Miami Gazette June 28, 1905 - November 15, 1905

Page 1

AND WAYNE SVI LLe NEW S. 'iYAYN E tiVIL I. Il:, UBJ(), \\' lmNE DAY, JUNE 2 ', I IIUn:


U. Conv en TOLD tion at Wayn eSVil le.

W. C. T.



Conct !l'nillg

Form er

, Prof. tlawk ' s MarResid ents. i

Corw in .

I'iage a Surpr ise.



Mi~a ApplJin J\Jillor Wtt>' en lling Oil


Sprin g Branc h.


Tlle Oounty Conven tion of thp , MILY'f!l for wull pllper . Mrs. Ch1l8 . Braddo ck ubd lion nn ~lr . IIml :lII'R. ,J. W. HlIrriso n who Flelell or Hnwl! , profess or of L"tin fri entl ~ h ero t:;l1DllllY even W , C. '1'. U. wus Ileld '1'nesda y iu ing I Mrs. Annll t;onner IIn(1 Mr. and )lrs. H. W . Prin! '1. \\'(, 1'e: mov od h' Olll ,,' uy noHyi liu to Lovo . , find Eogl ls lI in tho N. N . U. It t Lol.. Mis~ Mary Pllr1e!,t, of "a y oes./ Cross wick, were calliog the Orthod ox Friends ohuroh , in Dayton visitors Thursd !\~' . tn ' Illud In"t untn lllTl , rc(' c nrl~' «' n ll' r. l llOou. was married in Cinciun llti ville. pent MOIIlIII Y ul1ll TUI'~du'y neigbbo rh ood t hree SliKsioU8, beginni ng at 9 ::10 in Paiotsl lnd oil s nt MIIY '~ . last 1'llursd uy t.l in('ci II ItnrnlJ('1' of I'I ' I"li ve~ ut a ' 011 I Ul'dllY llI orning to Mrs. lollurfl \v itb her cousllJ, Miss L.IUl·U Me . noon . tll A mornin g. Mrs. Nathlln A . l~ \1]1t o n, of nC'o:r fUltll l.\' dillltDI' , whi ch is ~ltill l !l lHl\' O \Yitten berg Ewing, of that city . Kinsey , 'fh e l>rogrlLm that hllll heen nr· Ridgev ille, III lJel' n II \ (, " j' 1'11'1I ~/t lt t II Il'llil" . in \'ery, P.OO I' h 11 11,11 . Mrs. Ub1l8. Rye anu c1unghter MI' . 81lvvk is father of three chil. Mr . H . R Booth was in 'iliein. rllngel} Willi ol}rrled ont very n Bllr1y Mr~ . Thoma! ! Helll! nnd daugh"f18 For ~ule-A rovo lv in g Ill' ~' 1·lIk " . \1r fl ll lind t h eir m other hns been nat! SllndllY. I' 11 8 Jlub1i~!t ed In IlLst woek 'HUn;r.\ittc , , III ' 1\l isiic's lIlll )'i nllllll [lil t! ~1 1 ' 1'1,' " '1 11",1\1 f'J\.lI'Leu n nJllnt.b s. Neith Mrs . E )' I r D .t on, W I10 IS ' c~lIed o n Mrs . J, C. Chenow eth II liS. FI·Yo. or h i:; '-".g 18 1, OILY with It few elin n gllf' us sl10llled Il ce· Good ns now . 1·11t1IlI'.t<'I" 'I·,llnll!-; lthlJ's , I' Jlr. 1lJl(I / hi lllrf: nllOrh i sfri eIllIHw I I hI" fllllli1y oue dllY last wesk. eroawlL re no \'1 v~llng C I . Mr , H . E. JI'lthOlWII Y ha s 1'011' h (, I' ~ll'~ . r'''',"J, il n 1'1lt'lw r, !-: I 01' Bon·JJl · IIW, ... r . l'lIdullte .L r I " ellMry , _. 'bl . . , , Jlleob Hi sey, bm1 th e ll1i~fortun e to th i~ \\· ('(·k i\Ii ,;-, In',, Ih'III·IIt . ", ' Mr. llnd Mrs. " John Represe nt>IHlves of U m ons from gllORt Oonner . : ,. Iii-, ' . \l S ~,pproll c ng Jnllrrlag e. F . . It It h 'M h h (1 11llJ~ Ilf ic i cOlllple llDg, 0 1:'1'01. Oil her fool cansin ' a and HI1Wk w as Il guest Ilt the d rop on .iron Mr. Chns. Brllddo ok vl~1ted '/;I .. ~I""' ,o, m.lDY pOints in the oount.v Wflre of rllnkhu , I' . . •, . • . . , I' . I , g . II , pntnful (J1l' . " tt ItIJury. l ~ (·Ull. , r ,I slll i . y II t, b d uq t uet k relntive 01 t ' : tbe s in DaytoD IBst SatOrd l1 Wayn t . tl oMvlll03 Willi High I pllpllr nt, Mn S" . . present nn ' 00 uo Ive pilI' III I . .., L I Al . A , ( '; tlM",' . t' M :'k huo l . Penll .KJ"l\'Ollti" , th.,. ",e In M Our httlo vlllnge cnn n o w boast of night and !:!untlay. eX8rol8~ , heeldes lUanye ll rnest l .T. N . NIxon llnd fum 00 1l1l\t11 ssoOJa Ion . ,..... _ .....' IIY, t , b 'l il.\', M IIII! liI'l"l'll tltdf ,l tJlt u. ooming in Coulplln y with Connt,y IInnU011l 0 IC, MI'. BenJ. 1\ ' 11 I . th e IOCIl I U I .. l:lprlDg Vn110y . 11 wor k ers 11\ ',ikc ~ ~'L woro V' ~ n c"l " "f non, WuOFe II Itn tl hel'lt Ih(l intenti o n or Ihe' A l ' t Mr. Warren Dakin and family, ' ,', . ' united effor~1! r esulted in II most . Leba.n on r elnti\' I " I l ( I or ..,'-'( I' 1we11 . Rod. u11e. . IIn g.rece ntly purchn ClOsI\rso reo k, enterta ined on s Thlll'", I,, ), . . Pn c i;<· ,. f"mil y to rulum to \\'''YII~''; ' I _ .. Mr. Otto Sll~lth , .of .Cl nOlDn ll.t1, clllY tho followiD · s ucccss f 11I oonven t IOU, 'i'iTn1111111lB r nt 1I111Y's " ill n tIJi " YI'II ", hut I' Ill'.\' hn " 0 tlcclli . ' I( . ht of the g guests: , • " . • spent SuudlLY w,th bl s b ome folk s. Dakin and 111g S . M . Brown llml wifo 111111 .1. !-t .' vel 1'1 \'( II\lOlilt. in Ih wife, Frank Dakin Ell st o no y01l 1' I G Id E I Nixon, wifo IlI)(I .I ullg h tl' r !:IlIz ul : long"" lit I(,ll ~t. 'ril ey f,tmily , flnd Walter Dakin &nd. wif~. will HIJ(:m tl l 0 en ag e' l Lytl~. Fourt h July spont Sun<l llY ' yilh I!'. A . Su itlc r llll d , tl~Io' 111'('slllnt ~nmllllll' ~·U .'"llo\~ Ueorge Cartwr ight and· 'f atDli; lIll, tllie 't'ilo n ew ly e tabli sbed cURtle of 'l'ho t lllk t·be pust w eek WIth us en tertaine d compan y froni at Rldge vi lie. fnlllily west of T..o y l.\e . J~me.. I Hf'~ n " . Vl Ullll IItIJIll""l1l S II, ~nc c tlHl Knight s of the G olden Engl e I htl.B heen nbo nt wn Rh ·ont.s [lnd henvy town a few dBYS Illst week. Uoll1lllbuR tock IIB(1 Ponltry Footl : .1 " ~. h elll UB inte resting blll!lUeSH "nel I raIDs. The farm e rs lire Tbe oiti;r.en" of Ridgev ille ond nnd L ouse Killer ut Muy' s. busy reo 'uri , I lt~ IJlclt:~ ~;';; . of 1\:l r . und socia l meetin g Saturda Wheat Ilnll hay ha.rvos t lue now y nl~bt. Ibuildin g fen ces nnd replncin g cui· at band, but wi\J Vicinity ho.\'6 urrnngell to celebrn te . Tbechi ldr oD of Prof . C. E . Blut ' / M1'R' [J oWIIl'l1 .1. EIoplcin ~, of Dny . be greatly JUEldeil\l5tuteO rgnlllz erBerr ywitha te rltn , vorts. the morlon s Fourth ill fitting st yle, ton nre elljoyill O' lL vi . .. , . . . sit with t.h('i r t on. wu " o lle "f .the one bnndl'o rt lIlId fr om one ed by the ra.iny weathe r we of the Spring{ \eld Cnst.les IInu will hn .... e [I displILY of Hre works gru nd plll'en ta lit Mr . Mordwu1 l'li,l1s JS shll Iymg having this senson. I3Hthe l. in Cle r t. \\' I'IlI .\· ... ix \llll'il~ whnl'('coived Box . were present . and took rha rg.e of the l very low. in the evenin g, b esides whi ch, mont count.y, t hi~ wee le. wpll (liphJllll Mr, Walter lR in Muntgo Dakin lll('ry COil II , impreSSlvo work o~ the even m g. killed it. boot ladies of tlie ohu roh will hit 'Ie on : Mr , ,loel Smith hns h~d ,vitll him Pniht,fl, oi l", \'nr l1i ~ h o s llntl hrusJlol- li t t lt (! 1'01l) lllenl'c m ent in owl Thursd ay thAt mealur et\ five D,lylon A huge numbel of t.he membe rs th ree of his grund Rale ice eroalll ' nnd ,popcorn on the lit Mll Y'~ . .chlldre n fr om feet from tip '1111Il·,IIlY llft l'rUfJOII . 'l'h u " l'a dl1nt 81, from the no w ensUe ILl to tip of Itli wiliSs. Lytle we re I' Duyton , fo r so \'ern l dll .YS, and, on la\\'n of J ohn Grah nm , 111 1'. nuu Mr ~ . .1ohnF rulIIlIl , 01 ol'c llpi Pll ~('"t s OIl! Iho ... stll ~ O in th f' II IRO present . Tbe terrific Evcryb .:Jdy is ur.gccl t· IIttemt. storm that visit< d . SnQday thei r s')n Welling ton, wife Dnyt.on. \\'0 1'" g u est." lit I.hli h Olll o II I '' \101lt',' riuJtl 01' ~1(' ... lu Ui i f t) Aft er tb gh seh uul. , 0 b us n es~ 0 1e evemng und little son lind Mrs . Stcvens on, the surroun ding oountry TUee. th oir p.l.renl s, MI'. 1\11(1 hlri< .1 , bn ' un ttdjo1lI·IJI.uent WIIS tnken t o tho i moth er of Mrs . Wellin gton Smit b. day night of last week did .. g:reat " Hnwke,ll fcw 1111Y ~ 1:0"Olltl .\' . F "i,' of Mr . . •Inll n Jl IIl1C~, lIf l di llinl.; hl1l1 where ice c reom , cllke, , spent tile day with th elll. Warr en Keys Surpt ised. deal of damage 1'0 our vloinit , by' For 8ld e-A lot of ~ecqn «1 IInDtl . Oll l,II (I, W I1 , , will "J' ltlPll ' loUl ulLd lind coffe!! were served. Mr. Olifford Lewis WIIS pleased destroy ing oorn fields, tolJl!,ooo ' WI II, I'l'r . tl brioi< . Inrjllil'O o'f BJlxltw \·!ln oe. tl l.;r.e ' oroplf I f ) ~-. III JC] c. ent lc r Monulty , .lIm o 2(;, WllR t,he birth· Buturdn y by n.. clI lI from Mrs . Fronk Ilnd gardens , wash'~ ~ out fenoes I Two of Ih In test 1" ' hU SC1'S o f only b"ulllcH', Mr .•"-l ichIL I 0 .we Il.o'Lnclc l'· Chan ge in Time of Train s. Potter, of Cente llILY Of Wlnren l{ey~,ltnd his pnrents 11 rville, Itnd Mi ss nnd underm ining the bridge that , I (l cb S t 1 ' I .. , , , II lll'( Ilr, II L l JlS RnQ sil!ter pltmneu lL s llrprisll IIlLrty nntolJlo "\' i1O!, in tlli!' vici nil y are ) 1 0lll e III tn · orossed Middle run aad w&l¥n g it Spring, cl of ulloti. At hen s. Ohio. HI~ fllll ll rill t It: ]lla () . utler n new s h edule in effect tn honor of tIle e vont thnt wns COIl1 · M e '''I'S, Ben j . M illd , of lorwio. uud . Ilbout ono hundre d feet down stre&m ' . . . Ju e 2190~ I)IlSsong er trllins over M. ol,\tlllY tlll oJ'Jloo n n t :1 ::lO u t !$u r1n g Mr. Leaoh has m oved Into the Illete in evOl:Y wuy. II 0, .". J ohn Sqrljres , of nellr Ferry . . Orov cllnpf' 1. th Mr. Jnmes Chenow eth and,fam ily e Ponnsy l vntlln LlDes 1envo Way. p~operty of H . M . Ghlrk , reoentl y 'In the evcniu g about twenty. fivo t Don ' t wear ~o nr~ e lf. out uoi n ~ nes \'ille s tll Wm itS foll o ws: vaooted by Prof. Whittie r Burnet . were surpri8 ed on &rising WedDes of bis friends Iilltherec1 iit the home I your ! ow n hllklDg during . 1 For the En. tb · h o t , nt h \\' . F urnll !!. of L iIi Il OIl!! , Mi H' 1 ,, dny mornin g to find about 11 inohes . , wButhor . t 9 :ii4 u.. Buy m. ; YOll :3 :471). " brellk W , e cakes will listen of Mi"s AnnQ lholllso to haTVollters this n nellrby, and Ilud plos nt th e City BlLk ery, nUI'I , is hllt. rl una ~ on l f l' the 111,; ~unduy only 10 :2·1 p: of lIlud and W&ter in the hOuH. Ill, week, for they WilllLlI be bUllY, went from thero to the Keys home •• F W 8 t k 1 I' t 'l li mn whioh dlLmaged their car. . . and , ,omiug Reuni . on . LUr£!. . . For Ilr tbe SOO West nnl 9 :02 1\.. 111 . ; 0 :O·l p . " e in It body. Wurren S tlurprts e was . d Mr. Whitto u Rllndol ph lind hride, hi f ' " II 1 "'1 . . . IIller llut o of .Inn ~ ~ . ho writes nJ . ; SundlLY onl y 4 :au ll . Dl. d furnitu re to some extent. , They ' I ' nu g cr, 0 .. 0 IlllIll, IIll t nr. of Dilyton , s pent !:inndllY with their th orongh a1\ . 00lllP " to . Blll'lnn Bal'vey were shoppln " ill thp GIl~.e tt. B It S follo\\'8 : ' also lost about fifty obielten s 1)ttJi~ For particu lar informu tiou on t b e ' aged grllnd.p nreut s, Mr . A diversi ty of gl\mell nnll amul\C · X . F" und Mrll, flood; AIII088 ers 0 "Til e I"t e,t issno o f \h o l1u:o:etto subj eot apply to B E. Booth, by the storm have menta mude ·ll.llhor~ un(l very pl eas· • nnm ' rlt.ILY· Rn@sell 8ullJilt on, WM II "Ji nl e Iu or o 1ik . " , Vith on!. the SYIIlPllt/ly of th,e comm!l lli"" . Wnyne svi lle, O. !Lilt. ev.e niog. Mr: ' Berno Aftor tbe gUllies ,Jones entertn ined ',\ro CllI'e Helul'le h (l utJtl NU\lrn l io lwrs ~ , den UI or s Ollie o ~hel' of Ibo gin powder !lll.t MoY';;. fricnu@from Monnt Holly Sunda·y . . '. refresh ments wero served , It' ... unu \'oiuohlo l ~ 11It)1 pc nin l<. 'YOll elln Hal·v eysbu rg. Mr. Keys i8 deserve 4ly one of the Mr. nnd .Mrs . Mftriou'Olurk expect Mr. Frauk B. Smi th ' an (1 flllllily count, on Ill y prr$ OIl (,c llC'xt Ceasa rs Creek•. .lu no . . most popultl r young men in t·be Ilull Mr . nnd Mrs. Frnnk to IItart SlLtll rdu.y for lin extende d Hoctlth orn. 1 lim ~1i11 hol(lin :'; l he lid d own; Mrs . Hnrry Bll.rbea ul.ud httle son vislt'in the west and north. , violnity of Wurnes vUle, and uil his of Fe rry, were SumhLY western John WilsoD and wife enterta ined ' !:uest." lit you 1l1 1 ~' judge h tlw s l1 e "c~!:Ifnl1 ,v 'of Bn~avia aro visltin~ b er purllnt@, states, many friends join in the sontim ent Ilomc of Jnmes H aines a PANSY BLOSSO M. a numbe r of relative s,Bund& y. ' • t C,)r wi n . wh en I n .pol' t hu\'in g k l'p t out of Mr. nnd ~rs . F. E. Mills . I expretlSod by tile guests on leaving Mr<l. Hnnu b J 'LDll ey Is ser iousl y ILIlY sl' rious fronula , ll llll ' John Flemin g and wife of Oak' 1',0 fi ne Childre n's Day exercis es wcre l bis bome Monduy ovening in sincere iH froUl doubl Il leUt1lon Orego nia. land spent l:lund&y witli"Il tiD , l§tal1 ~ in. •Inel Il blooel,lcl whi te PI, m o n th Roeks well . holu lit the FI'ionds churcll Sundn y oong ra~lllations (lnd wl sb es for many genc raln n 'o ns b field nnd fa.mlly. reak dOWll , lit. th e on lit o \\'[~y to Iho fryin p'tO , uud ni g ht . All int.eros ting program WILS huppy retnrns . A small si;r.e fir e took 1)looe at the h ome of her son, \'{nltel' J an ney , the in II oo t 01.' • nhont Mrs . Emma Brobst, after a pleaS. ,., r eall.v to r oo r enderod befoI'e 0 htrgo lI11dience. h Oll~e of Cllas, ~ b erwood FridllY , nilllr Lytle, sl10llll ng nm ; nl ~o. I.lto Pll cnl1 m :,:i ug M.r~ . Luci le Carte r and cllildrc n , l tut 1?0 serious dnmllge WII S done . nnt visit wi th rela:tlv88 harel baa B. F . Pllrk(,lr, of Churles t.OIl , \\T ' st j ll () W S r Il ch".~ I. W [1' 11111 returne d to her home a~ CoilltDbu~. I'h., w c:t ' of Yellow Springs , nre speutlin g u l A window blind New Teach ers i~nited from the Will VirgIni a, trn,voll ng r ellr santILti ve / t,hllt M r s .. Fnl' III1S wil,l .flu worth and daught er Vida, I sponu July few lluys witb relative s bere, gasolin e stow', .hnt M~s, Shcrwo od a 't Corw in and Lytle . of the Amori otLll Tohnoo o ., , is Fnnrlh WIth 111£,. \\'hl ~ h ..' t,lll,!ct,hc r of Wilmin gton, who have been" A hristilLn Endeav or SOCilll WIlS quick ly extillt.l'llI ~ hed the b lnze with enjoyin g tl w.eok'~ vlloatio]l nt t,h .wlth Ih e " 1J('cI's ~ fnl cnlnll,,,n spendin g Il'everu.l inonths In Callfor.' tlOll of held !It the hOBjJitable homo of Mr . two hucket,s of T . R. Stafford , of Fmnkli n, has home wote r. ' of his bnIf.llro th or, t:hlllu el tht' pl.ttn. ~Ol' t,h o H m U ll L;OllllUg nia., have retnrne Q home and "Urifed by Ca lvin Oglesbe e, Sntnrdl l Y night. , b eon ilppoin ted s uperint en dent (f Mr. tlIHI Mrs. You ng oll d Miss(ls Meredith, in EllS Wny'no town- hip . tho HIgh St::h ~ I " 1111 ~0 ,I very Opt1. friendS lI,nd relative s here ajfe~ .'1 Y MIO Corwin 80h ools to ' suocoe(1 E. .1 f ~. r 'l ' 'I" ~Il . E oung 11IIu ~lrs . S . L. \VilIinm son find tltlngh . fIl' !'! .10 I' )·lllll P. 0 r, 1ll1ll1 lllnl y, 0 f I' lind Allnll Penderr..rnst Ilnd days reoentl v. Althou gb the!:,en~ • Clydll Miller, who rp.sIgno d t hat Cin oiltnllti , nro spendin g a. fewday~ their brothcr uined SnndllY wlt,b joyelt th"ir frlp tbey like Ohi~ ·~t,: Josltion to up work liS Il I"1l1\. ter Miss Revl~, of l~y t1 e , Ilro 0 11 II with his mothor , Mrs. Mnry Young . • Mr. 11Iltl Mrs. Wm. I I . White. thr ee week ' \'isit In Enstern OhiO, 'The Death 's Work Prayer meeting will be 'wu.y mail clork. hs~ '1 at F' 'D k' Jl ". ' 1'0(1 'It In WOoI . 'ID Day t on Itllble wus )aLi(} with old chinn , some the home of Cathari PennsylvlI.JJIll ILDll West VirJ:inil1 ' - -----At Lytle Carl Smith, of Lohlmo n, ne CQDlPto .n · ' I of whi ch WUS D)' er two llllndre a rll llllel II . 'otTmnn n li ro.l oJ1~ 'nll(.l,~Y' . ; Pi tts bnrg, \Yh ooli ng und . hils . beon nppoint ed s\lperlutendon~ visit,in! _ year s old . 'flte menn ser ved was this week, Ilnd the ForeiRti Miulql'l Y Marlllttl~. h S Mrs. Willhm lSou's oltl r l'si«ln ntor 'prin' Vnll .v nllll woll ilt .Mrs. Will Oompt( )n's. MISS :A bl Otl~gW IlRllt orne un' ! r onst veil I wltb mint 'sllllCe, of sohool~, succeed ing Whinie r Bur· home wns in Ellstern r oast Olli" nnd thi kn owJl ill tltitl vici nit y , ,liea rn the lill Y ·wlt.h !tOl' .mbtbo r, sister Rnd chioken with its OWII gravy, 1)lno net" who bll~ ' moved to Vllndllll.I, O. Mr8. Moses SurfaCe , \Vhohu been · .. t, tl lore III ' t,wen ty is 1ler fl, rs t VISI . ·onc h om o of hi ' Ilnnght er, Mrs. [ll\JJry hr ut.hlJr. very sick with typbold fever~ il 1', IIIJlll o, CIIke,l'Jie nnll oofi'ce. Uro\\', of tho Co r w·in untl :'IIew Bu\,. yenrs, nm1' for tllllt r ca son the trip Mr!!. ::lnrnh ''''ils on nnd Miss Lillie slightly improv ed at this wrlttJ!Ir' Bids 'for Coal. ling ton pi ke, l5l1tnrl1ny morn i ng. is pnrtiou111rly enjoyuh lo, NOlII'Y spent Ii'ridn y with 1'1' (, Mano r. Wu1te r (lnd 18aao Wilson have rr. Olr lllllU wa K sixt \'·~o v e n JOllnl1.un 'Vright nntl wifll. The WlLynesvt1!e SchOOl Board There hns beon (,Ol.J~itle r~~l~l o in ter . .vonrll (lit!. Flu 111\11 hocn purc\ln8 ed [l nflW threshl ngmaoh lne, i n' failin g Miss Pierce, o f Wll,shin gton C. H.,I . Royyo rn ell spent SUllllny . i b 'd in ' in ost li S to t,h o 1l111 01l1lt of 1,1111 w lllc h I h ctllth ~i n co I ll~~ willt"r. T h o vetybu sY onttf~g. w III reoe ve I 8 f or lr.()O bushelij of fell :trHI Ihroo is SIJe ndin'o' a few U.I"S with her OlDlllltl. (luring the Mover e stOl'1ll IIl~t b estThn oker cau.l ueliyc re(1 on trnek TuesdllY wheat be tween rllinR, The erop'8 . J , (\.t\ll Chal'J.I£! It:. Mlelllmol' , wpel; s ngo c" llle t ll hi s daug h to , r's ~ iSICI', Mrs . ,TOLIt. Morris. • nt Corwin , Ohio. All bius to be I Mr. (lnd Mrs . HolhL Pltilhps wore were cOllside rBbly damage . ' , d by the h Olllc . Twins wcr-o born to .. Mr. and , look Mrs Tnl . pl~y II ton who vi~ltors hll8 Snt tho urd lLY night lind 11ClWY rnin fa1l8 last week. gov ornl11 ()llt. 'Il strn . hunded In by 7.30 00 Fnllcrn l ,cn·inp,.. \\' 0 1'0 hold li t I:\to , • y 'ment s for m CI,sllriu , " Ih o rninfltll . . ' !311nduy . , 190r. . The Board resene e the right , E rank Hongh SunllllY evoDlng . C. R. Shephe rd nnd HI-m Oraig I " '1 Hprm g \ alley ill. I~. church • Mo nda y reports tho totul nmoull •• H t to hl1\,(" , ft h d f ' Aureliu - . s Uithen lind wife to reject tiny nnd till bills . Mr. ond Amos I Silent oug last SlIturda y in Lebano n. 1111 u.llllly wore been .ur, inches fr ol11 ~l 0'01 e1; ill lL orllOOn . . _ ___ I the gn os l,tj of Mr. By Uliff ordor Hough und , Chnrles P:n o IIn(1 Wife wero the of the Board . , .\ . ' the n.ftern oo n until olovoll or 1,\\'01\'(1 1 M,;;. Lor II (.l oo llpll ~ t(lr ( al I ( nml'1'" Ell Mar9hll ll and wife, of y,-,u n lay. C. H. CLIc:~IF:NT8, Clerk. . guest . s nf VIIS that night, A" fM'Il ~ '\\' 0 know Ihi ~ th e ~tll t. " Hn~)lital li t Duyl d Nlidd ltrun. oll pllrl y Sprlllg a oy un ay. - - - - - -.. broke ILII ]lr!lviolls r l1cor(l s llurin g' Sllt\l!'<lu~' lIIornin g . . . I IO':l a)'cu.1 . : Miss G ladis Nutt ontorta i nod It Notic e. tho 8am~ lellg~h .If I.i 1ll C', ns f1'(''1 nOli t Severnl from here attende d Chit . ill ni. ( ; nOli pili' tor It lid 1'cen lin i II. I Mrs . E. .T . VlOkery , of PIIII'DlX , ' few of Iter frisnc1s 8aturcl ay In h Ollor Iy we do n ot 111"' 0 t!ti M 11111 Cil min \'IlI,,1 f, )1' " 1H1l1lh.'r dren'ij DILY exercis es at OweDs~ . II f \'l'lI r~ . J\J)' , New York, und .MISS MIII·y'v luulor. of hor guest, Miss . The \Vayn e Townsh ip s in a month . L1lcile t;ornell. (;ooC'lp:. stOl' a llli h i" rOI~r chiltl l'('n burg, of Lebnno n, lI~ e visiting churob Sunday afterno on. their I Wm. Phillips and wife spe nt Sun· will meet in seml·I\n nuul session on County Survey or alllllllr s . Wnller 1Cllme 10 \rnYll cs \,il lo·llhnn Mrs. Nora ' Morrla and two ohil. t. thc [irst SIster , Mrs. F. E . Mlllt! . Mondl'y , July 3, 11105, a,t one o'clock Henkle , who bll"e lIoen IdllY ,\Vitb the in ttor's m otlle.I', Mrs. s Jle ndln ~ i 01 lILarch t,ll (:tll(l eh n rgt} 0 1 t hp Vnl ' l Mrs. Sl,ou.n Ilron, of Spring Valley, spent Mon. nnd WIlson ,. of .Chattll p. m . ' , LYllm Ann Go rdon, nt CorwlD . All persons blwing bills the winter ll.t Ash e ville, North 'Ul' llay with Mrs. •Tacob Scott.•, .:;/.. . l o~' Tel eph()lH' en'" cxc hn nge, lind : noonu: 1~nneS8E! e, lire \,ISltl~g tho Ilgainst the townsh ip nre request ed ollnll, have return ed to ),eon.tlon . while ~Ir~. ll oodpn st ul' Iud nC\' cl' /'la tte r B Mr. Wesley Benham , of ~(\>b, Dleoe, Mrs. E. B. Dakm. to presen t them for ptlymen t. Pleas ant Ridge . flnd Mr . H enklt}'s m .LIlV fri r. nt.l!l will live(l h e,..', be l' eloll th t un r h o.1 ovcrr Is spcndin g sevenl diya 'W'lth Mr. ·/' Mrs . C. L . Crnwfo rd , of Hnntin g' l By or d ero f 'f rusees t . .. . . tl wllh boglml to learn t llll t . h e isg r cntl v on o nc qulllllte tI . I Il\' cIrc . um · t on , tV IrglDll ' . . l,lsvlsll . " t DglL ' t t be Hurv est time 18 here ngnln, nn Frank Hartsoc k. HeH .' C'. H • C I.ltMII:NT8, T p. CIer, k . . . h improv etl in hCllllh from bis sojourll. stanco" , IIn(1 tllr! fllm,'y I I Ins 1, I . I co ~I I lilso wet wonth or IS Htll1 WIt U~. 1(1 s, n· l omo a f N . C. < ILl' un. Mrs, Riley Oleven I lsr, . • in "the Lund of tho Sky." e.ll'I: S~' ll1Jl :t tlt y of tlte peopl " o [ Ih e Mr. Jervis H~tton has retul'De d ' John Hedma n Ilnd fllnllly elller . Valley, spent . .\,. Herber t PillO, of Conten' iIl!', wns CO lll HHllllf Big <;;rop of Whea t. .. . I Sunday with Perry fr om 11 VISIt WJt I his sister 1lD«1 mined relt~tives S\lIldIlY · one of tho ~peu.kers tit t he Boxwflll Tho huLly \\,llR ],rong bt t o \\·llyn c~ · brother at Chicago and Linooln , 1II. Mnry (lnd Opu) Urn y hov e wh oop· r~mily . Duniel' t:!nrflloe, whose fnrm is comme ncemon t [,t DlLyton Snturda y "mo ~tltnrdllY I),' cu in/.:. anti o n MOll · iY!rl!. AI~OS Ellis unu Mrs . Floyd ing cough . south'OIIst of Corwin , has n. .mAm· aftorno on the title of his orlltioll , cln y ta kon to the fo rm r hOll1o of Anders on, nre Mr.sOD HUI Bnll I visiting their mother , 'spent, moutb, 'whe!L-t orop ~hts year. The being "N~tbnn Hale ;" Mary Re dmon is spendin g this little Horber t was the flllllily Ilt Edent{} ll. Ohio. whC't'o Mr . Dr, ~eILI, of Fni rmount , Ind. Norris whoat is a new vltrlety , the "Eoono . vnledic toriun of his clnss, Bnd wife. week with her auut, Mrs . Uelin 'llnd won tho fnll el'fll !len'icc s w oro fl!I1 t\Cl1 MIS f d i I ed Savage my." '111e Ulll!ette haR been favor. the sohoillr ehlp offered , nenr Miss Lytle N fna . _ 'Scott r . rn y (lr II now emp by the "'1\· b y 1\ IItl'gl) concoul 'se 0 f 8yllllln I I.uJ' ;r.. , . Burton E'~ rnhnrt ond fumll y en. I t h h i W' I . t oy' '; i f ' .1 i)d with n 8I\wllle of' the wheat, tho -Ional Norma l Univer sity with Missos " Ethel ina )U c er s op n I nung on. nt Leb,L. Il l; l'l ()nu ~. tortnln ell clLII!lrs Sunday , , beads · ()f whioh Bre u.1l unusua lly non Miss Enin; 1 Il ,' and hi s telloh er, Mi ss Berthll Hill, of Wilmin gton, Jaoob Cornell IIml Ern est But,t er, - -- -- well filled onf., . some of the heads Norris , won th e scholar . . ItI I M I::)t t df '1 ship from ' Chur ch Notes . , IS VIS ng . . ou an /lml y . ·worth mllde IL bus iness hBVlug five rqw8 of grains abreut , the slime school 119 the trip ·to Xoni~ wlUlhed 'o ut toneher hiIV. Prof . . F. M. Reynol ds nnd family Thursd ay. and ODe head grown in 't his field, ,by Ing In charge the high. • .. viOlnity , one e t bon or R v. Gnrrlel' will prpacb fit Hld ge- have returne d from BJanoh ester. ~Ray Cornell Rpent j::nturd ay night· home that bsd jDlit'lb!iM_·aoidl actnal oount; contaln ed 76 grains of pu I] dnriug~hl!.. year precedi ng ville t;;nnrtoy, .lnl.y 2, nl, :! p. m. Mr. S\las Haw·lte hns ilIlpro,"eclSO and Sunday with Walter -w'h~at. . _ ·.Ln!-rlck, . the grlldna tlon. · t:ltnudn.l'd tim that he is able to ~It np. of near L ebanon .


























yo r lI'ltd n m tr r s n~< I '! ! ,·anne- if I 3sk




l~ h:.a:t . ~h .· ~~ r" 1 1 \\ l .. lt lo J.: I. lh 11 ' 1" · 1 1:-. .A nd . \ dHH1 '4 ~1 · l\\ · . h " ( !llli 1t ,.1· I ~, · r l r .... T h ( Ih oU"',' " " ' ( ' " ti ll I' , .I I'r(, I l-o'H l A lht ,.. I ..u lIl ... ln tl ll ' ":1 .' lh ll, \\(11, ~ 1tt {lI~ l lll


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Nervous Women

Lj!l« the Eas t l' I s[lOke of d:lC7·. wMell ' ~~g I ' v~ )\IHt • .lur ned from a ""It viol n~ kInd . 6u('b a ~ n\r"~lIl h [:' vitu t 10 she 'CII t.'"' t. lh' P\,.·t.~\d $ llr~ h l'l1 l;:x"I' I I (,iH~Y til", ri ng rears. What Is It ?" y"un~ 1",lv .... 1'llIlI. " " lid , "h, I h I vll-e (.r h i ~ tn "TAlie IJ'lnlsh lll" nl 1m. ·· You h ave had two " ' bOle " y~:­ rHH,' " U !tIY I)' til,," ! I'hQft(t e:1& ~ l cJ li en- ar~ The\r ' SulJ.nh~" Usu.U,. LJc ~'" l flfld 11l1ri f(' I~ I' (1 wu ilf ln C;'j" . ~he rejol ul'lI '· Ha von·t y,ou L1ISllO til . ..tUf .. r\'ul. ( t OIll ~U"4 , t ll ulI);II , " "\V \Ull lJo i n t~ 1ft JOU vltlH ! " 1Iltl 1l lfCd Due to Vr17rine I7h,or.d .. s-OI It"tT' F"r a tlllllnJ: 11I "'n 'lII 'hi' {',IRl-lt·Cl n th e I1 t!W 4,.'lliIl C I' III nre~(l " " 1 d('l 1\ 0 ,,.· -"fl U Perh",,,$ Un","p".,t",d s ruU f' fnd !'d f lum tlu' i lU il~~pn'~f' r:ln~ Y(JU Ul t' !l l\ t o " I h \'c' n t f 6 u nd :\n yth lu~ 10 fcar 1 \\ d" uI nltl UIl~l~ tI1 : ' 10I1i C,llIlIr<'." "US his rc pl ) . (1[ Ih., A lt o nl ,.) f.! llcra l a n ti nn l1nrl-'- h:; un (' n gn~l' nl c n t lJ (\V\'(' n you " Ho.l un:' che 1'"rciln,1 ~;r l <J.I!'IIIOllcd. "I ~ h ll llid :4:t}' n flt I \\ lid lI\ ~I. I1H ~nu:· ~ Th t I ~ II: )'011 h ll,e · give n It 1\ Ir\ l\lhl l.! dr\j) "ume 10 II I'" r nUL O( . lh ~ I i ~r; U rC lI l \\ Ood"" A MED,IC1NE 'fHAT CU~I!:·~ -l'llrl l,llIil O l'~._ _ _ ~ 't ) lt)II I'!'IS t' ~~' ~ 'rlll ' n ~h' if! '; r l).-(' (:tt; JtI ~1 lhul" ()l'll1 ~ hy IHII ni l (h " nalll e- lis nl), t'll e nnm ' - rllilu('c·· IIh (' nll rl lall t h iS hl1o ,1 n Ih f' (fnf)t - !l()n c' h tl l :lIl1,' (' he ('ou ld IlI U~I£'r huo t h e ··n", I a lii 3 ')1 ~oi n !l to f:. il. " P er80 nnl Vi e w. IM' nn!, 1·I' pl.\. but h e \V a'" Ani it'i pn ci n :..; I " " OH o\ ~l::l l\ ~' 11U !lrc ~Ol l\g tn ln l:t" ou T 1\ llflh · 'O r:1fr 114 t1 lllPI 114 IH'I h' l'UllIlI H,n:" I!:t hl III n wllo tilt' " Pl)Ir'lwlI:ti vr d'17.~' n . lJ u I lI "d ('r "' l ~Hld Ih:' T \-ru , r'c'rU "5~ In llh" ~C' n ll\! n l d~ I11I1Il C ' wh ic h C'U I11 L' 111 \ 8 rnllroo cl a wn'· ( \Y,w th '~ .. ~I,' OJ)' 01 "

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)' 01 II) l; a n t! Ull \r 11 -





1111)\1' 111 r. IIIU' Ir'l

whit It shollid h Ihl! Mr I, \"\ l\ t "" l'L' ,. ,.. hl·d , IH ! 1 nn ~ b I '·"rlOl lIl) lip rcrus,· 10 rail Into u n .\ S I.,h 111I111 ~ ~ l ra p a:s YO\1 h ll\ () 111 '1'11 I 1'.\ JuJ.: In h rlll for Ol ,... :\1 r ~t ('I1;::-',"

I1 c'!·>t dll l \ lit a

;!t )I H I , ' itl b' IL

a fi ll t nUl Or a gu n " "n it t hc ac n c,f'i h ft.'" ben?" 01 !11 !'\ !) Y ~ 1' IIlIH" d ,


\ t o ll'l' It?"

-' 1'11111

whert' , r Oil ure


Wltln ~ .

Rn -

.t\\'ered SUll tlH lr 80 l)(h\lm , " A It.-xl ~ oHrt ' ·That Is wlln t . I men,,:· j;n lll 114 ,,~ Hill~ to lJ~ (lit O o f t il t" lka l " r~oIt - /.J)~ you wi ll do \I by ! h rcal ,'nlng thll1tt" III I1 I1t \1I1\" ~ pi 0 11.1 , d lld lU :(UIIO U"d

,. \\ h ~ n ,"Oil Ilr fO "I ~~i n :.: w ~ 1 1 Bltd II ,H e rou nd \ 011 1' Rll" "ll m or \\' IHrr. II '~

to ex PI ;ll'~ I hem '~"


flUno "w o f n tlo ,.... hea r l '" uxprcdI' f 111 S() tJ ea1t: 1iC" IIIN ('" it I " h o uld fl y; " or. U Dc \:l't Nt~ tlk to me '. L l~t l ~ U.lo!r"

CIYllu.Mlhm:· - \ V\ll<\ hlllt.& ton Htnr.

'· 1 s hall Icll Gm·cm or Bu ci;. whal I It Pays to Read N ewspapers. I{now abou r the nil fi e ld ol ca l. nssu r" ', Hr," •• ;roo.: 11 1"11 ' li lt! \ .11. 1 \ t :11 '. ('Ol • • W ••.. l lIn o 12 - . ·rA" k M H" ••~II , salo l II,,. i, 1 1" ' 011 . drnpi'l~ u,II!I, Into IN . ()oel f' IUltlg h' :lIon,,? " : n ~ 10 1m t ha l I SbRIl pllhll ~ h th e (ac's N il:: , ·UlIUII ' .. h tl-.t-. ' I' 1\ ~l d of llll!4 J)I l'e ImJ Kldnl"v 1J1I4~a:cc so h .\d hi ~ tn' 111 1'[" (' u r l (h':-~:-; II he dn~" n · l 101 rhe law lal, e its cour3 Yn n n Un" J ,p' \.1 Illid l~/lH k'" hlll:h 11,," he 'U ti!.!" nOI .. alk . Ife ll"lOJ Doct "", ' 1, (\' 111 llll lH' li 1f. OH\ I In h l~ m Ind , In nll s tt n; Jud ge J).1c.t,' I'·arI8n ~ n.nd tll" Till' door opened Mlowl y ull th.... r th e Til" " •• ' 111.· .. th.· h.',,) ' I t 'l' I PItl"IMII'" ', Ifl1\ lnu' l l l and mi1 n~' tI;'Tl'r~l1 t r enll...... ttc~,I ~~~~~!a.e!:!%!~;I,~,n01 VOU 'In'. fl'"'' nln j; t IlolI :; h lfull .1 In l n hi S con·ce · Rr.n. ' (.' I lt n l .. , p 011(1 'I'~ h r ",, ' lllit ""til'! jlcll l t1g \VOrltC, He wa tf vcr ,· low. malt d you IrrliGa ble; y u tl ca n ' t, t:; l c~p. I1\' I'" loe 01 t he sle nd ,.,. woman is h hand. "11 11. \\ hr n III' ~ J1o l,c It \\'aH o ut 01 l he rCl' ch' ' :' r .. D enlh t'!Jlhll" (llir ('111 ,' ( IIl d'I ,· s ,. ... rnr S h ~ ,·ose an ,1 !lIond bc rorc h im Icn nli e . eoll ,11 l\ n w""' j>t'r how f)olld ·. yo u Are unabl.... t .. "ui"llv ClOd e .. lttll," ' Yull h ll\(' !\ tHH h of sn m c m :1~ n lr;l(t c. m l"- h ~u . t nf m lllnlhwsl<. T il ~1.HI · ('lU I hlllll l{ 1 lt l l , l ~ h I ' ~(: JI 1\ " lno')" \,,11. \\"~r" clInnc COdCd or K,dn ~y n e "(o"m ."o ur dl:It'1,'" v r ellr" (or I,, ~ a!':3lnsc (jne of Ihe vln c-l'I lllt Ilurd l P ol k t t\kl ' ~ lh tl h.'lt n TII (' M c~h" l li \t' :).:" tprot" yo u , ~(r. J\ e lll. YUII r an sca ... · Iy .I ~ ,110 ,wlU ld te ll ml' one t hill):. T '·O IOUle. Rrl ~ h'."" :lOd Hh.u11l.· ,. hll.' pillars ,,11 h h e r h and ~ bohlnd he r Br l n ~ ~ Ui' a " , ... 1 Pu rl lh. ~ h ' Ir' , toc'II<' to nr rom(lll ~ h It a lon e." l"III. IO OId ti ,nul(ht '10' ..unl" Ir)' I hollO . n ~ yo>lr C ure ll O.m s by. A m ( r e~ po n " lhlr fill - to, O rr-g n u [0 11'1\1'1 H \ l r \ lU l l (\ !U n l. , " DavId K,'ot. arc th e re an y d rcumI wn h, i~c •. 9,,.1 nmr he is 'lil lIe well . Tho relatio n oj! tllttt n~M'~~ a od N ~:n10>01. 1'h,' ,Iont (·IU' Cll ~o rtl y he hlnd the re- l h e p. ese nl ~tal o f alfnlrs '" 7"1' '-' 11 Tn ' ,.,,' flllll Fl l lmo'I~~ Om'.' nr-:ato H e (lVl!t ' erati,c o r g ..'n~ i n l ?1flmOD. 18 t;q . cl~ " R n c c~ lu wlth·h ~o u wOlIlII at Cell! a 'real ln!: Ilgll ' e o f I hc all or ncy &~ u e .... l. C mn rt .. t li e d,"tHh a n,.,.,;:I' FilhnolC' t r l c~ Orlllsby ~l re t c h ed Iho tlllih a lI . tl e , IlIlhe .. , ··1 Ii u n"w worr. lin rI'l' amI not fp,.l that u\n e· Lenth ~'o ( t h ~ 06l'V0l1K V' )80. " 0 h C'al ow fllII'l rrcb ""lltl , c nm l. , illl1l:il8 1111,1 K r n r r~lca ell the 811rlnA' of rh I;....u . Ref"rc u.,~ Db,.... Killn. )" P ,lis tration. n crvo".· d~ lIillty, ti, .. blu:UI, P:l rll r Inr Elln()r·s !;ak ~ ; llI o rc. lIe rH., Ilnsw crl'd I..' r tn a ll ~c rlotl~n e . ~ . P in '" f' h r l n,::", hr)l~ or l'- b c tt,-r d a ) . nightla tc h . 'l'h~n h e we n l to th e nlrl n\ .. ., Ik .,." .... t be 1l,)Or:· 8I eepl e8~n e.!I audt !ll'!~ Irrltebtllty I ,·" B UI l": nn Sl\ g ~ 'f hrslt~k8. h. In the ",~ay , hU[l s . COl" I' (!nl" s. ··Th ey say c v~"r man has hI s prille: Mr RIIM"'t·I! 'tt itt th e- In'O",t wymrlcrflll {'Hrtf! arUia {rolll Mome d..~nt of drollfICd porLi ~ ." a t lh (' farl lter r nLi o f B ud ','! IHln t' !-i'i Il)' So lO a im th e alrtct". " ' ·001 ha\(' do ne nOl hin ); l hR I An IIllne I · b lf; he r t hlln nn r bl rt they hav .. \ t' r k n!1w l1 ttl Ch' flPCWfto rOll n t) TllIlt I I. h k Iter om1-n n ~ 1 St'l'cS~ld I4 Rhut- ttl th e N ntlorfs Hte.. th e room , dre"· II Illildc a nd loo l,,' d in honl'l"CIble .-1>·al- an,1 lu<"ide nlally a n~w ,·cl1O " lv- n'Kl d ·~ K id"",· · l'ill. - I~ organ 8m '" li e IDII e ~ " w , r caD rual,e. I hO[l c:· A h":'!. l1 ntn 1 ,111<'11111 S; lIhle-s nur s hll) on a mQn "ho was wr lt ln!; at a lobl e ~ooll I" rl r nd of mine - m ight not do. yet lI1arl ~ " ... k,ng dOIll O IDtr.Cu\uwt. cu..",.. i ll W \OCon. Fi ts ot d e pression 0"- ...e~t;r:e....oc"" Bud T h rN,sh s("u" nf t.I ,"'Iorl n n h s ( {'ft rr,,1 trt,). ··Wh) dnn'L yon lell hem uribe Y01l ?" 1 ; 0. irrHnhilitv . Spiri\" ca.~iTJ' .. -«{'Cred, r;u lilt. hell ont he l" ~~ n Ih p w in dow s B llt r' ,11 a I II tll ~' r \\. 111"1 ~ lU' Is d one. T hel"l'fo l"r '''01 a rc not rfs po n 8 Ihl ~ " ~ h e a, l<ed roo ll >·. " Is II becausc It I,' that ntH' Ininute ~he· \(\ u/Jh .... tJ .e next " \' 011 heard him. Lori ng: ': ' h l! a s ld:' ,1 A nd Ihl' !fwd \ .. ~ ~I\ ( ' d A I Hl th e: \Ic \ory " Th a I Is pil I li nn: Ii "pr y d lplomatlc- ttlI'X IIP,licnt- becf<lII;e th e r I~ mora 1-11Itnl' rl04 t " IIIwH haYI! (1 1 tern hll~ l lll1f" i u minut \\'co ps. d n t t1h e- 'l73 ri(·l'4 llD "t ~ Olt Th e ex·ltla nal;cr no,I,lcd !Illy:· I\ ~ nl mOl "",1 ·· 1 a lii nf(·nlrl It ·H u\:cess· th e 0' her" al ... .ht, ... n T ht,rt, .U " I I\) nltl. IlIol.Jtl~ thl"1c~­ bet.veen th e s holll dc.'S, [,o._or veO""l J n h tl oln ", n Jl ~ { H II 1111--' 1I11~ ('rfl1 t:" )". '·T h_.I" nrc h a r·d prrss r ~." he salrl oe"O>lS d,·ol',,(,"ln I\\bm~ t.o cry does nOl ('x o n ~ rtl'~ me whnll y. " A nrJ l)rant. lilt' h "'r" ot w a r , 3. PJ}(" l t l"'. He tried 10 C(ll Ul a lA he r moillt ss a nd tl l l lC.U~O ' · llt l ll1 l t Il' Thc n . lunld u!; "II 'lnlel;ly : . Yo u (·ould at. t.h o I ' list pro'/,)Ca l,lQn·. &lrtb ". pointM Th e.n H.t e')o U)' 1111,.: IUil l' lJ\\' ('"d l n l{lrt:'ln ·' Y,'s . II L1oes. BOIL It does n·r Pllt me made a fnllure nf It. Where Old Oce& ,, 's So·Lty Breezes to D a r. o u ~ Iwotlt ration. n8111 e your " r ite If you ,,·anled tn dnse w l nt.. out o f Ih p 1'lInnin g , Y0 1l u nd er sla nd, BVe,. .Io ne Rn yt hlng to ma l,,, ·'II>I\' e I ..And n ":~" ("r Hlu l nn I 1If(' b l!gll\ ~. Olll r he 8l0("1; or goods In loa.HI , David . Blow-An I d e,,'1 S umlllfi Noth ing" will r'Ii,,,, ·t,lli ... rI'i~g rill ·(ornln s l· yo u y t : rath"r . more YOII think I h ad thrown cOlUmon bOll.cR r" " I" Ilnd , r l hm come n CXl til v,~ w . eondiU(lo lind IIr,·v,·"I.. munt h.. of po ....... It was In l hl' afle rnoon of t bl' sa me sl uhbornl ) Ihll n brfOle . ( ra nr) ." T er rI t ory. B ut the nr~ 1 151: sla in ere l he y,,"a.r 1:0. t'~ ' Y and sc i r- re SIll'f"t O" c rbotll d !"' hit tn.":.;nn and ~ " IT.· , in g ,.., ,, u ro l j!' ~lic> r..ydla day lIlIIr Ken l 10lllul a nO e ,n h i. I,c)·· r,o1lJ( t,, ',-md [lot •• !4I II IIIfHC" J't."14n r t Kfo, ,:, throush . Ke nt nnrld rrl de mand ed hox at Ih e Chml e ndon a al;l ng him 0 Cl c\ ~ l n nd l ~ f ex. , lht"n Jl unl :-'OII . t il )l llll11lfll lt,r ",tid, ." ('UI . f(w un ee w d/\,¥cllcr E. Pinkbam'" Vcgct.ablu ·C lllpotiod '·Th at. of l'our~ e ; I sho uld thi n!. less Her a nAwe r \\!l S anolher Qllt~"t\on , ,lit th l~ ("u'c\".lOnnll v fl,vn llNi r'h ll.Jlt ic 'l"h pu C I(' \'c lo ll d as;:tln Is t h t fa"orl-(I o n(' M.". M . K S hotwell .. o f lOa~ nT:;aU"" cnll "11 1 ~ 1 T oJon H,·c nU I) by lele phon c n f )' 011 If Vfllt W re nnl . And YOII ~ h a II s harp· edged and we ll lhrll s t h tKue. ~l c Ktn l y enrrlrH our hnl1nrr rfl r l ' o.t :H l .. lllnt1 U \VB)" ,,' d\yol1u['f' lit- tHe r ule-. Anuu e, Ilrookly n, N . v.:, wl1it.: .. : li e <l 1'1 Il fl l on C<' . a nti l' nelo pe a n· O' C'r 4 1 ~ h\llt !J (lS. 111 t he };l' BlIl s h W a l' , I Lloi n" turnl ftllrndlU n s arc' "" an 'c lou... in] h:l \'c n~ fal l' a show fI~ ~' Oll a rp ~ Ivln{.: ··1, It any " or80 to lu kc R brioo ~ I m nnot, U p I'(.... the' wonderl'l1 l reli<lC L s w ' r"11. Th e I;cr-box not c hod IJ en Bu t r"ntJ II " let lin o r rnu rd'rO\l!J hlll(" til - whI ch Is savi nI'! a lot hall w~ I h a n il Is tn g h' e onc" You hav e Just \:t r iNY. Il~ • ollth or' 0 ('01"11 bum' it+- m oa t till""" tlX (lerlomC611 by taking. 4l1<111\1 II: f _ And n o~o\' It 13k~R lh e ~h~lr or " la' " pla ced at Ellnor ·6 re~up s ', Qnd s h e, "'101 ·11' 1,,, ~ W IO. for I:r rc ' thc· ~ lIr [ bflt liillJ( tI .. ",;~ Vegct.a bl . Ctloopoundl , ll.rutrc"'lf n nd s OIol(e ?" admillert Ihot you are solng to bl~ lb. I ~ l1urt,cul lu-l\r 11 11 0 undt diu 4:' ''' 'h e l'llIJ.t Su ch I ~ lh .... PI'clCfclc nttlil IlI_ e !.lIss Pe Lle lol"' . cou ld nOI sa y \\ hal • ~g time •..tth n rvOlJ>J Pr08tl'ntt<m,. ~Io· FrMl Ihe d:\y~ '" l7S11 gove m or·s nClllralll y, you know. h l·Jlt . 8(' ofte n l;.' n &:n UII l tNt' [l 0 110011 A t , 1IICbe, bcadlO('hu, 1_ was wanted ; nel lher CO llld s he s ay of "t>I)(!tit" r D ~~ -H\ l bert hi ' .. llInp r CHAPTl': n _'{XI .. , " :)n', sec It In I ho! IIgbt oc <rD.H I,uuic pnlllLf4, i ~ ft \fli ng ullkIlUWU\. hl' I\use n ot sleep ..ud ...,ould WIllI< th.I'fIOOltr tl ell nlt e l~ when h er s ls ce r would be in . lluf' hea lltifu l Idluml u lll nl' It'c mllt, b ' 1fl ' 1'he OthN Da vl l1 KeDI wou ld Imnt [if1 ~l \\*u!Jt d lr p,·tly HCl lll!J.'4 th e ,'mUI1I'1 oI, ery night A RO r: RO \\· Cr, C'ONS{' lI-:;o.:r r:. Ell nnt· hn I gone Clll t an hOllr ca rll c'r ,. Elied t~ ....., dortoN ud !tOt [1D tuItr. aw.t se en It. He wuuld hav e s aid: ·rllese Sout" W lllfilot , hlv "'i ng rrclfh ltud l ,!O~H eH'or Ulftioo wil h ~ l r. Or m8h)" n nt! ~I' ~s \ ·a n llroe l{ ..... R h.m1. n. I .... IUI odvi",td' llf n-y Til e ronvC' I">Sati on on Ih e B,·enlwood lIIen are (mbJlc I'rl m ID.. t~ It 1 cats .. he .A t lanti c. : , ~ R. Plnkhll",'s V tobia ' m~ In M .. O"," s ur' ~ motor·rar. Wlt en WII [llJl o-l. \Va~ d. lelly of Ell eele lllllll Inn not b r l ~ g th em l.() j;n~tlce, t (all M It h ;J~ 1k:'m lC' t he O P (, II Clt'fllln ' tif e l r r". ....,IItt. ba... ",orkl.>d ""ond",,, far 1;11" : hc . Da h ·d J> l' nL. m mrn ;; till" Did ho as a heairl, a nd pl easl " ·c re~o rt , until SOUl h B a\~ oUhl nthl,'r inl A1ut. ~A · f llt1t,htl' ' I m:n " "ell my' ......O'IIIl."!l" Lt·t>IJ leas t expose L h em to' aire ~cor n o[ all I, II OW II .. Y wcre lall,l n;;- of Slle nd lng an 0 111 ho und l'le{· jl"l(· ,·nr slOPI,cd at It ' lht.' f·,~'1'4j w tt\'re I4llfe ~ "ili n " u ntil ti ll gono 811fl my friends lillY'J' y."""" ilOilO ilion T lt er ofoct'r bnve no rl g h ~ 1\) . It ,,·.1 ' .. h ~ t IOIng ,~ . t (I heo l, t he r ~ ",nl(idcr of lh ' su mm e r at t h J'oOlUIgm", H o rul' 1" bclow IInli I.on nl( ,·nm e u[l bargain with th em:' On the Nunl! It r ,'" unll HhOl "(, · 1110· wtn flOI. th o v Inmes oJ l ot rIO, fro .... Rr\!e~c l nntl (Iln ? .\ nd wh ere Willi Mr. 10 m al.c , I qu a rtet or 'he t( io behi nd Ken t . was s llen.l: in" a lOll ; Ilmc. ,m" lhH\t4 n[ ~u l \\'4'h: r :t l c ' ul!of.o III OifLWOOle:> m ndo ~Lron!t b.V Uyc\i , l'l. I?lcU<I.otlng al l lid tl!ll o~' C'C Ucnt ; the s ur f of " UI'Hl' It' I.u·k ing . . th e ,· in e-t·o,·el"cd Il"clll ~. WI,,'n hc "1101,0 It wa", to BY· ha.nrlH V ' b'C tu bl u t:owpound IOO nv;"" .., I n~rea,1 t hl" sllore hlu iT. li nd Ke llt mad e tJlll n~ 80 8 " · !'l\ 10 a ll La lr (· the ex- mana rr rOdC"Hed to ",m,.-om ' n of it vi r t u"" '.' . ~u I ~l .\\" r~ ··Wl~y ha vc }' Oll done rh ls, ";lInon'!" U\'i..,·I",1 \11 tho hilC,h ,'·Jlc r ",urk, t hes e qlll'ri e. . hung all (he ('ur-pl ("e 1\ !Ill 11"0 lor mll sl~- Pe n lol'c's m us ic 2ty ""nllol. wish to remain alelr-a nd we,,~ ··:108CII, c 1 ha d L(), Dn. ld, Could D Figh1uSl hm h 111 l r c" h .lIut . l'R', lt \m tt!.11 [11111 wcnl a way nloudily relleet" · (t no l I nt lJ' I,u -Uun (If L I'lig I lund ahd u lscoul·ngt'd. exhnlls ter\ i e h cJt:t.y. - ud Ihe tWR.n wcnt In lo the s ltll ng !fIlAN~JS ~ LYN DE He wa s ' due aL ~ meeli ng of th cxc '- room And the plano. Ie vl n;; Elillor ,10 I s - ?·· Gnlf all( 1 tenntf4' l' nt 11lU, inHl,t ' (I I O -~fln' nd id when VCl l,I can be a:5 eaalJ¥: uoU""d .... .' ( RlIll"O. e no . tt's- in t h\' \Jl ood h - t.'IH l "<.l t\l r, £1 L, I. hn l\ i't a t h l ' l."tl llt llf , u l'U ot:be:-- .... owcl:l. uti,,(" Qlll mil t ce fir the Ci vic Ica..:::; ue. a nd Ken l 10 mal;e th e has t of ~llc b In '·O:ll· hl'lml alld' m ine. Otber l oll.: l; n:oftl rplt~~c ( l ' I hilL h e I r LII .. publi c business " ·1111 othm as the sp ir il m c)\,ctl ' 111 . Tb" "r"·nd irl ,'.10111 f hlghw~,·" itA'" nl cul l II UI ~ p " IIsn virus of (1\' (whll' IH' SI,uc' lIll1l ccJ upon th e "r(>ba bl ~ J I was Eli nor· s chance for r,co s (le ech rl.:; bleousl1 es~ . a ud RCOn' at It . l don·t WI\ Rtl\".,clt'\1 tltr r,lIer, L1r1" cr .\1 1(1 litHO· oiJJcN (,r Elinor·, lelop honing h i m. } hl h~t , with K Cll t- th e OIII.O(·t ulllt}" shc had h no \" ! ~ vH I (l t:mea r thi n1' Lh ey h v ~ ", t1I CHAPT E R 01ll·t' , j\lI In all. il'r """l or .P(••·t Now the t e Is lIO field in whi h the cravell. Bur /IIlW Il was comc, th Ih c hrat of Iho ~".:;Im III ." [' /tll j horc no CV Udt. I' CMC1 at hu, · mal "· PI·ceIS!:I)"." Wil l; Ih 5 ",ilil\~ l·oJoln - Inco n lsI ' ncr o f human nature Is so >l nlllll c1ty o f t'he thin!\, to be s alt! r------:-""lPO ltive,,., ea~ by o[u, ·· L {·au ·l I' clieve you Il.I'r thl!toe ruUe IUltlo. ) oiler. ··You will nolo t hnl I ~ai< 1 ·a '. ha,1 dil l,arlcd BI1<i a D ombB,·(·assln ee l C w lh..'n you say l lutii," s h u ass onelh Til l' 81I1C)t'ellm'O DlIt' A ~\f.m (lth~ lOa n 1I ~1It1l1v h M'" "I that li mo: !..alel· devclul'Ul e n tsconll" c:.; icy hnd tal(en Its place. '· Yes. I 001. On p ca nno l co mprollli e n1.1cie luol, ,- N._O __ · _ _, tram DytlpCpsIa. I.)" . Pe i('tl~ nne mOI" ~ es pe ' Ially t lils t barge made tl pen· '·Wha t III I he mou e I· with us t b I~ "I UI con~ " ic nc~; t Iill.t s a}'s it,se lf. Bu~ I dlil~,on lI.!l4 Too~l J y by th ,puhl ic I\l"CSS of jUg~illlg Wllh c vC'n l n g?·· h e ql1 ~l"led. "We ha n l beeu 1 1lIl'·e '" m~ 10 boilc ' ·e latterl>" thot Ladl e!! Con W ear SIl ee f....1IOt'fIICt' 1"IIla' !orplgu ' co!"por Iiolls-ha' e leel rue to sl t Li ng he r·c rn.lI,iog tb~ vag l es ~ t rlvl a l- on e', ~lIn ;t:' (, II' · C Ill Rl" b m Ol uldly Ott ..i71l lltall r sher u.illa Al lc n·~ belhl'·e\ tha t as lh e puillit p\'(!. C"lItOI' I+~a~. 1\ l'C I'l ain e ll .. r swo llen , ~wen •. ,"'., .• 8Il.Cl 'liIKt& l ies ever s illce P efl c:olle and l,orinll aeUle. u r r.n n dla eas~d . l'1I admit hOL, 1lI·lu ng feel. A t ~II DruJq; i.c 1 may ba ve dulles wh.lch lrausc n(1 an lIoatb~ CoaIJ4 s hlc- tmci,c(L liS. I I.a,·en·l becu doln!; I·, e Ilflrfl Isl,l n t;" trl'at m en L" ue l" n o tltibil Lltll\e, 'frUlI p(w~ -",c. Y _ ·.,-.-- , I'IIIn In ~~U.... oth er ~o ll sl dl!rallol's-()t loyqlty to a an ything laD) a.'1harur.d of; hn\·e yo u ?'. " That H llltld \'('rr ll rc lIdrlll:· she Addr A. ::l. Olms ted . 1..0 Roy, 'tllQlIf f- " plU·ly , umdu rtJ ·· Ye ." sbe to nrC1lSed , loold ng awa y rejo lnc,l . rquJat.,:lbe l\Owe15. 1'Ure!rVaget:1bIo.· II:. nt tool( bis l ur n al In lclTupllug. Unrealized . . [ rom hlm. ··I t <Iocs . (Io,'~'~'( It ? Yel It had to ..\1 r. le igs. lILe r e Is n oUlltlg r hf ·'Wha . I It ?". Llun t .I ,rtH' _ .'", !; OIJr 911~~)~H, ( 1 be don.... As I Int ima I'd a t ew ' m, l n~ SMALL t al n l'll l>y Inl1ire UOII . lI1uy I nsl<: YOII l,t he WIliI'! , ··r MI, 1I a certain good frl cnd o f tile 1<(;0, my life hos hit herto l>een a l"I 'o(l~ - IV.'II . re8. I tl,onlt·4t lO come to t l10 I'o in t?" Genuine Must .Stier· m ~ n e to co rn to sec m o whoD rhar e Aon ot lIt1osl crhallou s failure: I, uset) am,' mm" tRIIT) t o !oII;I}' It r 1101 fur f ··ilt·IC lly , t hOu : IIle COli'''' IlIlrs ued Is g on reason [0 heilcl'll he di d n ' t to th lnl, iL wa'! beca use r was oUl, ~· lt al h~ lhi l1 l.. l!I 1 1I1II~~lf lu t"..· by Se na tor Dt.Vlt Il III l h e S el moun l 3fc lassed. 1 I<now now It h a~ hee n be- l:l c~ ·,uty. WillI t o come" IVER ' ~1"" -.tfarr leaVe!! ULl tt lllll·ovcd cha q;e a gai nst '·Wha t makes ron thi n k ,he did n' t call ~ C I WOIl ~u n't rIo ns other nw lIo. PILLS. . ~ . Correct, otb ers; a hu rg whi ch I am deterwant to ~o m e?t-"f rt has be 'n a rathe.· h eart-lJrl'>11> lp g "V!tt.f"".., r Nome' ne oC 1 1o~ · pr·nc'I'o l -=='--' REFUSE SUBSJITUJ& mined to s ift 10 Ihe boHom - you see. · · Wlt~·- I dO fl 't know : rflcl h p. · .. She P' ..IC 55-10 ~o r~ Ol.t Ihc sc rupl s. ad- hor r nrl<\ f W [II·. ,I am s peal; llI!; (Iulle frunkly That hatl tu rn ed III'on him s wiftly with an rrcl t th,g t he 5' I ~ l a nd o'·crrldln the 8tl.t\l c1TI.-· (j 11Hluut iu u e If "'H m t.he h o "," chargc in voh·es t h e t·clluta (lon ot outOash of the ' playrtl l darin!; wbl c h others-lJ'f! I hav e b e n gIven to 888 t'O ft8. of war. ir ,- Cflil·au.fl ~t) n , me n h l;;h In anthorlty; b "l I $h311 be harl hee n one of hIs majoc· (ellerln gs t h at It Is the pr ice or success." my ~ \\"orn dill Y. lIIr. IE you hn,·o th ~L ti n,,1 foel ; lI~ ",to ;,·!> s tron£!" lO rI " I wunt YOu to succeed ." slie sa id . In ti m c rasl - t hc ~tal l e charm thlll m kl!'8 yo u Telll -'flnt. to nll) \l", , ~'I"' l )let K ent; I as lt you to believe that: ' ··P ardon me : I do n· t thl n l< yo u (io. I!W ;.::or. wllh 'luic k rcJll1rl re and Ins tan t I11 t!h nd)t to (itI Y<! ~f 11 n ",huve ml o t fle K ent nodded n.nd wa,·ed It im o u. You have . eo P( nc tl the door t d'lubt, rflddw{1V' of It it l.focei thilt in p'opulttr wil lA and sytUllUth cl\ c appreitl'nsloo. ··YOII will ,·oadll.· undc rs ta ,"1 t he A FRBB BOTTll& OF tho- .."i"'lIl ~ u l l ;.I.a .- llld oa "ol>ol i$ X w., · · Yr)U ha '·c never yet aSI;ed anyth Ing and if I s(lmlt thl' doubt 1 s hall (".11:' o(\cll cac), of the laS I~, and ' how , lu [To Bo Co ntlnu.d.) of him that he wasn't glad e nough to natlll c of Ih ing , 1 11m h anli lca lllleLi A'h'e." he rejoi ned, I(eeplng IIIJ the: and hed 'ed up o n C'·N Y s .de, Evl ~c .. llltn1"1I1 V ••"e on I lo.f'!' th h·d pe rson ft ~ .rnti ve. ·· W lt '( H" \ . ~: YOU DONI:: THIS. ~' dence- o! a 1,I nd 10 cnnble rue to as , A ParIs Sunday RcllOOI l ea che r c x··Is t hat sa yi ng very rnu c h~r \·e ry t:: LlKOr: : ·· sall a PO llUlu!" hlol - IH e"ce~d lngl y dUplal ned 10 hor pupils Iha t wllhou t lov a li tll e'r" Jlcull to IIr ' ure" "Ve ry IItlle. i nd e<:'d Bll t It Is only I h e ,\,orld wonld hc 11 (lOor plare for D ,. BAYSSON FUBIJSHES ,REB1illl'S HAVI!, YOU 1... rsl.tCllt tl~ In l hal wb lrh Is bOllnd ··It Is: · saId Kc nl, gl"l llli r . ed b )' t he se ntim elltall y lIar·rowed yOllr 3slnn~s that ha.·c be n lacln n g children a nd all hc l/ll ess and lotlml OF VALUABLE EU.E.RIEKOE, ·'Exactl y. But In .·e ,·ollOlnS t ll e m a l - h orizo n of a man in lo"e. With Or ms· - not h I. ~ood Will." persons. '·N xt Sunda y: ' silo ijald , h I ter In m~· oWn mill d, I thou ghl of ~· ou . hy al th e nOllus of hi s ]lOlnt of. vi" w , " That was sa ill l!I;e Ihe David )(ent want aa ch or YO Il 10. come· preparc d' ~ ".,...,...r ProanUntM 07 • .....,...10 n ... 'Nnw !l You are I, nown at the capi tol . Mr. Da,' ld KenL mad e no s ecret of h is OPCO I II cd 10 I,no,,·, Aro YOli really 'lult .n:.oo'C!f"~ In I'erlec t .JI'reM.o•• l,ett.......Ch TrOU ble •• '~"1.e!lt'()n. D'.".... t o rell b' a sc riptural verse auou r lovc ,ICenl, and I mllY say througholl t tho r i \· all) ot t h e millionaire, decla rin g l h" sa me!" 1Il1 .... le. ?f Indl.~tloa, e4ioo,. Btood Pols Dn,·_Skln ~I "D..... .1 The next Sunday the chlldl"eu' bad a"il l( lale, 11M IIle IIn Cp'mf),·omIR l n~ nnta~on­ , Ills In le nlllJlI boldl)" a nn tail ing n o I hope nol." h e proles led gra )'ely. pre pared th e ir vcrses. Ooe h ad: " Lcw;! TboolJftnds of s ulJe rer s know,·Wat"ltte Sor•• , Sudde n !S()_I Troubl .... , ist of I h e slate oc)mlnlslrallon. I s lmme tlt,refo r. BUI w heo Ite (aced " Peoille uscd to say t bat ( matured yonr c oe mi es ." a "CIt!" chll. re~ why t he:( aFe trrltable ,a Ulli clh· Dr.rrh ••, Cholera _ 1i!._t_ O_,_l_'_.!:.._~.... r:' have as l<ed tI1 y~clr till s · Ls Il pORsl · 3bont to,,·ard Eliuor he (onnrf himse lf lalC'. a nll ) ea r br year as ( look bael. dro n . lo'·e one anot h e r ," nnd 1<0 o n. pt:e8lled (\Il\l n ervouH ami , HI p!etl8<iJt.;IIe, f he l>ow!!'IM ;;ut, n .... ble tha l :I cool-t. ~a d ed, reso lu te attor- I; l'Owl llg hoU)· Jealou8 fo r. b'r good 1 can s~c t ha t It "'·IIS a true soyln g. Finally 1\ s mfll1 Uo)' wi t h red hair CfWlie tbeir food dOOK t1ot dlge8t,lblt-.lloyv . ti " e~ \\r-e wi ll ,pm... t n ev III,c Mr . DnvldrlCent would move !'<llth i ca retu l ond fearfUl lesL s be I ha \'0 done s nme des perately boyish arose . Hc hegan In· a loud. s hrtU \x>g8trid of tbe difficpltyia t be1\Ufoliug , f S QII t to", . ~r"~ lu si; fal a lld ~o de le rmlnedly In lhls s houlrf s ay or do some l brns not s l rl el- th Ings si nce I w as a maa STown~ loi ec. " Song of Solomon\ secondl clJap- ~o n, (irfJpe TOll ia , C1...... .' . ma Ltcr of a ntn!\on iSIll without su\)s tan- I)' In ac'·onl an ce with lhl.! lelle r a nd th ings t hat m l\ I,e tO e tlnsle whe n 1 Ie ,.. tlfth verse." ,~t1d Ihen he r ecitedOood digestton calls for, 8trong:~lges, C llUlfl llltl UO!A i {\'Ddl .::t..t~ 1.Iall y p :l\'lo~ the G"ound unde r bl - s l,lt II o t hel obli gations as Orms by's t eca ll tbem. " I the~\' 't:~ribLo'IlO." " S ta)· wIth m e. f\a goM. com Forr me tt'V!torgtWt9, and 8tr(Jugtli,oomll8 , Ct-oml a. reOl with (',Iue nct? as he went nlons ' " "ant (!(! lr'ou b le14 hc'h:atMe' It " Like was ting a wi . o le IIlImm e r ex- with apples : for ram' s lcl; o( Ill\' , " - supply o f good rich IJloocl! Eon- bIIis I d'e3 I UIC~ l h OI ooct ('-'1I1t K enl ~d(lli it e d t haI It was I'OS ibl . J!eaSOtJ Mr. BaY!l8On tool( D~ WJllihUls ' I:O<lt"",,<1I I,'o r I h is c au ~ e h c· had been l)o.lilO n - I)lorln,; Mounl Croydon with a - a LOll Ang~ l cs Times, 1 "1 k eN l ha '''tll'JitJ u ... but hl ;: h l)" '1ll11l·oba hll' ,n ~ Ihe 1"·0Il1I HCd \"IsIl. and the reby sa m hody \\ ho di d oot m al ure late?" FbI" P ilLq for tho cure of tlldilJllstiotl,. prt' cd c::ally. rt.t\~ If: ··So I decl ul'd:· was th e s mil e- tem - Ilo , lpo nln ~ l it ' lal, lng of th fill3 1 s t!'I' " (';0 : ( was n "t ("oll n li n ~ tha l a mon g Vnrl,m"nn. D~tt dl ~I J q tWh'el " They have llc<ln my llest dootor, :"ho, f CIf\ l llC larvcd.l ool.. perer! r jo in de r. ·' 111 tha i ca ' e II on l) I" th " campni); n of Inti mid al\on Th(' III:· lapses. '\0 oldol" man Iha n I e'·ct A storr Is lold or Fran ci s Pat"lc. !fII.Y!L .. I was suffe r iug fromd)'I'P.6PtN m ,h ti n ll (u u.l l" i n gl'thll!' u. ' (' mai n s f()r rtl<: t o r r"tlli n d ,\'0 11 or yo ur IInc'. lIl nlll r ll ' c lc llh(lII e cnll rlr" ilIClI hOll(' to be ml g bt fillli cxcuses tor Ih~ 11100. th e hl NoorJan. whi ch s h ow" "hnt The pai"" iu my stomach aftol\· ruoa.lll hac k l ' ,l tte-n1)tj.h,. pllbll<: dllr \ ~ lr Ii: c nl: In as l( l Oll In him . hO I" c \ e r C r·ny don " urn m er I m na n t In other In spite of impaired ~l'cs lgb t he W31t t: IHC Qli1:. I' un hut! H,· wO lIlII ~II nn rl ~p. were a llllo"t uubcarul>le. My.-all!ep WQS· I he n a lll ~ of j Ufi r ICe ,u,,1 of the peol'r" \\ 3Y' . 1 ,' 01· on e Ihlng I hav e craved I n Cl t blind to 11\~II>1ticl' 1\ fri e nd. met , t lh. I~... h ~ .." E lino, a n,1 h ave lhe ord ea l ov e r "Ilh ft'fY t rregular 1\1 ' I m y comploltiou· W UII of t he stil i . t(. 1)lace ~· ()lIr Infor ma tion ~ llIll 1. BUI as fl IlC'r limlnar y h (tin ed t hat ; '" ~es' a. I t1l1n lc fow m e n ha ve ever h i m w alkln ~ a lOn g nhe strec •• !told - i'l,lIlow, As th o rellllit of lI Ri hg eiglit 111 the hand A of Ihc publi C l.roRecutor ·· l" \' l\nhl" wfl h O lllls h y nl t h e Ca m e lot cla\ cd II : and ) ot m y 1,10wlIlgs In In<; Iwo st rc (!t lloYH- hy thelr cofllt col- boJ;es of Dr. Williams ' Pinl< P'1I\1i,.tIIbmm Kcnt ·s la c" helrayetl n o thln ~ IIHlr ' C lllil . IIIHt 0 \' 1"( th e l.O n·(' C' bat! I t out Ihal Il eltl hR\ C brC ll ill -t lmel1 a n d lars . In r elll), to l\l ~ frl e nrt ·!\. request tile m erits of wl!i ch I leaI'll ed' ft:ODII boy .. h 10 , d"grce" for an ex plalna tioo Par,kma n' "a,loI:: '· 1 friends lit Fl"8necj I h ave e!\cll pedJ UoIli Ihan his all ll1 l' (·iallon of th e' onlidc n( c \\ Ilh him S he fo hool( h et hea,l. fOll nd thl& ho) hnd "atrn a.", awiA'l i1~ troubles. amllam a.bI9a8cUu' t~ r pO:;I'd In I"m h~ lit, " m a n who se h' ~ h ·' 1 a m g( ljoc: out to see ~ l I H!l Bre nl · ··1 ,In n·l 1{(low how lOU mcasllre s uc- "Ithout IItvldLn:g wl.h b·I,;. Itnt"" pleasure ill e8.tin g~ l. , e n ~e of " nklnl bonor wa s ma hl ng him woud tn· n lu; hl " he a nn OLlnrert a hF IU:!! OOUPON, 111 t n t l ait (lr In t h (' pnrl\ 1CfuS e r who r~.~: It I~ a wo rd of SO m a ny. IIIl\n y brot her.. Now f' .1l go in g t Ot hlty orut A vory Simpl e Htory. bet if,.it ha!lI WIlt. S['IHII hi" cowQO n W it It )"«U " atlH~ lUHI ad\.. ' IlIllIl y " ll a\ e )011 a ny o bJ ection' " I d re»If aud ytlLU". drug!;''''I' " lI"Ul ~, In( 11 fr~a' . had dr" ,;~e ,l h llu lIl rolig h a ~lI c re s sCIII m ca ulI' ;:.. B" l ( thin k YOIl are your Cor the- nttre 1\0(;·. "nd m",lI e- t he hit. booll ror Dr, Williouns' 1?11l1(, FillS: i'II Th e mill ion a li P t;a n:o hlnl thl' bolt Ie or Mui l l " ' d ;lPf! rOil 'I ~ l o l ••'f.(uu {t ow n se '· el·~ s r <: rlt le." OU ll loo~ on ... hUe hc ellts kt ·' Af~cr ~ I Ll lnn wight have been,uotrugio OUB, Wh ee M\and \';on llttp t:ln Cllr , 8h l·['wd,.,,1 of o'·N loo l;s. endin g wi,h 'I h :\ \ ' (' \\ II tu c" itlcrH c n (' ~d Mr '"Tha t ma r ue . bnl th e fact r e- r eadl n)\" lhis Incldeot, we s hou ld' p.s po:et comfort begi ns. ",.-ith eatillltl.ftl1 !1 ~iz.o Mull'. Gra"etTonlo Co ••• 4P trh'rd~ lltack 18Iand. ,II I. M c ,os:' h ~ dcc larM . " Uu t If I mal«' a 'h~(·J1 · rlllUbl i ng, lallgh . Ul aln ~ lI.s only wttb lD the past tew fu lrness ot trea tment In Parl{Qlao·s .!Ils- intervals botwee t., m eals "f\'.illl JlI'ino.._l , OI ~, r O!IIIJhM'r•• '''' otK lYrii. /'kUttl", . Joe, n l. you a re c hc Il'j ee rcst lot I 110 SC('r e t oC th is. lIeiL he. do I co ncea l mo n th s (hal I lIa . e begu n 10 ge l a tol'les..-St ~il:"bola 5 . preve nt!! skoep, a.t· nigbe, there 08!llr~' 1'h" ,1 ,00 ,t.:.U 'ktcon talll.l l' l:arly ' h~ t irp .... -----t be ta ct lbal I he 1II0[l'·e I'ro hOllo pub- h a , c ev"r dl BerH ercr\. and rh al Is s a~· t !"lle Inl; lln g o f th in gs. 10 k now. tor U,p SOc ",he ,,-, Ijrtlit lnr~" . cannot be mucb plClllluat·ill U:ltiD-g. A Whv . In th,' n am r of e~amp l " lhul o pportu niti es nre to be 'Wl_*.-r "". . . .r"l~ r-.. Iko ha R blld little to do with II '; a ('- I n ~ 11 goo d h(l ftual general 1Innking dblvn, f:IJWI&; be ("o mpell cd- not wa ited for." Joseph J('l(erson, on bl':l r.... tlnll& m erely a questiou of tltJto. cli mu la t luo; I wa n I ju stlc,' 11 r,; I fotr ull lIlI' prOfll' rue!; , Hh o uld I otlje,·L?" Th e c enllll'c- b.u !1 dal 'c• •• lllutn btr ~ t' ··Voll r .l~ h t I~ lIu l" hall cn ge ll:' ::5hc was lo ol.l ns awn. f!"Om him from tbe stagc, r emain ' 0 III New Yor~ \Vital Il1I ~ h' ho calle d a p"re ly Ilr ll'Ule Mr. J osepb BaY8S01t ill, "" aM"", of 0 11 t bal .heJ-aa).e DO utber rrom, ypur dr,l'"i!tw.L. al:aln . to.- a few day1\. on his ...fIoY 10 "lorida Aix-les· Ball.'~ }'rau ce~ bu t n oW" reosidCll ':.~1. ano I III CIl II LO have 11.·· ''''''Itt 3 d TO ill e d . ·' Is II ' Br lte r asli Miss flre n Lw noC: . I Bm nol ~u re thar I IIl.e ~ Oll bel · to s [,e nd th~ winter·. A frlenel woo at No. 24!lO "Lvlllustreot. SaI• .I!1taoci.'II:O, s mll e(1 t he allor n ~)" ·· Pre ·use" ·: Inr f (o (· )oll r havlII~ discovered yotlr- met 111m :It tbe tim e a s l, ed th e gr eat Oal. He illlooo of a lI.·ent Il lllu.ber who ,:e n ~ra l .. i.lId 11 0" we u . e heSlOnlm; ah"" l r : lt c III1!:ht S3Y 1\ ig,,·t .. · ' I don ' t ullde, s tanll:' said K ~ ut. s~ lf 1 III;e,1 l he othcr 08,ld K e n t." comediao wh y he did nool. sca~ In New ca ll tOHttfy to the r etnarkabll""ftl.clllcyof to 8~ C oll r Wll ~ B 11 11 1<· cl en. cr It i~ ' · :; nm ~ body has said that tor e very Yorl;, where I,he ciillt1lote . was IDYlS- Dr. WillianlS' Plllk Plllliclu,t llBoOnJalnlout fl nl 100 la tc for li S til mon! In I he q"" .II~·- Inll gll ('rl . Po n·t )"o,, ? Pe ,·h a ps I·d bet:\'r e x- n e w IlIIlnl of vlcw ~ flln cd we ho,·e to or-,Uing. Insteal1 or OylOl; to the mora of eb. tiullt.. GillOroe'!I<oC:IJIie>$I;ornnch . \\drranlo l' rlH~pd lll gs If }o tJ y,nll C:l ll :It" nlJ " mr·,' I ~ h all he ,I ud to rer)llen 111. ';" . Khl' nllgh l find Il " li ttl e <11111- ':lc("ifi, ~ a ll III I.' trcR s n.·C8 of Ihc old. or less S Ultf) hcat, of Ihe 8Outl. It YOll: would gu t. ~iilJ of lH'llH4lfl. pain or ,"1\ YOII ha\ e her n labo,.,n~ undN I am sorry If I a m d lsap polnlln g yf)u." "Wcll ,. said Mr .Jel'fersoft . with 80 uurnintt ia f,he st..,moch, vcr ti:;t.o. n Ot"th e 1IIl1ltc· r "lt h )"011 .II", Im p r "'" lo" lI. at we aT en gage,1. ·' 1 don L 1;110'" tha L you nre. Anrl t IVl nlde. ·"("\·c lrlell bOLIt. and ( "muld ·' .\ nd t ile pr ltt.' ···· sLifC1 Kf"flf ~ h n rtl y voaK~"'1<, iu s\lllluira•. ol' QU:y·of IIlt,othor \·r l ..... hr n \·0 11 wer e s illln~ at :\1l ss Van rather lIud m ysc l[ k:lee-tl ec l) In 1Jun~ millDn();l of a cIY"IIpcptiu-. g et 'lid of the ··Oh n'v 111'3 1· s ir ! 1lI 11 " C "e IHlt \I lIa\ I'n' l y ou ·. . , I hewlt y . !:oorl · ' f .k"lh n l' ln~ u fu l er Rrnr ('s lahl e th e 01 he r even log l ell- i n Florrda tha n anl,le ,de(lj) I n J anua ty weulcuOll3 of tho. d:ige.~tiY"'Org'ftWi by the oul1o n ·1h" · r- rll un(1 of a '1l1 ld pm '1un " lrs In e \'en lJoel y·, Ino; liS ,,!lou I our experie nce wit h t he in N e w Yorl;.' - N. \ '. Hera ld . "R~lh<ll Ic c II>! lOll) I hlll We Hhull bel" II N I\'en !' n ltlll ! nso (I f D r . Wi\.IDlma' Piult Pill~ . They J1o lltl~ia n s I kept sayi ng to mrs" lf -el\e lt nlh er \'011 AI· ' III " posl cl"n IU 111011 r II ~ .. are sold by firllggil!tf!lM rywber&. .to_QUi" I\f'"~r'. DID"lP'rlt. " Cu ri n ll:" , Isn't It . h IN suc h th i n;.;.1 I ha l I dld n ' t 1,00"'· you- that 1 had ne v. a :; ~ hJ1 me V (l' r.~ m alC I ia l h . I m ll ~ III" Proper di ot Is;.. of C'OIIrSo.l\great aId hi We used ,0 c1.101{ hr a rI vulet and cat in a pu~ill o n I II S(' I \ ' C' yrmr 1111"11 ('O in t' ~N a 1)(1 II I :. cnmut cnted lile 1IIIlyer or e r I, n f) w ll YO II " forwardi ug rt'Coore "'QllC. .. begu n, aud a " I w'R h 1 l<ncw j us t how t o la ke unde r thl! white rn.~o hus hes. ·'Relllenl- mtle book , .. Wha t ~ DI_ a nd Ho .... to t o m j' nm t'" lU· IIH11I'UW m orl1l1lg ni l''' lOll).: suirs. ' II w d o yo u IID(lOS.. tll Y b('r, thIs Is a lIacr ed service. Sll e n~ Eat." llI ay lie obtalneil by UIlY oue -.110 l h:. I: ' 1)(' a lrl d ubi nusly . P2. 1'f· d to d ,l \ Ill' dilly n~ :1n hf)nc~ t , no l Ma,lcd' ·· ··1 wish r Im ew 110w to mal.e YOII h"!1)5 you.· d igestion." b ~ wOll ld say. malie!' a requost for it by wri t ing to II,,, loy :- l !,:it ~lflc1 ),( m wi ll find (11 (" qui l e ., " I don ·1 '.UllllOol' a r. yt hlns abon t I , RO far a s 0; l W a ll! eonce tned . 1 Ull cl,. rRln ntl ." s he returned : and the n · " Ellt s lowly. thInk silm ~ ullng hlgl.ter , D-c. WilhlUll8 Modtil Co., Schenectady, :wll llll;; to IU Aer. )'" u hili f- wa y" --~':'--,.-._---i~. __ h a , P. you r 0 \\ u word C r It. '(ou Aaid " r ou ld buvc mad e Ibe ther DavId nnd be coat ent." So u ur dlull cr u s u- If.Y, This nl\1able diet book ....,... tDs.. 1 ~l(cnt ro, \l ..1m" np ned Ill s Wllldl a ll y la $too more I hnn I \l.t> h ours. Wba' aa i.Ulpo.·~ut_ 'bapter on the simploub P~TEIF"'TS··411-III'Ke ' boo6!t ·K n t und('rstflud" - ... .:i · · ~tr. !\Ic ' n~ . I have I;II' PII YOll YOll r '-011 w ~ r e I he mBO In [los&ess lc.u:· . f """'-........_u...._ . 1\1 I"u,.t ~'ere.. c~ "You arc In duty hou nd to try to a dellgll tful ~xpe rlett :\!'!-yr)a.~ No- meroM ...QC ........ .. o('l1 p6rl IInl :I"' rl;-;-011 have ij(? lued 10 . Orm~ bY la:.r~ h Ecl a gain , _~ure 0 ............... "'!o'L--. n lll.c'!.U &. co" ••~.IL .... "" 4uo!W",.\), U; -_. .11ft Ule mlu'.... lI ~ ea;ld, CQO lll· . " Will ·· 'iO Il a l" "....~..£t!tinf; _ot 11 blUffer tills one un derstand, d OIl·t 70U gu.ch1. to. Nallon!!l Ma~; T he




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"'fl lIlI~: !her •. Il'l!b t lal':

1'b~ gard,e ll~c. uoubtles

New 'York Celli-ra l LIlies Still Lead. THE f£EDINQ QUEs-Tl'ON. wllo£e n a me 'fIal ...."WI:'" All Nprvtlu • . BI01)<1 , Uv.r. ' Kidll'" .... r;:rm """ ~'i7 II .lit )h e ' .'o"r....· n ~ . Ilf lite .11 0nnI\0"·. " t he !!awe u , b l~ .Jonkel"". , h D i"o l,lt'rtJ , Rlltl l1ln,\1iJoim . 'i'. ..rrl1 ~. Tern Paragra pl~1 with Foed tor Fowl 'lu.~· ' tl W ""I k \Jt:fltrnl Lr,h·tl1 held In NewI Btmmft erul '-Cluli)ul Bilbll "'t'\:' 'IlI lt" " ('''re,} looked "built blm, \-"' 11'''' .fUIlf" Iil h , ;a ll IlIw \ k' l lI~ rflp l'e"f'l lll · ~ " wit h 1'".h!!<'k' .· Kul'o, I Ihlgtrnl•• I · hookl .. ..&:.b~ .. Th&me- Fnrm J'ap81". "Goo\l·(h .y . Glllli8PI1, IlIXHI'Dlorpll)~ ~ t. , hcit, «:'IIII ','ul ~\llIlI (l HC ' 'l4 suul " UIi!' _tid nil , . ' . ~ '.1'Ar\ 1lI~lil'nl Whll t' fUI HI"t \Yh.l~ rhl!; IlI tJon' lI gh t Hung, nch ic·., r,.fe , " 'ril e a' l'::s,parim enL "'t'II~cr unit·inl .... 1\ wn., d"I'id,'!J. 11I '~ i ll ll i fllo\ brave~t uf 1l0 Idlcl·S." • ~M" t;()n l ~w h(l rt', In Hlir wo rhl fl UUJ'l, on~~. , I),." \ ', , ~[[IIr Chl"'go, I'ut ll1V1I.lJ. the rt~ljwlur IIUlIlrflt'r cJumgt:!. i"uncfIlY, ccl< "Where are yo u luk lng yonr rOF.,,,'!'" .. KIlI'tl •• *1 .00 ~y IlIU.l or til ,1t'ulliil r.. Ii In ~ k"" 'fi HH\ldoe n &n Ul'll" hWllnl!:, 1 ,f..'f1 ,J u n e lMIIi . t l\ qu h' I,(!n the Pt'.·,! tJ f ' lit "'~ I Pea' men l' I ' u u l rltlous . .(.UHl 1I 1J;lIt , NW .. (~1~1.u· t. "'fo Ibe 'li lllp at Shll)ka. ThliY UI' "TWf'rltl f lh ( '~u l ltry J.IIII I U 'i I · ~() 11 8 I.U "", ,~ I I.' I. ~I . IIy 1III(c" e tl . fur Ibe ,-'<;)rnmallll nlli I ber • Olt. Itm,' c w ll kc f Itt' , i nll! bet \\ "'l ' lI 1\ .. w '\ I II k IIllt..l N \,~ I" ph 'i ke ... II}I II' " lien he It riowa . _ _ _ _ __ _ ~ ~l'h .) p.,U IIl: \.I 1," n \'\' , I tw ~I rnK u b O\'c , 081me~1 b'l: f ull }' [,II. )ler eelJL of ' C' l l it ·l:t f;: (J t·' '''hh·... 11 unll, hunll do m e Capt. !\'IUrIl<l · llt,y , wlIO IH lurH i1lHI"Hd I ' l t " '(·my T f' 1I l '!t R llI' t" t:4 lu «HI! ' h e ,\ il l ~.. I i'l~ )t.Kt.1 1l. t-I ""fIlr tJ hu t "J 1I1t' I I t lnd fJ) .. H 111 to -~, D ~ t ll 'ili l Ne w H, fill. huu, ,.. , 11U' ~I e\\' V 014, Ct.II II·,d Lilli '" 1111\" ' A ",jlve r' tI ""ltU Il1 ) 1) ( IUH' will give nh.' U li ne 'I'urlllbh I;ulu )llel'e BUILDINC IDEAL DAIR"" BARN Wbeet i8 ri'h III bol ld ... IlI lt poo. in I n~ l uu dc t llt' tWt' oly· h p \11' t i lit C ,Iu f ln..: t he '.1' 1/111 , t IIIII ..J .. _ _ _ _ _ (;IIII' iI~ U' I1 J n g lS ... tl" f·~ ftH' Il ly jJalu ~. · put.t I hll 'l' ' .\ cnr... u tilI IUI'l lig ,.Ifill l!lode I h l (JU 4;h ; WUle r , . " Ha ve n' l you a UYlbl ng 1',,"' PI e 111 l nrlinnn F armer th e' 1' 11 11 1....~ I \\'i·t· 1I ~t'\\. Y' jl'k .,fh l l 'IIIl'II'-t() J\ 111I , c h~J\\ WJ11i 11l In ' :t r m .. , \ u l l k nf ' \V Tell s of H i. New Bal'l<,y Is "er y lI ulrillou& . but ralh. III '\\l' II'.l InJUn'! Wllh r.lw i.. "E ';J)il"'11 your p ;:c1I'!" 1I)ll) "' tl t' .,uCIH h uf 1 11f' 1t 1I11:O-P Uh fJoll I·l,o .',ghl , (;o mbl nntloD Dai ry Barne r luxa lil' . FI~' .· I'" ful' \\i(. ori~ hnwln"d a lld (' I~ (H Y \I\'M e IH(' l ur ml' IIt'hJ vl1 l ~' ) 11- ' "Nu lhln !-~ dl ihl of til e Ilro " h~ L I'CU· IltlYk .Il I lit> \ 'olul nl1,o fl Ex pO", i\ iu n i n "III ' • n "lievee It Bes t. Fur l.u~1 .dl!.Jn, Vo ' HI" 111'1. IIl1lrl lio" ua l llltl11 ~ , re II" ", h eat nl~t \ III I HI:I , h,'~h't! ~t"U I I4 II~ O. h adell ijuldler ul ~ lJ e "I'''~ ' ' < ' II I : Out Till' St' \\ " ud.. C~lI t l'n l loll,, '" IIUti,l' t he y ll"v ,'l"nlJl -_. l1l1l1<l " d nl r }' bnr ll Is or IlIl ~ e y, lne. the Virtu.! of the A l h l. t ,I., C".'11 11" , ... t... 1f] (.I ,'P , hull t hl" I) 1 ·ItI1P~ II will lJ~ 11 <lI1Ter ' lll ,.,,,r.v tl M .IIi D~d a. 'II!; IiIH!,; tu H I ~ l lIlt l l i l t.- III~ :-: I"r'~ or I 'l t l ' ~ lCh '''' ': Th re are altum ~e\'e n I t' i g';,H per plll nt tI:lIl tla' ~(>..I\' Y u rk ,l 't''H,1 h ll foi 1,\/1.1 wb~ 1 l'e tUl'1i II t lti! (:O UJl n l:1l,l tClJ i lie ulu,I, t!' II ' a u i \ al ~lrl1,.tl1rcalco fulaI t l'!ll • IU ,.t·J'\ WI' I lit' 1', IIlI Jll l ' ,\ IU 'II V' 'I ' \- \\ '1 ,./ II Hi l1 ) Ullr HI", ,,-: ~t:I\ .. h:\ ' '''t'h.ol ' Iiln(] , t' 11" . U ( Yl' Jl o w f il l In f'orn . U) t=rc.!fu) l O his ~ Iu v t!," ...... hl t·1! I'B tl I Jt ' l ' n th e fllJ;1...... 1 fl U11i i u th e i ' ll 1';11 "1 1 I.h H r l " Illall \ 6 111' tJ \ I' K'I (;J"t~ (' n bu ne l H Nlol un !) c c hf'r.p f no !]. 11 t tl tlu.x7 (1 rd' i with ('u l·ll t:.>r PUIHH :! :! \\' r id fill It" , It)-to. ' h l', H I} II II It'" Itl r · rll llr· l ui'll 1101 f l h / tl, IUJI' ,w: r: 'lll , IIIJ ~ wi'" ... , ;':\Iay Allah I "~I'"'~ b lm . Ihe.,!" fe"l bibh , I' IHIII a ll Ul ll ha l' II Wllb 12 bUI it 100'1I 111a bl U o; a A. ,d )~, tJ.\ "U JUE ":"'ru n.:-e c hn. , ('t' F'rt l .fe l'" IIIHI t " I' l t ,\ " -;;11 1'100 . 1III \ III~ 11 ... 1,1 lilt ' \HJd il '", I I!" · ''j"'.Jle mul e drl v~ l' 'out tr.l h : d 0 1.1 Uil f eel curlier' 0 1'11 l o r l iI a l t} lIH' , Jl li d fllr IlIn."· \1.': 11'" u rnl JjU"" r M, llill \ i rn €'~\ 'W , ..... ,,l; hl ba vt loniC'. Since the carli e ' t nlln al ... of Ol d w~ , I f{ \1 tI,I \ ., 1r ;" .It~ IlI'ld l ilt' "'''f,d ,: 'I:!t·'}I'.j A Idlum,, ' '' r d1 61111:at h~ lI. bde .. t lti ~~tl , \1' I,a l " " .. <1 10 lJe 1 f 111161 11111 WH) lot' IJ:lr' ud l st? . \'o llsldHetl l • Potato slnfl'b h ) 1 II d wu,.m ltJ 1I111c 11':11'1 i ll IWI'm , 1111111 1-1. Egy I. " <'1'. \ ' ,11!;_sl :1.1<" Po· 1,,,.11 ~d'ure l il t, Ill n u ul liuU I'l. \V, a h ig l] bam Is Ii0W I La ll i ,u, 'ltt , ,. \\ I , .. : t" !l rl , pt, whe:lt h as bc~tI r ecc)g u lzed I IV ~:l\' G P lalC,es conl al n a bu llt 22 ver ~"Dt. or 1 III 0')Jpe,1 Ill' I h~ ~~1I111I~IIH Ih~ ~U;l;'1' ..... ) 11'h , ' \OJoot'd to,' ht·!JlIlt' ',II '-IJ.t h l . '~: 1I It 0 11 I '" i a s I he kl' n r oUo()(l ~ N 0 ~rlJII ' "'· LJt~ nltl,: rM t, ~ " u U , " ' . ' , . \ . • In ll'h 11'1 1'1l1l1fJl,r Il.t· " XI ~' II t'1tl1l 11 1 , 11" I l lIlI' "I Iht: N~\\' ~ m , (If _ \Iadun nll lIJ l " J u ti , i n lh~ I' g ,. , wu~'. A ' Ib" l WU lall;" u IU!;el h ~ r " ' b U ran g~ J la ltl Fa rmP I'. " ;:11' 1" '" "t~t . ." · .. · II.. o "~I , f ..... " p, L , C(lOP r "' I<im s th H It ha ' h '11 its sway d 0 11' 11 to the Iins~ed Hufl'ldu 11 1 lllll'lI !!1·:t '', 1"" '.l.i:I \'er r Jl in UUt (It' u J:::. lIa !:::il\ j Hi l dJ U li lt' t l tl l e h; n' lIJ! IJt:t.' 1I :s t /1:( 4'\.~.'t,tt;J \tit i)rHJ

or i8J1!I


~ In 'M Hk lt'H

'l' 1~ .. 1 11 1 Ijk , wl \Il ~ ~ t' h:l 8US lung, Au"" tH\l t l4tI 'hpHJ' I . , mil'.", tJ I n l o ur ',·y " 11'''''1 hu lO or t I..~ l r ",Iql'~ hun "

rU""'''' '.


AnCl·ent Egyp~

"Kin g of Foo ds."


jlI'u(J\u'e ti u small llux. Wh i cJJ JJt. I l 11uad LO lh t: ~ u n l'll.


l :!. foUl Il r he nltolll t~J (e~ l l mf)al !}- :l l wt :l th~ IlpnrH:l t p err Cl eg t: ruw} lor tlc 11 hnr ll , Co w ' "


" JI II . Hl'l l'\' 11 ,'.,.nl''': 1""1 " 1'(" 1 ~I _I \V ' ''rk Illu l « lI fllil t). 011 tid .. IH'W ,""'II·d l isle" 1' .1111 will It'a\'(' \ ..:tn l'II ~1I .11 2 ~ :~U ul." P' I II, . Hlr l \ l ll~, l: I II IJl I ( 'f~h lt :tl :-;t~I'IIIII . ~ I '\\' ' I J I' I, . Iii ~ : .ln 1I . ' x l 11 11 11'11 Ifl p, . ;, 11&1 , I t'1 111' t! ' IlIacl t ·


pr se nt day, n o twltl1 s tn ndtng the r I ' r f ., k ' :r l ~1 11'" " r € "la"I' d "U llih of Ih b .Irive , I , .ur.~n bonr clJ n(ul~s ltU;t t Hi t In Ju any lorU1 S0 11 ' ... In~ ~ea t . hl.ond , i ': 1"'01' Ih~ LI'avt: L ie llL lj,l·hI11 · d, " lie Hio=' i ni lh-al NJ Ly Ih t! dra wi u g uu pat:c J,! l il:' w h ea t into food pr duc t ·, 'otue o f fJ t-. oil ;'\..1141 Ini n er ul r..Jutl e r In slIll1 ' , , II , ' . ",ill I",,,, ,\'~I\' \ ' " Ii, :1 ::10 470. Tl", " ,al ls ar" 12x :1' fEN ea ch , hIe, ('on llll lu n, I SUIUJ mn 1' , 11\ . , Ib e b es l (' Ic llle nt s n rc lo:t. \ ut'n I he (IIh"t' f ldnHw lJ' l ' h"H~ I I'CUI "IIIJ! l ' h lt :) ~ IJ 1'1 ::141 :1 . II I , lull ·t,I ItI': dny l" ro)J ~ I f ' f w ith 1\ CU II , ... "I " ;'<lI ller U"' '''If: Ie I r ll n u l orh f rl , B' . •. , r y "ow Is a r ~< r .,11 I " .' ,ttrO lllld lil t: ';UI' II ~r . w t..arJ n~ a. .'\ 1 : II" fl ""le 111.11', llt< " 1.. 11" , :-I,ul'e J Hb Ilj Hg jll:-i lu~hi nll t h e ( 'U W ' ubo u l en d h as ueen apt j CUI'\' cJ y t ermeu, t 4 ( ~t I O IJ"~ , A l wa YK lH: u r 1 J mi ntl l lial n !...l ll ll h d " \\ ti l lit' I p l.lI' k~ s wurtl wh ll'll urag;;ed (HI II I" 'W ID l it .... cem~ 1I1 Icen L lIi.. d til' , .11 1 111 1111 ' ., tbe Slaff o f life, " as it aloll e rull of " h " a l ODe ", .. " · f'·11 fo wl I!; nt"' er ove rfe~ . HII,I wdl 1II'~!.. l' Ih e 1,nlt' tl'lI' lI ( 11I"II~f) 101 1 b:ro llll d , H e \\'a~ a mO!n UJ l.l1J1

E Mule Driver


of R.ilo-Dagh Q) A~ mCJDINT

r au

f ro uJ I ~Ie IlUrl!J ,Jil l! uf 1h



11-===============. I I

aill f l Cl I The r e nre 3uOll t Ih'" ~3 m e v l r tueF. in ~.'" y, rk II I :!:f "on,'. 11" " ,,,,1 "I ~4 , ."'"1" kno wn fOOlls h U5 nil th e wl lb fI h~u,'y, "md la ce. un " 1)' 1' < ur el,e llle nts I harl ey SR wh eat , Or HI leoRl mnr h of III\! ( I""hf" :; ' ~o p , ,III. hI' .'''P 1.,11'" l'll(\r.. I tll:! t are n e e ded to lill>lt n in l i:<.:. :uL :th r.ul lgh I he gor ce ur Ih " B8I'<!'lJ.' u :~' lIr~ i,;11 ~~ "(' lI liO Hlltl UfI' l\ 1Il$,! :\ 4:\\ ' \ \) 11; " ' J:> p , jll , b\· Ihel Of!T. ' lite ~sm e, fur n pu,, ; tt-y f OOd , ,1ft tlontlld u <I e ll clous Q"or ,lie I'> r ~' ".~ 1.1' 1 '~lIlrIlL HUl'e yU!! t. l'UuglJL W i.> L!le "gg~1 " " .. " Egg-O-Se3 cOl1t n •in ~ 01'1 th e bes t 1 111' l"' llll l l1\\' t>""C"I' n LIIHI !t·,l Or. Casey say s cubon. nUrage n onll I OJ 'of ,thous ands of ro ~e" burne h'y 1'1\; I he .1(,Oluntl 'nlln , ~n , "", . hart,fl'. . 1.1 . "hn II nu \\" It'f) t 'jiI t l rnud l " 'Ilt l'u l Stll- e le lli c lime uts o f whe:lt Jll n fur lilore lire re~l llre.\ by poult.." WlUlrcI 'wlo.ia; frum th" gard ens nllu "II~_ .All IIl\ n nl I :<H " r lI. my II tl llt" llf.UI," r" lJl i~,! Ihe ' 1': III.. w.II , ""I(!III I1 I1U ,III'" hetlltbfl l l and d eli c io u s furm Ihr ee are fo" n" Ir gr~ en bOll , ti l vIlli< ,of . Ibe HlIa. Oallia. a vo,,~ 01. ~ laceduDIIlII , than It)th. It, \ c at ~ : ()-l \J, III " "'n\' l lI~ l, n IlOlI r I "'I'lwy \\'t>ri' ,·r. IIK" n e.r • r<amr porn "bu ~ ltI h more gen' l'R I 1u fi ll h(,"r !llId ,n l Ui f " !~ II.l " Pl" 'S('II( jUl l!" :l ny bre~\(.l , crn ck crs ' IIJU~t. ll~ II11nOIl8 for its rOs e" 118 Ibe"Jlle» I JleCln lly for YO", u onhnar na " .. I'll OJl~ h ; u b· y ..1{e1.u lI lIl\ and Ira n. Iy l ed thun It. 11" . II 11 118 alaolll (b • r' f~' I " ~ L L,,~~ "! . C "\I'''' n n t' , I sol ule l)' (t' e-h , T it y WoI:J' I~ .-!e ll by 1 w h en l food;;. III mh:litio n to tbe . ame nalrlll,' e 'al 'ltl as 1IIIlI a ll co rn , 411,oth .. r yellrs 111 Ih e s am HeaSW I Ib t" hlllll·,IIS b L f"lI·II ~ lalul'ly. It " f,pn hup".". Ilidl mo" 1<'111 11II1 him- best \vhole wheat (l e licH " ..... anll Is bell e l' M a ll PSg fCJo~ , lcJy fl nked. -.11 1), ,pel' fuIn ed Hloiaeg of I!I 'I'u rl. l.h I "Coo u ," Inlf; ITII IHetl t~ II t1i" fr. "00 .,'11 t" "" ....1 ,'f 1.'ulIlIle to lill d II ... l,eY a nd cnllih c d it is m a de ~ti11 more Col. E, O. Roe s le !>nl'S th nt whnt 1.0 Ii \\I ( 11)11 11 " Iitl lll 'I , W il t'll II1 1 11,,-, t lU.l1II iIlIalku na ,wpre til e 'Rc'fln e of extr.!lortll - 1101 (Ol';:"L d lUt I . , d ete.."I. 'hull t:roo hens req ui re p: ln lllally Is a balanced tJ,e UUOI ,. ",,,I. "I"" .'" Llf~. 11Ul' . y ,anl mBtio n. Alo ng Ihe IIl1mlJerl efls I lli ge~t ibl e b y Ul e add it ion of r efi ned Theil. l'U lll l ll llln~ hle qn bstlo ns , b r -lauCh ,wlndlug III every <llre'oUo n. t;am e added : ration. aDd a r egu lar. g ..,w r hl fepai . .II Col- dillBu ose, the hi g h est grade of malt. AgT\cu ltu.rnl and J Hortl' ' LAN c ur ultural VA; IIY l:lAHN. fea s t o n e 1 ay Il 'lC IL f amine th e II xl '1Ion~ (ys Illden wllb b8>i1 I~ or .Iluw. " \Vbn( III th e uawe 'Of tb ~ ~rupllet pm: o f Iht'· row of on ie on the Kau'!'\s ,Clty ' l'here nre 110 premiu m!' or gi fts 81a lls 811.1 4 ~!t wlll up. et th e Leal Ilo cK of laye r s e v .. r • ,.~ , nll\l l o kln!; a~ If adorned fur .a [el e have yom lied 11 roee .Lr~e 1,0 ),ollr ~ad . at th ol her. IJur feed I \ Sou.the ro Hanway . ruu ghs tor go Ue n togeth er. Ol' C'; a :Iocl( can be in th e Egg-O -See p:1 ckn ~e; n otb,uf I ro~eH. SUI LO-lln)' all Ib6 "'''III'1'Y ' d Ie I'or ?" L uc·l..e", burg Colony iu Hc\· il)r «OWl; are so III W I e an imals ('nn lay ke IlL - ln'n' "",11111 \' pr ime co ndilion on a certain i\,'l..:.Ulf'llllo !l d e w:. 'lu lel all d deserl ed.' ' iog but fulllllC llSnre of the h:g hest " Th e r ose I""h," :.n.W FlIlJerla . lUI- dow n ~\'il h Ih Ir l , C Illnilll11~' ;l lJ(1l1t OOU nel'c". II I~ J h ends o ve r ~ h e fe ell formul n. It Is g r 81 fOI!y to ~...OJ·JIIS '"I on y i ll :-'dbine 30'J~\I :1' II Iholl n ud 'fllrk>l oceu pJ,oll ' Ih ~ s uml n;; n m ys jj.lh , LOlli .. , grad e o f cerenl food in the '~\·o rld. re l'iolls .air, " is lor )":11 . trCJu ·h . un d will nOI be tp. mllt~r1 10 lay <'lIan g .. , Ulflh , I.: j 'n l u i n i u ~ hh ut. 2" ,000 lh'I'il!t!, nre no w iliaI' /lla rro m Rllo-Dn gh an far.,.., 1I1 ~ frl eD <I, Cap.1. .\l y . frow a la dy en I 1<1 uf Ihe hn rn. pc rallE'1 with COrD s llOlllrl not. be p.n llr el y t61l~n IlfJ l,:1l 1(1J' "'t.'111"IDt" llt, J...D lld.M ruuge i ll "pr ice l'l b l uk.1 Jla~s 8 011 Ihe BulgarIa n froll. - bill YO II enll t t JJul .IJ lray !I(:' ~.. fr ,t h rows IJf ouw "~nI L . Th ey are fro m I he , bil l of (al'e, But uml r ~o onom" $':' ,OU 10 * 15,uO l)cr UC1't! , Ulld li fe Hol d tlel'. lllid IhiM lim e It "cern d aI"ltlh e~' UoIV t (,rmK 10 udu nl " Cit IeI'M , Achm eO s ru lled ,l:"'''S Iy , r.,,,,,,nlin l 14l<~ 1fl ftel, facl lll( l.AJc ket.· • eKL. T h ere Is II circllm s ln rlC'eH s h ~'1I1d It lle ' e"l'IlI~lv ,nli Ull1 lIul fnil 10 cnp\llr e I b e famoll s ul1n- lJl s ' hal'll t el h. I) 1)111'& Colony i. well . ill'ed {UI' Uellcr,, 1 /i-foo l f d ing all y rn (!roeery nDlng bel J.'al'l we~D lli n~ . gJ\' ,"Loc e i, n or r"'H:lIg all d comme r cia l mau e I h hllik o r : h e dl el. lin, "li t " hi r Borl ~ Schkol. who, ' il ll hl ~ I, ".1'.011 lh~se'!" he we ill 011 , !!-Ir lln ng t b DI and l be eow " taIl H. A bay rhute fl'u ' t J! JtJw iu g. J:. oritlt( \)vlml), liel'! i u a le R~ In ca~e of fa tlt eDlng f or mllrl; t ,i'Aac donlan fO llo'wer~, bad ~Om - tlle ha"',el ' <l'i lh .hIli II a l')' IJa nd !<O Is Jge1H~tl nl Ih "p le ll ~t,J fIU iJ" 1.1'11(:1. and tolJu cc'o rPljlo u. THE EGS·O-SEE ~a. e ~ nul h end u f Ih lR aJ" 01( ')Y R llrr()lInd, F , 1., Coop r gh'es thi ~ s:roil.l~ I,.· a nd lfi g(A,d ( o r (' 01 ' 0 :. u lIIJ ,).. ~d an" "lIi off ,in colt on u1 0, Uot b Il IH Iho, a few I , ...IK .ilull en :\1 10 lile ley""'and a 510 1' r 1'I1o' te at tile north. " U I·.~~nl~nt ' o r lIn , e~d ulollnU!1 n r~Lnlll~ m' - QuinCy . 1tJ. aI' , ·, ' Ia'·e Il rll;! U"' .. it nu l", 1 ill y u ,~ bf"f'ul _ l(ul enr (h . rClllntry ' \'itla ~ n ~ 0 th !<all1e a~ In I h e cOw fee ding all ey, " . I~e,. I!hy dimnl ' lind exc~ lI.nL '",o ler. of "lfbern l supply o( t hi s w o nderrul , It could b' 0\.,), a qu eRt.\oll o f !h ou?s al ' ''J'hu_ IhuBe .lif .fo r oll e 0: my "!'I, l e l'or, b(lQk.• eo ncerall l1lf Lpcke. b.! rg ",..I All ral o m uit be 'arrled ac ross 'the el!Jo( p rod uI!er. m ,,!a~ m(j,tl. , And In OJ'der IhQJ lIOI (lIlp of friend ;;, a poor (1lstll ills Ie g row r. bOlle 1..lI I'Int! t;ukm.t'M dnd " Curren le r ID t b' IUOIIU- ] 2·{001., drl \'. Hay IK thr o wn dOwn •h I, .. d maker, 'lIesll former. h ealth promote r ~I Jll"ny. i ne t () ~'. G . ,,"'a rnf'r, <.:, Pt . f.\'.mhc" I ..... ' ..... n 8 b (J u IIl S<,!II' \l1l I n t \'8 ,_ . bt " T .•0\ :• ... g ll iri Ibe to liS. huta H e is II ...... \ . ' 1, serl' an[ o f Ihe tbro..,gh a OIl Ill e soutb e Dd ot anll lllpeDI'er . onil a prev ent i" e 01 .IC C. ' '. rl..,' " K o n rn~ C~ t)'l )11o,; , Jo'. I~ • 'J' ur kisb flQ l<llers hnd oriler" ,\0 al'rest sultans, fo r w.\/(am " n mas ' ... n ah h t.b le" llI ll g all .Roe y "'I', "1I1l I m QUl'll . tove r at ""~r.olioll A liI., \, '. ' ~ . Ry., rOIlI1. Indl gMlIon and ma ny other dl&- KIII.IN ." ... t te all d lIra I ~',I'trov . , I r , W Iloev ' r 1Itey ~b ('it,., M u, ' . sed. an d ,. W Do rth e nd. uP .i s ,lryins to IJI' 113re . r·'er~. ~uu1'n ylllg ror wltnt ycr r etlROIl. u ., o f Ih fo wl fnnli ly. ' - . .--, hI s eIlS~n"e 1I0W as In otb r )' arR," A naan ru tiNt . In deed. car liltl fflr hl H "Old )'011 Aee ,tl U)' 1bIng or .,t he r bela A EJlo lfix2. te el 1;' pIaL'C d 00 t hai W!J l~. 'J.;. K eyscr s a ys h e IInds bn~k· "n.- lII un dn L. tP)],.iI d .. [lInin truth 'ho1d. e= n tblow s llage f!'Om II to n ca r lhal .... h eat o n e r t lire , ybo wonl.! run Ihe !;Jlwutu) [ tlrOKK OP yo nr WII." h e be t whol e ,",raIn • fi" h lll ' 1I'j", ~,' ftaitl I ' n. 110 li; b/ n, " hUH yofi ,' ....~.. ill pusb~d dOIlO' n thc 'nllpy . feedi ng s ilnge foo<ls lo r li e ns. t1r 1 f h td l Ll! em. ' lU i. )t,'" liuhl. , no t 10 llc ,,~r)' " They neve r b co me "'" Il ~ we a,lO . AUOlJl er s lltl 10.):24 f ee t may 0 1; rom I e ~ ntloels W .Ilmb us h a t t;C111d .·o Il 1 IJltn>, :I- ~1 U1-J1I II RI:C) ,;. :-$la t , " N QL \h~ leasl s lg ll 'or one, IJaY ' II- aJ!;X) be buill by til e si d u r Ihls one.. cloyed ..,at:b corn r on , i I, antI It IR II. greal c~~'l it m"iue. ' NeVlrTlb e· te nnnt .~ - $! UC6 ,yuu alld y ur .OlltiElI'8 'rb e sil o!;' 'are ~ouI.b' .o1 Lh barn, so ('ln" I H\i Ib r rAIn . 1n experlm enl!; Inalle \VIII:\ ope U'av~1 l' bl'3vo .'um e t h bnll<llUi hu ve l'lI U lJQ u OL uelle,'&! r itff.f", (Ju r e 1,1r 10 Cliver lis t 11 pr<.otet:te d Irom I II coil north :n f" dlng", !!II lI¥ h. for It. mule driver .11,11[\ jll'll ap- like so mUIlY ll urin g Ihe 1.a i " ' Int r . l ioll )me Ill] equal tor f!oug'h 11 110108.- " . rllhbh , , But 1 ' (r uell w ' I", B )'er. J' 1'1ll1Ly':'ip rj llll~. lnd " I,,'ared ou lhe pUlh whi dl J(IRdH 10 Ill iJ qulle a s ho will' o whe r Ih e ,. n lng f eed h:l.l \JElc n f bull e ts ." 'fI d .• , IGII rev tar m , sl tu aled half .\\(.'1Y uJ) tb~ ... flol1y o f I:or n . h e fOlln d Iha l the "lib· " Wh o Orcil lh ~ Il1?" ' Tbe 1iI' l'arat.or Ivo m , :<1 0 ( I , is· s lt· ~tlllItio n of. ' ' I I ... 1) nO t fUll" ~"oUI'1;f lr 41'1" n. b a l~ wh "at mo\ rial l y In· 1I0rt hea~1 ~o rll<;r (If Lh , .I.mllll aD I"e. . • ' cLt:l'l-inlly ti l) it rClr l'<.111 :-~ , "Tb .. , :J'llr~s, U[ "ourst'. 'l'b cy w rE nh alrD.(J IIIOur JOI'll l iulI r Ihe ~epa ral(lr I rPIL, ell t h e ,el'J! YI. II). H WUB II P!!asallt o( Si1W1L1e, "ele fill lJr:\ .tl i nll, 1· nlll ' 10 '," J'oom £emo ves it fl.'; r a;' Ii ' pugsilile T !le T ex3R ~"nrmer Irled an experl · 11 prarll~c • rtreatied III J:ag~ .nnd \ wlth I T n Ul qer Illu!;" d. l J'om (~lIJeC;jq ll lll!1 utll . , n llt! Y61 .-Ull m~nt: Of t wo 1018 (If ,' hi kenR Of I h6 loe, and 'flth a. r(l ~' '~lIck ill th" I " \V enu 't "lU I n l r,\I~?" JJ i t I n 1.1I,~ barn, A well I dug lIe. Fn rce \l~ " \1, or Ih " (lDle pa ren t sl Ock. ," liwn f· hi I ltu(·.1 hu.l . •• , ., . " '),1I 1<1y ~I Il~ be lir e b l m l.rOltllcLa li t · B Ug'(>ne E .. L u..ri O, of 'i() l, '}""\' t>nLi ~ Ba.~. Ib" I"n glh of O\ lr IIf is dt:- t w f t h ' Rom 1 \lnnln S' 011 the III s epa rato r r m _a lh tI 11\1 ry l;ra)' m ule carryi ng IWu u:;" . I I roed lIe ror~ we th~ a ll 0 A\'elluu, ti c k t ~ 11 l' hl ,l.l)· '" l1 U 1' , ' . ur bun ! 1i(J~'e , r, J ,lriv." a nd a tro ugh fOl' wl>:erlug Rame 1,l n /.\r ~l; pas nr .. olle 1 twas t ion. ' Denver, 0 1. , xuy : .J\tltti ruJl l overl\()w la!l'ill'J:,ull " , did 'IT n blp on cl; fo r yon , 01' lor )uur hor~ p'lac: d DeliI', A COllcrPle tI'UlI l1' ll .I ' ( al o n rIll bono thr ee nud In,,1 II cliO t b Nil"tlle "'U.~ ':~I r~~Ql': I (:g"8, !it 1"!lSI, JlIIII :~~ .s a ,we 1; , Ii I(~ rly t.o J'(~ 1Jr lll \\'lHlt I , ON "IID l! lnS1' A ' 1) TUJRD j'(Jr tny 'tlorlIH' Y " so. w1 II ' I I't/ n('r I~ il vur S v ral r t IIn <' Ih I!' H "n ~ no!. l llo~ fell on rb1 "I.aLc<l" throu gh un r W Ut< 1l0iv rill!; l'OSti 11U Tu:r::eIJA.T It 0., !tACU ;II! (.),,'U' , ,,:Ii, . r If l had 01l1Y' hr uu!; hi. 'y OU Ii fluc om.,. 1l.rl'lll.nd l t mn.lle~ It II"Y III k eEIJ tlie I bonA h're '" fnsler . II vrl o llel1 mol' Wn hn.e . hJl1\' s rU"lled C'll'~RSI I1~'_' l otS of lolnrmnUQtI nl)nut. tho De n" . '' r·.)~e 0;0 If:[, what would )'IHI hu\' rapa tn'"t id '," 1,'r(J1I 1l s .I " ' . va1unbl6 '\lIIiQ to Ul e 1".et,IOI' QUIt n. , I idly nnd Ip ever y \\'a)' werp RUt} Tho t!rl " e~ ",l.lOl>e' \Vb ' te l ' \)0'11 11 '" IO.ln'y l 'ills In ",~e, r, ' 1 r ,Jll'u ~"'Q lli terc.. tcd, ~lI'uu "~,, rlor . "N Ih.!og. 1:1 111 I wolild \l a " bail ' Wat «-I for ooli ng lind \\' 3J;hing pur, I 0 h R whlrh "'e wQ;Jll.. bow nHH' iI ,JOU ,1U\Yf)to hloVt~~ UUe! "0 ,~lrlkl lJ eODl'ru.~t with ~IS Y~~:~b~~ ~;~ your ;11', 'u1 ff." ro nOI , GI'cen cut Ihc 'IIlnlucr u f 1 KO!l, f6~ "well,. fUl'lIl ll b t.h() IlIrt)nJ}1lUr n l . , , . ,; "P-Il be ru n In to Lb e s Illl rllt I' : 11011 Wa.!' f I1ml to 1 h a ve hntl no r eH..v,<'m lQ 'fte OI) 110rt.'o:!Illty U ~II' I ii tlrllZl!l~r Rl lCI better m o ~ ch lldl h fae . !;lrode .alollg wltb a n )ta,'" a IIp.(·l(led ten· "A n d yo u wou ld h,lIV C uunt' wdJ.:r m f T m the '~IL In tbe RcnslhwCtrt. u'HJll 1\11)1\\''''''' ,,1M). I t II h • "HY It te , rllO ' ''I'er to e Ohllll!;' · ,Ipney , Iny to lle' lop "'0 olll b~ Wrl10 eJ a nd "'dftl ~ J totJlb' t or R COlly , lO ur· bo(\k. ,''Tbe I lill.!IY SIIlR. .. Iu neltlg ab(Jul .JJldI rtel' • • 'wPlI l b r \\'b n 10~1; ~holl i d !Jut be OUL hn d mak· , hallll~om )' , . rlllll lli Y., I I ~ 100'1 rti w~r~ to Cclll\,t~ Cnullu7,"l purUcuhu.. @ouli ~!tti.o ll blrd s,-Amer lCAn opluirHl or t.h e r clo e .h·, I , " ,t Lll ; ul!s()l a te <tuuulry\<olde, OllceJIll I T ' 01' away ." A~~n.... , 1 • I <l O\.lT , co ws may : 1 wl1l.e.... cl there P w a~ subject, to f:H~ V"I'e n1.· on I ry .o_l1_r_ll_n_._ __ _ __ UvJc lit Ihe' s lllbt I) f WI ~arrecl l'tlius A hmed cea~"d . lllli CUI .·hl sm. GEORCl& MORTON woci,,; of lm cl\llch :alFo, c, Ill allhoug) · l 1l1l0lher ~uu rc of wuter I ,f "'ll' h tlt Ilud furm e rl y be 0 flllrosp el" C FOR THE MANU C. P. ' T:'• . II. K. "I, Ii. II . lDlII. "I. " 1\ ' lU~1 a ' .,\l.ell for YOII !lInt th ey ti\lJl}Uy \l' 1U be "'lO y .. uJo(l!'l'Ovl lwll if J SlIt pro\,id el! lo r III 111 fur CARIN __ __ _ :)u farm, fa. pl)e of SIIlLlltlI\I ; tlml,l 1'" were, Th y wODled " RE. long aL u ,It'til,. \0 ])onn 'R ma lt" Y"" ~' ""'Lath r , ',. Thi s Feature of B arnyn rd May ' Be- K icln"y .f l'o m will 'h arose Ihe .dren.dflll otlor o r' afraid', ,\loliial !"ills II:UlllJlllt~l y :ltou lI~ e me 10 ~.,n d .a SXIM.M lN9S. eome n Nui sance UnlfBII CLU ed ,!Jur a 11 lIetlh , tbe old , ul:Ul ,tUr.lL!' SI" ppCO lOy bal'llatlh e. .I ..,d •.Il 'I'II ":, g nard wll.b YClIl'~, ?" -~b l~, ben aud a c1arf, SlllidulV ,CI'O.Stit! h l~ ) for l w"c In Proper W ay. n eve t' 11llU a "No, my li!.!l\tCDu u l. Iho ugl- may 1)0 &nIt.k-ee,p tb e bull .in n fOIlI, da rk 'I urlgbt tliCe. ' - _ Or u. t.w i nge &i u l!o.·J ' All ah b pralile<l f o r Iht! ' rell l "IDd- e1 oble. a lld make hlw ave u rou guage My man ure pile became .. nll iMnee , E!Jlll w'a llHng at a <lJs.carilClt ,dlsLanc o ness <Jf hl!; Rel'vanl : l~OSL< ' ~·M ilbllr ll Co.. Buffalo, N. Y . t'ut I "II mlltih "dul '''~ heavy se rvfce: . I beC1lIl~ Ih (· h l..kllDs ~ca.tlerE',1 It 811 ,from . b is donkey , the j:ljla8an L hnd In.t b tier 10 go a lope. F or, SIIle 9Y !Ill tlrugl:i8t.~. PI'icli 1>0 Th BlIllll1ril lus , i t ~'O ll ohaYe Jl. cow that Il! In Ihe habit ov"r th e Yllrd and mnrle " lIatli y place centil p er box. ' ' 1'llIIl!li eil tb ~ s um,mlt of .a s ll16P ,hllllhe n hov e nO po",·cle.r ,\0 wa RI, 0 11 " parr ol\l~ 111 sucltltu; iIIe 'elf, p lace on old horse- of It. :0 I malle a peD li ke Ihlll sh own Jl.,~~ t whl~~led by W!\ \'~. 'l o r s nch poor dev Jl s, as I am- while Ullla,r CJl tHrr neck an.1 b1\ckl ;t tlgbt- In th eli!, snys 'a n Oh Io t:orr SIlOlld~D ,111 musl bas slrur.k "up . Cnr ,til - . You bev<l .II!l ,messag t e lO Di }.o Jy. A'S ; ;IGcg.a~ the colla r 'I~ ~ ~ Pt 00. .1ll\1I ~." h murmur ed to lLlmH/lIf, . ~ull (l !he CtlpltllJl 1" Jt wIlJ /l'N"'fm'\. 'her r eMhlng her uud e r . Iwtil"lllr bed, " The '1'ur.ks a.r.e gol Qg t o ' Nothin g. ~'<Wl ,to tell hi m thaI J ~ i . more ' lfI\ellbo od of getting ,A l;6Q\l 'tlme now! I, J ' offered yuu 110 ,III1£Orl aDd you reCused tI row "4p s uit us' If we raise our o,,(,n .n ut Ir\! mbl~d Ull Ja~Ulnt : .and - for you do 'r efus 1" • ~lllv s. C1'he n.... ju~1 what We liora,e.I { Htlgblly· pale "" w e .ros e hJlsh " YeJ\ It will .he bt!tlfr:' Do y ou honesUy b elievo, that cofreo l:Iold looso (in ,buill), eXllosed ll re-.Jl k I.Y 1.0 have; whil~. If w buy. ,whlll,h ,\,la ras \eped 10 Lbo !UUldle ,"V ry ,w ell ; ·' go (1.0 the devil in )' Ill' W tak , oil~ nces Ihat may pro " !! ex· to UI!Ht, g!ll'wlI (lOU i llljjlCI.!!, IJQ8sing , , tlr[~~1..a8 if by a ~udil.en \¥Ind . ' . A own WilY , tbtill. 1llie re will o pl y 11 oue ocetldl~ly· -e:xpt)llRI" e a n,1 nllsnll$f acthrough Dluny hllll,ls (sowe of .Hhtl~~. r , \)f petals rell to l,h e .gr:ollnu less (od l III Ih e I,vorld :' tory , ' ~ \w.blte .lI , 1'0 ~. evenl y gever d JI'IlIJI . ilS t.hem Do t over.cle n))), "blende d," Th e mnle d'rIV~ r ,hastene d t.o <l lJey. ~ Any sai1.,- 1mi't ogooll ('nl.l ugh for ,Ilionl, , W.8 S carried 20 feeL yon d n 't ku o w ho w or by whom, On ce Ollt of s.lg)1l ,of !lie CII m l' htl yO\IT ol ;:.l r,. u ni ler . 1(l r fllllL has R lot '''1:11 clum"y !ools'" gro\\'lerl llAe gJ'll~ped Ihe uonkeY" is fi t for yoW' ulle? Of course you .•brldl e a d 1111'0 d . 00 (\ 0 ,, 1111 the qunl lty nnll k eepi ll/: ..!!I'I,v e" , t ul hi s <:heel;>! ... ere l~hlt . d on't . But I abrnpll y a si de fTJlUI ,the rel,;ul lir mule JlmJl" r!I NI of lb e l ' I~ N FOH ~I A :oI U RE PILE . A Itllll t,r. ma ll e, On lv f . , ~OO{ 81111gl n g pelJcl.s .n18Helll,~l' trncll 1\ .lCt:II$S lIl!tll mnr la,,1 t'hp besl r,1I3 \11 Y , 11m he lI ~ed : Wlt ';t ot thc Pann 31111 lI u me , Tall e lWO by ,b ill) •.llJId Ih dll~t s prlWg up .III .IHlle b y IltllLUe follow IJll es . If " llo ne ~ \ ca" I . . 1, If it dll p.. t'f1f:t 11 Irifl e more. alld U fUlI r HPIl II I illig o r n ny uld ~I urr nu.1 II nll J'JJtJJ;I,'l /lbo UI his feet. thrown 10glll h cr.l\X lli e ' :<1<1 . , Tw o JnTl.l" ']lIunH,ty 1~ " s ... I : 11 'ood r etllnl Ih em lOr; p,h e r BOY lengtll you "'Is b "J Ilk Ihal beue r," lie J1I'.1Ilal1jilld I h o urs Inl e r he rp.a~lt!id Is anotbe r story_ Tbe green Ihe' nl gb .'!'Pfi tS f lir ~I'C',I Ilh1 t~ " ' ill SOoD mal, liP a nd IJl)r e a bol e ill ~' n ~ MOJ .... ""Hr ll ll~ ch nil , as ~ h u w n ben1es . selecte d by ' keen " Ilga Ip I'epen t Jng .enll!' f of 81II p k n. hell ln iI w h le h i I tbe ~"frll omfny,'F'lIntl Ie JOllrnal. RIIII was ," n. Th en lilli e n JlI I'e li la ' b. an,d .1IllltiC .phra se: "TILe clllJD"y .fools! ' sin king In u m l!;! ludges al Ibe plonlaU on, are or ,I eh lllll'ple ha:.c. ~ pl k " It 10 Ih e bnrll . ODe 011 lOll and K eep til .. Corn Ctltt e~ Bu!y. W.bnt .an omelet It' would J:Wlke •" sk£llfu lly roasted at our lac, Th e peas lln t brnncl "~I ' II ff a Iu II'"I:t a I3"" CD lI ee 111ft ('Or nF f;t1 _ ... lu" UT e all .tl.o n~ U lle lin IJU tl (l en o f pen. T.Ile .JiIJ\cet!un lan hoslened J,,' Ide · ,trail alread y co".tmed tones. where precau Uons you l 'n~I HI Ih e 1, Ieces n to \.t wllh II 1,111 !D lla r hll l?~s. 1'1 n' i I h ln ll tbeT<1 IH lIn flinti e r li se for lI(\(!(ld .t he ,hlll OD tb e olber &lM. . 6 ,wheD a IIllall s ud would not dre.m 01 are 'taken an() na il un nu,)' BId boa.rd s you Il1n~ denlv .tlcllllered shots Ilnssed UOO "b ,his .bushes beside hlID_ J1 I·""e rro m Ihe t!J ~ lItl tr Ih' s Y1!':!..t'. I t will pn ." \I.'ell to secure pc:rtec i cleanU ness. .1J11t. "e Ir111g I1 l'u lllld. T hen \\'h ~n YOI w \ad.. ,allal Ihe echoes caugb L au.U 'II~ ' .der bla~ k e<l e d hanc!.i., ,\ , , wll b JlOW- to <'lit Ih 81mw YO" lmend 10 r ('(1 1It1r:t.w Os~or,strcngtbBDd unUon nlty.: 1h maOl1n:. if yo u d o Jl(JI WU.O· \~tJo deman ded jtlR1 1!,R \\' ell a1l 11 .il.1 10 l'h op I h,' porn jl&lIJ.ed .lhe r t! llOrt. .hoorRI?1)': foei. ~'· , Th e n . pTlnkl e In 1(1' lind r e,1 lu thro w il ov e r Ih e ~ e n tnlo I he wag' Fr(,m th e timl! the ('ojJee Zeave.s l!'btl ,donk ey ha!~ed . frlghLel iell..!d1 s "Have YGU beeA ,e Ul'tle SKIIII. Fill- ov er tnt' rllt ""Taw a11d wet 11 :I 1I1tl~ lin. j u. 1 knu,'k Ull t Lit "t nR . l'nrry 11\\,11) til e .fctl'tory " '0 /lm,,1 tOl/ches it till /ol~ ,118(8 .\'Ulverel ! bock nud fort.h <itllll \Il,e rla?" the pD ll e l ~ 3 nll YO II hav e I h pile 1)(>1'0,..., f eed In/:. Tt mal; ~~ tI ~ Jll e ntlld Ie Ills ,ci(IJ.lcli le .Iegs .s book vlolenlJ.y.. it i .• "pOled ill !lollr k ito/teu. Tb e mul e driver ..ra:~btel\ ed his I'et;er: for th e t01V1! et Ibl" ".,!\~on.- good ' Hhl1)le to handl'a, 'l'tle .ltr.)ller rlill ,\0 blm, lu: IlIhoulde rs willi an n.1a _ . . . . e UON COFFEE ' me UAllEIl OF AJ.L PACUC.E Ctlf1'ElS. all' Qf ,inl<!.JIse ~n l l. - Farm J tlnr nal , !11m aIltl .ua lling Wg Hleek necJi. (action and )JOInted UJ ,Iiht> btlskcls of Two Poultry Yard •• 101 ill ionH of A lIlel'ican H o m es wek o m LION C:OFFJ~ E dnily. - "C.(lJ1W , ,come, f'lIherta , my _ ,rOHe leaves, JIIellt Bri ne :Sltd 10r Hogs. . Wh ere po s~ llJl~ the poulin tHo] -Tbue is 110 lItzongc r pl'Ilof Clf I?CI'it t1J!LD cO~l~in ll,~d ~u incrsaswblle .liI.w ~. tie Qul\' I: l..bere I, 1IOJtb. It m ny "(It Ite ~ n e rany 'IOo\<n Ihnt ' ''':Th er e are I he IJllI• • , J!3url. Schoo, Rbolllcl lie iDg popuLar ity. "Qualit y 8U1'Vlve s all 0ppoillt lon. nrl'Onge tl i hal Il:ich pen 0 ', '.JIg ' " JIlJIke .yu u afrtlld 110\1' • • Tbl! IkQ}! ',; be Mid. the \)TIn" f"om m~a! ~b;:1lI i(1 m'l \lP f'~1 fowls will ha"e the use 'or ..... 0 yard" W(l I'SI parI is .o ver. .. lItU e more . .and (SoI<1 only In J lb. packeR.. . LioD· hend on evpry T'nA;kngO. ) T.he night fell II)JOD Ille .monnlD in t o I'! ol;~ , \V .... ha ve k nowll \t,(" V~ T :,\ J ('a Re R Halle. nlrlllfa o r mlllel can b" ~o wn 10 ( & • • your Lion,bel" la for mlllalJle )lroll1iUln s.) we will he ,amullg !rle.nds, th e !lClld.lerH ,UUllI , .brlngln g wltb "'h re hOJl;s ;:al'e rlleaJ ",h ' l1 th,,)' h a"e one ya l'(] , II nol whpn It • l ,urJ.UIlS fllo rm. well s:n rlell l bf elf LleuL 'I'\bey are hollell,[ ' ln Ilb e ra" i ne l'h e :100 !Den uf JI\llraJ- bAd mea' lJril,~ In Ih('\ r ~l olJ , "." tb lnk lowls ,'all SOLD BY GROCERS EVER YWH ERE be lurned In IIntl th e ui ltCI lleoplll.·' Bey. "",Qrn Ollt. by 30 hOUN! oJ wo.ln n .d Ihe 'l'3 l1 p Ipr v(hkh Ih e hrlM ...,nI3In~ ),ar,1 .0\\'11 , til' nit t'l'Daling Ihe fowl. 111 far.t ·aJJ~r ,lhlll the ftrlng cea.r.ecJ. 1 ~P8t.nlli ~ea rc h , la WOOLSON Sl'IOE IF tbe cau~" uf -the TolC<lo, 011;0. jJ'oJ.>tJ le..- Fa rlll ui\rll a llol y s lwJU;tJ j! ~ea ,·Ily. rOrlh , Ihe 7ards can ue I\evl ,but l he traveler \W&8 Done tbo less 01>- iilurd ed by th a lr seollnllIB , .w.ueLI Mil- Journal . r; ret!o al! FOi mm er. ~Ie rv e d and IDllo:wed . bram rIme t(} ,d!loly Il JOII<l !lriog bro"e tbe It~ nce. T l ees In C1!L:f S a nd. t.Jmc 0 head l>¥11 h a red fe. emerged raJlvwed lJy the Th e h n t.b at 11M been laying al l lIOu!'d o f Iw.rses CalWben we jOet l,peRin clay lan<l F we ""111 ,IIJ! II ldfllC ~ looked Qul el,l), 'lllJlPing Wln!H will "ot prov as go d II. L>rpec\, mailly . ' . dOD't ,11g the 111", I: ~e l) b ol~ moe l peo· I&ACi dl~ap}>enre4. pr aN thl' on ~ Ih a t r"sted <llIrlng Ill! At tbe IDOment II Ila.lla~orlll or pIe reN mm end, N!ne "LEAD ER" AND "REPE ATER" SHOTG UN ,SHE:LL S times al most w ' '1'Ile E a shl-lIllW ukil Imew Lb e mule bombs bill' 1 Ihrougb i nler amI jus l co m,"lellce d to 111~ UI oul Lhe eJllrenr b- In tnt lie ear tb ",11: be bill fmllfffe r Carefu lly inspec ted shells, the best of pow~er, t, spring oJle nell drl Yel' wltb tbe rose-del 'keil IInl for II men t~. rea pjo g (\ up. r ' 3 rflll " ban st ' <1t Iy pael .... • ill a~""ltl , Bnu Ihe "ra t hl'll")' j1001' lIt'v ll, a ' £roll'er Dr rOIleS 'ant;! de.atb .i!nd d'l lOrder. shot and waddin g, loaded by machi nes , which raill v PI ... 11 the h" l& with wal.c r. tbe !!Om ~jng or a poet; 3n bra ml8t.allo bly , Tht /l 50 m ~ll give invaria ble results accoun t for the t;uperi or. ,"0 delDons. who. Il'al;:t " !ill ,'"fuse '10 lilt I; 111 l er Oll t : B(!I~ u 'e t;o \\'ll are juet like el'pryboll, rlent iiJ ~l1arilcler with nO ' o t ber love banda Ibund e rbolts,' ,u ~b ed 1!lle a rCl!ul~. (l. mllif heile , abi.1 It dllnal tre~. I ' e. Ih ey lm() w w!Jen tbey or we ll ityof Winch ester" Lende r" nnd .. Rcpen tcr" . b ut h.l8 flOwer • wbicb were t be ODelll wblrlwlI ld, througll th~ lin es , d ' slroy - , lremed. out! 01: 1III Ick to pay ilaek Lb ~ Factor y Loade d Smoke less : Powde r In Rilo-n.iI ;I!. . 'Several of lb ~ Turkl.." IDg ev~r~tbln g ;ID ' I h eir - ratl~age an.1 Xeep tb~ FnTJ11 t:p , favor . ~ fe ~~~e cOmmlw onl\ b t: ' ,"~- g,",olnl.l tI~e '; roa~ wlrJch, Ie, froro , Reliab ility , velocit y, pat'tetr i' nDd penetr ation ~l!tb er II, JPan ell".;.;:!;! ,'Ie\ sell hIs , tho CUUJd , ball tliAieQ blm under t belr !1I't). mouDlal hs (0 !.!:.~ fa rm ' or 'lo t. he ebo\l ld I,n~ etlvor to YJla.ln bf) Qc}" " are ,A determ ined by scienti fic appara tus ' hot,) It-ad a ]tlln wlli , nev r g~ Ir ·t.C)<ltlon , ,\ Borill Scllokol , i.beLerr ! tirlD~ It I~ B, I>iI\te when'" jL hail to he c,.aCHeu ,.,e or a hilMII.' , alld ' b. , and practic al experi ments. PJ'OtieilUt It Sb:dtv baileQ They .tA-~f.. "Ian chlet, Will< free once m o 'e! are lie 6old. 11 caD be tlll'Jloui l II) 811· shoulO pe\'l~l 'l ie ill ~. liIVlI wltb ICIIl$lVe tr&~ eier: THE SHEL LS THE CH' AMPI6~s SHI!)O T ..... '1ITolII Ole H I nprlan , til • 1'. SUlI. ~,e, bla~ea4 of &t • 8 erlllce, tl l



















Lei Commo.. Sense Decide







t' _














8T I: R


The Home- Coming

IF unera'l ~f Mrs . ' Lydia COl'llcll.

RCliniol1. \ Published


W~IIII' ,n

Waync.vllle. OhIo



Work 0 11 ·t,ho grellt home. coming rennlon of forr-ner resldent,1I of \VflJ' nesville. ' to htl he ld next .l uue, is rapidly taking ~bap e Illoog well defi ned lines. To mtlke this reunion tho ,uocess it 1!bollld be will req uire tho heurty oooperll tion of every one illterost,oo in it. There Ilre very fe w pltrsons wh o Olin arran ge to mR ke Il journey 01 any distHnoe 011 sh ort not,ice. For Ibis reuson news or' t·he comin g event "honld be s llfI.nd in ever)' possi hle WILY, so t.hll t Ollr f, jrmer resident,s lIlu y b e ~il1llt lInoe to mai< e their nrrangemenh t,o nttend . Tho t'eunion will probnbly ho sometime in Juno, I ~Oll, and just os soon as possible the dille!! will be de tluit ely mnolllloel1.

'I'be .Ureatest Dry Goods t!lcn.rtlul'o . ~ver Held In Dilyton

H i~h Grade Merchlindls6



M'lrke(l Dowu ' I:lliorltllJtl l'rl oes- - -

'rhe funeral ' nf Mrs. Lydill C~r. ne'll who~e deuth Wl\ ~ raport,ed In 14 ANO 16 ~ . •THIRD STREET" DAYTON, OtIlO. M. 1\ l!K O w~ • t t-!,lI t or'" n n" :\t an:t~i'r~ AUEI .IJ r. n 'rM . M t.' hAY \ II\!'I. week's Gazette, to'ok IllWe MRl-i. 1 '. .J. uuows . A !'l~U( ' IATtc F!IHTO k from th Q M. 1':. Uhuroll Wellllmull'Y OVR. GR.EATEST MIDSUMMER. morning . • t .00 I' ~' enr . ill IH''''Wr.,· ''''1., n yo:,r If Hot pa l\! I n ud,'tllin! fte,-. Pbilip 'f'ront, a&!isted by Rcv. BlJnj .• HIl\v!i;ins, conductAIl the OFFICE IN JONES BUILDING, servi ces at wbich time the follow. ing obit.uarY \\'!lS' reud : !'lo. () Lytlitl Cornell waR the da ugh ter of Eli and Rehl~eCl\, Oglesbee antl was born nellr Port WIIIIII.m , Clin If'l WED:oJE'SDAY, ' ... .I IJ~E ~ . ' t,o n Connty, Oh io, June 8th, 1 ~2S, nOtI died lit Ule' bome of' her 80n, Miami Valley lJIlIlrl es Uornell in Waynesvllle, Chautauqua. Oh io, June 1 ~, 1!lOU , ut the Ilge of ;, years nnd 11 day~. The tent.h Bnnual as~e~bly "I ::ihe WflS Ulurried in her l ~th renr Miami \-Illley ChllntBuqull will he to Wm . Cornoll in the fall of 1~4~. held from July 21, to Augudt i, I \l OG 'I' wiot) every :venr wo 'I'his will be n ~ 1 'O llt and slttlled in Ihe "illuge of LUlll In Ilddltion to .tbe features ul all ber ton. Ohio. whare they Ii \'eel for bold thasA sllleli for sulr. Our slocks ,u'e CBlllplng, bOllting, hllthing, fish in!! ten yeurs, then m oving to nent' Mt and out·door .,I?11UlCS, tho tnlont tbia' Tho !:l 'crct.llry of tho Altunol A~ B 0 II y w Ilere most 0 f t II e rernum . d er the purpose of ma king too Inrge . T he loss T here Year will be ~uperior to any hereto soolll.tlon ha.! boon Imsll.v at work I,f their liro wus Rpent. fore offered. '1'hoae who Ilro fllmil . tho ptlst week Inlliling the oircollir were born to them three ohtldren 1\ olean sweep of all w tll be j,re mendons. lar with the famous programs of t bl' letter rega rding the t'euuion (a oOPY , h G two sons llnd one daught er : Charles goods bought for tbe , The gai n wHi he yours. 1 ""st .... will realize how mocb it meanF of W lich was pnblishe<1 in t e a · John W . lind Luella. The only \ for the Dlanagement to IIrrn,nge /I zett-e Illst week) 't o ull fOt'mAt' Illlpi Is clllughter diell in ohildhood, and on pflssing seRson . Tt\k e IldVllnt,lIge of It. rog' r am for tbe 1\105 Assombl. of the High school livin g at II. dis, M d I P J .trch 10, 1 00, eut,h c aimed tile summer thlit will. sur~1I all thejlrevioIU tlLnce . IltlsillLDr\lInd fll.lher, and Will. Cor. .1 It sbould be unders toml also that nC! lI to hi!! reward in heaven , 8 An 11 y et th 1'8 h IlS 1 year, .",.,n r ,j U t 'aa will be Ie en by glanco nt , tht' the High scbool r e union Is inde· for he WII~ 1\ Clll'istian mnn. Sinoe following ' parlial li8t of talent se· pendent of the general reunion t lut time, ber life hilS been thllt of cured : plan, although the ho;o will he held I looely widow, life neve r mellnlng . Gov. La Follette, Duss Band of 40 the Mme week. q nile 110 Dluch t;o her. pieces, William Jennings Bryan. The ,pr6!l6nt alldressos of the folBefore bel' marriage, or BOon Biahop Fowler, Rev. Sam P . J ones, lowing former llUpils of the sohool ,fter, sbe WIlS clonverted and united . The Com Congress, Dr Thos. 'E are wauted, so the secretary of the with the Methodist Episcopal Greene, .Frederiok W . Unger, Austin Alumni. may send them copies of uhurob, and during the mllny years The names K. ' ~DeBlois, Prof. Pearson, Dr the rennion olroular. t h II of her aotive Clllristian life, Ahe wns ChBS. A. EoBtmlln, S. A. Long, Dr, and addresses 0 ot or pup II are evcr read v to bear testimony for ~aiU, . Dr. 8omhoker, Dr. Wright., also requested, a~ It. complete list 'Chri st- and WIlS earnest nnd gifted Rhys Bees Lloyd, Ch~pluin VlllOOY, hM not been .0btlllDed . i 'l prnye~ and Ulany souls lIave been Pamahaslka Rnd a host of othel Addre; M1SS ~lam~l~rOWri, t;,ec. comforted and blest, by her prayerF. The Pioneer LlmUed \. attraotions. retll.ry, "'ynollV e, 1 0: , For more t.hl\J\.. fifty YO'an aUe htU- Is the trnin of trains betweon ChiKilte Sh~eban EV~l Tllylor been a faithfnl member of till oago, MilwaUkee, St. Paul and Min I VAl.L~;Y POONE :oIv.40 . :~!I " te..qqe~t's for camping locll tlons are' tho Ingest in the' his tor), . George Cle'lv.or A/loe Mosher c~urch, her Illembership] at thl' neB,poUs. It runs daily viR the Chi ~TATE of the Cha.utanqua and tbe Interest Annetttl HutchlBonAKllte KBrlnklOkr lime of hor death was ~Ith thl' cogo, Mihvaukeo & Idt. Paul Rail· t..J J Mary Sheelum nDli. enr 0 • . W ith ou' t an equR 1 i n ex . InRnifested in the 1905 Allserubly Spring Valley M. E. churoh wherp wayan d IS I t H ugh P rn (' It.oeeda all previous experiences. .It h It. db een fOJ' a nUln be r Qf .y.eur8. oellenceofenulpment. lfyou con & ACCIDE~'T Elvo.Tbompson Jo mna Foster Lldll Foster z l' ' 1." •. ~~ • All through the Miami Vlllley the Allee Foster N iii If t She was un earnest ohrlstlan; n tempillte a h:lp to the Northwest, it LOANS NEGOTIATED. I NOTARY f lJBT.J, e e uos ~r t 18ll"lng toplo' Ilf Interest ii t"he com· loving mother' IlUd a true'. friend ; is worth your while to inquire for Anna ~Iln ng en th Ella Barger Id I ' i h d b8tte fo rates and descriptive booklets via I We have buyer!! fol' good farms Ilnd town property nt Illl' timeR . Ing Chautauqua and parties deslr· . Emma Barger Etta Settles e wor s r 0 er nn . , . r r List with UR, ' ~e 'oon holp you, ~ ing to attend the entire ~eiiiiOn will 'tt 'I'h CI .., ' II her having li ved' in it. She leaves this route. I Lare ·a orne nra ~ne t h I d il' I o. C MOR1 'OUOH, 1'raveUng Pa.~.~.r AlCIlnL oiDce Rooms over Poet Offioe in Stoops' Building. do well to secure looatic,iij with: . Shoema k er L uI u Cl ux ton u mourn er oss all ,bove1. ler ! 4. Ca.ew Bulldl, w, Clncl<na' OhIo. LIZZle ~ ~ , out delay, Rhoda Peterson Carl M11ler me m ~ry , two 8on B, t,wo {" rot..erll. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i! ! ~.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!! For furUler information address J Willi eb Cad 11 done slster, sill: grand obildren, four F. Gi~lJlm Cromer, 1314 N. Main tlt. , ;~ie~e~ s w~~i Bes;:m a great. grand ohildl'en and Il> host of Just What EVerYODIt 8~oulc1 & ' Dayton, Ohio. HlUlnflh ,Cook Mira Neil Rioks friends. : Mr. J, T, Barber otirwinvllle,Oo. , During the .warm 'summer montbs lt Is not ~ ece!1sl\ry fha~ the J . H. O. SL 1·th alwo,' y s keeps 110 bottle of Chamber" l women of the-household' shonld spend muob lime Ilbont the bot oook An'n..." E""'n em .. lain 8 Colic, Cholera and Diarrbrna , '. . A Home of Your Own. I:!usie Steddom . ~u8ie Dunn RelJ1edy at hand ready fQr instant Iltove, because.une clln \Jut here so nmny thlD gs t.bat go to muke good Hannah Rich Otto Mills . • UBe',. Attaoks of colio, cholera mol' 11llouls and wInch reqaire no cooking. ' , Why notstop paying rent and own Among t,hi! . lenders are The Over- I h U8 n n d di ~rrh oo'11: co me. on' 80 su d. ' . find v(\~etn bles canned gOOlI ~ drird bl'er, LAura Mason Holbrook . . We have fresh frUIts • bome of your own In South Dllko, hnd Limited, lllc L>{ I t,o Blln Frun. ' Ileuly that Ihel'e 18 'no hOle to hunt . . ' , ta ? There you CIln 8eOure It good Liz:.\ie Tibbnll Horace Cbnnd'ler oisco; lind the Pioneer Limited, Chi dootor or go to tb~ atore.J.?r mod. allire.e variety of cakes nnd crackers. Je\lle~ , piokle!', che~8e, e to. 8tart on the highway to oindepend . Marion Glthen8 Alice Mosher cago' to St. Pau!. Bot.h trains run lcine. Mr, Bar~~ says: I ha ve Come in and try our goods. Pierce Cadwallader . , . I tried Chambe,llIlD 8 COlil' Cholera enee. In lIlOa,'South Dakota for the Co.lIie Graham Sarah Pugh Vla the ChlCag9, Milwaukee & St. : and Diarrbooll Remedv which Is onlt THE CORNER GROCERY. iidh oon860ut!ve time 100,611 other Martha Beach Grace Sharpe Paul Railway. If you contemn of the beat me<1\oines i ever 8aw. I shr.tee In the prod . uction of per "ul" , WilIhelmina Anderson . plating 110 woMern trip you shou~d keep a bottle of it. in my room 811 I ~. "< see tho.t one or both, ot thelle fRm- ' have bad Bevoral attaok8 ,of choll o, !!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!~!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!~ ,'! !!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!~~!!'!!!!'!!~!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!~!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Abbie. Baines Richard Bllrloy . '. . and It h9s proved to be the bestm t'd· . I•• w-lth ,- o'her words' South """ , UI • , OUB j raIDs IS ~ncluded In yo~ ltlner- Icine I evor used. II Sold by L. May, ' ~,r Dakota 'lslong on wealth but short C)larle8 'cheney Stephen Girton alY. Rates and desorlptive book. , 11U. • !NG, • , . • Road Notice. Joseph Irvin Alonzo Munger I '\ on people. ~f you Bre Interested, Frank Williamson Isaiah Snell· lets on request. W 't ' W Id' ~I ORICOoNu,OHra Noll<e I. hel1l by ~I • • n lhal ~ I'elllion C, C. Mordou~h, TrOlvellng P~., AKt.. es ern 'Or S rA r S . be proJc ntcd Lh th e f.:onunlsslonu r l1 nf why not write tod ay for new book Abijah Whitaker Lon Thompson ~ 4 c.. rew tluIl4~ag. C1nolao.U. Oblo. I PEOIAL'lTI'..s : DJ8EAIIH:II OF WOMEN will \V arren oollnty n l tl,elr 8t:.1'slon. JUDC ~?n , 190;'. pruyl n~ for Lh e narroWlnR ,or a ooUnly ' about ~ 8tate and ita opportnnitie8 MarianDIL Brown Dora Cottetm ' • _ .; n Full SWing. , AND CHILDRII:N. 1'004 On tho followlnllllne. LO·wll : 1 U~ glnll:ng In. t he n o rth 1I0rp<Jt 3tton Direct sel"fice to South Dakotl\ bY Ruth Cook ~arah Pugh DYUlll of FBmm, After more than two year8 of ,------r,.-------110. 01 Wuynesv lll e lo Ihe line be l ween W a r · the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul 1 Joseph Silver Sanford Allen ill., in, i.~ torme.nUl, like dyln.g of con. prepnration, lind expenditure of HATHAWAY, rtn and Gret:'ue coun ll t's ul a point nea.r the hamlelor Monn.Uoll y. Railway • Harriet Patt-erl1ou Bamufll Cook snmptliOIn. 'rheprogr~88o f oonsump- 000,000 the Lewis Bnd Clark Exposi Waynes,ilIe'. ,Leading Dentist e llA fU.. lt8 COnNEI.I •• ~ c. 0. 1I0n!OUiCh. nuvelhll{ ""..... Agl. Esther Chandler Joseph Brown tion , from thebeltin~l1ng to- the very tion opened Its gat.ea.~ the public I NATUAN J O ..... 1 9. 12 «larew ull4lag. claclnnul'l. Frank Harlan John 'Evnn~ enll, is along torture both to viotim '; ,'Oftlce 10 Key. ' 8u1l41nl. - . . 10101111 Slree. }'rlnclpnl PuUlIO".rs, I and friends. "When i had g,onsump- on June 1, Bnd the publJc thronged , A BUlle Task. tion In Its tint atage, " wri',tes Wm. the .grounds, I\nd every bU8in68s 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!;, It is a huge taak to undertake the Vellowstone Park and Mye~, of Cel:lrfOS8, Md., aft'~r trying house In' was olosed. oure ot snch a blld case of kidney d~. Portland Tour. different mEldicines and a good doc- The' Exposit,ion Bite ~ICh em68Be, a8 that of C: F . Collier, of Che· tor, in vain, I at'lust took Dr. King's ' . . rokee, la" but Electrio BItters did New DiscovElry, whloh quickly and braces 406 acres, Is oompoBed of hill it. He . writes: •'My' kldney.s were Evory l1ummer the C , M. & ·St. P. perfectly cured me. " Prompt relief and dale, wi th a little la,b anll a I, 80 far gonl:! I could not sit- down in , Ry ., with ils conneot.!olll', sends nut and sure our1l for eoug~s, cold!', SOl e penlnsulll in tbe latter on whloh the a ohair without a oushion; and suf. 0. Pullmun trllin from Indianu, for throat, bronohitls, ew . .Positively United States' Uovernment's five I fered from dreadful baokaohe, hBlld· a tour of the Rooky Mountain re- preven.ts pneumonia; G\11lranteed magnificent strnotnres. are located: ' When your. head ach es, there _ K~eISt., ' ' . aohe and depression, In Electrio gion Inoluding a week's stay in the at LoUl9 MRY's drug' store, price IiCc is a storm in the nervous sysCHICAOO; ILL., Oct" 2,1002, BlUer", howeyer, I fonnd a cure, and wonderful YellowBtone Park. Thill and '1 n bottle. Trial bottle free. The Lewis and Clark EXp08I~lon I tem, centering in the bram. I .utl~ ' .. iib failing and conby t.hem was restored to perfeot yellr arrangements hBve been made Is a world's fair in every sense, since I"Itioll. 'of tlie ' womb, with !Mlvere This irritation produces pain bealth. I recommend tbls grell.Honio fur nil who wish t,o edeM the trip nearly e,?ery nation on the globe Is pain. thrOUgb tbe groina. 1 luf'in'the heau, and the turbulent represented . mediolne to ull wit,b weak kidneys, to Portlund, with choice of rout'elll fered terri Illy at ~bii time of men' nerve current sent to the stom.truation .. bad blili1ling headache. liver or stomuch." Ouoranteell by re~urninll .. Stops will be made ·pt THE NE'V With a view to indUCing setti'eJ'l Louis MIlY, druggist; price 5Oc. prnnts of 1Uterf\~t en 10Ute. Every. . aDd ruabing of blooil to the bmio. ac]l causes nausea, vomiting~' to looll.te In the PIlOlftO Coast coun· • thinll; oonnecte<l wit,h the tour will What to try J 1mew. not, for it ,T his is sick headach e, and eeemed that I bad ,tried all and be first 01811S aud nll expensesllre try, the indivldlllli counties In the ' is dangerous, as frequent and failed, but I had neYer tried Wine General inoluded in the ticket. Further In Blate of Oregon hnve made exbibits I prolonged attacks weaken the of Cardni. that bleaaed remedy for formution and doscriptive literature which show just wby eaoh of thom .ick women . I found it pleuant brain, resulting in loss of will be furnished bv cllllioll: on or . . ' to'take and loon 1me" that J bad memory, inflammation epiwrltinlZ'toC,C . Morilough, ·. r.P. A. ' id u good pluce for'anlDdustrloua the right medicine. New blood lepsy, fits. dizziness, etc: Old Line Reliable Comp:lnles C.• 11. & St. P . Ry., 2~ Carew Bldg, man to make a living. Ofell on eeOlned to course througb my"ein. Allay this stormy, irritated and after using eleven bottle. I grows applos tbat bring better prices: represented. CinCinnati, Ohio. tj21 " I I a well woman. aching. condition by taking Every poi loy has a. g u u r a n - . thllu California orllnges, hops that Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills, teed fiuanclill baoking. l~rATE OF (lmo, CITY OF TOLEDO \ ss From ~1\11 fot' thirty cents n. pound, Ilnd • They stop the. pain by sooth, . Lucas county. I IV heat that in nlany cases, pays for mg, strengthenmg and relievPrompt attentIOn given to Fronk J , Cheney makes path tha~ t.lle land from the flr&t year's yield, Mn. BUlb i. no" in perfeet 11011 business. he ill senior pllrtner of the firm of ing the t~nsion upon the nerves ~ There ill room in Oregon alone for F. J. Cbeney & Co., doing bUlllnes~ bealth becauee .be took Wine of -not by paralyzing them. as in the olty of Toledo, oounty and '. tenmillioD people,wlthoutmllking Cardui for menstrual dilordere, do most headache remedies. Valley 'Phone 77. Waynesville', O. state aforesaid, and that enid firm the state 911. thickly IMIttlpd as New bearing down paina and blinding Dr: Miles' Anti-Pain Pills do will pay the 8um of One Hundred To York or PennBylvanla, and the Ore. beadache. wben all otber remedietl not contain opium, morphine "on people are anxious to persuade Dollars for each and every case of failed bring ber relief. Any chloral,cocaine or similar drugs: Found a. Cure for DyspepSIa., case of oatarrh that cannot be cured IUlfmlr may .ecure belLith by tak"Sick hendache }8 heredItary In my farmere Gild business men to try Mrs. S, LindMY, of Fort William by the use of HaU's Catarrh Cure. 'aRmIlly. My fn,ther aurIorcd .. great ing Wine of Cardui in ber borne. FnANK J. CHENEY. their fortunes in the still new West. oa j an4 'or thRny yenra I have h:l4 Ontario, Canada, who bas suffered a pel. thnt "'er. ao aeve .... thn t I was The &l'It bottle convince. tbe pa. quite a number of years from dys. Sworn to before Olund subscribed ufllLblo to attend to my buslnc~8 alr"lrs tient ebe i. on the road to health. tor a day or 0 0 nt a 1m.. During a pepsia and grBCli pains in the stom. In my presence, this 11th day of De· Two Trllinil Dllily from each olty \ very 8""8'" Ilttnck Of h ondncho 1 t001l: The laxat.ive effect of Cho.Ulber. /loh, waa advised by her drugllist to cember, A. D., 1886. Throngh Coaohe~, Buttet P .1rlor ,Dr. Mil.., AnU.P,aln P IIII nnd tho,. • For advice in cues requiring relleved .l'Il. nlmost Immediately. Sinc. A. W. GLEA8OK, N. P. and Liver Tablets iM lain 's StomllOh take Chamberlllin '. Stomach and [Seal) , lpecilLi direction., addre... giving . C.1IS and Pullman Bleeping Carl ao agreellble Ilnd so natural that yon th~n I teke them Whon 1 feel th••",,11 Liver Tablets. !!lhe did 80 aod SIlYS, - Hall's Catarrh Cure is faken inter. ~)'Dlptom., "The Ladice' AlfvilOf)' ·eomln. on and It . Iops It at ono.,''''''1 find that they have done me n. nally, and acts directly on the blood Fot' Folde"" Maps or other in. do not realize it 18 the f'ft'eot of a JOHN J. )f oEnI. AlN, . Vepartment, .. The Chattanooga Pre•• 9. D. En.... Co.; South nond, Ind. medioine, For sale by LoUis Mily. great dMI of good. I have never and mncous surfaces of the system. Medicine 90" ChattanoolP, TeJlIl, formlltlon udllress Dr. Mill.' Antl'Pal" PIli. Ire .ald by had aily suft'ering since I began us· Send for testimonisls free . .. - a your ·druggl.t, ·Who WI/I guarantee that the fI ... t PURlgl wi I benlflt, I' It ing them . " If troubled with dy~. F. J . CHENEY & Co, 'toledo, O. C. L . S'OONE, Uen'i :Pa8s. Agt, Printing of all desoriptionl given '. 'all. h. Will r;eturn )lour monl", . pepeia or' indigestion ' wby not talie Sold by 9)1 Drugll:lBt, 750. IS ~oa.., 21 clnta. N~or lold I" bulk, Loui8vlllo, KEn~ky, prompt ,attention at the Gazette . these Tablea, get, well (lod StilY well? Take Hall 's Family PiIIs\for con . Mile. Medical Co•• E~,Jnd office, : t4tiptltion . For sale by Louis MIlY .




To understand' and appl'eciatc the importauce of this Sale just l'e1nember that goods offered are of this season's production and ,the best of their Idnd' that the mark-down in pl'ices extends' throughout the whole store; that leyery dollar's worth of goods must be sold.











U· 0'" W'EW . ''''BI1R GROCER! '" ES











DR OWN, Proprie tor..

MD· C M '


.5,'1 DR. H. E.




Dragging Pains






Louisville, & Nashville Rai lroad


Cincin Dati and






L:<W'.f:(~UI I

-~~~~~~~~ .- ~~~

RedSpruoo and Cherry Expectorant. Best for Colds; Sold


J.E, jannei.·



_.-.,J..I.--.-- _____- &¢±!!..

Warren Cou'n ty Courts.




J .....~- §B-.

Geo·:ja~~~!:.. ~~~ ..~~.~~.~~~ 12~ ga' Has Offi~lated at

C. O. Ule~vcr, oontraot No. . [;1. ........ ...... : ...... ... ....... 124 7[; Aunlt. Sweney .vs Hannah Wol. VaUey Telephone Uompkny cSott • M •.trgllreot.E. Blluultt, Addle·E. rents and tolls ....... .... .. .. Hi 55 t o k es uud It1dys R O'lOh. Pllrtl· T . O. Patteraon. bc.llrdlng Mon of r eul oRtute. Wil1lud J . priBoners. and jail fees .. 101 60 Wrl~lIt , nttorney for plnlntlff. Contract was made with C. H. Sara h-E .. Dill v s .Jamos M . Phillips .Ionei'! for cOI1oreto abutments on ' W. F. Elt'zrotli, exeoutOr of the WIll EIopkinsville and Maineville roud of J . P . Uilollrist. deceused, Illul In Hamilton township at th~ estl· JlI.lII es M. P hillip_ ex ecutor of the mllte , $911.60. will of R e beccll l~hlllipg . deceased .. Contraet w~s entered Into .Foreclosure .•Josiuh Morrow at tor· V. J. Zentmyer for building abuln oy fVI' pluintif(. ' ment neal' resldenoe of L. Mulford in Deerfield township at . the estl· OOIl RT P.ROOJCEDlN flS mate of *:10.05. Snrn.h R. Clinton VB The W estern Plans. speolfloations and e~j.imate S tILl' Publi sh in g Co. settled for putling ill 1\ oorrugn.t ed Iren nnd dleml sed . sewer near .residence of A. Buxtel' Henry M. Sohmuc k VB Piltrick jr., In Deerfield township were Ullyuor At nl. LelLve ~mnted ·philn. approved lind oontraot let t o Bert. tiff to tilo nn amencled /lnu 8uI,ple. Reed I\t the estimate ,S5. GO. mental petition . 'fhe Auditor lind Proseoutor Arthur E . Appleya.rll VR the D. L . were instruoted to advertise for &, C. R. R. 00. Sett.lement In Ild depositories of tbe county money, in jURtme nt. of n!!OOllnts between '),he acoordance with t,ne la.w govemlnll D , L. ~ U. R . R. Co. und the Lllwis loounty depositories. lind 'L'lLlbot otone Co. , lI\>proved lind _ __ con firm d . No 'Seoret About It. I'Il00HTE 1.l0UIIT. It Is noseoret·, thut fvr cutll, burns, . In 1'0 will ThvllUlS Tuite, deceased ulcers. fever sorell, sore eye", b()jJe. UlI.llse eontinued . etc., nothing i8 so elfootlve as Buok. E stll t e of Uora B. Harper, deoeas. len's Arnicll Salve. "It elid't t·l lke 0<1 . Inventory anel appraisement long to oure a bad sore I hlld, and it 111.'01 . is all O. K. for sore eyes, .. writes D. 111 1'0 will L or ettlL J . Fauley. de· L. Gregory, of Hope, 'fexas. 115c at· ce .lsed . Will ndmitted to l)robate. Louis MIIY's drul: store. Es ta te of L orettu. J. Po,uIY,decelis. eu . Fret! L . Puuly Itppointed exec Fourth Street nt.or. AJlJlrni 8e llleo~ omitted. Property for Sale. In r e will 'fhomlls Tuite. deoeased Will lulwitted to I)robut!'. B :!t tLte of 'fhomas Tuite, deceued. W . H . Allen, exeO:ltor of the es· ,Johu Tuite uppo in ted eXtlontor. Al tute of the late William Jones will h er t A. J3urrough~ , U L . Wantz lind o11'or at publlo lillie, . M . J . Hutohioson. Ilppralsors. FRIDAY, JUNE 30, E state of Fannie A. ChRmberlllln, at 20·clook. the property formerly lI eoellse tl . In ventory ond appraise oconplad. by ' WlIllllm Jones on WIlD t 11 led. Fourth street in Wnyne8ville. Est/lte o f Allisou Jonea, deneased. Property con~i8t8 of a oomfortable First lind fiulil account for settiu· bouse of seven rooms . summer m e n t filed . . kitchen nnd cellllr. City WilIer. E stnte of Elle n Ritohey. dooeasBIl olstern and well. . Fir!lt nnd final 1I.000uut for settle H ouse is located on It oonvenient, menl.: llled. . sized lot oontaing s table, !.'hed, etc. EStllte of Henry P. Meier, decl'o,s· Said property hos been appraised ed . First nnll finlllllo:.:onnt for· tlet· at 11500. tlem eDt fil ed . Estll te of Berihll Meyer. minor Mary H . M('\yer .IlPI>olnted guardian with b ond of $500.


\ :. t Twelve Hundred Funerals


Sl~I 3.1

low fare 8 t o

Den\' ·r.

I ' 1t1,.., 1PKNI'

' o10 r 3tlo

Superintendent Robert Shidaker, S p rl DK' a nd P.,) e blo. account l n t'e rnut tono'l , pworlh L engue Conventlo n. Oood t im tor of Miami cemetery, has a reoord for Eh ealth Bod p le as ure :\tt l.:.ers to d !\1t. t8 mou~ Rock), Moulit aln r esorts. Ge~ fu ll Informn· attendRnoe at funerals thRt, Is" prob. tlon rrom tic"nt axe nt 8o f r."e nuR)'h·anrn li nes. ably Dot equaled by another mlln in Ohio. and few in the world . Tues· Cheup S ummer Trips t o VlIl'i ou s da.y of last week Mr. Shidnker oftl. Poin ts viII P e nns ylvaDlIl Lines. f: XcurM!(m ti ck et.!; wi ll lJe solll ' -Ia. Penn ...y i· olated at his one thon"Dn') two hun. \' anl:l L i nes as r u I1 0\\' ~ . - , dredth funeral. In Ju]y he will 'ro P o rtl a nd. O r e .. J ,lne 1 to OC'LObe r I t. llt . lnclufJt\'e, a ccoun t J.. c wls and Cln rli ce ll u,',,· hllve completed his seventeenth nl ... l ETpoHlIlo n. year a9 superintendent of the cem

Tragic Death.

Notice of Appointment.

N tH io nul I::dutla tton u.l Assoc la tt o n 1.'0 l'orlhlO d. Oregon . •Iulv 1 :! :1 0 nnd 7.

'Tis a better one to keep it at the

ac count American Med ica l .I\ ";"ioc lat lon . To Portland, OrCK'on. J Ul y I. :~ . :1. 0. 7. M.


'10 Sil n Frllnc l ROO. c al. .Ju ly 1, ~, :1 . 41 , : ,

8. 11 , 1 ~ 1'0£1 H . accou n t Cira ml f.uliwtl of "hc utrl ca . Meohlln ic al J\ f'I!'oc lutloJl!' of Ull l trll S t a teR anti c anadil. ',[ 0 UalLimo re. Mil , .Jul\- :! t o -4 . In cl ul-lty{· . acco unt S ocie ty or ('h rSstlun E I1l1ca \' r Int or natlona.1 co nven ti on T o Sa n F ra ncisco . Oaurorntn. July " to i . ~u r ~ l cu l

t n e-lush'e, ue count.. Am ericu n

e lution ,

AJoooto'o ,


'1'o llll lra lo. N . Y • July H lO II. IIl.lusl,·•. acco unt Anuunl M eet.lll lo: . O r l\ Dll Lot1~ t!. U. P .


ti . '1'0 Rome l:1ty . Imllaou , ,July l t4 W AUVUK t 10. lnclush ' e , "cc o un t l ~la1ll \ 'Park A SRf' mhl y . '1'0 Lou ls ,·ilI e . }(cn tu ckv . ,1 ul~' :to 1111(1 :11 .

a ~cuunt. NUUOl131 "'~ ng l n cc r s.


A. s,iW<'lnt.lou or ~t.~ t1o n ar)·

Portlan,\' Orego n, A U~U " t ij ·, ·ti· O· IO·II ·

1 :'! · 13 · 1 4· l f, - JO · 17 · ~!J · 30

(\ccou n ~ t'o l1 '

an cl :11.

Associat1on or LelLer oarrl ers : a l,..o (or concaten a t ed r der or Hoo n co .

decea sed.


10 aud 11. acc o unt N' ltluna l (Jontt'r cl1f'c of Of. c harities a Dd Cor rtCU on

\'(m Uon o f N aUo n al

EKtat.C of ALI ' K L .


.fu ly I a nd '!. a ccount of con't'cntlo n of t he

WayncRville friends hn ve received news of the trngic death of Mrs. Alloe Edgerton Vlln Kirk. ut Elizll· beth , Pennsylvania. She and a friend were out driving when their horse beoame frightened Ilt an auto· mobile, throwing the Indies out, aod she died in Il short time as a result of tbe injUries. Mrs. VanKirk was a member of the 8ociet,y of Friends, pelng wel1 known nmong 100111 members of the Society. unda particular friend of Mrs. Rebecoa Merritt and Mrs. Betbia Furnas.

THE OREGONIA MILLS hRye beon n ewly r efitted t hrou ghout aud nil maohiWlry is now run by

Den,·er. c:olorll4o. Au gllll t II to 13. In· qualllled u. "dmlnl. lr.lor "r Ibe estatc or clu' ''·e. account Natlon ... 1 Fraternal Order 01 'l'h e

AI,l U .~

und e r st ~ n e d



laLe o f \Varren county.

CO Mlt'r OOK . d ec~ased .


appolnt.ed and

Oblo. Dated Ihls I. t da}' 01 JUbe A. ;\I.L EN L .

D. 1005 .



steam .p ower. al1 ')\'d ng th o mill t o w ork t o ' Its fnllcapaoity.

Ea gl e~.

All kinds Qf flo llr nud feed on !tuuelnt all times.A8k your

To San Fruncl8co. c nUfornlu , AUgUS t. 1'; 10 2 • . Inc lull ive, U()COUDt IDternatlo nul l:On\·tHl·

deuler for Acm o Flour, ] f you are dIssatisfied

tlon. SOcleLleJ or the Cbrlstlon t:burcb.

with what y ou Ilre u sing try thls,It will



Jul y J, 2. 3 Bnd . ,

ex ~ ur 8 ton

be obtnlned a.t tlc k t' t Ktu. tio n s o n l.h c Penn ' syl\' an lu Line s to UQ\' I!Itatlon on tho~ e Ilu cil wit.htn a r l&dlu8 of t OO mBCH . Ea:uu n lon U ck e l.."ii will b e vllUd ro r rc tur n lllltll Jul y ut h 11l clwdvc. For p a rtic ulnrl; reg a.rd.lng f :\re li:

FUN ERA l 0I HE~ TO HI Telephone Day or Night. local No.7 . Long Distance No. 69-3r WAYNESVILLE. OHIO

IJleuse YOll.

t icKOt S m ay

and Li me of trainM. appl y t o Penu8y h·a nl a [ .100 04 Pa.l)8 enger a ['ld 1't c k ct A j.C'~ n l8 .




Have your Plumb~A ,In· certain respect. the excu r s ions to tbe ~ Le wis and Clark Centennial Expo_ltlon. MAIIRlAGE L10Il!NS.IIl. iog, Gas Fitting, Hot Branch DUlce. Harveysburg, O. Portland. Oregon. yla PennsylvanIa Line •. Oscar Elmore Hulterman. (Allum· begInning M.. , 23d und contlnulog tbrougb lbe sumnl. r. offer •• never befo re and bUll, Rnd Luella B. Corwin, Lebanon Water Heating ·pre.enlOO t.o Ex posltlon vlalt.o .... 'The lrll) • A Bad Scare. nev, R. M . MitohelJ, Urblln\l ,l . , to EX po$ltloll. In "dalLlon Lbe Some !lilY YOI1 may get' a l>ad Cburles B . Prioeand Mllrgnrrettn Acetelyne Lightipg t h e sce ni c Dllv is (colored) bot·b of Lebapon. senre, whell you feel n pain in your olude !4 the oC and fellr appendioitis . Sufe· Casclld e RaoR'e, n od Am erican RF;a~k"tr.osKlingert,. uinOi~nnti, done by home people tybowels, lies in Dr. KinjC's New Life Pills, th e tb e gt."Oll ra· Ille O re~on 10 ut.trac tl ve ness Of th e e; u <e ns ly e t.lx hlbU 8, In ·

Journe y throu g h woo ' the Roc ky Mo u n t a h lM and th e what has n o t loolted fo rward from ,13.Y" o f pb y olaHl'i lu scb ool to t be tl.rne when tb Qlo~e

de r la nd

Rnd , Eilunoro. <J. ' L ee.




L o uis H ermlln Roppe, Cincinnat.i. and Minnie Eliz!\ooth Ludeke. Rev. .1 o)1I1 HeokrUllD, UilJolnnatl. . Percival H. Bridge Ilnd Emma D. Robis on, both of Franklin. Rev . MoOrnoken . )lltAL .A8TATIC TRANSIl'KRIt. J..lty fllyettel::l. Rue .and wife to .10bu L. dtcutenboroujCh; 3785 tl or es in Frnnklin township ;4 .S7U!5 Mary E . R edman et al to Jobn. 8-. Krom er. quit clllim to lot in Maine. vlll n, Ma. · Albert L . Price to Emma B. Prloe qnit olt1im t.o two t·raots in H mil. ton township; $1. , '. Anna G . Jones Imd husband to Lenn B. Henderson. lot In Wiyne8: ville, '1600. John McClung by Luke Br~nnon, sheriff; ~o Mlirthll E . Betslngerl 233 Itcre~ in 'furtlnoreek townsbi"p; 'U\17. riO. . . . . Edwin C. Thompsou anu wife 10 \Vnldron C. W1monr; lot in Leban. on, Bortlla Pettiorew et .\1 to Clar· ence O. -Beobtolt, SO.02 nores in Franklin township; " 1753.33. • Amos M. Jordlln to C. N. Scott, 1731 8 tn Clermont and Warren connties, $056.25. . .Tobn McUlilng by Luke Brannon, I5beritf. to O. D. Corrington. 2011·2 Rcrell in Deerfield tQwnsbip ;$12,:-192. 25 .

' 1. .

C. L. HAWKE, Plumber.



'"W.~D. RIII~ton,bridgerepnirli

.In 'l'llrtlecreek townsblp SO 50

·N9· 48 ...... .. .... .. ........... "



different TOUW. cnubllng tru.\·elen to

LARGE STOCKOF·NEW FLU9R COVERINGS Cnrpets, Ru gs, Mutting!\, Felts, Etc. Etc. Scotch and American Linoleum und Cork Ollrpet.

i i


Mission nnd F in e Fllrniture. Odd pieces and In se t s . Old Furniture Reupbolstered. Lace Curtniu s.

60 20 1 10 2rl 26 .. 75 9 .75' ' . 30 95 16' 80 . '


P. 30-32 N orth Ma in St.

. . i ltlIH! ·

"1It~. ~Aiil~~ ~\M!F)'d'~u


~~I~~~.~~ ..~.......'5~..""7. ~~21 ?"~"14'~ ~'~1'~.: ". r 26;.. .... . .......... .


1.'._. . . . . . . ::::.:



.cIIt1I.... 01, TI1IIaI·C..I,.1 Tim •• l iJt (liit Li!!..\ 7t .~ .






. .

:I ]

J H ucCASSY ' M A M 0


iu :to?"u .,,"






!lnd ph:""ure 'be cowing vue.tlon 8cason is thut o(fe redb~' tb e SealJhore ~xc urslon Thu~' d a y. AUlu 8t 17. ove r Penmtylvanla Lln~A to Atlantl o d t y . c ave May anll seven otber famoli ll 9urumer ha.\'tll' on

.. be At.laDU c

'l'be fa. t througb traIns over penn.ylvnnla

r~ln c8

talte pas!«:nKen In" fcow hours 'out of

Ibe beat an,l humlllUy 01 MumlDer



" 001

o f old ocean . 1'1118 mlt:'August ex' Telephone In hill houBe wbere he brce~c" cur~lon OCCUI. In the BeaMon tor r Oi l when it can be culled at all hours. day or 1ft mORt convenient t.oteave bUlJtness Exuur· I\lonlMt ll ha,·c tbe added p1~;umre or !leelnar night, ' Allantl. Clly wb.n It I. In the rull IIde of COftohes and chalr8 supplied. tho fal'lbtonable tt.eWlOD , Tbe ~reat.c .t rcpre· "f:ntath'e gatherlmce\'Cr known at any rel«)rt Ha-ve recently moved to room are seen at AtlantiO Olt y AM many 1L"I 60,000 next to Cro88 Bros. people III on. time promlnade tb e ramou s boardw~lk '1'be 1•• b,lonablc bathlll" boul1I MAUf 8Tl&I:I:'1 .. . • W.AYJlEBVlLLJi. 0 pr••enl lin unpu.lled .c~nu-rully 100.000

~:;;;.h·:i ~24~.~ ~.~~ ~~ ~t· . 111. ~':.~ ~~.~ ~:t~;.: ~ ::jlrp.:· :·:·::j:r4 ~. d:::::: i rnl1:I.~.": ~.~;:ii:; ~ 1....... .....'Il " ...............

2 25 ..luab1e. mecllolne.!'

Special 101\' fare . will b. In e!fect for tbls Seashore e•• urvlon. Full Inrormatlon ",Ill be freely gll'en by loeal tlekeL agent... of Lbe l'.nn.yh·anln lines. tj28

LOW YARKS WItllT AND SOUTHWEST. SPEOJAL HOME ·8EEKERS' RXC(JRSION8 VIA PItNNSYLVANIA LINItII. Anyone contemplAtlnl a trip well ma, takr !ldvant..,e or lite reduced far ... for tbe """"Ial nome·Seeke ...· Clt~U"'loD.~la Penn' nl .. LInes to point. ID Colorado. Idaho. Iowa. Kan...... Mlnn ••ola. !dl ..ourl. Mon· tana. Nebn. ka. tb'e Dakot••. Oregon. ~ .HIt· ID£ton. 'l'<l"u and ot.ber ••etlonl 10 the IV est and In .1I Lbe States of the South. Stop over prlyllctel' permit traveler. to Inve.tllal.e bu.ln_o~nlnflll. Theaellcketl ·... Ul ,be on .. Ie ... rt&ln dalea clurloR \lIe 'um: mer. DetaUed Information III to Illrel . WlI'O' time. 'Itc.. 1\'1\1 be lreel, furnl.bed upqn ap' p1lcallon to Local Tlckel ... "",1 of Pen..,I· _ 11,16 Lout, llay. ulIla LID...


I.... ..

I. .

All 1 l'~il A~t .... M. p)t




-=s-c .,-- --'-ft'ZS·p 'lrtd,. X;nii •• O.,ton. R iChm.~

WESTWARD'LifNn:A~~12S ~lJ'"I~~'I~:~ Sp,lngfleld h' (7 t 4 u~,.I_ , Toll'. Sn·· .. 741 X•• I. .. 63 10'~ D {nr.r.1 Zl' e I~ g OO 4251



, 1s

Shirt Waist Suits,w~~h $1.50 to $5.00· Sil k Shi rt ~r aist Suits, $1 (1.00 .to $ 15: 00.


........... ..

~~~b·~;·.~ "ii'iS ·' ''.i.iiliiT.' II '1'55'ii " ii i'a

SILK, PAN AMA. Most Ex. ce 11enSSOl'tmen t A t; 1P ~.. -j t)r. to $10.75 & $15


Tailor Made Suits: es, Splendid Covel·t Jackets' for $5.00.SalFully] 50 already sold ~


Sargc ~ t


8:!~::1~~•.1~·1~. ~1 ~ ~4 "'J" ::::1 1. . . ~

, ...... ... ... .. ....1 ...... ...... . .. ... 1 Rlchm.nd n r.4 '¥l. 955'10 10' ...... --,'010 . _ EASTWARD ~ .;rlA 14 : _ H' II , ;!i:iG""II ~!! D.dson ..... " .......19

Eld.r.d . .. ... ... ... 19 31


4~5s1" '" )''' 1,''491 H· :::: ,;~'s :: : fl' 111 :::-:: I:::::' oSlery,

ll<~ .... d ..).~ M f~i~~:::.~

C GI U t Sh..l orsctS, OVCS, arpe s, sues, ~ ~ Il::gJll~i'19'4511R~ Linoleum. E-xcellent A ·sortment. 28 ! ~, 10 15 ti~ ~~~:m~;: M~M A~ 1'''1 I." ,\,," Hut~bison

'!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ batbel"l'lin lobe ac:I. and on t.he beRch . Tbe b...ltbrul effecl of Lb~ ...ashore trll' I_ Cuban DI.arrhoea. dut: to lbe sa lt and pln o olr. So beneHclal bas thl lJ llrov ed that phy rd ctan8 ",end their D",on {;',. U. S . loldlers who served In Cuba pat:e uta tbere to g6 t the benent of breo.lbina X I J " 7 during tbe l:!p8nlsh war knew what the Vure ooeDn air .

tbl8 disease is. and that ordinary remedies have little more etfCllt than 80 muoh Wllter. Uuhan diarrwa III almost SR severe and 'dangeroU8 Il8 a mild attack of cholera. There il one remedy, however, that can al· ways be depended upon, a8 will be Reen by the followin& certificate from Mn. Jennie Jacobe of Houston, Texa8; i'I hereby certify that Cbam· berlaln.'R Uollo, C1101era and Dlar· rhllla Remedy oUred my btlBband of & severe attaok of Cuban dlarrhllla. wblch he brought home from Culla. W .. bad several'doctorll bnt thn did blm no g~'. 'One bottle of thi8 remedy C1lrM him, as our neilJhbol'll will testify,. 1 .thank God f.,r 10

j. .. .



COI1Rt .



•• >

Ready-to-wear While Waists, 75c to 2~50


, 0

i . ...... ......


Up-to-d.a te

~:'~;·~'l~.~;·~" . :. ~If! n~~ ~.~ ~ I ;~· 1D


Upholstery 8tuffs.

Wall Puper!!, Fr escoing. 'I'int ing , FabrICs' for Walls. l!' urnish ers and Decorators .

Ume l1ud p3s:lc n ge r 8t' n ·t c(' apply t.o T1alr:et AgentH ot PelllJ~vlvanla. ( ..Incs. t.jyl

agc.meDt. Varied rccre.. Uon Is offered : out· doors 00 the teDnis courts and croquet lawns

D R. H.. E . H ATTON.


An lmmen~e Stoc le. Turkis h, Pers'tan and India, Wilton. Vel ve t, Ax minster. Brusselsllnd ot-hers. Koch & 'I'e K ook 's Celebrated !:Illxony Rugs, e for Drawing Rooms, Libraries and Dining rooUlS.

Baltimore. Exourslons o'v er Penn· London..... ...... 3 38f7 4010 41 Bylvanla Lines, July 2. 3 aDd ", ~~.:Ilt~~~~:: ::::::.i~8~:':'::::1~""".( ( '..... I"~'" i~ Account Christian Endeavor Con· CoUnIll. ... .. .... . "2SlY81l... . .... ... ventlon. Office and resldenoe one mile east • Excurolon t1cl<e&o to B.lllmore for the lto XI\nUn ll .. ... ... .. ..1 .... ·:::1.. .. ··,,1 .. · .. e & ;. Cbrt.tha.n End~a\'orIDteMlatlond.1 COnvenl1<ID of Harveysburg. ". )' ...IU.... • ...... fa 52 ·.. ·.... 1·.... ·.. .'1 ..III be on Bale teo Endeavor. r. and Lbe i en· OrcK unl,," ........ ,Is 59 ........ ........ f s: E,,·. Valle1' Phone 2y'. . ...... A9 OJ' . .............. f eral publiCJuly 2. a and •. 1006. o,'rrPeUQ' PL 1o<i,....... AI "rrow .." 5 21 9 1212 IIG 4 3'l '• • yl, lin... 1'bcRe tlck~llI are J(Ood orr ",gular ra. L t,~~~~ti~ 5'4" ·9·4h2·~;·4"52~·49\i· ~. • ... . , . . . . . through traIn. "nablln~ passengtml to (0 In ~lIlrMd ... " ........ ...... ..1........ I.. ..... k . .. ·1 ;;1 a few bourl'.C to lJ!1lt1more Rcturnlol{, the 126 West Fifth Street, ·ii .. ·..,lii·;;.}i"~I.. S';;,;~.. same convcuicmt I'Iflrvtce Sx provided. 'fhelt''! ~~'~~iiiiir;; excnr8 lona wilt He a. tal'orabl e tIm e for a ec:· AN .A)l1 '·M 1':>\ L'·!!.- .. _ . DIl1ton, Ohio. l~ t.he: famnull Acenlo at.t.ract.lona and prln- . .... - . - "S.... . 4 "-t1~ " 3:1 Phones.: Main iflO2, Home ·Sli02. clpal "Aii" iiii . >)1. 1',' I'M InJli.trlal an<l hl.torlLal polnLa ·.Iong £oUt.1I • Ev., EAR, NOSE AliD THROAT. Lh.• P"nnl\'lv3nla .out~. I~ I.~ • :'~....".:~. ;~2 ~~.. ........ Full parUcular. abouL t ..r~. and rr~e bOOk· ~::;~~~. .. I fl ted bl "1 .1I(,,~ .. .. ",peotac es t . at re880D& e PI' cas let M""rlblng Intere.tlng ollbLa en route nud 1.0",..4.. .. 9 ~ .. .... 3· 2 ....5 .. .. at BaltImore. hot.llnlormMllon . eto. may be 5. LtbaUClD" G- .............. 9 ........ 3 54 ohtalDed from local tlcket lIK"nl of Penn. yl· MDrrow." .h tifDt" if ....... f3 :..... ,. \' aDla Une. 0.., 0./1 .. " e- ............... 3 ,.. ...... ...... . '=' f9 51 ...... 3 ........ b ... .. OONSIDER THI8 OUTING TO II'AMOUS SICA Y·)·" UI. " • A" ¥;:i:~ ~:~ a I :.~:.~'. 1'31 :::::~ SHORB; RESORTS, IN PLANNING VOUB ~;:I~~·V"~~ VAOATION. .. 6.. ... By r.r th. mp.t '''lraotl ve trip lor healtb

Bills allowed Juue 19. V. J. Zen tDlyer. bridge I'll· pairs 10 Veerfi!'ld t.own· ship ...... ............... .. ........ $ 9 00 L . F . Uoll'nlllu. exprellsuge. SO Ore~ol)in Bridge Co •building '\. , Ounder Run 11IId Armi · tlllte bridgIl8 ....... ........... 807 70 St.llknlta Pen Co ,'l'ypewriter pnper for Probute Judge Ii 00 St.ft.kll\tl~ Pell Co .• pens for Cletk ........ .. .... ... .. ,... .. . 3 00 S t.u k II Un, ,Pen. Qo" pc nll f o!, Reo 6rd~r ... ...... ...... ....... 1 liO S~nkaltll 'Pen Co., supplies I'or surveyor .... :. ..... ... ... 11 70 StalUlltn· Pen Co • typewriter 20 paper for Stenol{rapher .

V. ;T: ~ntinyer, ·oontract No. 49 .. .................. . .... . Mrs. Klick & Sons, meals . tor j.\U¥., ; ..... t· ......:.!!!.. •


PRVSIOJAlf AliD SURGICON. In<lool1l In lbe Olubbou"" wbere thel» I. ... He AMAN BLOCK diversity of amusements aud games. 'For OFFIOII: • • ~ about fare" and tlm o of tralnH WAYNESVILLE. O. particulars MA.Uf 8TRICII:T, apply 10 llckeL aR.ntA of penn.ylvanla LID.".. tal

Com missioners' Proceedings.

W . D. Ra 'I~tnn, oontraots No. 20 Ilncl No. 41......... .. ..... Dr. M. W. Lang. witness fee st"te VB. J . Glillaher ..... . . V.I. Zentmeyer, ,contract No . 25........ ......... .... ... .. E. E . Sheet", bridge repalra Clenrcreek tOWD~hlp...... Jos. Gilmour, bridge, repalr8 Salam township ...... ..... . V • •T. Zentuleyer, contract


vltw mu oh m or e of the "'es t. F or tun l,ar HEALTH RMORT tlculurs. fa res . dates of s pecial e. c tlr~ lonl to ATTRACTING MUCR ATTIlNTIOli. Portland on I\.cooul1\.of Con ve nt.lon!, throu ij:h



Office and Shop. Fourtb I:Itreet, Oblo. .WaynesvlIle, S prlng~ of wonlle rful curati ve llOwe r s tm llar to til. laniou. waL<;rs of Carlsbau are 'Phone No.5 . P. O . Box 106 aUrllOtlng many LO lbe tealLb lind pleasure resorWl 01 Cedar SprIng.. reached by Lbe PennsylvanIa LineRvIa New Pari •• O. Ho· tel accommodatlons are under cap"ble mao· LUKENS,



'l sure cure for nil bowel lind stom· ach disellBe8, 8uoh os beadnch~, bll. slgbts sbould be Reen In rea llt y~ 'l'be Um~ Wall never so favorable a. now. Tbo trIp lou8ness. eostiven98ll, eto. GUlt.rsn· may be mad~ less expeDHII'ely Lhan ever. teed at Louis May's drng store, only ~'()r only a sUgbt dlfferen!!. In price tourills may extond tbelr trip t.o San t' rancl_co nnd . , 250. Try them. LoHAngeles. Tbe retum trIp mal' 00 made

All material and work guaranteed

:~:~~t~!~:f~~r~gi~~. E~v~I~~t· The 'Thos ,~ lell '~o

" . I,;;\H'I'lI"lHG H·I· .CA. UI r.II.

To Keep a Bank Account is a

1'0 Dr n ver. Co}oru,lo, Jun e 20th to .J u ly .. . inc iUJdve, u.ocoll nt ~I nh· rn ;, tl o n :.t l l:!~ p\\'lIrth l.eag ue c,.nnm tio n T o A8b ury Pnrk , Ntw J c r"c y, .I une :!fI . :10 .





·o.U1. h,D1· IS,..do1 •• 11. (Slop' .. discWr· CI.,I...u. Acc. Tralnll .... 10m" f',ClAd,,"i' 6 20 ...... tlO 15 L .... IUo,. L. t54S p•• .• i1215r. ... Ace. Traiwi I••• Cia<l... ll ror lion. . 1550 ......

_".n fro.,

IlIOO ...... t340' . ... 1520' .... 17 20.....

X~nla ~

6t:Gibn¢y, 0 b·I~. ~


Dark Fao.d T". .... 141 till' rr.. 1200 . ... 1. 12 00 mld. Ta*; rr.a 12 00 .. da"~I" 12 00 .....

aJ'~ I: lJr~1

r:;pramed Ankle.StltfNeck. Lame Shoulder. Thell8l1re three common Ililments nnll (nnn 1101111110..... WuhlngLOn,Phllnllclphln I\lltt New York. Roe. ' :"'. 3D., ,. .lad ~I fcir which.Chlimberlllin's Pnin Bnhu colIIl",,1 at IUoblllond for IndlRllnjlollti "lid is especiully Vlllullble. lr properly SL IAlIII.; Mao. 1I1 • •d ~IOI (or C blcugo. 0 .1.. I'm ". 8AXU",. 'MOODY E. A. FOOD. applied It will da v~ you t.illle. money 0.'11,, · 0..'1".', ..l ....:rTraI. I". <Iud 8uffering whep troubled with . ...-«>..p Pt'l'T88VBO:U, PB"'1·A. <lny one of thesllllihncuts. For sllle by Louis MRY. P.Unuul "1.ep'•• Car onNo•• ~«,:.I' ~ 8 t


$10,0, t, 1ft, Ie, ~O,SlI.1Mnl1lt 1:'1,,,rlll ur run thrunCh \'Ia Columbus Bnd l'Uts lHlrwh or uonnl.'c t. througb Pittsburgh U n tou HIAtinn to


Oleared for :Action. When the body Is cleared for ac· tion by Dr. KlnJ('s New Ll~e Pill!', yon oan tell it by the bloom of he&lth. on the cheeks; ~l!e brightue. of the eY<l8 r th~ tirmn811 o,f the fleeh IIn.d D,lulIClea. the buoyancy of th,e mlDd, Try them. At Louta--".7 It drug st-orel\21i cent..


, \

, The Miami Oazette.


BI!OWN & MtK~\" Publ l tb ~. a. WAYN E !;\'ILLE,


OIITennl lroro t.h~ ..a"liDe; all nt, \ ~'rest Ib a ~ tak " I Inlo a new WO I' I<1 , Ilfoall'pnH l>U r ho l'lwu n nd @lves U H <11(, I~. en! I b o ul~nlR, Ildl .... a )'ounj! WODlIl U " ho_ lire waa II 'ea StJe s$ round ul ,l l'C l d !!~ r y , It wa ll h ~ J' I( r.(tt tle ll(l.hl no" I<n o! I b~ " I ,,'au H I" klll An d Em~rso u , " \ \' inn '-' I) ~UIJ gP I lIUUl l h, e wri t e r , ~!" I ask .,,1. " 0 h ," " h ~ . Hltl. " I I( I Ut u\llI , 1,, 1 .. o nl llil el " . .. "tlfu llbou!;hl ", ,, I . ~ I­ Ie!,: ( ' I" , - hy lin d III _plu:e IU ~ r.alb ".' T oll <litl II UI ~r ll ~ 1J h .. r , Sb .. cou ld lur ' gl;'l It. Th ll ~ ' :11 I J.on: \,\ li t.) ~ i \'~ Uti I li t- ulrul lOIl






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Pleuure and Kn owl edGe from N4vel s -Good P Illn fo l' B ls t.",y Study" M os t at U ti Sh OCking ly Igno rant of Tl-iugs Thnt L i e About U . " B u .. n ...s Gill Should REad Nntu l'e llook .. - ,H ow t v D ~a l " 'ith E nch B ok ,~ M .. ke R ead l ng It P l'o tit nbl E.

"" l U I th f! 1'4!;.:i l1nJrn~ o f ~",-(" b J"('c u rriltb !'o tth.;~.rl.

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s eb oo l, I :'Ild Ul t ull m i" 'll he r 1'C'1~ 1l frc" h d o tln" , 1 " 0 w ~ 1I rill e" (u), Ih e day ,; " enmllu r, !'in. we re Ii l' I'U.\ · blll P ,'oll "n Ir{wk , be llfd blo liHe all d v le !lt~ '1 . Id r t : t h~ bpI! W litl \\'h ll ~ , II ",' " hUCH all,1 610 ,",'-

Tht' !'\t>a~O D h; JlHuIH)t1 l l Y t hp nu ll'Jber~ of I, rllll frv e ll s (o r IV" lI ,uhtH,\ prlill :. ma le l'ial Ih ll t fo r 8"U1~ 11m"

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IJraid . II'im ," ed with I' lhuOlI , No furb e lu\\' ~, ~" I ,,11 goo t! "I) te , o r 11Htl l as h io n.

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l lf~ g l Jl I1 11 1 J.;

th e "\'u r,u

l h.i l iulo r t A O I I T kall T id'), . If-' a JlI to r ... ~a ld H Jl::t •• th e j·u dill;.. ( ' f : la' ( ' O U 1VJ.f1.J JI Hl v i Oll t'HS. iJllt l tll l' Inl1 UcJ lI1 1JJ..IU ' u ".o .a.D u !,b t'l . hl ~ ht 11 ~~ It h-., Tb ~}fol J u f' t' l~ .u:;. 1P. h l'l' ( I f \t°n 1" r. tI ~ \\JIIl Ille tl t>l h 'otl ry o r tiu"' ( 11 , dIJ II IH , f!J j d "U t' ll I JJ t' .. I IUIt!Jl l IJ w

JJlw lg('> lil li ' II... bU B), ""I'JL! .l.r i • .aru!J.l · 1..u)~) ~ al ltJ f~IIJ ' h~ »; ~re b,lJ JUt. lJ lfJt;!ij: ;- u d e ·

Iy t,b", ' "d

li e i ~ '1S ' (lIJI : .l.rt'L! W linu

110\10' I I I Uf' lJ i2'i ~Ha.l1 f · lUh-· !li Lod';.(JJ koo""J ..


.u ~ IIJ ~

!Jim III Ib e I P-", I I [e ~ U' '' s · ~:II' £' . 11 L ~ tn"y I t J!I" >~ II Ju 1:l'ro,At 1Sch u I l.. t:" LIlJ.J"' Ut t' ll ",, '(' uru.u· IIIUIl!' l," \lhug" fur" hH1JDl t: , JIM

a;lpl. Ui.l\ O.ll

T b.t.

H !'t'~

tMlllll:s iAl. ll > b, . 1J\.a,e jn Joa quin l'ilH ' Lo" WIE

JI 011 I

.\tlJ : ~ I ,

"ill 1'(' Jn e u l'i Ib ~

.IJ ~

CU llHUUIlJl)' ,

' I he I,ve t uf tbe Sier -

j g l Ll l .l' l·! ,'Il :?lJy llU rHJrtHj lJ,\' t h e

anu 1; 1• • 1, '.'''"" I;on vf , 'ur'' v 'I'> "rl< '" 10 I,n 11 " J l''' 111" n " Il le r





' I:q, " wh lcL IVjJI ,, ' ad u p ... Lat I. lO I I' c., 1l d IIjp " I\, ..~ l e ru .1I11 IIo n ; we pk"

Jo oll allo o B 'IJIJ IJp st' ll! 10 all '-" I IIUl 8 w''IIl of IhE' Mi ~" I"F I " Vi O. more , h.u. loml lIote nnd a ij r . d ll l , o", lt"I IOO will J,o ext n d cI 10 £ L1 11 1Jl M .. r'I,ha m a" , ,,' ~ , ,, ' UlOrof r h M~o Wit h Ill e H<. , VI,L., was corll hard ly a tloze n m l l e~ froru eXpbI!l lonR I e , 'il.l' (lflli . ~~~,e, " :J.J ,liT l>I' bl y IWt 'r 11

!'; 1'I'r " Ci. p. F0 R MA!'IV Ol 'l ' AStONB,

\\'al" , Th .... h' I "' p~ a rp. formeu of a f nll I", ff o f nw rv t o I h<: ,' I ~'n\, I h e n a ij lnl1!1 "r I'III! of s pottecl 111'1 , linl s h" ' l with li eEp lace rUmeR, III~Pl'tiOIl Hlmulo tey n I)olnl el l r uff bo lo w th e larger putr , Matel'lalR I'I!Qnlre .l : ~'ollr yard s 22 In l) h e~ wldp., 2 !t. yarll H InsertiOn, I hrecfOllrllrs yarcl lIet] 8 In eh rR wid e , thr!!" yards lace ,

,"M ul!udng and _o lnrl nl: F.ngllsh IIteraIIIre, VEr)' I,ro hl nu le r pa<llng mal' I.r" dune \.I,V a l'irrle of "I rl s wbQ mpel a' s tatl!tl Inlel'\'al~ and lake III' Ill e rl irrl' r .. nt pba",,~ of life under ROme I(relll I'lIler or ulher Ile r ""llage uf (li slin c lioll , If Eli za b., h I'e "hoHen, alii' g irl may WILD FLOWER BEAUT.Y, "lect tb e orol nary hOIl "e ho lll III I' or Illat da y , 8111.1 1., h" I' rauing 1III'n lowa rellh e Eve.'yone Ca n Add 'rbis to Ber Borne \"IU i l) H~ wa yz.:; I ii wh I... h II ('onll'aMt s wil h a nd Ih e Gn thel'ln g and ArrongeOU f prt 'St' 1l1 da~' IIf(' Anothf~r flI a y l o k(, <, menl I s Most Inte.reatlng, S ir \\' nIIH II n lol ", h nnOlh pl' l'h. 111' uf :S prt i lJ Hl l lI a n r l1 h p l t. l n r y qll Pe n or ~c·O t ". !';ha l\ j' q Jf1ar,' a nd ( ' IIf-lu('er will f a ll il tl u \I a~

't a d ltlt.· u l

!'JOt e \' ~ r'y or. '" h as a flo wer ga r den . hi ll

rhfl !-Z t;' whu "'Ill tly I h l lhf '

[ II t hl '

h l"' II Jr t(· E I1 ;!. hl n tl which It'd II; ' 1::D ,1.:1111 11 1 o f 1(J· d a )'.

t" f,\

Ih e lr lI e-::an d for IIn ly HlI('h leg l. 18110 11 If a ,,~' , aM wOllhl " .' el' lIrc und ,ut sllrc jus l le't' an d

e quit y all d 1)l'es crve "ollll i r ll; hl . I,' a ll parll es ('o n('e r n ed" (III II ,\) fll'ollll ll t b M Ib e low co t o r IrIln SI)O rlllllon "I ,; til I'~H lllt o f Ih e me l lI e y o r Anll' l'icRu I'I\llwoy IIlll n U~ (' lII e nl RIIII olwrM lo li \\'h i<'h ha\' e blill t li P Ih., IIl1 l1n ln thro lll;h t~ u o s (Unl h lll)rO\'c me nl u n ...l u ve lopm e nt uf I c I.. lt o r)', whil e n l t h !!lime 11m r eclI ;;lIlt lon h as \I 'I1 n I~ IHII to til e valu e o f IO l el li ge Ol'c UIllOII ~ e m Jll o~' es in , o n I rASL to t o r e l!:11 m Ol h d ¥, wh e re hl ~ h fr e ig bL rnl e~ und I O l\' e~ 1 wa g e. to em p loy es ohla i ll ," In pl'e ..s ln t: t h e ir ,' 10 1m agains t le gl ~ , lation RlIl' e r ~e to III II' Ill Le rCMl s , t h ~' flOlnL Ollt Ih e fact thal "Ihe f re lgbr, r Blp,s of Ihls cOllll l r y al' rll ge ani ), tw o p e r ce nl, o f th o eM t of a nkles I.' th l' rOIlSllrn er, thus mUK l nl'; t he f r . lgh l rnl e so Ins lgn llknn l a fa c lor In Ih" scll hll'; pri ce Iha L nlllll erllll ij " I!\ l:d on l artldes ore 80hl al Ih e ~n mo III'i: e In all pnrts o r Ihe COUIIITY,"

RECENTLY RELATED, In n r(i(:f;' nt ur tldc 0 11

Am4' rl ~D'.l~ an

Engilit h wrlt('1' Kl l'cs 'h f"l luwlI:'j: ~g It cb a .udPrl s l ic Am pr"'H Ii nr lc r-<l l.lOH s lo r y , Its "" uj el'l ltd" " a 1J0 11II I'IU :1 III balhlng; "All a t Onl'e n SIIllI'II , a mU ll , ~a l(~ r, \\' U!5 t om lu}.! lhe ulhcr Wuy , aUll WDm 1I 1l "Qun t'tl'~ f l't'ul o f hl lll , Th ey p),€ll !'uch olll " r foJr 11 n")::I~ 1I 1 nlld Ih o. ll I h~ sltarl, - lJltls iJ cli an d p~d a w ay ."


Ih(~ prt'J.:.l' f1t clay





E\"(' r y I lbrnr~ bas sh 4:' IYt's fl ! If't J "ilh f:) ~(, lnnl lll J!. lilt-ra . IUfe, J' e ia lill ~ III "on,,, I'a rlill Ih,' I" . "'r ' u r l!l l~ ne ll' \I ,l l'l ,! 1...- 1 nJ;II'/ ''''''' , II ~ h, ' wi >hl"" Ib ~ JII <III., "" h , r ""'" "A it' , :.n l! ",he lh.r , I" 11\,_ III ~ 1" M, a,h ll"ell ' or K "' nt\u k .\' , CU IJ IlP( lit III N+,w Yurl\

llf-'dl:' all d .. tT~{ · II"t>

'I' '011111.'''",

lUJiO" " I " f ."... filablp r p "oIln ~ ,,1.Il,1 Ih e " ""Vlt, Ull d itw vru",',' " "I 1I1;III IH' II lIa. lcll'a Iii Y ~,".I uf 11K ar" ' I "''''," ' ~ I I' II; "OJ'anl of Ih e Ibtn l':< tbal tiP a l.,lIl 1I~


l~'f- w o f \18 I,no \\: \,'~ry I1Il1dl 11110111 0111 O" ' n ~t a t ('ollntry , f n a tUlU~'" tl ll t" (1 " 'ilh h(J{ .k!ol. h nd 0('(,,111114.,1 II v inH~ l l h~ f 11 1 PPOIJl t' . y o u ", ha ll t'a ~ th fl l~ (l n o ho d y nl ,I ,

' 0 ''' ul\t' .. II -t o f l hp "",,'p" sl l',' Im 'fli dHltJ'ol (l r tl1 l!'i l1atio l l l r um \\' ut; h lljl'I U[110 JWo,oe,'pll , t:lrl" 3 11 not oIu tiell: r tba n •

A ;:i rl "tH ,16 allmslnr"" all dny , a nd \\'lere h a . o nl v lIer ~ \'en ln "R i ll Id , kh I " ~M'l lI"esl lleCI'''" ~r,lI y ",I)l'l:lall zl' , It -t e ;, \I~'"1l1 Co r ea. In a lir'"lc o rr le,. 11

Ii on , l "kl ',l';abook5t" lopho ~onlll'o mlh' ~ h . h'.-

.. he will r eal) Co IItll ' 11I1rp()C " F'Or ' '' tor.'' ,OJ !!!' I,! IIs,lt- iR a gi1f1rl lh''' ~ 1 V?, ,,~ , SOUl!: OIJ 161dl:' Int. n 'R!. (' lI1lr !y ~

loul , lUg for I'I'U( ' r awl m Ol'e Ih lll h~ along fences anti

l e d :" (lUll is 10 ~a)' OI HI1NI



r..ll- 1s(.it~on II

Ih e m("(Ie Ili nre so we II nlIa pl e d 10 , lbe m . Th e y tit fl ut nlJolI( ' Ile hi,,~ but n ol wll h exa~ge rafed "halJlt b~ck, " I


which lIul aC( e n lunt eA


avoruu -

s nLl angu lal'Uy , lhe ('ORt8 liTe o n l h e ~ ac.: k onl~r and all flelDi.luos~ , fnll in t--ITaigb t lines , Ihe sleevet:l arc t'1Ullllisb. l K> i :o

h elll';€a, a 1111 111 s h adoll' erl alld Holilar, IJla, .. ~ , If (1111' hR" nr QIIJrPlj Ih" ha\.lll of ",11<1 flow <!'r !(a l horln g, and Ih e kllowl ed ge 01 WhHI 1u ~alil e r and huw 10 bring ber I! If'O'"Il I!" ""r. ly home, and the RIIiI rU I , I.. I l<n ll wl .. cll:e (\f Ihp hesl d ecor"- , II v, , 'Mel' l 10 III! I!OIl (, 1I from Ih em , sh ~ lia" r~ 'n "'W'1 ;. 1" ,>, lhlII IY of ~rea l sat , I~t:"" ' ''n ", ,,I e l"' I'y ,lI ny hap" in e s9,(,UIOl a l'l \I h l' ~ I ... 1' .n Ih e ~Iny Atlantic,

Ihem , .. nil Ih ey seem 10 hav e added s t y l(' Hl recom m e nd IhpID , Th ~eHI Magnetic Survey of the Pocific, ha ve sho rt coal s or bul e l'OH, a lung ('0& 1 very r ;. r e ly look s w e ll wllh an ankl e Owing to the raplll , development ot le llgth s kir t. l'oUtmerce ill t ht: P ...dtlt: O('eBD. great To tllrn 10 pia zza fro c k" and Ihos e j llllPOrlence al,tllc h eM to Ibe 'm&l!:netlc ro r we ar In Ihl' hOIl ~e, Ollr IIIcIHI , r~ , s u rv ey 0 1 Ihe northern Ilart or Ibat lion pl c lureR Ii Rl mple and s mart walRl imrc ~n se sea whkh 16 III \.Ie beguo thi " or gray -b ille 1JO,, ~~ e, with a lIul e Irlm , yea r IIntler Ihe Ilu s pices or Ihe Carmill!; ur laee a nd Insf! rll on , Two deep 1 ne~le lns litulio n, Wllh Ih e f'xcepllon tu"" . al Ihe shoulder. g " ' " Ih e rl eai r ell of wbul WOK learned lei' h Cdlll'lng Lhe fasleeve Is full \J) tile e lbOW, ! mOilS ,"Dyage of t e f ulness , IheI G H P I I ' ballenger , Ihe rn~' llI g RlT , wh ere It t. mel by Ii cl ee p ('11 11', whl ~ h Norl I at' li e ocean II near' y. a blanlt ~ I I I fbi b t l --I .,nge ' ea K H r) gOtH or a r t Il mlls t he C(Je fully II1 1Pr1 10 r:; lv e I h e wbIh r~g8rdf lu-.uagnl'l C o bse rvaUo o s I I M k I ,J S I lirllIlI !;: pre m a lure y g ray , a f> a proper RAt, Frill s firll~h ~ I_vt's a l Ih p, T e fl Lnl e 0 koow e uge concerlllllg tbe ", Ir",, "~ I, r~, I" 1\' llh Ih e pr~R··11 I"a,'·· ~"~ < '" wrls l n ow , It helng Ihe d ",y a r d a I III I- III Irlblilion at m,on ~.. ol l C' r 01'1 '68 over I 111I k I b I f h ' ,I' IP I t .. r h , 1118 P " ~.. " .. ex r Hel. (l eMR a lld lin ger ie "ott ne &!( , ' I e g r eal e r port on 0 I e earlh la adGI'I fOliC Ollll('e e o f lhe rlrl ed le:lVeM a nu White IIllen 81111 8 Bnel colorel l linen mille d!)' very nnHAll sfa ctOl'Y , 00 a c Ptl t I II a " t n I 0 f a IcO h 0 I nn(I 0 lJ I nl 0,• s1III s are nllme rous , seen " Cten e r In Ih e I counl of ~ IIe I"nck a f Jll'e c tse uala from ,'ai n 'tlMpr, I..e l , land f "j. a wep l(, ~ I , fo rm of<el and ~klrr than III Ihe I lb e oceani c areas, Pl'of. Arthllr Sc bulIIn ll n l; " " clt.i o n a il),. Th e n fi lra l n s bi r t w8i~t por.ul!>r for IWO y arH baCk 'l le r s ays tbat he be li e ves no material ' ' II r",, ;.! I, mll "lIn \WIs tn Ih e Ifaves olld To weur with tho white (;OA lllm e are I progresR In lerrevn'la l m~gDI'!i.m 18 WIlle I PLl pllt t\l'O , 'l1l8rl ~ o C w ot e r , .. barml~ bla~k and wh ile tlat M and pOilelb le until Ih e magnellc .'(' oatant" 1)4,,1 Ol\ IVII' to OD" qUArl , mite It ", I'h whILe I'e ll s, Th e g loveo. auo uld be bl' , Uie great o cean bu sl llR , especially Ihe .'xlracllind add t\ dram o r ltnctur white and tlOoll oo lt ing ( b e sboe~ mllY l lhe , Paclllc, huve beUl ,more ' l\Ccuratenf ':a ll l h, r ln. " Appl y with lime)' be oither whi te or hl~ K, Th e heJt i Iy del ermined, Tbe requlslle Iloowlbrll ~b :1n l1 rulf.. \\' ~J Inl o Chu ~''4I Il:- may be at ... h lle I. id or Iln(>n : f f tlJ e J lldge ce.ono t be acquired from 1lI1apdH Mw~ , Q Il j Vl ve" , ' " ,J,l~cr ~~ ! Ib~~~ Is no-:," ~o Mud, _ ' IlIld the COUtli of oonUllellta.. ' ~



kev~ ril)' :

"Y o u ' v e Lec n r(' ..h tl n ~

An Englls illna n In Calluda Wtlt.~ h o m e In I'o n s lllP. I'alJ1e n c llem'll l a ~ fo llnws : " The maj ority of ~l\lIr.I ' OIl ~ Jlev e r r ead lin Engll ~ b I':lper or nn~' klod ",halever, all tbelr ~Iteratu r" I.. Amfl rlran , All Ihe~ 8e llel'.' ,at.opP, are ftll pd wltb Amelmn 1iOoliii; Amerlenn r " "I.ews, A m e ril'an pllpe l'B , lid wllh wh a l reslllt ? There ('all be , nly une I'esu ll anndlan s will Thi nk 'Am rlclInly.' ''

Stm ll wome n that h u \'e f El lt i l ncnm . b EDt IIpOI1 r h e m 1u nvot ll \\l llt~ l hi!!J m ay with imllunlty indulgo iu

A s 1be !'le UNUn pro .. Illure and more of

I t ~ ~) \\ Il

IL "

Th e r hl'('I{s nrp tHH)("(':u l-

ror ~c n e ral w(lur ~reRRf!H. one seeH


Bedfn rU , 8l' rll tl n l:l i ng firs ' 11,,"' bOok 8 11 t1 th e n I b e UWl1 e r, H'I I<I w l' ;1

( ~ oo cl . rh e rn a t f' rI8 1~ HUe] co lors st :u ul mUl b USf' anu es pogll r c. Ttl f;l Rmldl haa s


l ...

UUJ\· l ' m. ' llt anti (' h ar lll

W " ." ll !\ D)('~ri ru II t; ISlor)' , <>

tail{)rerl 1-1111 1.

' lI ~ "

ncoord .


m a l, . "lltjJ " , " to r .y O Jl ~ is fl' e~ to ..."~I hel Iit'PII " as a _hnrt skl rl of hladl . n ll11 ,&n ti no on l' lu f l llld t i. Of ( 'IHU'~f' it)~ whitt' wuol wo rn with n ",111< Wfi lst r, r by . UII II " ... y :1 ril l (' Ul-' [U1ll tlulllhl. ' free- th e samel.'Ombinntlon a utl H ~ h o rt 8 8('1-: dolO '''xl ~!Jd ~ 10 Ihc ' fipld s no(1 wnoda. COO L Th e 'h r~~ pieces h ad p lp l u !-' s anel rH?r h,l p)o; t ilt' IIl1ad"lO \\l~ dl:'?'d o bl1· red . g3 1UJ II ,-n ham.: t'H Ih t"" priV I l ege of lea\'By tb e 'fay. tn I:)pil {' o f Pnri fl ia.11 p roJ Ut4 lil e Ion ;:;. nant) \\' ro acl ~ l d e Iluw p. r 1ep.t. f:.hor l ISkirtR con LlnucK ve l Y ~ mal'l

(I 'X« I lf ' m e nl .

T"'""~,"ee, ~h,- \\'111 tln,1 'H,

w h o s pelld ;' foI VtW a PUll

'\~I Y

Jillpf! "I t tl g rallh l~ ' utl tl dralllnlh'

,-I t- 111 M \\hJc' b un'

Ollf '

NC E w ji g il ' 0 nd ,'er;l ls I th f al' l I hal l'/ t' WErt' cOllnd ~ on nn <lHlI n!;; I h I; ir l I hat , Ra Jl~I! or. I lll' wa tH 1",,1 .,.. all c hor~ emb roIdered o n h r s leeve; Ih gi r l Ibal rode a wheel ,,"o r a mu ch abbr v l a~~i:I s kirt, o Olj. wh n Ih e au w iDo bJi appe"re cl ,lbe lady I h at mO lO l'ed - lIllll ed , mOlllte l'ed , ",hat dye-cal'- lt- d reRseu In n mallner W mall e conspl cuolls h ll r parti c ll ia r pleaHure, BUI now , pe rhaps becallse out-doo r lite Is an e Slabli !Ietl fnc I, no lo nger s uch nOl'elty Is a ll e mpletl, th e dress ing IR more qule\. One n Olle It particularly In all to m obile coill llmin g , Ot. course t he leathe r cbarac lerlz lng th e wardrobe of w~ny alltol s l S d iffers d~I; ldedly f rom o rdinary falmes, bu t nol 1111 make lise of I he lellther, Ooe Ee~R ill th e parks Ilnd on I h . cOlintry road R IllUIY 1l1l101.IS who se fire s" i~ ve T\' lik e I,he IIRllal I rave ling drPRs , and <l n c I hal spe e d~ I his tl llmm r may r~el h e r Hc lf approprlal e ly I1 llireil III a Irllll

ur fli l' I lJa cls jcJf~H. Im""lI l'~ f) . o f t b e SNl!':U1 n 81RO a r e F! Hil a ll lf', LJ u t a 111t::&il f.W :\111 1 \\ outb, tL t:l wild l!,alilNiH hrim I ~ n (' pded t o prol e('t fr m SIn.1c. Wi l l' h tw lo ng to ma ll and no l OD e vt" I"Y p r et ly c h eti< ed ('OHl um e

II ] ...

iI), Colllm'ni h

3mpso n. wlwf;e ttUI1W I .. i l1 ,'O flll eCled 1I!t1l Ihe n U',\l Ullt

lam er 0 11 t h e Shfl • • " (,f II No\\' \ uric book hOIl "e, on ce (.'O m p la ln ed 10 lle ll · ford , tile fa muu s bookbI n der , Ih a l u n" of h l~ I' r.ellLl y bOllnd Ir pn9 l1rCR " t' J " k -


fl 'e"d onl

:111 (1 j n lf'n~fi 1 1 11 !! 1"1' 1(1 for 1I1q lli l\ Is J llt !-- . H ll tJ to .h(l~ 1" Wl l o wi sh : v ' .... a d aLN , IIII1IJru\\:J (·'Hllllr.\' A lllhr. tit ('f.' u f Iblb ( tl nIJllt~ IH f " 0 1l1 ll R d l srov . A \ I f ,\ \\

t-V r . y

u J r ill ~ llmnll r In th e f'oll ut ry h as tli P


'.l :ty o,;

,(U lJJ lJW.:lf· E: IO .... IJI Is

t l b .. t ' I\·l 8


iu g fuc' u s II se lf n ltuul 1,1 ~ ln ~ It' (',l n ll"a l u lul f oli Mpi c!u UU J; tl;.:.lII'P. T fl k.· Iflr I n . fHUllf 'l! QlI £::- ~ ll J-!~II v. ahPl.h " In ~ llttJ ~ln~ h pI' f-'rH . IIll P flndfi h (l r s urround ed by .1 g r oll JJ uf J;1·E.ljl Sl.1U.f'smen and Ly an · olh e r g rolll' of w rilP l's wbo a le srill

lIucl y in A uwl'i ra is n u t u g t'o1J tl rt la n I t I JlI bJ s UW IJ h i lllL

:S l1 e ll

mUll l f~" I Iy IlI eqlllcllhl e , " Th o I 'o lltll l('l O r~ bo s e

JJ brary , Il OW :t wa lnn g Fu t ile ru h

l\1 r !oi . Oli phan t . of C h ar ·

hut eve n in t bat usa,,;c II j . n te rm : a vugu an u InueJina\.lJe lbAt it I. 110t wo ;,th lalking alwuL It m ay ~ .. ' ald, lio":" ver, Ilel'e r 10 apply lJ,cop"r ly to allY Ame rican ... to baaBte of be in g a "gen C e lllHo " becall~e o f .lIny Q''l' lcJ e lit .,r ~s me l't! m6U'riaJ c lr."" fIl'".81J C"", o r to any Amel'lcan who Is Lrullule d III m i lid leR I. UII accOUJlL o f th em , he ...llUuI<1 'Jot r~(' Ive Ib e Ulie If all Y-

Wi t!-h Otn of the GJ'Rd un1 e, Is a ( r h u s. H l ':Hle a l l I he w u re :-(' Ly t lll~ l IUU O U Jf'b ~ b ( lj.X t ( I f lh e ~ a t1 \ ,<lt . ·. ' u r t>~1 If";1..Ii~ ltu..t th u


II gir ls lll"~ i r c more S (I!' IOllf; rt' od lnJ.,;. 8ntl "i ~ h 10 l u l,e 111.1 Oil Y "~filll '" IIi "lOrl" I,p- rlou , ,I,e b'~ 1 way I" 10 I ~ I 1I)(' Ii' ..pad-

r eCf lve it as a cJes i g lutti o n of c:utlr lf)~ \ ;

LJ t!( ' n ll ~1J

enfOI\:4' It s d c c1 ~ l o n s ut l n e ('URl o r th Cllrr l ~r" , Ile ulllllg u ll pe lll , wh l, tl 1>1

L oc' kpr

B, ,, "IP , Cfo r ge Rllo! a ll<l.J;lIlc AlI s I Pn I t n~ ;.!Ilod 1("atJl ng- fur 1:;111.;; a zu l UII Ill o n ' 1 hall 11)( r e l~' uner PTlI (' l l ai n n fOn t .


O H IIJ IIH1 1\ 11l

!.J r(,' hJ~r~.

n n y (H h e r (·u lI IHry ."

s~ Da rn hl y

lolt ~

t(Jl'rali c s ys le m u f so~ IEI .v , ave r R Ih e N e w Y1rk S UJl. TlJ e word " ,: n l lema,," Ju u oknqwn I<.l our law , I II Ib e se ll se III up ,es s ln ~ lIlural qua li lle. , th o n ly t<e nse ie wllie'b It r.JlD \.Ie u~er. h e l'e, I b e h . rm "g ~ nll E' ruall " u JJp)j ~, o f l 'O llr~ ~. 10 ' very mall e n l Hled .n lrl ns i"lIlI y 10


J<:s vel'inll y ie thl. nOlice au le In I~ ' ranI .' garme ll lH, TllI ee 1,le(:'8 lire a i l " Iat Ih e rE Ileed be: a woul e n knit ba nd wllh will e s oft Rhould r s iraps, n ex l Ihis n o n e- pi ece llrin reS8 Ile IIlCOOI, o f go ft Ma nD el r~ ac llln ~ from the Dec k to !'O m Ih ill g Ulc e 12 In<'i! eG lIe lo\\' til e feCI, wltll good hI..: r.rmho l ~ R lJ lnl(Cd o r sCllllo p<d , !lfl li a coup le of h Ull o nR 1ll Lhe b ac k I fnHle n It : 8JJ C now I'um es Ih dr 'ft, All lll" ga rme n l.>l mil)' be pll\eid OU, a t OJJ C~, tb "I.e' 6 liavl n g pre vloui ,... Levn 1\tted tb e one In Ib~ olh e,( NO I mil ch tu c kn) /~ Is s e en 00 tbe Intest ti r ~ e" , Llngerl bo un cC s and co alB In faA'or , l a , b io ll8 fol' wee on es foJlo wlo t; Ibuse or rh e \.1110 lad Ips, And, mo"! ~"n­ s ib le, Il ill DOW co n Ride reu fl\ll h io nllL le to bal' all (' hlldre ll 's clu l b ln ll lubbable , (.' Oats 88 well " " frOl'k s , 51"e ""8 for t b e froc k s are ell h e r bis ho p o r el58 shorl Pllll s, e lbow II leev e u l>Il popular f r , bo by a lor lOolb er , Sa m c barm ln g w n s h alll~ Ihlng9 Ilre wo rth desc rl p llou , may o ff r , s lIglleslion to Ih e ho me dressm uk,' r , A 10 111; c a t for 11 t wo· yea r ·olil was o f whi t e lin e n ' m lJ ro icler e d In IIl ne bucb e l or'~ bu tt on : Ibe r ap worn w llh t hlll wa s a v ry s mall o n e, bllt l iell wilh a Hlun nin g IBI'I; bo w uf bill e s ill> : Ih I'ont coil ll r was a long miliUlry ca p", wltb a Beall p d d~ a nti hu n c hes o ( ,he lio wers h ra nnll III ro, A n o l II pr lOll /« al fur 0 ('hill! a li llie uhlo! r th an Ihi » nc "'as. mnd u f 1111 n durlc " lain ~ . I' f'H do ubl ca ves flni s h" u w illl yelet c w-


reg ll latl!) 11 wO lll u "I'('~ IIIL in II tl':UI I"" nnd I' n l\ f ll ~ l u lI uII,1 ine ' I lu~ l y t " 1 J I" au e l l f (,( ·p tl I'~dll( ti u n ill I.. lt efi . lrrt." JJel~ l l \' c ll f l he qll e f' ll o ~ u f Iht! u .lli lty of th ., 1II III'IOUci s \0 bt ull lil he 1'" ,I II , d o n, f'~ Jl e dn l ly tn \' J..: w o r Ih e int · l t·'U-I~ ll Cl1 l'1 r of I h. 11' H II"p l lt'~ Ulltl ru n lC l lnlN," T h r " fllI'l her 11I'oi e sted 11)1.8 111 81 811 <: h pllwt'r \.It'i ng g lHn III III p r ~he nt lul e l' - :> lat~ CommiSn lllll becam;e . 1 be p ropus ell I ~ tl ­ IRla l lon Is no t In h nrm o ll), Wil lI <l llr l u an uf Ame1'1O'1I 11 jllrls l1Tllll e nl'c , lo a " milc h ,, ~ It co nl e mplates Ih nt a ~l uI:I " boll " _h a ll bu,'!! Ih e r l£1I1 to lI j\'estlgU lt~, indi c t , try . con ci run nlHt l ht'l.


I1I J ' ,~ I ....

Tl u '

Am ~ l l l a


po s~ II.rI ,

11 ,1\ 111 \'-lIhll u · .·h l\al ri C' ,1a !fsO r lh('II;;n- 1

Hc n se o f Ib e 1~'1' m a" lI~e tl I., "

IQo naT~ h ica l

Tile pr ln <'8" pt'l l l('oat for ctl e s mall g irl is Il keu an ti appe ll.' . In It'fff're nt mo rl plA: II may be gore d frum n €,' k to he m , It IlJ Ol' Ill' '' lun g plAlu wai s t s~w ed 10 n 8lral!? hl .. klre, II Illay blll'e a o " till d f\o ClII,'e, Th e lend e:H'Y Is 10IVllrd" d o tb es li S !i t ll" u Ul'll e n.umf II ~

II as lifo \ S ... lluu1<1 fl J 3(! "I-' I'ol :.~ . " a rl ' >;, (-h ,"nit 1, ;0," aud I hll ~ f 'l lOl ' i llln

(.\rlc.:: .\!o\

"G t'nUl nl t"n " in A m Erica. Neil l] r a ,",o or m a ll ".,r a rk ll mlln Je o r ca ll b



bpaClU fll lly, Is ,'en' stronl:, Ih Ill"a l .. tnr,' out o( wblch 10 fas h lr, n e vydllY frod, ~ , Orl e n .be" e ar~ l1Iu II \'ery pla inl y, Ih l' Lrllllllling U~ of t hose h ~lhl[1~ uupo lh. j d O I.(JtI Is r t l"P, ' big cu llnrs , lIluu e oC 11ll ,o \l' r .. m ur ol d w e n d u u ~ 1'11J>!i1.l n g vatu e , ~'lIr th e er)' , o r n8In ~oo l, e u!;ed Ilh ton'ho o .Il !!e r 1.1 0 1,1 , Ih e It" lip In III lI e rVOll S la ~e, Cpt lh " right . hap . n lld Ill , II.IlU one n eeli IIUI s pe nd a gr a Ik ll l 0 0 the .. Ira lll, Ih ~ ~" " H. or t re 110Dl ve n ror mal e rl n l. 11 IIttl6 wb ilE , bring" r .,"per,lI t ve oit! For y oung ID lss H, IIlere is nu lb ili/! t o tit vital I'll l'r;ieR, and 10 I he yOUO!;be l ter Ihall a "l r ee l ""i t u f Ji glll g r ay' ." 0 11011 Jl l a lllleH~ alo ne Is life' glvin g , wool. Ihe " I<i n pl ea l Ii , tb" ('.01>1 a ~e ml · loose o o ~ , W ll b a va rie lY o f ";; lI rr"'r CbEck lng the Lotlery Evil. The ilec re t service o mcllll s ut! lIeve pi t! a lilu! I HI I Hilli e r' I h f ' ~ Jl (l ll o r' Iht · la' slt o r ~OJj l ltil f . ~ h f.l who lov"'t; I I ()Q I, ~ wlIl ~ t ", be l'e are .-.n y Il llln ue r f I'USt-i.lo r y · le IJf·r If Ih .... \' fOl' tl ollr ~i l'l N' wi s h !u~es, nough eve ll to Ba lls r)' "nt' b ull tbn t tbe ""Ie o f lultel'Y tI("k ~l s In tbi s Il) r f"!ul lI l1 \' t> l tol I I fli p- Ttl til) xu Tilt' \' a n .l wi ll llp j pri or:1 l .. m f' nlall y n o r dlo g WClIla n, Wl lh II p la in shi n wais t country bus bee'! n'e l'lually \' roi< e ll ha \'e R wi d 4' I h ll~" uf I 11Oi rp. and Ii"c il"llflfolP \,"h a , !o. h.> ~ni fl P l1 in th t:: tl B)h \\b ... n ill tb e morll ln g, th e 8111 1 10nKS lallo ry li p by a "ulTlb ~ r uf "rr e ~l ~ nod con- IJ~ not ed f h al m a rl,) nO\·... lI ~ l~ (' X:1f I ( It ISI ' s hl ' w e nl to t-. rl lw d , a ni! ahll; wl l h a lin ge r Ie wa iR I in tb .. !lscallon of ticke l s at dl fterpnt po illl S, a ll l.' lIllOIi f r u lU tlu~ i r If'u l l f' r . . an rl \\'(' ;:\ \ ' f"O _ __ _ _ _ _ _ JI(l e rnou n , il Il; quit • a c! 1'~!lS-U P af· '1'110. iJ 'udq.rartet< or I h e loll e ry ~'O m ­ 11I1<l Ih e lT naTralh' .'~ a ~ ".,," ,I II I <if h l. SIMPLE EVENING WAIST_ "'Ir, , , I fl r ), • ..,hlltJ",uJjh y Hn,l ni". lJt' a l(~ ~ '~"l'i p ____ _ \.l In e WIlS In Ssn Flltnd HCO, Ilil t I II )' For 'rol'lc 6 10 w enr o n I he ro nl dn~'g l lUd Iravelln g m"n ' ,n 'h e ro nu estub, , tnu , Th (l ~ lort' l t-i f ill' (1 );a m l'k (I f l ..n (· W ith El Med ium Low .. N eck and Built or summer we lind demi -~pasoo moot Is of mohai r , alld Il g hl \\' el,,;11I w oo l pia l. Is , on S Ul'j1lice Order It l s Vp.ry j . ~blng ' ag e n~ les , ~ enrly a ll Ih e me n I a tilt! Ilf'lll tl a l P 11t!I1P II' Uh ' u ali t! I n fll ~ t · d \\ II h I h,"' u t nHlb lJilt' l' f' or .JalJHI1 . an ,1 IHI Pique , al s u, Is a mal e r la l i un l i ~ warm Plen ~ing , JJ"om ln+"llIy Itien l ltll"<1 wit h I h" CODun p -nlll Jail to I ~ R l n a t;; r c ut l INd a hUl Il e nougl1 ror quit e a lolV tempe r a t u r e, <'Crn ha ,'o bee D a rl'eR le tl, 111111 ar r e.ts th RI y. o ll tic , ful (' rnpi l c and I I)!} wn nr) " r " C r p:ltn !t;a l In m 'l r\'(~ bt ll ~ {I(l ror t hl" W e o bsen'ell oll e m o h a ir Llr e~ Ihat tuI, e b':" 11 i ll balC a do ~e n <Ilf- Icc l p Pllp l~ ,, 110 Inhahlt ' 1. Ir ,h. rra" ~ " t m pl ", hlo ll" " Th e fr Qnl. a rE' g3ugp,I o n wa :, e xceedingly p re l ty; It was o f bl ue, f~l'e ll t I?Icr<;r en;: ,,,1/ jes of tb e cOllnlr), Ih e pt c lu rr-~Q cce houKs o f I h i ~ la m e nl ed I h e f'h o ilid r~ n u n u r e open In fo rm a wit h a pol n led yok e 8mocked III li ght I' 0 1 I,copl e "'10 r oc Ivpd s hlp menl. of ",'riter, V in frollt. I lle H lge bet n g Irimmp.l blue_ th e be lt Wa" w h ite, em brohl e r f ': tiel,vili, Secre: ~c J'\' lr e a gelll s hllve EQual! , " ~l rl wbo "'occl<l III,e W " n IV wi t h d"J' p - r u gll ' lJ urp In ~.. lIo n IIl at ID \.Ilue, Ib.e 81(lrt wa R moc k~u th ree dooe n;c.1 <l r till! work, bll t where ~o m t'l h i I Jg or Ill •• life lit 1111 113 may l parn Is car ril'd ,Iow li ' h e 1<' (1 ~ l cJe o f the In c b es al the wai s l lin , nIl Ih e ~ I €eves " el'e s Ulocked Irom ~Ibu w 10 tLt:J e w e i') l.K.J .£ g (mt R I.-. p arrest s have a grPa I ' Ifn i a ll'"" It by I'~auj n " " 1'; lm ," Wl' iS I, !lhlJl Dl a tl by l'.dl l'U 8 1.. l es maJ' s l,als . lh mU !>o I( ' ll' i,·c. p o r R tul) n r t! I\.ip llo .0 1 an~' t'Po l\" ti l) 1111..1 iR. hv Flu r a A IIn l t' ~"H) l ~. ,.. da lnl y little II-o ck ror u fl lx -year' nll~ Pl'o~ (] clltion oJ I ll.' lo u e ry peo ple o r a l ill ie llll ohl rll !"i i v(" Look .. n 1i 1lcl.l 0101 was u f will te nain soo k , ti n a nd WIlS , t n rt d h y th e III lrlrl allu r nt: y "Tb, ' J H ", I H ) P '~ Con \,· l ·I'fll nn ." 1 ilp Dill it o !' ~h eer, It was on Ill e Em pire o rd e r , ill Sun Fran cisco , 81111 be ha s b .. n lI f " hi dl \" ill". tong ~. lll i ",s Ju Jlan ' in I hn t bll ng Hlralg h t. \.la ck and f l'onl II' m a I.el ped by t b e o1 " llllrlwenl ur j ll s ti c , lu n.l \I f n l "\ h lP I ~ : H ltl l'O Wun l' ("I. On t' llIai S lIure ),01. 1' u f mbro id er)', I he Jul nl ng A I:il'1iFt a ut ALl o rJJ e y Gt' lu~r R I .P lln] y ue · ( l ' l lil:!I ' ()ll~ a n~ \n Ilw !'. llum.r f h l (on · ':: a » a unlHI c.r I.rcod lng, P in k r ;\.II;o n s' 111"; ill ('bu rg , 'I'll r i~ 1I! l le II!luLt , l r aFot tu (.u r 0 \\ n. :l 1l,1 ti nt' m n y I (' UI n We r l' r li ll Ihro ugb " 'f bl 'a ,lmg , Ihe ll1ly s t he Wa. bln ,,;t o ll Si n ", : !l t tbe mudl IIHln~ :d.01 1l Il lt, tO In 1h ,1 1m;!'" o r ~ IO' I;ings n ntl ha ir r l\.lbo llH were I rn \'~ pin I" Ihe . hoes w hit , Th hnl wa N b UtdJlE:'s~ wilJ ue b J\Jl\l~ 1I 11 11. '1'he la w no\'(' I ~ ' ha.n i n u 'n\' t r l l i!"lol'i r:, \\ h It h v rsehni r lIllII IUt f r lJl ~, abou 1 r e,' lila t he s h ill men l of 10 11 pry 11(' k, rt' 3 1\ wilh !-, rr' al 1I (' IIJ,.! ti l a l ltl I>ro flf 1!IP lo ll ~ n" l fl f hl ~lil l, a l llr l loll whic ' lI I ~ the "IU II' n IV r w l ec t h <I 11 by ros "i n elt; by lU I)' fo rm ('OIH ' vY;l nCl' in ;.:. TH 1':1 1' r 1\ lIo1\\')I:l e::: l h f" " 111· 111), I:!o (lh~" pllJk ami wh it , It wa s 1Ji)l .-1 r tl!n~l)' , l tb ls c. lin t r y, aJH) tb J h l'80 n who r eo .&. :d l' l with 11l t :(· I IIH t · I C, ..:tllcl y url;.:: l !. new , uUI vPrj' " ai lll Y I, IrrRh , <:elv ~. ~ uch 3 Uc lle! is "'" li"LI" as tbe (pat! I l'(l~f ' lJ u() I \~ \\ ii h 1I 11l (' h Itrl ' lit. ' V s,n,::l n 3lh leric' ) •. ng ::' rl o m fu r lim n IO U )' mixlurE' Ibal cum e K fro Ul the U I'o tll~car y It Is nllt IIlo ne tb e "'"all a ll', I hllu r; h n wholtl dllY of

lliel\P llll Convention .f Oonductor., Ask ,..congress Not to Pas8 Ad· verBe Railloa4 ~.,I8, At (h e biennial ~onVE'nti o D or th& Onl"r of Hallway Cunductors I' . ce llll y 1J ~ ld III Portlanu, Oregon , r,,6oluLlollii ",)Iclng Wllr e IInnnlmolls ly ado pl e d I"fl r sen llm e n ts liS t o the . treeL uf prupused rallwny rate le g ls lolloll o n th" 1,300 ,000 rallroau e mpl uy es, wbulll t b ey III pan r IH'e Be llLe d, Tb e~" 1'~8uhtt lon H " Imlll"se I h e nllitude of I're. luellL Uuos(' ve lt ill conde lll lling b" "'I'\!1 r culiles aud olh e r 11I ~); 311 1 I e8, ullII ,'0 111mell,1 t h t! al tlluile of (h" UN Il\' u f A III< r ica 0 HilI'" aye, wb u, II II II pro l I lcul ' li nunimll y, hal' e lu ili oll w i l li Ih e P , es ld e n t l1U Ih iH '1C1 e~ l lll u ,' 'J'lI ey t ht' n reS I)ec tfllll~' po inl (JUL tl) CO" 6 r~.~ Ih., "11l81h I-n ol! " y "t h'!tis lll' t.ioll v ~"' l i n ~ In IlH.: h Oll UK o t U (·o m · u.lil-.;t3 ioll I) O W(,I' on~ r r a il wa y I'O l t.'~ . tll}\,\ r luwH by IIlI' In tile U Cl II . ,1 R'nl !" Ibn"

aut! H hl tl x dtl l ' \ 1 Wilt 11 0 Illn ll htl UI1~ W lH J Il m l,t.\ I.b fpfol t ha1 l hi tl \" u I III I .... no l a l l. l ilal \\' 6 U"' " ~CJl n ..~ (I II I I ) U ~! rtllld t r H it , h 4!ll'a l"t I" art 10 liS a ~ I h t- all l.,t'I "I rtf (;od . L i ll !:; ~ h Uli ld n ol u,.... ;\II'· f .. ,I l u II\,e u n a lo w )Jla lH.l, Th f'J . \ . I I\JI );I I I!-I.f. I t~ I . "1 " H t l v " , ,., J \\:1. 111 1 , .1 . 1, I ' I I : I}"-I :1:1tl I h ' ~ I ' a r e f O ll nd Til l 11I'~t tl ll\'~ lH' h tll .1 1 .111,.t~ I h .., !tl lll !'" \ ' 1 :.: rtul \\ i' i ltr~ II ~ tJ 11 [· l " l b! l i ll ~ " l ilt! ' )11 1 ' I I h..,t< h a l l l t·a d. 1"" 1 h a n :, III .. lill. 1\ 1 ,. hll1d a r u lIlt tflr :lnd w hut il" t b,·JJ m Ul l \, t ' IU 1't'~I.I!l n b l l(1 I til \ • lilt ,1 "' : 01 t H P " ~ ' Id 1'1 11 1111 11 II i ~ n :!Uf ltJ lc a d~ iwpb l ur\ll\en ;lUll. ltJ l l tll 1 ' )l l l, 1 ' hlfl 1.' 111 1 Y"II II ' \"I,l( l l ,,,,o h ~ ;HJ' IIII he tlun UIHi i),nlllUC \\, lll ,' 1I ~ It~ 1(,' ~ 1I1 11 1 11 \1' I IIlld .. , Ih , p tu , )! .. a l\ J l h p f lH'\~ a l.u l l r Uti t II ..... .\." I t' U (\ ro l' 1ll«' 11 1at I I I I I. II llIt' l \' and lll i ur m u l ul n ·.' If I lit' liI ., 1 I~ l Uf ' Il l l

I~H' l


-GlothCS fOr th.6 LIttle






Ge n, MlJes hilS a s t o ry or II corporal In II r"slm e nt nnd e r hi s I'om man d In lb. o hl Inuiun Clllhilng ,Ia}'s, Thl. ro r pornl WII N mU l'h c ha cred Ul' his cowm,lcH ro r hl N ofl -I'e pealeu expre." io n" of III "rulalll y" and " ues t lu y ," On e day It Ul'lle UI'H Iknl Ih e curpu ral. whllP. o fT .lilli' , WWl Ilr ep al'ln~ 10 tak" a lilli e bOl's elHld\ uxercJ @e anti .. eCft:' n~

IIlJn , A prlvalP. ou.el \' e d thut Ib~ cu r p01'II1 lUo k care III attacb 1\ ura .:e of pl ~to l " 10 hi s s a dd le, " He llo !" gh o uted Ihe p r lvale 10 Ih e po rporul. 'whal are YOIl lalilll\: Ihe gllns tor? They won 'l 811 ' e yeou If ~' our lime hos com e," "'frue fa. YOII ," grimly res llo ndr<i [bo corporal. " but I ma y happen 10 meel 110 Allu<"lle whose la et day bas rorne ..

'THE GENERAL DRIFT, A Idermnn Huml.rurger, o r New York -' c tty , ho~ bllen In omre lhree afld a hal If y~ars, anti bas ma,rrled 6,000 PlIO, P e, AI4'xls Serge l'l\ clt Suvonln, editor (It" tbe Novae Vr~mya, now 70, has bMn for yeaf. Ihe greatest fi g ure lu tb eRlIss lan JOII rnalistie world , Joseph Da v is, a d'es pe rllte roulrer: satllroled with k e rosene a bale 01 Jill " In Ibe Jllie mill or Ibe slale prI son, San Qll e lilln, Cal., the other day, and set nrc III It, The ftre was put o ul after a Rhorl bllt hard ftght , A r ema r ka bl e inslao ce or 101J&~v lty and one probably ",Ithout parall e l In Matne, If nol Iu New England , Is IlIu stroted In Ib .. family of 1111'11, De \lorah Cbase, of Chase Lake, Mrs, Oblls e iR 84 years Old , In excellenl health and bas 'Illn living cb lldren, tho YOII~ge~ t , helpg 4fi yea rs old , The ooly dea t h In thIs family - fOr a pe riod of 60 years! wall tllat of Mr, CbUI:, abdut 30 Ylllu'., ago, Tbere are ' 26 g randcblldrPIl iUld. U l:J'eat-craIl4clllklrell.



. Onl y fl Itl '4 ~ 011 the h u II .~ r,w p , O nl:t ~I~ 'h..'t " It h l't Ol lJlIl (l I' !ol .; t~1 , (1 , 8n J:l ItU (fJIO d- thtnl; II1 .J L th "" &lIn tlr am e I n ll ~lIcd


tl" , ll1' ('toI hit · hLl h td ( ro ll l \\I W I(' l ila ,. I llI , ! rrl' J \ ('Inl y fl I( l~"\, hU l ll . ... ( tU t l " .1." ( . ll f 4"\ n d n o u lIlh IWt'\Y \\ hh l 10 \ ( \.\ ,.. t l \( reNo'x)U,r kl\!1W , · hili 11JoHh ~'1

On :,\

"" ' rtf' to!l moth,.,' ,.. J "',


.0 11 1,\ 11 \' ,)I'd til l' f' I' p , " ' " ~ h ,I\·. li d t h. '~ b ~l r l ~ lr, ~ iJ~ t lt b illl 11 ,-

\.'In do"

",h t i ll/ '


~'\ ~ I", lt tl, ',JI,:" n ~ aut I n th( \\ 'H I. ' 1I 't) I\~ nn l ~ /I \ \ h rd r r o nl .. 11111\ t •• 1' 1' 1' \, U Ut I1C h !llh I~ II " \,\ Ih, I. \1 ' \ ' ~ . \ 1' _ N o b ut.J \ 1\ t1 i ' W- OII I ' 1\ 111 111. Ii .... ,, \ \ '\ uri "'111 hil t a h ll(11 I,""" ' JI ll H~I If H lWIII\ '/ 1 tllll1 '\ It rl Mh Olll'

O il !} ,. c- I.,:h f u r 0 11 1\ II " I ~ h


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IlIUt lll' 1 IOllt1I't11U'


1\ 1" I I

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O n l) II 101 1:;: ' 1 n~ s tl p ~1) 1lI( 11'1' 1'· ' U tl lIIIJ h ' HI, KlIt W '~ t lll i Ill' 1 1"'r tlesrt :\' () h t, ld ,) I;.. II l · "... ·- !Jl ll 1110 11, .. , 0 ,, 1,

II !'> tl lt ..... ,II~'

t !}lullll'lO ''''

,'11) .. (1'

O n l ) II :- .. 1) b a t II " 1'\\U ld 1(' ''' ''. 11.:111.. ~ n t h,' \A, lll {IIJl\ !I n 1, ,·(\..1 unO

A I:d 11 "

1..1 1,'.1 Alhf \\ 11 11 I f\(' m tlf'r tlll P' I' I' ! 11l~. tWI 1\1 loj ," n l1 ! ~ 11 ~j lh to ile ' I l rl It' d II W , I \ HilI 11nhl\,I} I;;n ' w /I'" ,. 111' 10.\ t I() ( )J O) -


K o b o .. , )" "' \\ - lJlJl 1II 0l1 4' 1 - !J I:I, tllI llJ l t' S I I Il




liJndll Cs'- a~rI l il i l. ~~ . tlnllt _ , ABOUT MEDICINAL SPRINCS win : btll ,I II f all (I . '• ., [ a\','c! h er lire , lI;\ r vey, (al'l n ~ a 'I1~el' p u t lc ' V a lue ot Mlu el allzed W a te rs at th/l V!\rlou C'<l lo l hal It " n ci KjIf) li cll Il bil l (I I t'l C)i Il !'~ In 'It er LJ ' hal l' u,,,1 1';,)1 In l d l y IIt~ill, B a thing: R esor ts, In 1'(' llIrn , T heil I I li vll ,h., ICIII",; · ' 1I1o nr prOI'SI}; • anl j t h ai wa L i Ill\" UlI)f\ t "0 111 0 )'(' 3' .... ago, 3,' abo u t th e time (IHtJph\1 a-i+tu't"-ti F d li I' .l11t1 0 U: ~ lIl !';1I1l d lld I ts oqu a ll y In (-' I" ( 01 .. ttl} r1 CPHI'I III'I' Sh e \ \ U, •..d rl .\ ... ..: \ al uo·t j 'NL~'lLlb l. t'YVI Hn. [H')ll a ll d s.e n() n W f' rt) mf" U ~ !I ' 1' lrueL :111(1 ull l ilal ~ I ' or dt S( II \f(! I (" l. \.... e \ (l n l ur1t! In li u ggC~1 t h in/: !'ut 1I 0 11l1uJ: IlIlJr", I 'III U ~ wa~ SIB. I ~ rilll l' I.o nol o n l'CI l h a llll('s!'e l ,., OI l ng l " 1i \\ llh d(:~"I IJUII In 01 ) m i ud , [ lIl l' l1 l h. 'Will I", I n till'!" We' U II' ,"U le lu d i d nol wa li L In g l \'(\ Ih" 1 f I had nUlul a l Ih elUl a l WHlt'l ~ ulib h lau.,: uulI l , ' alii I \\II ~ goillg, all li I Ulu ~ t g n , I In pari al 811)' 1!1I 0, ro r Ille vall "' ,,f Ih c-M "rc)P(I ~ I ' rI n ~ atlt . ~ll d I ;';1'1 ' 11 0· ( 0 1 wal e- 1M in I h e Irc alrne ll l o (lIl fwa~'w,t\ in (" all an h ~\ (' 1 I 'tJw~ d I h at I wouh l R~t II eOll l d h a l dly b Jo s uppn ~t.HJ thal a I ll ", Oul a l 1111" " f f) r "la~ lw , Sil to ld gl'aln s Ilel' Io:allo ll "f chalk , ,,I t<,I ,, or mr lh al It r ('lI ll y did uur ( Olw pm 11 r 111lI (' " " min o ll ~ LlII a nd ij o n cOlllll bllve I .. ,h (' 101L';, I gt)[ IIlIg r y allll Ic rl a n) m u rllerl hen en, ja l InHu "II " " , Th " 1'\ --- Rllt I I'oilid nut dri ve h er (ac's ( ' U ~(' IK d l ll'er II I WJlh .... a t er s \\llI~ h . o n. 0111 nr m~' m omor,\ taill a. nOlalJl'! 8.0. 0 11 II 1 ul s a ll ~ otuH' h as " 'J'hl't't' Wf'(' I{ H ago \\ hil e on a t rlr" c·al' h onk! ., o r ~f) da 0 1 th e a p t' J i (l n l ~allb 10 M Ollilcal , I HI(lOIICd all ni ~ hl al of sorlu a un tIlf:l g Il C~ Ia. Th \' \\ ,l! pr !.i ,)1 Ilullanrl , a nd Ibr Ih st name Lha Bolh Buxt on, ( " "l1l'c x evill e an,i Ol h" 1 I'cgl ~ l c d -a r IN'SI I h e rirHI thai I saw pla c"!i I' ;( h lbl1 a ( !,ml,arall\(!l y f cc l)! tI - 1V8" 1; 11" B Cll to n I ~ c nt up my li er~ro 'e of mln el ull zallotl and ),, 1 Ih er o lard , !,1I1 s h " wo ul<1 not r eee " ' e m e, .'. 11 he nu tluu l.Jt 0 1 l h el r Ih en(ll c u l ic I carne down In th l' /1I orn llll;, allri valli I' Nnr I'an It he SUlllIOS Cll Ihal a 11I1'II1n;;( 10 the cl erk's <1 esl, put mr WRII'I wh ich Is nlli urall) b ot Gu n b a Y,> hand In m j ' litH I, el lur ill Y wul ll't It g-, ~a"J I' I bIJrall"IJlI,' eITN'I , tilan wuul,1 was nol Ih e r l' I ~ I'ur( h crl my cI<) lhl's h~ g al!l"' d by Ih pso m l la r"",,o fartlfll'iu l - n o wall et ; I w rll l hn c l, to tII j r lln m I), h r:lte,1 Wal.' r fill far , Ih ell , (h e Und o no wall et. I "aij a' 8Iran A'e r In t h I ng~ of rll (' IJ h YH II't!i 1 an t) t he (h eml:.; 1 et o 1111I('c wit hCllIl money Th ,' , 1111 I, "i' ' Ii , 1I0L a f10l tl it ~ ulis ral ' lo ry ll }pll l h c~ l ~ 111 a I r. ~H I I I l o I fH' I h r n 11)eut Ii \ aill c III tH H. h I y I'X pl'~ ~H eU his hel iel I h,'1 I f r lllld , QIII(/l a crow'l gil l h ~I'{'d aro"Ii ,1 y. aLl'rlol rn A a s I c nd r.:i\\or ,... d rn PXph111l1 hp m a tl'lt fl QII(' ''IIIt ' 1I oow all !iC~ ",h p i h er t h (' l er ,IIIHI a l thl " 1Il 0m !' n l a l ad y ra('L Ih a r Ih p~", wal e l'~ an' l atitUa l tl\ p. Ila b ~c il thru ll J.\ h th e hn ll a nil bo w cd cn will "U I'lll y a liI' c xp lanarlo u M "~ I II It II'J q no t a ll , (,1 I hp. th crmal SIlI'IIl!;" In l,i;u me thou A' h ' er)' clI sl a,," y Misti B en IG n, I'o pe whll'l, ha,'c hcen e xamln o,1 ha v e " I n a f c \\ m oml'n td !"!I ~ c ut ro ~ In ~, bel'lI fOil 11.1 10 """talo In HllgbUy v a ry. I w enl UI' , W'Jndl'llugl ,I' , au d a;; I en· I ll J.: '1ua n Ull c~ arg' on an d tie llum and 10 rcrc ~ 1 !:: h c arose (Lnli ~ a i d l UI' III1\1UI'I Iy nf c asps t h e8C watc l ~ bav o " ' ~lI' 1IIr~ t , I h eal'.1 accl d n ta lly, b~ o ll r"UIIi I to bc d l~ lln C II)' radloaeLl\'e I rul ~e d , 1 h e III esc lI( e or argo ll an d b c llllm wo uld all Pcul' III he Ill sc ilarabl e f ro m radloue:tl vo 11r<>lIertl ps, W e seom her e 10 he I':el ll (1J.: ~ o 'lJ e Ilg h I, at lengl h 00 whal h as lon g bl'ell all enigm a, Llral of 1"'0 wal el's K howln~ 'h t! Harn e c hemica l co mllllsi tio n as r egar oi N I hei r sallne ('o n· SLi tu ClI l.<J I he: on e o f " ... l lIral oolgln Is dIRIIIll'Lly sIJ pel'lor lu el'npelll l,al ly SI>Ci'ldll!: 10 lh UII allltkially " JUI !loun(ln l Th r r:l et I ~ l hal a u al ura l waIf' , weil 1ng up flom I hI' oarl II I at tb e mOlll c nt ur llS d l"l' h a r gt' f rom if ~ ~o ur ('c ioa (' tlve, whi le ol'd ln ar y oIrl nl<l l1 !; wal (' l , raiD \\·.at e r . \\"('11 wale r a llu ttle Ii IH! du no t !;c n crn ll ,\' ex hlhfl [ h i " lJ, ol ,elly In a ll j ~,<te nl Fu rr h'r sl nr c (h o 1lI")l'er l ,\ of /'adloaclh' \( y " la ll " ll ) P\ "-" CoCC nl Ih(' cnrall all II q ui ck I) vanlshll l ~ , II l oll(JWH hal if t he bourn dc rh'rtllrOll1 lln tlel1;o l ng a co u r s orwa tc l's lotiu e wt h c l'ndloa c tiv it y or fl105" \\a l('r~ thtl tl('all1l()lll sllOul ll oh v lo uo;ly I ~ " pla('p n oa/' Ih e I S(>:.\ H <, t ll'; U M\ l 'I,OTIH::3- =" \ \ A Lr ~l)l\rce of r h p. wa.le r -I,I <l t licl' WMcl ", Lll e wat r s s ho u ld hr U ~f>d wit t'U f IF")" a r e L I::T (I( you r mIM{)rlllll ~ Will y,IU n bllge s hlj\\ IO C; a Ol u l d e 1 L"~tJ l' r.!i,l l o ilc. m e' hy UX! II ' I h i~ dlllCk , wll l~h yo u LI ,'II y ,




U • N C 11:

EL I W allel, an d lOU are mar· rl t 'jJ ., ••


" U'

I IIn ~ \\' o l'ed, " "ud to t h e IIl th- woman In Ih 'A o rhl ," "OF ' IJ '"~C yo u th l n~ so" sa l tl m y frlClld : ' bill I caon ol IIn .lrrHt and how 1) 11 <: wh l) wa~ sIIl' h " co nHTm c.1 'Ylli c: IlS ),oIlI'H('H ('(lu ld Lte ~n easily ca u ht Pra)' t ~ 11 11](' ho \\ II wa!< '! " AI1<1 ~" , w i lli my rcel on tb e ultl du. ~ au ,1 m ," 'c lf " o, lI r <' IIKCOI" 'ClI III o oe o r I he h1l1:" arnwhalrs wil l , wh!(otl nUJ.: h l , If) be " vor l' la wy ' 1" , o "ke I ~ adOl oe,\. I l o l,t m y oid fri end, HH vey Burr. ho I\' I r .. ",,,1 m) \\' I (~, ' Y OII 1,llov., lIal'vey. tba L I WaR S yo u sa ) R l'Ollllrlll erl () nl e, Sllr rl llJ.: al all ,\l IUl u n ld lld l o \' i n ~ lO fll r l Q.'il h lU E\m , II I I rll " , bUI onl y t.o k ill Illn ' or fO! :l 11 1111' amU HI' rn nn l Whc lI Ihe hoi I\' ;oU I her I'um e Oil , I did not r.are .\ IIg ro\' Lo n ~ Bran ch o r . a rBl n;:a , I had be \I 1O 'ew Pllrl Rnd Ih : lIr l n g~ , an d , h)' thc \\8Y , 111')' hOI you h r rllll y: nntl , 0 I hegan to 10 I{ alJoll L f o r ~o m p. (l u iN !l lln i wh er e I (' lIln ba ve n m"nl h 's Il ~ h l ll g an,i shnnll ll g Th e \' l1l a,,,,, 0/ K - - al ll'atterl m)' nt. l ont lou , Alld I Wl' n l at onr~ , rcjot In g lu t hi l l l, I hal I m l/:hl hn\ c 'I uiet a n d t)pacc, n maleh· uluk,ln ,: m ammas, cu n t'r. lI IIH·C al Y HII c..:l\u \' e H h.! llc~"! ·" WII » IlHl l'rill!trn hl r rlhug hl c.rll, no c!(tra " I rr l M to Sla m m er U'll " r I'u, ai, (o llel " Fur 8 dillll<'r : tJlI ~ a q u iet h o me hul . h e 1\'0:11<.1 nl)l h e"r 0 1' ! , whe r A I ,'ou l d do I\.ti I pl ea sed " ' W II' !I I d I '~JlH; I .... 11 1 "N- - , .' (llI h no \\' , I 011 Lo ,, ~ 1 ~la ntl a('re ll l yuu r 1,lIulu '~ M: hilt I IIH ~c U SOUll<I , an,1 I I'~j o l ce d I n Ih e [lro~I "' cl >le(,III'i I )' l O olTc r Ulllr"M- UU i.''! , i l Ia o f boa L III~ an,1 loalh l n g-, w llhnut t h e \11)'.< II ' J)ntsalJ ce ~~ 1hat i nr~sl a fasbi onable ,I ' \\' lt l h 1 will :\('t.'i! lJ t ch"cl'fu ,ly . waLe rl llJ:" I l la('~ nU l as th~ lumherln g R," d I llC 1I1110 "'"mnl" " ' Do ro u really m e,." 117 Id a ln ~~ "r'He liP lO the dOCi r of t ll~ Akorma n h< , " ~C , t h e u nl y hutel In t h e har(II)' I,no wl ns w ll et h(' , placo, I saw al a ~ Inn cc thai m y d r M III o r a wa k e, o f, peace was d l ~pc ll c tl , YO""H! wo m · " ' Wil y, yes : 8h sahi, ' I Q,m \'c r y en ! Bnh : lIaryey - and s u b y o u l\S Rtrl r l !l hnul 1Il0nt'y mOl ters, and B3 wwnen : I ass ure y ou (hilt I wa. y ou h avc 110 u l hor "c~III'lI y I ~ 1I1'I\O Se cye~ aull ('O mmN'l crl Oil for III l ~a31 I l~lU s t take YOll , A r c )'0(1 satl~H ed ?, an bOllr hy th ree or fQu r amiabl e dam , "Wh y, y o u know r:I Y a u~w r, 0 1 se l~, w ho were OD Ihe l ook Out for "Ollt'Me, o ld f ellow, all<1 w e w er e mar· 1 went to m y room, I'j (!~ !lIen and thc r o, Bu t I .sll~' H ar'solJl cthlug " l1 w .' autf ma d!! r eady for s UI,per, as t h ey v~y, t h er c'" one t h I ng I've COl gOllen sty l ed i t a ud had lh e \I o nor ot all 10' en ti r el y I oever h ave r etllrnc'd I hat tradU Ction If' several of th em aL the eh aci. to ill Y I\'l fe,"- "" y, W eelt l y, tAble, O.o !l, attl'acl cIl more lhan ,a I)a6111 111; oll('r, an d In Ibo eveni ng I THE SOUTHERN BARBECUE. .____ t (lUllri m y~elf Olrtlng with M i3s Hall after Ihe mOSL aPllro\'ed fn ~ hl n SlI('h PreJlarnt:on ot tho F. ast 113 Described :\ gll'l. Har vey! You n~nr SIlW (he by One Who H as lI4d lIIal c f ill h r~" ElI:l'erlenCe, ' W OM HIr ~ you r dl v lnll y ?" "No, III)' b oy , Don 't In t rrupt mil, 'I'he way we Ih: fo~ Ii lJarlleeu e I" to No ~hc was not ; but sbe was the begin to gc l, ready !.he day bero', Tile mo~t 8cl('~9tlslled young woman I meat Is r oasli n ' a ll nigh t. 88)-9 a c ver saw - ra t h el' good 1001,lllg, glftllcl wr iter In Outing, We have pl enty ot with R longue a nd a 'o rrec t knowl · ' ulft'ercnt k l od»-s hole, calr, ' ldd anlf e dgs of Its usc-believing firml y In goat- al1 d we roast 'ell1 wbole, A whill 'rhal' l; erny ~ay s of Becky Sharpe, Iren ch lu' dug unll oak bark COllis put " Tbat an y womall wllh LI k nowl edgo 10, TileR slicl,,; al'o laid adoss for lbe of h ers elf, li nd a lillie co mmo n se nse, shote lind olher crcal ures LO r es t on. a nd per s lMt<'lI ce, may marry whom sh e Some willie man has this In <ha r ge, likes.' This was MIs~ lIall's cr eed , bU l lhe nlsse,'. k eel) t h e Ores goln' T o Ulal. ~ a lo ng slOry shor t , we flirt - an' do lh e blllliing and t he rougU The n cx l <lilY c ': cr y l.Jody com es, ed all lh e lime, alld until w ~ " 'el'e wo\'l, tile lal l< of the house, But I l'el:nn 'rl! Pl e's a (!el.all Lo (10 I h o C8n' l n g , lind t u lire .. I' th r g ame, and to wi sh for We all ijLcp " p and 1;ct "'hal \\ C wnlll tlomethlnA' n ew and go an(1 " tit lI ') v' lI h y ~ O lll l' trce 10 "One niltht 8S I rnw en Mi ss Halt to eat it. Of CO llr. e, thel e's pOl llloes anti tbe vlllll):e, we met a parly or t hrM COl nmeal IIgh t -bre:Ad and p, c kle~ and ('omlnl'; "II with Tim, Our Ilorler-lwo calt c nnd tb er e's lell CI'Cllin and th er c 's lAdies nnn a gentl eman--one .... as a!l purc, genuine co tree ~ hat the "It I ladl es Invalid, Harvey, thnt fnce, with Its mal; c In abundance 'I'lI cn th er e'$ f ri ed look of IItl er w eariness, haunced m~ chicken Ir unyon!' I rl fastidIOUS en ough Tb ere'R nn use to de~rrl be It II 10 wau t It, and ~ome etltcrpl'l nin g f r l1uw 'Woul<1n 't benr'lt: but I ,hought It the Is IlI.ol y l<) brlnj; Ii dozeu b .. tLl eH o f Rwr.etes l fa ee I ever ~ IlW , II wus m or c beer anll 1O\' ir e hi s Hpecia l Il'l en,l s o ut than a " c ~k before I sal" Il again , to hi s bllggy to drlnl, Il, But \Ill) tnough I han b e~ n drcamlng of Il con! bes t tblllg LO my lhinkln ' Is I he s ho te. tlouall) A mao basn 'l goL a oy part In t he r C5ur"On c nlghl, a3 r came In from a 'reellon uutllhe's eaten ilartJeeued ShOtD: bath, on enteri ng the hall, r saw a pair o[ little fe et . ,III red slippers Poor Ho .... e. Laugb, If yo u will, you ra sca l. hut "You. loo lt groucby this morolng," tllo~e Slippers, or ralber t heir con- said che Hut borse, "What's th e mat, tellts, fini shed me, As I ad"ancod I l er ? Arc you sick'/" SIIW tb e same face- the 'In'valld ' was , "Yes," reJlI,led tbe oth~r , " sl cl{ Itoll at last able to be downstalrs-aoll 1 d!sgusLed, "r teel like flll automobile," was Introduced to Ella B eoton, or "How do YOll mean ~ " " I h eard thc liostil'r to'!lIln g the boss course I droPllcd Miss Hall , t h er ehy caUKln,; mueh scandal. I had tbought yesterday I hat I was 'out o r order.' "_ to win nil e a ~ y victory wltb I h e n ew, Pblladelplll:.. Pre~~ , (.'Omer, llut tbe coo l way In will en she repolled 01) attentions pu t me at Iny And Whittl e ShaVings, wits' endR, nnd I mad e a m ental vow " Your hu .. band ijcems lO have :tn Idc3 to drop fllr l lng, By wbat particular Lhat ile will !lom e lime !let tile world :process I caDle to that con clUSion It alire," would lin 111m 'u lt to ex plain I tried "Yes" 1\ <&verythlug, I f elt mysclf falling III "I suppose you e",pcet to LJe a great love, and slIppase [ showed It. 1 pro. belp to h im ?" posed on a wcol, 's acqualnllln ce, aod " Hadn 't Ibougb t mu ch abou t It, but I was quickly refu8ed , Nothing daunt· SUllllOSC h c will expect m e to s pilt tha ed determjn ed on a Q haDg~ billie, l.llldtlog."-Housloll Po t. 'I '~ked her to coosld er h er frlElnd -and only t hat. for tlfe-;-a trUe frI end, Wilen ... ~an 9sl;s you for y our bon. I lOt 'tha t footbold , !loq then tried to est, op l Dllln y o n somet!,l lles ha v.~ to U. ....lIdst mysel! iDdlspells,a ble. trusUIII', La him or lose Ws frle'1I'13bl». "YOll, "

~W el1t e. ,






COOKI NG FOR " THE SICK. J> h'Y3 Icla,,~

Employ W m C Il to Pre.· !IlU'e , Speclrlj F Ol'lrlR tor Their F a t len t .,

A New and Better Galveston Rises From City's Ruin

1Ip:' I"L' w (' ~ a klll)!'l " o n Ih IhlO I' or t he r l} l l 'p l jo u ft li HI1 uf il I) h ) :lil'in n w 1Hl , e l1l l'O h b li m .,!' i n a f a..... hH ltlll bl .· hUII ..,Q l O " , o nll' in " It wa:-; !JIll 0 1 u t1\ ('c hO ll r :i hili u. rl' JH. H I t ' l' " U!'( \\~IIII I ~ 101 .'- lull\ \.1,1 1' 1 ,hi' d.w IllJ, j l~ l a l \ ' ... ~h l! \\ !t:,hin;:' ( IJf I Slat A w ~lJ tJlL':-,~ "II, t h tJe l'lul , l uo l\l Tl ':':' ,-"uma n " J Ill(' J fI . r1ull o \' Cd lJ ya l..)() y \1\1 111 a t:O\' · (, It ,d h a ~ " +'t tl l, pd 'Allh I Hjl l' lI L ~IU p ­ p C I'('1i 110 111 (, :-. " be UIJllh'", 1,I.t:! 1 (' t Hl ~, 1 'w illl va I iOti H l ol. ) l'cd rllIl .tH SI Hlll' tt l lhc m t I UI1 :s p a l till I u nd ::o v uu' ~)f I I H 'Ul nOI T ll d fH'luJ tt)nh II!p m I I) lh e I .h br a rHI (.! xam IJ H"d ea ( II lI' ll l fi-tll ~,

f,,, W ilh3lamhng WIIlJ . nd W 3\e - lnler eS II "i,: H .. ,ury \)1 : 'I e T ~ us T own ,

Brrd Gla nce Rack af O"a slc r - Prov l>. " n

and au iu vit atiou

' H.' I' tom Ila ve III till ,1 a ll Y 1" !l I L wllh YOllr "V I)I 1< M I ~. - - " h e ~a H 1. 1m arrslf1 10 :-1('1141 011 1 tilt' lJ.tll t~ )r



Ihl' hu)

lH'('Hl g hl

l ah l'

Il hut

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)' (':-; 1t'l da y

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lam a rlaln you


IH'arl Illul,·y III ~"lIIlI 'Jn 3 IIlU~1 be follo \\(ld :0;1 I"IlI I,) , )"" 'knn1A . o r we !i hull br I u mp e il ci l to Ilall "'I V P mill e hOltl cH o r law lJjlp ( CX!la t' l l o · m o rrow pl e a ~f.: ' \,\' h ~_' n Ih e " Oman IHll t t:fl lllf' th t' dOf ' lor :-.alfi . 'l'hRL W() l1I an :a nd m nn y .. tlu'f a lil, p he l . mal,.· l:l f (.Iln fona hl p. Uvlng W I,I, (Onlpa"allvf' (' a ~1' Y U I! u nti r'l :ila llll, o r ( Ul lf'.:'Of', lha l a ;!I'C' Ut dl(1

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: Ji II


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S e pl ('mlJl"I Ih l" O !l'and " 1 • I ty wa ~

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ti l \ ha ~ l ihCIi rru m I h i ' til' :-i tJl al lo ll . a ~ Ity l'O IH (' I II lilt.; W h II II t I ~ hu , lil /'! :-;; sa y Il " III

1I 1f'l11 " I h ~u I h t

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r '"tiu ll 1)f'a ", )

h(' eQ ll a l (() all prcobHhl r I' lII r l gc ll c ,es "ro r a Ar e al ~ t'a ,,\ nl l lII iJ.d ilP·r th a n the

A· a ... ~t l etV , .. I tO'

1' h,· t;l0 1' 111 l a H/ 11) \\ \, " ,I It ' 1 Ilht I l l ',IIII P Ill> In t h ,\ pal'Y [1) 0 111 1

I n~

\\-i ! h rt SI I UII ).! g al (' rlorll l h l 'lIo r l h ~ " I' h l \\II It' 1! Ilro!l~ llf Lbf' \\ii lP l' tI \If 111 .• ~' a lll) l ( luna allllllln tl i ll'l ~ 11101 1' u se fu l ha l l i p lu Iht' t('v el or tllf' whal Vf' t:I , IJ:r':.f ha~ Of' fW UI1I II a.llIlI l"! 111'1 11111' (" o pett ! l o ng f hl" W I!H1 1I0W fr o m t h l-' F1 l l1l h f' 3. td . i ld c e anti 1:118 I l ~la llt l::, II t .:i 1f'IHI'SP llIU - It~ l' '-' ,l lt'I I r l 'l )! am o ng IIH' IJII ~in f'H;a t!v ,' o r 111 l' I hara"!t·, l ::i l l l Ptlgln ~e r1llI: h ()tf~ ,·~ r\ l) \o\ W aVH~ (am ,... da ~ tlln g Wil la at h I I ' \ ('m"11 I s f l U "Ii II II 11\f' PI ~:-\(,t1 t l i m e 1 fUI ) 11 0 111 111 1' 1(111( ~ I'I " I)w " II I'1'8 In 1110 I:; rlo l pd 'l il t" "a ll I ~ I)' CI Ilil PC 1II1"~ S fl 1ld'ty ttll\f'lI1 f'Ut .,;. sO Il~h l rc rll~p.ln I h~ In 11 II g l h lb Ip(' t \\ I,f,· a l fill' ha s r n ve 1 ~nll ' t btl M II1 PS~ UfJ U:i(':i , a,. la ltll Q'A l)h e , i P 1'1 at lit ... 1111' ;'H lIi 17 ,., ,, , ah l l \ \,.' u tl ' tl i ll nt ~ 1,,11 as ) " I I ttpre w as no Iwn l<', II " I.h"



oil-an low /I de A It a l l Ii If' ICI t h r Ch l l a :,: n H r'c ort1 - l l d

gq, p ~ d f'tu II :s u l II,,: lI ,a .. t:; I\'I ' III '~S


1l1ld 1 t l (,

ut lh.e afl f'l' lInoU

th e

wa l~ r ~ ,

~ l1f I'a dln ~ t a~1

a l l h Tl si n'l~ ~ Wa " l; l o pp,-ood dud peo pl e WPIlI lH) m f' Ie) loo lc a lr ('r t h elf f Ul11lli tt}oi At li ve C) l ode Ih,... wi n d wan


Tll r r\) lI"d l.l. l lnn~ l e:,1 IIp ll ll rU lI l r o w s o r r Oll nd pi li n g I :: I tH.: I H.~:-o 111 lIi811I1'I('·1 a nd '('at hiu ~ duwn 44 l pct 111 10 I h t.' t In r To JH t V('ll l " IH l p l IlI lni fl g a r u,,' ol ~ h f'I ' 1 Plt l llg jllHt i ll }i l d t, t l l e Olil

r ho II P V. de l ,' nde


hlo" II I IIIlles an bou r alld no w t h" 9.00 1 hpi fn m y p l'o r ~::;t-O io n VOl in . Ilan i<' wa ~ I II lull fo,, ~: r" o m t lll ~O Il r.o HIU IU f' I Hk e my 0" 11 ('asc a~ a s pf'C' l a' !>. I ' \·~ n . w ll n n r .~ l g; natl o J1 t ( , l li p i ll c vl l;l.. lSI I n ~ " n Hu ;h rth~ f'J-':s e:-; o r \\ hi. h Ihf'rp hll'l ol{ tI: ~ 1> 1:lt'c n f rrOIl ", dnlllll g III nT are 40 j r mUl e. each r l'Qllll l ll h JUrll. lal l y dl lTOI phl Irealmc"t ;'; c\'VIlII S tutl e I'U W ul It JlllHt 'Hlln~ l:i dr l " f' lllnl O Til l' w i nd (u nlP fro m all r anll all ll l r 'lot li e ~('o '" l d 26 r,'o. l lJ~ l (lw lIl ~ an I inr (1 011)04 Ih ~ 3T1 ~ III 1) nt C l l"r (.l' ::lM I~rrl e d aw~.:. III OHI rallo ll a lm 03L Iw"aria hly r CH lllt s l en ' ! ('0 1 f ll r l ht,! 111 0 11\ 111 0 11 rn lase ot w h II gil m l\ ," a ll h o ur was r ~co rd e( 1. Irom HIJ m e ()I'nt of fot l o maCII, IroulJ l ('. 8torlll H and IIIHI f' l · l1Ill1ln~ , 80 ap r on A \\ h ' It'\ h('l'on~ ti(' vun 0' 4' 10('[, a II!:r /l.C and "I" ha ve 10 r mO\' t) fh e (3HH(l 1,1;U IIIIJI'l-ie 41 ur soll ti ~ ranll e IJl o ll\ ~ f! x lf' nd s wa vr 1"h hpt! III wl l h " so lid Willi or wa Le, rOf f' we ca n restorp. I h(, n r ye~ <caw,,,01 ill f, o lll lOl Ih e " .11 1 Tile 'A all (011 1 I el h l >;I" a od wh n l~ IJI0cl{H or "'" patie n t t'OO1 C)i 10 m e alief [ sce: at u glan {'e I bal II wOIIIII he 0111 of t:1 0 qu esl lo n f o r hIm to l RI;e hl ~ meal s a r Il ilotel tabl .., In fa.' t, I 1DII st (' Ill o rt Bolld ~ al toge1 her a nd r"fOil hllll "I I h me,th'a ll y [Jrel'are<1 JuleC'3 M m eal a nil sueh I hln g~ " Phy sklollH hnn'" I h e wnm en ... h o can 1" ° 1181'0 Ihr I nn " , Ih ey wanl a nti Ronil for I h c m jll" t aH Lhe y till fo l' trol ue(1 nllrH('~ wh n m Ih py r eg-alii a...c; IIIn " ' all v l~ abln Fill' a l\ ) I,al lil'u lal' Ila, I i~ nl T he 011 1' 1 " ll 11;1'1' h", I n . ", rHel lo ng Shl' m Hst bu y onl) rh l' h ~R l hrl' f Or mHt l on fOl j ll l,.I' f lOm t h o ra\\ m e-u t. Sh e nlU :-i 1 11 :-;(" nn! y !-OO tlllJf'h s,,11 10 I I", g-rain " 0 m\" h o f th p. yol k o r ao ra.!; a nd I1Ill s l l uke RU { h IH' e r RII . tlon R ao; nr r ~ p p.fl n "'l iI> th p ph ,l 's lrlan, Sh ,.. J1l1l~1 nor m a l,(lo hUI'I(\ \' warp! f l o m Ol'(lI nll ") loa rley , 11111 fmll1 th ~ he;;r lI r aI'I Im rl E'\' r:\'M)' lIl1 nA' mu ~ 1 he "(Hll, ('tri jusl , :({l Jo n ~ nll rl :-; 11·jlhl e d . Th n pa,,~ .,, ', slI ppl y <of ron d is o mpl e I n lI s v a r·it'f) . h il i i t Olllst h .... (lll'pnrf" d fn a ma nn ,...!" 11"1 ~1I1 1 h i:; pBJ'ru 'llliu 4,a!o; n . " Th,' l " c pa r ",1 f <lo.1 I~ bl'OlIp;hl In AN AUTHOR'S GOOD LUCK_ .,,,arl holl ies, " it h l'a le'1Il HI <lIIIIN'!< Th r Ilh ),"11 Ia n ('xa rn l n.>, I h(' 1Il ,'p r y Success o f HI 5 L itet ''';' Ca r eel S a l't ed c-'' lI'Cf lll b ' bP l t )! I' I h y 31'·-" ~f' ltl I n fl l P by Mlsfortu ns of Pubpa ll l'1I1 and Im t \ l rs s{'Inl Ilad , a n ' no! liah er , I)a l d f ot'. A 'Wo m an \\h o (J ' r !-i iR1. I n tl i.,n ll ~ ''f n~ o r df' r " I:; rll'ol.peu B ill IllhnuHr f.~al· r \\a !oo a \\ril er f mall~' t 1l (\ I'(' arC' a n u m be r o f \\ o m a n \\ h n a r f1 tJorl k8, llU l h b 131~nt,' ~I (I 1\ I Ie . o nl), Ion I '~ad) 10 pI<) ll an' Ih., fOrHI [11'''. c lYe re~o~n" in n wh en h l~ cO l'l y ef . sulln cOllc' r pl c a nd' cOl t ag r' w ~ r. s w pt a'll Y; tl.I ~ .",~ter l' l~rly as Ih e Ilh y,! c Ia n i nsl"l' n n ll a v, fort s \\ ~rc llI od e 1:1 Fa('I , h a l lVa y~ i n!; II . an d t hcsC' o r l" WO (f) fl rl '" lin ear n HlI (' ngl hplll'rI e\'c l )' Ih, ce f ee l II) g l eal/ 1'0' 0 h ,!:;h I" maU"101l !lUfI h (Jl~l. Nul't n Il r l bu t II hl ~ IIIl'rary S U('(,C" _ P ' I.(J a u ~o rJ tn n n p,\: . btenl l u rlo , \\,h oll Ih r worl, In fi nall), lur. w lo:(' ldI I;C' " ' ~ wrl' l wi t h III a,; l roult a(' "It'nt , Say s I h o Chi ':l.~O I{ccfl r d. " Tu t' pall l' nl " I)h , we ll , a sp cl' ia ll ;;t «) m i II N ~ oI , lalld " ii i b,' Il1 led I n a , 0 11 , I'on c ll , l til . hul hl ,ug w .... in d wave, H erald S unll a) la!!:azi ne, "o nl\ (1 1 f nllow a lIl a n "ro un d hi s hOle I HI (i (" I'll hit.. I i blluH"f'" ha c 1< 1) 1 III r "all l O d au l' i :o ~I)t 1n t b ei r wO I I\. t n I ~ II ee ho unt Karl' wa, In ParI S an d h a,l bee n lh " sa III I' h ~ l g hl. an (1 a h ~ a,,"rul t1rl\'c' 1110 " Ille 1It',llll " , HI' LO th lOusa nds , t un 10 .i'C' thai h H lin £" lIol f11 ~ nh e-v nrd l"' r l; ~c n d ln g commun ication s tlf l he 1 low n " :l S deRt l'I)y eol , If 01\(' of m ol pur le nt s Intlll I J~C~. III for. way rnatl(' F,ga ro fllr ~o m e \\ oe k 8, wllhullI h a y . I . l :s ."a id I tlal nfl('il t i'.e n or Gul vest o n T h e , l Or) o( (h h or r o r" a nd I r nr,edills hldd r. 1I 1 0o~ h e (a nn ol hid e II f ro ll1 In;; ro(' pl ver! an y r ~og l) ili o n, until h e m e Ir a m an ('I) n\'a l e~ cen l Irrom rh eu. e S t a ped III I hal u\\ rut :S t'p l lHn l) {, T g al e 0 1 arc m O!i 1 b p:J.rll e liding. !JUI m ~I i ll ~ !l l r­ !lllall\, ga \'!' up wr i ting 11 0 " (,0.<'(1 mnti s O! IInnt,::, IJ p P I o r Ii man s nffe nn ~ tb e CIJ.: h l h I n ~I anl 19no ' 0 wbol e8al e Ing Lh e bi OI'), o f tlle way ( ;a l \'''Klo n m ot 'earlIng th e Plgar" Co r several wr.~ I; s, l\a~ the d C~ 11 ne: t I Vl' nC8~ : ii' o u e tlhl Uo\ h el'sad elU CI 1;l'uey L eali e< "( a m ~t ot lro f!'Om m ental d e llJ " lf)n~ lal, es o lllR t es un lll o ll e Sunday Dl()rning a r es. ill t'l'et' I h e sad lu.~ oi r e lat I \'c and II'i c nrl, I'ort:! so o n .t S Ille s urV\Ve)("( ( lJ l l h I IlWil l«(J nr l r ad In [Juth ~ I hul a r c fo.'hldd en tau r an f waller lrand .. d him o nto nil propPI't )' " as damaged 10 ,\ g , caler £l'ollllh('II' d a ~,\'d conr1ltloll : m a r 11911a.w th e, e Is 00 lise trYing 10 h lt-:l i l rrom H e llel':all r eading o ne o f h ig own 01 IN! ~ l'X If'n! wa ~ Ill ol'lal m ed , l h e ,1 " a ll lll llO~e dul hl ~ do lor S, icb m en or ",om en wO III(1 Whal e) !'r Il was l ll at worked !lucb in a mll'at ul n(l " ly shon Illne I he 'Ity artkl e., thoug h h e ~'Ould sca r ce l), hI" bel t cr ~a vp Ihelr mon e ~ a nel !:o th eir Il e\'e hi s ~yo" Ha ving Hn lsb ed I( r ui n lile I CHl denl " !I ~ w ell 3H ou( sldel'" wit b I lldolll llal.J le courage lI' YI ug lo r :"'I(l cOllr!Se, " ro und h ard In eKl' lalll , llI any u " del'Led f l'O Ul lis. ov€' r turoVl A u d wfJ u u l..1 rrul1y h e found nnol h el' o f hl~ o wn w rit ing>! II UlU!Sl h,\\ c h een a Iidal "a\'('. nt a uy follow1l\ /; lh e first, H ~ w enl on and has Ill cgaill atllts.plaL't' Th ~ 1 I ~ In our L egend of the Ostr ,ch Call en It a tOI nad u, I hI' \\ caltl el' hUl'cau blslury no tal~ 01 t;n,ater b C rLJ I ~III, line. r ead a third Th eo h e I nok lli e pa l'N A. mon~ I h e A rah~ I h C' r(' lSI n (,lI r f(l 1J5 of \\'8i:oO h i n g t u u I et.orrlf' d [I a ' rr ea k to h i s aparl m en tti, and SIIClll ~lInd3y 8111r ll or th " 'ay I Ile peopl e o r Gal veilIr:.:enrf 1& a( 'COIIIlI for Ih ... ostri ch 's bll)rU\" so m ellllnp: In e,pll l a h " ', It i" afternoon r eatlln g Il l~ OWII article , for l o n (dce d lil t, aw,fu.l conditi o n In t b t'l. r esid" ncf'! I n t h ~ <1c~erl. " On II ('cr. Ib('l n ~b l l() hal'c hecn nn e ul t h e W e.!l the paper Wa~ full of t h em, con la inin g town , th ; waDu er iD wbicn t be ), uulld-..L l ain il~l 81}(l0Inl ~ d." ~ 'I I h c lOr)' r ll n ~, Inola hllr rl ca nos wh o"c IIro !;r~ss was an ew substantially nolhlng else, Karl' al" all rrcal c r! beln!{s Il)geth er III pro porl y ~fo rca sl 1111111 IL (oo k I I) l b, wilYs ""!lid t h a t hI' was n eve r so (i l'llnlt Con N'Cning Lh een l'ij hibtor y, n" ',"C6fra m the usc of liquor of any k~n d a~ d~cidf' IlllOn Ih ir I'cs pccllve o r ner anrl (Julf or M c xl co IJ.nd br eaUlo 11 " tre al,," lon 'IYUS n " "l e,1 aflo r Conrl o <Ie (: aIY c~ llrered en"" All " c nt ti lll oo lhl y IInll l A, I'rJ.:u l "r W ~. I India h(lrr h 'Dn ~ Is sutlt · b e was t h at afternoon, hi, Incr edulity gov ern r 0 1' Loul ' lall a , by a.!';p nil'll! '! Xth e os l rlt h , pl clld;u<:, 1< " Imahllily 10 ~ io n tl y IIl1d e~ II'8hl f', :L~ 8n e lr : ~ I'(' 1J1 e mh;h l ! makin g his bead bn??, Illnrlll S p'" ' y, an d t h ~ I,ir ale l.ahlH' he tty, d lij owo cd the hll',,. and. la,m l'd I n \\'o rll I h r h a \ oc' o r Ih ls frcn l' Sl u nn , Th e followiog m orn ing h e r ecc i ved a t atll(' J;/l Ve nl o l' r I b e' I ~l li d Wh i'O Il \Nn .. t ak e ranll with Ih e ma mmal s T h cH" \\" 11l' 1I I h" Il<II'I'I,a ll j:' l'e:\ lh~'Ii il " h e l~h l l " 'li lt ed uy M ax.l e3 n rOl'r <' Til l' plal'e lI'" 'Arlt tell r {'l1l1est from Ih e publi sh ers LO ca ll on th em OR soon as (:o nveni en t , bowovp.I would havft n o t hin r.~ to Ha\' t o In GIlI \' " "" ", I he " i lln W3S blowln!;" II" ( l OU· t h e i4l~ n el) f ( '01111 11 t erl a m() lI ~ In ch a l'r l'UI lIr e .'Iot h en not w ll h IlIr I,u t an (, ~ lllII alt'1i vt'hu· tl y o f I:!O l1u l e::.- un ! There 11C lea rner! that a ll th e wri t ers ao -M l' :<'lfun I)ira t p w h l!- ,Itl vt'ldllre rli wllh fea lh c l's, wil l i e Ih~ bnnk wh.'n h o ui' " RI I hi t-. 1! (, IlI ('lJt I (JII ~ \' t'loI Il~ li lt' nf I he ~' I ga r fl had gone on a !ilrlke, Itl 1$;9 'I \ \" '11 al l t.' r T X. t. eo W" h ol .1l1tl ('): II th r. ost r l f'il wenl d~ j(Jc leell) uocl, r c, wlnd ~l mll f \ pl ( I\I' t!IIP t h t' \\'Ilf " t~o f t h (' I and Ih e IJUhll sh prs Ilndln ~ Karr'H , . ) I h ,· f ,T l lf>, t S ' ,II;lps I h t· t ' I ) 11 t :u.lvcm . l)ud ia t Prt 11 al~o a :-\ a 1raitol ~ o ~ , ra l~ t? _ Gulf fJr M"' :<.lt 'l) a lld hUll ed 1III ' tIl (" £' 1 I h "/ m anusl'l'llILS In fl Ilfl: ~nn · ho l e harl ex. '\l ll W ~1..i I II . ( Irvn ~' a l f" t r But th e IIs lri(' h "\ a ~ ('Qu a l 10 th e' n (:t 'a - 1r; land t' II ,' Li e 31l 1l~ 0111 d p.ll h ,u HJ ti t' · amlnccj lh em careful!) an ,' 11111 Ihem I 111,, 1 :-1 1" )1 ' 111' I! " I( I h l' I': rt 51,," 31111 declared I ha l ueh'A' 1I I'it'l\ <'I' SlrtH'ti Ofl IIn lll I ts 1lI1c.b t) ( t .tr,~ h ad In t y pe l'h~y [ ha n k ed Karr fo r h ll" mamlllul II o r bird II mUl,t h E' a l) an!':t'l b epu :S p f'l II I ' In!; rurnlsherl t he arlirl ..: and asl<ed ~ I Ih lg a l l rh ~ "I h el anllllR ls inolt,, G ah , HltJlI y Q U r ' !1Wl11h " r \ \ll.lS hull t him for m ort' Th e) .Ii,l not know nallily r ll s h N f "POll I h l~ O"~ ·rJdl arl (1 On a II"> 1an ti. a !oi 1!'1 !) .w " . l" ' ~ lo n~ a nd l hal Ihc ed i tors h ad bee '! Id iling Ihe tl r ov£' It b e!o r 11) p. 1lI Int o 1hf' d O:-i(' rl r r' o Ul ( Hl P It l ,h l ('(' mlf (- .. " I ti l' At un ill ::. t' } fll (' ,,", Id r · HI-4.1 d"k n l'lP p tl ril()~I"I . poor author's rontr<bull o u~ , H e ag r ecd !<) bOI;om e a r egular I\oll t rlhlllor to wh r " h a~ II \!' II In 50 11t " "" CI'r l' 1)1a " I' \\ !I ' Ua il' I'~lo Il1 9 1 " " r l ",o re llla lll~ 1 hI:. Ih : I'IIU)! '''dl'h l nl', lV~" L' h ," r', III ~(' sin ce w ith nn 0 11(' 10 f'O llllaoilet It. ' ( {'(It atH1\'f' l h e ~ (' a a t I! (~;,>' f t hfe- Tll ~ I h l' ('t' l' t'r' l .. .. III l ' \t' l or Ull ~ of Ihe 11311N , and he d In 11 a" a favor ' 0 -C h lc:.gO 0 .. 11\' Ne w " c'II \ ' W:t~ ' lIt ' a l cd a l Ih p C:' il:,t p nd . w h er e " 1~a.l1rl, { I , ,,,, nt "' I I"h !III JI't ' 1101' t u~l.. t h e l'ubl l~ h ('r" ann th t'Y pa Id 111m wcll. 8 \\ 1f'1 ('til ! ' '' (l I~ h e l " r r u I'SI 31 tld ~:1 d maI n · . 11 , .'11 ~" flt· rf t l / n l l ll id rl OIl ! (II "; fori, Thll ~ h e bega n 11 g U' ee~s rul lit. B eau tifying, P.1ll0rlC(\t\ CIti es 8 1: ' n ~l lH .! ~ IO l ~~' i n d UlIlH"I(l 1 /t l"(lv tl ty, l aud 'lla rjl ','l li tlf.' cl f'f' p 9 ' 3. I£" hat·u r eral Y careel Th o lim e i ~ rapid l y Ollpl'nac illn g wh erl u!ll e rf 3 S II wa :"'i 31 I !W ~a le1A a > or Ih t-\ ' pl t l lt'" t ' tori I I \- l fll llc."'ll· lt ilh lL, I : I IIIUH!!{.'i(.iH:. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ tbQ e x ('" s~ can nn long!'r h~ oft'Ned Illa l 9<.l'lt hw e t)~, 11 "B-1 \'C t \ 1fl1()or1 a .n t t'o m - ; o[ :,r ma P : I :I~ ft nd (' qIlI!J ,, (Ir~ 1 l\l tlh Cycling a nd Eyesig ht, Ame rican dfl eg arc tI (' Yo and lac J.:1I1b' ill O"'I (, I"(' la l l )" an ti a most pru~ pr fJ a to wn ! ha l f I I'.~ ,, ( LT ,'/l v\, gll UI-i f ,-u tHO lurg~~ " sub j ecl oj world·" id e lol en'st has , he cs,;pn lia IR or good ~ll'c c t :, Hrc 11fO' lh p Sln rm laid low t o:) ~ n.HlIll ...·" nprul any u r dl n8JIl'~ been broughl bef:. r c IlJe ~'re n c b A cad · toe tlOn. e {l: SOOle AIlll!ri e an {' lri c~ arE'"' PCOI)le Ul G a h'e~ lon lJUl lt I llr ll hOIJ9 ~S ... ar.h ' I' 1'\'1 Idea " I I II" IIIVell flO'n WAH. emy of Medl c lII~ I L Is lbat o f c.l'c llog I nr 1110 (llt, LOO r i ch a nt1 (00 wel l upnn I h e ~ ~ n, 1. 111I'rall y IInoi ~ );IIl'R ll vely , 9 Ug);(",'~d tIl a <IIH.II UU L ~lro nlflM and alltottlohlll slII in th eir Inl1uence on cqulllllcd wl\o all esse lltlal s 10 ha ve an) {III' Ihe ~ II III lit land i s bUl a <11'1 " or tortlfl8d ,,,Iav rl Th l' oow 1I);11I;UI'; H bI~ e')<!s lg hl , Th e ): ~ n !! ral tonc luslon excusp l ell for I.helr surdlt1 disreganl ~and Th " man Ihal Ird I h ~ tlr.,. ' Amerl · m " I, ~ n" l" ''''( C''''P at :r l llllnlll!,; b.~" Ihal hOlh o n Ihe ex te rnal and on I lle o f heall t y Tbal l hey hav " lIegu n 10 (\all C'o l( I P ) tnt" 1 (' }".. l S, SlE" J)h l' n I'~ A ' I ~ - spee-.t O n I,. h e " illt>!1' h a rHt. II t8 mftin..i01l'rna.1 ~l ru ' tllre • , th c eye Ihe erre( t drarl 1IIIIIlS for cllmprelJ c osi\'e bealltl . tin o r VIrginia, sa lll a~ b e ~ un'~ 'od Ih ~ ta i nr,] 'I ha t w,l h IIII~ aid of S llc:l~ tt<>RIIIs Injurious Seeln ~ nothin g with we;!· ncat ln n I" a sign tl18t en ' le pride I S not coUI al ung G&I\ !!"ILln llay anti .a 'A III Hl~ r''''fre-.''~!\ 1110 Japan oRe flui d ha~", dellncd pl'ecls lon , a nd ha\,ing landscallc wh o ll y wanllng _ 1'1.. I'eol.le are begl" , "lran,l e,l g, h oo n erlh 8'b'lllbeen.9rne'l f! 1Te<'I ' v N ~ bOl lied u p POlt A:.I'l ~ {>reKen l ed to I b e eye for day" III " " C(·." • n!tI~ roo l eali zf\ thut Ihc lr clt ic5 srr. b ert" lnl' IlIland " SlI mr day HI p. ,. k lll en , ~ I wltho ut l l", alt! or t h ~ lr lIu .;.. l1eeb slon In th e cnnfu5cd IIlur cau.eel br high II, ~(ay a nd Ihat Ihe utlll l y or tJe3IJ l y " h Id l d It! l hal "" ill ~ w (,I? {) ov /? r l it I~ (' uit.~L I SII(.'cd iK d ecla r ed to ill! }Iarmrul In I'ro· shOill.. n ol he oeg le,.lr" Wh en I hpy a"a l n ~l.ln gc y. I n h I I" ~ ,Inr ) ' ~ I S H !!r U r prl3 '3 pOllio o to Ihe frequen cy Y.(ltb \\ hfeb II are ftnall; (,tlllvln{:ed ,1,lI,'ll j udlr'lou, tnl rl I t'nt:lliu; , " The proph !', y II Hl <.te -: ) Is practlced ~Tb e actin or (luSi and lJea" lIficaltil1l Is pro Hl a!;l e, In o.I o llars ypar~ l ,l.!;O ha5 s ine£" com e I llI f" more " \9~S,'" S'lll l t b c Vl'If' r a n OJ! r:r.a.n)t g rir IItlrl'cd Ul> aod I"t.ens ed by tli gtl anti c'e n l ~, w hic b IK the l eSSOn! tau g h t It) th an 0 11 "(' Osl ' e,,\ on h a ~ !;"PlI I/u fl c r a,.,4, " { h a '- parU(\II;w " " ." 11 eu ' "~ lo r !,~ \. t' ra l ti:.n es , ~tl l h (, 1 tl l~ !) ple lJ a v L" gagf' m e n ts-' ~Ilecd t; l s dcclared t o II protllk In worl; tb e I~ , e l\ (' h , Ihl'Y will Rlleedlly lran sform for tb e OClllisl. - Lond6n Globe, " V/ ha l'" c '(l'ialm erl i h ' pc" l l..\' ,; ,.,. t h eir I/ ~ I y 1IIl1Rlrlpalllle" , But, so m c. limpl y w allf!d l o r (h r \\11 \'1', 1' >1 0 11 b~ ' -,,' ' R p ~a l l'tlil I brea le" ", I , hil t n e \ er de, w i dow , " An ,1 Yil t! a:'" " LIlt ~ ba 'b . h o w , I h AY are Klow ia lea. rn tng t he : e~ Rusty In Geogrl('\Jby_ o n ,- W a.~ h l'lgl un P081 lo r ~ " -C b l('a g'J O:/.,I y \'if'wa. RtrQ),ccl, , I,el (' am' In f~e l lh !l ~ att Ibel' had S1I 1\' ,,'~, I lIlan \ ~lO rnl ' , Iller could " Paw ," said T o mm y , who waR ~l lI ri y IlIIpo.~ible, bd nu 1\' 1l1pt" Sl te l'rlblf' f' n tl'J~h 10 \' e r~ la): hl a hlsLo l'Y les~a , " wh er e: I. "o /Z lt; Sa:tony ~" ChOIl )' -O'y kno w , I a t;ree wi t h ''' h thl l: r ~. T h f'l' ~ l a "'I U lllc ir atr,l' ~ -'{ou fi l.ll II ,urn LD U Q I I ~t HI u sed l o koow w ell eno"'~ h .' !la!ri Mhlll r IngtlrtbCll1. I t hlnlt li:vc wa Ul of lunrl 1111 (1 'A a' ,NI r i('h , ' a m ),l h, Wh . 1I 'h , o\' er"h rl,mn g "II n'1 am I Sland Qu r l an~ u aJ;(:~ Mr Tuc k'Q.r, "but ?.a I get old ~ r I ro r ~'o.tCi':o r - Y : g l r! JHSC \o ld III CbslI Dcey-Noolh enth e, <lId chappfl- ! i\ r H'HI a CI L)' of 3 , t)I) !·,ha bllar. :~, gel l h e enct' l oca'ion dt maoy of l h C4t foreign '!Ountrlcs, Lonlt It up on tll s Hol\' could she bl1 a Mltb ,,' ben 'B1l ~ Ci lY o r h ~ m e~ , a cif j ' W),) ,' S~ • ~ a 1t h w us s h ~ IV <l; ,<;<)\og In r J : o ' l ldo r ~a m ~~ mall (~r YOllrself. "-Cbioag T.rlblloe, waHl Adamtll wUl1 ?-Clevl1b..6\ L.ea4er, " p u N a ll y 11I~ l rlbul e a. hOlll; h nnl a few bllt ,ud I r l\11a1el> w t" e 1;011\& o~l_ m lllionuire. were ClUUlI t E)1l &00011,' tIIQ I N. ,k' , 6 \'A•



' j








.By Or de r of CQurt! Th e La rg e Ba nk ru pt cy St oc k Ca se y & cr an e, kn()wn as th e W ay ne sv ill e ' D,r y Go od s Co., ' wi ll be of fer ed to th e pe op le of .'Waynesvill~ ~nd , vi ci ni ty at · a Te n Da y Sa le. Th is sa le is by or de r of th e co ur t to ss tis -'" fy cr ed ito ts. , St oc k wi ll be di sp os ed ~f at ~3 1- 3 on th e 81 . Pe op le of W ay ne sv ill e yo u kn ow th is stu ck . A ,8 7,, 00 0 sto ck co ns ist in g of cle an , up -to..da te me rc ha nd ise wi ll be offe re d to yo u. Th is wi ll be on e of th e gr ea te st mo ne y- sa vi ng op po rtu ni te s ev er of fe re d to th e pe op le of yo ur to wn . Re lllel11ber th~ Pl ac e, Da y' of Op en in g an d ·E xt en sio n of Til11 e



Lot No 1. Hondre ds of 1IIOOIs of thread consist ing of Clark'il and other klndll, at thil large baok. rnpt sllle .. .... ... ........... .... only lot Lot No.2. 500 ladiell vests. origi. nal Hi to 250t&. 'at this large bilUk , rupt sale ......... ...........7,Y, to 12X c LotNo :l. li,ooOyard& of laceslln d embrOi deries, worth from 10' to 11> cents a yard at this Il\rgtl blink· rupt sale ........... ........... .....,... :Jots Lot No. -l. 3,000 yards .of oallooes, gio"ha ms and percalea, worth from 10 to 25 cts a yard, at this great bankr~pt 881e ........... . ,, · and G ots Lot No. Ii. 2500 yards of muslin. at t·nis large ~!'Ikrupt IlIle. only.... .. .......... .......... .......... . 10 ot!! a yard Lot ·No. 6. Ooe lot of towels, at thill large bllonkrqpt sale. only, no

~~~s~~t~~g ~(O~li ~~~~!e~~ ;!~~r~~

wort,b from 15 to 50 ets a yard, at thil! large bankru pt sale ... only 50 Lot No. ·S. Lot of ladles' mu!l1iJl ~~nkta. wor tb . Iii 0 otil, at tM!! la~e ..,,,n rllpt sa e ......... ....... ........ _uo 9~ I .' . Lot N 0.1l. _aO u.dias • lIIU1dm mght gown8, nt the buge Imnkrn pt Imle" , ........... . ........... . ..... 40 to 711 cents Lot No . 10. A lot of ladlds fIne mUlllin pettloOi.te, tact> trimme d, worth from f1.50 to, *2.00, at tb!.S lar,e bankru pt 881e .... ...... ooly 9ao

Lot No . ll , 1 lot ot 'Iadies mn .ilu Of)r8et overs, Illee trimme d, worth 50 cents tit t.his large bankru pt sale ........... ... , ... ...... , ........... ... lOc Lot, No. 12. 1 lot or Indies \v(ap. )Jers, worth froul '1.00 to *1.50. at this large oonkru llts sale ..... ... 890 Lot No. 13, 1 lot of ladles" woollen goods in cashme rlls, sultablll for skirts I\nd solts. 'worth frolD 500 to *1.00 a ytl.rd,at thislal' ge bank . ruptMl e.only ..... ....... .... ........ 210 Lot No. 14. 1 lot Illdies' handke I'. chiefs; worth 10 oenttl. at this l)lrge bankru pt sale only ...... ... 20 Lot No. 15. 1 lot ladles' summe r gloves ' ~Orth . &0 c'e nt,s, at t.bis larJotc bankru pt sllle, .. .... ... ...... 24<.' Lot No. 16 , 200 S»O')18 pf Ilidias Bao·silk In all oolorll, worth 5 ann . 1U cents. at this large bankru pt slLle.only ....... ........... .. ..... .. ...... 30, Lot No. 17 Ladies ' silk, suitabl e for wtl.ists, worth $1 to '1.50, at

10 DA YS Q,N LY !

Lot No. 22. Ll\dle~' dreoUl trim. Lot No. ri. Men's flne .dress shirts, Lot No. G. Men'8 Dne all wool 8UUS Lot No. G. Ladles' flne drel!lllh inRs, Rt this Iolrge bankru pt sale· oee, ' worth'I iO tn 71)0, at this large worth from '10 to $1Ii, at this np worth from ,tlJ.OO to only ...... , ..... ,.......... .. .... 50ts a yard banlrrn pt BILle .. ........... ..... ...... SOo lnrge. bankro t)t 88le: ........ ......7 60 IS.511. at thls 'l"rge Imnkrn l)t sale. Lot No . 21.1. 260 'Ytnd!l of ta,blA Lot No.6. Men's flne .. hir~ worth Lot No 6. Childro n's , lID1in knee .......... : ........ ~ ........... ........... .. 1,45 lin er ~'ort-h GO centt; Ii ya.rd, at . tl and II (,0, at this lurge bank· p"nfs, wor~h 25 cents,a t this large Lot No.7. Ladi s' 'OxfnrdR, this JlI.rge bnnkrn Jlt sale, only ... 29 noth. rupt sale........... ........... ... ,' .... .. 75() 'bankru pt sale .only .. ........... .... 100 ing, Dner D1ad.e ,worth 12.1iO,nt thill Lot . No, ' 7. Men'" 110I lous, 4 ply Lot No. 7. - B!lYII' all wool knee large bankru pt 8al(l........ :... ... 1.~9 RUGS, BLAN KETS , linon tlnd rubber, w,orth from 10 · pant41 worth 1i0 "nd 760. lit this Lot No.8. Boys' shoes worth ,1.IiO ' I to 23c, at this lArge bankrn pt tarlJO bankru pt eal~.;.... .. .. ....... 390 LINO LEUM at thialarg ll bankr~pt salo ...... 900 sale, only: ..... '.. .... ........ ...... ..... .60 LOt No. t2. "Mlln'fI 20. n.nd 50 cent Lot No.9. Men 'lI work u.nd \lre~!I Lot NO.1. Bru8sel s rugs, worth t3• Lot No.8. Men 's flue I,lre~s bats, iluspen ders ... :..........'........... .. .. 150 ,11(\89. of nil .li1. s. worth to 'Ii,!it this large bankru pt IIItle, ljI2 00 oJlly ................................ ....\U .Dll worth trom '1.50 to $2 GO, at this at this large ~nkrupt 81116 .. .... 1190 largtl bankl:o pt sale ........... ...... 950 Lot No.2. <'0 palr~ of woollen Lot Lot No. 10, ,,len 's Dn., shull!I \'I",ortb. No. D. Meo 's ' aO(~ boys' strow blllnltetla, worth from Il.liO , to '2.50 t9 .a.Go. ot this h~rge bank. hats .......... .. : .... .......... ...... : ...... 60 " $3.50 a pnil'. nt t.bis .Iarge bank rapt 1liiIe ........ ........... .... ,..... 1 950 ropt 811Ie .. : ....... 98o to '1,60 'a pair Lot ~o. ~O . Men's night garmen ts The best !l~d the finest mnde. lind Lot No ~l. .Hamilt on.Bro.wn 'M, Lot No. a. 500 Yfl.rds of lir\olen m, 'worth '1100 and '1, at this larlle . at laoh lo.w pricea that It will pay Dougla s V"nlste rs and Walk· bankrn pt eale ........... ........... .. 390 to take a day' oft and truel for worth from 50c to '1.00 a Y!lrd, at Lot oven. no~lIio~ liner on earth , No. It. Men'lJ b'andke rchlefll , many miles to buy them . thill large bankro pt sale ..311 to GOo from ..' 60 to '5.00, at this larg.. _ wurth tOe, at this large bankru pt Lot Nil. 1. 150 pnirs ohildre n'" 80ft bankru pt IIlle.:.......... l 9 ~ to '2 50 i 8ale ........ ...... ........ ....." ...... ... ... 60 hole 8hoell, sold 26 to 1i0 ots, ' RBAD . CARE FULL Y " , at thla great bankru pt aalj). only -4 MEN REM EMBE R. BUy ....................,.................. ,......100 Remem ber: tbls .took: i i ' i. num· . . .'OW Lot No.2. ·Chlldr en's 8boes worth CLOT' HINO 1"11 e~OU8 to nientioD on " Bnt Lot No.' ! . Ladies' petUcollt.e · in Lot No. 1. 250,1>alr' of men's I oolUe and bjl convinc ed Lot over. ' t th18 No. 1. Meu's ~Il wool p!ints 7~ cents to *l.OO, n.t this IIorge a ll oolors, worth from *1 to $250. one of the a1l4, worth 50 to 71i contp, at this larRelt' b wortb from $1.50 to $2.00, "t this btlnkrn pt 8111.e .. ........... .... .. ..... 390 . YOD ever Jlt·tende d. Ten krnpt lit this Inrge bankrn pt sale .. " .. 95C Ire ba k days t I Lot I I No. J9. aGO lill]ie.. sun bonnetl" ba 39 k t · I Lot Il go No.3. Mi88tls' and ohildreo:'s 'and ten daYI only. n rup · sa c. y.. ...... 0 arge n rup S8 e.. ......... ......... sh08!l In all . sizes; nothia\ t finer sell the '''orld Over for 2:10. in Lot N". 2. Men'8 fine on f. shirts worth ........... .. : .......... only 7r,0 to '1.00 this. I IDllde, worth from '1 to'I .IiO, o.t Remem ber: 'rl)e doors will 1)0I oents, at this Itlrge bankrll pt Lot No ' 2. arlle ban k rup t sa Ie. on I·y.. 100 be Boys'lo ng pants aUhls this lar~ bankru pt ~Ie :.... .... 8110 '8muhe open to the pq bllu Lot No. 20. ,2200 pair of misses' 811 e ........... .... ...... .. .......... ,r..... 390 lari e banKru pt ~Ill, at 8 only ........ ,450 L!Jt No . 4. . Little genttl8hOOl, lIize. . ci'olook dSatnrd ohlldre n's ~nd Indies hose ~wort.h Lot No.3. Lot. of men's fin ay mornin g July 1. shirtll Lot N.o. a, Meo's flne pantS worth II to.12, worth from ,I 0.0 to $1. GO from 10 to 21i ,cents n. pl\ir.~nly .. Oo .by oroer oUhe Conrt WlllLek tli" . wurth GOo. ' 700 Dnd . $1. lit this '2 r,o to ,a,50, Ilt this large tiank. ~t thtM lnrge bankru pt 11818, only Lot ,No . 21. . Lndilltl corsets cooslst ))89ple of \f\tge bankru pt; IllIole .. .... 39 and 69c Wayne sville &nd ~npt 88le .. ; .......... ......... , .......)..95 91i oentlll . of the Roylll \Vorr-ester ' and alII Lot No. ' ".. . Mel;l'p summe r " 1 Warren Oonnty no~ to orowd as Lot Nu, 4. uodtlr. ChUdl't lD'l IIOhool, 3. Lot No. Ii Old IndlflR' ,other' IDIlkep, 'at this large bank. , w8!lr, worth 1i00, at thIs oomfor t .hoes there will. ba .. foiOe Iff clel'k.- n' . larKe ,p iece 8Uits, worth. from '2 to 13.50 worth '1 50 to 'Z,OO,.a t this large rupt s!lle, only.: ........... ........... 390 waU on everyo ne oh~rrDlly and bankru pt I18le ... ........... ...... , ... 2Ilo at this I.a rgo ,bankru pt .. le ... . 1.2G'1 · bll.okrop~ sale only ...... ,'.... :..... 91icl prompt ly; . , ,.



