI 1 ge~ lIIacgree gol 's new sllen~e Tben Macgree to a s tiff froth gor dtUlbed h hI Steam In a cevered wltb the stateme nt t1mt she knows no bat." Li zzie dived under the bed, ne w hat on tbe floor. puddi ng tll s h tor Ihree bours ''('11 not wear otber English and cannot help It COULD NOT KEEP UP. opened a uox and ,brough t oU L 0. pllor. It' I II not wear Work te gothe r t ablespoo nfuls It' I wlll not be "She lives In n log callfn, but It Is of 0111 gentryl I" III Jlol bs ge nlry! ' be of butt er and three ulules poontuls of peeu\inr conslruc lloll When ber snw- BlOteD Down, LIke IIbny Another Woman, "\\'bat kInd o! oonoet's lhat.' 10 moaned , and rusbed powde red sugar from tbe hal so, Add tli e yolks or mill WtlB hrst construc ted sbe bnd With E&.ballltlA& 'KIdney 'rrollbl~,.... llulred .per busband , sobbing lUI I! his beart would break two eg g~ ' and beat until II ghl IInally enough IOglt snwed tilJ.uar e to build ber " Walt 'ao' )'e'11 see," relurned LIt. "Devil take fbe hal' " Bald John, and, Ing In Lwo S l!oon~uls of boll· bom e Tbese sbe hlld laid Mrs. A" Taylor. of Wharton , Ii' J" so close 'to· z le, s mllln& lUI she uodld !.he paper_ lIftJng biB loot, b B'l okloked It across Ihe Ing water and a 'grutlng lit nl\tD)eg gelher that tbe chink s scarcely can be AYS; .. I hOod kJdnpy trouble In Its " The plan &aIel It was an Alpine bat, kltcben , over the jaw·bOx and oul at Place In a 'dOUble boller, .1Iavcir wltb discover ed, and the fo ce8 have 'been moat painful aud 6uvere f Orm. nnd tbe a n ' Ye~y genteel lolacgree gor's need- the open :wIndow. baU a cup ' of ' sberry and stir until It planell lI7l1ooth 80 that torture I wenUhr onll'h an even surface, 10' a Dew ifat. Ria gleoge,r ry', getUtl' LI zzIe ,stared aL her husband In con· becomes foam)'. , ~~rve hot. , DO'. scenlS to have been THE D~.E~DNOUGl:IT A8 lU-tl!: carefull y plUnted, Is exblblte d In _ the O!a 'II LAUN IIternatl CHING on, and wee Jeannie, nol knowalmost unbeara ble, I Icthd 0' 6habb for tb e S a bba tlI,10 h e , front of -thc blllldlng , Sbe lives alone. ... ear It ever,)'dayan' ba'e Qne for Ing Wbat else to do, swted screami ng of this might; ';blP Was'·hal,ri; 8 tlldl; pellors ~n ( Hll r ~bafls, " nd the , etlt~· OLD PROCNOSES had bn.ckacl! e, pains In best_ S&e? Tbet:e's tbe bat,this VERIF IEb, Illtbough " John. It'll at ,tbe top of her volee:' 96 years of age" ts ' b ur wblcb tt was expeefed wo"ld take silt: mnted , thealolc nnd lolll l', dlu" i)~ a, fino lIJlrp~lse for M/l.cgrcesor speed Is ~ I kUu an 0 , "Ha,'e ye gone daftr Jobn 1" gMped months to accompl ish Ilpel1. and hot, fe venah and 10 view of Tblnk of It 'ThIs mons ter making as Farmer 's Forecas ting of Weathe r Ac- USELESS LIFE PRESE Here, \ l'l1acgrc"gor, come ao' see rer U zzle, at lasL RVERS . IhlS rema-ka 6le record ll ie more tban high apelld au t he ~rmored headach es. There wero :tew haL" " cruisers c~rI\tely Fulfilled This "Very Dear It," he replied "See, probable •that IIbe wtll be ..omplet ed wblch a bulll speclully j bearlull" down paIns, aut Macgree gor, wbo bId beeo gaz LIzz ie," be continued, for spee, Most of the Passeug Wlnter ers on Ships. Do "tbat bat'. to wllbln the .eetlmat ed period of 18 Tbe the 1<ldne~ I1CCI'Ilt ns est bClttiesh l1l 01 our navy II Ing dumbly at tbe beadgea r for tully be left In t be street, Not Know How to Put tlIe an' yer not to months trom mo. Io.ylng o[ !'be kee'. ihe too treMa IM, with on estimate d speed 0: hall a ' minute, suddenl y el<clalmed say a word nbout. At the beginnin g of Decemb er la9t Flonts' Oil, ' It to Macgret!1!OT, The s lgnl1lcan ce at this r a pid construc and wllh a 18 knot s :In " ( It not wear t bat tblog." \I\our What could tbe a correspo ndent ot tbe Eegle nt' l Lls(enl " And be vroceed ed to 8uppl, tion 1M sCe9.' ln tbe lIensD tlon, potentlll l,ty ot r~ Dreadno ughl '¥lot do wltb , !Ier 21 llno~ " Ab , but !.hIs one's far nicer tball her with detailS, I! RelIllJSl ead reeor,l;ell 'that tbe Old "On my s blp," said tbe calffi\ln , "the They showed sedimen t. I became displaceme nl. lt 8uggests II Great BritaIn 3n hour, he r len 12· yer glenprr y ln cb guns wUb D I, ume b llsls of farmers In foreORs tlng steward • Is 't nOL?' s be ' ''~ut IPI! ' a beautifu l bal, an' that were en!!~ea 10 a lengtby , war a, the IIrsl dllY out, g6 to every C()urBged, w., nguld and dcpresse d, 'fhere r a nge of over IIv~ mil es, and ber su· the charact dc.mand ea, of Jobn, giving blm a warn. genteel. lin' I palder of tbe weat'bOT for tbe llusseng ct, and s how jusl bow lhe lite 10 sick and sore that I could noe Il'Itep " she began era are a dozen , yards In Englund tba.1 perlor armor l, rotecll c l" log glanco. Sl).e uu \cu rrent winter trom that of the flrst prese rvers are be' bad ftnlsbed , up_ As doctors did Dot cure me 1 de· could bull\~ one or tWO IIbllls of th e choose her ow n dls put on " AW, It's a very wce hat," he retan cf;l ' and p08lti!?n Ithree _days of Decdmb er promise d ctded to try Doaa's Kidn ey Pills, and "I' m not cal-ln' wbat ye paid fur 't, class or tlid Dreadno "The s teward firs t SBYS ught Ir, a~out thu (or fighting, lind could destTO), tLc r r~le~, evasivel y Tben; fceUng tbat he I'd Sooner lose a week's !.hat ~ Uio , temp!!'at urCl 01 tbe eeason lIay than lseo earne Itlm~'. a nd tbls wolll;! menn tho enenly'd " 'Excuse me, sir, but do you know ~" .h ",., ~h 8ucce~s thnt my troubles wore was fatting In bls duty, be gently I c. Macgreolllor In Mother ships belore they cOllld $ot l' \lould, be mod el'ale. H e onalyzed sl1,,lfone after uslngcll l'M boxes, and my Macall)l ne hot, creartou of a new baUHllih lp t1 ellt or n wllhln the b,ow to manipul ate a IIfe·preserver~' a ra n ge tl>r t wOlild n;ake !.heir [ Obse rVation <lays In ShPP9rt ommend eil ~16 aon to submit. "Come or wJ!ateve r ye Q lItreogt h. nmbll.lo n and genl/rlll health of the all It. " 'Why, yes,l SUPI, ose " Aw, c1Qzen~ vesSols I,n tbe I!erlod cO\ ert~d bY1 bOllerles the passennway , Macgree gor, an' do wbat yer LIzzie, If ye bad .tist lltfoctIV13, Is fine," .. ' 60undn ~s of the P[(\goos tlcatloll, seen the way the t.\ie J a pa nese ,var ger repli es ma hlds yo:" The s UllCrlbrllY resoltln g fr~m tuo 1 Manr ' persons elreet Sold by all dealers 110 cents & boL poor laddie tried for to keel> rrotn cryto ' scalf at T " he 'Then three , sir, slrlklng It YOIl plense- ' sllYS the Foster·M llburn Co., Dutla.o. fenlUres at the I embodim e nt of. , iii ..conc~nlrll iloo , at bam " Ill not ",ear It,'' said Macgre~gor: In' ",ben t.h ey was making N, Y. ely tradition s Of that nature , bul a m?clr ,0', n sLeward e w ba t_Ileshlp a re, Its., 'lrm,:a'?lent, ,Ils hOllvy gUl\lIre Is best , getting a IIreserve r down, nod stolidly ,, artu.te,I, says a th e obser vant aro 'often surprise d 'at " blm; ye wonld- " .. turbine he hands engines It to the and pa.sseng Its armor or to put protec· on. ullval ex"'rt,l "Ye'll not, will ye not?" ' e;rclalm ed by compari ng '110 Orca :!· their coincide nt " Here, J'9 hn, bold weD J l!lllln le," ,tlon, lind tbe~e points ~ulflllDl eht. Tbe 'The pusseng er, elgh t times out of lind others n o'! u~ught' s , I to rm rml\men t of I~- ,u c h Iprese L1ule. <llt ye'U DQt, ye'll jis t!" AmI , said Ll zz lB', abruptly nt Is a remarka bl e' lnstance of ten, eit he r puts the , "I .mu ~t seD yet known we~e worked out 1Jr, a sp'- g\l lIfil-pres erver nn n ~ wll tak1ng tbe boy by tbe arm, sbo Sahtly \Ybat'B coU\e oyer ships fitted wIth a mlxe,! lhe ,'erlflcBt lon or the olie under con wrong, or cao't put It on him, r , , 010UII clal commltUlll, 't.'Orrcsp ondlng to ""r at 1111. So the ;J'rlllllDl eo but flrmly- I plou;ed tbe bllt UJlOn ' biB 0J Y, dtlekle, S/ee}f 'fIH! maxlmul U pructlcl i sldorutlo n, for there Is just closing a steward shows ye can kt;ep bOa rd 01 ,~nst' uctlon In Ih's country nlugu 101~i.~ ghtln g blm how ~o do It He Is head. an actlon wit b,I- ' winte r season of the mollt moderat e ". , Quiet, John ," I Impress to whlcb: Was 6ubullLlud 1;'11 t he ll1ful ed antl gratef,,1 . Itmes 01 ij[t x· llll cil ond 12-l llch guns Li contlilio n s of whh\h At this Indignit y tearS sj)rlUl~ to biB 'LI~z le W'llB~f/1bseot there Is record, for, a tew minil tns. ~Llon wllluh wUI>. Oblulned from slully "Tbe IIfe·pres er,Y,e rs , In a s hipwrec k eyes, but h ~ cuffed ~hem 11\\I1Y, and IUld rBturn~ 7,UUU yar~" tbe rnnge botng Inclease 1 Thi s does '10 sbow ' looking miserab le the r e must be a would be of little use, ton neurly all tlIe "l?fi thll nuvul cngllgem ept In th. ::Iua ,,1 Iu IlbOUI~190 yards gtves woman some of her most It the nrnlame nt b~ -"nna see 1m, Job n s lood before bls paren ts sn ellcee d Inl(· "", Ye~ . hlghesl OWelol1 C011lflO"e pnssengers woold he ,unnble 10 gel Into ~ Igbt. g"v lapu.n Ills -s uld, on the f 12-lneb and ~ ~-In c b "un. basis for tbe s igns and ludlcatlo Iy sulky IItlle O\:ure U miserab le and wretche d bours. I I I down yerse ns tbem 'there s hould He's mayhe bljlln' frorn nuthorll y ~U} UIOIII;. rna n ,., ., upon ,~hlch country folic re posed al. be a mar itime law se,'· As IIguln ' Ihese fighting dlst.mce s .1 most Implicit ' It's . tbe tlnest bat be ever bad," me," s be s Along wtth tho backach o, gener"Ith a sl gb r eliance, ern l ot ,\ei' nlh lll otllc,e rs upon ,\ ..a~lr" requirin g a Jlass,eng ers' drill with lhe said Llzzle, :. r cgardlng her purchas e : 'NO fear ally come headach e, waist pain, Lbat dearlo. BuL he Togo's, nee ~ ' who hllli oeen aile I.lllyl S~111 willi 2·lnc h guns nnly CIln br " Ilecll"! with '8atlBih lon ' Is 't not; Jol,ln,", 10,UUO ynrds, and assu ming The base ot the woodchl lCk's Lo preser\'e r s e very voyage, so tbut each doesn ' L lik e k to soe him cry Tbat's de\allcd l ~eCllre tochnlca l Inlornm falllng\f eelings. Irritabili ty, nervpasseng er, In a cutnstro pbe, ,,'auld know · lb ut noth ing o ccurred to prevent ber stlnct nlso recolvet "Ay; It • ,'ery fine hat," replied wily 1 dldn' - run lI(ter him at l uQoSllal s u'pport how to = I kl d and tho blues. Have I b firs ' t10n Of 1JI=.vnlu,IO '" ~llve 0 W blmsel! ~ C this cnll wltb John, 'Vltk year re;n the alllln ' means Upon g~ .ble entbusla .sm "Do),e B~ I'll IlW thHt runge Hbe Would te Candlem as OilY, an' see If 1 can get hr~ o J be RB.!1'cred In 1m 'Ictual soa fight, a lll( to co you these periodic al troubles ? t hink It un opponen t Wllbollt be', Februar y 2, tho woodchllCk, or ground placed ut his disposal . As things are ts blm, though' " be tn- uo \. - ,\n' , n' , LIzz ie, ye 1\ nO,t su~ 11 II wI~s'1hls data If so, ybu m <\y know that they wblcb was now, lher~ mlglit as well be no lIre·pre. t\so<l Solf qulred, bClll !; bl ollg ht within tbe zone (II bog, nn thIn' abo lit the hat? I 'll blWg ,tt; ~'I ~e ,mIlnor [or suld to leave ,bls burrow. .' IIrst oo~'ll derutlon se~vers aro quCl to disease of some of on sblps .. II .., 01 the less powerfu l gno,s ot the judge If winter ' Is "Fits him ? Deed , 'yes! h 's I\Ite <Ill up. If ~e :"nnt tD I'CC!! or Is not nearly ' It." , " ' ",us Itlle sIze or t40 vess!!1 nnd th e coemy f. the most Importa nt orkans , of if his bend bad heen msde tor 't . . over, and snouJd he petcelvd his " No VI'Ii ' not say nnl thin', but It'a IIrmGlIlllnl whl~h ~ lIb~ ' was to Cdrrl In vi ew nf a ll Ihese advanln ges which , shudow, 0\\ Ing La the Is It not r eal comfort able, Maogree - II. r~al fioe ilat, Wonder your s body, of the organs DH:togr that apb. should an' tbat gontee( ~n' oAI\I!<lr~~ IY It ,hM beea de moll.tea existenc e ot II It I~ OKpec gar?" ted A 1110 telltale Drund get help or. In time, through' t elepbon e la tbe dlctogra pb nougllt will bright suns hine, he decides that I 1 exIooot somcbo dy'a run , off f.!'l~h ~ lt ' )O the sutlsfacL lon of naval IUperte , Iln, 1' ov"r nn y 'I «llnna li ke It." repned tbe buy. ruread" , 8nd the mosL remat1m ble of Its wonder· weakness, w!ll wreck your • / - 11 tlHlt Lbe bul k of the fi ghlln)! must be 1 " I ~ n' t ' to-llny otller batllcsbl ll In ex s pring ,Is yet dlstanl, a nd goes uaok "Och , ye'JI soon get lo like It rlearl"IS It nny wond e r th nl 10 his , burrow for several weeks, luI rR ce One can s tand l e n feet nWIlY health and life, Help them to Jus t I hen Mw,!;rec gor wnlke~ In, 'Mo ne by Ih e ba tlles blps carryIng thll III!! na' al e~ Jl e lts or every g""al natio ' Ye mig ht 1;0 to see tite king wl lh a lOOking rather asbamed Curiou s ly enou g h, Filbrual y 2 was n a nd whis per a .message , or when 30 feet health wltb at ,hlm.elf, ljpa,II's l guu., ,md th ~ 1 prllf..l ICII'ly Ii'", ,lIC w" bat like that on yer heud t chln g h er hlillding with t~c Ilay 9 f most bll i llant .~ unshlne, dIstant slleak 10 an ordinary tone or Now, anti "lIh Lbe te~r8' sonrcely dry y ~t, only b,J1 I ~ r les a nti , noo~leri :~Ie Ihe hellv greatesl Inl ""',1 na~ app rrh ens lon Il~oul 1111 the colli nway with yer paw to tbe ba od, on be at lbe lo nderly Bollcl weatbe r of the voIce and the mesSllge wll\ he clearly tous c:<:pres- Ions IIn el l ho IIgbl tb e rof'ffi~r (or 11gb tIn .: Ilitd audibly transmi tted Its construc ' I h lul! Ilf th" Itlillun~ o r ' rensllre WIII I :t wlnte; bas since (ollowed a gooll lad ollc au ' ye II gel 50melb lu' 01 his par ut. , he "lOlled uS I( ho had III lo ng , tU g~ and lh e Ill l, l' r tor use " ' tlon Is the Invento r's bright partlclll ar , 1~n t.: I"" d I r In' P lO ermany. the nice for tcn' tlll ed Ilepil wnilin g Ile lml.sliln to do sp' r epllllitl/i tU ljJ~ do aU eel,s sccret It ,cnn be eoslly used by tin em· I S I" I~S " lid Olll ,' r na ti on. ha vo Im esl 'Come on , Margree or said Joh n "Pnw Ih ero s 3.- ' Wntllk e Afric9n Tribe A. '0 tho s l"e Ih u DrtlJduo np:h l " •• ell "' 11,,'l r nil les, ployer tor d,lclatln g lto a sbortha nd wrIt· ho ldlog 0111 bls hllnd Wh bl If the I.. '>\n olUuybe Ol'; ;.1 Ill"," a 1,ls5," sal<l J ohn ceeds Cu r lolls tal es nre told Of th e l\1Rsal, In ton nu !,:e oy !,tlIIO. lOllS IIII' ; Irollttl!l Utl IIf Ihl < IIOW I) er, ss tbe latter can take the dictatio n ~e II find out wbat I've goL. In my pe of Ila lll,' \ c' ro 1111 u,,(u l lud,1I0 ,IUUI lUur e.1 b 'U Vlc ' l h;oll iesbip or oue of th e mo sl wllrllk e or th e naU \'e ll1n LUrll Ne . I ship s h,ll l pl o ve rhnr Ihc " l any <l 1, tance (rom the speaker wllh· pocllCI ' Uzzle cudllh ll!; him son l l lJO In Ihe Ell g- I ,II " Illy, 11 11 ,1 ou,CtI 'l r' 011 ,1111" odcb ~e ,'e"'~I S fllG 'ACrle" n trlhes Th ey huve heen nUllck- Ollt b uvlnJ; to bold a rece iver ~o Ll n le nodded plcasant ly ae Ihey de· Ihe e.'lr IHtt'OO mus , h 'Pa w Ihl'rl' s a ,- cc-' lng th e natives In the S e rmon P' otec- It 'tm rks both wa ys AO thnt both n ~ co mlJ,rU(1 "llh Ib e s hl ,s at ll'" gi ll Ih e " ,'HI" O "r '" " Ow ' Il'Y a rt!' 'tOI,ItO p!lrted nnu lo lln loo ked bal k /lnd peoplo 'WoIIl1I ' co Illte n rU Tlan l elll,,, for Unltell SI ,IPs nnV) with g real (Iarlng, cirlvlng 01T can converSo equnlly Is mOl 4 \100 ton :; Ih e pill"", o r fhe ll ro,,,ln ''''''"1 IVtJl " l\ sml l II "llI le "'l!"~ I "egor, thoug h . u b ten ~1 .1l~ l rp!;or·' well Tbls ex· Says Mrs. Blanche E Stephanou, of J;' eoJ I h p rd~ I)f eo I ti c wltb sln glLlar ense I,llll n" the In'lul roll Ll z'l '. lIS h 'uvlc l , ,11< '1 ,lIne, our l1rgMI hUll I' nnme dlclogrn ph In detee· dued wu s DI')lllrcnlly uCL'ODilug Iccon she , ~ le asP. L1 him ' I. to rn ~ 1 .S """" 1 ll': P' OI C Ir lll h " lJ ,oI( lh e alt,lddu g force will swee p tl'9 1228 S. 42nd Ave" ChlCllgo, "I suf' 6 hlll I "'v ',, ~ Illlls pl .lce mc nt of oUly wbl k It promi ses 10 PI"OV O un In.· la eVN It, l'" l"ll In lo I "1D ,: ,e v~ Rei hec Hed to his nov el beadgea r fered miserably for five (5) years During 'A ) IIlIl W" he answcred , ueumln& 71,1 Ions '<lown on n 1)C,ICdlll vl lln !!e enJ;aglllg In "uluabl e tlcquls ltlnl1 fp r ~ I \ (rll y III,' 11IQ Il!"tllll l ~ lor W ,'tb e car jUllrney th e twain we re per· Tbe n Wb e re a lhh'l with a constant pain fn my bnck aDd (lU\\ th e r ~ " blon tl) fl ghl "l lh the Inhubltn n ts, I,erson Is dCR lrod 10 ,AI; 10 nrmam ent Ille Dreadno ugbt I ' II!;' " II "Xlml1s l", I''' right side and although my husband hellr nn In terview hailS qui eter thnll u ~ ual bUl b, the sill" ,III 11!; " olrYln 8 " I e dng /J ill C I''~II,," II flas l lm e "hIl e Ihc my bal , o.n It B expeCled In ",,o le ,, ne w t y pe oC ba l olh cI hair will drive e WRY the between twn otbers It will no longer l,e employed several of the beSt doctors 11m,' Ih~\ re~ c l, ed the park " he re t he pul lIn It ID hll SI ' \ II 1 1);- I " ~' ~ hel ds' The M,.an l hav o II wonderf ul necessa ry ' for the witness tl c. h lp In u, mn rh ,IS lh e 'cconda r J In thiS great city, not one could &lve uan ,l \\ ,,~ plu ylng J oh n h ud ("'SC~ to hIde be· --- -. 'I. nor!. 'In the bnll ma nage ment at cattle A hln~ the screens lind In other convenIe nt P') Iho"" l1 l liel), ,' lIm ln,t ed _ In all me roUe!. At last I took Wine of (,8.~ IlIg 1" ' ~ l t gluJ'cCS lit FLATT ERY WON bls, b"l H Hu sb ~nd's Strange Cli me IGernl"n Cardul, \vl liet says th at n s ingle Mlls,,1 pl olC4!s. The dlSLogrllph can be hung be· .....hlch reUeved my pnln, pre; o r Ihu n , t[llp~ h lvs 01 ( he u nJled S ta t e bea.1 ull'l i\lncg reegor. \1 1th a PO l tl Oll A In,11I16 now ~011t1l1eil ltt prlRon lft n uv) ll ln '1! ,!l / ~ ' I O " vented an opera tion and restoJed DI4I :18 often Ab le to COAX b~ hln li him n wlrolf! hl'nd a plctUl e 61' uurle r II des k, or even lrcn:!th 'ollh ese" of tablet tn t::Jllh c beel\, Was him self Frn n C li \\u1t l ng to health." It Is a wonderful curatrt . .. ' t or th e: 111 tll d cr llllc.! ,I f) lJ.lI{t IY tlr ~ xcce Is t hat held (II: ~al1 l e oy lI ~ hlly whi s tling nntl placed In a pa rtly operi ,lr,l\\ el oC Ihe o f tIl\' u,;sln tive medicine for aU womens' IUs_ Inr 11l~ \\ lrl~ II I 18 the rU:l VOI ot lh fl rn tll1 .t b ,t1h·I' t'( 1I1 1. .~ 0 11 . o t;' 'I n lne It:lllpln~ "llh his spo:,r lIga lnSI h i. hnge ('esl., li nd will trans mit fotlbfllIl y th e Hi ~18 <!; rf'e >; nr !;reati) e njo) ed Ihe luu l; III W" Try It, ,e 3 of Il '"fll p ll ~ 11,,<1 h,lI l ' 1Iwny~ ~lx'l tt ' h ~' "I " lu lour '"hleld rho Fo!)lI ot , lhe .Mll:;ai \ onsl~ls ontlre "00\ el'S ullon to one m morc w\tU h gttt1 ~ un tl lhe h p.iS!$a '~:f'~ in th () mu~tc. Iml l hpe n '\JIl ~ l tl tn p , 1 I l)r TSn n o( f:'xCl11 p l, tfj u r II hu s U\Ct tl l'H~ Ih1"0 r y ·lnc of milk " ntl nes h n ep-as (10m newly-s lain 1Ill1· In nnothe l room, or lCl n s le noS'th 'lt ln e " c At .11 DruUlst b e \\tld lu cl1u cd t u b e rath er lru pallcnt l char uft r , s $1.00 ,,,, nnr- men i a l .ll t , 111 1IftltS mul s I II ~erl,l ln " Is lt'lets th e ~~nsa l raJlher s 1l\ (tl ltl l p, U11:-i \\ lll1 lc1 he I nc Oll l~ OU t.' ',\ hll~ 1111' NJlldltllO r "a' cd h l~ hailln His wlfp h',, 1 oIiITt'r e(1 fnr Yl'nl R " Ith ,,111 1 h ( L)I,llI lie URall " t nboll h "e dl lH n " woy tbe pCllceful lnhllbl t· ran J;' oluwly a nd lh Inslrllm nls pla)'ed nn In curoh l ~ m,lla(l \ a nti hr 111111 I"'p~ nnl_~ wh o<1' scttl e ments nr e no w comnnd"" IS CXII,ClCtJ Ih ut meSIal lh e Trnined F ish, bIl llly or ", er~ pnrtly si len t n deVol ed IIfl Pll dn nt til hp" . Irl, I (l~ tt ~ lll llI~ Il ou lo.l O L pletely o ve rr"n by , egeta llon and nlA Pblllltl elphi n dealer In pe t Btock II I wlln ln ,one·r.ll i o P n"t \\h) I~ Ih:lt Olan n of 1)lo" ln' Her pa in \\ I '" sri :l.c.o ul lln ~ t h " l :--h,.. Im- III 1\\'\1 til Ie ,,,U I{ most ohlltera ted hilS a n aquarium of lraln ed goll l fisb H1I l di rect l Y thJ' b1tJ t ru nllJe t V h e inquired d llrl u~ & ptoff'c1 11tm 1. 1 ~1 11 h r n ol 1 ~ 1\ linrd- t.; Ol1 tr.lI Y \\ .t ~ Il lO\ Cn ,!tl C 111 thl:) J n l) .\ These nah, wh Qn tile man hold s a sOIall lull umO Ug lhll- IJrnss('s Iy h r \ tr ili eli H. h C' r pie Hll n ....., (l J1~ 111'* \\ 11 wGnd at l edwoorl an In ch above the s llr· IUd I ~ u t; l ' lnd n " '1 .l!i l,lu etl t l FranklI n 's Inventl oo "I couldnt say MncgrecJ;o r" j lc lllOlt h"r lI t!, I I Intl'- f(\ I "I~' P. It Is " .. "Itle II b, 11 0" " fu.'e ot the wnLer, lellp over th e wand 111 wh ll l' WI,IIII mo, ~ Benjami n Frank toll[ I had a trum p 1 f v.:ould e.: ",r. ysfl" lin, as l he first t.h ~ "lPS lJ ) 11lfo I.\ w- b n~ hl'( n W l (1 l' - nl .,rl y f\lHI menT1' ft "rotlncth' e It'' t-,: 1I.; l tl.,1 dt!m.,nd s Jr I ,America n bentl ng nn':: ventllnt lng en- 11) gl llcel,,1 dJ ves Ind escribab ly preLblo'" It I w u.ld blo,., '.l 'hnrr\! JOo'" Iy Ills, u •• PrI b) t ho:! CArulc lly in rlollon of medlro. l. g,11 ge\" ~Cu e nl!."Il""" ' II' I u, Ihls rel\"O O the , I "vt"r Sl6 ver acre :gh,eet, w as rem~ mlJered on the hlennlal ty, like mlolatu re porpolse a of gold, Jobn " .1& about to Bssn re hl~ so n entls' s ur 1; 111 0 1'(> '1' hls 1m lood, which t\jey 1001: ~.rI'3 I cHt Ilo~s 'llie .11 ' 1l l,\I'~ tncnl ha. bee n 118 lhey vnult over lbe rell Iblll he tull~ bl!1l ~v d hl,fJl. 'Wh n he of his b irthd ay, Jnnuary 17 Between hR I c o!! l the farOle" _ _ -"_ _ _ _ SP'''I Oli so III" t lell lus tea'i or f,llIr III '; nOlhiuft, but the nce: II rd 1710 nnd 1745 be Inveuted what he called \V,l1Id A little s ilver hel\ swin gs IIbove on: be hind say • P ower from tbe AU_ tile of till1ltg: it. 1 goos tank could and a be stl 1. c~r ken rl t tl cord .url descend co \'e r~tI s ' ,list look at tho.t, Mrs Forgte! , Is • Mr 111 P MI~hkeln "the pennsyl vnnln flreplacQ ," Ibe ploO"D .tory. , n Russ lnn ell'''- turrOIS 01" nc r dcck Into the wnter Tbe !lsb, wh en bungry; LL_..::: i_. . ._ fwo of tll ceo I ~ Ihat n t an awful daft·llke hnt to put Irl cl,," h as construc oeer Int he AmerIca n metbod of heatl ed a mote, r which IU ~ ll SII " " w,lI IJ ' pluce:! tn' U "Oltb " the cord ' in their mouths nntl ring TIle C~Dod r. t\ G_rnme nt (III a lalldt.~.. Ing untl ventilat ing The real Franklin I4ke .III"". Ibtioluloly drnws Its pow er rrom the elep l"d(~ In turtl' lu nva,d II n,1 the 1>4\11 'l'bey will fced trom t be mnn 's r.... lo enr, _,lor 100 . . - . ohu~b laud, twu will hc Sltn ' "1\ .. t h t. It'll Ba" ' r, stove was 'not the mere iron firepl:\ce hand. '(f,he bold3 th'l nlmnsllh or,' lIlr Ml ehlteln bell ves 1011 " " '"l1te,1 .o f! tl)1)n.eJs of tOad just whil e from each It . 1'c1dl.· • mill e go out III II. bing thot soonPI or Int or wblob hasmllsQ 1Ieraded undertb atnaioe,' It ~Ill htl IIOB;;lo,le brl "ltIs"l ~ there wi ll el< telltl tbree " uns oulot the water, thf\Y will leap \lp lind like tb I tar .. II Ibe gold of CrullO" ," t la p...1l-thu nrlerc1o\l!l ' ~o,,~ adj>hllaar alf be ".rc:hued but It bad an apparat us wblch tookoold ,' /lont:eh Lhe f ad fri5ii fyom" and to 1Ige the_ LllllJlml In Single turrels ~ngers, It took tcrS).O per .:: e: froea fa.l1ruaCl ••4 otheratcorpor I'llese 12.. John'. ftlU'lI IInll ted , and be nl'1lrly "tnl(ls phl're nbo , e us . - - tresb air fl'om outelde !!uLhou se and, him n~lsrly II year io D.s -n- g r" t s to rage Inch glill S will lie r Ihe wlre·wo un ,1 tlDU &' tru\lItbe m, ,"Aln t that ~ather 0 1010' money t01 ~fter warmln g.!t In PB,I!age, t l b. pd aJ:II bls llllJC, "MllcgreCllo r Imlt cry Rl s UIHla r::ltu~ whi c h \• .small ly~e un<l ,lbuU l 4b t" lIb~rs tn lengt!i kept It bol pal nlln my porl ru lt· Dllt Wh)' do you by tbe escaping guIMI "I~d. ;~!,OIIO\e .. (ronl the Unlled Sla~. I~ ) (\ roll nd and S 0 !-he lInll eX Jlerim"n tal Is non the of the ftre,lIoa lly , • London' . Motor lIu~e., less a I!.':'lb ';lI n Will tO' o bt.n IIlClUt: the-ft home" '" CaDed... 50'polln 'l "keep cnlltnl: lIIe 'your Ulajesty? ' ,'rllm r ," h t Id )11'11(:tll'o) mA chJn6, nnel 1II\S II'C jVl)d sbell wllh ,I lIlu n l~ w un dlecbarg ed It Into tlll room, Had thla ' I n ' tbe Bm~1I .hout'll of the PtJr morniD" 1\~m?hl~t ~ · -r'.c.ntleth Centu,.,. Canada" , energy of 411,5Iig Wh), nren I YOU the KllIser WII· old original 1I'nlnldll> fireplace .. • . I 111 to ~ that Ulan hlow 1he IDllnn;em ent of . dl8t1nl:>u been en- when London streete IU'$ quite empty, .""w,tllu (ormallo n npplJ til St!t<xau f'I'unJIT l~bed fOU1-tOllti, And 0" Ing 10 th~ Improve ll I nelm' "'" " 1~"ld.ATu"l'I. ~ttawa ... Cad.cia. or tq tbe to". I<l I~ ar~d or Sllgbtly altered It certaInl y the mot.or buses 'ln use In that city nn "Mlo",,," F'l'ench an.\ German .lectrt (~A II!I,- m o~ h t .. h 01 h,mdll GUllklrll* t cu.dla" 00ftnj1D .., l1 lht: tJ-ln h Run .. " !)enr OIl!, no' Bill there, we won't woUld bave bet'4)me the l II __ neu T l'<'hnlcnl World Silid to do ROme prototyp remarka "'lIWnta e ble of : "SCOrchl all Ul<!y w,lI II" theo rcliclUlY cu'puble UI, QUlIrrel aoout Ule ,,&'1 " price ' I of our bot air Curnacee. ' D II. \VlI~,IA_ ".......... ........ 0 WIth belaled ~gerII. 11. . .11'.. _ . ,
Twent,· Fivi Bushels-A of Wheat to the Acre
Improv emenu lIa ve :Beeu Made on Them ill the LaBt
Few Years.
Up to it. few we alls ngo,-lt Is said, a nI, sev cn plltents on umbrell as b a d beft ll Isll u~d In I he nlt IL Stutlls III J OU yl!aNl, wl s des pite Llle ta t lIllLLtll Oan nlln l pro. ,hH'lIo ll o f lImbl e li as In this l:ouu try 18 clo~e to 15,000,000. s u)'o Lbe Alllorlca u POSTS ___ _ 1 u l'on (OI . B ow tue Tas k May Be Made Easy by \ T h rlb ~ nnd ste lll uf aU umUrAU" are th e U se 'of 11 Tripod and genenl1Jy ntnde tu t Uf lUll t'H h 'l. \'n ~ (1 "110<iu ll y of lho~o ItOlu o ,,,,, I al' Hellt Old Stump. • 'hen"" 10 Ih e " ,," III1WU(uctlIlCl H cre. Though l" uul ,,,, \1 I ID ,e'IIIlI' ln g de \' II:ca t1 r~l. th e II l1ln wh ,,"c WOI h It IN ttl ,l!l. t Re lll bi o Ihe Jla r ls Illscrts a 01 1 of wlro u U II lIlI "1s o r work "r so commun , onc lulu W O s lII a li hulos "L tbe C IlIl ul lbe "rlOIl ~Ces a m Ull 61"" IICIII IIl; r nce p' sts d' " WH I hem tlJl;tll hc , abu ut Lho 1111 th e u lll way hy huldln g Ihe I,us t Wllh l1 , ud tl n d lHIL Mn nllJ e l ei IIle ll u e IWlld II IL t wlt~lt1lng th e nx with th e In "l1l1ll1g Ih o dOLh 7r. t h lt I( n o"~o~ fl r o Lh e r Thelll u. e sCI'cr a l wllya lu wh l h t1I Pll\~l hollls
Afte~ .
Th e proper. tr tmcnt Of 81Ul JOSll sen Ie In II Inrge orcluJ,rd 18 J!omewh at nl, n problem . and tit r esu lts obtalnfU III ust. In I he natu re of the case, 4 el' end mainly un the thorou gh ne.-;;sw ltb . wbl h ~h e w O),k; Is pel' fo rmlld. We sll l!gcst. fir. t of nil . sa ys Stat E ntomolg lRt Felt C)E ' w 1'" ry.. In tbo cnse Of nn 0"Ihanl . Iha l It [, . Iho,oug bl), t rlmtno'l a nd a II effOrt mud to ll eo ll th e troes IIR n ~a ' O"' . ~ , Ollml 11M 11IIM5 11>Ie be· lause of t ill' ,HO"'ulry . UII,I ~o m P.lJ me H Im poss lb llltv . o r ap m \ I n ~ t ho UPPl'1 m OM III·R.II·IIl· s We hnve In mi D" . for (lXnm lll!' n il e InrJ;o "0I11 01 prl llll or ch ani In New \' I I. ~ tn tp In "h Ich n nllm n l c .ll"hl llJ,:('d Ul-ltl ll H h l; ltl .. ~h e w ol k ca li bc madOCUS YllWOorwb l~h I l' of t rc,·. har! t hell to P" Il Po1r ll ric 1111 1-\ I.,blt., a t wh ich HklllN I IJpe'"lu' H will b g h e ll Fo, Lho lIr s L 1,11111 . I" Ie s t royed hy the . r ul r. Iho ul\ h .11t' ow n · \\lurk I II rt ll(l lh el' I UO m '1 1C l llllrn uer th ree r, dlM .u f {'q ultl l ength an ti f tlti t In
MI'IJ. Martha P oblmo.n Ohc8t~r Avenue , Newark . N . J .. wllo is II. Ift"adnl,lte Nnrse trom the Dl QokleyT ro.lnlng chool, at lphlo.. Btld for 6i It years Ch ie f Cli n 10 Nurso at th e 1: h ll ndelp hia. R os pll.n.J. writes th c lcttor prin ted be low. b he hns t ho ud vnn tngo o r p e rsonal "XIWriC Il CO, b cshl s h er I'rn fcssiona l e,lllcatlo D. Illld "h il t s he h ilS to "ay may u o n.bso lll Loly relied upon. 'r-Iuny other w om en are o.flh ctcd a s s h o " as. Th oy en n re g ain hea lth In th o '''lI1e way . It ' " pru,lc nt t o heed s u ch uLlyicc from I)f 55
"The ~meri(an" and the Passing of Mribal rGlovernment All
:> fJ!; ltl !-i W h nl} "c r ll'C' tU: I IIIIl'IIl~:II ' l(' h !n e~ . A lli ou :i.l ll ri .\ :l1ds u l ilt Jtl IIll'tl b i l UCitS Is h il t II d,l) 'tt \\ t) r J\ (, . r n ile ell' Illf-'~C li ll l!i
Int oreHllllg counLr y 1I1f) 111 111 .111
K II II H a~ &. T c x,' H rll ll lll.ILI ·ij II I" t 101'" T o rlit u r y, UUlt u n til t UIlj(Hlt ,Jlh'ph' 11'- IIHJllvc, spee tl hll.i th l l 'lI~ h t hll I ndi a I ('cnll y II Iil l ,,1 !'nw lll'fi ll y 1I 1l ldWWII I ii I l' rllt o r y 111 I ~'j;j \1\ I I :-<i :-..h flrl i li t 11,) II th o IJI'C)plc of I ll , U n I t ed ::,tall'!i , l h o ll ).! I I ll e t',l s l n1l d l hl' \\ (Jl l d t il It' XH!-\ .J IL , t 6 iluil t O u l mmit ' 11 th u VCJ 'y wl dlll 0 1 Ihr-a S(1 l1 l h" I' ~ t P Il'l IlO ll lllf' " s f' U lI:" IH(' 0 1 the U nlt ut.l S IJll e K 'It w aH llht 1III t 1l lI l '. l l ll III th o It ' d m iln ~ t s uJttlllHl 1.1 1(10 n r t e r 1 8t1 1. 10 whI ch yea r th e lI, nlo n 11 JI OI IU' C!; III Mh' 0 11 IIH! 1l,lll h!". ol tl, c congre6ll ulIllHlr lzud Il s urvey o f Ihl' d vc r IIf 11111\. " .lil llll-\ (,,' Ih ,· WII I~ ' ll'
th en) t ugether in t h e 110 1111 o f H tl'lpou
" I't'ud u ( xomo .; UIIU
m i nUI ..
r e\o l u tl on s
A riel h(" llllllln g lil t' .J u th I!; c u t In t o 1 r1I1I1J.:.UJU I p l l'u.! !-O, ,\ l l j. a h u lfc lll:i h,!..
l Oll!, uut "lilt H 1,,1111 111 l,d, 1
cluth. Tb e h l1 :\:! OP~ I 'll10 1J 1:( t Ilt, so w i lJ ~ of tbe Lrl.,ugul ur pieces tu~e lhel U) 1' 111; ',4H II'00 IU ll rl R of the 10' 1"11 ory. I h ... IV c h III tl'l' e 'I,ll h y. 'h e IlIdl .II' 'I:",·h',,1 I he -I I ,. ,II' m.lI·hl n(' , Y Set ., [,101 k In Ih e sround . 0 1". bel ler ye' . lo pogr uph )' 0 1 1l~1!i lu r AI' 11'1;1011 It WI .:, f) r Sl'l; )(' I ~ !tow in g 11I 1U I (Xli N .lu d (\IJ\' fh e l:1l \ f' 1 ~ .llId 1111 ' r l HIlW Io; a l l! !l OW 1 1U~e t b e Slu nlp thou g ht t o uu ~ilt UP" U, IILll t'CHln Ul, I t l\l esic'u IJII ( Ir n t1'ea Wllh.: ll b tu; b een I HaW lIu (h1l 11l1' tl1.U I I I t' ,III ,' 10 be I'l i lt l ~ hl t llgt'l il t' r In ,tl l , l 'lI l. l cu \r\ug i t n boU I ,lfoo t dbovegl o un\l, J1l'o ve d it I l.'g h H ~ a bo ut Ulllj- ro ll l'lit ur w OIl Ie! I' li d .\ u d 1111' 11 , W '!)I' I I h . u J t: Jf1 t hl' t e H it' ': 1 f, J. Ht.·"'t w h t.:n· t lu· I ' O \' ~I t~ 1 11 l) lI u w u ul t ll(" m ilid le o f tho Hlll lU pto whi c h W,IS lJl ~lIl n t.,j ll ou) n ~il ily l \\llJ J \ls tJl wlio 111 , 1\ h f' w,il l Ill "; \ l:t , l or /I I 10 hi .11 I:H fw d III l ir P fl ,llIi u ill lhl; I' \ p r- (0 1111 fi pl m :c It> t,(lS I th lhJrd ~ \Io uOII1.l n ,1 e p m:lt, a nd p hlce we h!lll\\', t ilt, I n dl l n hOW CII t tl t1 HII II
. lh (~ lun IJl ,AIl.,
r t< Au IUl e l u~ tlu g' l J(llJ lI l~ h .Lti 1€:' lg ll eil d i '~ lln) . Ull .} .q.! rt ' p(\ It mH' SItU I( 111 HlIlH CIUC Ju ( h i' t O rtitorY - l h l~ u nthHl I h is ItJ u (l~ I I \\ LL~ 11\ll lz.n l u u 1I 1.1 1\1 · l u g
TIll' h .lllfllf' IS 111 '..\' AII l('il fi ll a nd thO IJl llh r cll. 1 I ~ J P,p l) I I I. JlI I · ... !-> ln wo • ,I u d 111Pli Bl ll ' l l l(l 11 lh 1. 11 11H' ;;r l'.llt'l'llUI IlIJf'1 If r N o t to 1f' 1 ~w tllllt1 (\n t OU::' 411 1(' fut·t s I n u ntlJJ P Il ,I ~ (Il dol)' ,I I'l ' (,CJllijJJlP d \\ lIb ~ 1l('a l,I H g (lr 11If' IlI sHoj \ i n g ur Ih u IlllM l w CHJllp n h lltl lll (l s A large \ ,lI le l) IIr 1 ~ln ll fHhl, Wl' IIl U~ 1 t ll' \ ll ~ (tl lW, lnl 1hll m UI l ' l l. tl !; l1lol ~ ht' l1 }: t' J , h ow(,\l~ r slI f h :ls I hnll g h t ill' Irloal s \ 5W IH wOI I\ cll f.l \l'l,· 11 0 1 11 . (' hiu ,1 ltOllt ' a~\tf' p" ,HI " ' nI Y, 111 1,1" 10 ·:)Uij . .11111 In , lie per iod IlI lell,' 1I . \I' d I ." '. 11" .'go . la ler Iu,"llIlu n" rOll ld , IIt CI a ll \ ~"I d 1" ,I t! "n o! .I h pr q u l, e l u g !Jelwec H Tn On UHtJ Ih )W ha ve <;01 ! I l lu ." II' (I e T llC' U'U)C:!J hall IlI cl" o a Ulf'l ll r " lltPI Intu Ilwl(lll !". tl lH ti o n u e du ctcu their ()Wl1 a n .ll rs 'Shl,)JC(' l II u\\ n I('gls lll lllrc!o;, l'OlJ l l tJ , and liltll lh c .... th p Ill O r e(IXlJt 'I1N I \ 1 I-;r.ulf's u r ll lllil n.'lla s , lh e r qu lrt!nw il l t hnl th ey mus t SCPOI) li n d It1u i{uti .11't " r I h e il o wu ed lu~ul ItH\ I ~u m c of w ld t'h In prl t ... h,, \ p 11 0(, 111,1\ wu wl w ln 1110 IInllts or lb e r Oll "ll tlll lO Il (If "tr" I, s. W ll h ,uu ,hu lI ~ lIl/-; ('0,"11 ,1",,, ' 0 Itrln /! '" hl " h a K$ I ,II " rS~ ,,(r ""\la d· th e ti lled S ~ n les , fi nd Ul1J ~ l I CCO r{ IlI f."! ll\' IIH ' 11'0 C I h l\ l nc 'esHIl :tltHI l U te th~rrLJ r.n h II u l 1e m olY liI~('" I~fi hi" PXl, PJlt>lye , th u lt oll !:i l lltu:I gu vc r n mu lI l'K p'l r LI·1 gO\' l' l n lH(' n t l ' x l C' IHl l n g l l !-3 u \l Lho rll~ ur 11 pC I1(lI n ~ 1I IH. \) Ih(' {I 11 ,11 It , II r Ih e w ooel Ulo u u t UlIl hUll ty , l il ly IH1\'C h (" 11 S~ I · , '() l1 r Sl' .1 h l g part u r th e l h a n gj ll ~ r' o t. - 1It-tC" 1 Ehu n ·. ,..H'l l lfleti W00 41, Or. un ), prcru e In t il II' t,WII Ilo ma lu " But n o w i1 1t1o o'i W , I S diU' t o Ih e p l f'Hl'nCe uf th e II IHI Qltl c i II r o a~ w p lild l U W lI lO th e Utllall Ulls Is c ll tia,l
ulltlun - tll ' l'h ,' Chl li i" 1 'l'rlbclf. Wh o .I Ull! th lt lh' l lIllll "r Agr ec nJ <!nt wi t h uu r g~)\,.· II\TIl r' u t ~1I1 11 ' n nt c.c l n g th of r ll' ll.MI IIlJ th Ol lt \'. TIH'j" e tt l c r cd t h l;.. fmtllc lno rl or c.xtlL' I II lll , ' u.
du l
Hb le'
I \V h lt ~s
\\,fl l ('
t' ut
llfC\ pnt ~e l l ou s 11\ IIr ti ll' L.·,· ps Th e or 1iom (' o r thf' tr ('ij
(I'" IN Olll
01'1)' In l~or,. u ll d IU ~ 1 full t ho) \\ 1"0 In m ueh hr ll er H holl~ f lllln IIth e ,'9 su ch 11 sou r ce. whlr-h h a d n o' iJl' e!) se\"" I'I), nrllll l'd Mrs. I'ohlmnn writes, Th SH U losl' s r'n l" had II l'nrll 1.Jllpd ., i flOJ firm ly PCI~\1nded . the tOI'" of I hc,c Is ltc, . _0 11'0' th l> o(l \. : r eiG ht ,)' 61t rRO r ux. pon onoo ,dth L, lila E. 'Plnkhmn '9 ll ltlmnt c res ult W.l!-; alJnUI 111(' ,..n m(l In "-\lOlilu). ·ompo" nol . ll,"t It hol h C'nse-s, with .1 "' U I l\lJd liB rCU~f" i n vigo l \\ h ere tlH' top \\ U s r,' OIO \ I'I \ i ll
I i!lfurI bnuy o~~~tn Jl( l bcst1UClh c lne ing to
' 0 he n o lJI 'I' ~r ''''"h
' 11IIm lialely IIJ wr my III00r olol\0 I tountl that Illy hcullh bt-gn n to frul mo. 1 bo·
tho s prin g Th Ne allil
for t h,.. 'l f~8tr\lC'lio n () f Ih r.! 'SilO ,}o :;( sca l o I n Nt' \\ \' nl' l, f.;1&I(' At I PRN t. nnlil
liS 10
W Oll}.QU
("au lO " oak llll(l pnlo, with Ltmin~~ J o wn. puinR,
fi U\'(,'I O
t en , rill hll" ~o c hcri nntl frDqll l.'utd17-ZY"'I " ll hf "Ilu lio( tors " ""',rilooJ fo, IUO. Y',t I dId
h"prm·o. I " \lul<l blollt
th (l l u('lhp h ()l l i ll~ or I IH' ('on ~ 1It\l t' nl
n tt,(,ll ('ut ll1J.:;. nnd ll Utluon fly
lIuusct\.l.c<L ,,,"t I'"II" ,lowlI t hrougb
mUl el lll 1 \l'llh H JII e \\ II ll" ro, Ilt I 30 mI IlUl"a. III I'IT!'( l ing a ('ollll ,lnl l lo n Iw m (n ll ~ or ~OIl'1' <l1('l1Il r· ,,1 NII,'h nA "" I . F\oda 0 1' t'rHIKlit.