Remembere' SHOES

Meo 's furn''h' IS' logs ~~~~. ~~~~~.. :~.~.~~.~:.~ . .~~I~DJ>~~6







-........ Rem emb er: , It "'.ill pay you n~ matt er how you may be occup~~d 0 '1' wher e you may be loCated, it will ,.be · to your ad'~rantage to take a day off, come foJ' miles co atten d this grea t bank rupt sale. You , have neve r ·b~~,.su,(,.h a ' mon'e y savi ng· oppo rtun ity in your li~e and yon may neve r agai n ,hav e such .a chan ce ef buyi ng good ~erchandi8e at rate ~f 33 1'!3 p~r cent on . tlte dollar. I Goods a'l 'rang ed in Jots and mark ed in plain figu res at ~ri'ch low price s that will suit each and ever yon e. 'The , doors wUI be open to the publ ic at 8 o'clo ck Satu rday morn ing July 1. Ten days only!

. . .

F Ix -a... ...e .. r .. .. ..., Ie

A large stove, 7 show cas~sf 2 ribbon cases, 5 rock ing chai rs, I eigh t day clock, 2' table8. ', Win -sell. cheap. .'

. f

VUL, XLVI , NQ, 3, ·


l:i"~ o ur "!;IJf:'Il\ul " jJ"iLH IIlI rl val" I' niMh IJru!< h,',s lit .1. :1('. J ' b: .1"1111 1;' .\'. ' rr"r. J<lll f(f 'I! .l!'t1~t(\r. :-'11 I,,'J'l I!

tOUlhllH f,t Ih,· 0 1",,1111 111 c h llnl~, is finite ill lit th" h UUIH " I his Il,o.,h",·· . Mrs: ! 1"h loJ\ H. d." " II.! OnJ,lYI:l g II in Inw, rur s H . lClli~, i'I! W "yne,;. VI SH. 11'0 111 . bt~ r ,<1 • ' ·(\1', Mr~ . I lu;lhtl vlJ1e. I Pllillt ~ lit

1.ILII O, j r ulIl

Mil Y '" .


F le Tcht' I', Millllli CUIltl. '



Dr. E l' ll uk M. 'Kl1ur, fOl'ul (Jl'l y \I f MIl~tE\ r l:ilotWI't. AlhJl\ Ilf ~OI' WO\ltl. l:li ffing' V" llc)', h~l~ luO.ll din t}el h" Ui n ciu lllLti , it; \' i::<it.\ll g hi8 g~/IoDll vn e. ~ b j(j, ,"'hlll'e hi s f,,~nil !, w llo is m othe l', Mr . I:l. C, Alle n, uf Third It OW ~n " Inlll llu~ wt J) J"1I1 hlll1 tlt.r llet . 1 eUI'I,Y III J\ll y , . t,y.

'~ 'JE .

Sell l;Ul' hUUf\AO Illll JlILpel' n ovelties; ' Uhll~, .I!', t;hIlJl~~I!IH, llllt1 ~; II~e ' .,,·ntl tb t')' lire be"tlf,je~ [ 0 1' th e [noney, 1111'8, (,'Ltharln e , touton, 01 ~ p,rlOl; .l. E Jnnney. bol'O, Ilttend ou Orthodox Frwndl.\ ll\eetilJ~ /SuDd" y . lind (liu ed wilh. Mr. lwei Mrtl .I os Hisey , of EllS', Mrs'. tillrlth B . tind t.ll n nd f.lmll,\' . Wtlyne town"ui]l, dru ve out to F urt',Y Bot,h.Mr. 'hfl p1L1IlD 1I1Il1 Mr ~ . z:itIlU, lust ~UUdllY IIfte rnoOIl and OIl lled ton wud e. very 1J.ppl'oprlllte 1It1, lr ~1!5. on t h e ir fl'i fl Ud8, Mr. ChIlB. F. Elliott e~ lJefor e. the m eAt,~n g, n,nd fnwily. Mrs. E lJion, wuo laltS n.e sident8111 {) 11~ the 'Spl'ing Vllll e y bee n quite III fo r IL m on t h or lI1ul'e, pike fro m W IIYDPsville to Mt li ll lly is now improving, ' . lLre r ejOi cing o ver Illlving tell'phlll1A Sui'e Cure Benduohe nnd Non.l'I.ll · oOI\neot,iOD'Iuft,e r U wllit of Rll vm'"1 , gin, Powders llt MII.Y 's. yelll' . AUh oug h 11110 Ileol·ion IIJ ,n" ..· Ueo, J , Smith hus llI\1voLl hi s t lli!! pike i o ue of th e IDOst· I hickl .Y : family trom Wllnllngton 10 \VIlY· lJU\Jll1nt ed .in tile coun ty, t ll(')' hllve nOll ville, ~nd will h erol.lftRr lit not hild teleplt Que 8ervioe v efo r u, home on . Third stree t with Mrs. . Prof, Fronk .J. Bro wni of Li,hn . i Smith't; mot,her. Mrs: B . E , Fetter. . nou , \lEI S · ill \Vuy n cRville TIll' . (\".\' I These good lJCople hlLve beeD r elli· s lmk iog b n nds wit.l\ nUIIl61'l111S dent·s of Wilmjngton for eeve ra.1 fri e nds. Mr . Brown is ill t.h e !!o,ee yearh, where Mr. Smith ba8 beo'o . . ftlr the . l'llpubliclUl n OTJIiJ)lLtiOll . for employed by tho F a rqublLr Furonce CQunty Trell.sul'er, As' 'h e Wllll Il

If yuu ha\1e

e V (;~'

atu<; ldsd one


o ur



the :,u ~ r c announCCl'Xu:.:ut will be suffici~n~ t o b ring y~u






C(), ' lIot hi8 , but;in688 taking hiin from home m.ost of the timo, tb ey have "\'rIm Yed to live ~n ' Wn,yuP.R. v,ille liS oonveniontly,

teil Qh er for", !lumber of yeur8 aDd .hM .:11 wide Requo,int/utce over toIlll oonnt.y, hi~ fri eod/\ ,11.1'0' ' h op!, fnl (lf hi !! hlll,Ull g .I,h e plnili ,





J\.: ly S ale Days, we simply give you

.the , 0PP . r 'tunity t o buy thz:ough . under

~he reGul 2~ r

.p '....roi-i.... c....::e~s~.::-----

c urIlT.rncnse: sto..:k

~~~~~ . ~~~~~~i l1/4' .. ~-~ - ~ -.~ ~--------~~ --~ ----UlO uuselth<h 10"" ILlld --~ 111I\V ~ --A~ ----to y --iIi timon _ .. ~-_ A-tes _ · _ _••--~-_-. \ --~--~~----~ #C"III" ,,,I ",,, "" tho mRIl . WO 'I UOlo of W."," v . it, till" lIilll)llio ~pHcilll . I A s h ur B rown. PERS ONAL AND LOCA L Pur ..

NEW~;' l tli"I1t,"

------pUI'1!" Urt" ~ 11 at .1

Of~y ,





I:'" "".) ~J, ' . ,I

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.I '111 n .. ,.

:\lu"'t'l'!' i \Vu !tl' r Iln rl LI·~tl'r (;1111111. . pi lHl . lit :--\trltt,fII rcl , "hll1 , IH I' " h l t I I I I tug nt· tl l1' h llllll' IIf t !t'n nIH' I' :111\

b;, . 111\ . \

B. l'illtilh M,·" Ann B""I,I"I'c1 , 11\1)I.h"r ,,,r , ILUlit. Mr ","1 .\Ir~ ~"'II"k LillI/'ll MI" 11ll11t 1IIl'il' MrN. Hllrry Murrll .' ·, I.. qun.., ~Ick nt'! nml "I~" . Y F"IT III. HIII.IIII, oot,. b e r h"III" "II FOIII'I.h tltr


M'lr .. h"II , o f B"lIhr" "" , youl1g" r ~u n of Mr . Willis Mllrshll ll, of tip1'in~ Vlllhw. h ,.~ gone I·" FiorI. da, whore be Will "1,,!llIt In IIICklll1{ tlw crop fro!ll IL IlIrgo IIflILoh orch"I'.1 II Union T" l1lpAr Th ere wtll anclI MeOI\lI~ I" bo pIHticlplIl''l:1 in by all ohuJ'(,llIl" uf WIIYD!' t.llwn ship, III the M ~ " hnrch noxt ~un pRy lIVe ning. ~;"I1rybody oorolal ly ~lIrJ

t·h ,· hirtl111u .v nf :\1 ; .. Jol .j" ... ",... Mllrlutt , Iwr .vllunJ,! t"n,-I\el ... llrrulIl!H d Illlll ("Hrrl f'd t.1l Htlm'f'I'-~fl ! 1 ~lIl1day l Ini n g

r, /l Ul plt·· t.,nn


pnrt .\~

whh'h WII'" n. t.(1 h" r \V h ~o Ill'· ."




fr"l11 t,lw t.ost.inw ny ~OlUn .1irectl0I1 8 which b .. Wl'lItH with th .. rel\lIo~ l. ! 11:"11 . •Io."llh ('I . Koy", IIf ~·llyn e.•. thill, I.bey 111' rell'\ IH· hi" I{l'tl " ' " copy R NO:t. I' Vllll1, hll ~ lllCl1 rlncl GlIZ6tt.n '· 11. buth for II long ti m e been "II Ilf lin int erp~t hl/4' t .. ~ tlnt o n y r ellltlOll my mind t·\) lell ve II fil w lIuos to h" I til Ih .. lire Clf AHhnr Hrown , i"!!Ulm r t'lld lit tb H grave when 1 umy II .. I It.v t h " Imlhtnll yparly MIlI,Mng of IUI·orre U"vll.·d 1I 'llt l, ll. in ord or t o anRwor 1111 ill. Frllll\{l ~ in t·h .. Y(,I~r L A:~~ . V"1I1 L 'ltf. q lli ry t bM. IllIlY ariso in "U1n e U1lnd ~ . t fr ofU Lu nll · t~ Hnllf, Th" tp"lim ony 1M print..,.1 nil n why lilY collin I~ so dilTtlron Ill .\' !Joen huth It . mmon co 1M whlll of v ,.tor. hi .' II eR ~iv . ~m"111nl1flC\t tUlIl1l to II youth, Y ill !UI O lit" Ilf Allbur Brown nml hi R ouncorl l from II b tl \1)1011. ~iclI' fHst Uloc\~mtlon nnd I>h~lnnllss; nllfl : work ill th o Frienill l Soolet~'. ::il,nlllClIs. family ll bi wit.b t{) m y desire hlltb 10llg bllen. thut t boy A.. c!rnlf' ~uitR J:Sl,~cd BIIIIII"'1 I , W " vIIH,ovillo ill thll YlIi,r 1804 . llIi ~ 11t go wit,h lIle t·o my gruve. '~.OO III 'ti. OO r.Al~ " Thllll 1I1111 n, I P l'l lIut Hutt~ll' A.. hl1r Brnwll Will' Il mlln whn ex. direol"" lIUY ootlin to be TOIHle mllY IIIlVII. to he 1Or1",1 " . • tl'f)1I1( inflnl10 ce (ID t.his ,,11.1 t.b e hUll' tllill Ull """, per~oll-it 11111 ,. poor e S li Rom t,1) Hnd I!'iveu lif(> hi" nl!' ri dn tv lllfIll1l1l CU ",k " W" "lImll" ",',1 IllH 'o/IIr"It I' . t ~Wl'H I l·ic kl ... ~ , d ' l I· !Jren.l, ILDd II.!!, lo t . liT 1\ ) t.I,"m t rJ ' lillY t.nrtllfl lIllf Jl 1I\ • ·,f ~ 1l11 ... " ',, .n " Iltrg ~ I~H r pol \v ent, I ,n ' ~s ( aSe6n e u . M llI'mldo r In the tlIl r th . .. .Lt I; "rH~H t h I f plitt hit·... lll"l I II &:\ VH : t 1M , lik"w'~A t.onk IL prutl1l11 ent part III .1' /1 11 Ill" h.· .. 1 " UII. VII I""''' .. t tho ~tI" ::I< '"1''' Wp '·"lInClI. ,I A_cri h.) Ihlll a\" ' 1 thp. cOID{nl1l1it.~' ·8 wl, . lIl1 lid. : The To 111'., 1I 0W living ILt 'Vllyn o~ . I{"Clt 1m., "t ~ mt.. III YO Il In thh. If " " l1r ',, 'hlnkIUI!' III!' H 1I0w i 1211 Wllllt Fifth 8 trllP.1. "bll ..l ren of A"her l, Lt' 1I1 0 tl f'o ~ U; I . il'" 111' t,ct Y"11 I.n" ~ ..e MIl~o l ville "ix !t rnnn Ollyl,"n . OlJl o. Tuy' Ann ter .. Be Mrll : viz , Browll i . e r l'\!ltlwhe g IillllHlllI I'I. Cuh .. n .... , r a bu.-In ..ln 150:.1 , Home :11;02. M .' Phones , . IMbollfl Bmwn. 'I ' G"ld BOl lld lJulIl'on " ~Iv"u ~itb i 1,,1'. MI ~ ...' .. I'illriLh 1 Pillll Al'pluR EVE, EArl, N0811: ANn THROAT . I MeRsrs. Mn'lre, 8 til EIII'-lloo Bmwn, .\' con 500 r fi ~50 e I AIIoh 500 lluroha~ . I • !J01l!! !l1'I011 rl'1< Hn ""'1(" nt. IIrpl<l'n I.. Nll W l.:Iuud,. Every OILY. l"ppotlloles fitloou t r eaHonllh \e )l1'i(\!\S Hrown. I i iTh" uexI. !.inw ~" II1'r" II1, Ollyt"l1 WII Nur Brown lind OUVld tu go ~~~~~~~~~~ "tiet the 1:111 \.Iit.," , .! exbihit of I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I invlI.p YOI1 I·" Inllllpm.flo = i or 2m\ 'S t.hll prel!,,"tM on i': Z I M MER MAN




SIO $12

Mell 's Snit s

Men' s


811 its


C"lIIl'l AI.(> "l1r\lrl~" /I II urrivot llll hor hnnlt' "11 r"llrlh l\IIIRir. . HlrpI11 Tll l1Sc1I1Y ""lI l1ill )!. ga lliI'll Ru (1 rofr,,~hllll'"I. unit.ed; u making it It r1 .. lh:ht·ful ev.'uinl!'. Bn ,'i nl!' L1 ullitlf' ll lipan t.llll orl·'ntillll invltlld of 1111 e ntiroly 0"'" ,,111111 in \\ h;"h lIur IILI'I! " I~' l11crPII _.·c\ During R'" e lootrl",,1 storm Mon · to h'mllll1we nnw filIi'll' our .. nt·ire n,,s8, hu"; day mornin g. u burt.e beloil!(l ng to Rtllck of g r'lI1ite nnd mill' hI" II\llbll. Mr . Nath ..n Lupt(ln , nea·r Ridgevi lle, mIlDt,,. ILno mnrkerl l lit. rp· WlLS killed by IIgbtnin g. Allothe r du""t\ priOtlR . Tho \url(A hnif(lin~ I1 PcIlM,," ry horsA was stlLDdlng noar by at the wo ""ill erpot w,lI mILk" .! of our e ntlrll IIt·nok r"IIl"v,. t.he the In effeoted not time. but was Per"onH inlerest .od will do wpll ttl • lIon.1 our\Og or honor RI.iII least. the work MillS O'Neal l bas been the COIllP to onr 'yard and "ee own prloo . your at offor we Mllri· Missetl friend", " guest. of her ti EO R'HC OOU08 &, Son, Of L'u ur~ e . I Ken III, O bill. I, a·nnlL and MJlrgn.r ettl1 Packer, at , I and 14·8tory B11lltlilll!, C"r Mllin IIl ,d I _ _ _ W --ili!iIt _ _ •• George School. Pennsy lvania, _ _ -_ ·!!Ii · , EI\8t/I of Mr . I\nd Mrs. t:iet,b Furn,,", exer· t ncemen Fourt,h 8t. rellt.~, Ouyton . , Comme tbe enjoyed Wayne townsh ip, had thn plOll!<ure cilles at t.hat school. of entortll ining at their h o me 11I8t' i Lnw "ARIC" TO II 1'11''''1.11 VIA 1' ltNN Prmtln g at Ihe GII1.oUe o ffi c('l rollltive R A. B. Chandl er and 'thoma s Zoll 80ndllY Il pnrty of tbeir I IIV LI' ANIA L'NES. Hllve ynllevt>I:-;~oPI)('d too"n~id('lr l doy WRS and fnmily woro in Dayton Tues· and frlono s, Rnd tbo ent·ire M. II an~ 1 0 . ,,.e,,,,lon t' ~kc.. to I!u(. , .Iuly "'''11ld IIoiiloDt. " un ',f' lliffereDC a e to all. I what I' I falo UCCo \l lIl Annual \1 oot1111o(. li r;u ul f. ocl': l' , ' day where they went to attend the one of unalloy ed plenomr . 11' OJ ff~' /4'Jt 'J. i,. Orde r o f ,·. lk' . WIII h~ soh.rrom aJ\ !, U rJv"nH~' alr!' . Z 11' soepb youru ~ 1 f .... makein ' uMd f ollnlrlb on versatl lndoon Musiol . llla I.lne8. r ew, ... rs. e unerll 0 muke it. ill1po"~ibh~ tiel,", , tutlon" I'll t he !"f{':"INylva to the enterta inment.. 100 ncolden t might. fur ~~vf'rnl "'ur full tllrormntl on r" )til In, t.ime or lru.ln;:4 I Cha!!. Tyson, whos e young life WRS la.rgely work your do t·o von for "OUI ' . H i etc .. al'l" , I I' local tlc ket.gout so ( e6ksor mon·t.h s Ilw r,.f"rA Ihe in fares.lin. ~ e ; crellm supplom entod thehnu nllflll w .. e thoN the !Lre out short by consumpto~. t.hR~e Thp.n, ,stOPI" come wit,b oguin, I dinner. nnd W9R served leaves a wife and youni ohlld . I1 ' I ATr OINOINN TO ON ItXCURSI Everyt.hlDK takAS BUNDA Y Those wbo dootor II bill... ' 1'1' Mr, and Mrs. Cbllrles I::!ears. of Fer· 1 cake, in the Afterno on . VIA I'ENNSYLVANIA L1NII:8 ont, not.hi~1l comln K In c lf money . F B. were y compan tbis ed , oompos Clark, . lE o. ry, and Mr. and Mrs. Marion tnll the wlth Insure<l ure you W t V· tlck. I·, 10 Clne' nn".tl . f Cb I t ! Pa k "'-t d ill t II'· ~I!'Hin~t accioen t·. the compHn y 1"1:V~ J ..1, 2nd. excu",lon will be KullI at 7DC ! L I AS III' 6S on, I.ltw, of yt e, W II art otIo ur ay, on . I' or, 0 whH .... ,. l'enno .• I,·"n':I. a$n~ week eacb Rtlm cl'rtHin II 11 v and wlfe th, gotn~ on Mpedal Meredi \'lIJe Samuel rdllltd t tlJ"l f rolll W . - • . an extende d tour through tho WllIIt, gtOlR; ! . n . . t.ben talk train luvl n~1\ 18 : 2~ .. m. central time. over. thiS 'l'blnk: · nfl lulcl and w,fe k. Hartsoo Wm. ; n to bo gone probab ly throe months . cblldre und Lela; t .o Frpd B . tlbe r'wooo , At(ent '£bey oxpeot. to visit Portla.n o, Yel. : daught ers. Tillie, Alva Flft,y ~lIeel80f l>llllflr, f>O .. nvel"pt<~ I CblLun· I wife; ittand Ponnew Joseph I lowston e Park. Seattle and various toml1w h. Both printed 'with ;v ullr I LUK ENS, l, 'wif£' and 80n; M18~ natUe, Jlddrfl!!R ami anythin g ,,1~tI I polntB in Califor nia. One of the i cy Bunnel • • . Parker r von mav de~lrll . All fur 60 cenlll lit I plotl.san t fe~tures of the trip Is tbelr I Monim ia Bunnel l ' Webste of tbelr I i.b e tiHzet.f.e officl'l. We will mllil 1(1 . 8UROEON . AND AN pilln to VISit a number residen PRYSIOJ ; f Orndor WiIIlo Hod Davis nd ts, Raymo friends who were formerl y IN AMAN BLOOK any address . CJlsh m!"ltac cmnllhl l .\' and dought. t·r OFJ'IOE • 'Ph "ntl ~:! of tbls part of Obio, but aro now Frnnk 8qulro." , wife VII"LII:. o. or(ler. WAYNE8 8TREET MAIN joined the part.y in the afterno on scutt.ero d through the west.



J. H. McCASSY, M. A•• M. O.





The Plac e to buy FUl'niture. YOU KN 0 \V I~" " • 1 • , 1~ I to hl1'll · u,. \·thin You can r'"f.)'e t evel., ,<. hom e of li S at lowe st 11I'iecs.




W V EK : .~

S P E CI AL r1' II I. S



A fine

14 CEN TS.


mOl'l ll ng ] • OUI' Wind ow.


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TH E O. L. KR EAK LER CO. Wuynes vill", Obio


< , ',\


• VOL. XLVT, NO.4 .

", EWLE . ' UMBER 2087 .




Jamie Bogardus ' TOLD IN SHORT tiowand Where . IA Bloody Battle \ Meets Terrible Accident PARAORAPHS 'I They Spent the Fourth. I Saturday Night l


Benj, H. Lukens at Rest.


MI' . 'l' . BUl't nn uml wifo vi ~ itall At the run eml nf Bl'nj . Lukl'ns 1r Iog aooid en toccurr a d at ' Columbus Stock and Poultry Food 1 Ml'. tlnd-Mrs - -. .fohn --C -. '. ; Clim e t o J IICOu 1. r n· I [111111'1y, III\() 11 .1, . ' <1 lay I . A s I"'"en . . Brlwk e SOil A f Olil1 ---._-of lon g s lllllllml,' ,' l' .1 11 111 I II t J o0' 1ock Tl111' m ornmg, F urnu ' or08S Ing on th P and Louse Killer at May's. , ' . ' , . I f l ' . d . e eonsylva. . ;CIIII lIud l1tlugb.tor Ola ra Hpeut, In- I ll f ()c n ~ Hnturtl llY lIi ghL l'I' ~U It ! lI g in ~'F I' (,11 1 l r uln IJ "rll lln\'(l lJI~~ 1l III· ~tl e (\ 1 o win g memOIr waR rell : nlll railroau, .little I\boveCorwi~, Mr. G. UIlIl Murllby, of Dayt.(JIl, . lI opolltieoco Day. i n Dnylon with i ErnosL [IOU Wtl,lte r \)Iddn . of 111l" I I CDllillg tl1t) "lL n l",\1 1)t~I\IC: I T~ o kee n sick le of Death h lt3 MondllY afternoon., wben Jamie, was a g~est over 8undtlY tlt the Mr. and Mrs .•Tohn Fromm . Spring Brnnc!J llei g!Juorh bud uOi ll g 1\11'. H Il U lIlrll. AI 1Jl"lr t Corn e ll !Lnd a g lLIIl elltered tho llo~e of Le vI. 8 . the little son 6f . Mrs. Lizzie Bogar. home of 1. J. Brown, 1 C. 1.... KrolLkl e r, th e fUl'nitur o s,hnt Ilnd Jncob. RnlJl'l't lind Uhn rle~ I' Hlll'l'illllll CIII'IH,lI tllIll Mrs. Ct'lill l...uK cnll . IInu IIIl.S c1t\lmll~1 lJIs hrllt dus, WAS run down by tbe fast pa~. Take yonr watch re palrl11g to uC!II~r, oml hi s flunity ce leur ni cil !:itt·IIU;;. Il vln,{ he h voe l1 IJy t·lp. Iln rl ~:1VlIgP WNt' l'II1IIIIII Y ~ 11l'8 1 f1 (If Lllc y llorn , hIS only >on, BeoJ. H ., who seoger train bou'Ji<!-. for . Clnclnnlloti, Fran~ B. Carey, Jeweler, LolJILUon' , lhe oll t ion';; bil't.ilua y nt th e ir fOl'. \V1I ~' n"8\'i lle, W"I·,· lm .!I .\' (,11 1, 1111 111Co rrw llllt MIIIIOJ'. . Cll m e . to gladu~~ tIle heart of h~m wbloh passes Corw n slation aUtt·le D..r. and Mrs. A. T. Wright mRd co mer homo in Oil\'. t,on . I hr'Rlp li \\'ilh kIll 1'1' , ~ tll n l'~ II nll 11 I' 11 1 " 1 . , _ I • . " 1'111'" ','n ' " II n l I lI nl1 ve ntor . uo!llll~ . wi. fe Sixth llIonl,h 12, 18, t, a fOlll' 0 cloak, 1IU11 lIue lImh tl llusinefl~ I' ll 111 HllUlIl'l' ' I ' . . trill to Mit.lLlI utowll SUI. I '\ n. I'!!. ~ fI, 11ml ('1111<11'11 11 I ll!"!.:\' ..,. whi lli ,' . tll inl 'd . ,,11 :-;\lIlila y Ih elr nlt'"n atlll Hnll ul et! In tho homo wheTe hl' WIIS levero d f rom his body . u r d a Y. '" '1 F I' II. S C" 11 I;; t], "1 . 1 ~w o · n f' pl h'w~. Ilw iljillI1 !t'ton~, from llorn ::Ievl'n th month 2, 1\10:;. Hpnn t'l v J(J ,'our. 1111, ' l'IJul, III wh er ll u ,.II 11' 1'1 IIII ~ I '('1 '11 Iu[1( JII·wie and bls oousin, Eli FurnaB, Wntohes repnired by Frunk B. thll.v plIl'liniput nll in n. ,..nrp .. i ~1\ hloOll hetwElen n, u Vn l;ill b".l'~ IIl1el Dny t otl. Wh ell bot"lt yonng mlln sOIl,rcely lion of Edwl.n S. FUl'nlls, were orOl!S, Carey, Lebanon. I \lurty !:(ivrm for he r "ouRin, lIll·. Erl tlle~ 8tl'llu~ hrothfll'H for II In ll{.( tilll . r Oll ching hi g majority, bo hlld 110 u l l 4ui ol wcd dill " luu k pl llco lust t i l t' j' W t lif ' d Ing th e f~1 I roa d t rllC k b e Iow M1', Llttl M' H I T f< f D I 1'''0111 rs. rint.nnlay lIi l.t ht t h o pllrfin!' IrlC'l, II ron r " g rea Am) Ion or es orn e,·nn ' 1'0"' 1 J . , f t e l. !I e en A •., 0 ay on , M I I ' I '\'1'1 '1 , iu Cuving t on , Kontuoky, t l ' des ' ] tb t h u for FIlrnns . ,. ... 0, w len amle s 00 I I ' t ' I 1 .1 t"1 I l·iI. II . IL 11tl A eX lllld{lr IIml MisH tllll bri(lgo llI'03~ i l.l" Iho 1111 11 l"ilf"t' on ~ u S rang wa~ liS re , II · u • wila canght between the board 'of s V 81 lOgier uno e ~nu tlun , A 1'. I~n lhl\r y n Aloxumlor spent t llC! COI'win A\'enne. n wh ell tw o Ilr anI' 110pultlr you ng sook all the comforts nnd luxdr~e~ the cattle gnard lind tbo T rail of nod Mrs , J, WI\l Wllll-u, l'ol1rtu It t theil' fol'U lUl' hUl~lH ill 1'hl! butt,ln IJPtW('~1I t.lI A two fn r! peo pl e, 11[1'. Ralph Low iB !lilt! 1\1Is~ of this well de veloped oouutrY!1I"1lIl . . F .0- 1 f Ml ddlntown . Mr.s . Ale.' ·l lnll f.'r S SO Il A 11'11 ('rillt l" I ,\' CI'I nllll'rl'c I tbe track. HI!lllttlo oousln stllr+ecl or ,,<I e-A lot 0 Reoon(l hnlld Dr HI." I I " I ' 1 ' • tl on " IIIi Gl't hll' whil n it lu ~ t nll n' , . ,, . I. wout to !leek !l fortune for himself . ~ b I lr I I B V . . ~ . l \ o .~"ne ~ r nil' WI e, 0 1 .H Wil .. . , v .. .. ,. ' • towlUdH home t08ummon help, but r c, nqu re of Ilxter tlllce.. F~lillo . ()hio, 1I1.(j e n jo~'fll Lh n elllY \\' 1I ~1ll1 wit,h te l'rlfT\ c rllJ'Y. I 1\11'. WII,I BL'I'l;dull "11t r.rbllJ1l1 ~l hlR litld wh e re so tnllny Ilfwe mllde n.. before be could reaoh tho Mrs . ,T. C. Dodds; of Xenill, IIC. I with r!J oi l' MiLlrl\(-tl)wll r fl lnti\·c~. EJ'n e~t, 0 1' " F:ll rn ic" Dll ldn us IH' lll'o tlwl' 1'.t1 1ll:1':,:rlall 1111(1 [l1l1l1l y II compl ete :fnl1ul'e, he in II. moo~· trllin, runn.lng at lightning speed, companied her Ilusblmd to W,LYU O!!. , ,J N. U'II1I11 01I und [Alllil v, ,TrullcR i!< known, WILli s hot, in til , ' hr"1I5t . re w dll Y'" rc('o ntl.v , 'llid up ou their ute Huececdet!, not· only ..In. hllll borne down on the helpless boy. ville Tbursdlty lind Wtl~ the gneRt of StoO PRIlUlI fnmily !InrI ,J. H. Ca skey ! Wnltor Dllkin wn..~ shot ill the rotu rn til ~ hail' llOlU O in Dnytu n we ~e securi ng )lroperty but In gaining RelloJizlng that tbere was no wl\y ber friend. MISS Mollio Bisphurn. und flllllily t,ook th,etr lunoheon tlntl l fl Il t f tl I ' nccomp'lm ert by Mr . Be rgdall 8 fri ends wherever be went, and al. ' Hpcnt th e lll1Y nt t,,1Il Nefl' groundH e~ y pill' 0 10 ego . of el!oope, the child with ?londedul Soro Cure Hea!1l1ohe. and N eurnl. lit Yellow Sprin gs. which t h e y ,l rtlc e I:;t.TIlI1 ~ \\IU!! tl'rI'il,ly IIcn t en I.n othel . though he WIIB lelidiog a frontier preflence of mind, t,brew baok ~II! gift powders nt May's. I fOll.nt! 10 he lin idenl RpOt f or pic. O\'or Ml o h eml wi lh Ih e h l'lIvy e UlI Morlliclli Mill ~ ' condition does not lire his ll el\rt of sympl\thyand·ten. I)ody IlndStlV611 hhnselftrollllnRt.ant 'Mi8S ' Donna Hl\wke entertl\ined niomg. . of II bu ggy wlup. . ill1pro\'(' , h ollolnJ.: jll~t IIliv(lltt t his !le i' ness WtlS often touched by those, Misses Luella Cornell and Irene Tho t ench e~1\ ant! cl.lildI'Cli"' of t.lI O· A 1I 00p gus h \VII R e ll! in Boll timo. with whom he mingled who we.r " "he train wa~ stopped Itnu tile . . Orthcllox FrlOmls Jr 1r!, t .rlll.v sch ool 1 ' . ' . .. . . N 1\1 ' N ' I l e~s fortullnte than himse)f. ·' 00 . ~ ~ Trout and Messrs. D . B. flail null picniced on tho JlI'etty grouuus ~ Ilr. ,tulllS Cowhond lly IL km[C'. hI! \\It S oxt. Sun un .I' ovening ISS 1 Ie I· , InJured boy ~alcen to \;or\\,ln where Ed Blair, (f Lebunon, at bllr sllbur . ronnrling t h o o!Jurcb, th e aftol'noon w')I1llrletl over III h ell ll Wi t h 'l stoll e ol!!, Iln uV llngelist fr olll Cincinnllti, olle OCCII.RlOO wheo in oompany i":itli Ite was carrloo to thE' Plln Handle ban borne Sunday, of the Fourlh. und his fnce nud hentl w e r e other. will preneh in thc 1\ \. E . church, 1111 old IIl1Ln who bailliotbinJ( to eat, hou~e, kept by Mr. and Mrs . W . W, " . N B 'A th f II T 1 Miss Ueorgill FrAmo, of Dnyton, wiso 1Ujureu . MiHs Nieh ols II ssistell £to\'. P"tton he nppreoioting the sitaa.tion, 'gllovP . . n ony e uesl tlY . I ' Arnold, and where he has !llnoe evonlng while taking a little wnlk lind fri end, Mi~s ,JenncU o. s penl, th o C hnrli ~ , th o youngos t 01 th e in his suri es o ( 1\1 ' oti ll gs 'lOre a YOIII' him ull the lunoh he hacl, SIIY ng u been. in front of ber b ome with tbe Itid llny with h el' _isl er, M i~~ Alli u i:'trll1l!l llOy~ wn.!; 1,lId ly hUl't nbont or mon, " KO . he did HO, "Yon nre mn~h olde~ Dr. Thomas Sberwood I\D(I Dr. ,J or bor cllno. und bruisod hetself Frllwt', 011 Third stroot. t ho hcnd 1111,1 fa roc. Mri!. r.~ llI\l'lJc C l!trk n tor t,Liuou t lt,LV raIn" ; I clln do wlthont better T. Ellis were summoned and nttend. blLdly, but watt otherwise uninjured. 'rlll,,1 ~imll\ormun \Vent up t n tha n you." 'On I\nother occasloll ,Jalll eH tolV1l Monoay nftnrnooll ilml A Rmnll crowd 1111 11 gat,h erod Oil he r !)rothnl',1.. f1 M !I,~O Il lind fOllllly . ed tbe cbild's \njnrie~ . A few {bnll ' lies took tllelr sUllpers t t" F tl ' tl II j' >1 10 I ' tIl e I " (. ··t I co tI when o"ortnketl by a storm, 'betook B .. s Jlen ll l) ' Olll' 1 WI I 1 ~ "" 1f' r , I .lIrn u g 1' 0 wns .n uO 11 'gll .tlll( from :-\ nr.h r. banon , ,., no !Iy. 'Late reports from the sufferer ale Wednesday evening anti repaired t o MI' . Goorgo ZiJl111l 01·III1Lll. whom l m l i t i!; olllilllAl1 ~Ollll l,f IUe'lII pnrticl . (:LOV IW BI.oasOM. hi!! own COlI.t 011' his back in order I\Qlleflll, a.nd he is doing fully a8 Falton"s Wood where they enjoyed fOllnd in VAry poor II IlEllth . " 11'.1 t"d . in th e ti g- hl , I,ut 'w iloll 1'1, 0 to uring comfort to one wbo w~ well e.s could be expected. a few hours in tbe cool ~lIndo, chllt. Art!Jur~. Monfort who I~ with 'L Rh ooliog lJ1."g nn thL'Y l'Attl'!' 'd ill Wellnlan, lIOt ~o well olad U8 himself. ,1 'I f h 1 large fnrmt.tne nflnnf'rn m Col nm . . . I Th e utlep sym pat Iy 0 t e peo]! e tlng aud otherwille r eoreating . hnH Olll11 e d o wn to Lobllnoll ::iu.tnr. 'lll ,lil'edi L>n~ . . III the year 1899 he was bapplly . of the oommonity goell out to t,h e Mrs. Chll!l. M. Car.twright nl1il day lind vi sit,Cfl at hi!! mother '!,! Afl m' t h e fi ght I,ho Dllkin broth '1'h o I,hrc~hlll g mllchino of RolJc rt marriod' to Pauline C. 'Paolse\l, j of family 1"11 tbeIr ~orrow . I little son., Stu.nley Lovering, retorno hOlii e in Lcltllllon llntil t.he Avenllll~ i Cl't! went t o Ihe ()fli cli or lJl·. A. '1'. G rnY'is OXllcctllll in t.lIlS n ei ghbor. Cheyenne, Wyoming, and perhaps ..t ed to their home ill ClJlclIgo Thurs'I Of tJw Fonrth . .M:0ml ny ufteJ'1I 01l11 \ Vrigll t WIWI'U t.Jlll il' wounds \\'01"0 I '1 tl . " 1- r· 11 wo· '0 n ot not It du.y pilbsed from thllt: t1lJ).e • . . . . ho c.l1·OVO lip to VI!'lt t!J,~ 1,tllll cst,C'IH l: . 1001 , li S \\ 1."" 01 II, at . The Liquor Traffic day ~fter 1\ VISit wlt~ Wn,yoesville fllTilI sout.h of Wu~'u R,"lIIe~, un(l nrtrmdetl I u. .I n 'lllo~ [,. !" 1.11 1111 <I0llli c utLiu,:( whell u. thnt he WtlS fully content until thl8 in Waynesville. ' relntlves a.nd frien()s SIRCIl MI\Y. then CllflIO on to towu IIm1 81.leuI ,. bnllut wOllncl Wul te t DIL1. w hu(l a 1\1." lid Mrs, U oo. Dnvis speut now daughter Ilnd sister was Mr. !lnd Ml·~. Perry Alexander, of few houl'~ w~t,h 111>; . uld frlouu ~. hau sCIIIl1 \\'uuml II UtI II1 ~ ,,1I'JIII,le1' ::iuUfln y 'L(tornoou ill Bn.rv.OY,llb,\lrg, hrought, to the home ot"his JlIlrent~. "'I t n.. I. • I It ' t I ' B I V Mr. Monfort HI luo kln g well anti , wu~ ul so IHs locu t ull 'l'h !;y wBn t ' . , . , This newly wedd~d coople bellaD .. I~ _ere .!I ~ '"Ita n erell n pr ug /liley, were guests of Mr . life in Ule Cllpitlll city ov idelltl y 1 • • • . t h e guest;,!.of' Mrs. Dn l/ls wothW'., d thi the temiw\ranoe q,uestlon in, ~ftynes . . and ,Mr<i. ,Teff, Marlatt., Qf Fourtb a~recs with him . '. from DI· . "'\'VI:lg'ht'R 0111 00 to tho MrR. i\o\. J. Clca,\'c r . e.lI.rly to their I>lans, an e,r






vOle was proven by' tbe large .inm. street, " Sunday ' Ilnd ~ttended tl1e . ' . . . h o me of thml' auut, . M~s, oUSltn . ' .. . . tiret IlOll,l. verelll'Y was spent \lot thelJ.' , Mr. Art.hur Anson clune UI) to Cool' 011 M'liu "trod MJ. "'lvnn Fnes .nnILfllIUily..spent. -rntner,s llama in ~ .. Jil.~t ~J' her .?t people who attended,. the faneral of Miss Kate Hopkins iu the \Vn.ynesville froUl l.'Iucl nl1llti Mon' l , , ' .' . . '. , ~1l11l1ay wi t·h Mr .· Edwnrcl Bogau . ~ to .:l..Alr Uolon Temperance services ftt 'he aft,ernoon cllty evening Ilnd SllBut rudel)en,l. 1110 St.l IL\1 t; !Joys \\Oll t to OJ. . , stay wtlllof.shortdufAtion. r _ . ' . 1 '1 ' l' l' . Il1ml f"tlllly. UCllr \\ I IYll e~ \·llJ e. d d ti d ded ~h,. M, E. chorch Sunday eveDing to ence day nt the horon of Ill!; motlltl\, · ::I 1l~ \,WO Ol s ~lt ICII wh ero thel l' n l1 m. ! . _ . .. caras o,n u e8 elnall ~ SIi""""11 1I,.t3n to a ,'h!OUBBion ,of tbe local .Wanted, bOArder8 by tbe meal, in:lllw, Mrs: Lucy Prutt., wh er o hi R erous w oullds were dressed an(J Ill.· Mr . •r. M. h ey;., Wil e alit! un.uglJ ·1 ret,urn to their Welltern hOUle. , I ' dllY or week. Inquire ai;' the Gil· Wife I\nd 0111111ron had been for Bev. tendf'd toO tel' mILL wer o cnt ortlllllcd by J . G. I · f t I d' 't' ".ette office"t onc". ~ral dava ' Ill e 1)11"t'I' 'lllllll' " 1',1 tIl e B 1I1'net "n d' WI' 1'e,S nn u n·y. But his se f·8Rorl 0 ng ISp08l!p8 . . temperanOB ... dI to.tlon. . ,. "~ ." . H e returned homo thA ' . Au 1111 '" ..• '&brpe ad retlsa,11 were malla, by 8Rllle evoning, uut his fllwily will ~ •' . v~ and nMurally not being very strauB, • I:ooal ministers, each limited to ; ten Mi, s Celestill Anstin attended tbe r~1UaiJl here nntil the 0 11(1 of t!J e ufIlIIl' we re mom or l o~~ \IIJ1~ ell Hnt! . Mr8. JlhL ~nnllon, :-v hO Ilns been he soon began to fall in hea~tb, and , mlnntes. weddmg of Mias Marlannn I.. Whit- ~ee~ . Both Mr . aud Mrs. Anson . I\~ thel'o wU!C no way of cal'ulg for 1Il nttemllin ce nt th e, unuay i:lC1JO~1 wbilo the hand of fort,one "bUll· Rav J F Oadwallllder !lpoke 'first Rore and Mr, Stanley G. Olark lit aro ~Illong. ~be m lLny fOl'Tlicr W,lY, thel1\ lI.t tho jlJiI, uo a.rl'csts wore Convcnl,ion Rt 't'orooto, returned clontly blessed the hand of disease " • th . h d ' b btl h f tl nesville O1tl:t.ens who 111'0 looking . . .. . d ' " ' . ':'" on tlie Rubj~ot: "Ta Drln~ing oll,the . 8-. ~n !laDle su ur n .. ome 0 16 forward to IItt.ending ' t h(l [! r ent, mlt,lIo isutnrclny m~h t . , hOlllo 1. hUl'foIdllY vonmg lin glL~ ~ a WII8 til king 1\ flrm~l' hold, and the,.' Jnorollse In WaynOllville and Vincln. · brhle nenr Morrow, laat W ednesdliY. Some Coming Rounion t.o 1>0 he lll I:inmlllY rnol"llIl1 g .TILlw I:;tl"lll1S lip vOl"y mterostl1lg tlLllc to /,he ,TulIIor flaw lilu.inly thnt no time Willi to be Ity?;' . Mr,Clulwalladertoldof t,bll IIfr. anti Mrs, Robert Huntanll IIt'Vnynesvillo uoxt,]lll1 o. ]Jenrml be foro U. J. Edw:u lls"Tu!\· Ol'l1t,r 1l1lHllturd,lY IIlt.cI·1l 00IlUPOO 10sti nordertoreltlxltsboId, K!my c dlfficl1\1.y, 10 faot tbe- imposalbU\ly. infA.nt lion, of near Oregonia, !I'p ent , ticc, of th e P OII.CO , on I~ olml'g'lI of h or trip IIUt! Lh u moet.illg' . s killful 1)I1Y8lcl[l,ns tlnd 8Ul'geona of, obfialnlng a~y reliable It.lltlstioa Slloday lI{ternoon at the M, E. par. Marshal Lewis ~eslgns. shooting wiUI illtont t o Jdll , HI' I Thr) mos t of t.h o patron s of thc wero emplo'yed lind sanitarium.. •'-,..._ ..... - ~l1. 8ubjeot, lint from nume'tona Bonage with' Rev. and Mr8. Philip, . wILI\'ed eXlllllinntion ,mll .w rtS hOIlIHI 'I Flut Fork schoo l 111'0 rr'joiCi ng over resorted to, but no permanent r.ellet lHI'rrlf'" Jl.nd . personal observation Trout, and attended the Unioll Tem . .., Cbas. B. Lowls .who hill! bcell 1 0 ,'01' to IIWlllt. tho III't.lon of thll tho filet. t1l1l t 1Ili.!! Ethel Mnn non hu s could he obtuined and 'be agalp ,. . Ularshal of \VaYl1Cl,vlll o for sev e rnl ' 00 . ' .. he ' t qertaio there was not . as parance meeting in tbe evening. yeu!', »rel!en ti,c1 his rosign l~t,ioll to gmlllt JUlY., B Et W l l ~ r ololl . WIth been hl'lIIl l'1I1pl oye!l R ~ t Ol1 ch er [or turned his ftlce bomeward ~d 'l'~o '~ItIDg In the community Mrs. Rion Hoel, of Kildere Farm , tho village council tlt· its se!l!l,i0n , II bond of *:.on. 1l1l ot~.:::~· ~chlJo l YUU I'. sougbt health I\nd bapplness at ij,le u 'here was when wo bad the open 1& 1Il1vln" .the 1)lensnre of 11 viait MondllY e \'eulug, t·o toke eft'oct Monuny. the St.rnuK UOY H worl' Mr. ,Tohn (,Inrn cr is " ot so woll . hunds of the loved ones there; nn .,.. Julv to. givellll Pl'<lli lllil1t1 r y h UlIl'1U" II 0(\)\'1" ' . . S' owever, hi 8 '0 onc IIlS I 0 from her mother and SUiter, Mrs. 'I'be appoint,m en t of Mr L wi!l' 1M 7. II 1 It MI'. lind Mrs. DOllnis 8h(\nI1111\11 But the mother who bnu watched the1!OIsmo~edrlnkll)g,no~ and ?1llss Bn,r ker, of P.ittBburg, Imll 81l OO08801' will be llIlIde ' l,y U;P EII Ylor,.'°11 o n III C1 I"I'f(8 " 'l"ts. n,ll '1', \" t' l'C in WIlYI1 C!s \'ill :::ntllrrlIlY · 0\'01' him in childbood nou lind \ tIters walil ' two \, ' t t tl ' · 1 f ta l 0 , leln 1) clH 1\01. g llt Y, ut H . ,. i h her friend, MiSB Myrtle McPnk, of mtl"y~r, s~I"'J ec 0 10 IIPP10 \,1I 0 W (, I'O h Olll )(1 n,' (l i' 10 Illlt "" " I\~I jul''' '.1'111 \ fnrlll cl'f\ 1'1'0 111 .r. \V. BILrt· ne ver censed to follow him With he.. I '.,gt!fland{'·!:n oomJlllr Ison W t C 1 b 10 (,nunC! . ... .' I I ' T 11' fJ k ' II I n I'onnd U I d I ~oo1L .• ':',!l""--i I I ' omll us. A s pocilll m oeti n gof conncil \\,111 ill Il1o!;ullI or *:2 10. Is ol'c, s t o) I "W'I' g. n,l ., . ! pr'ly el'l:' llll n evor woare nJ . . "1j;tig:~r1jf~~ii;;';:~liiie's on tie n· . . g Lo HlI 'LlHI \VIIllI'ri lt.OI lIl e l lD . g7 II f t el' t,1le inter'()l!ts . of . her ohlld· .'11 MllIlIell Nina and Charlotte b e held next Moudll YIJ\oJlln Wllrrnllt,~ hll\, o IJ oe ll HWOI' II 0 111 , hy . S,IttII1l'1 .. . " , . II \'11 1Eilts of t!Jeir Antrll.m have gone to Gordon, the vacnnoy . . I l tl f I D I' I , rot"l llI .. U'Ol IU re n hnd ll ort;elf so fUlled III he"I.t4 . 1I r;11.llJ~ '0 I 0 .1 Ie Il UII . JOY K I f,t' l' plUlIe. _ ] t' It o Jl1lddolittlellll;votospeal.c Darko County, whnre t.IIIlY will Miss Edith Hei h I c hll l'l;ln g 1.11 0 111 WIth !t~MIll\1t wIth ! - - t. l" , s 0 I • make a protmotecl visit wlt-h their g, I in! c llt t o k ill . nnd IhO\r will hll vo II New Burlington, dlO )Joflilly nnt! tHiCOuruglDlt)y, .1l.n!i1 . t M'" t 'II way Mllrrled, II I'J'Cli.llllllllr.\' . . ' . . / 1"1'1110 il el' illce sholle fortlJ tlJe ibo.tl0 SIS or, rs ..... argal'e . 111 III 11M, hea "IIlf: it " H(\1I11 liS lh l';V ' !l orn I ,) .10<e]l1l ltut, l u ~ () ILlI II wIfe . . ., h I, ;r ' M R h H h Z I . . -:--._.. " . 1 (JIll bott,nr hfl', lUlu W e.n I!",e W\UI oII t zen Iss ut II.nna ell, the itt.le MI SM E,lIth HOlgh wny. younl!0l' 1" 1'0 II ulC', allli Wi ll )lJ'obl .h l v Itp lI llIlllll Tul " J ' 1 ,III 11"h t or . h l"th f 1 II t ar 0 f .. 'I r . am1 1\\' I'S. ' , 1 . . . .'. .' . .., " a In se eln ..a dllllghtel: of Mr. and Mrs .•l~mes P. (nng ,01)11 () ,'I' I' tu I,h' grlllld jul'\· . not! X I]" ~Ilk , \) n , ' .. \1I0LJ W'L~ on t e o ~!:~~r~::~~~~~t~h=et.~.,I!IIBlee Zell, of tile Sprl'ng ynlley pike, 'WllO HeighwllV 1111\1,. 1 I "" . . tot) lH'r:-: l4 tin I 'I '" MI ~~c~ ], lora. Harlun " I' .e , '1'\\·01·ft,1I man·bh,. 100·1, thore was '" . • . ' of WeJlmAII , Wit" . 1\ NtH:: " II 'l.C t tl! gO('~·. . rlollll1 DnytolJ, .Jnll O :l, 1\J0r. . 10 ' . . , !TUriHII' 111.1011111' 11 I I II' \ ,'h '1" ,"lnn F·t1· l l eHSf4lrBeullietohvefor,u.ndtbere ;-ci9601ied of baH been a great InVfl11l1 most of her \0 It T ' II I f I f C l11JurOlI til 'n 111'0 till d l\~ n" liS 'VI'll ''', . . . n 'I I · . , • Il e r I,)fl~, orm e r yo eut or· .". lit-a VO l' Con \" e ll t In ll III II .~ un "'" I W'l~ II grlLdunl descent \lubl lite, is 8uO'ering more thllll lInUallit "ille' rind IlIlS since llecn liviu"" in ollhl hI' ~xpCl\ lcll. 1I1l1r. II I~ thon:.:ll t I I' . . I' I I t Sabb th Ihe' enll w tiC I WIHI liS " ' . . wee , Dnylo n. preBent. 1111 IlIlrllClpllllts III lJ,c IIn,"r Will ' H 11" .. ' t ' l 0 ' o r ' . ' DII.Vl' d W , TIlol.nas. vl~. I·.-'l 111l< Mr 1'lblml. h:'~ Ileen nmrrioll hf" 1re,' o ver. l\l ! ~~ . 1" 'lI n II , !lIUIl \I ,I'C , ~llo"n. "ben pOllcofully, WIthout. u. "'" foro nntll~ Ibo 'ut!J c r of:l fnmily ("If nUl )'ourlh III OIl .l tnn . . . sl. rug~lc , .hll ))ltssed away, saying brother.1. Henry 'l'bomas RtSldn£lY, ~ovprfll c hiltlrl'll . HI" Hr!'t, wifpWlls Aged Man Receives In',ury 1'h p. 11I f' llIlt('r~ a t 1!If' 1.11<1\1:" AI~l b efo rc bc w ent "1 know that tbo u. tew do·YM l"lt week, and while II relntlv() of '),h ollJn ~ ,Tnme~ , of 1,h e ' - - - - - _ , Hocl"I" 0 1 til n 1I1olh" d l ~1 ' lIurc01I r o rll w\1 I f' " . . , . I I II IHHIlf' ca~c or U1e ab~ent the brotbers took ItdvnntRgc Lellltnollllil:e . Thc !nlhol' of Jl.lllCrt )O;lll'phf'nl. l \\'cnl CIIII\I'tlllllf'1 H i l i . ' . elCcu-lon to Olevalnnd lind . - _ ._.h I ·· tl I ' I IJ . !II 1'". ""111\10 1'.lIrllllllrt n ell I ROxIIIln H e lenses IL futher, lin only sister of .u ~.D Q" Crop Cond't'lons W 0 11'09 \\1 I ll~ 1-\011 0 11 t '" nl ' : h ~t 'J'I 11Il'SIIlI" II fl 'rllIlOII . . . f b F I ~ . . , ' k • ' tl ' I" ., . . k I"DlI IllS . d I . I enJoye tie s gIlts '0 t e orest, , . . _ _ ____ . , eys" l1r~ pI e, m ee WI I " .11 IIcel. MI"" i\1111l11 1-1111'.111 11 IS on lil t' ~ IC , de... oted . . .w:lfo. whO!J8 love . Clay one dll.Y . rh.IR III tho IU'lll t. wheat .ye.l lr tlll!l dent I:;'Ltllrduy ovening whid l n,snlt. .. Ii~t !lIml fmtltf llil ness no,ver wII.vered by M' A 'fh .. . I?caltty hn!! eXl'el'lelll! ~tl jor 1~.lonr.: 011 ill tluJ,J rnc hll" c Ilf his h~g 111'1<1\\' 1 Nimh I:l ' k ' " i~ \' P I' j' lo w li t thiS IUfLY or nigbt .dur~ng .thlslong amI frnOnn"lllerOlonoMuoonin I~ eIQ'!.JoMy~nll~ltmlCl· rT:nlrlY1 'tvheltt hl8 t IlI" peo~llll.v , tllO Ilnoe . Il" 111. . pllinf1l1 illnes!\, .and ,nil Death a ~I~~' ~ '. ,. n .... ~ u ~(lOl . 10 II er w OIl · III!'! u P - ( l I I ' \\'r ltin;;. " 11 be Raine!!!, of Cmclnnatl . Thill even· aftlintetl with rllst, 1111,1 10 SOIll(t ! MI'. Shepherd waR riding (1l1ol'so MI' . ~ ; . IT. McDilIllII s Inkt'll n po~i . no powor overlo:v~, It WI ever tng MIIlI! Thom~oQ will give a hay neighllOl'h oodR t.he situlltion is 1101. 1 which hu(1 It hlliter hut no llrilll,' 11011 nl; College COI·ncr. 'lS f e rl'au~ true and pure u though ride . . 7 A . I ' t1"tn Il ol'lmdcl lc, uriving the COWl' fro III I Mr. ,I- . \V. Mclntl. r n left "it ou d ny tue •. ooJ.J '. ' ea t ~"w;e-ll ' tI'l tw In t bonor f I dor her Tb guest rt to a.bout III eOlunrllgmg. . !I Iii a I\n.v~ " w,It'" .. ,'" .. er, en y r en s. . epa y w go cnse there IS II dl!I e renoo . , . . ! for U OVill ~toll , Oh iu, wlH' l" e he will to Lebanon Rud Visit tbe big st.reot of opinion ILllIong ftll'I\1 A r~ pa s ture., Iho COI'O! hOCl~t1U:l pll .yfnl uk e ('!Jur ' U of II Jl ll llr mill . • - .....- - - fair whlob 18 showing In tbat town as to tho pl'ol)nbl o overn go yi uld . I\ud 1'1111, which ullIlse, l till' h orse tlJ lt . g . D • this week . Mr '1'1'0111' lIull wife, ot lIY"OU, Pleasant Rldge • . During tho ll1L~t ~n\'ernl yourR tho t.hrow t.he ri llor to the gl'omnu, whcu I 'Lh e' ' t · of Ilis sister Mrti .. get IUlnber Inth II' . h ' R . II I . wer ll u gu !; ~ . . , • You O'on ~ , m ,R I n· rllAt, t 0 eS!lIIl~ Y nnl ""nous Ills log OWIIS> broken . IJ , \V . ill 'lut il'e, ovcr tjnnday. . glea, flooring, patent and hevel Aid· othel;. cllu~es hll\e WOrk!lllllf!lIlnst, 'l'llIlIJlltiunt ii; :resting ea si ly n>l Misses Ml1ry Redmon, 'rrena an\! lng, barn hoards, doors, I!Ilsh Rod tho wheM Ol'OP, so that whlie the ' ItS .. \_ . .. _____ - - --.~ • Gruce Cornellcai1ed on Miss Fletab .mouldings, verauda and poroh work, yieM this YOfLr, OVOII if not what it 0I1n lle eXI ectod nuder tho c!r umll · Ma rried at COVI ngton. Crane, of Dodds, recently, . . also ~ood pulp pl1l8ter. felt roofing might be is IIbove the n\'erngo, and stn n('('s. . and buildln.!!: ))ftper' at the new 111m· therefore ei:Jcpnrogln g. __ Mi ~s Adm Urn-limn n~d M.r, Rnlph Mrs. Alva James Is spending a her yard In ~orwin, If· the w.e ather oont,inuAs ;;:ood for Church Notes. ,I. Le ~\'i~ ,vcre. !u~~rJed In few days with ber home folks. . MeBIl'8, McDill & McIntIre, who bnrvestmg, persons who hlLVO g rowil _ __ . _ _ _ in gt on . KentllCk), Ibursday, • une Mr anll Mrs Patriok Cunen ~I~;!~~ wbo oon4uoted tbe New Burlington flour oats wlll have no canse to c.OTnpluin. Prof. Ello.n "i'Vtright, of "7i hniug· :!\I, l UO;; . . , • • where for several yeaTS, an(1 whlob There is II big yielu. There Is !lIsa ton Cnlle'e will Ilddxess I i lB' con. Tho In'ide it! t ho I.lIlTlllsolJ1 'dnuio{h . SpOilt Fourth with George lAr. '~~~1!:!!~:.:. " .~~. W.Il'8OfIntly destroyed by fire, bave a llill orop of hay, ' There is not I\S 1 g , '. tel' of Mr . lint! Mrs. Wm. UI'llh~w, riok IInu fllmlly. . 1rtl:;:~;.:= removed. from New Bnrllngton aud muoh llUre .t imothy hl\Y a!l lns~ yellr, grcglLt~ou u.t .t be Orthodox Fl'lenc1~ of tllA Wn :V ll!'s~ina nnd Lyt.ln luke'l Mr Ernost BnttOl:worth ~R atii! it iI ,))ot' prol>llble that t.he mill be Ql1t 19tB of clovor n.nd timotby mixed f ob uroh . on Mls~l()ns, tlt tho l ~e~ulll l' \ !Lull thl! g room IS. tho Ron flf. Mr, nnd, • . " . " pelntllt, ' Mr. McDI11 hill' gope~.o . Corn pro~lses well. In, tbe llot. ! h oor for ser vloe IlelCt Sundv ~y morn· :\1r~. Jnme~ Le wl.s wcst or I:-~t,le. tnoked wlth iii . !Ion stroJtq .,~tur. Oollege OeJ'rnel'; 'Oblo, wl1,ere be bas ·tom lII,nd s thoro il! tlrll f.\oltlly no Ing T!Jere will also bl> a m e spec.' The O.a7.(\t.t~ jOI';ls :vltb.t bell otber clay nilliht. He and his wife lU'e-all en&ered t.~e ~aln bual,,8MB, Mr, corn, 11.8 the repeated. !>verflo\V of ittl oxerclses by I'be obildre n of tho ,mauy fnends ID wl~btng these YO~fg smll8ll, and are glad to say that ~om"re b ... t4ken chulreof alarge . tbe rlver ml1deit impossible 10 many S d' h I' f:te h d 11 uV1e a hu.PllY au \If SpeNUS 1 U. 11.1\ 11'19 doing nicely , ~OQr mllht C9vington,l>blo. . p\IIC8S to get 1\ orop . , un ay so 00 Ii r er II fCtiI:; . • •



. ..




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___ _ _









mill' '





a .:




IIOlida (Pfl stage I~ a n\o,icr n re ll dlllls m .

C rr!\~ ~ nt upon h is fe t, ya"' nlft l! an,1 st relr h lll 1 1I'for~ ho droll,,~d back h IInl of clir ~rlor ' ; 11~ da n " hlds ... r e Inl n h i, ,. rner nf he wooden s l il e. th III n who· ha ve hllil, It nno! fn u ~ ht ··\"v " Iis.,·11 a t me ; If Ihal ·s th e fll·l, lor li s foo ' i n ~ ill th e " hll rl.I)" - II nl ('S I- 1·111 t pliinf; )·(, " -,, 11 Ihat r y wh o I I'd field a! rI'"'III' lltion . To I hesc io·n'l - lin t hi s 1, lnmc', hoodooed ral1ronll i s PI'S the Taul, :ln cl 111e Is 10yo1. :l R loyull)" c: ui n ' In ~I() " tn rni ll ' tt l 1~ o'dor l< 00 Is nrpordrt1 to Iho III l' n whn Imlill uml the II i.: h I befor,' t lln t nn l k., tal;es

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!;I 1I 1.t:!ra l us

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tlu, rath er I han lCl lIh."i r

'VI -d b y l lw ru. t1allt till1l3 h ilh', lt O{' kl" t b'\' t h l' W11ld!o 1)( lh,' Il h:.hL LIII1 l!'d hy Ill(' l"O tl l-!' oI t th t..' 1-.1f1l. · I I',',' ''. ' Vat h t:'t1 U)' ftl1 ' H; "·~ . CIt'IH :Lnd LJ,' lgh .

SlWf ' f'S$:nrs

inherll n",1 Icnr d,)\, n,



In t hi.

Ila.' fi llpplan ti n ,\o; or (',)Jlllh! lt ' n t C Xf'( ' U' th'( ' ofl\C'e' r l'l hy a fO lnll' of p oliti c a l trC' n r h (.' rml' n , t; nOl'itTt t al i l{ (" flf tl)(' rW i e T1 C't'\ of ralir ntHli n ,1! , Hll d tlH' p"Hally impllrtnn l ~lIh -s(' i("l n r(' o( Indlls ' rb l

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T ht"" p\l n~('Ih'(, I I I 1' T' l l k (' ar i d I l f ~ wl ' d ( ,.: r u . I f h ,' mh1(' k , .. ( :-1"'''' -'' , 111 t1 IIr p ll"'. TIl(' co ('\ II ' {,:;~ (If 11111:-:-\ ,lId uf IIdl"". , V ilh th i. ' il'l\ ~ ' 1 1\ 1I " I II IIlr(: II" :- I.. ' Qllhluro.


" IH' f1I.:ht

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"IH' 1;1Ifttl(' , tI ;oI \ l f, Ilppllll lo: hf " f) k ~ , , 'h,' h )' ln:l 1\( ,hI' ,IU'II:-- )II 'O' lit lWIIl j.;ht. . \,"..1 Illl1l!'i ( 1'1111 1 ,.. Cllll\' r ,L I - HW , L), I h" II~:;, h r " :llh ~ 11 1lj:: (,1"ti,


t .' ud"r -t! Pl l c l t

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n('s~, • Grant r\~fi Ct' ((lr t iH' IH',' d fl f N u ' h h o ur! - I , \' ctln. h"lltiull 1'·B~ l l..'r, (11 ~prlll Sl it. . ld

f~ I U. , )

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kr'g , and I · arph'~s t'rC'ighl (' rf'W:; s.'ctl down th e r i ~ b t-o f- wa y willa \ ' a ~ l ­ urr Jlnk ~ Anti pin :;: whf'n "n ;.:I t\ f'lt\rs pOllr oil whrrp II ~h()ll ld h t' dr o PPl·1, a l ui ti r e nlf'fI ( e , ~ " I b t' ~I Hd{ In s t ra l! o r

t he

s t~at1l-lIilnt ("


All ('('h(l thy h r :\I ,t I,..l- alllnn~ , 1\1I ,; hlo P' ( ro m '11\' 111)' :;(lt 'al ·'olo r. .\ I1c1 by t h c(' ("1'1.' \ '\' " Iln' sung :


e ra l nnh"r No. 1, AI fir " I Ih e lin! hncl hun". oJ fllfull)" . Ht ilt ).:, il :i wa~· i n t I) 1 li t' s mltll (' ('Uno IIIl e. : a K wh O' ll Ihc ~e ' · ' lo n h"I"I " 1'1'11 st ray dogs wiTh n ew s pll,cs from lhp

Re publi ca n ,



laf C' r . wilPn t il ,' i rH 'o mpct 4' IH'P of Iho IWW nttkla l ~ 1J{~ I 'Hmc th e m Ot' kiTt,· biho or lit ..:! "e rv \t'(', a ud Ih(' ( ' lIt ~ rate Q\'a llnl'h c or' I r n lfil' had dOli bl ed a ll men' ~ 1n sl, H, I h e thunns rime hig,h \' r an d out of th e liIllOI((l of t lI pnt

luo med the Khn llU or 'he dr~"d dCllI o n of demorali zul ion. . Fi rst II wa s II nn k Rrorlrkk . who h is order, anrl piled I\VO mi s read frclghts In a mOll nt ai n ' o r wrcrl,al:p in the d ep Cltl betwel·n Pl n c and Argenlu. Nl'xl 11 ' was an oye r worl<ed IIl ght man who los l hi s head Bod c ra nk ed a s wi to:h OVN in rronl or t he westbound Fl yc r. layi n g I he 1,020 on b e r Side In Ih ,· ditc h. wllh t h e postal ond th c baggage cur ncn l\ y te les co ped o n lop to huld hl'r down , Two days later it wus PalSY Ca lla han; and t houg b be cstRl'od wit h hIs life an d hI s job, it WII" a close call. He was cbasi ng a tIm e frei g ht wllh 11k

CHAPTEH XXI .- COSTINVY.O. Th e sonllta P e n olo pc WIl8 playing was approachIng 11.11 ftnal e. and Elin or was sudd cnly s bal, cn wIth a trembling tit 01 fcor- tl. ~ fellr 01 conseque nces ' w,.i.:b mlgbt Involvc tbls ll1an·s entire II. lUre. Sho Ime w Ken t wnR Icnn ln/: on hl'c. and s h e SaW h e r,sclf as o n e wh o lind ruthl essly thrust an Iron ba r amoog th e whce ls of a dell cD e mech !l roi s m. Wh o was s he to 11 h I~ CO l1oClcllI'e-I'CCller- to sland In I he WBY nn d b('1 hln] go ha c k 1 W ero Cl wn moth' e~ a l waYK s o exalted? Had s h o not O Il': C d' IIb~ l'a tc l y debat.!d t hI s sam ~ oll eMliou of I'xpcdlo u y , to tI ,e IItl er ~bas('111 ·lIt of hor own id ~ 1l18~ Pen nlOIlt'. had le rl I h e "In ITO , a nd LorInl; WB ~ 100l,Ing a t h is watch . Kc nt sn w th em throlll:h t he ope n window nlld ;;Ot lI]lo n hlR f£CL.' . "Grnntham Is ~a ) in g he hnd n o idcn It wns so la Ic: h ~ ha 7.ardcti . " If I thunk ~OU tor whn t you have s aId I 3 ,01 afraid It mu s t hI' Oij t he pall en I thank,; the ,mrs,', ,,, for t ho , knlte·-stroke wh ic h k ,wes I:l m a Crll)plo fo r 'lire." It WAS t ho c n e word nced cd to 1Jreak her res olll tinn . "Ob , fo rgl't It; 1)l ease forgot It!" sh" ~ald. ··1 h ad no right • • You ara doIng a II1UII·3 work In tbe world. and It must be ·.one In 8 man·s way. It 1 r.annot h<: lp. YOll mu s t oot Ic t m~ hltl<IH . If YOll I.'t anythIng I ba ve ' saId dlsLOura/- ' ) Oil , 1 shall o ever celis" : egre Ltlno; H:· , His !/Wile WIlS a \T·e c Indrawlng of th e lips. ··H avl lJg ollencd the 'Ioor. you would try to H'JlI t It aga in. would you! How II1'e !l wOIll An! Bul , am afraid It ~."n ' t be done. I ha.1 teen trying to kMp awa y from that point of ' vie w. • • Therl' Is IOlI ca tCl be said on both .aIdes , There was n time when 1 wouldn 't ha ve gonc lI:t(' s uch a thing a s thi s "ght with t h c .lunto : \Jut being in I s holli d have se~ n It through r cg~rdless ot' th p I,ubll e wclfare-Ignor11Ir; that sl d~ of iL. I ('an 't do it now ;

li S·: "

ns l,cd Brod-

rl ri<.

h a'Ve shown



lh ut ( CA n 't:·

" Bu ~

I don·1 ,'ant Lo h e a stllm bli ng",lock:' sho In.l s ted . ' ·Won 't you be'1I c 'J ~ t ha i I wllnl l',1 t.o,,!" " t bpllI'" c I hal ~.!11". moti " e W~R all H s llCl uld b~ ; n s. nllt th e l'e81111 Is 1h e S JOI ,' . L or in ;; :uut

Prorl pl



COOlin g

nnrl th c COlI c,r Wolr pr-ivaey was al hand , "'Vhat will ~'(l11 .1 0-:" l"i h c asliC"d. ." don 't l: nnw : : , I):Jdn~ that I b a d m ea n t 10 rto, It W IlS a fal sc s lart and 0111 .

J a ni bach Hllc li" r t h ,.. w in" aga in." " 811t yf! 1I :'IHU, 1 nO I t l ' rn

hack llni CR8

you a re ill ib '·C·II,'.n r poi of Ih e wrong of I!() :n g cn," blIP

"1'.I:e ~ t('d ,

·· OIdn·t YO LI nI (·Utl t.,. ron \"l nr " m e ?·' ·'NII- · yes- I ,,",,, '1 I.!low. I- It "oemll \'t"ry den:- to Oil' : hut I wRnt it 10 seem <'I'!llr 10 YOH,

t .1I


J'ln ('~n'~

Ihat you r

"~ ht

y our ('on~ r i e n ('n

to t ll m har k?·'

h e Ra id )o.. !ltl r l!y ; bllt h C' hn~ at r ly qnnlifl r d lI, n fh' ulal. ··You "Nu,"

ma y lJ ri ghl : I •., ,, li t "n ld yon Are rl l' l:1. C,''' I . h» 11 II :n ',· 10 ftE:hl It Oll t for

1l1 )' ~


Tllt,I'( '

tl I' P n. ~ n y thj n ~~


,·onsl,l e r. II I h o l,1 III)' ha nd . th ese 'l" ... can ec rs wil l trIumph ovrr th e S IOt" I;h ul(h-rs. alld 1\ hORI of Innllr nt l'oe l'l e will ~ uffcr losa: · Th,·n . "')e llll':

11"01 · 1." R,·nUI' I. i-: " SE FuH·J:: IF T III';1I 1:: WJ::IlI::


ANY \ V,.\ Y TO J\Pl'LY 1'1'," fR~l

mall , and I he freig ht wag lakIn;: t he s id ing at Dei hl 10 le t h im pass. Onl' of th e red lail - lI ghls (1f th e frelghl ba d gon e out and Cal lahan m is took Ihe other fo r t he target laml' of , Ih " second switch , He harl I im e to ye ll at hi s fireman , to Ol ng hlm sc lf Ullon the throttle-bar and 1.0 se t thc airbrake he rore h o bl'g un t o tu rn ' lrlRh hand s pr ings down t he embanllmcnt ; bu t th c wro"I,ing c rew ca mped two whole days at Deihl gat hori ng u" th c debris. It was well on In Ih e slimm e r . wh cn the two divisions. ens l and w cHl. werc s trew n wllh wrcckOge an ,l th e pit tracl(s In th e shOI'S ' Rn d s hop "ynrd were tlll cd to overflowing with cr ippled engln cR. t hat th e Ins urrecli o nnrl es began to gather In t heir res vcc llve labo r g rou p to dlscuMs the growing ha:<ard~ of r a il road ing on Ihe Trans- W e.tern. Th e ollt<:ome W!lS 1\ (l rotcs t from the Brolh e rhood of Locomol!\'e Engln,·crs. addressed t o th e r er·e lve r In tllc nRm c o f th e organization . Hc llin g fo rlh in platn Icrms the !,'Tle van(!e of' th e m embors. and I'hnl'l: llI l: It blllntl y to had m nnRI:C mCn1. This was fo llow ed 101 medlu lcly h)" s imilar complalnls fr om II... , trnlnnwn. th e ' 1' Iel':rap~ e rs and tbe fircnum ; 1111 prayi ng for r ell ol rrom t.he Ill cubus at inro m pel" nl Icaders hlp. Not t., be hchlnd I hesc. ca me Ihe Amalgamlli ed Mnl'hinlsts. rl c mandlnl': ,\n Increase of pay for nl ghl wnrl, nllrl overtime : and IRSl , hil L nol, leus l . lin Intimntt o n wcnl forlh from Ih e F cd"ra tlve ""un ell of all Ihcsc lahol' lIlIlon s hlottn!; nt posM i ble polllical consequ e n c ~~ an d th e allenatlon of tho labor vote if thc abllMcs were not .·urrl·ctetl . "Whnt d·ye calc· lute th e mujor wlll do ahout It T· said Brodrlcl;. In tho roundhou se "onchlve hel<l dally by th ,' tralnm~n who were hlln g up o r off duty . ··WIII he ils t e n !,o rO" 80U and give UR a sUfl!- en o ng h r ailruad man or I wo II I the tOil '! '. ··1'01 in el n ·toll sa nd year: · quotb ·' Olltch· · Ti s che r. Callahan ·s aite mllie on I h,' ra,st ma ll. .. Haf YOll not de Ark ons lJ~e n r~adln !-l? It. Is boloti cs rrom de r h c~ llInin g 10 d ~r e nt ; mit lier g OVt,.' rnor vorwnrtfi,"

··Th<'n I a m lellln ' YO ll·all r":;-ht now Ih erc·. gol n· io lJe It h eap o· trDlIlJl e : · Count.y'· Uriggs. the <!o ne wh at : 'C'II ~tart ...,t o (to: yo u hav e draw l 'o ··Plke " lrlcHI ell g in e r on t hc IllI e. ··The n ot h i n;; ' (l r e p,-ua('h :\,"" r"o lr rol': ' ·· Ub. bllt I hllv e !· , I. f· oa ld : a ll d :in r, h"IIITI ~ 1I nrc b·ilin·; n nrl if t he major 1'lIl s 0 11 Ihnt blllnlw t Cllt in wa ges hc's ct.ry parred. tall; in · a hollt - ·· •• · Ir; ,. hrol,e In Cullnhan with ftn p. CHAPT lm XXiI. srorn . ., ·Tls " Ia pi ll /:( on yc r injllrll'5 TIl l': I ~RI Ir: 1II ' :'~ · rI"X . I n 11':8, ye RI·e. Mi s l her Grl!;!!:6. TI.e noticc Is Wh e n .he R Of·"iv r ( ;"il(uro ls. I':rcat alit : :Iwas pos ted til thc s h OI'5 thIs a nd smal l. set Ihelr oflid ul !:ulllolhlP,i lillY .., II' work 101l1l1n~ orr de pa rl me nt h ead s. ··Then t hat ~el1 lrs It,'· sRld_c; rl ~gs, I he), commonl y i ~ n o r n conS"'lu cnce gloomil y . . ··Wben doc. It tal;c hold ?, DV l'rlo"ked 1.1 :1 mUIIY : nn mely. Ihe po.' The tl rst dRY av t he monlll to coma. 3ibl I'tfe t of "u.·h whol eijltl e cha n ge .• An' tbey· rc tdll ng m ~ It ·catches e ,·er y~ o Icade,,,hl p upon the r a nk and fil e. ho(I)'. do w n to th e mlssi oge r b·Ys ' in 'l'ho A.1Iorlcli n rallroa U 111 It..s uilCon- lhe orcc.s " · lh(l Qui ck-I')j''1rtll,.:;ing t ea r s in IH! r

··Hu t

~' Oll


lIIus tn 'l he >:orr)· ror ha ,·lng

\\' U.~ \\' Idl tl in ~ ,

" ;"; 0 pr o Jl f'( · t ~ Ij' 1 hI' HII ~ tn n f nl l\' s ~"t ­ t h l"' lIa d, a~H l n , I n ' /'I\ u lI ,"

l i ln.~

he rt'lllHr l(c{i It:HII\lh' I ' I ~ , " )" 11 11 KIIl)I!I" ,'(' a d duse' .\ rh nO!; n (" w n· hnp,·rs. dr'u YO II :-; 1"111111 l\ ufI\\' snme l ' l lt !!s ulr,''ty . a i Tl ' (\ i t ',' '' ijf\l d Ti' l! c r , Hrntlrit'k laug h t·.I , " If )'111 1 !'ocr i l in lit .... Ila pe r :.i, ii 's 80."

III' 11 11(11('1"

·' I\"hat I hp. Ar':IIH dllCR II :t


w OIlI,1 Illnld"" It ' 11 0 1l ; h fi ig lll hi~~ f! r lI no\, Il1 n n ,, 11ft! il d IlC S, nll t l' \' e h~ c n id ud n ' watdli tl ' I ha l IlIlLIl I( pnl , t-I e's he" 1\ hot a rter I ht· mn j nr , ri~ h l (r o m th f' jllnll), Ynll 1("1 ,' l erl whal he Haill i n Ih" '" (, h ·i,· h·agll.· IlII1<s o · h is: slI id I h ~ !::ip politidull!; ltacl s toic t h.,) ruad , hi de, ha i r an' hor ns ," " I ' m n ntu h im, " ~ Hid ' :atld. hRn ,

" 'T Is n I>ird hp I. ,

Ol l'snn was toll -

i n t.; me. Till' S('un fi c hotJv ln u was I hrr i n ' h> get h i m down 10 Uit ~ l l)n th e day I IH~r I"H)' -('('tv('r N I 1l ~ , .r arl s ay~ , n e w i llt lL mile n mlnul ' , an ' tlw lillie mall llf" 'f' t' lurn"rl R hail',"

·· Is he he r" yet . Ilr d id hc go bad, to Sco tt, I"- anlng rr om the '·lIb wl nrl ow or the 1.0:1\. .. \I ,,·s h (' rc n,"1 sn Is ~I r. Lor:n ;;. TII "y ·rr ~10 1'(Jln g nl the Chlre n,lou :· "111 11 Brod ritl'. ··The n t h '·r h n,·cu ·1 Quit:· rlrawlcd Gr i!;gs . adoiin~: ··1 wonder If Ihey hav e d ~h ost ot u s how ","s alnst Ih e pOilticals .: .• •• HilS a nybod~· bee n t,) .ee 'm T· ""I, ed Ca llah an , ··Therl"s II n olinn fo.· you , !:lenll." said Brod r lcl.. SeOI t W Il S I h e IIrl's l<l in/:( o fli r e r i n rh .· B. o t L. E . local. ··GCt UII a co mmi Il~e from the F edero Ilvo to gO an d ask Mr. I.orlnl-l If t her c·s any usc In o llr tryl n' to hold on .. · Now It fc ll ollt lhal.lh e80 Ihln!;5 ha (.Jr li ed o n R .Iay w hl" 11 I hI' tidc of reIri e \'a l wa s nt its lowes t bh: t he dar. .lIlme ly. 10 whi Ch I(elll hao laId Lori n ;; Ihn l I, c was un dr rl oi efl a ~ to hi s moral righ t to U ",' Ih r e vld cnce a gnln~t Bncl , ~ as 11 II' vrr 10 pry t he T ransW es. e rn OIlL of I he ,:rlp 'Of Ih e j Ullto, II I. cln ll. Ills " .. thnl il Wa R th e ,la y l i od't; ('nUnfry',' " 1\:41((\ (1 i::ng:i J1 C'c r

Migration of ,Herds from Texas to South Dakota

··Ynll say .\"0" ·'·0 bp~ o try lnl: ·Io~a l melln s:· M· 'I'os h Pllt In . ··Ca n·t w~ t:iOOlo

o1h~ r



l bo-

l io,·o YOll ,' 0,, 101 suf Iy ('Ollnl o n Ih8 he!./.> of (, \'("n' man tn the In g- 'lin "nlillr nls:'

I:f,t."r \· ~ ce.

Railroad Enlerprise At.' b at Encouragement - The Buffalo Crass of


No,the rn P,,~ure5


Very Rich - The Piclurest] ue Exodua.

L ort "~

smilNl. ·' 1 don·1 ~ ay we sllCluld sl''' '' ple 10 us a ru r l"~ If I h~re were any woy to apl'ly 11. [lu i Ih c way doesn ·t alTer:· ··1 llilln·, I, now : · said tlle .raln mns t"I" ri Y- In.1: tn dOli' tbe iuton- Iew. ··UIII If I he li me e,-er com es. a li you 0 .. ~ I r. Kcnt \\'111 have to do wil l b8 10 pass the word , Maybe you cll n tblak


way to li se th~ 8trike. [t her n th:. l'Ifl r cd yt'l , but. you caD


ha ~ II' t

llCI o n It 10 a dead mnr a l ce rtai nty:' CIlAPTF.H XXIII . 1;0.; "['0 T i ll·; 1'111)tl Tt VE:. T c. led IIp on I",,· cly dlplomatle J'l'llIri(lle", Mias \'811 Broel, ·s temper wa x lilli e Icss tha ll allg~ lI r.. e xhl bltin& iLself untior III·O'·OO' lItiOIl nnl y i n gunr ded 1'ln·prkks of snl·casm. o r In small 8h:"'11-,·lawe<l I(\IICO-h llrt'etlllgs ot r e l:.~ r l~c . But s ho wao at no I)ains to ,·olicc al 11I' l· 6"ul'l1[ul dl sa pl)()l ntm ent wh e n Da\'ld K'lI t mad" Imown hla! {(oullt.' concernlu l': his monll rig ht to li S" Ihe w~a pon he l..lIl so sk l1l!' ul\y r'Jrgcd . . l1 e t1clRyell t h e In~ " lIa ble .:o n Ceasloll to Portia IIntll hc had told Lrlrlns: alld in mald n g It be dId 1I0t te ll !lfl s Vao llrock to whom hc uw d the s uddell chs lIgo In th ' poln~ of ,·Iew. But POI'lla wo uld have grentl y d isc redited her s ilt o[ Ins Ight It l1li e had not InHtanll y reduced t he Ilfoblom to Ita 10 \'1'est tllrms . ···You bal·e beell askIn g MiSs Brentwnod t o lelld )·011 h er consc lcnce. and s h c has done It," WIlS the form III whi ch she stated the ract. An d wbtlll Kcnt did IIOt deny It : ·· You la ck at leas t on e qualllY of 'greatn ess. Oavll1; YOU ~wllY 100 ell8 l1y"· "No. I don ·!!·' h e Ilrotested. HI am os obsl.i nat e a s R muir.. Asl; Ormsb,. 0 " l.orlng. But the 101:Ic of t h e t hlnlt I,; bla nkl y un a nsw erabl c. I ca n eI ther: g~t down to th e dIrty lev el or t hese hi g h binders-fight t be devil with " brand taken Oul o r hi s own fire : or-" ··Or wlmt T· s he a s ked. ··0,· thln l' III) Born e ot her Bohe me : so me 1,Iao whlt-h does n·t Invoh'c 8 su r~ I' cn dpr on my "arl of common dcce ncY nnd self-I·<,sJlct: t:· ·· Y es '~· · ~ h c rl'lnrl ed. ,. , 8111'pOS ~· o u ha ,·c lhe oth~r Ilio n nil wrouJ:ht out a ll d rt? lllly In el rop inl o plac e ',' '' .. ~o , I h '''·''11·1 /' h e ndmltltid re.

of I hn labo r IIninns . in whi ch to call lIpnn lh a p x·m a na~c r : an d Lorin g fonn el ~1 · Tns h , 11,.. nalnmas ler , and OllrSll n. I hp ml\ ~I pr mec henh:. waltins

IIII·Inntly, ··UIII at 1<':151 YOII have .orne notio ll; of whnl it i~ gll ll1 !'; to be?··

Lnr ln;:?·· as 1,('(1 M"Tos h. whr' n L OI' in g hnrl s h(ll;e n hand s )I·ltlt th e lll , nOl ns s IIhordlna tcs . ··f>lI rl' lr, ~ I )· t ime Is not ,·rr)" ,·alll ah le, JURI a t 1Ir"5I' nl , Com" III. anrl 1"11 sep If ~Ir . « r nl ha. lel't m e a ny ctga rs,'· .. Hum ph !· · said OllrgR n. wh ,' " the ex-ma linge r had gone Into " ent's room In rUnllllas( for th r .mol'e ort'erlng. ··A nrl th ey g ive liS th ~ ",ajor in the pillee of s lI r h n man a s thnl:·· wlt.h a jcr k or hi s thllmb toward th c door of the h.·flroom , ··Com e off!·' w ?orn cd MTos h ; ·' hc·1I hcnr YOII:· And wh en L orin!; caDlc baf·I, wit h • he cIgars t here was dry humor In hi s eye . "YOII mustn·1. le t yo,ur loyally tn the o ld (;lIard "C I, YO II iulo trou blc wiLh t h,' recel vcr :· he cautioned: Rn d they both s miled , ··The tro ulJlc h as ll·t wall ed for nur brin g Ing: ' 8ald M'Tosh . ··That is why we are hor c. Durgan haa sOllre" on his joll. a nd I' m more t han sl el, or mlnc. It's hell . Mr. Lorin g. I have lIe('n at It 20 year s . nnd I never saw s ,,,:h c razy rnilroadln g in anyone of th em,'· ··Ba d man ugc m, ·nt. you m ean ?. ··Bad man agem' m at the. lOP . and rotten dc mo rallza l io n at the hottorn as a nat urul" conSeQllence. We ca n·t he surc of E:ptllng a tmln out of tbc yanls wl t houl. accldenl. DIxon I~ as ca rdu l a ma n as e \' er s l.o pp ed 00 An eng Ine,


ov c l"wh ~ l mfnJ.;,"

chuS(.' n h ~' t\\'o ui Iwr mrn. no t m Clll h c r~

f or h il1 1 in Ih(\ hrH t' 1 (·orrlrlot· wltt' l\ h ~ ('nnte i n fn' nl n JJu e 11In <"heon at th e Ca mpi I c1u il. ·'Ca n rOil gj ,·r us a few mlnul ps . Mr, :· 1 Df):-/ ' T S AY In;


dnwn t h em

nllr!,:1I11 wl l h

· ·l1 e·~ wll h lm sl' Ir , II " a m a,, 1 r med,n nk s hu ·d be .. · "aid Ca li a han . So·H Y e h n\' (' jfr<lw n III II H" l.('autlru l wlhlW f) d, ~I""n s h , BIll IHI Ylh .. r wan n ' r I'o ther \ : :1 r l\~5('(1 ll\' Il h ,' !' 11 ,, \\ "1 .. 1\1 ~I t h e 1.1 'w :t. :tv . hl m ·1I lalH) " Ihmln Ollt w hin Ih r Ullh(' lcl h~' j "I II' t , , "';I I 't' Irl t.: m .lIlnl Ht1\ ~. mll n · han d lin l':. und YOll hll ve th c 1<111 - s lrll,e·H Oln . l'hey ·rc hOlh Lo rillf; min ," A !~d cla d i ll .' . \1"111· .... : " 11('" r,,':, 1 fIU l' S. rlJ l n ~ for Ihe il r,· of In" "l'rc,·ll o n which ' ...\1 th t.. 1111"n til") 11 o r Lnr i n l.!.'~ nartl 'fe h n n ' J; .HIH' I I·( I ll h' \\,.1 1.\1 ' ~ h ldde D hllfl b l'~ n s low ly slllOhkrin;: in Ih c (lr H..',:':':-I Inol\('11 lip frum (h e ',~l ld~ he

'I'll I nUl1l's t If i m 11It.~ " I'foo ' · IIf \' \ , · n I H~. Th e f rtE hlll' !":- I l f ~tl tll"l:' I '~ ('11 " ,

the mut«- .neo'hanlc ~ w.~te« to kno\\' . "They arc not very I)rfgh t at lIre,' cn t , I ","s t ro nrl'ss. W e haVe the pntire pollilcal rl n,t{ t 0 n ~ hl, uud the odds


llIonths or ~ 1 8," and .i ll nl' 190r, will Il\iv~ w ltne.sull 1''1 the /:r e;l' e~ l llll llr&t1 o n Ol l ho ~) lh h,·O'rtA of Ihe Ilralrl,) e VH O' ~ p' , 1; 1I0WII. un less Ih conn1\"R' ' ~'r hi m ;) or v,", movul day . .

Wi t h more vO"I/"roJ"" haliulll n!,: ant! s wu aO' ln~ , 01 'lit ,·,·" d,l ll /: 01 whir)" a nd s wirilll~..r larlal •. t he ,·"I'a oll e ufter II nol lll' r "rll 10arle,1 This 10a,lOno: ha, hO'1' 11 In I'rll~r r~s :Lt Ino ollrrl'l'r ll t 1'01 "1 ';. III Arka nsaM. III mov I ng n orth wnrd In th A Tcxtl::l, In N ew ':\! lXii-II Il nrt l~t l!l l PSMO. l'r lnl:M Ilf bY!;OIl" ",·'lr,. r x ccc ,l eci In Tb o CarK l:"ll e~ "lly 111'1' h,,,d ed 40 head n 'll t\lLJ e r ~ the emu! c whkh in thi s mOlt· tu a c &r fUHi tit" f r rlg hl I n lhf' l 'UIl1ItlOn H(';




~' I ' II limA at'p 11\0\' t u .,; to Ih .... pn~ t ure:d of It.!' :::iourh Dlil :ola " 1' Bn ge," Il I~ the l'a ll r o 8. I1 ~ ' ('n 1PI'llr1li8 'w hi c h hlu brO Il;:-h t to pa..":' thi s Intter t l R)1 mI gration , By ma k i n~ n l ow ratA nr $101) rr o m 1hf' "pRl1halldl(, ' j of T exas 3 nd of $ 1 ~7 .;; t1 PM "ur rro m th e ~I e x l · ",'an h,.,rd c l', l h ~r wHi thi s yeaI' t r ang·

poillt R of Sll1J1h Unl<uta Wit S Ih c l ' CrU I' ~ l.IUl littl e IIl t )!' {." (h(\. n $:! .5 u' I' ~ r b e llIl o n an n.\'f" I'nt:r', Slartlllg 0111 in lI1 (\l1Y ,'HS(, S "(ln llh l" h cadp r ,'· 1I11rirr a fas t :-4 r h r ,l ull', I h t' Irniu:-; h .l\'l· hN' 1I r o ll ing I toI' I hward , II IJ; ht and clay, fl1r t WII ~tlJ1"9 Il f day" . .. very " fl l' l' ~)' I... III!: bOllll ec1 10 lallc1 Ih (' ~ h illm r llr :i 0 11 th p li t' \\' pas t ll r l"a

lJOlrt 7r>.IlOO h~ l\d o f Ilw T e,as an,l ~ I p x ' b"fore th e hill w,'atl" , ,. ..' L In , Th o "'~n ' at t le you u gHIBrs 10 t he "short., w eat h pr 1\1\:-\ t'o"tl nu r ft ('001 I n tl\(' IlOrt!l. ; r Q.8S countl' r,"

a n d tho hell ll Wllu;: , 'DU n); IJtlc\,('ti

·rhe part whl cb th. ra ilroad. " lay in I ~ II.dd, to the wond er oC tb e g rca l :1\ 1 ~ratlon dl'l\m s whi ch BO r esem bl", : ih' bl sons' habi ts iu tho day. wh en rtlilrood d wore nol. days wh e n the In· l\lIlU S on the Ir w ilt! weste rn hor ses. al'nlo" wIth bows 80 d arrow s . wlltc hed 0" th e tree leR' plans f or the s prln E:· tlln o app earll nce of t ho . hn:;IIY blHo,i h .. rd" . The In dIans pursu ed u nd a! allgbteretl tb e bIson for thol r hirl es a/ld meat In the ir primitive way, u tb o

be~n l ur ll ed in ~o"'l cllllllilion iul.o Llta ma llllllolih 1. a.~I ur rH. M'I1I'" Of whlt'l. cu uta ln OV ~ I' 11'0 .0 Il It· r 'R. The mlns have ,·lIalll; ed Ibo brow n praIrie In It v I,'p l ·roc n Iil,~ tbr law us or a city IlItrk . a mI r'on,\ltlonM could not hav e lJ oen !Jell c,. for I h o a nxluus run l·hnll) n who ha ve 11)\'1'_10.1 "0 man, th o ll~ands and hll n.t re,b of I hous audK of ~o l­ lars In Ihe ~I ,.an'g er he rdA. Tile Cb l ·agu . ~tIIwaukeu &. Sl. Paul·S ··e&LLlu 1I0lU l :. 1::rarU! In WlllwortLt



IIumur" nl

1.II w an ,l

thr J.t RW.

r~ III'~· 8r~

IWO I hln ga whlcll God has jnin NI togP Ih er a n,l man hna pill 05l1nfll)r. W he n n prisoner In Jusil ee Maill e·, court wns asl, ed wh el h ~ r h e ha~ an yI hl ng- 10 .ay w h y sCllt e nee s ho ul d not he pI·onolln" ed Ullon hIm . hc replied: ·· 1 wis h God may s trlko ·010 fle arl If 1 s tol e th e du c l, s,'· Maull! walt cd fat' nhnll t n minllt.·. a nd thl'o said : ··Prlson ,· r . a s Provid ence ha s Dot Inl erfered I musf . ' Thr('o mon ths· hftrd labor." A mayor on ta k ing hi! sent on t he hcn ch for Ihe /trst lime Info rm ed tha bnr , I hRt durin g his year of oruce he woul,l BI,are no .. rrort to be ne lt h e' I, a rtiol IIfIr Imllartlal.-Londoll Nows. Buth "ad Tltt'! •.

He was an e xnggerat~d Englls11 typ-. a.n d h \s Rtlpearan ce In the lohby of tn Broadway hote l attrac ted some a\o tellti o n. -So well knowo 0 humored W$ Mr. Simeon Ford voucllcd tor tbe sto r y. Tbe unknown asked lor a Il&h' and vo luntQer ed this intormatlon : ". am a strangcr herc . d·ye know. bu~ at ha llie 1·01 a \l e rson ot some I'm portau c ... I'm SI,. James B-- . Knlgbt ot the Carler. Knight of till' 68th. (\:nlghL of th e Double gaglo. Knight or Ule Goldclt Flee~e a nd KnI g ht of lite Iron era.... 'Vho are you?" "Mc name." was the rl'ady reply, '·is Mi chel Murpuy. Night before Ins t. IMt nI ght . to-nigh t an4 an d h e sm a:ol h ed a farmer's wH.;;on and eve ry nl Sht, Michael Murphy."- N. Y. 1<1111'.1 th e I'lIrmrr thi s mor nIn g within H e rald , two Imln-I en gt hs of' the s hop junctIon :· 11100"''' Winter Onl~. ·· Drllnl,?·· in~ tl lred th O' c x-manager. ··It Is callcd t he ·s now flower: be··Ncve r R drol' : DI><on ·s a prohibi- cau se it bl001ll 8 o nly In the depth of tionist , oI l'",1 In Ih e \00'001. But jus l, icy winl c rs:' sa ys a I>otanl s t. In sllcakhetore h~ loo k his tmln. Halk.·tt had Ing of a woudc r ful plant tbat Is to be him In the ~weat - ilOx • .lacking him liP fOlln,1 growing on Siberian soli. for not mal<l n~ hi s timc. He cam" "When It opellN It Is star-sbaped., Il' out rcd in t he fae, ·. jumpod on his en- "etals of I h,' same Icngtb as th. gine nnd yu nke,l th" Flye r down the leaves 80fl half a o Inch in wldtb , A :<IIr,l" 40 mil es a n IlClu r,'· Russian uobl emA n 1001, a number of " And wh at is your trouble, Durg ... n ?" the s eeds to SI. Pcte .... burg. Tbe, :tskerl Lori n;;. we re placcd lu a )lot of snow and ·· Anothe r sl<l" of Ih e sam c thing. I froz en ear th. On tbe coldest day ot wrote ili a ]. \Ju\lJ'ord Ye1lterday. tell- the followin g Janua ry the miraculous in g him I ha l s ix gangs . all th o now er burst thro ug h it.s Icy covering r ound house 'e m er gc ndes' and two out. an.1 flls lllaye,1 Us beau ti es to t he won. door repa ir s ~IIR,I ~ ('olll<ln·t heg ln to ,I c rln l; 81'e" IlIl or8,'· I,cc p Ih e crippl es mo,·ln g : a n,1 WIthIn u wcel; I'very onc of t he labor unlon R 'VhnC ~b'e MC! • • t., has Id cl.e,1 t hroll g h li s g ri evance comA rkh but Ignorant lady. who wa. mi ttee , His r e pl y Is an ord er announctn g a blanke t Cllt In wages. to gO' ral.h cr ambili o us In her conversational Inlo drect t he Orst o f the month. That s l yle. In . I)eaklng nf a friend. said: means a slr ll,,· a n.1 u gene ra l ti C-liP: ' ' ·Ha Is a Ilaragrl1m of polltcness:· Lorin g s nool< h is head rel':rcHlIlly. ··Excuse me," said a wag sUlin. " It hurl S m e." he admitted . " We next to her. ··but do you not meao • ha d the l>es l-I.R n l!1ed ]l,lece of railroad parallclogr a m 1" In Ih l' wost. nnd I gl vc 1:11 ,· credIt to the . "Of course l do!" Immediately remen t ha t did th e ha ndll n " , And to plied Ih o lady. " How could I have hllve It "'Teel.ed b y n g-an g of Inco m- mad~ s uch a mistakeT'-London Titpclellt sal ary -grabbcrs - ·' Bits. Thc two le rl -ovc rs nClddcd . "l'hat: s j ust II . Mr. L orlns :· s aid ftlelhnd In IL MTosh . "J\ nd we· r h ere 10 Ilsl, you Violet- Isn ' t your fath er gen croua If It·s worl h w hil e fo r uS,Jo lit! 1< to 10 g ive you Ruch a bIg I\lI0wance? t ho w reck an y lon;>er. Are ytlu folks C larlssa-0h, T don't k now; he·, doi ng anyth Ing?·· pretty ~hr.ewd, you ~now . r heard ~IIII ··We ha'·(' upe n tryi ng all legal mean s tell mother tha It W!l8 a gOod dell' to ureal, th e grip of t he comblnatlon- cheaper than givi ng me monC:l wbeD.yes." l ~ v er I asked for it.-J)e\rl.ll, FlM "And wUllt au tlle prOliPucta?" It PU311. '


- - --- -'

I ·ollnty. and Chamb··rialn In il rlll e ,.:o un-

w hite Olen s lnll ghl r r th o b~c l "atll in t b~lr malluer In t h Is ngc or pro grl'HS , Th e huff&lo gras s , th e short grass of ra me. w h lcb g row~ on tho m li llona of IlCre3 we~t or the ~i2soll rl r ive r In ~out h Dakota wa~ the e ntlcemen t for tbe bison. 8.3 It is now tor t he can le a nd th e t'altle owners. It is so 8\\,eet· aod nu t r itious t hat 11 t wo·ycor old nol · mal will add 30 " er ce,n l. Illor o weigh t 10 a yea r of JlMt u rl ng III)on It. than tha brothers an" s isters o t th e sam e a nimal will add on the pas tures of th o longer g rasses ot t.he far southwest. Many tImes caLll em en hav e 80101 their "sbort.grass·' ca t lie within 50 cents pcr 100 pounds of tbe price paid [or fat caLlIe. There Is 00 beef whic h Is 90 ' jui cy or 80 well ·'marbled· ' as that of [b e Deer from the Dakota ' range. It 18' but a fev.· years Blnce the eXI.erlmeot ot .blppln., waa tried; ca l tlem oo s tock to Dakot.a was tried ; cattlemen made fortun es the ftrs~ few ' ycars. The n cattlemen grew l·eck le8s- the price paid for 1'e xas '·stun:·· w"s raise d aUd .lhe proftts declined. Somo hard wlo-te rs ·'dec lmllted the berds. an.1 shIp. ments trom th e s Olltb wer e roduced This year·. how e ver. the cattle mc n or the range counlry hav.e a surplus of cash as rcoult of a winter MO mild thnt ' t h elr 1o!l8es were not t wo pe r cen t. ; moreov e r the ca ttl e men hav e co mc to realize that the native north ern cattle Buffere d In tbe wluter storms almo st h • aB sevelrellYdaal ti e le x a ns. Thhere walK an eIlr y n cat on t b l g pur c a !cs • I ·n t h e BOllthwest, I an d ~ h e ra II roads I , e Btock agent", Il e rt to thi B, were prollll.t t!' put lu a I'ato such ns would ,he 1m. poll8ible, for In slanre, if th e proll,osed plan or gIving a go vc ,""Dle ntal cnm · mlslon tue rate-m akln& power were now to he operlillye. It waR 800n .llscovered that the "panhaudle·· of Texas hod almo st no surpills or young Miock - ltB s urplus was marketed last year to turn It Into money. Th e age nts of the railroads aDd of tbe hig rancbmen . th eretore. went lurther to the sonth",est . to the MexI can border at EI PIl80 and acro ~s the RIo Graude. w\1e r«:. ~BJI fouod a great ~urphl8 of ·' YOllng stu1t:· Theretore, the mIgration or the herdij tbls ycar will very large ly ' be from lush gras s cO lllltry and the mOlln·· lalns and valier I of o~rtberu Mexico. The cattle are smaller than the Tex· ans . 01 poorer grade. bllt so cheap that the ran chmeu did not hesitate, bllt bought the lIIexlcan sllr.oluB by thollaands, by tens of thous and s. The pi c· tu rosquene8s of the ~ pcctac lllar north· ward exooul Is hell':~te nl! d by th e ro· appearance from Me xil'o , ~f the lon g boroa wblc,h years o!,"O werc typlcnl of th e Tcxan stock. DurIng the last t h.·co months th ere has been in. progrcM In the southwest, theo, a geoeral roun du (l of mammoth pr<?jl0rllon s •. and t he yearlings ot size aoa: the t",·0-7ear-olds are cut. oul for tbe northern llleD with lliuc)r bali ool ng. sw irling . of lat!8ops &od l:Iwearlu~ 10 Spanis h oud the ·Mexi can patois. The wil d, untam nr;l young aDlmals are drl ve o !.Il'" tile corr&18 for loadln&-


IY. and Ih e.Ch k ago &. Norlhw 'N l m ·1t gat es to Ih e ra nge III ri e J'l"~ allll U LtyShu rl:. hllv e ....... rnlC'l wll h ,·uttlo. bavo e ' boed 10 t ho s hrl ~ld nl': w histles of he BLOck train s a nd yot n"'ro Klock t ral1l8. and Iho 'all Ie hll vo ho en oirive n over Ib e MIs sourI r"·or - Soll th Dakola·s great lli vlrlp I> et wecn farm s and rauge-bJ: ni g ht a nd uy da)·, At Evarls aod aL Cham bcrw. ln th er" are pontoon br Idges - a brl d!;9 ' ot plllnking st reto' hed acr uss a row of lloalll hulf a mil ~ o'·er the greaL muddy sU·eam. Often young callie from t bo soutb.. wild 88 the hls on of a cent ury ago. f'lt t ha \I~IlCC lIMtomed trembling of the ).!IankIn g und er the ir teet. were seized with· pante of feat aDd ··bun cb ed up'" Immedla te ly tbe we ight of the s{ruggllnge&l_ Lie at a sIngle point bor e down t h e bo&ta under th em. and the rl,·cr InslnnU, wtluld be ftller! wll b a swarm of youllle I!altl e, s wimmin g for dear . II Ie. their long horn s rea red high ... llov.a tbe water. Ilo.d their I'yes gl aring and wild. It was a. great task fOI· the cowboy. ;~t~:; ~~o~: rlereliet cl\ltlt bllck 10 s hore. e w cst or cas t aide. In soma case~ the rapldly· swlmmlnlt Illlimalll were borne dOWII 8tream Lo a pOint whel'O tho . 1 d Ii I pre vcnled tb·arl p I ecdlv ty of the bank. a r all nl! Many times ,I aad animal s have h . th I een (oulld ,n ear ese H lorcs. " Iarvect anrl ex hauKto(1 after s tru gglin g v In I I I rial'S Th o agpre ~ t YI n I 'e wal cr for . " ga 0 08K was BIlII1~ •.. .·o mlmrerl with th e total nlltnlltf! cat. ,Ie taken IIl·ross I he pa n t 0008. bill Ina • " excl lempn t of I he ml gr a tl on Ilas IIcon enhanced by th ese episode I . fold. 8 a IIInd. ed

Practica l Girl's Idea ··Why do . yoU wa.te so ma~y on beaullfylog ~ ev l ee8 ·.'" Inqlutr.e..ilr«llii'.... old· fa s hi oned woman. ··Wh vote that lime to thlllking thoughts?·· ··0, fudge .. ' re torted the se l. ··My bea ll isn 't a mind Louin ~ill e Cou rl er.Journal. Oan't Escape. Sbe- Why do tbey talk so much about t he kitchen troub lcs ot hrlrlcs? Most of th c m don·t e ven att empt to cook! 11 e-Oh , )'e8 they do, In one wny 01' anoth e r. Th ey a,1I have to do a good 'd,~al o( roas Llog an d "tewl ng !- Detr~lt t, re, Pre ~ •.

He Had . Hav e n·t you forf;otl on something. si r ? J'rofesRO~""':Y es, but I CRIl·t rem e mber whnt YCllr Charlemange waa in Crownen. ,;all you ?- N. Y. S'III.

OF tHE SHEEP. --,..




Con viction of Farmin g P aper 115 T bat Sbo n the A nl m llls ",Till Go to C om :Jl!!.l t .

A CCOD BARN. La ke Cou nty, 0 .. Mlln Hn s T h em A ll ]len t en for Fine Bnl'nsRow 11 I" Buill.

I b ave uollt'ell He\' prol I,ho tograph s

all tl 1I ~" c l' llltltol\ s uf IJllrll H In t h .... Oblo t~~ llr nIfJ r . LHtt nOlle lh t'lJl urc lil\l) tll'.'


Ilr J uel


H~~I· l'g.

or Lulw ('",ulIly. 0 ..

BUYS un Ohiu ,'\lJ'rf'~ pOlH.lenl. Mr. rtf 'evos I" (lVl'r Mil .VCI!'·" uili . T h e IlIlIHll'lltlun ISbu\V ~ lJIH~ OOUl u f tht: tJar n tunl th "

Soollfr or ' lllter s hep.p a re ues linetl to IJe"ome more or lest; IJUpIIIlll' In llJ~ corD bell. Already tlle y hll vt! 1I 1'1111y ~stlll)­ lI ~ h e ll t l.J ew selvclS In su me u.IjU('e Ul tiel)liou8, ~ut a s yt:t tbe J;TeaL titlites o t .\1ll1l1e6u tl1, lown. ~ l i sHo ul'l . 1II IIIois a ntl 8ectluns uf l urilllnn b,,,,c lIu t cume W t hll point of r egartl llll; til e d uel, us oll e of tlte fUl 'lll 'S u ecessur) ' lu llllll ent. It Is t il tln ll collvlcl lo ll ul' lil e Prulriu F'Ul"nl fl l' I ba t !-'UOII I::I' UI' Int a l' lb e fartu~I'" ur lll e"e Bf;ctlOIl", 111 " pit '; of the b lBh 11I'1('I'" thaL lunu u tuwunlls , uru go l ug' 1v LI1I'D tu t h e }511ee p 0. 1.11..1 cUl1 bld 'r Ie "' IlIlll·l, II fCl\tllr ~ uf t lte fo nll us tb" titlle r (.r I he hog , \ VflS( P t'U ruugt:6 are


B u t the Drumm@ rs III N "lgh boring noom . Coulu Not Sny . ns Much.


tw y oLbl.' :' '

I" n l " r U UI!I ~. , 0101 ClI,"

t no le p. ,alor

e .~ n a..,


thl ~

J, l( ( - F.I.LE~T J1 A '\: r.A I'll': .

O Il CIIIt. oJ ll t'O IlWJ nlK Il


tlOllfl!':ll~~Un:l~Te's l~prct'.'A~ yulI ...... tII ~u. Uhr :,~f\~nt~~." :::~~T" 1:$T~~~~ft,';l'Gt~IO('I ;~~~'L" c~lt~~ Sl: PA RA TOR OffE R EVe" H i!: A"D Of',



th e L' nloll . tock

ran.l Hr 11.1 (,;OUlme nU nc; up u n the ~ hlJ e p <I wall on. ,'UVfI'1l the malt r lu h~ I'ulilJwi li g Ja n",u agc :

...._--. ~() .lr.------------- --·

u..J ,

11\' Nlt urn ml\ll , fret', C'R I!: ,. M SI!P""Al 0R C.1TAL O GUi!:.

I"~ tle m:" ,,1 fo r IU ll tto li I. rapidly 111 c r ~a ~ illg . Ju h l !:l un u ualr€IIUJ' l GIHH'rul


and ""CI 1111 11 Im ",. -

" tatel, r e t u rn an1 mon .. , ,.ou m a y nt;~ep.l. f "~ l , ,, , char,e • • r o\ hor wl... l 'ul

J:,ro wing slHaJ~e r a n d t-xl ' n si\'c b h l:~ IJ l)!'ud u cll u 'J J~ ot!co m i ug l'f" sU'idet1 , UUt

Maliu!:PI' LeDn u l'd ,

!i " I_ ' ,.,'urn

u. at out



"Durlnt,; th e laSI decude II w u~ t remurkutJ l4e g ruwl h In 11le ,I"muud lor mU\.I o n hus to l<en vlace III tile L' nlt eu S t [l Ies aud Eug lau d. T he ,!. lIIunu rU( wou l Is a l. o Ill crens l,,!; aull val u e~ risIng . On t he o th er hun d. th e ·\\, u r ld·" SIIVIJ ly or Hh ee p II! dec l·cns lng. Owing It) I on!; drollght s. ooth A lI s tl'u ll a nnll SUlllh AOI .. r k u a re s hol'l " whllll in this country tb e ' rang~ ~ .... \lury I. tJe lll!; ra ll id ly reslrl cted nnd IlD nbliity 10 supIl ly IllUrtOD and woo l Is uneq lln l LO tb o


Long Island

locution of lllo barn 1I00r nbove THE IDEAL TERRIT ORY FOR A t llr· " big tJ nm~" Ulltl r n nn ing le nglhSUMM E R HOME OR AN OUTING d o.l wu nu. . w l~e under t ile ,-, u LJ I ~ of tbe roof_ " lI e nrcforth . Anter loa lllll' l dep end T IJ I" bur n \Vu ~ IJlu nned n tHI Imlll by Mr. ReeveR nuollt. 20 or 2fi Yl'tlJ'tI ngo. mo re nlld OI ore U[/o 11 Its fnr m llili S N )It It! Hlt ll at ed 011 a " Itl e hili fn el ng "ill t 10 11 " fur .b ell. w hit'll . Ir well bred lin d f<OU l h. It bas ~4 - fuot IIU8," nnd !J.root IV II CUI' II (o r . wi ll pl'OI'e "' pec lnlly blUemon t . Oinking abuut ;::1 f('ct from 11I'of\tJliJl e l(J t lle .ma ll fal'l1Je r us s. lb. enveH to t he g-I·ollnd. I I. Is UO fC(,t men ns or 111 ' r eu~cd Int'Om" a ll d .011 fe rlong lIy 40 rl!ot wldol all d Is dldd ed Ili tO Ul lt y." At tile Ill'es nlllme s heep an d la mhs 250 miles of coast line on Ocea n. s ilt bllY ij ~O f ,t "qllare. Sound and ,Bays, A orldl'e I~ hulll from 1he top are I' ~y Illg h, Ru thaI tile plIl'ch a s~r Trending east and wes t. Is coo led In of t h,; h III to we ll'u hie "Illl or "e~I' l ul! gtutl! pwe tlud s difllcully III a"ellr ln g any ILL 1.... 1<·". he ca ll nlfurd tu su m m er by the prevailill f; south wh lds th e lia l't) . A bartl HUI )!' "X h' nt! ~ tram the ocean. ~a)' . In I'IH, ur Ihl ~ fa 't . we do not I.hrolll;h t h e Lui'll fl'om I hi' IIl'l u,," Unexcelled S tl rf and stllI"'"te r bathOOt! man nlone ~ 'fJl I ('n~ lI y and quldd y utl l'l "e farme ,'s 10 Im mediat ely I'\ls h Int o Ing, boating, driving . au tomobiling and IInluad hnr In lO t ho bar K u~lI~uth n ' I l l ~ t he Kill; \l bURl n . S. A r~ n c t 1011 Is COIllgolfing. Long Is land. with It. unbounded nil duwn - pi tllllnr;. Ull Ihe threo »ldfJ~ IlIg wilen I'nlues will " l'il ne. At pre nalur.1 . d v~n tages, co upl ed with the ntlh~ ",1ft COliI'. S~e Il1R to ram I' timeo p)lllsile th e 1,1l1 orp Iluo.·s ex tendl,,;; ma ny Im p r ovemen t~ now In OOU ( S . of f r om t h ) ~uves ·'u Ih fj g ruunrl . one rOI" ly p l'ppnra t!on " 'lth th e ultima te Int ell construc tion, Is without equal tIS a (lach oa y. The hay I» pl ce' he,1 UIII 101' lion u r buying a 110 ,1; when pl' lees al'e location for Summe r o r Permane n t : Udl t hnl Ih ere Is fl U '1u slio n o r wi. · Rosldence - a I. nd of real home life . t beHO Iloorg ou to n waba n . flum of tlJ IOv e"l lUen t. Thl>l hnrn I ~ u sod enUr I), for lin:: whJcb Is mnri,ele d III I ·" Inn d . SH~'EP F_EEDINC RACK. barq Ii! b lllit ~ lIt II' ' Iy un t h ' prlt",illi o or " H iC"h~" tUn )' h;lh W l tl ~"I W'~ Wl\ d,.y', u tili zi ng !;r3vllnt loll to tbe lit mus ag e .. fr.,-<I,·II w." nr u n dl.';' j.!O IIl '." I" ai d l ' lI d lo Eh,·u . "uu t wllt'JI d (·~ PENSIONS "" till l", . un" .... nr\u mJ rtf! t\' I ~hn , H a l/ 8 Sean;ely nny pltcbhi g UII nuol' Ilio le"el Co mbine!! H ay nnd Or!ll n D evice IS l 'O ILIIII' ,il, \. ~,'t'llI~ to lI'U\ t,j u n (·"ull·hei ." n""urd " 111 rn n"L IUll1 lllluld1tH'fI. Ien' l eu. lUlU .... iltct'lI- tlf Now Found N ecess Rl'y -:-P OhIO oi n l1W11. ts ;:O.I ., eo t PI'3"I I,,(:, 1.,. W IUI nrl ,,,I., lee t"It KJ'l of th hny nll'k bllJl l<) 00 11bne fl'qm t b ~ .. - \' · n~ l lI u~ t ull ~t;)r. . .... ... i1rCOUlJ h II .. 6O~j . , ta " .I . . Lth • • l l .\l' I .\) 6.n . v. for Conl;tru ction. tim .. t ile lonll c nt a t·s It until II Is halll l'd Il way. Thi s Ulay a rto rd su m Sll ggCI;I T lley also reUeve Dtz.. S l n~ e til e pr:lct l~e of fl'C-(iln'g !ih ('p, tJ II, (or Ihose who a r e thinking tress /rom Dyspt-psla, l ograin nnd hay to!;pther hus been ado~t­ b lllhll ng hoy bar nS ror se ilin g hn): lu til InLE dl"...,SUon and Too Hearty ell by man), fnrm e l's. II clJIllh lnell ' b uy EllUog. A perfect remdIy, or (or valln t,; allli shl~lJlo g_ and g rain f~e!l ro c l' Is neccssor y, RaYS . ecly lor D1nlll..... NIlUllea. lbe Fllrm anll Hom e. Til e ~k~\ 'b IIlIlS· Dro1\'SlIIes s. B:ld 'l'usUl CONV ENIEN T BAC HOLDER. In tho Mouth, COnted . NON-U NION u'ntes a frame ",bicll Is \,el'Y pm II 'a l I Tongue. P!U.n III the Sld8•. Empty F l our B nrrel Is P rosaic A rtl - nud nt. th" sam.· tim Ine~pensll'e. wblch ~ TORPID UYEn. TIley mill' ho COlls t rlll'led by an y furnlc r . fa cIa Out of Wh lcb D evice MnJ' r'2~ the B<>'!f\!1s. Purely V~t:lble. u"d"r 10 recti ('orn silage I' c rn ln 10B e Constru cted. g6tb er , tIle rack ~houlu be malll: ll!;bt Book nuu job . for TWrlnnncm . 1)081 1101111 rli.1. in _t.:h C!lgu, W . g ea---tH~luun 1 A conve nient vn;; bohl !'r enn 3 ~ i l )' '1 9.50 Per W. e k , II" Houu_ be made ot nn empt)' nOllr IlIIrre l, 8 11),S Genuine Must Bear O nl)' compoten t cOfUro~hors \.xshl ni: Fa.c-Simi . le Signature t he ' Farm n n u l~rmnJl('n t jJo ",it!onk n CC ll a rll.I)', G ive TlE re f r'rcn('cs 11 "0 clJU.rac tcr u.m..l ubUJ ty. Horn . Drive u A d d n: lu, null t hruu g-h t be Unite d ,Typoth etae of Amerlo a Ii i ' hOO llS In to each M o n n dno ck BlOCk , Ct1lco go -... REFUSE SUBSn I, lU'f'fl. ' 1 sta " 0 tmf\ c li n c h. , I T h un OUl U : '! : • i J door. u ~ S hO-N II . \' " r'o you t hl n l, warn e ll nre lazie r t han c=::::::,J Drl,·o severn.! 6d CHEAP ~o~J;~~..c~U~o~~~~ ~:~~~II~fej' D;I~ :e<:,n,;, , C OOD 'S lt EE l' RACK. me n ?" be a ~ked . b o u,wbold WutJOK I U t bu nbm 'o 81Hl.f'l1 fu r I nt eOitl IIIC i '" wire nails near ('I e _tI Jl fJrM., Wri ltJ f. lr mlCtl. .,," .. , C,IJt'O n!C .... ' ''1C1t. ";.<,- .. r eplied th e old bnch e lor. ru.. ·c.II ••• I" .....,.II.l·•• • IU »e¥tor. t op or th e barrel, sloping ullw urll, un lit I h e bot! m 60 t hal 110 g rai n w l11 iJ e 8 ~ , tIIl_... III. "\"-be "~ Is • he re a IIItlll wh o w hich lo buu g t h e bag, By h avlog tlJe lost. wou ld wr,r/;. ha If Il S hllrd a t n nylll ll1g as I be Th e cor ner posts, a. nr e 2x2 ill Ch eR b y ~ 48~pa8'e book PRE., hlngeu l he bng c"'l n be p ut In amI a tJ I Jj h c • WU-,LoU r e r e re ntc ItlT' ~.n ,j\ LI.J. ~O .. Bos. Il , W • ." OUl wit ho ut Ilft llll;' ol'e r th e lop. • fe.e t hi gh of ouk ot elol . Tile s id" :,v~ rnge wo ninn doe. In foo l peol-I le c. .. • .0, T o mOlt o, Jul ientl r . CC' tl 80 In ln C", Cllld:t'n , Mu ll is;: .. tJwnf' )'. or O xhLi I will pl " . s ~ lh ~ IDOI I Au a lJ" ?"-CIl I ago R ~cord-H" rald. ~I rl p s. b. are )):3 in c hes by 10 o r 12 f.t, J:lfllld iouL Tll r ), "h' ' IUlel;;l)' ,Hf' ,Wl c d - dd icjcH.u. ICI I' a l - ~Iww)'tj. tl OI ril'lta,' tor ,.. CARE OF LIVE STOCK . as d es ired . Th e r ue l, sh ou ld l1u l' bo Libb y's t ~rt.:~!:,;1 Foo d Prod uct S wider tha u 3 fe et o r t h e s heep cn nn ut N ·, More Llqo or Cu,.es. I I~ eusy to mn l,e a h Ol'llC'S s llOuIael'S Corned B_r H3sh 'cle nn t he g ra'ln' it'o lll 'It Rn tl Hrnc torlly. .:\ l .<7odon r:lv,=i..o r n n no n n ce~ lll:lt o ne Bonele ss Chicke n Vlenn . Sausag e .or In a VCI' Y s ho r t l ime If he I ~ com- Th e bo ll o Ox Ton!lu e. m Is p la nl,cd t igh t wit b pin e ""'Hi nE'\' e r waut lO drin li jf one .wil l " .Soup. Ham LOllr pelled t o wca r n IJOorly-tl lling cullar. or s pr uce. Th e si\le pIeces. c. ar J xG ,,:t on '" 1!I~h of npples . T he d r ln l,l nr, l 'Oltf GrOf.'l-r l hlllf lI'fflJ. The (,x \l~ rlm~nL of (eedl ng mo lasses Inch es bl' s h')l~~ I! now Sl Op . I U or 12 fee t. T h is mak es a LJbb~ ,. M c NoJll cS. Libby, Ch"'''~o \.(l b ors~s hQ.!; beon rou ll d to b~ eCOIIOIllfeed box at l h e bo lto m about 6 In h ed tea l a n d very-e a ective In mnny uses. dee II. T h e side s lats. d . s ho ul d he mnde . ')." \ ',' ,~ - , ... ~. A much In tile POO!!11 re~~ J·v nUOll. Of onk 'i''':! ·,.it·, ,,. . . . , ~," .. " o r el m 1,,:1 IndIes by 2% r el, n nd \ . . Luwlon , OI,ln., b us j)ul'ChlUlcd f ro m spa. ed G til 9 In ches a vu rt. ac,'ol'lli ng to a hn it-brecil Ind lc.n n t MI RsO\\ la , Mont .. Ih e s lz of ihe ' hee p fed . / T h e en d s a h erd of 20 tullblou d bull'nloc s a n d w ill Ahoul d be ~ I nt ted closely to p r cl'eul wflln tnl n t h' m ror br eedIng P 11 1'\10 ~ s.' s hee p gelling h tlo th e rnck. II. Is not u hulll:l lng fllr U ili a D to I,uuw Ou ce It: day th e rIl"l{ s \l re " le'ltIcli out. ' sOlOvlhl ng about s hoein g h Ol'~es . evO Il T he s llase alOd 1;1':11 11 II I' ]lUt In fir s t II b e t!lies not CX IJect 10 s hue hurse ' him· and lh o ",':ibert Th ompso.n never kne w . wc ll day - he h od bee n ~al' Of tOI', Th e "he ep wi ll 'JUt const ip ated . 11 h is life - many doc torg trea led h im , bill nIl Be l!. lL will ]lUY t h e furm uoy 111 t he Ulllsl o f t lw gralll f .. led to even he lp him ho s h eal lh foil ed ro pid l)' and on J . nuory 2 1, I gO .3, Mrs . T llO firRt n rlll will hn \, ' no mpso n asked li S tu s u~ gcs I a trentmen i fo r h er hu sband_ tl~rlcult ural co ll ege 10 t.u l,c a pan or t be We Ih ou~ ht the c;1 >e tuo s~r i o ll S d lflk tt lty iu getti ng il fro m u nllc r tllC a nd rccom me r.d ed Ih at a speci a lis t be co n sult ed - h u t he "I so fai led 10 help Ih e p" tien l - NOW H E IS WELL. CI)" I'- " III blacl,sm lt hl ng. h3 )·. Th ~se l'uc k" m a l' be Illacell Itt \I'cl l1U Ature" nl'e hn" rOI' s ll oj! 111Id c ot,,: veni (l nl pOin l f:. ill fceo i ll g lu t o r :-. Iu ·:\ , mbs. Th e hi g h c~ t. drl s t part of th ~ 1111f1 dllrl n~ SUhltO l! l' may b p st u r ed vUl 11 ~ho u ld he "" I'oted to . h ·e l). Lnmus or tb ~ way. ~3v ~ d" so we ll wh en th e w ~atlw r Is e xce». lv~IY_, ;wet. W e can nut ('(llI tI'ol t he F ARM N OTES. :1 "11 F ~~:::', ~1~;:Wl~c.;II~ ~ ti~t ~ r~~~ ~: :~rl~Ol l~:~t: ;u,," ~~I': 1!:Ul"I~::\:~\I; I ~I~t'JtIIL ,~~i ~~I :,~7tr :..!~I~~~ "11: ~~f'1I',:,l~;~ ~I:; i,\'~}11 ;~JI~II.f-' I II~i:~ ,,'co t her IJI1 L'w , o rt e n. mol' th e p os tllres. ThUl!LI ' flO ll h.l A b~ (" u trf'''- INI h y "f' \' r r~ 1 c!OC I , j r ", ' .111 \ !1t'\' h :, \'~ Ri \' I" IL h i m LlI'. \\' ~ 1"" ..)111 1)\1 ... LId "L!iot' ti th.11 II fi r " I..c]rIS!!l ' 'l,,'cHlh Weed -I'lIltng is 'ulle of tile m ost ImII I ~ litt le Inus Ihull crue lly Lo a nl llla is .. t I ~ L:'(l1I 1' 1I : lf'd , \ .... " 'I'ltllr ' .. \ \t '\ :II\L III "'" I I ~f T flt\ :c. hl·C3.U"~ w e kllo w it w il l c u re Ct"l ll~li)Jnt ilill 1' 111 fol lC ft bottle; .. no u l lJI:'CI Iu 11 " W)WH II 1111111 ,11\ j,j ,. ull ' ~ GrRpe t o tnl, a ln mbs fro m s beep aou not atrll) por ta n t chuns on t he farnl. i ,. al .. ". kl' . I~ n lli f \ ' ,lI lt h UfoibAt al ' ~ CRS~ 1ft ti ~ ~f': I U \l~ it,. )'n u !ILl"' . Y\ t" 1ooUggl"'0I1 'lOU CIIIU'.Ld l II t .· !ltd,h· ··IN ·l l"Ii .. I . II llt I hr' alh· ~ r· I I~tuJt l ind , p r ompfly. " At t h o: bt11L 1 ~ li lll t'. k ll o wilL)o! Th excepti o na ll y bu n l fr eezes .)[ lil t' e we" out fur a Ilay or t wo n fll' r wnrd. IL H' un t il a 1Jh Yl'ic l3 tt conld lot' C C \ tlMI I I ~d . ) ;1 11\1:1. 1' t h tt! MLL II' :- (;L Ll p e T~JUI\' ("l1 u l.1 d e. Il' ~ lin; II I. wt! :101 \' L... · 11 It. '' :!.( Don 't n eglec t to do It . tr Y2Jl I"l l'e a ll y F eb r llo. ry cut. s hort t Iw iJl al'l, berry <:' op. ,",ultrd. lie tli ag n oY('d I hr- c" !lj.r- lHI t 'ot"illg c.:lL r UIl It.' c th. ;\1' ... . Thu ILLpF('lIl "'fult" I hlll n 1' 1I, " L('1;1 11 h :ul J.C"l' ll ("011 . n, l .. t i p ;t! 1I111 ItIH) a "' ~ I )t'JI"' 1 8 . II i .. Ir ~ llltllt· "t wa .. fo ll0wt'd 1 :t1:!':ul! ~ , h UI t here wa" II I> l ~ rC'~lJt i h le i to pn" Th e H eRslnn Il l' has app eured i ll K nn f ('gard fo1' Ih e we ll-uel,ng of )'0 11 1' lIock. ' eLLH' lIl 111 ~tr . TlL o..I I1l1 ''''' " ' ~ II l"ld lh. '1'11"11 ILt· t lf''': ;LII I n l.. tl L ~ Mull '!I t:f ~ PC' T o u lC' and o n St:Jl 1t'Ill ~r .1, It..\!.\, w e ft' l't' L\'.. d l he lul l" w l lLg IP ll rr f P l lII ;\lr ,. 'rhUL ll l lo:nu sas w hea t ficl ll s, a ccu rd lo g to reThe Corn Sh redder Dan ger. .. You will remem ber that I wrote to you la st J port s. a nu a ry In rega rd to my hu s b a nd 's health. It Ie four month s s lnco he quit ~ I l\ynul{ce leIter sarR thnt Dr . T he yo u ng fo,,' I" Il r ~ BJ'ea l devo u re rs taking Mull' s Gra p e Toni c for cons tllp a tlon, which he s uffered from sin c e birt M.cCarl hy. of th e ,libra ry com- of va g:; :J. r.d IlHnu I h e vl'sc h. la liu u nut en d Is p :nfectly cured . He Is mu c h stronge r a nd He look Ju s t 24 bottles of It IUls iJcen ~o ll Clin g- ~tn­ a t n il. h a s g a ined c onsider ably In fl eo h_ I cannot th a nk you enough for Mull' s Grape Tonlc _ 'It Is w orth lis wei g ht H e nry. of th e ('o ll egc . A good Sp J'ln ld e or wood ash es along In g o ld.' Just $12 cured him and he ha s s pent ,~~)_~~~"II W1~ lu re. st ntes he Is COli · t he le llU('c ro w ~ w il l h U.Len Ih ut choice doctor·s who did him no g ood. It did a ll you cl a im hundre d s of dolt a rs with e d II would. " m ore Ineu a n: IDa i1nptJ fu r vegeta ble a nd make Ve ry res pectfull y yours. It I' ~rr cr iMp. MRS. W . H. THOMP SON, eOt Mai n St _. Peori a , III. ~h l'e<l fl e rs 111 I h nl scctl on Ol" e th e 0 010 11 l'OW5 U goo d treatM r . Tbo mpfIOlL ,. toPPc·d t nL: lfl2 Mil I 1',. Co T f)l lk MR. and MRS. WILBE RT THOMP SON, in JI1I1". lQ().1. 1'1 ,.. li as lW'C"1I t 'n lll p ll"' I('I V ,· ur~.t n n d 1 ' ~~ t n lo;.,." n o t·thc-I n alJ iI."u l e ..,1 11" (' l h Ml' 0 .. 1", DI · .L.I."''''~'''III.r )- "ch yea r tha n a l'o hurt meot o t hen mnn ure. '\'ul'l;(nl; It we li A I LLh~:ott t" ~. yr.HM a u.1 114.) Irlur u , ,j Iht' .h""';;lI'l" ~ .,)\(.111 11.1 P I \l Vt: pcnll uu r ut COUI. SOl M nin SI ., Pe o ria, Ill, s ame degree by th e r nllt"n<ls In in to t tl'e s oli befure se lting o j' p lanti ng MULL ' S GRAPE TONIC CURED HIM. . same di st rict. 10 one n~e se n 'r. Ib e o nions . .me n wer e ma!m ed ror life In thrp,e Un leRs farm mnn ure Is u lld e r Ehl' ller wee kH' ti me b )· on e'corn s hred de r, whll. t l1 ~ Koone r It Is s pread 00 th e t\pl<ls l be In another eon o ly t h e sn m e ' Ih nc hl n~ b. :ter. T here Is " " ,c h w nste of re rt II · kill ed and mnlroed four o l llers.-Co llu - fly from u ns h e ltered mn llure, roused try Gentlem aD . by m in a nti tbe n(:lton of beat an d co lt! . FRE E - ---:c--c=___ Se n d t hi!'\ l·OUP" .' t o M IIII '~ Cr tl pe T o n k C o. , CheCk-R ein for Hors es. nI :'I \:: e" y 11 W 0 r f:. f', ' h r lit l C"r r iIJIr. S l ornAC' h Salt tbe Sheep, 147 3 rt] A\·c . . U CH: k J... laJ1.d. I II. . ;1l1d r c ('eivc a n o rtl t: r '1'!lrrt' i l" (ilL h,t unt' r i:.;lt t Tn a working t eam It Is better to . Don ' I fo rget to snlt the ch ee p of te o Gtomaeh TrOUble a , Indlgeet lon, Oys p o p- 1 (: 0 11 I o n ),o ll r d n l ~l.!'is t f o r a . fl't~ e bott le o f I\J II 11 ' :$ G ra~ oil\1 111 :11 I!' t o h a ve ch eck-relo s on th e h orses, otll er b .. ('lIiI utot' it d " QII""~ Ilu:' .Ie, B'ood Pol s on, ak in D I.eo& o S, T Oll ie , Bluot.1 T o u ic .am] Co n .s.tipati o ll C llre t t C":l t tllr t- : II; ;if' . Re·, B l ood u.n c.1 lII a kC'f'I tho ",i"e' tb e y Rre liabl e 10 get g nll ed wh e n t hey are on s pring grBS ~ . Tho ugb . aore a , 6udden Bowol Trouble. ,.h e nnd ~t re n~: hru uot food In n s trict aense. snit Is an inl"", hlC''' p UCl1c. lly Ah ould e r~. as Illen th e colla r presses My X ame _ _ ____ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ DIOrrheQ. Chole ro .. Etc. t h el JO w f' l ~ ;l1Iu illle"" nr w , , It 'fOr d" I\lt' IIpon th e 'Iow e r pnrt of I he s'1l>uld ers essentia l constitu e nt of the blood and, ' ~ o Ollto "h o~ bem'" ""h k h 1U ~3.n fl d tC':'Irrd. Mlnrv l" ll ~o ud ll io n Dlid t l 11""', \\'t: W LI I I'f,,'-e alone. 'Some horees hold I hell' h end s uest or a ll. both a cure a'nu pteventl ve, .. ,~ .rrhl: . U l1y .lIll tl\·. A..:d re.' "_ _ _ ___ _ _ _ ____ ___ _ PQi,;oII N I tlilli d)'lt l ~ "rin gl'l tilc n, \ 1.,1('\:: I e.; It , yo u th at Mul l '~ hi gh nat mall y, Bot do not ha" e t be, ~ o a cer ta in degree, or dlarrho ea.t h~ ('on tr .::C'\! 1I1 f':~ OO \.f' h~ o r i nt.Jl t illt·~, li r ... - uolhing t' 1fi.(' ", ill . C rnpc -r \loic run s < ro nlp b .i nt •. In va f i· re i n Uncomfo rtabl y tlght .-;Farrn ' Jour- Farm and H om e. C h rck d iorThra. Dlll1 City _ '. _ __ _ _ _ _ Stu t e _ _ __ _ -,-_ _ Co n l! l ipaliolJ :11141 ;til ably the)' are the r "", 'YO U o rC'" lln blc- t o f:llnl nlll. WRITE FOR THIS ' : ftEE. BOTTLE TODAY I Writ. Pt~I" ,and JOur druaGi. ... ftlr-:e' lnd addrH I plalnl,o." lu lt of Con sti patiou l.,lood J.ollWlu- aplIYf-i" • C Kxl for ailiur. "hiltll'r n an d nUF'gina m01hll' r~, _ 0 1080 housi ng' of cattle In tlbe lilt!· ae.,. rate ~itc:a of pa o e r ;and mli ll.t o l Lce, wl lh this C4H.1pci n. Th." ',OO bottle co.. tal ........ ..1,. tbr'; tI . . . . Between bay 0(1-&\,088 la n trYIng lll"e of t1~e m ddle west . .. znuc'h •• tb. 5~ c ..... · .l&a, .L..._ ....____ _____ It< no l!l.!!.gor ad. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-I ti lDe fo r th e s h eep. Ap petit es cr;n 'f! gross yocMed bY tlJe bes t 6 reedel'1l. T he bee! C'I' U TI~II tmd th f r f' Is n' t much or 1\. Piece out steer' cno tand fuore cold without Ipt MULL'S I d ll with wi~ Lt e " bolcut .feed you·bave. thl co wfort thall call .tllli 4a1r)'




lCARJER"S I~~~~~Yilrtf:r;t.I~:













~YJ:~ I 1G

I l)T~





C o n st ip a te d


II H is L if e

Mull's Grape Tonic Cure.d Him





Fo r H ot W ea th er Ill s CON STIP ATIO N






00 not ' •• ,


GRIPE TOIIC unloss lt ha.

date and number stamped

Indelible Ink on



The Audubon Society.

-PubUobed --?-- WeekI, al

Mrs. Jnmcll Shnlll bu>' I'U oi \'(lli Way" o,.lIle, ,III ... fTol11 th e Illuilllllljlll 1i~ :-IfJW ~ n lll' l hlll1<lrtl,1 :11111 I'lg htl'on AI Hlnhnll ~(I' I M . T . 8 .. ow~ . ( 'I I ~I " ."u aL tl f. HTM . l\I '::'~AY 1 ... 1 l Jr- nll. l . all.l oW'r' ... oiety Imttoll" " hi l' li IIl'e lIt.I.I'II Cl l i,,!' :\tR...\1 . 1.' , .1. 1l1U)W N. A;;I)'Z III ' I A' rte "~n l 1't "c . in apPelll'fll\('e. lllHl n t h e 1.1Iluk of - -e~oll is 11 IIllllt ' fn r I,h e prot nti o n '1,.00 a year · . . . . .. III tUh' IH1('l ' tl.f! '-. u ,.~ar I( Hot I':tll.! in lIIh ' al HT Ilf birds . Th e hllll !:I':! It III 1' 1' ':mllt ull hy I hu OFFICE IN JONES BUILDING N ews f rel! of rhllr gf1 nnll thp ~ifl is ! grc ll tl ." IIpprC'()i lltl'd I,,' I\I r~ . ::-; hlltfll unrl Ih m" wh o 111'(' wo rkin g- wit,h h ,,.· for til e prol 'I 'linn o f th ' fOHthl'rt'Cl l' --:---~-.-.-


l) A YTQN, OHiO.


The gl.·owing interest in these Annual Jul~ Sale sat Ilikc"s, is perhaps due more than any thins else to these hlllo Cac hs;

Mrs . Shut e h ll ~ 11 l'II'ge l' l,,~~ n f c hildrll n wh o m ep t III hel' hOIll P o nf' Ilfterullnn Illic h \\'c(' k 'nn ll un h Ollr tl r m o r e ill ~i\'ell t.o NIIlII.\" o f hir<I~ . 'L'h 9 little f o lk~ Illkl' II g r ellt iut e r . esl, in I.h l' " Il hj t' ct 11 1111 flr e fn ~ t II C· I]uirin g /I 1'lIluubl c fnnll o f inflll'llllI ' I.iun rogllrdill~ hjrl l~ lIuoi Ih ~i r hll h i t ~ At, th oil' 1lI 01'lill /.: 'l'hllrsllu,\' IIntll·. n oo n Mi ~~ F:mlllll M oooiy, II t lJ lI ~ h p. I' in th e Dn y l,nn ~('\IIlOI~, "''''' PI'PS,'"I unci 111I1\1 e Illi il1t('rc~ l ill~ tull; .

It Pays to Pay in Adv3ncl



The price of Ihe Mhlllli Guzol It' I (I() II. yellr wh~n pllid ill Kdv/\Il l'. When t,be pliper Is n ot puid for j, ; a rlvllncl' th o price iM *1 :! i) It. i,. to th e inl e rl'llt of' l","'1 .- nl . S ' rih"r t... PIlY ill Illl\"I1IH1l!. Tbtllll){H'o rllio will 1.<, 1'i t(l.ll y Ild hered to IImi s uhscrlbers IIrt> r que~t('d 10 Ilt'nr iI, in mind ,





built our reputation for reliability upon.

h O I1~ a

IUIII 101 " ll FIIlll'lh str eot 11,p l o l1 gin ~ 10 t he lu l e Will . Jon e!!, 1V0re >'0111 Ill. publi c ~1I 1e hy th e exeoul.o r, W . H . All e n, F r irlll.l'·noon . Th e PI' pel' t.y W/IS IIJlIll'lli~etl lit I f,HI,OOO aUtI hrou g ht $:1% lll n r e Ihun thi~ , being solll t o Hllrr.v Mnrr"},, who bas been occul1ying il t'OT SO l' · eral yellrs . ror IiW~2 -" Besides Mr, Mllrruy. E. R. BIlily amI C, M, Aus lin 1Ii I nil the jlf'Op. ert,y . When yon WUllt II 1)leIl.911111, 1f1 xlI tlve t hll t is tl llSY to "'Iko /lUll C'ol't,uin to /lot, UHO l! loulllhe rlttiu ',. ~t.OIlll1('h Blld LivAI' t."bl e l>l . For ~Ill e b v f, llui s Ml1~· . .

---, - -- - -


.. America for Am,e ricans.

J;lowarll E\"erhllrt, of UO I·win. hu ~ inventell a wh oel thllt (liffer~ I'ttr~' 'waterially from t h e orllina ry hi c.v cle and ill nniqne in mlln.v reSlIrc t s A few, days since. the u!!8ociflt,p The "wheel" consists of one wheel edi tor of the Miami Gazette r eceived only, anll in some 1Illlonner h e hil S word , tbat a Baltimore rellLtive had attachel1 I>edal~ to this, which by retu~ed !rom II. W.OOO mile working wit,h the fee t in the ol'uin· abrolLd, during whioh he visited ary way Jlfopel the macbine. The Europ8f\n, Asiatio anll Africnn seat ill placed directly over t h e I.oiu,ts of Inter8llt; and although hlH wheel. There are no haudle lJl1r~, trip wall full of enjoyment be 'says and it is guldod ontirely by the he found nothing In' hl8 c flve montbs mot·ion of the botly. tra vel to tempt· 1Iim II way frOID hi~ The inventor o f th e " wheel " (' ides native home. abont on it apPflrently IH! eas ily !I~ Speaking ot the b9mt [listrict in . one \Voul[1 an ordlUlIt'y IJicycl e . Baltlmore.: the gentJ'3wllon says: " It makes we prond to be a Baltimorlan. A Home of Your Own, It II! lI.~tonlsbing what lias been dODl' Wby not stop JlIlying rent nml own in the time I was absent, Not only a home of your .o wn ill South DntO' hall fI, Burpriiing numbtor of build, inKII been ereotel1, but 'finer, bigger ta ? Thero you can seoure II gOOlI 1 better. Bnltimore ha.f!I'lUIIIert.et1 her, start on the highwll:; t o ind epellll !ltM, It III a privilege to our younl! ence, In 190a, 80uth Dntl:oht for the men to grow np under the n ew or, sixth consecntive time leci ull othor der of tbings , " IItlltes in the IJrotluet.ion of p er cUJl· ita wealtb. In o tllf!r wonl~, South I Dllkota iM long o n w ClIltb but sh o rl I Send us Your.News; ~.-------

ALL ARE ,R EDUCED. F'ORC E iJ '1' O STAttVt-:. Inspecting Kitchens \. A Surprisc Party , Ravo Yll~11lve rilloppo~tocoIl8i1I 1'r B. F . l.u.. I;. "I' ! :11111"'1'11, J\y .. " : I~'" . , A IJl ell>mllt !!llr(Jri!!e party Illfl,V be l w lttit I~ Ilin orl'lwe 1111,/ICClt~ellt w0l11d "F"I' '!II ,I'l'II I''' I ,nn-. l·o.1 " :, "" j". and AttICS. gi\"t,l u InY Ollr Hlumach a nd hl'!!r h.v ! 1I11l~oll1yol~rllllnlrB . .EI .e nusli g llt w ,th :l ~nl"" 1111 Ill,\' 11111"'1' Ii 1', S" pil il1 I1,lI.k iU"'L IUtllli cl n tl which Ivl lll'e\i evl' IICOl/l ell I, 1ll11,; Ilt mHk e 11, l Ulpl1!lsltllu . 1/1 ,;O lll " ti!ll ('~ Ihllt I ("lllid Wll, ("If I 'l' It" 1,I",h " n IS 1'I'!l I' Il \l .. ihlu for " . ell(II r jJllin IIlltl lli sl!llllll lll l" viz: Dr . I I'llr .v o n 10 Ilu y onI' wo rk for 8eve~1l1 Att" r vtlilll,\' I.I·,l 'in :.rll '·t' l'y l,hill :.r <,1<,'. ; fal' ~ 1'Clltl' l' l1 ~ lllIhcl' nf li l'!! tl w n K illl:'>j NIlW l"irtll'ill,., 'j'be.l;'nr~ u \ \~ UllkSnr n~O lll,h;' tlHlroftll'e the 11.'· I l! ut'{llii t. wllh Bllc kl lll ~ .'\1·1I11 ·'I : tl lI l' nt h pr room in t.hl! h 01l311. 1\I 0)l ~ wunrl e l'tlll r e l/l ud r , lItlordlD/.: coru e ,~I op: . lhO!I" Ihe~e IIro t.ho .., ti n . " It 's g r eat fnr l 111rll ~ 1'111- 1 . <111'0 r elief lIud c ure (,)), h e lltlnche d ootoT ~ hI l\'I IwcT;I"t\llng tak es . , ' 1 Nnnrll' ,1:1 1:001; s to ves 1l11(1 T'ln "e, . I r " V Ill' Il cltllln' I' Illill" 1',1 If ,l :1I1 w on lld ~ . At,· Lows ;\lilY " ,Il' l l g ' " Il ~.:d ll e ,,~ IIlld C(J U~'IP:lt1 011 . ~;'IJ li t IlI l ll o, n" ' . ~ .ll..., "ror e . On ly ~:. I' (l nl.s . I"rn t oo n ":l r th e WOOIIWOlOk . i\ l..Otll~ MllY 'S 1I1'11 1{ stul'll. . IYoU uru llIlmrc,l with Ih e lElna n, _ . __ I woo(l ml , 01.' l'l lh Ilnll plll!ll l' l' \\'1111 it ! " l! lIillSI 1«:01."001 , Ih l:<.lfIl Pllll Y J)n;vs ! I.h n J1111 ~ I ~l' hl" IJt' hro\r('n !l cml , • you II cortlllll s um (,ll:, h wee k wlllio Y CII ow stolle P ~r k an d luil lul' . TIlllllt Ih ls O\'e l', t h en tllik , 'tn Olnl IIl' el: t,1 /I wh'lll t,11 .st.u ve. II< I t.o Frell B, h AI·WOOIl,.I\ ~ nt" Amon g Iho la udrr,; 1l1'C! rl'b ~ Over· 1l IIl 0"ll wtthlll three' fl'n t of It.. 'Wllh I Portland Tour. ' _,.-_ _ _ _ _ lond Lilllite u , li i-: Il:.r') toS~1\ Ji"I'IIn s h etl t of m etul 0 11 Ih o Willi UI' " I Th p ' L" 'ed cisco, nnd Iho l:'ioneel' l.imitell, Chi stllV P. IIlII Y b o Pllt, within I~ fo ot. nn d J~ very s~lmmer tbc~" M. & St, P' I e IOn.t!er . Imlt . I ' ·, RJ'. With H!I conllootioll~ euus oUI;' I I " b" Ch' ongo to St. Plllll. Bot lt t. t'nl \J ~ run I lL hllif . If th e tll M.lm co l s Im l U f OI)l u P~II Ollln trtlln trolll Intlilll1ll for ~ t 10 1.1I1111 01 trnlnH e~\~ eon 1vin, tbe Uhi('tl'go, Mil ll'u nk ro .\' :-> t,. the m c tul lllu Mt e xl,PIIII I.., tw iC'n r,1\ In tOllr of th e ' Rocky MOUIltfli~ rC'I t'JI80, Mihl'll ukee , St , Pn\11 !lnd Min· Plml R I\il wn y. If y o n nrllll,,"11 '1ll ' , 11 1Oil,;hl, or ILIll s tl.l\'A. Th e l1 uII,. nil Igi n, illcJUlling 11. w eok's s tll Y III thu DIlIl[lolis, Jt "I1I1!! clllil ,V vi!l-I,he UbiJl llltin~ n WCRtl' l'1I lTip yl II s h oll itl d el' l he ~t<I "'e 1'1 11 on 111 110 ('() I'el'ed wl l h wOtllltlrflll Yello \\'~r()n e PIl·rk. 'fhl ~ /)111:.0, MilwunkpA I~ !:H, Puul Roil· soe thnt on c, or h nth , o t th tll!e fU III · lllol.1l1 to II l1i!<t.UlJt:e lit' I :! illl.:l1 ps i. l ~elll')lIlrru,n gC~lclnttR 9.1~,\e hleetnllDto~e IVILy unc1 iR without nn ·CJlwl In . . . . . . I liT II W 10 W. S I 0 extol1' Ie ,rill . OilS trulll ~ IS loc llllletll lll ~on r 111111'1'. ,,'o nt o f 1,1111 lI ~ h IJllII, 11'0 Portland, with 'boloe of routes cell ' II co o f cfllll[lmellt. 1f yon cp nry . RateR IIlld · ll pr;cril.t l\, l\ IIllu \; · Alar\(e runge, if lllltlorll",. iliIl V l'utm'lIinj(" I!ltopswill beml~le u t , ~elUlIlutelllrfl)l o t1.l e NorthweBt It lets on reqne!t. of (!')llIhus li bl" wllle r lul , ~ h O IlI(1 llO! nhl of Hll e rc~t. ell I·O Uto . .rlvery- I ~ worlh your while to Inqlllrll for ", l ·. ~l orr\nll~lI . 'I'r;" 'ellllg Pa l'S. A"l . l ' II I ,. I '1 (,llIn~ Il,',lDflctml With tho, tour WIll rJltes 8Uo! t\rSOl'iplive bnokl pt·1\ viII .!< '-'nrc"" lI u\l ol l ll ~ . {·I'll'ly" ".U. IIh ,,,. .10\ 0 It m e tll ' ~(l( \\11. 1 II vo ntl nl· Qe tlrst o IUM>! IInrl 1111 expe,n se~ lIre II 11l ~ IIlI'El l>" ~~lllg t!ll th l' OllI e I' nil IIlc ludel! III th e t icket. b'nrl lHlI' in t I " rant.. , . -------.. I ' I I ' f · ·I " ki f onllll.I " Oll 1I}1l ' II " , ', I·t · c, e ~, ~M'i 'H"'" ''IIl"UI'lIul " .l,lI 'I'ro,'otlll" ~ 11 Ollg- III iI ~e \ 0 0 II!; )O~to~ JlII O ll ~ (I ll 1.'1'.'' ' ~ I ollLture I .. ~-4'1 1I < ltI'''''","IIAI'rA n"t1 01110. enl . . \\,111 be turnilib etl by en 11111 ," ou 0 1' y , A kltoh e n st o vn PIllo !'houlcl hn.\'" ,Hit,iu g- tu C, U. M ril01 Itl, h , '1'. p. A .I . --. S; 110 oponings, s ne h U~ ro;\ nlt fro ll. C., M . .,>:.r. St, p, Roy,. :.! ·I 'fI\,O W littlg ., I I ' • p' lI1i~lit, pi cc:e~. It l! IHluld n0t \I" ~' GIn 'iuull ti. Ohio. __ Ij21 ,1' C ~ OUI


C. t ', .\lonhHhfh . ' l 'I'U\'f!It Il .L!

l -b umthrou g h n "_I' p llrt itl ollllr thro _ __'!':!i (~. s l?'tt' 'H j llTl.1' !lpll co iu \\,llic hit l1lUlll ot holOeen . • BE'NTHElR lJUlJBLE, .1 . . I lng, ot I ~o~' ill ~1'l ~ 1J sit.luLt,iou it II" 1'1, • "1 k I)e w n o. o n e ~O l' rO lll' \:'!tlk . , Wa I.e r 1L :it ill 0' a 1\ d ' JOlllt. h o le~ h.V rn"lm g, 'l'h. V)l tlll I ~ I c l, \v lth ''yph ol<1 nnll l '=' and IIllib IInnll> IIln>41 no I, ~)e In wonll e •. ' kitlnoy troullle , " writ ell Mrs, Anni' }\.cet('I~r nc Lio'htin o' Southern Ry. l·lInrre l 0 1' llOX n u l' Hgllin:<t Ih tl s ille 0' Elnntcr. of Pit,tllhlll'~, I'll . • ",10(\ • ~ ..vhe ll I g ot, hotte r , IlltltOug h 1 111111 I 1 , I · 1 ( From Cincinnati 1"11 llnlh o ll Sl'. no or 1.he 'be~t (loctOttl f co uld I,(ot , '( c)J~e 1," lOlne peo}) I r 1 1 1 11 ')01'

fl Ill' jOl'n!

to aU Important Cities South, Southwest and ·Southieast. He,,\I"e,1 "''''.0", the lirsl a ll""




,WII" llmt louhle III1l hHd ttl rtlM.G All nllltc l'llll and work g uartlntee l hllnllli iJll l ny In.~. when 1 . I' I ' . I ) ,I'allle d . 1"1'0111 this t unihl ILllIic, I t.L1llm', JOl!lI u ~n IL 1Il1li e I UIILY Ig ill 1,1 f,il'lIl I \VO i:' r escu etl by Electri c lm.. 1 O ~,.J "1'''lIl.lIl1eo u.t ,v in IL IHlIlpAI·lItllr.' 0 tu!'!> , whloh 1'I!lI' Or cl :iny ho0.1I 111Iu(\ ' • • 1111 tl ll:': I'''tJ~ Ii' .. 11 1l1!1lt. UII", Illn,V III 1<1."., ll g l11, IIlId now r CIl-1I will II II ~II I'OIl O!tUI! llll hu I,,, Iluy lIl' Wfl Hh :dll Y, ~ tI'lIi ght II" av Ol' . .'l'ltu.~ Ilr",.imply . t WIJllIlt' I'ful ' . H WUnn OOl'lll t o l'lIr" HrnUJ.t\" rll /.(~ lit' ""iUI S 111'1) Ii .. lll e II ' . . 1 0m!) /lilt! S ho p, Fourlh ~ltr"e l' f: ' I' <Imnlwll, Ii 1'01' .Ll1d Idl1nay·dlRorllcrl' ; tllllt} ll'UllI " I:C lU l umpUI'I Llm' tl uILI IitL l'llll!l Mlly 's llrug~tore; I>rlc/\rI O(~' WII)' Il I'i< \' i lf." Ohio , 11 1'0

IIlls:Ifco ill

i 1111 t "~,, k opt. in " 111 0'(,,,1


Itilu il PII




(lO ll , Ill y


C. l. HA'WKE, P'I'umber,

Tues,b)" oi « ,eh ilium". f or inform.tion a ddre . . rlll~. W,tnl .. Il.I·. j " hb"Jla.. Mh,.Ci"dll ..'1 w. A ~ A1Ittt:ir, C. M.. I CI cl II " .C. RII~USOX. I;.I'. ! ..,I U MU. .




11 1:.


Kidney trouble preys UpO Il Ihe mind. diS- I COurage. and lessell' ambiil on: beauly , vi "o r " _.......



and cheerfulne s!; ~o on

,i· t : )


-.. -

b ecome s o o r(: va lc n t lh:it it i'i 110 1 ufi t:o n lf :lon for a ch ild 10 be bo rn ~ affli cted Wilh wea~ l' id-

, i .JFEftliALE

is n.. respec. i llla lJe. I crl. f ~Kc,"n d I 'J' h e r c i,no ;ml'fl illuco 1'1IrUI O IIHl'j II IS Jus t us ~ 01' gll!<olilw I'UI' " Ien llin l{ 111l1'110M" bill t'lIlII f1l 0


n u. '


I I'.'e parents . '1'1

i; i P XI'IOil~ \"Po


It ' , l ' O ll l , t 1 111) I '" r a r




I,l le i I'IIJ1or It. glvu,. "fl. rt. 11I11 ~t 1m kept in tt coo l pl lleu uull in gllH Mg h 't con · I




til TOl1gh







DI" Cald,we II's

Syrup PepsI" n




c ··tll 'I(H II nt-weo n I,hl l 1I Itilllll l'.V ItllI\ , ' l·I)nl . 'l'b e Yf!lltilut.iull uf t.he IItt.ic t ,' "~ 1·IIII)Ilrl.•lll t, fllr 1',1 1'°.I · 111'1•' "..., tlll'llll I 1IIIlny tlll' IW"'.,~ li llitl" I.l) , " 1'Ulltlll.eOlI" I ' . I I Ih I , ( ' (1111 lll illlUII. IInLl It. " lIl:ltlll y t Ie HlIn Ilp nn th!! roof lIml Ii,\" Iho J\ Ol!S I witic:h )litH" I hl")ll~h it . ' Ar.tin.!! !lhl)ulll be wliilulI'llsh l1l1, [lR


I ~PIlMI11

Il ill tit" IlIIUIl!II h ()ll~u c lean · \ In g c()nvlll ~ ioll , 1,0 I'CIII OI'e tlI.llJWO),!I unu cov e r wit.h Iim""'111 l' n l'lg h ~ Ilrr lWIlH or Ill'.v lim,hll l', IlOI,li of whidl





l1Iurl..·li~ c l y ttllners. A It' llkln g r UfoIol'vuh' or l 10 real'l l ",n I llillll ill Il "1I;;o lioo ~tOViI will !l oul1 l ,: . I ~.,· '"I~"<I'I ' I's II l.,):.'rc'I: U!lllse Inss ufl· l.rullor t.V 01' 11ft lJr' IJol h, ... ... s '[11 t t t tt I . } c~lI:-;l y vd t h the I 10 In'l~ " ,npe Ir ,a n .I"n t ~ r w itO 1 . III Ill- r"lh, lll"- fl honhl I'cco iV t1 Itf.tllll iioll "'hi III in · .1 " • " (, :l USt ' ... 0 £ the I , , . . ullh l'u l!,' 111 delE-elllO ): It. s l,; t.lw lilt Ie IS til" (!UllJ.U lh WIL· ~f n ll ~" " "I,ild has died fr',lu co nsIil'''- ' tin n of I.hl' Chl111 110.1';\. Mlln y ClI'CS I', . ' 11 . . . . . I ~ '" or I 111 '," 'll'I.<"I K 11'\)/11 II. wh" n ,t I OCCllI' I',·'"lt 1.11 " esclll'l" "I" >< lllll:l,s II l1g-ht 11 0\'1.: hc' c n !-':t \'t." ti I,), tht: timcly usc o f t !ll'oltgh c .·"el,,. fm"I l< !l i 111 11 o hilllll('Y ' hv it~ ~ l' I.t,lill l: : It,l' lII ' l1't.II " 11 1'1'1111 · • 1 1'1'i1l ~; ur !J.y ~pflrk>i f,d ling t.hrou g h

,~ _ , . I' I II I · · .. . _'\ -:-: alleeYs-'IOo"le( c, ~' furll"' 0 len. I 11e urIne scalds Ihe flesh or If when II,e c hi ld reaches an age when it ~h Id b' bl - Oll e e 10 comrol the pa,sage, it is yel affli c:ed whh . bed-welting, depend upo n II. Ihe cause o( Ihe difficulty is kid ney troub le and the firsl ' .tep should be IOwan!s Ihe 'treutme:ll of (I''''''"II",, ' , Ihese ImpOrllnl organs, This "np 'e~san l , Irouble Is due 10 a diseased condilion of Ihe I kidneys bladder 'I'll"I,...'"I ~, II l l ' ~I~.' . I('!i\ t reIn (" ( I) ' ,h,_l1 ll \\ 11 !or mos t peoand ple su ppos e,and nOI 10 a habit as I Women as we II as men are made 1ll1.<- ' (,OI'I'l'l'tIlIK <'''"S co urltlll)ns . I) ' . ",,"I~d '1 crable with ki dn ey and bladde r Ir o llb l ~ Oil I ~".'H IIU Il ynur C' hit<l i.<:" fcC'te d" and bOlh need Ihe sam _. d ' bU I ucllllln lSl~ l''' ti(IS " o( th~ ", ,,,lieine The mild and the im llleel~~~\[(~'::te ~i " ,·eftsl' lnllll ), . . '.Swamp.~oot it soon rea ll -ed II I Id \ "n \\·.11 1I11111'C " pel'ce p"hle ('I1'Onge by druggi.ts I'n fl'fIY. , S so flo r 1'.Ill' 1I,.,'1/ or:" 1..::l ll h)' color unit a , II " I~r I ISI' <J<IIUln cenl '>.nd one dollar Dr C.. ldw~11" S · P ,. . it size•. You may have a thi Tl ~ 10 1I11,'e ill ~~:~lo, ~~:'"S:c~lfs:;Oit ;ample bOllle by mall i. 1:"0<1 r", Iho whole 1:II,11·il\: . ree. also palllphlellell- n","o o, Dr, Caldwell', Syrup' ~a n be I~g all ~bo ul It, Including many o( Ihe oillai ll"d in hOlh (10.11111' an" hulf·dollar I Ousan s of tesllmonlal lellers rec~lvrld ,;i7.cS (1'0111 1111 drlll!'Ri~I S. t Oe s u~~re~s cured. In wril ing Dr. Kilmer You r II wney witl be re fulld cd ' if It 0.. ng a.Ttt on, N. Y., be . sure .. nd does !lol I I~nefi t )''''' . menllon this paper. _ Your I'OSI"I e.. ,,1" "I"." .. Ill brin" by rel"ra D ' I. k ' . m.1l 'our II . . . l'Jokl. " "l..lIt . CALDWELL'S on . mo e /l.ny IIIIRI/l.kl' , hut 1'0 , i!OOK UI' WO;o; ()~: I( ~" ""OJ free sample '0 mpmb 1r t,b e nnmp, ~WRIll" Root, Dr . Iho,!. Wh~, 11'I,ve n.,.r Irled Ih ls ,voD~cr!1II Ki liller 's I:!wa.mll ·Ro ot Rnd I I . d, .... 1Il.vy. ., 01lerAwrite 1I"'.)r. dre~s Bin h ' t T' Y Ie Il PEPSIN SYRIII~ CO. b~t·t l :'. g 11m au . . . , ·n t~ ve.·y F ., v Monllo.IIDJ IIIIn.l.



l'Oll dil ioll Il- ! tho opon Illr. ,\ \lInt 0 1 It. IlIll ,c lo~ . monK chill!- : 011 Toom will mnko "00 fo e l, of nir lin


di:mppea t whe n t he kld- I neys:..reou t of urdt r '

or dl·"e"_-·ed . Kidney \rouble has


J':O Box lOa

' 1'\1011 11 N o, r"

_.~ _~lI'!!lI'£''!' . ..., ~~~!!!!!!!_~!!!,!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,


Women as Well as Men i • ' Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble _ _ .__

( ,.

IH' .~ in ' I g,


l'U ~" A ~t.


. J


' will rllllClh co rtninl y ig nit.e If hnt lilll o I~ir . l!toll1 . ...._,..-. ~- _ _ _ 0111 ~~:::::::~:::==~ , .~ ('''I'ew 1I 11llll I ' h I' .,. . . . . . . . . .1. . . . ._ --- _. _____. __ ~dnl'l __'"",I. .. 1_"I CONSTI PA~ION , kop'fht eill ('flilUIOl ' oilkil.c il UU,11110hilt;11111Iu lI OLCUlll ,. Railway,






Ca.tarrh ~anno, be Cured wit.h locnlllpplicstions, as. they can. not rellcb the lIeflt of the dis8llse . Ullt.arrh Is Il blood or Il COllst,I'tutl' onal ' . . disease. HU.d In order t o cn re It you mnst, take lDternal rellleClies . HI111 'N Ullt.arrh C.uro i!' hlk en int.ernlllly, II.nllllot,~ cilrect.l.v o n the hloOllllnu mucous C "< ~urfuoes. , HIlII's auta rrh .wus nre prescribed 18 110t t/, qUlLc,k mecliolne. h f tl b It . . . y one 0 1e est phy~icI(lns In tblil uountry fur years lind 18 8 regular prfl>lc ripti llll , It Is oumposed Of the ho~t t o uil'H known c ombine!} wit,h Ule beHt IIl noll pl]rl.' fier~, HClinlllljrectlv 011 t.he 1llll00llS snrfllC8R .. Tbe ptlrfect, COlllhmlllio~ of two Ingredionts i~ Wlllit. (II"), dllcestlucb wonderful resQlt.M in onr. lng ca·tarrh. Seud for lestimonia l" E, J . Cbeo,e v & Co . , Prop~ 1'ole (\o ' 8nld hy UrQ~ glstR . pricn 7r.~' . . 'ra Ir e H " 11 ' 8 F tim II Y P 1' II 8 t'or COIlSfl.. patilln, . " Prl' ntlna of all deecrlptl' on!l I ' ... ~ g ven prompt att,e nlion flt t,be Gllzett.e vftloe, .

. "


on people . If y ou ILI'O intereSleu , ! why not writA 1,0<1IIY f or'1 now b on\; about the ~tu.t;e fln,l it~ opportuni ti ('~ Direct service to Sonth Dakntfl 'by the 'Cbicngo, Mil"' uukee "'" St,. P/I,lll

mRny Ua1,ette T8IlIlprl< t.all ll~ t,hey llo DOt know whet.ber we \VRllt to receive newil itew,. from them that we desire to repeat what w(' have freqaently said. Wo wanl news alwIlYB.,( We appreciate every item 8ent In no mlltter how small In overy ·.uelghborbood lloorcely II week paBses but what t here Me some happenings that woUld be of ititerest to' reallers of the ioonl pll. per Mllny ~r80n!l too fceill. hesitancy flbout reporting news relatin g t.o them&el\"es add tbelr families, with . ont consideriug that often the editor of tbe paper wl\l not. heor of it In Ilny otber way. By all Dleans toll UII whllt, you IlIIo w . Do it oft,on, We wi Jl fI p, preciate '''Iel your friends will III! g lad to hpflr of you nnd IIhour, yon


SINm .f


Corwin Inventor Makes New " Wheel,"

' ~o'


but REDUCE THE PRICES on merchandise we have


'fhe JaUll!8town Press BUYS: AI Rn IHljc.urDe(! m ee tin g o f the COUll ull held FrldflY night the semi 'lIl1 . nnal appropriation' uDd tllX ordln · ances were p&8lIell . 'l'he tax orclln lIDce leviell laX mills for D1llnioipu l purposep, inchlding one mill f or sinking funll . The levy is one mill lower than Ill8t year lind t ho lowes l of any municipality in Greene cou nty, " .rust think of it lily' mdls, lind that t,be lowest in G r eene ooun ty Here in Waynesvl\.!e t,be Inx fIItl ill 11 mills ' IIDd most, o r the peo pie think it a plentv, . I:' ,' Butt-e"',,' up. If LaoX III ills III till lowe8t rate iu ,Greene Co ., whAt cur the hlghe~,t be "! , Hereafter when th e 118~e8@1 r Come8"lri'9tlna show ·him obeerfu111 what you hRve; r e m.eruLJer the rllt e, in Greene county nnel be tll tlnkfll you live 80we where' e lse,

In' other word s w

experiment with no ~"jobs", goods bou,ht to sell cheap,

The Wm . .Jones

Ou ~, Taxes.


. . . ..IT

songstel'~ .




_ 1It. _ ~EI!t~






Ill'll linbl e to II" ig nited by ~pllrkl!, 1:1 ,· I) D I' IU "'I Ita F'l -, M' I I ' . . A n, <'I I u ro ,11',. 114 , - • . I Don't WIlUt' yourself out dOing y our OWl' b l'king dnring th" hot , • ~ w ent her, BIlY your bt'el1k, .cnke8 ' IInli pies lit the Cltr,. .Bllkery .

6«'2 1-2


Couareu St.


A1.'~., Oct, l " lVO'.J,

tola'::';·,~~c[u~ID,~,"'JI~'~~dl"~ ..s.u.v~,r;~d

~.ur~l1( r~~7.I "wU~~~~~'~ ~... ~r.".~~';I.r~:.~i

lUuD.tru ..Llou wh i... C't~IVI"IO I)' pros-

'r_.~d rue.

1'al08 wuu It] ,. boot. tbl'uUlh

my back: a nd .tde~

B lld

1 woull!


bHuli JntC h~"au.uht)~. lly 'hub. wu uld . • wlli up "ndJwouldluc l tlO weaJr 1 Quuld 'IOt .llmd \lp. I natllrlllly dl~courli ged' tor I NtH.! naud t o bu beyou(1 the help or Illly... lau<, b ill Wloo uf Ou.ruui 0&1110 w. u. (Jod -ecnd to me. ,I tel~ .. eb.auf{a for th~ he wlt bln a welt. Alter nJJlu t~(ln uay. t r""tment I \l1. nltru"I .. 1 ",(Ibout .ul1u"uw Ih. a couibi J. u il uall,v dld .Orl8oo u bcccun8 rOllul"r aud wllbuut p~h.. Wino o f OArdulls .I '"ply wunderllli ~ntll wllb tl.ol .11 .ul1erlui woruen 'k"o" 01110

qu&IIt1 ... ~ ~. -'" -~ 'I...... "'.r.i'orlli<nli E"OIl"lIIlcL... ~u.


It 'P~1


I'!!fiodicnl headaches tell of fL~ lUl1l" w"nkllPSS. W inc of Card"i cures . lwrllluncntly nilletl!llll Ollt of every lwelily ca~e. or. irrcglllr.r mense•• ltellr inll dowlI pllill~ or lI!lY felllal.. wl!nku e.o8. If yon lU'e dl ~collrnged ullli lIocto... have {,"lel1, U,nL i. Lho I.c.~t rell.ou In Ule world )'ou yhoul'; tl'V W inl! of elU'dui lIOJW. Hell,eli1bel' IhlOt headaches tl .ellll fCllllllc wCllknes9. Seeur~ .. $ 1.(J(j bottle of Wine of C!II'dui today .

You Must


, T.r y o u cannot, it is du e to a n 11'1'llat eu 01' cc.l1l l?e~ tl'd . st :lIe o f th e hr:llll. wlta:h will soon de- , •., vc l? p c into lI ervou s pros tr-al;o.rrt . l'!:lturc , llcmands steep, anJ ~t IS as 1l1lportant as food; it IS n. part o f hl'r btlilJin O' and s tl s tainin g- procc. s, Tlli s perio d of t1n conscibll sncs:; I'cbxes th e I1I Cllial and phy sical strain, and ;1I101V5 n :1,l tlrc t o re store exh a.lI s ll'd vitality,

Dr, ~'r iks' K crvine brings rcfrc ~ lllng' steep. b ecause it ' sooth l'S the irritati nand r e- . m o l'';'' the co ng es ti on, ] t ~s a Iso n. nCI'Vi: builder' it' nOl1l'l shcs and stl'enrrt hcns ~I'. c l'y Il Cl"I'e in )'our bOdv

a nd

creat es energy in a ll the o;gans Noth~ng , wi ll gi\'c s trcngt1{ an~1 "tta ltly as s urely and Illlleld)" as Dr, 11i1es' N'crvin c

JlM t 'Wll\t~r l h d ' 1.:a(Jrlll PO Which I: tt t wo u nd In bnd d me W!l H su II l ' I' \'O\l !:l I ('Quld Ilo~o nl ItJ on. ~ 1 wl (t . act or tr')'! n g tJlrrarp nt Ii :e p . . 1), w.('nt ((.I r n. d \lulor 'J'I,0 d et J1ledh.!'I , ou t nlHl I lb ' oc or was

"Duri ng the

r.!.c ::t!I " .. t ",,,ry w enl, .

]..(i l ~~' N n.

:\ ·lJtUt h.••



or renonllneru.led 01'

"T11~~'t :i~~t Hi,!'f.t

h "O\lCht 11 0. l'

nne] llU d t errlblo l)tLh~'!Jl t1~ 8mnO~lm,~, ,A ftc.r t ll)(I.ll;r ' I.L fe w UO ~l' :'4 orOJY e:l u. r ho p:ll n '\\l :\S • . N ervlno slept. In ' Ho t 8 0 severor and I 0 ,

bottl f4. Hndt~ no~ taking thu aecond

HENR y ~{m ~~·nT~mr UC U 'h Improved ," , • < , ndcrblll. Yr drucr" .~I~., Nervlne ,I, 101/10 by YOu; flro~'tottl. ~tli"'~~n~~trA~I'~t' tfhliit the INti.' refund y!'ur manlY, , a I, h.

_MUe. 'Medical Co,! EJkhart, lad '.





.' _------_~ _ _ _ •


Warrell: Coun t y COU'I'ts OO.UR'r PROOEEDINGi'


_ _ ~.......___-----_

- . . , . -_ . - -


- __


,,;;::v~ ;"~;'~;";'~~:::~:: MDA" $8 ,Men's Suits S10 -'Men's


~pprahi~fnent ~on

Bart et a\. Order of road ......... ......... ...... I~_ ued I.ttwrenoe &hr. :Wm. A. D. Shultz, oulvert .. ....... }~vnns lind James Follen IIppralH. Edmond & Bon, merohandlso ers. , for oourt house ......... ... ...



3 00






J :. E. RobI0800 to Fermer8' &nk. lot io t:;priogboro, 1200. ~' Hallo!'P 8m":" to "ary8buit8. :I . . od lo&li tli Maeon 11 and other go aDd 'ftloable oo'!....~err.~o08. · B Wlldi Giklbrilt tn ADgellca R. Cu~1I,ltD". lo~ til LebauoD, 81 Ind


1>2 .00 to 11.00 Less Tban Regula r Pri ces W~ )lnl'olJaRed tho RlIrplus stoel; of suits fl'um a Ilirge. mnnufn cturer ut a price that ennble!! us t o give yo u tlte heAt suit values of the seas· on . We connot desoribe this Ale. J1'Rnt Ime of !lults to yon in this ad . If YOUl" e I hin\c ill /!: of bl1ying a new ~ ult. il.~ up t.o yon to ~ee MORO (Johen hefnrl! buSin g e l ~a wli e re . Gol<l Bond Conpons givt' n with clloh ,,00 111lI'c lllt~o. ~;, O or r,00 cou· pons RflCUl'Ol< nn elegant preRent" 'I'h e Ilext t,illle yon' J'o III Dnyt(lII wo illvito yo n tn tn Rpent. thl1 exhibit or pr08o nt~ lUI tho 2nd floor .

MOSE COHEN U .Story Bui\(lillf{, Co'r . MlLill nUll Fourth s tl'Cet~, Dl1yt<:'ll . '

Mr. Samuel Sides i ~ rebuildinj? his house on hiR fnrm lIea r W'I,Ylles ville on tbe Dayton pikt3. Mr . Sirles' hOUl O, wiih most o f it~ oontents. \vas destroyed by fir ... about thirteen yen t's ngo, und Ih !' ne w ':trn.otu l·e iR beil1~ erec,ted upon th e fonncliltion th o former huildin g oconpied, on tl M,,·. anil MrR. Sldel< ' mony frionds wi\ll'oj oioAwit.h t.h em when they nre onCA nHlre eSI;llbli sh ed in thei'r olel qU!ll'tOi·9.



I I, ,.


I ~Tis

Another Temperance

HA·8.1 T

a better one to keep it at the


'l'b ere will hennoth er t.OInpOI'IIllCe meetiug in WllyneH I'ill e lIext ~1I11 dny e\'iming. ,lnl ' 9. R ev. C. L. CollinR, o f CO ll1lllbll ~. Jlrominent Anti ·!'illloon wOI'I.ol' . will flllul' e~8 t.lw )Jultli u lit thut t illltJ lit I the M. E. ch uroh . Noxt S unday Is 1.0 h Anti . nl oon : day ill XOllio, tbo pnli)it ,) f ('ve ry ovcry • u}mroh in that ci ty being occnpi cII hy Anl.i.Sllloon workers lit . . . . . . . . . . .____. . . . . . . .a .__. . . .__. . . . . .__. . . . . . . . . . . . . . !.lJl' mOl'n ing 8el'l'i('0 . I u th o cvon in~ t\l1 immense union moeting win h el(I. Rev. Co llin ~ will he Rt Xonill in the morning AIlLI come to W!lynes· Ilflvo been n wly r efUted thl'O l1gbollt !lUll nil ma chinery is now run by \' 111 0 in th e evening. s teRm llowel'. nllow iug the mill t o work t o Its full capaoity.


THE OREGONIA MILLS unnl!'r for Acmo Flour, J f yon ILro l\issntisHed with wlmt YOIlIU'e using try




'Ve lllL\'e 11\1yer~ for good forms Rnu town I roperty at List with ua, we can help you,





We ha ve fresh fruits null veget.jiblee, cnnned good, dried beef, IllrBo I'utlety of cakes nnd 01'0 kllr~ , j ollici', pic\C le!', cheese, etc . COllie in nnu try ollr goods.


C. M. BROWN, Proprietor.


Ready ·to~ wear White Waists, 15c to 2.50

l'l utl t) lI. Tn nuff:&II •. N . \' . Ju ly ~ til 11.

IncluJoooln.: " ('Count A 111111111 M t' 1.1 111-(. Gra UlI l. od t<!I'. H . ... D. I': .

~'hi I't




Wnynes nlle's LelLding Deutist 00100 In K ey"' Bundlnc. • . . Main Stroel \

J. H. McCASSY, M. A.. M. D. 12fi' Wel1t Fifth Street, D'Lyton. Ohio. Phones.: Muin 11,02, Home 3G02. EYE, EAR. NOBI, AND 'l'nuoAT. SpeotaeleR fitted nt, rllnsonable prices



)1I,1U 11 0 0

~:"gIC", '1' 0 ~uu Frund :"lc{I, ( 'ldtffl l'nIH , AUj.( IIH l 1 7 I I) In chHt l\· ,~ . Iu·cf.unt lnl t; '· flht.1 0 n u l , ·nll\· t~ lI ­

:!" .

On. H.E. fl.ATHA:W.A Y,

1:.! · I:.· J ·' · I.':) · IO· 17·:!11-:W ~lU d :11 . IH'CtlUIlII ·\'III · ' ·I!r. tlon (f J'I.' ntt o u a l t\ssot'iat..1un \,.I f 14f 'LI..t'r I,!a rrlef:-' : :. 1.. (1 fl) " , 'o m 'utell:Ht:,1 Or,lt-r tlf 'hi lh: u,"cr . \ ·" }"I"IIII .. , AII~tli'; t II LII 1:1. III l;lu .... l n ·. U I~ (·Hu nL N a t ioll:d I· r a 1.t.' rn n ll }n.l tr 1' 1






uits, wash $1.50 to $5.00· t;Hk I.. hi I't aist Suits, $1 O. II 0 to $ 1 5.00 .

'1 \) H am t: ( 'ILy. In al:HII ~ . •r ul;t' 1M to IHI~\1IH 10. tnclu ~ h·c . I1ccount. J ~l allll Park A ~s llnlb l y.




During the wurlll summer 1IJ0nths it is not neoeP8Ilry that the women of the h ousebold should spend muoh time abont the hot coot ~Iove. beclll1se one OUII buy h ere SQ many' things that go to make gooci mculs lIUll which require no cookinll' ..

Offioe !Lull resldenoe olle mile ens l 1'ol.ouls vlll e . H f' nlllllkv . , I u l ~' :10 nUll :11 . ~H':C (1u nt N ntioull l Ast;oci lli io il. of 5,tfl tlun a r~ of BarvsY:llbu rg. '·' ng lnccrs. . T o P ortlanfl . Orci:0n, A UI-:II ... t II 7 ·:Ht· 10 -l) Vulley Phone 2y'.


an tlme8.

Offioo R ooms ovor Post- otnce in StoQPs' Building ..

The ayerlLge man docll n ot save to ChelLp Summer 'li'ip8 to Vuri ous exceed ten per oent of hiM ou rnings . Points vi'L Pennsy) V[l Dln Lines. Ele must spend nino Ilollnrs in living "::X(l urs JOli ti c\c ct.s wtll UI'! uu ld v ia P flIl S)" l· expense~ for o-very dollu.r f;!l.yed·. , 'zinia LIn eR a ft tnllclW H Tbat being the CURe h e cannot be too ,.~ po rt1 ~nd. O rc .. J\lUO I t o OrLObe r I.-, lh , cnrefulnbout unn eoessary expeuseR Ina.:ius l\'e, account L e wis aud C l ul' l ~ 'en u:II ' Very oft.en a few cents properly in· nl a l \t~:r po s llion . vested, 1\.1'6 buying seedR for hi!' '1'0 Porthlll1. Orego n . ,J Ll l r I.:!.:I. u. i. 1". 10 a nd II. :lccuu nl N :tll lJ ua l Cun 1cl'cn,·e. ,,1 gllrden, WiJl SllVtl se veral dollnr!! onto of .. 'h a rltl es I&nd I'o rrec t lo n lay llll·er au. It. is tlr a sn me in buy. l·'ral1 c lscn . • ' a1. ,luh' I.~. :l. ll -;-_ lug Chllmberltlin'R colic, oh oJem n.nt! ~. '10'I . ~an l ~ UIIII 1-4 , {&CC#)\IIH I ,; ran d I.(,IIYI'\ ,I DiH.rrh Ul ~ Remody . It co~ts but n 'l'h~ntrlcal Merhon lcal A <i:->Ot· tlLl lo n s 01 Un l u!,1 few cents, Rnd u. bottle of it in ' tht· S t at.eR. alHl c'anada . house often silvas n dootor '" bill of '1"0' ~aJ1 "'' .rnncl:.. "o. California . •111 1,\'" (0 I. severn 1 uollnrs . F'ol' 1:'I11e by M,ty 111 C.11 1"'i\\' (' , 1\ ~ O U Ii t. A m e ri can ~\IrJ.:' I (,:l ' 1\ ., ...n·





M:. W.LANG,M:.D; C.M.





t1Ji~ , 1t

plellse you.




81..<1 IC

\V A YNKSVll.l,E. O.

I.I IIU , S(lc1tllf' l't of t h e I,hrls llun 1.:llurrll


HOU ·I·IIWft~·r .


MI~)w Ul· 1. 1\l o n t !\n iL S'et)ra ~ l ta . th t' lJakvtl\s,'e p,. )Jl . \\ I&!'- h

10 wa , I-\'.\I& ft us. Mt n n fJ Motl',

In g t ntl. 'l'Cli:3.s ancl o th er !h.' ,'r to ll";' In Llle \','1 ' .. 1 tUld In all th f' S ht e!i of t II c S o u th . ~t o p o \' e-r I' rlv lh'gt:o- prrmlt t l'i'l \' (>h'r ~ 1.0 In v("1'I 119at.t~

hUld nt :~s

()p enitlG!'I.

'I'he!'!f' 1", ICI· t....

will be 111\ :o-:l,lf' cfr tuln d :\l~ !i () nr lll.~ t h t' ~ U I1 I ' n e to ilr.) Inl o l' lu u t loll as l\1 f: II-Cfot . ll1ru' l1nu' . H e .. w1l1 Uf' tff·CI.\! f ll rlli h h C(1 11 1"'" :\11 1,l k :allhh t o I .o,·al 'I'l ck rl !,."'lIl t IJI 1" f'lll\ h vl

m p".

,' aula

. t.III(· ~,



~ [LK, '

P ,\ N J\ ~I A. Most Ex-

eoJ)ont A~ROI't.tnent; $ ~.'j :) to $10.75 & $15


1'I~: ~'r : r


~n,rg-~:-;t ;';:dI'S,

;';p!tlIIClicl Coverl'. ('0), $:,.00, FIlii." 1:'0 all'('ady Hold

I-J osier)" (~Ol'SctR, U 10\'('1'\, C:lI'pets, Shades, · Linol(llllll. Ex cdJtlnt )\:-;sort,lIwnt.


Ij\, I ;,



Tailor Made Suits:

J\I ( ) II A I B.,

I.IN ~~~ .

An~' (l lI ft cO tll':ln l,lnlln&: ,& t rip \V (':\ l Ilia ) ' ta la' l.Id"31Il :tUt! 1.1 tilt' n :du cc tl Jan :!i f U I lIu' fipe' la l Hnrnc'Scclcl'l';\' c-!h : III·:.;IU I1 .i ,-ja I', 111 , !'. .v lvn nia Llll ('1ol t o po iut l<' iii ('o l cJr;tt l" . 1""1 ",


All kind s Gf fl our nnd fced on h ll ndllt liJl t,imes.Ask your




Meeting Next Sunday •






DR. H. E.

OAR'l'WRrG ET.CA8 HJrll,

To Ke'e p a Bank Accou.nt is a

OHOLElI!A INF ANTUM. Ohlld not Elxpected to LIve from one Hour to Another, but Oured by Ohamberlam's Oolic, I Devilc{l 1"'m, Oholera and Dio.rrh CJ e~Remedy Venl Ruth, tho littlo cJnug- l>tor of R N Cornoll P.eof, Ilfl\Vey of Agnowville. VI\ .• WII S I'ori ously m of cholem iufonl.nll1 lllAt Ur itld Ueef I I "nnJluer. "We ~u \' 0 h e r up 011(1 ditl not expect. her t.o livo from 0110 h .111r II Sulmon . Ii to Ruother ." he ~ nys . .....·'1 Impponcd II Snruines. II , to think of Chullllrllr lui.II'R Cho,1orn, Bn!;ed Be UJIS, ! oolio nnd DlurriJ rlm R umody 111111 got PeaUl1t Blltler I " hot.tlo of it from t,llo ~t.oro. In fl vc hourll I 811 w n chnnge for n, P "('I.ter. W e leopt 0 11 1~ IYlll g it. •1Il.l OliVl1P, b afor e Rhl' Iintl taken thc hnlf or oue l:iweet Piokl es, HlIlI,1I l),)ttl " ~ ho WI! well." This r um ody is for slLle by Louis Mny. ::lour Pickles, SOUIl I Ornng e~ ,: Change in Time of Trains. \ Lemous, Under n. ne w sohedule ill effect BautLnlLs , J 11ue 25, 190 .. , passoll1{er truins over Pille Apples . the Ponu!lylvll,nia Lines lenve Wn y. I nesvillo station as follows : New Goods Every OILY . the 9 :5 ~ a. Ill. ; 3:-17 p. \ Z ."Moet'MthoEBRabMlt·'''AgN°t.o, S 11\ m.For : !:;undnY.only 10 :24 p . m . Fo,' t,h'o Wes t \l :02 Il. Ul . ; 11 :0411 . m . ; Sunduy on ly ~ :50 Il. m. Of Course. For pnrtioullLr .i uformutioll on tire ~~:~:&&~-~~-~~::~:::-~~1Ii Rllbjcot tlpply to R E. Booth, !! ville, O. One ~~~ar)O~:~:~a~~~J~sents


J . ().

''" H . A I. .. l... F. N , PHl:.o:r-op.Hl ' EO J; HIT•..,

- .---.-



fI 50 U' OO


Rebuildilng House.


- - - . - -.


Saniuel Sides


E!tate of Samuel W. Oustin, dc· Republican Records,lItation. censod. Ord!!r for private lIale of cry lind records fol' 1'1'0· chattols issuod. ReI rt of Hald slLle bnte jnrlge ....... \.... .......... ~2 00 filed. . S. E . Greely. bridge lum ber 2:1; riO Contrnotentered Into with F. W . Est(lte of Mordecai Y . Gre(g , do Boliingsworth for fixing WIUlhout ceased. 'Order for private slLle of on bridge near William 8atterth. chattels Issued. waite In Wllyne township for t~.n.?o . Estato of Carrill Conover et al. ~ontrRct. WAS ended Into with D . , minors First acoount for Settle· Hatha.way for cemont sower in ment filed . Turtlecreek township for '12.00 . Estate of .J.erry Conover, & 1:)00: ()(lntruot for rld l.ooring bri~gll as~'gnors . Docd of lu!signruent near rORldenoo of ,J. Eirei' on Greely flied . George E. Young appointed lIuigneo with bond ' of '2,000. W. rOIl(l. in DeerHeld t.ownship to N. J . B. Jlickion. ·B. 0 : Welton and Zentmyer for tl~ . SO Contraot was iet 'to the Oregonill Fran1ri Ureltthous!l RJl1lraleers. . Bridge Co., for 0. "teel belllll brid~ o In the matter of Harry' H. Bizar. Admitted to OhIo . Bospit-al for Epi. on the Hop~ln!lyll1eJIl.U(l "MniueviJIo road in, Hamiltontown~hlp (or 8124 . leptfel. ' V . J. Zentmyer waR given the Estate of Forgus Clements, de contruot for ro·buildlng stene oul. OOIlsed. Flr8~ account for settle· vert nnd paving on MontgOPlery ment Illed. Deerfield township for . In re will JRmes L. Br01" de. road In ' t f 1>13.45. coosed. wm fil e d an d t Ime ~ or !!!!~~~!!'!!!!,!,!!!!!!~~~~~~!!'!!!~ hearing June 2() at 10 a. m. Good for Stomach Troub~;;;' RItA.L arArE TRA.N88'JIIIU!. ConRtlpatlon. Amos M. Jordan to C. N. Soott, "Cbumber]nill'sStomlLoh nnd Liver 173acros in Warren aud Clermont. fable ttl hllYS done me a greot deal \ I)f good," sn yB R. 'fown!!. of P"'L t ' Portage, OnlnrlO, Clmnda. "Being ., *?pntles,8!8, 656 .25. •Jolin McOlung, by sherifi', to 0 J. mild physic the after effects are D. Corrington, 201y' !lcres in Deer not utll)lelf.sILUt, and 1 call recom· mend t.h eru to a,11 who Hulfer ·from field township, t12,392.25 . ~tomllch disorder." For 8alo by B. E. Acbtetmnn to · St-anlo~ LoulH May . Brunk, I<>t in Pleasant, 1450 ~~~~~~!!'!!!~!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!~!!'!!!!! , -'I'bomas .10n88, by executor. to Einerson Constnble, 101 acres Ir Warren llnd Olermont oounte!', *1 , 950. S. A. Looh to Mary. A. CI even ger, 128 IlcrOlj In Barlan township, ANn D.~ALER IN '3,500. Francl8 L. Reed to .Tasper T. Reed, 3S 'aore~ in Harlan township, t1 bnd other considerations. JRsper T. Reed to Francis L, Reed Telepbone in his bouse whore he I to \'I'n · H !lores s i tuo. t e d In a.r an . can be callod at nll hours, day or I'd t night. • hlp. It 'and other conI era. Ions. Coaches and obairs fllIpplled. . Charles E. Briton to Charles V . . Plf~ey, lot in Frluiklln. fSOO. ~ve . recently moved to room •. .next to Cross Bros. ~riE. ~oa.twrlght to J , E. Rob .. IIt lN STREEt, WAYNE8VILLIII,O t080n, let in I:Iprlngboro, t200. _ .

______ -


Andrew .J. Bnxter vs yillage 01 Maeqn. Cuse settled ontl dismiS8e I. Lnd 8tellil LeV-eek, . Kings Mills; George Urton vs 'Anna L. ~unte, Oliver tI , Rontger and Iva Brown, mR·n ot nl. Defont'a.ntgruntlld leavo b·)th of Morrow; Hugh Evers, to filo anSWtlr on othor pla/Lding lD ~hldlotown, Rnd SIHah Jj'itzgerald, 20 dIlYS, I ~r~Dklln; and Clareuce M Tufts, Jacob W. Bchel·tzer va B . B. COli. .\1R.l neville, and MBgdeJine G. Eng. over. Demurrer to pet.ition 8)19. lert, Fosters. talned und pluintiff grunted lell\'e I:ltanley G. Clark, 29, of Norwood. to MRrhnnll L . Whltuore, 24, of to file amended pet·ition. .James B. !::levlng as trustee vs Morrow. Dr. Luoien Clark of Co· 'fbe Amerioan Writiug Paper Co. lumbllR. Jaoob Sbultz, 30, to Mattie R. fox, Oose dismissed with out prejudice 31,ofLebllnon. Rev . Sower of Nor. at costs of plaintiff. wood. . S~./\t.e of Ohio V8 Robert Mealey. Per~y Shinkll', 19; of !::lonth Lablt. . The shoriff is autbori<lou to emplcy one gUllrd to assist In transportation non, to Mary prake, :.lO, of Morrow. of defendant to the penitentiary . G. W. Cu.rey, J. P. ChnrleR LewiR YOl1n~: Y~ Mnnd Franols .T . SeHcrs, ~ l, Ce~t.rnY~lIe, YOUlJg Deoree of rliYoroe granted I to Berthtt. A. Beel, HI ; l\'errlttsto~n; IJitll11 titt'. ' Rev. ,loho A. GaddlR of WAst Cnr· Arthnr E. Appleyard YN 'l'h e D. ronton; Adison E . . TuYFlor, k:I.26 . L . & C. Rllilway Co. 011 mo'tioll Franklin, to Ida Pohl, 3" rjin .1I1 ; ihe D. I•. & O. RailwilY Co. is mltde Rev. Mr . Wones. Dllni el.W . Shep. nrd, 2~ . Franklin, to Gertrude K a pllrt,y clefendRnt. in this Reotlob . EulRR!I, 20, LyMe; R ev. W. A. Coop!. Idn M. Zitlgler YB FrtmCIR M. Zleg. er .. ler . Decree of {Uvorco ~rnnted IJIlLlntiff wbo IR nl Ro re!l,t.ored to IICr Comltlissioners' maiden nnme of ItIn. Millar. Proceedings. CI.ark & Roberts vs S. G. Gunr(!. .'ndgetnent given leave to Ille Obio Currl1gRtod, & If, answer in :~O (lnys. Bridge Co ., tllbe fOI·. bridge H 1)0 N1i:IV S UJ'rS. Dongl"il BollingR\'t'orth , brid'ge repairs .. .. ..... ... ...... 12 110 - t-larllh E. Dill vs .Tanles M. Phillips N . .T. Zr.ntmyer, bridge reo et Ill. Forecl08ure of mortgage. pairs .......'.. : ............. .... .. . 7 no George B Bl1rklllow \'s Alexandcr Clint St.anton, GRnder Run !::l. ForlI et, nl. Suit for money 110 bridAe contrnct.. ......... ... 160 00 counting nnn forl'clnqnre of T(Iort DouglltR HollingRworth, gage; Rmount. clallnod ,ii,600 with bridge contraot ... .. ... ... ... . 3!)fl 00 interest from Novemher.2ard, ;iIl9;' . Mnsoll, Lumber Co. , 1(11111)el' PROH~TK COU IlT. for bl'ldges ......... ..... . .. :.. . H 70 Estate of Bertha Miller. Iliillor. Mitlml GH7.ett.e. 1'. 000 Anvclops...... ... ..... . ......... .... .. a 00 Milry B. Meier appointed guordinn Rugles tlillo Co ., two ink 'witb bond of *500. wolls ...... ......... ..... .. . ...... :1 00 Estate of Enmllel W. GURtin, de. C. B . Jono~, cement, work OIl ceasell . Inventory and a ppllRi8e· fOIJlltnin .... .. ... ...... ....... .. IH III ruent, tUeu,' W. B . Antram. stamps for Ettate of Jobn W. ThoDlpson, . Olluitor .. .. ..... ....... .. .. .. ... .. 10 00 deccased . Bn'Ud Tbompsop IIp Thomas 'CouJ,;hlin, bridge reo pointed administrator with bond of )lillI'S ... . .. ...... ... ..... .. .. .. .. .. 32 40 $ 2,000. . Abtl Probll;!()o; David Bert Reed, brld~e work, 8Rnd Thompson and A . V" , !:i n0 91C nJ)· and ~tone......... .......... ..... 39 riO IJrRtser/l. Repuhlicun Reoord, blan\[H Board of. lnflrmlLl'V Director~ of for surveyor ...... ...... ...... II 50 Wa en county. Ohio. Vii . Sal\le, A. D. ·8hultz, 'fill on Bamil .



______ . _. 3___..


M UC Il A '1'1·,,1\1' 1ON.

of w UIHh' rful c lIl"n t h ' ,! I..Hl\n~ r ~ IIU ' li a r t o th e f amlHIl\ wal(>r~ (If (J url ~ lnul :l fC,ctln g m ;\ I1 .\' 10 tile r ea lt·h nnd p h!IH'illrt' r C~l't~ 0 1 Oe d a l" S l'rl ",~ ... , r t',lc hetJ I,y th e P ~nll sy lY n. n ll.1 L ln"N \' I a Ne w PnrlK, O. 11 0 lCll& " "l} m mo(' a ' l(Jn ~ \1 lid I' I' .·" pll 1.l " In :-I' • llv.I 'ment. \~ n.r\(· ll r Ol.: r is u(('! I"I'iI : H II I tln ru "H 011 th e I..t!nnl ~ CO Ur\.l'l all l ' croquc tlnwu ... Indoors lu th e 'ILlbh \) u~p. whc'r(! tll e n' l,. ;. tH\'~'~!l lty of nmu ~ e m n1..' i :lOll ~n'm e ~. "'01" Imrtkulllrs ahol1t far C's and t lm (' or trfllnK ;lpply tCi ,I elel!\' llRe nb uf P enn ?" " 'a llla I'll \l r. tup!ol. ta I '

1+lutcbison ~ Qibn~y, Xenia Obio.

, 'Thf! DIamond Cure. The httest news fr~m Paris J ~ tbat. "r.' .they IUI\'8 discovered 11 !l IaLln 01111 cure for consnmption. If YOIl f!llif N (J~ consumption or pneumonia, it will. however; he heRt for you to tllke Old Line Reliabl e Comp'mies tbat grea.t remedy mentioned hy'i/. 'est'll t;cII. T.~oGeo, of Vanleer, Tentl . T ho.d 3 cough for foorteen yeltrll. Not,h· !i:1'er y poliey 1>05 II. gllflrn n. Buy at Now iog helped me until I took Dr. Kings LOW YllnEA 'l'n 1l0n·AI .O \' IA I 'KNN t.ceu finall ci,,1 I,II(, I<ln(; . Now ls'the time to buy Chamber· New Discovery for consumption . BY1,Y;\l'i IA LIN EN. PI·Qmpt. nltontlOlI gil'en lain'8 coHo, oholera. lind Dillnhwit ooujlha aud ooIds, whioh gnve In · J uly I'l, n a nd 10 , ~ x:eurFi lon \.l cl:uLS t n Uuf· Remedy, It Is certain to be n~ed stRnt 1'elief, nnd effected 1\ perml\· fal o. Rccount Annu al Mt1't! tln V,- Uranc1 1.. 01.1, 0. 1\\1 busines!l . ooner or later and when that time nentollre." Unequalled quick cnro 11 P Order of IUl< .. .... 111 be ...,J d from 3J) \I~kCL ·. I.uons on ,..\1e PenDsy1vanl~ Lln~•. comea Y0ll- will need lLbadly-yo~- for throat ,and lung troubles. At For ful! In!ormnllon r egard ln& ttme 01 rOln • "will need it quickly. Bny it DOW. Louis Mp,y s drug .tore ; ' prloeuOc hreH . er.c .. ;).pplJ; to tocal tIc!,'" aile ta Of ,\ 'TRlIey 'Phone 7';. Wuynesville O . . ; t I~ mlAy save life. For lillIe by Mo.y. ,!lnd 'h guaranteed, . Trial bottle free &bOliOUnelll, '


U ]{ A·N




local No. 1 L'ong Dislance No. 69-3r .

WAYNESVillE •.OHIO Branch Offi~fJ, Hanaysburg. Q.


The Miami Gazette. DROWN 6:

McK~ Y,

Publl ben.

WAYJl: ESYl l.r.E.


~~~==========~ In W all Street. W ol<,s lIl e rs a ppa"" lllly Im ld th . b nll( 01 t b e ",,-ca llcd fluut lUll s upp ly (I f 8ecllrlt I,e. aIHI " U fa = U8 ,' ,1 ;. !Jc judged frum


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Wh n !lIe ' Ou t ~r - Wor ld I s Allo w ed Once M ore to E n t er the School room . R Ilt, ntH' tlRY In ,,'1"'01. 1111' 1It'Ilt I hnt YE'Ktt' I'dny wa:-; Ilkc Hn (] .'oz y bt' COIIil'S l ou d l'Y Ho d Imkill g !'o r \m dU r UU l 'e, ;;ay s .\k ('/IIr ~ · 6 ~I a~ u zl nc . Tbe youn g ll ll t '~ C'u 1U<' In 11'0 111 I' C(' P~M r ell , not Wi l li I hi ' ll rillin nt t: 1tJw ~ I r \\'t l\ t ~ I' , hil t n h lln 0 1 ::;'1.l lt! Ctl I'(\U, Tilt,)' ju lie 1IIt ' Ir

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t tll ' WII, t· ,\u r ld, ~I~ h)ll,.:, I' M' IUl I. l ilT , ' !, ... "11 1 1-' 1I11 11l ' I II I' ~\'! loltll 'O(\I n

1'11\-' m i· lllf:lld ll . 1'1'0\\'1 11 :-:, vI' jl! s ta rn lrH IS:"I ... lll ,' I 11 \ I It I1I t '! i .· \ · l cIIJ.;in..; of :L I I\ I ":-. :~· I'll II I {I , til' IIUI\ 1J It ' Vi' a luati t.:'d \\';~gu ll , I h i ' di nl, i n :.; 0' hum .. 1111 ' 1':; a t I h e lJ la d i.8 1l1 1! II • 4. h Ol) , th e wh l ~l l e lIf Nil . :! awa y u rl(lw IOW 1l , all hlNld 1(1I-!t'r h f' r in ttn: t';u f t ti p r i ll g llir

I.,,·.,', Wa ll st l·.!"t I. cerl ul nly nu t mo re thun 6('.IISc Ulld p ru u t!IH'C ar e in into a ll ' lu ll ing hUI·II1{II' ), . IIHI a :-;ee nt! · h l~ weall h w i ll IH.' q~ r 1111 lH) \ b e ul'hlu g pe r "e n l.. It It Is t h ot hi g h . Thi s la a nt. ~I ully t h l"I, •• 1", tu ay. ~ h e Is al - vu id \ V i lI(t~ r'6 nl f! I' t a t; ll \' I t y I j:; g O IH' .. \\' h o In he " hea r t. Bul. lI el lh e r Rh oul.1 ca ,'pl:; fu r grad es Hnd s tulld i l\ ~~ Ilu w ? 1Jt>.' aus. t hUH. wb o III Ill' tb e game are SO lIlus l 8111'e s b e uug h l t u s a y yt;;s t o tih e tnl, e Th e POOl' man' whom f.C h e does Tht! g lrl ~- th at al wa Y:-i are ~ u s llIu n f'ngrus.e tl In watt'lii ng th e dnlly reca rll Jill'lL Yel . wh en , lt e , eps \\,111 In d" ••s l o ve. lInl c!:'~ ~ h e ~ cc~ in him an a bility - g 11 1-111 la zil y . Sl al 'e ut Vnt 'lUH' }' wl ~ h. (If Ih. t ic ke r n nil keepin g t ub o n lhe tl t- t Jot h es, u lJ :-:u ltt t ely " orrert, w it h If. fl u w e r 10 work , ste ncl iR S 11 H.'~D nllt.! cOllrage , lbe In ~ - Ih ey t! (I U'\ k now wh ut 1hO), wt ~, h, tJ. -tst tI. ot th e hOllr I hfL tt h ~y luse slg ln in hl K bUllu nho le. wl\1J tb a t lIIann e r u f r eso lutIon to Jllll som e l hl ng b y for a h1l t If h e h a d a Jelt o r mOI1 t! f\ \'u tloll so ('ulI n l y , so (lebonai r , tiU ("Y , w hy. Clf t be !lene ra l IIn derly lng ,:o ndltloo 8. de fe re ntia l to h e r li n d to woman b no,l rai ny dll)" and tlt e ,I og!,;ed Ilc r se Hrance th e n tll py I'uu ld h r lll II " , 1)"Ill'. an d "II 'T hey aI''' mov ed Ly I he li llie eddIes o n Ju t ha l will ellub le h illl lu pro"l lle for hIs lik e that . a n d h'l ve H nc w ti l' 'S_ e " c r tun p en;u n , she W H \ ' prs . In ud I y , y tb ~ lll·faee . tint! blltu]to t b ImL>ulse uC sli p alwu,·s wav e r~. "'1Il <JUO t·.s li ke lI wn. I n t he px:peri l' lwes of life It s ome· "ay . LI mes hn plll' n. I hal II Il g hl -h ellrt ed t h e great c ll r r utR- t h. tl dp. that 1'l88 a f~n l h p l:: Jile k 1II I/n geK IlIle J am es Sa(·I.; er t h i !'\ J'f'td nu me Is Jim a d oll . )'o un g fell o w II r \\' 111 '" t ~' llI' does this Dag . lJll l leal Dnd fa ll eutl rcly r ' ga rd le.s Of th detail \\, 11 1 Is urlll lnllt a nd ra l tI s on to II ruo lll 'llI' r 1'1,11 , h im .IRIIl C" · a !'. s ll .. ' c~~s rlllly n.~ u ~ f) lJ e r au d IIl o dtlin~ Dud r Ikll ag ltntlo ns . ~a c liC" l t- ha s lii s f:lt ' j' ~{' l l(1\\' a n! : .. A ful. J"C'!. Is >;lIe lll IIll rl cannot tn ll •. nl UII or ,Jack 's, tlnl eRS on u. se l'l oll r:; stl ujet t. t ha l f ar m f' r ~nl(\ h i :! <{ b\l ~h (' l :-\ w tM'ut CUf h(' an';'e on This; li n o \ .... · a ll n Uoul. Til e l Wo UTe i n ron(i,;711 CO li lS )l or hll s h f! l : 1U t- tf IHl sh c l s II w er R 0 HIII']ng s uit ot hlu e serge, PRETT Y . CAN OLE SCREE N. o n l !i fo r ." c t r " j~ tc ·., 11 111 h' l~ s01l 1 i ~ f ar l m s t II I 've r y puln t. Ja" k neve r t ak., 60 1'S ti l" Ne wa r k Ne w•. d scrIbIn g that 11 , 1; 5; he IH cllutlo n in ca rnat e. a w a y i n C Ullllnln"" w OI )d ~ , whl' rc th t! !'\.! \\, ill Purp Sl· o pe r lng nuom l notlon , t he " s prIng j ~ II €- \'€' I' m o .;o h l ln ~e l f tha le I r is Pai nt~ d o n \Vhlte GAuze is a 1'(lIll) r ~' l ·:'t.\·(' n o n t ile \"(' I'j,,:-(' I h ,l1 lw UIlil C h lle.: l" Mnl«s nn E x qui s ite Affni r mru hc r ." Th e lro use rs ure ~lIrn e d up, u f p rll . H . du e. nOl kno w wlt al caull ig-g,i n s a.a.! Hu nt ll: odgt.'l'$ Hn tI '1'111'1<'W ell \l70nh Cop yin g . tihowl ng a Oll e pa ir o r aukl es aud g n· t io n m ea ns. f' y-eg,; ~kL a ll ghl iu al' t" t;c)i fl t-' til di :; Sa lll l'11 ny af t et'noCln:-, wh t.' n I ho ..: hur n~; ~ro u 8 l y propo rti o ned reet Inca sed 1I10r oll y. hu h lo vprs a r Imp cccable. In Tl1P :-;t'r ee u W l~ 11I u :·ar:ll c h e r o Is or are d OIl (", T ht' ...· a r t' gll i n g Iu-- !--I p n l 1Ji'lIck O~ rurd ti cs. Til e Iflces III Its Th e" [lrc ell·uu . wh ol l'su me. 11Iy,, 1 a nd wh i te !;''' 11.~ . 1"11 " " ,,, wl l h n ' (l nlY o( Iri s ~Ii "s rla nl e ls " ho lii d .' 1mlf shoes are oboHt o ne 10l'h III width mnl;I )'. B Ol h ha\'p J\ r igh t to t h e t itl e 111' " ~hl nd :-ho wn I II :"IJ o . ~ , Th ~ ga ll /. " I!' 1-'1l'fO t l ' heti hilu nUll ~ n a l1 l li~ (~ a l' I 11m Ju r f' l 'iF('I '" C l1 r~ rC'lr ConF l1 mpt io n , 1.)1 11 ~h (', 100 . l!i und lire ti ed WI Lh exquI s Ite n ea l nes ". o f gen ll e men . Plt ysit'ally , e U(' h h . l o n g~ iu tu a l:iilt f n tl ll e alit! i ~ 111('0 )l 11l f a l1 r tt',1 a w ay In :;pl ri t. lI er I'ca " Is l 'UIIl- , nn' d Ill .' lirt, 1 Tl I 't't' )'t'ur~ :I~ O ,- M r!' . 1'111,)", -I J.. ya re of cutt OIl . .Tb e coal Is II. to t h" fi nest f1uw I' ur l b " modern ath· 'Ing nfll' r SIIIJIWI' 1< 1 11', 1", h"r 11I1!;IlY n oh h in• . ;>;" r\\ ielt . ~ . r .. Fell. 17. 1000. let (f : tle \' pl o prn c nl. 1brt· -uulton a lta It·. we ll fitting nt I ho r id i n g . 5 tH' \\' u lI(l"' I'~. . , Sh e \\' o n\\, 11 1 !s " pec LaI:lI lnr . J ac k Is an old r.rnf t Ii=('t'fllt: to Ite lthligt'flOl1Q, 1t.1 o;bo uld e rij: Th e m a s he r's s hjrt Is n d Cl'g . . \ V Il I ~ht' h ! I\'t' iu leac b allu ~\ Il Lliuh!1f. - Citien.:u t:hl·t.nil'l :111 ,\ IUCCM f ogy. 'I'h !:!'. yo u h uve th e tll trrrence .... "While Il gllgec wI t h !Jlac k stripes. Th e in a a g a i n nexl fa ll '! ::Oh " \\' o ud c r~. wo rd . and Mull )' mu y h a \' it hlT. e u ffs are cl ea;l. The c;;l1n r IR lo w, ex · lI ud ca nn ol decide ';' ~ ~, whl 'h to e hoos . ]Josl ng u large, hand some pi nk n eck. COUN TERFE ITING SEAW ATER • • lien nt h th e collnr Is a g l' e n -Sjlot ted A s ye t . Il III li st U ,,\\' n e;]. s h Is not In Imita ti on S uccess f ully Produce d for b Ullertly t Ie, cllnnln g ly l{nOlled. Upou lo\'e. A gi rl cn tlllo t be eX Jl ~cled n l I nl and Ex h i bi t ion of J ts head l it e mas he r weurs a de rbY hal, Ollce, Ul a u hour' s no ti ce, or a W E' (~ k 's, F,; h cs. f ro m 'u ll ll er whi ch p ee ps h u lr of II. to ue In 10 \' wltb a Ola n w bu is In l u '-~ warm s hade of plnle 'f he ma s he r 's ,,-Il h b e r . S he Is th e sO ll g h t. Ilo t Ibe ~!t" ' h ,lltlkult y h a:; bee n fOlln d h I! h 1ac:c Is also p lnk- kltHI of a raw pi n k. s eek in g. l he du. ireri. uot l h · des lrlll !;. It ('n o in k e (~ pill b marl lle H n iru:ll ~ o f Ill( T b longer you look nt It I he plok e r Is he r 1)1 ' I\' il l'~e to be ·o y. n utlO be ".11 )" 1ll0 TfI d£> l i t'.i\ I C ~pec ' i ('M nl i \" i n Il r l \ti<= t UI i t gels. Also Ils h a nds are plok a nd \\'un. to ·m a l.e III) he r m l ut! n t he r l e l s llr~. ~e t\ w aler, SUdl a ~ Is l·t'U' 1) su Il :--l 1I .: II t c(l Whe n ' (;lIplu sm',ceeds i n ur cHk l ng for t h t> r e al raLit e r la r ge a l t he I. nu kl es. The oall. ti l' tlt 'l e wh fl r C! tL(I\I :: r la . hn\' lu btl mat l1 lHi n e( t for mu nth s to are ca~ rully manlc u rell. Th e color o r down he r de fe nses und " c n,l s an n rro \\' Illto lh e g ll u rued clta d I of her hea rt, g~~ l h ~ r t ur f r uo) I b l' m ' P UIl - r (11' CX&Lt\l l be Il rls he r's e yelt w e roll ed to dete rsh wil l hal'. no mure va illa tio n. :one ph' , at n g'fI' nt CX p UH!t I(l n I II a n inlanu mine o wi ll l;' to Ih e mas be r 's Ind isposi- w i ll ko ow 'wh e t he r to tal< e .Iad . o r \\,i ll. I'ifY sl J(' b as Chi('a ';Q 1.11' ~ t. I...o"i~ . il tion 10 lel 1I Io ol{ al th e m. ' Pro bably R u man tlc g irl H will !lo t belle\' me.. ljll t i!-1 n OI clln \.' ~ lli c n t, :-: a .\'li I h C' N ew Yor k t h ey a lso a r e p ink. A pair of gol d- th erc n re p re limIn a ry tug es H e r a ld , to t r a.LH;por ( I h e n(' .: e i-i~ III~" sra In woo i ng . rI m med gla sses protect th em tra m In- nL whic.~ h (:; uJ'H d ma y' " c.: elve Hom c aSM i s t wa t er in I n nl\. $ fHr SOu In l l t>s 0 1' runre. lury. The re Is n deep au d re lc hlng un ·e. Ve r y III. Ir. neil b e r Jael. no r a ud ~o sea ~al t h a... II 1~ 1l " ollllllun ly em p l )" ('d , cllf.:~ul ,, {-' u i n (I es h Wll.ll'l' a cdimp le rlg bl In lb e mI ddle or t b ~ WII: s hall ue t h e hu s ua nt! fo r ~l o lJ~·. conti ng l" prcl;cr lllt 1011. masher's chin. The suujecll s ai.Jout 25 Th r ig ht IIllln may he a t t hi s mOOl e n t Promotes Digesiion.ChccrfuJE xper i lllf'nt s haw' h l'l lTl y ars old, 6 reet 11 in height and In Jllpnn , or So uth Al'rl co . or c ru is ing (Ond' h'led U b UUl nnlO"g th e Is land s o r t be Carlu ness and Rest.Contains neiiher I' ce ri l!y Il l . \\'ood' s lI u ll. ~Iu ~ ' .. wilh a w elgbs a rouuu 160 pounus. belln sea . It n,uy bc tbat sh e will . a s Opium.Morphine nor Mineral ,-je w l O l:oll nt el'[citill g !'\ca wat e l' wit h an bo norat,l e gI rl . have to dl~ml ocl b'c ' L~ s uc b e xnl'ln ess as to lI1al<c ;t l1I'a ctl NOT NARC OTIC. Cranial En lIU'geme nt. cally i n .li sli ng ul s ha u le l roll1 th e re n l A young mao . inheritin g a vast for- lo\'e rs . ~ecau se In her h ear t th e re will DES IGN F O H N O . L s t uff . ThIs. ind e ,I. ha ~ bee n acco!1l .tu lle, gOl the mI stake n notion L1lnt a ~e 110 rull r es pon se tl>e lt her. Gud forbId 11 g ir l rrom R marriag e In wa ter ·o lors . Th e rl sIgn should vlish ed so s uccess flllly Ih Ht Ih e mos t &rea t Inhe rlLllllce makes 11 grelll m an . Orst be la id In with C hine"" w blte delica te an i ma ls, ~ lI c ' h H:; sea In three yeurs be ran bls course, and Is of ,·oll venle nce. 01' fl'olll a marrlng e in ane mIxed with aquarell e medi lim . then CUD mones h a vc beQ Il k"llt wh il'h lu ve I" not tb e feat lire tba nll \"O III th e t pre1I0W se n-Ing O ~ a 1)O Int to manY' 1l m o ral be fini s hed wllh th e plIl'e ·olors. ellhe r a rtIfi cIal fluid fo r month d omlnale s. n n ti beCO me" the convinc in g , loge tb e r tal e .•ay~ t he Salur duy Eveu lng Post. r CR>O Il . BilL III th e eurly. th e In illal tlw ·o nlln.a ry moi s t COIOI·R . (II' /; rOl8sanl Apl)nr D, ly t he r e Is no ma le rial ,lI f· 'fbose wh o W<'ro fawnI ng ullll flatterIn g s tage. ~.r_wh e n u gl l'l Is IlIl e res led . n n<l be- co lors . whkh al'e es pPC'l a lly pl' rar e,\ f e re n('c be tw ee n t h e Imila t 10 11 a n d the u f f W nlo llt h~ ugo a re 'now titte rin g and gin s 10 luul. a t he r se lf In til e gl ass. an d for pain t Ing on Rilk . Bath, ant! ga u.e. anI 'le IJI'O vld ed by o ld Nept une_ ;!Iolming !U' ·be llti""eS b), . And , if th e wonde r Ir h e r ha Ir sh ould be T o a c('ornpll s h :.:-, is t'es li l. It wn~~ hl g l) o r Aperfccl Remedv forConsllpa· y oung '''an bas any urn lns left. be Is lo \\' . and PillS on a rIbbo n o r a pill with necessar y to mak e '1'1I t ' a ~ c:nbo roto Hon, Sour SIOtMch,Diarmol'.a IlToba lll y In lh e Dlus t Illtlai.Jl e state or u fulnl lhou g ht of ho w It will loo k In chem lcul co mpou n d , Inas mu c h all s:aa Worms ,Con\-'Ulsions,fewri5hwater is a coIJI[,licul.e J! m xtu re or a ~ uUJ i l iatio n . It Is a n e"" ryday oc ur- th e ~ycs of some body who Is cO lllln g t o n~ss o.ndLoss OF SLEEP. cull. g l'ea l .olld "urle whum t y of Rllus tnu ccs. Rou ghly ~h e Hild A good Tenc . T h. uffice bo )' who does not lto ow 'O J[\s p al(i ng . IL co ns Is ts o f ~1(i l-2 I' er cent. file si~lilc signatul'C oE h ow to tal{e a ra l e uf 5u ce nt s a week IJIlII)' . s he m n), :ls I he"Re lf ce rtai n 'J" es t fOIIS. o f fre sh wate r plu s three anll one- hnlr 16 Jllst a s good nn Iflu strnllon as tOls ~Mdii'. p el' ce nt. of mlne rnl suit , . T h r ccver y co ns plcuull s you ug ma ti·. And the • • NEW YORl{ . fo m lit s of th ese sal\ H urc c ltlor"l e Ill' I II Ihe lo ng TIlO . llIalT lc,1 peop l ge l m t'ra l of hi s d isg race w ill be m isse d enHOI1inJn . 'o r l.'cm lll o n I.u hle SUII , uud I h C! ,\ , b • n n "If..... u I (I o n helle r f" r nU l bc ln ,, · lOu IIIII"h allk p. t i n 'l y jf "" ' c r y l1Ia ll , l w wev· r oUfic ure, n ext largest co nHtllll c p t IK d , lo rlll e or l\I o rl(Jl o n y in dh.; pusltiun IIlRY h(O,!o me a lell






CASTORIA For :inrants and Children.

The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature





due::; uul I n l t(· it h UlIl c to h il11!'lfol r. NUL ti lw ay::; 41u('s " sw ullp lI h end " J'Ps u lt III lIit; , n Ett" '. .\ 1v:o; { u r l i H~ ,' p r y wo n .. t 1 )t' lln l[l t~ ill ~bls wor-lJ Ul' t.! IJe llu itihi u l JIli 8t1i ug I;;TE-8t IP· lll 'll t !.; u ll e Ill igli t e U ~l ly ha\'t~ r ~ ~ t ' P)\' ,~ d Itad he c lIll dLlCl(.:(1 h l m sH f Willi ll onl :-f ,\' . ~ JlOIJ l h ily all el IJl udt-'!'l r ,

magn eH ium.


"'I·lt l'in eSR. Thc l'C s h01l 111 I 'Qtlll' n l'"il t h l~ I" J !' huulf l hl! t hf'. pO)O'8ih titl y of 1I11 -

tll!-'I'u \'en 'd !'f! g i o Tl !" t u ex plo r(' ill hOlh

nfll /' 'h e \\'c, I(I\ II 1' da y.

:\ atl lft! i lld il;ate~ I he 100 w lIr OP J)(J, ltC's n:- ;,;" .' ,[;1' 111311 t ile la w u f (' xnc 't r ",s('nl ~ b.lILII (·C:-; . A l~dl m an IlIc€'s Iu (1I(' k a. li f! l ~ W ( l mali u llll~r lIi s arm . A li t tle Til l Ih o uglll l il a l I.HJ !"l'" iltl r Wt su m e- UlUII !-\l n l l s ,'ullIplu '(' n t l y UPSiU(l fl g l·enn · UIIH :-\ I~:q".. (·t ' Uti t ll u d l u r 1," l r po l'uli u ll S lif ~:· Ll u w o m nn . Th-.: {! YJl sy will t t:'l l lIS !- 1J J!~ ( ';.; t(' d i ll I tie n t1i ei lll J'~ IJl y to l.L YUH us ~ lI e (' I'II S ~t:S yuur lJalm . if YO \l fll 'P ( o Il l1 +ic l i ll : ,h a t a t'el' will SII' P~t rall- i~'~ . tllU t a clark lIIan will t:om e ('OUJ' I wa :.; 1'lI nlp a ny d Ul'S n Ul · H ' n t l laf e l iS I n:; Y0 lr :il' f o n ' I :': mOI1l ti s a r e uyer. litH, ('an.. IIro (ll' l' l y , Ttl l> ('ar~ UfI' I" 'uv lded if YOII n l'fl a l ll'l ln eu c . II Is a falr ~ e d \.\ lIb '·"I llila lors . ~a,n; ttte 111" ':-;i, lt! llt ul' ,,(ld ll g' th u t ~ l H: lJid ~ YO H tl Xpe C'l.

. to

t ' \'I ' I ~' ('Ollllll cI Ct r

ha ~ ur L1 r.! r:i

a rri1 11 t= ,. I ll .· \'l' lI t ila l o n i

u..... J)U8Re n -

111:ld :

J;,' rl-! l'('q:IPst: bill ')" Il e n tll lJ'l :": :-< ~ u gc r K ( l~a~ I'I ' " a :5 wll et h ~ r I h fo v e ll.J 1 1 at o r ~


to.hnll id 11,: lIu.u ed t b t' ~ I O( l r

0 1' l'Iuxpd . wli a t


to d(I ': I I w 0 1l l d Le f air fruUl I h l:-i sl nllJI"" i nd ue ut. :--tUYb Y($u l b 's CU lup.ln i ull , lila l II Hlu y a


lII ji n

u J' gn p

(l, Jf pO r a ! ilill ·~.; b k h o lTt-' uti s ill llt d l'l! 1m .. . 'l lrtnll l rlliltl t· rs llla\' " !pu rll IU tlo d" a ~ ~lJO li 1l :i e lilish t t ' n , ~ d upiulon hi !"I ·a l l.\ 10 t\(.' cl a 1'1 ' fxa~ l l y w h at the


Jjlll .! I(


untl'i .

--.,...--,,.--Sf n a1v r U ll bo l t;· \r~~ l a l1 ll' /l I I II ~


ora l l) l'Y a l1l u n ~ AIJI ~ r l ca u U. " ,,' I, h oll ly n f(: w e x r ep. ti () n ~, ' hi) ~ a i t1 , " w h uv e III \\·a.~ h I D g 10 n no urat(lr !i worth y uf l h lIum e. ,1H 'ay II I

li>~ II H

On Ihl' a t'L'U Unt I h ad


" "'ppl


",lIe uf',! li urillg, I b e- l ast se~!oi I (J n a n achJ ," r il trilsm frum a. cle ver \\'0 IllU D , I at.

1. n dco :l UJ ce Un ' pI' t be ".eDa t. tb o u l UN du)': Hhe s al cl . ' all il th a I /lig h l I bad 8 ten l lll" ~re a U l .' ' \\' hat dId YO U o r Bill ?' ga ld I. Th e lally ~Illil d & mea;;lUI ; s lll lle, '1 \lrea tll~r1, " £be·~ald , 'J, JIIow t' .. "".I>.t:

If .\ Iull )" iJe li g hl tin t! 1II'1'(·lIrl u l. " 11011 -

t.atl p.u ll~ anti quick . a u {! in g o f !l ash i n g 61l! il e:-: a nd r enll y I t:>ars , s he would far

('om e

~ tll ­

wa te r l'on t ains minult-" ql1antlfl eR ot q u lL e n ,· ft.riet~· of e l e m enls. i n cl lldln~



A r i e l' IIt t"Hl'

pha tn o f mag n es inm . s lIll'h n cc ot' lime. 6ulph ate oC potash. ur o mltle o f ·Ill ll~­ n esi u tn P..1Hl t nrbo na tc o f Ii ril e, In fldf1ition t o th e~(\ s lI iJRt.all res ~ "n

Tbe Iri~ ma)' be in s,mtl es of ye llow u r Ut a llV e as ill·cfe rred . T h e ~(' r ce .. t. Il,ollnt ed "n a lJm~s candle (' IiLl. Sk in E:a.si1y ~indbul'ned . Yo u sho ll id l ry to wear a c hlffoa

Iod ine. phu s phorolls alHI a r c<c lll c:. It al so r.o nlain s sume 51 h 'PI'. ('o pper . zin r.. ni c kel. ('o uult . Il'o n and ga l". Th e re Is said to be two ce nt s ' wun lt uf (;o ld III e " cry pa Ilful or Rca water, h(!L ns ye t nob",ly hns founrl " way to e xt rac l It. Coppe r anli zinc nre found in ~O Ill O s eaweed s , and ccrtaln s pecie ' of c() 1'Il1 Is lhl'ee-m lllionths silver.

GOlf-Dr ivers Dorn, No t Made. I am convin ced lhRt Inng dt'h' ing I! !Je'ler 11·""1 h e r"e lf I'.• J al ·h . th e ~ t.ady- wi lle Ih e fac e cnn' fully wllh Venus fL natuml gift. says MI'. Wolt.•' r .I . ~"i ll!4 . tha n ," W Ill . tlt e reel, less. H e Cream appli ed o u a hi t of sort lInerr or Tra\' ls In t h e Coun t r y Life In A m el'will 1(11"1' he r t he pill A" , he lI ee ds ; h lI aunc l. An h Our or so nfter yon h ave lea. O'f courRe It can be c\lltlval e d a nd \\'111 Iwrhaps lIot a lw ays kee p pa'·e wi l h aPllti e'.1 th is <ream was h the fa ce o f! d e ~e lop e d 10 a ce rta In e xt ent, bllt all he r f"ll ll lI geful "liprlt-e • . u,lt he will a" - wltb l( ll ld waler. th e nrt In t.h e wo rld I' annot e ntirely utlre alld lul'l' he r a n. 1 rest h e r. t bl'O lIg h Here Is t hc furinllla fo r the c ream; overcom e ;1hy ~ l cnl dc fklencie R. Driv tb e lll ul l. If Ahe be l·ulm . pll le;;ma (ic. of Spe rma ce ti t pll r.) . un e-q ua rter In g ma y be said to rer>rese nt lhephy s· tra llq ll il II Ulllrt;> . and Ilr ll liell t turn. sh e ou n ce : whi t t! wax (pure) , on (' ~quarter Ica I s ide of golf. and s hort a pproac hcs wou l d 1..,.'> t lt: 1' lnk p h~Hd l o n g \V I II , wbo o uo ce': almond pULLIn g-es pec Ia ll y pulli ng- the (Iii , ull e -qtlarter po und; and In , III' bu m d rllm m u nll "r lire will keep bUller of co~o a. o n c-cllla rler pou nd; mental. Of the two I thInk t hBt th" thlug s wO\'i n g, an d mnli e th e h ome lnnoline, two ln lte r I. the mor e s'\Jsceptl h le or Im oun(:es, "rlghl allil Ih e day bl/oy a nt . finlllll g In ~I e1t nnd s tir In (One drum of ba ls ulU provem e nt. b l' I' hi " "O Ulll el·pUrl. !'eoll ie Ofd e Cltled- of P e ru . Afte r s e ttllnj\ pour o ff lb~ . Iy tll\'er",' t" mjle·r a me nls are hU Plll e r d".a r Jl{,rtlon a nd Nllturnl Deducti on. Iliid two flui d "ram. III ma rr ing" l huu L>eOIlle who are al :, 1 of oranfe fl o we ,' "W h y." answere d the InQul ~ lIv e wnte r lind s llr brIsk. IlJU" 1 ~ re clst ly nltke. l y ulltl1 It coacre tes. person. "do YOIl thlnl' t he world II . . grow in g wiser?" . Sum cl lnl P" : 'Ie qll es tlon Is fllrLhe.r W edding A n niversa ries. "Becall~e of a s~atemenl I r eau In 1\ e0ll1 11l koled 10 a girl. by mall e l'S th a t th e o rd er of weddI n g annl versarleA new s paper t o the c tTel' t thal lQbsters ' II'P. III s upe l·fl clo l. but i n a way a re vital , runs a. f ollow~ : FIt's t year . pa:per ; Orth. are ge tting scurce, " anRwc r ed 'tbe stu ' ". " o tl ng a~ Ihey do polrllS o r I'I,a rac- wootle n ; len lh _ tin; twelftb. leatber; Of-' den t of ' callae aou effect. - Chicago : r . A girl wrote to me that ~ h e was leenlb. c r ystal ; twentlet b. chI na; lwen- Da.ll y News. lure s he Ir. ved a ~e rlaln youtb . bill. tbat ty.tlttb , s liver ; lhlrt.le tb, l vory; r9 r tretb, be tnn<le ml s tuk eH In g rammar . "not ." woolenl rorty·OJ In Doubt. tb, s il k; ra't1etlr, golileu, Ih. wetlt. 011 10 Ra )·. "t h rough Ignoran ce. and seven t y· Ilrth, ( Farmer Blake <at Nev.: York restau, dlamond .bu t thruug h I.uxe curele snes'!. Can I Only th e tlrth. tenth. fiftee nth _ urea- r<ni~\-Wl\al , MJ r&ltda, her e's spInach i~enrJ m y life:' sbe sahl. "wlth 1\ man l y-flflll:l Ad 'Il!tieth r.l'1I u a rule ctl~" GO ·c~nUl. 1 w\lnder o &Ow· It tbat', I as iood lIB Kold. wbo wlll worl.lf.)l we 11.)1 I braled peck 'tlr bushel. -We. ve i l if yo n r l-\Idll Is HO i lve. a nd aft e r expo~ur c l O t h e wloll o r sun

_- --- -

. . . . .


~ txACT COpy 0; WRAPPE:R.





,, <

F.orOw Thirty Years


-j-~-~~~-~~~~~~~;;~~~~.'~;1J;/ The Secret "01 Good CoHee E ven tbe boet housekeepers clUlIlot make a good cup of coffeo w ithout gOOll materia l. Dirty, oollltera teu and queedy blend(;\l coffee Bueh as UDscruP U}OUB dealers Bbo,'el over their counter s won't dn. But take the pure, clean, natura1 llavore d


leader 01 all package toilet&:-

the coffee that for over a qUllI'ter of a. century bus been .daily wolcomeu in millions of homes- aDd you will make It drink fit for ~ king in tbis way! •


Ule LION-OOFPBE. ~c:auee to get beet. retiulLi mUAI n.e tbe beat cotree.. " Orh:aJ Jour LION COFFBE n£ber Aoe. 0 . ".:rou tablet poonful to each cup. and . . ez:tr. for tbe l'ot." Firat mix it witb • little coJd walU. ~ to nil" a . . . . . . . &Ad add white 01 ." ' " (It egg tl to be u~ ... IIOtUul,·-" o'lOw _01 the IbIIow... ~ I .... WITH .OIUNG WA'i'I:a .' Adel U... _1ft>..... I., It .... THBEE MINVTE S ONLY. AU. UI... .... eoIII w.u ... Nt ..... . . .at... 10 ...1I1e. Ser"e .P.....DIIY. ScI. WITH COLD WATER . - Md _ eoa 10 tile ~ . . ./ ...... II 10 • bolL TIl....eI ~ 1144. IUU& eolcl _ . aJit4 . . . ." • . . .",...



Ir. r ....,. 10 . .nrr.

{Don.t boll It too Ion 11'. . Don't let It .tand mor.ath anten mlnute. .befor. aervlnll . DONrS Don·t use wator that has been boiled b.fore.

· 'tWO WAYS TO SEr1'I.E COFFEE . 11\. WllllII.... UI. Pl rt 01 \be ,wblte 01 ... "II. mlzlll& Itwtlll lit. 1"'"104 LION COFFElt lIel.N1icilllntl: • ,II. .... caW w. laotOld 01 OUO. AIttr belli .... 044 a 400h ot coI4 ".,_, _ 11\ u lde rot elcb&.or tm Dl DUt8l.lbeo len'e lbrouab a.IJ'IPJm.... _

· insist _

tie....... paeJm ue 01 ganila e,.UON COITEE. lids redpe aad)'O ll wtU ·~ , _ . (Sold oD17 in lib. ~a'~) .. (LiOll-bMd on every ~~_) • ..

pn"~ .t .ceo........ t. LION CO~ In Ntare.



(5""0 tbeee Lion-hea ds for YIIloable ~einlum..) .


B~ ~~ ~Y.WaEaE-

~ .




, . WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio.




QOI1 Oll'

T~~'PE N At&.

"·111U who l uu~ t 11HH1 ~ I I!; oI w.-: In&; (. l lr '\~ iln flo w "'U he ufHllh , ul,o \ " 1,\' 11 11 M.lrn Ul1 h l •. An d Mel t h ln t a.ltn t"R t ' \t l l) wI. :-,._ ~ On m o untnln ~ ei t;hl :-'. In wood l und ij d i m \I, \11s II !:! I ~ l\ J it'll m. In vall el':I b rSgh l wl ! h " III\ ~.

All;1 o n Ihe l'u rvl n~ l!l t ~ \!t4 til , \ " 1) tH l t' 1m

T tI "," who ImAl t a lH'tI 10 til ) ;o.l. t tlu wlq; .'i

Of m IJrnlng t o uh ld!.: ' he :c, \\l' r ct 1)11"'(10,1 \,r II"~" , :\ Il ,, , fhl' 1:tluntlK, \.I. 1 " 11' 11. •• lid.' V f~ll~ t h(' lJi":, U t) of 111 1 lll)I I ' ~ "n :-11 ''''' '14, \V lll l:; for w"r s ltqH'::-l 10 ~'l) II I " ttl t lH:e 111 !oil ,)' 're al n'Jt · OI .d r 'o r~: ~.(' UI" e J t u rn , l O L.I I' u 111l1l1, ,' Itt ) I'n ll' cr , Gull o f 1h e HIHW R I I' :


A,· .. k ing ror llH't. th ~ hI' ,. !" o r 1 .UIl'·! Y Hn d l unJ.:ln~ ru l ,.

Ill . " l


t i ll' wlH lliq of I tl(' 1\111 1'1,

'\' ~k :t hr~at hl!d wit h l, . t,I Il J II hil 101 10 ~ oll l

born :

.A n 'l Ihou rt ltlR

\,' .1:-'

01 "''''1 1h\ dl tld

,-"':,1 1 ill SCH11I ' hnJI!+' 1l :J 1t . lJ h',

H UI In \h,,~ (n't"lull. 0 1 I I", ~llr , I (, 1I ,... 11 0 ,

;\ nd I fl k (l h\:i h1:t ll tJ Ifl t nlll" " 'hcl'~ A ll Jay l oug I II " ll l',l ll hw I " \\ il i kl '\1, .A Ud In lhccll o l or 1" \ Ell I Itt; ",, 1111 1hol.· lb . k ~, J

I tt:



III' u \ , II wttl ,

d nu b :. . A nd buil l the ir t ' 11111 ," \\ al1~ 10 .; hu t t h e


.A nd ft' \mr J t heir I ron

C P ''' I I !)

Qu i ,

to :,1.111 Ih Ce

n lll not f or thee the "'lo ~ I I1G oC I h.· doo r . (\ ~ lJ l rJt u n c o uflll Pt1 ' 'l'li , \\' a y ~ uri' tr el' A ft ' s Ch,! w an u l'rll1~ W I n d ,

,A " . I t hou h lt!" l \\ ,;)\.INI lh) HtOre

' Id :d r e n , to rt -

· T hf'l r' [ cl lo \\'sh l,l wIth t t.'·i\

If! .,,,, tH·e ut tlo ul h lltl b lrlll': " ' I(' I'I F o r ", Ind , - lh: nry v un D ) k o, n I' , II, 1 · ..·ullll ) .

Beryl Kildare's Husband ~ A 87 raAN K H. SWILIL T





c x c u ~e m e," lUl"nin~ hl ~ itr'ad [ 0

un e "id ., and Us te llln !,; w ith Illa nll c". utt casilJ .~~ , "doet\u ' l lh:1 1. ijll(.l d clI h u ~ h

mca u l b" cu rtain Is rl ~l n !:! SIIJllJ'Jse l..,.] Kl thll l \ '~dm d a\ l OI) p"rtl" 'l I' , ""'II,,'p , we gu in ." .A nti : O"i l , 1h ' " hll.tllh. .~ 10 \" I h ,l( \\ ().,dIl IH!U ::;evr'ral lim os durlrl!; lh eve ulllg , Hlld W H~ ~ur." Rec l{wuu/l S~lW b la..,sc~ s werve fro m t h ~ (" '! I' 11 1"'1) h n \' e ,111 , I 11.. Ir t' \ C' !-l "H II s ill " ' mIIH,'u


F e w StnteRm cn of N otabl e P OWCl in . h,} r a p!!r it,le l!' In uti cu- OltE USZD IN MANUP AC T URE O~ t he W orld Tc-D~ y. Says This i ~. lclal . h ~i1 PI' ul clcri rho ltl aa lO . ST ~E L FOUND IN MAU: E o r U ',':" vutld ~Ht, LSun wuultl H.,Huulim J AUlhori ty. IH,I 1J ,' u , :~ I, iw wn , T"~ 1."1:11011 S ll ~ /' I " t(l 1' nl1d ~ thnt "Oh. r he,; your pa r uo tl. "Ule lUiln ",", rtl 0 11 gai ly. " w e ha \'o n ' c'Jugr a t ... Delloslt s A l'o of n~. e Occ\lrre n ~ !\nol t h l' r l.' i ~ at I hl :i l im o.! all al n l'lIIl n..:. :0;1 ' .11'Ci lY or ~I'(, ul 111('11 I n tho V alue of 'H, o'e L o c~ t a d , h (\ r~a ltll or uldl ed Yo" ), Ol . all cl l hat a hi> ultl hav d sta l N ' J'nll til ... \',"orltl u \'l'r, Is Partly Conj ec ('O OU,' nr~l. \'o ll'rc a I l1l'1-i)l rh n [J. Bed:, It ha ~ di:iCO \' CfU U IW O lJi ;.: l1I f\ U. \\' i lliltlll II. of It' lm nor eno1lg h (or' O:le 1)1)01' mO :' la! tural. G r m UD}' nnl! l ' I ~;1 I t1 ! \ 1I1 llulI:-;r \'p.1I but 1 IJO B ryf 1{lluMO' ; huabauol ." 011 (' of th o pr incipa l el ~ p usils o f arc "h ••llll)p r ,· rl h ~' a duo\ p o l'il)' bnl Wf'c n "So I lhluk." heartily. " anli I want m o lyb~ "n llln u re. 11I Ihl. I'ou ili ry i. ar .t h ei r' 'J hJel I s nnJ 111\1'11' 1l1 .~ an S , \\ hit h I lltroo u "~ YOIl a fte r lhe pl ay. S up- COO I""'. M '. Il \\'u ~ \'Isllml ill ' ep- u.s y { a pPt'ul :oS IIwII I'lI 1I1,', " Th e :;Pl't' · Jl" ~'l YOll co mo o ve l' to t he hOle l and lIllll bl r. I~IH . by Dr. (; I! Urge OUb Lato r r h a ll f' lI gfo!-l a n YtJ lIP tu lIa m e a lry o ll e ilf th eir art er-lb 'al"r SU Plle rs Smllh. ul t h e I n ll (' 01 gl'olog ll 'al Clan of I h I' IJh ~ollllf' II I'!.\! I,; l'af1 f' - a ~a­ e ltll u , \ g to what I h R\'\) \J ell 11 110' surv ey. wh u l II. In liull e. ltl ~.,Il . lh e pol eon, a BI KnWrt' I\, a Ca\'alll o r a in g . my f,llh er llimell Ills I O:ll h~ r hll" l.. 8UI' \'C)"s I1nnulll jJl1 bll"U ll o li on It . ex- Gnr i iJuldi- Ih p iOl in :..: l o m U ll 0 1 Wit' a~" n C3~ uv e r to me. a nd "loco I leCt t he plolts In eo on011l 11 ;';I:lllu!:)' . huw Ille "th\.:' :- IUIlIJ) ur Wh HRf' fOOL plodll{'p( l P31JB1' I ha\' c be(' n hll rled III the o !ll ce. A.ncrlml ll Mo l),ud ell lllll "\lm l"lu y t"'c" ar m p't; flullt Ih f' ~ I'o llnll , ' 1,; VP I1 .I a It I" a gOCHI bll"l tl ess. lh o u g h not \lnt ve nte.1 him r·.um hu yln g mo r •. ltl , ay IJ!' :l I.~ IIp-lli e d th p ~ lor 'y fIr pro (illdn ; 10 ulaze u nam o across lh e ('o u ll n e nt. a.b out tll C UWIYUllt" \lHl III ot' 1hl ~ 'I'i ...::! · y a lll a ll \\ht) (' all , 111\0 :\llIll~(P, "t4~( " lIr(!'

a ud

L OBt 1'm,; {)~o [ hal &':lIrde n h r i~ l l\ all'} VUl e ,



""" os

t il th :ll ri r~ t ~olll al Y I l tl lIl . \\' ''' ' n Ih~ nl.\ :H\' rl llU ~ (I ,,\\,' r

' ., ' ,\ k l IO\y n nd

r t1j:I'\l I,·t! 111\ :1 i;' J~' \. .., rio'" ",.jl) ( O r. All" U II til .! W(:.'il(1 1·n h3!1 f\f I h.ltl h,' 1) tn ; I(,Jh t,he d atll ~ ' :' \to II ~ :I~ J' I' pp l )r li' ~.

g CKWOO D STETSO /\ paused a mo, ment at the hOlel en t ran ce to draw Ull bhl ·glovos. th e n ~lal"le d aC\'0~8 tbe s treet _Theop ra bou se 11'0 8 nearly OPI10stu!. And I he Sl rcam o ( IlCG lll e that bad bee n turni ng in to Il for th e last balf hou r ,.0 b~gl noln glo t hin . Tb 'curlaln II' uld go Ull In a tew mlnUles now . a nd s tl . was in tho Ilrst r\l·t. I t did not matter lhnl h o ha ll scen hoI' for t"" nlgh t.a in . il ,·cess lon. fro m tbe l'als In" or the c urtai n to b or tlunl appellron ce In f ront (It it lQ a clUlo wl ortgo Iho <'n hUriil,.q lic cr.cor s o f l ho nurllenc e1h ' Ievenlh wou ld b just a li fresh :ulll nhso rbhll;; anrl lJes llles. , luJs was t o 11/ bel' Ia.Sl nlb h t. On lho morro\\' tho compallY would s larl o n . larrlng t our thro ugh th e west. to be gone lhe r~malndCl' or th ~ S !\llon . A s h e we ill by t he post er hi s eyes tur n d f I' 1\ illlge ring som nd to the nllUlB wh ich he alrOo(ly had read II hundred 11m ~ fro m h l~ windOW a ross lI.o NtrcoL It was llle leading allrneli n 0 11 he PQs'er . and tho II days' cuthusla .sm of l be pu ll ilo bad concede d l UI ri ght to h p. th ore. Al last Beryl 1, lld aro hart WOl\ u er ambi t ion. and I. wo~ evon ~1()rO l'O mpl etc l han sho could ha ve bo ped. Ill s eyes grew tonder as ' th y 1I0 ge red II110n tho ua.!,e; tbo ambit ion had be n won nollly. through lo ng yea rs of hard work . girls pallsed him. anrt ho h eard or lhe m whis per. ",'hat Is Beryl

~ta ~c l wa n l him . norl h cau d come togo t.lU'1' 1H.' hl nd lll c ln , wlligp r in ''', an d

h Iw o" lhlll h 6 waK s h ln lus lu the rcncetect ;;lol'Y of, lhe aLar. li e had see n th e "alll O lhlug eve Dlu s. lJd r e, and Ih e Higb t bad gl,'cn him an odd ' 111 us uro: but oOW . wllh hi s old rrl e ud s lie.l d c him alld ,h e lhu ught. whi ch t heir co rnin g had uruu!:b t. lhe . barlng or he r glory fo r tbe IIrSl t ime began l.O clo ud hI Ilrow. Hc was a strOll!: Di a n. 3011 ba d dream ed dreams. OUlltli n() l he lo make glory Cor he r. Inslelld or bel llg \lOntOnL to share thal "blcb ahe had so bal'dly co rned '! Tb e ne xt morn ing h e bade h er good. bye fo r t bree nlonlbH and wan t lhoupbt fully to bls office. It was DOW In good tim es. Th e buslncas was In s uch conditio n ilia l lhe manage r co uld look arLcr It jusl as well wlthollt him. H e wouill lilro w hlm 3elf Into the tblng Itt which he' bad dreamed , wltll his lull sIr nglb, anrt do whal b o knew be cou ld do. Wh e n s he r6lllnlud the I;lory or II s hnuld be hers. Bollt 01 bls trle nds wore no w on lba old ne ws pape r, and soon th ey lJegau Lo 800 [laragral lhs ,lhnt Dlade th e m lvok pleased a.lll IhLlUghltul. One day th' co lleg e man -raised his eye~ sud donly . r rom an \lem Ihat hall <l llllll",1 IUlO th Ir vo per rrom an exchan g . " Look h e re, Al le n ." he e )",laim d : "do . y U sUI'POSO whal we said In lho It_so le r l hat eve nin g had I~nyt b l llg lO d/) wi t h a'cll 's rous ing ': H s~eu.ed to b e h polellSl y iluri cil In that leaLhur,

1-1 £' wus oot

1'f'l'fllill r'1I 10 VI .i ll Ih t:

bUI Ih o UliSPl \ ariull s IH' lIIa ll~

surfar'r rurl1l ~ h l'( 1 llilll s uttkl e Ul

nli ll!.!,


Ih e dalB

fo r a /'() U81L1N'1I11uu ,,,. • 1". chan,clf i' au o orl g lu or lhl' d"pus 11 . The lo\\ 0 of [ 'oope r I, In \\'aRhln ;;-

from \'I,lUrl' 11 :\ 1'1111 1"I' ;;I II I S," flU SH !S l a IJ tH!' ! II II f I'/ 'al ly J;I'Plll 1 (' IH I f' r~ In C f\ "nHw y ant! AU:-oII'IR II!') vUP C#\II he 113 111 1'd

\,\'h u " in a g r "a l


wc; ul d Le

c llu sl! 1I b rnl'l"iJlis s ilIlU " I talY and fo"'r a nr'c UI'(' " u n'c' l) of 1~l lrll1 l1L1 l1dl n g p oton Co uII ty , l n t h 'exi 1'I'II I tl:lO ll lh l 'W:; 1 ern , 11th al ~ f.l nill ~I"' ." "who rll " I"o lvp th ~ lI orL of I\J u in e, utld i~ 1h,' ful1rlb tOW ll - SOC ial pro lJln lll or spIl l .. thl~ p.tN l\al

I:ihlJl w e~1 of Caiai H,

Th ,.. II flUrt'!i t rail ·

l'OIUI . luli o u I. :1'1:...1011. In lh e s",'lI n I towll Hhlt> so uIIl I'I·uH pc/·.lu g f ' . Ill\>l)'b.1 Illl~ ha>; U"CII ,arr ied on a t Re Ve ral IIUlulS In lhl H IUI 'a lll)'. hUI Il le nnl)' hnpurl a n l de \'e lol)l\l Plll .lill ~ fur I, r ha. on Ih ~ proporl) ' 01 I he '\lI1 e l'll'JU Molybu e nu1ll eu m pa ll Y. Th molylJd enl . c ""/ 'II!'~ hoth III pegmu1it~ dyk es and In Ih l' g.anll c " ul by lhese lIyke~. A numilel' or dl sl ln "1 PC!;mal lie .1)'II C8 WCl'e" ee n un Ihl" Ilrol, erl )·. varying In width f rom u Ie\\' In('hes 10 leve rul reel. III I h eop lh r Illul} brl enllc occurs III lea.rt -gray hl>xagonlll l! ry' lal s of ShOrl pris matic h abit. or 8.' lAS. regu la l' folltlteu ma"S~s . of teo wit h ra/tlale stru r lure Th c mo lyb /l enll ' I:; fuulld also In s mall ftalw" or' large r nasLs ' L1r flak es dlssemln al Pu lhl·oll gh.Ol1l lhe gmnlt e nlas • . Moly bd enit e OC(' nrs al sC \'~ra l other locali ties In Mall1~. all wril al> lu lhe oth~r N e w Ent;tsnel . lnl eH I I Is \1 SU ally found Itl smalllla l,cs UI8~e n1lnal eel througl! Lbe g ran l.e ur gllelss . <10 lhat the Coope r o ccurrcn "c Is oC sprclal Inlerest by rNlson of Ih 1I!:IJl It thruws on th o ol'igl n CIt thi s m lnprai. Th e (l cgma li e d ykes a re pr, lin.l> ly all p"oxlm alu ly (:o n le ml lUra n ('0 1! ~ wil n I hI> !;mnH o In 1l'''510n. I'e prese!!' i ng Ill' Inl p."1 "rY " lalll 7. ~t1on of Ih ' ;; r611Ilk mug .n a . a lill Ih"I'pfo !'" 10 rl'l l,ln'l; Ill(' l'011HUlid ulCd 1\l a n ll ". I II Ihi' lleg m ulil e mng mn llI ulylllh:lIt11ll lIl'"I phl de appeal'" 10 11 0\',. 1I" l' lI U l>l'II lI1i -

qu arr~ 1

\l l rh Ih n r hll1... h ." Th l':>ll /:lator c"nf r"~e" Ihllr I::n g lnnll Is 111 no lll'rl c r 111II; h •. Th l' r ll) ll uf lrill y 1;r ea t

it think .;;', IS n o l u u;..;o r prcuitwCd, It Is !l Ot (Iui l'! fall' to 1 he prC'se lll lo m cap llr ~ 11." 11I'OUIH' L of g re a, char'aetll C' rI .

lO I"!i w ll h lh a l of th r rn t iro l)a 51


we ll cOlllpl a ln Iha. (l S hakps [lcaf c docs not a ppea r III f!vo ry a g(·. Th o yinltl of "ol o~~ al Rt8lesm an"hlv o r gc ncral s hll' has 1I0\'er lJeP ll V''''y prolltle. O.lIioC In a gp. n p ~ at Inn or I wu 8 n,;nre rna)' a l)poar whil'h will li vo throu!:h " 11l" '''~d ­ ing aj(('s. Th nrp lire many und evoloped blll. po"s lillt' alale's m en and military

Some Men In NOlway Tha t

Are Guiding the People

Firit of AU


Come:! Th t Great Norwegi a n, B;ocrnso n - Nanse n Deep InlereSl in Af{airs of Hi:. Country.

ORWAY Is not Iltc l(l n !,; for ahl e m en In th~"e dll) g nt I'hange In S can dln8\·la . but tw o

lh e

Jlam r~ stand fnnh to O\' c~ ot Ih8 worl/I with

s l>ed-~ I I'romln nce- .h Hlof th ~

pUl' l alld

IlhII IJs"p hcr .

D o\' 'I isl o tlrl d ranla l i :H, BjorlHm n : that

of thp p:(p lo rf ' I' , i':am;p n Th ~ II ' fa III I" w as tl HHi!' ere th e \" l' ltll, 10 Ih n fi c hl of )JO litks, 1)f"" all l'H" 'll' lhl :i f al ll l"' wh(' r e

th ey s ta nd giv es alltli u rll}, t.u th o c am;e .

e ~ p o" se d ,

Th~ y


II pholo " " rw pglan inil c ilend -

Bj Ol n~n spcal, 8 thus


th e ae·

I Io n taken hy Ih e "",rlhin g : " Th e nu dress 10 Ih e 1. lng I" lh a voi ce or t h(' e nUre Norwl'g ian n~1I 0 11 . Tbr di ssolu ti on of the nnlun I. Ih e g roate, t hl e"slng t o all north e r" 1100 rlle." Nan se n. who dec lar es Ih e jolnl "o ns ula r aer,h;e ha& hepn " Neel I s ubordln ale Norw oglan In Ipr"" l" t o th ose or Sw e/1 ell . Is " s in g Ills In li" e nc on lb e 81 11e or s e Llaraliotl , al-

hpro J);;; who ha ve mi ssC'd l'Ippo rlunitip,s


ralli o

~ n"

l:nnlllr'a lllY

b Cr'a ll ~n

th o rp w u s nn o cc'aHlon t n hrlng th c m

to .ho fronl Hall Ih e r'Q bcp." no war or Inll ~ I>~ nll a n ce many A rn orl~an leade rs wh o~ o nnnu~R w(' {'onJure with wo ul<l h a \'e I.:l s.prl tll elr IIvp.. In the ob"('urll y of f'I) lonllll POlilif-S. Not

o \'n r y gp nprMt loli




IDllkin;: rT l" ls. Ii l be \lllil e/1 States had r. mlll'r! I hr <:1\'11 wnr. Grant wnnl tl ha\' ~ re moln ed In th e "a nks or .h e Illaln Mni>I~ . ""arcl' ly di s lln gl1ls h ahl n III Ih e Ihrtw;:. In ordinary arr"i rs

m e lt 11l0 r , 'rc'OU! oppo r l un H l eH for 811('CC.3S , bU I IIw ml1llnry g .. n i ll ~ , A. S a r u l p. tnll ~ r. awa it rhl'! (,("I nfli ct. til which h i s 10 111 HI." a r ro to lJ p won .

I t ifi m lll'h Ih p "n lil C willi "late craft.

H n o f)\, ('> r::. h aclo w 1n g: ~ 'al'~!;; m al\ hi nnw in vi C' w In t lH' ( ,l I lnlrh's tlu m cJ by lh e.

P RI:-; ,' I::

\\· AI.Dt·:~IAR


Dl>N~!ARK .

th o ngh . It Is reported . be thin Ii. th e matl eI' lUa y ha ve t o be .('tlied by war. In co ntenwlu tio n of thi s solution or til e problem , Il may he In lli a cc to refe r to th e cU lI1paral l' e "tre nglb o r l h e lWO D al lou ~ . An articl e lu th .. Londo n ::;pcctato r 11hras es Il : "Til e Swede. u lllnum 110r lb., Nor\\ eg lan ~ two 10 Oll e . a rc m uch lh l' wcallhif'r. a nn urc fllil nr Lh e hi s tori c wi lltary prld (' '" ,n idl b ~l p s so to malf e go .1 so llil ers." To On'Sel Swe rl e n '~ m arl,ed auvan : · In !;eH. th e c harncler of Ih c In habllant s of Ihe 8mall I' cO ll nlry b u" o ul; lll fo rwa rd . we aI" [' a ilod llpon to Ic~e J> In mind I I \~ tn rl . h ar I h ~ "urw eg) un ~ nr" ~ l\('h a s t ul·,I)'. In . ol lig(o ut. I ndl'pclId c lll r>eOI)le. An I1 u rh or llY. Mulh a ll. s pHs I,,;

T akea

In jlnrs ul. o f rhi ri favolli n s port. Prine.. W. ld emar I" j ll" l a 1,'ltle old~ Iban P r ine:.. O!iI'Ut'. i If" has ft.·ur s.on ~ and 3,iaIHdlt(! l'. h is wHr w a ~ Prtn('Nt~ Marla r1·Orl en ns. (1811 l' h l er of Dll e de CharI res. Anolh e r prlrli'e Ihal wtu! earl y m enII"npl! Is I'rln, ·c William . g rand s o n or

Kin g- O~l' al , :;(' ('ufl d ~on Of Cro ....'u Prin ce GU lolt U\'lU~, I t wa~ t hou g ht 1h e pladug o f any 0 '1/' of I hps" Jlrln ceti al l h~ bead oC


Nflrw e~lan

r ~a8 ()n

HI ».t e wOllld be astrolli f

fot· th e frl e ll tisb ljl or No rway'" n ~ l !; h bor •. To r eturn to I h e ;·nnAld. ratlon o f n. rew' or Ih e m en In Norway lhat hav e been Innnl'nf' lng pulJlI opi nion . Mich e lsen. ohnscn heart of I hi' pro\'IAlo nal gov ernmenl . for about 12 years. ha. he 11 leadpel of t he liberal pany . He Is looke.1 nllon a s Lhe l)'l,e of Ibe progress lvo, I1I'n"llI'al mall or affairs. He has prae-. tked law. boen h ead olhlsfa t h er's targ el .h lp-b ulldln g In tei·eHta. and has taken lime from bus in ess res ponslbll llles tor lhe "c r\'ico 01 hi s CO un l ry . It was large-. Iy through Mr. 1II1t:h elso n·. Intluencr r, Ihal Norway oblalned a jury S) stem sIDl- ' liar to tbal of the Unit ed Slales. aod anot her re tQrm be suc ccsstully labored ror l was the ex ten sIon ot t he BuITrage. Nor- . ""ay 1l0 W ha.~ universa l manhoo d But· 1 rrage. (By the way. a mu\)1t larger per ce nt. of the wome n In Norway vote thanl 01 th e wometll n tbls country .) Since hi .. e leello n lo Ihe stortbln g In 190:1. Mr.• Mlchel~on has lJeen consplcll oUS in S,;an-, dlnavlan politics. He was a m ember of! tbe Hagerup -Ibtlen cabin et Ilt Slock-I holm. tbp.n was recalled lo ChrI8t1anl~ to ass ume tho duties of finan ce mlnlster .1 On l he r on ot the Hagerup mlnw Istry, b e was asked to form a IlIlblnet.. and was mado prl me minister. He I. now 48 years of age. Bjorn~l e ln Bjornso n Is an old man, bllt hy no means ou t of the Ilgh Unt;. Bjorns on W8.l! born In 1832 . One careful study o r Djorn son pron o un ces him a fig ure "com pl elely lind proroun dly rOI)reSenl.a l i ve or hl~ ract). In the Irequ enll)' Quoted word s of Or . Brnnde•. to speak the nallle ot Bjorn son In any as~omblage or his coun t ry men Is III, e hoi I.lnglhe Norwcs lnn nag. Bjornso n has always been n figh l ~ •. as Willi as an artist. and Il hUll. ilcc n hi s self-Imp osed ta s k to arouse his fell ow ' Unlr)'mc n from lhelr fn 8ULaI s l ll ~ gl s hn css. But wbaleve I' th e Ollposi lion uru ll sed u y hl HJloli tlcal and soci al '·lIell/·nlls m . even h is Ollpon c!llS hav.

SlI r, ·I ~ltl l . II IH IIrfl hal.l y fIJI r I,,· reaSO\' ]lpnt cOHt\lHu c 1l1 and 10 h u \'(\ l' r ysl ,lllila I t'C >nd ltin nH ha ye' li D. r~nl'\lPel I ho " Cerltlinl )' nol." docidedl y. " Beck· 1iT-('d 'a rl y IlIlh cOlls,,) h!tllioll of til r.rHit'u l ~ I a~~ , ' h l('h ~J c V t ' I O Jl!') t he m a n woud Slct.aou·s tOll s l ro ng a mur, no t d )' I(I'~. Th e m olyllli ' llil e In • ht' grall- f r t h o' hUIII , E very l : l l ~i s bl'('~ ,I K its to co me up of hlm ~o lt wh ea he's rcady. Il ~ Il lflY lJ.' t'lt h rr Ih ~ "cHu h uf impn ';;- :'1\\' 11 iW l'n Muun or l a lf~. It i:-; nol smf " ' hat IItllo, s UI' h tnl\lI lhl llg,;. th[\t n alion III Ih~ . Im e of .hl' pcgm .lll1i /' In ,'u y Iha t Ih pr r Aro no " vill ngo yo u anu. I ml Sh t montlo n vlluld n(lt hl1 l'u~lo u Ill' II may b~ a n or~glnal c,)U- Il anlp ( l ~ I\ :: ' no \\· n ~ h ing ll) n ~. no 031'm aller . Bu t t hl ~ lhlnt; o ( hi s \.; rathor Hlll u~nl. Th ~ form l' \' 1 w I. h1111Pl> rI ihald i:-l U \\a il l l1 ~ th or ~ l lInm(Jh rt 10 apQuixotic . dOn 'l yo u l hlnl. ? I t' ca ll1\f>t ed 1.> )' II,,· OJJllO . ·~ .i . ly la rger nmuoJu: ; " pl'ur u po n lht' ~iI' ~ ' 1I ', Thcl{! is m llc,.' h 3.Il1O.Illll_ Lo ao.ti.hIt1f;.- 1\0 1' d~l-ra t- t h gran ll e near t he rlyl<PH latj"tlt , SIl IJIH' (''( 1 nlJill l )' In cy c r y real goo<l Lo I,; m o r anyone c l.c. It 'r ho 0 1'00; of mo l;-h tl lIum h ave IJ C !I ('Olllll ry . hl (li n ~ il $ II IIH'. .ome CO\ lU 11'1 11 un 1>' blaze hi s nam e a l'r,,;~ the, In lP'cllle l' dO Ulan!! s im'l' l1I olr ll (ll'r. u1l1 t d es un' uUl shl ,. l h \ ~ 1 ,h j'~l't:O o r ~ I tr ~ C() utln l!nt. as I lhlnl{ o ue of UD h ped h it: bel' lI u rJ In I hl' tnallufac lu rc of rl n ~ P \'P tll :i . \ \ ' f' l"l OW II tt l fo er tlwir ror blm ." s leel 10 11"'rl'aso lis h "We ll . Is n't that' e no ug h . Whllt tou gh II I'SS . Th" /'omllaru nl'fln ~ss an ,1 st a t r!-\ 111(1 11 , ho w c \,C' r IJI'um l ' ;ng- Ih f'Y of t h p lll n::s t h e II lI)~t i n tie r1c nfi elll l HlOpJ e th c rlrll)' a,, (] m B ~" be. II l'pqui l'C's a "I' I'Y c l oso S tll In tl,,' ·wurld . Th c al)uvp-qu o led a rt icle ~ morn cali anyone a ")i thau to have his h lSh I'OSI ,,1' r he orr-s . hn\' c. bowC\'(' r. cl e n t o r (,Ollt c lnno rary hi !'\ t l;) ry t o In .b e S I.or . a lol·. dcprec nlln g rh e SWNI· namc In evc rybody ' ~ moulh. u~ p e'c lally limited lI S US". en -Norway b rea l" s a),lI: " 'T huug h w a l h I cadlll~ pulit 1 1' i an ~ o f ~. 1H ' h n (1)1111when no blame or ridi cule call be :n· The economi c vn lu" or s uch n lIellOsl, t ry IlS All s l,·a lla. Th ~ abse ncfl of III" " admire th e Norw egian. 3S a peo ili o \\ ho lac\)cd lo tllO r.ol.Oriety ? This. Is l ila as I he Colope r m ol ylJdo nll e Ie pll"lIy con · o f wOI'llI-w id e r~pu l u lio11 In s uCIl Co ull- arc 8111 0 ug Ilw fe w ca r>slJle or s elf-go \'so r t ot thing- lh at calches 00 wlt b Lb, jeclllral . Th e conrill ion s for Quarryl ut; tr ios m f'U l lfi lhnt. n o rh in g i. O( crnmcnl . we lhlnk .h cm e nti r c l), wmn g l: urrlng public." an d mlnln~ hol h Ih e Il~gl1lnll l!' aud Ih e l hp I'c W Ilroun ce h. 8 ' aklng th"I .· o wn [UllI!'!' and I h ~ s ueh lUe n_ "Y e~. SUI' pose 80 ." doubtfu lly; wall roc l. appear . rayo,· a\)I ~. nud . conpca " or ,be wo rlll . IIpo n Ihe Bl ruggl '. "bill it Is nol Lbo real slre uSlh ot .Idernlli e wo r l( of lhl s I<lnd hos bel'D for n IlIglllLy whi ch will brin g t hem ij O Beok ." ,Iolle. Th e ' rock lying on I he dumll THE LIVELY LITTLE TROU T. liLtl,- r e waI'll ," Stray Ite ms !Iutl comm en ls In tbe " .. nlain ed varying prollorll olls of mo - Jumpin \\'h " n tlP"'S e·a mc . hAl /\ Ol' \\'U)' had an g Up Throug h Spouts trom nowspap()r~ also r eaeh od t he s larrlng Iyhd >'! n II I'. but It seemed ,hat W!'Sl uf no un,.ed Its wlthdra wat From t h e union . troupe. bringing g ladness and pride th e " cud e o ,'e conlil One Tl'ough to Anoth er be readily dl. t1nanti qlc n ~ ws w .... a llcomllan led by word Inlo the eyes 'ur t he loading actress, gul ~ h,"1 and separal in a H"teber y. ed from Ihe barren of the Inelinlltl oll 01 s tale to mall e and, In time. speculat lon Into tbose ot rock ll;' band pi ckin g. Th e " ru clal tesl Tb e hatching I rough~ of lbe Aquarl- ov ertures loward s placing as ruler O\'cr her manage r. Wben t b n com pany re- or the st'.eoess tul working or s uch a d eum 's fish hntche r y. whl cb aro s e t up Oll /\orway eith er a B~ rnadolle prin ce Or a turned 'to Its own elly a fow la~t per- poult I ~ ,ioulJlI ss con ne(·t eu wltb lhe Lhe sld~s of on e of Ib e bi g pools there, Hon o r tbe royal hOIl~e of Denmar l" f~rmances were Lo be given tl> ~nrt tbe milling process. ralh BJORNS ON . er than with the arc arrange d III s tell·r1owDS. 10 proruotp. doublles s the firsl lhou h lor Ih 8eason, and posters ~J1t a wVJe~a!!L.\--IWJlUl41 m ~t hods . A co mpac i Illan t for ,:all r eader was. W IY anoth er king: wh)' been In advance . constrai ned 10 f eel thllt bc Wall thB treating t.b~ molylJd enlle ore ha3 u c~ n lh e c irculatio n of Lhe wnl (' r througb nOI a r epulJllt: at once ? 1'0 this may be moulh lhem. Through a pille In ooe end or an BeckViood returno,1 lhe ttighl bolore. ('reel ed by ibis COltlllan -pl ece ot their rac~. a8 no plber y. bUl the d ~­ upper trou~h made ans wer that Norway feels thc neell his r"ce strang wltll saLlsf\ed I)()wer tails a~ to cO'lI of "r ll~blng lhe waler flow s lolo lhe NO"weg lau 'I>ero.·o him ba,1 lIeo n. and: I he r,')('I: an,; bead of th e nCXl trouSh . SC I at a lillie or Ih e s upporl of rhe Europetl n nations. that be has vulced .... hllte and accolllp llshmen t. But lhe next of .~on.\e nt,·allng ver Is deopesL and c leansing 1!1t' sel>- lowe r leve l.ull(1 Iro m lh esccond II tl13WS Rn o allllrccl al es Ih e probulIll Il y Ihat and mu t c/ld urln morning , when h e went lO the win- ara t.d mlnt'ra! could g In Ih e Norw~gla l~ n O lll ~ u ,(· e r(jlln,' d. monarch y an.1 ellll"re wOIiI/1 Imo 1001, the a.lllhl r d In IIll e mann e r .• oy, Ih& dow. as lie had !Jeen a ccusLom cd Lo dO. an c/" a ll a Norw egian re j)ublic. wo uld le mIJ er." .Tll e late r peri od of hl~ ItfC1' New YOI'll SUIl . and gazed across at tile posler In Iront Single Talents has been markecil ly leeen Inlore. l 10 pollt nlld Sel f -Confi1e n cp. bc m or i n clin ed to Ihc cl) n." I'Vatis Dl 0/ In th c I wu Ulliler l roughs of Ihl s ha lc hor tbe opera houso, tbe 8all.Hed look i '111 Rnc! Bridal Ruhj cIs: be ha ~ labore(1 A sl ugle 'lQleni man . s UPI'''''le(1 b i er\' on on e s id e a nllllla' l' hy- monarch y nn/t em lll!'e not Ih er p a" e a. I,rc ~entllt ­ suddenl y gave way to (lno or "onsterror lh e s parallon ur Norway (rom tb" greal soll-I·un fid'!n,·e. w II a chl" v _' tI~ lalic IrOUl. and In th e lhlru Iro11g11 des iring UlI)' s pread of rcpulill cnnl sm naLlon and lbeo to bi tter selr- r e proach_ .Iual monarch )'. DlOI'P IhUon .'it ten-'t al t'nt man wJ~o dO d.:! Let 1I H g lanl 'e fo r a mom e nl al th e Valilt Ie hl'oull lrOUI; but litll e brOO k trOUl "Oh. Bcr)'I! Bof)'I !" ho groaned ; not Nnnse n ann S\'e n H eliin . tbc S'w61118h Ilell.n·e ~n IIlm.elf. Th e 111 10 I are SOlU "1iUles rounll Ull a lO o o~ I h e lillie ri ous 11I'lnces s ugge~ t e d as e ligibl e. e xplnr ~ r anI!' pollt 1f·lan . havc "bave I robbed yon L1f a\l the lallrel. Cllnno lJeen enL a'l wi '.. h \' htar In th e preBe nC9 lal,l! Lro 'fu rce r o yailirint ·c!) recei ve ::! ~!'i u r uLLtiu - ~aged III ul In Ih e bi!:h esl lroug h. of your years 01 hard work~ Forgive halli e. rOYIlI - R P n tilt-In lh" of doubl . A wavflrlll g millu makes a Th (' IILLl c felluws jUn111 from 0:111 me. darling. I did nol dream o[ thla. Lon1lnn Times S\' Cll lI edl n r e1U9rka " 'av e rln " exe"ullo n Tbere must tl , troug h lo anDlh er Ihrollg h Ille "pOlilS But It shall be only tor a ijhort lime, ce rlalnty, wUh a~ jlPrll .\' : " I.... n/) I""ly hell e ve tbat I'onlld ence a nd a ss uran ce. o r that hrin g t h e wa l l'!' dow n, which are I will go back LO my loath e I'. and then Norway ha~ r es trlr't('(t h er endeavo r there ran lJu no oll1d o ncy. Au IIn ed u· ,allgutly curv ed 1>lpcR of about an In<'h t.he public will fo rget and you wll\ Boon sulpl) lind al one I" Ihe proc uring o r h er (':lled mall who Ile llc \'eM In hlmRc l1'. ' or mOI'e III lenglh. wllh a clellr lall ot comB back Into. your own." own l' onl';uh;, " l\an l'ie n talk s bacl, Clll1li and wh o hUR falln Ihal he CJn .10 lh e 'water uf as mu c h m o r~ from lh tower For the nilme on tbe lIost er a.'rOS3 Ihlng h ll und erlak 10 h b 0Pllull r nl', all Pnrlon: "That cs. Mien Iluts lU ,lndL' To ge t "l~ tll e brook t rout hav e to S w ell en !iotlll" ),c ar!'{ ago hesan to adopt the streel was "Beck wood Stetson; . sllllm e Ih e u"e"a~ " "oll ~ ge · lJn'd mau . j.lIlljl and s wim lIgnln "llhl. roll aDd Ihft a s rsl cm of Wife." high rn rlff while Norwa, reo whose ovcrcult uro and wid er ontlool{ currenl iu th e 1>lp lili! ~. lor II llh"lInl'~ Ibat. maln ed pral 'lir!'!. 11 y a fI' C(! trade ('On n ITY. b9.\' e somc llm es hr"d In''Tr a~e d s.' ll s i- a1tog~. hc r I" <:o nHlu embl y more tban lh e resli l rail r 11 I" eq:a nce 111 ft sca l \JolUNBREAKABLE BALL BAT. tlven.,s" and 9. less olng of ,o tr-eonti- til< ir ow n le ng th Kildare 's hnsband ." His cyes grew ky ca ll s ln!: rh r I>xl s iling cons ular ~ ya­ d&nc·c. whoso lI eclslo!' ha " treen weak · 'The biggest or 11 11 L b ~ littl e brook ! p m t o h (i(" nnt f' an I n ~ t r llm ent for the Sub .. yet more tender. V • • Beryl had won It Is Clo!l8ly Wound with Wire 01 e ned Ily 1:011 51 anL wel!' ~lnll of \,onillcL · tro"l h " r ~. on e I hat ha s pXI'e eri eri 1111 btlr ambition , and he b iul won Beryl; o r eli na 1iotl of ::"'J orwpgla II I nl e reSllI to Steel Ttlpe In Urooves lIelow Ing I heorles. and who~ r I>Njucllr es IIrt! lhr res l In ~rO\\ r h . I" now nbout I wo anll th o~ . o r :-; w(' f"t l' n .. and tbough . they had b~Bn married , the HaXldls . alw8 J s ollen 10 ~on \· I .' tI()n. - - Suocess. a half i e~ l o n g ThlK troul wa~ found three mootbe, lbe joy of It was just AI .... I!~:n 1'~::-;DLI .:1'L' .'l . tb~ olher tl ay un Lh e· noor of th e Aquarias Ulud! ot a lIlarvel as wilen be baLI Th e baseball fl1.i •. or. mor~ ('orreetl , Marriag e In .Tnpnn. um . o'llsld,' rh e lI lll>e l une of Ihe lake tlut gained her consent. Strictly V egetarlR n Eggs. Twenty "peakln~. Ihe hn&l' hall player. will bail Th ey roarry r arly nud oflo.n In Ja- trout I rollgh !i, 11 IS walJ1 1111 f rum the tlmn~ since morning he had bea.rd the tbe advonl ,0\ \'Pj"al lariall ha rl an uml1slu g cX lu'rl ... ot Ihe nonhl'cn llablr hall ha t pun. A mnn agell 40. lIving In t:te thll'(1 lreJu" h r" rhe hil\h ,; r. and Iho" [lbraae ." Beryl Kildare' s hUlbaDd ." and hu made Its al'r. On,'f' hc 01hur murn l ll ~ whit e a~ lJroal,. ~ aran ec . This mOBl provln cA or BI,en. hu~ Dl a rrl p;1 aull jumped UIII ov e r lli e s ide uf I halon. ho the WO~d8 had br:oul!_bl notblng but tiea1rabl o ailli bltherto rast HI~ (amlly WUN out of 1.0\:n. alOft IInl;now n at- divorced :15 wl\' e~ . nnll Is !lOW ~.arrl c,1 11001'. pride In' bel" SIlC~lI!I. Jlud joy tbat abe trlbn~p of n 11Iltlll hali h o w e llt t o a r OtJ taur'J;\tlt and lOOk. a scat bat. sta ll'l! \,Il l! Chi· to a thlrly-sl xlh. Th e rea sun II I' asTh c fnll ou g hl ro havO' 1,ll led Ihe Illu" xl to a st ran ge r . and her 's ucccn were bla. Cllgo Chronlc l >!. Is attained bl' cull in!: a slgllH ror hi s e xl rnordlnu l'Y flr ~ l elle" tie lroll l. UlI' H ';lIln ·1. II wa s l>lll. bad' . Th ~ \' o!:("arla n look occa s ion t(\ a.dThe first sbock came when he wel\~ spiral groove Ii' Ih tlon - Os<:ul'. "CCUD U son 01 lh c Swell Is h e wood and Insert- Is I hat ho ha s a 'youlI!:e l' ds~ r' "r ex- Inlo li S "wn .rou gh. and was ahl e rhcI'e ,. rll RO h i. "rel!d hy te Ulng th e 8~ran ­ Ins ide. Two. men were Itl front ot the lUg "thercln . tlu ~ h with lIic ~lIrrace ot lre mely rnlll :uro U~ and jea IOl:. u lSI)O- t o s wim ah oll' all ,· igh1. a nti II hnH heen mllna ...,h : LlI l' l. rhl rd HU ll . Wuill e nlill' . ~"r rh lll all meal WUH ticke t window . · When they turned ho till' Illl l. 50 '11'1 n'rcngtb Injllrlou s anll cn lnF; mlllerla l, Iition. who. Irom Ihe momen' a new a num bel' ul' ti nH' ~ ~trH" f' lip 11Ito t1\ C' up .. t.dx th ('h ll d 31111 1:;('C 0.:1, 1 Son n o r th e I\ln g thaI th e llUm81l dl e l . houl\! 1.> 0 strl(·tly rllco~n lzed olie 0& . a member or bls au(:h as s teel wirp I'll' sl ec l tape or brldo e lll"r. t he hOllse. I:HUl llles a fJe r lak e 1I'011t 'I·"u g h. Unl Il do~sn't lt t D c nmur l" Th £" Ii rut , wh o ha s IIcen d'oolbaJl team at college. the olher ' bad 8In~w s. The "plra cali.:''' " th (' royal c\·a.n gc ll:"t ." IS " c ry r e- v lp;c lar lull , l Is mnll e cOllllnuo ull sysl e m of per .ec· ullon wh ich Sill) [1 jump OUI of . hal a ny 1lI0r~ . "1311\. " re pll cd th e st ran ser. '" 'been II reporter on ' a wostorn paller from a polUI j113t sel. li g iou >. lintl wllh hi . wife. I, grea t l y InlI bonl th e handl e. so drlvcs the unhappy woman lO as), h er f10m Qat m enl." ,..lIere be h811 worked ' fOI' two year~ -.s not lO Inte rfere t In e nul " .. lls with a gLlod . l'OlD: hu ~ba nd fo r' a db·on·c. whl('ll Is an l lc work. I l wag t he Only a Dream . "You ju~t ord a rcft oggs." 811.Id the nrtor obWnln g his r\egr~e . They. bolb fortabl o grit •. to a pOin t jUij conlll'." n Inl ereS l In rcligloll . mailers l be lo" ca.y an d ' In expenslv c l'I'oe(l~H i n lho Fath er (onc II. nl.) - Is Ibat y.o ung vCF;olarl an . "An- cgg I~ 1I1'1Iclica ll.y m eal. caino forwar<l with bxtendc d hands. r ha ~ d irN 'tod Osca r , 10 marria SI.! with a wbcr~ Ih (l ball ordinari ly l! trlkes. lilllli oC th o Ri s ing Sun. -Lo nd rl T. man ns lool>. Mllri e? "I I ell Care has lo ho I n.lien. 01 cours ' . In taB- A_ T. la,l y b~ " ~ n l h him In mnl<.. plain I::bhu b c,,(\u ~e It e " cnlually he 'om es a bird ." • "Well\ IlIls .15 good. I ley exe Iam <l)aughl er-··Hus h. l >nll a ~ li e ha" jllsl " Th e 1<1l1d or eggs I CA' never hecoml> th rud s or tht' sl ren g." henlng In {l breBth; and one of Ihem ad cd: tenlll'" !\'lun d\. , Burl whh'h 111ul'ring e wa ~ acco rn" a s l. ed tn.' 10 ma.o· 11 1m a nd maliC him birds." allS\\ HC11 t h o stran ge r qui e tly. "Whntc have you .OOeIl ddlng with our- 10111l er lat WOUliti In lIanl Not Plllltlg ~Ol' It . . r d by t he l'ono un clll!; o r the gmo \' c to v,·ovent . all lalms ballPY luI' me. . "Good h eov ens!" crl en tho vegota .... selt aWlhee e y()ars, ~eck ; old fellow? til. d fl~"I(lpl"ent 0(' 10 t he Swedis h thro nc. ~1an y "orwe"I (,ant 10 Il l a 'oud ·,lIuln g. room wp,ak 8jl.OI~ . f>!L1'•• "Jn ~ L a s Il l!oug bL W a ke him Ul'! " lall. "what 1.lnrl of egga do you cal?" ted your name }Vbuld g lnnH bo o 1001; tll\ularl\ u po ' talll n at OS~'l.r. Ihe e," ho._dla ~ ald lJecauso Ihe . eIMIO ~l!CI'. ':Jr yu u <:11.11 J uul;e. ext~c m d;t. The o f his ."Prln(:l llall)· boiled eggs," Raid the , Vie l ll8 C &II the cO btin ent )(\ng ago. .grolw'e; of ,('Ollt·~f·. 15 )lot 811rre r of rlg bl o f Hue 'e ~8io n 10 Swad'larg~ e oougb tiell illO me ri g h t." . st rang r.- N ow Haven Register _ ~Iaz rr.:ct~ 1"lIow wbo gave tllat .Wrt to detract appreci ~n:S l irroll C. pp.rtlcnl arly eligi ble t13 talil' " . "I ~an do that," ' nll $ w ~ r e d t h a propriably (rom t he uornll,l . .L()£.~ trom Ipsecta_ , ()~~UIPres910n .. yOU know. Aud-,\,c ll .' strenGlh or Ih ( th e place all l'\orW8 Y·!! . n il r. OSC81' I~ w(lod of be llat ~1 1I11t_ etor o[ t be furnl l uro ~ IOl'e . "You have Dr. A . S. H Qllldn~. fornsl \lIS(' In. • ",bllt! haVo you been doing?" Quite Enough . ell ycar~ old . H:e has no ch ildren. comp. 10 the rig h t I)hl 'e tut· a ijijuare \' s tlgn lo.·. . section ullAl d. d e pa r tmeul of a s: ~l c ultllre, Ills b r'6~h e r Cnr\. _his j U1l1 I' bl' a lilli e · Beclt.V(oott winced a Jlttle.1 At colYounS Law Sludem -Slillpo ae a man Ileal." says llHl nllnllu! l o~s from In Sc~ l3 ----~-lel:e be had been wall liP In bl,! I>ook.. (\\~ r a ~·ear. ha~ two chlldre n.Ooth g\rH!. married s ix lIme.~- bBd lIl¥ wiveS "Bull don't ",an t It !!l}l1:lre d Clll. I, "'hkh l>r~y .on Wh~n a mlln r~acbes th e entl o r· his \Iv. rore~ t t rltes lind lhr!. IUId a po,.8r 1'4 the football leGm. Pe!)- ar!\llI.nel lt h orr rs to het. but be II ,,'au t a r.)uiHl-c orn erel1 Qlucl: w:lluuL. "- craM ::ll~ Ilnl . bud pl'ot\l1ets III $10U,- Hi s wife was Prin ce.. . I tlg borg. daugb- Ing-w l\hou sec uring a dlvoN'e. What L('r of Crown ' ~I. bd' turu4 to look at bllXl. pIS Iaad IiOlrlorn "'illln~ would Prillce be Frederl ~ of n enth' l'xtrcmo ponal",,? Oil ,000, to P,ut Wi' r~1 1IIII.ur. Cb lr'nilo Tribune . lO!lrl.. ('arl Is nol eu fol' his fondn p.~ for Judg~ ' Ellj s rlluH- HIa .~ IXIO\h"ra. !JIIIHI-:J;. Qnd , has l~a" elcd ta~ llIld wide 11l-la\\·. -N. y, 'l'W'" '

YO tl 1,ub w ."







~~.-«~~~.~~ ~~£~HY~.~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wwuaw~ ' ~!~!-~-~-~ -. ~:" - ---........-.--....,.. ----"-~ .-~~-~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s:~~~~~~~~ , ~ L. k::'U N:\ L 1 U I DC;ltli 01 "\\ i~,.; . Iconcer'nin g LO<;AL NEWS. I " ' It e Hopkins Former ~~sidel1ts. _



\ ______





MIII'\' f.'allllll·inu HI;I ,i~I I\R dl AcI nl, I .., 1\11' , )'l· t,l r Jt:1l 1·"h ul't., IJf Mhld lo. 111' 1' h.lI l1 l' ull I· on ... h s t l·NII. Wllyn ~. . . II " .,' , ' 11 \1 1 ' "II 1 t\ tOWII 1 \'1 , \ 1111, .. lX , l L U\"". , o vou ~ , " . \\'ltll~,· III · nll . h IUI ~ 1'1'1111 flllllllg F""'I"I I."'!;/I 1l1l1li!·1 ,'o lll ; nlll '~ III i 111,111 t l1. ... "(l 1"(" f . ' 11 . "f for 801l1e 1II 0n t h ~. "' II~ vcry • ". II r81' 11 11 I ll e ~l'" . III fo r . ' /I ii .- I" ," lill' abont twv \\' ()ek~ . but iot , 111 .'I n ' II ',,' til. ="uveru I Y ur!". W Ili' e I : S I10 IlOrn , v·th 1 1 ' 111' ,\

-1------ 1 I' ~ ", ~ t\ll


lit ' .



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tl t o o ' r \\,Be.~tr,l j\'r iFr;' i lrl'il 'I .' klfllf·:or\Jfl \:1.10'IOTk"~'~l ,(':,I"I I' 1 .0 n 1lliSS 1 e grea pp '~'i th \VlIy ue:'\'IIl~ . tUlllt"\i at the Banlrrupt store of & Crane, as let I·S to · d your III t eres't an ad vant age t 0 b uy <YOC d d eSIra · hI e all d up- t 0d at e se a· t th_e rate of 33 1 3 ce11 t S O""II t h e $1 .

:-:1"·"lll'hllrHI",)II1t1 I'III'Ul'lIlIn'lt ;I.'~. )llIl i"'" "; nn ll l'(J~ig" "'ion 10 t.h e Di. no\\'!!Ii~hlI)'i IllJlrovod ligni n . Ih,·.I· iiI'" fill' 11I 0 111·Y· II dill' w ilJ" .. r hPr 1::1,,,,,,, nly FIIIIII'r.

11I'lInl lf'~



Bo rn . :::;ulIlllI.'·. .To\, 1\1\1:•. ,llIlI ghl 1'1 11 Fra n k ~ lt ll~r lIull





~ ,

f IIIIlI Hlllln "l, I. . H')pkin r. fOTIlI (ll'l y ,his fri un,ls. left 11·1' fllth or dyI ng :mmluy e ve uln g 101' \\o1l1810n. N. C .. . J Mllr y lanll .

wH" .lo f

l:iigh ~t re('1


~h ' \\,II~tl,('lIl1n!:hl e l' ,r[~uill hB.

.I.F•. '" nn".,'.

I Wht'o!< h e WII

q\1ite .\,{ll1Dg,~b". 'vit,h


wherohewill \' islt h is

., MI'~. Hll rr y Fo.\:. ,II l'illl·itlll Uli . I \\,llIlr.· ~" " hll" !<in nfl re!'ide(~ . .rtl"l IIni o n is h p IIl Ihl! IlIl nr fl Ilrl IIr ,IiUIl' tlnl\ Mrs . HlIl'n' ,\ I,fti H.of X"ll iu ."llnll(!dwlththe R eltJ.rl o l\" IIft.~ll'~lI l'. h IlC'tUlI)\j{·nu ul ell onU H wore ~\1nll:l Y ~;I .> t~ of IhOi r n th. ~lItipt.y "f Fri<lllll~, loe ing II nl e m~'(\r he in~ pr eMont.

~Ir~ . H . \\' . Pl'i nl ;:

---I fi nll lor,lir'\'ar in Ihe prlu('iples Dr . 1I1l11 Mr •. 'J'. Il' vl ug Wtly. of , .'1'1 It, 1"'11 li t it'll I ~lIh\1l'b:t1l h OJ)II~ of IIf 110 .. 1·IoI'i.l illll T/'ligiollns h el.lllY (Jill ui ulllll i. will ~tUl't IlHlILl n!)", . 1

nr 1I'lttllnt MOlllhl y Meelll1g. !She \.\',, ~


( 'hllrl"M


11 '~I1 ~ h . "".ll l ll llp)l('r~l·rlll": I F'ri"IIII~.11I 1.111111 \\',,~ II rl\lige nl 1I1.t mlll 1:-1 , 1"' 11 11\\, 1II ;! up 11't'l"lt ' t 1Itl ;l Ilt ' i 111 .... ' " 1IJ'~ \\' hUll iu lu-ul1h

I.. 11'01 111 1\.,0.



1,l'Ig hl. ill 1111 nlll'lIdiv(' ,:,," 1 (If wid I,. !. ~h(! l't'I·.' · Itl IH:h'." np)Jr~cilll ed I)IC' Will, Ikt 1111 !,: r," 'u Ir lllllll lng_ . 111'1'11",1 1 k ill,ltll'~~ ,If hl'l' frinnllSl in her III~I hy ~). o . Mi~"iltliu(\ olll i hi ,. r n :" .. f ~il'lmessllnll wllultl oft n g\lf:ll k of it . II~MI~ tlllltM . F ri ond BOll'j,"llin Bllw\;ill ~.IIHS i !ll . 8"" our " ~p"(' illl " pninl urlCl \·lIr· I e<l hy B e t,h il1·Fl1r nn~. oouelU(IIe<\ the nis h Oru;;h CR nt l fic· . .J. E . .Tuuney . fllllllrni ~e r\'iceH' li t h oI' Into h allie P rof. Eugene F,)sl.e .·. of Glenllnl e. First. <ln y Ilrt,ern ooil. :'e voll1h lIIonth who hilS \)een " e r y ill III Ihe h ou\l~ '1. nne\ h OI' hoely Illid t n I'os! in the M h is mother.ill·law. Ir~. t:\. H. Friemlg' bill'. in ~ g l'ollnd .


'l' h lll'",IIIY . \V V""'t,.


' l'll. j r t

1"11 1' Iltroll g h

Ihll ~

t1r:-lt. :oo.ft)P of hU1JUl·.


Cf;tSe~T .

~ urE' en rl' Hpnollchp 11 1111 NE' urnl . hpr IIl1llht!r lIud th e r f'Ht· of Ihe fd m . "lillie Purk fl r Trn Ds u e . ~ "Iii Po\\'d ~r~ li t ~t ",\, ·~ . II .'\' . ml l\'p,1 I.1l ·WII .'\' u f ~villt'. Ohl" . . 411Yli t hnl if th e HOUl e COll1inl,l Re .

liveR, Mr. " 1,,1







t,, " ce will IHI at LIM An gl1lns. 1.llllllCtJ ro Por t land. U r eftOIl . I'oturuinj.( by , wily or I... i vin~~toll. 1II 01lllllln . ",h"HI • they will vi~il. ffll' IL Itl,Hllh with I thei r brolhe l'. Dr . I:i . F. Wil Y !lUll wifo.




S'l'A'l'hM-ENT TO 'flHE PUBLiC: SltUl1101 Brown di etl tLt hi MhUIII ;' A~ the ('rowtI wn, so gJ'.cnt. Rntllrc1ay ()u r open ing' cl ay, that i n Curllle\. Jm1l1l1l1l . Fil·~ t. CitIY. ::;e:~lllh lII ontb t, I1Hl5 ~tthe .lI g ll , W(' eoul(lnot ui Slllu.Y onr. full st.ock to th e IHlbli c thel'efol'e come uf " l'epr:<, fli HI wuS Imrlet! Thlnl · ' ,. , Itu.l' lU or ninl,;..., . , . \ 110W nnd '".'011 will find IIHlHlrC'OS and thommnds of ,Y~U'd R of goorl~ M B I 111 I 1 I f I r . r owu!l lem I I ~( .et'u :11 · • t' t' (1.In I·H'OS, ,u t·IIU!' Itams, P eren. ' I('~, 1AI,W 11 R, ,\r II PH G 0 od S iug fur Yllllr or bill. h iM tl u. ( ~ O n 51 I S .1n ,~: 0 l' 00 I " o lrull l\·lIsvery rnJlhllhll'illg lhl1 ll1 ~t. :1.11(1 no' 1I1e~ti(- s of all kiHeI!', nt;oilleh ('xtI'Plnel\, low pri c('s that it fLlw wOl·k~. IIlr, h ol1~t " IIll ",us \l1'1'SU Ut. · • a I, I,b o c·lebrut.\oll or I.h o 1':""h~ll I Will pa.y t:'lu-h alltl (lYCI')' OIlt:' to hll.\' now hilt t,f) buy for the futtll'e I

~:IIiSl. for tWIl week>!, I,. stI ll illn c'l'Itlelll tlOllllifion . MtlIu be rs of hi~ (JAIW UF TIlASK>! . rlllllily IIrri\'ed th o n rst-ofth o wcek Wf'lwi,.htooxtenll OUI' g rll ti lll(\e ./ t o un r fri ~ nll M rol' their i-illllue;.s In nUll will rem tlin th or e n thlil'1l li S 1111(1 1·0 nm' , tli~ t er elnring II", IL IIIO)'P, h< >!OIllU ch u ngu i n hi~ oomlitio n . BI1. veyourgla~sf'sllttclihyFru"k lllnt,;wl'nk"lIl1lll1 ou t.h!<llf hor >luf - ~ fc rill g'. 11111'1 ~i n ce sh e hllH pUM!'oll B. Cilley, ·'obur,'on. . fl'o Jll mI . r.I ZZ I!I: BOI·Kt N~. Mr, MiIlllnl F. Dllklll , who h il~ PIIIl.'P BOl·KIN!!. · wetldillg IUluivorsul'Y Ill' hift Ioro lhl'l'. heeu sllllnding tho wiulor 'o,:llh lti!l i Seth Browll IInll wife, ill ItichnlOlld. · L N (' " f '1 ' ) I 11 "8 k 1 . ' a t · 11. 1. . 0 n s l~Ung II ,.,111 S Il O w or, lI\'or for '1;' ,' . lit Ibi~ on pAp r. It. COllsIstq of u fnll line !!I:ll;jlr. I'dril I Gilp.r go \. . IIIV e, I.I S E normous ·C rowd s April 4 . I . I' f II t ! . y "r, II Of ('a I CO~ 0 tI. (lilt e rn ~. IIIIIIIIIIWI II ~u III ....... .. . .. .. . ......... 10 ,1 r U IIJ1l1'It on Dr01V118. F 00101 . ave, .~OJitl · tn' New York on II bURinps~ He WtlS nson of t,he IlLt e Asher IIm\ au inchfl., whi ch .ori gi nnlly Lot ~I). )(I. 0 110 IlIt. Of II\<1ic~' . Mnnn!! Br.08., R.ldclit1' lind othcr ),rip wllere lie WIll l'e l1lllll1 .Li;out Attending Bankrupt Sale Es thor Hrowll. who f r 1JlI~ny yelLrs ,.old for 10 nllll~~. nt t.Ill~ ~Itl" ,only wrnpp,' rs whiC'h Rol li f nr $1. ILl IIl1n~; Ih e be~t. 1I111ke8 in tho coun· t.hree mont·hs. owned Ih ll ' lJI'Ollerly whIch 1\11'". .. .......... ............. .. .. .. ....... .4 ce nt~ th i. ~fl l e . ...... .. ......... .. .... onl y :1110 .t l·y. 1I1111 th~y will Le oillerod t o EIIOI'monR er owliR Im ve hoen S you nt ~:Iy'c 011 tJ\lo doll .. r . Jr your eyes troublc 'yo l1 • ~ep I\ttendin g the RIL le o[ the llllnk r npt, Ellen ide.. n o w occnpios . ILIlU W'I~ NJ. :to . :!..r,o~IYll.r1~ ~f ~i!. k gir'I ' 1.01. Nil II. JlIlIU enMI~ lilt. of laooll. lIl e l11btlr : UI) YOIl p/lrll tn be pro. FrAnk B. C"rt'y , .l e wele r UII<1 Opti. blmgelf IL r el:!ide nt of t hltj COlli II III g 111111.u O rl ~ lIl!l y lIO I or - " cen ~ , om hroillery lind ribhon~. "old IJlln,d rllr \1' llIler ? No doubt .v ou. I.t.,Illi " J'ellt ",11\, olll y II' f nlln I",,0 I·)r .!:'tock of R. •1. CII~o."., ,n ow hoing c(m, IIlty for nHm y y()u r'!\ prCI' ious I" Ids I"n, LebnnQn, Ohio. 0 :" "', II t II. Il ~ !to I0 .. .... ."'0 110 . If yon tl .. eOIlIl. n ow. Yo n dnoted oy . Mnx, of X nill . who I'em o \'nl t o In·11lanll . No . :1. ~~normon!llo l. of ludl(!~' [.ot N". I'! Olin In llllfl ll '''ltOllllller will flntllL Clomlllf''' lin e of tulln'" MlzlS Ml\ry Edworlls hn!! returt,od Jlurchllsp.cI th go"d". ___ . I \'(l"t.... lIol,1 from H. t,o eo nl·s . HI' 1 IIIHle rwcltr ku ltl ut. G ,III. thi s ~Ill e nnrl hoys ' fleeced Ul1!\orl'l ~ILr. h o w e 'from a visit 9 f t hr II w eeks 'I'h ll 111110 .1( Ih o Rtook st,lnllll\ lit Mrs . Lee BOILCIJ. of C hiclI!:/). is II Ihl:t grulI l. "lIle. only .............. ; ~X c , .... ....... ........ .. ...... ........ .only 1\10 You will HllIl II 1\(l11l pi PI I' !ill'll of' WitlL j. Inlh'c lit ~t W listIe 'ullli eilthl. o · 'Ioc:k IIhmlny lIIorni l1 l; I::lle~t of h e r cousitJS, MrH . Hnllllll h 11...01 Nil. 4 . nili' lot, itllli ,;!\ ' :th irt 1r.o~, No l:t ~'nl) .~ot, of ~'OVH' c l·tI!lb 1II1In 'l\ IInll "oy~' (olf.. rnhher a nd F,lirnwunt. J ll(lio nil , lIu,1 WUII nCllom· ,IU,l 10ll g h.)f \'I) t bll t tim /I Inrge Priutz of Wnyn eHvi ll" , 1I1l11 1\11'10 . \\,III ~ I,~ wor lh r,tl nlll\ ;-~, con l ~ .. ~t 1"ln.I,~ . 1101<1 .111' ·. " /lnll .,lIn. lit thl" Ihltf.lwr h,llll·!!. Mil,, : Y,In ' will wnltod illlllUtlelltly onls icle ' . " t111 ~ Mill o '1IlIy . ...... ... ......... ..... . ..'.'0 ( ~III, ... , .. ... ... .................. .only I(l() flml 'L filII 1111(1 (to mpl.'I) lino of 1):lUi~ 1 h o m e by her three .\itt,le Cf"",tl' -, HOjlel::ltIIIl!i, of COI·WIII . · Mrs. B01m·1t L I ' M" I t f . r l 1 1II No liOn 101 01' IlIcn '" flu e h ell \'\' witl,le r nltR II nrl q\'l' r Oll t M n e ph ew!!, children of Dr . B. "' . for the (loors t o bp opene(l 0 fl . ". UU l r e.!I I) )lllIr'" 1I \ • . • • . . ., . . ., . Wt\~ iJorn 0 11 t ho furm knowlI Il~ "'Ie Ind iell' gont .. IInel ohihir(lII 'it h nSl' , t1rflllllll\li rlll worth ' 1....... ol1ly :t51l II IAn ,full · linl~ of bo.vk /lUU chil· G r l!lst , of No w Cnstlll. Tbrong!' of )lIIople,1l10!-Itly womeu, olu Am os l:In.rt;;ock fllrm now llec u Ilri g iutllly !'olt! [or I ~c nUll .~;.('. lit l.o t. Nil . J r... 1.000 " )luu l... IIf Ihrllllll , rlrpn 01 c~ol. b l n~ . An<1 w will LIlHt Suullny. Phl.lil) Sut·ruCl'. wifo a 1t.h ongh Illlln y m en we r in . I,he pi ell bV Mnllrico Cornell ou Iho t ill!' 81118 onl y {iu ILlHl 100. .. ... .. ...... ... .. .!lllly t ('(lilt Ilor ~ Iloul ! ~tlll e thill, III Ihl~ Itlrgu llflnkl'np t <1 !'ll J l l t 'f 1I .. . . , _ . , Mle von CflJl hllV t·h em ILt UI I) rate IInli SOn Lester. ' thliir lIunt. Mr8. orO \~ $ . I <l 10 (11'0 I'om one 0 ::;11rlng VlIlIey VI1>o, nllll WIll 1>0 1'0, Lot, No. U. 1,"OU y,trll ~ {lr Im,," Lot No. 10.. Ono lot ,'f I t\(U;~ nl1~l of ~U; cllnts 011 I hB d 01l1Ll' No Illat. Hunnuh Grahnm, Frllnk E. '[holllns e ml. lIIem bel'e.llJy olu e l' rOllderR of Ihi ~ ()r .. s h worth 10('. ILt, tlll~ ~nle. unlr.v C!t'tl">! s lnrts . worth fl'OIll f..1 I .... ~::. t,er h ow v!Lllluhltl .vOl11· tilUl) migllt. IIml family' dro\,e to Iho Tnrtlecreek At on e t.ime Ihe I rowll booal1le. column I~" MlsH l~yllill ' SimKo She .... ~.....~ .... ::....... . .. .. .... ... ..... .. ... '(1 ) . .. ....... ...: . .. ... .. .... .. . ... .... o lll~ IIH .U hn it will Ptl~, yon t.n t,lLk e n, clny oft' ~ ll q I0 f t ,~r • t wo ytlllr~ , r~ol. Nn. ' . .1.•11 IhM. COtt.o1l wnrlh ( Lol No , l , . 0111' lilt. tu.ll eH IlrnMH ILII.I Cnt ll ", fOI' '10111'"~ t n o·· ~ncl .I" II n, I1 III lITI.Y llnr ~ !I... .. llynos\, III e r'orl'y •." " .~b o n ~ lghhnrhoo,l whore tll'oy wero nlost Ilnmnnl\"" IL II~ c. nt this ~ ul o ollly ........... .. ..... ·Ic " kirl." wort.1t frnm $Ii .. 0 lit tHl . IO. Inr.... lJIIllkrnlJt slLle nt CII!I'O\" & I .o n 5 " . Ilo~pltll'b' 1y en·~rtolnell uftt tho ' llollle' rushed 1Jehin(\ .t,lui c\ol1 nter~ It nIl I Igo • nn lI II"~ tlll' .s i o hOI' tlrst vIlllI Lot .No. tl. Ono lot of III,lies' hll'el1 ..................... ........ .. .... 011 Y ..:.:.\1 Crone: n" .v ou 11I1V0 lIoyer he'forA of !:!amnel Surfaco oml wife. who pullell dow!l w1.lUt Il o ds they h:<ck to hoI' oltl hOlIl C in nil I" e,.e 111111 Olllhl'oillel'lll1 flk irts which Lnt No. IS. One 101, tlll,lo lln el1, Ilud ml~y n evll r ngllin }jave the op. fire at home to t heir frl emls all th c 1\'ll nle<1 . .veurs slla Ondll 1\ gralLI, 1II«ny >loiLi from t l. r,o t.,) $~.r.(J nt. t l&ls wnrth 2fo /lnu35c .. .......... onI .v 19u portunity 1.0 hn y good. lJ orlc.qt lind old IlIuao Stoudoo) farm. A numher of lim A~ it \\'II ~ l1oces· chanlleR. ~lIl e .......... .................... .. OIlI.v I'OO! Lot No. 1\1. Rell1 ol11bel', Ule tltook cllIsirnblfll!oorls nt 2•• Alld 33}(, cents BJl r y to close UIA door l1 III order Mrs. Be llch hilS hee l,! living rtl Lot No n. ~2r. s un· bonn etl1 Aell o r .. h op!' Is t.oo g r PIII 10 m e,ltioli on UIO dollllr. .,. MTf!. Upshur While will ~oon thu t those Hlt·I'll 11.1' ill t,h u stOl'e Son th Unl·\'('Y. 1\ ltuhu l'b tlf Cllictl t{II, lJIQve Ile r millinery s tore from Mrll. might IJe wnited on. Itnll to r e, nr· for IL nUlll bor of yenrs. !:lbe will ' Bliines ' building ot Main aDd, North rnn~e tho stock. visit IImong frien'~8 he re IIbo u t II streets to Mrs: ~. 'PI Allen's hulld· BI\'c "'how eIIIlOi'. II And Ii feet long. nlckle.pintecI. O no fln'A' oh 1IIIlle mirror: ODe uu f clook', one Tilo crnsh cout inued /III SftturtllLY month, lI!ttll' whiolt II I\II W III l:O a u 1\ i ng, formerly ocoupied by B 8 . nntl tho It~rge for ne rof ('Ierk!! in' Ih e tor gt1 ~tovp. used hut little. O n e lot· of elol'tJ fixt,nrell of till kind s. All of Ih eslI will sull oh eu \l trip thruugh thtl W eRt.. !ll.ot)pln lo: nt, .Bowell, ft ' lit!le far thor down str eet. storo WILS utterly WOfn lint when the Port!r\Dtl Expu.itit)u 1lIIIO IIg Dlln '1.l'or ,::et t.h p placl>. UI Il S loo p.. Alliiding next tn tho Post Omell. Mr. uod Mrs. Wilite will ocoupy Ihc the lIny Wit saver . 01h er pi IIces. llpper JlIlrt of the 'building fi8 I~ res idenoe. A. Matlit,t will move from i '. Ripe Peaches July. st, Township Board the Phillips bdildlng to tho roollls Takes Forward Step, which Mrs . White vtlontes. 'rhe Oll'l.p.ttn fllnlll y w er o m ost, Frlenll Rebecor~ F. Morritt. who ngreen.bly trcntel1 t ho h oginning of 'I' he Wnyne '1'owushlp Sohool ..... aH to hu ve IIlllde on addross lit the this week I,l' t,h e receipt. of II !I~ DlI BUILrc\. li t its m eeting Mondoy ni~ht , T.Jnioo '1' em 1l6rBnce mootillg Itt t.he b"s k ot of penches from W . 'I' . Frllme took ILD importllllt HWp towo.r{1 io. M. E'. chm'cll S umlny oven in::, wall Bnd flLmily . of Diumond Hil' Farm. creusing tho efficienCly' of our.schools. prevent,etl from doin g so from nn These we ro quite \rng". o f t ho Sneed Thore 11ILs been much 000£118i\)II Injury t.o her splue tllilt !llle l'/w.eived G' \. . ti 1 . tl h . I . tl t f L Ilnd IIl1leKuOrO VllI'le os . t~UI wero 10 Ie oountry 110 008111 Ie 1II1i te r Personal Mention. . 1\ rR. Bouj. nken", who hilA hoen Suit Ag ' ainst Cotlll>lt wee'k whilo trying t o pTI'lVent ., . • f ' . quito ripe lind TImely for til Vluck . of t ext boo It!!, nllu the ten ch er!l bli\' ll , wHit h(lr b\ls hl1l11ll1t, Ihe hOlllA Ilf her mother, theoget\.lnna Downing. iog . beeu sorionsly bamporell hy I.hi" , , hl R fAther, Le vi S. LlIken~. for more poration and,Collnty... from falling. It is h oped thlLt s be It lOOk s , 'ery ellrly for 1)l1l1ohes In .trreg ulllTit.y lind the generolly iund· .1 OIl Priutz. who it!. W\t,~1 ~Ie rll thun a yeor, wellt, to Kenin 'J'ne~. 'rile iocorpo,:"lltetl vllloge of wiir 800U be her~elt lIglLin. Mrs. this loculity. bu t if 11 caJreful ~elec. oqn l\te supply of boClks in t h o honthl shoo IItorl,' Itt un.y !.ol1 . III eUJ.oYlllg II dllY nftern ooo iu com pauy with Mr. W"yne~ville oud tile oom mlll9ionors DowniDg IlR8 be09 r e l1lo\' ed to the tion of vllriel.IE:!I were mnde. wo of t.ho pupils . Moreo ver, text b ooks two weok" VllontlOn with hl ~ h Olllo lmd Mr... Frnnk :::;hidukor. of Hllr. of Warren oounty' 11I".y bo mode de. \tome of her Ilnllght.or . Dr. Mnrlll wight h,LV U tll HIll fr om nnw lilI IlIle ure now obtninahlc li t vory mouer · folks ILt. Wllyne8vlll e. . vfl),!lIHltg. where !!he will r elllllill feullllntto In 1\ diunagf'l Hni~ ",Ithfn a Romiu e , in BII rver" bnrg , for CII re I . . h t tl • in October . Th er o is II ~o· cn led ut .. rn tes, t,hnt liTe grlt/Ltly !llIperlOr Mr . .1efT Mllrlntt. is e\'eo tiu~ a with fri end" nnti! 'l'hllr~dllY even. 8 or me . tlud n ti on. 1 I b \ O · t i l "ever he nring " pOlloh. whose lleriOl to tho oneR thn t Inve eell in USEl. large voramlll ncrORR tho )!811f of hi~ ing. ·'·hen. nccompouie.l by Mr. orlog Ie 10llVY s .,;orm a On pnge r, of this issl1e of t.he Gil. of ripening ~tretolr eH over II ll.. riod 'l'u obttlln the bene fit of theso Jlew rO!lidenco Oil Fourth stree t.oud is Wilson Hllrvoy.ols o of HlIrveysbnrg week s 0/(0, tbtl hridge wbioh 0""."1'''·' .(lUII i8 0 noti ce of IL temperllo ce of ~eve l'lll week!l. tLOll excellcnt books ami r emedy tbe otllerwiRo illl)ll'o\'lng his r ece ntly Isho will St~II'~ on the retuTll journey Camp Creek nea.r tbe {lOwe? ' m ooting n t tho M. E . church n e xt II bO\'11 ev il8, the School Bonrd odopt. ocqnirel1 prope rt.y. i t.o h er hOll1o ill ChoY(lnne. Wyom. 011 lower Mftln Htrc~t bOl1!'lne AtOp. ~llUdrtV e\'ening, June 11. to be nd · Trustees' Semi od unif orm text hooks. t.o be pur· . ling. tlto l)Jllng ut 0 point. io Nobrasko ' ped up ftO~ tbe property ·.of ~11I8 dresse;1 by Rev . Mooro. After thnt c hflseu und o\...·ned hy the Bourd nuc1 Mrl:! . F . A. Kindle !lnd t.wo dlLIIgb' whor o tb('y will s pe nd, ·umln.y with AnlllL Phltllp!J near by .w as badly' . n ote wftswritteu word \\'o~ r eceiv ed Annual Meeting, supplied to the llUpill! free . Thlsl.tcrM. of [Jllyt.o n. VI~~tfl<l ller fnt,her· lI Mr~. 'I...l1ken·!I m othc r. \ Duritlg hM unlllo~ed by tbe water whloh ,'E- lled .. from the Distri et SUlle riuWllllullt of will tlll,e but 0 smull pnrt of t.he lJI ·ll\w, HtlLoy P .. Kludle. who rfl' l tomporllry resilience io I.hiA oom . her house swept IIw'ay her fenoos The trll!. I ee~ of WAyne towuship I 1 II I Ihe Ant.i ·Bllloon Le ll~ue soyio~ h e contingeut fnncl t.Il11t hilS ncclmlU.Dloinll in qnito Ii 10. w suue, of lell. I. ' 1IllIlUit.V. , Ml''' . Lukens mllde frIend s ami toron wny part of bllr lmru. '. . h I h elll th oir Se l1li ·llnnuld m fol' hll<\ Ilecidctl to slend 1~.1UO MI ·O eXllerti . th e ins peclioll o[ Ih e hllok!l of Ihe Inted, perhnps nlitt lo over t.hree SunllllY· lin thOlr r oturn OUle u of nil wit.h whom !lhe cnmo in COb. She now contemlllJte9 8!1eing the k nnced spen or t 11111 ... r. oor e a . hund r ed dolltlrs ,I\Ild will slIve the t·h e ev e nin~ tbey took with t.hem i tliol. nml th e Inve IIlId ho~t wisiJes corpor.Mlon 1I.0d oOl1ot.y to recoVl!r ' tl I I I f I de rk lIud ~lI l'lI r UI1I\ tho se l.tllll!: ' 11 • I I It littl . - . " "aynosvllIe liD IlIl nrmngec 01' I . • . patrous the e xpense of buying n ow M r. K Inc e:t /,:1'f\n< .( nll g I e r. e 1of fill "0 with hOI' to her W e~t.p,rn thFl nmon,nt of hor IOBA. up of till bl1s l!ws~ nf I,h e ftrst ~ IX N 'I '" ' I ' I I Hon L D. L 11 Y o f I~O UID .JUS. to books. Any wlIO lIre for to nWII ellie l'rlrl . • " h om o. .. I \ .. I I m onths o f th o I'CII I' , III. Ihll t.o wnship . them illllivirlunlly Illlly buy thom nt 'fhere' wmt Il hll\lPY Il'roti p o f pic. i I'her;~ 1t;IH h t'CII qUit A 1\ houRe \)e protlollt l\Ill nl ure8S t 1(\ peoll ~. hOllAn Mondn y : Death's Work Mr . 'Lilly is 'I~ truRtoo of tho OhiO E,'erylhin g nO llucct.lel with the the who lesnlo conl·rnct rute". . . nlcerll in Fulton's WOOUR InNt. '1'\1011, 1JlIlI't,y III, 1,11ll home of MI'. lind ~I'(j. 'VI'RleYlln UI1I\'Ority IInu \I m cmbo r IlIl1uugom enl, flf the township 's Mnuy cnAOS hnvo occurred til tbl!l ldO Y IIfte rnoon where !tollle" 1\1II1 1.III.mell Shute tb.1l PIIRt few dny". The Uil7.0tt6 has frequontl.v menlit tbe hoollquut.ers commiltee o f 1III'IIil'8 wus, reporl ed co rrect . , rt'gi nu unrl. e lse whero 01" Sebool vllrious IlmUSO~lontM were inrlnlged I Thllir dn~ghler. Mi~R Edith , lind tloned. the 1"100"4 of .Mrs. Ot,.t.he Aoti· 811100n Lengue . , . . Bnllrcls Ituymg showy ond expensive . . I frlonel, MIH~ Dellornh 8edgwlok, of 1 I A Illlmher of Inll8 wcre u\lprovetl ' iu nml II typlcnl IncDlc supper I Rlchmonll InclIllnll !hllve llOen ell. Wooliard, or the B'arve3illburg pike" Miss Nicbols, of Cincionllti , is Ihis 1IIIH1llrderllci plliLi . globes, cbllrtslLud (]thllr RPI)llrlLtus, pnrtllken of. The event WIIH io tho I joying a ' couple ~r (11IYs ut tile w110 11118 been wa8t1og Away with week tho guest of th~ fllmil y o f W. , thllt, proved In uso t o btl of little nllture of 1\ compliment to Mrs . i JllLrentol borne. Mr. Roy'Haywood, oODllumpt.lou many montlls. . W .· 'I'ihboltl IIIIlI otherR ILt LytlfJ. 1New Town Hall at Lytle benefit to the Hehools ond no econo· Chus. M. Cart.wright und Iit.tlo 80n . lof Dnyton,lInd Mr. Fruuk Andorson Miss Niohol~ . mnde IIlnny fri cnus • my In t.h o pu tron !! bnt often costing 8t I L. 'e ' • of CI ie '0 nnd of ,of Morrow. have al~o iJeell their Tuesdny morning h er ftnITerlng8 . -- - I I I f 11 lin e y t.' rml,; , I ILl,; , j(llOl:lts Mon<1ny ovenlng Miss oel1sed 'ond 811e pa8seil quietly Away, while conductinl{ IL 8e rie ~ o f m eet· Snb~(' riptio ll!l t o th o IImonn!, of 1I11110~t UH rulle I p er sc IOU II~ I~~, Mntlter StewlITt Alle n. of Cindnnltli. I Shl1t.~ . ent,ertlLined lit lin Informal Foueralservlocs will be condnotod . . ing!' lit Lytl e M. E . " hUTCh 1\ y enr $1000 Iol\\'e Ioeen \Illken l O \\'I\,.lI ~ 8111)l1l yo f the bo~t b ook s . '10 Ie y Those who mnde up tllA ,lllrty , b e. lIluRicalp, lind In'' uddltion to the II d I I f I I e 11$ her late home at 2 o' olock Thtlrl!' IIgo Illst nntJ Ihe fri endship ere Illi g II lOWII hnll III, Lyt.1e. , " own lY aw or se 100 purpo.!! S sitleR thl' glle~t.9 of h onor wOTe ; ahovo there, waR p,resent, ·Mr.ol)d day afternoon. hil I' tl trengt bencd IlS \.IJI1oproceedc(l . Lytic I lfl ~ ll e VAr hlld \I lllllldill/.: ' I,,· twelvo mlll~ on t lill d olllLr; the MrR. S. C. AlIon , MIs~ ElOmlL Mo. I Mrs . .J. O. Cllrtwrlght, M!l!8es Ceo ., 'l·oday. ~Veill1eMdIlY . Mi~!! Nich oll< for h"iclin!: p nb li tl 1l..~II.erllh1iB~. null \ tl.~~JIII.le Vy lU thl!! tOl\rnshlp hflS.hoell', Kay. Mr. IlIIU Mrs. W . H . Allen l :!~~r~U~~~~n1u~~~h:~~ue~:~~ W., C. To U. Meeting • . 1111(\ I.ho Tihbals futlltl y WIll be euter· h e r uiti ;:e n~. ILrll looking forwurtl 81X IIII II.!! , or oll.'y on o· hR\f thllt, t h e Mr. unu Mrs . •J. }'. Cndwo.llader, Keys. . tllined ut the h,OIllO o[ Dr. !lllli. Mrs. wi t h gr cllt ,ml,IKfIl Cl,ioll to 1'0" . , lovy thIS y ellr 18 only Ovo [~'iII!l . Mr . Ilnd Mrs .•J. O . Cnrtwrlght, Mr. _ _ _,_ _ _ . •J. W. \Vurd • . t\ud tOlllor~o w . t~l ~ se!l~ion of su ch 1111 lll11flcc. ulill t.hrun l The Boar.dlu!!t. wh~tor, WIth much ond'lltr!l .•1. E . Jtlnney !loll ftlDlilY' [S)JNDAY EXOVf\810N :rOOOI.VM~U8 VlA . The Jnly. mjletlol! of tbe W. O. T • U. will b6 hllid in Friend" Wbite Illltire Plllt y WIll VI SIt I..he !:!oldlels Reem s n o rl ouht. hn t s ullillien t mfilluy olLre lln~ extr~ tl onhlo, RP.Cnrc<1 the ·Mr. nnd Mrs. It'rOO B. Sherwood and I . l'ENNBVI.VANIA LINES. • Home II~ Dayton. MISS Nicholll 'will 110 rnised tn erect II hlinll~orn e ! oorreoMon of errors h~tofortl not little daughter Dorothy, Mrs .. Isrllel i July I1lb. esour. lon tlckt\1s IiO Columhul Briok Mef'tlng House ~ol,. 12, 11l0!>: '1'1'1\1 address the congrelation .8t.the structnre. '/ not ioefl aDd "n·verl t,be .towoRhip W I 1 t. MlsSl Lin" Wrigbt Mlss l ,·ta F:e'nllllfluDln Line •. ~l\Ilte ""hi at tl ,l)i, at tbe nlual bOllr. Non.ft)oobolio . . It h t S d some hnndrllilR of rlolhlrs. .It is r g 1, . . , rOllnd Irlp from W.,n •• ~II)e. good"!olD8 on Medication III the IInbjeof, f~ d~ ', tle M: E , c nrc .ne:!: un /ly Tho buildlug will b Ilw n eu . by Il n ow Ilpplying this money wi th unu. Emmo ~eigh~l\y AntI Mr. and Mre. Speolal ,min len"ln ll 0 1 n:u a. m. Cl! nlnl CuallOD, By order of President. jlVeUIDK· lltock cOlJl pnl1~·. I HUIlI wisdo m . ~ .. IE. V. &rnl)lIrt. 1·lm• .




a.. .. .

.... ........... :t.,











.JAME . .




:J9J£. . . . . ."e=r Of this GI'ent. Bankl"Upt





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el e Brow n is at Rest, TOLD IN SHOR T /Groc ers will Close PARA GRAP HS Il telegra m reoelved from North at Unifo rm Hour


--.- ---- -- - - - ----- - - - ' In Socie ty. Corw in. '

. \.

NUM BER 2088.

New Burli ngton .


A A oompan y of young peopl(' WIIS ~lr . Clinr Rnu er nnd wife anct Adams , Massao husetts, Monday ,oon: Mr. Lesli e·, of Dnyton , spent Columb us 'Stocka nd pO,uttr Food+ The gr~cerB of WayneSVille have enterta ined ,"ery hlipplly at the H. E. Boo t.ll oDd wIf", "tiyed the informa tion that Mis!' and .Louss Killer at May s. spent Snndn), ' Sunde) ' with relntive s here. . , . taken II. forward step in a.greeing to ~~~8~~~ ~:~n~~~.Mrs . .r. C. Hnwke , with Mr . lind Mrs . E. Cl.vue Miller. Belle Brown. of 'Vllynesvl1le, had MISS Hazel Nixon, of College Hill, close their plaoes of busines Pauline Se~'ell, of Greenvill~, is s at a _ __ _ al the hODl t! .If Mr8. Miller 's Ptir' l~ visiting ,J. S , Culvin and died In a. sanltar lnm in that oit.y at is /( this week with relnUves .unlform. hour after this week, anu f·a mU,. at spendin Leb Mrs. Robert Crew sen'ed Oil el.>v . eMnt!'. M.II' · nDu Mrs . .Jollnso fO\'lr.~hlrty Monday mornin g . n , .of I anon. Mi~~e~ Elfie Burnet t, they bnva issued and signed the gaut uinner ThurRdny to n .Ten~ie, parl.v of. nmevi e . The . oiroum stanoes sUl'roullding Sure Cure Headllobe lind Neural. allowin g statem ent: ElI zalJelh IIml .Tosephine Reeves . friend s who nnt only enjoyed tl Hl : W . l-hlt.a eld nnd .\ the death of Miss Brown lire Ilnllsn. gia powdlirl! at Ma,y's. "', 01" Xtlniu. will eOlllp nt th e Miami Valley "We, Uw undersi gned gro~er~ fe~t prepA-reu, hut also ent ere,1 Mr ... Ffllllk Si IlIlM. nf Spring Chuotlll1C)l1l1 this somme ally Klld. For four yellrs or . more A. T... :::liues lind family. of oprillg ;Hnd confect ioners of Wayne r. sville, heartily into the SOCilil fenture of i VlllJp~', unci l\Ir~, .. ho fought with grim determ ination Volley, SIJent Sunday Loe Beuc-h. of with hi s 111" I. by Illutunl ugreem ent \Jave I1coi,I O[I the occnsio ll. 'I'hose who [!01il\lO~od I' Chicago . vi,;iled with Mrfl. Hope lIgll I nst the ravllges (Jt ollnoer. Mpl\r. runts, Mr, Imll Mrs. tlumuel E. R. 'V"lton is hllving n fnrnace 1 d" Sillc~, I t0 Ol,SO II S I onr respeo Ii ve plnces of this oompnny were Mrs. Ruehel I':t '\ put. in his house north ot tOWII . i.n g no effort and no expense 111 her " 1 08 llO unu g I ,or, IHIlny. O · 't f l ' 11m iness at ~ight.thirty, unlil !lIter Crew, Mrs . Amaud a Gulimo on re, woor Mrs. endeav or to f\llll a oure, ' g\Vin~ up yourSI'I Otto I::lmith, of Ci nolnDlltl. viRited "hnrvost, tlum . olose R.lIth Hurllln , of Miamis burg, is ' b k' . d ' out hC OlOg I WIll lit eIght Annie Thorpe , Mrs. C . ,,'. Barnet t with his mother . Mrs. T , ,T. I81t , nll' 1ler grundp t U lot · . 'the pleasur es 'of hon.le and going your I own BII 109 urIDg . !:Imlth, v arents. b k 0 ' k 1 clock e\'enmgM with the ex· Ilud Mrs. G. W. Hawke. among strange rs. and tbrough 1111 weat uy ,.your rea , 00 os I oeptl'on onf all SundllY · d ler. ' ' t·ur d lIy. . Mrs. Dr. Fudge enterta ined her a 011 the torture uud agony of her sulfer. an ple\l nt tbe City Bakery . Miss MIlTY Adair. of I.ibert,y , hns gmndm other. Mrs. Boots, last ' 'I' 11°~ 01Jove t 0 ta k e e ITec t week hi ISS ' . Annn '1'\IOlnson d e I ' .l uly 17, f u II y been visiting her I ~ht ings II.he oontinu ed oheerfu l and " aunt"Mrs. Charles Mrs. Rebecca. Randul l, of Dayt,on. I 190r.. .T. L. Miller left lost Wed!le sday entertu llled a pnrty 1}opeful. of betwec n Wernt.... spent 0, few days lust week wirh : for t,helr future home in tho'sou th, C. H , CLEllENTS, twollty und twenty ·flve friendS . We are glad to report thl1t .Fol' mnny months her friends Mrs. J. Will White und other Jllmio J . N. 8rnlth o,~d sister. of Indian• friend!! I L, A, Z l llMER~lAN. WeunesdllY wi~h II. h ay r!de to Le~. Bogn. rdu8, who was injllred here,ha ve renlli7.ed 'from newa they, in Wnyne svllle. . by u Ilpolis, vi!'itlug relative s here. j KATIlARINE ALEXANDER, I1110n. Th.e nfl'nlr WU,S III ~~OlJlph. tr~ln last week, is Improv h~ve been receivin g that the end ing, and Boyd 'Doty, of Columb us, Id· Prot. Eugene Foster, of Hlendlllo. ! W. 8. HAINF.~, ment t o MISS Thomso ~ s ~OUJID . Miss WIll tloon be was,on ly II. matter of time, lind I,hat ,,,ho is ill ut the home of Mrs. ' to be remove d to dresseu lln audienoo at t,he Metho. S. H. : Roy BATnAwA y. I Mnud Rilines, of CinclDnllti. wh() the home of able it was only her extraor dinary ",Ill El1i~ is now gaining somew his gl'Undf llthel'. oaViBl llist churoh !:Iund"y evening In the hat jI'AlIR & WRITIC, wa s her guest for sevcrnl weekS. Furnas . power t,hat kept her ullve. muoh t~ tbe joy of his family. int,eres t of the Anti·l:laloon Leagnl!o ' . U. M. BHOWN . ~1iss Rllines retllTnetl t o her home Rllymo nd Hllrlnn left The body of Miss Brown was Px Suneluy C El M 0 '1 toWU!! 11 b ' t d f I Col Miss Gertrud e Alexan der, of hllrl. ·III most S(\I,Uru llyeveD lng, ' .l3veni nf," to accl'pt IL llositlon lu • , u uSlness 101lSC~ . . . 0 lire urn pooted to rellob bere last . evening , dletown , il! spendin g It ~om \ ege fortnigh t, close even eurlier t.bun this,ill some Corner last Tuesda y and will" Th.e guestR maue tho trip to Loba· Dayton . but dill not arrivE', and tho family very happily with her oousin, bny for the Kingm an Miss place8 u t li 0 ·clock. If all of I,ho non In two lurge huy wu~ons. now ,look for it thl8 mornin g No Knthar inll Alexan der. Lun. Mr . Henry ,TllY. our husllin g elevator . The family will remain. Ilhovo h olLl rigidly to their ngroe. cheou WILS eaten en route. . a,r rdngtm ents for tbo .funeral will be • . gra1ll meroha nt has 0. carland of · here for t.he prescnt . ment the plnn will no doubt Ilrove An bOll or MoClur or two e's, WU.8 Co\li~r' !lpent, !It tho new wheat ready fOl'l:Ihipment. ~, Alnsla' s lind made until the body arrives . but It, . . . very sot.\sfllotory, lind ,t he other Street Fllir which WitS In The membe rs of the OhristiAD"'" ",Ill probab ly be held from her late all leading mogi.t'l.lUesllt Lebnnon 11 3te r 8 . business concern s of the wwn will all week. home, tomorr ow. Thur8~IIY Dlorn. ' A . \V. Baines lind (!lnlily, Endellv or were entertai~!!d ~y of proba bly follow their exampl e. ' t U Lytle . ug Xe nHl, Trevlor Haydoo k and wite .. ·Wed. Mr. spen ",un dn y an d Mon dny and ·Mrs. Hllrl'Y Butes '''nil Most of the locul i busJnes s people nesday evenln g wIth his grnnll ,pllrentll, Mr. nOll begin work early in ~ tbe dny IIml daught er, Miss Nolo , who live east . The SundllY evening sen'ioe s Ilt Shoo ting Affr~y ' WlIlter Laokey a.n d wife enter· , Mrs. Allen Bah,es, of Third streot. nre a.t their s tores until illts at of HurveY l'burg, entert·a llledu,s mnil our cbureh wel'e well lIttende d .. tained the membe rs of tlle Ep,!"r.*b: .., h d night, seeing IJrltctloolly nothing of oompnny of frll'nds 1Il0st at Bellbrook" sonMRaymo J CII nt opll ran delight . Th e address wa s. on the tbeme of Lengue nt their bouse r. 11nd Mrs.. .. r east of town. nd, and Mr, Lester pollr tbeir families from one week's ond fnll S turu e Y II ay ven ing. ' ing. . "Su1vut·ion. to nil, wit,hou t monoy F'rt'day even f:X . I ed dl to the other. I 'I'be house WtiS prettily docomt ad Iand withou t price." John P. Rlllllsey, of Bellbrook, oeUl a, were enterta n lit, n , - ----ner witb a great profusi on of flowers, shot Michael ldettler, during an nl · S Sundu.y at the bOme. of Jomes Dr. J. W. Ward has had tho Chur ch Notes . Orego nia. I1lJlI t,here WIlS musio and various pleasur tetcatio D at tliat IlIacI' about eleven toops. . e of hllving with him tbe o-lli .. r S t h f Thl d fQl"Ill8 of entertn inment durin" the .o.'elock Tnesda yu'iofri ing. .. . R Mrs. "'" e..... m t o r ... ev. Frod L, Cllrrier will preach ovoning . Lunche on was served. past week his aged f.ll.ther from W 1 TI'e trouhle 18 said to have start. lstreet ' ontert4l1ned 1\ gentlem ~ e lave many C&Ulpersa 1ong t"'an at Ridgev ille Sundny , July 16, lit WI ed over 1\ 'rivla.l nlfnlr. A Ind friend from Clinton oounty Harvey sburg. The guesU! were river Mrs. In tbls vjoinit y who enjoy the Aunie 8 Mrs at dinner 2 p. 1lJ. J W Wllru MI'sses Mary . ". S II I . .. . , 'I'borpe, Mll!8es EmIDIl. Rill, Irene and Flora'T nt fishing here and the ·pleaiJ. ' JlImed Fred lbbals, nnd tbeir gues t., excelle i ures of the b k Barnee h ' hhad. river, They eo;";e from b taken i d a "!tin lIy. ..' fR.ev. 'i"m .. T. MI·tcllell. w"return ed Trout, Donno. Bnwke , of .noyne~ . C ft' f "'-bl " m Ilno~ uo et w 10 . Miss N iehi " •• e. ~uge to , . nrlon 0 man, ~ .,... . nil, son I) . mission ary H . d 0 S. of CmclDn ati, vlSlte ,.. from Alhi hablldd, India. v\1le, Misses NanniI ' Collett, ~lI.m88 ·V. Be took lifter 'he boy, Edno. tUe Soldier s' Rome at Du.yton, Fri· far aild near and as a 0la8s are Rev. W."M: Coffman, w)lo ~11.8 for · will "q.dress thepeo plt':lf L tIe Ilnd nnd Marie stout.a nd Louise Wilson , day. lI Dd In the 'l"d.'II' merly- paltor of. the people. . Suud;y at a 'olock of Harvey sburg, and Messrs, O. L. b~balf.. Mrs . .T. W. Ward entert" lned at 'M . f .Ho E. churoh Mrs. , is VIsiting Wm. . White at the home at the. Lytle M, E. ohurell , of ' thl. 'place Willi lID d Edward Ricks. Isa"o Stout, d' ., SetttQr lived ubout a mile oost of 0 will Bible give a'Work" leoture at on 7"Tempe lOner MiS808 FI ora a n d Mary T i b . and rry a~on, , o'olockran08 Den Bert".'~ollett lind Mr . Brown. Bellbro ok, hall a wUe . nnd one boy, : Mrs . Hannn-h Januey , near bals nnd Miss Niohols , reoentl y. Lytle, Death 's Work WIlS a:bout .1/, yoa"" old.. Miss Minnie Duke made n flying Sunday evening a.t the Turtleo who blL'! bean very III with pneumo-'It'" reolt It ba,s been the wish for some TI I d f TI 0 kl The bullot penet.ra ted the elev. nia for several weekd, is Imprm' h Friends meeting house. trip to Lebano n, SaturdR-Y. ing two \11 ,0 yo , 1011111S a. ey. t e time of the \. ""lng friends yenr 0111 Ron of Cbarles Zell. Of of Mr. enth and twelvth ribs, slriklng the Ilioely anel Ie now IIble to A Chrlstil ln Endeav or Soolet,e b. Mr. and Mr!l , Allen Emerlc k en · .sit, U]1 CL Zephie Underw ood. of near lillr. t8l'l.niue ,J aplne. d 011 SlludcLY several of been organiz ed at the U. B. churoh pll.r t of the time . Morrow, wus bl'ough t to t,he hOlne veY!llm rg. to perpetr nto a. ' surpri e t,heir rellll,iv( !s. With Mr. Wilkers on as Preside ut, I of Mr. Zell's fu!'\lCr. Thollla!! Zell, on him, antI never sllcceed , Ouster' s now have II 1I te ed h et 1\.11d '. on Fourth In do· strC:Qt, . . t ' l tl ~rd magazi nes for sole: . of J I I Blnah CQmp, ton Mr. WiIliliDl DlIko IIBd Mr , MISS Mabel Sherwo od vI'ce pr...·lden.. n ' I' MI IMonday t IIlg so lIll I .... Ie evenllYl • u y " Thoma s lire expor t fishermen. and Miss Edna Spenoe r 8ecreta Urlll In arn oeme ery. Mrs', Bilrah Hollanl l. now In her '''llioh I'S al l ' bl II -"'" ry. ' . .. . l' so liS r 11iltJ' ApPQinted ~arshal 9ad yeilr, bad, a llevers . " . Tbey went fisblDg ThursdllY nnd I The fi~Bt meutlOg of the SOCiety w.!t attaok of John Grah am Bls brother ~n[lI1Y succeeded I~ lIod grand snccess . bringin g At IL llpecitll meotln g of the illness Il few days ago,' but home huld oundlLY, July .Il, IlDd waa well her 1\\ h' prevlljJlng on hIm to retire. n1\.110 seveml pounds of fish . Wayne sville vlllaRe couf)oil Mon. ~martable vitllllty oame to . IItleoded. The Bible read InK '!IV" .ber lIitl eets wit ACCldent. 1/ h. e wns .n~·xlous to sit lip nnd do Mr!l. Samuel Williaulson day evening , Elijah Compto n wils ond sbe rallied and Is now a,n.d from the fourtee nth ohapter of ' St, , doing John B. Graham met with II bnd Bome Wfltlllg, and lit 11 gIven slgnul daughto r, RI\Vll, cnme homo Mon· .John. appoint ed Marsha l to suoceed C. B. nioely. aceiden t Tuesda y afterno on while IIbollt tw~ doeen young people glLth · 1UILY evening IIftor II visIt ill Penn · Lewhl, resigne d. . . Rev. ,) . B. Turner D. D., Presi. on his wny from Wl1ynesville to his I :rer1 on In8 . 11l~'n lI.nil ~1~kl8(~"dmit" l sylvnnilL, West Virgini ilr. Compto n's name WAil present . dimt of Mnryla nd College for a. llOll East. Nlidd lerun. Woo flmll on the Lytle pike. I "noo to IllS ouse, W l1C I , e soon crn 0 hio. eli hy M~yl,)r Zoll and the counoil Ulon, nellr Brtltlmo CLOVRI t BI~08SOl J. re, was In Way . Be was emrryln~ 11 scythe across grllnte~, and entC'rec1 henrtlly I.nto un,,~lmoIl8Iy voted t ounftlllU the llesvlll e'rhurs day, .lInd was n. guest his lap, - ~. --the handlo lying HlII'OSS the tho mor.l'.V· lllakJDg of the e,"cllIng appoIn tment. , Ceasa t"s Creek , of Mra Edlt,h Harris and ~omi1y top. of the l.luggy. In sorile Wlty Ilnd ncknowledged tliut he hull been A couple of years ago the ~ar. Thlll"lu \ayeven ing. thill fell down nnd was oought be. slIrpris eu. A few- or' t i-;-;;'fuT-;;:~rs shal'a 8Il1a~ WIS out down to t10 a Refresh m enls were served, and Mrs. Fran.k B. Horme'H, of Oh iou. twocy. the wheels. TI)e sharp y ' . I I blado . . of the soyt.he O8ngl1t Mr. Gra.hllm th I I month ,and t h ere IS itt. e prob"bll. go, has been visiting ber 'lI fire works lind other di version s rll s ICI . mother WOI'(\ enjoyed . Ity that the town wl11 be able to and' sl'a~er, Mrs . ~u8lln Haysllt .Jesse Ha wkin~ preache d ere and leg, cutting II deep gllsh in it. • His cl)l1sin, Miss Dclll1, Downin g. S uu d IlY· nny Rny" more. , for a., numbe r of .... rll. Eva ""'rger, IOrl1gonill . . DU -nd willl'ls ~ o visit • He came baok to town anll had of Xeniu. was 1IU101lg tho gues's. yean. 'llhere aro, howeve r, 1I0me relntive s In Lebllnon and I JolJu Flemin gs IIml Wife wero Mr. L uMS SPOil t W Cd nos d ay ·!l.lilr:b.-.J~ ·, Was.hin g his injury drcsliel1. 1 feea and other compen sations for ton C. B. before returni ng :$nndllY guests of \V. '1'. Wilson 's, all"U Thurs·UM .y wltll t 1· r. n_tt honxe. · tl I Fmllk B. Smith and Hllve family you , ever Mrs stopped . ti t d tooonsi der ex ra u ea w hi 0h b r Ing Ie 88, ary f '1 Ouy D. H. Hdoket t Sllffere d . quitll what a uill'eren ce lin Ilooiden Hllrner and wife of lIonr nml y. t would IAllion Hot,op lind !Ion, Mr. an!! Xenill, spent up';hHttle . it ' 811ndllY with rolntivc s f t 't , 86vl\rely a, few days 1I1~t. weol\: fronl mnke in your lIft'uil's? Mrs . Auron 8ellrs, of Centerv tlle•. Even a slight Mrs: Frllnk Uecoth orn, Messrs . here. I s reel hcomml Ilsd' ,·the effeota of 1\ whellt straw whiol e p~s hl~ BO Le ILOll daught er, Mrs: Frank Bar-~I ~OOhlen\ ~ight mnke i~ impoesilll~ Henry uml Ca.rl HotoJ> u:nd Ambro 8 oner w 0 •• w s as Ie Mis!! Nellie V,mder vol.t. of CO\, . sock. spent outnrlln y night and or yon 0 0 your wor or severn IlUU Will Trocey spont SlIuuny se along with that of marsha l- will be ho rlln lUto Il S eye. Th I . ·lOua.J ·¥,',,:i; lit e nJury weeks or months , therefo re the In· I the homo of Mr. ." I ed b M Le I ' a.nd Mrs , .TIIDlIlS ington, iM visit,ing her gntbd.})llrelll,!I, 11.IlY with rehttlve s in Riohmo nd ooused him 11 great deal of lllLln for oomo stops, Then, t,here ure the reTtabn t y t r. w18~1 i II time, but h els now himself ogllin, dOlltor' I ~or\'ices tit tho Ba.ptis~ s billR. Everyth ing takes frncey, ncnr XenlB . .Mrs. Traoy ro· lsuac Wilson IIml wife. • 0 s ree oomm a.. oner 8 liP. ~ money out .. not.hlng comin~ h1. If turne(l hOlUe witb her mother , Mrs. I::lntnrdl\Y at:! 1'. m., a.nd SIlIUcliav pointed by the mayor. Last SundllY ~ls9es Doroth y lI~d !tosamo nd you III'elnBured woek Ivan Stunfiu ltls ' w\t,h t.he lEtns. Co. Lilliull Hotop of Ferry, for II entertll There WIUI a 10llg list of men who Dakin, of Bn.n~iblll, MIssouri, ined Miss Mary Pugh lind ]0 :3~ a. Ill " cOllduoted by arrlv· agninst al.'Cident, tho com puny pnys week'" visit 'and to atceml t.he brother , of Lytle, and Ollie IInli Lines. were mentio ned to succeed Mnreh" l e d at Wayn~sville MondllY aud WIll you a certl1in sum oo~b weak while . . laid up . 'I'hlnk t,his over. then tlll.k fl1mlly reulllon, !:Iandny, July 1llth, Jallles FI elUmg, 0 f 0 nk Inn d . Lewis, bul< few of them mode IIny spt.'nd the remalm ter of the• SUlDmer to Fred B. Sherwo od, Agent. which Is to be held In Mrs. Emulin e lotlve effort to secnre it. A union Fourth of ,July picnit. at the homl! of t~elr grand.m other, Mano r. Grogg's grove. WIlS h eld on tho ground s of the In view of the recent o:gltti.tion lolrs, Amllndll Wright . Th 0 T ral'1 at tb e Le WIS ' On U "I I k val' • - • for the ' enforoe ment of the 11lws church il). whloh tbe 1Ilembers of At 1\ special meetIng of the sohoo Exposit ion was formnll y deuicllto tl Send us Your News. prohibi ting the sale of liquor in board Saturda y evening Seth tho New Burling ton M. E. Imd the J"llles Bradfor d thrll8hftdi Y~lteli>t·, Cook July 1. Thel'o "re thWfy.tlve shows Waynee ville there wos general in. waa awarde d the contrao Friends SnndllY schools partioip "tcd. duy. t for BUp· In this amusem ent street, and the ! !:Io many Oa7,ette reacil'rs tell us terest In t~le appoint ment. . Mr. plying coni to tbe W"Ylle v Trevor Hllydock and wife very .William Phillips . and :Wlfe s 'slIeDn l1le adml!!s ion fees are so low that one they do not know whethe r we wunt plens(m ompton is' underst ood to have bad 1I0bools the ooming year.. Betwee tly enterta ined t·he !Sf ew n I may visit C 1111 o[ I·hem for allOut I t t $7. to receive news items f rom tbem Burlln" 'ton Christi an EndelLvor at Sunday ill b the epdorse ment of the temper anoe 8 xty and 8e,'en y ons with JOBeph. Risey .. w e Many Illlstel"D people nre viSiting l thllt we desire to repea~ ,vhat elemell t. ,.. we thclr cosy countr y home Wednes · East of Corwin. require d, Portlan d this summ er l.a~~b."! instead of go· IJllve frequen tly enill. Wu wa·nt day evenin g . tI ,, Miss Floreno e Baldwi n of . Frank Crew who is opera ng a ,I ng to Atlanti o (lOast resorts. is visitl ng Port· her nnole news "'ways . We apprEloiate every T,lle Inst Foreigu Missluu lIIet at No "Rac e Suicide'" Her.e. t rae tion ol\r between DIlY t on a nd .Iand is nn I I idenl summe r resor, item sent in no matter how 8mal. and Mrs. Wm. PhilliP s, the !>iqu~,llas been v.lllting his motlier., There is no humidi home of Mr8. \Vm. Compton. ty ill the atmOH · In every neighbo rhood soarcel ya Over thirty llJembe Preside nt Rooeeveltlulll been very Mra. Ra~bel Crew, in Eaat r~ 'Wero prllsent Uharles Bradfo rd,. of OeD'tniirlllal Wayne phero, and the nil(hts are always week }lasses hut what there are aud a' very interest ing meeting was has been . ~n' very mq,(;b-coljCemed during townah lp,for several days. ~e will 0001, while the temper ature In t~e some happen ings " tbat would be of . held. thelaat few .yea... over wb~rh8 hall ~ located at Ureenv ille hereaft After the bU81nesil of' the the interes t of th!'; er. dl1Y time rarely goes I\bove 80·. interes t to readllrs of the 10001 palJer meetin g 0, very pleasan t hour was oompllDY· . , Hrinec:\ ," race tuioiCle..... ,WUbiD'\l1e Bon. L, D. Lilly, of Columb .." us, Alona the Paclfio coast, a bundre d Many person!! too feell~ hesltan oy spent and refreshm l'nt.s consist lU$ 'Week, howeve r, ' the It.ork has a",dress ed a large ing ~r. and Mr8. 1. M '81:ao;"-11lfl audieno e at the milll8 a.way. "re eavel'lll pretty sell· about reporti ng news relating to of ioe' orenlD "ud cake were served. B~rt bee.fbU ly in the violnlty 'of Wayne si M. E. church Bun~ILY eve~iqg "nd wlfe, and on tbe aide towns ,,:he~e th'e tourist may them6elv~s add their (aml\le s, with. Mrs. C~mptoD, "lWI\~8 a pll!a8lint an~ Mr. and 'ville, leaat. . . ' . work of the ~ntl &100n Le8gne o! enjoy the deti gh!8,o.f snrf ' Air!. Ed bathing . out consldo ring t~t otten the hostess; prQved herself, suoh MODdl yof Illllt 'Week, a gIrl WI18 Ohio. Mr. LlIly dwelt particu 8gaill. were Sunda~!' Imll8t1i of larly , editor of the paper wlll not hear o'tTbe next tnel)t.iug w. III be held at ,~r.D811. 1Ionl $0 Mr. ·aDd Iln;-Wal&er BIRp. , upon the, League 's ' work~i c n seeing ~5 Me n Want~. It in 1I.ny othe.r w,a~. :: 'tIfrsl Trev6r.... Haydoc k's. 'Speeill , .. .on came to the hom e1'that iood men,llo matter 'wha* their laMp }aouae iat . , . ' . By ,all means tell • Bt&Da'berrt on Water tit. what you program s bave beOD ar~ngeel polttl..l beUefs. be elected to oftlce. Ca"gh1t,~ Wante d-2a men to -busk corn !mow. Do it often. us W~ , wl\1 apo prlnted for tbe 'next few m~aand IIr. Ind:Iln.o Fred Ren. Thlt talk w.. waotlo al IDd ."ve . b&ve'lI ar¥d de dUMg 'he ,cannla g season. 'preclat e an.d your friendS will be 'l'b,lrd .treat 'Were made the audleao e &1l jn[oelIe n' i~ 1)( thlt ' t.he meetin p 'wlll no* qnly; of the fraI,l11; Apply ~t tbe oftl)8 of the Waynlla. glad to bear of YOIl and ,aboa, you. be helpful bu, inltruo Uve .. weU. . . arrival. Of a tIDe girl. JOat ",hilt; tbe ~ is dam.. <. , eel oft bll'dlel DG4111allill vllle CAuDing 00. j l~ . . , . . . .. .











~ttler interre~

"W~ynesvme ~I~inity

ev~ting, ~










. ).












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I ' ve al wnyft hR d a y ea r n i ng Hf\ (' r

lIl(~r "r y



k~ '11

d eslro t

mYiw l(


w rlt {' 11 lloo k , und mu kl.!

Jl n m e.

1'Q v(' c m )' picture llr( nl ...-d tn th e l~ \' c r }

prt1> cr ~

dRy ,

Anu. 10 h l\\'o t o lkRi II SI C' 1I raptly to whU l -

I mi Gh t ~ n}· . But nil. d ear me~ It l ' ,Ul n, 'n ' r , !l ev ...... h,.: eo u ld w rile a rt'("lrd · br, 'a kl llli ho·)k, Ill n ~' Il ' t nn y 0 011 1.11. B u l hllillt..·ho w 1 l.'llil t lhl ll k o f l1. H yt hl~' l{ t o wr lto about. t'Vl' r

a" bOlh. 'I'hR.t wh ich IllY belore h im ,·al led for lit n e~8 llIr mnl RnU Ilhysl~a l, und coo l ~anll)': III oth r tiwes oC s t rc·gs. a R just befor~ n c rItl ral haUl· In I'our: . th e tub nu u tho rolll "lunge ha rt be(' n his 1111111 wh ero other w oo '· •. )' tl"c . r ~"o n "d Ie) Ih ' v, li e \l'IlS s lru gg lin g Into clean linen , all<l Ih o pllrket "as etlll lying where he had tU8ECrl lion l' nt ri ng. whpn a hell- llC')' ("a rn e 1I)l Wllh a ca rd. KOUl rPIHI 1I1~ num wltb II g host of a 8m llo ",>Ia xing th e i·llrp·dra,,·u lin.'s obOUl hi" mOllt h. Th",",' B,·e limps wh en n 111 0 ·S fflte rus hes to 01 et him. and hc ~Ild fal h' n "IIOU t)1I~ or th om. ··Show him liP:' was the brle l dlr~rtl o n ; nu<l wh r n thl! tloo r of l h ~ eh~ ,a lu l'


wlli t in g. HI" ,·I"II<)r

ellll'ltpd agall1 ,

(\. I."' nl


In Oaslo D Ihat yOtI w ere not b~ enOIl h to nght m o: do you lhlnl< yo u ar c big pno\l~h now?" · ,. .. , don·t I hlllic I Imow. said Kenl. Inc is iv ely. ··A,nd ~I nc' YOII haye rofe r red 10 liaslon dnys: le I. me 1Ul1< If I ev I" I~a ve you . b any r ea~o d u 1.0 .'"' beII c ,·o tha l I coul d (> Bcare alit . " kf eJ) to the po int," ~ e torte d Buck', hurshl y. ··Thl s s tate Isn t bmad e nou gb 10 hold .' ·011 I\nd mp on Oll)l~. li e sid es or the re nce. I cOlild mul to tl too ho l to hOI,!! rO il wi thout Illlxl ng Ull In ,It mY H ~ It . 1.IIt!.. 1 ('hoose' to tlg!lt til l' O\l n haltl!'s. \\1 11 YOIl Inl, t> StO,OOi) s pot .·Il" h . Inri ~11I("FllrI R nc ·!<. joh us circuit jll.lge \I ho n rnl th rollg b Wllh him? y"" or nu"· " N'o."

··T hf· n whll t will) on tnlie ·! ·'



ru nn or hero ic 1lt!l n a IItLl,) WI'I\ V t' tllclr pll1l ~ . lln' alltN!. llH It R"P lIl Pd. hy Ihe swift 1111\\ I h, ' ~' gt't huhl t) f r,Un<lllfil' l l1r l ',lds IIl>wnnl rll" h of t be ,'levat or. K e nt adII IH1 tl~ 111"11\ liP In kl ltlt :-. mitt ed him with a nod ; nnd tll t' go vBu t a h , \I"ilr n il " e rnl'r pla nl.('tl himse lf heavily In a 1 r t.'nll y ('nnlll\ l .~ I' IHow t h p), Jo It - tlhH Ij;.ih 11 11')' tl r, Il. tll"re c hait· a n.1 beggml II lig ht for b is cI~ar. 1:-, lIo t th e ~ ltgh lt· ~ t d n uht, In t hI' mn tdl-pass ln g- he gnth e re,1 his ~\" hllp t or my pa rt 1 4-.'un ' l lh lll k. o r an y ·]lpnt lJrealh an d dc t"inl·",1 his <'r rauu. thins 10 writ e nl, 01ll J Wl,) l1d,'f h o w ,n ' a t Ollt1l0T :-<


I,; W II I' \' t o

il )' IIbrn r y 11:1 till ' H) willi typewrilt.' r, PCIl! f\J14 J I n k , on) \" thlm: thut '::s l(Oft rnr me to do Is ju ~'t to th ink : A nd I h 8. \' (' th t)I II;h t , nlld th ought, tlnd

T Ill'

Ih' )II~ hl.

und t h ou g ht , and thoug hl,

rlTl d I h Ol lght,

·' \\"Itho llt .·om mitlln l-' m yself In nny "en st'. I mi gbt sa y ' hilI yo u ar~ getIln~ otT toO r hr nplr on YOllr ru OS I Ilbemlllt·oflOHltlon. YOII Jlnd your rrl ends hal"e loot'c u Il $i O,OOO ,OOO r ail road . nntl - ·· ··YOII ml g hl hnv e stood In o n I hat it YO Il hnd tnl,ell Glillro r" ·s vn·er .. · was th e hrlls k 'rejoi nd e r. ··There wns mOr Ihan a ,·oI"lJO ra lion lawyc r·s salnry In .. \ tIlIlIli we huv c II lill ie score to !;Igh l. · It you·d hud se nse enon~h 10 RP 1LI~ l>et ween lIS liS mun to lIlon. Kenl,"' he bep;an . wh e n "~nt had "eU It : ' ly. Bill I sloy d Olll - aod I ,",I r>fled Ih e pnd rrom hi s uw n cigar a nd n m··Pus"ib s llll Oltt." nro r)or l lo n ~:



l ar ~e

li!:h led It 111 s t ol id silpn ci'. ·· Possl bly : that Is for you to say;'

I n \' ,dn n tl c m pt ~ to Ond tll e th e m e tllat J :-:u l on g h n\'t~ 1iought.

was t he uu encouragl ng reill y. Qucks rose e1cll Le rately, wall(ed to BUl oh, dea r m c! Ibe unlh - room door . Bnd Ioo lie d he1 l eus 1t' 6 ."ttt e 's d e cre o T hat I ~ ht\ 11 n el'or w rito a b oo k , n.lthouS'h "ond it Into th e bedroom . J co u ld. no d oubt . " .. \\\' aI" tlult e alon e, If that Is wba t tt I ('o uld o nly t hink ot s o m e thing good )" OU want 10 m:ll;e slI re of," sold Kon t, to write llbout, In t he Eamp Indiffe rent t one; !lnd Ihe -Solller v l1J o J ou rnal. J(o vc rn or cnm e buel; and res umed hi s ,· halr. ·· 1 came up to see wbat )'OU waotwhat YOll will tak e to quit," he announ ci'd . c rossI ng hi s leg-s and locking tbe huge ham -Ilkp h anris 'over hl ~ kn ee. ·· That Is Illlttlu!; It rather ailrllpll y, LuL lJu sln oHs IH bltslness, IInli





CHAPTER XXIIl.- ONTINUED. Sbe was pacing back and tonb In front of bls chair In a way that WIW almost man-like; but her conlemptuo us Impa\lence mnde he r dangerously beautU'ul. Sudd enly s he stop ped and turned upon him, and th ero were sharp cla ws In the lritte n-blllfellngs. ·· Do you Imow you' r e.s poiling a future thnL most men would hes itate to throwaway?" she aBlted. ·'\Vblle you have bee n a man of ono idea In t hi s rallJ"Oad n.ltal r, W Q haven·t been Idleyour nows pape r lind poUtlcal fri end s, and Orms by anti l. You aro ambitious; you want · to succeed; and we ha\·e becn layIn g the foundation s for you. The next elcction would give you anyUtlng tn the glfl. ot th e Slate that a man of your yearS could nSI)lre to. Hnve you known this?" ··1 ha\·o guessed it," be humbl y. '·Of course you ha\'o. But It bas all IJQe n contingent upon one lIlln g : you we re to crush the graClers In thls railroad struggl e-sbow them up- and climb to dlstlnctlou yourself on the ladder from which you ha \·c s hak en lIHlm. -It mig ht ba·\·c bee n do ne; it was In a fair wo y to be don e. And now yOU turn ba'cli and leave tile pl o w in tbe furrow! " 'rhore was morc of II ·lI ke qnalll ).a I-'ood bit more ; some of il reg rettnl; ali of Il pungent an d logical ft·om 1I'1i5S Va n Broelt's polut of vie w ; an<l Kent was no rock not to be movcd hr Ibe s mull temp est of dl aappollllc<l vlellrI :> us ambition. \\"h e refore he cs(;aped whell he could, though only to hegln th e elhlcan ballie all ove r a gain; 10 lig ht and wander among th e lomba in tbe valley of Indecis ion for a week and a day, eig ht mi se rable twll"llngs at the earth In s pace, e1urlng whi ch Interval he was In visible to his fri cnds a nd Inno cuous '10 his one ml es. 01) t.b e mornin g . of th e ninth clay Jj!dltor Hildreth Icl ('llhon" u Miss Van Brock to a s k if s be knew where l{cnt could be found. 'I'he answe r was a I"Uthrr anxIous negath·e ; tbough th e <Iuery could ha\ e Ilecn ans we r ell nCJlrm all "ely by tb e conuu etor and motorDiall or n.n ellrl~· mo rnin g elec tri c ca t· whi ch ran 10 t be fnnh est outsl<1ns of Ih e CaSl crtl s uburbs of the ·Ity. Following n Lor ls h hab it he had nc '·,' \" [ull y outgrow n . Ke nl had Oll!'e mo re ta lien his prob lem to th e upen , a nd Lb e ho ur urt cr lun chcou l ime fOll ud him plouding weari ly l>a ck to th.> cud ot til r ar lin e, ja.led , <lus ty lUld s liff from Illu.;h t"'lmpi" g of the l>ruwu pluln. but with lh e lun;; du el fi nall y fought \Jut to .om e des pairing conclu s ion. 'I'ho clly hall (· Iock was upon tho strol;e of lbree wll('u the Inbound Iw lley· car lllnded blm In fro nl of tb e Clarcnd oo. It wa s a m eas ure of hi;; I.Hu·flosefui abs tra'· llon thllt he wrnt on nround tb e ("o rn c r to tbe Se('ul' lt.l" \lllnl,. dusly an<\ 11Il p "esc n lnlJle as h ... ... a ~. and tra ll s r~ tT r d t he pactiet of 10r rl mina llnp; alliulHit s fr olll th o s urety ,it'IJ(J.;ll box to h j. pockn t udor ' go ing to his moms iu til" hote l. Thl ~ Ilai,er weapun wa · l he cent eri ng 110l nl of thc ~ trltli (; l c which had 1I0W Jr"led 1'01' ooarly " fo rtn ight. So loug n s Ih o \\' 3 1'011 wH ~ h fR


usc or to

CaHt II way . th e ".tt""n1 e of th e m Ol'al cO lltllcl hun g in t hu balallce. fiut now h e was ~ m f:! l'gill 1-! [rOln Ule n igh l wan-

dCI·in ga lImu ng tb ~ tom bs o t' tbe undecided . ··1 rau ·t 1,'1 \'c Il UII: t hl'l" is LOO much 8l sLalte:' he ni llt 1H"1."'1. as he lrudgcd h.'av ll y budi to t be hllt el. And before r.C' wen l a bove th e Rllli ,·s he IISked the Yllt nr; woman at t he bouse t elephone cxdlall gc to 08 ·Cl"laln If Goyernor B 'J(·kM were In hls .o ffi ce a t th caUltol, Bnd If so. If he w~re li ke ly to remain ·thl>re· for a n hou I· WhQn h<' rea ch~ 1I h Is rooms h nung the pa kel of pa llurs on I he w rit I n ~­ laill e and weot Lo- treah e ~ himself wltb

we tt,n di s pe nse wilh th e pl'e liminarI s . I t.alic It !·

·' 1 tol,1 your nttorney-ge ner al so me lim e ago what" I wamed . nnu he did not sec fit 10 g rant It:· Kent respollu ed. .. , !l m nOl s ure t hat I wallt Iluyllii ng no w- anythin g you bure 10 utrer."

liE JA~DI t-:n T Ht·; FIRE· END 01· HIS C IG AR "MO N U Tllk; t·· I:\ G ERS 0 1" THE O ll.\ SI'I),; G 1I ,\ l" D.

This was not all h e had Intended to soy; hilt the presente of the adversary was breed lug a slUlJboru antagonis m thal WIlli more potent on tbe moral s iel e I hlln ull th e prlcltlu gs oC conscie nce. Th · ye ll ow- lidd ed t'~'es of the govontOI' began Lo close down, and lh e 100)( cam-e lnto t bem which had been t bere whe n he deni ed a pardon 1.0 a wid ow plea<llll g for tb e life of he r con\·Ictcd SOn. "I had hoped yOll wcre In the 'marke t," he de murred. "' It would be botle l· for all concerned It you had somet hin g to sell, with a price nttached. I lm ow whilt you hnve been doing, and whar YO ll thlnl( YO Il bn'·e got hold of. 11"8 a tlssll e of mls taltes und falsehoods ami hackbltlugB tram beginnin g to e nd but It may se n ·e rour purpose with th e news pape rs. I wunt to hu y that pac kage of s tull you· ve goL stowed awny In the Securlly vault s.'· 'fh e g,;vorn or·s chai r was on one Bide of th e wrltln g-la.ble, nnd Ke nt 's was (10 th r o th e r. In pla in sight be tween the lwo men lay th e packet DUeliS was wlll inJ.; t o bnrgain for. It wa s endo~e. 1 In a box envelope. br nrln g th e IDlprinl of Ihe Security ba nk Ken ~ wa ~ loo l<ln g ~ te adlly away erom th e lubl., wh r n he Hald : ··Wilat If Il Isn·1 for s nle ?·' '· n " n·1 ) ·011 think It ha d bette r .be?" ·'1 tlun·t lwow. I ha,ln·t UlOu ght m'J('h ah o\1I the adv lsahl e phose of it. " '· Well. th ' lime has come wh en )' OIl ·V ,' got Il t u do," was lbe lowtonNI IhrPDI. ·· Flut not a s a mutl(>,· of compu l' Inn ,"' sa i.1 Kent . coull y enough. " \Vh a t is VUlI r hid ?"

II lI r l.s made It promptly . ··1'l'n IIlou su nd dollars: a nd r Oil prtlllJi Re to lea\·e th e stllte nnd RtOY away for 01", year from Ill e IIrst T ltesdar I n NCH'Enl be r n C'x L"

" Th at Is. unlll n(t ~r tho M n t~ p l e~­ t I" n" · Ke lll bl W n whlO· of smol' o to th ~ crllin!; a nti s hl)ol, hi s It ~ ad s lowl y. ··11 iR not Pllou j,;b:' The !;C ve rnor lHH'fOSSCl1 his legs. crosRc,l th e m t.he o t b ~ r wa y nnd sa l,l : ·· 1"11 mo l{e It t w enl~' t housa nd lind two n'uts." " Or t hirty th ousand nnd 1hr ee ye ars.' · Eent cugges tcd amiabl y. "Or S lip pose we come a t once to ·t he e nd of that string and any one h undred l hou sand an d ten )"e~rR . That would 81111 leaVe you 11 fai r \lrl c~ for your lJl ock or s uburhan prolJe rty In GUI lford and Hawk ·,s addition t o the city of Gas on. wouldn·t It ?. . Th > ove rnor se t hi s massi ve jaw \\'Iui a s harp HlUe· llek of the teet h. ··YOII arc joltJog on t he odge of your g ra \ ' (>! my l'oung (rl end. ' I laught you

..D t to "Pt In . ' Is t ltat 0 you Wlln b your prlre ?'· .'1 Inten d to get In-thoug h nOl o pe rhnps. In tb e W!lY you have In mind . . Are you rentl ), to reca ll Judge Mac. "'arlnne with Ins tru ctions to give U 3 ollr heari ng on Ih p lIl e rl ls ?·· The governor ·, [nl·e wa s wood on wh on he said : ' .Is tbat all you w:ttll"! I undc rs tllnd MncFa rl ant> Is r tll r ll ing, und rOil will doubll cs hnv e YIl'''· heuring In dlle sen on.'. ··Not un less )'OU Hlil ho r ize it .. · Ke nl ol>j el. tetl. ·'And If [do ? It I say thaI hll ve nlready done -D. will you come III and

Anci_ot E·gypt

When tJle /loor elosed beMIIII t!It The Cheerful Idiot. outgolllg v1sllor tbe vi ctor In the 6111al1 HWh ~ n 1 war( on the fanlJ." hegln the Ilasaage at arms began to walk tbe Ch .erl,1I 1,li"I , who hud been hum1l1 101 , d fi tloor; but at four o'clock, ... hleh WB8 "An n lt- l.uuru~ , " ·· I\" he r~ vou . hauld h ~v •• l.8y<d 10 e . a~ Hlldrelh·s hOllr for coming down-town. tt clv " r~I II;U rk4'<1 t h e Tired C it ize n , Wit he put on his h at tlud wellt 10 climb the cOllidl ll!rublc heat . 't three fli g ht s ot s tulrs to tbe edltor·9 "\\' hen 1 " ' U" on tlH~ farnl . w en t OD th ,. C , I., (-,.d ull y . " \"' t~ IliHI 6l 'Jo,nkr{; . w: e dl' ll in tb e Ar::",!' bulllling. CHArTER XXIV.

M,\:< \\' e lto n , U('Cll l1 S h l8 h ~ ~,). \\,(1 1'" ~o lwlt uy. Jl u , hn, hu , ba, fl . Dultlln" re .-\ m t! r i,,1:t II ,


Not So Oreat.

Knlw thl VlrtuI' .f thl

"King of Foods."

cu ll ~d

Til" c ubby -hole In which 1Iil!lredth cu rned hl8 ilrea d by tho s went of his brain was dark e ve n at m ldda)" ; lind <hiring working hours the editor sat under a fUDn el-shnped re tl ~cto r 10 a con l'~ s how e r- bath of elect rIc light which flood ed mun nnd des ll and lort th e corne rs of the r oom lu a penumbra of grntefu l tw ilight. Kent sat jus t ou tside of tb e eon.' ot radiance, wllt chlng IIlltlrl'dlh·s fa ce "-I th e ed itor r ead Mtoll dly t hrough . the contoll I s of th e box e n .. elope. It was an Instru r liv e sludy In Ihou ght d ytt llm ics. The l·e W 3S II gleam of ball Ia "Rtisfa<·lIu tJ III the pdlturlal ey' wh en Hlt dre l h fa. ·ed Iho In. ( s heet rl own upon th e I.lccullllliali o n 01 e vld enc~, sayI ng : ··You d1<llI·t m·cr, tate Ih p fact In your ilrn g abuut Ihe politi ca l g raves. Onl y this Is n·t a s llf1de: !t·s a s team shovel. Do I und er s tand yo u are gh ·Ing me this stu If to use us I pleas e ?, ·'Ju s t thaI ,, · snl el Kent. .' And )'011 hu v (! made It se rve your turn , too '! "

·' N"·

Ke nt·, .. a lee w as s harp and

eri. p .

··Isn·t Ihnt whnt yotl got 11 ror ?·' "Y e8." '"Th (>n \Vh)· doo·t yo u li Se il ?"' ··T ha l was what DIJcks wan led to I; now It IIlti e while ago wh en he enmA to my r oo ms t o try LO buy mo olt. , tlntt"t thlnl< I s lwceedetl in mnklng him und el·s land why I couldn't tmffi c wllh i.t: RtHl possibly YOll wouldn·t tl'tlderslund ... lay ciown yo II' IlI' O\:-;':" ·' 1 guc. s I do. Il·S pu bile properl y. .' No... . '· Th ell 1·01 t h rOu g h. Give me YOll r and YOIl cou ldo ·t dll'ert It Into pM \'ate I«'y nll,1 wri le m r nil order on tbe Se- han nels . Is tha t th e way It atru ck curlt y bn n k 1"0 1· !'IOSf' pa per s YOIl are )'011 ?" ··It is th e w ay It RImel; a frie nd or boltl ltl l(" · ",I np \vh osll se nse of ultimat e right lind ·· No:· ~a l!! Ke nt , agnin . wrong hns n·t 10Rt Its ln e edge In the ·· 1 sny yes !·' 1'01110 ti t<' ex pl osl '·e roasse rtio n ; and Kcm fo unt) hims elr world- mil l. 1 dId not wnnl 10 do It." '·Naturally." said th e celltor. "GII"IrlO ld ng do wn th e bri g ht ba rrel or a pi s t ol th r ust into his face a cross the Ins It up mean s the loss of all you haVll been worl; lng for In th e rallronel game. tabl e. For n mlln who had bee n oft encs t [ wis h I could use It, just as II s lands." "Cnn·t . ~·ou 1" an on 100 Ii{)\" on I b e footbn ll hnl f at ·'1 am nfra lel n ut- ~ f1 ect l\" e ly. It life , Kent was measu reably qul eli and r esourcef u l. In on e molion ho wo ul(1 ma liC nn Iss lI e In a ('nmpalgn: cllunpcd tbe wen pan nnd turneu It or. s prun g on th e eve of nn pie li on. It aside; in IIn ot he r be jalllllled t hc fir e might do wn Ih o rin g conclus iv ely. , e ud of bls cigar among lho fin ger s thinl, It WOU ld. Dut this Is th e olf of ~ he g r a.s pl ng hano . The go vern or year. and th e peopl!' won·t r ls to 1\ j .' rk ed fr ee with all oath . paln-ex- pOliti ca l Iss ue-collhlo·t mnlle Ih emLOrl ed ; and K ent dropp d the cap- selves fell If thny ShOlll,I." .., dou·t IJ.g rp~ with yotl. YOll hllVtl tured wea pon In to the tahle drawer. It was a ll <jone In tWO breaths, and when your case n11 mad e out , with t he eviIL was ove r Kent fiung away tbe bro- dence In stT.ltld lega l form. Wbat I. to prc\'ent .yollr t ry ing It 1" I; n iga r a nd li ghted. a fr 's h one. "'That was. a very primiti ve expe" Th on e t!Jln g t'mt YO Il ought to be di e n t. YOIl{' excellency, to say the best Inwycr enough 0 sec at a glance. of it:· he remorH ed. ··Ha\'e you noth- 'rher e Is no court to try it In . Willi In g beltc r to offer ?" .; I. th e nHsembly In session we ought 10 do Tb e re ply was a wild-beast growl, someth ing: ns It Is , we ca n on ly yap nn rl tak iug it ror a 1Iegath·e, Kenl at the hee ls of the rln ~ t e rs. anil .ollr yapping WOIl·t help you In th e railroad went on. .' '"Then perhaps you will listen lo my fight. What do you hear from Bo... proposnl. 'I'he flapers yoo are so a nx- ton?" Ious abo ut. are here .. '- tapplng tb e "Nothin g new. 'I'he stoell Is 81llJ nat t>1",elopo on lhe laill e. · ·· No; do n't t ry on tho marl{et. with the stocli-holdero' to s nat c h I hem ; ~·ou wouldll·t got out 'pool holdi ng a bare majority, .a od til. ot here ~ lIv e with them. lacltlng my Planta go uld brok ers buyIn g In drl~ leav e. Such of th em as r elate to your lets whe reve r they tlod a smnll hold~ compli cit y In th e Uni versal 011 deal who Is wlllln !;" to le t go. It Is only ure yours·-on one co ndItion; that II Qltes tlon of time; and a vcry sbol1 your helll t'h fall s and you get YOllrself tim e at that." lTo B. Con ti nued. I .o rd e red oul of the s late [or the remainde r of yo u:r term ." It lValott th" Sermon. ··No !·· tttltnd e red th e governor. ' ·Very w e ll ; yon may stay and ta lie A young prencher in an upto\1"l a COUI"Se of hom e treatm en t, II you pre-' chlt was mu ch s trllck one Sund'3" fer. It's optlonal.·· hy th e seemin g eltect hIs sermon wla '·By God! I don't know whal. I(ceps hn vj ag;.upon one or his congregation, a me . from Ihrottllng you with my 6habby-genteel man with white hair, hand s !·· Bucks got upon his feet., and who, during the entire discourse, . oat Ke nt rose , also. s llpiling the box e n- with head bow ed In deeply r everent vel0r>e Into his p ocket and laying a attitude. Atter the servIce t he mIDpreeaul ionary hnn d on the drawer- Ister pus hed his way to the man anti [lu ll. proudly s aid: The governor turned away and " [ am glad to no t e that my sermOli walli ed to the window, nurs ing hi s attect.ed you. Old It make you see the burn ed fi ngc l"s. Wh on he faced about error of your ways?" It WM 10 re I urn to the c harge. "0, It wasn't that ," said th e mall ··" ent. what is It you ' want? Say It s heepish ly. ··Y ou sce, my ...alstcoM in two word s, " Is too s hort a nd I huc! 10 bend over ··Can<lldl y , I d id ll·l Imow. until a fe w to hide my s hlrt."-N. Y. Sun. mlnul es ago. gove rnor. It begnn with a del,·rminutlon 10 brenk your g rip on Vnrou,' lared. my rallrond . I IJcllove." H e mel hi s s weetbea rt or byegonl "You ran 11I1\·e YOl1r railroad , if )'ou years . She had greatly changed, but ran gel Il- - and hc damned to It, an<l was slll1 coquettish. to YOIl, too! ·· "'Do you r em em ber : ' Hhe asked, "tba, ,., said It began tbal way. My Bole lock of hair wh Ich 1 gave YOIl just beidea In gal herlng up lhls evidence fore w e part ed ?, ~galtl"l. you an<.l ~·OUI" a ccompli ces wus He frowned . 10 wh lllie our. Il club thnt would mak e '·Reme mbe r It! ·· he cried. '·1 shoul4 you let go of Lhe Trnns- Wes t e rn. For sny I dltl. ·Years aftl'rwarde my wife two wepks 1 havb been dehatlng wl lh found it amon g my papers and h .. my self as to whelher I s hould buy or been fu ssin g ove r It ev cr sInce." breul< you; and half ao hour befoN "And what dld you tell ber ?·: \"f>U raDl'·. I we nl to Ihe bank and took "1- 1 told ber It mu st have been • ih ese pa pe r s oul , meaning to go and souvenir of a lame nted dog." hlln l. )"OU lIll.'· " Goodness! And what did She aay!" ,. \Y ell"?"' s n id t.he go vernor. ano tb o "S be said ahe ha d never heard of a word hllr e!! hi s t eelh because bls lips dog with goltlen bal r." - Cassell's Jou,," w r e tl l·Y. " 1 th oug h t I k ll e w. In Ihe old Gaston nal. ,la ys. how many dlff~ r e nt Idnds of a a ruy." sco t1tHlrCI yotl could l>e. hut ynu·\·e BUCAn Englis hman nnd an IrlshmnQ cectl ell In show ing me somc ne w variation s In t be Ins L few mInutes . H·s a whl1e havIng Lh elr dinn er In n restautho usan<l · Il il les Ih at the peoplo of a fa nt got Into conve rsa t.lon. The Eng· g r oat slate s houl<1 bo at tb e me rey of IIs hman had oo ly o ne log and Pat, Inquis ItIv e, Inqtllrea bow h' BU ·h a gnng of pirates as you and Hen- rather drlclis nnd Me iss and Mnc Farlan e, had the misfortune to lose It. Tblnk. nnu- ·' Ing to have a jolie at ·Pat's expense, tbe En glishm a n r epll et!: "I was al"' Brenk it orr!" 8111d Bu cks. ' T OI throug h. I was me rely goi ng . ways given to under s land that my to arid t hllt I hn,<o concluded not lo great-g randmoth e r was Iris h and the buy you:· , Irish blood from her settled In my l e«, "Then It"I'; to be ,war to th knlre, Ie and sooner tban bave any Irlsb blood It ? , In me I ha,1 the leg cu t olt." "Shure, ·'Thal Is anout the size of It," snld. then ," said Pat, "ll"s a pity It dldn·1 Ken t; and t he go vernor found his hal settl e 10 your b ead."- CnsseU's Jour" \ '11 Irouble you to r et urn my prop. lIa l. · e r ty ." he l,'Y"owlcd, IJOl nt1!!S to th e ta ble drawer. ... aren.e of 1!I)"mptom •• "Certnlnly. " IC ent, brolre the r e VOlv er Doctor-Mrs. Bllm, Y1>u don't seelll O\·e r 1.he blotting pad, swep t tho to sy mpathize wltb your sick husband. ejecl od cart-ridses, Into the open drawMrB, BUm-Doctor, I don't d·a re , to: er, · ana pa~:eed lho empt, weapon to , makes him lots worse,-"-Detrolt 'Fret Its o\yner. Pres..


Since Ihe earliest nUllul s of .O ld Egy pt, wheat has b(·en rccogntzed as I he king of foods.

, M dl.1 n~ - " ' h at

do yuu tL i ll k of t h a t . It he WIIII:(\ JUIllP itl II null p m,,' 11114 \V a ~' I~~ \\' i) uh.ln I d l'n wn IU) du c' k .. , l ' u il:ugo n Ul l ,}' • f , \ \' M. l ' p p "'~11 ~ (; 1: \;.111 " ~ u t mu ch ,

fel h.\\,

It h as held its s wny dowt~ to the prcsc lIt day, n o twith stand t ng ~he fa ct thut in man y forms of maklll g wh eat into food prod uct s , some of the be~ t e l ·ment s nre l os t.

- - .- -

ll lllt m,l r lal l ty III\~ no t!& l flt: to do \\'I l h hu t th l! PCli p l" w h o IJI ~I!lt 1m ( III,. 1l 1OH 'it rl1 1t.;ly v \' t'I' tlUl IU' t Ih Hl imllt. uui ll y halt l1 0 tli ln ll til d o Wll h It,


I r Ut'

,. .'t.

I!l ll1t' l

1, IIl· ,

Ure;]d h a~ bl'c n aptl y t e rmed, "the s taff of life. " a ~ it alon c of known fo uds h ~s 011 th e cle ments tha t are Hceded t o sn ~tuin life .

- --.- --

Of Wide Interest. Ilrri'1 l, \\" i~.. ,hUH.' :!U. !'--IH,'t'ln.1.- t' hRA, of . l' (~ tcr :''''.ln, , J tI",t lt't' ill' the PeLl t'" fur Ut" n lCJ ( " .. lia" dcl\\' t' I"t..,J n JlIcll!: lI l l! lI~ l!tnt i ~ u( iUt('I 't' ~ t h > th l' \\'h lll r~ lUlI,·tt :"'1 ,\ 11 "', Put t rlctt ~ , tllnt jU d~ lI 't.'I![. , 1ft ., Ut..,d d '.it K I tlll ~' )' P IUS I"II' !' ti lt' bl';4.l l\. ul u' l)' 'lieU,·

Egg-O-See co ntains nil th e best c lements o f wh ea t in n fa r more he~l1thfttl nnd delicious fo rm .than ony bread , crack ers o r ord tnury wh ca t foods. In additi o n to the best whole wheat delicat el~ flaked and cru s h e r.!, it is made s tIli more (l ig e"l ible It)' the addition of r e fined d ias ta s e, the hi t,: h es t grade of malt. The re lir e no pre miums or gifts in th e Egg-O-See pack age; n othin g but fu ll measu re of the highes1 grade of cerea l food in the world.

~ in t! on Ihe 1II i1 l' k ... t 1o-tl ny," .. t\lId ~It" I ·L·t l · '~(J I1 gl\' Cti h i8 Ic :uw n inr l h i~ Jll d ~ml.\ll l. II t.! tmpt : "Lull. \\"1I1l('~' 1 had nn nr hili ll pa in in my bu d .. Wh h' h Irllllbl ed I ll(' \ err JIIU l'h , In t h e l1141 rn ! lliJ

1 ('(l u tt i h un.lI y Ntru ight c n Ill }' b ud" 1 u lli knuw w h ;ll it wa N b ut nn fHhertl tf(.... led m e t o try J)vdJ 'fj K idllt.'j' ] ' 11114 , Af ter t !lki l1 ~ f l ll l! h nx 1 l'a n only say t ht!Y urI I

f1 lt' IiL


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Cl: pc.,. ·t (,d IlH

os we ll lI u\\' ll~ t1 n ,' r I ..lui bcf" rc." It\ t he bad.. IS (Jilt' of t ill, iirst .. n nplHII I!"t o i I, "hw~' d ll't'atlc . I f ILn t. . '"n'd 11\' D. ,d .l'~ 1\ niuC' ,' P llIg it 11I 1t)' JI"' ~ \"I·lop ; lIlo H n~ h l'''' iJ . ~t!" Il ia It'' l f'III., Hlu' unlllll .. 11 1 Itl' ,,"O Tl le of the uther dCJU.ily [ I.I\"IU S ot K ulney D It4(1Qsc_ I

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Ii n ,l lH' e I" !l O \\' ge tt ing 1li 0 hl~ h CX l wl ·t. tu ~ et t o H t> n.,' ~ n

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ru sil('l:k ·~ · K\lro i! [l wOTH1('rful IIH"J in llc (' lIre~ wh e l'e nil O dI C I'" h:l\' e f~ ded •. ill lth~ullll\lI " l1\ , P l\ ; lI tJ, \\ ('ak, iU'!I" Anrl ," to11lo ch Trt\uitlt , It IS t,he l.t·s ~


"Rpt'c lu lly

HIM" and ",er\' e T vnic. Sent on 11'101.. II r. \\ rile.

C. I'II. heck, Cbicuao .• Dook free . E \~'n tlte UU\1"rlt!t.I mU ll ,-an' t WI1 ~t('rr.


!'ot"n t.!

11\' 0



Women Obtain Mrs . Pinkham's Advice and Help.


8h . Uu G ulthd Tbonl.nd. to Health.Row L y dia K, Plnk.ham·. \ 'eg-et.Able CompouDd C urc l1 Mu, Frett 5e,..1c),

I t is n ~n'u t fu cli UI1 f lJr tL woruul·. tofN~l l hll L s la t.; t.;an \\'ritJ! 11)


""0\.1,,·,. te ll ill~r h ~ r the Juus l

pri \'il h o.I

a uti

co uHdell t itll d e t a ils uhou L IIt' r ill neSS. and kn >IV

that h.·r l.-ttt- , will bl' seen li y a \\'0 · mlln only: u woluu n !ull of , \· ro·

pn thy ~ic k



n woma n


·hc r

slstt." ·.'I, 11 nd who h ns h a d

m ore e xpe rience In treatin g fc ma le ilia than any Ihi " C" ]>l'rso1l. Over o n ~ n u n drerl t holl snnd cas('.s of fema.l e di s \'as t'S COUll! be fure Mrb. P inkham eve ry ye ar. some pen,ollull y , others b v IUn,}!. nnr1 this h as h er' n A"o· Ing on tor t"·c nty yc,,~s , duy. n ft.,r .lay. Surt">l,,' w o men n1'C wi se 1n sec-Icing" ndvkc from u. woman of ht lc h l>xprri · 1 ence, especi ally wh e n It Is u b o lu tc ly free. .

Mr. s. Pinldtnm n C'·rr vlolal.'s lht> ("on- I fiden co of WOlUe n , 0 li d e " cl'v

t l'~tiU\o ..

niul letter pub li~h c. 1 is dOllo so \"ith th e writt e n co nsent 01' req uC5t o f th e "'rit~ r , ml\V be

in o rd e r that o th e r t;ici( w o wen il"ne titl'd .. ~ th oy have bl',' lI .

~irs. FI·ed Serd .1. 0(41 2 North 5.Jth


~trcet, ,t PI;ila<l el phi(l, I'll . .. wrjtes: Doar M/"$. Pi nkham :.1Over 11 y ear ago I wrot e you n let tA-l' usk ' l1g a<h·It:.; n. I hnd rom"l. III. a,,<1 ,·oll ltl lIul carry fl ('billl to maturity, I rec.~('h'll( l y our killd l.., t ter of in,Qlruc1i ous ant.lloUo\\"~l you r s d \!fce. 1 tun n ot nn]y B well '""ODUlIl i u·l!ou. stquen(:e, but have Ii ""',u t ltul baby gl ..1. I wl"lh ~\'ory sulfering in tho lanel \\'olt ltl 1I\'rit(l YOI1 fOl' a.u\'ico, as y ou hu ve done so lII U('h (or mo,"

,Just as Nu rc ly n.~ l\Irs. Se.vilc l was cureel. will l'S dhL K l' lnkham·s Yc!!ctnl> le Compound c ure (!'·e ry w OlUun bU tl\·ring truw u ny i orrn


1e mo.l (I ill s . No othe r mC01rinc III D 11 tho ,~orld hns Hllc h a record o r cllres of fe roule troltblps as ha s Lvdia E. Pillkh,.. u·s \' ~ I':ct"bl(' Compoll-nel. Th ere forp no

lur WORlD'S'


fAVORllr ~


pru (lcn t woman will nccept any s ubsti.

tltt(, whic h 0. ,ll"uI(g l6t m '~y ofl',' r. If YOIt (Lre sicl< . write MrR. I'illkhnm, Wllt:N" WRITING TO 4nV.: U'l'IIiEP Lynn, M ,\s~ , for special utlvicc. It 11 plea •• • lute .h... , 7GD ••u~ '". AdgerU ... free and always h elpfuL _~'~D '~I_' ~ __


Truths that Strike Home Your grocer is honest and-if he e aros to do sc>--can tell you that he know8 ' ·HY littlo ahout the bulk eoffee solls you. How can he know, whe re it, originally came from~ how it wus blonclecl-or. with what --or whe n roaRtccl' If you buy your cqffco l oose by tho pound, how can you oxpect purity and uniform quality'






neeessity unllorm in quaDty. strengtb and Uavor_ For ovm " QUARTER OF A· CENnlRY, UON COFFEE bas been the standard c:ollee to mlllto.o s 01 bomes.

LION COFFEE la .,....,lully paeked at our ladotlea. .... 4 IlDIU opeae4 . . ;your home. lana no cl\....,e 01 bela.. aClulleraled,O>' 01 C!OmID.. 'a eOalac:1 willa ·4 ..... dirt, 11_-. _

.......Ie ........da.

In each, padmge of LION COFFEE you .Set ~ound of Pure Cot'l"ee. Insist upon getting _ (Lion h 6ad on every ..p::,c~ge. ) . ( Save tl!e l:ton-bel>ds for ,..11l&blo pl"emiqms.)

on8 full


genuine. . ,




.L t.


Ten Commandmellta" Giv. Farmol·. a Number of Fine Pointe....

Tb ere are a g ood many lI seruJ artlclM pl' I'platlv e 1.0 t he matle r ot propo. III",dllo g or lh e produc t of Ih e dairy farm . bUl 11 wri ter III a lale I s~ u 'c of th~ A GOOD PIKE. Cheese an d Dairy Journal see m s t o have hl l. o n lin e ntire ly differe n t met hod 01 Ohio C01'l' CSl'olldcnt T e ll. of Bel t rlUlllng fOI·t h Rom e or t be eS6l'n t lola. Melh od of Impro vin G' 0,"' Cou u· Wi,li e hi s r e marli s nre cou ched IInder try Tb'·ou g h fnl'es. ,vfh e e h CR Mal( e r ·s . T~ n Co mm a nd· me u ls ." II t lll th e l'c are dou btl ess somo Th e IllUSlratloll g ll' es a ;;0 01\ "Iew hi nts l hat m ill' be r ead wit h Int rest . o f " 14·fol)\ I·e llt l·,. pik e Oil I h .. Spl·ln g· a nd we IIIny add with pr o Ot. uy many y ill u ront ) tl ea r F{) ~ ' llrl a , S" Ilf't'tl c~ 1Jnty . reatl .r. o f I he Pra iri e ~'ll rOl e r. W e do Oll l u . I b" li f' \'t' 11I ;~ ; 10 h t' I Il l' PI' U(lf!l' I\ot pr e, u m c lO Infe l'\hatll il or th ~ Ill s or wil Y or i lt lll \"f n i n g 0 11 1' j ' lII lI l( l' ), I'(l nth i. tb e rlui r y hIlSIIl I'" " "" s UI w ith Ihp farm , fHl )' H U ll Ul du l · O IT~ · ~ I Jt Il,. I, II I of t h e Olli .l (·r. bllt It Is '·" I·t lll nl), Irll l.' lbat wh e ll h p. FUnl c r. Th e ro ad Wll s ti,., \ ~ u rv<· y ed . hao ma, l ar ed h is I' nll uf th e 1l1lsin c"" wa tP' Udfod 11 0 \1.' 11 t e u indH' :-' all d t h"11 r o llf'l'u wi ll Ita vo a grellt dea l be Ue r gra(le or dairy prod lll' than we ha" ~ in man y In . f; t an Cp.M H I I h e pf' tll;: nl tim e. \Vc ql1 ot ~

.,- - -


I"e m ui n ~

el f a

li e w llh d l'e w t hUl Bll d e nntl put n n· ot he r III It N piner . " AnOlh e r Iru I:N ly ?" Ih e ty r o h" ll cd. "Th e re m n lns o f II loeetlL· ... I h e h lhlul· og ls t ",·plll!d . A I h lrd . lId e " ' as "Ial" 'd t,"n nll i h t h e

" and pJ'oclnces sleep , bid 7cll ich in puison oll ii d o. e.-; prod u,ces stupor, conu(" con cullions and d el.£{h. I I The taste and smell of medicines containing opium are disguised, and Bold under the names of "Dropst" "Cordials," "Soothing Syrup~," etc. You

should not permit any medicine to be given to your children without you or your physician know of what it is composed. CASl'ORIA DOES NOT CONrAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher.

l e ll ~ .

" Th is." 6ald lb e l ~· r o . "~ h " \lI,1. be a iJatll l' fi eld ." "1l Is o ul y." rPtllrn NI Ihe " d " "1161. d ~ lI n' r th y m ill; III Ihe far'lo r)', fur h o " a C O ntmln !; lf n ~ Ilf Ih,· d e~ "' I ' a t ed I'ml:' thai I: o e l h la t C' ~H lI setb t h c (' h ~~ o m e n t~ o f a fl y. a l·cnt ll){·<Ir . n lUo tb and mu.) \ (-' I' I n IHie 11I\I(.' h It rn f a n c ian~ua ge . a s lug ." Tit !! 1)'1'0 ya w ne d. t . Th o" " ha lt n o t L' a ' I a l l th Adirt tboll " Hi sto logy I" In le res t Ing." h e Ha lrl. ran . 1 lon lHh u lY th e CO" h ' o l be milk IJIlII. In a burell ,'olce . .. \\' It,' ...· IIil l .\'UII f;cl a. Th ,)u . halt not. t n h o any c r ea m fo r ~ b e~ e spef'i m e ll!;;'" thy f('n ( I f l'offeC' , ro r w h e ll I hOll g e lt e Kt "Ou t of a ps r'ke t o f 1.. 0." Ih y tl l,' I.l ond " thu ll w ill a, k l hy ne il:h · " A pad'~ 1 o f te a ? Whn t .hin l' o r \)or. w l" ' I' for e I:c tl es t t h ull m o re fur 1t-8 :" : th y In lll( th Ull 1101 7 " Ord lll llr), tpo." 4. '1'11 11 " >; hal t 11 0 1 III Ix watpc w lih t h y "1·le aven s : I !l UI a tpa J rl nl, e r. E x· m illi: . t h u u nur thy man 5(1 r Van l 11 .) r p la it. )·o urRc lf." th y fll J I, 1 SCn ' ftlll . f o r f:O f:;Urt· ly Ali th o u Tlt e hi s torian . ~ tnl l lll ~. snlll : tl llr Sl Ilt i' Ih l ur.; Ib y Il a m w lll u o S I U1,, ~e " T e R g row I) n h ll. h " H. Th e IPB,· ~ s n " e r lI'" I.. n;; tb aod breadth o ( bo to .... are 1)l lI ckpd by hun d. I tnOl;ln .. YOll r "ell I ron' ~ routl!. Ht ri p pin g ro s ~ bll s h a r ie l' roSt·b us h . AN 101': .\1. n O.\ IJ . f, . Th o u s hull nC'l t fep.1 th y CO W8 Ilil mil" " a ll mil es. of t h ,Ir I ca v ~ s . \\·pl l. with Il li cil v y st e am rnll c r . w h ic h mo.k e ~ t.h l' ol Li [JUI UlO CH. o ni " n ~ . h o r serlull s b . t ha l Is wha t l ea pl('\<lnl-; Is 1Ikl' . n so lid "'(\11 0 111. T lt f' l ' r ll s h rtl s ton r Was IlHIHw rtl . I'u pe unll ('ulolJa!';1: I hat t bo ll "Th p na tl v(' pl l' 1; a..- wo r ll fo s l. T h e), th e n IHl t on . I~ Ind Ies t hll'l( III t h{' s id es I'"us t Ij ll d. fo r t. h o ll ~ h t h t's(' fpcd s IIIny pl c l, 8 " mllllY OR 2" poun tl " or Ir a ",'s In allll Iii Inches In t hl' III Illli II' . ' I h <' loos l' lJe dl Pa l' afot a ll Qu lfloO f S. yet i t c:n ll R(! th II Iin y- n bllll d ip blj; ge r t hnn 11 lII a n . IHun e WIl8 t h e ll r ollt.'d III IU I il WUh s o li d t h(~ dl ee:)l! makr-r I V g nas h hi s t e ~ t b " I' u'" .Ih e tea plnnl Is Ih e Il I'CY o f " wh en four indH'fI uf Ii Ul cst OIlt-l g:r!t v el and hol d h is ouse a ml ' ho ch ~e s e eatcr hllndre d In He,·ts. a nd th p pl r k e r In h lH 'w as put on and 11 \\'as nga I n ro ll ed will lill Y h i ~ 1'1' 1'(':<:1: (~h;e\\'h c re . has t doesn 'i pallAe 10 IJrll Hh o il' en dl down wi t h t h (\ !'O l l ' O Ill ru l lp r . Th l' 6. Th o u s ha lt 1101 "c t t h )' can 0 1 mll!i lea f o r to wllHh i t. fo r h e wo r l( • . _0 1\' e b prm bank s t of 1.':1 1' 111 h e l Wfle n g l OIl O In t hl' 1·" lI a r w lth uut eo"prlng for a Ha y . by Ill e cc wClrk . IUld dltr.h) we r e I h" n ~"Hl ed nnt! 1II0U'O ll'll \I . nOI' 111 t he w ood ~ b e d 8S " . Th e pi ck e d lell" CR arr dr lNI o n c h a r· HC'raped I ~ v e l nntl w ll h u I'o lln rlr <l te mp llo n lU Ih y n e lg hbo r 's C81 . b ut thou co al fir es . Th e y s hrh 'pl ulld e r t he h eal . " Io pp. n ll t! th ~ 1I r llll r t! d own ho ll l) . w hl c" s hal l Jt av " il II I 'e tan l, uu t In tb e fr es h an d t he In sec t lan'Re n nd d lrysall dR nl a k ~s one u f t h e nll'~ s t a~ w ~ Jl a s C}D C o r n lr non r t It y w e ll to ~et th y can In . llno ng 't he m c han ge to d ll s t. T hl " dll SI 7. Th Oll s balL nol L-.tljry R IO, a y m o r~ loo l(s, t o th e ord ina ry )·c. lik e leaf t ll e b" SI rond s In t he s ta te. wb e y I h u n l h y 8h are I " ~ t so m e one will fra g m e nt s. But tln dc r I he m icroHco pP SUBSTANTIAL STONE BOAT. s uy cun ce r oln g th e. " F or .. wo ntler It 100 . as you r~m n l'k ed . lik e nn In· o u e ho;,: car r ic th fooll fo r n oo l!lel'." sec t 1'3 11ro ad w r nck o r n p l b\' m ~' ha l tiP ' Wor k in g De s cr i ption of Thl . Articl". S. Th o u s h o l L no t usc u ode an r ans . fi e ld . It tastes III, b ut YOIJ I(no w as On e of Grenl NecesL ltie. of bul shu ll ~'a u s e th y cun s to be waHhe d 've i l a s i do whal It tll ~ lpK lik e." anll scrll bl cd c lean e ,' e ry day uud Farm L ifc. "To· morrow ." s al .1 t h e ot he r. " I n m s ealll ' and c re ,·I,' e. nnd kink s th e l·co!. go ing to bring so m e of m y wH ~ '~ l~ a A Bto n c bo ltt Is ail e or t he mo s t tl SC · fo r 11 filt It .l' can Is an a bomination In bere to examin e w i th y o u ." f " l lI cc~"" l t l s IIf Ih .· la l' lI1 . It 1 ~ lI scl l I he c heese lll a ke r's s ig ht and he will IlOt o lll y fo r mo'" "Is lt wrath ul,o n blm t ha l brlnge l.h It. TOLD IN MUSICAL PHRASE. ing !':!t OIl PS , SlUmlJS ' 9. Thou ij ha lt nol~ t roubl e tbe chc c~1' __ and b eavy rllbbl s h . make r ~ a)' l n g. · " Whe n s hall 1 recelv" The Opera Edlto~ Graphically DelJ II I in haulin g my pay ." wh en a s a prac ll ce l.hou ge l scribes the "Mov e1ll ents" of • " e c tI . (e rUllz er . teth it C\'e ry fI r s t ot !-he ~ont h . f01' a Prize Fight. plows . and oth e r illlpleme nts to anti Ye rlly I BIlY 1I0Lo Ihee . unless thou from lb e fi e ld. 8ays t h e Farm nnd Hom e. brlngcs l t hy milk In a s anilary condiOwl!lg to a severe con ;lltlon of short· One or tbe bes t (or our use Is built like tio n, be I, Do\\'etb not nor careth a llLLla hal1dednes~ on tbe s t:o.ff . r e lates the De· the c ut. with runnel·s. a. alJOutslx In c hes bIt.. music ed, t rolt ~' re e Pre'ls. the thi c k : Select. If po s ible . wi t h natural 10. Thou .s halt no! say unto ano t her, Itor was sent to cove r a prize fiShl . bend a t th e torwartl end . Cross boards " Be hold. have not these c h eese mak~rs with the tollowlng r esult : are at hard wood about two Inc bes tblc k . a IIOrt s nap; they recel" e mucb pay and .. An entertainme nt of unu s ual novel· 'rbe strip. b. tbr.ce·fourths or an In cb do but little work!" \'erlly I say unto ly attracted a large maBe u line audl e D c~ thiele , Is laid on top and sel:ure ly nailed you . tbl s Is a whopper. They rise early Ilt the armory last night. Tbe c b lef to a. It a small glmlell s use d to s tart and to\l late and peradveDlur& :he buy· number on the programme cOD81~l ed of tbe spike, there will be Il't!s danger or ers refuse the cheese tbe)' wlJl be a duet be tweeD tWO well-known artists .pUttlng. oblige d to toil all day Sunday when alld the work WI\8 divided Into ten The Important. tea t llre of lhla boat Is other people are fanning themselves short mo,·ements. Both o( tbe (' hief the pole, e. and It sbould not be omltled . wi thin Lh e ' gates ot t)le synagogue. artists of the even ing were becomingly • The chain. d , pas ses Ibmllgh Ihe mor' Attired In a novel and strIking costome tlsc shown al. o. and by llllss ing holt conSisting or something like abbre· tbrough link In baln or fas tc nlng with TYING OUT A COW. vlated balhlng s ult8 . s ho es and hCIIYY clevis. bctte r cOlltrol "an he bad 01 t.he holl III descendin g hill s or back· Excellent Method ot Gtaklng Out An)' sto ckings. Th e tll'St moveme nt slarted l\bOUl andantino. uut went s e mlJr e al·· Ing t h e Icam . Tb e dratt Is s us tained Anllllal Allowing Small Range, celerando to a molto vi vace at th e e nd . by i he Hleel coupllllg . C. 811 t1 not by th e Described. There was some rapid Sia ecato wor\( chaIn . Hol es are bOI·!'.1 for 8talloard s a s s howlI whore lise o f s id e bOards Is A n excellent way to s take ou t It un tbo part of ea c h perform er tbro.u g b · required. cow. or hors e I bar. will not allow Ollt th e mov e me nl and wb e n a large the m to Quit a gong rllng a t the e nd ot a s hor t , jnter· range and yet be val . both walke d to a corne r ot the GOAT BUTTER. kept wi t hi n lhe roped-In platform. At th e beginn in g No Reason Why Animals . If Healthy, bounds ot a narrow of Ibe second mov e me nt . the r e was 11 Should Not Be Utilized in slrlp. Is 6bo"' n In st~ong t e nden cy to plllnlw~1 mo work clll . s ays tbe ~'arm Ilnd tbe sott pedal wa s used with mu c h a Dnlry. and Hom e . Have I h e bla c ks mltb effec~ on both sltl es . "Sborlly be for e the e nd of thi s mo n · Answering lin Inqlliry In Hoard'8 Ulall c two pl c llel Btllkes out or ' 1IveOalryman a~ 10 Ihc ,'nlu e nf g-oat's mll~ 1 e lghth. ·in c h Iru ll two feet long wltb a ment . one of th e arti sts was curri e d (or bUlle r. Prot. Fnrrln g ltln ~ays : . t "'0 Ilnd o ne· halt illI'b rin g or loop at away with e xc it e m e nt and slruc\( 011' "I know of 110 r easo ll wh y !wnts' milk. top. Th e n tuk e II s trong. s mooth " 'ire otb e r . s for zandn. " nn tlu e p. llal e e mol · It the goat Is heal t h y alltl r ece l " es SOli lid. ; I'o m O,'e to le n ro(ls lon g . as d es ired. 10 pili vivace. Th e I'ornpllm a nt W8" reo whol esomo footl . Is not " " valllllb io for diHI 10 both ond s of It fllSt ena Btro nglron llIrTlod. con amore . 0,1101 both s ubs ided a gain a s th e g ong rang. blill e r m ilk ing as cov: 'ti mlll(. ant.! If th,) rin g. nft r having RlI P.ll(' d anotb e r ring "At th e ulle lling ot t.hc th i r ' l mO,·e · milk Is well taken e ll? e of 111111 hilS no ltn.~ o nt o mldd ln of wire to tIe Ih ~ DI ~ ket Pllt th e Iro n sta1; . ~ t hrougb mellt. t ho origlnRI th e m e 'W1l8 r~s lllll~rI odors yn u will proba lo ly lI ovc r know the rop e 10. JlfJe r (' tl ce If Hom e goat 's mlll( 1$ added to loo p al uoth 0nd s nnd d rlv ~ 111 10 g r o und ond was Ireate d with g rent. freeel o m Ih e p.o w·s mi lk whi ch CO IlH' ~ to YOllr fac · aft er pullin g wi re 10111 . T ip th p an i- Ihrough ou t. The s tralght ·arm mOtif tory. YOII ('an YOllrse lf Jlldge a s 10 thp m a l It, fIl lrld Ie rin g b)' a rop e wh"'b can was Intro dll ced. m o lto plal·o vole. 11IlIi &d\'is llulllly of aCCI' (l tf ll g- Ih e goal's mll.k lI{' 'lull c s hol'llf d e~ i rC(1. :\ " l he Iron Ib e r c ndltlo n he.:am e ~II fUSI Il nd fllr ir lnl! will s lip o ~~i1 y iJa c k a n,l fo rth o n :lIIS as 10 hlnd c l' a ccurate o los prvR lio n. n~' iu s pec llllg It uefo n' Y:>" receiv e it. • ce l'la lnl y rio not k llo w why It s h o ul' l thp sm ool h wi", . 11 w ill all o w th e animal Th o compoH lti(ltl s I HI (I (, II}~' n ~~ Iln-J fJ d llH ' In j llft· tll p blltter. IlNlh " r do I kno w o f quite a ran g e. It Is c h('aro~r an d lII o re c.harnr·te rl s Ii 0s Ilf th e lI11nnI 8IH'd s y m ph on )" o n e pc rfo rmf'r h {l ill g' n\' (' J'('t1m e • ",y law III lhl s ~ lllt l' (ho,t fOI'bld s lbe sat is fa ct ory t hall to lI ~e a 1') l1 g ro ,,~ . IIY hlH. o mntioll R U l l fRili n g- tn c'o lll inu l'. mail ing o f hilli e r fmrn g oat 's milk . If Th e apI'1811 Se ""IlS fll r lol1 ~ fur .Ih l' t>lh N Ihe r.;ont's mill, Is I'i 'he r an,) In creases Wben to Cu t Alfo.Un. nrttRt. who wn ~ m :Hl f\ rh f' r fl ('j p i PIl I of olI O " ,s t. th e pa t r o ll brin g ing th e mlll( . To ge t Ih e m os t o u l o nll e a t'fnlfa r rop .h o u1l1 gN Ih e c r edit fo r Ih e Im·r ullse. It should ua cut \\' 1:0 11 In 1'11 11 LJICKlm. th e most fr cn ?1Pfl d em oll st rnt ion s (ru lTI alltl I dn 1f0l HOC why tbls s hould be all and tbls tl me co ver'. n hnut a wco k. Tho tllp a lldl ence. Th e ('() mIlO"p r of th e lin · nnl gh ed 001ll PO"ltl o n f" r epor l ed t " obj e,·t 1011." mnn that ha B a large lie lll 10 (' Ut mugt hav e hee n th . 131 (' ma r~u l 8 (If !lllt' e n s. I,Poep In mind Ih e fart th at h e mu sl be· hllr), . little 1(lIo wlI a s U IUlI sit'a l wr ilp r " Grow in g Trees on the Pl'Ririe. g in early to ge l the ha y <lo wn be fo r e t.h ~ .--'Ve ' uccrs sfllll)' STOW Ir 'e~ 011 the: h end s !!,ol too o lrl . A go" LI man y (' x p ~ r · Lnu g hs nt $ 5 E nch . prnl rl eg b)' mal,l ng a dl l"'l 16 fe e t d ee p Ime nt s ha,, ~ been mn.le 10 rli s('on,r Iho "[n ~ tt1fln g Iw h n ,' inr" Is n \ ' ('n' r la ~ ' lll li us lO ll:; us tb o rows. Dn not ul10w " e ry hest tim e for Ih e rutt IlIg In I·pla· UC', cl1nr,:::e In AU ~ lrali a , Jl ln a r c'o v pr Ih e r oo ls to ucco mc rlr~' . b" 1 I(e e p we ll lion to th e di g es t Ibl1l lY and !;reat esl , IlI1<:I< ud o r wa l ~ I ' lt t ill se t. Pl a lfl o ne I" amollnt of nUlrlllv e I' oll tp nts. 1'00 eurly a nythln J:: fro m p !t (' h -oll tl · t os :-; t n sla.u g h le r , It s lal t's t ap pl iculi o ll ilho ,·o l it e oltl seltlll!;". 1"111 th " d ltc bc6 ClIlting g h 'es a good degr ee ot dl goS ll. c o m es rro m' R (, U lll ~II , In Ih n l gn ldf"'n ,dth wnt~ !' o nCIl a wee k It Il os s lb le und lJlllty. bu t too' lItll e nul rlm ont and late cit y. wh p. r c I h e lat f.l m a l"q ul R o f Sall :..;Dearly p" c ry t rec will g row. Ye llow cutting g ive larg e n Ulrlll\'o contenl IIlnc. COIla I', ns lt . locus t and ca tnll)a huvo but too little dlgesllbllil y .- Farme rs· bury tri pe) hi s IlI ck A,g u. 1l 1~,1HI/' , th (" Illl t ho l'ltl os of 11 Me lh o di" d lll r d l ric· . pro ven most hardy .- J~arm and Howe. Hevl e \\,. eldcd to S tl P ll r~ss Ju"'~ n il e gi ):~ lln g . They Introduced a po li c e man In p l ai n Odors In the Stable. Ple a se r e me mher I hat wh e n ~'ou soalt B e enr eful ot t he odors In lh e cow seed potatoes ID n solu t ion o f formalin c loth eH . nnd he <l ot l'cte<t B. c ou ple of atable. Mill' Is u subtle IIg lit. Re- you can only ex peci La kill tb e sCllll 8'111\11 boy s laug hlnFi ~ ''''i ng t h ~ (, " P'!, . centl y Ih e milk ond c re a m from a farm Ke rm s that are on tbe 8('('(1 . It tb e re Ing sen-ll ·e. Thc bOYR were hroug h t had a rn nk I a s to ot turlllp3. thougb are g e rm $ In lhe 8011 YOU ma y have a Int.o court on n charge or " J n ~Hl1t in g Ih e co ws bU ll n o turnips . A visit to scabby c rop. . Some peo ()le 8eel.1 to bebav io .." ond fin ell $n each.- Lonrl o n lh o" s lab lo d is clo sed t wo bi g bo xes of . lllink ~bls formalln Is li ke th n1tro · Ohronlc le. turDlps s tored III one part ot J h e s ta- c ulture, and will make. t he po l Mo e. An Object . G::nrl'lnteed. ble. Days ",be n the ~ milk wus left g ro \v_ IlIH) IOt- lt s im p ly kill s ttl" leab "Do YOII fee l sur e of Hn illng an y thin g .tandlng a "!ltt l while' " It would be g erm s . In YOllr II rl't l(' e XI) dlLl o lls ~" a s ked Ih ~ unlit f~f U8v.-li'al'm J'oul'1la1, unscie ntific pe r s on. ,\ ~'I'rloty in (ood' mus\ be glV lln our . 'rhose s 'lck ers nrou~il t.hase fruU !.ri\ea .o"Cei-~lnI Y. " ans w e r d the ard e n t exfenthcrQd fr)eDCls It wewo\lld have tbe m . are u lling up the material 1 bat ultCiuld plorer. "1'u&r e are alwnys re mai ns ot GIl , e xpectations. " : arlety ii ODe ~o up 10 the bOll&ha to form aDIl to .... previous expedltlon8 to be toulld.";\·a.alilm:ton ·Star. lure fruits. ~a hII'm Ut.. '

,.'r '

FORTY YEARS AGO almost eve~y mother' thought her child must have . PAREGORIC or laudanum to make it sleep. These drugs will pr }duce ,leep, and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP FROM WHICH FHERE IS NO WAKING. Many are the children who have been killed or whose health has been ruined for life by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each 'f which is a narcotic product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling ~ither of the narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling ,them" poison." Tbe definition of" narcotic" is: U.!lmed icine which relieves pain

" Ha"e n look ." 8al~ tb e h l ~ tu lo !'; l s t. And he r08e trom 1I1 e b ulltifu l. oI e ll· r o tc mi c roscope an d h i. co mpa nion IOo l( h lH pl sce. ~ tll tes th e N e w Yu rl' Hc ral d . Th e r c WIIS a Ill ti e fi ddling all d a (l· lu s t in g of tin y ~r rc w s . Th e n IIII' tyro "a id : . " Ug h ~ C ha " ll .l'~ V,hUl h 'l" " W " h e r ~ '! A I'al l r oud wn ·d , '!" " You arr l oo l d n ~." an s w ' I"l' (j lh c hi s· l ol og- i s l . " at n pa r t of t llf! Cey lnn PH(O l' a t erpllt u l' ,"


Don't Poison Baby.

Revelations Which Are Hardly Palatable to the Devotee of tIle Sooth i ng Bre w.

fr o Ul Ollr (:on f c mpornry as f o ll o w s : I. T hOll Khalt n o t . Ium ber late In th o nJ t) r n in g, lHlI s hall ari se earl y and

Letters from Prominent Physicj-a~ addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. nr , J. ,,', D lnpc!n l,., o f' r h l(,:ll;fI , Ill. , M y" : use to nil ta lJlili(>s W[U! I'\: t her e a r\! ' blldrcri: '

"1 USe JOol' Co s t o r i o li nd a dvi se ita

Pr, A lpJul()l'\r E, ~ lI h !l P, (,f f ' lp\'f>lnm1. Ohio, Rn v~: "I hnv ~ fr(lqu ~ntll' pra 8('rlbt'(1 YIJ Uf Ca illJ ria a uu lHl. " ~ r'/U lu.i I I II I't' lI nlil c and P lf:'Uil3Ul. re w t;:dy tur clJ lldrc.D,'" Pr, J , 8 , A lp s:nn<i r r , of Pmn h n, :,\ph .. s ay~: "/\ m r t1lr l np tiO " :1 1110h1(' and ben(.6 n ,.lnl f !J f ..t 1l 1 :.1 r ~ u lUi y U ill' • !~ .. :Ul' j:.l IS, l1cs(> r\ u tli e h lgb €if l lJrolse. I Il uel it \0 u s e

, Yerywllt' rr," Dr . J A ~! e('lr ll'n. of n ll lTn lo. ~ . 1 .••• p : ·'1 bave rrPQu.nlly pr• • I·rlbo<1your C O!litOr l n f.,r l Jllld r (' ll o n d ulwuy .i ~ U I Good n.'B u1t s, 1u !B t l 1 Uti\: '" f' to rln t or mT o wn c u ll d rc u , "

nr , ,1, ,'t' , Allton, nf Rt , T.ouls. ~I o .. 8",S: "y b~tlr t l! ~~ c u(l o r~e YOllr CORt orts, J hn vf> f r(' ~l u (' ul l y p l"f' ~ fTII H.'t.1 It In my lU~ t1 lt'Ul pro c llt:e. um] 1iu" c n l\\'uY Il t U lI Ut.l it to h~ Llll i lll CU. ( or It.'·

d o nil tlia l

nr , e , rt . r. Hdll ('n . o r S f. l'n ul. '-linn " so y fl : .. ~!~ f'xr p r l ~ n ('c 0& t\ pr adltl onl'f "" lt b :' u tlr j ' h:-trJrl a. hli s In :en h l~ L l y lIuLiJi l't. t' l o, y . t. Dd I l: u u b lt.h.' r it UD e.x cell t.'ul r ClllccJl lU I: Y lJUIJ i;;,"

f lo ! '

Promol~s Dig~slion.chccrful­

I'lr Il . n . n onnor. Or P hll.<l r tphl •. l'n .. 8are :

"I hovo u .. O your CO. lorlo ns a

p lIrg o t h ' j, I n t h(' r ;l iWIJ fl r 4'l dl tln' n tOl' ,F lU'S PS!) t will! l lil' IDOt!l l h appy ~tfe c t . and

ness and HCSl.Contains neilher Opium.Mofllhine lIor }Iincral.

f ully endor se It


n I5ll f c r emedy ,"

Or, J, A. fl normnn , or Kan !ln s City, .Mo., s a ys! "Yoo r ("'aFt o rln 18 R splendlO r f' med y t u r l' hl hJ r,'u , k n o wn th e wo r ld o \' (> r , I ll S~ II In lil Y r, ru C' l lro nnd ba.v u nu lles \lanc'y In r c ('o mln c ucJ1DI: It t or tbe co mplalclB ot lutant s o Dd .. blldrl'u." Dr. J . J. Mndley. or Ilr Nlk lyn. :-i. \'.. . oyo: "I <on. "I" · your ('n , farla on u·


(,.,Urnl propRrntl o h (tl r d llldr('n . t)i' tn g ! om pmu>d (l r r r llnt'h' ll clld u e M lind pleasant 10 l he t U:, le . A ,,"000 r cm f..: d y f or all d l st ur bau ce8 ot tbe dlg l.'s l l vc orgnDs," ~" ~.

Dr. Il ol<'nrd J omes. or

l nrk CI' y• • nYo:

"" I_ with grout pl eaoure that J

d ('S lre to " 'Iu ltr t " t he mr d lrl n nl v lr llll' o r y our C ORt o r in , 1 buvl! ti Red It wltb. , tnDrk ~d b(lnl' tl l In t be C3l'1e lit my fI~'lI uB uglil (! r, nod bo ve utn alneeJ ~.x cellcut reflulta

(row It. udwlul . ll'O tluo tQ utb or <lIlld, eu Iii my pr octlce,"



Aperrecl Remedy l'orConslillll' lion . Sour Slomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions ,feverishness and Loss OF SLEEP.



ea.r s the Signature of

~ ~,--~-

foe simil. sigllolUl'C of







The KindYou Have Always Bought

J. '"

In Use For Over 30 Year.a


Mor. Than She Could Stand.

Frid~tt -- r~ d idh' t S \~y l o n ~ ill. ~ ~ r new p In ~e . ~1nr)' . o\nn ..




"'nr the <ommo" ".opl. d,·.c r,·. to til t.' IIf'nl. nnd ill n \\ la y t ill,'}'


· Ibeli on ~· a Jl('.dI. hrr own . TPal

Mary Ann FUlth, 1 d ai nnt. ~t e • •1f-r isp ict wo uld n't le t tile . :'hllrt' , they bad th e kavho lt of i" lrr rl oor In the bou ee

l. IIt u I,lIpe d r HI ", ha dO'\n~. wh :le dHlIg~rti c:i tlll t c.l ltilurb thelll : hu t.. (HI

I th ~




uth"l" hund . II() he rd (.' 11 U be skmn ed &gam and a&ul fI .- Puck . pl"ilied up·.- l'bil.delplll. I're. . . : - -- . - -Agriculturnl nnd Horticultural Collsn't Thl. Absolutely True' onles on the Kaneas City TO ALL WHO WRITB FOR IT 1I0W . Nothing ever Itecflm c pOl'" la r- I'ero or Southern Rallway. In any o t her country- without f\ rea .. on . I /Q('ke8b urg Colony in Sc \'irl' Co unty It "UJ protect ,OG _,I iall tbe 4U,er. of lea&. P upulnr II1P Il t lll\' C lIIt' r ,1l lif tw me kll1d, Arkaru~nli, cont." n lTl g tlhout 30 OOO -UCl't s . and nl~~ t IUl\' c, o r II.H.'Y woul d n ll l UC p<?i,ulnr. ! LUring l 'u l o ll~' ill Sa b in e ('l1r i~ h. Lo uil ' (OOStlPlitioft or Decaying Bowel. I lil')' In u fl t have e Xt' (' pt l n n al 1I 11~ 1'll allli, ilUlll , Ct ' n tG ll lI lIg ahout 2~. UOO n l ' r~:t . a rc n ow (au.... Dillrrhe •• (holMe, [tc. wo nd erfu l, dHJ~ih ' i CT If t lll'l r jJOl1ul a r , t y op e ll l o r Ht'ttlCIlIt'I1l. J.. a rul ~ I'n ll g~ 10 pr i t.:~ .,,·uscs wllb IlIne . . . . fl'ont ~7 .0tJ to $J[, .OO pcr fl r re, a nd are Auld Blood Disorders. Skin Eruptions, .-\15 w ~ th m f' n,".8o w llh Rfl lIli:-:, ;-O n wit h on CBs \' tl' rms t o tlct u lt l flC llI cl'fi. LOI'ke. ' " \ all:' ar(lcle that IS on Ih e ",ar i<et . It t an· burg t uluII), I. well 8uil ed ior U" "" l'Id Bod (ompleluon, Sun Stroke, n ll t lII('rt 'u tte ItM ~ n l t'!oI . 11 t 'lIn rlU t. I", adopt- Fa n ni n~ . IH nc k rai ~: ng nnd t' Oln lllcfl·i al HlP tr t' [t [t r~t 88 It .. t unri:lnl nr: lc lf" , It I.'jll1 lll) ~ bur- frU i t gl Q\nllg. Loring Coln" y l lc ,", III n eft ros .. lOR. c., c::. \' I\' e g~~crn tlun~ Ulil etos I l llll\'e r cnl, mher- tip lcmJld fr Uit, tru Ck . nnd t o h ut'c l) r eg IO n, . Diarrhea. cho ler a . bo,..,eJ trouhle. C'l e" are ellt ~1l ~ l l l , '. " nnd IS good ( Clr t o rn IJfal ('ott O" H h~o _ Ihll h lIyUlptom~ of Co n totlpa l ion, C on~ti.,,,tl()11 me an. )llll lU,n ~ ',f. li o l1 nr~ "P'!flt 111 , ndvc rhsln g nrc ~I lu a t etl In n 11(,,;lu ti ful C,) un ln' , \\' It h p ra c l ic';llly dcn,1 i nlc tot i nc lI " IU' lhJi!tunetl b lo,.d , un y o !'l ldu Witho u t nlc r l L a rc Ju , t Wls t Cti. b h(>,dlhy ditnn t c nn d eXf'c llc lIl ' ,,' u l (!r , Coltst lpauo u i5 IU O!ll d,3 nl.:'erOU9 during h ut ti n rn~' n~ l'Ol dll1Ul',j lia l cM II r .:! ('OIl C-c rll cJ . " ' ril e i ot book", cOJlc c r ll ina L(l(' k c8L ll q~ Illi d I -,~ ~I~lrr 0 11 O.C'COlllf t or t; u n S l to k ~" - II ~ II..t 1,)1,"'00 ln t~lIl~tt'll t th,\ l l iO t ' l, ct ' Jlcrs l'UlllL ot h· c o m · J. t>n n g ColOnie!> nnd " ("\'urrC llt E\ I'll l t:l" .1 bll.Il,,< Pro 6' ,fil l ltJU. tt c. 1, r ,you ti uddeU I) t; h l:,k whal tlle \' do lI ot appru\' o of . 'AI , ' . ( ' \\. . ( . I' '1' ! d v _ c '"Il~,. - 'atul Ll ood 1 0180n way rnull . , 1 )~,l1,,cd t o 1.'1\' ', 1 '1 r I ~ . .~ gal.ln e to " . , n rrl [' l , I , , &. • A" ph v:-o u: ",,.,t k rns autl clocs r10t rttnuve the <:.,, ~ J 1I',1t 111\1( 11 , I~ , n lie' ~" ' \ H f' lll ll~' t. t K, l' , ~ , H,\'., 1<D.IIt;u" Ci t y ~t o, ; F , r;" Jo a ke. YOH W" r,. e , U ," I"entery , C h ulera, Hu\"' eJ

- .- . -- -

Mull's Grape Tonic..


m-I II



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L l1 t It, t c l1)l ltll o \\'n ", t Or r (, f J.IOII « (l il l'e :1 1111 It S ~ 1'1 : d liy - 1\ ,' OIT l' C thlt h ll !'! be(' n llH1 h' :H!t' I' t) f a ll t'

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~f' I1.1

Fac-Similo Signa.ture

~~;~ i 1 ~:t·,~,~tl : ;.I:: t ;. ~ ;II ~':U~ / ~! UIC.' !':-to mnl'il

T u n ic

Mull'. Gr ope T o n , ,, CO .•

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R OC k ' BlOnd, '11,

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IIrill I'l u jll /V

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Genu'lne Must Bear ~



$' I mr t o )" lII lh :l t MIIII 'l\ r. r ~pe , To nic w i ll V r 0 1f' Cl \' 0 11 agtult '" h "" l v r n!'> f"(A lltJ U

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t :'ncntl ly

frJtl" J~~,~~ ccd 8 . Shake Into YoW' Shoes Allen '. }·oo l. EMC. it cure," pni nful. 8woll.n IJmltr tl o K 8W.t!H.t1D1 feel . MakciS )lew !ihur~ l . a8Y. ::;" Id by aJll>ruggl. U, a nd ::;boc ::; lorC8. J)uu 'c .,·('eP' ~ny lub.lIlut.e. ::;amplc !'..ltp •. .b.ddr""" A. S. OIDIMted. Le Hoy. t> . L hus "lure




h h h y 1 '1 l:'(l l c~ , i l ~hir l ~~

r\u r p OI'lN. wh ich r f'~I ,i ll :' l'lu f;g ,·..;1 th em ~... I H ll'i 1(1 ' wom('u, \'S IP(' ('t a l1\' tllot li f' r s,



I.. r I''''SCI ""11'. I,u .. i f)' m ~ I til t

Df'01fSl.ness. nne! T usto to tb& !doulh. Coated



wn .! pu t U II 1 he:

, " un' rp r CtJ " .. t q 'fo iCJ Il

edytorDlz2.1ness. Nau5e1\.


;u \..1.1,


Tllcya1.orrulc.oDIs· , WRITE fOR TillS fREE ROTTlE TO.DAT tTe!SlromDysPl'P'''IL,lIl· I . &Ung. A pertect rern. I Go od. t or A llln c n ,:ld ll' u an d NUl' IPI: ~,uotbell

'1'0 RPlD l.I\·EIl. tbe BowelL Pure'uVe-table.



c1 1...cstloI1nn<1TooUo&rty I

1'onguO. Pain In the Stde , . re~"O'A

- --, YIlI ' nt.

" ') D "

,," t.



The Worl d 's Gr cnt eE't S k in Soap-The Standaru .~~ EEv_.e~ry.. Nation of

\ u t tt.'U t :l :-:1 1I1 p . " .... Ib l l ·.!


tl is appr: .. r whru C Oll6UVa t iuu ~


nnll J' t'·C'IIt(th" 11 th e: I lltf'!tlln efi Or \)owe ••

he,f u lt, thf'Y ",~ \- .I )' J I ~H II , II t:i. I ' I 1\:ily (tn tt C ~~ I.1tn ~ l t: !l llfl ce , \\' lI h TUlli uJ( Im 'd. t 11 111 ~ 1 1I 1 1 !1 G raiN! 1 0 1J1~

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CU rI-d, He"h~

ICARTERS ' Pos ltl .. ely carf'd by 'beao Littlo PUle.

11 ,,\\

0\ CI PI ·. d u l 1 II ill ,



LIi. . tl f" C'nf-

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TrIal 80s aad ~.

- -,.r

p, S.~ThIs rs a re~SQft Ih, JOu should trueland ship ,our freight II.' 'The KatY"

' " co.•.••., ... " ••...IlI.tI"''' PATENTS InTlliU.o.LI)

411-,.,e book ""... ~l.bft


uses '

TOILET AND WOM13N'a SPECIAl. For ~le at drugg ists, 60 ('len1 •• bolt. 01 .....ructlo ... ~





PUT • • C . . .

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MI AI t 1:.!li W est l.'iftb ::i(,r cub,

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M. O. D.1t.

E .. . ~,...DENTIST

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yuu U SC



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Dr. Caldwell's Syrup' Pepsin I La .... .,,;. )

th" b et l ~r It will be fo r you, , \ ' ,," can'l :.lrOlI'(I I II fool with you r h\·l"r. Hull yuu " c rt n inly (.' tln tt uft'o rd t o

I", wilhulI l thi ,; great remell y if )'ou r IIwr is O UI of or de r . Don'l de ln)' . Buth you HO ll )'o ur Iiv.,r will Il e bJ;lIer • 'li ve rs thall e \' er , l l

IJR .CAL nWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN CILII he ,,"In ill c<l ill both d"lIur und bull. sizes f""l11 all drllggisls, \' n nr 1lI 0 1l~y will be refunded if It d ocs n.1l UCllc1i1 ),on .

dol , '

wit h

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!.: f'n J , JII<f.:'

D r . M il e .. ' It.nt l ·Pal n P i lls n r e sol d tly \Jil l o t.I .lr.ll1h:e th .. t \,, 11 1 b !n~ n t. If h yO.II· m en e)', N c \' cr ;o l u I n b u lk,

Y ou r ~oo; tal card reQuelilt will brlu" by re tura. m ull yur nt'''' bookJ.t, '''Ok. CA I-4 I)WKLl:S

V· l!l· ( II ti C ·. t , \.h u 1 .:. : ), . ... 1· .~ f 11 , t. ..! Y. 'I ,.... : 1'0 :: ", "': :L"!j , ~ :. C:. II:J,

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}h,jOK OJ( W()!'1Ut-; I{t) " .nd I rt!~ 51lmille to

Uh.H,e whu hu\' e n e ver Irlcll th i'l. wua ... ethaA Seolil ucltt )',

r~w l'\I)' .

M ile:; : I ~ i ;:: 1 C o .. Elkhart, Ind


t ryi ng

Hoi Ihul I'ull 11'111 be nil "iglll ;'u :t 01:1 )' ur

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Stlffering the n: i.ery

d .tt1 :; l':· U ~ l "'; dn: ~ o.; .

l~l't~lli St' 11.t' ~ t \} lI l lk' }I , 1 '1I \,,'I~ Ii \'t'r un " k idll l 'Y8 riU Lu'a.rlr OOUOtrol tit" IlI'uil L. .

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I FUNEFIAL DIRECTOR, Te /ephone Day or N:ghl. Loca/ No, 7 u"t, I. Long Distance 69-3r WAYNESVILLE. OHIO


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f'I' ~ 1 ""I,, " d \ \·", I I1 .. ~dll ,\ · III IlH y tOIl I Ii ""~ ' lit 11 11" , . ' -f l . ttu :I " '.11 1'1 11, \ \ ' ;111, ' " I'ri£'tl(\ B ·I'j . 1-1 11 wkiIH', 11' 11'., IItIlI 1 1 ·: ·, 11' .lI I I · · 'l'h l1 l,ll ~ totHnd o f tJl O ' ionx , "in . ' .) lltl g htl' r ll" !P!l S)Wllt, Slvt.' I'ultllt\,:-I' ltltlill!; I·lio lI otltb lo ell:'t " .. tit:ht, III~t lI'el'k \\,i l h I' r' I "'l' ~ III ~, : ", IW~' I l'~: l ::-l" lll :-<~;~ Bl I ILIlI~ (j ' o ll'C' r s Il~ll Mill 111 i \'ul lC'.\' Ih o 1i 1'~I, ! \ "1'111111 , ' , OPI'DrIUIl II,I' .. 1. h "l1l'1l1g Ih l' ~ I"'·." .. I 11.' 0, . Ihnt Irl~ ~C'd.~: 1:'0 111 ~1I1t1. w it," IU lI'\': ;'1,', .r •. !'!' ~I'll'llItI 1111111'11 1111\1' " li d I' 6 2 II [h e Inltlll"n \I~I\ Il~ \\1' kih)\\ Ih"t ,)1 MI' . f.".·.. ,1 HII I'I~(lC'k \l'm' lI ('lIlh';( I" Portland I our, I 1 It''' w n l' S • . I " TI~e C IIII UlllLlqUII , .Iul y ': 110 Au g .:1" 11 11\ ThUl'!Hlo y t o nlt PlItl tIll' filli P , r: n ll'Y !illln ll1N Tlt o '. M . .'\: ~t . p. .11. J. \ I ', u ~ l, , " c1I1 ~ I\'e, p l'OJlni ses t o 11<' " " '" I nlof t.b plr \111 ('\e, MI' . 'T"~Sfl .A1 P X. , Ii .v, w i tb i,T>I cOllu et' l ioll ~, s!'nll~ our. 1 ~E~--'!!"---------""- of Ih e g r clI tfls l III it" IJist u l'.\' . ~I"r, · , Il n rl pr. 'I lo ng , tim e re~i (l p nt. ",: , Pullllllln trnin 1'1'1>111 Incli lin u . (' o r , th u ll 1 () lI t l'II I ~II ". , ... 'nt.-I! : li n ," 1;(, f ;r(,l' n[1 C'Il11 Il I.I'. /' Illuro i IIt ,\ B 'lck;\" 1I1 11 IHIl It IIl r tl· 1 Dr. Chas, A, Eastl1l:lI1 I rili Uttl 11 lIf ll hl'l' ,)1" '!:! X! .l tt'nt~ " " JI !I I : IIH •. itU 'l Ut! 11I 1-! n wl 'I'I;'~ ~ r ll .\· i n th n at iVl, V. Chaut"lIljll:I . ' lill~ 1I" t il ~lIPI'''' Ihilt Sll.,' f ' I' " \, ''" "ILII gO I 111111 111'1', 1'110 , shi ll ,,' /111 "1' 1111 \" ' II"",,; t,,,,,, 1',11' 1; , 'I'hl" _ _ _ _ I lo ll1!f'r t illlt' ' .'(l ttt q!t-:O H I' , I in ~ I 't' l 1{l t·!'C . 111)'H· i u ~. p al '''.l! tITlIl bt'\' I' } !'- ld "ai' H l' I' Hn t~ t ' Jl l" III!'1 h:lVtJ, lI,'(,u lI l:I\I!· 'I 1' tt~II·IH rh1. PI'I)~rIl U H .11' turth l'l" III i ll ;.!, hU1' 1! 1Hla1'11:-1, "l 'h)J' ~ , !o-n~h 111'11 P I' u ll will . \\ b It. ' " (-' X'," IHI tlh' tr i p In 1..' inll l~~o til . fit£' UnCt's fl'lI! " ,II , j"1I 1·r. : 1I 11, ' 1l 11\' :uldl'l,;o-:"O tll :..! l i d j-Iprlla u d, with l'huH !O of ,' .. uttH of tlte S i n ll X, ( 'hHr l , ' ~ /\ . I'~, .. I· I I '" ,' ,' . IlInn ld ll, g:o',V~ I' I\ IH1Ilnn l l ))Or(:-hW'll'k 'l .',1Ht'nt n !.!' . 8tn l l~ wi ll h o 111l ldfl '11t , 10 . I"'~~ II 1 I i l l. l.. · \1 l ' UtI ,' II-: Il , :'\h,,'," , I I I i\' I1~ ) "11 11\ , d," ' H '~ It" I tt ... .. ' " IH ",011\, ))11 P plu~tAr , ( ~lt ' oo nn ~' , fq iut :-J IIf i nl o n'!"t, I ' ll )tl u t u 1' :\' t 'I' \ ' . th.~ fil'~r Ii ftl 'P Il \ ' f'ti T:-I li f III .. I, ' " 1 ': l'll ll)il ltl , () II I ' I , 1I I I ' . Tlo .. 1lI'lirt. , f w il li AIlI " rit' /O, "Il l' " ",, il ill lilli, in!! ll1Ljll'r li t Lb o U O\\' hllll . ' '1I1~ "" II OI'clL'11 Wil,h I,h .. lOlli' \\,111 , h tl l' ,' nt' .l in Cnrwl u I q li n . . !, (' In:-os IIlld n il (' X lu ! n ~(':o' III u 110 .. ""l1lllilil' l'xi~llmr'tI u f hi ~ I",,', · ! I ' I 'S ' . ' 1 IlI'ln,l ,'1I ill tlil ' lit ' I;" I,. l,' u r l". ' I' i" IIllrill !! "I I l lli,. li,,"~ h (l li,' '',j i ll ,, ' :: Xp urer S Oil 'I' . •1(' n' s 1111' 11 1 IJ Il fot J,!I'Htttl .\" h Ulll'CI\' 1' ' Irll\u!.i tH I Ilu,l d(' :"w l' iJt l i\'t\ 1I1" "1I 111I"t ,. te p(ll.of J,ull'iilll ~"in~, IIII' \\i loll'i"" 1 I , . I f I ' ,·,Ii II" l'''r", ~ II, ' d 11\' ,'n ll i"", "II ',I' At Portlund Fair, , I" \I ~ )11'0 )1111' ,I ' 1' 0 11 I" ~ "" Will", • 1m.' th " frlllt~ o f o hn~ "'. ' I " '\· "I" ' I 'I \' li l ill~tll(!, C ' . M l)l' tlI H I . 'h , I ' . P , A . I t t l \ ,.,ntprp.II II h nH~e n o r h "lI l' llllt l' ~:II U I ' _ .. 1'(>'" I.\' IIl1'I " !! 1Il1 I 1111 IIllnll'll\" '" . I ' hi II I ' , ~1. ,~. ~ I.. ['. Ity . , '.! 11. 'lIr. ' w Jjld ~, I~ O\ n~l1nl:" AllOk fl n , lind 11',1" "1",." . fill ,' nf 1\111 li lltllhl e v isitOl'~ nl, th.- ! oo l;ln J.: wull uf l'II IH'r Plj' an.\ " II'P' I ;11I1' innati, (lhi o. Ij~1 el\ tu lh ~nll~t Rod IlUte T·hn wll1ft' l Lq,wi" 11 1111 UI'L rk E.xl'osi li(;n i ~ \Y . , Iell lllll !; from th e st·r net t tl tlt e 1. '1' m~1I HI' f u ther wn N Il full bl no,Jpol " , , tI I ' " " ' . I"i o ll:t h y 'h e Illlm e nf MilBY I.i :.: hl R. f;hn 1I1Jt '", 01 I' !lw le l', Cn lifnr lli ll, . ru ('p, nil I II~ Ig "!\Ishell nil Willi II IIlo!: ~, 8 retllllrknbl e mnn ' Itl 11l"".\' ! wlJnl ~ III I' " , II u f U (ll) r~e ~h"'1I1 O Il ' l hnllll ~0I~ cn~~~ ~ 'I() \\,IIII; . "'" ,v~. H IM lIIolher lli etl IIfll"I' Ill e j' ti lt< .1' llllll ~r~t. ~o n "f Th p. L o wi .. ,~" , ~~!rlh o f !! e r (j~~.!1 c hilli, ()hi:V{,~~I , ~r l:1ark f'xl'ltJl'ill~ pHd,\' of n hl1lllll't'r\ : BEN: HER DOUBLE rIm \Vwn e l , It!! lilt! IInlll O I~ III yenl'~ ":!O 11 "IlI'I.';" S lmnll OIl \\'11 ' " I IW I' W.lI l1ll11P. f OJ' 1"" 11' \\" .(,1;,. Ih" nRI~\'(I l o nuul'. Anl1 h e WII~ 1'(' 111' I' " " , ., ' . , , ' M' h l1 H I \\'II S ~i('k wtl h 1 ~' llh ,.il l :lnl , Ihe li ll,\ SlIoIllIlIln , n " i k id n c .l' 1.1'''111111' ,'' writ ~." ~lr~ , ,\nll i. ei\ hy hi S grllnum o th e r III Ih " wild" I kn )\\ 11 liS of M .. nllohll, where h e l eli rtlPll Ih o r_ j OCCOtl ut, of h, .. y('nl lJ . Aflel' tilt' , H 1111 It' ", of I'ltt.~ hn r~, J'II, "IIUll nugbly ! I: .e hest ot ~~L fI unclf'nt ,fnlk IlXpolliti o ll h e bel'lIl11o IL Inwy e t'IIDII ",Ii A Il I ~ot. h a t.t pr , IlI Pllltl g h I 111111 lore. r e ligIOn lIud ''Oltoh c ruft Of Ill S \tll g IL lli ;; tin g ni~hcd jnrh,t in Mis . : one of lit o he~ 1 t1 (1('tO I'S 1 co uld I~o. people, . ' . spud, ni~ ~Iltl, th ll PX )os itio n \'I " il.. 1 wus b'",I. llllnl,l l1 IIl1d hlll\ I .. ... ,~t After n ~hOTt IlpprenhCfl~III\l1Il a . ' I . ' III~' hnlHl~ O il III ;\" kH Of'S "' lip" I' 1II1!.~i on 8c h o n1 11 11 nnl.(l TIl<\ loit 01 , IS II UI\' ,1,{(1 ~'I'li rs II f II~I' , I:!n wtllk .... 1. F r o m thi R tl' rJ' illl p IIllli l" / oolll'g e, lRt M . going t:n Knox, Durt. . r e m e mbol' s h ell rin g' Itis fu th p. r 1., 11 tl o ll I Wfi S 1'I '"," pd II,\' 1~ 1 .. (·t l'it: Bil . _ _ _ _ mnuth und B oston , O f the hUlt two t,hrillin g Inluil IL\)o lll, hi s I' xpo ri e n Cf' !h l flr >' , wh i('h r"~l n rpd I\I~' h l'lI l1h IIl1 r\ \\' ' ,'o ' a. gra d uo. t e . I n IL I I flf nn I h e lOll" j" nrll tJ't' frnll) St I n ui. , ·sIr I.'n Utl I, II n (\ 110\\• l '' ~IIL WII II."US , .' ", \11 "0" wunt II l l lPIISlIlI1 I"XII · • lleg e 1\ h e IS I t' , I I .. these he mAUl' B reputati o n [Is II ' , . '. , .. " trn i~ ld, II~ OVO I' , Th o.I' lir e si ml,f,I" 1\' \11 III , ~~ ","~ ,\' 1", 111 ' " ~I II', " ,'rl II "I ~(}()(1 thinker. 0. care ful stultc nt· nutl _t~ thll m ou th ~'flho I ,o lll1nlllfi. whi c h _ wll ll lle rfu 1." Un'lrlln loc(1 t o ('tl 9J : t.o II ct , . l:~l~ t: hllmhr rl '"I1, ~ ~1''' IH''oUi II. mBn w ,hn could ta k e hIM \lIII C I J h fl. FilII' Ilt I 'H lltUJd i~ CO lIlIlI lJ lII (' .. !'tn lllnr:II,Ii\, f) ~lIn rlkicln e:vd i ~or(1t.. r",; II IHl .. L~~"~ t llhlt· I ~ . h'r ~III II by amOD:! whIte llIen, Durill/l: tho lil t. rulll1 !;, f at L u Uls Mil .\' Mllru~ sture: pri c e :,1)0 . Lom" M.I~ . M I'"

1·:.l i l 'lI~


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: IIII :I'' "~ I'I:I'" ,:r ;1i:· lirn ho.· ~~~ III:,~" ~l pEI~SONAI II f I' II1'i \1 inl o rus l;s IIml lil'(' l1l "I. ' .



PEPSIN SYRUP CO. , "anUaoll., t lllnDI.



11~/-l '""



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. ,

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J.! ~ WE onl" TWO clearance sales a year-.July and August, and January IIo.nd February-when we take every .. piece of clothing in our parlors and give bon~ fide reductions tha.t cannot be equ~led in this country. In our show windows and we display samples of hana.·ina de Men's and Yc;ung Men's, I Swell Suits and Trc;users, ,a nd Se!parate Trousers. with prices a~_~..!.l,~ch t~e" were sold and what we sen the~ for during our Clearance Sale, Our b l ue and black ~u;ts are included in this, the greatflst clearance sa/e~ 01 our hlstt)ry.


••""~""~~-~"'''"~".w~w~"t~**fU~~·~·~RU'~"~'W·....~....~.......a. . . . . . . . . ..


Our Prices for This Clearance Sale All of our $12 .. 60 Suits and Coats and Pants, " now • • • • • •

A ll of our S15.00 Suits and Coats and '.' Pants. now • • • • • ,



S7.50 $10.00 ..

Swell Suits and ---

COJ ts

- ---"--

and Trousers. .

All of our $17.50 Suits and Coats and Pants 1 now • • • • • • All of our $20.00 Suits and Coats af,d Pants, now • • •



- - - --- - - - - -

S12,,50 $15.00

--- -

Our Trouser Department

is F.ull of Snappy Peg- Top, Cuff Bottom. and Worsteds that are ___ -.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::.......:g~o:::..o:::..d=_a:n::.d=--.:u~p~-: to:::.....:d:.::a:.::t.::e.~_-= Our pri ces for this Cle ar an ce Safe-

All of our S3.60 Trousers n o w • •


All of Our 56.00, Trousers now





And ,remember this ........ No matte r wh~t priced garment y ou buy from us it i! kept in rc pa i~ !~r _~"'6_(2) ye~rs free l)f cJuu'ge. This inclu de s 'new linings. new b uttons. button holes rewor~~~. cleaninl:!..!....P!ess~~:{,a~l,~1 :sp~~ging -l\s· ~ft;n as desired. We deliver all repair work to y our homes free of chtu'ge. - .._, , - -- _ .

isfit tlothingParlors NO. II EAST FifTH STREET -·Near Main.







W~l'r,ren Cou,n ty Court s.

. L, Wll nl7.. bl'idg lumbe r .. . 65 51 The D. L. & C. Railroad . Rl1l!gl l"ll G~l e Co , bluuks fOl' pr u ~u~ jud~ e , ........ " .. "." .. ~ 00 ooult'r I'ROOillEDiNU8 Tbe D , L, &: c, RILill'oa d '0. is t.e,wlttllrQI" , coul w H. :ALL ~ N , f" HE~l D £,N' , WaBhin gt,on Bowden at al vs fa· Alwis BrP&t, , cO<l1f Ol'jnil " " ..,,, 16 6 ~ giY in ~ splendi JO t.: H' ....\'HIU L'r ("H U l l " for cOl'lr d service on its line t Co1:0 I: RI LE', Vr c c P ntS iUC:O' rail. E. 'l'o~ton , clise dl :;m hsed (01 , ho use"" . , """." " . " .... "" " " l-! 7f Whi c h ex l'ond H fro m Leb all on t o wnnt'of proseou tion. . Le\Vl~ Broil .. [)eUlent lIud so \\, . DAy t-OIl , Eig h t, 1'IlssenJ,:tJl' t.l'fI Ill S 'l'he C . 'L , & N. Railwa y CO. VB J lr pipe "" ". " """". "" ... " " .... :!8 5~ M, l'homps on et al. Cllse dismills er ~. J , ZentlUo now run i)o t wct'll Iho t wo llillCes y Ol', con tftl cts by cOllseu.t or 1111 purtles. No. G8l1mi 68... " ." ..... "" ." ao 7f dn i1y, foul' euch wa y, Manuat o from Suprom e ConI" , ji' , W . B uthilWIlY, r ep nirs in Th e r ond is \lOi n ;; lihol'llJl y 11IIt.r o nW . E. Eltzrotl l, gnurdln n VB .Philil Wayno towllsh fp " "" " . .. .... 2:1 !!~ To ,zod hy perso n.. Ii\' ing IIllul on g the WhitaO l·e. Jud ,~elllellt of circ u 1 " Vo,', Bathliw lIY, is a r el'uinoK court uffirme d nud it I lj ordered ~h t out ... , uud t h" jl((RSe n gel' .b us iness i. wlI Rh out contruc t 7 4 .... .... . ] 0 £0 u speolul 1ll1ln:lnte be !lent to tn, !rowillf( all th t! tilll(, comul,m plp,~ R co urt, to efirry thi~ :;anll1cl Bu xt er. oaro of \'lIult~ ) , Hulling sworth. relJUil'ing It i" onl y 11 f l' W ynll l' ~ si ll Pn th c-. jUllgllm ent int,o execul.lon. sow e l' IIml r\lrni~hin g st on e 12 C(' Annll ~w"ney v~ Huunuh \Vnl cott D. L. ,~C. fl . n. \\'il~ 0110 'of th!' L: U Guttery , ctlln oilt SOIV 01' et nl, 0 1d ' r ta ken to s eJJ rpul CoutrCl ct No. 7'2 " ..... " ...... ·10 Of' ,)I)ores t und 111 0~ t Ulll'li t isfu ctor y estate I W. J . PfluD?: ~ r. pllllubi n g "ouds in th e Btllte. /lnrl t hc pr l\~(' n I Mn.ud M, Cosle!:o \'8 Michae l Cv~ ' und CATlWnt .. . .. .. " ........ .... 4l I : mnnu ge1l1 ont of I,h e roll d i ~ c nl,itl tt' )lo, Decree of lIi\'OI'ce ~rtLnt. p (l ed W . •J, Pfltln:!e r. ~(lw () r plpA... 10 J~ /,0 s tron g' praise for whllt if hU R p)tlilltil l' who i. ulso given tbe oare Wurwlc k lind W orl"y, Iller . and custody of nun OI' oltlld. ~cco mp1i ~ h ol l in workin g the 1'01111 chBDllIs e for cOllrt hUll S!: ... a l) ( , to Mury S, 8trout, V8 Gllllrlo" Nix '\11 ,John tho fr ollt, 1I ~ It lms. A . 'I·homp son . cem ent.. ~ CO Lea vo grtlnteu pillintil f to filf ; . A , 8t1lwell , IIdvun(' e foos tlJUond ment to reply fort·hwl th . from August settieUi ent CHOLE RA INFAN TUM. NKW 8UI1'S. 1\/0 3 ....... " .. ....... " ." .... .... .. :3JO 01 Jalll e~ EuIItHi,HI.illr,Y 1'01' ,Jnu o Child not Expe c ttld to Live fJ' o lll .TolIlI Hllrdin g Cllld WilJiulII p , itS ; un it('I' at Court ... flu CO on" Hour to Anotb e l' , but HIIYll cr v~ The illcorpo rnt ocl VillDge R . HIII'"I') Ill'gC I'. Aul llHml'. l'Y fol' Cure d by CbA.mb to l·lall1 's Oolic, uf timUh LohuIlOU , Sully Wiley. \\ ., lin e us lls, bt,ullt jUI1 i. OJ' Choler a untl DiFu·l'b oe.IRem e dy A . BeetHe, Frnnk ~no () k. C,lydp C, n t (" "11'1. h Ol1se .... .. .... "...... :1;, O( Unth . th" liltle dnu lI' IIl or of Ii: N Collins . EdwtLrd Mel oy , \\' I itl,!, 0. V, 11 Ii II lil A, fr eil5 h :, ~ 110 \\' n.\' o f A~n o w\'illl·. \'n ., WIl H ~('I'i l\ioi3nrnA.v. Snmu pl Wil Bon 11111 I V . Ulll1kiIlS <lIl. 111111Ut..... ... OI·" ... S !/ ~ ,Jtl, ly ill of cho lel'll infullt,ll1ll ll1Mt UHorge Piokleb erger.ln junetio n lind W. H. UOIlf' . s Ol'vi ce~ liS in . -l1l11l11 e l'. ,." e gu"o h l1 l' lIJl [Inri did C'lultub le relief pruyed for. firm :ll'Y liireot or 1'0 1' ~ n ot l1 XPl'c t, hoI' to live fr olll o nc Ih)nr mouth . ...... .. " .. .......... .... 71; G. t o Gn othe r . " he Hlt,V!I. "I bCl.ppon ' I'ROD .~TE GOU nT. od hllll u wclt "'Olll) Co .. J IH'~ \,JI . t,o th ink, of Cblllllb orluin 's Ch olem. '- _ _ I• ....... ....... .......~I~ E.~t.lltO of Forgns Clemcn ts, l O· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .KI IJIIZnll .... ....... ......... ....... :! ~v colic lIud Diurrh,, '!\ R omed y lind got· oeusel\' ' Jwport of pri vate 81de () Lelmno ll HILS 3] Uo. gfl ~ lit ja il ., bottl e of it fro m t.h o "t OI·O. In - ¥=- ---= bnnk "tuc k IIIc·d . to .llIlI O l At. 111li J .... .. .. . ...... ;, 1:, f!l'C' II o l11' ~ I ~11W 11 cll unge for 111£' E" lute A,leline T, Hchwurl7.••10 :. 8 . M' ·' \1nt~. (,,,urt I~o~ t s ,plt e l' . Wo kl·p t. 1111 :,: ivin~ it untl 01:e1l81'd . First lIud liult1no count 1'( r CU AO HS~ I " Iltll ox rpl h foresh e hnd IlIkell the hul l' of on e sottillm en t flI otl. , Ch 1I'les U Dl)ehull t PrmlOnn t . , 1111111 hnttl" she WII S vi'pll , " 'I'hi£\ Irn \ '0 b oon ne wly r e fitted t,hro nghollt lIud In rA will .Iumes L·. Brown, d ~ 111 1! .'\ tr·y, \,!' . W . W , Cmll o nil machin ery Is DOW run by I'om ody is for 8,,10 by Louis MClY. cOllbed . Cnu"c continDUfl. ot 141. , o0111U1i :<s ioll ll r';.cO HtS .. . !I 0:: ~ tCIlJU lJOwe r, 111J 'lwillg th o mill to work .to lts fnll The BultlUl orll & Ohio S(. u I capacit y, A 1)('lit.ion \l'II S fil ed Ils kiug t,hll t WAst,er n Ruilrolld OOl.l1ptlny vs U. All kitlils fl f 11 0 111' mlll fecel on hund at ull times.A sk your )'. I:)tnt,~mlln nnll G tl rtrude Stut., . 110 Wel ch 1·,)11(1 ~o t1th o f MII!'!'''w bl Have ~' our nUII1 . DeI'oDlltll1t~ ordered to "I ' ,puneLi. deuler for Acm A Flonr. If YOll lue ' dissatis fied jl(JlIr in probtlto court MOlldny JulJ The il(1:lI·tl llI·cl e H·,1 th p fo llowin g ..Jal'\ C I, 10 ut!l o'clook fl . 111 . with whlLt Y'l Unl'O ulling try tbis,It will elllporl lry 'run ~ rpr of fnnd., : ~n l E'Ittite 0 : WIlIinm H. Butt. d,- lie r" lIWntlIH Ont ute fund I' t n b!'id ge in,!!; and plUllRO y o u. coused, Hel:ort of prl\'Clte ~1I111 ,f · t~d, 1,";000. chattel s Hl ud First IIccoun t fo o' Cont,rnc l lot to CIltlrl pg Le \Vi ~ 1"01 ijottlme nt filed -.--- -~~-.--- - --. CO lll'reto .."w eI' uo tho Old Statp Estllte of Cutheri ne GIIlIl1h pr. ({r'Glad in Wuyuo towll ~ hiJl at ostilllllt e , ceused. p , H . Hue IIppoint ed lid mlnlstm tor with bond of $l.OUO >l GO. Goorge R , RO-1I011tn, B , S, Conov, r Contrllc l le t, to Ol,h o H utlfl ers ol1 Allltluterlai alldwo rk . gnlll'tlu teed unrl .llImes V. l:illnklllsoll appml ser 'or oorru t:utctl iron se we r on DI1"i (1 Estllte of Alioo L . Comsto ok. u(· I1I1S CllI rOlld Itt, $ ·Ul 7:' . ceuse(\. Invento ry und nppruis f~ CUIII,roc t, let· to ~'. W. Hnthnw ll J' ment filed , I E:st.uto of Minnie Lippinc ott. bon .'or II se\\,lIr n our rt' sillon ce of ,1 01m cficiur,V. 'rbird ueconn t for tlettle l oll In W,lyno t OWI s ':lip ut esti,Ulnte LOANS NEGOT IATED . NOTAR Y PUBLl , -'1 2. 0·J. Ollicc lind Shop, Fourth l:ltreet, IllAnt flIed. W e hayO b\lye r s for good forms und town propert y In re will .Jllmes L . Brown, de Wayn eSVille. Ohio. CoutrCl ct le t to C . H . J on es fo r 11.11 times. List with UH, we call bellJ you. ceused. WiJI udUlitte rl to probat,f'. 'on cr ete ~ e "' e r on L obfl,lI on 'Phone No , 5. nnd Mill· p, O . Box ] 06 Dllv is Jo'nrllll!:l. ndmini strutor of dletown I'onlillt estlmnt,p. ~I -;- ~ OfIico Rooms ov er Pos t OlTIco i'll Stoops" BuUdln g. . Ull . ______ !E __ the ~s tllt e of John D. FnroCis. d e Pllln~. sJ1ecifi c",ti on ~ U1II1 ('stlm ll t e. cOItHml . VK Elhl C, Fnrnn M I1t III .1'01' II HtOIW "rcil 110111' Gencra l 8111" confil'm ec} llull ut!cc1 und dl ~ ,ilou~o 011 St.ubbs 111111 m n. in sohonl r otld, TurMetrlbutio ll ordered , INSURANC~ ioreek townsbi11. uppr oved. In re will JtlUles Lld(liI, decense ll ""!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!~~!'!!!'!!~!'!!!'!! Dmin g t.ho w/lrm SUJl1m cr months it is not neceesa ry that !'!!!'!!~ Old Line Rolin bl o ComplUlicR AplJlIc ation DI~e to probate will. ' ,: the ' d WOUlen of t il e hOllseh old should spend much time about- the John H·. Linton, executo r of thl Catarr h Canno t be Oured hot cook I'oprese nte . 8tove. becll1J~e one c ttn buy h ere so maoy things thllt go to estllte of Hunnnh Urton. dpclIsed . ,\'ith locnl uppli oation~ make good , tiS they Cilor '. Ev ery polioy hilS n gUllT[m . m Olds Clnd whi VII Mllrgar et Miller et- nl. Public ~ot r Anch the !:IeClt of c h roquire no coo king. the disetlso : teed finllll ciul backing , lillie of reul estute ordered . . GtttllTrh iS1L blood or II const,itu ti onnl Wo lun'o frosh fruits lind vegetab lcs, cll~ned goods. dried ilEAl. It.bTATII: TIIANSJI'li:lts. ~,_ 118('1\5(', IIIHI in order t o c ure it yon Prompt . ClttentlOn gi ve ll t o II luree vlll'i ot.y of c uke~ Clnd c\'ll o k ~rs, j ollie8~ i;lckles, cheese, etc. 'IlU ~t t,uke inte rnlll remedi es, H"ll's nll b\1s iu es~, Oxford LOllD& Buildm gAssoc ia.' CatJIl'lh Cure il! hLk en L!o mo in lind try 0111' goous. inte rmLlly , tion t.o Mary Hunter , lot in Fmnk , lOd a ot.s diroct,ly on t,hc \ blood n n d . .l. ~ THE CORN ER GROC ERY, lin, $100. ..! '11llCOUS snrfuce s . Hn ,< Martbll 0 , Stokes to Benjam in 1" . Cure iii not n (Jun ek ml1 's Cntn rrh \ "I Stokes, by doeree of court,,· il7 . 0~. 'VIIS prescriu ed by one edi cin e. It Vlllley 'Phon e -;-7. WuynesviIll', O , of t,he best _ _____ __ . ....... _._ . _ __ ._ _ ocres In 'Clenrc reek townsh ip. physici in this country for yenrs Chan ge in Tiine of Train s. M. J. Hutchi n.lilon '.0 Arthur E :mel II! Ilans rcglllllr presorip t,ion . It is Appley ard, lot in Lel)ano n. ond . compos ell of Ule btlst toni ns known , otlltlr good and volu~ble oonside r oombin ed with the beRt lll ood pnri . U llller n n e w schetlnl e in ofTent Iltions. fiers. IIctiug' llire(}II~' on I,h" IIl11C0l1S .Jnne ?G . 1~I O :;. 1 1lls~ O ll~ e r truin s ove r Frllnk Brundo n and wife to mrfu ce!\: Th e ppl'fect Arthur E. AI}pioy ord, reul estlLle In f) f t.l te two Inl-:rpl\ ien t. oomhm nti on tho I'llntli'y l\'un ill Lill e ~ l oCl "c 'Vay iH Wllllt, P1'O. Lebano n, *1 nnd other good und dlloessl1 ch wono e rfnl re~ l1Jt" in cnr. n e~vill fl stnli on II!' follo ws: vlilul\bl e oon!l~der[lt.ion8. ing cnt,nrrh . Send for t «~ timolliCll s F o r th o Eu~t ~1 :5 ~ II. 11 1.; 3 :-1. p, Arthur E . Appley ard. trustee, ot Al E: . 'J. l)h e ney & Co .. Prop~ . T oled o. m. ; l:inntlny on IV 10 ::!·I )I . m, to Huse Bone, 4 lots of lAnd in Lob :>old by Vl'njlgi sts, Jlr i<.'e 7:.c. F or' tb o W est ~l :O~ 11 . Ill , ; (j :0,1 p , Ilnon. lind other good and VlIlu Take Hull's Fnlllily Pill,. for oOllsti. able oonside mtlons. m . ; Sunduy only ,I :ur; II. Ill . IlIIti on, "--:~i2----Chllrles .\~Ular to ...La.yfa yette I'!'!!~~!'!!~!'!!!'!!!'!!~~! F or ]lurticu hlr illforml Ltion 011 the '!!~!'!!~ N ioholso n, y. of lin ol're also 1\ t,mct ~ ubj ec t upply t o H E. BOOI,h, of 36 square poles of land in Wllyne HAT JIA 'VA Y, townsh ip. Wu y nesvill e , 0, Andrew Kohl to Henry L. Beok - - _._.- --- - --Wayne sville's Leadin g Dentist nllln. 11 y' sqnare poles iu townsh ip omce III I>oyo' Uulldlni .. Cheup Su III III or Trips to Vtlri O ll~ Lawn~ , Ma in Street 4, $70 .00. P o int,~ viti PennRylvClnlll Line s . John McClun g, by sheriff. to Wi! f: .~ \· ur l'l l (1I1 tt c ltCL... \\ 11 1 I) ~ so l d \' 1:\ P t' ll ll ... yl l.;~, lilLm C. King. r,a acres in Deerfie ld \'anl a 1.l nl'lo\ :1. :.. r.. ll n ws FORCE D TO STAt{ TV E. townsh ip, $9,GlIUI0. Pn r LI :u HI. Or c . , .h l ,"' 1 t ,1 ,'h'lo lJt'r Ifll li , B. F . Leek, of COllcord. KY,.~ILY S : ill Tn l' l lI "i h 'c , ;t"Cflll lit I.. ' \\·b alii I C la rl: , " 'lI lI ' li Elizabe th D'.,W?o dbur y to Joseph "F"I' 20 ,VOIlrs I suffer SHill nderwe:1.I'. ed Ilgonies II la l Ey pl}~ ll i u ll , D. Don~allY .• 07% Ilcres 1:1 Slllem with n sore OUIIl,V nppcr lip, so pUIII· '1'n l hlll H' I' IIY , 111tll a nn , .I II !\' 1 ~ to .\lI~\I !H town~hl\l, .und other good lind (DI ome t,imcs thut I ('ould not e. nL 10. I I U'lu~I\' l'. ,i CC IHllit hlaul\ I' .n k A ~ :-"· ' III I IY . ~umllwr 1l<l!t'I'weal', suffiClen~. conslde rut!ons " Aftor vuiuly tr.v ing e ve rytbin~ else, '11(1 L o ul '\ v il lt: , 1, 1' lllul'li \', .luly a u lUll ! ;n R . Wilds Ullchrl! lt t.o Chllrle~ I cured it, wit.1I Bucklen 's Arnic!l ;1 ("('OIl Il L N n l l n u nl A ......o(· l nllo li il f ~tu tl o l1 ;J. rr TI1I'II()H\I'~, Work. lot In Lebano n, u·m1 other Sulv e ." It·s grunt for hurns. nuts '·· ' lgi l ll't" ·.... l'\,rtialid . O r c gl1 n , AU Io!LJ ... t Ii -:- ~ · n · lo 11· Rood and vA·1 unble cons,l deratlo ns . IIl1l1 woumls . At, Louis Mny's drug 1::'l'll · 1:. , 1-1 - 1;, 11i · l i :!\ I·::! II :1 1111 ::1 . 1, (,('(111111 1 '1'11 Davis FurnRs , ndmmls trMlJr, to store. Only 2;; ceuts , \'C::t JOIl (I' ~' nt lll ll a l J\ S:-II'('iaLlmJ Ilf I .t·u t·r EIJII. C. Furnn!!., \l9 . a ~ ncres In , ·arrlt- r'i . a l .. n 1,)1' l 'C' lwu t Cll u t, ',1 (I nl cl' (~\('11S, Wnyne townsh ip. $6.000. lio n 11 (111 'lJ 11 Oregon iu Bridge Co .of Delllwn re. '1' 0 1h'n \' .· r , , .. iunulll , t\U~ ll l'l t II t .. 1:1. III to the Oregonir~ Bridge Co"of l1bio. <"1 ,,-1 ... ,. ,I< ,· .... ,It :-; .<11 .. ",01 1"";0 1", ,, ,, 1, " " Ier til '\ [ u s II H e J' \\' (I a I' t-:~q; l l't>, 2.15 IIcros in Turtleo reek townMIII(I. • 'I' ( ) :-; 0 11 Fnt lli'1 :H ' (), c ul H n rlll :I , AugU $1 und othor g00l1 llud YIIIUllble :c.t I ~ III ~ .. , I n c l ll!'ln' , 1Ii ', 'llu nl I ntct'nn 1. IIIIII, I I 'o n \ , ' II ' l~" r ll . conslde rntion9 . ral)l)l~l ~ tl.. ". S',ctc lk. <I f the <·hrl , II .. " ,'''''re'' Henrv Barbuc h to Pllul 8 . Har. I () 0 .3 . bach, 7RY. nores in Clearcr eek town· LOW ~' Aln:~ Wl'-~T ANII "u UTllWE8 T , .~hip 11 tlud other val Uti hie consille r. SP RI'I A I, ItO~H: · REE"ICI1H· EX f'U R"I O NK IItions. VIA I' E NN S Yl , V'\NI.~ I.IN~~R . A:-;D DEM.Ell 1:-1 Jnmes A. Brown to Charles C , ,\lIrll ll t· ('t.1n t.f'lIIpl nti ll ,!!. " H l p " ·c'l l m ;n Hubbel l. 5,381lud 5,B!l llorcs in Halll- l~URNITURE t a k l' uth ' a nt a J!(' ur \ h~' l'(' l!u Ct"d f ~I.rI ':O- IU I- l li l' SIH.-' t.' LlI Jt oJTIt"Set'k t' I' ~ ' c.~ \ '"r:-.fulI .~ \' Ia l ' l .nll ' l ilton townsh ip, $1 and other good !oiy lvu nta 1 . l n~ s t n 1 1nill l ~ I II l ' o )o r il d. t' , hla tt ll . valutl·bl o consido rntions. l () \\' :l, 1\: " 11 :-111-. , Mlnnl 'flo tu , M,ls."I(Hlrl. Mon I I'. B . Bro,nn to I~harles C. Hub. '-' h t una , ~l·hrJ. .. I( a , th e O;lk o lnFl , Ilrcgoll. \\ l\"'h'l .. 'Teloph one in his house whore 0 l n g t o ll. T bell. r; :18 and &.8!:! ucros in Bumilt on eun be called lit all hours, alii) uther S l.'(' I~.l o n s I II till' \\·.... 1 .~. . .!""'~~!" "'....~~~~!'!!~~"""'!!'!!!'!!~!'!!~!'!!!'!!!!'!!!'!!'!!!!!!!'!!'!!!'! \.IH.' ~1.U l (' l'\ o f th c So uth day or lu ut i ll a ll f'xu!'o , towlIsh ip, $1 lind ot,her good and - -- ---~ !~!!'! :-;to l' U\' (:f l l r l v !l{ ~ J:'c ~ Jlt'T lll tl tr aYI' II' r ", t.o ot vu)ultt.l u consido rlltlons . night. In \','. 1tgate b"sl n<',. " pe nllll!., T ileN" 11o-1"'h l one 0 . G. Hubbel l to $ylvcst er S , Dollar Sa. ved Repres on ts w i ll be (In :-.:, lc cf' rlu l n ,13.Lt'!i dUl' lnl.{ t h e ~ IIl I1 ' Conch.e s and chairs SllIJPl1ed. Thl'! Diamo nd Oure. , Puckot t quitclu iru deed to G 38 and Have recentl y moved to ro om lIle". Uclulle, t Inlu" nullo" as In lures. th",· Ten DoHan . Earned . The latest news from lin,,·. "Ie .. will be fI'c"l~ (ur nl. he,1 "1''' '' ''''' & N8 tlcres In Htllllilt on townsh ip, '1 next to Cro~s Bros. The IIvol'lI ge mlln lioes not, save to th oy have discove red PariSi!! that a dtamon d lll1cal lo" (0 r.ocal 'I'l<' kel Ag"lIl "r l'en.n•.\· I. uud othor good and sufficie nt oon· MAIN STREIi:'f. ()xcom\ t.on Iler oe. nt of his onrning s . cure for conSllmlltl·on. If \' :\111 3 J. Ille~ . III HI ~' you feat _ . . WAYNESVILLE. 0 siclernt ions. , He Ulu st spOIull llll O 'lollnrfl 111 hVlng con sumpti on or pneulll onia, it will, Furmnn L. Boyer to Anna B. Boy· OEDAll1jl' llINII!I-NEW nICAI.TII I!RFlORT expenge s for overy d ollur ' n\·ed. howove r , be best for you to take er. lot I.n Frankli n , 17'50. Good for Stom~ch Troub Ie and ATTRA CTINfI . ~IU C I1 ATTENT ION. TIlILt being th o Clt~e he I)linnot be too ttmt great remedy mentio ned by ~Y. S l)rlngs o f wontl llrful c'c powe r 51111 ' cltrofnl nbout ulluece ssnry expe '.lses. '1'. MoGoe, of Vanlee r, Tenn. I had Consti pation . liar 1.0 th e tamoUB w:ue r s of C arls hl\cl a r e Very often '11 fl~ \v oentij prope Comm .lsslo ners' rly ina cough for fourtee n ut.t.r RcLlng many o th e t cn) t. h I~ nd ph!usurc vest ell, like buying s eeds for his ing helped IDO until I y~'Y8. Noth. UChum herlnin 'sStomu ch aUll Liver n'~,",Jr Hl o f C~ ,1ar t~J)r toolC Dr. Kings ln l;". rc:l Ch L'tI lJy' th e Proce eding s. Tablets garden, will su"e severn1 'r~I"IIIl ';y h' (U'ta. I. lnp" ,·Ia Ne w P aris, O. 11 0 ' dollars out- New Discov ery for consnm ption, lInve llone ine a great uenl t f'1 u comm Iny hltor mlali Oll on s .' arcIt!& the same in buy- coukhs nnd-co lds, whioh ga'v e i • ultde r capllb l e m a n' of good." says R , 'fowns, of r.tLt : J. f(f" \'nrle cr r ccrqllt.lon 1M.orrcrc.."d: .0U1. · Ing Chum berlu,l n 8 coilo, cholarll onnd ISlttDt relief. nnd (>.ffected a pepmaBarlan Whltno re,oont racts • Portage , OntariO , t::auada . c.!!Belug d oormc nt.. o n the tennlt4 courts and crOQ uet Inw nf( Nu. 37.JU1d 38 .... : ..... ,...... ... 73 GO t~. mild physio tlle after . effects are luuoo rs III t he Clubb ouse wb ere there I ~ 3. Diarrbe au Remod y. It e08~s. bu t anent oure." Unequa lled quick Care BarJa.n. Whitac re, hrldge renot 1,lDpleusant, and I CIln reoom· c}tver s1ty of amu! ~m e n Wl and g nmc.~H, 'For few cents" and ,o bottlll qt ,It 1~ the for throat and lung trollble a• . At rs about f ~ r •• mu," limo Irilin. house often sa.ves a doct~s bill of Louis May', drng stor-e-- prioe 500 menu them toO .all who sulfer from .p.rllC!ltla patrr; H~rliln Gnd t:illlem "ply \ 0 Il et/.l. 'OIIo11to or Pequ'l'h' anla 8ev~.1 ,d ollor!f. towDsh lpa .... ..... ......... ....... 7 5li stomao h disorde r." For lillIe by May. a.ndtl, g~&raDteed. Trial'b ott.efre e For 881e by, Ltn •. lal Harlan Whitac re lumber " .. .. 164 5!< Louis May : .J'

Kee p a Ban .k Acc oun t


'Tis a bett er one to kee p it at the





. (.. . Il1g',

Plllm bI·'·tt'IIlg, Hot

W' H eat ·\.cetr1yne Lio·htin dOl~e ;b',v home ~eopi~\


The c.Tho s. ZeU CO' l. HAWKE, Plumber,






LEROY IRONS"1 , l'\.gt ·


C. M. BRO WN , Pro prie tor..


CUR , 'l'AI N STRE'l1CHERS $1.5 0 to $ 2.0,0. The Very Best . Ir e Sales.



On. H.E.

w01ulerfll1 sales in July , 8 1:2 1·2 and 15c.





Ladi ('s'

uwr U

\fell \; Colla rs,












14+ sol.1 in shor t time Gloves, 2:, and 50c Slim mer Cors ets, 50c Calico ,.y rapp ers

Hu tcb iso n 6t Ciibn~y, Xenia Obio.






U] 1


Kin n

for 25c leH' 25('





The J\\iami Oazette. BROWN 6: MclCA v, PubU&hell. .,

''' hnt W' ,

Public Tfllilo e. c hQ ~ l · , Wbell t h ~ I' ui leu :>tall's "I,nli [' o m6, n~ it "I II in a ft' W yeal's to hal'p IOU, 000,00') of i nhal)i1,'nt~ . Wil h a 1(" r~ ti l)OJll ltll~


l' :\ I'U u ~ iou

u~\· I.'lPiJlll l ·lIl,

tru ing 10 OC(\lr iL l('I1 :-. I : ' II'I~ · Incf('u:;f ng *'urt'lty or skilled well h Il H' I) I t the culll,n l or la b or lJ," Ih e I IU lUn~ tihulild lO ll flUUt ', T h e J'lJ! ~s ur lhu Ih pnl

I :)

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::Jll lli t'lt'lll

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S \ 11 111 4

s upply u t

trad,')o:. . A "riter I II ('a !-o~h" l ~ ~l nl;H.¥l u c. n. puLJI1· c a l ion 11' \'(11.'" 10 t Cl hnt '111 1II 1111. ' f3 , \\ 1I!'li m r n

\\lJ o

1 u aed til l m ye • • u lt o f " :ot h . .

A l l r Rgft II nd PaJJ)I .lUd (l'n ,



IdIU\\' I h pi r



l' O" I ! dn ' (

J.J, I m~\' 11 1 1.I :I:lS J ruun d,


Inll t OI t' ' ' ' Il o o k oq ,

,\ 1:

J .:, 1\ 1 dO " ' 1 f~ hlb6 1' 1

~ I w hl ' r "': u J' th ,1\j \ :- l lI r11 . ''t'lt\td I ,) r o .. ( ..A nd l! 1,rl6 rlll It!. Til61 111olll:, h nd ..:'f(I W \\. I hu fh nt ,n ~ ,d, .. ul l lI ll II , II \ \\ Iff' ill \ II r,l111 I " II Ill ') ~ I IW I II IJ (. l't~ 1': UP r- I Il f.,: oIl~.

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n (1 ~\

\" ' . f'1I I "ll

\\ l l t! I b, ~an1 l" ll"n It ... fUf' UI.11 h u p , \\ ' :r ,ln 1111' p r \) pl." P.I : t. I" tv I,) \Hl ,. ' I /oi l)


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uH I I h (' :illI!i h

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uh les ' f U I fil qlllrlllb lue t ho l tltJg- h kuuwl e ll ge of a l rud c. l ' ll I v lu('f! lIl Ump!il I It t' s l' IIlc d w orke r :; empl oyed to

Awe ri ca n

l uulIst l'lal

ba\'a bee n drawn


" s t.nbll s i,"lPll l~

a l u l e f ro m l WO

d ir t ,

m U .1


~ lnr : I ' ~u l t I' ll l )ll.trit

B u t I,,' ltd rn lll m ) ('ore , - hr t' d o f b l roa' \'d \ , l,J ln l h", ~ 1

I bl: ~ mnll ,;en f> r a. L

sll o p hu l'" ;; l't·ally l'e, IJlI'etl I hI' 0l'portn·

W il l 11 \

c arr, ru l or Ul \ ,' h" h ,'!'j {\' hene t' r I II nkt' r " O~III U

labor, anti t h p >l l'uWll1 ut Ihc lart;" . bu p as l.~)1I1 I' U 'l tl:'t t

ur tcWe"

klm. htp wu h liw t';l ollnd,

~xtl e Ill e blJct'lld lz. ulWIl uf I ht' f' l n~!'if'g uF


O lJ l l\'! Oll ti i ,

U t- fore


F (II' t'll til r


W" b l'

u : dt \10


"lilt 1M fit

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fun .

"u l "TlU I \cur - Itt I t ' n- I f\

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O . 'W o mnn T h~ 0 0 ..

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\' l' Kr-

" om a n ' pll m a f.d opa l.


o f hu m uuk\lId .

t d not IIlu ltee ,\ OUI d al n l ln~~. And p urit y o f III tIlll, But , o h . w lt/l ""'U"!: I'I ), p & rre l!(ot ~ •

• o ulTe~ - t ll e s ma ll " 11U p anll Lh e ImmiY OUI ,g r.lH' +'~ \\ I ' I b .. brin grati on fro m r:u ropc Hu t th e smull If .\ OU w Ill It'l a happ y roan Hho jl ls now 1I11,Id ly di slIPpcarlng, wh il e .IIIJoil " u ll,,"" In t ht> din! - Pu c k l he rharae te l' of our Im m lgrution Is Qw'te U6 ,,,pltlly ' haugl ug so that sk lli etl wa r ke"" ca n uu lon ger IlC s up· pi led I n s uc h lIumbers from England , Germ.uny anti Swede n. Th o wrlle r mentluned sees no ol hel' remedy for th e s ll1lalion whI ch Is 10 occ ur In Ame r Ica ex~e l'l In training 6c hoo ls m a n · Il is going to l u inc.1 by tll e s tates 'ome to puss Lhut DOL on ly will sc ho l· Dsll c education as nl prese nl be fur· nish ed to ench IndIvidual at t he I",b· OBERT STIRLING bad st re t r hed 11" cost. hUL I he re will lie pu bli c so hoo ls blmself upon IhA sand a t th e feet fo r th e tmlni ng. so that s killed work- o H elen Han son wh o sat s t a ring at e r. can no longe r he by one, all private Lhe white 8aJl ~ hove rlog o ve r the uay dut ies 11'111 ue s hIfted from tb e 1ndivld- S il e nce had fallen upon I h em - a sl· le nce Ibat waH a lillIe em bllrrass ln g I1Bls La the Ilubllc, and s uch 0. s ys te m to Helen. who relt aggrIeved Ibat Rob· once startetl' may go on In detlnll t h '. er t had taken her r e fu~a l so ca l m l" 'rbe present t1'ond ot political a nd so· " If on ly he bad plea ded hi. , ,, uSe da l evolutiou Is peculiaI' In t be ex· bette r pe r haps I mlgh t -- ': Heleu 's treme, tboug ht merged Int o another ' " Bu L lhat was t he WRY he a cted wh en be fail ed In h is ~'O Jl e s e e xamlnatlons T fl\de-lIltll~k Law . . • tn an article tn Lhe B uaine ~~ World jus l pac ked hhi t h ing s and wc nt ot! o ul weHt wlthotlt- -" Dt a I'ecen t IS8 ue, Jam es La w 81 eu ur l, "00 yuu re mem ller bo w we used t.o a N ew \' o1"k lawye r, sho w s 1 he- m is· ' make believe ' wh e n we wore c nll· c hlevo us r esult s of 1he 8 ub ~ titul Ion of dre n? " He le n felt I hanktul Lh a t Hob· imltat l\'c articles ot me r ch andl Re fo r Crt had at la SL broken tbe painful tbe gen uine. In the long rnn h e demo sllenee: " You .... e re always a Qneen, ons trates that d ea l cr~ undoubl ed iy princess o r fairy , ..... bll e I was king or lose by se iling Lhe Imitations, The new s lave, knight or knave, el f or ogre, trade-mark law Is In te nd ed to s top t h e whatever you wl sb ed," " What good times we ufted to have! piracy In commodities wh ich ha s long You we re very obedie nt then, J won ~en practiced by l1're81)On 8' 0 1 1101· der If you would be 88 docil e no..... tators, It will no doub l help. ,but the Hel(>n glanced sid ewise at Rohert, who vigilance of t b e propriet ors of good! Immedlatel)' Bat "" and looked eagerly protected by trnde-mnrks 11'111 sti ll be at her . necessary . [n carry ing ou t ap6ud on " Try me!" a legi ti mate trade· mark " Mr, Steuart "0, 1 dIdn't mean- v.' e're grown up s a ys t h e prlnle r or th e- lithographer now," s he demurred. " Just for tblB on e day," he pleaded . often unwiLLIngly tak e.i \>arl hy dupH· eating labels and cl r c ulal·~. It III weJl "You know this Is my last day h ~ re and I may ne vllr see you again, " for t he pri nter LO be care ful. tor be Ie ~Well, " Irrosolu tely. " whaL shall the liabl e unll e r t he law a s well 118 the game, be? You choose this time, man l h a t Is (\l r ect ly In volved In the B·Sob," Infrln ge m ~ nl. Ind eed. under the Io. ..... s He laughed at her hes itation . of so me >tales: he I~ ma~e criminally "'Bo b,' of co urse, Th e play ? Let's r espo nsllile tor s uc h acCs, ~ln reterrlng mai<e believe that the dream ot ,l!'Iy to the manner ut !;oql ll g l lle Imita- whol e life Is com Ing to pass, tbat you tion good s palmed orr o n t h o ('on~um· are going with me- as my wifeers, Mr, St 'Ual'l says, "Th e lo t , lI or 1.0 that dreary mi ni ng town ." H('r fa ce was lurn ed from blm, but I\hould s tand for what I ~ ri!:lll' lind h e r ear and tall' . l'Uu nd n eck was pink r ealize Ihat ho ca n In t he lung r un with blus hea. make more irom th e ,;al a of 81aoda rd " Sure ly you wIll (1 0 lbls fo r your o ld "rantls t ban h e can hy larger pro fll s playmate ," he InslKt ed . ki buL lemporary sa ie at th ~ SpUriOUS " How s hall we play - beg In - s uch a Ilrllel c The argum ont uf l he Infr inger gam e as t haL?" sh e s Lammered, "I to th e r etailer Is thaL he can mal(o ne ver played it, yo u k now ." " Yo u might begin by turn ing so that marc mo n ey becauso b ' g .. 1S I be s purious goods at iess jll' lcc a nd s ell s I caa luo l< lUtO your face. And -we ll, them al Lbe st an da rd pdcc, whit h Lbo I can a t least h olll yo ur hand , yo u know I us" d to . Th e re, I b ~, (' " uett e r," 110 loses o ri gi nal gouds co mll1 HtHI H e looke d th o ugh ttully at I he s li m, "Ig hl of t he fa el t ha t Ih e 1>1'o pri e tor of whne hanrl t bal la) In 111" uw n sL ro ng, th e Ulih"i li Ul goou s is ah\ Il~~ nl uldng a hru wn "ne , '1'10 n , hU te11d orly t hat Dl a l l\PL f o r bl s p rod u ct lIy '\I t \' I ' rl l~o ­ he r bean bo ullli etl : IlI l' U t \\ h lle t h e in1rln ger d q l '~ IlO l au" I am )(Olllg to tl.!l l ),o u dea r , a bOll l



\ 1:;' 1"11 .... (1

hil l



( ' OIlLJ HI\

th e Irud (' IIv s lIpplying un tl ci ,'.


i llfl'rH l 1 Ilr-

If tho n,"lolall er s (O ll i d 1)\ · 1Il'l) lIg ht

10 Jt"'u l i zp l U I' I l"Ill U o f Ih lR dlll'tnoe rb t: J"(' w o u l d be l c r.~ s ll bsl ll u llo n

J uiln U,!l,f· r ~I la w tu -tl c, j'ulIp lc or S011t ll

a \\',, 11 ('o n ll f' I I ~\' I II ' I'd

U IH{ wife,

",I ' P' (iUI ~JI:

Vass lfl t: Ilt r' f O ltl~ l h arll ll· ,.: ' r ~ a l'\ 01 Itlt'lr \~ Hl dlHh a f fl \\ t1il ~ :" ago \\11 ('1) \\ ll lI u tll /Illy wn rnln b" th f·11' J:: man 1I ' u :::iU II ~ und dll \1~ h t('r~, ::'.~I h r undl'lIlldt·t · n . 11 g rl HI -g r a tHlf h!l d r e n a n t} a 10 1 vI n ci)! h hu l ::i U I O\'(1 liP and J1t/ S:-i " S ~ HJtl uf th e p lUl f ', T h e o ld Iu d, ... Il a d h l'{' n r t'l: llng IUI IH ' !" hll r l lh al I U, nul h I ' ~ t.' t-' tt\(:L 1 TU I ... la l, .. n u f l h t· djj Y, Th .. \ i ~i lul ~ hi u llg h l lIlater 1,Ib I!lr a. bul ll1 1 trill d l n lll' r. at 111" t 'unt'! I1 hlun uf ~\ 111 1 h A ;-;II, l \\. ;.! rand , IIf ' tlll" 'L fll() \' t' up \\Illl ,'I I~~ S:lIul \ H lI "' )l l ll i ' r ,lIld a l l, r;.:,,\ Ill ,tll ailli \\a ~ ll1 H.J' l'I l'd '\ II\l~\ ' lh" 1 I t \\.l J.: l h (, JII v" l Hulab JI ' \ 1·1 .ll la ll tlll !Jel' U H I I hl.i l :Jet: h ll l;\

11011 f uJ' lI1tl ll~' a da\

" l O-.. II :J d \1 1 \\ ,I :· llliJ-i II lIr d 1)l(> !l ll den-

e. gy u l1 \\


powd er ali ll

cll ':-;"


:-. llJ ul<l, l ...~ ~ ~

u l llI 'r::;e lls l!ll' :S~ tlJ! lI r.; ~

' \ul

ulltecl ~ till ' pn' :-'d IJlnr; g ~ n lli s Iii f lt~ ' L;a-

1" 11:.1 I I'all .) It 'J)uLJ ll(a li ' \\ ;, h ~ \' f~ Li e· ddt-II I I) , 'u\(' f ollr~f\I t' \dlll g lury UIlLJ Oli n t h i ll ).:. ~H U u oo t !Jd' hy 111 ~' Ctl t in J; J)O I If~ Ihillg \\'on h \\ bile; \\ t-" }tlC IIUW work lnt; IJ (1 a ct'n tUJ)\ f!:::i:::i (UClI nllJ e-l', a ll d ' l..S..SOUIl n~

IhaL till S h '~ Il Illn(',:d 011 tn ~ lDarl(&l1\ e ure going llllacitl e th e ~l l uk· less oulon ," li e m lghl gu fUl't h u aDd lUl'n a trl clt by gl l' lug us Ll mLlurgerleijf ,Umuurger.

Ill(' ('ut lllg" I

" There 's a IluHt I n \ h e ,-U \' C: and ba ve n ro w un I he ha~ .,



e O lnl

"'Ta ),c a goud lool~ ut tho () I.!ean, Nell tI 'ur It upH l "" Id IIH~I' be bad


ro w ed ulll 1I )10 n I n ~ 11:1 ,\', " ,\O U rua~' Ilo t

J I ~ ' lllrh"' I ~nlli a n.! hll l rtl jllh,J l ou d

J do not cH \n a



Jl ff'"xf"d rlit mlllllr " lth I h e \ ... t.H' \2 I , 1'h ,· Ihl .:. kCHt; m u r s he..' \ bl"O(lk f.


11 0lP:O:

10 ". l·" r hili

\\ r . ·I~ I (

Il ( cJot " 1 I{rO\f< lf' d on th t' K,,, u nd. In !4'y ,·,·J' t . ~ I H b : ~. J!Utl1f· l1 . ) a re .

I n lI'I.Hlw · U on of 111111\ 11 . , dl\ 1/'Il vlI of la lJor. lh ~' fi e


fUlOllr) \t


Srkun wtl tan lh l .R

l:alls atll.'1I1ion lu tb(' ,lpproaI'iJln~ i 'OU ·

IIiTIO n ti

i lan d In ha od I hey rlUI ,,~ th l' }Jea,'b, Illua h i nl( lile e dl l!t' ren ll1H: Jo inru I he rest o ( I he pa rlY, An., 1' thl'y bad ' u l ' II Robert wh Isper" li tt h ~ r :


ho began " It 1M II IlI i" Jln tlltl e 1I 1Wfl tb at Dlus t L.. our h ome rur a \\'hll e, just o n e slree l hunlt-n 'd Il )' Sh .tl II (('S;. mo s t ly sa loons Uu r (Ulla ge i s Ii Hu l t:- way fru m Lbc ... In·f ' ! 11 h as (.I ul y fllllr r O(,1III 8, ban ~ :,n .] IIhl)' JiOW lJu t \\b l' U yuu alt! Ifl t lll.' 111 Hh la ' Ih' ti l e\\' ili )o; i1r ll ulh s harply a nd j( I(I \\f' tI 0111 IIIHJll i h f' l';1\ whil e IH~ " j '} I '", "" :111 11. I ttll liP ttl .. Ill-adl wil f' re th e Ih'i t I l f 1111' pa r{j \\ t.. n lu,d\ 1tl b a drifl \\uod tI:e " Th e la q~t ' i l\i tl L: - 1111 11lI Ii .l:; f o ur Will. ctO \\ t:i , tLf'Y \\ l' r+ ' lil Y o ll e f'X l Ttl\' agan ce ( o r I l'f"rnl'm tlf' r N l 11 0 \\ fo ud )(lU al e or slI nIH,:la . SlI tht, I'l)UTJI ge t s t he ~ uu all cla y lUll ).;" . 111 mnk e \\ hl l C' rnl l l7,;l l n r llrLaint-\." lt e lt·u ('r lt '.!, e nltl l lU h 11110 t h e s piri t

see It al:II Iu fur a long ti me

" ' he a

yo u flrl' uu t ill IhE' m Oll lllains wttb on t n SigH o f WIHe r I' :h ' eJl' t a lit lie mo un· Lnlu !HI','llm ."1101 w 111 o f len thin k h eJ w if)01\ 8 t'J " dR ~' .. I til' IlU) l l llI n i n s LJe:Hl lll' H I ~ " 111·1 ,' n .t ~k("tI q U!L \,I) .


OCt ' LlIl

"Ar ~


" Yf' !oO . ~lt l \\ 1-" " al n <.l 1l:illUU'O .be .!1f· ft're n l nLn g ~ ':!'\ IIlf - a l l sh rul m; of b i l l e , fru lll li g h t , 1II 1"'i 1\ IIl1ul to u a rl\. roya l b l\l e I1I, t, t h e ", I, ) h ll\ )\' c us. An d 0 , l h l' sUII II ~,~ in t It t:. lllulllllal u :-;! A s YOII

w"l"'l . l he SIIIIIi)(l1l loaN fl o m PAlik Lu peak ''''111 lh e whul e nwuntnitl C r(~8 t g lo wl; \\ C (',UI watt'l l it together rrom 0 \11' uoo r wuy


8. ltrl·\V(\I· d~


hl' l" yu u gel ur.,u),. r a ~ 1 " " And I ' ll dll al l n,y hou. c" ork wbile you ure III t h ( ' (t tn,·t" so ,\ h en (' \' en ln g ('u m es \\ e (It,U TPa d and sludy to-

!;P lh e r " " You II me pl me at th o Ilvvr i n I he eV Onill!; 'iel\l II \\' oaT a 1'l1tJ dress nn l.!

whIt e apron, YOll r ('heelt" 1\ ill he rURy fro m gelling ""PP"' , IIn (1 YUil l' hllir will be t umul ed a illl io. Jus t 'ru; 11 la now ,"

She put up h(' r h a nd 10 11l1t bnr k BO lD O 10000 s t ran ds , llm h e s tOPIlOd h er . " No, don ' l Vll'!lSC, I lik e yo ur h .. l\" Lhal way, AtlN " "pper l ' ln go in g to h olp yo u wllB h dlsh('s lh (' n- - " " Was h di sh es a t ter wo r ki ng nIl da yl Ind eod you ' ll n (~ , . Ir !" mdl t; oILIIlIy " You will Hll a nd lU l k abollt wha t you' l'e ti on e durin g II", tia )''' They Illut;h eol 1O»)!;01h "I', 1he n g relv sobe r. Th e s am e IhuUI;h t "as In ('ae ll m ind : " It Is lInly ' IImk o ",,"el'o'" The), tIid not go hum e until Ib e s un WII S " e ry low , anll t he n th ey walked s low ly anti t hnullhtfully , Ihe spe ll o r th e ir "lIlak e u"le \'c " "11 11 upon Ih om •. The y reuch ed He' le n 's ho me , an d Robe rt stood stl i l I lh e foo t of t he

Pu ll)', lIl ess her denr hcart, ift J,;~Lti II)!; rentl ), to bo marrl crt . It will ue t h ll first wcthll ng In Ih e fa mil y u111.1 th e family t ul'rpnl seLs Ht rougly un" s w'ITtf r 101"1\1'(1 lI,c h ap llY e l·C'H. Nat urally !'olly, her lUolh.,r anti her ,Isto rs are flluc h O l~ \' upl etl 0\'(' 1' t h e t l' OIl S~O nli ... ·p81·e no expen ~p , " ~fl y K I h e f u t h er, "h use pritt" I II t l l1~ d eur g irt k uow g

1I0 ulll18. No t \\'lt h stanllinp; f his II 11(' rn I ('a rl e blal ch e OD his pa n. I h e mut her Is Q\\' nrll lhat t nu lavi s h oUl luy now will menrt a reckollirl)( dn), hl'r PHfl eO', wit h mosL :rndesi rahl e plnr hin J,; " ",I " Id m}lIn g S,'I I, 1he fami ly 1" a IInil . u. tu th e nel'e'sl t)' Ihnt Po lly s ha ll h '~ I'o Il .. " (' <l j( lIb l ~ <l," nl, und h er bt'Olh e rs and DO

si s le" ~

n nl 1l' llIl'lallt t o s l l£' tllay huy

a r \)



lin f1 n s and

{h~ \

I hl nv; she " '''' Is. \\, ha l tlups a t Inl<'n dln~ bl'ld(' re all), need 'l This Is .. dnse r Inll ull y 1hun 11 wOlild be WNe , d ifr~re ll lly worderl , W e nre not ro nsl',"' rili g what un in· teniling hl' id r ma l' ~' I s h , Th erll is a "I de di s lnn ('e bot\\'err, need a nd \\'o nl. , Polly . If s he IR ns we Jauposo II s ensiLJ lo Am ericn n g irl , wllh a ,,' lsI' h ead 0 0 hE' I' gho ilid er s. nl cnn s 10 ..... o u f o rtn to her cir(,lI ll\ ~ tllnc eg wIth p...'ttect co n · l e nLmenl She Is 1':0Ing 10 >m arry a YO lln g fellow wh ose bom e i~ 10: " s moll

,tnlnt y undHr cl ol hl llg will

Huffe r Illuny Ihln gs lit Ih e halHI . o t In · r.o mpe tf' lll n n el ('a r e lc co \\ o m e n . \\' 11 0 wor), tl f' \'m~1 a t iOI1 \\ h pn f\ UP Ii nf'n

- - -Archul Hhop Moe n .. r of Cln cl n na tl orgnnl zed a ebulr 0: pri ests to re o· >.ter Grego rIan mu s h, RI Ih" t uner al of all prI ests In his ar (' hdllU'ose. At t be nnt r.onal stor )' lbo pope wi ll mak e Brnga, bI sho p of Pel ropol h•. a cardinlll , 10 Cl ccordanc" .dt b Brazil 's 8 1 .~cia l reqtl csL Dra&a will be l oe ilrst Rn tl l h AmerI can !'ll rdlnal DI Hh" l) Hos" of t h e MOlh ll,\I s t F:III.· ~()llal I'\lllr" h so uth wlil Ilr esidl' o ,'. r th e H18 Z11 IIIl ss lon nex t fail. B I., lwp Gal lo way has charl':(' ot th tl ",1 "~ lun~ In ,lapan , ](o rea ;t n .1 l ' h lnn Th e [.,,lln u 1111<1 Mexi can IJII s~ ion wo r k Is uud er Ih e rar e of Dl s bo p Can tll Cr 'P'sth I' Ben so n , the SU11 ut ,h e' 1111 . Ard}l1i s hul1 o f rblll'~' .

" hu s!! . ....

cepllon Inl0 lh e r h lll' .. h . II~ 1"('11 1'" lug o r u l nnllo n, t oo~ plnep within tIl e 1" , \ 14 month f' , ts now

\\lI h Mgr

~ lnl'lrl " n

~ tll rlyil1~

t h (lol 'l~ v

BUrnt'" III Can ,·

lir id b (', Itl~ t t-! n d 0 ( , ns h,' II I H ' C' ifll l'n 'It.'tt. , e llll n i n ,:; to HOUl e fllr lha l Jlllrpo:te Th e bl" hu p of IAllHl u lI ", I~ht h. ta h~Pll fo r a ('o llH'dlall Ulll for h is j ' V!Oi

tu me,

We re he In 1be 1helll ril'a l pl'O. hl ~ IIn faill111: "P"'~ li t hlllt1nr "'olild s tand him In gl"" 1 " ' 0'1" 1. .~ man of ex bUII" ,I ,'ss e ne rg y. he UI)"' • tremrnti oll H 1\ m uun t or wor l{ H{" I!\ un iversally hull ed wltll do lh:b l by ,hll dre n In tb e I-:n. 1 End Ih e .l11all raga ·

f ~ ssio n

Dlu ffinH


a g nln ~ t

hl ~

sbu';t wei co mc: In I til'

gH\1t'r ~


an rl

End h~

I s an (>'1 uol fa\'orit e n m()l1~ Ill e 'y UII ng. ell TPb arcllnt!: him a ~ B. Gl o r l tltlll p ld \' . t t'110 \\ An l n'f said r el 'I' w l,\' "\\'b ~n Lo ndu o ha . du ne 1<lI l1 l1g Id m

he will hal'e earned h is mftrly r d"m Hel', Cbo rl e" K (;lIt h rl ~ , pa" tor o t Pa rk P la,'e MN bod lSI }o:IlI"('UIUI d111r r h . Hnlf l mor r. anll u uo,'(' S cha l I II

('o mp; to Ih e lI'a<h bonr,1 a nd t h e t llb. t Ul ur p be will rehl !-l f" t o renn 'h t' mar It Poll y Is go in,,; tu e mllloy B mull!. rlage "e n Ire a t r l' hl' ars ln ~ (lnr l l/' < Ipt It. hO}le fhllt , h e will hPIlI " by ~ e­ M or 0 \ ' (" 1. h t' dl !-' (,( ) llrngf' ~ 1 hI' ldea I l r In g mi s ll eSM in he , kll t' h e u. A /!' irl tO Rhl u nuul (' wl.!u( lllIg~ In (htlrt.h t· ~ who I. abo ut 10 mill r) ~ h ol1ltl not let wht L'h rnnk.,. rf'1I I'll 1s al8 np (·" ~ 5 I1r y. h nr co lor t ml 0 1' hl'1' hellit h wuno over b o!<1 ln g fh u t 1-" 1I1 ' h arrnlr~ moke l ou h " r I ro u ~se a" , Bu t .he will 00 we ll to mtJi' h o f th ~ drLtm at h.: pfTN' t Rnd dr t:'!-'!4 learn SO"'t of 1hose Hlmple arts of dlaplfty anti lOa li ll ie ur thr sIl lcm n ll ), houReke..' plng which sal'e money and of Ih e o bll S!lll on lllat Is brIng a-brln!: com fort In th e ne w h o me. No sum ed Mr t :u t hll (' 1.J(lll t" \('~ Ihn : a t'. inland t own. \\'h o~e bl1!-(h)("~s pn."I1':lcrt s mntt er how ri ch Hhe may be. h oI' pe r· l mportl1nt ('onlrJ h lllln~ t ' UWW til Ihp ~ona l s up e n ' ls lon 11' 111 be n eedful, ancl are goo" , and "hose h "hil~ are s lj! · d)·. dlvur c(' ""II lie" In tllP fadln~ ou r "r As yet, he I ~ on l)' lI \'ing on a ~a ILC' Y Ir sh C' iH comfor l11bly POOl', Rhe " ' ill t b e rc-lI glO li s IdfJu 1('J.;,;lnlin,,; ml\rna~ \I h id. warrant s h im In .ettln g IIjl .. ha l'e t h e greale r inllepr-nd en ee, si rnille hp mc, but which lea ,'os no marQUITE UN U SUAL. HANDKERCHIEF BORDER. )(in [01' clispln)' . l.ooldng torwAnl wltb brave hearts to t hell' hl ~ n de" f11lure. Th~ lnrg(' st w noti (\ D l'l fntne in ' hI' J o hn and Poll)' are dw~ l lI lI g in o ne of n '",,1 Lnce Is Expensive to Buy, 'But ,,·orlt.l Is to bp see n i n Told o . JU I.a n \~" \' B e Made at HOllie by Onll th ose t ba 1'1u lng dream 1I1111 <'O llle true It I. [•• fe'l bi);b an ti Ih. hra " \\ III 1'1Ia t H a s Some Skill. fo r self·r es pe 'f lug )'oun g p eo pl(' iille ho ltl 20 ppu ple. th e msa ll'cs. A Kan RRs Cit)· hOlel .. harge.1 111' f:'(a cl!y 1I ••lI on e s Ide Is s hown f~o m P ul t he e mphasis o n I h e adj ective. tower ed ge or I his iIIns· se \!cral Ifl eph o ll''' llI e~~aJ;ef' t o a (Ie ', f· The) 011111';01' t h oy li re, l h e more years I he top tc mute, There s s urh n Ihlnl( as go ln)!; Ih ey will hnve 10 h e happ)' lo!:ct h er, tmLlon . Gool! '~ .. u ~se l s ne t Is used ror the (Iesign be ing too fn r In ma hl n!; nut n hilI Ih e more CO llrage anti cn t h n_la"1ll Ih e y Ihe tonn dallo.l R elur nln g 10 hi . hou se at Argen wlil bave . th e more ti l) Otllanc it), of e n · worlle d out In mu s lin aud Honl ton joyment , T h o rose·co lorer! llays a l'e braI ds . The braid Ul USt be ve l'y nllat- t euil, in Pranre, ~Ir \f ugh Guod inlt "'as . ho l Ilt by a el l"I'h,,,,,rd e mplo ye. before th e m In ",bl ch to l' lIm o the 1ho ' bullet Hal ten lng Il." lt agllinst a hill togethe r. sliver clga re lle r nse, whl cb he co\rrled jUlI t o ve r bI B henrt. To re t urn 10 tbe Irousseau , let as Luther Burbank , the " planl wlzard" t ake th e gown s tlrs t , though th ey a re of California , 18 ""Id~nliy not t h e no t Ih e most Impor lant. They a re, oaly man alive wh o ron jureR with nl\ ,'a ther, the most rons lli c nous , fur... It Is r epo rted t hat W Bell , o f A 8nmmpr bride s hould , if 110tislbl e, Mumby, l.<JUlh . Irei and . afl er e xpe rI l,e marrlod In white, and In "' hit e at.· menting for fI\'e year$. hAS pl'Odur",d tIre there I. a g r eat I'ariety of fa brI cs tomatoes and potato • • , grow n on I he fr o m ' whic h to c hoose. A brIde looks .ame plant 'from the same luber , as 10\'e ly In whIte muslin , \I'hlte wool Paris ' I!as a dwarf e lepbanl a bout or white n e t , as In brocade . s ilk or the 81ze o f a She tland pony, Its kee plIatln , and h er ..... hlle wedd Ing gown, of er I ~ a Senegalese, who has to sleep III wha tever materia.l It be fa shioned, will a rot wh e re the el ephant ca n see him . furni s h her prettiest evenin g dress tor Th c captive' s fa vorIte dIsh 18 .ix any occas Ion ..... hl ch may ari se d nring pounds of rIce s lee ped In fo ur pInt. o f Ihe n ext year o r two, milk , He can also e njoy a nI ce t \\ 0: A brid e need nOL weRr a I'eil nnl ess pound Ha led. she ( huoses. If s he does c hoose. it may he at I n~xp e n s iv e lI e t . a nd will then be o s LJecolDin g as If it wer e poi nt lace. Brldn~ voll 9 are h eIrlooms In lIomp lamlll ~, A g irl lII, es La he mar' rl ed In a \'e il t hat he r mot he r and bel' 1l0NITON LA CE grar.,loliolh er wore on their res pect I ve Iy se wn dOlVn to the net with eotlatl TWO NOTABLE RECOVERIES FROM weddln!; t1a)'~ . Ve ils are, ho we ver. not EXTREME DEBILITY, . No, 100, the lace slltches be Ing In Ih c ms e" ," es pec ially IIttraclive ad· worked Wllh thread No . • 0. jun ct s. A !:il'l IIs ually look s p rett ler MaLe rial s r e'1ulred for th e com plete"" StreDrth Dad Been "'Ilntn~ for wllhout one, 'l:'bret!l l' ~ar •• Wit., _ S uft'e rer (rom bo rde r : A ~ qual'e or nel, 1'1.. yard Femalo Weakne .... Somc brides pre fer to be marr ied In Honlton hrnlel, 4 yards point bra id. ~ ..... b at Is 11011' call ed Ih e going away ya r us pu rl ed ge. 2 s ll ei ns lhl'cad Nos, "My stre ngt b had dwindle!l 60 I,bnt I gown , W e nsed to cn ll It I he traveJ- 100 and 70 Ilouldn 't npply my self to Illy bns ill S8 Inr; !\res". When t hi s is d;o"rll th o wl tllauy suap but was tired aud list lt'!!!! nllihe time," suid Mr. Gold.lelli. h r ide who 1.1:c Poll y, mll s l s tlldy ceon· Avoid Stiffness. :lJ n ~' will Kf' lpc:t n ~of l g r l1Y 01' bl'own .. I w c ut to Lcd com ple lely u sc,l np by B e ware of allowIn g your jolntll to 'l lllrf. whlrh wi ll RC rvr. la1O'I' for, hurch grn\\ sllfr. Take enough e xe r c ise out· m y day'. wurk, llnei whe1l I got u p IU .,r viRtrtn~ Ill' n n n f l er nooll r ete ptl o n ~hl' ur h"use work to kee p yourself tbe moruillg 1 diuu ' t t~c l ' 'C,""cc.t tL Ul t. [ 'I mll ", 1 11 (' III rI ~ 0 R', I1't , .Inrhrl. anll '; Uppl f' ,O l lahe s uch pol ns to maI'o li ght- hnd awful heudul'llCs 1.00, a1ld Illy k,d. ""U I "'!. ~ hulllci b e! tai l o r · mad e nnd very ly auoul l h" hOll so I hilI Ih e s llj)Ill e nos~ n eys g ot o u t of urd er nnd CIluSed nl O to 8n13rl III t' Il' I'Y .IC'IUII T o r" l\ ~ ve anu wIll In s l II'lih o ul uth e r a ld . In bo ndll1!; havo 8~vere pai n ~ in tho unde. A t o no a:\\' p t llf ~ ('Ost ll me, n ~ hort blncl;; "Bik - o r ri ~ ill~ .10 nOl allow yo urHclf to feo l or tllllOI \)cellUl e lID f ecul e t hu t J conld uo t In g skin IIn rl " lad, .. t of c llh rr bln cl' npl)('or s ll1T, If yo ur worl: Is rea lly so sti r frolll lx'd fur t hl'eo w ee k. ," Mr. Goldstein iN II YOllu" "'nn Rnu had or l 'O \ C rt r luth a f p. c) f'sl rahh) fUI f'(!( ond ha t'd l hnl you 1;0 to hell a c hing ,gel ~oma IJI'sl Th. hl'l d n , h olll <l hn,'c onn hlac l; o lle ln rub yo u a nd If t hI s Is ImlloKR iIJle. tbe n but r ecolllly c,,"blisl!e.1 a b ou, o of heulllifuliv rull Y0 111' ~ e lt, ThI s is less r pslful , LJutlt hIS OW11. His UU Xi(H ics w cro 111 c rcn ~cd sill< of ~ lnm inC' ~O WII . m Ali I' , i n Iw l' lrOll ,""IIU aR I hl " wlil lB. De-v er i hel css. or !:Iu m o lise. POllr ou t by I ho fllCt t hllt hi s w iro "'liS far f"JIIl bp ~uila hl p 1'0 1' tUllcllo ll " of rve r y Idnd , a lillI e nl en ho l into th e I'alm of th ·) beiug r obust. 1111'". G .. ltl stulII Isny.: .. F or t w o scnrs I bod ht,,, " ill ru oSL of hol h in \\inl c', a nrl " li mm e r, If In han d. Ih e u rub "rls ldy . r e pe ullng ""tII n,ldllion frl Ihi ", phe ra n hl1 l'(, II !' im , lh ~ sldu I( ln \\ s, ~' In l " h II'lth th o lIesb tb o lim o, S v m"tirucs I WM cou fiu elilo 1)11' )(011'11 0 1' I' m\' 1'011 ' . h e w i ll be bl·.. , h , nn d ~O 10 be.1 w\llt l hc d ctc rmln · bCll for w c" lt ~ ill SU(lCCSSIUII lI ullol' n phy . bnn llllfllli y Iil tl'lI 011 1 Onp 01' 1\\'0 }lieI'l l' alHl 1l I n ~ I(' I '\I - - (tr ruth e r Ihat s 1pc p wi ll SiCIII U'S caro, I h ad b"lIll11c h uH , kldlle v o r li ne n "kirl ~. 11 RIIPI' II' of ('Ol l l1n RIll 1'1 lom e 0 111 -=(; 1(' for thb I S U Illurc re ~tflil tl'OulJlo, pnill nbout the b t'lll'l nllcll.U IluY Ill ura u uco mful'tuuJ (,3 fi YUlp tOIU FI CO u. \\ai Rts " "f1l r il' nl to C'nah le Ihp wr.n r rr tl1(Jou . II e t!'u WiLli tlJat ",enll ueNB t o wbl ch UIV to I)c a lWA YS Il' , t'oo l nncl dU I1l1 Y III IieX 1M pcctlliILrly Hubj 'C L, " • A Cure fo r Colds, apppnrnllre nnd IWO 01' Ih,'Cl' prln l or 'r1'llllblo bud IIl I'Ild \.'(] tld H h ouschold lI ~ r(' ;,. " CII'" fill co ld s of 1111\' ki nd, ;!In g:ha m t ro..t,r, rol' 11' 01'1: Ill g nholll th~ hou se. arC' l·eqlli"il l'. If P o ll y rnll man · It hu " IJce.~ te s t 'd re lleate dl y IUHI bas IUlll set,tlcd ill It iu Ju st tho Y""l'S I,h nt 11 ( ' \ 1' 1 rail~' t\ , alU ) us 1 lI ::;cd to calch ou g bt t u Iro t he WI'Y llll l'I'i l:ht. PhystcilllU n~e I T gllP :-: JJl}lI ld IHI\' {\ n. l'ILin roal an ti n c:ol f ('l1 pr, nutl :-; Il!' Will uC'c'" Iw o ('o ld , w h idt I'f' RlIi te d In a lmd llftack cuull l u ot b ·ll Lhl! 11l h o w 1,0 gl! t l'id of a. I I w us U l.t l'ly c1 iSl'UUI nllc'U. I ' Rau l ni l' , h al ~ nn(' fol' hPA t nllel OIH' f o l' eVf"r" or bro tH'hil iH, I ('a n s peall fmm e xporl· rla y or I Ol ll sr , rlH'l'p HI''''' hrld ,.~ anrl l' fI ('(', ... a \'~ a \\ I' jtt' (' in lh l' \\'omnn 's G old~ll.' Jn" "'fhc!1I tiJ e \ll ~l l n (' y ()f SOlli e hru l f'!1 , '-,IHI1 (' W\ I! I!(' \ tilt with lllil,.)1 110m " ( '" ", pu n lo n. In case . of Im e u· fr lt' ud. lcd mo to Iry l\ b l,'otl !lu tl " urv " 1 :-;4 I hu.n I lltl Il"flle wh Irl! I han' illrl l- Itw nl" lt 11' 111 u nt r,,11 III r nl'e if tlll' 60 re lnoily whl c b " 'as "aid Lu 1'0 \l' Ll Il.lo;r. rntp(1. Otlll ' l'H will Ilnl\ !tl<- m ll( II mn r r', In tim ~ , ~I n l , ,' II hall of crl tl u n ha l.lln g fully succes.f ul. W,tblu n lll lllllh tb OI B

• • •


S I, OW I~ \,


THO UG HTFU LL 1', steps and glanced up at tife beautiful dwelling. "ThI s Is very dlfte r ent from the little cahln In the moun t ains , Nell , dear ." "0, bul I 10v6' the ' little cabIn bette r. YOll forge t thal,' I have a stepmotber no.. and--" She bit bel' lip and her chIn QuIvered as they went up the steps, When they were In the ball Robe rt loo k h e r bands and look ed te oderly Into her e yes. " Ne ll, sweetb eart , d ear o ld playmate, I have been drinking nectllr to·day, t hou g h all the tim e I knew tllat gall lay In t he bottom or t be c up Tb e gall will last my life time, bUl thI s da}", draug ht will al ways s weete n It. Goodby e." He elrollped h e r hand s , but betore be co uld l urn s h e had he r al' mll about his neck nnd ..... as nobbi ng: "Bou! Dear old Bob! T a k e me wltl! you to the littl e cabin in the mOlln. t alns,"



Fmmework of Their DE'slgns R efle ct th'l Funrlnmental Prindpl ... of True Arl Th.

Japan •• p

""h 1111'1 1' naLu l al.

tlnsop h l ~ tHa te d

v ip\\, o f l ire, }lU \'ee v~r s ough t i ll t h eir art t o mirror \\hat a grelLl plllntfl l' and .. r i ll.· lJa ~ t £l rm f'(j "m e ll 'R primo r di a l pn·Llllpt·tlulI H" Art, bo w u\('I·. wri tes V\' ~1. Cal.to1. ill 1\1lantll ' !hut s('(' I,:; to t.' mbo d y pI U HHlT'CS

fo un d ctt V I1 I h ft nnl hnn~lnA Ijrt l J)Pl t if'R


o f hUlIl on nat u r e 11111 HI have u l'R !{I iL ::I w ell U I:i a fU l ure miitH t lf - ubleo to look

IJUl'ld\I\I' {) :-; as \\ ... 11 :1: r'm"wuJ'ct!' K OL on e IIft's labor 111 11 I h U I of nMII ), g:f' n · Crn {H II1 !:i i s 1'('IIIII H ' l l No P f'Oplt, 1I~t\'e 1Jt> II f> r II l u){-r :o; too d Ihl S lilan Ihe J up a nf -~e Th ey hn\' f' a1 ~() C'i4!url y II PI'ceivcd t ha L no art l h u t Is tllJ l lru e 10 t h e l; h a n ~e J ess e i e rn p nt i n ntU n ('aSl e n .. lIllJ'(' . ..... h i l e o n th ,. o th f' r hand. any suh .. j t,(·t, li ow c vtr I n \ tu l . I nn lip Illa ti e t'te rua ll y ntlra('t\\,j1 \I o n ly I n'ul(,' d In {\C ' f 'Ul' tl a ll (' (' \\ i\h af.>::;l h jo l \r' In. \\' o f l iIl ' ~ anH ' ' Aud \\ (·' 11 JUl\e ~ h t'l \' (\ s J u.lmIlP~f' I HlI n l in~ d~' I I ): h l~ 1I!"i I I: I I~ I II 1lI1t' Co t llt' r f llr t l ll i tIUIJ\,S - UI' ~ bUII I (leU " fi fl' fa nr' \ II ,.. r- ' ''~I~ i T!-. ! , ,, (· d llt\ l. \ ' l' ll ll\ " ,\ l07Y (:v ro c r \\11 11 10l ., {If rt ~ !o; /lil'lt. hil l " h a l ;!, I \ -.!S I h ,\s \' ',!l ull· r. u ::! liJon - '" l lt. ~ :-: pllrlal ,\I1 e1 " ndllri ll g ( h ar m . wlwt "Tlh' rt.' ·:- fl UC,l h('1 rn r lll ' r t o mal, p rllli!{, 's Ih e pluy \}r fH lIlY H(" n"1 \\I l'all · (0:'\) . hil t I II hnvl' 10 ma l..p I h (' rl'auit" ~0I11 f'. 11a' libe r ty Il e\ p r Ill en' Ii,t! u .. p. w o rk tlut u l' pa l 1 ~ l n g: lJu),\'!:J, YOII ltnow 1:-1 thai t h py fint! t~ xlJn"'~)oI l o n In lind it f'l)sl:--; a 1;.1" a l d!' ",.l l(l g ill t'll l'rlllUI'o I hro u gll a t' ramp\\ o l l\ of d .... ~ i g ll 51) !ili a .. up IlIl u t ile IIlO:IIIIa.i ns " Iv ('o I\I Pi\' ed th aL I n I t w (' !"C~ n,n ,'c t· Pll~ ' klll~ hn x(~ ltlHhp 11l\' cl \' fllr nl ~ e't1 1\:; In u mirror l li p fllll ,l al1l C lIltl l lur(~. ,I' ll la i· 1. OIW l f1l11h: f ull ' of oclrl s pl'ln( ' I I )h' ~ whi r- \} govern ull t ru e arL [lnd e lld ~ f(1I I\ I H ~If.'rll ·b I SlIPl.u se I I'nn llik e two trllnk:: "" 'r elepb one Und er W ate r.