L h ~se lul Le , en '
• Ho d :' "he :wtl',n i n S Kh Olli li be hn'tN'NI
!In ,1 Im p"w"d Ity t h,' mil loym ept of a • " mnll qll Dn l lty or hQI wul rr \\ e be· June I hc l (l is c.ulhlng h f' tt~r UMII n. I hor oll gh I), boll "II 1\ UII" 511 1vh ll' \I a ~h contai n ing ""0 po un ds of 11 m" nll d I ~. pou or 0011 e 's of SlIll1h ll1' I L may IIn IlrCpa rC( I In t 1' (' r .' Iow III ,! way: Olin !; seve r a l PUIl R or \\ olOr nen rl \' .to a boll In a Ift r ge 1101, I,"t llo. ad\ll n g Ih e IIl11e, foll ow III.': lit 001'0 wllh the s ulphu l' :tllli Rtl r Lho,ollp; h ' y HO liS . " '., I I to m I x t I' C I II !;•.I C(IIe nl" [1 110 I CI)Ca t '0 I f I I o p ra t on I'om t me ' 0 t me s o t I' lI l t he maLe r lal w ill nol ,'a k on tb bol· tom of th e vesse l. T h ro s houl d tn deep I do ,' e\" n a gr ~ e nl8h ah odo I n th dCll' liquid at t he cnel ot 30 or Sr. mlnutcs . IJrovldeti the opemtlo D bas bee n IlI o Derly pertol'm e(1 and tlt e 11m g Is Is of11 fll lrffquln i lity Slt ola llll1 equn y ec I'e pro,· ( e tIhJOllln e s t eam pll1<' ex te nds n enrl), 10 tbe IJO ttom of tb e ban el Stral;l and dilute this rna· te rlal wllh e noll b'l, wllt er t o make 30 gall on s. a Dd nll pl y &1 an ce. Th e sec ret o C s u ccess lies nrst In ob. talnln g Il profl er wA all. rind sccondly . 10 on equ a l ext ent. In maklns t\ thnrough apflllcat lon We advIse a most ca r erul lll'ray in g of nil parts oC the tree. trentlng each nt Umes when th e w in d IR In lh e ollposlte direction a nd making an eftort lhoroug bly to coat e very 11mb ond tw'g \ Ve rllrth e r ' ~\l ll" g est , In tile case of nn old orchard lloil· Il' Infes ted with the s cale. tli a t thin treatm ent bo giv en In early wlnl er an.1 then repented s hortly b e fore the bulls appea r In tho s pring. The rea son tor I1ll s Is thnt the rough bark of old treea Is very lik e ly 10 I,rotecl som e ot the sca le Ins c Ls . and a t the outs t It Is cl es il abl e to perf01'111 a la(YJt thor· ough job In order to give th e treen an opportu nity to rel;"aln theIr norma l visor
U" L WIIll IO\l' r ' h " , " " .r. II,c r.! In cl ln m li ll - Ir. .OUO Ot1(o um u' l"lI u8 a IIffJ ~t' i1N' .\ ~ ioll to r l .. ' torm Pl e~t!ll' nt ren r TilE t "' II t:IL IIl lSU ' IIIze ll 1"1 1' 0 Clv 'I" I ~,) WaN '1, ~"o l v..,tI I "cl .III(I In h i• .111," ,11 lI1es" ,, /:;~ (" I Th I e u lIl u. pll a h .I R hce n tl c\·plop lnr. 1)(' qui k ly ullII eus lly " lI lId tb elr UUIIl IJO I"X llHlu "~tl In dun e A n uL h ~ r ti l" I IS% til' IIlI o,l. "Th e ~tJtlllll llJII o r "ITII I, " r,"~\:" Y ~I\;rl llg Ih e I:,ij , fe w)'ea rs 'I ll),. "uggesl s the FIl,·m et.,,· Re vie w, Is IIl USS o r llle ('ull nl r),' " c l tlzc ll~hlil. l il < , " mun g Lh e I··h o Cl vlll"l'" T il .. < hll; I I P 1'1; UI) e vt'n II ('hen p one nowrI· t il ha lt. Ih e blocl; o r s lulIlp nOll " un Olll. finlll cba pl or In th o Ind ia n Il llu ltia u.< ass um ell h .,n n" "~I' 1 relll l" r ," I·~( a 1II1II 'i n " II ''.'h O ,op Hl'rMd. bulh ll ll g, wh e, " p le a dl s lllI ct ra ce . . w,lllun . ~e of t imbe r tn n bo It aln"'5t 11l u l ' I)~nsIlIJ II' ' li nt Ih er r, ~\:: 'I ' :~ "n .en~? ' PII :. )' fo.r It ~ I1l g ht Ulliled unlh e cUln e r in prollerp os ltloll In th e "A tlUDll c" of Ill e mOll l h Ih," KllOUlli h e un Oll i lt c l,a ugc In th e r"la - b I'I'~ J:( In ~ " W") 1I 11 11 un y u m10 h o ld t he post wb ll e be lnl; s ha. pen ed so w th e tio ll l (1I 8801ullol1 (If Ih o 1·' lvc li on s o r ,h eR" Ir, d l" ns to th e gc nc rJ I nrel " S ' ou nll g ' 0 Pil i In ollr gr ll) We This ta kes a lilli e less wo, k Inpreflll t il' 'rrlbes, 1liliJOarcd un oluquen t pUllc r I u This "e em ~ to he nere,· n ( II mon g our a ss or tment or umbre l· , guvcrnrn ell l las nn,1 Jl ar'lsf) I b ttl l ~ o no Ih IA mcnnl (or tlon l h an th e CI rSL pan. C llllrl es Hur ve)' o n "Th e It ed Mnn ·s ~ u . y III fu rth U le WOrlI er.,n,·" or Ih olr Own IlI le r: Illst Hnrh a n c m e r~ n rya ta n,l which in mus t a lwaYR h ~ dOll o In the snmo pl uc e. Lus t Holl Call. " a pape r tll " l lo lll " PS f • . l' n we ll " " I" , lh o pro tel'llun D, a moRt ll('ro mmod ll llll g m a nn ~ r. fold ~ u p whil e bl' th e oth e r plan fh(3 tripo d Cll ll n ot onl)' o[ Ih o Illdi ull s. o f a ,e Ind ",.n lIo ll · l ndl a n ro'Kl denLs In Ih elr l rrl to r) to ""it th e I.' e of Te rrll o . y bill ,\I so o r t he grea l pro ce~· our t r;n o II II g b tl~ he Loken unywhe rc I, Is wll nt ed III Lh is .1 be e lTo rl "" ulI l<l he mado LO 811 ' 0 , OLh er ne w on es locll "lth II ke y. SOJll8 ('onnec Llou Ih e h oppIn g blo c\t used sluo or rell U1eo peo llllng this laud, ur Ih e~ e IDllllln ~ lrom In .h e "o u sequ e 'll" ~S spreoll their s hnd e o,'cr elJ:h l or nine s phUln g wooll mlgbt be menllone~ . lhplr cbu rtlcter. o f Ihe lr be ro es T he or Ule lr UWII m lsLa kes nnd IlUllruvl- I feet of te rri lory, li n d mnnufa, .t!lI e ra Jllll ch labor IIlIlY be saved by providin g re,Wer was mnll c 10 sec 10 n !lns h th ~ rl(,lI co lind 10 ""C Un' to Ihe real Indi an . A,'er Ihll t IheRe nre bil l II few or Ih e Im- a Bo und solid block . OR leAS bl ows nrc vallls lllll g IIro of th e Ameri ca n mec . hi s ri g h ts li S aga lns l III lI'lIL1ers U!ld prove ments whk h we may xp eel. the red m en POHsc8s l11 g th o la n ,1 wu e ll I"o fesgcd fr ie n d. r eqll lred ou n perfo('tly so lid foundatI on who Ilro fit by his re " limn when a yie ldin g Olle Is II sed Either tbe whi Les ca me. t he IIbor lglnes I lint rog, ess lon. A .cha ngo Is also neell ed t') UNBIN DING CHINESE WOME N s elect s tump of a trec as describe d Cor proved tb emselve s "fa r mode rorm ld.l- prol ec t life ullIl I, ro pert)" throll g h Ib€l tbe first PORt s h unlen e r, or tnke n knotble warriors th an any oLber or the ·In · Ollertl lioll of cOllrts co nciucLed ncco rd· Foot.Fre edom Brou ght About by ty length cut Crom tl log, m a kIn g It terlor races' eve n encou n tered by tb 2 In g to s tri ct Ju sll ce 1111(1 s trung en oll g'l Foreign S isters In Their nbout n foot,lon g lind setting It on end empire builde rs oC SpaID, l'·rance. Eng· to ento rce I h e ll' ITIUnrllll e " In 1898 Lh e In the groll nd so IhaL It Is only abou t land. Holland or Awerlc'l ." One rlIllgea Curtis ae L was pa Country . s~ed. wllieh Is looked four Inches above th e surrllce. It a Cew rnr as on e r ead s ; thore Is De Soto·n il i on u s perhaps Ih mu s t ImllOrtn " c Mission ary wo r k or a I'ery Ilractlea l flat s tones nro placed e llcounte r with th e warlik e Cbl ekll RO\\ S Ill ~ce of Ill dian Icg directly IInd e r It, ls illtlon e ver enn ct · sor t II[\S begun In h lna \Ih en a 111It will muk e n s tili fir mer foundati on and Cheroke es III th e Ml sslss lllpl val - ed. The C~l rti s Act nbolls he<l the tr illul tie compan y at fore ig n women living ThI s torm s a blo ck tbat Is practl oally ley; Cbnml.lll1lu and t he powerru l CO I\' gov ~ rnUl e nt . IlrOvl cl~d .,lIotme nt oC In Shangl,a l tormed Ihe Tl e n T au Ru l . un yieldIng and tbe work Is much easIe r federut!o n oC Ule lroQlIol ~ . Tecums oh. lunLis 10 lhe memher s of t he Irlbes an ,l or Natllral Fee t soci et y What tbey by Its nse the Sh awn ee, flgbtlng w'Lh th e Drills tl onrollm ent of cltl zeu s prepara tor) did has bee n co n cise ly describe d by agalos t Old Tlppe caa oe; t b e ApacM Ih er eto. provldeLl for th e regll l~tlo n or I Mrs Arch ibald Little. Vlho. a ccording . SHELT ER FOR FARM ANIMA L Rong h Ride rs III Ncw Mexico and Arl· to wn B' tes and the wno_ And tha author of "The Hert town s , und the InterIo Incorpor lltlon or lo th e Searchll gbt, s ays they cont rlbr deportm en t W Ug uted and collcct e d liltle s ums oC I . the BlU'bwl re Fence All the Prot ec&lan't Last Roll Call " s peaks or tbe 10' g iven o utrol o f nil ed ucntlon money. gav o prizes (or essa)' s. select. tion the Stock It, Cold d lnns' victories ot peac~ "In peac~. Tbe 'huDges were nol a ccomplis hed ed tract s nnd had th em printed nnd too. lh e America n Indltm gul n ed vlc- wlLh cose. th e India Spring Da yaP ns re member ing tb~ them se lvcs circu late d th em through torles which outbt to be as renowne d agreem ent mad e with the UnlLed Sta te.l tbe vast e mpiro- lls bIg aI Europe. Nothi ng looks woro abs urd lhan to as tbos e b e ga lded In Wdr. Hiawath a. thnl Ih e y s hould have I n ll power to Wh en Chln cs e men. nutn60cr log tbel r see a herd ot ca tOe ON LOADING HAY. the Onooua sa. :lnd Dnl>onse da. tb e Mo- mana ge t heir own on (\ s tormy day nlTa lrs It hus Illk ell t ens of thous ands. assembl ed Cor th ei r see ltlng IIh elter behind a ba rbwire b awk. evolVed n confeder ation ror th il tim. The Creeks Som e Suggest ions WhIch Will R elll nlld Ch orokees wero nnn'lal or triennia l examina tions. lit· 1 Cenee. The tally ot tbls meth od uec umes Iroquois nndol' whlcll t he alTnl rs com· t he nr~t to como under lull opera lion tie ussortm ents ot I hese trar.ts \ge to Keep New Hay from Heatre more apparen t wben we r eme mber th a t man to tbe Mohnwk s. CaYllgtls, On el· of the Curlls a ct. Tbe trIba l gov e rn· given to cncb comp etllor to Ul.k e back Ing nnd SpolUng . snch treatme nt demu n ds a lurge Quan· das. Onondag as a.nd Senecas wero re;; · meut o r th" Choctnw s . Cnl ck ns aw s a n,1 to his n ath'c villa ge. At .lost tbe dow. lIty of fe ed Anlmnl s that receive no ulated. a nd Ulls w en t luto ollerutlo .l Semin ol es was to Tbe mu" t eSB~ nllal poln l In lon ll ln !: contluue eight yenr. l oger empress Iss ued a n Iml'e rlal edl t. \ shelLe,' requIre more feed UI OII tbose n ew h ny . over three centu ri es before Washing · from Ma rch 4. 1898 Ra ys u <len IeI'. In C<lUJIlI,), Thot lIme 11 ,\3 fhen ail e b), on l? the great Chlne~e protecte d from the Bevere freezin g Gentl eman . Is ton, Hamilto n. Madison lind lhelr asso- now arrlv ed - tl'lbal to seo tha t It Is nOL s ovcrnm enL Is a ,Iceroys IsslIM flro clam atlon s a gRlnst wenthe r oC winter. elates met In Phllnde lphln to dovl RO tbln s or the P ilE I. lOA ded !l nt- th at la, wlLh th .. f1 ul sIde olndln g gen ernllr I, response 10 an A good s he d or sb elter for ca ttle will of th o bole U\l. Wheu the federal s cheme uud e r wblch w(\ lCATHEH INE POPE. lon d ~d t hIs wa y, Inten'l ; w or ;, ht ler rrom th e or/l:an. save !It least one-hulC live. . . . The League or th o lroquol; . t he fe; d hill a nll with t ho smooth s ld63 o f !lIe Unmist akable P roof. bales \0. 1,lng &~"re:~r J or the Na tural Feet as J elferso u wlsoly Intimate d, coule! Ih o call ie will do better. Som e s to "k gp- lIl er . n o " IJlIr e Is The eSlaLe owned by tho lute CuI. societ y left fOI nlr. and feeders are of the opinion that build In !; liS a co nseQue h ave gIven valuable polnts LO tbe Pb il · Cro"nill shlel d In ll cc It IllI'nrlllb l y heuw a New England s ep.. A rec en t Ipl lc l fro nl th e far wes L or sh eds for llt eh a delphia cOD\cnt lon o r 1787" enUre 18 a useless e,,· A I"'o perl\ Il'>rt to wlI adjoin s th e pas ture or /I China. r ece lvell b), ~Irs. Little. s ays: pen se. I do not think so, a nd I hell He toug h s Ides Imillcd ca r b as th e edges o ~ But let U8 return to t h e Indi a n Ter- 8m, tnrmer A valunbl of t h bll ies LOgelh er This e dog ow ne d "C h ina Is chan !,:ln g In n rnpld way; eve r)' fall"-mln ded mnll w ill nsree with a llo ws a ir Rpace between rltory nnd t be Indian 01 to·da)', IL 1V 3 Q hy th o r.olonel used tho bnle • . to get lOla lhe pns . unbound feet 13 Ihe order or the day me Jc!{erso n tbnt suggestOd t he Irn nsfer of I,lre and ChuRe nod wben I sa y that a s hod ~III more a n ti ,, 1"IIYs preve nts dan gel wurry th o farmer'K to r littl e g irl s n ow; fo re ign s ty le or of I,ea l · than 11IIY tor Itse lt In one or two win ' In g. Do nol tr ), to load Lbe Indlnns lo tbo we s t of th Ml sS l~' cows, Fi na ll y. b e en. s with tbe went to Col Crownln - ~I o l he s tor hoys, and r!rlll ever y. ter s In th e nmount ot teed It will save \l ur[IUse o f ben ti ns HIIIPI, I1ml It was under J uclesou th ~ s hi eld li nt! reQues ted lhe r a ilroad out o f that theunno ynncll wh er e." F rum Shangbn l comes a rotor tim averase stocl<ma n . [ndlan TerritOr y wus creal ed. til e ~' Iv a be SLOpped . n fe w 'cnlS In weight. It's mu ch bet· port of the most encoura ging s id e ot In ortle Olvllized Tribes begun fure gatllelln g r to keep s tocle In a thrivIn g leI' to fla y In c x ~eS8 of tb , H ow II" yuu know It III m y dog" ask~d tho m ov eme nt. Th e uctupl ,I cb Shangha i of. condit ion, we rna l maintai n th e nnl lbere. Ear ly In his serl' lce liS pres i' Col CrownIUHhl" w o lght. If n ec Banry, fo,' th o Bclllni! ld, r~tb er nnsathl- nclals h,n c -tar l d a Tl eo TSII Hul llIal heat. ·dent, J e trel'son announc ed " I nm nl)" , far.lorlly . decla res IIl e O~l\ngo Judd p "le ' ' Of yo u,. h ay will lU o ,'e th a n girls' s rboo l for the g irls of good [nm . ! FBI·mer. This Is s elf alive to Ihe obtaini ng la nds rrom donn by f(' ed and ns m a ke Ul' to. you th e () xc~ss (reltbt e:-· "Hllw do I l!D ow ?" ex claimed tb e IllY who ha\'o e it he r 1I0t hound I he lr a mnller or fnrt mor e feed Is. nocessar y pen lhe Indlnns by nil honest lind Il"a ceab l ~ rarm e r. with risin g se. In \lutl ln g up bay, It dc pe lllis Indlg nlliion ·W hy . leet 01" h[l\'e unbound tb em '!t h t1 In" Inter than In snOlm I' to maintain I," ge l) UPOII whom means. and I believe tho lion est nul 11 6 l OU s hip lu as t J hIm lim e .Ind fi s al n !" : hope tbat th e g ll"1s th~re ed,;ca~ed I tb e necessu peaoeab le meuns ndopted by us will on r y nnlmal heat. Now t ile Ibe s ize 01 Ihe ba les. 1£ YOll ship " VOU nHl s l brln !; IlI P Il e llcr proof.' event ua lly b~come tca c he r~. I llues tio n a ri ses co n thi s h ull he moln · s llI.dl Job be rs \\'ho deal Inln th em 08 fllst .tS til e expon ~l oo 0 1 replied th o colou e l, co lllly. almO"1 e xel u· Alth on gh a nI) Jil gi stan ed. SO yonn g tal ned by fee d . 3n ll o nr settleme nl s , with due rogard lu If this he tI·ne. a s l" a1), w' lh Ih e r e lall Lrarle o r " All rll;IJl. sir ." sold th e fa , mer. In no ladl !'" nrc alr eatly lin boor<lInl ; nL Ihls ,:;rcnt snvln l'; co n be eff ecte,l by gl l'ln!,; r il compact n ess, w ill require " Art er t h a unce rta in lone " Th l', II I" nd,I Rn ble to ma l(c Ih e un l" , e nextlllll e the dog sc hool. nnd wh en Il fi nIs hed Its firs t steck the r equ Ir e d s helt e r III r lltnnl e~ s ma ll. hu t purchlls o at Loulslan n, J etrer~on pr'J' hl,lllers my "OW" g,'ne rnll y th e tmlle on Ih e 1·II .brlnl: YOII nil the Ic ,'m th e Ilhl( e \\ 11 ' pncketJ ~h le ny that grow more or Irs_ se l t'r!' at rl\(· tl1 a r lun posed Ihe movo to tho wesi. In l S·10 proc i you wllnl will I UMlC- as gootl a t1 e mu n +1 In II wh eelb.lrro w "- l"'llh Ch ' nese t1 nt ll.... ~ n, t'l eee th e re. , fercllt times III Ihe yea .. If It I 1'0. ' tor 7-,·pnun Presiden t Jackson ordered Ihe re mova l [Jus ton Hera ld . rl !Jaled liS ro r GU- llOUll d I !ult s TillIS th e unbill di n g of Iho t e t , s lbl~ to mak e this Sl\l'ln ,,; b, I" ov ldl ng of the Indians from th eir home~ ellS! bales ,t th e gi rl s of hlll :1 !.: ~rAduall y de- s helt er COl' Ih ~ rn ule Il Is a p l'Brent ot Ille MIss issippI ; In 1832, Ih e Inrllan L onns. Ic loplng Into a m Ol''' m( 1I1 fo r Ih elr that money Lhus T erritory wns sot nltArt lur Ihe Jo'I' <l s pent w,ll prove a 1 nto ( he ~O"",· II"'I'n t we bow hln11er HANDY STABLE SCRAPER . edu cation A lit I wh e n t he 200.. good h",~stm e nt It ha s bO en " mnl· And h' nd II r fl \' eren. 1 r nr Civ ilized Tribes; hy 1846 th" Inst onc~ ,.. I d . nlh er le...1 II en.h. I 'OW, I 000 k 000 womch or hl n n are set II1)0n t er uf mu ch s urprlsc the Slmlnol es. were es ta blls ho,1 'h ere to m e t lat SIOC • H ome· Mllde D ev,ce Which Will An" ". " fln unde r P rove Ibeir re el agnill. qunllfied to learn Lo men ha l'c not ~ I ve Otber India n s nlOved Into ","~u n more a tt ention lo - \V a' '' 'n ~ lon Qln, V ery Sal vicenble in th e suw. 10 wash, to cl. "u I heir houses BR(l thIs s ubj ec t land s. The ce nsus or I!IOO re pon ed Ii It Is n m:lttc r or bust· NOT A TEACH ER. Ihelr c hil d ren fl" we ll a s t o Icnrn tho ness an d u subj ect Sta b le. Modoc rcs ervatlon or 140 souls, ti D Cli· of paramou nt 1m· elel;ant Ilccomllll shm cn i s or En gli s b po ,·tan ce la wa reservat ion or 2,205, Peorln res. He re is 0 handy homema tl e S('mlle r . unrl IIl\lRl c. "e may look fO I an e xten· e rvallon of 227, Quapnu reserval lon of whIc h la \' on use fu l to clean J:utlc rll alye Imllfo\' c mcnt In th e whol e CIlI· Hu m us LllCklng . 154. Seneca reserva llon of 25r.. Sha w. ncsc ra ce. A s I trnvel noo<lt through t his ' o un · and fioors In Htock bRrns . SU )' " th ~ nee re~ervatlon or 79. Wyando tte reBIi to be II Ro d try. I 1I01lce that th e. e hil S been Il Orn nge JllcI,l Farme r e rvallon o r 2 8. The ~'he C lv lllze,l Dible Agllinst Tllttooin g. ,,'TeaL dec reuae In Ihe fenlilly of man y In lho guller . the le ngt h ~I lh" bl a (lr Tribes occupy a lmost the whole o( Ibe At n mu rlners' beth clll ml ~ s l ona ,yat farm s. I n lim es Illlsl. aC(,{lIdln g to t erritory . l;J eked Hlllooi ng . Ihe r e port s of t he fnrm ers II nci my own Tbat Is lo say. they and Ihe White "You sa llorR ,lI sgus t lIIe," he 6al'I, obf;c rv u tlon s, th e (~ rOI)R W(ire m ll e r} m e o do. Cor of the India n Terrltor y's "wl tb your HhhlR 311d 1,,<lles and nn chors la rger th nn 'It presenl Th e cau sc populati on ot about 400,000 the while" an ti 1111&:8 Wllue, l ull 0' er your .trms ami f or this dec,euRe d [ e rtlll'~ I,. LII e (·on · number over 300.000; 86,000 are classeJ hands :md brcas t<J It I. not only s illy as IndIans. and or these oDly 25,000 IIr" 10 Lutloo. Hi s !l':l",' tlvely " Icked nn d Im- tlnued growing of co rn Yl'O I :aft er yenr. ~ nlld 110 proV er regarll to rolf tluo , SIlY ' rnll bloods; there aro ove r 40,000 or pious." IL <\S [l Y U.\'RN S · H r\PER. I a write r In Vn,.,uerK r · H e vle~. 80 ra """"rlOllS shades of mlxtn re." 1.5uO '" Avas t th ere. :11 Y Illl ul." sa id an nged nR I can u nders taud. K hould Ih e he '~h"' sli g r htly lack whiles who. by reason of Interma rrlagt leijij tlmn the II'ldLiI shell bn cl<. "Ya can ' t prove th em words III the Ho ll of Lb e worst r un- clown [u rm at th e 1; \,L ler. Us ually olght by by tb e Log o· Grnce." h a ve beon adopted Into the trlhes. snl eight· Is hUll1u s The fnr me r.' If re lIoln:! een In ches I~ Kuffi c lOIlt. with a thlcl, "Bllt I ca n, t hou gh," sa id tho mis18,090 of nAgTO or mixer! negro bloo1 . almos t nothing to brIng tb ose fa rtn 8 nos s 01 OD C In ch. Be ve l ea h edge , slonur y. quick liS a finsb. and he r ead To·day the whltlis outnum ber IndlaD ~ buck 10 tbelr tirst ferUllty rrom Levi ticus 19. 28· Accord· aH shown a nd bore lWO ho les on ~ Inch In tho Indlnn Territor ), five to one. "Ye s hnll not maqe any cnttln gs In Ins to my exp ~ rlenl' e I be!J a ve tltat or mor e III ,linmete r midway bet ween Not but that jltrenllo lls attempt s we,'., your fles h for tho dead, nor prlot any liv e slocl. farmill g , whI c h will g Ive a the fori, ami the end. Cut a Kmall made by tbe red men to keep tbe In· Iftrge "&.tou nl at R\ (I.lInble fe r tility. will blckory sapling about two Inches In marks u po n you." dian Territor y ror the Indillns. The bring back these farm s to Ihelr orlg· diamete r a nd live feet Ions Draw nn attempt s were upoless; In s wept set· In al conditio n of Ilrodu c tl\,e ness. pro· iron ring down tightl y wltbln a rew A Gob of WIsdom . tle1'll from borderIn g lands-K ansas. .. 'Most every man h as n rival In h!!I vlded th ut lover Is use d III I he rota· feet ot the lower end. or wi nd wltb M1880llrl, TeXll!l':" ancl ta,·tller awny. All H&-I ne\'er kissed a !llrl before. wl(e's nlfecUon s." remurke d the S;!l;e tion. a few tnnis of ben vy wlrc. Split we Mr. Harvey pb.rasea It: "Tbe FIve Sbe-Tb i", don't sta rl In on mt'. I'm , or P bl losopher sville. "If It h a ln't 11< IihOrt end ot th e pole and s'pread the TrIbes' Idylllc _ 11.\810n waa doomed two halves and fit Into bol es of com· The Rl ght. JOnd ht l\ Fllnner . by tho entranc e ot " tho' railways dn runnIng " DO tra h'llng acbool.- Chlcag4 poodle It's a r u bber-" plant."- CblcoGO SUD. -' Whcn~ a mop takes me arQund Ilnd, mon board, wedging tlgbtly trom the' t belr I~da: 'fh~y trIed to keep the JOurnal. tOad, out. but tbe preaaure ot the· wIth ,llrlde, s bows me ILls calveli ' M(l other side to make them form . It Would Be. Chance tor HIm, . 'rltory', barrle1'll on aJl' BIdes was too bls lambs. t feel Bure {liat;1fl at mlln "Papa, la s moking c~gllrettes luNrI· Clarene e-MI88 Sbarpun haa brnlns Js Trees aro lIl<.e ohlldren ; In Ihe, bl' atnlal tor them, and thl!Y were torc»J ou a?" 00 the .road to 8uccess. You do not fnr two, ba h J ovel to CODnDt to the IDVUIOD . The lIrat "It wlll be to you It I catc" yo II al enourb fin d ~lICC0l!8 pattln~ the man on the gl n'nl ng they g ive u s a great 'deal or F1orenc e-Tben wby dOIl't you ma.rf1 back .who Is balf·hea rted or asbamed troubl jf anel worry, but In ·the e nd we tool of th. t(blstl. the M1BiOlirl, It.''-!iou aton POIt. ber. Olarenc e?-Cle18 IU14 Lea.!!8J' of bl'll tarm anlmals .'-Farm· 30urnal • a re proud or t~em. 1U0 6. lil e hun u 'l ba l o l'san tzn t lo n o r lh l'
HU m.! 1
p.obably 10 th ~ .oll th or u ~ th.,n Ihe s o ·call ~, 1 II rn ~ iju ll'hllr " asH Illol lrl° rt Pl ace It Is 11I O rl~ , lv l> , cl'o r ed Th Is mc .• II" rl
i lh e Illpo(l ln llo .. lllun bef o r e It t. h t· !'!)£oil wul' it :.; lowel ('IIHI o n t h u l..Jlo c k r en d \' tu b t' ('III , .lIu ll I 1ho n p per on (1 IC',I Il lIt:'oI tn :,1 llll' t l illud , ro~t ln ~ l>e~ l\\ l\C' ll 1\\ 1\ o f \ He l ai l H 110th h and scn n t h e n hI' H~ ... tl IH /' h oJ))J IIl ~a ll l1 lh c \V o rlC'
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c ...
Winch ester Ri8e and Pistol Cartrid ges of all caliber s are loaded by machin ery which .aizes the shells, suppli es the exact quanti ty of powde r, and seats the bullets properl y_ By using first-cl ass materi als and this up-to- date system of loading , the reputa tion of Wincheste r Cartrid ges for accura cy, reliabi lity and excelle nce is mainta ined. Ask for them. THE Y
my limhs ao I could bU1ty. irrita.bU ity, n llrvousn ess. sleep1II"lIy ,,"11<. It w o~ o. 1lI"1 ,, case ot fomulo Icssu ess. mclancl .oly, "al1' l[one " ond t ,·ullhlo M I Itn-'O CI'er kn oll II . Lyd ia E. "",ant-t o-be· left-alon e" feehng8 , blues rlttk h nm ~ V('g tl\h10 t:oDllJOlI lII l, h m: ""r, d I 1 tl \' 11 ri"t l It",) wtl li lll t Ollr m ont hs ·'d HluC" UUl.t 0.0 l ope cssn C8S. l Oy S Il O\u J'Clllemt uno 11' Il" ,· "",1oc to' )('<"O'"'Jlouli iUo he r th r c oli n tried Bn,l tru b r em e dy. " "u ,,,I.'r of 1""lf'IILs ''''ITt'dnl; " 0111 ull l-,yclltl Fl. isPinkham 'H Vpg'cLnIJ I Comtn, n,.ot rOl lllllo (htllcIIIP"". ,,,,,I I Ii"d thut pou nd at on co rnmoves Stich tr oub lc·s. "hl\u it,. ",,,,,hie, ,. 1 '" 'I'rur<.... " ,''''lto r ocNo o t her t ema.lo m ediclno In th o \ oflm u l1d ,.. pnl {'lIt. m, n,'\ 1 ('UII hOnl'1'l ly w()J'ld b us t'rccivcd ''e<'OlIIlIIc llli I.yd la )o; l'IIl I, tllm'. VI'J:etBl,>lo nl"llInquu.1ifl d c ndor such wide spread c llle n t. • COUlllOun d, (or I h ..vo f"" nd tlillt It cur!.'!! '1'1 II I rClMlolIIlI,whcNln linf\'Cr ll1c, lIdl1O t I f'tils IL 'C ll e 'l es.~"u Jl'e l·n g o w o w cn,rotn II .. t;l'I1l1d IIIlXhclII (01' old. \1 o llle ll." ,lisollsos flec ulia r to t.h"ir sex i tcrrill lQ 10 see. 'rh m o ney which th y P(l.Y to lIfoncy c nnnot bu \' Sllch test, mon y n ~ doct o r s " ho do not help t h om is nn th is-m e rit ulunee" n pro,\uc RtlCh r " Do r mo ns WRSte. The poln is cm'ed sulls. n n ti \.h " bl ost spcclo h ~t.s llUW nnd t ho money Is snved by L y(l la. E. a gree t hn.t Ly(lin. E. P inl<1lRm' s Vcgc- I'inl, hum 's Vegetnb l e Compo" nd tnble Compou n d Is thc 1lI0st ,mh·CI · H is well lo w omen whi> aro III to snll,' su c~ps.. ful remedy for 1111 {emn.le "'r'··.. 'Irs P,'llr 1 'lla'~ diocJ ascs lm u" .u to mcdiciu c. ,~ " ' . . .. nt Lunn J , 'In·-· ' e prese nt Mrs . 1' inl, hal1l Is" tblS WheD w ome n troul,l c~l with Ir. '1'h d 'lIIg h tc,·.ln .lnw of L yd la l'!. Pinl(ham . regular. SUl'llr 'bSl'tior pai n Culpe rioos , h e r ~lstant(ormn n y yearsbcforc ller w enlmess . d, ~p ht<' e m(ln t or ulct!I"II.L ,o n (Icc use, and l o r twcnty . live years of tho fe m ll io OI·guU B. t hllt h ell rin g · 81neo her n.d~l co 11M b een fre oly gi ven do wn IcellD SJ . iuUlu um atioLl. b ou lcnc he 10 sick womcn . I n hor grcI1<t expe riblotttin ~ (or.f1alu l DCC), gC II ral de b ill- r n ·c. whi ch co ...e r s many years, s ho tv. In<1Ig'Qs tlon. lind ne .... o ll s pros tro' prob nuly h ad lo d en.l with c1ozC'ns t run. or are b eset w, th s n eh syln[l tem s 'hilS ~f ca. S j n ~ t hl( e yours. B cr ad vice nsdizztness.frlllltne~s, la..s iLUde, exei ll" ib trictly confiden tial.
S H 00 T
W H .E R E
H 0 L D
6RIP. aAD COLD, HEADaCHE AND NEURALGIA. J wun" .o ll 4nU.Orh )lntl to a
cI~ .I (!r
lr Ou4 .... It. CaU'uq QurJdlON EY nA CK.ll' JT won' :OO"'' 'l' l()V.'',
IJ'.. .'~. ~Jlle".J/I, D.,M 'l"u(<lCtUJ'6r,8"r.H~.....
This ieon M .D I~ Dr Bro"'T \, WllO Ihr~ bur III In ~porle~ T(J\vn
The !Own 13 ~O conrounClec:l clean,
Ir 1.3 no wonde r he I~ leon
10& 0.11
BecoU!e C~
now you knOw
A.N. K .-E
you want " compl ete protec tton anillon g servic e. These and manY ... other 900d ~1nta , are combIn ed in .,-',:m:IW- TOWE~S .. t,SH aftANO
OUt- CLO'nUNG 1::,,1 ~,.,..:...~P:.n: ~.~
$1 0000
.n,o., co
REWARD 10 who I ~ dlspro •• Ihl •• tat .....t. III cuuld talte J'OU Inlo my th ......... t.:tore. .t 8""",100 . M ....... nd ,bow )'ou elM "'''"Ite ..... wllhwhlc hevery P!llrol lb_I,_ e.,.. woaI4 ...11.. why W. L. Oov.i.. 13.10 ali_ coot to moo! wh)' th.y h ..... _ r Ih bener. wear oncer, U4l .re ., .,....... value thon ony ot ......... 10 .hoe.
When )IOU bl.\)'
w. L. DOUaL A. MAII£II & « l U MOIIItI. IIIE"'• .a. ISO ."OE.T HA"A"r OTHIE lI lIIA"Ur AOrUR £II'" THE. WORLD . •
W.111_ L. D~ •• "_. ""' ~ •••• ISO •• 11.l1li. ~ . . . D..._.".... .II.IIII . r..... 7 • ft.
CAUTIO N ,-11181ot tJ'JI L.DoM' bie no 8UbalJ&Ute. NODe ~Ql..... witbout bl. name and PrMe -JI"'II ~.. lJO""m. Fa.t Color Eu_t.t. 1$_" ".: ~ ........ Write fot mut,ate d , • W.L.DO IIGLAL Ne_.~
.... . h OM.
'Ilirl-t.,) ct;;hOnll6 Wllrk :
ur I"'minv:.
By Buying
. lUI (~ M . ROlll1'?leH, . The venerable Davis ' Jo~urn3s continues fu Jail gl'adual1~{ i!l health anti .treng{h. MIII8 Rbeil ;R.9~ r~, of Lei)allon. bat! been II. guest of 1"' 1: sl srur , hI<. oJ. 0 , Cartwtljtht. MIl! Rog r h". been . !tatt,e ~ICk with tOllsllitiS t\lis wirlt ef. lind i~ ' t;l,1) t ' i'f Rulli 'iautly ' teoovet:' d to' bllw ' \1 r w rk Ill' tlllloher at . til 'hl \l1l n '>l i:lollle,
Le~non .
!lr. alld M,s Iltrll 1 ' I tl erth wll'l to ana two little clllugbt-er:<, or --'priullBeld, were ; her llUlt week, blddiog 'heir frlendll and re1atl v II f/lrewell before srort;ing · ~ their Dew bomo In ~ttle. Wa8hlngtClII On t.lI Ir wa.y . thl!y expeot to vlsil, Mrr;. &1.. te'rtbwnlte 'A brother f'lr t w woe];~ in San J e Otlllfornhl. . Farmers. ctt.llln lind ROO the BraulilY ~ting plows.edgo droll corn plantert!. one lIoud. two row cor n cultivfl.. tol'fl. 1 .. 1110 carry 1\ full 11 110 ut' u,.· borne hnplemtlllta 'lIud lUll t/l klll~ orders for high grado tob14ocn. ellrn alid OIIts ferloi1t zer s rlllll.(\ng in prH 0 from th irt n dlllllLrti up .
\ 11('1\ ' -0 Pl'I)h ihl . I n.1\I1 limo Residents. (,lInrl idlLt for
o f th o ~tllto , WIl S Pl'ohihitioll
II t O Il U
_ ___ _ _
]lIl e ' ~
i 'Il . Wns[·' Ill!<i n . to ~p.o lt 1i1ll1 II, 1111\1 IPII-II!~~I11!1 Ihl'ir j"lrtlllll. )11' . Ilinwi,h11O i~ .'" I :'1 :'II~ H 1\1 J\ ,\ " ..... - - ""-v - - - - ..... IlIt\\' IllIitO 111-:('11 111111 (I \\'i ll l-[ t o 1 11(\
loni t ..
COl1ce'r ning
'~ug rel!~. . th LLU n e w k IIfterwnr l1" ,
, ... Grand Hom .('Oillin !,; nIlll Il ~eoond 1) r OIL\'om o nl, l\llI lI O t o th HenUl olI nf formor H ('"i(ll'n t~ Itt. li m e b onSllh old , whon I'll t.h ll ntll, nnot11 or !;on ·i ll -I,I"', Mr . .I "hn H\\'n n. \Vttyn e~ "IIl (l w(,pk hugill ll i n g Angn. <l ied, ol,{c(\ 70 y(,II I· ~ . ~I .. M\\IIII hllll 1, n In III h,'" lIh 1"'1' III ' '''' ' alUI1l 11 II, I HO lI. l)ongrntl\llu.Lloll~ ~;u~{)l'lh\ r for ~t'H I' with rl1, ql ll' l l ' ~11l lI .. d ' ' ' 'I' ~ ' rH l lI'[ r II l1d Mrs. J III III.I U"\I\' I~ "f C hi - (l"hili! .\·. II, · " -III VI\" 'o\ I, ." 111- ", i l,·.
~ ruwth \1f l'lItl\ ru c l~t. .1 \ 'rU' h i!"
~.\' t' .
i" 1I1 1 11n.~ r I " IIIII~' hlinl1
Th .. .. "
1'~:l I" \ 1" rill .. f)'tH Il l!. 1l1 ool 11111\1\ ', nl Brn 1hl 'I III, \\- 1:-'(''1 ''''';111 . \\' 11": "IlIti lil l\l' l'cl
11. 0
I "'" I h AII"I..
11 11
\\, lI ll wl·d
11111 11\' thil1l.:~
t it.,
\ ,, "
hO l'e. th e
c~ .
h':I \'t:
(j t lf, d ~
nll l ll " "
I. · ...
' PI"~ : :--- " 1'."
, \ ' 10'
;-.; itOI'I ,l;wkfH:'i fl,rt'
P('r'~lll1i:d I'a\' ol'itl',
11' 1\(_' Bolero
I ~ II I t ",
I I" tt .
"'""'======================= _______.___ _..- .~-.___, :-:.=============~ -~--~--~~--
ltlndilcape vi{.w~ , umo.v flno dw \1. / ings and Jlllbli o hoil(lings . llnel 110 1' jib!.
E~f:d~~~rrf::~1~~;~:0' ~~1~~~~fl~~~1
ers 8 re noted for s nc b pnbliolltioDS ; Mrs . A. R . Dew if; n ow loollt ed Ilt
Pilger, Nebrns kll, and is
t ill .... ery
O.E- N'I.' "l'OR.Es ~nJDI.N.l~G' I
Our Big BuildillO' hH. been sold. We mu. t Q'et out in " short order. It i 0 decreed. rrhe mandat<) m'u st be ohe, ' ed. No qll~u·ter8 offeI'~~ d.
Mrs. WlIlter Hlunlltop Ilnd o n It will plly YOll to go mile:! t o nttenil this greut sil la . It will J1I1 V 'yOU 10 lmy fr{J{Jly for th e fnl.ur Illl.VO been for about IL weok visiting for no .sllch nn opportuni t..y will pre. ont itoRelf ulgtlin . oWt~rea .o t Wayn8llvlJle People their ra}at,lves , Mr. Imd Mrs. J. A. An _elegllil t II s~oortment' in o1nding n ew ;;[Jl'ing nnel ~ lI.'llI e r gnllll~ jnst . Obtain Relief. _1 J arrl veel M ~buttB, also r, ILOu Mrs. . ViI.. \ '1' 'U tt really were known bow mll.ny !=llsey, ot Eas~ Wuyn o townsbip . be. h e ~"!lII l ll!l.t HI,I)ck ill the oounty of Men 'w and Bny!<' l' lo t.lting . Ropresent · WaP.lesvll1e residentAI hue been foro going from Columbus to their I!,!;( tho tlh01 i:ll'St pr rl l.1otlOns of I.h e bA!<t 11111 nn f u CI.t\ I· AI'!'. oured,of stQ.macp trouble and mdl. h eW' homo In' Des Moines, IO Wt~. H e re WI ll be f o und ove ry t.hing thut, is del:'irnul p. ntlei np til 11n l' in LnllieR MOIl'R IInrl tdQn by pr J' Davis' Prescription . Mr. Bumilton bas 11J1lny fri e nds ' Ohlldron '" foot WIW I' , ' . millit ~rhtl.p8 8ui-prlse 1011. but. ILUlong the Gnzettereaders who 'Will i ARPE'l'~\ CURl'AIN S, WALL pAPio~R ,We] ' PAI.NT~ Illlllo;~ h(l cln!;('!I , out !'nt i ,·ply. .H~ WI!JLRY , wlJat II/more 8'qrprlBipg is the fllot lle glud to h onr of his.advancement. W aDu .SILVER WARE. A n llW II nt.l ch olca lllw Will 1111 go II t I·P.In li rkn hly In w pri c,,!'. W e that anyone will oontlnue to sulf- He learned telegrnpby lit Got\vin . hll ve the IJOllt qUILIt.t.l eR. . P A'I'EN'r i\l ED~ 'I N'Ei;, DRU(~ 'mill T nilpt· 1\ rtl .. it'H t 0 ~" II t 10. lo; e r. tb, heart ' bum, sour, stomllch, years ago whon h e wu s quite ,~ boy. ' limn oo~t. , Eve rytblng 10 the .Rnr/-!Il lll .811 ;<: r , Oll1ll n. "H us.~ , ' rin "n(l Wood ell "'I\r e, IInil hurt rlre ll s nf brash, elok.beadaobe. mentlll nnd since then bn s bl'011 0 vtt.lne d ' n , PhIl . flLll OY lIDd ,d p ,mbl" 1I1' 1lC'l p~ li t. IIlIhl' lIrrl ('If t>rlcp.~ EVERYT HI NO M (HT BJj; ~OLI) on, nBuaea; and othllr dis· · t ng syinptone of dyspep~ill. when empl oyo of the P ennsylvllnill CO , I' ~ '1'1'" h,,~1 t " 1,ll"80 who co me tlr!ll thWl!. 1s a remedy o.r suob great m!;)r· wit.h' his htlm lit Coluwhus for 1\ ~ HlImlL.T~r· l J:J ~ , It ~t It II.lmOAt Invftrlably benofits nUlilbllrofyellr~, hut the first or " eve~ne that tries it. Pepsikdhl . .~re the presorilltion of Dr. ~ '. · p~ye~olan wbo devuted n .Uf .~ltO the study of .stomaol1 ~~~~~~~ -~~ .~~~~~-~- ~ . - ~-~,~ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~ trou'ble, and l( your food elMS not -, . ~. ' , agr ''wlth you. if you are tired. uefv I worn' out, lo,.v r;plrltetl, and your ellergy lit low 1)8r. it ,?lny if! tereat you to know that no other, prescription in thi's' world hilS a greater record of oures behind it, '~nd tli!re il! nothing more {'ertnID to give ~ou relief. Mr. "unne.v wilt tell you that altbougb Pepsikoln is sold on the fnirest kind of u mOlley' baok pla.n, not more than t;wo In ono hundred ever cmno huck for tltflir money . Thill i~ the AllreRt evid once for ~1EN YOU~G ~[EN (If tts murvelO1l8 ourn ti " e JlroJlert,ie~ , but 80 t.bnt there lIIny not bo the a, do\'otmi HI'-! least donbt in your mind IlR to whllt Pe ps lkolll will d o for lI;ou Mr. Jun . end, line, n ey will hum1 yo ur qnllrtel' ri"ltt bAok to you i f YOI1 II hnllld fllil to re o want~ It ooivll lh.e benl'flt you loo k f o r .
It stands toreaROll t1lnt
firm whi('h entire time and cncrg;y to one part.icul:H becomcE; n. Rpccialist in that Hnd is hette)' f,l;fe to fill your than any fi I'm whosc ti mo if.! divided amonA' t. hollsand and one th·ing's.
RlDllt:\'II.I .Il:,O IIl U
ArA uow in Rnd rmu)y for VilliI' 1",'pl'ctioll. A COIIII"t:' l~ " " 'f ~ t\ II' ~ "1 1<1 pr ic"" will p.1I!<il .v tl e mon Rtrllt,f> I.hll ~Up(1I'1I .. ·it,v of nIl!' IiIlP> tlII1 11I' \\'e,,,, 'l'\\'ili~ht HrllYtl, lnvisihle Pluid!l . Flln l1 Ho q! .. ,~ in I,h n IIAW(1s t II\Ir.~. BIIII'k ThillM!' f l)l' 11J'O.-_ wPIl.r 'lrO r epretlon t.ed. lind (lVI!I·.\' 1-:11 rm III I I, Jl n!!~(l~s",' II Ilisli'IHt i,"liviI1 11H lit y \V e Rell t.he vary 11tlfl!l t >;nit" 111111 T np OVAl·O""I.,.. . 1'''' "lilll:' II", "I""t, p ...... ;usivn c nRI,urn work lit .. .. .. . ...... ... ..... - ... . ..... ..... . . .... . .. .... ... .... .... ... -
0 .00
$] 2.;)0
$ ]7,50 !S2~ .50
$ 20.00
( )" 1"i'. II' t.dl'h H /II \llt 1' hll'l',,( 1
III " tl
11 11 ' "
io! l ,' "
I,l f
r ,II
\' 1
~ H I .•d ·I II II '
". I
1 ... -1 1,' 11 11 " 111,
• I 11' 1 ' I , "
t\.I ~t l'
' II .. "I,ll 1111
I .
1:"'"1''''1£ .
Hutcbison X~nia, A WARM
Gibn ~\l;
\Vith ~onl Ih ing ';1\1,11111')111111 t,o 11('10(\11 tit, · ' lay "" , " n it;.! of thn h Ollfotnll nl,l th OHO c1.l(lltl O['n ing ".t
IIVI 11''v lilli,,,\)
MOl<t ]l p\p (hink c" l1'oe 'It LJrll" kf,,<t ... nil WI' OHII s nit . 1.1.1' InvE'r of l'olreo Wn IlILVll II. g l111d IL linn of '()~' I"~:I!: "; .1" \'1) 1\ I ' III 11.1111 ill tow" \Vh .. t h()tt llr '.hun Jmtl-al· on.k ,'!' with l' Ll IU~ ::;"" I ~ p , H .... 1'''I\oj"k l1
R IUlIl 8YRUP h OI.·e. We Oll n flll'nish the ll1nkellp of I}er , with ull lItlllsonlLble gll lla~. . Yon
ll1 ou l/l; \)[ en.k fll~I, . ,I\t,n
nil IIff
1' 11\1\1
ilwitu l to , nil .
O. M. BROWN, Proprietor.
. PilON !;; Nu ofll
LOANS NElio'l'lA'rED. '.I.· Any POBT,) . W e tlllvO bllyers (or good farm!! nnll prOl)crty lit Itn timer;. List with US, Wtl Mil h olp you. Olllce RnoJl1~ over p ()st OI1i()n ill Stronp!" Bnillling.
CENT 1,!itO~O~~1r ,! FWJ~~~!!I\TeAl!1N!
IO :;hO'\' i11" the m ost. c1lIt1ph:te line of htlh.r~e JII U VCt.I; • TIR"':, null SVNU.,ms all'IIlORS BELOW gay other no! ll lJJocturC' T o r denier in the world.
DO NOT BUY A BICYCLE '{,)fn ''''''''Si luwc 1 1I~' ~It1'""'~ nu e dc"cril,/;il! /li"d.
q cellt
rft1>osil, Pa,. the Frell'ht nnd
oUter hucrh t tenus which 110olhc: r
learn everylhing and get ' much vatu. UI
n postnt.
~·..,..! .....~" ~' ...m. In c;ve ry town Bnd,cnn offer an opportunity
y nus: fnell who appbr Rt once.
rrlgOu fUICTURE-PROOF ,TIRES f4~ i~ :A~T2. PER
~Ifti""" .. (CASH WITH
~ .
Ell ~ . S!I)
NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES, Result of IS ycal"¥xpcricncc in tire making. No danger from THORNS. CAC~ ,
TUS. PINS, NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, like intentiollul knife cuts, cnn be vulcanized like ullY other ti·T"~ .
NoUClOthetbletrrubbertrMd "A" aOlI pnncture .trlpe "U" , and "0," ..,80 .'rlp TW. MJI" to pm",Dt rim rlon .niU.... tl .... will ootla.~ any otbel'
Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use, pillrs sold lut yoar, ~::tt1YoEJi.,:.LA8T1O aod DntIRlpno., Ma d e 10 mil "~.o.. n Isll..,ly nnd ea~y rldlJlg very du"ble nnd 110M In Id wtlhmapcclal qunilly of rubber, whic h never becomC8 poroWl nnd wllic:h closes u 11 "e without allowing the nir to cscnp c, We have hund_redS of letters from soU:died ~u-'::''!nt~n~t~tt'll thotth eirUrtshuvcol11yhcenpumpcdupouccorlwicefnawhoie seo.son The wei h III a ug an ordinary t~re. the puuctu re n .-sisling 9IUtlilieH being Sliven by several tOY~rs of tl~i<;'ttI.c;:Jhftn
Seve.nty·flvl Thousand
prtt>O:rcd fnbnc on the t..rc:ad, That " Boldinlit llatk U
S<'t1S4(100 comruouly
fe1t when riding
on as h ft
or soft ronds overcome by t he p ntent ,. Unskct 2\" trend wltich prevents 011 air from ~Ia lQuet:ted out between tht tire oOlI the rood thu8 oven:omlng all fltu::IiOlt. The regular price of tht~ tires fA $ ~r polr, but for n~vl!rtising Jlur~s we nre making [l s oedol factory price to th rid of ollly $1.80 per pair. All onJ ..... shll>pcd SIII/IC dny loller III r"""l"od. We IIbI C.O.D e er You d o n ot poy 0. cent until you h.a , 'e examiued a1ld found them strictly,s" ft~resent~n, We will nllllw n OWlh dtRoo uot of 5 f er cenl (then:b~ IlIOklnlllho price .&.1111 P<'r pair) Ii d FULL CA.! !U 'YITII ORDI!l R iolle Cllclo.o;e 1I11s ,ailvertil;emeut. We will also SOlid o~o~k: I "I plntM brat18 hGnd pump and t wo Sompson metal punctnre c100e'" on full paldorelera (Ih puncture closers tq he I.1Sed ht case Qf Intentional knife cut. or beavy ~ht:'). Ti~ to bee::t:e~ at OU" o~pen"" If for ony r~"5(m thoy are not ... tlara.lory OD "'/UIllnaUGn. "' We Rrc pc.rr~l1y r.c:tlnhte :lnd m oney aent to us Is .. Aafe as In A bank.. Ask yo PoIt IJnnkcr. {\zpre•• or flrelllhi Agenl or Ihe Editor or Ihb paP<" about 11." U you ~er a ~ter, th c:.e tirC1l. you will fiud that lhe y will ride eMlerl run faateT~ w~ar better. bilt longer and l~k finer than any lire you l1RYe ever used or fk.!cn ell any price. We kaow that: you will be 10 well pltaaid IhM whon you want n hleycle you wttl give WI your oreler. We want you to send WI • emall.trlll oruler at once, hence this I'CtlllUk4b}C tire ofter.
D.I!.ASTER-BRAKES, ~~::;ier.;:I~~':'bt~l':~~:td':~·:th!1ft~~1 cborg«! by deAlor. aDd repnlr metr. Write ror our WI' SUNDRY calalo/cue. .
onre deafness lI,nel thot It! b .\ ' ('onstl -
DO NOT .... " 1rlI',..
hul wrile us a , poalal today. DO NOT THINk or BI1YDfO' • blcyclo or a ""ir or tlr.. rrom anYQDe uaUi you know tbe UnI' and wondorrul otT.... we al'<: mnkillg. II only costan postal to ovetytblag. Write It NOW,
re nledl e~ . DOilfo llllR I~
urn. -&nd for
11'11 1'1 L'.
On six n' l n~~ ,'h .. \\, ( 1 1L~t"lS snil l t,l) hi' ,hi ' fi III ' !'I I. III f II,' ~I"l l r , · 111 11 fl i (' 1111 !'il·. i\l nl.iI !I , 1': I III ,l , · Jl) ~ . 11111111'111 II .... d.·,. 1'1 .· ()"r 'ity J)1'U!"~ IIU1 kf' f'~ ,1 " IhJt. .I-t'U 1'0 I ~n y n lh"l' ( 'i l y (')I1l" A rt~ HI'IIIH · ul. II ' ill~
Good Clotbts
cnused by ltD Infin moo oomllt.ion of the _ tnuuous lining o f tho EURtllOhirlD Tube. Whon this tube il< i nflamed ;Vpu bAve a. romblin~ soond or illl· perfeot.hen.ring, Bnd whon it. ip on· tlrely olosed , OOil·rllOSS Is t he rO~ 1l1t, /lnd nnless the inl1omlllRtlo n OlIn be tailen out (\ud this t ubo rostored to ttll! normal condition, heariDG wl1\ be ......tI'Ofed forever. ; nln Cll8011 out f· teD are·OIlosed by , ~[arrh. whioh l DoUaIt&g bu~ a.u hillllIDOd oondltion of 'be JDUOOUlt earfll008. •. • wlll--gtve One Bundr!l.~oll. an for Ollie of Dealne88 (callSOO cannot be oured
" .
\ \ II \ '
Al'ph'l"n l'II" ""!
L 'I :
L. b ' ~::~1~~~~:;~~~~:::5~~:;:~l1e!~t~it!: ~:"'=:.==:.='==.=:::==_==:_:~_=:\f'7==:"'=:o.== __._~_ a non; ~7;:J: l
Vca fn eMS " LIluOt he eured by local U)lI)lIontion~ , I1 B they OllD n ot renoh tho IllsolLijoU po rti oll of the ellr. The re Is only olt e wily to
U I()\'(~ ."
\ \ 1'
flILDREf'I .
II \ " "
.) I "
II '
I I ' I"~ I I' •
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, 1,, 11-11
~JI\, I, j
but l i l" , v ",d 'H'fn l I.' Ilt ' l 11 r·of: Th .·, .H -':' ', I Ir h 11IIIl,u' I 1'1 111 . , ... 11111 -, I I ' / Ii ddli "1111 " I ~ . ,
In onlol' to CO Dll)ly wi t,h t h e cO'IIl~!lnd wo are l.;oml)~l1 ! to olYel' dlhil.l·' t h e month of 'Aprii our entiro Atl) k-t h e gr ea test, in 'WILrr611 'onn by" .