~fJli.lllJ:;' ,

BY ~IAn , : ,\RI'; T 8 , ~ Axn R'rl~ 11 ( CoJl )'d ~ht . I!JU:" b y ,I\)~"' ph H. Bowl es. )



hUlll f oJ' )' IH1 ,"

" (0'''"1' , if YOII ill,,," " I'", glad I ha \',' tal:on n" In

W nlte Muslin Makes Attractive Dress fol' Sum mer B ride-Bri des U s u a lly Prettier Without V eils-Mli rTied In Her " Going A way" Go wn-Multlplying Gowns Wllich Will On ly Grow Old · Fn!lhl oned- Undel'clothIlIg Hond -Made or R eady-lIltndeAdvnn ta ges of Bride Who Does H er Own Work.

linen WRfl reMy some It We limo 1l1lO. Two pairs of s beeta and fOllr pait'S ot pllluw s lips mu st be allowed ror eaI:h betl , bllt a s company or IIIn es8 makeextra. tlemand s on lhe linen closet, I~ Is beHt nol to be thus IImlled. To have ns mau y sh entR and pillow slips ns OUf can afford , Is th e best r ule. They need not a ctually be of linen , "blch Is a to I'm used by courtesy. LInc n s h eets nr o v ry n ice, bu t. fin e ca ti o n ones an ·, AII' I' evo l'y p" l'po"e. li nd arc prefe rl'od by many poo ple . Foul' tlo>;en Lowe ls Inl!ltlsl l' e of Iho~o to, hu nd s, face unci bat h nre nOl too III any. E!eolde th'cse , th e re "Uls t h ~ three dm.e n of d iffe rent kinds of lo weis for klt c hon use. Blan· ke ts, {'o mforlabl es a nu s preads arr also Ilrol'l<l o<l lIy tho or ille, Poll y's l(il'l frie n ds 80m lIm .. s Ilet Inge lh el' Defol'e Ih e weddi n g and g ll' p h t' n il " e n ~ ho\\' e l'. N01 hln g In II .., line of tluln l y lin e n r o m ps amI"~ It l s uch a lime, antI It is ",nc h he lt Pr fo r Il g l'OUP of fri e nd " to co mui n!' and Ihu" fu ll y fm lt is ll a I\n. n c heRI. than fo acntfer th(' il' r-If', O"el' lOnny COMI)' articl e. o[ ornalllOnl th at l(i V6 a pass. in g plPll SUrl', lHll lire o f lillI e us e, Ex · Qulsl te cr nler Ill cces n u,j .I oi ll es, tra y rloths , ('un'i n !\' 1'101 h. aud lun c h OD !'Ioths, "apkln_ ot d lffpren t Sile" and e l' c , yt hin ~ that )Jelon gs to de lieal .. napery II l l IL hrlol e'~ h earl with ploa ~· 111'0 , Poll y 's trol1 r.sea u s ho uld haye on ly s weet t hough ts a sso ' lal pli wll h It. Il I. th e m os l hraut if u) t l me or he r yo un g lire. Let us h o pp I ha t o ur brld" will for a wll fl e (10 her (l w n worli'. {n l eg!; Rh o <Ioe ", It ig likel y th nt he r bM l1tlful

Un,l!'r lh ~ pro l.iu 1I8 of II hil l PIIKRed by .'O n ~I· ~ "S fo r lhl' p.s labll Hhnw ll L of 11

I ra n trllly ((luk lilt ' m ost t ou th ::.o m c dlRh r:; you f'Yt'1' a le," . ' ,M y m Outh wa t er s nll W , J enn smell

sh ljlwrer l,s nn,) IIl r s ig nalin g l!l..lla\,1l1

the 11 L dInner e_ven al l hls "Ist ance." " It 's t he ~l arn c howd p.r I bey a re makIng up t he bea cb th at Y OU s llleli ," He le n jump tI gayl y to h pr fco t. " Ca me , let 'H ruu or the y 11'111 cat aU ot It before we aat there,"

les tecl 'ltl he Tl~.I" n nol' n ' nr d, Tile navn l omcer . h. "',arge of tb c~pe r l­ n umL~ ' pronoun ced Ih p IIlI'ao tio n to bo th e nl O~ 1 va lua ble a id to navl gntion tbe world h8/1 yet lican.

Rv~tem 01 ~ llbnHlI' lnp

higtlill s n lotl ;,! tho Allan lIe 1:0381 for Ih e IJrCvenlio n ,of v os~p. I ~ R Fwhnlltrin n t r l cpbon e fs-ll1~ ing




for 111nIl ~' l'rn .... Oll ~ :\ t ~ } I) fLlahol Htfl

trOll g~("n\l



~r eat

m i~ta~,,.

Til e r"

a l lOllt 1111' ~ 1 1.f' of a s mal l marh l e. !Satu·

I'al c



wll h nlcohol, Ih1'n rlrop

or II F>P in lIlul r- i p " -lng: on t o it ... Ix d l o }lt3 u1 r hlorn l'ol'm; cover w h 1rh on l y P; I'OW o ld ~ ra s hinne<1 , ' t " ~ l ,tly wllh n thin pl" ce of cotton F'OT tllllt f' t'du t hJ nr!, It ·t llul1y Ilr()\' lfl~ ha t lin ;! , hol l\ tu th o mo uth , and inh a le a h alf d ozen of ca\.: h pil'C 'p 11 I!-\ wc' lI th e r UIllPs, lu!l ll ting t he luu!:, we ll. 11 10 have t he lIlitien In t hi n g mud £' a t will o pc n n"d expan d e very lung cell hOtH P, Cllld ' {? ]'Y rR!i lidIfJII~ hl'ldt'tI lil,e i1.'Stan t ly ,

Is n o

s e lHlf '

\!:OW llS

It n lnJ\a b} hu ntl , But 11 mal' be hOll g ht roady· mll.le III Ih o " h "(1~ Ull<1 h e "u lto

A Bnn"ll Ski n, A dry, ha l . b sk l u needs a col ~ c rea m ~I OI' P H nlHI halltilleroh l 'r~ , hellS an rl nnd almo lld oil, if the skIn Is red IIn (l Mop ll,; am III \]e ,'o ns ld cl'col us Lhe fill ' rha lllledl eave all crCnOlS nlon e and Hrsl Ishlngs of l lw brid e's wenl'ing nil par'''. a ppl y a 'Im ~ lo or airnoud melll mIxed witb uil. As Poll y wIll s u p pl )' I h hou sehold \''' ~ Il , s he lIlusl consl(ler how mnnv In Bigh Favor, lJEtlH s he will hav'! anll thl llk ov~ r t ne Blael! vc lve t e utTs :I ud collars dl:.' reQulsll " f..,r her tabi e. I! h er moth e r tln gulsb sC'me of the smartest wille. Ia or a pruvld'IDl tur n, tbe bousehold lin en c()n~ , as

ga t iHfarl nry.

Sf o{ ' i, ln g s.



we r~ llUUJls tnlluble Sl l:{US of ill1pl'u \~C lU cU t.

III Illy CIl Ud ll1 un. ut, d \l' ilbill n y ellr I \V II' cOlll\llcl t'ly w cll, Th rough Lhe ns" of Dr. W,lIialuH' P, nlt l ' illa I h a vo now lIS goad h ca ltb II s I e l'er blld in IUY life. " 1\11'5 . Go ltl ~ teiri ndrl s ; .. 'l 'h" w onde rf ul effect that Dr. Willilltlls' P in k PIli. hnd ill the Cll"O uf my hnsbrUld IccllUo to t ry tholll I1n,1 t,hey h ·Ired lUll even lliore q uickly thAu, th ey did bim, Ouo b Ol< m:.tI o 1110 d ecid edJy bott ~r null II rew U) ,mt.hs 'trea tw li t c 'trcd ll lC. tJ Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills nro tbo b es t ~uitl a utl r gllilltol' they lUake pure, ric h Ll ood lind wb e n tb e ro iij g oueml woukn oss aud IHsor "f:I' t bat is wha t t he systwuu eeds, iI~r, null Mrs. H. Guldste in 11 vo nt 88 Gove 8t reet, Ell. t J:loston r.:ta&!!... Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are bi"

cln:I"gistt cvet7Wboto.'




1',,'pOtle W&8 my alnl. and t hen he looked at dad . and h e [d up on e ' h~nd . alli:! dad was pal e. aDd th ere was no tunny bu Si ness IIbout dad any more. lin d the II th e}' set the platJorm down and lho pupo s at in a obair. and lhosew ho wanted to w ent 1111 to hIm. kl1d he bl essed' tbem . Say. for awhile Clad dl\eS~IH g o lIP c~l\s e bo thou g hl the pope cou ld fee right Jl:~nll !; h him . nnd would kn o \l he Th e Dad Boy ana His Dad Visit the WIlS u BallllGL. bllt lb e rest ot t h e Amnrlean s we ,·c r;olns up. and du ll dldrl ' l walll Pope-They Bow to the King of to be ce.' p.ntrlc, 80 he and 1 went up, Italy and ltls Nine Spots - Dad The pope pilI Ollt l,ls h and to dad. and ~Inda That " The Cntacombs " In s t ~a d o( .ha ldn g It. as he would Ihe Is Not a Co mic Opera. ha n.1 of any o t be r man 011 ea rth . and a Sltln g boll' h is (olk s were. dad be nt a l' 1I 0r-; GJ:Cll( [; l : \ . I ');;U, t ltx t ; \)\' l ' IIIUr •• f \\ 1 ~ ~'l l lJ tn , , ,',j ll11tH Ell· ove r a lld kl st\('rl th .. pope's Itand . and il ') 1 \II l 'l' l k ~ :0; '11 .\ 11 \ 1'(' : u l I ·, ' ~ '" d lhp Il O I I ~ blcssed him , n aIJ lool,ed like I t~,~ . ·

H ,uJ.

( L , I ' ,/t lg h t ,

H HUI ~ '

I .... "

I I UI \ -

ft' lII t' ml , ro l


lh.: ,

:l II C \\

,l tI., 1 ph I': . 13 t)\\ (' H )

O"Ul 0 111 1 114;? lId


" h cn ) I,)U \\ ~ l eU. o u'r" Il." and • LJullvll, lHlt :U Il, will) ~ g ut tit • hutt o n .''' UI) U l



l u~

th ul






"tng .


l l.J ~ lI }l ll t,.:

ntan. n good man anu" b en th e

llIll1<l pu l bl s ban d 011 m y b e lld , and hl rs,o ,1 me . m y h eart cam e 1111 In my t hroal . ("-usc I thou g bt h e mll Kt know o r all Ilw m"lIn t hIn gs I bad He r donc. bul I 'a ll fee l his soft. bp.auUrul bun ll

:-; tl uatl u ll ~ \\1 )0;

Ju,lg e') to '~ .. tu ItulU e ." whl " h tlta t ~ IJU " pre to 1\ I,:, h c \ c r~ gi r l

1U h t ll l

10 I t t! rnol1l

I D l' Vt' r go t I nuugh " ~fJl[l~ lu 110lU(': . \\ 1I t..· o I tl tt ,' lI llt u tillll, ' 11 SOliHhl C a.ntl

pur l,e. hUI Il lll a),sOl bllnd lo l(leol and ll a d t o l,iR !.I. llllybofl j t h e) bruu g lll tu 111 (' \\ hi e h wa ~ lI ~ ua J I) a lJO j 0 1 a (' uIOrl"j « uuh , BU I I ".1'-flU L1ud to lLlk • nu' lu H ulU !' . (lu d \\ h'~ l1 h i' go t u\ . r 11 1 ~ h"in g ra lll t!d anl 1 l uutn' u olld LaUIII !'I! b~ !i1\' 0. u l V(! SUVlll:" t\t,.~ ., a ld Il l' dldll ' l ,'ar('

"h ere he \\ 1' 1I1. u n d h p.sldes, I ,ol ll him n\iuut Ih· HUlJla n o ll bcu m. whcr~ tb c~ '"rl!~J hllll gn t l;;ers u n d Il urtb oll ci hyI' II Il S lum;p .1mOJl g lh (' ~IHdia l orH ~jJl d rill pl'u,,1 ('uu l t! 8(' 0 lh ~ b Pll iii l ::; c ut I h r rn nil \(" a YlI) <Inri EUld II Hl t WH R !o; nm('thl n i~ Jlh f' it as I lttl wny h I" ha d 1Jf'f' n rohlJpcl und l l1i s lI :: ed In Ituh' . h,. \' o u ld f! ll jO) til' Pln !; a gWH I Stl 0 1C' II f I li r p oplllatlo'~ ... he \\ ll(j h) 11 n s Ir t lw IinliM ('CH i ld s t urlcl


I rildn' t lell dud t h a I Ihe w i ld all ,-

m a! "how had nl" b~..' f' 1I I"'unnl n g rur a ("uup) ,. 0 1 t hotlsn ll d )(W I S . 'cali s,.. I 1h nu~h t tw \\ lI id flild II UU l \\11('11 \\ {.'

"AI'. 1, " ll 1\\\'111 1.1-: DAIJ IJ _" ; ·t-: :-':T CO UP.

o n 01) h Plld 11 0 11' nn d fr om thi s ou t I " o ul d tI ~ llI IIny bo) tw ... o m~' size thut grol brre evpr , nl.1 A 11'01',1 a gai ns t th e [Jope and ~ay, rolll m,\II I I(IIP~ ~ I "an I,elp you his r ellll io ll Wh en II e gut ou ts ide dad 10 IOIIL I f' H tUI1P Y Utl r i' nH,l IUh(\ r 1h e lim': Ra) S ' 0 me ' " lI enner} don I )'OU e l e r J ~ p ol,e a PIf" t' 01 Ih o ~I'\ ' lJnl ~ xhlhilion let me hea r of )our doi n g- u Ih,ng that " ' he n [ Pllt m) hall,l lI, sl d e my IInn ll ol wo u ld ,u:llw t ho !;ood mall so rrr if hO f h lrt Il le r all M, II Cu' 8 11 t! Rfilrl' "And W IlS te , hea r nbout It .. An d we " e ntlo , hlf; Is R u m t", lhllt "'nl o n Il l'l ~P\'f\ lI 011 1' hotel an d sta yed all t h aft e rn oon. hlll~ . [Jnt! f!' l1 1n hpI l h tnnC' 0 1 IIP illtt> lind al l IIlght. and Ju<t Ibought of I hat "11 1,,1 t h ~ II holp worl ,I." \l' ell li tis I. pop e'oS an geli c fa('c . n nd wh en (InfO o r 11 \\ hE"rf) 1 :\11\ " O\\.I.H ll t h CR(I \' C'1l hil s Ibo Am rl cnlls cnme t u our room a n d hn\' C hN' U gr ur1 {)d down nllt! n t,) Ol P du n ' l wn nt('l l d a d to pla y ('(nch. he w as ,n Tn le- th e wh oll' \\url d ali tl lr 1)\1. hilt ~ht' dign a ll l. an d said . " I woul d a soo n h.I S ~ot r(' lll!i nn u\\ f ill Ihlllk of lu'Jll l lIg Il Clll lu 's ll :lI1k.· lind Th p )lOP" lh" ~ h'-' I P. f\1\1! h(> I ~ ttJl. . II ~ " " n I to hed. a n,1 i r dall " asn't a con· h o .. ... nf lII f1 ril r roi lgi u1Hi 11"111)1 ... t l1all 8 11\ 1 111("',

lind thon;.:,1a

o th ~"'r

n il ,'


) (1 U mu r h p lou g

nr rh ill c h


nn d t·' ll1'l1

a rc- h UTI1P .\ Oll don'l \11I P (\ ronl !n e nlal fUl' a tll' rpl i~ io n eX( ' ~ llt youro"n Or )'our Ill fp's r o ll !! lon , nll d )011 nrt l\I, r on Inn 'lp' Rn d ~ 0 11' nl 1"00<1 pco\ Oll


• A.'\U lL\ J) T U KISS AXYlIVJ)Y l;< HV ' C liT TV ) 11': ,


" it'. wh en YOII g et to Hom c au d sec th o dHlt c hes tul c l,e r thuu saloon s In MII\\u lIl(ce. an d eve rybod) all enlilug cbur b a n d 100 1(ln g- pious you ca tc b th e f ~v c r . aud t 1')' to fOll; e t bu d thin gs y o u bll' " duuo. a ud II ) Oll g c , a c hnn c(' :0 E(,O Ib o JlUll e. ) UU rn n) 1;0 ' 0 h Is palace j U'l ·UllI.C )Oll ",:l u t lu see e" e l)lhlng Ibn t g Ull] !,; o n . ami ) uu th llll( ) uti d Oll I enl (- \\'hel h ~ l slhool hp(l p ~ 01 no r . IIu d '(Ill f,',,1 iuu€lIcud (lnl. IlH I hOllgh lb, s ; ellglLlII IItt " ~olU e th ," g rUI w ~ nl, poop l I" IIHl llige lu , ami tlnllily lOU C"Il H' r.tC·,. 10 fll ('e II II h t he J)L1p e, I1nll lie" III" 111' 3111 Ifill fa ce. nll d hi s gralld l'\ ,\ ... an l l 111 ~ c \ c ry mOVt' mCn L 16 full of pin,,; III I'All ln g you " I'e n II I; ' ,, 1gb : t Iwl'l' .1Ilt t wa n l. lO I{u (' f' l lio\\ n anti Ie' h ' l11 h l c "~ )' u. b)' g OR h




Llt \ el' sa w


t bls Is .. morglle: ' bu t 10 ebeer him I told hfm 011. b ~nd mu l b2 w nlD g, lIud I Ilolnled 10 about a. hlllldred dried ~orp8es. a thou sand yea rs old In a oo r, Ler. wltb grinnin g ~k llil n a ll arouud and lo ld him thaI was Ihe IIQlJ et, ane to lrl him to 1001, a t tlte lend lu !! d a llu~r. and asl, ed hi m If eh" \la s u', a buallt from Rllll e . MOtll a nd th ~ ' 1'11 101 d ad Hp [ealled agal ll . t m o, nnd ~ ol tl hI! eye s n l nSl hs \,(' Go ne burl, o n h llD bec att ~e c " c , )'hlI::; loo kct! rlcad 10 h im I lolfl him he wOll ld get Ole,' It a ft el aII'II and to et a.1 wh e re he .. as wh ile I w e nt a n d s poke to o ne 0 1 th e balll!' t hat was beckon in g to 1M , a n d I leI: him th er e. d HZpd a nd ''"tI t a l'ollnd p corn e r ar.d IlIIl Peopl ~ \I N" co mlnl; qlon g "'I ' b torrhe~, a ll ,I,,· l illi e. 10oh 1ng at th~ cataco llih. and rOlldlng t1w In scri ptions Cllt in th e rork . lind tlJ't er a " h lle I went b""k 10 \\ here 1 leCl .iu d , nn d Itt "as gon e. !JUl a fte r awhil e I fo nlltl hi m II " \I .~ " ta ndin g UJl wi t h l he 51 III" glad to ~e e 111 <', a n cl wRD teu to I<nQW ,I I thought h e WR R dead, r to lll h llll I wap s ure ho was al ive. I hOll g h It ~ h a,l a dea l lJIy look un hi s fa .·... " Wel l. ol r. · a y~ tlall . " I th o ll g h, I, " a~ s if .. vel' wltn m e. all e r) uu Ic ft . fo r n man ca !ll ~ a lo ne

\p rtt'll lim o 1 nr,v{'r !:ia W o n e,

\\' 1·11. SII . Irm,llle.llllll SOl r o ll' . an d rc11);11111. ,llJlI·t la. t , e rl long Oll da d, Tlte II CS! m o rnm!; \\'0 11I1I(cd thin gs o\('r. Rna I QII OINI nil l ite Roman Sl uff [ 'o u ld th, "I. o( III daAl. slI ch as " III tbnt e lder Illll. I II be n Homun lI'a8 g reat e r than Cl hlll g but he fu I'c 1 ~ould thlnl' twlcc I h 1'0 wa Cl ('o lllm ot1ol1 In t be s treets IlIHI n jlorl ~ ' ram' nn d ma rie U8 take 011: (llI r hal 5. lleca ll se Ih e king wa s ri d ing II ." , and " e loul,cd a t the ld n g. and dad wa ~ h UI He .Lllt! that fcll ow WIl S n o tbIn g ),IIt a rnll , uac\ hond o disgui sed In a IIn lfo 'lII . undo by gi nger. If we had scen Ihat l<illg Ollt "CSI workin g o n a rall1'03<1. wllh "IWVas clolhes 011. be wOllld IIU \. hU l'e lool(cd ll ke n ki ng". on a bel. '('!t ore "US not h ing bnt hi s goo<l clolh es tl,at stood b -twee n the klug aud a dogo dl l'glng se ll ers In Chi ca go. AC!.Cr tb e I'l n g and hi s nln e5llQ t.s had \lassed. dall saId' " When you are 10 Ro m . ),011 IUllst do a s tbe Roma ns dO." a nd he s ald he wantcd to get thntu eal' Y fee lin g orr his s houlders. whi c h h e g Ot at t he re ll ~l ou s processIon . and " 'anled m e to s uggest som lltblng d~\'III ~ b that we co ulll do. an d 1 told hllll " I) belt Pr b'O nnd see th o " Oatacombs" H e want , nd to know If It woe any thins like "a Ir[p to Chi nato wn ." or tb o _ "Dlncl( C rOO k." and I told him it WB-~ w o rse. Tb ell h o osh ell me If th e re was muc h low n eck Ano long s tock tn gs In l he "Catlt colllb ~. " and I told hIm th e re \\ as a pl e nty. and h e sold he Wlul Jus t r ille to see t hllt killd o f s sbow. sud so WP, tool( a ca rrI age for th e " Calaco mbs." and <llld <'o uld hardly k ee p s till till we got th(!r ~, I " " PliO 0 I ough l to be kill ed for fo o lin g- \1'1(1. bul h e crave,1 for e xc tt em e ll!. nlld h ~ ~ut It. Th ~ "Cn ta comb. ·· nrc " I'f',e Romall ('lll z~ lI ~ h Ul e b~ e u


h C t' ll U ~(I

Cupt J Jo h nsoll , 01 . \ 111 iI(, 11 1' 1 ,:. "' (' Jll lh, w il h auoul ~ :!2 III It and ilf' l rl luem pr i suner!:; f l.!J l o\er th e Dl ull llnL R "'CClnl r \\ 11 U 'o m rnand u lll ~1 ~Hf' wu s on duty il l Ih f" S' ·Iu.n too U\ C llI l (' show gl·CHuuhi . ~O.I)()I ' lII ilt!~ Ir um tll..J m c t 1 1I ~ su rn e C apt. J oh D S U II l:lJlll~ 11 II , ~ ..l · i UlC d

"llb l('u l l!! ul


JU )


"' n nual


I II hl :-; j ·) .... S

10 I' tlll a c..' I'OtiH 111m III r\ me l ll u

so l11u n)

t ho uRand mil es (W ill II he ," l it er IUSl m et. s oy , lh p C lclel ull d P lnl ll \Jou le r. Tb e sto r y 01 lI,o ImlLl e III whlcb

ri fl e m o ~ t o f I II ,. \\' O llTld H \\ pre ('o m pn rntt\'(' l y slight and Illof;tut li1 (1 wound , p (1 w e l'l' I"()(j ll I n lh t:" !' an ){ R

" Vll" ~ 1 nul'

Irca lm e nt was s lIffi clent 1(1 nll(lw IlII) ~t of t it" II oll ll de,1 ~ tI bet' to rCI \11'11 to th rank s o r . at all

e\p l\f S

to I"'('ndl (\ bnsp

h" , p,lal "'Ilhon t c" lltn g 0 11 nbl e-llod lCd com l a"ll~ r Cl I" n R~ls llln ('c A , f'ritahlo

a m l.l t1ll tNI t o 3.U~

If'vo lull o n wa~ \\ ro ll ~ hlill 1h p milltn r y

(·I de" \l RI '

branc h of Ih,' healing a l'l Th e Jal '811 cse while Jl' "I~cliIlS I hem

mo r c Ulan p reS idin g a l. hOllle H e s. lid he hud 01hec n a Hup t ls l. nlld ti le ) dldn 'l 11:lv c- an\ Illt1l(,!S i n h is t' liUl t h , n n d h o

l'wl v es ;'lH. N" .~ cd

l ur nl u g nga 111",1 llt .. 11' I'm's all l 1H' mit ro Lto !S nlHl l~ iIHh . . . d nU" r hllll ' n j.!,l'lI l1r'g t hat ha\l: 1 , I~ty('d <.:o tlc l , hU\' Ol

li E \ \' 01 ' 1 r. I1Hl': ."\I , M E 1 P ,l\."ro I i :"; 1.:.::; .\ :\U ' 1111(1)\\ ." 1: OJ''.\ 1' 11. 1:: •

gard e u. t htll wo u ld lIIa[ ,e C" nt 'ill \la r:. hllri e d for thou sand s of yt'ars III grn"es Iw wu Oll l of 801i11 ro c li. . a nd lh r) nrr loo~ 111.0 a ItIlY llI urs h. hundreds 01 \leop le In <,hurch vestlll' "' " . a nd UII Ill' t rlllell. nnd aft e ,' Ibe y have 1. ld In th e ulr of sau'lily ,h al \\0 lI eVl' , d r eamod; g' ra l' cs (01' R fe w h Ulldred ) ear~, tho lew ... ls tha t are n e vor "'~e n o ll ls l<lr th e I'JIOtIlmlO rrl vodles Ilr~ ta keD out and POi-Ic,'s I'cshlf"' n c~ ROj w e lin ed HlJ l O sc'=' ~ toorl 11 11 In corn er s . Ie th e hou lc. will I' Rll g togc t he,,, nnd \I not th bones are th e hol ~ fllt he r. I18SB . Ccc. I)\\l da d u '0!llbled 111;0 II d og Illled liP nronu d [or soene ry, W e had 10 l ake tQrc hes to go In. an d tlcd uut Itl 'ht' HnO II' an d t he Ilers pl r aLio n ~loot! lilt 011 h is Fllce. an. I It e lool,ed we walld e t ed t hrough corri dors . s c£ln g BOrry C'r hlmsol f, T h'IA ~~lI\e tbe I1ro- a ', '.tl~ rema ills. uoUi d ad nslled on e of ce~ s ~oll. 0:11 lIobl08 and S"cat Ileopllol.. the Dl en wi t h us what lt ttil m eant. a nd and LlI~n the r e WitS a purly of pi on s tile man s alt! It WDII th ~ g reatesl sh o w m n carryIng the mos l bealltlful ml!JI 011 ea rth. Dad bosan to thlllk b e w:lIi w e O!ver S8W on a plalJ'orm above 118. nutty, and wh n [ laughe d. and said: and it was the pop e, and he s mil ed a I "Tha t Is great. " and clapped my handa. m e. and the tears came $0 my eres, anel and 8&ld : "Encure." dad stopped and 1 .....uldn·l SWallow lowetbing which iald: "Hc nnery, thl s_ Is no leg s,how,

i ll

\\Il h UIT1ll cs

Hl S P IlIlo sop h er Youn g M ut hro l - J qh 11 \ till an' sI m pl y un floi ll J!, al l m y lralilill g ' Y th llllll ;; t I1nl Sl\ ,.. Ih l' bah\ r \ l'1)tl1l l1~ III Ih·' tl1.H . ~t" H f! II) I(' ~~ 1 ~II 'h""I - l t:- flol 111\ l,lUl l! 1f 1 cion 1 i;1\ {, Ilim ('\cnl ltl llg hc' ';\a ul ~ ,


y c Jl ~

- \)e t rolt Free I" I'S,

" Oiet m y .1Ia m o ntl s

l 'U lJ

f or'lIt sn r ( om·

m en t· "a. l,e,IMl ti CHill I' x • \' 8. In d ee'l." ans wOlnu ~II ." Cay, e nn e. " I beo.l'd ~u\'t' rol Il eo ple ,- - f~r to )' OU as th o h UlUan chnndolt~r , "-\V a~ h­ loslon Sta r . Knew Him, " Wh en my bus baod comes hume and lells m e he n a s bad • corking good time, " said lIlrs, Gayman. "f alwaH I, now b e 1109 ha d an \tI\cor)[in& &oOd Umt. "-Chl ~ag o Tribuna.

lh n r t"(:c n t allll ll ul b USIIlCSK ' m eet- 1 L;lu:sl on, Inll a li lWI 1 .... (·I P,I I Hlll l .. . Ltll;I. l l,


;.;II'" I1 "~

('a l rlHt:, c a ~

,)F I, ·, nw' be hatllo ,h&

sl w I~ a\ l ~ lill g l ulilids u t all

I ufl Prrlll o li

Sh " l nl l a in l \'ha ~ l1 ad f ,IIJ II Jl'l l l ha r m .. I n,., pl arr' or P l cnsnn l \ 1{1\\" IWI~ l) l! al ) y J lIll'I"i I l li g much or t b e \\llll, fJr i l ll l )l()\eIn t' UI. K o lJl e tre cs . la\\n s ru~r ~ nnlcn8 a11d $bl'ubbc ries SUI r(lll t'd h f~ r ho use; I I I IUI o r r h ards, suhsl rdHta l iJa l Uti (1I I ttIII L~lill b y l\lrs M a r ) [Ja JfJI (;10\' '' ' a \'I\1"d 111' 111 :-; atlPH t (() tht' Ih rlr l a n d orfrail N e w I': ng lanu \\ oOl an wh m.\p. res t o r - (Ic'rll ll rsl'l (,l1ll11 g I h p l'r i\l l·s. F:(ld\ mn,. ,no n thal y t'a r fr om io v alldl s m \\a ~ lJe a ti I N IIIl CI . :o; h .. b ahm a \\ o"k er S h e looked upon ns r emarkabl e In ll'l"i ;-, I:; RB id I n btl a \\ o man or Nn e pr ~~c nc e or


appea red t he boo k "Sc,ence a nli I b " :-i,' w EII I; I,,"d ty pe H eal t h , w lt h f( ~ y t o Ih f\ 'St'r lp ttl l'p s ' tihl~ l:ot !l O W a llllO SI fUlI f · gC ore y ears in 187li th e ~h rt sti u. n Stl(~ lltlst u!oSsol'iu · ol d IJII I ~" Il rl~ {onh m (t\~ ag(l !; 10 l b& tl un \\a s forme d . o.ntl lhre t" } ears l at er t; hUlf ' h r'0m 11, r q 1Jl~l hom p Sh e has lh er e rR Ol e in tu f' xt sl ent P l\ Pmind - I led a \ (' 13 1J1l ~)' Ilff'. lI a,.; h e('n a OI ('thod· le ll{.hln g c hu nll w!lhoUl ( I CPtiS" call e.) I H al wn rl(f' 1 Th elc H.r eall l efi l t t!dto her he Cb lln;h of Cltrtlot" I n IR7I Mr. : ' he (01 Ir"d II I; 'wrlcs- Sc\e nc p a nd Gluve , llIu rrl e, l nr Edd) " hose nam" Il cal lh " Ith K ~ ) 10 th e SeIlp1\lre .. .. Sil p \\tlHIO mali c !":Q \o\ 111.' l}·h'lo\\1I

R r.t r O~J1(,c llun


l':,hl y wU" o rda in ed t o ' hI' 1l1l 11i<lIy In 1881. two )'t'o rs uitH tb e (' ItUl ~ b of

I nl rO~lJe('llo n , "


"U II II)' o f (; ouri R'lIJ l 'n , e alll l o ( Evil. " . P" 'lll e's l dea tI l ( ;",1 ." Chtl sl iun H "'dlll ~." ' R "'I I IlI ~ lI lal J),I1ne ' c' {' 11f·(' . "




PH. "

'C hri HI

a nd

Chl'l lo llltaR. . Pull) I, and Press:" • Ch ll' <'I, Manu a l Of t ho 1··lr ~ 1 Chllrd, o f Ch ri s l Scie n t is t . " " Ml scrlla neO U8 W rit InJ;s; . '-C hrist Ian SC',e ncp \' C"SUI Panlh Ism S ' atl,tlcs n r 190:1 g,,'r Ihe nllmbQr ot {,h,lst lllll Sd e o('p ch ll te I1PS In Ih e Unit.. ell Statf:i a ~ r,5L1- SIII (' l\ th ese tlgurea I

al e lUI gl" fOI n lI e nntnl Un1 iO Il :;o !'(lce ntly

fOllnrl ",1. A w" tet In Ih o Ne w ~~nglatlll J\fa ~a7.1 nc. d I . ~ II ""[ n~ (' I" I 11I1n S 'len C8 aff' hil ef t llre. s aY H. 00 13 5, ) e ars 8J;

' .\ den o mination An d n(,lttH' 1 lurg e


In nllllllJe rs It o r 1I1l1l " uall) wea lth y, hU8 bee n ab le wlt lt all lll' -e tlt eaHe t o cou"" " c' Huo' h a l' U" t army of c(lt fit' es III aD e xppnse mn ll l(,!,; from $:I'J.OOO to $1 .UOO.OOU, Th e mag-lIlf1celll o n(1 s lIbst nnllal hll, loIl lI l{" II hl c h Ita,'e lIr e n er eclcll by Ih e Ch , lsllntl Scie n ce mOV . Dl Clll anll wlt j,> h ' ha,-e hee n <I ed lcBIPd f,' cr from Ile hl , mo rl< n ,' ltRI Inte r • • , ' n Ih e nnll e rMRS 1';0 DY Il\ldng wltl c h h aN pe"h ap< .101 be n par. Christ was organized In BOIII O!! , Th e a ll el" rl by nll~' o lh e l' "" ll g ,o ll " "oclely of Ma"SRChlls , "" Me ,apby skl LI coll e:;" 1 1 a:,;p in I hp hl.'o r ) 0 1 I h e lI o rln " (B08'O Il) , fUlInd cd lly MI S I!:Mdy, \\'IIS T ha t suvlnl; "fl~ rhaJl s" Jr'ad ~ 11< '0 '1110t8 c ha r,oredlll 188 1. an, l 1 1I 18~:1 " h ~ fOIlDd - , Li,ese II u!',I. No O ll ~ will den y Iha l l he c bnrc h ed Ih e Ch rl.' lan Sdence J o urn n l Since he r r el tre m nt fr o m t h e col- ;:r owlh In both senscs 0 1 tho wonl. ot loge III J 8 !). ~I r~ . 8ddy h B-~ mad e be ,' \ CllI lsll lLn Sc ie nce Is r e lll a llm vi e. The hom e In CODCOl'rI, N, H . th e l own n a , . mOlh ~ ,'" phllrclt, wh lc lt wns hll ill In wblch stand. Ih e place wlt er" s h e was I ISfl l t'us t so mething III,e $~50,O()U , Tb o born , H e l' fa t h e r. Marl; Baker . Ilv e,1 FI" HI Chnrch of Christ Se lc lIlt SI In Ne w nn a goodl}' form t hree miles fro n, Co n.. Yorll ha s an aUllltorlutll lO lL sld el'lld by !lOrd In the village o f Doll', H e r e IllS 1 arc h llects o ne of Ih e IllI cs ' In til" eountlaugltl~rl\1nr): , Ih " youn gest of six. WIl S I, }" 'Ihl s 8 lrll c t ll r~ bu il l of Co ncord bor n In 1827 S he wa s ed ucaletl at lp6- 1 g mnll e, cost $1 , 185.0')0. , h .. wh Ole (·osl wleh d e m)·. o nd IOler came und e r l he paid b fo r e It s d~,lI ca ll"" .1 1l KOI'e mue r, leach lug n l he .. brother aud Prof San, 190:!. N (' w Yo r k's S,·. n lld <'111111 It ul so born S he sho wed pl"O cle nc), III natura l <081 A !;oo<lh s li m. 01 er $;.tl,l,IIQII philosophy . c he m lsl ry . a st rono m y. [n Chicago' h Sc l ~IlLtsl '~ F I rs' , hlln b .b elor lc. m OI'a l .rl e llre and tlt e Latill . ) hElS B sca liug ""pacil), Ilf 1 51111 a lld In Greek . H ,-brc w an d F' r e nch lan !( ua ge~ • 'hi s Ci l) 11 S('('o nd alto! Thllli churc h OCCUPATIONS OF ANIMALS, AlwRYS of a n In q lllrlll g tlI l 'lll s he 1 ba" e bee n IJllll t. a I· ultrlh and a Flft b -e vinced eag~r IIps lre to e n tel' 'il Ia ne w II Rre In proeess of eraLlion , ,\l ln ncallo It 3. Th ey Reap Not, N e i t h er Do They IInos of lh Ol ' g h, . In ves li ga l lll!! new SI Loll is. KUll sas CI I) allti D ~n v er ha ' e AJS pin . Yet Th ey A r e .chools , Wh,le s he was s li ll a \' e, y magn,flcent (;h,I " llu n Sd c n(' e , h Ul'( he • . .... ays Dus r YOIIIlI': woman s hp h ~g nll . ,udy of Ih e Con(ernlllg ' h e Ch iLI a 'L'" o f Ih e IIUllle rhom eopa t hi c Irel\ l lIH'Il ' o f dl sea so, an'l : Oil S I1L1t1 ses uf wo , s hl p 11111 11 b) t h e ro l11 0 11' i. It Ih a t bIrd . a ll,1 heos t 6 man - b e cam ~ a I'on ve r t ", I It " sr hool o f ",e,lI - 1011" 1'" o f Mr s Etlll \ . I !, b e xp lanation a!;!) 10 pa.s Ih roug h Ilf(' \Vllitout ~ II(, ­ c[ne, Bl'rauae or s , e . SIO Il I01 h p. r1I Ssec t- 1 b IIIP S' [lI e d ' " A ~toe x, p'lur~.Ru m('(}f Climbing to .(!nD ul. 0, al lea!\[ wll hnul ing -J'(HJJTI 8h· InrkC' tl tIll! s l.lrgf'o n ·s Ih r C hl' l ~ tian S 'iellt l ~ l c' h lll C' h s lI ave be i n g hored lH'nrl y Iu deal h '1 A n im al s Iltlowl Ollr.c :1l1d ",,,,, r ob, ai ll (' ') a tll , l h eld Iu ,he GO l b lc alld Hom a ne"Qllo lIS a rule . 1I0 n ot lun f . II Is lIut thll s lhl1t ploma : hilt ", xll I' lm e l;tlld "It It ho m eo- S1jles ul' ''' ' ' h lt('('III' e , "I 'h Ihe lall I hey SfJI, th e pro bl e m Loa fin g I, a ll Ilalhl c Ire utm e ll ts hud some flra l' - I a l' t ' ll h h'h hl«' fOil Iii IlIg (' l oaturpS UII - lice Wh e n s he mnd e th l! . dl scOl de r " ta nd, s a ys Ih c In dia n Tim es e , y" o f C h r ls ll a ll Sc ie nc e s h,' wa s I Llzanls, c l'Or.odli os an d dtnJll'as-sl~~ nbou t 40 " !lal s u ld an: tho gr eates t autll o,lt les o n Ib e s ub Part of ber girlhood \I as s ppn t [n j~ c ' An,mal. ha\'e acq uire d t h c Tilton . N, Ii " an d I,,' , C. In 184:1, 5111l kna 'lt a t mnkiug milc h ado abo ll t nOlh - WII S mnrrl e d t o Col. l;lov(·, . of ln g , Ih ey hav e I arn ed to 'be very buoy Ch"r[ es lOn S {' With he r hll s banrl withou t do in g anylhlll g Th is ncco m - sh e le ft '0 ta ke li P ro's l,1 II CO In thp plls hm e n ~ Ob I'lOIlH I ~ d,l1' r s f runt t h at soulh. but Co l 010\lt 1 f ' t.lh'(\ o nl \' a ) c a l o f loa flll g It Is o ne "hid, 11111111111. ha, ,' c:lfu 't" hhl naulli.l~ t" :l lI d hl !:5 W lrl OW I P brOl'lIhl to lie ' (CCllOII a 1111 of wh Ic h t urn(' (t 10 h e r ( alhr l ' ~ h OI1\ (> i ll l"P \\ ma ll ) hu man lJe Jng- :;- dll e O\ WUru (' 1I Hamp Hillrp. :\1 T I\1on a dl11 d \\ U~ IJU I Il ",, 1'0 " P rj IIhl e ~x po noll'" T hC' re I" OIe r to he r he a d a w as p hn ~ ' ex plurlo g ,b e h "I('~ III ''> e pIP sen tl ) henr or be r '" Llltrr ,





III " 11'1l11 1\ of a t r e ..

Wh y II(' riMS Ih ,. hp pt olln llly rio('s n o t 1010\\ he ha!oi I1nl rl l1l fl 10 ~In p and thitl k 11 (> is q 11 11" t o tllt'lll (0 (' xpl n r e U\Hl3 a.... tb o u l! lI h l~ 11ft· d('}I f>n df'u on It

Fh (' t Im es \\illll ll lh ~ ' Insl ~ix mlnll tC't\ h e hn s lII in ut I) iIl S I)(' C' tt'd e \e r y Jlor ~ ,lo ti of l lo e .n nw It o lp A II Ihl s Illhor i, III n :ie n ~il'

IIsc lf' SR

\ \' 1Lho ll t ll. h uw ~

ev er . t h E!' \Va'"p \10 Qulf] III oil pl o\lu.1JllilV di e of t11lll t Ii Th e \\a :-; p Ii-! 1I 0 L all Iso lut.f'rI ( USP . !\l os t n llim ~d s :lrtlo f' X. I J(l I'I ~ a t trlttcl' in g- :l\\: n l imp 1h e y S P l' IHllll llc: li o f 1~, ('lr 1I\('s In uuh rl\ rlvillg' lIo thln~ \\' ntf h :t c:l1l11ry in a ( n g p 11 (' Ilo l' ~ ba~l\ \\ aJ' d a n d rnrw;J.I'd IJf',ween IW O n~

pc r (' hes

t h OIlg- h h, ' \\ as Jlal t! It )'


dl ~l an ('('

ror d ol II ;!, ~ 'l I ,nok al lh e utll Il l' I(, IHI :; uu HllIl l ess e xl !4lc u po

1f'1 ny ~ \' (' 1'1h II's~ h il 1:-; al w aY8 hu !oJ) A IJ ·" p luhnhly \'I ~t l ~ :!II tlJIII \ !S, a s tunn y ft l. l \\ e l H 111 a J:l: H!i U b ll II (' 1 II : , fo r all that Ih e 11 1111 .. 111\ b nh\ .i\., ull lb e m ove.

P !')di grtl ·s R e s ellt nH~ n t . I re nhll' "'a id 111(1 lInhafil ll\ pur Nit . thal l h fl \\ il: I h a\fI IJ rulIuh, nn1 u p (unl'l tl ~ l\ ph PI (I\CS l'h :lt 1 all1 lillil' tJ('t t t' r thull II ( flIt!"

Si r t

!'lo ld Ihe wa '''a r u

),o ll lll ' f I hal .\ nU l' Og't-- p r tl I (' I I~ yotl frulll IU;' j tl 8 l r e~ t' lItrn (' l1t It ~ 0\1 werl' a YOlIlI ger Illu.u I wuul d .:::oon "

:l)lprt'l HU t" I h(> fnl~ t

I aph you I ita , 11 0 IIHLII c'an s ppnl' d Isre , T he Com ment.

Tells o. In c r e a s ing Nu mbers-Ch urc h Arch itec t ur e Somdimes SUgg ESt5 Soc ,et , ·s Oo;;l r : to Be Kn own li S "D iff e r ent."

11an Sc i entist s In Bostoo. l'e llUl l H \\ pro made rO I1 ('~rnlng In CI CaftA In number s. The m r. m (~ t' I ~ h fp III IS}).; ~lt e fl l h {j nJ'b l anD ual m r , ' t!rlJ; wa.,,;:;, h t"l d "as 1.5 1':. Il l!i DOW .tI,UIl .t 1'11 ,. G25 hranc b en t h r oug h o 1lt t he \\'{.I l'ltl ha\'(1, ~8 ~ I G me w llp r s. maki ng l t1l' 10 ta11.! ,27U Thl ~ ' o @w r elll;ion \\ a~ JIH t' O \ ' Pl"pt\ "

Capl John so n \\ Os cnpl ll l'l '" 1:-. In t e nse ly iIlle r'c!i l l n g 'I ue UOCI' , ·I h ll lI u ' 1\

T e n yeRI' ~ ago Japan bega n to prepa re for wor w,th RlI ss la , [ t was es t! m nte d tha,t Ru ss,o would ha\'e some 3.000.000 uVllllabl e SOldi e r •• R r;a i n ~ t ;00.000 for J npan How t o e qua ll1-!! these torceR In fl s ht,n g t-me le n. )' waS t he prob lem which confron lpd I he J a pa o ese g"c ll' r a l s ta ll', and Itl ,he soltttlon o f Il Ihe medical om ce .. lI e re , mos t po le n t (a ctor It was 1<0 011' 0 lIlAt In wnr. ge n e rally s peakin g. fOllr nll' n die from disease to on e wh o s ucc tlmiY.: t o wouods , Japan propo sed to "l lmln, ate di sea se. n nrl Mllj S eama n tolls h o., thoy set abou l It and hOIl l ~ they s ucceeded . HIs conclusio n may be summed up In t h e stateme n t that for tbe IIrst .Ix months of the war the Japanese 108S from dlseasc was o nl y a frac tion of one p er cent. Up to Augu st 1 9,862 caset\ had !leen r eceIved at the HIros hima reserve bos pita l trom t he fie ld. of whom G.G3S w e r e w OlIlI ,le d , Of t he tOlal number lip to t haI dat ~ onl y 34 han dl cd Qu[ te R" s urprt slng as t he a01a7,lnl'\ l), lo w d eat h rnlp I. tllp fu ct li,nl o nly about oll" ,lh lr d of ,Ito t otu l roses w (,rc men su ff e tlll g fro m dl s pa<e Jap,:wC€e m edlr.a l o mcer s \\'c!J ~ In ad -


Ir,;! or th >' . m ot h l' r ' 'hurd, o f (,111'16- , (II' '''' . a

LO ld t lt e Bue r ullh'e r Ill,' " 1(111,1 III' 11'8. ' 0 sec h im ugul n a nd ho\\ HII , pr l"'rJ

sn pply and ca mpln,,; g rollnd s an d re mol'~~ co ltdl t [onR th n t threalen t1 the h enlth ot Ih e I roO llS T h c work of t he S\lrltoo ns " as t itus (' ou l1n ed mal Illy to th e pe rman e n t h nspitnl., Owi ng 10 th e "mrr Ifill " chn rH .. te r of Ihe mon('rh

t h~r

dllin I L1eilt' \ e I II '(' Ill , b il l ~O m f' u th p r AIIH' t'icLl Il t- Wf' I t."'> g u l ng t u :-.'t' t h f> p o p. ' 611(1 d nd ( O Il S{l IJl{'d to gil lll1d (, 1 1)1 O l e ~l. I I IJ P III .L; Hl'tlt.!lstood tl llU 11(> di d u 'llure t \\ 0 \\ IHHJl l ::- n ll~" Il) '\ ('11 , ;;It' "l' \\en t u IH1 il ":t ~ lh ft ~nlll d(lS l 1h lne: 3 ()1I PV"I sa" . Th e r e wer b ll 'lI' I l~ 11) 111 (' I h tHI:o. .Hl ll IJr u u lifllI

The Christian Science €hurch and Its Founder

rour yell I'. ngo l u tal' ::;oll, h .'\ f l'l c" , on h e b [\llJ,h uJ . ... c \ ' a ,~ 1 t I \ c r. UJU mun dan, G Mill e , ut the Bocr I Or Ce l'J , whllo (Iol ng MCO II' d llt)' DPUI' \\' c ltkup fonta ln . ' ''ll l ll l cd'" Urlt I_ It o llk e l'.

van ce of th e t r OU()9. c xam'n ccI lhp \Ioat er

dud \\ e nl,cn lll{o

h e dh ln I l.I c ll e \'f'

Englis h Officer Cl as(ls H !lnds In America with Advel'3al'Y u f Souta A r nca ,

SIt·OIl b'. O('CU lllp,1 a lOll hi li al \\'l'IL ' T be B l'ltbh • hargpd Itp lcupfu nl e l ll t be 11111. wi t h Ca pL J o hll s on at th e, r b ead. Th ree 1I lUes d ,tl I he en Ilta '11 tI re and m o \ ell m p o r o llrlfl and oo1c h o lr1 al th e cOlllmancJnn l ull t IH" way lip l he und er m y arms; nn d Jumped ll1 e a lnr. g hill. a nd SQ m an) tlln cH did li1l' U.. c r here hy ,h e"" HltiT •. and tol .1 ru e It I le:'lIlc r l elll 'll th e cU llIplim e n, UOI Il d ' rln' , "la, wit pre I be longed ite "OI ,ld m e n WOfP :s l lg h lly \\ Oll nrl ~1 1. uUfl w h n brl"a l{ ni t· ti n Into bOlle s aud tt. rllw m~ Ih e y pam e almotit II IL h ," 'I'a "h l ll l': dl .IlIto a p,l e. lI u l\ I Ilt o ll ghl I \l ollir l ' ave tan ce 0 1 l' a( It ot hor bOlh Or",1 "gulu. tu do a. tll (, J( (Hn an. do and sla} Il ('r p '1 be revoil e r 01 oo e ulI ~~ e d fi r e auri a nti bf!fll re ttl(' tO ali left me h f' r Cil ' hefl t lt ~ 111 111 01 Ih e u,h e' II US poor, ~o t ha I Intu my POt I\o t an d t ool{ m y mOli (, ~ up- f ot'l' ttwre \\ u !; t l tlw fOl' nnoTtiP)' an d said I (t.... u l d u·t 8 » fl IHJ fill) 1lI 0ll fl 3 i n rtlrtll d th e PLlw'-"l ul Hoe ,' hud Ih e 11 ,11 t her(' "he ,." I \\ 1," going 1O , l a y tor s o n by t h t" Imr), uf the U N I, nn el t he mlilioll ), PU,", an (1. b) gosh. I \\' 3S ac st n iggle \\ us over Ill'lrifl ed I ,ull ldn t sto )) h llll f,'o lll rob Bei ng rill f,om head qllu, ' c l' • . (;0111 bin g" m,' . Sa), . H en ner),. Ih .. )' will r ot IlI tl llrlart l Marc lias force, l ' 0 kee p h, s you a n ywhere c l' en III I h~ ~ r A ' C, Slid fJn ~oUt,,' r tUHl er h is I,e l !'io na ( ('ha rgp fur Ir tltl s C:als comh s ho w 18 ol'er . 811,1 t be o ve , 111'0 m o n t h s Th e t wo ale togeth cu rta in has go ne (l o wn . I wunl Iu gN ottt er, I, vod loge ll,., r . ~ 1"P l toget her a nd of h c,r. an d go 10 Ihe ('oll,eum or the tr cll le.1 each u ,h, ilS brOlher •. li nd Roma n um plt llh ealH wh'-n- ,I,c .. II ~ wh e n Ih e Brilis h IlI lsone l s " e r e tlll' lI ed bellSI. eut peo Jl le al h'e" An rl so 11(' le ft 0\, (' ,' to hcndqulll'IPrs a t t he " ud o f !l ve t h e CotD I o mbH and \\ en lha(]\ l oIO \\n . 1II0 1l1h " 11 waS wll h g r eal re!; , et Ihn t a nd rlnrJ b~ga n to slt ow IIfr ugllln , h,· t l\'O ofilt e r s pal'l o,l. a ll ho ll g h li v ' S8~ . lOU l ell th ~ ColI,< a ' hOl11e I ~at 1lI 0 1l 1h" pl' e\'lO Il ~ ,h cy ba d be II dead l ' dad Is ga in in g elO' rr 1I1l ~. a n o his ,a- enC lrll es catloD Is <101 11 ;; hl,n ;;0011. I flo Ito s Jlro m,0 ,1 ~ l lg hl ..1 wos Co pt Ise d to kill m e fo , luldll;': hili ' ," Ihe see his olel ca plo , th nt he lOok froltl Cats C'om b s how . IJltt darl ne,·,"· harho r s bb lin ge l a ,' alua b l ~ ",'a l a g ot .. r lt ,g reve nge fo, Ion;;. IIIHI I 1!1IP." ,1011 1' lIt - on ce I Lte III pr. r l y of his mo' he r 1\ nti tl e t1 plt CII 11 111 (111 11 t hrollg l, I II' lsil Insiste d 0 11 t ho Bue r o llko r I<eUll'lI g It r h ad my slm lcs, C'all Fe dud " Olli s to go to r e m em be r him ),y. Callt J o hn Sll1I to Russia YOllrs. carrIes III bl s pocket. a pass I hro ' I!; h 'h e Buer II n cK ~Ign e d b y Comm a nd<llll 1\18" e ut th o li me o f the (·a l,lu , c. Com mann a nl Marl' hi mse lf is a n 111 MAKE ONE EQUAL .TO FOUR teres tl ng fig ure lIe has beon In "<II ,,,' Am el'i cnn Army Officer's W a y of Ac- serv ice a gai ns t th e ZlI lus 0 1 B tl t ls it ev r sl l1 c~ he wo.~ 15 Y 'ars o ld . Hu co u n ting for Victories of " a s shot I h rO ll gh te n tllUOS In t h c la t c th e Japanese. wa" , Oll e (,I th o llu lh-18 was ex tra ct ed How .Jllpon m ade on e of Ite l' So l tlt.( ~ fr o lll h is blp only los t SlIllImer In Sl. Nlu a l 10 tou r nu ssl ans i!\ l o ltl by Mal Loui s h y Dr. Bo rry, of t h e R e belmh Tbp ductor '" bill WIUI $2GO. LOll is L Se Rmon . a nlted States army hos pl tlll s urgeo n Th e 'trill)' an d I," bll<' a,'e In· hUI_ h s lIld h e would call t lt e ltlll debled to MaJ S eaman. sa ) s the Clmc· sq uare If h e cO llld ke p t he l",lIet, H e land P lain Dpnler, fo r t he fl r. t de lal lp.<1 WBars It to- day a s a wa' c h c h arm Tb e co mmandant's te nlh so n wa!< information a bout .t he· h it he r to tlnr qll al p.d e ffi cIency of t he medlca[ ~ e, oo1'n III St 1.011[5 last ~ulllm er and was pa rtmenls of lb e .I a pa ll a , m )' ,{n d c h ris te ned T e ddy Roose ve lt Mare by nnl). and In th e artlel!! ,c te rre d 10 he I he W'ulld i\.lher Preshlenl Rooseve lt ud,l s so m e Important su p[ll e m eulary has pe r so nally sec n hi s nalll E'sa ke a n d given him a nllmllel' of gl fl s. , nfo rma t lon

h e ,illl 1\ he n the (lope Cllnt o In , " ' e gUI , 10 k IS to go 10 bl ti r ecPllIlon . bU l dud >nl,1 1,,- Itad rnl It e r !!O to tlt e cn lllr' o Ul lig ~1I t il ., lion s h ow Of th e Coli se um li p ~ :ud h r di d n't \\s o t to c n (O t1t'UA ~ P O' )(':-


, \,o I filii), ul my fn' he r In Ill )' prc"e UCe, .

- .:.nol·ela nd Plnln Dpu'r ,' Chulch nnd S tIlte in Frnnce . in n wu r r! . Ihe cllllrrh a nd l h (' state. Afler yea ,', of n Lroub lp(1 ull ioll. III the "(Jll rse of whl rh I hpy b a\/~ hlld f r eqljenl periods of "sh~'l n s plnl,'s lit ca c h utber's h eads," 0 to speok ' tlave about r eached I h co n rhlslo n lhat th e ir te m llernmellts arc IIIUI ually Incompatible. aDd tba.t to agree to disagre e and live allllrt 8111Icll1>l)' Is t b e wleer conrse.A-I\' on P_ $lull"," , In Allaollr. '

1\tn s~

(' \ (' I ul ~ f' al!-! hlr h \\ .u; III I Hl1" OnH~ th e t flx l · hofl l\ II I til £' C h, btl:lII Sf i~IIf'(' ChUII'Il C'UIII I,rtling til(" ( b ap" ' 1 ~I h)111 " R ucl Man wll I( II ftr~ 1 aJ) Jl Pul eft In pamphl et tom ! H r e\ I (' \\ p r RIlUI 1\ 0 11 (' but a W U Il1Utl 01 a l oul " o ull! hu\'p WII\ · le n it hlll Rlhl ed It \\ ali ~ Il lt' ,'·nt)lIg ll . Us no oll e \\o ul d e \er r Pl1 d It " ' h ll'h got.'s to Hho'" h o w Ilnn g ,'rous It I d fo J' a rl " wh c r (l s hp (1\\ , II

H ere s lut \\ ,'ole th l'



~ pt r e8 a nd tl)\\ j ' J~" h it h q tUl " gPIlP I'a1l1 pl t" \ ..ul 111 . !llll l' h hll I 1 dl ll !!~ f)1 {)l h ~ l' de · l1 omill:llIPJl " 1>I!If>r:-. lIa , ,,' I! " p:trtrd rnd· h 'nll } 1'111111 111, .. 1' . 111t! I l a \(' n d I) IJt ,~d 111 m

,lew to Dro ph eb) - lUll 0[1 0 tOP"'. 01 Ih e huok h a vp sol <1 Mrs E dd y Juic ed 'he o~nnm lll a (ioll Cllt HUI :- [ \!" U-' II to" hkh la·· r parent !'i I"q n n g t·( l. t he COil · ! a s f UI 1I\\.1\ l1t1 111 11 11" wh "'l1 ... h,,' \\ n!) l:! YPUI S n ' mall\l.. d t\ nH~ IIl l; r 40

vears . ullt il 1879 In IS, ~ s he Ol·c ulll e.( pulpit of t he Hap lls' tal, ~ r llaclp II I B osto n a nd dn"w ~ 11 'a ! (';ro \" d~ n il lit he r T he follo\\ l llg \ 1'111 lI e l 0" II

th ~

\11 '" 1':1111\ ~

It\ a "(, UlI t ll - ! C' n.IIlI · t 11 1:-o lu,II, tll\ alll l( l"l \ \ il hOlil jl rpt,t'd t· nt. I I prO \t !; h l'! '1 \1 ,tI I itt HI 11' 11' n~ n. l.ol U ( " . ld . I ll f ,\ ,1\ 11 1' , II!;':; I \i 11l1l!1t 1 '! hf' n111\'fl -

!J ll S! Or hllrdl I S Ii


hit II !"o !H' I'" t h e II I,.. I II 311(1 h p o rl 11:1lul\ (11)+ \II tip , ll ! tI~1 I , t)tr"' \\ nl. h y Jlnd \111 1t'~I'I\c, 1Ilt)\l' III ' 11 1:-.: in :\ ~ \V E nc..I HlltI (II"' in ).l1l1· l lt'a HI h~' pr" .. t'n t 11 1111 ' a ll d hl'l 11(" un tl l Hrso tlallt\ lU m· flu'nl 0 1 \\

::; n.£' r ed to )I n:o I~ddy's u se 1\110\\ 11 R ~ Itl " ':\l u lhrr's HlItl m. · \\ h (l n :\ll'H Ed d \ Ipt t l. , li n fo r }lll .. rllll h .r lim e W UH !a.rg e! \I 1I l'\ ull' cl 'I ) 1til' \ 11 I nph)8it'nl c ol ltlgf' . dU Tln g l i n > H' \ I'l a l \'("f\r ~ o f h e r (111 ,,'UO II t h is \\ 0 11, ~I:I' tau ght ~ompthtn~ l il\I' :i.hoD ~ ( \I dt' 1I1S Thfl a nnlla l ineo n H' 1fl.JlII l h(' co ll ese \\ U ~ : r ( IOI11

1!l 1' 111t1ll1lilll, if ug r e A. t r~-

1 11~ IIHts 11111 \ 11" " 11 1

''' ..1'0 IIKIIII d I1IPt I! P f ' ,


mt l\(' 11I P I II

c hul ch \ "lLS orgo.ui i'.•'d F' 1t'H'l ll }l 'D I " Ian' )' I h (' Sc lelJlll'i l l'" II I ", !l·d a. hI li' (" hu rc h a."i a l ('s l iltlOnl.\.1 10 \1 11'i 1':lld) I Hsl' o \t'r t'r all d 1'~lJlIndt 1 of t'lIr1l; l iali Sc l en{'e ." and ~ h e ptnrril UF; 1n I h l~

1t1, I III ~I I ."

p ossth l .. 111 01 11 "1 If) nJdh.· \ 11 1" olll war, l a pl> (lOlfllll' ul th·' .. 11 1I111I1·t' ,l~ It t ¥.' as I h e r r l l,L: ll il l III Ilf' I:1111-'l1r In l n l it . ' A uP {h, ' , \\,It"1 ... . l: .. . to t r · l.:. l rd to f l \ 9 f' h l ll ( ta , ,~ 11I \1 ~ llal l ll ~ til" -.;lllll l' lh l ) 1 1116

g rl'gnt iu l1all st~.

o r age ancl

111 1"11 1 Hp" n g t- l l / 11J!:

I ':

( I

mun d a l""' l1Iiofl l I t I':"

I ! 1,\

y ~, I~

FUld Con I-B lOC:, Rn t. A coal ,lllu,,_ ' 81 II ,' - I':' " j! ht In a I::ddl r emn ,'NI to ('o n- t rap nt a poll<" nl l 'ol' thLnd. pO ld . s h ,.. SI' I nllOli l htl itc!i uK up a benu - ; Ora l h t' IJl ll c l' mOI'nlne, -I he r ut was tiful esta to th e re Oil t be e dg" or 10 \\ n: 1I1l 1l511,lll y Ill" !! " If' SI7.,' alld lI S sk ll' and DOW It 11'011 tl ese rved [ts nam ~. Pl pll s -I "as very sof" III,e " el"Pt The nnit llal ant Vi ew , Pl eas ant n ew b >lS hee lllil e wns drow n ,I Rlnng wllh s"l e r lll oLhe r uts '" h lc b \\'~re l'a ught In t he MIIU' s hrine for 1110 11), Ihousatlll~ of Il llg r l lll ~ ~ome to 1001, UJl Oll t lte bo m l'. anti P I - II a (l . Man y II oplc s a \\' 'h anlmlll anlS ch ance Ib fa • or t hp womnn wh ll t hey all salel Iha t l\ c ' -er be fo r e had fo und e d a new r eligion, who start ed a t h ey se n II bIn k rat. I, all met e d a. move me n l s o "1d esp read , , N ot vcry ~rput deal o f atte nti on , c"e o amon!l orten doe. WI'l!. Bddy Olilpear \ 0 I be cas- lbe I)r lso ncrs . In whose ,",partxn.ul.l it • • la ll.Ol', ibe Uyea IIl"v ~ ~trlcl &e - , WIOII caug hL$4001}0 Wh en Mrs



nrt! ' ultl!"::;


About Jami e Bognrdus, - -- .. - .- - --

~ G~B.(l '!'i CQtp in,;·.·;n~d

•.\.' r ei II ti y . ~ '\\ • • . nnfQII ' Q.f Fo,rll1er eai outs .A,. III'Y: l\ who. e f(\ot. WIIS ou t, 0 11 by u tl'l\~Il, . ut ,"'" II') . d • "'1906 . Dn "\ ' of Ay-ntl!!.... e, .•oJ une , , "I",g n ... ()1',l p,r snol' !llugll~inelJ fr olll 1'. B. Fll1'l\IIS cl'Os ~ in g IkUOVO rw i n, mon· , , , • .' I 1 1 I ~ dn ~ ~ Ii" 1 .now to lIIuk you r ilrraugem Il!'tor. ( ny .. 11 Y '. 1100 U 0 , 'W 10.1 titten ch ". ':" , . ntl! to MI' . lIull 1\h·s. 1.0nis Mn I' II 11\1 II' IIS give n in In . to w ee.!< 's GA zette;, ' .~~ , tllt\1gbter, ' Miss .· Eeli~lI, ' vl~ii ell In Stoud!' t.he follolv'mg •n~di~IC>~ftl l>,ll;r., Et hlfli ~11l1 h nr. IIOU ' of Mrs , Rntb .\ Ci rwinn,"ti 8u11tlti~·. . tl culll.~S of t he oC~J(t~nf : '" ~1 "t1Il I" of Ibe Lfl hlluon pike, WAS Bee our IHllId~ome I)t\pet· novelties. ~J.IIl:m~ weu~ ..t ., hlS ullcl~:~~wJ ':l 'I!'l'iuuy IlPPoiuteli assistllu t drUjlglst ' th l')'111·el)!'II 11t imdonh ll lll oue.l . III the (''ity J . E . •Juuuey. Ell nn il about. !~ I):C)ock \v~ p n 1\1' ~It· 1\la l.her I" one of t.he long , bll~ Mrs. 1IlIuril'n c:,ilver lin i !!Ion Ly, , ~ llIrt~ii ' .hom!!. Eli gOi;l ~ US fllr /I S .'1 y"uug m on w h o lUoda t,helr 8ta,,~ , 111 III \' i~iterl \\'ilh re lll til'o< ill LoLn. Iho ~ilTlJild gate. Eli Ih ll il . tllrtcd III tho drug bllsmo~s. n.t Wuyne.s vl!1e II nl , Ih o (,ul'I~' Jlllrt u f Ulli' week . . hllck nnu ';Jillllia ~ t u rl Ctl t l! c rolS:; t,hl' Und luter t nuk P03ltl~ns in OlDol~. ..' ure Cm'o Hellllnoh e lind N urlli. Lrnck, ho~ snm .thin!-{ Ilo \\'n lit rou d IlIl tl. MI'. 1I1nther lelt here eigbt ·!till PowderslltMIlY·I!. IIHru ·t l'll h·b IItte~ti l) n , fo r ho ol'ten yenrs ugo . _ _ •. Pili'\)

1 1:rrl~

'T~II'U Ilt

I!: •. JUIl·

::;U~n 'tl~eU:t:~~o:!n~~~;~n\~~~1



Mr. Ilnd Mr~. Nllthnu .l ,)hn "n tlil'· tllin ed lit d in ner S lIu uay Mr nnd Mril. Eli ~llrllL t tlud Misses Rllche l Ilnd Murthn BUl'ne t , Mrs. Llluru Mosher is IIlllking Ull I'xtcndeu v isit with re lnl·ive!! lind fl'ieil!ls ut Ulll'dingt l\l Illl(l M t . Gilelll\. MI. s Mnr th lL Comp toll. of HlImil . ton , hn s hea1JlI gllest ofherJlllront s. Mr. IIUllMr ... Elijllh Com pto n. fur 11 OOIII)le of dIl YS. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fmnk Tn)' lot' lIud


:G ' .,.


;. •




. .

Wh .



. '








'We , give Y(Hl.r more Flout' than yon can get any otl)er B. G . llro wn, of SioulC FaUll, lplooe 'a nd flour tha.t has life and color and nlake s ' bread that S, ' \1t.h Dn ko tn. w h o m overl with hlli · '1 '. ' . lul 11l)r frum Wllr re1J l"onnt 1 .u:l)Qlit rh 0 ds Its mOIStUre. Albino FlOHr is n, high grade flour nUUllIl liI'tf'A Il yenrH ngo bll il n ot forlCo.t te• I t''''c,· .. tuI'ed j' 1 t 1 .. t '1' J'j' I' t anc1 sa t'IS fy youl'se If', hi~ 01(\ fri ends nml home, And ill II. , n~ l'om se oc e( ,,' Ilea, l'eC'o nt lei tOI' to Ihe GII;lette ho I '[1 h "11 h '1 b 1\[ C I\'L I" b' II n t,icipnteslLg r el'l t d ell l of pl ollsure l 18 rnt 'vas pUle aseu y I', . , 1 '. \.0 Itz e l', a ]ll':te.t'lcaI in follo wing tho hnppe nings of the l m ill man and the mill has heen thorough \y oyedlauled and lIS POl1lllllllli ty t,hrong'h Ihi!! 11I1pllr . .. ' . , . lell villI{ h ere t he flllUll y ", _ g l VI ng the be s t of sa tI s faetlOn, r t t t ]

L t-Betwe n Norl h .tr eat uml hl~nl 'll l~n, 1 r"'III,, "ll y lo" korl t.o wlI rd Annl!ry H olln \\·. li gentlelOjin'sdr!\" CI) I'\\'ill : IllS f.. " 1 s li ppcd in tho Inl! ,gIQ~e. l-lnll u\' kindl", ,leMII lit 1"'.. '\, 11' " 1'I·t\\'I'(·1I Ih e hOll rd IInll Ihl' til !!!·. 'tU& . .,,' 1'1111 in tho (TII"i n)! . Il IHI Iry us lw o~\r "sp ,iul" pl'tint nmll':II'. I·,m ld I,,' l'<> nl ,ln "I O I' Il W out.

n1811' brushes nt ,1.5('. J . K .1110111,,\'. ,MI'. null M;'R. 8I1s\\'il1illl1l~aIH1 MrR. Ohll r les Adollls vi Hed in ' 0· IUl'nuus SundllY. 1\\. 'l' he L A . !::ioDie t.y of th o Ly tln E "hn 'ub will give 1111 icn crenm lI( cilil un ,T . M. ·III oy.'!! III 1'0'11, t iro " .. olllllg uf July 20.

8' n

4- FQUn ' s , lVcn In e ·2or'., .youreat ~ d ' .' . .'~,,, .d'g,'1 (. ." 'd c · . d " BOBPI~1.· 3\:J rPOU'O ' S Best l .F]out·"an .~ ' Poun s· lee . ',.. • \' , .:." OR 40 PoU n ds Best Fl 0 u r . ·

, \ "" O: t n ~ olll'l\ liS h n founll lJi~ f" ot \\'IIR ' ('nnl! ht he h p[\I'lllh e fll~t t rnin whinh ).lussr~ '()l'\\' in n our a ,,\'1 001> , wbi titli ng Cor t h o Hill tion, 'llH I comin g llt li~ h tnlDg s peed, IInu ho(ol'o It. knew it th e t1'llill wms Vc r.v Dall l' . •JulIli e \\' o\,eu his hil t nnd M il all fur h elp with nil hi s mi i;ht, untl wh en he fo nnel thnt be hnll n o holp nn d .llmt h e W IIS goin g I,ll be rllll over nud Illtlybe killed. '110 bl'll ,"oly t hre w himself liS fil l' towllrd th<l pike liS 11 C could. th e engine rnn o l'er h ill leg, c u tting it of1' lIud Ifl ak. iug u d eep gllsh uellr the knee . Af . tor th o f oot wn s c nt from th e Il'g , Jlllll io \\'ll !l h urled 11 0ll'u t he]liko ; t hl r e tt1rriuiy hll l' l, Jnmi o rr:l,llrn illg to con>!oiu\l'1Jess IIndtlla truiuuul of hellring, the flrst Ihought ho hud \\' uS tlH\ t he lUll t g I up I he h ill to IInoleEu\\'in' s; he hrllvely crnwled lip th e sleop grnd e lind o yer the c ru ~s iuJ.: t.o w~lr l l I he gil te . Afto\' h e hu d c ro. ~ell t h o ruil rOllll



w en , 0 OWI~. goon at Ludlo":v

I nI











S~e t hat y our depo s~t card calls for


W aynesv ille



All e venin g on th e Inkfl At LIIJ;:oon , .I" oue 0 f tlJO SOtlSOllll b' le d e I'Ig It I !t' l ~1I 111r e IIII S mllde LII~ oon one of t,he Ul Ost of th e 1II0st chllrllling l'osorl ~.


/IOU th e rn llllllgelllfl ut hu s Ilddml e x· 1


coll ont ll t trllctinn . . ']'ho Hllngurlnn o rc host,ro, Ih fl hnthin g uelloh , tbe \'lIl1l1e \'il1a progrum by IIrtists of order of court we nlu s t continue S al e of the Lnrge mCl·il. th e outdoo r oxhiuitl onll b y , f C ' tilt1 Flying Mool:" lind the 1Julller · Bankl'llpt s tock 0 u sey C rane, untIl evel'y cent and eY~ry I O llS ot.her fnntn res mnkciI LugoulJ Il doll a r s worth of !!'oods Reln e mbel', each and l fll vo r it e s m l1I1\ cr r ~~ o r t. 0 .J _ • .I evel'yone ~o c orne miJe s and t(l1H~ nd,antag'e of g reat




it " 'iiI pn'

is sold:


' fF.



Mrs. Brudbury.Poole, IlII of Cin ei ll . "aJe .-' ~ I b'lnk (. ' ;:" llut.i, spe llt II. part of los t week with Z I M MER MAN N 'S 1 I' MrR. Edltb Horrls lLnu fnwily . ---~-~ ~t tl Mrs. Ann . Brels foru , ruot,her of the tndo cllm ll . uacldng hac k lIud .: Ft.Nr.y WATERMELONS ' emem or, ~ Oll 0 no . nee J e merc lan Ise now, c ome tb e hands gen tly liftl,rl JUIl\!e i nlo I 1\ tl f t Jl a ( , d Mrs. Hurry MurrllY, of Fourth St. , th e hll gi;llge CIII', ti ed II bnnduge I· I'I an d b uy .J' lor 11 as you av e neve. never bna been in falliog h ell ith for SOUte ar nn ml hi~ leg 10 s t op the fl ow of Cuntelollc!'. on l'O . ! again have the opportunit,r buy good, desirable, staple Ume 1I1J1l is now quite feehl e. J)lu· I"I . . D I J n O\'llIl ge~ . IInllnn!' , ; '> h The Commit,tee of th e Sours R o· • n .•• rrl'e c • II Ch£llulise r,t i) per eenton t e o aI', Be fore Ihllt lim e lil tle Eli hnll Apt>I '~ DC ~ unloll I~tlit rhllt t.hey m eet Ilt th e retlchcll h orn e tllIll a1 unn ed hl l< p ., C bi home of Mr!< , (:iecl. SenrsSntu\'t\uy. 1ll 0tltOl'llIlI11Iunt., Mi!l!; \( il.tielTu tler . ell h c!'.· II mgl'. it: Remember, .e very and day b y da y arc ~!'I'eat bal'bO'ain July 29, to m Ilrrungem cn t!! for Cuc u mber!!, '-' ·tlle Reunion. WOOl\. !tI llS U nd orwood rellched NelV York Crealll Cbeesl'. bar!!,u,in in this large bflnkrnpt store of Casey C rane, th o~s in g jl1f1 t IIho ut the tim e the 0 Mrs. Joseph G, Key p. wb o hns trui n WII S relldy to re turn to t lio Fiue Cipped Dried Beef, ! I Here are items 9trel' to the beginning July h een in Il Duytoll sllnitllri ulI1 for s to Man \v itb Junlie. When ~f rS. I; Beeo h Nut P eanut BlItter I I! -~ , five months, CIlIDe home 'fn esdoy Fl1rnll8 hoord thu t J a·mie wo s hurt T1J~ Largest .Assortment Of. ' Lot. Nn. 1. C0nsl~tin~ of :1,350 yd~ . Lot. Nil. 12 . 1000 yds of ribbons in $1.00 lLud 1.25 at tbis 6111e as long lUoruitlg to IItteud t,be funerol uf s ho ron to the telephone lind tried bl A fOcL h r eo coI or!! ou I,Y, WI, li te PI u k' alllI . 1 CllkoA ILnu Cmckars in t~wu . I of S il\oia,g nncllinill!t!l Ruta I os It IlaM Il 50 per Rqqllr9~ _ h er niece, Miss Bello Brown . Mrs. I . wlList~ worth from 12x;' t o 250 at· blue, worth 2ao per yard at this Lot No. In. 0 rugs w ortb '2.50 I1nd t o rellch Dr . Ellis , linn finn ll y gO.t . I RAt,ta H opkJn~ /In(l Mrs . Lid" M . 1\1r!". ~h(lr\\'ood to got D.·. ElIIR nnll ,I t,hi q grAILt "'Ll e onl .r ...... 40 per )'11 . !:reat sale onIV ...... ......... ......... 40 3.50 ut, tbl!! lill ie .. .... ... ......... 'I ;nr.. Rill ~IW '1I ('OOIllPlllJicd Ill'r hnlll il. Dr . S herwood tn rho !lllltio" wb(,l1 [11'11",' Uny Sfllll.~ · Lot No. :! . Ono lut II,uir,:< wrllJl )lfll'll Lo t Nu. ]:1. O uii lilt 'IlIm ' lI fin o 1.ot No. n . One lot chil!lren" !ltrllp worth 1. 009onlv drO!lR ~ hlr tll worth ':'G :lDrl $ 1 "lit to I . T llo t \"'. O ' L.t...... 1 .. . ........... , ~~Oe. 1 .o'.·nd-I , ~ SII' 11Ilcr . R "'01' .. 1.11 ..~ l.2:· ..,1' LO!l t-E:i t.1lf1r in \Vil Yll eHv ill o 01' tl 10 t l'11 ]'1I roue llll li tll C'll OLD \VHEAT FLOUR , Lot Nll . :1 :"520 ( ieillve~t.!\ ~u tl· I t,his ~Ill l) uuly .. .. ..... ... .. .... ...... ~90 I,GO !'I nl y ........... .... ... ~Uo all sizes. IItll;woon \ .VuYllfl!lv i II 0 nlll I I,',rHOS t l.lhY!liClllllM we r n t.horo IIml uttemlecl 1 I I I frolJl Hi t o '50 Ilt t. li S g rea " Hil e ( .ot No.1' . 1'_'0 y(ls of t.ickl· ng L N " poor 0,u t wounl Ie (1 I'ttlo e ."111)1' 0"of o le .. ot. ".I 2:1. lln tte worth hom u Ull 1.110 lo wo r t 0 t,uO I . •I'/oU ll' nb I \N 0 IIIII.U" I11 ru .. on I v ......... .. ....... ... , .. .. , ......... ~V· . / .c worlh 200,~ lit tlliH Groot >181ft ollly 1 ~ O OllllI lot IIlllle!l s lip""rs 1''1 t I H . ,1 ' 1 t \ LO ' tNo . •A . ')fi Oy".I)fcr."I.ouly:{o wor t I ..1 ony .... .. .......... .. .. 6~o 11 A !:;pring\Joro pika, 11 ~toe l oulol'lIU nU· ut I no I ~ 100. 0 1>1 U\)IU!:IO . I Whflllt "' lllr Oll hum ; It, wont ~ ,,,~ .. ~ . .. .... ........ ... : ........... ... \10 per yd . . . . d f t.!;)r tblln conttl bll ve heon El xpcctell , . 1 lit thi H 'g rent bankrupt 81lle of Lot No . Hi . 35 Ibs Flusher's best Lot N o. '!4. One lot Indies shoes I ollg IlUlling, d I contllln e II· .ve , II\ ~t 10llg, su oonio ell r y . , COf;OY & Crano. . ; worth *:t.00only ... ........ , .. , ...... 9Go clolllir bill, SOUle chuuge lind Jlllir nf und his frie nd s h opEI h e will 800n i I __ Lot No . ri. 189 ydl! >of ontmg fllln . I:)hetlllllll fl,)s~ while it lu st", only J.. ot No. 25. One lot men 's work gold noso glnsRes. Find er leu.l·e lit be nble to l)e tllken h om e . .I lI el worth 100 pflr yd nt this 8/I1u ........ ........................ . (llle per Ills IInel ure!!s sho..g worth "'1. 50 aud Ne l" .Oootl!l E I'e ry DII Y I; '..... 'I' Gllzett-e office ami reoeive reWArd . Ollly ...... .... ................. ..... .. .... :lc L ot. N o. 16 . Ca.1\ for II eElced nn d ~r . 2 no ollly .............. ................ 950 ILt L t. No. I;' Oue lot of prints . Hi wear 500 kind at this 81110 only Lot No. 26 . One lot $l18n'S fine EllwIlrd Ricks bas Ilccept ed Il L owe II CQpsey. d I'ff eren t pil tternR fAst colo"'; I . ' ~I .................. ... ........................ 10c slloell, goodyellr welt worth 50 )losit ion liS trll veli ng sAles'm lln 1I'11h ' I .. Z I M MER MAN. ' S worth from 8y' to 100 n·t this SAle Lot No. 17. Wool remnnn ts snitlllilo t O ru. 00 on Iy ... ... .... ,.. .. .... ..... , I.llti the E . C. HIlrley Grocery Co, of Son of .1 01lU 1I1ll1 Eli~IllJ eth Copsoy , ,. Of Comse. , Lo~u~o:·7 :· .. 3:.·r,· y~i.~· ~f··g·i~·~i;;;,~' ··I~~ LoftON ~ tl· lk. irl~s. onoIYne.. ·l·o·:,; ·J..:I·d·:.·I.e...~,· .. G .. ·e·n24t sC Lotonly No. 27. One lot of work l>llnts b D I "1 ) ~.~ • '" I' . age DlIytOIl . a nlli oft Mon(\uy m orning WIIH 01'11. ,,1)(' 11\ ,(' r ". """ III iiT~·===::::::::;;;;;;:.;==;;;;:~!I! fin er made ILt thlH grant banltrn~t IInll C) lIldreo!l hosior .Vnt, I.uls great . ' ..... .. ......... .... .. .. ........ .... . t,n l,lI ke n!, lti ~ !Inti e~ fOl·I.luH fl rlll Wllrl'Cn coun t.y. di ul1 J lllyk;, I \JOG . '; ~8Ieouly .............. : ............... . ...,c ...nloonly ............ U lind 8c wo rth LotNo. ~8, Ouulotofoverllllsonly ill 1I0rt,llfIrn Oh io. He will tl'll.Yel oi{cIl ~' yeul'S c; Il\ontlt ~· H tlnyR Hn FAMOUS TRAINe OF AMERICA, Lot. No .8 ·kf,O yllH of fl!.'~llelettAc p:t.t HI und 25c. . ....... .. ...... ... ...... .................. ... 390 with ' Mr. F runk \Vil sOIl , uf HIll" WII S uoitec1 in Illnl'r inJ.:l~ tu Ev:tlin n 01 t ornll worlll frolll I ~X t.o 1.,0 ~. t. Lot No , 19. (}lI e lot chlldre nll 1108e LodtN o, :/\1 ' Ona .lolt Off MIID'R Hne t . 1I tIe I F Amon ".. the lellders lue Th e Over· thlH !!IIle only to :voy"lmrl>. wh(J hll>l h ell n WII, 'I .\ 1 "'''0 ']' II . ......... .... .............. "c Ie orth 2- ) Rt t II l l'O 811e 01\ I V " 'Irap "'0~ pAil ~ , worll rom $2.00 ~ " ox <lU .v ', " " 0 , ICtIl wer e la ud Lilllitfld, Jli c Ilgo to Son FTiLn. T.. ot No \I 1':'5 vllrcl!< of silkaline woo n W ill . I O· ..' u .I ....... .... .......... .... only ... u,, Hllrley 0 tupany for some time. bOI'1\ fonr c~hil'lren , ,J e~sp, ,Rulpb , w ort-h 12X to j5c only 70 per yd. . .. .......... ............ .. .. .............. .. , 0 Lot· No 30 Un e lot of 48 suitt. Edword 'M mnny fri el1ds wish him Milry "u1ll1 H ornmn - th fl old e~t 20 cisco, lInel th o Pioneer Limit ed, Chi· Lot No . 10. Onu lot hLdies embrui. Lot No. 20. R e memhor buy your wor t h from ~ to ' 1G, lit this BAle, overy snccess lu hiS n ow tlllllertulc . eo'go to St. Pau!. llot.h , troinN rtin dllried IllLndkorchiefs wu rth r ao linoleum IIl1d oil clot.b~ n uw . Ono in order to clo>le t.ho111 out. cbolce lind the YOlln gl'st 1:! '['Ilfl deC'elised vin the Vhicago, Milwnukee &, St,. only ... ... ...... ! . .. ....... .... .. .... . ...... !ic lot linoleum 1 yd sold for riO only .. .... .. .... ....... " ...... ...' ....on1y t" 46 Ing. lea ves 10 mOUl'1I his l os~ on e dllugh- Pnlll RAilwoy. If yon IIro coutem. Lot No. 11 11 uozen liuen nRpkios ]9c. One lot Iinuleum l X YII Lot No :ll .. O~I! lot llLeliea" flne A llllrty of young mell cc.n sist.illg tor nnd two ~on s, hi s wi fe having . I Id worth *1 IJer doz at this greut wide worth (}!io unly allc. One rlress skirts Worth #4 nnd '5, only pillting a western t1'lP you S lOU d 11 tI of Commodore Custer, \Vnrren EtI proceded h im :, ye"r~ nud his !Ion Bille only ... .. ..... .. ... , .. 4.90 per doz lot linoleulII 2 yur s w r 0 wor I ...... ..... ...... .. · ............. n . lll to " 1 39 see tlillt on e. or bot;h, of tb ese fIlm· ward8. Josepll Thompson untI Earl lIun filllpl. I; 1\\0nlh s 1l~ 0 HEl IlIso ous tmin s 19 inoluded in your itiner . k Hobison. Ilre " Il)'oying 11 tc n lln.ys lell l'os ono hrothm' 111111 a n n siS ler. R em emher the onormolls bllrg ains Ilr e n ow rORdy for yo nr inspeotlon. Dou't he too Illte. Come "now 1I ry. Rllto lind descril>tivo boo . /Lnd he ('C'nvlnoed' t.hnt this is one of the 11lrgeBt ILnd cheRpost hlUlkl'Upt soles ever bolr1 in Qhie. If YOIl oou't >l IllY nt t he Lewiston R eson 'oir , Mrs ,Iohn PruPlllI. uf Fe rr.v. und Mr l e t ~ on \,I'q uest. come yourself it will pny you to somlll few cent.H by your nfligb~r8 nud we will gUllruotee t hllt t.h ey,. will \\'h"t'" they expeot t,o fi!<h 11 :,(0011 r. M Copsey. of !:iprill g VIl ll ey C' , ,', ~' l onlo u~h . 1'r a\' f'lI ri g PJ I'IN. A ~ t " hring .von 1\ few (\ollllrs worth of good, honellt . morchllnlli se. Don t be too IILtO. The .811 Ie (lo?",m e n ofl~, Wed. ':i I 'arl' \\' uu t h1tn,; . t ~ ItH· lnnutt . O hi O, lI enl, huut IlliHle ulld h avH 11 1;0011 1111' Copsey lln ited wit h th e Meth· 1JosdIlY, ,July 12. lind h.llls, Ly ord el' nf l:Qurt, t,11I tlyer.v 'e Dt IlIlU every dolltlrs worl.h of Rl10cls IS suld. tim !' !:cnerlllly Th oy Rta rted fr om ot1i ~ t. Episcopal chu rch lit. Muunt # • ,\ Wll y nos dllfl Snturduy night nnll 11 0ll y in Fo hrnllr~·. IS;-,I It Pays to Pay in Advance ." JAMES 'frustee, llro ,'.. t hrou gh 10 the R esel'\'oil'. Th [J fUll el'1I1 11'11 8 h old in t.\w M E - - - - - -- Illking with Ihem II compl e te Cf] t1i c hurch in Hpri ng ' · u ll O.l'l:'l1tUI'(\IIY Th o price of the Miumi Gn;lette ill lUent for l'llmp\ ng ou t. l "ft cl'!\uolJ ..Jul\'x Rp\, Philip Truut $ 1. (10 II yeAr when p nid in lldvUll CO, While Mrs . Dr . £li Crfl w 1111,1 her 101' \\'n:VIH'sYiilo I'ODllll c tin~ I he \Vb en th e pnper i ~ n O\!mid for ill I t,\\'cu l y m o nth ~ old donghl er Do ro· 1sf'n' i ('I'~ T Ill' Iinri,,1 wn~ i n Hprill g I1tl\'o .IlCl! the P~ICO HI $l._:'. Of Great ~ankrupt Sale. Ih .I' . O·f MiqIlli sbn rg. wore in. LehO ' \'"lll'y I·em olol') . I I t 18 to the Itlterest of ellch sub n Oll ubonl II ,,"('ek Ilgo visiting h er scriber t o IlIIY illlltlvlll1ce. 1 Tho ohove 1'1110 will ue ri gidl y 11(1. I mn· nt~ . Dr . 1111(1 Mr :'. Blnir. th e A Home ot" Your Own. ('h i/II \\'Il~ ill t hc gltrel en ono uay hered to 110(1 subscribers ure N ' . The Pioneer Limited wholl ~he wa ~ HtllUg h.V u ho ut tweoWh y n o t s tup pu yi ng rent 1111(\ olVn 'lue9 ted 10 hCllr .i~t~ mimI. Is the trnin of R between Cbi. , t 1,. /i·I·e h onol' bce~ . E\'e r y koow n ! II home of yO Ui' own in South Dnku · A SurprisCl Party , cllgo. Milwllukee. 8t,. Pllul nnd Min. 1 o'III ArgCnCy 1'~lIl ccJy \\'Il~ lIscll wh ich I til: T he,." YOIl e llll "ccnro IL gooll A 1)leB8lLut I)art,v . mn .v he nell l)o lis. It. runs dully via t,he Uhi· '\ \v e hllv e just r eoeived onr s ooond shipment of Fine Ll4wn and gil l'" snflj(' (ent. r oli ef ,,0 thllt· !lhe I s larl 011 th o hi !{hwny t n ind clJ(J]III .· gi ve n to your s tmnllch l40uliver by CAgO. MilwllUkee & I:)t,. Pllul RA,H. ,.Ollid itA IILk ~n t ll h OI' h mn o I,hnt I '10" II I) I t f ' II Itnkin g llUleelici newhieh will reliev e WILy nnll is wil.bout nn equnl in ex. , Porch 'Fnrnitllre ounsisting of HetteR, Rookor~, Rustlo Chairs in Bent. . r nee. II I . ",)n , n .o 1\ 01' . 1e tl ' . 1 li ~co lI\Cort vl~' Dr I ''''!! lIiIW to r CPl' il'11 mClli l'nlll tll froclI . " I lelr pOlO OUl ( ', ' " II f nUlpmellt If YOII nOll ., 1 !<Ixth Cml ~ I'I'nl \\' O 11111 1' It'll ull other Kio"'" New Life Pill". '1'hoy lue 0 ce cuco 0 e.. . ,. . : woud nlHI Reed Fnrnit.nre. 11f' 1' fn tlw r whu ~oon )'OstO )'1)1 IH'r . .. ~ d' tIt t ' t th Northw(Jst it . ~tlll f'S 111 th e l't' ndn cll on of pBr CII \" !l\O~t wunderfnl reme(ly, lI!tor IIIg ·eml) II e (\ rip 0 ' 1 at i . f" Yon CIIh't dn without ~01ll0 of I.h oso pieces this hot weather. All Iti ll e r 1I ~ 1l,,1 !-{cIf,lI health . ' illl w('n lth . JU lI tl ... r w ,, \'(I ~ Sont,h ~urn r cll ef IIUlI onr'e ror h eodllehe, I!I wort,1I your 111'11 1 0 0 DfJUlro ur , ' I di \';zi ne~~ und constillllt\oll. 25c lit 1 d . t ' b kl I I I' go ot extremely low pricos. Come n~lll InkEl A look, Hn\'\n~ dO£'I(\ l'lln l'o1J the l:rl 'NIUIl Dn k nln I ~ l o n ~ nn \\'l!lIltll Imt sh ort \ L . M . I 't r\lte~ liD< escrlp Il'e 00 e ,s V u: of 111\ (IIlliroly II O W plllllt. in wbil' h O il pcople. If ~'nn 111 '0 intere~t ed. nUlN fLy til [rng s ore. this rou te. WE WILL OFFER FOR OUR SPECIAL THIS WEEK I,Ll h lUld lll Ollr ltlrl!" ly ill crell8e d I why 1Jot write tor1nv for tl Ilew boo k ' C. C . M"ur, OI!c: n , "r ,\"c lln ~ I'a •• p " ~.r Agc n' l A small lot of fine' bamboo tll.bles, just Jhe til ng for your' pOrch) husin ess, we no \1' offer our entire BLA U }T S"ltfITING ~~ Care w Dulldln~ , Cln ch:oati, Ohio. ' . '. . . stuck of grlluit e nnd nmrble 1I1llnn· lIuont the s ~nte 1l1l(~1t~ Ol'porlnmtll'lI , . '\.. l U . or Il room. These goode ore wort.1l the regular prioe, '1.00 , Will 8(f 1II0nt,s Itnd murkers at grelltIYl'e. Dlre:t sC' rvlcc tn on l.h ~" ~to ttl h.~' I IllU preillLred to IIttend to 1111 while they Illst at tho r.xtremely loW; ptice.of 39c ouoh . ' .. Buy It Now. A rare ehance7'Come early. '., (Iucorl Jlrlcos. Th o. lurl,(o omlull1g t he (;hll'II[;O, Mllwlluk ee & 1:)1,. Pllu l' kinds of BIRck~mithing promptly Rt \\'e will er ect. Wi ll m llke' .1leces~lIry I !{nilwIlY . 1111 times lind guarrul!tee t~ do sl\.tis. the rem ovll l pf Ollr eutlro s tock . I r 'tory work GonerRI repairs Now IS the time to buy ChRmber· KII~AK~B \ .1:' ! t or~st ed will do well 10 " I'. "''',II.,,"h. "'''\'''11 ". 1''' -- A~ l. nc . k 't · ' 1a\n's colic -cholem. lind Dltlrrhooa. ~........ ~~ ". ., ' " ~ ~.~ ~., erAon ~ n . . i I~ ('"rew ""I),lllI g. , '111 011111" " . wOlld· wor ing, e e. glven prompt R ad I't I tnl t be needed l " IL sCl nd for unr cllt.nlog or bott.or sl,ill .': IIttent\on, em)'. 8 eer n 0 'Phone 82 .. . ' Wayn!,l!vmp, Out!, OOl1) e t o our Y.lru IIn(1 spo tho work Sh op on Norlh 'street oext to the sooner·or later and when that tiine we off e r ut yonI' ow n pri eA ~ , Prllltlll{{ of nll de crlptlon!l given Oud Fellows building, . . . comes you will need it Qadly'-lQ.u NOTE-We are the sole a gents for tbii~ dl~l,rlo.t .' UIl:OHU\i: Du\)ull & ."'ou . ))I'olllpi ul hm t lo tl ut Lb~ UIlzette w n need It qnlokl y · BulybU ~.ow renowned Vador poroh abades XeoUl, Oblo. cffi.()~. . ' I It may save life. F or .. e y !",\loy • ,








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GBorge Th,ompson, S'IIDk1mllh

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W HO!,!!: NU MOER 20tl O.

Yellow Sprin gs TOLD IN SHOR T -1~cuniol1- of the IC~",;erning 1 Corw in. Bank Fai'ls. PARA GRAP HS : 79th O. V. I. Form er Resid ents. I (~llite lin excitcm ent Tho UI-t-iz-.e-n-s- B-II.-n-}r- - f Y 11 b S k d P 11 F d ,

New Burli ngton .

oC'C urrl'rl ill HlI l'ry Rmith nnd wif ... . of Inll ia n . 0 e ow Colum u s . too an ..-a- G o~ ·ry 00 I T he s urvivor s of t.he 70 th Reg!. . g an d our \'iUa gE' laet Friday e venin g whe n anolis. nr o \' i ~itin iPJ' ran d H ome "voulln Hprlngs , apr;\'R te Instltut iun, fail ed and Lousl' KIller at May g relll ti\'('s here . , . ~. i l11f1 nt, Ohio Volnnte er Infnntr y will R eunion of Former Residen ts at 11 hor!le attache d to a hug gy run lip to open it.s ooor!! for busines s Thurs Mr~. DIlvirl1 'nrn er is \'isiling he r Mrs. Mllrt.hll .Ianney iM vi~\ . h ohl their IInnunl r eunion at Wil . Wayne sville, .June, 190G, Begin Ion I~I~ Rille wlllk in fr ont ? f Oli ve r I uuug hte! nea r Elell day, Bank ofl1 ci~ls stlltpd I,hat Mle h er brot,her Ilt Colerai n, Ohi o. lind ming ton . TuesdllY , August 8,1 905, now to maG zer . e y our arrnnl'(e rnentii to I Dnn!! b o rne , kn ocklU g 111m d own , fllilnre wa!! une to hea\'y withdra w. ~'hile absent expect.s to I Me th odist quarte rl y meet inl'( will pArticip flte l A number uf the former membe rs attend . al!! of mane'" dnring the PAst two · 1,llIso hUI little ullUght er , cousln g he hpld h er e Anglls t Gtlt f ') ' . I f . /InrI Gth. ' . month!! and > t.helr inabilit 0 . t h IS regime nt live In W aynes· I, s om e pain~ul inl' llri ep bu t not seri o I R . All t C y to tnrn In a .IIml y reUDlOn.. M ' L·I.B -It- -f 0 t . Ian 0 of Sabin0, . t' . t 1ft ' I S I IS8 rlctly I e a pure \ . u , Pllrll! ,S, "'I' 0 , lueen Opfl IIY on, /It , III Mn en· y ' J! Oll~ vll1 u ,'. n nd t hl' l v 1111 vo r ecel\'ed II. 011'· . . ReOllr1 10M 11\ 0 oa!! I JlR . en ollg 11.0 PI 1 . ' H ' I . ' ' II V ' ! . , OIII RI' f 0 t' : " IOrm/lc. y t IIry 01' tll O A.c. JOy lUI'( 0 VIRI' t III l)rf'lI. (' he( lit t h e F rlenl II 'm oet t.he denllllld R. c hnrl' IlrrlHonV 1 h r 1Il I e, ue 11" oecre 1 Mrs F' 0 ~. . . . d '. . . . M o rr i~o 'r'ou6 IlAn k ' . l1 , of Dn .yt on ' .S nmI lI y ('veIlIn . giOIa, /In uns very courtpo nsI y WUH II ' gne!!t g. MisR Corl'le GrotLe iR RpRllllin g [I Hil Ultlll.o n l'elld8 m f.f he r .HlIl s trou hI M lire of 10 0 11.1 t Mrs. AJi('(1 . por t ns .' . f nllrHvR' Teme m b or e d 1\ nnm b er of 1IeI' W IIY· , McKinR'ey, ·an n lIllY IIIMt inl eroRt liS the Wllyne~vilJe Uunnin g fortnig ht with h e r parents MIS!! Flora Hnrln.n I~ t,h e gneHt of wee k. fi t celiun . ! . . nesville friends with v ery prett.y M' Co, whi ch ownR th e onnning for-t ory St II L U Al W ('in cinnllti r tlilltive s. It :'lure Cure Beadlt che IIUll Netlrnl . .. om I'll 1I e~ , JIISt f or t I!!SeA e 11 emnlon , Y IllI es olle~ BOil venlr carll. ~ froUl Ihllt City. 0111 fl · nt Corwin is llOW buildiu g U fa olory I gio powder ll nt Mo.y ·s. terbous e lind B enriotta MoKin sey Whittie r Rnndol ph anc1 wi f e, 0 f now h e het,ween us lind Appollla tol'i, Y 11 Iletwcp n Dll IlS yton, "iaited ovel' Snnday with the duys of you t h ot e ow prmgs, n.llu It Wl18 report· Mr. Loran e Bunne ll, who has been spl'nt Wedne sday wit,h Miss Mrs Hannah Rogers [lOll dough . I I I ftlnll Apphio rl' ltltiv es here. f l ' . . in tho drng b'usineRs I' U DII"ton for MilicI', of Hnr\'ey ec} t Iley htl d b een oaught 110nVI' 1Y I)y IeI', Mi811 nn t 10 ]11',0 \YOI' nre Rnc vIc shnrg. tory , Hhen. of ,Lebllno n . were > . .' tho fol1nro. Fortuno tely this is I t . ' . I TI . d I , th o mnlllJ11) 10 9 yellrs Rtlll loave t Ie 8 un day sc h· 00I s 0 f N ew B ur· se vera years, WftS mal'rle 6S t wee k .Mrs. Mary Anson , of X ' . . gncRts of her dllug hter, Mrs. J .. 0 ulldillllD Cl1 the enlO, I'lpon lington imprin cirC'tlit will pienio in the t of the pns t, t o 1\ Miss Cornell of tbe same city. severul clays milltake . An offiClul of the COIl1 · Cnrtwr ighl SUlJ{IIIY . hlRt week with h er E I ., . • llllny stRted to the GII1.ctte thllt they I tl " The coromo n'" WIIS perform ed in the dRught er, Mrs . Hnrry Johns , . ffuC I ~ncceoulll g: . nllnuo m ee. no COllet.t. McKu.y grove on Thursd ay, J )11I{1 lell8 t ""n .. t,"oul!0n d dollars I' n Walter Neihert" of . Dayton , WIl S II 11 urd s ns !!'renter AUgllst 3d. plell 811re lind gives presenc e of none but nMr reilltive s u~ u u " f RBI Miss ' Nora Clark tbe hunk Dt the time of Is visiting her the fllllnre . gncRt 0 " f ' d upert Riloy Ilt the lome evir\ onoe of inorellHed depth in tile 'I'he Llldies' Aid Sooiety anu rlon s. sielor, Mr~ . Jones, of Xenill . It is elaimP.d tllllt the bnnll will be of Mr . ,Teff Marlott on Fourth Mothod ist churoh nre arrangiofngthe to street t,idll of our IIlfeetion~." Miss Rue :~ urnus, of Dayton , Mr. Ot·hello Arnold spent Sunday put new lights ill tho chulch uble t o pn y ant uol1nr for dollor, Sunday , . . '. writes to II fri enu conoern ing her with his parents , Mr lmt if it d ocs nol, d o th i~ , llillt Mr . Coonty Audito r dtil \\'ell nnd wife JUST ABOU T PEOP LE grond mother , wbo was so 1I11~rm. W. Arnold allll Wife. . al'd Mrs . W. Bt e wnrt, th o prC'sillAnt of th ins l i· Iino P osttllll ~ to r Antl'all l tlnd WiCI" 1 -~ in gly ill a fe w months ago: "Grand · Sprin g Branc h. ti on, will lJe htllll for 10NP, fl O of Lobauu n, woro guests Mise Goldie Rarodo n , of Uincin . t:!unuuy of Mrs. Ru . Hol/llld Iud little b;1be , mn Is perfeot ly w ell and hos roses thllt while Ihe lIIoney will be lieri Postlllll !lter t:!toops nnd nllti,who hos been spendin g her MiH ~ Bertbll Chunow eth hall been wife . ()f Ib e Pl llIIHlll1t Ridge nell(hhorhood , iu her cheekA. She was 94 y enrs of summe r vaoatio n with Mr , aud Mrs, sufferin up for nwhile they . lira h opefnl of Miss Elsie YanBo rlingell. of Bl'nv. Ire ~orkiOll SI Y \111. . g with rheumn t!sm for t.he tI IIgo Jnly 1 L " IArnolc!, r elurned to hOi' home S un· PORt few dl\Ys , gl'tting it llll ok . III Y a lll pOIson y pllJlor 0 t ort o wn, waR II gu el'lt of h ilI' Ri ster. MllI:ltY·05. day, M\'~ . U , M. Whit o, !le vol'J11 dul's III~t Mas lor Ray Hes~, of Dayton . blls MrR. N . B. An i hony, of Pift,h Mrs. Kilte L . Patton , of Law· Chap lain Collie r is Dead w epk. been visililll; hi s unole Thomal l Bess ~ t 1'(' I' t , h n~ bC'pn ly ing " ery ill for ron covil1!?, Illinois, former ly Miss L tI lIuc1 fnIDily /lml other relative !! In S. Le v. Cnrtwri~ht re<'ei veil 0 tel. Don't w eor yo urself out doiu/! li b on t· I IVO w ce k' P , b PlIl g II Irell t ene d Kd o St.i1 eR, of Corwin , lu a recent Y e. ' aliI' l ' viOinity f or th a 11119 t wee k . pgrom MonulI .Y IIft ern oon nnnoull u· y our own II II k' In tl I I with Jlllrttl. 1 ' ·iR . MI'R. Anth ony 'R ollrd to Gllze tte sayll nmong g (UI'II1I; Ie 10 fr imlll!' nl'o fanl'in Mr. Allen Hllrdy, nellr thi H1llllce, g the wor s t in her oth er things : " Hot wenthe r here, L t iug t,he dOlltJi of IdR for JIlt · I' IIrlll Y wculh cr . Buy yom' hrenk , calc e~ CURe. eR e1' 101 ap Ie wns t h e gues t, a f hi I how ill it thel'o? " Yee indeed its hilS been very ill ond uUJllrad l', Uhllploill Oeo. \V . Collillr , unrl )lies nt tho Uity Bllkor con fill er! to fri end ErDAst Dakin Saturda y night. y. Yon ' Jl Jl ~n\'o 1lI0 ro m onoy nt h OI, he r e. bis bed [or s eve rol.lnys . of Delawn re. ! 'I'ltt! Jt~t1m o J1(1 Hetnlli ck Cnm[l. Son ~ .Iohll A. F unk e v's Mr , a nll Mrs. Frnnk Cook and t hiol Ill outl i t hnn Mr . ClIl'twr it{ht will IIt t nil th e oC V ate rllo ~, will h oll1 its Mr3. RIIchel Brown had n ~h o rt little ullught er, r ..g llltlT III UII .\, clt,y r pt;,11 h ouse. Op early of Mount Bolly, Lawron ce Mornll, of Cripple visit recentl y fr om b er I; l'Rud Bon, funerH lof tho ('hR(lhliu wlti uh tuk es m ee ting ton ight. All llI emher~ IITP ,,'lId oft ou und y on wi ll go h m e Cr oek , Coiornd wore enterta ined !:;unday by Mrl. o, !lond s tlle th1.ette Mr, Ernest Soh ofield , of Dnyton . pitlce t.hi ~ nrtorno o u . .T olm A. Fnn key . usk..,(} to IIl1lko 0 s jlilc inl effurt t n bn)lJlY, OOI)y of n o ' e entltl 1 " Se8Cook 's plircn t~ , lilr. nnd Mrs. ThOll . II • II I gn ~1D . Of Mr. Berne J ones enterta ln od bis Chnpltt ln Collie r WRS known per · ott"lld n~ tb ero is oonside !lliss Cl oltl i ,~ Rll rl'lloll, f Ol nciu in' C Eek" The agllzlne La 'Y, rllule bnsi· Olll i, wh u hn ~ hee n t he i!:l1\l!lt of Mrs , . g C·r 11ple I r I ". Ro nnll,Y t o ill/lily renrlor!! of the n eH~ t o Ito trllllsac lod, Ill. fatlier, Chllrlio Junos ulld wife IIml 'iV. IV. Amolll lit, Cor win t r llo n10 III ha nu somoly gotten Mr . lind ·Mrs. Tilmun BurtoR •.of· Otize tte, hll'ving frl'qu ently viRitel} I S. V . Mort will ,ll'lh'er nJla~t1 gl\'es Mr. l::!iuen s tricker IIml fnmil y lIll of ico to y~ur t.inlll, W:l g on tO l'tniu flll u t t r rr Frlt'4IY th e r ender an lI ell r Lytl o, 'entcrll lined all l::!undoy exoelle nt Idoa of the M ... Mr . Cartwr igbt hore . t B 11 I:l 1I ' I h Oll1o !\1 ollllnYR. W ellllesdn.YII, FI'i: evo n I n 1 ~1 ' B va ri ed indus tries t.hat buve Illude g I )' " TR. N e Il 10 lu st tho followi ng guests : Mell.'!rs . ouu a y, \lU ay . erl'Y· 'fo Chnpht in Culli o r mora th ll n 10 till ." II nnd Sat\lI'do y afterno · ons. . O. fl ll II DolVnln I:leveral furm el's in this ncigbuo r . trn est Dllkio, Lester Mople, Elmer g llll d d 11I1J;: Il t or, Crillple Creek famou .. ., Mi ~ !< Dolin , of ~ enin, dl'o vc down IIny other Ulan wns due th l' fOllllrl · PltOlH! to - -- ,I. Ih ood hllye thrcsb od . The rall ort is and Frell Lacy , Miss Moy I,acy, lind HOl'VIlY Rhnrg Ills t wel' k .lInd on t.beJr 1'ho Ga zo~te ha l! , rocoi vecl fronl tllnt WllCllt is good hut d oes ing of the Ohio 801<1101'R ',IIU Bull n ot .MI·, onll Mrs. Wolter Dlikin. M i~B ){utlll' ryn FrulIIll Btort ed retnrn h Olll e \V 81'e f1 cClompn nial1 flY W. II. Burll lute cOlne!! of tho Long yield well. Mr. Bert ors .OrpJlIlntl Home loc.I LCll lIellr ' MOlld ;.y fo r ' Z rlll ()~ fi elll, Stlley 's lIIens. Ohio, wlt ar e his o[;od m oth er wh o will Hpellli Beuch , <Jaliforn Mrs. Frnnk Yca)',el has beon tho ir1; l' ress, in one of urod t wen t y .five bush ols to the HCI'e . Xelliu. He WflS k~own a~ "the shc will join n parl.y of twelve somo Mmo wiLh th elll . gnes t o f hor parents , .Mr. and Mrs. father of the Home aull through which nrp. ex t ra ct!> from a letter 1'b { t t1 I hS .James ·GllRtin lInd f·nmll y, of (Jill written by Dr , W .. R. Pike, . . Mc Kinney . at IlIId f/lmily of our neigh· I:!t. . young e serv ladies cos II. lit u Ie honse c lIlrc party lin· III cinnAtI , nnd Mi!'11 Lilli Ji n Biu!lltn d · PlIlll, to frlellt1~ out hIS lire t ook B kooll lIItere~t Rml the h omo of hel' friend, in J"ong Bench. Tho day e, ollil1 t:: 'omlnct ed h.Y II mis· borhood fOI' the )ltlHt few MIRs Bossie Mi R~ Kall y, of Cin pil\llA dRYS. ti , 01111 Mr . pride III the il lRti t lltioll s ioliltry from 1 u (1\ II , wore w ell nt. Smith. ' omnal t\ \tn :ll llrler lIul1 MI' . SEUll tlll1 DoclO1' sOyi!: .. [ h lIV" AIl'S, lo'l'lInk lTtlrtHoek ond Miss tlllkerl Long - - --'- - - - -[n g rnm, o f Mid (J'i e to \\'n, ",pro gllo t$ Bone I\ f ur I)0 II I Wtll . t,er nn d summe r t omlmJ. OW o Pepper cnllod Clll Mra. Frank Old Schoo l Assoc iation A [lurt,.v of thirtell u young people Sunday of Ml's . Al e thlll Al exflnd er unW I begftn to bo sU9ploi ous of my. Don't forget the ico croam BacillI Dllkin 000 flfteruo on rlleentl y. onj oyed n. pionic lit Fort, Anoicn t L.eave y nnr ord e r~ fol' ico ot t po se lf, ond I hu\'o no coruer The mellibe rs of tho "0\11 School 'l'hllrsd ay, tho thirteen tll 1015 for to be givon by the Llldi es ' Aid ut l::!overnl from our vicinity were inRt ., nncl C. L . Kronkl" r Co. Phlln 2. sole either , Assoolf l.tion" are r equBSto.1 to meet, theholl loofMr . .Miltou S toey ,1' hurs . Lebllno n callers Btltllrd ay all returne d home happy thlit no even lllg PII lIli no IlnUerw orth of Third Mr . unll Mr;;-'Y . Thomp son, who day evtlning , 20th in st. lit the home of GeorgiLL Hllddlm , Mrs . DIlDiel Woolla rd Is slightly mishtlll hall morred tho plea. ures street ha~ befe n hllvlln~ '1'11 ursday eve.nlol!', July 20, 1II Or.. of tho dJlY, in spite of the unlucky of l\ \'i ~ lt rom Icr the pletl~u,re olo"ed to tIle W ost fronl 'hl's vlcln . Mr. Boonio Tibbals is nt home indispo eed lit t·h is writing . niece, ,,1,89 • • UII:ORIH A HADDEN, Seo. numbe\'s ottendl ng the part,y. Grfll!e Withom , o f U ni ou Cit,y. ity ohont twenty yenr~ Onr ftlrlll e rs are very' busy thresh. o~o, are now' from college to gladden the henrl.s Illdinon·, for a fe w day~, Jln I tho locutell ot Manito u ... Colortlllo l\ of bis f"ther's househ old . It is in. ing' nnd muking hoy, You can get Inmber , loth, shill· two w oro enter-t.n incII TlIP.S.III Y lit, Burn et , Fami ly ' Reun ion. g les, floorin g, pllt.ent one) ,he vel s id· health IIntl pleltSllre" r osort ill th e lI "ned plnnsun t to "eo "1' " 11!!111111' ll'" w Mr. l.Il1ll MI·s. Scott., of Leb:tno n ~ . u II;~~ ~~~~~~:~ h ome of D. Fl . IIockl't t beoLllifll1 Co!ol'ad o lIlo untllin COIIII , i IJg , btlrn board~, «oorR. sosh n nrl !'nce in OUI' midsl ngain . Mr. William Caspers on, Mr. and The descend ant!! of St.ephen and m ouldmgK, verllndl l lind porch work. T be elrort 10 /lrnl1lge for th t' try.. R ememb er Epwort h Lcmgue SlIn. Mrs, Jim Dllkin and Mrs , Annu. Du.· WllIlllm Buroet nnd Annbel Burnet and wood pulp pltUlter, felt roofiu locul gr oceri es t o cl ose ot a ~ peo ifi 9d Mrs . ']'homp son WtlB Itefore her : dRY eveniug .Rt 8 o 'cluok l:l . lI1i~B kin , of Wnyn esville, were ~ntertoln. Mill8, chll<lren of Da.nlel ond Ann and bllildin g paper ot tho lIew lum· h01l1' en ch ovenin g; ment-ion of morriog ll. Miss Sand~ , niece of the l Mary Tibbals will be lenri er , COllle e<1 by Frank Dnkin Iinu fl\wlly Sun. whioh wa s mnde in lust wt!ok'" late Jonah Hands, of Wft,vl,lesvl\ie, GRu,e Burnet, met for their fltth ber yard in CQrwin . one, come all, and lei us make thi8 dllY lo s t . Gn ~e ttc, fnilell to go inlo pfl'oct annual r~unlon at the homo of .Tou· Mond~y os plann ell . 'l'he st ores l\UrI U lIis ter of MIl's . Henry Puter. 1m evening worth rememb erin g , A bellnt.if ul !Ionven lr oaro, por: will conti~ll e to r amllin . open II~ of the tipriDg Vtllley pike. othan Burnet ond wHe, SOil of trn.ying ·' dml Park." COIOTlI. lUD~ ULOVItR BLo~ 8o M . lVllddlerun. as there is n ny trnue e very 8~phen. near Harvey sburg, • last do, r eceived from Mrs. Mllrion night. '. W ord bas reached Wllyne~ ville of '- Sunday . Misses Ethd Hlirt~ock lind Nina Harve ysbur g. Clllrk, of Lytle, who, with her hus .TlllUe Delllll'l lllt! \tife , (1 f Chi en· the d outh of Dr . Nathon Tbe ullY was fine though WII.rm, W , Donn, Scott wore !'boppin g io Dayton go. form ori y Mi s~ A hllie K elly. of haud nnd Mr. und . MrR . ehu!!. ::;. nellr Cllrlis\' illo, InuillnR , .July 2, and WRS only marred by t·h o [l bsence Mr, C . C . Luke up,of Chntl'ltn oo l:lI , TuesdllY . Sen rIO; of Ferry, Is touring throll !!b Doylon . Minuie Kelly nnd MUI'gll 1005, frolll the effe c ts of par.lys ·is. 'renness of t·hose few who nlU!lt ever be ret Burns. prin olpAI of on e of the MlsR Pearl Smith ontertn lned a ce, hRS bpcn the the Wost , says Ihe pnrly is nil w ell ~ chool s (\1' DII,\'tOI1, we r e ~1l 0 ~t,,, II Dr. Doan .wlIs Iborn In Knox Co.,, Mr~ . Mury Huinesg.ues t of his fe w of hoI' fri missed. No reU1llon can be kept up ondi Thursda .y . IlOll enjoyin g t.hc glanda nr of t,he fo w dtlYs h,.I, ·wee k oC their r elll Ohio, MIiY 4, I ~ :l\l, 01111 drifted to wlthon t some one absent who hoe Rookie s, 1'hey have visited M J ., . 1 f '1 . f . , Mrs, FrRllk Pike'~ ti ves. 181111C. Annl\ and Hllnnllh Kel· W/I,yuc.·svlllo 1' , KYll e IIncl throe cbild · oc ",rllll es Ont Jlllll Y a fr om PIttsbu rg wb en 0 t u.nswer ed to tho roll can nbovl'. Pellk, Cripple Creek ., . IIn(\ mnny ly . afte rwf\ ru ~ going to Hlll'Yeys. be w os IlV on, uro Rpouull lg I~ f ew 'I1'IIy6 r e n lIud ni ece, Miss Pearl Kyno, Jlbont twant.y y ellrs of age. I') M This tinle we were olllle(1 upun 10 l othcr intore!l ting plaoes burg to "islt r e lotiveR. d lit M'lt H dl spe nt W Clrln e ~tl llY w ILh Mrs . Jacob . I 011 0 ey , Ilnd wn~ f!lllplol'(I.:} for severol yellrs IWAI.!1 r . lin . rll . Misses hold ourll withou t two of our IIIl,m . EVil . Fnnk ny , Irene Trout. '1 ' . . Oreat, bnrgaln s at John A. Fun . nrge Ilurprls e wnR 1,(1 veil t.u .. TS . " oo U nnd fUTllily . C:llrol.VII IIntl Edi t h MOllhel' oud II.H n \Vooli ·t.urnor tlJ the cablDet shop F ~l R 116r who hod been wont 10 be WIth key'~ snmme r olellrou ce-t,h ' 'A H' 1 Mr . FJ'tlnk , ". eyno Id s I)y t I10 r,JlIl lOS lltlrtsoc k ~n I family e ont in Messrs. Geo. Fllnkey , Frell Hnrt. of J ohn W. 01H1 .Toseph ' G. Keys. U8-Mr s. Laura Mills Cornell onu l priceH wi1\ ~nrprise the ' t(1i l1. • MIIny Silent. l::!umlJlv with Mr and . Mrd , . 0 f th e Me th 0 d IS IlIre oldest bar. sook, Fred Cas kl'Y. 111111 Louren ce ., . N ovomhe r HI, 18,, 1, durlllg his . Mrl'. Ne11\e Mills Miller. . t . Anron Sellr~ neur Center\ 'llIe. . gaill seekors . The hugo !llloe stoak Sherwo od mllde 11)l a merry (In rt.y reeiden ce ill v,' aovnesv ille, he mar. persons WOIC preMon ,. . Ihot <irovA to Ih e vicinity of Ball ' Those present wero Millon MIIl~, will be slllllghter od t.hi ~ lIIonth . . dEl'17.1\ b 0 tl I "'I " . Mr . Ira Syferd conte mplt.te !lnlO \·. Imd hrook TllOHlllY e \'ening '" nnn, \V I 10 was SIS· Mr . Ell Mor gan and fllDllly enter· of Mercer county : Benjam in Mills, August . wher e th ey rle " . ., 'Ing to Sabina this w eek to start in ttltnod II fa w of their te f I I' 0 t t I Ie M o Ii te 0 Ad Blipper I'S. I I in a pi pion! us R e style IIl1d had 0.,. wife and daught er Carrie; Fronk fnends Sun. ertll, nlld lin aunt enjoYll of Oland hle time gellorli lly. Hillma n . busines s. We wish him all Sl1CCO HS . ouy , Mrs . Nolllu Burry, of Corwin , WII9 Colema n and wiCe; Warren Mills - - -.-. .--- L!lte in the GO[l' he, with Adolph us Mr. F.. L . Hatton spent SundllY and wife, Corol and Earl: .Tucoo vory hllPPY ill alltllrta ining lust. A Prett y Home .I oollthnn Smitb and wife, Wm. Wedd ing Bnd· E , D. Roberti !, Absalo m Merritt with hili parents , Mr. und Mrs . Oeo . Ho b lott nOli wife nnd John Cornell , Trono, 'Grace and Roy Cor. Thursd ay bel' m ot.her, MrR , HJlnnnb Smith nell ; Marlon GorC\on and wife lind Printz, her oouRin, Mr~. Lee Bench, 1 The benntlfl ll conntry ~ome of H . anu oth .. r Wayne,8ville t'arJl8n ters. BIIUen . Jlnd wiC" ~ !l e Dt l::iunt1ay with Jacob went t,o II point :near Bridgep ort. Clliong o IIntl Mr , an{\ Mrs, H, W. \. WnrwIC k lIeJlr Oregolll!l, Mr. S. P. Hawke does not seom to ~cu lt nllll fumily , SOU!! Charles and Gale; ·Owen Bur, wus tho . ' . ' of n. VAry pretty wcddll1 g InlliflnR, to build tllnrge mill, and be Improv e, but relllllin net nnd dllught er HRrnh; tltephe n Prmt,1. . Messrs . LeWIS Imd .Ioe soene e' about th e 8ervice s lit the B~pti8t oburoh Wednes (IIlY. July l~, whl'll his remoin ed II residelll t of the HOOIIier l 8ame. Burnet and wifo ond cbildre n, HIli'. Priulz joined the family glltheri ng youn~e B t lltlllgh to r , Cllirfl <Jhristi ~almd(\y, ,July 29 , at 2 p . m • and na, tlt.ato until his death, except while Mr . Charlie Tucker was in Hom · S und"y 11110 :30 a , W ,condu ry, Russell unu Mllured Burnot ; in tho evening ancl took lea with wlIii . uniteril n 1II1Ir,rin ge to Ueorge cted by a student of medloin e in a <Jincin . ilton on 8aturdo y . Harvey Burnet, wife nnd dAught er tllem. Mrs . Beach ptarted on h sr SIInford Turne r. Elder Willloll lS, . At no 12 ti Colloge o'olock . th e hrlllll! )lll rl,y Cuther lne; John Dinwid die, wife return trip to Chiongo in tho even· Mr. Pearl Noggle s, of Dayt.on. WIIS enterm} )larl or wh thl'Y w('\·o He pra cticed m edicino for mony looking around and chllllrp n Helen, Antha and Rue Ing oftAlr spendin g severnl weeks lIlet by the Ceasa rs Creek . the village Fridny. Rev . UOlllpton. Dln~irldie ; Sumnel Butterw ortb renewi ng old ncquoin tllnces In this ~~ . Church . of CllIl'ksvi1ll'.of tbe lit . years, and Willi II. leader In lloola I, Miss wh Gerlrud o pro · e Pierce hus been th o Mi ss Baxter of Alexlm der, Ind. Is . Ilnd wife; Milton Keys, wife, Ella, commll nlty. profcss iollal and Masoni o ei rolee, noul1cOll thom mUll /In,1 wifo, guest of her sister, Mrs . JOllt Mor, vi 8 itin~ Miss Monimi Wllrren Keys; F . A, Hartso ck ond ll. Bunnol l. Ho is survive Tha hrlrie d by nix WIIS eblldre flttlred n, in )lnre Don't fail to call and see our great wiCe, . RoA~, Alan ond Hcleu Hnrt ris, for B few doys . J"ou Wolf aull wife of Harvey s. white and her fllir, g irll!h honutr sook; Clemen t Bmnet" wife and cut In prices. You Imow we huvo neve r ILppenrm A few front here II ttended th e hurg spent Sunday with Jesse dllught er Bessie; Harlan Bllrvey . the latest and hest in every depart Miss Warwic l t o better odvtlntl ute Mane r. funerll .. iof Mrs . Lizzie WilJiRlIlS, of Hili nes lind family . k is It lovely g irl nnd wife nnd lIOn Alv8n ; Staoy Burnel ment,. Men's '3.00 pntent colt a pl'omln nnt society fll vorit.o. KI ngman, on FrirlliY, and wife; Ell Burnet and wife ana Miss liruce Hllrner of Dayton Tbis is good old s'u mmer time. Many' beau tifnl an.l useCnl pros· Walter , ClIff'ord1lnd Cbllrle s; Sher. shoos for $2; '3, GO'shoes for $2.50; ents were A CbrlMtiau Endeuy or Rnlly was spent Sunday with her parenti! reoeive d which . we re 0 l!' armers are cutting their oats. Inan Dyke and wlfo and Blancbe , men's j:100 and '360 Villi Kid tokcn held at the Friends ohurc h on 8un . . Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Quinoy of t.he populo rity of th ese Gones no ' Ralpb, WIIlIIlm, Alvan nnd Lavern . elress shoos oloslng at '2.00 and 2. GO. young peoplo. Mr. and Mrs. Ro·y Blithaw &y, of day evening with n very interes ting rejoicin g over the arrival 'of a The next reunion wm be- held III ~O dozen men '/I GOo and Waynes ville, A receptio n wns given h,l' Mr. and spen't !3undtly with program . 7»0 dress the110m e of John DinWId die, on tbe dllught er in their home. shirts now 39t'. We have never Mrs . .T. N. Turner , Sundoy , Jnly 16. Mrs. Uhorlo tte 'fllomk s. upper Springb oro pike. Mrs. A. T . Mole.r is still on tbe L. Rev. A. L Ccipela nd lind famIly nt "Glassy Knoll" in honor of their plaoed such bllr/lftin s on our conn. Alex Cftrver !1ud family were the sick list but sho Is s lowly improv son nnd his brido. ing, of Sllblnl~ ",re visiting ' friends . tel'll. ' I do not advertl ee unl_ 1 Mr. and MM! . ~Turnor will be li t gnellt.s .of John Reeder tiunday . Brp · Co-Poland preaohe d bere on D~th's Wor~ giv e great Inducem ents to bargain homo to their friends after July 19, 'Mrs. Bell Coon atld daught er Bor. Sunday . Ill'll. Mary J. Davis .,e 75 yeara. seekers . 8Av~ nlClney and trade at at ilG Meek AYe., Colnmb us. . 25 Men Want ed. Jessie Oompto n hu been Indb.. Dayton Mon. ~ow of tbe late Win , Dav\•• dltld our store tills month Those presllnt from n. dlstano e t,hl\ were sboppln g and Augullt . day, . . ! posed for 8 few days. were : Mrs. H. D. Kelliso n and a' the. hame of1l81' daulbte r, CalO. , '. ._ John A. ~key, Wanted -2i1 men t.o husk corn PraYl'Ir.mOetlnR daug"bterll, of 8prlll'gbo'ro, and Mr: . Henry Brl)'iVD and aliter Miss ODe, 10 UUl'!' Sud"y . fwom CAncer. be lield at . hI'D1Ji .ed f90m jar ~I a.rioe a ,....lIe I4.lIon · Zimri Bainee this w~. lIN. Illl'll. lind 1111'11. Barley Warwle k, of Bertha. of Ferry, called OIl 'Squire durlnl{ .the cannin g season. MtaJ1)b burl. "7·it...._ Apply at the omOO of the Wayne s. Oopeland expeoae to be OoI~k. . ..•• : S. e. Davit, pr_, if Brown and 'Y1fe'SuDday. ' .111e OaIIDID, Co. j12 poeslbl e.














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a' ..



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t.ake a • UII 10 re tles p~rl" on. co me to ,Il e me," s h wrOle: anti he we n t mCl'hnnh'all y, as a llrownt ng mau cut hes at n ~ trnw , Im o \\'ln ~ It wHi not Sill" him , Th c h o n s~ In Alalll eria Square waa clllrk when he wem Ull th Willi,; nllli whil c he wu ~ f~e li n ;; fo r t h(l h~lI · pll . h NIGHT IN THE COUNTRY. hi s s ummo n ~r !llI ~ d 11/ him Ollt or Ih e ele ctri c s lendTln ;;" or Icur s hadow s I n 11It' c ity lh(! nigh t I ~ g l', llrlghl('r, morn r,-' \'c rl sh Ihull t h e daYi und er th o brond ,'!'rantla, 'l' hr0t1~8 un c C'u ,ldng p aSl! lhrl)uJ;h lh e " It Is 100 fin e Il nlp, hl to s tay In· glarp, doo rs ," s he said, "C.omc un<1 sll In Ih e .A ll urc."'d br 1)Ic-nsure or lI r~ r ll uy car • • h:1O.mOl'I, whil e I s roolll you lUI you tleT tli' nol ~ ~' stir, l h b u~ y hum ser\'e." And wl)en I. e had tal,en the ..o r um'cining Ufo Iii St.\ ldo m u umb. hammock : "Now gll'e nn nc couot 01 'l'he bfmedlctl on ot" m h~\IH'ht th -t'll yo urs If. Wh rrr hnv e YOII lJet' u tor tlt e 'N ('\"t~ r n U l )' l nl1 0 1\ th o c tty ' ~ 81"'c p ra s t a l:e or tw o?" I n the co u nt r y th e d1l :1k . ~ w '(' l nlgh l " \\'a ll owlng n round In th ~ IO\\'eT H nti the ~ole mn ca lm Ilt Ol e I llnl1ho : de plh" of the plnee thllt Da nl e \'I s lt ed," ~' h c ('l i m. wid e nelda hi i;1l f'n~l! li e h... admltt cd. t:ll d r- r th e arch o f c bon sky. T il r t\' !nd ti t CI\) l" nu l of th e Qult'l \\ oort!1 T n h!tlW over cl c w ·chrls m cd s o ltturt r l:i : . , "'h,' hu sh o t th e h atu ' I ~ ~\ III un '" d e ' I' 1 11 th e p U51u r(' ti W h t ' f '" th e CUll l · s let'!'.

1'11(' lunf1ly "1 n 1" ~ :O'hln ~ nbo n ' lh f' h ili .. . " ' \til \'In1 m and h f!alln~ , h, · 1I1,;;'IIl· ti m o

1111 ~i.

11" 1'(" In thro rou utrr o n f' m fl Y r,""' l l .1k(' n c hUrl on its m ot her ' H h f( · I\ ~ t. -1., .\(. M Ollt~o m e n', in "'a rm J ou rna l.

"But 1 b&ve no moltey to 81>0nl:l ,f Dlodo an end. "My bitter judgment i llays YOU were 011 Iclnds ot a ' 50Ulellody la e ' o IIJ ~ tod , ARai n Ibo brown eyes Gr e w lumito r not IIn ~ hln g rh e nail wh eu you luul It 80 wpll dl'l\'lm ho me. And yet I nous ; anu again she sai d: "Whnt wonM, )'ou do without me,? 'an 't helt. admirlnl> yo ur exalt ed ranatlel. m. I do 10l'Il conSistency, nno:! ' Halllll1Y~ my Intormall(;n ~ame earl,. Ihe cOllruge ot It. But t ell me, I( you noug h to nalJle me to 'get n lctre r ca u, how till' th es rolr-fightlng ~l' nl ­ ,10 M r. Orin~by , j-{ nuswel'''u promptly Illes or yOlll'S go. YO\I ho\' o mnd a It by wire t.hls morulng, Hel'l! Is hi s lel epCl'rc(:tl y plai n thlLt If a thl I wOllhl g r am ." slpnl yonr po 'ketbool" you wonld SlltShe ha ll IJI'CO wlnd ln !; n li ghtly t~r losd beCol'p you '\! compromise wllh rOltlNI s ll(l or pa ll"r arou ntl he r fin gers. llim to gN It bael, , But s UllVose YOII anti shu smool hed It out anti g nve "hould catch him Ilt It : wou ld ~' Oll fec i It to him. He bclll It In a "at~h of the !'oml/ell d to call a 1'01 Io-ern a n- OJ' elect ric li ght ll etw ~eu tho dou ~ l lI g leaf ~ hDil oW8 and r cad : " would )'011- " H A !ln ll cl p al~tI h pT. ." Plot NumlJcl' Two approyed, Helve .. Yon arc doing na e an In justh'e on wired onc bundred thOtl80lld to Kent's t ho oth pr side, now. I 'll fi ght. as furl- order Sect,trl.lY Bank. Hav Oj him draw onflly 8S you like. A il I ask Is to be us he necd ~. " " So now you' see:' she Welit on. "you g l,'en a wpapoo tbat won't bloody illY "Oon't YO 'I thi n), yOIl fl e~l' rv e a roan· hanc1 s." hovo t h" sin ews uf war, But YOll must hamill ng ': .. "Goott! .. s he paid npprovlngly. " I rega rd It as an ud,' unce ond nam e yo t " I SIIPllOS(' so; a nd If you ha" e Ii lu think I h a"e fOllnd th e weopon. but ree to the 80slo ll. folk so you can IlO1 mind , I s hall probably ge t It. Bul I Il's desp",rate. des perate! And 0 It back .", IlIIl Y sa y I'm not es peci ally nnxl o us (or Oal'ld ! you'v e r;n t to have 0 cool bead H e protes ted ·agaln. rat he r weal(ly. 1\ tom;u e-las hin g lo-nl ght." "It lool(s Illte e xtortion: like another unrl It R(eady hund, when you us e It. " Poor boy! " s h ~ murmured , In mor k If YO Il ho ven't. 1\ will 11111 everybody grnft ," he sa id ; and now she lost pasy mpath y. "DOI'M It hun 10 be trnly within Iho s win g oC It-everybody but Il ence with him , good ?" "or all th e Purliau fa nal lcs! " s ho I he man YOII ore I rylng to r~ a ·h. ·· " Try It SOUl 11m" wh en ~' O lt hol' '! " Drnw It and let Ut e fc~ 1 Ita dge." crl{·d. " ir II werc a s imple com mera II Ulo Icl s uTe, a nd 8~e ror )'o urse IC" lJ u h ~ snitl ~ hortl y. re tort cd. H er r hal r was clos!' bes ide the lowhe lau g hed, s wun g h~mmodl . Sh e bent to hi s ea r whi c h would otherwi se he los l.. would "No : I'll leov(' that tOlr til e ~ltss rOil sc ruple t<.o ~oke a propo rtionate Ruai w hl ~lIe re(\ 0 sln~l e senl cnte. For Dr entll'oods . BY,tho wa y. did you go to . a minnI e o r 111'0 h c' ~at mottonl cslI, frc'!" te ll the housc bo101 gooll by? P e nelope wl1l~hln (; and b~lnn (' ln g th o chance of "No: cer lolul ), lint. " was wonderin g RUlllbl)' what had be10 \\' (' 11. th e n ; yoit go a n d te ll Mr. Los uccess against the s wiftly lUulti plyl ng rin g 10 wir hi s :-\«\'1501")" Bonrd, nod come of YOII:' dl tncu ltl S anti ha zunl~. " I dldn't !; now Un!), were gO lle. do It lo· ni g ht : · "You call It tl eSI)era t,!," be said al to "Bt l'lll " t i l " Id hnve been nowb ere sl nte the nig ht you II l"VC 0 nam e n gll r l' . s n l(lng'lh , "If t\tOl'O I" R bigger word h. r1rovc D,lC oul with ,cont4mely and op1{ nt. tb e lanRuage. )'ull ollght to find nnd llrollrlum," use It. The rl slt Id t bat of a tor loru Shc laug hed 0 ' aln , for n " You must bal'e dlvod deell. Th ey b ope: DOt so m uch (or me. pe rhaps. min lltp, Th (' n he gold : HI wond er It went a weell a go Ttlcallay. 8nd you lost as (or th e In noce nt- ol' at leasl $I n.onll. an d "xpcnses, \\' ou ld parnl~'z a .vour !\'hoslly ad ,190r and your polllico I IgnoTaIll- aCCOmillices 1"11 ha,'c to en- Ih('m ?" ,lIsL" , SInge manager nl one fell swoop. aut Mis., Vun BrO\:k'o co mm ent was n IttSh ~ norlue(\. li e sh l'lpk OJ rle rl s lon, " 'fh Rt I~ tru c. /'I nt bo w mu ch Is [To D o Co ntinu ed . ] YU ill' l'allroad worth ~' " " I t Is hond II (o r Ofly millions Orst, BALZAC AND DIS DEBTS. o nrl twenty mililonR secolld mortgage." " Well . se vent y millions Ilre wOI'lh I,' ulllo ... Fr~IIt.· h No~· e ll.t WIldt (" hJl~,,! fi !;h Ung for : worth 11 ,'e ry conslderaJ.hl," .~ 'tru,· oaunt In IIJ. T .. 81eoa ,hi e risk_ I s hould say." Ani. t::xpe .. dltur.~ • . " Yes," Aut! after a no th el' thought tn l Interml : "How dill you co m ~ to " Wit h Bal za c's rl sln!; fame ri ses the th lnlt of It ?" mOllntaln of hi s debt s." wrll es a critic. " It g re w ou t of n bll of tall, with "These, sl.arting from his t wo d lsoltthe ma n who wlli ha ve IltIt the apex t rou s yeors ot prlnll)lg and pulllls h· on onl' py ram Io! Afl e l' w e ha ve done Ing In Pari S. a cctlntul a t f)d until at our (lari. " ' the rop ot bls lite rary r e nown. be had " WIII he stond til' tis? If he doesn't. we shall all be no beller than deM to hIde from bls credito rs In 'a ga,rre' unde r th nBme of his landlady or bl. men th e mornin g oft,!r the fact." washe rwoma n. In 1837 Bn l zn ~. at that She clasped her ha,nds lIgbtly ol'or dat e the best-known and tLte most -d.. b el' knee, and said : lJat'ld novelis t In F-runce, owed 1G2,OOl) " That Is one of the chances we must frau cs-about $32,500. Then he mus t talle. ' Davld : one at tbe many. But It needs buy a call e whl 'b was Ibe talll Is the lost or th e llrldges to be cross'ed. of Pairs, some gold hut lons lot' a ne w and ther o are lots of tliem In betwftn. eont, a 'dlvlne ollora glass' and a dress. Are the details possible? That was In g gown beyon(\ words nnd gl \'e a tb e pnrt I couldn' t 1:0 Into by myselt:· <llnn er to the dllud lcs of Ihe ope l'a He look other mlnu.les for refl ection. respecting wbl c h Ross lul said that' " I ca ll't tell." i1e said doubtfully. "It had nOl see n more mas niOcet!ce whea could on ly Imow how mu ch time h" dlned ,al royal tables.' "'HtN!' IS NE: OF 1' 118 CI:IA!'OC E S we hRve:' "Bolzac. t.hree times a ml11lnnal1'1l, . W~~ MUS'l' 'f AKE. DA~' J D," Ber ey'e s grew lumlnotls. wouln stili hllye burled himself iii de ht., It Is n't wonderfu l that yo u haven 't "navld, what wouhl you do wIthout fOI ' 't he mental exaltallon of bls c r a' ml sscd Mr. Orms by, HIl\'lng elected m e?" sbe nsked. "To-moTl'ow nl gbt, t Ive hours \Vas ' r e prO(\lIced wben b~ Miss Bren lwoo,} rour cpnsclence-kec p- In Stephe n Hawl,'s omce In Oaston. brOke 1008e from gall ey bench . HI er-In-chlef. you hayo no furtber use for YOll will lose your r a ilroad. Ma c~'ar­ la\'lshed In antlclpatioll th o wea lth bt th e P. S. M." lane ' 18 tbere. or If he Isn·t. bo' II .-be had dream ed would be his. This gOM, "And you haVe no further use tor th ere In tbe momlng. Bucks. Guilford h~ borr6 we1 onew or dev ised another me, apparently," he complained. "Old and Hawk will go ,do 'wn from here torOll send tor me so tbat you might m orro w e vening; anll the Ove rJa"\lIl of ..,t hosII sch emes that wer e to cnrlell him beyond 1-he possibili ties ot lite ranbuse me In Ib e second edition?" peolli e. a,·c to come up trom Mldlaotl tur'!. His scbemes were essentially. "No; I wunted to g'lve YOIl a bi t Of City to meet tbem." part of Balzac. the sove reig n, UnCOD( Tbe re was IIwe undisguised In the ne ws. and to repeat an old qu estion of min e. Do you know what they are look h~ !lave hel·. and. It crept In to bls (Iuetable "Islonary. "~Ie would transport oakR from Pel· goi ng to do next with your ratirond ?" voice wb en h e said : "Yes; Hlldretb told me this after:,:Porlla. a re you reall y a fl esh-and- anti to I'ranco; nothing III(c oaks fro lll Poland t.o make your fortune tbre. noon." blo041 woman?" Hmu over! Behold him again grav&! "Well , wl.nt are YOIl go in g to do?" Rhe s miled. "Nothing, There Is nothing to be " Mcnnlng tbnt your ances tors would Iy "orltlng out hl B plan to make dollc. The)' ha"" held to the form hlly e hurned me tor a wlt<:h? Per- corn nr ! ' all t he art s and putting u, ot le;:ral procedllro !hllR far . but tbey hnps he)' would : I thin I, Quite likely th e Apolo Belvidere for compolltlo. won't do It an)' more, They will lalte th ey burncd women wbo made belter among tbt na ilons - I 0 act a s auction_iad'arlan e off In a corner somewhere. marty rs. But I dldn't ' have to call ecr t'l Europe. The 'chlld triaD,' tIS hit bave blm rna 'e Guilford permanent In Flibberti gibb et. The programme 18 dovotetl siSl e r , Mm c. Surl'l1Ie, used to r ee'!lver. and th e lea se to ' the Over- a carefully guarded secret. to be allre: ca ll hlro ," land 11'111 be ~o n s ummated on the JlPol. but It Is known- It bnd to be Imown RARE EXOTIC IN ENGLISH, I s hn 'n't he In II." - to n number of reople"outslde of our "Probably not ; certainly not It you trltmds the enem)·. You've heard the HI. l\'ftth'c Ton_e don 't' try to get In It. And tbat brings' IIlory of the Inventor and bls s crOlt. SJIt',' I ... ~n tuhted It,... I'tllrlc Twa ... me back to the old 'liICBtlon. Arc you ha"en't ' -ou?" I " tta.,·. big enough, David ?" " NO."· , "If you thlnl, I haven't been big " Well. t be ma,n had Invcnted someMati, Twain In his r ecent sojou rn I. enoug h to live up to my opportunities thin g. and ho told the secret 01 It tbu s far , I'm arrllitl I may di sa ppoint to his son , After a, little tbe son want- Haly did not confin e himself to study. yon again." h " s nld doubtfully, I'd to t~~ It to a frlend .- The-Q)d man Ing tb e Italian languoge. as mlgllt b, "You bRve di sappointed mo," ahc sold, 'lloid on: I ltnow It- that's one' t hous,ht from th e accounts of his ad. admlttcd. "That Is why I am asking: - bnMlng lip one fln ger--'you know It ventrrl's with It, He let tb e IInlilln. I'd like to bo reasonably sure your - that's eleven' -boldlng liP anotber try I bell' Engllsh on him . and nlse Jonathan Edwardsy noUons are not go- fin ger loesldes the first; 'I1.nd now If you mado a flll e coll ection of Engllsh as It Ing to trip us a'g aln ." t ell thl. otber fellow, tbat'li be one Is written In that country, rellltes thl "Portia, If I thought you really hundred nnd eleven' -boldlng up tbree Chicago R ec6rd-He rald Sunday Mag.. mea nt that. , . A conscienceless msn fingers. That la the (,ase wltb thl_ zinc. " One of my cholc"st gpms." he ,... Is bad e nou gh , Oorl Imows;' but a con- programme. Onl! of tho one hundrell sclenccless woman-" and eleven- he Is a V-lrson blgh 1111 marlled 10 a r ecp.nt calle r. "Is a cala. Her laug h wo s a decorolls Iltlle In lhe manR gement lOt tlie Overland logul) whl cb came to me by mali frora sh Tl e l<. Short Line-dropped a t ew words In a se~d tind plant dcal er at. Naples. I "David )'011 arc no t big: you are my hellrlng and Ipl cl5ed , them up. havf1 murlted the description of n 'terr esttlal orchid' on page 32 as a fa ir narrow, nnno\\'. narrow! Is tbere no 'fhRt'S all. " ot her code of morala In th e round " It III fearfully s horl- the time. I sample.'" Rnd be handed t hc catalogu. wo rld save that whl cb the accident ot m ean." b e said altel· anotber pause. to t ne visitor and pOinted to the rol· blrtb ha s Inl ~ rl e a ve d wltb your New " We can't count on any belp from lowtng : ' " ,l,faguifi c potplant! Notorlolls for Eng land Bible? Whnt Is conscience? an y one III lIlltbol'l~ y. Oulltord'! Is It an a bsolute s tandard of right and' broom has swept tbe Irlgh-salarled of- the long last'l ng cutflowcr! The soil wron g ? Or is Il merely your Ideal or fl('lnl corners clean. But tbe wage- to fie IIgbt but nutritious, and tbe btlill mine. or Shali1. Ullab Kban's '! " pepple nre mutinous aud ripe tor any- downtbrusl early, and the Orst up. " You mil)' call It all the hard nam es tbln g, 1'1\ go and tlnd out wbere shc-ot to he covererl wi t h gless whlJ ~ )'ou ,;an Iny tongu e to," he allowed , we s tlll,lll." And he groped ou the IhO!' equitable fnbl' enlt cit I ~, AlDlntnill ed." "1 ' 111 not ~ e llin g much comfort out of floor of th e I'cranda f"r his hnt. it , an d I r Ul he r enjoy hearing It abused , " No. walt a minute," sbe inte rposed. OrClUy tltt· ~ ntll 01 Wit. But you orc thru st in g at a s hadow In ""Ve nrc nul quite r~ady to adjonrll Whll o an edotes nre common of the lil e prese nl inst nnce, Do YOll l(Uow y ct. Th ere remain s at little matte r of II'h nl I did this a li ernoon ?" c:o mpensallon- your compensation- to brllvlty of grp.8t men In ' the ruost Im" How Hhould I Iillow ?" Le con. IoI~I'~d. YOH nrc s tili on tilA po!tnnl dectslons . II", record In s uell mlltlers Is IlrobalJly 10 be found In Ih. " I do n 't I, now why you shou ld u't : co mpuny 's pnY'roils?" ~' Oll l<no l\' el'Hy thln gIh at happens, " Iu a way , yes; as Its legal rellre- alllry told upo n Vo n Moltlte. The g rea~ But I'll te ll YOII, I had bee n li g hliug sentalh'c on t he ground. " g~l1eral neve r ope ned h Is mouth It a th e Illin s ove r fcolll s tart, to IInlsh ' "That won't do, If you CRI'ry tbls gr~ture wOllld nnsw er the pllrpose. ullLI bact, agai n o:' \' er sin ce you lll e"seLi thins throu gh s UCcessfully It must be IDs comment at t bo time the Fl'anc()o me out a wee l; ago las t Monna y, an 'l on your own account. and not as tho Ptllsslan war was aunounced Is a ' the wind -nil I hi s afternoon I toolt compan y's paid s ervant. You mus t ter of hi story . The news was brougbt thl< papers out ot the bank vault. bav - r esign and mal' e tp,rms wltb Boston to biOI tilat ,th e French bad declnted in g It In mind to go and-glve hi s e x- beforeband ; and t.hat. too, without t ell- wnr. Ho was Ilt the war omce at the cell ency a lind quart e r of an bonl~ " Ing Boston wbat you )lropose to 'do," tilDe and bls entire stall' was boilina "But you dldn 't do It?" He hagg led 1\ little at that. Of er wltb excitement. An nlde-de"No, he saved me the trouble. Whil e "The ('ompany Is euUtled to Iny ser- cllmp ruslled 10 to Von MolUio'& prl. I wns getllng r eady 10 go nnd liunt "Ices," he asserted . vllte omce wltb the docum ~1It anhim. bls cal'tI ,~a m e up, We had It out " It Is entitled to what It pays' for-;- nouncing the beglnnln'g ot tbe great In my rooms ," your . Iegal services., But this Is on- cll ntllct. Von MolUte. without looltln, "I'm Hatenlng : ' she said : Ond he re, tlrely different. You wlll be - acllng up from his letters, said: hellrsed the fucts for her, concealing tlPon your own Inillatlve, I1Ild 'you'll "Second pigeon hole 011 the right, nothing. bave to spend money like ' water at first tier:' "What a curious thing human na- your own rlak. tilU' muat ~ free to And went 00 !Ith IaJa 1U~lng.-N, ture II!" ,s he commented. w\ieD b,e had , deal wlj ,b BOltOD a. an ouUlder.H Y. Hera14:-

~~l~.'e t;~~~n~::~~I "b~ ~~:II~~ ~'?~~O;~~~~~



, ;~~~1:'O~1~~~~h~11~:O~!}~I~~4: '

l'HA PTER XX J\·.- CO:I'TI);n. l>. Thc cdltor wa gg n h is head il> ay mpaUL Y. " 1 II"lsh I could bel p you , David, 'Y ou' ve done a llig t blng for rue-lor the Argus; nnd alf 1 bave to hand you Mac· In r la rn Is a death se ntonce. F III'lane Is bacl~," " l:I ore1 In town?" "Yea. And tbat Is n: l th e worst or It. Tbe gov(,l'Dor sont ror b 1m." "Ha" e you any Idca wbat Is In th ~ -w Ind ?, asked Kent. dry-lipped. "I'm afraid I have. My young mon have lmen nosing around In tbe Trans" 'eslern affair. and several tbln811 have developell. Matters are approacbug a crisis. Tbe cut·rate boom 13 abo lIt til eolla,psc. and there Is 'trouble browlng In th e rabor organlzatlon9. If 'Buet<s doesn 't get bls bencb· m en ont of It prell), soon , tbey will be Invol\'ed In the s masb- whlch 'Will be bad fOl' I bem and for blm, pollU ~all y. "

" I, de"elop cI most of t ba t a ,good ' Whil e ago," Kellt Cllt In: " Yes; I know. But th ere Ie morc to· fo llow, The sto ck-smas hl qg "Ian 'was 1111 ri ght. bnt It Is proYlng too <Bl ow. Now tb!'y are going to do s om o,thin!; I'lse." " Can you gi ve It a name?" asl,ed U:rnt. ,ner vi ng blm~e lr. , " T ca n. Bu t tlrst tell me onc thing : o matll~ rs s13nd, could Guilford dls\pose of the road-sell It 01' Icase It?" ,"No : h e wollid first have to be made I)c rman enl r eceiver Rnd be giren authority by th e courl" "Ab! tba l ex plains JUdge MacFar181\1)'s return. Now Wb aL I am golug to tell yon is the deades t of secretti. I t came to m e from one of tbo Over:IRnrl om clals, nnd I'm not ~uppoaed :tn gOSSi p. Did you know lhe O"erland :Short Line had passed under Planla'goliitl domination?" " I l;now they eiected a Pl anl RgQuld dll'eclory lit tbe annual meet ing," "Exactly. WI'Il . Guilford Is going In lea sc the TraM-Wes tern 10 Its comfI ~ lIlor for a t erm of 99 years, That's yrlllr d OAth sentence." Kent sprang to his leet. nn,1 what 1,e said Is unrecordable. He was not ,\ profane man. but t he snnglline t emlleramen t would assert Itsc lf' III moments of sudnen stresR. ;' Wilen Is thl~ tl}lng to bo done?" :h e demanded. wheh tile t c mperamenta l .gods were APpeased a li ttl e. Hlldretb sbrugged. " I bave told you nil I COUld . and ra thcT morc than I barl nuy l'lght to. Open t he 'door lleblnd YOII , won 't you ? Th e all' Is positi vely s ulphurous." I, ent opeDllcl the door, entirell' missIn g Ih e point ot sarcas m In hi s heat. " But you must baye Bomc Ideo," he InSis ted. " I ba von't; a n y more than th e genernl nne that they won' t le t g ra s~ gro w under their ieel." " No. God hlnst th" wbol c-I \Vl sh I "01110 s wear In SnnscTlr , The moth p.r tron~lI c docs n 't begin to ,10 Jlls tl cn to It . Nuw I know whal Bucks mcant when he to ld Ole to tn I,e my Tallroad. If I could get it. He had th e whole thing coopeTcd Op In a barrel at tba', n1 i nule."

" I tnk e II you hal'c no alte rnath'e t l) Ih ls ," SRh! th e edll or. tal'lllng tbe pile of affidavits, " Not a c ursed shred of nn Idea! A ",1. H ildreth- " he hroke orr s horl. hN'allse once a~"ln Ih s nlojecl s ud'l c III ~' gre w too lal'ge ror co he rent i-i l l (l(l(


1I1 100 1'N h oisentan g led blmself trom 1111' Ipl!R of hiM c hai r anti s lood up to I",t h,~ hand s o n Kcnt's shou ld crs. " Y UII nr,· til' agnl nst It bartl. Daviol " be ~alrl, and h~ repea ted : ''I'd l':iI c all 01)' uill shoes 10 bc alole to Io t'l Jl you out." " I I, no w It ." sai d K enl : and t hen he ,t ll rned abr uptly IlOtl we DL away. 1:I ~ lw '(' n I\lnc and t en o'cloc k tb e .. ame eye nlng Kent was walking lhe Honr of bis rUJm. trying vainly to pel'suad e him self t hat " Irlu e W8S Its ,uwn r ~\\'a rd , aod wonderlog II a small ·dnse of ch loral ltydratp. would be deCe nslhlc und e r ( ?Ie ~ ruel necessity for sleer. He had about. decided In ta"or or II~__ d~u g wben II. tall at t he door announ ced tile coming of a bell ~ bo)' wit h a note. It was a message from ,norlla. •. \[ YOu ha\'c , thrown awa,' YO,ur >elllUlce d~ftl!.ltel)', anoS al'll wlillng to




Heartles8 BU811tuld. ?I rd . J>rru,,~ Oh, ,I "hll , I h ie Id · t ~r ... llie. Bnw I Suttered wlUt Itohing and Th u cut h.itlll lit in tbe kit chen aut! I'U .. ",.J tile pi" I had relld y lor din"ed lllP.eding Ecz ..U\&-Uotil Cured M r. Ilrydc- HlI l'l! n't )'011 Gol the ... -' qUC ll t~ or C\'cnllJ lUI'I1-.:d oroun,l! , by Cutioura. " UI,J\'c n' t I- !

Oil ! you cruel wre tcb!"

-Clun!laud Leuder.

, ' '1\0 ton8'''' cn n tell how I ~ufl'c rc ,1 (or fh'e ycnni ~\"I th n tCJ:l'lLJly painful, h chillg, ond h l~cdin K e ' ZUIUB, my budy llUt! fn ce


-- - -

'"I t'.. ll'ue thnt In ll 1he wo )'ld '8 0 s tnge,' ·' 8aic. the ph i h.U40rh h'n' bOClrd r , " a nd. 1Il 0:it of the I1WIl nIH wom e n uti It ftrc Iotiv illg

helllg to \'el'Ll{l w ith IHlr es . N,WC1' in l ilY liie d ltl 1 ex/)ct ic ute "llt.' h Rwi ul duffcr ing,

nlln l 10111;.' fil l' denl h. wla ic h 1 fel t 11'' , Vlllllt t\\' ill~ p l!l' fo rmltu ce~ Wilhout know lUg " cu r . J laud t l'ictl doctm'H IUlll m ~dil..\ iJlLlti it ."- Chicnao TriLw:c. withou t

d UU..:eH




mothe r illsistcd

Ihu\ l lry l 'utieurll. I f 'lt beti cl' .rter Ihe Nune OTt' too w i~e to be mistaken ""l )ir.1 unl h wit h 'lIth-ura Soap und on. few Hr'C dO wise ly jU81 us to 8ck nowletlgft UPI>"c. t •• n of l"uticll rIL Ointmenl. ulld and ror.'eel II .. ,,· ",Islnk .. , Hnd .. ped ully W,' I bPO I1 'en ti rely well. Any pel'~O U b.l\·· tbe ", I.tok •• of Ilrtljudice.- Burrow , in" doulH. ulJou t th is \\'0 Ildef'ill I cure lH ay Wrttc to I!H' , '~ !g ucJ) Mrd . ",I\lt ie .t.:llon,

--.National Flower.

Udlev uc, Al ich." '~' nft


BInka- If It should he Meided to ma ke tbe stork th e nni lon,,1 lJil'd whnt ought to b. thu nal:onol fI wer! Hunks--G iv e il up.

"Wby. tbe pOPl'y, of couT•• : '-Judjle.


Mull's Grape Tonic

Profltn ble, Do.h,-DI,I ),o u get nll)'thin g o u t of that oil d.,,1 you "'01'. tclli ng me nbo ut ! J ".h - y .,., ind,'cli! 1 ~Qt a grcnt rlcal of light 0 11 the subjeel of spcr ullllillB Ihot



Indigestion, Diseased Stomach Impure Blood, Sores, Pimples Blld CompleKlon come from '

1 d idu' t h :",~ before!



Detro it ll'ree 1)1",.'6b.

%Itor- Are Knn s. n You b~t. We hn,·. Ihe .ix h •• t S~~~De ,·.llaro in Ihe country , :\ , Y.




It rnD~ be. somet imes, w h en Illl ll ~' ~'" I I I ' D ' I I !l Ol co n~lng 0 111' wny ., tllnt we nrc not jU li l .,~;rl~~~d::I:· \;n~:~~ll,~~S;~: ~~:u t:)~~;;;'''~fle~r m til\! r igh t vtncC' . - l lI t' lL I t VlIllllh\ (ever RIUI dcC'.y.i n" tn tc ,.tlllC'lf ""11k,, Is



I t


." b ' . '

e~Qn \\' O\\n nd O rll OIit. )l\ron, · d.OlUi .. 1S IH! \' Cr tl t a loaul f or an c.xCUltc' -

1 he Commoner.

long TH' [



tl,,. I Io n

re.ult n f

~ o ll ~t ip ;, \ i o n ,

A \.:uubtilHllr-{1 pt:r.

iJi ll!l \) le t o h .. a l pn. u;.l ull o n or IUHllitrokc. A p h)'e!C Wl' U'l ('"rrCOIIAII" a l ionyo u kll o \"th lt . f rolUtJtpflrh:ncll' . VUUr IHtc..~tlll .."n nd dil::c Juh.'ft 1 orK.' " '' nrC' \)1 tlCllen t l, dt;l ,I o r ),ou \,. ould no t be

M ' 0NTH LV TR IAL I~~f~\~I:l::::~.~o~,:~~~1~:~~~,~ ~::~,~~~~~~ ~:r:~1 lII~c h Q IHJ Uo w~b. Phy ~i c . d o n ' t fI!\·I\,c or b uill' II p-l h ey "r"i1t Dud \'Jc ak c n-

' dc.:ayc d 5t

Mu ir . (~ fftl" T" " if J, ~ t l~"I. bl'".t<r-" lonol 1 upect QI1}' Im . patel rur lhe lul clt ttU d. ~Ye \fill pro\'e to .fOU 1\1 o ur 0 "'"

rX pc ll~e

th At



' HEADAOHE DIZZINESS BEARING- ' Co" • •i\,., io n An,1 Do)\d t "ouolc 1><~.\I <C J\ r~ D'O"'"" PAINS'. Ivi1he....,t oI nm,clo\ICSlIII ..,cl<nH"A 1100.),.1.,,,. ho. !. n JI c allil 1't- ncw. th" m ood , Uti li) It \"u I

A.. WomnuTo nIBo,,,. Alta JTn,I Bccom e U' uU Anti S iron,; nrt('r "('a n o f Allau,·y Duo to lrr<.r"lar l'·.n c t1uQ ~ _

tlltrCX\\lt(~ in l1\l:6 Countn' th l' rfl w"8 110 c ure f.)r \ 'Oll ilIlPi\tioll . A \\'nulll"l lul t" uie. 1l p rotte-l lo m I'g ai u l1l hot wtAther "uuge ....



The {net thot ouo ,,"ODllln Is bright. G004 l or Aillar Child, •• And N~"tD' fltothe,. eYNI. ro.y.chow, oli. slrOllg nUll cheerful. FREE OOUPON . wllile a" I her is pa lo. w enk auL! d e· ~ ~1 11 1 t il l .. ("(I ut)n ll \.. ith y our ""me Rm' prcWlCc1, I ~ !lue 111'11'0 oft,e n thnll ot her,uh.1rl"!'" "u d II t U;:: tl l .. l' ~ 113111,. , fnr ft hr t." ho tt I e Mu ll ' lf Or.lliC 'f unk for ~ \ O U1 a~' h :t IlU wi ~o to the r eguladty III tho OI' e CtlSO I Iln (o we'. to alld tho ilTcgn!Jlritv ill tho othe r of th e Mull's Grape Tonic Co •• '47 Third Ave •• fnuctlous that nro· peculinr t !'lIe ser . Aock I slo lld, III. WJ.aen those are dist\ll'bed everyt hillg aj,,~ Full . ~rl tlrfU niHt Writ , PlaiNly, gocs wrong; pnlll alld d hicomfort aro I ilu~ $1.00 bolt t~ C ()lll .i ll ~ uendy l hq:r t im e. th ,.. ~ tiil". Id dnu( iilor., • • folt 011 over tho body; the sensations al'C of toll terrifyillg. H For fou.r ycnrs." said . Davis rc'rh o "f' l1uillf! h" n ,late And IIU QI lx' r t\l alllpcd cently', HI suffored il1d oscribnbl e n'li.scry on th r lao.rl- tnk.c II (} OI tw r (r olll SOllrdf"lIg"ilt , from sic)l h eadache e\'cry m ontb. ao· II! companied by faill ting 8pells, shol'tnG$S ~2 of,breath ann 80 1'01'0 1l8.i11 iu my left slu e. There w ere also b<Jaring-dowu paius. DC times so a cute ihat l eould not stund nil •. aud my h ead \\'1\8 full of rlugillg sounds. It ~em ed III il evorythlnjf was golug to hit mo in the eyes. 1 woe compelled to lie do,vn with closed eY"8 t or hours to ge t a little relief. Wheu I nl.t,e mptecl 10 ariseeverythillg ,vould \vhirHa..rollud !Iud 10 w ould ga.'ow 110, dark thA~ oould acarcoly sea IIt\y nbjec t. . ~' .. Caulrln't your doctor h elp you?" .. Five dootol'll ill' all treated rue. but 1 got no lMtiug benefit. Besides 1 u scd a • lot of Ildverti~d remedies. The . ilnly medicino, h owove.r. tlmt had the desired effect wna Dr. Williams' Pink Pill. and thoy nre truly a godsend to women. .1 <Ii(lllot hnve tnu" h fuitil In tbe ru 'w heu I begnu to tnlce th em : I fOllnd mysel!. ct'~1.!~~~~~fl~·~~~~~; howevcr, so lUuch belter after u sing t,\'o ' iii 00108 that I belJllu to Iwlieve lu t-h em. !.!l;iS:~rlriiOlt;~E~.i1] Thoy. choolrod rigilt nwoy the deolJua i lu to 'W iiob I wa9 ,guillg. My trouhlos Kept le8llC ning aud finally disnppeared altogether. " .. How long did It take for a eore ?, ' H,Arter I hnd uecd several boxes m,. ---~-----­ haalth \VIlA nil rlght. I hnd t-u..'-eu 'ou CHEAP (Jolo IIATEe l!\, WUbl,......,n:Qreron. ... rn Uu.CoIIIOrtl Wo I ccuro reduced rll l oe Olt Blish oud was stroug onn 'h enrty. 1 feel ~~:f~:'.?'\'~·,~~ r',!',~,~~~~ ~'i;~~~~~~~~'l today in spirits muro like a gil'l of au _ _ ...,-(Wcop,IIL teen tbnlt" womnn of my years ," Mrs. O. II. DI1vls' atlllros8 ill Ounnel, Maiue. R. F. D ., No. 2, Dr. 'Villiams' ejnk Pill, are coullrlenUy ol\'el'ed t.o women for tho onre of nummia. chloromH, painful and Irregnlllr perlo(\~, and alJ,.fonl1s of wealruetl8. Thoyare 80ld



Crearn 5=-Separator 00




bi' ev~ d,ruggb~

DatntY-D.IIOlou. -~ttractl"'. to4he


... net .. tI.f"l~ to .he appetite



Libby's (:i::::,1 Food Products


Ox Tongue. Potted'Chi~ken. Dried Beef. Brisket Beef. Lunch Ton.ues. SouPs. Corned Beef Hash - ..n aa good a • • they are wholesome. Easy to serve TM Boo/dol, .. no.. 10.11..... Good TI,illlll 10 A'.,/,' f'r...

Addre. .' .

Libby. McNeill &. Libby

·C l-llca.o

RHEUUATISM: are the results of ImjlOver. IsIled blood. CAN BE CURED WITH This not only-,removes the urate. and uric. acId, but correct. the f1uldll and blood. and prevent. dlaeaaed .product. and germ.. NO OTHER nEDICINB WORKS -LlKB THIS.

WUI- Be, Sent on Trlal.-IT ,H ELPS YOU, then 1Oula,.'1.00, If It ,doe. beineftt, JOIl', paJ ~blng-aD

you decide whIch.

Inlow .bat 7011 tab. .. tll. P_ala .. _ til .. 14.~t all4 ~ 10 Dr.


with eadtt ,.....;..

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Long Range_Weather Forecasts .Necessarily' a-Fake' No Human Mind 18 Able to foreten the ClImaltc: Conditione or 'uture Month. or Season,_


llf!: c:ease lcfls cban "e In tb e

mldlil of esse nllal Htu bl lll" and perman c nce that IH a p( ~ . IlllroDI am oll g lh e heave Dly ~t bodlea su!(geslIl a r e laUou belweon I ho se 1lI0,'em.nts ILnd Ihe <lfl8l1nleo or m .1I ond of naUone ......'ell 0" weath'e r sequenCeR. 80 obvious I. tbl s analogy thllt It Is n ot IItrllnge that In th p childhood of Ibe race It was exall nd In to an .8b80I"te causal oon neetion . Th ere Is DO more InterestIng I,age of blatory I.han tbaL .... hich t racey t be growth of I1strology throUKh Ils varlo ll" phases. t he art of dlvlnaLion , the taking of t he boro.copes and all IIplee., alld tho gradua l de ve lopment or th e sclonces or astronomy and meteor ology. Tile Drat crude theories and co nceptlone of tbe Cbaldean pries ts and lhe Magi were bonelt etrorts to Illterpr~l nr.(ural pbenomena. In lat er and less s imp le ages, however, wb e n the prI es t ly clas" WHe aUlI th e reposItories of ",'sdom . they BOllght to porpetualelbe lr Inn llence ily con l'eall ng knowledge frolll th e masses or h~' clI 5hrol)dlng It In mystery, and IInally th ey wielded It Dol to enlighte n bu t to ens illv e. And s o pe r IIlstenl. 18 mental s lave ry. lind so lI eep&4laten In th e h e'an of th race are these early teachings allo beli efs Ihat th pr p Is even yet a [Jr .. dlsposltlon 10 acce l" tb e 8uperna luta l ralber than to see li the na tu ral I·:tuses of Ihlngs , Th e IlItlnlte lIeR lrablllly of rore know Ill g the s!'ason s ror I he I,e npftt nf hilS-

phtlanlhroptsUi &8 well as t he wleut uf mankln<l . Du t . a1a_ , up lU dale this wil n bu not arrived. Some of I he "blpst oelHlllals ot tbls count ry and F;u ro p8 have devote d much lime a nd labor to th e &ludy of tble pro blem . They bav o eonsulLed wp"llI~r reeoTllo of all co untr ies, takl ng Dme of tha datea of b eavy Itorma. &lid ruakloE comparlaon wltb Lb e pos ition wllh the pos lt lo n of tbe InOOD and plane18. to determlne If th ere IIlany dlacov .. rable connpetlon bet woe ll the mo.emenl 01 thOlle minor bodies alld l h e &wcepor.lorm oddie. III t he earlb's . tmo.lih .. r ~. Tbe

Growtb of Oement Production-Phenom ena l Speed wit!> W hich Use of Moterl a ls Ho s I n creased. Mr. E,lwln C. Eckel. of the Untted Stale. fl.eologl cnl Sll~l"ey , b lLS ju sl. com· pleted a re llor l on I he cement materlnls 11 011 Inu lI ql ry of th e United States. [n vie w or tho ph eno menully mpld growl h "r tlie cem e nt Industry withIn I'ceenl years , I he Ilubllcallon or tbl s ' ·~pOI· t Is excc lJllona ll y lImely. In col. lectln g dala tur It. Mr. Eclle l vl ~lt e ,1 e " ery (lI " "·I~·t In whIch ce menl I. pro· ,Iucod unr! exumlned near ly.every plan t In olle rutlon . lnto rmatio n relating to unci evel operl deposits of cemenl rnate rl al . was oblalned by per sona l examln uLion and rrow the pl/bllshed ant! un publi s hed \York ot oth er geologists . The dl scuij"lon 18 In fnur paN 9. tbe fir st relallng LO t he mate "l a ls IIl1d man . ufa cture ot Portland cement, Lhe sec. ond 10 1'0"lIand ce ment rCSOll r '"a or tbe U nl 1.~d States, and third to natural ee mSM resources of t he United States, and l ourt h to the materials and manu. fa clu re or Puzzolan or Blag cemen t. Few peo pl e realize how manifold are



Oanlne'. Nose WaR SCI Shor t That 'I'here . Could Be No DflLugbt, E1I:plaln. LIttle Walter_ 'Urnlte. 1J0~nn, ,,'1'0 ba. no ch ildr. n ef I". own, loll. of tbe uriabt .rernarl,


A Time When Women Are Susceptible' t o Many

Dread Diseases-Intelligent Women for It. Two Relate their Experience.

or ' Q "ix·yea r.old boy whu ill I he prld~ o( a f rlC IH.I'. fantil y . The fr Iend IS & c:: il" il ano mechan ical engineer, u.nd natu · rotlr h • • !lIked . hop aroun8 hi. h(lllle until the h ny i. somewha t fam iliar with

pug d og


took "" !lrge of to a nt.·i ghhtlr . whtl


The "chnn gc of life" Is th e most crilicu l pe dod

lechuicHI lerm.. Rocen Uy the rarnlly



1)( a WOJDUU' S

exis t e n ce,

h.d gone 10 Ihe country. The pu~ """. nnd the anx ie ty felt by !lId .nd fn t . • no ~ad difficult y '" lll' •• , h· worn ell as It draws \lellr inS · wtl1rh ta utied It to anortt wh e n It W(.'111 i ' not without r ea son to ol.' ep. . I S , T he tint ni@ht the famdy OWll!!! kp/' I E "',·ry "'oman who aWMke by the (Ing'lI .. norm y. burl t \p n eglf"cLs the c are of her n ("lt. niaht.. t hing! "'~re WOI"8e . Ti le (-0 - b ca.l lb at this time in· KtnE'f!r and h is "t\riff' " 'ere in a quandary . vites diseBse nud pain. T he), hod promi.ed the II cl ~hbor tit ",I.. ! Wh en h e r system Is In tare of Ihe dOi . hut th •." f~ l.' " "'.s n d eranged cOUllition. ,'~res..ry Ih.y .l,ould .Ieep . Iher were the m a tte," at brea kfast. ",lull! the canine cause of the di'IUrban l."e I fI~'

or sh e Is predisposed t<l 1" • t' npop e x,) . or couge" lob eontent.dl), on the rllg it... hl'llpl of any organ •. the t~n­ ""HC betwee" itK paw o. de n oy Is at thiS penod Finoll)' tI,e .i . ·.\, ear ·old b.~· broke into likely to become active d18C U8111111g

t he conv«ttativu . "1 know wh~' that dOlt s uro r~I " he

ISlli .

r -a.D dwithQ.bO$tofQ,e rvons Ir ritations make

"Well , why ." illllu ired Ihe .. ther . , life" burden. 'At t h is "l t8 ~?6e ill. 10 shOTt , ~ h ere II DO time , also. can cers and dAu,h t . - I..ou'"""le Herald. tumors are more liable - -- . - to form Rnd begin their Phyaleal GeoSrlLlPhy_ I destructive ..'ork. ~~n,~~ nfsouus:dB~r~::I~~ ~:\b~~ Dp~~~.~bpe:; the usea of ce ment. In Its Imporlance ColumbWl ... u proving t;t•• earth ' '08 Sucb ",arning' sym pror thaI aY816m ot lone-range torecasts. to our prese nl ch'l lI za tion It Is su r · round toms as sense of suffo. Modern I1sl rulogH . l" llowlnl close ly passe d among mi n era I products only " But." ... ~ed Ferd inund, 110 he IC.. 1II1'0 eation. h ot Dash es hendI he IIne& o f lb el r anI lent prototypes, by Iron, eoal and 011. In rate of In· I .. bell. '. vacation b,n •. " CA D you «pl . ,n aches bnckaches.' d re ad w . hy g ive th e s lIn a minor or pass ive role crease In ann ual prod uction during the l&HlI't "he N.... bore I. h.gher thaD llle nloun ' j of Impendinr, evil l timidwhile the DIoon and p lan ('t~ for m a~ las t deca de even ~ h ese t hroe products Co';'plet.ely homed , t he. Jlreat mall "u Ity. sou n ds n the earlL, palpitation oHho h eart. all .star aggregaLioll In tbe evers blftlnf! I tan not be co mp,ared with It . In 1890 ~omp.lled to Ii". it up ,- N, Y. SUD . ._ _ . _ _ sparks b e fore the e.ves , sce nes or the cart h 's drama. 'fo each th e lotal producllon ot Portland ce ment Irregu larltlcs, constlpn1.lan et is nss lgn('c\ pome s pcclalty act In the Unilcd States was 336,600 bar· Proved lIeyond a Doubt. . tlou variable appetlto, o n Ihe stage. cac h producing a rlllTerent rels, valued at $439.050; In 1903 It elt- • Middle.n, N. Y., July :l.-( S\leci.l)-: weakness ant\ h;,!'!I<.:: IY lle o f weatbe r . and wb en th e three a c t r eed ed 22,000,000 bar rels, while -tbe fba t Rheumatllm cun be cured ha. bee n tude and :llnlnes&, olre pro,'ed ~yoDli a doubt by Mr• . /let •• y I 'tl he d d b 1 In ('o njun ctlon tbe complex re~ ults are valli e was ove r $27 ,000,000. A. Claw.on, woll known h.~e. ThaI M, . . promp y e., y ns tarlilng . ~Ir . E c ke l' s report has been pre llare d ClowNon bod ItheumaU.m and had it bad, ! te lll gentwomen who.a re 011 ber •• know . Tbe~ "I.u appr?achlnlf the pe r lO,d R pally, It Is dl lllellit to Ireat suc h 111_ In orrl e r t o give Informart lon on ('oment kDow Ihe I. now I·m·ed. Dodd '. K 'duey in h fe "'hen woman s great chllllge "I wrote ynu for advice and connll.nC4IIJ (ll erolls ma tter with becoming dignity mate r ia ls to t IVO c lasses or pe rsons . Pill. did it. IIIra. L'lnw~on tell. tb. li,tory m ay be expected. treatment ,..Ith LydIa E, Plukhlllll'. Veg ... an,1 e rIOIl8I1 P8S. A certa in almanac's First . Qw ners or lall(l. on which marl. of heL' CUrti AM full owo: These "vmptoms are all just so many table Compoulld lUI YOII rllrected, and I nm lies rlpllon of " Each plan ct 's pe<:ullar lim estone Or I'l oy deposits nre fou nd " I wn • • n in"al id for mo't th·. yea r. calls from ' naturo for h elp. The nervea ~g,~~.~~:'l ~~\ ~~v~I=~~'~~~~:lb Ilhp. ll o mc nll" Is abo olulely Irr~sisllb l e otle n Inqu ire w:,~lt. e r a giv en material rnus.d by Jll fi ammlll ory . Rh.umalldlll, are cry in g out for as.~istance and the tb. Cbange of Ltfo, a ... ~1I woman. I am r~:otnDlendlng l our medicine to "II my a s a inlrlh prov oker to any resder wtlO Is s ullabl e ror Portl a nd ce ment l11allU· . hellJlCii. twb-t ill rd. of the t,me. Tho first cry shou ld be h eeded In time. yenr 1 roulJ not do ~ " much u • haby L"dla E . Pinkham's Veg"table Com- rrlenO •."- Mrs. nnjeF~ G.Bylnnd,C b8SW1'po~ses~ 3 n s pn sp of Ih e ri<li cllhoJU s IInli f!W'!lIre . In res ponse to such questions ou uld do; th en I r"IIl od a httl. bit 8ud J d to lid .. n, . SOlli e ell' me nt err kO (I\' leuge or meteor- ~Ir . Eell e l ha s nH e mpted 10 d escribe tben a relnpoe. Then a year ago t he pound was p-repared to meet the n ee 8 gout oet in Ill)' hand. nnd f ... t . 1 BufJered of womnn s 6~' ste m at t hIs trying Jinother Woman's Case. the che m Ic'a I II nel pbyslca l propertie. un told agollY nnd iD AuguH I, lOO~, wheu perloo o f her life. It invlgor~te. and "During thang. of lito word. CIInnot ~xwhich . a cement materia l lOy husband dIed, 1 cou ld lIot ride t o I ~ e .trength t:lls the lem&le organism ILnd p ....... whAt) 8ulfer..d. :My l'hy!dclall said I must hovI, and al s o to show t hat tbe 1I1·ave. builds up the weakened nervous sy. tem . had a ClUlceroU' condition or the womb. . Une " 1 only took h 'o boxes of Dudd·. K:d· 1t hilS ca r ried t hollsands of women day I read !IOllIe Or lhotc..thnonlAl8 0t ",olUe.. value of ce l11ent material depend s al· DCY Pdl. on'l ,n two ~wcekH I could WRit snfely through this c r isis. who bad t-n CUM by L~ydJu E. PlukboOl'1I most enLire ly upon . Iocatlon with reo UII Iilr.ef{ Bnd saw In\' own wood. I Ilug For s pec ial ad vloe regnrdlng this 1m- Vegetable Compound, allli 1 decided to try It sped to fuel SUllpl r , 1rou8110rtalion my own pot.utoe8 Alia 1/6th" !'ed my 0,"'" portnnt ~erlod women a"" Inviled to anti to ",rlw you for advl.,., Y'lurtnodldlle nrden Inot fall _ Dodd. h ldoey 1,11. ·t . - I p . kh tL 'I .... mademeawell...'oUlan,oDdilllmybadsYJllproutes a nd mark ets. Second, cement IIcured me," ,vrl ,e \IU. rs. . In am a ynn. J1 8.U03., toms won disappeered.. manufa cturers or those wis hing to e nRhculOatio", i. ~UII.ed b)' uric odd 'n and I t Will be furni shed abliolutc ly free "I advlsee,'cry " 'oman at !hill period of IIf.. gage In the cement Industry often In· t!,.e . ul~. Doc!d'. K,dney 1',lIs put the 01 ch arge. . . to tAke vou r medicine and .. rille yOIl for..u.ReM whn t T,~-clI8 E . PlOlchnlO'9 Com- \·lc.: '-"M.1I. LI<~ie Rlnklc, tl"lam , Ind, qllire cO llce rnlng the loclllllles In some K,dDey. ,n olll,"e to l ake all tbe uric ac.d po . und did for Mrs. Byland and Mrs. What, Lydia 1':. Pinkham's Vegetable gIven Btftt e or groull of st.ates where OIlL of the blood_ U inkte: . Compo'lInd did tor Mrs, Hyland .tln (l ce men l materIals w ill probably be First Duk,,-,"Well. do )'ou think Mi•• Dear U .... Plnkbnm :MrH. Hinkle it will do fot" Ilny womao found, and des ire l nrorma'tlon In ad- VaD Bullion inl"nrl. to buy l'ouY" l'lPc" ) bad been "uIT"ring wit.h falling of tbe at this time of life. vance or lIclual t esllng !!oncernlng the ond Duk " My deor boy I don 't know . womb for YOOf! IUld ..."" passing througb tbe J t h as conqll ~red pain ., restore.l pby s lcal a n d chemical character ot the Some duy. I th iDk .be doe.. At olher CbIlngeor Life. My womb ,.all budly 8wol. h eul lh. and nrolon" ed life In cases thll. leo: my MWn"",h WIUI sore: I hn<l d17~Y spella, "h time8 I fenr ti be i. mer ely I hoppi Di ." materials . . That porI Ion of tho report Hartford "Irk heAdaches. and"",,, "cry nervous. utte rly bll.mpc\ phYflici ans_ Timea. whkh dcals wltb th e cement resources .Lydla E. PlDkhllD" Vtietablt fAmpoumi SIIa:eeds When Othen fail. of tlle separat e states Is designed to A Hot-Weather Hint, ~--------------------------furnish Intorm atlon of <tbls charac ter. Do IOU Imo ....· tbat Ihe two . ... entiall for The report Is Intended to be prlm'arlly food healtb in bot weather are-keepin, a (\l8C\l8Slon ot ceme nt materials, not . be oyotem cI .. n and regul ... aDd .. lo uic for the Stomach lind /lowel • . a manual or ce ment ma n llfactu r e or a , Mull'a Grmpe Tonic i. a ,.aluable remPaaltlYel" cared by guid e to testi n g or utilizing 'cement. A' ~dy for hot weathur. [t clean..,. tbe 1)"tbe., LUlie PIli • • sketcb or the j roceRses 'ot Portland tem of an impurities and poillon.. Il Nn'1'II<'y lIlaO ·ftU"",~ D1scement mannfacture Is presented , In lains nearly 50 per cent. Grllpe. wbicb il tromJJ:rspeps1a.Jntbe beot bot wea th er Tonic Imown. It ia TooD8&lt,7 ord e r (0 mak e the subjec t clear to tbe In ideal prepa rat ion for beat debilltv and A rtect ~reat number or people wbo are Inter· the many dangeroua Ill. prevai ling Iluring pe Na:'~ e. s,ted In the condition and growtb nf Summer ,,'eather_ It [on in •• the Byatelll Ba.4 Tvost.e tb oroughly. this Important Indu Bln ·. HeDt prostra l iono, Summer nowel .. nd Jfoutb. Coo.t.ccl It Is a matter of regret tbat n o si ngle Stomnch trouble. ..... ran' in famih.. 'l'aI.Il In tile 811le. THE .W EATH~~n B UR EAU n 'ILOING AT WA SHtNGTO:-l. book ha s been published which ade- Mull'. Grope Ton ic i. ewployed. UVER. ~ band men Is at once th e opportu n lly of ology and IIBtronomy. One Is Impressed There i. Dotbinl. 10. dangl·~" uI . in hot , ftIIUIIte tile Bewe1S. l'wet1V~ h dl I f SUit I cbarlatans and tb~ jus tlflcatlon 01 Da- by the evident earn estne~. of tbe au - quate ly Rummarlzes t e con tons 0 ,.... atber .. Conltlpat lOn, wb,ch II the reo \!UU I the modern ceroent Industry In Amer· oult of the mar ••• noua hot weather d,., IIlIU1U. lUlU. rn tlonal weather services. I t avalla little tbor. aDd yet It seems Ibat h e must be Ica. [n t he prese nt bulletin consldera- •••••. Mull '. Grope Tonic i. tbe one ouc· to decry the method s of Impos.lon or to too dl\l~ent J.o belie ve In bls absurdly tlon of tbe technolog ica l sn d tlnancial ce •• ful Conltipat.lOn Cure-·a ' lIlond id 1I1lt'rrilS Genlllne Must Bear . Stolllloeh .nd Bowel TODic. IIRftI u\ braDd them 08 fakirs; the court of tlual fantast ic theori es. The), are no more features ot th e li me and cement IndusFIC-Simill Signalllrt r esort rouat ..l .... ys be co mpuleDn of be li evable than the myt b s and legend s tries hilS been subord inat ed to tbe disUI abbre\'iate," fJaid the man , U A results. and euch co mparls.on everyone o f the ancients. It Is Inconcelvsble t hat cussion of the geology and of the dlstrl- h. docked th e horo.'. tl\il. "_'lgreed," ... id /~", ~~ can now make !Dr himself. Weatber a 1!'arned &8tronomer and meteorolobmlon ot the raw materials. maps sbo ..'l ng the a ctual cond itIons on gist_ actually belie ves that t he sun Is RE'UIi aUlnlTunl. This r epont, whIc h Is listed 88 Bul- =-Life. every day are now published by prac- passIve except when II Is "perlurbed" tlcally every cIvilized nall o n. and al'D by so nle plan et's equ inox; that m ists lelln No . 243 amon g tbe Survey's pul!accessIble to ail , and all that Is n eeded Ilnd vallors nrc InJ ct·ted and Inrus ed Into 1Ioa(lons. Is lsaued for ·g ratulto us disto cure the most)mpllclt be lIef In alroft - th e s ll n by Mercury 's pe rt urbation to t ri bution. nac predictions tor a s ingl e seaso n wIth form mi sts and s le et. on the earth ; and Sometbl n g New In Monuments. th e actual occurrences as s hown by that duri ng tbe So-called "Jupiter pcrlA lthollgh most or the g reat military those maps. Consillcllous Ins lances of od" the carrying capacity of tbe earth's ~~slstiJl'lg of baths flillure, sucb as ' tbose of the artificia l atmosphere becomes di sordered nnd Rnd n'aval achle,.e llle nls of the world rain makers, who a decade ago ' were ,!,eallenecl, so t ha t It cannot (ransllort have been perpetuRtel) In marble ,anti glvnn tbe fullest o llllOrtunlty to t est and a ud diITuse humidity. th er eby causing bron.e. It has remained for Japan. the exploit t heir th eori es. or th e colorless consuming droughts In places and de- Fprightllest youngster In th e family r esults oC the extensive caroPllign uf structlve cloudbursts In other localities. N nations , to b.rp.ak I he bonds of t n.bombardment as a protectio n agaln~t One who actually helle,'u that kind or dltloll, commenls l he Kansas Ci ty hall. wblch has been condu cted ror s ev- ahsurdlty 15 really beyond the reacb of Journal. Japan proposeR to erect an era! yea rs In sOll ther n Eurol.e, do not . Influe nce by ev idence and argument. enormous lighthouse In bonor of Togo convince l h e ~redulous . Tbey do serve, Tbe bare statement or Bucb proposit ions and his v ictories. This tribute to Ule man wbo saved his couotry In the however, to Illustrat e t h e "confusI on of Is a s utllc lent refutallon . tongues" among tbe prop bets of these I Planetary weather fo reeaets are too g r eatl'l3t naval ballle of moder n Umes Jatter da)'s, who bombard tbe sk ies to f8l'-tetched to be pracllcaule. The will be built on Oklno Island . In the precIpitate s torms and bombard, tbe Ilrop hets In that lin e work al the " 'rong sea of ·.Japan, and ItB IIgbt will show clouds to dissipate th em. Government e nd of t he problem . Wben there Is a for 80 miles In all di rectio ns. practical· lIleteorologlsts are n ot alone In the de -I lli t ie mo re Ihan th~ IIs1I8 1 d~gree ot heat Iy coveri n g the entire scene of the bat· nunclation of lh e fallacies , absurdities o r storm iness tb ey pee r Inlo the nebu- tie It commemorates . . What a s plendId Olnt~ and perniciOUS etrorts of so-call ed long- l iar spa ces to see what caused th e dis- l<1ea tb ls Is and how cbaracterlstlc of range forecasts . Prof ..... oung, pr oba b ly I tnrbance on th e ear lh . a nti Ihen allege the llfscllcal and unemotional Japanthe foremosl AmerIcan . ast ronomer, that It was done by Jupit er , or was th e ese and how sYl11bollcal or the ir Se ntimentally 'n othlns spealii ng of lunar Inflller.ces, points out magllgn work of Saturn, whlrh III t he ir aw~kenlng. that tbe freqnecy of tbe moon' s chang(~ phil osophy call ses ejlltlenl r" a nd Il es- co uld be more appropriate or harmon Is so great t hat It I~ a lways easy to tlnd U1entlal cont aglou" d iseases. POSS ibly, Ious with th e histor ic In cident It will In stan ceR by which to verity a beller ' ·also. th ey mol' In t lmedlRrove r Ihat It ,u ' r ecsll than !>uch u lIa:;hthouse standing When bu~g loo!le coft'ee or anything your grocer happens that c hanges of the moon contro l condl- due to Satur nl sn potency that we have a s a sentinel g r Im aglllnHt the entlons of the eart h. A change of tbe rin gs and combin es In human aITalrs. croachments of a h ereditar y en emy. to have in hIS bin, t110W do you know what ·y ou are I t will se rv'e th e purpose of 811 imposmoon necessarily occurs about once a Why not? getting" Somo queer stories about coffee that ill Bold in bulk, A Slagle Set, coatlor but Oa& week. All changes of tbe wea th er m-ust., Tbe libraries of the United Statctl Ing and ueaullful monument . but Itl oould be told. i1 the people who hu.ndle it (grocors), cllTed to b often .Ufflcknt to Cate the mOIl torlUl'o t he refore. or.cur within three and three- weath er bureau co ntain the subs tan ce utility will ue Its bes t teatllre. apeak out. dIatiprUtr aida, 1C&Ip, and bloocI fourths daYJl of a change of tbe Dl()on . and much of t.b e detail of all that Is Could any amoun t of mero talk have perauaded millions of human, ccum.u, tuba, ~~ aad ' . and on e-bait of all changes ought to oc- known of weather wisdom . ancient and Custom Now Dead. Irtltatiom. with ' - of hair, &om lmaaq hou8ekeepers to use cur wit hln 46 ' hours of a t han ge In tbe modern. anel tlte sl'ientlsts ot t hi s buA curio us custom on,'e In vogue at tb~ to aac. whm aU elK fdl.. 8014 'b.....l1... tho w.rl4. C._IIoe.. 1k. Ollltmoo n. even It there wc.r e no cas ual con- reau cerlalnly a re familia r wltb th e l'tI- cour t of tbe kings or EnglAn<1 was endecl Jlt. '9C-t R,uolnat, lOt. (Ia fOnD -" C'boCoJ...., Coat" II,~. P!.!' d&1 of to) . Dtpottt LoJMlcm.. " Ch&" __ n ectlon whatever. Now. It r equ ires only sence of thI s know.ledge. Those who by tbe Qulcl, temper o f KIng Geor ge 11 . OUM Sq., h rl... Iba. delaPd.a1lJ_a_, 1:trC.l. . . . . the leader 01 aiD package coffees (or over a quarter a very .lIgh_t predispos it ion In favo r or are In a posilion \0 know ar~ ",el1lLw .. re lt was ancl entl)' tbe cus tom of a n officer A:;" ~1';J,'f~~nJ.':o~b~:-&.~J)........ of a century, if they had. n ot founcfit superior to all oth er braJlus in a belief In th e I' ITec ll vene ~s ot t n e tbat every possible eITort Is belns made ot tbe court to attend t h e r oy al banquet Jlwaqrt uOlillaluq ........ moon's changea to make one forget a to extend o ur knowledge of the 18"'B that on the e\'elling of As h Wellnes da), and PurIty, Strength, Flavor and VDllormlty? few or t he changes that o'c ellr too far co ntrol weather conditions and lIIean- to crow like a roo~t er . The ex hlbltlol) "... pa.-a- _ '•• UOH COFl'lZ fron:' tile proJlCr time. CoIn cidence while to g ive to those who are vItally WIIS meaDt to remhld the r evelers of tbe .a.. -_ . ._ . .__..... _crlL _ I. -...a. 01 aull . . . .Dcr. _ enollg b can eas ily be found tu jusUfy concerned the most truBtworthy Infor- blr<1 whose crowing called back · Peter. preexl8tent beli ef. " maUon obtainabl e . It 18 a matt(lr ot But George. newly come f rom Germany ...... _ Iller . . . paplllar11J". Unq uestionably t here 18 II. gelleral fie- common experience tbat lit e Dotable wb en he nrst w itnessed tbe performU tile 'VU'IIIet ot MD'IONS OF ~Ire for nn exte ns ion of ' the ran ge of success of som e commercial article ot ance, knew nothing of what It was In· BOVSEKEEP£IlS d _ DO' _D~ee foreclUlts to cover the n eal' future. and. m erit IB lIure to fl ood the market wllh tended t", signify. Tbe otllcer stood up, ".,801 tile merits 01 UON COFnE. . If possible. the coming 8easo n, If some s purio us goods of tbe s Broe clue. which oraned his neck and crowed ten limes I. -.ta >,08 Ito. • lIrIOe to blQ" • exptor er In m eteo rology ILncl astronomy un~crupuloua vendors spread before th e wi t h all hIs mlgbt. The prince, think sh~u ld d iscover some tunda1ne qtal law. ~lldl~crl!Dl,!aung puhllc. The ryLpld Ing tb at BOrne Insult W&8 meant, leapell paekag.. It .. tbe e."est WII)' to hll,berto II nknow n. whereby he CQu,ld Ilc- strides Of ..tHe Unlt e<l States weather angrily frow h is chair and would not ~~ee " . , _... _d to make curate1y calcu late the Ume ot arrh'al. hureau . ln recent years' toward papular be appeased, The · performance 11'11& >,08 • PERMANENT PI1IlCIIASEIL lh e force and pat.hway of sto rms lor 1 tavor through tbe widespread dlseem- Dever repeated . • LION COFFEE II ial4 onl], In lIb. AO.Olcd pack .... aDd rudie. 10\1 U pure amJ,-clclW AI ,,'b~D f\ Jet& QUI wet!lk8 aDd montbs!n ad"ance. and cou ld Inatlon of tbe forecastll-a eervlce made f Ktory. . 11'l1;l'1I tlie POOlllo of 'future floods .or possible largely by the pbenomenal Aged WOIllAD a Wcirk~r_ L1oJ>obtad no .'.' 1 paclllll"o . ... theoe L1uu-bee<!o fa. valDa'bl. premll1lDL draughts In defined 10callUes, h e would sprelld of,the telepbone and tbe develop-. ¥MI. E mma Ranslow Allen, of Swanlit Olice tslte rank as II'e greatest Bclen- ment of t h e rural deHyer)' le"l_ha8 ton. Vt.. h a~ joined the Woman 's R\ltlst Of the world.!'u ',hen If he would apparently give n a nc1l' Impetu. to UII- lief' Corps at Lbe age of 96. She 1& Tev~Jll t he t.flr.rBl o f nls dlBcovery for Bclentlne, nol to lay unlCfupuloUII, toregrandniece 'Of Sainuer Hopl;lns, «1M WOOLSON ~IOE 00_, 'XoledG, Ohio. the bel1Cfit of future generations, h e casta. baaed upon some Illeary of t1cl.. of tlae slaner. of the DeclaraUon 01 IllWOUld b, U the ~telt of or of plaDetary CODtni~ 1IIlH1Ddenc.e.










Complete External and


Internal Treatment


Bears lb.




OYer nJrty Yllrt n. Kind You Hlft Alwar. 8augbt




ConvleUOD FoDows Tlial

to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales! and soften the thickenCCl cuticle; CUTICURA ment to instantly allay Itching, irritation, and Inflammation and soothe and heal; and CUTICURA Pills to cool and cleanse the blood. Dorrar.


Uon CoHee,




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frequent <.ie " re to •. 1 V P:,S!) 11 Or ~ n," in I . , ~ .--.-- Ihe ba c k I~ .. Is v co" v;nc lll !: pr ~o f ' h21 the kidney s and 'blad. - , ..,

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ilt''' !" " • L a lX l: s t F lag,,', 11, , · 1 '1' '' .I. ' ~ 11 ,~. l " , 1 I Whal to Do, • There Is c om fo rt III the know ledge s o ,·,.J. ~cor eH of wo u,I ol'1'1l 1 111(:l t'l\''' < in till! \\0' 01'1<.1. ( . I' WI ! I: ., ·r " , TI' (' UhU I" ' I' ollen c'pre:tsed. ,hat Dr. Kilmer' , Swamp- ' br fl Ihro wu upo u CU O\·,I " . tl P Jlw t tn ~ Rocl . .'h e ereat k id ney r¢m edy fulfi lls every ' th o lloautie~ our! ~uuli lll i t i es of th c hlr, A(!01 la '1 ,·C'm1l1~. ,)f Park.,I'. Cut u l'I'h Cll nn o t be CUI'e d . ;~~\: : :d un ng, . r he ub:n addtis m . pain In Ihe ; ". nel S. 'ver. 13 er and e very pa rt 1 t r r lJ lt· t·ly o f \\•UVU05 Vllk. ' It .I Ic'(·u lu PJ1 II (':111. " U9. 0 , th ey 1'11 1,1" , of -:he Y PI\ OWlltOlltl Na t lOo nl P n r k 1ll W y Co10rll to, crin3ry 1X'S;)age . Ir co rrecl. ln ablli ty : om iug ho~ 91' ul. till' (jute tt tl (I pil: tUI'lI o f : ' ~" I 1"'III ·.IJ t!t " H 'n t o f Ih e lh!l6ot S<' . 10 bold wa ter ~ l1d sca lding pai n i n passI ng tll I I AlllP I' lrll ll fl . I I ( 1II 1lrt' ll ls u 1.10(111 n ru Cl)os litut.lollol It .. or b.d effeCIS fo llowi n g use o f liquor, I The sll ow begiD~ \\, Itll nll)\'l ug I urg-nH ug 10 10 ' 11 ~ p " , ,,. li nd ill n l'llt'r t o .cnre it von W !" ~ 0 ' beer . a lld overcomes th. , unple asanl piotur e ~. preson t ed by m flnR O'f tl 16 1 \\' 0 1'1' 1. 11111:' \ r :l~" i l1 lr rl ll,ll'c ' " i(' H ~ 1l s ~¢".~.',:li h of _be,ne . com pelled to go ofl en uiogrnph. ODcsel'H bi'" ~ ta ge l \(ld ~ '1 Th o flil l! \\' n ~ LU . "h, t , ' bl· ll!"'<l ll llI · " ,, 11 1'1\' t ' I1 I" ' I" l:l l;"lI lu l " I'u" ll ,' ~u l" '6~. : d_y,. a na~o e el .up ma ny li me!! e'" .' Cl ~. L I I ~ Inc :11;1',,', Tne m ilJ ii. nd. th e ev tr ol stlrtlng from t h o ru il l'ollu s tat w u iu g I ltp n . A . R.. En('u m p tJl f' lll. w h ich " I ' I IIII· t~ l11 r " (" lr " " Ih .· b l,,"tlll :!l1 ~rci''' lr/ c:f,'c! vf Swamp -Root !, '~o o n ut Un rdn er. Wy om in g, for a r irl !' I ig t n h li pId Ilt D ,' 1l vc l' th is 1'1l 1f. 'IHle\l ll ~ ~ U l' f,, ('''~ . lIall '~ Cutul'I'li ,,~: .~"c. :: SI:'I1~ I~e Idi(he; t f r itS won. j I . f ' ! Il l' t! I:; Ut l ! Il q uu( !k IU Af li (· iu ....•. it L · ~t.:: c ure," c f .h,e r::,"St d l ~t rc !:sl n g cases . t hrougbtbevlIstn nt l1ral purk . '!.'lttl t IS II :, oot III lr' lI g t h . fl,') rei·lill '.\' '' ~ 1 /lf'~ ~ I'lI " ',l l /y" tl l! 1,1' t h" 1,, ';;1 Ilj·oU:1cc a.,: "cJ: c, " c YGu.:hou ldh:,vc lhe ride occu pies fiv o nn.l u 11Ulf .ln y >! , I width , ~turs 2 fu !',f n r ,· t'~~ . Rlril)(' . ! I' h~' - ' ('j " u ~ III Ih i" cou utl' \, COl' \' I'U\·:\ Le ... S·•. J L; cII·E:ei.1;::1 EJJ~ . an' ~1. tlze~ . . wi t h stons ove r lI i~ ht n l ~o v era l l foot t wo I U l'h n~ III wHlth O tl U " II I is " r p ~ n l"r IH, ·SCr1 p·LI OU . • I t' ill I You In:')' ha ve " samp le bOil Ie of thl. .. 1 f """1\I,,,,'d of IIH' h,.,, 1 1011 if'" \1110\\' .' \' won de rful d, oco\'c hu~e iuup. one o f w h lf' h i:\ th o O ld I IIOlI SII 111 ' H'" 1! 1I llclretl 11" .1 fif t y , .••/1 . 1" 1: "<'1 \\' i lll ti l(' IJI' s t. I:l n I an d a beok Iha l FllItbful lun, hui It l!.tl IiI'ely of log p, .I' U1'11,; ,I I "\lII Ll lI g \\, { . )' I' us'," 111 111 11 k . " {1 { ptlll mo re abot11 II. both 11 " 1'". nrl ' UI! ,lIre" II\, 'Ill thl' ..11l eOUK absolulel y free by mall This hotel ill UOl\r th o famous 0111 lu g ii , u ".1 ' I h, \ Illig w!'ig h ;; ·If.ll .1\ rf II' H 1'uo 11f·.I· fpet P tl Ul hlOlI li o u .dJress 01'. K li mer &. n"OIO01 6......1>11001. Fllithful geyser . Tile moving p ie . pounlt s . " f th o 1.\\'0 111l{ rt·,it ll u t S 1H W!Ju l pr o. Co" 8I n eh a m l ~ n. N. Y. Whenw rllingmen. tUTes show also the U nited Stnl e N • - -d ll Ct'S ~ ueh w o nu.'l'fu l I'c:< III t" in CUI' . lion readlnE' Ihls generou s off e r tn thI s paper . TI lu ' " ' bell you wu n l Il p 1C1l 800 t. lax u· l ug m tm'l'u . Se nil for t e~ ti ruo\)iul s . D,1I1't Ulllk ~! uuy wistllko hut r oo troops In m otiou . lese. Sf w rs (h'" I hn t i~ (Jill'" t o Illk e IlOtI ce rtain I~ .J . Che oey ~ Col . ~1'01:: . Tul,·d ,). 1IIf'!t1 b., 1' t he !lit m i', Ht\'11 mp i~oot, DI'. police the big park . 8everlll gey · Itl IIet. nRO C h timlJc l'lllill 's !:5 t om orh ~,o l :l,b v U~ugg1 ~tS . 11I; ,co " ' c . . K ' l 'll er'sl::iwIlUl)J ro ,to nod the all. !lers are shown in a ot.iou, jU3t 11 " 11 0 ,1 Li n ' ]' lul.. lt' tH. I?ol' snl \! hy ) " k L Hu ll ~ FtllDll y I llb f o l' O J\J ~ tl · (I re ~s. l3iO t; lJuwt.ou,~ . Y ., OU u\,C \' y they appear to tho spectntor 0 11 t IJ u L (lUi ~ hJ ll~· . putll10 lIott.le .

cotu fortubl n OJlI ' l'Il t:1J,,1I' ,





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Wuynosvillo', Lollilins

350::. Omce lultej.· UUU4iDt . · •. ,~laIllBtrcct I E'E M,duN l '\U~, UOllle T ' 0' !Sp ectucles· .." tted ut r c prIces, • . 4il,


Mils.. CECelIA STOW!:. (, 11;

Ulu b.

17U Warrell A.cllile. ILl.. , Oct. 22. 1902. I,'or Dearly four 'I' 1 suffered from ovariall t roubl es. The doctor iusislcu on all olJ('ration ae the ouly way to l!d ",elf. ) , however, • trongly OlJj l'Ctetl 10 all operat ion . C UI C.\ UO ,

My hU9lJUoJ fell dishcnrwoeu 118 '\'J!1l I1S I, for h OUlO willi n aick \VOUlJUl is tL di 8Cl)IIsolnW pisco at beet. A fd~ lld l y dru gg i,t lluvil4!J .hiw to get B bottle of Wino of Cardui fot 01 0 to try. lUld be did so. I begao to illl lJrOVe III n few dllYll ond my recovery was ve ry rap iJ . \Vitb· i11 eight.eeu ~~ce k. I was allother Ldllg.

~Pt~ MrI . Stowe'. lelkr IUOWI e"ery womau how a hOlllo il Baddened IIv f~WAlt wee.kues Il.\ld how(X)wpletely Wine lif ClU'dlli cure. that aick· ill' S' and. hring s health IWd hllllJ,li . ~ 'CB' III/UlO . Do lIot BO ou 8uller· Ing. Go to ,YQur .lrU!llli8t today !lllll BCCurc II '1.00 bott ll.1 of Wille of ()nrdui,





Y our L i f e C urrent.

O m tor. E:llt r.J


Ou.y tou, Ohio.







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\I··' U I ll .·, \\"'f' l ' " .:,. tr" " h h Id k l." II ' U Ill l" Thousands :Hav e Kiducy T:outJ e 'l ' 1('!:"1O: \\'.,~ " u lire ,.1 ., : J •• t, I' .' I;.. ll IJ J r'd ~ \' O ' LUtl flll' and D oo ' t Know it. .. , . ' . I i ,' ""i '.'~d l 'J I ", ,11 " I ~ 1. ( L illi I 's lI i !.1 -' I' l H "'/ Uo! iu " " !"Il pl ., Ct· g t u nOWTO~ ·OUI . - ~~-~- - . .... - - ' .. - '.. - - .1:"'·I·'.·Ju.l'w,l I,'I " · IJll , r ~lr . l. ll . l,l.·!':h " "' :: .l f f t ~ 1 F l\l a bolll~ crcvm m on gl a ' w ilhyo ur W f; \));I ~'> 1 " v , , · , \ I ' I I . . , . all d twe: nty ·fou rh ours; a ' • ' 'Y !:lIl U~ 1 1.l t ' l!ri \ \ .I .:'-' I IU 1, l1 l , l ut r IO " \,, ' . .\ 1 ii ' \r. ttf tl u \ l U ~\.' Hl w ~ I er ;. n d e t ust - - -- - - - -

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The power t hat g ives yo u life an d mo tio n ia th e n c rve fo re , o r lI en ' c nd J , l,) ca t ed in the nerve eells of t h e u rai ll, allU ;Cl1t a li t throlls il t he and backaches. Ih.Jl lJ " rve~ to Ille: va rious oJ'f; alls. tlre<l fee ling-. allse nce of If YOll arc tircd, 11CfV O US, ap pc!lte . a nd· e" tre nt~ u c rvou ~ ues s th a t ~o irr itJGl c, ( :WIl Ot sleep: 11:.1v(' fre q uently a ffl ict you . h eadache, feci s lu iTy, dull and meau tha t you :1 11) m ei:1.ncho 1y. or h avc neuralg ia . bil ioU A. rh eu mati sm, bJc\'ache, p eri- I Dil iollsness is caused by, 1I blld ly <l isol'der d or ioactlvo liver. odical pains, indigcsl ion, dys· pepsiJ , stomach tro uble, or th e kidn eys a nd li ver are in active, your life-c urrent is weak . I (L ....' ...... " Power·producing fue l is needed : somet hing to inc rease nerve ('n e rg-y-stre ngthen the nerv es. acts instan tly lIod cft'cctively oo the liver Dr. Mi les' Restorativc Ncr· - reinvigorates an ti strengthens it 8114 vine is the fuel you need. It restores it to perfect cooditiou. The reluarkable virtue of th is, wonde,. f eeds the nerv es, produ ces nerve flIl remedy Ita~ been demonstrated III for ce. and r estores vita lity. thousands of instllOces, aud it will work

I Dr. Cald~';ll's Syrup Pepsin

" IVh on 1 bumin t, k lnr:- Dr. Mil os'

won<lers in cleansing and settIng your whole system aright. Its good effects lire ,ermaneot. DR .CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN . can lie obtained in both dollar and balfdollar slaes from all drug-gl s l • . Your money will lie N funded if It dDes 1101 benefit you . i.-

nC~ lt) r atl'·o N (;r\'l uo ulHI Anti- Pa in Pills r w a s con fi ned t o my b cd , I La d SOYCI' I.! n CI' \ 'Oll S Slfcl hJ, the r{'sult of 1,.W O >'cn r s 11I 1ws:i w it h m a lur lll, I ,.; ra d l1 all y g r\.- w so w, a J< t ha t 1 wa g l!nu.Ll c t o s i t uv. r1'l1o 8\1(:.119 would CO Ul IjICIH!C w J t 11 c(Jhl h i ls , &lnd [ wu u ld Oc l' Oll h ' w (\.a \, n od n lm o!: t h ell)Ie!)! . M y I.:lr c u lat lo n WU9 p oor, I 11 3..1 dOClOr('d rl~ht a l one but s rew

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s' l.' J1lcJ t o p" trc n l-! lh e n m tl rJ g ht uwn y ulul m y ("' l r c ul alJ on w a s b tH t t T, 1 ha.vG t tt k cn III II s e ve n \J ott l 3 o r lho N Or\·I,, " . n nil t r::l ~ ~fl r~l v won ." R OSA El. WEAVER, Stullrts. I ...

VO... pOlloI card "q..... ,.HI brlDl. b" ...... mall our Dc-.!>ooklol. "bit. CALDWKLI..S !lOOK OF WONDERS" _od tree '.",PIe I.

th OSd who have n ••er tiled 'btl WO ~ nllleoJr. Wrile l ad.)'. .

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Dr. Mil., ' Nervln. I. so ld by

~~~P'l:~~tl : ~v~ t IW~~ng~:,r. ~:cIOt ~~rl~, t~: w i ll refu nd

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.HtI...... 'U)n ... .

Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind

For fa'. lJy J

. Janney







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WE only TWO clelll'anCe sa~es a year-July and August.; and January ud Feb~uu,;~when we tal(e every piece of clothing in our parlors and give bona fide reductions th~t cannot b~ equa..led in this country. In our show windows and c& we display samples of hand· made Men's and Young Men's Swell Suits and Trousers. and Separate Tl·ousers. with prices at which they were sold and what we sell them for during our Clearance' Sale. ou,. blue .nd "".."."".. are included in this; ,,,, ....., ••,

clearance ••/e olour hlstor,.

Our Prices for This Clearance Sale on Swell Suits and C~ats and trousers. All of our $12.60 Suits and Coats and Pants, noW • • • • " • All of our 515.00 Suits and Coat s and Pants. now • • • • • •

S.7.50 110.00

Our Trouser Department All of our 53.50 Trousers now • •

All of our.Sl7 .50 Suits and O'o ats anD Pants, now • • • • •

'" 820.00 . All of our Suits and Coats and Pants, now • • • • •

·S12.·50 · $15.00 i;



is Full of Snappy 'Peg. Top, Cuff Bottom. and WorSteds that are good and up-to· date. Our prices for this Cleatance Sale


____________. a__________________,. .____________. .__. . . . . . . .

And relnembet


No ma-tter what priced garment you buy froln us it is kept in repair for two (2) years free of charge. This includes new linings. new buttons, button holes reworked. cleaning. pressing and sponging as often as desired. We deliver all repair work to your homes free of charge.

isfit Clothing Parlors NO. II EAST FIFTH STREET--Near Main.



.. ,. !

Warr en Coun ty Cour ts. }i~W


Lulu Loug V8 Jawes P . Long Parties were warried at Fosters In Septem ber, lS~'" and there lire tw o livilig cbildrtl n. Since Octobtl r 10. 11100, defend ant ho~ been wilfully abseut. Plllintit f prays to be di vorced, asks reutlo nlLble IIlimon y utd c ustody of childron . Rnnya n lind ctonloy , attoruo y" fOl' plaintlf i' COUR), I' RoqEE DIN OS

Jobn M. Mulford V rl Willitnn A. Cu1 omon. Clu l'D. G. Collz trllld, pa r ty dlJftlndltnt li nd luave b rtlllttl>i h e r to fil e Itn IInswer in act ion set ti ng up h e r m ortgtlge Interes t.. Emerso n Mil son vs e b a rl es Brown g uunlilLn . Dpmul' re"l" tothird grouml of defonRe in th e onswer is 9uaw'in ed and defenda nt grant,ed lenve t o file an IIwenlle ll pleadin g in 30 dny" Th o St . Bernord L," "n nml Bui h! iug Associll tl oll V9 M. •T. Hntohifioll Gtlol'ce A. Bnrr. T. E . I\"ill ~ IlUd F P . Hutchi nson . A findin g of fo c t~ In t.h i!! ca se Itl mad ~ by tbe C~IlI ' ill wblch tlJU ph illtlft· iK I-(rllnteu ju,l gtl llt en t. (or 1i'210. 7S. Exce ption, by ,! ehmd,lnL .

,John ~Ic C tJr( y. lum ber, ceo IObit uary of ,'If m e u t, Hc ......... ........... .. . . 1 ·~ OG . , Lebau on Gas Co., gas at jliil ~ 3 ~5 Mi ss Brow n. J ohn :l.l cCu rt,y. contrlle t 11; T he funeml of Mi 6~ 10111 bullll un d 17 .... .. .. .. .. ... ..... .. . " .. .. 20 2~ 5 00 Brown , wbose d eath "'liS m entione d Bot" bs Merril l Co., IIIW book~ Bert Ro ' d , brid!;o re]JUir:; .. . HI 50 ID t be Gttzette of Itl t week. took place Tbursdl iY IIftel'no ou •.l oly 13, M. H. OswaJcl . burililo f JII· W 00 1\) 05, Ilt l\()r late hom e on Tbil'd cob Tind a ll.. " .. .. .... .. ..... .. \ ~t, r tlt, co nduc ted by h er pa : tor, the /,o!tLry E . HnrsY. burial of "\1J . raUl Qeyel' .. .. .. .. : .......... .. .. :;0 00 . Rev. J . F. CUUWII lIu dtll', "ssi~ttld b..,u t bl' Rev. Philip Tro u t. of the ~1. E Wtl~tl' rlll:>lnl' ,pub1ihhing Vun chul"ch . lind wll ~ utt.f'l.1d ed by II Itll"[:tl CUIIlP I'on,\ notlc,> .... , .. ..... o 00 lIulIlbor of fripn d8 wh o wer e iltrl'll.rj rrn "to e~ of l'uu lk ,\ nlliJ'~, tii tH:ere llI tl UrtJ(~ I'H of our1 wh o",. light iu .i ldl ........ .... .... .. .. . 1 M >lllciuty ILIlU hospil,d iLy 1I 111111d IIIII lI y I l'rm.tlJe:\ of Pll1J1 k ,\ ITair ~ . J i~ ht

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o i l' ulJl1 c' AIl':li I'M. Ii G3 wo te r ul eu urt hUlIst! ,I ohn~on tI 11 ,1 \Va l ")I, . I in d ex t o Ul ol'tg"l5e '...... .. .. .. :I:, 'em Plun" . s ]le('i ficat inlls "11 '\' estilJlut e ior t" l1 ilt]in~ r"'(lIinin g \~ulls. J'luling riprnp and fillin g rand neRr r e~ i · llencn of .1. Ridil1lJer in Deerfi eld to"ll' n ~h i p wer l' 1\ p~ JI'Uve l! II tJd co u· tru el let 10 Y . .1. 7. entllllly cr tit t be estimut e $:,9 .•• :, .

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~Jr c: , I wulluu~ r nmu th" foJl luw

I11 tl moi r : DUl'iDel r.he mOrulDR ", .. te b of Monduy . Jul5' 10 , l U05 , lit the Berk. ~ hire Hill ~ Sun itoriurn , N orth All · ams, Mussac lm,;eu s, the til'etl hen rI of JS !l1J~ l l a Brown cf!osed to beat, ontl Il er snnl r eturned 10 G od wbo I DE

gn \'e II .



T he dc cpaseJ 10vl'1 IH.,. R ICI ·I v ind eed lJll\'u the ra vage:! of lli.;euse been con tosted wltb such tleterm in . / lilian 11m! resistun ce liS \\'ttS m uu c bv tue on(' just gon e. R t'B" I\' (',I, it pos3i ltle, lI ot t o d iD of tln nc pr, Hue ...... ...... ...... .~...... ...... ...... ..--.... ...... ...... . 4 wog <'tl II long: nnll (' o urug" o u ~ Wtll" · fU I"(, lI :;lI ill~i th ot I11U1iH\Y Ih at nt I n~ t proverl victor. Tw ice in thl' SlIl1i t or iullI whero ~he dieu: und OIlCP I! lqcw hr re ' fol" trelltme n t, Rh e !'Iparp,l hll ..-e heen new l.\' rel1tt e'\ thro ng hollt nnd Ill! llIa chin el'Y is now r un by h or Rol f nei th or su fr ll ring n or e x p'JI1 ~ r' ~ team )l0\\" 01'. IIlhw il1 r, lh,~ m ill tn \\"01' 1; to Its rnll e,npilOity. lllll! sneril1 ced home UIllI f ri ends. if on ly bh e llIi/{ht. fiuII n enl'l·. Out II . All kitH1 s o1f nonr IITHl r"('11 n n h~l1l! ti t 11 11 t illl es. Ask yo uI' H Iv, h [lr P owe r nrti oreli o t he l'\\,i _(', <Ioul el' fut' A ( 'IIII' Fl o ll r . I r yo n 1I,'e '] i B ~ 'I isHed /lnl! totl uy I.ho fou r :ve A r~ hut,tl c i" t~illt \\'Iwt yUllll t'O ll ~ j n !-; tl',\' IllI o,1l will enderl , lint.! tho p Ai n rll ckel1 botly is

BENT H ER DUUB LE . " I I(I) "\~ no nn,' fo1' fOll r weel,F , wh"11 J \\'n< ~i"I; wi lh l.\'ph oifllll lOl I;itln,,,, t I" nll h1,'," writcR M r Ho AllBi" Htill t.:'I·. of l'il t.~u ll r!l'. ]>n. , "ulltl I'ROB .\TIi: unURT. \~h ell 1 ~o t. 1"'\101". IL lt h oUl;(h I h",1 E 3tnte of .Tawes L . Brown , tie " ne of th e l",st doctorA I co nld get, oeosed . Willard .T. WriglJt nppoi nt [wu~ l'(,lIt ,I ntlble 1I1Il1 hu,1 t" rest. al y h ' 1II11~ on :V kn"p~ \~ hAil 1 ell exoc ut or with bond of 'liOO. W wnlkpi l. From 1lI th ip t prrible !l lllic· T . ThoDlpsol1, R. Wilds Gilcbri st lion I wn ~ ,,"st:t1(',\ b\' F.lec:tri " Bit· lel'~ . wh irb re ~ tr' r f", 1 ; n1' h(',dth 1111,1 anu Jum os F ollel1, u)lprlli sers , ., tr,·nlol th , nnrl IInw I ~' Il n WIllie 01< Estate of tJeo rgo F. Fe nll ), ,10 Mrnigh t Il ~ "\'('1' . T h., y III''' Rimply oeasod'. In ventory nll(1 0 p pre i ~ o ,,"<l llllr'l·fu l." nU~l'fil\le",1 t o c nre ~ tlllllli f" I ,. It vltr II nd kitln oy uiHorl l p r ~ ; went fil ell. . Eatsto of George tJ. Fenney , UE· at. r.() ll i~ Mny's ,lrl1g' st. ore ; pri ee r, oc 11 t I' e sl. cORsed. ~ale bill fJ lod. = 'l'h e (ltlught er of Is ra el utHI Mar, Estate of Cutherl ne r;/allaho r, de. yOLl! ' G. Drown, I.a hellll WIIS horu 1\ t t ho ceosed . Invento ry oUll IIPl'fllis n ,-,1,1 nl1 Cp.Rtrlll ItOtl1 e~teo(\ in Clpu r . Gn~ mon t filed . cree k I.O\\"I1Sh lP, iV.lrr cn con n t,y. F..state of 1 N . Dunn, deoensr d . 0111 ", :) r,tl i o f Sc('om\ m ontlt, 1 ' 11 Invento ry and upprais em cnt fil ed W ith Ilt n excepti on of t wo yc;;rl' spent In re will Laton M. Wllrric k, ·tie in tl'Achin g in 1 I1illoi~, she 1) o· • ~ I:l livetl hor ceased. Appllcl ttion 10 IIdmit will en l ire life in and neur Wu y nc ~ \'ill e . to probate Bet for bearing July 10. In her <: h o~o n pr ofessio ll , tlt llt ot 1011. w . All materiu l IIl1d worlc gu ur unteel\ LOANS NEGOT I ATED . NO'r ARY ptJB LI. t cncbing , ~ h o WIlS pre em inpntl y Estate of Emily L. MoLane , winor . W o h a yc boye rR for {;oocl fn"m~ 11 [1(1 town "'nt'cess propol't t'ul. y lit 1111 timos. I:>prillg Vnll ey , Morrow , Firth accoun t for Bettlew ent Oled. Li st w i th us, we clln hel p Y' lll. Cent c r villp. d pr inghol"o lind e lse· In the watter of Charlos Wihjon . w he r e t. hl"ot1 ~ hol1t th o ~o onty hl'iug . Officll RoomH over P os t O!l1Cfl ill Sto·ops' Builllin g. Admitt ed to Ohio Hospita l for Epi. tlte scelHlR of her la1J or~ . .~~_ ~~~~~~...!"...!"...!" _~ ._~"!"'~ _~~_~_ !!'!_ leptlcs. ~ _!"!_~~ _~ _ -~_~ ..~!!'"!'~_!!'!_ ~ . _~~~~~~~~~ Th o III, clllll g htor of n fomily of Office uml Sho p. Fourth !;trent., In re will James Liddil , decesBod. I.'vo. !lbc f' nrv i ved her hrolher Al W a yn osville, Will admitte d to· probIl Lu. Inn , who dI ed tn I:>fl n .lo.lp, Ca lHor· D u ri n g th e Wn l' lIl SUnlIIlN' ti lOlllh~ it· is n ot n ece~8llry that, 'Phone No . 5. P . O. Box lOG nin, in Fah r u" the Estate of Jomes Lluuil, d ecea8ed ry of th e Ilresc n1 y COI". wome n of Ihe houFeh old Ahnul ll ~p(,1It1 lIla t: h tim a II!JOot til e hot cool: W . L. Dechan t Ilppoln ted eXLoCutor . . l:>uccum1,e J t o an nn ex pectod ,.to\·e, bcouuse uno cun huy hor o ~o IJIOllY Ihi ll g~ tlJo,t ~o to mnke goO() E. K. Snook, Jasper Johnso n and Good for Stoma o h Tl'oubl e a nd !lnd u·nwe lr.o me di.,OIlSP, tli ed fill' mOtils IIIl U whi r. h re qoiro 11 0 cookiug . ),I , J. Hutohi nton, ap¢ais eh. Constl patloll . fr om hom o Ilml fri e n l1~. yet. the " TO ho vo frE\s h fruit s lind vpg e tltbl(' ~, cn nnec! goorls. clr ipd bl'ef, Estate of Elizabe th B. Boel, de· "Cho m berln in 'sStolllR ch n nd LI v('r cl o~e o f hl'r lifo was 1I0t nil g lootll. n. lar l~e \·uriot ..) o f oa keR 11 11<1 ·l"n Ckor B. jrl1i ci'. pick les. cb eese. ete. ooased. First II.nd flnal accoun t for Tllblet~ IIn\'e done me 0 gl'eAt dell I He r one chi e f ex pr esgetl desire WIIS I Come in Rud t.ry 0 01' good~. of good ," IIllyS R. T o wn ~ . of fill t· gra Bettlem ent lied. sh o D1i gh t. Pllrvive Porwge, Onturto, Cunad" . " Bein g 10 re William Kelly, insane. Ad· It mild physic the Itfter effects are ber lJIoth er . THE CORNER GROCERY. Th e d ecenscd n en'r marri eLi . Luto mltted to .Asylum for hlllUle Ill. not un pI OIl!lIlut , nOli I ou n reooll1 · mend t hem to all who ,;offer trom ill life "he expresA ed hersel f ns p er. Day too. itomlto h disorde r. " For ~lil o by fect1y sn t.if;fieti 1\ DU contpll t wit.h Elitde of Mllry E. DIlVis, decease d , Louis Ma.y . her t1evotio i] to he r work amilJOlll e, Addltlo Dal bond of SlOOO filed by _ __ m oth e r nnd fr i e n u~. admiAta'rator; which bond is ap· Chan ge in Time of Train Cu [{'rAI~ s. In 18% !lh e wal; bnpt izml tlfIll con · proved . firm ed in th e Prcilesl unt Epi~C O)l:J11 IURRIAGII LlCII:N8E . Und er I~ lI e w ' 80h el\ul o in efrect chnrch find ulell Jl cO!llll1u lli ofl l1t., r' J08eph B. Parker nnd Lottie Gill, June 2f" 190" . 1 'I\S~ellger Iruins ovpr the ~1\ J nt~ . both of Kings Mills. Geo. W . ~he Penn ~ylv l\.lIia Lines loave Way . (n the Ilpftth of I ~n ho ll :l Brow lI CIlrey, J. P. t.h er e h ns gnl1 0 ont. froll! 11~ II verr ne~villo ~tutiOD itS foll ows : aEAL EIITAT& TaAIISJ"ltR8. For the Eust!l :54 a . til . ; :l :~ 7 JI . !'Ore und boautif nl life .. H r r 111111 · S ale ~ . ul int e lligenoe , he r f ~tn rl of in fo l'ml\' William 8. and Elizabe th W .. Lit· Itt.. ; Sunday onl., 10 :24 p . m. tIl' to Wo·llllc c L. Htlxter ; 33.84 F or W ost. 9 :02 /I. . m ; 6 :O~ p . ti on, h er I; ppn wit nn li charm of. monnor . mnun hrr m oot com pll llioll ' m . ; SllIuloy onl y 4 :5;' n . 01 . aOI1l8 10 aamUt on t~wnllbiv; 11. nl,l.', ntH1 W UIl fol' hel l' t h() .. d mirn.. Fm' porr ieul"r inform .. t.irm on tho Alfred AlfoDZO Linton to A@nell (ion /l lld e~ t p.A ltl (If nil wi th wh om Lawr.~ , . Cather ine Beoket t'ond Clifford !f.lch. s uhjeet npply to R E . Booth, , ~h () e:\ lIIe in con tnet.. Rh l' ~ ' II ;; f,)J lll Wnyn£'!'vil h-, O. mood Beoket t; 173 .48 IIcroB In uf h oI' fri"Il, I ~ ILIH\ t1e>h!:h t,etl ro btl " 11 l-;~ , Washln Bton townsh ip j 113,000 .60 :llld Cb eop SllOllne r ' T; ipg to V nri olls tht' IU Wi fh h p.r ,llll'l in h ('l )" h ~ lm f1 A. E. Altman and wife to J088pb dj,~pen~ ~(lll m ost ~ rHciom, 1 "'~jlit,"I · fi( lOS 'n III {uer ' 11 del'we:1l'. Poin ts via Penn~yl Vllllla Lincs. L. V~tl ; lot in Frankl in; f875. f(>1 ' Exc urs ion ti ckets \\'111 be lold '~ ta Pe n nsy}' it.\'. Enjoyin g lifo IlPrself . " he ,' aola Lines as (nllo",'! i O [~ Wm. n. Mooro Ilt al to William wonld h fLveotb p.rseujo~- it WIth h pr . J IS U1l.111lel IH C1" ell I , T o Den~~r . Colorado . Au g us l :?fI t o SrJ1tf~m Torry Bnd wife; 4 acres in Turtle· u.r~". M I h fi t l nclu.I \' •. • cc " u nIN.t\ o"" E"cnmp' I n nytw O \lr~ 1I1 , \\' ere ID ll l e 0 al'~, . Ul'nOYl~rS. creek t,own8h ip j fl. menl G. A, R. l>l e'L ~I\ nt Dull hal'pr h y h e l' Ii\'ing" To RloIlmODd . V , . emuer 9 . IOlh " n ~ ond hll.\' ing her hom~ in Arthur N. Ilnd Alico ),l. 8tod(lan 1 11Llt. our mid~t . nCCoullt Annual' Mec till., F a rmtu' Na' to EIIlI(>r E . Wilit,IIC rf' ; lot in ~lor · t I ) n3.1 Co n grc~:t . '1" P hl1 .l d -:o· {.hlo·, 1"' ;" . ~(> fJ \ (' ltl t'f' r 1 ".\11. 10 I ' UW j 82500. CHOL ERA 1NF ANTU M . Ulllt I: . u c .' unt fl ch1 1 " dI U'r'~' <I a rand L () d gl~. ;)C tl Chllrles IInrll r l' to IIl'Ll't in llllrller ; T ., ';I, 'lt.\I",o. n. T e llO .. :;"ptetnb lo\' c~. er Chtld 1 . j to not Expec t t' d to LIve from 2 Inc tu" h'c, .1 e : Ol1 :)t mC ,lt nl R{'unl 'l n , 13.3Slle res in W,lyno I.ownsh ip ; $1. 11. one Hour to Anoth er , but Ann h·.rsarr o f th" Uatll. of <.' hl c kama\l~ \ln. l' ~ llllllT lCl' Cured by ChBmb erlalll' s Oolic, For partl c u hH~ c nn~ult Tl clH'l Agt!"llt .. of Choler a. and Dia.rrb oetlRe medy P enn }iy h ' nn l a LlII (' ~. rapp el' S Comm ission ers' Ruth, tbe littl e dnught e r of E N . T o Portl J. Oll. On' ., J\1nc 1 t o O(' loue r );. tll . inc1 u81 t'c , aceOl! nt I .e wl ~ :lIId Cln r l: crntcn· n P.\\"ey of Agnewv lll l'. Va ., "'Il~ Re ri Proce eding s. nl3.1 £T llOR It Jo n , ou ~ !y ill of chole rn infnnt.l lm IORt. 'I'o R orue CIL Y. tntHa n:. , .Julv l ;;!.O Atlj1u s t RlImm er . " W e gav e h e r up II nel did 10. lll clu",l \'c . J.CCollllt l ~l autl Park A < m u l y . ~ll1s RlIowed July 10. not. ex pect he r t.o 1i\'0 fr om olle h elOr To Lnal s\'ll1r . I\:c ntuck\' . Ju l y :10 nnd :\1 , account No.tlollnl '\ .;..;o<.'1nll o ll o f ~to. tl una ry to nn oth er . " ho ~ ny 8 . . " 1 hnp penod Dayton Blank Book co., sup· t o think of Ch ul1lber ln in'lI Chole.rn . , plies for A udltor ...... ...... .. IG 05 "· nll llt~ l!rs. T o Por llantl . Ore p,o n, AU 6.l u~ t 1i'7 , ~ · O , 10 ' l'· colio and D i!l rrh l.E'~ R emeuy RIll\ g ot. I Valley 'TlIleph one Co. , rent 12,13, 14·H,.) U· ) 7,21)·30 anti :11 . IU'CClUIlLf 'fH\ ' n bot,t.l 0 of it from t he st oOl'. In I " cn tton cf KBUoual A8socla tlon or Letter five hOllr~ II"l and tolls ..... .... ....... .. .... ... . 14 95 car ..... 0 cblmge for Ih e I r lcnt; a lso for t.;ollca.te nnlod Orner ot hntter . . W e k ept au givin g it. and ""!'!'''''!'!'''''!'!'~_!'!..!'!..~...!''....!'!''''!'!''''_-_~~....!'!.'!"'''' _ Dougl u HolllDg liworth, oon· rloo Ttoo _ ~....!'!....!'!....!'!.'!"''''!'!..!'!..!''_~~~~~''''!'!'.~~~~""!,!,,,,,!,!,~~~!,,!!!~ tract No. 13 .... ,.......... ... . .. 99 50 1 n Ul"nv cr, f'o lofullo, A\l g u~ t 11 Lo ] :1. (n - boforc sh e hlld ta ken t,be hnl f of one . c lutlh 'e , acrount N:lliollal F'r3.\ <' rnn1 Onle r 0 1 " mull b ot.tlu sb o wus well . " This One Dollar . Saved Repfes ents Wolter Henkle , bridge worle 91 00 E.@ I••• rom ed y iR I' Of sale by Louis ~ny. Thll Dlo,Olo nll Cure. Ten Dollar!; E &. rned. Walter HeDkle , county work 20 00 To snn Fr~lld8 C(\. cnllfo rn la . A UgU!J\ 17 to . ~ • . tnclu"ive . Ol!COu tlt Intl!t'nnti u no.l co n ve n . Th e l ot(J~t. 0 W~ fr 0lli Plirls tl'l that .lft. V. Hankin son, lumber ... 19 95 tion. Societies ot the c hris tia n c.: hurcll The I1verng emnn O(l(,R n ot sa ;,o t.o tbey ho.vo d1liscover od 11 dtamon d Gen ernl e xceed ten )lc r "ent of hIS en rnm. ga. c ure for consllm T . E. Kee)or, service s to ptt' on If · t f .1 ' I 11 . Ii . H . emus , s penu ear nmo l 0 II r f' 1lI prlson61'1 ....... ........... ........ '. 2 00 OJUIAR8PRtN09-NIIlW DEALTR "lU g eon~Ulllption or )ln eumoni ayou it will REBORT ~xpen soH for eve ry doll'lr sa ved. h o \\'ever. he heAt for Orelon ia Bridge Co., ateel ATTRACTlNO Mucn ATTENTION. rhut beIn g tho C I\ ~O h o cllnnot he t oo t,llut grent r em edy Ulentiy oU' to tak~ Old Lino Reliabl e Comp!l nies carefoi beam bridge ........... .......... 274 24 Sprlnlls of wOllderfu l cUrBlh'e llbout Ullneces sn fY mcpeus es .! '1'. MeGee of Vau' lee Ton cd b ~y po .. er slm' . lin ~o tbe lamou s w.w:rs of Carlobnd Jre . • r, enn. 1Yha d' V e ry a ft eu IL f ew.ce'n t s proper I y tn· repreae W. H. An'nUD, Btampe d en· n ted. U .coll~h f OI" four tElllll y ea "ttraeUDC milD:>' lolbe tealtb nud plel18u re N th 1 ....... vestell , hkll . bUYlD I!( 10 ·soeil s reaor~ fo r hIS ing nel]led mo uutil I tookrO K O • 01 Cedar .eaebed by lbe Every policy has u. gUllran . garden "e.o..-. ........ ......... .......... ·PouOI1Iv &0Ia Lille.Sprlul" Vlll , New Parlo, O. 110' WIllSUV \l !loveral uollars fo B. Fred and Co., craab for r. p tlIon .ngs . IJout· New Discove. rv telaccolllJ llOdal1oo l Ire uuatr ..""ble m.n· t.ocd financia l bucking . . r ooullum Ia.y I11 t er ou. I t. I' S""h e same III uy. co ul{h R .... IInu ... ......... ()olds ......... whioh .... ... "00 acemen.. varied .0",..,..100 I. offered : ouL' j.II .. Prompt nttentlo n given to In g CIllLllIli c l'llItn 's coli n, e hollJfll llDd st.lmt. reliof nnd ' ',ff tet! gave I u·' door. nn thO unnls co ur LS and crOQuet 1I1wns T. C. 'Pattera on boardin g Dilll"rhw u R em edy . IJ; oos h! but It DOllt c aro ,: " OnAg" 0)° lodo?,. In Ibe Clubbous e wbOr. Ib ~r" all Is busines d A: J1Bkl"lll-," • s. .. · oen t ' d " b 0 t·tl diversity 01 amUlOmtllloll aod pme.. For ' tl 16 f ow . lind " un 1e q utc aure .8 , u.n , e a f '1 t III prllODel'll .......... ........... .... 117 50 ""rlleula for ' throat I At rs about fareo "Dd time of trnlna house often saves I~ d octor 's bill o f Leuis MIl Y's dru~n!t~:~¥ bl LNDO ' joe aDei Cot1 Co., Ice 4 SII "apply 10 .1I.".~ ".Illa or I'eonlylv p:i~e 50~ anla severa I dollars LID... . For sale by Mtty .. R'nd *1, gU !l rnnteed : Tritil bottle free ,Ial SaQJlIe J.JroD., bridle rep.lrs . 10 10 Valtey 'Phone 7'7. Wayne sville, 0 ,


Hav e Plum bing', Fitti ng, Hot Wate}' Heati ng Acct el yne Ljo·hti


done by hom e people



The Thos. ZeU Co. c. l.

HAWKE, Plumber.


C. M. BRO WN , Pro prie tor.

·STR.ETCHER S S 1.;')0 to 82. 00.

T h e Yen ' Best .


wond crful


]. 'S


Jlen " S . C II T


ales in Jlllv . 8 12 1-2

1 ,'. 1OC.


],;Je. 2;je fot' 25c

14-l- so ld in short. time

Fans , p. \{usl in C ntl e l'wca

Lnwn ,V Kimonos.


2 ;) and 50c

Co rsets. 50c ( 'alieo ' " ra.ppers

Hut~biscn ~

Gibney, Xenia Ohic.






The Miami 'UazeUe.

.wlll ma ke peoplo flay att ention , but he ~ ays he dots not II'lIn t to JoIn Ihe ctHlrch unUI he hns s,~e n all Ihe slg bts, ' a nti th en be wil l bwea r ulf rUI' good.' I-I e sa Id ' 0 mE' yesterda y , " Now , Hen · ner)', [ ho ye been to all I he plOlls 1l1ares wIth you. I he pO lle', re. l d c n (·~ . the catl1 · c'o l1:bA And SI. POIP r·s. where tll .. ~' pren"h fro nl 40 ,lI lTerent pl AceR. Rnd ma lte )' OU feo l lik e gl\'log up you r sIns. nud I ha ,'!! looked at car vi ng". and d~ro rl\t Ion •. nnel marh le·nn.1 j ewels, II nol .e~ 1I Ih e fo lly o r my waYE of li fe . ;In~ I Am ripe fo r a chun!!n. bll t b" fnl''' I gIve IIt' lhe worl,1 an d al l of lis wk l(pd nCl"'. I wan t blml" . 1 w8nl 101:0 to th e ntlt H eXl reme. II nrl Fee the wild bcostA a t Ih ~ COlise um tell r human beln A' 11 mb from I:ob . nn d drl n l' theI r bl""d. lind Aee );la dl alOI'fl g-I" cllnl e. "od r hOfl (Io wn t hp tr R nl ago nl ~ t • . an .1 /lut onr, rnot on th plr I.rost ra t e n prk". II I'e th ey do In th d t1'ea ters. Rn ~ th eu I nm I'end y to leAv e Ih ls town. an.r Io e gon,l." Well. Ilr. I ha \'. b<:en In lo ts of tl Rht pla ces Letore. tHl I Iltl . nne hr nt the ban,!. Here WR S my da d. wb o cJ lrI not. hnow I bllt lhe Hom an gladI ator bu't lness bad beell

tallen dowil. killIng more than 10,000 ODD F.i.0:rs .ANn FI~DI~OS. Roman s. nnd tb e nnl mals ' "lIg6S ar~ busted l1nd th e oolmals are loo.e, looh· B~OWN at McKAY, Publlsbm , Nor\\,&y I" more co rr e·~t1y Norea" I lIg for rresh meat . and w e uN Ler g t EN· O'· WAR ARE BENT TO THE meanIng " Nortb Is lb." It IN comnlon WAYNESVlJ..LE, rl g hl ba ck to Rom e. 1CJ0 'lUi ck, ar we w ill OHIO, Iy . "l ,ke n of uy Ule natives WI lbe SCRAP llEAP, \Je eutr n a ll ve. Co me on If YOll nrc \\'II~ "North 1<:1 ngdom." me! 00 YO Il heR" th lions after us?" Law on Women '. Sats. "Shagroll n." noll' applied to sharksu ld h p. ns th e hI! d "lllnlus roa red. ~mol·" d Defeude rs It 18 80 seldo m t bat on e can tlnd Are Knocked akin goods ,. came orI ginally from tbe Well . yo u'd A ~I ed to see dad gel up P erslRn word "ellghrl ," wbl ch meanl Down at Low Price, with Stlp~ any tblng to crIticise In th e admIrab le ont of th ll t pl'l('k ly ,'actuI"R n d tak e thd --the back oC a beast bt burden. I illation del'\slon s of tb e npp~ \Iat e (:ollrt that Tbat No Use C,lIl .10act (or good old Rome. I dlcJu'llm ow rh e blld Boy Milke. FrIend ....'Ith Some A lthougb the pOllulaUon It scem s like be res), 10 dlffor rrom tbe of New hp. was .... ' h a spr Int er. but wo Irallell ItRllan Chil dren-DA d Is Chased York t. tew er by a goor! million thin abl e' jll r lsl s wbo oom pose It even In a lon,; be.h lnel . rua rl og- 11110 lions. H n~ by Llona tram Ihe Coll seum-" Not IC \;ncle Sam o,'er ita. an a ll ellc n of thal ot London. the numb er of r1 e:ttha a mnller 60 trl \·lal. a pI)are ntly. as lh e .n ar llng II I' e !lgors an d y ll\· ~ a llplng lill'S 'Job 10l of. l e l uOl llesh Any More Rom e tor Papn," Says l",,- s Imila r t., latlt year In th e hyenas trImmIn g ot hats. The co urt bas 801· und uarhln s III,. tlm her wotves, tha t iULely held by hl~ frl("011 Joh" tically the same. tWO clUes Wlls pracDnd . an d wc rou ldn't see dad fol' th e dust . Ola Bull, aUdl un fl eads are aml,liy de cl llr~ d . an li thereb y estab· 1I 110ly to lIel t 110 BLoodho l\n's 111'4.1 not Daturall y cruel. Iha t rn unulls hl n lg hl. r..lled Il le!':nl Ilreceden t . tllat 'tim IDer. nr I H I:-; G ~V H G l. \Y . I'~ · K. bnel barg-aln uul es s they gu glow . d .. - Th e Ir mI ssIon Is to track a Cugltlve , , We ~Io w e'l IIp an d 1"1 .Iau run abend. clares th o New York TI ot mil lI nery nre I.o t artl st~. As a (Ex·(; ,. \·C'n: (lr o r \\' l~ t'on Jfln, F o rnu.·r J~d ll ­ mes. Dls"ul'll- not Injure. Those Whom they follow or ,.r )', . k ' l!j 81111 . J'\ uthor ot " I ' t'c k '. un ci he SO l to Ih e hotel Oret. an ti wc Ilal" ed vessels ot wal' 'are kllocl<cd down are rarely, It ever. torn or Injured s tric tl y leg-al prollosltlo n, remarks Ihd b), U 3 U 80)' ." elc.) "rr I ho vlll nln s, nll,1 flnnll y we- went In eheop s s alletloos Cbl Chron Icle. lhls v Ie w DC (/,. go. BUI II co. ls a. th e pursuing hounds. (CO &')r1&,bl. 1905, bl' J Ol!u.' v h D . U(, ,, :('e) th e hutr l lind Coun d da d In th e bar· rO)'[ III;O fu r th e mOll who blu Inall cr ma y be d tn I' C An arl'llY oC SIIIl/stlc s has boe n pub· emInent ly correct. RO~IE . roo m jlllffin g and <I rlnkln g a hIg h· ball, mov e hIs Ilrope rt l' arte ITALY . - ~lY DI':AR OLD l' ho ge ts It. Doub lles" argum en ts were adduced to "PAHD ;" Well . sir, It you IIshed to prove the danger of ho rse " P retty ncar hell. was n't It ." ! alr! dad, cOllld see me Tile sale al Cha l ham clock -ynr" ~ hus tract ton on our hlgbway8. The roraIse a r easonab le dOllbt In the mlndll now, you wuuldn 't know me. bec uu se to th e FOIlII IUnn. " Old th e lion, .. teh let a slundard fo r ualll oshlp ou ctlons. turns are broug ht down to the end of (lC tbe emInent JurIsts, and In euch Core lgn trM' el bas \Jroad ened me out . 80 uu )' uody?" "0 a few of tbe lower ' NOlhln!': pxacll y II I{e It taul eYcr ud'o re tb.e yellr 1904. Ihe wbo le period covered CASes a negatIve de ds lon III always I ('nn tall, on auy s ubj ect. aod propl!! O'/ asscs ," saI d Ih e ,oa p ma n, " b"tnono o! been koown . SIr John F·ls hor. Ihe pro. being Iwo years and tn ur mon tbs . for a..:. and usually has a IIOlId Counda· or m)' ogc look "l,o n me U an autho.·· t1~e nubilit y. Th e nobility Wijr" ~n th e ' gresHl vo head ot Ih e Brlll Hh f\dmlral ty. whl r h Ilerl od tbe fl l;uros nrc ; 9.567 acIty, and tb<,y b )xes, . u r lind round lhlot van oC Ihe Col15eum ! decId ed LO mnk e scrap IrOIl or me ev,'rywh e re \Ion III law. From a sentime ntal and ~ t eu IIr. cidents ; 6 .!!;l. pS!'90nH It;l.Iu red ; perlonl I go. an' d urge me 10 talk . The ral'l tbllt neve r fall s durIng aa ear tbQuake ." and ' mored cruI se rs and ~o artletlc standpo ln l, howe ver , there la o th er wn.· ('I'nft, kIlled . 9:t9, or w ore Ih nn one delltb per I he sonp man joIned dad In s hlgh· batl. ; In cludlug gUIII;OJ Rt s a nd an allUndance oC evIdence 10 Bbow tbat tb e boys olld glr\s do not und ~ rs tllnd R tortledo bOIlIS. day. wonl [ Eay . ma lIce no dltrerenc e. They Aft er clad got through puffing nn d bad that were looked upon trImmin g a bal as It should be as do 1I0t wenr lJIIIIlY clolhes bere, and thHe wIped about two quarts ut perspIra tion I elers no t 60 mallY ye nl's naval \\'UIIProfits of the Packe.... ago. II was trim med Is Ilot only an arlo but prop- Is no style about th em, off h Is /r en d and necl" anel th e soap man I stIpulat ed to th e blcld lIud when th ey There ba. been a great deal ot d I. era Ihat non c ot erly should be 110 classilled &9 one of see Ole. wIth a whol e suit oC clotbes ~"d told him wbat a g~e al, tblng It wu tbe vessels could be solei on. lO auy Cor- appoIntm ent because the Garlle ld reo the ftne arts. As "Ibe apparel oCl pro· aod a bal. and ehoes aod Boc ks. and a o persplt'e In llome, on account oC the elgn power , The), had to ~Ign hond s port sbows thB t tbe Il roflts or lbe claims tbe man," so d04ls tbe bat or scarf· pili 00 my necktie. tbey think I Homan tever , that catches a lOan at ' to break 'ihem tnlo junk. AstonIsh . packIng Ind ustry only amount to bonnet In mult/fol d waYi proclaim Ibe must be an Amerlca.ho tbat II too rlcll nIght and kIlls hIm b"tore morolng , dad ment was eXl,resse d thaI warshIp " rop. aboul two per te nt . oC tbe volume 01 lurneu t o me aod sulci ; "Henner y , YOU ; resent Ing a total value womall. It "a mau Is kllown by tbe ror any use, or som ething t hat ran kl ot $10. 000,0() 0 business transact ed. Tbere Is no with a prin ce 1;0 at pack Le&. t, up and alld tbe we boys ge l out oC tbl. I.D tbe sho uld baye sone under th e hanlmer dOli bl. howe\'er , thnt the report Is cor· ~mpany be keeps" bow mucb better de · mornln.g . for [ feel as lhough I had ' ror $69 0 1100 or about ,22 • Is a womall knowu by tbe bat sbe light to be wllh me, and do errands tor rect. 000 eRch. hpc n chewed b me, and tbe gIrls seem to be In l'ove with " . Y oo e 0 f t bose h yena s. i "I 8hould Tbe ee n ~ U 8 reports compile d by tile wears. Indeed, one may almost read me. SRY that was, n ta ll' prlr.e Not sn y more Ro me for plllln," ,a nd the for th em." saId Capt. governm ent In 1900 , before the aglta· at a glance tbe e,haru cler, tbe temper· Baxter. ua"al There Is 00 way yotl ca n lell If 8 gil'l hl g h· ball party brol,e up, and we weut constru ctor at the Brookly n nnn' yard tlon regardIn g tb e " beet trust" began, amellt and tbe life blstory ot tbe avo 11\ In love with you. excepl that she looks to lJ ed to get s leep enou,h to leave town. " BreakIng- up an a rmo rod ba;tl e"hl~ t.hrow coos lderable liGht on thl3 qu es· erage woman Ly closel y observin g ber at you wll h eyes lIIat ore a. bla ck a s Do )'ou know , the next mo rning th oso Is no Joke Suppose ror example tho tlon. It appears from th e census that hat. A woman' s bat I. In truth tbe coal , and tbey seem to bllrn a hole r lghl blred villaIns mode the soap mail Rud I nlt ed St~t es were ' to o r(ler s U:_h a the packIng Indu stry is oonduct ed on Indell to ber hear t aud mInd . By the IntQ your · In shles , &/ld when th ey take pay t en dollars extra on account oC I sale- thou gh th e chao 'es of It are ex- II smaller margIn ot gross profit tbsn ~:roh~lng tb elr lungs. roarIng IIlle I ceedln gly r 1D0t e-<J lle harmon ious bl~ndlng ot ooLor, lbe curl bold of your hand Ihey bang o n, an ct of the Hrs t bat. any other Induslry In Am eri ca. Tbe ons . But we lIald tor their lungs all I tleshh,s to be colld emn ed of a Celltber ' or tbe droop In a lIower squeeze like alamaIH1 -leCt. In a da/l c~ might ue tb e gross margin of profit of 871 flour and ·,i home. And they s r,ug ri till ght, to rather ),011. 8nll thllu bave th em present a Indiana u pIonee r III the Whi le "(fllad. grIs t III Ilis 10 Jlllnols , In the census one may perceive lbe evidence s of culbIll to dad . .,re a s warm and chee rCul os a gas stov e. . W II year, ",as nenrly £('ven per cent. on tbe b ture. of arUstlo apprecia tIon and deil· ' . Sb c cos t $6.500,00 0. 1 sbo Say, 1 Bat on a bench 10 a plaza oot e , good· y, old mnn. We ure get- ,. ron like th e job of brenkln g Iter uld \\'1I ,\'l' D A D \ \,A :-;TED 'ro SEE. caey oC tasle or tile litter lack ot the ,Irl nbout my a ge, for an hour,with a up ror volume of busi ness. Tbe gross mar gIn ~~f . nil lhe Cun there Is goin g. Yu ur junk Jar lesR thnn $50.000. while and It mIght or tlfty·one whol esal e slaughterIng and quail lies tbat make wOlllen admirab le. ~lI e o t her gIrls ' and OOYB sat on the off tb e bOards for oyer 2. 000 years. ). HENNE RY, cost $7 5.000 befo re what was letl crf her mea t lIacklng esta blishme nts In 1111· By the same tokens beaut y oC Cace ground and lOOked at 118 In admlratl oll. that th e eatlog of human prlsooer s uy when 1 gol through ;QuId be macle lOar· nols was only about one- third as large, and ensemble may be accentu ated or and "'hen I put my arm around h.r anli 'II'! Id beaats III Ibe presence ot th e FACTS ABOU T SUN SPOTS. kctable. It would be a work not ot or a lillie mo re than two per ce nt. Oil destroye d. By means of chan&lng ki ssed her on her \>Outiog-lIps . 1t brougbl Homan po pulace wa s played out . and weeks. but o r mont hs. There a rc mil · the \'olume of \Juslness . hats Hebe might be transfor med Into on a revoluti on. An Italian soldi er po· tbat the Coli seum was II ruIn aDd dId uot They Otten Break Out and DI.appe ar lions The millers bave DOt been ar clI sed ot rivets rhn t would havo 10 be lI ceman took me exist by tile as neck a Illace ot amusemenl. and threw Under the Eye ot the He Medusa and vice versa, and whether cut by hand chisels before tho hull' 'me ncrosll the lIt.reet, the glrillcra tch ed thought everythl ug that he had r ead Observe r. ~{onb:I~~UI~n se~~t~~~~S~:I! I~o:~~~~: or not a hat may work tbls transfor could be torn apart. me wit h her lIoger nAIls and bit me, and about tbe horrors or a Roman bollduy mation dependa Cllllrf/ly upon bow It yelled eome g~ and "Tbere Is no guess work nbou t Ihls. nOS8 where tb ere are se veral thousan d hailing 61gn of di s· was runnIng to -day , a& a side show , anti Tl\at great sun spot that CblcagoBn3 Wben lhe BritI sh baul Is trimmed . esblp Nelli uno mills In the , Unll ed States competi ng tress. her brother and a ragged boy tbtll he wanted to see It. nod 1 hnd encourag ed were treated to recently did not smasb was sold about lWO yenrs ago th e pur· actively for th e flour trad e, bu t It was In love wltb th e girl . and was jeal . hIm In h Is Ideas. because he was nervoue , tbe record ap· Technic al Educati on. OU8. drew dagg erB. nnd the whol e an d 1 dldo 't want to und eceIve hIm . did appear Co.r bigness, e\'en tho ugh [t chaser was willing to pay . over and ponte that the gross profits at the 111111· to do so to those who looked abo\'e the $90,0110 cash be bId to W~ are plllBBed to ~'()ntemlllate the crowd r the ers are larger ihan the gross profits of yelled murder . and I 6t.nrted tor He had come to Rome to see tbl ngs he at Ii. wIth uaked eYCB througb Ch Icago', vessel. $50,000 to have her brok u up the packers. 1t may turn out that the wondert ul progress In tbe arts and sci· our hot el on a run. and th e wbole popll ' COUldn't find a t home, and It WII8 liP 10 smoke, says the News, oC tha t cIty, bl' the 'admlral ty and another ' 50,0000 agitation regardin g th e packIng Indus· nees . In manuCa ctures and agricult ure, latlon or Rom e seemed to follow me , and me to dellnr th e Ilooda. Some astronom ers saId' that the spot or tb ereabou t to prepare th e n)fi terlal try "'Ill show the ~R m e result as the In oommer ce and tlnance made by I mlsht a s well been a negro ac· Gee. but It ma,de we sw eat , 'cause I was 30 ,000 miles across, and others that Cor sale. III other wo rel s. be was ,reudy devil found ID ehearlng tbe pIg: "All America , and; especIal ly, by the soutb knew If dad did Ilot get a sho w ror his Its dIam eter ~as 50,000 miles. Dut oven to put out $19 0,000 for tbe shill betore squeal and no woo \." . money, he would ltl-Y It Ull agaInst m p. , 50 .000 miles wOllld not be durln& the past 50 years, sa)' II tho ---10-the record he could hope to rri\le Rny proltt un ' so [ lOlA him W,! woul<l go to 1.1!9" diamete r. For, back In 1843. when ManuCa etureri' Record . Tbat progress , My lon, if you wnnt to leave your for. l· tbe his lransact lon. Warllhlp s. e\'en when 'Coflseu pr int. m t bllt blg trt an d see tbe-bun gr; Mlllerlt\ls were looking for lbe the 15a ndJI vf time . it dlJelS no however , be It remcmb ered, Is, after end of . obsolete , are ext rem '!,ly valuable prop· ood to on order (j ilt Ih. cnrr i Q~e8; you'll nllly lion s and tI{ers e,nt B'o me at tli e leadilig. tlie, world, there. wliI! all, largely In DaturaL sequenc e. Its a great sun spot er ty. Governm ents t hat sell them rol' r,eave whe.1 lrad.. behind yoU.-11ulhl .. citizens, JUSt as t her did wbtn Oaes ar that to many seemed foundatl onll broaden through tbe cen· to lend weight to junk take no chances. I unllers tand Esp ...... rlln the sbow. Th en I tound an Amerl- the lItlllerltes' argume nts from the time turles the men of £nglllb·s l)eaJr.ln g civilizat ion. who bought at the Cha ~ ham , call Croni ChIcago at t~e ho~el. w~o ,prophec ies In the BIble. For a week In sale mIIIll Rubmlt a serIes ot phpto- , Po You U.e Your Own ludgme ntr Oontra81ed with the pro,retIA of Japall, soli. soap In Rome, and told hIm what that· year tbere was a Bun spot that 'was graphs to ·tbe., admiral ty Crom time to r Lion Ccrlfee i& n IlacKale ClIlTee that .. as demons trated III Its ability to wage dad exp~cte d ot mle In tbe way otaJDuse · \'lslbIe to tbe ,naked eye. •• ches lhe hom•• Ihe peoJlle jUlt •• It mesaure d' lime showing various stages ot tbe it left lite fac tory ofwhere .. war of an almost unbroke n seriee of ment, and be said the only way was to 74,816 tplles .acrp8s. it i. roo>ted On the day of th. breakln g·up process. IDd pocked. • . . take dad oiU to t.he Coliseum , and In eellPM In 1858 -a - sl)Ot' vlctorle l qalnat .. western power, It The bean8 107,000 miles In are picked end "The enrefully !!eonly thIng we have ever had to ' lected at the tbe dark roll a barrel 01 broken glass extent was clearly seen. lleeml to shrink .. bit. For the FlowplRntntion, then Ihipped di· Tbese spot. approac h It In this country was tho rr.rt dowo tbe (lers of sea t. and make him are consider ed to be to our fact or ieS tu be prcpnrtd for ery Kingdom has not only adopted tile stormB In the glow. breakIn g up of the Iron monItor s. In borne ulle. believe there WBe an earthqua ke thnt Ing gases tbat correspo nd t.o tbe atmo.. macblne ry Ind the ~etbod8 or tbe The moot lerupuloUl! care is tnkcn witb course oC construc tion when the new bad destroye d lheColl seum, and tbat the pbere oC tbls earth. [f there " 'ero sbipi navy was determIn ed upon. But tbese .\'erypro cefll , and tho utmost. c1 ~&nlhu!ga enw.elt, hut haa apparen tly Improve d · lIolls and tlgen were all loole. looking . on the sun as large forct>d in e\'~ry operat ion . M en a nd rna88 tbls -earth the), vessels were obsolete betore upon tbem and let a new pace ror civIhey were "hinery Cor people to eat, and scare dad and would be tossed in' mukins ),;on Colfee about like autumn IInlshed. They were torn to pIeces on ready foromploYEd ilization . It hu, howenr , Dilly proved tIle Inark ~t Ate cb"".n OQ acmake a ruo bnck to town. leaves In an ocean storm, rnllllt of lheir tbelr H cell. ways nce and fitM" for In the yards, It Is dlllleult • galll most naturall y the value oC tflCbI didn 't want to 1)lay such a.canda lous the' work . These solar spots are most abundan t to l18y when a balllAsh ; lp Is obllOlete, IIlcal traLnlng, not only In buildIng alld tri ck 00 dad, but the ChlcalO man Bald on the two' sides 'am'" of ' the telJuh. of tlri. oerupulou• ot the SUO'II equator, The IndIana. for Instance , Is ten yeai'll treatmen tbat was tbe only way out of It, and he wbere they mark t ' of Lion Colfce ate • dell.ioul handling modern war vessels, but 1180 sometbl ng akin to a old. Sbe Is now undergo log repairs fhwor , perf.ct purity, And • uniform AND IT BRO VGUT O N A HE\·OJ. U TION. could get a bllrrel oC broken glMS for a terrestri III ftnancln g a great war and malntatn al cyclone helt. The center of tbat will cost ten' per cellt . of her 9rlg- Itrength .n'd qunlilY. dollar. aod hIre tour 'rulllans that eould a cyclone Is raretled Ing at home tbe Integrity ot Its peoAll loa. . (or bulkl calfee I. open to and thereCore cold. Inal value, or approxl mately '650,000, cllBed oC crime In th e states. 1 thought roar like lions for a few dollars, and it doubt- ro PUt it mild y. The buyer doel er. Cold .ple, The value ot technica l trall)lng ~ey would burn me at the stake, bUL would gIve dad good exercl8e, and may astronom on the sun Is darknes s. An Ten years 18 a long time In the lite not kno\v, the ~lter does not know where . or says that these cyclones DC a warshIp . She 11'111 need 1 Wall never mora clearly shown. The llrod came out of tbe hotel and tbrew a be save htm Crom 8. run of a thor. the ~an ca me from , or how 1t WIA ~ ~ lesson should not be lost upon tbe nandCul or smnll cbange Into tbe crowd , 'cause there wall notblng Roman tever. carry down Into tbe dellths of the solar ough overhau ling the n, even If sbe ron.ted or wber~ Rnd whon; how many like a good DlasS thEf cooler materia ls of the Ullper hnnrl e hnndl ed It, wh ot kind of hnndl has not had It before. There Is a goo,1 they BOuth, whlcb bas ,'a st revenue s In min- <lnd It was all off. 8weat to knock the Cever Ollt oC a felwere, whit cont lu ninution .iCter Ib ey picke d up the colll they loW'. system . Th.! thing strtlck me as layers, Cormed princIpa lly ot hydroge n, deal of dllrerenc e between a battlesh Ip ~ ci yed from dU Ft , i n ~t'(' h . d irt, ctc. it r .. erals, Umber, soIL, clilD4te, water pow. and thus produce In their center n dtl\.i on like 'ofT!;&(! iN pure. (relih nnd cl eanthe lodlana be.:kone and d me to come out and play &om'3 not only a good experien ce Cor dad , bul one of the new er, but still vaster In Its undevelo ped clded olltinctl on oC light and fhtl t mneh is IJOOBC c'offce.and untraIne d boys and men . It can, more, but not allY more Cor little Hen· a lite saver, so I wbllcked up the money , long as the gyratory moveme beat.. vessels, like th e Connect lcul--dlt fer- there isn 't nn)' thcerlain. ing At 811 certain " bout nt lastl. ence In type, 817.e, speed and arIOn- il e.llcept that wi.,c )Iotlfl cwivetl will not. however , never make slIcb a r ecord In nery . .1 bave beall In love In all COUIl- and the Chicago soap man did the rest. Finally the. bydroge n, eet tree at tlte ment .. It Is like compari ng one ot buy it! tries where We bave traveled , and In all , . After dark we went out to the ruin of ,materia l advance ment aa Japan baa languag es. but this Italian love. tokes the Coliseum , where a great muny tour- baae of tbe wblrlpoo l, becomes reheated the revolver s or rIfl es used durIng the , All groren kno\ll' Ihe nbo\·. to be tr~c. .made unle8s It Imitates Japan and the whole bakery, at tbls great deptb and !'lses up tumult. civil war 1I'lth the perfecte There mny he a very few left who will d weapons aud 1 do not go Ista go to look at the rnlns by moon· !IOusly, tormlng :traltIB its boys and men bow to utll· any wore wlthQut. a cbaperon aroulld Irrelula r jets, wblcla of to·day, " Improve ment,8 are going Oil tn' to pen;uude you another way. e. Th e lIgbt, and·dad wa811S anlllous and blooc!· appear above the 11 they clo, juet a&1t. ho\ll' they Iechromol lpbere, Ih;e and develop Ita Vll6t .toru of raw &Irla are ragged, and lI'ear shawls over thirsty .. a young surgeon all tbe time In wa",hlp s, as In every- ,,,ount for tile incren. ingthem popularity of I.;on , cuttIng up hly Sun spots orten break out or dlsapCoff materlal B to tbe best advanta~L . •• thlllg ·elst!. in million. of hom.. for tile paa~ their heads. find tbere are boles In theIr first "sUff." Wben we got to the rlgbt , "Wltb the exceptto n of the monl· Quatter of a century! dresses and tbelr skin Isn't whIte, like place, and [ told dad we were a little pear under the eye ot the · observe r, They divide like a piece of lee <!ropped · 101'11, the United Stlltes ! A Parla autborlt y warnl America n col- Amertca n glrle', but IB what they call early, because the nobility were not In Some of th" men who hllve b~n try in" on the surface of l\ frozen pond, the It necessar y to consignhtU! not Cound ItB obsolete the cet·rich·quirk 'Iectora 10 tbe 'Nortb America n RevIew. olive complelllon, like stulred olives yon theIr eeats, the vlllalne began to roar pIeces sliding olf ~n me find they havo. In every dlrectlol l, or warshlpt buy In l iI5 bottles, tile junk sturred pile. with cayenne pep· three dollars' wortll, Ilke hungry 1I0nR, learned tbe II"t·in·JliI·quick S"IllO .180.'AmOng other commen t he say.: "Here tbey combine like separate Iloetl drlvcn old wooden v'e ssels, whldlr Even tbe ChicAlo Chron per, but the glrle are jUlt like tbog and dad turned a lillI e pale. i c1~. cost abont and salol together Into.a pack. Sometim es a spot Iia allotber Inutance ot wbat Uled to be cayenoe '750,000 each . are ,s till workIng , al· pepper. 80 warm that you want tbat Boqnded like t!le real thing. · done about '!be year ' 1880. A certaln to tbrow water will last Cor more than 200 days, tbrollgh though not In active sel'vlce, The Don't Get FooUor ei Get Foot-Ba a.. on yourself atter they I told him we beUer not get too Ilear. .11I A wonderful 1I0wder that CUIU tired hot or elgbt revolutl onl of 'the Bun, Franklin Is tile recell'!;lg dealer III Paris bougbt one picture by bave touched you. Gee, but I wouldn' t beeaule we we're not accuetom ed to leeahlll at Nor- ..,hina f,,!,t Gnd malt... IIOW er tillht SomeUm es a spot will la8t only balf all folk. :eacb of tbe rollowln g palntera : Corot, want to live 10 a climate! where girls The New York aaYal militia eaay. Alk to-dol' for Allen'. ~ oot .'.hoe~ Ea "o bour. Daublan y. Dlaz. and Theodor e Roue· werl' .. torrid zone. 'cause I should melt. haa the old New Hampsh ire. The In- Accept no lubatitllt .. Trial flackago FREE: "The velocIties IndIcate d by these depende nce Is at San Francisc Addre •• A. S. Olm.t ~~oy, N. Y. Engagln& a clever copylat at a like an Ici cle that drops In a stove, and o. Bosmoveme nts," writes Hellry White Wllr- ton has the Ent.erpr lse. .alary oC 1,000 Cranca a montb , alld pro- makes steam . and blows up the wbole It IB probable You b. a crel' dell more rom fort· ren o O. D., "are Incredib le. An uprusll that these sblps of the clvU war will able if will · vldlng blm wltb a hou8e and sardelii n bouse. YOII CAn reconcile you",,11 to allow anr! downrus h at t.he 81des has beetl be olh.r made l1eopl. useful Well, to miltOlnose tbeir own af. until old they mall. actllally you Call LBlk about the country be aet him to work to copy measure d of 20 miles a secood, a side- apart. Why should the governm ent fai ...- l'uck . eacb IIlcture 25 times, Bllgbtly v&tylns church es. but yOU don't knowan ytblng rush or whIrl of 120 miles a second, wish to sell them? They wOI\I'\ be PilO'.Cure cannot be too hi~hly.pok.nol the subject In eacb caee. Tbe hundr..s about It. nad and I went to St. Peter's These tempest s are over regions so wIde wor rh nothing, 'except In RaDle. anel ILIs tho grandes t tblng In Cor tbelr copper. a. a cough cure.- J . W.O·Or,cn 32'l Thirci 'coplel were produce d In ten montlla. duro the world. that our own Indian ocean Ave., Is too N " Minneapo lie, Minn., Ja'u.O, 1000. small "The monItor s. 1 believe. brought Say , the to be used tor comllarioon. As the), from $15 .000 to $20.000 Ing whIch' time, accordin g to agreeme nt, church at home, whIch Congreg atIonal eacb. flut then, we thought 80 cease the advanci ng sIdes of tbe spotl I th ey were built of II certaIn tbe painter saw no one save hI. senallt. "and , could be put In one little that we make for ouraelv .. quality of IreThenotCr"""e8 corner the on~ approac h each other at the rate of 20 .00(\ Iron that Is aeldom All tbetie ooptes were sent to the Uolted of St. P@ter'l. and would look like 30 made oowaday s. The Common.r. lhat WID UI crUWDI. - , miles nn hour. They strike together and I Steel has taken Its place. States and 801d as orIgInal s trom the col· cents. St . Peter's covel'1l ground abou l The mate· t.he rIsing sprayJe aps thOUsan ds ot mllel ' rial was probahly Bold lections of thlli or tbat well·kllo wn Pa· half a mile sqllare, and when you go In· back to the Into space." tOllndry IIlde . Likely as not some ot It and look at grown ~ple on the tlslan. Very mucb tbe same thIng Is appeared reIncarn ate In the 'ships of tb., don e nowaday s In tbe caae of elgbteen tb ot.her sIde ot It, they look like files , nud Knew Her Buslnltll s. new navy." cenluty IIletures . As In 1880. huge for· the organ Is as bIg as a block oC build· She bad juet IIled her applicat ion Illgs In ChIcago, and when they blow It. tun es are beIng marle by dealer. wbo, Cor tbe \>Oslt [on oC culinary asslsta.n t With Gnat Ingenult 3'" )'ou thInk the last day has corne. and ten yean ago, wer e unknow n In tile pic· yet tbe In a boardlll g house, and tbe land1 DID!,/'T K:-:OW HE "'·AS SUCH A [n trappIng tigers, the Malays dig a music II'a8 sweet as n melod eon. Ifldy was cross·cu mlnlog. ture traJe. [n CorgingoJd plcture. ,len- and mak es you waot to Sl'lII;o.;T ER. A. hole about ten feet deep, making It get ~own on " Do you carve tbe pie In fOUl much larger at the bottom tban erally Ilortralt ., Ilot only tbe COpyl8t, YOllr knees wIth 811 the thousan ds at tho of Ing live men chew ed liP by beast.l, Bnd pieces, or five?" asked the landlady . but th~ Ilalnter· rp.storer . plays a part." good Chtis tlans oC Italy, and confess ,J. W. Wall .., Supertop, to prevent th e animal Crom jump· dad said be clldll 't care l.ow near we ~ot , Intenden t of litraels " Six." promptl y answere d t,he ap- Ing out. Tbe hole complete d , brush. that )'OU are a traud, that ought to be as long as th ey cbewed and tore to pllcaDt. of Lebanon , Ky., Lady Dulr Gordon. " 'ho Ie tbe sister arrested . wood Is IIgbtly laId over Ite RurCaee. ·and. _ _.._ _;.. IIHY8 : pieces tbe natlvcs; ao oC Elinor Glyo . .al)d from wbo the au. She got the Job- and It served bor close to Dad and 1 han ooen to all kinds of up a little oearer, we started to work tbe mouth a bullock Is chal'ned ': 11.1.1. nightly res t ~1l8 broken, owilltr wb en there wa" II rlght.-C hlcaao Dally Nl!ws. thor obtalos some of her data ot the cburche s, everywh ere, and never turned to R tree. On seeing the bullock, Ihe to Irreguln r action o f t he kidncyll. ', 1" • ' dqlugs In blgb life, h&8 been .svlng a a hair. but sillce we 'g ot to this town, onrl noise such liS 1 never ir eard beCore, .. the tlgcr sprIngs for Its expec ~ed prey, an<l WOII sufferin g Inlensel hogshea y from sa ,'er o Englan d'i Boy Bablltll. unIque private exhibIti ons oC "t)oIyeho- got some of the prevaili ng religIon Into down d of brok •.n glass began to roll nllghts In th e pi t. A bambcx) cage I~ pains In t.he ~mall of my back and tbe lIers ot The average of births In Londoll I. placed over tlie ,logical" frocks at the London dross. our systems , we Ceel guilty, and It seems over on tbe g roundatone seats, and I Cell vl t. wblch IR then fill ed through the k idneys nnel annoyed by.' , Anu pu shed dad, lind 11 ,000 a month. It Is computed thst with earlb. the ti tter graduall y comln ~ palntul pa.snga s of making establlsb ment conduct ed by as though everybod y could see rlgbt Into be went over In th e sand and nbnorm al aocro. slruck hi!! a slnglo month's blrtbs of male bab Ies to the surtace. us, and that tbey kllew we were heath. pants on a cactus . and yelled that he Once In the' cago. th e tl OIl6. No um oullt o f elocturl ngrcllev ed 'her under the name ot Mme. Luclls. was would Ilearly SUffl(6 to replnce the ea, mlln tbat ' never Malal. kne~ lace 1 tb ere W89 a Goll, .tabbed "'Itb _ dIrk , and I got 6p and Ipterlace bamboo nud thl .. condition, J loole DOnn's 1i:ldney One tableau Illustrat ed "The Sevell A&es Ind loat by England Oil tbe 1I0er baltle. ra ttan under S1lre thing. 1 ne":er suppose d th ere were Cell down the llge l·. Pills amI c xperi clic 'd 'qulck nlid 1llStiull' , agalo, lind just tbell tbe Chi- field, oC Women," from the schoolll ri periOd ao many people In .the ,,'orld that wor. cagO soap man r elict. n Im'll Kldncy Pills \"ill prO'fe ca me, up on a gal1op,.col. Ito tha t of the dowager . Botla Lady shlped tbelr Maker, Eccentr ic PorIon. as there nre here, II. blessing tc?_a ll 8u/!crrl}"a from 'kHiney Dulf Gordon and Mrs: GlYD are Doted nnd I don 't wonder that. all OYer th lowed by tbe villaIn!; praying lion and : 'Queerm an Is "very OIld . ' IBn!t he?" Informa tion. e tiger, nnd dad asked the Chicago man di$ordcr . . tor th ~lr beauUful IlOlitumes All" are world good people look to Rome tot tbe "Pa, what's. the Hungari an diet!" "Odd 1 He's a rcgular crank'! Wlty, ,f,rlnl. " s who w1l1 glvll theul" ~ what s eemed to be the matter, and he • "Oh, macaron i and gouhu h, Iltld the man actually mak es , ~ ra cu co of ill, ltI)Ssl p of LQDdOIl.. light. Dad leeeps tellln s'"me tbat when F.",t"r-M llburn said: "Mutter enough: there ball been luch like atulr. Don't bother P8 PI followin g tbe kind oC ad'ice be siva. propriet ors. For Co., nuiYnl o, N. fie aet home "'t, 1\'111 set an example that w I" by ii.U ·uruill'la u., an e~rthquake·. aod ! he Coliseum III., now."-L oulllvlll oth"r paople/ ,'-puck, e Cou.rler -Journal , prll!e 50 «anti per ]"oa.,




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Unel, Da,'''' wa~ ,bold lng Dill' r aUu.. daInty clotblng, !Lnt! e very opportu~tt' 'He hadn't 'fel t 00 much like a ra ....Jly g i ve n to l,a56 ti me In tbol'O ugh recreBmlUl for years a'nd years, , Uoo and enj oy mo n t, For tbe wlveu "Could you dlreot IIIe to' tbe South tb ol'e wi II b~' bours o f so me falH' r liavan d oc k4 ?" ,1 ho askod, wOr'lt. ot rellu lilg summer novel s, ~Clt A. e udden Irrosls llble ·Impul so cau"ht AlliIERlf AN MAN TOILS THAT te nni s, go lf or dr iv in g: lI:nd tor ,tbe Uncle Dave and lUade ,111m answer: hll~ baud8 lIlere will ue long daye of T~E WIFE MA Y PLAY. "[ am' going lIwre, mYBelt, m adame; , loll In n l ro pi o tempera l ure lind II .. Ill YOU do mo the honor to a cco lU' !lany me T" ' Half all h('ur beto re, the o ld mall I ns tn n c,es of Hl1l bnnd s Devoted to Inv J\lId W iT01 --M,,'St Loving Hus- e ve.,y variation ot tliscomfort, wouldn 't havQ tbought Il poss ible lor Mon ~uy lilli e about :t, "ut th ey t ecl .bn nds N,,~ 'rho ~e Wh o Talk II:::OS! ,111m to do such 1\ thing. Meutally, bo .ald : " You Ill y old s inn er! Tble va,b.bout Luv_UZl compl a lnln .. Aus- acutely Ih n lonellnes:i or th o ~umm er calion business will be the ruluation "anda Eudu... Lon ely Summel' w eeks, wh en th eir tamill es ar" away in tbe tull hey da y of di .. e rsl on nnd pl eas· ot you, Bure!" Weeks, Wb.Jle Families Have an ure , It Is Ind ecd a qUP8 110n tor wive" The ll t tl e o ld lady was d~lIgh led: ()utln g . to consid er wbetb er tbp), a re j llelified theD ahe looked troubled. "I'm arl'ald In tbu s t e mpu r a rily <.1esening t b clr un ,.ou are putting yi,uraelr out," s h e said. Un cle Dave ~l1 ddenly remembered (Co prrlght , l VO~. lJy J Ul'-' Jlh B . Bowll's,) compl a inin g h l'atban,ls, Do,hieH mU K! bave r: esli ni l', and chil dre n neetl r oom that when b e me t t be littl e old lad y As e ve ry body Iw o ws, a " reat 'leal of b e bad been In tbe a ct ot boardl nc space Is devoled III lite ra ture and in 10 1'01T.p and plllY, but In many cuses lhe , ca r sbe WaS leav in g , Now s he th e dall y press, to l:c le llml lng t he vir · an outin g "ould I>e Dlaml ctl much n cnr , bad ca ugh t- him In h b falsohood , H. tues ot w ives, Tb e wire is tb e good or home, ao that i h e hu s band nnd fu t h· extrlcatod h'lmself trom tbe dil emma, a nge l ot hoI' home, nUtl bel' lellder ne8s, er cou ld at least spend el'e nings and bowe ver, by a dud den Inspiration. " U tact a nd se lf-denial can never be over- -nigbts with his famlly_ A lIl an O ll "~ wrote to hl R wife, wh o you bad IItayed Oa tbe car and gone praised , But fa r lOll IItli e Is said In aro und the loop, madame, It would co mm eudatloll of I he I'o utlnual sel(- wa " abse n l : " This house Is 110 st ili have takeD yOU lbree blocks nearer sacrifice a nd 111101" rll ~ive goull ness of t ha t I CU ll hear the lI y walking 011 tbe t he dock , You bee, 1 bad a lranafer hu" blln!!s, and , particu lu rly , of bU8- ce iling above my heael ," AlIaI'I fl'olO au y Hcnllm ent, t he re" troln Ihe ot her car, How'ever, we ca Q lJands in Amerka, He re, if anywhere, wallt t h e d l813nc6 now more e&llll,. Is th e married woma n 's pa radise, Sbe no sarely (or hea lt h whp.o o ll e is Iprl alone in n elly borne, One ncver ltll Ow ' Illan wo ca n walt b e re," h as mOre lelsu ,e, lIT ore f reedo m to 1;0 al wha t mo me nt some stealthy dlsenKc Und e Dave felt sate In t hi s !!ellb- anti ('ome. nnd in many waYN b as m ore erate prevarication, Th e llttl e old lady lu xu r y in life tbllll her h ll s bll "d dre81lls may pOlln ce, lik e n panth e r (rom a loo k ed r elie l'eel. They wallted to the u f baving, Am " I'it'lin IlllHlJa lldll lOll thl eke l , o n an un wary Indi vidual. Some inl'eli<'11 yin I he Dlmo' llh e re, or some boat , co n versing, steadil y in l he marl,e t phu 'n u ud Illal<e la inl In f(JoI I IIII1 Y ilHrod u('c a Ruht le "This III l'e l'Y Idnd of you, sir," sai d li gh l of Ih .. ir IIlL,ur, If un ly I h ~y ('un Uncle Dal'(~'s ne\\' a cquaint ance, "A re gratify thtl ta ~IC:-l UBO umbitio us o f " olso n, and lir e victim beco me ill un!! hnve DO o ll e a t h and to cn ll a pb )'el · you gOing to Soul h Haven , loo?" I b elr 11'1 " !'8, and 10111 111 fOl' Ih eil' ~hll · cia tl, 01' gi\'e I'cllef, Th e old follow tbo ug ht dcsperately dren hOIll ~s "I' 111I.n IIIPY Ihl'llI ' I h('u l'Il II Wllllllln th e o Ule r day, In rllllt, Tbe rall'Nay tl'ket 10 I..alte seh' es hnu ill th e ir chll>lho(,<I, n large as se mhly , s pea}; s neer in gly Gene va was reposing in hi~ In ~idc coa t T h e h usband 01' nn inl' II lloi wlf,' I. and RII!;h tln gly of hllsbanrl ", us if pocket, but be answe red, ",llh a s harp often ernl li e n I for po I len"" a I1d I, Ind· Iwlnge of co nscluolCC: "Yes, I' m stal't- ness. hll< st ron g, 1,,'u I'" I'h,'e rfllln l'ss thcy we re In l'a r lably dom es tic Iyrent" Ing on a little outing, aud I thought ti ding her O,'c r periu"" or IlIstrC"H, and II'ho cared li llie IIIJ0ut t h e de \' lop· I'd run Ol'e l' to So u tb Haven for a ,te" b ls e'enseles" \'iglillne'" for hpr I'olll fon ", <'nl lIf thHir r;hlldl'on lInll t he ease of days, and t ben go up lo Lal<e Genova, n Her railin g, W e hal'~ had in t hi s t lr e ir wl v<'., Th ~ WOUlon hn,d no ch, im perh aps," Th e r e was a twinkl e in his COllll try t he exu nqJI,' o( raI'l' herol"1ll tu re pre"" n t 0 tl le I' S t lIan Il el'"C If , and oyell, bllt th e old lady did nut see It, and lIu" l lnled dl','o'illn s ho wn by th e f ow of b t'r li s t e ne rs agree d with he r Unc le Dav e wa~ beginni ng 10 lhink, ai , mUI't), I'etl I'l'es ltieu t ~ 1 " I {)nll'Y, 10 hi s In I , ~ I' foo li s h olld 611 1lel' ftciFli ge ne r a ll , ready, tbat I'a callon~ were not so bad, de li cate and SUffOl'l lI g wife, Thul nll· za tlon ~, Among t he n o blest, true"t atter all. ' shltlolls "Ure nevel' ,' uri etl , Th e utlllOst a llll nn est lIl on on I'a rtb II re t hose who "Soulh Hal'en il a nice quiet place," pressure uf s iale a(full's lli d not. Inl er- ~ LU nd In Ih <' rolation of h usba nd 1.0 she answe r ed: " Iha t Is, wh en one gets fer e \\' Il h ii , an,1 i n lhe la"I hOll r of A ITI Crl<:all wo 111 I" 11 , a nd tho ug htful. fall', minded ubse rv e rs rojo"'e to do th e m away trom tbe r ll n aw ay couples," m o rtal Iluln , b ls 011111 thuug ht was (01' 11 0 11 0 1.. , Un cle Dave louked at her ol'er hili h er , s pectacles , and she looked at h im uI' or In a <'ity, not far f rom 1\:P\I' YOI'I;, a herR, A FASHIONABLE SLEEVE. ~' OIuan bas beeu u, prisoner tilton h er " 1 see by tbo pallors," b o Bald , "tha t cOllch ot pnln for man~' lI' eal'y years , In Thi s D ay t h e Sleeve Makes tbe mo re young tolks are go in g t h el'c W has heen una l,lp 10 Ln rn he l'st'le D ress a nd Sbould B.e Cut A fte l' get marrfed tbls year t bau e,'cr ba- Sbe In bed, or to n ~ e he r poor, Iwl s led tore," • P rev aillng Mod e. bauds in holding s o llI ,wb aM t he Il g h l. The old lady s miled , ' ;1 r ncko n foil, . est hook, Nel'e!' <)n~e has Ihe pnllcn('c lIr.rc I" a new a nti VC'I'Y prelty wo n 't take u:; fo r e loperH," sbe auswered, '')'I'e buen to Soutb Haven o r ht'r bus bond [aile,1 11 01' h is Indoml · ' s l CI'e, "nilab le for a s'nIOrL dresR of tllbl e coul'Dge, wh lcb has llIat l' hcd her BOllle I bin s ummE'I' muterlal. De lo w every s ummer s ince m y busband di ed, rortltude, 011 e lU ll'c re d 118 rest. She I ll e png IH n s lrnigbl band Irlmm ed Tbis year I aimosl gave up the trip bocause I d read ed tbe undel'taklng 01 bas been HIII'roun ded by th e mosl dell · wllh thn'e I'oll'~ of In ~ertio n and a a tte ntion s, mll ~lc lans ha\'e been t'rlll of l al '~ t hai is oanl ed uD t b e getting there, When o ne Is alon e, ),OU cnte brou ght to b er h ome, co nce rts bav e know. such trIps seem 80 bard tor a bee n jllanned tbel'e. Oowel's bn ve woman ," bloom ed ror h e r , and nil tbat wcalth Uncle Dave cast a surreptlllous an d 100' e ean do hu\'e beo n lavished to gtance ag nin at bis companion , She m ake h er invalltl tl o n eud lH'H lll e, .... as alone , and he wae alone, He IUled 10 tbc snme dIY, in a " ery humble h er sweet o ld fllce, and b er mo t herly h orne, a couhl p.' hAS siliohed at his tones bad a bom ollke ring in them tbat' heocb )'ear by y nr , me,ndln g s hoe~ nnd wen t st ra ight to th e old man 's lIunearning bread ror h i mse lf an d hl ~ wlfc , gry b ear t. After all , tbe re w as no th - who has lain mo. t of the tim e a h e ll)' Ing to take him to Lake Gene va, Why lesR cripple In a lillI e 1'0001 jnst 0\'01' Ihould he go t he re, wben So utb. Hal'en hi s s bop, The ch eery GOl' mnn IR a man attracted him t he more? of t ew wo rds, but hI" ha s ha.l I he tn · "Wb,ere do ) ' 011 stay In Soutb H .. vlnclble patience o( IOl'e j ll ~ 1 a s M cven 1" ehe asked, nal vely. Killl ey' baa, a nd as h is l'lr'her neig h bor " Well- ab! - I hBven 't ex a ctly de- has , cided," be con teSl;ed , In some co nnob .. rt LQllls SIHCII SOU g ll'cs on In fuelon . " " 0 tell tbe trutb , madame, I staD ce of dev otioD 011 the pan of a hus · baven't b een tbPt"e for 30 years , Sbe banti wh ich s hou "l PIll t h e ma n ralaed h e r eY'lbrOW8, ' ''Tb e place .... hom it is told, high III th e 1'011 of wbere 1 board In South Haven ," s he 8aints , A yo ling wife was lnken s ud · IBid, "I. a dear, old-fasbloned, com- den ly and alarmln gl)' Ill , on a chil ly fortable bouse-jus'! tbe 80rt for an S epre mbe r nig h i. li e r hus band rsg old lady like me, wbo doesn't care tor two mil p.s to br ing the doclor, and tuaa and fea th ~rl, Perbaps you would dre nched with s weat, r eturned wil h like to try It. " blm a t Ol)(:e In an open g ig. On t h eir haoll of 31'1 n, Tho und~I' part or s leel'e Unc'Ie Da\' e o111owod tbat be WOUld. arr ival al the hOllsP Ih e \\'Ife ha lf nil · I~ of s llo , ,,,,l nPl p.d~ed II'l t b In.orllnn, "There's 80011 ' fi~h1ng around tbero, consc ious ly lOO~ anti kept hold of hpl' or II m ig ht bp IIr lh e s nlll e Illatel'iul too," sh e added, "It you lik e the eport," hu sband 's hand , By Ib e doctors or - Il~ Ih o IIpper pal'l , Ir prere r rell. Uncle Dave badn 't caugbt a IIlb In ~ 11l (erln ls r ml uired : Thr"e·qllar le rR ders II'lndol\'s snd doors lI'ere se t open half a cen t ury. hut be answered, with a to create a thorough drailgbt, and lb e y urd 44 Itll'hes wid e , three· quartors s parkle In bls' eyes : ''I'll get 80me of pal lent was on no a ccou n t to be dis · yard n I 18 Inches wldc, two ~' a r ds 'em," turbed , Thns, then. did the husba nd lusertioll , tour ya rd s lace, Tbe V&~aUon was jUlt beslnnlnl, pass th e whole or th nl nig ht crouch · but be felt fully ten yeBrs younger , Ing on th e 0001' In the draughl aud no l HEALTH AND BEAUTY. . Nobody at the omce or In tho board- daring to mo'-e' lest he s bou ld wak e th e Ing bouee heard from Uncle Dave for sleeper. H e bad nel'e l' bec n very E ggs are easier to digest wh en sllgbta month , Then, one day, the old man Btrollg, ener gy hlld stood him instend walked Into tbe wholesale establish- of I'lgo r, and tb result of .!.hat Ill g h t's Iy boil ed t h an wb en eat e n raw. Lct.tu r(O, ce lery, da nde li o ns , (TesReS ment whon! he bad spent nearly balf exposure was Hyin g rheumatism , vn · a nd s imilar sahllis arc' goot! ne r ve loni cs, ble lite, His ste p was brIsk, bls eyes rled by s ettled sciatica , A per son "utrering from c hrunl .. rh e llclear. h is f)gllro more erect tban It The wl~dom of t hlls Inviting di sease had been In a decade, Tbere was a m a y be doubl ed. but the sc lf- fol'!;ettlll · mati s m Rhollid n\'oid drl pd fish, woked deep tan on hie cheeks: and , strangef n e~s ihlll promlllNI it, wns nev er ou t- oysters, purll, velll and tllrl, cy , 'fhe s ulte rcr troUl dYS )le tlSla will find stili. hi s beard \\'as trimmed abort and done by the most un sel fisb woman and turnips, Silln a(;h . cr esses, salnll!\, ce le ry , be wore a natty n ew suit, wHe In t he world , sorrels , letluc(O, dond e ll ons, l'lp~ pellch"Keep your s ea t ," he remarke d to ws a nd roasled apples on bl. bi ll or fare, ble s\lbsUtute o n tb e high stool. "Keep The , most lovin g hus ban ds IIrc not your seat, sir. ' I can't atay but a minOur grandmotb e rs used butl.1;rmllk ute, I just ran in ror a word of g reet- lbosc wbo talk most ahou t love, A ror remOl' ln g freck les and l, rolJabl ,l' man 'A re t kence ofl en leads him to In., You lee, Mrs, Angel and ,I ara wOl'ited Icsw harm w ltb it than many packing up. We start to- morrow. for keep his atreclloll very mu ch III th e mod ern dOI1l"~ do witb tbln~rs h'SR .. 1m · Caltfornla, From thcre we Intend sail. bacltground, Nevel'lheless it is tbere, pIc, It is dr.u!.t ful whe th er butle rwllk 1 kllow a c1 e ,,,.ted )JaIl', who ba.~ al - will r emove f reCk les: b\ll. it III h ~ lprlllln Ing fo r Japan to spend th e winter, Ob, yes, [ enjoyed my vacation, FlIh- most rca cb ed l ?Te hOllr of their gol.t cn preven tin g th e ir appeara nce, I t s b o uld wedding. No hUllI o n bei ng, nel tber t ho be qul le fresb; and ror laclt oto"~erv ln g Ing good ? ."Ine!" Uncle Dave a ctually winked bls lett most intimate frl " nd , nor Ihe dearesl tbls Impu r t"nl faCi Dlany wou ld· be gain., of Ib elr c hildren has e ver heard Ih e e ra ot beauty !lave a cquired pimples, ay., busband addres~ his wife eJ(celJl In Tile wo men o f th e far east are 5< ' nOlterm ~ of formal cou rtl's)" Sbe obsen 'es ed for tlielr grace of carriag e l hat one Vitality ot lliIolqulto Eggtl. sn equal cerem o ny III lal~ln g to him A ccording to the Inv eatlgaUonl of berore olbel's, No on e hag e vel' ~ee n wrller h as said tbat tbey c arry th e mProf. Jobn. B. Smith, It 18 not 10 easy anything like sen ti ment eXilressed by "elves lik e th e figure of an a nti quo! to destt'Oy the mosquito as lOme por- either, Yet no one s uspec ts 01' I=ould frt e?e, a s Ihey walk along wltb a sta le· .ons Imagine, The eggs of the salt- BUIlpt!ct, that t.b e re Is betw ee n them ly strid e. bea ring on -,he ir h e~l d s lJas l, ets marah mos qUito , for Instanc., may re- IIny thlnr save the mo~ t undying -lit· or Jnl's of butt e r and c.;);s, or o lher ho me main In Mled mud for montba, and ,.et taebment, The wife's lllight est wi s h pl'oduce , T her e Is a I ~,uu n In tb ls ex. a large percentage of them will b atch Ie always grati fi ed, Tbe hlls band lives ample of t he women of the o l'l e nt nn ;l out within a few hours alter beco ming nnd bas n lway s lived fo r her alon o, h t>r It lIee In t be faot that th ey walk wit;t covered with water. T ~e remainder happiness tb e esscutl lli th em e ot h is straight ng ure and npllfted h 'e ad, '1'0 mn ke g ly cer in jell y equRI to t ba t 118 dormant until tbe tlrst lot bas thou ght. Needless IU S ill', thi s co upl e reached rull growtb, and tben, II sti li did not lenrn tbel r r eti cen ce nllder our 80ld and Qu ite pure, dissol , ''! a olle. Bubmero;ed. most of t b.em a1ao will sparkling s ki es, They were brought oUll ce pacltet of lable ~e¥llln In a IItlie batcb out. A few eap ot each brood Up In tbe htll I:otlnlry of Scotlan rt , and water; tbon wblsk it into a [.Iu t of g l)'clie over to followlq Y8ar, and ,,11 the ellence of th e tDOOrS early stol e erin , Pour Into pots, If too slltr 81i,I more glycerin, An ounce paeket ot gel tha egp of the last autumn brood hi- tnto thei r souls, aun sti rred Into tour ounces o f glycerin bernate. The coneequence Is tllat the will cause t h e ge latin to set I lite a sli" llrat spring mosquito 8warm , II tha Betore man,. w eelts s hall have passell glue, Tbls, cut Into squares. J.s excollent largoBt ot tbe season, and mlgrallns adults of 'tbls broo~ Un uII.t11 SeP:' thousaD9s of Ameri can busb!lnds will to u~e In tlirOllt troubles. A tin of COIIlember awelltng tbe Ilumber of mId. be taclne eolltary wee ks, Tbey are densed Dlillt, tour ounces or glycerin, fast cbalned to bus iness, IUld are tor- two ounces of boney aud bal f a po ullll .umme~ mosquitoes, ' " tunate It tbey call get' a .... ay for a of sugar make a honeyecot<:b . nice to week 0, ten days, or a fortnlgbt dur- take and ver'y nulr ltlous. U a laxatlv9 .A. 'BArber'•.VI_ of the War. Ton.orlalilt Naile aacr1be1'tbit4et... Ina tbe bot weat ber ,from th e' ledger or la required , two teaapoonfule ot glfcerln, ~a Ruaal&Dl to ~Qr -anllC 'II'bls~ the shipping room, Tbelr wives and _allowed warm at Inte~\' aIB of an bOUI an, ..,.. the W. ~Id. Bull.Un, N. their children wlU be aent to beautltul ara wbat ' Is needed, A.s a curre' for IDdluaUOD, ..,.. eu be au-ruJ In "., cOuntry places, to the aea beacb, or the eeetion a teaslloonlul of 11¥~r111 att.~ _IUIWa .,,441, 'II'IUa tnulu full of Ill'" II valuable. _ _ it. a.Ilt.era an uaootlaaTl"


'l'tIfot'e I. music In lhe mddor ellurncell, .., ... JC4 b~lIe Who. the moad. Sort, .U"ery t rl n.. Aa ....el Be anYlhlnlr : BUI tho mU810 In Ihe ,. ...... eWh... th o littLe I" •• cts hum, Ia like & bena'\ctlon wh ch Th e wild

0' .....y

III corn.,

There I. music In tb. mo~d or Whon tho 8un II •• IU,, ' lOw , When tho . haddon grow aI , d.ep. .. An' Ihe ftrenl • • Klo.. : T ho katy d1d I. I ln,ln ', ... ' 'rhe QrlCket'. ly ric call 10 .owndln ' In lb. mdder .. hO T h e Ih .. dde .. a lll" to rllll, , ." hen the bu tlerdle,. a r e r .. Un" An ' the bees arB tn the Bum SI .. tJl ln ' where the honey II, un' ~\'br )'thln&, I. mum, So ft l y from thd m &d d.r come.

The cric k e t ' , ly ric !JaJl. J ust Ullin' In t he .. r aslol wh en The RhaddorH ara n to fl\U. - N . O. 'ri mes DemocraL



1' WRB th o llret vacation Dav"l Ange l h nd tak en In 22 years, and b e woul': a ot h ave taken lbls one If tbe doctor h ad nut told blm , lIatly, tbat be must, Unclo Dave. Il S tho boys In tbe wholesn le bouse calJej blm, ,b ad soe n 418 Years of ral nan d ehlne- moetly rai n , Fo r 30 years he bad sat on a hlgb aWb l In tb e o tllce , o utliving balf a dOlen cbanges 10 tbe managem ent, anti becom ing, wlt b ea cb passing year, a lIt1h grayer, a little more ro und s houl de red, a lillie more dim of vis ion , Now hi ~ belU'd was s now wb ile and biB step liad no e lasllclty, hut h o was the Born e Quie t , cb eerful , ollti ml s tlc Uncle Dave that be had been si nce the memo ry of the oldest e mployo of l he bouse began, His clothing was 'a s s pot l!'e81)' clean as o n tbe day be Hrs t set foot III thl\ offi ce. and tb e books o ver wblcb be pres id ed were j ust lUI nea t as t hey bad been when hi s band WBI tlrm and b ls eye br lgh t. The las t va catio n David Angel bad taken was tbe year before bls wife's death , After that be resisted all attemptp o a tbe part of h 1'8 rrlends to Indu ce him to take a rest, until on~ nlKht, while working Ia,te o ve r bla ledger, be tell o ft ble htgh stoo l In a fain t. Tbe nellt da y the dOClor eald to h im: "You've f,'Ilt to go to the country tor a couple o~ mon t hs, Mr, Angel: If you don 't, l'ou' ll be a dead man In lhe rail ," T he old man a ccepted tb e ultimatu m s adl y. H e was gloomy and CBst down. Suoh a break In tbe babits of two decad es oppressed him wltb forebod Ings of e vil, Uncle Dave was t ettered tigb tly to babl l, and t he severing ·or hi s si mple dally, montbly, yearly r outine Beemed to blm like the endlug of all t hings , or, at least, Jlke the begln olng of t be eod. _ Jilven betore Unole Dave lert t be boarding bouse wbere he bad lived tor man,. yeara he was homee lck ; but tbe die wae cast, and the lonely old man . et out one evening tor hIe trip to the countr y . He had bought bls ticket tbat afternoon tor Lake Geneva . HIs mood W&I black, bow ever , a. h e boarded the car for tbe ra ilway ataUon, and bitterly did be resent tbe necesslt,. of t his enforced vacation, Uncle ,Dave's course lo t he depot reo qu lred a change of street care, ~nd al be was ,ettlng aboard the aecond car. he encoun tered a li ttle old lady ~ leaving It, She was laden wtlb a


:~~:I: I~\~~!~ t~p g~t t~e:tlll~II::I~. "~II:~




IIakbel, a telescope case, a aha'll'l strap and a couple of bundl.., Mr. Angel stepped &11lde to let ber PalB. Sbe lOt o ft, draaglng ber traps alter her, " Dear! dear! " she eputtered. "I do wl,b 1 had stayed at home! Tbe Idea of an old body like me aaUvanUnc 011: on a 8ummer tour!" Tbjl conductor Impatiently nva tbe Blgnal to start. Uncle DB,v e wai not apry enougb to make a lIylng mount, and be found himself Btandlna In the .treet wltb the Ilttle old lady, while tb.1! car sped on tts way. "Wbat a sbamel"' IIhe exclalmlld, ' Iii genuine regret. "I have made you miss your car." "It doeao ' t IIIatter," aald Unci. Dave, galJanU,.. "J have tIme enough. Can I asi lat JOu T" She looked 'at b.lm gratefully. Sbe 1I'a' .ucb a bopele.. little bod,. among aU ilie noise and turmOil ot the city & Uncle Dan "'as atl~acled toward ber. "When my Iluabaad ,.,as alive," abe . .ld, as tile,. maclll 'way to the ' curb, . "I nenr m1a4i&d , travelllll In , till! lea.t, tor , ~e' &1'11'a,.. lOOked Lan. eyer,.tblna 80 caretulI,.." • _ looked 'about b.lpIllMl,.. " . "I .b;'uld ba.,. takU a cant. .," ' .he ,...nt 011. "but I Un 10 tar out

tat I tIlO.UClat tor _



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This Custom Is S tendlly Growin e lJI 1I1g CIties -Keep It In Cold St orage, A IlrBCI.l ee whicb is st eadily groWlnl; In favo r !lmong law n (ulk, nul alone iu

~----~-- " .e~~'C~I~I;~ :\~~tl~fobl:I~,I;~n:~I~'t';~~I'~:~I:~

II'hol e~A I ~ aUfI I(ee plog It iu col tJ e torTho co~t oj' "n ~ 1r "Iura;;'; i. no w i lH'ons lder nble; In most (Jrog"djs l\'c tow n~ space to a ccollllllodale a pn"kag c of a llo llt tb~ dimonslons of an ortllnary 00111' bnfrol Ih a"cllollacist c rnlil( Cl il e One s bowu lIlay " nted fo r 2, cents a llIunt h , or In Ih e Cllt for H yearH alHl Ital'e alway~ 50 ce nts fOr a sea so n or IllI'e" or rou r h a rt u n unfai ling monlll s, Those P C I';O Il S who ba,'e ~UPlll y o f good lI'a· 1once tl' iell Ihe 1) l'IIc~icc arc c Dthusl nstlo t~I', It g iv es nd · over li s atlvantages, nlll inta illing not ~ van tages u"er l !I e o nly Ihnl It Is nlucb "''''llpe r lb an to IIl ngl e furm o J' CIS- , Iouy fl'ull in s llIail quatl l.ltieH trom day te rn , Th e 8l11all e r, 10 duy in thc .. c lall marlict. but also or I'~o. lvllll; c ister n, I b nl it c lIabl es tb III to l;e t Ih e Ilest s h Oll'1I u, right of frull Ilrat .Omes 10 marl<et and to bave <'1I1, tuk es th e WUICI: o nly Ib e bes t all th e time, fro lll t h' I' 0 0 [ I 1'h ru 18 a valuulJl c suggestio n hel'9 sfh.Jll t" , wh ere il re· for the rltrmer and fruit grower, s ay. mal us u l.11I sed l. , Ibe Cou lllry Ge ntl,' mBn , Apples, ' ment hns tiN11 ' d 10 , IFajles , pears, quinl:es, IllumB, aprlcotl bOlli, Th e wule r lIIay be t hen / -e\'ell pen~ li es an" Ill e loll., as well al t urned tu lO th e IUl'g er , or malll uis lerll , banall,,", ora nges and grn lle FI'IIII - C8n by "pellhl!; I'UI\'C In ~o Dll e" tlug p ipe, he I' c ilt sou nd an d goo.1 (01' u su rprlsc , by th c rod , tI , Th e Pllt: of this pll)e , a, , In" 'I ellgt b of tim e ill col d .tOl'ago, As Is pill ced abo ut Oti C 10,ot Irom th e !Jot· Ile'o' I)Ift" ,' 'Onl''~ 10 re8.I I",o ., 1II Is nlor e genlOlu 01' t he rccei\'ill!: l'I Sl e rll, to prc \'en l ' ol'a lly Ih~ opening for ~ lll'h a tl'8de bed r uwing t lw sl'dim l' tlt In lo lb{! l arge r I I'" fnn " rowers " ll ' tc," ' n ",,,'fo ll'' auct ,'O',,' tl tl·\.'J .. 011." T h e. cill'cl.. (', III U,\' ,,~ UIl)' good mu. t IIIl'l'euse Imm II sl'ly , Th e.'e is gall' valv e to whkh Ih e I'~d, d , ill a t- s uc h an open in g now, ulld Ihe rrult. t acli"II,fur opelli ng an,1 rio ' lIlg , me n whoso warm s Ilre ncar euougb to I Nnli It IIl11l'11 ea, ler 10 clea n ,n. s mnll the dlies lO permit Ih ~ Ul to curry the ir cist I'll ~ I ,X Icct ,:cpp than a lall;e ,~ II C, fruit t<J the L'OO SUIll CI' ha,'r su ch a ll o ptiny " a Wl'lt CI' In l'a l' llI and HOIllI', I his ,onu nl t as nc\'or \\,Il~ l<no wn berb l'e slllall 01:(' may he e U,IIJlIeU Iillto IhI' I ftC) nlUl'kYOt all lll c ir IlI'OItll l'O of a kind I main ci Slell e-1'1Itbe al storage an~' li mec lste lin ,l'lIr; is conhai ee r. HtIl e time-t,he el' un wh O d i bes t lim e for tb e mr II / anl l at guo pI' ces, UTo, pr"'p ,,t po""l hllll)' ' Lnr"e 1I"l ng at loogreut of ('hpo l<ingo r , ., growers ' C t lO I'nl'l' V Ih e lr adls. fr u it crad! in /( l u th e c<, m eu\. IIll owl ns Icn ltol I In nco r,l O,1lI 1101;) n I~ Yh'e_ ' w~uld Ond It In Ih Ride o r e it he r CI"le l'lI where cu ll · I to Il 1a . k 'fi~ lbll e I, e ' I 'a II"CO U8 to n ecll ng pille /(0<:5 Ihroug h , wa ll s sho u hl ' hO l hI pro .tn c R t n , l 1"111 ' 'I~'.' ~o handle b I it h n I em p oy an l\J; ~ n l u <' I' J e re l n (OI'~e(1. ,n" S IO ll' n , ~\' ccme I lbl . ten,ie for them, Bolldl lu g orders o n th e I" s "lc, r ho. smail c.s le rn ca n b e , , t r fr ul ls 1n uu ll, at placed at any r caso nnbl ,' tli't nnce {,'om r, om con~ll m e rs 0 I Ii thc de llv t ile main <,I ste rn W lih tbls arrange. whnlesa le p ri ces nn, ng m e nt it Is ~o t n ~cr "sary lIJ alloll' th ' cr tes In seaM U, II Is ea s y enou gh t~ roo f firs t to lI' a sh ()I'f hel'o l'e tU l' nlng In Ond pl en lY or buy r. rs fo r Good fruits, t ho II'Mer, Ihu s losing wh at is ofl en Ih e the fruit' e alln~ habit h n. In creased gr ealer PUrl or th e rainfall , enormo us ly In tb e Ins l del' ade or .two_ __ _ _ __ _ Inrl ced th e r e hns boon a I'cmR llta bly HOW CROPS WERE DOUBLED wld es jll'ead awakening to a r ealization of I he " a lu e or {ruJl as a Bl npl e artic le Report of Cons ul Frank \V', Mahin of o f d lc!. Th e on e t hi ng neeMul Is to Whnt W as A ccomplish ed on Ill'i ng i. he gr o wer an d tlic l'o n ~ um e r togel h er, A highl y pl'OlItllb le Irade Is P oor Engli s h Land, bo und to fo llow, Consul Franl, ,\" ~Iahin , of NOlllngH al' ln g s l arted wllh rrul . tbere Is b alli , England, mal, rs th e rollowlog r e- no r oa so n w h y ~uc h d tl'ect blls ln ess r ep n ou e xpe rim ent, I'C(' ully Illn<le in Intion s Lehnon fnrm er an" city bouseEn g lund , s howing II'hal IIIJel'll1 fertillz- holder s b o uld r,ot brond en to Include ing will do wllll Dlllurully poor land in cggs, bulle r , vegplsbleH and farm th e way of in c rensing ),i olds: produce In goneral. Tb e co nsumer "Expe r lmenl~ cani e d ou t durIng tbe would mu ch prefe r t o den I IlirectlJ Ila~t season in tbl s couutry de monSlrale wltb tho produ cer, wh ene ver Il 08~lblo. what libe ral rerllll~ln g ma y 110 with , rather than with Borne mhltlle man. be nolurally poor claY laud , I n uno cuse h e commi ss ion merchant., 'wholesaler a mUllgolct n Id 11'8. dl\' ldpt! int o BI'e I or f ota ll er-oot alo n e hernu sc doing so pInts, one of wblch wa s leflunmnllllt'cI I woul (1 be in tbe lo nG run 8PPI'eeiably for cO lllpar lson , wblt e Ib e oth ers n " ch eaper, bUl s till more because It ceiv ed 48 l'O UIHls l'er a cr e of s upel' pbos- 'voultl enable blm to get Ibe hes l of Ibe pilat(', wi th anel wlthom 1111 ro~e lJOlI s rarm~r'" goo ds nn .1 get the m more manure, Tile UlHllunUl'cei pin t gOH 12'11 qu i '1; ly nn d In rreRh " r , " cttcr sh ape. ton s or I'OO' S pel' a cre , Sup~ rph os tJh t\lC The growe r wbo ex rts hlm"~lr to d isnl onl' ml scd lilie yl e l<l Iv ~O\. lOllS, pose of 11111 produ ct in th is way will ti uPHPhos lihale and 2~~ POll llli s o f Roon fin d t h nt b e b as seoll rpd a goo d, nitrat e or soua pCI' n<: re I'alsl)d t he ylel Li IJrontab le and SlIre mnr ket (or all tbe I to 27'4 tuo s: SlIllel')h os lllrnle and 4-18 IJrudllce be can s U)Jply , pOllnds oC I1ltrnl(, ralset! it to 3 ~ tons, an d SUf,C rt, lJ os l~hu le allu G7~ po un ds or POTATO FREAKS. lI l11'ai e m ised It 10 39 lOll • . "The r especli ve inC I'NISl'S dlle 10 ouOdd Specimens of Tub ers Whleh Bear Qurillg un Ih e foul' fe l'llliz ed llh.lh W I'e, Stron g Resemblances to Diftb cr efore, In ro un d fi gures, 7 , I l , 21 nnll ferent Anim a ls , 2'" tou s pCI' lIere , ara l. ir I he cost of lb e Th (' abo\'e specim ens of til bel'S COfm f e l' l lli zcrs be tB lten Illto a cc'oullt. th ' a vera ge cos t of lbe Increase III roO I ~ an ialeres tlng group, N o, 1, w bi cb was less than 73 cenl S pCI' LOu -co nslt!ered a \'c r y ch eOI) pr ice 10 Imy fo r man · gold s in n Heuson not espe'lIll1y (a\,ora ble to tb el r g rowth , Tbe bonrd or a griculture esti mal es the man gol d CfOP of th e IlO U:ltI'Y to r 1904 at 1 ;l i tu ns pel' a crE', Th e yield of the best lliat re rul'rec!.+..._ F--'t o , 39 ton ' )Ier a,cr e, was I he rerorDdoubl tb e al'c ra ge, "An expe rimental o al ('rOil f .. ll owell a crop or rOOtR , W ll hoUllllallllre Ilw y lclcl was 27 bu s bels of oats nnti 1,904 po ul ds o r Slra w Il ~ r acre Wilh 3Jfj Ilounl\~ M I euperphos phat e PH acre t he yield ~ KH 34 bu~hcis of oats and 2,3;;0 pOllnes of BII'I\\I', alHI with SUPN IJbosphale n nd ~I ~ pOll n<l s uf nl tral6 of sod a PCI' ac re 4 1 bu"hpls of oat s and 2,688 poulld. u( slraw; wbil t' super phos phate with 224 pOllll<lS of nllnlt~, lI Ppll ed In t wo dress· Inl; s, !;nve 47 bllSlll'ls o f oat s nnd ;l,I ;IG po und s or Sirall' , In each case t he in crease 10 grain ath l st row Is lu;te n us w orth , r Ollghl)" I \\'I ce th e cos t of t be t e r llli >.e rs cm ploy ed in prod ucing It. "T he hourd ot ug l'i cullur e's stim ot e. or a norllllli oa t c'ro p Indknte t hat Ibe )' iC ld o f 47 b~shc'ls per IIcre is III lens l t en hu s he ls beyo nd I he al'eras_ from FREAK P OTATOI';S , ordinary Boi L" wel ghetJ nea rly two resembles a bab)' hippopotamus ; tb e eecond, a Rape nnd S()f c'hum . Tb e plan Is som etilll es recom me nded IlUPPY dog curl ed lIP In a natllraltaahof sow ing rllile alld sorghum tOl;(' I her, lUll; the I hlrd is not mu c h unlike aaeal; In ortler 10 ll ro(luc~ pasture (or s wi ne. nnd the fourth- well , what alii mal dOllB S o mc 11I\\'e recomlllu nd NI ):l'OlI'i ll/( the it r esemlJl e? ralle and s org hunl tog(ot h" r : 01 h ers HELPFUL HINTS. favor plan tlnJ.: th e ~o r g hlllH in rows nn () then So wing th c 1'''11(0 In hel wcP n I he It'l neve r tou la to to begin. rows tlftCl' Ih e sorg hulll hns bpI' 1I cu ll i· 1\:o w is th e Umo to do things. v lli ed fo r B tillie, Wc do 11 01 l hink very A goo(1 frl c nd Is bett er tbo u gold . h ig hl y uf ellh cr pilln , Till' ~"n; hl'lll Give t he bl'oodc r cbl ck a chance, Is li ke ly lo ,o l'c rs lrad o w I he rap p, uuli! Go !lshlu g later on- g et bus)' now. r ape a nd so rghum a re Pili In ,e llJlI'lIlely a u" kel,l pnKlured a t Ihe sant e l ime, the D ... n ' t be In a hurry W plow up tbe plan sho uld prove salisfaelllry, ' d(nlfil.



, A l'hmgcme llt by Whlcll the W ater Supply I s K ept Free from D irtand Cis t ern More Easily Cleaned.

[IKe ulIllI npcll ed fU I I'ODslIlIllltlon,

"C ..


Ill" (


.- - - - -


In Buying Eggs, I n buyin g eggs, 'r '! me mb er rou are D ip the s h eep Inllncrl lal c ly a tter huylng s tocl, at the least oost of proEh curi llg. duction, you are e ntitl ed to a thorough1' :e1 ch ick from eve,y egg tbat hatchLambs s bo uld be docke,i nnd caa- ,68, but not a pr lzil wlnner.-poultry trated 'Rs SOOIl a s o lll enough 1.0 !ltand Journal. th e shock, B et l\' ~e ll one t.) t hree we eks or age is a good tlme, - Fol'm and A boy 's conception of bow to mwJ Home, the h o08 fill the egg basket can bardl, It Is a hood r.!a n, uo w a u d tMu, to he Improvetl,_ upou. Said he: "~mall~ r;<l awn} and huy 80me Ili m bs t o infu se my h ens scratch, sa bard for grub that , n ew life anti blood Into one's nook, they are glad to get OIl tba neal and But ne \'.J bll¥ Inforlor IIlock.-Fann loy an egg so tbat tbe, IIIQ ~ 10Ul'll&l. awhUe." -Farm Jour....



TeaCbers.' l~sUtuie

', JII\1-I "Oeat' h . R ,.eIeast:;S . 1 .' L:ydia

f eall ti t ,I .

\Oh]\nt~;lq~~ "'lllQ~~rl\~. a~](;~~tel"

, " t ninme ntR. "IA PJllNN8~ LI'ANIA LIN ~, Danie l. F no o, ' (\ h ll ~gy ,~ bip ne nr Minm i I . I :' . ' . The ll ttl'lI 'hon s of th o Cllllutl\ u , Ju lv "'2 311 . t J:C\ir8Ion llc1r;nl8 to Otn'c\un ;,Ll , ' . (file flf y. fourt·h nllll?1I1 ~1l~SI O:1 of I (llllL t oguthor wi,tll the. fnot 1l1l)llot e r y . t'll ll ' n Robe r t !:;hillltk or ylt~ f tenm"ht!Ulla LtnotJ w ill bo 801l\ I\ t 1:,u ?tll.s , 'MI\.1 y -.parl ntt , h lUl III! h el i L yd ill Dlm ip i d le.lllt h er home tlll~t roun d trip from \VaynUl yUla 10ln'1 oftlolpe d ul on the Wllrr~ Ooun ty-' l'ellohe r!l 111- Ithe t cnchofH aro now pllld Mr . HUI'nltl flOU8C.h , · of Da yt.Qn . 1l'.n',' 8 t8 f\ t.~llIn r ~\ln,I I(ly for thelr t r.~,tllle l1v thaut 8 ; ~ t:J B 10, MI Sses E lsie I Third ~treer l~i xth ,dny. Sevent h s titnte will me. . b e hElI '1 a t t1~e Mi/lUli IIltOlldu llce lit Iustitu te. '\VIH ,PI'ob. , , • q b" \ nnElllrl lngon, II I L onn , l In 11 , l lin- : mon t h 1~ , JIIlI(;, IInll .. lin iIIne8~ o( Y/lltoy ChUtlRU q ll(l, g ronuih frolll , t !'1 t t'rllll ~ r (' lntI H ' " ,10 n l~ om son AOllllnd ,l o!'~le Ma rl ntt . IIbly M arva t.o nttnl ct ,. !lluJorlt y Itlll'eu ), e" rs ' durtl tioll , li nd ' h er body: ,Tnl !I I to A u >US!, .I !lnd t,\milv, of thtl Lo hlilion pik e, tlf Ihe edU C!it o r~ of tile OOllllt y. BUy'lt Now. I luld I.o re"t. I n thil Frle nd s'. lmry IIl C fl'OI Il F ,'illll v u n til Sl\1111uy y g . ' I 1111'8 \ . hil n, l! u I' n ~ 1 No , I\n w _ ol III ~"I\ the 1Ht time t o buy Chl1mb e r . , gl'oilwi First , llll V Itr t.e I'lH1() . n S"vonl,h I 'j'II e m o.rll lu g of e ll l' h fI ll Y Will ho . .•_II ' 1 ~ 01 ~ In In ' ~ OQlio. ch o ler/\- tlnrl Dlurrb roa. 0 I,y k ", WI 1 I m onth 10. (l ftllr . fllll e l'lll ill , Hlc k HIle (1e'l'O I11(I I 0 II' 11 n" ., 0 11 Wfl nl. ollrpo t Sal' IlI Il tI lIl g' " Il li ng h to l', MI.!I.~ 11111 11 0),...,. I' ~ ' \tX (, lJ R ~ I ON !I 'I'Oon l ."IlAIl () Il" R ~' " ~ ~ [re9Hfltl lllH I Ie ""SI· lies" of thu In!lti tut o " ' 01 " 1'1' olos\lJ " Ollt Ollr Inrgo s t oo k go t.) ~ t> l'l1I gfio1tl t oct "v t ill' II \'l~ , t. , llI fJOt.lJl g uOUFe Tho Ilfter ,' flHANf) AKIlI K A.OOURT tltl I 1111 d 12th R p, III/lc1y .:-- It Is oertain to :00 noetlod . ' ' , . . , ., Rooner or late.. IlDd wh en that t.lme . . , with n OaH n~ ln t:i v Cs . I I I . r '. ulld' e veuin g I uf eltCh dl1Y will I via I'c nn.<y h',illa I ... I D\JO('1I 8~ U ollm e t o ChlltOll county , nt 1,)\\,1'1' " rUlIlR t.1 l1W li ll y hou se 111 ,,'s.. Spec. "" .I n s cnm\lll y ou will need . . to it badly- y ou [Jen,'.1. COlnrado Ob <;1,,111," io. fl'om or Berkl PUI'b ' ... ey I'or county , Virgini t he e \I ul ry . .10hnA , F unkey, MI' , ( '. ChLS tO.11 l uk olli', L\f l in H;:)i! , w ithh~lr 'p[lrentta.whore ~hll. be ld t opo n to give thll t elloh a r s nn III'U' 01ull .. n abou , sl ~ r;OYC t~. tOI~IC'. ow .. will need it qlllc kl v , .BIIY It now c oppo rt,ulIIty t o nttend tlle r "'gular nlll)ly A r('b lu Ullrt~Ol'l;, w h o l\ll~ nI ne r, _ I l 'h " II II nu" \,;II . T, · nllos~c(' . nllll :'lr~' I I'elllllill~tl unti~ I1fter t!lt.l (l el\t.h of . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,o 'I" ~e l ,' ~ "" ls. l enn.fIY. llla !.ln •• , It 1Illl, FA ve life. For sala by ?tiny ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E . ;" pn,lll .. nnn 'lD t I100 ffl ,' ,\ n f BIl r nt'.' I Frll . nk "l• lil,,~£'r '~ o f H,." r \'A 'r >< bnrg. l (l~ pIlTent.~ !lhp.wl nnd , hro t her tbber s lsterRe William bet.o o· , mov!'d ((. ~ruilh C" t' , "' ,'rk~, [lny l!)n , is I' ll · 1,llnl'(1 I"!'t 'fhur. Il ny ,, 1111 D r. II lltl i \Vu Slles \'iIIa in 1871 ami haR SllIoe . jtwim! n t«"o wpek~ v/l cnt i"n Ilt Il lt )Ir ' ,1 . T Elh5. ' . ' resided here, H e r brot·her died In i";lIl1' .. f hl ~ 1''' rPII t,., M I' "n t! Ml'~ i :," rp C " I'e B el.dReil l' n n(1 ~ pn ml ' j l HiS . .which lI ()W leu , es h er sis ter " \. I I ,I L l1:<rl. (w I., " n Ih fl !"I"'I 1l10n e III tb e (' o~y co tta ge home. "!! II !!i'l P\l wd pr s lit ~l l1r 's • ' ., . , . . 11 f 1 ' T he fa nllly oo n s l ~ t e d ()rJgmfl y () I 11'.\ p .ke, ~ I ,· ~ . S. E i\1 ~ 1' 1. of F ifl h ~b'~et, : 8i)( s is te rs IIntl fo nr brot·he rs. of l\' hl'l1 w [l ll t in ~': rlH! ", " P II {' 1I11 ((P t Iltll ll lH' m i~ f\) r lnll e IIh .lI t. te n " "YS j Wh Otll , uc. id M R e bt'ccR, but 'o~ p ll lt'tll pllrr 11 1111 f r p~h n t \ I:t ~" " , I t .. q 'I' 0 11 II 11 1'1, .11 0 ", hi l' h h r ok tl o thtl r .re lUllin~ . lin 8ged !llst·er In ; , "~ ' I . I Oo~ Ml\ ln o" \\, I~. '1'1" , Ha n ll' " BII'·I,hn t(. 10-"1 ,q,' "fr I..:\\'inl' I ab" lIt " (Itircl Ilf Ih O\ Th ey \\' t' ~1\IOhirlhrig ht membll rs of pit"I,, ',1 " I ~ : ~ :' ~l nll.'lfiY (' \' I"n tn;: I n 111 1\1' (11 .' in h " r rllnt, w h ich cn n~e!< he r th o ReligiOl~S Sooietvof F,rl~nd~Rnd I 4 1 h,' 1',,\1 rI h \\ II 1',1, '" 1,)[Ih ['on I 1 )\llll .. ~ ~ t11 1''' ina nil (I h I r r~~ . .~" hor ed s l.rlctly to Ule o rt!(IDa.1 d oo , " ,"~' I \' t, ) Ihe pl l'lI ~lIl'p " f ~nnH" I tr in es ILUd U~/lges of the sllmt'. lind " ,. . I I ' I' . n ul' Mitl ·S Ulll llll'r c ICll l'll n" !l !:;1l11l 1'lliligent III thtl ottenda .noe of meet , Ul1t' .. t~ t ll l'y nl1n , ~ . . ~ nrn 0 11 t' r Itl ng . . I 1'0 nll11l'1ll! d till' 17 th . .A \1 good s 109 Il S ong IlS streng II1 perml· tt d \\' ,, ~ h illg t llU I~ . II . , 1l 11W ,, " ,1 c lenn . O nr KC 111 wu s n ow i b olding offioas ?f trus t therein e , , , 'I M u~', fnr P il ri s g r~rn , ' -'i' f\ 1I tu a ~nll\lll er .Iro . s gon tls Ilt 'rh"t!ltYllltp!l1lthleso,f ~lle C?lllttlll . . " lD1ty I .' ' . g o o n · 0 0 ralDlllll IDg 81S er, , Mi", FlI lIl1 io ~I I' R ("Y llOlol ?, nf J)ny , ~ rl''' l ly r ~ ,lu(,I,.1 Jll'l C ~~ t o mllke R 1 t " II , wh, ) bll . iJe<' l1 ~ 1H' l1t1it1K \1" , I c h' ll l! $\\'PPJl . pecill l riblloll 8 .. 10 Afte r yeRrs, months lind weary I "\I111 1l1 l' \\'1th h r r r plilti"f' , NrR. M e pve r )' ,lilY th e 300 b olt lo t. i~ d nys , and olten "I eeplell~ nights of I1I" V ll ohl ~ of (;1111 i n nal i lit Iw r su m · (' I,'BI",I " lit . Mi SRtlA ', childrel c ',' 0 ,Flou r ,hnn "011 call g'e l '!< onel ptI,tient sufferin g', h a r tl\bld form lay anv . ' ,,, ;:,, h OIl'H' i n illlr ve;~llll rj.', \\'u~ '\ ~"Ii I1R ' , Iippe r s und J J NCWI)L\l'l s ~t ~ Il, 8tl~81~ht~1:1l~U?l!br:;ter~~~I~I~~;m with I' life , Irie k on vm'y ill RPvorn l WCl'k S lI gn, .III' . lltle. $ 1 (10 nml and mak es *I.~,O, wOlt.h be~ut.\y the w 'ostern horlzon , . h e r , F riol u), , h u wu~ t " k rn t " n J)UY IOll luP.ll rly ,lo u ule, La(h FloH ], eM a Oli s hoes Slnrlt ,took Its fl ight t.o thu brIght man llI-I n~l litu l to ,.ectli"". spaciu l Irc nt · li t o cl oso at. $,1. .10. ,.lo ou A . Fllllk ey. vlotorlO US spberes . , . '. fl'om selec . te,l It would tuke the mOllter of no -' " )I~n t . l't and s('". . t. i s~Jy YOll rself, .r1lf)) !'H LIIl(I ~ r , wh o ~·a.8 a ll g tlged In a U ClI s killilll artist to lrtlce out Ilntl fllr work III Wayn esvilio ' u rrl u~e Bn vi n~ tioo iderl upon th tl croci ion fm" r e tl vtl ral YPoor. liti S r e turn ed h e re r o t Olle h th, a pIC ' t ure 0 f th e ' '11h'lS nll f O~Ctl " '[ .\'0 1t,Z ..."'I' R..~ P It I ( ~ I] c'1.8 of IMlo ntlrejy n.w plotU t ln whi(:h u nt1'~I llrted 1~lbl;siness n PI,oc tl'e n 1" I. .. , 1 1,.. , ,C~ (II ill Wrlght •• 's bright., t o 111111dle o ur l'lrgllly !lIol'PlI sed WIl I>0ll s h Oll 011 u])pe uctH·e, Uen\ltl full1f: 0 Ib1le r M tin s troet , Id allr d epllrte.d one , Bo~n "h u~u a nll 'II t ,IIOI'01 1U'11I, ,,r o\r el'll"'( man , Ilu 8i ll e8~, w e n o w o ffur o ur e ntire Mr LimIe r fo r t he Il"llt n ,nd • TIll as een ,., ,1 'V ell I' or ~o att.eud h e r futlertll . an t e urn · n 1S ~I.tlok o r g rnnite null IIH1rlll" ,,,hlllll · fllO~f' hil S b~a ll in pOOl' h,,;.ttb " lind llIg w o rds unexpr essed hllve C?~. est n, oll t." IUl,I m ll rk el'lI li t g rou t l.V r a· h u" ben s pe ndi))" actio n. th e tim ll wi t. h strniue d m e to, grll sp the pOll wit I dll ced prices, 'rb e 1111'/;0 bnildln g r eiuti\'('H in ~ Indh~n. , ulld with hi ~ l u trtllDbh n,g ,bnnd · ItI Is o?ly IfI w o will er ect WIll llI!1k e ll('ceRRh ry I .. 1 t ee lH '1 J h c ar(J ca F (I.t e r of f llmt desorlp llOn I llilt can !(Ive 0 ' 1 IOU ( 11 11_) a r .... r~ .· os lm . . , the • tho r em o vlll of OUr .ontll g rnces Ihllt ad orn ed her quiet e ~ t ltck ' . th l" Dily to n 'In ,1 L .. huIIOIl pike. H e ' 1' ( I I ' ' I P orso n oI, n t or e S t.elI \\"I 11 (" to I t ' . ' , 1 lDg I e. W losa 0 Illruo er· \H 1i, ' IIIllI r ell f Y for I·unllssnm ~e D.l fo r o ur cllt.1l1n g or ·botta . . I' ' t ,f r 1:1 1.111 I 1I0"0W 11IIIIself 0"11111 <>. , ls tlCS were .s Hnp 1m y , r eeu" om 01111 1I0 me t o Ollr y urtl Hlld Rce th e wo rl" '11 . llI tl~h.. .... " . Ilo ve. Mllny !(l CI.S c ould , hll , I eilltnl wo off e r at o ur o wn pri ue . ' R~e Ollr ~ peLIIII )lfl1Dt ,lIlll val· !~o sh o w .the ~onder ~of hod S )low e r . ll KOIW E D OUDS & Son , ni s b brll ~he~ lit l or . .f. Ii:. Jonn e Y' 'j lll th e Ill,s t ory of thl~ , hl11Ubl O fIliI \1. . Xtm i~ , Oll iv. • lifr Roh~ rt. g h itlukf' r 11 1111 Mr ~ . f u l followor of OllTISt J esns. 8 110 " .' • " t I) . t e . L Kra nkl llr WI1 S a t DIl ~' to n F p, N.e1 WIl S t!~peClnl ly f ond of t.h e hvnltl 1lt1 I3drty , of CI)\' \\'ln , s pe n a , b egiuLin "' "Silvio I' m o re t.hau' l ife .1:LV e ve ning wh or e h e 'i tt allrJell the II r(1:. ," ove llltl :; a t. ll " ry o~'~ hllr ~. tt t 1t " ~. , : ' " ' . th e h om o o f MI'. Btl rk DII klll , wh e re I l~.l(l. P'"{ I'CIRI'K Itl Ig nOlnnr CH s t1tl l~lIl :.;ht s tl ' , I 1 tl )1 ' ur e of Illootl' n'" '1 he by h er hell. · IIlV li lt . H1 I fIlb fit' the i~ "ld cn E ,l g ll', nt whlPIt imll ?If <> 'd . lost time"I kndt ' 8 ft : d l : l' 1 k p ll ~ of Chnttnn ooglL !II 0 III pray~ r, III w h, IRpe 'I. r, on I , • • . .. 11 . ' ' lo w ~h e 10v lDgly s(lId ' ,1r shllye Ih n Ibr eeCIt R th~s o f Ihll t olty t itt'd I' 'l'fll1l\/ '"~ O~" , wh o I",,, t Oil , fOl' l e n clll ,"1I st,io'nt ioll, ly t1 o~lretl illllt 1 ma y bo In Ibll in s tJllllltl on tl f o11l ccrs . Af, l)(ll'II . \' I"Hlll \,; , rtlll nng r olullvoq li nd vro. e rvetl in I~~t.icllce to the oMI ," h , r_ Ih e in ~t.lIl1l1t l l1n · 1l hllllq uI" t, \':11 11 III t r "'lItlR III I. I~ I ~ Rnr v r.l . C. W . Jj,'llna r , G mnd C lll Uf Mr , ILllIl Mr~ . Lll k, 11 8 n"l:; hh lr hn ntl 'l lInlllttt lll' wh en r WI\ 8, ~ ilting b ,Y he r, h llVfl hPfl ~ ltv · o nly" fo w h ours he fore her Ho m e. "f th e n rll or, \\" I ~ I) r('~e llt , hCHitlo!l 'I Ill!; O il t h ei r flll· '.""to 1I 111llbll r of olh e r llI e n pro mill e nt in tlo o Null o n,,1 (c m .. tth e fl ll~f(l~ 0 fl f l gO in /{ s h e suitl " 1 nm .Il tlrl'u , sn er y, (I. Chu t tn . t lruJ " I nns we r ell "Coll PIIl Lydln th o or\l e r . M''1lIlloe rH rrmn t.h.~ ll AW· \ u·ong .. , t nr n num he r 01 "~)'Ir~, IIn,1 Ihi ~ I;go ny will ~ (I ()II' e llll in lUI un : Iy nrgaTliz lltl CII ~tl,e It ISO, utte L1(led, O? !ISlullul l y soe all 0111 fmmd wh o hr o:tell r Cllt." She rellc hetl Ollt h er ~l t~ t h A gr n uml H, Mr. Lnk ou s I ' 1 l:\ee quI' hund Hom e pupe l' II () V ultl. p~, tVIook l ' til'" with Mr Shl rluk ol' 'I'n' p,!<lIIlY t lin I:~m . nOli IlR I• grllRpll(1 I' t th py a r e bellnli ps f o r t.1 l0 1II 0ney, ", \'Bll i ~ ~ horoTC''Iiu g fo r ClnCili , \ ltll llillne ~h o t; .z ,:lI!1 Il p Wllnls ' - . ' n r II ' w ""IUTO IIL~ . " , "I ) Jl(lIi r ~ ( I J , E, .IlInno,I', 111111 Con h l~ l'et.lll'n h Olli n, ' . \iJ; O tII y<t.\ o ~ w eetn p~" \.lilt!. • r ,w nllll h el' hl o w ." - - - -. . - - -- - - - - -- - - ' - 1 J L WII H H alil t.l IP I't1 W . · J'p II IJ ito,,' ' r~ ill h r .' l'I!'( ~ (' (j l 1111 011 1' !j l flt'uk h UI" " ~ 'jg m vf'. 1 nt 1",1' I.wi n g fu \ ~hf (,l Ai s ter I iinow III W f 1'(!ly in lito ~ h e hnrl gi \'I n tItl' m ill wo rd Ullt! nc t,' n I thut ~he did n I Il eed Ih em I1buut. h il l' i(l llc lllh , OM it WIIS b e r rr·que, t. U 4141 tihe desil'l cl only t Le plll: n drllt:El'Y arollnd h. r til hi,1 fo rlll Rbll WitS plrtill in Urp. ~s lil d ILd dr p! ~, b ere od ill c nltlvn i !lg gll\ce Ilflll "'C llllt~ • f m illli IlDd 1:llllrt.. HI Rr..r " . S. MRIH.JT 'f . 1








.. , . ,"







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W give u more othe r Iplace , and ,flou that has a.nd colo r brea d thnt hold s its mois ture. Albi no is high gmd c flour I' fO(·tured whc(ot, 'l'I'Y 'II 'v I:> b' e d I')y ",[ . (' I '11 , d th h b uierl an e I b' f . f' , gl Ylng tIC 0 satls 'lt 11" \V aq:::a;;: S t 1 t your (l CpOS S 101' ' a)'ncsv '11 e f.l r









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A Com plete line of 1he

I P~illtillg of 1111 (~tion~ given !Ilrolll]lt n ot the Goza tte

hes t

ItEF RIG EB A'110 HS at very low




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HAM?\'1 0(' K I..'~.J ' . ~ I ~\' . 'll,,1

ti t

t\ ~

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Gn r tl olles : 1I ~ lOw II!' ,

1,0 11.,, 1' ' ll I P~ if S"" \\' lI nt


p(1ll c h e~,

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iI I



C lthltll gl',

Cuellm bers, N ow Y ork Crc lIlIl Che c ~ e, Fine CiJlPCll Dried Rn ~ f. n .!pnh Nut. Pea nut Bllt.ttlf


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1'_ H. Thurne s5, Mgr. Wills Creek Coal Co " Buffalo . 0 •• write s : "I ha ve been <lffiicled with kidney and bladde r trouble for ye ars, passing grav el or stones with excruci<lting pains. Other medi c ines ollly gave relief. After tak:ing Foley' , Kidney CUIW the· result was surpris inf. A few d oses startted the brick dust like fine stones. etc: .


pl'iI'e8, Ih n b.~~t. U dl Il ~e l ,\Dr! )J1',lt'ti, 'u 111' r.w th e t!llIlmpi o'lI,hiIJ In bfl plny r tl Itt \\'uYll r"", ill., .1nrin!; Iltfl lllomlt .,1' :';"ph'n, lrpr .

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A FINE TABO URET TE. B"II 11lif " l1y ellum!' led ; ~om e thinl> thllt. ("v el) b aly



Willi I!! .

\Voultl 110 \' I' I'}' ehllll (l ut. ~1, By IIccid c lIl. wo bought II Hnlllt lo t nf tllPm 01 l l' ~s I t hllnlllli f pri!'o . 'I'his piece is It belluty , COllll! etlrly 111)(1 A'e t uII O. Only ' ::\, r ~l\t ~. Oul y o ne 80ltl to II cllstom or,

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~ ') II\ "

OLD WHE AT FLOL IR W ll hu,'c II IlIr~e Hupply of old i I



wh o,lt i\()llr 011 h UIII1; it wont I lll s t lonl:!. so COlllO cl1rly. i Nc \\'

U ood~

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FOL EY'S KIDN EY CUR E will posi tivel y cure any~ case of Kidn ey or Blad der disease that is not beyo nd the reach of med icine . No med icine can do more .

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.k - . W

Bllllanll 8, Berrie!' ,

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tllt' lll .



Orllng~ ~,



O U I{



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<lnd now 1 have no p a in ac ross my kidn e ys and I feel like a new man. Kidney Curlt has d Olle me $1000 ,,"orth of e-0 od ,"

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An interuting Bookleil "All About The Kidneys" free for the asking Address, FOLEY & CO., Chica~o, III,




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LO UIS MAY, Drug gist.

Ti le Big' Banl~rupt Sa le of th e Ca se y & Cr an e sto ck is 8till ~oing?n in fu ll bla st. Th e ba rg ai ns ar e re aL A st he tim e IS gett~ng sh or te r be tte r ta ke advant~g~ _0.1 ' tb e'm " be fo re it "is to o lat e. N. M AX , Ma:nager 'of th is 'L ar,g e tSale-., "" ' ,











VO L . x r.Vl . NO .7 WA


YNE~V fLL~~ ,

OH IO, WRD:-l'E S DA Y . •!lI LY

~6 ,

LVU;, .

WH ULE NUM:B~R 2090 . Ch aut auq ua As sem bl "" ~ " y I Co nce rni ng "Wh o is tb e stre et com mis Rion PA RA GR AP HS er I At tra cti ng Ma ny Peo "'A a.. vey sbU rg. ple . ' o f WBynes \'l11e ~" Thi N q l\est _ _ _ _ ._ _ Fo rm er ~e s ident s . ion I Alb ino F lour (\;'0 II soc' k. Mr~ . Alic e Mc Ki n gey !lnel WIIA bron g ht up Frltll1Y Thr Min mi YflJI ,,)' C'hnutnl1 Cj un .l nrig li Mr , Geo r ge Edward~. of Wil ruiu b,v th e ,lis : For Sul e or Ron ,:;;; r (l r n 1111 H o m E' Co min g !In,1 te l' . Beu rit't ltl lin' \" g. t - A fir s t r' 11! ~ ~ i\ s,Jl' fII ltly neur cov e ryo f an ordl tlllU oe wh io is itin g this wee k I ton , "pen t Frn nkli n i~ Httm ct . Reu n io n h pro. , . ~undAY with bl~ frien tiR \ 1 el f I~r I ' rllle (' r o Re t the side II IHnn bnm nt~ o 1I1 e li . o gt f I N flal' ri,A in OilY . hen' . J PI' y" I, t 10 ,n ~o tl~) 1I 11111Y IJllr~ O n H fr o m \ru yno "id ad that t\l e omc eR o f mar Ilt 1'1' . s. I \\' 1l.I' ncHYi lll'l, ,l l1 n c, 19 01; $1 1U1 Mr~ . Vim::! , M. Rob ert , Berri n t o n . N nn,l litll o I' ill,' 11 111\ ,i " illil ,l' . Few fr orn h e r e atte nrle d Chll ntlll Ilnd Rt.r eet oom mls sion l'l l', o f Wn thi N "CU8 0n 0 . Yll es. I dal\ g hter , u f C' hi cng o, 1" 11' 10 !JI uk" I'IllI I' U ITO n RP III l' • (, lIt ~ III lire v is it ill g' MI ~s Alnl ll 'i\ at erho ll ~(l SpN ljun flr Fra nkli n 8UOllu.v. vi lle s hou hi bo ll11ule Olle, nuu Thl' u ttomillne (, nl 11..-. Chn lt n t.Jl e r elllt ives n ellr Spr i ng ~'Illl t .. " II t £'nll . I S mU ll uloc tod mar shn f '1 ' M ey, l shou lu 110Id Ijlla . l hi~ y01I1' is snid 10 be th e IllfgThu rHu ny with h llr frie nd Mi>~ ' "r~:k ~::IlIl:~;~fI~~IY ~::e~u~~~~ 111 1''' . Mne y ~kAr(l1 .. (A n ulli est III It ~ III _t ory , I h e o ille o of ~t r ee t cn Ulllli Colurnl>uiI Stoc k li nd POl iltry ll"I· . ,l osi o Ogl, ~~ i (l n o r . '~ Fo,) ,1 bee at be '1'1 , r . nutl\ 9thel"~ , o f Mr Lnc y' Cor nell . . 111111 L OllHl' Kill er ut. M rIY '~ . . lIIr ~ l [JP in ';\'lI y ne1"grLl ' '" 11I'01!, l'R III I. ~ full y u p t 0 I I ilhnCII ~, w h o I~ n ~ I"s t c r o f Mrs . AIIl U~ aod fam ily lit 1t WI' 11 he roru ,ille . , t Il' I , ~ e mhe r oU thu t qe l' . H,)J uil1 o (, I' \\" ,I Yl1eS\' ll! C', Inl II1 " h " t'IIHl nr,1 of pr o \'1. o u~ lvi I' , Ilnll MJ' ~ . Wil l C. P liill ip~ Miln or Ann ullY ?l1'A. I II' <T ' t H p~ Y IlI'n tl..; ' O , :' , I I . •lI nra .e nlD . ey IITR P!'Id ypll!':; Il gO, 800n ILft.Ilr our I' , ' , HI >lJlen, ID pres - \'''r.v h al)" .\' o \' et' tli .. loil'l f, 111 .\', \\ f' dlll' sllll ', Pro.f. P. O. , 11l1l "'Plf l' thll l ~ h'll ('x Jlcd s I" 1)1' "nr! I ~~ C lark 1 . 1 and fam ily Mr I ' h "r 1\ S" " II II,"ia . " U I. s ,. ~ t e Tll 0 f W ll t e . : RP" e rt,' I l" , r . ,c.. k R IIlH1 e I00 1 ~ ... I . . I ·~ ' 1 . WI . r wo " I I . r r e . . I "tlv : tl es ' In 'H I I 1.l h olllo 111 ( lhl O Wlth lll SIX - It ( \' I t. \ \ ,0 ltH.' I' OOHm F. ru le 1 . '.1 ' . C I/If k ,n] w'fe of' Columb" u~ "" o UI\( n ,V , · I l1 I y L." 10 V1P ( (I 1lI0n t.hN In c h gh t p luut wII Rbu.lltth eo " . ' .. I n o). n 1 "Irg l I , . . . , ~.Ir s , M('AI'lIl B Id ~o II sks ..... tit t OIVU f(llln ll tl t I' t ,,~fl\ (:ers i Htri l' llI- pll!' lI l'lll' iR fP'I'l' lInl M,, \"~ ('0 1'11 I II qWl t J\' l ) IlH 1au n t 1' uUllDlle u t.h e fun eral r o(\ 11111 wh .. t IIIIS of Rog er In· " I' Mr, nnd MrA , L C,I MilloI' Ilrrl " ' I I I ' ' 11 I II I ' III , ' II. 1I(w . " , P harm acy I vl'11 I 11I-,'l flln II1W t "OIl ('~sar.v t o Oll t u o wn e xp I n Jl oftl& , of ., 'H Mr ~ "I \I ' ~ e('tl ';"r oll\l thn t \\,II A Sato rdaY a' nd Mrs , Wil l CI!l rk WI 11l I oll~es . O no ' ll!'i ~e("n n<l l' • llfte rno oot o lh e lleli ght of Fri- ., . : IIf t h o tlrR t c uts wnll ml1,lo '. t n, pnoi S I hroll g h Wn l-n PRI·I' Il I'. cl ay tl . " " I'll , ' r. II ': I · " ~'" nil, I 0 II ~" ' f III Ih r, 1 MI "~ bUl lIlfl Hi' If; f' I I 1I1 1I>lr 11 0 1l~ m~n I ' h IVIIY y rl onr R. III, " l, rl'1I bU ild i" ",'hf'(lul p ' HII Illri eR of the "illn ge· ofll cers ' I ,I oe 011 ,1 fu r IW ,I ronc e l't ,.. I 1"1' ,, 111 I vis nnd Mtlr y Lev ic y How . . 'I'o ' llIll' illg tll (J pl " IIRll r o or ' SO il II" , /I v isit fr o ll l ' - whi ch tll f' tli" t f I I IIS" 1111 111 1 IIl1d Ih o ~('ottI MrH thO , IR~ u S ' mit d h OIlU R h c r fd e nd , Mi;" Lo ui KO II IlStJr h EII .. l zl'lt l' iR ('II l1 s t ulltl.} Bor old lint G raha man d Jeo nie Bev aD. Wil l "om peullo e or rl', 'oid ng Hn ll hll\' o [(Oli O 10 K llluII t H l uln Ar, ' nw 18, lIlnn ce I "f ('iuc innl1 tl fo r II wBo I h(J e nlu l&lt cky ru I'Ilo fo n r R! a lVas th en \l8ss ed by th enucoor Ill fort ... nllll · , Ke rsey nnd Flor eo ce 'l'uQ ker l rrolllR inql li r il'" IlIlirl e b.I' · k. 'I'h l1 r~ d ll ,I'. nn cll gl\' nigh t vI~it. wen t ' ing tl mar s hal the plnc e ns st rne l forll l r r r esid plII s ,,!, th o r" UIII\ , to Cinc innl lti on t,h e Suo day Rllr \1nit o r'llI' y . A Mis H ellllu exo ur. s J'lD e '1 h e O wh 111111 Clll n , vi s it h e r o, Ih o i llt l' r ost in th (JOIIIIII, /!Sl oup r. rk Nn nrnl Xen i 1 ,I. (lhi II. ,' i\1 sinll "x lr . '"·. of \.on d (lIl , F. 1l ~ pr" lllIse tl , , g ill pu w,]rorH nt lIln .v'~ . ', H II III (\- t:"'n i ll ~ HHn io n t oe i Bl'e ' la lld , Ill' I', ·" II ISII Enl l' rln ino 'l' bo ordi ua nco cove ring the flb ntse vorllI dl1jR Wlt.11 h oI' . r H IIlhl be hl'lt l nt \V UYIHlilvi o \'o! frI e nds Mr. CUIf! Rllko r ,wd Iii ti ll ,JlIll lle n e xt ,I un £' , : BtHI g lt . ~ 18te FrPl "n rs lt' o Inst I'ic l'e rloo k",1 unt,' 1 "rl ll l•." · t e r l'h it \\ ' nt , Mu ng oI' lin. .. n JIBd lle u w l'e k . We llm an. i" l'll r .\' gl' l1 e l'lll. ulOl n , o f \\,il min "to n, Illn o v tllP Jlrn~ l'IIm fnr Frid ! C. D . Hild er WIIS Il Day to n visi t o r ' Mr , nnd lind /I s poci lll m eeti n g o f . " 1 " , . u\, . roun ei l been I' i ~itill g h er m Th(' ro I,.. Mrs . Wa lter Tibb als, of .suc h II 11I1'[:ro IlUl lliJc rflf Fri . . ot.h er, III 1'_ . Id " , forlll e l' r ps ld J ,luy Ill st W/I R c ulI Ull t o cons id e r t h e que l ~ of tllI ~ co/Jl nlUm l y !'i'''J I ,1 ,,",," , th o il1mon , Geo r glfl l in t hl' \\'('~Ip l\Ihu sl loll RI,o kes , for Il wee k o r 1Il Day ton, visi ted at tho hom e l of t.he il 0r e. i" nll t unJi l'l'on s ht 1111 hy it. wh bn Iho I. ('ly I)r"l i M i~seRIMny Mor glm , Min nlll, I c h(' I' , \\,111 l ,,~tu l' e III l' hllru c ntt,e n . 1 Htic ky 1\[\(1 Ilois()U t,e r ' !' n ollg h of Ih em will ,'Oll St, Illtl cr ' s fnth er, Mr . J ohn Hei ghw uy, II .• IlIIllt'1' u l l " tll' ~ t ylr' I,(,th ll' to e ll'I !>1" l J ohn nn (1 Ini s Dtl.vis too k in the But nrdl lY n,1I11 ~ntl1rduy find ~ lIn · lit" 1' lI l lrOI\lI ~ t il tl o n uf Mu y or Zoll \\'11 8 rn 41o\, . S undR Y. Jl(lll tll i Mll .V·"" w II r('d ar'0I 1 Migh ts III D,i ytun J'ut r fr f l lJl ~t . LOllisn ll,) tllfl ll1 ~ t.t o r . lu s t Frlu IIY . . ( ntHI ('11i l'u go t u W T , ,Jord en .nnd wife ond . 1 M I', IIlId M rll . All e n . ' . , I \\'u) J '; A , ,n " . ,..1' 11 1 1\. lIUi IlC',< If t h we l ~ o~ n hf' ~o r ure'l l Mr , Hllr n' '1'1", llIi l.tllU'IUII I\lll 11' (II1I1 I f, n.' t h ll o rrii nllll Cfl indi ollt.e lllll , HU] lf'rtn tend ont of Dav is wer e !lmo ng the man y Wlll D . "1 it will he' II ~ rl'l1t illlll1 ,I, ' A' n"~ t ~ of Ih ch ~rH 1l 11 son , 'O' e s siLJ 1\ fill l ,.t' (,, £' tH.'xt lI1e llt Me. \\0 l (1 u Fmn 1; , Re1 el'Rl l ool ~ Day ton l'nll o,l 011 his r e lll- ollj oye<l t h e e xou rslo l. l1 ~ 1 II", III"r shn l wn s Rt.roe t COlll . ,. ll1i R" ion · " ' ri g ht , nnd IUlil n to the Zoo \· I~ lI o rs . I ily II Cll r ~'t'rr y . .\l lll:tlIIY , AlI g U h't. ~. or , wQr l, whi oh hil S hee n llo I I,il' e8 M. van Dlls er lind Wfl f< un I,. , fr o m Frid a.\' Ill ltil t;ulI Nllo mi S uud n y. , l\li ~H 1IIIlr ill nnll CliIlI IlII C!1' 01' A , luy . n en ' I th e s lree t com mi sAio n e r for urI a n nue tlllY l u~t w ee k . Mr . C , T, Frit ter of the Leb N th n I 1l 01l Cll' lv i ~ il ~ OWII r e ano n " " 1 ', '.'n l" I'II ,I.. , i. ~ l lI 'l l1 l i n l( Ihe S oti ceo WII!' ,!. lIIlI · l N . N. U, cli m e o ut with Pro f, fl t OWII s in ell tb o nll\r ~ lt o l re~ utI I' (, Ific ( ' _t fi nd wl'it - -Rm" os III i~n C'll ' 1' 1/ I" . " . r ,,')st A ron nl! ((,, 1,1 pill wi th L I .I I th " f"Jl ilwl j!;eRS Sat nrdllY nigh t and s pen [J wo uld, it WIHI r illill wd , bo iIg 11'0 /11 " ". 11 11 '1'" will I,,, ,, In pn llng u f Ih " yt e. Lon g OO ll olt . i t ilh·1(1I 1. " ' Il ~ rtl "o,1 O il il . AI~" "nil . \\' . ( 'lIl1f <> I'lIi, ,: , hlac' 1c ,' .. Iv~ l l' . T, 11 . nl Fd (lUll if pro per ly OW ll el'~ r of usod un y with his nun t, Mrs . J, W, pnil,.. Whi l " Ur i<:k i " I j n_t Har t . I,c lt wilh Hil\'(' rlll1 C' l<le ~ 1 1ll1 ,1 ,.,1 soc k , '\'r ltH Ih is li l,ll c 110 10 t o witl i Mell iin g II o \l~o }\ rl}.( ns l pn y fo r th o w urk t.h e ro w Ollld \:lilt stIl i we Ilro hll vi ug Wlil ':. 1\'l, : ,,2 YU Il In t r'll ,I ' O U b e 11 0 : tnr ' lu oisr . H p- Illrl l t o 'lll Mr~, M. ,J. Clea ver fell on th h ow IIl uC' h ]JI(1 IlHIHo · woll th c l' H llzo tt o(, t1i el' p , III. '~ llIn , I II I'1 WilY t l1 l11l1k e th em do it.II HI e . 1 11111" . Rn h.i flr. t , , ·" i · y"u r lint ., Il l'lI l rOll " illl r r 'I . l'c'rl lill I' g I) IIIY •. R ' lrip 1 ]lln' l' 1' , au (\ 'I I Ih o tuw n or Mr. Ltl wl~ t (1 ellle nt in fro nl of Lew Sea· I 1h t' ll o lI l'~l tL~tl1u~IJ1· o t1 g ht, tt l{, cn lil!(' ["l lIpC I'IIII C,' IIINll'Ul't IOll urri .Il r:-l . ~ II lld fum ily Ilnu brot h 0 l~ w on III In,u rt R . Int' I-ll's rll' t. . I flll11111 ~Ir . 1I 11111\'lr ~ llll l1 I1 n . f I ut. I100 1I C III " t,I ,,)co st 0 f t I , 8 w o rl. , nl ll llll nr , lle llJlIl. "fn l l llt,IlJll il 'IlIl'O i" ti l'"ir pd . [. rIlY fl rY Jl IPli s un I vISI IlllI , Ifl"" gOllO to Bro wu h OllI o 1111<1 f rn otur ed h er wris t, MouI '1 ~II- , \\, ill U"r il 1III,llI iel'o lllro " 'I' h ' , d I ' C f ll ; t1 l;h d it. ' COtl llty for n \'lRi t. wi t. h t,h wlt.h th pll' tlllll Khl pr , I\Ir~ . B y II ru <lr IIf I'l'l,,,,itlpllt . , '1 I,; IIU II num Hl r 0 eir pare nt s uy . hl\ ~ . , "'/111 ." wo hu \'r hUll II \' , ,1' .\- Jll 0 le r qn !< I 'l ~nl' ~, t I I ~u a llnt . Ellr l ilmi t ll. SO il of .Ioc l Smi th,j. I n .... ' o f 'i\'U ,'I,I'11",, t,)11 I). C . rill, <ll' e r /I ll t OilS wc re 111\'0 \' Ot lin d (, f I rIng B('II('h 1I 1ll1' r, \Vi ll Mo ve to Mi sso uri i e r e \\'II~ I Don 't for" et t1l 0- rl ' .. ' oon SIUe rnbl e int,e resr ·ln th etldec Ma nor . 'lteg l'u p. lll Y . ' S U ",\lI'hall,1 1 " l r l C' t,~lIn , l n n l('o IlllIl'lI '' 11 r OHldent of \)/lyt.on was drow n eu isioll i ' _ . ___ _ . '" l il t. ,- . ' . ' of the con n c il. Ill " IWII ' W .. f lItr, MI' ,I. . \\'111 ('lin . Miss t . ~J1n Unn F hr l. lo , wife lind ~ Oll , 'I'!&,,~' t. ,,,·o 1."" rl\ In th A Mn,1 Rive r pon u at D t .Wc lln ~~d flY, Thllr~,ln.\' 111111 rs, of Day ton, v i,, uy t o n , l'to.1 " er s is torSea 11 Frid ll~', RU), lIlUfIIl, ""]l eu, t ,) I ' 11\' IIiI'll tu 1II f', nl111 ~rc<1n e 9dIlY fit A rcfe rollc o t.o th e *nt o lnw , Mrs , Em ma Ph11lips,1) \\' lIy no~ .1 t,h " ,v 'nr !.(f" I AlI g ns t, ~ ,\I'l 11ll nlll l . e leve n o 'clo c k . He o \"' j' .I· e nthu Niu Rt,;" 1) " 01' U 'I'h O (1 I'O,,.II O vilh. wi IJ lIlll lf('w e rllin g vilJllgo~s hol"e<l I,hu t. th 10HI hi~ lIfo whi l o cngn gl\tl in wl 'l' I' N ulIII rnol 'll l lh r! r 1&(>lI1 olOl ir. CO lln ly Fnir , th o hrs t l<"v ill ~ this w eek , o~ l\n ,lli f"J. oTl'. (,l1l1l1t ,Y fllir in . OJ ' thal of n ~ix yen r u1<1 lou ~ III\I III Ry IJO II ppo in:,·Ll lI tr I ~" . ~;"I'l 'I't "U III · 1 li n ",," 1',' 1,IUl'th , wllNII'r, n iIl i.~"O. u ri , d I 1'("'( '1",, 1 II j, ' tll-r 1' 0 111 A fe w of our you ng p eop lew 1 w h ic h Mr . •10hl cnt L' 1L1;"sion C'r, hut ,I " I,'~ u vt Rp eclf .., ",t II te WIL l< . ulr,.. to [i'orl, Ano ient S uudl lY llicn loin , "P1\ 1II' S I Ol'lil e r I101l le l (l r u~ clll. l' BlIt '!el'w ,lrtll . of P Ulll nllll , l wllR fou rt eo n YOil r s ,nnu y th l\ t' l Allti ll n F lonr 1',:,1' II g, ~1l(" o e li. ~l(ill lel'o g n hll lihll ll he, 'l'lle Inll' IIIRO pro TIl l' tn Heo t h e m p ll ~, " < r , Ii 1111 t l!l1,Y WIll .lncl lind 1 Mr" , II Lew II ullt Seo IS 0 l, - 0 I IUd b oc lt." 11II10 llg h e r I wh r- II I go to ruon d yo u ~hlos 11 Ily Pr uf. \Vb i tt il'l' Bnr n e l, whu '» ~ l hllt cil)' . wn ~ r e l'l t.i \'I;.q ther ll. 'tl1(,j r ~ t l lilt II St:t'Ill' t ~ lll.ill m o t h e r n ot to go nOl. r nt hteo riI vllr, ' SOil expo ct_~ C') l lIlIlI. I t;e n,1 t f II L II S~ I O l\el' 8L" II 1~ lll'e rn I tis onll .... or M.r y .,llu good ·, d I M»tJ to II en 0 , 111\ Fra \' 0 nk I!IO Ie y esc loo Is t.u l elllr l\l l) () I ' How Gn · e ilmt IInrl . ' \\'IIR h ,)Iu n l ne unt,1'1 I' I '" por Ru Ad ell to u o so II Y hi ; tlo ug ~ll lH ' !(J!.'so r IS UJl 'l lu ~ t' y .1I 0 1ll oe p t.ClJI b e rn uu' I ~.l' t! n foll o w lI Hl h ol'o htor , of Har vey sbn rg. IInll Mr. ' I 111111 ' nr, iii r ej o ioin g o .- or t IIe j IIrt. I" c I 111 " 'I t \"M,,'~ )",il lted IlI1lI QUil linI' ll. H Dde 1'1 1,11. H 0 t 00 k \ . II I ' l 1)1I1,P I' tll o (111\.0 \.\ cRl py nn llll Ill" com pn m . Z l~ ons 'u lr I I 1'11 .1'' 1. r thes e I o f Ii littl o 11llng ht er. l l\-or S IlS s . ll y s lIug and MrR. Ell Hou gh, of Mou nt Hoi . I 'l • 'hey nil Iilw 1Il hen r fr olll 11I'uIr o , . , Lilli e Oxf orll, lit Delo wlll 'll . e irOl\mRtI1 I1 C"~ , IInli nR Ih e tim " e of 'l'h\lr~(I IIY, ,lnl y ~O. Mr "ues tA of Mrs , \\- IIYD'c~l' illf', '"111 whil il Ih o beaultl p nlo IIntl wc n l tlow n to tho n v£'r . Iy, w~ .... c BU, lI clny .. . nOli Mrs , 1;blR .,ffioe eX tllre s In N o v Mr. 8 p .. h r m o \'/' d t n \\' n .\' " e~\' . Wlli lo, h o WII S tiHbin g u litU rml b r , Bur n ota ro n ow 1001l ill " e ti hoy f'" IIf Lu C.&! oy if .. Cor rn in n ell III' , C t 6l11 I'cry lt. \ ililp ' lIntl r "~s . ! fe ll o il Ih o IJrid~o jn t nbo lllill , fr o lll Xen ia II cu upl o of l env lug bn~ n sh ort lim o to,~ , eu rs Ilgo 11f \"" It'tet tll ol~I CIl I' ve him , e r vo, nhi o , wh e r e he will .J oRep h 'I'ho mnR nnd wlfo o.tle (01.1 . hl""I t1 I ~ " 1'1 E,n l HWIl Ill t eorb the co m IIml loo k C' hnrg cOll nol1 c\eOl d ecl thnt Mr . Lewl ndod 0 1'10(0 (' n , t o hi s n ~si s tnnco HnU Chll llt IOW o of th o , e l[wnr o r l ull ~ W/I S 11l ~ ,\' e nl·. ~ I .1'011 1"0 1l 1,1 ullti un 8uu ullY· ;",111 0 11 \'1'1' 111111 ~I' UWlit:. . ptll' [' hn sl'll f rom I ' . R. Ftlll e ntitl ed 10 offico nu(\ s h o llitl onll hl'o Mr . !llIll Mr~, Ueo rge Fox , of llgh t hllll t o th e Rh or o, lind th ~ l o n 11,1- / \\ .... 1,'11 \' 1' tliI ~ 1,]111"" t.i n n e Leh YO,n elfin get I umh !'\' , Itl ~h . ose " , ,llll\ ' 1\', n llll( lli th o hnnJr . ' Rh ~ n · th n ('o l'\~ i n (1 rll i rt Co . to serv e, ThO ll tI l o ok t.h e littl o boy nn o n, IIM 'I'h ~~ RJll' i rt f: g l " ~ H I; '·I. tJ 'rJ OOl'i ltCtl I 'I t t h llh r t eA, s. pat,e ~~' Cbn ~l' n I:s rlot t nnll ,i" te ' 1'11 bove . ~'i ti , Ill n l U "" r()~, I. I.h " "] " 1'11101' ,,' II ~ IJIIl1~hl p, I fr olll It 1111 , nc'l olI~0I1 o f h iR hur l~pn ' 10 " r eot OOlll llllS810n et· Hili.I ' by l\lr 1)(,/11 1\L " 11I, \I \ , lllli , I Su nd,l Y· II illg . hurn bOllrd~, . t o Ilo o r~, ~Ils h 1111<1 H" lIr~' .III l lil A , ' . f Ol'ce of lUe ll wer e Rt, wo r kge \\ 11 1 lind i VlIl1 exh au~ l etl h~- IllS ~ trng J,.:l o F",I I .\', ~ II"' O wh te h 11111 0 Mr ' l ihlll pill a,,1 fm'w n n ] Ill y jlflper III tt,ln g 11I o uldlll g~, yerl lnU unn d , phl/ 'o for U fe w wee k ~~" ""'I 'ddl erU I •• por ch wor k, Sp'l hr /Iud 1111' , ,I r eady to pnt in II o~rb Il1ld fe ll bA ok Il1to tho wllt er and llY IIn l'o heen Il ~R(l , IU g utte r nllU w ood pulp plas ter, bCOlll1 0 . . _. _ fe lt roo lin to: e int ed in th o I,us , ' alon g the prop erty of Mo rr,iS e ntlln g led ill II qllll ntity (If bllrl in ess tog elhe r . lO!l I Su cce eds to (jo od Po s itio nll d hllil di llg pap e r a t tho n ew Mrll , Mar y Bor tsoc kRp ent Bhn 111IU I day n l wire , Tho w ire O!l\lg h t his era W Il e n tb !III' . ~p:llll' llllrl his (' xce ll ont, , 0 qlll'S tI on f W IIn '~' Rl'I l be cl oth o~ with h e r son Per ry Har 1'11111 . ' l' Stlr d 11\ Cor win , ,. . I t.Roc I k ' and IUlld Rtre et cOlllml s~lo oer aros e, lI S \\,11/ b ll ~ r elltl .l' ml. ,,~ [',1 h eld lI Fh·, illl l fllst , "0 hi~ COtn]JlIlI l ' ln rk e \\' h o !! rll ( un l'" I rvlu Of! II'," '· 10'1'1111 kltll 'lhe Mrs , Mu rthn Elli~, who 'i ~ 11 m . ( :o llr gn wi l,1I ti l(' I' IIi SN of ' IO wor k of oou rse st.op petl llt nnco OIll . in K Ih o ""II ' lIIllllil y, IlIIII . n s w or o uDll hle to allv o , but her of th o Met ho Llist H Ilitl hIll! , 1111 ' I !IU', )lIl S Ili' c n e h!cl d t .. th o l' ''n ir o OlUe ut G r il li . nOl Bfte r the mnt ter WIlS sott led f EliI'I ' . " llri g ht , in te lli gen Ill o u t, of Ihe il' rl ePis ion \\' i ll it was ~IJI£' i~ \'i~Hin~ h er l l'hC lJli ~ lr." t littl e nlld ni eCIJ M r~, A , 11" Itl llrn,.!l with Jlh~'Hi"" in the fn11ow , : HIl g o' Cltpeo t ~'1 II te \\-or k. WO ll 1,1 hlld hlld his ltfe insu reu dllY ~c n o ral r og rut . , I': uk o ill " U a .n: Mnf lltt, MrH. EIliH is lI il; 1I l'C'h,'10 1. ~I I' . ,CIl lrk , t>onl afte rnoo n with 11\ 0r o t.hlLlI n[he y .WI How lner , it WII8 fou~d thn~ o ~im o ngo lind hllll lll w /lYs kep o; ru llllll t p.d IrOlll I'rll llkli n :.Jl§.pfL'.n II y l ~lI.~~e cl 1 II nus e lg hl y yelll'~ old t anU wife oast of Bell h.", oI/r , J}, I ,o I \\'ilh llegi l , , t,h hul IR rel1 ltlrk Ably the-TI'ftji tflke llIlll bee n mad e 11\ ~erv ' If ~ oJ th e M . b. ( hur ch , , Oil[' of oIh,lug-rcll o f II :-; , lind wn~ up pny me nts h lOIR Mrs Aar on I:le rs of '['i,n t'APv \l\g t,he \ Ini ght, nnd fl c tiYo, e , B eSI' d es ,' \l he"t ' sr'll' nco I ~ llIIlp.nts ! tbe. boy wbo m h o save lIo t,lce of the Imp rove llle n t , in wh iC'h th ['~' hl\\' e beon " er , on Mr' l " y .l etil· " ; (Wl}1 ' J?rll c!t1llt.ell fr o d from and MrR , Adl lm C H I I ll. 1 Rog ers, ",h[QII ,thll law r~ql . tho 1 N loca P .Ane l I wltt inw ork Iuro lin,. NU el'''' wnin l!: whe n h e l os t his own llr tJ~: - A , tire onc ne' III 11111 j e m'n ilre dau ght er Eth el "pe nt 8un Htllll (l o n , ' ' "p~lfy llay afte r_ tl II) no t loe OIlly 1110 hn(l sIlI·Pod . the IIfu of , n •• ;- GI . ~ ~ ' ' l" II III ]Ins t f u [! ' m ~ ' [le - g ilt POl nler s IItJl1n y s, p Ilno ll k rlu ~ thor I R e-I n noo ' n with Mrs , FJa nk Har taoo k. ew I\ on .. 1. 1 S boy OIlrl Bo y InJ llre d by Ho rse " d ic r tlll. ~ Sllll lllle r. WAlk Rnll n o t t he ourb 1ng . 1'111' , 11\111 Mrs . Cha rI I'll CIIl rk hoen HIS nn gntMrs . I. ow Is ,S t Ibb s an d P , of , I Y~ kll I ' I'cn g- fl gc tl III Illlt· lIu/I I~ o f thn -erry '. ' , A new noti ce , tber efor 1 . I I' . ttl d l Inn <lll g W II !I:r 0 C hnrl i e, so n of rt)lIrio n f~ ordo A, hlld Lyt le, ente rtlli nell llt ro n n /In pare nts " nn l t H ee I 0 8 .1 ~ t ers are Har tsoc k' s littl e lion lire on tbos ick n of hll ~ IIlso I heI r benu t.lfu1 the Cllellllrs tl Ollo n g r ent tlsol"111 to be prep ared of OrI JlI · , I' le C lt r p.ek to llI o urn Ill S 10SB, neig h lJorh ood I lIuI in I'cs l ignt u ew hom e on Sun dllY , Mr, onel , ion ill t he ['oll ege In boo: Tho 1St, Ano Lhe r que stlo Mrs I II " tl whl cb hilS b een W m . 0 rll b ice {'reR m 80('i ol Yo " " am an d Mr , fin d M rB, was )UI y I1Il ure,I"uy It 1lo r l<e o" un · rnt.n l'if'S ,i m'" r pcoi ving hl ~ tl oJ,( • He rvl(1e~ ut th o Bnp t.lst chu rch , r el' I Oeo Rob ertl>On sou th of Way . , . . ' II II It f1 t brO \lgh t up duri ng the dlSUlI!l. 1 I I f '1'1.1 ' da even l' n !:I ll HI we nes. day ru olnl llg . . we Satn rdllY fi t ~ p . m. flnd Sun II om Q[ ~l on of . I " It et o r b. IS urs ne w y p OS I· 1 , g. day lit l,i,HI, lll lh o ujth th , . f II tbl$ clue Is tha} of Ibe ri ght H o bfld gOll e into th o bnrn I II I u co UCll ur f;.. , 'lh o tJlb l"R \0 ,:10 II . m " cond n c ted by of tbe VII ,e. nnel ", c n t of I.h o Ko ko me osC\e \\or o n lIell Ehl er r y U , t ,. 10 hi . g , h so VIll age tonl llko imp rOl' cm e utl! h oo l is t ime . , The proc eeds whi l e ntte mpt inl': to put 11 br . , wh oll IImo ullte [\ t o . 'I h O llln~ Wll idle on r C'\.!lI l'u cd liS ou o of ~. ve ry1>ot1 y ill thIS VlClI lIt y ~1I0\ hlltu s, tho be~t hi ~ h $27. 'I'h o Ulus \,R Il hUI' Re th e ' a nim lll c r o wde n o ordinllDC& bas beon 1lllss io furn isltc tl by MII . I d him .to 1 snh no l scie n ro llepa e(1 DIIlL I thnt t.he Ure en e Con . - -- -- nt y rt.Ul lJ lltH III ton IStn ey's grnp IS onn one s id e /lurl b e wn s pub lish ed 8uthorl~ lug ' tl St Fnlr h ot>houe wns finp , l thro the SRw e. " ' ? f I,IIC b es t fl t wn Tl untI e r I 'n'hl lllll ' Ple /I 1'811\ asa nt Rid ge. ' 10 , no, I lero n colt . Hi,.. kne e ca]> ' M.. ny th nnk s"to you IJeop le The 1!LWB of OhiO nre strll lgen . C lllrk e Rlrnnj:( y WIlR forc ou m eMr CUlil e I t, III I!\ n ? ver nll yt.hl llg obl eO lllnde d for t.he\\'IIR • p lnell 'by bothreno tlOullbl(J o n oul o f pltlC a nnd . -req nlrl ng pub llolt y, In theo P r of. ugnl ll, o n e limb baLlly M. ,K Cr owe ond nct exh ibit. The . moe s i Mrs . 81\IIIue i Sut tnrw orth ll auel Dr , E . R B~Ylln . i MI~H lire exce ll ent,. brui sed lind hur of affu irs of v\l1age~ , tow nsb , Mr! . J onn i!' Dus k , of Linc oln, lIIi , t. ips nntl Lib erfll prem lnm s -CI , Chn rll'R Pry. , 1l11l1 so n (Jllr t PPll l g tram nrc p all) In nil the Frll ukh n F. s choo l boa.rd ~, At v l enspp n t "re~ I n ol~ e nt it> h e .u1e pllr t men t visi is ge ting .\Ir_ g Illou Tlb bal .. thi~ FrillllY ult.e rn Cl<lIl g 1\8 Ill g Rtal ': prom • wol .. ,~, nn d ove ry I1&" \\'ith Mrs . Milt On J Thi s hftll been neg leot ed h e lll s co uld be ex pec ted, alth oug F r eiI " th e s nn of A I fr ell r e to I isea to be n big dll Y, ;IL h I KeYA . I. nnd w eo k, e ullte~ nro like any oth er ncti lIom e exte nt" It Is lIuld . I Milt on vtJ boy h e IlnG~ Min ni Tue sday . W edn esd ny , J'hursllll o Cln rke who mov e,l fro m Mtll~, of I'Me rcer Con nt.y ~ nnu the CO llfin (, lIlen t. Illud e n pces!IIl Y l,y Ce asa rs Cre ek • Fri, lav Ang n·- ~ 9 It) nnd 11. Vi' ollm an , \\,fI~ se l' ou th o yen glloN t of; h,iS son in· law r~ . " go . . . . ' . k ' Dr . Cla get t wil l " . \'ers o '1lI1i ~u n Rt llyin g th to Con . : ., Mr~ Mnr ~' HJlp onte :,IIlCOlJ Co rn e ll llDc1 chll dreo rece e r o thro e rtl\l ne&l1D hIS IIllUrI C~ rath er 11' som e. ntly . 11 I t· I" ' -,." Le ave Rid gev ille , a dnll.,'g htfl lY yOllr~, \1\ W I C lill i e F ro(I grnd ll ntnl l Snm nel Com pton and wife ()Id Sch ool -As-s o mnn n er " I'CIlI I\lan y o.f ~~, , of ! Mrs , P"t, Cur rell spe nt --cl 'atl oll fro l\l ._ hi " h _ -_ "ch Frid ool I l ' ay, ' a Hnv ing liv eu in ' ' Vilm,il1 g toll , spen SIX YOll g III ten II t n (' o'cl ock lell . h ' J , t SUDllny with his \Vllb hor , b Cla gett hn~ sold on Thunrs Fra nkli ' 1 >lIs u ' ter, Rinc e C r.trs h e . IIni utly I ohn shed evcn Red · _1 hill col- I' brot h e r , WI ham ing III hon or Or, P. Onn IIr The Old Sch ool Ass ocil ltio omp on, RDu III 0 n d , . her "ran u dAu ghte r MI. " .Tos ot his prllCllc (l Ilntl his r 68id . b . eph - m emhllr~h i l) of whi ch iucl n , the Icg" cou r se has th e POSl tlOU re- : at ten d 0 u • ence lit Mis s 1 0 111 She ,,' ots Rid ge ville t o Dr, M, W, Lan IS se spen rv ude lCc~ ding II. s tbe ferr ed t o nbo ve lit $70 " . g, of ine Ogl esbe e who hllR ' k pe r m on t h . I MisA Eth el Wri ere . I I I been viSi ting I form e r PllpiI s t M Orog onin . . ght spen t last Fri · few " ose k of Snm uel Sco tt, ..I e IR very I ' hI f u ,8 d W t, h e r Ihe PIlSt wee k, Mi ss ltl ' th ler M oun C I Bno oha rn in Ern os t nt t " 11g . Y s po e n n nrOl ln , IlY: 1 r!t. .An u,\ J esso Dut.t e rwo rtb The ch nn go toolt plac e lIlon erw or · 1. W rR, Ilr nOlI Tho 1ll1l8 , Frtm khn , H o day . Ellr uhn rt., of Mld di lltow 0 Lil,t le Low ell ' and Inez Tho 18 11 nep hew of MrA . I Wll mlll n , ,vas I1n- Coll e tt will h old Or . IIncl Mr>1 . Clag ett hBv e mov mas g t on . th eir IInn nnl m eet· I Hnn y Stok ed to nbl e to bo pres e nt 011 Ilcco ~p eut Frid ay afte rnoo n with thei £'. IlIld MISS Am os Meo - . Mrs unt of Ute ing nt Way nesv th e h om e of llor fllt.h er, Lev r , l SlllIO Lyt le visi ted h e illp, Ihe t hird Ilfl MII of .wll i~ , illntlss nf her fnth er, Pete r r gran dmo ther , Mrs . Phi lip y n esvi lle, hIS Eu.r Surf o.ce . m llbal otbe 'l,. r . dnn ght c r n Ollr Luw bert on Thu rsda y in Aug ust, t h o Luk ens , of th o H,lr ve yshu rg Snn du y . . br"'1!; th OlI' Hlsto r . • Ern es t But t er wor th and fam plko . '1'he ndmi!lSi on prlc o'tv t h e llre ily 'wh! 're they will milk e tht:' ir R~v. A . L. Cop alau d li nd .fflln e ne - futu re. Cou nty Fni r i~ :if! cen il . , fpml t Sun dllY wltb J oho Mar llh If.nd Y Tw o Ser t,s for all per- Jam ie Bo gar iou s Ac bom o 1I11l1 f)s.~ I~t Mr , Luk o lls . c ide nt§ , of Bnb illll, r otur ned to th e Ir h om dus Re · In tb e SOil S ove r twe lve yeR _ ___ __ __ _ o wlfo , of Utt cn . rs, Chl ltlre n ,cnr e of the flll·m . cov eri ng fro m Ac cid ent : Frll lnv li ft e r a plell~nllt visi nml e r twe h o fr ee, t. o.mon!! , Mr . Rob er t Aun t, ofll enr Oro Bur t,? 11 Eor~hl\rt and ftl.llllly go . fri ond s ----- . ' Dr. e luge tt Ollllle 1,0 Wny nOtl l'lIle n lll , "w h o wn~ 80 seri ousl y inju ,TIID \~PO lie llt Sl1ntl,LY With r el!Ltlves In Mt , Bog n rdu ., who Mes bad srs, J. n, Oas ltey and Jnm oH red o f by beIn g thro wu from " ,. .abo ut eig ht yea rs II go ood bl~ limb s cut of!' by bein g runone ' H o ll .V. Lltt. le PCllrI Clin . dow n whi l e in Wtw nes vill e Memhis wng on e , afte r, ~ pen d lU _sn exo elle nt PrRctil!ll , Abobuil t up Ben hnm wen t t,o \.lIe Lew ist,o n Res - b y a fll st g Mis s Gol dIe Rich , of Wel lma orlll l 111\.y II. wee k with Wm , ut, four (In .son ge r tl'llill n ell r Cor . wus ll, WrI ght H, ret nrll wo.s Lbe . I'OI'Y Llllllly hnr t by gue st of Mrs , Fra nk 11 li n 'nttn ok ed h om e SunIlRY· erv oir Tne sdn y whe re t,hey .Y,e ars ago h(1 1Il0v et\ to Rld from exp eot n hull win o t,hro n his Th e wee fUT oLllt gev ks lullb l.s Satu rdllY nigh t, flnll Sun IIgo. bl\ s reco ve red un ont tell Mrs , Io;11I .wh ere he bas been very sucoeRRlful.e to fhh unti l , t!le eod of tile wee k. rllpi dI ,v e DeH nveu , who h'I K day tlhe fr01l1 tIle effe cts of the broyA ngo . Mr , Hun t had o ne rjb been vl ditii01ln and Mr. and Mrs , Tho mal-l lg h CI- dllu ghte r Mr.< AA h oUI of the~e gen tleme n b ' ken alld was vcry billII., sh . !lUll Mrs , , Les ter Surf a.ce visi ted Dr. Liln g who s ucce eds Dr. Clo u ken live k acci den t, nnd Is now able to wul up g. mor e thnn a 100111 r e put.llt1on Emm u Br o bst , o f C" Ium b nfl, I In Vin eion at\. ..ett Is a SOTlOlnrl .V gent leml f.u wbo 10 per . abo utol lt t le with tbel '; S III hom e ogll in , lid of crnt che sund ing the Inhl \blh lDts of the \)h'l rles Sur face Bnd fam ily !bAS had II wid e ' eltp erle wo.· Sill~ the " ceid ent he has been atR Mon day h e and MrA , Hun t anr1 C hn B. wert ! oce bot,h In ter t o o.tto ob t Me uu eo /l !l ~Ild tJiel r infa nt Bon wer e in Woy RIIII ~U()!ltB of rela ti\' oBt inol lay hem selv es to . thel r W . W . :""n er.a l , pra~tI.oe a,nd Ilpeclo.l n e~. Har ry R oeve s IlUd ftl.mily,wife , ATn old' s hote l io Cor win , wor k hOO"S thAl r frie nds are of vl\le ... - ,, afte r belo g at. hi! mot her ,' Mr, and' " Mrs , Wa lter Bott s auti olnA tiog .... , ,Iii ;!tOl.nlta ls. lie m(lv e d... A Bllr llngt:lJD , sJl!! nt Sun anet ,.. ba hem e nea r Lyt ll!, bie firs~, .to day with T rfl Mr , Rou she , vro gon I1\ ;.om.... or e greA t ca·tche~ . but it Is. thou gbt tha. t he CI'In 'l~bOll:::a:r,ago whe re visi ca.ll ed on Pat Cur hitn t t,her e v oir ' • Hlly pro doe be gain ed a k . and fam ily, 610c e. his L acc t ld~ th . t ~ III ) Mtte~ and rJ'an f wife reoe ntly , hie dliheOwa. " Mrs , Gar field Pet e-o .. " t II bly be the n 0 noh be aM &lte em of the , p?~ pAris n hal bpi'l l nAa e 10lll e 0 Mr, S. D. Eve rly, of ~:on~;~: reco gree D , ", J. E. ,Jao . "ra od • a ·too . was vere d enti r;ly quit e elek, but rath er, Dav is Fnr nu, aom e ~~ ... , ~l~, " Is Imp rQv ing at thi.s the RUll from tbe etre ctao ftbe .aeo ldeD " !It of Ed Sur face-aD d f&bllly t, . Wri ting , .t\J Mtb lsw eek . . Moo day , Ful s A Ca se of "W ho 's _Wh o?"




----- -- -
















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., ,.,
























C Dlllosllre lIod I' nrc, lit sh~ wa s not ol\\'n), Ilhl e '0 CO lJtlta .~ It . ~It· . B rl'''t "'f)oel lu nne<1 hN'Sc lr ,' 1,,()roll ~ I;,. Hhp hn ll IICC II nrhillf; 10 h n"c It lllll II'll h Ih ls ",,I f- ,,,IIIt'.1 YOlln~ "'fl-

mun w ill) \hl!'; plu\ I II ~ In!'t{ nni l Inn s wit h iltlR IU<lul " m l lltulI!'I, and til t.' !lilli '

AT •~ \ I ,..... I h .'



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hat! " Ir u I, " What IIIn d o 1011 III oal, It "IT wit h nroo l{ r~ Orlll " hy :' MIl{' Rn nplli' d , n t ld ~ i nl-! 'I don 't W t llldt l l' .\ 011 WPI t' a . hllm r.J to I II nl!' nl1l,,(t It ." • t 11Irt n t1( lJ If'H 1\ II nM" , n nd I " R~



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(In, 10"1' "h r ,' ly hl, '<;;; n Ull ,'11 " \H" i:, 1 r y d t ..."i !


),\" ,\ \\' '" ri I II ""1111 ru rpl ~. L:"hl . Hut tl)r R In o"''I lll f''nt ' :!j ll",~ . " ' h. H C-h .ll1&: i l1 f,( forme un r " lrt

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nAlnl n-.: ( T ll r lr r a. II .•

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\I, •• gi ,' ' 1111'11' W t· ~I . " 1"' \ \1 1111 Ill , ' ,I " \ld fin '" ~1 : If. Th t· '", pill' h u ll l It .. ' 1111'''' ' nd (,lil,I .· .. .. \l"h 'II" " fI' I h'\'On, \

- l ' l l :' 1 h ·..


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S CI' ,'\1'''111

I, .

r r'::lln f' J

" Tholl I~ "h.!! 11 11 1tt\,r:-. t nl c1 m P IiIlL I dldn ' t h "II" , f' him . ~ H ft t Ih(\ TlIolhr!·. " IT ~ :lll wrollA. n U" \\RY , nnrl I 1lwr,· I han lIulr hl ' IIP'(' Ihol Il,l \1l1 I\. P llli:) at Ih" h(lttol1l nf II ..

rl t: rlc' !4 WI"-

fIl I II ~


nlld Ih e IInl'r)' lig ht


A mO llll tal !1 "'nllI1+ I k'-', \. 1='111111 Illn t r h :-i h . Str nl1j.;.\.· ,:;1 ·' \\'11110;

Elitlll !" hnt!

hp\, -o' II-I'onll'o l

In I II ' rf\r - ~ ('''-'lI l g t" \ t-. t; wu.~ ;,::1, l ilt.; p itt. t" to t hr ('f)pl g lilY bl!lukncS8 whh h she

:HI \)IlUl.~

I'ha rtl asmh. ilnd

n nt llll'd"

\\lIld ( )\"

Hl111 WI ' lI l In IOlJl,ed t lt"l\\ll on

I ' hllli

\\ hi- h

Ihl' SHU.ltOl'lll nl , the nr nat e parl e l, c.

~ 1,'llI l; n,·ltt


Alld t 11I.' ( ' I'( ' :-i ~'l~ l\t thh e wny. T h ~~e fnmih ll\d{f" I I Il:"~ W PI'£' \ PI'Y 1ryl n ~ , ,1 hpr. alld ,I,£, IlJu;': lIlg In "~I '\Pt\ th plIl \\It~ ~tl lI1 r'li lll ('!S n{ h~



II') ,)\(' , .

:o!llong t'nul1~h

h er til thlng:i,

i1 ~ t l n

o f t h ',' fllIH' .... :; Hilt Inln tlH'



11l 11.t! l' :;(' II ;t'


Ihnll.:.:-h : ~

hnlf tndl~nHnL halt ~c H - , 'o mpn s~ lu lI· ar l' . (a ll H' I njl IU, I \ hand 1\ b, ll' IH \\ f'~ C IIr tI ' l1i l f' II1" "::-; fi li al. SIH' Ha\\ , [1 :; \\ ilh t h ," !oo1111d l~n ,.:Ifl of 1 'C' III) ~ p "( 11 0 11 h '-' I


tntltllf r ~ ItHl /-! haffle w ll h I na<l N lll Ul : ' a nd IHJW 11 had a;': f"t\ h l? r : ~ a\\ , lon,

Ihat 111(' ha l ll C' hnd 1)1" Il fOll g hl 1111 :)l·1· fi:--hly , :si n u' .!-I 111' \' Ili'\\' h ", mother'S ti r ola r RU" n Ihat " he ,,'ull l o'Ont e nl ctlly . ~n had, to nntJdng . wa:-4 no m (' rc p el lI lnut hutl);! It "U,S fnr h el duu h hl c l'''; Iha l s h p h lltl ~rn "'n Ihln " nel h ngAlll'd Rnd Irrit ab le IIndo' l l it e pcr8 1 ~tcnt r cyer s['!:i of fort Ul1 r : Il "HS for' them that s h ' \\'a ~ " Iiikl l"; lh " (;l'l lIl hlr In-





tO~TI~ I · EIl.

"I I(DCW ) 01(<1 lIIul;c dlnku ltl es whpn m' ~ l1lah l n ;.:: It came (0 I h e pllylog val'l of it. I\n<1 rl ept." tHl c ll ec III the fin ('C t dldn't lutuw , myselr . I wln' t1 mother. Th e Ic ars In 1<:ll nnr'H f\\efi \\ f'I'r IIOf IIlr. Orm by agattl . Here I. whllt h e "A)'A." and she lInl wlsici l 11 seco nd l e i· all ogC lh r l' 01 sp ir- IIII)' wlll'lI Hh l' I1I1l cp.l'!lm Ilnd read II (0 him .. '!Ccc should nn t h e les 5 than O,'c \lcr I·c nl . of bOIl(It'd III<1 e htedncss; fnlll'·tlflh In stoe l, nl ,'a,· . one-flrth ens ll ; till c llre. no (1a y,''' "Thrce million 'h c hllndred I hOIl' snn<1 dollars!" t;IlSPCtl \i:pnl. " 11's onty n ominally Ihal mll l' h ." s h n lallg h e d . " Th e stucl, part of It Is m c re· Iy y our g ua'ranl y of' ~()od rallh. It Is 'wol'lh n e xt to nolhlll~ now. a n<1 It will b e many a lon <; "It)' hcfo r c It soes 10 .....


(" ~ cn

If you nrC' surcessf1l1


sa ,,'-

Ing It s life. S I YOIII' III l1!; n lfi ell'll I fcc shrinks (0 $700.000. less your ex pe l! li es." "Dut h ea " e ns a ll it ca r i b! Iha l's awf il l!" snld I{ elll. "No t whcn ) Oil cOll s lde r It n~ 1\ sur· 1;"O Il 'S rl s l' Yo u happen 10 be t h e o n o msn who has ' lhe 11\en., nllli If It iKn't ClIrrlcti Oil\. th e IIU Licnl Is going 10 di e 1o-lU orrow Itl gill. p I' l'llIlln e nli y YO'I IIrc th e s ll ecjalls I" I I,; ~ (a"e. n n d ~ p c· citlll!;ts com c h igh . Now }'ou rna)' ~Il lind atlend 10 th e pre liminary d e tall ~ . If YOU IIl' c." H e foun d hi s h il t anti slooII lip . She fitood with hllll ; bllt wh e ll h e l ook ll o \' hand sbe m ade him sit dowlI al;aln . " Yon hnv (l a l l Ihree dog r oes ot feve r!" ~he exl'inimNI ; " or Is It onl} the $3.500.000 s huc k! \\'ltat hn ve you b N'" dolns 10 YUllrscH'!" "Not hing . I aSSllr" ),011. \ h avo n't b ee n s leepin g v e ry well tor n few n l!,; bl s . But lhal. Is oll ly natural " "A nd I s aid you Dlll s t have a cool 'beRd I Will yon tlo e xa c tly as 1 t e ll you lo?" "1[ yOIl don't mal;c It 100 hard ." "Take Iho ell r <1owlI-lOWII- Iloo·t :-. -Walk- and after ~' ou hllv e mad e Mr ,!.,orlug send hl8 messAge In Boston . you • 'io" mrAlght to Dr, Middl e T e ll him ..... ltat Is Ihe ma tter wi t h YOIl. an<1 Iha t )'011 necil 1'0 SI"l'll I h e clock Ilround .. "Dul tbe lime!" h e 11TOtC811' d "I flh"l1 n eed Hery hOll r Ilt'tweell nOW Ilnd to-morrow ni g hl :" " One d ear - h clld u<1 h 01l1' Is worl h !l doz~n muddle d Oll eB You dU!lS I 8a)' " " r hnt c drugs." h e Haili . rl s ln s ugRln . "So do I ; but there I ~ n lime for '-"clythlng IIlI llt'r tI' l! s till It Is II c ry !ng necAssl ly Ihal you go In(o this flghl perfectly III ami with all YOllr 'Ait :; about lUll. tr r'Ut lIun ' t , bo nlf'-

.'(Hlv - se veral Itt

i it p

",om (' )~,cll{, ~ - \~



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, Ha Ve! )lr, \t Fe r \ ' 0111'

"Thp,·I'. thple. Ellip. ,hll<l; Ilo n't It·s t e rllhl e t n 11I '~11 )011 snb like that " :s ti r Pl'o' t!~ l r d , 1"'1 ('1"'n \ olre h ha l, lll):: In :onlllpalhyy. . I ha\ (' hpcn lhlnldll ~ only ui' lOU a nd your fl1tlln~. and r('utln g w ea ld y IhHt yn .

XXV. quil~

lo ... s t IJ areDI! n t

IU'II S llIlI l' rs .

1 111\\ '1 1' "

"I GB' II b('g llln ill~

l Wl!g:\I'"

~h() llld II "


m Ol he r.

ur II) ~Oll thl t h l' I'IIOH!Sl'! ~ '! AntI.

I t ' Pl i

80 flot l fj!ol ~I" I ar(' l'o t) (!Cl" ll c d . art' only all !i('IPalt n~ A li ttl e," I t \\ as an e '('Il ·dla !.!lv inJuliil'HHl H, n ot, I,. ~I\ ' blll(ul \\ a ;' or IJIIllIIIJ.! it . " lid th .. h"Il·· ~ln' c n ' ~ tl n :-- fp ' d fil ~ "l'flIl"t y ot" N ~' 1 11 :11 ~. II ' U r c' du II~'

llll' 11l '~

'It~\\ . " 'A

a s I h I' l (!a rflll rf' · 111,')(' I S no I(lKsot1 \Vb)


nh!';Iln.ll e,



poor ('X( 1If;'-' yOIl arf' mah:-

flown d f'{~ 'l In 'o\lr Iwarl."


Thf' II'


\\K ~ H.

lap at tlu" door and a tiJal i'tr nronl,t' S OlnH:iln WAH \\oltin g In hi s IIl1tl "'·ar. W a, ~11s.~ Brentwood n e~ rly r .. ety ·! Eltlltll "Rid. ' In a milllll p." and when Ih p doo l clns;pc1 she mart c It c onfidanle of h~r m ot he r Inr Ih e HI'"t lilli e s lllo'C h c \' I'hlldh ood IIII),S. "I know WhA I 1'0 11 hn' e " " Rpoctcd C'\'~r !:Jin( e th at - Hllmmp.r 111 New H!lmlls hlre. Anlt II ,. I, "'.... s it e I·on· fCHsrll. " I do 10 l'e hllll - RR mll cb RS I du, e to wllhollt hnowlnl' whether h ~ (H r eS fo l' Ill e. ~11I"t I - may I- say )'es In B'nol, ~s Olntsit} without tellin g hlll1 lit e whol e t rllth ?" " Oh , 111~ cl r :lI ~ You cO llldn ' t un Iltal'" wal; th e nllitl, rrllty. ' YOII ItW3n till" t n m not Rf 1'0 02 ('noll ~ h '~ flll' I And 'II. O I"III" OY FiP T \ aut

IAn el .

nrc b\.-i

ahllllt RIOokf'8

" nu';ll I, pnl '!" sal,1 Ih e molher. Tit 0' 11<1\,,,t\ h eulj Il oclrted a \\ortli c.q.


Th 'lI \\()IIIr1 h £1 di n't IPtl' " Elinor (ftnh' n,lC'd """f: al ,' n l)t h l~ Slles,td


RUt! wh :1t m i~h t hn\ C' hre n ," "0 l1l o l i1i'r! you an' mol ,lIl;'::: it hard-


"It." ~ (Ill should milk.' :0;0 Ll1ut'h of It · I alll ) 01 11' mutll4'r. •tlltJ I ol1A'ht to )dl 0'\' \\n s I\1r~ R rf' ntwoo(( H dB tll m . * Y n l l wou ldn 't h a\ I' any ~( I upil's IC \' (, \\ ('TC' hhoi AII(lS I '" 0 11 {he Ampbilritf" 01 In 1 11~ I. UlIIllr v hons('l on lAm g Is·




Bill wc'll IW8 " thr (' p , nnli I'll

m~h ,\

pr I hall t'\ e r jnill(1er • 1I situllid h n C\1'1l Illl' 0 11 r'


'No ll :!-('n~c "

l ugcI II ('r-

W'\ C' I' Ha \' annthf'll


II In wo rd s. bill 1·: lIlIul'·' tle . lre 10 (, lit th e (JlIl lDg s h urt ha"c il II (lo n (lrlde nnn m lli tanl .h~ lII o At'lI'1 many l!'All' 1;1' l t lng s s he had s l« <,cetl rd In lIlal,l lIt.: h ! I' 1lt(llhcl co llf,·s:; that Ihe tila y at Itl (,p~da llil was al Onnshy'R cx penlic; 811(1 not all of ~I .. Rr" nlwoo<1 'S pc ttt IAnt ltt61lfyln!,;s 101Iid \'r move the " ting o( th r n l' ttl e of ohll~ll ll n n . Th erc , ~ no \'ctlw n In 'h e wOI I·.\


Ih " hart! Ihllll'".

th e m

It ·~ . than n fo ,tlli/;hl (In<1 bc~ull to 1,111, lO l rClllrllln g IIJ lit e '·" llillIl. 1'1 cased 10 1;1 I e It I casu II fur b e r d 18.. d.1 u.. fn r t ion , the ~ oOl1 b e r t-i1st c r might it

thl ~

rr y




henrt lIpon

of ('o mfOl tlng'

1ll1l t' h . ))(' rhap s, t u I)(" n e lopc '~, Mrs. BI ('IlI\\uud tin'd (..If Ul l\t·~p l a nli Inn in


:\\1 1' '1'1 11: .\1(0 1' 111'.11.

I hin t.:. II1I)l her'!- bllt I I, no w ynll hl\ vc. Anti I- I ha \'(' 11'1"11 ao I I'o llhl tn he ju~t anll renFio1l1lhl l', tn )0 11 and Pcne· lopp- . 8 1111 10 nt'Ool, A O"IIIAIt)' He 1< n olJll' n ess lt srlr' II I, n s h umr to ,::l\'~ him th ' Rhllllt)w wh e n h e so richly <1c~C I\ CS Ih e gU h ~ l tln' c. " S ite Fo(lol,e ral'llli), »I mo" InoohNeJ1tl y; and 111£' mU1h rr-ln\'u III Ihe \\0m An who Wa H "Rl'ur1l1 n llll trouhlclt ahnllt th e Iltln/:" lhlll I'e ti . h Pllt Ih .. ma~ <'I' - mn ke ,' In lit e WAIl. II WaR almORt I c \'rlr)'ln ~ 10 . ~cp Elinor. Ihe s U·on ,::- hca t'l ('(1. th e s elf-oon ra lned. hl'eakin~ down 111,0 nl h.' 1' m ol hf!rs' dalll!hl e r s. So It W" s th e 1llf'llhPl who held Ollt .h er tI '· Ill A. anel the <1:1l1l;hlel' ra n to ~o ,Iow n on hrl' IWPPA at rh' c hair-ai lle . hll!')'ln g h e l 11" '0 In the h'll


h 1\ \fl

K 1'; :-;,\, ".

h e r lInel, to t It o. 'vlndnw . Orm~h y wnA ('olll lnl' 1I~1 Ihc cllrved dl'lveway In hl A alltullluhl ie. IIlId a he hnd "er n him bll~ diml~ thllJu g h the ri s ing: rni!';l of c m o tlun

... n rt till ;;; lim e

Billie"". I e llef. and

Yo .,s t.;Olli e to say

'"It .

1:-; t1I8n l ~' l'IH111"h Hnrt g(' n l' l 011:; c nott~h

I s lh e re an)'

11(1 si(k~.

'0 m ,I('l m f' hR.lf- WHY .

)00 11

olhrr httlWs l Ih ln!,: VI do. molh er? " ~ I'·H. HCIl" IIJIlh s hoo l, It!!r h eart d elthrralfly nntl <1 ete rm ln edly. t h ouS l, shc l. (Ww s h Wa~ shak in g Ih e On1l8' by million s Inlo th e ahyss of the uno Un Innn le. ' No ' 'I Is h is JIIRt' rille. Rut I cno't t' Qi.p b IlIg eo~ r )' fo r him. Ii: 1.11 o. Wllat

l1 HtldUQ a

marl' iJu~1~

b (llWN'tt U!'; mllrt'

An d 1\1'01'0 iml)o" tlil ?" was lhe blttor Ji:! ~ lU CtiC I' w..... Cllot


C' n ~1tIl"'S


I hnl \\t\

hi a\\e th e f"R I gl' lI

I'Iln r~

I h r ,'",

' 1 11 1"'




~ h('? "





SlI PPO:-4t','



h C' !iHiti

hSl~ fix t"d lIoon lO -1110r· I Pl lll'll I I) [OWn . ha Sn '1

~1l 11 !l ln\l'd II

'1 (' \llahle In


I"~I ~P lll 1 1 '~n lh r ' nn

11 \1 1

r tll ll' mOlh!'l



dnwn 'h e IClll g In. 1'1111111 I nr :.llt" r. h

\\ t\ o::.

h igh pltllll."i

ha1t - Hh;-' l~ nlh

.... It' I I:H I hC'l l ll l,t,). ('Ii 1111 In lal '(' 11lf' tn-


tlti ~ d ,h. ,

~h C' W.\ ,:) n lr A.l tI

~n ln ;::;

tlli" a l ~


tH' r

Oltn !'\ "~f


nl)'" that Il'" t~ u l\lllon


h _"




IJ " I II 'ill } \\t\:- '~ 'H!'i l\l' " I II n \ l.' pn~n} r " lilt' l hlll , h llil Ihl' 11 ·. . •. . dollJ 1,1' 11It· wId e


dp;~H ntr hn ll / nIl~,

\\' lI(I IH!li it h rl p 1\ '" '1~1I1 ,\'illllu-\\ t-' lIut h,'t'n l'n ll l l'ly hi\Jl ~


If w a~ n n I1 l\ \' IIJll" 10 :0;:1" ~n tn /' l'{) l1 'I"l!llnnal thi n ;.; RhOIl i I hf't , o llstan l

la, rln !:; nol(' In 1111 hllm all hApplnc,,'. ~ h r \ h:1nl'~ (".1 il 1'1 a Rllll lllr ":"-Jo" " ~1a r ( I I ) It' I'itll ~l v (.'th(1I(·II ~o n "" Sh r 11I .l rt~ a , (' I""lallt 11111 0 g" <l lIre 01 a"':o C' 1l 1, :-.1) 111 (" ~ 'H II :-.I.-"tu\l nr R e. ~ qUle:'t" C' U/ f'O a~ )I(.I1'h' \lIl cd n f" lI l\ may 1'1111 '1" hll , t' 1; 11 1" 1 I II ,~i ,.. 11 t '.el I S11lfln. "\ I t f II I 11111

1 (" ~ 1


I . \\ t->

1(" ' 11

11 1.11

I"' \ j"l l.'"



al' ~ goin ~ t o




I l,h Ol\1 1I ht'gl n 1\ l'iN'U[H I (1"11' ' n IJI'£'Ihf{ -you (o r nn Hl1RW('I han~I1't .\'Oll?" '1 II I I ,,'111, ~\e 1'0 11 ( t il If 111W,,1 :\lH pAr ' l ),

hi.I:~:f'!oI~!·I~,\r:~~/I:~ ':~:~~\lI~~~It~,IM I.

" hn



Ilm 11 ,\\1 H.,(u.ll1',' 1Jt'l1' 1 .·~ " " 'I.,," ltn 1.' I'l.·,IUr. "' lll t :lI n~' "Ink rllb , hu L ' (.:~L"'ll ltl l ',mr M .... «h' .

tWIIH'oth lDg


of t)u \ ld : ~Ind Jl I\ltl t.' rons( I €' IlI 'eo-of Ihp rl ~hl o lr! PII!!:l lm 1,'Slhl'r 3' brAnd-

In n ~ ~uy In lplltl("~," " Hilt }Oll 11I'OulI l-H"" UI \' o u w e' r o Dot ' ~nln~ to ~ poll hlm - onl\' It doesn't

p Ui.... Ul1 l'. t

g, Of't::\

llInlfl ' r .



h rr '-'Y'-'d

1 hrr

S!tf' tll rl nm d r n) the pl'lnl'i lllll fnrl ~h('


him hi R oppo rtunit y 10 It tt"id~ tr h r "oll l<l·-and wOllld • ('all il fool i s h l'fHI1 HUtll ' :s(o nllm Qnf.


tlt.\~\l 1\

('n n'I "

""'heu I


W !\8

tJlIlt c1i """l\roO$ With lUI' . .l\ ft d' H wlu lL, lOl'u lilUlu r ('l lIlllrl

nppeal'n l. "

•• J Tn w dill t It r ntllxln

01 ms;hy d ll1rl\l f' d openl" . nnd \\ h ..'n I'll·, (ll1f"~llntl('d " \\,hut " " he ~ aid

t'l tiI~t 110til'Ull


h<' ~ill 1"

p a lll III lily nl11dro",


hlleu j Ol llt :"!, Tl l1~ WH~ f ,lllow,,', ll,'y Cod in g in I II '1 t h ~' At tl1U l'~ [ I u ltl l Lu <l1·iI ..~ 111 .1'"1 '1( IU'tllllltl: Illy 11J"i I In now I f )011 (O lll,t ~u('s s, for In.. ~ sti\ n ~'r that h i... hlll ' l,t" ' ~ ha Yf' pllt up ,\. \\1111 s balw o r Ul' c.. 'OIl Il) 1}t~ r rl'c t1y dl'ud. n ('001 h\ln d l ~" l lu}\I;:al1rt In he' Ib tl 8.8 I LlHlclHl:-o tJLut tJ" ,uLllI ill g:l'I llIl~nbu ll t h" ~r"'$j nt?" lIt tho durle. I H 'pt a H;.: llt bUI'1 1111g in . (lll' " !"'; ,> 11 C t' " 1'11"1 "01.' AII II 111 ,'1'.'~ "n.'..," In )"' f l Hm. 1 nL lll;.:-ht. o:-e I el)ld.~l Hot h..l lnIH·o rli " ma\ and Nh~rp d isnl' Po inllllf'n ;n III YS, 'lf III ' !1n tl arl;IJI,''': '':. ['..,\' l ' fl wlIh t ho h ('1' " 111 1 (' " Y H' Ilnn 'I 11"'11n 11"'1 lin I" lli ll of n. lt g h t I " lIul ,l~" l, 111l1t ''"0111 ,1 n , "! h I I 1 1 II f u "oin" 'n 11 ' 111 ' 1I," "e '1I nl' . · I I I'I\\. out ntH COl t! 1 h J l1 t,.; alt·s t l ) ~ ,.., L ,. J" I II • :\u" It< ~ illd I'.'knllu :.! ' As a I ntll~ P : l· 'f' lltnl )';.,c l ll'OI11 a II1 ~J" rr f , . .... ' . "I "lltl\v hH1g"·t-· I't)rOltl\ :-.\ln l' I·t)r ? ~' Ir ro fll f , tlC/nll, no" prl( h;,l v\\h ,\t dl ;' . ,.' 11 ] ) I It 11(' Is (lo in ',,; \\ lIlt I hi' Illntll "· hilI I ~\lf'~3 .L: "aIr ) ~ H 1 S 111 n ur tll ~ 1 ' " n~ II It'! tintl ln J.! 11"1 W:\\ "1l~) ' Jf'hltlfl1'llil tltr '+J ),"1'1 I\\' l!'i l"' !ifill l'll t o k~l, !-int u O' t h fllH\I '!o..: III m.I I,,' him ~ I\'(' me an l im o" l u l' i \. W ' d, nc:'.l l.!I f\) l' tlul Oul' f " ltf I it r ml z(" 11 (,X I H'II~P al 'l 01l 1l( for \' o~jr bt' O- w l,, ' k~ tlt n tl,lll C: \\ Ih' ll I \',' a~ lyul,l; "I




j ll :;r w o n l1t'l'1 n :.: whOI you 11 .\I}I~ 1,,1('w "hat h,. Is In..


,\ll llIl1b


,. I

all u\ PI , lr ~lI lIlil .p" " I I wf)uld bl'" 1,l no f' r l,, ' IPllllll' more nhollill no w,"s hc J1 l pa t1NI ' ~n : 111 ) (' t him h i1vC' IlIn T ph~a!-m r 9. afl r r I h e fIH'I - H WP. . : n n LI,(l 1 him par..

Il'n r \\ 11I' JlII 's

dO"l'd " ut 1)l' fol'(' ~o .. flO hRe;, Ctl.1 " SIl" fi:,I\! ' d 11 0 tHore q1h's;lions . hci n g

unwtllltl g- 10 tempI hlln 10 hrf'Rli tonti11C 11l'~ 1\ lilt I' PIlI. nlll ~ hl' I'IIS Ihlnl;-

In c; of all l it e tl o< l'l'flIl e II"n A" " tle· t(,l lnl1wd man wtth t NlllWllllll l? nlu l tiD. h:t.lnn l' ln~H


mi g: hl !In wll Pn th e toudn!;

rolJ.-tI 1II)i~ (' l n~!i I \' down Ihe thI ~ll Rll f'pl flf t\lpglh?,

hili intp lh(l s tn~l c

\\ n!'; hut nUt' Vt'hh; i e In till' nt. lhp 11111111 £' 1\1 : A flPlh hter'3

Th r l (1 "'I t "l' l

IIIP ~ \\a~nn m oo l,('"1

r1rawn by a tea m nr

l1Iul ('s.


(1'1 11(01 111'~ fatll Ih l' I11lt l (~s AIl \' (' wny to


d own t il . ., pa1l1 1n In)" h!ll'k w nR f1'0· 1 qU l· 1I11 YI'iUth! \'l· l'ot}~ nt. lluuILobt) 1Il' 11'1 ' 1 1 upum1pn tlllu c h ,L ll'tll g,·t ~ itl lh) I I\' i h t'f. I it,Ht COIll"iltl f' l'Lt hl0 Tllll ll ,Ill In y Ih) \\'d~ lUlU 110 ClI l1tlql o\', ' r my kl rlll (, ~' i'I. Tho Wdl',t of all W I'~ thnt Ih" <1 ",'101 . c<Jul tl ~l\'O 1110 uo h ope or I ccovcry "

·· \lu Jur" " ' "", ;'I. .tI It !n'II'Jlr~' ·.'Iti. ... 'I ' hl .. ('n,," , "nl cit,. 1\lllu· ..

~lIn •• ••

As .\sted by C uticura Ointm ... nt. th l! great 5 1" n Cure , f o r pf CSNVIIt~. pur ify ing , a nd beautifyingthc s kl!l. for clt.'alt:i ing t he s ' a lp of crusts, s (:lk" anJ d 1I1Llruff. ollll th e s top-



•• l[o ,,'" w ere J UU cllfel l !"

"1 I'"" d th.le


p ltl~ o f f.l ll ing h.lir, fo r soft c nin)! , whltl! t1I n ~ .a n d soothi ng red, r o u g h. a nd s r ~ II.11\Js l fllr b.lby ra she ;,

W lllia lllS' Pilll(

P lll~ b ad Cnr\! ft ) 0\.:\ I1tU :~it, nurl l

OJI 01' two friend,.. :s pu}.;:o t o )UO ul.w ut tll ." lll. lllth ofllll n flflOa IL"... gllllt o llt\,.,v I1 itdlilt gs , and chafings, in the for m tl lt' tIl f " .. Itt)'od f nll ,l I hurl IIllt u ,e ll t lr a ltnl1ying irritati ons 11loro t ha n ono h (l X h e f oro Ifon nd tllllt l of b .lth ,

alte.! ilttl.lln ll \ Ition s , or undue PN I Splra tl(ln, t he io rm w as hes

th o pl\iu::J in Iny k U l' ~' ~ bu<iLl u l,lo8 w ore I 1t; 1t " "Ot l. }o\ J1ll' J11"lltlt~ ufLI·r· \\"ln l l bl.'t-•• 11l 1,l l\pnrfc(' ll .v ,\,dlnultl.lUJll } nllttOllllY ! lIjuyil1J!th o b rstofh t!ll hll." Mr . .I::tl WII ,'(1 II . ,\l'i,,1 1'1',," nt No. ~3 1 POWQW ~truLJ t., AIIlO~h11l:V. !\inss. l~,'or.v I ","tl'rrt-~rtrOLlll)Ot:'Hlllntnr atJ1XlJ1~h l)n Jd tl'Y ] r, V;'illial1l~' Pink PinS " ' it h OUlt d cJny. Auy Ul'ugC;LSt. CUll .:5Ul'l,Jy th~w.

g'l t'll tly

"!'Oil 111 ~' J II1 ,\ ga l I' 1)(.11., . ill"

t\·(· ... k " h · In I.penden t. 1\ II' ,1 ... " ":"'\·IIII ,I .I ""I" I,t l~

U lll fn '/ '


"' h" .. "YA

, ,' ....

1... .I ' lwltt..I "1 1! 1111


11hl'l Iltt




u It: e r a t i ., \\' e. tlm e$~CS , ;1 nd f,lr many I l1.1l1vt'. altt i,; cpti c . purpo 5L"i wh ich r eadily suggest the m sC'iv e-i . as well ,IS lor a ll th e purpo. es of th e t oil et . b Jth, and IHlr sl·ry . ':;~~h"'~~~:~;I~i"t~;:.l'! .\J~~ :~7'fv!,!:!'~~t. C<q..


"III' "

- I.lft.'


HIS O bJ ec tion. Rdllfll 10 the.: old·time \\'h leIl" ="1,l" \I ·It .1 1 I' II .1"11 .( .. " ( 1t!, e I 5ome \\'he~ t fo o d o f ollrfllrc-fathe rs. a hl'ul ~h.. ... ( ;,,1.1 ·1.. ·1' 0 SEE ~. I Blly a pack 3g'c of EGG- a nd ,. ' ;IIIIIII; .. t ,1 tI ( it. I ,dl ..'''·'' . 11 1 .1l1 t·", 1i SC It l o m onol\' 1II01'11 1l1 {;' .

"'< -


Th e White Rkrel' D ivision,

S! 1. .. 1 1I~

.JII I,\ R - I Iii' " I IIll'


I: (\ (lr rl i, 1 .

" ,,.111 1 "I til l' I roll •• )Utl ll1.l1t1 1\ " l1l l' III" ~\ .. 'e ll ':\ ~'\\1'!l1 1. \ tk BIIII C ltllh . l ~I' )'1.. , ."

~lr " 1'OI'I<1n CIIIII C hllnto fr u m a I'a li IIII C rill)' In siwh a dlHI lIl'h,· tI t:o ndilion I h il t it WflS c \"ldont t eu l s wcrf" n ot far If YOI1 It hf" I ~ ~ h Clc no w~y tft :)hame In t h c hal'h 1! rollnd Shl' I'I~ I no 'Ime mi' 0111 or it·" In he!:lnll lll ': h c r r xplllttRllon . r ela t cs lip s h ool, hh; 11('.111 slnw l y. Lonci o n Tlt - i:llt ti. " Y Oli don ', n ll' an that?" ··.J o hn. " Hit "a l<1 III h er hll .·lmllrl. "\ " nlll If I sal' Ihot I tI" if I Inslsl Ih lll I am wllllll;': In he shR illed nlll nr n m 80 m o rlln e t! I dOli ' I 1,IIIlW "hilt 10 lIn ." II. " "What Is l it o malt 1'1'. my d ea r?" lli s " onl " "'tt ' Ihol o[ " h, o lh Ol' w ho 1'C'n",mhpl's tll"li ly In h' lovlng · ldnd. ",, ((cd M I' Nortlln . " I ha vc b('en co lltn:::- n n MrR P eve rill . " I s ~all le."e l lt At t",I, fo, 'om" one rUII l, uow tH' r hu sba nd . !\l nJor r eve r· who r' fHf"R I C'ss rol' Y01l RtHI f or \"ou r Irup hllll\lln o" I Itan I do. QI' ovc'r s·ltall. III ' " " Yo, .. "ntl It will hi' H ml ~ hl Y thanld e~o SC I" . W e ll I have jll8t ""rnc d lo· day. U U' t h aI th at 10 nil' hlll' l'<lI . t h ai 'MaJor' 18n 't hl~ ) 01\ .. " Hilt [ Oll~hl ttl hc whll'p cel Anti "I'n l Iltl p at all ' Ma jnr' Is hi" flrsl nRme " " \\'I".I·e ctll ltl ly I' ve "lwaY8 knnwn t r) li ed ," Mh l' prot P51 f'li. a tm m~ t fPar· flllly . no YOII k no\\' whal I Ita,' tl U 'h" ~ th a i Whal I, th el'r S(1 m or t lrylng Rhnl1t II '" - how I h lll'o' - " "Not hln !!," s alll ~Ir •. Norton . "'Illt She cf)lllrl nn t ~lIlte [)lIt It In wor<1 8. (' \'en fot' lli m , anli h e helped h er ~f! n ­ a ~roan. "l1 l1ly Ihal 1' , 1.' ueen I:a lllog h im ·."luJo , · e vc ry tim e I'v e m cl 111m (·rn ll s l). R~ h (1')1 r " I I,onw wl1l11 Iv-nl h"_n' t ~one; l o r 'h e la , t s ix months! " whldl Is lU ore In tltl' )lolnt Bllt h c "' ill tlo It la ~ t rnn llgh If \ 011 will 'Inltf"r ul 1"'o,,",,'UO". gl,,· h'lll h .llr R eh an l c." . Th e rallrond olflellll. G eo rge H . Da... "N"." s il o sa l<1 d eHn ilil e ly. it!I". lolls a ~ot)d "I(>I'Y nn one of Ihe 'I :oay Yf's On ,. t hln ~. Hn.t on9 11I'''1,~tnc n of hi s IIn c. A v e ry russy . Ih'n~ 01: 1), ha ~ I. ,· pl Il1no rrom l e iling ni'rVO II S o lfi woman app roach ed him on l Oll :IIIY limo sl ll" o In. t anillmn : Ihat Ih e platfllrlll hcrore Icnvl ng New York I .. a !:illl t 0 1' a fillil al InYRlt y t o m e. n nd a ti k ctl him U hl a trnln sinP I1Cd at I sa w how m a l t (' I S ~ ' o lul w h r n hl~ (amc Pou~hl, e~ p"le .• H e 8S" ltre ri b e l' t hat I. al)Oorll of 0111' train at l;a s lnn - I'1l\ asl<- tllll Il was 1\ IOt'al I rain, making" III~ ) n il 10 he llovc 111al I didn'l I,now sr UI (! or mor e 01 stOIlS Oil 11 s way HII II l",fIllP - lInd I sa w th cn IhAI 01\' o nl y Ih e rl\'er AI 1'81 h of these way stahopp til m ako " hanrtrll ~ l (,Ie ntl IlolIR th e old la dy HO llght 0111 the or hllll . ""11 I d irt II ." hl'Bkl'man und r c pea l c d her andolll " I hclh'\'(' )CUI ',ll1 iiI) an\lh l l1..: "u1l <lll e r} . Ah(flll a 81'01'1' or titlles the fry lo elll ' !-I ll e sa id \\'f\ 1 mh . hral.elltRn ha<1 give n thc s l c "eo lyped Tlti " lim e hi . s lIIll c v. a. R m e r e anRWt'r g llmUI 'f' . Yed. mum , It dors" . ) Oil w,lI h rll'c 10 ma lIC OIl{> e xe'epA I la sl the aOllloltR Ira vl!ler got oU lIun afle, thi s . and tiO shall I. And I h o bral'I'man's n e r ves At about the s lnl e It Is the flisl or !lny consequence I w e n l y-flrsl '1" e ry h e r e vlle<1' In all my mounllllj:; years . It !;rln<1B. "Well . mllm. nothing Is ce rtain la I I'H O't throw an ot h e r DIan Ollt of the t hlH lire . A II 1 can Bny Is I hal If th l. ,,1n<low a nd tfll,e his pla ce" lraln <1 nesn't stop nt Poughkeepsie " I[ yon " cre anrthln!'; hll' what rOil lh c rp'll h e Ih e ' ,'ry dld, c ns to I,ay!"Rr t". you would hSl'c Ihrown him out or N Y Il r rald I h ~ wlllliow !lnOI her WR ),." ~ h e rp.· julrt<'d Workrd Ont o . Th~1 \\Ollitl hl\,'p lle~n n IllIgO '~ FalhH- Now. 1001, h e r o ! If yOIJ Irlr l,. lIot II whltc man'Y." h e a"serlcd. marry thal YOllng paU(1er, bow 011 . I " "Il(ln'e I lIli!';ht hA'e got In his e arth arc YOII ~o ln g In live ? wa' a nll played Ihe dog In th e manger Dau J.; ht e r - Ob, we hll \'I ' worl(erl Ihal !,;c nl·rqlly. nnlt yOIl wOll ld hfl, e stllel; All 0111 YIlII rpmenth", Ihal hen Allnt 10 yon I' \\'I)r<l and marrl cd m e , but I All ee I!a\'e m e? a nt n n' Itllll<ltt~: fIJI' that ki n d or a win" Ycs." nln g. I d o n 'l mind coufess ln,; tbat I • W c ll . I ha" e bpo n r earling a 1101lltr, pl ayp-<1 til)· lo 't ('a r,1 wh('n I re leasQ<1 clrc llinr. anll I finel th~t a ~Otld h e ll ),Otl rroot 0111 ('n~HgI·lIIrllf. I snld to will brln;:; 11(1 ~O rhlck" In a aeason. 1Il\'splf II Ihal 110~sn'l hr cRI; down We ll . lh e next ~ea"on Ulill will he 21 th e uartle, •. 1I"lhln" will" hc n s; nnll ns eElch will ral~e 20 mol'. Rh e IlIol,cd ttp qllit'l.J y. r: h k l; s . Ihal wlil he HI. The n e xt , "lOll" III " e,'" , I<n o w hllw' n ear It yoar I h e nllmbor will he 9.261, l h e fo l· lowin g ycnr 1 9~. 4 8 1 and th ' next 4.' camr. to ,t oi n;:; II . Brnok~s." " But It dhl,, 'l quit o'!" 08~. I O I I .Jll sll hlnl,: At only a shill · "N , It dld n 't qttlte."_ Ing a pi ece w e wUI lhen have O\' e r Tile brother· s mll e "arne again. pOO.\)OO. 'fh en . you dear old fath e r, "Lel' ~ pas t e tbat l eaf down and we'll loml you sum e !\lo n ey 10 PRY oil tllrn tbe OLlieI' ; th e ono that has Dav!d the morlgag on tbl, ~~use.''-C&~· K e u t' s "il\n~ wl'lllcn at the top. JilllleU 'S Journal.


'l ith

lIIu .. lt'l l .l out, I

tlHI ~\\'ifl ~ I,," h

. t\ 111111' \\hlll' a;.:n I wnlll.1 ha,' 1' ~ aitl I 1I(l\n'l k now; hili now I lin hnnw It i ... b(lf'a l1~(, rou lo\ c On.vtrt K e nt : Y0 1l itnnd hfm bt'tQf C I h sul m ~ t' hntH'f! "

IIlIt "l


BO 'clltt>o liu ll,,1 not 1<11 I) W Illl\tthe lo!8 !In,' ILtn xiu, . '1 lr. AJl ol ctH t UIf'c..i f ou r YI '.tl':i ot' \\'cul,u u:-:~ , l)lllIl Ullrt t ho l1l 1:'llJl'y uf ', 111lIdn~ hld Ct\ soil1 uurl\hlc . ·' ,\ t t ho 'HlI,IJl t'ul, lIf th u Sl'l1l1 i ~h . Allu'lic-all wnr,"1 l Q sriys ,.Iol wont, with tlllpll II ." D. EIKhlh TI l'lp,nt ' ut , 1\L '~t.~l t iut o ClltliP Itt OhiclUllllllu glL ,lIl1ti \\hil tt tl",\'\) 111)' ~.'· stC "1 b c.;1l1ll0 th'll'Ou gh ly :\ I Ullh:dy

mos t " hRlllbllttJ.; - prosa«· " ' 0" hl'cnl\ my h rlll· t Ellnol " \ I f t h (, lr trill f'. Til l' tllo t Ol'-('nr was . Rul " - I!lnn l n g 0 11 Hit... ::; Pf" 11 1 \ c ludt y 0 1 Ih o sa l fl nl H'1 n 10fl J! ua"~(' wll II a .".1111'11 I h:ltrc nln~ nt' Ih e II IIS "e t I0 d'";':;~ u "'\ o'i t . ani I I' I III:; I) .\' , 1'(" 1,,1 !"- 1 ' I ' m no r A"0 1ll ;':: In 1)I {'u t, ~(l111"" IlI\ ~ 1 \\i th llllf :-o'OPPII1l.! Utlt al the hInt



1'I p 1111" I h f' "OtllIHOIl PIlHf~ ' , \ I' f'\n (I1-! I .lI II"t ' :-l itl\" ' h f'ft~I ""r\

f= '\VI"~Tf'

... )~ T ill', 111£; 11 1'1. .\1 r'\:;

hlu dl

il •• t1 ' ''< I'I'I' l''11 hl'l 1I100ti . 11t1l W lh' ll tit .... ), \\1'1'1' n n lit e h ll.! lt h ili:; " "y ond I h.' Illinir!l.:- Amp 0 1 ) I t'~lI p , und tw ha ll

a ~ h .' III\\'a ,\ ~ dl ,L

~ nr.


11'11'01' s ntllo 'h NI Ih e 111':1\')' wtl l;l) n InIn til(' OPI,,'s ll,' pllln h \\all. . and Irl oti " I t' \ ' 0\1 ha d Hmrll' a ~ IUlh' nl' W Ol1llln- In dim!> a n ear· by t elephollC! Iiole hin d th lollg h II·n Ilif'til11PS inR IPlll1 of (Jr'm shy 11II1 hl :-; foot o n Ih e bra'{~ and a p art nr 011('. )'UII j nuh ' n il' \, no\\ :)nm c lhin ~ 1" IHt pp('d 1l1Hl l' r tlH' ear. wh e n n od w hr l'l' to s lrll;1' II'IIPI' !lnlt .. \\ hat Wa H Ihlll !" Ellnol' II s l.ed; elrcp"I',' ~ he " nl tl. an ll IIlIn ~ oflly . a lit! Orl1l ~ by 1'01 dow ll to In l' es ll~ntc ",,'hy ,"" n't ~t )l l lllal,(1 m e lu\u }UU, " Il \:-; our hrohe (Olllll'c tlon ," h e a n. l'rtlol \P... ·! .. nmlll! fOri, alII I' ,\ b ri ef inS JlCI tiun H I" tonl\ lIl H 10m Il'o m thr hlnkp- " ,"'Tid we arf' ti vro ~()O(l il1i1 ('~ from 111',lal. An l1 for tl' lI ~""(J lld s Ih r rr ll'aAPII IllItl ;; llb allil hl ~ r r llllir kit ," (·.lI ~ hot tin" l\ Ilir Klope 1In hl lllif'rNI. lTu n .· l ·ql1illlu ed. ) TIt"I\ hI' r h p";, ,'d thl' "(1PNI Ar'JI An·

U\\ BY


o"" ,l,.v


:;;I!c t1 llf l r r :; tood

Will YOIl mind

proUl I~l~ d

h i lt! gl\C'1l h C I };~'I . n p In ~i"' n' (' njnynH'I1 \ or .h(' rapl i ll f' 01 ~wi(' lII otl0 1l .

11111'1 1 <l ll kl . l), \\ Ilh (I I ~1 'flllllltl l'

Inc )"

Y('s, " lJ e

will ,. ' u c1 n if h e . a),K It do s n't mnl,e . II solng.l RUCCC~C\ All IIrOlln<1 . F.lln<lr; n y d I n ',I t' P U4'l'?" li nd I nUl gol lt !! I l,eltl him - tor bl. 'I'IIi'! bill -~ ru .\ e~' !"~ Wl'rC' dO~\'lH'H R I. "II I.e . ,I S w p.II a g ), ollrs." "1 d ,.u't l"lHW li tH 111 nshf'4i sn "1\'"." sha dl$8C ll tclt. "H Ifl golo, lUlI 'h an · I ', 1'11' 1' 1I't1 ~ u nllld, from h i m 10 fAll, alld I alii 10 !l llItnc for It ." -- II sl!U1I I ,f' fll-l h .... ~: I\ R. mothr l·... li e 1,,11I;col a l h CI ~ I rl e· wl sc . .. ~() yo u " "'1'(' at t hf' blJtlo m Itr that. 11H? " rft' rJI1.H}I1 hall iJ rr. n nil Ihut It WC!',.. ) ' Oll'~ 1 lhoH~ ht ns mu r h. and !'->lIf1 lIne r afl"l 11 (1 011 nl\ Ih(' brown high- tr lf'd to 11I:11{(I ll :m a d mit If , hu t h e 1.1IId:i ,'a n Ih' , and , he power t lll fonr- \\n"llIn·1. \\ hat '\ UM roul' !'pas o n ?" III /: " "I h lil l " wel.1 1I1"m from mil e 10 ' 1 1;.1\" Illo h i m . I "a n 'l gll e It to mIlt-> 1)\t' I' l ill' d u n hill s 1I1a~ 111\ f'n lth ~ \lVI :.Jd l1lm i l 1t! Ilnt g nll \\' hnsl'" wln ~· ht'H.1 wa s " I p! lI rCl!'\ not , ' li n hl1l ~ h (" rI " I wasn·t I hl'11I 11 1t1 l' d l'Sp l u ::i !\' f' Ihllll of Ith h'lIB (\1\ th c' I'lchl Nl l1(' of I h e 8 0rl\ mnl or ~ h lrl' h il ls 10 Ut'IH'f' 1'illl(, I I. But Throll~h m tl~l u f Ih r lII ilt's Eli no r I (' all y. you · IIII Rln ' l In tcrft're, As I (I

11i'l'lU, u :itll l },! I Pl llpittl l ll L IIl1d f lo...

I :tj lllli)

p ult

III tl'jll (, oIt' lIt IlI I\I 'z'

"" ' IIp!l ' l' ,1t'I U\1t llll'lIl <O lltpit'tl' tl',, ' 0\ ,' 1

I h(,,"~h


' l l tilt'

j.wlIC' I'ld


\\ 111 1 I l lllltl ) I11l1 t I' U illH', IlId'l'lIt!':' Iholl

t lt l'

\I ,ll he tI""O lll~ lIlo' li e u

! LSlr .111),1'> .


\\'h e ll you dip your ~poon in t() ,. II 1.. • k , . ' 1' g o ( c n- i) l O\\1l

il'd ll\ ",H h t'n'! III Ih e


)O ll

\vl ...

realize th at A'l' LA '1' th ere i:, a de l lciolls tcntp tin g dbh Illnde from th e whole wheat.


" \I ' h il,' ,;('1" 0,11 IhOll.,,,,,1 1.. ,,,'1-1< h'l'r "I· fect g-r:lIllS of r IO!ItI ,' 11",. 11' l ile 11 '1'




m adc fro 111


tb epcr-

c h o l cl'~ t while


'I' HE

("JlllplCII,! 1 11111' , Hili t " i' h,I' t.' 11II11 1t 'd dllf ll1~ \V leat , co ntalt1 1l1g I l it ,· ,,,,,nllt "L . ) 11" 0 "", ,. f,' rt- II .• hlll~ I'" ' ' VITAL ELE~IE~TS that m a k e t l.'l'i i1'01i1 ('arth .t,:,'. w le n tl l'e-tl cd til lI1 ,tko r b II", I1I·c·d. l\· fill ... f' ''I'' l; u\.oc"o ,,, HI .OII"" .. . lor b uoyan t . e nlth and good rL, t \l l ll i,, ~, ;'" tIllin i n ~ 1I1111 11 t1·oC, "01 till' CI)ll1p lctl' d a \hJ.tht lun \1\ t " Ihe 11t'\\ line:'

f;4[1 id jlCI

~I I II . t o. '[" J\\Il "c lld. :';O llcm l I.n!l~ ·n · ,1gt'lI l . ' tI'f'rt-' \\111 I,.· It lound tI 1l\l:1


U \(·,

• ! lIh

\\"~tI kfllt \\

!I ii

l illi'

Tit , " .. h ltl~

(I f Ih(' t'otmtl\ h ct IlIfl l ll~

a ll ,'

h .. u ... c,", lin


pr OpO"t tloll 1:01.

l inn

I ll!' .1.1I111 ''''

t h l" p.\r t

IfI It

III1111hf'r of

11\'\.' 1' ,

di gestion.

It is N a tltre' ~ perfect food . and sntisfies · your cradng for" SOUlethin g good to eat. II

h c twf'I'U

P erfect

di gestbn

m e nlls

Ilr .lu ""II . It I'" II n W lH tnplctnd power l e n ergy and a robu~t Ilnll 111'(' tn'H'd to t ilt' li I 'n p /tt Il\ , " " 'I h~ 1 1I 11l.tnt l~ ' ff'. ltlll l·;04 .,t tf", n C' w IlIlc be ing. Atta in it by eatlll g nfl' 11., turnll y I ll r. m l l'li tn ult l ,1t t lill' IIItl:l l gC Il"'ra l utlenltOIl, hut th lIj! r l, "}(urlll unll O·SEE. 1Iltnt' r.d /to"" l iallltI C1'4 !If tl l1:-1 Ill"" I ('j.!:in u IIrc • rCIII.\rk li .\('." EGG-O-SEE is sold in

(.;11 1,-' 11 11 I. tld

"The I lind ill"cif j;:, Il 11 1111 \ 1,1 t \ f 11j:!:lIl l'C'r, 1f1!! , lind !lIP fi 1I01111t1 1' ,111 .:, ' \' 1111 rOIl..: hili· ltl l'>t. prn """,f'1'4 t ht.! )lIrthc~1. ,)cgrcc of npct!11

[l lhl !'I" t eLY,"


fI ,dun' 1'\'(1' WoIffr q f1l 1"tj\kc. It .va! 1111'1 1(> n ~on ll l.tnll 'lt" IP<' /ltlci M.

wllt.' 11 ~II"

h,ul 1':\ Ht t: lIJUpc luok Ulutl c

l'xa l , tl .\

.Ihkc - Ttl\ cJo

- - .---

packages l pnrity and fre s hnes~



fimt mIlrn!';C'r

who llne!Oi n ut



d Ih III," II (Utl c:

nn,l teu an l ", IIIt'Tlt lonl"g LlI!lI ... enn Wear Shoes th is 1~rt Oth C' It I Rtl(1 w e: ,,,itt On. s,y.c "",alll'l" "fler " ." I ~ .\ll en·, Foot- .~n d Y"III a (nll ·~lI led P1Ck.. 1:ll dl!, A ('crt""l CUI C if) r :iwtJlI ..'n . " ,,·c ul.l ng. ag e pft'IHlht. Aridr eS8 .

Alidrc •• A. :;. Ulmst ed . Lc Ilo)·. N. Y . (; ,lIh .I ):C

I. Cl u '" I. !n h r· Il,'I1Ult r.11

THE EG8·0·SEE CD. Quincy, III .

1o:.1I.! ~f' ~r(' Ml llt r lllllll-( al k(! I II It 11 .. 1 d tllql'l lu'l ,dil.. .. Itl


,n l'I l wlltng . ~n H'11t 1l1ot !'--r


i n ner· llned

O.SEE thw

hol. at'lllng fee t ~\t nil 1J1'uw:~jst ::;. :!.rH! , .\ c· !!CPl 11 0 t4 l1h .. tlfutc . 'I JI,\I pUl'ki:lge Fn~:l~

l ife

we ll


WU.: I\I WRITllila TO ADVERTI • •_ .1':••0 _late tIla. ,... . . . •............ a..o • • • , I • • 11 ' • • -..era

Say Plainly 10 Your Grocer That yOtt want LIO~ COFFEE Rlwsys, and be, htllng I~ sl)ulU'e man. will not try to 8(·11 ~'Otl anythlllg else. You may not care for our opinion. but

What About !be UDlted Jad(lllftlt 01 MWIoas of b ousekeepers who have used LIO~ COFFEE for Is there anI ,'ronger proof of merit, than the

over a quarter of a century?

t:onlldence 01 Oie People _d everlncn_lng popalarl"'~ UON COFFEE carelully selecled al tile planlatlon, sldppeel direct 10 Ollr varlo_ laelorlee. when It Is sldlliully I'08steel anel earelully packed In sealed packages- unlike 1 _ coHee, which Is exposed 1o germs, dust. insects. ele. UON COFFEEreaebes yoa as pure anel clean as wbea It I';.. tile laetOl')'. Sold o~ Ia lib. packages.


Lion·head on every lll\c kage Save theso Lion·heads for vnluable premiomtL







"YUUI UI e"~

bed ." Buill


'f h fl- I.. " r ,", u u l.', " \111 l(> .n~~ rt le


l ref

Ti,,> 11 1111 1'1

(Oli ld u l \\u ~fli "lIi~ t or /I e , Aid:! t;'\ ' I ~thh I U V. OU , I il l "h ~~ I~e



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111 \\

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I (J

1' ,1

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'J', ... ,111 11 " 1 \\ 11\" r~ I ~I I ' ", III An



'1 think thU l " uullld h81 . ~e~u b~r B II( it "WoW t . I guuut b U 11111.,,' .il e. alu 1. I,ould " " lil, e ro go rill s u,><e " ! r:!Jl II. furu t:o l ln g 111[\' •. ~\lt I IJ)lIt;t s.6.y Iil i. "8 " 8 lilli e tllU In uch flll' nl)' pu II.IIce 'Y eM," I Sa III . YOII \l O\II<llI h

11 1 f'o


&tl h)

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'ttL A ll ",\ Ir l u ' th o rl 1' \\

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', f! Hom

'1'1 " , ' l u ll'! u k ", 11)( li q u i d)! li'll rl1 ' t Il ~ \ III 1, 1\\1 '" I I . 111,\\ , ~ I" II III A i ll

jl lI lIto.

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HUll I' f: J hOn

";I\' &rn.


Whut I III, .

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S TONt;~.

MICRAT I CI'~ OF THE "DOES " 1 " , 1"

. '1"li l t"" 0 1 Lt..1 t'1

ft e l d~



hU"' 1



\\ (1 11, \"1 <'; an lt

I t ll !lIU II ~


D epnl tln g -O lht r


II, '



Note T :ll( ln g

t il. ,



,left) J

Thhl I-

t-Ilillet (rom morE' thnn





I alii n ut \\Ollh it IllUu g hl 11110 " hut I ul . llk. I· u r 11')


I .... I" h thnt wI' r. llu"e lflRb to li edale Ihot lug than men

\ke I o ther I

h lllr, hJ hl\sell lathc-f un r h lv aln than , ,"old Illt l" fncl. ' l\I\' l;' xprrJ ence,Bl h'8s t hh S beu n to lh ~ cOll i l nr) autl l haHlz:o;.N : 1I

HUUle rhlllJ; or women . I ho\ e lJ." " lIlal o lle or t h e m fO f I W hl h ~O year" I lhlnl, In) \\ Ife m~ulI I am Bllre t h a t I onl) du 11CI j ll s t I e \\ hOIl I HflY llult "he Is bet lc i' Ibull the uv e ra ge


Ilt Ih e "'U lil e l i m e Mh v ' O(l l On ll UOUl r ~ets

b t: r u wn l'h:lU s ure nlHJ \ e ull ne.




"'01 lUij[unce . o nl y llm uiller c" cnln g 1 , olli e ho me tire d fro m .Ih e oml'" 8 11 <1 eb e wnnted me 'lo g e t on my dres~ clothe8 and go willi h e r to some \\' r lchIld tin " eddln g celebrat ion or other. I tm 8ur _ lhe sigh o r r <lipr rhatl h es'ed &8 Ithrc w myself Inlo un ea~y chaIr anu ki cke d oft m y 8 h o c ~ \\'ollld hnve Ind ica ted 10 anybody or ordl1l8ry perce pllon Ibar I " ' tt8 III need or rppo-e anti thnt I \\ :. f:1 ont IdpRt In g "II h mil( h ~:\t Is\ac1 i UIl u III< e. <lu i t, I'es t ful e" e ullJ g. with " I'l;.:ar allll II \.Ioo lt. She knew. morau l ~I . t hall hnll no partlcul nr lise ror th e peopi " who \lere (elcbml lng theIr liCL of folly 'I' bey are good e no ugll 1:80 pl o IUlll Iu Ih e Ilast \\e v' ere so m itw l.nt Inllmnt e wI t h th e m Job "on did me some lI lt le favoro. IIh ldllll.ln sur l\ nov. tha ' I accepted . anti III nckno lOil edgmen l of tb em I dIlled with h im on s~vHa l occaII lo na nnll luvlt ell h im to diliner \\ Il h

Sh e ou g llt 10 hlll P ur t u Ru " , heu UUl

11I ~ lead . ~ h (l

11181 klllK

W(' lIl ottl ur tllll rOulll

"U Ill ~l h l llg



'\ 0\1 I\ now lhru Ihe," ha\ e

... ay~ beell Bill b good fll e lHI. o r


C(J nni ~-


She luu ll It ro r ).: ralllell rbat I \l as

~u \ lI J.!. Lo l~tllRf' lu ~1I.0 rt.Ullls e t ~lltl. <t

u r pre ..

Tbat It rltal . ,l llIe " no you meull,. ~lr~ J obHon? ' J IDto

Qult ~ <1

"She \IUS so kind \\b e' tbe I hlldren were "Ic k. and 'Ht liP w,th r hem and 11lIr.ed them j ll>t as If tbe y ll ot! been b e r own I \l'n" w o rn o ut wh e n sll e came In I u belp me " I M terled In Ihl s nn In.llI lI o l lon I bal J mIght hn ve B81 1111 IIl th Ib~ c hildre n myselr. b ul I thi nk I nlll rlghl In ~ he nplnlon that nurs Ing Is ex l'iuA lvely the p r ovi nce or "omnll . FlI! thermor e. It Is IlI1 nbsolule lleces 5 1t ~ for me to ba H R Cull all owance of s le ep If my rest ~ - Is broken I InefTillh l!, BtlO'er Cor It a ll tbe next. day, J 8Ald ' "If It bad become necl'"83r y. J would h ave h ired a traIn ed nllrse I h III YOll. 1111 R. Jobsnn 's b elp wns 1I0t Pllkecl . lIod 1 fane .. 21' P I!. a e It to pe1118 ~ II eJ'lcl f. YOII wom Q d ell.-:lJl ln rU£EIII.

.t II

J ! I' , II ~ " fl N

Iil l


II l d

I, ,, ..

t i l"

111 1


' t'


h ili "': I" q l, ~


.. t

Four Facts For




II I .,

1",1. Fn·l. "lid "I aI'S lJdp/d


t! • •, I ' 1..!.l t lll.IJ.!' . '1 I

I , I , 11 ""111 U II , II

UbO ll 1 hR"lng 10

hOllle nnd Willi h CI Lanu Dlid ( 1111 dl e n! Well . I nllg lll hnv e ~()lle . n ft tl


ull. 88rrlrkl ng my OWII \\ l"' ht' !:I . If ~ 1 1P bi d Uvt t! ls I ,la)'~d Ih,lI Me lfi MIt 81111 11 lJut as t L \\ li P I C;{J II ~ l j t f' I't"U I1U1I ~ b e


. lt uil id no t


lIlIIlI l ugelli u It

A 1l.1. \I Itlle I I hit.!; of It. I was 1;1 Ie' ed t o Hol e lil t: Hume lI~h m al!tf ~ rola l i"n o f

s el f thUl . nlne eve iling I I IIRPpene d sO lll e lim e .fle r Ill no er Ih ut \\, lI klt. s tl: l· cplt oned 'Ol' e r I Ita t Itl n I, " and POI t e l ha,l dl o Jipetl In Oil Illm 10 enliven III R I, a ouI'lor solit ud aOll Ih o) wall t d Illlull,er lIlall LO ul uke a rQ1 1i Illlnd ell gUIIl€ of Ir WIII; IM' wIfe nnd ch lldl .n ha' e been a\\ll} lI enrly all Id il i e l' nlld h e Is keEp Ing bOll s e Rlo lle " ·ell. J rhou ght J ml g h jll ~ L 68 well g o o ver I here QS UQl I ta O s moke nnd r eud lit home a t an } time. nlld tIle OllllOrlll nll" ro r n lI u le r el llXH llo ll lIuesn t IHe.ClIt Ils~ lf 80 o tt . n So I salt! I "ould come 13 lit \I Oil It! ) Oil beli el' e It' My \I 11e nCl llnl1l' o bjec t ~' 1 tl) !II) going- or nct ed a s Il s h e dill It II Ii. nol n woman 's Plllt)' mind \'011 It \\ns 0111 o tlh equcstlull ror ber to jJartl cl (1 n ! ~ bllt I cOll ld see tha l sbe IIldu't lI); e Ih e Idea of my going nod enjoyin g m) "elf IlllttJe Of COllrse. I lI e n l nIl tbe s am.. I Iu A SIMPL E WAGON BED HOIST t r y to tnke R phno ~ o Jlb lc "lew orlll lng. ro ~ tI uf 1. 111", h cti !;. I'nnlte ft t' IJ I know I hal s elHshn e~s Is Ingurle d In .l' l ust v r 111 IlI u f'u l.ln 111 I \.H1 t1s Sl111 pl e A r rnn y,e1l1e l, t f OI Liftin g tlH! Wo r;o u Df d flOllt Ru n l1 1n g G eRIhllman lIa tu r e aud In the felllltle na t llre n ho\l l Coh ltlJ lJtI ~ h a \ c utf" 11 .,11 111 f rllllJ especIal ly. and I could bardly t'x pect lh~ L\J lu LUuUt; Ii ll H:'S IO tl1:, ,,111'1\ ib U Qn e M a n C:t ll O )Je~te D eVice, m y wife to be an exceptio n to n natural ralber 80ft IIUWdlon a Hilt! "Ill law I tn' \l ot to 1.1 It woulld me !:lut f. tand tb e \\f)ar u f IIl~ a\ ' na m e In It realll' Is dl>gllsll ug At Iltll e. - Cb l. £\llIltrw r It bpt 1 Irnr:~ tin"" ,' nt HI I II CAgO Dally Ne\l s \\ J IIl(:J murhl) .,ud J \II:; 1.\ 1 ~ SOUl! 11l1 u S U I 11 a I I) ..ul

John C. lIu,·... wbo •• n· e~ II Illl dJstlllcll (Jn nnu.r Gell W lnM e ld SI'utl In Ihe Me xican " ' ar an nmnslng "101~ Is lo ld Itl' T E Fnl·l. h In his "Go ld 1I1_lIr er s () f Cnllro l'll in' IInl c •. " ltb h i. ro mmun,1 han hee n out scomlng On hi s " CIII I' I} h e mn<le n o I (l POrl t o Oen Scu ll. II lto " e nl for hllll Ge n Scott wu n I'e rll nble nUl lllnet In ufol'('lng mlll lill Y IlI sclpline . Arl ~ 1 HII)es "asseale tl In Ihe comlllnn ner s lt ~l\ lIqlltl.J' l e r • . Scott ~ald . . Col. H a)Es . I lI a"e l ecsl nd on J' purt or 'our exped ili o ll ngalnl t tbo IlI<llre," I IIld lIOt thlllh It wor t b 1\ hll e, . ~ft ,,1 Hayes . E" or) orneer ot the arlll' Is l eq ull'et! to lUalte B fu ll re-


HI l< 11'Lt.1 \L:-II:'IU m e o lleo or t"l ce ~ I I' wife and ~l r8 J oh.on Ntru< I, up u SOIl o r trl ~ lId s hlp t roml h "lllllle \:Illl nO\lItI" landln glll " I:let l hnl I \IRS IIre <l thtlt an e>en ln t; at t he Joh"(l ll ~ jll tlml se,1 110 eS lll't'1al e ll Joym~nt to m e the lIoman as k eu In c If I \louill" t Ill e li "~ go llll"lllil. "uU ures s " efor e IlIlln e r . so tbut we co ulu wake lill ea ll ) s larl 'St./trt wh e l ~? ' I ns l, . d "To the J ohsoll s · . he r e \lII ~ t1. IIlth a n Air of ,'lrll'l'lse . "YOII k now li e IJl OI1l Ised ro 1:0 "I don 'L !.now ." 1 suld .. bl<h true ~nu u g b "I oo unt e d on It su IIIlI1 h,' s lro! . slll t ears co mlllg Into bl-r eres. It al"u)8 nllDO)g \\I e to Illne bel we~ p She kllo\\" Ihat. for I ha,'c said 110 mUle I hnn Oll~ ' . n e vc lth e letis. s be a llowed bl"l lI!>s to Quh .• r. alli l t he le \1&8 .. IKlr t of wh imper II! bel' \o l c~ '"!'bey will ree l "u burt ,' . I! e


"ItIJ sewing tintl \:1,) ,1\, 111 10; und hOlise-t.:i cullillg her·gelf nn rl I!u\' er ha,-· IlIg UIlY r eC I ~!l tlUll A s If a trll e " o nl 1\ 11 S grealest hupp l n e:-ts wa s not In h r r

H ayts Knew How t o 'f ake Ca re or Su rpri s es If Th ey Sbollid Come.


II I I I , '"I I " , f ' l. III "" "1,, 1



J WAS AN'fI CIPATIl 'U A l'1I'1!:. <./1


II ' n

1111111 Itt

... 18\€




1 1 '111 , 11 , 11' 1 ,, 1,,1

b i nI:'

I rOIlI,1 ~U y th ot "oml'n I kn o w It Is llt e f"" hlo,, lh e' !!I . m Ol e s elr lIeny· hilI Ihe t1 et·l"rnllu n. I

t ied ru

111 11 ! lIll lt

/' 1dld E 1'1fIJ./lIlm ·s Vcgcla"' " CoJIllPOUIU/ J/..J ~ un U" ... tj"tJlI~J R~C(}l d 0/ I Ilrt' ' ' \ lr~ "PlII hhum .s A d vILe I .. Cult/lde" -

liu tIl n n

I. "

t ll~

~I ruc ll it I

II t\

I, I, II l i lt! I f ll " 11 , 1\ 1, I f II I .. l it ,~ ... ,I " , ,, ,. , n ,' I III tlM 1I II1 " n ll"",h q ' tl1 l1 l ~" I:, . lI l.1 I II , ., ld 11, I ' U I

I I' , . I

wllb tn,' ( omfort and t. c.Jnvc nl t: llI e SelftH hIl PHS. I' m su rr)' t o F O), Is llO l'Il · hl y lJl t" nlen t. 1'u thHI II f eolh \lrl t; elfh:lh

I" lin e uf t he mOOl

;\1. ,1.1 411

1. 1 ,, 1

Sick Wom en To Consider,

dUD '1 1110,,11 I hul I am aJd lr te d to II. I 1l' "OIl Ihnt s~l fl . hn e ." In ul hel. hll' HI \lUl_ ••, 11 111I ough lil Y Ilf ... lot e rf"l'ed



Genernl W enkne,~

( iitt


cl(, s lJl~ t'I

I n.o~lu. , lJl.

1 I ud

The SlI bJect Ia Be! n g G!veo " , otTlltl on n t Ohio S l ilte Uil iversity



fl u l ~q IITH \I

"" t 01I{'t:


I. t

"', I

I I"" .. IJ,lI lu, lilt

,berc iH one \flee 1 l1alul'u!I \'

\\ I£l II '''''''

Iu " \\ · , , d \h

t~ q,~ ' ' ' ' I,j· !!'IIL ld II H ' \, '\ I\. d. I ~ \\ .1.11 111 :• • " "'tnr


Aff!on t e" A n Uw r iry. \ . li t

tI LfH P incul

It Is t uld o f Ii ~4 v t ( b linll J IIRI Tfl Jll' tt Ii 1It.' " 1:t 111) I d le d it

h J~ o

. R t lf '

A I\I" Y. th e M os t Pl o fl t nl:le P r o pmn t lo n.


il and, ur CO llr Rt' I hlt.1 i s 0. ~u ud null ~ \lr B(It' llt I ~UH(I U \,h } I phulIllI ~u \\!tb)O ll t il wI. II R 111I1IIt fOI lIuthlug M) e llJ "~ fll e nl lR u tlialt CI o r nu l o n s !d t: tllOuH w h~~It." ~ r 111 111 alt vg ~l h~1 au lIulm pOJ-

\ \ ti.y

I" \~ , 011 II II . " .} ' ,," p iII Y:


III ~ Ullt!


It 16 P Okslble Th,, \ t. Do So I,

I "ahl

~n o l1gh

~ .dit" ,

, !tt'

~ hht

GEn-' NG

Milt I~ .11 Ibid 0 ' 11 uD lIa v. lre . The >llId. nl' !u I IIn o w )uU \1 111 <' ,J")

)ou l tie lf ,,!J e ll )U\I Hll' uuc~ I JI ~ l e ' " I a li i SUI e I wOllld ~. UOI e,ll u <I."th


'I' lnl ~ ~ou h..l 1I 1" " \!\ l,( I n ~I I\Y It! ( I , ' 0 11 ' UIII\ h •• \\ . 1) I II M oO Er 11 1111 \\h . , 111 ~n .. n ' 110 , 1' ,1 \\


I ~ah! lli ll " Itll 5 0 ~".

around. " Hilt)

1.1fV tJohl 'At 1 -tUi ld 1, 1\ .. m \ \\' IlIY: ') I U' ., \'( ' Hld "d OVlt ~::J bt.' I II Mu)

1" 1 11 I III



1 . 1•• I


01 " \ tl,

\ 111

'I I '


' 11 I


TORTU R ING, DISFIGURING Humors . Ecz.ema 5, I tch ttlb's, Inti um lJ)tHWU~.

B urnI ngs , S cn lul gs HIHI Chn llIl " " Cnl eu by Cutictll fl

'I h e 1(- 1rus on \\ h lf Ii 1h ~ '::-0\ t: 1 Iln]f'lI t COUIH:! I:lt es in L l llldin g t h t'''-t' loatl .... Hre tll aC lb tl rJ :\ll i p~ fu r "holll t h ~ IV~ld I~ ~ hn l l


furnHi h t h e

COl1lJlIUn I.l uu r ,

JlH11I:> rJ .d and

th e


furnl s h ps I h e nlllchln e l .1 l a l.Jo r

'I u e loat! (.) 11 th

111) ' \ -=1:-;1 1)

1)11" 1\"" \.In llt "" f"IIIJII " Il

,\ II ,\ , I




II' \ \

. 1

to 'I:) LI t' 'lotIO " Ill ,, - tic 1M It %lOW

' 1 .1


CON STIP ATIO N S10mnch Troubles , IIHlIc ec1lo n . D yape...,. biD, 810011 P Oison , tH,l n D iseuses . Eores . Sudd c ll 8 0\\ t l Tr OLII)l e , D tnr rll ea f ChollJr O, E1C.1

I Du rt orE\' e r)thln~LOltls" upe rl o romcer. PI es"" mak e )0111' r"l lul L ,o r"a ll,· " Haves ucgl\U by .al'llIg that he s truck Ihe pod l ~ ' tr ail on n .er tal ll da, . rolI lu"e <l It for tllO da) s u nd on tbe t blrd d8' willi e hi s <oUlUl,,"d \I as le.lIng a t I " oo" auu lnkillt; t hei r siesta th e o ld ~alh o rall"'II .. ,,,! "lIllJ ~ m The bo's " g a t he l .,1 lhl' IIl Be l" es tob e th~r and I lIhIIJI1Pc! I ll<' \ll' xlliw. ofT. kil lin g qu l lo U lIum "er uf t il ' padre" cumman d lila u wn luss lIa ~ InB Ignllicu llt -'-o.le kille d n n d t hree .... ollllde d . Sur p r ised ),Oll , e lt ?" Qllil e,1 S\'oll \'"1#. \\ e " ere not ex pecti n g him' \\ here lIere your plc ke lS? . Dill no t b ale aTl) • " "'hal'" s h o llred Oen !:Icolt A. col ulle l In th e l eglllllr ann ' ur tbe UnIted StaLes go Into camp III Ibe h eart or t h\ Gllem),·. c u untr y and U.,\€I pi lire a vldlet o n guard'! \\b al \l o uld )UIl do If " ' II VII.ed wilen a 810"!>! ' "Shout Iho Mr. r mUU Ib8 1 \luke weIlP ... .. ll1Itlleco ol reply.



One of His Lift b111tlea . Unrlng IL recell t ftu audal ~BDlc .• cer rain (Ily magn ate, llI{e Ulan)' otbelB, fuund one nig ht thn l blS real e!tate " Ila ' lI"n labl c, Ill S !lrm bunl,rup t Ilnd bls mOil") 101 ked Ull In a .lI s pellded ban k In <ll'e ll c ~t dtfl. l lOIHl lJ ll t ' lit: "al ked hOlla nnli g l ~~ l eu the Co ul llu illon or lIl.. jO) Q


SOl rOW8

";lI"r),:' he s nit! " I'm ruIned So's t b e bllu l. SO " the firm I I~ 10Ht m~ monel ant! my ho use nnd c ' er) III Ing- ~ " "r)­ I ill III: ' 'r-;o, no . .John,' cl'l.,t1 lb e 101'log II Ire. n• • he C " ~ t h ers e lf 111'0 0 bl~ breasl. " oot " \ ~ I)l hl n ll: )'0\1 have n' t lOBI me. " "That 8 so Ma r)· ... r e viled tbe unreel" In t; I:rule. ' lI,nr s so. I nevel 8CPIl J S e ~ tbrot noy o f tbe llablllUe l would dl SIlp'

pear." ,

Veter an Incilau Flgbter.

Maj CloBrles Bnozbal . o n e or ,the ,~t· e ranE IIf tbe ponElo tl office, Is 811 r ll -l n· dln n fighl r 'nDd tn\; s g reat , Ught 10 recolllli III!' IIle warlike adYel'lu re..

nud ng:dn r u l lul

I' pon

tbi s

\\US "la" ,,1 '0 , ".:; contl.

grad t \"I f CIII'O. I,'d lJullltlcr~ , ,\h lt h Ilin fro lD uu e we h tu ulle nnd u ha i r 1nLlil!~ in llWPH. tt! 1 r lu C' I, :-; ( fr HI I, "lil t 111 pIal \! Thl \\ lI s SlJ l lllldt· u \\ lt l1 ~ titlt' € t PJJf luh lp l .IUU ugal ll l ul lt,,, llnd I ! O":-;IH I If I :.l!1f li u. I l li g P I\ t, f to Ihe t h en tllt· IInl ' ~ l g lau e, lIon e uf \\h l r h ,',I d . II t HIl b ~ fa~ " II~ \) \ VI ullP· l lllll lIlt II III tl1ulI1 ler I II· \\ I lI d · " ,IlS u --cll fUI s tl1(nfin g- IIlId nf' f! 1 bUill; f. ~ l l nkhd UIII) 11I11~(1 t lhuIIl) ' ~ r Riltl IJi t.'I (t!d 0 1 a ( u U \ l'IIIt' n t llludr a IH\ld


till1llUl h


~ l lIffH' t'




ton t; ft:t't


cru, h ' d lJOliltl e l Q In II n llll -; ",u HlIll th e lml -\lH ~ ur I Ie load f c t . " r!.S ulIllt o f Iin l (l~ I O ne }l O a s to l oall

ghe u lUDlIJUl allle l eS I of t h., t\\ O m Il'

hel g hl


"1111 1U\I\



lIul p", (0 1 the h ' Yt' l :4

S. I\II~ ct n~ lind 1t () 1U ~.

l:U i1l 1.~,


A HllnJ Cllltlv n t or

- - --





lI,u\' ",. I t' '' ,


- ---







A ,!. "I~


/ \(' Ull ln g


n t " ':H. t (\,1 ((" ead l p ln.!o\\ ,r t I \ t f the IImli

l it C"

('O W

s tabl.

\("u r

~)J l inhl0

1( , .~I d

10 :ll ~u rb­

I I' h 1he t.qUltt n l Hl :,1 III \' ~ (' n' lng

"(Jo,t..; n fI

HI P- ,

c'eme nt

MOt ifS

th e

<in Il ot

anll !,OC IOct so \1 ~ htlllll J; wl li ;.;o.-<lo\\'n IlC'P ,1 1,ln,, "r n" .J.he )· mal' h Ik"hcll eas ily TJlOu san"" of dolln r s' 1','Ul r h o f w illi \\ 3.te l fl OIll:l h 0 R~ · ~ l1I e nl rnun, !'tOelt /lr t, ' I r lro rll te,1 el ry Ser'l 1111<1 11'011 s rall K n l flOW 1'l1l luto Ly l he2e w lrll fenc<l~. cow H ulJ les alHl nre IJl o vl nll \'c ry e.\tA ",,,:1-1100 11'0, ·. rller XllrOHSE's ' h o pI 1'l !l'n that anlh'nll> nre born \I lib tot: ' b I nd I' ftC " b . and 111nl no While It IB n l w:tl'~ nn hem to feed rJIi"u = ~ r r cd ln g o r a l ' ",Ill cbaJ .~e well . Y Illig pillS nln), easUy ll4i .tun'..~ 11. Wl;r.~ d" ) OU tuluk abO 'J t II f I))' 01 erl culn.:,

Po. lth,,.I,. currd by tbc -c LIlli e PIli . ,

TlJ.'y o k o r eUcyc DiSI ro'u D~p!tn , In· d igeStion allil T oo ll c.rt.y t.rC:.<::~

.£ II log.

A pt'rtc('t rem·

(·c:- for DI:-zl nc l:: • ~ :\.11Sc:\ ,


Ct.'" Stf\bJe. Alfnlfn o: ee d w(l l,..dl ~ \, I pn ll ntl c t (l ' hr b u ~l l£' ) FtAr t:. h.\ v , I u p :-'11\\ ~ 'i tu If' IIn{ I \1 I ~ Il q; u r '-If l l'tI pl r ut r p l'o r a crop of " ;oJ. " \\' 14 to IS I!e r n<'1 nr.. H:ntl "~ t') lIr \\' jr (l~ fe IlC~!i \\I t b .l \\ i r


f, ' . ".tl l ~ "tl lf Ji/1 li fllt 11 , I'llIl ,.I'f Ihl 11 u , II " ltlt. ' l.:,, " l fl l tI",II P. 1I 1y,hlt' '' 111I1'O;

\l h' l h 1,,1 0 lu" IlIliI' III Ul' lo -- !1

lk .&tl uf l ilt.' OhIO Cu ll.,.,: (' o! CU ll UI C

~nEE 0..,

I ii\. .~~~ " 171

C oole'" , ot tlJe d~JlHI ' IlI f' ul uf agl It tlltur(l • •U! O l"'l (Jnf" or t h ~ rt' \\ nwd l.' l rl.M .I ... ~r ! f" (l

01 101 I 11 1 "' 111 " 11,,,I11(' r ..


Mull 's Gro pe T oni C Co. , 147 Third Aw e •• R oc k I s lom!, III.

th e r U.Jd C Du l d l1l lllriil 111 \1( h IIH' QI J(Jf as th e Inr'..!t!t' t p>"pt"n s(' \'US ill tb e cust of the 1l(..!ll hl l! T:-i -ill e Iu.ld \'ftS LlI1l1t

uf G,'" I ge


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1I t1 1 101 " • "" l ( ,U \\ II II \' ' II IHlInt· Rilil UII oI ' . ..... ll li d \ , III 11111 )' )( 1"'" 11.1 1111' lur n !He'! l"Jt \lt!o( :\ 111 11 .,(_t,I \ t" l u lll, ~ ll1 m ach J o uu.: ,I II.' ":'!lll"' " " " II l 1I ( t'

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DrO\\·slnes., . IJ.<1 T"-<w tu tho 1louth. Co ,It'd

Tongue. PAtn In the ~l lle. .JTOfiPID LlI'ErL 'Iho,

regulate tho DD,,01ll. Purely Vegetable.








Genuine Must Bear Ftc-Simile Signature




troubled wlth 111, r:ccultar

t bclr 6tX u ""l'd llJ n doc.che

cess I u1. ·th 010UChlY cle,u,n~ e s

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U'll' .'·('y "b\ll'~ . : t. h~y h llye II '" ""SII:':" 111:11 \\ 111 h,· , . I hel pf ul t il Ih" i ,. f, ,1 1 ~w 1I"0 rsll i\l" ' '' ' '),h o SUnll".v bc h oo l Ll f St MUI'v, . . I ' " E '" T h u u hj .:{'I .. f 1111 ' It''l1I' "P"lIt I. · ,,111111"I 1" '11 1(:61 11\ the , \.)1 1"11 ' 1 . \V I t f t '1'1 1 f0 {" l h l' l" I. thnt al l p n ' ''' 'lIt lJ: lI\" bI tt W Ull ~ w"s " ow n IU r " II )' II I. ' r Ill OI U of Ihl' tnit' [-',, t101'1" . ~ f li"il" 110 0 11 Th r ou o r ft) \lr h tJ lll'~ w .' ru "pi rit." HlIll loo ,'nahl,>,1 1" I!'u,lli", ''! "11!l ll t ill vic ni c (Ils hi') ll II lid Sll p;I\ 'r o f fll! lol l' ,,,,nit 'e, Ionng i n g t' o rt h I WtlS e" ttlU ill .t,he wood .. frllit~ "r fai th. h " pr II li d 11I ."c. DO ll 't wellr yOllrse lf ll llt ,lllill~ Th e "bo l·p. i ll 111 (' I" n g ulige uf 11 11 ..\'"ur OW I\ bilki n g uur!U t; tht' lI (1 t EII ~, li . l , Frielld. '-"' t it .. 1Jlltr' lIP,· ,;1' II"flnl,h or. Buy yo ur ItI·Cllk. CIII,I'~ w or . lli" ill 111t . " ,Wld ,I' (d • 1'\('1Il1" , Ilwl pi!l ~ lit th e City B lI ker.\"




FUNERAL DIRECTOR , Telephone Day or Night, local No. 7


( ) ;\"I':

1',.. ' filE

1\ ' I ' II '; ~ IJl': I !S

lDng Distance No, 69-3r

WAYNESVilLE, OHIO Branch Office, Harvoysburg, 0,

nt' "".


Dr. !II iles' Heart · Cure 1 . strengthens weak hearts, :Iud I rarely ever fails to ("lire heart I disease. Try it, and sre how I quickl y YOIl will find relief.




All tllllteriotl

A Surprisc P (lr ty. t\ p J en ~ HlI t :; llrl'r i ~ " part ,\' li lli ," lit.' gi\'O ll t n Y()Ut' ~ tl)JIIII I' h HI" l liv,' 1' 1,\'

t'lkll\g" ;u etl ic l lw -",hidl will !"I· lit·I:,. Ih"ir pa in tlTI ,1 "i""'"I1COI t, vi z: Il l' 1\in g' ~ NI'IV f.H u 1'1 11~ 'I'h (l I":11"11 II : tl l O~t wlIl1,l e r ful I' cllwd .I- , nfi'o rdi ll ~ I " lir e rl'lil'f 1I1Id ('111'0 1.. ,' h,n,I" r- h .. : di z zint ' ~~ nrul Cl)l' ~.tipll ll l) n , :nJt

,I L,Hli:o'

Mu .\~ . ~ drllL! ~torfl',



wOI' k "llurllilt oell "

The Thos. Zeit Co•. C. l. HAWKE, Plumber.

l ) ml'!! nlld ~hllr, Fonrth Streot, W"~' I I ~\' i l ! I ',

OMu .

COIllUlence Ibe use of

Dr. CaldweU·s Syrup Pepsin ( £ ........ /

Mil es' no"rt Cu re. and by Ibe tlm o I hod take" the", a ll I wa.. cnllrel)' ,·urM . I f,·.1 bet ler t h,n I hul" tor ~~~n~nJ'e ~c~'w~rnkd oln Jl~~ ~:~':,l .to l\1~

1 wuuld now IJ~ In my II"rK,.o."

!lOOK OF WONDERS" •• d tr ....

~~~~rdIU'~.I~lt bf~r "h,~:eCOrIW:~ ~},ug;::


~;'J,~,~I'b~er.h7o~c~)~ ~~~~H~~I!!I:~ { ~!

I I r~~rfl~;r'bU~i:{. w:I~1 b~~.Uftut~rw~~ ::I~!

Dr. Mil.,' H .. rt Cur. I • .old II), , ....



rofund your mon.y ,


Do II •• " ,





. " "...............


For ~ll'e loy J . E, .i.nnAY




:.. J

OUR,SEMI=ANNUAL aEARANCE SALE WE h~ve only TWO clearance sales a year-July and August, ~nd January ..nd February-when we take every piece of clothing in our parlors and give bona fide reductions that cannot be eque..led in tbi. ~ountry. In our 'show windows and c&.ses we display samples of hand-made Men's and Youa, M"'~I Swell Suits and Trousers, and Separate Trousers. with prices at which they were sold and what we se them for during our Cle:arance Sale. Our blue and "/ack .ulf. are included in this. ~h'!JL..I"f!6II.'f ,!Iearance #l./e of ol;lr history_ . )

Our Prices for This Cle(uance Sale on Swell Suits and Coats and Trousers. -.-

All o f our $12 .. 60 Suits and Coats and Panlts, now • • • • • • - _.__._---

All of our $15.00 Suits and Coats and Pants, now • • • • •



All of our 817.60 Suits and Ooats and Pants, now • • • • • •


All of our S20.00·Sult8

112.50 $15.00 ,

and Coat8 and Pants, now • • • • • • ..


Our Trouser Department

is Full of Snappy Peg. Top, Cu~f Bottom, and Worlted. that are __......:::..::::::::::::::::::::::::::==::::::::~:::::::...~g~o:..:::o~d~ an~~d=- up-to-date. Our prices for this Clearance Sale-

$2 50

All our.. . 53.50ofTrous ers now • •

' .1

All ofTrousour$3 54.60 ers now

•• 5 -



All ofTrous-. our 56.00 ers now •

14 00 I




And remember N~.!n~tt~t what priced .ffarrnent you l>~L~rOr!l_~~ it it kt:Pl in fep8~~-'or~~~_ ~ 2)__~~~~1 &ee of chargee ~rhj~~ l1~~\J_d~_s __ne,!..!in~~1gs.-'le~ . b\J_t!.~l_S~.utto~~~~~~w'!r.k~d ~cle8n~g. ~rening and spongiag al often

all desired.

We deliver all rel'Qir work to your homes


'- -_ ..._-_ .

of cha~ge. -

isfit Clothing Parlors NO. II EAST fifTH STREET··Near Main.




lit'" I

mrl?U~~:'o~:~ c~':o~:t~~~hRJ,ll~~Lt~~t'l~

It thO l e .w bo b 'V6 De"rr tried thi s wo.4.-f1&

I., T , CCRD. lVIlIDQrB, K),.

,. f'l:!J"'!.. l 1.


whi ch wil! In~lant1y chick the procre .. ' 01 the d i5ellse and ultim a tely eradlcal. all t Il races a t f rom your ' y.lem . DR .CALDWELL·S SyltUP PEPSIN ! I S tb e g-reatest prep"ratioll eve r e>trlJred ' for d p . ys eps,a . , It a ct! in ~taDlI)·. restoring- e",ry IIff..ct"I\ part 10 natura! liCe .. Ild viror . , DR .CAWWE1.L'S SYkUP PEPSIN can be ootai ned III both do 11 !If and half. dol\"r si&t!s al all drugjtlsts . . Your money will be re{uaded if 1& does Dot b enefit )'ou.

"'.Hout J anua r y lst. U02. I t ook d own willi wea kn,." and dropey. ond Rrldua ll y 'frew worle. J WQ.I to14 by my fam ily phrolelu n t h. 1 my en.u ,,'U" hOI'.I~ ••. My n.lchboro and furn II)" had IIIt'o n mu up t o di e. My lImb~ 8 nd body we ro awol1 f"n to one· third lurll _r th an normul 01••. nnd ,,"11(H had colloell'4 arou nd m y hpn r ". For a t I••• t tt , r~e mon,h. I lu<d t o . I~

P . n -81\" 106 ,, Miles Medical Co., Elkh'irt, Ind

' Pholle No . r.

mu".adwomilO yoa la at· icuo d wltll this terrill). dl , eale ID sume Ila,. unti l it &c. 1 quires (ull stre njtt.b aall s u ddeDly

be tter withollt assistanct'.

()F .ll,L K.I NI) S. Iluy e yOlll' I.lhllllb-I I • . '1'1'1"1.\,"1'" ill IIi", It '"I~'' w l'''l"<' lit" o' ( ' 1"tt' 0 I '11 11 I II I ,I t II IIII Ill'". . •Ia..\' ,n In ,~, Jn~ 11 111 po.,' , I.T10t , lll. \V I .i~( 'olll' ' •., t.('I' rLl ea(t'M III :t1l(1 h" " 1111.1 {' l lItll"~ ,,11\11'11.·,1. : " 1111 \"" 1" '''lJ lIll y 1111\\·.,.1 III tl"UII ' .I\( ~f·"('IYII-C l.Jightinn. I",xt 1.1I 1·l' ''S~ U""". : ' ~ I 1 I I .1I AIN ""'""1':'1, WA ' · ... F:;;\' I1.I.~. C nile IV 101l1(, IH~Op I(' . I .',

ery otber

Ts your pulse weak. 100 slow , loo fa st, or does it skip a beat? Do \ ' 011 have shortn ess · of breath: weak or hungry spell!, .. i z,,~ ,tbeQJI III fainting. s mothering or chokin", . ---::-~- tbe 1II0It vlolllll spells, p:l lpitation, fi"ttering , . h your a~­ pet h" fi~kl.l DQ pa in s around t he h eart, In lid" you ~uffe r witb (rea nJ , hou ld('r : o r hurt when qu.nt h ead"ch". Mud di" zill"s,. an4 lyin g on left , ide :' dimmed eye.? no you laeL: ambltioll If you ha \'e an\' of these and euertCY? Do YOII loss a nd tUlllb!. e& SY lllptoms your heart is weak aighl , unMbl e 10 s l .~p ? or d iseased, and cannot get I Tbese are all sYlllptoms and foren •• lIers of this disease . Act at onu , ,


<t' , ' II

Alma.t .".

How Is Your Heart?

11II Il i~" .I' .

AlInrp w ol" o ll", wh tl ,l; h. ,\\,· h ' h '. IIf ~orth TllnuwlIlltln. Nl~ \\, l' ,' pr lnun hly h ' lll'nw fl eur t.o !llt,i t' Y"rk.ltll"llhpoll g lh'. I ~" 1 t\Wh lJl"I' , Fll lh pl' i ll h rll \" plIlI lI,ll iftu p llt,· i r "I ht'!" hr"lh"r, M,'. Hi"11 Ii "l'l. "r , h ellr t ~ I ,. HIll' Ih ,,1 Ill ,; 1I1l1ll 11 1l 1l 1,\' l\i"It'rll F,ItIlI. f"l'lIf'Ht ll i~h t. h e hllll n wl'd . lIi"ki n gd,ltlll;n lllf' Ili~ r\flerv" ill l.v t.r.l· illL!tl.'".'r.\'llt i ll g\'I~.·. ' I will Io e IlOIlo' u n 1'''1"111 II~ it i ll I, l' utl;'.1 it .wil.1t BIll'kl"II 's Arll ir- ·, 1 .o~t - lJ~ tw "e n \\'I1\"1I P " \"I\1 0 ,It HI ' """·Il . II ~ gre llt f,.Il' bl1lns . 1'111, h 11 11" 0 IS. ,,:""I I .0 11l"~ " I n.1, ' " II rl1 u Iillr~ ('~'~h \lr g. " LI IIL·k full. h ilt . i. enH'1I ' "1111, PI , . !1 !"p. rA t urn Pl' tl \tHo\" II IP. ('"" l /.t! t • [II 11"'lm 1I 11 "' I 'II" ~ II I,,' "lie I- III ~ro r o. (lill y • . , Cp' llt~ , 0 1lil'~ ()J" tu \\"l,!t·" I III kill 's stn n ' Ilitorty t o I,, \; p )1'1' I w il l' 10t'" 111"'1 _


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MI'~. }1I1i':U il'llt' II PI' II " " tIll' "I,'! » url'lIf " d. I"1 ,lilll'll g h " I" 1"lll" I" , I,: I w"rtl Mo rr i tt . 1l 1I' ! M I"" lIi1h')" . lO r rill e,l thllt " \\- h ,'!"c two o r Ihre(' nI'l' R l nt h ell trhlS I" II . "tJ.", · r~1 tI 'IY" \" , 1 :;lllh Ul'ell i1\ IIl .Y 1\'\11\ 0 th eTU Hill I i n r ll,' lII illSI tlf Ihl' ll!. " Wc(·lr . al lt




P:\~:\(jRAPHS Ih p. 11" ~!n 9tp. l', (' .\" ('11 C hr i~ l. the~-t) l\ kl'

l\ I'M,

COl1 l '\,~ P"~SPcct ! M. \\ . L A ~ u, M ~D-; C;.M·.'J,' ·H.


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k'", tlIl U",. llll' !' . ,t \ j "t,' \Vo~t L'IIL t • "trllA l ()H~UIJN I ". 0 11111 ... g J: U., Wnynol!viIJo'll Leading DOllth,t .\ 11 111111·, 11,'11 I .. :1 1 , 11.1 i'- II ,· I. . \, 1\ ' " II : '\"' ~"I" . ,, : H.... 111 11 ,11\.1 II I ,),'.1I I 1 \1" 1 '~ ,.r , ' I' ,\. !Het Hl ~ Vtt l )t Ollytl'lI1, ()I.I\". .... 11I1 1" 1111 !! ti t l ;1' ' \ ' t ' . 111 : , 1' 11 :\1 \1 ' ; I !I 11I \ d r1H ~l hl. · 1 , -I ~II ,\1I1l \\" rd . IJ I I. , ~ r' n\: lAL 'l lh':l : l lll!nA8 £ S O b""' "Oi\tEH P"u On 6 M. 11110 1'u 02) Ho W 6 3'02 omc elQ~ er. ' 8~n41al" - - - Malll 8 trc et , I(, ~ .. I Ild r-J· t.l~hj\. IU ' \ I' ro :l 1 u h !lUl tl v , In n l ' f"'i iH Ul i 1\ ,' \ It ' lltl. ,d t IJ Tl l "~t' IH.t I ~\ . p i \\ II \' II I":; \ lll ~. \\'u :) ru n l'rl th.t t tl I i I I EVjI, EAR, N08~ A.ND THROAT . • k II II , 1 1' ."" ' ll fJ ~\) n H:-i l ,-, I I ' , IS )~lfl tJ" 1 :l l l" II, I''' g " I II " ,· I"IlIlI·I' II. ·. Til,'" .· 1" ~ rllll I) ." lit " pri ll' \ Itll ... ~' . 1,1,11 ,,, '<1 I., I.d." "1,,,'" ,. III I' Ilnt~ AN!) . m II. DHIt:l'i . RJlel1tlllll p.1I fitt.lKllltrellilonllhl6 pricE'S 1:-0 11 11 ~t 'r III',l t'l' Il f )'<I 1' 1" '.'\t 'P i n rh f·...; I· Thlll' I '1I'lIlg t III' m. nt h of '-' 'rl ~dll '\' l'\t ! 1l1l1 !!, .ln1r . :tV, l ~IU:, " c-cpt pmltpl'. .~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!II!"!! I ..........",!!"",!,,!!!!!!II!!"''!!'''!!!!!!'!'!'!!!!!!'!!''!!!!!!!!'!!''!!!' _ ________ ._ _ . .\!c <llL '

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,~-..~!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!~a~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!"!!!!!!!!~~' ~ 7 ••::::~'~'~3T~!·~'!,~t~'$~·~!rt~c!'~r~.~E~'Z~'~D~!!~~~~~7~F!5'!'~!!!!~"!E-!'!'dzk!'~?i~-~__~~~-~"~7TW-!T~r~5~w.!!~!!~-*!!' ;, . Warren C()unty (ourts. Wbltacre Bros., ~bridge lu~The Ohio, State Fair ,. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - . - . ;'



• E' .'

NEW HUI1'1!. Anua Lewis VI John Lewll.l 01vorce. Eztreme OflUllt:r, I!roailll~. leet and IJl~blttUll drunteallelil . Hamilton and Brown, attorney. for plaintiff. Marie Brown Vi David B,own. Divoroe. lI:x&reme oruelt,. and nec. loot" eta. Plaintiff a .. kI to be dlvo~ · ed to her malden nllme. Bral,don, Burr and lvllUl, attorDf'YI for plain. till'. COURT PROOERDIMGII , 81rrelda Barrett vs Howald D. Bateman. Motion to IItrike ou~ oer· taln parts of petition over..cfled ; exception by the defendant. • Arthnr E. Appleyard VI The Da,.. ton, Lebanon and Cluolnnatl!RIIoIl road Co. Receivers W. E . iioorf' lind C. A. AldermaD authorlzlld " . enter In to II contraot witb the oity of DByton for tho temporary lJ"e of certaIn property darlDR the '0 '1 structlon of a brid,e at WlWhloCtoll atreet In DI.Yton. CODliidention '200. ' Lalu Perrine VI CharlesS. 'K~lp et Ill. Judgemeut In foreclOsurp reudered. Amount due plaint-iII ~~

'262, 1(1.

ber aud comont............. H .1)0 It. B. timith, cement......... ... 44 00 Barrett Bros. , tax .tatement blMlks .......... .... , .,..... .... '11 60 W. H. Antram P. M. 1000 20 8tamped envelopeR for ('.Qon':r Trtlftllorer........ .. 21 20 Bond of Lebanon National alOnk and Citizen. Bank waH approved. Contra at was enteretl Into' with R. B . Smith for sewer pipe ll4 luob('11 or leR~, at 60 per oent 01I list; for pipe 30 InchBl', at 50 per cent 0'« lIlIt and over 30 inohBl', 40 per cont 01I list; for Portland cement, at f2 per barrel, and lime at '1 per barrel. Contract Wall let to F. W . Batha. way for pntting in 20 inoh sewer near residence of C. Cornl'll In Wayne townahip. Contraot wall let to Cbarle~ l:ltibb~ for Itone arch near Union sobool hoWle In Turtleoreek lownshlp at


'l'be rapid growth of the . Ohio W . 11, ~'I .. L}O; N , PtUr:!tIO K:!f'T' . J 'I. l ·AH't""' Hl (" h 'l' ,l' . ", U JI:. ~ . (lEO. E , BlL':,' \'I ,: ~ P RB S UJ"~ T State Fair i8 IOn Index to the pro&peray of our people, and U 11 with pleasure that we call the dtentioD of our reeders to the Aunnal':Expo. : ..1\lon, whloh la to be held at Colum. : bUB, Septembor 4,5, 6,7 anu 8.. i Tbe Ohio I:)tate Fair hall forged rapidly to tbe front and III now the reoognl:l:ed leftuln g \i:rp08itlgn of its kind In the United l:ltates .• The naturai beauty of t,htl one hundred and fifteen Rores of .park grounds hBl! been enhanced by the If\ndBoape gardner'8 art. aDd no pl.lure park 19 mote beautiful or In,.ltlna than tbe Ohio StaW ~ Fair grouudR, with Its shaded rell&rvell' l sweet·pmalling Oowering planta, artUlollal lakBII and lagooftj , :"nl1 ' .tately forelt trees. Sbaded aven· ues lead to the varloue EXpo ' sltion I '141.1G . Buildings, .of whioh there are !leV· -. Contraot wall let to Oratonla enteun , wherein will be found in I . oorrect. divislon8 I'nd clas8ifio.tlon~ ' Bridge Compe.DY for steel bt\am ' a magnUlcent exblblt of , OhIO'1I 1 bridge with oonorete floor near res· Idence of Kit Anderson In Franklin varied Industrle8. , In addition to tbe magnlUcont township, at a 226.76. displays iu the buildings, aorell of Contraot waH let t,o .C. C. CIAaver ground, properly platted. will be for repairing 8ewer and buUding devoted to the display of operative belld w.11 neu residence of DoC'. exhibits, such 118 engine", tllr.herll, OgieAbee In WMyne towns4'lp, al ~rinders, road machinery, Il~ a1l • 367G. . other forms of heavy farm machin . bave been nlewly refitted throughout ond 1111 mllobinory Is now ran by . Ilry . ,]'hill department Is one of the Good for Btomac h Troubl. and 8team powor. al\f)wing the mill t o w ork to Its fnlt capaoity. most InterB!ltiog on the groundll CODlltlpatl0n. Iln~ easily 8UrpaBtles any similar All iIlinds flour anti feed on hand at all times. Ask yonr "("'hamherlain 'sStomach and Li ver exhibition ever givon. delOler for Acme Flonr, ) r you 1ir0 uisll!ltisfied Tablets have douo me a great deal For the amnsement aud onter· of good;" saYII R , Towns, 01., 1'",,1 with what you lIro using try this,It will Portage, OntariO, Canada. "Being tainment of Fair vlsltoftl the- mlln. Il mild phY81c the dtor l'lIeo'~ Rrf> "gerd will provide bllonu ooncerts, ph~a!le you. Dot nnpleallMnt, and 1 can ~m. harness raoing aud free feahu~ lit . meud them to all who suffer from traotlons . Eighteen free aotA! ,have For sale by dtomlloh dlsordor. " been contracttld aDd wfll he given Loul. M&y . dally In tbe open, where I'll Fair VALI,BY PIIONE Nu,4 9 viii tors mlly witness these fMts of Change in Time of Trains. animRI trRinlng, lind acts at darlng ,nd cunuing, without extra nhargl' . Under ' I' now BChcdule ill effecl All linea of travel Will bln·d'· chcap June 25, 1905, pa8senger trflinH over exourslon rates for the entire week, the Ponnsylvanla Llne8 leave. Way· lind the people from this llaotlon of NOTARY PUBLI. LOANS NEGOTIATED , ncsville station lUI fo1low8 : ttlo state should Mrrange to .ttend . For the ElUlt II :54 Ii. m , ; 3:47 p. We have buyers {or good farll\!! and town proporty at aU tlmOll. -.. List with U9, we can help 'you. m. ; Buod!,. onlv 10 :2-& p. m. . Buy It Now, For the Weat II :02 ... m . ; (f:04 )1 . Omce ~,ms over Post Office In StoOP!!' Bail ding. Now l B the time to buy Chamber. m. ; Sunday only" :55 a . m . III In ' II col\e, oholera and Diarrh(a. For partioular Information Oh the Remedy. It II oertaln to he"ll8eded 100ner or later lind when that time lubjeot apply to B E. Booth, RO~'" oom.. you will need It badly-you Wayneevlll.: O. Durillg tbo warm Bummer months it 11 not uece~spry tlt8t 'he will need It q \llckl y . Bny it now !' It may eaie life. For 8ale b,. Ma,. women of I~e hOlllehold should- .perul muoh time -abont, the hot cook UCORllo.a TO OOLORADO I'oa ICIrOLU ~tove, beoause one oon buy horo so maDY thlogB that go to make good ORAND AERIE ACOUIT 11th and' l2th meala aDd which reqnlre nC! cooking, . yla PeDIIII,I"allla LIDes, Spoch.1 I~ fu ••

To Keep a Bank Account is a


'Tis a better one to keep it at the



PBOB.'TEOOURT. EBtat~ of Mar~ IC. Taylor, dicee .. ed. Value of property subjoot t" Inberl~nce tax '7770.23. . Estate of Mary E. Ta,.)or, 4t!oeos· edt Fint and final aocount 4;- .et· tlampn' filed . .iEstate of Loretta J . Pauly, decee.. · ed. Proof of publication of ~ itotlC41 uf apPOintment of executor filUd . In re Laton M. Warwlol, de cea.ed. Will admitted to probate, F... tate of Laton M. W~rwlo1r, de· OfIUetl. John'r. Tllyl ,r apPe\nttd executor -with bond of $1,000 . • !.Tobn R . ~IRrrtoo, Williom AJle~,) and Ste)lhon C:ll:vengf'r. IIpprallMtr!'. Boaru of Intirmn,y Diroo~1I 0 War rIm blOnty, Obio. v. ' Salli .. Hlift;tlt al ApprllillBruent filM am' tbe Board ordered to give ~11 ad. dl'101l1&1 bOnd of '1500. .. Board ot Infirmary Direotors of Warr.~ (Jount,., Ohio, v. '-Ballla allrt e" 111. Order of sal.lIslled. ~,&ate of Phoebe Day, d8~u(d. Order -for llrlvate .. Ie of ohaUel. . tuued. ( Eatate of "muGl W . 01l.'i6, de. CANd. Proof of pubUoatkln 0' 10 DeDYlf. Colorado !SprIDI" or PueblV. For HATTON. We 1II."e freeb fruits ' and veKe •.abl es, canned goods, dried beef, lIo'lce of apPOintment of adJDlnls- loforlllolioo aboUl SlOP·Oyero. rouuli . etc .. DENTII:)T apply '0 llckel ~IODI" POlIlII,lvallFa Lillel. a laree vanet,. of oakes snd ol;lIOkers, jollie~, pl(lkleR, cheese, eto. trll~r flied . .. , Come In aud try our goode. Estate of Jam.. F . Duaham, de. SEASHORE ElpUR8ION A uu. 17 -:- LOW Offioe and rBIIldenOB one nille east of Harveysburg . ceal8ll 8eOOud aooollD' for IeUi~· .....RU VIA PPM. LIl'U TO ATJ;&NTFO THE CORNER GROCERY, met flied . .. Valley Phone l!y.. OITY, OIrPE JUY ... ND EIOHT ~8Ea 1.'. B. Van Born, admlnl.tNtor vp RUORTi. I'lora M. Van Borne et al. " Ap, Tbe allD'lal eIcursloD \0 tb~ .,ubort .,Ia Wben you want II. pleasant laxa. Pe ....'lnal. LID •• will bo rUD tlve t,h at Is easy to tate and certain pr.ilemen& and _lee of real,.tate AU"'"t I7&D. a CODuDlonl clAt~ 'or I~nl ... ' use L'bamherlaln 's Stomaoh oonflrmed and deed ordered given . bullae ....'. auc! wbeD the al!alO. at. \b~ ocean to act.i.. Iver tablets . For ale by relOrta '- at I.. b~"bt . For tbla el.CuroloD Ind "ckOlI will be told 10 DI •• of Ibe mo. popu' Louis May. RSAL ~T"''l'S TllAl'IrPC... lar .Uorlo, plaeu 00 the A,laotio <:o .. t . - ..........---Barry C. anel Etbe) M. Eldridge IIICluclJD, AUaDUo CUt. Ca.,. loIa1." . . I.... Auloll. Holl, Dncb. o..-.. n Cit,. sea Fal. ~ Alina Y. Eldrld;e; lot in Cit" A Home of YourO~. '1\ 11o\woocl, all aD th. CoU\ : aDd Un, "50, . Rebob(ilb. D.I ••au , ? Wh,. not .top paying rent and own Tbe round \rIp w aDY Ib~ re.o,to Dallied L. J. Newcomb to Wm. ' New w!ll be 'rom W.,ooullie . OhIo, a home of your own in Bonth Dako· oomb; 27 Mrel! III Deerfield ~wn ........ frum olber 'I ..... ' atulous on PeDO ' 1,lv•• la LIIIa.1II b. propofUoouel, low. ta? There ,.ou can BBOnre It good Ihip, .t3oo. TI ..... t. ..III be 10<><1 ,.,u'Dln, wltblD I •• IY. cla,l. p4!I'lDItUnl{ more tbnD • wnlt'. ltart on tbl hlChway to Indepenll· O. S. Biggins to Louisa 1'. boull; lojo,able at., at the .....ho'.. • :, £"•• roioD tlckett IDclude I lop " , .. 01 enoe. In 1903, South Dakota for the Jot in Lebanon, 1lI1. ': Pblladelpbla u. ..,lurD Irlp II do;"oIlrll .I:dh ooDlBOutive time led all other Mar,. Ann DoIIII anI! hU!lballd tu wl,h lI.ltet apa, U .road St.-., Itl"OD. For hili pa,lIcula,. about tbe uci roloD. statea In the prodnction of p_ B. D, Bout,t; 30 acree In darl_1I .poelal e r cap· ,brou,b IralD tenlce .DcI ahance rae"alloll of , .1... pllll car ber'bl af,pl, to ita wealth . In otber word., Bouth towDlblp, '1700. U "Bootll. Ticket AreDt. PeDoI.lyaD'a Dakota is long on wealth but ahort •• LID.I. WayoelYllle. Oblo. on people. If yoa are Interested Comm I.aloner.· Cheep Sommer Trips to Varion, why not write todI.y for. new book Pr~_,jngs. a bout tbe state and its opportanltles Points via Pellns,.lvanla ,Lh,es. Bouth Dakot.' by Elte".-Ion tlck . .... 1I1 be laId "Ia P.o"",I· Direct service the Chloago, Milwankee & St , Paul ProoeetlinRI of tbe Warrell "Ulla LloflA as tollows . To Porl1:1.DcI. Ore.; J"De I to Oelober F6tb. Railway. Count,. Commlllllon.n In seulon lacluol" • . account Lewla nd Clart C.DteD· Dial .:,,,.,.11100. at Lebanoll, Ja),.17. c . c. MoJ'dOUlih . Tr&VeUog "11.\5 . .. ,t. To HOIDc CltT, laclla.a. Jul, 18 to AUlllal 12 c areW' Bulldlog, <.:lucIDoIAU . III Bma allowed 10. IDol,,"ln , IccouD,lslaad Pork A...mbl" A . W. Mardll, medical Hr· To Loul .. m.. K.lltuek" July ao olld 81. vioea to Jan prilonerl..... 32 ISO accoUD' N.Uoul AuoclDlIOIi or !> .. Uooa., OHOLERA INFANTUM. "DCI."",a. Ohio Corrugated Culvert. and \6 To PortlaDcI. orecon. AIlIIIIOI 0 ,7 ·8·g ·10·11 · Ohllc1 not Expeoted to Live from one Hour to Another, but nUS 1:· \;;· U , Ii.-lO :17·2V·;W aDII :11. _OUnlC<>D' Brhlge Co.. tabell for Oured by Ohamberlaln '8 Oolio, . \'ealloD of ~' alloDal ARSoclltlOD or Lrtlrr bridges or culvert~ ........ 106 50 carr.en : a11iO for cODcaleD.'ed Or41cr of Oholeraand Diarrhoe~Rem.c1y, Hoo Hoo T. W. Thompion, .Ioo'rlo Ruth, the little daughter of E N. • Tn Pen .. r, ('010rl40. Au",'t 11 '0 13. ID ' • uppUee for jail...... .. .... 4 60 cluol ••. aceouDt NaUonal FralerDal Order 01 IltIwey of Agnewvllle, Va., was 8eri · mOD03 • oUlly III of oholera Infantum Il.IIt E.,Ie.. J. K. Spenoer, one set I) f~l)t To San Fr.ocIKo. cfllttonall, .",Ult \ ~ to summer. "We gave her up and did centerll......... ........ ....... Ii 00 ="tIOD.IDclullye, &CeOU.' I .. I.rDallonal ('<>D"eD' not expect her to live from one hoor David V. Staoe bridge repall Societies of 'Ibe cbrtl"a. cbu,cll , to another," he 8aJII. "I happened Tel DeDnr. COlorMO, AUI"st %0 to S.ptem· work......... .. ... ..... ... ... ... 11 66 btr U, IDOlul''' •. MeIlUDI Walloo.l EDcamp' to think of Chamberlain'S Cholera, oolio lind Dlarrhw80 Remedy and got 8pelloer and Monroe, bridge 1II0 .. t O. A. R. lumber and oement ....... IH 33 To RlclIaa0D4. Va . Seplrmber O. 10,11 aoel " bottle of ft from the store. In I lib , .CCOUDt ADDual Mutl.., Farme,.,· !fa· five hOlln I saw a ohange for tbe C. C. Cleaver, bndge work 12 00 1I0ui Co ... res.., bAtter. We kept on g\VIDI! i& and E. C. Armitage, damage To Pblladelpilla. Pa. Seplelllber 1 Sill, 16 before ahe had taken the half of one aod IO •• coounl Odd FeUo.s OraDd LocIle., around brid"e ........... 11.. 15 00 small bottl., abe W88 wtoll." Thll One Donal' Saved KepreMntl The Diamond Oure. To CluUaDoo,a, TeoD., Sept.emHr 1!t to T. J . Zentmyer, bridge f&. 17, laclully •. aO ,OUDI He.lm.Dtai R.uoloo , remedy III for .. Ie by Loull May. TeD Dollara EarD ed. "DDITOrla., of Ille lIatU. or Chlck.m.u",a. pairs ...... .... .. ........ ...... . Tbe averao:e man does Dot save to The latest nows from Paris II.' that For partlcul.11I CO.. lull Tlckel Alnts of • tbey have discovered 0. dlllmond P . P. MAxwell, cement for General reaUl,lnal. LIDCf. exceed ten JHjr cent of his earnings. oure for consumption. If yOg fear Be muat spend Dine dollar. In living brldlftll .. ·•· ................... . ;)0 00 expelllBB for every dollar savsd. con8umption or IlDeuDlonlllo, It will. Chu. 8tlbbl, bridKe fel»1r OI:D411IPlWfot-IfEW BEUTS aaoR' however, be best for you to tAke Tbat being tbie calle he cannot be too tbn t Krea t remedy 1I1entioued by W. wort......................... . 10 00 "''l"l'BIrCTIlfO MUOH ...tTENTION. Old Line Reliable CompaDleB careful aboat; onneoe8sar,. oxpeuse8. T..wcGee, of Vanleer, Tenn. I bad J. F. 8nook, bridge repair Spna .. 01 wood.rlul cur.Uv. po." .Im· Very often a few OBnt. properl,. In. a Cough for fourteen yean. No.... 7 01 liar 10 tb. 'amouI.alen or C.rl ...... are reprtlllented. work .......................... .. T8Ited, like bn,.lnr .eedll for bl' I g b NO .. " ."...."., 1111001 'o ,.t be ~ea7l11 aad pleuure Every polioy bas a gnann· ,arden willian •."eral'dollarl out. elped me un$1I1 took Dr. KlDp C. V. William". e;EpreltI ...... . "''' ",.,,.. at Cedar SprllI". reubed b, IW layla" OD. It II tbe tame In bo,.. O:W DtacoTerr lor conlumptloD. hao.,I ... Dla Lllle.•• Ia New Pan_. o. 8«>: teed financial baoklnr. o ., E \. oaDll, 10 leer cent till CllamberlalD'lcolto oholeraaDd QJha and coldl, which .... taI~ ~.Uoll. are 111I4ft e&l*_111 lIIall' p.u:t of fiDe oollectecl ,.. teem_ilL V.rIN reore.uoa .. ollered ; out· Prompt attention glTetl ~o Diarrb. R,emed,.. Ii OOfItll but a :allt r.II.~: and effected a perma. OD tile Ie,1I1I11 couru aDcI crOQuet la_ Geo. Benek................ .. 8 00 cloon few cente, a.nd a bottle of It In the f:ncclUe. Uneqnalled q.tck ave 100100111 Fo tbe OlullhOllIll '. wbere tbere '- a aU b11l1n8118. dl""lt, of aa _ _" he! ...... For .l boueo,teD ,1I&,..a doo*or'l bill r Itbl'Ollt aDd lung troubl ... At W. H. ADdenon, 4,.01: DI. puUcoaIan ataoQlfaretl ,aocl lillie of tnlna E , Ag , ..ven1 "o~.. .. It__ ..or '" _a' w. ...012. II",'. .~re· prioe GOo _e b, 1· Icdel, 'l'rl-a 1,0&",,,1_' for ProIalaUq , , appl, ' to ticket of Feauy'"aDla I 00. ~ . tal VaUt7 ·Pb~. 77, WaYD.",lUe,o.1 4~torAe7' .......










DR. H. E.

. ,,:. -


C. M. BR.OWN, Pl'opl'ietol'.


, :~; "·:t',



CUR/rAIN STRETCHERS ' S1.50 to $ 2.00.


l.'he Very Best. Fine- Sales.- -


Lawns, wonderful sales in July, 81·a, 12 1-2 and 15c. Ladies' Sum mer U ndel'wear, for 25c Men's Summer Underwear, for 25c CollRrs:, Turnovers, 10e. . short time 144- sold Fans, 5c up. Gloves, 25 and 50c I in Underwear Summer Corsets, 500 Luwn W rapperR Calico 'V rappers





Hutcbis~n ~


X~nia Obi~.·




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The Miami tiazette.


BRO\\N 6: ,\ I, I\\\". Publl WAY NESVIL LE,

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tlIln g ll nl': of Ih ose "Ito .Ire mUlll nll) lit t I a,l cu NUl b l h .. r ~ lit e . lI g hl ,"" t


" ' n lll ;; o rr

,,11 11 1\ r ll)'

I O\\t1 lllqll~1 t t.. fli t.' Ilu u r



I t!a' t-' h:lk~llg d lawlng 11 (1111

,rlc l Ut. ·",

t \. c

Ol t! f" o ll lo l1C '1I I,,·opl,· gl l

th tt IW IP": (' tl uur UI H} ~:''l\ III IJ 1< " .... 1 Ill e l e P (oIlt l'llP <S

I'th lll ll o nl K


1111" \1 ,,11 ' 'I ' It f,,11I .I~ lh l, •

I ha ll h,\ , p llti\ \i.lhe l ' t(, tnl,h H.'· IWU I. lt' ~1 \ d t-'Jl r (hil t! \~h\ 1 II s til l' !-.l l l1lJ l\'1" 1 Ihlll.J!' u n \u rt h \ (Ju nhll t llllllt.l IlHt' \ 1 1 \ ( I t ,lIl, \I Hll'r fl "' t Ill 111 1' \ 1I1II1/-:1 I Ihl ""' lIli I" t lie 1,ltl tl r l il t /-:I ' nl)t I!l UII t f! til l lI"'h 1) 0 I t OIH. f? o r t\llt l Hu d ' '1. 111 1 dl lAl il \\11 1 ' ; d l l slt I t~ t il t s UJI\.' abc')I H IIfTul ng- r t'rl ~M h II t li t .. ,,!it (lI Aim lt a lo . "lh ~ 1" l u l lI alit I ll rlll <.: 1 I I11 1(llI l t\ hd .. pltalll\ li n'" t hin 1I1 1 1~ f ! "''' It I" (h I' o ff €' l e ti l oa f ..\ lIl ali I II .l ",IIIIHI1 \ II tl i ~ \O Ur f rl t:' IH t '''' 11(>\ 1 1 \\1i .. 11\ ' " I1 I !>l Hutti Iw ur tih u hu ~ ",ul,(.: 11 ur l'uLi It t ll (" nth v6L.t1I I nor 1111 h I s n t ' t r all \ (lirllcIll t\ U " Ill 11 :1\ . 1 1~ IJt l .. r I Pshlll fl ll f ~ !'i llh altlt' to tltv h Oll r If \ 011 pr tt('ftl I ht'lil \\ I t h Ulll 1l t' r\ Oll"'nt.\S'" a nd !I' \011 ('o llttl\ e .l ttl.. bl !:! or ~ t a nd \\he n 1C,, 1U It blle~ t lil a,

!l s t R g l.lS" "t,"" (liP UI a plllll' To h .. ld Ih ,," (' th In!:" 111 Iii •• h,l l1d Is no t Ill"ny " cm\\ ~ lI l c "l Auo ut



\f ~ l tlJ\g

r u nt....

It m(t- mber

r artl Idl II I tllc' lio!)r 1I111Uq

n~ n (a ll \IRilln g- f'[ull ~ II



rl n ~e t'lle l~ral'hgrtM1!111 rrO'lfnot l ~I n nlt oba

'!'h ~ r

1ft III {Jnl led In g on ta llll li able In

arl' t o 110 1' (o tlJ1t r i f's

A lh~rln 01 II lion s


l~ tlrolJt~

o r ()eople Hlh)


SOll l hl'rn

nre p ro ,lu C'th e ntul \.du s o far n~ IIInrkelll rl<-l's nr ~ con c ~ ru "t! ami m ill ions m UI !l \\ Itho ut pr o pf~ rt le-4 a l to gt:t hf' r . Llil w ho w(.u ld n " tl l(" lII t o Il\ha l1tug~ Ir Ih e l h nll lilt lit for \\ hom tbp C ,nalllll! North t h ..'l t

'\ t~l offe r s Jn tl \l {'~ Il1 c n L... t hnt ('[l ll))n r d


UP I CUSOIl Huh es t i m a ted '1 hat (011 11 h n'-l In t h~ ug'; I Pgu h.' .In ur t-' .t, o f 3S rl (lllOt IOOa('r es Hudn s ll otlllo l e lhu D 1(1110 110 f a lfll(' rs a r e n II 10 t h ~ I) rt' ~ ent tlIlJl r tl( e dt' n 1iv ra pi d .l ~ hn ~ ut'cn ti l') s t' ul elllf: Jl ( lI le hUI)1e", t h.l l stl ll U\\ .l ll lh. \ ~ (,\ tt h.: r~ a re \I V IU th e 111 11 l r\

f:;a s l. n l t' h('\\ u n

Tllt~(+ (:h c)\\

1h.\I l' ~ 1 ' P:1r 11) 04

~t lll

r .... '"'" n H I P i li t li t h UIl Jllurrl t·d till th e IUII t' 1 l w.\l p ,i d.e llt l) lind tJ e fh ll lt: h ' 1111. 11 d 1I 11 tit ... prl\llegt .:s t,f s p lll ~l,l tl11~( HI A \ Otl u g: \, (lma ll \\ hI) Jut"" I ~ H( 1".. (\ ti t- I t 1111 t l eth


'111I ~ P t1l t lltlll n1 Iom 'l.lltl o t'')l ,l r'hJ jtl ' ~

I e-

h i t tl il-; the Nt;\\ f,"l r oHI Cltlght


1; 1I g- I.l lltl ('nu t I. . ~ , JI ~ th l ~t" lHJt Llt t.l:oJ :..' ,,:"! ,s 11.1 \ PI) 10 \\ II \ ,~ I ! !'(I t I l nl' ~ nil III ~a Il (o l1 'dcll l "ahlt'l' 0111 ) llI t o r th ..• t ltld... r a lnu, o r \ \rhlc,nrl tlt d l n OI !I ln l 1l 1llrid l 1.h In r u!J ' ul n ... I I n If tI thlolq..!h I II (loll nn d l' h i~1q, ) 'tn ll ul llI' l IU m lll l1nl t lt'~ ur thal r (' glr) n ~ o t 1In'l I1 V \ f n r ~ u J.;'o rn \ o"llIj! dll ll n lHI l u ill ~ Ln o u g ht 1\ \tlm Il tlotJs ,I hI pot.l lo~ s rlOIll t he ~ll c hl g~ 1 ~ .. tll' A I 1I 011l1l 1 lal " "n ' l l' l lr~o I Lt ,,., 1\\1111 1

o f curtn p t lnn l wl t l j:.:' P Ull t\l t lHlr ut I I I r!o!.'" I' ~.... ,; ti ll hC ll 1 (lr L u ld ' R 'q llllul -4r"jO 1Il1l1' ~ ~ ;~I~\I 1 ~I ~~: d l ~ la nt It ('u n 1 C' r " at1!l v 1I 0ll (, I :"It ooll l Jl I ~~ 1hu t 110 1II.1 1 h~ r 110'\ I l'l t llc It ~ !-tOI ) or E s tlill affll~ t li fo h (ll "c ~ n t ' } tI(1. , u t ~~l\ O t Hb l p Its ci! u ,atll (oodlt lo tl :; for ti e at $1<1 ", llI'''~iJ ul $1 -1 ni l 10 \\ \ Ith't.'~ , n~ l l( Illt lllt~ rna\, 1,, ,, ~e 1 tlc m e nt 1.J(l(· all ~c tile t Olll1 r eH~ l pt :-\ " (It! $.':! " :1~di l h n il e1 o f Inl k o r i ll~ r( o.:s li nt! l'g r p..(1:: \\ .\ ~ out In t; In lile sn h~~ rOl l h tl l l.'l'i t ur tl ll'~ \t:Hr.



Ih e tOlUl (o l1 ld n ol hlll e heeD leRg t La n $400uOO tl Tit" ('.'" 0,111 11 1I " , t I. ~'pp<'ls ll y

nc.l n ll t ptl to tile SIINe:sR fll) p rOSf!C l lt i o ll


J.~c t ~ . 1 thn l n"

rl{f ,,( 0 11


l ,nl" V.. 11 II ,.;111 1 of Ih e c ,b lomn.),

mnr l\ ~ ' f ~ u ti lI ( h£' ,'lI''ltH t O£'!; " o' l l d tUll C To I... I~ Ih e po 1/itO l'r(J\\t I ~ I lie T ai ll on~ :; Irom ~ IJdli g~' 1l IlI.Ht ttnpr(·c11c.ltn t t'rtry lo w 11 r all's Ull PU lOt fH I,) (' \ n I c a d lllldt' ma lk ... t (I\t 111 c.nnl n g lhpm I n I I 1.!C illia li ti th·~ to D p l :lt C fiOO r (' 1l1O a. a~ r3 "Q 1 n The A l ons1ouk g I O\\ ('I 13 ha d to rfod \H P the J1l i c e 011 th rl r po{ otoe<.: null t \ 1 II t laflll l:oll itl n o l tll ~pO!>ie o~ rlH' 1ll 1I 11 1('.. ~ t hl' H o :-. IOIl nt Ht t ,in .: r a d loa t rt' dtH Pcl It s n ltl' nd \ 1\\ (' b l, h II [ lIlll 13\ ll1 pn n ~ of t hP HP 10" nlt tl ... . 1H3 Idu l; I,os .. lh l \- I \\ prl( r~ t hl"- plJln 1 10 <rO il' ot ilot h :1111 h lt;n n nnd M.lln

r OII<.1 0 11 I ho I.II IU'




11I" 1\!} !-Ipt t ll d 11').!IU Il H o r l\ l W CII,.! lllllCl r laf'l (,dl1l)lI t lt l n n o r f'li aD Vd \!l r

~ '" l ll f" p utlre {,O l1 lltrv I~ in ln n (l \\ hol I (\\ {'III thl' tina ul \la, u n ci tlw \ 1<.:1 u f h \\It!lO ltt " .tt~ l r to lrtlfl lln l" utinn \\l t lJ O( tulJ el . t ill. t;X l)(}lt ~ uU I I l ur id 6d ' t8 t ilt-' ()lJt s lcle "fll l d~ t lt~ n UI1 ~ \oIt I i toillt \\ t"rc'


of "nt 1\;;1\

11 11 11l1111 ,JtI hu s lHls \\h hh tl ud a Ulnr~ I\t't 11I ~(lh In U ,..... w u HIIlI 111 1'" tHlj ':}{Pllt

r UJtltl

!lout ,.. u st p } our Is. 1I() t 1l 0 c. es ~ary r e n so ll \\ h 3 i n UI08t ta~e~ n \ oll n ~ e ~('t' l)t \ I? r y l)( ( , .... tollllll\ tu h )3 \ e 8 eli) or IUU, OOO ,,(Io p l uu d an .1111111 .1 1 j " UIll.II) " lI ull l<l h ~, lt"t .. tu $aV frunl, {tilld tor e \ l"'l\ m e mu e r o r 1\ h Oll t'c I pruu lI \:1I0 tl or o\ er $II Ol.HIO,1I00 "orl h I~ I \\ II I be pi n .E li 10 s.' e I v II li t h old In t he mnU (lr ot ,I ~ itin g ennIs n gTI, ,,!tu r nl m p n:hn n ll1",.~ nnLl an exl ny h om e I f you hav e an e \ \'nt ll ~ rree IIHC co mmo n ~e n ~e D o 1I 0 t , f or f l1 lJ(lflOfo \ l' r $jO (l(lu UO These f\ g l1r tlS 01 Mo th er \\ III ue g l,,<1 IU m ~p t )Oll ~ l an( f' '-l en d ("a r d IS til tu fIH:.' IH.1 5 \ .. Itll III n" , p I Oqll P l1t l) sh ow thal tile rO tllHJl II a t nu\ tHu e til ~ l ut h e; uud I ru e \\it OrJl \ 1..111 ar e on I c rm ~ .If (1I 0 I' PUl~ lon g- !=; I OC~ ollt!;ro \\n ~ \ rl jthtn J; In nt\\Q\ R h31)1)\ 10 8(l" UIII f lie nd... u r I n \\lth nllt f o ltunllt \ r l1 [ j:; ha11 P o f p r pjudl(:(' Il £ ~t ll ~t I l . a nd u n \ u tl H. 1 fUl l ll ula t ha 1 b ... l n 4' It a nd If '011 ('\(1 1 cit) h l llnct pr thm f \\ t\r I ~ n 16 n ;{ dlc:la ncc on t il l') rout l to \Ill co.dlnl 1\ Tht ~k v \\; tlllt f ull J ( 1I gt.::t It utHf iIllIi tt'li lllh n n crtur OL .I!Ht IInHollu Uhl~ tllu It>n l n~-« t ill.' t lW) \ ~1111\; 00 Ilg h l II 'xt t i lll U pro "'pPI II' or 1I1011 H.: ' ''' I n t la- HHIlt.: t':\:( 111 --\H (II _ _ __ __ _ ___ • I t IV.I" o f rO llr' t' 10 h 'n e hel'n <: l ~ ...

t~ ~1 1 shi ll peu.t

cU nf(H PtH:. es "l l h IJ t'H lt~ l ~ n J:!f;l nt ~ n utl ul il ei s I U I1 II Ntlld I l dd,' qu ite j,HIU I UI" Ht.lI htfts Ill f I I U·

l1 ulJ~

thl' ll "ttll n po pu la lloll Ihn t eOllld hale b e. n ~ .I '\I ) Olllll Ufl Tl"d on fOIlf" fl g-urps lInti n o \\ mnrl( 11n I h.lII ge, a populoti on o r 7C,ll ,OOO, n

fo, Ih e VIOWe'!"s t o Get F alX'

III li ne with I he (I n"s lo' r J'IC! of II cl t !',1 .,y Prcslt1(ll1 r 11.,,111'1 of Yale llnhe l sl l) lu hi,. \Joo l, 0 11 Hnl ltond 'rr :l ll ~ poltn 1Iol1 I ~ th e ca !ol;e in s thp!r lI\lll b"1 th fllJ11 Re l v("~ oll t1 1t OPI:'O (If t i lt A rOoHlooh )Iot llto grO \\ f!I !-t pr.,ll le I he C hino ok' or II n rnl \\ In<l& IlIulI"ll l hI Ple_l d l llt 'J ll t ti P. or t he IroUl tile Pa Cifi c con" t IUpl llng th e RU() IV il ("tu ll :Ind ~ I n ill e Itllll.o.1l1 It~fo le l it ulmos t u s ~oo n ad It falls a nd n eH r ~ f-' Il. lI t l nlnll lil HC o n 11lt f i Sf t o l.,.;Otn lea llll g It ~ Il) d'lIlh fOI nl(lIe Ih6n ~4 l'\othln ~ rO ll ld Lt' t t r .lt nll\ '10 11' 1t 0 1lC' Ot n 111"1' 11 111 110111 1I001,s fo r Ihc lo lere~t f 'rhe r eutlc r \\IIl IHH.l er Mtnu fl fhu t It 19 t h t JO(. d l l ll s \\hkl! It M(l I\ f'':: Il1l1 t h lIl or n dlft llt ll t r t) ~I'I n n R('(' Uf. 1!tt . \ III.dll dtpl'nd n (e o f tll ·1 farmer", ('stl rn.ll l· or [h e ( .u tl of the fu u n t l Y f Hw t\.loo ~:.tll tl l~ 11 ... 1011 i:-; l' tO POtlllO l h nnit i !Suf llil· Io) IUI IlI I.Hll· 1)llt.Jtl l I l ll II llJ..; t~ lt .... 1tl n ~~ W11113 11:- f:'1 ;lll III


t n l' pf'\J lhe ('ountn

llew lhe 1:11 111 oa ds M ade It P OS"i1Jrf<

con s lltllte th" fllI l's t I Bllrh lnA t(Hl lIlry tu the \\orlll He r e II' nn 11II11l ~ n se .~r ca or g l oz ln!: Illnu (III \\hlc h s b ee l) h or"l'" nlltl l'n ttl~ I ll fllUln o ll l nil \\iut e r rnu l\-

~laL R of AmH lca \\ho al e III "mall \\ urn OUl fnrfll ~ llutf e \·f~ n

of the q lle' l lo n lin t II I ~II lo mllllluir n t lOIl " as f llliv es tlt h ll H II ~tI ' It \IllS not u nt il I hSO tilBt n ral!ll.IY

MARKETIf\;C r-OTI,T O C:- OP"' •


) T~(' . el Iln ' grcn t bran ch of t h" ll llri t'll ltllru l tndlt ~ tlv Is Ih (' ~ t 04 1< I t Is (,o l1 ('cd ~ ll U) loci, m en all n rulln ll f h n t

"reo Hom ES ro r 1'1: II ;on 6 In t h . BeB t .A gtl cu~tu ltd Co u n tty tll the \ Vol ld.

o f \lhorn I anI


ilul' !'> Hil t r t'q Il 11t' UlllJ Il·t tl tlr lulk u n till' 110\11 '.:;11 fl O I 1\11) Iltttlllng p~1 (nit' 1,,'11 \\1 11t tl ... \\ 111<1 1.1>,\\111" III Ib e f.Il " r Ih, h (J SI ~ '" :-;h, ' 11 ,'1(1 lI ut 111' \1 1



11' al( n \ l\l ~ Rno IUl t: r iolt mJ , 11 11 111 It "r Ii Hit "I r be'" \0 ~IJ l5he u I- u rho t' " .Illld ~lIt'.!: \\!t ll 111 m t ll t ill' c\()(jJ

g" .. ,l u)

IlI t, ,) lil li e " I H il i),' III lilu 1.-(1I11llltl O ll t Itlok \\ h . It" a " umun It 1L! 1I!-l l'i lliu . 111 (' Q

•1Il lI e r


nt 1 ,lI ln\ l l:dt..:.~·d

" OIll t- ll



l n nl tol.o, \l a' r l ~IIL"d n IHle till 11 11 1I\0 11, N,,<I I:II'T\ 11~)" l S7n 3 11 d ~h('l n tull l 1 ,!QWlfU"'''', alld th.u ' 11.l r \ e n !)n,j tJ ~HI prol l nd n l n tllnll Olll1 nn,1 hn ,1 th e' oll ly ull t he pot.IOP' h e '\lInt I' d 8 r , e" , t o t he Oll t 'IIi<' lI(o r i<1 III I he R e .1 W hile l ite ~ll r hl b,11I r.l lltoo I~ mn <i o R n (l l to ~I Pn lll IU th e l nit pli :-:;lfit e!oO t;~t \he H hrinl\ a ~e I II 8 c r k ul l ura l NIl e O. een and White. r a t t'R th II \\ 01\111 1';1'(' L..-· ,' n r q jn oll r! t f) It \1 0 111 11 b a ' ll mnde Ih <.' Il r ' t ndlpll ce turn,.; e of Ih e Bt a(l le~ 1L look ed (UI "p \ e ral n\\lfl! h~ ' e al 1\0 V"I ~ 1."sL ,l lIll og Ihe pu- Ihe r r, l lr oo ll- ha.1 Ih r l 1)(1'11 "1l1. lI )oIH?... r H Pt'/I:; tta p hl)\t.l l i n g It Is n o r t\ ('IC(l.,l;,ql l j fOt tll ..:- tiC ltl) t il Dl P llt In ~e tt lt;lm d lO tl f\t " till li.tH! had lt s [ tliI IU g- ~("a l.:(ln, tli e wh ol r j Cflr rou nd on. If Ih e w o rld h au lea rn e u lO du IIllIi- pi llion ur fU i.lI t:lI Il.ll III t llC l\lU\ 4! llHllt\.l r,\ I II)Utnlou;a rstJLl OI (t~, 8UJ)t- r .. 1:o; IuIl fi t 1l 1" l c h I h ~ ' ''nl, I pl('ce . " I hav e la nd t~h pn li p Lh p "o l ll<"l ~tlll It I. \lI P ran ch Itl a la l ge vart 0/ the fuud II IIU raw el " l) SICP Gill lllg CO unlr). null nl le a . l frOIO t o 1\11 /lillre. Ih e) 1t ~lpe,1 t it " . ho \\ e l I ar . al e d drolln 1\ set II f dOli!." lh a t 11111 he e m ,," tl l11aHd h palroos to tl lelC a re I :'(1"0110 :I" I C~ Of l "Ove n t o e igh t m onlh s IIhele n l . lt~ 1 1 81 f UI l E"X II I "'s "lll c h A m e J .... a mftll' t:I IlUUlll\ !ol S n l t' llt s a lul Ihe sen findlllar lle t<tlt c lI fh c UOSl o ll olldMal lle u l o lllo l o II .. \t h I 10 \lhlt " lII "pe rl zed free ho me lpa I C~ tll ed ulng latlu t n l h nt IJl O' Ho n Is the . hort est III:1\lng t he f~ed l 1l 8 Ha llroa d s ulfu~ froJl) U1 lln\ 1JI (, 1j(".\llI o nt ~ lJ ~ tr ea t i n g cotlon o. III fi lo 11o,. us u:llly , ulllllle.1 ,1 n d ' , l el\se In l ts r I ' sa~" ~n l a h H al e lo ce, o ll .,.holf o [ \\ al Icus t Is Il t "cn~oo Ullt s ll ort III Oil Y oas., anu ( 01 UIII(, flum JI(}\al (J~. 11111 Th e l"le"l Ht u II~tl. ·i 1'011 II d l lT~ l l lIl th e ll m ()1 h pl K , Ith c OIwld e r util,n lin I lIun te l In th e P hllu.lp lph l.1 Prl'SE It e lluhled Ibe It t or cropplll j.(. ami 'U IlOl 1I11 1110n" more t h hi on aOlln uance lJ11 ltlll ;,{ l h m 8 1.;. a ~ hi Id 01 t he be3t ho\' ~a ~ AI·oost Ol.l. [II I Ill e r " to m llrk e t Ihel r r op h<. lw een 1I 0 ul.1 !Je l e r " I.r" ttv tll 11011, th e m III III t he hands rMtyry 'J hu Mu) C X iJUl t ~ tlr l Ht'l l d st \l1l'S lI Hi!n sc l\ p~ lind IU1~' ot Ihe ~iu tl s oll. B a l' COIll be s al ed fl OIll t il e ' natlYe JI~n tr i cOllf1l8 11l ~ s i1l1~\ - h u,h' s of dell t E Bnd th r t eb) lo nU11l11I tO Olle' \\bleh 1I1l ,,' u"lug th e "Ii'I, ,, r pun l , l h rt l lll llY cOl11po n lr, ~nd "ere !l ea rly oo ulJ!o til\):-; oC ~II )! , liull lII a ny I'I II'H" " ,llIrlu g t it. SlI lIl me r s €a"on t h e y spen "h e d,l ~f S a l o \' e r I tlll Sl t OI !, fill Ih e larled s up p lies hIli !] (0 1 the '1 1 111 " "n d IUII « ao,1 th e ollt e r IlI lullc a ] 90-1 I b e Int.:ren.lie " as u. ll l ti c I .... ;,;:; e \ e r \.. h t- ll o n nd prll ll t e (O rllora t loll s IPn rie l lll !( dn l,)" ca ll i' I.e ell un In e x th e an n Olln CQIlIf: nt ur I I~ h lp r f" 1 lit " 110\1 . • " \l h ld l t h e I nillonds lHO ll gh t to lhe m fit" IIIlIl lll c I t IS hU" PI'e l \1 1th th ecolIlIll ) ftlllh e th an $-IUUUlIOIJ III l~t( U U tilt..' l tl \\ ' Ui r I) ells ll o Ilem :Il lit e mos t Agai n I h~r c If th e m oldll!, U tll U ~CIl1i lh;' calle r u (u l1 0\\ }otl l h ~lt utl~ ~h oll hJ be 11 8(;> 11 rUt { h e s ('nll o t I lIt PS II> Ie slIhj ert to o p~ \\ ~ ... t " •• hUlt' t o d td n o \\ !l \ ry xlrao rd tnn n g atn .lI C f lH ol nlJ!e (I allying r r gll.Jntlom; 01 I h e ~hl l~- (lr 110\ alJlJul as old ac:. h r O\\U O O\l' l tl 1tI~1l1a l ntlJ II s lmN l t <:j'1I j\ r::l1 )~o n l'>ll e ~ I " 11 all E n I P f tI W t m euU! of th aI sla p le III t lt e IIIUlllh I ell n motl ... r s (' II ci II h lll' niH' Illflt. e ., '\h lch Lh s e DPopl e ar e ju s tly prou I Y t! In logres kal a " IIII pI le Ules Ollt of l h o 11811 0 r ' ''' 1\ goud Co ut lJl nltl o n , es. ill alllull I ()U ' IlPvcr h II C !JOPII I I(llll o r t h l ee I ' 11 u e> 1n l SS:! t11{:: fir.a t } " n r th e r ail \\:lY t.H" lduallJu llc r l e"eo t ~l1 , .!L l 7 t 0 ; (; II s III t h e II I", lII,c " f~lghl C lled It n a ud l ea , ~" til( a ud l-'h ee se :m a.kl ng \\a! t 1 ! o'l~h. d !I.ut <, oun lCl Il ~I ns 1111 lli ed Ic s te tl a t a II l ..t \\ 1 Jle rlotl lasL Ye ar l ft e,;l!Q lIu n eXPolloa Pllt e . talum e ul n c:u I~ da" und rl'stl lte ll as t.l lIll " h .1 tll ,l l If a , r1l1"'C 1I11l1 th e ft e ld tu b e r at e t ,e ('U' ~ r· In t o (ollr t e r r llo l le- A ~s l u lb oln Sa . Il .Ioes e l e rvlV he "e, In but a parL lal d ll ced b~ n l ail '\lUt \u lum1 a l $q h: tl ,l i.! Th o ill c l e bc d Ul l g h t e l l:; S11(.-> rollt! CO tu(1 nlll It r un" rn a \ not "i s h to g l\ p Ila t~h e wnn. A lb e r l., ,11111 Alhu ua sclI and ~1t~ 'ess T he con s l rucl lon ot s llIla ble HII IlO Itt'r t ue " nti fI'Rloted I h.o1t ~h llo ~ o f a bo uL $I G, LOl' (IU" '''~'H e llulIgh III I~- Ih p 1Il.ln hilIl e (? I a uln l< to t h e IJo y ". gl \ ~ 11 a IH l m l t l ve for m of go \ c rnllle nt of no' r lllll IIta l p I O!e , l lIr~ rNIIf lUpe If . he \i p \\."11 hr" d " h e Ih o h(/us cs for Ih e care of milk ao d p rod !I!lc hl •nl r {U \\011\ 3 l a dh..: ul ~ h u ll ge In th e g l e l H him H'lll gnn l olll"ads 1111\1 l h 13o"l<1n 011(1 II hlc h )l ICllliI d lIntil l h ls l ea r ( 1905 • HU\} !i a\\ l u l e a nd r c IIrt" . lhc CO" t of h el p and the la ck 0 1 Ma ln c Hntl l o[ll l h ad b~ 11 " " bl~c t~tI t l) ' lriide bulallce to r tile lIlo u t h 1\ h e n th e fOll r l e I n to r le s r Uid n~ 1I1 P" ill 110 lll ~<;\ ,,]e l . _ ;';UI wh i le ' h" 1\ e r e con e xpe ri e nce 111 1 s t oo d In l he wa l R~ G o\"~rntn Iliul IItnlt nllo , Ih r l " (HI 1.1 IJn) vl.lo n s l!.ItU an lnHI I. lu r fIJ\)u IlllO renlhln- , I" h , ,' rl ed IlI lu t il 0 prol ill ce' , "Ivr l ta a nd drawbnc h. Th o attenti on ot the gO l e r - Ilt'e s n r ~ 11 It nll(ll c np Sa s l, ,,t c hc\\ a n. ..rl e n f ull provinci al e rnUlen t \\II S ca ll e d to tlt e llueno m ~ IJ :; 1 h a l e fe ll oh ll~ed to r.CCO lllIl with bre.lcl sl lllfs and COlLOU., tli';:glo UfJ I"'~ r' 1I1.l h 'Ir rute" . ~h... ;'Ir ls 1I1 ~ 1I mOlh t't D.lIlomo n y ,I nd a d .il iupd as s lgtc l s Into liS th e l alll a ds of I" rall' 0 nlHI EII ~' aud In cllHlln g IIl lue rul u tl s the lu t al. w k.1.!.0~ tll',1t s u cceS3 or tile co QIH'I ULll e 6) s l e lD . n lanon frl"~~l' d o nd (" I II'nn ' 1111.101 I; o l e,n tu nln l tile Can adI a n Confed e ratio n Tilt' e ll In cr ea s e 10 the e xpol b o f Ih o"c I: I . a t ~ e llru ur l, and H(?,v lal,' m a l' _~ .Ip an !til r r "h c n tire ).:.o\\l h 311d Il elc'o pm c lIt of t he l rles a., " e ll a. olh e l ElIl'Opea n 'Ol.n Il ml lalion a ud lel th e POl ot O"' rOI nallll al s lnl'l eK 01 Ih o L 11I te U SlU. t,s h e cnlls I ~. Anothe wit re Irl c(1 In t h e eut r.,,'llan ge r q ue fl s oli e It () II,1I Cull lllrv nre 11 11 Ih e r , 1I1' nr lh e s e 23 CI n pro\hll'\ 's ODd III oh ce e Xl'e was $2~,OOO uuO In ' iln U IlI le of gain IJrol.6Im<\ t rt s wer< Of rotfl"*<C Ihe IUl l(t h or y ear, In 25 ) cars. Jl o .le8H 11t,, " b 000 placed Ol lhe Jis p ooal o t the II ca II tl~r ~11 11. s o rn e'l h.,t 0 11 I b(O fll P opl e Y ARNLE TS RARE. "\I ll k h If mailltail l ed, wu ulll w a\(u Inlltarlt l (,f Ih n ll lps o f la llllny nav~ bee n 1lUlil i tl th e t.Jlrou g hollt the c Olln t ry, Thi s leu e c ull " r III til " f u n tl ll 10 $~C 4 ,OO O ,O O O In a ) e llf ." PO l r ()l1nln 11\ 0 or llie '< s te ms lhe es taull s hm e nt of a chnl n An Intll11nt" trl e lld WIll nol U. "(la ss co Olle r " h ust \l r Da ni e l \I""I .SI. I III 1l.1 n dln ~ "i lave lra n spon t lnell illl illu '!l lIl'; C p lit II e ( r eam l ies thro ug h I h e I e rr ll o rl ~!I , Il!:alns l UIIY " ccept".1 cou ~ I[ he I e 11 1111 II !; In ~s u f ~l ullell.1 ,,"I IJf a UUS" R andMI<! G N R nnll the lhlrd tbe Th e \I o lld mll st II ult for a pel feet rnnlll 1111 II I AI moS • Th ese InstUutl oft . wh il e s UDject tG bnt! «() bll pbbl!cI I t hl" (Il li lll nr v be d u u t~ Ie " lid t h a l h . bU ll Orand T r llnk PacinI' Is oow \lIltler wny t h e conlrol or t lt e pa trons ln 1t: rpl e ter of the s un gs of I1ll l llle. tim e ur th4" f uml" lhroug b IlIU cI I' tI II t11 ~ l' al c II \311<1 n I ha l I I his tim e a s A ~ t,;\t' P \TTI. H' h" "tile 1~ ,l ch of th ese mnl n l ines Ita. bl"n c ltes .uoa rtls ot ulre~ lo[ s nre a bs ol u tely on Po ss lhl) , lJ o \\ e ve r tlt e pe l[e.L In te'!- ""?I)'o n o I, now". luul l'u ~ 1 hint lWO ctol lnl R n sla ~ ::i eo un l dllfe r s wide ly In cl l! In lOnn y localiti es The co mp.lnles aro rlc r ~O \ e ll1t11 C nt mnnn ~l' m I" e tet" h a s rO lll e, UUI 1m " v' ell " en lb!! r e r e nt hou~", b !; lill(l fJs of \ E: lluw ~ nt Em whi! 1.,. o h lli e to . tbE In!; IIH' .nte lt!J;t flun! lit.· time he bO llghl o ld s T e n \) cloeJ. I, 111 (' , le ln !; Vol in o n e nllothpr to st e n ll th e ir s lI r es ll e rfN.t safe ty t o all pa ~(n l lop . . )tl t h ~ lJIIlt o l1 tlO l t ~ tllc h f\r st 1118 rl g hl for Ib e lulellJletlulol ~ IIlU'ij for ~o lll e. OLh t ron~ T I.e tbe "III U \\'l'I)""l l' rll ~nll\p tll ur t h ~ bin e l s do not ,b., "k tll r sv",ems !II P' f ry polp t \\ he r e mill" t he r e or Is 11I1Inlll t he CIPIl ~ th e In \\HI I \\hl1(! dUlli i n g c o t IIM l h Ihe r " SOli llu.1 th e wu l u r Ill s e l.arale d a l 110 m. tl (' a n d lw l ppd hlm spir t o n "" ')('i1r. ri gin .. ... e"enln g CllnlP IIn t ll 11 BUI l,ron .1 -ton r;;.ltlc m!!nt. ;0 lh ot rui: a ; w it of 11 facl s o des ire d hy se para t or s , '" ta i- e ll E,lv i n g Tht!,,1r D1 S !;h Ol1ltl lie don e In .I.e it . lIu t h Inci, s t h e !: lIl11tlll ~ l I P oll ) m ll "' l s t OJl t 'tal CullThiS 1,. s Jle aking . tew call e r s shoul<l ~ t.I . c \ cr v set : l er of t br ee o r ( ou r s y ea r -d to lh e oal l) s lallou, llt c re le. l e d a nll foun cl .,,, lu t lfesl ' th e (J llll l lh~ ~t1t t.h .Intl th e ftuw e l :; 111 III blru u ,.;l) IIU " or th e tI," s latlun b eyond hftl! pa Nt le n and (e n I ~ th e r e' ld en ce h ~s a r oad \\ Ithln a r ea son \\ c l gh ect n ~ tlelhere ll anc1 r.on\ f rt el) ue lt e r h<"11 for I.. a ve Inldng In mo_t Ih e ~o lld '" tH i n ... lll( h A r n tll C" r fin e lI ble dI s tan ce or h i. li c'Or tlJe w oud . o f b in] music Tn e s l,rlug InAlnllce s. A i n t o btttler vy the e'p CI I" Au I anc • til . t c all . hotthl Ilot u,' IlIl e ll s h u uld I", 11 6~ d o! Ill"l \110 lw uv) A \\ f' lI -hn (l \~Il.)( l UI " n ~ w a ll ing wit h Wha l I ~ or e 'l tta l Itllporla uce t o th e 3 1e mad e from monlh t o monlh m e loo ) v f I he lII e .Hlo\l l"tI. h us ue c n more tll n n II hal! It0J.r lon g " Illc b n fr lc nd III Hllm ,III a) . :\ e w ' o rl, nne F"lOm ta. m t s I- lh e r e are IJUYQ r.; al e l c n n r e fOllncl to b~ l e r) rOll\ l'nl ell t hy nf terll • 3 11 '<1 ~O l It JO)OIl " nllo m el on ( hul,. E'l g ht to nin e () c lue 1c III to\\ oon "ht' ll t h e \ \\ tl 4' tlt tI a ct (0 (1 it \ n cn ll ~ rnll\\uy (J e pot for e\Cr~ l hlng they IJ a l c se ttl e r s "ho c om m e llce,l It I" lit e "am e m e lod\ a llu t hc d lfte r- are In n r .l e r f nrmln b " II b II lin . m ~e l "f h all lll IJll'c h ' II ~h ~ Il' III (ountn h tHll l:' q rnJl ETIQU ETTE OF GIFTS. t o sell wh ch nt tbe n ell e r polots Is Ilml!'c ri me nn s e n ce In mea uln g mll sl ~ ond balances arf do " t,,,llIg 111 " 1<1" t h ~ y ns l,ecl l it e ~r l ( Ihe In g III" ~ b egin Ulld e m l 3 11 hllllr cattt e l wb eal only A t the r lo~e or 10 Sl y e or- hande d ov er II hen s ales ar e efrec l ed a t nn d wer " 10 10 $r;f1 Not Conslde retl Good Form f~ r GIrl t o m l!ntai altirlld c of t h e Ibl e ll e l ~ '-: a.'!:1 Ullin 15 FCII " II.le In tOil 11 ., on n e <I n L It Oll ;0.1 " " :1 1'10 tbe close ot the Rca so n This SUl'es l h. It to til e " ,del I h e Ac tO I A ccept Hnlldso me nnf! ExpeoIhe C hlco!:o PO"t ".111 IlI g ', ut rh e Ill Nlll o lI 1111 k tru e l a ." Il nft E'r It g ro\\ s lI"e tll1 80 n1' ge lll e r~ al l th e e xpe n srs In e l.l e n l t(l A( t~1 ,L m i nll lt' b r l .. m ark l! ll i t] h i co m e. to u ~ e arly and ii s s Oll g II. Wh e n ('(,n l e . s a ll o n dra g'S lilte a olt' lgh slve Gifts f. om Men ru a nura r tlllln,; RI hom p a nd a gr ea t rrlpn ll \\ h:ll ' '1 \\ () \I ce ks al . mun ~· on b.lrtJ g- rulInd r r Jjlt y!o\ .. a ld:~ 111 's e ~ng (10m Ihe wllll e l "as l ell 1I~l d . I e de al of lIoll ulc In ot hpr t ps p« tr.< 10. "p ipe \1 1 11 I !:t1PS I,u t It I" al\\ OJ " loesl fm 1\ YOUO I{ girl !loa t m o nup o lt ,e lit e ,l l€ ti III li S SOlllt thlul: u r tlt e " plrl l of IIn cl "epa. ( Educati onnl --,. CUll \ t;'-Sll t lun '01011 \\ lin 1 t ('p l\ (0 0 1 ) 0\1 lo H(~ p t Dill) flO\\t) l ~ and bon Lo n s ' O l ~ o tl t ll ~ Ilrlll!: ~ All r c lll;lotl ~ 1I 'nOllllna liuns ar~ on ~ I o w tUII 8 1H h a In n rCl lnt h (lll ll tlg l .p rnll' at~n f1lt1l ll,,11 0 (...LlI (, oud t tll\ h. 1I 0 t II m un u fl OIll m ell I kllu \\ th al l1u \\ . 1I1u\ ~ ~ 1I1 s fUUg l\ ,,~li\e f1 S II C.lJ ill t:! mOJ les e Qtlal fooLIng In Ih e Il'r t'ot Ca DllUI& n 1t- ( uf til l' L Ofllioll 'U llllt , ( UlI l ~ II \lil t.' hold til 10 11 11, It n l ll ~ 1 lH ,41\ .. ~ l H J \\ rail p ia) H..' I y f l lCllI d H h .H ( P IH I1l U( h Iw u(l so ll1 W es t. rIt re te the fllll es t fr e rtom te flf j ) )( 11,1 r tI L Ip. t III ~ <P'li 1f ~ I Hd,r" nt'.l1 It u no te uf m e la n. l1 u ll In \ItIl Lh "" I IJI t"sf: nt '" hilt I nllnl . . a J;u f t' rill , (01 a ll denomln o ti()n . (0 Dtlll .1 c hnrcllc , (lg nll1 ~ t h i", UPIIOtl( n l \\ lin It ,J ... li d ' \ e ll t lit· Ph oeb e l:; u lll- n 80 r 10\\ \ 0 11 t o mnl\ e is tu III I \\ n' ~ t t fll HC nil "~ th\11 I I f!i ,I' " , a ) lJlln l-!' 1l1.ln ( I f hi '" n ntl, 1\ o. s ltlp a < th t y Ill ~ase l oarf. ;j a ~ a ~\lI I,llI g tl o \ ... 'I'll( 'I h ll I"i' l k 1 .H h.' u ( f } Ut l:U I \l In g- tu tl o m C , W I t III hO I h iS !o:l 1( I, h i", Il m l,r e lin ' IlIqll l l (A ~ "" Irt f; f, u lII IUt JJ 1"1 11o,, '! , '" LLiH I (aud) sc hools are IJ a[l u na l, lion s eclarl.ln anu ur tilt (Omm l1lll "lhJ iii.!) hU \ I: prt dl I l~ r p lf" r t' I c:: - h n~ I n It a IUll( II ur tt~t' .I fl il p l' rh.lll~ IJII OI\!i nntl 11111 8 t (: a ~ 'J l l n g \\ llm .t ll "hO -':0 I LlrtH' ~ t " . . . "'11' Of (re c that Is, t here Is no tax for a t blm sC" lftlu hl '-l. l,n() " It-·d~p of nall1lalh l .. l,:.lt11Iotl); g l nd ll (l~~ of II H~ n.~ , i \ lng l PH I 16 t o b e f ( J\I I Holl!-; J·.J. ... ldo ll s,H f; 1()l 1I ;.(" If VVII h.l\ t:" l. . uu\\ l1 [l }oung t e nllnn.·c. th e t;Ol e l nlll ( lIt lletra) Ing a 101' P 1\H' I I' U tIl l I t' ltluII\ nu t h,· nllnul(,~ I n.11I rtll \ i.. ur s 0 1 if he..: 1:-1 all !t\(lmate It t II lU a ll Itln t.: hfll I hi '" p.lI nl llle l n.l lurl! e Ilo rllon of t te COHt 'I he ba laucf til tbl ~ f n ... hH I[I :\ i l B ~dr U \lt U O \~lIC' I ia hinl ~l..'lf lilt. \lI l lth u f 1-1 til ::?u '" h (l~c p .lI E' lIt .. Ih l' ciUI} l i t .t hIJ H t ~ f.l'" f il l rid of tta e r.lnt lh •• 1 • S p t (' lui dlt;· ()f th e e os l o f ~d nraLion I. m et b} a rpmarktHI IIJ .lt hl ~ Ic arnul fr l e nc.' b.J i! p i II sat lun du ps 110 1 ulJli~( ber t o 1,li\I ' lill V tlfl ll migh l so ltl t' lirnl K be }1Il\ ~ fa l l ,.. " to t e a c h hlln t o \\ o r k cal) la" ot abolll $3 a ) ea r ou ca. h qua r roared liS g~ \I 1 11 II . n II. k in ,.; Il l ~ ).!I ..ltlt c il Otli c lwb;e 1 wo uld advise Cut h, >rt IlItt r le r _ec ti o n (I GO) a c r e. S c hool s nn(\ er UJHI,e hl ~ Bumm e r 'acn tl on do _hint b lp In I Ill.' Ill nlt l l \ ull t o 1(111111 UlI) \ o ry haud so m e gifl VerIl S (0 1l1 111 0 n t:)t II '" R iltl ui ll A Utltl , h I1 f1i H' r s al " t h 'lI Olle Iln l h lghl) ce rllth al " el l ca c htl ~ lir e In all ) UII more pt rrn .. w c u t guutl thall the " holu bappt' u l(l hn\ t' a Illt !ol hf n l \l Alto ! 0 1 \\ I II(;h t~ S ~tl t ~ O\l uy Il )outlg man, hl! S.t\\ 11 \O l Ull lf?t l f.\o ld lt l ulll l u l till I lOll ns nn.1 ,lIlng <' . and rotlntry ells )E::af S Hc h oo lln g " r lt eg Pate rfanllllu H 1\lIti .... ith 6. ll t'a r o:. q,;-ht { II I IIH It !-le nd a grarlUli H UIlO cor "b y nul IpH him tl lc l. \I h Ole lhore are a doze n or m ore \\lto had n n t l X tl3 0lil lllU I) 11 11 U'k l \ t lL t,;C'CH.l Ilu\J t-;~ I\ el.: Jl I llg L e t him \\ o rl" that flu I e I"" u t a ll1. n hilt l ilt 1\ o r 111" 1 II(J1t..· . s h o win g ) UIII fri enci thnt c hllllll' IJ 10 n llP ll tl thDm The g rolllh m e dal:: pi 11 n ptl 1m h I !-: (CUll 11 (' ~\ I I t..' u I o ut U~ Ii fUI til hunt! or Uti u (un\ atHH:~ r \1) 11 Uj)tJl P C utt e ~um lj I)t h t.:1 11101:)t. ('u n \(' lli r II I pl a c~ \\ Il t"' l I t.> f e lt ft u I (l' l cci al In ) nU li f f.! oel lurt o.l ",Iucl' rpl y hi s th e r e we re 1,625 grai n e lc \ato rs III the of th e e ll tl< allun .y. lem 1\111 gl\ e a lIr at U'" luv t h a t 1\ III l! hllll Ollt b \. lIun Ill' hl "' UlltdtlUI thlll J:(!-; ? Ih fl Id u d IllOu g ht uf ,}ou. anti ns~unllg him cOllnllY all the g r o\\th of ~4 th (l o nu P I nntl I ... .till tll hi li ' 0 \1 y eats . f·llr 'lew of th e ~ro\llh or thl! eo nn t ha t \\111 l ~ tlllll th e g ift onh b ecause " Ito" l olal capac lly t..luor ~ lUi mll ~ 1J us IJn ~l:) ilJI l' 111 188(. Iltt'l e \\ c r e htlt if, s c hGo l! life.n, 10 I1 t' \'(' ~ f'r' Il' o n ~ ill c la"I .., SP [ \ il (' Of bain g cl e \ e r ,l!1t P<.: t U~( \I~ I ClIIH' ( 1 10 Stu Il't y of 2800000 0 bURh try VIlli \UII n lJ(:tl JtI .\1\ 114 ~ ) S lI( II i nl l 11l u tlull a lld th e It .l lule n~\ er to a c c ept " I" I n "b a l ".1I ~ h .l\ (' ~ 0 1t bpf\JI.' I' ga g,::I '" h i llJ U1 tllnta t.: t w ith all ):;o rt ~ or ]) eo pI O, 1:I" , ldes theoe ••galll lhere Is a In lh ~ "bol e ( Oli ll tl\, "t t h 3 ~ o' {' ln lti t")";\.: \ 0 111 I h ..I\ P UP \ \ r •",,1 In C '"x p ~ rle n ce ,,111 ,It.\e lop him In s l ln c t uf amlal, dl!} I- til 1\ ," I' t t hI f lulIJ KIH m a n an v thln g lJ e ~ o nd tbe slO.-ag e caparlty 0 f o ve r 1",0011 aov ",,,nl gra nl of $S 'JUS In l!10'4 t h~ r e lit l e pll ... d oppos ite un e "hUSl ~ h \ U ~ ... '" I~ wu l\ ( ul) \ l ilt IOlla) I;lfL uf fl u \\ VI~ . LJuuks 01 b'L'helR al .'ort \\ 1II Iam and .\1\ fU llu-r n n, ' ! \,\j "' , e llC1l .. bell he oec dg lie l Clo l'mellt Port Ar II'Pre 845 ",ll ools wllh a r;raDt of $ 273 • Lt: r n In 1 'HII To Ill g 111m \\1 .. l c 8\\s r d l ' d fhn "l(' 1Il"tidl ", ,It ugt \,l1 lll1rul lt ed t hur Clio " 0<.1\\ y.:h u t 11 I ~ t o tu rn .Ut h u n ~"' l d ol Th e r e ar e m (!n ~ 110 r II III! (!I.H llf I lll £' a:h{I \\ s 101 .1 ~ IJ H 1.11 I" Pt't1 o f IJ tgl~ f u r The Lending Industr l e. OppOI Wnltmg llJ r tJ \ hU l l t ' . . I n k I:., lIot th i> I f:'a~ t !Je n Rosy Cheek . " to hul nnd stick a!". I f "' lilluld fl" \ Thp <"ouotr) hn- Ib r"e AI(nl brallch e . Th e l'JII,ulln n "" ' Hl I_ II() longe r ID "b k b wc ar o falO o lls (;tH (.If ~lJ l h • :\ pI 1 11 nu I UJ p(" rf~ (t d I t. II I \I i u n h; 'Jrt tU the H Ul it 111('1111 ;; l e t tlt t' Ul KO tll('>\ \\( llI ld lit 11I1 •.tJIlI ~ d of th e a g rl t IIItutal I".ltt , try- g rain It" Inll l,1I Mug I' ODII th e <Ilbj et t tor t :llls t! of I u lu l l u :: !:' ( lieek s ll. ta uhh Li e IJtI(ly and Itrenrlth u f mluet Be t art: fu l groll In g cattl e r n lsl qg nnd In It h Oti tlll" c ounlr\ EDUCA TIONAL MATT ERS Uy ull U'l cu n M Jt: t l'L' mnlt'\}lt for th e dOllhtln g Th o Ilalr~ lng, HJ t at tHIli I b hln g fuu d , d rllll \ "' fx ur srv1I lll w w lld~ l ti t 11 l1 nt,\1J n.ll llil a Ih\ ' 11 81l( h "' lIrr P H I S l>O l:iH ~ S~ tll .. 11 I-\( Hl l s lll1 el p ... t It un" ot wh1i:h I. Il c I ~IO llln t; a s n.ld I lol tl YOII s os ThOl e I. H an' .ly d ~ II glutll'l€ :i uf "a h . 1 d urin g ' h ~ eta} II \fJ r th ei r IUit g 10 0 . 111 p e uf'C' rne in('(J llll' of Oxfu ld IlUl \ CJ'1l l y I ~ :i lll u H.II I tf, thOl t , I I~lhl l:-' o rH.: to gl' t n l,j llly :I" the nlll1th.; r 'If rl Hldp n t (,Olllltll o r 1' lIro lle or !I ' t.ll . of lbe III t h. ( nHt! of at: a g-ed Of fnth III \ I s lt O t nih ~ a r t> I n I h.e U J J~II a l l 3 ~ mIl( h lUi Jl'll:u:l tlll c ~ olltJ lc li to l t ltJlI1 ll lH IUlllt l ll l n,., \ l!~H ra r mers with tbe lr Illes "" will (lprm lt A me l hrl ll 1I111on t lint li t,s 1I 0 l lt ~ sc or f;ls Sli,! htl y Il lldf'l L -;11 uno a \ i"rH 3 lai d at-: f d e Sllch a !lU l l I ... \0 bt (.1I t.: d Lt put l\ . ' 11(f' I)h anti prllf litf! I l g hl 8)UI S\\ ('411 ,.. 11 .. , 11411 11 ,li l ldl fJII ~ lid ," lI <'rp nr r " lhe cen ' ,11 "Int b ll ts of Ih e o r £Oll li nnll tlall~ h te rH th c l e t: 111 !o..l: h ot ) 1 tIT (H I ], g l lO nj uvl ng lIU l:i tj, C/o Uo n o t lI !<i.e (o ~ m et 1( Ii' UO 111 fo r antI nld e e! hi ( \ (>1\ \\Il\ gulL.lnn r( of t lt r ll lpn t h ,. t ~ liln! l ..l l I} lf~ r f1 t on ttl.1 f no\\ co tl sln ll' e~ til e t\' 0 p 114 to-I (' tll o l PltHq)£' r i t\ b" 1!ott en of tnerl; \ Anu tUI C' h llt IMtlll' It 11t.' ql ll lll" Rcrul.l it t. UlIIltll\ I"i HlJ ll l J U I~1I 110\\ 111 ')Jog l (,.!:!~ a gt! an d '\ ("nknl~1')1-i PClltll JII l"~ li o \\ s tl l f Ill a nt .t!t oIlL !jIll' nlil l t r. f !-l prO\1I1( l , of Snc:kHl c.: he\\SlIl n u d Aluf'l ( n IClpl l :iC and \\ lllIn g- to l.tenr tto_ tl t-. Cl wl \\ ll lI h OI v.:.lI P r a n d so n ll 11 nl g h( ku ee JII "-UIlll, ,\ 1 t::1 Af I I U\. II \ )0. \ II net-!wc.I 150 m l InLi c("rt t h e f UlIllfl.'lII0 11 l" I OII ( ra , olllpu r ill ,r t ll c , i{ I tl s or I h e , ear >11l 0 1l ) t o l h' m 3 11) nnd lurl e d ndlnn PI O ( :\Inlblh o f l ' l n ~ tl f' ~tn R t ' 111 1 1 b Ltll t: it \\ Il h ,ul d ,,(t ll t CI !-.E" f.' r .\1 ] ~ II~ l li t 111.. t fl1r uIH1 c rl' lur, t ht: 8o( I~ll c.;d l t! ('\. nll d h o l d ' ~ IJ(It:"' .. t lj l ' :\ IJcr inH: IlI .. In lli e \I"'~ "h irh t hei r. nl C com t a ~" . Ihoy I'O"S" TIt( rc Is n o l t here pl"'IO ~ r3 I. h " , all il o 1,,1i ," III Ih ( II~b t uf ' 01( 1.: tf UI I IIII, t il e l1:1\ 1 hl ~ \\\1 1 t n rt{; UV Ill< t., In,!' it up is klntlll t·... , .t lll.1 hH l d 11\ fI' CO I d ~ "ltI lh o"e of 1904 I :l l n f 10,; 101 lIlIl \ I I UII <" !'LJII tl,,· F,lI nl' pi .. , " lIr" s fOl th e I.l d ~loH d t!m lttP,1 III 1.11\ poullues .1111 1 Lurd. I hI"> (atn l Il'i I ll l: ~ I" II l r. '~ impi 0\ ... .. it cu )a llo[J t11Kt is anuther 8 1(,11(: f~ u l! e tl <'OO)IIlOn _ f nrrl PI th n t li p rna \ 11111 111 o l tl(lr iln ll L olle" f' 1' t;"l ____ _ _ _ _ lJ rt lJfHn ~ h' T1U IUl-U f' I !\l l:l \ e lltlllu e ll l'll' l 1'; _ \I " 1\ If lOU bui ld "UHr ;:!'owl luan VI' \'.lI llam ItU) 01 " iol, es a llti lIr. 1 ' " ll~1 s lIle d cOll nll1 ~ " . l!llt Ilu're 18 t llc JH lanti " f 111\.; C a n ul it I:l gllJlI\) lL n d La \f:~ Sense F OT W eak Iyes 1\ ~ V I IV n c r §! on tll e s e } Oll ~1I 1 11 0 1 tH' r O\l 1l1 1 'lI11l1'le aut! ol lt er co ndilio n. I ba t J uh n :-; I II !Lo II I (I!Hln f o r \\ (!a k tired (Ir f nnnfn ed 2. J.U 4.U lOr t h e .\ Iar ylan d lJ l \I\ f d "' {lNiall, U... (.,f ll I j q l I I Ul t: po' t Vl anttn g I n n k t TlJ.;·s c um t UI 1u a Lvant of h I nl l h ltIc:h~ 1 th nt th t"~' h :H ' O A 10 r o hll c.: t I If I I (I n dl o lJ~ 111' ~ pl'lt ::i o f ra lO:-~5 l)fI r ce nt m o r e t' w ' nlll o t rnnllit ood tl.(1C "' f; l ttfo " l l ~ l dlv l :-;) l l r ' ln c. J:;u n tl a hout r e ar t e nement dI RC'O\ e l c, 1 a ('llI .lIhe £ " I ll tu f ::H ty... IIII~ t eaQJlQonr lll of ~)owde r cd Inn .1 Holi" r • rop In lS I('nr ( 190 5 1 \I101l 1I01ll 1llhoud, t he <1 1111310 Itlld . al l ,( 0 w i ll ... i ll \.: ); I £UI , .. h l e tl ,( IUlI.ll£!s tt1t'~ • :It a), t h e host e s s t erm lnat ~ a en II , )lholtl fOI PI. "fl T 1\ fO.•T Y C ~I " ~"rL rch t ver e \\ 3J In"t IeDr It I~ co nn tle nlly Ill o( ll't'e t hp. IJns t C t O Il~ :n th e w 8 ' It! I wo · thlt ci" or a Cli p o f v " II· _!C IUb l f rul. 1 l hc lnt rill! Grill \\ h lr h hl\~ (' c rtafnl ~ not u nl es t; ~ rl ~ h n~ :;;() lJl~ I'- X the land to b, hn,1 t or \la t hin g , r II pror. 1~II I " rpl, l' I t' l I, or ,\I i! 'I. wlI't C(,u l. Mtrn tn t hrou g h mUfO; !lo cxpec l e d t h e ) leld s 1\ III r~II c h , pro \t:t! rn l nl 10 Ox u nd mU l e If n ll SIJOr t cl, lIun t rCllsou to r rl ulrrJ; "0 " " fo r .111 <1 a p lJlv .," ve \\ til al lal lirueg II 11.1> with an .!l! r,(l(I ~ W[I) s push in g ahead l'O th e r~m o: e Et ~o(,o \ Is ll P Ul l" 10 Ii mO IlHl l llle berM "1 h H.f1iU ,h I8 a r e a l tlp t v t.: IC SS l.hc sBne In ~t llnco. IIlneBB In the family. a e lJll d On~.s .!4 tJ\ 1I.IIH(1 co r n e rs ot tho counlry AS rapidly t h ~ At nI lI'm I II f ~, 'theine h is new CWQ non l I ear HII{JIlCd I'e ils ' .. Id C~ft' ~~ $ 2000,Ot'V wlll!oul WIller , 1I 1It! cal r) U 10&d o f GOII " ILl I I he Croll I' a hll Bband wllh n 'er r" .I<l lu a dim II I~ b ' m e n an tl mon y can bulld tit em 3" ~ ,,11 f r I n v P I ~ lI lnsls h)" rn o n ~ r Iod in e InDati eyes The "a lII of t he c rop or 1904 to th e t he othe ~h e~ lII ~ t l ~m. \I hUlll(TI m a ll puunds en"',. \\liltln g ar e \l 8UII1I )' Ibe result oj uuu.e o r Del: r all vant uge~ or elvtllzatJOo ex· j'tll() n ~ tit .. ~Olll l. l Il illll o f wh lt h lti :\ ( rm e r R at t be prl c p lhal prevaile d pa oliing a s fns t (a t lil a . UI' II I, \\ b ell t he wul c! ' 6 0 111 I leet. os age and op pe nD I I ~~r~ t . 11 l'i a .ttl ~ Iltnt 40 10 60 I nJ e~ , '" 8 '18.B2~,C76. (ThI s do es Dot In· t11la w lll J)e rllllL 1.01lu \\ III uri n:.; t\ bout a Comlll l" curt, ••gures fo r 1903 tha l I h e 1I0 lnbi e

n('r n,Me I II ,., u l~ti of manufa c t ured I' ll d II(\S III (o. e lg n eU"LOWe I S dIU 0 01 uJ! ·

t ecl ill t;;

\\II IJ.;S



dntl~ht ( rs

) )fO\ I nl:~



A P. e tty Col or Comb. nAtio n I s D elft Bille And White nn d Alloth e l










Iilll 0;






"rlt- ' \ r ig h t up to h im 7.': ~ las h e·J h ll'l W ' OI YOU R OCCUPATION. SI. P l.·tp r~ hc ba(!k (:! fH': ,i1)1 \ '. Hi 1~ Hit ut \n \ Ullr ' lleld ell l'l'lo. 1 OIU Ill" p Ull of I h e his Willil l OllI, Il. rl rl ;; b wllt' I'! Ih, A F (lw O hs. I· ~~!lon " Wh ic h W ill 'B Ip l )l ( ) ':' lat11nH~ an ti \I " " ,Ire n ') r c)hhtltl llaf! U u;"u li g ht \\ h c ll :-U U ;1\,,'111 1 { H (, ~ Y o u L, M:l\< 1 : Ot h m T h an ' L (h" Oil tll /l 11"1" h l\ t dati 1 11 ..... 11 1 to pJ d~ up iiol1lcth lng:) fiJi II I he ;n M o t o, of D u cl gc t y H J l lI I K~ li nn o f 1 h ('i~h.l l.: tl l ~ I, n 1 H~k In ug hml w Ilt II tf Ull b 11 ti l ... In,-.U' t· ~Iv(' n Itlll i h.•' Il CilHH IloC h, 111111 h e dl " Ul' alld bLllll e ,J lu 11111 • nn II ,·h'''' lr " ll. " ,~ tl Ir It I, II' I n 11\'y urll18 , !H eUy n oar I n ev Cl KaW HII( II a Ch . "l g~ In ::; CU Ill." 'l lI nl '11 y tllulcc r-1ga l (l I 'f'~ 01lt td bill ed man al;i t h er e WUH I n ({ad II I' Kl tlll,'!! I)' J I I III Ih' .,pll ! 1 d .11l <111 ... 1 !I I ', h a~ t h a l h as iJec l, m; d fo r il r'cldl n J:s 1'0 1 OU I' llll l Bl , ,\lui UI'i gO\ ld H HIU'l. ll'\ ' U ~ tll lh l C1 ali t! f 'u ~ (l: r f'(l \\lth papc l' tha.t hjL~ It n \'ll lL~ I aUl I (o ul ull t l\c l'JI II p \\ j lh hllll f.,I II,,' )I 1:\ Sl4 'PI. 1 1I C, ... I!lll/~ 10 ,0\, ) 1)' ., lI ~f'tI l r, IHl h,' )Jl Hi es I n l'Y(' 1 ~ m l ll (\(1 hul I h C"pl him I II H I ~ ht Bprol ~ \\ t,\ Ihlll :':' Itlhh ll l l u,llj1h n c: SU b a · . "' llh e 411 l"V fIP I \I ~al cd !;I}l to fll(· llnle l" ~ lL:dge ' tltllf..! alI) I H~ i+: n d H-I \ I Ir I II ti n I I h( I I! I 111311 II 1' 1 . 011 1 h u He by th n hL'arci o f h p:tlth a f l er n o t Ull " nld l'\! c .lg:fJ,' ~11{ tJ ll.. ) ' )tI plu)' I h n h ll . 1 !:Irl hat! ~ mallpo . \l'lIh l al'(l s hl ~ b 11)\1 · 1. .. k ~~"I ' I''' l n C\ ~ I h l 'I~ 1t \I" 'If' I.WI ' 1i • Malt,· p il I 1..' \ IIt HI )IIUI ,d ill \\ ~ II ,\ 0 gnL I., ::;1 Pp. I ~ I·"Ii\l rl; In ~_! ! ur a " I C IL, ~ ,11 11i I h"l~ h"I 'H" S a n uv. flll 111llp. . anrt ' vc n t t n 1\ II ' I t e l ' abr ea st ant.! I >r! I('d til dad I n IH I\ l' s , ll"h ld \\11 11 /ll)lltll1~ I.' ... ..

s holl I I nfl .


h lK II al II Bu,l ~a)'

II ,11 I'd," aUl t a ll l h u WI'.:'


Ba d Doy li n d H, ~ D n d 0 0 Lo RUB' . i n t o St ol, -. ~ \Vn r - n, ey Rlol " L I ttle nnd D ad 0 0 s La s h ed with & Co" snck 's WI; l p-Hn Tak es a Hitch on th e 01 a nd Dllk e'. Sl e dge. :B It D OCH II't Rid e V e l y Fn l. l' )

-(1 S hO \ 1 " I1 UI

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, \ 111 1 I "

L: ~)

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("0 , ••)( 1;.11 (, I Jt)",

h,1 /),,~l ll

~ '1fI


B II~ .. e(tel l by t h e polh o and nr" c\( e ~ a~ u n l t C' ~ lrH.b le .!!' 1I ('St~ It)' til l" • f):3", U( IUt


'\lId " In ltet! al by Lh A "all"u ~ dele· ..:nl('~ and sltl l<('Irs \\h u tlHlll g hl we \\ " I' ~ a .)lt - ll u io n m e n l uo h ill £, I n r th e ir j , )h~

) 'urltl " I. ..t n ( I l' ~ " tt

dl,.,; )

"~ J Hus-1 i ' - ~I) J)!'f~I' \\ 1' 11 ~ iI . 1 ' HJlO~O ) 1 1l1

Il l'XI day th o r('ll ~! n ll '" o f 'ht c~s lnJ.! th e !\ ('\, 1' 1 .1 ~1I '· \.\IH~r c ill l tht- IJl )l)tlia t i(." I') lIf 0 11 Ih ,. hnnl\ or t"' c rl "fI

T he

b} J ):' 1111 . 11 H() \\

t W i ll ,


n blldl un Ih ~ H led ~,' " uri h e ~ I,.bb" t! ou wll h hl ~ f C ..! t 011 th e I lilliH' I ~ :tn rt a man III tll p "I t" I ~" \l tlh a 1I111111r1,

u o l 11 '- I U d ll I I \\ 1111 a I'a l l yo 11 1':1 f'lI I h i' \\ PH!\I I Ju r i

on w h ll ~ce m (' d III l it, a b rand dld\ u, ' lamW tH C I~htl cl, \\lb t h .l~ lng hl fllll tul ) C' IIiIl ~ tu li t'ad h ili. o ff h it ti t! d in ' Iu

u :-<. ~\I'\I It ~

( pr i ' . took


, 1I 1,·tl " 11


t ile In r t:!ll:i l \\ u li ld 1,1:-. 1 tllil il C \ l 'r) H l h' l an \\.l s ld ll l, tllln lt':i~ \III Cll laifl ( t l f tr\~rl t il Pllt u :;Iu p \I) Il . 'l iHI a s



ditln l (I PI H': ,lI I n h .l\ ' tou n ti tH II l1 I) ...l ) utT 'l" 11 1:-1 ~tH\III ':S In t hl' t 'al l:' b P.. lit u'''cd t d w a s ful' ~I)!IIC: l c P ·

1,,- , " I


l and r )\~l " t\1 ro r l


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' Ol ll,.. ... I I J I IIHI1t!I ·ft

Ih ,'

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t " ,\1 h ~





lII £' l an e Xil e d


reS l .:lllr~\lII . "h o to ld clhd '" \l lll l n rie d h i m o f 1; "11 l ;l'n nl


rv i

1I I1

1 1 ! 11~1j ' 1 ... 11,1!