~ 'J'ieeorlpt~on for ·indlgestion.
much intere ted In ber old fri ends here Ilndal"o Is anXI o US to k eep posted in regatel to all past u.nll present events in her old hOTn • and plI~HQuh\l'ly iii ' tb e . IlOOceilS ' of tbe ,HomeComing . Do.W ha8 man y ' friend!' IImong tbo r~aders of the (i/lzti tt.e who rern m ber her as · Mi&s EIvIL Tb ow\l80n daughter of Mr. Itnd Mrs . ~. B. Thompson, wh o formerly lived at Cor~ln , but wh f o r many yetirs have IUnde their hom e I\t Sen eca, Kan s Bs . I
~, ", . I II
d l ' I : ,v
~ \'
I I,
.si lk
here and he and his wife moved to Dayton, fl'o1l1 ~hich point Mr_ Kreakler will travel for a wholesale hOuse. Mr. Henry-Jay will occupy Lawrence Rogers property which Mr. Kreaklervacates and ' Dr. Ellis will move into his newly purchased pro~rty 00 Third street in which . , Mr. Jay h~ lived the past year. IIr. and Enoe MtUer a.nd SOD Bel'DUln AlTlved bere Saturdal' eD l'Qut-e from "o~n"town, PennllylvaniA. .t o . Los Angeles. California" wbere tbey expect to lOOll>te. nnd are·at ,pr~t gueate of George N . . Brown; Clare'noe N, Berrybill tlnd other relatives neili" Ferry. Mr. Killer I. an · arohlteot Ilnd buUder. . -and while he.hllS been very sucooss ful in bUBln8l\sin Johnstown, he was ahxiOUB to .try lils fdTtuoe Iq the
: 11 :11:.· 11 1 ' II I 'Vli.1
tlo .. J'lw l iIIr I
( ; H nll' lI ~ I~ t· d\ol. It JI h: IIl h :. II ;Lll' lliug ,lf til 4' :!;jl.\ h i~ so n ill l ·h/l I·I, ·, ",' " '" 1\1"1",,,,,'1 1 11\\' /1\' !jill I, un d i )t1 ' , I,w~11 :--;"1'.1 -4 - . I ' .• 1 . 1: • I ' t ll lU ' ~{ HI'" 111 ,, 1 nl1 1' .1I1u l! blt u· ( ' r l Htk W tI "; II w,·ul thy Ilt H I pr P llli n o llt B ul l, 8.: PII I'k ll l! '! !o-:wt'1'1 Pt 'a :-:m"l d , cn:;". nl'[JII t. III ~11 r l\ II " II III J) I Mr Dill ""iI'llI' i" IIl1 r lll "I' ~ I r \\' . 1 ' 'I l ' \ \, . • l i utl ,rhtet' 1nt.o th, 11" bt:»lI rt~ and h Olno , . . Hl~ I IH "':-I IIIIIIt q f .\,.f 1!oil Ill . 1st u u - I Ynll (l\\' " ,"I \Vh i l," )lI i,, " Fril~IY . i\[',r()h :l:l, 1\101; :\\r!' . HOIIY H . l>illwl,lt1l1'. "~. Ih" I" ·I"'.\ ' p , k .. , sIn 11,· WII'; ,,'\,'" ,,1111 " f I ht'IIII\~I : ~l' lt :-l \.... n1; heforn h nr 1II11\'rln J::fl M i,,~ ELli·t.h 0\111 MI' " DIII Wl d ,;", ~\' ""UI1 t1 ,I ' " I ~II' . , I EVil H o rtn e ll cinl1l,(hl.or of Mr ,"Il,1 1 NllthlUI ~ II " IIII . IIf \\ i.I .\· Il "~\, IIII ' . IIlld . . I 1I11'~ . F . 13 H n rlll 11 , 111111 n i(wl' o f : of S. n. EV{\ l'l y . of \l1l .\' 11I1I Ohltuary of Geor~e \ M r i;. EVti 13lI r l-[I r . • • ' Eh r.N IlY JAY . :-: .. ", "it I'i,h _ __ Mr . IInll ~11' ~ W ill ,n l' :';hil·ltI,.. "I' Wtlhuln Howe. : ;\ p\\' l 'tt hhl1~ f' Mi~1I 1.1'I'Iio ~tnwlLrt. wh o hll!lt.,·ell Ui llo innuli. ~II" ~ f!1',, 'vi ll ~ \1 \ ' 1'1' ,rhll Miss Helen Oglesbee, of O xfo rd :\1 ' \ \ ' t'l lt! Vi !-:h II ge is enjoying the pring vaca- tlJl Hnd in/ol Ih u winH,r witll IH' " lIieco (l lJll ~h fl f I h~' "' III-I I,; dll uuh lnr·. 1-.1 nll . l; ("\I'~I ' Wi lli:lIl1 Howl' II'h(l~l' 1111 III I' ~1 , ... 1"·1'I·1 tion 'at her home near HILrvtlysbu l'g'. In E 'I/;t Omng'. Nr1W ,l cr~IJ.v , is st ill 1;l1cll o. \\,1111'11 '"' I1Il1""oI M" ... ·I' '~I . 1\\'~l~ IH'ar HUl' toll\·ill •.' . died SlIdtl l' III .\· l for ~ll fl ·I I .'OI\ . . March 1111 fit lh ", hOIll!· of his slI n and has b~n spending a day or two 10YII\ to h e r fri on ll s i ..t·t t ll ( ' P, (\lIi tl l1 ~ . B lll h :-- III'!" with her grandmother, Mrs. Mary 8t;~t etl in IL l ott;or I.e t.h,1 1111'1lltte: " I . 'l' lIiH liLl.I" II " WI 'I' ('I IIII (' inlo tl ll'i,' I :harll's in Wi lmi ng-tll ll . flt>l'l'illll'ch ' htL VI' enjoyed r~oi vill ~ Minml l h\'os lOR!' Ihllll II vunr 11 );(" . " " \' 1I1 1! sC' r\'i l'C' he tlro\' t u till' l't'sid l'lll'l' "f l Upp in Waynesville .. ()I 'II Jl g-I·I'!. l .i \ llI h ll ~ ItIH I Mr. A. L. C<lmstock who ha.q been lil\:r. ~ tt.e si nce 1 hll ve heenh or. It. l b el u b01'1I li n Ih » r,t.!1 (1 ,1\' IIr A1'r l\. hhlf;o ll llPar Lhl'co ll l'g'u . Alld whi ll' 1\11 11:1 II 11~ in charge of Frenc.h Bros. Creamery Booms ike ILl) 01<1 fri l' OIl. I nO.' I n 19M'.lItH.I ,,1 : IIIIlIl!h " lI " II/Ill ,11 1\\'''v~ unhilchin g' hi s horsl' d ro pped sud , lelt for Cleveland, Friday where he lo yrng my visit h~rl). 11\1t I oft,e n h.(ll il frllil . IllJ ,11111'111 . \\,Il~ 1<·11. 1111 tl cnl~' til t he g'J'(.\lIlld.. .fr i(,llI l~ helped B"iu g' lI ~ ." 0111 ' P,',)tl tl l'(I think of my Wfl.y lle~ vil1 e fri en ds. til uhour. t.lln·" w""k~ h"fnr, · 1"' 1' hIm mLn t.hl' lttlllH' wher ·' in (Inly a will become a membel' qf a n velly a.nd 11 1g-h .." t l'l' i('" Jlllid f, 'l' Rm nlwnys g illd In h pllr frou\ tlell~h w h nn h.' I· <1"1'11111' w,~~ \" ' 1',1' f l'W nWlIl enl,,; h(;' ex pi rl.ld , not b'ing- I 'manufacturing firm. A Mr. Wolcott rllJ1H1 , 1l1111111rh" l1<!h I)\' pr vth,ll l! "',, " ahl' tu lI~tl'r a wo ... 1 after he had B \ . 1''1' I ;~ n :lIlf1 1':( It i."" from Blue Ball succeeds Mr. Com- thom." (lm1\ t.o n ,li!''''' th" li tO ... . I<nlr,·r.. ,· !Jt (!tI Htl'ic kcll. He had ·lIl1lplaill.ed stock at the Creamery, "I Miss Nina. Antrnlll w h o In!<t wi n . fl.Tlll to ~bl :r th o r, ,'''1.:1 ~ 0 1 111H o ~ n IIf ~ l'Vl'rt.' IH~ada c h t hallll u l'Il ing buL I Z I ~I \ 1 E B. :"II r\ N • H The public drinking - fountain ter sold ber l)r Op~rty orr F ,lllrtb tl~Rt l ov\llg hlll "l ~ I'romptorl l; ,V UII was .. blu to ,,\.le nd church, hi~ den h which has been so long under con- stroot to M.r. Wm. B ob1ett,. IIml hlL B ;t1'1U~ h ellrl·s 'o u lll d o,,V1 t ~hl' I'~q ) Wl\K a gTea t ;;hul.'k Dot only to hi ~ dr ,',u,rs" sideration is now almost an assured since bee n nmking h I' home ",Ith Idl y fll<.1.] IL"'"'. leav tn~ IlllrrnWlIl 1{ family l)l lL III lh' cu tnmllnit~· in fact. M... Nathan Jones made a can- bel' sIster. Mrs. Jos~o Burtoll . ut I1,ntlll ol:' (11{ h Ilrts to !rrl ~"' l1 fnt' hili' wh ich hI:! li vl'd. H 'was the ~o n IIf i.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..,; . vas of the business men of the town MiddletoWn, hilS boen for II month H.or h~tl o bod,v WI\H laud UWII Y In J a l1les and Mal'gal'et Howe. Was! the past week and has secured J?ledg- or six weeks ut. the Children 's ~prlUl! G':IW(l o."l ct er y u ml d,l (!n'~ . bor n neal' BlIrtonvill~ Apl'il .~l_h. I RvO· I -·"'!_~~~~~_~_~_~~_!""~_~_~~_-"'.'!!~~~ ~ Of money ·sufficient to bUIld it. HOlUe at Lebanon where slte.lll con- bful flo\\ or!' f'I)(." tnllllY ft IOll d8 , th ed Marc h 4th , 1$106. ag'e d nil yeu l's , 'Jne founb\inwill cost about $125. ge nu,lly employed' alHlen.lllstr ess nnd n.~tElr 1I1I "1'pt'o prw te fu nerrti r se~ LL m onthe. Be id~ Iii;; w idow he NoUn tJJ.e memory of. the 01d8llt assistant matron, u posiUon eh a i s Vl oe ~O ll(ltw. ·11t.,V ~he Hov . \\ ; ~ lell ves .~ . sons and, 1 dau g h tel' to i < MI'!' . A1 E'xlln(1, ' I' , III' 1:lIr,' 1\1 (' Mo Coni y . of I,h e 'Ilurd Pre. h) tor 1l:0Ul'II hl!; d eath . lwo bl·othe l·~ . une Inhabitant hall ' tbls scotlon JIIIs!!ed in ever y way competont t o fill . . Illn Churoh, at. tho reSidence (If Mr . s l:ller and an aged m othe r W110 li ve who 1111 fon n<l Or . Ki n ~'~ Np. ~v LiI ~ uP'ulllfh a gloomier. moro blustflry, ILlld Mrf' : hie l,ls. Kol8nl1 ~Int~, 7th in Hal'veyebllrg a nd a ho:tof fri nd s. Pi ll!' t ) h A tit" tll',4 ""111 Ily " h fl o~ ,. O'r more generlilly uriplenS&nt month We I\ro indebted to nul' Irl friend ontl Bll y rnt \l l' t.r eet . Funeral stll' vices took place in th e tl'i ed for Iwr p\ll ~ I'I.I A Ht'''lil''l'h . I.i " than tha~ whloh hm. just ended. ,Tohn Jamos, of 'etLt-tle, Wit b ing . 'hl'islimi hurch, Wilming ton. of IIr rtnd Bn\\·.. I ~ ill I'l'rf .. (',. o rd ·l'. March is notorlou8 for Its blld '1'h e oltl r I-puder !' o f th e lillze tto which he WUi:I a loyal 'artle t mOIl1- Yon' llll gl" 'f)wilh h l' 1' ' f yon tl .Y weather bQt records bM n ton. for It. COllY o f t h e Sil ver ~~blI0 nl1l11 iJflr of tbu I:\Oltttl1l S undA Y l'i me~ . . wi ll m mtlbcr Douiel Dinwiddie. wbo ber, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'cl()ck th e~ o patillo"" p nn/iors' th ll t, i nfll~(, brolu~n ,this yeei and tho briltht Q I1I:"o'l w i th II IJIIl'ty ' <>f yonl\~ 111 0 11 , went cond u cted by E. J. M en ·hem . BII I'- new lir A l~ '1IL r unlp,0(1 bv F. U. 8011. Ui.o pllges , tHO columns. t h o e AprilllUDBhine i8a w,eloome ohllnge. WllrtZ l\r ll l'.!{\ t. Prioe Zr.o lent of lIeverrtl volum e of reudml,{ fl'om (jr ane oouut y Ohi o to Gr o n ial in ' ugal' r rive emelel'Y. ' , C. L. Kreakter has now co~pleie m ..tter , lIdvertisBment IlUU pictures I \y ,' IOBed out hiS furnlture business It is OOplOll Kl y i1JuBtru.t l'c1. 1II11 0 Y ' ~~~~~~"'.'!!~~~~~~~~... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~!""-~-~~~~~~~~
M. . . .•
MIS.fIT CLOTHING PARLORS, Wm. Wertheimer - & Co.
.No. 11 E. 5th 8t., Opposite )?al'k 1.'hetLtre, N ea,r liaiD
-St., DAY1.'ON; OHIO.
A t·n 10 01' h o rr ill' \~II" I(lid h I' fIIU l'il ~ of hUllllln bl ool1 in t.he h Ullio of .1 W . WI\IIIlI.D~, II w ..H known m Ol'·
c11I1n . to·fBII(', K.v"('i,~writeH :"'rwen ty yeAr" 111:") J , h " d !'ove re h ro fll nr rba g~B
of th o
Intt ~!<
IIAo,r III kln/l Dr
C~IClaD •. ILL.
' death wbl'n I b ~ ~11 U . Ktng's New Disc ve ry . I tco mplete ly..cur ed me IIna I hllve romain l)l:l well ",vor since.' I t; oures B pmltrr. Ohronio Cougbs, Se tt.led . Th. lel l" " ' ' ' ' nnd Bronol\1liis, onrl is the ' , ~ . ODre for Wenk [.aulnI. I'OLEY'S DONEY _d TAllie ... by F. C. aY.U_paobp. BefIlI. .QbMlbIdt'..... aDd '1.00. n Ull
J.hl .rlelnll . . WlDYE CIUCh ".111,. '
·D'A~~ vr~r~f~uag~R~ ·N~ A~r~ · ~p~IO~'N~~~~R~~~~T=6~LD~I~ . ~.
U~nd~ay~SC~hO~OI~To~ ur~ ~:~~-~~-~~
Pu bli c Sch ool s. Pa rty Vis its Wa yne svi lle But wal er bOttlclti II t .J E , .!lLnnO , nS .lohnR wlUlln DCLY: .' A t - -f- --Way nesv ille pnb llo Sohool8 "" -~l\ •Mr. ami Mrs . J. J. Downing, of huv'l'he Mrs . EI,ta. Rud er, Mrp. Cnrl il c.'n plLr ,y 0 four ",un ( llY Sch . e ool nga derf fr in been lon rF,M t hVaW nnd plll,c ed rrl 8~.eflnoy WCT'A the • Xel1la, atte nded the f une ral of Ilttl Davis l{rutle of Soh ools by Statin tile fir t wor k L'S 1!1l\1 OfllOIlT\I o( ~h ',"li lly w,"''' !!bnppln~ e uep he w Kenneth eue st' l1 r . ' m . vuk e ove r h urs · 10urnaM Tue sd ny. e Coru mls . SundBY Sch oo l A ",.oo In n'l.vr.on F"; cln:v , elll Y ~ion nl lttll, e h~I] r Jon OIl cs. vlM IIt,d Wa s .," ini ste r in the Fri Mr . W. Il ' ur Hllr. 'oltl . rlp\o! s \Va use yn "vil le t:ltmd IlY. 'J'hI 1'IU·t .V 111111 Wlfl ' of "Ro o Spr end s ~()ciety, Pro mi nen flIr .Jllm .. Le wl ~ . we n.rll Idlld Dur ing the terl)'l of CJ)mmissione XOI';/L plm t, ::;nn\111 ." WIth Ml'~ t for Ubo ny Expecto fllll t," soltl uce anl! t,n r oons , i>ltee Hop l e of noti 1. F .. ma ny , yea rs In the Co cf', by ., Hlgo i~ J , IIhl I!). ny , Jlru.. illun t Stil es lIud I!u.uj!hte n to be ont IIgllln. BOlle brak e t,he scho ols wer o plllc .llInn IlY, mm un ity and one r. ed of th Cou nty fl ont,o r ~H Y" h If! men .\!ng rapi The uc i"tio u; F . A. I\Ir~ , H . E Bool h IIn(1 M I ~~ dly Mrs . Phil ip 'l'ro ut lL!ld MrB .•Jefl' In the first grad e and Com mis sion er Pau ly, Treu sure r A!I~ wh ose los s wil l be gre atl Ap i V. t; , Loe r. AHHist.· phin, 1I1i11 . Mr IIml M'r ... W. ,F . ClllrK nn,l.. y fel t. 1ll' wer e Uillo iolJllt i s i.tnp . Mll rlllt twe re ID Spr ing Vall e.y Tull .lon eHha Brene wed the oert lfioa te. ant 8 ecre tnr y, nnd S A. LowI~. fu.m lly olLll e(\ \l. nn The Mnr re lon nre All ~ (lr~ 'rnoRduy IIlId in MI ~s OIBrK and d,,~r whe re they IItte nde d the fun. Sohools Iu four flrllt 'grllde Hig)1 of the l;Ion tl omen liv o ILt Mill llr's wife ' uDc1I~Y aft-e rnoo n or nenr !LlJ~o nop, Mi~,. l:ie llt'it. Wa rreu Cou nty : Leb · Lebl1non ur,,1 of Mrs . .hml etl Atk insoD . . tt.1I M o Kill ~flY . IInon, Frcl nkli n, Way nesv tl1l11.(ht l,hl1 prin lllTl' r ooTU . ille Ilnd Wlfe In tbe m orni nt Mr . Bi go ny WlI S , MI'. I\rlll K~~tebrbml1tnh I1nl dh M Mrl! . AnD Prlll'or , whn~e nine tieth Mor row . pres ent fit th(lnl;lMeL Mrll. Fmn k Wil sou of p lEd llpelM I' . bodlH t, l:5un en~l dllY 1nt Bllr ",Il ve. hi rl.helay WIIS celuhra tCl(! A"I'll 1, y R "hllr W t , K vi~i 1'. t.etl an( Mr 8 0 rs. h 00 i Rob M , ert Geo rge B enk le, Dellr Fer ry. r. L ewill lit tbo Ellis ooplll Wil eon hllH .. The Hig h 8ohooll18 prep arin g for !Lnli dlluKh ter Suudn',n . 1" II'n q"lt e Hori :lll~ I' III fur 11 M B ,? ]00 L . r. M r . oer "b v two ns lit . the /L B oug Imblio exhl bltlo D of the wor k Ort,h odox h, we If an Mr. Alo nl<(l Everllo rt uucl ~ IrOlll .nAu rul!! I" lind oIw""k " llIl ily .J of ·Erl ent.l s ,mu wife K eDn eth \vere eD te rtaIDed dSson generul the soho ol wbi Pnu ly fit the l:lio kR. hllV O moved on cb wll.l take pluc e the Ite F rl e~ d Mr. frol ll Cln cinn oti into h day . s !!o 00I . A by J;lr. J . W . War d Ilnd wifeun· , t OI~c I l Rc bool pnrt of H,lm ce St,ok . Mr. L Ull P .... te r. wh" cam fl hom II1 ~t Frid ay III Apr il. The Lite rary the viSIting mem el! ' 11 0u"e ber l1oh vere WIl l. B. (Jor mon v, Mr. " Clu b of tbe Hig h Sohool will Mr . Wm . Ned r y Imel tll Mter,. Mrs Ir""1 It ll1 'YI·~ t. III NIIVtl mllll r, I\nd . Mrs . give udll ress und mud e ~ llc h sllgl ll. IlU . J. M. bUR I:lt,a cy 1111 exer cIse the latt trau SIIc {tlMI ted bu8l.njlllll,ln O?S SILmh Wll ~o n of HllrveYHburj: er huJf of tRe nf. IL~ tbey deemod 1"',"1 1/, VW',V ill I..... " IIt for ~evtl : WHe Day ton Mon day, ' borllte prug mrn th e wor k of th wou ld be belp ful 10 r ecen t gueS tA<If Mrs . Alio e MoK 111 " 101 It" ","I 1111' II I, ' w w'1P k~ rnl Ip!'noon. A very elu.i in · e Sl1n pRill Mrs tlu . . y Iii heln g arra nge d , The pub D(\v lsan d Mrs . Fire B,o t Flat . seyM flill hl~ "" ,,, llt,l,, n hll r . Lill 10,[ llo is , A Rall y of t~le Sunc'lll S·ell II U1 1 ' N O( I ry. t! ,""rl U. lJorclllllly Invi ted Y 8ch "ol ~ of Bor n- -b untlllY t o Mr. llncl Mrs fork , wer e in our villa ge rece ntly to a,tte nd thes e ex. \~tLyoet o wnB "'/.!. "SI" 'CIIdl .I'"U.. If...."r."IllqUil .. pII . " t, WEII! . InspeotlDg the old ohu rch peWII k 1t l' ci~os . ?lp w~ s held Id, A "111' ),,"c\ with fi"" ItHm. t IJ' "H,M tor 1£ . chu roh at :a ::l0 III t be I1tWthe M. Bor ry J ohn ~, 11 Ron. rnon n. ~"I, '. W . II 01.Mul Mr . \V . \V. Arn old wus II. Cin 11 view tOl' urcb ase them . l,IIItI 1111(1 Uo.. C.'r Pres iden t BigollY deli . \'ored lin e x· ionllt i vi~i tor Mon ", ill dlLY . t, IL. 2'-, Mr. Ilnd Mre . Milson Wil Te ach ers As so, :lat ion wil oell enl. ndd resli on ::;nntllLY suhool MrH Stoo ps of Xenilt is visi ting soll , l wor k . Foll owi ng thl~ , Mr. of ente rvil le, . and MI~ llam ":"" "Ilt wiucl ." ,· dl MllltLY ur "ue Loer l Mr~ . W. Can<la08 leel W. lu Arn a roun old. d tllbl An edis ouss ... ion me Bai whi et rd oh at ,,,,,1 wer . e W'a 1;"" Sun "1:1' yne day "1, svl T"n th V.i'n'Hh .1 E. visi tors at t}ie .1"ul I".\' ·lle . brou. "h I Ollt hom e of Mr, and Mrs a "re "t IIllLn y Ilnlilful . W. L. Wl1· idoas." Som e or·.. the ~ Ilnm on ,. . .pro 8 blem 'l'he • H Wll tli rren Coo nt'y TC',fIoho ," AH. ouas M L M,·~ Ell" MlC hene rllll lhon Chn rlC'H tl . y e. All ed wer e : "Til e nbse nt ~cho lul' ,' II pers ons ,wan tlng snn bonnets' I L Ilin ; " II ,'1 " I ,' u , ",,,o --: --- -, 18 CC (l ul'llt lutl on , will lUe et at Wuy " .. svil le, "'00 "'ou l". ",ok ofte r bl'm of . thtl sbou SIII.n ~ " ld rdlly "'[' leav he " the 26th . do.y of MIlY . e otde rs or ~ter1al t<ir Wm . Jo~ltn~ buy in" In t·h e lOte 1>11·1,\. I\" .V nnn iv,·rHllr.1I of Mrll " t pok y .. ~oho'.'ul i IVIHL r· Illo.k lug sam e witb . Mi oh shnu ldr be dono BRt,s of '1'be Alu 'l'bi ~ iH toe firBt time the .. M1'8. • Cha rles !I n, r'H IlIlb t' r. Ellwtll'll Mel' ARHociu with it1 " " Goud llIu~ • erio d on Cig ar 0 ritt 0., 13.0u Ilt j,\h I an they wl\1 'be mad e. The in; wba t Is it ~o l)k III a ·fe w orop s of h Snll ih Uh"rl e~r,lJn &It,nrdIlY h ld nnu . how ' C toba llll t,mo ooo we Otln, llM gol, prof I·t·.' " ';ud ot,hors . rburslll~y . i t'!' OD thes e are for the ben efit r eve, beeu'llt elens out of Leb , beli Mr~ l,,,u WllIIll bUl'g nf Spr ing time weeve t t,he of tlla Lyt le ohu roh. ~ ring the A e bllltner, belL In seve rtll yenr 8, and \Vayfirst · Mel 'ry Vnll e.~ W"" 1.11Il gue~ t of, her notc s of ue~. W mus \Ya rds "B~ OIl"r Soh ool" WIl S "wn io fUl the air! "IdDey Co' ha led i , 'd Biste r' ville Is to be con grat nll\t ed h~n ... rd on Yell 1): oert M r~. 1~1lI' Y lron~ from ' Fl'id ninl n b ... y, ou t.oev seou oom r ed tu th e rthodnx Frie ndll lly' " oil"" I . I.o w pho nog rll[lb I' cent lye from the tobuooll one da.y IllIIt weeK th" ob80K Ing !lnti l Snn duy whe n sbe llven , Ing the me~tillg fOl' hit "iug Pllr ohas pres ud ent was wbi cn he rece ived amo nnte d ~o C. E, Bra tten , join od by Mr. Wil linb urg, both ElrinteDdent of bel' of olUa er~ IL!ld the Illrg elit num hy !:limeon Bro wn. re . 8oh ools, dese rves Bup , 2 pO: tellohers pretloll t Tha~ loo!ts like a pret t,. cred it for brin g in prop ttirl Davie Fur nas, a pion eer residen U T litl~ hom d e ulldl ' lY ortio even n lDg to the , ' enro t 1111 of who m, witl ; the J;ood ing llme the nt anso ~uth n 8 wor k, and it' erin \ g D to uee Way exceptio n of . of' Way ne town8llip. died at the oy of Inst wee k Gur rett 'look thll nesv ille. ld Mr . EliuH Blao kbu rn of Fillh er A tow nsh ip oODvent ion Wli8 h elt! r , r pres t a few mor e orop s.likwQu leve Hon n . e that ga O. nas hom este ad in Eas t Way ne t Fur . Joh n . surv ive thei r fath er. T . Cor son, enti His n of g t,'l Col the wn U III bUll , ut tbe SlIm e \Jlll . Pen nsyl van lu , jolD ed Mrs . Bua s wou own- wido w was befo re her mar ld enll ble him ce to ILt 7 ::10 In the Uo . of Ulnolnul1 reti re. or of the Obi o Edlltolltlonul Jou r. Bbip abo ut elev en o'cl ock Satu riag e Miss Bltw kbn rn he re Tue ti, rece ived :;,1 oaseB Mr. Wa eve ning . rday Sidn ey Blac kbu rn. of Fillh ~cluy morDing edit lter Ken rlok I\nd wif e fi!n· nnl and prom inen t In ecluclltl nigh t. of erto wn, In tIme t tl bc tobu cco lit n ~tlll onii. l vlllu Mr. Pen e to nsyl Puuly gll.v e Ilt tho terta .ine d the Ift,tter's ' pare vani a. a lady uf e xcep tion al Ilf fune nd wor k will be pres ent Ilmd Few men hav e been 80 clos nts, I,her r futh er. DIW dell ver lid talk on how to te!loh a very exce lle~t rnllmrs ~f over t l, 00. lind Mrs . Ba:lne~ of I:!p'rIoJl:boro Mr. 'l'em pern no 10 J , promineJ;ltly ide,n tifie d withely aml cul t ure and inte lligo n ce. Be.~ides · ~llIc kbu1'D is u .v ery IS JourllRH. Mr. IIddress . ' LeV .to· i LlLO . Y the wbo Sun reoe day pr(J~ this ntly pero soho thes sold ol, us e, bu~ getb and ther er e follo abo 'wit h Jilm es and Wil lie win g hIS fllrrn/ irum edit ttely east \lt twenty gran d- ~lleM.~ llIltn • . )torumum ty as has Dav is Fur blm of bClln nas . chil dren, and a larg Lytl . g Mr, u~lg e Loe Hai U gl'U r nes. sum lurg on mu,r ely Sun day . Mrs . Ken riok i~,ed tbe WOrk t o ,joUles Lewis Inte nds mov W. W, M' il:l.e r ~s De ad. " num ber of III VurlOU8 hne s. ' Prac tica ll¥ all his long life was lived 1l1ld IS one of th e tpf the dl~y und er thll text "Th o ing Into WIlS qu1te sick last othe r relalivCll and a here . In ever y und erta king effe BiLr. UlLndlLOe ~,drd'!I hOURe iD of frie nd s mus t prom inen t Ule~ wee ~ vest ct- who since rely mou rn hosl G, ( Lth Lytl ered 10 e. ID muc b bett er now agai n. k but is his coun ty . ." him . , Inll 'the pub lic wel fare his influ expe ot,at ion Mrs of wbi Roy ob Smi T . th J ncco Mor mpllnie d ber fOrd 'rhe Clin g Bros. or Day tonl '808 ,. . W illi!! W . Miller, l:ie<)retu ry 01 , was felt and he com man ded ence , The foll owi ng sket ch of the life of I~tl'r, Mr", Lut, ILUd son UIl\r ence, who h,LV" iv, 'the PRO ber the PER 8e ' been Mr. ll t:lrr:l, 'ry !. ed urnl OW 11 87 CR86S on Frid ay atlil. tota l VIII· 9 ts NER fur app :) Ubi .. 8 t,ILrll Bonrcl of Agr ioul eare d in the Wa rren titl Dllytnn r;espect and.este em of ever yon e. ooou pyin g It for ~ome time prev . ture Iltst Frid For Wh ious .ty o ' , Co'a unci de uatl nty Ire retu on lllet ente rn of ing resu lts, shO'nlel lIIo ved inl,o ed di ed lIudd!lDly I1t hiS hom e 3000 . Thi s help ed : the nnial Atla.~ whi ch was hOllle In man y yea rs he was a min iste r in the In the IItt,i Cas · e el'e huu~ Insi nlng the st e , upo on pub Mrs n ' lish t,he I,he ::; HerM tulia, Ohi9, SUDd ..y ed a bou t t wo year \1 congOlltio,n ,ma de by Aile n use ot Ure en S"al Urei ghto u .Soc iety o,t ~iends, and his loss mor remllined for 'a brie f vi~i t wi th lot. , will I " (jl1v,ia Fur nas was borns ago: . Wh eele r's mOD . The ·1i77 0II.8tlII an\1 her Mill er WIlH II- 01c)8e peraonA.1ning . Mr . Liqn ld Pain ts Its the grea t pres er. be 8IIJ)eClally felt ther e. in 'iyay~e frl.e n(I, Mrs , 'E. L. Ber Les ter Ken reo frte rlok nd of held ver his tow of fin ..1 de· cel ved by the two surflloeB . Fot' 8ILle by ,J. E. Ii nshi P , Wa r ren cou nty. OhIO, In gdu, !I , bc,fore the la te 8 . H. Elll l"'uneral BeI:vices wer e held from Arma wer e uo· very of trns h tobllooo on 'l'hul-sd •• of Way nesv ille, Jun ney . gOlug out to h llr nAW h omo. wb 1829, and hall alwa ys reJ!id ed in ay. i"h load Ilnd lld at;ld WICB the Frie nds Wh ite Bric k Mee disp k.nown osed of from 8 :30 in this I~ !lve mile s fr om A half cnr lood WII~ bron tin{!' tow nshi p . He was the tion tl'lD on the OilY at t,be Ollz ette . to man y rend ers dow n the mor ning to Ii :15 in • _ Houlle Tue sday mor ning Ilnd of ' Seth i on lind Frll nk\! n Dlly froU! Cen terv iJle IIDd tbis gh't ' the af~r truo toge was tlon ther line Fur nas. , noo n. who One ourl ous on, lOOKer time . Mr . Mm er was a mlUl of mllr ked was the ..folt very larg ely atte nde d. with won t' CIlu1e In ruid :.vhnt so!, of Th" flower !.lInt is born to blus An nu Rob ert Fur nas. DaVIS Furrth al S WlLa •. S. the Co nve nmen ope rati ng the SWingindg b abil ity uDd OnE! who ~ll be illy nas hve d st.or ed In the wllrebou!le, oomi>let RekV : Phil ip TroJut; Rev. Benjan'n iR of jnst U 8 mllo h vulu e to spllr. ely tio n omn n the at e busy ed wbi ob ' Uftll the 'boxE!8 Ha life He rve WlLB of ysb a !!tlcc prom urg essf aw IDen . ul iarme~, thl~ wor ld as tllo "unR fiUed the Olir. Lest·ar, It w.i ll inS. Rev . . F. Cad wal ;t; In Gra nge H lade r, and hIlS perf orm ed man '. plin ked spll nk' wor k. be the wng on Into th'8 war eho uaefro! 'l Re~ Mer . rem ritt, Beth ia Furn emb y pub ered ltc , or buy aJ:ld the s aB. for "unk 1 serv IH!l R088 ices . He was tow nshi ed kiss " so we tukC: lind foun d tha t the box es wer HlI.r,v e""' burg wi,ll thro w ope n Mat ilda Und erw ood , ~has F. Cha e pa8IIlng its Ben ry, Ger man tow n . p- f?r twe nty year s.: serv ed ap trui tee plea sure In unnouDoing to the wor ldl Ha rte r Sh " JW man and Jess e WrI ght . all ove r the 800les ~t the rate ot 2 per grea ter ttlll t we bav e the best and ida ker spok e tIme as school dIre ctor ; doo rs Ma.y 31 CLnll Jun e 1 to tile . mo~t, Stl t • dari ng the serv ice, . each testifyi qlln ute. was tow n- isfo olor y Ilnti cept ic Bun . . ~veu tbe 0&8ual obs erve Tpe grea t number . 'WI;1~ . day ~g toot 8Oh r ship In h ool pl188 woLs sup teao · erin h hers wer ~o tend e com pell ed to wai and ent work of the pub lic try 8 bott le of "( er~ to the wor th, the hon esty , ' the abll Me of ets In t He unti thro a l ugh ,\fte y Lo ~· the ss. Wa rren oon nty: couDtrynowadCLYs noo n to get eeD and . sdhools for thre e year s; serv . ity! ,the . ln~u.m;e tor goo d, of unlo aded mad e a raid QII, ed us Too th Wa sh" for ouly 15c C r~sceut The fort y. thir d ' an~ua.1 oon veu oan not r~l to r COg~lze that a pro· O. E . . John /!' groc juro r man y times; he app rais ed relll vill 16'na ~ life .Of him who had . passthe M.r. l:la. ery aloDg abo nt rter · dl~i real Shi ou8 dak ue 250. ,J. E. JODoey. amo !" unt w of 0 ed esta te· and perf orni ed man tilin live g s i~ tion goln of g ' w~ ·on en oou nty· WIll be beld thiS 8prm g . the :' noo n and nel1rly oleaDed him oat eaat of Harvl\yibQI1( ' mll't 'L'Wit y othe r aWlQ'" ". of ' • _ b' • a t.b~r goo pub d at lic duti es. He serv ed the Frie nds t k · e:~ eiI.~blea. If the LadlE'S' ;tim e and cthe ~o~ peo · hea vy 1088 last Su cilay . a ,e , Alt er the serv ice at the Mee on.f or the 10vel'lHl f Hor aoewor Ea ste r Ser v.ic e at Willi pie of Har eys bnr Md had ting as cler k of thei r Mon Gre g ely nre only WO thly I!6D rKin Kno . g dlng w" Qua to D,-w Ii rter will 1lat CLlnable hora e to COrwin mak e ly a nloe littl e pile the 801!,!mn, cort ege wen ded and M the ooo&8loD one tha t wll\ "fnr rem emi ler Illtl oft quo ted ad!jge, they , oou ld ·, mad Yea rly Mee ting for many year s. to ship to WaB hlng ton ·C. e tha t dt)y I Ita way to M.laml cem eter y whe H. to be long be rem emb mer s YOIl cun affo rd to go In • E. ered re Ch and . urc , F has h. 'I) don as sold nt the' stoo k SalM thia wee k. e a pret ty full shar e of th fI t ! debb for op]y two t·hin the prec ious rem ains wer e plac ed 11 i Sun gs, day th A' Ilt Scho ia The tile in ol trav at d prfg 9:30 elin rl rlLm I\r g, . for Mor : east and wes t. He has serv ice ning man wa" lend ing the anim e rs " rea .1 n ce . thei r last resti n&, plac e. and. 1O(\nUre . '" at al 10:3 beh 0. ind ~~ now seen be gre ng pre\lBre . n . ItlOll at chan ges in the cust oms 1\ bug gy, whe n it beca He had bee n thri ce mar ried . his me frig Tob The Sac rament of Bap tism will :' thllt yiel ded a thouSllpd & Whe the people. and in thei r mod es of be ren.r ed up aDd fell on!!. bu/( gyhteD ed, ·0 the oou nty wor kerb8 who wl.1l take poundBROOIto first wifll ~in« Jan e Satt erth wl\l of the llcre last y!lllr wos ther ebyeler Co., of Tro y, ·profit-ed adm wbe inis el tere part d to , seve new te, rn) mem livin Btllr bers g:. e \V . . At elgb t o'oJook ,a ,ste ady , rker It In is fl alm with wl1 to who m he was mar ried in 1852 ost impossiblt! for the afte rnoo 1als suoh o oons viol eDc id ered e liS to to be turn ing off well stre am o( Inju re its be pres ent. n a t 2:30 t here will be a bl\ok BO , the you th of the present day and h'ldwho t,hat to e vt!n it ' w and .Se wa ash the s oom nece . EI'motbher pnm ssar f tlve ly little relLOhed the Lyt le wag ona begat) to pon r to " y to kill B . his five ima gine the chan gos b ' . him war eho us(l llnd In aD hou • tllat have take n serv e I fen: t, lza et h of that figu the Chr re. Ye ~ the five ndjo lnin g 'and i ce istia or naptl Bog ardu Chu '[BE GRE EN SEA L PAI NT sm rch.y Itnmel'Slon at u half ther e Wall a tota l of ove rr ' Ann a .Bla ckb urn, Joh n and Edw s, plac e in this cou ntry with in his mem fu.rlll . . 'jwllec.l by F . B. DllK t, · In the even ing at. seve n, Eas ter e, Wit Wm in, ory ." hsta nds tbe wel lrn.n d teur of H. . 76' nwa itin g' disp o'sal,' TBE OKEEN SEA L 'PA IN'! '. , IIrrnoDY,.M W. S serv ices by the Sull day School The reoe iver for the oom pan y ar witt i Stan d thlnDiDg wltb p' nre Lin ---" thee lem ents ·for. bet.t,er thnn ,pnl nt 118 and Dav id 'rh omo i1vl,l r "E d Tho rn' . . ff ' E R "'tIl grew mlld e tobn by ooo the old mIss proc d Iona from es~ Tr~y on the nine o'~loo" Bu sin ess Me n's Le agu e 0 erm g. of mix ing whl oh yiel ded very ........ 1. y ham l . Pigm eDts ond Liqn vel'y be mad e ry one w.elc Oil. aDd om!! t o any No tab le Ph oto gra phy . rly 1000 It. 11l18sanger and ' imm ther 01' allWIof ienl ldR lire per acre, lind the prlcuea eforts. e m.or e econ thonnre om. othe " oug r pain o reoe lved thes e serv Ices . tely tlle Ren d dire tn c. • worK thor of . To mo rro w Ev eni ng. unlo hly adln " comedia Inoo rpor nted , tlmM' 1\.8. eve ry Instllnoe men oed. Ye~ tlon s on eve ry ""o ka'g e. For 801e , waN by suri 10 ng cent !I. " s fine ,per r und more dum ble lJOund o~ r' !loven then the waRonB Kept Inor 'rBE TBO USA ND SOF GAL LON A good delll of I\tte ntio n is b'liu prou uct. For s..:ljl eal: llbov e. by ' W J . here , . Owi ng to' the very IImnll atte E S are Jnn J . ney ther E. JfI,uney. . five mor e adjn oen t, fflrms e iu n1;1mber unti l at one tim e C)f Gre n SeIl I Pili II I, sole\ eve t oan Ing ther e Willi .. nee d ~e .JJuslnell!l Men'R Len nd. attr llcte d by t,wo ~peoimens of !lho. an agg rega te . of 125, of ry com)Jete Y{itb tl!n.t? Doos Dot Sta thllt rt Mon day eve,nhtg, the mee ting gue togr oph io art at, Dow ning 's ~t, \1dio yenr mer ely atte st;l Irs wllr t,bine8B, whi a Sav ch a few ing s lond s belo ng to 'Cll ng Ac cou BAN nt K STA TEM ENT . sho w who re the rlob grou nd lies? • poAwoned untl l1.'h ul'8 tlay even was in tbls olty , "till t.hey ure grea t,ly nd """ pnin t for 1i1l1lr n"',iolll purp oses . Bro s. If the wag ons had been plao ing J\1.u . mire rnps For d hl1v ~Ulll by · e com by reig ,J. pete nlld E nt- ort crlt. a'lmost su ed ID one oon tinu ous ey. Ple&B8 rem emb er the Dex mee A boy with only one grul ..rO ~~~O stra ighr , line It ' ___ ,_ . .Iunn t- Is "Cli o," 1L GreeK st.nely, (gocic~. Onp l; .of prem o for the pas t wee k, ,__ __ ing Tbn rsdl lY eV!ilnlng, Apr ilt 12, 1deH ~ but of I'" I~re wou lll hav e reac hed X of , !!. mile now sloo klng ouri r C1l.n elL8l1y dest roy It, bnt r hold , thou gh :' \b'eJWllyntllOvtlleCannlDjf Co'S omoatl hist ory) tllKen atlligb~ by tbe arti s Fo r Sal e. if he new B t is 800ntbel er befo re in enti re btst ory expeot.ed to reorUit.1\ of Nev e to IlImp llnd 1M a Htrlkmg piec , 1000000 oul~ethe wtll In plan thiB • wor k. '!'he~l1bjeot, is n. Dny ton e of' t vlol It nlty and , oult lva,t e it, and thei r , , MIHB 'Oph I:\lngle com h Bro wn Leg h\lrn eg~H .fro m the prod not keep. one Incly . !!. Phll ltps ·t.en who reptesent~ the ip'6U blln d"om ther e bee n sU!lh a l~ng pr~" Ne w' Ba nd is Or gan ize d ly. part , and plaDt llgai'!l a.nd con tinuth our prlm llry ':Stloher, was forcet;l to; hal! e 'rblr n for '1 00. Inq uire of U. F. Ion of wag ons load ed WIth tobacoo. e suoo The umb othe Mye . rN. r MIHS plot Orll ure gonl Lur .' h. a, ~8 the Ohi Bur .. -:-_,--- !proc o Det p1to e88 V.ll t t.o. ~Ok he ey ' _~:::: will Tel. Wh find at dces It m~n? Wh y It mea D. befo re grap h, tint ed witb t,rau~pllr\·nt. bo 'ill chll rge eph of' olle tbe 237. r()o .• A new br.s~ ' t;and has been :; m'in Lebl l.DoD exo ban ge. nl2 ber Ilty year S,old that ther o i8 col orga n· ora, Bnd Is a rare piece 'of Illud 1\8 eve ryo ne sing s , her pr..Btend, lind that this oomI,lll.ny of Allen & Wh eel· • _ ;, lzed with tbe follo win g mAmhAr! IIrt ""bloh eno ugh In a1l tbe wor ld to not lses, ·MIII~ ~r ,bns 80llle sna p and ! plnD : i8 t the goo d Luri to vigq r allo look lLsu rely upo Iner n. inus ense Fo r Sa le: ! Tb~ "ub jeot of, B. S. How e\l ...... ...... ...... ..".... J.eiL t be a Rood teac her . It. It mes . 80m ~a tha t thou gh thoy werute ·. der e of 'thiH thos pict e who ure 18 wer ODe of nur hlln dsnm e e ' Har old 0~1t . , ...... ...... .. .. lst Oor n on IfI,te I:!O In WIT the H fialtI !\lO NEY, to buy tbls yea r, Satu rday of IIlSt wee k hllv e had JI.o!Imer Ree d ...... ...... ... JIlb CIl\ net tele pho ne !lirl s who pn!lPS adm lra, Seed Pota tne! l; Eflr !y Ohio. 11 you )Jut Bside 1\ pnrt of II they bou ght up mor e In thlB rlne t bly. The Dow ning stud io VOLlr roug h time of It, whi le othe At Wny nesv ille, in the Sta te Fl'llUk Brad doo lt.: , .., ..... ..... ..... 'rnh enrn bUll som e lOOn No. II, Qu een of ·the V .. lIey CUr. lDg rs s hllVo ty thn,D The Trn st Oom?&n vi~lni. and put it t~. good usc in hud 'Of i ILl· but littl e iDconvenlence a.n d lil\ les. rhe Erw in Reed ...... ...... ...... ..... Bar ltonB tbln g to b6 p~!lund of In the two ~o Mweet llOtato aDc\ Illlrden pay ing Inve Ohi stm o, Ne~burlCh Co., 'fhe Amerloli tlnts ILt tile , you olos e will of e plon piec es of nrt, ami perl"JDH who 80011 Clre prllctlCllll.1' ove r them now busi ness , " find tha t,s n Oig . Har old Bow ell ...... ...... .... , .... Ten in "ea~on . lid t . you Eve r n mon Ii/.' T Uo. ey . whe is 8AY milk n Alle n and W~ee.1er did LOR, ing SOl\l O of the olde r personB .Apr il 6, 1906. Lew ia l,"riDtz ...... .. . Alt o-e eor etll ur mir e sl10b tbing~ will be repa id by Bell PhoDe i R . R No. 4 XEN ou mor are e not than c?m men ou ce buy lDg to~a ln . Invu lner nble , Mrs . ,Jen nie IA, O. I~ this vi· Joe ThompllOn ...... ...... ... ·...... . : ry ioal \lug -Xe nia Guz ette ' bue doll ar wel l J'lnv e8te dmllk Lam b olDley, tl,tey 8000ped It ooq Alto ' hns ~i took them and Willi qUIt RES OUR CES . In With , sno h . _ ' TBRI;rY~Et.)PLE e SIOK for n nll\r velo us rapi dity thon sand time s grea ter divi Ora nge Rap er ...... ...... ... &(18 t;>ru den d time . ~~~~(~r~~~.~~'ecc":r~~ tllCLt .it -~ De ath 's Wo rk. Jl\a . UI~wlddle ...... ...... ~DBr9 Dru m . 1103 ,113 to elun lng pow er ' thaJI Use Gre en Seal Liqt iid ~nint.. Con gon.e befo re the othe r buy era all m a mlllloD dol. · It Is surp risin and un •• cured, blld i.." aU 'of the mlln iber s of the or· U2 sldc ring rel!ults. U's t,he uhtllllle8 g 84 ,iml 80m etim es tbel r eyeS fair fool ishl y spe nt. ' t on U S. aecure clrculaW," 60.W J 00 lara ly ope n. I\mu slng to note how DIILDy of ttao h:rit lon are exp erie nced p,hlYA tho mor The ker. Cltlz For eDs \1on!I the 80Ie . Blln , rs, . ocur by This k I1l.9 J EVli . E. ·,tan · lIanklng bou se. . elc. of Wilyne~ olde r inhllbitnDt8 of n I:ltsnfiela. aged u hou t 36 r alon e they havA loa.3 tb .. blind will be relld y toO mllk 0i roo our vil\u ge hnv e bou gbt yea ney . 7.000 00 vi II e, Oh 10, ufte I , , . 1l1together con side rabl y Ou. from NatIonal nanD (n~l 1 d th r corr espo 'lJittJemenca wish ln "fe w weekll.e1 en. yenrNJ.dllld n,t hili 110me nAR,r e.. e nrll ng D WIth ' nev th er lQ mur e e than the mum Seo retll ry of .. te. aDd cons ul· GO,OQO 0&868. . . ps. 11&1'8 l,)rook htee ting HouMe Mon g Re,erve AKen~') e EveD a.t tbl , it 11 t'Jl:piIoted tha t this ban d . 11 1 t wee k whe n mum purln day Men PlUlt t;ixt y in bun ger . tatlc ln with BorneSt, th y h will nigh t, afte r an l1I~esa of only pntleDts r i d 8 s sru!l of the mos t prom pIIs Du. from' appro"ed reae rve a gu8 44 ,0 wer e on farn ilb ., lea8t a part , and poss ever Plac e e l'1 ave y 88 abo han 86 ut d Inen it· Wll8 t bfl.n Mor no kers unu e than (thoH s. Cbec halt ibly e ece k. hav ve and of Il ing wee 10 otbe 1 ex 680 k, nkln r perl dell cub 0eos d ' th . , n reco mpe nse UBI ooeurenoe wbe u ove r Note. of ~h.r Natio lieu," bein g due to pne u· Mixty the srea tar p6r~ of tbe mus ic eno e In thl .. line of bn"I'ne"S) old gen tle. to this they \lhe okei nal aallks yea rs duro mon la. Fun eral serv loes ."'0 00 Ilncl men met to hell r 0twooon l-?u t 155, 000 'to in, the Bom..Oo~lng. will be held noy ILnd bladof Ilge Buffer fr9w !tid. Fracth.Lal paper currency. nicke ~ "I vers ls atlo · n bein the, g farm a88u era . from the late hom e 'l'hn red. der qplt t.but diHorder~. utlu nlly e and <enU a; littl e f~r~ne Ii ou r ohl\ rter per 80m ewh nt, like one mlln rsda y, . at enl& rgem ent of 108' 8& mitt ed uti to Incl thi~ ed : it ' ·Bav II I ,. it? e you ude r.AWW ev· II. UI. BlLv lo'c oloo k· pros tate ghLDd MUNK Y Ullij llaU III llANK ' De. er hnd t.he mum ps ?" ..._et II! . YlZ : ., 11. , sn. pllr tme nt with our geDeral lngB ." 'rbiB fft both »/lin lul lind dpu gero 'La die s Aid So cie ty Ma rOut o~ tbis gran d tota bank iDg ~~~~ ~tcn< "W ler us; l hy note 490 eue e, 1 don .~:~~ t 'Know, I gue ss 80 who8l\ valu g ~~ busl nes8 hav e arrl lnge d to 'do MI88 Mag gie Hum pbr ey died MOD ano Fole y's Kldne:l' Uur e "bo u ld be e to the grow U BO. ,388 ers th01 36 ;lgh . Hnv e yun ?" waa " . l.fIke n at, the first siaD of dan~er, ket . dl\Y 'at the fam ily resl den oe 456. 85, Wel l, it oem lUI ReJempllon fund wIth U. S. lre.o . 'ake n tbro ugh the s to me thnt mot her "14, l OU R BUOKS ARE NO W nea r it, cnrrtlOtl' Irrel!:ulCLrltl Lyt ie war e WIUI urer F' p . c. of circulation) bon ae. HIlr OPE on es vey N &nd Frld sbnr told ay g. hOB me .f· yel~r The ~ ,Mlb .I)OO 00' 8 ngo thl\ t I hnei tbem tule rs ' wer 8 Humpbre Don 't forg e' tbe Mar ket . FOR DEP OSI T8. e load ed on oors and the nr· WI'S abo ut sa yea rs of age, dau YII IInreel IIIl1n,V old men (If t.hl8 dlsesl'te. No mat ter how smo llaD amo unt on t,h I f Id b d.y In the Kre allie r Stor e I:!nt jlhte r Mr R,)dn~y Bur nett., Roo Wra ppe n; 401 QUeB wer e sOor e e t ~ e, Ilt no, now . Wft it Il the 3S~ .2,g 38 room you " 0 1'AL hav of k Por e. thjl law Joh n W. BUp1pbr brin t. Mo ID g , I~ war 10 and eho The Day ton loe.o ren) all dl10Y use Dntil sucb a. e<t dep osit It. eY8. writ,AII: "1 I'uffllrt!d with mln nte, sinc e 1 com e to time We will J1IlY you 391) 1Dterest on K of It tha t thei r Qwn MJarebo enlarg,e , 't4vening . Ice orea m and ClOko !lnd Tlle fune ral will be held at the ed prOtlt.flte Klan It "hil t was oDly a CIlrthhi use may be anD ' uall buno d y 101'. If left six mon tbs . Yo le tba t able to han dle It. Met bod lst Chn rob in kidn ey trun · LIA BIL ITIE S. )u oon nect ion with t.he mtLrket" vey sbu rg hie fllr yea rs lind and olm dep osit whe n you plelllle nnd u swe lled up so mllo h. So I gue88 I bon . at, 10 o'ol ock Thu rsda y Har afte r tIlki ng t.wo ' ' . _ • mor ning . Clln nev er had the m" ni>tB, nprooll, ano a quil t will ho ;~~~\~I" .Il~~~ paId In . bott l"" of Fole y'A Kid ney Cur . ' '. F;~:~~g gg draw 011t ull-y ou put· for " . e I UndIvIded protl Ple ase nt Rid ge In at anv tlmo . • IA. to. Ie•• ex pen. .. feel bt\~t Did er you t.haD ever I lmv notl e co for If \t'l Wa yne svi lle Ma n Clo ses a boy und ortu kes to save one twe nty Thl tt thC:l Mi88 Wl.nifred Mer edit h ..pen an,t tax.o pald . Th e Cream W1'11 be' t h eve ry old folk s. lL,Ma rule , occu py the Yl'llrll, alt.hotUth I am no.w 91 yell ~ 8.2~g 03 doll ar CL wee k a~d t olde r Wed nesd ay Dlg ht wltb r" Nall oul Dank noteo ouI81"mllnl: uO. stlo ks to It for bou ses, wIll qua lity nian ufac ture d by the best .. Ill Stel la Ie .. o~~. the ~~ yon fifty nge year r folk Con s, · s be In. Will Lar Dllu hllv g~ glJ.e e Re in g~v~~ rty the ban k hub lt the new er one al Es tat e De al. . ~n::b:~':!~IOnQI ove r Co. of Day ton. W.. nt,ed : TravelllD~ SaJ'9t!ma s. 1595 2. \13 i he will htlv e paid tiam' Bn tter wor th lADd Wife n. I~to the ,,:hloh may be perc eive It II a fB sPent 7.00 000) \1 fllrnl~h. rererllnoe!l CLnd Inve st ,Danka d eve blln n in k onr. "26r. ~0 ~O .aDd the baDk WIll pa.y 'V Illllg ilD~. d..y' Il\lIt wee k with 1!Jrnest Individual deuo.l", But · e. "I no·, 110 In flj,,,r , ola ps 8% a~D l On Inst him Wed IS,3 nesd a2. 93 lI~terest. ay I~a terw cii'J llun d faql ily . ~e~~dt~.~~~~~te. 206,l ,;U 83 , Ser vic es at St. Ma ry' s Bar ris and fam ily 1ho "ed lntp ~" .. ry Ilno EXptlnl!eM p.. ld. li.xpda. ~a Ban t.he k. IS Bur lDo tou o. orpo , OJ Ear depo r"te n bar t ' ' and f"m lly olt d and tidy hou se buil t rece ntly p'tri.. nClA not requ ired . we teec . 17.~U O~J 231.0 03 86 gov eme d . by .W m' strl ot~y by tbe l,uwB of Duk h . Ch u ..cI~. 11Il~i,,""" At onr mill s. The Wh eeli e OD tbe site :occ upie d by the. ~peut l:IuIU11lY wlt.h rela tive s in IU. the Sta te of Oh] o, and ng weBol\ do n. gen · old hou se ' whl oh y. TOTAl>. 's .. R,"'lTnlC 1L1Jc\ Cornlno . Co~p1LIl 3K' ,Zt9 38 eral ban klD g ", burn ed l08t buslDet:I8, m.ak lng 1 00~ns snm mer Jaoo b Cor nell . and . daq bte.' Yl Whu elin g. . The doo rs had Dot.bee n spen r V .. , only on tbe best seou rlty , incl udin . tmll t I:!unday with g ove Ded sinc e earl y >ln the _ firs t mOr tJl:age on relll esta te. win ter" and wife of Lytl e 'Alb ert Cor nell and whe n one of. tI;leru sho wed lln ..' Dtlvil'~ Isln nd Tor ture' If you hl\v e n(l mODey to dep ' nor :E tlrn hart and 't<tul...· osit inol inat lon to 8\io k at the top, !rjlo .StoElea co.m e iD any way Ilnd hav e a kes wel' e &b~ RU6C !~ talk ot gav e it an ener Keti Mr ,,~d WIth ns . It Iud . j Mrs . Wal ter BOtta . . . den ly let tOOle. bnto ' Jerk · Wedn~,. By orde r of the Boa rd of Dlre the atra ln to ! nlrlh't.. o· whl oh the .top had beeD subj tort ': F ' . oo~ ·it to , vibr ate 80 vIolect~d' Frn nk RoBenllLnd wife n"" r ~ • . , • • ' . M08 BU entl y' tie "pen t Sun day -wlt h Wil npoo~ belD, IICTt{bi0kly rel~, 0, Jt,.. '~ that loy an!l fam ily lind Wi'll lll\m Oa; . JAlI B8 ~TOOP8, the Sia n T.n .... . .."as hrol ten tnto ' mlln ,. I Prat llr retu LaV l. B. 't:llD lflt. ' W.~. IbB rnll! l h01ll1! !!rUb th aITT , pi~ .ad' yj . .J. ,8RH'WoOD, NATHAK JOl unce rimo nloi itl for a aho r\ ata:v . la, It abolIti"lhe~. Ira wU 1'B:UfK' Jl:L IlO II,C 8A s. ulal llDL l.'te ud 'l'be Riij pv.t h.. 8110 will .. l. ttl .J'nm k Dat e .. , log team a'an d be a~ the hom e of Mi . ••1.1 J. N. LIDIiIb.. . hIf . . . . . r dar la. \he ClDlDing Rlo h of Leb ano n s..'D I\' II .... • • . rdlq ~.
prflllen~ ~he
~r .