\\111 It

U t l lll'

h ~t ..

II' I . d

I Slla ldng Di ce (or Our "M on <»7 ·

. 1l'l a UH ~ dl\ d had a "lilt o n th e Hid r o r

Ili S ne.s", a ll( II , t o ld ullll th ' ll HU'islu would d amn a ,I\'~ r .t d I tc ( o ur \\utdd k"t:' \1 on nl;httn ~ tln tl \ e \ ory f L' u l Ih l d e iJU l in ltll:H!l il Ihl"'\ h l(':,fi J a p ilne s~ " It!i I\ I II'~ I I unl o~!"\ SU lli e 111:-\· au)l1 i1 l1 ~ that \\1 11 s land Il \ \' (' go t t lllJ;ll l!... h r l1 Ame ri u ttl s buul,t l be' ra h;cd ' a gul. U pl s L:oo n th e lJa n k 0 1 t h ~ ll\er ' w ho dr Jl\ f'(l 11 hi :; d illy It) ~II t o "lt il a lw ul a :1111110 n peo lli n w h o ha ,t ~f Pet Jb lJ1l1 g a n il ~r't ' Ill" I.ittl (. Hh ct' tl::t ld u loat ~ un. au tl \\hIJ ~lt.'a l1 \!. tl Fn t h er alld til 1h e in l(, l f':o, f uf h1lmall · l li k ~l U ~ h ec[) ral1 t li Hull \' (" I e e nj Oy . i l\, (II] ' I :;~ th e l 'l a l t l ) ca ll :'l. halt hf'! - 111/..; t !l e ()l'l fo rtH R.n ro . l ou l , l n~ od'af , IIO h(~ b dtl C' xl~rmi nlll (, fl th r \\hul e Kiu nall y at th e " I ntc i lUl l,,, ,,,


~ t1 C1;!i

li n

Ilul h' p:s ~ 1lI.\ lt ~

I IIIr 1.. 0 l "n l. lItt ,

lacC' 03 .1 a s (,e,1 th e I hI Ms ,aU ~ lh eC7.a r\\ B ~ t)CC hln g ()utora"il1dO W i t 11 0 t!1f.>lI ~ hl th ft C ZIU ' wou ld g ralll \ \\ mJ c ril1g frum \\h1<: h dlre t' l it,!) a 8 11 n ud lr ll('e to n n All1 el lt nn o r Ct11 - 1 bo mh \\ o ul d co m e t o hl o w 111111 lip

l ,r·. l l1

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, Id l ll, d i ll ,.! \" 111 101 \\ II" I "

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"' I \C b ' ll th l' h Cl lll l t o f a 1" )o tI Am e rl , al l ta. !< T h e J .t!> sa id I l\l,! \nWI\(ltl " h u . lJl ..... ll ,S h l a houl )lOa f'e, II)' a t e w \\ l ll Ch..,.':ICHl r c nnl r l ,s \\ Qu ld bo th c ~ h' at cs t I1mn of th e cl'nll1 r y. d.u d Vo' l lldcl !I \' Q t o b e ho y, ed 11 0\\,11 t o . bY I k lll,.{p CIIIIHlI·l· r .... an d all th e \\ Or ll ~ oll irl tJ lJ ~ h a t s t o h l lll J\ t rtl'sJ. .Iad Was a Ittl1 0 h 'a r y a\)t)ul Jt \J i ll~ 00 d Ul h a I11! :..~ ( o n \\ilho lll tro- , ,h·ll t lnl t.; l'u m \\ 'a ~h l n g t u n h \l ~ h S l ucl\ Ul

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yn ll l a u 1('1\ :1111 laloolill': 111" 11 h Cl t' l ;--' P I !t n \ .I \1111t \1111 1111 11 111 Illl n I' \ 0 11 ... In I, tlJ cl all ~f' UF' Y " ,' Hr Id , III;., '·", ,111.1 I dll t \ l i fl~ II " ll tI1l 1!,\ l! llt ll . )n' I III ,, :u·OllL p IlII 11I .. I " I !..:,I I)!l" 1 ,"JfI ~ I } ond \, h l' lI I h , \ I" fl II~ t l " , l 'l JI I 111 111 ""l i' ln~ I II II t l ! I IUlldIO l d lIotlll ,·c! Ih' IJi''' II'' l lit l ~"" I ~' II\I pl,'1 'tI ll It I , "1 1\ tl ll . , J_ h I l'llllld ! \ ( III IIIT)I :'j I IJidr"q f h atllll " I .. \\1'1" Itl I h (' h l,l t.1 ) ' 111 1 \, HI, lOl l ) 1''' ' 'II 1... 1 ~ \\ LtJ \11 111 I fIlld Illllll t hnl' fl :\

clarl relll til qUI r flfl[1l a nd u", , ·t\ wllr h hn ~ I\. i)n ~I TI..,.:o~lf \\h l~ ''''' I h,.. ('0 ,,\ s !Hk b il h '1 "il li Ill,. IO.Ll l ,·(j \\111" 11 says H l1, l,t \\' JI Pl! pf" l l \ Ib ,', f o r t h n l KlrOt '" 1)1 I h ,· " hi p b ~ th COfili fill{, nu ll 1 lh l n h Il a rt t:i ~ n JrU: 10 j OL l fh r c \uhl'lo t\ I h .l l iR g oin g to U{' ll u ll e d · olf n (' xl S ll nr l l\Y Th ey a rc gO d l :':' til g rol ·, holl t n. m il. li o n m e n to lal,c n p (' 1il lo tl f' ') " h q (,, \vo l ld n g m .... n nud a naIC h l c:; l -- "rd dad s a ys h l" t ~ ~O1l1": a ~ an !\ nH' T t ltLIl llnarc hl "{ t \\h n i.; fl U a i l ing- (rom In J.Js -

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\' :11 " , ' !'i tl l p l l ~f\ ll 1' , l1 ~ lll fUJln 1IIe. i ll Vd l h dlll\ e Itic J\ t: d d ti l II I' a rl ll ' I'" " I hl n. H II'i~Jr.l. hilt I h " l t:' "a ~ n o lI ~ l' l aJ I{ ,n g I ()\ rr Mh f)ps 011 . ant i lUI t o .: b a ll d llttl k ~ 1 o n lh el l Shnll ll\(' I :-\ lJ" tl ll b 9 I h t '\ I " ,\lIn )lid .,n ld 1111 ",l~ goi n g to S l I cl ow n nn th " r!\'c r (,,0\' 1' 1\'<.1 \\ll n I' CI th o1l ghl Ii " h .ld l l il 'd t o a :; .. , \ ~ ... l l' !l te l'c'l ' r :,t ' ulg I f tt \,a:i 1111' la Sl a c t uf h iM f our f "" l 1111"1. an.' I llp r\\p r I ~ th tl d u l\c . an u \j> \\ (' 1" t\~t'I) I I t:lt t il 4111 r Jil l' }I ~ EiOll,d ~ I !I,.: \\ lt haJ(l pIUI C::if ' l hll'~~~1 I n u ur l' nnn l l Y th .. VL' "P l E:'l hOl f' I I ,Y l h l.ti,nk'''' I 'i i ll H UJne ~llltllh J" I' ~;a l l ' lht , \\ .H 111 1 \\" l dflI1l 11\ 1I!I\\ " Il ,l t t h l y Wf" r l" Itl.!

" ':-.(·lJ b,tJ ,o AIII P,ll,Ultl tlz \· II \\how u-.;

Miseries That Have Stirred the R.ussia!) People

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clut r fu"C's i llt o tilP all. Jllll III 1 a llf'l t 'f ll ll C !-;lI~1l"f"" d n l h u \ l n ..: fi\ mll at ~ l) tiv C(( l\1 .1r 1,:) 1\ I II :""lU I ' , . ... ;::0 .\L l h cl .d lle C I trldgcs . I1 l1etl \\ i llt ~1'~qI Q Hh u l , a lul w it h tlt e \\ o lhl n~ p eopl e \\h o il l~ n n toul, a i m a t l h ~' \\' Iut e r 1,, tJlH.J a ~ lr11, o )011 m l, jllst a ~ " .. 11 !-l.n. ~ EFFECTIVE PRESCRIPTION, (" u t lo C) c at :\l r r ) tHlr pt,l )(' r :; a nd tn ll "" r Oil h l n ra t~ W e ll , yo u \\ o ul !! ho vo brc n par. 'ra uHo th e Co . ,;III,s "ill ~" L )"" fl ll i Tile Ol u Co lo t . d D ocLo r l Clle w a , a lY7.c,1 t o " 0 Ih c hall!:c, Un.1 C.Llne h e " ou ld QII\Ise m o ;1I111 Ila ll In g ot R J ""d y t o , B ed H c ~ d · Q" e r lHat r l·o\\t! hl ('~~ ill l": t h('o r h'r nO I of h .... r e l1r '.: ! ltv C}lIklc. hili "h ,\ n I a c h 6S , olle minute all ' l d aUlnlll!: th e ",'. u r all d to ld dan ahout II hI' Jlu t 0 11 "- h and 1111 I II .. , g r alld du llcs t b o n~x t. I h t' ~h oL h is hOlll t a lii! I h~ oll"' f e,n hi " pall l < 1'1 11 ItWL' n t Intu th o \\'IPl c I p n ln t£! l~n tl t ore nn rl said . t\rnl (' a I': .rnh'a arni ~ a!' n ll! .11t-3 1 t~dll 1 a lla n , 11 111 :-. p "' n t. JIlI It h l it e f.It'ntlllre a 11 ,1 r lpllcd III) I h e I e ll . a n rl the p"lI co I h ,\I W,' I C 1) 11 ~uu rd t l nh' I II 111 (' st ll I y 01 (11"tf'. t ""p.!.;. o t r c nw In g or t ho room Ih e cza r "a ~ : n . a nd n e ar hi s room Ihr,";; h l 1\0' m ".l n t a n · rll~s n 8vt,,· th p l s~ hf' \\ 3 ... Orll' I' I n il In Ii 1Il0me llt a ll was c hno s II , I h o ll " h a l ohv, Ilnd th ~y s ~ nl fOllr :Ie lcltivc. t'> lI llC d UV tlv .. IJ "'IAhllO I ht)ori t il tl m c~ Or c "c ry Ru"~ lall k n e w t h e I',ar w,," -t o to slay In cla d 's roo m ,,11~ s.~ Th o l)eO I, lo h l'r o, t b c Chl e'a gl' \n un,;: bo a.. ,m.slnatcll Hl t ha t pnr Ll I' lI lllr 'n (l' ' 1 rrr t n l .. n n n 1,llo w \\h l'l l 1m c'\\ lno m e nlo and all r l1 s h ed I \\ r rd lhp m a n tnl rl nl fl Ihl~ l( 111 (' C0~sn , ks ,1ft" t o d o hout d"'~p :;ta ~ s.;e rln ~ 11l'arhll' hf' . . " ' llI t N palace a " though t h , eX I'C' I· human l\\ o nn 5. Ih ,'v \In ,'(' hacl 111 \ " Ir " I, a ,," SR ,I \1 1 Orl ",,,1 0 (,l a y cct Jll c l'e s of t he LiUle Falh t'r wUlIlrt their h c ar t ~ r'e m O \ Pf) ltv n slll g:: f'a l J (l fTp r ;,o ll g l u o mlly 1, 1 1' 1\41 1"' H a~ I II :oI l.Ie thrO\\1l oul t h e \\ I ndow ru t Ih em ope ration "he n 1 0 1111 ;; n ll el n pi c e t n Ih c~e""" I) n Ll f I h r tl n \ 100111 IdlU'' 'l lo play [oo l ball \\I t h . For a p e'J llle M gl7.7.anl pil L In I n pln l P o f Ih " h r a rt , a' t l"> 1i ')I ' llIrln pa llo l I 'ov " "C II nrA snJ) pO~Cl' to be 11\\'1111 n tH.I and t ha t Ihe.) ft l'P. n al mal mUl <l(" r~rR. illl I t' a~ l ll~ a ll ' lila,;; : J I~ln g A... 1111 11; g.()t.' ~ 1',,1 11 Dad Tbn t Nicllolall Just I)olcd \\h Inn ·abld ing a lld "ho loyo th e ir t ul ~rs, Ih e s ight of bloo d a ('1I1I 1; o n th r rn .I n n ): ::)"" 111" a s If I Il lll iein I g ill h r t on Am et Ic~n s . II ",(Ie- m arl .; lfR tH!(, t o sec 1h ol l11 all ~o 'he ti;\me a s ch a mt u\ ~ n e o n n h ll' ,\ ~ "{lrl p i d l l' ilm PIlI lJ u' , t 11,-. fond ur de h im and d a n "c boj(orc Ih e ;; ,uIIII dlll, c s, 1 tI 'I,I NI wh ell Ihey Ihou~ht Ite WaS m a ll bein g nnll thnt hilt f o r the IlJ )\j-~ lO ' 311) nh h er np):l o " "ldOlll a ll d h e 11;"'") " guy c I h" 111 Jpwc ls 1111(\ . hl n'" 11 h l,; h o l l llan a klle by hI. o wn r,," "acl(s RII "Sltl ','ollle! h .. o ,I I)QII II h "1 l; Pl IIU j:; li n e nh rIll '" .la;<!;I' ilng cn n " 0 1 ~av lllr a s """\ <l ull . ut lh cll I Ho ld lc l 3 lallon "I 1t.1l11l ;': ,,,h) p, ,, 111 .1 ",,"Ie1 n' h oo I n It " 1 h 01l ,1 :-; on ,. c,l, Ut\ I Ubl Da d and I ~ tare l!1 with lit e "rowel make It saf. rnr the !.I lI le 1".llh (' r 10 I"" \\ 1\ " hu " " 1' h \, pr". Yl> ll r u Ie \\ In I C' I Ilnlnc(' nd II e ~o allY'" h (' r o tn H \I!~.s l a un ald' ncl e rt I n \ 1f' , { £l."t l ll ~ h " lI l i\ k,...,.' n gl ,lTh f ' f"o m n ,. d tboug hL It o'er all n l!;hl , Hn ll o r , • H ' (' II" :1111 \\I lh Cll, . n cl, ~ r eudy 10 \\hlp th e Il ex t murnln ' . We ~ t "' r le,1 rOI l'lUZ. had a tASlO of tnc.n n r c h lal go\('rn ullu r l hi S h ll:i h } l' )roh l !l \\ :-. ill II", ,r U ~:i .. , .. Tl ant.! llIur(le r n tl(\ Inll g- h a t !'i l1lT l" rln .c .. Ill a nd J wlSII \\ 0 h ad Joi n ed lin ox ' IIl CIIL. 1e crnwt! "n. IIIShlll1,; IHe r .. Id r",' Il" for£' h llll , 11111 h I' u n'l P(1 n u d II d .. Ih e pe opl e RI C 1 10<'n t1llrt ~ II I, e men • I d ltd .od ltlo n t di s O\'C I t h o NO,I II 1'(, 10 In · liS a nI III go mil an flU e 0" ,I'O" P, IIO I1 b i ll e n by r Rbl I IIt'b ' " " 01 ti •• , fl" l h I I I h e cou Id "III' I :\IIY II nu lI ' l Oll g OI ~' " l1e l<tIlll 0 ~,d~ 'I t e:." of co mll1 :; hp rc Sa) It IR ha"l e r b Is cOM lUll sa ( to "'01 tnL n U 'sl~ t han It wo uld be co nfounded fore igner th.L l uubcet a l tl~e m onlh Rnll h a v c " \1'1<111" an ll d ,\ ' 11 ,11) \1 tl l>. e ' tll l'~e ' l n~ h ' !lll ul h e, I I II It h b I I t r.a lf> bonl\}s UI) ;11 (' 11' ·, Ie l" ' :i I cad\' I I\t {' P IIeI' f rn ro .,t.' A 1 I d t r ot Oll t of R IwnILEmtlar\! lIt hOlne A!;"lt HS 1 m W !\ 8 C C p ~ { n C0 1'- o n , t (II (O il \ l"to ve ' c· D J I h J I I r t o blow up t ilt' lll PIllh"' I "- o f th o IO)u t 111.1I1'led A l ill e f ro ntlcr w e we r e m e t by 1;'I181d8 ani e WIlS u s t on tI e po nt 0 ~I' ,lp lT ," o n Impall e n l l) smiling a fo lhw "Ith "hl s l " ' S Ih a t fa m ily ane! Ih ~r~ \(l" arr :-;" .!l h . · ~R I'I l'n J\e ' ItU ', I "~ 1m . Iln ho r s abaclc a nll 0 11 fool. Pll ll ec men" , , . It you d o not h "n r flllt ll CIl ~ M IN t.l e l c . l lvu ~ anti utlwr !! raflers who tljo l( 1001, e e! IIIle s c r a mble,l brl~t1 c" orr a 1'",,," 0 ,, oI pr e , no ,, " , h p ili . 1/1 II ~ ~ bl I h I I f I' n ext Sun flay yon (n!l put cla·I!-O ul llt · o u r 11t\StiPQt' ts nn (t tno n t:!.'·, anri (.n o folBe \ 0.1; W le n 8 r r.g m e n t u ,--OS· 11 1H. lld H Bill tI " I H'~ \\ H.\ : n S lOp h f' r I \\ r\OD tb ecro \\ ct r Idl Itg \t ary und mine I', I h e 11\1'>1 1 p~!ler ~ "I H~ bl;('rl n \!; ht'/;l d " , 1, · ... \\ ulll rl h C' I ()'ll fll lu \\: 1U u lle mc cx c h uu~c myso l l\ s wllh s a Ck s camelO al1rl Ra.y ~ c dt ect (If nil ()\'(' rcl l)sc or II \ OU I tlIo ll f '" Id a b q,; \\ Iti P l)l r l9 b tl ll . 1'h ~ n the, Imllilsoll ccI liS In a Cossa l'l, It " c ge , I h roll~ h Iiol s r ~'. 8Ut h lc w ith ~ome ('nOA R unti l t h oy cUlI lrl Oltll iot1 alh c r OI1 Will h C1l1' r l •1n1 rn'" (1) Sl l lld ll ~ p hl~ lt' l \I b l J . f'fr r " tl lI l ,lI ]J. tppall\ I [ 0 Pil i It o n :::oa tt 1Il' III a COrO lle r a I IHlll e>; t o n oll r P. ~8 ·1 Utlt IIlIR Is Ihe last r QvQittilou I .I m S" \ ' ll l t IJ :; C· )fIlPR.I H,)1l IIlOu e } We Ing to a t l ond Yo ur., 1)(111 8 an d dl v Id 0 OUt .. 1" I)l w,lh Ihe "ows Ih e flr s l lI ' g h l I" --""- - JlF.N" E IH·








sl~QI' I cII!:I --:.:. . ·-~~~~~~~;i~~~

L l v lllg tTl TI e e " ,

l: u,. la, alld I do not ll'lUIL Iu n f':-(l il ll lltJl1 I tl B I1 I ' A · j1 (' ~I h lI n ... rl; lI f1 l1 a~llln \\ ILb ,Lnlm"l. t hai c how 1'lIil R ali i P et li nent Inquiry a 1'11fll gr ~· Ial\::' ''''h 0111 o f I h l" t " "lnl ll n t ll ~ ht . and [(et ti l' Il a lf a do ze n times Lo C o mmb~lon p l' \\'00"11111'1' of th o New Ot dfl'r A p oli l " p ~ I r nl ~q 11 1 I tift o t h pr h u lUp u p lh~lr bac k! and s tl'e l c h Ilnet YtlI I, d CI'8l'lm e nt of Slreet tlcanln/: n l!=; h l ti flllh l ltl H rlO m IIlrn rm ali u ll r r ' 1J~lIo w We ncv e r slol,l n wlnl' and t~lI " thl~ anp( '')ote of a fri e nd of I,, " rol\' t,' (1 t n " spin!" t h ... r ""· ~s ~ " s. o f I Ih l <ullid lOOK (lilt throuSh th e ern 'k.> In th rotl g'l C e nt ral I n\\ 11 \\ ol) tl IfhC'O \P I P I' I tl S\ Ihl , l, glov e \\ ho " il3 \\ alldn g ttl ~ . Inbl e and ~cc th e gllalds s hllldn;; 111111, Ihe ol h e r Iloy Bpln~ In sO Ul e· 01 old II ('(.~ n o t e \\ r l ! h a n fl t) po1 r :iO n ~. "ce lo r o"r money "h ,l l of n hurry. h e sta ll cd t Q elll or UOlU ~ "X Il ~ \l~ lJl g 'h r t I08p.l y int erFinally t hey looked at th e grt'at ~oal a( ro:;9 t h e h r ass at o ne pI3( e . lHll \\a ~ 1\\ISlfl l ,ltl!l lI1 all,' d htandH~~ o r Ih'l o n our Pos"porta and RIIW It was an slo pped by a park poliJ e m a n , win I rt! 8A a:i a sort of n C I ull d '} rmlt ory, Amerl(an doeumon! and thel hcgalJ to T he y w e t f-' .:i tre t\ h f'fl a !\lf'(, ~l (I n rhft r m o nslra tec\ with hIm t ll l'11 pale as pnle liS a RII_s lan can .. \\' ltnl dltten'n cc rloe" IL nt at.e·" hrau \ b ls If) "ltl l h 1Il ,\n y nf Ih l) '11 as 8 g ~ t wltbout using· fl.lllp. 8Dd \\ Il~n I pr ('{'!)uIIO Il h ti l l irod Ih t" l1I ~e lv e H l" .., a ~ ke.\ the Ne w \ o rker , " th e bra . s I. sllld "WII. llln~t'J n , .'mbas.ador, mlnbalf dead , any 1\ ~v " 11I e u '", nf t Ol d TlI l lt ) -six n r l l\ .. ~ " Isl e r p]I'lnlpotcnllBry, Roose ve lt, H o t "S ure, an' \\ hat If Il I.?" r e"po l1 llcII po nl V I\ 1; I\U nrl ~ w r. r ro Hlre sl o ct sufi In , 11M III t he Old T o wn To · nl g ht E th e Indlgl' Rnt r. "ardl a n of tbe I'cac~; r"lll v tLI 'Ill ' , 1Io u . pleatl,'d 'hal I he y I' l lIrlbu~ Unum, w h Oll I,la San Jllan "If ye 7. had 11 ~"" rll en,1 woult! y c, ue h all h f' f',1 ~ l ll' pl. l(~ ttl Ihl~ 11(l\t"l b pn t }I III" no!1 poJ'nled (1) dad. wlto "a9 lal, 1t1' a wa,~.. ')n bl ~ "lom.1c b! - !\ ~ for Jl I11 , H 1 111 ,\ilh (llll 1\l1 v bllrt y II1 I C lr ~ r 1".1 L'V:!'lnS Ollt 01 Ih . 81abiA 10 Qkln.; Ing " lItt th nm S l.U And Lasbed Kim Ov er th e B ~ c k , III, u Wa, bl n gto ll al "n Jle)' 1-'0rl;O, the lt t: a r dR an d olh ~ r rob~ler8 oowe d hI Y o u' t e I n Tutu N ow A . . F.xpl " nation d !\~ . ~a v e him a un~ f'i11 of BII" . lnn h"ls ,'. Itke a wlIJI " ~ ,L . how 11" d wllh T f' \( h i" B . 11111 . ' \ h <l l l ~ 1 hI' 111 1"011 1111 Y ;\l\S l - l t ·'"I h ard II' I' l'~ ll a ": Ot ·tJ m ,t n 'Ul.Jlley In pla,e of Ihnt . · hlcb Ih e y lall whll)S In Lh e lr 11 .. 11" . , \\llh n ,I o· e. n n f I lt l "n .... ' l a l, o n aWR Y and let Il l, lal,e a Irl' l<::hl la.h e . to enl h \\ lill', It 1111 tbel b.,gan du" n l\nb h l l ' - I I n \l ' Rn ~ 10 dbm Bn t ll' an ti C rlm so n h eal\ -TI ,al'~ \\ tl\ l,- ('y pU f tlaln f o· St. P .. t ~"' hlll/; and Ihey I tQ 1>\.\1 th e e ro',\d nnd rill e O\ ~ r Ihum m ll, t h ave 10111 till' t I 111 '1 mon \\ ho we while the !>Co ple cov .. r cd th e ir fill e s :- lI c h b eav y nLlnllll ll" n l ~ 0\ e r Hl mo 01 ( \ )1 1 'I I ~ 'l\\ f:!. 1 \P an l· XH.lll p lr ' • were, be;'all se e\' Ny bo(\v on th o , nrR with their nrnu and Nn Away , arralll l h e m , L SlIp})'):.e - NY '! imeA " Mn1 ltt' l In l "' r llf' c1 la o;t III 1.dl1 1,,01< (>if Ihelr h nll to II~ , and t1 h ld e,1 1 01 lit " whlos, "hlob "ut 111111 w Olln,1 l' Ii ,hl 1 lI 11hh l r ' I l lt h 11 10 11 '; ' n', ,.:t,,] I g nol ance. t lll'll' I Inch \\ Ith li b 01111 1(\1\, 11< 081'h Illsb hll 3 Iltlle I n ~ d " l el ll1 I tll' lItl " l Sh f' fn Cl t( n IT h ,.. , GIRllys- ~!I:'S Olc l l u1I' r I,a s bee :. pray. l)ml "" uld 1I0t lin 11' t h e UlI\l CI.ll faste n e,l 10 tbem and Il Etro lw .I n l li f' 'i !J' l lt I hl' t1I1'1id B" a) I l ~""r :; Y, l le h ch an !'!:' In th e altltnde or Ihn I l~n l)I " of L1le wblp 18 lik e bo lll,!: dll (J l "lIh ing fOI a nmll tor ~r'a(~ und 00\\ 13 b U8 - 1 \,ill~U "" l' 1I )1 Il n)\ e r ~ 'I' ft l" ~ I (\1I1 (roze u gilt P e ll) Flt z nuocll~, t o " ., r d. ue unlll I lo lrl It 1m : hat lh e)' bue!. s h u t u t Id, k~d with a '('"m - Oh w e ll - Hh e" "n I IU IOW. tile t olO l, h im for a dl ~ lIt'j;'l)lSh('l1 Ame r, bo ot W e ll ~I I, 111,\ ...... ~ gnln!: III s h o \\' tlln'cl e 'l\; c 11<' 1 hal" - Puc l, t, :l!I • J'l\(1S nlOn on d tit t,t ... lonl; R ~ . Yd U An w , t' ~n~ J ou t .1t'luna.t In th ., 'Yo " e;,ere In Rtl s ~ hL h e IIltl ~ t ltV t o the (' ou ~a d" t ha I ho "'11" I11'0 1I Y 1"!lLI Ilob illt y,' sa id til e sll l> htl ) " " :'e , ' III'Jtti Feminine CUt io.i ty 10",( lik e Geo rge Washln g loll !llle! net an Ame rica n : llI , e n Ilnd ,lIl1n't I'ro. fO I (' I ~ II ~1 Mr (,aymlln ( IHY ln ); Ih e I'anc r a~ltl e) II lw Th eu ~o re Roos e ve lt. fiCl evel'y lit· J)O~ e to be , .. hIPllecl lI\,e a K\'l",ol ho y ·No. :1 I1 R\' " I nd ~!r. C Un1IUX ' Utl 1 11 tl o wblle <lad w o uld sta lld III' In Ihe by 1\ tc ne hol' t hal 10~I;e(l 111( ' ~ val- I_ \\, e ll, t h ere's no joo l lIh e 1111 old fQo l, our g il l" k ,~ p Ott m lury ln g a"lOa d tll ! MI'>I. Gay man- Wbat p ar i I, ulur foll y . n l Ie 01 Ihe c ar an .1 P ls e li ke Georse enlin J , so h e ttl d to 1001, like GC' rgn nol,Ult) 'I'll I e \ e n I 1I0lly belong 10 us ' "'ashlngtoD lln ,l wh e n IIn ybt;dy I;ave Wa ~ ltlngto" ','fy lng the Brlllll!a. but are YO ll m ce litaLlng uuw ? - (;bJ cIIl;CI - ~'n ~h lul:toll Slar ,It d Itl ll L w<.il, tuI' r. (,;oMdilulo 1'0!1. 1.'ritJu:le o\.t. lm D ~a~!!w!.c b 01 a e lgal \I~ ~ ba




I 1\1 11I0 11 · {1 \I n ll I'I Ih-'I I)\' n

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1111 1)


II pi Il l:, fl OIll 1110 \1 111 1' I n 111 0 \1'1('(". ansi


" lthlll I h tl l l fh' p n lld 1,, 11t l il l llll l .'rl ll l "'; '1 11 "11 \~ h n l "" l l e ~1<l lI l~ h l ' I It ]:., :"Iili d t ll li n ll .. ~ I.1 1'. 1' 1 In ll ~ f l1 lt'l'd 11" 1 11\\ n 11 1() l f'I t h all :til OI'IS !t'" ,'1\, I tI\ " ,... '!, IO I " (ro m 1'r lo l T lul,,· .... I, oj "I h,' hll' '':tll f far..'! h it ... It! 1 II !-'t'. ll l· Ii I Il ": t or all (' !I f'n! \ 'Jut If r!',j 110 1 Hlli i t f ' 1111'

~ 11 1 11111! 1

/' lI d n l \( ' I :;


,1 ~ ,t1" ,, 1

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p tnlt'll


Ilitl 111(' 1{ 1I .s " !.1I1 ' ,qll t. I1 I "' 1 Ilin

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ti l!' fC')r a t Hl lt; prln

ho ols

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Itol \ " " I UCJI I Plltl) ti ( f Il1lmcd Ih , IHI !" rll l (' lilt 11 r r !e-U eu; b ave ll JlII " d p r ol,'.1

\\'II £' 1I W" ('on s lti l' l .11 "0 Il lr' O IJpl f;ISH{l ' !

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1,111."1 11i t' dfl ll1.ttttl 0 1 I h.· prr Hld e nl ::J or t it,· 7. f' llI s f\ II :-o (" I~ IT llI a ll d 11IO\1 11 Cial . n UIl . ti:-. I for th l' lI iH' l at lnn of po lit ical (,ilf'tHh IJ ", I h,' ('1 ('iI " 11 111 nor :... of tIlt· 1,1 1 l!" ~

<i ll ":1 1,1 111 11:':' f o l' a l o n 311ttltIOn

\\ P IW li t I tllldl', .. lanti I he s tnl fl lll f' Ul o r SIIl I I, li o \ l{t. h t lt ,t l t f' \ olu llonnIY Il u ~ ~ Ia i~ IIra, l ically Ihe who l," of Itll ~::i la

( ,1'01 \\ er c I,'tain(' cl Hl lIon il' 11)1 I he IHlr 1)0:"1(' of 1\('(l p l ng tl O\\ tI r C' \ o il In H l1 s :.;1lI lu cill s tllll i 11' 111 . r ~ nrC' 1 11i' Il ot ht' b n : II \ tll u I toll :\ 11 1 flfl l\ t h.· y. o rl, !nl n n l (' rlr r l "'!til It' \tJlllltn ll tlIV I~ n

d tH!

111 1I1 .. I I' r

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110 "n I h t' IIIIll l' n a l l r4J '!h li' " . JI ! 1)1I ...;li l [I .. \ \ ,, 11 , h II \{ Il t ~\ h, ,\\ hilt t ht' p \ I ''''' n r ('\ , I ~ m Ull shO I 10 d. ,tth 1I 1) ~~I', t 10 d pLl lh I x ll (' d or ( ·ll l l l :11l,,~ d . \\ It :"! t ahfl n b) ,( 1111 I1 lil · ·.1 IIlt ' ll I , ;jr! \ III 1II " , ' t r IIf' s alll f" fUll' It b l old 11I.' 1 11, H I1~­ S I(ln r €.·g lm,·nb rh' ",l ln. t.J r'lI I ht' fa r


op enly

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tl\l ' d lif,,! [ I:" nl hh OW I1 ( o ll ~(.' I (· ' )« (1 olln\1 1 111' 1 1)'J1 I11t1 l lfl 0 1 t h t' hlll"IIIH la' \ ' ,\n Oll lP r I t l l S "10\ 11 \' I,td llll i r ~ ll11 kh u\ IU It \\ I I r It! . . .:, 111 lh ro \\ o r l r1 !'1 \\o r l, ~it \rI l h. (Z llr ;, ":' O\ fl l1 11lt' lll II II"'II It~ h!'~ l III


I Jt ' ! l ~ al1l

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, li a ll 11 111 11 \ \a .... C·(lfhf.l tlll\ h .l ' " ll l' d It) Ih (l g-ho o.., o r an 11l 1l' 11I:-I 1 ,' n"'111

" li o

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IlI lInn , ollll llo l e t! In !l').\'aro l to

It ll ~~ I .Ul Ill,ttt en ; SOUI P tillH' ~ 11II e \\ rot p lIP I ~

. '1' 111' 1(' \\ollld I), '

rnr 11 1(' Ih rn r) ! IIJ Il I III P~

pl .l l n:-. of


~ lIrr " I I II ~

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[ 11 ,\1

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" ' '' r i d :.. \\ t ll \\ ... 1\ ... l it e H lI :-\ t lttll1 :oo lrl11 (·! a .. .. c' :o. 1' (I\ p 1)1' II il\ r' d PI n~ r " ..... ,tlil d l '\f I Oit11F'1I1 hu\(' h"" 11 • on ~f llll i h I l1ll', rf'r t.'d \\ 11 11 un tl ;.: n'.lf I n <llI s l, \ul t UH' r l l:ll\ lII~ " cI(l ln~ 1 ~'g,'IllI l t ll'


hy fhp (t'ne

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ill f ~'1

!;if1 !1

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\'1111 I! I :"I' '-" u l'l!;,

Wh y Th 'y Co ul d n ' t SNll e IL . 111 1....:1. :-;\ I \t' .. t . I » , IIU-I, \\ ho \\a s for ... IlIl t' ~ qtl~ Jlld "':' I' " I l il l' l.o I11·j-' c. ulr t II I ( 1I1l' ord


II I " 11 141 11111

O \! ' I

li el ,"".'1 1

ood nrl' ul l lH' m f' r l \ III p .' tt\ o m l· I,II .. A ,, (' lIldw,," C:lIHUln o r II I tl1l ~ 11\ r r l l l"" In( l rnH' 11 tl )(' \\ l i t (, 1 th t l h I' n ll l l' d lsa!.; l ('c d \\ I th Tr t. Jlo f1 \.. ili" '; la P \.\ ,1:"1 chl . 1 n r pnl! lt\ III \ Iu, e ll " I'li c dt:-tab r t"cJlJ l' lll cn:-;'l 111111 $ ~ .. I t(' I\ OIl


'J ill

al\\, l \ ~ e n l lt'nv o l t'd


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ll .t ,t "' ]lIlI III .,

filff (, tt'lu' f'!-t

ucfor e hun

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O'f m ed ic in e. No m O l ic in e c a·n d o m o re . FOLEY'S ' KIDNEY CURE Stone lind Gravel With Excruciating Pains

\1. \\'. L,\ \(; .\1 .1) : ( ', " .

~ . Mn x lind ~\ lu ' Hn 1'1111 , bl' l·n l 'l lntl' H'ti ll~ 11 1t , !-! I I , '

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4-8 Po un ds (yiven In E xc ha ng e to ry ou rW he at 36 P ou nJ s B es t ~ lo u ra n d 12 Po u nd s feed OR

40 Po un ds .Best ~lour

III ' 11' r ti a :{' 11 I ~ 111" lind :-' 1' 1:11 1111' ~ 1I11 "'lfll i ! 11111

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h:td' Kidn ey Tro ubl e nlld dl'~d u pe rf.c I clire . und h,; s ays Ih cr~ is no rc'm euy t hu wi ll compare wilh it,


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De ath 's 'Wo rk

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Ti ll ('nn ·',

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Mi ~M llill , ( '\lllllnlr\1~ , \\'lId wa H M IH~t'4t lit' Ilt* r ('I IIl"' n. i\1 t'~ . ( ' I I:ll'li' 1'i

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Xp.nin ,


rT d' IIL ' ( :/'1,,, 11 ' 1 ',.Jl1 ~1 1 ,. I' "

Ho Other Remed, Can Compare With It

Th() s, W, Correr. of Ashb oro. N, C" on e t'o((l c of FOL EY'S Kf DNE Y CUR E


B nW lI ll l ";

l"d l: " I:' ~I.'," 1\ II 1u full i',i /; I l ' , , 1"1' .\'

will d n \l'1'!1 I"

~ft t"l n: !

IT I S GUARANTEED TW O SI ZE S 50 c an d $1 .00

F:l or\, \\': ,It' t' ~l ('ll, t, 'l

'J' h ~ IH J'I.~o ltlli1

P tl l' ~n ll ~ in t nt"(' slhl

!'I o ntl ful' oill'

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~--~-'-M-N""'\-'- :R-)--M--:-' N' ~~;,~,i HOT WEATHER 'uo·oos "-1 " '1111( ' \'

t1in :~ WP \\'i II nrp.ct. wIll 1111.1", II ('(' PHS" r ,l ' 1hn 1'(' IH 11 \,u l o f on r · .... n til' n ~1.



A, II. 'fllu rn cs. Mer, Will s Cree k Con i Co,. nul\' uill. 0 " wri lcs: "I h~ I''' bl' t U " Hlicrc~ w it ll kidn e y and blnd dor tro" bl~ [u"\, c "" . p:I " lug t,:r~\<:1 or IOlles wi lll excru 'inlin g""c re lief. Arle r rat ing FOL EY'S g pll ins, OIli e r medi ci lies only KI DNE Y CUR E Ih e rc ull was "rp risin g ,. A r~ w uo ' ~s s torIe d Ihe "Il~ " ,,,,, I h9ve no pain ac ro ss nl\' bri c k ~H S I . IIkl' fill " Sl u ll e S . CIC, . kidn eys and I feel like " li~w h)L El"S KID NEY CUR E hns , done me $1,0 00 wO'rl lI or guuu , lIIun "

st re ng th en s th e Ur in ar y or,ga ns 1)uilds up th e ki dn ey s an d tnvig-, or at es th e wh ol e sy ste m .


1Ilal ' l\fw ~ fit, g l't·l tfl .\' n~·

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1· 'llll !' ) l l n ' , 1' · III' .\'.

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l U05. WH OL!o: N L.: '\!IlE R ~II ~ " ,

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Isa bel la Bro wn . \ CO l1c ern ing PA RA GR AP HS t:o n v i n , The ~\'il1 of the loto MI~ s I8l1l1 the Fa irs , I Cea s ars Cre e k. el1a Po rm er R es id e nt s . ' Bro lVn w a s adm itte d to Pro bata ut Alb ino Flou r GSo a Rook . r;::u- - -.- --- I Con Alde rabl e of inte res t is boin g .1?e H isey "I'l·l . r :-iuml/l,\' .. I I" ,"lf' . lJ,. ,11 ' '''1'1 l) p!1n \,eu and L e ban on Illst we ek . "'ile . Of Oru ntl H Ollie Vu mil1 g nlHl b I Mes srs . Alb ert ond Rlo hard Rick ta\; 1 I ' W l\lr" . 1"" l rl e l; ( ' Iu rl; w,,~ HI .\ ( III, X fl lll.l. ~I ' blll ~ ,, " (I ny Re unio tl o f F or mci ' n eshl en l ~ lit I . 'ont y ooa peop a In the Mis s Bro wn lea ve' , ' 00 to II'll.h Am(j~ s, . F I iI· St.. ofC ino lnn au,a reg ueR tsat ) ~ I h u i t b h Id W ay n e s y illp. .Ton e , 1 1" l h \' t,tt Ul l! l l u:lI li.\" theb ome ll1m g on [lr WIO Mar y's ohu roh at Way nesv ille, , I IIOIl. . Beg in UII HU II,]II Y· t th r i d 1 0h e e tbe of thei r aun t, lIrs . Ann no w t o mllk p. you r arrUI1 f!PIll ie Tho rpe. . a Lt.h H I, t'HC( ' i · (~ 1tll't l lll . Mr~ Inco m(l from the mon ey to e . II r grou n s nea r t at W·. O lll 1' o 10 ·1 ·II" I' II)s tll ll thf' J' ' ·" 11 . 0 · . '· tow be nsed un ci n atte nd . Ifrom Aug ust 22 t o 21i. For 8ale or Ren t-A firs t olass l iu k eepi ng up repa irs In t.he linC," . - p""1 .. .,,, .I"." 1. ,,1 \\('c \\'dl l ,1HlI 1.'' t' !\'ttr l ' III~ 1 11 Hrp \ l !'I itln~. . ohu k 1 rob fP( Jl plan Y o, A pI at the Uaz'~ )r ollOr t.., • tte " oftl';'e . 1 The Wil mm oton " 4 J\l i"~ Lill I<' :":,·d r .,· u fair gron nds are l MIAsOil C rolYI Two 1 , 11I, form ··, er n now I nll l"" " \\' nYll d Edi th M b own ed b y Mr . Geo rge K e nne( l lL, g ll l~ , ~I I." ~: l, i ,' 1\ 11'10\' 1111,1 ~!,, " I ' II _ l on Mon nt ly, Mis s Ma he l G r ltl lllltl .o"n TIle Chi ldre n 's Bos pitft ~' I, '" j I II lit I anI h ·D .\1 ' ,II I III V '•.! I', ·l ln;.; 11'11;; hl·ld d'"I l;l!t< ·1' " I' I 08 er o r "Fo rme r Ken ned y " Aub urn , ' ,Cln h,"" olnn lltl, sup port ed by eD oyO( ,, ',' ' as .. I he ,,, '. pref , 1 ' 1.,·1, e rs ,11, ' " . '1 ,,· ,,1 ~:"!II " I III-I h"d Prof. H . ,I . Ul'lI h UI!I . nr,,1 ~ I i"s v twe tivc stbe ap8s 8 ek Wt ayto " .\ 111 '11 ", I h",,1' fr nm n 11,·1 re)o 111 · t o ,1,, he 1' \';11 cRll '800 ~ 1< ed. p-l \II' ohu rclle s of 80u t\"a and his meth od~, Rrf! Dow uin 'l 1111 .1 ~I ' " " I·: 11 .. ,, 11 , ' I 1· 1'" ,0.. rn til e EPI " g.,. ll ullg ht e r flf .J. ,I. 110\\, 11 · ,, '" In ",10- 1"\" ,, ,· ,· \\, ..... ."' " 11,,, I ,, o f int~ res t 0 9 sh o win g that . 1\11 :'. -;,', , ·11/1 t." Ohi o , to whl oh tbe Mrs C lyda Hia tt .of Wln e ll ' mem be- of St . oonn I"III ., "IlHI t . " I I' . I te n ' I ~, I \J·~ of fi ,I l l IIt'l . _ , t I eni ll, hll ve I'ecn ll t Iv i· l lIn\l' . ld tI , I'lltlllt : t\llt "4 ' j ) , l ICU . Is Y .1 • ll, P II I I , . d lndi llna • I b app olut e,} Slll1 es r.f Il l'S pan b Il oon uuc ' l l' l Mllr y ''~b chu rch hav e alw ays .~ t ttl I stl' b . t tl te t ~'lc'l te on stm g t ler. I'n tl ,o . U 111, ",1 1"11 11 1)1111 1-; ,"I ' ' "1(00 " I I oon trlb \' ." ',1'111''' ' NilI ' 131'11" II , III"I ,d , II I "ch ools o f thnt o·,ty . r her fath, era IsragueR u I e d II e rnlly , olso re-I vea " el Wri8ght Ie orne 0 ' prm oipl beI 8u " . Chlt t\t'"I 'IUI l It dH \\' ~'·k . cce8 sful U Kes and .•00. ad I fI f f f ' \ . ' 11 <Ill . ,\I" , (J \."Y IlI'; "I" At . A a llug bte r o f Miss Bro wn' I lUr . eDn y II rst 0 nil I Mi s. . . . . s lllte a Lnll bllS.I l'u ·· Mrstl. A, Brll dfor :-1 c Kin suY i.oj Wi ll! h " 1 I Il nrry the r econ t trl otllt e n leot ln " fdl, of \Jed arvi lle , . u ess man . He o w ns L Vi bl'o t h e r A lllm Bro wn. liv iu g ot i,' 8 i >!pe ~tp r m H" M llI r day lI ig l.t ii~ ]' l l l lIlIi,' . I,t L,!IIII""I, . ,ll1d Sn fOllr fair s , on e tho StIlt o ond In 0 11) • wa s Ie gue ~ t. o . l or Ruu t , Mrs l1,111 .v ,\'11 11 ( 'h n rl "q ()51... sbee ' S peCi ol Age ' u , r ec,,' l ves T,1 nts 0 1 Ih e tl li~ ' . . ·~ ' nt Clro \,; levi lle. Ann ot \\' ol'k Eng • Wil 1e ,111 mIn , .1 will ,111<11101 ('h,, " 1''' Ifo rll l o f F Ifth Rt. r eet . h om Bn r di gton . at. FII'e Insu rnno e Com • •''" . " . 'p.ll ll g .\. 1\ IIL'~.. ni a nnd on o nt Bl1 utll! )Jam ei'. eOll lpna · ' . rl H. e in " tI e 80V O I n W e dn eMd By unt il Sntu ' l t'~ f \'V t ' IIIII 'I II Il. ,h r<lIl Y las t w eek hn~ Imon r ewa ,1 , " · l·~ row1). n 'lI IlIlOIt', ,r, G . Koy~, S8OC ll I. Mis~ . w il ledB $100 .. e~ l'kll hly ~lIcoessful III V irg iniA .. •. ,' . lf YOll ha vA Ol1e o f R)Ju hr'~ I hwi oI" l. ll. Mph . ( lhl o II ntl MlIlh l gll n , be lt! . 1111 \· \\,1 1.· J tl~t',·",hIIn·1 pho HI1 Il · lo l.r'l l'n ., . ('onr ll1cl II". inl.r·~ . . i n kll t; Ih lhr.1 e~e 1l f uil'" . t ,"," n , rl'lI' II "I ' I ' . OOU POI1 !1 hr ill g it 11I 1l~ Su.~ " li In Pnl .iu.B . II )" r:. 1\1. Cur l wrig h t nf IlUIII I . " S 1" .I,," i . i h l'o~" l lIoo rt h oes tllte, nfto H I, m I ' fl' ,m, I)11 ), 1,," HIIlldll o tt o: " N nt h in g I. no r all . hl {•. d ,) n 't Jl u t, it. of1' ; uill pr~ will ,I n (;00 .' · " I'p lIlI ' ;! I .\t 1''' \\ ,'., I PI' 1\1 II lJ hi Cllgn, s pok e III th o ~ I'n l1(1 I I ,) r . n f Il PII I' bll ll. '\l il t w'.' " "':'' '" I'" lIi,)<I h'I/,I t .,nl,iHfO I' II"."i~ rlll'l'ind out lifl1eur e XfJ OIl So;; 11 011 dflh .l ~ lire plli et , " hI' " , ." :-;P'· i" ': li " ld . I"," r qu ol Oil tbo~\l bje"' . ·1'h w ill go I' t h ll t . h"" n o Ih B1l1 H ~1~CHt. IIf l' n , .v ( 1(· ,lI' fP :1 (' 1'/1 ' "" \\, 1", III ~!is" lil'o wu'~ II i eo. lill y ,,1,,1 110 UX I)()nR O is HIlR \\'tli ' ,, 1, .. .1 I ~ I' II'·~ 011 11"1 re,1 1.0 I S IOUO - II :i \1;p~ olld ' ' ,,,,,I [ 11 11 111<' II I nU" k ___ All11 "(,~ "I ." 1I\'ill " I I", ",'I'U 1 )0. t 'l tll·I, ~ I I·orl f) t . J . (•.•',I III: Y. o f 1:_.' l\ r'· '''l' 'ft. __ . !,h ' .. rl " " ';11, " ,, 1"'1' 11 · sl ll1 l'~. I i o· I 1\\ ' M , 1. 11 II • o r se r I " - 1) ' ., . . lI e v es '- 11 ' ' , . l' . l\1 . F ~I 1'1"· ,, ,,\\ ,'11, \\11" II ·,. I' " 8 . 011 11 10 ~ 11 J0:' ng n :11' 0 m out II" I rlp 1 I 111\\, 1( . It' . " 1' 1" '11111 h'l' ~ . b 1.. ·.. ,' 1 II :11'1' .\' :\" '1"·, .,,,,, H,,, ' · l" Ih r, ) ' 1' . I ,,' nuo f W ,.\' ' . I ["Ill ll" 11111 II so pr o 1 11 19 n so' 18.\1 0 I ~, I". Un ,\\ ... ~t... l.hc) I) r tnr \\' ' 11 f" ,. 1I1I1 . JlII.' 1 1'",/1 ' 1I 1" "I t.,, III \\,,'~ I 11I .,I Io· l1 d,Il 11 1 \' Isi l, I UI.- I.\· t-:1l 1llt.i1 l1 g . I Il II Ca ptu re (1 He re . IlYl,a·": I . (l .1..t1"' I, '" () I " . "" III,, · ( '1I:1 11tl\l I'IlIl I;PH 11 1111 ,11·l nk . fl'l e n rl " I hl H " II,· S" 1 I I10 I~X}lO"l lhJllIII l'ol' " ',. , '. " , Il\t \\,1 (' k . 111111 nls" IS ,' 1. 11. . Fr :/ldd lll t lll l1ll . tl. 03 )' ul. III :; " 11 , '1' 11 1'11 . - - -----.. . I . . I. 1' . Ih I " lo\\, o . HI· .t 1,01 I111n ll l1,. h e (, Cl II · N ,. 11 11" " .lIl" la·:l 1"''' 111 , I " ", 111 11' " 1 r> k Two y.J lI ll t{ 111 0 11 ~ iI' i n g t.h e nnm nt 1 t 10 . h JII III 01llo I'l l h e!' In·II I I,,' \, . 11',01." ( ', , /1 1"1 ' 1 1' 11' I I "11 I (' H' " ue II IIIIl Il " 111' lint \'tU'I . of Earl 1\". sil', " f L'oll1 ll1 l>tl!l, . " 1"l ll k D,· II"' I·,I' II·o. 'It ' . S ,. '" ., 1.!, ' II IJro" I,.. : llIlI ' 111, '1,11' ,·. o l,lll~r ' . ' " , •..• 1'11 1I 'II I'" "rl pOlnlH o f lul ero: I Ih l',)ug li OIl r lit 10;,1\\'1\ I'd " Ln,, 1 .""111 ' h n Iiullf(ltl Ih o Wil lll ill t,: , ill ,, nf CIIIll \! GIlli SI', O h iu. " o" t :l1 E 1' 11'0) I' I II 1 1 " i ~ hl" "11 . lII i'" Oi l1 \\'iI1,li o I"I ~ l,eoll 111111),. 'l ll,ll1 \o u g t ue IlIcl lle (· IIlI HI . tell (' hlng , w or u 1011 FiliI' (\ lit Ly tlt' , clIlI .v II fow in Ih e Indi u nu \Jull H .1.. 1111 1.'1 ' ·IId ll e! " " lid 1'111 111 Iv lind pOis oll fl y )lu )JOI' I1 t 101' '(' \" 1 " 1' .... 1 l illl P f" , t h o Puil ', but lle li nd (''''m i ll t; fn l'h o rso s l,e nl i" t.: Al 01'111 "; '" ldlll ' \\,11 " 1\' 11" '''11111'1 ,, II.I' s. IIIHI Ill'!' \\'ol'k " . 11 1111 10 t1 lU II rrr's l Lr.i nt-; ,I"n In ".V;, ·lI ulll . .\11 11 ,11 1 (lur k I" "0 1ll 1l ... 11",,, 1' ,\' '" hls I"l' yrn r n g ree 11' 11 11 h el'. lI i:l " 1.111"'1 lI "i," ' " 1111111""111,1' l\I i,,~ Kn ll! ry n 1.'nLtll O I~ III h nllJt: Ih l' I""il lIill w ill(\io 1 \'isi t ii ,,,, 11" " '" 11 11 11 \\'''1 ' . !l.-. tf('lh'(~ \\' 01'1 on Ih o lJl\ r l, of 1.111111. IIf ll1r ' wili 1,0 O\'n n b(lt t!>r . 1' '' 111 III' '' 1'1'"11,,. 1' IH'" ], os b oe n h o orll l1l g IIIO HI nf tll 'I rO Ul"\ of gfly etl es w hich ,,,,,I \\11'" . o l imo l Jl\lII e~ L illl\c l' IIl1d \\1 1I1r . ,\, nll e,1y is illl ore~ t et1 10 1'11 W . n . (1l\!\ I III. o f t.IIA 1', .. fliid I,i .", II " i n 1\ utlh e h OI1l (l of Mr s: Mllr n URLi n W 'I'o) ill riLllle,1 Illn 11 ;I I ..., . I,\., ~1 " II" " I,II:111 ,. 1 lh fL Dod ~on 11\ ,(", lIlI,1 .11I1I !!, eojo yu ul o vi~1! Inq.;(, IIUlIIUl' :-1 p l'ill ., •LI •I"._ 11111I MOI'SI III 1 ('Xl lIlJlI I'I JfbIl S inu" Hen te r pr i"PH lind "I. ·,·. ( 'J"," . ~I,"W . \'"I lo'v I" O\\ I1 ncl 0 f tIYn w coks . Sh dn\l ~ 1" ' ~lt II ,l i t llg llr . n I\II"S 1' ,'11' ,11 JIlt 1. . o w ns n !; uest Ul . \ 'H II nlA I·III, lJu lIs t'Il>l o .Toy . . w h o h ll lllll III lI .. dttl OIl IIIIII~ Fulr s (l n l\ 11I1I , l ,1 \\'iff '. 11111\ nll ,· l l/n . • 0 h ... u~o Ilort.y o.t :;'"n e"fi e' ld, 1I or n \ ~(1 II ro IJll r l of ~II" " !,1I ,'y (" " "1'1 11 11 . . . th o " 01011".• o f l :-;""1"',,1 f l'''"' 0111' 0. IhoUl is.\'o l'.v ~ lI ccol\s ful. D '1' 11 (' yon ng lII e n ,1ro\'o into . Ih i; 1'1 ",·.·· \\'1' 11 1 I" l \ \" 1 t Oll'n f or fI w pc lI. vis it ed t. ho I f.111kl1erII ' VaY "' I rs. I'l ·." . 1l1oRvtl. llnn I ~"n Iill S I \(J OII Oil t'UI" C hull tUII'I ll " r s r who. n o w. l F 1'1111II; II' I SIlII , l,.IIl ), " "d :-;. ", _ _ n h"Il I, ul1s k Th urs', lo"J OVO lll _ _ - ,,111), I.. IUI" " ' g II ("" 1\ ,1" II [ IIir·l· ... H I'llI' II It" al ·St · lelr IOUl l'1 1I n( 1l1l1U ' !I".... 111,,1 i , I, IJ " Ilf 111111I11111 fl'w 8 nll JlI' l h lln l' SUIlI JIIII ' , IIIl1I II I"0 SpOil t II I) t lo k tl lei r hO\,ijO III th e '·:; . ' 1-:' C RS ON AL AN D "" Y'" (l u s l in \\' eu k wi lh D II"tO I1 f n 01 y. - -- - r J i')I1< 1 " . ll (jl1~e li~'(' ry bllrn . Rski n g t.h~t il Mr s. M'"11 II l1mi II ,," 1'1',1111 N·. · LO CA L NEW~;. hl'll~ . I Al bi n o b'lol1r r.r. ... II .ack (). W bo fr fl . An(\ IInn oun c ln g t hllt . . MOl'tol1 . ' who \\'11 , " I'OI'l.IlO" ' Yl k II 11\ t1w y Ni idli l c rUl l . . II lI' (; " '~ I " f' 1,,'1' 1;I'IIII , , . II ' WII II lod to go 011 t heir \\'11 y 10 JII II'I' nSgv I1" cllll etl wllh J ll tneM -- - S IOllP!l 1U tho MI'. 1I1lI1 MrH. H\I~ Oi ~. I M r , . "~lIIeli no P ClIcoo k, of Du ), t.on , r r ll l (!Ht~ l.c nntl Ins l1rnn H, ·II 1-1 II lI1 i 11.)11 . CIl b us ino ss \ . 0 ltl1l11 ti by t.e ll o 'c l(l k.. MI'. CoJ tll\l htl~ S l pck IIml Pou lt r y ' . ... G nNUII F ood lit. \ \' 0 Yll cRv illo Ilntl tl r nt, Inst w llnl'. at I,h o h Oll1o of r.l i".; .I IlS I" !o;l1Iill! i" "II I h o U IIl !Irm n nlll o l 1· n n ~I(I h e r IIn,1 Lotl~e l{ill er a t III n y "", 1; R~W I.hnt t he h or so hll ll l> or n "ri vull llpo , 1 1 1m hy ~ ~II I! . sill I'll ~It .H' list ·s . of bro th c: r N . B. Allt lhln y, Il8sl s . Th "HO ,. .. ,,01'1c d siok JII HI, wnr Stoo ps & Mor to u , i~ Ill ukil l g quit tlu g in k e ~ u ~1I1' h 'IM 8 m l WIIS i n 11 ' 1 cOll llit 'l'he '' CITy yen . ( orl1b l'.I' Il lll Mrs . Ann E n gle ·al·opnt UI' PII Il 1'<1l lom ll 1111' 1\1'0 nil iIll ion \.0: th o cll re of ll til.lll for him self' i n n Ims i, P I·ov ill~:. Ant h ony wh o r e· hll ij bOlln ISIl 1ll0 II I Ml\l I .11 l ' I'II'1, ·~ . \','1 f ll r l h p r [.llIti , n Ig h t. ,\11(\ som ew hll t· t.h is. IlI l1i liS ve r y ill , wit.h b llt tlur . 1I 0ilS way , hllY in g r econ FrflllJ( n " I' I ~I)I' 11 :111 ,\ l"l1l1ily "IWI slig ht im in g t h u ]lo st w eok ll y CIOSOII \ lI w i t h Ih o !<Il Rp icio u" 1I ('lio ll8 U rlli n Cll l' neli . d ll llJ;h te r 0 ' . of th.l Ilrov" 1I10IlL . Se \'o rR I illl po rlnn t d en I ~. 81111 1\IIY III. Ihl' oJf Allr oll l'ieUI'" D r . '111ll1 M r~. A . T . \\' ri g ht A I CU I'l ItJII . I" Hn 1l 1l1'11I ~ 11'0111 Il h Oy9 w h o r og is l t"r ed fruDl HC I'CI',' n llll l' Cel1 l o\'\' illo. ur o Xon ill, 'l'.h ~ol1 ~h· th e illf!u e l1 CIl o f th o l ll ttll(' l( "Fu r m or I{,mncdy " will h oltl I.tA e n joy iug II w oek 'R v is it fr " pe lling It wi t h lin "8" IIrot lIf It l' pe ndil ·il i·,. 1'l1 t I" illl lslJl1 hi~ se(lollli fnir at Wil om JIIrs . .111 (' 1,1, 8"" lt , wife lIu,l 1i1.ll ll \\'es t ol'lI Und orw ri ter Co., of Ci n , l prov mIn gton Aug u s t Wri g bt's oo ~Oll. • SUslIlolo n R Imd lifte r l u l ki i ng ~low1y. usiu . Mis s Ann a M~Di1l . rinn n l; with 22 t o 25. Fl'lll ati Ik Mlll i l.h 111101 t!llu ~ h lcr . 1II Il n d tChi cllgo , of whi ch U. M · o f Sholbyv ille , Oh io 1SH th e m a w hile b e qul e ll y t elop M i~s I n r<\ Hn l1l l11 11 h llH II('cn in R el1l1 h on ed Car tw ri g ht is vi ce l)r oMid onl, A fin e c rop of whe at WIIS rais .Eltl nr W , lli n m R oml wll'p.,.I(l lm Mr . OIl ed T IIIhl the Mllr sl..n lllnd the Cotl stnb ,J ~ oua t t or tbon ~t:\·t Hai n os ond fu!;Oil y. of 1I100 'I·u l tl II .I'H. le. I)"v is IIIHI t wo IllIn g hl or~. a n<l b y 0110 of our you ng farm ers ·ton tiecu 'red 1\ posi tion w ith .1 01111 , ISB IIO FOll rth stre e t w e n t t h e : R om emb or I.h l· p rpll c rlili The Iud" told vari ous s t.ori O\l t tlt. ~hf\ hom e gen eral in /-: ~c r l' i cl.l es 10 . Lioc ,)lu , In Eos t Wa yne ~ lIfil h 111111 wlfo WC1' O clItCl'ln i nCll llt au rllnc e n ge n cy of tow Do nsh ip . o f h is lIeIJh o \v, Frll nk · nt. t h o Il SII II \ h O\ll', :~ o " ' I'J('k the offio ers, finA lly sayi n g Ih;, , S IlI Il\I\ Y t ho h " III O IIf ,J 01l1llh1l1 Wri g ht nea r G rtly t,or & F raZ t they F ro m ei ghte en 1I0re l !:;ml th S lIn · ier, of Ch nr leslo n. lo f t Ortl onn a tber o WIIS F e rl'Y Sn turd hod hire d the rig from a (;011 ay, whe re they r e, W . Virg l1llb u8 thre sh ClI som ethl llg tillY . inill , on leav ove ing h e re fo u l' r five bun . ma lncd . o ve r Bun li ver.v stah le , The OIV IIOI' Mr~ . O r . \\" .\1'11 i~ I' nl l' rt,ti nill l-: III -~ tl llY . of tho urclI basbel~. Not o r fh'e y ell l'lI ago. - ~.~~===~=:=======:only WAll t.h o stab le was ollll cd by lOll " ' n ve r y ohll l'll;i l1 l-: n, II I1 ' l<'r h,' Mrs. E llen Mn tli n t on , o f 8 rin yl e l(1 goocl but the wbe at r 111';11 I,· 1S und a y Sch ool " ' R ecen U y .Mr . ~orton . clos ed It er, Mr. \v us o f Vall pho ne, but soid he hnd 110 5111' . . Clill t N, ' I';OIl . wit'" 1111 <1 I ",'" g IVO!! ey v l ~l ted h er r elflt. . h r ig excolle nt q unli ty, snd p vg. tlenl ou 1\ c oal min e w lll r' h lI et.te in WO . the en l,ire ou t . Co nve nti on. . ' fl'01 . 1 ug l tl 'o r~. t· rOIll , . I' f" . . . d ,n n esv llle c rop wus sold fo r 8eod . l1 !Snt nrdl lY unti l Tuo.s· him '" I (\ 1'1 1111. nnd I Illo ge l ed \\' 1I h hllll l T h o ~I .... i(l '1' ) \\'no hil ) I ~ " O ()O IINsf~ocul ,. teill gram was th en Ren t to ' . 1 do y f' nfte 'l'b rll non ll le(' a tb o . C t.l1l·e l,:i \'(' 11 h I' MI' . (' 1'0"" 1,), fo:" Cllr .. ·. u. ~h o wlls a cllom pllll · 'ro 01o~e. Ott t w h a' t f .. II.ti , ..Il IS PI' C·' II Il l'l l; 0 1 hOI,j A" '"tl~ . dy .to . . ohie f of p ol\ce at Col um b us. d nn lI' i li. 1I\ (' (1t SU ". ew rl'a I' i nll,l". led u p on h llr ret.n rn by h er . Ih,'v ({Ivi ng blm the filet s In the OIlSO, olle COil IIcom pnn y l\.tl II ( II'r'C I llr . Ilt I h o Lhll rc ll ! hnr', dn y """l I l. l1 .g i 1·' ri.·II nl eco. t ' I ,I " ' . ( ·l!u r .. h ilL 1I "1'I'0."sh llr" IVllll r l\DeI I.rlm med hats 1 ha·v In . , . . \\'IIM ft llll ," ,, 1 \\'II~ \\''''1 . fl l t.1111 I. ·" . . o . I MISH01 0111111 Smi th, who S 11 IIUO I\l r . The foll o win g mor ulllil . Will . , i-innlln ,. A I"'l1~ t " ' II 'J ·'i,1 J Will m a k o inUl will oft'e r them very ohe J' 1.1 • • . ap. Now her n vi sit and . 111 1' , ( 1'".1.)' s h (l'I\ ',1 III ' . ,... . . 11180 IItto nd t h o M. E. Qu . .. II you rop por tuni ty .tog ut wha " " IIhl o 111 1111 II Tho I'l'I . . J _ Koobi. IIli ve rynl l1n lit 3itl ,, ' art I'll II , will (' O" , I"t I1 f erl y t you Ure one cotl nty F a ir . re · 8 0ttth wan t In mi11 iDer y, Pea.rl Stre et.. Oolumbu~, • -- --- ' - . - . 1' 1 ',, "7 II ", noti fied ( "" 11111 S(lo '. Hili ICh ,; , lIl\ ,\11,1 d Mra lN\ U I ,1,,"l rh m III h i. h ll l' l'll ll l l" " ll1 .H IIII" o QIHl rioll' Iy MIlC l1l1g n t Ihe · I B~chfllo r Bal l \V1I 8 tbe ~oelle o f 1\ r- . " hu I .Ies t h at b h I' M. , h Ollrl'\'" 10 l'i;11 It,, · ~"Il nc, " .': :-:"h, .,1 (,(, " . th !l Iooa IIUt b ort e .O IIlV Mrs . U . M. Wb ite . rr: h w ill t lll;e pl" ct' Fril ill)' " ".'· l' i hH,1 . . . t b b' out p Ie 8~lln t dl " m. r e d tb (\ rlg t "" d .o e 18. 1 n com pany . 0 M .... b . nnc . por y e un " 111 a y 1"11 . ni . . g ht All . , A llt(llSt, 4,lI t whi ohl lll1 U lb by h ll l l . · . J~O or .... , wif e and dRu ghte The b'lc helor s . not hflv lng illl' l " ·d . · It b t,"" o liete c t' I'ves 1.Ie ft'm e o r, muc h to W I - -- L~do''' l "!:, Wh 0 h ave ,."""u P ro!'i din g mel e T of lh i~ . th __ rosl de n ts o f Chio ' o witb 11 B 0 doost ill = Frid ay and tbe lads wor~ take .. tbe · 1 : f :l '. llll blt " .... \).· tnl ben utUserv l oe,i cit styl Ot· e .... o lli : . nl picn waae.don ~ !lo ill b nr o Di~t ri('t, n to for lIov llral yoo rs, bav e Tbu ..... .t'U1OT 01' . Leo Alll tlllll n. - retu rned to we re tbe gue sts polu mbu s in the afte rnoo n . ,' lt·.y " : Dr . and Mrs . H . "" ill bo p ,. ._Ohi o and ellp ect to mak e thlll r os,' nl. 1I1ll1 A nnO l:lt.a p l'Ollr Ull te ll ltle E, CCI 11c nt s nt Hnt haw ny, Mr. Ric ks and Mr~ , t be olde r of Ibe cu : "I' h" IllIr ty,., f t ·lI ... i llllllll·ln i" Is .h E 0 P". . 'l'h e' l,l lll1 l'l e l'1 y Cnn i'cr oll uo willi ::10 • e Ir f u.. ~ "ltil ' h t"'re h ome . 8 un d 111 'b ey 'rbo also OOODsed of bav \ug stol he rpc, y VIln bi H 0. ey . 1 .I 1 of 11 Chn 1 Wal I.lIl nl',· II,' N,,·1 .. d '" I1 ·,... /1 1 \ utau ' nesv qull llle. it em en t9!l we rea of Mrs. In-M iam D/!-y t{)ni 110 II ' '1'111' ( Imm Il" p"!oI l" "" " ' ,I' c' I IlI le Iy Il I' tll l' l I , II IW,· ltlllg Iiobert. a ~ llunt, Jou rnal . . from H . Oole & ~o., Opt WII I'l' PIt ' I II." 'I'. · l' ·I~ '·III'" . ~l l lls . };1I 1i111l1·. lola up. Mrs , Bar ry Mo rray . 1,1 1101,' ( .."" 11 I ., . \1'1.II I." I. I II 1'1'1' s or v ice . , at W a yne ,), "O'11 Ulll bu aa . 11111 1'" .. I,," !l' 0 1i .... 1l 1."l.i 01 111' "I 11 . ", .. 1 \\1'\'1 11,ny I" III ig l.! , 111 ",,0111 " . "~I, I",,,I,,'" 11. U Tile !5'lc rll " 1p. 111 o f Ih o LOI" '. '~ V e . ' lOr t WIU! with the , R 0 be IS f,)I' 11I (l s,,, Hili' T il •. ;til l \1' "" 1111 i<l"1I1 a Mis gue!!st Lou I8rmaanHel of isa MislBlIl whghw l Emm o waR " ''' 'II''' ! !I,. , 1 1"" .""1 ' .. I' ",,". Ada ms Ellp re18 Co. In Cb lcag . l>o l'{' \t,I,m t ed ny per wllI 1" I IlI .,~ ril l' ,· .ll llll .v o. III all Ih .. n1l1l ·1I · .1illl "·" \I,, " "" t ",.!. lAs t wee k . retu rner ) to her h De ath of Mf .• '. ~1l1l11' 1 1I"'" 1.. <1 i" 11 I'· ,·I'H. ome ill In l{ sor yi('e Hll n,l I1Y dur inl the stre nuo us day s , 11 1111 Ilr. Anl l ,·!,,1, .. I·/lI,· S of the Cln olun ftU l.'bur~elf\y 11\\ ''' ' "'''' ''',"J II~ 1111, ',," ·1 ( ·,,111 whe re ~b fl mlln will prr ll r ll teem ster a , strl ko this 8prl 1,,"'1 .... Ill ".\, II 1111>', 11IH' 1.· Ih"111 S llu(I IIY o\'P n ill ~. ug and WB!! met by the Hlld \'I'"l i.11l,,1 ,,1.\' 1.· 1"11 1\1:11' " ,ld.,. B. . , M J new s thn t hor M Zll I cd did 1 I .. ~, ·I,· ,, - "' Ihl " ,·.. 1",,, ,, his Sntu rtl uy, Q Ullrt OI'I .V Mce t ing t th Irem an at age d grou 1' .. 1' t.. • Al l wo wi dfot rtun tll , peao e Inva lid foro 10ll ll I II, ' ".,,,1 1'1I1.h. ·" II II LII ,11I1l'" hor wbo bed beon lin '1'8. , line . e . e I~"" ' 1 , I. I """ ,"1 "," ''' ,,'' '' '' '\III g time a hod tll.k ena hoh eltl at.N o wBo e was decl ared , wbe n he doo 1,,· ]lIl I, li" h",l tded thll t seri ous turn for l'!ill hOn le of b e r tlllo Rbte r, Mrs , /-: ton , nl w h icll l nlll' in r' ,1111 111'1' ,, 1\11 tile .wOrBe, Min nie hll hact hud eno ugh of He Pre sidi ng Fad e r Aul tma 11 11 , .. ·."1< ... ·1 " 111111 1111 ",,·,1." ,, stri ke, .Tbe y con tlnn fld t o fnil Sho ema ker, at Bet hleh em, n "Iii w ill 11<. pro· · lilli a l1!.1 ""!' t l", 1I 1111~~ unti il1g lIorl' ilo l oR "'!' rO In l.! . 0 1<,,, 110\" l dea th reho v. 'Ide . Pen ., will stoy wltb Mrs . Rob erts ' lath or, ed him eurl y Frid W edn esda y mor ning July 26, i ll ot ,~e orv ay nl,l mor r ning h O>t 1905 l . n n t . Mr . Tim Bra rd, noo s Hll t;h 'I> I afte r an iIlno ss of but B few F " C! Pllu ", I' I~ ,I u ll,a: . , r' Spr ing I A tlam r8 keu Oll t fr o m tln,l JOAepb Eva us ollm e to tow n hour R Sat. Ra ym ond Sp ah r Su e r lll1l , ~I . I 'll I' will D r a ko Val d ley, for rpr 0. sho ise rt· time , bllt will uhr ay o ye d d C\1l·rant. hUij b os in Ib n G fr omp orn l ys\s . ntllfl'( Rhn btroul II ht fW lth III'dl 'n. " f -.prob no l"l:I 1 E d en, n or tit!' \\'111 ~k Rav ' ettle p er ru II ucn tl y i na m ond or b n d Y. fl ccom plln e Spa hr D w h o e rer1 B 1m will VIlI'I "t\' y· m oye p rqJP tr ll l ed III fi ll) d ny. I Il plilr d b y h or t on. I t 0 K OOR 0 \nVf ' Il"1 lll. w blls buU!l,oh lldr e n and ' grnn of I h .. P I. I . . . 10 Mis so uri. ith .hlN pll 111 1rt kul tu ra l Soc i e ty d cbil Il XC 1!IU!( t>' o. ono 0 I t lI.0 Mt0\ 'e~ in It ('tnll'~. IIII I f I·PS I'. ro p~.. .. . , ,JI' lon I' g1l1g 1 1•. " ! t o " I' hl8 dllll . ,~, ~hto A gro nt redu c ll ou In pric es r m ·lllw . dre n w o's hrou g IIt t o tie " tin, . - .--- -- .-~ Af· \y s h l! or lL' h t t ime ··It(· . pt wo t f s hl' or \,I'r Inhl tHr y pl.,a 1 ome ,' 'Ittll h III ~!int n of di IL ly ll T· Ih i. h e Jl IIl('~(\ t.h e 1 pl' isll<l bv h cr RIstOI', Miss Ann a Philip~, ., ci ~ht o f h i. friOlll\ ~ Sil Jl~"'I"'~(\ in ~ IIt o hngg and th e n exl. ton dllY~ in '1"1 ", \\ ' ''IT' ' '' ' ·•. nllI Y Ii o rrtc Fri . r n:Lr. y . Till ) 11 1')( [ i ~ummo\' mil· 1I1I1 th o f IlIl O1'HI cont ln ct edu y t,b lllt n · • . .. ' . 1'11i ll " hl1 lno ll<'(1 f;,r r ill ~"" · I'·I .". "n "I'I(l lIli'l. ·II I.)II o Rev . Iill or y wiJ lboo fl'e r odh th ll , li M" ill ' d llY IHe .. rlt" h "'~ ' 1' .: rl nl ,IlI" ng ls , •• " " . "ho " f y MisM Grn co Ih nhll t4z) ' l;UI. I], glt ,· :\11' th A . K So r ge nl.. u f Hun'cy~bllr er " et! .. 1 at hlR ~,'II " 111'1 ' :h .. .v\\, '''''>II''\\,hcr l~ 'l h flln e j nR ,,, ,, I '" ,·rI .. "I; tI,,· ", ·a ll · 1' .. · .• ·01 g, at. Linc oln . !Ift.e r whi oh time sh e will l l>dUI' O ~ nJl Pe r llll'I 'Il1ietl.v l if ll l MIII 10 1 1"'oI l1lilllll,I 1'11 1'1111' 1'" ,11 11 1 10 hll fonl ltl . T h o >lh~n" wr r e ", i '·:In ,,.\'. '[''' tl.~: I'I1I1I1'''' p 0 p" ir wlli un l il h I' w os r t ho Mor tull r y c h ILpcl in Millllli 01 090 her ~ tore forafe\V w ee ks llDlI ofla l1 . NIl .·1. r" f" ", II, " a l ",. '11. IIlLlH tl .v l il'i Olld )' 10 1'111 lIIr. ,, 1' E, ".IIIJ ll V, i l\ " ll ;~I. n " ) I.~ ,1'1(' lIdl.'1 8 n ol; fh p ,l i lli\1 '~ rn,) m wh e tnJ; e a s h nrt " 'lollt ion befo re 00 111 tur y l:i nn t!IlY I\ft~.rI1 00n, ll Ih ru Ill lll1e <1 .1111 ,,1 itl\ ', ,1." '~("'~J/"': .h'~ ~ .I 'Il :1' I;.: ,. ,: I I,, ' " ,' "I" a lllll ll "" ll l ll,II' 1l ]1:11'1 " oin g kn .II'· wlw lh cr h o put .Tuly .I ." nr d. 1' th 111 '!I! t tb n "11. ' i n " . h is 1 II Il tl Ib .' . \\, ,, ....,. ,, ,',) 11111.,· . ,\I II h 01,\ ,. . k ,~ . \I 'v 10 lesn . . II .'' '. n 1111}; gS' o r I ) ,V IU l.s t ah(' 0 {'use nu d e nter1l1 it " ll oxt I ' £.t ,-:c'I''' w,·... ' ,," I" 11 \II" :10 . \. : Mr I II 11'1 " g flw th elll 110\\ 11 . 1)IlH'(lt I I 111. 1 ,' p nHc• nrn III nil" 1I . ~ "I I'll' Olll Ih e H n III"" NII' . t 11\l01 h !'1' II l",I II l hn!; C! the ' 1I1111l1 w il,· MI' 11 1\ ~ " II' " I tl ,,' Ii" ," ~ u [ A, I,' lll M,' r . tr I U~ I H I1IJII ISe ,"," ('1) lI1p\Ot O. bllt. h o . . DOW seos on 's wor k . . lI·l r~ . P lt i lillS \\'a s Ihe o ltlos .~"l·. hil Ch c,\ 11 ('lIr ")' . . .. ".' . ox 11 1111 \\·If t o f t.h e MI'. Il,,,, , ·III·. . I t or" l e t1 11 h Cllr ty wo lcolllo 10 I';un du"' s Clnoinnl lti COlllll1~ MI' . Hdl ". rd . 1'1. " . i\u g ll~l. 11.1 . l,lo\',1 11 ohil il l'ou o f Gil h ri ol ont! ,. rcin 1I l h J i~ 'I hl ' l ,..,.. L' ~l!lI.· I' .l\l l:\ '" lIa l'll1l1ll1 . ill/' . I· ," ". Hus Tri hull o u l S~ I'Jll\ mn I".l c t. g In\"o " I I illi 'r " " cs l -I· ~ r .)!'. C . II. . co I I \ H ntdl "illig J i n s od ', Hnp('1'i lll (1 n ,l . s R . I::J [In i ' h ; \li\l~, ~iK o f WJ1II111 lire uu int.e roRt lng An l ~. nnd ' -" J1\1(l \\,11i! ,. 1 M. (1l'r '·lIl,. " I 1'111. of t.11l1 s l·i11 fuli ()le 011 "Mt Mom o ~~r"\\' n \'i~il~d I Of{ o' o 111111 n i ll WUK 1:h '\fO A d e li c illl1" ,l i n ll " r IlIlLl IIl,nn KlII >:~ !\I 1 1l~ s"\)l)o \" . 11' 11 ., of ('Htl l' ooIn l t.s uh ilo tbo O roa t., IV l t h MI \Il' ing. rllI ,i ,\""q h or n ill . prc. : " g ,. . . . SS H O\g h \\, II~' " h rotl ll·r. ll1 . \Vll rreu I.ho Emp or o r of Jup uu . . . " . , IS II "'o~ p "tll' 11l\1'I ! 1l hV M r~. 141'11 111' ," wri tte n by Ill\\' n n ll Ris ter 1I111 l u "Iell sll n l. \"111 n l' binI , II lI d I hei r coun t.y , Ohi o. Jn uII II I' Y 13. 1632 I I", (I n ~ lnll n \I"II S " "1111 !,' . IIn,1 Mr,I . . und r ir. 11 1 so ' 11 ~'Ol1 il g f ,II -,we d Cll tnp bo\l fr om, 1111' ""~ hllllll~ w il l ,l "lil' l'" 1111 IId, Th u rsdll Y Illl tMu (h b Tho s . ,I. Bro wn , of 'Vny nesv ille. s pe n t m ost o f t h e oa rl y y tl .. ~8 ll ~ U o ll f ln'H " LI n I,'h (' II , "' 0 11 1111,1 I 1 '1'/11 ,. 1' l 1 the 11'01 o f h e r QW Wil Y· ,]' 11('1' \\'l' rl' !I " " I' ly1111' Sll lll r l lh c ~\l1,jf" 't "S"I1I1J lI~"ltll RirL lIor of th oli ll \'.ott e. Att he pros d oy o f Ills t w ee k, ond e r,j nyed 'l 'rho ~e p rese n t wer o : Ha. y m o n,) ' ~r"o I8." Iii" ill t h e en1l1 o vi cini t y . " I' 11',,11 ' . -~ -'st,uy m ell ""'\ \\'1"11 '(l'\\'lI<'(1 Y"" " ;': 1 . Mi ss H uigh wo:v Mn r lntt . R enl time whe n' th e r e is sucb II . l 'llIo A fte r h ' I' IIllll'rillg o I II B. Frn ml gon H ll wke e ra1 , ex R pect ay. .s to r etu r n h Olll e the Illst o JI" Ol pll'" lId lll lll l l'lli" oll r" "l1lJ nk intf lres t in ,Tllp f Ol oud W ill illlll so n .RII), l1lou I'II'" '' , MI SS Ru th Ch and lln tbe nrt.l ol e is very Ihi ~ woo Z~ lI i n Pob runr y. H!iHI. d COIllI e r Il y . Tho \\'1'11<:, 1' le r k. Mr~ .. J !lme s Clar k IIUlI I her hOUl e n,1,1 ~ ti ll' h op" H Ihll l owu d o tl ght. n l er, o f Cm l.' r out Ern est H u rt.~l) clt " t.illl c lya nl\ of m o r e IhlLU onli 1I1t1. wh o fo rm · \ v iU Gr adu ate 1I11l1 hee n in !love r" I diff eren t Il f!n I1I I ~Y -"': 1 .\I' IIIIl·1' I" '.': nory erly IIvo d 111 tb e CIl1I . ' stat es, inte l'est "\1,1" 11 1 Olo n Pillc e prop er . ' Rup ur t BlIll . Mr. Bro wn reoe iY tld a I.y, ey tint! Hus soll P "l'Iu t lo.• ~1.1\1 i' I h l'I I' 111 111111 " ,,"n ty . ocO" SIOllllll y cD min g bac k to I '1'1, 0 ' n ow own ed lind occn pi ed by 0 11.10 lett er froU l tho ,Jap . . ' _ _ __ J. . anes e mln isto r II.t, L. S h llCb lll1 . . t o sojo u rn . Sho IV.IlS th e m otb "_ Coll c'.H" fl i ~(,I enoo o[ tim . , at Wll y nes v illll, w e r o '1'h" \'i~ e r of Was hin g ton r ecol ltly ~I lIu ,1 pi pl'.1 I 1111 0S 1 Llt.t :1 h",, le Jnu · Nall O na l Ulllvel'HIt.y, Lebn n ou. lle B OHll rdu" , wh o \VII S 1dl'\\l , tbun klng him Illao pres <l nt. thr oe ohil d ron . t wo dllu g h tera 1 I",'"t, ill h~i<l l! l h hl'h'" ~i ll:': ~~ 111 uO(l t b e oCCIIsio n par, m j ure and fo r I.h o frie ndly Re ntim ents In 1h ", I" its COlll llleUCOI uen t d . b y 11 f"st Pe nus l' l vunl exp ress . t oolt of the nlltu re ono 80n, Itil u f who m besi de!! ~(\l:el'oi~e~, n t.lIn \\,(j Y of II Il~" [\, II\ v or O, y " IJlol (lI'p' ls nine ed for Jap )!'" · trui l inl1 n fo ill nr t ont om w ooka u rr llgo, WitS nble to be w h ioh an and for Mr. Bro wn' s Cam b ouse pnrt y . Mr. ond Mrs . t k gran d oliih lren , are Iiviu !! i ~ ~to rctl Ih u (', I I'Y'~ " 1'1 ' T h oreow , 'l'hm'5,IIl Y: .o\u gus t thi r tl. f pbe ll nre nice ly sltu atod at Sur. tb an(\ lit, .ug gost loll nr o t w en tY·l hrce !ltu uell t s n e n. rom . e A r no Id H tI t o f wo lel' 1M SO 1\ t ll reCle~11 tha t t ho pres ent Emp e- (lini t.ended t h e fun ero! . t vo ,I 0 I' a. o · th or ou gh cont i ll il of p who re Mr. Oam pbe ll . hos ror ",'u8 dese r vi ng of tbe title oin t, Cor; T Wln Ill' in whe t h1l re he grad had tllt tlo g oIMP , tlml alJlon~ bee n slnc ~ t.h e B on ..1 of pub of ellll rge o.f one of tbe lic IIffu ir R Is n o w r (' t bem rura l mlli l aOCl den t ! t.o bls 'The Orc lIl-" l.1Ost~Ac.·bu ggy our taln tjn 9 , Mig!! Rnt h Qhlln~l\1r, of owJI hom e FrId a y Qei yiu g b . ' rou t os gom g out of tbe tow fa:on l itls 01\ t h e w or k . . Al t b ollll h Wlly n of resl den oe ' of ' ,J. . n esvlJle . Is 0180 In~{!rOllted In I18ve1'a l bus, ·· ne· Rnd s tood the·trlp very w ell , He is \' tho r e i!< It -I..:OleQlan 8trlc tlyp ure Pat ll COrlJl in lne•• now able to get ..bou t J'iuder retu rn to MH , H, at A ..E , Chl ll ')· Plla At the Com men cem ent 6lle the oonQ bou se on er ill puin tl n g II el em en t of dllll ~ e rn8 m ag.d ab.o ut BlI.rd lula , tma cl. t o\. . str u otur o of t hi.>I !.1iil8 Cba boo . 4>" . .th or to th' (Ju tob . , udle r will apeak l)t " l'h . elt.. 011108 . kind It is oru as, tl1 e oost of tb e . wor k f Y be mod erat e, • Bea utIe s 0 08el\1 "':







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I lll Ilall1:i al t ' ·1 1ff' 1' 1 11'11', ' . Hn d t Ill" ,., p a, (" " llh l n "'i'~ II I~ n grlllt' t h nl

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rtu t ~I r i l ,£" ' Y (' III I t; h t I 11I n l' ~ , o tt \ ' d ha nrl r ,1 th p nUt JOl n hit n\ hl,llI l, 110 1'(' 1' t I 1111 Ih e nOW'l' hl'" ta kI ng, ~ l o l ' Ihlll I ha l h e s 1,1\ In ' lown \\ht 111 (' In JlIIII hlln ' I Ill' N (uu: hl ~e l en " 10 t u n 'Jl et la l to Gasl o n - uud l"(l~S to li t:" " VI' II I • "n' l\ h ('lI ll \1 Irl ' s " I" I h(' phl e g m llli l n .d 'lIl1ln ' 1 l lit[ rh e mall lJ 1l d ('~ ~ l'l flc.; ~ ~o l 01 111 1 t 1.:0 mil d ('l tn 10 0 u h f' II:'. n hollt ' 1) " 11 II WOI r!.

, 'I t) ugh t o l'i ~ h ' lI" ' 0 11 Il dl d f' f" hrl ~ \ n l l' t:-\r g il l al1ft \0 11 !.:q nllr rt f' m

h Ili h r i" ' h I' lIl .l 5o; I.-.r t ll,-' jll n l ll \\ .1 ... d ( l l l1 ~ n n t "It .\! It .... \, nu ld h il t \ " h .l I h r j r) ll ltI "-n t(' fl(' cn l lll li o l1 :; for fh t" IN' '''!'' had I nn slIlIlr ti m \ll Ii tllll C al n 'n ... l ~ \\ h r 11 1101 ('1 w aS ,In'r I (),,~ .Iurl ,.:.f" )i .u I ~a rlnn '" h ad I n hp r N',I1 I (' ,1 " lin on rr n1(l1" 11111 11 " " In lo "' l1iJ JPI t inn stnt! l-'all, lllIlI JU'l inc. ror

11 (")11 )"

of nl l,bt l'! '

~ pll i l H f

I h e I'lanta g o llltl Int 1 re s t h,l ll In ~ l :) t ~rl IIflOll 80 111 (' fo J'l1I a I (o lllpl ia nr c Wi t h I h e 1(, lf"1 III Ih e 111 \\ )]"1 l, !-i h .ld ~ r f' I \ f"n m n ~ l c rfll11 y to d rlle fi nd nol bo 111'11 o n , hnl t h ~ d cI . l\ ~ \ \(>JO IU C '( Q'"Llhl ('

the Iml)' n (l· III~ " rl l, e 1III (' nl (, IIOII f e;> tllrn th e ort'rough I n t ;a~ l fl l1 ]) 1' 11 H' q" i l ~ , f1 r rh , 11(11 1;;1' II ltt) a rOllt Th e g o \,· 0.111 '" I I '" (' I Il t.' r h (ld "o ~l p\l l1r !l t h e ('oup from Ca llall'ln 1l 4H ld r .t ,In lt d l npr r ,J fn th C' d. \\ t n d a v \\ rllfln ;: 111H1n t h e l ei s l1rely (Jl a l fill III HU I Itt ·rol I' III' t' l) l l l d mOlln t 111m' , 1Il~ 1~ I S o r Vall.! a n l\ ' IIn rl at fh ~ to Ihe tll n l -hll~\ld nl 111 (, I Il l !! )('T u:; 11 (' Il l! nf th e e n d8 t1if' r c I (' matn f' rI hut , ,']la l (' iI h im tlll ec hoUl , or fh~ Iin AI lillY of g ra c,' . 1'.\11-\ I ha U l ' 1)111 0 11!" 1 :4 A t I n~t. wh c n Ih .. t c l e;: ram fro m t' a ll<land YI IIII I'Rhs(· n ;.... .... rs \\111 I,, ~ Il u WI1 In n t ew \\lth lhc \l p!r-nIl1 C n,' \\ " Iha t Ihe O \ e rmllllll (,,:\ al"l \ 11 11 alt t u p II1 1 nul a hf' a ll lantl o llit 1 i1.1~ \ \ f' r{' l In Iltdr wa y from ot Ih t" (,X IH fl~ ~" :\lIdla n.1 C II) tu heel! tI,l' Ill,po illtm cnt , l !i II I n (; tl ~ 'nll I III CIII II ' ~ li.lh c l In Gus to n ~ 1 To .. h ? or alt Ihh K~nl hll e w n o th l n f; a nd T'IH' hl P I\1(Ul " ,\ g t\l fl ndl ll g by wIth wag RnxlonK In [lm l'ort lo n n. th e til £' 011 (R il rllill tn rl h I (' a ll y to ~al1a· IIIlnlll oR clalls(',1 a nd Ih o li m o rnr t hc hnH '~ h d fHI dnd 'h ~ tl"aln - l1l :u; l r r ti l parttll e of th C' ca:'lt bolln n ex pr cs~ d l'(' w th e f" 11 ~l l1 e '~ 1 'H~i c l p rll"l' \\ n r •• r 1'0 1 t 11 '" ~ lIj. C ~S o f Ih e {I es· "~hn ' £' 1 llf't.' dn t ht ' tr li p sa lt l In t' X- p e nlt (' \ (' 111I1 rf' IlIrl1 4' d \lp o n thi s that R IHl



"la"~ll o lI _'n lllh (,11 ' ,\1 (, \ 0 11 \\111 11I g In ~ lnl\fI "ittl n:-i P .H S)" Y O U'\ t 11 ;'\ 1' 11m .... c ll o " ~h In tl lI nl, It n ~r r "

('nll,lhn n _, lon.1 \\ ll b h " allll < 10111 (,,1 n dll \\ n tI\ PI hi s P\ f':-i 'I' l l.; not f r tll (,»;f" lf 1m tI1ln lll f1 ' \1 1~t l lt'1 \1 Toc: h a ~ \ f' w I' 1I J,o o w BUI

, \1111 h ll.; 1 a ll L1r,\ \~

I II I h {' I o nv l nl . . S lu ' 11 Il. \\ ,' 11 1 ,\1 ('\( 1 f p r lot hal ('\ (, I' h,.1p\I'"' Il :-. I n :- ttll \\ <"H i t h p qlll c l \ r C' ph


. , II' ~ ' · II


III \~ ,

lIlan" , .. lrI r.alla h an

o r l]l l l ,'d :-.110\1 1'1 to 01 1 a l oll lJd \\ hit e h," dI d 'II 1'l r t"'''' t h ln f:'~ \\hu'h , to an 1" " lal (',1 o nt ool, e r IIlI ~ h l hav " spem"ll l a ll " In r~ pll rn hl e 1" Ir AI h e dlsco nlit", 1.-. t! th ~ :lIr, hose h f"" I\\ ('(' n t h e (,Ar II n ,l Ih e r ll ;': l0 ~ IY III ~ Ih e e no s liP wit h '1 .. tU Il I ( 1) 1 d ~ n t h a t th e (' otHl t'c li o n \\ Ollid li nt :-icem to h ~ hrol,c n Next II(" <ral', 1"11 un d e r lh p Nau g h l-fie ve n


all ' l ,l eIiIlN .II P" hit''' Ih e a ll"-ta nll. so ttl n g:

t h~

('IlI I<

fl lh 'n a m e re


h ll' a ,lth so Ihal i. wo uld I ~ al{ s lowly bill SlIl ely unlll t he PI"'ss llre "as ellRut \b e 01'''''' '01 wa ~ a il ~R ~)I c1alm- I lr('l y gon e i n ~ l h ~ w i re \\ I'.l lnl{ . ilelh ," "deth ," Th en he s ot a h" mnl er and s ledge "d th :' a s I'3p l d ly 8.' h is tlnf;cr ~ 011 1 01 tit , e ngln!" too l-flox. and artc r <uuln shal;e !.ill th e d ... l~ uuu das l\p,," 11001.1 111: ut) the safcl }'-cbain couullll~

fh e

r t"' (l'h (' r '~

f; Jl f' tl a l 11111 :-0 1 I f\uv(" ah ead

\\' l l h Ih e ex -

of Ih ,' \l a •• e n ;:r l t l ll ill prt"!;~ }llm l'I ll ~ t !l f' \\ rl \

Ihl'" (Iiffl l'ultl cs

h £'f' am t'" In s llrm n llll la hl (' I, enl \In s s flll " Ia n d lll;': a l Ih ~ lral n, m'~ I1 ,~ "11'1,f' 1 " 1H' 11 r. l l1ahan se nt th ~ IH I \till e (A r g "nl h IIJl 1o th e Iraddl(lArt nf 11~ltl, r l ~ l! t ' 1 t o ~ h had lwen t c l f' phtl l11 n ~ ng, .IIt1 and Ih l"< r p (' p l\1'1 Rnrl

hi s Ilt lrly \\N (' {iII Ih e


10 t h e 1:; la·

t lOre

' I \\ as af ra id \ n ll'.1 hal e to let th e sa ul l{.~ n l . wl 1l' n th e

f'XrHr ~!j gn fir st "

tralnma s lC" r

('n nF"

" ltO\\ 11I11c' h tim l'

hi S


\\1\ )

a g ain

\\ ('? "

"Fh r m lnl1 tc ~ mn r t'" :tnrl t h r.:) Are o n th e way do \\n- th er c th (' ) COnl O I, e nt lookcd Rn,l "n" " ~ IOII\I or ol x m en makln ;: 10' I he n ca r(', t e x l l In the ~nll e. The n hI' 51ll o t e hi s fi , I Int o hill pnlm

,\ Ill!

:. l \('

ct tilt) Ihi!

.. qll. II·~



f l l}, {II PXIII. ' llt tlti



"I I ~

, \\ h "' ll




I \t l 1" t:. 'llIa~



\\ II t' II

\ t , "d


M'Tosb, who ,vas 011 the tnlc:1i



'I tl1ld


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( 1\11 ' 111 I



I. III , ·

l 'lI l'n

:->r l a r



! 1.a....JI.

"'''t' lid ,,,,,, ===~.J IIWIII . ,,11.,11 ,1I ' o!


t;Olfo l'ln (l !>:l'


Fae-Slmil e S lg na~u ro




,• • 1\ , K - R

~ O S ~I

Conlldence 01 the people. 'l'he uniform q uali ty of LION COF .E'E l~ 8urvi I es nil opposit. on. LION COFFEE keep" II .. old Irl .... d. ...11 make. new ODe. every day.

UON COFFEE bas even more than 1111 Sirenglb, Flavor and QuallIy to commend U. On arrlvallrom tbe plantation, II Is carelany roallled at our factories and lIeeurely packed In I lb. sealed paekagell, and not opened again unlll needed lor use In the bome_ TIlls precludell the posslblllly 01 adulleraUon or conlaet with germs, dirt. dust, Inseclll or unclean bands. The absolute parity o. UON COFFEE Is therelore guaranteed to tbe emasumu.

I.ft . ..••

S e nal or Rla( kbllrn relal e" a slory 01 a law y(' r I II I<e nlu('!, y who waR ge n e r. ally I e rv fortunal c In "Inning hla ~ ults In thc 10\\1'1' ") U,.t~ ot Ihat s i al , Il nd c ~nallr lIn fo rlunnl e In los l n ~ l h " lIl b)' rl'" , o n o f re vCl s a ls by t he " U\lreme l' OUrl or Ih e common wealth , On e day I h e He nflllll c han ced to fiud t he hIW) CI In a Iraln Iluliing 0111 Loul,v l lle anll on I he allornny's knoo \\'a~ s llrea,1 a hu~ o law volume, which

In I If." I'Rckag'.' Lion-he",t ou overy p.okag., SI\\'e tbC30 L.ou-b eRd. (or v.lunule premIums.

Sold onl:r



WOOLSON SPICE CO • Toledo. Ohio,

h e nlllH'arptl to hc d evollrln~ wllh mu ch int er est "\Vc ll my rrl end:' snld ~I r Blncl,burn , ' rlon't YOII get lime

Hnlff ed r o nl " mplu ou6 Iy. " Thi s I s ~ ' I law I h al I'm r eadl n s .'" sal el Ill" it' . a vo l \lm ~, 5" h r elatlns to tho d er ision s o f Ih (' ""I,renI e • Ollrt o[ the s lat e {If K;'n l u(' ky ~"nde Cftr It I.n'T ( nort • A , hoI' I .101(, q ~O \\h e n 0 Iraln OQ th o Itll s~ lan rall\\a)' flom T a" h k cnd 510 1>1)(' <1 I\l T e h (' l nal e \ 0 a wpll-drpssed 1111111 got Into a cU lrla gc mark e.1 "no s m o h.n~ a llo\\ (' .I" an.I, l al<l n g 011 1 Ili g ca ~p. b ~!!lI n to smoh c n cI~nr e llc . Th e

Oall), Ne .....,_

tuo sales o f LIOK COFFEE,

Lion CoHee

.. ' Yps : s h e \\ c nl on, ten enlly, '1 n CVln k n (' w lw f o r l' \\ hat WR:-:; th e mat.. t " r \\ II h ili} tll r h s lllH ! '"

Th e lawI'cr

for over a quarter of a

is now u Aen in millions oC bomea. StH'h popnlar S ll c e M~ ~ I eRk s for t t..Je lf, It l ~ 1\ ,oslUve prool thllt LION COffEE hns tho


£ noll~h In YOllr ofllee 10 r ou.llaw \\llhOllt f~ l c hi n s l aw bOllI;s on 11 jOllrnr)'?"

.!lent qU I\1ity

I ",~ . 1{JI~clily lnc r

The leader 01 all package collees.

., 0 , .t o d o r I so g!flJ lhU ") I' 1ll 0 1l , ' sai d ~ h c , clas ping my hand nnll . hn l.lng I t \\ flrl1lly , M} heRrt warnll'II as I Ilond e r erl \\ hat t enrl()r Il lace I bar! 10lle h " ,1 In h er HOII\. bUI Illy joy 1,IMe lt fo r R llI o m c n t on l y




Genuine Must Bear

, "", ' ""

i l"

A p<rtcct rcm-

Facts Are Stubborn Things

111 (' 111 ill a S'\a I1\ Iwah . I h op(' l1 I h p ~" I m O ll \, 01lld be a co m· for ti n ;.; O nt · . untl a ft ('l !" tt \\f\ ~ f)\ c r ., " o ma n ('.1111 f' t u m{'. I c )" f ace gIn", in" wllh [Jl f'A- lIr(' \\'hkh was e\ It! 'ntt!'

Ile paId the

F.,,' i'o&".

Ut l

1I:i ;:' 111 \\ :; h (, II £' r In th e s.: \lnll ~ ht n nll \\hkh mlt .... t h in e th e shad ..'" ynu l.: n nvr \ Otl pl a l11 l O~ {\ s 111 th (' S ilil nn d h ello. II np " ~ ami t:?, c r lltl lllm S , 10(\ . hu t If YOI ' Pllt lu' hHla s ' 0 ~ ro\\ }" U 1lI",t pu t

~' I1"n ' ,


crl), Ill r DI:zlnl''''. N~U&..... n rO"'llIe~. D,llt T:'Rld Ill. t be ~, ouU" C"',\


I .. 1 ,\-.\ "1I(\\] ~ \ I ') Pili " , n o illr .. Ia : ~ I h, I ' \\ .1\ li \ I hr' 1'1 111l1 rl t ' : 111 1' 11 ·1 11,' I I! I ' \ \ III !t::,lll II' ~ 0 1,1III!.: 1, 1 PI'1!; 1 11111 1(' I '" tht! l " t-Ihlt II III d ill . 111 1) - \\ ,1::,!t l llbl u n

I \\'.H pr(' ,lf 11In!; U i) O Il I Gntl's \\13' III (u l in t;, Jill 11:-; .111 ri nd I ~all t I ha l 'he fa l h er 1, 11 " \\ " beRI 1\ll lc h 01


dl.esUon Ilna Too Uo!U't1

1'ou{rtlo. P dtn 111 tlLo :st(ln. T flJ:!' lD U \'lm . TIl ~ rebuilt./) IbD llowets, l~ lT"ly V eg<llIhll!.

th llJ1


T brT nlso rl'U ef'O Dm.

tress t ro:n DjS1ll'p!iI", In-

III I "III],h'l ,' } \ 1111.1 \\lIlt"l!' ,:.1 , 11 III 1 11 " m~ 1.. 11 l "' I ~ I Il II I I.dl " I I I. ... . • \\ 1I!.."t , l) ! I'!H' lit ' I \ \ (Ill d , tI,J~ . ~ l: ."

.... llIun .. t\ h) ;\1l ., l hlll!-! 1J11 1 (tIll"' d y. arlo" ~ 1" 1 \ I~e n c nnrl \\ I)nl ,111 of Ill ) no{' I, Il bl mana !.!£" I II t LlI, r Ill \' h r f':tlh a\\ f\) .

Il ec Jl nnd • r"p

Pos IUy,.l, c nrt"d by the!llc Littl e Pll1s _ 1



1\ It',' \\ t ' Ii, 1 "" \ ~ 'I II ,!l1f" " 'f\\ ' {.II / "!" nll t! ll i,t\ I" " nl h II!: \ \. l ' f",tlld Ih 11 1l.. ·

1,, 1'

f: ll m '" p n rli n r n,1 i l1 .... ,.t. 1l1 1:-. !I f II", 11111 XI'N 1,~t1 III hi' 'up, t .\

"'bt , ..

.1"11 .1,1 ,~~ '11, \ lthl. t OI l 1' \ 0 • ,1\1 '",· 1 Itt I Iltl'IH(' ,.,l1fTI·' IIIJ,:. It

t .,!

"" "'I ..".. " d " , ,, ' ,. <

" ', IU"" h r. , I I ,' "


I I , I"""" , 10 , "


"' hIl41.I ' "






I ..



It.' 1IIIIIl'! I .d ,(, 11 II I 111 1:4 ,1II1t'I III I II, ,I Iro \lh lt' ~ !h e

111 1;':) 11

_ I Oue CI\-k e o r Cul icu,a Sonp nd One 1 Box o f Cllt lc u rn CU I ed Baby' s , Aw f ul H U1l101,

h!l1\1 (' - nul" 1 11:'01 (. tn l-t IlI ll'f'Jn · · and \\ ~ \(' I nst It'" Ir.l lh; C 'J ' lt1 '\lh' d 1



" I \.0 " 1> ' ,I.,he I)""",,'r,a

o tll e l pasS(,IlI:CI S politely ca lle d lli s alle n 1100 to I h ~ rnci thaI h e was no t in a ~mol;lng cllrrlage. bill h e pahl no h r.ed to th em an~ w (' nt on smokin g. I t so haplle nod Ihat on e of the travel· , Du mn ' " h e m ll llerNI ' "t h c Y ' I' ~ ~ot e rs was l\ ju sl il'e or th e peace, who I he vi 'e )lreRld on l of the Ove rl a nd" Ith th er cupon got III', tool, hi s chain or tb em' That' s ua d ,. o rne') oul at hl~ bag and declar ed the " I t's bad for 111 1" Callafle lct:' ~rowl e d car l lage a cou r t of law. T he s moker i\I 'Toah . "Wc're In too dee p n ow-to waa found gullf y and fin ed 50 ruhles bac l! down on his account " and, as h e would n ot g i ve bls name a nd l<t'nl moved nearer antI siood In tbe de clared lhat h e had no m oney , be was sh adow o[ the g al e -k~ c Jler's box, leav- Iml)rlsoned In the suard's van untU InK


" t\l l ll \


'\ , 1111:1

hO ll l ., n(.1 ~I I II,,' \\ hl,l\ PI0111I ·,.I" 1


\\n" :.:. 1\ 111;'; l '.1I1 11h an 10 g n }\ P ll l ~ p lnll~ i' ,l l'I t

~)lI t'

.... 11111. , 1

d:lmp pllJ H"r If) 111(' t l"'lln - ma -.I'I 1 \1> t dld ~ Lha l" II h {l ... \h" \', nlll

., 110 '\ , I ~


:'II ·I ... :-i h

a .. n., t· """ tll l 11\,' I I ·r\! (" ' '' I i' ,d ~ n th,~ 1.,(\ \'111111 II I 1'" ," I ~I J f\

, f lr' l n t., 1 111 .. 1


'.\11 11 a 111 \




\,111 ' 11

lIull \\ 11 11 t il l' ...' II' at \ 8 l 11 R,\I ,I ~ Il (I s h Th ('l1 ' \\'ulii d

.... !L; ua l

111 ,1\

I, lw f

I.". II

I ll ;'; 10 !..:I~L';;I) Ih t' 111' IlH' nf! ru l:-o Imp ort

It 1I,1I1l - 11l11t' " 'l:-"

, I ,"

1I1g" 1','1 tn.t. ~

n . li t

n 11I ~ h ::; I r . · ~al, l 11\ , ' h/ )~ . pa nting f l. 1m hi:; qu id, tl u'-II n! I I)~~ I h. l, p l .l l h .)1 m S It \\ a:'l OI1ll ~ b) ..; I1l C'S$l !.:{' f ro ), nl ~('Zl... t.1tld. Hll ti \\h il " I\P'11 \ \ [1:; II~

\\1 11"' 1\ l ,fQ' I I1 _ ".I .... ' /lI\ i" I, 1\1 11:\' \\ I ii !tl(> \\11" : ' I ,n 111(' c ill h'

\1' rn ... h

11 li t

ItllTld hHII \1I1~ \11111 p""l'k n IiI . III 'J '1l fil l ' l · XJl IC.::-.;, 1:'1 tlll~ t o

. It



\\ a li tr ) iu g l O llutT s l ., Icll";;null. ' \d lt\,p tl~ 111l t h o l OP\III g' I nl b, i lli n 111:3 tmnd.

n a\'f(1 I(


d l llP


\\ It h , )l l t


\ \lurl

h ll1l Iln h.' d a lll1 ': \\ III! h i m ,t url If' d 111111 b .tl \.. In l Ilt" ~ II (' . ' I ,"' ,lI n llH .' I : •• ,l\\ 1\ t;r,l nr llalll .uHI dnn t I' om e 11(' I (l llm ~l n'1f'd ' Th l'n \11 11 ' &111 "" " ',lI 11\llllfl111 } Il l nt ~ n l1 d id ') I Idl ' l \\ :) 1 l\Jllln ~ aho' " It It 1 ~ no! 'Oil lnll ' I n 1111'11 " 1 1" an rl '1) 11 11 I,t ) lip tn .. ,' I'" r nrI " "'po l' s lhl,' t 11 1' ~


hld 'll" v p l.IIIII ,

I 1 .\ 1\ , II , II' 1f""I' 1I 1I1.: n.~ If P I !lt\t\ f' d .'" 11 I nti ' il " ha l C\("r

1 \ \ 1:-. 11

';' 1' ,.'II} 1' 1 \ I } '1 11 \1 I-I' \\,~ , \ I 1~ , 11 \,' I" . \:\ I ' " I . 11 \ \ I ~ 1,1 \~ I'

,,, It " "':-. 1, h I ril l

I hlt

IIB' 1Il to un.1I J I h I' car I't' li l :'.1\\ th e \ lt e \l lc .. ld " lIt of t h9 rh" 1l a nd ~ 11f" l L Ill ~ h!l hc hall Is w iu \ lJu 4'l;s HIl,i lul, c hI :; h'n\(~, HIHI \\.a.~ ~ o ll1 ll' Ut "pUIl "a ll h l n ~ Ih e t ahl eau l rl d('pa l'lu , c Ih a l h e 11I 11 e , 1 10 II lJll c~ th e " lIlal l b ill' In \\" ,':3 10 1'11 l'n lu l1 hlll( w h)

l :-o n I t flO lal p



\\ I· u ,., t.l td U,!;

~"Iilltl l d \\,h n h t.' i1 \ ) 1II ;1 11 fl) r h t .. \\ ' I ~ h l an d h e \\ nd dl f' d lilli, II) th o ol h, · I:-\ . \\ a \1I 1~ h b allll S U::;.l .., lg u .l ! te ,l

I : H II,g- \ \ jl-.. poll .. l lIl1!:, hi '" I'~ , ' ~ ;:;I. l:-. ~:it' ...


1111 1,'11

lL' U \('

\\ Ilh 1111 (' ''111 111 11 11 ' 1:":11,


d l P, lIt W(l IlI '

,' \' I I" V



.I nd \\ltP Il I h e t r Al nnHl. ::; I CI w a~go n c h,'

1 1 l nl.; "' \\' l" ~~ t (l ln

h e h ad t'H r s htH oj t ip"


I ' ll fix t o 1111\ 1' It ' ph o ll e d m,' r I fi n n I h r l lc \ p it litn be \\orl\(lcl

SHiel III" h ,l(1 ' It h a ~ n o



.l lIlI t llll

t( II .,\\' 11 (, ,1 111

1 1:-0 \ IIf'l td\ e !tIll! "Itl IIS 10 lill U 11 ,111 ( 11& ol ll l)~ I I It ..' b li l l l!\.' lli, ! 1l " . , lI l fl l ll' ,t Lllc tll B I~hn l l1. 11 \ 1 U ll II " III a nd s et hi, t I lI1 e ' ' 1 1 :-;;1 1t~ ' 1 hall JIi .. 1 CII~ tbl' \\111 I 10) u.n. n lld \\ .1 :0. p ul ll l1 ~ !llil (1,\ dll' ' aI d llP\lU

~ O \l OI C t l oln s '

,,,h , t!

l ilt

1.,111 1'" 1, \" 1,, 11\ 111411 1,11

\\ I ' ~' "


IIl1hl" 1111 :tI Uql Jl rl \l HI ~1! 1I I hlll h It b C~ I tu 1'1('(' \1 Ill f' i n Ill .. (1.11 1, ,1:-0 H ) "It . ll

n j'lorl,


/HII \ ()

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1 1) ... 1 U tlt l'

H lhl" l1

J I (Jt B

Ihl' r l~



Ij\'f' 111 111 11 1\' " I UI (''' I h t' r' . IJ OI ~\, nl"(' lIl t ill l it ,l ll\ 1[0 \\11:-. ti l fh e j..! 1·IW IU IIIIIl nl" 1\ul \\, t \' 1111\I nh. h 11'\,\1:f .l~ I 1"':;:-0 111 ": \\ 11 11 Il ' lIl"it'd .:lIltl s\\ 0 I ' 1 1~,1f 11110 1l1llhlllll}".

• \ .1 11 1 ll l l\l!'ol :ll'~ 1\ 1'('1 1\-

1,\ 11

" Thal \\ o n ' l tl o ' Ih ,,) d Hlo p th c DI ('s SIll,!e lI o w a bllut II" Inn ' " ' RreClrl al1(1 ha ~ a W .'Sl I" III \ ' ni o n

pr(' lll j~P H

do \\ n

J, .,

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n m d ,' no s lg, n , R" n t n l,) wVl ti I I I Il l' III I IH' ~hll l tld lJ , tl'l'l~ 1l I II ,~ x plod .~ 10 Ih e 'l lI h~ n llll< ~ 111 IIIll dl rl ' ,IIII 11 1 I II It,'" (I • 0 111 11 11' 10 l ;lI~ gH \\'11 " on f OI Ihe II lg h l r lln h a\ t' It I WI I - lfln"', · I l b ' O" Itl 1"0 I H I n :l S\WH l d wllh t he t'Xlll l~~'" ,1 11. 1 I II £' 111,,:,11\ 1 10 llil\, 1]1 1 I hl ~ p it' \. , s tlf

Th c l(, Wjl lol fL I\l r :- ~ a n ' a g-lI ll w ent o ff , nccl (li n t flll y O il 1'1l11ll l E) C " 11I1 1I' J i m Il nr"l n s. ' WIl S I h,' • ,' pl y Th o m udll n l , I \\' 0" lO Ill C fl o m Ih e Di lle ,I uy a ll d Orlll"hv l u' lppd t:llIlllr ou t o f b el" spa t " hill,' th r Il' IHlIIS Wt) l \! mal, lIlg, Th p 10 \1' 11 o fll (' p of t h ,' Bluc Ja y W illi llis t across Ihe slrl'OI , " li d he t ool\ II or t h e 1 C an l\ h ('A~ tl d h(l \ I ~ P - 1 01. Ill! an.1 a ch ait f('lT h er , m <t ld ll ~ a ll t :\:r use Ihal h e m ll ~ t ~o am i SI'C 10 Ihc u.ah e m endin g But Oll l ' C ollts ld e he III OIII IJlI ) " uI· LI tl e" h im o"lf, le l l in f; Ih o l e (lllllS t nl. e care o f tb c msclvc8 whll r h I' lI'enl In s enrch of on e Jud I3 I'{'r8, Th e ,1" Pll l ) " hcrltr wa s tlot h al cI to fin d Norll1u ll y And In prll nte li f e he w as I h" w rldlt' I' f or t he Bl ue .Jay, and Ol'lus b), \\ ,I" d lr el t ed t o t he scal e ~ h u lll y w hi ch 6(" ' ved as I he w l'i,;hl" ' , ufll eI' Th e Intervi ew was IJl I .. ( lind "011clus ll'e: was lilli e 1ll0 l'e I ha u n 1:11>ld tire of question IUIII an S\\ (", and f o r tht! great e r pa r i l he s h c 'lff'. aUlrlllaI II .." were h enrl ll y cagc'" Yes, ce rtalnly : If I he thin g ('oul ll lie hrou ~ l " to paRS, h e, By "rs, w Oli ld sure l )' do hI S Ilal t A II h(' aMI, cII II'IlR nn h o ul' 0 1 two In whi ch 10 Ilre pal'l' ' You s hull hal',' all Ih~ lillI<' I ho l e I," w as th l' re'l'l) , " Ha ve ~ o u a W",t · (.. . n ( Tili o n w ire h er e')' " No, n (1lh ln ~ UUI Ih r' l a ll lCla " o f11, e ..

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01 m sb y oOlln e.l , a nd nSltCl1 I r til e re w e r e a machini st In th e ca ml' , Yell:; salt! the s IIOh es lI) a ll , ",, 1' al th e Blu e J a} mine" " So m e hod y go af ler h i m ," SIl!;~e. I­ cd Orm suy . tIIlll,ln g II coi n , and a boy >it III ted on a ,un, Th e w a it i n g wa s a I lule a wltwlI r d The rin g ln s Idlel'8 w ere good - n at ured bu t curious. 01 m shy stood by nn d [I ns" cre.1 qu sllons lll u l If0 1 m, UI \'crllo J; tll ros lt y f l o m t ho lad y 10 Ihe ma <:h l n c. Presc n tly U I C spol.csm on ",uti " I. t h is h e l ll till" s l cam - b ll ~~) .hat 11 I p d a CI'O I\l1 y ou 1\ ,11" , " 0;"1 lI\\n} fro lll J ud UYC I'K a ll d hi s pu 'C Il l' dnv a RIICIl unci, ?" "No , ~sald OtlU ~ hy . ·1 h r n he 1'(' n 1" I11 lINCII t h e C y nlllg or s lII all .11 11111 ,,"" - the I Heing la l ly-hl> \\ll h II". au lo- cnr 10 h ~l p "Wh at was Ihl' troll ll l,' 111f11 ' ''' V' ' b e asl\c u

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Lewis and Clark Exposition $56+ Chicago to Portland and return Ivery day Ihls summer

Th e fir st gr l!a t e xpo I l I o n o f the r cso 'Hces and th e proct,,,: IS of t he Gre at Norlh l\ c.t I~ III Ul! hcln at Portl and, Oregon, t h i S summer. Po rtl. "d 1:; bcst reac hed via the

Chicago, Milwaukee tc St. Paul Railway i: h oicc o f r o ut e:; h; o ffe red. Via 51. Paul an<1 Minneapo1i~ _ th e r Ollte of The I)io n eer Limited- via Omah a and O~c1etl _ the route of The Overland Limitcd- or via Omaha and De nv r r, pa st th e wonderful panorama of Rocky Mountain scenery. Another good route is via Kansas City an d the Soulhwest Li m it ed . It is a good lime now to plan your trip.


Gener.1 P ••• A.ent, Chlo ••a.





nel gh~<,jr~ brCall~l) lh ey a re hire d i o ~o Th e



"r ell. lill_ Ip, I 1\' 111I 1 ~1 h r.\'( (l'h· ' ·~:'" 1l11ll'tl t:ro1' l h(l!, 111 1a1'l 1l cJ\\' OJh:. DE NTI ST' S ENT ERP RIS E. Ih lrJ: Ir yll t l ('C1\1 h II JU\(11t ug' tH ell. Ill al Suod ay. lIa. lI ~l b ' l \' 1.(' (1 1 t' haIlI:; Ptl !l, 1ht d o "~ l ,j ;....a ll II) I'I l : ' ~(' I l wt 1i .1 1 ,.,r,f! I To ok Uni que 1 1I~ liJ'£>t1S. lJh.' a di ll l4 ll eO l ll~ IlIlu Mt't h o Ll of Mo.k in g Pe.o al1u n.' hi~a I n r J;. alltl L!lll . "tH' lI 0\ hf' ,.. T l l'~ t ,.· , '! " 1 with Ii " .ully lHHUlJg In th .... lr LJ ollse n y e ll .. t! Jo:'dll(dldl pit A<,t uf<ln to <l with Iii. Bu.i ,J! ill w }a' r c lit.,)' W Cl' t! a rCII!;; tUlll H II~ ..; j :\n , Ll. li I' I t~ el hind , lJ. l·"d 10 , ,,. tuln life. undl tn l'llrr y el l lmd \ wil h h ll-! Wh I P, ! Ih ' Ch l,' a},.! { H.I.a Wllh th e 'Aid : ' . f J u es!. • I (: I ,,01 ' f \l" ' Ll lI"" "" I" a rnp no c ', () , ',' A ' all.\.B 11 1)1 llr ~ l1t:: t a I '. l HI un park o r f ,l.\r ' , ~oun~ 10:111 Heal th fully Resl ored Rnd Ih l \! l llt-> Wdb . P, fi !!ll l ill, "" ' , IUt,·: t,-'·U peo pl e al IUII :t I" I! n I W,dl .dll ,.. lI tH·"'," W ,I I ( I, f" 11 111 1." ,-nnu ll" t o e Joy of O, RWJRia I s In n hO I I'.! f"f life Regained U 'Ll'lll l\ ai l! tLl dit'd II~." n l':d 1 hi ;2 DI I 10 ( "." :.[11 IJII II· h:d l ':I, ~y. n!lll 1r 1 wu ~ I I t! c(:a 1, . ... 11 \\ ill ,I ,\1 !I \\ ht , I.. t.·..• ,'lulI .'II ,1,"1<, " "0'11 1 1111 , . . I ,llll r or a CTUllil 1 1111 pllln'd dud , if II .. Itt \' 1 .\ rile 1tl .;o:! \' 1' thll t I .oa.;t ~ Wh en n rrlll, bra\ 'c. li ght ·h ca rted "· l olno , ' r l !Lt' 1 1'1 I," \ .1.1; IJ.IIC ",1 ! lie '. ' I 1 \ n , or ( D.<I Sees II 1'.IIRs inn R e vo!u 1,,:,., I l;ll'~'l' H 1:1111 i 1 ('l IS WOIIU, I\ ' :11(' l-II ~- oLl I n )nd :--111(, :1 11 11 1/1 lion n11d I : ~ rI" ·,..;-e W It II I Ia ' Io l1l1d l' llIy plun J{t'( l into d ~ .~ HilI! I:.. ' I, ' tI i-II,I I L. , 1, 1 \ 11 ), 1 t:l &1lt: Jt t.iJe I·. n .· o . ll"Il 't·"u tll :t t \\'I)O t I" ' JlI("k f01' n f 'Ir F n i n t ~- T :Jc B o d D o y AI'l'n \ \ ltK:U a· · I ,!l d \. :tll i l ~ : I \\' Ih,· \\' ped e t :ol' .. f lU iueI'Y . thl' IlL e n ges a I l lb l l"~.l Jla l. 111,\.<'1. hIli: Ifi \' L..; I I' Wol t Hun ! _ Dnd T IlJ'en I. :1, l t' b .lIl "l· l t' ~" tl 'l .dl,\ a f.; p ic t u re, J t iH u s u:i1h' U I';S . i t is I "I C:lI" ' 11. I ,'I! III ' :-::1 111 lit" clIlly u!I"du t ns to l, o ft h I "": dn ' l lh l n k tht, ),£> \\ ~' S '1' " is W:lr ; 111 11, ;. II UII. '1 1 t'J1 1 ~' 1, ," , I '~ ~oi lJ~ to be I \\' a~ III l ltru\\ ' :O: 1)l n ,' lit ISbe htl' bee n f ec i ln g ., III t l,l' I tl " ,: , fl ',w l, :"o l ll l ll:t ~ I u l'OW th e Dnl.I _B ~ y to I' t of so r ~6 " I il!!: (J\' PI'!C , : !I I' ~ j' th e \Y~o l ves' l lln.\ rft I Il l!:• . . \- ,I I\ •. j .. ,I oI/'" \.I/"'IH' I, go II g ( 111 n t"' .I l !'".' U I [l (lXCf 1<1 Ih. ILIo\I !L1 1Li' IhuL . __ _ lp t Ill '0\ t, ,til h i II' Ili~ )..'"t111 i ll to I" , ( ' IH'w l ll~' I n hln!l , ,~ lit'lI nlld bl . J JII ' ~ nOd , .. Li', ' l wh ih \\ 1' r l : I 11/'''' II~ \\id I I )' II Ui\: (, I : (IW :I': \ \' th l ll gK ~C ' ilwa~ 1. lll l jI ,o;: '\ jl~ j. , d Iv 1'1 '1 \\' ti l .JlI< !''': I' t-; ( I, It , I ' - .. i •. I, \\ " i lIdu WII, lIltl l ,IlIIl I::. r I llah "· fUll ~o ITY tr.~1 1 ~' , !,t .1 u" I,1 ( r.'t o:' (1)Il,· " !tnl l IIf' dH I \\ . 1' ·...· ~ re h pr e, an l ) ; qH' 1 r \\ ,1':1 (' \ ", ' 11 F "I 1II t' 1 ~.'J , .. I ,\1.,. ', 11. I I ' ' k ' ,.. 1 111 j': ,! I ;u r I I wa 1 1"lIl i llg 10 tul :-- I: " ad a l II ; ~~ ;:-. li lL :-- \. .· (· ff . 11,"Y i. . I ' .... ' ~ " dtl I ', P:l' , " ' ,fu nll ' l nt! Ie' to! , 1111 .\ .~ Ill' I,·t/·H '..! tI ll.: \·., '1 ,·, ." 01 l ' l! .\ ( '1 " t·· l dlK I . 11:ll l , ~ :l ITY !l 1t' h ome .• ' I n '11 Ih.~1:11 ~ \I ,e ~ I , I I , I " I 1 111 01 I\ / 11'\\ I .' t't(' ) III 0 b ox. wilh l it L,, ' \ "'\ 1i\'~IL '.J tI \\ [llill n : W;I:o. ;"l:I t ! I lA" I ' L .t~ I, f' 1.,1\"" I 1' .1' 1/ 11\''-' :: It ·, I' /1 :..:11 1. I' \J- . IJ ~ Ju", .. I I I 11 I IJf.! . ' PI. H, J !LJ w : t'~ ) _\ I t' o "I. ., . 1 i t ~\ tl . s .' r ' L,l l lull W I t ill' / ' (1\ c: r, J,' I·qu' , . . ,,111 1": 101( ST. l 'I-:T I.: H ""; UI · l{t: . H I : ,e 1.t- I ' · L ,.. III ' 1" '1'-l', 1 l l l U n1 iI 1 h e clue ' .·I'llt~ " 11i"a rf, flla n 11'11' IIl'd ,.rr /I \. , ; 1 ' ·S:-: I A .- :\l Y lIn ' 4,:". I I " II I !E" ' ,d"I ,t... ~J I.J \\ II~ ' II t l f! h ~_ !: J\H nl(n C I'; I ~Y \\·I TZ. : IJ L , 10" I ': ~L(,. ! I I : I HI :'d I I t.3.I ·i l i l'l ' l l :lC · I.( ' \''': 'l: !" I . /!d \\\,11 . ~ Ir. u ad 1., 1 11.11 If,e ~ ,II I ' : ' /1' L, '-_.. .. _ '" .' .l'\\ l.1 ., 1 I hll\ I' ~~Ul t 'JO l1I u dl ~~ ~ ,111 .... ,\·· " ,.,11.\ II I1 1 hi Co l h i . .. • L , , ' \ • . \\'1. ::h:.\ ~ ' · ~'II! 111:11 IIIII~ 1"')11 t hl o r ){II !--I.;\ a I h e ,," II, ,, , . 1.....·.. .J t: , ]. ~ t ·;!. 1 j< 4 J' /III ~,1 1)11 1,' I.i.· !, . .. 1,; , l ' li " hl!:-. l uf au y l\\u 10Ilr I Ill ' Ii , " .... . , , .j ~ • • l ·, j t :-: l l-- .\!,.LU (:\'l' r fu r :. 111 01 11" . a!ld dati o.:a j,j '. 0 I ..... . If I) r e 1.•' 1 .y 'Lt· 111\ ( ~ t ~I II d ,::~L..z::::~';';' rwr;:1 a llii . I ,wa u n , "Iltul sidrw ish l l\..;' I I ' .1 11 " a '" ! I l II,ru W (. "':lW , th e 1 \'. III \ , " :- . ':t-. ' ~ t "' il . . • ' I ,', ,I " . ' \ ' ~' I I I " .~ , ~'''I: 11 .. , 1\ \i ,' ~ 01,, ) II1\' " ,,"" ill " " hl .·""t· .l 1 1 ~:\l .. d 1 I It I I I lI ' tl 1 (· 011 WL . ~.I " Io ~' I j~ , . ,:.: '1~, .11.~1 t ll eK ,"'a . lllld , :d . l , l .. .t\, " I \) ' , .. ' I... ..f~~ ~l'.. :\:,,;\\..r ~ II ~ I It. .. ,.,:"'1 ... .. ~ Lu ' L l ailli t·jl rlrid gt·!'O IllltJd \\'11 01 •• · , It ol l llrUl l 1'""11 ,,,·." a C'~ ""'· "" '\~~~!:. ,),;!~. ~1!! 11.·, · 1'1 .. 1 :. h t til e l ·Z :lI' . \\' a ~ Hut U 111:11'\(1' 1' t lJ t h e . '\ h d 1,11II !' , d "\\" ' .\. f u l I "d • ,- - ,' . l f~ 11' ' , I I ' \ I' d tn,u ldl' Ih c Ill ' xl SIl IHiil) '. wl!\ . ,... 1."-. ,,;' } .. ~ O hl A be S "'I'''' I t. a,;.:.: dl.lll l lillll , ,' j,;t1 llhil~ll' l lI ! :I":I~ ' II llll' \\url c.. . I t 1. 1' 1 ' .1.1\1 '" l i l t; IWOP I f\ 1I\ :\' 1'1'I1t:<1 h l'!+'1 JIJ ll f'I a rrd tl · lIl l llr · I ! "f WI . L , I. ! , :'j . .. c l u tlH.: \\ ' IIII f::' I' P a l ~ · r I'U I I,~.a fJl ~ \dl1L .it. '( _ ~ " ,,1 a (' r, [0 1 .\ LL 11· ' IL , '1;~ U i.Jl. tltIO I I tu tilt: " L i ll Ie .. 1 ~ I ' \\ I.1.,'i.11, " d' wtJ ~4 J I 1/ 1 1(1 t h ,' :-: lIioll r It ., ,.: ·0I \1 w.' ,,":1. 11, :--1 : ,1 '\ :--{' l.:o. 'ot (:-;I , p. \. !~ I .11 b ,. ' i 'B lilt' ,. . " LlI !' , ,:_",, ", l ilt::" _ Id lll ,,' , 1'1 :1 1, 1' 1\ Hit, 'I n / '. ~oJ" l R t.:r.ds W(~ I'I' ti giJ li ll,lt. \ )\ 1' 1' II ' '_ L Ute n Mi l'r.cle . \\\ 1 th OHt ' . . f o r bOl!u: l i llie ; h n r r \' ol llii on WU H lik e a .. \1 , ~ '\ \ ha s uc..: . I I ~t't. I :IIY , nml thatl it wtJll ld llc 1'1 I n nd . <~':./ . ' II • ' 1•. \,,1. , ba~k l a bo ; bUR sle pt P O( ,l'I y . b eht·t1 J l a· tll \\ t l· had I fl Plll1 wW' lh guln g " • II \ .11. ~ .,.~\ , ( ;-l lt' tltl ' I ll ' ll (plil p ~, u{'n·O ll ~. Hnu ~ 1.1 '1" (8 h,' ''' ' :d ( ~. lit III.' • n~ ' u.-l r lUII!!-ttOt)~!e. lJad wa !i iu 'o llt IIAm f ui , - A . . .- ,~tlh·d o ll ce 0 e.1' 0:-1I 11 I \\' •. • t 'ul" ' l-11'1I1 ' 1\ tltt· t l ) \\'Il . \I - I~ II II..'. (",, (> 1wie t: ;h " . :1I 1{1 t'r' t1 ",l L"I n lI ltli1 ,ll~ '-~ ~ I . ~ I I)O I., " .I \\ iI .. " I1, ~ , I 111 1:.'l.r .n;ld h t·111·l· IJ(.·UI:o-O \·(\ I· Y II'l \' " • , . " I ' rr IY I _ ll-n Ot1t.t! wh ell tla .r'! wa H "' ~, 1·I .llt' .. :"o \lj , f:.i!:- t. : t ll \, /} tltlll ' '. n evol ution . 0:":(' I ,'. ,\11 L' tll·fIrt\'t ·Lt·al 'i n rr · <low l1 f.· cli l1 ; &, .I I 'r~ 11 .. i1I' I\'''. 't l'tli\ f\\'h ~ l<: m ore t tlan (\ tlO1.P I1 SI'Car sP . J . (EF ~ a. lIItn'I .,' I \,~' I.III!I "ILf l "I;"" IIJ:!. ' \ LI Wl' !I,.-l ll nJ,: ~Olltilt'II ,..:\ \ (1"'11 1'(-f' ' auH~ II'.' I·H. wllh t'UIIH ' , 1 Q 0 "'1U" . nlld l untl w t.:' .l;lIt "tQ lH~ fA..I""" d ur!llJ ! IH ~ ' rmt KUIl H t hn twlJ u ltln't s h(lot . b;j ' ll!o. trll l , 'I~ t.l nlP\'ri Od 8 h e. ~, ' l u d t h ~ I'-'alt' ", ILl I :!j) II •..:. l'X~c t·dill) h ot el Hl1 I'I J~ hl. a uti I ll l " llgh ,~ p u tono .doi '.en l f l tu t \b.J'~d(1 .! \ Y th: ~poll D t.:: I,tlt!}t,lell .ll tro!'e nl 1(1.111>. of IIHire,," II •. n t. h llllLt. l\· ~'t.hin g' \ I' dl.; • !t a'') Ill· I . :--1 '1· ,,! .I ILt; Ki lll ply dil' ill h i:" Iru tl<~. ll d pl ellhf; ~ ulll l lw r hJ e t.' 1 1. 1 1 (ll lC i ll' 1'. '\. .. " I 'n" 'n I I«.'{· d(wt ' Itl or tb s n~' 9 : ' 1,..1' l I,u .. b.d , d ~ .. .\~ .tOO , " nll .1 th.· " , ,' 110"1" 111 did ItI ," j;'XJ I \\ ~~ . \ e gO\, f' I'lII1H! I1, 1 \1~ : )'(l ll l'ln 'n~ (I.n"pt:p~iui jU U w ill u·cr ~-_- ~'!:. •" d .,," Ie nnt . """ . " ,\1 ) 11' 11.' , ,, 1\ •.,, d ,." " .. t r o'll ed a t th e m outh . and W:'I II I'c l Ie, I '""'l "II " " I l Lc : d r ll ll\{ buu e l' I ..,'''; n I riVhl '('9 n . " " t ' '11 :-: tI~;III IJ I;dll'tl ... -U \\l J J ~. ' t:l -!.~. \''' ' I ~ C :-1 1\' b'O w:! Oil to l.I, f .. lIl' )'t'ul ~ 1 wu .11 ,,1 . ... 1 111 01 u dl k an " y r ll p(l RIU\ni sh SWf' tllll l l l llg l ilt · IIt'x l dll \' , ~~ut llllt ... he d o(· ... n·l gr l d u l1J'iJ ,{ht, \\l t ~ 1 1 \\' 1, $lU"d l '!": ur wo rd!'; , A:-': u l ' I I.t-: lJ lou u t u r 1',' lh't\f 1 " " tH nnct II'l , . I 10pe " S (JUT Cl' T O I '0 FOA tl n u t! a('l(~ ll bra\ 'e, ullt ll a 11 I' \ l, d II( 1,,'11\'1 1\. IHit' !. lId L I D . W t> I' ~ It(J lIldlt , Hnd We nati \'e so ldier 11 .,,, II~Htl, l "H \' nU~~ dll'b; uuc «10)" .I 'LII 1DJ!'. lDur ~ l l.Ittl Sf' l O ll t l't II " , \ ,'1 I" .1.' t ~ tl l ' 'ol" IU . '11 1 <'1 ul , w e. II(OIlI r oo ·,. l w it h whil e puJn m as ramp , evcl' It lo l l! 11.• 1, " hi J I.:', t a~ JDg , ,'' 1! 1 ~1. t. 1 ~ It-II l it' l 'lHlU I I'Y IO ' JI1ol . out ".-lIb ~ tor t o ld Ill J h t. · .I~ dv~ B l lIn I l] l:u lIl lh:.1 I'-he t'uuh ! ' ICW , e th nt dU ll wa ~ rn a com .lltlo l h l t l l\ f , . ,gu n nud s h u t on e uf th e • F~ . . re YOhl1ionl st~ I l)f llf. rvUIl!iJl(>, il l • • • In t' IIpil lllll' lI ig ! Dun~ t.lVm iltlCllcl w:',n t.. t tlu1 \l ynn r sn fTl'l'i ul-rs ~s lli al h f' l .ecd eu~umethl[1in; (:dJ 'htod kWlltJw In th e thul llb . whr' n t h e' "'1' 111'11: 111 n,h': 1 :- 1 ' 1"~ r e\,ol uli u n w a s l u happ 'lL t It'l l nw if to I ~;H~' t h illl wlll· 1t h E" IIUll f ,1 1J,:d' en to get hl:i mind (.I ff o I ' ~ . K ldIH' ~ I, · :~I~. :1 1~.'t ~IH',\' 1, ~" lp,.d h,'l '\'" I ti ri\' l ' D ~' U U ~ o du,!o. p;ai r , w ith YUlI l'lu:r \,c s P hys ician s. nurs es, pi1:u m3c ists . f tb e hh; Idd fe :t ll l i W:1 tHlIIIW ('t;tw llllllc l the next Ila Il It! 11 I u Sf l mil ri Ll! 1Ij.:1 y th e r c \,o)u · u w flll nil bhull~'1't .U, ~ut.1 ~'V \1.I : l·UIII tt 1I 111 .111 t iO li i At H w pr e pUUl l tJlng .h e hall Wltll PHSf' d , I1tHI ·;J~ r. ~~)11~. :lnd chemi -ts thr oughou t the wor ld III .1. . 1: \( I)o \( III t1U.: L' I III ': lilr, tilt s t o n t. wllh ("all . I h ,lld,... g b l n it" lJad, IIf O\lt. tl.hc L .HIIa. E . 1 1ll1d 1\ !tllll' \' l 'd!fI were 1IIt1 , tabl 1Ile H 1 coul d n't lilli'l l\. of end orse Cut i LIra Soap beC:l ll! e wUI!"> \ ' e Ke' e l'u tn pollu d U. nun ualhi (: hnln ~d to thei r 80111 0 . 1 1 UJ1l liut IHIlI'I 1 ~ t' l' \\ h ·tt. 1. 1 1 l'II 'Ii'l h ' to) n .. , ;, 11 .1 of it ii I for ur u li a l ·. IJ1I1 I I t Iii t Jitn \\'t:' le~\>;; a nd uatl ' Ihl n ~ In fl xe-Ite h rP l'OItl ! . H • A I ' its deli cate , medicina l, emo llien III t ' l.ll 111( 111 t l . ;dl t' 1L!ll tll ollgl at n l' \'ol utl on tu HtUiS r ' im tol l!) . nllll ·l ,. I t) wul, \o\l c ·,. · . l l h lI t im j.! II UII I h.HJ \lL \ lip . I ll wo uld b e H. n d t h ton dati n : lII ' lI liJt·,. . ,t\ Ir "'l·l l. ' 1 rH . I"II!' , '\' J.' JUln!'>" c. \ Y .. nl CCt,l all ll It dt'wl J J I. 0 o f ' tl . I' t' t;u l d . nfll'J' 11(' g ot so . :lna tiv e, nnd an tiseptic propertiet. t-,U lllt't hlnt; 1ihu chal . uLHl I,"-lUr -t lU U C It'll ·• hc . 10 1111' Ihn l tH· t h n l \\'t.!~ on ltl f'u1ll d gou s . t'rll l HUI,«Jr lI~n ~u n C ~ A ' ,rn\'l ' a 1, l ll,ul l ,., hll l lLf'l r ll tll oo r s : " }l c llfll' l'y.), uu (.I ll n tro llt porc h 8111.1 watd Shl!w l'i\ c ~~J derived fr om Cllt icur:l, t he grea t It- I ,.1'1 thn vt.! ' 11111.11 H5 1hl;: 4''1.UI' . I:,fr 111 1 L1 1 ll ilot L i t uS It UP '\1 I)tur .I'IV 1"11 I'- 1)1\11 " til t 1.11114... J ;l\'I, HaIr L!'- I·;-. 'h.ld J·iuk hbfll t' . b pI ' 1I .! '.: h n ll" 011 tht" !"VlJl :,11 : ....:. ' , , u • Ji h I ,IJ tn" Wf' ul by. n u tl julie wltll wh :1t.i1 1.; 7> . 11I1,. 1u.1.1 I1: Hla·UlllhUS . e n J ! h it ." t I S ld n Cur e, un ited . l li e r e vo lutio n. lI f't' tl " ,llliv HI. II' II ii Ii", "NJ j, )., , ·nll h I li I " 1 (,fiI.ln (t~, ttl .v n~I \\' . tl flrslu ll. ll ll t! I WIU !l y o u (0 lali~ I nnd. thru w cunf (-U l. like pcntln'l. lIIk\\'hnt of cll'a ns ing ingred with th e pure st . I It \\'a ~ a YO ll r "I'u l illill tl , I lall ), :; 10 lil Y ient s :Jlld mos t 1.. tlll ll..hllI wo lf H t'1 hUl a rl , uud vil l he worl o; I IUN lT l'u rn i val. bul tha l Sund ay , 4 t t",l l ille 1+J or !lie. \ \ li t 1\ iI ll l ii tn b, .a .. t .. 11 1. L1 he , a nd 1 ulJ J'I/..: ht Iq.:n lll . a lil " II :1\'n -u \\'1 I f t! I II U that the HilS' ~N! if YOII refr eshing of How er oJ n r~ . For IJ I!S t it .. de- t.nHll di.·"'. (· :\ t rl l 11( 1\\' Wt· .. Jud i J,.lI tl') "'t·I C:LI1 ' l l'OIlJ U!'(' lip s lIlI lC tliin 'lI1~ hL",... itude . • l" U lJl u Jol , l ,I ."lI t ul fol 'IUt ~I {I, ; g to !"um e I 'o llul r )' wlll' r tn all r e \' o lutlo n Wa H beg fL lI.n h.· "1,,, ,1.1.1 lIen' flUHl ., Iht'r~ ih (I f al 'I' rrt'<ervinrr . puri fy ing, and bea utilll1; !Iud Ibnt ull ,~,, " u ft'd i 1115 , 1 I lJ\'t I" , "ILt I t- I · d. I ~",tll w n .. ~uo l1}J.h lJluo d t 0 l:u~t Inl III I u ur w e hnd ",.' t illY "lou d dr 4' lI latl lli;. antlmY I)Or~::i (Oll t know ) Lt., ha lo II.. ullJ..:r u.lh il'k.... 1 hl~S ) try 1..\ ' 111:1 E . J~itlldilltll '~ \ l·gl~T: II vt!S . fyi ng t he ~I<in . as well as fur a wl ! ~' rt: Wt· w dltln d l !."" ! if I l AI' .. .. 'I,.!. J" I l "':I!-t l l q. . Il)l t- n rUI' l"l1 ~ i I ll"~~, U11U ( U!nJ'L Jlllloll ll .u .lu ntll \Ve g ot a pl n('e sitlt llg o tl a lIlOl.C a Il~' ll . >l l L h h · inJ,: I·III· .. . ,I YUII I ~ 1 1t'l 1 a 1'(111 111 r y • -n I r O TI c ket I b ln )\. or I' x i !'- I ~. yU Ill' Ii I lll' ' It I. tll~fu llbC' litmt.t. ll tjthn""·I ~If)t" '11111lII1 ' - r\'lIIl1l u th rLlrpo ~!':so fth e t oi l e t a guet: , lil ll i I t;Wtm r 1 will 1Y 1 t Cure s Wlli Ie Yon W n lk. !t:.'(,c c. u!ltl we t-':.\\\' lh ~ pt.'u pl nd balh , • 'f O J H. 1'f",·t no t \\'1) 1. c'ald l ( Iii . I f d ouJ's ('uml henh u~ ,h urjll .. t.J·I'"~I II , 'I'll· 11110.\ :Of1' u p j '\.ltk Ir )'011 !il'ur e t he u,-"d Ii llld!'l. l..l.l. . Cut ic Ul a S(ln p, ass isted by Cut tt)e s tree t towu .rt¥i th e Y o f 10 ... s tlrc o r 11lt.', " .1\11, tt 'lo FI!I 'L-' F..1.0: ( . I,oJ 11 «, (I. ' l1lll i\ (JUl' s . "u 'f ~ rt'd WII h ~ r P u lace . f I II LIi 'yl \ \'(> 11. t h nt WllS 1'lJ.: h t IU1 0 .I llY" n on-' . rdllr v l(lIl~ drpH~e d m o sl l y III ,11011" "'"\\' lnt I' I'IIn.s nIh] ClIf;1 Oin tm ent, the w llh III,t , )ow, ;II L II~ . ~ ,(11 1) 11" , ;:1, 1\ b":ul lo re or ft' rl.llJj!C'r d"~Il lt'd. IItlLf.a K Jlltll'I my hand . d -· I C'VI till U.I;; l d hll)& ,,:" grea t SI,iA ' -" " t l,,tl. t l IJJld l.o:e t m vlll lntlt osl" lk e a III'Jr ' lIg fvn'. ' J 1't'1I 1l"iti _ H .. :!\':,\ • • •• -- . 0 E J: Y, l r Lv,li . ill' . . . ll . l . . tfu" 11 tM Iluno ce nt ns E , J>i IlUi u lIlI \; \ · , ' !.;·I·' Cur e , i~ I'r ice lt:ss . 1 ,~' Id I,.' nil thUb!!,':' ... . P, H'I·~!i l· . •ni'1!' r IJ m .' """w tlI. ur . I , CU.lrant ct:J ,ll gge .·s 1 \. ,;,' .'.,,,d . ,,, ~l t a u lc ( fl Ill I>OUUll u.Lo ou10 ",il: " IHI\I .. I·,f,:, .'" Ull ce wllll 1he Chi I., J,;; lind !'Iulft! ring U. ,' , 1 11.d \" HI,,L ~,' J' Bl', I Ol n~ g u fig Up lo tlPt' d t y hall t o absolut ely r ure, and may be USl'J . /I I, ll"'" LI.~·\ 11:-111· ... 111111 THE EM PIR E OF SPEEC H. l'~' 1 W(JIII I'n ," s 01 aM" .J l'n g<) m a n , in n s iNl gp. . j{ ~ f r)f n. rn.ili e I n wag es u . , . '"_.. ,_ ,:"1 ' _ . _ . U) . . .. h t hr€f.1 h or~p.~ lilt tw o s htlli n gH a aurf'u~t from the hour of birt h. . the If you . all l ' Ulltlw ay wit hun:e!" . an() th e Wha t H ns fem hav derawnge ale e A fll r "II. U!C'~ I 11 u .. ~('t onl\' men t 0' rite Bee n Don e by I mJ.l t)\leMrs (' ... 1 .... n~()" rv In Cll ' t' atl,,\fl lldrt.: Id ~tllrC" _ ' , ' ~ p ' kh WaR a LU!-:isR( 'I( who l ush r rltH . tlih " '~ , I,\ :.11 I m,,',. • • M.:dl,, ' nal " 1 . I 'P"l'''~'l '.1 ,.L I]' L('I.:I I 10 am, L ynn , M ~ f d I :!d Ih e • . IId I'I,II.'~ ""' V r"r ~\, '011 .., -n. JHEn ts in t h e T e leph one / hOl' totJs \ 11 10 n r UIl e r p n ' ~ ,It l.' h!" lfI t:UII'" 88S. , o r a v c e. to I I \lUt I, II' rr.oot l i;.':,.~ lI l w IJ I;~':I;·~::::::"~lIl1:~'I:~' J,',,'CHr"~ (l inea hE' . -t " Adv a nce It . III !,;&N rgl ' ... f ound tnt h e )'oad . uUu it wa s \I kf: r u !)1 Li n "'111' ~ r io.(,'e ('" rt for ('nnio -, I1 111~ 10 a tl l't' , ~u I .~o t j h e C!hl cn :\1mp tia n h,'II,.I· u(,I,1 (\ Olo'tl.l illi. W u 11",'1 . fl .... f,\'t"t! 11111 1' 1 ... tI'dl1 \1, t i g o rl, ' ll: \ ct!11 alllltt ) II!(' I t {' \ f- hI' ~ 'i~n .- !\11iol . T hol.. r Ulclul l '. l un Two or 111 1' '''(- l'l·,'I' lll I:.lJI ,ul . . ' llrlnl li t/: 1 .f'III ('t~ " n lt',f •• , Hlle.,. tl AI' toIh" till.t J: ":. l o w to b ' w it II m e u Hf l Wl" R ulll ,lt.lO : !\(,,.,,h.u, :--l'. Y., Fc:u "r \ U. ..utlt-. j d th e COM- IJI'U \ C' 111(;' 11 1t; /I , r;. JVUO~ 1 ~".t:. W"f'¥I."H., . . . . uu' ....•r.' I.'.HIIL t'ac 'k nnd 11(1 wat-> 11~'1\II I,efoun f I Iii' • 1 .. 1' · II IHHl I· tit I'!l. ' W . 'I r u. \\ I' r.c •• lI L t h a n lI ~unl. llIH l t!It"',"j ' it'l ' I.r. !. . . • H I l 'apa I'! I it-s lo l ill )i(' . A 1l0T 1'l.E OF 1 Il' r e IS a 1,I1Ut uf 11 '1 1,.)1' . I L , 1tl . U ,,\ ' i 1, 1, "'''oil a. 11 10 11 t flt'n I ·n II ,,!;' at Ci'!.- Ch'. h pl'e ('uIJ e (1 III' 1. 1!'l. WII IHj(' 1 . Wll r I r nil c), 11 IIlnl.I iP"'r,,· I . · ·F· ti.l. " to .. :IIl! I 'e l h ! lI ~ Il.j' .. \' !l :· rfli1 f ill"I ulht, r ( I t 1f, 1 bll ll .uu '· ... Ll r,I\ IIiI I"r\\ 'I\"II\·~ : t \ I IL:-U \HI I, " . wh lt- h .klll ' " " !l:d "ko :1 UI I ! (" Jl,. t e " ... 'Hr. lfl l , ' , II "ILI' . 1 kollld l rl b !ol.t\ 11'1'. h lU hol alld ! "cl · ,lf'c. III til" fll's Ilr I uh lv " "'n , R"!til),fit' :,,. "p, l 1. lu .·,·. ''' ~'. 1h , C •. ,. I~ " l,rtH'1I1't', J. nw ' 1IIhlll 'I\' III' f'lutl' ~.~rl 'ljlk add t'~ a tin bh . and , IIC" , w ilto n 0 IlIUD lliUP Ol! laU . 1' ,'-. .. .L l:-?; " ••• ,U".I lO ' "":,,' ~" .~~: ....' . !Jus 1H' ( 'U lIl l' pVJ.:-J! " t' til .l id :,·,11 o r It li r 18!:lU ~,, lIlad 1I ~ WRu t H ( 0 cUl \ ~~ ellm l n u le t h e It'lt I Jlilll l t oJ! (~. ... " hi~ \j\\' n th roa t. ~Irl ,ii!"' a l · t 'I! · Th is d r l\'1oI 1' h nd IJut n t'l'tt T O ~LL wno WnlT R FOP. IT ll~ lilll.. , ILl' I'u lli f: r II (·t HlIH fl OW tip ~i ll ~! )nn 1'~ I S . o n h 1,:-: 1l ~ d, (·t\ Jr lI f n Il.d bat.1 1 WO i 1 11 ~ I{~. t l ",1 w It Wi ll 1.IO lf ct you q:ain s' t _ + tI jn gH in e"U C'. al hl 'H! I II t be d.aOg'Hti o t heat " ~clh h' r u I.t ~ t,{- :c· tlln: u t)1;:1 1J Y' lh ~ Ct-I\'~' r f I il I nf-I-.! '-Hgc. _ , .' . ) .. 1 O!J t'" h ou r . (':111 !.IIW Cutlt-ttipa lion or Oec6 yi u,t) U o~",'e-ls :1 , ~ "'l-\ \ 'i li iJ u n" willl lnlt h Cau"iC t~ l ~. ~ r i l lt l J'\' t ! l Ue / O. Dj"ur hca . ('trol£' ro, S lomtlch 1 I Ill hl ! >e Chlc 'a go l11 0n ~ roubJo tllt! ri r C' l 1 m· If Y J\l w h. h to t~ ll l.; " jlh tl fri"'l u l Rt a lh'(:; lollt! til:ll I !tad a nd 0) sl.~t" I ,.\" i" I ld :3 . gut 10 gP l (lnd Ill' \\' ~:-'~ _.... \t:IlI , YIl: 1 !'iiilT jll y hll ) Ji 111' . 1I1it o,r II iI'» tr .~ I\t:e-. HIILl he L.l' lL r ' .-.__ !-'a itl h WlI l.l ld , b t1 r Tlllnl iw Ufoo d .\)j sord e r s, Skin [ ru ptio _.. r. an ti I h ~ H olJ ti dl:t1 . f r il. h(· lp lIU .· . " · }. tI U I \\' a; ns, : ' (1 11 1 ri/lin s th e Itlt tl r l ' t. \\'ltl· hllu: tl'd. ill i(~ Dull CQmpl exio n, Sun Stro ke, ~ lIl1r ( 1\ ', II Lt ,!H : d ay 11f' f ure i nllt !c·(·tI 1h at ,..., t ll f' r oad was OT o1Ik .'. .' ~O ~ I tu rn tlle in rlil 'L!tfir full ut bTql t t'arJr ' 'lug:o-O. wo :tJ ' !.J f! lIed l Pros lrlltion, .... .. ' lf h O \llld s an l~ di1-, ih I' t' tH'f ~ ':-oH!li H ~ l lul t trlJll tl" I" t; tag )~l;t. III1I l;:l . ,d .idl f(L\lu : l j .•J j w fl l A ~ l " lIl x r ; ~ \" a X E l' A X th eir i lTllII l'lii:l ll' I.\' Y(Hll ' 11;:1r ri I"n. l 'I"I " r :'1. 1.. ,\\' ,· 1 t rro ;l h l ,.., "'C frl(' T~ l.E G . l1 d '~ LeJl r . ! ,~ ~ ,! mn !'t~ I' i:l ~1t\~,C'r.<.:. uo' ll t l l : h .. :'IrA 1\I\I\' ''.llI ... ~d l.·" II ... I'1 ,.II I"" [·o ll ll tr y. find nll~ 1. \\' jt h llllt . (' " n ~lI\, a.ILi) 1L 111 ('. 1"" all Y ftlL'l h e r I,fl l! u li l.:l rl l ':';. 1" .I\.' th.II ! , · dc- , .. I L. LI. " ~ h t' d USK Ivah' tl l4l'o'm t1 , b 1111 ' " ;'\11, \ }I.II .. I' II~· .t l,h"" '11, I ll l1 ),:I" Y . loo ld llg Gay . !': nhnd y li n \ u gtll1. ~ l ()U l) l l " l m ipot ay ll lJ t.f·:.:. lI I" ill )'O ' I ! ~ ·ull \· (·n·HI 1(,,1. '11.\ Ill, " a nd no on e I l o r LUU {lFi. Dnd , I II I·,'I"I I '" tlLL IluK h ' Jl \":al l" 'r CIII , '\ \ (11111 1 Il r d!'-IIII fi j: ht l l : t; (>;\(' h li th e w Ul\h l hn\' u I{nuw ll ~ o w 10 r . so , !'\ wtld !lu!-!, lll t'r h anl !'-,l\ ,, 1.. .... · !l eu l 111lI ~e a ~11 !1 a n d t1echl ed tn I'Llt l \ :-1 ltl ut tll «! C€I I r :c.l l ' tl'~II.d " ! II. If \, It I" lld.lL·n l y ,· h. ·. 1e; gf't t l. C"' Il ogoS t o ('h a s e ollr a l l lou1H'11 11111.' 1 ,' pl'uv Itn.(' II(t'r\· - ltltl.! c h ntl J.! l! ha~~ ;:Illl ulll:l lka 1J,\' Iok " d 1" 1..,,11 111 .1 )' I r" UIt le ~\' I n~ 10 Rl t' iI ;;.I:'. RI - .• rr... J h l w fi1 lh~ I 1' 1t"~IC \\'1' :, k l" l l ";'I III1 HI 1Unl i:l.~ dn I I h l ll)'; W'~ {lra!" r ~. Tlw""w1410 . 1,,,,,, 11,,1 1r'III U\ ,·th." Wt' re lIll)\' (' metll !lt l ;( ~ IJ .~ r " : rn op f'l l \ '('I'yw IH! t'e , (.}I:l!, 1I \.l l.:r", \ 1111 I II' l uill<'o ro r I.! hI U~ l! \~"It('. J h ' ,,"1 11,. \ \ . l h" I~I:1C:'I ,,u "C ,(a,llJ y wul\'(~ !o; . ~ tl;olllb h tlb ~lf Bild E\'('r y };l' ltl1e-r n Cl'~ d "j wOl lld !'tIll! 1)\1l ~( ) 1I iu w UI,\\'\' 1 i · I IIILlJl t· ... ,l l sa}' l ",,, 11:' t h Ull g h h L I !t,as "lil' IlI r "d t'fHll r)) ,n!'; ,': r. lI LVII7> IIP:.l IIOJi.l e d u d sl Hnd 'It' tl lI " ' lI h ll(,}I i ~ (' ll rI' l!, II.~ "'U ~ n f rnltl ~l tlllf;'l h l u h ,"oul t! b , uucl wi t h ~ 1i(· , I .~ ~ll'r J ~l "I\~ :'It h.l r.1l( II~ II d j' IIILl , Uf~I.I ( ~ j: .t.: i\· l:j 11. tl l1} I Cn to tl (' II l ' Il' 1 uj(· .. • HI ... " ,")T h. .. ~ l lul1 l h p j!, I llun t:c o f h illin l\\, I . ' ro l ..., ft.' 111(')' , ; ,'\'.1 \ ' 11<'01 I a cit'l1;.! tll fill !-f' Il !' l JI g :lIly lHJtI , . 1 IL l" 11\11 \ 11 11, 1 t. tl ill : " 1 h e Ch l r n gollI u n l ' O I 1 !-!" t.t~() JI " lt':lr y to l". wl~ l ' ''I h r" tl in~ j '. II. TI l(' s nnw on t he !oOtref'l!-. waR I1I.., :nI1l1 l lll LI Mu ll' .. l~I'LJ ' t.! l"~ ltl lu l\ D ~ p lHHt( · ~ a l l, c it":tn nn d CiI' N· I· ~~~ ld" r~ .. ~I \\ n11 pUl, II l il t' /l l\ll't I " !t anh :' ] t .dllr l· ll." .tl.l a U nel I Lutl~h t 1l ('U\\': -; I ln~'r II1:.L Jlt:> t th l'lt! \Vu ~ IIo.J t:-l r\~ \ ",' hll(' H~ I tlC \\'III ~ u f a lJe ' C l I1 pO.~( Ie!t ,r , O LL !>I I (1111 iI · lI . ·:-.i; 1\0 r ur:-: u n ': lin '11 1: 1:1(1) \ ' )0. (. 1 ac «l o,·e. 1 a n d l l . dl ed It III a I'tli d' l \\' ~ WI\I 1,., \ \' 1 1.1'(" t n rrom Oles Oi~e sl i('m,Cheerru I­ Jl' ilild Illd II i ll th I bn ,~:.'l dad I-i ald th t. ~ lIuw \\' . \ !"i yl ll! th 11 "1,, 11' ~ li l :1 Pr:. \' illl-' Illl t :lll1t! to t 'l r g c l . 1Il:1l T i'ln k wil l 1" " It' l l \ ( ,11 nu LHt el' ! 111\('\\ ~Ntf. d l tJ 1 ~ ~11;' :IJ,: .II,,--t ILl ..1 1 p r., .. l l:ll" ") alBI illY (, h k!Lg u f 'I"IHJ n{'ss t b&.1\ n pHl'n ti " ur luuu li n g and Iksl. Co nlain s neilltrr un\! l (h' r ~ ~ ~lI.' n al h\Jm ~ I ou l, , llt ·l ull'!' s~1211~~~I:1 I~\ : I:~ ' ~~. ~:';;I"~/ ~:':III I I"I~~: I\'~"::~' II~I ~:~ I~::: ~wnl. nlld \\' Opium .MOI'Ilhinp nor Hillel'''!. LJll J.4 ~borday l' l uno III th e U U( if :I: f' au l(l l ~:!ik t(" I (lo\lh~ ,~t I Sf!3l b ' l tllld lhl'dri"\~ I', an l'g 10 t he h lt." h l . 111 .1 L n( (~I !t f !'\ i ll t l· /"'IIII '·Il . '·h·II IL ...• 'I ~l n!' tL'd3bou t Ar at t ill NO TN Alt CO TIC . Sthhl enh som e otfi c,' tl r y el\ed .... ;LII' \ " t t ,.n f!l h rllM th e-I II /I,LII \\ " ad{' !' . n n u t ~ ~p l' I' I"(f' l( t i: l\ l !1.'j,. .... I\- 111,' p,lI ... . J It 'Ill' to tb e I o. n U u ~1' ~e ftlr~ tlu l' (l.,('ny cil K tIIn ltrl, ~",UI I I~ 1h." ,'o u ntry , tl o l1- th p J)8 ru(l e to 8t o p . I\.IILI the IIri M II II' .. Cl.II '!' ·I\ )II L,· I .... 1I1':lll y cH a I Hi e head t h :Ol l g lr tl·lt·p IHLne tha t l a hhi ~ fill"' !' CI ' III . ' ,fI,Pt' . \\ 1I 1( U lJ lt ('(l or \\ uaeh; t b n l luo vn r 'II.ll' l" It tt ~plc lhliJ ur tbe Ilro( :c~~io n . who wa s . to ui e ' or the b) .. I e-1L1 dUI IhII~/ .1",( l\cll f1CC( h. I.. l''': liS, It u n li t I t' l'C? tl ~ l l1t" wu lf,'. On th " we adLt"l . Cb J'l'yi n& a ,,'n" Ii \'0lir Ollt fl i l fJ,J J th e d r iver h ~. .~.. . ' . , •. ' t ' c rostl . t:: Iowe d u p " • I le l h lA h urhc s '11" ,\\la ' II fe" nPI} ens to ue 01lt. Ilil t ti"IH: ar. !':'' I' I WRITE FOR TillS FREE nOTTLE I' IIt t l e. Il k e I"u e urUID • 1. ~:1 I ! S Limps. Jnnj or or n. b unt! a.whe TO·DA\ p'\r fi R '(1) '1 n" II.' ,',' ' " n th e POp \l) oce at 1 yo u Itl\\' C I11l'n " l'll ' t l" " t h· • . . Good for A i l nr Clllld lC D s nll rlta's ~ee n In hns' Slull pic.. tu,rt!s. and '"' ~ . I . bou l(J betlln ~ tu (hro w ~ggs loul ... lQt l\f o tbe rl . ..... tn te n 'a l \~ e I\TI h O ll r Of' a. wee lb ,'), I,e pt !Inti was begi n nin k - n .al'-t La g to s i t "11 anti Oil nod t ol e ll th e ~ hootlu g • , e I'e ganl~ <l Rs II lllft. n ·1 o f IIl bega n i\od ill no lice. anti '0 m ed to n"1 lik e a m a n tuk a l ,',·Ii'. 'fh& t F REE COU P ON • • who . h • " a m i nllte m e n . WOIU fl lllLllL 1 ~ " 1l ,1 Ihl e CIH Il! \" 1I \1 1th exp m ecls tH . e .inc mn~ ('o ut-: H . u h(,r (,( \' e l'l' nlluI Ile t ub , t hrow no\'e ra l dtil \ n r ndlll e GII .\ . '\ i a ~ ~u. l n~lutP" fI MI,.l , ' (1\1 I ,II UIo:t: t I . I roi ling In lh ~ SII OW llil'eell ll g l\"e l, were ' .. t · fI·II .l l lI t' . 101' :t I , .. . w r e w O U! Hl [t il U I c \'o l" !I1~ dn a hu u lc- o f !o.luf,· " C t .t1~ r un,,', I) 111\lxe d up \\ flh dea d hard 'lI l. l.. r 'Ii 1he mn,rc D€'."s w er e 'too s urnll n d tI,l ll g :O-Ivllllh : h Tou ••• OI ,lti ('u IIJ'ol l p n IH 'H CI . l l ·, e d to' rull ' lhorsp s. s t eel (\(, 1; 1'0\'11 1\ I"g I" a II( .. i·' ~ll tUU t' l (lt l Ih e tlr l\' er on ce on "r. t'a l KIIII the drn. ll)' Mull plnn RI),


Cu re For The Blues








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Mull's Grape Tonic

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I·C-HE·lPRATEs ~Hforn, •. wD.hlnwto;-~~nn.

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The Kind You Have Always Bought

I I~ ­ I




For Inf ant s a.nd Children.

Bears the




Signature of



I :"e<

!lre . •u 'u

Ku ns kept o n 8f1I1 ' ln~



e Aho \'c II ,I! I{'\'o hl llg ', lli ('·. (,r d i, l\' Is plac e,1 tt "1II:\l l olI·' ·' .. H ,.c. lIIa,e d by lh e 1.... '·1'1" ''' < ,·! n ·lIlt. 111111" Ya ryi

l e c.ont lll l i o.~"lf t Otl'l h im not 10

th e o: t,'ee l WllS full of dead ': 'U(I I s~ COIl' u~nl el a , . a"t! (h R burr y {Iyi n l~. Blltl .hf:ll\ the CO!:lHacl{!-\ r Ilrl\' f'r olle o \, ('l' t l o ng It e Wati co tnvlo inln g beca .use U. the d eau !l1l 11 s uu e re,1 and kllout~d lh a

""".!- •.


llg: IlII jl ll b,:t: :-;

\t \' ln !;. aDd as th e snow was putcJ l('(1 w it h

red u lond , tint! rnlnl pt! awol ' a ll li fell orr I t h e picli cl fe llc!}. and hung b y Olle pa n L I tJg. whi ch C'~ u g' h t o n a picl{('t. an d <OI'owd" ru, heu in f. ,·e ry dlre cllol l. a u d it wn!-'; an hon r ltefo r e I co uld get a dros lcy to hllll l cia" to t ile h ute l. lJa ll cu lla ~' ~,1 wb e ll he got to the hote l, nod 1 got a

(~oc' o r

I1ntl llllUn Je, anti

(or t wO days I h llli to walc h t.he rel'o lullo n ulon k , whll o dati h ad flt!:! of re mo rHe 'C!ltl se h e hro\.l g bl ru e to sHeh n c iw rneJ



c r"

\~(.'me 0\'(:1'

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t; it s l lWIl J)t>(,lI liar poilU ity n r. c1 de· It Is j 'IH " " II tl .e

g r .e u r Inle " s l ()" " tee l we re a " h.'e t


n e t n pen . unl1 Ih e

pape , nr:d t hr· ",,,~ .

n lH~lI e tic ill1 l) 11 1~f'!:)

il se ri es ur 1I\t!h n lH't kal >Ig r:" j" lI eci .!(I'.,'" on the pa per - on ly llo 1liln g I~ rh·' II II £> Iu hlJ u ~e, h e sn l(1 th e eye. Rllt t ht' IlLw ~~ ' ~ l.h "f Ii l tl ... mag · ~~/g \\" .11. It )'on H e r go anyw here ' ll e Ue I)(J l t~ ore t h e p', thc) lI,.:h I I IJ!- N· ~·. . Ira ,·e ). . In ~ t(l r plc" . '.i·e. ~o not go .. \\~ I a nd wh e n th~ wi re u r Ibe ~I,,' to H lI~' e "nrr yi"~ 61 110. heca n "" II I" the sadd est ~ th ese Illy" lic hl . rt: I Y I ,ht,~. ),Inc e 011 I ~ "pai n I ;;Q ' eu rt h . I have ~een uo pe rs011 p8.RS etlll ntl e r smi le or th e . lec lru llln !:n Et ' lh., I'd ' I . / . I;' 'f!?' Iru.g h tu all th e ten dnys we ter be ing now cu n nN·t eli with hn" e been a t. 1( •• • .// " btre , e x(~ept a Cos~nr::k wh _ ,' ph o ne re ceiv er ) the)' re protl llc"' e n h e rlltl a l~" ..... / ·""" , ly 6abe rthrun ~ h " 1It1l eg lrl.nn'lh • .-r th e tlRm e lmpu lso; t h at r.:r fnt ul tlH U: l s l n n gb PAl) ~TOOU t ·p 1t>:' was lIl, e tll c c.,yo te 011 the I,ru l'ItE !<LE lJCE Al"D th ef.~ im lllll" es "n "" lnl' inl0 lh e !'«'" lrl e whe n LU4 KED HA C K , II'. lie capt ures ~ I It l ie Inmb . e r \, jh rate th e 91" 'al;l ",, m . m~rLJ1 Th e e " n'l look cah er b "nrt·ul'O~ e n or ",Inr pro pl e "il'e forth ly, th e lik "01" e 0 wa [I u s d '00 t he sl ow. 11 11.1 he wuro . wil li n tue Il&OlIl e ~u nflu ed In lin ID s ull e IlSyluDl ,yell . and tb.'e w Ibe g:nv e n Com a nche th e)' had Flore d . Ilt hom e. lin,'s l11t The I,n l~' Ihln ;: th .: 1 n m nll, wh nnd 1h e h orse s jlls t skeil a,lI lIe O t be air. o I' ~" a ll, anrl ruu teleg rt."h o lu, In h is ' flk e !: "od. It, ,!o :e Tbe cu r. ",lio a week ugo was In l o ,\ s now uan~ alld lipp ed love d uver tbe 10 .ct th,. 3I'I,nl''' t ll " ~o l n !! ',·II ~ ." • ,. I'.a ", s IClIgr. auu., p II e<1 \18 Ullt un by I hllll eof,l e, w h a be Ileve d If (Oil ot clud , t ime I II 1I",e n tbe y wen t b t l i < •• C " " t u 11 . eon nci.. if M"11" td ..'I'bl s 1 I.u him. n' 10 t I!C,. r Gou. 1I ' lU all Iy sn: ·f I.· .· "0 appe a le d fo r goot 8 gelll n!; !~I e nrl ' h aH hee l." gu ldl\nc:e, Is to . dny hnt eallu n " " en lt tn .. . • tu 'It ~\\'1111 "" ~ by nil, Bud tn. •. tcn,1 o r " Nldl OlliR tbe Goo d." I I •. ~ < s ince be ~ he O\1t. or We rig ,ter up . and ,Iud wRn . o r as lpt p. t u .. • know wbe ~dt!J utot mes,wax o,(:e8 'I': J:I be I,u"y re nil tb e 1"' 11" rR rn e rrol ll; " ' penl £c:'t! I,pcr e.1 awn , 10 a ensl ie III ed . . . . _ __ ___ __ the co un · we na Il lJOB"ed. I hall hee n lbro wlng trY. or.11 c raw led un <ier' n bed. ull (h e pro- o u t pl~c e" or m Ju, t as Good 1)le call h im :' lhe LIt Li o 'Jl!ck ea t Into Ihe rouII for a Rau b lt ,'· m ile 01' so. u nd t h . e dugs w~re havi ng a n od his rat e is s enle el . n" a Mrs. ',lIl ny- SuH -- W hat a fiDe ho mJ> will pi cn iC. It WIIS collr cgell ln" II I'etty d!lrk lIy li o n lliow him Into (1lec e8.s0 " ma ll YOIl l!ol' e o! old ROl lan war ~n th e y will tb ls ( 1111<), 1IIlc! we i ' ''ll! a l arte. 1 bacl , to IOWIl Ii:.v~ to be . wep t ~p In a du s Mrs. Upst a r t- YeM. Rr ll ' l 'h~y t pa n for Il~d I thre w o ut my '" ul T llver . f nst rned t~ I l a h.~; lIed bllrl ai. may be befo re dad and .1 enn get the rOlle , a lI<I Ihe thell l frOll l t'I," ,~ r:I1 )llla 'I ..:r, Cp lct<go man . who had h u F-e Ollt of Ru~sla. d to LC:I bU l c her. -De tr II b~ven tb e tlrlv er u d r ink or vodk a I·'r ee Goin g to Sl. P e tersb urg tor a w ben Pre8 s. plea Quli n. Is a good Ifeal 11I(e visit s an t w, Upp ed o \·er. lold him, in RlIssJQn. ing tbe tbal wh e n tbe do[:.s begn C hica go stoc kyar ds 10 'WILt ch jl.Jo tollOW'U8, to I tire bloo dy g et bold of tbe Rea son Eno"1{1r 1.lver . to yell ..... oh·e e,'.. men kill the ~.r.t11e . and tl)c Teac ber ·-Jo bn, wb)' <In YOII butc bertl in Qnd gIve the team tiUIlP!'flA the rein , 'or a live. the ankl the 'tock YRr ds. ca llo\l~e<l agaI R 18 net ween tile to~ a nd HHI ns t any mile run . and yell feel .. , for ~lIllerlng nnlm alR. an all tbe time. beca llk kn~T 4tb We wan ted to' l:lve Ole old ,ellt lell:lW II W. 1O!d lefll l\ere whc .l:Ioot dO"1 J oh n-·T o keep t h e calf Ben 1 ~t.'It:. I ~ UJDe , , ,t .!or· • ~...,iQl»--;-' ., \'. Times.




t e leph une \\'In' '11111~r ~b c Inflt ' pn c, L.f th e !:'llt'ak e l"'~ yo il'c are 1IIl 111l r tf li b~' l! H~ lillie ma~liot to , h e s t ee l 0" " !r.~ hEllPlll h \( . n t1 lllb l'), lIUlk e llpU I1 th ai H('\ ' l' !J su rfR(, c n !-O erl cs (,r lila!.: nelic :'; m) " ( l--h 1(, t.~~. lik e In\,I . IIII < .I u ts , " Ill'h uf " lt ich 10" se:-;sC

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Apc'tfrrl Remedy l'o rCo!lslipnlion . Suu r SIODUlch. Dial'rh<irn Worms .Convulliions ,r.' veris h-

ne:s~ and Los s O F SLE EP.


'S Grap e Toni c C o., 14 7 Third Avft •• R oc k I s iond . 111. (Nt' F ull A dd,.". . (fp~ : :" if t rl .l i .. l !J. Th e fl .V) ~ .. ," 11· l' PI, I n I . 1.. III' UI Iy I h Il' t· 11III C"" h t' ~o..~ ,. I L(',

For Over Thirty Years S25:.!!!! Oe~ t


dl ll l.: :-L"I I ' ''.

Th t' C~It1L1IH' h it>; ft \ h\ll' (W ,t Li t! I1 t Jer 1i1 ~ 1I1~tI en tbe l at..c1 - tIIk l! uu 0\ her It \}IU , uu r ~lntgk h t .

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L\ln ch Ton .\I_ V. I Loa f Bon .I... Chl ck. n Dr,. . a.. f

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Ho',v On e G antt Road \\' , l S Mad r.vt'rywhtlrt'



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--J .H' MCASSY M _-----.A M 0' .- .......

Flendtsli Bu[tering 1" . ' Ie . I. 'j " \ ' . • I I ' , .. r ",,, " 11 '" ,, \\ .,rt. p h" I,' A II Il II"t Il l~ ~ f<1,('11 ('IH1 ~O d I, uys r e~ , UI 1'81"8 "II'\ --------. '" I: "" " /III ttl'tIr·I I'" IO l r" ""11 II'''' ( ' lflll(' r,., III RI Ali I flWII ;\' .v uur s llu , 1 Wilt Oft'iI" u t, publi o /I'1le a t mv 120 West FlUb street, .\t t I <! 1,,, ,, ,,,,,, 1\ . , IlI p.-l l tl ,," "I' f' lilhill oo J Will .. Bl' f1 OII, o f Ft la" L ~IOC ~' A~""hc · lr~~irtP u ce lu Cenl e l'\'illl~.Ohlo. ' Dayton, Ohio ; " 'I M .I' oj : , . l I III \' 1'1 IIsec 11(' .. I;lll " ril l II Stltle t ;Ii r , II"i I I"" III ,,11 ,', l ..,JI 1111 ' I' litl \' 111,"1:" / 811 " ... r,)1' till"' !''' , HlJn'~ Iolll1 C" n. RATDROAY , ADOUST 1'0, 1!l.fu;, Phones, ! MaIn IflOO, Home 81102. tn' tt. II ,I..H ' . lI u li . :-;1\ 11\111-1 '1':, ,\"t <1l' , Cflr~ . Jt. i~ IIHl lt n~ 1 h e lilinj! <lrell8ln~ h ijg iuning fit OliO o'c loc k IIbarll,l EV&, FAR, Noslll AM[) THROAT, III I III IH' ''I' " all 1 ': ,\l I ",':~l I II1 U II II' lIlt".1' ill I " \'!' r fnnurl . " l:iool1t n~ tlml h 01 1 ~ IlJ e fnllowin/;{ hOllllllholrl goud/!: Speotaoles Ut tedatreulonubleprieea 111', 11 , ' \ '; 1,·, ; .. II ", . II :-t l/ II III U !..! ll l llId" " '" 1 1111 \)) i\ ,d";'llI f ,1 ,' 11111' ;':" 11f' Ihl'o)" I'II ,·tl ll,· nl , IIlId III' 1 (' lIt~ , hnrll ll tLn l1 sOllhl ~ . l!50 til, New Ricl a h Olll'd, foldi n g bod, n ew -" t" t! , ' h u t i lll l l ~~ 111 t ll ll, ' l d 111 0 II I ' b 11101 .1' ,, ~, j,I I I' d h,l' '11' ," ." f) . I I ! ~1t1 .\' ''' Llru){ 81.() f' O; l-:1I 'lf'tluteod. It " Ili'o plulUd Hewi n g mu o hlne , Dtlv lH 'II .... 1,,1 \ /I tid 1111 1 It ,d I \' III lfH, 1'11" 1'1 1· . r\ I' \\'Il I' I' IMr ~ N ' I' ('''LlIIHlI \ \ ' . I t II I , " I I 11,' .., I , II , . 1 111 1 ' :t II "II t 11't1 Il1l1k". r tl fri gl' rator, nllwelavfmport, 1""·t"'·' '' 'IIII , , III;" I';. 1( . \'1I11 ~ lIn : II n i ce s tuud, 2 kit.chell ('Ill>· I . ' 1 I d ' ll ~ I'" d ,' \' I!l l'd t" tllf' 1" ~ Jlll1 .\' I : .... \',. r 'i l ~' . Am o n! : Ih A l (>nl I Pl'~ IIro Thll O\' tl r , , " , t .lIl l !l '~ W ' , I' l.. . T1ltl \\" 1 I 1I 11 ' ~ t n e t,~ , II DC\I' ~te(j l (linKe, ex t e ns.lon _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - l luIIlI [.illlitO(\, hi e a:,:u t;o ,;1111 Frllll' : I I ' d l fl ~. w, t l' 11:-- ~ ~ lI·~ ~I ' . 'n s ,11 P ' II " ~, tnulo', h " lltilig stoVI'. h e d titellll , two d~cu. II li d Ih" Pion "lll' I.irnit llll, Ch i· . " r" ,tf li l'f' I I I rh l'" tl hkt ~ t !ltl' 1" lI tr. ullqJ .. I ~, morriS o hair. l o t of rook e r ll, ~"IT ell g o t.o St, Palll. B o th trllln9 rUD d ining room 'o hIii r". pictnres, lind , 1 ' ll:l.nY}l I "~"" ~1fH 11 n I pr j ' f'li ll I I ',e • t.he UhiclIgo, Mil wlluk_'& Rt , "\"sry thlng n!lPc\ i n gflnerol honAe· 111':1 " t il: "· 111 " ~p," nt I j l \' ~win ~ n n, l :All pain in any di sease is UX DERTAKEH : ~/lll~ Rll ilwlIY · If Y'):l IIrocont p!!I, k pppi n g . 11 h~ : ll ~ th,· ·... I r:" d I ' x ht hi t ~ lr H nerve pa in , the result o f a' tur. . p m lln g II wARte rn trip YOIl ~ h () ll hl 1I l ll lJH1 ·,;.iIl~ ... 11'I:I'i I H I ', l n px ~I , ! ft'l'f. All o r tll a Ilh OI'B gonLlII IIrEi n ow bulent condition of the nerves. t ht'S6 flllll· !lll tl in gO(HI ('onditl o n , 1("1\1 1\ .1 tl l u\( l ... r t I ll' l 11{)~t l'h'H~lIlt t The stabbing, lacc':~ating, , O ll~ trflin~ IS incilldetl in YOllr itill Ar, darting, burning. agdnizinl' ti l ' k ~l i t' r " \lI \{Ii I1 ~ "' , H l l i l l:i tln tir e l.,· . . ,.,." n L' I F. R l:~ n,"10 pr'. A . . ARTHUR ORF.ENE, y . RILt,es nncl ll esc rlptil'O h oo 1; · pain that comes from the prom'1S"') ' '''''' 'II 'oI ; r lO ' lI tl,,· 1,1I 1f'II' x h l"! . t.'( 1~. ~~ ll'lJ A . A, lII"Nt·i1 , All(1t, , 11'1 ,. on I'l'flll OP j, . inent nen'e branches, or sen~ \ , ;11 LII I!tl ' II ' ! " sor v nerves, is neura l!!'8: and I 4 :\I 0 1\l n ul! lt , 'l' r, \\!' Hlif P ,I ... ., A~'1 (») I \ ' 1 lit' 1,\),11111 ', Illl 'l tld" til , IIlat 11(' " t . J, ' ~ '" I !lIV \\, it ull lJ l lI l' "IU I'iIlII IHI , 1111111 is ih e " hi.~ hrother" or all the ' , " , HATHAWAY, oth t It ... f l . \\1111 1 111 : 1l: llJdl\\tll" ~ , Hl h l C' r p ai ll ~, Fon ,l





IllI IL1lI:'>' 11 Tou


----...-~~~-----___...,...,.,...n._r.:_"',..............,~ ......,.. • . ., ' 1' 1" I lf ~ 11", 1 ~'I h l fil~ In IHI'1

I n ~ llIfll Il~" to' ",,' " II ' II ... ti l"l 11 1"1 . t' " 0111 01 11 ,I 1111 .1' 1,,,,, ,,1 11' 111 ,1" up I, ,, ' ,



And Other

I ' 1,\, ;1\.


p a

E~rBAL ·MER : ~flll tblllnn('.orholh ,ol



r ( ')"

N 1) 8 .

\\ h'~ I'l' II H 1111 1 .I 'I" " , l!l u it ILl Il 1'11 11 10,. l' nltHo! lit 1111 h " "r~ , dll \, II r I '1\.1" ph t1 tnt in

"", ' \\ III I I I1 .1f "il l :opI"',, 1 I ., I I", 1""[, ,, li t 11 "1 . 1II f! lIt . ~1 ; 111t'1" \\\11 I I~ ~1 1 .. \ \' 11 h lt1l'le~ ti t' l'OIU 'lJ P!'\ h l l l .. ,· ll ldd

~ ' tl i ' H llil'll( ' ~


li iH hOl1 !-tl~

tlnil('h Hir~:'\l


. 'l.llh",l II


li tl ll' f OI'I,th o llj!ltl. 11111 .1' SfLV' II" Anl\ nf trn llhl fl An v fIIlf'

WIlYUt\~ riIJe 'a Leuding

\\'h()~ntLkpMit . t\. rule t o n P~ p C1U~lll


)1t\t't~ lnl\ ny~' H\ltlt1.nt: , ' · ·

. , hp. rllllll 'S CII II C', Uh o ll~rll IIml Dlrtr til 1'1101 111 , rllll l'll fi f' Ill PI I.v III. hn nll kn n WR J hi ~ '" r ~ n IA I Iy I. 001lS . 11' I 11 ,1' , I 10 IIe' II j'IH· I . ,'o

M3hI Strr ...

I 1

Dr, AI iles' Ant i-Pain Pills rarely eve r fail to relieve these pains by soothing these larger ner ve s , and rest oring their

11,' 1' ""I 'I'lIlI y 111",..,,1 • _~ _ _ tranlJuil it ", Hn d .tf' I1 :I I1It ' l dn l l I' • I n l ' UITP( ' t III-X i I. , ( ' I' ''I~S I')II IS. 1 Dr. r. 1ilt's' Anti-Pain Pills klloo \"!1 II llIi 11 11 1' I", ,. I , . " Iii ii , ,, , ... Will , " ' 1101 1'. ,1, ' 1, ln - 1'; f il l' • 1,1. ' . 'I \l:-l !:I'I' H F.: ...~· I, \Y AVN1.!8V lJ.I.H: , 1) , - - - ~~ ---It-av e no had after-effects, and tl l "111 wl t li 11J1 l d !t' 11 I , t!,l id ;' ltt '" ,' \ I I •• I I II t III ,',1- " , "I' "" .. 1, ' 1'11 ll oi l, ,,1 1I 11I I", P ' ,I , S id III " 11 11 111 111: 111'11 1" . " 1 JI' l it I~ are a rd iab le remed y fo r ~very I' IJlt. I.",) Ihl ' tI ,," -1 111101 dU ll I .'s t Pub,loo It Al'oUf' p d , ' 'I I kind of pai n, sLlch a s headache, f' xJu' lullt ul't,,! Df Inn fh ' \' n ud ('tlfI ' J'I : ,,,I, , " ... I. ' ,"i- ~I II .' · . , II C'(' lli e \\'Il I' \;, ,' 1111111 1"I IIIII IIj! . 1 ,1'1'11 ' .. . . J ' ''.' JlI'il'AO f Ihe Mlllllli (1 11 7.1'1.1 01I(pl' anil l backache, stomachache, sciat~ ... lt,c n n f IlIl\t pritd (,' I' 1 1l\ 11 d l ll ~ - - - - - - - - --""""'- -....-~ : 11111 " ." , Uili l 'L' .. C" "", · tl " ~{, ", , I "Hp llhh ('I" /lr"I ' ~"l t() 1I kn I) W ' I ~ltl()Il I' ''lIrw hl'llplliollnHII\,ill lC'I' i , ' . ica, rhl' lIlllatism and neuralgia. The pi pee o f r ",," I" \\' h lo- I, " . ' I 1 I II tI 1"I Il"" ! t Ilt! I' LlI''' \'H II IP l'ltHof thHt : \V llI- nlilePHlIPr ' t i l! )' \' \ Th{'Y also relieve Ditziness, . · Ir , t) 1' 1\' hilI 1""11 - ~\\· III ,~. " ! 1'1 " .r Iltt'.lII' lll n l t Ollil'. Elf' c lrill . I ~ nil 1 l l' II ~ 1 rolftl r i~ ht\lll' el> ll CI ·UI,·n'I II •• III '" Slt'cp lessness, Nervousness. \\11 1 I,,· 1,,11 11 ,1 ,·" II IIh ll' III· t lC' I, '- 11111., 1''' 1111' SI UIlIO('h, ltn' !' ullll l llfl vlIlIl'f' th A pr\('fllI' ' I --' L y tl e an~ Bx l (;01I!1 fr l'lll 1'('1110' 1"' 111 , Car-Si~klless, and Distr.~ss afI" , t 1IIII' I'c<t I h ,' ,1"I' r' " I~ 1. ' 01 1-" "'~II" III ' \' " M,!' v A Wulte r • . o f ;,-1 1\ II iA tn Ih e P!'1'81 o f 11,\('11 ;lll h for to mil e o r UIOI Il ( 0) th .. sou t h , ea tlllg. . ,. '. ( ' 1111 ,· A I'~. C '''''"llll\l~ C) . I I ""! 11' ("II'i ,1 I "1' 1',' 111 1' " f 11 11' se rl )pr I n p n:v In 1I11 1'IIn!'p. ,'\11 mnl p rlnl IlIliI work gnllr,Lnlee d I tn The TO"c1 W" R huilt 111,1 111 11 " Y Il r'l "For ni nny y eaH I ha\'. bo.W fL ",on• e t nn t RufY jOff"r fr om n euralI'm antI. mullin!! II b~iI of 1>1'0 1; 1'11 ~ tllll " h"D d arh ~. a nd have n fwe r be.n a ble . p;"[ 1',' IIrll. to ubtal n a ny relief from \ varloUfl 1.1I ,.·l l'ul P I't'll.,tlltl'" ri f t"" l. tI,'rt·d 111 , II!.!t "' , 111'.1 Il p r'n" ~ We I'" wn~('J\P .) ; I '""" r ,.. "" ~.., 1..' Over ti old w,, ~ pltl ('t'II II 'IU ·tlltH .I· " I' b (lQ tla ch e _pOWdfo •• and f'J1J)!lu lfl!l. ul'ltll ~ II"'I "i 'l s i" " "f t t" , (j"P'I!'lrlIl1111 Ufllt 1" . 1 1110\ " ott ~ IH' P. II nIl Ifl \' ~l o nrH (' h '1llfl'IPrl In _ " Au r II III nll Ilcl , 1 t rIed Dr. Mil ••' Antl ·Paln Pili", lOCi cll1 ~ t fr o m e rl1!lh e fl "" C'II l ugH It n l' Thty n l""-)'A ("ure mY 'h po d ac.he In 1\\'. \\'". :<1' ", .. il k f",, " , uoe h% 1 t1 oc l nr~ ' " , " lI pH1Il ll ll h t}lIltt"' k l ' I~11 HIIi I )J1 1-! I I ' I ~ ., ~ ' ",i th t{ r H, e l. This \\' ;1, IV e l 'Ill I I mln nt p~ 11m• . " FR&:D R . RWI IfOLli:y. Ca s hier 1' 1 Nat . &ok, Atkln. on, N.b, . • , . I rll \! ~, I IlIt t (',)n ll nnl I'nl .. ,,0011 O lin ' I furgf',1 Ih e rl llt fOS- - 1'Ilf'Ill lfl.Y' t,b e o t b() ro u~hly r ulled wi th u III ~ "'X llll"t l"" F,II' t h" 1· ,, 11' 1111; ,,1'1l' I' h? ~i nllill g I,) I 'Lke F.ll'dri o " Dr, Mlle.' Antl·Paln Pllt. are 80111 II" 1 Offi C'o Allti Shop, FOllrth Sheet., your druggist, who will guarantee '' ,," .. . t oo I,,· " , ,101 ::"'1, 11-111111'1' ~, ' " '1. B i lt ll r~. l "htu iu tl[1 l'I' li tl f , An d III II W .. d nt'~rltIY. rhnrRr\ny onel FrhlA,I', hea V.V !It eam r o ll o l·. Th e r n llll thl nr. t Plc"ag. will lreneflt. U II ~ lIlI d _:-; . II ' I ·I" ·' 1Il 1 1 1111 1 1~ 1 lill~ 1" " ' 11 , Io " rt tilll " 1 \\·us ~ lllil'll .Y I' tl r l· d . " All){ll~ t, R , !t , I O lln '\II . Th fl (1rflfl n e WII'\'J)PKI' illp. Ohl n. '4111 hi will return your monty_ r ~ I ope~ o li!!htly from t llf' cant"'J' 10 25 dOlO., 2~ conti. Niver lolt\. In laulk. 11"'t" 1I 41t1 1' rl· \'I .o' d IIllI t· 11111 1\ 1' 1l 1l1t 1'llIlk .. J rit MII .I' · ~ Il l'il l!.{ st'l I'I" ; ronn tvFII II', IIl fl llP!!t f'o nnl'\'fflirln ' allow th , wal e r 1.0 ,l rM in o ft· 8lI"i l y . Miles Medical Co., Elkblrt. Inc1 p, Bo x 106 1111111. ' ' . • Phon .. Nn. r, p r il'f' ;,11:'. l'lll!'i 01 1'111

j ...

t hl'

111,," 1

" ti\ 'I· , · ~ :-.rlll

1'" II , f lll'.I ,

PI h Ha \'c ,yo Pays to Pay In Advance lng, Ga:'\ Ittlng, Hot ,

t 1' 11 1


I fUNERAL OIRECTOn. Telephone Oay or Night.








\V IIcaLing' i L '19It·lng ,, .ce t ei yun Iclon e by home people

The Thos Zei t CO I • •

I~';',.'.I' ::"I;" ':~: '1;1;1~" ·I'~" lh'~II~n:. ~I~;'11 ~'I'I\r Il:II:~I( P,I' nI 11'11\,\' elllrlll'~(\.Ul 'i.,"~i(~rll' Il:.ft°r~,'igll!crl:,V


I No. 7

Long Distance No, 69 -Jr




C. L. H'WKE, Plumber.


Branch Office. Harveysbu rg, 0,



, t I






~ .



.. - .. -







WE h~ve only TWO clearance n.les a year-July and August. 'land January Febru.,,.-when we take every piece of cI()thin~ in our parlors and give bon. fide reductions thlat cannot be ecjueJed In this (;uunh';'·-- fu · -O-ll-;-ili·~~-~dt;-;'-; · and c~ses w.e display samples of·hand-made Men's and ~ouDg Men's Swell Suits and Trousers. and Separate Trousers, with prices at which they were sold. and what we sell them for during o\lr Clearance Sale. Our blue .nd 61."" au"a are included in this, ,he .,...,••, c/e!,!,"~nce sale 01 c.u,.,.y.

Our Prices for Tbis Clearance Sale on Swell Suits and Coats and

S7.50 $10.00 $2 50

All of our $12.50 Suits and Coats and Pants, now • • .. • •

All of our $17.50 Suits and Coa!s and Pants, now • • • • •

All of our $16.00 Suits and Ooats and Pants, now • • • • •

All of our 520.00 Suits and Coats and Pants, now • • • , • •

Our Trouser Department L

All our $3.50ofTrous-. ers now



S12.50 115.00

is Full of Snappy Peg. Top. Cuff Bottom. and Worsteds that are good and up-to-date. Our prices for this Cleara.nce Sale



And remember this ........ , \

i 'n. ~

No matter what priced garment you buy from us it is kept in repair for two (2) years free of cbarge. This includes new linings, new buttons. button holes reworked. cleaning. pressing and spoaglq al often as desired. We deliver all repair work to your homes free of charge.

isfit Clothing Parlors NO. II EAST flfTli STREET .. ·Near Main.




" ~----.-'

i ·"· ...

_ ____ ___ . __ 232 s' "


Warr en Coun ty Court s. · t..

Clugett und huauan d, lut\! ~n Orelonl A, $900. MafY Jane Davie to Carolin e Soger, real estate in CleRroreek townsh ip, $1 and other good aUtl valuabl e conside rations . MARRIAOE LlC It:N81C. Charles L . Fleshm an, Corydo n, Indiann , Annis 6 . Hudson ,Lebano n. Rev. MoDougle.


John Robin son's . Show s:'. at Wilml~gton. i\ug. 11 ,

OOURT PROOEKDIIIOI W, H. ALLEN. P /I.",DEN~ J . ) . C ,\RT\I' R i G H1'.(' '' '' t'~ . .,tate ex reI Pr03eo uting Attorne~ John Robins on's ten big shows GEO. £ . . ! L F..Y "icc·P in.AI ''i' . VI. W. W. Crllne. On applicatlOlI ('.omlJine d. will ex hllllL at WUmil lg· for attorne y fee Geo . E . Young lino ton. Frl da,y, August 11. lndi· C. 8. D""ban t were allowed a lJ oattons IIro tha.t a large c rowd will attorne y fee of '100 . . Attend from bere. Very low exour· Albert Moler VB The Village 01 sion ra tes w ll1 be in ejfpct on all BarveY 8burj!. Proceed ings befo,. rlltlroad s . the mayor of that village SIl8peooec The Mhow, undor the manage ment NEW HUIT8. Comr pissio ners' of .John Robinso n, is now en joying ,Cal l to min d it s elghty. third yenr of pro~perlty, Albert Moler VB 'The Vma~e 01 Proce eding s. lind ts one of the foremo fund s. Harvey sburl!. Appeal . st ammna e ' ment attracti on!! of Americ a, If not Harry Brown, an infant , by Fred .T , 1::1. Morrl~ , sllpplie~ for of t he world. Br.>wn , hili fa thor, VA the Baltimor f' ('onnt,y officers " ..... .. ...... 2:1 9"2 if, In number!! Bmon g it!! ar(loio Rnd Oblo Houlh W estorD ral1ro'o Otho HenderR on.brld orlte!! ge some work of the 48 Compa ny. 76 mo~t ' expenlrtve Dl4magell : amount C. C. Cleaver , bridge work .. , 36 'i{j nnd he!'t. act~ that money can p'to' OIAimed , $10.000 . The Wester n pnhlish . cure. 'The Capt , Thomp son t,rotipe PROB.U: E llOURT. ing notice to of Americ an cavalry men, in expert hank ers ..... S 00 Estate of Altoe 'L. Com8tock, de Ftepu blican . Record , sa me .. .. . 8 00 feats of dar;ng and origina l h or. e· ceaHlld. Proof of pubUoaUon of notioe of IIppolul mont o ~ admints. W. F.. .l ohn ~on , ~l1r veyi n g ... ~:l fi , nla nRhlp ; Dare dovll DeBurry. who set~ /it defianc e till the fixEld la WlI of Lebllnon Plumbi ng Co " roo trator filed . p!l.irs Ilt jlli!.. .... ......... .. ..... . . 11 'iii nature wlliln he dashes down II. diz7IY E.t"te of .To!leph B, Chapm an. de, Ber t Reed . bridge repnir~ .. ". a·, 4 ~ Illolin.. aOlI with the speed of II I cea8(d. Sale of slock approv ed , Estate of Joseph B. Chnpm an, till State VR Jllcob St,rOQBE', O ORt~ :1 r,r. 11 uriC'a n loop~ the gap on A bicyole ; I the marvelously ed ncated trouPe of ' ceaeed. Firat and final accoun t f!lr Ol\vid TrottoI ' 8.: Co. hridge spale_, nuder the master haml of lumber .... .... ... ..... ...... .. . settlem ent filed. CaJlt. Winsto n; Edna. aoknow ledgod , In ie will William H . Dwyer, de· Otho Hender son, brid ge reo Prinoes s of the realm of horseD lan· cea~o1. BeRrlDg let for July !I', pair!! in Wayne townsh ip R hip, the world's only lady sooie.I~;;;;;;;; 190G, Ilt 10 o'clock a . m. Wester n Union Teleph one ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ sault rider and twenty eque8tti~ I E!ltate of St ephen C. Wllliam soll Co. , rents and toll ~ ...... . . 14 40 R830ciat eR ; forly joyous IInbjects" of deceall !d. W. H. William son apPlans. Rpaclfication s and pstim1lte King Momus in a gleeful sufficieI1t!y, pointed acimlniatrat.or with bond -ot for" cement ~ e we r neB r the r Olli. and more thnn a. hundre d otbar $1, 500 .1. W . Bowyer , Arlemu F Ilence of A, .J . Frye in Turtlec reek foreign and Amerlc lln feature s in ha ve been newly refitted throngh out Bml all machin ery is no w run by tlitt and W. 0 , Bowyer . appraiu i-. t.ownsh lp WBS let to IJ. C, (lnt tery t hree rings and an elevate d II tage , steam powe r . all'lwln g the mill to work t,o Its full capaoit E~tate of William H . Witham , ror 11 2,50. y. aud introdu cing as an added f~~re deceose d. .J. Lee Thomp son Bp All klnlils ~f flour nnd feell on hand at all t.ime8 . A~k your Contrllt1t let to C. C. Cleaver for King Solomo n, His Temple and 'the pOIntecl admini strator de boniA non hridgel n MAs!lle t.ownshlp for t12. Queen of tlheba, requiri ng a ca!li of dealer for Acme Flour, )f you are disRatlsfieli with bond of ' 2,000. Apprais ement , Cont.ract let to C:. H . ,ToneR for a II t h ousand men , women , ohildfe n wlt.h wha t YOIl ate u sin g try l,hi s,It will dispens ed with. concret e arch nenr the residen Clt·of 1\ nil horse~ , 100 ballet girls repro. E~t"te of .Tohn P. Carey, dllceue d 6 , E. Riley in Clel\ror eek town shlp duolng the dance3 of the day of' please you. the Iovento ry and al'prats eruent. filoo for ta,S. king of a thousan d wives. ~ . CliDton T . Bendrlc kson, .. Il1)ln A commn nient.ion r elat,ive t,o the The Robinso n Show hall al way. htrator of William C. Henllri okaon. establis hment. of de[lORi t.orllls wa s heen famed for its menage rie, 'a nd cleoeased, V9 Sal'1lb A. Winter~ et-'ftl ~ign ecl by all the com mis!li onerl' And this ReAson tlnll8 the 7.oologloal v ALLEY PHONE Nu ,49 .A p .Iraisement. and IUlle oor fi "tMld the lindltor was direot ed to delive r annex ,t.he most comple te over Bnd deed and di~trlbutlon order~ the commu nicatio n 10 t.he 'cuunl,:V: carried by a tented show, oompt\;!· Estate of Colnn tipenoe, deceate d . treasur er. lug and rAl'e animal s fiom eale bill ordered flied . evtlry sactlon of t he globe. 'hilll In fe Robert N . Newma n. Insane . Chan ge in Time of Train s. spleude d array of Ilnimal talent Aimltt ed to State BOBpital at LOANS NEGOT IATED . NO'rAR Y POBLI . be aotn in t he big daily street D.lyton . Under a new schedul e In effect paradE' , pronou We have nced bnyell's by all for as good .the farma and town propert y a,t 1111 times. W . F . EIt,zrot h, guardia n of S~m. ,.Jl1ne 2r., 190G, passen~er trains over lII osl gorgeou s amI ela borde page List with ns, we ca.n help you. , nel A. Chamb erlain, \'s Samuel A, the Pennllylvania LineR leave Way. alit of lIlullprn timep, compri smg Office Rooms (Iver Post Office i~oop~' Buildin g. Cbqmb erlaln. Appral! lemellt con'1 DORville Rtation u fol1 ow~ : more than a mile of gold encUIld 2 . _ _ __ _ .firmed !lnd gn ..rdilln ordl!'red to live', For the East 9 :5~ a . m , ; 3 :47 .p . wagons, chariot s and 500 of .&he additio nal bODd of .$15. 471.64. . m. : ~Ilnday onlv 10 :2 ~ p . Dl. finest Amerloan h or ses. This i s " he' In ro Cat herina Smith, Insane . . WEATII~R Admitt ed ,t o Htllt., Li09plta l for . For the Wo~t 9 :02 a . m onl. 1 ' bi g show tha t is not In 1M oir· During the warm sumDle r ' months it is II tlt n ece~sary that , ; 6 :04 p . tbe lDsane d DIY ton. cus trust" lind no IIdvanc e in ' t.he women of the househ .. ' w. ; .8Qnd"y only 4 :51i a. m. old should spenll much time about the bot cook price@ will be made In the matter of Elizabe th Parker . pt ove, because UD e can Luy bere: sQ,man y things that go t o make For particu lar informa tion on ,the good At Wilmin gton, Friday , Aug. 11. meals and pudla D of Minnie Parker, a ml.~or subject apply to B E . Bootb, whioh r equire no oooking. Applica tion made to eell rell estate WaynN vllle, O. We have fr esh fruit!! and vegelab les, canned goods, dried beef, to corpOra tion. Over -Wor k Weak ens ' •. a laree variety o:f oakes and ofaolr-ers, jellie!!, plcklea , cheese , eto. In tbe matter of Marpr et Murpby EXCURSION8 TO COLORADO FOR EAOLICS Your Kidne ys. Come in and try our goods. gnardla Jt of Margar et Dnd Ma tthaw GRAND AERIE AUOVST 11th and 12th UDbealth y ililueys via PeoD srlvanla L1DtS. S prclili low fart''' Make Impure 810011. THE CORN ER Murphe y. mIDora ., Applica tion w OROCE~Y, Denve r . Colorado Springs or Pueblo. F~or made 10 ..U real ea'-te to corpor Informa.t lon abou, s top·ov~rJ ",II the biood In your body passes throuflb ; . rou1e.. etc .. apply to ,'eket aCf' DUI, ~ena.ylTo.Dla Lines . four kidneys once every aUOD. three minutes. The kidney. a re your In re will of Ilabella BrowlI, de· ..:AlHORE EJ: (J~R8ION AUO . 17. blood purifiers. they filLOW 088led. Author ity given to com· II'ARU VIA PENN . LINES TO ler ou t the waste or ATLANT IC Im pur ities In the blOod. mi••ion to take testimo ny as to OITY, (JAPE MAY ANIt EIGHT OTHKR If th:v a re sick or' out codloil to will , of order, they fa ll to do RESORTS . Eetate of Mary O. Brown, deceall th. lr work . Th~ annlJ:ll e .l curston to 'b~ se asbor e ViOl Pains. achesand rheued. Illveut ory and apprais ement Penn~11v aDla Lin es will be run Tbuflday . matJsm come from exfiled . Aulbor ity given to lell bank AUl'wa 17tb. a. con v ~DleDl d:lt ~ tor h~.I vlu~ ce. s of uric acid Ih the bu ~ lnt f'C~, Iud " ben tbe He n i on at tbe o cean bl ood, due to ne gl8Cted IItock at private I8le: resort .. J8 at II " he ight · ."'or tbl ll t:acuntl,," kidney Irouble. In re will William 'H. Dyer. de ,Icken wUI lie lold 10 nloe ot the m o~t 1Y.tPU' Kidney Irouble causes qulok or uns\Jady lar watering pla~ s 00 the Atl a ntlo COllin, ceased. Will offered for probdj . t';cludln, AUaotio CIt,. Cape iIIay.An".'<su heart beats. and mak • • one fcel as thou", A .-alon. Holly Such. Oo. an CU r. Sea 'i s l. tt;~y had heart trouble. bee a .... the he.rt Is Estate of George' J . Roaoh. insol. Clly. "1Id"ood , all on tb. J ....y Coo,, ; and o.e r·workin g In pumpin , th ick • . kl<!f1ey. vent. Order granted to Bl'1I real Rehobotb , D eJaw~re. · .. pOisoned blood throuch veins and arteries. ' 'fbt ronoc1 t.rlp to nus of the rc~o n' nam ed It used to be considere d that only u rt n,.. y estate , &)e approv ed. ..til be $11 .00 ' rrom Wayn •• "lIIe. Ohto, trou bles were to be traced to the kidneys, Estate of Rachel Throck morton Farc l!I from otber tloktL !natlomJ OD l.Jenn ' h'a nt a LIli es will he Il r OllOrti o Date ly low. but now modern science proves that nearly dece~@ed. John Throck morton 'ap IyTl all co nst itu tional diseases have t heir' beein· c k~t ~ w ill be i:0nd retu r ni ng w ltb ln twelve days. penntttin x more tllnD a wee k's nlng In kidney tro uble . pointed admini strator. Bond enjOYAble ~ tA f at t be l\f'llshore. I! y ou are sick you can make no m lst ak. , tl0,000. I!:xcunlou tlc kets include s top ovltr a t by first doctorlO~ your kidneys. The mild Pblladclp hta ,m re t urn tr ip Ir (le l>oH t,ed and the extraordi nary effect of Dr. Kil mer ', F..tate of Margar et; Lavern e and 'Itltb tic ke t a Y'~ nt d t "road S t r f:~t ~tu.tlo n , Swamp ·Root, creat kidney remedy II ' Alice Carey. minorll. MDry E . t'or rull v ar abo ut tbe e xc u rsion. s('on realiled, Itthe stand. the hiehe st for. its a lOS t hrou gh tra in scr\'Scc a.c d a.d '·I6DCe 25,~ Carey appoint ed guardia n. Bund .pectal wonde rful cu re. of the most r Clle n .. l iu D of 81eepin" c ar bcrthlt ~ ppl y to cases U h: Uoo1.h. Tlck.e t J\~e ut , P~nnl'l,lv ... nl a and Is sold on Its merits '1,000. . Line • • W ay n esn ll c, Oh io. by all druggists In fl 25~ EstMte of JosI.!Pb Chapm an, de· cent and one-dolla r ceatled. Dt.trlb ntive accoun t IIled Cheap Summe r TripR es. Y Oll may have a T to Vari ous sample bonle by mall fio ....r 9 ....... 1~., aDd approv ed. Points via Pennsy lvanIa LinE'S . free. also pamphlet teUine you how Eat-ate of Thoma e Tuite, decease d Excuulo n tlckr L« wHI be 901d via Penn ~y l ' ou t if you have kidney or bladder trouble , Men tio n :hlS pape r when writing Dr, KHmer nnla Lin.. as '~ Il ow. Invento ry filed , To Portland . C r~ .. J"De 1 t o Oc tobe r Lith, " Co,. Blneham ton. N. y , REAL UTATE TRANIJ'ICIUI~ , 5c Inc1u"lve , acC'o uut L ew is anrl Clark c CD t(' n ' Don ·t mil ke IiIlV· lmt re · Charle" F. Thlrkle ld etal to Ed· alaI Erpo. tllon , Rome Cit" Indi a na. . J il l)' 18 La AUfCu s t memhe r t he nnme, Swamp . Root, Dr. ward M. Tbirkie ld, lots iu Frankli n, 10.Toloclu !(he. ac c ouut l s li1 Dll Pa.rk A II",,·mbl y . Kilmer 's :::!wamp ,Root.. and the ad· '2.000. To Portl and, O r~& o n , A.u KUo,;l 0 -'; -8·9 -10-) 1- Ilr es~ . Bin ghamto n, N. Y. , on every 12·13·14 , ) :'·10 ·17 ·2Y,30 a nti :11 , o unl l 'on - hottle . Charle l F. Thlrkie ld et al to the Tf'ottOD o f t(atloDal Assnc h.tton Leu,t' r E. B. ~hirkleld & Bons Co , lot8 In c arrtr r~: nl '\o (or coarntrn ntrd orOrdf'f or Kimono~. Hoo Hoo Frankli n, '3.000. Genera l 'J·o D.nv.r, c oiorotlo. AUlf\1St 11 to la . In ' Charle l F. Thirkle ld and othera to cJusl\' p., acC'ount Nallonal Fraterna l Order ot Lida F. Parka, lots In Frankli n, Earl • • • To Siln Franrlac o. ca.llf orn l~. AUg Uflt 1'; to '2,800. Old Li ne Reliabl e Compll nieR 24 . tDduI"·e. account Internatlonnl c nn\'c o' C.IOD. Societies ot the Chri stian c burcb T . B. rVan Born, admlDl atrator, reprer ~ nt e(1. er, Colonu\o . Augus t 2Y t o Se l)tRw, to &rah Jane Greega nd Willi.uJI berTo3cOen\' , InclulIi l\"f' .• ('count National £ u('l1WP' E very policy bas a gua ra n ment 0, A . R. Gregg. lots In Frankll u, ''',000. teed financia l backing . ']'0 Richmond . Va, S eptf'mber O. 10th a nt! C. 8. Maxwe ll to Jllnnie Maxwe ll, l1tb, a cc ount ADDUIlI M~eotl n& F:Ualnl ' N:1 ' Prompt attentio n giren to 82 acte. In FraDkl ln town. hip. '1 ~loDal CODRre!;s. A Touob ln\i StorY. Notbln lf on tbe Marke t Jilqual to To Pblla4elp btA, 1'0 . tr 1 " tb , 10 all b\lsine~!I . Ilnd other oonRld erasion l. And I •• A«ount Odd FeUD". Qraael Lod,e, Is the ..viVI from death of t h e baby OnaDl berlalD 's 00110, Cboler o The King Powder Compa ny to ~ Cbattano o,a. Tenn. , Sf'pr.emb er J ~, to girl of Gao. A. Eyler, Cumbe rland, and DlIl.rrb oea Remed 7 Gee. G. King, amaH traot iD Deer· 11. Inclu"l ve,: account Rel;meot al Rt-unloD. E " Md. Be wrltea : "At the age of 11 ary of tb. It'tlle of C'bl clumaug u •. Valley Thil taot ie well known to drug. field townsh ip, '1 and other good 'Phone 7';. Wayne flville,O , mon,hl For part!cula rR co..oull Tlck.1 A,onto 01 t our UtUe girl Wal in de· glltl everYW here, nine out of and valuabl e conslde ratlonll . oUning nealth, witl:i .erlous Throat ten will give tbeir and P.naoyl vanl. LIne•. ol18tom Pecuh ar 01 •• apper. nce. Trouble . and two phY8iclan. gave. prepara tion when the best era tblll The Xing Powder Co. t,o Harry t•••ked J 0, Runyan , of Butlerv ille, 0" her up . We were almollt in despair L. Klnl, ODe, acre In Deerfie ld REDUCED J'ARE."! TO RICHMOND VIA laid. the peoullRr dls!'tapdearance of when we r9llOlved t:o try Dr. King , I, for. ' Mr , Obe Wbltm er, a promi · II drllggle t of Joplin, Mo., in ~ towDllhlp, II and, other good and PDNaYLVANIA LINER. New DllOovery for Cotllum ption. I nent olrcnla r to his custom ert!, I&ys ' Julr 31. Au,ust ~ . 6 Ind 7, e;tour. lon tick· bill palnfnl sympto mll. of In~i~. Coulhs and Coldll. The first vaillableoon.lde~tloni . bottle "Thel'f! ill nothing on tbe market lh eu to JUobmoa d. acc..unt r.o nfe",D'~ 01 " . t-ion and b1lion.nel!!, to ~r. i>:iDg II gave rellet • after taking four bottles the way of patent medlol ne whloh Philip D•. Claget.' and Mary L. merle.a Frl.D4a. ,.lII be so14 .,11 P.aaOflYO· New Life Pill... l1e aays : "They ahe wa. (lUred aneS 11 DOW in per. equals Chamb erlain'" Colle Chol81'~ Dtl Llnu 1ro1ll "II lIeket IIltlODS. For full Claget t to Almai Lang, real eIItate InforGll\ loo r ..rar4l~ lut •• IlIDe of "Ilal. are a perfeot remedy , for dlulnM II, feet hl!'alth... ' Ne~'er fall, to tli. and Diarrho ea Remed y:to.. bowel In C1.l'Creek toWlUlhip, .,,100. etc. IPpl, to L""~I Tltll.t A!feDI 01 III~ luur .toQl,~ob, heado.cbe, COD.ti~. lillve lind onre a cough or!!. We, ee11 anel Noom tion, etc. Gaanll teed at May I A' Kay'. drug ItoH; 00r! and, '1.QO compla Almal b'ban 4 tq Mar; liON, mendlt hll pNpan tlon." ' For Mte \Irq Itore, PI1C1i1 210. lra.a.,~. 'l'riat bonle Itee. 1It~.


the safe ty of ODe 's

f",,· 'The re Is sec urit ¥· 'at the


¥ou dep osit








____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __





C. M. BRO WN , Pro prie tor..

CUR TAI N STR ETC HER S $1.5 0 to $2'. 00. The Very Best. Fine Sales.



Lawns , "von d f I c r u sales in .1 uly,

8 l-!-J, 12 1·2 and 15c. L d· , Sum mer U nder weal ', for Men 's Sum mer U ndel'wear, for Colln,rs, Ul'noYel'S, lOco 144 sold in shor t time Fans , Gloyes, 25 and ' 50c up. ;\1 uslin Ullder weal ' S umm er Cors ets, 50c Lnw n Wra pper s Calico Wra pper s



Hutcbis,," 6t


X~"ia Obi~.







The Miami Gazette.



bROW N 6; ,\l c "~Y, Publi shers , OlllO , =~_"'"~'="""""




r 'LS lbet'


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Il{'v( ' r h NU'11 f r o m tl6H II1 At Urs t lJ lll~ b l b e n s ::;P ftl .... ll 5'(' tO t; IO r r (tilb le, IJlIl 1'0 · lh.€' ''' I n(I~ 1 It S f ll rlli ~ h Hln n l lll a l i o n '( he

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DI al' Out at S ig ht Mo r p I blln 5000 per _un . 1I11 '\I'ft lly clloll lll,cn r In Ih e l'n ll NI S tllle . nll ;J li re


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h.I l; h er ,' n iH f to> , t oo ll ueen Hhe IlI lItl es~P llti s Ol s h e SIIlIHl s 1I 10ur If 11) 11 '" (I f ber a nd III.e 'h p \\ 1\ ) II<" hair clI , ls , au d "'tim il hi I d lll1 p l ~ !; ,l nd t h i n !, hC:' r hal ~ nne] hu ul ~ pi-de cl . YOII HI e . hU f l th ,l t !; hp 11\, \(' , :-oE"e f; H ) U . and t hat l ') ~ 1 111 e IlU l n nr uf I h o~~ w h o T'11m ll O!:i f lI er h tt i\: U Hl I I I l\o uw n liu ll t I h l ~ gill s ,


Book a nd Job, fo r per m. ne nt POS ,1I01 :S III Ch ica go, Wa. e . fI,,, -e,a rr:en $19 ,50 I' e r W ee k, 54 H o urs -

O nly c omp etent com O~ l tor C/; \lr, ish l ll " • per man e n t p o:s1tlo nS need a pp l) G ive re fe re nc es a s to h ao c te r and . blll ly , A a d re ..

I hn ,'c bl' l'e l<l the lo ttie Ilral lla pn nclc <l


man ) n II II H.~ ,IIHI I a m so rry- rOr ifO u r Ije~9 1 e \\h u 1C.)f l ~~ In \ nill t hn l (~tl e(' n J'l'lL el ~ l lOlIlti n utl(~ h e l !,)u !'W II ) thn t ' IJ ' II~ h ll\t I,t t: n ,Ilt) :,) \\ h ~ tI 1 \\ \)1 11 .1 h l1\ I ,f't 11 !-!Ia d tu ... Ih llt t! M I!;H h' ah f-' I u nd !'ilt h 'l I l c ..- I lu m lit''! ~ huliitl

F ers ton h'l I, I il ha llll g 8," d u ruo l

II I jll" ~e. 1 , h lll g hdu , C hilli (ulU fu t t s hlJ n ~(' 1 1 w it h th t! IliUlIg:h t Jt b lqrj; plt n, UC\e l l h nt


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}'pud - u rt l l " (" Il l II lnd

' It Is lJ Oll tlfu l b r e b u t yo u UH' t I ~ l I \ " <to1; " S InY \\ ll h me t h is SlI lJ lIlltr , . b ' 80 ld d lll g in g tll hi s n , no " lcto lc' I. 'e ll t he h gnl e ty , und " e wu n t to ueuuse rull o r t: h 1:::; ~1 11 1 Ie" arrs w er ed uy h. illl o~~ " ", oo ,ill,; g Ihe' da rk tlil is " lJlch a ga u ls t hi s br ea st Hut I " h.1I1 be lo n eso m e "hil t! ) 11 11 a r ~ III t l'" I 'tl , (J e lalli ' , h ~ ,\11 ' 11,'1 ell I

"I " "" I" IlSil lI tO(\lU d l tlllly 0,"1 1 11oy. 6 1\ a11,

"110 '" (1 ,,1y ou ge LlJnt'k y our l.. mll h Vtllt . Ihe t-\t:> C It ' t .. A 1111 ' 0 c ll,u, r o 1I1J<l1\ )o t of fu,t ', • II )('" s lj.( h lll l, ,. n hI; tI to en ll' h huld 1110 to 1\ cll1'6 Aft er I hnd Sl1ffe o r th e lll , llllli ly m o uth • • /llid wh eu IlV a~ l'~11 ' '',r til I" ,.,,, Ih e lll rn ' l til hll OIl th nt they 011 tue " cry verg e of d e"I ~lIr.l happ oned nl e " O U" K fO l", \ e r (u nntl \' 0 111 JIlinc \ h l " ,.111 IIU U( "ouu t of 00 1116 ourC OlJ el 'lug )Il II' \\ill -g lil~, th ri c tt ,' o led loy is Is ti l, Dr, W,Il '" IJ1H' P",k PIIIR. T utllp h thi ~ I'" g lu l ' 011 :-; i s Juy h" lll onl s " ," 0 so COII\ ,uei ng that ti 'ule~ I OI e UbOl1 t il nuu UH:'r r 1i01J 1& l ime ' h o w f elt lI "~tlr e(l thut theR e pllI I Ilro po"" III t h e com in g -c ~ \\ ol ld r ie s h e lp 1110 , Muo t l ,cop lc . 1 thlu tail e "ll a II '"tIh c r o r ""iJ k , bu,' ,,"ly ject " 1 ~ lI t Du e bo x f vr 1\ tronl , but I p u r t"llll8ed 'I'ho (ll g ir ls \I fll flilil P' (le ' 1<',, JU S 1 p" boxe s lit 0 11, c. nlld II bou 1 hUl l 11l1.l1!~ I Cll n 1!'h yo u n 11 f t o \ p r ~ n l11 e 11 . 00 thcll l UP. 1\\ 118 lilll " hll t' ecll w ell n ud !Jnd ll o I Wll il t t o 11 dl) )011 , If I lIeed of lII or o nw<l lclllc , "Dr , WIll ulill S' PUlk Pills (m dc b ~<1 Il1 Y thin ,l. gn" 1l lUll bllc1< n ,y l co)I, n 'STOCK AND CUFFS ~t oredbl"" III)' IIl'pe l lh', g"v o 111 0 'trcn g lh I ,,'alk 10IJg <i, sU\lI ec" with ou t f L nt. F ns hl on tor These Dles u tlgl\J ;, IU s A c- fact fr_ llIl o fro lll ullm y n u mero us m) ce ssor ies Is th e Itn lt nn Cullue lJt s I lUll e n ll'ent ly tUll ght for 8fH' rnJ Wor k Her e Sho wn , UIO llth. , 111111 I C""I lOt 81 1~ell ull g h ill pral .(' of Dr, W ,I 1o ll ll\ 8' P'III ; P ills .. 1" , 11011 I II~ \l O, H I" 'he IIl I,'. t th 'n ~ tn 111" . l\Iur jmre t M, J ll llles l i !l W)" e lllh ruh lt' l \T 0:11111 II hi lII U~ ' ol{ct; t h a nt 'No 1211 Olnv . ' r~pt . DR," tou . O h ,", ~UH t .... UK' t .. du, Fl n)s S n. r nll H ul e t t nnl M/m y I.r !Je r fell uw tcn c h(,,'s lm l e UI ;.oo c" III th e Phll a,l.l l)hl a PI o.-' T he ma , o sell Dr \ V,ll, nllls ' P1II1, P illij a lld flOll ar t:' \ (, I ~ heuv y ell t hu ' c ubou t t b e ,r mell t's, S",,, "1 (hgu SII lI l1 . NtrCnll'lh , lIll1lJmo ll . a.nd cb .... rfn! 8pil u s quic ldy follo w theIr UDe IIro Hold in e\'CJ 'l druU s t.)1'ij , 1'1, Y in \ be worl d.

\\ h l' n tha t vf Gt' la,ld 1\" l nro ..... \\3.£ I e· ("O \ Cl t! U I I \\ .t ... dCf' tIl ('c1 ll t' ~ l t h a t Ill S ",He shou l d Ih ' \ \.' 1 1(0 )\ UpUt l It th o ll ~ h It " " " lJ ," ,,!! h t III 1I1l1h ilm ~ ru l' u ll rl31 lit e I" n~ lJhu' k

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11 ' 1011 r ho I ra ' I' d ll'''' u f rllul life lli d· Uf" O \\ It li in r ll " st' PC't II l1n r ( ,\ '-1t !o\ If I tt l '

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Unit ed Typ othe ta e of A m eric a M o nodn o o k Bl oC k, C lliC ,,0

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\111 1 lu \ e rr.lII sfe n r d Y O\l I' d l'. 1otiJ.!, 1l hi tlll~ 1I11f111 b" a 'nll h ~ J I (' t h d hf!i ,ll IT S OF :FLA G LOR E , 1 \\ H h ,1 \ \'f'\. ~hu rt. l1u~c !'H lt c' h \r or!\. ! t il" e n lllt\ :It's t t:n in t hl ~ \\tt \ ', \\illl Ihe 'flu) ..:I mp hl :-lllp l nl; o f tlll' :\('\:' p 'l illl (jrlht' ~' I .l lg l lt IlII r(lo a n d c!i I lI u ll l n g ,.e l lu,\ III t h p fi aHO rRpn ili \\ nri ;;ll gg .. ~ [ tl t.1 f r om ~Id ,) 1\1 sld~' b ) t il t:! nlll\ ~ () ( Alag~1 11 'I h ('s(' >.:1ltH ll d hI' (! oQsr ll wl lh n 110 11 T he "'1 1 111 1g (~1 (lug lIt Hler "{l 1,,1 '-' t l a Ufl j.H I ~ hl ld l !nU1) tl.J tlt t' c d g:(~ ~ e ' (i f 1I ~11l l!oi !llu t o r Ih t' :\1 ce de- lo a n o n l) " Th p He tl lf(~ud H J1IH ~t I h p ll il t' iU bll r g C'I1I:oi 11 Is r fl tl 0 11 OJ' e ~ h l l.' h t. \\nl"h pL! w ltll a d l)"'t, il Ul l d u u h ll ' :-.ll lc ll l.:Jn di l Jll I li p 0 \ tun A ft pi t ll e~c U I'P fl n l l.: lw d (' II I I 1l t h e T h(l Cf(1'!\( t·n l. II1 f1U Il aut! o..; 'ar ~ ,\ ('r iI H'!Jt b"I \\ 4 II tll l' IllI llo n h Qlt,t l • d )Z:e s. n tlo l,t ed 1.) \ I h ~ r III I,:.; uS 1h p! r ~hH Ir t' \l n tH 1J.." '311 1(1 \h nl tilt? 1J1I U I t() ll h o li o ~ rUII ! t h e l:l.P IU I C l, f rCJn~l n n{l u op l e hy i\lob n tn nH·tl 11 111 ll ~. ~


he 1\ h l, e ( ' (,, " u ll t h e r e~ Ce1<1 of h~ S \ \ islol tin;:. h : l ~ n r (l ll g iuw; IU c a u i rl/'': It " I\ ~ UUUll lCIi n Q Oil RP lJ (l a l V) he-:\\ f n t n ] ( PI , "h en I h e !S tOlit S\\ I RH f o ug h t 1.1 uti \ \ unu l1 ('o ft lu ' lt g l ea t (o~t bn l'h\~ P t' l fJ r thf" CuSa t, JI Is ~ n hl liUII

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t ill cads


T h e fh }\\ c r be"" t ," uitf'd lIaLll e a nd t he une whf< h l l'i !oi' I ' C II "ilh u lmO...:l e \ el ) e laho ra te C h IJH sf2: i.I 1nni r IH,lh e d 'l'Yf;(l ll the lUllJil sa l s Lesl ie, ~I o llthll' Th e ilo we r h.l" a p"III I,ar lIu\ o r n ndl rnan l t ro n ls lJc fu rc II enll I.e rlill y nl lprec latc ll , Vllt Chi ll ese ~ jlic tlr"s u ll d a lew Ne w y o, I. e r s .. ho e nJ o y (, h ili ,' p ro o tl ~ rreqll e n tl y IlU} f"n c y PrlCl' S fur 'hrl M lllh e mlim ~ "h ,cll tile y ta ke tu Ih e ChlJ\csc ch e fs III have I're [lar p ~ for Ih

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null a dul l y wa lli. eO~ 11y t'l flg-nr HI" thut all " " nl h p, I~ n 1'IIrt! plt,. It.lll mn he. I1 t'<'llflll a carr ln!;e , Ih 11 101 e Ilail g h ler An ~o tl c (311 hn ve (I of Ihl ' h.uJl \pr rna } g:o to ( ie ul (,OOlI IIt.' x l n n h (> 1' g lfl clua· The il' I ~ It IoI ltnp)(~ 1t! llI ft UY III h all d 110 OIl E' Ht b.a.u1H and and 'I s l1trf' r a

and U :I UIll O lilit u r

O\' ( II I h e Ille n o r t he il u"s inn Il a g [r um I lltl DU l l.h Rl nU1I 1;' w ho m h e lea l' n e t! 'th !JIb ll lldin g I\ e -lm JlI , ~"n e d lhe I)u" b. t r lt o lo , I ~ I , ~I e n nd ~ up"~ 10d u wn In com p li m ent to Wil liam , p ron l'P o C O rang e. 1 h eil g r eal l ead er , th e ('.-lIn t 0: ul' t ht' )JOLH;e o f Oral l ge were udup Nl b y t he pco l,le uf (h o l'et he rl n,.r1 . , n l I he eo(1 u f iI ,. 1; l un g bOUl ll lt h f;",d "

f; l a rtlln ~ '"' t n f t' IlIt' llt H "· ')' fl R " nn s " e r e<l S pnut


' ur~hll ll1

"lll' t h i n lo., Ill' l lo-: II man o f th e 1'(, lh " l .

"h e n he I. "' c ' e ly 1\ mllU nr t ha e X! III m a t lou puln l '- )o~v e liin g S tllr

~ ' ,,1;\1 h . holll,1 ~ P d"lIo COMES A TIME k free Illil nu t 11.1 tlJ lJ al R ma l B UI 1111 J( ' " ,. . nu ,,,o d Coff ee Show s Wh a t A Iluul tlce of ~ ua" 1I11t1 SligA bl I ht IIllg ht little d a \l~hf H HIIII es t Is nlwa y s acld c(1 III Inlro f' r or It d e r!.: r will o.: h p 11(,l fll \\ d ~ th n t U ltI tln f'l ng Ina on a .. moll ~n l a l y ' ITl1\' II . we ilin g 0" ". ~ fill Been Doin g 'Icd by two J>~' - chat ln (If ur );C .l I cln g to y d u.'h l& IniJo h ~ad a t tnbl e tf"r S\ )JI "-: s l(' 1 1P lll ~ ill ll) ~~ l ;.1Il Th e f10\\ er dc'!- TIl e' ]ll In n re w 111"" " anJ! IIII' ' allle Ilo ia J.W. whll h ~e rt ~ are pa.r i tl ('> and amlJ lf i on of lli e lllt ice l a l te r t i c ular l y ollap l ed. fo r ", f ootl h ~l lf" fl Y dn \\ tl th e \1111 oI ,n " u ""lin ter flilm t;\111 (l p pl j \ ('I hi s hnlll C o lon g R\ e llU e lun c h eo l1 :i yom " co tree ha s ~ I s a/>tr< ' '''l r ll {' r p~ wlll e8 finge r or lu~cnl1 l.," C u f th e LJl u ~ s;o m 9 Th e 1 , ~ I Jl , e h icl e s waH ,1 a li ll 1\llh UJ(' ' '''rl1 E'~ a. lIIut lon nnll ' 81111 8l1dd l(> h im with ti If s bin g.. , hCfill lY 01111 r,ag i frum HOIllf' , e hl hflt 10 1, Plllr ll ill e 3 R " e ll lIa Iha crea k ed ae Ih <y too k I hel r s ea N \' , li s 1I1l'hi es t pun, " hlllc Pu,, ,l e , Is 111111 rur ell ln rged t' 1{ ln lIu, plt y o r \JlP pnrl n t " ns I. J po rt's, lUH ke llg 'h e m for f oo'l ro ~s 'tl g-hlc n e tl th e l lll e~ 'I ~I vc dloJl ~ o f Lilli lure :1.1111 the t"n To IIlHI .e t h e ur IJcm min In _e~lII m e ' logy ' uilll ;Jl llY , a n.! 'l ,leH!-1 el l , o r 1he bl os!{o m h l ~ h - iJ r l. d ho r st! :; ~ t f: JliJ (" \ l e" to Ihkh II ell Ull my Lolo()d bUHln u f II UU" IIHel1 uft e r ~o fl l ) U\\.l Y cl uli g h t. o s " 8" hlng ~u m e (l tllhl1 Sl u S ls ca ll it i\ I .lr l c 1'lIl1 t1 s!') a \\ u h( III t .. J be h e av iest Yd l f:\ \\ ltl!1l It ll p IHor llln g fl l !-i t ~ III a lhln I h e rn' ~ '" \I t e~" tV' COlli ' Ur: ~C I II ' V b a t ler o f eg ~ 8 ond n(' 'h .,u d f f l l JII (t ht r 1 1 1l ~ Lu n ll e m .. to ill n~ h N lllli lc t ell, tl cs tlO) YOII ~ ll o tJld put UR lilli e lIll'a ... r II I aUsl.' lI t l\ ulll lu g III) A~ ­ '1 h i s sh o u l d be lJrou s ht 1n f ll t! poss l Iro lll h , r d l ,ull bl r fr om peti t e 8ntl tnnld ng m e ne hi e ~h (' i1 11 '-:!oil 1I . ,til l! lh , h l l \ ou ~ a w l II · t l hl ' ll L\l r cad ) prep ar ed. \ \, 111 . l n l"'m ;:; I h, ~t' n ' 7h o rl!au le, and . a nl ii1 e 10 my ucJ .u l ' !'\ iJl"!' \ ulll , Idn 1001, st;\II ha s 1' lI j(ll ll l'1I lIu~v{ ' n; A r'tr Ihor o t1 ~ Y I' l In y wfl HlllW shed \\llI re b \I ~ nr rnn ~n l:! r ?'· ~h u 1l1tl l)e one or Ih,' se n t lllc ks , In \IIIII ;lIla n g c tl In n Ala.s \u 111 11 ("h for a Ht'a rl t \ tl I n ~ a, 'I hi s Is heclI " .e t h e se o n th e s id e · P ttl~ (, 'J h i') luu l,l' (j "tJI IP a n d Iy los tmy s( al " ,1 Blill }Joa! .! l ire ) co nci lld e,) tv q ll it \Ill " 11f! \\ III n ul auh e r ~ l l n. ,"c I h e t h afln g I1l s h read T o re m ~ tJ y lind g la n c£lli at ('a l 11 II t hl' r \\ lt h y try I'"s tum ~'uo u Co ffee '111(' (p ul ,, 'io n or dt flO: ", "' h Ull III ",I I. UII " hrt\f fill c d w ll h 0 11 ~mol\lll~ ld tl P vt'l.r g o 'li e ' Ih p race with n II l tle s " et!1 h(Jt PIIIe )( b r..1 q :-'l l ss \' 11 tHin ha s g [) lll~ , It 'Hn t 'i gill tll tb e " POt ' ,, 11\111," 1 ull, "Ille away an,l t( ,.. , t. su lt l 11J(! p c lal fr o llP !'\ 't ll n 01 pt' fJ dpXi l y to I rOll o,1 m I It t' tlo w f' r ti st i r bri sk th e ll PO" It th (' s ()l le of t b,' II1 nlll~ 6c'hl Hd c:l rl \ e t tt f/lr 100 nu l o nl y a llIos t [JulalalJle a I v Int o th e lJalt cr, then 0 ( 1(' n I" r !) p s de r nd l e\ \ ha l ll o ) o u m ea n ') a ~ l\l dip 0 1lt In li p lloll nl ,II \ (I~ rre.h lll/( uP' e To ' II !\tal l lI gc, trun mah lJIIl u roo.1 a - , .• Ii li le 1( l"I o1l h H. ~ r hu o l. c hUll f:' ) \\nl t! 1' I I I H~o h' e o • lIIall IJo r tioll nnd t1fQJ) ne Into tbe u il. f,!: 111 !; iHUII , 1 h ,ne H CI " All I ahl m y e!o-.lJOu lI fll I of h o n r y III u ll nilDl e'J I. , tlto 'log loe. s n llil bO lhr r nh(l lll h pt Th c r, Ill" , " PlitT liP Imm ed lnt e fluaf l of el ", Rnd drp, H An ), pl a l n_ nen IIl n l n e~" Ih e un 'n tl s raclO l I) cond l rlo D- ' It ',Ih ell Ollt IJlll c l<I' they t hlll ,; tll "nl e , IIlld th e jllile or o ne lelll o ll It r e taiu t be do Lp. 1 g<lo cl sp rvl 4P I ~ l t1 P rlL~ht Il1ln l-{ Is nu l e ll,f ,'pl y wlt holl l suutl1 lll g Ul'llon of IUY Lloo tl my ne rvou s ness a nti I r~ (ulo r or I h e flo" or rrom "hl c h they Hh f r Ff)lI lrfl H no orn am Pll rilau lilty tll "a ppea r ed III s ho tl' <1 lI"on~ wil en -a ~'Oil !(h Itt )Irea l1,; ,Ire mad e Wbe n r pmOl'eel from J !t' r "rna . r t 0' de r, enl. and my th e all m (\ ul ~ ure th e r O"N:i II) SU I ely nr.lIc ted slom a c h be.h e l ( ll(' I\ !'\ I he I h c y - hollh l he IllaClld tor n mom ent on br igh t li e". III h .. . ' e~ gun qlllc id y to Fo r Blnc khen de, reco ver nll" orb CIIl l,npe r lH' fnr e upln I bpga n 10 g dllet ed re llnllu and havc s tend lly Th e cOlllj)lcx lon lJI us h 118e< vdth JIOw (le re <i SU1':nr and pa s • • co n9 1lued l eve!' )' . ell t o tbo unti l n~ w , Hnv e a good appe t Ite nlgll t nnll 1\10' !llng with Wllrm wait ing glles t . "ho are mo But g lrl ,~ " YOII do have 1:00( nn d wal e r 11m re lban 1 tlm u and ca s tile I~jolclllg In s ound hel\l an xloll s 10 sam ple the n e w S0811 wi ll keep Ih e comp leJ(lh. w b li II Idea , Tbe at s (b oo l. do n't yo .. ? Re houl lij a worl d Ion low e free to I tiny wufe rs wbl c h nre crisi l ho tram use blac or POstllW Food' corIll!!! daln , of Ils o wn T he new RI ho lnr fe e ls this. week appl y a satll khea ds Tw ice_ tee," Nam I y nr e goo d 8ub!ltltu tc~ for e g il en by Post um Co ,. Batrale solu tion Of maathe In· Dnd It tnk cH be l som e li ttl e time to oeRIa:- Be tle Cr pck , 1111 care tul of th e IHet , ellttn B h, ev Uahl e c hom \lagn e "ate n In ' let\'1 1l1 IIn(\ Ollt lb e Ja .. s and reg ulati ons that ple nty of Tbe r c 's n reas o n Ie'es or any It l lld. rrellh fruit , drlo ldng tbJ'e e !lol' ern It. J\lw&,._ lake 1IIIIu 8 &0 ..t pint . of "at u II R \ d th e litt le' book ; "Th e Roa d to Well ylll,, ",' f ',u d IIll! ncb pkg,


>Ide '" II 10 hi"



In c hLq,



M .'I.. M r l: T' t' a f\ III lilt., l{ o us l \(l t \\h"' n 111 1'1 f ) I I"', r Ollt h l' :o. tll ~ q th 'sl for l il(; 11(J( 111 l iCl lf- J':i , ' ~t h,j P 8 t h(' ~ U \III J.; i · tH \\ 0 111. 111 ~ 11f) h a s € \ pr 111.01 nu hc. 1l :-o w Jt an IX . , eu lt l u l l Rh p I S 2 \1 \ ta l ~ old


tbr oll )! )'

lil t'

<.: pl r l l


,H) Veul ure

Ihu t "he tal, e" ' h is ;rIp , lJe( Rll s )! be ba g I.." , n o ff ered n Inrge a lary fo

go as Sl €UliJ:,r.lp h c r to Jb e com man d er

aJld com pani o n 10 ~Ir" P ear) . 1 bere 'Will be i , ljd e~ on Ih e type writ er b

,lie It'lu rIlB, -

e ror~


' "'fT




Story of Big Trees and the Forestry Bllilding at Portland

1----J1--I- - - - - - l 1g3

( IHI'I'''1'>11 n· '- - (:Ia~tag l l . , 1'0 1 1 1.,ud ell ' JOIJI I\I' ) .".......

I )"" I e nJI )) t!i Jl l'l ji ll I h ,tp", I dll' 'I iJ. 11I 1I IIt n,, ~

11 " '111



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,., 111111' ''' ' fpJlIl \\ 1111 ' I .tl l\ • II , li t .. lit.. 1!Jl ll tlf III . . . 11 . , 1 11 ,' u II l 11n

111 :-\.11 ' \ 111I t"~' 1

t\ ll l .l l l1lh~ '~ PII "'l l jl llI J.,:l tllIlI d .. &1It! 11 1 n,d" I II d n :-' II \' ''ll1l !1 l c d SJl n ~ .. till ! llI h h l !If ' I I \ · ~ II 1\ \\1" \\ 11 11. 11 111 111. ,




L;l a I


Ihll l

I h l nl d l A

t l'tl l

I I " 111 ,1 t

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'11 \ 1 ill '

! '

~O IlIU "' i :-' Il a ,

O I l

11 IU\I ' I f 'l 11 1) \\

1/1 1 ,

I (P"P Cl I \

'till \\ ,t ll

III ~'


I I 1 ..

d , 1"""

t ...

In U 1111 /14111\\ !11' hl

\ l llIs


f \\

'''' '!'i l

:': 111

1f .11l z ,



t tltl!



~ q lldl( ' 11111

.. ' Ol ll l,rl !=;('d

O/f .... tllI o \ p r ;"

( 11 U11'




(O ' I /('d



11' 1f' '-: 1" l h or I h (" 11)l nl a ll lOllnt of :-. sll l d l l1 ~ lilli' h.lll io hi r I !lu lu T In lilt' 1'111 I ~" JI" ~ Ih l ~ UH n ih 11,,1I th f' lf'

S I I1I1I' II 11,'

UI .


Ce ni l:' bll tldln ..,:,ut 1~1f1 I1( l ' ~a \ :-. HldHUU


10:-; 1


lHIII (lf' l s



0 1 ~, I.'l1 dl ll g II I all d hfl\\ I~ d 111111 1(ll't

I l t ll h f' r


hllllli,' r

\\ 111111,11\1" pi les of it lIII h f' 1 \ \

\\tr'lI I

ti ~lI l l !i <l l (' il1nd r qti,. ' e

to e xpl <'





!lit. I

III li t 11




I1 P \1 I

CC l1I X


I:Il ~n ljl


.... I'UI


dlulrt t.;


\\ JI lt

S }ll fl\lofl l z' l

t !a f'

ll llJll al f!t\


101 II

I I , " I" II

\' 11 "

" rl}S ~llu ll

\11 I ~


-t tl

11.... (

I I) d l O l 1 \ 0 111 ~ \, ,,,

}'\) 1J

as h ('

(ot' l

~ II' 1.:1 " n~

" , I \ 1..... 11


1I1~ .':-.


, Ir '


1 11 1 I I It ;,. l

i:J 11 I i I I'" -. ,ll d

l il t! dlspl , 1. ... e J I' , ... 1 ']1 I II I II .. I,' t!

01 I r n ll ' I, I \1 \\ II "" " lIh s on III I"

Ilr(JllIo t ilt,.:

bf'f' u :l an,1 10 0 )\

I l lr


a ll\lhln g

1 11\\

\\ Hu ld



\\ ( Wrlt'nl

t tl. 1

r~ l halt (l \ C' r A iD..i {l u , If) "I"

hullfl tn g Ih t ( .lll14' IIr\\h u' lI 1I1 tO Ihe "fIIl d "h U(' \ P l t id lll '::~ (1 ' Ir~ 1.1' " Is 1111\1 C IHI I, C , IlIl'lI l itH I p x p l l ... i l!fI !l h~l s l'i lH I, ••d h ,l


. "(I lt' ';::



Dill' fi r !.1 _ll llIp:,e 0 1' till ' hllll d i n

Ie (alllP t iP t ltlOlH It I Ill' (h .Ulllill !; h it 0 1 ".lllItHI pUll, "ht t h ad J:, :1l l1 ld 0 ",

~~d ll HI IH' I ' u l hllll g Oll(H III l"ftll'al1d\'hl\'l 1 t" on o f (h~ ttllllH Ii\{' r 1!l nr(,8 !}j f ... .;; lllr gll'"lhl~ Throll ~h Ih~ \l sta or I" rg:c II Pt.'3 !t1l! 1 £, loonH Ii ht' tnrc m e the bl!;.g(,~ l

10;;: hUlum I huv e' (' \l'r SN'\ n o r

('\ ' l l' Xlle'l tn ~ ('r ] gll r~;:, llln ll lt e bn o o ( m",,~ Ul f' IOlJr O r the feCI ill cllam c t c l tl1~nStll em e nt s A I ha rd to 111 nl\(' with I h e ~ \ (\ Il1ld~r .. n e h (;()I)cil lon :':l - ~nd tlH" ( step up b~g l" o on ~ of thrm alHI lind




l'~ lllllal f' d




,-; { III

(tU ll e

U JJ'II ' lil uf l h ,- tu t ,I I.1 1, u OI

fl l

' h' ... llltc l h l' OI hpm 1otl.. I l.' lt,lI ,tPldI h S PTl li fl .l rf\ t ilt' n ccs f ()ll lld 10 t ill' g l {lR tP:;t r.I,U ll fLUlIP \\h i l l' Ih C' I(.\fllt IJ l th ' lt ~ h t!l 1.1(' alll ~ 1 c h f' 1 rJ Jllll tp l l () III e:-;::; UHlIIll I H l fl n n ! w\ I1tHI U)! tttll\\ o o d ap · Itl l, 1 o 1)1 t' lI l1 rul B' l t ll r 1' ~l t \ e llo\\ aId lol l h t l tit !'; UtO I t)(' IIHlhi \ ..!.III " hl e

'I h c

In l II ltllI ' 1I1111

\\ t\st' lll h ml n ei, I u lilt:!

hl1l1 rl ! n ~ IlHlI (' l inl ha ~ 0 1(' 1 W ll h nH' II' tl lt :sl,l llr> ~ \ 8 111)IIg IlI l'j lHl u(' ha s 1 )(,~ l l

tlr P flllll l ll) lillh('I't\Sl t. l lI :-' P II«:-;u l h (' ~llll1 C IHlm e ::;0 b l e at i Ih is 111 ('j ll -


'11110'-' IhM ,iii hough lan:0'l".111 P U t' ''" o f t il lllll b II tH e c·ut anti so ld i ll ~ '" )Id unu e r fnl ~e 01 th.: l IT IUI1:ot 1I,lnH>~ 01

pin e at1rt \\ '~. hin,.;llIll 01 fir \V l ~ I { ln h r m loc l\ nu mar het s t a lHlin !; On' gn 11 (til apPluxlmaf cl) 10'.' 1 \II IIImb t' 1 , u lll ~1I nl

"' III I! It!; Alnsl\a !l11H"

!-I lllllf' {,

u ... .. w h ha 5 LII l-'i t ~t.·ar

1.",. 1)1)" 111) 0 (11111 ' I h e 111 111 " or I h e Clilumul" 1I1' t' 1 hUSlII l11ulillc e n ull O !iOO UOII f ec t alld II", I'or li lln. t mills ~I J ;:,9 2S', fce l ,lIul Ih e Ast oria mill S 71 ;58 18iJ-i<U>1 ~I h e CR ' gO 1,,"le lrom Ih o 'olumlli a rh"N B/;!:f('~aICd 164 ;;6 . (115 feel. I' or",l;; n , hlplIl c nl h ~ ho" ed R galll of t2 GIJ7,Ib i fe e l alill ,l l1nJ('~ I Jc s hlpm ell," an in I rt'al5C (If !t O,t b"ht t l'C'It In I\,hlltlon ( 0 l hi:; I h e I ~ "l" e 0\ e I I U 000 000 1111 h I'ul Wa<hlllgton la ,t \eal , hllll,clt ~S O N~9 'I ll fre l or IlI l11l)ll 10riOIll (·, lI c l,ulIll:; 111 1' 11111111 1; 11"'\1111 Ala,l,a "11 ,1 MAnila H I I f(1l~I!;1I , hlJ1I11 PIII. 1(1 lilina and Jap,, " SU 1I Ih IIfIH" Pr ill l hlll ,lIld oth l"' 1 Sou th \nl l' l h a n I>ort~ :\ll'Slt 0 The IIIIIC<i KIII !!dol11 and 1:111 01'" t n(" led 1~1)ll1!)!f.")rf'cI Jhf' lar! &hqH lh'ulS 3111UllIIIcd 10 n r all, a s OIIII' h 111011 Ihe I {llgO

t;hlplll C ll h

h ri ll t: tt-,S :!:JO

luml.>(,1 311 11 :,7;;:1 G41J 1I0U of slllllgl t·!-. \\ a~hlllg l o ll ha~ o\, ' r l:W tin t) tlI l l t t' lllplu) c d III Ihl" IUIl!h Clln g I nd u "' ll\

1J 1I J

l e t tl l h

la ll t

IIT f' al\ts 1III I h Il'u ",,,, t !lI u lIJ..; 11 l 1 (1IO Il111UJ i'ot .:o; ix fnlll In,., ... ,.1 ( t l' l 11 1/..:: 11 " hit It ~ III'IHIII S a b, .'II ...· 1\ u\ f' 1 tue 11IUlli ('11 111 11«('" IUld I nud a " 111{'OIIt er h ld l n ... I ll I ln l (n I Olltl (h.i e ol gl~'111 lo~ :>. l uslcJl' <IIl ' !'"l ldllll' a~ J I'll" ' I h1 1l 1l ~ h I l~ IpI ~Ib 1 HH1II1 ~• ..! (uitllOtI:; 0 1 fir !l il t! bltl lH h

Ct.1!i\l fl e('~


II"c t

hl h h \, hh.:b htl PPvr{

th ~

I IHlf At; I COll i Illpl.II C llt c IIIl IIl C'" I\ I' - I,;h l. 111 ) I II 'U !lhls go Ihll I, Itl lilt! JOllII H'l t1lruu~h tllP 111110. 1\11 11 1IIII r, of gllli l Illuhcr

anti 1 11\11 "\

\\ t'lI

th e

(I t:'l''::,

I H~

Itl \\ l~tS

~O ,I (;.tn

se"'u ht\\.' hug£' and 1IIlPOf-

I ~ Ih .. IUlll b, 1 1111""0 IlIdllS l1 \

~ I"'I

6t I UI J.d llll j1Hn\ Hld::;hC3\ (l1I :'1 hi lit b r loll

,lUti IJvf r $l7nO t) I) t)U,1I 0

111\.'111 nnllllull}

10 Ihal

I t' ll l \ ('II a IIlg . ... 1 1 .. TO r) IIllh l lll.llt111' 111 11.. n (lnp lu } ~ d dlilt


,wei \\,H! I cHUIII ,'

llfl.' h l ill

t ,In

pa id 1::00 I lr r

I UI":'(\ I

lum"!' 1


f LHll1lll!r"'! I Cnlf'1 til \\i ~h hll1 J.:IIl" <llt d tor I II 11 m all e I lit Ih (' J' jl( t ilt I tlU "" 1 Ollhe

ut \\U S hlll ... ' IHl Ih e 1U l l i s (lll IHnl1l.\~lIl " Curl, H :-; Ix l h fa




• UIlIIt c. 1.llm ... I r ntP I


\\ , .. (


(I I

111 11111 "

h (' I h e IOf ~I 'S I Itlmh er \ llll ll f' RtJolls 1111 Ih l'

I'x p nlll ll g


th e IfIa dlll 'II

\\OIld Ih ,' 1,'I1.:.I' s l Inlg n C ' f'1 \\,b 1 ~I, r ll lUI h Or1 ld Ih t' Ln !II" !] ~IHt r!\ I I ' II~P{\II I }\xnl · l tllOnaaalid ItJl ,IlItI:;c d t SIlO !lOll 1t~{' t 1 \t! Ill " I" ~! lhl l"C' nton lh:-.nllh (' j) r f'~ rill " ,II l li ro I ldl l fi l ("O;l:'1t 1....11I111HI \1:111 ~

nf al l tlr( I!"'! ,b!o;llll .lllnn r('!)() n ~ tlll ,.. I ... ot rl'l :!: b ~~ 2 fr f' t of )lllll t lt'f



Ill I I I Il I '~


)II I Hl ~ r,

d f"'Jl l h ll



1 11\

111 1

1 ~ 1 1C: .

1'1' .\

It .. 1

\ 1 ~

.:::: 11 1 1n1 ("'-I II I fl' ~ 1 1 ('j· IF'1t n \\ h I" ;.;'11 11' 1 \ II! 1"J1l r \ll~ L!(l r~ I ' ~ 11)('i h Il1flJl I

all 1

h 1<;.., ('II


~nll l .t!r ll!-.



I ii ' I i s l




'S lfi'I'l o lla l h ~-;"tl15rf"etnr phl (' t !$ alld IS 775 :2:1 h hlll ~I.)s ltl r01" ~ I~11 SUlCI do

did II t 1"0\\ qnlLc ;,0 IJI~ ,llOUIHt \\ he n I 1I 10 ~ IJc lUI!,;O .hllinlen ts f lOIll Ih e lWlI BlJCcl Ilo s t Ihmll R.." I h ey till hCI~ A t tlr.I L :;t 3 tC S niOUI ' UI 1 ,wei h e ll I the II UIIJ. of a yu uns WII (1"8 1.1) ON w om"n " IRmll n g n ear me aod I IUD -- --~---D:\lll ' Em &ll'rlll'" 81 "hal s b e Sa)' N "OIJC n ",orl, li o Hi ery Is ~,ji ng to be all "Why. ral's .. s h o c xl'ialms ad tIr<'s31II I'( a elltlerunn s lnndlllg at h e r ~ 1t1 e lhese ,the I age this YCB I Il e nr) , ' 'Wel l. I'd rath e l :\, ou 'd men ,1 mI ne. I aru n')l li lg trees Wby, we hav e seen pleD I u or Ihem in the fOl col tbat arc ne~er did care lo be In lit,yle.. .. - HousloJ) • ,~ lr.rlOcr 10 dll'ru cte l' lhan al)), 10j;K In this I'OIiL.


1 111 '



It ll

I ii i :"'!

{':>' IU' I I, l ll , 11 111


( ~lll :

I dill

Tn! 3 S IIl (1 Il1 (1 t1I ~

lua llt'



Ih. 11I'<lllll 11lp .I \" ',H .. ' It 1:-' ,.,r o \\ II H II 1114 ',


s ll l/ lpnl


1 1' 1£' 11 (1\ I II sl nl '


rl '"I I )f Ih r> Il l lfh I I C Ihl~

\\1 11,)11

III a tl .... (If

I h(lo.

dl)~ t ' n \ N U l'i

,1 1I" 1'1a .. t ll l I IH' 111 '-11

h l) \\f" \ "1

.... ,1\ ~

\lIl(llI llll I l l ' II( lint

I dlll10r

l i ll h

~ll" P I1I1' 1l1

1 /)ll~lI ltl


\\ h u t

Ill d I I , P"I \\, 1\ 111 '\\ l it · 1" {lITlhal.:ll ..tI ~

JI~ IIH ..! tll1lr, !(' \(1 I(I/ '

II is ( \foll 1111 -

, II

l " a l nH, l ll tl~

fIJ' \\.

111 t UII

l l " i~ \\I (l llil .

h N n lllC ' 11

a hod\

\, 1'1' 1\",

\\I Hld l l

li ll' l f" '1I1T 1p pI

hi 1\\

( nn


I " Ill


1011 I h


IUt'\ I hf"'o

ru II

f OI

pI I \;:1 I(1 I ,l l lI jl l l f \

I1llt ll1n ~ 111l 1lf'

• ' (II

101ln (1 In () " n I ~ hlp )n Ilir ~ f .\t l~


h" '''1

tf' ll n Illlllhtll(,, ~ IRII( I"rj Oll lhl' pll1f1 c(, r m mH1 UI1o rt o m u\ cr t h £, l e l'Sr~ 11\ ( .ulow \\ilh tllft , 1 (' 1t11 f'~s o f Inu;.:: IH Ut' lil e III I b H lrUI'H ~ I Ci ,' IP!'i l li p :\ e', Y orl\ Il erald

That ft llo\\ h e sa id \\ IJ H pr ob al>h Il M {I II I s e nt If 10 t h p ~ n p ll\ :;; (01111, lI y 'l O ullil!: 1,,101. I h e IlI le st foool quo tat iol's to t II,' I ailuJ annl c!:) I hat a l l~ no w h tl U ll1~ IIIIl1 flHm~ ll ol1 011 lil c J'rs ') lI at:;; alu l nil }

nth '~ 1



p h,.

re3rle" ~

~l mJ1l e r r llltJth

mOoQlIlI nr s \\ 111 \ h

l :-t

I<tr,.;. r l)-

t hlou g h Sllnh Am !~"II,l

afl.,pt e d to Ihl s



fl ie n (js.

\ 0 11\

N f' \\


h Ollle In ltin

I P ( 1101


r lllpllI ' f'd

II 10 ('11l1rlll\ 91HI !-.. / \(> I AI o r


It 111111 :-i ll '

C(,, ~ H fl1l

(1)('1 auou la:st ~/ R sr lfl ill III r- ir 1.."'0;'; bl u l1 ct homl'~ I t CO llsISl" of I'l acln~ Ih e • a Hlo l 011 plRnt (1ltllllh ( f .lIIUlIlIl b) or palma r hristi RlfllIT1d Ih .... hlltls ' lill I prlllll .:o; l':; 111 SOlllh Amrrlta. Ilib <n .. tnr 1.111 plal1L gJ(l\\ :-:J

R :-ollla ll Irt't:'

In lO

III 1111 .. l Ollrl -

11 ,ltllllll!-o a b l' l ~ h t of f01l1 whit 11 Is ample tor ' hf"l Pili P" :-. t

' ,('1



0 11

I hu

plalll I~ j ll !iq tlhO ll 1 n .. diS

8111£>1I or t il!

~1\ N'l(, 1

1.1 'IH

It) tlli~

l)l od l1l (d b


(as'o r

(I""" 1 h l

~ll/all h.)



h o m e I fouud

h , IUlS ('







Li s"'" ( Oln ilia \ 11("> fh j~ h i li n.p d f lllnp 10


1('1 1 111£1


lIIa( Illll f'S \\

h ie It \\

f1 I II1VIlI(l{1 (Io s{'o

1('ll \ , :-;


New W a l Cln ft Th,ll ]'rIo,' B e c ,m e I llllloltnnt F :tctol s 'II Nnvnl Battl es 5111:,11

f UIli P " I

, 1"" 1 " f(


-= 11 1P'" I ll '

l.! tI d


0 1 \\ rll

II l1l ... 1

h l l l f l ,~



U 11


fl '

fil l :') 111111 .

11 1:1)

Illllurl ,UI

1 1(to l :-.

Il ,I I

of Ih ,·

Ii Ill!


1l,\\al i ~



\\I\I(h ha "i I, ~l:"I nlJlI l lr \\' 1\1 II


"lto l l)

Il\ • 11)1 II I , I I III 1\

Ilu' 1,Iain 11' 1I 1 1n~ 01 ' h r· l c-n \, 0 11 a s I tt I h e. 1-; I o n ,\I




I s \\h l'!1 :-o lllllll tlrl n r

111 11 )0; 1 ~l'j 1J1 1 h


~I X

r l"'l I


dlnl11f'l l 'l


IOrJ eihh' ,l lIiI ... 11It'l, 111 1/1

1 II ti llt In "'!"I' m t o ru:,g ~':-t , p q," I ., "hIll Il l l lfl l t.; :i t. un tl'l ,1I"I ll l u l!.:

fJ f

1\ 1 ~ 1I11,IIII!I In l l ('111\ Ih l i ' 111'11 111 0 1I\,I\,d II! 1 "1 I h e 111 11 1111111 , ,111 hl.3 l n l i ll.. I I t) I h s C liP nl df' .I\ lI fall \ lal ... \ 1 ... :-,, 1

().II l ilt) ' 11Hlll n .... h 'p

it. I ltlll


th o I o I'll I II I II d ()'Ics" ~ I,,' c \ 11 sfJlla lld III (aJ;.uorr.h~ \',h'/h halt" lJel"'n

I'ltCR l nl utl in tl f' . o n sal1d ~l an~ "hic h \lnd e ili es Ihe It), and In mao) In slJln c~s It Is said thN.e bunow1ngij. with th~lr nllmerou~ rarnifl ~allaus ell' danger Ib e ~arelJ' (\f tb e splendlrl resl-

widell Lbey elt<!od


1) 1

" , 11 11" 1.llJd ~ u(

dU) ~\l1 1t l}tU \ Il1h lr-:.\\

,11 11 11 , I \\ f"I hnd 1)1 b I Hdi s h.~ , \l ui Sllrl\~ IJP Jli c ., ~lm ()llh uth fl l


il' ltu(., llrllL6~

n ll d I l\ ro I lIlll d \\1\\ In \\1111 h oll r YI!:;ll.Ul1t

al.' th e ' t..: " t~l" I I'~ and fl til .. at tI H ( fCl l nl lClll lOIl b e c~tWH'\ 1 111 \ \\PI£' IlOt aLall llml £! 1111(1111 Ih ~ 11I 1u'l towl "O e lcd t1:1 PIU, C(l rr' llIl lll(JUII ) I P\I"nit'rl llU fact th at at IIIHll e e \ e l \ thing- O( (L.' \'f'ht't ulJh.: o r IIBI Ul e

fll ll(

"dS ~tJ l d


1lJ1l t.: 1t W,\;:f

t"'Ilt'\\n Hl h C:ott hilt ,\It ,H r ll! r t' " a ll hall In g o to th p Ill.uh p i ,,!t ! l f the family 1, (1 )11 Iln ~(' l) o!l lll ( U lu)

(ro "

\ 11\ ' I, p. ~ , \\

I " I h


\1 ' 1 1

11 1 CI)

1ft ~1I1

hill' dl UI; \\ ltS l ubl! ~l

tu the ~ lllt ~\ le l"Ie\ul ulllll lh'e;; flo l11 lh \ b ill ,\nd art:' I cu..lii) d ('~ llq~"rI U) ti ll:;'

\\ 11Il1 It /'IlIulll e \'"" (1 n II "3 ;:; IJOl:i~l f"(I tu I-; !\' Ih e s l' )O ll llg ... , ..... I ~ \\h at lUCY Il ii\ !' d IH th o, IO :-i 1 fl i ~ o IItlifl mOtley

~ lI \ ll' al in n

" lid ,, 111111

I II a. hI l t drv (IImaf" iall1 J1 1 d,'c )(11 11111 11,,11 "I' III I" Il e, llIlill p P" I,c .lolJ )

Mn rd e n



Ul t


sl't :')')11

II \\ III lID t I IIII SCI" l ~ a I C j ~U I\ t I } I It II


lhlll Hllil

:'1 0 mill II Ifl ul h t 1,11111 \1 h

I h e I,r." lIC( II I ' ,II' , I ~ I" • "'" ca ,l) III

fil l'

I t.!lt u il l-':-t

!"t e t1 :-iI Jl I

t il



1,111111 11,...


II " 'c m, ,IS Ir Ih c ma Jullly III



dlt lNl

nn\ ve~(, laIJI ("'~ nr,J gJ(I\\l1 f l H t lH~ h o rn !} Idil l .' II Is only be. ' ,UI St.! t h e WOn\ r ll luh p a hnlld io I t \I1HII t. au ' I rihullC




J .. I JI "" I lIIul cl.t a l Ll.t e 11 ,1 1 \ll lIl.IIIOII I Pl Ace Th e m 'II A SWIII g lIIg Coon, Sug.

111 Ii. I [I) (UI I ...... n c lll l' ~ l ill III U l!i llll 1J a i d J\ I ' I' I hl.! bIU UIl~1110m\II )I1IMI I ll l LII




, 1;) 11,

ge s ts n Canndlnn C Oll eSpo nd e l1 t

t,'" " 11 I ' JI'I III ,, " l

Wh o Hn s T' le d II

::.t <11 111 I

~n PtT j ,f!\ I ' \\ 1 \ IO ' , \t l lf) m f' hrllodl""


II( :"'!:o>. I II

IWII :-; I s

~\ ' 1\,

tl l l ,1I1,lr""1 I 1 \\ .. z lo l ll .t" ,l )

,11) \ ' : I II


I' \

011 j 1[11 , Ii 1tI • !"oj II) I III 111

I la l l oll


If 1.... t _ 'I"\qll:-; hll ~I. , I \

~ I { )P

a :;\\ i ll ~ HaH;


III" bull {'t IU Ilr I III l a uadlull de .. p.lll ldl lll of u,;r[ ... . 111 ' 111 (' The 111m;·

r i III i' ll1 , ' I \ I I \ ' j ,J It .., I t :-tl III I:, U I ("1111 ' :-. • I li lllll1 i II I t H 1' 1 JI


\\ I I!I I

l ei \\1 111 II ~ l ll ,

p ld l I' IllI" ' lmhl ti ullt il ~

A ,} I II "th' U l:; , la l Is . l 1\ III Ha ll! d " Ill

(l" 11 111


sll I f" .. III

b 'l . ll ol hl a t p IttLlI:"'t 1II1 Ill , I JI ~ I..:IU l J

\. \111 \ II~

11 t il l JI

~ ho" ti

, 0f1:;1 rtll 11011



II) 1,L d ,)" I n l d



til ' Ilhl l l );:,ul'l n ti l I he

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\\ lIh J,.:. I ".l l s l l l (,( \

Poor Live In Catn oomts Inll l: .111 I h I I( 1111 Illl h III dlau1I' tr i t he Jt h~ I :-.t IIlUlll" d "Hl t 1\1 Ic nsl 1)0,000 or c)l1ULiIl :-o f 1\' " f'" tllf~ 1' 111 11 0 "Ru ery

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EIlr;; lul d U" I ltld In ,l ~P('

I t ap p ral!; Ilt dl this ! 11I' !-.1 ::, 1l ilt 10 <I f l h. ' S( .t b hut ,. 1 l' l't Ill'} ,... lilt! ,,"nllt.

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1'11 1 Oil \ IJI)~ 1I0l m o re' hall l hre " Ih(' 1I1IUI inacorller\\lttl a

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tn l ,


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I ' .tl ro d


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HI1 I' t. l!-I hO l L! nl1(,1

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111 1 I I .... '\



lt om ClI cn our pa.u x ,u lIl Ih(' l{lllljl ,tll )

I.: OIJl f' \\ IIII''\\,IPII (' « 111' d l\ ~ 1i~ nl n ;..: III tht "' "l1 s h 11" ' r~ I ! d l H'h 1l1 ~~ k l' II (1'110\\ I,· . I :<. fII o'd l to ~(" I h t' 1 1 '~ 11.. (,!HIII II S ~ t ~ll (\ on \\ hll h n ntll l t' Jl , I S Irt. ld 1/11 1 tlr l l nn cl stl\ IH h ' l ," ()IH"a l· 11l1l~l 1t.1'1:-. 101-1 1 In 1111' I lh r 11+ h"" t \ !:) o r :'U ln l ' I lnlltl ·tl .. f ()' [\~ t


)1 .1 I II I I " 11 \\ , II .... Il l" I \ I II ! II \ " 1I I 11\ 1\1/1 I lIlIh 1,[. 0' L il li 1 ..... 1I1! .... ,"t! \\1 I 1\' , I I, :.. ~ I 1I11 ! I t It I ') l I, , ' . . I I ' ... I I 1111., 1 I d I I ",I , I 11 flU I \\ 1..1\ I! , I It l l ' 1\ a. I ll S 0 1 \ 01 \ <111 "'1 01 ,\ ,1 ' 11"'1 I I" II'''·'' II.,,- d I h l l\\ I , \ ri ll, I I \-.. 1111 11)... / I , j _I\l 111111 1 \11 II 1 ttt .lll t \ J , .... 111 ! ,\\ 11 ' " " '11 \ 111 1 I II I I, t 1,11 ,\ It ... 1 ,I I Il ltill I I ii i l P\\lIl pt uh \ 1 ( ,1 1 \ \ \\ 111111) 1 "1.1 , " t ll l \\.I!\ I I -rl llll lc ll l

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li T I " I III ,

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I ( IL 1 :0.:11

:-o Il! It l 0;1 11' 1-0 11 11 111 11

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111 1 11

pT l \illll' l l h"

I II I hose da)s an. !Llhl( I. I S "' ''11, II \\lIl1d. I Ihal \\ (0 pa\ 1111 1" .... \ It ... p,.' h 111\ P' I I " I III 111 11 (' I t a 1:-. l!r n t .1 Ii H I ,. ,11 .. old f III I I 1 1111 1' 1 tin I II fill m e l II,i\P~ Con d il lflll:-' b t l' '': (I talJr!. t~ l l \\Illlllf'r f il l" I II 1111:-. s hOll "" JMI ( nr ' 0110 \ f ar ..

~1 1I~1 IUl\p

ul lll (1 III..: ti mb f' I , bP I f


tt ltll

II 1,1\\



( I t l l l l l . , I ..

R 1.!11 11


~ par c

~alllpl, !'O In h,l l It so Ihal "hf' u 1111' l OP I ~ r l} 11':01 1 anti I ' P I ~ lhro\l~ "l p!.ll,.. tI '011 h " , •• tlt.>oi\\i l h ~L l)jl {' h nl

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)h Ih ,lt , II I. II' (,1.1<1 )Ull arc 11~t1 n t l ( !) h h.R IC l l a J.;t l l ll'l (tlutl I h.i! lOll 1\110\\ \\ h C' lc ~'11l ru e oj . \1 la~ I " \\' f' ll ) 'lU did Ira ' 01 ,IIIu1Ieh n 1111 "I 11 1lI 1I~, t lit· "'li re Nuthlng ::t mallllhnul \\ a :i h



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tll\ t.:lJlld ~ ~)I x flOlll I hl S(UII~ In \Vll r \ 1\I,l":c Vlhh \ l a u be IOtl \ f ll t'( 11)1., ,It.:II'HI ~P I,lI P .ll j JI' ( IWJl - th t-' 1J1 ti'

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And I Ip ''C\Hltlil t! 1.... .. ppoll1t. 111111 \ 11 11 f' ,,' II I1 U' I hill I h r



I tl filu n ar e

I:J / \ ) - ' 1'


5t[\1 tit ;, P. Oll h ,ey of Note d l'c\l1 ciat:'i!n Rfl gA l dlllg HU lll.:lIl Ev01utiOil

B luld-

,\ hiLlIll/! III Ih e Ce lllun I lIey 11.1,,11.; 10 a IllII r \I 11 0 11 lh 81) I( had a lIa t lle ul ig l nn,lJl } 0 11 1:-; OV, 1l Itll" ~ Pl ll.ll b IiJll1 1l


hlill d l!l~


of Francl'

Ch CnUn ((' IIIX

BI8 loBS m Ihe Exposition Structure, But lllere Is Bigger Timber ~ltll Standing In the


Thenonce:lUX Among t he Ute



'rh o Roason Why

~11 I ~_ I " " J... l 'l l ! l ... r h a '" " ·~1'11 ( on I \\11, fill h ' Il.I s \\ ft l m t\n\\\a'~ ' Vh, 1 11 1 d "I !I l ' h,,\tu-;a ,, ' :Io. jll I IIIIP n l,li s l l ' I d l lBl Ih ," \ ... Olll (l dU\\1l and ~ti(' l{ In J on I II PII :;I \ 111 1, 1 :i .... \.III,' I~ . d~ \\ c r· ' I hlll 1\1111'111~ In ~ t cad of Itrpal'to~ ttl' 111 11 1111 111 11"11 :-. l x iJr rhl tllar h nlltlth ' htlll ~c l\ c(l PID~JII :-it atRtlnIPwh enc\'cr)'I. nZ l l n " l'l~ p ( f e (Ort):.; ~ h o \\ 1\ \\hlf' rllf f1 ~III . III ' h " laolllg "r Ih' u i ccli . 'h i I III, rl , an H ~lb ,la ' I 4(,~ c!';;s , "h il i' I,".:ho rns 4,11 nllff \\')i1ndolle90 II h li e \\) anliOtleH ,:~2 Wblt~ ,e~ h l\ rI" 17, U,lrr eri P IYIlIOUl b ltoc k s ,jll .lIul LI~ ht Brahmns lh7 All d fn rm"d c hll lis tiho ulll ue 1,I\ItlLt ," w on aH bal hed It I ~ Il waIIle or I IUII II> llJ t.o ':ll~e them,

thtl l ~ b eg- tll :-( to IUDI, IHOSI)(\rOl1 !; ? \Vell , s a)", h e l'armJournal th .. r,H( Is pro~pe rllY br eed~ di s, ont e nl. un It Ih e old! hom e Is beco ming too cro v.ded uesl(l es. II I" nal u r e ...... ay ot providIn g Inc r eaK!> and llrototlglng the rat e ProvidenC!l b • • " I' e n the Ilon e ),be(' lhis Instloct. Th e whip e03tll mC>I" than It . . . ee./ PUI II away,



, •


i 'iitor"i, AIII1I1 II ' .' l a1 I1I' I~ : IP

~ " (7 k.


1I1If( '"HI dlll1 !~ 11 "" :-.! . l i ~ ,1101 W alt" 1 I:. "d "hll 1\ leu , , j' :\ . ,"~ , " 1" ' 111 !-'",,,bl.1' w ill, .I" lIn \ [, '

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:"\1:\ ttlla ll d f lt l ll ll y:d ( ', tl l" g l' I tll l ~1I11·-. ti l"" L fl'. \~ 1 1

1-'" ,'


\\ 1I1i

(',t lr 111 '1' 'id , \. '\ :'III111i 11. 'I' h ., I' ui llfllil I'll I' 1IlHll t h~ ha~ l" ', 'n f \l r M n ,Y ~) ~I '!

1111'11 ·


I · ... ·

48 Pounds Given in Exchange tor your Wheat 36 ·Pounds Best Flour and 12 Pounds feed

f., r.J l1 lw , I', t:1 ll\ C' ht ,s. ; f' 1rJ III ," ,

'! :, ;

C'llll.e , ": . ~ l i l,IIf· ,h · l·

1I Ir lai' ''' .

}lr(' I"' I'" . 1., :I'I" fI,l (· tll~nt~· Fpil'


I ii "

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~II' .· !II'. Il,'y n l,ltl " :IlIl11itt lt· S I' 1l " "~ [l'i"Il,I~ . Iii, 1' 1I p" rt~ MI' ~ Iltlln f, I I,t \, 11 :1'l1 Ar lllllr . " I' - pPII I ~e l- t'l'~ 1 d t\ .I· ~ I II 11",.1111 . n tl ln lP'" \.. : :1 t!. r, ':-\ I ' ~I1 Il' t' rl'L' In ' l w",'k \'i "lill ~ h,'1' 1,,·(> t llt'l' F . P. I·: 1. AI"'" . "l' :-; ,' r\\'n n,l , (' tlII W " I' " 1111111\1'1 .1. ,,,.' < "nil 1' ,,, ,,11 \' ,II t hpl,. JtI ... n~ 'ltll ' In \\'111111,,, \,\11,' :-'111 II I'd ,1\' "I'I' n inl-' : ~ I " t h l' ~ n '!\ t ! IIII' .~ lIin!-ol I n t l'lIlUJ. I't! 1" " 1\ ,' " I, 1\,.. .• i l' 11 ill ~" 11'I 1I \\'hil' II 4'1'1 1I " ;,; i" ,, " I Ih,' 11111111' n'f hi" tll n lli , uti IlI d1li ~ ilII T ~ rtf ~1 1...a:- 1. \ 11" .I " . . . : 11 11' \' "" "1' 1111.\' I" II·.'h"","! ,'II IlI r i " I' . M r" :; I '. Allt' n. n \' ll r ~tllIll,,~· . , :\1r A I !I ' I\ '~ ~1I 11 ~lllItl'r. j"" ~ p(' l li li ll ~ ~ I ,. II n ,1 MI' ..; ,1 "';" 1'11 \-:1' 11 11 ' " II " 1. \ ,III III J~ I' . - .111 \\' ll tllll' \\' l' l'lI g ll":-.I "; 1.( ItH ' I' ' I ' tl f' f irf\t'II ~ ( 'q Uilt ,\' Fair i~ 1) 1l ,' III tilt ' ~ lIll1nit ·f' "'t. fh A h O U le' I .f I IIi"' r'l rl lld .... ,\II S~t·~ 1': 11" untl M It g' ~ II' .\ ~ , . 11 11' ht ·~ t (' I IUlll ,\ ' fill .. "" lU tJ w ~ t H t e , ~ t· Ii ".t Itl +l thtlil ' , 111111 U" "11111' :01 , ' Iii,. 1 ' , 11 11 :' ""


Ih .·

"lI j , \,"'d


(l 'll d

hNr g MlIh

II d lllllP "Y


~:" I ' M WillI.,.', . ;"I,..,"(t, ,, >-I t tlll ~ Ilttl "II:!r!'''I I} \ ' ''' l ll1 q~

t l' atll . ,, 11 , 11 111 \1,1""' 11


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II 1' II "nd , "I :-;pl'1n ;~ . \· " ".\' .

' I'

1)011'1 ' 1 f' ol' g- N '

~I ' \ ,... 1 '11

)1:1111 1

. lI l l' ·

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W tL ., It g l ' I' Il ' Idl' tt :- Ilrr-


fl ll· I h ' pn ltA I' nl lllt .\ '

~, l l'

,I \.: .1 '"11 11 '.1'

This llIill was pllldlH~I'.l hy Mr.


M.. l{obi tz(,I', a pra,ctle:11

and thr mill ha s JW(,11 tho\'oUA'hl)' o\'pl'h:tlllml anel I~ gidng' til£' hpst of ~ntisf:tf'tioll . ~~ ~pe t.h al. \,0111' dpposit. ca'... l call s f(H' Wa,ynes\,illf> fiOIlL' mill mUll ,

() 1I111 \\' "I' I\ n . \\'1111 \\"I ~ 1' II ' \lI" .\' p, 1

'I I,Y 1·::-0\ I' ll!

~i t '\I' I'lI t

tt !l u ll\'

~ U " I' f"

11' \ '4

h . ' I I JI

.\ " ' UI' ·I


t l ~~tl .

F'ru ll I. I! II .

;\1 , ' ~ H . A . t'I' ,,:-N\11"' \' t' , :o((lt1111 Iii I' d , l v wit h ~lr 1 1.1111 1\' t , ~11 ,, ""dll , 1l1'oI\\" 1I l'O UIH .\' , Th n l'~ : " . ,1.'Y \1'1 11'1'" 111<')' "i,il',lll tll ll n g tI"' il' l COnllt1g F::V<.!l1t~ . "cl :l li v,'" n lll il Ih.' /irs l n [ t l,,' w""\;, 1 1 I I (I

n l il i \': 11'

,...o' i V (\ YOll mort=' FloUt· thun ~' Oll ca n get flllY oth(,t' pla c." :uHl lion!' t hnt hns life amI color and make~' brea.d thnt fr rad(' flollr maml hold ~ its III oiscIlI'P; .Uhillo Flolll' is a hitl'h n 1::1 frwt \I1'(>d 1'1'0111 ~;('I~ct('(l whf'nt. Tl'y it. an d satisfy ~1 0Ill'self.

I- ll y .


XI ' lli" .

F . I I I' : t T

Iltll ill ' ,

I' 1' 1' 1111' 11 1'"

~ 1 \"1'11I1 " 11 1, 11 "1'1I ~ h. · ." " I I :," !--' ,'H

ft II

ti t III \'.


\ 1:; 11

~ I i" " ,I.,,..i,, Mllrl,,!! I" visi lill t! 10 11 1111 1" 1" '11]" in \)11.\' 1"11 11d ~ l\'I'I' k Wlill p (;111'1 , .. I\ ." I~I' .I' nllll fnlllil .\' . .. 1' :-.Inl' H.\ H ,\ ' ~ hfl " ill rd :-:41 tU tik,., n \'i~ it i n wood . 11\ :1\ \11" tt lJlt,, ~:tnt \ ' ~ 'I ~ ~ 1l11 (' II I1'II III 1Ili : II lHl o l1 11f11' I'pln l' ull o tllll In .I' \\1 11, lli r il' ~ I~ tl'l' , ~ 1 1 " s 11" 1,' 11

11 11' 11'

., ' '''11' 1' , l\ l r'" I lh l""1! ' l l h ' "I1 : ' ~ , rtl I; I t . il l ,


11 ., , ' r fnl) tlllltl(ltl OllJltld nY Ht \('ll:o' t . In tlu" ,' ""

v I ·lt tl tl t h lll l l1t1 ·

\ ' " J I,..



h : l~' f t'\'l' I' . I r,l l l\

11 1

~ \ Il.d 1.\'.

40 Pounds Best Flour


r , ' I'

t I 1",k,' ,\ ' , \1 1t · h l~: tlll . h d pin ~ ti l II \'


fl." a fr !I('k ,\ !


ull d


,Ul II Ii I I, ' .1 n,,~'II ,

tl 'r", nf' I'1) 11 I\\ :l ndn ,'N,' wYlH' I: , wl\n

~ ' l n~ I'rtHn I1 H'J'(' I II [l,"lth pl, t'p tn rn

wl 'n ' ~nl':'"':4 .t f lhll' hl ' dth p l' , Itl 'lI l I t 'll ' I , t'1)f' n \\' I' Ok III' In ,''\1 P. ~e ft T h ul'~


h " lIlt 1 ·l'n f'ls(1 tl~· .

p\' ptlin:;. nftt' r





A ll g

lHlll l ,\'


I. .


. lilt' it :

I ,



11' \' 1 (l

_'\. " 11 1a .

pll'n S.ln l "bi l A ',~ . J I. ,1 ,,11111'1111';,,"11 ', k it hi ;! fo l' t h o il' h tIl IU· , S l nPl' lll ;..!" 11 11 1I.l l'ill;': I ·lI.i " .~I' IJ', O Tilt' li llo' l' lIl 1)I·p rl1 j llll1 ~ n n" ~J'l'(11, "'" "\11 0 " ."; " I II. nt.il1,Pd . Hr, ,\V i l.l\dn ~ I . I! I .. l li "i ,. \\'11 .1' I,) "j "i l I, I.dil"l·" nl ( 'II I

.. I llt \'


tht' Un' p ut' ( " . A til-{', 1! , ~f'. l r:, I' IUII I y tl ' l lIl lI lI Fll i l'illl,.:,..1 I III' \ ', ' r\' 1'1',,1 , 'I",,~ ,)1 1 nelli' (\' 1I1 01·I' i ll. · ~~ pahr ' ~ pli O'" (- ( I\1})( II1": ur, ' \111 1111 · Au :,: . J! I '" II ,' lt M('h: " .\' p il' ll i, ' 1) 1" I f )"' OU un U ' , t1 ~l\ it, ,\'li111' St'H g i \ P .' '\ ldt. il lll''' , I h" rd ,,!', ' Ihl' I"" il' I" 11 1l' II ,~ t , n OILl' New Bnrllll g f " ll . 11. 10 s (',n " Ill' ." " "1' I'r i " "d~ 11,,·.\' "ill 'fht! tltl 1l1l'l I 1"'1 1" 101 11 ,,1' l ilt' :-i1' UI ' ~ A II ~ ]'! ~ tt ' u' I " I'I ~' M III \ lill g !d tI\l ;Ir"('i Ill, II. . ~ I h!\ ~H n l1i (l Olilw. Ill' L y l il', IIII'I 1 1''' ' ltil~' \\'111 I,.. 111' 1" ill ~It·" . (; ,'''. I 'tl O'" "" C r t'p l. ~t. 't' l illt; 1I 1)1l~" I'inllllti III H1

C'hill t('n tlH ' .

l ilt, 1lIlLtltl }t I ' IIH ' "t Il f


To Sufferers From Kidney and Bladder Diseases.

All f;r, 1:1. UUlIOl'l.d l\1t·t· lill ~ 111 M IIII Il:ly ru r Fl'll n kl ill ", 1"','0 ~ 1", 1 ~" , " ~'. (:1' (1\'(' , ~ '" lI1i l"" S . II llh 'f , . I' (" '111"1'\'1 111'. l'la l"l'tillv, Ih e 1 ~ lh 0 1 ( 'tl f'~ : 1 r~ ( ' J't' ll}C , ,yi l l bn j .tl tH" (l l, v hl'l' tr' I\ ! 1I1 1~, t~'" " .. " >1' II ' f (' It 1'I [ I H' Hl : t I'\. \' 1 AlI f!' n~l.. Jill" .IS Ollt> (J\ Ih. o l " r~ (). 1 Ail g' . I ii \\' IIIII,ill g l " 1l Y,llll·I .\· .)pllll 1 11 I P "". t\ . ,, ' Inlllllv ;; n l li"1 I n f(~ 111 !111 ~ ~r n l l{) n ,, ",1 t' '' 't'lh,,1' lli l'y \1' 111 ,,1.1"1111 I I I' t i\l Ut\ tiJl ~ I lf ( ,.. III , " I" .\' F " I"lId " lit ~ I II . . 11',,111":111 11 1111 1"' II"i l) l1 ~ nr 0 1(,1111 . P.I '~ · I ns l i llli ll II I t HI I' HUll'I' ( I I )! 1 ) . \\ illltill t: IOIi . . I I 1"'Hl.'" 1,\' "1 '1\'<1 fllnll II 11 011>1:11 1£1 wilh fh l' 1'1," ,,11111 1\' 1:1 , 1\ 111 " ,;, 1,'11 " . 11 I All g l,,1 I : . !I b " .1 - \ \ ' illill 111 """ \Iii', j ').Y Mfll llt' III' II", l,h'th ~ III'I'N " I' , " 1111 IIf' r ...,ti ll ~ , An nll\I ~ I1 ' 1 ,v 1't'ItMtltlt "II ' lI'i ll II I" et 111.1 . \\ '. II I" " .\' ',. ~r 1'1'. i, "_ "_ i" _ " "li , ! i Jl_ ~ I_ ",l_tid " ),,1111' 11\"11", ," ,· ,,1 \\, ,'1' \;111 11 11' r.; . :-.I f ' . i ll . t_ __ __ _ _._ __ AlI ~n>o( t l ~' , ' (,' lllli o H t.f ()Id :-.;, · 111 . 0 1


1 .1 ! \.o ll t lll.

I\' Itll" W., III i II ~ ' Irll ~~ . ,\'nll I' lt 1\ tll l'II' 1' " 1'" nlil l fl' .. ~ h 1l1.l\l uy '" .


'i :,.

t\ :oO~nt'i il ll d li

M . \ V, LAN (; , .\ I. U: ( '. M.


1)," 1'(. rltrgl'l llll ' Fllit· lit WI\rllill :: t "II , A II ~ U!- 1 '!'!. I n

i 1>: \ ' I 1.1.1" ,

AII~ .

( IIII'''

i l\ ;.( II:'

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Foley's Kidney Cure

"""'."'"':..1 . ..J,..; '-' ~ """'""\ ...." -

made from a prescription of a specialist 111 kidney dis ease s and was- used for years 1Il private practIce before it was put on the market.

. ...,


LOUIS MAY, DI'lIU'O'ist. 0,-"

HpPd ltc fail"~' II\1atHJ ~iiOiIiiIiC:::'~

you f,. ..·1 u<; I h l, u~ 1I 11 1t:L. "t ~ "n ll l .I (ll t ro }J.

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\' oll r nto n~l' will lto J !I does Do t ben efi t )'ou .

'\II I I,..\, .


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lur vr h:lit· d, dl"r s'l.e of D R, CALD. 1 1 WI ·: L1 : :-; SYKL' P PEPSJN now a t your

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W , L. YANCY 0 1 Padu cah, K .v .• writ es : ' I had a severe ca se of kidney disease and three of the bes t physician s i.l lJo:; thern 'I~ entucky treated me without success. I the n took FoJe¥'s Kidney Cure, The first bottle gave imm ediate relief and three bOlll es cured m e perm allt'ntly, 1 ~IJdly recommen d this wonderful r em"dy."

\V hen"nurnen'~s .. II ll il ' lr\lll~, YOIIT

j! Syrup J

funtil Ul' I ~ /I nil I I. (10 11 :01 , ti l, ': 11 li ll p . I{ "'-' ul, !" ,' it a:'4 /I'rr· 1' . II ,t } II /" tll \ 111

1 \I 11 11'- ,

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Foley's Kidney


~ I ~1~h~~~lili~':II~:;:r;;:;ut



destrl1cti o lllleverceases , 0 commence t ak ing Cure at once and avoid ~,fata l ma lady.

the work of

of Moira, N.Y" writ es: "I had been tro ubl ed with my kidney, for t w!'nty. fiv!' year , and hau trio::u several phy sicians but r eceived no relief until I bought a uOlll e o f Falt:y's Kidney CUre. After using two bottles' was abiolotely cureJ. J c arne >tl y r!'commend F," eY',i Kidney Curt!,"


(' " II I !- I' ,


:\ ,,,1 ,d , II ... \11"'11.1' i,,,· "110:,,1.',1111 111 " 111


kidne ys are . affec ted



If,· I ~ II~ " ~ t 'f' ,\ I hill ~: th .1f III"ul' t d, '~i l'l ''''', fr il l .. l' I1 r1 :l ill I' ql l '~ I . ,



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I. l ite g-reUtl·SI re me, l)' in Ihe world for




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taken in time, and eveJl in tltt: worst cases of Brig ht' s Disease and Diahe te s it always gives comfort and relict


H q. d l f-~ ~ t ~ 1 : 1I 1\ t" t I' ri r', '!'( I'n ltl I I l r \' 11111 ' 1' 1,11. ' " n lll I I''.~'!~ " ~ 11 1

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fl it' I Htl'I(·Y .

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thl ' .\' lin ' 1" ' lIl1th 's 1' .. ,.


1-1 it ·U...;c l! t.°


I t ha s cll red m a ny cases of Bright' s Disease and Diab et es that had been t·huught int:ur:lble, how ever we do 'n o t dai lll that it will cure these diseases. ~ advanced stages as no medi 'in e can make new kidneys for you, but Foley's Kidney Cure will po ~itivdy t:l1re every case of kidnt:y or bladder . trouble if

!'-!~ · lith)l

\{ \I' hlll r"III , .llItl !!I"" .


,td. ~ hill ~

\\' H_\ 1\1 · ... ,·11 1,·

i ll

1111 II.

A " "UII1 II f· I I OI'H,l !'4 I 11' I q ll ~p. n g- I II I' .~ NJt ('1111 1't< ~: N . F rn /.,'" W. HlltlH\ \\, II .\' ' ·I'<·nl.",I"1I1I , - - - - - - - -.....--. .- .....~~~ ~ i d "I' , l h l . ' p, r i t nrn Pttl ill r lh' d ,, \\l1 +___________ & t l.J ~\, 1I

N o matter how long you h ave suffered, Foley's Cure will hdp yo u. This w(? will guarantee.


iJ Il Jir.W.dY.p;~~~)~' S~RUP ~

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Fire at Lytle .


TOLD IN SHOR T Prof. E. Clyde Mille r 1 Conc ernin g Will Move to Spok ane. PARA GRAP HS ;' Form er Resid ents. ')

Corw in.


ysbur g. Eire delltroy el\ a house in Lytlt --. l " - - - -d- f '1 F Tuesda y nIght, owned by ,\Vm . :\11''' A 1lC' (, :11"1, ,n,,,.,, :1 11(1 d U\l ~ h .o w . oear A an tllDl y, runi: Prof . E' . Clyde "1'llor, ~ho ha'l..=i"f"" Gru nd H o m e vOllliJJ!( nn ll 11'.1' rf' tl1lu Pll !t o l1lt' .Nit l~nla~· f1H'UlIl Albin o Fl ou r 65c a sack . ... g i B n,,!' /l nll fomity ~pent Thllr ~d u y ~ Duke, noor Duke's SRW mill , Ilnd / M ' La afler II tW e) week" M K' 10 D,,~ r , ," f" 1 been su perinte ndent of the Corwin " .. l th r f·l tlt ":e~ tit, Wilmin gt o n . whioh WIl9 oooople d b" John A rt Reun IOn of Fortner R E'Slde ll t~ fi t I M i"st'~ H .. I"n tln J \'l~I, ISS ura c lDsey 0 CorwlU ' . • • .y Hut h Hl1l'l'l~ 1',. tI . Mi" 'es Auuu !;toops and li:thl. • . ' • h 'l'h ' sc boo ls the past three yearll, T looe n ' ' . ' wall • W aynes , III e , ,'OIle who haA been ' ~mployed in tbe mill . has IIcoepte d a posltlon . . . .,g lD turnlll g h urn o with tll a m 10 1' II ' VI"IT ' i . . Wit e , In 'Wayne sville and CorWin Fridav now t o mllke you Aru o..kl ~. pent S"tunJt V lind Sundav The fire was first notIced by Vall ey Telepb one Co. r "rrlin j.( eDl~ 1l1 8 t o Mtss H elen St t) k e~ , (If Leban e,n ' .' I D ' , at Lehllno n . s 'I n .1 b d M t b J ' f . W ' ' th d . ~ atte nd . . i ~ \'is itlu g 1,,' 1 u\lUI . l\I r .~ . H. ~: l \\ IT I 1 . lin · ye 0 I~ nen H, pre· Wllltnr Kenrick about ten o'clock, r ~ .. . . Strictly pure PIUI8 green at Mn '~ I a} t g goou I am a 8 0 tl , t t tl i K i h n ~~ t Mill,.. t · . , parIl Or) os ar ng ntlS or line and burned until almost midnig ht.. Pharma c y I) I. . • ~1 S B Tb . . " . I MI'" f . ~ I. U . I I. ( 'hulluu ttllul IQtl ... W h' t h i " rM . . . hli ~s AlII \.Jlln g Wtls' {,lIlled tn . ' . ompson . l of or, ",enel po .. tlnl' B. ' , I as I lDg on, av ng . KIln I~ s fl 8 1 form pr ly o f 'or win . hll ~ I l all~ Ih' r . nI I ..nrll Pj?lr, 'fhe family were r o uHell from The tblrt y. ulnth Rnnunl Co lle tt Illcco pted a positIOn in e nn ~ \' tl lll htHIlI' of h e r urotuer EtI, o( the publi c ~ ho wn ' h e r interl's t in th ,' Il ll llll" . '·'W I Il. t" sleu(lan tl mauage d to sav c ILlI tuelr Mc Kuy IJ1CIII C WIll ~ 1 ~m:l ~ ( ~ I ... r . ptl r,'n t~. Mr ' CIlH'i nntlti . hl Rt week on a (loouot be h e ld at t.lll' l sc h o01~ or tlwt clt.y . nr hou~euold l'ffeots whlou woro dowu Comin~ H e union bv Homlin g Ih O · IlIl~11 ~lr ~I ' ~ : ItrJ l k \t lr k . · I I . th e illn o~" nf hi. infant I'hill! us uu I pa ce S u.tunn Id y , A lI g u~tL., . f 1 " I' Ollgivil 1g' lIphisp osition atCor IllreS8 I . n· " I', . . . . ' l."!t llJl I'tl \\'11 ' "IIIl[lJllt 0 l g , HI IU U ~ . . lt C J. IItu.irs. . ,. IIl ' i nOl\ylO u!:il1ll1 n lHY . . For Sulo o r HIJu t-A tirs t ClUB' Will this ~I)ring Mr Mill ~I .. ~ t er Harold Hllrrl ~ Bnd Mr~ . 'fho OOU8e of the fire unkn ow n. Ar hnd Bell" TDhomp~r·oln. \\hSO I~ n o w Mr~ . A .} l . , l'n;r. . 1 tu l:l Mill"r ui ltl \\'ir" ~tl\l't Oll 1m Sv . plan o. A ]Jp.y . fred , o ow. r !:ltlbina, ut. , 0 llzet t e tl til ce e rul go ol! otYor s •unde. r con ~ itlerution I J{l'r. were '.nnt.oll cl1l1£'r9 (,Ollnt r. "0. ,, . ' . . braska . , R .- F . D . No. 1. 'l'heiloo ple of Lytle worked hurd ' I" u llu~ y !JJ urnlll g f! lr ~hmr futul'p in to wn MondtlY . Born, t,o Mr . and Mrs. Norman One of theRe WUS II plAce as u rull _ __ Rhd were success ful in saving sur · BrowlI of F e n" a h OIll." IT1 SpOk'lllll, \\I\sllln gto ll. Mn~tel' Borbor t Pierce, of Wu!\h. daunht er Sun til · lI'a cJ k I H tI S'd ' Mi sses Ella IIntI Emmu Bnl'''!' r I MISS Lllurtl Mc Kln"ey J' '" ~ y a r , nn h e 6n t ere d upon hi s rouo ng proper ty, lef t Mo n enry I es day , A llgl1St 6 . " . tlu l' Ill o rnilig t' O uccept u po.ill ou III Ill g t on C . E"A. is spen dl ng a f ew work ulm os t aR SOOI1 as school wa~ WltlO"he kfatllflr, .COUtdUlc bur;] tlnd 15idney Lamb 's tobacco ~,etl n ~I'OI'o ry \ th ~ VII Il ey 'l'clepll ul1e' I'x 0 .. cl;nngc lit I ll nys with his sister , Mrs . J ont o h I d sh e d espeolR,lly being in dlln,; er . liD! a ' ery lluOll t IIrt.y y e llrs . MrR. Frauk Tuft , of Dayt on. hll' ve r , r esIgnin g t , [I ' .. . e p ace ten ays in the buildin g whi ch .wus lnngo t.o llluo n. MOrrlH . been lL gUlls t ut· the borne of h el " go, feehng tbut school work would burned on Ul e l o t o]JJlosit tl C r o ~,.r , '£·'l\lr~ . H opI' Stiles II m l Miss DUl'Il. Mis~ . Ethel Wright returnll d to Propo sed Hack brotllllr ,.1. W . White, the wee k . be more congen iul to him. Bros . ' ware b OllRn, Illtj oining t.llf' s peut Snullu y in Ciu uillnu.t i. her h om e near New Burling ton Prof . Miller Is a gentl e man of GU8tin H o use . ar e both Ji \' i1i g i n : . Mrs . Hi c k ~. () r I\ ontnc k y. is vi"it · lus t, week Line to Lytle . t:!ticky ILDd polsoll fl y Jll1pcr Ul ufter a few days visit Indlllna . ElIllllU, (HI the will ow of 'I IDg u e r ~1>!t e r. M r ~. 'fruux t.I11~ luility nnd uus /I host of friends R.ev. 1:;. L. ,Tohnso n . liv ll!! nt ,\10" . w ee k MllY B. he r e . wh er eve r he is );;nown . and I·bey andria . ami h,lS tw o W . F.. Moore. of . Leb(\non ~ SU)ler fine Rons ; th l' Mi ss HI1~AI RirIJY. west <If Wa y lIIessr s . Alhert and Ric harll join in wisuillg bUll amI Mrs . Miller oldllr is sevente pn y Intende nt of tbe U . L . & C. rllil n 08\'il18 , is Ape ndlng ellr~ of ugc 11 1111 ' Lytle , a fo rtuight II Ivery Mncee8/! in their new looation ni ok .. were calling upon friends In . ill employ ed in a lto lfl pbollt' ()tliCP. ; 1 rontl, was in WuyneH ville Tues duy SI)rin.g u e lcl w i t,h b or . __ tow n ::;uturdl ly evening . relati ves. Will th e y oungllr . Eddie B . . ill c lllrk in afte rnoon . grocory . Ella is nllw lIIrR .Inchl~' I . A ';,l ll ull ~b owe r I'efro@ In ce tlitles and fllmily . h od vegotn . Mi~ 1I Winonu MoDon ald WOII t.he Post Office Assis tThe D . I •. & e. rllilrond nncler tl\(' mnrrler l fOI' the tlP-n onll tilll (!, JllHl i tl o n. atltl'dcl), ni g ht . lf you bllve 0110 of S pahr 's pho t o hTllest of fri entl~ at Lebllno n last bel' home 1U1InAgl'ment of Mr. Moorp. I~ glv. coupou~ bring it in' a!\ iR lit S~mmitv ille. MJ'~. I W e utllle r stnnJ the t.IVO weekll' weele . ants Chan ge. soon a s pos~ i ,Johnso n iR. plannlI1~ to nt.t!lJl rl t.h e , vi~it of Wilbur Wharto Ing t1le )leople ()f the t-t'rritor y thro ' ble dou' t ]J ut it off his bOUle · others will do Mi ss Loui se Wil~on contanl' .lat'ell Home.C ollllllg Reul!ll on n ext Jun e' is tlmt ho iM r llco Vll r nilltu ,,'hloh it pllilses, excelle nt service . th ~t, . Mrll. L es lie McCune . ",h() has been l{ frlln! 1111 ' , t" __ injury receive d by lottin g run o \'er tllking tI trip to Michiga n on tho Foul' troins run oacll day bet.wee n a s~i!!t!lnt to P ost MAster Stoops for Tho Wilmin gton Oem o{' rn t. hn RI by II ~ t on e wn goll w hile Mr. !l1111 MrR . Jumes Kel'l'i c k !lpant several mC'Dth~ past , lit wo rk in I~tl. of the present month as tile Leuano n and Dayto[J , lind oo n"en· will give up t.h e foll o wing to lilly of L ie ut enan t , Dliyton . gUIl!!t of t,be Le buuoll Republ ican lellt Mto llo are innde lit ull WilY Ht,, · ~undRY ot. the b orne of Mrs. Ke r · h e r position in 11 short time Ilnd Kent Browni ng, who. all A promi.S./ Mr . Milton Ht!loy and fdrnily eu rl o l>: 's bro ther, 8nmuel Belich, olle join h oI' bus bllnd . Record . We wish her a dellght fu I tions who has been In~ vonng nUID. Wl\R al.upl uyetl m t e rtainetl lu s t Wetllle sdav MrH. Dc. IlUJ flll interes ting trip. 1n. locllttld ut Kimual l , West Virgini a , the {:/azetfe oftl cenbou Mr. Moore wns hero to nrrtill ile mile n o rth o [ Kin"lJ1l t..hftflfl n ye~rs Wunl and lIel' gues ts fr o w Califor . b ngo. u.nrl made mlln y frlAnd.s llurlJlI~ ! nia . Tue Ilfterno on Will! 8pent loy '\' '11 f or a III\C k II Sure Curo Headlic h e and NeuTIII. since Ills t S)lring. MIsH Mtlry Edward s and mother , ne f ..o m • aynesvI hlA ~oJol1rn In WRyneR vlll e . . to . . mus ic fr om thu g ra\lhop h onll . .. M' h Lytle which wlll ' countlc t with th e gia powde rH at MIlY's. b 'f of WAynes lI'ille, were t.he gue8ts of 1 Llent.en ant Knnt P. wrs . cCnne as cen UDi ormlY now t.he oommA ndingBro\V ntn ~ I~ t 0 d officer lu ' It. is reporte d thti t A thou~nllcI dol. trAms on t.h e . D. I.. . & C . U nd e r Miss Edna Zell wai tukeD qnite pleoslln t ullcI a ccollllU oollting r . and Mrs . Ellison , Bun oy. in tbe c hllrgE> of the All egh'my · Ur"Anlll ut lar '1l1tom o uilo thill IIrrAnge ment ticket.s conld be s ic k while Ht tbe Miami wll! soo n be rUllnlll ~ F rank Rnd ',Tohn BUBsey , of Co. VlLlley Chnn. dlscuar ge of h e r duti eR, and tbe Pitt.~bn rg, rllld it, will bn grnt.if,Ving l upon our lltr ee ts, o wn oll by Bert Intubu8 bought from here to Dayton 01' Cil1 .. tlluqUll. I'Lst w ee k . . nephew s of Sarah Harlan , but was able t" patrons of th e ottl ce regret parting ~ uiR F mllny frl!'ndR to le llrn t,hllt ! !::ltlley. OiUllllti or WilY stRt.ion sllt very reUR · r eturn h orne nnd ha rtt·t e nded the fnneral of their uDcle, s slnoe reco\'er . with her . en . red D . Grant . commamlin~ Loo k fo]' our new City H ull to he Nathlln Harlan, Sunday Sbe will ba Hncceed ed in tbe poet I tho onable ratA, und it Is \' ery pro bahle I ed h e r us unl h eRlt.u. departm ent nf t.he EAs t , '~fte,1' erected . on th e lut. o w'ned by S. E. . IlnSlll'ctlll~ LlentBl 1llnt Brow ning A I K that If Buob a line g ('t es into' operll· I '1I' os {l ra ce Linc nln e tt e nnull Ivln~ I)otwee n W C " '1 ' 11 mo,' e h e r l)mee " ~ by MISS Ht'len P"rshal J. . . post ' last !.ion It will be liberllll y p ILtronizl ld \ miJlille r store thi~ ' 11 ' r esl . week " liS st'Lted " e'1e nce an d' th . . In. th e. Pitts. ' C Ol'ne,; y week from the . e ral'1'W!iY. Sudd en Death of . burg DIspatc h . 'ex(lreRA ed hImself stati on W. O . (inslin will hllve charge r oolU Sh ll llllS bee u occ upying . ·.ed at Leban on Marr ns well pleAsed . not onll' with the in tb e Natha niel Harla n . . propert y of the )Jost. blit with t.he ' Miami of tbe hack line, and both he Imd . King propert y to the Vulley Chauta uqua 0108ed builtlln g owned ' compan y and its record . The Pitts. Mondtiy . Thu people Mr . Moore would l' p glad to bear ' uy Ntltban Jone~, next. may b e aorry to the lawn . I_ester Surftlce and Goldie Rich burg Dispatc Nathan iel Barlan , an aged and h devotes 0 column t·o but maybe the h or s es ore not. from t.he publlo their views on t.he 8hip hC\l~e . highly respect ed ciUzen of our vil. were married Rt the M. E . parson. Genera l Grant 's Ins pection of the The s nperint elllie nt of our wore lagll was sudden ly taken age in Lebano , by the Rev . Cooper , post ~nd his commen pro.pO!Iitlon. with an tllltlon o f its house hus b ee n bus y with bls m(' n For Rent-H o u se of se ven r ooms Ill. high noon nThursd ay, AU 8 UIt<3' 1conditi on lind that of the compan y taking In gmin past week. His tlUack of dI zziness near the drug Oil Fonrtb street, with c ity water. 1905. after which they dined at 't he und er Lieuten ant Browni ng's com·! hand el Corne ll-Og lesbee Reun ion fruit anti stable . Nina AntraU stiy h o i~ allllmll es until John store of Chllrle8 Mlldden , Thund i. bome of the bride's brot.her Fra:nk mand. ay. . tllld~ sOI~e damp grain, then he Be was taken home a·nd In a short The tiret fanllly reunion of tbe smiles Mrs . Illtl otokes Rnd daught er . Rloh, followi ng which tWICe time passed away . The funeral at .the y j_ol~ed Xenia Gazettl l : "A maple tree ohlldre n of the Jate Mf" . J..ydlll Cor · Miflll Adu, entertu ined tho Friends churoh Sonday Wlt~ on 8undliY the throng at the Miami Valley which "t·onds In fr o nt of t.h e resi nell, includi ng membe rs of ' the their rolnt.lve 8: ~r Centerville! largely attende d by relative s and . And Mrs , Lee Chuuto uqua to hear William. Jen. dence of Mr . G eorge W . Ebrigh t on . Cornell and Ogles1Jet, familie s was Baker ' of Wilmin gton and Mra nlngs Bryan . friends of the deceOle d. To the Wa~blngtoll st.reet., presen t etl . , . ber.utlf ulsight o n Stlturdu held 10 Chflrles Oornt'Il 's ~rove on , Jltson S . Ewns and y u ig ht . MISS FtinUlcl WHeo)), of Dsylon BOD .T obn, of , bereave d family 18 el:tende d the Mr. and Mrs . Wm . Rich, pareDt.s After t.he t.hunde r the Spring Valley pike, Saturdl iY . Cinclnn llti. storm it WdS ' ha!l beell VIsiti ng h l!r tuotber t,h e sympat hy of the entire commu nity . of the bride, ent.erta ined the bridal highly eleotrif ied Aud jets of light. past week . About thlrt,y membe rs of the 'rhe races at the Wilmin gton Fair ptlrty Sunday at their The service s were conduo ted by home· a.t appeAre d 0.11 ovt'r it·. Th e lig hts 1II1ss Nonnie Ke lsey spent. !l f ~ w Rev . Amos Cook, aul8ted Wel1ma n. familie s were present Rud spent a &Ire promise of being by Mrs. would ~Iowly grow Jim /llill tllen day" At CUuutll llCj{l!1 unu8ua lly lu ~ t· week . Luey H"dley . PIlH bearers were: wouitl flash up mOllt enjoyab le dRY· o~llln in u m o .. t bril . R.n' . A . D. Mulld good . A fine string of horses has ox. wife Hnd !IOU, Messrs. Fred Barlan , Lewis Sears, . 'They are now at. home to their ,li.lOt mauneI ', the entire Tbe dinner InclUde d every del · been secured and tilere tr ee bAing lire visltiug fri e nds III U rUllllt1. Cha.rles Wlnfiel tl. Milton H rHte, E . will be trot· frlentls \Vith Mr. and Mf8 . Philip Illumln at·e d and th n dark lig hts loaoy ooe could Wl8h for, and full tlng, runolng and pllcing Chnrles Law ~o n and fuml lr m o \' B . Dakin und W . W. Welch . races etlch !:lurfllce, pnr.. nts of t.he groom . tlllsuing through thl3 g rPAn I ell ves l ed t o Greenll viilll 'l'il justloe WlI8 done to It . day. llrstl" y of lU~L 'rho foll()'\vlng obituar y was reael _ _ mHde II ApoctAnle t hllt "'"~ worth 1 WPAl;. Ilt th a funeral : , seoi ng . , . . Miss Rachel McKay , o f Chicago . 1 Mrs . AIIJ!' rr d.l' . ,.1' l' U1Cllgo, MrH . Ella Furnus IInll daught er. epu bl lean P ramar y Ntlt.hlln \"l F . HArillu fourth 80U of Mr. F.ItI'1t>(ht II l1t Wf'1l t! w s lruugl' onLl Mrs. Elm eU,m r' Ii IIntl lllldley, Mrtl . Muria Smltb , uf 'l'opekn , Jean, of Doyton , were guests o f Anno uncem ents 8pectuc le ulJIl c ulI"i\ s "'lJJ e of tu e ' ci nnnt i, flr o villiti n g their of Cln. EU Clr h lind Elizilhe tb Harvell ' Harlan KonsoR , arevlsltin~ Mrs . S. C . Allen IlllrAn!s, WIIS lx rrTJ III Clinton Co . Ohio not relative s here n few dnys recentl y. neighbo rR nillo. t o \\'it.llPR~ it. 'l'.b l1 r~ , He \' ond Mrs . MUddO. X. ! fill' fmlll S pri[Jgfie ld. friends Mtg, nnd othe r rolntiH s tblH week, und arll ~(J\' e rlll Wlrp.~ whi oh p'I ~~ thr o The Repll bJicRns of Warren rbe llrunch eR of tht1 trea I (' . I IO U-11 ~ -~O-- 18'~ 5 lind quietly flnd lind ono of ~ulte II n uuI lor nt ~ e ntervill will r!lrnain here until aftor' the (]ounty will holtl a primRr e f' II I Comi ng Even ts. I h b y 7 elootlon t th pence theso u y pass", f rom U8, 8 - o'.r is Jlr obahl~' res p onsibl o I ~u )l e [, yell .eoll C~lIInJJlUg a th .e InO:; wit,h RnOlllll pi c nic 0.1111 reu[Jioo of till' MondR Y, tleptl'm ber le~s t,hon 2 hQUfst llnea at. II, for the ' 8e . for t,h e oud e lec t,ri cal llifl plR Y. 11 ey !lutnnrJ IS l ' h 'l'ue )lLenom o n uppe~rllll IIg Ri n ! lIell1111111 . abO The publio 18 asked to send notices Collett· IIUlI McKoy ftlmilie s wl;l.ich ~OU . AlIJ ong th o~e we rell : Mr~. I(;c ti oll of cBOllid ate9 for conn ty on SundA Y en 11~ orne '~ RrveY8 urg : lIi!(bt , but ill UI1l8~ . ' EILmb" th of family reunion s and 011 gather. will take pluce Saturda Kllldlt'. Mr;!. Kindle 0-4-1 y . 8 .. ) ~e WIlS nnlted In ma r · officerll . er dejo\ree, In~s of a public nature for Insertio n robtlbly on Ilcconn t I StllllRell , R. M. PlI1e lind f"mil y. liege with Sarah A;. Bussey , ~ att d Cundid ates M mlly d announ nnder this helll]. A ce M t.hem of t he tree's ,fot bemg water soak ed I Jlirs . C lllr\; Sprill l;:, l\1r~. Frlluk . r . an Mrs . . awt sprea II them were born 91l: cbitdre': !, ,j IlS on th e previ o lls nl ".' ht . , dinner typictll of tbeir ~ P o tte r lIull Mrs. H e nry Butler . dYlDg In Infuncy , Walter , Warren All Aug. ~, 9. l~ and 11. Greene , generos ity , 'l'uesda y, to tIIsto nOll selves ill thl8 coluDln for ,., . . ' .. which the Ilnnoun celllent s will Le publish ed and Lydia MAY, Walter and hi, Itt. .. . . -County Fair at Xenia . Ml'ti . :)n l])u el \\ ~Iicr IS I1mt e ill. \ folJowi n" guests did ample justice : cont.lnl lously nnW tlo !li!ltel' wuen but cllildre n wert:> the tim e of the PERS ONA L AN D ... . Mr . unrl Mr!1. \\ Ilhllr K e lsey IUIII , caIil'd by Blm who Aug. 11 . .John Robiso n's ten big :di8S ,Tennie Dinwid die, Raid : "MulJer ~ 1l1 ec('. MI SS Ellnu .. K e l ~c ~ ~Jlont 1 tllll children to come nnto of Indioll election . mil," LOCAL NEW~., ;I SnJl(lllY shows oomblD ed, at Wilmin gton . 1lI Eut Oll \\lIh R e \ . l-lllllth fLpoJi~ ; !\IiRS Georgi a Frame, of \Vurron onlv ~urvivinll Ron FOR P1Wll.AT E .TrDOE. ___ ____ , "nil fUllIJly. Au'g, 12. l:>ears Family reutllon " DllytOIl ; Mrs . Goo .· ' hU R tll"~ylJlPllthy mRny frlend~ W . Buwke. M . Corwin Droke Mrs. Charlu tte 'rh o mns nf Fern .l \lrs . .renuie. \vil ~o n, rllJ'IDeri y in hill fill' nwn.v Cnhlln MEV M1'8 . 'I . H . C I near Conterv l II e . II home. 10" 0 cmlln, 1'8. MIs~ \Valtbl\~ ,Wlfll of th e lut e Pert\' cablef'(rIIm . . Alex BOlLwe . ball ooen for Rell'eTllI v~el1k!l. nt. Mo nt... . Wil~ to hiH herellve d mother Aug. 12 ColleU" McKay picnio Bllrnht lrt. Mlsse8 May l)lI. d ied III h e r h o me n on'r h o ~llyH; "Ship Wright . does not i68ve In F Oil ('l/mIlBslt)NER. gomery with hor dAught e r. Mr_ . 1Ct!uterv ill ,'. l\Iulllln near New Burling ton. y, Angust ; . tilHe to Ulilko it JlOsslble to attend Annio U . lind Mame Brown. ! ~nille r. wh o is fllflrllllD gly ill. Mr ' l tlit.e r It. l u u~ . lllnlJ.sH Aug. 12. Quarte rly Maotlng I1t whi c h ter~li I funl', Bnt IUuy God be With Howard B. Ant1or~oll . Mr . Wm. 1.lpplno ott lind Mrs . S . !lnd Mrs . .Tu~ . Th olllus w ont tlllnU!lY nllt II In [I)rl ~ IIt H dl 1'1 CaeSAr!l Creek Meeting Bouse . C. Da\'I' s Ilccorn'·} "nled Mrs. LI·ppln . ~ell se . 10 YOll . . . ( Re.nom . inati on .) to 000 her !lnd fo untl h e r un tll o n~ 1 fUli oral tlpnlC'lI~ Will <~ to h ohl W ell· ~ H o 1111,1 (l 1,lrth right ruembe nhlp Aug. 13 . . " Genera l Meetiog at COtt'8 mother , ·, Mrs . Emily Sl!lith • n c~d tlY nfteru ollu . . in tho Frieurtll churcb but wben FOil S U U\'!l:YOR . yet to be remo\'e d h I h or lII other'8 ' Mr~ . .JIIUHlH M,mulIl CResnn Creek . wh u hRll been u eur ·IU ycnrM of ago' under 'he I to Dayton FridtlY, 118 she storted to Wolter Benkle . hom e. Ang. 16. ~iek fo r ~':"l e tillH' . is mil ch IV O I'~I1 ' prenc hing of Rev. Bedoll a Wlllml ngton Yellrly her home lit Morgan town. Indiunl minIste r l, (R e.nomln Ation . Dr Kibg of Ri chm o nd lncliflnll ut thl~ wfltmg . Meeting ot Orthod ox Frlenlls at a f t·er 0. visit of II fortnig th fl BaPltlst cbnrcu , be rellllze d . , ht with " her 1\li _s hi • 11'\' Wi l"fl U 1'" \' iaitiu'" tbot m e re Y a conneo tion with t\ ant! Dr. Bo we rs, of DA y to n. rndl~ I f ' ' 1 . \.:!. relative s here. Wilmin gton, .. ' c hurch WU!l Jlot suffioie nt ttl" 8&V" . rll' nl R III .,I1verltl\Vtl . . Bean Pods Thlrt y. .. ant to Lytle In August 17, BiBoy- William son pio. the i r ... uut om o hihl Mis" Laurll Mer ;lne, nf W ich itll. I~ n d lit· hiM The 'Vllmln gt.on Fllir August 22 home ue sought and TUllstla y and took dinn e r IllI tl HjlOllt ){lIn~/l!l . WIIM " .. lIIll! h nlc will meet lD .J. W. Hisey's grov('. to 2G. f'l'P o n '":1: () 11 lit tuuml the B"vlOr tlud ever Rince htl Three I nches Long. the (lfteru ooll with Dr. .lIlII Mr ... 10f t1w II\ ~t ill n ,,~ ~ . . " I' her s IMtt!r. M rs. hu ~ hut! u hope uf eterna.1 life. August 17, Reunio n of old t:!cho o l • . A numbe r of InVltllt ions havel B . ' .Ion o \\'ilAUIl I th 1 O li t p JlHHt th fe w years have been tbll I hes I A9socit ltlon In Wilyne svllle Scbool been Issued to a selACt \\UrI!. Dr. KlDl{ gratln'It. Ad with ' dance which hflJlpit19t und Illost fruitful of hlB ean pOI 8 Ir .y . ree nc . n Dr . Word. th e two r eoeivin g th oir . Mr~ .. Eth el LUlI i t C Hall . B II ~ F l~. Id uf Arkou length ~II" are . , lifa. 0 c urloRlty ~pealel WI'11 b gro\ll'n ng oftpn both io publio 0 g ven a , 10 the Ii 1'08S a r ay . . . d . f J I E I·" l iS \'I lI rolntlv fl~ atnrltl neul' Ib t~ nntillri vattl th!\t th O ( PIomos as p h Y!llC18nQ lIJ I:!o ~ . pI ce hl'sonly re-' "-Ir eveninA under the pat.rooe ge ' of ~Tahr en . dO . • oe vRn 8 t' ISM8umEmer \ They ul90 took 1\ post g r hlluat e course I Aug. 21. IndiRna . Yearly Meet · ... Ug~ e u, . b e see h t was roug l ~ 'a~ ·0 tOb r III . vet VllnR 10 II hWR:V. thbat he might lng of Blcksit e I"rlendo conven es at l1essrs . Charlos Burnett . N 1 .. .. - ... ", RIlI~~ by his brother , BenjAm in EVJlns, of I togelh er ' . ,e fI O!l 0 ot er8, e tlometim ea In 1 ew York threo yeul'~ \ Rlchmo nd . lndlanu . Ice Cream Socia ls MIlicI' and Bllrold Howell . LeWIS Pa8ade na, Califor nia. \ SlIid h e wonl.d I~ve to Ilgaln 88e his who visited tlg el. ng. 22 25. Wilmin __ gton .. Fall' . full 110 A orohest rll, of I ..t'bonon , will fur. him at Wayne8 vllle last 11 ,wd hlH Illmll.v hut felt !lure he full Mrs. Fronk Bhiclnk er and Mr . " d tJ Icc Ur etl111 .1I1t1 <:ul,,' will be Hen ~11 1l.e \, orbw o nlll\rlutthbISlllfel· Al1gu~t 2~. St .•Tohn family r e UD. n.'islI th 0 , musIc. . . H f Not long an · Ie program Mr. Evans said tun bean grew • 'J1I\ CO 0 ~ po e 0 to WII~ol\ ar\,ey, of HllneYS hnrJ.l' . \L.v th .. \.,,,l ie H ,\ltl S,)eio l.1' u 8 W 0 and sairl Ion, near Albany , Indiana . Will oon@lst 01 both rouno lind a. lellgt,h of thirt.y .six C t.1", " 1 h nvtl a p1'8Mon tment. that mv inchos in Cali. retnrll llli lWllIe! fr o lJl th ei r Ly 110 . ell nrc h. ~I\t lInl"y: e l'enint;, ' ~UI'y hore ."'ill be of short duratio square dances . tornia, and he though t. it might We~t·e rn trip. Mrs. n \, !::lbillak Aogust :lB, Graham family reun · er !ipent Au g ust IS. o n Hidnoy L!1D1lJ '~ lawn . and on helng asked a~ t,o W . B. Mlldden & Co's new lumber 10 1\ foot at 1688t In whethe r Ion tit the home of Chas. Roser, Ohio The ()oo week In Lincoln . Illinois, and EV Br ybod y iuvi ted . d Rt Co i h f I be t . near Ridgev llle. be blld any fears as to his future , . yar k ' C'I ' rw n liS or sa e b s bean was planted . this !lprlng and no o . n.B \ hRPPln wee quality ess III he Hcago. were. !lhe wn~ of lumber , lath, !lhlngle~, answer ed "none what· ,, ,. '-.- - August 29 , tho Sherwo od family door.l, sasu, . e ver." . tI b u f h et.c. No.1 quality 2x~'s more though t given to them until J1 \1 I i I a JOloe . Y er at. er a ll h 18 r e turn reunion In Joseph Kareey '! grove, Will have a car losd ler e \, I ,e nn ce c reaUl ROO IU . Hi" ra ce Is ron aod we trtlSt he 1M of new lumber few days ago they were observe d by frow Cbeyen ne, \Vyoml ng whlt.h e r Ilt the hOUle of W . W . pear Oregon ia. here this week. A car load of shin. eome one .who went Cnol', of with the redeem etl ".Ile borelov lllR Into the garden. he bad gone a few weeks preVIOu sly Pekin, Thnr8d uy .wening , August te illmony Septem ber 9 aud 10. BIlptl8t ABBa. IIlell ordered from to the power of Jelal to Belling ham, 'After being measur ed It was found wIth hl.8 niece. Mrs. I..~na I,nkens . 1 17 , tue proceed " fr o Ul Bume to olation at Mlddle run. WUf1h!n~ton, will be here in a shol't they were almost If not quite RPPIY \ ~fi\,O . equlll Mrs. Lukens ' friends ~vlJl regret to ; for tue benet1t of tbe U~ll \,er8ll.Us t ·wThree brotber s ,John, Bam,uel , aad t.lme. Comeh and S08 u, and let U8 to the Califor nia produo t. It II said learD of the serious mnM8 of her ', ohurch Sept.lD~r li to 22, Waften Co. .how YOIl '" at we have and give r:. at Rld&e,\ lJe . · All cordlal l, la;!~O~az!~ry~iVe him of tble hlr at,Za1l9D. ' m o t h e r In Nebr. ...a 0110. prices . Invited w be quite palatAb le. . .. . . I '




















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. 1

~ 1\O " t p(1 C mm~ " rI , " O,l O' t YO U : l,Pr o n IIHcII t h t A ~ I," ('! R I IV t \ go :-''''1' ' o n Ihe \\' f()ll<; d l,I$l{\n ?" t h rnu{;h t n ' l1 l~ h l wlt hont ' 8\ or fr tIl C a ll nhlln 1:3 1' ~ Ih r t llt·otll ~·blll · a n- I !."S t 1'\'111' t A, & T JUIl,:lIun." o l he r OIl I WIII'rI . h ill' h. 1II1IINI h iS S~llt " \\ ' ''II~'' n n\! 10 It a ha lllll1 r r lru m thc ' 1001· I .. ' ow \\'P h ~"f' II all. lo S l l'lll); h l ~ n lUI


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lip I h ,' r ,ll - p l l' i'(' . " \\' h a l d nr~ Ill' ~ a ~ ~ ' u:-;\,1"'11 1\ 11n t.. " It 's n i l rigll!. li t' ~ a \ '" ~ 'nl ln h a n i ~ O ll t O r! I ll\.' \\'t' t-il l>r n D I \ 1'-;1I HI , \\\l h ') ' 1l''::f' !l I' r d llt si n ~ h i lll n '~" nld i n .L: to D r l}~llIl11llll' , II nll. " " ~ t il t il ,' ,all pr lll'-' I ill n \\ \r h I'a h\. nn l l h old () O B \' {; ,·n r r...;''' ' h " ,..tI ~ 0; 'lfl" nf I l1 l' t ll

_\ rIlJ III ) 111\ II,,· r. I II. Quel mu d I n J llnC I hf' h,'" r."h I nC' 1I CO llll lt l l n : July ~tlll fi r t'" Ih,' l; lood " S l' pl f" lnh' l hi lIt1 d l " d"111 1 'o :/i" t . fh.: t\lhl' l t !)rl' ,. II '''''' I. hili

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. 1I n qh· d t il'" "fi r 'I !'> I I W ad pn ..::-i n ~ l ta t' [tu ll' ''' ~l a l lt l'" . , \-\,11 je h ni H' \\ " '" II ,,, .t!-.I,i'd (' ,"' n l. 3nd h~' lI a ri tfl wal l 1111 I ll" I t' p l) f:l UIt.·

I II p, .,', IItin f " Ir >4 ,'\1 '1 ,' cu · l,,· .. nll d 1"" 11" W I' 1111 1-,', " I '- 1 ' 1 I t4.\lu lh , ' 1 ) , ' , I

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l " , ,,,, ,n for n {' I'I ::d~

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c Ia l " ~ I C YPI \\ il ll lli 1I SIII' lo IPr'fi tl us h 0 1 t ilt' I llll'I, I! "':III , 11111 I h l' t I OI Il - nt u:: l c l' 10 .. , no t llll" (' l! as IIJI.., Ii ft' Il ~ \\' h ro r l tl .\ el WI h " H"Ii " Cn ll:l h.lIl II I Ih e Ih l olll . " l ' p If' III ) ~(,('Ofll l :-;

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.Th e Ol'd c l's w e l'c sco t as s wlfll y as the <lI SI)atc hc l' coulu rattle tb e m 011 o n bl s I; c ), : li nd t he n follo w ed a n Intenal or w lllt lng mor e te r ribl e tha n a b,\U le. Kenl t ri ed to s peak , Imt h lR li ps \\ O( 1l I'urc lll~d all il h is tongu e wa s like a dry s ti r l, between b ls tee th. _ W hat was d oi n g In t he lowe r yar d? W o ul d Durgan fa ll a t t h e pinc h and mi s m anag e it SO a s \0 g Ive t he a la rm ! Tbe mi n utcs dragged Icad e n-W1n ged, ond even th e fiou nd e l's o n t he d ls lla tcbe r' s ta ble wer e s il en t. Sudden ly t h e c llc l, ln g bc g a n again . 1·h c opc l'at or' al ·'yard 11 m II.R" waS se nd ing t he O. J( to t h e t wo t ra in o rti e r s, So fur. 110 gOOd. No w Ir Ca lla han co uld g e t sa fe ly Ollt o n Lhe West· ern D i v is ion. • But t he rc w a s a hit c h In Ih e lo wer yurd . DU l'gau had obe)'e d orde rs lll o mpll y and p rel' ise ly. lI ml h ll d SII C0111 gun ' ced ed III I!tollllinil C" II Rh a n ( 1Im b ~d tn I hc ca b of Ih e 1.010. a nd I t i C ( h a n g-e li pl n u wa~ CXll tnl n £' d In a \\' 0 1 c1 50: UlIl n ow t..:[Ullt' the

(IOU' 11

, r \l x " II I Slu " tI hc rT' 11 11 ) 1l 1l ' rI he I" 'i n ;:In ' m ro m y old pl li I ' ll h an' II" , whulf' l.! t

Ih l ff l

a \'

( \\h ~ 1 ~


ltt1 z,d u ' I'o ll nd


l{flll W

1111' m a llh e l· ... Hai d Callahan

t il t' I I'

" lt H II I) nth p i

, l ll n l-t

tt) du,

Rn tl n t ll g-,JIl Inll l ll'd lJ a l'l\ to t h e t e te· t:, rnp h ,l fll l ' I' tn p lay t il ('< rn (l'~ t-\ e n ~(" r li e \\ t1 !; luO l o n ~ 1I1 JU Ilt I t. Bt' fm e h e t..o l h a c'k lt a llc£' U w as 1I n li f~ 1 t l H~ (~a h

wl n rl o w or Ih ~ 1,0 111 Ile m a n illn g 10 1, l,I olI' - \\'il h rn tl l11 Il llj ll rJ.;ulton s - w h y 'Ca ll a ha n hilt! Ht UI' IIl'll I" Ih ' m lddl' of I h r Y ll rrl ~. " C el R 1111)" (\ o n \'r)l \ !" h r SilllU t £1d , 'Th e e xp t ('~ ... 1101 ri g h t tu'hlllri us, a nd

11' 11 rlln " " .101" 11

YOIl d UlIHI Cl1 ho g·

t l ot ter: "

Ca lla han ~ gRll nl lc l ed ha lHI s ho l 11(1 t o (he I h l'fll ll ~ - b a r ' 'I' m I'all " · Mi Rlh cl lIa l l, PI1," Iii' ~ a ld mild" . " W ill y~ 7. ~o bul'!, to t he car . or r ltl e 1"11' m e?" T h C' gen er al


i n tl' tl d .·nl l ouh no

a.i a n \ (' or I'utd l illg, l h e Nall~hI4 ~ " \ (' n ' s

~,an " - rall !-.: in t h e da rl, n f'!is

n nd


wh l r ped " I' Ill io t he ('ah OIl Ih e HI·. t s ha l p l'o ll ~ h o f I h,l> c :rh n ll ~ t " 1' 11 h'O hal l, \\ hl'n you HtoI) for Y0 1lr ~rd(lr~ ' II ,.. Ba l d : hil i fl !ih u(t ow ,\ figllrt'

I n n ~ I ,l t ( ' to t h l~

I' lI s5 i n ~

I hp \\' ~st I'll 1' 11 10 11 I'~ nl rll l o l1i<' ~. h RIOl'I.r tl In Sl' ll rl Orm shy a ,, 'co n ti tt, j,' J;rlun , I' porll nj! fll og ress a ilU a s kl n)); h im t o lir p re.' lI t III pc r·




F'o l' n nce I n a wa y I he

10 be full .\

J, LiNT Y Ol" n I': 1i t) f)U

"M Y II 1-:/\ \ 't::r-:


Y J,; \ HS



T il t::

\'I,:n i'

I.J,; i\ ~ T ! ·

!illrt H ildre t h ha d s i,l h is s ay , d e p recn tl ll g t he t hr 'a toned a l' ll 'ul to fo r ce as fc(\ rl e"~ I )' 118 h c eond e nlll co t he m is man age m e nt whl h wns III'O" oldll& It, [lil t It WtlS K e nt w ho wa s res r o nRIbl e 10 1· I he d earl h flf n ews 0 11 th c c\'e ot' th ·ve ll t. J,;n rly In t he mo rn in!': o r t h e las t clR ) of I hc mon t h he h a [1 s Ollg h t 0111 t.h ~ eui lo r and he g!,; II h nn 10 lose th c co l umL1s o f I he E ve nIn g A r gu s to 8t l' lI,c ne ws. n o lI1 1<tter wha t Kh Oll id lo m e In dllrlng th e Co ursc o[ the day. " I ca ll I go Into Ihe rpaSOnS as d ce now a s I h o pe to 11 li ttle late r ," he ha d said, b Is sec retlve ba blt boldIn g good 10 l he fin al rath o m or t be Slip pi n g ha w~ e r o f e l'c lll S " Bllt YOII -Ulli s l hea l' wit h m e n nce m or ~. a nd w hal e v I' you heal' be l wee n n uw a nd t hc li m e you ~o to p rcss , don' t r o m m e n t o n It. I IUl\'c o ne more ,'h a n ~'e 10 w in o u t , a n ll i t ha n gs In a ba la n ce \ h81 a fea h er' s w e ig hl mi g h t ti p t he wron g lI'a y 1"11 he wil h you betwec n 10 a nd 12 lo-nl g h t , nn d YO Il ca n sa fe l) s ave t ll'O col llmn s o f t he Illurn Ing r ror Ihe s e nsation I' m g o ing t u gil'c YO Il ." It wa H III f tll fil lml'nl o f Ihl. p ro mi se ti lal " t' nl hC,i tir l'NI 11I lII'0 1r afi " r h <! had 81.' 11 1 a II ire 10 Ol'llls it) , a n d M'Tns h had Sl' lIl p,l rlow n t n I he laAI; o f sll wOIh i n :.: Cn lla h al1 ' ~ wa y w('s tw3l'd O\P I it d h is io ll alt'flft rl\' tW lfd!ln~ (u ' h l~ t ..

pt (' lI m l ll ar~

n ~() 1


th e

t5 l1l1' ~l

m " lI l ~ l o lI ,


att o rncy l\ll S 100 n Cli rl y ra l t led al('rt In

I II ~

~ ur ro\l nd f n g's ,

Th e r e ", pre nt he r. al Ih c s ian d in g Ilesk: lln c1 H a w l\ w rot e hts m e~s age , arte r 111'0 or l h rce fa lse Sl urt S, u lmost at K e nt 's e lhow. K c n l hard Ih e cll l nl ' o r coi n a n ti Ih c 10w-sl,o l, r n II rgl ng s for h a s n a l I he rec 1\'l lI g l' lc rl;'s winrlo l\' hilI h e ro r· bor e to n\O l'c II m ll Ihe cah harl rallie d away. 'fh pn b e ~ l\th e r('1 1 liP t he SI10l\ cd hla n ks le ft Ile hl n d by Hnwk a n rt s moo lh r d l iJ r m Oll t . T\lO o f Ih em ho r e noth i ll ':: hil I th~ <lai c line , mau e ill cSI· LJlp It wo ul d ~r e rn , tt l' Ih e wr lter '3 ha sl (, nn d lI e n 'O Il S II (,. S. Bill at t he Ih lnl all e mp l lIawl, hnt! g OI as fa r a s t hc a dd r ess' " T o A ll Tl'a ll s- \\' csl e rn Ag e nts o n \\'P&t r n Oil ls io n," I< n [ s l e p p d q ui e l, ly 10 t h ~ re ce ll'c r 's wintl n \\' , T he o n!) p xpr,lI c m he l'II ul rt I h ln k of "as Ollen 10 re pl mwh . hil i II was no l im e t o be n,-c l ·~(' rll l)\l l otl s , • Pardo n me," he h r!;lI ll . ·· UIII cll tl n'[ t he ~ e n tl e man \\ ho w a s Jl!s t he r e ro r g et 10 sig n h is meSt;ugc1r ' T he Ilt l lp hool, ca ll g h t lI S nllnnow. Th Q r ec e ivin g c ie ri; was Coldl ng H a w l , '~ m essage to Illace It In Ih o lI"u he r Cllrri ' r o f t he p nculll ut!c t ub e, but b e o pened a nd e Xllnlln ed It . " No : ' he sa id , " it 's a ll r ig ht : 'J . B. H a lke l l. G, S:" " Ah:" s a ltl K ent . " Th a t 's R lill ie odd . M r. lI a lke tL Is o ut o f to wn , and t his g e n tl e ma n, Mr Hawlt , is no t In h is d epart m e nt. (helle ve I ~ h ollid Inl' os ll g ate a lit tle b \'t ore s e nding Iba t, If I wer e YOII. " H nv i n ~ t hu s s own Ih e s Olall seed o f SlIs llicion . wh lr·h . Ill' Ih e !Jy. t ell o n barr e n ROil , Kent lost no t im e In ca lling UI' lIf 'Tos h over t he n eR re~t te le phon e , " 0 0 o u r ag'·n ts on t he W es tern D Iv is io n h a n tl le W.'stern Union bllsl -


ha ' .,

dn l lllLl ~a c hable


. II "a W l n II la rsc s ca le l ll s t "'·bat . I h ll d ~I' e n 0 11 n RIII Ull o n\': s omuboll1 111111' 1"""" " n nolp in , .IlIII wh e n It had ~nttf' I h r' roun d o f fh(' d l nn er , t a bl 8 th l):St,.· ff' lI o \\ ~ tll m ll l p(1 o\ e r e adl ott~ r I r~j ll .~

10 ;':'P I away "

. I" I lla l 111 1"" I\ PIl I " ~n

~\pn l l

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In~ ll lrNI

h is n o~1' nnh f'T' ~f' Il "'\', 'V hnn t h ..

lI <' nd r il' I,. · lItn l'P In rl' l I

Ih p (,lIpi IOI . Rnrt

a r c fl y lu g in n il 01 4

l Oll s,"

.. \n d }O ll \\ a n fed mr l u rn m ~ n nft t r-U rO il a l l l h L' \\ h 8 and " lI l'l pTu r, 's ~ '. ,(,.' II

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b :ck e n-d (1 \\' u




Ir n n y bcldr COllI " " II Hl e n : IIIIIlle l ll lnj! wo rs "


" \ III1 ~ hl ,

' h a n nn h 011 1' a go l iw g,n 1l erDn r h i ~ prt \J\tro s\ '( ' l e tar~, GlIilfu l"o , lI a w l, an d I h t 11\ 1..' ( I s t a r h' d OIH o.n a sP t'4'iu I Il'a; n In

~ Il It) n a :-;ton " " \ hu t for" " il\ l" 1 rl\ "l ....

o I b l'

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.Ju li g f" l\1;:u · ... ar l a n.l>. M I :-;P nlp lf\ 1 '~a l "la l\d , :\I\d Ih ,. O vC' rl a l1t1 O{4

tl f'i ahi,

YOIl (.' n n

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ti Otl l":"

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YOIII' r n llroll u lI'a " 10 lir " " Ill S I OC'l~ Il n lt

Ol1t , I()(' k

\'. '\rrf' l : o r I(,US b d

to I h ~ Ovell an d COl ~ ~ ypa ra- wltl r h am o ul1l ij to Ilt p " RIII C t ltlll !: .. .. P I {'t 1 ~(lI ~ \ \, ., 11 ill SO 111 I' U IHI(1 4 {'OUIl I tllJl f" m bdlil p t h e I'P" £'i n' J '~ s p ~' · dal was ~ " itl hed o\'t' r 10 tlt fl \ \ "t\:; !tU1\ f) I\' l s tn n a t yaHI lim i ts , n nd 1111' '''' n ~ 1 4

) fl ll !l OW " "

" I a lH ~u ln g 10 Sf' 1 I h .... f ll sl' f o r t h I' 1I('W.'qUlper f! ~l ll n s lo n , " h ,... sa lt! t o h l~ 1,Il y ' lt a l'l l n ~ tl( 'l: lfl e n t ~ . Ih e r,' b n o l'("a ~ ll tl w h y \\' £' :;; hIHl l d u ' t hl'g tn

. I'm a l

I h ~ r la r ~ lHl" n

p lI llll<' · p h o ne.

h il i I arn g ll l n ,:.; n\' CT to I tHo

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fi r ". I' ll le I Y'''I I, nu" "be n I Ica I P I lwr e Gnorl· h)' . \\' h ~ 1I K Nit r"arh pd I he n lJ.:h t oil tl o r 's rt c n o n Ihe t h ird fl oor o r t ho ~ 1 'T",, 1t "as 1 ~ lIn i n !: o l'er Oi s 1l1l lr h· J\ r~ lIs bll llrli ng he Inlln ll 1I ;1'1 rc lh 1m ,'I \)o lla llll c's s ho ll ide r. li e ha d m prs 'd c h ilHleep In a sca o r w o rl , HI I PW·t! D Ufia hne' :o\ fi n gc n; aSllj p fro m Bil l h p nll ick ly e xt rit 'al e,! hl lll s ~ lI a nd Ilh' k ."y to Cll t I II \\Il h a PCICml) l o ry d f' are d a r. h al .. (u r h is v i::; ltor " G, S " 0111 (1 1 "' lts p P- lI din g , in fa\() r o f "P r al .,' hp:" hc rjac ula l o't, " I wa s Ihl.' ra s l mal l. Ih o l u lp wh ic h ..' qu ires hl' ,I; lUol n~ t o g et. anx ious L arge a !-Ha f lon npl' I :tI OI t o drop b l s hna rc1 th ings a r e happe n ing. a n d ),0 11 dld,, ' t o n a [o ll ow l n g' ~ ('( I io n th a t I ~ l es~ (h a D IlI rn TIll. I ve ha d Man vi ll ... Wi r in g a ll 1"11 rn llllll .,s h ~ h l nd li s fil e· lea rle r O\' ~r l o \\' n ror YOII " said th c " Th e 111 11 IS h"gll1n ill g ," " \\' hal a re so m e of Ihe la rg e lrul n ' rna s t" I' . Ti,cll r l' ha s h i ~ t ip !llIn gs?" asked Ke n t. IIg hll ng h l~ firs t III JlII Dllrga n I" !,ee p Calla han 's la ll- cI~ a r Hi ner' dinner. 11 !,: 1,, " In , ig l" W llh t hp 10 1111 treall· " W e ll . for o ne 'a-4lln YO II l.n o w Ih at I n ~ ("In t Ii P II h p l'l tl I h e g P lilI c l11 CII i n your pcn pl e are M I he I' e r ge of Ihe t h (" l\'all r;hI S P \ P Il w ill h I' e h a l Y a b o ll t IUllc b · la l ke rt·o f st r ill<e" " 11I11IlIl g Pa t s ~ d u wn tno ~ udd "" n l y in " r es , I lm c w II I''' s morn ln!; T ha i


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A Fnr m ('r l' l'on .. IIIII",«l Sl tl r n n No w Jtt"JO ' '' I ' ~ lit " t'rtt' ~' 1 "' r N " luti l (nuu 1\1 1"., .. It... u f I mli&:t"Mti lHL

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Thousn nriR o f tro lro rer~ knn\\' I11Ilt. I ho

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I'Il t' f )l' IHlII ~ t \\,il l' n ,c1l 11l1111·, ' 4 h ' >I I'. I h old Il tll ·UI . I n l ti l t l \ I \\'I ' 1 ~ l l~ II ),:1'111 ' 1 \' 11 .. ", I" ,'r ,

Th~ l ·\·x.~ tln l$ 1

\' l" t o fl r 11:.4 twt, "'H' lI I t S

· to g otr lll oC. t hQ dlili ~ n l ty I~ tho puzzhug q ntl Hti o ll. G ood dlgfls t lnu ~ nll . t ,)r Rtr(lll/::, d I ~A­ w u tldro tl,c IlI ll '4 , o f Dl.lme ~ , t1l1r t' In t n e t i\'e orgn ll 8, n 11 d ~!rt' J1 gl, h CO lU utt rr(J1n " ""I" II I ,\ (~ " \' I: r T he PC,H I I II I~ t Th At Itil ll U d " \\ ,."11 "'y et, s u pply o f g on,i l'Ie h 11101l\!. Jr"r t ill" till' tl Ul h til t.c·lI, I t ~. IV Il I ~ ~ ll l l lIg l y nf h u.)' r en.on 1\11' Ba y""o ll too k D r. WIH iJlUIK' 1"\' 1 PlIlI, P ill H fn r th CUI O or Im h goHt io ll . ni t' Op UIl1 1'4 t-·T h t1 " l lI t l·r w lll l .... III m y " Thr'," hayl.l l ~t 'n m y h\'!'O t d (l(~ t,or.·f lJ(t d~· " K lt t t h(' " l. r ,,,,11 rul " e \l(' 1r ~ IIl'I e d ol L "I" P t Ulf, MYS . ., [ WIlS "utr" ri,,/{ fl',' UI IIY"llOPHil\. q u ite It' )l. ( I l ' t' Irom (Hrtul ,·,. \11 .~ ,., 111~ o;:: t!; b

11\ 1'1

T ht' Optllll l-"L - Th r n

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Our Chan gtn g

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R ' ,' ~ ' t h.'rf' Rlr! d OI.: t.vrl, n.8thllla

L angua g~.

Th o llai ll ~ i n Illy S' ,"lIt1iwh n ft.t,r tlI Ofll H Wf' ro I\ I IU H~ t. 1l Il bHn n ~bl ll> , {\f y ri l oop w aHv('ry in ~K11 1 llr U.l1ti m,f c:o mplmci o n \Vf\KM H,)II'. A . the r 81l1li t (If \I.4 111 ~ o i ~ht

h Ol I O" nr Dr, ' VI II II\l n S' Piul, Pd l" , I1bo l1 ~ th" Ill Orlln n f wh lt'h [ 101\rtH',1 f rnlb " I Iii'''' w ill h \~ ,I t nn t· w llt'll ~ I Hft"r )Oj ,\I ,' fl'l A ll rt ~ in }1' rtllH" ' , I hny " el'WJ\pod a ll tll.}lt'a l d " f. n ut It W ill he \ Iu e t 41 lilt' I ho" , t I'\lll hlc.<. Il llrl Rill nbl" n h~lIll to t~.I< ~ \ 1 1' III~I ' t h a t J!4 \'o " " t tlll\ l ~ ttm ulot ,1n rn II lI t y lca sllI o III arlllg" " I, I1 bul lll " 'l' h (, I " ",111 iI,· Oft !Jt'W \\ , rl d A v\ny bll1lpl o !'lto r y- , hu t. it' it 1If\11 ll ot I h lt 1111 ' ;1114 t bt! ,., IUl l' t hlllJ( ," - \ Vd ~ h ll1~ boe n cOIr Dr. Wl l h '\lII ~ ' I'll tit 1't1IH it ll ll g h t. }1/L\'O I W'N l ll tn ~ J(' OIH' , W ho n di R· E xpl~in e d , C'otllft)r t lwl-tina w ah t"'at ll l,t.{, tilt :-4 ti l' th " :'\ t;., \\, " mu dl \'- l.n,'k hl> I ~ ' \\ h'l t:ft n ' t I illt"t'\'IlI:ol h t' LW(,('ll u umlli w ll h pui l1, n lll1 hI1\ !;' ~t fu ll ~U l' (Jf l ea ll p r p" t' ll ts hil''' P n t Jl IJr.{h t, t h l' l ' t' r t,iuu ly \\" , lLlI ' 1 (' 1I t· T ha t " .,,, ft rull f" ll) \, h'~l l I I ... d.. I I o llt l' l t lw k l ldwl1, " \I t , ~" .. ,',' (',' 1111 1)1. UO IIIlI c h pit' ''''ill r o III l i v lIlI.( A 1I 11~ h.' rl' lI' , " ~ " I ' \\l'.l k I t Jl· .... t I.' Y~ " "I\VII tI lln l J: (' 11 '1'1 ,1 h r nn klllg d uw n IIHlht blJ. I II I ht' h l ' l \ 011\ t,f tilt' ''' I' 1' llIltft J I·lph lil w l,l't'ly n iJ U (ls tl llll ( I f t l fll u, I , ('d ~\ I I J\l l. .T""' l' h i3J1~' ''8o n i. C\ II nti l'o uf AIX · lf·S · OHJII ~ . ]o~rI Ul ,·tl t hu t; ftt ' \ V r'mullm. Pr o r. B~ !onn l Cou r t esy, I liT H1111 ' Il~t' to k, "'p nl\ hll, l n l " I !4 Inn~t' r n t, N u 2-I :m Larkll l ~t rl~,' t, !'\n ll l '' rI\ I I UlNf'u. I h I II \ ,' " d l l.' ~t\lt t t l", Ilr~ t 1,t1u ll"d .) On 1. 1 ~ ) i ~ Oli O nf n, ~T"nt I1I11 U h\1 r wbtl " 1111 , 1 d l,,, 't kll(1\\' . " Il'J 'J1l1t·d t ll p lI th t,! ('fill tpsttf\· to t h o r r l1l !ukahl " HfTln .u'y o f .. , Utt k t 1' 1' d ll' lIl " II I h ill t lUll , h f!\ Ili00k Ifli ,;t.·r thlln tin' \' 1l' ,tI I '0' II I"C " l!t lll~ aK O Dr. Willll; lIl ,i ' Pi Ilk PII I ~ III l h u t rl..t ru llllt 1)11, 1) ~ I'W~ , of oh~ l i n : lt l) ci lSI )N i o rd o f t bn t:l I Oll , I f )' f11l \\ I) U l ll g l' t r id of IUln ~'ll , I )lUll or T h . I mporta n t Point. blirBi ll g ltl t ho stn l Hfl (' b, v l' r t,if(H , lI or · E tilllI - l d r l.'» ru f' l t I I' tlt 1I 1 ~ hl t h lS t 1 \"" M \' O tl l'J IJl~:ir4, I n ~') 11lIli H., o r 8 11 1 o f tho ot h r

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tl ntl Ill lI lll,t! II \\ hVI'P c-r " ' hut \\rl:t hll4 1t. lI lle ? - I1 , t rUi l !' re llt'

M .I\ Fr ('~

un8prW:J o f n d y -,pt\[lt ie , ~ l· ti rill o r thu lh d hw:i ti v u n :'l\ tll'I b v t h o

I w on l(o f'~~ o f

\It D, . Wi llilllllri' P Il IIe PI H. . Thuy ll ro RIlIiI loy c?l' UIIIl'' 't H fl v. 'ryw he nl. P rupc r , II ·t I~ . uf "n n"... , 1\ i(l'uOIL I\ld in " ;\'0 11 (' th l"' J ('~~, ) l) ' 1 o r f" [.:nilu: If.' Sof t W1ute Ha n ds a Dd Luxurian t ron\' r' rrl jll ~ rf'~ 'f'IV e l y 0 111,.' 0 l>t'gu ll. (lnu ~, pri n t this On (' to- morr.1W tr.orn i n ).! JlI lit H a ir P rodu ce d b y Cutlc u rll hll io book . " \v lml to Ene 11 11 ,1 1£\" .. to ~l!; I'nr t (l' lI i ll g' if tu ~ ou." l ' en l 1l ~t;;f"' rt I'(1 , ('Olll1d Cll l l y , " And w h p ,\ ~l) 1I ~ I' f t h lt Soap. EIlI, " 111".1' Ioe Obl"ill<'ll by BIl)" O li O ",ho I m n icp$I ;\ n ·q ucst f r rt, by WT'1t.ltI g t..o (,l in ('I IHl o g llC YOll wi ll :)a ~ t ha. t II lIl a l\c~ ill Y lill i e pr ef a ce \\' eRI'I~O n ,., ~y (· o ut IASt. " 111111 100 < of lI' omen t ·", (' 1111 \,ll r • . o.\ P I Dr. W ill " ,I\IS MNli,'n l CIl . , Sd w ll ootw ly . Th e lIj!hl \l As Sillll I, dn'll n i ns i n t h B ll S.!'IIJC tl·rj h,\ ('1I( 1t IIru Oln1 T1le" l t h ~ .'r r f' ,i I N .l , T ltI ~ vtll un bitl rl io li boole C"on tu inl't joIl~ m !Il l' . fo l' IH·(':a~· t' lnltt p ll rl h I n~ an d : a u im pr. 1 t UIi t. c h npt.t'r , lit th u Stl u plCd t etl ilor ia l m lntl he,lU t lf\ 1It j,t l ilt' aklU, I n!' ('1" ;U1"'ln ~ t ll l' l mealti f ll r t ho c W'O o f coustipation, ' My 1t (' ul'I~n ! " h e p x e l' ~d ·' K l'n l. /"'{',l lp of I.' ru st,,: ~t' a l f' ~ a nd d lllld rll LT, :llld I 1'0 11 ' 1'.· !,:ood ror ~O y~ ars. at t he ve r y IIH~ !4 Lf)V pll l ~ III fil ll lU ~ luul', fOl Mf) fll" n in lo{ , I - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- \\'h ll4.~ II I IItr; il th l ",()n t h l ll ~ n~rI , r () IJlot h nll d 11I 1·l r ll s t ! .. .. Am I ? II Ol'e ll rs 10 m t h lll I lin IfOrc hll l1t1~ . f nr b llh ) I(I ~h l'tI, iu:llItl loo( l4 clnct I'lliIh ll ~r4, t u r u nnn ,\ lU ~ tr nLI\l rnn,"i nnu II I III'OSN'1I111l" aIlOr L1 (,), i ll t he CASU w ill ce r,lt l \ C \ \ Ctt kll l!!t:fl' :ol. a nd m o ny n nt l~ f: p l H , hav e :t h a l rl li m e p rnvin s Il n ) l h l n/: rlllrp (t~h_' 1'1 \\ h it h n tad ily ~ u gg t':4 t t hc' l.l ' T UB ONLY SOT BL ON T IiB D<les n 't tl 1001, I ha l way to , 'Oll ? A t sl!I\ c.'JI, aM \\,,· 11 lI.:I f o r t,1I the purpo~cs uf ' BX POSITIOl'l GROUnDS th.: LUl ll: t , La Lh nn li n uJ'tlcry. " \\' ~~

don't )H l n t [ al l'Y s tOlI,'s In

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Ih c w o r s t . i t t8 o nl y nu u nh n llllY m ls ..

II nd e r s l ll nd lns of o r rl e rs . A n ~ if th~ s h o uld h Il IIIIL' U to Ju a ll !'y t hD I1\ can s - " H llil r N h s hool; hi. head !;1'll \'c ly


[T o B e

' on rL lluc d, J

.11 .. 1 "'Is 'rAhl t!' .. I .. lillo, I .l h,. ..

IlL- ,'''''·''

.0 S IU·clt., 01 'VrlCln K .


Cl1tlf.Ah'l'I a n" the b()lIk " t hAt t l ll \"C} l\- Ith LIS III t ll1l (" P u p IIIll1 !toue,- ~."


crv~ ..

our P,ll h - L ife

Rates European Plan. $1.60 to $5.00 Rates American Plan. 3.60 to 7.00




I~ ,, · "


SOll l hey w as a m e hodi en l a n d l'l\ f1 itl Il le r a l' Y c l'll rls m an . " I a m a QlIl ' l pal le ll,! ,. cas y-go ln g hal'li o( th mu le bre e d : regul al' a s c lockw orli In m y Ila ce. s tlre-fo o lcd , hear in g I he htlr dp lJ . wh ic h Is lal tl o n m e . and o nl y o b811 nat 8 In c hoos ln!; my ow n pnl h ," he wrol e t. Ii frl e n ll. But h is lIle t hnd " as h y n il mean s s illlpl u. sa ys t h ~ CUlll h1l1 Maga.

zine, He

An F"Jlt Raise r. 78 Yea n Old , Cared 01 • T errible Case .li fter Teo Year~ S ulferi ni'


. ' Pf"Ma..

of !\,Unrf".

Not lo n g a go Col Cody hCI I ... I, no" n as "Bulfa ln Bill ." wns relaLl nl to a rl oc .. ~sor o[ et hno logy sonI c of hUi ma n y nnd varlcd es r PI' le nc('S a m~ Ihe India na dur ing hi s carl y d a ys. ' By l he " ay . · as ked Cnl. Cody . abru pt ly. " diu yo u c l m see a red- hea(l~ Ind lnn ?" " Ne " e r d id . a lld n e v ~ r hClllll of s tl r h a fr eak. co lo n el." was Ihp r ~ pl y . .. , sa w o n e. a C he r ok ee . do"' " ('" Ihe Fo r t ScoU tra il ," qu Ietly a n, w<! re4 Cnll y. Th c li I!e _Si!'l!P'(xt . \\'tll i n g t or .



It carne . " Ra tbe r a n linlls uul s Ig ht tb at, wasn't it!;' .. ' " Rat he r ; bu t. you see, t hIs ' Indiat! WaIt_ bl1id.~· -P.'lJla~elpllla_ Le di~r•.



J. T,

~h:C " " A n 1' ,

Go nu ral Ml\nawur.

IV"" o r-

t e n y eo n;

. ta ndin g . 1 Sli t · r er ed t h e lIl ost scYcre b ncl", ebe a n d o t h e r pn illll in th e r"l!'iv o of -!:~ tbe k i d 11 e y .. , ~" , . , . . . 11 ... P'IIIAI1t 1 "L, ...... . . . ..... . 1M' na. The.... w e r D especiall y sever e ""he D :',talll~::~~ ~'/:'!~ ~ ':!w~~;... ~ ~;=~ILe; stooping t o lift anytbing a n ti ofte .. r 'III!. AM!U4 tOlLe-t Ie UJ. 0... cnuld hardl y straigh te n m y b llC k, T he acl oill lC w ns h " d i .. t b"day time , but just as b a d at b ilCht, abtL I w as ah••ys lame In th e m o rn in g. I .... ..10 bot he r e d w ith rhe um a Ie paib~ and d rop Rlca l s,.,,,n ing of t he lee t. Tb" .. ri tm ry naasl1ges w e r e pa in ! ..t and t be secret lou s \.er e di s· culo retl an d 110 f ree that oi te n I bad to. rise at llig M . I felt tired Illl dllY . trait " bOll: served to rel i~ m e , " nd t h ree boxes effected _ permllD.C a:t CU l'e, ,t ~'o r sa le h y n il dc"lc1'8, Pric o 50 cuuts. Fostor· M il burDco. . ~I O), N . Y. A . N:. ,". - 11 2 084

ANTIDAMPED co..".().


Mull's GrapeTonic (FREE)

f)l rfC'rCn l ('mn o m s Ilft' va ll In (lIfT(,I" \ \ h e n il beco m c fJ n cces •

SII I'y 10 ce le b ra le a .Ta p ll n ~sr vi<'to r, I h o mll;ado can n lways to uch a bnt. Io n Hn,l plI ll o rr a hlrlh rlay . a llho ll l:lI h ~ h as h a rl o ne Ilw w e,, \; befo re a ad! Ih ree ti ll r l n g t he pre l' lolIR mo n l h . It Is n ll r lghl th c re a nd Ih ey c x pe r l " a nd t he alm a ne r-m a k c rs I h llll' not h lbll or gc tting o ut a n ex l r a ,'very te l" d a y. In d l r,.n ld e an c l'en t of t his sortII nVl e n r , l h e c lI" lom WO llin ne ve r d. In Ih is cou n t ry a nd pa rl iclIl arly a mo n1l Ihe ) o u n g lal1 ics It Is o ne or the Inuc h ln!': " Ig hl " of o u r rom pl e :t Hr. tAl He,' a be ulll lflli g Ir l s ld c " te pr ln g • bi r th day VI h ~ n s h p ha " bee n hill ed tor o ne h y I he fa mily B ible. Whil e roy· al ly In th c a bat ra N mllll ht ha ve c ha rm. fo r h e r . ye l t ha i hl r l M ny hab l! t. • fca ill re s h e n ~ \'('..:' coul d s lan ,l IM.Ill i noi s S La ie J ou rn a l.

IDdudluc admiBiU Dn to Pau Gro li odB P'or furth e r lofonnn llOR • .llIt tre6 1\oo'1 8L

!Sid ney ,Tnat u.;, frui t d ea lc r , ot ~ I l' n tor, O h io. suy" : •. I c ll r .. ,l by 11<.,a n'" ri:itin pv ['il l., . o f a "''''e':'' caSe ot kiflo ('}' tro u blt·.. , o f c iJ;th t

fl n l co untri es

su pp r ess In

Ih e c \'e nln s e olt 1T1II .. .' ( s lIllll rCsRcrt It 11 11 rl g hl . I d ltln ' t kn ow l l - tiay a nd datI'. (lIle Rn The), lt epI II !Jf.'u uli fl,lI y Qu lCI Bill I haL Is n 'l a ll. So m d h l n !~ I. ha p pe n ln!,: at lh e (, Bpiltl l I was o vcr at Ih e cl llb a lilli e wh i le a gll. and lIe n tl rl c l<s W d S t he rr. Rnme tJOrly ",' nl in a nOle. a ll d Wh e n I h .. ItOSllil' e ly ra n 10 gI'l 0111 r a mI' ha ",,- , se n t H <lge r a o yc r to Ca ssattl's to R\' c Ie h c 'mIl d find YOII, T ~ e re wa s B junlo ' ,'In ne r co nfab o n : Me ij!s , Se nato r Crowle y. three or to ur or lb p ring al d e r men an d bs lf u dO l c n R oge t:$ h'RS' a w 8- "'a r il 'poli liclan s nose fo r n e w ~ . a nrt w he n '~e' ha d 'i)hn n ed m e ynll wl' r e n ' t tbere, Ile hung


T hose o f th~ Opti mis t and t.h e P e... !IIllst El' pI eS5e d III l'tIolrkal

T h .., l'" .. oI I I1 I1H l

l.!, 1t' t ,"d \, it Ii I ll ll ,.; 1' d lnn r r t' r",," hoard "' rI HII lI f) tow l1 rar, .11 11 Ula ll pu i d f Ul l" t o r hr };l.tnt c r·n rl . dil l I n !' Il l' \\1 1,, 1..1 ttl " f r!1ll1 I h o Hot e l Hl' u n !'l w ll l, a f{ VI l1l i n utt' !'i ft!;O , 'T he re II-> H< HlI P gOl t o r a 4'UU C"II S g:o ln~ o n In 1I 1 1"1I - 1II f'!<i t>l' I U~"I N


R ogert '

wa S_ B pOI'I . a h istori a n . B c rlli. and a mi scella n eous w!'l te r : hc t urne tl OUI a n e no rmous qua n l l ty o f m allet a nd su~c c e d e d In doi n g so b ) wo r kln, 14 bou rs a day a n rt d lv e l'l!ifyl n g his labo rs wit hin b i. dall y ro und He had s ix t ables In his libra r y. H e wrOI . roctr), at o ne. hi s t ory at an nlhe r , c riticism at B third and so o n wit h I h. olhe r s uhj ecl s upon w h ic h h c w as e bgaged , a nd wh e n h e was ti r ed of Sl,l . . nlry; hI s brai ns In to l'I)rsc lie l uroe' tn history n ud c rlt Icls m . n es!o\" " h '9 ask ed . The r e Is a sto ry t hat he o nco d e. Th e re ply ca m e promptly. $cr lbed to Mm e. d e S l i he tll v ls lorr " Yes. lo cnll y Th e W - U. hM an In- or h is ti me- t w o ho urs before break· de llc n d e nl lin e to B reczl'la nd I nn' and fas l fo r hls lo r y, t wo ho urs ro r rea d la, po int s Ile )'ontl ,'· a ft e r . t w n h o u rs fo r the composltio' " Wi'l l. Ollr r i ~ h t-o r - \l a)' m an h a s nf pne t r y , IWO ho urs fo r cr iti Cis m s ntS jllSI s e n l a 1 'l c!!rR lIl to a ll agenl s, so o n thro ug h a ll h I, working nay. . I,:: nin g H a lltett's nmm e. I d on' t I, DOW " Anri Ilr B)" Mr SOll l hc y ," qllc rl ert Ih. w hn l he s aICI In It , hilt YOII ea n fl Sllr e Fre nc hwo m a n . so m ew hat u n k in d ly. I hn t Oll t to r Y Oll r ~e lr " " "h e n do YO Il Ihlnl, ?" " YOII be l I r a n ' " was thp Plllp hal lr IIft.-lnK .. Hlrthd.,., l' e j o lfl [l ~ r An d I he n : " W he re ar \'

"C a ll ' t )' ''11 fix I ha t 7" as I, ",i 1'; 011 1. ' Olt , " ('" I hat i. o n r nf I he thln ~ " (' ,1n fh; , nlll 1111'1'(' a l(" grHn ~ t o be « OIl Y uf II II' (J ld l " i n to I ii " ~",c a t -lJ a lU l I' I<' n l ), or 01h r rs." "" ull \\ 0 n \1I ~ 1 la l,!' so m N h l n~ rn r or hl ~ \'a l' 'l' h., II"" In <IUIl I II", Ill~ 1.010 le:" "' 11 IVI ... ,,,d 11 1," a bl""u prj j! l ll ll led . ~ I r , M'Tos h , W hal I h a l e tll h orse 11 IH I ('I ; &11 tll1 U1 f' fl ll l'd "UI or I he d o 11 11· 101... 1 " o n. w a ll IInl ll Ca ll a han wh iP. s il ri l.uSI th e ~· a ... 1 Ilmli R u ' le- has t111 I!. h ~tI h is r ll n. I IhlJll llh t the m a in <fi fth-li lt!)' wa ~ s afcly ov e rrom e, u ~ra ph " fth :e allli s hot Ollt II [H Hl llH~ " 1; lII l' h '" ~a l tl th p l rai ll -m as ter: ma in Ilnr of Ih ~ W~s l l' r n 1>1\·1. lo u " Sit !low I". M is t her H a l l' PII . Il D' ··t he tl'lJllh l<,s are barc h ' g~tli n g Ihe m · ma ke yer ool r al s ), :" ),e lh:,1 l;a l:.. llan selvps ho rn , \'011 must r ~ m e m lJe r ' t hat ,," CTOSS I h l' ru b. " 'T ls s m ull II ~ ' J l m m ~· \V I' s wtl PI1!',1 hors s a t t he las t m in u te. £b Ol' e l· ' 11 have tor h is box t h i. n l!;h l. " " "8 wpr e r~ud y fftr t h ra(:\; to tlw!> east. "abul olf. vo u Itillll wa.tnlll lll " Ji;l l'r vbo<h o n tb e P ral,ie Di viSion !I;&4 aro ll~i.l on bad l e a fl ~tI 11 1"'11 th ~ e n J.(l n ~ 'S lef) a s can t h.ll r·s pr lOllu he h lnd h i m . a nd Ca ll ahu n "'" ' Sl IIIlII I!: Ihe <'l lI mp led

1\ i n g (' l ll l Ii: ' ~ IHf;(' OI1 · h o l,.. , a

t hp r Pf

~ i s trlr l

.6C'nd :-O lll (ohl lfl ~ (0 fe ll T I!idlf' 1 to ~ irl ,tl ,wl" I ca \' l n g I hl ~ ma i n IIn l" \\/esl eru D I\ ls i o n t lt'IlI' Go t t h a t '! ' Th e H JI ~ \\ "" wa s- (' \ ilil' lI l l \' p ru m p t nnd sa ll . rn, 'Lory .• In (·... he !J ~ Aa ll al mllfil in Ih e SAlli e bl enLh. . X ow c;u ou t YUUI''''c lt' a nli flug h :\11 b ,.. t rJl·{' h£' 1'(' 111' 11 \' 8 I It t' li m its

( ('l \ UI', ' . ,

" ({ r'd' ra l l ll lla ll t- h o ll id fl n i:3 h \\ e:-; t \\ ,ln l. "h l nl\ II ' ~ 1)( , hp51' { him,: ~. Darl o l, £' nt \\H lh l·d 1I IJt U\\ 11 \\ hl' n h ", m lJ.! h t h a v e


s c c~

til ,. r all l\ an d 111 1"


11(' waS

Il ni c k : a n,1

him Ih ~ l ime·l'al·d '. l hu ll S~ d a n d to I lln \\' ~H I WII h t he Rpce la l to Mcg· i lr a ~ fi r s t ~e r l l() 11 o f l hp Ill'ni l- no RIOI'" o r Tisc h c l' w ill rllll hint d ow n. Loo; II: li e'" h ulf·way d l1w n now ' " T he I ra iIHn IlSIt' I· d l'OIII'M th e e arp icl'p o r t h~ I r lc l.h o ne an ti c l'oBs ed qll lrl.ty to t he II ISlln tc h c r 's Inllie. " Old e rs rl.> l th e Wes le rn Div l ~ io(l . TJollnI Il IP," h e s n ld ~ lI rtly , "and d o n ' t I N til(' g r ass g r o w , 'R ec('l\'eI 'S car , L' a l l~hl1 n . r ngI Il N' I', I'll ns to Meg llp lUI 111'01 "ce t io11 o f fus l m a li. Jt a s t mall , 11 11 11 1. cO ll d uc tor : Ti sc her, e n g In eer; I ll ns 10 t hc e n d of t he dl\' is lon w i t h"OI t ~ IO p . m a ld lH: UII all Il lIl e poss lhl e.' Arlrl I" I h il I IU HI. ' B y ord e r of t he rOo

\\ 0\ <.;.

, a h ra lli e d " r \\' l l h a h ors~ a t n /: 8 1· 1011. a nd SICllh'!n Hawl, s l,ra n ~ 011' l( c nl sa " 111m Ih rn llg h l h r Ill a lc ·g la • • fro lll an ti tll l'll oci ~ 1Iit'k l y 10 t he 1'lIhl lr w n l l n g-d ~s h . hOIlln g 10 be o l e rloo l; ed

" O roll

Th (' Il ,

Il a"I, \\O\lId ~ h r th e

n f fli t'" lIlilt hit,,· 141 r'''', I\, ," wi l h ,\ lI d f il l' \\ I'al hlll ... . I h ,' r in g ( 1)llT r n l lrofi t ill' po i lt '(' I1t H\"' 1 o j I II ,.. s tai r ,II Hi nr th ,... ti 1j J.f" 1 lit" \Hll'tI hC' Jl a (,,~ f'(t I ha l 1111' "lI lplujl'':'; o t Ihl ~ 1' 1<lI1R- \\'f'Fi I (' l'tl w £:' r {l

fl f

D r.q;n n l)\ (' 1 t lt l' ~ :Hd lim it s l,,-' Ic nhofh. " Is I lid l ) 0 11 , f) lIn:n ll ?" Ito as l;ed . th e bnal'd o n lit e mail ,

n ll (

a n d r h ,1r ('


"G onll n " \ \'11.11 rt frl t lIe

Ih e T ra ns·\\·es lnrc r R £' Ill S l O Ih i n l\ II .... h RR ord (' I' !i t n pu hlh' in ter est lIt'o ,' pr (l w mil w a l' d ,\ I n il f' \'C' nt s, 1hn t l\ H, \I "nit,,:. ,COl' II ro rtll ig h l th c :s o n al I h e d en olll'lII e nl t o IHit th£:' fur t s Is wlt n l he IA d Oi ng Alld I h ~ flln o,' 1l" ~\ S I ,a pC I S I n th p 1f'IT i l o ry t r ibutar y U II t h e \\'I r e tlt I h (, ~a r lf es t 11OS81b lc pa rr 0 1' H is t haI he ca n ' t s tOll III 11n l1 II ' 1ft r nad ha d hee n full o r Rt rl l< e ta l k . Ins lan t o r li m e ·· I'V'·l y tllln g d e ll n rl s 1If101l Ih ls. ' he lI'hlN I. \I he n he h n'd Ollt h is blu lld e r, Th fa s l lIIail is r l~ l.t IJI' hll1 r1 h im. \\ 111t t he m re!l'e l" , (l rd ~ r 1I1 1HI I~ t h e tl1 £:'SSfl gl' o f h (, I· \\' I ~ ,.. e m nh n tl c, "rr W ~ IIl lss t he m n rnlll j! Pll I'CI'S, we a r e 10 s lII as h u l1 ), l hlnl-: Ih ll l I:l'l s i n II H way. so ) l)U !' ~ dL1n ~ " " Th ut 11' 111 rl o ,' sR ld I h ~ n h;h l Nfl lnr Wh ile he W a R 110 <'!'C IIII I; h i. d llln ge W:I ~

t il t' dcgl \ i ll t h t:' d i ~ · II'h lIij ~I 'Tos h ('a ll ~'1

"" hen 11J (l' I P lily r. Il Il I!' ,

I l t' I1 I I' II HIl I :"

a l ar m

\ igoro (J s Hl t lu n ,

il l ltl l' f' l h h iHt ~lll d n n l h· 1' \f' IlIl IL! f'dl fUH) ahuut the

E rl II ,'" 11 1 It b

I c a nLU b

" :I:;

\\ rrll

l a lil' l1 n Ulr. " ' hc n tlt e (o xin o f IIIlU !c I: III till ' all' I he n ' I ~ no alltl,l o l ~ li ke

rll.lpn:H X X \ ' II III \1 •. \ IDI H

I'r n . \I

t en

PU l''':

Till', ;'\ 11 .1 1'1


h l~ \\ 01 \' dll h il) lI ~ l ~ r l'I n till' 11141 11 11.' 111 nr t" ll lIlIph , \" u .. " n llr g~j n ha lll an n ll ilnlf'd I h f' 1 "1 4 I'''' ~='' fir I ht' ho lt l "ha n ;':I' l it tli £' P f'OJ~nl lll n H' , 11 (' hurl lUn d " 1 1~ 1~ 1 u r If R\\I, ' ,! f'g " UIII'" n U t n o \\ hr' ::in " p,,:-;s lh lll l l('l-l 11 11 I h l' 111nln \\ n ~ 1l' :lt l f' I'It!HS ro r III{' mon l" " '. a n d 11 11(' 1,:-; ha rt lit) \' pry a hl "

t' f" u t

fl N l hl'


I tIIl " ' I II I II I ~

lHiI -li J.! h l ~

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1'!ll 11 ('I' - P \l' 1I t hat or hI:: "' 11I ,d l a I01 :;.


J' fld

D ill L:.fI n

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hi oi n. llIlI. g 1 11 t'll r f'I,' !\ I' ! a n d Itu'" g ov IT' "' l lI l q . and II1 IU I \· • h t ll ~ l'! m lg ht h a p pe n

, 011 11 ' "


~ I Tn ~ h W!i S , I 111 1111

dl \ IH l o n :

11 11 0 \\ \1.11('1'(' I ' m ~n ll l ·. u n ' t bat'R lIl , 'rll l1l.! pOi l1 ts I f) m n l~ (" . Rlow t rnt n ~ OI t"" Ihtl l Yell! ',nun , ~' O t. la l1 d ha n - I t) f:'u l £,- lru{' I., f l)(I', IH' rnt Or .. I t' 11 0 1(1 d('ll'i ll ' IIh I I ' l ' l l n il t ha i t.,1X w it rOil, ( tli ()n I h ('lo tl l l.l.)" fl d,gp R ~l r l l~ . .t n ' ld qlf' n il! :l\ Ji mm y ~h n\ I 'I:-; r ,I.11I lh I I 1:-1 lII al l i1 Ij.; " ' r l~ m u n n n nu' I l lI P l '" I II be t il(' d, ~ al h a\' Y ~/ ' (' 11111 1> Itl:-\.£' h is ha hu H"-'. Rllt ~Olt ~o a h f'!Hi lin\\ : " \\ 11 1I \ 01 11 !\ 1' \\ :-. pa lh · 1 h tl :'!l n ~!-iJO I' ll I t \\ a !'. 11 1 tl li ~ 0\11111 r ll 1 I hal I llI' IN\ 'P I d l , \\ lIa l n IH Il Il i all h r l'f' A n d if ~ O ll ~t rai tl 01' ''' '"'IH' II \..(' W:t:"l IH O),f' 11 I II t l\! ' \'0111 1 3' 14 ):-.,'1 l h al l'I ~ h f - n r - \\,fI .v a ~l" nt cl! !-o p nl" hl ' l ':-. I IH Hl\ i lll t hl' !-o" l o nd Iln rl! i:-. h \ o ll . i m a l.1 II R "H !'lf' of n ll u t Ih t' l ' Ill OU :-. u tili!} T h ,' tl"'l ... " h o l1 . · IIl1d h :l l't' !, \, " n tl C, N hi m I nl ' !, ('d u p .. 1. \ll ·'t! j {l ~ n tl ~h lind I h ~ I ldl ll tIl , l ·d , '!' 1' 111 I f" t'n IIhfl n l 111m, " ~ 11 , 1 1l tl l' lI

"J II ,\ ndl 1 (11 11,· I ii ,' II ItHJ al h i r~l l n ,


:tn n rh rr

I' \

h ' ( "u Z"f ' lIJ.:'h l : ' .. ,.I ,1 1.. 1 .. In w . " I " to· ... hllllil ~ l it .' .·1 ,, "'11 Wi' tl~ lrl ,.\ /1 ...1 In ~ 1. 1l/ 11 lh\.' \' 11111 \\'ll1 d ~ I ti ll ... ,

" ''' 'HI O llr

OIl .



" 1 M J ,U III,II' \ \ 1' 1\.' :!'.I n~ hulll

A ~\ rI

W lff'

Ii""",, ..







t>"" C,"4"" Tonic IS em ployea. JOts" S lom ac h Tonie Il l. uneq IW I. d.


I".poweis a nd heall hy slom ae h ca n eontrle t dIS' ease. A person wit h COrullplUlOIl a nd Slt>mae h Trouble I. a lways tho first tt> s uccumb 10 Sun S tr oke, Heat lt l v and P ros lra uon. C holera , Co he a nd Dia rrhea a re more fata l In Hot Weather bocause Vlta lUy is lower -they tb.c. direct r esult of COnShpa tio n, ft Is a m ista k e to sudde nl y check. dtarrhe& tha

d ange r Is BIGO d P olson, Pl p hy sic 1& , a l so d angerous as It wea k ens the- p atIe nt ana. reduce s vit ality . T re a.t Ina- c a UMt wUb

M ul l 's G r a DO T on ic, G onst l p a.UDn..a tt3 atte ndin g II I" Ire caused} b :,: d6c a yU:tfr

or d Yin g \>'owels and l11 tesllnes.-

MuIr !


UFF !ER!ED! A4.L. )&IlS LlF ••

n., en dors.mell l·of E. B , McC urd y

of 1rooy . Oh io. prove. that; the , . v. reM

for.""s of Co ns llpatl on arc promptly c ured bJ£ Mull '. Cra po Tonlc--- I'!o say. .. , in" your 'r ome a t httmu~ " tri.1 It I. t he

trri , r emed y clu .t will cure conSti Pitlon, I do no' , beHave allYOli e suff ered m..,~ the rs'rom than I aa r hAd been af fhcte d With I hU ~ , IIl e Fo rd., ~ . :;y.~~e.l t ... ~·'ttJt'llo I :a~t.20l\d Hum. onl, br the Ulft. ca .. r~ c:s In.. t w.e r ~ fu t rul nlni " '" "--It h My $ao m ac. n an>t. U ... " " r8 de,..,,~ ' lI nd f l ultered ... tl h In ...... r d ptlttHo!,.~h" PoIrn 'ot whith ' ~~1~ ~o~lnltP!lHhl se a U m y c hair, I ~pen, to no ava il e)) 'tI V. r oo.! ~, and medic'' ' ' S oon aft .,... I ~ 1 ' r1 t'td MllJ.....$ C ripe Tonlr m,


:;~~ ~~~:~hr;r~ ~f.I=d~; ,p.t111 let.t ma

G rape T OniC rey lv4lS and 3tr enrthe M the I heartt, reco~nd It ,I ll an ablOlute (.:Ire to Bowels 5 0 that the, a re e na bled to a c t .... l1lc h I al!'l ·a Ilvlrc. wttne.s.s "

naturally a nd e jec l the p<»son fr t>m the sy. lem . e verybody . I>ou ld lak" It d.m ng hot .. eal he r It wa rds off dl5eUe. builds up Ihe sy. l.. m a nd p un!ie. ' he blood , T yphoid Pev.r and Append ,cl li . a re unknown, '" !amilles whe re Mul l' .

U nll l Mull 's Crape To mc wu f)U t on Ih. A c •• rlca" markel l he r. 'NIlS l1O,e u,e for C onsli;>atiot\ . Let us ..,nd you. bolll n iree. to-da y It> s how you lhutl l \llil l do a.1I we. cla im .

GOt~t.foflAUini Cllilllren and "ursl~IJQIMrs.


dls a ppcar£ll hnli nd ·,11 ~ . I1rtnlll , Itt'! ., tl )lnu Ih ... t'ra.utlr: b il~1Juo 'l to) <l p u l ·wl1 n .

HiB Mnson ic F ~ I n CODilnupl f'-Th ey Find th e TUl'ks S ,'n s i t !v on Ih " Dog Qu es ti on-A CoHeE" Y ell f or ttl " S u! t n ll S en lls H im l nt o R F i t.

Du d

W~n l s


J !l ' ~


( l!:x · t: •. " l Ilt'


la: ll lt ( a~

tn tl

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I I. ck


l ' II " ) l l ~ J d ,



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I lun' ~ nt:\'f'1' '-to el) U bllll1iHl 1,1141ng- i(Jtth li S lfl ur. te.rO Il t\ a s t li at Tll1'J ~ ui d (1R h /~ drew L i s t hulI .r) a t'!'4-"'; ,.; lh(l blutl ,:. c)f I li ~ "'uU Hll ur wt'lnllu €: !-I lwh Ii: Iht' l'll \\I l\''I l ht kuJffo, .Ir'e w liP hit; Up a ll" ~lIa r)l · d IiIUi n lJf" I f H ) o)o,~\, ,~}t w. s ri di ng 1I0WII Mi l :tJ! ~l og t hat hn ~ h ~P II tJ\' I'(~ n v(' cl " r,n prow lA .. J;rd rt U \ ' ('lIu e a t ("hk,,)!u , U J) t h e w ay l O In~ UOIlt' IH ' n Itrul l w f uo" tha l w n!" t h e: s t w 'lt yanif; 'll pray ttl A f "llU u r , In 1 " 1' ~.r . Th e Tu r); loull ~ lI IhrulIg h hi s ~ I t: al l t.Jf t oAll u h, t \~l' lh , :lnd h i~ .l·.Y " ~ 'Wf lJl f' <1 t n hI'! 11 1\ 1: YUli l'u uhl b J\\'f' ht-nrl l a v ir: tl rc ,p , Hlllall a n ' Jigll'!; , that WllIP 10 f' ho w him 1-on id : " I Jnt! , 'h! ~ i~ \f)"H'h~ IJ HI , j , \ 'h 1 t ill' wh e r e lu "ul dad . Hud !lUll h" g llll I tJ t tl n l a ~ lIl l ltn , J." l " .~ i \' {· l~illl , 111' lIuln' r!-' il," p:lh', Hnd luuk ed !"' 4 'an~ cl , ,\ f'li. uIHI :-- hl) l" llial 1IIIIIllL!I.\' I hal )If · Jill ...

"O lv e him lll u !':nt llOl b al lll!, 8il'1I uf tll t) '.J · (r~H:· ",nil1 I us ,h.d If'an p,1 a~ain,: t n bnrl' pl vr 4Iril"e! Urtlllf"!-' , P ut! f".uitl h p h all fon.:;o lr(· u 111 ... SiJ,!lI , Hill! I h '~ IJ, 1 t uld h llJl tlH"' o illy way uut (If It HII " ... , wU It! ,i lJP.

10:11 Ie's

,-t. , ) J ' :-I ' 1' 1t H. I:h,w!.,l"

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t'lJ' uy ~· 1\

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II\OHI \\,1 ,0 ('o rnpluincd :1.11 1 1I11 " \'ll hy lI n .' 11 \\t-IC 11..11 . 1 , ,-',~u "l t tly ,' h'I'II'd I II , lIia'to, 't, l lIt l' " I bt' l llU'u g lJ

Ch il i ' t i ll



the IShapes Healthy ,l' ,'cu-eigltt h s

'J " ,h llllt' , " Ih, )u u " t l~ ll d 111, pn lllllr,\' .. ~., a~k t'rl tlll't 1,..:",' 1H, " I oil> I H .I, ' ! l it'


mell in "b i

Destiny of Men-The Influence of a Woman Cannot Be Overest imated .


l he

w(wld 1I1ftr'l'V




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-(In!-! t.a1l 1i IlU) }j .. OIo ny~

' HI ' fI ' ~ I lf ' J,.:I) I· !-- ," fa,\' :-. d',It, a u et h'ulIl 'd 11\ " 1' I ll(- r all l z..g JII H U:-' 1111\ ~ lI l1 ali "~ "urri :,q.; t: W ;H· ri gil t 111 r " t, l l! v i 11 )00, a III I nul IPlJ 1(,.,t 9WUy , nut! III Ihlll lq i "I"~:--I\~ hil t>II I' (' U IHJ UI. I! i l ' I" ' IP'd 11Jl , "t' ~ Hall - JUdI \Y I t- - ("'IjIl - ~lIl. IIp - IIU t ' Il, AIl: "1 111 1(1 l ilt II \\'4' f. I UJ'I f'\1 to "i l ,:'::,

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Th~ i nlllh ' u cC


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In t ll,·

If jill .\' I nall


!o'tJlllf.\)., l! y, allti b tl ~ I' · If t lit' .\ bad ,.,' ,,1' lnlil L t h, ·

liP ; 1J.!:i I , .

tU lp t ,j

li t-lug


W ho H od Someth.lnlil' t o Say A bout P olitics and Wh o L earn ed l ng.

TfJWU T lJ ' ~l g l l1 "

" S Jl li lJu·'·- \\· (.~

lin ' lt y N: I' !' ·lJlJ.


a \\,(J lflau UC\ ' U Il1:- ' ",he i1'l 11~ lJt III 1\;, k ," t hl'), U4!Hllti(ul 10 lI H.' ir t!\' t't- ~ t, II! 11 1111 , " I t '-. l it ... l llt ,r of f \ 11 ',\' .,;oud Lt' cn,ll :--' - :--,h c hu.!', th ' f iu:~ I! 1 , \I,' I' Ti II I u \ ll4ud l b,' I II III "H' !I'~ .1Ilt! "t'~ ' 1 i('~ w ld dl i nl'lpin" utl lll iJ':t n . rl' ~ I'I.' L' t lUl!-l lu\'(' , \ 1.:11 II", ! jeto l Illt ' lI III t! t' hl '''''' fI' , 'a luJi

" Th ... rt'11

T ttJ'I,, ·y . :\1)" D ear gut 0 111 lIf , H II ~s i a j Ut' 1 III t JJJJl lu kt c l ' f r on l \)1 ~ lI ii Ul'l'lJMt: tl OJ h h l w' l UJ I ",U u u LUIilh. I I I:HI w tU I IP, \ hI ~l l tu .\ h ,t-t II\\' 1.11:::"\ '1\1\:-\(' h ,. . . aw a 11 it:l l , ' IH I I1 11tJl llJ l l il:' .

O ld

IJla l nt . \ II h a n ose !k~ 111) " ~!f , atlC ")'~b IIlt c K ho ~ bllllons. n~ lOll" d ... IIWII!;h .1 al II WOl U!t1 iJ a roll~ 1. anll ~. t'1 Ilt' I'i ..... t.' nwd afra ; ,' I't \t , Mil d l Jl e l"f:.' \\'H ~ DO

lJ I'


:. ,.' 1\


11Io ugll

t-lOl l lt t h l ll g H n ll W; WU~ goill • lu h app " 11

iu ti m l ll..)l1I. 11:' i l Wl' tli4 lI ' t IllUI{ 1.1l11 , UIH.l j:( 1 I .t f:-Hudc d da d 10 ~t J \ 0 Tllrl,t'y, UI H.l lilt" \ : hV W I. bt u rll ' " f{J1' l 't}II ~ lu ll li li u · 1)lt. \\1 f,= \Jl' I IH hl\\~ lh al 11Il.! l" l h i ) I"'I~

iUH! Ul

h l lli

\\,11 H l il dl d J IIlI tl. r IIH! ~ ' a l'ri a 'c ( ;lhl , tI l lul\(.' ~"I 'J.dl1:->, aU11 ult· w

I ll n

II ..

:1 1111

l b.


Hnil.lJ,! I'

Ifllu ~ lI lal:


' t 'b

111 1\ I IIMMI I Ihotll h :-l ln: u f !; \llnllll~ r J-\nll -

HllP , iH .d l i lt, Y h a d lfJ ~\\,(,I(' jllli M I'J' l litlil lS HJ I It ) II ulU"t1Ja rl h Ilt ! 1111 1' )' I h l III i ll a I WO -

q wut I itl i! Jill " 'o\l ldu ' , th a t .In l' YUU'! " · h ., ,, Ita d ht'u r d ulJU tll l li nt yU H ( ' ( l ul-I I I' I t.I\\' c kl: 1JI 11 1111 I II " URsin on a l lt' l , hllil to l , w~ It t lilt: a uthllJ"lti, ,:-, hu,'c n il I lH 1I , 1H 4 "' ~' ", t , hOld , g j\'illg srJlIllf tu l ' tH II IIIILII Wllli ht.: hl u s \I p, II n III We hl)t (JU l 01 th ... l' cJu n try , u nt! theU WP loul( th e fh ~t

lU ll).; l,n ath Wto

" I "'dia E l 'i nl<lll1nI'S V" g t 1n'Ll e C Onll K)ulld \\ ,,11 \\ll l1l fm , IlIld I r('c ) so grit "f il l 1h n ! I 11111 rltld I n \rrit'l IIml t 'll YIJU u t 111 '- II mn .I"II"" ' t'f'n " I'-ry I I, lwo u g hL llltt 11I',&1tll , IlI 'W Jd'111J 1ld \'i ~. n lit y,l\ A

1t1f\l' I! : 1111' 11

\\' h:l t " ., d iu F . I ' i nl' b~m 's \'1·~.'lalol<l ( "<' I11]11111 n.\ dit t ftl l' Mrn , Ain :--l t"" it. \\:tl do r" I' l "'1 I',\' W" 'lI lLll w ho is iu l' Ul' l-

In li l i ali t-- n ~ 1 1I l'e " 'f!

ti r nH' k tl1 (' (i utl- Io n .. n) i (·u "Ollll l ,.y o r t h e (',fIu r I r 1 1J4 t,UII1 \)b h vld u l1 l I do n ( lt t h ill li: t Ll'll' \\' Jl! b", U qu vrlllll Itdt lu H u sstn 'u H Y t ~U I , t'll tu: r ,:;..:an': , ulI l \l's ur auy~ t bhlg "' X(I p i I H"'l~ ll1'lIl:i till 1111 '

\- j' rg e

III'u 1t b ;11111 a iliul.,'", 11:-. ""I1..t i t:. hl'l!il1 wilt ,,, it-.. tl s e l)cg-i II t.:: , Ii j.!i " f' ~ ~ t n ' ll~ II , u ud ,' igul' (ro lu th " ~ th l· l . I I lid

Nta rvul iu u fl,llc1 wUl'h.lnl;lll tl l\ w lw itu'-e

t ll l il l '

11 )(' l a' url t lJ wor k , I wouldn 'l 10.\(,4 tlH' whnh' o f HII !--~Ia as n J.;il'l , unci ha \'e t.o dod).', hUlU tJE I l ~ht null un y , Su y , t 1\1 II un , you I'W \'C I' d I'f'H III 1( \ lh al nll l

t ly t h p

( lil


w ertl

)JH ~H h

g a ~ a m;nge ti t l ) r(~, whert~ abo ut 2u dug.s \\'(' I'e a ~ re" I' in Ih e " IrePt . 1t 11l1 lind I'i~k"d III1 !f ( 'I'UZY, lJll l w h e n We


SIi OL' l..lJl·: H. n iJl I'I n lJurg lary . IJIlt Wllpl1 you UOLb W~lIt t o Ih €' l"oJ~~ on e ni g ht . and . Iayp<! IJJ! "par morni ng. and tIad cum e h om e wHh 0 re d Tllrkl ~ h f e•. aull tol d ma I hnt YOII lind Il had Jul nNI I he sllrl,n e . whl<'11 WIll! tile bl(;ll es t d egr ee lu Masonry . alld )'OU and h e we re nobl es. anu all t !1U1 rol, I was on to you Ill gger I h an a h OU Rt'o and you couldn 't fool me whe n you and dad winked at ellc h otne r . and ta lk eu about crosslllg th hOI sand s of l be lIesert. Wj.!Il . dad bro ugbt his re d fez alollg, -, '".a use I th ink he upecled be would ' mee L . brln e r. all o\'er tb e world , (hilt b e' ClOuld borrow money of. \Vhen we .(ruc k t;onstantlnople, aDd dad saw that eve ry las t olle of t h e Turka wore a red fe z h e fe lt as thu ugh h e had got among ~ h r i ner6. and b e got hi s fez out lIf bl ~ trunk, and b e wears it all t.he time . Dall ac t>! II. famlllt.r With tbe 'P\lrll s b e re as tllou g b h e' o wned a Illlrem " We go to (·Il,' I() w .tr eet~, lIuoUt as wiu u as a .tn·e t car. w llHe Turl, . are se lHng th ing s . with dad \\' ~ .. rilll$ h is alld b e hl'gi u6 lu ma!le mOl lOll" IIl1a give ~rnJld ,bu ili n!; bign s IJ( distr es s , aud tile 'I'urks 10'111 41 bini as t llU II(. ,l h e hall l'<Juueol a I, ank. an d tb e y 1'1.:.rg" e norUIll U8 p rlePf 1'01' e l'e r.l't vll.g , nlld dad I'ay " Wllh a n nil •. Il; i "~lnl> bl 8 brotll er Mu.o u " lUll fldri )' I'\\'i llg Ih i n~ s o wn}' . }do. hlflk s IlIJUII a!l m e n wbo W~IlI' the fe z llH hiH tJro tllWs . UII<I IIl "y Inu l' al blm as l.b,lugll L, ' was ('r"~ J III I h e Il ead . 'fll" only tr'Ou~l e is I hat Ila<l Ins lsl8 on Illl k ing 10 t il" wUllle ll UHC wlthom

hu~uand )j ~ f 11 U\'t! T" a m el'"-s uf

touchin g u Turki sh w o man U f' n dog, pur -

N I (o r Ti le JIlt\l1 n ' illJ! (ldilu r 's r uo m , ,te s l(:

w ent uu t of th e CO\1J' tfCJU11l , a nd wan ·

T il t· fl"lh l\\' wh o l'utJ P .t vw n utl" r r,lt' ~W l lt' l Itlly I lIil llll.:, r" I I) .-a\' t: II ,' ~' Olth,

t ll

tl lllg

bi t'

u\\ II

' 11'111": (' ,

TO Ul pld ll ~ ~ luw N I

duwn i n un

np\}lo ~

ge1ie \\'a~·. fu r lI e 1'e mt' miJe r ed th a~ h e had "Iol a l d lJ1'e~Qol c ' ll tJy "'l1 e rln~ lh t· e d ltor 's rou m \\,; 111 0 11 1 l, nod,l ug . . "Com In . T u nlpltlns." s u ld ~ :I· . Roc!,ma n . " YU \I aI''' jll s t tlie UlaD want 10 l:iee, " Li ' Iu lln l u rned hl R {'rio I;)), ~ mll e li n TOml)ki ll s . UUI ~ pul e nOL a wu rll . " 1 ho" e Just di s ml sse ll ~Ir . L! s k 'JIU ro r tha l Tblrd wurtl SIUI·Y." su ill Ih~ e di to r. "I h eard so," rellll ed T OlUpkln s , "bil l 1 wrot e lh at SIO I·Y· my se lr. lI e nn,1 nOl h i ng to do with it. " "I k now Ihot." snl d th e etlllor. " That Is wh)' I dis mi s sed bi m . A ru:mldaul e t1elegatlo ll uf Third ward 1"'11pie ca me b e re thi s mor u lng. aud IDllote it very plain 10 m e th ll l Mouiet ll llll<: m u st ue dUD e to wU lhe l hem . I 100e w you " 'e r<3 s ucb fi 11,,1'), dl a ll It wOll11 never do t o le t yo u fll Pe I h~lII. so I brough l Li HI;u11l ill an,1 i n dl J,l nn nl iy dismissed h i m fru m Ihe ,," portul'l II SloIT. 1 just 1I0W e n gll~ llI!;' Il lm a s a Ss iSltlnt ('Ily editu r '"

Lei Common Sense1)ecide

1l1OI'e l' e marli alJJ e

I' t:'c'ut'd

through maDY bUilds (Ho me of t hem not over-clean). "blended." 1011 d on't kllOW bow or by whom. 18 lit for you-: U BC T conrSIl you


given hl s na nH', 11(1II s uretl w il h in

it s walls lun e U(lf' tt J1l0 ~ 1

l'UIlIliI~ l lf'( 1

10 .11-

e \'('ry (!U nrlt:r o f I hp gi lltu;"

l'pligllt in t h e uld lion ~ hull .se. an d R t; U1l1 of lI ea r I), .1:;•.0 10 r C"lIllell rmlll lb"ir ~al e' to u l h t' r m enn g'-! I'i es, lJUI h at hum e 1Jud w a rth; uf 2(uJ

1' 1I0!o;

su w Ihe

nuruad . O lle \lones_. whose ('ar"e r IU th e ga rll e n_ eXI PDut'd OHr 3 I",rlot! of JG yenrH. ga ve blr l h in her IlulI! II) 110 rewer Ih'\l1 au OIlU" , wblch re nil ,,,·,j s lim of .c 1.400.


Stricl . "' 'Y es, fh e dUf'lur has put m e ou tile

stricteSl I, iull o f d l~I ." " I udec,!. W hut! . It?" "Well , h e sa y~ I UlUs t n 't eat nnYl hl nll don 'r IIkp. nnll no t any morp Ihun I want of ~"hnt I dO."- Tlt- Blf s . , ConsoUng. Sh e-- I n&,ver co uld quote a lin e 01

poetr)?! Ji e- I'.e Do~lced tbat; It's ODe 0' YOqT g r eatellt r. b.rml.-Detroh PrI'R8.




don'L But


T o treat Pimples and Blackheads, Red, Rough, Oily Complexions, . gently smear the face wi th Cut icu ra Ointment, the great Sk ill Cure , but do not rub. W a s h ' off the Ointment in five minutes wi tl~ Cut icura Soap and h ot water. and l bathe freely for some minutes _ Repeat morning and evening_ At other t imes use Cuticura Soap for bathing the f.tce as often as agreeable. No oth er Sldn Soap so pure, so sweet. so sp('edily effective.

Is another S.ory. The green beme.. selee1ed by keen ludges a. .be pl.n....on. are sldlilully roasted at our I.ctortes, wbere precautions you would nol dream 01 .re t.ken to seCDre perfect eleanllness. Davor.strengtb and unllormlty.

From tile tin.e th e eojfee lcaveR hatHl toltchu it till it is opelletl ill your !.:ild.en. tlj~ j<u·'.ory 110


liun -I'ea1'l n g l b all Ihal U( I he Llnllll n From l h (' 01 .1 liuu , hO Il S(\ , whi (' h ," a.,;; rec ent Iy 1'I'plnc..'f'tI 1.1)' a mn g n iU· cen t bCl IIt!in g 10 whi ch IAlrd tt "I,,,rt.


Do you hODe!!ily, that coffee 80ld l ooee (in bulk). exposed . • to duet , germs nnd in ~ect.ll, }llIIlsiDg


WO ,

wuuld i ",,<~ by lu II carJ·lage. wltb lin ee(:ur1. 0 11 1b l! Wl'lY 10 R JU OH ll U(" . tu I.I'U,)' to Alla h. und pn, ry ull li y , ' unl<l. sc~ th e ti ulfau. !'u W P ~U I ~I ,Jlll t'e OJI n balcouy, a nd at the Mllpoi ul SIl lllDe tAle 'process Ion ca me in sigb t. H wall J m posl n g . ~1l su!emu. allll th e jlel'ple u.u \rolb s id es o f Ib e . tree t a Cletl1ikE' they dv In Ame rica wlll'lI the fuu e ral of a g rllall.!UUI I.. PIlSSillg , 1\0 mall spol,,,. a nd al J look ed as tho ug h Ih ey e ~pectfll , J( tIle), mo" ed , to be urres l ed , nnu huv e 1. :S lon e II d to Ih e lr ree t . and thrown hue the Bos· phoru , th e WilY tbey kill 011~ of ,t h e s n)rllLl's w l" es wh e n s b l! fll rtll wtlb •• [rnnger. W~ wntc'bed tbe Eoldiel1l. and 1Inally t il e cart.loge o f. t h e ,milan c nm . Bltld In It WIUI a ol~~€d UJI /lllln, wltb Uver tOil"

Where Others fail,

:'1 1'. HlIl'iilJla u sa l lI)' h is lIa l -t UIJI ,ed L ls lH lln stoo d o ppo s ite h ' ru.

('un shu\\' a

ME H Y ·.nlt; I, ,, H A1\D t;TJU:..-rCli il:LJ IT UI·'I'.



Success ful Lion-Breedin g in Dublin. F e w. if lillY , I lI e n3~1'r 1('" III tho "'\lrlll





1 1111e~

ri g b t.·'


i\l cri t. alo n !.! C3 ll

!'t hunld rt\lll c mhf'r that

(;om\lOuud SIJC4'.WIs

Li s l{ IIDl t urned a llutllf' r rl' in ldy s l lli ie on TUlUpldns, n ull I h e SUlI" n.~ I I(JI''' ' I~ w e nt un ci, 10 lhe u ll' . I.IJv e I II IL1 ~ d l" ro o m . " !:luys," b e 81\111 . " th e o ld 11 13 11 18 all

Ull int r u tiu ct10n. l!nd a w UlIlu ul n T url<ey

of kt t e'.'S fro Ul grut..c .. hidl an' Ull Hl u in 1 hu

If ~' O l\ h lLvc s ymlllomR you d ou't llnd 'r s t n ntl wr ite to "Mrs . Pi1l1,h ulll. J.~· 1lL1. MIl 6S .. fOI' spcoiul advice-it i!i fr e e uoll a lw a ys hl'lpfnl.

Lit:; htU\' ) ill th e loea l rOollJ i ll tl l ~ ­

Ile ularl), a dUI! . a s Ih e TII I'k, we r e " e rl' 5 11, i ti\' e on th e Ilo g- ll1l esTi)l1. So w(, II e r ed B1'OUlHi th e IOWII . and yo u enn ue t I ha t lIad ,lIdll 'l loo k at any mo re worn · e n . .Ih o u gh til y were e" el'ywb e r t> "UIl " e ll s Ih ot cO" c r ed tb e lr far es so nOllllng b il l. th e ir ey es.,Could be seeu . Gee-. bill. you never sa w S l1 l' h pyes al§ I hese Turld . h wom e n ha\' e . Th )' a l'e big nn,1 blac k. alld th e y gu rl g h l through you . aud cli n c h o n tb e ol h e r si de. Dad .say. th e rarlll1l es for ge llin g Into trou\rle are belle r In ConStanllnople t ha n any pla<:e we ha "e uee n . as t h lIl e n look like bandit s a nd t be wome n look lik e executlon r s. Da,1 Ihanl,e11 me fur h e lp· Ing h im o u t o f that sc rape by claimIng h e wallbe age nt of a finan c ial s yndi cilte thai wan leu to le nd mon~y to t h e slI ltan . If I had said \lad wa s a collecll ngagen c)'. (0 make tb e sulto n IJIl Y up. Ihey would have sen tenced him to ue IJOll e d In ol!. W e ll . we I b ought we hud uee nln HOII lli e ue fore. uut we are I II It now worse than ~v .. r. W e h e llrd al I b e hot e llhnt 81. 11 o'clock 10 lb e mornin g Ih e IIII!t UII





th ()l l ~ lIIHI s

W tllI lI ' lI

,,'Oll H ' f1



b llli ruther IIle tilull Iut v ~ a C hr is tian Ul'!': look 11.1 Iler. Vatl UU)' III !; ~orn e wormy fi g" of a Uler c.iJ.ullt. w bo was I NI1,'d un tb .. 11001' of hlti ~Oll. a n<l g lv III'; lIimBi '1)0. wll"na {·uI·.t:Il.l nllll hlu<l tbe Tu r t, Will< l .ullEU vil e 8 I li~ ,'.I1U<l II womau w!t h Iwuuti ful "yes. lind II..r fa "" cu vr/' ~d wi t h a .. "IJ. ('" aWI' UUI II'l'h [I Cli p of l'O nel' for Ih" Tur k. IJlld , llIlUI, hlllllis IV it II Jj ('r . :lull wltl: " Y.uur hll l-\b:ul1 l and I tH IO lll-t til 1JH' l"'B 'U~ Ivd ge." ana h I? WUS ,J.;O!lIt\ 10 1,:1' i lJ Fl d~ :wd vl sll Lh e fa tHily. t.Vl.J l' fl t btl WOlllU U d rpw a S l1lltU u af{ser l\\11 or til<' fulds uf b e r d ,'p;.". 1l:t1i1 I he l' "11 drew or,.. 0 1 Ihe~e scilllet e r H. niHI il JOl.'.hefl l or II UlOm~n1 liB lll<lu g il i wa s ':<11,,2" to l e a half o rphau . part Ic uJJI/'ly "" he ll ."ad Im l hi" hand o n IIe r s houloo l' nlHl Jl ~lr.u II It . tin t! ~ 1Illlecl one of t ho.'ij!' lila: her 811.' lIe" wbld l h e tlses at h OIUt', Iin /l ~aJd , ' :My good woman . you must , ~o t get j n or jabblny. your bus brUhl 's I'l' l .lI ds ~: I : h l h is croo k NI cu tler~' , t h o ugh t o bEl 1I11It:d by so h an dsom e Q ... lIl Orl WOI1 d Indee.! be a s wpe( deo lb ." ., I, t Ib e lIl1llf did nul Ii"( UIIU ~ he . \\' o lUll ll

1~: . 1" inl\)1II1U'S \· l'g'i"~

(o r :111 rt ' lUa.l,· ui scu~m; ac tuulh' e xists. und t hnt I ' U I' { ' i ~ l.y ctin. E , Vfulil ul1 l1 '~ \'f'~dll blc COl1l PUUlll1. 'fulle 11 0 s uiJs t;-

l!oze D d og" lind ye lle ll "'c-1 OUI . yu u I~!sl;u m was l h e "Lilli " of I h ., ":0ho u lltls." Ibnl s~t tled it . lind t he\' I" ". \\, ca l room of til e dll lly "Will . h np, b e wn s wron g in lhe h ea ,1. nll:1 111'-)" work ed. KO),H tll~ Uronl<I,' n E ag l ~. lie yell ell for th e police , nn d w Wer~ pullf'oi Wll~ a .,lril'll-lIjl wrlnl"ed lillie (or fll s t tlrhln g . and \lik en lIdu!'" a wltO mlg h l lIa,' ~ ueNI ,'lI h ,' r ~Q ur ~" Tnt'kl sl1 jll ~ ti (' e o r tllt IH!U('t', foI l w,..d by 1 years (J f ngf' , \\' h al e\' ,--r \\· .... 111 w n..IIH; th . w ho le t l·uwd . aiJoliL I h ,- o flli'e wn s lu ld I') 1.1. I. u III . Th i! jllKtiCc llio l not wear a fez . I>ut nntl \\'hul ~\'e r w n s 31 tl'iI)l11 1',1 !U hllll h" hnr.l un II t Ul'ba n . ""0 uud llid n ol gi n ; lii lu ncC'Ppl ed wlthollt a Ul llrrUHr , u ll l~' :O-lIl il~ a o)' s ign s. bllt IIf lPr jaiJbHlul: II wh ile III~ a c r i n lil), lil tl s m il" I il Ul W' ,n th ey sp n t for 11 11 int erprete r . wh o " v llid th t: h ear ls ..,f l :"le wh llie ·t nff. Fllr. tall' p igeon En g li s h , an ll Ih en dall haoi Juke bi m as t hey m IK!lI . P' c ry r p.a lrla l. aud I aCleoills h i" In w)' e r. I to III pOI·t el' 0 11 lh e p~lJ e r IlUd :l t e ll der ' POI auout b ow dad had tri ed tu I;e hind a nd fur I.i s lwlIl . genia l 10 nn\.Hh., l' IllRU '!$ wlfe _ aU11 how , Un e day T o mpK i n s , Th (' " s ta r " f Pin hIs hurry i 'o g t UW IlY r rU III 1he m ill'. pont-f , l::l m e I n to HI HJ 111r. g roup nhtH: t II

de r uo,

A D PI"!, Ill S Il A1\ l.) 0»; HER

W(Hll l;l \

h"l d ", tlt t, I'e co rd "Ir


I ~in l ih flill IlI hlll': ltory. prott \H't,. ~1I, ' h l'I 'hlJ 1ts.

d ogs. und l hat b was "llI s lhlb'lJI ~ lwli lIalllly IIi H"usH ln g RU III N hiu g. A lll eri ca ll, whu wus ill Turlit:·), tu 11l' gO" L. h;l\l 11tJ lias opetl fir'l!ti ," li(J mp Ode Iia l a . looll to Ih p s ultan . lU ld hiul . " Th ~ r e WO H II ~r,' a l I ., " Say . Ihlll ftX I' U t1le lll. a n,l Ih e), III ! a oo u t lil,- Thil',1 wa l'd ~IO r,l' ·Iu thl" ma de salalll ~ 10 u nd o aD d uowed all o\'er m o n dlll;'" pape r. " Ih e m" I\' fs. :1u<l lil e JI1 ~ l i'e of Ibe p ea ..e " W hy . I wrule I ha l m y • •·lr," ~3hl prs)'pd IU .'I ll a h . an ll Ib e Inte rp re l e r TOll1pl, ln s. " LI. I, n lll had ' ", Ihl ll ).: " . s aid we "ou ltl g o . UUI 10 be ca r e ful abolll tlo w ll h it. " An d w ll h Ih n i h ' Ia n -


JJl: lli l'S hit- if

l h l.' J.{I'I' aLt 'h t IIlIln),, ' ,' ur II( , t tllll cures (Jf \\' \1111 1111 ' :-" i l ls , 'I'l d!'O f", '1 iN Htl e~ t (: d t lJ

1 kI lt·\\, a ll al' Hut yo u uu,1

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)lilliolls (If Ame rican H om,'ij w(I,l eome LION COFFEE d llily. Tl lere i" 110 8t ro ll/~f' r proof o f m e rit than c u u t iuu e J 1llIt.l LucreWl'wg p U}J1l1:u-ity. "Quality Burvh 'es all uppOt;itioD," (Sohl on ly In t lb . )luclu.g.·.. Lion-hel"-l un eVt~ry package.) tt).a\'e you r Li oll~b 04M18 fo r vnl uuLlo premi u m .. ,)


Cul l tu f& ~ .p t' Onlbllltl fh'l lf' .tJII medicinal .n4 trnol... lit-III Phl ll~'II ' . tl f'dud fl n rn Cl.lll~u,. , I ne ' Jut RklQ \.:OI tlt-, ..,It II Ihe l h,u;,t 0' f't t'UII", lul!fI>dlrnh a nd Ih _ IIIml f9"f'nhh lJ; uf d ll wer ru l" r" Two Ho.apt;h ()tl e a' Oil ' ~rlf"- oalll . l,C • }fl' jUr l .. 11 a nd T(llir t K()l p lot "'c,

I ~~.II~~\'~~'~'·li~!'I~"I"r:'':,,!:f~~tf;~~·!dQisuuttt,.• _

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WOOLSON SPIOE CO., Tolcolo, Oblo.

w I. N c RIFLE





Winchester Rifle and Pistol Cartridges of all calibem are loaded by machinery which sizes the shells, supplies the exact quantity of powder, and seats the bullets properly. By using fiirst-c1ass materials and this up-to-date system of leading, the reputation' of Winchester Cartridges for accura cy, reliability and excellence is maintained. Ask for them. THEY








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Telephone Day or Night. Local Nr. 7 LDng Distance No. 69-3r

wlr ell I sl! " w ,"


CO IllJlar p(] \dth 1: 1111\" '1 uge contli li on, lJ ' II'g' Il ll (' c lin l1 "I thr e e p €- l' cpnt. (' '' ''Ill il s 1'~ lillllll l" . ('onclltion .July I . ()",ill){ III Ih , ~xce~~ i\' e t'ain~ ,lurlng- th ft e u ri ,' ~unuu~r

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Ih e \\'l1 pn t, crop, Imt it ~ Ilr C' ~l'lIl ',·nn · tlitiul' , bt'ing 1\\'(' nl.1' c·ig hl, ]If' r " "111 , hi g ll e r thnn til o eo rlllili o n " s liml"" All ~ : I1f,t I , 190 1, s ll " II1.l lJ() v u ry en

~ ~" 1"111 li e". I' li oil·" . . ..... .... .. ... .... ..

Branch Office. Haneysburg. O.



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$ 10 ulld :S I'!.

Fin est Trousor s. 0 1'0\\"11 lIIILk \! :tili . S~ l\1ul !fiR \· n l \l e~. 111 'leul'Rul'" at

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Clioicu o r Iw tl UZt,u "Amori r ull " uud "( lrlmn " brlllld . WOrt h $ I.~ 'i .............. . " .. . ... .... ... . 87~ ~;.<tm ""I nos i ll lIlo llilir 1'''"111, 111111 eoll llr Hllirl ",


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; ,0.1' \ :t JII C, 11 0 \\ : l ~I I '




('lo oi,'Oo r nil II ,:!:, ILlIII ::-1 Pnlll " II Hl'l ellllillline, 1I0 W . . 71k

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HO.fli' 1{lIeo Pflutd, ill IIno cl\~~ illl e re . l'i'~ J' HH e t C'., $ 1. 50 alld "alt1 e~ 110\\' " .. ....... ..... , ... .. ", .. , ..... " .. $1 . 1:1

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('I lo it'" o f /t il ., 1 Hli ll * Ii, ~ ,j TI'Oll S0 I'S, M ClI 'd alld Y UlIth H' , l'i un.l'all c e price .... .. "." . .. , " , ,,. ..

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st ,rrns hll\'o ( n l Apd - .1,( .II :'lcl" l'lI·td l 'dllll IU,g l' . /tnt! in :-10111 0 H0:W 'R 1'b,l S? ).lI ' lI1i l It,." Ill P l'I't l l' i~ d'iwil ba dl.,·, \V" o n'OJ'OU L~ lIu'1I11'. 'tl f) t tl l't r .. I·:. , I Tli f' li l ·l ll s "'" \I rr \\'(,,,.1\' , li S e llili Wil l'll 10 Illly ('n," .. I' I 'u t" nil I iI .II \ :t tl , ,11 1111:4 It "' rl l l~\) I II~!oOl l~~l' . cltnnot h u (, lll' e ll by fl llll ·...: { 'ufar" l l ~ '\ " H' 11f l ll' 1'" Jl l j11,dllt (, 1' J o tut ous l'Ilt' A. F . •1. ChL'J\(!)" l~: L\ l , 'l'llkd ol, " I t l ' l ~ III 1111' l.! J{tlI 1H.1. 11 11 .1 bl-<'in ~ \Y l.' , I] IU nndU l'~ i g: nl'll , l lH\"l' 1\1 111\\' 11 ! '\IIILlIlI-(I'oI 10\- I d i~II ' 1111 1 ns It whlli e I F . •1. C h ena,I' ftH· t,h n I II~ t I:. \" ' 111'_ , i l l jl' " l i l lll l l l'H1 t" l' t !.p · Hfn t A ls Illl i f t) ' U1Hl be l nvo lliJn 1(,> I ll' 1't'l'f l', ·tl ,\' 1" ' 1I : ~!lI1~f ltC ' llIr y . II H II ~ h H itll ()f t'( l li t ~ I 11)'able ; n 011 hl1S1npS~ tl · tln ~ I I(,.' tllltl~ I I lrll \ ' \, willt1


~-­ All unt lillest "' n it~ in th e H , C <'<. ('0 !lake. Ilono !>e tt er. Mllll Y hlo,!lll or "tv les mlll o~ tH. ill ; aud illS, now iii"',75

all ·f ·! ,tll) an ti ~: tdllJ Tr0 l1 S11 I'~. Mc u's

1)11 .\ 1 1111 , tli ll !l ,


C hlli.,o II f a\.tollt :10 " "it~. last y e~I" H goods. IlI't all WO(l I Inri lill oly lu,,,I,, 1\1111 tr im · lIlu, l. :;uirs I hIli \\, ,,1'0 :il JlIlLntlmoro 1l ,1 \\'

Dol'S' ]{Ilee l)allts Suits.


U lllli c'f' of all ~rj and som e 10 Tnuit:.! r ri, d cnr'uuco

HCHSO II, $ 1 :10,


~7 5~

- - -- -- -


Men's Pants. I t! ' :00

tw in g 1111 '1' 1' l J(du r ~ 1., \\'1 :1' th ll l! 1"1. I' "h·d ,Iul\' 1 { 'U rli gr'l l \ \t ll p\'t:! r tLe ~ Iult · t~ :ItH ' U\· , · Il . fI~ pl llrd l l 'l:! WU!" Il'rf'g ui u l' . t ill f It ha~ Illlldl" 1'11)1111 gl'nw fh 11 11 ' -

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all OI ar ;~ llJ fuall :-,1)lne " I:! Rnil i'l , , ill gl ll li n d ,Io u hi.) hrOaSlu(1 sry les. Cl ul\r .



~9,75 '

pri ..,

IIIII'U pl'i l: ~ 011 y ...... ... _ . ... . .. ...... ... . .... . .. .

Clcu.J'nll ee p ri ce "" " ... .... . • " .. . . . ~ ~7.r;H

Stl·t\ II' l-t'lt,


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Sl'!, :f l :; and :I S \'I~lu es, clioil 'o . ,S1l U~

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iot~ . "f' 1:': , ~J ;I, $ 1,,",

OlltillJ,:·. or ~-Pi.·o" S lllt ~ .-\ slliencli ,l 1"' MlllI e ll t. o f (.lllll1l~ S , do u bi ll l H·l' n ~ l ,l l lllS Wt ~ 1 1 K .~ si ll g le . w orf' fetb. 1·'tC· .


1\ 11 on r lili es!, Boys ' :-<" ils ill I'c ry on"pp.v s t' Y) ti ~ , hll,c k!O, bl ue" wOI' Slud., 1\IHt cltu\' ·

Ult uil..: u o f all nul' Fuu('y :--; IIi 1.-', nlld III OUY hlnc k:: , MUlts Iilul ~o ld ill :i ltlallu :S I:.! aIHi ;-'IJlU t : $1;1. lIow .. ... . ~7 . t) U

t ' l'l\s ht\~ ,


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( 'hoir'U of ; ;1 ~lli ' s. !-t in gle hlli l IItHI}'I" 111't!H s t.i!f l r; t y lt,s , 1,1 1\ ~ li4. \ dll ui-\ :lIJLl ruixturcs, \,:lIt H: :; IlP ttl ~'2:!, " 1' '' 11"'' ...... .. .... ..... .. ........ . .... . . .._... ........ ljIl~ . OO

A Wa.rnln g t o M o thers

T ou 111 111:h ca r ll 1.'.1Il 110 , lIP u ~ cd wit.h SII1 /l II c hild \'l ' 1I ,11l'ln g I Ill' h.) 1 w e lltb a r o f til!' Sll llllllo r II1 r) n liJ ~ I .. IIf thn ,tllie it WII 8 i1l1p o~ ~iJ.I " I ,) rill , gUllrd IIgll i n s l, lil) wl'l t I' IIl lbll ~. ,\ , th o l, tlll\' ,\' iJillIll'!' s ill th " n, ]d , . I h. :1 rnl o it, is o ~ ll y ) IP (, Ii:-:~Il I' ,\' I I I :.,in' tho child II d r A I o f ('1l~l o r ull In (,01. rurllll'J':-1 "'''fl' f l ll' l ' \4d t o h n r \' f'!-o t I ll. OI'l'P wi t 11 c rtLll lu ...; . 'l 'h, l II \'\ ' I' ll tt l r ent \ll1\' ll i~u I I I ' r ii I' 111l' I lIlw , · I ~ . n" )11'. I, llll ' t lief' II l' n , ", i l l vu ry rl IJJ :-oi lll !I' . lI o t U"I~' \Iny H IIl: ~ litlll e, hilt g ilc Iii,' uiJb' 0\" '1' th t< s \'III. ·. II n .1 \\, 111 1" il ,)1<1 fll ~ hi o ll O ll CII~I'Il\' .. P. IIn,1 ~ f " ""lIl e 10l'IIIilie:o I ill) \' ield will lotl flIt thn t it. i ~ fr n~ ll , :>H 1'lI1!" il l <o il III , 1 ~1· uho\·o th e u ".,ru ge, U'} UllY C.!'l rr~foI pO I Il' ent es IlOU hK H \I I l' nd l' l lI ',Y t n g ri po. !'nt!! repo rt tllO .I' ia l.I ·" s Ii ~ ht. nUll II I If thi s d oeR no t n iJl'l'ic I h p I.O lVeI ~ ),Oor qll"lity . The !I\' c rug e dill e of gi\'u C h!ll n b n!' l ai n' ~ ( ;.l1it :, C h l) !l' ru bf"' \'e::l!in~ .llll .r 2, "hoU l. f' l g lli IInti Di <l niJ " "H H C'IlH'i1V IlI lI l 11l f'1I 1I 11!1\'s na rli e r thlln in 1!IU4. In ""Ill! d():;to n t ( 'H lil.h,l' Itll . nl1'd t lil l t1i f' 1'1HC !.he cro p h H ~ull'er p ol ~ rp" t IIlay 100 f' lll·,· k ,'" I" il~ ,"('ipilll '.r lUll 11 11 dll l1 ~ "1' 1I\' I, t dl~ d . 'I h i ' ("lis t ,,,· I~ hv hill o k rUM , \\' oovel IlIHIIJI"'1 in ~ ' " I' hl'lltl ;o, Il1thIJII gh II"" , 1)i1un ll , 111:01 1' 1' lI h ' li ,\ ' :-lt tln ltl I1n 1 11'0 . "' l llIlili,,"~ :!I'e !l o t g E'!1t'1'Il1 UI'C !' II,,· 1'l\ t' Ot1l1 f t l rH'( ~ II lt d li l ' I" rp ~ l\ l .)· ri ll' !-of,lI te . iI\ :-I t llltl n ... ,' 11 -1. SIIIIII /1"1 li lt , tir :O: l illlll . ()i1 t ~ IIr o r r p o rlrd II!! hlll'ili g li N'1I (' u tit'B Ij f' II II.\' bo w, '! tl 'dll lt l , · ; 1} ))lI'II I'!"l IlllHI II g'pd h~' tilB lu'a\',Y J'ain"' . lt ll t1 I'!t i-\ ~ ..; tl! ' "1 11:-. 1 :-. 11('(·t ":-o!-it'1l 1 ll' f ':tt Ih o l'e is \' e l'.V gP Il f' I'u l l'Olllplll ill l , d 11t ' llt, kn o w " 11114 1 1111 \' l it' 1'1 ·1:0.1 111(1l'I'I'1> lil'illg h"t1II' li lllgf ·.I . \l'hh 'l l 11 1" II w i t ll illq liil' ll ( ' l lItiili' I \C' I' 1' \ ' 1' 11 r ill' will ,,11',,('1 th" nJ li ng of th e 111 11 Is I II I U !O\ ' S l·r ,' l! H It ' J' 1l I Ut'ali :nf li 4 11) 1-' hy L 'Jn i!'l MII ,\·. A fl"w f' l rn.~~ poJ.(lt ' nt~ I'(lport llntn " g" iJy ~1lI11t.. Thi' (l~li lllllt el l f· u t ~ t1. lillli . hnw,·n'r. I," ~ bill ~li g lrll.l' Il c J !I u rin g

Young Men's Suits.


.( ' ilni f'l' o f ali 'Hlt fi n u:o<t Un' ), "'; , IHn r kf'. H l u l!:o' Hnd 1,'l\W ',\l )lix r ur tJ~ . :"Ii llgi u nlHI ciulil lJle hl'UILs t c d s t y los, : :lO , .: :?:, UII (l

Co t1I'l1gin g . 1'he ('.I·O P was hnT\, f' ~ ft'(1 Ilutl ~ r Ullfft \'OTlllll " cu ndi li on". u · IIII' iU l'I'~8 ullt ruins hllll "cl !<o fl e n e ci lh e ground thlll in mUlly ""Cli o ll'

f' l i u .. d

;J UL\, :!fi. E"nS AlfOl]S'I' l;)lll.

~v1en's Fine Suits.


Wl' r " Il l Jprt"

h e n~i\'o r o n Cf1rlling Ih o ' ,nt ('o lllf' "


OPPORTUNITIES THAT SHOULD NOT BE PASSED-- -O'ir fm;! move ha3 be8ft to elmll;w!e profit and on many lillos cos t also ha s been ignored. We have p Ts-sed tl"'Ju }h a fi,..e- season alld what IS left IS yours at small prices, though not a piece 1 f poor matenal III 01Y departm:nf. Here are the prices as they have beRII redaced: -:===========-=-=-~-=-~ =-=.-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-==-=============== =~----~--' ---------~"~~


1.l... I'i"~ - I)r "" III" I l''' ' "illllt'ol \\il lo un un~ rug t", ~~ Pl' l" Ct"UI

pe r cent,




XENIA, OHIO, __________________

60 AND 62 EAST MAIN ~~~







.' :;, L .

am? COUIlT

l'IWO K ItOI~ l~

I('lrl . H Gni,lw oll, UH u s~ign ae in t rn Mt tOl' th o b e nefit of t h o oredito n 'of ,ltlcob F ox anel Cbnrlos Fox, --'p ,rtOl' l'R und r tho firUl num e 01 F 'x Bl'() th r' r~ , v~ Mu ~g i B T il t on . F ,lI' m on oy IIlld f orecl uSlIl'fJ 01 nl1ohun i ()!\' lion . Amouu t oltdlll pel iIi~ , 1 61J ,J7 ullel ill tH l 'f'~t fl' o lll .1ull . :lJ, 11)U:.. Plainti lr livers tbll t th i, am ount . III yC!t. e:u o on work d on p nn ,l Ill uto riul f nl'lli"lI nd O il propOl t)· in Le hull oll, wIde ll ill 11 11 nmount ed t o $ 11 , :38:) ·1. on whI ch litis b oe lJ }luill t-U, :t J:1. W . .1. Wright 1'0 1 }llnint.ifl' ond Brando n , Burr an(~ IvIns uud Rnnyan unel S tanlt'y fo ' dofend ant.


N K\\" SU IT • •

.--- ..


Warr en Coun ty Court s. ·M,nQ, n et


.proOOOCl It_of s ole , Exec. Mr.L es1er Ivins · utor ' is oh(lrgod witllli!!:l .s bort .:utp .n~llI·II11 CO o n buildin gs on Buid fU fUl C, A. Ald er Uln n unil W. ~:. t.'lw r4.!. Heca tvcn i to be ~arried. ~Xo(lpti ur.1 9 !:IU t.a ined 11S t o l oun t.~ '. SG IIIW . l.~: 01' I' A. ' 1, ~(Jlm 't'tI ~ II'i S. N' \i(·I·HIJO ;o> u Wnyne~vl1l0 fl'ien d~ of Mr. Les t e r .) . A. f1ul o ll i n ~o n. Notice of aPP<laJ ~o. I ' ~o~ · :\'0 ,0' NO . ;' S. 1\' ln& who hu's rbeen superi ,f bond served . O l,u er e:s;cept-ioDf 3'rATIO:O; S nt eD d ~ A ~I A)-I P M P.I en't of t h e Me rrit s towu soh ools fur · ul'tnin erl nit t.o JOlin 10 O. A . Hutch r.\' . t .ehl n OfL, A .~t, 0.,11) 1 :10 • . 30 " •• oil "., ",I " J. :Hi "i:m ~ ll \'ornl y e lll's, h llve r ocei\'cd iuso n . Noticp of appelil of bond 1.\'. L " :""I in\'itu f.,' , .I)H1111s II (,0 "! I H I : I ':' " .• t.. tIona r cac1 in'" l t8 fo ll o ws: mrvod. Ot,h or oxce pti ons ovor LV . I\ILI'Ill1 cr " OJ I:.! " t14';' " 1 .;.7 " " .-l i ~ ."' . \ · tJII :tl,1t' ·'V.a" " (1-1 \1 "', ·IIJ " ..LI I1 m lod . [." , l ':ll4: cw ~jU! 1

Oayton, lebanon & 'Clncinnati ·Rr.

III t h ll o~t.ntu of M'Ll'Itl G. Wilel , . IClceasml. It. Wilds lind Jum fs ['nul Gi lchrist prellollt otl b ond o j '~O O for nn nppenl fr om I h e t1ndillg ~ ,ud judgem ent of court. 1\I Allltl ,\fllC

LICto:NIl I!:.

' . \' l. y tlc \', M ,tll u r ~ ... .

( c ut c n ll h:

"' . J1 CIlI }I!o' t Clltl ~ " . R Ol'l l)l"l

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.. " 4 .:, ... ":.. 0 1 ;! 0 7 ~ 11 7 :t. W r•. Li ":! 17 "~ . 1 7

il L t. h.· 1U.lrrh'l'c of lhei r tl aU l{hl\" r 1':U:r.a bt'lh

10 I..t :- t t! l ~y l n \ll I \' \ 0.9 ~ . ~'.! I\ '~;l \\'t"lln e s lla,' ~ tt er nnfln . ,\ U l' U ~ t t he shl t' c nt l , i .:tU !! :.!:. !) .~ ." .... ~ ·. II &)1 . j J ,'X I' t '. II ' I..~' I J (~. u . &. u . 1111u · 1(.· ..·n 1111 111i rt: tt :w li lh e H~O It 0 0 :\'00 II UO ;at l ou l' 0 eJllc lc u . &x . ·r . II .&X T " )( . .t.T ci.t l he l r rt.::-; Itl c ncc " UI! :l .UO (1.00 ' J. l:b u.n o n . Ohio ::;O\:T HIl OV :->U A\I PM AM PM

.\'. Snakr r f' r \r. L ohllnull Jc. Ju,yt o n

·· U.a,., ' U.:.:I ' 1 ,-, ; i .HI II tit; I "7 Oil " 10 .0 1 .. ~! (1\

r ___lIIIii_ _ _ _ _ _..,.."'r.....="-""'.""'•..



to :min d I Call fund s.


the safe ty of one 's

The re is sec urit y if you dep osit

. 1'. rr." C. Vnn Z!lnt, Dfly t,on, nn el ':;Arnh A . H en derso n, Le lJf\·non. th B Frank S . I1rn ke , Twenty . Mill I. "A". I':o ~ , N <, :010 tl' N " ~ ' Chan ge in Time of Train s. ~Hund. Il nd Eth e l l\Iuy Bo lnngll r . aytoll c. II & n 00 1 Ila)" n,, · O. & X. T. 7 ()O ,, 00 1000 "tlOO \{nin ev ill e . Rev. Coope r. I.eba no" .l u MW", ~ '! :It, 10 :1, U.W Voder n new sc h eelule III pt!'ert Mil fa 1'(1 Urton a nd Om ll V rton, ~~~'~~Ir ( 'ro 'l ~ln g .~ !~ .~ ~1 . Il ~ ~~ ,~~~ ! Juue 25, Ul O;'. puss~ngc r tru i ll ~ o ve r' llOlh o f Killg!! Milk Re \· . Sh e rrit t HNi,.t<.\l 1 ,:'0 2 H, IOH, U10 l the P e ons yh'lIuiu Lin eH l()ll\'o WUI" Cent c.'r" t1 hil EA L 1!:8TAl'I!: 'I'IlAN B ~·Eml . 7[,, 8 2 rl1 I Ot.:! fl .. n l ' 11 t t ' J ..l llor . ' I:' (I., ':l :-,'7 ' 10 MI 'ti :J '~ ' n eRV I e s n t o n u s f 0 II U W S ; MlIl g<lTo t .T . nl'll s~o l 10 Ange lin I' ~~~~ ~ WOO(\ .: ~ g; . : : g~ , ~~~ ! For th o Eust D':,4 tl . 111 .r. Whit e . lot in Springh oro. ' 1 ~;, ' e" " h k :i:-I7 p , 'Ii III ':1110 ' 11 II '; n;. / m . ; tl uudllY onlv 10 . 2~ p . Ill . ' !" I t< ·:tl l Mary U. H opkinH 10 E It;ltlbolh lilte lint- r ' 111 :1 ''; 07 ) 110,1<1, ." ~<l :t la 11 1(, '7 II Fol' th e \, est!l : O ~ II. m . ; G:0. I' , Hop ki n~, lot In ' Bur vey~ ll1l rg . ~ I I.clonu ' • ." , ': I ~ ~ ' 11 " i · ... (1 1 tl d I Arri ve l.eua lili /\ l'I :3;, :j :\0 II ~O -; :10 Dl . ; un I,L y o n y '" :5fJ u. U l. Mllr y C. BopkinH , t o Eli~ub e tl 0 11111' .x",' pc !'un. I,,· . SIO I1 on ' 1 ~ lIa l. For parti cular' iuform ll ti on a ll th e Bopkin s , lot ill Wnyne s villl', S:J ~ O . SI'NIJ.\Y 0 :-1 1.\' s ub jec t IIpply to B E . Boot h , Mnr y 1:1 . '\·ilk o r son to Lull T r,t l ll " l': ~ !'t -l 1. \' \Ie a .. 1,,11 (,\\ .. ~o rthl HlUnll \I edllris. lot III Morro w, iIi'OO . ~ '-Itia Ill . [j " 7 P III ,\Vu ynes vill e , O. ;vulh h u\J !I \l ",Cda m j oa P In Willin.T\I H. Uregg a n d wif n t , __ _ _ __ I \(' ket O t1\ (' t' !4 II I IJa Yl(,1l IJ. & .~ 'I' :!a L Ull KX \..·V n s t O~s 'l'u ( 'O I.OIlAJJ O F OU J.: AlH.. ES Gn rrf' t t Cle"on g r . lots ill Sprin!;: u w , " 'I'e! Ar c a ,k . C. II.,~ lJ t;1l1 ,, 1l OOIl<ll. i ll l( AND AJl:III E AUUI,; ST 1 Jth Ulld 121,11 1)01'0 . $2:, 00. W. E . Moor e, (.'len ·1 P'ls~on g e r Agt . \'Ia Penn i"y h · J.n iJ. L iUl·~ . !'IJt·"ci ul luw far,,·s 1111\'e )Jeell Clint o n T . H c ndi·i c kson . IldU\ ini~ 10 Den"" ,. olorado lilll'l ng, Le uu n on . Ohio . ',I' l' ue)'l". 1"0 1' n owly r e filt o,l I hrOIl~ll, ) nl and nIl m achiue ry i~ llOW run ·,rnt.o l' of Wi11lnm C. B e n d ri ukRol1 by lnrormlll1 on a bout Ht n p n\·c r ... r{)l)If'8 , ,' t e. appl y ttl tli'I,rt... t agt" n t.,. p(·Il J1't."l r!1u l. l 1.11Il' q ~tenm IJOWCt. u11 ') wiu g th., Ulill t o wu rk "'ccnsed , t o Nnn D . H e ndr lcksor, t o l t ~ fult c llpAe ity . 101;; nC t'es in Fra nklin t ow n s lti r . A ll k iuu s of tl OIll' IIlId f (\(J U1\ hand fit "11 times .As k 'your ~li:AMnOaF.: ICX (' UUt> ltl:> Al· ( l. 1: . I. OW $2,2;,':'. Throu gh Cana da to ~'AnIC8 VtA PENN. l. I NE!; 1'0 AT I. AN1'~ (, u(> ul c r ,"" I' Acmc F l01ll', If yon 1I1'e tli ~ HlIti R fi ed Clinton T. H endri c kso n Il1'l lOin NI GJARA RA OlT Y, ('APi: MAY ANlIlI:Jn ll 'l' OTUI!:!! FALL S ~ tI'RI,) r of Willinrn C. H o nrlri uk ~e ll willt w h ut YO Il li re u sin g tr y this,It will VI A HI!:!!OIt'l' S. lecpnsod , t o .TaIll PR H . .I oh l1s011 1111, · pl lJ II~l\ YOll . The :J.nn 'l al · x l.' llr ~\ l o n I() the 'i (· .L" ~ lO r t..' \' \ .1 ", HI', 1 02 1l c ree in Frllnkli n I.o\\' n ... ~flu s yh·3 11IU LIIH' 1i wi ll hr' (' u n ' l ' hul'~l ta}·. ~hir. *11 :10. '\U ~Ul" l 17t ll . :t. l. VII \·Cll lc'a c fo r h ' J \' !ul(




,To hn Hnrl'iso ll VB Th o E ng le Puper Cu . Mo l.ion to s e t Iis iei a vit eill e nnu 1II00li fy the jllllgcm e ni !llld " rd e l' of ClInr t, and "I ~o u 1lI 0 t ioll s UPJ1I ~ 1\l c nllll there t o. O\' rnl,!,I. e x cop ti {J n ~ r Olllov tJ u. W ul tor B tlllhn en-.,r \' ~ 'fl:e Frllll k llll Pupo r Co. Th o m oUOL tlllll slI p)1lemellltul Illo tion fll odlwr!> in . ov ol'r!lled , ex c e }lti o ll ~ r ese rvo" ulld n oti ce of R)1peul g h' ell . I 1'1 MoF.ldd e n VR C. D . Boy nl ol ,t, al. U n h",u iug of Ihe Ill a ti on t, r ev iv t1 .iu . l~ o lll e nt i t it' ord e red tllu R dph H. Pnrk p, ndmilll st 'nlor, ~ p. 1"111' Augll ~ t. ~l\ th IIn /l ~ho\\' CJ l n~· If Hlly 110 hll8 wh .V jUt]gem e li s houlu n ot he r ov iv ed lI.sel ins t h i", 1'1I0 lH n: 0 0 U II'!' . 111 ro wi ll I ~ n b" 11 1\ Brow il. dec' u · N I. Will li D/I ('oel 1 ' il fill'll !Iud (: ,111' m iss ion issuml 10 G eor gll F . Mille' t o tllko tes tim uny at witn essos. EstJll e o f Mary G Bro wn . dl 'CBlI~ . lHI f- lra· I,;;!'i. <l n d wtlt,' n It h c Sf'a qou al lhe o <.' ,' ;t11 eeL Ord or fur pri Vil I 0 s,de of bUll I r e .... o rt s Il't at li s h t.'l .r ht F ur lhl!i ('xc' u r, ln n s tuc k iss n e.1 . l lt'Ke l, will h e so lo 10 nille (j t the lIl o:. t po p u· i;om missi oners ' la r Witterill ~ VL1l1-.'S on the Atlantil' c..-oa !;t, In r e William H . Dyor, d eceu. eel I ncl OI.H Ill; Atl a n l l u ( ' 11 .' " Ca pt: M3y,Anc r l L·.-;c a Proce eding s. A\· a l on . HOl ly u e a c h . Ct.'Pu n Cit y. S "3 hll: T estim o nJ of ouo witue"s t"k En /\11 . City . \\ P d \\' ood . a ll n the Jers (' y 'ou""t , awl Bill R 1I1I owcd Jllly 3 1. uuuso co nlilluou. Hcho b o th . flcl u\\,lIt e. The I'o u n cl trI p t o :111 ) of t h e r ~ g O rLS n am ed B . .T o n e~ , contra ct No . 76 $292 9 ~ Es tnte of L-}eo rg o .J. [lall oh, i nsu· · wlll be $ H .OU from Wa y n~ s "lIIc . O hi o \. lit :lfO miles thr oug b th o m os t bean F ur'" f rotn Ol'eer for p d v. te III I I J. N Burch, brielge r " pairs ol hpr tI .:-ke l s la l lu n ~ on p('nn , \ a L t nl· ... wi ll llt! l>r o po I'U (.l!'ly low . in Tnrr.leo ree k t owDs lJip 2:l fl(. ifnl sec lion of Cn n uel'l. l't'n l e. t.nt o iSAn od . R e port o f ~ul Tra i n .. yl,"unl 1'luk cL."1 wlll he g O' I,1 I'c\.ll rn l n g withi n LO AN S NEUOT f A'1'I'; O. N O'I'AR Y PO BLI. UII VOS Dnyt o un t:l :00 p Ill . ooofirm eu nnd d eed o rd er ed gh'c" r. N . BlIroh ,con t rn ot No. ull, Au ~ u . t. tw elve days. p c rm ltl 'l nJ,: m or e thno a w eel t ·" (' njoy u b lc s tar a t the Ift·u .. "h 0 rt.'. elc . .. .. ..... ........ . ...... .. .... 90 2~ i, COllllPct ill g w ith D. L & C. trulD Es tate of Ru e h f' 1 A . 'l'hrod, W c hll \"13 buy e rs fot' go orl fUrlU!I and t owu propert y nt a ll timBS. r'~ x c ur8 ion l kL;:l' t " In c lude tl t vp on r a t Li ~ t with u s, we can hol p yo u. III t h e followi n g sch pd ule . Phlla(]cll>hl a. un ,'r ll11r n t rip Ir d f.' lJo!o itcd m orl oll, d eceased . J uhn 'I'hroe' H F . W. Ehthow ll Y. co n trtlct w l Lb t l ck(,L a l:w nt :'I t Broad S t r(l t' 1 H1tH.tlll. m o rton np poinl,ed udmini s tr.jlo ! N u . G9 .. ... . .. .... .. ...... .. .... 12 0·: (.v. ·Le ·ba n on Oil:loe Roo lU ~ over P 08t Office ill S toO \l~' Bnil,lin g. For fu ll l'nr·tlc ulanli ah ou L tbe l.'xcur!ilotl . 1 :ao p .' III 8 111'('1:. 1 t h r o u gh t r ai n Rfof with lu md of t.L0,0. 0. t: nnll OJ"Uol ll'C Philil li'. W . B"thaw IIY. contrac t D I)(ldS 1 ;·1fl p . n 1 rC5C't\'a liu n o t :i lt' cp l llA; c :i.Vlr cI,)l!r th ~ Dlll 'l y \ u N,~ . 68 .... .. . ..... .. .. ...... ... . ~pl.'n c . Victor ' Var ley lind Dmn ll. KHehn e,' 1 :47 p . ·m 11 1':: IlUot h. 'l't e kt' t A~t.: ut . l ' t' nm'y l v J. ll b ., nt''' , Wal'Hl·s ,·,lle , Ohill. E. D. P.n rn ett., eOlJtrll c l, N o. Gnttcry , upprllis e rs. Lytl e - - - - 1 ::;0 p . IJ) Li _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ :1:1. ...... .. ..... .. .. ...... ... .... . E~tate of MarRaI 'd CnrAY Ill, n I \)urill g th e WII I'III summ ('1' lIIollths it is II Ot n e()o~sary Mll ll or 2 :O t p . III ' Ch cn p Summe r Trips t o Vuriou s thnt the minors . Mnry E . ('lIrey oppolnt ee I:lnrlllll Whiltl C1r!', co ntract w om e n of th o housoh old sl! ouhl ~ p () l111 m unb t ime nbo ut " Ce n ter vi lle 'J :07 p. 11'1 Poi nts viII. P ennsy the h ot cook lvania Lin es. TO . :Hl . guurdia ........ .. .. n .. .......... with bond . of ' 1.000. 114 fiO Arrh"es nt Dayton ,... . a :00 p . m Ex,"u l'slon ,I rkc ," will b_ . ohl I'la Pen, 51' 1 ~tovo, becuuse uno Cll n )'Us. h ore ~o I1I rlll Y IlIin g!\ t.hll.t go t o make g uod !:Inrlun 'Yh it./I\!TOI lumber .. . 511 '1(1 Ticko ts ~oo(l 12 ,Iu),s. E~ lllt e of ,J ose p'l n. CItA}lmlln llI ou ls fl lId whi ch r equi r n no COllHi n g . Sleepin g cnr "ani' l.ln". a, r" llows d t!con~od. First IInu filllll UCCOtlDl' RnrlnD Whitac! '!', brld llo r u· t:Io'l9 '1'0 P o r t l :1 nd , O r c , .r,IIIC 1 t ,) d o u ~ r I ;) th ' rate fr ont Dnylo n, per ,.uort I) or"' h ll\,o fro~h fr ll il ~ Itllll W·KOt.III.Jc ~ , ('u nneel goods. d ri ed " ... r.. 111 1"1 11,," 1\'(', a. ," "unt 1""l'wl" alld Glu n:, "nl II pull's 8 11l e m t o\\ n s hip .. .. fo r set tltlllie n t til,·Il . beef, o 0(1 Childre n o,er (j alid nnu er l ~ nl at nposl ,lon II Illreo vIIl'ie t y of utl(C fl II l1el Crnl'k l! r~. j.' llioH, pickles. ch e('so, e t c . Eslate of Thollln ~ 'fuitp, d eceits u IV. 'l' Wilson , Inmber .... ~ . .. . :lR 00 '1't) R om o dly . Jndl:l n n . ,I h l y 11:1 t(J A Ilp'U ~ l 10. In,·lu." ·c. aceo"IIt 1.1~,,<1 Pal'k ASSClU Co nl fl i 1\ u!Ill t I' ) ' o llr g,JOl],e . IV. T . Wilson , brid ge r epnir 3 1 Sf! fours of Il!;:l', h alf flll'(·. Invent.o ry lind IIpprnis em ent fil ed . lll), l<or t.i okat s , horths' Ilud other iu " 0 P o rt\;!IIlI . Ore gon , Au wus t II ";" ~ n 10 ' 11 " Estnte of Ma ry EIiMbe UI 1:111 II i 'l)regon in Bridt.:o Co ., 1st es· 1;t · W , l .. 1;, ,10 ' 17 :!\1 ";Ju au() :11 . fi l.'C oUll t('u Ji THE CORN ER GI~OCEI~Y, fOflllll t ion .ca ll o n q l' address timut e VUIl , dece asod. IIdwnlh lel e r Fir~t Alid \' t!%! l l on ct " ' h 1l(J\1 a I l\ ss ••l'\ :1 t ion o f I.t ' tl \.' ., finn) c·arrJl..'ro.: : a l .. u f ll r "':Ollcutcll ll t cd l)nh' r or bridge .. ....... ... ........... .... 1000 00 W . E Me o ll!". lu!ooun t for se ttl om e nt fileel. 1-1 0 0 U no G, P . A .' D . L . & Est"t e of Corn B . Hill'jler , uecl'lI!! v lillt tlt"n tou , sewer lIud 1 fI lH' II '·cr. cu l ora ut). /\ ug\ild I J I,ll I :" In c1 u:--I YtL nCc oulit N..t tt cln ;,i Pr:.d e r nnl On.l l'r u t LebAn Oll , O. ed . Orde r iss ue.1 t o SI!II ~e VI' D . , Il butm e nt s .......... ..... .. .. 222 84 Jc.:agh: .... tlll ltreS of cOlllmo n 8tock of Il l' J. C. Clonv er, co ntra ct No. n. G . EI1W"'1l0~ . T o Su n Frnn (" I ~ t' ('I. , ·ultro ru l u, . Au gmlt 1'; t o 0;-0 .. .. ... ...... .. . .... .. .... .. .... , I!! 00 ~ • . l u C lu ~ I\· t' . Ut'COu lll Jll l crn n Lln nu l ~'orl \' Proot.or and Gnmblo COll1pll ny . P. T. 1\1. C. H . ,Ill, D . C II ' Linn . Sl'h" I(, Lh', h I ti lt' . 11 fI !'I t lU ll j 'hu rc h In 1'0 wiil I~lIbolh, Bro\\'n, d tcp.lI s F. D . Millor, br'i dgo r e p'lirs CiuoiDl lllti , O. '1'0 1ll'11 \'t: r . t 'OlnTlH! ' ) , :\ uKu .. 1 :!fI te, S l' p 1.>' m · Fruukll n to w nship .... .. .. ·18 90 1.\(' r :;1: I nl'l Il,..1 \'(' . liI'C t.I IIU :\ :1l 1 ~JlI :tI t-:IH' cd Te8tilll ouy of ,Ino. F. Oad",nl l. n fIIlJ 1Ilt-'nt t..; . A. H. ndor. a wit,noBs to will , tllk e n an d E. D. BUl'llelt., bridge rep,urs A Home of Your '1'0 H k lwl u l ltl \' :t Own. !-=.1l 11t (" l lI h l'l'l1 . l lllli :. n (: Wllyne tow uship .......... . CIIuse co ntinu ed . 1 1th . n ("c ol1111 .\ lIl tlI:il .'I' ·l·tlll/.: 1'·"1·1114' 1' ... · .!\' a · 8 ~o t lo nal CU ll ur ,,'ss, \Vh S n ot Rt.oV Mal'Y \Jll Koebe yi ng r e l, nt dnllln nnd gl's OW\! r oud 'fhe Trus t. of tho Reform ed To Jl htlatb·lllh !u . ) ' IL • S '·p l l' lJl h.-r 1 ', 111 III Ilroond bridge ... ...... .... .. li 00 d h ome of your o wn in Soulh Dnlto t, nd)'; Churoh of Springb oro, Obio, bene ll· . :It: c,lu nl n il" FI ' 11 11w~ 1:1·.II1. I I.uilJl'· Sal('~. P . P . MIIXWt1 l1, ccm ont.. .... .. I GO 00 t.1I ? The r e YOIl can seoure It goorl T o ('tl,l l l , nnu.: n, '1' !.' II I'I. . ~t · l . t . · r lll lcr I ', t v ciury . ,I . R . Sdgfri eLi appoint ed I i . IlIdu ~ I'· t'. ~l l'':O U II\' Hf 1r(: lI ll' .U HI Ht' On lll n Ohio Cor rr.gntE'd Culv c rt ll nu trlls tee with bo nd of '2, 000. ~ tllrt on th e bigh w£l:V t.o ind epenel . \ lIn l \·(· r ~ 'L r )' o f lh.· 1I ,lll h ' \O r c·t1 1L1t, IIIl 'I UI:; UH Bridge Co , sewer pip~ ... Iu re will Isabe lla Brown, deoellA F t1 r IH, rtl c ulnl's ,nU"lu1t 'l' kkt! t Agent ... I}f 24 00 e ooo. In J 1103. South DpkotA. for t h r Pen n ,.y lrulila r:lIi(' ,:-I . ed . T eHtiUlo ny of W . H . Allen .r. 13 Wilso n,repn ir lit Or · "ix t.h con sec utive t.imo led ull otu or phan!!' HOUl~mld-jlli1.. .. . . ttlk e n and c'lIlse oontinu ed. -8t atr e in th e produ c ti on of pe r c£ll'· .\ VM' A'rIO:> 'I'HIP TO NIAfIA Ii A FAl.l.!! E state of Ann Dempse y, ilocense d .lob080U snd Wllt!lOn , s u;,. til '\1' l.OW n,\'o:s. itll wealth. 111 o lh er WO l'(I ~, Son t lo plies fo r sul·vey or .... .. ... Minors require d to give boud to ud · 'J'h:j(e t A~ t;n l H . 10'. Cm, t h will 3ns\\'(" r In · , 90 Dakola is lon g on wealtll but t; h ol' <:ieo. W . K enrlull , tn:l: inqlli's, ~Ju l rlc !'\ About th l! 1I 111H1ll 1 e curs ion tu ministr ntor, th oy havin g N l.l S ia bee n o n I,coplo. If you nre ested ra Falls 0 " (' 1" t h e P (,Il U'1! 'j x\'(1111:1 Un e .. , w h i ch itortj f ees .. .. .. ... ... ... .. . 369 60 given their distribu tivo sbares of of{t'r-l eJ( c ('ll r nt oppo nunlue'; ro r a df'l h!ht ful why n ot write toduy fo r IL n c w booH \· .. ,:atlon t r ill il t ~ 1U :lt l l · lo.:ll('n ~ c .Jal11 e8 . ~'o llen, salary a s jAn . t hIl estate. Sunlluf.:~[, I 'Ibont the s tAt.o atlU its opportunitip ~ itor ........... .... ... .. . .. ... ... . GO 0 Estate o f Jerry Cono ver lind Son, Dlrcct ~(!rvic e t<> South Dak o ta. b~' SI A(HRA FA I.l.S $'1 00 R OU ND TlIlI' Ildel·w Cfl.I', n.s signor . Invento ry /md Apprtli, e R . Hnfshb arger, ~n lary li B the Chicnso , MillnLU kee &. S I,. Pau l F ROM WA Y:> li:SV II.I. 1C. I) . , VIA PENN · IIRs is tn.ot jlLDitor ........... .. 3" 00 ment fil ed Rnilwn y. ~ YI.\' ,\ NIA I.I:-n:~ . ']'UI'1 l0H\\' S , . E ~ tnte of Mllry E. r,Ulllllr. d eceos W . H. StLlDnge and Co, rec· c . c. MnrUt'l\lI{h . 'I' w\'t'linlt PI1 ~1'0 A gt. A u~u,.[, ~ .. . I!'! t ilt' d.l t l· I t! t he J Illlllal t~X orLl and b l<lDk s for eu. Al'plic nl,if. llR t·o rel onse hoods ,' urlu n t o !'l11 ~ ar u F ll l l -: . HUUl1fl tr i p f an: \\ III 12 Carew unUlltng" d nd nnnt1. + .~ Clark ... ........... .. ...... .. .. . 38 70 De $ 7. 00 I rlilll Wa rnf .. \' tllt.~ . 0 11 10 . )o' Ot P ill" " 111 meu of ndmini strator set for hour. t! culrtr ... :I. )' l l1l· t o II .J-: Hnoth , 1'k kp t A ~ r.·n1. ,I. S . Mo rris, s upplies ' fol' 'ug July 31, 1905 at 10 o·clook . Glll rk ...... ... ... .... .. .... .. .. . Estllte of Alioe L . Comst ock, da !l 4Ci :1,11£1 Clcn L' rnl Charlos L e wis, cou tru ct Nil . cells.:d, Admilli$11'1Itor authori zed 70 .... ........ .. ... ........... ..... l no 00 1\(1<'1'W(,:11· ~ llllllll e l' to lI !;sigu two V nit o,l SIll t.os r el! i~ Conlrn ct WlI S Ict to tbe O r ego niu t ored .J pCI' ce nt h Qnll ~ to himself 1I ~ Old Lin o Relinh) o Com p '\IIi es Ll~wn l'a.pp<'}"s Briuge Co. f ur al'ch rllil on Ore'g onin nll in,lh·id nnl . r e pre , ~ nt o d . }~' 1 Estate uf Rach e l 8 . K.·lIs, docens piko lit 0 t itUl1te o f $ I 9 20 ; ' OD Ibe F.\·cr y policy has n g uarnn ed . tlcoon el ond flnAI ac co un t fol' L-}ree n Tree r oad fit estilllut e of tl 6 80; tnk iug d ow n two ~ pa u s rf and t eed financin l hflckin~ . EP I tle m ent Ol e,l. Southern By. 10 tbe .Dlll tter of th e e~ llIt e of T .v in Croe k bridge n t estimat e Prompt. attcntlO n gi\'l' n t.n j From Cinc inna ti 1\ 11 h u ~ in ess. Murio O . Wilds. decease d. Exocu $140.,, 0. I Cont,me t W/I S lot t o (;)regon ia t.or cbnr~ed wi! h 8ul o of tim bor to all Impo rtant Cities fr om Frankli n to wnship fnrm, Brid ge Co (01' HtE\oi heam bl' id ~o South, Southwest fBI. 74. Excepti on t o the cr edl t " f with c un r Nte fl uor n ellr r esiden ce \·u Il ey 'Phono :7. Wllyuo s"ill c, O . and Southeast. P . W.rcll ff in Dee rfl elel t ow nship 01. 'RIIOO ~ustnin e d f or the r ell80 n there Reduced on the; first and third ll eVCI' WUS £lily v'llid Sid o mllue. i2;; .00 N o thtng on the Marke t Equal to Tutsdays of each month. A T oue h 1I1 !,( St· O\'V . The Pione er L ·lin I'1 eu'~ COlltra ot. \VIIR le t, to W. ::!. Grnboll l , Ex.!unto r i~ llhurged with r e o "' il}f,~ F or information Qddrc ss . Cl1amb l' ·s COliC, . Choler o i~tho Rll villg f'·,)llllhJ1l llt . uf tI" , h .• l·\·1 cau. W.IF.LL, D.r.I .. lthillMo! t •.• tlaciaDiU. of 8uid ~u rill fl'oUl M.Hcl! 1899 to for n o w IIbutme nt au Lytll} and Five If! th e t.m in of trai n s be tween Chi. girl of (1eo W. I UUR~1T.~. I .., . A . E~.l I CIIlIdDnlti pr . ('11111"1' 1'1:111 01 . a. nd Dltl.rrh oea Rflmed y '1\'. C. BlIIUISOJ, U. r. I ., \ • Ma y 11100, und hi nllowed for tAxe~, Point", r Olld at '·ZOB . 40. mgo, Milwun k ee. Sf. Palll nnd Min . \ Mll . H e "'rit~s: "Ar th o ug". " I' II T h i ~ t~cl i; well kno l\on to dru g . " ellpoli~. It. rllns eluily ,·i ll th o Clii . l11 ontlt p, onr hlt·h~ ga l'CI'II.irs lIud impl'o ve/ue nts on Slime . For u UOllli11111 BUUl I will lenso io l . W'IR .'.11 tI" ~ \s t ~ e \' or:Vlvh el'l', and nin o o nt of . ' . , Ic lillin g h £'nllh . With Exce ptlol1s s ns talned for $14 85 f0 r uny r e;;ponsi ble purty, ,~ nKO , MllwllU keo & ,8 1. 1 IInl Rail· l'l'rol1bl a nn el t. \\'o ~ M1(> l1 " I h l' ou t t on \\,111 ~ I\'(I tll llir c n~t,om ers thi!! desirin g to physic\n n !1 gal' !> prop'lrl ltion wb oll th e 'h~st is a sked Peculi ar Di88 app e l an c e. persauD I oxpon 80~, f 85 1 internl<1 ongA~e in generlll I' UY and is withou t flll q UAI in fl.· Ih ol' IIP ' W I} \\' ('1'11 ulm morcha ndise, oflt in dospRlr , 101' . Mr . Obs Whitm e r, II. promi · J. D. Runyan , of Butlerv ill" , 0 r~v onno s lump lind t1 05 oomPIlUSII' j roal And ltlmher , tl;e lo t bel onging tbe pcculta r Jellc llce of equipm en t . lf y ou con. /when WI) 1'()~I \v eLl t o tr~ Dr. J( i n~ ' " IWll t dru gg iRt of J opliu, Mo, in a diss npdAlll'Al1Ce 01 rClllp\lIl e a trip to IhA Nm·thw l1s1 It, il Nl'w f)1~('II\' ()k'Y fo r' Co n!Hl n,pli nn h on 81 Ilx ee uto r. As to HIlUlII to th e payton , Leba non & Ci ncln . bis painful ~YIUptOD "il'''l1ll1l' t o his 'us tomerH, 8ays ' l~t o f Indicc~ . • . , ' Coug hs ulllll ·olels . T he tir!l t botr ltl "1'h')I'!' Iii noth loOn townsh ip form, execnto r is noti railroad . situate ill g on the mark et in at, Ve noble tion and blli o u'l n es~, to Dr. "lng', IS wor t h your while t.o Inquire for ga \' e rpl! e f ; After tat ing f ou r b ot t Il'S tb Cl WilY c f p nt e ut. llledioin A which charged $ :> 40R 47 Belling price (.f j Statioll . one mile ellst o.C Ridgev ille . New Life Pills . 1:1e says : "The~ rates ond descrip ti'le booklet s via she 'w as cured, nnel is no~' in . ' p et <,quaI s Chamb erlain 'S Coli!', Choler/ \ 1;'01' partiou lars 00.11 on or nddross , arB a perfect r e m edy, fo r dizzi neij~. thl~ ronte, ." BUld fnrul nnd nlloweLl-creelit wltjl W feot hl'lIlf,)\ ." N e \'er fllihl to rp·.· nnel Diarrho Bil Remed . E . Moore, G en . Supt ., The Day. ~uur stomaob , h f'nd14cbe, cOllstip y:for bowel n. ' . .. $~18 . 47 paid . to , RoW. Smurt, iu· ·t,oo, Lebano n & li~ve nnd ollre 1\ cou g h o r 001-1 . complil iots. Cloclnn ati R. !l., tioo, etc. " Guaran teed at MIlY's C . C~MO R1)OV(l U . 'tr~veling .A~"'u ~ A ~VO sa\l ' l1ul1 r ecom · t M6v' 8 drll~s t ore ; fiUc and $l.L·U ·m e ndelb is prepara Itfllld of ' cha rlllnR hlUl,self wltl( ~baDoD, Ohio. . .. arew DulldtQ., .tion Cllbclt oaU, ObIQ. ," For sale . . . drul .tore, price 2tio. . L· ... goaran teed . ' r Ia 1 b ott 1e f ~ee . by, au I8 .... a.y . . '

.: :)ci'




D. L.'

& C. and C. n, .& D. ,'3 \.rr URD A Y Aug, [) 00 For the Round Trip, From all Points on 0, l. and C.








C. M. BRO WN , Pro prie tor.

(' U 1{'lIA IN STRE'rCLrERS $ L50 t.o $ 2.00 .


Til e \' cry Bpst.




La\vr.s, wond erful sales

J ul) , 8 1-:.1 , 12 1-2 and 15c. Ladies ' U llClcrweal' for 25e Men 's t;umnH'1' U for 25c Colla rs, IO c. 1 Ro l,l sho1't time Fa.n s, 5c up. {)Oc \Iu slin U COl'sets, 50c Ca.lieo \V rapp ers .mono .;; .



Hu t\!b iso n .~ Gib ney , Xe nia Oh io.












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W lJll IJ.

So Much Fear o f

y ..!low Fever as of

M alaria - W a r on Baneful Mooq uilo- Pr ogr e~ o f Need~d Improvements.

Do wn t hpr e on thnt n arrow ar ch o f la lld th a i k ~· e l ls aparl t h p W:l t(' r ~(l l lh f'


I Co lon nnrt

Pauuma dltC'lu'i d ftucl «1rntn ed al l low g r o und ill th ~ · n f'i g hl)l)rh uOt1 ot two g r .-at () C'PR II H. th ;' ctu('f u r '!5 ~ l 'l Q lJt'4 ' I ~ I theae \" ~ I IH;:'f~ ii, (' l it a W Il Y nil mill er . (0 ro lln l f'tilial whh t ht4 e (l g l l H't' r: ~ 'kil l. g ro w l h I tl a ud abulit Ihe \' tl lngt's Hu d In In tr uth . Ih e r(la~on we e ut l ' rt' d wl l h tlHl 1JI ' l g h lJul'hoo(1 u f HII <1\\,t'lI ln~ s l\lHl Rll ch hi g l l Iwar t ed ll e ~ s IIV(IO (h IIndfl f' uu l lt l l l l gs , t'/ (!un pu II lJ I Il l' \' llIngm3 an I! kJ ( 1'1 b ( j I t.J (1 dl ht n f; 0 l lKH UK 1 e ui ll r u l -c·t l: ( l i r Hl II ~ lI rU( ~ "' rs t4!lJl~ 0 gU l' m~ e i('auul, \\8 8 h ef'uus e ut 0 11 1' p r~ ~f ~ lI t 1111 ' 11(I:-: u1 " L ( ' ( II ~ ~ Iall(' p' at I h e'p h ,\.~ I ('Jl I ('o n dl lJTO\·Ct.I k n u w Ip (I gt· u f ~an II a t lu n , 0 \II'


pu sse ",,,,t., n to d ll Y o f n 11 I u l'I' (tfp.('u 1al lJ\lJI 'e u f ' lrt.· V(· III I OIl . 111 th 2 -4y e ftl ~ Hll1 (,(~ hapl f1l'l~ D e I. , : ~(· ps JJIH (I~ hi s HI · t empt at the i ti t h mll ~ , ": fI 'a l dl~l'O\'p ril' !O h UH ! IIE' en maLI t ~fHli ll g 10 I h ~ p i't \,.·I1 tltw uf di st;\n ~ ~ . nnu . a ~ PI" ~ 1 " t' 1I1 Hl'O~ I ' \I t' l t r el 'e-nl l)' ~a 'd in 0.0 ad J f('~ ~ 1)f ' f' H', I h e A Slw dftl t:! d Ph ya; idau g n f 1.1 111 :-: 1!'4.lan d , th e t onJ l t ill ll p n:.(,,.t1 ,·JtI lIJl(, ' Il S II ('(' fUUJ in worl, () n t 1l (' l'1\1wl b I H1\, 1 T1 ~ tH" pro p (4r t YPt! or uJC'd i l"al \\'v r l( us lJl t' II I lU uary.

! tl ull s or t h e ('o u IH r y . I'f'g lull lid a IJig Ipu \('1.1

11II an


Th e wh u lt' Is t hjung l ... u rI g ra SB f'~ .

!o- . '(b~l·~,

JJlnl1t ~ Ulld t n' H !. T h e' 11I\' an aH ll ll n l tt'II1 I WI'U l lIf{' Is 18 t)

S ec i s n a tll r e ' s f ood.

An E tr t:-·O-Sce break f u t mak es YOll r u.illu~r and s lippe r t;ls t c be tt t.'r.

Back to Nature- S il t Egg ·O-

t he K~ a ,

\\' n rIl H' r

" :tli'r s

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Yea r 's IIl g h l I n llll t' h UI1I" f, u m u "urt ) all" ~' (1 ntl , a \\ 1I ule r hnpl t.'l u t ' TilUli, A~ . ,I 1'1 II Ill' II 1-;,


t~ lI ~agt-ti.

" T hl" '~ wu s lha l "lI se v i U,.IIII

llf' lI I

\\ U S

:-:0 fi: let'JJY J ~Iltlll


" /l,' lIu liked blm a\l'fl1l1y not C}lIi t ~ we U enu u g h lO

t lt u

I. lluw a wunl I n 'lH I. Ullt I th lnl< It I" "'" ,n"n n ,, !Ju lli HOHu lln ,l, fo r . b ,,,,, " '1 t il e Id nd of gi rl 10 s a y IhaL al a l l." " ~ o . of r o u r se no t." snil l Phyll is , sY lIljlalh" tlt' nlly. " You me a n ab u u I Ill'a r l' i a ge ?" " Y l' ~ , " said Bt:l ll1d a . " It's ou e o f t husf::1 f alllo ll t!: I lar lli 1)( ·A ~ '\' U\I 1..lh.e It ,'

:- h~

11 1'0 11 -

Egg" - O "' ~l.'e- f o r

lIut hinf; c h.e l.J)' all.\' th e samt.· o r n earl.\' noS g OOd - 41 Uf1 try it no'W - f or yo ur g r ocer sells Egg - O-~ee.

Su " h ~ n b

~t'H I'


II '! "

SIGNS OF MORAL INSANITY Abnormal , Mentnl Tendencies N oted by P rominent Engli s h l'bysl cla n ,

be,'all se be dldn 't kiss bel' IlH be us ed IJ ~ fo r " s b~ WWi JlJar,'led. 1'<1 just III, e 10 calc b Tow Del 1 1I~ lik e lbal. " " ' e ll , s he was WI s ad us sad could be, bllt b ~ r hus b.. nd salu It was a ll ri g ht, .. ud he diu lu'·e her jusl Wi Ulu<b, on ly Ir e s alLl , y ou see, IL ill Jus t like " at"blog lI, e car. " "U h~ " ;;aId Ph y llia. " Thal "'as tUWlj', w.asn·t il? 'YOII &ee: said Ihls mall, ' whe n I am t rying 10 t aLeb Ihe ca.r 1 rUII fur It and make .. (l,real hullabaloo and waYe m y sti ck at the motorman. Bul wh e n I gel In I sll ,Io";' n QuJeUy and read m y 1'8per. Tbatlll.(be way it is about matri · mon)' . I 8.m JWlt as milch Illt~r",l'@rl 'II Ib e car Ibougb I dun 'l g O wavillg m y s lic k an e r I b&ve caught it. It Ie fUMI the sam .. with my wlte, Ihongh I li:ll nk Just as much uf !ler as I dId ue CO,re I Willi (oarrled, '

Culm \Vn s tile work o f h y 'i l' ne , Ih e wo rl<

w e n ! a IJrlval ro r\lu ru t lo l1l1l1 d olll.I" ~t

~ r c le3 111n b and dl slnfe(·ti ng t h e ril if;ts 10 a!:l Iu l ulu lm ize t h e cha n e f o r y ell o w

l 'o nt r o l t ite!'lRlllt n r y ill'1' H ll be IlH~ llf su l u ng th~ i r 1'1I 11t~ - n Ulaltel' w h lc b wus ent i re . .

Egg-O-See has never been changed

T es litylng bt'for e Ihe roy al com mItt> s loll on the c~II' e lind e'm I rol at t ht feeb le·mlnued, Dr. C. A, i\l e r c l~r, rpl>' rese ntin g the Floyal Co \ l~ge of PhYH I, c lane, r e port s the Wo.~ hlll gto n Slar, said : "I certainly think th ere Ie s uch • thing as moral In sunlly ," Some r e ma r~l abl c cases w e re mell. tioned by I)r. Mer.Jler. An Intellige nt ehll d of se \' e n hal! learn ed abollt th e pawnurold n g hll Sl, oe.s by reading l,n arl lcl e In a maga, zine. Havin g l" Arn e d while al dinner wbere some rin gs were ke pt he look a o ulJrrorlllnily of ~"Ipp l n g Into the rooms, toolt tbe rin gs anti w pnt Oll t and pH\\'n pd IIle m.· It wa s tI dpe ply laid pial. Dr . M e r ei~ r llid nOI s a)' that the c hllu was r espo n s lhl e al that al'e , but certnln ly II ""30 1I0t the co nduc t of a no r mal c hild \\'ho had tbat " ery tlay been sou ndly lhras he d for . i('all n g . A normal ~h ild <ould be made t o aVjJredal e and r p cngl1l1. e what he ha d doue, bUI Ihi. (' h ild c ould lIot be made to app recla le It. Th e re \\,Ii' a nothe r case of a ) ' onn~ man who, while .. lt~nding o n. o f I ha mllJl ary , · oll~ g e s. as a s tlld . "" " ' oi s ' om" doth.,~ nn ll wore IhpII' In the pre:ie o r e of tl wi r rl g hlflll owner •. Ha wa~ amp ly "1I Ilpl ;,'" "'Ith clot hes :lDd m oney by hl < pore n .. . iJ lI I he lI l,e d th."e clot h ~ " b,' lI e r than his own, und took tb e m. li e I'ould not ~ per,; llad ed

tr Y \1 (" An ti n ct a rroctr wh o d~" n ot !W' ~ I · l~c.;r. · u-~ EH . ... " nd U~ h i" fl u m e-R nd tC' 1I Cf' 1I \ ·I. II ll!"nl i(llllll t: ,h "o l't"II P,hull ... lid we w ,1 1 sC' Il . 1 >,' ,UI n f HII to''''\! l ,rtd .. :1~ ~ In (' lihi,1. I\ d Jrcsl I' ll)': HI : G-O· S l!l ': tu , •..' Ul lI 4."\' . III . I II \ ' nd lk l ', la ,. t ~l lId 1< ,,4.' ''), M ouutn i l ' I f' rr ;Ill I' Y, llt t' p r l(' t! hi l S('f' ut ~ ; twu packag el t u r ~ ("f'U l" ,


lIL e Rn S

o ( Ihf'\ l €' pl'uli u

Htl'I' II 111 .


t' n'er t(' d III a. llllfllh(' r uf ('a !o\e ~ un t! \' I' th.' l 'ure uf 110\" lJI !~ R itJl1 u r I t- (Jt'' r s III IIJd ln , a nd lla a

t ('IIII 14 \ I' I1 I' Y

I ' \l r e

l ' IHi (" Ol S Ul't' l ill ll

ti ll!"

I,(' PI

Ut4(\ 11

i n !-l l lt:'l'in l u lJsf l ' ~ a -

wn I'li s.

IIIU :-I lll l h h n s t\ sul di'r wUlIIHl eu I n l l:t l llt' S( I II It ' l i l1l (l~ Ju(')t t:. tlte stl't.'u J! t h H, I'all o ut ror hd ,). Dr . M a t ir n Oll l a

Ff' ~ 1l 1 1l

(10 (' 10 1'

I n th e

J lllJH UeSe

C rU t;~ ti(' n ' h 'l' , ha ~ 111\' .· I11 t l <.l a

wh il'1l , w ltll ~ i \' e~


\'('1' .\'

. IIGllt

H ~.' l l

\\'l.J 1~ t 10

e xen lv u,

a luull HOllW I.

Tl, e pur ifi cation of th e wate r S" I'Illy ..r f: h kllgu and th e Iml,r ove m ent uf l he dl'lIll1n ~ e " )'S I(, 1lI ot thaI clly h n ' .. ,'m Ih., mu,·t.1I1y fr o ln 1)'pbOld (e,' ,' r IIU;\, II 10 abOllt o ne-t hlnl o f tb e den , lI 1I ~ 1 fro m l ha t lIl sca,c wh e ll t h e P.II" ' IUllu lI wa ~ li l t Ie morh Ihan half as Cl ea l as I ~ Is now . A ~ wI' lli u g to Ur. T. L. Mncd ona l,!,

a nti Jl JU1T!t' d t hut nt: \\' gi rl Whtl (:nm6 l u 1'1\\'0 . and I m us l s uy t ht:!y l'I fl f::1 ffi

her h11 " I",nll o t,l l1 ' l l o \'~ he r an ,. mo r e ('ook ~ n tl I jllst wanl 10 Sltl)\\' h l lll ,hu t It's a~ eas y as 9>y nn t,e , anl1 t hnt yu" <!'In't hav e to stud y It as ),011 do 10 be ." ,lottot' o r n la w)·. r." "Oh . yes . tlta t 's qui Ie d iffere nt," s al " Bell ndll..- N. Y _ Tim es.


r~I' I' IH'h :

' no ,' hUI s he \\'0111(1 I'ke to be guo ,l fr le lld s lind all thnt , n nd s he hor od i t wOl1ld n il be JU St I\ S It \l' as uerll rc , unly nir e r, 1" :t'uU S th ,' )' \l'vll id uUl b un lle l·slu lI ,1. !.lilt wh a t tl i<l t h" 'fl UU tlo? " \J,. hy. 1J \\' Il t ri g ht u lT i n u h urt

(h e n 'To m ~ay s I do n't l, now h ow 10

it jlls l 11Ilvlies tha I all 1;11'1. are a n,, iVll S t o get ma r r\,'u , an cl you k ll o w tltat

Y (" lH~,

t.'11i;Ui;f.:Id JJf u p osed ~ h t! )omi tl

A!OI su !-tud h ... t.· li ll ~ t' s h e said Ail e kn e w

n Ul/lil

! "'J l 1 i n ~ H TII) g a li op in g- uJH I- untl, we ll

iS Il ' 1 tflltl , I s


The Price or Quality of.

e l : r ihlJp s n

!Ju t

" N- nu ." r~Jlll e d P il yllis. " Tlt ut ,·"t. ·hlll /-:· , hp,(·ar s t ur~' Is \'e t' y t rtl ~. · ' " l' lI ll'ltlll g· th p- \\ ha , . Be lln tl a "" ns l' ctl ' P h )'II I ~. ('o nfu, I"1. " ' \· lty , that "atdl ing -Ihe-('ar , lo r,' . It Is ' 0 111 III Jus t I he horr id \\'ay 1\ mati wou ld l e i I II. bu t It L as tr llP as atl yI 1,1 II!,;. " \\·h y . I here WA S n pOOr WO ll lun who

li l1UW,

t im e n'mLJ li ug null


w~ lI ,

ve ry h a l l l l ), . o l1ly i t wus tllO tiau h e eO ll ldn ' l ha ve I ltl tH l t.'u nt e n ted to LJ J us t a guoll fl'le l1,l wllh De lla. fo r , be Is' o llu tH 'Il ni r~ ~ t g il'! I I, nu \l' or. It Is \, pry ha r ,' til tllld I'Sland w e n," and Belh ,da s ig hed . " U '1l I th ou~ bt yOU \I' re \' e l'\' :ln~ 10 11.'; to go to 110 U S~ k eel"III g in y~l1r 11 111" Il a l, B(: lltlLlu ," s nltl I'hyllis. " 'Vh y , tha t '~ (Iuit e 'liff I'ptll ." >a ld B(: II " IIo, with dl!,lIlt y. " W e ha ve ,he Ha t nil ru rni s h eu, H'1I1 i t i ~ ; \I('h a tl enr, " U,"t1'lIg little "Ial'p II \1'111 \10 j M I. lik e a dull' 8 h o use . all li I al\\'ays d id I" Ve to Illay In I}, doll 's h u" s",. An,l


cuo k ~--o r

o th e r n a m e

Th (, tt' lI l j1 l ·r at nn· " ",ri CI:) 11'0 01 t;:-; 10 , ; )l JO in a .0 111: will find llt a ' a T1 u. (~ l U he I )f\ i'p I ~' mo rt' Ih u n :m lIe:;1' ,'.':0:. F r Uin I k t·t' 1I1uer t u A pr il t h e I I II I I IUr I IJl'lI Ht I n .ul p W. Il( H l OW. t ie "" Bt

IJ(I~ I'('{-' ~ :

Don' t \Vurr'y a uo ut Jllca ls , t hei r c uo ki ll g - l':nl

Sel'. tl ll: ir

~ I ' ci p~ n.~~. U lrillp h ighf' 1' un t he A tI l allil c ' ·WU-H . ti l', ill g: tu Ill e In n llellf'e o r


~h ('


t ·o [}~cioug...

\\t! t ' liH ulthi~ (·.arl' I t1 1 sw f · l'<:,gu ·

L l!

' l ill h ' IJ,

. Jt l ~"l

lLWl1Y l'ul' age U c l l nda li a t! g ! \'l' n 1l f' T' . :-:0 11 J' i~ ll t ill lI lIr U\\, lI !-'N. LJ "lIa b-. ::iU " Z\u , UHf t! d. it WilS n t ,t, " ~ a l t.l lJ ~ - p re lly! A ll tl IJ lt Ii J f-' III\ l l l ti wa:; jllli t !t nd a . " It w a M i{ osal1 nd , ulld u f (' U I\ I' ~e L d l:' atl i n tur t' wi l h l a' r~ ) Bl ils t ~ ny I j1l 51 dOl ~ 0 11 SJ lttl{t '!) I l1' lU' l ', alld t il(- Ue ll a W R~ \'(1r' S 1II f " : (u III m . ,sht.l \\' f-n t "IHO i s t u u ;-; Wt' Cl f ur u nyt h ill ~ , nll ll I ! a llll u)oI l t!\. t' I' ,\ \ \ h t' r ~ \\' Itll IJi ll1, B rt (t w o r u II'v ll ":" ', ~o LV ~~ (\ a 11 11'111 111 Ill)' II f,' !t t s J1vII·l' rx. 1111 .1 I'~ad Il le uou l," he wl t lll" " ".ll ui l1g ) ""1 Cl Iil1 e ul' 1\1'0 f" u l1J bro ll!; h t Iv h<r. allu 8h l' \\' 0 8 j ll ~ t hnl' I lI l' ·;\It' l'd. au t of \ ' till ie,l,' UI' a w eeny I n g a lu n ' )y t l IlH'. alit) It m i g'ln h a ve IUl u( ' J u l! Il':i <.' II P:i iH ,· a lld u n e !'\ e w I :'; 011 (1 0 11 t iH I HJ \ \ . u n !y U ld . '· ulI ll1u°t.

S)'Sle Ul , ,. I),' b p ru lllplly

JJ I Jlll t, \' U ' Y JJt.dll.l. of l .b t:' (,'t IJJ IJ l ltt'!'5 . \ t

':'111'1 '

i lll; I h ~ \lr ~tl)' lilli e J,J ir't II r~ o f l h c I-hllh- I

i" Ibe te wpla-

()~ JI


I Lli g ,

lJ ( \' 0 11.


as I he present

I'·... ' l ug lJcilJud .Li m . At w l lJ Sl:"tt Jt.. llis NJll l'~t:. ~.l..llj




I ti ll

1IlH.1 ' I' Y "

\\'l llIe

crw· :, i l l ,b J! I '

n l 11..1 b JJt·aJ.;,

' :11l

E!ig-O-See, . W o rry n o t " bo ut cook·. o r co o kill ~ - w e' ve d o n e 11.11 tha.t for )'oll- fur F.g-g-O- Se ~ i. flaked _holll _heat - coo ked .ella c tly r ,ig ht, St r o ng in i t s 8w t'et ti ilUp lic it y. Pure in it s natllralll a ,-or o f perf ed flaklld 'YII'hole _heat- Egg- u ,"-lIt1


if Ih e IlI I:! U tial Hu l in .


t ~ rUJ

I b t' ~ l r t(: l . lHJl olliy of tbl:" wa y ill w ll k h lit' i", b ll l llJ." . ()1' what j s ut !urt' him , ut \\' J ~ ;., :"" v J. t:i t.L ·r :::ll.J~ (Jf bi u.! , aud uf I."

" ""hl


-A li ttle fru i t - a jar of cream-

\\ ' t' lI~ bi t !o"l fi ~ h . 1 11t: y wi ll ull ly ~ o a g lilllp;; e or th e w o rk n o w In Jj rt lg n '~h \t -hlfu l. I ll lt t~(J1. , ;o r J.! u H j us t ly J' ~ llInl'kll w l lh 111 «: tt U W!' f !-l a lL li t li l' ('u ll ll ), Hl lll i ll t h e l'aual n .'gl o n , " \\' hat i!:i llt"i n ~ I h a t 11\1' All lf' ri('all~ :! I ), "':11'8 ll~U vl'ub" Ull ." ::;a i d l'hyl ll ~, fJ Vl' n ltl b 1 H.~ r eyt·:o;, a ll Ihut fll l' 1I 1L1.\' jll!-'I xu IlI n g:. TIIt?1I LIt (l ula' In P a nama It! but n ~n1ll pl (l u rth e l at ll .\' w tl lil d 11 :J\' t! ll oll P fl O lHo:'I l (' r . H. "'p r y " Id e. gir l l U ll S! j1l1 .. t )ol.a ,\' H Jdu u l J' ' y es' ll r t hing s thi s c'u llutry has dUll {\ Ih · Itu, t lwn r ~ l i d ... \~ifllc"' !-' ttl t h p dtmc·u hh.'s t:" n lJ di lHl a \\'P tl t un in ' lit),' an d 1111.' 11 Is allll (' w o f th e th i n g i n whl (,h y u ur ('UlInt( rt ' d t ,y I IJI' " I n Ih e Ii <: 1' 1I 11 1:-i \ ~( ' r lu m; ll' Ul l"JIl e n t uti \ e l UI 1t~ l UI ' " (' \' 1' 11 ... t H), 1~ I I ;'; lI J~l' d . htlt ~ h, ' tIlU ~ t I.H'tlft 's!" ivtt ha s u e e ll O»r Owillt'li t Hpurt. fi r st ,Jlu"t ,. II U uttt· '\ II(~ W at t hat l i Ule I:) "1'; lI c- w l10thln g " Lull t 11 ." :0:(:' 1 th t' day ru l" t h fl \\\ l d d i ll~ . u n d 1l!t-t1 , T ake whal w e tilt! in C ou rt. Wh(lre We ho w In UI Il1' iu t I l' Yt~ l hl \\' f l ' \ ... r \\ tl::. t't-tt1 · ) 'h ~l l1 t; t1U t ' ~ 11 0t 1lf' lunf; lu Ih e S b lll( i':3- 1 YUH ~W t· . I llll ma ll lias ":l llg lit t ht' c ur , Iri t' 11 t he xpe r)m c lll w ll kh h ad no 1lJ (,(~J1 \'( y~ d fro lU Olll' I H ' r~ lIn to :-Illot )u- r : n 1J li }Jl'a r u ('j uu, a nu ~u ~ b~ 1' C' lUullll 'd sill' n t , \ a nd Ih t r e a r e 110 IJl U I' t' li ll w l' r s. u o flJ urO tr lt~tl (or 4(10 y e a rs, of c: I ~l\n in g lh ~ In I h e ~fl('O tHI p ln 4"'. t h,· Fi' l' llt:h w ~' ro " \\ ' IJa t w a :-; it a UU lIl Alln ~ I lilIl m ·! t ll ll.I1 Y. IJU IJHJ ff' - \ \" ,II . il' T u m fUl'g"' l ~ dlles . OU ~ ur the m o r.l i m portunt ite nt ~ L ulilli Jl~ Ih ~ ('un u l j 1t~ t a ~ "t.' lm i1t.1 l L w a ~' '! ' ' ~ h t! ha.z al'd .~d fi llull y , r ' lU ~ fHt, t' r- 11Il~ lh ln:; (' l:ic t lit' " ,II be t j'f l\ lh l ,~. or Ih e worl{ d o ne by ou r go \' r nl n ent in rn l lr oad i n tb e L' uit ed S t lll p !!I. Th ~ ~'

dq,:' lIl1y . "t h a l

::'1:-i t .

\1 (: \1'111 n c \' e r IllInk oI llie "usi· o r lli!') j)Jeasllre wtd lc l it: i ~ iu

\\ "a l ljl-


J' t ('t- i \' ~ SI'T!-

d OD L a n CE:-I , wJlh a r t-tlson t' ll

t ' ',( ' J' j

1 U ll


B.ring· Your

I p reHtc lellt n 0 08 ~ "el t.r {' (' a II I " 1 10 1IH.'1' 41f IH~ I I I I f tl leSU Ulh iJ " I IUII ! aIT iub~ ." " I H :-. n lJ ( a l l ll lt · a ~:-: l! r'ral1, UlIl lh, l'O .\'t.: a r l WW IH ~ il I'OrO m fl) l S a lllII en ce 1 I1f ~OO t I " " I' I( ,. 4' n :O: l . I I Isa , r UII I\. IlUlu " . '1 I" en, . l, ("v " ~ H[II ['ally , " l't' t Ul'ln.: u l'h ~ll i~. U ll i lJJ . I I~u I UILt.· III: Hj 1 /1 It , II' ll " I10 'I:;. ~ a t IH h t~ d . m In dS O • f"t b ' 1 1['l'~~c d , " I ~I U I1 ' 1 11 11'.,' to t h l nl, 0..; 0 . "'L~· llis. ou t ll o fl e I n C tlha un de r AUH' ri cn n Uti lll i ll i 'l' T Il r- IUf,t{ o f II f ... tl u l~lll~ Ihe Frf'udl tll. " I II lt"a ll :' "t) ll tl l l\h~ d H •. l i nda , w itli I I It IU af r a itl 111£111 .I ~ n> Jus t a tl'i' IIY, tr at ion n nd Am c ri r ftll dOl' lor H, alit! c. i\\ " r l ' I ' l i oll o f L ht~ w o rk w a H tiO lll ll t h l TlK



a l u i PlJ-

1' IT \\~rt: uul f V I t u e III u ." s a id II Irld - l u ;.! ( j II l l1 l1 ~ i ll a li ke . tJlfln H:tlit Ull i n d a . v J'Buli a ri _\·, "1 11 l'I.: w'-I\l ld w a ~' , II w.ldn.g th ·! II l fl ll ha\' l ' J USt a~

The Sense 0'- T r affic , Every la wn dwell er s hould c u ' livate Ills "S,' D. e o( traffic." Al fj r ~1 llri s IlIlaD S t bal he will wk e e l' H)' sle p In n I'r o w!l H I I boroug h rare, 8t1)' " tile [.ull· D est;,

S \\'\.~Cl

\\ tl uhl IIlt t 1:\' 1' 11 IId Utl b t..i u h t.' nI I I'" IH1 1H' I II l l " l u UU "tl J.!,a g" ti


""k l bal

to s l' l'\' e tll t=.

a ll HIH.: h VI'J !;u lJ ers TlJU Y


. S u, .


like ly


t ",:al~<l le lli e nll ), a ,al

u s lIil ' l' ulld

all d t lJ ell uf ('UlIl "'U ot l! III U l t.', :.1. 111.1 111 t' 1l ~1J 1l 111\ t.' I t I Ilt h f JlI' u p l t· \\ h l s p t,l' li la t I ILU l I pn' rt~' ,\t l "'~ II t.' 1 .\I i l:is :-5mllh Is cl lIl tl J; \.'\d t o l ha l I t,lflcl "'U IUf ' T UIJ1 t.: r l' r 1 13 1'0 \ \ ' 11 11 eJ \ I ' ~ y lltl u 11 1 11 ... ~ l lI fllll l1 g. :tntl lII a)\('s p h 'l d l' 1Ii 111 1, U 11111(.' II ,UJ'U


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Hv M. A. TAFT.


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Bellon da's Vloews i

:- 11 fl - 1-1 ,1 !1 1I ' 1l l'i I

.-\ 1. 11 ' \1 ,11 \dl. :- I" r 1:- 1[,


I·t,t. H . ,t ol , r ~t .. ). ,t1.JJI '

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tH ', and W \ l ur l li ' l' ,lir el" , \\ . ... 111 1": ,,I ... n \\ II , I\lll r y , Ih :,1 :':'O W I1~ "I Jt' 1L ~ 1t l" g lll 'S HlIl.1 1"I ' Hl H" o \ , '\1, III oj \ . ,I!" l . q,;,Il!I, a HUlU' d u .:) 111\ l ' tv li t's l ' ll wilh a t; lr l \\ ... .,r, . .. ,'L!" L.IlIk\ l. H !,:· '· .. ·. LI!' l1 po n I I ' '1 . ' , , 01 ' .: I\~ 10 I I' lS:-t-'" \ \ 1 11 lJ!J . !'i l ll.- w OlI lll tJu I "II

t.I .a. Jl~I L ,

".n !

\,\ , f ' ";1 .: 1 1(

Let Your Grocer

Doc,tors Precede Engineers at Panama


n !til vf it.

5 h · 1't:'. H t: WU ll h ; l u ,--'at e !! th e l.'aT , a llU hu \\ au l ~ I l·tll l·11 II pl'ell )" q ll ic )'I)",

' uw ;\.... 1\:, " o\(h) l ~ .• n d . \ ," lIe o(op. n

: u l i ft

,,' lttl :1 f J~ r!> t:" 'Idal

H Ilt. du .) ~ II H Il~·' i J . h~o -" U L

l il t' J1r{J 8p(> r u li R a nd s tre n uous uwu l; d

l ife. \'u mhl'lCd w!t h ~u rl; hl!; , e xp l a l ll~ Ih ~ fre que n,'y o f lJrlgbt 's ,li spuse l u Il1gl1 ll fll<'lal cl rdes lit W a s hingto n. I I.., (11)' ~ tlmL ' ve r eu tl ng Is Lhe get'm "r· n el)url t ls . Me nial IIcllv il y and "b ys ll'al (IIIl csce nee tlld In it s I)fOUIH'tl on flu,1 car ki ll ~ l'ur t: aud wo r ry .ar e nl!:!O ca w~ u ­

""<;.:. ."."




Lh'e fue lor s. - B rlg h l 's dlsl'nse IS pron e 10 IlU :lc k th e lut >lI er tu al 3 11 11 Ihe a n xlv" . , AI L'O hul: h e lhluk s. is nol as POI I' lI1 a ca us e a s I. ge net'll!! )'


ueli c \'(Od .

A 1l ( \Sf' ITAI_ 13l' I 1.1)1:0:0.

fe ver, ~o R~ t o tl0 away 'wil h as many a s po"s lltl e o f the cun,l ill o ns thaL told for dl "aase." Ex pe rIe nce s h o ws Ihat the t\l'O dlRea ses most liread ed at Pan a ma are ye llow te ve r (lDd ma lar ia . CI Dnlineses and a tte nllon t o h yg ie ne Ira ve sta mpe d out th e first di s ea se In Cubu, aDd It is Ih uugbt Iha t II ca n be s uccess ru lly comball ed un tb e isthmus, that m ore real dallger Is to be drea rl ed lh er e fr o m malaria. Rainfall. be ing ver y hen vy, the r1lll1al e is unhealthful , malar ia a di Sea'se Ihat poi sons the sy.t em and Ba p~ Ih e energy. BII~ the san itary uOlce r s are us ing eve ry e ffort to red uce I be dangers from thla less -Ial ed of bUI mo re threahmlng malady . Col. W . C, Gorgas, chid sanitary o mcer of the canal zone, In an arll cle puh-

A rut' bel' film glo\'c hn s !Jeen dt' · Th e glo\' e. a r o " Ised (or slI rgeo ns. "jJu L 00 " by Inlln crs lng th e hand . In .. 'Weak Wlll LlolJ of gU llti IJPrr ba III It,,,,%lue vr a" c ton e . T he purpose of I ho film Is to sel11 t he s urfll ces of lh p n nlld" with ·a.. Ill 8u l llb le . Im[)e rVIOlls ulli l Il r al' tknlly Im pen'e l>lIl>le pelll e l ~, wh ll h will 1101 a dmit blood, pus 0 1' sec re t IUlI ti. ' Su t b II vro l e('lhe mea s ur e (ur Sll r !;eons Is "aid 10 ue pr efe ra ble to wu rk in g wit b rubb er glo\' es, Inasmu ch IlS tbe Hells e o f to llch or I>lillblilly of t Ito 8kln Is not ImDalre ~ 10 auy wav

Iy In th e hondR o r tbe COloOl\)in n gove rnllle llt. " Th e Fre nrll r ecord9 of d(,8lh were ve r y mis le ading. Til e Inaccurac ies nre . "plalne" In t hIs lI' a)' . Wh en th ey wer e lr)' lng to buil d the canal. Ib" ~'re llcb had Ihe work div id ed Into s ection s , and cons tr\lc ll o n worl. let out by Rec tion s, For e \·e·r y emp loye I but w e n~ to Ibe ho~ pllal Ib ' cu nlrac to rs were charged a doll a r 8 day . It haJ,Jpe ned, Lhe l' efo re , thaI wl, e n a man repurt cll aM sick, a culll ra lo r would <1lsc h a rw him , in Rtead of pru vldlng him WI Lh hos pital nlt e ntion . IC Ihe mun died a weell or CHANGED HUSBAND. so laler, of course, lhe death was not , e nte re d In t h e r e ports. Wife Bade Wise Clt!tnge lJl...Eood, The plan now In ope rat lo o Is Infinit ely be tler, Ihe sic It re ceIve bum u ne IreatChange of di et Is tb e only w'a y t () me nt, s klU cd atte ntion . Th e ' canal r eally c ure stowacb aotl bowel trou Ille _ commission cares lor them free of A woman says : cbarge: t h e re Is a record kept of all In "My hu s band had dys pe\lsla wh e n, I he emp luy of the commis s ion . Th e Ran- ....'e were marri e d ami had surre r e ,1 Il.nry de partment loo k s niter th e 10Wll~ fl'om It for sel'eral years , It was ulnn,l villages o r Ihe r Ollte, tlnd tlllts Is able m ost Impossible to lind anything he 10 prO"llre a CCllrate r ecords. The r ec- cuuld " at without bad results, o rd " fo r th e flr R!. year malte a \'fl ry r r ed" . thought thi s WtlS large ly "UP 10 Iiall'" s howin g . >1Ir;gcHI Ihe g,'pal valu ~ th" us o uf eurree and persuad e d hi III of trained phy s if'ian a nd ll11rHe U~ co - tv dis contllllle It. H e did 8 11. anu I",· wor) i" flr S wilh Ih e e ng:il1 f' e r . gan to drink Pu stum Food CotT ee . Th e S trkt pr ecallt io ns are bel,, !: tal 'P ll to change lIlti him goo d from t I", he !;I,,I,eell di sease \Jil l of Ih(> zo n!': th pre i. nn llillg, his rll ge Rl lo n IInl)ro\·" d; be !fllfP Xj ·t- Il P IlI Qllaranlin e syst em.untl illl 1111f c reel milc h I ' 6 ~ rrum hi R u (, I'V OU ~t1t" ~!'4 , wi g a t lUll bureau mnl\eH cUI'p rul exa m l nat io ll of In co min g In uorel's, If un Infec ti ous tll sl' URIl hre nks out 311l 0 1l g: lI o ll · f' mpl oyp~ OM


I·' Jo: \ . I': It


\\. 1\ It 11

hIM d eparlm PIlt.


em ·

Il luyes . Ihe patient IR III o nre hllrrle,1 to a hORplt al. ,\ lal ,u rat o r)' 1m" ltel'll est n bli" lu'" for I he i 11\'''", 1!!3t Ion of "I Rca,e. 1';"l un HI\'e wur\( I" )flalltll'tl fur lh e fll-

II s h e d In Ilal·per ·" Wep ltly. 1(>11 . \I f I h" v.'o rk

\\' ~ 11 aM

J' (' t-I 1Jlt g ~n

(\Ire i n fllJ'lh ernlH'fJ

of h f'nlth


sf' w('nu;e syt-it e m . goo'1 pa ve ll... " I. h" 3 Ith flll \\'al pr SUPlll,. . fo r PanulIla ; ('ul oll i" tu lJe conv e rt ed from n " \I' am » try Oilin g In with rnaI' ·rlal dr e d ~~,1 fro m til ' ennal. Ihl s port a lso Is 1o be g h'e n pa '"(Ott ~ 1 r~ct H. n se wf' r age fly ~ t pm and a \\' ';:I t'~ r ~ IlJllJl y . O t ll~ ti u ll foJ - a prupf'r


fnr /Jhlaln " II , o f lhll "~ r nnr·f>rnin)l. whi(' h prom;"" IR !;1I'e n for Ih e flltllr,'. Col. G oq;n~ writ es : " Now , as to 1)) (' mea s · ures Ihnt we claim 10 have hr ,' n i" "I I'II IIw nt HI In Ihl. saving of b umo n 1If" , U ti (he Is thmus , WA nnrl , from r end ing l' f pr to wn s n lon g: th e WHY ar£' to ue 1m·


( ' X I Jf~ rlpn( 'f1'R

ot our llr ed('(,p~Ror~ . I h a l

pro \' (l d

in a si mil a r ma nTI'!,. . nntl


tbe twu prltll'l pBI tll . eases 10 ue f !'al'~, l fi g ht vn lh e 1,nnetlll m'l sqlli lo will lJe are ma larln and )'ellow fe l'e r; o llr ('1111111111('(1 . Jro~ pilal at'( 'umm odll fiOl13 m fl aS tlru ~ , (h e n-fon:o. ha v£' lw~ n dire c. ' tf' (j .. Now. I think lha t 'a a perfec tly bor~ th ul i t \\' a ~ a \\' I'C,n~ t llln~ t (, do . I lif l a r e til he lilt l't~a R{" L an.1 tHSJW Il Hlul e s I'ld .stor), . alld lb a.L was a very h'-rid th pre W81\ no ot her s ym ptom In him 01 aguln , r Ih".r, IlIsen"eR. 'rh e allthorili ~s ~ s lnb 1i s h " d III u ilih e ,-Illn s es . At )lresuf Ih. !'anoll'l}, r p"lIbll<- IIla'·",1 ' he Rtln l- p nt 11H' ~n nil nl'y d {\110I' I m f nt haf4 o" e r a man, a nti rhe wOrtil 01 It iii, It r e rL,:"; n - Im becl llly. Iy Is trlle," !Jr. r.l.r d ,' r '''''n1 on to g iv e "noiller tation or th e tUWII !!I o f Co l o n fi nd Pan - th ommnd m e n i n it s "m ploy , Is c UIUj l H.! lB e)lnda lowered her \'ol ce, a horr lf1ed'i ca." o f a Illlr~e who, JI" ,aid, hat! J,Jolt;. ama tn o ur c h arge, \Ve ha vp establi s h ed Ing II . wo r lt nlong Ih e Plltlre lin . I~JI< ~un e ovcr Ir e r fare . a nd P h), IIJ .• oned as lIfan), as 40 (,r he r pat ie nt •. It h eal'h olpJ,Jtlrtm pnts In Ib ese town , Th e r e I~ f a ir promi . " I h ot yellow fe\'er clean ed th e "t r pe l ' . 1 'O lI e~ l "d th e s ar 10!l/,e, I .,:!O:lo In ~Ylllpa lh y. . " W38 Imp,,"" ",le al Ih a l lime 10 dl sco v. ' will ue pr adll' u te,L Th e ~ a lll Is \l'a g lng ba!,!'e. d Jlc h ed and o il ed nil tb e ,II_ I ri els She . " NOII'. ,t haL I ~ JIOs t who t I mea u Il buut 1l),'Y Inl e l1 ~et nnl d. t eC'l I n her. now a gn lll Ht malarln. gll18 ge l'Nllg marri e d," Bnd Be linda \\':1\' fou nd IIldl'ally In.·apt' hern ll "e no I lOs~ lbl e, or Ihe d eRlruc tion o f mosqllll ' rr ftIHT OI ' IJJ::R WEHSTE R " svoke se rl:->u.5 ly and sOle~ nly . " Ev pry 1110(\ \'" ('ol1ld be trnc.e d. Inrl. pd the tops, <:ove re d a ll fr es h-wa l e r r ecp plarles Out, mall 11\ Ih e' worhl Is Ju s t lnufld to ppr s" :1s S ll ~ pol .o ne d ", p re he. Ill tl Ol atJ In th e cll y of Panalna, and fUllIl g a le,l Pnt--Ol IhOllg bt ~IeC~rt)' wus on lh' " su'h th e cllr; aDd ev e ry gi r l wOlll ,1 frl eod!>. A fte r Rhe hall hP.e:l I'n liD lbe town fro m ODe end 10 Ihe o th e r ror walPT wa gon ! II1Mt III, e to kee p ~im rllnn lng aft e r II asylum.for se verl11 yea r s sympl.,' lJl s of Ihe d eat ruc ll o Do( fDfe~ teli m os q"lf o ~s. "We hav e e atabll~b ed hea lth dcpartM II(e- - li u WP.S; b111 he WCDt 'l1 l1 astrlke &:.1 da y n nd all nig b t . fur ever and fOyer . de lln i te insanity helln-fl to px.'llltlt ano " '" r catcbJUi lto:' · DcJlllda d{c.w thf'mselv p£, {lod iJbe . ooli' lJecame ,':1 mellta In 1111 th e low n.. eXlendlD 610n;; l'estHdny out Ii\' ::')' llJ l':ltb), wid h rm~ e l r. . • ~t.! ~i!~ .1:..,,-- .:.... , ..... ~~ d.!!p!)' ~~o.: ' '- ~.~--- - - ~ ~. ~O wll'?li of canal TGUte lJ t ween - L if e, ...

oll d whe " he IIdtled Grllll~ · Nut s 1'"",1

to hi " die \. he \l'I\ S s o.oil " nllre ly CIII"',j. "M y frl e ull . •\Irs. - - - - , of Y irl' ~ burg t m)' former 11Ome )' ba,1 bceo llw II ll e rVllUS \l'reck IIl s o fro m ri)' s ll e ,,"11l Id e tll c lnps had no e ff ec t, n e ltb .. r tll,1 lIra .v el he lp he r . On JlJV Itl"t \' IH II b utll~ . Ro m e m,lnths ngo, ·1 pt' rsua,It ',1 b e. til use Grape· Nut s foorl, She wn " in \1 ~" I)ltlr , bnd con sent e d . She " tll c ll ti) It Ulll.ll It restore d h e r h ealth . 0 COllllllp l Ply thllt she Is now th t! lllO.t " nthu " laRli e (rle nd 01 G rape·N ut s I hat 1 .. rer kne w. Sbe eal s It with c rt'lIl1l .Ot· ,Iry. Ju" t as It cOlli es trom tb o 1m"',· ngl' - Ilep ps It In h e l' roo m and cat" It wl,,' ne \', 'r s he feels 1I 1<a It. " I he!;all eallng Gru J,J e ·Nuts fOOll , m)'se lf. wh e n my trahy was two m Ullt b" 01 <1, Rnd I lI on 't kllow whn L I 6h o ul<1 ha\'e dnne without It, My III" l'e l lle "'liS goul' . I WII S wea k and n en' OIl R Rn,1 afford e d bul ve ry la Ll e nour· Is hm e n for tha c hil d . Th e Gt'I},I'O' Nul s food , uf whlcb I soon gr e w \' ~ ry f o n<l . s pee lllly se t all thi s right a gai ll. aud the baby grew h ealthful, rosy an'\ beuullful as a moth e r could wi s h . li n Is I wo yea rs old now tlnd eata Grap('Nut s food blmse lf. 1 wl sb e very lIr e ,l yuung motber knew o( tb e g ood tbat GrRIlO Nut s w(1u ld do be r ," NIIQJ eB given by Postum Co... Battle Creek, Mlch, . Tberll'Po ·o. reason.


:?!.. - ---BU·iTER-MAKING



CI'"llnliness a n d K i ndn ess w1tb tb. A ni m a l. Is a ll ImpOl'l.I\ lIt F ac tor 111 Obtalnlll g 11 Good Produ ct, lI ow can y u cx port to t;.'t c ' ~ n.c ml ll( fr o III 11 ~'()W lh a l h.1S " (ll a " l('l' or


t h e Y o u ng Anlm ah Ulto S tlOllg , H ea lthy I lld i.,. :dWils b,. O?,rctu.1 F eed in g

11I1I1I 1ir " o u r- In c h lh lc l... a n d · a f oo t U ll ,'Hell th ig h ? Il 1:-, l m Uh.

S'1I1 ~lI e

al lll " to bel " 111111 ul1 dr r a d lrlY cow d UIIII /; I h ' jJ lllCUSS o fmllid u g uJ ke" 11 l h {J fIl III, c le n ll. 1 1" , I\('Xl fr a l lll C o r Im[lor l ancp I. l ( it1il nr" ~

Pe t yo u,


:l1!;lf Il\ ha~ b p" 11 l h n r o ll g h lv t" ~ I l' d ,'11 " ~ I h.' Yrtlb ... 11" I1l U ~ t ,, -. cll :-i I

(:'&'111 1' (\

a tld

f'l' p l aet d

I nnllll l'll n ~

In l il t'

iJ a ll Y lII ,tn

IHII :-, l 1I\' IIId

( ill'


r ll l1 \l·r l i ll J.,;


l llll ;'

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p lac l


f'·("l lI lq.; 1 1 (' ~onti of lll p ( ' U" :.; ('u l,a r l l ) f eu fee d Ifll t) 111 11 1\ \" l' ofl~ n

fllld \ 11\\ ~ f · ' ITl ~ lI mllll.': tnu r h [nOl e t han tll, ' \ 1111 p ;l)- IlI ~ (0 1' at t h (' IHiI I all cl t il e 111 1' 11 \dlO .lIi · lI o t \\ a tc~ lrl ll J.: lhl ~ t 1 1l ~ "'" ,ti l ' nnl "t)lh.l lIg t o \\ard 1m l Jl' OV(' !H t' tl l I n thl ' " ft.~ I.'dll1g O " l' I lll lOll S II "Ill 1M' t'\ t ' T\ g p o\! Il al l\ l l1an lu

l al"l~

\Vc a ll kn o "


u n cas),


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(,;ha tl ~ll

sub jec t t o

mOI l'

m lll\ j tl!oo l

\ \ · h ...... 11

It i s IJc1;1I1n lll g to Ltl rll

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( 10 m

Ih CJ IJ(.!~I

dnll ;.' ('OWS o f h i:.; 111'.. " ,1 a n d h ) sO c t n in ~ ll l~ d l u 'H'e ~ al l"' IIltl r. h h e llet" fo r 1m · I lIq \ l l1 ~ III :;; IWI d I hn n t h c ) nl' w h p r~ h c tlt-' IH' Hd !'> 11I)lIn h\! \ I Jl ~ II CW cows t o r L' p \' 11 I~ (JI ll on e., It i s alnlost 1m!J 11",r-l hl f' ttl ~(I nu l and lJu y til e bCli t

1 h it, 1111,' h n ~ f C'\\

('),C- P ,)t ill I1 S ,


\,Ilt""lr' t h r p l a~ t lntl dail~ Tl1 nll i ~ o)OIIl~ IlI ls lll l.'s. a 11 01 " Ily lll ':; f l n m $4() t n $il0 P"';' h C"nd t or Iu s CO " :s Fe "


d:1I1 ' ll1C" n cnn nllnlll 10 g il nll r fl n rJ fllIv I 'CH, ~ I n r~pla(' 1' nlef Olh':-i I n t1u' Ilt' lcl \\ Ilt' n t h e y ha\ ("' n Il ' c h a ll C"l' ..., h . ' h~ \\' 1 10 oH \'f' a nti r ai se th l'

I lw l! h ('l!-; I ( ·tI\\ H, and h )f 1!1l0 ,J hull s \to lit I h s hol il d hl' "sed i n ~"\' ~ l y I n s I H 1\(" I t " III p a) t h "' dnl rv111 it " II" glll\\ h t ... 111\\ ". p ro, idln ~ lll p) lll L' ,...'0 \'11 In Uk l ig h t m a ll lH' (" tl b ' , s

( I' HIt


f\I ur h 1111 :; h"'c n sfu d about \\bal a n rl hnw m uc h tn ff'C'ri cO" s to ma k e' good

hll lle r , hut I d o n 't he ll e lo wh a t th c cuws cat ha s any 1lI0 l'C or a fi U1 uch 10 do \\ Ith th e mak ln p: of I':oorl hU llPr as dO CH Ih n CO llll lll o n fi IInil e r " h i" h I\('\c p ou r

\\ €I'

11l1 1l~





clt:'all anu well ve ntl lllt l',1 mo m , Nol\' I \I Is h t o call aUl'nli o n to th r hllr n II n ti ('hll ro ln g , ,n car LO wh lrll IIf' s a n Ol IH' I' qll C's ti ' m of gl'('a t I tn lHlI! , a,nc



nO P H not

Il"la ttp i

uhu ll t \, hal 1\l n l! of a

C hU l 1i




tI~ (, ,, n~

does III!' \\U\ ~(JII u sC' If. s nv~ th e :\ll rlla n ti 1·"a l In cr F'l r~t, scnl l i you r




Th e 1I" VO l of th e Fo, mer M IlI'k edly !n ftllc u ced by t h e Ch nrBc te r of th e Latt e l,

~ h \lrn

pour in

I h o l'l ll l ~ hl ~',

th en let cool Rn d

(Tl'Am H aVf' your c-ream w ar m l'li II) til rl~ h t t e m pera t lI r e be fore b cgl nn i n ~ 10 (' lill r n Al waV H u sc ~O ll l

a th C'rmQJII N e r Th o se \\ ho h a,' n \' e r 116e.1 1\ th e llll o m N c r in t cs lln ,~ th r fl ap" If fc rl 10 Iomltoll q llan titlcs to ~e ll1p C l'nl UrC or t he c rr am woulel n o ~ :nl l lJdll ~ ro ws Is 111«' 1.1 to IlII part tl) t he bellI' \ C Ih t, \\ 0 1' 1< It Sn H' " 1)Oll 't (l UI nll ll, n la lnt \Vh lch \\111 IIQ " "Im r ted " 0111' c r e um on t he ~t..o ' e lu \\ cl r m , as ( I) t ill' Ch "'C'RC a nd {'u nn o l Ill' c\ ltuinn l ' th e sour m ilk will se t Ll " to th e oat e ft UV AII \' a r t l' llnw n t o t h e c h cc:so· 10111 a fl, l ~ca l. l. nn d thlll 11Ipan w hite 1ll1L1" 'r at , th l' prc",' nt tlml' .ay th e " lIcd,s In th hutt e r W ,,,m your d a lr \' III' n o f Ih .· \\ Iscon Rln stn l lon , CI' alll to " hOll t GO 01' 70 ,Ie!;re.-s a n d T Ill' In nge r I hl' ()e r lod of fccd IlIg Is c h urn \lntll t he lIlli e lIea d" o r g r a nlll('s <l.'xt'!Il d(', 1, th he lt !'1 l ne quality o r tho 1l111'l':lr ; th l' lI IlOll l' In <'o ld wa t er In C~' l'~" I)l nd uced w l lh r e ( .l l e n cc t o fill ' thlll l ll (' h\lll c r llHlk , so t h e g ranul es H lr, indica t in g th nt t be ~)S l (' m ~ of Ih o ot hmwr will ' corn!) o n lO ll and IIraw CO\\ . proll l1l'llI /: th C' mill, l c nuc,1 10 o ff t he bu tlc r m lb , Th l' n c hllrn I tl ll ~ co n ton ll 1(1 t h ' () ' cu ll a rili es of Ih .. r n ollg h to J;llth r l to e 101111 c r, \\ hiu h 10ert UI1I1 th us I.'ll m!'n ate fl t I('as t a will Oil\) tu k .. a fo w mllllt " anll YOIII p' lIlh.111 o f t he olmox lo lI!:; tla vl u':'i huller \' \II he I e.uJ y ~u sal 1 0 1 YOIl Th ., Il a \-or' of t h e pro du!'t from ilia ), adrt M il In Ih e c h ll rn , Allo w nn (' morn l nl; '~ )11111" wh e n 1111' tC('l lin g wa s and o nc,fOll r th OIl Il C('S of salt to Oil.' ,Io ll c Im m ('d la.l!Jl y afte r mi lk Ing, was [lolmd o f llllt t :r In Slimme r tllne , In o f IL .k c ld l· " 11 Im()ro n'd q unll ty on~ r will te l', n o t q ll it (\ SO mil c h sa lt ". I'l" t hat fnllll the e l'e nlng's mill" whNe q\l ll'e il Afl (' r w e ighing your bull e r th u f"I',lI l1),; "as U O II ~ s ho r tl ) he l o r e o nco o r I wlc e, you \\ HI Itn o w ho w mllk l n;: mil ch s a lt to li se b y simpl y cs tlmatln g Th ~ ""dr , t (' xlllr(' , col", lin d g ('n C'ral the arnOllll1. Do not worh your butt e r makr 11 )1 nf th e c h ec." Is n(l t a ffected LOa milch, Ove rworl(ed butle r Is In an " mann C' r h} tb e fce dlll g o f rape worRe than that not worke d qllito 1 .. nll ll, CO" 5 for c hecse'lIl1lkln g Pllollgh , YOII can work .the llrl) out or Wh l' lI cahhn ge wa s fe ll to mllk lh e best hlltte r tbat was ever mad e i:~\\, " dl ~a grecahlc Oa,'urs " ere al· Don 't smoo th your hutter wllb th e way s IDlI13rt ,.1 t o lhl' cb eC'~e, and ladlC', as It will make It greas)', SOMe these bad fla\ors w c ro Int II s lfte d aa Iloopl e usc tbe so-called starter, but tho Ill'e nln g advan ced If th e mill' and crnam are tak e n care Milk from co"s red e " c lu " " 'ely upon of as they should be thtB w1l1 nol I•• grecn c love r prollllCQd c hcese having ne cessary, 'II 10\\-, flat flll \'(Ir which Hnally be camlOl $ hl\rl' 31111 : e (lllgnant Grce n fornge corn , wbc n IC'd to cows, MUZZLE FOR SELF-SUCKER. I'roll II ( ('11 an e xce ll e nt qlmlll I' of milk for r h rcse , Th e c heese we re of Hn e Simple Yok" Which Will Effect a t L'xtlll'l'. with clean , blgh flav o r at all Cure in the Case of th~ Most "lllge ~ of tit!" rlponlng, Obstinate A.nimals,


A s lmill e yo ke fOI a sclf-s w l, er tbat

will be found e ffecll ve t'an h£' made or A "1 lInmcr s llo fCl' d s t hl' herd mil c h lantl 1 ~ I1I"h In prirc Are you weighing anu tcs llll!; yn ur

o rd l nary rope halt , e l h , rnr Ill<' hea d Illcce A li g h t hal O( Iru n Is I w ist (j alld be n l a s s ilO" 0 at a I 'o r wanl (llll t o f I " b l e<l end IH at tacll f'iI to halli'r c loso toJl1 " Oil'" s id e or fo ri, [lasije~ un ell be l' s ltlc ot

nl0rp (' hf"Ullh' than II:. :-; t til C ..". 1h'U



thul yo u IOn) I<nuw whi c h of

your cn\\ ~ shoul lt h e hcC' f l'rl "h l..' n th ~ Int1l< (' HII1Jltl lg n i:-; l' lId fI "

i'' 'al m £.l l - Yo u nJil l,

r l l'~ h

fl om


!:' nlln~ , \\to!

g el uur

lh t.· C"""

C:!t \ Flo ) - G('c " a t ~ nul tin ' W e get our:) from d e trc:-i h mlll, mall Till' :t' I, no t th e Ic,,"t lI ~e bu y ing high 11IICQd clair) CO " g Ir 1'1)11 110 nnt kCl'I' 1111'111 UII lo th(! slllnflard the ) were a t \\ lH.'11 ) Oil hou g ht th c lll It th ore I, lillY hIlSill""s III which hnn c:- r, I s nl'cc ~~ar) for

It:, S Il('(,0s ~ful

"ronwtion, It Is In a sso,' latcll u.III)"11I1': It I. not Dill} ne cc s sary Ln he Iwu L's t. but YOII mu s t mako the othel' fe llo" know ~'Oll are hones t. Mottl es In hlltte r al'e callsed by tll C' prescnce nll il une ven dl s trlhlll10u of butte rmilk adllcrlog to tile Ollte r ~ul' fRce of th e granul e s, and to tht:' har.1 'enlng Rnrt locallzlng etrect of salt brin e upon t he cllse ln of th e buttermllk tbll ' Te taltlC'cl In the butte r All c ve n di s trlblll Ion of sail will IJrc \'C' lIt Ulottcs ' ev on If sOllie l)lltte rmlll, Is r e t,llne d In 'tho llutte r The Glltherlng of Frllit. Do nol g ath er tbe fruit or youl ' ll'tlcs b)' tbra " In,:; sUd,s and s lone~ amon ;; th e hrlln c hes ann no nol vernllt a nyon e to do S(' Th (' l,rolle r wal' Is to use a la"d 1', and II' ' tbor e Is s Ull frlli r tbat cnnnot 0' reache(\, get U good f r uit pl c l, e r , a ,ltand! devll' e, eas ily made 'ond a g r 31 helper By heading lrells I",,·, no great dlmcult y {s experlence(\ In gatherry;.!r!ll~ trQIIl the topmosl oranc ll es , NO up· o·datA , trul~ grp.lull"-DOW-permltS 11" blgh·htlld· . ." lret \0 IP'OW 011 hlB far... .



"' OW

()Vf;' 1

brt.' a ~t.

\ \1"'" til,

1\· ......




a:-i .. ,,"

J.'llr ll ' ~


3 11I) II C,1

",d l , UI I ),'iil

' UII 1'101 , hdl l,





"" ,I

11111\ p l ll n t

roXKIII I II . \II II Il "

~1,J ll d

dd~ .

,,~ t R P;O.t 8 ,O!ttq~ tree, ~rUl1ke

you_III g~'f1erally find a borer r early to eat In fln" ueSlr07 70tU \I'e.. GeL rid



-- ,-. -- - - -, ••


\\ 11,)

b'll1g ~

\\!Jtt 1I1'\!'1



II'lll,, 1I1I 1I t

",,11 11 1. :-. ,I t t 1 . 11 all"pl"' l III lPad 111 \\lItl, !II ;.!, ,"11 Iliohl f' m : :s l f l It h' hW it (I \·{' , I ha\p n l ) el l t'ad ot I' \: fll l1 l l1 HI I (Hl "" ·I lity \\111 I/lI,f- l air' 11 "\1'1

hl 'lp

(lr l

l ll c nl..!'l p l \e..


11/1' 1(' R ' ....

\\~) of s!iPIH lI g I tll l) lIgli \\h) UI'" fI'; I at ali 111 1111)11.:11 l}f l r d ll lgl l)l Hlld ~ \' l \\llO 11J .\l IU g. f' 10 ~,'flll1 p tf' p c\l.\d \\11"11 the) a ll! Jll t' t lh e I £' \ e l ~ " I ItJ \ i~ l\ n() \" l Sil ch glll ~. 1I I IIIIal1 1 and "IlilIl'rti{lal "hI) ~ I an.pd 0 \' ( ' 1 Ih (\1 1 \\ lIrh II I I h t' l a sl tllOm P nl flt ll l hop .. I 10 1 :til I', l ;, \ q ll (':-.III)Il or wh t l 1111dl l' . 1 a .. II Ih ,'\ I\ l1 i' " dll ntlHh Ihn t Iii .. P '.U '! II'I pa ":-~d tllt' 1I1 ()\'(\ I an d PilI ht' l '1"(\1, I ) a (11I1 1t"' 1 !!II"I ill 11", I)(' \.I ~I'd ' 'I' 1J .... ~ .. hld 'l(h) ( 11111 ......



I l


l (~~ (ulllnallr)11 llll) , \ an' nt,lIc"d In '(lam 1"I1t'\ i (11111 111 1 11)1I r ~ 111 IlI lIhlrt!.:. liP III t:,1I1 "'i \\h f' fI

a hll ll\ "Ioal 011.111 I" IIr" p I,r , t h E'1I [ ('rm

fin !-tt' I "i'


{,llti !o.

111 , 1)111.:.11 ,)111

p()s :-Hltl~ I'a

111' ..'

,l fP



t:"' ",. uh

IK;bl ' .,

, ,'

The Production and History of Dresden China



I Ill''':' \ In 1I " \'p r

111'1,"1 .1 d,l '


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T br ItI ~ lOlj 0 1 I h ,' /)I " ... d,'n

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dlll1a t i L lo r y d ,lfi"H Ill' 111":-111 u f Ii i P "af'l" h(' I I1g- p ' slnll'!\ ( f ,(ill n atll l' :o, Ih t· :;U lll c' 1':;I " hll~ tl Ih,' 1II:'1 11 11 f a1 1olY wa~ r" " ~ l lh ll s h,~ d III ' Ill' II !) IS L; r> II P la l l \ 1. 1\ Idcd Il1 t ll 11111"' 1 !ttl dI I C'4' 11+l 0 of Ct) II D 1~ ::i.i Urll h l I .. ' ri/ ,d .. { II I h .. 1\I 'l gs lillj. H,; (.!. ) ! ,Ifld tl · /I '·cl .II "O l llm l :l~i !l n 1:. 111. , \\11 11 \\1 ",, 11 III I!llkl Ill,' 1111)"" " ' !ItP I\ f n f lnlllil 17')1. I~ I I I ' , I h .. ", , 11 1· I I I'" l " I .J l d ~ d I h ,lI wll n n io'rrlif' n ('k 1 ~I"' f1\l ra g \"111 ' III t" l' r :ld til l'Il ll r' f' I'U \\ 1' jl l fl p . hl 1' 1 1 1111 111) ' lill" di ll I h p ,,, I, ll .lllIH tI ,l ( h pd DI'I' n 10 11 11, u l ll'IIC':) .. . \\')1\ 1101 td,k .· I~'. I ' h ll llr'... I I,: 10 I hI' fll ~ 1 l"!llId 11111\ 11111 ..... " , .all l d pllrcpl ..ulI I, illg' ( AII ~lIfi t'\"" d,l \ Hlld 11 1'\ 1"" 111"111 It) :,1 ' 111 " 1 11l-' d l ~ III\(+n 0 1 n d /f,I. t1l1 III (. r· l o llI oi ' 'I .'d "1 1 11 ItI S IJpst , hlll <1. lin d Il k , ('Ulnl· .... 1 .. llI d \ ",!ill II " ill h l ' l'p 'b . mallV I,a;i dUll III t ll f" 11111111 11 ' "Jill' of , 11I1 t.,; .. It ,1\1 1I .1; I lw 1(, .. 1 ( Ir 111 ... v a~l1 ab l(.HI 1111 1111 latllt· n nd 11I · l p yn \1 <tlqll ~ \11 A lIgu .. I Il , 11 IU 1\ ": " I P ' II .Jll d ,\lId (I I ' l a nd lip ' Ulfl ll \l':-. Io I h t' I," nrl t'r Dl r J"( l tM Ol ht ' l n ',n' "It \ "1)l~elllp ~'X,\IIllnalor 1) 1 :"l, I ~tll1) .,h ' II~, " pl ' ''~' d'' I Ip\.' 1 II I I h.' P '" :;:)~lIt ll ,... A. u I Ul or ~:-i IIIl ~ (Oil 11011 P' IJ )PI~ ' 1\ ~ 1 )lI r ,}\\ I\ I II '01" l l he ),,,1\111.: ,1i1'1ll"" 1 1I,11Il 1·tI Hn rrld!" 1 10 1""IJI"I ,t " .. 1l11·lu':.h l n n l h ,' lil:Ho r y or an d If \ 1)\ 1 Ita \t' n il , nurill io u :-o ,n o rr FllUlili f i ll t h l' p h l lt , .. nplll' I ' :, :oIlOO ," I hl ~ I UII I)r\ 1:-. ( nIU.'1l n ' " In n leul 'l' 111l' ) \ 1111 lil~fll ic \OlJ pn " ... ,., (l III ~ II \ r \dud l "r l 'I)\I I ~f ' III In il .. d 10) hnd ,'10111 ' '' II Us Ila ll\\,ay 1 1p' t'e l ~l hr alf'tJ g i llti l ' a gllthl plall IIh\\ 1,,' \ 11 I~~I ' Il d \.\'~\flr 11\ :-;1 4' 1111 o\ f :-;t ll\1111o.':: I h .- III )~ · I1I c rr h ,I UI and p ll lln n l ltropl :H w hu , on ltul l l l t f ..lillie :-. ll1dr lU ,:! I \\1111, 1"'1 1 \ 011 t,·,> , If Itl.' Il a n :"\n ltll~1I1 1 11 1 .1 1 nt'~ I,d :'! iii;; r n lllill I l cllll H U:-.~Ia I II 17/",1) L.HI .:Isod m ltl Ii uuI oj d l .ll ~ T il.· \ \ I)II, b nor! h e h ajl/lPll 1 rl 011 , L ... ' .... , Plll 1)1 Ill l l,1 1 11111.:, 11 II lJlIgl ll)I I'S " , ' " l i t! ~ a\ s ' T h e r "' ant IIpltl s (l I t fili i IJ! n"y, l"' I S I'h ,. b.flol. glllt\ I " III:; 1ll , 1:-.1 ... ) ... 1 1" 1 ., 111\ \\', 111•. : ,1 110111 TUII m d l 1'llIp t O) p d al ('t11'IssC! n in alHt 1 1.,'r wa\· ' \\11 11 f' a ~ .. ., nd 111 .... ·1...' .. 111 "': III tll"i l, l lutl l l l , l \ "lilli " 1I II II Ill . .. 11 1,,, lIIanllf.nllll)' Ul~)t:tr ( )f ",1111111 ll av o l " Iht· h ili :-. Io)p , · ~ r lt l" !. t il ,' V, lli( "h!,h II ,' \\ 1:-; fll' · P-lI llI!.! ,t :-;"' HIIII~ d I l\oIn~ IIIJ l alto" , trn (~f'r m a n ,' r f) WI1 l'i a mo n t h . IO !)~':-I llf'~ ldl ' Ihl' It n, t' hla zt' I h t' 1 ~j( ( ' I' of Itl " IH" :h 1" r l~ ! I1 -{ 111 !j l l! II l al p i nt, - .I tt d lli,' ItI~ h \' ~ 1 \"l g{'~ UI" "10, nO t bal 1I ,IIf\ ~ . ')\ ('r 1 11,' :-,' 011 £' \\ull 11t) 1:; 'h ~ J,dll '1 111:0, \\II ;.. Iii., 111 11'1'11 011 0 1 lh, till 1111111 .1 1 f+ ).JI,'ntl t ll J{I' hi ltul ll~tl ma l "III" ,I (H I "vl'r ) liP,· allll Im .... ll ' ud lJ r,' :-;d p H I llr ll a ! 411 <lh"\ l' ~II I)IIH 11 11\\ U :-\ T III~ IU IU PI :-o bI II" I (I 'f\i1t) l.' " /'b no l uf nUt u r ,t! !lh,· linllll h "I.. f!ll lh l" r "xp I'l lnWn l~ ! 1." 1111'" IJ4'IIIh " 11 1110 1) fo r Llu"' k.lng '::J 111I ' 1 ~""" 1 !I. faa,'" h ~" ' 11 !t Il/d i ll It'll " "hllill ;)1 I ti ll II 1 h I" ~cJl:i )'t'u r l y lO I h e v u h'!! '11I'f " all' ltll d:-. .dlll . , ~ t \\llholi l ~II'l1 · l o t 1 -,11111111 tltl\'II~ an lt ~1I 111t"lir ll r!:; :.! illl .ihl" " \\ 111 Iw 111 ,,1 11 :;. bi ll 1 11/1111111\\0 " \ 1..: :; .01) 1») tlip II I U!il· tPllli(':; . II'ltl\\' I ~ 311 41 1\ 11I )' d l d:; "' ljlll1 U IIi"'1I1 jJI I':il! II t.,i h n I lt l' a::u onall y , " l .. \\ 111 fl'l ~ l< (Inh)Il ~ 11)(' hnl1g h,. ..1IH1 m ,t l"'»4 .1n" lltt' hlt'lil qUil TlIlIY h H tJro f h l l ml\IIlI, ~ plil\' lud,' anti :-oPl'h ar n o ng .. j ·I \ t ' ;-\ 1. 11 111. I}\\n U:H! Tlll'} pr e te u !l Ihr> Ip, l \p,", 1)1) n i H lo ..,i' ~l glll o f tllP I lil l ' v I HIII WI (' Xl 'c' lI l n f a .. t el/j,.ltl~h t il" lU l r l'p~{ l n ~ t hlll g .... t )ltll an ' all 1l ~ IOUL I 1' ,lI ulml :.r-o lol1 ;' tli ,'y l eIL'I\!" fl l llll A ~I &. \0 11 Inlt of d l llll :-' . 1"'- \ \ p ll tl H f lo m ~1I 1 P,lr t:-. II I 1':lIrn p ~ \\' h,' fh l' l )-c)U l1a .... Y ' JII I (')'UIH ' llt ~ 1 alH.! aft', \ IHt :;f' QII!"'l1l l y. II n de l n n n ec eR' tl()l\~ III Sl lllllll \\ II h { r l'l l ll I II 11 i1! :;i. 'Il y I v 1t. 1\\ f' 1' Lit \' ("n +lIIllOIl ~ "r lr . d o \\ n no lA a ~ \ l tl ! iI,-' r ~ a '\lIt',., 14'( \ !In I 1 11 0\\ (' \ 1' 1 I hl mliSI ", . 111.' (·'. n HI'f)lII'T){·U j('urn +if h l\ r 1)0 JlIfi lit' dlst UIl~.I ~f\ ' 1 I , I I' lO I1~ II the 1': n ~lb h a li l l 1." +' IH·h if )-Oll ha, ,' I\N' U ;;lIl'pfb ... f' d 1)\' ~1I1l11> I ( Ott l lhl lf 111 lIIuhf' .... 111 l irnJlru't't1I ~ nl.!. uf)d\· CJ... l' Do yntlr IJ C:- I ani tll a \rJ • III lUI:; Itlt I I I::; \\ !t h g r f'i\1 ...ltl~far.lhr I (':-ot I f al flr .. 1 ) t lll d l.! ltl. ::,lIrlll1ft I l l rll I O/}:;I r\ j' t h ·' m ,ln llra ll tl r,~... (·(' P l t . If) . In' a~Hi n u l B ' I\\' l 'Ill'I ~t'a lid :1l l'l' n ,' ), b\ J H it · - - - - -- - - -p ri l \ 1 d " 1r

(til"" '"

:iH)'(! 1I

/101 ,'1' 11111

(;tL I I I "





Th l' ( 'lollI" .. , I ,' "'~ \\ a" prf'(lro nllnall l



~r" I(l f1 i 'V l itb R eV i v al

Ol tHh 1T1 l hon

in ~ ' iU lll lt ~ l)l:-. I I· ~

I " I h ,' U\P II

1)u l l (>I,1111 111/1 tli l l rU\ I!1, e l. 1111111 lilt)

Ou e t h ,'


tilt' m Ont



\0\1111 11, 1J(' I Jl~ hnhl 'c! LI) I)!ud ltl'c (I'll!'

~I"' CII' I

wa ..

I llltuli S Inf'id nu b

11I\t'n l1ol1

W I~

I1l lx lII l'es

l Kl\\ OI' I


:;111\ ilia)


ha \f' fl o tH II l' l 111.1 \ ha\ c

~h l'

hall a I CI11 ,lrkalJl) b o ol ! m n ll) l ~ o r Kh t... m ay \la\',:, sl n d l(' d h ard fOI s:tm · illa l 10ns Bllti used 11(1 her :il l l' n gl il Lell l

th l:-i p l' r l, )d are on



lim e p atl er n , t h,\ ht)tiv or I I\(' ohJ ' (. l I:; usu any )l'llu w ~I'f'e ;l Or gla \


Othl'l'rareph'\(\;;a r el ho:;edp. ro r .l tcll llI f' tHl .:-> o f a ,)roc?ss inv e n le u 0,-

~l hp by

Wil li I I.


LO ou

(' fJ:illlnl('

ltl l' II! :i

m e(,Ilitll~(o d III a n r il l y g i ldrd Rer It

\\'" :.r r lolrJ

h lR

l'allll'!; h" \' ale l BollI! he l

was In fo rmed Ih,' 1 Ih e healY hal l' I'ow. del' wus nlsl'o\'el' l'll b} a n I mn m R~lc r nafl lPd Sr h no rr. \\llO ol.uie n el t R. prr' u -

11,1t dUl Il (l he r ln g 10 h b hlll' <" \\ Il €O lI I id ill e; u ne liny I1 f" al 1\1I f" h nuui' in\t'st igall o ll el'} I hat I li p )I(J\\ lIl'! lh i" llll [' r.l a y Ih a l is in l-:" !la lel pa"I, ' pllT l


i'h norl' l,w

It''l l 1(, til, d lo;;z j·(t\'· ,\ u s ma .l f-' 1'1 (1 111 r s pa lde Lit (l1 1II 11I l: f' l a l ll - Wt: I, ' f l'r 1+1

whal 1:-: h ll u wn :t!:i l\a,,11t1 '111,\ r' " \\ a ~ l lip p ludll IIUII o r t r il e purce -

s ull la lll

T he (' l (,(lo r 1ll0 nOP011 1.('tI II~ dis{o \, a r)'. attd "I' Plll l.HCd IV I{pe p 11.1 ('10"'(,iiC tt'rt Th t~ minerai '-' aM plill ed "' de ni ed ca rik ~ b y dumh m C' n All d 4 on

,\ I'FU!:1"\ 1' ,\Tl' l::HN

,'eyed lO MeISSI' ll , "h erl' t hl' I" " f; ~,­ labll s hcd 11 gl cal Ilorc'cl alll lIIallll f,I, '· to ry, The lIor).; s \\'e r e cUl rieu o n III the s trc n g ly fortlR ed ca s lle..r AI · bre~ ht~burg whe r e lh e wo rl,m c lI weI'(' pra<'tlMlly [lrl ~on e r . E" e rywl,,'rc ' ''' Ihe Wlll1 8 \\' 8a pos ll'd Ih e noUce "Se . cr s 'y to lh r GI'B"0: This rille wa ~ I!n fo rced a l Me lss e ll do wu 10 t'l12 Ston e wall . all ,l se\ e <e pcuRl t les , hl)wo \' e l coul<l I!ol [.rave nl th e sec r e t frnm hI!' l ug r evea lNI; It I" r ~l'O r d e d Ih al 10 I71 S a MeJj;oen th lna ,,,.rl'e l '"' ,.SUl l hl'd to break hi ' 081 h and rt h llll;(' Ih e OI (' lho:1 of mall ufa"lure In ' he ellr!',' I'" or l he Vie llua c hIna wo rks wh e llce t h " "" s prc ad r'H a nh w ide, Th l' Ill n g h im sel f wh n h e \ ls IL!'d h ia m an Ura CIll r) \\ ,' nt II1IOIIg h t h ,' ( o rm n o cO\l\'l' I:;a tlun, and \fe r }' Ilu ll ' inl1u - o n l' Ili r o t IIll world' rl PH",,,, t h is and th e )f ta k lu g Ihe o a t h o f Berre. r Th e Nrs t t' ll t e P/'1) ple P fl~:i h e, h \ "ILboU l C()f'rc~po ut1in ~ on " o n lh !? Itf'xl v. heel,

"' Oi l, lH P1 h ,lll il l:ll1 y

f l om 111

c h t" ml ~ l Soo ll lI oL1t N I tha i hI:-. 1 )~ l"lIl\f' w as h f"la \I CI I.. h a n U~l1H I. a mi aud ... d a

8tl 11l111C' of Ihl'

JlI(" ('~ r1ntllt~

tl f:-.,

til ()1'f'~ft en . R l1 d pr,lmpll)

l1r,· .. t'P;i h i:; tn tc l e i M

th e 11 081'1'51 chain loo p 5 ch ain hack Ha lf t he lime yo u lI ,teu to t hi s BOrt illll) 5l h from 11001, I pi co t) 2 more or prcac hln g with burrd r CMlg na l lon , double c lo ehe t " nod pr Ill' s am e loop wh on It co mes f lom pare n t~ lind a s befol e, IlaSlJ to the next loop , and l e acb e r ~, t:Jut, dear g irl. II I lrlle, r e peal [rom . all r ound t he wh ee l 1' 11 , IDlll will nCI'r l' grim! agalll wllh The othe r wh('e ls are all 1II'0rl,,'d 10 "Ill e r thai Is IIRssed Whal )'011 I.) se the same ma nnOl, e xcel" that In work, to·day YOU cannol gain lo-mo;'row, lug the lasl ro" one [lkot ts Joln l'~ to Th r eal value o f educati o n to girls, a. corres pond ing one or the pre l lo ll H Is t ha t It Is preparln !; litc m to take wheel ( see Illu stration) , tb e lr (1111ces on th e world, a nd to lQAke The headIng Is worl ,c' d afl e r th e r &tb o worl d he u e r III " a ~'" 10 co m e, A qulre d nnmbe l of "h eel s o rc Join ed, girl who does uot mal, c Ihe m l)s~ of . , work a trcole Illto t he 6th PI cot her limo In school 11'111 II ()I o n l) be from the Join e d ona-c ollnttn g from I!O ITY la lc l on, hil t will h~ SU1'1lWlse11 Ic fl 10 rl !; ht- 4 c ha in , a do uhl e c roch et a d oubl e b y ut he "" I ~~ e lc \ c r t han h ~ ro e lf bu t l in th c 51 h pi cot. I e haln Cl'o ch'! t IlI l he 41 h Ill cOl, 4 rhaln , a dou ble m orn conSC Ie n tious, Ol'ca s illnally oll e I1I CC I ~ a 101.' ' U nI - lIo('1l el III th e ~rll 1,I('rH, ,I lI a in, a Dl o ll pla ee 1I0man \lh " hn. Ie " 1, leas 11'1'101 i ll thl' n n.1 pleu , 1111. "ill Il' a \' 9

eXpll,lhlt!l) 11.