~he PO~dDt~on
f:i ;~~v:rl~r; ~':.!~e:nt:~e71i:
Report,OfI' the Condl'U',on
.- .
~1?0De, ooma aU.
--- --- _.-
e Miami, aazette. ON HOME OUAD RELS :-:~IJaro~:~e:,~· :,~;':'~ =~ BlOWN Mel'Y...... ... . . 1~::~d:~, ~~:~~s ~~e:~~e~::I;lg~~:
The Fashions in General
Bumoro Uli Inc:ld~b of Fin FighUn . ~ Wit made 3 round of the ~hop8 tbe kn'lUed on . the .Jjlgb bandeau lit tbe IIr. Wllllam a' Ptn!! Pilla StrBn'tUl•• by th. JLuaUca of th. ~.----~ OUI ~ dall and ae,t to Bef'O\l~ 8tudy or bHCk. Ule ribbon the ~IIJ lDullll'b obsllnac y 'Was the 'r ock the Stomac ll and En ..... It 10 WA~VrLL1D. same shade ' as OlnQ RElIlE1 [BEB . I,\, TAXES Compan l ... !J! tuodes th<l t promisli tQ be t.I1e pre- the 1I01\'or8. . At one side, . Do It. Wort<. TWO ';'0 on whlcb bls wlfe's hear.t broke. and \,he rlgll(, mUlllg one8 ~ anll we to made re080 n- where the' hut .tu·lns Whlcb .,.,rMke4. his dom8!\t'le peJll'e, If When thl! stomach Is feeble the fOOd lIIlAXE A QU AJl.REL . up portly, 'Rural a couple fire ,1raprlm enlll. especlo.t ly In EthlCII of Spend.t ng. nbl~ ~u!'ll of.- one tllln g. tha ~ thore of I)nlo pink roses ure P\!ll'pI" do quarrel by da)·llghr. let tho tucked tn IUlIon!: lies in iJ un<1lgested,.decu ys aud throw. enrly dnYll f orgUnl zaUon, bav4 Will' ''Tb~ popular noUon that .the wallte~ Ibll8 exagger ation; less 8trlvlng thu hnrebelts. 11 lIOunds th .. ru forg\v~ and fOTg ' t before they as thougb \I off . poisonou s gasou that dl~ ~elld the tten n!forded rich materla lAor como. l~rtij r th e nnlque. Ullm last !ul ntrang ance of .the rich Is a good y ar. At mlgbl lI~ fU88Y, bu t In t'oallty .. I~ not ''''"l1.ij tbo stolll~ C)l ulld ' cuuso inwri'X ' Have Known FamUlc s Wbo Were 81~ep . ' Th vicissitu des of I!fe lire t')l1 edy. Had b~lnd-tubS a nd luddoY coin. hlDg .f of tbe commun Ity bOOllU80 It t ht! ",lIllner s especial l y i8 thi s true. 1'0 jus l suit s thO rortunat mnny. the trial_ ' \0 0 Inevllllb le. and ptlllloS' e WOllla n whoae t erellce wit h oth I' orglln8, espeolal ly b e n Imowu In Shnkes l)mr e's lfevn Happy Whe.n Separate d., UC ~ lJre . lVe Hnd th e lit Illolt II! tall s hort for any of us "ulll money Into circulati on, nnd Wilt nowl shullctl provcr ty It 16. Tbe otber hnt . th e s lm- with the netlou of tim bClirt Illld luilRl. (1IIl'. It Is easy to Imagi ne thnt English era Though Always Wretohe d Wben to liP n d n. In fOl'lI ~n~, bllt th e t.rlmmln g of thcfle Is pie on • IH s h Quarrel • . lhe. spendth rift thus becomes a public a bluo horseha ir lUronn. Tbese gll ~O" hl\vo other ill eIlects. 'J'be lit mture mll~lit have \!ecn enrlcbe:1 'Togethe r" -Entlre Agreem ent I mIll sp 8~1I III K\l ch " manner ccentl'l clty (lne of the long sort. Th~ro are very fe w Or'IIR who 110 not by t he . bwelaCl tor 18 combate d by Ro,·. Wash Th crown ts nerves nud the braiu lUll distur\)c d portralt llf some rus tl c Ore chief, posnlble In Any Hon,&- Frietlon s ODl~llme8 neon tl' 1011111111 Pllt on s moot hly over lhe froUl O. tile and diScotllfort8 8uuh a. dizzines s, hoe ' Ingion Gladden . wbo says. In u )lupor 01l1'8e lv('8 lit to 1)Q88 d ....u to Imm ortality wl lll ' I" e~ Illacc lIJ 11 Illol\.lllng e rrect. of Right Kind Tends to Deve lop - that we wonld lIe lt ~ r he IlatlNlt wltll Our thoughts. nre SO f.tllI of co lor we I brIm l'O \'e r'l<l with Ileut ~n "Tbe EthIc. of L\lxu rlous Eltpondl tboHe ot tho coun tr y watchm en and tollls. Wh ern fla shes, eleo ille.sness, Irlitnhlll ll ' fiB I\ull tee l 1I~ thou g h nlllv tog In a l<a le ldo- lIrlm and cro wn jotll ment of Hlgbest Typ-O bsti n" cy our livIng . loved 01, '. Th e rl r clo jll s t h'e s th r I" II Jllllln g d\ll\pond cncy origiilnt o fl'OIll thi s Nonr.lO. tllJ'll," Olin 8pondln g money Is «e tin!,: we kllow so wei!. Mr. '1'. E . QCO pc. a verItabl e rnlnbow . atm os phere. ot Mofl- ton~.1 lillie lind r'd Expcri\!IICU ~bUWR thM thoso !.rOil bios vs. Firmne sa-hBe PI\ t!ent wilb 8111111 1101 nlwny~ re mai n unbroke n . I.Jl wlo\,. SIl )'S plaid, und people at wo rk. (l.nd that I:be spend er )'oul h 's 'ompalll on, has . Wnll.. W~ are to gct l> r H· ' " worth r ece ntl y recortletl ut Olle s ltlo 11011 1' the front 11 Inrg' knot "[\lIi ~ h jnst us SHOll ItS thu ijlOllllu:h is the LIving. " some Iways Ch008 0S what 1,lnll of work the ~ugI;es tl ve bl l3 llIad e St\'OIlG ollout;b I.,) di~cst tho foorl . .... h tl. to I rumplr ,lawn 0011 ",'lil " hn e " ~ o f til e Ill utd. Tho onl y oth ur trlm from E nglish vll l n,,~ " . p ople who recelvll his monoy shall bo 111 uth er words, it II 01181\ Wlli t.!mt. will Iln:! lI~ e with thoijc wlro \)p \ ~ lI" t.) li S mt ng Is u s in gle Quill wh Ic h s tatllis olf runs.1 BY ~L'R, :;\R fo:T F.. s .\'-;,;:-;T I·: It. III Ct) r uwull. JlI it to du t.b wol'l' 1111 "I'lfrn lI f IIrc, " emplQye d abouL It wat "ork Is u50flll II 1'1 <1 1)' Ht Ollt! s ltl with II ~ lllll']1 up- fuud i li to lI O llri ~hnl\!11 of cbullgill ir th& An oltl Spanish proverh rUll " t ,1 th e In 10 m thlll).: upllt>r lh"n nlt'~~ ~'A('~ III mher ot 1\ nowly tormed flrc co m · t. Lbe commun ity Is bena tetl. but jf 111 Bnd rel!IIlUal lon . III rea t Joy' n ll .1 «Inti· pan y WUs Sl' l~ \V a I' d s ian I. t.l ,·cry 0111 0 1' woman on l\1i8R Mill t' rm O. Lndd, of Ipswich , errcct that It tal;I'. t wo 10 mllke It n s w n lHn g o n t\ corne r, lurlou8, the morc money !Ie IluUl In qunrrel; t hl! streel thlH 8]1rlng will r 'ml nd llil e 111M'" Slty": .. I bud 1\ w onk Ht"mncb one can alll'll)," pnlt It. 'J'hl ~ II C8B ou d In fr IIUellt ylr ltlilill li ttle gil ping In Il <Iuzed wa y a t a b rl~l{ nro tn th lagR th ai Ih e grcl" IhlllA III Iln r IIf~ circulati on Ihe grenter tb e damage to Is eq uivalent LO 811 of li n Inlll lll1 <' Iller. "~ ~uuny f~"tllo r ~ fmm thu t.illl o 1 WR~ n li t tl o c h illi. \I l'Ogrcss somu dls{JlIll'O down tho Rtr c t. ylng th llt ono lIf mu)' b e lo\'e, lbe commun ity. H e who s llends mou ey two who ore rO lil e ndlnl: on <l ~ u lll $ II I' . 0 be worn. In th eury Wh novel' I toolc hellrly fooll it wOIl1<l At InM he W'US ol'prt1l>"1'I1 mu rm urtng wilt bu,," ""m· tIlU~O terribl" fill n t')I CSlf, nlln ( \\'ou l<l beooroes n consume r of commod ities rl ent selt·re~tra l nl llnd IlIn dn es. at SWCN fr lf' n , \\ 11"1\ t ho u a r.fl I !il " ~lIl l r, It ," r lt l"'l\hlu~. In ract quit e "1II3 rt. to htm self : Ih"Illy vOlllit whllt I hl\ll on to u . At J h: ~' on l ' uhJ't h ' x w t' n r), ta b or. s Dd el services . and the reckless heart to forl'~o t he prl\'IIQ.':c of t ho \ \ '0 Tc; tlll'l) frum h eadRclJr " A p" ' o to r,er guwnR, b la. zethll DS thoro w OII"1 bo t.ho \fIost intc lI sl) It s ure be II prope : "1 1 ,...mall :-: ha\t 1)1' o ur np (I nr ~lltl ' l' wh u t bral'C rll 1 a utl bl'co mlu g llr incess pnills thrOIlJ(h UI O upper purt 6l1pn dUu.trt Is. to a great extent, u oon- last wo,·,!. In lh e fRllllly as n.Jw her" ul aze! A mus t /;0 lIome J nd lIut OD my Fr o lll ,'" o lll rHJ I' o r (!'Oln lI e l~h" o r of my ctr('!' ~ s ha r t'· uecn evo lv ell. Iunler of servicea . Ir th e se n 'lces for e lse on PBrth. will s anu Il'mp CrIlnllllllli Pu '! l ti ll th l ~ Ht r H I.', the- lO l! , llll' 1'1~ 1' t' , IInlform ; yes . It be a blaze 'V0rtb ge tI;;vury- body. Fe,' lillY" ill 611C(·.••...~ i"u. I wnuld .~lId llu Ill' ", I1. h nil thfl p(1 t:'11 I Ill;, huve to lio down oro In JIIoat donger or dns hlnt;. nnd Ileopl bUlty ",ust llan' lit loust on e one-Illecu o r th o time_ LI llI: on my ne w boots for, tight thoug tl ,,' blell hla money cnlls are those tn th e \\Ot UH \("nlll' l ' ( I' LIth ~h n ll wo ' ha\" \t t l l t ,,· t g() wn In her ward robe. anti more If 'l'bo di HtrCHS WM o f tOil @ {lrent t hnt I 'e n lie ." rende ring of whlcb men and womlln h Ing SlIr e of mutllal n!Tec l lon . e x· A t IlS. In H trr,p l ~ rt) In ~ : coultl bardly h~ar il .. nml UII:rfrCljllcnt IKI $sllJle. Th e mo del he re s hown I ~ p,,,1 vi At 'a no ther fire the com pliny. nssemIlre ennoble d he Is a public bonoracl or, press their minds wttIl a "an dor th at Th"" tllI~ too c' hnry ole nt bolc billg "pells w ero very nt th ~ l r !.r:d ~ f: may wOllud th e se us illve ul1d lea\' o exce ll ent style. bled HtHI llu atlly by menu. ~ I n a n \lnllghte d vlll tlgQ or t ile dislIgrcc llule , t.oo. Ibut tr Ihey aro those by which meu \" Ili , ,- II o ur m~:-It Jt QVI'r , un co mtortab l e memo ries. trllllinlu g nsed IlIUY be wado t.o suit Inn e. hud no IUllt erD s . aud In 0. dark, I hll ve An d t)'·~ tuo s wift o ur r lH l! l !o( 1<1 F " t> .. lily tloctnr's me.licinoR gavo me Ii ttl 0 a nd woDien are corrupte d and d e- kno\\' n fnmllles IIIIUO"t nil )' fI g ure. who we re u,' \'e r hnpp), S n n ll nOI r1r> rl~C I t.lh;t(" O\ Pr. lIess Ilecllcnc ll by a thi ck amoke as y et It ts of soft es t r elid lIud it WM lI ot ulltil I tried Dr . !GTlIded he Is a malefac tor. The money when separat ed . tho ug h they Th f' 11 h u n rl F tha t \\-I)uh Will l n inlll N' Pink Pill. chllt I fonll" n cnro. o t 11 (1 II ~ IH tlfl; pate- blue ' relle de chin e IlIilll o o\·e. unlighte d by fl olD e. were b elpless ly were nl· 'V h~ r(' ~ t(J C:4 \\"~ r (' !h lt k 1fl l· U IIlh.· ! It hat goes Into circulati on through the wny8 ",retchetl wh.m LOgAt hrr. I nrom · \ViLbin tim'" "' I'el{s n deciel ·tI i",provo dll iu Chtna wondel'l Nllk n . g w A h at tl chu they II l'faIlgc· could do. IJml 1' !ltt'f' " hili l1hl h . Wi ll ~Nlttl r t\ 1J \\ PI',. ,debaucb lng of men and womOD bad pat lhllily at ItlslI.Jslt lon mo), worl' di s· 0 11l \h llI en t at th o sho ulders relle\'e. Ih e Fe · IlI Ollt WIlS lIuti cabin. 'I'bo bolchiug whero to ma ke th eir attack . Su~denl,. o n ' u r p\ Uo \\' ~d Mi llm tll " spoils wero les" f ... ·qu e"t, th o puiuN better be kept out of clrculaU on. •• • 1I.8t er to dorncsll c Ilcnce, whell cv r y· verity or II clos -lIttlng wIIl s t. HIHt th e tbroul'lh " tongue of H'I ckerlng red shot lip fr o ro IIIV hody wrm 1I0t so 1 (r ll' II .!. JlI'rt'l m ll l' I' h o th I h01 1 un d 1.. te nse, croBsed t Is not the moat common tblng tor a ood)' conce rned 18 htgh .mln ded nIHI RW"''' t lmn,ls he s molll 1Il1 l)' be pll\ced Ilt un.! m y fllo,l W[IS r otnin ell "lid "rt orintllking ering bui ldi ng. nnd tho Hr 9": n · lov(> II' (m S l ror g t \· l n~. h ono rohle. A good man IJOlnt may hll\'e destretl. me n, with u shout, prepared to turn man to go suddenl y down from mlla Fihn ul d \ u k. · thr. t ' Ufll('l'Il h'~~OIL h n t11f'delle nlllll g on II'h elll e, th e )lill. fllr 1\ fe w \\' ec1,~ IIllI gl'\' I fou ud th e pe rsoll ts lon g or s hort wIlI~te" . Ihllt I WIl K Illtogeth m' fr 'u f r.oUl tbo IH' J'u(i C'n l w llh Ih (' lI\'III~, I he h os ~ upon It. 'I'ho calltaln grnllbe.1 1I0nairis m t.o beggary wltbout InOlcl- knllck at pu t.ling hi s foot. clums ily T O-fla y'" 1'(~ ' ~rl:' ~H ,-. tJ 'r hll ko - m :, \ :-.1\·8tou t o r thtn. Hand embroid ery udurns mi series I bl\d so Ion,:: ~ n(fol' ...l . " the nearest tl re-figh te r and j erked him Ing some serious moral InJury on other where It behoo\'e s htm to t r eA d deli· O ur- hlln d lna:; '1' Ilr", t o- In U I'f(l W , ~ately. Bnd a good woman mny have Evrry dY"Jle ptio ~h (\Illtl fI 'llIl .. Whl\e tho front of t he sk irt, th o s hu des tnd ~ lind th e nozz le ho was Illrectin g vIa, 'rtn·rf p UI I(' II(,"', 1" '<" wh, '1l k. ' ,· ":- 1 f"IIo: ~ people In the Pa:oceas. If b e has spen.t a trIck ot flying olt the handl e on ton~8 of· pink 1\1d oll"e; but thi s e lau· to Eat nlld How til Ellt. " WI'ito t,h e Dr. le ntly ns lde. M I\ )' \\' Ilel u. n ullw l e.... " ,.: o n (l\\ . • million dollars on reckless and son- IIlIght occas ion . When WtllillmH Modioill O 00., Soh~uectudy, s uch opposlt o orn llon may be di s pensed with 01 .. 'Ere. you 1unk'e'd ," he s houted. 'TI'l t'AM)' 10 beo g CIlI If> w hell ilual Indulgen ces, he has dOlle a 'VWlt 10rces exi s t In a hom e. there IK bratdlng ot nnrro w galton subst It \I ted. N, Y., for 1\ froe copy. groat "'Old 'ard! U rou wasll't go ln' to pu: Lt'o tI1'P- ~Il (!n('tl tz hum " ~ ollr f h om o r, amount of ~arm to th!l! boon oompalD- n eed to rememlJ er Ihe pith or th e old An ::! "IH')' t Th e " Iee \'c. 1\1'0 mere ]lurrs. vel'y be· ou t tho honty hght we' \,e gal to see tbo o dfftc t.'rn th t..· t)P!"l Ions he bas gathered about him, lind to prove rb . It talies twe to mak e R QUllrThrough m e m o r y'" myttt h: Il ln lu for: co ming to th e wOlllnn with u pretty l'EOPLE IN PASSIN G. fire by! " LSut w hfl' It \\'4>re Tel. to r l hN> u n d 0 1\ ' tbe lIIulUtud e he has elIIjlloye d 'WIth urm. At t he burtllng o f a large barn all' E r e 10 \' .' If! Plll'J t torgl\'lng , The wlsesl ot men tleclared that 0. 1' 0 I.ll k (' lh (> Mias Carollno Mnrclnl or SevIlle. his money, to minlaler to hill appe-' oth er village chief was so Intent on Another loyel )' prlnr.ess was brougbl t nacr Irfut on h om('personal ly getting out the livestock. ae Il n t l ~n l with tho 1I\'l ng . \0 Ollr no ti ce, olle of IIllve me nt gray I!!pat n. who ts one of the bes t I{nown IItea and tallies. One IIIilUon ·of dol- Boft answer IlIrnelh away .... rath. As 8 ICO p)'rISI I' . 1900. b)' J O• • I.h U. Ho ,,·I ,·") that he Inft lho 1I0ndu ct of the tlgh ~ vclvet ub. ulut<'t y unlrtmm ed. , ' t1ere women In that country. Is In Amerlc .. lars put where It will do the most Tu1e tbl8 II a verity. But there are exceptio ns. In ce'r taln mOOd s. a soft again s t th e Ore eutlrely to ht s suwr wa s no brea k from uer k to Imln. but In the Interesl or tbe Inlero ll lion ul 111barm, c;a n do a vast aIllOUJIL of .mls'answe r Is an Irritant. an aggra vation dlnates, wbo 'w ere sadly III need or dltb e lo ng lin es no w CO lls tdl'red destrll- .lltut e League. A NEWSPAPER HOLDER_ "h lef In any commuu Us_" et the previou s offense. an(1 Its etrect Mrs. Nan seo, tbe wire ot the ex plo rrecLlon. On being romonst rated wltb . ble. A squlll'e yok e ur Iri s h crochet 'Is that ot it. t1rebrnn d lipan dry stuD' Th~ Mater il\1 Used Sbould lace qu ite dee[J. rell ved t he p;rnyneG s, er. I. a . Inger or nato. Her fa the r W ll~ One JlaD Power. Be Strong. be declnred, excitedl y: "Drnt tb e o ld bltrn! Let ber burn! and pass tng over the should rs were II toolog ls t. bel' mother ~ stster o f th ~ LIke Fi rm Se, ge or Cloth . for The aondltloDli ot ll11ve 'tadeed lIvolved a pecuUar sam of oneShe's half gon.e. anyway. But tbe crItslIspend ers of btacl, velvet fllSlonln g Norweg Ian Iloe t Wei have n. nnd her While men and women co ntlnlle This. Caae. . -w'bat they are. t e rs are crlttElrs. anti pork Is pork. and Imperfe ct. w\U, sll ver buckles. It wns a chll rm· bro lh e r , Ernest Su\'e. Is a professo r e. man ·power In public aJlalrs , and bave there will never buman be unbroke n serenity Ing combln atlon-lh e gray velvet. ri ch bls tory In tbe lmh'crsi ty 01 Cbr18UA "ery firm se rge o r cloth . hoilid he Sammy Tottle's mast-fed bacon Is t hn drawn Into political ute a f&mlltar and entire agre\lme nt In any homo un- nscll for thi best In t.hree counttes . and 'f YO\l don't cr en my Illce, bll\ck \'elvet li ght n od anla. s holder. th Iype of the masterf ul mR'D. Such 'ls e Illite I' Is besl. A GRA CEl"U L PRtNCESS. the 8\1n. An old gentlem an once look out 'twill be all frizzled up to 'Wal ter Wellmn n, tho newspaper co rwith th e lOuell or silver. a pkture tn :IS the scullopc d edg swi ll IIflt tray Lbe party bol" ~bo enjoys power, .and boasted . that Ire had gether to o nc·et. a nd nobody' s t.ongup. But tlw t'O lurlng Is beautlfu l, not gar- Itsetr. It would be beautltu lived with hi s wife Ir tb ey nrc le tt jllst r esponn ent wbo AClYS ho wtll try to g~ l for rut. uot bllttonn '11'0' • certain. mllA8'lll'e of dJ.BUncUon. mhe 60 yeara, and they get a t aste or ·It. Never you mind the Is h. lind let liS weIcollie tt . let ' the man wi t h white balr or tur had nove r had a dlf- holot1. \I tl nrk· 10 U,e nortb pole wllh an a irshIp, !Dechan llm of &V~1Dent, saYB .a ference of opinion. Ore, men ; turn to und haul out tbem s treeLS bloom !I Ke \'erttabte pos y beds. ha trell Wom[11I ot n ~ Iear hrok e his leg In ono of hIs d nshes I., A s t1'Ulghl. pallor. strip ele"en tuches wide pigs!" writer In Atlantk , 18 ., unwleld ly tbat Il 18 dtm cutt to say whut Is th e tas h"Vera pralaew orthy." commen ted a nnti 28 In cbes long Is . Thl . rea lly ts a scnson wb er e ono th e ]IOl e. HII fell Iota a cr ev ice In thfl lIud : IL Is jointhole who lI'e wfihbl 'Qa:Anot contltol rplaJn'8p oken ScottIsh lonubl e . tllttle. (h ere Is s uch a variety may take nn ol d-tas friend, "but very ed rou nd like II roller-to wel. aod Is athton ed fro ck und Ice ond bus limped painfull y eve~ It; hence there 1L,.. 4ePelop ed he boss, monoton ous." to choose from ; 0110 mn)' wenr a mllk e It oyer with little tl'ouble und since. Anotber man (·om· laclle.I (0 Q strip of bamboo a bout 18 THE SICILY ISLAN . OF D who manapa tbe apJIUOtUB ,trom wlth. ']Ilacent ly asse rted chapeau Wllh nult II d'ozen colors rlot-\ SlItlsfac tory result . Ernst L IssieI'. a comp()Bltor 00 t!ltt that he had dw elt Study ca refu lly tb~ In harmony with his In It Is Found the IntenlUl .cation of Ing tb e reon. or one may k ee p strictly Itn ~s approv ed ns tR ~ hlollable, and tbon Trltiune " a Ge rman popel' or L.uvonout_ Tbla canoot be done ~Ilhont sRIII, areat many )'ears. belter hal! ror a to otl e "U sbe preters tone. We (ielcrlbe two lhnt go to work: hove n ran son,. bly s hort worth. l<Cln" clalws to be the 0lde8t All That Is Truly 8brewdnetlB, uwprJ se and other auch red aod r prefer Illus trat e thi s polnl. One Is a ve rr s bo uld e r. the bleevcs blue." he e"plalne d, me re purrs and printer In polot of contln\lo us servlz(! IWlan. Qua1Jtlea neede41 01' .&I1)' ,career of lead- "we alwaY8 settle fin e bl ack chIp bat. It s malllsb nITalr stan ding out pre tty lIle mlltter by comwell at the shoul- in the co\lntry. He began to leurn the el'Bblp. But it A:aus .aI8o .tor method& promisi ng onjthe blue." An obviousl y There I1re selme lands wblch have al- round oS to brim and with It .lrown on del'. the wais t ltn . lit tbo most becom· trnde In 'I'nrmslI;k , Gerronn y. 65 yea." distaste ful ... ~ghttol"Ward and eaay metbod this was, If a wire were ways laid a sllell lIpon tne mind , upoo the cone-sha ped order. It Is trimmed Ing length for your pnrtleul nr IIgnr~. AgO nnd has har cll)' mtssed a worl,i n ~ blah-mi nded '- ' y.our boBS Is Indeed ready to secrlHce her own desire und the Imagina tIon, upon the heur :.. with a loose band- somethi ng more lbe s kIrt a t leas t touchtng . It tbe dreS8 lIny since. Mr. Lelasler hna becn I D ,. not alway. . . bJ4Idt 1M be.lo palnt.eli; errace her own Individu Greece, above all othe r countrie s, hn.> thn n a wrent h obtains Wl s season- of ts ror evening. And use any ltttle thIs country 62 years. ality . A long tbere a1'e' poUtllcal macblnl 8ts entllileil:..i course of It would WlIlIaID WeIdm a n Landle, A. M., entrance d the mind, writes William lov ely htul) bllr o ~ ells : t heso flre tly Hcraps ot good tace nnd rlbllon you 8pell the most rea· i.e. oyr respeCt. But .the role Is after s\lIlable of busband s and make ibm Sharp 10 " Ttw Oarllen of the Sun." U flower s ru ll fJ\'er t he bn el! a t one s tde may have, for t rimming to-day s e mE profes60 r of mathema tics 10 Dlncklr. terribly selt-opln lonated, or were I ho Century . Tbe ImagIn a tion has ever rar c1p WD ou th e hnlr. n s howe r at btos- !:o llncte(I from the scrap basl{et- a hit 1i00 col\ege, ell rll s lo, Po., hus . I.> ~cn adall an underha nd .one,.a clreumv entlng pendulu m to awing lhe other way, nnd loved the east-Eg l' pt. tbe Indies, for- soms. Gra y- bille rIb bo n ts purred and of th ts. a da sh or that. mitted to me mber ship In tb o maUleof the avowed ,plan .and Intont of the th e wife forever have the Onal deel· gotten Aslu. the almost us mYHterloll l m ullcal circle of Pnlermo . Italy. In reegeneral ,'viiI. tt' attrlleta ,Ule unscwu- slon. It woultl tnrn the swcc test of <'gnillon of his nttalnme Dts tn ~h e scIAsia of to-d a>\ For most of liS. the pulou., : and eve'; ,the well.lnl ent!oned women Into a tyrant at the hearth. en c of math ema tI cs. It t8 Lb e .... oe; bome-I a nd ts t hl' country of the bear.: man. who euayB It:1lDdS ,1rlDi8elf alllW8t Fairnes s compels tbe conclusi on lhat Pu t YOllr clot hes on rl ght. Wben preOlenL A whtle ngo tbey guve us f'x c hls l\'c soclet)' et Its kInd ' In We for many, It may be, It 1lI Pales tine. jnevl\.ab ly ImpeUed ,to Hght the devil two or morn grown pe r sons sbeltere d where 'was lig bted the Ore nt ",hlen YOll b\ly a 'o rse t hu ve Ii tilt ed to your enormol l s g ilt safe ty-pins. but we did worltl, nud 11Il membe rs htp number, ,· with fire. ' Not d.ntNlIlUenUy maIl un~er · the same root. cannot In varlab,y the he:nlll ofl incalcul a ble millions no.., figure. T here a r e fln e co r ~ e t ~ mnde t o not tllin k v r)' m uc h or t hem. Recellt- ( 00. who baa aCbleYad. 8UCCCSB.. as a leader think alllle. still warmed . Olb ers are content (0 order. lIut I hose eus l a l)rellY pe nn y. Iy we sa \V u be tie r contl'Il'n nee on ,l onE The Rmnll ost nnd amoDg tho most ot IndUStry turns to political activity. Nor would It be desirahl e tb at they any. 'I\'ltb Emet'llo n In the lin e essny on ond 1l1l1e!3s YOI.] h u \'{~ n very p e ullar t hat r.nn be reco rumend ed over the flnt eOlclent constable In Indiana III J a me:t He then u8ualW becomes the manlpu. A stagnan t pool Is a menace "Herois m," ",,'hnt cou ntry is the ta lr- torm Ind Ild you need no t strive or 1110. whl 'h I. hartl on the hul r nnd. In H . Vln cen.t ot Boon\' tlle, who on 8 to bealth. RunnIng wllter. foamIng CONVENIE1'lT RE CEPT ACt.E. est wbl ch Is I,nb a blte d DY the nobl es t cn r ll ror t 1,ls !uxllry. No nm llc r now ver y wlntly wenther . not to be depe nd- pinch ca n s tretch htmself to four tee~ lator and mutoer .of .the party macblne , Ilve r the rocks, Is a pledge of wholeminds." Dut, nbove nil other lands. mu r h th e bOd ice Is d ralled or bloused. etl ou. 'fhe 0116 we rete I' to Is Il s trong six Inch es. his weight being 98 pound6 followin g alm'oat of 'llecosslt y tbe fIl- some life In tire locality. inches In ' le ngth: ODe sIde Is emA stlrless there Is one whleb ha.s Qt once 1m· tt ,. neces"u ry to havo the toundatl on smoOl h hlllr pin of s \lv er. wid er aud notl bls age 41 years. On more thaS mlllllr metboda iIJf.' Intrigue , bargain, day , when no b.reeze blows, Is less stlm- broidere d wtth some llold desll:n. nnd pressed th e m ind. lo nger than the ortllnary ba lr]lln : it one ol;ens ton he has shown htmYolt tJ) th e Imaglna tton and uppr ox lmnt ely rlglH. omce-mo ngel'lq, llIlber)'. The ahle ulatlng than a duy when the wInds n scroll bea rin g th wor d " pallers." Ole heart of ""eslern peopl Th" bod lrt'! 'Ie l'e Ill s pluy II Is ono fits In 1\ s tive r cat 'lI es. When:l man of the higher type .Is )DOt drawn hold a jubilee. Moveme sewed on either be possosse d ot Iron nervr. During hili A lIacbed to tbe bllJ).lh('l('I is 001'11 whl 'b nt. progress ion, f.. mou~ poet declared that on his b ea rt au ullted to II tlgllrc wDntlng cu ,·\·es. th e sid e Ihe hut, ;'lnd Is s imply pus hed en recr us consts blo he h3& made ovor to such oolnKS,w.h1le on ;tbO<.Other band eTen trl.c tlon o{ th baugH "OWI1 ,,1'I1.h ~he1i .. d ends ea.:h would be fOlln d e right kInd. tenol 300 urrests aud bas enly been kDOel,ell engra ven the word lillie \,e l",·t bolero k Indly hid es defi - thro ugh thIs an,1 Into the hall'. tbe comPllU tlon In the unsavor y work side ,and Is carried across to form a develop ment of the 11l1est. ty-pe. Italy, the "ords voiced the erooUon ot clencl. s. The go wn Is a hlg h-necl{ed With the presc\lt milliner y styles tho clown once. ball '" demoral42.l~ IIlrec~ on .tbose "'00 loop I,)' which to suspend the holder. But people may diller wlthollt blcka ml1tttbld e III every co\lntry at Ell' eve nin g tlress, s ll ~ h comfort to h""e hulr mu sl be Hurred out co neldera bl v Roy Dart. 0. student at tbe Univers IItrlve for poll.tlcal ,po_T. At many fancy-w ork shops tbe rope and In tile great erlng and Oghllng . They may unorthern oonU- among one's slocl" nnct Rulta ble ror smooth. neat tresses do not ob tnln ns'~ ty or MInneso ta. haa been blind for press them selves "trongly wi tlrout III' holders can be pnrcb. -1 ready traced few years ago. Loos e waves a re mu ch yenrs. but PUrBlle& his studies by proxy. nen t o"er sea. Beralli n Rewllrd ed. ng pain. 'I'h ey may cilntlnuo 10 for .... urkl ng, !lOd nil .read), mounted . '1'0 . - Sicily-t he old " Uarden of thll bCller thun s tiff crlnl<llo g . and one doIng hIs writing on 0. Iypewrlt l!r Every orie bas lleard of .tbe youtb nk dllterent ly. and y et \I~e In tran- Th ey are really \'ery cOnveni ent, us SIIn." us tbe p:::etB bave loved to call I~ s hould avuld tf)' lnK to look like a mod- wbose keyboar d ho h88 mastere d . lil. 'Who, .bavlng found .a large sum of m.Oll- -9 ullllt y. It the:, eboollC, Uler can ba bung on wall by - Is not to see Italy, though there ma y el In a 'bolr Jresser 's window. The futh er Is StIlte Senut.or Dart of Lltclleyon tbe 8uee.t and ret urned It t.o the the eaBy-cha lr, or 00 tbe "rltl~· " It takes two to make II. qUllrrel ; fll shton tor th~ loose arrange ment er field. The young man docs not e<trry a tJlbl e. so th a t papets likely W be re- be Il measur e tOt truth In Go ethe's rorich man wbo 10llt It, was angry bl)·One can always eml It." lIlurk. Ulal oot to know Stclly Is not t'l th e hair may not Inst long; many are cane. yet be wulks about nlono wlt!t QIlIt·eo! are always bandy. cauj!e the man gnve hlm only a Quarter " 'You might oecept my J)OlItlcl!," exI<DOW Italy. In a sense one mtght exngger at!ng II to su~h an extent, pil- freedom . He Ie a clever pianist. an of.1I dollar as u It&ward lor bls.hone sty more trllly say of Slell)" tbat nol t') ated a hUHbtmd , who wus an oldIng P\llrs up mountaI n blgb; with re- expert oar8man and lalies mucb clllThOBe who are honest only .ln hope CIt rfashlon ed democrl lt. A COLLEOE SMOKER. know It Is not to know Greece. In anlief we may flee to tbe fiat mo'de again • ~bt In fi ahtng. to his wife. who .was a radIcal repllbllc an . other sense. however , we bllve In thlJl .JLLI£N OSMONU ID. reward. BIIYs Youth:s Uompan loll, de'''1 accepted )'011, lIear." she replied, Corncob Pipes, the Cards and most beautttu Protecti ng the PnHcem en. l of Islands the InlenslO.;Ve: the oonteJlUlt .of ..all de~ellt pea- -but my politIcal sentime nts aTe e.n Appropr lab!. Dec:CJt'&tlOU8 Ittak. Oahle Katie-I 'm going 10 take the baby Charm. fI, catlo. of Italy: whatm'e r Is most IUI.·ple. There are e:ven 'h eroes ,wbo . ho~ Inherita nce from my father, and I Curlolls 10 les ant told of the MIlBaI, out · In bls currlage . m$\·llw. Will I. UfO ~l Oollege ('.olora. lIun Is In' evIdenc e bere, though It Is 'for reward. 'rile .captaln of a BlJuill t' ..onlllO' cbange them one of tbe most warlike of the natlve tIlke Fldo along, to0 7 any m')re thall I Italian of the south and not of tbe ..)'a,,1 who, with rliI8 .cre.Vo!, .D8Swed tbe can cbange. the color The pla~ carda were yellow 001'11' north. What jil gulf dIvides them African trlhes. Th"y have been attackThe Lady- No. I don't think It of mye)'eB :' I~ rpaslllln gera and .ue.w of . 11. ,stmnde tl Ing the natl V88 In the German protec- would be uate, Katie. You know how "Thank Hea ven," he mllrmU'rBII. cob pipes, tied wltb block. for thla known only to those bmlllar with thl! n .eteams hlp err t:hs ·. New Jen;ey coa8t Ul t.orate with great daring, driving 'olr ho dislikes pollcemon.-- l'onkers Stales' rellnlon was coIDllOsed of eight chaps .. hole peninsu la. you baven't a vote. ,jJanuar y WIlS not..o1 .that .fIore He great herds ot cattl.. wlt.h sIngular easo. mnn. Some of \18 have no enthulilaB1ll wbo had been In n Rchool whose colors on ·the subject I1aH the attackin g force wll\ sweep SubmlU 'lne Logging . 2'lsked hIs life f,Qr ,othera, .lIwl .when 'are .l)! the honestof universa l soft'r&ge. 'Were orange nnll black. The Dawes man'a opinion. A'll. were ietteNd on Ihe bOWls In Indt.l down on a peacefUl village, engagin g In n,,1I0. The wBstefu lness ot the early lumlbe. Cal'llegl e heN J:und .commtaslo~rll If ever America n women In . . Inli. a bloody Ugbt willi the Inhabita nts "( see 10ur flame In print quite fre · bermen In Lhe weat Is ·the opportu nity ilegan to make 1IIQulrJes about .bls ellmajority , . should demand 'A 1wblle th e other hnlt will drive away th~ Q\lently of late." Tbe electric light and cnndle !\hades ~t the enterprI sing lumberm • en of toplolt, be told u-n lDot 010 .mInd blm, America n m en 11'111 havre too . were at orange. with Ogures ou tJlned lIay. A compan y . . . "rs that ao! Wb er p.?" herds. The Masat have 'a wonderf ul Incorpo rated las:. tlui. to take care .Qf .b,\s c r~w If they knllc k In the manage ment ot cat lie. A gallantr y til den), them. llnd In black. The cantlie.' lel{s were ot lu~r to engage In submurl "In tbe telephol\e book."-o fiollston ne log~18hed til reward aD,7.ane,; .thJln .1f anyPost. BIGH-I'E CKJi:D Ii:VItNING DRESS. of us antiCipa te that any frl~t- bluc k wrough vhN'. . ging In Germnn various rIvera 6flYS at Michiga Wat a n. single Il Masal rt.bLug, 'WU lert, aad ,UulY insIsted , they 'ful domeaU c calamttl Is often able to coax behind him a whole 'I'he walls were decorut'ed wltb 1101- was unnounc ed lately that from es wtll enme a deep afternoo ll "ear, 100. It Is mode at ~iht do 8Ometh lq; fo.r hIs HtUe bo:l . ,tram that caURe. old- : herd of cattle by lightly wblBtlln g and lege lIags nnd PIll nnnts. and ou the hole In' tbe bend of one rtver a 600'" roge cnshmer e, <.Ir very line guallty, lU ... result of thMI ="lnct ng proof FOOD HELPS the i tapping with bls spear agaln8t bls buge Commo n sense and mul\lal good feel- wlndow-!iC31S the:-e wa s U )llIe of 1'01- equipped wllb a crane bad fished out trimmin g Is \'ell'et or a darker snode I sbleld. lege pill ows. af..llla heroic QuallUe11, .the ,cnmmLsslor.- lIng. with d\le regard . aoo,ooo teet of lumber. 'fhe ManlstM I\Jld HOnle Ivory-tin for tire errect of In Manage ment of a B.. lL Quanels upon tho children ted lace. A sheer fOol' t he DCla,lon oran ge cheesecl oth river is suld teo be paved ... 111 USIla.!~V8 glvsn him Jd,,iIlO .to JlllY orr W~ I)' .prevent wttb logs of cbemlse tle Is lined wlht chltron, whlcb dIstress ing sQualibl es In tile ~ lIrt.aln9 bad be~ n put uP. tied .... Itb pine. Speakltl '; oC food a railroad man Solflsh Thing. elm, cher"y. oak and maple for ,t does not detrnct from DIor~p on bls •. II.ame" ADd .bavo se~ hilme. tbe airiness and Hot·tem pered people are prone bron,1 band. of black and thore was Il distan ce at 200 The Rejecte d-Do yeu refuse me on lIIyS : mUea. Theae logs san!t. gives body to tne deep yoke. •.Ili,OOO for the .edu.caUon 'Ilf hlJ ' 10 say more Ihan In the account ot nil' poverty or on account "lily work puts me put In all 111nds roset! e ot the two col.)I'" tor ellclJ In s tead of Oootlng down slream tbey mean. Taet.along hll:lr may be worn a twist and knot or ot J'-O:r. And the be8t tatllre. nt .,bl.8 .lncl · l88s folk rush Into mistakes . Dilt 10Te man's buttonho le. or weatller , subject to Irregltla r hours· . myselr? "Ith the main body or tbe cut "lIe~ oll\-rose velvet. ornamen ts In the colf.!dellt!Js. that the bem Df 11 doos not Is a solvenl that prevalls The Rejectr ess-Nel tber-It' s 1\'bolly for rueals and compel. ed to eat all The menn SCT\'r.d oonslate d of oy- they were Orst rolled 10 blend tile IatO the "atAl.-. fure being now the proper thIng. ldaiuk that he dId ..,.~g .wor\.4Y of most dIverse elemenll . on my own accounL - Clevelan d kinds of food. l. aad to COli- liters on Ihe half ~hell. 'Vegetable 80Up Not only lire logs being flBhed trom tho Veils ' lII\IIlC1al.recognIUon. are to play their Pnrt In dress Leader. "For 1 years I was constan tly troubeers tea k .. wll11 lDu8hrooms. scallope d r IveI'. but slabs lire bolng ,mate the mos t obstinat e. dredgetl froUl the present season, und tbere Is . I" Speakin g of obstinacy, tho\lsan ds of potatoe.s. ma!:aron l. lobste r salad 1A tbe bottom .bled \Vllh Intltgest lon, cuused hy eatneeded ot Muskeg on lake, "here .from Bosu. sbC>.w 'lhat people CilDt\lSe It with firmn Th~ Sewing Bee. Ing heavy, tatty, starchy, grellSY, pooress. They ornnge shells. c hl'~ae. crackers . Roque- tlley were sunk yeara ago beca\lse thev a word about wbat not to get. Luge Tho penltent lnl mald en ~ce . ls given there to the Jlrodtc· fancy It they cannot dots lavl8hly sprinkle d over the fnce ly cooked toad. 8ucll as arc mest ache mO"ed from fort chee8e. apple pie aud ('(trree. had 0.0 market Her "alue. Rewtng They lire sl\we~ Ure seldom beOODlln~. hut two or tbree da." bec1n. tJ~ .Ilf ceerLaIn ambll»lU I .'JlUIlDotell6 a poSltiou . either ~ esslble to men In my bltslness hy argumen t or per· And cllRrtty .,pORes MADAME ME RRt. up Into! now and BOld at a prollt. Gen. big dote are good, ju s t mere beauty that ,tb\lY Will aoon be abl e 10 olrer suasion. that they A multitud e or 0108. erally each mea l or luncb wnb folarc showing tea· potches. A very N . Y. Will Sun . Frenchy veil IS a the .. ubllc .... \.1'Olley line Ji,IlJ'vlce frolJl aclty of purpose q,nd Spoil a Good Complex loll. lowed hy tllstress lng pains and burnCzar n.,.to"e d Watcb. strength of "'Ill .. bro,,'n cobwebb y n~t worn over a pale to an 'exlent that TIl e elltire belluty of a good complex Ing sensatlo ns In my stomach , whi ch While In MOlSCOW some time ago II Chl' to .lbe Atlantic . rjvall.qg 10 t.belr 'fellows. ()ltenIIns them aoove 100 1M HIS NATUR AL FOE. blue tulle and tWI) or three black velspoiled When It Is seen through correspo ndcnl ot the London In61.el\(1 of ftrmdestrOYe d !Dy sleep and almost uullt· Time.'! vet tlots on the lpeelS .... d". ~l!lfoTt tbat DOli' .gJ.\(1\Il .by ness, ·these people ouler veil , just enou~h ON! 111m ply Il\lIplay· a dirty vell- anll otten th(' daintIes t 01 had bls ted me tor work. lily brain wns' so po"ket pIcked of watch anll all to enhllnce tbe IiuIJl railway! !. the complex Ion. hut not 60 Ing the"tem per ot a balky horse. or ttr.. wumell forgel thllt dark veil! whIch do the mon ey he mud~y and (ogg y that It was bard for .:arrled. Tbe tlmeplec -l many as to give absurd steadfas tnflB8 or a mule Ihat not show th e dlr: tbems~lves arler btla leopl\rd appeara nce. me to disc harge my duties prollerly. wus quite valuDlble and the newspap l!r And, retuses by the til way. sllr a we step. would w~ The S1r1 .1\'bo .Plarrted a _ men tlon may be ab- Ing worn ror n Icng lime I"Jlv~ m;lrks mun made a good daal ot Me,bl\d "Tbls las ted till about a year ago, noI se abuut Ihnt the toucb 0 (. block Is the lhlng on Dever __ befQf'e proba bly' acted on sit nate In holding ful to a pr eJudIce. on tbe mco which spoils all th e etroc, q hts misadve nture. In a day or two when m~ attentio n was called to Grape. Jus~ or obstlnct o hec au 8~ r1! ove r·weantn g of ·flU!e cullure. Ine"pena lve costume s generall y. IlIId tbat brown Is veil. Cit': as he was len vlng for Dome a youn.; tJIII t.beorJ' that ~ f marriag e Is .a ~ot Nuts toed by 1\ newspap er ad. an!! r l eJr.conc elt. An abl1\1<y to see another be thro\vn away. but tbe more costlv In blgbest fashion tor veils. robes, olficer nf tbe Imp erial entourag e r~ con cluded to try It. Since then I have t ry a 10.. chan"l 1lI as good aM ~ .pel'8On·s sille or the ..t;le'1d. laces for the ~OlltS, etc. A new color to 10ilk at s hould be dillped tn odorloss cleanlog stored the missing ar~lcles. used Orap-s-N uts at. nearly every meal The ~u.r, 4ltber. ...lralra from a vl ewpe'-1 that la not Il\lId and then vigorous ly shaken ani henrtng or the robbery, bad dlrecte.] goes by the na:1I8 of "autOln oblle;" a and sometim es botween menls. We ,,'bally our own. gOCK far t<> red uce ob- !lnd )lUt to dry on tbe bed witty wotllan describe s It as a shnde of or Ironlng- the governo r of Moscow to recover the au- WU QI'OSIlng the Delara IIroad men bave little chance to pre41t1nacy to It« low elt tennc. and mllke board, slret hlng them rusty Iron wltb a strong dasb ef helioODd plnnlnr, 'XIrresponclcnt's property at all baz.are, li stood. "Bel1or s It do"n_ all'," people paro our toad In ollr caboose a And I trope In It. agreeatJ le c" mn4.,s on the duwlI the corners to the Cl!Iunterpane ards. The ve,roor sfUlt for hal! a rill~ Grape·N uts· ~I:;hty handy. for It. ""gMt 01 an aide. '1>lt dowlI!" reWe are road. glad to cbronlcl e there Is a I covering .' dozen is ready cooked. ' crimina ls and In forme' tendeocy 10 li,Pllnded 1l\IUIJ ttie Ftolbnr or Hl8 . Nete 1bat a amounts to IItfasttn dreaa skirts at one· tbem that asll they [ound Ihe wateb sJd ~ "To make f\ lotlg slory short, Grape, OQIllitr) '. .. nd. J)ta)·. y,hllt sort· Q! a t1e whtch Is wlthtlut convlctl ons. Abo\lt of. the back, nol dh'ecUy In the and money C Nuts hail made a new man O( me. t seud them to 81 mIddle; Tbe ~1i~m.. would t.\ mll.\("l" BlusblD g rl~ anll wr.antJI w e should' have JOsl· unfaaten ed placket haa berla, .-The havo no more burning distress In my s~mclent. . been OII .mllch of '8 "Orry al the hilltus \tK_ ll!.!..~buke~ i..he .iUde relOtvnd CD Un Ideas and ma intain them wtth atc:nnch , nor any other symptom .ot . IIr_ _ , About ",118stlill18 ef PoUty bet"ee.n skirt and waist, and 'needed ... DO JlIOI'$ .ath· an. Indlgest loll. t can dlcest an~ng so or OS1MIllle tolutlon ne,. 'by we an upert. · , bolild be open t. With the fllBt, as r. Grape,N litB. Inll lilY IInera a little to the aide there 1lI net wb... .tbe··. .nt.lolL arm)' petellAl len or cone_l ana from .berll, .-,Ol'ft u clear.,. aJll! aeeurat,jllT lI1\~ or DDt mll'rled . folli aSree, 80 mucb IU'IIIII 1I11/1.Ilty to IfI)fk tt ~u pelted ...tII., mud III .4n engll;lH r'1 0:., lbOIsld not: W In' !Wttll'ru4 open at JiG Did ' ......-DOW OeD. Booth; ' u . bO! Dem",. ·VOubl.. bYe dlappea rM . . .... _eep Into· tIuIU IIWeB- 'j< af'l\lt tlnW'D In hlB '\1.'0 meta .n4 dtICU8ll10lllb~_d,-en. Name 117 NtUI 10II ''''",l1l i4 illite'; ....,. wnld better .,. ".".d. ,~ All,
Wh at to Wea r and How to Wea r It
I' Ht
Coun ty Court .
IjO I 'C~.
Ellnl\! 'Shllon toll , .lr" 1IlRintifl' iu error, VB 'l'he St.ut·a of Ohio. de fa n. dltn t in ,flJ'rO I'. Error from t.he Conrt of (J.:R, WllliIlIllS, .J. P . of Bli milton townsh ip. W. A. Simont on ntld Brllnd on. Burr nn d IvonH ore n·ttor. n e"8. f~r phlilltit f. Senry Shlll",r VI! M(~r:v Ilft-on . Il:rrn.r from UOl1rt of ViI , M. Corwi n , .1 . P. of Fmnkli ll t,owns hlp . G eorgo Riohl e \'S Wlllium D. Hill. For monoy onl y, nmount nluin. ed '!lfil .an . Cillim is uusod on promla. This conAOI'y notu nnd reo t . ,109. 1'11. Bmnt ilion is a om lUO D Is ottorn ey for I)lulntlll'. ull e nud the OnUI1'J' 1' llOOE I·; OINWl . ~rouu l e is Frnnk Young VI:! J ohn Youn g . ot, mo st invariu hly d tlo to pin worms . nl. S ul o oCrell1 estlltAlllJprove !l IIn ll Ch ildren haven' t t ile s t renKrh to com .. eonllruw ll nnu lli~t,rihl1tion llllHle. bat th eir ills Ilnt i illdis;)osi tio l1s witho ut tbe uid uf s01l1e n.: l lab l c nlcd id nc. M. L . Rh en. f1l.lo nt ot.o. v~ H ool'go Bh,h op et 11.1. .Jl1llgem ont for phdn . \.in' in 811m off,6Ui .!l0. • l La.Jt a r luo J 'l'b m us A . •l ones vs Lily \Vood· wnrd Burdill g , et, nJ . Distrib ution of Illlhmce frolll sill e of r uol estllto mllde. Is no unrni li n ~:, I1nrlll1c- ss Ilnd nb solute lu ro t he estnte of ~11Irin, G. \Viltl ~ cu re f o r \\' ort n~ . !-.tol1l Hch nnd bo wel troubles , an ,\ \ an lie li M.' ''' m. freely for !lnoeusell . In tllO mntter of t ile e x· bab)' ur the hi ;:!:'cr child , us for cept,ion to I,h e I1CCOUU ts of W. F. either full grown (,)lk s. ~:lt"roth, 118 exeouto r . Vilrious ex.· If ),o llr c h i le! Sc"IllS in rlispose d, fever(J0I,t.ioul< over ruled. Excepti on Ish , frelflll . pee\'i s h. 'lilt! all oll o f sorta. ohurgin g exoouto r t o .::0.7ii in Mer · theso ure s)'nltul11 ~ o f worllls . lOlle d Ole ril fllrrn trllnsno tion nuu ~~ ·1. 74 for of DR.CAL I)\\' E LI; '; ~\,RU P PI!:PSIN
Dr. Cal dwe ll's
Syr up Pep sin
slt lu 01 t.llnl 1tJt 111 : li'rnnkl in (o\\"II:$ IIIP
.. n ~ t'1I 1Ih l tl
Lui'll lJlltllltl' in ll Kibboy
V t;
BS di rcl.:t cd , t ile dc j(:C' ll'd \.'on d itiou wiU soon g i\'1J \Va~' to h ealth nne! vigo r .
DR .C ALI ' I\'ELL' S S YRUP PEPSIN CBn bo oh la ine,1 ;11 llolll tlolla r and hall·
C hilI'
It'H (:l Kil ,I",.\, .' t III. :'itllo "IJIII''' ' 'ljl1 d olla r s i zc~ {rom all drl1g'g j~ , s . IIlld IJo nfil'lllllU Il IHl t1i ~ tl'l h\ltlUU You r m o nt'), w ill be r "(uuded if It doee 1111111 0. Dot be nefi t Y''''. Y our p ostKl c ard tf"f ln e~t will hlf nc by reta.n:a Ellni " i:ii llHlnton v,. Stllt,o of Ilhio. mall our new bl"lnkl ('1. " , JR . CA LO\VELL 'S Pl"illtif l' in UrI' flr h,, " Illllve to Iile BOOK OJ! WU N I ) /-: kS" RllI..1 lam plt) Jet JlIl!it,j,m in orror. .luclgCII llont. of those w ho hlt"t- ne ver t ried free this wODdellll l ,'ns Licll uf Pooco is sUll pelldell uoMI "mcdy. Writl' t r) ! lIl~' , the linnl detorlll ilm t iull of thuKe PEPSI PI r3YHUP CO.
Jlr oceod in g~ .
SU l1Iue l 1\1. Donr t h. Ilssigne '1 v~ Elizflhor.h A . Derlrth I!t Id . Lnba lllln Nlltilllll llB.tuic h ns IOll ve t o fil ., IIwer Imd OI'\lSII pe titioll . Frankli n Bonrd lind Pu pe r Co., vs Poru Mfg. Co. C:;se compro fllidod /Lnli dislUil!ll ec1 . .I ames H. Burton vs Chllrlos Forcl. Defondll.nt h as lel1"e t o pleud with · in thirty days. Burton, exeouto r, VI! F ord et Ill. Dnfendu nt hnl! lel1ve to plenu witll . ill Nixty dllye. &lrlll) A. Bllysor e vs Albert Dill. Joco b Pulmer is mllde IHlrt.y d efen . dOIl ~ Imd hus tbirty tillY" in whioh to pleud .
P KUU A'1'~
' , IU llT . '
MOil i(.(.!I::J , l111nola
F or Blllo IJY ·1. K JANNE Y .
fQn~1Sf blaDb to
v~ .~~~
East Third St. Dayto n, Ohio.
W e nro g rlndin J! ot'usb etl I'orn e ver y .luy.' \V (J I;mlp gr oun d foed to exo bauge if yo u h" \' 1] not. time to wllit. Ou r fl,elL ex ohnn ge is run on II toll or uUR b bu sis. If yon hn \' e uor I,r iod uur cr ullh ed corn cull uml ~en it un d y'm will ~lI y tbut it i~ the fin est fo ed y op ovc r 8U W . \ynyn lls vi llo Mi \l R.
Telephone Day or Night,
Local No, 7 Long Distance No, 69·3r WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Branch office, Hanevsburg, 0,
an Anz:t ivors:;try Sale of l\[ PII '~ a nd
M('Ii 's OJo t hing ;
I . Aptly (IOUl onstrati ll,g ill UHsortUl en t , quulity nnd jlri ce ourlend erl\hil IlS t he " Mit \] 'tar o" 01' Ih,.vt ' \/I ()"p .vell T ~eon ltl /I good ~enl Of. tlme .umler some CtI'Onm Rtunces , tlR J)coiully wh on yo u Imve ILcco mpli" hnrl ll l! r'lIIt. ·t1e:t! I II tI.·,. l'·n!; t h .. f tlll'" . We hllve been In b lls~ntlsa tU Dnyton 0 1113 yeur rml bu\'u n o r egrots to ex pre s~ . Ollr e ffon.~!n tho Pl1h\illl. fir:<t l'!"" •. 1I 1l! h·chI R:< . I I" punall~bl0 ,to re b'18 m e t WIth e .... ell mu re nplIreoitltio Ll t,IIIUl we IIf, vn xpoet ,e1. . POl'llllp s WP, Ul' ll wi".·,1' IIf'.vo"d ' >111' 0, .., .""11 1' " n t t.lI .. wl R, lnm \Y O h""o Iflll rn . etl In m~ro hlln tli " i n g i8 .1irect t own rd th o wor k in!; ou t of h ig h j,l elll s . Onr polin,\'. W I ' h" v,· c!'lrriPll O il" ill 1,1t" I"' .r. fi llll nXppot !. in the futlll'e, III " th o "qnllr A rl onl t o 1111," will provld l litll'ing t.I, i ~ ~n l o w h ich willl,, _! :J \\'(I" lc- inll1nlll n;.( :O;1I r. nl'< l" .I' ''' 'f, 'r.' F,'LRttl l'
Man 's and You ng Mal l's suit s at $9.5 0 .
Bas e Bal l Sui ts {or the
$9 50
Men. and You ng Men 's Sui ts at 12.5 0 wor th $15.
Spe cial Sal8 of boy s' suit s
$1 .9 5
150 Boys Sui ts
"No xall" Hats
W car 'Well Suits For Boys.
$4 . B5
Furni shing s. l>Ya~'
"Youno"s" Ce'le brate d Hats ~
Spec ial' An nive rsary Sale of Hats
for " Ll~tl e lnd itln Oollurs. " '1'lley' re tho r All ul a r 1uo kind . GO t:!>Jzen m on's nnu y oung men's BBt!! Rhn.pOR final YOll lIlust buy two of th tlse col · usun l :10 . fl O kind . ~Il ni ve r snry sale pri ce only Siok helltlll (ll,e r"sull from 'I de lurs for 250. I1nd we will m o ke rttug c lll oli t IIf th e ,s tolnac h und is you /L present our!Jd bv Chlllll lterluill '" titOJllnOh ·15c 36 dozen of 811 extra on e. 8mll rt New EBster nnd Li v;,I' '1',d,lut8 . ::;" Id by F C Tie~.llo s iti vl'ly wltd e to be retlliled ::)eh""lr ! ", for 'jGc. 4;'0 5 c Me n 's Pure Egyptia n Oom bed Yllrn Underw ear, r egular [I \J~ values. 120 Men's 250 Boston IJllrter s, 20 and 22 This Is oue of t h e hundre d s of bIg snups. 80 I.Jhildre u '.. H \lse. worth 250. . - - - - -••- - - - - - , sizes 5 to (l X, small sizes only. Th e power th a t t:ivcs y ou 250 100 do~.en swell new Ellster Ties, equill to uny fiOo Tie sold . life and m o tion is tile n e rve 23c Men's Funey Colored Sprm g force, or li eI' ve fl uid, lo cat ed in Underw ea r, I\bout half the regu· the n er ve . cells of the brain, Inr yalu~. and se nt out throug h the 400 1:l0 dOl\en 1'I16n's New Spring ne rves to t h e variolls o rg-ans. Shirls , sold In mnny stores nt 75c . 1£ YOll are tireu , n ervous. t o $1.00 irritabl e. can not sleep; h ave lIio Gonuill e "8hll\vk n it" Mon's 250 Hose (lst qUlllity ) to select from . h eadache , f eel stuiTy, uull a nd 180 a60 dOI<"n Mell's 2fio nnd 350 m ela n ch o ly. or hav e n eural gia, HORO; wo bought this lot 'lt IL 8I!.V. rh eumati sm, backac he, periIng . 0 0 11 't miSll this barg"in . odical pains, indi ges tion, dys· 19u :120 !lo;o:en Men's 250 Lisle 80sp ep ia , s tomach t ro uble, or the penderI ' . 'fhey' re equal t o Illany ki dneys and li ver are inactive , that ur e sold for fiOo elsewhere . YOll r life-cu rrent is weak. :lge 75 d ozell Men's Fine New 500 Power- produc in g f ue l i s need· tiuspeud ers. only one to u OIlSto· ed ; someth ing to increa s c nerve m er . (i3c I'I1l'lI 'S Bntellte d 1. 00 Self Open . en e rgy~s tr e ngth e n the n er ves. ing Umbrel lllB, only one to a on s Dr. M il l'S' Rest o rative N er. tO IUOr. vine is the fuel you n eed. It fecds the nerv es, produc es nerve CHIL DREN 'S DEPA RTforce, and restore s vitality .
$3 .50
Crush ed Corn.
............. .. ........ .
20 2~
b'l'OIlE E'lLLED T O O VI!."1U'L OW · I NU W1TH GRAND ASSOH 'l'. MEN'l' OF NEW 'LOTH E!:,:, ' UNI't--;. AND FURN1 SBINli S. 'l'hOlll!lllIds of Peopl e will Crowu TlJiR I:)tore During the Grn nd Eo~to r till le. Men 's Suits at $15 and $16·5 0 GOLD BOND COU PONS FREE Wort h .$20 a n e! j;.2S. , . Wor th ,12';,0, mnde of filU CY \\' o r 8tud~. Wl'l'B EVERY PURUB AI:)E Ber(! bo!( s i~ \\" h J't: we t' 11 111ll liftl" " \\I I ~ I ll f . r' eus8j lll ore.~ IIl1d Me r ges eith e!' ~ in g l o o r d onl)lo iflO ~Ien's El1steJ' Top COllts Speolal Con i~t.itl ~ of' B\OtlA." Hl o" lll l\r~. Belt · Ilnd brooste d nnd nil wool Seot·o b elTeot. iu t11i ~ Y0l1 11l0 r ChU IIlJi SI1 t·h llt III',· "I' tIt, · V'"'." )', ·,t, en l' W(I1·t!l $ l. flO fnr Illg se ll ing of 011 0 hundre d IInu 1i0e d ul'ill ~ our lilln! . fif t y con t s. Eq uul t·o Imy *L 5 'fop sCllson 's Ill.test Unt. uotlllllly worth *12. 00. import,~{l \Vor~tudfol nn d E& t'l' ~f'l:' :-It l' l l' r, I~' I ' " ... tl 1111 "''''HR r y sn Ie'. prll\'i rlh' ~ h e Ilt1 y" his Elll<tCl' In 1l elp, hll"(l f ollpu r, () lI it, , ~ UIlt! 11iI 1I.d 1n 'II (Ju uttl ~o ld In l>uyt oll . I,. Anlliv enmry Hill e price " nit H of 11 8 $2':,0 80e th em in t.h fl window (8coond Fl oor . ) Imt.t<>n h(l leR nt :I: Ii, lind $ 11; :;0 :1;( 2 M l' n'~ IlIlIId,.o UJ e 1I0W hnnd · mIll"'. i!:tI:;ter 'f0l! Uouts. most 010· guilt, Im u ever " lllJw n in Dnytoll Annivarsa:r~ T op Coats and Rain CO'Its OUllcl t4l ilor Mwould nMk you double t LIM pri cu. From $7.50 to $22.5 {) (::;0000(1 F loor. ) 20() R,,:vs ilnublo l>r (ln ~ted snits IIg6l. 7 to \Vtt,lwll t ,\11 t!'1llll1 f ,1' II\ltlc P. Kf" I" IIn ri $ t 5 MUll '" Fine 'l'ui1or· M I~ll e Top At thi" pri ce w li 111'0 o f1'orin~ som e hi g h I i, Ij in hlllo.,' CII !!Rinlf ' r~ , Illl1ln hlnck or blue nnlit y. fr om t h o <lnli nn r y em. "nin ' "".11 til COll \ " . li g\!t tUld ua rk oolors med· 0lu s8 llI erc blllll1i~ e of morit In nil tho now t h n '1II 0"!, ,' xlm,,<ivo Nt.y ln~ of J<;tI~l i" lI <:tH. r \t !·vio t R. w"l'l·h $2,.0 n nIl $ 3 00, Anni ve r iUIl! Imd sh or t le ngths . Alfred tints 1~lld kinds Belljum ill o ,Ill Co 's flnest lI1ukes. in uhHling th o III! HIl le lin od T op COli !.. An r .,' ~ 't1n prien EIJ uul to cus tom millIe 0011 tl! nt dOll ble thi ~ price. MUll ',; Euster I:)uite , lI10re thllll three hUlldred n ew 1,utterll B to select fro m Po~ it o v e l y eqlllll to the *15 Suits GO II!!iHtl n g of blno !!or~C!I, eheviot s. wor~ t (,II~, ' (, uR~i Ill OI'I'" RIIII "Isc wllllre .. ........... . .. ..... .. ... ...... IHO Scot ches . ,,',Llues run go ~·I 25 lind ' ·1. !i0. Annive rsllry Ralfl MUIl 't; Ea st er ::illit a, every new pllt 1n nn~' (lnl l'r. ~ltnllO nnn st y lo flq llltl to uny $3.00 terll, u II c ut in thll lI ew spring s b"pt· ~ Un ltcll S ~lltA~ f ill' ouly I:) ui ts thut ure positive ly soltl fu r if15 to ,1 8 ols e wher e .... .. ljI1 2 A !fred Benjllln ine & Co new Easter SUIts, 1111 cor r llCI- . nobby pattern s Mnd o of nil wo ol lIlutor.inl , doublo sont nnd kn op, I'egulnr IluI.OG '\1111 sh owll III t his flne lille. Cornple ttl ,(LilO g oods.. Annivor8[Lr~' lill Ie price onl.v stock t o ch oose from nt one·hal f . III II lie· t.o ord er prices .. .. ..... .. ..... .. * 1&
- --
~elebl:ati~g Our F i.1'st Birth day "Y~th
g " t."te of Burry I:ilmrll nt ul min · ors . First .. lid fluIII uCouuu t fur Hut t lement fil l-'1l. E ~ t.rt to of Hollert B Corwin do· 000\0<1. It . G. (;"r wlll l\ppnint·ud lid · mlnlstr ntor with a buod of ~1000 W . E. ~:lnbill , F . 1\1. HUlllilt on. jr. lind F . M. Connin ghulIl , uPI)mis ers . 10 r e will Martha Roukhil l d eoent;· OIl. W ill' aduJl tted to Jlrobn.te . EMtn.te of Martb" Rookhil l , de cellRoel. C. 8. Ro o k~dlllliJP 'J in tClI ex· ocutor. J ulll e~ Follen. W . O. Turton alld R ob ort.1 tihllwhl lll upprnl ijer s . Eitute!l for settlem en t; Will B . Dllt,t, dece u~etl Rt'oond, ,nul fin lll ne· oonllt : Rac h el M . Hudde n . u eeeuseJ first And flllltl ; \ VIlt. ,' onu~, deeensl' u fir~ t nnel flnnl rlCcollll t ; Ch UI10 \VI1t·h de ce ll ~e u . lialll llocoun t ; SIITlluel W . ROIlA r!!, dllCCU80 d fonrth lI.c count, ; Alice UOtU~toc k, cl eoen ~cd , firs t and fillnl /lccoun t. ,I oho \'1 . ·J.'boTllpBo n. c1ecoese d, fillu I neoou n t ; Annio KnftpP, irnheoil e, tillnl ue oount ; Enllllll Knllppc lcotlllllUl I. t hird IICCOtlll t . 11\ re will Geo. W . Dunneg an , d e· 001180<1 Will admitt eu to Ilrohll,te . In re Bourd of Uounty Vis i tor t!. Mrs. Jllne 6 , Bun ter und Rev. J . R. Hunter WElrElllppolllt ed 011 th c a bovo , Bollrd for threo yo,us. Mrs . Lucy B Cor ye ll Anu Alldrew tihillll) for two years, nnd Mrl'. Nellie B Eltzrot h IlDd l:!uTllucl C. Kert!ey for oue yeu r . MEN T OFfE RING S. E~ tute of Mary B . Hula. docellse d. R~~~n,,~ ~~\~n~k~~~ ~ntl~~'~~ls~ Proof of publica tIOn of noMce of P il i. I "''''' confined t o m y bcd. Speci al $3.50 ' had Dever e nen'oua 8Poll8, th e r es ultI appolnt ment 'o f IIdmlnl strutor filod. or two y onTS lllneB8 with m a lnrla. [ *:1 r,n L.()OO Childt'nn'~ S nits , mnde 'I n r e Frunk Maddoo k I\n ulleged grndurul y grow 80 .... eak thnt 1 was with Oll e puir of Bl oolller Pants inslllle ImrAon. IIdmitted to t h e·e ~~J~,~~~nt~ B~\~ll~P. col~heCl~lfl~1.19 n~~u11 uUllull extrll puir qf pltlill pllnts. A sylum' At Dllytoll . 'Would becom e we-ak and elmo!'t holpI C~R. My cl r c ulntlon WII~ poor. A r, 00 b urguin for :l 50. I In r e el!tate of Willillm Burt,on, R oll AI' I:)kntes Freo to Boys. ~n~ k :r.°c~n~~ ..~~~.~~r.'110~~o b~ c ~rn': djlOO(! !jotl . Olle of the eXI'oul ors St' Nn",1 t o t' trcnl':'tbe n m e r ll;ht nwn y hBving died. II. r o·inven tory . 1\11(1 niH. ljIfl. OO. Childron 'H Sni t ~ . hlllldso me my c lrculatlou w u.s lJ e tt~ r. I hnY8' tnk en In a ll aoven b01tle8 ot tho ILpprlll~ e m ent Illlow ed . /l O W ll1Lt,tt'rll ~, POllts ronde with ,IIIuI>I" Reut I1n d kn ee, 11, 7.00 vlllue E.~tutll of Honry VOJtol. dlll)ousc d. l-Ic ~~g~;\ nE\~ Mi.~~EWc~vlu~~I~:· l a. Flri't lIud fln,d IIcooun t. fror sottle· II t r.,oo. O r. Mlle.' Nel'Vlno I. lold by you • . monttU ou . BI1Be BullM lind Bats Free to Boys. ~~~~~~~ ! I: ~~llw~~n~M~.r·r:el~ ~~rl~, t~: EsttLt.e of J . Shllpso n, docOllsed . 25 . Chi ldren 's Ea~ter Suit.a, in will refund your money. First nud 11nol I~cco nnt ' fur settle . Mile!' Medica n e w double bretlste d styles: plen . l Co., '€lkhar t, Ind ment flied . ty of better grl1des to seleot from ILt 2.(10. 3 Oil. 4,00. f,. OO to 10.00. . MARRlA GIli J.lOI'.NSE , WlIli,u n Abney, Morruw IIIJ(I l\Ir8 . Presents Free to Boys. . Rhmllat iaTll MnkoR LifA Mi,;el'llhle f3 50 anil np to 10 for Ohildre n 's AnnlL .Tones. colbroll. r~llIlDon, R ev . IULlltlsome New BulloT S alts; 1.00 Baldwi n. A IIIlPPY hoTtle iR th o 1ll0"t vnlu· ahln Jl os~e~si(} n t.hnt i!1 wi t hin the t.o 3 00 cnn easily bel Rn\'ed h er e. REAL I!l8TATE TnAN~I!'KlLq . Willn.m Colema u to Lydia Uole re1loh of mnnkin d . hut yun ennnot, $:l .50 und up t o 12 f or Uhildre n's mllu, quit oillim to lot 8\\'ell no w s tyle Norfolk suits . Rllysvi lle: enjoy ItR oomfor ts if you 111'0 RtlfT. erh.l~ from rheu1l)l lU "on thruw t1. Hundre d" o f n ob by [LOd sml1rt Rebecc a .' E. DRnlcl to Milry E . usido bURine"" CILrOI' wll p- II yon fm· 8tyl e~ nnd pILttern 8 t o 6eleet fr orh . ter your h Ollle IlIltl YOll enn be reo f 3.£i0. Young i lot In Wayn esvlllo; BOO ~ 00, f' .OO to 10, Boys' l:lIllts, George ' ILnd St)r eJltiL tlrton to lie,,!'!l fr om th ose r~ o uD\ntie 11Ilill ~ si~.e!l t! to 16; punts oat Bloome r George W, StlLnley i lot In r..abl/1lOI 1 f\I RO by nppl yi n ~ CllIlmb er lf\ln's Pain style. Bn]m . Olle npplloll t,io n will giv e Eleglln 1. t, pnttern s to piok from . .l ohn Klncllel Jergcr IlUd wifo to yo u r elief ILnd its oontinu ed us o for George Bridge, lot In ~'rill\klin i I~ "hOt·t tim A will bring IIbout II POI'. Free to Boysl lllllnent oure . F or snle uy F . O. I:)ch · t610. Roll er S k ates. Baso Balls Il,nd Bats ChILr1es B. ColOllllLn to WillltUll wnrtz. Frenoh Hurp!, P ooket Knives . Po· ' Wlttlln ger lot In Frankli u; 1 liee Whistle s. Blld iIIustrn Story Annie M. Free to Webste r 1,. Books nnd Gernmn ImJlort ed Pop Kirby; qnlt olilim to 71 RorllS ill Guns, Union townsh ip, 1. Hnrriet C. anel Wm. T . Mounts to Hat Depa rtmen t Offer ings J . L . Mounts ; IG(lnor eslu, Wllshln g 23c 1'2r. dozen Boys' Silk Lined neA\ ton town!lh ip; 4. • sty Ie Caps, 500 Is t he regular price. Annll Oldenb urg et 01 to Frcd W, 230 GO do~.e n Chlldre n's Handso me Hllgedo rn ; 4 traots in Hllrlnn town· ship: 1320. new Ea~ter Tallls, /j00 y"luell to plok from. Comm ission ers 500 Men 'lI new Spring Clips. r. new shtLpee to select from, 750 kinds Proce edings. for GOo. April ll. 'i9c Boys' Hnt.s, worth 1. 00 and 1.50 only tbe newest s prin g sbapes In Frnllkli n Chrollic le, 10,000 Pirlltin g Foley's Hon ey undTILr . A s~esor8 hlankil .. .. : ....... I,hiM lot. 61 00 Barret BroM. blanh fur Am} · F oley & Co. Chicllgo , orlgin nted 950 1.000 smart new Hnts for men, itor .......... ... ........... ..... .. ,Every hat gUl1r"n teed for (I mo . 3 00 Honey "nd 'rill' II R II thront nnd IOll g .T . F . Rich. ooal for sheriff ' f) :17 remedy , amI on IIcoolln t of thfl grellt $1,4 5 Men's EIt.Ater Hatll, colorll and Goo. E Yonng hlllBnoe of 1st m flri t and pOl'ulnr i ty of bhlOks. eotts or DerhYR, regular qnart-l'lr'l\ IllliRry ilt.o ...... Gu /jfi Honey and TtlI' Tllllny Imitnt.\oFoley '" hlLt ter!! I\I!k you 2.60 for equal nR ftre Ru ggles IJllle Co ., bhLllkR fill' offered for tho gonui n o. AHk for grBdes. Proh~ t~ .,ludge .. :. , ....... l!f) 00 fl'o}ny I< Bnney Bllrl Tll r nllll r l'fllse $2 .00 "The Fifth Avenue Hat"- a C 1. &1 N' R R I:n fr" lltht, 40 111\" Rh lJ~tltnte offerp,(\ liS li n nthpr "U; month" g u"runtll A wlt,h thl8 o V Wilhll'l' ~ frl·h.rht ........ . 2f• Jlr;'p ' Pl t.t'l1n will UiVf' Lh A tlJl U1 P JoIntl hilt pav 3 00 AI"uwberfl for •, p ' M t1 1 :t- r l ,.', au tr"" t, N " , .. r.,.!'\ " It i. '1111111 1\' \n'xn liV I1 11 ' t'qulll.Wby q\lulity ? ~ ..... , l a r, n t· 1'111 ,, "01 nn Ilhlhff\1'I 'lIiI' ifil R" f flMt. f,~r R RII" " bh~I· "Hr· " "lun' " , 0hll :I""I' Ilflll ci ullO , bl per~on8 , F. ,a.fiO for the geDulu e John B. Stet· IInn'l\ fine h ..ta.,y ColI\ple te Ilew aAA ' j , oll7ir ......... . :.~ .. .. . a" 1111, I : N,liJ wnrtz , blook8 to fIIlloot from , •l AUlAi< #.. 111111. t!r ., I\ll lllry " .. . - , ............., . jlllllt~ 'r ....... ... .. .... , .. ..... . Grllnd exhIbit. tomorr ow of Alfred /j0 00 1:1 A. Rtll "'ell. ))/lrt, JlIIylllent Benjllud n- ~ C;). And Mtohae~ on feeB ........... .......... .. . 1M no Stem Ii 00 Fine Suttl! 1Ul!l Top LADtng 00. boob for O. P. Coat. . ......... .. .......... ...15 ~ ISO. Jadge.::-......... ...... ·....... .. 1000 &. XIDg IidviMDg ucl
Yo ur Li fe Cu rre nt.
co l or~,
th o
AR gooet ns the b ORt $ 5.00 hM Bold for only
A full nml oomple te lille of Men'R nnd Yonng Men's and
Boy 's vorsary
• N eokwell r for Enster at unusulI lly low annlsale Ill·ice. .
~hi rtR nnd
CL O 'rH IN G East Third St. Dayto n Ohio.
. "
'1'he BAd lIey and HI, Pa Inject. Li t tl e P olltl l\ll Into the SbowlUv!\l Bands at, Atlanta Citizens X~t i ll the Clrc:ua Tent-A Bunch of All gry Borneta Causes Muoh Bitt er · Fnalmg,
I ex pect t hRt nex L y~~r I s bnll be Qne
ot t he managers of this s how, 'Clllis e the), t ell me 1 1Ia" 0 I;Ot Lbe g reates t h e-ad of any bOy that bas over tra veled 'W Ith the s how. We bave n't bee u hnv log a very big t-ueln esa In Lb e lIQuLh , because tbe DO· groee baven't money enough to patro nhe s bo ws , and a lot or t he while pe ople a rc eit her too high-toned o r else . they are [lOlItlol llns and wan l a pass,
Then when we m t ·Il., Bryan DroC('tI · moo we w ra to e ho\l~ and " 'ave our - Ipnte rns, and If o ec.,j~ary to wback Che -white m n O\'er I!le head wllh Ih\' Ir.nte rn with Iho ho rn ~1 8' nest , ulld ~b e ho r n 1$ woulLl wal,e u p nn d do t be rcst. Thll nel!1'O 1\' ant e~' to kno w how I roul d pre ve nt I he bo r nots from s tlO g· Ing o ur own m ~ n, un d ' I told h Im .thnt we hn d boe n 10 the '!} "OCL bus iness all Ih p 6('n"On and never hun o ue at· our own me n etung, I 33 :il we look somo n&£ofoedlla nnd , r ubbed It on ollr clolb es un d tR ce., a nd t ho bo rn ta wo ul d n't touch us , but : ust we nL fo r tll C other fe llows 10 lie,,! th e band. Sn y. np.ll roes Ilrc CHHY !:>l rk& Yo u cnn JUake t hem bcll e" c a n ything. Bu t If I eve r se t to b.. prc61<1 ent I a m goi ng L~ appoint my negro ls tullt to a po· pi llon la my ca bine t, 'cause h e Is th e greates t poli tical o rgn 'llze r 1 ever S:l W. He round ed up o ve r 200 co tton picker s nod negro meo wb o work 10 th e f.· eigh t de pnls on ce In a while and Martell tb e m out aft e r horneLB' nests. li e gllvo Ihem Barno change to get a ~ r l n k . a nd \l rom lsed lhe m fr~ \lllsses IlItO tho s bo w tho next night, and th o ~e xt moro lng tb ey b'lowed up with t. orne tJ;. nes ls e nougb to seare you. They put th'3m In a dark place In th e ha rn , so th o ho rn e ts' \\ouldo't got curln us and waDI to oomo OUL of tbe n OBts uefor e Lb ey go t th eir e uo . Tha t . afternoon we Iltted lh em IDto
He Hit Pa Oyer the HeRd with HIs Chiou. Lante-n, ''be Dianagers and hoads of departlI!e~~ .held a meetln!!, to devise. BOrne " "'a) \0 g~ t bot" classilO Interes ted, au" averybody was oaked to state tholr yle". , After they all got tbrougb talking pa uke", me wbat 1 ,thought would be the beet way to got th.e people tIlIclt~ about tha sbow, and I told Wm ·tbere wu no way ollcept to Inject· ' . litUe politics Into IL I saId If they would live me , ,50 :lr 110, to buy ChlhteE lanterns, and :1'x1ut a buod red complimentary ticket.'! to gtye away, . PB aDd ' : could go t/) Atlanta a couple CIt days ahead of . tbe sbow and we (ollld organize a Roosevelt club amona j ne negroes ,' and a Bryan club among ' tb ~ w/llte fellowl , Ilntl at tbe eveolng performance ' we could have -the two " Iuba march Into th e main teo t, one (I OlD tbe m!lln entranci', aod one from t he \1 re!l6lng room, wltb Cblnese lao· t ef ll8, anel 000 could yel l ror Roo~e.velt and the other_tor 8rYoln, aad a!\verUr.e tllat a great ailDsatlon wouli1 be sprung '. t the c venln/: Perfo rma nce, I aald the t cn ( wouldl1't begin (,) hole! the \leo· 101 • 'E veryone of lh e mllnsioN and b oads of departments 6ald It would b8 r,l ea t s tun:. Pa was the only. Ohe t hBt I:Jcked. He s&td tbe Iwo proC(!sBlons
tbe Chinese lanLernl, and ti ed sticks on til e laoLerns and IIxed th e candles , und wh e n night came there we re more negroes than I could lise. But J told them to tollow .along, "and the door tender would let tbem in, and all they Ileed to do wu to yell for Teddy wheo ( dId, and , 80 we mar~ bed to the main teot about the time the performance got to 'gOing. I eaw' po wltb bls gans ('1 wlltte men 10 InLo the dressing room . at about the Game time. The .u.anager bad ~med It for U8 to come 10 about 8:31), Illto main tent, when tbo elephants were In their pyramid act, ~o my crowd of negroes aloppcd 10' th e menagerie tent bait an bour waiting to be calle·d . . 1 wi s h I woan't so rontounded curl· ous, but I sU\lpose I was bQrn tbat way. I took one of tb o Cblnese lanterns that waB not lighted and just thought I would Uke to .ee what tbe .byenaa and the bIg li on, wbo were In til e same cage, with all Iron \lartilloll bUween them , ","auld do If a Cblnese h.n Lern was put tn the cage, 80 I go t the fellow lbnt watches the cnge to opeo up the top trllp door, aad I drop\led a Cbl nese laluarn wit h a hor· nets' n est to It rIg ht hetv.'6en the two hyenas. Oee, but YOII ought to bave
night ," nnt! •••• ero-. ! of wblfe lJ'UI: lu rched ftround tho big oulRhle rln/: s houtin g. ")Iryan! U r l' n n l Whal 'l\ Iht' ma t le r w ltll Brynn !" Rnd tb e alldlflnN.' /l01 up o n It s blnel ' legR and Yl'lI edt hat Is t ho wblte fo lk" d id- and Ih "n W6 marebed aro llnd • ,\ e o l her way, and l'e llcd , ":reddy Ie th s WIf ! '1'~d d y I I b e s tuff!" a nd lh e \l~ roe8 In 1110 aildience ye ll d. Th en my crowd me t pa's crowd r ig h t by th'e m iddle r log, \ her e t he e l ph a nts I\nd fo rmod t h., pyrami d th at clo$cS \.be l!' net, and th e J npan cse ju ggl rs W OI'O In t ho rl gb t. l< ~ ucl rl ns , alld a TlGr ty or remalo t Utul'tel'1l, w itb low-n r ko I Incll ings we rt! s tandin g at a l te ntlo n 10 Ih e left-hanrl ri ng. Th ere WI\6 no I n (~nl IO n or ha l' lns a riot, bilt whe n Ila 1'.'II~ d , " \\, hnt's th e rn all e r wit h Dr ynn ?" 11 II cg r<l In m y crow I ye ll ed. " T hot'li o;; h nl's th e matt r wi t h Dr ya n," and l~ e hit pa over the uead wi t h hla Chlneso lall tel .l, loaded '\'Ilh a Wllrm horn e ts' neSL a" big a s n foo lball , whl r h hll 'l lak e n fire rrom Iile con d ie. P a dro l' M d hl ~ la n t er n a od b egn n w fl g h l ho ru et ~, nn d th c ~ nil th e w hile trash In 1111'S "uncll !'ushed u\l and began to wh ack m y I,oo r down·trodde n nC,t roes w it h th eir (, h l n e ~ la nte rn s. 'J f cours , my fol· lows co uldn' t s tan 'j s tlil and be maul ed , a,nd th e "a odl es had warmr d our horne ts ' nests 50 Lb o Mrn els wero , c.rav.'1ing out to Bee wunt W IUI t u e trou· ble. Then e very nog ro whacked a whl oo man with a /:('rn et s' nes t nod the nudleoce fa irl y went wil d wltb OK· r He m ont. The hornets got huey and .. ent for Ibe elephant s a od t he J apuu(!se jug. j:lers , and Ihey s lnm peded lI ke t'hey oever me t n bo rnel i<efo re. The fe male tu m bl ~ rg f ound n o rneLR on th eir stockings, a nd o vtfy wh er e an G they gave a t e mal e war wlloop and rush ccl fo r th e dreas ln g room . The l·lcphants got s t ung d ud t hoy came tJ o.w n o fT th eir pyraml.l and went out to l be me nagerlo l ent trum\letlng. anel !twitchIn g lhel r trunlts . The ncg roes Dnd t h e while t)OlItl c l~ns we re i ettln g !n to a r ace war, 80 I hc circus bands I usbed In alld Sll\lnral ed th em , and my negroes tound that t.he fe Uy 1 had them rub ·on ~h e mse ; ve8 did ~ot k eep U ' ~ hornots tram Slinging them , 80 tlley s tampeded . Th en the ho rneUi b~g nn to go for the a" dle ncc, and the wom en yelled mur· del' and pulled down I heir dresses 10 (!C,ver t heir shoes , ant1 the me n go t s tuog and lbe whole audi ence stamr eded Into the open air. Then [ met p~, and he was a alght, nnd [ neve r A'Ot stuug o oce. The managers tried to get tho band to play so me tune that would £oothe and hold th~ audIence till an nplnnatlon could be mILde, but somebody had thrown a hornets ' nes t under the band seatH aod 1116 born players got s tung 00 the lip,. so tbey couldn't play, ",nd the band all llt out lor a beer garden. Betore I realized It tbe sbOl'1 wu over, and II ne't eotlve thnt detects tor the show had n;1: collared and brought me up befor, a meeting at the managers. Pa was ~he prosecuting attorlley, and told tbem 'that I dIdn't run my politics talr, ~ause 1 bad brought IB a lot of ringm's, The mamigers asked me bow tbe t,c.rnets ' nesls came 10 bo In the Chine e lanterns. I told tbe m they would have to aak the negroat! fQr bow was 1 to know what weapotla they bad conCl~aled about their p ~rEOns , any more than pa was Tes pon31blo It his politicians carried revolvers. Th ey saId that Il)Qked rensonable, Lu t t he y believed 1 l:new more' abou ~ It tuan aoybQdy, bu~ as we had to I,ack up the sbow and make the n ext town tbey wouldn't Irnch me t ill tha next day. Pa got me to put co!d cream 011 his s tio gs. and lb en h e salcl, . "HeolI e ry, you are th e Jlml t. "
OCCUPATIONS IN PARIS, People of Title 10 Reduced Clrcum stanc~ Sch~me 'for a LIvelihood.
'. , ~
Soclel y in all cos mopo litan clUes Is ~ mystery, and In Purls more so than elsewbe ro. '!'lUes grow hero over n ight. Dukes aDd counl.S, princes and princesses arrIve from nobony knu",s wb e re, s tart lorge estoblls hments, e nterlulo and gel everylhlng on credit, 60rS a wr,l lcr In tb e London King . Ooe day th ere comes a c ras h . And their downrall Is watcb ed with a grim smiJe by so mA ol til e m e mbers of tbe old aristoc ratic families who bave beDn occus toually as !;cu It tb ey KOQW o Marquis (I 'An'gelys Or a Count Ko)lValu. An Indus try. and a luc rativo ono, Is run 00 Rrtt$ll c IInee, a nd s uccess rully \lrac tl ~e <l by a titl ed mondalne. Th! s lady has ali old m a ns io n In tbe mos t fus hl o nabl o Quar ter ; th e wood carv· Ings al'() or the el ','enl h century; the 1,lclurp,s are [lOrtra lts or be l" ancestors by old mas ters. ' Th is mal. es an iu ~ nl bael,grouell for her lrad e ; for s ho Is In leug1le wltll tfcale rs,' who place here an d tn c re 10 Good pos itio ns a dOUbtful Or e u~e or II They Btampeded Like They Neve, Met a Boroet a.tore, t. 8cullo W a lteau. Tb e vl c Li ms are admitt ed to ma. II1lght let Into a Iigbt, but I st1!d What r.r.t'n them poun ce on I: . !lnd bite It and dam e'u reCel)tlons and admire, and It tbey d.ld, we wouldn 't be to blame l.'a l II lip. aDd Ih e n I he bo rnets woko ~owebow or nther, get to know tbat Let 'em IIgbt If they want to, and we UI', Dn ~ Lhey d ldn'l do a tbln g to tbat t. hey may ma ke an olfer for some of can aee talr play . meS8 01 h yena... The hyeoas set UI) t1 t be tl'ens lJr~s. It is Sllid tbat tbe So Lbey all agree') tbat pa anel g ra nd tla ll ln g s lg ll o r d latress, and ca rvin gs fl'om mantlepiece 10 ceiling .bould gQ 10 Allaeta abead, Ilod . or· hUWled plWlIl, and t be lion raJ sed u'p hllve bcell Bold o yer and over ngaln , I;pnl~e t be ' polCtlcal Ilrocesll'loos, and 11 13 bead uod loo ked 31 the m through a nd Ih llt II ve ry good IncoDle la deray, we bad sucb a . lme tbat tbo clr- 111£ bars U8 tbo ugb be WH:i sa ying , In a r lvcd Il'om t h e pict ures. ~k~ eam~ near never .,etUng out or th e s llurltn!': wa )', " Whal you gra ve ro bA 1111 tb e SOCiety matrimonial broker! I t ( wn al fve: We ov erdid. tbe thing GO t,e l S ho w!l nt: nbout? Can't you kecp Th c ps nnll eas viscount Is In senrch or ~ th ey wan,ted to lynch me. aod pa waDl- r UII and lel tb e czar .'1 nil l b" Hnlmals ma ne), to r egild his ~atnl s b e n eseuteb'\;. .11 to belp; on JOY hi s url e r dlnn~r fl8 V 'f " ca n. whlln Mlle. Durand , or Duval , The way It was ' \V •• tills way; ' Pa Jus t tb.NI lh e bye,lao ki d,ed what l he da ug hter or a reUred trall esman . w.~ to o rA'nn lze tile wblte me n fo r Vo'as lert or the hornels' ucs t nnd er tbt! speka a corooet for her pl11ow. The til Ylln . and I waa to organi ze the oe· bars 1010 hi. "Ide 01 tb e ".age, nod he snclety broker brings them together 5rOl'l> lo r n008cvel ~, and we went to · put bl s rap t 00 It and g ro wl pd. fl ntl In bM salon and touebes a hondsome ·wo rk und bo ug bt 600 C blo e~e lan Lerns, nbout a huud,=ed bornels s a ~ e bl m hl ~ . co mmi ssion wben tbe alTair Is scltled. ll nd pa 5( t d' bl s h a lf at the lantern. He gave an ·Abysslnl",n eOlls ll tb s t These are s peclallsls. bilL eve rybody 1u a ba rn on \.b e cIrcus lot an'd 'I stored woke a ll th e a nlm a l ~ . uod th e n l he r.a nnot be a specluHs t. It requIres m anl!' In a no t her. barn own'll! by a a e- t o ro ets sCll tte re.1 anti be rore I koe lV ye ars of prnctlce, a well-l<Do wo nam e Ie t hat, I gave n va ciollars 10 he my It t he ~ e b"a were dan Cin g a s nll k ~ nnd a large cllcntele, t o cn try on' a ,."tllstao t , willi . a I'mpl l80 \ hnt ue dance olHl " II ot ~h ~ JU wc re bowli ng ll rosperou s trade. ' Ilnoulcl ha" 1! f\ loh tra veli ng With [ne 1111 t boug h Lhey wtore ' )11 tbe a rll, bUIITbese women a1'e the ,Rolhscblldl ot ab ow, til mil k tbe sacr ed COw, I Wid gr'}' , and tb e ark bad landed 'on Mouot tbe pro(esslon . and are e nvi ed by tbe tb t neGro I\'hllt l ho r rogr a fll was. a nn i\lare t. . s rua ller fr y, wbOID I mny term all l ha 1 "nul.\Id ~tlu 1lC!~ ro ~e wbo had li n JUSI th"n-one of tb~ IUIslat nnt mana- co mmiSSion \lrtncesses, who, havlog .am bllt<lll lO . bII politicia n , und bo lt) ~' ~8 i)etll< poed to Diu to lead In no spar-laIty, ,ope rate gen e rally. ' . Tbey Introduce th eIr af.'l'\\!A.lntaneel o Cb _ aRlI \ wollid ,o t d uly pas t li em r rO Cl"RS IOII /ln d "'0 Itght~d lb e can.nto ( he ho w Ir , , ',1111 oleo t hat Lbey Illes In Ol,lr Chlnasa IBnterns. 'I didn't to dress mnlters, milliners. cnrrlolte . t. a p f d! n6M ·OlJllle. What ",e SIUP t o '"' how Ih e animals got along makers. eoo., wbo all ktloW' th~t tne ' ' '61'(,)t I " . 1., til.d , "'0 tQ ,tawlled e "., rlh I tI" bl)ruel!J, b,lt. I couldo ', help QoUD to$B. X- - , o r Mme. J - - I, to be t .. ..h ll llroeeQIUI'l , t \lflt. "'Q uld \let J\!d Ih lnk l nf,':' Illat It /'",'0 hornelS' nost ',credlted \9 lth ten per, cenL ~on.m"'l<h: a~4 'h~ Via., \ 11 'lib II "'._ tor cl? uJ(I rCllsQ all b a , row, wJla~ wou.ld ~ ·OD all arUcles bQugllt, a ro In \'II 'lljart, to ' ~ rml. b \" 'Inelr~· .)r flO al) wbtln we Got to goln, . Tbey U180 levy contribution. on ~ I" \~., wOOll a tilt "od a lIor- ' III \be thor l ftnt i taura.nUl. d entlets, arid [ koow at aatl, btl(\ ~t ,o ' ol,r barll. t Ob. 1r'1 bllc\ cll\ly al"" "'.. case where ,a lady slju6ezed 01\ . Q tbe ' 1I1n ' Ian, 'yol'!l&, I '•• v'IIr ,1'ould . 'II1"lon a lIt 01 th e ,'utry • ~"Ill ', 00 ' I " \lIe Ihl ' Ig bt TIII\I ~ u"~"Y.!d"' '' Tlbll!r''''I: One ' tu e richest 'II • Po te. lIut 'tIm. •• TQ ,!ltroQ· uf 'a' "'''"1~rt ..r -.J•
Ml\tt'ero of Vftl'foua ~lnd 8 Wbk t. til Deek QPpe.' W i ll Do W ell to CO!\!I1t\er.
Poet Baa a Good Time Until the Poatman' I~hattclr. HI. Day Dr ee.m. It eM nced l hllt. tho [lOot was out lDooo lng . a ro und I'or millorllll III t he Ilmc ot til e ~ rs t 1I0H lIl i d 1I,·Ol'Y, sa ys Ti t llI tH. 1:hu8 II. hnppen ed th at In8 1 ~lld or t b letlllr II self, ho fou nd Lb e s li p beal'lll:! lh In lell! ge nce Ih llt n cogls t rod I ~ tle r uWllh ou h im Il t til e nosl unk e IIllo n 11.10 rot II 1'11 . As ·he I;"flZ ' n IIpon Lbo s il l'" fro wn o f l ho llg ht gntbored Ullon hi s ' fo reh eu ,!. • 1I'0lid e r wb ut tue d lc k ~ u . IL I~ !" ~I O
Wh ich C';U6C6 Gl'en t Los s t o \.b e F n"mer_,How to C aptu r~ nu d Dll"troy It.
Oe Rli re Ihllt ,I rl nliill l,l" Wlll" T I~ r(liliIII eUHY rem'lt nl t hO b ~cs . 'fhe ullv ullf.:t IlCS or pn)vWJlIg Wlttor to r tile he 'H lI l'P, II rij l, til pruI'c nl Iho dl seaso IOlO wn lis Ih lI'Nt ; tiCeo Ci '1. IYh e '! tI CU~ arc n llo wcd 10 to rasp: n wa y [ rom
Ihe al>lnr)',' IIl ey o hla ln, ortoutiUleS, wul OI' 11'1,11'1 1 IH Impilre unll or so lOW a t om pel'Ul nra lui In I)u I n Jurlu u s t ., Ih ~ lr tlcllc'"'' O fl; Il IlI ~ Ill ~, nnn Ih"y blt-
')' hore IR per haps uo Insan t ba t tbe ('uln e c h lll l' d u tHI IH lI lI o t r e turu t o 111 8 g l'fli ll l'ur IUQ" co ns!(ler s ",uro 01 a n hlv ~ . P i nt". p u r e w ;"rr h~ f' IO~W IIro x\ U\It ;' Th en a s mll o brclkn Slidde nly over e ne m)' t hun lb e chinch Dug. Il ~ ll r !l r~' hi s fneo. " Uy ·'huke. p.,lre !" h e cl·lerl . d aUuHS, HIHO\l Hlit) ,;' as Ilwy (11) to an lO ItH\ ~ ·I,"I It )11 j' . It" " p II,., If' II11) ' r a \ lI n l " 1' 11 !Jel m y PO N U hillS wo n lh e ' Whll'l Rll nuul IllS uf $61',IIUO,fltlU ill I he Unlte'll ' If I I \(' W,I I .-I 1' 1r.; IH r-.:1 ' ).;l l ~\..tIIC III Ih e a J.l1 a r ) 1 1':' 111 1 ~ \II of Fa tc ' CO lllP titl OD. An d t he fl r sl Slales. a r e w al l IU1 1)\\' I1 . U IU.l :l ti l\1:ltly pri ze, lU O. Th ey wunhln 'l send a us 12 b USt1l11s of ,IH' 11I t\r'r: l :i 111'(' Hu i tl If)f;":l! "l . Oll t! or 111P g r e a t e s t ~ I' ('I"C'''' nr ~ 1lC: lller tr Il wer o t o h a \' e U('l' tI 1IIIIal l ll'. 1 t ro lll a .a O-u ef'o r ueck In a regis tered IC corn fi eld III IllI llUlti " I on" t "" I'. If. f'('~S I Il I l )(1plu ' I~ lJl n~ is 11 a \'\ u ;..:. Ih t: ht' 00 c1 for u uyth ln s Hluall e r," A s a r ioto us ~el "h rl\llo ll o f h !8 hup - Is 111 th ese S U\1 , I ~ uf I )lI' IIl lutl l v W :"I t ,' tH'lIl he r l u ll f ll lJ r uod .t l I It t} 1',)1 11 · \lY s u 'cess he CUsl hiH Illpo a s ide lI lid t h at l 1w IH! 1 Is • ,w da ll y il llS ' ru e- l Ue tl ('l' l lh" nl d ( 1111 ' w il l i e 1I 01H 'Y h ill"\· I \ ~ 1. l'n lt' :--H H i l l:ll hl nh!H an' l:; l l'nll ~ III li t OUO o f hi s cherl. he tl clgors. "Let'. lI vr. Ihoug h It I" COllli li on ~ n oll1;h In "ce," he tU1 !II, as h" s un k luxuriousl y ll ll Shit s e nSl or Ib e H ut" li), mo un t a i n ;:. UI'ou, 1 fi lld h re::; wl\CI1 t tll' h ow\y !I ur· buck in h i. cha ir, rCI'cll ng In th e u I1i1 Is ()c('i1sl.. n;c lly fOll ll d III th o 0(111 0, \'l'.:H il l'rl n 's , w e ur o SII I"fl' (I t rall ing \ ) uromn tlc s mo ke. "Ono hun d red a ll tb o I'" clfle s lulle III I' c.lriL' lo,1 ll r ~lI ' . r ..·.1l 1' t li n hes t r r Sli l ts, A b O()(t. ~ t rong eo lo n y o r h ('PS i ~ a T he "hl ll ch 111'1( III ful l 8 11.11 I; nlll ), pound s ! ~l a ry . hall hu,'c lh e s Cil ls klo sh o's be II yenrulng fo r a ll Lheso yc;ors, .0 1l ~·. Cl' e nLh or an In r h 111 1'·lIl';'l h. hlae l, good "n:ve n t h 'f, IIg:l ' n ~ t 111 f11 h ~ I;: " QII a IHOd era l I)' ~ lro n ~ , (.I I" w en l( In ".1 101' wll h wh ile 11' 1111>". IVll It' h Il auel I'll s et a II' ho lo ne lV s ili t all o nce, nnn nn o ve rcont. W e' ll go for U Bel dom li Mes . l onlllintug '-I bla rl, VOL .'nln ny , wi ll l,eCI! o ut lh o lllo lll S II t bo bet'S anJ o r j.;n o tl I t u lla n Nto l:1(. s plend id tour by Vla y ur t be lulccs. I So Ilw t)v td c n t n :!111cd)' I ~ t u k ('np Ol USl h nl'e a ne w type wr iler III pla ce I ln lt rl ll hC'p.!-I , a n d I r ro r n t i lTH! tt I t; o r lhl s worn-o ut 1)ld t hl ug. Alld 1'1\ 1l" f'C'ti}.n rv l O h In t' tJl ;u'k ..; , l eI til e rol ~ get n bl ko. :o.tury nccua a lo t of n '\I' OH h e K l r(JII ~ , cyr n it' :; ()111~ \I u lt ln ~ clo lbe., nlld , uy Tu m l'lood! I' ll ge t It mnSL I,e dO IH!. dozen ne w shirts n;ull collars n nd currs , I I hl "e" In Wll k h hees rll . Ihro ug~ ~u' s co bo " to.'hcd li P a t once, nnel Iln t ho \YIIJ I Hr Hr Ic ft u ntil w n r m wcn t h · xtra pa ir o f s boes.· Then I'll Iny 10 L' l~ r w tr tlfH ll a n y tlCOl'\ In t he m . ~\l c h s lo re o f It Lbousn nd !ga rs-soo d ones I, II'cs w.1I hp co me :\ pr rf e" l hOLlletl fa , -nn d fiv e I)Ollnds or Wbne 0 , Ilfl .1 It wo r lll!!; fe w dozen leo ll .,en.e lls. And Mar y II' I, en II Is fo und t!l:Jt wn rcn ~ aro s hltll hnv e It cool £5 to do wl l h j us t m a l\l l1 ~ I h 11r ll {)jJCn r UIl Cc , (,ll h p r s ul ~ as she III,es. Oh, Is n' l th is a w!n dtll ll ~ p h l, r IIl 'r lll , ( I I" v l a c~ Ih l' ('( lI ubs I n :1 I Dl UEt Wl'lto a nd get her hOl1l 0 t ro m !ilo r y IIn lh! I' a ut\·c co ol Ulul u E, a GlI'o ng motb er's rlgb t 'o lf," co lon y. TH P. ClI l:-> (, lI n UG IN VAf{ lU t2 >1 Just ns ho slozed. his pe u t he re was A Si ro us co lon y of Il a !l ;c n ~ ca n l a ko S'l' i\ (a;s. a ring ut the fronl door. A gla nce Rt cn re .,r lhr.e e 01' fClllr Hwrlng of ro m o. th e clock Lold him l hnt It W>ls r eally on enc ll oUlc r c,dgc. Wil en fir s t In nil o ur o r ora tl o ns wlln hcns. we tim e ror t he secoud delll·e ry. b alc bed froUl Ih o IlIl nu l~ o vn l c g~, " Come In ; come In a nd have a Ibe yo un g bil l: Is ye ll ow, but It g rad · mus t II HO j;enlll'ness . All Qlllcic . Slid ,Irlnk, o ld fe llow, " c rlod t he poe t, uully eba nges 10 red nn d th e n I bi n I,. don Jll rs fln .1 mo tio ns Irrlt u lo lh em . [lCCA a rc a lwa ys fIl ore <;e otl e nnd les. I1IUgin g wide O\len the doo r and at- as Ita growth proceeds. At nil s l nge~ tempti ng to s unke bands wi th t he It Is uccompnole rl by a runl, d Isag ree · Inclin ed to s ting wh en , hey nro ga l h· postman. abl e oclor. In the flrs t wurm · days ot e rln g Ill oilly 01 bouey, nncl ., 1 8U<;" "Regl ale red lettet', s ir. Sig n het e sprIn g tho adul t buS comes forlh tim es th e. hl,'cs ca n bo o Pl'neu wit h a nd the re," rosponded th a t official l ro m tb e g rass roo ts, stubble or rub · ,'cr)' lilli e d u n s ~ r; wh e re ;l.q , Wh CD ther ' s tolidly, th r ustin g hi s boo k in t o t he bls h whe re It h ns hibe rnuted a nrl do- I ~ u Il e,mh 01 honoy, Ihe In ma tee ut po et's o u ts tre tched ha nd. p061ts IL~ eggs on lbe roOls o r wh eal Ih e sn me 1,lve ml ghl ShOll' a gr a~ Wl lh t.rembllog fin ge rs I ue poet or o lhor pla nt. lIere the egg. al'c s plrll 01 rese nt mc n t. Th e Inl'e nllon (It t he l11 Cf\' a ~ l c lrame, dashed off his slgqature a nd ripped ba tched a nd the depredntio uR th en be· o pen the le tter, A frn gment or cloth gIn. Wh on th e wb ea t ts harvested th e a nd of tb hnney ext racLu r. hUR " fTo nl · first m el hi s eage r gnze nnd th e u he bugs ma ke for tb e n ea rest oat or corn cd U~c l l c'e p e r s tb e men ns 01 tn ilin g r eud: Oeld , wh e re they conllnue thei, wo rk out ',f the Ill" es th e r.o mus loaded wl lh "Dear Jobn : I fi end you a sampl e or dos truction until autumu, when the y honey. nnd of returnIng lh em to th e Bod [ want you to get ole t.hree yard s return to wheat ngain. The nccom - boes wh e n e mpty, wlthonl da ma s o o r like It lor a blou8e. It Is very 1m· \lanylng cut, afte r Riley, s hows th e Ih e killin g o f n s lll gie bee. ·Wh nn stll rtlll g to kee p bees , sUll'ges t ~ portnnt, .so I sond t his by re gIstered Insect In fill stages ; adulL al left; n, b, lettor 80 you'll be s ure to ge t It. Am egga nlagnlH ed ond natural si ze; e , th c Farm J ournul. It Is best nut t., young nymph ; e. second stoge of comme nco wllh mn ny colonies. A ha lf well. Has U1y. youI' loving wife, Ilymph; f, tblrd stage; g, full grown doze D In well -nrra nged hives woul d Un "~{ARY." "Hum!" remarked th e poet, starlog nymph; d. b, j, legs ; I, beak through s uffi r.leot. Lon rn 10 ba odl o th em. As blankly at t.he baH s beet at notepnper, which tood Is luke n; ~ mall lin es s holV know ledge Is gn ln M . t hc al1 la ry r nn ba enlnq;cll to n profit a ble s lzo. "Woll," h e observed, bls race bright· natural size. Tberc have been many methocls of eolng u p, " I bad a gra nd time tblnkpre ve ntion nnd c ure ij uggestcd nnd ex· log of It, anywoy." pe rlm ented wll h . IImong olb ers Ib a t or FEEDINQ CRATE FOR FOWLS INTERESTINQ EXPERIMENT. dis tributing white (ungus II ISC:l 5 0 . sev- Armn g PlIlcnt Which \VilI Prevent n eral of the experim ent s tatio ns l1 a vin g - - -Wa s t e af Feed a nd Will Aid 11\ How n Strong Cask Is Burst Asunder s upplies ot dl soa sed chin c h bugs Wh ic h Keepi ng t he Quarters Clenn, with Only Half a Pint lhey IlIs t r lbule freo Ulllo ns ra n n ers for of Wc~ter. Ibis purpose, Bllt this m ell llS has no t It hI nOl "I"'n y' o nvCJllle nt. even Thnt a s mnll q~ty at wo ter, •• y been lound ,-ery effi cient un d th e mOSl IllUu!:h I;oocl po lk )'. to hn;; Lho mos t pl'nc ll cnl pl a n s ee ms to be th nl 0 1 plolV - ull· tn ·dulo (oed ln g de vices for h(' lI" 1,0/11 h u lt II pin t, mllY bo mode to burs t a lo g " sLrl l' nround tho fi elu to be pro In fll n Onr'm fi t' o n n s mali sCILle. 10' atroo g cnsk, seem s fl s tartling s tate· lected, t boro ug hly pulve rizing lh o o il Ilced, l he ""'Iie r In s ucu cuses a ltno~\ In· m ellt to ma ke, nnd yet It Is t rue. It Ihus turn (~d ul'"n nd mak ing a deop fur ' "urlubly feols th:lt he cannot aaonS Is a well kno wa l a w o f phys ics thu: row In thi s soil with l he stcoper " ldo Lhe preBsure e xerted by liquids In- tow nr d th e fi elll not Infosted . 'I'ho In erenses lu proportIon to the ir dopth . ~ccl s when t hey endouvol' to m l:;-ra t.e Suppose, th erefore, lh a t we have It from une fi clll to nnol he r wi ll [al1 lu lo s tron g cask fill ed With wa te r and th is fur ro w ao d If lhe sround Is suf stn ndlog on end. T h.e s taves or lb lll ft ciCllt ly pu l-:erl zecl Lhey will be una bl c cask ·may be made to burst npart by to gel OUl, If tbe c1 uy I ~ ho t th e hcol addlog 0 very s mall Quantity of wa ter of Ih c sun will kill l hem or n s nv' Olh to what Is already In the cas k. As h)~ ... ,·ugge rl up nod c1 owo t he fll rrow the cus k Is nlready lull , some way or Gove rnl ti mes will a nSlVe r Ihc sU llle addIng the wa te r must be devi sed. To PU"C"lS•. Allot hpl' pln n, s ugg,'s(ed by th o Pral do tbls a halo la bor ed 10 til e e nd o r head at the cnsk, and II long tllbe of ri c Fa rmel', a ud wh lcb ba s bee n lried llANO\' FE \!:DI NO C R /\TI~ FOP. sm ull diameter Is Inserted upr lg hL At with grea t. SlH' t:cs a , Is ,th o t of sprend FOW J..S . tbe upp er end of Lb,a tllbe Is a s mail lu g n lin e of !'onl t nr In (ronl or their tunn el Into Which wo,te r Is POllred until 11110 o C march nn.1 (lI g£ lu;.: pos t holos ut cnslls more elubol'ote lb nu co mmOQ th e tllbe beco mes tull, a ad wheo th,\ , point Is r eacbed t be cask will burst. along Il1ls every fe w fe"1. Th " bllgs (1161111$ or Pil US In Which to put the tood "" he n they re:cc h l bo "Ull I 1;. r ba r r ie r ,und wnte·r. Setllbout au tbo 11001', with This seems al most II) ~ re dlbl e , but It Is only 1\ l:h irno nsLrntl.oa of the law thnt wil l IIlrn o fT li nd follow It until th ey no portlcul a r gua rd Or protectio n, howfilII 111 10 lhe h o l ~ s , wh ero Ib ey IIllty be ove r, the conlen l.S 0'( s uch rece pLUcles aro ha6 been c ited. Wb eo the water Is fn~ll y kil led. Ca re mUSI. hu IlI ken In . surl! 10 be sollell und waated ruore ur lellll poured Into tbe t ubcl It unites with doin g lhl s tbat 110 slro ws. lea ves of by Ih e fowl s gottln g Iota th e m wltb th e wate r In t he cask, and t he dept h grass or o lh ~ r hodles ro rm bridges lh olr fe', I, :lud rreQuently scatte red and of lhe wntor Is se veral tImes ItS g rea t over t he coal tn r. else th e In sect.9 will, 10Rl hy th eil' overturning them . as tbat In tho cns k nlone. The rncI cross o vel' li nd yo ur labor will ha ve The Prnll'le I"o.rme r 8uggest.9 tba t tile thnt the re Is ollly 0 s mnll qlluntlty of lIeon tu I' a ln. Ton per cnn t. korose ne proper way to obvla Le this difficulty la wa ter In th e tu be ma kes no d lffore nee. emlli s ion !lIay he " [J ra y~ .1 011 th o bugs 'to mu kc U C,.ll Le like lha I $nown III tbe for It Is now o ne bo dy, a no l Is de pt h wh cn Ih ey nre 011 eorn !lta \lcs with necompany .~ ut. , 'h16 bas sollcl bottom Is gauged from Ib e !.oTl of th e tube to ,;ootl e ffect. Th e ,vlses L Illnn ho wa var tho bottom or t be cas k. , "od u LOP lha t lItts onllluges. The sides A tt t f tJ ! I. In burn Clver a ll lI elds or RtuhlJl e nnd .;honld cons is t uf lulb or other Hlals . s n rna e r a act, I 5 exp c rlm e D ~ g""a whi ch nrc suspected o( beIng 10' r;o 8 t ~ n ed fur e noug h a l)art to permit lho Is only an urllft 'Iul re procillcli on 01 1/ f.'s tecl In th u sjlrlng Ilud by tbls mean s b!nl N to reach luro ug h nlld partake of wuat we know tukes plnce III nllili re. Ilr o"eOl th eir muldug llny rultls wba t - th e food. wa l;'r IlDd g rit In lh e va\'lou8 Some of her gren tes t co n vu l Io ns a re el' ~ r . uls he" " I pl ensure. caused by Luis "-IlI'y process. SU Pllose, ' . for e xample, thnt th el'o Is a greal rn a.<;. THE SIZE OF FOWLS, at rock , under wh lcb Ihere Is a cnvll y _ _ __ HOW TO BUY A HORSE, IIlled with wol e r . tha t bas no outl e t. Wh a t Food Hna to Do with It-Good Son•• S ensible Advice to the Man Suppose, m oreo" e r, lba t there Is II Food Rnd EvenlY ,Balanccd RIl ' Who Would Make a Ooud crock cxten ding from l he s Ul'fa ce 01 Hon Needed. th e ground throu gh lhls mass ot roctt Dargaln, to the wllter flll ed cll vlty uod ern emo. Th e Qll estloD Is IIS110.1 If nny parA rock In tbls co nrllt Ion Is u co mma') tlClllar food cnn lt e I,; lvo n I hal will Ilro If ),ou wool to buy a borse, don't tblng In nature, the crack bein g ca u~ e 'J du cn uni.allal si ze In C(l wl s. Th e "" bp. l! evc yuu r own brolher. T a ke no by somo dlsUlrbun ce of the eartu or bv &wer IS no. All food s Ihul ore nnslI ;' man's wo rel for It.. Your eye Is your ILS s plitt g In the nntuml order ~, dlt;es Uld and nl,ltl" Llo us will he lp I' ma rk et. The weok pololS or n horau tllin . Now, Wil en Il ram s e nou g h III produ ce 1I1nl s lzo. il ut It ta kes g lln erll - c:l n he be tte r di scovered while stand fill t a t crack. Ihus Increns lng tbe tlon s tn ~ re afly n lTnct th e .:nne ro I In t: thlln whil e moving. It ,he Is sOlilld , depth f th e WUII' r 10 Ih e cavity , Ibe Alze III lhl. country ((lv/ls h U" e 10 - he wIll s tand flrmly an.1 squarely o n pressure will hero me so !:Teat that the crilR.erl In size l:orI;OI)' I'ora use 01 8C1 hi s IIlllb ~ witho ut moving any of th em, r,?ck will be toro lola n hundred frng- I\hund noce of n.nrttloll R foo .1 nnd the Lho fen l linI upon Lhe ground, wlt.h ment s. co nfl n ued selcct Ion of btr.l. I'or In - legs 111111\111 I .HI nntnrally poltied, If crellse In 517." . II hus !Jeen no ll ce.1 I he fOO l III IIflc.1 fl'om tbo I';'ro",ul and Russian Terrorism. lb nt IIl e J nrscy ro ws broll ): 111 to Ihls lh o weigh t tuken f.'o m It, dl ~e a B e m 'lY The "te rrori st " elcmcnt of the Rus. countr y In a le w J;t'n" l'nll clIlR g relll.l ), be ijnsllcct ed. o r nl lensl. te nci erneHs, sian r evolullonnry. or ~;n nl z atlon Is reo lu cnmse In " Izo. T lol ~ I~ c"lI .bIl QR~ whlcb Is 0 precursor of dl seuso. If sorting to fr equent assassinations Jn dlle t o Iho SaUlt) ge ne .. ,, 1 r" U ~ '10 th :1I fil e horse s lnn cls with his fort ~p rend revr nge ogalns t civil and military at. Is '.l1e CIIII se lur till' In CrCnlH.' of humn n a purt .lh rc JMa weakness In the lolu;, fi clals who hnve manlrested s pec Ial IItRlllre lI ore- lhl! ~ lIllpl y or gOOl1 (,Dod. Neve r buy tl horse in hnrn oss. Un· hars hn ess In Plllting clown revolution. 'l' lllJ. 1'(HISOn Is ul so a g OOd oo e Ifl tll,1 ary demon stetlon s. Tbe agents ot dom a in or PUlIltl·Y. Th e bASI fnoll hl lCh him nnd tnke every thing olf bu t th e t e rrorl sls orten nro Wom ell, who th nt. c'oo be gtv en fur tho ln crrnSI) o ~ his hnlt er! lead blm aruun.I, \I s bow g rea t cournge nllld · Ingenuity 10 "s ize, ,," Y9 tll r 1,'III'me rs' Itev "' w. ts J he bas lhe 8pavln, or Is stUf. or any carryin g out, th eir il es lgns. Many bal a n ~ c d r!l l lo ;). Ihnt ". a I'allon nO I n t.her fulling, yOU see It. Bark minor offiCials bave been mu rde red, too mu c h OI'ol' batnll cCd o n Ih e ~ lrl o him', too, Soruc borses sholV 'thelr t l'lc ks t hen. wh on Ib ey rlon' L ony 'otber ond nllm erous attempts . have been of elrll or lb e I)rot e"n ~ or I he fnts. MellI tI me. De 8S 8013 rL l\8 you Imow how mn.le upon t he lives 01 hIg her officials. 10 sowe form Will aCI as It ~ tlmllIRnt, and' you mny muke mlstAI,es. A horse Gen. Bog\lanovltoh, torm~rly vice gov· mny look ev er so 0 Ice," snys the Oblo ern or at Ufa Ilrovlnce. and Lle ut. Oen. Getting Profi t Out of VMI. Sakarotr were kll1ed In Decem bet' and . B;y tile ro ost enrcful faCl,ll n E:' "(,lI' vj!AI, Farmer, and go a .,j;rent pnce aud yet have nts , You. o~n: l lell It t111 some, Gen. Grlaznolf, former ly cbler of s tal! but 1)nc 1I0unll or Ilv\! \I'flsht can at tbe ,vIceroy of tbe Cliucasus, In Jan. milli e from ODe poun u ,10 otie nnd a thing happens, He may hllv(\ B w M k uary, A bQJDb was thrown at Oell. QUBrler Dounds or d ry .ma tter To pul back. GIve blm the whip nOd ort ho' Kourloff, gove rnor at MInSk, In Janu- butler (ot, worill 16 to 25 eenla pel' goes for 0 mfle or two ; tben suddenl y ary, and o'n FebrulIl'y 9 AdmIral pOUI!d, Jnw venl wortb ilx to elghl be atolls: After a ' r"st he 'tArta ag....1. bot be oIOOn ,topS for BO<ld. aDd .nothObouknln, . naval comnaander .lit . 8ecenLS per pound live welgbt. Ie waltebut a derrtek ~uld . DIOve 111m, A bastopol, was 8h9t' fOlUr Um" by ~ NI, hlld })llvert)' Is tbe ",ult. teQlpered will keep Ill' woman wbo gained at\.mll&lon to bli Ye"l. ar. , IIUIde Crom kIcker, and wu frilled bl' the ~DtrY .... _ b l . r 'IJf11 tried to C::OmI'lG' • mU I ~6 I' e li .
SWitzerland:' cliporUi of 'ma()h~e~1 . aut! Implements In 1904 are valued at nbout $9,500,000, E1lectrlcal maohlnery u ntl m uultln eft used tor well vlng , .!tnil-. l in g und embrolde rlng- werB tho prln'CI pal It IlIllS , A s t his little coulltry h llJ! Cl O lra o (>r 00111, hu l mu s t Imjlol't the hCn vy ma terlulH by ra llru nds , t he e~ l!ort lill OIl of Ill l",h lns ry sponks woll fo r I l~ I n , h l ~ ll'lnl Ak ili. 'I' hl) Amel' l nn fin a ncial co ndItion was 6 11 ' ens y In 1905 tbat we Ivoro able til Iml,,,,.1 $G~ ,000,000 wllrLh qf dutiahi e fI 'r~ l !:n gootls , un e lCco~ A o \'ar .190l ." S lIJ;l,UUU,I)IH1, n un over 1903 of $98,· Ol'O.UII O; II I Ill e RIl IU O 11m Olll' Impor ts u f t I'O" ,;"." I ~ II Cll uunt e.1 to $530,000,000, nil 'H'''S 111"'1' 1 90 ~ Cl I $~O, O OO , OO O IIn .1 O \'UI' 190:1 ot $ ~;L OOO ,IJ UU . T ogether . Ih UHr I l1 r l'~II " ~" In ] 0'15 over 190. fllnU; ' Il I ~ d 111 $ II ~.OOO,OOO. A""o"dl n,; 10 l hn gal' I'Dme ut report. t ill' 1:11 110.1 :-lla lOH <:O llSlll1lotl lus t yoa r "h'Hll o lU ' ·fOllri h 01 tile SIiSUI' III'odll o, l io n Clr cIl u worl rl . , Nenrl y all 11' 0 ~ 1I): 1I 1' I,"'"' /i ht Inl o 1lI is t'O ulll r), Is pm· .1 1I "~. ! I m ." l'a " ~ , IIml th l li lted St nt cN .',)" ",, nll'. lully o uo· hll l! o( t ho cuno Rugnr pro lll,,'pd In Ih ~ wo dd . Cune ~lI i:"r Is Inrm lll); nt prc'ollt II la rgcl' t>ro!1urtlolt uf the wo rlo'" ~" gu r "Upply lil ll ll IIlI r ln ): 1 ~UO- I !10 2. Uur fo reign CNllllIerco of tl' ll cule n- ' <lllr )·PIl .· jll "l r loHc il 1'I1Ilr hccl Ih e g lgn ntic 1,.l a l o f $~,S0 6 ,O O U,OOO , b y rtl r t hll I n r b" ~ 1 YOll r·. hURIII 'RS III lh o his to ry "r A lI,rl'll'II" fo reig n C'O Ul Ill, li nd $I,14 ;;,r (JO ,OUU mnl'e th nll III 1896. Th~ bll lll n('o of l raclo In oll r fill'u r ari Sing oli L "r our fOl'o!g ll t"OtrlnlC rCIl of lUOS IV IIH $4 17,60:1,000, alld Ih llt fo r th e last IOll r Y" IIrs ~xce e d s 11,1'1:1,000,000, an n \' el'l' l>~ of nhnoNt $4 36,IIOU,OOO II ye ur, equnl til ncnr ly ~ I , 50 0,OO O n da y fo r 300 wo rk lllg lia r s In each yen r.
That In nddreSBInfj' Mrs. Pink; ham you nrc canOding your prIvate ills to a womana womau whoso experl· ellce with \Vomon 'a dis· cases cov et'S 0. great; many ycnrs. Mrs. l 'inlcham is the daugl, ter - In -law ot Lydia E. Pinkham. aDd for many ye nt'S uoderhc rdireetion, and s lnco her d cease, she hns been adviSing sick women free ofchn.rge, Many w ome'1l sulfe r In s lleoce o.nll drift alonA' from bad to worse, knowing full w e ll tha\ tbuy ought to Immediate assist. ance, bnt a natural modesty Impda the m to s hrinK lrom expos~Dg them· selves to the ques tions and probable ellRlnlnaUona of even their family physIcian. It Is nnneccssnry , Without money or price you con consult a woman wbose lcnowledgc trow actual e~ perlence 18 erCf\t..
Mn. Pinkham'. StaD4lal layltatloa. Women suffering from any form ot femaleweaKncssllrelnvlted topl'Omptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at L ylln, Mass. Alll e t t.ers are received, opened, r end and Bns lVcrcd by wom~n only, A woman cn.n fr e ly talk of her private !I1nes B to u. woman; thu s b1!s been ea ta bllshlld the eternal eonfidellC8between Mrs . Pinkham nnd the 'women of Awe rlca which hOB lI.e ver been. broke n , Out of tl, e "nat l'olume ot BltPCrlence whiCh sh e hos tociraw from, It is more than poSsible that ahe hai gained the very Irnowledge that wll help your ease, She o.Sk8 nothing hi retllrn e xcept your 11'00(1' '1'1'111, and ller advice has relieved tbOl18Dllds, Surely any woman, rich or poor, is very fooli sh if she doea not talco advantage of th.. generous offer of nsslstance. , If you are Ill, doo't hesitate to get • bottle of Lydia E. Plokbom'aVegetable ~mpound at once. arid write MI'8. Pinkham . Lynn. Muss., fo.r special ndviee, Whe n u. m dielne bas been successful In I'Cstorin g"to q onlth RO mllny women, you cannot weUso.y, "oitbout trying it" .. 1 do Ilot bol1eve it will belp me." .
. Toilet Antis,ptic" Whitens th«; teeth-purifies
mouth lIod breath-cures nasal catarrh, sore tbroaf, sore eyea, and'h)' direct appUcatilln ~ all Inflamed, Ulcerated .~d Catarrhal COndltlODI c&WleCl~
The Morganatic Marri~ges of Europe '
American View of TLeae UDiona- Custom BeeD Commoo Amoor
GellllAlll- Archduke and Grand Duke. .
..... P_n .... Dellartmnt of dJeOhICNO I: North-W,..tera Rallw ..y lIaDoullcee &laet
keeper ut lin unlm ,!1 boa rdllJ !; ho uijl! Lhe o l hur <la y. I ('lillUs the N W Yt\J' I, '1:IIIW~. "Th e only SLrnin OU " wa u rUIl III II!; nil e or th es~ )11" e~ I ~ Ute ul l' hl "'Of' It !'e -
U II IDIIUII of lallHUlDI the ell!ol_y of tile ,rB"'~ America FIn~" IDneqJ,." round. trip.\Tokete wW be lold onrtbli.·lll1e 10 nil Pacillo Coast ",Inte, io04 on their (ut limited tralDa, at tho rate of .1S.00 h'em Obicago, dally June 1st to 8ept., Ultb~ Every fo.aUlty la being proVided for In the w..y of IWpovera Dod other conTBnlenQes and the lOurlst movement 10 the Pacillo Cout tor th e co ming so~o n promiseft to ahow ..a laorea.a or lO.ny tbou.and people over tbat of auy' 8eaSO~ evor know n. '
(j utrpll . \'\)II :;e I U1J ~ w ., r ('aU:ol to see In grewsOmCUtl tih t ad1 t o bt! wlt u c s~e t.l s k l< dllt;S, . d ld Ill y pl':.t(.··. h .. c Ie l U I'S6. 1
W hocver gool "fter a fraud i. auro of tho "llplaul!e • nel IUflflort of th e c.rnpeting
Mostly {or Autom obIle Pup., Bny. MUD Who RUDS Auimal Boarding Rous e. . .
latenco. 'rbe cat aOlI cem etery al OUhnnjunto ure linllk e ulIl' lhiug or th e k lad lu t hQ world. " VILh l" nil In c los ure erno"acing lJut six acres re t nl c bOlle& ur ' ov e r 200.00U, h\lman be· Jn gs. 1' hl4 t; lghl ' ~' c senlc d cx('ecds In Ihe eatacomhs of ROUle.
Th o
d ~le
"~ u a h~ 'ss I~ fill
LhCl;C <JlIYS. " StUd Lt..
lJ ~I '"
~a llu II
LilmbBio and Scia~ica NothJnr reaelle. tho troublo .. qllickly u
or th e pSluulh; hm ent of Lhi ll wond e r- tu gu
Nolla1ar beau· ollt ... dlAblea IIko .
Qut ul he,1 OI l IIIIJlJi!; hl
(ruudz' , and tbeJIC. fortunately , most. I cn' erally make up
:1 hU ll:W lI ud :¥, ' tl"l a Ilea lwnl, (ul aud unlqu · !.Jul'lu1 pla f' l' 1 ~ lI o t " llt" ll. il g .I , . - a p u I, J ,Ij will lJc IC'{IIOU known , It cUl1 l alu t:S 1ll1ln101 11'H o r A:t.- 1)1 ,' :'11, ' l1 H I ,~ ::. , .. lit' ;.; " ts IU !; 1: 'Hlliu l; " Ilt l li: \'S who tlad thrlr life uu o ve in /-; C~l' n 11I .l'. l l lI l n g, I I I It' rl l lJ lt= Ii,.;h l h 111 t lh ' tl l!! l)! 1(/
IUI',e n nd influential elec-
t ion of tb. public.- Puck.
It Curlll! While Tou Wa.lll. ' r~ o "le Ct· huno" 1ll1l1'l'lllg" Oul((l lIln g , ":-1I'S. Scymn ul·. A r!,lln gome m s were Ail e,, ', I' oot·F..t1 •• 18 a cerlain cure fo, ' In 1; l1rOi1o "Plloara II) th e Amerlcun u IIlIlue (o r it Ilu a l sOllIlratlo n. she nnd hot, I§weati nc. c.: allouM n.nd tI",,'ollen, achins . mO'il ti trn n~e tilu ' \' !vnl, v e ry UllhlOtJ Cl' U, h er rhlld!" n dl s patchell t.o BrlLl sb lJo l- 1.1Irlus a go, w1l11- fl es h 1l1 0ltll th" murk :Iud lli. 1Il 1 ~ l! 'c~ ti IJtH't ) W C6 i tlit l llL,"'rl. I f•• t . So;cI by nil Dnlggist• . l'rice 25c. Do,.·t Not thllt Iho Am'ri cll n lIw lI er In the umhlu. A s mall ostate was given her tb o co n SIt;ntnf!l1l 10 lh o g ru ve or Lh~ UlU l E!lC'p li utH' lJ fur u nd 1 rll ~ h 111 I Ill' I't,~ . .ccept filly ""h.titutc. Tria1l'u cka.e FREE. lu to~t Inh abl tanL. T lll ~ cily o[ th e C'uo uf Vld" alld liope 111111 1'111 t lo <, IInl~ Much Easler Way . Addres. Allen S. Olm.teu. Lc Roy, N. Y. notOl'iO\lH la uu ot dl vOt·co Is tl blc to !lll lf pal'lt13 ll en l In com .. ; h er father d ead Is cal led by the Mexicans J,I ), e ln g 1111111 I ~a u urrang c' h .., <1 le l I ho Cynic (, n\'agol,l' ,Thoy lOy '.he faoh · tuke hi gh mU1'U1 I; l'ound on th e sub- Wll ~ m a lic 1l,Iml r n i and J)Ul In co mmand Campo Sauto, ne x l du)' , lon a lJJe , 11101 her or t o,rlll Y I'('COg llt1.f"I' her It il not unrenson.bly . Iwptical to doubt j oct, !Ju t h o m ay contempl a te dllTe r- of t he Pa clrt c i1eet. with headQlIllrlOMl " ' , ' bally o ll ly h y Inok m:;t III l he nUI ~l' anybody 18 quite 80 l,:ood u tb. [roDI It Is s ltua led on an e mln en" e overLuuk til Ih a l . he COUIIU" 'd, wHit a 1'·a, I,,'m")'I. ~ I o t il .r (un mov,d l- tlo,. If en ce~ . Whllt t\ hue und cry wo uld bo ilL \' un 'OIlV OI', lI ear lhe daughte r 's rob~ pu ~ up, . Known Ihe ..,orld over .. rai sed In this country If u Jlres ld ent. Ireat . Prince l.loorge was murrled to look In c lh o hen tit Itu I e lly Of C lI n na· \Va vc of 10 (' h awl Io wa rd l \YO W;t 111; lim.:,l j e-xt.nlon,h ml !'i ly ... h,". l.'r, "' h~n Otl ~ chutlACS Take (Jurtield Tea in lhe Sprill!! ; it wnt for In s ta nce. were to talco to wife tom. Princess May ot '1'eek. the t1nncce or junto, Surrouudlng th e !-Inc l'('d s pOl wilh 1{ l: n ll ~ l :; a u (l c a~(ls. " Yuu ' ll fln I nu n;~\( flO o~l t'n ~ I u lwlly e lell our" by the contribut e lIJuc h Lv l bc PCrfcCLIOll of you r The Master Cure IlOrn rlly a s llop-glrl. ror Ins tllll e, a nd his dea d brother . rt Is lolll Goorge Is n \\' 0 11 buill Or m asonrv, 12 f eel every k ll1tJ or u pel there fl'u m U UJu u k(.'Y caJ'n age. ,:s u 'u,\" :-' l ~I=-6~_ be.ltb, for n. use inaure. pure blood . nd Cor Painsa..d Aches t h 911 later put ber uway to espouse a prm'e(l but a Hllll en brIdegroom a nd for high nnd 12 rcet thick. Th e entrance 10 Ii chl lJl nuulc. We diu Ilik e a bowl.,! Q nat.ural nellion of lhe liver, kidnoys, IK by Ii llla risive gal~. The wall Is Hslles III bua l·rl. but 'Ib e bo r h""u"~ "' IU DISFIGURED V>lITH ECZEMA. IlomaolJ and bowela. awhile look to hl ~ cups; thnt the roynl PrI_. 350_ aa4 500. Bruslled Scales from Face Like Powprincess h od a time of it to win her hon ey combed ou tbe Ins ide with hol es crum u" ot d (1 ~ ureal I a ud th er al l dl, ·r1 . SQme m en's l i\' c tj ore cOlll inu a l apolo:;ies about 18 In ebes squaf(,. Hom e or which " 'I'll' mUll I. " arc th e c'lsl'" t III hallol lo, 11oorl8h hus band. It Is ' nl80 lolcl s he der-Und er P h~'9Iclllns Grow Woree l or 1I\O·log . n rc open, w11110 oth ers ur I;'! sealed with ex ('c pt wh e u WI! h u \'c i>arr u1 ~ :t!u ll g wi l h has succeeded. MI ss Sey mour died' In cement. lL is saiu t hut ther e aro Ihem, Sel! Ih a l hi ll: . wIIII · I·yer! . !I n ' ' ' 11 -Cutlcura Works Wond ers. exile a bou t n y~ar ago. about 5.000 or these ni ch es. They ar e o nc? He IIIIIIS III s tl'euks whell hI' dill" Not 1111 lb~ morga nati c union s are so used 10 s towaway dead hodl e~ In , w I! and 1h e mon l, 'jf h llnl' h g l' IH bo r e ' 1 "I ~ll fTer('rl w ith (' cnlnn. It ix montbs , I sn d as th is OIlB. lhat or th e duke or .• lO " cl' tll , I 11,)n ·1 k.,o\v IIU\\' 111,, " 1, III ,' had lI' j('d lhn't..' ooctorlt , Lut di,l II 'll get 3nu ore rented lor lhat purp ose to r u, . , ' u n y Letter, I t Wa!; U II lIl Y budy und on Cambridge. flrs l cousin to Qu een I'ic- perlotls ran gJ ng fr o m one to IivC' yea r s, 1lI 0 1l1U~ Y H IIIHIC'l'::ltu nd f"Hl' h o liJ P I' w h en my feeL EO Ihh'k 1h llL 1 ('lIuld IUlnl1y [lu t. torm. was very h a ppy. H e married Ull \\' hen tho pc r loll uf rent expJ rC's the th ey a "f' 1' 111 n n i ng lJ ,t w ce ll tln'll' eH~(.-'~. n pin on me W il IJ UU L t Oll r h inK e CI.C lIlu . 1\'J ), aelreNs. Mias Loul a Pllirhrother. The rcmain l:S are remove d anti t.h e bo nes bll t I )~ ll f IW Ih a t lIH~Y Ilu l c a lllll.; in gIJiJ'(l. fa('(' WUN ~" H't: I'('d , lilY \'ycul'ow.!I l'nmp ou t , li nd the n It ~ n t III II I} t' ~ l.' . 1 th~n w('n t lo uuke WitS verre~Uy de vo te ll to hi s wl!e, cast intu nn \Inllcr grouo d cham bt"r. "Anoth p !' 1ry l tl ~ lillle f o r Ih r r; ', nnltC'Y:i nu oth t: r doc t(\r li t· ;1"I\I·d inC' " 'hut I Wa.iI who wos kll')wn liS ~lr s , Pltzgeorg e . wh ich pr"sents Ii horrlhl e s ight to I" when " ~"!; It';)t cOllie. to boal·d for : t.~illl! fur il, lind I t old him ·uII,e ll r., H. For Infants and Children. The SOliS. Hea r Atlmil'lll Sir Adolphull those who bu\'e bat! the courage t o Ih o ill'S! tlw~ lon esom e UDlI begins ' Mi d 1I111~ wao a Yor), good tiling hu~ that t he :h u u~1 1 1 t hAt m), flil'. would be ,"nrl,ed a nd Col. Sir Au gustus, bear the mothview It . to . h o"'1. 1\ 11 t he otber dOl;" c h i m ~ In r,,, I.fe , IIl1t Cut iclira did Its \\,01'1< . nnd e r 's Ilame. Every root of ground within tbe In - and it I, !;cll crally o n su ch n cra " l o n ~ i '")' f" ce i. no'" j ll~ 1 ,. <),'ar •• it e" cr w •• , Tbe second 9011 or lh e k ing at Swe· clos ure Ifl utili zed . Grav e spaco I ~ thnt Ii pa rro t will "Gllr OUl h i. ,"oellbu- I I told 1111 111\' fn c",l. "boul my relllo rit· de n renoun ced tl ls rI ghts lo the throne rented . llUt the cos t I ~ mu ch less Lhnn la r" JUHl to put un e d"e on tlo ln'''' , nblc !'lll'e. I leel . 0 Ihankful r W.lIt c~'nrJ" J, , ,., co hod \" f UI ' :HId W HI ~ t o kilO''\.' wh ll l CutH'u ra to make a marr inge with ono be!ow the mos t ari sto c ra ti c ni ches. The "Oh . Ill on ' t hard worl: when ),ol1lll(c run ' .1.1, It i. " , "recu""for ec'ent n. lII rs. 111m; a mal' ri nge thnt blls provel l ve ry charge ror allowing' a hody to lay In dumh hrlll('". I IIIH' e \, e .·ythl ll g'. fr olll (\ Elllu", \I ·hito. 641 Ch er"" r P lacc, <.:am· happy . Itl 1888 he gave up nil cla ims a grave for two years Is olle dollar. mil'roue LOa mu le. " lid whi le wehnven 't deD, N. J .• Arril 25, 1005." to tho sflceess lon and marri ed )l la In At the "nd or that limo the body ' Is ope ner! up a s nak e dormitory as yeti've - - . Cut - - Of!. Retreat Ebba Mun ck . 1'h e llnlr bave fiv e cbll"fl.\' the \Y.y . ~[r . I[""k in. oll. I'llpn m_d, dren, wlto have been granted putents taken up and cast Into ' the under - been Ihlnillug about II. Lots "r people of nobility as co unts and cou ut esses. grouncl r.hnmber of horrors. wher e lik e HnAI:es lind alll!;otors for pels und n eh n flilluy re",urk BUOUL ) ' OU t he OUI. . th ey Intermin gle with t.he oones or when II lle rSOn lo veR n pet of th e lowel' eVI' 1i IIIg , " MORGANAT LC WIP E OF ,\R CUU UKlll Tho prln co and princess arc most co n- tholl!lIlnds of oth e r dend in nn Indls· ord or Clf IInhn a ls th py 10\'6 It hard , "\\·h.t "'as it . Mi.. Bello!" JOAN. Promotes Djgestion.C~rM genial , boUI very religIous and much IOli e MiJ he: wnnd~rl'd why \'ou wcr.~ "l lHl\'e poodl es on my llst that get a coln lllg here "0 orlcli . "--(;hicngo ~ T ribune . Interested In mlsslollary work. it is crlmintlto mass, Tho muni cipal nll~ nessandRtSI.Conlains nellher ._+ ludy of hI s own 80clal pos ition . As, rumored that Bernadotte's brother, Ihorlti es of Guanlljunto. who havo bcttPr dea l In life than nine O\lt or tell 9pium,Morphine nor }tiu£ral howl'ver, cbtldren ot neither marriage Prince !!lugen. co ntemplates rollowlng r hl\~ge of the c~metery . c"argc 18 peopie. I ~ ll p and Rhu ve 'em , worl< out Cures Bheumatlsm and CatarrhNorNARVOTIC. cent s for a burial permit. The re· monogr"nls on theIr hides wllh my clip· Medicine Sent Free. would have hored.ltary rights la the his example. that a recent jou rn ey to l'i end no 1lI0ne), -8i mply write aod try fatber 's olllce, It seems Idle to uttempt ParIs hat! for Its purpose the Introduc- mains of the deud nrc us ually carrie d pe rti . comb Ihe ir whl. kers a nd dose 'e m n comparIson- we make It .Imply to tloll to his mother or a lady wltb up th e stee p hili on the heads of with lh" f;r oulcst ca re . y~~. we're e ve n lIOlaui c Blood l litlm UL oll r "xpense. Bot· ..,.o'tuD-'StlNlJD.1'ITaIDl friend s and relatives, Upon nrrl vlng ~ellin g " ",culers for dogs now. The rOI - Btl'O),N nni,' Blood nlll! kill. or de · accentuate that the morganatic union whom h e Is very much [n love, t he fipoi sun l llill. D.the11. )bll>Ot! which or the ruler of a Chr[stlan nlltlon pre· Some yoars ngo the ,Arcbduke John, at the ce mete ry, the dead· body Is lurs Lui'll up a rollll d t he ears or roll down ca u"". Lhe a wful nehe. in back oml . houl· IiMAJJ. SJItse nts ILseif to our minds as or 1\ neph e w or Frt\nz Joseph, throwaway tagged with a, numher written upon ju s t like Ihl' ('o li a rs o r ordina r y s weat- dcr .l,wdee, .bifting IJu itls, dillieul Ll' in ANeSMI~ a piece of lin , This ta g Is tied crs. and th(,), ha ve s leeves to r lhe front 1 mov"'g tlO ge .... tu •• , ttr leg• . Lone pains, »,rnnseness. . 6\\'0I1~ U mU'ideJ ano Jolllls of 1'11t~UmRtI8m , aroun d th e arm b y means 0 r W I re , It leg... The l e I ~ se nse In the dog 8wem- I Of 'he foul b,..,.l.h. ha wki ns, 'pill ing, drop. Abroad these unions cannot be said Is con"igne d to the grave wilhout be- er beclllI,e man y pe rSOnA curry n t!og , \lin~. III Lb"OOI. oat! il .nring. "pecks !lying to be common; they Ilre entered Into log placed In a coffin . and after 12 or so 011 their a uto mo bl lo trip " and PUJl I before. tbe ey es, all piuyed out feeliDI of not or volition but at the merciless ImIn ches or dirt hnvo been thrown on s itting Ull IIp;nlns t a damp wltlll ror so v- c'n l,u','II , Botumc U100d Ba lm ha •. cured pulse of tyrannous Oupld. Recontly A~cl Remedy torCOlI!tipa. hundreds o f case1ll of 30 or 40 yenrs I!Itan d· it and tramped down. the work of ('ral hours Is 1l1l~l e t C) gct pneu monl,:1 If iD g lifter doct,oro. h o~ sprinjlo nnd potent non, Sour StolNlCh.D1arrb6ea we were led to glance ove r this page 01 bllrlal Is compl ete . Whatever room ILs r.h esl ia unprn tect e d a ll the li me , me,hollle. hut! nil (,,,led , Most of L hose Worms,Convulsions,Feverishroyal hIstory. and In readIng of the there is remaining in the grave Is used "00 YOll ove r i,,1\'o Hn y r en l objecll on- cured patient. bat! t akell Blood nulm us a man ocr In whlcb royal lover ond humness and Loa. OF SLEEP. for other rtead hodi es. Four or five able characters ap.ply ro r boa rd and \ lalt ~c .ort. 1L ie espedu lll' uuvi liCd for b.le mate fell In to the relation thllt In , '" .' ehl'onl<:. d•• p·~e. led c• • es, J"'llO ..ihlo for I 1'11: si.miIe sillnature or b 0<I les nre freque ntly burled in one lodging. be was a s ked. Any ono to luffer tbe agoni •• 01' symptom. 80 many easos resulted In heartlJrealt grllve. one on top or tbe oth er, with "Se ldom ." wn s Ihn r epl)' , "A mall of I'heumaliln! or catorrh . while or ufter I tor at least one ot the paIr, the s tories Ihln layers or dirt blltween the m . bl e w In one elll Y wllh a hOI; nnd a num- takln" Bloo~ Bl'lm . It I~a ~el the blood wer reminIscent of the Bllnllmeutn l NEW and rleb, thereby Il ... mg n heahhv A cave or t lInne I e:o< t en d s a Iong tlIe be r of "igs. but we couldn .t ,stand for i' pure blood .u"ply. <':Ilrei .re perm.n enl and novels of an elder dayfour s ides of th e cemetery. anti In thi s that. I-I e wa R a trl ek man in n s how' l not 1 p.l.bin~ up , Drui .tore. $1 per "Why d id she love blm? Curious dI smal and ghostly place are \llaced We told him wp.·d tak e th e geese anel tho , large bottle. SalOpl e of BJ!",d Bal,lIl sent fool-be sUl Ithe r emains or the mumm ies that have ra bbits thp. dogs and pigeons but no f,ce " lid pl·eP.OI.d, ~I.o opecln l metl'enl ad· Is humlln love the irowtb of buman ' " . ",ee hr dc,c rlbmg ),our trouble nnd "'fll· been taken from tIle nich es in tIle hogs or JllgR, in~ 13lood Ilal m ('0 .. Allanta. Gu. wlJl 1" wall. Thoso that nre able to s tan 11 . Morganatic unions were In the put nre pls ce d a gain st the wall. nnd D cln'nmon among (Jerman "royalties;" around thA four Sides at the cemetery ESIRABLE, _ BU-~ DECEASED. receotly the hOuse ot 'Hapsburg Dna in the unll erground chamber 'nre those Mlln Who An s wl!l"ed the Requil'e b een most prominent, the Austrilln sil ent sentries. Romo oC them nre llrchdu ko andtog his "aIDnity" elsement ~ or De ired Help Was hundreds of years 0111, Pinn ed on th e wbertl tban In the Bolect circle of the Unnble to An,s wel', shrnnken parc hment sk In or each of equa l born; RU68l a n grand dukes h[\\'e thooe s lteleton s Is a number . by wh ic h almost Itept pace w1th t\rchdukes ; tho An au ctioneer ad \'ertlsed on his oftheir IdeoUncn tion Is estnhll s hed . At roynl honse or llavnrla bus nl80 s urfice window for a n as s lSlu nt. an t! the tar e nd Of this und erground fered-a Btud'l nt of beredlty would :ldded a lis t or qualltl cntlon. . whl c:) chambe r Is th e gr enl pile of bones prQbably tlot U90 this word; and s taid s bowed Ihat he expoetell h is n ew malt WIFIO: OF oSS·\~,'~Dl~';.~NAIJOTTE UB' that have acclIDlulnted from th e England has · had to allow LIte morgan to possess nil tb e \"Irln es, ~rn ,"es and ni ches In Ibe ceme tery a Ll e mnrrlnge, We expect the roma n Ma ny I,eoplo read th e n otice urAl hi s IJlrthr ight ~o wed Lud mlll n Huhel. above. ti c, the adventurous of the dnshlng turn ed Hway, but til las t n mOre yeu · Hnpsburs. the "artistic" temperflment- He renoun ced 1111 rank nnd IJrl\·Uege. turcsomo individual clltor',,1 tl1 e of · cd lJavnrlans-hut one would hardiy assumed the n ame at Johann Orth nnd TRAMPS, FLOCK TO CITY, Ilco olld Inronned tho a uctioneer lha ; be(!lltuo nn exUe from hi s coun try. a loolt to an Engll~b prlnco for the grand IIIH brot lI"r Wa» jUM thu mao for th e passion- love and the world well lost. wanderer. Hi s Into I. not known; some When th e Weather Turns · Cold the job. . say he a nd II Is wIfe lost their II ves Yet they tell a sad IIttlo tale of the Hoboes Desel·t the Rurnl ··Wh a t·s your brul hcr like?" querlcl; present prlnce_ot Wnles, one time slm- when the Sunlu MarIn was wreclled oft DlsU·j cts. th e oUl·llo nac r. .. IH he qulct?" 'PIe Prince George a nd ,n ot heir to the Cupc Horn In 1~90; It Is rumored that " Ob. vcr),." tllrone. His cIder brothor C1arenco the coupl e wero \lot OD tho III- fa ted "Where do they came from al suc h "Used to s topping a long time I~ shIp. but sUlI uliuve and dweU In bnre the honors. 1\0 ,WI18 bu t n junior short u lltlce?" Inquired Ii bus iness mUll nne pla co ?" seQlus ion In 11 South America n city. • I na val officer. As fate would have It, " na t he r! Slicks to olle spot 11 k '! It' has lately corne to light tbnt King of a member or Ule poli ce rorce. r e fer· LeOpold or Belgium married a pensll nt ring to u number of poorly dressell glue." " Never , :;ot~ Into trouhl e throug h gIrl Home little while ngo. 111 tbls cusc mell loitering aoout the ~ Id e walll noar meddling wllh ullIN' p 'o pl c 's ~u s t · one would sa y the pelLSant girl bad onc or th e mlBs lous. "Out o r th e w ootls, [ Imagine," W8S ness '! " made the mesalliance. " Never." A notable morgunntlc ' marrlage of th e r espollse of the policeman. states " ' e full nafT10 of the cofT1pany. CalifornIa PIa Syrup Co.. "Wou'l dn't an SWe r ba Ck J[ CAlled the PRst wali thl1t of Frederick William th e Wa s hington Sta r. "It requires ouly . . printed on the front of every packaae of the aenulne. could 111. of Prusslh to the young (Jerman n row hours to drive sItch persons to him nil t be ha r ()es l num e. think on·' city. A IItL1e cold lVp.ather Is nil 'the countess, Augusla v()n Harrach, and ., HO'd no as mu III os II fish nil tb'} anQther that Of King FrederIck VII. of t1lat is r.ecessa ry. Then the 'hobos' The Oenuin~~ Syrup of Flgs- Is for Sale, In OrIginal Denmark to Lola Rasmusse n, u mIlli- are unable to mnk e th emsel ves com- tlmo." " Jov e ! h o ' ~ Ihe vel'y man I want ner's apprentice. A curious marriage fortable in the barns nnd 00l( cnfS. nnd .Package.s Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere brotber IIr was the morganatlo union entered int.o th ere Is nothin g lett for them to do \Vhere IH he no w. t hl by the Archdulte John of Austria., lho but get to the cities. even If they do YOUI'S?" eagerly luqulrctl the au c'Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imitafamous lord , protector oC Germany huve 'to do a little wo rk lor whut they llonee r . "Couldn' t sa y with confidence," ucYduring thc stressfui days of 1848. get:· tions made by piratical conums and sometimes offered by unreliable '~h o policeman expl a inptl thnt suc~ Iy rc"pond ed th e mun. n ~ h~ Ducke I Whilst enjoying !l seallon of quiet and dealers. The imitations are known to act i1)juriously and Should 1.110 door. "He 's beon deao! towarrlK rural lite, he one day cl\lIed at the persons bnd bee n less numerous in thl.~ therefore be declined, . hum hie cottage or a postmaster to 1\ clly thi s year th nn \l~ual, beca use II' 11 year~ ! ' mouhtaJn village, Inquiring for a con- th e co tltinue d wnrni weat ber. He s nill Buy the genuine always if ' vou wish to get its beneficial effects. Vast P"~du<tivity of China. veyance to take 111m a stage beyond. tha t charitable Institutions havo prob It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and hudachtS One or tll o Impressions whlcb Sir Th c postmaster was not at 1I0me, but ably bud a milch sma ll e r number of hiS daughter offered to drive the gen- tramps to den l with this winter on ac- Ian Hamilton . or th e Briti s h army. when bUious or ' constipated, prevents fevers and act$ best on the obtained w hll o accom panying th e tleman on h[B way, Itnd the two se t oft COllnt of the wea ther condlLi ns. kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed "Tramps o r tb ls type," the policeman Japanese army In J\Jan c burta nn rl In the village enrt. We are told tile which ho dcsc rlhl! s In his "Scrap. explalne u. "",ill not seck charItabl e girl was not beautiful but "Intereslby men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial ARE:HDUKE JOHN . In!;,: ' 'rho son ot an emperor was en p- places unl ess they nro force t! to do 80 Book of a Stall' Orncer" Is the trem en ' dEects from actual use and of their own personal knowlcdgt. It is the be met and Cell In' love with tbe daugh- tlv"tod. tour days later be nsked h er l 'hey ore usually afraid or pollee raids, dous prodll ctlve pow" r of the Chinese, laxative remedy of the wdl-infonncd. ter or bis chief oUlcer. TlIIly were se- hand In ?1arrlage. The pos~maBter lu- aod If the), r.un keep out or sight 01 He says t hat be lI"vet saw anywlrerp cretly married. The girl's mother was qulred hIs name a nd Profe~s ion and re- the 1)()lI ce they are well satisfied . 1\ In the wor lll men wo rk more Indu Rt rl . Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs dead ; the fat her WIIS rurlous w~en told ceived this answ .. r: "Johann ArchdUKe gOCM agulns t them to perrorm manual ous ly nntl In som e res pects moro in. the momentotl8 news. The other latb- oC A\lstrla. late lIeld marsbal; now out lallOr. but when they are un able to beg t ClI1J~cllt1y. nnd this IIpon a bas Is or Rmall er, EdwArd, prince of Wales , took the or employmen t. ' Three week s later the the prtco or " meul nnd night's lo dg· r.ompen sntlo n Infinitesi mally announcement with smiling philoso- ofc'Jduke weddad the village maid. a nd lug there IS nothing lett for them to do when compared wlUI thai demnnu In phy, tt'may be presumed gave tho 'cou- immedIately IIroclqlmed hili good luok but go to a pluce where t.hey will hav ~ the woste rn world , H e e ntirely BUp. ports tlw contention of Ihe lahor Irael ple ,a leU-I\(\nd bless[ng. Now a mor· to kaiser and empress. w saw wood aud take tL bath. gtiliatfc marrlllge Is a ' real , mar_rlage "Many or tbem do not mind s nwlng or,:; of th e U.nlted Stut.. ~ tbnt Chln psc '., wb.en all the condlttons of the pnrtlcua rew StiCKS of wood, but they do ob· In,hor mllRt hI' c,c lilli eli. h c~all.sCl he a f. COlUl.EOTED. lar country' nre complied with, a llect to belDg tmmersed tn the winter flr ms thllt Ir It were Ilc rm lUe<l to "0 ' though tbe ehlldren of such a union time. I CllU recatl nn In stnnce In which t@r Into competition with th" nrdlnary lire not looked upon liS heirs to t,he two 'hoIlO8' \IOslUvely rei used to ac- lnhor or Am erica 11 co uld nut rull to father '8 title 'l.nd the estates pertainCCI)t tno ho spitality of au [nstitutlon ncqulr,! an ascend e n ~y over II. n ot Ing ,tber.eW. In England, CODsent or a rLor the)' ha d pe rformed the ir task a: on neroulli or degr.od('u hahll s anll the reigning monarch must · be , obthe woodptle beclluse thoy object!,,1 to metho dR of 11\'ln g. hill s Imply ~ l'rnltK~ tail\ed If thO royal one concerned I. tM bath. The two m en ha d done nn the r:hln c~ e Pllt th eir s houlder 10 the tinder 1\ certain age. ' VIctoria would Ilonest hou r'a work, hut they balk e d n~ wh er l or work wlLh n de tor mlnat lon not bovd given ner consont, and Prillce tbe tUh. Indulge d in a IIltle profllnit)1 nnd p r. rHI ~ t~ n cy whIch workm en .. I. e· Ojiorge dla not request It. and walked out wltbont even ge a whe re do nOl OKhlbll. P.r,nce . Cleorge . lind . the orucer's or SOUJl. Fishing Days of Long Ago. dllUghter wero kn01VO In ,whatever BPOt "Such persons." cOn cltlded the' officer, happened to lie tbelr III ace of seelu810n \Ve ho\'o f;C~n the ~orpon Osh[n g "are satl eHed with a huy rick or stn b lo ns Mr. and Mrs. Seymour, or Maur. If the weal her Is not too . cold, and tn ~ l' (9I'ounrls or [~Iorhill . "lsi t ed the hom e' T.\le ,Indy rollo~ed the eallqr prInCe; would rattier beg or steal titan work ot the rellow tall and luna at Ca llfor. now. makIng her, home In a port lu tho ro~ whllt L1iey got or (10 anything ulo'l' gront resort . C'l1lltllna 1,;laoti; ' 8puth of FranclI, now dw~lllug quleUy hnve whillPed tho roamIng t'rout CURE .,ould ehivate thel!l:: . ----.:. .Ia toWn or nt SouthaM, 'J!ln$'lana. Pres, 8~reams or _ Colorado ,ollll lured tho M 'E ,'N D' ently ' two <lblt.lrea Bre adllell to the trout from t he ' i~o m ot : ",pp roted of Chinese Exelu • .on. < I. ~Jokt, 1IiooItJe(ITrap.pcr·s lake - .wlth 'fatb ered famliy. 'a: aDd alrl. Arter Herbert Spencer, the grent Enlllsb FOR THR .NAVi'. , II),. Dut [or a memory ot lIeen . d . 1I.... n..... It 0 _ b~b of the, ebJIIt~ l'J'1.nll,1l Oeorle philosopher. ",lio dIed December med 'hIli r!'thel' ·to reOll~lH blil mol',,904,' believed thot the <::l,blneae I\~OUld light we $11 back' again to the old paatle marrl...; but abftlDlr "Q:!I'a.~ be)ezc:lWIled 'tl'Qm thq UnIted Stale8. In boybood deya .....ben. arm d wltb wil. 110 lOOp!' ladutr.ttcl fa til. we'II·.r.noWD ,letter of odvtre to low pole, line or ~w Isted tb'rcal\, a 10' [;oDdoD kirby book ' nnd a cork ""ltJC1I rrom lie , t. • .wit: the YIDepr JUll:, lIte us to tI t oa .tJ,.1Jt aJlIDlIovecil the ntII\I. tlIe baa1l of Siad oreeli on a ilumm., ..,lIea tbe J
St. Jacobs Oil
The Kind You Have Always Bousht Bears the Signature
I a;: ~~-
For Over
Thirty Years
There is only One Genuine-Syrup of Figs, The Genuine is Manufactured by ' the California Fig Syrup COe
1.- ---__
, I
Ely's CraBill Balm
is MarriOO.
II I"rlltl~h
'I'll;' ville, 0. , ", 11~, l"lhll~)\I'n ill llitl Dnyt on .1"111 11111 , will liu [ If I\} " I'(' Ilbllll ordi . ,0, '" 1II/'ul'\'1<1 in Iho (.y;I"'MI ;r ud 1'S " .It I~ 1111 f"I1 () W~ : .lflr;v "i111', . 1 ril G A flii . nd hip
I $16
Ro un~
Trip From WAYNESV ltLE -
'l<.' -
;:~;:,\I:;~~;"1~~' t~~~~~1~~~nitt~~I~;lnMt~s~ ,. B'Il""u/lllg"h, 70, mcHb r of I ,\1"111'11
Rhf'l'i fl' D. " Bu Itlubl\Ugh , TO Rev. ~ ~' , 7,('11 ; IIgl'd , 1, llll 1:'1 01' 11f t,llP \ r~\':,';!i71blln r);', p nl\~yl\'ll nill, a/lpli t · '1'1", coop\! "I're) lI oigllbor H' 1I1 !!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~~ 1~/lI'I,y lifo ".".) ,,,,1'01' wholl Doth W O I' lJ l3dit'l ng a New,S I-Japer. Il llll'ri (I. RflV. Znl\ WIIS hor [ln stor Tbo 111l11' 1·11I 1.( " ('nnw n SI1I'J)I'!S' The Editor of the . .. Ilmin !!ton I, I,heir fd tlcl~ hl'r I\n<11111~ cr cul f'r1 Cl H i h~ It. scn HtU ion . J ournftl ' hIlS evidentl y bnd IlI,1 OKH( ~ \' . Z('l1 hns SPOll t n j.!reon t pnrt \ p etlence such 118 evOry llll wapup r nf hi. lifo iu IIllU nl'0111111 " rtlyn('l!"1 mem bRS ()OOa iilDal1y , The J ourual "iIlA'IlTIlI i8 wolt kn uwn bere: J]i ~ 86Y8 : fir. t. w if w h o tli o(l nt 'hllrpshurg, l'oIllJH ylvnll in" III Rt Alllumn . n1l!1 ,I "If you want 1;0 ku vw wh othut' U w I I IV( IY Willt b rough t he ro 1Ut' lOlt(' new8pall6r ia react througllout or 1)l1rill l, wn ~ befor e h l' mRnia H', no~, take II sellt a t. Ihn desk f u Mi$ ~ .1 .lno J hilll)~. II siRtor of M ' ~s
II "
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S P ~N 'ER
G ('orgia ,
K cntll ck)', ~Li~:..; is:-;ip PI , Vi I'g'j II ia , ..N or" h a.IHl ~() H th U:L l'ol iIla,
Portland CelDent , LUlDber, Shingles, and all kinds of Co al. DEALERS in Flour Feed and
1['<.'11 n (' SSC{'. '1'h: I{t' h '''I ",.11 .. ,\1.111' 11 ::O Lh
I ~ th .
11111 1
go ••11 l'd tI I'll I rh! :! 1 lIa":'!
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fo r ""Ie.
lIIut!n n , ('"u ... uh )'tlll t'
Valley Phone
VIA '1',1 N l.'lI r lr .\ 11 1'01111", ' 11,
Wh, n Wn ltl ing
Cow F.eed. '
$2 ,00
We hll ve it ut ~o .Iml \10 oentR ' I ~ hUlHlt'e(1. Wnynesville MIlls,
lOuisville & Nashville RR
UOl'n"r !ltl'ip" fnl' Inb" 'co
For l{ound Trip Tickets
. . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . .- • • •
Oregonia, Ohio.
E f1 H .... ,
<t> ., . . ...... . . . '" . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. •
.W.LAN.G,M.D; C.M. 08(0 DIBICA8~ 011'
........AL'IDIB: S ....... AND 0RlLD8D.
e nc amp s t "
Dayton, Obio
!lIlt I.. 1:1111 hj I IIl Hl !t,H,tl A ..... udu l t' ''l
~t" lllllll
1,' 111'
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a~ ' · IIt.
ilHllr fir ,I t! ·
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A. MAFFIT. UND EI{'r \.1\. [~ E \1 g,\. LMER I\N I I I l l': \ 1 . 1 ~ l t I l"
1<' (J ]{ NITURE
OF' ALL KINDK, Tel llpli'ifl lI ill h i~ hnnsA Wlilll'" h;, ho ClIlIlld M, nil li nnr!<. I11I ~' or lIi /.: h t,: . I !floClhpR lu\(I CI" "ir~ ~ n,lpIl O\I lill VCl l'ncnllll," " 'uII to I'nOl1l lInxt, t" (Jr nf.l:-4 Bt'II!". W A YN ~ Vll.. Llt. u M A IN R'rltllllll'T.
r ll"
'N€' have a rare opportunity for you to become a ,tockholde 111 Ol1e of the be t coal propertic III thc Oentral states. This wIll earll 12 pel' cent upon the par val ue of thc ,tock , and for a short timc only, ,,·c offcr the l'cmaini!lg pOl't~()n of thc a.llottlnent of 100,000 ' sharcs at 25 ccnts pel' sharc (par valuc $ 1.00 fully pail1 and non-asscssable). 'J1hi company i safely and conscl'YatiYely mnnn~'cd alld you ca.nnot mak e a mLst::lkc. The inarkeM and the shipping· facil itie. C" hich is the Ohio B jycr and tIle ' railroad ) are the he t, ana make:' it an unparallelcd investment for H. stock-holdc.·: You cannot huy ,tock in any mi·ning Co. , who are u.-in g the 'w ater ways .tS moall ~ of t l'ansportation, for tho reH. ' on that t.he dividends are more than in any other investment that can hc llIlHle, Remember, this is a di vidend paying' company, 1 p CI' ecnt por month, and you do not have to wait fOI· yOUr" . mnn .Y to b carn inf" you ' s0lIl:ething. Tho value of tock will be increased ~tS soo11' a the alottnlcn t is sold.
•• -. ............-........ .
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
1. 1111..' '': p l I '.'Ct' l1 j.! cr "great tBmily"itistrnotor 1\ week or Ann Ph i,h,'l,li!\I'1 Intero"t l' \ IIII.Y, .."I \ h',' ("111''' 11 11 II . I: . lUll.' ,'\!. more, Milke the 8ligh tost mi stll kfl, ~ In spelllng or otherwise, IlDU bofore I '1'1.'1.", .\~l'lll ,- a week after the ieRue I ont you E very per son ' shonltl know t ha t t...._ _ _ _ _ _....;_ _ _ _ _ _1 1!'H1U heltlth iHimpossible if th e kit! . !" _ -------------will boor of It on ~ very side Anu no ' 8 111'0 de rll n j:(otl . Foley's Kid oey 80 it goes. With vory little of the Cur e will curo ki dney uud bladder It. c A 'l'lIA 'VA Y, . good oommended o,lwoys t ho err or el i 'enSA in every form , li nd will coDle~ in with grE'!\ot ]JOmll oud s plen. boild I1p Rnd l'Itreu);'thell these ordor, IlS If It wns the only th ing in gans So tb ey will perform their fun n· the Il!\per. " tiolla properly, No dRnger of ullIe. In " ")OK " LlII <1I,, ~ . . , M ai n ~ lr'" , Anyone who hns been in news. Bright's'lisell e or dillbetes if Fol· paper work Imy time nt 1111 will ley 's Klctn(>y nre is taken in tim A. realivAl the truth 'of the aboye, 'l'he F. C. Sell wartz , CII ' c. Col d •. CrouI> nuJ WhV<'I,illl; COUl:h . mlljorlty of people DO con COl)' tlon, of the numberless detail which are n60e81lluY,even In tbe IJroduotion of fI, smllli newspaper. Also. they do not reulze how ditlloult it is to get the true (110(,,'1 i ll ~ II ClUJ~. Thl' publiaherll of a uewSp" lJel' I~ID 't be everywhere wbl!ro (1Vllr y tbing j,. happening, auy more th!ln anYll thti l pel'llons Clm, lind hall to dHI)olld (m person. wbo 8IJ.W whnt , WIll' ~oi n l! on, and it il! (iiot tbu t SCII rCt~ J . any two per!l()RS will tell tbe slim at.ol'y i n 'I1n detllils-:"lICllple ' stle i~lvestment YOll things differently , 'l'heD too. n ows ,paper lJeOple are humlln . IlDd ' Ilre B<!metlqJ.e8 mistaken. ThE\ 11 Vllral:'e newspaper publisher, is content if be can manage his own business In a manner satisfactory to himself and to the -public, but it i8 I~ fRot that there are but fe" pers6nll who do · not feel themselvoe 1l6rfectly free to ' oritiolse a newspaper and appRl'ently think they are better ca~~le of knowIng how .it ~ h o uld be run than JD~~ alld women who, give all the'r tim!! and en e,rgi e~ to ~h e a study of the' business, ,
. eft
:;1'f't'IIl I 1",\' 1'11 1'6 ii('k ' l t ~ ":"111 Ii, ,",,,'111(\, I'~ t lind N" I'th · I1U\.· ... to'
bEel(:oAnll IK'l::tA olllle·vYe'SrY!:bOoElc)d ta!te, ,approprla le on 211 occa~lons. y " 81:wk Sults ,have nol m()i U;lllr equal In Ih ls City, \.I1.;p Cheviots, Th l el:;, Unllnlshed W orsted.
,1,,10' '\'11 11, 11,; ,1
L~CK SlJITS c. "
C hl1n! ' ,'I' .Io'l! ISllv" , I I Tbou~IIIHIII()lIl1r'!o Y;,,,tth of uO</(t 1'111" 1'11,," if! intondeel ""pool ally 1 have IIMIl RftitcWil wUh khbi ~ f()r "t,), n lIil'lI1;;I. bllrnt4, fro t Illtflll, ami blaltctl' f trlluhlf' rill' yel&l'Il . PlI"" Ohll\l(lf ~d lin ndo, it('hing pll!)!!.obron. lng ~ravol. Il~d tnJl~ Wlt,h oarn· I< ROI'l IWft ' ~1'1I 1ll111ltecl .. y e licl1!, old ch,tlng IlIlln, Ii/lYR A , ft , 'tilUl'nHf', t+ 11llJtllnlo I' l'P~ otltl at CII>lOl'l' of t.lIl}- n \ve ll kn!)wn uonl operl1tor of Bu~" RklU, ucb II~ I tt l' r,snlt.rb' Utll ring , I.I!Ot O. " ~ I(o t III . IIEtf fr\lm ll'Ied~ . W I'm, 80nlrl h llllll. h orp ~, bnl'b(\I'~' clUe Ul\t1.1 'f began tnklnl( Foley a it, b , s(,ll1.hl l11'; or it h Ilnd ' eOY,OJIIII . Klcl ll~y. ( ,111'(', t,h Oll the result WII'" ~ I t It"l< I}1I .t wit,1I nnllllrellocl flucce!<~ 8Urprll\lng. A fow cloNas II tllrt~lrl t,h. in rho t l'('I ntru nt of th ese discn.Q ;',:.. l)rl K·du .. t ~I~ o AnlJ~t4mce "orl now 1 · Pric 211 'O llI s Iw t bO'x. 'fry it. F()r h[I\'O. n~ 1\1110 !lID' 1:\11 my kMn,' Y" lind , 8n.1I b ~' It. C. Holm"llrt?" I r II I 11kolL DI, W mlln . H ,~III" (1l1n,o '_ 111 0 $1 00 wQrt,l) of goat!, Foloy a + Kid ney ure will onre ~v Eiry fo rlll + of kido llY II lld bJud<1 er disellse . E'. ; C. Scl"':!lrtz. ' F~RE
A , Luoty P08tml8tres~ III Mrs. Alexander, of "/lry, Me" who bfta fopnd Dr. King's New Life Pina to be the I>8st ~amedy she ever ,ried for keepmg tge Stomaoh, Liv e~ ,and 'Bowels In parfeot order , You'U agree With her, 1f yon try &h_ pilnlllll8 pnrifiel'll that infuse new life. Guaranteed by F . C. Soh. ,. ",artz drug~t. Price 260
PROPE~TY l ilt fl miuimum frcightrnte, but the be!Ot· fellture ill t he river tru nsportlL. Territory. tion , t h o dlstnDce to the river beiug abont six m ilell, (~Dfl the ohannel of Tbe (Jou l Fields of the Western Kentuoky Di strict li e south Ilnd the Oh io li t. thi polat lRtleep en ough nt 1111 Rtliges and seasons to nllow 'I'be oillleld .. oon trolled hy thill 'ol1l\luny Clonlli"t of :lUi /l or II III and Ill-out 120 mil eu~ west of Louiflv ille, onm· b.Lraes t.o bl fiollted dowu tho Rtl'elllU ; thml oUllbH n.. .. II to shIp ...0I1r Il ro. Dolllwllre County, luLlinnll , in whlltiM kn own ".... 1\ do PI'","J 111"",-101", wi t h w t Qf Evtl.nsv\lle. Indinnll, , . , ... e l ' II pdllin" in ILl! n.bout seven COUll ties . The }lroductlon 'Crnm t hll'l distri t I\. duct 1.0 MemphIS and Now 01'l elln . S "o Il ]Jr~( 11 Ill!; WO R Ull<;J1J it Ilnu 11 ~1 IL~enl J;" ])1',"1 It oi .. " nf 75 b'Lrrell! l)or • '" . ' • New Orlenns todtlY Is one of th e ,be t con i IDn.rkets for th e re/l~on dllY, "nd ;$20 ncr II in Paull, KIl1l8llS lh~trlct i tbulnrlinun louse hili" )()()RtiOIl ~hown by th Mining Inspect.or for the st,ute, to be uver 4, 100.OO? ton s. thllt QcellD s t"l8 U10rR tn ke 0111 nt th i port for Europe. South Amcri cn fOI' lit ) 'I~st, ·10 more \~ O I1H 'mu it i@~nrronntltl(1 lIy gn'Hl IJI"KlI101ng Welll' i The veins 0,1'0 ot !1 umform thiokness nnd tll e grade o'1\UlI to 0.1110 nn~1 IInel the I IlIlJU9; ull d .L gl' Ilt deftl of coo,\ iM I)xpor t,cd fr om her e, 011t! Wbl~ ~1 WlLij dl'll1~u in n ~x t to this lell,ul pumpud Jl~/l burrel .. p.,r PennBylv RD il~ COll I. Al,long t;01Ue of t h o large operators in this. c1lHtrlct Kentncky 00111 is (OAlgedy ;toll ght f , 1' hy thiR trade. Pitts burg 0001 tIllY for SIX m uut bs and It I" makmg botwol n ~o nml 1i0 bll1'l'els per I!IlY 0"'" , 01 The Rt . B~rnord CORI o" Reineoke COlil '0" Centrll l City 01\1 Uo , hilS beeu the COl,} 11>' d prillclp!J11,V. but Ih e fnet of u b el Dg n, t llollSlln cl sottled prodnotlon. ' ' I n _ I" Oh' V II C 1 Mi l e T ,1 ;voter Ooa.\ '0, Ulil E11! n eurer . l\~rllL deep cbnn lle\ 1111 t e YI\I\·I'. tlunul os us to mnrllOt onr . iI in this district iRflllllll11u lillie ()nt of tHn wnll< t.iUlt IHH urill()ll III t . a IOnli ~n vO ., I,<? a ~y 011 n n g 0,. rll,,,e~, ' oonl ch pllper th an they, ' very ftlw dry boles i no wiltl ClIII,ing ; h elice, tlO ri .. k iu t,lI .. tnvfIllt,mant. U ~. OoulR,nel Coke Co., Wheatcroft Coal 0. , WI~verly UOR,I .'0. I\nu The geo!!T'lphiohl location of 'thiR propel't,y I. uoexcolled , ::lu gflr Lellses h~r se ll for II bonu!! of $100 OOller 1101'1! witho ut IIny prodno OIllDel'OUS am all coInpn.pies .. There a re no fl\iltue in this dlstriot nnd plllnto tions lire henvy C()lI~nm e rs of conI 11 Dd huy r l vor oo1l1 exclnslvely, HOll , Th.o terri t?ry 1 'PII OTi, KlIl1!111 S is in II well d'lllufd OliO, "nrroullll~11 the price of col~l l~~ the minee is better t,hun in some of the Ohi\" ami Illld TlItl Il ~fll ctllrln~ indn~t,r~ f''' Ilre inornll sillA v I'y rn pidly in thi ~ pllrt of by s tron!;,Pl'oduolII.g we Ii; th ero is no lI~orlucli on UpOIl t.his l)r()l>erty' 01< bAUer tbllD lD Indlo,nll or nlinois fields . tbe sout,h ; h once, t,hl} IIlfir kets of t he <lol1th lire good at oJl times r o, YWElt ; t,b e ()o~lll )Rn~ mt IIUS tIJ s t'lr t Olleml10llS Ihe re In II vHry sh rt. time. " gnrdlell8 o[ t.h ll ~Oll!:lOIl . ' ells In thI S terrltory s tllrt off from riO 1,0100 lturr 11', olwh, lwr dfl.},ollll Tbe prol>erty oontrolled by t.he Kentuoky COll I Mining Com plln y It is .l kn ow n fR ct b.y RlI cOlll opertit.ors tlln t ()rices r ecei yed for 00111 settle down from Ii to 10 b'Lrre l ~. Tlti!< territory is .replllrkllhie for tha ooue-iFts of 2,000 nOl'e~ ; located in Onion Co • Kentncky. the l1t:lIlrt of this in t.h A soul.hl' l'n murk tH II l'efllr b- tt... r tblln in t.he no~th. h ence, the f ;enso n thnt the percentllge o[ dry holos is Ins$ thaD In Iln y. orher torru.ory . r elLson Pitl:sbur tr oonceTnS see k!! Illllrk et r B!!Ul'(ll e~s of the dIffioulties ~ In t,h e country, . . . d !strict,. ubou... 25 mHes southw ost of E vanev ill e, I ncI'lIm ll. 'rh, ,~ nl'1J} OIS " Th e cos t 0fIlII oncounter ed in '"thl) UpJlI1r Ohio niver. r 1'1 ng wolls here is v r~ muoh les!!, 1I.s oil iii fonuel tLt 1& tlept-h entral Rnilrolld r'uns 'direotly tbrough it fUJ,d it is sitnn te(l wlttlin; six Cnnl lit the New Orleuns P ort uuder con trnct to OOoa11 stelLDl ers of I\bout 4:ir. foet ; t ho thiokllos!1 o f the oil ben rin!:: tIImd 18 aboot '47 feet, tbi ~ lni1t's of tbe bi o River . '.l'his property is s urrounllell by oOfllllJ ines brings .$::J .::JO [ler t on,lIn clon tb e ope n ltIllrk" t 1j::!.G;; per ton. Oompar e ~ ho wingthlltthe \\1cl1s \\111 bo! ong li n ld . , " , nmi t~e Waverly mines udjoill it on t,hE' west nnd the Corydon Oll th"se p rices with t,h e hi ClI ~O pri ces of:H 'iii in $2,:l5, per ton. As yon id t,he eBst. 'fh e test bole ' sh ow fOllr veins of 000,1 Dpon this llroperty ; tho ' Ree, we lllake bettor proHl'" HI t he sont.hftr n lI111l'ketl'l. IV ends. firs t vein at a depth of .160 feet. 6 feet, thiUk. witb a good sau d .s t one r oof, An ilIl1strllti on of t.h". co~t 0,( pr(l~h~(l IJ\;!; lind landing ooa·1 in t.he The oil holding in cOlln eation ~vith the conI enllhl es t.hl!! Com lin . to pay dlvluends lit once, to t.lI O stookholder~, of 1 Ilt)r cou t per Ill~ntli~' whioh is It ver y hllportlLnt feature, tltere being n n eoessity f or woorl New Orlelrlls mlLrk t, !Iud th e p~oftts r eoo! veri :proJls, which 1111~kes minin g iD II gr elLt many distriots expensive; thi ~ One 'tOw liOIlI, w!11 t\~ ent y harg,eR . f cOII,1 (rom tiUB fie ld ~o ,U po n thA selling lJrice of the stoc k until the ill1provet1lent.s In'the'ooal tiel as veiD is known os No. llllDll is freo from wMel,' lind the j:(rRdo of (llln 1 NAw ,()d enns and ma k e thrt'e round t.rlps ll~ ;~IK~V dUYR ; . tl?h ~Ilrge WIll ure oOh.pleterl. It il> t,h e intont,ion of t.he cOlllpnny to Noll, .:Inly I)nongb of ranks with t1W bellt bi tuminol1s conj in the Ulflrket" burns fr eely ' mnll P!1 hold 1,000. tOilS. mllk l n~ flU 000 tons ~f no:} ., [h e CORt o f lII111lDg 60,000 tons this ~t()()k t·o complot e these improvem ents, whon !bia stook w'i!lllay morA (If 0011 .1 nt t he Uni o. n l'ICll l~ of WIl{!:~!1 18 f..",.lOO.OO .• 'llld trnnRportntlon. fro,m tblln Vi l)er cent, U[lOn the Illlr v.L1ue. I It 1 t .t y t t to k t $" Il whit 'Hlh und no clinker s; itresembleB cnnll al c,,"1 aud , in fnot, is ,111,11 ed seml. cllnnltl by a g rellt II;lany con I !llen . The second voin is kn ow n Il!l t, 10 IIllfleS to , 1A rlyer , VIII e PC . I'.I~ ru llH\Il ,II , ;,0 ' ]Jer ? mil es I..... Wheu it comes to compRring the COll I mining Intlnstry with other N I), 9 Imd ill found at II. depth of 2~0 f el1t. This is !Ill exoellent g rull e of 000 00 ; Ifl9 se ?f ~:t~)oOlloton ll'ld /11'1.1 [,es Rt tl.'nhtell l"Otlnn::tlton °bf ~t200,Od°0. o~ n.f (l ind~fjtries, stnti Rtios will show very few (nlluflls. 'rllis is r ecognll'.ec.1 for 1 t poor cen ,"~ I ~, l~ ... ~' , . 1 lion ll g ,~lI l '. n ... ow .. 00. Iln orew or the r ellROn it. is ono Of.· the greate"t I!t.(\I,leR In t he wurlel ')n wbloh the onal with Il r ock r oof, s ume liS No, 11; j ust south of I1S by Reinelle • St. sixty dI1YR. *4,000 , InCl c1entlllH for thl ee trip", $10000 , estimll ted cost of ! \vh eels of evory 1JlcluRt..IY Ilt dellond ent Tb I d I I 08 Bern'a rd , Ilm1 W at by the t nrgis Dpl(ovell (lml Pittsburg cOll'pllnias, milling 10, 00; ('Htimn t,e u CORt of min ing 60.000 t Oll8 of cORI lind l)lacing t.o t.he extent nf 10000000 t' onft 'llence 'wl1'-- DO:n~II\lUl eoc ~ YAII!' noreas No. is u ,vein very little known 1\8 to grarl e, n ot bein g worl}ec1 in tl ll~ 't ' t l N O '1 'k t ' R 'lI r. (' 'laOr ece' t f no 000 t ns f I ' .," ,I e . ., u lIlY[lllD mevR.ment l nail lli~ttiot., bl1~ th o t est sh owil the vein to ext end unper, t hIS property, No, 7' 1 t 1;1 ,;~ B.\~ [ e;<)~~ t~l~. e l: t' I}I ~r . • ~1i60~gO md?stry of this kind it is f/lor llettal' t hllu BI1Uding Loan AllIIocj,~tlon or i!;l SU)IPOSOO t,o be tho tamous Bell MUll and ht found fit n. depth of 11 tront ~ , " . 1 pel .iot n•f "'114' 100 ' cos 0 I11lT.1lT.1g I~n mnqpor · on "" !!ILvmgll ~ank , It is ahsQlutely sllfe: tbe un,roingR I~re muoh L.ur(l6r and ~Oo f t 'I'll i tl d f 1 k' I d dil b ' eJ.1" Il~ '~ l?rlJ . 0 :r" , . . you the in creolletl vlllulLtion of your stock ' u ee '. I B S " . ne g l'll .00 gflS R.DI: co lDl! COil an ren y rlll g~ n '1 h u~ proUt lS for !/ixty clllYS \\'lth .the C.111hoit,y of the property of ' , 1'h ere lv's 1" 100' 00' 0 ,7 . ,.f' I ' ' (lrice of 'S, 1>0 to ~4 , OO pO'r .ton n.t t ho rpinll8 , I.t is k .n own · to ex!~t on thi!! 1.000 tons por cloy . 'fhestl rlll!t,~ 1111 vo l]el'll Clll'eflllly obtaineellmc1' can 1)e llroperty ,11y .t h e ,t ests thl\~ hlLve b een mllrle, <l opendod u'PO n IIl1 bei ng aocum to l~h u 1l1llrJ<ot i~ 'Ilbsolute and they Beek ' . I .'''' ' uCe7{. ,. , ,~,/'a,re8 0, t I,~S stoQIc set Trans'PortatioD In, Mar1r.Bts. or this grndo clf colll, 'J'hi!! COIll}l".n .v is fll1t,tin g in 1.\ shaft with Il. 'OllPUC: as/Jde liO 1)(3 s?Zd (I,t ...,5 cents per .shm'e, pr'/,]' Vltlue: $1 .00, ',rh!!! property 'hll8 ~ trunk II'n n of on e'of the InrgeBt rnilrond sya- I ~Y nf 1.1iOO:o 1,800 t,onR}Jar rill Y: WIth fllPc t rl ? trlllllwll,y from mlDes t o ,,!,hen th c J)l'We 1m.ll uP,'a,il7. (I,nced. 1 P81' cent PCI' Thon-th, r.w ert' AlIllnprOVnJIIOn tR on t.l ll ~ prOpfll' t,y wI111JO modern in ovory reo U t ct-ividends' will', 1." / ' l"11'rl 071, tll.e 17''''rket Pl';CD of tZ'e tems rnnning direotly tbrough it, giv ing liS JJ. mtl,rl{et b y rllil both n orth " Uv " , " 0 . , , , '" " south IIDd enAhling us to ontor tbo Inrgest 001\1 mnrk ets of th e countl'Y "'pec . stock.
The,Bandaomest . Women in Way. , nesvine. Bow a DI~U88lonof Beauty Lerl to , a Surprising Discovery, , A few ~Y8 ago 0. group of 'tbe beet Informed people a,bout town were' disCU88ing the , OQnlPllrl&tive ~nsy of tbe lnAny oharming worn ·en In WaynesVille. One of them ex· • pressed oUri08lty to know why the standard of temale lnvelinees is 1:i8· ing 80 rapidly in this looaUty i why oomp\eX1op!! .. are so much olearer, eY88 so,muob brighter, lind more oheeks bluaplng roSy red with ll8tllth ~d vigor. t1>all ,were ever ileen In tbe olden ~~ys. · It wo,s fi nally dealiteq to refer ~he matter to Dru,gtilt danney for bi8 opinion. "Why, I can tell you," Mid the druggist prOmpty. 'It Is all the re· ,s uit of a certtl.ln pre80ription-);h e mo')t wonderful I have ever knowil In $lJ my long experience. ',rhe r em· edy is a'gantle laxative that contl1ius valuable tonic and ol8llnsiDg ]lrop. artiea. toge'her with cortllin ot,ber alterative effeots that t end to olenr ..... up the akin. Pimpl~ or II, blotohed , 8IL1l0V\' or muddy Rki,D stmply OIm · not exiat ;where Laxnooil~ '1'0010 Ta bleta are uaee\. ',rhi.1l is 80 sllre thlW' am authorized to 1l0~ltivel y , guarlUitel> it, and tbe m'Ill.V who have tn8d it are uniformly delight ed' with the result. 1 .UI1 seiling it, Ilt ~G oentll a p!Iokllge, and PllY the money baok if not 8I1tist!ed.
i i $
"t, . .
, .. Cha,s ..11, Bulcm:, P I'csi(Zent f;tncl l'r,cn:;nl'e7',. . . . .I(! I II P-S, Stoo ps. rice Pl'esid~nt; Ni(;h.o"a.s ,Me!z, Sec7'eta,ry; j)J RECTORS: Oha,s. Q. lhlcl.clJl'(t,nt, ].f.,.J,;. U. S. Cnn!!ressmrw" DIll. D1.'; II'JI·1 of ()/1I0, Tfl /,l nu.n![t.on, Ohw. . James Stoovs, Vl;C(3 Pl'estr1enl .of Citizens BOlnjc, W nuncsville. O. W. R. SloUe, . 'ea pi la,zisi, Indi(w,rt]JoZis, .7 n ili(l /7.(1. HlIJI.(> J' L. Cm .z. Wholesnle ~~' R eta,il Toua,ceoni.'It, j i'-I 'ankf l)7't, J niliana. .Nl:cholu,s !vI (l iz, Flol'ist, })(t,!Jton, O. Chns . .!l , Bcr.k(}1', Pl'esident nncl 1'/'(> (/ SI/,j'f'l', JIII l /(! nfl-poti,';, Indiana,.
F~r a few days only, or as long as the Allottment of 100,000 shares last,' you can buy for cash. $121i0, Clish 2,fiOO Rhnres !i .OOO SllIlre!l. *- G2r., • ' Cash 10.000 ::lhnres, $2;;00.00 CRsh Cneh 121i. 100 s hnres fiOO t:>bnres, 2U.OO Co,l\b 1.000 Sh,uol' 250.00 CIiRh OR IF yot1 PREFER THE MONTHLY P LAN. YOU AN BUY : G,OOO t:>hllres en c ~t *200. CII~h (j mOllthly ]lILymellts 8II0h '200. 1o, 000 ::lhllreN :MOO. Cr,s h (\ m onthly pn·Y ment~ $400, 40, 1.000 Shftres !loch C Il ~ h (i monthly \1ILyments 140. elloll 2 .)00 Sharos $100. U is h (\ m ont,lI ly pllymenl,fI ~ 1 00. 250 Shl~res 10.. ell ch Cush nmout,lIly payments 110, eaoh '!iOo t:>hllrel'l 20 UII~h 0 mon thly \1aymellt~ , 20. cltnh 1000 ShureR J Cash (\ monthly pnymonts $ 4. Tlle "ulupnllY reserves the right to withdr!1w this stOOK fr om t.he Ularket Ilt.uny t,itllp. lit t ho Ilhovo prico. Thl! timo to bllY stock. ill when the Compu.ny is Bturting. Von ca onot ulfortl to wait. All remlttanoe 111m". he ml~d o out to the compoDY, Itnd Rent t,o t he 110lOe office to NlCholllll Met"" ::lcol'ctn ry, or .JAM ~~~ ~'l'OO PS, W A rNESVILT~E, 0 ,
.<!nt out this conpon ILnd Illllil it t-o the comlltlny at ouoe, stl\tlllg .how mn.ny I'I hllr09 you could 1l0Rsibly tllke !Lnu we will mnll YOI1 n Dellt proApectiuR . . There is no ob\lgntion lI,ttached to this Nume _ _ _ __~---- ___ __ _ _ __ _ P. O. Addres8_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I might he nbe to take _ _ _ __ _ shares If I IllU snti8fied,
VALENTINE By DAVID M\JNI.O~ COllY (CoPJ rt lrbl.lto1, by IL U(Jwlu• •,
"Cllrrle'l " crleB T om Travers, leani ng Imck IlesllQ ndoblly - In hi s chair, " I baven't got an Idea." "What'" laughs his hopeful lI tlle wife. "~'hen sll right down' Ilnll wrile un up- la-date novel! " ''It'8 no laughing malll'r!" slJ,:hs Tom. " Here's another or my s Lorl'" ret nrn ed," pulling It out of his pockol lind IOQklng at It with a te nd el' gla nce, "Poor old t hin g!" he sol llo qulz~R." 1 suppose t he Mllor s lammed yo u do wlI on bla d'e sk alHI t reated YOII s ham erulIy. But, Car r ie, no Ideas, no mon evt hat 's Lhe re~u ll In Il nuLshel1. ' I'd Rladly SWlIl1 an Idea. ru r a dollar, hil t I ba ve UI) Ideas: nnt1, le n to one Ir I had, I co uldn' l _trille a bnrga ln. Every ed itor 800ms to Ihln l, I' m a s wlntl lpr when 1111 I want Is to mak e H fa l: trad o." "Tom , tllke my ndvlce ; ~Il dow n nnll force · yourselr La wrllp 8CI(ONhln ~ . You 'll bo ~ tlrrlrl scll to Hn(1 t.lI W In ter , estl ng It will tllrn oul," expos lu lales Torn, "Oh, I)~hl\w!" " I've III'eu all nothing but hopc li nd br ad and hulter so lo ng tha t I "atn tllrn out l hott ghts like th e rellow wh o bDS~'~ :u the smllea at un editor. I'm o ut In th e I:old ." ': Wrl te somel hlng ror SI. vnl ~ n line's !" loold ug up with a smil e fmlll har rnncY -II'ol'll. "T h Pl'p '~ a "Iar tel' for you:' Tom . oI"IJlo,, " I), . "'Well," replies Then. wi t h sudd en nlacr lt y. " Lt'1 H He~,
Te {'arrlll. .I'd send lbe~ as my val entine My b'ear~ , oh dearesl Ca roline, Wltb lovo as fra grant as Jed wine: Bul th~ n , yoU know, )'ou have It dllar, I'd Alva th '~ all the It0ws Illvlne T hut Moth er Nuture doth entw ine WithIn h r boSlJUI, hices' flu 'Jlr.m gtops, "I ca n' l get l he next 11 no. You see,' It mUij l I' hym wllb 'deli r.' .. "Had I a mill ion 1I0llars la ugh ingly Nhc raplleg. " N·o. th ut ISIl'( ql,llte whal I Th ln ll or ~o m o thlllg with a pl1tllos," "Head It "1(I1ln ," !ltlll lea nln v; her r h ln on hor hnnt! , she IIs lons with a w el ly lII ' lIllall\'1l a ir. wrlnkJlng her for(.head n~ s ho cuol !;,' I" hCI' IJI'u,n for un 1,l cll. THill walo' h ~" hel' anxi ously , with p"nell rCIIlIy , " Had I a ,1111111011<'1 ror e.. ~ h tear" Rhe I'''l'"a t ~ trl ul1Ipllnnlly , "Yn ll 'r,' u 11'l10111 - lh(' I','r y Ihln~ ! S"e huw n k dy It ,'Ollll'S In. IIlltl ho I'NHIH !llnllli. " J>;ow fo r the s 8('o nrl vrr ~c , " Ills irlplI" e l' I,l pttl ly aro I'uttllll l; ra;;t..... fo r 'M 1"' 111'11 It\flVcg rH I.ldly, Sit e wUlr hes 10 1111 wltll nn nmu s",l. I 1I, ler rxprCH~l fJn , !:j Ill' lli<'tllrea him, wit h it eall on lin" slrle, wrlll n" h b, II rsl l'lI le ntl nc 10 her, Pre"cn l ly he pnlls"s. ''1' 111 Hllld, lIAn ln, I agree wllh 0111ed Hopkins. Ihe Engll" h lan gua ge Is abomlnnhl ", 1'lNe I'rn held in ..tleck In my II0cIII'ai c O' u ~ lon nit on nCI'ounl at a pultry worrl lo rh yme with ',,~p.''' " Let me r.~o ir I ca n'l 1\1,11' YO II : ' and loani ng /)v e l' hl A chai r she r 'ucla I1I0u,I' I A r'nrltl e olf In Sun ll Y Slml ll ; A Id n,nlnm ral r fur Iltpc 10 reig n. 1"1 glad ly gh' e If IItI.y W~ ,'O mine. r liu,l I It 1111 1'"0 t hal wid e IIILI gupI Th rru'H wlt ere Ib ~ r" b ,' OIll,'S In 0"" I II", rlt)'!n" du esn·!. " " Well . I'd I' ha nge It so m ~ whnl. " nntl Ihell . Iryl nv; ,"ery hnrd ro be .'rloll s. Hh red lc,: "l ·t! qull'l,l y buy II hi!; kna llsack My gol d to huitt ," "No w. Carri e. Ihut'" menn. " " Wcll , d~!tr . 10 b" se r lou"." Shll Ihln l(s ror n mo menl . " Ho w wOllld I his dn ?" "Had I a purse Ih nt w!d,' did I;O P W ll h ye llow rol n. wll hl n Ih)' IIlt1 I'd Alull1y POUI' lil Y go'.tl ~ n RlOre, " " 1~l n cl)'. Now tlon 'l .o y a word:" he
pxdaim~ .
as Hh e I ... uho ur In
Coal and M9ney as Sinews
n. Blueat JIan of 44~ ' Cll\llltJ, 'ft.. Tell. AllllltereetlD& Story,
E. )1:, Scott, meat dealer, ergennel, \Pt., }'ast Comtuauder of E tha.. AileD t sick WOIDIft ' cnd~ P08t., 0, A, R " says: .. A ""verI! in the .hJps, legs, 1 of typbold left mil with weak ' kldDIlY" etc., the ,w aist E\'e.ry night I had to and . pains, faJIfng Mountains of Fuel Reina Reared' by Rai~da, While Millers Are gei up ire'lu"nLly to feelings, .nervoumeas, ~ p 1liS tho ul'ille, wblcb Piling Up Gold in Heap. . . Defeue FllDd, ~1lS ropy, dur k Iud re~ perlocJs very painful to void. I sulfermg can had n o appeti te, but' or cured, as were those d "anl, watercontiuual· All Ill t ereglln~ phusc or tbo SLrup:gle Tho coal su rJpl y th e Lehigh ValJy without b eiDI!' ablll of Lucy Rowe, of wbl,;h I,"~ "rlscn bHwecn the II1lne ley appears to be as large "8. 11' n ot to quen ch roy thirst. Gifford, Dl, by taking. "pel'lltor, of th e un lhraclW lilt! IlarL larger t ha n. a ny othe r mllroCld , 1'0 lho Terri blo headaches nnd tI i. zy spells opor th e hlltrml nous I egloll s "" I h,· ',ne northeaS I of Eas ton hey l'e I'ove rell pressed. me uud U1Y Lack WIi S lame, sore \ hand lind I h e 1,,1111'1'" un lnn "" t he on e entIre farm of II bollt eight nerM IlUd stifl'. A month '" treatm cn t wilh OOlLn'~ Kidlll'Y l'ill8 ";,lm6 of I I,;~ lrou.00lt e r IK Ih~ P""puratlons wllh S(CU Ul lOa!. wltl,'h ea ch slel" h ilS mad e for lh ,· t OIlAnol/t r r 1""1;0 ,'oa l s upply of the Le- bl", llnd n ow I n.m "tru'lg' a nd bculthy I tll t 1. J>; cv"r In Ihp hl, LOr y of til In - hi gh Va llcy I'omplln y 16 at Collo". In unu wI;:ilrh :!30 pounds. I gi v.the e ,'edit I dll Mtrinl worl fl III'\'(' Iho ;)Urtlt's ttl 1\ t ho nonhern L uzern e co un ty reblu n. to DO""'8 I. irlne.l' P III~, " .010.1 bl' nil dlllll~r~. 50 eeu ts I bolt. ' . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . stdfe b~pn Iwo",,, I" hn "CO w 11 -lIr6- Perchpd on Ih e side of Lhe Ulo untaln. pared 10 [;r e p lh,' (·" " ,lItl" n or It Sl rlll", with th e Ir/lcks at ILS bllKIl. Il r,e hun- Fostcr-1>iillJtl l'lI Co.. lIu:1fKlo. :-I, y . U8 I" th" "ase with Iltr, mi ne uwn ers ,11'cds of thollsa nd s or t<lns or t:o,, 1 wl lh lhelr Z().OOU,I IIII ' I" tt s of I'oal, li nd rrom Whlll weI' \! o nce Lhe mIn eR or th e the mlncrs with th ~ lr $G.OOO,OIlO In the Coxe li "' >llt.,," . Since La lle n over by t he She w~ "For 4 years I sufblink lIncl llIore ro'"I I\ ~ III rl'IIUl e very ro llroll11 cOlupa ny. r------;;~Po!ltl"'ly enred by fered temhle pains in my side, theM Llttlo PUh. neld wh ~ n' tbe mitll'r" arr al WOI·I<. Aroll tlll rhll a ll ~l p hl " t he Pblllldel , hru)t004 for tne r,1:: ~r from female trouble. Wine TU~1 alSO reIle~e D ISAnrt It I, this prellfll'cll nCHS wh ltll s-I ves plda &. n mullnb Il llllwny compan y han tnss from D)'IlJ)e)l!· of Cardui cured them. Thq durinq ~even!,y ,)'tl.u-of caph , 'u llft 'lrll~o , Its 8tflr/l~" "Iants. co nvenlcnt to tid e Wl;;C",o" &t," Too noarly , were better before I finished Tlt p hug" 11I(llInraln" of "0,1 atoretl l wlIt er nlll] coa l burges, Its l arge~t iIIcrealinQ3I>b. rein· one bottle. The doc: tor 1," ,'"r l,,"s "v"ilah l" poi,, ' s PII" lI ttra!-:c , 1.l nnl is "t Phoenixv ill e, whcre It hns l'iauaca, Retntmbrr thi) wIIen)'ou WDnt wllter'" wanted to operate on It1£, but t he oper:iltlrs tu [pO' I Ihal tIH'Y "1',' w" lI l ln th ~ nelv; h lJorhood or ROO.OUO tons, D~ Tos:.c )tcnth, Coat04 1 took Cardui Instead, and a ble tOJ s tant! a Ion:.; strllu', eSlwclnlly ; Pl gtlr" s lik e thnl COD\'ey li ll ie Idea or proof oiled (01)h, .)uiU. hot)" or horse l'aln In the alae, I' Jr, as h a~ iJee n hlt" "'1 lit, th ey 6hotllll l t " e enormOttR bull, at such n place. now 1 am nearly welL" IT<lIlPID LIVER. TIIDJ gO~1 for till klndl of wet work. rul~" Ih ~ ",.I I·e IWI) 'Iolh"" a tu n " tlti For 1I " o, OOU Ion b eap the hclght I~ Cardui a cure for disd "ul' U O,nUU,OlJIl u n Ih el,· _lode lIf 20.- " bolll 7!\ feel. with n base or the clr- rejfUlIII.e tlte Bowel!!. Purely Veptnbl!!. ordeis of the womanly func000.000 LOllS, B~ 1(le lit is pXlrn pl'Oflt ' CUlllrHPnc e or a "ILy blodl. 11 cannot SMlli. PILL SMALL DOSE. Simi. PRICE. M WAlAIIIIt lY9T 'AIHIIIT. ". tiOSlSo T IV it. whlt-h It will I", qtllLe posHlble r.,,. llt n be t.l uw n u p II nt' can It be set alire, ~~~=:=:~~~,;::-'t"~~~~ A,J tOWfl(O. aostON,P1AU.. U.U, Genuine Must Bear 10WfIUJtUIAIICO_t..tof.TOIOHfO,(AII, ' At II 0 $I 0(Je1'lltorR to rCHp . If Ihey su sec nt. th e while Il Is onsi l)' ha ndled (01' th e IUllrTTLE Fac-Simlle Signature I a ,00 $b,OOO.noo or the defeuHe fUIl LI or Ihe Ilet. The fl eodln g bas I t~ othN "LOrmlu ers does not loom Ill) I'e ry bl;;. bUI agc ct ' pots down In th e Norlhlltllbersuch a sum or mon ey c rtll tIC Illude 10 lanli (' un ly con i dl slrlct, a ro uud I I - ' - - - - - - ---- go 11 very long \\' ny s In " IHUtinl lt g Lhe Shlllno klll, Mounl Carmel. Glrul'ds , min ers In Ihel r efIOt'l H w wi tt tb e ville. Cl'nu'alla and sucb places, ,,11 ot . __ Spaldlnt's tlo W' to I ~ I., Flnt 1IaJM!; ' polll lH Itl I " ~ u c . Ihem oltvenlenl 10 ILS fr eight trl,cks Ou t th " ques llon of tho palm s a t Is- and (,~,pah l e of t ho he Ml of pI'o tectlon, I .. ', .;, ~:~~:~':te~~~a~tll · 3·DT~~::~.':: n~:~:J~I~~~;.al~ ADE" "Orllill OR., 'I'"., np ""Ido II . .. '.1"" au.""",. 8ue, or wlt ,, 1 l ite Ilrobllbilltl es nl'e rlS 10 Till! C ·ntral I'allroatt uf l\ew .Ip.r ~ ey " , :lll rllHl III ( 'b l r. 111'1' h u u Nl. AI.11 IlrlJ lIlI:hu •• ~" w. UOW\ u(· ... t(!.b PAR • 00 hit. a60 Ind. • "nt . Ub I.n !H h 83 ').O r h . 1I' . 'n '", 11 ",." ... . Sn ll1lll c malllltli . ' IlKU . A d ltr'8IIJ, JlOW to Plt eh t he otll ro m ~ o f Ib o dl. pute. L10 not dl- hilS Its lIu'gest stomge depot at Hnmp - •a lld • • ft/tllb 10 n .. r-..tll •. Prlcellkl. '&'II:Olll8 Wl\nlC!d. tftl,.· YO,Ii \,; H.l' A.6. OLoMSTE.D, Le RoW. N .Y. HO __ to OOA~b l R ow to 1'I"'lly ,·., nl'c r" us here, The Hlo ry or Lo n Jun ctloo. N . J ., to nl'.!nl cn, 10 tho ~~_~·~.c..;O .. lnl l!'atrmouQt, l"IJUndeIIIW~ I Q_ ll n ~I~«:,I\~'J~:~:::):·~::~: J\. N. J\" .-K v 1.e"""e thuse It" g~ ",);1 1 pli eH un,l tltlll $G.OOO,- "ou l l'eg lonR unll 10 I\ew Yo rl, as well. 0110 Is Inlel'~ o tl ll g III It"elf UIHt Is wh"l The unrount or COlli Hored t here exII' lVallt to tpll. c' eu 1i00,OOO tOtl~. Just us m uch, howS,ltdln&'s ornclll Ian 1111 Gild, lor 191M. Twe lllY 11111 11011 tons oC hilt'll con i ever . hil S bee n tal(en n\\'u)'. fnt· t ho I'or Mliltur7110".'7 J ... aO W ... r ..... h , ,,/!d , I llililUldl~", flrli.'lt wl·r. Wr lle n le lll Olll' fI, AlI rhwI8 I The .lllborUyeon.uIYli 00 All dl"putedpoln", cont.l6lt" 81101 $t;.I,OO.lh'll hltl'" not been accuntu - Contra l's sto rll J;o del)OI. at Salem, "~K. IL .....J:o!GEll. tU. 17l b t:U... . 1)0nl'"r. \Jo1o. tb" n,,~ IVOO ruh:. and plclur.. of aU &b. 'eatlHlII lUlCd In :t f ew , "11111~, IR pertaill . Wo Mas" .. whe ro IIH bltr!;eK Itll\'e lakell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i " U(lt.h MD 1~ al1l\ i llla)',~~:~~r~:~:,~fbl~U~~'1..ort~&WI..
of War
hcadai:hes, siele
and other be riJiev
THt SIGN Of lHf f1Sn
bYJ:' ~~ ._~R~~~SE SU~~TlT_U_T~ao $250 Pr'lzo PuZZIO"DRESS
\wnr,n •.
rellrs HL Aberdee n, Tbere
20,287 mnlc. nnd 20,087 fe Dlules.
II love-·n love t h ot kn OWN no e nd!'
U.w tOt:UDlb.~N
~~I;,~ I.:~:d-;;r :~m~~'!.~N~.,rr.~'j~~!~ :r,:t ;~!~!~~ ,~ I;:':~~~
An Eng li sh journal Rotes the ('u r l . O\lsly even se x di st ribution of m oasl cl:I .
::~:~~t!~ Ou~~~
"4t 4,.,U I 1) f'Oa. }".111_'" ,.,ra . ".Q oke- I· .... ~ "u . . . .. eU ~ on .h:ht , I00" . l" , t'r"nL ". 11 he
- -' --
" 1' I'e gOI Ih ending In my h end, t'hl' looll s 011 I anti 10 u moment he IIn Ishe • . "Now, h ero are I he las t lin es: "T h ~ on ly Ih ln g I ha ve III se n,1
r=~'J:=r,fs ~ f~~.,~~~~~~f~~~n:":", i
~ Jl rnh: .
IT, Ilia....-
rt"OIU b.,pa, l en",.eo"l . wtwHt . ll" .. r,. ',II
"WV"". Itttl
I ' r llla,.,. ".nu Pluta.1. Jh.. . N . ~ . UI ""!lU. "." . ... 1... u .
Sl! " lId add"u ror Ca t."I'Q. Qr 1111 Alltletlc Hpor.... Il'lI (rH . 4
SPALDINQ & BROS. NL . Ne ... Yurk - .,1 W.bub. An., bi~..
INVENTIVE._INGE -- NUITY. Matbew Faulds, a weaver or Kllma /Melll cni autborlt les III F'rnnce ha l'G A s te!.'1 or SI)eclul harJn e8A, patenteJ nock, SI:oLiand, has been at his IIKm disco vered IllUt a ro.l rl y good subs ll , 1u llel'Dl:ltt y Ily I,', ~llt n s tCI', reHIlI's 80 yenrs, und be Is more tblln 90 y, ~u,r. tULe tor Quinine, ror use III cases 01 from subJe"lI ng the mol le n metal tu of age. ( At, the rc ~ent funeral of I<lng Nora , Dlllrsh rever, or otber mllhtrl ul dlseas p , a blu8t of nllroeen. 1 f C I dl I mil con be concocted fl'om th e genttnn Peasanls In Auve r:;n'e have 10Dg used (I T be human tatty (JulieI' bas at Ius: , om 0 am 10 tl t Ie a co mournel'. IIOrl of brand y w ad e rroDl lbat plant n s:1ccumbed to In ven tive scnltl s anti ht3 at t he rllllorni gave "oleo to tllelr grief combat slIoh diseases, work clI n now be tlon e oy automatl~ ~~;~u gb megaphoneR. with muob elTbe Doted 'Ge rmon sclenlls t, Pro' ma cilinery, I Emil vall Behrt n", who belle\'l's tba·,. . In .lhe '.\-laCOnSln zl uc lIel (1 there a re William Reitz, at Duesseldor C, Gpr· '" II II tl I t I mnll)" has losl the s lghl ot bl ~ e)'c be h aa dl.ocov ered 1Ul cITcct\l' e remedy ,ma~n e c sepuro on I) lin 8 n operafor luberculoRls, persl Kt~ In his dete;.- I tlon nnd It Is said th(l t lh ls use oteloo- from Injuries caused by a grain or rice mlnatlon nol lO mnke Il publi c ber a ' tro -mol;11etlS m !s greatly In creasi ng w was thrown Into It on lhe day h ehlcb or~ was married oC zltlc In that d ls trlcl. I Dext fall. 1·10 rlestres to be 3 S slIre of l heA yi eld w t 1ft I Il I I I An Edgba-ton. (Iilngland) womaD . hi li ground us a yen I' ot te sts and exn s co or 00 S I~ e ng () nee \\' ho was summoned [or nnno ),ln" perlmen ts cun mall o him berore Illac- I on the morllet; Il en n b~ Imrdenell by neig hbors by blowing II. wbl sUp, sal ol lng his met hod ot treatment In otller s imply beating to a hl gn tOlltpCrllUlIo she had been hypn otized, and blew II bands. nnil allowing It to cuol Intl t htl lilt'. T(lol~ f,o call attention La th e fael. For thtl purpo Re uf IIludylng lh3 mntle out or this r. l cel 0 tlot beco tr.1l Says 11 TokIo newspaper : "On ac. growlll;; hot while bolD).; comlt of ,lI iI vnn ced age, Count 1'1\I:acouses 01 mou ntai n SIckness , t wO soft kt hrough I French medLcn!' authorilles, D I'~, oUII- 1 war el. " yuki SasakI (79) and VIscou nl '1'001lemurl, li nd Moog, during JIlJlI J uly A ~Iunl c b professo l' ban In,'entet! t\ oyu lll Hnyashl (84) h:I\'o obtl\l/Jed th e, mad e a stuy lit th e Mont Bl unc obijcrv- remnrkable sick l 'OUllI I'locl.. Wben a prl l' lI ege or ca rrying etl clls In the 101nlUry . Accordi ng La the results or bu tton Is pressed ,In electri c lamp bo- perinI palace. " the ir Inves!l"a tions whi cb haye now bin d th e dl~1 thro w.! Ih o ijltlldow or til , A 0 I t I (El I d) been PllbllSI1~ d "o;e diminished ten . hOlll'S ~nll hands, ItHl ).;nlfled, UpOII th" ' tI .; II °d Ilg a~ t POIlM eerg lan l sian or th e u~;sel1 uf ' Iu' 1I'ltlloSpb er£' (·ellloA:'. SCI lhnt nil 11I1'n lltl rnl! see It til ot ler IIY Ir h e s~rl~ID g o[ g a ll ~fOYI' l clogs Ih e proc~ss or OXldntlon li nd th is trolD UIS bed WI Lhout. 't'!lJlluV; bls uecK sh mons a°t St 0 m k ese BI gflor c u 1111woey lOr' atOwb,n 0 e ona eets til' un ela boration of toxic sttb. . fir e. He wna wllness and defencjan' IllllIlCeS, the ret ntlon of whi ch causes .I\. Cu r iOSIt y. aD d was rtn ed 2s Cd, ' '\lr R. Flatllllulcr- Ullt wh ere Is tile A I J I d '1st b a d l a pa,Y $'8 Ilywptoms or aut ointoxi catio n." roO nt 10 keOI) n coolt ,/ ,onl (It rugg .' . N emesis, J unllOl'-lu Ihe NIILural III HtOr V In clullIng cost of litigation, tor selllni! Mlslress- Wbom can you give as a UI useU Rl. UlIIO! - N, Y. Stl n, '\ moltly wuter t growths hnt was to -dlrly and wbo tull, had of n man
"T ltot '. uw l "lIy prNIY! " s he cr ies,
ppln g her hnn ds, " Wh y, ,don·t YOU I ela tHI,e It nro nn d a paper now'?"
" I Ilclleve I 11' 11 1. " "An d Tom." . he ca lls out. 8S be la pullin g on h is coat In tlte hall. "I r It Is n' l II cce pted. don 'l be dlscourngedwe'll hn'·. Il rr amed: " TH E I; OITOR liAS BEE;'; '1 ~ h e " tuutl ~ anti nods 10 him rrom the TI:IlNKING. wlll<low , "Oear Tom ," she Stil' S. and I 'll wrlle ~ val entin e to you- you've Ihen ndds. " Coolish rello w. to write me be~ n my Inspi ration ." and seizi ng pa- n vnl e n tilt e~ " Iler and pencil he carerully wrItes : " To Tom prese nls blmselr at Ih e uru ce of II rrlo." and th en looks liP al ber In- Ihe ~; flol'l l. and Is duly IIshercll InlO I"lu lrl gly . Ihe ed ltor's roo m, As he en te rs t he Sh e Kmll es lit his an xious expr08 ' .'oor, be sees tha l Ihe ecl lla" 's SI II I ~Ion . ToOl l hlnlis s ite looks as you ug luokl ng at h lB card. CO,\! , S T O RAGE JII OU~TA I NS AT P I. AII':Ft ELD, N , 1. , an4 Pl'OllY aho did on their weddtng "W hat cn n I do ror yOIl. 1111', T ra\'day, and - triCK hard to Tee,a ll u vnte n: t:rs'!" loold ng up Iteen ly a. fom , ,Vicw "'U 9 lu uu e (rom top or pile contatntnl :i~,OOO tons j each of the pileI. tn lilt . lIeeno lilt v tng frum ~j l. OOO l O tb,OOO l OllS. There nrc 14 HUt' h pllcs In thO yard.) li ne h e h nd once writte n her · )'ear s Tom hes llal es. " I hltvo a poe m- a ago. 81. Vnl ~ nlln e's pop", I wou lll like 10 must go bac k nt least two years to lind enollgh to slIpply Its New E nglontl lIe, "00 you reitlcmbur ' lhat vale n llne I hhuw YOII ." tn o tlm o when tb e foullIlntio ns of th e mond s during th o slimm er nn d fall. sent )'ou at boardt ng 8chool ?," he ask s, "DId yctll write Iho l to YOllr I.. ~y_ con i storage mounwln s were laid, autl Honesdnle ha s the prl nclpal s upply after a vain uttempt lO re peat It. lovu?" says tho editor qui ckly. equu ll y as 10ll g a period has elopsed fo r the ErIe, It was sa id , a l th ough It "Somet hln g ahout londlng me your "N-o--wp.lI-yes." Torn blll"he" a since tbe \I'cas ury of Lhe tilt ed 1\IIne was nlso ndml([ed thul Il hus moro h eart as )'our valenllne. WllS n't It ! " lillie. "The tacL 18, I wrot c It to my Worke rs' tlllloll begnn plllllg li P th e t~lIn )'000 ,000 tOIlM bidden aWllY a lollg da ll al'S IlS a derense fllnd, or the up- Its IIncs In small deposits. Thll !-fones S h o gazes OLI L of. tb e window, wlt't a wire," tar-away look In her eyes, and a slight "YOII dlrl, () h~" exclaims Ihe ertltor, wards oC ]~3,000 mille rs In the unthra- dnte depol Is a n t he sld o of th e mounnu sh rl80S 10 b el' cheeks as sbe recalls rather brusquely . tho' Tom thln lls ho cUe region, 85,000 or th e m wh n belong tal n. and Its omou nt wos said to be tho happy time. Tom thinks sbe II sees "olll e t hlng g ll utenlng hI the od l- to th e tllll oll hU l'e ueon contributing somet hin g like 600,000 lons. There more beaullrul lhan ever. tor's eye, "Well . It ISII 't ball. Sill' . I ' ll regu larly o f their wage .. Lo this fund , was more Eri e coal Ilt Simpson, furth er up tlte va ll ey, but where tille otber "So It was , Carrie. BuL now yon !ll ye yo u fiv e dollars ror II." Tom Is an avcrabe of over $70. uplece. Ol'erJoyol1. Inv esllgn L!ons blll'e revealed thaI IIl- pockets are was not revealed . Carbonhllve It. donr, so Lhat won't do." asked ror dlstillod water. The drtl s · refer ence? "You must ha"e n sweel wlIe, e h ~ " em ily moun ta ins or coal exist In at dlllle 18 t he principa l coal 81~pply o! . "I havc an Idea! " he exclalm8. 8ud T~o Sides Always. \ glHt·s deCense WWl that be thou gbt t ho New Glrl- Sb ure, bere's the ro lo e denl)" and In a mom ent Is scribbling ' says Ihe ed itor, looltlng IIIl at 'fOOl lenst th ree Rta t£.\S. Penn sylvania, New the Delawa re & Hudson Cana l com- wan yez wrote ~'ers llr s ix mont hs ago , One man s word III v;uod until you bea r man wanted t he waler tor the pur, away, whl1 ll wr iting out th e check. J erse)' a ud New York , all convenlent- pany. For tbat purpose It re cenLly -N, y , Sun, the oth er Ulan's story. poaes ot photography. "Besl In t he world ." Iy loca ted tor shIppin g to every point bough t the local race traCk, known ns " Bay. Carri e, wbat rhymes wltb dear?" "Well. take good care or her." and In th e co untry, both by rail and waler. An th racite park and th ere Its steel "Fear, here, clear, drear :" s he an- , he hand s o\·er th e check , "And-give Twenly m illion tons of r anI. Suftlclent buckets ha ve depo slled maI'o t han ~wers Quickly, knowfllg tbM prompt- I hor my IQve. Good.tlay," It Is clai med to keep th e kltcben 650,000 tons, whlle more Is sa.ld to be ness at such a' crucial period means • The editor has been sllling thinking, sto ves, the furnn ces a nd the engI nes nl Mill ersburg a Dd other pOints nlona: eve rythIng to the laborIng poet. with hi s head res ting OQ hIe hand , for 101 \ ho: COUll try \lalng bard roal going the \'a lley there. After an unsucce8llful attempt to a long time. A tear trickles throu gh UIILII far lolo oex l wlnler, It not IIntll Tbose Me some of the s tation s In Ihlnk of JI. line tbat would appropriate. his Hn go rs. '" knew the nam e as soon lhe ru1\owlllg spring. tbe coal regions and In the Ilaat , bul Iy end with one .of these wordS, he as I saw II . And 90 t hlll's tlt e fellow The largest of the coal storage plants no IIccount was given at the e'n ormous blJ nts forth : she married. Well . nnll he's writing are those of the Pennsylvania rallrood coal deposits known to be around Butedu Cll tE.'Il pbysiclnn, chemist nnrt, , "I enn't finish tbla line." her . valentines, and tbey've been mar. at South Amboy, N. J., whIch bas falo. The Erie, tbe Delaware', Lacko· 'nIe pu bllshed statements of II number think ot. Of course, if the penon Is one erly • of thiJ weak ones and 8ay~ "I can't Qull" fooll Oltpe rl, "Read me wbat you"ve written, per- rled, let's see, yes, s ix yeare. I can't 700,000 tone of bard coa l In the three wnnna anti Western and the LehIgh PIllaee r emember we ne\'er sn y ordlyou will have discovered one of th e bapI I can help you," Bhe an8wers sym- publish It, takIng up Tom's nIcoLIne, Blzes- pea, egg and chestnut-pur- Valley all run Into ,Burralo !lnd shIp ot calfee Imporlers and roasters Indicate slans of Lhe co rree Importer, Treat such nnry corree burts everyone. patbellcally. Tom plIAhea hie chair but 1'1\ keep It, and he places It hi roundin g the hill 10 the north of tb e coal by thll la kes weet. All of tb em a " waspy" reeli ng toward s us , for daring klntlly, fat' they seem ab60lutely powerSome people use It' regulnrly aDd scom back, coughs, looks a trille fOOlish Bnd his desk ; and another , tur fall. trom lawn ; th o Lehigh Volley rll llroad stor- have tbelr s torage SLBUona and the to say IbaL colTee Is h:l rmrult o u per cent- less to stop the gradual tout BUl'e destru c- s troItg enongh to wltbSLB nd Its ntLBcks, begtlls ; Lhe editor's eye. age plant at Soulh Pl nlnfleld , with IL9 winter ba8 8eon at leaBt 2,000,000 tons lion at botly and health . but tbere Is mise ry cnll disease In store age o{ t he (Ieople. Nnture hns a way of destroying n par t for the men or wom an 'Vho perslsls In ====iii;~=====:i========liil-;TI~-;;-~-;;rd~~~ 600,000 tons; Iho Ham pton Jttnct!ou sent In lhere , It was said tbat this The ai m of drawing p!llIjl of th e Celttrtll railroa d of I'<ew supply Is stored prin cipally to awnlt A frank pu\.JUc dlscussloD ot lhe su b- of tile people to make ~OODl for. t ho Its \tse wilen naturo protests, by hearl s tronger. It Is the old Inw ut " th e su r- weakness, stomach nnd bowel troubles, J ersey, with 35 mu ch mor e ; the Phil, Lbe npenlng or the lake navlgallon. quite o:rret'nb! o to us and can cer - vival ot th e fittest" nt w_ork, and the kidney dlseaE£', weak eyes, or general , Je ctls in high schools s h ou ld lLdolllhla & Reading slorage planl at Thai tnkes In tbe lis t or coa l depols n er\'o us prostration. The remelly 18 obnot differ, except in de- PhoenIx vill e ; tb e Delawnre & Hudso n of whnt Is kn own as the combined op- tnlnl yUu oo h:l rm: on thecont ral'Y ,w hen victims nre lU nny. We rellent the assertion thnt rolTee vlou.. Tbo dreg entrelne, conta.lnad In gree, fro m th e aim o f 8torage planL Ilt Honesdnle, IlOd the erators or Ih e coal roads. Wh en Il all th crnels nlllloth sides o r any question doeo harm many people, !lot ILII, iiiilUii ull ordinary corree, lIlust be discontinued Now York, Ontario t.. Weslern llceu· comes to a n esti mate at tbe ,wal snpabsolutely or the disease will continue In drawing in all sc h ools Dlul a tlons along Its lines" ply a t th e Independe nl operlltora Ih a are s pread before the p eo~ l e lhey con army la rge enougb to appal the InvestT- spite of any medici ne and will irow tbereupon dcr.lde lind nct Intelligently, gnW r antI sen r her tor racts, which form a par t 01 The P enn .y lv8nla hn s now two ver)' problem becomes \' ery dlftlcllitt. None The next prevarication at the corree worse. It INeasy to leave oIT tbeold-fashloDerl the general scheme of targo deposit s. aile III South Amboy or tho Inllepen dents have a reg ul nr Give the people lllain facLs tlnd ,they Imponersn nd roastera Is ll!elr etntemen t and the other at McClell,tln , a small co¥ & dp.pot 80 fa r as can be ('.oerce by nl!o ptlng Postum Food Coffee, By fRANK H. COLLINS, Pos tUln I"ood Coffee Is made ot Lhat for ttt Il one IInds a pleasing hot breakpublic ins tru cti o n . 'fhe ,,1I1 c-ge on the Norlhern Central le/rned, but !thouL ovel'y colliery In 11'\11 tuke rare of tbemsel\'es. Dlrcetor of Drewln, end Tnlnln' ronsted pCIlS, bea ns or corn, and mi xed tast or dinner bevera ge thathastbedeep In lIIew York Cit)' Public: Sehool., out lin c o f exercises bra nch above Hanlshurg, und a lhlrd the conI r egions th ere Is a coal s tor W e demand facts In thi s coffee dlscus- with n low grade of colTee a nd tbat It senl brown color. changIng to ,a rlch may differ for th e dif- bas been lIullL li t Runyon. whi ch III age supply In ma lt)' cases equalling In no nouri shment. r;olden brown when good cream Is added, lion nnd propose to Bec thal tbe ra cls :Ire contains We h3\'e prevlOllsly alTered to w n~er \Vhen balled long enough (15 minutes) ferent grades, lhe plan about three mil es dl stanl from South size the culm ha nlls s urrounding the $1 00 ,1)00,00 with t hem that their slU le- the fl uvor Is not that of rnnk Rio corree brought clearly b~rore lbe people. Amboy. The L'O al deposit at South brenller. of instruction may vary in diffe rent loealitie,s , yet the aim in view , th e Amboy has 20 large conical mouobUl very like the milder, smooth ano ' A number at cortee Im porters an,l mentd are absolutel y raise. Th ey have nol accepLed Ollr wager un ,1 high gr.ode Java, but entirely lackln" N"vor :aefore, entl 10 bE' obrained" should be the same for all in struction from the Inlns now su rely stored. I'ced lng every ronsters ba I'e Joined ~ mOl' emenLt. o boo m the dtug eITect of ordInary coffee, like to don th e r o ller IJknt~. they will not. clementar:v classes througl! the college, and thi s aim should be !) ri:' pile nn endl ess chai n pys tem at buck-p Anyone suffering from disorders set Allrl " COOl n boul IHl ce m o r c . cortee IInli s lop the uso at PostUDl Food ets', known liS th e Dodge COlli storag We will gladly make R present of J:'lIcl u lin d wlllri un4 shoot and s coot up by corree drinkIng (nntl there Is ,marily to l'ultivatc a love and appreciation for the bea\ltiful in fo rm S),NtelU, haS UNlit w nslantly busy for And Colteeand In lhelr news paper stateDlents 125.000,00 to nny rbas ter or I1111)0 rl cr or c:denslve variety) can absolutely depenrt Jus t H 8 I dl(l or )'tlre , . ~ncl color: . . . , mHn y montll s. Th ese buckets ran ..\ncJ bump mys elf nl$ then. thoulrh I und erlako lO decel Vol b)' Calse assertion s. old-fnsbloned "orree who will acce pt tllal upon Rome mensure of rellet by Quitting \\' o a Iwn~ r bumped - be toro. Drawmg, wtth t,11USIC and hterature, forms a tnad whic h m a kes c;lrry I \Y O Ions or co,d a millul o .10 the co lTee lin d usl np; Postum Food Corree. --H0 1l&l on P Ol' t. 'l'helr first Is th o t col'lee Is nOl barmfuL wager. If til e diseuse h as not become too as a part of our scheme for public in s truction , for culture and r c fine- top or lhe tllle. wh ere Il Is dh;trlbutetl , by chutc3. Onc thutlflJ nd tons or coal Wen8se rtthILtone In overy three corree --yree hlspeetioD or "ur factories and stroll gly r ooterl. one cnn wIth good reaFOROE OF HABIT. metholls Is made by thou "nntls of peoPlo Ho n eXllect It 10 dlsn ppear entirely In a ment as opposed to coarse ness and vulgarit y, greed and selfis hn ess. a day hil S iJee n II rail' a ,'ern ge ror a ullOrs h as so me Corm or Incipient or each month and th e coffee Importere reason ub le· lime art er the a ctive cnuse lnstruction in drawing should be linked to a higher purpo se than daY 'R wurk, emse l v('~ a re carlllally In vited , Both a t th e lrouble Is removed and tbe cel· chronIc dlsen,e: reallzo ror ono mOIDent tb merely mental development, Correlate it ever so well with the o ther Al Httn l'o n. whl'r~, 10 Ih e ne-w yar,ls, pOSlum Bn,1 Grape-Nuls Ilrc allso lutely Inl a r tiss ue 11118 time to na\,1ral1i re, h ' th coal h l1-~ been sto" o:l, the I)iu nl Is what 1\ terrible menaco to a nation or clv, pure an d mado exnctly as .tutcd, build 'WIth the e~cment8 fUll\I shed by Jranc es III e course of study, make of it as far a s it is possihle to Inrger than th e Soulh Amboy pllLnt Tho rorm ula o! Postum and lhe an- Postu m unci good food_ IJlzed people whcn ooe kind 01 lIeve rage alys is mado by one of the roremost do so a coordinate p;frt of a s hi g hly scientific a scheme of instru ction nnt! Its cn pnr.lty hilS onl y been limited It's. onl y ,lust plain old coml>lon aense, cripples th e cnen;les a nd hen lth or cheml sls or Soston bas been prlnlod on Now, wlLh the exact fncts hefore the as y on will, but I beg that it b e not iorgotte n that Illis s tudy with by th e trnckage around It. Workin g nt every pBcl(lIgll for many years noo 18ab- rea der, h e or sbe can decide the ,rIlle (nil I.ressuro It h:LS been ahle t o abone-lhlrd the people who use It, tIOlulely nccurate. COUTse, looking to healtb and ttle power music and literahtre are the only link s whi c h connect public scho o l sorh nlm08t th e e nU re dally outl1Ut of W e make the assertion advIsedly lind Now ns to the food vniue of postum. to do th In gs. education with that part of 9ur exis tence which transcends morta lit y , the Penllsyvnnlll system. The Mc01ellIuggesl that tbe reader secure his own It contains t h" parts of the wheat herry It you h nve any donbt as to tb, cause proof by personal Illqulry among cattell whIch cnrry the elemental snits BIICh as of Hny al'h e or nil you may bave, remem ~ B~hin;\ ?U,r ins,truction in mathematics, English, book keepin .... Illn yards, above L-larrlaburg, life eo ltU-gCT th a n the South D1tJoy 'yurdl, lime, Iron, 'potasb, silica, etc., ete.,.uRed users, ber the fa r-reaching telegmm. at a burt , t y p e\v rHing, e l c., s 1lOU l d be a forc e that m a k es for the creation of the nnd vo.ltlon III , uLely nfe, As k your cortCb lIrlnklng 1rlendll ' IC by tbe life 10r ces to rebuild the cel1,tllar nervous aystem tm vel from'b,~l ti) beall, • tJasue, and tbls 18 parUculnrly trueortbe tbey keep free frolu a llY sort at aches desire tO ' live worthily, inspir~d by ideals that exa lt and dignify : , \<Ve althollgh It· \s convew,nt lO the lower and It may be wel1 wortb your,whlla to· and ails, You will La startled al the per- phosphate of potnsb, also found In make tbe experiment of1.'fID(( 'o~ ClOt&hould ,believe that 'besides our instruc tion in these suhjectll ScA!lylldll and the.i'L'Ykon8 valley rllcenLBge and will very na turnlly seelt to Grnpe.Nuta, wblcb combIneR In the hu- fee entirely for 10 da,.. and Ul....., Which mak.e for mental development and to earn . a livAlthood gton. It I. ,000 Are and to 1,000,000there place the couse at disorder on lIOmethlng man body 'Will alhumen and thi s com- Poatum In its place. , ... betwe ton8 are of ulde from cotree, whotber food,l~heMt bination, togetber wl~ water , rebuilds You wlH probablypthtpf lome &004 , to ' m ake- mont;y , to take part in the every day affairs of our time, in. coal IheTe aDd Ute 1ul paclty of the the worn out grny mailer In Ule d ~lI ca te solid facts , wortJi more thaD ~4 ~a., ad tendencl6B or Bometblng else, nerve centent allover the:-bOOy, tUld st1'U.ction I!hould -be ~iven to develop a. faith in the glory of the world pJant has not yet been r(lltched., Go deeper In your Bearch for taellS. for healtb enn malee 1014 UC\l '.~ d . h ~ At South PlaJnflel(1 th e yards of tbe If your friend admlllS occlllllolial Deu- tbrou,;bout tbe braIn anril!(\lar plesus. 108e .It.. Beald.. tbere'. an 'tilel'Qa. far ~ eXl5te~ce,i t~at ' ol1e~ty , decency" gen~rosity and .charity, coupled Leblgh VallI!')' railroad co ntsln over ralgla, weaknel8, . Ordinary coffee st hilUlntea In an un - it'l lllte a conU. .oua 1Jlta'Dal tNlle to Co.m- natnral ~ay , but wltb mRny people it be perfectly _tt With a hebef In Immortahty and love, ar~ essential to rIght living_ . MAI,ooo tona at hard coal, ~nd the and lurelT detltroya and doea Dot There~a a tMIUOIl'tor Art in ita ~~fl8e should be recognized in our courses 01 ,ru-. are crow4ed . w!tll ' tralna w~lttJil. &ray lubetallCle tIO 'VJtally 1mttlllrlaD,t. tD ~e _11-~ of iTel'7 ltud)" .n.d .hQuJd drawirJ" mUlic' and literature', &l,d 'the 'aim ...... in, til plJ-. add thefr caraoea to tbe already Thve were It of tb~ .hO~d be primarily to .(Ot _~l."r wh!cb colltalli8l1 Il10,..
The Coffee Debate.
.Aim of Iruwing in 1ii!W &r400111
~)ti;r•.,~~~lt,1;;;""· 'coaI,
Bldy tilhi
· fOR MEN? Pr '·E as t
..... THE LEAtiNO Sp&mO STYLES -
Ex hib it.i on
_ J" ___ _ __ ' _ relll tl'VE'I\ ~ _~ ~::~;l;~~n: \tJI~H undl iY . . ~ .I' ~; p "! )T A'1'I H';::; Mr. IlDIl MH , Joh n P. FrUlu'm RII.I R ' v .J.'r ,Bai l II · form er pas ' thei r brJ lht JtUll! duu ghlo r KII't her. It 1~' neeek~lIr.\' ' to KI' th orn to trlill M. E, '!lur ch writol:! from r of I'~ n dy 01li " 11",1 E.1I h' III) ' RoJ~ 8 PA,LETO:r his • \08 . . . weloon'i g\1\l~t of 1.I0ll . le Ilt EaMt Nor \ od, lllo, thtit h ~eell M r~. bllll1lty or fl\br io I'ro ttm 'lI pare nts, Mr. ~lld MJ' Ii' fi Ji ~· lt t lU !l Is C) \" lr cQllt muc h int rElllt d in the BoU . J. tllilt ~ rill g , u,nd . 1l('C('S8I lo 1ry t O. Baw ke, ·Sun dliy . ' , I. o n l:: II. D,RE XEL . BOX: 'OUl ln!f lind Illt!}OUg)l b e i8 not . t11 (~ 1U 011 'to rl'R!ill 1.1,,·i cer· r lt~. Phi lip SurtllO" .. nli dil 'B tuin tlj tlmt l llnli be t,", will 1 , 6(\ b IIn(\ tl111 '('On W ug),lter ' W IItte nd ; hil,e .'1 )11 t· r H, Fra nf Tho ma of th 10.w er vQ1C11S tbe hOIlO th/lt-, "1;t ]lIlLY be ' a Tho l ' I,Y I ~: ; 'Bp r'2b oro plk,e oom blne d bm\l gre at -r:I gath ew en orin bbllg A lind IJroti tll\)lo oeca · 'l' , ~ t m e ll 1"'11 ('II f1 t _ • and ' ~nre In 8. vil\l t to D"yno~s R'i o u , It Lo't tnc , I ).ih m. ,\ I'I'\ " ~' ton Th" " I"I) olle ' yla at·week . HT,,~ Bu,lu d"atol , l( L'I FP ": 'AC1, {' r u t ~ e:;. . Mrs . Sara !l MO 'c;niltls Zell er, '.'h o Be~ 1 (· rl·· III ~1 i · h .,f'~O Ot RI. 8 Blm AST l1 1> < ~Al ' I, Quo 8n .. nd Cr9l lcen t 'i'oo th Wl\s or , b ewe ll Ken tuck Y. III Ii breo zy letw r Vlet-nr 'I'ny u", . nev er faila to give lJerfellt· I!Ilti oo ~ A VlI.LE " S/\( ' \\" [UI sf8 (J· to Mrs . N. B. Alit :\ COA T hon y, 811YS nUlo ng , I tlly lU 1'\'1 1')' PlIld \ton . E . .Jan~ey·. ,w ;,!" othe r thin g$ : . Fra nk !lUl er hlUl 'Uloved his hlac .. ) IIID w/ln k· tin g to oom o up nex t Z-est - II, il' 11111' ~how i . IIm l'h sbo p to tllIl Wes t old ljulIImer to you r littl e m ' tiog they Bl!Il lHll ul Ch" 'fI ill "\'1' 1' ." Ill;!! . A:oiTl£R ,'"II\O',, ·, .n ~11111111\' , Apr looa tlon on Mai n und Higofb It· il l &tll, 1, l d ~ YC'ILr, snmC'\\'hllt /Ire talk llJg of hav ing ther e. 1 w.W s t.ree ta lllt·pr th"" rlH' 11,,1" \1"" " \\,111 "11 ir, 1I~n Ind it II repo r$ed will buil d a bring- my umb rella nnd cam rosi . ; ' p for " .. pr i l\ ~ing " . on .. II eo\' o l . '1I1 y f" l1 ~ It· i~ t.1 1U II C':' IIW,1 lilll !' .den oo< ln the Cor ner whe re the 1,000 (I rw, l th e~ ; hOI, ".,,, ,hllr co ndlr it, for I t hluli: ~he tow n will beuud er shop .l n ,,~llIt\·l< I\rJ.(Plll1 gr", . t mllll )' " ,,' tlto~, II ro ,,"' kl r d oth S PIl "I'\"IH " of I c ople , I !lop e we IIUi Y ulll (u11 C'I!, ive t-o \ ,' ,,7C 1\ l"f' nllw ( ' 0 11 1plp t t PI" I\ I IIt! Mr. and Mra . Nat han Aus tin hav eoj '!I thut gran d reun ion, t' I, \ ' ~ t Ilu k p d \\' i t.h nt' W :--:')'T l.n I! ~ t:v ~ P!o' e " "C IIH:oh)ll lit" d ' III1P wPH tlH'T 'rht Fl;~ th f' .ov l!d to thei r farUl on the " , \\ 1H'1l It ( l l'n,·tHl Ott t' it:( n lni J! ht.y I;IIII C1 fhinL,.'" tn Bell · FOR 11I"·p wl lt-'I,t c hlll \' dn vp "U Mrs, \Vm . Mor rla, of Bell broo , ..·"uk plk IItt.t.r .. two y"" r ~ I;T Hutn \\,lth 'Vttr lll l ll1t'~ n url lH'CB k. EUW \, ~~ it·a t (] w~nr 4 i l1~ I,bn n ~ " f il l ,).;.1' ;0"1. deuc e In Wll yn ville . Mi C"'erOo-I Wll ~ in W .. yno dvil le '.L'\l ~8d .. y, Ml'iL . It. will h n w C' lI \\' n1'lh ~.,, "1' whi Aotltln ... 111 rem llin in W" y nu.;v~l.i" Mor tis Wil li fo r fort y ·uou you r" Ii le In forl n Vll W nr 111.0 illt 1I1flll 11 0 111' E g!: Hi ~ 1l of Ih' nr c'li, t PEr t· r esif lent of \VIHre n cOll ory, hO FEU'l'IO N f!'Ol \\ lI UI' ~ I N :~: I{I'l lit !he bom e of Dr Ollel Mr ~ H I· lOr 'Y ~t;,;l e h . .d " D1Ut 1V y8l\1' ~ plll'I h,,~ \I HWI1 Y unti l t.h . elONO vt:d IIJ (;1''' \ ' 11, Ilf t h e ~(' h, ...1 cou nty, '1'b o BpHt of Ev prylJ1in l' lit XtHl l1I HI1.1 UtJ lI hl'ook ~Mr . , lind , .~ l.tI ellt ut • Wus her arrIlIl SI"": I,,, CO II\O I uc )\ lIbri lry il! 1I0t. e01llllh' te Wlf k to AMP W"IIt1,,'r wilt~ nllt th o h II th ,· ~oenes 0 1 h ul' uhil dl .. IOu\ Z 1 M M Ii: R MA N.' R nl, ~' I / oli wor k · foum1 in O \l~ .. ~py of Vtln"bl tl' ~ lind ;, InO" I, . l or Slll,· h) you ng wUllIun oh .lh,," \\' hN ' .'·" u IIf11 1o Uy l n h"uct r.o ~ ph n U t he :::::~=::=-=-= ~ you! ' 141'r1111! (:lU' III" "I"I I. iH J Ii: Jlln~y . -: ~ I~I!, .. "I r OIll.LiIlc\er (i t h l' y elll's . Mr ~ j 1>lon t o rPlI HHu h,·r t (l~A l ll(' t, ol ' Mrll L . A . Zl mllu,rm rn lI"" ~hIIP" thp Ii "K' ""'''1' t1,,~. Y" II l thl 'H ,thut . urn g \lllrl lut l..lHt1 I ptt, tn In~' rHOI~ 8 1,.1.0 1' ul MI'>' t;"tl llll'l l ll< Mur . 111\ - - - - - - - tht'l rntlr \\" "" th em Hur t'aIQUllhl" iu full 1111""" rh"l, i~ III ~ju ou l it\· t ' l l. thl~ :oL1l 80c k,ul Fifl h S II' ct. PUT YOU R DOL LAR 1 N'l'O lwu (llH ullp, hunt ! n· vi:-lt ,,\. I ,'"ot nntl ~ ' )I' ' " , . . tor lld" by th,' h,',t 1I"I. il" 1I1. We In lI MIll III,t,"ntloll of IlIvn r" of 11 WUIII,I likC1 rll h" ,." ." 0 11 <,0 111" 'w .GOO D PAl NTS , IIr~ ,'hll lllct \tlhi .. h .... l"lt'l MI'tI. Abb ie Dod ds, of Clov elun o ~k III ... .. 1 us for " !III II. of Si l kl1 l,r in ItjlJU n 'eri YS l " p lOt.lIlI" nr 11 ShlC'urit y Chu renn a fnro iwe h atecl Illdl ..11 WIUt,.l' is sllendlo;,! tlli!! wile k In WILY d, is oea r eve ry time . r tlino ry pllln t po ill~ ou l. lho uifTl ,ren eo ,u llilM l" W" w ill 11110 dllL "t n08· l vfl,lu I,ny o I,hn pric t e C'()I1 llro l~'~ llU Seul fro l1l . ~II1(' OI" r rnei ved the /l:reut.8!l1 0,,1''' ,,00 ng. ~tlOt1 Innt ofllllF . IIntl houe8t " t.· villil with b I' pare nts. Mr . I1nd Mrs Liqnl<l PRin t, \.. !In inve stm ent, For nri Blul tl Neotlln· W Il l'k Ir lil\\'n'y > " 1.,, 1 tfln~lon aud tohll bloo lll I~ to buy the bpSI. ~ I'" VAr y h, 1111 E . D R o lle('[~ Fro m he re sb e will 811 1e by .r. E,P'LllIH'Y. go !\IUlI e . WR shin gtan D. C. to spen d a, Whl It whh her siste r, Mrs . Cbll f\a rme rs, cull In lind ~M Ilw ' t! . s. 8. Clm ght .Colcl Wh ile Hnn ti ng" ~ur ,,,1. Moo l'll Mrs g ley /l:llng pl.o wll.e dgll elrOI' 111'11 . Oodds Is just r ecov er· 1111'. , II · Buit.s wor th 'iHO Ing i rom " IonIC lind Silri ous iHn 1 oits er/!, one and two fl1W curn OlllM Mr . 'Wm , '1'h 08 L.,n oritn n, prov tl8s wor-t,h :612 r.0 ' vl\· in . AnuiverNIII'Y Hlll o prll:n • Mr . '~l1d Mrs . Dodd~ ha ve purc IDl'II. 1:,,10'0 I)lrr,Y .. foll .li"" "I • cl/ll .~ (,;o!lstahle nt 'h"p lolln , Ont llri o, I AnuiVf'r snry 91110 pTionR · U bus ed I~ II> SIlUIUle Snit s wor th t. l., born e Imp le men ts Ilnd um tllkl r r ~idence in tbe !lob urbs slly s: " I onu ght II sll vere oold ISnitH wor l·lI flH whi le Anniver~ury ~,, 1 0 pric e orde rll for blgh grlld e IOb ..eon, ll!! of Glev olal ld , lIml will fit It up Imd ban ting a, bur" 'U i, /\nn iver snry ~lil (! pri uEI I "I'll 'KlllUPY it la r in tho , TOP t;"Io COA 'I' 0" HUt I RA IN ('(lA 'I'!'; l " o" HII". and oot.jj ferloillzoJ rs r'Ull,lll'K III u~ 8001 1 <LS Mrs . Dod ds' swaUJjJ Inst fall. Hell rlng of Cbu 1'1'"" b ,' fI leh will "".1 " er)' I " , llih F re ud hth1Ie1~cnu" ",yl '"ICl ttl f~ 1 from thir teen clollllrll up, k "op. Coa p~rmlt. l Fr(,m' ~ berl Bin 's Coo gh Rem ed y, I tried m · i~i BKN Ry· .IAY . {\od afte r usin g two Bmlin bott ou t fO r Mrs. Ed Eva ns, of nell r Hprl wos oODl))letely oure d . , . Tbi los , rem · Vall ey wbo hal! been spen dlnl u!! edy i~ Inte nde d espe ciul ly for coo gbs wln ter'a t Ash ville , Nor tb Car f til Att'~ntioD. nnd cold s . It will loos en and ' relie ve W e hl1v e clot beR for tho boy olin a , 'retu rned bOD:lA Frld :\y.. M,rs. EVIL a w, seve hav re e cold rece iu less tim e thul l by In pric e, No to RO IllO spoolals for thn t lire s t,rli8h, \1nrllble lind rOilHolm1Jlt' ived 1\ oho lce lot of n!' our Ann'ivor su ry ~lIlo -has ben efitt ed 'gre atly in heal Nor ther'n t1ro wn seed pota toet any othe r trea tme nt and is {\ f/lvo t~, r· her lltay In the 8O? th .. iul btlr frlen by EI1I'Iy Ro e-C bica ll'o Milr Kets ! it-e whe reve r its snp erio r oxce llen ce /lite 3,t o 17. two ".lece.s nov. dll , e Jt.y ufIeetR in. are happ y. In wel qam lng bet Eur) y 'Obi o, etc.-NI ce smo , bRS b (',orn e kno wn. For salo by F. wor tb $ ~ 50 .. ...... . . t-I . .;t.oo otb a. ODoe mor e and 8ino erel y hop e hOID K, free frOUl sel\b.-~nre toO Sch wlir tz RgO II tn 17 KnICkorhac ker of· tha t Ii: OY S 111. hei' ptel lent imp rov eme nt ml1y , fec plea t~, se wor you tb . iiI·l.o ·.Pri U oo /Iud If\r.. for 'W ' " '$1 .00 to Clon · 2u 'lnu e and ~1!Il~ In a ilo~ per bush el. BOUle grow n $1. aoo SQ ARE FEE '!' e rea seed toratiOD to bea lth and streplet 60 to 700. , Mny be cove rell twic e wltb ngtb A long blac k ove roon t of goo Il'u llon of Gre en 001 P/lIIlt- , F or one d ma sille 20 and t;e'rlal, , aJ&llough 8Om ewb "t by J . E. ,I !.Inn ey 2::2 Ea st Th ird St. wor n Da yto n, Oh io. lon nd in fron t of liH.blon lU~'a barb er sbo p one Tho ~08t relin ble, the I.irg est day Inst per'7' wee k. T,he ~t l)aiJ been left u t cen tage of ge rmiD !Lti nn-A tbo GazAtte omo e and the own R eds test ed , Ext m elu'l y Pen~ll LEB ANO N' DEP AR!I'ME NT ST( er .ma y , iRE BUI L'DI NU obta in eam e by Ident-l1ylng prop Bea ne, Om n, et{). , er ty and, pay ing for t.bis aliv ertie . e.
il :
Pe l'io ct Fi tti n.g . Qu nli tics; ng- No w Co mp let e
W an te d
C O N D IT IO N P O W DERs' for sale. at
S lHing-
W ay'nesyi !le, Ohio. Int.e rnnt ioua l St, 01, .11'00<1 ...... .. ...... . ...... .... .. .. ...... ..... .. ...... ,1100 ;:' COIUlllllU H .. ...... ..... .... , ...... . ,.. .. ..... ... [;0 & 1 00 J
A ro id
Annivel'sn,ry Sa lc Pl'iCe8 Pl' ov ail $ 7 50 S 10 $1 2 50 $1 5
Bo ys ' Su its 'S -ts B
On ioD Se ts 8 10 0 pe r qt .
MJM Min nie Hat haw ay is
SIl\{\U size
DhlC' k Drl\ ugh t "
Aid So cie ty Se ws all
'fhe .LIldles Aid 8oo let,y tbe M. E ehn rob b!lld u.u, aU ' doyofmee In the Stoo ps buil ding , rece ntly ting va· catr .d· by the KrONkler Co. Tbo rsda y, 'w ben they acio omp JoLst ilsb ed Ii gtaa t aUl oun t of wor k in the of quUt\nll: and othel;' sew ing. way The ladl es took thei r dinn wi til them , nnd Seth Coo k ordeers rell o.buDtlonee of. goo d coff ee from an Edw llrd s sist ers' reat /lnr nnt, n.ndthe ul · 1ll0S t eve ry min ute WIlS put in lit effe ctiv e wor k. • HAN NA 'B LU8 'rRO FIN1HH. . 1'be moB tbea utlf olfi nish tor f100 rll , linll wood~ork eve r on the mur ket-· I ~ee t,be fims bed 1!8,ll\ ples at ,J. E !R1 Jan ney 's. . tal
Hhm·t Ja ck nt s 'ar e a. PCl'Cnll ia.1 fil \fori teo
'l'h e Po ng Ja ck et
Do x: ,
QIllt,\ "t,y) MI I h l~ !SIJl·jng. Bnt l.'rio k will' 1"11 y"n I.h'! ~~y t,o !n uke t,hNIl \\'Ith 1111 o vor" , LIIc e eto, I'u t t,'rll Ion "
Silk GLove,
i 1""
Hl" ,'"
HutcbiSOJ1. ~ ·
X en ia ,
SW .,
l~ ,
'.......~... 8Ia&Or.J'rioDdil Cbul'tlh
1ftiI.... .. A ,Pa lad eDa .
Pr op ri et or ~
.CENTto t~Jo')1'~t l! !U~IS9!lQ!!! ahuw i!,g UW\
mOllI ""mp iete lin. of bla"'K TRd.
l;8, TJRK II and BKI .oW .ny oilie r JUIIID:VLJ DRIE II at PBlO M Ur""'U'rer Dr ~ ..ler 10 tllIN Ih. world .
,,-G RO T •BU r A .BI CY CL E 'mill h
d ..4ril:.lnl!'
on. A oompnri~ Q n of ~ty l ~ f1n !1 pric !'R tlle sup erio rity of onr line s All t,he U P W(!Rr . Twi ligh t, Bln e Serg es In the n ew~!\t e llt~. Bl.lCk Thi hetH Inr w('.ar nro rllpr o8en ted, /lntl eve ry W e sell t,ho very Bne st Snit s Rndgarm ent posRe.~BeR It tlist inct inilivitltllll it.y Top Ove rcoa ts, rivll cn~t,o m wor k nt .. ...... ... .. ..... . .... .. ...... ...... .. ...... . ... ...ling th o 1IIost, nxnlnsiw, .. . .... ...... ...... ..... .. ~iI\ ellsi ly dmn oust r,lIt e hrny~, InvI slhl e Phlld!4,
$1 0.0 0 $1 2.5 0 $15.0() $1 7,5 0 $2 0.0 0 $2 2.5 0 :ImI in H.epaiJ' for two ye ars .
00 . . " " 0 0
Ea ch an d ey e I')" ga rm en t is ke pt Cl ea ne d, Pl'e~secl
MISfiT CLOTHING PARLORS, Wm. < 'Wertheimer .& Co.
Ii. E. 5t h St :;:. OP.P9site ,P ar k rI he atr e; Near M,alJl . St., '
at IDlY "".~i! Ina,, ...... Cata low.....d.. " rema rkab l. LO'V
..IUDS !rom facto..,. ~ tkf!on1, PaFt Ile ...... ...t and
olhe r liberal It;rma whleh DO OIher 1..1'JI nt:.., us. po...1. .lhIII a ud set much val,.. eve..,. 10,,", and can· <!lie< II,JI Oppo rtunll, YOUDI men who appl , at ODcI.
..u.,.u PUNCTURE-PROOF RES 0 ' N L Y~ ~!!!r!-9'~~
o _ .e fvRoN,lU,
MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S S'V ELL SP RI NG SUITS 'AI'A now in nnel rend y for vou r insp eoti
. Wit h som othl ng l:!Ilbs tanti ,,1 to beg in the d~y 00, RUitS eve ry mem / be r , of th.e h ous ehold thes o oold ~l1o rnlng s. Mos t peop le drin k ooffee at brllll skfllst., IIn(l we OBn Bult · the love r of coffee, We hllv e liS goo d ,. line of COFFEE~ WI yon OlIO flud In tow u . Wb ut bett er t.hnn,er OI~kes with PUR E SYR UP. 6et Pnn ollk e FLO UR !tnd SYR VP 'her o. ' We can furn ish the mnk eup of all mOlils ; brA akJl lst, clinn "r IIml snp per, with nil Heu8onl~ble goo ds. You are invl t.ed to on,J\.
WE SELL NOTHING BUT CLO r rH IN G for MEN an d YO UN G ME N It sta nd s to rea so n th at a firm wh ich de vo tes itH en tir c tim e an d elleJ'gy to on e part.iculftl' en d, be co me s a sp ec ial ist in th at lin'e, an d is be tte r hb le to til l yo ur wn nts th~n an y firm wh os e tim c is divide 'd~ umonfJ; a tho us an d an d one th in gs .
. '1'bo fifti eth wed lting ..nnlv (\rsa of ,Joh n Hen ry ond Mir iam ('tLr ry ter Dou gllls will take plac e Apr il 23rd . It 18 felt tha t this is an opp ortu ne \Ime to exp ress to th9lle dAar frlen our app reci atio n of the fOlt bfnl dR ser· vice they 1111 ve rend ered the obu rob ddT ing thi holf cento tury of 'l!ol f<1e nlal and In r8l~slng labo Ii \~ Inte nded to ~i ve tbem r.II lltio n on tbe day abov e men tionreo whl oh 8111101\ he BOme wbn t In ed nR ~bro nf a 8urpTI80 . Mall Y of thei r frllm de at a dillt ance , if the y kne w of thl!! w 6'nld be! gl~ t{) m oet wi th t.h m, but not be able . It Is 8ng. " ted. bow eve r, thd ~bese may 00 repreaented 1)y lette r, ·wh loh ld be. Gf ;rea t Inte l'6ll t a nd 0 mfowon . "'em Ul ~tb8ir decl inin g year rt· to s. See U.~.D. 6:.6 , !:leo IlOm munlcationt> , aDa lOOt und er to the __laitfi',ed nO$ lateerr IlOv than Apr il 21 1D14., 1l.P Into Ii 8~iBI aDd . delt i red '" . OUT' , \b~r. Uol den Wft ddin g
p dr U){ 1n I " .. I, nh)u r;h
(i'i bn ¢\ ',
Pro prie t.)r.
"Itt, u. ~; "gl 'll
W'E P UN [[ Y 'UII '1'1 KF.TI!.
Home Good Clotb~$
And the, gen eral pnrp ose hors e
Wil l maK e the seus on of 190~ A' Wli yne svil le at the W . u. Phll llp'l IlIta ble. Yon sho uld 1188 tih~ Hor ses befo re goin g elae whe re,
'rh,' 11111' ltHIIC
"",,1 , t,ll" m c1ifn "r.hnlr.,,1111t l,111 \,,1 J:"t,
Tho Blaol[ Perc hero n BtB~lion
"11I\1"~I I
On six (Hu ss :-;bo w C,~ses s ttlll to be Ih" finEl ~t, hi I,hl! I:l\illt.fl fnll nf A ppl\ q no r OHl) m en l Ill'lo, Mot ifs, Em hlO1Il~ , Glli nom Brlld"... MoO, Onj. City Dres81llllkors do Ililt go to OilY or.ho r oil.y . Onr A!<SortmHnt. bllillg... Com plet e,
, \V, II " W h.I V, l ,,11 ' U. .II1~ 1,' " .;r.h < ,~II --1 7. ~
" I' . .
t'tl t. III ~ ffl l n.. ' l~ nhia ,,-\{,, '
, this ,grout 8II1e . It will pllV you for no auoh an opp brtu nlty will to bny fr eoly for the fntu re pres ent ir,se lf III-Ioin. . An eleg ant u 8S~o rtll1 e nt inol ntlin g new spri ng IIn(l RUmmel' good 1I~"d , !\ jnst . The grel it9ll t lI~ook in the cou nty Ing tbe cholct-st- pro{t not,l ona of of Men 's nud Boy s' Clot hi ng . Rep rese nt. the best mltn ufno tnre rs. Her e will befo nnd ever y thin g ' that Is desl r/lhl ll /lnd up' to tlu.te Chi ldre n's foot weo r. lll Liltlil!8 , Mo n'sa nd CAR PET S, CUR TAI NS, WA LL WA TCI IES , and SIL VER WA PAP ER linel 'PA INT H mus t be eros ed ont enti rely , JEW ELR Y, bllv e the best qUlIlltles. BOO RE, A new and ohoi oe line will nil go at reul llrkl \bly low pric than oost . Eve rytb \ng in th e KS' PAT ENT M.EO lClN E8, DRU US and :ro\ let arti cles to go es. We lit less uBel'ul. fanc y and desi rabl e IIrl,iBarg alD Bazar, Chin a, GillS!', Tin nnd Woo den war e. nnd cleM nt unb eard. of pric es EVE hun RiY TBl NG MU ST BE HOLD. dred s of I f ' 'The best to thos e-w ho oom e lirst ... '
H lI m l . . .T "" -"O ..,~...\J~ 1.¢.ba-n~n 0 ' '._= =
' .. , C) ' II t l' " "I,," I""" r t m I)t 11Ilt- lik !l Iy ,. , !.,!I " t IIn f ilt ,t. wnn (lnl' hll ll rl
Arr SACRIFICE· PR IC ES . It will pay you to go miles too atte nd
Clo" o 1?lttinL{ II. fino A,,~. IllPllt ~!i, 00 ll[l" fHW ILt ~)rt· 7[;
'l'ho BoLero
In ordo r to oOUlply with tile enti re sto ck- the grea test In Wa com man d we I~ro OompRll edl to ofTer duri ll g the mon th of Apr rren 'Cou nty- il ollr . '
n Il i e l."H :\p ' 11 ,"i !~ """ r !'Iny",, :
81 .95 3 5'0
Ou r Bi g Bui~ding ha ' be en sold. . ~ (' mu st 'ge t ou t in sh or t or de r. It is so decreed. 1'he ma nd ate , mu st be ,obeyed. No qu~rtel's Qffered.
A .•1. f!hi dake r, bro ther of or! 8hid ake l' 8np erln W1 dan t of Roo oiJIDe&ery died at his bOUle InMia mi Tro Obto, Mo~dAy m'~i'nlng, I\t tho y; Gge ~711 yea n. Kr. Bbi dak er form erly · live d. in $he vtol plty of Harv eYl! blll' , for thlr ty·l lve or fort y yeal 'f' g, tiut he U"e d &$ Tro y, ·whe re lie eng agedbad In the eale Of ~rnlt trees nnd ornl allb nlb a .. For the paII t yea r, l~eu· how · eftl ' hi_ b1J 8lii _ has ke~t him 1Ddl~polls, l1ut hi8 born e Wl\8 still ill Tro y. . "lie W been aoti vely eng llge d ill laia wor k unti l abo ut a. wee k befo hil dea tb whe n he WIl8 bro ro , ' hom e .de nD g, from hem mor ugh t. -hag Se leav es a 8OP, a dau ghte r , .I~ es. ther aDd man y othe r rela tive bro· s to mou rn thei r 10118. .1 Ill'. Rob ert Sbl dak er and" anu m . bet of rell&tlv88 from a ..rvey will go this !por nlng to '£ro y sbii rg t,o at.t .end the fnne ral.
Flin t't\
even Iy \bra e mODtbII or mor e ap6 nt Horto d , bolt , Wh ite silv er ' 5,,1n In CoI1UDbnllO~g all, aten ogra nn d Yell ow Dnn ver ,a ts. phe aile Bo ue.o f ~l'8II8ntative . At r In alOl 8 of tihe • •Ion, the Dem the oora· sic ~ of the Gen eral .A8sem " biy ~W each of the twe lve nen ogra phe t'll with .. boq uet Wll nt.ed, A girl to clo hou se wor baD diom e ~,; and Miad Bat 01 k; h· ' no was hing or iron ing. I awa y "eo -.,«e n8ro 1J8l y Bnarell berll Mlts . C. M. ROBlTZl!:R . ",:tri \b the Gaae,ste. ~--'---
1:1 089
N or th er n G ro w n Ga J'd eD Se ed s
y· 1111 • muc b need ed r88t at homenjo e af· Hom e grow n, ter
IIll y's -
Le t us fit th e Li ttl e Fe llo llV Ea st er
Fa rm er s
Dr .
Bu-rk or~
Do cto red " Cl oth cs.
R .;
' '4;1,2
. CIII) NO MORE .TROUBLE FROM PUNC 8. Result of IS years experienceTUR~ in tire mak ing. No dAngor from THO RN
S. CA C. T,U S, PIN S. NA ILS . NoUoe''''tIlIdt~bw d "A" ADd po_.... *'" "B" be vulcanized like any othe r tire. and "0.",..... Iba . . . . . . ." to _ __ Two Hundred Thounnd pain now In aclua &I... wW 00":,'..;1. "'..... SevenlJ'liw Thouaand paIn loki last year.l use. Over ~~a. ,.." ,,,, ,,.. Made ID a ll sizes. II 10 ADd II IIftly ..Ith a apedal quali ty 01 euy ~ _ d bl nd II ed I r, whic h never beool D..Dd . PD!'Oua and :&kii~ wlth oula llo..m g lbe air rubbe to .SCtl~. w. ha ... hund m18 of II n nlltle . that thelr tJrH llave ooly bern I..llen '""" tlltlit d-r • puDCI...... .n ordin ary ~ the pune lurepunlJ>ed uponceortwiceill.whol~....,.. -n ..:=o met1 t '~QC .... i. Unl{ quall U.. bdn , liivea prepe by TAC KS or GLA SS SeriOUll punctures, like inten tional klIU · 'e cuts , can'
t..... . . . .
red fabric on Ihe _ ..~' .. ~ lb"{;,lAore That "Uohllnllll oclt;" RD. .Oou or soft roads •• overc ...... monl yf.1t ~'r ome 1,y
' "~lIft . aqu" ".ed out bet_ en lbe lire the pateo t "Buk et Weav e" tread .hid i -pI"ft 'eU" IdI an aDeI the road lb"'O Yerc omin tires 1.$11.50 pet' pair, bul lor nd,·e Sall IUCtloa. l'he ...... ... ~!' u~. l l1lsln g.pur poee r I,.!!
aWle .rem &kin ,alPO datf. ctory 01 only ,..80 pet' polr. All orden l .hlpp Pri "'-\ h You do not pay • cent until you have ed ...... day Idte r Is reulf td. We ahlp C:;O.D exam intd,and foun d them. WewlUall""._dJroe()untol ~ ftP~tftt. r .. --·- • s~rc enl( lb ... by: FUL L CABU WIT H OnD tm tl"'l bep "",_ and ...<1_ lbll .i1Yfmal lt . d plale d b ..... hand pump ttiJeiDeat. We ~II .I:':-Irl and 1_ 8amp aoll meta ;;;~ ole ":~ I l punct punc lu.. 010...... 10 he USed c l _ . .'fuU paid onIe en.., of Inl.... Uooa lltnil . 1u't:. • .1 OllR ""~ .... If lor anyInreallO CQQ or b"." IUh "I. nr.. n (tbeH .... be ~~ n Ihey ... . .11If1lC\,Qly OIl w. 'a.. perfectly loatk a. bl. ond moue ROl loIlot ... Is .. _It ai III aalll Dank er, ~pre.. orrella a ballk Freig ht AgoDt or yIhe . Aa l'oeI mut EdIto r of this pailu abou t _ th_ tl-. you will liDO Ih.l "u ~~ will rid. eule r nIIl _. e<; liner lh.n any LI.. yoUh .v......they , ....r betm wt loa . used or ...... . t ...'Prb . Iuler a.:d 'r 0 that .. h .... you _nt a blcyc We Iti.ow lhat JOU'wllI be..r.:e~ 1I1~ • l. you will tri"" ... JOUI' order, order· at We WUl1 you \0 MDt! . . . amau trial hence lbla .......rkab l. tire 011... • . ,
~~~~~':!~~~~!~ ::'..rtbW:t:;;rI;i
.I e
or oor
8Ul1rD ' BY~
to CYCLE aO.PI~Y. ·l .... ~
r '.,iid.rluI, Ocllm
a ..o • .•
.. pair of - , . DO !fOT . TH "!Ily eolia tI_ from' aDJOQe ... W ' JOU a poota I
01' _ I ..... enn Ihla j. WIti a IIthe iiOw • .and
Id, l!' . -• .~lal.O. r
IlL _
JUn g's ,Ne,w ,Di~o()yery. nooinple te~ ,1,: cure d rue .and '1 \lav e ' ~c ;~ 8lno e. ,i'