I g,nHI j) :-l (II ti~III'f'>:) C h luel:ie It\·, CfJ IIl (J Hl' r 1) 1 m e da ll lOl1!! tllllll \ I plain f;r nlllld 11l£l lJahHin~ uping


Ihu / Hu l ll, h e- I ' :; \ ah\ 1 1)1 11 1 h .l ~I'd H 11 (1 \\

h Ull' (lI)'Ito IlC' 1


('DIl ,'g:\"' 11 0 " fl H1 ;:,f)f' (. , (\ 1 IlI H I1,t ..!," to t:S('Ctl n,' a dlp llHua' 1I1t\} Iii' a...,I, I" d " cll Ih ~ re III ~II II nll ', " Ih '" ,' ne

((' I f' I IIHh'd

1"11 " I1H· jjll .... "lII LO l : cam e t f) IIL;III was \\,('

:"ntl l tll\\ ~, i n dU ll hl p ( ' J' IH\1( ' I S uIl d f' r ear h rh"i n lo op enl)(ll J 3r ll R \\ , :; Ch ain , I lrohle In n pa r• • • • f!~ t s tlt r h hill o nr or TH'P \' I OU:i r ow, ., 2 r hul lI , pa .~ a Ill', a Ir p ulp i n IlI'X I, re o I \\ lI l1d (' 1 if } IJ II IIl1d l' l's la ll d l,r e pl'al from - all routll1. l O1l1 lllll la Rt 2 t"'b;c-I ~ \\ ha l I m r all I I I b ~u 11ll(lIll'· (' h aiti 10 Ihe ~rrl ht lle- it of thr ') dlai n 1311l Ih at n \\ rl mall s hou ld In III<'hl' 4t1, Ho w , • 2 dll ll hl .. (rorh l'l, " nlk r ,lay s hc CfJ lI l(l(lpd a l P \ (' I \ 1'0 1111 r r I lh'l h\ll1lc lire o r b ~ I hu" 'n e~~ (J,I[lOI I l I U1III C~ or hfl r p IOrf'S ~IOI1 , " hul (,t l' r i t 1 m al' b <" I h ,ll n .:11'1 al sr hool ('Oil a r·

Itav e hrc lI tol d 0\ 01' and OVCI IIl1 rl l the w Ol'd ~ !'Iec m bIll a n Id ll' la ic tU al ) o n (Ire In Jl l e's mo rn Ing t h nt I h £'sp are Y,IIII be", u a l'o a lHl I ha t Ie 111 11 (10 n OI ma(. c Ih e mO, ' of t il e ,,!'l' ol'n l Il WIll lIe \' CI' be In ,lo ur (lowe r III relr ie ,'e I he loss

fJ.t l l r> t\ l


&oou fill ll till I "tUkll1 .t; , a pl la l ('xhn ~I:-,lell • I'Illd UUI' I e SUllrt t"~ Ilope I('~s Iy

ttPPIJIII l lTl l1 1ll ur J ~alldl p r. a :itlll p l I J1. lo =-;1I 1'1..· 1!ll t e ml l hl' ",tHIt-lIne: ' I h(' lUost " ~ tJal slIhjl)ClU

ulllil t IT,'

Tl! p; rj' n~I :'H" " o f mal l


of ThIS Fan cywC' ;,·k . PJ escnt A. 1l Unusually

l' U )j n ~ !1'II'Tl t lO n to a n yth ing 8 h p ~ a\ s and I.-' s[lI'P":-. ~lIl'llIl :'f' " 111'11 tnlt! I ha l tih e I~ n g r nti ua lr fl f :«l",~ (i1Il:O;jJ h lIV II "-

:-; 11I('1"'~"



h"'I\II (\~


,,' n"'I(' 111' 1' 0 1)llortU llI l l CS


:-0 " ' 11:

eX:lUl I II UI ll l n .. an d s r> nl1 III p UPPI "; 1 11 (11 ,\V c r " f('l\p hi g h mat lh UU I In l h .... 1' 11 1• G ood D eS ign , t he \ \\ 111 IJc fl l :-;l t\lH f"ti Ily o IIH' I' r i r l~ , .hq WC I'(\ f tl ll Hl ul nil IIIIOII~h " or l\ (,(linin and Jol l) tO l o a l l l l!!" Girl " wh(l a r e m CI{!: I~ (l c u' I' a r t' !lIt e 1:;1 Ro\\ , I, chnl n . 1 t r r hlf" Inlo the n WI\ llull to wh u PIll nIl tlle'lf s;. (hi;; 111 1 rlrH~ J tI~t mari e J {' hal n anol h(' r l l'c b le :. l1 t. ... hl)l1 \\11111 \ \ !O\. n a d h nn~ lI o l lllng. ! I n ~amf' p lu(·r. r"w'al from 4: t h l'ce :>1\ l h .. sh l ' l\E':-1 l ' II 1cs:o! w p IH\\(' p lC' ll l ) I tlItlP =-; m Ol t' .: f' ila ! n . Jt1l n to thi r d t o dla \\ f r o rn h Os ll l ,... .. what W d II l1 t stll (' l1of!h"l l l~ ha j tll .\lt llh\\i ll couct t il f r nut fn l Ih f" pulJ)1( I t) ~ec " ,' ~ha ll as \ tr hll> ,

fo rd Itl

Ir.krc ling In! rma tlon About the J3,, , uhlul Warc TInt D c.,r cd by E ve ry House w ue,

p l, th


"h cd l. ,'II I 1111 1' t tlnll l )r 01l L' :-. I:cll d 1 11(' ~1"1I1 r ill' ""llIlt m ~' , Ill d l ol3 \' 1:"'1 11111 In 11>1 ) " I h l l'Iq Itlll':' t il .. H',l< IF'I h ll' I t 1:-. nlllth ! 11f ) lotl ~ on I Il I " I \d! It l "

gl l' l ~ ~\ 11(. 1 1){'1

Jr a\ c a ll c. t:o.i) t h ~~ , 1 1.1:; 1\..

m a lce:l ('llal n an d n 'p e"1 r ro m • 1m ("::tr ll "' h ...... 1 a nti tln l::. h Wil li ,1 l OW or trr' hl f'~ -- O lh' tn elll h s tlt r h - lll a lon g I t hr t op



\larqt1I· d ·' 1""ld a,) as IH'lIU:; l l t In'I ' " p h 1'1 d l ro .. "". r a~fPII€'d ti p II' a !-l ilt! l'ic:-; of d l apl'r l ,' ~ \\lr h htl ttr+ l l l lt'~ f) r \.· . . d ,·n (111:101 ;\l l ' l ~ o\(\ tI :-t il II IT· I )( , x c;3 O rl \ ' ll dl (l l l l l !' l \\ lth \\ l' W ~ 0 1 t h e ro y· al 1" 11•• 1.· .... ,H I' lall 1) (" )n1 m Cl n ~tJ ar t!, a l "t ) ( I,,' I l'lI 1~~1 ,l ~ t'.:t "" hu h arc o ft e n "X (p lI !'o lll l \ rMl fl U'd \ llI tl n .... Ih ,' ( U " IP " \A nk h I ll e t u ll e, ·.. tor I", 111 1l·1 111" 'h , . , m i" ('! Wlt tl ~l1' C t ea -

hll Vf'lU lHl' d I I UII1 rlf' " 1 I I!Ir~ f l \l.,:· ~ ·n h e:i I I1P rtptil'll1~ofl h t ',<,a lsl li lll' ~ l\ IO'<' U Qr 111 111 \\ ~ 01 l a{"(~ I II ""'"

(1) 11


h t' I U1)' rlr(' ~ nt\:; I . . . t ' x 'l"t ~ l l e , Sofl /..: I'H) SlI cdt' t s I ll e r uuudflr wu fora IH'all l,l hll ~Ir dlt - \\h ll' h jr. ~I l lli tl ,' ct \\tllt cul ti l t"el bead:i and t' n t1 t\ III IJ I til " f erl

,' 1'ft'l I In !

hI I'd III


I ' I. et

('VP I \ !<O. had f' In mal (' h I H 10 I llIlI' 11\ ~lt h . Ih r+ I l tl h'\ HII :-. ~ lall hlOlls ,. dlf'~ S "':i tu p)-r

a rc WOIII wl <1t RIO " fi llllY (' hlffo n b I;alhrred Into Df!r ft"'{· t ,ll t'r{l of Iln ':.ri PIl (' h ll l~ p ro · ~I nll l's IlI gh .lil thp "a y 111111101 Iol1 t 'l- d lH""'d a l MI' I S I' ll "a~ a U ' .l J)() 1 "hll h BUlli. h e l' wl t hll rC' \\ rro TH t ill' U \ 11 pPf'la ll) ~I ) dlrf'r tt) 10 tro al a lld uR(' k !t o rt I h r c w I n to ('ol d \\ al .' r I n IlI ll l)r s·

<) n

l b~



lIt) w l' r~ , j ll g~

Wl l h Wa t l l · U'jI· ..... lI " · t:ll l I IP ~ . t' n s t!S Wl l h fiJ:;uro fi I n 1' )/ 111 ., 1 r:11I 1 "11~ I h~ h and l C::i b eiDg rcl rllll' ci I) f ( lI p l d ~ . t " r) ~ and s a ~ l cen.l f ..~f) n lf' p," " I('·(t " n h .t;nl d l"u (uitlls); and I h t' 111,,1' \ ft f'r 17il Ib ,,"' !>t f v l c3 anrt l orUl !o\ III I hl' nn.'II'<il ng IU'I ii) el w e r e Illmillton r tl ,Ia ~hh al m l)j If ~ and Hhapc a I f' pl a c IIt ~ Ih'l1I Tht' \ """ e~ I()~t th eo l l" ~I'a(f' ftl l n ' l w ln~ ()Il t lllb'/i and n n w be-. \\1I1t ..;p' 1\· , f


vl dpfI (,P. too ,


11Ill:-, d l" 'I I I. II , ·1I " 11 11 n()\\ 'r~ f' hncola te pill .. \\ 11 \I l' uI . d II I il aUU"IH al Ii Hl : and It

buck h'

C'nlm'p d !o( p,ull~l f"!( B r~ In

Til t' pa i l11t;!11 a nd [pr)d t"lc-ri u l1tu'rll h .! loJ, w hil'h l H','1 1I rlU rrr 'll1 en I)' " p re Wl)l ll n ~ tlr ll s~ r llam f" " I ::; I II t h t' f" lg h lce nlb t r' nfllry :"lad :t l11 r La Ma rl1 !1I$1(.' d e C re'I Iii I n hl' l :\t t' m ul l'~ . · d i"H' ri hC:i the I tl a


s h" r1ll g

Barou nll8~ h all ec('( cs lu Lic of HilJ eshc lm , wlto ~p ~YB tt'm l'o ns l",cd ot a m e thod of etl'lllng or c n g ra\ In g ' )11 t he rit e ('o leAllr fa ce of whILe [lI'l l ce laln I" alcd An !;e ll ca J\a u lTman WU9 (o r:L li me o lle IIr t b p. artl Hl>! e lllillo yed at ,\1('1 ~~C II and b e r 0 11 pa illtlu gs a s we ll as tll(l He of olhe r omin ent Im ln ter . , we re COI)letl m a n y tinres O\'cr by t ll " I'h Ina d e cor a tors

o n whil e , Sl pe l on h lB' k and Itt. enf (, or AU.1:\lSl If S an d c.. r t'a l" I I , I h f' a m a n ull cter "b o~ c C) eli hundrcc1!i of VPI an ,1 I(nld 10!;PI her --Chl cagu R~c. 1 (- Ir ~h t ur a ll CO Il l: Cru t" u th " t.'ttl"" FlOllJr Ul' 1 In " n - , I am p d(" ,'r" wi t h squ a l'l' plint hs , 'URta l n CII nu IIIJ ' II .' ,'U lllI " had pR ~se " anrl "ho hllfl u,ada orll · HI' I. I" a gcd lllC' Mel"SI' II ra<lul .' u nl ll h h "r"a l k . 0 1 la llrel bel nl( th e f a \'orltft I pro folln ll study o f t he Pll. s liJilJ'ir.s 0 1 A Child's Manll e l'~ dealh In 171 '1 II! 17'! 1 Ih ~ e l"I' lIlr fl f dl'l'l'ra l II " d ,.,. ll;n Both \'a "~~ and )'OUI1 !; IINl ple, I "as Illlllr~"ed Wl l h " 0 I Nuh ..l f h ito IU p r,l tt} hl'havtor Sa xony hU1\:,plf a~, lInH."l l th t' d ll(' ltlnn l "U4 Up,. . luv p. a r,,~ u tlr h an dles BOw ol hlnA he sa"!. It Wa H lhl. , " I 1'hf' nr t'3 d ~ n l" and",Jaura a n ti c1oc!(am nUl \'c ry mllciJ Int e r eS I!'d In tbe wtrh t h t· ;4 r uwn fu l1\ ;o\ aN it I~ t o t,.arb or t h r Ca br l('. \\hlrh h e rOll l rl l lh'd rw r· cle\'c l and brllllaDt glrl R Wh o 10 ". (1 fT h e rlo ll"' IIl'IoII,o fFre n d I(IOI'I1I ", Orlll lIon&l ly Ull lI l hl ~ d ell'a~, ' III 17:: I ' a, p ~ "'~' '1< IIa i ly a rll "'l r I:>ol h ' ll t h ei r th e ll work a s If II .... e l e a bagut~ lh' hpr so "arpfllll y allil s o 10' Ingl } Ihat Coullt Brllhl "'a s al) ~lIu t"" 10 ~ 1"'!'Pp" ' 111 ,1111'1111 )( a n,l in ttlP ,Ie ll ''ll tl' ro lo rlng ' r o m e to l !l ls 0 11\ 08 uy I II n.' .. Cll" 1111 , A u- .. f Ih ,' OI U:lIll 1113 11<11\ .\ fin ~ " peel I'hey tnllY hc tru SI.. ct to adll~\ e "lillie Wllf! 1I I h l' 1II,1Iron ~all~r "BY' lIl e n of Ih ,' (ortlle r r li re e ll IS I ll e god. ,00/1 r esull K, IInl C'"~ Ih c ) dc pe n<J too h e rl' Ill } (Ip al . or 'I R I h l ~ \(Jllr lillie g usI 1I 3 : il Dll l ln ~ l it!' 1;1'\' e n YI':t r. wa r ( 1756· II p,;.- ;<oHi: h t ",~"I"I I u pon" plill t il and mil ch 00 th cl r native quic kn ess, or flall ~ h le r~ ' s h l' " , II " lI h psll a li no::l y adth Y 1!r()Ve failur es A p loddhl/( pupil \an· e 1,111 ,,.11 h l' r ha nd, s a ) , . lIo w rtn 6:n ~'ra d e ri c k t ho C rcat tf,ol, lJre, d e n SIIIJ[lOrlll l ' III'UII' h. " f I fiv e c u n!l l(!li-: ),011 ,10 '" . 1111 1.. , anrt IISI I! O 10 alli h at 10 sell nl; hu ",~ qn a n Lllleh of till l.lI r ce· mun ll I h" r"de~tal a r" a rm " ' j 31 ~ Ili e lct 'II h " hit.:! til wage a ba l Ll e (or e ve ry al l ~ r '., lai n .. h"'h h I' fOlllloi slo r ll.1 III I he my · a lll l ('11(1" 1~ beau II fill .::I'lf' k -C11>\!>, Is Inc h (If grou nd gained, awak e n" III)' en . s al c1 " ' h r l 3-" t ho ll J:h your al waro hou s<!s at D Il' ~ d ~n a", 1 ~l u i s,e l1, In Ih ~ s h Q[1e fa t mille HUr(JIf;)Un t d thu ilaS IlI n nd stimulates m .. to o rre r wo rrts w(' re " o rd. or psp l!c i:l.1w isdom Summer B O,LS. l ' h e Pru , Ian kin g WI t h th e I«icn ey" by ad o rn , aud 1.0(11) II by t \Y() re mal all Ibe he ll' thaI Is In m e:- I 10 e 1.0 The b row lI .f~3lh ~ r llOa Ih p rlr~tty to busln~~s w h lo h has e\' 'I' dl s l h \: ftguras. The shIeL M P. d eC<'_ d wHr&" l ee Lh e lrlunwh of dogged I,e r s ' v r. H 'J he n1.lTll rris, l'arnet.! ti ny Ch in c" e lan ds ca [les u g l'llU P S, It ,\01:0 \Vb n (lim(:ultj e~ bave _lIl lc kolled ~ ha" Q, 1 ","!full h')a , IIl1d a ir y ralr tulle guisb.ed · t h In Lire way," . 'tO nf(>I' tian~ vi with a il e a!lotl~e r In ~way Bll the bilSl, workme n, l h m Oll· is d atej 11 ~7, Tell Bnd C'llroo ~el vlrel\ ' 181s allll molds , aod all t h e A. 1I1! cl a y b orn a m e lllell with flgurel4, plll. to ral s u b · P crbl1p~ th e poillt mad e her" hv th e Ilollulurlt1, and wlll do so r o r :JeYl!rs, oollld h,y hands on , to Bern a, From Jecus Ba ll nym phs I1rje~, W ..tteau tlor~ CAacher ~'aEI i4 , tIM .Ilec t thal "W monliis to coms, lb. penu4 of Ull, rQbll~ry. the Berlin tfequeQt occu 1reQr:'II ~ talldng o oe day Wllh

.. ,It ynu soe


1l I '~~ \\1I1i \\'lI l\ h 11 h, l h 1)\('11 Itnlll .\ :'llu d,) u r \\hll ~ ' \0\ 1'1 1\ I ~ 1.1I 1 1\' \\ p ll h a l t h'a l n l t! I,'ro " ,, "s

1.1110 ~ I \' cn

all aid.. ,' \ n ll ha \ l' "fl.' m t'!l It I :')''''.!-I \ \ 11:11"" \1'1' , · 01 111 It ,\ \1 lin

';L:':: U IIJ


10 1'1'ull, 1' \ Pl: :-'l l lIlt11 I IIf r l' Hit. II dl " Y"url) (':\. lIl l1l1 al h IIl S \\ hl ill \11)" !',lIr. l J ~ shn" Ih e \l. o , h lit,1I h .I !o. iif'C' ll ..t ... ~ i~ ,,, 'd a ut! tJ C II II III :-il l a !C Ih e 131 11.IUI . I'

IICr lul l1If' ,f ('\" ' )


'1 0

111 i!W I ')f l ~ fliP . l.~ hl' l .~r

I l rJ\\'f'\t' !

\" ' 1'\\


111111'~1!l111'!-i tlll lhl' I .l ld I n :" M t!l1 ~tII1Hd ... !hl' l !' .111' \\1, [' 1,1 \ 1" :-. 1.., Ju olhf" ~ I l' VI{\ \\ ... 011 11 InIl 'lIl lI, . llId IJ/I'UI 'I '.' I I I,,'


\{J U 11. 1\1' Itn l ~ hl'd I I.II } t n \~ L ~lIll,( l I lh ilt ilf'l lIlIg 1I I I h.ll d a \ I I C! lll u ~ \ to ( ' lllllllb V.llhh \\1 ' 1I 1l\~",/Hn!,111 "l bl' p l· t ill ~"nd II ~ I II ) ~,II ' ~Or c,111 .. part . .. In


Hint in Regard to Bean Picking_ I'ull bean s nn a bllt day aud le t th e m li e In I h Sill! a li l t le wblle In thlD ro" 8, bos hle wh c re I he y gl c w , I he n Ihra s b an ll cl eal!, during th e sam e day Ihey w o r ~ (llIll ed In 1hls way , s ay s tb e Farm J o urnal all green bean s and poor, ... m ed lIOUS, will not thrasb, aud · tbe crOll will be almost equflH.o hand · ptckeu ,



I Hltlll


I I:. ' I U II :-.I

1 ' lIl c,~ o ll r I, de lO' lnpe d exl endln g b a c ).; Il l'Is h ll mill way Stra[)s or 6)'.l e mal kally In lJra ln an ll h eart a nd rOI'C ' r are at , bod~' " h" will hn\ e 10 Ill l,,· a ba.k lacll tl n~ s ho wn to " eal III th e audie nce "h en o llt er~ a re On I he 1)l al furm d ln"'l lu): Ihe pur jla s~ a ro und bac k :;h u \\1 11 h' allli he lll to bold securel) 1[1 pla eo I'U~ (,S fl f Ib e Mse mlol) Thl ~ allo" S I he cow (1crfc(' l Freedom or in th e r ear , and I ht' prlH ·t:'~~i un will a elloll to e Rt al1d drlol; an" In feed'I'g - I1nall)' rt ro p h CI' fro m li S r ao l, s IIlg on II1Is Hlre , bUI Imml'dillte ly s h u • t IIrn s h c r head to s lIcl, h c r~~ lt I bft I Yo alll t o :;a y .., OIl1 CI h I n~ t () c lw..)ur . llTOng toward tltl.' Aide " h le h she turn. It;~ I he dull g irl s ..... b" h,"'" 10 "ark will jab It selr Into he r carcass, trellle udnu:ily fur all th e y SCC Urt' In

Water In Creamery BlItter, Th e " ate l cont.' nt of c r eam er y but t e l' can h e mor e ea s ily rc gulat ed tbull tbat or ao)' oth c r "In<l or hatte r and tA c r e Is no good r ca son ... hy It should contain more thlln the le gal lJllouot,

j i"1 1

P! t,. ...

111,l n ~\\l1 1 "' f Ull I .. t' ll I( I II' IH" ~~ hr' l .\ ' '''n I h"111

u\ " \ I:I • . \HI 'I I" :"I \SI.-II , lt (4 ,(. ,.t.d l JIJ5 III J ''' 'I' I i{ I mc:\ ) 1·;~ (. I1 ' l lt,tllqn s 1,1\11 1 Lit !.! , In 1 111101 l l rl' I U'I;'!!):--I' 11.,,\ .. U P I" ~h u f IlJllf, 0 l

I fln rt " Pl lI ll g Il In 1'01<1 \l 1l11'1 th e h,," l. T he ~ halJo w Ilall ~ or ~roc l,5 wil l ra lsa th e cref\1II a s wl'1I as an y oth or sys ' IC' In , UUl Ih e 111 11111' In h a n rll lllg so m a n y \l' sst" l :-; l ~ g, l l.'a l, an d li m III I I I...

HO llr AI Ih ut s tllg'e YOII \\ III ge l t ho I){" l l.Hlll c l UII (I t he m ost nf it fo r t hn am o 11n t o f C)'l'a m Do n ot ('IH'f'r YOl~r milk lin t il rool Th e c r pn m w ill raIse he llc r , an ll Ih e o do r fro lll Ih e WIll not he art to ~e ltl c 011 th e m ilk If I.. tt unCO" l'1e d In thl ti nll\l1l1 C1 Of) not le t your tu i lli: 0 1 c r ea m floeze- [fir fro7.en Clh\ :, \!t 'n \\ III ~H'II YO II t h e poorest cr('am \\ ill no t m a l\e good buUC' r U lld 1('1'1 1 \ " I h o II\' !'. l, as a J:; pn er a l r u le. r :l I~U t h e h t' lf,"

D lln " E n ll I he Dull Gill Its R ew 3Id - J\. LIttl e S t u dy Du 1'1 II g H o i l dnys K e ~p~ t h e Mlll d E nc Ile-- Na -


o [ \\ (' ,t t h,", a nd th e (J~a m i s n ot at, \\d) H t h, ' m ill e q uall t :Shf m yO llr

ap/l I/I.t lln n

d'JU t ·

th e ' ·aketc b y" G ld nrU; l Cl a ' lI ('1 E Xnnlt l1a t i'l l1S-S11 e M oy G e t H igh M alks, ll ut W ill Fi na lly B e D h:; t ou ced by R ei M Ol e C olll CIC ll tiOU S S (.;iloo illlQI I' P €: I SC V EHR u ce W i ll

",'f '

~f"" ctdy

a llll rl!pl,

( 0 \\ i .. a rtt'r 1l1l11d n g Ilm(", an d 1h e r e· HlIll I s Jf"'~s mtll\ Th e 01111 \ s h o 1lhl h9 ~ l ral il e d u n d c o o l e d a ~ ~ o o n aH {ira \\ n ,

a nd


,'r ln' rl")r



cows. ruh l h c f.r

IJl\('(,s, a ll,l see how qui c kl y th f' Y rtl E H' rr Jail'YUl a ll n",.1 ai m to gro w HlH)l 1I1 to ) o ur goo d tl'l' atm (, lI l w i t h u n 1 0 lln,; u n lm als Into HI "'n~ hea lt hy III ' In('r{'asC' d tlow o f mlll< No OliO' but a t'll \ l d uah , wh ich "I II l!I1pr o\ l! lai ~ hi Uf e will he nl It cow, tllt ' n sit do \\ n h l'- j ~.1 ) ~ GCU I gi' r Ilumph rey. of and C.XIICC L he r to gh'e Ull h r l mill, fM the llll \l' I ~l l y 0 1 \\ i ~ ('o n ~ l n li e III II SI hI. OClll' lll Do not d l 1\ e lou r CO " ~ f c e d \ "nll~h of llll' ri g ht 1,1 1101 o f f.. el l to !l lld r'OIll [>as ture \I Ith a dog, l ·, ~ t I llIul .u anti t' II('OllraAt' \, ery au I· Th OIllk lo),; Hllo lIl' , be d o n" r egu 111 ,11 III h ls 1" ' 101 t" ri o h er !JOB t Wh II h I




nOLe11 e dlwator,

~ ll\ r r







- - -,- ---


1' 111 11 ~"I ' 1l1 r C :Jl': l !'lH ~ k , \\" I Hld

:\J " .1 I' ( · hlll'llIlIll . of 1-: :.01 1111'111 . 1- ""ry ,11









_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


~tOIf TO OINOINN ATr A llow u F' lotir (,.f e:, _ll l· b. . T liIli'r e '-'111 b L Il. wll m u in!! II Uel no Card Th ' nks . AT DIi:N,£R nA p.F.r; N f.lNIi:I'. nA PENtH!\L;ANI A. U Ni:S . . ~ i. " ( ~ 'i'i :'I IIllII erulIln . (If EI ·I t«I'. e" o f • fin.,. I:i,od .' Vllrnll tt ed ,at , AUI\" " 1:1 . • « " " Ion IIrl:l""O r. lnr. l lln~ ~1 \,,':" i hll l 1 .,,1 111 1111 , H " ' !-li ( i l\ ~ ltt· ,' ~ U II . l l·l\ lnlt \ l' htHl 1 t'\d ~\' ; 1I11r ~ . ,\ t \\ 11 \\T('I d e~i rO t.o t · x pnH\S o n !' ~ iucd r c ,\ II I; lIl'It 'W l OS, 'pll'IIII"Jr ad . hH; lu :H\' I', .oX' ! VU\ P elln:-" ,I van ta 1.11I t!l'O will bo 6oldn~ I.1I~ J. A Z,I1 I1 IlW nIlUI1. , Jl lin"g r l lll A llJ~tJ~ t .~:! to :!!i, thtl.nk~ f o r ,he I nltuy uets o f k in ll. l \Jr~l tl ll lh' ll~l ~ to 1..h' 1I\' C'r. l '.... \nWllv . IU l.OUrll l 1'I IIIIHI t.rlp rrqlll W aYl1l1ntl lo Guioa: Il U b1>C ~




,- - - - ' --.-----~.-. - - . ----ZU \'I" F ..lRh:ij TO G A , H.' lrnO,Ult'lIIlJ::N'l' antDA Y




~ J l l(Hl a l Jo; IlUU IIII'III Clil (;nll ill


Anu.\' n f

th l.'

t ral ll lc l~\' I II~I~l H : ~H 1\ Ill , l~cnL r .l1 Limo,

( ',,1III I . l l" .~ ~,· t "ck ,,1111 1'\1 111I r .v ~" ,o ll !' .J ", rp ll ll l~d n ),,·. of l;"l'~" i'ti c r eek n os:; of onr .friend ... OU t,lI e tiHll O(·CII· H,'\,"UI1e . wI ll be .o hl 11'0111all 11<'1« ' MI.ILio"'" ~..J ~i () n of th :\ ll£Hlth UIHl burinl t.f o ur 1lII I'l'ull"' r l" alli lll.t m',i . FlJr l u I 1 1 1I1IJ rrn :~ LIII1I 'riC H. \'Ir\ tl a 1 L n\\t.;C' I{ i ll er nt f\t I1Y ' ~ , l l1 llig'u h CJl'llund , '\.' I\.~ thrt,lw n 1 r OtH h b. r~S;..1I·"\1I1: f : lrt'~. lI\lI t'lJ f lra lu~ , CU'" appl y KX C 'U U~ I O N IfA R E.t; 1'0 l, ANCA 8 . P fj' I I1Lf ..- t o! Kth -n ll 111 t (~rt.·t' I H\ " ; lt ll''' L' V ~ I tln tln ,\' {It\' r n ;ng ,,' Ilih' (\ 1\ hi ~ hn lo\' oll tHOUl or', Slt\tc r null CO U1I Jll U . 10 l,jCl d Li ,·)a· t U ~W llt lJ f tho~(' 11 ne .lt , r"ENN8\ ' l . VANIA LINKS, ( \)Ol tfy F ll l f , ~ i l' l111 d ~fr'" Ed ,,~tln ' l }\ (I lnllu'l: , : \~ .I > fr llU l \\' a Vl.n ':.. \ ' ilk t,u ht!; lll)llll' . It) t1 . l' 1 1'!'t .1111lP M, 1'.1'11 ~ -------~-l 'flll l Atll.'lH~ t I P Ind ,! '·I" ,' _J' xl:uro: ll'n t! I"k ~I" 1111111 Bill >( " ",,01 \\ A I., !'!'"H'lll I , " ' .. 111 'I J <> • "l'll-rlller K e nn N ly " will b old IlIR "to I... L , n e.. l. r . Ohio. account Ca mp Morl ' I·• H Kllrf.H·... 111 .111 " R 1.""1 n .. "~ . Ilt t t' n(lt' \l tllt,1't'u : d l1 n , tf th t' g: n l hll1t I ~ll' . nl~tl' ()\" lo ot w tit tht ' u ", 'I( Llj lll 1 n , ANH l't R'i ~~ ~A l.l ~L-\La~ n . ' " )tliL ",IHul" wl d"t" p,.nn"yl'nnhlI.1nr", Fur ITil' In D,ylnn TIlI'~l ln .\'. I' :-'II ~R Ar;NA P II I LLII·"' . Iser.ontl tf\1r nt." Ihllllliltoll Angn st, pa rtl " ") '" " l' llly to loc . 1 'I <k " ' :I~<nIM ~\l tll ~1 'g illll't1 t III W il ll1ill :,: t ull 'l'1I1 '~ ' "'hi1,O lie",. 11 111 ,I . n . ' 111'\l1l ~ I'llrm Ih ; v . B , F . Z"I.I.. :?2 to :! i.. 11,,,,,' 1111<_. ~'-I' OIlT . ~ p p~i ll \" p~ l ut 11 11 11 "111' 11:; y . . : . th u UIII'\'('ys b nrt; piku; .1 . MIlt .





'I'll " \\' 11'1" '"' " ., 11 1' ('lIl1l o1 l1~ ( 'n'" K,·.\' ~ IJ ro n~ hr him 1.11 (')( t l) 1"\\' 11 fll C' t n r y Ill ' {'o r wl n '1\'111 hr~i n fil II · \\'11 " 1'0 IJr ~I l(· r'... ()orlllt!"nrlcd 10 hi' ~l. w""lt 's vi~i r. among XeDil\ fTll"n. l ,. Dlu g ,:urn t UUJ I)rnl\\" Thn I'RLl i\ )'. 110,11I 11.1 II 1'1t'" , \\'11"'11, IlSldl ' II O,LIlIl ReV"!'I' it i~ I)XP"ft 1·,1 I lin t, i l WIll rnn I s hi\ klll~ \II' . \\' vr u lI ot ~e r\(Hl S , \Y ~.en vrnntl Dg (lr \'\ ~~, ~ n n ("~I n ;': P t Ah 1 '" . '\' " Rt f' ndily nntil froRt on " ", = '"

n1811 brushes lit l G(' .

MI~~ Ludla C01'U~1I

pnr ... ""d I, ,,, ,,

\ \ :O"!)

.1 . )~

.la.nlle ),



It' . ny

~Ir,.. H . no Ib Rpik ll' . of

' ~II " Ut'!'I ~ 1,"II W I'I ·_J h 1111 -

u. rill' r

" I" ill l l~

jlf'rSO DR will he gi,en



rptll "'-,

~t.u1l1\11l 11 0o k .loy

n~ M i "'~I''''


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1'Iuv \\

t 'ntbll'1'I Ilt '

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\' F:TEI{I:\ARY SVRm:o :-: . 1,>'IIIII·I '\ll . 'lll l' ,'.




1 hn

I ho \\ e,. \ ',,111- ,\ ' 1'1 1I ) lI l' N il.

1I1J18 0 n .

,l p:-i~ t'(TIlUIlIt.1t IOl'Ole t' "'ell k n uwl'i ' t't'siupn t ~l rltllr\ \·!oI "uT ~.thf'tl rtt hi:"


Mrs . Edith Hnrri t! uud t u1llt ." t ' I ,· ,11 , ,1 " "I (\11"" r I'I'C" nll y . ~ I I ' " IH I1 Wl thll l .


, '




Jut e h orn e 1'1 run - ltl H 11L l • U S (, O. De(' r u~e,l W ", ~ lll Hl'I' ) UgO u t Phlliv

I d tl

R OS Ulll 0 nU D!\kU1.

Seeou rlUlncl soUlepupe J'no \'L.! lli l'~,

, I O U f' \~ th, 'y un" b ~uutle::l f or t.) e tn "

.1. E. J ilun ey . •

utt o n (




UI HH't\


!o; to..:


uy . ll ~ uncle 11\'

l l1l l an

HUl'f: u 'e . w lip



n O~llly,


0 let! 0



RlI)(I\l; \' I L LII',




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'I' " 't,.,t

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d :.' ,1.:nl lll :\g t' .. 1 Iht' r " ,\ u cC' 11 f.l n· ... tur ti Ll ' plIl.·I ,d IIUIII I." !"'o "d" ' I '" " ' Cll1 , h lll t' \ Iu l.J t' !l1l

1.11>< > 1.0 p oO l""

11IluUI " ,Iv

Hl'lo tl llll , II llrr .!.. 1~ l n "

1" \"-1

At t \ ~


1 11 11 " 11


;q lplkl H lpli


Nllccessllry cost· of li\'iog In ~ (.

t ( · loc.~ l lIckl't .q:e nt


!til :,


Boarding Hulls '100 .



I . upon npp teotlon t o "



Wllmlngt.on Collegr, Wilmington. O .

""""r'r-,...r-,...,...,...,..,,..,,..,..r-,...r-r-,..,...r-r-r',...r-r-,... "









" ,






1"' 1>1 .\:"\ .\ L' ATEU)('ES tl llnn t oe~


Pl'lIch , ..

t ~

I ' L ut l\ ag lle •



H nn h' g r l l\\ n

m .

1'tlltion '4 0 ,00 pE'r year ,

.! Location fnr hpnlth


I1 I .

1',, '"1 ,),1 \,,"1:1 1.10"" ,

I -.------

Hpabr'~ )lhot,o ooupons li r e \ ' uI111 t OI', IIHll Melburn Ha.thIlWllY . I bill If yon ('IIn 'l u~e it YOllr",elf t! h 'l- \ The Allen Fllmily Bll lld will l ie It II) Rl)rne nC y our frillntlH Ih uy will l 11re~e nt at ull of Furm er K ennerly '" , all)lreolatll it, . F ilm" ellch .11I.v . At \ V IIlIllDgt OIl , . . ) . . . Au~u st 22 to ~ij. ' Mr~ . Murul F' 1I 11 Ih , of 11'011 . ],.11 1 , I'll . . .. nIl I"'r ~i~t e r. MIHR Hu <:h fl Mis ~ Nin~ Autrllm i,.. Ilntic lpnloiu g M (' J{uy. o r l~ hktlgo. IlhllOI~ , tll~"tll t:: r e ut plellsure this wen k ill n vi sit \VI·~t (I f fr om her friend , Mrs. MlIX, wh oHo l , "r WI' tl I M K~ tcr Ir\'ln'" M " HlIl'veysbnrl{. w e re gnpllt!' "I Rp ef' h , . , " _I " !III' "I,untrv h011\ t' n f 1< . 'I'. (\cquRlntllnce sh o mude lllll'lng h pl' O'Neall, Thur~lltl Y, niue ' m onth!! soj ourn in t'ulifu ruill . Mr!l. Mllx i~ viMit,ing Ill' r pare n!,M i ll May's for PariS grepn . PiqulI , Ohi o. IIntl tlx Jl eo t ~ 10 C. F, Hamilton, a brothe r. u f e x Sberln' }I~rant. HtlllliltoD, Ilnd w itl', come to WIl .Y ll eil \·ill o t.od llY for II of New Orh~lln~ , Ilrt' vi~lIing 1l1ll0 11 1l few days v isit wh ile on I'o n!e to theIr Wllrren (Jonnt.y 1·,,1/111\'1'1' Mason ILIld L o\'e Jtltlll wll e l'A ~ he 'n I~o Mo nday evenin!' Mr. !tIlll Mn:. lia R re ln ti v e~ IItIll fri e n ds , BIIIlli1ton alll\ Mr. Ilnd Mr ~ , w. r , HII Vi Ul: Ilecille,l ll Pon I h e H r E'~ti o n (JorDell. Wertl guest" or Mr . t\U O of IIU e nti rely u eiv )llllll t iu wlli (' h !rh'!I. U. E. Johns, Ilt Lytle . to hllnule onr IUTl{e ly in c r cll" pll , Mr. J . Clint ~paJlf wbo CGllt .. m hu s inesA, w e DOW o ffe r our en l i l'e I pillted movinl( from W":vn e~ ,' i1ll' tu !ltoc k o f gmnitll aud mlLrbln lU uD l\· , N orth .western \1111~unri,u"8 d echl t'd m ents H.ud Illlnk ers nt gTl'llt 1,'I" 1'1'. to rerilllin in Ohio. H~ bll s UCCl' pt du cetl l1ri cAM . Th e 1ll l'I{B hnild i n ~ , fO.l I~ p n~ ltinll in th e o tli ol.l . of th ~ we will (",oct WIll umk l'l IH'Cl .. ~ ~I \I· .I' Miumi Orniu Cn , ut Xc 111 1\ , III'" til e 1'1 )111\1\' ,11 vf o u.· I'lntire Sl ll(' k . he and bIll family Will lliO\'~ t o Persons inte r lls t e ll will 1\0 wt'll t " tba t Clt.y shortly . ~e nll for ou I' Clltll log or het tel' s t ill 'M N I E I of 0 de n \'i~i t . I come t,o OUl' Yllrll lind H".t' th e work r . e 80n Ell' :'1 , . g .. I we offer lit youI' o wn )ll'll'll. I' flfl Wuytlenllle fCl e nclR M'lUd ft:v n llll Ut:OHlH) Dou"li Ill; HUll , , wu also d~li~lltt d witb II f' villa ge . XeniEl , Ohi o . ij!

to 12 A , M . 1 to 5 p


1 ~,\lI II . (o n(1 rnorills un rx()c ll url. ~I n n ~ ~






1\ 1Il1".1"i '.It II II " 'to) l.\ ,\1 1 ~.; •. u rl I : ... t.J. t l ' lIt I ,.I IJL'/1.1 IIr n \, II dl' ( ",Hl rd LI II •• , S' t· !n u .. ku t It ,· I) tI' I.1 il lol t il ,' }-to ' 1 W :\ " II . I . 1 1I1 .. t llll Tex I" uull nihIl jo,l·t: t l' H\" l it t hl' W ,· .. I 1 'l'hl' 11 11 , 11' 1" - 1.:11, ', 1 II , ,, 1'11 ' 1\ .llt l l{)I I III ,1 .lIHI .llhll lllllllh e ~ I ,lt l' ''' 1J1 Lh t' ~ou lh t '1 11 "' ::" ''] 11" , ",1:1 ",' lit ttl' \\ II I .tl lli .. .. t. l lt· tol : ~ I Ll lt pl'l \'lh, ': t'~ permI t tr:l \,l'!t'r .. t o lu '



- "!!

L'·~:·'.~:·~:~:~H::I.~H~'K ::~~:!:~~~:·;~I::~':~~ .

; ppOln Inell . " d \, .,,, I ,




I ~



- - - - -- -. - -



At t CllU th n (reCDO conntY FCti t' \.U hl'J] PlH W\\U l, \ t(· ,'I \\ :IJI"t' II ,'\ ,l l lll r t ll li" I '· I,~ tt ~.~tc lIu :-l uC -iS O I)~f1lnl!:I , 'I'hl':ol C t IU kt'I S ' 1\' ·'·t' ...... L1 . " II I h, ' toll :-..lIt! t' ('rtoli u dat,,' " l\urlU I: th e :<1\1111 I ut Xenia An g ust, S, ~). 10 ntH] 11th. IIdt td t il l.; ~ t h II III Y 1'1 .\ \Jj.:'lll'lt ,\ II , 11I U:. I m" r , l lt-tu,i1l' d I lIt o rlllllt,lo ll :l r' lu ( arC H. , I F our Irlliu8 11nily vin D , L U. .1 ,: . lin' " , l-:.c'· " I '~ '·. ' 111 ..... ' . 11 111111' , "' , .. .dll b. In-,· I." furlll_h c.1 , I

- - -,-




\'1.\ P~~ NS ~ \' I,YA Ii I A

J' J.ilil' 8mf" I' r 1111 ,1 ,,!fr . Fr"nnk ; Mr . null MTS. F. \V. HllthllWII .V TI "J1 118~ IIIHI f llll.ll .\'. 1)1 Ileu. tlut , w er e h O!l t nnel hos t .. ;<~ TllE'~d uy t o II ..,._ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _...._ _ _ Ri,1t{t' ami Mllllril'I' Surflll e uUll ; flllllil v ·dinn .. ,·, nt, wh i r h we r A pr e~. II!J w ife. o f Li on , wllr" en ·. e u t (:. P . \' "n Do l'e n 11 1111 wifo, o f I Z I J)\ MER MAN N • S It>Tlumell ~ ut\ll" y oy ~h . utili MrM. 'I Chutern. Illin ois: Lewis Stibb~ Itnrl l ~il ll~ 0 SlIrt'u e,·, (II' p.· kln g . wif E', .1 0hn Nixon . wife .Ilm\ duu gll


- --

-, ~



- \-


'~ : I' ,




"s,::~ll:~:I;':, . DI~BSE~ OF WOlI~N 1


N t·


\V. LA 1\ (;,~t D; C. wi. 'l >J...J..J>J>J..J..J..J..J..J..J...,...........J..J..J..J..J..J..J..J..J..J..JJ.,






11'1'11 '" ';!TUP un l

.1 . ~!.

112n~ t :::! t Il '.' .~,

I ' , . _ :\


:- ·-U1'. H..J ~l i c h II e r.

::':.r.e;I'(::~;~~I. l:,f;ttt~ ~;~,~lI;;~II:~leUi nn d \ ~:~'~\I;l(l " ;III.I,';;~ ':;::~ l l~~ :~{'\~I!:\'~'I '~ '

t I Ill' I ·" .r II I '\' ,' n llll 111\u 'l f 'ITor ~


em ploym ent 1'hp genll emull \\'11 11 we nt 10 m ~"

< OIl ,\' t (>l1.

111 ," 11" I, f :-:, I.",'

ti l l d p f l t·r




I .

:48 Pounds Given in Exchange foryourWheat 136 Pounds Best Flour and 12 Pounds feed OR

40 Pounds Best £4'lour

D ut c ll .TII \' 0 BIBIIII (,,,If ,,,! I ~('


\\"lI nt

ye n

(; I I ()


'I' ,)

give ~' Oll mort-' FlOHr than yon can gct ' nny other

pla ce, and liml\' t.hat has life and color and makes b)'('ad that. holds its rnoiswre. Albino FloHt' is a.. high gl'Hde flour manu,fa etul'e fl from selected wheat. 'r ry it and sati s fy YOllrself.


:.! p lq;~' , f o r 1Ge



nn y t llillg


~~ .1 'I'

. Thi s mill wn~ Illllchasen hy MI'. C. M. Rohitzl'll, a pl'aeti e3.1 ! mill man, n,nd th e mill has heen thoronghly overhauled and I~ :

li t

~ ~'i ring' the bf'st of Rnti s faetion. ~ See thnt. y01l1' depoRit cnrd calls fo), \VayncR\,illp tiout' - zr ,;;:Il l


('n n r ~ e,

- - 3 - .'




.. tF ......._ -a •••·e . . . .d

~""'.Mleh..I d

. . . . . .dlil

Will COllllllence Saturday, Aug'. '1 2, at Waynesville, Ohio •

Having found 0111' qlla.l't(')' ~ too small ill the K. of P. Building' to a('commoda,te OU\' huge and incrcasing husinp,s~ in FUl'niture Carpets, ~toye!il, Rang'os, I LOIIFlof'hold Goods, ct('., etc., we ha\'( ~ imLsptl the Stoops Building, 1wxt door to Post-office formerly occupi('d hy t.he 'VaYlll'syillf' Dl'y Goods Co., :L1I(lwill mOH~ int.o it 011 01' about September 1st, I~05. This huilding is now ulldergoing a complet;} remocleiillg'. All entire lICW h'out wili he placrd, large plate-glass windows with prism glass above so bS to throw a good strollg' light 011 CV(,l'y nl'iicll' ill the store, nl'w windows will he nd(led in the reRI' and in sides which will make it a da~' iight I'oom ill ye l'Y fa.d,; til(' RtO),0 ",iI.! bf' stCftm-lwatpd, and everything will he clone that paint and varnish can do to make thi!ol one of the nllcst store l'()om~ ill SOllth(,),1l Ohio. 'Ve hnre the elltire first and second floors and thf'y will be filled yt'ith tlw bpst aJl(I m()st IIp-to.elate






no not wait nntil till' I,,~t, w~ e )( of Ih 's grrat ~ltle t.o co m e in, ,Vou will )lroh~ hly he tli'll\)llloin tell hy n llt finding whllt you wllnt if yon do, for first corne, first cholr-e, so come early tmd take advllntale of hIs tbe gr e ut e!lt op}lorlunily you u ave e \' e r lull t o buy fir;,t (lIU RS g oods Ilt v e l'y low prices. Th e opportunity lllUY uever l)re8ent itself to you again.


"rhe ~-

-'l'hi~ ~ale



AUGUST 12 th, I!105.

I~' . ~..eaak,I e. . ~""'P""T 9

PHO~E 82.








'ANI> "~'of:;'-'--:"-:~r;-.,."""




AUGU ST 10, 19 0G ,


Frien ds' Quar terly , Conc ernin g Meeti ng. . Porni erRes ident s. NEW~;· I


. The HlokBit e Friends Quarte rly &t} la y :8 Meetin g of Miami Quarte r 'Was held 1 ' &1:. Selma Saturd ay and the u8ua l 1!u8iotlSS meqtlng for worahip followe d on ••••~,.¥~ TiiBeaay, Sunday . BualnB88 of a ront lne natnre WRS latten.dBll _to Sunday, and spleodl d a'ddret18811 were deliver ed by Joel Bo; ton, u~ PlJillldf,llphla, and Wilson D~an', of Indiana poliB. Borton 'Will _ peRk at),rie nds' Meeting at B8rve~sborg todliY aud will go' ~he~e to . ~ Pendlet on, Indlanl l, . where. ~e will ntte'n d the Indiana" Yearly Meetin g of Friends next week ..


iY "Bome, H om p, Swee t, H om", There's no place like home. " Y Oll are cordillJ ly invited 1,0 nt,telltl the home coming and reuni oll of flll'lllf'r residen ts tl't W!lyne svill e, JUIIC , l\IIIU.

Corw in.

~e \'(' rn I ' 1\

of h er fl'i tlll(ll1 'l' hllrs!lu y in Lll" ightfnl m UlIlIer .

Dr. R. J , MiQIlilDcr, of Lellll1lun. I ~I I T " does not It ~e fal' from 'VII Y ll c~\'i ll l', . r. IIlll Mrl< ., (mes, o f Xentlt, nre but he does not Hod tilll tl to " Ollle \' isi lill l,! MI's. .1 11tlf'!;' pllr"nl~ , Mr . back hurne oft,en . Howe\, er, wi'll. IIIHI Mr's. I'Htripk Clurk. ing of the p roposed hOlU p..comin g o f Mr. .11l 1.ll es Bui ll es Il nrl fllmily former residen ts, he saYIl: "r feel hl(\'o moved into Ih e li'l'ulUe llr"p. quite an ioteres t ID the project nnd ert,y . Ilnd will do whtlt I CU ll tu 1l p,lp it , 'Miss Ahnn W ..te rhotlse s pem 'nil · along, and will be pre!c'ent if pussi . , J,l Y with hoI' fri end , Mi~s Adl! Fu r. b!e." OIl H.

lIlrs. Arthl1l' Std kes nnll lilLIe From W. H. Gu rd , nt ~ong Ben h , (lang lltlil l' . or '1'0 1'1'1106 Pnrk, 1l 1' \I the Califor nia, the (juzette hu s r eceiv ed gn e8 t ~ of Mr. nuu MI·s. H. E , Booth. ooples of 'Ito's Angele s ptlpcrs tl etnil . " . " .. .• La " . . e II I1rl1, M} Ing plans fO'r un c "In· Immens e wn tor sup. I wlRses l\llOOI , ,~ Ou ply whioh Is to b e brough t t.o Ihut ~e y nn d Mr . ~ . Z. 'ru rt~ ~S, of LeIJa· it f tI t' 9- 0 .\ 1If)l\ , s pent. ::in ndllY With Mr. und o y rom Ie moun UIDS ;'., UI,I es Mr~ . N . lII cKin sey . away. J. I dd Clurk, ot Snit Lllkil i City Utah is also deservi ng of o lll· 1 MrS,l' l'ugh unli little ulltlght er than'ks for SuIt Lake llllillilr~ recon tlv f l:'it~:slJurg, \' Iaited with her pa · receive d. ' I rent" , Mr. uud Mrs. W , W, Arnold Prote ctive Assoc iation . ,I severnl c1uys lust week , Miss E3thor PllglJ , of Selmll. Oh iu, ' Tile Woyne and MaBl!le Townsh ip and &Irs, Mary Wildma n, of P u lln' i . . Proteot ive lind Detecti ve Assooia · de}ghia. dllught ersof ·the 111 to Aohil ., CenterVille tion will meet ot t·he Town@hip les Pugh, of Wayne;;vHlo, nttemled ! house in Waynes ville Satnrda y, Friends. Ge';Ulr.01 Meetin g u. t C~1' 3nI'A '1 A Cl1.9 0 thut is I1rousing II g, oreek. Meetm g house Sundll,Y, 11l1(! uen l of intores t nm ong onr .oi~;j zells AUgDst 19. A foil attenda nce Is 'remaIn ed at Wllytle >:lville untIl Mon will he heur.d before Squire BrowD Gay afterno on, and while here !Dllde delired . , . . brief caUs on a numbe r of thei~ old , ::ia turdllY mornin g. It IS siud that J . C, HA WKK, liec, the lI eflJndu' lt in the CIlse sh ot at n. .J. B. GilA-BAM, Prea. D. Clifford Ridge, who hILS been i fo.rlller so nth of -town Wedne sdny , '( with tbe Metrop ulitan Insnr,m ce ' evening . 'rb e farmer 's hors!!s be. Comi ng Seaso n's Co, at Bllludlt on for Ilbout caDle frigbte ned ut tbe automo bile years apent 8unday at bls htlll'cO oule . . . . Lectu re Co urse bere, le!Lvinl~ Mondny for Akron, In which the defend ant j Ohio, where, upon hi s IIrriva l he After a (tlW words betwee r1dlt:lg. n the tlo,:O "Thl'l manlll!;eplent.o f tbe W.a,y nes. a.t OnC6 aS8ume d tbe duties oln,s ' l men , tbe furmcr , wlto . WD.S hanlillg ville Lectnre CoU1'tle have arrange d Bllltllnt 8u})le rlntend ent for a 88ri811 of enterta inment s the Metrop olitan Cu. in that for the I~ l oall of coul tb-rew II lump of <iolll city lind ' . . . ' . oommg IVinter, that fully.eqnlll Sllrroun ing district . 'l ilt th e lIutOIllOblllst, str l~lDg the high qWloIl~ of enterta inment s Mr. Ridge began ,york with the the log. 'rhen the sbootm g hun on followe d ;1It..,,·,' I:ltl-'vm.. -' that , have bJiln provi<1ed for . Metrop ol itan Co., thrtle years ago : Miss Stelln (junter in this eou'rse ~ d~ring prevlou 8 and by. b~8 thorou~h und e~oieDt 1visiting friends h el'e: , " .' work won a deserve d repu~at lOn. jn . Lecture Course will oonBlst I hiB last year' at · Ba.mllt on writing MI" Sidney Davis had his foot lP.ven by WUlitt8 fol., more lil<iiwtnll' numbe bualnes talent:rs, Dr. A. A. In that city. s tban any otller agent Ampntt!t of. It"st cancer,cllwasTuesulIY Br~!I....t:·.~~ "~iai~~rlmlle. the 011Uge . u tb!" .. ApOIItle of Br;n. In rej:ogni tion of this ellicien t . . MOlArt Symph onr Oon. service Mr . Ridge was prom otod to Mrs . Elmer Huodl.e:r. of Clneln. of .New York ; J>.r. Wiok. tbe JlOIIition of t snperin . IlIltl . wbo hn!:! been vIsIting her pa : "I~~~:~~~~l~~eo~'t~~u:~rer; Herber t b!on tendan t lit Akron, nt which renl ~. Re v. nnl} Mr!:l, Mnddox , reo ~.~ . .SteveDlO.n Novelt y he will bttve opportu nit.y for plnCl' slill t l1rn ed to her ha Ole F rldl~y. CJj.n~!8 ~J'¥IIU!II.I~II...:I"I~IYi. I.\""'u, ••u. muslo.a nd magio. further advurllcement. All oco:lsioll of muoh plell snro to • \. • Mr . Ridge h! Ilnllsl1nJly well qUill . . IHed ror the insuron ce bllslueRR, Itnll. .. nl1ll1llOl ' of our Illtltl folks waH U his R~ C!lS hilS heen due to well pnrty given in hon or uf Gl'lloe Lilli'. pltlUned energy und so nne1 lllillineil.. HUll, dunght ur of MI'. lind Mrs . O. ability. W. Lu \Vs nn 'l'l.lllso )l \o~unt were : ·M rs. R idge .is makin g II " h ort Murgne l'ito, B elon lind Et.1lth Mol' . viSit at tbe hOllle of u el' filth I' ter, B tll II Bruudw ny, Olivia imd Charle! , WellElr, neol' Cellierv ill e. but will soon join h er hnsb!\lld ilL ..t ur in Aill, Et,h el. B I,lllc ite nnIlRe\'1l Akron where t,hey will go to house· Sheehll ll, Uornl,h .\· I'ill e. Rutb Wat keeping , ki n ~ , Ruth Delll'l,h , Amy Bru.dst reet., !lpten(lJ.ilt.;·~V'eit.~ R ll llfL Iwd Vmm '£Ilt t le, John nnd Miss .... ucile El!z~l b e l, h Wilcox . 'pln ' Cor'n.ell Enter tains Quite n llu ulbur of Cent.erv llle posi peopl!> a t.tollded the Senrs rennlo~ 'Day Misil Locile Cornell ,.- daught er 'or Bl1t~l'd!l.v. ~ ~?Od ti nle WIIS r e ported fJ:·;I~i;"~;~·[·IJ'I':I1II.~Vt<;!9M Mr. and Mrs . ,W. E . OorDell . of t·hl! M HH TtoxlO I Odhuut er, of Spring Va.lIoy Ilike, WllS hoste~!1 nt Il t Oll , is "i ~ili ll il with relative Bamll s at this delight fnl afterno ou par.ty W e(lne~ pin I.l, d~y of hl8t w~k, given In honol: of 'L' IHl Foroign Mill, iounry /::loci et y M188 Gladys Nut,to, of Ceuterv llIo" . Wolfe. . wbo was her gOBllt I!llIt week. o f t he M. E. church Will h old their ,~~~~~~~~~; 'laj·Xbi~ lD"I' Mr .. aud Mrs. A . B. Talmag e' :md &8ideA the h08te8~, fif tee u' little r egn11L\, lllont lil y meeting 'lDl~ihilHrlllCX"'II' ~!iy.., r~e spent S~nday wUh .Frank ~irls at t ho were presont a~d the II fterno?~1 h OTllo of Mi~9 Annll Chtlm bers .~~~~~~~~)~1~~jtHii,j'~~j~eG.I B01M IUld famIly at B"rveYB n ext 1;Inrg. hours paBlled merrily wlI.~ lInl.DI I · Sul.urdu y af ternlloll . . ". )( .G hILS bad 8everal OUA gnmea jlDd other dlv o r81O n~ . . I '. 1I J . , .• II• •,nf.··1 but haB ral . and appetiz in g r efreshm e nts f AttOCI~ • g1\ e ~l~n ._Inlll.a!'. t 10 nU~llc~ s Uwe !lnd remain s Ilbout ulsoser ved . Thegu est.s ,were : Mnry 0 10 ontcrv "Jtf' rllry U l, Hllwke. Ethel Elosier, Sybel .Hllwl;o. , will hc hehl [II Ihi o etown hllll , Thurs· Belen Hawke, I~mmll. Huwke. Alu lfL I; duy o\'cning. Allgnllt 17. Every one W , HartBo ok enterta ined Clement... Annlt CIOIuents, Hn zel . U· 11 . . .• . Aid on Tburtld ay. Nixon Velma Cornell , Adri ll Cor . I" 'or III y IIl vll eu . andNrs . Geo, Davis attende d nell, BdDa Corn.ell, Ruth Ifnrtsoo k, -'a .; Oran Strawn 's near Lela Hartsoo k , G1ud ys N ntt and . BUrp.·......a .11..> NUddlerun . Nutt. WiIli~nRl.vil1 Monday . Morgun nnd fUITlily spent Sun · Wolfo ho. a cough t·hat olin Sprin g B . ranc.h. Ll ,IY with .r"hn Smith dnd wire . be · hea wt all Qver town, but Ray L \\'i ~ StiblJs lind fnmil y nre en· " t th hooping ~~~!~~t~a~~~~~~If~;i~~J~~r~::'=I:t.It'ii"!'~ 11uo t go e W New8 is n Rcarca IIrf.icle in thi~ tcrt.niui ng r elnti.ves f rom KallslIs Iii g ! . . this week, .] ohu Burt,poo k IIn<1 fl~mily were Mrs' Georae Bollan III enterta in· 'oomm unity ' h \ i D ' little donght er. I . . D t .". t .1 ~@:,jV!~'i(i"I:"IJL~~H:llitji!l1l~. Ernest Dllkin, Mr . oml Mrs. d (1":0. !l1nVI"n g to uy nil rnl Ul'uuy . er n ~ an . Prlltt., Mrs. Frank 011 kin u nrl MI H~ 1\I1' . .1 01111 UII rtAf ,, ~k lind fomlly ' Ga~.ri80n and Wife spen~ Pearl Dill were among tho~e frolll ~ l\(mt l:)nnLluy wi t h George Hnrt90c k _m1ma!V nipbt ' ao~ Sunday at the OUf vloinlt.v who ntlende d the null wife . aDiil"~ illr.;~WILl"el'!i lRtter s rather, John Xenia fRlr ·Tblllrsda.y last . All re o Servicos lit th e Buptis t, church' . . ported a large orowd and n gooL! I Sat.tmln y Ilt !l p . 111 .. lind Sun<1l1Y lit .Bon of Samuel Elhs time. 10 :10 Conllnc lcLl by Elder ' "inCH . iltot forthso it ~m,e Mr. and Mrs. DakiD und ;1'he welillillj.{ iJellS Il re ringing o,O,lltl!1liI,1.I8 \1Dder . e 00 r S I daught er, 01 neal'Warren Harvey sburg, M r, Befur e tile GlI1.ette renches its reud.. V~~DIlDat~rbu"turned bome I Sunday lta~tII of H. C. Dakin and Mrs. Frll.nk Dakin and 80n were and ers Smith lind ho lIotMr. 'Mis" Ellu DILyls, it, wilt lIod Mrs. Timoth y a day or two family. Wm Boh\et Ilud wife e.?!A'!;~~.~.~~~.I~~~~~~~.~~~.~~ ..!larry . Der.n. Mrs. Anna IJr.r~ok and Mhls SUDd,,; ~ ' Frank 8mUh •. •:..,.;.;.....:.:...,...4!""r...;;..~Ottie Pepper vill&e4 ' wlth relatlvf B Jacob and near ' Rnd~ B)1nday . . t)mltb and. . , Mr. Gao. Cartiwr lgbt and filmily wife Mrs, Rul h. ~hlin(IWEltb. MII~Al\ji' l l ~:~e:~~~~~~~~I " oo~ii6Q7 . from Allee CheDO\Veth and J ~, .A I ' B. Norris was














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COln'Ill{~]ICe Satul~(lay,

Aug'. 12,


Waynesville, Ohio

K. of P. HlIildill :..:' 11l jH'I', ollln\(}(I:d(~ otll' IIlI'g<' anel ill('I'paHillg hllSillP~ s III Furniture Caq)('t~, ~ton'~! l{allg'(' ~, IIOII ~ ('IHdd (~()()d :-;, vt(·., ('le" \\,(,Iw\(' It\;l~('d tht' ~toop s Bllildin~:, lU' .d dool· to Po!'\t-(~ffi('(' formerly ()(~t'llpit.'(l hy till' \VaYlll's\'illl' Ihy (;oocL-; Co. , :llItl will mil\(' illto i t Oil 01' aflOllt. ~('ptl'mhpl' Ist,I!H)i). Thi s huilding' .IS now ulleie l',!.:!; oing ac·"mpld.) l'f'IHIlc\e' I i II!,!' . . \11 ('lltil't~ Il t'\\" trollt " ' ill 1,1' pl:H.' t,cl, 11Il",!,!' (' plj[t e -~Ia~s windows wit.h pri~Hn glas!'\ ahoveso hS to throw a g;O()c\ :-o ll'OIIg' lig-ilt IIII ('\'('I',\' <Il'lil,I( ' IU tht' ~Ioj'('. lit'\\, \\'illdo\\'s will b(' llcl(lp<l ill til<' I'('al' antI in sides which will 111 a k (' it a tla .d ig·hl roOIll ill \l'I'Y fat't : Ihl ' ~'()I'I' will 1)(' .,telltll - ht'ilt('11. :llId pr l'l'~· thiIlA· willll(, dOI\~ that paint :tnd varnish (~n.n do to llIakp thi:-o "II( ' Id' 1111 ' fillt ''; ! s l()I'P I'()()III ~ ill ~ ( IIItII('1'I1 ()hio. \\' (, hll\,(' tilt, (,lItil'(, first ami se~olHl Hoot's j1,lld tlH')' will be fi II I'd with til" 11I"t illid IlIlhl "l' , t().d :l1t' lIa\"illg

fOlllld 0111" '111[ll'tl ll' ...; 10() ~ 1lIi111 1111111'

FURNITURE,OARPETS,C'URTAINS,STOVEE3, RAl'JGES,FINE CHINA W ARE,~ OOOKING UTENSILS OF ALL KINDS, ENAMELWARE, ;AND HOU'SEHOLD GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 'I' () H,E I >l ' ( , I,; () I ' It ~ T ( H ' "- PI:l()I: Tt) \\()\· 1\(1 . \\" I'; \\ ' 1LL U/o'Jt'EH T() 'rUE PEOPLE OF \\' A Y N.ES VILLE ANn Sl'HIU)l ' \Il/\(T t '(d ' \TI { Y, 1-:\'1':1:1''1'111\(; I\, 0(' It ~T()I{E _\'1' <tHE.\.TL), HED UC ED PHICE~. COME I~ AND ~EE l.'()B Y()l'HSELI: 'I' II .-\ T T III ~ I ~ , \. B()\ .\-FfI>E RE'IO\' ,\.L :-; ,-\LE. th t:;;


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P o n o t wuit nOlll Illl' It" t w" ,·k "f t lo , iJis

fir ~ t I.·hoir-I' . so r.ome e llrly

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AND W ~YNE SVI LLE NEWS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~--,-~~----VO~. XLvt: NO. 10. WAYN ESVIL LE, .oHIO, WED~Ii:SDAY , A -----------~--------------UGU ST l G,


1~ I Ll :, .

WH ULE :--; l'.\l BE lt

Frien ds' Quar terly Conc ernin g Meeti ng. Form er Res id ents.

Corw in.




Ly lle.

~ II' . HaYIIl'"H! llur lnn " ]le ~ 1 Snn, ~I r . IIIl I l\1 .r~ . Will B Il Il I. of Ilear . The Hiokslt e Friends Qunrte rly ;"f.~- " B (lI n e, H O II II' . S\\'l'(' 1 II " ") ,,. ,b ." \\,1111 ill~ h Ullll: fol k, Bill E' Bull , s peDI, BUDlIIl Y with tfJe wi I ~~rio"y pnrt; Paris green nt ~Iuy 8 ' Mooting of Miami Qnllrte r wns beld There' s no pllt c'e ilkI' i1 nrll~ . Y.,n J)J.~ betol'tt SquJre .J phn T ;ar-~~p. , ~#~~~, ~, ~Jt ."- I.. lli" :\pdl'.I' I~ \'I~ ll i fl ;~ I' pl a · fo rm er 's mo ther nnll ~ i stp or thlll . I nt 80l ma Sa.turclay and the URUS I 8r~ cOl'<1 iull .v iu\'ihal1 f l) H t l l 1lld 11\t· t i \ 1' '''' 1 11 11 H J'\"t·\·~hI1 1' !.! thi!-l \yt.'e k 'at' ~~'~l1Ie.•.eltt ~~~rdaY. ;:; ]l l ~ e . , ~, , .; Zlmme rman wa9 u bu~intl!lS meeting for worsh ip followecl on ,, borne co n\in~ uu (l r Ollll1 d tl I t! ' r,Wltlt ' I ' Tbe partieis In ,t.Iit O&IIEJ are vi.altor. ln\ he,o,ty Tnesda ,\JI:--'" :' (1' 11u J.. 'lIl lll tl ll p nt e l' l :&i l ll'll ; Mr. lind MI'~ . •Jo£' ;\ICCtu~'~ . . y. Sunday . re9iue nt91"t \\·"yn "5\·i ll ... ,I111l, ·. I '.' P' " "" '1'.11 I'" h"I' fl'l "lItI" ·1 Stephen,Borrie t~ who ilve1l oll the ''''~fi88 Anna. 'l'homa ox( Is abll' to be ' h lll·",lo.\· ill le n ' idc, WElr O g- l1 03 "t ~ of our p(lpql/Lr Euylnes s of a r ontine nat,ure wns --,, 11,1 1::11 111 01 11111111\,'\ ' Dafton and Lebano D plte ~. about·after /I. ,tbree weeks siok[\e~s . iat.tend ed to Sundt>y, and sple ndid ope l·uI OI·, . C. 1\1. Le \Vi ~, Iltld, wife Dr . H . .J . i\Ii('lt () ll e l' , of 1.,·1,,,,,,111 . ,I I' :til,! .\11',. .1. ''' ''_. " I X"lIi". " 1'1, 1\1\'''1' ~IlULlII)'. E . 0 .0001, an autcimo~~ dea~er, of • r h .ou bave one of Sp!lhr 'lI plloto ' adllress os we~e doliv~red by :'oel d(le~ not It\·" fill' f l''''11 \\' ''~'I\ ' '' \ Ii !,,, Dayton . but h e dot.~ ~ n o t fiUll t i lJlt , I I' , ',qll l ' \ : " l ll l : :.! :\ 1: ... . . I.d\ ' . ]111 '. 111111 lIh'f< . L·hn ~ . Clu J' 'h a ve , . . OOnIJ(lDS bring' it In as soon al4 pos~i . i Borton. uf Phlllldol t';, ' pll l't ' lIt ... . . 11' · 1 Jlll1~, lind Wilsun Mr. Burnet t WliH driving n)ong the ble, d.on·~ put It olf; otbers "", I ~I ':, 1'.,11",1 ; 1·l ur l; . 1o" Im e llt el'!nini nl; their II i""!, , MisR back IVUI L10 ' R DOlln. 01 Indl.n na p oIl9. llllf1ltl "r ten . Il u \\'t' \'1' 1'. "'I'll , . . ruad frow Lytle t{) his .home with' a thllt.. ' . ;\11'_ . I""I " ~ II lt llll '" all ol fu 11 ,01 " II,11111'11 S tevens, lL e IIII rmll1 I, Mr. Borton "':111 1;]lenk ~Lt Frlend8 iug of the Pl'o ptllIod g y~ )i ll1g hI)III I"" " IIIII I>': nf large wagon lond ot 0011.1 Wedne sdny " \ I lilt t I I' . I I llItI\', wh f o o rtn I' e e tnrned r r OH f X· i(l e to n t:;, her . hl! ~m y ~ . " I !"1.'1 hu '" hom· in Monthl.V M eetln~ at Harvey sbnrg 11) ' ," 11 H'" I U IlIt! Ir " p evening when II. party of ~. bout fif. I M,ISS, Mllry comPMton, " "1'1 \' . OM kennll. todu)' a nd wi1i go from there to quite nn int (' rest 111 th o jI" " j,','1 lind 1'hnI'D,t OIVII , Tndinnll. Sundn y: ; , 11 nnt rs . al" teen Dayton men In three or fonr SI VIsitdng; ner I· · ·h h ' 11 anti WIll d o whll l I 1'11 11 " ,11, ·1" II ' \ I 1 t'l h \ . Pendlot on . . IndIRIIII IIII' . IIntl Mr@. C. I:i. Lllwb CulIlr· , . were . I ,;~ ,\It" e WI :1 \ 111 " 1h ll ll' ,· ' !,I1 111 :->:: 11 ,large automo biles oame along nuc;I. log !I: a1\ other re aves ere. , . \ " 1M ' :r ' nt.t.eml t·he IndIana I ear y eetlllg nlong, u nd \\'ill btl 1' 1't' ~el il II 1''''~1. ,111 \' 'ntll 11"1' 1'1'1 "1111. \II "~ A,I II FIII·. l lnill t'!1 r" lnti ve!j frolll KII DSalt ,hUl t it 18 said, refused to stOll when the,V Sure Cure Headao he Iwd . NIHlr: I. of Frie ndM Ilext week . bl o. II ; I~ J W Cl' lc tllIW tbat Mr. Burnet t's te.c\m WIIS gla pOWfler tilit May's. Among those frOll1 this vicin ity ~II· ' . . \I' tl' ll '· :-; I "I;I'~ 1111,1 frighte ned. but Instead , blew tlleir I' l t\,. ; )11 s8 AnQa Ellrnba rt, of Mi<1d) t:. wh o IIttended the meeting F~oll1 W. R . Gil l'll. ot L" n:..: H"I",j ,. rlll ll'!Ii I,'I, . ., l '1',, 1'1" " '" 1'lIr\; . II I'" Ihe t hl)W,ml hil S I)el'l) recoi.e d hel't~ at Selma Yhlstles Rnd made liS mnoh nQIseal l town, ill the guest of !'i ous il lne S wltb 'ler g raUll· were: Edwin Challdl er, A. B. Chou· Cnlifor niu. the tin zolt l' h ll~ r. ',·,·)\·"" '~Il" "~ " I ~Ir . aliI! \I I'~ . 11. IC. U" " th . ! [,' \' 1'1' of Mr. Cnrl Smi t h lit hlsho po8lltble. mother. Mrs. Mary U pp. dle r. D!\vis FUl'llas. Llluren ce Sher · cOJlies of Los An g<:Il''' I JI" "" '~ .1,'11111 . . IHlI\l' l!:" t.ou. Mr. Smith wus ~. Finally . it ill olaimed , tho II-utomo. ~ I I"'" ~11I\l 1 1, · ,,1\1I 1.1I1l1'1I l\lvh lll ' ing plans fol' lin imll1 en!tCl \\,111,,1' ':"1" For Rent-H ouss of SO'll ell rOOllll w ood , Ptlulinll Butterw orth ' I l~.• Oom ,h ' . . . Anna l p Inyou' to to U' II o nr H Igl billets demand ed a huger of on Fourth street, witll e ;00' ( 1\' :1 l1d :\tl". ...;, Z. \ urnes , u f plywhi LI'hu · cll I . is t o ho iJrongll l l'ltlillt oity watf~. K olly lIuIl Orph u Hooket t, frnm I ' I " . I tl,lll1lllg y enr , um we8lUc erev ('Ifill the rpnd. and Dubal, It, ,is It.llegell, frnlt lind stable , Nipll. . . 1 " " ". ~lh'lIl ~ t llllial' wit h ~I r. 11 111] f city frol1l AntllLIIl. tll e fl' 1Il0UIlII Wuynes vIlle. nnd Mrs . MfI.f·illllt IIllS ~. ,tI 1111 "s ;\1" :\ ~I "!\I1""" ~ . 01' lI e w d 0 liS eur Iy r ecovery produoe d a revolve r and firM, t.wo . sway . J . hl,l Clur\; . lit SII II 1.111;., W e greatly regret to re)oort tI e Underwood lAnd t wo childre . n . of lte v . I~arl l3u11. who is n Il dent sbots, one bullet whlzzlu g crose t o continu ed serlons illness City , Utah, i:; a lso ll c,;lH'\' in g IIf "n l' :\JI''' . 1'I II~h 1111,] 1l1 tl ,' ,llItlg httn' li t iJ(' nlli~u ll Uni. of Mrs . ...:. Hnrvey sburg. rait,y, Gra Yille, t4p seat ou whloh Mr. Burnet t and F. Elliott. near Ferry. thllllkg for Salt Luk c plt pl'l''' 1" ' ''''1I11~' tJ ~ I 'llt sh lll'~. \' ISIII '" Wil li ht' l' :m · O hi o, t1l1cll tho pulpi t aL t h e M. ,E. recElived . r "III~. \1 1' . H ilt! ~ I r s Iils two little ohildre u wero Il1t~inj.{, \\. . \\" Arllol11 David Pllr)etb and f l\mil y s pent Prote ctive Assoc iation . t:hnrc h l:illllliuy I1ftornoOlh in tbe Be retallot od by throwin g plece.s uf Sunday with t,helr relative s, Alfred Mi89 co I at th Eilth n lISI'II CU of I he 11l.1!ltor , Ro " P"U OD. cr Pu gh en . I of th S(,lll w. () "II', Ii 'fhe Wa yno and MlIlIsie Towllsh iJl nnd Mrs. Mllr V' W i1<1111t1 11 em n e moo h'Inlll! . I nnd y. nt/ar Ridgev ille. , II I' l' '' i'll The CaBe was to hll ve been MI'. IIUtI MI'H . Allen Ho~ i of Yll n . hoard dolllhia . dMlgi.. tors of til " 1111 ,. AL'i1i 1 Protect. i\·e lind Detecti ve Associ(\. Cen tcrv i li e first clu~1:! I; ol! o n eol., lind Mr . nut! 'Mrs. James Idt tlatorda y, but Dubal flliled to . For SlIle or Rent-A les Pugh, of "' ll~" lC ~\' 11I 1·. II 11" lId,,1I . . . d It ti Oll w ill meet lit the To\vD!;hiJl Fri' end". " 0[lel'1l t A barglilD , a.pply at the btL· 1 iIl eut i n~ III C"',U I'S ,I " hl1 ~ lIud sons Curl ' and Ralph , appear au . wos pos pone d one plRno. ,\ I'''SI' t lillt Is '"'OIlSill !? tt II " ftI r;lul .... bouse in Waynes ville SlIt,urda y , creek lI1 cc tin~ h Ollse " wtJek. I:;\ln du ~'. 1111,1 li e:! I III' ill tcl'e~ 1 Il m o n ~ un"r c iti" ~.e ns oujllyetl Sunday at t·be }lome of Mr. 7..8 .e 0 ceo AU~llRt 1\1. A fu ll ottendll nce ill remnill etllLt. W uyu o;\,i1 le Th I ' Ilntll 111" 11 \\' ill I", heul'il Iwfu ...' !:'qllire Bl'uWIl lIud MI' . Leste r ICe riOK, , ere s conside rable of foeling l Misses Carolyn aDd 1!:ulth ]I1oshl'r ~ "Y nfterno ou. nlHl "hile 11 0"Il 11""\,, . desired . . g. over ~he atrllir thronib out thill wiJ\l~ vel1houtthe. r.lIddl~ brief call s Ull a nUUlber o[ tboi.. I) ld :oa tunlu .> Illllrllill Mi8 ~ ' 111m Earl IIrt, of Lebllno u, of Sel:' It 1M ~uitl t1l11t ,J .C. HAwKI!:,::iec. . · th olle. re ndlllll illl h,' clI H('sh ututn hilS l e ] n t.he gues ,'p r several yloinlty , Automo bllo owners from temper fo r Gam_ r, tlnys blO, whe!'e ,T . B. GRAHAM. Prell . D, CliO'onI RlJge. wh o 1111;; be" ll fUI'l llUf ;;lI lIl h or III WII \\' tlea (Oll.ytou especia lly)' have t.hey wU1 onter Hu.rcou Blln ('slIIlY of h ill' :;i~te r , Mrs .lola Duke. rt Ball. Ken· wi t h t hu lIJ e t.rOIJ0hlulI IllSllI'lIllCC c\·t' lIil1!; . '1'1'1' flll'lIlt1 r ';; been lu the habit of rnnning over yon College . h o rRos l.JlJ. The aervree s t,he Comi ng Seaso n's Co. at HUnlilt.o n for uhllut tl11' C" eall'" fri"htoll t'11 til lh o M CI·tf 'S 'th '" k P the plk811 'built and by the [\\ltomobile e9l1rll. yeurs I spent ml ::>un!lny , Ilran Ill. hi"; hom o . en ee . " Lectu re ors Cours e . hr:r . e, IOIl\'ing MundllY for Aknm , ' III "'hl<'11 th o Il f' f(1 l1dllllt "'u ti rldwg-. fllr:n , taking np the greater par.' and Charles Myers, of .Moun t. Holly, 'Ohi o, where , upon hi~ univ(ll. he Alter u fe l\' wOI'lI ~ botw (If e road and refusin g tp stop Illft ~uosday for I~ teu days oon tho t wo onting T ho IllSlIuL:e mont of t he Wayne , · l ilt 0Ill!6 uilsumell th o duti whlril_B!gnaled to.dOBO and,ln.e very II.t Port B,uron. ,M!Ohig lln. e .. of UH, 1IIel·, . th e f"mll' l'. wh o \\'II S hll ulin g ville Lent.ure CourHe hBVIl arrllng811 .. iBtun t Sll)lllrillt el1llpl1t. IloaslbJ e way cli8rega rd lDg th.e lawH. fur till' II Illa d " f e,\,il , tltl"' \\' II IU1II]I of cII,,1 MlslI Addle 81mptlo n . nnd Mi9S for II "ories of entcrt~linrnents the Me t ropolita n . ell: ill th ll t. Ul l Y 1\ 1'.,1 II I t Il " Il \l Loll lf""1i~l coming wint.or . tllll t \\,111 fully eq",rI , ~ trll; i ,, ~ him U ll "nrrOtU llllg ,11>1trH' t Dorll Klion, of VlnOl, nnes,lu diana. the high quu.lity ot e ntertain me nt s Mr. Ridge hllgnn work wit.h tll o tl w Ipg . ThUll till' Illioolin ' the .torm. I,,~t eVllning be· I\ro guests of MI~ J Mary g follo~vl1 l1 for Metrop olitan Co .• th n le ye,l1'~ agu t'IVtIIlD eight .D,d ·lIlne. o'olod!t, the dl,,~ghter of Oren ~trawn Strawn . thnt have beeu provide d "li s~ :::it , 1111 (innlor , tl f n(lyto n , iH 1\110 0 'n'~ , of tbe ill this \,;ourse during JlreviOli R lind uy his thoroug h oml pft\ ciellt visil il,g fI' i('llIl ~ hCl'e. re6e~iou. troln ~wo large itr.... ,t o · Lebnno n pike. yeal'!\ . tblfeM ' of Waynll lVilie obuld ~ work won II ilesel'v6I1 r eput.ll tl l\:.i. iu Mr . l\I1d ~..s. , ¥', ' . , • . The Leotnre Course will consist , his ln~ t yenr li t BILmilrlln wri t lll g plainly _u from ",hl,st reet.' One MI' . IUll n.\' 1)1l\' 1>I hllll IllS fl)ul, hall for their g uests Aft,er Ilttendl ng the Sears flWllly of five nuwber s, given by th.e fol· I., ~lIore bu~lness thun nny uther ngent ' IU)HIIIlt.,·,l ·1'u appeare d to be the north of.·oRar . reunion last SatuI~b.oy. }lr.and Mrll. lowing eBLl".Y or lu~t we.,k . Bull and son Ellr!; of tale nt : Dr. A. A. W111!tt S, In t.htlt city . vel.lni rg the othea: to tile lIO'Iltb. A. Q . Bradlt-reet.OCAl~nnde I A ('HII,,,, I" WII" lite ;'un ~p . r8Vllle , known ,MI' . und Mrs. MaBon, as I,h e "Apost. le of S nn · I!'ro~ "lepboD O ~aqQlr'_ 'made I~l drove on to Vf 'a~ll1e In recogll it ioll " r thi~ " l1 i£' I"1I 1 I . . _ . . .. .. and re. IIhine. " the MO~t1rt Symph ony ~on , I ~e rvi ce Mr . Ilitlge wn ~ prolll " " '1 1 I" Dllt!t and . tbl. m~~IDg It was ~m~ .roalned over night lwill ~ I I , . EIIII I 111l111IIH.I " (,I e mun· ·on tll l·villll. their sister cert 0 0 ., of New York; Dr. WICk. the po~i ti poj!jl!tle1o 1~. t1ie' euot 100al1on .' o n 01' n~si~tnn t . lIpPI·III . IIl1 t l. " II" I I II ~ 1"' 011 " 1 ~ l l lllg he r pH , I'Irsham, lecture r; Herber t. Leon tendon t at AkI'OIl , Itt of '\ he 8rei, and'l~ It · probab le tbe, Mrs. Ava EbrlAb t . wllil' lI pI,,,,,, 1 ... ·lll ". H'·I·. Hlld ~In' ~l ll IIJ () x , fA I , Cope; Morphe t Steven8 0n Novelty h l'l will hny() uppor! IInit~· 1''' 1' , II II ! III I'll I'.! I" h. ,1' h" 11I 1l Fl' i,11I 1' . w8I'II) ooDilld ft\;lle 'dlatAno e itFIlY· Mr. Cla.renc e Wilt!OIl .And f.JQlliy, Co , of muslo nnd mnglC. further .!ld Vn~lOelJl ell l. '. Lllh~.o. ",IItIP~ to ' h':ve"~n of ,Bel1e Center, / Ohlo, nrrived in All 0," '",11' " Il f ' ,, 11 (' 11 1;ll'lI s nr, ' tll • _. Uie ~d8e: . r _' '. 1 ~ • • • ' . ' 'fiM' rr' Rlrll~el S unll>lIn lbl.Y ~\, II '111'''1 II 11 11 1101 ",,' "I' t.II I' Iil tl, ' b I ld I hb h C f,)I1(~ \\.,,~ u W II . , < '.' I . e d or t, Ie IlI sn rnll"e IlRIIW~~, 11 11, , t e r 0 no g . UI' GOd near· . . e man. ~ ,,. hi8 Sf ':cess ]JH s hp P Il ,I.w r<l \\',' 1111'11 "1 . ville hlst Tbursd Ay, and·.... rticlnAted Y ,(I' ,' II III Iltlll " " <I I (i I'It 'f" 1.11 \\'. .rMis!' Flo~8i e FireH i9 (It hOUlO planned SqRd.y:~cho:ol.t Cor,wln. hi the ,pI1ll\8Qr8!\!of th& &'rJl " "n .... SII II O (I 1,"'" " ..... ' '''II, II" " ~ III, ' I' '' I h'I I' . "'1\ II.'' J family IIgo.ln Rotter t\ plensun t. vi~it wit.lI ILbilit.,Y . Anel'lJr ..S. <-' . . , . , 1.11 \\',.,, 11 'I' ll " ',· ' ,'" 1'1'1 "',' 'f 111 \\'(1I'U reunloJ : l ~tllrd.a y. , -II. ... 'etrQl't wl\l -- ..:;- ..Ie' next tI':'n. · relativieM IItlLebl inou . . . Mrs . fild !;o I" 1I111Jil ll g' II . ", hul' l'l ~l itl'~I"·r" '·. 11 " 1,'1 ' ,, "t1 , ' \ ~ .t ' ' .'.:.-..-:;:.... b11 h I·:tl ~i ilh I I Mo It Is .. t t gnjtt. / gratlflc atiou \ to the d &~ t i l l I I II Miss Etbel :Mllmm onis agllin w t, 1 VISI a ... emoon "" ' ~" Ie "lIllt' " • a 'Illi on f ' el' 11 . 1"1' 1'1lI'. 11 "1,· ,, 11", ,, ,, 1.,'," '. ! Iltvin IIlId d 'M ' ' I '1>_. U !l after baving spent some time iu BaJjbathll9b~latCo rwln , " Ch nrl eA \Voll e I'. ll lllll' C'·III " I·'·11 1o-. \1 , , rl~!, e~f " i~J du.,...r ryhIJl.~ near Kentuo ""1 .1 I I· . '1: kyfroJ llthenc eto IH. . Cha\lw u . hilt will soon join hr· r Ii n"I"" ,,1 1I 1 I' .11 111 II III .• A)I , ()blJdt$o ' and older persona i,'erry, tOk no W 1,bl1tsb elsno\Y , I" j ' " ' " . 11 11 , .. \lL ' ,llble qua for teacher s institut e week Akron wllere tl; ,ly \\,ill b:o t" h " u~f' . ; Sh" .. Ii ·" I. Il" notl i\· I' II ,,' . Hulll I\'ul, In~rlll~ill'1ae_tterarel'eq,nee*, .t p.goab out "tn..)ng herfrlend~tl.n ll then to Dayton und unok hOUie kOt' ping . LeWIS. wtlO ha.s ed," ~ Inee~, a~ .Ibe '~~n .J!ChPGl "I' e~joy I I"" ~. HU ll) liI ·UI' III . '\ III .I' UI'lIds ll'ef'lt , ., : ., wltb them. ,.It,t e r whe re shll W'I~ uooomp anied by ~ J1e otling . :bo,1ll8aUOolOo~ ~uDaay. , ~fter,r)oQJ:i. havlng.mlngUo several dllytl with ' .. .. , k " l1 l1 1111 .1 \' @Il'I'u tl lt, . .Jolmllu d bt>eu 'ooDllue d toberb ',IDle MillS Clema Ballard df\ught er of Miss Lucil e lu otlie r, .. ~ Mrs . Hu.nnah , Ell z'd , ,Le·WI8\ ·of.,f;hls • .'.' "' •• II , \\'il,''' ~ . . ' .. for · seveD or el"'ht montb. t~ Arthur Bllllard H whose fl\mily Mh.. " , '" I t~ uill' II I1U IIIIII' 1' "" l"'Jltc rvi ll e plnce" left on Mon!:lay · to ,a~p'~ a ' reports 8!1 pleasan tly situated lind ' Puss" hi.Boots . ' ' I Berions 'l1Ines: ~ ' Corne ll E nterta in s \ doiug well in D[\yton . . I ~ " 1010 Itt [. ·/ld,·t! II" , t;UII "~ rt'II11 10n jio:lition with ' tile .N . C, R, Co. 1,'be thlrt~Jilnt.h { annUllI pil-,nie Joe 8nd Ghm DIIViR fl,nd Perry DIIY .tOIl. • '. Mis~ •. Lucilt< Go m ell. Ullu gh i"I' (If I :-:ill lll rd n\' . " Io;u"d 1I111 0 WII H I'tl]JoI·te d and 'reunlou o~ t bAItf)o llett anll Hie· Grey set a throw Hnt) iu Ce8ser~ Mr. aull iIlr~ . W. E. CUl'nell , of til l' 'l'he l'L:ldi~H Ai .' will glv8 un Ice ~l >Ii H"xII' 'l'" dh llllt e r , uf Humi) familie s was 'belJ at thl.ris·, lal cree), FrldllY nigbt and caught Spring Vn ll nv pik", \\'11 " l l () ~t "~" Il l " 1,111 , " \l ~ I I I II ~ \\,11 Ii !'elll t ivll~ nt this urel1lll 'Bocllll ont't,he lawn of C. ti. nenr New ,'Burlin gton ~t\'lr. abont ei ght poundtl of fine fish . deJight fnl nft ern (J()~1 Jlnrly \\" ,,1111'" ' pi" ,., .. L"rnh: ne~~ l:la·f brda.y e"eni'n g " AI .• da...... nnd wns on& of the most larD ~. Clny C)ellver is very i1\ at tho d,LY of ln s t, wc.', k, glvell 11.1 .7, It nil !' " t , '1' 1,,' 1-'," "'1" 11 l\ l i ~~t tJ llllr\, ::iud ,' l v IIrtl cordlul.l,. e hOlUe of his tlister Mrtl. J ohn ! nv.r~.~d;, ,I . Mi sH GltHlys Nu t.t. of Iy IIttende d eve1." 1"~I~. Tberl' 'VIIS Wolfe, COlllt·!·'·IIt. ·, ~ . ' . wns hor p:l1e~t, la.t. \\'f!c k . ,,'.1' t h ,' ,\1 1·._. ,.j"' Cllodl8ll, a ... ·h \\, 111 hL.1I1 tl lI' lf MI8S'08' Mlnrit(Jd~n~e ; ~\1d ZiU" 8peoial ,. priJ~I,{ . the clllY bf,in~ M.r. and Mrs. A. B 'l'almsg B ", orl wbo BAsHl e" t he h"Olt" ' , 1i1l""11 Ilttl .. r,'glllll ' 111" lIt lol ,' I"". · tlll 1!~la1 1I0808ry, . spent In an InforllJ 8.1socl al way. ~ ut till' (Hthens wm.'ape nd WedneRdny ~It:h 8(1~n t SUIlIl" y with Frank girl~ w (J rlll'n ''''''I~ ~lBd. 11I~1 ftedaed pipe or.... u made "8'pe,tSift,II],., ' :tlt"J'II 11 ~ '~ 1 . 10 " ," " ,'f :'II I-s" 111111 t 'h" ,"lJe I'H next their fttenda.Dd.~or!per 8C11~01 ,, ' .. matl'l, ,." . W . H . .llfndden & Co's new IUOllmf' How6a lul fnllllly hOlllR J11l~~(J,1 ll lt.lll h \\1111 11111 1111 . ~ l1 l ll l'dll \' "ft"I1I """ , . nt H,\rVf>YHbllrg.I ou" ttl rg. E'lidorIL Mo'(:f..y , iI thor oountry. forThtbe loooa ~nlll e.~ IIwl .. 111('1' II,,·. rSlll llh Yllr(1 ut Corwin btl~ for sale ~ 8r . ti slon' d Mr. :Jobn Gtl r~e; ~USt b;ld sBv~rRI nnd "pptll lzln " 1'<1frp. . lt"II' n t . WI II ' eo Ilon,.nu _erw Ole . \ " , ... wl. 1-:1\" ' 11 1I 1I ,l ,.r 111 ,· IIIIS1'11"'S horne Ilear GElotett ille. quality of lunlbfjr, loth. sblnglOll. alarmm l!:turn" !l ey l ' ; ,, lU '. 108 nl-o ser vpLl Th e "ll •., t ' ''(, J'f' · ~I " r\' lI t 1111 ' 1·'· IIto 'I·'·I IIo· 1.1I and fQr wb0l81!enIJl1l~ 1 I ,J'lIry Clnlo . ~Ii~seil lied each Viola tawe ' Ilnu IlDce III t~r,lJe given, anu Merle r cltll1l11S Cl~l'1tc Il , lO U 1 1:1;1 wkp. b;tiwl H O~II'r . ~\' sll~h, hl'1 I I" \\' I,,'. \'.'111 I.,· III hI " , t Iii' I. , \\'11 hull , Tlt\lJ'~ etl\. No . 1 quall~y 2xG ~S the same. -"-'1'1 Bol e ll 1:1/1 "' k!'. EIIlII III 1111 w i,, '. ,\111"1 IlIl"e.n, cu.r I 1 poopIetb a t .'th .... !l re at h om e f,r~in" ~ i~ellghMul ' Vi~{~'" u;, w. I um b el' C.lll 'of pointed new ,MrH.f \V. HlLrt;;ll~k enterln ined Cl f' uH1ut o. Alln(l (,Imucn tlliS . wee k . [ . -, In .faot thorA t s . IJ lm·1 11" .\' " \"' . .... will .... ' , t,h .. LudieM "" ,. \ 11111:":, An~ n ~ 1 I : . b;n:I'.\"" '" with their fr~~di~ ~f~r.. .J'li!lie WI ~t I C " . A ea~. Ione1 0f IIh 10' Aid ou 'l'hul'~ d Ily. I1'1"11 ( ,! r . , I, ,., ,r, III II I ' III \'1"" I . I Nixon . \. Oltll ". ( nrll :~~e~f~r:!r. ~~~ly8Sa,~~lmaidfe~8irid gleS ordered " n . AI ki u9, ot her bOlll : 11.", '.,~~!,w . ,:from Belling ham , . " M 1M Ceo Da visatt.e no ed lll\'Cor: n ell , l{nlh H ll rl~, ,,· I, . ' per O~Ql g Wallhln "'tOT witt their parts gracefn lly snd bebere in a short.') . an ( rs. > • S with '11. i'tlst tnast.e ~O ·,E\J'olt .. ... " ' "~'~ife L!J anit ln Hart . so('k, ;";~.', , :\ I the rsurprls tHu tl,·" ~l1 t1 nlld o nt. Urllll tmwll s nenr N tt Inidd lcrun . precisio n whlcb hll1l never hithert time. Co·.fte&.n4 see us· M,m Glenn drove to' W i1minRtO~ 'lr ".;;:,,~.;\\r and let u"" WAyne sville l:iuodrlY. been Wltll8u ed In 8·ny ho~e talento al u, . I 1,:,1 ~I " rga ll :1 ", 1 rll," ily ~ "(, Ilt Sll ll , ::;untlny and spent t h e (ay e and give ".. ., llrodnb tiou. The' eleotrlo to-untedll, 1ow .you. 'W h a. twe 1 'ver •. .. (.."~. .".. )~Ir la'll Ray WolfA hll~ n cough t·but C'111 I , ... 1 Sprin the snow Rtorm and other eleotcri01l.1 price8. g ~ran(; h. " :1 .1' \\, 11 10 ,1 ,,1111 ~ lIli l h .11111 \\'Ifu . pl eusantl y with Mrs .• lohns' sIfter , he heard all over town. hnt ~" y .... \ . ~ tl eft'eots will be aoomp leto J!evelatlon . Pl'Intill g of ~n de8Crlpt 1.,.\\ h SIIIo I" a n,l In 11111 li nd . " lire 0 11 . brot~el'.in.It~\9, Mr. and ,Mrll. ~oulI given 8uys be hasn't got the WhOOplUg , , .. " I,.]' N O WN i ~ II ~ ('nrf'e 11I't "'''' III 11 11'" t"" 'allllllg ,to our people. l:lUli tho !· , ·III I I\· ,, ~ rl'llln I\"II~II~ . . promp \ ~ttentid a at lhe Gazett9 oough . . . , . ' 'C011l1ll11nit ~' th i ~ w eek . III speakin g of this Krelltsp ectaole offi9a. .1 ," ,,1 Il lIr"''','\; HIIlI fll ll ill y W C I' t) I Mrs. George Bo~an New I~ entertll celll ent lll ' l s ide wal!ts have L'rn otl t. D"l' in Mr 111101 l\1l'~. ( :" " . ~ 1 " ' ''I I) I\ t.: III I)" .," "" ~"lunlll BRi t was given In Greenv ille, South M ... ·and 'Mr~ . ' d l'tt)o ~ hte r •• .v . . •• . ()lark, Ofl mg IerIm eoe nn I , dnn .. . cons trQcted In front ilf tJle Prut.! . Mr~. Frllllk CIl~\lna, tlie . Dally News of that. West LytlB. eut..lrtlWalter ' 1J1I\(l11 lin,) ~ l ", ~I I' . . I n ltll I{ "I'I~ ", ·I; IIIHl f,, iined "dl.\' laatS~t ur-1 Elmer Ga.rriso n lind Wlfo ~Jlett Pea rl Dill were Il\ll\lug th city , aays: "The bea\ltif ul flliry of Wl1lter Kenrick , and it ,,,,,· tl"l1l1 ~ P"1I1 ~ 1I 11 "" .1' WI l l, (i' ''I I·~" lla l't~''('k . Sn.turdn y Dlgbt. and SundllY Ilt t Ie lour \'icinitv "P-Q~' 1..n· Boots" (or ,t he 1;Ieneflt of . day evenir,i g' 111"I wh n IIIIl' llI led ti ll' nlHI WIt" , t,hat oo(ore long both .. and M\'lI . .Walter: home of the IRUer's father. J ohn Xl'n ill fRir ''I'hur!ld the Greenv lJ!e Female Colleg!!, wall J~nney, ~'Mrs. Hhnna h ny 111,,1. All I·t· ~ S" I' \'i , " '~ II I , hi ' Bll p l l'" c hUl'f'h . t eet wm · ~ furnis,h . I LeW1S. MIM; Bel ghwny. . port.lld the moat ~utlflll Ipeotao le that Mlnnlf) LelVls .lb . and e Sit . Our olt·l7:ens lire 'I~' Mrs., James. The second son of Samuel Elh~ \ ti me. a large crowd Ilnu " ,:/1,"I Sa t II r.I,IV It t ~ 1' . III . Hilt! I:illlldH.I' ilL bill! over ~n p_ent. ed here. h and progre8 s. ' \ 11 ::11 1'",,, 111, '/, .,) ,' \. ~:I d cr Lint's . LewiRn ulIl ftllJlI tiy, Mr.' and Mrs. , ",110 llasl1ee n sick for S~J1l0 tllll.e I Mr . allli Mr~ . 'V"rren iJ" kllllt !ltl TI lt' \\,,'dlll ll l: i","~ " I ve tlpirlt w ,04 . Il OODl· 0f , the . ~anRgor. Mr. LlPe: ,!.lle Ralph LewlB\.! ~ .I'II. I'll I'ill~ill~ Wilber Clllrk stUl continn es under the ductur tI , ullnghtar, no doubt lint of near Hllr VtlY !Jur:;. 1\1 r . B, .f",·" I III ' (; !I~.• 'I to. 1" 'lI l' h ,'" ,i~.M reiltl ulcndc<l:'T imd·the re Bellefo nhl lue EXamin er .:fa . No and o'.1ildre n Ei~tl",ryn Ilnd . E~rett . care. whut· Lytlo will t!Oou: be I und Mrs . Frtlnk m.IUIIJ(I!,r wbo eller: Otlme to It and ~on wtlro I III', II \\' i II IH' ~II·. JlII,1 Mrs. lllll . " ' . ell II t Mrs . Vanmllt-E'r has returne d home Sunday gllesttl ofDakm H. C. Dllklll Illltl ~l!I i lh ItI )') nnt ~liR,; ~:1l11 J)!I\'i~. Ut hy IJIl~ht no-tv t o, be. n~ on a home toal. Y.r ; .Tann, y l'urDlBh exoe en after having spent II day or two family. l' I \\'11\ . Uo hlet lind wife enLe rtnilH'd v ilill~e. m~to. wlth J;ia ItIII!w ~I?tc?r talking with her sister, Mrs, llarry DelLn . Mrs. Anna l!artso c~ Rnd Mis~ :::iunuIL Y ~'l'u n k Smith u lld family lQ.'IUlhine,. 1",hloh a t'wo IlOnnte • - • OWe Pepper viSited with rel atlv e ~ .Tlle( l.J Scott !llId fllml1y, aiJpper Lodge Notic e. nonr Plellsan t Ridge Sunclay . 8milll IIl1d t'lllllily, .lohn SrJlHh find f 'The Mr. Geo. Car·t wright and IRlUily wifo. Mr~. Ruth Ch onowet. . b. Mi ~gel'l. Palestin e Ca.stlo No. 121, Knigbt s are . entertai nilOg oompan y from Alice Chono wuth aull Bel·thu I:lwlt.h . of tl1e Golden . Eagle will hold Itt! Jame.t own. Mr. A. B. Nor ris was . _tOil ' at the Odd Fellows lIrs. Frank Yeaztll, from below Friday ou bll s in e ~9 . Mr. evening , August 18. Wayne sville, was recentl y the gueM, just oOlllple tell t,he bri l iI'Il~~r~:~;!~ the Order are reo of her. parents , Mr. and Mrs. Me· waRhed out. . Porsons ...: ..,;.,',r~ ':~~~Spe¢'1 etrorl to Klnnel . bridges notioe f~om the ".___ilej I' of ~rDPO~~ Mr. Frank. Dtfrklfi aDd a fo :ce of. t.bat MI:. NOrriS hllR ta meeUilt r. IwItla arQ-bu y ereotln g a fine bnnk Interes t In his work. ;;t.iJ~:t. O. but P~~dt;z:~,. ~M~:r~. TholDJU! 8hould be proud of lIs·v m_J'·· Jln.. ' S!'tibll'v i._A~": II ,'! ,~... n barn. artist an.d bridge ooxltra ,ow"o:,


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t\!9p3 1 ('h ~r '" I'UOIIl in tlto , ' o illn ,"\ I ,,'u ne\o'r , "lI", ho<ly ha ,,,, ' tln ne tl on . H,' f Ulltt lf M 'T o:-: h .qi nlill.! ill , II h e f o r 111l:l " DoD<lh lie's .. 11;0 " . a ud. thc .0 Il n (I " r1 o n ' T Ill' l " iu -uua! r 9!,..'!:!1< h Ls la ad .

w i ll di ~f'ila f'g:t'" tf . A n ct wifholu w :1 t.' 1' I1H' Irls hmlln wou ld have to :-o tilJl f" alla ha n h ('an : thf" d"lt' ld ln ~ or th!" \\' I\ S tll l~ hn l!t' r fj ' e-1 bp.forl' he had gU l1 t ' a m il" lU''' yond the Cline, Ir wa.~ Il dl :-' (p \'t' l' .\ ' Iu "X t' l f "It! Im d l angtl[l~E', h i ~ pl' n l" ~ 1 WH9


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un i n lh,' ,\' a rr l o r a t the ~ hl lp :-l." :-;.\141 Ilul\,(, 11 ;\ 1111 :1 1 {h e sa y· I n g o r I I ir t' :-; hrKllk haC'! \ 11l\' ullulIa r tl y a n d ad d"d . " Ah : 1.o ok al 111 3 1. will \' 0 11 ',''' TI ll'" I 'a r Il a d JI1!-oI IllIInll"I' I'1\ l'a ~ 1 a D'" o l l1 p r :-;1:111 1111 H l ltl ( 'ulla hnll hu rl u ... I h ' l'l' li n III H' IIH II', ' :"I tnp-slg ll tll tl l f ull ~ P t' " tI \ l til" SU lll f' i l\ ~ l il n l T is r her'j h .' alll ig hl !o, \\' I1 l\ .l!; i n l o \·I,-ow . h,tlr hl i n J i n :.: 111 1' 111 \\i th II :.; g inn' " \\ h a l b th ,t l fllllll \\' l n ~ li S ...... a :i l{f~d H tH . ;\~

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t·II Il'! !]" !' ·· t \. !\' n Ill atlt' f ho w lnlo rh o 11 011 1' . o r hit\\' Il Hl ll ~' an'(1 r CIl£'H t c fl hh. l. \il lI l" ·", :-> IJt · ( · f'~s IS :'I l i l l pfl !;~i h l c, Th o

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11 :' 11' ,1\\

o f h i~ l i ff' . ( rolll n hard ,

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mnnt'-' y -g, rll llh(' l' . h i:; :-; h i n ... i n .!!. IIl 'a p of h nflrcl N I gl ale! . tu a )..:,r npr. \)\ 1:-: . ": "11 1.11 IO\' f' f 0 1 h i s I<f nd . i~ no Il Il ' r \3 111."1 h o f 1J 1r'1.t" ll s" hr ai n T i me ,In l/ , iI.~n l l ' I II ti l, · h hn o l'Y !It OIlr dail~' Int· ... ' IIrll l ll,.j "d i n (III I' II l ' \\ ~ pajl{'rs . n ' · I n rr! " r! 11\ h i o:.:. r ajl1l1 f' :-;. Of' p }. l l i hl! N i h p · 1" 1'/' 01 '11' ('\· I·S . \\ 1' :-'c(' 1l1f ~ n an d W om e n :'('/1,-0 1 ' 111 11\ :":' pa s l fai lllrps . f l ~ hlJ.; lip nUl h,,~ , ' ~ 1I111 \\' a ~ i ll1 p r i ~Hl n f' d In



1[ 11'


d l s l' O tlrn ::;i" nl C' n t , A mf

h" I.II ) tu r n in g fa l '(' r~)rwnl'd on'I' m ore . (1 :4 ,\ l a r d" Il , i n S lIt 'r'l'S:'; ~I a~a ;d n l' . !!l""n ,lItt 'J'1It'.t.·d .h .. · I · nhl ~ • . .\ ~ Io r." i. ' lold nt a h 1!~ h ,\ n g :rJ- ln , d l; l n O fH l" ' f w ho \\' IlS 111 I IIf' h a b i t oj :o ol l1l d l \' l li ra s- h i n g h i!'> f.. c n ·illi l s whtu» Ill 4' .'· d i :.: pl f' Il S...·d him . O U(" day h e orfi rl" tI a ..:(' n ·anl In ~o lu a SlIml1ltH !r n ll ,,£' i n II H' C'ompo IIIH\ a nd w a ll tO I h i nt Ih " I, '. PI·('I :;H' lItl y. 1I1t' l lI u g liP wit.!

;1 llt' a \.," hOI·s(> whip. h " X!) \\'

y ou S('ollllclr ri.


I ' \'f' g-Ol

pl ' II'r wh er !' no (III!' r an hcar . 11It" I'll tlll·3. h YOII II' l lh ln a n ItH'h of YOlt.



l i t',' .. Trw

~ P f'\· i\ " I . I hou ~ h

a man of powpr-

fil l "h ~ slqll " , " ~Ilirm ,·rl. native Ill,. " :;;n h . YOII sun' n n on p c an hear ?" " \ ' '' ". )' 1111 "",," ndr!'!. I 'v e brough' .\ 0 11

IH' I'C" on purpos e ."


" Th e n . ~3h. I Ihinl; f rhrRRh yon,.\nel h e cli,\ i t " " Ihorou~hly I hat b1.J mn ~ tl ' l Wati nOI vlstbl e ror a week.-

S' ·{J t s m a n .

·r .. ~ Q nh."

n.. ,.

Il' l l·d f l" ' lll 1 111 11 11 " 111

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I, IWI'''' 10 11 ' 1' 1 a nll l'0 1~ ld I 11I1f1 1II' l l lH' '' ,i ,\, 'I <"'" n l1 l' "h' dll'~ fI " t n lit l p IU ,· lI l d l l I " .. l' tI ( Tl f ,,' II1 ,t :"' , " ~ . ('III " 1\ 1\

Fo:oo l,t' I' · Mi l h","

t:t' , Hutfn rci. No V .


4it' ll I 1'·II I \.· U : ~ .V' C' .'C [lI'I' i l' I1t·P Wit h \ '(HII'

:""1 III t U Ti 'T! an' h U 11I I ., l a ln t" """ I'tttm e h .\· ~ 1' I I b y l itl:tlll g II I'll ", ,'r " l' 1\ \ l l lt l l· ... · ,' 11 1 \\ h l~ k"I " l' "' I'IIlH' .

- --


(''l, ra l l '\,


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~1'a 1Iif

iu/o! to UOI II III ,' " !'>oI,1( uud f l'; j·lIdH.. (lIlLTT E 'l'Y LIm. ('II .

" ' ," "


~"I1H~ d \. h , H llt' I'I'

P , 'tI~·:-I ( ' Tl l t' \ ,lItIIll t ill' lon h igld .\ ~J.. "'n ~ , ~ 1I \'lIulot:h j Ill,' , •• \V 1)')\ l'It 'II . ::::•.! Tll1rd :\ \c .. :\ .. M ll lll ~a ll l)h :" . ~I ' lln .. , 1. 111 t). l~. I. " II ~ '\'l· , ~IrL

f) n au '"

I, id lh ' , Pil lH ' .' .

""' ;' 1 :lilt! \\ h ul! , m l'd 'Ill ' I II ~ I " (l lIt nll l !! 1'1!,'\ Ir t· I~ ' , 1 111 1' t 1w \ ' 1' 1'." "!":tol I \I ... "d t lie-m . !lnrt , .1 111 · ~l rl. 1 In " 'n i l ' t hlll :to Ihll t f,tll (· I·.. !l uiT" I'I UIl tl~ 1 " u t lI1 ;t ,V he dav,'d i rll lll 11 1114~' 1 y ."

,\ ,


Li t lll

1111 1:0' .

N , Y.

BUIl'a l o .

\ ,t ll ll ,, 1 III,. "!! u~ t o r ltboor L

-( ·l! "·.l6;11

I'l l it un u .


For OYer Thirty Years Th Kind' f 1m Rm Always Bough.


till' qll ipl a uff IInm N oti(' l) IH' of lit e .

" Gil r

me." hr said . "t he "I'en lop

"" Pl'tlt a l h () rn c -r\"("nln~R arol1nd Ihe hr i;.: 11 1 111',., fhr- fnth r l' and mOfhf'r a b:-0 111'1)1' .] i n ~ Il ncl hn ok ~. th e (' htldn""n at).. "';(JI' I H' 1I I n I n nnl 'fofl! ~ilmps . Th at tit fh i' I\' ]llta l AnH' ric' a ll f' \(l nlll~ . a nrl a m :! Ia d If I~ ~o I '1I1111110n ill th p W f'RL


r" "

In ' · a ~ l . I ;\111 h f llT ~ I n s a. y , il 111 (11 " " 111.11 " ra l' f' . ·a. ' 1l \'e nr .


! (I nn ru l \'OI'RI I' or Iht' '''''' q 1l1,,,t n Pl l ilndf'11lh ian rtf ,trl o r s o.. I lr a l h l ~ ):, a ~' w l f r' ' .nid nt1p. d a y . . .! l llin . w , · ha \" ' I1 ' 1 dlall' ~ "' nolJ~ 1t fn( till! r'fllll rHtll\', , ' T h (' I '" an ' p l r'II1 y n f (' hatrl'<> ' t it s :1'1 :1n n ' p ! I.~ d . ' hilt 100 1II11(' h I'omp:kn )'" til \\' :1 0.:

rVf' n il\~~



the feadt1l· of'


pack3ge roflees-

the coffee that f or ovm' 11 qun.rter of 11 century hM liM n dllily welcom ed in millions of homos -and 'yOU will. mw 11 drink fit lor 11 king in this way:


Ote LION' COF'FER. because to ~l'lt he",- Mtll mu at Il"" th e l't Clt t c nttee. Grind your 1.I0N t.:OI"F£E ra the r flnc. l Meita"u.10n tah lcel>OOn rul tt, f'... . (' b CII I', sud O'M extra ror tb" vot ," FIrtH m lx It w il h a IInle -ootd w8te r. cn o ns:h t o mak e a 1hlc:k ••"t, a nd add ",blto or an e~ (It £'J.! K is to 1>6 l1&Cd as al.ettler). thon l otio,," ObO ..,r th o foUowlnJ; f u l l"' : 1.1. WITH BOILING WATER . Add boillno _Ier; .._ " let It boll THREE MINUTE S ONLY_ Add. lillie cold waler aIld ...,1 aside lI"e mla:,;~,\~o~"~~L~~~f~~Pl~.; cold WIlIer · ... Itoe _ I e _ brill. II 10 • boiL 1'IIeD .el _Ide•• little cold ~ ....4 ... 11_ _tauta. It".

oar id •

'0 .erve. Don't boll It too





let It etand mor-eot h a n hm { Don't Don't u se w ater that h as b ee minute s before ....... vlng_

t.t. WI1I1


n bollod b e for e_ TWO WAYS TO Si:TrLE COFFEE .

Ule part or lbe wb lte ot an ~ , mix ing It wi th , th " Wt-,IIDd tro N COF..~KE~~O(OI';I~~~t inetft."" o( f!~. Afler b oiling add 6 dub or cold water, ADd lel uldt't ror eigbt ur Len mI Dute •• tbea serve lhroagh a .trllme r.

, insist on gehlnlJ a packag e 01 genuin e UON COFFE E. prepar e It . acconU ng 10 tbts recipe and yourw111 only 11M UON COFFE E In luture. (Sol,\ only in 1 lb ...."ale<i l" \C~) (I,.ion-heacl on e very pa.:kag• . ) (Rave till's. Lion -beads f r valu"i.Jle premium s,)





At La st- Do n·t . Mi ss It A C11B .E FOR

Stomach Trouble

Scie nce decl ares . i't to lie· tIke CJDbr W'a7 A ..... M.tho d By Ab.o rpUo n

Do Yo u Be lch ? It: means ... diseased! S2loma:fa. Are you amtcted willi1 Sltor:tr ~eat&. Gas. Sou.r Eructat ions,. Heart Pains,. Indigestion, DYBltepsial' Burnin g: Pll1iiIIs and Lead Weight in Pit of Stomach:; Acid Stamac h,


100 ••t dO Ife lortared . ,

Stomach Troubles

" ( Ilroll~hl h,.. wa s fon'(i o f I't~ r "

i l\ ~ tllf~m 1., la" ... Il i l 1m' on th fl 1(';0' III' i:--. hil l h I' lil,,' ~ I n g-f'f a jt)i<1t oa pl :tlfn rt ll 1' 11 1° .' l il t! lilt · " " (>r,'''n', \\' hN (' 1 11 1' 1' r Cll l I, now Slt" IS ~u' n :-\itiY'p a b011 t 1.,1" il a ll\ l'll ' .- li " , l,~ " aP l u , ar~ rwp 'l hp J' U:':I' " ·ell. 1\ ('1 h-;\~ I pl f"Y e r y bod y 11I :. III ,·d . 1 11'~ 1 1 1 1I "d ;l lI d h l l ' 1 t!llf~:-> ~ frollt li nn \\, Ihal w !v ' TI Ih p j' wen!> marrif'u he l ri ~ hili ' II : S... II' wl l h Ih ('l 1 \\' 0 p n ,t.:.: ll1 ('- l..! it\' I ' 11 (' 1' a ma g nilkt" nr n £'d , ta."p 01 d ia. 'o,-o n . \\:1 .... 111f' l1r.; f lI'tl!nafil )n o f III o n d ).; , ,.1I( ' h (: iamnnd ff' l"r l"Sen l tn ~ lJ w l· nn g - t.:. fl l tl~ lli al 'l a r! PP tl l' t I':r I f' t. t,. Y(' llr of h e r a~ r . a!lLl h e add s I\n,' 1(, I IH' 11'11 )1' 1' S aUt ' l ll lIl 1)1 ' h i' p l' H a t,.. rnr , Ih e s lr i n~ t'''er~ linl!' ::; he- lJas 3 hlrtb . " \\ ' h a l!'O th aI : ( 111 :-o n .\ . ~ !r lIall\ r"II : d R." Ima.gin e !r, ) W flu' I'JO<)r " ' o man ·nn Ihl ' \\ f'~I "!'1I tlh· ls i· )O ·,' \\'h er e- I" lu!'n h et.we e n hi'or dpsi rc to d is ,)l:., .lllI II I I S ·,' '' d "IIIH1Id l ·tl f hl ' g(l \ · p rn o r . l Ilt' tl l' (' kla r l' nnll th ... f Mir tLtal " ' he n " lJ ,'I\\ I"l' ll I .O:-ls llI g a n l l Sh i pjad\ s id . !-I ll +" w pars It (' \' p l' yhnr! r W i ll be c Oli ntinJ i n ,:,; - if \\'f" h:l \'l' u ' t I)a ~s .... d I I .. · si (l i n ~ I h e fliam o nrls ."-- Tll-Bl t.s . 111 I h r l a ~ 1 1\\ '1 (lr Ih r l'" lII i lllll P ~ (' n' b· ' f' O lOl l IaIl ~ Y 1 (1 n :: l wt' ." \\a~ Ill p re " ' hc'r,,, .~" ~. " I. " ...... ft'" . Ill y A l<i nIINf;nr t"" tC3 "ll p r III on e ' th • , .\ n ri ~ 11 \1 sa ." :'''11 \\ P 1'1' () nth,.. (' n p l'ibl i c sc h oo l ~ wllo h nll Iltlen ta! k l n ~ ;d n e '.' \\' Ii ! ' I h l" 1! " \ ' jJ d ldn ' t y on c'all I h Oo c bi rlren abl'lu r rh e " li n asked MW ,\ O ll r tIIall f .3\\ tl :... ,, [ l; no(·"',,1 !ti nt ,,;' w n ," gri lle l\ t he "II11il wh e re It se t. "he \l ull! hllic l., e ye u dana"el. wh ose r1l r.llll .,· had earn"d ~' lIlle r l nt. · n f l e n t , ~ ava~f'I} .· " u ud I 'u h a ve ner Ibe sohrlque t " LP. B elle Prln" esiae, " hf'IH h is rart' in



for him it !I'Ne lIa d n ' ~ ot th em. Il'~ a 1.101 or I\(1rnu replied calml}:: "011 . :'(iss Browo , you hi nd , anti Ca l'lahan I, now,ll wha~ ,Ie -knQ,'!f I c~efrom n " e ry lIttl ~ lOWl., whcrlt'w e' h ~ ard about U&a IUIl,'I~5 a~~l.-_,::,t'",a~ tile he~ up ~llll . CII\C~~ Ueev!'rd-HeraN . _ ,_ .~ I) a~n t wo



Distend ed. Abdome n'" DIzzine ss.


Anti Belch Wafers 50 CT5. A BOX Sold at




Even tho be~t housekeeper"'. Mnnot. rualh~· II S'ood cllr or coffoo without f(ood materiaL Dirty, 1l<1"\Lcra ted aud q uourl. y bl ended coff"o such as lInscrupulouA Il oalers· su u n-\ ovur lh81r cou nters won't do. But take tho pUIe, clCll.n,. natural llnvored

No Drug•.•••• •


C fiwallow . in It I' " eDI n ddr f"!O; s In' n n Jnlliana (hul'dl , pra l.~c "


The Secret 01

~ llas

:th'un ~lalL

lnw !·i' r . !<. lIppn,... •

ru i.", , , Odc tt

t h ll ~ addr ps ~ cd

t hi' , l ff,-' nr) C' I"

" I 1hl n l, ""1 K lt' I' ,f. II ~ In. -; the- ql1 Cf' {,,('~ I w a y (If t c a:-. ill;': tll ~ witt' ( P'V'Cr hea t'"

~\· f' k l tl:· nHlf' C" I'!-l t o nul ml ss(>. 1 fh~

tl i 6f' 1I~~ . a n ri I h p.\ Ilitd !-> lI p,.riItI P II(I f' 11 1 II I ' th f'

Sn·" nL:f' . Ih ,· m, s (' r . i n I JiB

,," ,, 111 ' 11111 II I

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

11f' 11I (' l1 a rl

.Fa mous Actreu, VtllUCI/ D04n', Kidn.y PlilII,

r ~r l \ ·r i~ noL u lll,V" Oil.\! ( " k n o wn ,fu:mtl Li t' ~ t "' I'''' i ll A nnl h ,..t, ,, £ , I h~ l'I' m ., r1,,1IJI,' (' I:f'(! " h1 I hilt h ;l'i w ri' I1 11 nd p rt.xJ r.' C\ut C ut I, IIT ~ n il l' " ·l ut'·' 1I 1l'1 .Illd nil l·I 't' n ,h.{ I . \0' f~ t k li , 1'4' 1C,.. t ll ir d tit hy :,\11 ~t C . :' i () iII~ . 3t ~ lI t ' l·l· """ tul ()lll Y of h"-I' O ~ f1 . '" . IKI'I .\1 1"' '' 1(' '4\' 111 ,, , · l' l~ 'd "' . ' " t il.' fO l l l lW l tI.!ol 1 ' L'.YI ~ l' h tl~ wrlt.Lcn til t} (o ltl)w Ilig gr .u~ !11'11 1' 1 . " For 0 \' " I tur ( ,\' \ t"ll '" I ;00: 111 ·

( 'a l lr ' n ' t'~ '

- - N . Y. Tribune .

• tll \l ' j, ,'(1 al'lo .. ~. Il f" Jlllll p l ' d

T~ ler,

( 01 11·... 1'

' -I

H prll l" hl ~ pro mollon Ihl" SlI rh-- I" If' n ,l pn4 ',\' I la 1J"f" t I had h f'l" n a w ant


t lt~: h(' ~L :\(lu' l'i t 'lf,

' T h a l ' ~ \\ hn l y qtl ~(,I fo r .\'oll r i ll fl' r Ita l 11l t' d ll ll1 l ~ ~ " ~ mlp ",'d H a tht' I ' In



... 11I"· I IIl I ,·Ilr1 P II I !'> 1I1I:-i l\ l J :l .r::.n i n . Hilt ··nftl n ,pd :.:il " l tc" ;'lI t! l il t'


h ~I · I , ~ .. \n,' !'> 1 Ihal 111 ' l n " " '1' 11,' 1',' I'" () n'C nl ll(''t IJ~ltI !.! Il.a t ... a ld lI awI, 10 n, P,l ll l 10 ... . t~ "1 ... 11 yo ll ~ (' t ~ (l lir I w n 11 1- PlI llt·· fllllll . 11111 1, 1' 11 ' IIl'f' r llr)"I " d j t"'ll ltlJ lI ~ raf ..... ·I1A:6l ir ln , ~O l l ' \'(> ,[:111 1/ 1 hi' 1 1 .\ Oil lin I I II' 1'11 1 ' 1' ",II I I, ' I \' I ) 11\ " 11 , 1 " "' 11 1 :.A nd :; 11 0 1'.' \ \ ll h th e '\ ~ ... n '·I,ll ··' T I,, ' ( ' I \, H' 1"i1 L: 1I 4' i ~ n ' t i .. 11\ 1(1 - 111 1 11'1'1) \\ )II r,:-o" d " a d ,~ I' I" \,,01 h I' I'HI !. 111 1\\ 11 the " I ' ll : dlltl -rf H" ltl'if ir I ri ll ' 11 11III 1,, · 1':-: I l r l it , I ~\ ~ J I,fH ' I' I :->il l d I i i! f! ' r' ll rl "I ·I ',' I \ . TI II' f'! ' \\ I'r,' It ll a l'll· .~ I ~ In; Itl l' :tU lt " O .Il . ~p ~, .\ O il w i ll . 1I 1 ~ 1 1 1r,' h :l rt ' \\ \l 1'n flip 111 1... I .. rl I h n ' , \\ .' r, ' t ' I"al' o i )(' I~ \flll I. now. YO II 11 I1 a H ' n i l I I I ~' 111 f' t'f l O In a n d 1 111 ' hli l ld ln ~ , E " ll l a ... k ,' r1 I' '( ' 'i l ; II :L: ( k ' :\ V~ 10)' a n " x (·I l/ ~ I ~ . , · I" I :~ II a fl :\Il IlI " IJ I1 P~ llI"~ ,.a r 11' l llri ll !.: () ~ I h.· h al l'l l II( ;dlid ll\ il ..; 1 11 0 \\ '\I' d l' l a ll Ih, '\ 1 ' 1111 1' ' 1 ) ~: 11 .1 ~ h i n ' l i lt' ni l "' ·an rl a l. An d II It. IIf l Ilt' I III !.: 11 :-: . ;\1 " I'I I ... h" · ) a~ f i m p f' n :lll (!f' H I 111 1' 11 1nl IIJ" Ja. r- I f! ! . " T haI . r1"f " ' f\" ~ 11 11 ( · jt! l a h al ' · ... n~l'\- f'

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l old

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Hil I l it " 1I IU Slf' 1' Np irif 1l 11lt.·I ' ·I · o t' a m ilt ' a ttU I' I . Hlld 11 11 ' I IH' jllOl (l nl l ,· !'a t . " ' 1'1 ,' d I II fla ~ Ilu\ ... I' I ·o u d .... ', . • \\ ;1 '; .... 1111 ' 001 a ll i l 4'ol l" t' If' d [ To B eL',H\l l l lI ,.' lI J Il n rt d ll i' " ,I I., I',' p n l l t'l l 'Th l!lo d id II I)' II t1 PP " 1I ;t g.lin tl nl1l ", ,'\ "rl1 l ~ ( rl l in n s n,' ,I " I'ul "tlllr ",.". 1.' ,.llurr A, IInl l t,t"' 1l i':t ... ~ .. rl. a nd (' alfalrall S" ! lib Y, "I 111.1)' ... It \ I ha l .\" 11 l1 a \·' f aill' c1 j a w and gil \,( ' Ih,.. 1,1\1l l mll ll' lir!' IlI , 11 I n ll ,,1' 11 ' 11 . I h at Ill r l l' I::. n o I I :' ,~ In I r ,\'It TlI :L t l.,o :-.s i!H.: . a 10 \\ n ur S II II W S I /. " l ilt.:. . I h ll ! II fs I mJl () ~ sJhl l' ' Ilr ~O tl tn 11 11' liullrd w as ti l) \\ T\ an rl It h UHI ra n Oll t ':: lln ' t' C' t! a n d I ha I y on ha \ ' f..' I U 1I f" 1l ron a l Itlt' "10:-.:'1 11 ).:. . S WItI:':lll~ :t I'rll 11C. 1I1 . ( ·a l l ah .111 Ino l,,'!! \\1' 11 10 t il t' :-; WII ' h t':", 01'1 " 11 1 , ' 1' 11 to a l lt' m ll ' to ~ t'l ~)Il y o u r 1" l'l Hg.d ll . ;\ 11t1" " lIS f': T IH'nl iii no \\i l l! l il t' " , I' :t lll ... 11111 li n' 1I :t1/ h I:-. ir ati I d l'f' fl Pi l l1,': 1 1I ~ ( llIrl l\ " I ~' t n [Il,-o all' , a nd l ill1 l1," 1'111' a ili a " ",h n st' sp iril i~ 1111 -

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:"I IIPI ~ I' I I\I " j kl1 l'S

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\\ 1' ]' "

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Bll t' I, ~ a nn. C;lIilt'orct eXf' han (' It ,'o n - Painful Eruptlol 18 (;.om Ko ae:s to Feet Seemed I ocur~hle UnUI "i l' l inn ,~ b:' fl U' roau of III., ey e . and ' t l" , l~ nVA l l1nr ~ a i d -: He Usee.. Cutic ura .

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l 'h'l1

"i! .H· m

Your Drugg ,.t· •.

Ir not Send to u. at once.

Ba d B 'r ea th ? Let us sendl y.ou· a, bOil[ free to CODvlnce it cures.. ll'othing else .like· it bowa. It·s sure andl very/ gi8asant... Omes: by absorption. Harmless. No drogs;. Stomach Trouble can't be cu~d · adte~ ~ys Medical Science .. Drugs WOlll't cfu:-.-.tbey eat up , the Stomac h andl make Y:OIII worse. I We know MUur~ Anti Be.1ch Wafers , cure and we want. J'Ol1' till knoy it, hence YOUI tI1at


this offer...


Stad lbl •• 4 . witb JOU' ..... ·••4 a4("'0.&11 4 t~a&lII. ~ a· 4"'r~.t _ _ I'M ..II i t , a PRIIB bo~ of "ull', 4QU Be't.,W. \0. MUl.l. "S: GRAPK TOlliC CO. ,.1 An , . Rocll , m. 0'.8 tu\1 • • re le" au4. wnte plallal". Wtito. .....:r .. tb.1!1Tbl,4 oU. may n.t . p""", a,alll . BOl.D AT DROG..STOIlBS, 50 ~t. P"'~_

prevcot a iDfect.i.oo.. attd Cu.relO q,uicktx_ Does not cont ~J D r.cid or aoda.-l t a Cb tike ' Ozone awt cor~-ts and purifies i.l!Dpure aoll impover i shed blood. -"rtw IIlaod _ .. peltFeC T HEALT H.


Cur.s eJl Weakn eee. NeMlo ue D 'e blllty. Rheum atlem. MI.ue e. Sorof ula. ' Blood end Skin 01*.e 8.. .end Dv~.pep.l. EVEN WIlEN EVERYT HING E LSE HAS "'AILIl:D .

t_. .

=A FULL SIZED I . WILL IE IEiT 411 TRIAL = ""'dtb i."d """ _ _ .""~o'n."""",,,toOr, c. ...._~ II belpo, tbeo100.l !.U Sl.On. I f l l - . . .

~" .. SO .. 0 . . . ,,1.& aV . •



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Ripe and Camp-Fires Burn the Vir\ u~',

uf the Aboundillg Fruil -

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Woods and Fields of 11o ~ Norl l, Counlry.

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un bl't' ut!'K'\-1 a il'

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n"'!oOpOIHI. "IIlI ('OHlen t



''..:ll1f'1 t o h p o uf M uf· (lnOf)": ,.

Mix; n'g h~I.,.i t~ ~ a,nd poclry t'an l.-.ntl to prot t leal r(!s ul-t ~ . \\' ~ Jio h Ollle wi! h t hree QUUH; ajli~"c . ~fro lil s P . w~ mlglll have

1)J"jI l"tI 1.11;"



ar (il)(') u . !J Ilt' II 1:-;. 11 ' , liard wtl r li ttl ~il on tDP groll fld nt f ' a ~ , ' nlpl :-. \\' (> " 1) l lit'!' jr -


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lin e n of a ca rulnal anu

p h ys l cia u '8 pre .cl' illtion s "cn t t o n Jlhll ,.ma('~· . Ilro\"ed 1.0 he ~urle m eso :o;ng e s which ,,'er e d pc' j pIH>r r>ti I n our oHl('p, \\'e \\'('f(~ e nu hll'(1 nul unh' to atHI

~i\'e a ('u mpl e t e and u('cu ralt.· ~ to ry I lf tilt' ltall(If" ni n f.:.~ wit bi n I lle t.:n n du n!, Imt "'t · an,Jl oll ll('l'd lhl ' ell.·(·t iel l! I I I' 1 he

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(1! ~ J)OR4I' uur tr:l lls . rh f.' u ...t un fur "'''b a I;! ()T(,' · 1(1 "el 1l1·()vP rJ<l p. r It•• - , Il~ ruml.Jlj; Vlf'ph~ Jl'UT 9,l(· arp 00 "11<1 flfifl1P te n ruj~


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c hiltlr t' 1\

- Ollt j u it can.tW UII .a s lr\cl ly l.HI :-.l ll t'!;Hi d ay . ('ulIlill g IJa('l, wlttb lJlI~ h('l ~ uf' w i lt! I"'p(i 1' :l ~ Jll~' I TJf"£ : llu ;.; hels, mtud YUH - I UP \\ enl t II of GUkllllu.a ~~JlUo\ \' U I U(I.\(.~J-; lJe· Ihi~ b"rv e,; 1 oI ·lhe l1«"'.h WGooJlI " . 'W e ha d IJlow\J " rJ'if'" !ur IJrf.a.1; fru:l; '.!T~\t ~ a.u ct:'rs i,f tbe.u- Dol ..·t i ngy , $ rDl-1 il


l}, llJ.&i -.---'.




S\H'h ~veolo~~ as t here aTe ul1lbeTP io blupbel'r y lanel , 80 brli\b l, so IOllg . d a,·

\. I llPt Jl!~ llil' :"

Il OWt> r.

1 alb~r , gr8I'.ldlllu l bt·l'.



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tht$ faillll" r


I n l lw I 1, 1'''' COUI fr ),.

I I~ r Il l p l llllla t·~

A 1I'tell.).f'Jl).lu:.)' o ne ua .)" Ilear lIulUlb J1W~ , j J'~ UII 111Iliu.u ,h al bud I al;;eu tll,-J .. .huli' llU{ ri &'l"d1~ 1 UIl! til -

"Il " ' , Iw \\' Qudl!. '1u T\Je "a,lm . I 1' ... 11 of pJl'a~a n ' S ll !(',~f)fl 1l0fl I heSE' dj s h ~!o> . \\' e madt' blll#berry bi~I ' II i1~ rO J ,, (.,, 1>1 TII P ' Ialm. The ,1l!H!r <loy I lunch . lllu e belTl' p Je apPE'.4IJ'ed al o ur ll' l1i1tl 1110.> J, I~'1>'(l'" "" f':g~ ll o·n /' 0(\ been (1v elJlD g Ul t!UI. when blueherr!i l' h k ~ V aH l, ut In \"·r':;. I>y on~ of the oll,·,1lo.1r .]JOetB DOt ,Oll I he bi l l offari'. And belwt'e n Q'bll , I1Ibeo we w er e abroad fo r It ~troll l(Jl tIJ,' Par lfl/· , '<):' 51we ofte U" lopped lO ff!ll.6l ODberrJes fr t'8b "A to': i :lln t hp I l mbf>l nl &n4e \ f rOID I h., ,'I n c, W~ were very treed y, Jll Ih ll t fl f'\\" I' C\lHHI' ~' , ' th bea rs ~d no s how a t all. J, '"<II''' I b" I,II"d ,vl t li m)' ho nd.~ 1 tV l t mnrk .. ~ ",,1t h n gun . 1 r'Il \ J.!iY'· flfdl for (oall ,hun tlln. /l1:cI r l l~d1r wh .n (he doy 18 clun e.



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Soap t o c.1 C';m~c the ski n, gent Ie appl ic,l I ions of Cut iclIra Ointment t o soot he and hc:I1, iln d mi le! dose' of CutiCLlr ~ 1 Pill s to cool th e blood. A singk Scl,(ostingput One Doll:Jr often etlr s, nrus . ....

• ~ , I,' 1I. /.m r, h l,1I1 fil l ' ""(',11,1. 1',)\ , .. , l ('I ...,OL C;Oll' , \1"" ,, 1), "' JlI~' l ' t" I'. Dr 6." "1 1", ,, 1"11.., Ulul lhuu or (,.' \tu." M ..U ~d F tt:a_


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Ilr r('turn mitt!, (rN". ro+-t pn l ll, ,'II( L.ATf: 5T ,spf:CrllL eft!!AM SEP A RA.TOR CATALOCUE. Ynu ",II! n ilr

g" !',~f, ~"~I;:I.I ·Mh('T ~iTg~I;~~~'fl~LI~Io~,a~1.~'~Ll c\~li;;',. S!P."ATOA O'''[R &:VER He:AIltD 01'.

lh ,'se I.iul e Pill s . 'Tla'r nl::iO r tl1cvc Dln-

,-", .., fro m D)"I"'I"'\a , I n·

-" hln·. ,I,

SEARS. ROEBUCK" CO •• CHICAUO. "" "k , ·" r.~ PATENTS "p.W" I, ,,' I ,';', ~ ! r" 1" It' I "';'~:

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TODhrue, P atn t.n tbe :":1 ':0.


T!ley :

r egulaUl We Bowels. Ptlrely Ve"etbble.


T(JI (l ~ lD

SMAll PILL SMAllIIDSE. SMAll PRICE. i Must Bear rae·Simlle Signature






\\ hi n \ \ I, .. "




1 1"; , , I. " ' ,, "' ''I!'II , J 'il. ; I l l ! , \ t , : .. 0 " "'I ' , ~ ,.1 I,. -: ' , I I I: ,J ' . ; ' J\ I 11'1 1.

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,'1 , ,,, ' 1 I J I ilL:

Satur.",1 Ylavor )

.1I1I1 ... t l", IIII ' 1:


Food Products

LIbby, ''''I'' N"i ll 6. Llbbv . Chic... o

, 1 1", ( 1_,



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Vi' I\r , tbll &( .... .

:1I f.

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Lewis and Clark Exposition

S56f Chicago to Portland andJ

\ ' :jI ' i l laTlo ll ,

return ·every day this summer

VP.I I i Ilt·~S, 1,1':\ \.! du o rnihlT " - IIw!-o4 ' hu u ' m udl" ..' i "}1(IIiI ~' 1'I ' I~lt t, } tli~ hl and 8 I roJ;L' dy . 11 w i ll n(l l f X(·1t:--I · him tu 8 n y That ll f- j, th e

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\' icl iln or d n·IIJ1l s tan l·f·~ . ~l rO r l/.! I n l ' U con t ro ! ('jr( · l1m K1at1t ·t'~, That i ... a , I(Ht of t hpir :-: f r+' l_l~UL- I.. Ollj t-l \' l lle ('u ll r ier-

U r t 'g tHl t

Nurt h"' ,,' t will be h eld ~lt Portland, J IUrll.l llll i..; lJc ~ l reached v i:l, the

I II l ... ~l lllln ll· r.

Chicago, Milwaukee tc St. Paul Railway

JUHruuL C hristian Jn panese O tDcin is. a r t-' now fonnd ill "i ~ pro-­

C llr l ~ l\an N

porfU',"utA">1y lal'J!e Jlllmbt' r s i ll ot'fH 'i a l life 10 J flplJn ; lhp. Ilre;;;e nt i11 ~' ('Olll o ln " ~-e \"eD OUI of :li9 lllf'm b rs. One j J) "'~-t. Tb,t,re are DOW abou t . 00, (100 IJro ft" " · Jn g Gh r l ~ ll ull ~ at all tleoom ,' n at iclli f i/J · Jap an . 100,000 ot whom an· PrOl st, . ';Iter,

aoUl, or 001' III every 1,00(1 of POllu l" th)n . Y"I .J D l hll I lDlwrlnl hanse " f r eil U?Et'1l1 3! 1\",", 11Ie), ~ laDIl olle ill 5(.

' Il &: i


Specll l Personilly Conducted Iraln. lu • • Chicago and the EIII Septlm,blr 2,

Tt,. ·n

a If !> pt I II I..nllw "" h r. ( In ~ "f"f' 1" 1 'li P. hf'o n , ,Iill nrf.r 1B1 l Jppr ~I

Chili Con Carne Ox Tongues Brisket Beef VeG.l Loaf Soups Ham Loaf

U niun p::a. ("i rlc C!nt.! N o :!h -vVe ~> 1t~ rl1 L n:c.


1'(1 \\' r I

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Instantly Relieved and Speedily Cured by Baths wiih



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,b E- A s s ccinted PI'C!:SS Oot the of 'he Ne\\.' PCJ}le's E jection.

fat lw r,·j( :.. adlll'lI \ h t> ~! I ' II I"': \\ . (., j.:CI \0 worli' Wi l U:l Will. lind lind 11I 1·l iI:;,).; !l U



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Pf:I' v~ding th Ruling Mnk ea Monn,'cb s Strh·. to r G o 10,

\Vhen the Blueberry's Othe,,, &,.;d s Indian5 Know



j urm

to .

more cl c:luaiutt. ""''' ''K,..• '' 'u,_ u

«ollOmicallho.o Jiqui d IIO littp1 i<'l l o r TOILET AND WOME~. 6PE = L lJ5Ea J'-or "Ie .. ' dru tgi '·1' , 00 C_nl'I a\ .. ~rteI 1So"'.ltd Book .,' ... tru P ..... ,

iliA fl, rUlell C'....AtNJ -. eo.,u, ~ .. ~

(,hoice o r ",\I I,', i , nflc-red . V·,a::> l. Pau l and J\t inne:q ,olis _ l he rOlll e u f The I'io",:n I.illlitcd-v ia Omaha and ()g..\en - Ih e r"ut t: of The O\"crlan ,l I.inli tcd - o r via Omaha and I len\'<:r, "a, t th e w onderful panorama of Rocky r-I ull ntain . celler y. An o lh e r good n~tlle is via Kan sas Citu a nd the !'outhwes t I. ill,it.:d , It is a good tinle now to plan 'your !rip.


General A.e~t. Chloe. o.

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s peCial arran~ enl has ",OIl mlde by whic h al: reuders 01 this pap« I,\ hv ha.ven o l a lrf' a Jy t h at


tried it , may have ;;i. Ie bottle se nt fre e by mail. 31 so a b ook t t!llIll~ Ili('l l" t' abou t SW3.tT\p- Roo l and h ow to S:U :l.

d llr ;:3yn)IJH, tI)1 t:'t:1'. i fIIlJUtlil r }'0u h av~kldlle y~rblaJdefl roubl~,


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llOW rutlu c ,·cl lu ... "" ... " ,.". " ... " .. .. ... "."' ...... ljIl.O~ Boys' l{n ep Pllut ~ ill fino j'I\SSilll l' ru , c l, '. , * 1. 511 IItHl * 2 "ahles II nw .... .. ,$ 1.1;$

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Me n's Pa nts .


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III ~ I ,j ll , 11'-!: J'l' at ......... ... .. .. .. ....... .. ... .":;; I .OH ( ' llOit 'I' a ll I Ud dq,, 11I .. .·\nJllri, ·ftll" l.UH I ,·t irlilill " br:l1Ir1 , wor l ll $1.:1:" ... ......... ... .. ...


E x t l'a \' Hlllt:~ ill lllO lml l" f 1'1, 1II 1 allil unUm' Shil'ts ,

\\" u l'Ill -;;"'. li t,)\\' ..... ......... . . ' " ........ " . ..... ~1() 1~ -\ 1:t1' ~1 ' I lI ll ' ,,!, Htly,,' ":Ilin :". sjleci allllll"l'Iu l :';~. -;- .;1' all d ~ I

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hosp ital ..... ork, In pri vate

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11 : 1' 11"

'1 " I":", ,, 11. '" lHl I,, ' r.fltll,lIr il I\" ' n' 1l 0 t l ' . - jt ' I " ll!l lI,I· . Hl' tl11g'lllr l' I'I IY IlP'll t ~I ' · ' I " ' ,,, - rll s preseD~ u f Ii ~ 11I1 p~;'I\~dJ \~' /:h ' ;l,nd ~llu('o.ns ~ l1J'fn(' e~ t.t' 111 1' .. .\ '' It: 1I Ill' /l oc k , aud u PAIIO'Ull l with "i~ IIX , l ~, tl molll[lls,,~e nt 11'1'1' l'l' ir',' : :r' . -' '' 'll in the brown {i,' l.I ' T llf . I ' ' p o '"~ bottle, (So ld I,,, ull tll ' ll '~ '.'r- ' ,

whi.tle of theone olld i'hewei rd ~~I1'

:.1.". 1\

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L'11I 1ic-t· of all t, llr liu":- I (; r~.\ .'i, ' : 111 1·1... . l:Hut':- aut! F :\ II I ' \" .\·I I ~t lU \· ... . '~I I1 ~I I ' HI,d

1"!t' ilulJ"l<t rl w llll " , ."hl s tll'U I",IIII I III I ' 1 'II . II II ' II . I II I I I I' " 1,1 ' ,If . rb" pa ga n . !i\·ill g wut e r:oI 11 1l\' , /, 1I • I " " I I ' \\ ! I I" ', I ; \ , II·1 ' I - t j , 11 \ 1111 I I • II Ii! 1 ,.!' 'i ( I I, r \'" I<'u,, : 11\1'11' pl u" h Ullel 1'11r1 . I lloll' , , 1.:- " .1·... 1 I' I I' ,. . I . , ,', ,L~ . I , : ,11: J'\1~1i tint I 1'1 ' 1If". a~ t ~ w on I ~ ' t I t". ( (1 11 1 1 ,.... . , " ' " :;l;I I'1 , , 1;1,1 . .\1 I I " , \11 i ~ "1111 Ill,'" g i ld"" . r. . \·e n th t.! J I1 I ~!lI f ~ I 'iru ll,j .. II I , 01 I II H ! : I ... I ·,d> !,·. !-\I' .! .'It",·,,1t II I l"ru I'1 \\' ,,~ " .-\I ·~, ' r ll" 1 gild "' th £' wlI, e r·50:. 11:01 Dr \\' . .1. I . . . . ----- ~<~----\ ",,'/lf r t'n lIu:ol ~ h o \\' n If n l'li J."!l Il Y ! 1{ 1'\ll '~ '1'/11 :-<.1 I wlt"r t', It" i .. Ilt'ur 1111' " prill l!" II I / \\. 11' , H LI II I I . . . " wu t er:"l- tiL p 11ft, I ' t l c l' l I' I lfI' t'l ' lUII I'1 l lI g -\\'11 " ·,....:.. I " ) " , 1 1 1" H , , hlltl !'o O , III Uli:"> \" :dl l'\'~ ft~ l" tll l /, I ' ll hr '\/111 Ii. ali Y , '. 1'\. 1,( ( 1111 111 1 11 .. 11 Wll t l·,. ... IIf til l-' Jl fr1t ! '-\) /1101 I I' p it th't' i ' IU ) t1t ) t I,ll ' V l1l.' d Ily 1111 ) 1· I n l il l ll i I> rt '~CrH' I' II I. I .. It "' ,1 'I H'l'p( I F . ,I C hl 'llt · ',' .\ I ', . ' I'. " I I" III ' JlI g h I (1l1 ·1' . kU t, \\, u o t th l'lt th at, )11/1 " II~ I I H Bn F' \ \J " \' ,IIIIf'"l1 d'I.' I" ,l)".! IIli' d . !1 I ," " 1.11 "\\ 11

lJ lIl ll

\ \ " , ;"

f l l !" !! .·t li lt' F . l l rn t ' I I . :\ 11 ~ Il!" t :!:: til 'l;1

Me n's Fin e Su its.

hlt'!. rll " lt e~o lll " I tltl'd u r k C l e plll " "f lit. 1 I I , " " 'l '·.ill I " ' 1 I l llp h I Y l lvi u g-I'IJj'k Tti III I' ".'in.rluf II PIJ/ ·t , i ll"1I 1 ,' "ll !jl f '~ '0111." 11',' l i·. I.d 1 / ,, ' 11" If : I!.: II' ! 1~' , . ,d WHft "" "

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,~ d I\ I IIII J. \\1 II' l't , t ll da .\'. r ill' "'"IIII :: l d , 1:1 11, 11 1 11;111", ' Hlld Ihl ' v, Il l, } Id ,I.\':-' UIHi l:.. l lll i n rI 11.\ ' 1 1 1 11'1l d l ll ~ I " I· ..... I · /. t· t ·.. ( ' ;l li ll ' . \1 "11 1' -- 1111'



, pfacllce , " mo~g Ihe he l ~ies$ loo poo r 10 purchase relief a nd has proved so succeS5fu l In

1\' I:I.~ 1' .1.....-\ " 1 I ', :1 1'1 1111 : &\ I I ~ hl"

TUNITIES THAT SHOULD NOT BE PASSED- -- OJIr (,,'st mJy-etHi"> been to elimina te pmfit and on many lines cost" also has bEen igllored. We have F Is se d tirr.)!) ,Ii (/ (i· e season and what IS left I S yours at sma/J prices. though not U piece I f pOOl' materm! III lJ 'IY r/epartm :!l1t, " ere aN! the prIces as they hare bep.n reduced: - --._'=-:C.= - =:..=

I II .t.' \' l · 'd l l lJ ~ Ld l ' 11" I ~~ I ' I'I II 1 1I : t) : 1~ 1)1-1" lIal,;-o 1111 1 11\' g l" ; I :-> ~ 10 . I ' !'




e ve r}' c ase

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I tl 111111 frl) o n tl ll' R,lI 1l1)(JlI lI. p t):oO~il l ' ~llf :(·t"'~~ . IJ' {II (. 1-'1. i sn mmit, uf tlllJ s.w!'" .l hill, t.h e n 1[1'. · XIl I , <11111 Vi ..,,,r "f Hlld : ],111 I Ill' I ~CtJ ncl ed to II 1'0:11\ , WII ,\ ' It'u·,1i II I,: weHI, ~IH ' I'lIl l ~ i l l'IH':c 11\ H d:-.t ·I1:-'; H 'I' ,' . I h e Wltl'll by ~ icltl llf II tin y ''' I' te,l ll('l. nn d "'lIft wllt Spl'I' :-I ,t!' ti ll ' 1I1H'1" I ~ t, (J:tI '!'i'1 I' nrn e ·t n that, NY Illph'''' lllll . 1:1111\\' 11 !Lnll t,itl ! ttl tlsi c'lI l \'I JI\'I ':"i I J r 111t " lu l !i llg lut r.hfl g rott o (I f E~erill, un,I , sit,1iug \\'alf' I' i11 t lu' g'l"ll tl, '. \',1' 1 t · I'll' 111+' . .111 t,he \\'1\11 " of Ih, · tlCII IlIII . lI lIld. , 11It)1'1~ d l :-tll1 l' 1 " , 11111 11 :.;; 1 1' 1" "'1 ii I til , · 1,: t (Q'lInl, Hud I \\ II 11 dt l't h l i f. IIflt ' l" H. .lenni) sket c h u f g l'O {f,d u lli l ~n l\' l1 1111 . t ill ! JlI 'II~ ald , \ I·!"t ' l' I' l h ~ I' 1111' 1I i.... ! Ar (' h:p o l o~i~ t ~ 1,, 11 ll~ th" gr o tlt W/I " th e grott,\) uf Egul'ia - Imt , i l 1..);IIIHI ) II ' I:-:III. thlill t I" ~ 11 111 '1 1' 1\ 1

Well. I w.llkflll

I ,' I ,\


II 11U l n g- 11 11 ' 1~ \l ll ~ 'II I'I~ I t tl \\ l l urll I lI b:-;I I , W lllt· ... I



l '

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WIII I . ... t

wulllln d IIIllUIlI.{ the .llm·u s of t.1 e " Av o ~I u rin '(' T o liilll 0: I I' P 1'1 : 1.'" , 1,,10 uf 'VI gh t,-iJut, J hll\' !! ll e\' , I' COlllll ll1uio tl with "~ g:('1'i!l i ~ " lJ1Q.: nfl ileen e lAew he re t h e g l o ry o f co l." i~ ul' l- r{) niP . h;:-; 1'I ' l ig ili Jl h I lldy thllt gi\,B~ toO tho Cn lllpllgnll it. snpcJ'sU f"iOIl-tl l l lilli. 11 1 ~' I r" ~1 :- 1· suprem o fll ~ l! inntion to plli ll l"f" ull tlSlll i~ d Ul !lU n lll c 11\" 1"1':-- " . :a T,,1 Itt· lIlu rn' I ~ ­

! " ,I

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F .' I I I I


~lln pel'flJrtn~

p ,l ... l

{~ ~ ~~ ~< '~~¥~~~~

to fllur ket i n H r"lI u c Wll l lt ,tlf rllt~I ' l j l g r h e coilpc,t ' )r 111' til X I" , III I hI ' ~ 1I11 . J Bupr.m udy I:J fH] l' C!-&~l''''' I tl (,' 1' ill·· ~ ' · "'1 , ,111 1 ii , 11I 1I 1 l it IbA AIII'H' sweep of the CllmplI g lllI, IlI"Ull l ie :-;o ltli(, l' t ~ 1' ,,11, , \1 i" fi/1l ' ~1 1' 1,:- 11 , / 11" horizon , '-: UC I1 11 0 '" wi t h ltl lilt Ilnd th e ~ h' t'l~ pri " !'I 1 \\" ' ·I ' r .~ !il l l ' '' : chllrtn d L l'irclo, th ~,;o \' i"w~ Il \'quilt fuhri C, u ~ h I' Sll ll lltf' I'~ ' " " 111 1 II', 1& I iuqrn'"s in' IH'lIl1t,.I' of COIltI ". ' thro\l~1l t hu I h nl'tll l g h fll I " S 1 J ,,"Oud AI' whllt htJllt ' ti l I ll ... ... ·1 1; i >I , i Itpt·wp.e n rllll llll rk fl'UIllll ,Work III lpufll!(l' .nnci th e su fi jI\lI'l'l "~. g re,·u • . of til t: '· 1',1I1tile x 1II IIXIIIII1' " I".> browns , light rl'lis IInll yu ll o"s u l b l' o n g lJt tu t'11~ J1tj ll~lIlIt will i I.H.I ~ ; r,h e t.IIlCI ~Cllp e Tl l'II!' 1111111,, 1' . 1 Itll'·' awn,.. f r OIH BUS('OS ;" 'l·I'. " .l ll lt· . !I I!! l t ' Hkotehm l (110111:( th .. hflUks IIf 8 1 U II Til e ~ 1 1l 1" 'ti o f \ ' ,,11 " 111111 <· \\ 'Ii '11 J.IiWren c H. Oltl", th" li lH lsnn, IIU " dill'e r e u c e ill\'O(' llli " lt " f l ilt , \. ".".1< Potom ne-on shoros of e ha lIttlll <] UII IU H }\: es t o hun :" \\. 1111 t,. 1"' lIl' dH "I ' If1 II nd Erie, ilIon !: tlweoll s t s uf Cor n · fo lI O\\'8 h is sign of i hi' l'I' Il :-;!-' 111' }i\:-: /

B e re t ho

F ,11' 1I1 " n

t lit,


llife c tilln ~ Ill( 1'1 0 IIII· ... "U I'-111 lilt, .. ,,' " "Il11trllius IInci tlt l1 itr ou·

IInu h e mll ~t , ind eed, ue '1 11110-11' n(l l Ol' i!olt whos(~ l}:li ptf e ,l l . m~ Ho i I; n ,w

dll l' l ll ~

Jt: kt.

1 -' ,1'.1

IH I1I1,'\· I

(, H I'I' .\' 11l~

" I' B j"t' l /'; l il-I I

.\ t !


. h lt . to' :--

f lil'l l' LI' ltTirl ' 1"

We Expect the Town & Country

f e ar , IJIlt til " 1" ,,, , ,,"1 1<1 ., I - \' ," r , o ppressl yely, " .. ll1un, .... 111 ii" " . " " he ('/lua ut

:\ 11:--:-.

t:n lp 11rl:1.


the 11!IIlllilt i hu n ' I ICtJ ll I.It" ·

Ishetl , lind

,'If ~lIi' ldl

"-!I \I .. I ... , -I

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1' ('l 1f 11 11'- 1· 1, ...... il l ,"" , .. '


/lucient, Rll n 'LJ t'IIIIU~ , 1I1111 Ilt Pll , II I trllcteol h,v .. iSIIIII!t' ,l 1'/ 11'1111 " trees, Ilir. ~ ('t el l Iny ~ l oI ' -; I llw lI!'c l ~ il ttnc1 1n II fpw 1111HI1f u s e l1t"I' ,.. ,l th, holy Ilreci n ets 0 (' th e I 't)n~p" !'II" c·1



1 ,. 1 ti l . I I

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I I UlllHH

IUY }ll't'!'of lH', ' :- \ '1' 11 1 ";

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:\ 1. ; 1 '.. \

r MetenI> S, tomb, I IlIlll I II 11 I e tUl tHllpt s dl' \' uII,' 111' , II"; I fO I I '1 . ' II I o ppOl't v:e w I) the Vw , lO lt t't l \\" ttI'C1 n llll \ 1 11 1' ~ 1I 1H· IIIl I ;.! .. .... , .111 ' ROllI f'. uncI hlld the n Cll nt b,lCl It I ' l l Dirt.y ,' llI IIln 'l l. l il l''' lI gl ll g II ... 1,, " Sf" rJ pp8,1 th o IdgIJwlI .\,. "PI II·u l l r. L" 1. 1' Willi, (I n ,1 I hen ~ ' I" w lr (\\"" j" lit e "I"" ru o n e .~ . t111' \Vl1 ~ h p l'\\· l ll lIn ll ' :'" I h Cll tnpngol l to warcb A"II ,a :'>i ll " '., t e l' ~tt'ctl·I1.'d nn t 11.· !" . 1i,,, ,, 1 \ l ~ I" I s toppo:l1 "\Vltil., tIt t,h .. ,1 ,111' " I' I I, m Oll e, : I I i.; th ' nll l\" ' !"" ti 11' > 1. 11 , I I


I 1.1

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j'd H I1 l' I~l c1\ ::04 Ar~i Oll ! l !II ·"I .... ~lJ l't l~ nnel (un '1 Kidney 'rrouble Ma l:es VOU Mlsera ble. II I .. tli t' 1,, · ... 1 111 '11 ling dl'(i ~f.l ln~ 1 A hno !;t t!\' e rybody w ll o t e a ds: the news." I,lll n el " ~ I lt lt ll ('~ nUll hl':al:.. " I'e 10 know ~ ( t he wonderful 1· ~'I I :--. hurn ·... a lH ~ ~1· l lhl:ooi . ·!~I( · lit ~ CUI os l1l~de by Dr. ~. t l \ :-- Il r ll~"" I I',, ; ~ : l ltl'lI ll t l ·I 'l l. '~Kll m e r' s swamp-R OO I , th j er~a t kidney, liver bladdeue medy. TRAIN~ A ~1E RIGA , I.' II i s lita great medl-..~. cal lriu mph of Ihe nine'~I leeni h c e ntury: . 1: ' .\ 1 ,111 1. 1,11 . « ' 1111 ' ( I ~IJ 11 ) ~ : '" ! I' 1" 1I 1I II cIJycred a fter y ea r"dl$of ~ , V sci~ntlfic researc h by ' 1~"I I. : 1 1\1 I 1 Il l ' 1' 1' \11\1 1' 1' J .111 1111 {'tI. ( \ \1; -~ H Dr. Kilmer • .the em l~ t . 1',· ' 111 1'11:...· \1 I . 1,,,", 1'", 1t tl':l ill~ 1'1111 ') - nt,nt kidney ellu blad, . 11 1 111' I !!il ·j ,;': ') ' :\;, t!\\"II II I';: l ' l \ 1\' ~ I . der speclallsr , and Is wOIIJ':rf, dly successful In promptly cu ring l':llll 1::1I !\\"1I \ It" .\'ql1 a r, l nll\ t! 'lll lome back , kld"ey, b ladder, urIc acId Irou" I I: 1 1 1!1~; a ,,'", ':-ott' l" n rnp yn u ~h I1 1l1 d ' bles und 8 rig hl 's Disease, wltlch is the wors t form of kidney Irouble, '-1'1 ' Ih; lr ~)nl '. n r l " lth n t thl'~e f utH Dr. Kilm er 's Swamp -Root Is flO' reeI ,n"" t r al Il "; I"; ~n{,!;l lipd iII ,\~ n nr I f l1\1 'r o:"",ende d for c'l orylhlng but l~yO\l h ave kIdi~ I l t ' -" : Illd t1t ':--.-' I 1P :\ ·1 " Ig,u k · fl e)', 11 ','01 o r bladde r Iro uble It wl!1 be found III \ . Il\ :a toe lem eJy y ou need. It ha, been tested ] , · (, II Jl I'f·qllt·..: 1

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Warr en Coun ty Cou r ts . 'Jl KDHW8 'Ivonoy ysHn nnnh 'i\~o l ('o tt er- til. Snl o l ,f I'enl eM llt e en n Hrn lOll ,,,,,1. tl i~ l. ri 11111 lO ll of PI'0(10,,<I , nrcl(Jl'u,l . COU ItT J'IIO


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1'0 W ill lilll'l' ;\' 1':Il ~ IIl1I1Il , d ccoll~

1'(1. Appli c llli o n 1.0 nllmit wi ll t, III·ol.Jnt.o ~ot 1'<11' h e nrill l-( An gnst 7 II \1 U 'oloc k Lt . HI.


E~t.ntA o r MnT" I~ Ln l1llll' . donl)l\~ nel . A ]lpli( '11I.i u'" ~l·t for h en l'i Il l! A Il g n st. .: n t v 0 'cloek u. Ill . g~ta l o of MIlI'Y K L tl lllnl· . UN'I'II' ell . Firs t nnd !:innl neconD t fo r ~e t t lom e nt fil ed .

The re is sec urit y if you dep osit


BOllru of In firmnr.l" Direc l o r s 01 Wllfr en COlllI t:v . Ohi o. v s Sa l li. Hlll' t e t nl. Orde r o f sn le of r N' eti tnt o ('o nfll'lIl ed . E~tutl\ of Lut o n l'll . W ll rwi o k . tl e 1'I'II~od . In " on to ry lind n jJprn i ~" nw n I fil " rl . F., t llt " of


lI JI' I'lllIlh \V . Hnll ",·II

nut ;"" II I' uppoi Jlt-m ont n l' pxpc' ut ' ~~~ I"t(J of A nn n \\,, ·i,:. 11 1' , · ~n~ · I'lll. PI' ,,()f lI f pu hli c nli tl ll .. I' [mlirll of up poi lltn1f' n t of [' x(' ont.or tiled . )o;" lnl l' of Wi ll ia lll fl . Co x . ,if" '(11'''' 0. 1. l'r,)of of pnJ.l i(·ll l io lt ,) 1' n ol l('p nll ll{ ,in lrn o nt. "I' ux ,,(' u t l' ix fil"d . I~R Il\t " of H .. J.p e('/l .1 . R IlIl Yll1l . <II' C ' '' ' ~('II. Prunf o f ]Illh1i CU I inll ,1t Ilnt'ko o f a ppointl " nt. o f 11 t1l1li~ i s tml.ul' lilt"I. . of Th (,lltl,ll'O Pr oof {II' pnhlieH f hHt 11 1" n o ti c'(" fi t Ilppo inllll (,ll l. "I' 1I<l 1 "llI i~ lr/ll n l' Iii ,·,] ~ ~ taC e of ~ ' ll'nll .1. t' lurk, tll~ { ' Pa ~ I'll. Pr u,lr "I' pn lJlIC'Hl inll "f n Oli r" "I' " JlP oin tml' n t 0 1 ntilniu i ·QI'H II1J Ii led . In I.h o IlIutl c l' o r Ih l' npp li ('lIli,,, of J~ Ii ·I. d ) !-' r h Pur1; p r . ;,.'; Ul ll dlllll tI'

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W i lll an l IJlI I ,>lI d .Iohl ' '! l ,1;', t il \ ' /1 ."11\ ' :-' \ ' 111-' ..., ·11 . ·.! v i I It·d l ~. " ' ilso n , npprn iM' I''' . irl\ ) It ' ':l lll~ . In I' e will "' illin1l1 It. DI' .l 'l' r , Il l' ()- ,I . lJ u rJlf1lr hlJ ~ t ll lld e ~ j " lI ('> I' X C('(I ~ ~(1. Depn,it i o ll u f :-< . A . E II. pr · .) n ~ i V I ' I' p jl l dl' :O: Hnd inl I H'O \' f'!lH~ 11 1~ , , o n . o f DlIwldn ~ , (in lnrlldn, 1\ wit · 1\ tl'f' \\,Il ~: :Jf l' ~i ~i t1 !.! th o r uof u t ne~~, nl'd f'.r cd ,"k"II. li ~ lI u l llf"l , l' t" , th l\ Pfl!"; t \ \' t 'lI l;:: E"lllte (,f <:(·1"11 ::;,IPI\(·P. ,I£cellsorl. UE' " f! " ';' Hrow \l I,; h11l 1 tll ll ~ h llll · Bnl'SeH 'Jrd e r utl ~o hl Il l. lUSH th n n ·pH:I lhH\' h l) :lh; t H l 1Ji~ f lJrt ih) I rLf TIl IIPP"ltis ed \·ull1 p. R o po rt nf s lI ' e o j le,, 1' 1''' ' rr.l· ll l \\' il l conta i l!:t fur ~lIm o ~I PII\·ol'e , l. 1,11 ('" H ' Hi I It liP )' 1I 1nllpl'H l' Ol! vp " In I' ll W oodro w H. AIUl~tr o u g . j>nl'n~ IInrl '\'111 i ll lnnu ,Y W'1 Y :-; ht~ l\ in" "n n . A,llIlilt ell t Il lI ~ylll lJl fu r lIOII'" rll l· tIt dW f' llin g . ~ I r.. li nd i U ~ 1 n ) Il t Ou y l OfL Ill'S Il "') \\'1! nll,1 Ih pir ,0 11 11m] IlIn g ltl pl' \\ill ' ~ '(' \l Jl ." th" n ('1\' PI'Op . MAHI!lAI' ~ L1 P. 'C'l ~ ~: . ' t'f ", :111 ,1 tl H' lr ' lllll r'ril',l ~l)n,N O rrllnll, l\Jlllflll'l l [.Tr InH tt.n d ()Ul ll U rl on, lJ .Ih of Kin gs Mill ~, Rel'.8h errit.t 'Ilfl I d" 111111 11,' , will .n' <i,I,· III tlt e ·ld 11 4)]n ~: ft'\ ~Hl lJ lu (,f', ( ItL "e nee E. A :li sol.l ~' l'a1l1d i ll ,mIl ,,--"'-~,~~. .~ __ . .__. . . . . . .-u~ EIlrl ~hy !:'onll , ~l a ~oll £tIn' . Wonos .

Fmn k 1'11 .' D,'lIk o e t III to Luis " F . L e wis: lot in L ubfl,u o n ; $1 . \\ri llintn \ \1 . E'll' o lllll't, 111111 w if e t n P Ol'r y J." Enn ..1ulrt, ; ~a (i ·1 U Cl'f.,'~ CIH ll rI'r G " ~ III\\'ll Ship . $l.

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·/ ' I Il..' (lllh· w :I YY Hl l t .lnn") n ·l.·d tht· t rol1 .

bll' ~ " II do havl' ll1l d p r' C' \ ' t ·n l ll!(' SL' }J,.UlS trl l1 l1 bl.' U lIlg ( /l (l 1.1 I)l"dl'r 1:-; t u ll :;C

Dr. Cal dwe ll"s

C. \V. LUlIlltr t il H . r . Ln mHI'; " " pre' ill \\'11.\'110 t ll wn ~hi Jl ; ;':~O [). · i LaoXati ue ' T.~·lli a A . Pm.\'. II dlll i,tro l ri x , f .lulln R . l'rn ~' , ,It-I, ,,, "~('tl t n .I"h ll 1-:," n h , \d y l .llu w ~ t h at l'I ,; I · S I ~ (~;!-: I ). H.l Hi li ; l o t i ll ~lo l "<l n : * I ~d l il . . f OI t llt'~ !lnlladl.IH rt 111 \,' .nnIJ i ll;lt i nu W llh Kin g P o wdlH' C\1.. t o 'Ki tlg"~' )11 lS I C~~' ~ 'II U , .t":U lt d 1"11i-::'\. by I )}{ . l':\ I . I ) Spcl:Jill l. ~ch ,,,.1 Di , tl' C' : I·:! 'I\.' t~ \\ LLI.!"; ft' - Tll ll l ~I, It s n .1tLlr:t1 \'ul : lt~M 1:-; hi l! llIy irh' l e a ";l·l l. in DcC' rti l' l.l t.o lyn , h ip ; $ ~ :,(I. I ,I<. l ,\ Ll I\ I· I·: LI .'<; ~\'IU' P 1'1':1'.' ; I:-r


Comm is s ioner s' Proce tding: ;;.

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Uills IIll nwt:l~\l1 ~II::o t ;. ' 1Il , l lh:' ~' w ill l,t; I"l ' lll!H.l \:' d i f it lai1:i to Le bnllon P:l trinl.. pllhlt ~h i )\r. no t ic,' 1.) hfln \ie r :4 .. .... .. . $ S 00 ue nc li ! yo \.. Yo ur po.,t~ l L' n r . ! 11 'ljt,(' q ~'I II hr lll £" b y I"f' tu r n Ma" Hl Ll1lllhc l' ( ',\ ., 111mb I' mu d H ill I H~ W h .. ,.L, I , · I . · IJR . \.' A J. II \\· El..L·S 7 11 t l.1 I~\l~~'~~ \~ ;.~~ il\\~~ I/I:"\l~ ~"! ;\~,~~ II\~I: ~'1~I~~~Urt~J IIllll n~ m nl1 I ....... ... . . t'..:w ~ di· . ~,I a ll \ \'\ 11 1101 ..; 1;11 : 'H.l.t r \V . 11 . ,Tu r k ~ o ll IIl1ll ,3 (1 11 . Ill dstl .......... .. . . ... . .. ... . ... .. . PEPSI N SYRt.IP CO. Montic e llo. IIlInol . Trust ees o ( Puhlic: Atl'lll r ~. Fr. r ~II I [\ hy .1. F:. ,l un n ey ro n nttlin lit co urt h o nse

nl1ll .inil ........... ... ... . . .. . : Fo r a Itr, lIll1 lt" s um 1 will leu!<e to W . H. An trlllll, 1(10 ~c titU IllP" ., 00 j ltll V r .. , ,,o us il,I ,· JIll I' I ~ . d esil'i, w II,

L . C. Uul,tllry , ~e\\'er .. . ... .... . ;,·1 10 u n ~n~o in' ge n <'1 '111 . lu o r c lllL' dis, .Joh n C. H 1Iwl:'e, ~e \\'er pipe 1O.I. :,lO " ou'l oml lum b e r. th o lo t b el ongin g Eich ol zer nDd E I7.rot h , ceo t n I ho Oo\' to n , Lclm n o n & Ci n ei n m enl. . . . . . ... .... , .... .. 2(; flO· IIlIti n tl!t·,; ,I , ~ltUllt() lit \' " "u hle H. J UII ~ , cc m e n t... ....... .. . 1" O(l ~!,util'l n . <\ 11 mil o <l u ~ 1 o ( Ri\l g'H' ille. F oW j)u ,·ticu lu r~ '1,11 Oil o r alldr ess, W. E, ,Jo hnson , deputy S llI·· . W . .I!:. Moore, Gen . tlupt,. , 1'he Da.y . voyor 'C owmi 88ionerl l' t oo . L e bauo ll &: I,;loc\no atl R. d , work ..... .. .. .. ... .... .. ..... .. 2 '.~ 00 Le~ unoD , Ohl.!



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Mi les Mcdkl l Co., Elkhar t, lnd


C. M. BRO WN , Prop rieto r_

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lin' II n ~ll.lll ' IllIl t ytr U gin) Olll' s l o r e

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Also cann ed

l' AlI (\ .l l· l H l kellli rt icl p ~ .

\Y e 1s1I ·,tl llll l ltese , C h[':t jl

Ollicl' in Stoops' Buildin g.

Frcgll F l'lli t~ lind V('ge t ul.Jle' hn \'o tb e Cltll.

',1 11 11' ;\!I·t· '

r llll !'l\' I\'U lliu 1.11 1"' ,01 fi'n r t v 101' •.1 11 1 \;,' t a Ct' nt p [

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: No thlllg

O il I. h e Mllrke t Equa.l to Gn'l mb il rl A.lll ·s Ooile, Choler a

'l'lle Pione er Li nl ited

' i ~ t is" "" \' 111 ;: 11'''' " ,1(' 1111 •. " I Ill r' hllloy : ,, 11'1 (It l~t'O A . E. ,· lpr . CllIllh' ·r llllld . alld DI .. rrhoell Remed y 15 tllll Im ill <)f trn i n ~ h N.w re n ( 111. 1'!II. Bo· wrll, ''; · \I . C. kll tABSlll , ~. I'. A., I • Dr nna . .. 1\1 1'1('. 111;('. ,:I I! . Tlli R f uel i~ we ll know u to drug, . t.rl ' k S I ' P I I M lIel l'. Olll' Illtl n ,,1 1'1 \I ' " III d,' : l'IH t , (,I'e r y w liere , anti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ir n g n . ' . "'''U ee. Uln e out of> ' . ,HI UU( ,lll I\ .h·ninl! h o'li lil . \l llh ",' 1'\, 0\1" I'I l1' I\ II I ; 1,'1\ wi ll b: iq, th ei r cu st om er s t his ""!~~...~~!-"""""" _ ' llc n ro h R. It rlln ~ uud .,' VI" lite CIII · 1'ro \lhll" Ull lt t. '., u \Jh .l' , i t· ill n~ ~fi\" ' : lll'[' pliru lio n when t he heet i~ asked icn" o, Milwltu 1l E'o &; ~t. Punl Hlli l· II\I ' r 111' \\" . w(·r,' Illlll o~ t ill d esptll~· . , I ,,,·. 1111'. Ohe Whitm er, P ecn l lllr Dis.s ).ppe. lan o e. . I W I'" nn ll i~ \"Ith o ut nn '111111 iu "x. !",hAn we n 'w,I",,,1 t!: t.1~V J>l . J(U1 ~ ~ , II P llt IlfI\~~ I ~t o( Jnplll!, a~\?,proml ,I . I) .. Rnnyu n., f . ~utle n·.l\l e. O . cel ie llce ti f eCiUI JIlle In It Dt . If yo u eon . N.:;w ))1"r.ove r:v for ,C:' ''l.~umjJtl ll n ,: l'II'('\lhH o. h~s c u stomers Inid th E' jlccullu l' Jl~ npd ell1nn Ce ot , s uya: .. I . CO ll gh ~ unci Collis '1 h r, hr ~t lIottl " , " 't'bort' I. S tnothl.n hi~ pninfnl ~~' lIlpt o Dl9, of indiges l emplut e n trI P to the No.r ' . g o n the lIIarke t III tll'\,.c ~t ) II. gllve r l'lIe( ; fifler Ink in g t o ur .b o ttl e. th e WI!5' ~f patent med tion unu blli o u~nes~. 10 Dr . I\ing '~ is w o rth you r While ioine whl oh to IDqmre fo r sh e wa s c uret! . a n d is n o \V 10 pe r · ~q l1! C hamber la in'S Colic, CholerA . N ew Lif o Pill !!. l:t e snys: "They Il l es aUlI des(' riptive booklet s via rect bpllltlt. " Ne~er f'lll s to re·i llnrl Diarrho ea Remed y for bowel llIe n perfeot r emedy, for dl~zine9 ~ , tEis route li tl v e nud c.nre 11 c ough or c.old . l'ompla int·8. 'Ve ·sell sour stom och , b eadache , constip a. and reoom · · IA t MI1Y 'S drug stote ; iiUc and ~ l.OO m end this prepara tion . " For sale tiOD etc. " (iuoran teed at hlay 's c. c. M OI'DOD 8 . 'l'raVtUD eUl g uarallte ed . TrlRI g Pa"".n~e r AM b o ttle free . ilL'lIg sto re , price :lSO. . nv Loui. ~ay . · ~ . Cat.., B"1t41~ R . ClrtolcQaU, Olllo. . . •





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ry l~ /y ,log In for ho u7el ... s beer alld wi n Ilr n ' ..,!( ~arry w!tlr It Ilo s tln!': or Ille 8 rpenl . h e ~olal IIb~lal nt'r " Ill nul hav e 108 arch fa~LD 11t.~ hlB fanll.I1 VjlrUdl.e.- -TTlIY Tlm': Cl lltll



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, luffs. :c - ,, ~ I I lI H e ' c r ynlllll; In cloth u r "I II, IIIit' - C III'" !;lJ R e ,ord · Hel·ald,

Hilt! II! hOlels uo t b t ~ IHJ t o~ '\\I u"d IJ II ~ htll tj: uur fine~l a nll no llipst Jrl Inculcnte PoHt t!: ness. IUI H I ,., FUI II is nu r unl) \ lI l g ar. ! In SUit.11 oPIlJuotivn mak e \uur l:h ll~' COHn';~J alld ~arl H b "ompn fJI Ih e IlU" . ' 3 U q1l i lt, Ip l lp r Ilf~ rtPl: l anel gl\ p s o mllc b

r ic-II f)~~ agullls ( wbonl (lies e ,'orn"llb l easulllv tl l; ' d Oelltate· Iy nUl lured lIealltlt,,1 "I I(I w ~ll bred wOW"n s "rr~ r Ibellls~ lI es 'u figbl e nnlll and (n d"lft " lib tbt fu sh iullabl c ·ur· f f! lIt, jll:\y ln g "orrls bj dn )lIghl. a s it tb l' j( hOHIS uf Itle lr graOflmuttler~ wpre J) Ol buve rlllg o"' r th e lll 10 ~ ( <rll surprls" They Hlp c ordia; ~ Oll tl pick-me-ups at ,JallllY lables . as It lh ey bad Deve r b eard of t e mpe rance I4l1d p~oprl el y Tbl ~ t alk 18 Dol wrillen to Moret! lotal abuin e nc ; It Is Intende d -10 remlDll gooll women of tbo> ern 111' and lnot I/lIU.lne Lelllptatloll in lbe way of o /Jlsr_,

ot p la rnt ~ ar~

loml ~

lip III tli p hu t.!, y. hh'h c f 08:;es llOtl i ~ (Jru :-; h. ·d \\' 11 11 1\\0 n l \\ S u1 hllltlill S aut! IUS/" Ij· .. I nf of{ U IIHI ~' l y it Is 1, t' j 'oIU

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.l f l eIJlI~nJlI I J.!' 1 th . ll JJ(jIIJ ~o.:

An tl l l" ' 1 1 11~ ll l I s



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Ntll w ay

gtl llllll, ' d

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I "a re III I"' r dlllllng t hOl "'It\wlll KUg1 1!(,~tloll or pr omplrng from lUll s be wIll i a l oo ce 3(1\8t1 Ce an,1 .,ni le and list , n nll a ll we I Whal J.l en"p-s n grown~~ mo SI In a c hll,1 is II1IIt II ee(>~s ' loci to ('om e forward , willing to lenve'" It . gam e a moment, and be Inl eleHled In what Is Ral<1 . Eye- Lotion. Lol illn (or tIre d or Inflam ed Flf leen urops of c amphor, one teaspoon!ul ot powder d borl ac.ld , l'Wo· Ib l ru ~ o f ~ 1111 of bom n g water, Cool 1&111111 ud aJlply willi "yeeu,,"

dl!lh ,'rpd at I" it.,


I hat

"t ~


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I' lcnr In tb e fi .lIls


UUJt' I 'IS on e


un e-

lIalf " Jl h es In tl l.\ lllol,' r "UII he d!s. t iD' I I), >ecli III a u e p. h of 150 ree l. Eh'f llo -pl,lI et! III ~" may YCl he the t a . hluo A ~''''ndl writer s ays l !t aL


eo rnpl et e

~C' 1


('f'c l"!~ lastlcn l

v et- l -

m e nt " has bee n mad e a( 1.)00 8 ot ll n' "tt plal e t! lacps and " ugg .. ~ t. (blLt so c le \ y pcop le a~opl lhem for ball UrC8.CO Stri ke Out for Himself. Mar-], - I unllcr s Lund ( be con'iilii. going Into bu s ln es" rOt hIm self . Wyltl - Yes; h e Ita ~ d ecided (0 II ~pe n RC wit 11 IUBt I'l m Ollln l ILgellc lp~ JIIUSC.



the Come

IW Dlnn.

I '" IHH llJl1 g



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v (l .... ,· :\ tHt1I"' l lfJll

\\1 11 lw 111:\m an t! l-' tl I ('OIUlHI \ r~ U II lh 4\ new f :Hq I'~_

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II:'!".! " flie .


lJ(> t , .. " ~ I1 c.. '(l log llt:' uud Hel'd ll t 1!1 1t afl "" tb<.l J\UH'rll!an put t I " Tl1V .1 <.. \\ ... It)!t·hnll. :> t hl f:; \ ' , 'llr I Lt;t l "() 1llI ll f1 l l'd ,lilt! a l~tl i\'c rs:t' y

Il lls is \\11 81 \\ f-< I)l l' tt p i and f' xu fI !lJI ... IntH ' htfllll/lr )Ollng peo pl e

lfl l il1l1 l ~

pa rk. '1'1. ~l1 , hll-\.l n . . 01<1 Iro n ~ ItI N': I h u n l)' l ' u lll' ,l "l il t's \\a .. ~ I " p III fn , II lJ

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lod N ' ti h 11 111 nlf' rl \11 " Tn'o n ut. tprl\' HI a h, "l: 10 ( .l l h o rn IH r \ ''' lInr . " l' flf: '011 HPfl I :Im 1111\ 111:;: <in f)'JI: <lll l~ i.( (.! f1rfl~t; mAllt· f{ \\ 111 I n .... O\t:' r $ 200 ")lf l ll It 110:. ftnlsh fl tl a nll II I F to L,l

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' 111 .1 11 o f 1 11.11


h ili


il l .l l II) ..lIltl dl!--.II IlII 'lI 11 1/ 111 1110 IJ I I/t i l aT IlIa l J", III 11I 1 ~ t.. t It! TUe)J pO t) llively J I I !!h~' ''i ' ~f-' 1 1 U II ,I· I~ \II I I/ t ' .. I ; I "' ~ \\ 11\ , \\ 111 1 111 11 \, l luw I f \\a..''i h ~tl t1fu.'1l i ll du !>.I, lI .allY td lh« III fL, 1I 11· .lI !II) m i Ll I!)" I \\ IlI ," ''' I mUL ler how (.ur efulJy Il IS Ir,l p "h p lJ a fllll- l~1\ .111\fh l l l l " \\ tl ll [ d onI.! Il t~ Ctu Jy \\,1), Lv !<'t!P il tb ~rJl to 1lI I Ig li !'i(/I1Jldl h~ II1 If'Oo; t · t l" S liIIPIOllfll ll~ 1 1 ~ "Jf I11000l l U \ t:! J I II Po.;~ I ~ 10 hav e lh~ru wa:...I ... ,l I OIIU [)t:' S \\ I fl l I l wlI f~lIb t-' r' K ~.hy ,1 ('Hll e d Ullt! ul) IIII S a ('(OIl OI it i~ Yo P,lI 1 11? Iwtte r 10) Ie-dtllgt! In t l Olle de r hln~ It




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\\ 1


Ill ' . ,. 1 I I" ~

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Il lh !'" til l ti l

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III cuDtidc llcc ~ LYllU,


\\ .I It'r

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Jn I'\ ·lh.·

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r . , .. 111 1'

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" 'lIfuali

\\ o llitl

wt(( ' 11



WUIIU' U I u{hl l c


. tt ·

t " H,ltl clull"r 'u ,Iullar ant! a( rp 'v R"l e "011 '" 11I.IIIUti ' I 1101 IOI1~ ago b e ard a.

~ hc


plnnTw,1 I', HV s ll ~


lel l l,..


11 11 f . ~' \ \\ II Ii

rE' ~ JI (-'c t

nWI Pr la l II hall ~ U"I I"' r ~ ~ II y ard, b\lt u s "'I H~ f'xpl .t l fWd lu h p i lord u nci p l od l) ... ' I ( ollldo t g" 1'1 .Inyth l n g I h" n p Ihn l \4 ol lll l louk " fO il \\' Ilh that t i n t'



t \, . n \\ ' II


IlIuh lng n )l l illr



" I.JII UlfI 1 I1I1III tlt I lIai .. , 11 tt .... l hll:hly. m it ' h ·1I , · \t' I V )CUff(' l lIlS{ \\ II II W II "hun t IhY l·U.IL'·' M rs Euun n H.tI\ ~ c r, l '.UI\t, I""R , elu

1.... 1 r.'

I . til

11\1' 1':"

. ~ f ,<I


~1 "h l le · cI .I " fu lk If aoyone ,,1 11 0\\ n on e "30l R "I ll; u! s ome 1, lnd Thnt al 10 LJp l n g IlIl clclle-!"I ns s Are fo r 100 snub- lUge l h" " satl.fa,'wry rubrlt' can lie b lSh Heal \\ 01 (h Is ove . loo llCcl 111 fll' o r " 1I. h ell In cul,1 wa ter wllb SORII lUlU of 118I'UUO 1l'!llI e lllPnl an u sOCle (y v('n e el . can be . hake D ury nud I. llos1 11"cly Peup le whu s hould kno" bet t er Dr p "110<\,, 9£/'11 1 without IrulllU g l except a r;ullt) of (he vUlgAlily or "orsh l~llIg 11111" III CSSIO t! of I he II1ce wben It Is mUll ey and Gu,1 b e lp li S. ". nre IIll t oo a lmu s l Or) 1 >!O g reM Is 118 el a Rtlclty anx lu us to mak t1 rnont·y So a n xl O l1 ~ Thi s appl le" e'lually " e ll t.o buLb blac k 1I1'~ " ., lor lbe tblllS" Ibnl Il e l b h w l( h "uu \\ III (e. tlw \lli lll~ I bat~ w e SI I OIIl eve l ') uel \ e s a' I l fi~e h Pllltb, guml IP mlle l' and . ~ II ­ FASHION NOTES,

eh o ln<l e l- or th e la c .. ' Not


1 11\\


1II);\.'''lI'lI t 1) ( t h" h~1I 1 1

.!I· r

t o tJ ~ L\d ut E 1'l1ddll llll "' \ ' I g"!!tullh' I KlI1lhl ll ~ a l u · , l l l.~ 1 1 11 lid J 11111 tt ....lny


I,lhrit' lU:i e f!

:.!f~ .... flJ

I ~I ' ,, ·


( J I I.




\\a l :'1 1 ~


t tl t' I(C l n r ,'

(l1~' U I"i tlt \' l ' )I ' I I{'I ! II l'I \ (ln"" pl. ' .. lrH llo lI !lll ,' It

.tntl a l~ o ,l 1I' l lt· 1 1ltV hI t ul ill {h(l~f' \ ' 1 ·

tili n

Pi ll;: '

[o r M I'~

till l It IIJ" kJtl rlt" ti l/ HU ll! Till dtJll;·tol nlttm " ,i m e f or II , l·hl·. hUI I I.":t·j ,t )! l'f1I t1~ WOI'I'(\ u U11 1 J \\Ut- "m ildt ' to Il u nll\ th"I~. HlIll 1 LHUlll' ~ 11 UI ) JIl l lltlllol1id 110 1 !t\ l' 1 tlunll y tI ''''l d" l

," "'0 "ulJll hl! !I uu d· all eXll ll ll1f'h n llt n, " I ultll, \\ lil t " La"€' hi

I.,tliu. I~.

.. J I Hilnot e XIII'l."8S th .. t(ll I ihl <' NIlO'('rrn}! 1

"I"' I"' c llll}!~

\\ llh '

1'1.'11,1 what


Vl'b"c tab1c C.olll(ltmn(JdiJ

SI\\\ \ l' r.

"B ! U :-,

... bllk .l .! .!,IIP'" .:Il1d I f.

::JJt~ II'ltlJ l l jt:-;

111 .1111111




I" ' ;'

1,I.llJl·I\l :-, ,1

I "\ t l l:I d'1 1It!!\! \ on


Itl· :-d t .lll ·

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I ~~ t ol'

' .\'I l . t!

, II'

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.. 11 ' 1 1.......

~ra l .111 hlld'i I I

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fI ll $, .•. ' ... 11t \\ ,1 '" I I II II): h(' r I t ... he III hf'1 JJ u o.; ... ( .,:· 1(H I \\ 1t l' 11 s llfl ! hll'dJafltl allllll t I t that ' \1 n ln ~. 11.111 !l ld \ t!f f 11 IIr r pn t a l li,"l II Hil t il rI )\ ftt} ,It hurn r' " \\' IHlI all; } 011 1-;0111 ;'; II) do wl ll1 i t "" f lit· hlJ .... ~ 11I - lI l t l l) TrW 11\ lt fr '::ll llf· 1'I0 r

Tt'yon 111<1 t a b rr c \\U S

C.ln 1,4 o.;t l,.II~ht~nf'!1 ( H II no\\

lJ!ld r t~ 1I up ,0 " '( ItI"k


InJ '" W U JJlr~

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: t1l 11

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h:.ldlfl rlng \\(Jlllt rI .1 1-,1 1 !'d Yt .. . "' non TIn t In ( li d \0\1' 11 UIlI! ... HII .. I!o\\. d t ll P lJ r .,Jlt , d t-' ;..! II~ ' 0 1 ' , If\ ' ! t'1110\ \\1 .lrl n g tlta l \~. 11"'1 n o w " n\ y u\ 1. 1 III,· h .lr;!Bm Sllll ll l\ af l t l 1 1111.\ \1"', ~ ( 1I1 1 1 , ,,\,l\~ ht .1I J1 T1 ldn ,.; ho w 1t ,e "'Omf' lt had L:u nl' a 1 ~III I, lt.:.1 tlr o\, \I' t! 111 "- 1 $11 _ .• II ' I, I.p ltll! It 11p t o Iht' 'I n nn I1I H II "'lo n .llId a s t \' 1 I \\' t l l t l l f ll '" P i ll :-\u t:s r.tfIIIJlI \ Ir s I .. h l \ dl'f' ..... I ,) v,\JIII ;:tn R1 ILII I .. ,! M , '" ' I n() u ., l)ill ·1! tlruq ,. h lru ll) "I h at )'1 \ 0 11 1111'1 h' l .11 111I dI U" hll o.:~ \. '.tl l t 111 J"! I thell 1:1 ( .llId ~ h p I I ' 1 ~ 1111 .... '\ I H "~ \lr ... Tl\t11J Ilv.,~? bit\! Il l l l l ro;.\ :1\\:1\ \\!Jtl ~ ... 11 ... l lw; :Il1cl th p \\ Qlll all '"(lI l l n d l)\l~ .1 \\I;fllp I l~\\ I rlrllllllrq; Tt Jrt tll T "111 \1 11.: rr\OD ' I /ot;, til I $ :.' 11 0 1 S:W OIJ I rtl " U .e lat! '0 hs\·t- f l ll1 nll \fOU. " SO II tal n u " l ut.:rf1 81 ' - t1\O \ p n nD. fl l ... \1 ... \ 1lH \\ f- nt on "1f11 a .... I ~ h o f r @ hCl~I " \ \ (lIII '~ I J III ~,)\41l .tll t Wl , l ll o,;t a It ... r '1 \ c· hf" ' n ~ , .Irlh l n" f.)r 'Oll f o r \\.II..; nn illl \ lr IIH:J,J~ a Il t l l~ 11I 1"',.)\\ t · "'~V t f BI d li\ !'l 'flU·' J" h.t .;:; h"fll ~1t1 a \\I( . 1(. 11I ... . t .. ( '11 \ !"II ,H

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II f ll 'l;..ll


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nod '· YItIJl.·' .aIDTnrat I, e 18 be-

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11111 I! ' 11 ,:-

\\ II, I Ii II . \ I h j:

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\\ I ' : ~nll \:", \I.

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11 1.11 '


~l lt t(II'


' '.Om 1l1~ b ortlf:' whftt

,td\ .... , ,' il L $~' 1{1f

J', .... dr. :':0 \ ' : "

' \ \' II \ r

.\ " 11 1 l ' lI


,wlllJ . he Iwd th e lIJallenablc I Ig-ht . to ba,' 111m ~ tII y r "je(' t!',1 alit! th u l lhc liKe of th e 1"I'~ l'hon., c llulll anti . hollld 4 " l>..t!~t,, 1 a s a ,;t~'! e uf Im~ortuol LY .o.W(\ll lltill l; lo 1I l,rElll<c h of tb " Il " " c t!

Th" s uuJlI.

II \\ llll'itU

"Xlii i

I , ll'

" I U ~lh ,l ' P


l it I I!

' 11.11)1 1 ,-1

with ..

l<.t lJt uut bllt llltw i~ lh t-' ,,· It"' lJIH•.iflC to l l. ~\l d I Ind ge Ulatiy luuk {heHo q ll t:"'HIO IlS lI u d l - r \'ou side J'utlUu auel rI J/t·,,1 thut btl"r II 1) 11' ) hud I ("j"'(' l ' d a.

I" . .

... .t l it .~I ,I ..

dou l S




1 ... . 1' . 11 1\\ "1.',1 \,'

Fu r

.·I.d I Jai l b luu~t~)o\ I II t hl ' ~h "IJ '" wlJlt 'h I'" \ \1-trl .lJJ I ' II (0 \\ ,l·1I all el IS ahin lie

; ... 11 , '

II ./

ItB\inJ! hi r Ilfc

" hI ' tl I ... 111 1\\ 1I --lI d

, \ • . 11' 11

, ... 1

f\\. P I1 I\ ,, \ 1' I ,' nl .. I ~ a JlII' I I .'

a nd In e ve .

\\1I ~ltIUI!

"I.ln 11

I I/ \\ ~ ~ , f

... , \\ t'd

I U\\11 uf I ... . 1

Hllo l!tl l

111 11 . + .t 11 '. I ~ t

h £> r hll !; lmn d .L"' )\ I' lf u f l l I Ill" ha d ad· mirf' d Il lt ' late i n Il l S c Jllm ~ y wa y TIH'r e do n r ~fl e m tu IH' mllC' ll t o do

d t.~ w...

ui ght Tb e Ut hart t-!cI Hli ll a nd et \1.. 11

lCl. ~

\\ ,l S

tli~ nu.t y,..\d ,


l.lt1t:.! J' II ClO tl alii) In the

&l U t.!

a ll, 'll


lDurll lfl~

t Ill!

i ll

Itl1 11


t81f lJ Jl P 1:jt-l \ t.· r,l l I ltrllJI'" • •

. l ll Tlll'd tlu\\11 • l~p

\ \ nll l"-


t lll ,dlt}


ull Ihrtll l v h

l Ull ,:;

c labiliutl'

I ... "


Wll ll e-

~ r enil ( l l u p \\Cu , e IIU II (' I i.11 \\,1-' :-,I · pn

, "~i n g

I Itli

' \ " f l Ill ! I

1I J. I I II , Ii'I!l ~ ,1I 1 t! 1 1.... 11 111I 1Ik l ll/-!


\\ 1111

I h 1' 11, ' !ltd'"

Am l' t'lt. III Ilt :/l ' lI I'" Il' ha,. It! .. I.d l .' t 1\1 I! " 11 111 t· ll It~ til I L!} I t . I I I' ii ' \ : ~ I I I d lt 1d l t-' 1I ; '(,..) l.JlI \\Jt a l ld Ii tt .... 11 .p.::


1\ rull l \

will, Lniia 1; j'lltldl.111.l ~ V'-'RClnb lt' C'''''IJOll ntl . as it ruuy be Ihc mcaus " I



11 11

11 "Il Jt.l1\


\\hll l!


' \J llu

) 11\ ' 1 111 ;1

(1,l i t!

1l11 , 111!.!1111

g li s ' (l lt lll~

I .:;

J .ll l f rJl


Irll J1 I1H d

Ir 'l · I!.II I" ! ll 1, . 1 IUIIP \ I I Ptl l- 1 I l~ 'I!. ' I!" I JI J!lo. "L., " 'f' t l. ill..dll ln lllilJ, l .. til' d ltl" ~ t ....1J'lIIll1 r :l t ld P' I \II I.\ Tbt I tll l lt.\

" Iud}

, II I I ' II IH'"



III ~ " , I I.~ ·

10: tI vI' t h"

tb e

I ,III II~( ~ 1 1l11 1f~ ~ h"JI ~ '111 "" , l lo. u ,i UII t: :\II '~ rn,,' ly la l ,) loohiul,. jlUII

.\ I adl

""llI llI' PU I I' tl

Ilt l

IlIn l l \\h .,j u \ t"'" hi " "111111 1 \ Ullt l llt " , ~ ...

(I t

'11\'1 tJ r t l'f "' pa :i !oO ' JtI ~ t no vw th e law rf? Jath:J,: tu 1ll .... l l' '' ' plto llt l h , ,1 IIll ' l ' (·d . \\,hnt Cull :-i li l ll it , 3 IJrt a l 11 u 1 t ilL' J lt.~l( t uy "hun " .I l1dh~ Ula ~l~ IJ f EiJ u . . o ... (", t \' iltl :--. Jll s l th\('l cl c ll :-. lI(·b It ( • t. " tlldl , 1,)- I "'.t lIll r It :-t I lJm~lltl<:

l'O r,l1l'llI Cin



lDlJd rn gUIlH o n m e n 'of waf lin ... nand..., OLb u lt:" lf" tilt: (Jitl Ittl'~ t" · m jlt.: r ill.· n..: tu UH' hmit (If tlllltVlwl \\ ;.Ht:'r~. Hull wbt: n the lml lu(l il ti lHlll tJt:(:O Ill C U pa ~ t\tu gt- r , hif !t· w lw t \\J St!UIU "'III


II sed

(I ·t·t , s\\t'J ll n g" l11Uh'l' t he 11 III'n "' \ ' . tll'cd (,·t·1i I1g ill t h e rl 'g hlUtJf t lh' Ic ltlnc ,\' :-; 0I, tl otict's :\. Lr ll l.dtl"'il t.;l't1UUl' lIt iu L11t, 1I I'ltU' , ~ht , Nh Olll ,l l ()~t· JlI! tll1\t' in C Ul1IlIJl· l h·i n g trcntlU l'll l

...., " ~. II 11



,\ I • I"

uutl" u lil ,-,llv

I U\\Ulul\ l' I ~.

I I' HlffIUI:-t Hl tJ

of 111 011'\ III'

\\"Jlh It i lJ


~ II.

111 .. \1

I Ll

l;tlLJ ' j


Ut \\


lrol1ey urf, ll gli l It !>! pra hl m h o th f' IUlIl i n t~ ~ , "IIt··1l tli e y a r o 1181 c.l fur cu ro · un

L( , \ , !\' \\11 111

... 1. 11 •• \ 1 1

\\OllJ l I • •

Clr \\t,' )J{ht 111 111111 .... lntt l\tlt'hc. frt ' ~lllCI Jl p Ulnfll1 fJf ~...:uldill t; Hl i flntlOu. fo; w,>lI lnl~

LlClg".le Blouse Conlinu es to R.' l!.n S llllleme nnd W ill B~ \ VOl n t h e COlillng Sen son .


( l l i l l , l lll , ' I . 11 " Ir' l t lill

1011 ;'" .11.: 11

I -: . lo ' :-o.llI l l d.

tIo ul i I n~

t.,nIJSl n g. \t v now \lu est""' t; u f 1:) \\ . I'lli': d ill" Judgl's Illw)'er s lIlId lu ) fII II . 'I'll"


bUi ll ~

t \\tI\d

, .. 11 11 1111 1I lt l t

rQUII,l lll


'f h e


nPi a ),;}I tf .



fu r ldtlut!v lroul,II' s o f

Jluf t IJH I II;,:.1i \\I ' h :-dl lny Ilrllf' dU h dud d l r l \ • ., It '" IUt, Pl1tJ I ( fJom all Hpe u

J II ... t I t--l '.I t!\

l '

t ,j lJ'1 1

\ 0111

, , ' po nel l.) . •1


\\ 1111 , .


II lnlHlllC ,

1'1 1J::;



lu, 1



. -,

.], ' .. i n

IIrt l li

s: u lnl'l hln :.:. Ilh ... I t. lllil YOtr fl n il' plulllll l l ,\p

T respASS by T l ephone. Til III\ " ntrOIl of O ~w madllo"IY, lit" !cleo; . Il roce~s S, I" (:onllnun I j\'

I d l~(

11\\,1, .1 tw, t "ll t ,,1

U I1 f'lIIorn l ll g


W l~ Ilt

and 1", I he IHlI)~ Jllt' flu-inc c bpeciull .: prt' pa fl' cl Cur t }WS pH rpw.. e. \ " lit II 8 \\ oman i:-; lrctu \J)C'(l " ith p a I! l

;! ••,

,I'l l t"

\ \1 . 1

\\tIu haul

:-; 11,1 11:1 11 Irltd lt l ll l! '" II f , flU"'\' 1' O l P

' i iltl illt


111 )... 11 ....

11 ' 1

' i ll

l ' II I ~,.," curly and corr~~ttrf! tltment l" app hctl th e p u.ticnt "I·l eI 'Ill .sllrvi ... ·v whe n oncl' t.h e tliSt·u "ic i", (ust e ned Upll ll h t'T. Ly d ia. F, Pinic halll' ~ V,'gt.!tuh h ' Compoulld is tho III( st. l fhc ' ieut tJ'~ : I :'

hl' 1111' ,... m.Il r1 I , 1 \ ' I !I!! ' II III 1l.l , I(1I11I . 1 111 ! I UBI" 111111111 1'" 11 1. 011 It .. .. I~ "'; lI l l t1-: It.

I \I I : ""

(Jo h Ih l l.· h' 1h ill:" " wholu,"l' \ '(..1111111 \ "m) It' ll l' (; u d 1 all r a ct' Il l·

Itl , itt· U \ t Ilt..· t! Lf' l 11 0.: 1. urn floll) Ibe t!I 'II III1I t:'''' "r 1' 111 gl Ol II1I1!-1 pa!o.l IJu.l lI l lI~

l.· -


\lul\ III lh" hunw lUll t h b ht'


1 :\ 1'1 (.1 ,11 t 1I11 11l 1

.I U .l III II I I. ' d.lllil l l \, I 't

I lI t .q ,, 1 111 11 It lilt t-!I , d lJl

\ \ ,'1 1 1


n lln r cl




dnd ! h t 1 ·11

ur llllJ.!, l ll

' (JlII ' \\Jflll

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"wuog' \\OWeD .

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dpld", alt! •



J, I h l ll )I


f"Ut lih I

O! all the dis eases l<Down, wit h which t b e " ' 1UtLlc cU g- BllislU i lS Ll t1l1ct.ed . Idlln,'.V (li!it'IU~tA is tho wv~t.llt t al, uud Nt.u.tlst n.::;a;huw tbl1tlbltl dlMCIlSC IS o n the iucrctls c

th p fact

,-\\ , 111 d

01 11 . \111:-. Hllll l l l "; "t'llI t ' n 1I I II Il lt ) I I II I ' I !\ . l~

f , t'lIn;..: - .. \"r~w lw r l" lh ~ unh .U]-J.! l UD l lplJ IUprnl)l' r ur Lb e t Itl Zl-' ury I ! r til ' ,\' :lrd I::; tb , h'J:-l" . hf: it" JW I ~ ..-t · 1 fur' t nUllgll l' .\;t ' l·f· b " tf) h et"p him lit ('OlJ' i lh.•n . TI I I· .... t.· olJ~ e l \' Htiu n ~ H I rl wain l) Jllll' lItJ .. t1 u~ a IlUtl<' e Illhi lt' d u n a (0 0\ 1"11 h .. n I l l:'lt'J,! rapll IJo llR to r t' 1lI 111l1 ) t il l Ihdt l" HIIIIIH .· r i ti i n \) 1l ~l n l:'jolt). 11 i!'oi tl t f h liu .t 11I \' 1!lPIU1 f'V~ I' ) .1a y II l1d 11 \ t Ill ~ t) !l u t g r' l yuur s h Hr,~ It i ... 11(,'il t. t' YI)( I I H~gl ~C l 11 Pa !:.' ~ II" '1I1l l alH l lit c h p~ 'llllt nlWlI l \\h a l ~1I 1 1 \\111 0 , Xl


d IU! I I1\111\I "'I/ t

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• tVJ


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11 it .. U l lt l -- l Hltl, l t. t! I JI~ \\ull1iug 11\ f/ .. .d,uu l I ~.I" :1 1'.HI IIlII h,Hl :-" ' 11 1I

" ..

l.ut!<i Hllt·nd\ ~ nl \\11 up I'b fl' gru :5s. l f p --y \\1 111

ll1LUil y

1 .l tJIH)I .. hilt hl g l:' \t t') t o

tljl .

I .. .lll II I. :- IJ.; I I.II I II UIII 1.1 1'" 11 .. , III '')1, rd , " I Ill! 1;.' I ~ ( u Le


'11 111 1

H lllll

till. ... t· 1I1 ug IP,

(u lIlpaul , 1I1J,:ui1y uf IJHH·ut s

!J Ill I h,~ llJu ~ ! td' lo.l lUHl

" 111111 11

G f:ll·

u \ !I t h t.~ ... p i ll T 0' \tlltl l J Ctlll l i I I U It ... I II I h , I .' ~t ... ( 011 t I t ' l ' ..I' ''' I h tt l! t: 0 111 \1 1' .... 11 111 11 tullt' l! J.!' IlI l a l nI l ' II l h'lI

\\ I 11 \




, '1



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tI , ... l'lt ...... !lI t Htl ...

th " ,

.IHk\\Urd 11.111 .... ".

1 11 111 "'.

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GUlli ble

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\\11 11 :..r·pl (ill lIlI l l ~'" ,l il t! 1111


ttl.i !

Folk Ioo

' ~" lo :II - M l ud.lI>-C lns 5


1,1' I




Att l t udt: -

Srt o bbH.. h -" 011f M il li o n tt' el P UVt'l t y " - W U lll tfl 01



II 111 It Ih '''' lIl1 l1,h,' , lit H!-I 11t , \\ h · llll'U lilt . 1 \ l ' l 1111 p, '~~ illl h, t II't pl ' I hap!" un·

,1~!JIt' le

Who l t'~OIl I ~ S Ell tlnl ~u t C o n c€llJ . ng \ 111 ,\ 1 \'1 1111 1. r 'll lIdl~ I Ul lf d III1U I hal w e ..M ot h l.lJ oO tl . N o w lJl V ogu ... _ .11 '·I l+ (' I"jl l ,I I . lcd l ·. ~WH'''' I IJI' '' I \llI gt10 l Wb fl t t lo~ Rell! Dn n(;~r Ll es- I'l ~ \f II! \ PI, "'t' lL 1,,1 111:"l'l\,\ :;; 111 r u yul l' u I I'I(, \\ I I t. U !o 1l· . II L t 1.110: 1' Til l' . Jlll CLlhhell Spend lofoll cy Wllh Ullli u . l I n' ... li t 1,.,\ t:II \ ~nll ~ III1P lld l \ 1I(· .... dOo; II .

\11 !i


Roo~e\'el t '8

Pf (,S1 ti e llt



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.. I I

t l ' f)l I '


lilt ·

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L .' l o r 111111'



h . II.


, . 1I1 1' oI nl


Increasilg Among Women, Bat Sufferers Need Not Despair

111111 "' (



'\\' 1 11

,I ~ . 01



I," ~ I , I .

" .

I . 1 " \ .... I



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lu'hn ll"", I '~ rI )! .





r,d lll w t" r lti I n III ": to

I l lt-' ... , n n ~u :trill 11l , ' hy dJu ng l ' R

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IIIP , t"'illi r

, 1 q .. fI II " I ' '' 11th· t it . ' II: ,. I I' ' \ ' II . ' I t e o \1 11.. 1 I , I 111• •1,1 .,. t It' . ' I I ,. , . ' ,. , . , ,,k i ll . "" \\ I I I ~ 1,.. " 1,,, . IIIK-

uf t ll t' ~:1 rd H I II III \\I ItHl ll f \\orh JI ll Id ll:.l wI t h


"'lit Hh H

,, '

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""'lng. t b, \\'t'uk hrOlll .., toslu llt-


" III .. H ,.tlil 11. , \ I· ( .• 1f' lI lt' lli \\ ' l l d I I I I I \0 I h .1I1 I 'uu c l" I I . l.J /I Ih t \. d II I lt ll 1\ 1\0\\ \ t ' lI l .l lld l ' ... ... I \\ t ' lIt I II \\ II ' r" ' Il \, ' 111 01 1111 \ ".IJd l111 t ) UII h.ld lII, n , ,I . rl h f I , \\ .1 " II 11 . 1' )"-' rUI .1 IIlI llI ll III .I n tl

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111 1." " In l it " ,,1 .'llp,


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• "I.t .. t .J \ \ 1\ '; '),11 I " -' I (II' I J t '11 1:, I ] I) f..: \ ~ I , h."

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et pt" U:-: ait' a "' t.: .l l lli lJ~

s \\

r. I'!I ..... II~ .. d,u " r 1 .1

r l H lllilt i .


I Hllr" , · Ih,l t wa .. Olt,.. ur ItW>:P '1 1h liltS.

~(,lH' UI'


1l 1 ~ rll th e r IUll tn tl~ fuJ I.q.. ~ t il li l t " u~}(J '\ .

t nlll

. \ ,.. \\1 III . Ir I.t- r 11. , 1 I I nu, lh llll h . 1 ·J· lltHla.:! , II .... " . IJI[ II l ld. I ~ , ,d lllt l '

n u-

W ouldn't


lor~ fo ue I '''''nt t o t h oD ti n llf d Ibt-' \'t~ltn r ., .... a .. tIl.\( , I II> 1, ' \ I h.1I1 III f n ... iii Ir. tile.

"W 1,1' 0 a.bout It .

Jonah Up_



A cl,'rgYllIan "ho purs ucs hl R n oble callin g In 11 co untry Il ansh In 1' 1\\ II, t e ll" or his c olf ee e xpe ll c n ce. \1:- "H e and 1 \Hit' ll cotTf.O J "g ll · Jarly rol' brcn i{ fn s t. fl(' q llPUtl y for "Ill ·

lI er alltl oCI'a Hlonnll y fOI <uIIIIet - :II \\ 0 ' " (h e VPl Y lIt'SL q ll.r lll) - Ila r l :lJ;e (.uffE' ~ Il""cr c'onilt

lalr l!!, In


noli II pt:1(,o un n ur

Silt i ng o f 1S9G my wire .\\ a..~

wJlll \ lUit' lIl \otJIl t ing whi<.'h \\l' but! /tHat diflkolty In " tu,,~inJ.l . It :-. e m ~ d 10 e Olno rlom <"' ll trec dl l uk~ In p:. hU I \\ (! f ould no t dt,r lde. In th o folloWIn!; Jllly. how evpr " IIf' ".l ~ n t llll'kp d a 8('('UI\(1 liw C' u~ tll e \ o n llli ng I wn ~ 3 \\ .. Y from h O,l1 t' 1I111 n;; ,III "flPolnllllent ,Il Ihe lilli I' • •lIle l on Illy I el HI n I r Ollnd hl' l' v ~ l' y 10\\ Hbe hu,1 Ilt l' rully , 0n ll">II h e t'sclf al IllO "( to Ileal h . nnd It tool, s on\(' II", s (0 quiet the (roll hle anti rCRlore her tal,P Il

~Ioma c h .

"I had a l80 e Xll c r ll' n rptl Ill., ROllle lrollult'. bill n ot _0 , Iolt' lltly, ant! 1, ... 1 r e li e v e ~ Il, I'ac h lim e, by 11 res OIl If) m e dicine "Bllt my "Ife's sec ond atta c k sn ll.· fl ed 11Ie I bal th e lise of c orree was II t the bottom of out trOUbl e., and '0 ,,,, on stopped Il tOl'thwlth and LOOK Po. lIIm Food Colfee. The old "ymptoms or Il lsctlSe dI sappear ed . nnd tlurIng the 9 yea rs tbal we have brell tl s lng Poslum lu s t ead of co lfee "" hll"c never hall a re~llrre nce of 1111' \' omill ng. 'We never w eary of Poslum , to Whi ch we k DOW we ow e o ll r good heallh . This Is a s imple st:tt.ement O'f facts " Nllwe gIven by F'O Iltum Compan y, Battle Creek, Mlph. R ad-1iie Iltlle book '''I'he Road to . w lhllle," In each pk~

e,..: -

• People Tha t Giv e Themselves to the Needy Poo r ---

I'h r '"




I hil t

Ih l' III S ,~h HH

a ( f' rtain

.\ t-I

o" ~p rv c,


II", n ,' \\' Hl'l rll thnt w •• II:. d;1\

lo ll lid

h l~

thtHi \' I IIU I f01l1l1l lH1 CJI ~, al:in liH'r c lire ~u m " l h ~' l

' II~ h i ~'V{'



ilIlt OIl '; Ih"

., _' at

A 1llt' I I CUn

\''' r ~




, "~ h t


n f' lll (' n l ~ or I tli e :i RCP\O l1 g Ollt th p

ll'PllIl n h t


p O Y(' rty

fh~!i H. '

11 1' 1111£':-;,;

0" (\1 in f.:lIg1anrl lhe 60 :rit \va !!\:-; 11!g,ht and dU l th C" It l" lnill g I p n,' m,'nt ~ n f 1.nndnn , m o\, 'S in fllt· "'n' lf lwd . I'll \ "r! \ HlT it'l, UIl I uI"al hal11 l p l ~ " ' ,, 1111 \' ,' !n1l4 ' 1t uf fi ll' r tf'll g l ow i ng rlt II t il 111 l uLl lff"I Pul iJrlltal lIiXU1Y . bill

rl l~(I I h '! it 'H.' OIl or the rhh b ~l tll (' hl ll g " II h is.; l1\ i~fH' a hl f:> hlntiH'r III A W (.' I I(·u ~ I ) h a v C' 114..: 1"" 1\ i ll tor"~ I' (.1\ lllf' IU:H Il' ''' mo nths In n ro mUI\ ( p !-!I . \\\ 11th Ollt 1)( Ih e me f' tlll f.; uf rh Ii rid poor . I'!'ve r ~ IIH"(I tilt ' UUflr)llll rl' tllP ll l o r 1 It tl e n s.: n g(' IIl ~ nl flf a IIH: I11 IH'r , d ti lt' ric h Sto l\. l'~ (ami ly tn a l)I' nn !' I ,'s~ .JP\\' I~ h ~ 1 I" 1. thm t' ha s IlI"'1l lin

I I"rl1i1l ..

wltl ~ ~ Ilr earl

Ill U :-.1

Inl e r (, ~ 1



l> f f:O\ .-. r raltll l) o f Bror,ldy n IHt" p •.oupl8 t hut ~h t' g P II P rnll Rh or boll! wpa hh anfl IH' I'':jflllal .. fforl 10W Rl'rt th r hOfl. e r· I nA or C'ondllin n !' in thl ~ bllll ~ l e o r u nequa l Ill s tlth ll llOll of w 'al l l1 MI~~ :\1 a rg .\I (' I 01 ell' tO'S f it' 1\(\1 \\'3 :-- a rlc ll

:... I c

I1H! IT hnnt

p \

\\ It II


gH oUl

Pfl ) \·tdf~ d

lIt11I HP

ht s ramlly In IIh'l ill . UHJl1 t) ) ' S

to S Il P. IHt (I n prnr. t il'nlh IInllm ll· "t Ilix IIrt c!oJ Bll t th e fan l ll\' (' h O l:H~ t n s hn r tJ th e ro mfn r l tj und llixlil lp~ V\'!W Il thq fti ltH'r II Il' O til(' m ot hl., t ~ £I\ 0 a s Il m o' II1IHI ~d


..... IIIII (o U

r l"'atio n d.dd l PII Th ..


nll, 1


I Pl

I lflll ~ n

to r'

da\l~llf e rt

,,, 1111 IItH I Iwe ll IIt'OIl,c:hl li P til an at1111 ' ",, 11I f' lf' of ~1 \llI g I .Lth " I" than hmtr·r1 .. 1I1K

a nd

ha d

I'ill l )

1'lI rh nero and ahroad

\\hn ~ ..

\ISI I :-; Ul1 l1 m~ I tH' plIor l ;Ill/; ht 11 (" 1' !:Ioll1 "t hhut IJ t th.

I il e

th e r e

lIlH Il~

ha .

wltlr'no d


tllflll s and s are hf" 11 1:3

Ol!.'f\ hy , W" s ba ll not al LU lUlll (l ,Ie sc rll'M n o f th o num o rOliS activ i ti e s o f lI ull H o use. but call nll e nllon to (ho t'" 'l tba t il Is II sbrln e tor 1111




SroKl!:lI ,

Iif .... \\ h p u

k;1' 8ntY 3 1(1 (' n f

s h e c am '" tl'l

wo m a nh ood (pI , I1w\ ed to ,'nl l'l S I " I · olls l ~ In lo wOI'I, for lh o st.' It· ~!,! fu rl l1 n n t , ~ l han tl e r:,(, U Imp n::~ ~H"1 1 \\Ith tho llt"' l11·r rh:lt IU tlr 3 o r ,h f' m l~ '~ 1 v In a gn' ul f'i{ '" I:, r :lIl:-tl·d. h y "tllrjwH and till \\ h olc"'~o ll1t' "Olln (. tiIJIl S: ti!a" ~c t h (' I ~r- 1r rd l \'U110 1IKl) t o I' r Ol PI 'III\ ':: u ucl uu il n :.: I IIl' " lIr l, i ll~' gi r l !=\ o r " (' w Y orio: and rholl~d) 11 '1' .... dny 111'1' lJlg m C,ln 5l P Il I ... ~' \ l; r 0 Pt"' I1 In lh el:ip ~lr l H, ~ h {' ~ laIHI ~ t h ei r c hamp t! \n n th iSI'I'

li o ll to Id <' II II1) il r r dP lr \In io n

( ·n l1 ~t· . \

ng-ai n I


sl r o Ylng

m en


ag,' u rit'!-'

Til l..'


W il l!

h\\' ln dlC'r :-o

pand (' r ~


t ill' "a ,h's

ri g ht

~ h ,'


"01' 1, i Ill!


\"a !; tilt'


1(' 0

~ I I III dl~ U fUlI1

\\ 0'

\ ' l1l p l{)Vlllt' ut

I ('SlIl t

Ro nal ('o llwel \l'lIh Ih r



ll c r ·

' i<'I I IlI ~

Dr I e I' I l'I an ulti r e r In the \Voman' !:; I\1unh"'" .al h:~L gtlt;· "h I{ h ~o c lIrc ri th e passage of lll " need t·tI e m pJo ym e nt a g e ll ey law An (1 sh l' l ~ I ljS

Ilresld c llt of th e \\ oma" " Trarle Union IcaguI ' , Th " , ma ) SO li ,,,I rath, p r forn\icla bl e

hu t lll f.' you n g lad \. 111'r· "e lf do ~ lIot aliI' " H 'ro rmltla h ltl. " h" I~ Vf' 1 v a.1I rllCllvc alHt b iInlll e In h t"r mann urR n;t(1 9. CO O\ IIl clnt:" e n t hll Hl· a~t. To Quote h t'r own '" ol'lI s Tn

give one' . mon ey , • . aft!'r all . hu l .. poor wny compare d II'llh th e poss ,hll, Ity of be lllg III Ih e worl' Ilse lf whl c u onli s ts all on c·. PO" m". "hel he r It OIJ of ed ncntton . of ChllrfiNe r. or of op· Ilortlln lt)' , To feel oucsotl pari of hll' manlt y. to fec i lhat one is clo.ely hlenllflc ,l with the day a nll lime al1<l aRI'\('altOIl 8 or o ne'!! Ilco p le , to worlc toge th e r In tbe .1(,lIggl" for a fin(, f elh leal d e ,'c lop m elil. I. a jO\' Iha n II'bien th,'re Is nun c );'e&l e r" As is w e ll krw\\ n • • IIns ()f tI ... r l~ h as we ll aa <laug hi Ng lnve e ntC're d

tH 'r h y r ca t;on or th e mu g:lll'I! t; 1lt o r l1umnnit .nrlaol sm . Idnri1)' ft'I'IllI g f Ur

Ol he r. We ca li tI n lt ru h ru . In<l,,),. tili H f;',cal nc sn or 11 (,:1rt , and \\hil e b "~ 1

coli t h


from th C'"

~ hnlll ·

11 01


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In I lI a l ... (" "'al' h11 1 I f) hl 'l " IIl1t l nh I)llll Bal f a . n 'nl ·

1l1J.: b i.tIHlll l h

I:; Ih l

H I! IO(JI \~d a l II" ... HUl e fil ' r'P P led Ihp ~ I n l ,\ .h litH' 200 y, rrl l U \\ fiV mnur n fll ih I hllh,·r .

lim !'

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T OI11 " i~ flt l h \ ' (' 1 trl £:'ti 11) I hUIl'h !l " 'olii s ~m \ed fl u m IIII" I e, fit 110",1 by 1"0111 0, Hai lr r , o ' lie lo,al par.

in Empi oy of Fur T rade r.

R t!8ched the Mo untai n s III 1790

In .... I!l I It'" 1o Ii t!UU ":; f' I'S ,." 1" 111

h e :;a\\ Ih f' w hl l . . . t11 .h~ or HfI('I~) m t1II Ul oln s. III \\ h il II 11 1' .1' · t("r\\<lnl 1l4'!1 ' 1 1 .l l t\d . hilt h t' 111:.,r kt"d lh i.... Eipo t of h I .. 1It :'l1 d .;io n IJ) U J/\ I n :.:, IIns uauH' t HI ,I p i li P \\hl (' 11 Ifom I/lHi d:l \' ' l)t~ra ll\ " 1, 1\0\\1\ a ~ ' P a ll g-IJIall'" I l t'l ' Th e ~ I I'al IHll l h 'QU ill! \ \\Il ~ 1.11 c nnli ~1 1 tltl I II Ij ~J tt \\ (' 8 t w81"\

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h l'art nnrl

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Into tbr' ~ tu"J' of 8~

c lul bctt c nu f' nl l'K ptar n tI.'(.rto n Gil'" rlarfi if; a hll H lnOR ~ lIl an u r L'r ~1" int e r ..

I :i' l

<.'~ l ~ 'who h .I :S tak o ll 111lH' 10 II W"ll, a h o1J t n llt! ~ t~ P hl)\\ t h t' olh ~ 1 h a ir Ii\ 10 &11 l":a,o..;l ~ltje t e l1 E'we3l be b a.s liP ," lip h l ~ hom l' and ilt'J{lln n Clghhllrll lJr; WIth Ill , u C l g hhnr~ " ' hnt 0 0 .... It l: ,-:i uuolll t h .. , (I t'''W slllrtt of tl e llJlU ~ i . . . I ha t Ilnt r ona~ e i s nor t o th e (ore. lhf'rt· itt I :-os of flap Lad y Buu nt iful 3tnnt1ikc: In

h r he .low ln g l o lill), a 111""0 Ca pt. Oodd,II d

There Is In th ~ w,,<k s tllrdy frnt ,·rnall!< m. allll ree,at c ~ lllll l lho

manly virtu s nre n ot ( ' x " h J ~ h' f' p r u p-

e l'ty or l lt t' ~o , r KUI' <1 fllyo r rI . at l.I'H l ~ til th ~ vnlue ot h b Ea I 'rdA \'l Ip n f l ~ . tblnks Ibe y compors t!H'oral;l y "'" b l he fas hionable , , Tbe pre tty s tory of Rose Paelor. the ODe·tlm e cigar girl, and J . Pllelps Sto-'", Ia lUll fresb La our wlnl\iS.. - ' " ---- - - - ...1

~"I'" --:--


thf' IUI:"'! 1 haft tf' lIsc d A [I.Jt I ~('qnl l nl.l i road pa :;;o,f':'o, 110 1. la t U WH )' no\\ h Ul I I h a ..: /tlllohll l er <J1 1' 1 t ho' 1DI.!Ul'lI) ,)1 I h l' I' flO I "lUll,"'tI In 'tl l lbl' mlllu M 111' rn " n " \ i ng aud I" at )

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too gou u or IIl ·' lI h l' t h ,' v w,lu ' l

1I0tll ln' l'rea.,


l'm b e l'n ' ~ood hP I'tllh!.!


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If j·.. ·1U· l h1< f"7 a.1\ \t h old lltL:. ,I 1IIII II f .... " f'l d d , ~ \ .l llri " ' '1 ''. \ HaNh .,. :, tI ~, h ""~' <l r r(t \' II " 1 1l.(,"(' g~ V" 1111 111\ t h ," I tk"': ''' ~I' ' ' 1 iii, l~ !'"!..l \ • . .:. ... 1" !' ; M a l t· ~ ( 111 / f<t r1ll l l1~ pi ' I ~.I I! ~ I fld j c..~ r' I - - - --, b ' J' H " t;1 II I to' \ 1) (1 \ \\11 1 11 .~ I S E'(".t- f .) t S l!,.. .. t"~. t il !'o·.\ lt l7 RR L.;. ~ ag. I' , ' !' 11 " I ,ll :n,'1 " h r, ",\ o r l.", 1111 ell eq.;ll:.' Ik gr ~ ' n 't I '~ t ItHl I I I : .11 d \ ... g~ -r--\.f' I"'.• hou.r pla ol i n h a .r\ 9:-- l - eu.:.u'. tth tU g Lw 1 ·~ l l r".~ - . \ tI hi' I' b ll:' : o.f' po.a.. v is J~rl . t o !"" .:' ~\ n d I'It..:hl h'll l T'S er- LJ"nuu r c a "J ! Il t :"'1'IO I t , r( i'ta ,l l'l)l lpled ~ \t\. rt tl i n· e !.. W""f tr ·t ll hi t-· t n k ~"[lI:tl7::;. lI. ir"(l'fJ h ~'t p. nilll('o l ' l LI i l ~ f l1t' I ld ll ~ pat n ~ \J\J. Ol ~ l,Olld '1\ 1 1n·r \\.:~UII" nf\~ h['tI " I ll wul\." ~ \l\ t. II!,


" ~:t





\ 1It ~ ," I l f l r ll I " .., .l llrJ l p, _,' t lZ1 ftg" 'llll' \ ' 1111 (,111 ~I' d nv. n al a.fI , .Ip lt l' \ 1' , :11 t' \\ b \'~ ' f "TlI, n " 1 t ll f .:"()rQ t ! 01 " ~nd l h I HI"l)tfi \"""tt "" · "\' ''l'r ' ' rr , .. q l ~ll nIIl I H IIl Th' .... I ~ el r" . . 1I1 .... f'"1.i og t'l.. tl •• >1 ' nl, /' \I \ qlll' "l ! " ~ a ' I \Jt ., \IIlJ ~\ n jJ I . J r !)o~ r! ' ·IIl ,Jll rI ... 'If f lli' 1lI 3. , h t'! Th l- Vt1~ nll \~ hi 1,, ' 1'1'10 11 1 '1.111) 1." I '" 1\ 111" ,1,' •• 11 .~ " \ 'ar r' "l nft '11 1" !t h' d ," 1",l a ll d ~ L;rt l'd · II • • L . I Ol1~'I.! "" h i)" I h· : 11 11 .. 1 l ' '1\' :.' Ut\LHd h 10 l b"

l\ll ~ haIlI L


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f tHl tlrlJ'l ...

a re e x('~ I1""'nl . fll1 h"r A rew shor t rnW : 5 \\; ,II


lI .., r.1 II' .. III I 1I1'4lt l, ru l rau Af t ,' r a '· · .... '1 n,l r r " !"" .. h,· I t' l •... 1\ I'd a \\ ar t! lUg Urll t il l q , ' 1 u tl tl i.h :-, 11 1\ d ifl IIn l l1Pf·.l I ... h·' ·" I ~ 1' \1' ,'11 ... " Il lI m I h " ('II UII I I',

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" : , ' [I hl lll , <' '' :'I hl 'l ll1ag l lu' d :sbe I 11..:.111 , " ~ ,, UI II ~ ll(' b , l t! fl nl t ( I<, .


- till ' ma.HI' I· v. ILl I )dU!

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,, ' 111)1 " . I tlll ll i

Iw, IIf"'1 \ n JII P \ 11 1 1 \ e 1:4 w ur l II , I ,,')IH mo! anti 111 1111' £, [lti It b a gnnd

S t; ,,[MER FARM H [ NTS

"':"111 ' 1,, 1 IIl", t

' 1'! ~\: "

Time l y W ar llHl g , "1fl UIl ...


I Ill 'tH:,·

til '" piln ll " n g l ~HJ l1 d a nd 3ul rf SA l' I n tln l r · p ou n d pU lI,a~,'s. I hI-' uR~t..1lr\ ( ,I1 I11(! I ' llolI ",1 111 (flft ca. o~nr ct a lll' by


on .. 1. 1I,1 !'It fl l. ,'" ~ h "1 \\' t}n tw o r/l ', ·

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l ea d

l nuJIIlt; 1 1O~1 ,111 , 1 COII I IUUt~ d In Itp al ll' T u l! l1lal


f,"n l" h all a fau l-



.. (' i' 1 1I ~l rll d.' In lh p c h w tlry

II ... fn ll lI ;:; t· P la n t tI " r 10111 apart 111

.\ u ''''1 \(' ' " ti l \

"" I h" 1\ ,111

~ of l'O lil p r !'i T ltn 1Jr n t lll' r I,wal tl l t-'Ii 111

I \\'0

How They Mny Be GIOWlI on Tr el l be. S o a! to T .\ke Up L l r ti e Room .

'I '

'1'11 1:\ .. t ... ...:, · ·r

{; ' t

\\o lld l' l

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111 ':-4 11 "11 , 11 ,'

.... 1" 1\ '·.

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1I li t.' 'j~ I h I' 1",1', h I':"'! ul U U Il .... ' · ..... \\ h ll II , 1, 1 IH II h,I\" ... J" , ·l l alUp:; 1[1 111111 1 . J! ,h"1II \\ 11,,111"1 IJ 1" \ q lt l l)lI i l t t I ... " .. ... , 11 l ii ll\ ~I 10 '. 1' ( ,...I f d a il, lIt' '"'~ I " llUl 1, II I1 'A ' 1 Ex ~\

I h r>

, t\ Old


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dill I n;.:

h e I I"(1WH "!tJ \\ 1111

I l tl llt;I ""

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\\ h"11 11 11 11' 1. , alf> .. llll n ..:, till V ' I I I : 11' ''' at I1 I ~hl b Ull', U I ,· " :'I Ull

ul h " I \ .· 1 ... 11 \ ...

S £l:s\<ul( h l'l1lult 111 lilt, \ ' 11 1111 1 \ "h !lh cam~ W he ( ~l llt! d Lil t' R o d , \ i\ 1t'1J1I 1.1I1i J(uu ~ e All l UC (raIIIH! I ::; aud ( I ,.li p i ~ ur all earl) da.y ::i lleak or l tl l" ,I lolt (. a.. . 'th n ' c Illl le:"'! b e luVo .... aub"lall·. ... 11 4' " Th t! lice \\d .... a. laud mark ilf'tt l t · r h,'

l\\ I

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11\ ! h t' 11(( :-.:,, 1111\'

\~a t "1


" "Il l'


:,11[ , '

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ti l g ..d llllh

lJ !l h,1i pI)I ,.., n n i n;.: Il llt! h t J' h\ .... II I. l n ... h tl\ " 1\,\ 11 ;:" \ 1 r.l l \It ... ,·~ Llll :-. Idl lli .\ I I' fII.lI h. ., hlp I h al fit 1" 11 .. 111 ul l U,", h lll l llll It· , ~, !.. l!l .ll 111. ,: 1111-.. 1'1 ) II ItI \ c :.

:-']lI I' lal

111(11 \'

1' ~l..ah l l :- h f' d

~ tl !) lIld

U I'Ia .\

11 ""I ... hl' . n h'uH f

I I"

t h l 'l l' I ~ r"~1 Il\lIrf" tfllllill ., lliall 11"'I'i' rI.' i.l1Ir I .. II ! hl ' IC IS 8 11 .\ o n .... I hl l' L; I h a l a

Hil I' :il\ltay .., 8 ~ IHlbt ' H ~ a dime . ::;( I l'(' lh arl' l1:-\t' lt'!i ~ l O k l" ' p II 1I11l vf JIOIl Io;.(," I I :wCDls esp':t·I ~ Jf .l t tl 111\ \' h.o u:o;(·:-, ...... uh h a rdw ood ftl)tH ~ a lld 1)1' 1" :i<.Hl :5 la llt'ti uu t o f hed lall' ill ru g lll h .' · cehl" tilt' tI, ,.; 1 Inllmali oll (JI I he IH (':; ~ t.·n <.;c of a bUllv l1 h ee II ) ~[ ull dlI .g upuu it, \\ he u tu e hart) :iurf'a\,c {' U 1H; l'~ Sf' \ P I C






all th ' 1l1Ul'll Ul . J f il II fltll tl"'r auo I II t 1 \.H;CJ I 'ill \. b e n Ul III .\ II h w....o t r\,;ol\lon a nl1U\\'" bea rtll;';':'4 .\ \ ~ 1\ 11 : U"'al. ol lu l~l,'r l ' I,' " L nl'~01 [at,· \) 1', l uul' h In \bll midd le "f fQ r~llU Yu ng W IOI; I~ In i ll~ '~nt~"'lx l !l Y"dr. a Uti a ft r noon ftIL· \ b hnn'N,l It 1\1

UiltlJ , t' ( a llin/;. nt.1 h!\lJ ~Wtlt I ,' I 'r l .. . h,"IIt" r n~ \ (' rl l l ll U D."I U f r lb " I ru L ItlC; ( I t tlnl1 h r~ The ll rdln:lry ti fe J.)!..

a woma n Oil the fa r ot i.s made ulJ o!on '1 (fl U In ll ' )' lb mll Dd of 11M y dem ll" . ao. \ I t tt l,; !If,, i t b er eorsu('C~.ln n y ntll.lI' bUl 18 , till 'll; I: 0 h?" lt l•. an l hi " In- aua drink o r .'O ld WilleI' (" r \h ,. horst· bro ole!. t 1\U ~ ine . wb lch, Ilk p ll Itry. t.ell ACtll u llry I.j a bn 'b ~ 11 ' 111 lt l ~ will :2Ia l«' t~.&! \I' rl: " U sru ()t hl' r fast r 110 ..elltn!;. de pe nds tor i ts welf.. nail .OUQ~ r 1Iay ;. ,. aa4 HIll•• , l 'r) it- Fa,'", l!oCl<l-Hom.. lall llo n 'tel <le!;AIIII.- UlcUao(lf'ec lU.ur .


t Vf

' r"r ... !


",Ir .. u l d he

snm "

"Pa,e r Panl;nla n Is set do"' u In CeDaliiau a nnal s a. being th tll 'sl \\hl1e man lO rea t; h Ih~ RO('I\,)' mnUJ1 I HIn!i. lral n , ShOUld II LlUiO cC thal 1111' iJ lIllOU (lnd 81 ::: 0 th e ftr~t whil e m8n to C \' j'r be e he UII II ' ba k. I ' hl e h i> lh r 11".1 , tieC lhem I'rom lh e ca s l .' ~ airt {: ~or ~e t 1011 In \\ hit II It :llceps . il l'U :slCIl H it~ S.lllllao . or 1'Ol'OotO . While In the llO" c , lu l !'law" iuto lllC tOOL nf th e cmllloy 01 1111' t ,·,ul c r s. ll e 11" ~e nrivII I he WUtl, f' I I n ll ~ in g ac ute {lain an ll a WI I UIIII Saskulc liemun abo \ e its I litH I hHl '" i l h t11drl' Or' 11'!o1s :iCVc r c lbe C lea n' a t e r u nd o lookln~ to Ih e In t k la dll ll~ Ih t..· II . I lil r e. I I a IM rL th e

I r t i li .

II UIIII J.; t hf' !.i llm lllP.1 IlHIIIIJ It.., II l;-- ., !!o rr'al 1{"lI p l:..tI It"Jn " ll ~ Ofl l " ' Ill 1 11I'r~ II I ! l ca \ ~ ImI' IL'I II"1I 1~ u:;" rl ill 1l,·I l., ll hll rl II ;':' , fl eld~ h) I h .' ro., fi!'ilt l (' "l'1I " h' h H!\\ :I\· .... ,

:-'1 1t1, .. Lu !o. 1;~p 0 1 aud II

FIRST TO REACH ROCKI t:S. cl C~nt\ di"(l

.1. lllt

" lI l l f' r I

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IU " gl ll lllHi wllil a IHl l. zi u l-: ::-\1 )111 d Il h~ lUH I II I t lll' 110 11 1'.\ IlIal, !.: . II"IH l' . ap . 1tal l ' lI fl\ lll' Ili,m e oj " 111 11lOll I ·t't''' S I I an';";t' l~ c n l ,u~l1. Il ll h Ollg h I hi'" 1/l 1l· lU ll l. " p I:> ~P lll" l ln1 e:-:. 8 5 lu r ,.:p' a ~ 8 n ld\ .


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ti lHI lJl"I1 1 II J



Cha.t ntter

Y I I'tHIIII(' HI alld II \"NIIO a n

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" 1I'1l'rJCltl1 ~

N . w Y o, k T o ll. n VI SIt ed by

Illll\ 11I1rI{.!. bn (l(J III t ilt· I hl t' f and 11 1· thnll ~ h :ih,'" ~ I If'\('tl r O I' a Io n!! li me :-i ll e fill.llly IIPlall1i" r rl t HH'i lf'tt 10 hl"'l 11('" t' fl ·

!11I1I1I .,; h 'Hll


\. 11 ''' ' I"

'1 hI. '~.ll 1\":..1 1" 1',1:'''''' ;1rl' n lll g"11 ('ra ll .\ ,!1\ " " l' d 11\ h ilLdl! ' 1 h. ' IJ P'dli li tl nu d \ ,111' \.11'11"'1 1'· .... ,I I " Il l !' '11\1'''' f \a,l{ bu \ p I II be !nll l\ I' d I tllI rill :-;'111 11 ' ,) ( I IH' ('.' :'o,I~ ll n )I(II .t t .. 1.: 1,' \\11 '" e rl ' lr:-Iu~ HJ dj '\Clo " a \ll lia l O l h .I I ~i H IH ' 11Il1ll1l 1l f' til thp p fllalo hl l..:,h~ no (1 11lt'\ f' l alnl ro h u\ (' ~ 1' 1I 111t1 · 1o 1)1'1 11 "" \,' II a l .. 1111 \':;~ 1:-; 'rn~'<II " '" ,\I n ),

an 1U 5 c t o~ Dnl1g el o u s

an d !lI tHl ) n f t h ~ n ('.· t n ~ \\ ol " h i p PI~\\ ll r l' ('all ~hl an t! :"If a lf.('d B r-a l l i lo h"C-UIl II' I h e'

hl l .,· 11 l('i

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jjll i d l .' 11 \ rlll\ IIII" \\ hl' II ! b ma ti, II' (·U III I II II I II !.!. 1!1 111 Pd ll t'ti ... ql HIPI" " ~l l l plloll' Itlil i ' p q lllld ... ,11 11 , ... Ii

m')ral IlIr /)olh . ' I" lI·1I HIl (1 Ih ,< til l:.. t ll\\ I I \\ I II 1.; 1.' t rl ·\t ll y

hll l1 gn i


I Pll lll l I ' 1 p ia u l \\ 1r f'1l til. · 1t J. , ' ·h ~1I<l I " " .\1ll1 "ar ti ll' 1111 "' 1 IlIfq I ~ til ' II I II"" : 1\ " ! 1I11 11 1:1I I I:; \\h ~ ~ Jll a .\I II~ I~ I 11 101 1 li llI ' I· 1a. 1':"· I I} 11I ,,1l " 1 11\ I'

al Ihl ' :; tu ll ~

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-- I lil l 0" I If'f,s

A fl~\\ \\ f"f' l\:s la l l.'l 1 ' ; 1'1 h l " 1 dIMI,,"pr r fi 'ha t lH' had h,'en dp( 'f> l \pd li p \\ a ~ I II f! f)II !o. (:a l b fl fln g hi s \\a" I O I ~ Uhlllll hUll h e ~ " C "l fto w n II {I f HI T O fl lt' N l II\ 0 11 a SlInf1 ny 1I10r n l n~ w ll .... n Ul a n \' t he l·e li lll t." t1 IS \\ p r t" I n I h lJ n tr F Ii Sl he i a l l · t urC'd H' ·,llrtt.. . (lip Uh jf'11 of hl :-- :'; U'llC:'" afT('(' l loll Th r n h i' g-a \ f' ordftl'·~ lu d e 8t ro ) I h f> lO \\11 Th f' ( hllrl h \\'n ~ IJIlf1U~ rI




rll~;·\" :..~./I~;~,r~::r~ f~ ': '::(":~;' ~:'~~;':':~

Sp ra .\II1,.: "" lilt· 1I111~t ""I " III.\, !II,'tll otl \I f 1J1 "\' II I I lIg lh llu l of ttll~hl :... a ,,~ tht ' 1" 11 1\.1' I.. I :, " 11''01. Inll I I 11111:,\\ GI ' IH" d J""'I I ' l tl .. J !lI~llr 11.1'" 1I)IH',II"1 i l h a l Iii .. 1"lId"1 1 111 1 ~1 111.1 \ I I! ' t,111,, \ <1 :' ti4., )H II a, ,,, Ih f ' I ' ~" I I Ih l' ~ II I L l , " fit I. n c 1101:1 111 'H I I,L"';' Tn,· 111 1..;111 1' 111 111 .... ' 11\\ , li p 111 ,:, 111 .. I II'" P" I,t l'l p l,lll l :JI\ ' I l:i nil 11tl ltot 'd Id [ it I, 'gllb 11 1 I' lod\ll (' ,.., r"" d tll,tW llI g all

he ' !Jil l hi ' is no t :-0 1'llill g hi1 n ana ~ 'I'll ' l lll JltJl f l"r s al ( ' SII II 11I ill):, lIl g ItOlll ~ I f) B a llim fll t' lUll Olf' y til no t $('11

mn und

ad \ IU lt 5 1) III a I1\. IH'O p l,' \' fi l (' l.ill r ,1 'r Olill" Jna~ "' al l e t lin I I tll ' lor Ri ha d 10 call 1J pun t h f' I [ rq;~ I)f

"hl ~ u('r (' d

\\ :1 "

~r~ 'II'"I "

t' :\LJlalll :-. (; I'l n~ ' W d el' p d t' 111 11' 1!!"' 1 III I ht' il lll ttl II ,.,rIl W l! 1 1 1. 1.n ... ,.v, 'li (' lI n SII ! at Br ussc l s. B ~' I~II Jm th nll Iii,' :-.j ll, ·, ltl l l l Iliu ,.III.II u IJII ~ 1"' :.1 I (q 111,' \\htrt" l h l ('I Ii·.\ tbe (' ulll\ .l fl HI ,I 111'1 Jll h.' 1111 I.JI ,:... I:. III ( II ~ & 1I ~ IU h)II S I' "hlf h I · ,A ~11l" la l l y or Brl\ ~8t' : 3 .'111,1 a lld 1l .1I rll 1 Lo \ iI "1 h its lj ll t,1( I IJ;'»

III u fro 'll' ddYS P lf' tro ':'o, P !' I SI~ t f' I H'(' \\ .l ~ t~ rr i'('fl"'" "! fit' w h nn'I' :'; ",Pit· d l''''l'I It'(1 J;~ rh,'" IIIUI I\(' ( n lt ' ll , a nd n o n c ha\' e Sllll t' " ' l lllll t' t1 PI, ' l t r l IS ~ tllI I n ma r ·

t il ~ 'r al .. ~\ "R I 'p 111 t: lO· 1IIQr r o \\ .. hr Sa :l! " l o r I h a\(' hatl n (' w ~ (o r YOII - Rf'air I z I .... ,!pud .. MeaJl \\·h t1e. thp til lh r- rtUll:-. NI a g l !1 \'t' In be dU h Etud 0(' :« tl aj Illp I nd ia n \\u'"

c O lllpauy

w o rd s a :> ctcnun crnlory or ib o r Rurlltors U!!i (' vcr w e r e hllrled h y I}(OllItPi 01' w ies t She t ' ll> co lic!!" lIft(,fS


llt ~

' Of)j'( 'lJl-ll li d hanull ." Voa :;.; t h ~' ... log.Hl It "}\ ~ no , ::4 h l)lI l( '" rrnm lh ,.. h OlI :-l"

al1d whl' "

1" I :,IIf1tl h l,' tu ti llPP 0 :-; I ' , h .I I tim e 1) 1 fi l ~ n : " I u d WHIlIt! d, .. I I ( 1 \ t.lli~ o ne P I Il (' 1l 1ll1)1I ~ 1,01111 Oltll o ' h l'r pi lle,:" ~ Cl \ .! ,P, jf'U\'::. a fte r h t..' mi d " tl l :'t r ude lI"J :')t I i l'l l U ll I h.· I I UP I ... :; 11111" '11 I) ) ~.lIll l' y ear'\ I..H~O l ltl' ~q flh '.\I"" ... 1 I'l(l

ha l'(l flh e gpt s up III c hurc h and !Pclu r e hn11 nnn. l"ul,l n g a ll dr camllr Into ~ IHl(" f"'. tn I,, ~ r clear

"' llldpnt s I hnt they nre sc lfl ~ h thplr It' arning (ulti u Site 1111 1I " s tn It e r bOll sc m e n or ol'llo"'t e falth ~. "lid w e' g hs rh el r creeds She ca lml y gO" " b (' r 't\a ~ throll g h evi l r CIJOrl and ~rmll T't'llort - - ror 80m c there be . you '( nn w that call her wisch I!!vous . onl' lhlll DI!!d611's with mnllers th ut must Le 1'1tle,1 by capital and labor. n f) Inle r medlon , !-ter problem Is nol K,mlll (' I. mill h more comlllex IItan tbe .. Id lll m 6!: l\lng and .. Im < r ecoilin g II Is a .tlld y or callSl'S of mi se ry . un ,,( rort t o "hael' the r ool of ('vti8 Bul .Ion a Addam s is 8 mue hlo\'e <l 'Woman H e r CalilOllc lty dra"~ ahont ;Jwr a li the varying ele m e nl s tbat are l!irivi n A' to be "Amenc ul," ;)ver tll e r e on S ou t lt HAlst e d street sb e bas 9s ' 1 11blls hpd a home that Is a g e nerou s lv 1,osPitnt i c ce nler to so maoy dazc, l fo reigner s grolling t9 adapt U'(" I1I' "".lIves to tbe mysteri ous new Is nt.! . On t hrs loo.t ;,trec t In tb e g r('at. hlrrawll ng town , th"re II no Intlu e n~ so bcneDc9 nt arid ~ollderful as that ot H\l1I House. . tAt lUI turn to · th e east and glance at .... !Vorkera " ua~.. ,.,..

lAart l ort;>

(','lp IJrau'

"a ~

hil ~



- ,; ' ~,

P ot~~('l~ ll o;,.; P .· .. I

1' 11' 1 1'1

10 IA II I hi :; "11\ til Ih, 1i I'.ll't :; "f tho' n, '\'," PI ' OP!.· thr ou g h Ih e :-.:; , ,' ul .\ nH' IICH ti ", I t) m uc h In ~ t'ud of tho

hl'f' lI

I'l l l tt 'I I"' l n t; I ha l an .' IJ t! I H " qtl l l! p a :..~ I h!!l ~anlP

te rm mi sioudlll!;

~ tln l g ht

h d l1 ,l fl '


1; G

Cu lt: v t ,;>rI - P el. u l i ..

A Su b Jt!-: t Wh ic h I .. of Ot' OjlPl Inl e,~t lJ t! l e OI OW!' 1 Thnu the

nullllll (lrl' NI ' w s PI"Irn ma l c'h ,., rl In th~ ~ "1 111 11 11111 dOf) r to 110111 h i ... fillit Oil tlit! ~ hnl l ld t' r \\' hl on Ill' 1" '(,:.1111 (, m OIl ' PI' ):; I" ' I O II ~ h f' ' l p ~ 1I'1I 1 hi S I ! lin /]) «()l h l :-.I .·" 0 ' i ll hnllL: 11I "O lh h ,ar' (H' I ' I , nlll g II I (d r! \ p,'r s fHb I I Pa d .... +! h) JIli n I :':' IIH I I (I Haf ' f' a ,I ~palll :; 11 ~"tll 'I"," 'I'll' ~, tJ l!t' lIl f ' 11 1 h is h l! l rI" 1l Ill, ,, a II nn." , Ihall a In A..t· 11t 1'\1 1' 11'I liI Jn iU t'f1 Ii all an :; 11 ' fllllfll :-; i1 f' rt and 'I ll 1111111\ ) 1 tt l" "ft.\,! Iii ' l p u tiillJ.! r o " II III :\ ( W \ 1' ~I " fl fl l lhu lll.~ tI lil g HIII I I' lh· s .1 1It! lt h IlI nri " n o t I"... · I n~ appll ,',j 11\ f ll l1 /l ,·" Un ,JlII 'II ' I :1 h~ II tI " \, ("r a llalnf' +! a pn\lH I 11Jr)1I IJI' H lllfj HII .. " III'lIlrl h l ll hPl f ;ll ll t' In pa y 1I1hutEl a r (' w Ih ()lI~ a nd IlIlh.· pa illt ' ".n ~ 1 0111" II) III" f II ' f " Hllf ll lo ll i I f n I .t ... 1.t1 1 I n \.\ H ~ I h ,' 1\( 11 11 ' ,)r 11 11 ' HI !IU '" 'ill' (', 1" 111,\ 1'1, , ' , Iilo .. I h p () 1"111'" Ih l'" ( h 1\ " .... ari d " , IH ' I \\' 111 ' 0 th f' It II\[ 'l)lIlJ1f.lIl I ,' s ( 1 1 ~ 'II1~lll l'> hrod larJI lllr\\ I111:..r I h lm, '" \\ , I r HI "Il r ::l n tl rI \a l h061 .. f lO I1l Ih l ~ 11 11 ~l lI lI f t ,HI :\ " " '1 . '(II n .. 1 11"' 1f' r v f IluP lf " ,II tI \ P i! li n II II~ S HIII I d .n" 1'1I' ll n ill I "" nl ra f .\ h l l llLdli III .. 1I1111 1l1i ,1:::" ( h,' ap If lh, ' ), I' nlfl l ' \\ .l ~ 11 11 ...... rh,. . (l 'fI" 01 IH I a p pa ll- Yo p r , ~"I"' II h e .,10 r t;'O .111' 111 III li b 1 1'1 ill!.., l!lili a n mu -; ~ , II I n I n l a nrl t h,·\ rlllt ' lIf'LI "".11 ,t ti\' H flI1I 1t; U lIIa ...... al f" \\ h lf' h f ' a( ll l~ a ~ a r. \ " lI g , hf"fH,II:'t" .." IlI' n I lu ' i m p ortf"'l .... \ \"1" " I t 'II" ' \('n o PI H '."''''' \ ..."I ,l f' ,i ("( 'lH allf!1r- l udiltll ,hiI'I ha" 1)( al f' 1''' ' 11, I h" ugiJl I I P t' IW ll all .t S h tl !Jf',' 1J rUII \\!lI ,.. " til b l:; p lu m" 10 OIl1 r f) c ,II I XI' lit .. r I Hllpa ll ll '.-l Cnllld II r.I s h ip M ". I I II I. Itdf' a d all~h I r r fi r !l nn i glla. In tlll' m i n l il nd "' b e JI ) h h ...·r rll<l no t B at ·r·a. [ li p :-;pu tll :.. h CTA ll l t r l ' T hf' 1 h i' I fl g-lI r t> " It II P I,'t f! , 11 ,· t t ' ( flglll' t'~! Tit) had 111 ail p I h (' lU 'l il a I IlI n Ii( I'" " r 1 h ,' lI a( I a III I t1dl , ' IIlUl\ '1i\ pI"h t ~ ....t\ I' 111 :-, 11\ II rant il) alld It , ... 1 hi S 11"al l III !l N t ll l ' Th f' 1I LI l t' nll ' n who r llr1 th ,' :o; h l p ~ nil I ~" tH"' n :; 1}!" V. ,I I'- a i' hl ld II ,' as l,l'l! II II \' Ih l ' IrlII' S h y til,· g r o\,l d .... clth.(l h e l ra l h " 1 I r hj'" III 11.:.11 I !la,, · II ... ,. f nt h is to sl'lI banana !'! h.l lil t-, IJoll n d in :-; 1tud \\ Ift' Prl'~ l1rn i fl ~ lh;" I hl~ In dla ll " l1 ~ () f 1.I) I h f' h l lOc h Pl f""o !I i1JI ' 1 t, ' d hilt jr ~H i ll ~ n nl1 Ull ~ t a I f' p l l' d I II Ihf" nr h I' wa :-, n ol rpc·o g l1 lf. . ' d )' IP liu r .1.I!o.\·11 fIrm ,t l"I' nd rJlII ~ , hut h, ' ,· III .... r 1I11J:ttll In h.· dll It d lul! a 1111 h.·(·.lfll t· HIl An ,, ' !' c"onw a n d l ah ,. B "cllr l l 011 h " 1 fillP(lllll 1 I(Rn 3!'1 hi' bad

t:JIt ~1

A lln\' c la rl~' t ~ .I n u (' AlhIAm ~. ond

o n o thnt hit s

I h ('


Bo .... 'I' ll "

" 1 111 I ll· 1[11011 [h. tI ",IIlIII. II I ... . . I . l l NOTES ON 'POTAT O BLIGH T " ~· ' Ii ,I· · " ,id II ) ' IIla ,I,··,,, ·,, .;,...." ~ I ()('·r :- HII" h ili !\-ll .. r ..... ') n >l f' I I "II: , j ll

dl ' IIII,' d

1'0 111" I ~ r lr LL in h l!'o l ' lI it I n~I'Il " ra ;; · .' d.\ alld r lmaalW f'" "rh t' p l ul '" \\ a .. fOlltH1 I' d 1III h .... ~,· ' I· nl l·fI !l lh ( ('flllll' 11.\ al 'ol () II ~ of ~IIf.lll lal't! :-. ,o n dn~ 11\ \\ a .. If f

. P P1 1' 1

t'tUIn O t hull, th f' ttl fit ln ~ t1 hh(' tI lady lfJ(J Jnll ch or a speC'ia l bd . those that IHI()W

b er

.... \ ·I I III ~

I lfI... thl f· n

~ lIrf ~ t

Th p l":f~ " Yorl \ \\ u rl tl O1 a k (\o"r; tltl :S assprt lon ( Ot)('c rnln ~ th l ~ p a l tit 1I1al' I)U\ "' 11 '· · \\'ort....I' r . .. >1 15 ~ tJrc le l 1:-; I h ft f1 r~t .' o lln g "'flnHlIl i n ~ e w ," orl\ n f \\ ('s lth and h iJ,; h !1( I ~ l.


7. {HI ~ hlp

uJ1J1 i



:' _I,'. ~;- 'JJWT~~

u n lh l' th uY (':l 1 l oad I II fill .\ 11 an,\hll l" h i ' f!llllPI III "

I'- l tl l ll·d

bn n ~ I hft l l h f" In dian u,a " i u C. \llI '·:-il. r e


grime, from far an" n e ar. that (,hlea, gil bas notbln g hetter to olTer a Vill ' lIor thal1 a day at Hull House. whi c h q p eak ~ to him dlrreren tly than most ur Chi cago's s how-pla ces , 'ill IIl'lIeara nc e bUsll Addam s Is a Quiet, lII10htrll s lvc sort o f WIIDlan. bllt b pI' bi g o),e" s bow delltb of tbought "nd sy mllalhy, their glance Is b llmor(lu" and ~lI(' R tlonlng 8S w e ll as 1.111<11) Lon g a go. wh c n 8 stud e nl at the Iiltl e collc!(e III Roc l<fonl. 111 Inol~. .Jnne Addams was i'e!;,arded 8 S a soclal pOII' e r. a g irl tilal ctre " Ilc olli e to


dl ~I'rh l ' :; til l \\ h! t Ii ( II. ' IIlI II U~r,\t l ! 'n o lll l l:ll :-i \\ ,tr l ll. aurl Ilf' " ct '~ I I Oll

n .... a lr·1I ~a .... I, hi' ft llp e at pd a t h rn rH ! h f' r:-. h Ofll" a{" o m ps lIl r tl It y .1 IHl lI f! j)f


W()J I, tha t

,\ 1 lil p

Ti ll' :-. l U\ i'o·o l ... UI I' IIOV. I

I t":-,! 1I 1' S

Th f' " t 'd ~ I \l1I r l'lll f'ml .I' r r>d

"" I' OI hlll l': If ~ 1J p. Rhollld so ~ illlos . nll t "" hn h as h i \,p t\ "', 0 re mon ey to l h e

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W o m,'n Who Come Und " r Il, e New T oem "Poverl y Worke r, ' - In Ch,cago a nd New Y Oflt,

t tI Hiil lt';.;.


Tow " of N ew M e xi co That W," r 'lIId· e d by Spilnlar d , '" S eveu, t ee nth Century . T h .. r l' t f'lIl d ' ~ :, 1 fUt,, ' IOU n l I'UUIf' :-.:. M . b ) f\II " d "dll er ::l trOll! 11 11 \ Hill G la l Hlc , 1\' f' I' I t ' lII l l \r ", CJIl f' fJ l l h l ' 'l"amlP:-0 1 a.n lt


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o. \\' . MrpI; ~. th o mnil ('.nr~ier IInllll ws a go[t t, is 11 w IIrrllllg lll g . L - - ---., f ' \V" b!<' 1'1I 131,", : In Il li n ,t lil ocllll ' with tb o plllJlisher~ "f dldl)' Dew ~. 1, !:)co 0 111' "slleoi ul " )lllill t IIntl I'IlI M 18~ ir OllO 'I'l'uut lol t ~l urlt. IIY tJl 11111 C,lIlll ll Ull l' !. lu, C OUl' t 'l'UOS,.III Y, I P" Pl' I''; ill :;llrt OUIlLl'II ~ <:il illS tu 1D{]~"II.1,K, 0 a t 0 . of lSanl\Jng 111 Sb bru ti b e lit I Gr . ,J , K ,JIlIllI' ·.' --- . - - -. .-. , llulIlbolt., 1 0 \\,11, wll e lll .- 1", \\,111 1M I'~ . ,ll't lio Ll'g:.( II~ I;~ >!olO,OOO f r l1l ll I ~\l pply ('u ,)i"", ot 111.11,· )1111"" '" ~~'{'u 81'1i: 'IAL'fIF,s : . DUlKAtlll:t! Ol" WOllEN Th o full ow lIlg 1Il'IIClo I~ o f nnu. -; ~llelld th o cO lllin :; ;VAilI' in ('ulh'~" ' 1 1\11'" l\!nrl ltll ,\ Stllk"" . All Ill." ell ~h 1I 11,\' to tl w F ri,' nli. B("'rdlll.l~ ANt) IIlbDIlb:N. MIss Clnr'l Bllwl;e' i~ }'i , il ;lI~ htl' ur\l i nt,p r e.t loollll y oWlIlnt-: If) Ih t' l PrUVI OUS III h ul' 1"lIvill l{ il IIll ;" I'L' " pa'·I, ,·'" Ill \·" I\·,'.t ill Ih ~ s u it l' IlSlt le U () Il l<' lit \\·"Y I1".\·"k . when It Itt ~~~~~!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!~~~!'!!!!~~~ ~i ~t e r , Mril. ,Tohn Fr::llllnl ill OI' YIOII f .1111111"f BlIllk s Il t Y lI ow t'1'1'iu~:~ . f I 1. 1 e \ ' 'Ill" \\1 1'" !ll \ <- ll III 1"' 1' il L';! I' 1..I·r ll'. 1' 1111111 111 u \'t! I'S Ihllt i u pPll od , :: ' n'~ V,ll ... y 'lil t! ~ (llI1 e t lllll' lI"dll r , u ., . ., < " I('I ~ lId:1I1 1 h ". ,,1"' 11 :11 ,:.1 th e 1I1l'," ' - ' Mny'" fOl' P III'IS Vl'epll LOW ~' Alllt>! wlts'r liN !> SOUTfi W"-S'!' When wHlItin g 11rllg ~ , yon CUll gt" prl " t llc , to I'\. j h"II' ll '1'1 10 \ "l'1 1I ll lt1. . r I (l tl ....1, e HI' 1v 1\1 "PKt IAl. ll OMIt ~lurk!'ly (1"I u\ o r t Ic If' .I~ I " d tn , _ . _ , t"'lIs 1, 1 hpl' h11 sh'"IlI . Arlllnl' . I L' ·I!).(, 1I ~ (' P II, -II" ~ them pure ami fr o" h ut. M oy·~ . ~ . 'p ., I f tl / '1'11 " 1'11 ' 'J'hllr~t! Il 'l" 1I11 si' i5 le li 'l Le lllU1 0ll " 11 -1 10 " hl/I II Hh.l hll ~ he" 11 Ul UI:l'l I "OIlHl, I o f Uri hlll l l)~ VI II'IlII~ \\'i Ii 1:011\·,\116 \' I A 1'h::'>N~\, LV _ . Nl.\ LINKS. 10 , ,. ~ I 'I"ht V"III';; t lllll M , s t ok uH I1l1e 1 , . _ . . . . _ . . II" . Miss Mllt tie BuHs, o f DuyL,)IJ. i, ~ . MOl'hor, 1'<'"" UII I " '. t ortum l' ll ~ I H 'CH I:l 'Ul'let tll Me -I " . ' , . ' li t \\'lllJIln "tOIl t n(\ II Y 1l1ll1 c uullU ue 1\ 1I)lIlIe ",," m.,la,, "" .• , rip. eR l ma) . ' . t Lp ~~, IIIIV ll lH' lI fl I I VJlJ t-: t og o th t'l r-. . . .1 )f tht: talu' ,u hnnt ng,t' .,f t h rf'l1u cl'\1 !llI'Cit ftJr ' thf' "pondlng n f ew du y!! nlll o ng h ' " B:lnk 0 11 the s uhJect of Ulor o ~t l ln · ~ t B k' I 1111 IishClI III t h o )" Iu.ey, Du null iln wke, CUI"I ~ I1 I "IIl " " Mul't' h l I ll I}", II I ~o m" pl tt "o III " 0. , lOll t h" 1l1l1l11Uuer , ' Iwdlll 11 0 1111 "" "I"'r.· eX<IlI sln ns \'111 I'cil li ' Wllynellvi lle fri Plld . g OD HIl ln~ fLW~ ) J . • •• I" nd J~d 1 t h IH c.:H.;hl'r. it lhl J r \..' ntl '" nl~l~"~YI1 t t) Jl:t\Ut 'l tl: ,' PIH111t.l11' u l~o I Wl' Uk A It!n.: o. 11 Utllhu)" of p ,' rRUn l"' .. , 1\',111\ ~ I.I !1 C~ to ll1llnl~ In l ' "IOl' ;u lo hl.tho, u 1 1 I " d ' 'U t roru tlll~ Vl(; lOlt .v \\'111 110 In ut ll'u d - 1I.1W,t halh',t ~, M11IIl Q:..n t, !'o1i U f.Jllrl. MOil 8ee our hllndso\llo paper n o \-o lli c~ . FUlI11l CC of Cl,, \(~lllud . O lu (). t il It.::; . . , F' - 'il I T" du t , a ll ('~t.'~ thnt ti preol. Ullt l ll~ 8 l n et • tl 11 ,t f tl tiuu~, It-lna !'t'hl'lhh/l Ih e llalwt3. toJ O n!lo: Ul\, Wa loOh _ lss u e o f ,J n n e .!.t , 'lit e lUttU c.;c I~ ____ 1\ WHy p111i11tHY't' ~i x y~nr:i uld sou. unu~. el tar IL or put I 0 I f=' . : tn~tlln 'I't:x a .. n nLl (l thl'r !'iI' ('t tO lifil In tbt> Wr~l they nre b elluties for t.he rn onp y. <tr iM ly II Buokers .Tonrnn 1 of t'~t.uIJ , 'f lt t1r~c1ny e nmln g M i~s Irm n Ell is ! H O":Hl'fI llo(\l'ef nstl" t,o pe rmit, hilll i5ticlcy a nd poison tly paper at "1Il1 III 1111 ,h. " ' a'e, of 'htl_ou'li . . J . ~~ . •llIlIo e y. ' h gl' \' es. nc-t l'or..·rtmo ' ed. II small c[)lllpllny hl r t o. r et:nrll tollls ~:llOt, b er . F or,t b. e~e l Muy 's , . . I !::"top' VV('l'1)u_I Vl'h· Uca.:t.'l" pennlt oKCI. 1n ' li-be,1 r e pn t.n t,io[t winc 1"""I"ale II •• ' oJ>.IIII1~ •. t riWc 1'bclcrs •• t1tC Misses Calldlice Ha od and RO~1l lil ionnl fo r cE' /l1l (1 interest t o th l' :.It ~s Tro nt . Bes id e~ th e g n p~ t of lI\Jt\rte~ plll l lltlfi " ~ k,H '1'11IIIIg .... 10 1 11'11 110,. "" 'a le ,'erl al n II'lle , durlnll th e ."u",mond D.. klD wel' t' in U II:--lI>n Sf '-Pl''' . 4 1. " 1 , 1 th e sn nl :d )O\' 8 Tll Anll 0 ll e d Alhort C · E~vents. 11\"\' lId l(: d 1l1ror l1lU LI o n 314 to hrr .. , ,u h,i t' et (li se u sso, !. 11t"llOr Ih nse pre"ont (1 ~lt~~(''' I A d i~ I ttorn e v ftlr plt.intlfi' om·lng 1"",,< 11 lll'lilli " . cu' .• wil l ho fI·cely fun.t.h ed ,lllYs IJlt' t w ee k . Al 10 ll M ~ro(lith, Do nntl Hflwl; p, n or s on , . ____ _ _ _ I \11'11 Ii ;I ~,pl h-utiun to 1(JlJa 1 f l, kl ' t <la c lll of ..: Ii. ( ' Ioug la , Edit o r : . __ _ __ ' I f'n :o.r h ' an t d L ine!! hU n i5J1Rhr'~ pho t () Cllup() n ~ /1 1'0 vn lnll I Itn\-" 1""'1\ 11 111('~ ' illt erc~ t<'u '): ' J':d llh 1·l'IllIp. Mnrth ll () ·:'\ uu ll. CU I'O i Sear s Family ~eunion. , ThO pnuli c i!!l1ske u 10sen, I n o ti ces ; ~......,......,......,......,......,......,......,......,......,......,......,......,......,......,~ Id e if you CUll ' , U!H' i t ~'onrl""1t' gl\" , I \' . .' I h ' lI 11111·1 i-:oi llh :'.1 "0 11" 1'. ~I essrs , 1' 1" ',1 , uf f lltUlly l'tltIDI On ~ I.nll (III gllt,h e r - i " tl t (J 8 (1111 0 " I' .1'''11 1' fr it' nd, till'." \1' 11 d ,· I II ""/1 I ": . ('·" ,, 1;,'" t.'!U I'(,IH:1I S h l' I' ,\-'lI'l!. \\' 111 I .' l in g" nf " pu h li (: n utllnl 1''''1' ill",)rti o n Regimental Reunions ." 'n """" 1·,11'11 '" 1<,111 1111 :: , . ' , Th(' 1\\,('lItit'Ih II 1111 llll I 1,' lln Wn "I' nll (\(w till " hcu d . /I \ljll'l '('ln I (. i r ' "\",,11 \\" 'l'I' l'll 1\, " •\''', Bdllllld : 1111 ' • ."II I'S fU lll ,l l y tll n k l> IIH 'tl ~ntnt " ;; at Chattanooga • '1'1 Ii ' , 'll lllftl l l .I ( l ' tl ttl. hI1 1 1~ l r ~ .! " ,'1\' :-: . , ' , An n" , l 'l\ , \\·i1!rn i u"t nll Yflnr)\, 1 . ! 1. 1 "" l' urllllil . lrl o" l', I I I~ . I'" 0 o . D , L , era lit'. wil'" /11111 li l ll,' ' " '( ' ."1" 11 I. y I ' , " !: ""llzt'l'_ ur ( 1111 I , dll ,\'. t\u~u,t I~, 1\l p:, . in t It! ul' nU II· Me e tillt; u t Orth od ox rllelltl~ til I Erhuu o( :-\pri n g li,!h1 , lire gW ' :-I I :-i . , 1 · trl . tll I1 4 , I II ,\ "I ' l ll' i:-!oitlL' of :\lu y '!";", FridH\' f' \'t1IlitH! Mi:-:~ D nllll!1 ILlI " T IH ' \It hll·~ , (i\l n l'~ p~(l u r~. n ell r . • I 1) II SI' llte Ulh, r1I , 1 ~l(t;. \\ 111 o t'cur t. h.c to r ' I ll e i l' \\' lIr l'o n ('0 l1I11 ~' l'l'lllll \'t '~ I" ,. ... ~ . ' \\llullng. t o n. l\ .. t.'c olldal1l1!\c t !'l ;1,\u f l hclJl1tllco t c:.: h kh. I ('t·t~ III flit> 1I 111i ll Ill .\' iwar-t \p 111' I H . l ~\' I\1' al ll i brllt h p r n ..Hlldl l, tl U h ' J' , 1 ~ I ' nhH' \· l l k. w1 11('h 1:-1 Uti I Lh l u,l l Jh, rl' .... II ' \V ' lt ' ';tlnall~'1 1t t-. prol' ll:O;('11 lA) ce h'b r OA l t' 111 \'~ ' 1'11 ' -' 11. It :' \' t' h"t ' l l l 'nn llt ,l'f t' d : t .l : ll id i ll ti lt, Iltdh.! hl fu l JIlI1J1l1 l1 t' f 1 t) ' . Au g n s t 14, - I~ ll .\" - 1 lUIUStlll1Jl l' • . l ue u ,Hrn h lt- f'n ' lIt \'.' ithll n'U I II I l(l Or' t h l~ \'a r i . Illl'rrti gltl. Ill' '11" I Il 1;'1 Ilk In ,r. w . J,:1'II Vll ' ",,_ ,','.1111,""" ui"l pll nkl " ....,1 11I Inl'melll ' .Mr~ 13ur u l' .ftllh ::-, l l f 1..,\' ( 10, 1...'1 1 "I th l h llh I1l1 t il lllld :1 111..1 :--fu{(l lHt n k~ I (' I': I l'I1 (.' I I ·l'1~t l l' I) f n il l ' ll it!r l ;d'IIIH ' ll t~ Ah o u t {'lig ht 11l1tlllr'p,1 p{. 'OP I ~ Ilrlile " alth', :\tI~1, i ll :ult li ll u tl , tj) . hl l hllLt III ,: (1 I I ' tl 10 ~!U h 1e o f I Au gus HIII " ( ",tlllIl ' II1'I ,lr.lklll wruo l l ,II I'l'tlltiun ur ,~\'atlull~ II th e rCh f,{atI '. Tuu~duy U1 CIl' lli ll ~ f IJI' " t wo \\'(' tll\ : ll h l H11\ ful ly l' ull \'l JWt"' t f ,nt II I J 1' j ill I h l~ IhUUt\ It ct.:unpllll ,V' I) f 1I I I(J I lt pn t I1(' ;.:' rlt~s~' I, 1111 II In ' t 17'. Hpunt 7 on (~ f ()I " d ~c hool ~1111"" thnt I" ) i ll th,' . , 'l ,' . 1 li " I ' l ' t t11'~ II I'" rhl · l' r , q ,H ·I·lllh· ... 1n I!n !-i ll,' tW t' llf,· . liv l) ( :nnb Hlul ~inlilllJ' tht' hl ' l'C' 1t nn lt I11 It ph' tl'l .t'l,:o: , llln!-1 t n i l A~so("tutl o u 111 \\ l l ~-Il{'l S \" llh' ~(' h oo l I 1h-~ flHq; ht :lI' OU I1d Cha1L :lIIuuJ:.:'a . 'l' h l",rt'u ll ' "1 It III u u ll e 1, . II' 111111. . . , , '. . • I \1 ,1 11 . In" "Ill 10 ,. IId,1 ul Nll" UlI ,1 'ft All " II ' n II I ,\'tl i 111 I 1r it n.)t r' Ofl IIH't l· n t. t o! ,1 ,) 111 H i d l\' t'l' ..-a o u~ l tl !H.1 C t.h o h o u rs \'l' I' Y willltil Wl' l" ,1l':i\'pu tl tl u l :-I l.) t rl u' , ' 1'.:\ 1\0 :--,,' P lt'llIhl.:r Il'l. I ~I alld ::0, tutti till' pre:" Ie PII ,,1111' ) UII 1-' I . , ' . \ " ] l ' " , I 1\1 t ' . . I ' I . , I ' 1 1 1 b' ' h I ,' I \' o l'k JtW t! u !l l h tt !l, t hpl l' , I Wtl(,,, 'i\- pl t'Hsnl1 t:. , :-;t nnl', P 10 Il Pl' I':; uf tilat JlH Ill o, 1Jut l J. u g. "", 1. I1 t hln l} .l eury oe· ! .'lh l llll c UlOllti,lTlllUl H\\ t \l Inrg t!._, , pro:-"l' flt UI ull I l f FutU ll:'r \"PUlI t' t .I . , . " , " II ' .1- " I" _ t IUHl w IJ.. t Ihll .l lJ lc I'\'cr h uhlill t.h t! ~ ' . . \v ' l " , t n r pi'il J.!. l1lln rl<' oH:-'t' tl) hn: h ~ ur('- I H.Afl'u:;hrn ent s o f : (h) " r Ollin a IHl 'H U Il V wu rOfl' lt'l1t h;wllU u rugl\P II .1 IU g() , H. , ,,·u t, l'rll'j I1t ~ C() I1\ f1 n CSn ~lIl1lh 1111 t ile a l)(,,' c el a l e::!. th e relflu a 111."1 JoairN ellc h (Ill Y, At " I 1lIlll g t, II " I P 11 t I 1'· I ' ". ,ruo)," nr ' w"II',. - 'ti e, CO II')I<I . ,,,. A ' H' lltl ~, '],hi ~ _ o f" l'P ll r :--p , 1Il !l l\l'~ II c :.ko w e r e ~er\' ell . lt l'lI l't \· \\'(lir'O lli fl pur- h )'l'II I', fu r t It~ OUt 00 11 , III lUna . II UI1; tll~'~ I Il'" i" un~"'IY l ll h ' Ot~lfl ~nnhl Jr.: llh Ug'UH~t ...) .)_. t I) 0). _,I A ')') .) _ \n ' l . >( F ' t ie 0 ,. " .. ..' , r-. ' ~ I' f\ ut Ulll o nnt o f- wo rk, h nt It h u !-" ~r:H r~l':-: Il l't' Ii h l)~p ttabl u r f'o plo lUll n g. ""_ ... ", 1II11111\-I, \V b;ru n .. l n , M llI lIl-'!tota , 10 · C01Ull lb'Ufol t:it ock Il Ut1 P oul try FOI /I . ' , I 11 ~ I" J 1I11nl:;" n il Ulr , I\\'ndlafHL n , .s c!l r.L... l:a , ~! I ," .. nurt. !'an,.:.." rt DU H e n ' . 1. ,' , b""1l trnl v s t' lt r tl thllt ('111('1'11 11 1 \' Ii! I- 1 '['ltUI'Sd'lY e ,' e llillg 1\'11'. \YU l' I'tlll ('x t ~llIl U Co.l l'lliul \\, oll'om o t o.l II . AI1 ~u,t 2·1. ~:H . •Jo hn tll1ll1l .r r e UII · ,",'l .. . ,,11I"",CII,ulo' , I1""'Y roOr lltt' Ur. l ,I",,, II U ](Ille r ut d n.1 .. 11<: til e pr ko tlf Iiherly, " f\ 1I1>t) , lind sis ter, E ll u. \HJl'tl w h o ('O llll'. Hili , 11E'llr ,\)hllfl .Y , Indlllll11 . >I",' C th,'y IU,mh" d ,,. 0111 I.. lJ loo.l',,"I,,",1



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et u Ut; 10\111 urtS j ;; ii, t.h o pri ctl of II II nll li t U o·c lncl. On Ih ll l'(,"II!. i oll in '1 1l ('s ti (l u . li S is ,\n " ll" t :'i mith, .TIIIIH'S fumilr (lra ",1 ","I Will toe tn c lIIe oruer, d for II Se pt. :\ I.,· n 'utive hunk ln::; llinllor lit. whi ' h uhOllt tWu nty g u ests " I Illll ('11"'1 rill excpllon t ')I' n, r e unio n on \V"lI,( C,1 Berryhill's flltlll lIutlull W'IoI atlt',"1 wi ll II I1\'c 1t" IItI,cb,u . • , ," • .... • • • II T11t' loI\\'_'~t r ull' l' \ ' Cr l'>I 'C lll'e ( I" " cu n ~ \(.' n \t'h o . Th e m os t ohjecli ()n t o lIn w en' 'I'lli ; cvcu t IIlsu W itS , 'g fllll' W'IS pl'()vi rl cll by lIloml,Jer!l o f OUB mile liorth o f Be lluroo k , Musio Ihe "lillI''' I"'''II C.' lur ' his oCC •• \'Oll. on. t.• u, 'I "· D H wktl will ITO 10 ' f b k . tl d' t n'~ ' I ' t t "' . '1' t ' I F ,_ r' \'. 1' mlk , . 1" .... 11 11,' ,1I.b ,w,' . .. I,,~ ,JIlUtt II , " fO XllIllIne r 0 1' nn ~ I ~ 10 lreo ,\' In C llnplm e n Oo'J.I~ L·OIl . Ih c t'ulIl il y.whleh wlIs lo:re lltly e n- I JY rnn .. v urll1t1u . II rrcl" v,oou" IH' KI'l'U' OPl'unuIIItIe.ror DIIVtOIl tutl .. " "1I11 r e mlllU t.nll nf t r n dppe ntllo o mil ch o n him '1'1 \ . .--;- -- 1 tl ' J'o v e tl IIllti the llJu . i c W/l t! n plol\snut I. Au"u s t :tIl lirlliultn fnmily t'f,UIl - !llt, " ""ca lh", of ,h. ),ou' li Unll' , 1,,11 ' 0 -. M lC ( UU CO :":I\UU, nne or , H . put,r on · , . .. . . e· , lllk . ' \' uu r c bthlreu am i s how tht'lO hlst urll..m l ell.l)' 8 1111, t.1.e l;UU>lt, of her is> lll,l ux c u so fl:0 11\ ,Ioin g ngu of n l'O lllllli t l tlo CO usis lln:,( IIr relltnr t) l.r t.heliuy ·:j e nt erta ltllDen t " lO ll o f Uhuli . R('lIer, "'I,ll'. ,I I lis cI>nl,'"ot ll pi r .WOI'II .I ut\". t! (' l' olH.l1ng nil th e " I I I .. ~ , " ' I' B Cu" ltlr'!4 pho no- , 1I"lIr hltl g o\ Ill, . I'IJII" t." ,,,"1 " '0 , h.' ,,11.1 1< 11 1',.,"" .. 10 "a" Btellil Collott IIntl other r elllt ivll!!, . . : ' " , l\l e8s1·s . Rul i,h M1J hH' , C hlll' HR Bul' · 1t. l t! , )~l l1 ,.., . , . ..; .. ~ .)( ~ . lHht'r"nll'('r~ ~XJl nt ot.l tUlcpl ae"'lffl r i nt e rcioi t. Mr>l RA! econ J . SilleH t oo k tiel ·Xl\ lIltll(' 1' who IS 11 0 1 IIIIIlI!t1l1' will I I tt d H oi l H o e ll t Cr o o • J.! 1·ll pll tl' UIll \\' Ily n os vi ll o .1 . M ' I A tl~ u~t _U. th o ~ h t!rwoo,l flllUlly 011 I bc ",, "Iell cltl : lel Ihom _how ytJ u ~nd ' ' rlIA t I u nnc i u l ~ t It n,I'1fl''' o f tl H)!-;p ne fir l It ... . , .' . ' xplalUflt lllll pcn,on tll t. lIl :l rk crs er ec t ed ou tlw "Ilutng e ot the ll)\\' fnrcs to •X e Ulll 0 ' Hu ll, un C\· on i n g W . utt onl1 l'll uh ( )l1 n!; rttph , fro tn Lyth\ rClllli n()ll i ll .' ,o~l-ph J\:ftJ·tley·~ g J'o v('. I ~lJUti d tl s how lill.: th l ' pu", ll lt lU Mor t ht: OJ." . . I ' .f · . , • llCllr regouIH , ]u~t woo k CHlluciul1y t u visi t ~O flU ' '\~/, n tlng u ('C'onltunt.1u t l,on~ 1n Ull tl !ol . ; b b f ,t ,'. 1 1 ""I !>" Frank \\" Cnr l ll :IU 'S t) U('.llHlTl · o r · , l\o~inJ.:arllll .." .tl th e 1 1IIIt'nr. uat t!t.', It. w ill 1 I' tl \' . 0 I Y It o nt 0 1 Y· 8IX COUll Mn,'" e~ nIH WII' , , . ~ ~- . 1I1111 nvcry hnl ,' ." ~tlpt enll.m r. H II t1l1 10, HH pti~t A SfCO . uut lit' It,",,: 1111 11l1l l lllt.' 1\'111 he ld l l o <t v t hl~ I [ " 1 " frieods tllHt, hudbeell (lI11g£:I'OIl" ,~ IIlho tllln~" III II 11 .0 n (" n o tl ('01 nplpte suc<, s~ , l'llt!,;tl'lI . fr"ml'l'l'l' ,. Iliohlo.o "'vrl<: lUk"'hl' ,"I'I"'n"n l '~' ,nll ,lolI 'l . k \"' II I' M nlllltl nlll ullnks lIl ()fIlO. III ' ,. ' 1 u b 1 · '1" . I I (ln ll rt"II<l Il f ,.in"tll'!\ I'rolll !)n~' . c mll ollJlt 1\11t!dlelllll. !t', I' OM'.OJ" Iv". II ," " ""ll" .. ",,, Oll .. 11I . , Ie ,v ,0 \\ (01111' e I' 1'1' , r " ,lie scl.. ",1 , ,, a ll)' ,luol"II ' Mr. uml rs, fl . C. HHrve.v nnd '.h tl ll i;! h lIud ol' I! I '~ ('111'0 of . 11 In,"k ' cl\l!~tm , of Lulmll. o u. I " Ii "I' \\'ho lll W,'l't' l ih erll l with the ll' i5"plellluo\' 1\1 t o 2~ , Wnrr e u Co. S.e 'liat )'oour ,lckt." rCII" ,'111 Ihe LouIs. ~ ,)n lInd u r . .. --, "·r~ . Ut'rry Shi 'x ,llIlinor , vi~" O .. li oll. , \\' oo s t or, I . I " ' ~II I I' .. 1 Leu.<lIClII , "1lI.,~ :< , . h"l1l"III1 . th o ~latllf'I"'IoI Il"Ul".





~"ve l'll · cOll~in,



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Ch., L""'KJ~a.




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duk Ct· Ilnd daughter, of the Hur- h ·rlm. {,Ollll P.:lll t . B.lrhe rtol1 , etc. 1 A Illq:O 1I 1" . fill ': fl nlllc(l 0 1'01' 11I n I D . bl P , I'a','. ,,,,,I n,h"' n l.l lI " m; ,, " r pOl'lall.llIg ' 0 h ...·tlurtl in ,' xi l'l l ecl . lo ng h( ftlrll Mr. Oran Stra\vl1 "IS_t l'lI ll1 I "' Ill w h i,, /t II III ftl II " "·i 110.. I "cpu lean nnlary «· .,,,Iuli. "I' wr lle '"'lIre" ro l",'sli n,,"I,'. vey s burg pike 8~nt SuoulIY lit t e r ' ", . . l" ufltr' ho: r.u"I."lll~ 01< Na. II"lll. Ie H . borue of Alvan Harve<" near Leb r i lure (,Ulll e, 1\1.ld .Inrtll ~ t,ho !1I110 I 1>leasantlly Surprise -I PI',i" I' IlIII wuS preRellt tl ll : Announcements , .111 Mil lik en. I' P A. 1.1.'" . '.lll .... ji. )' 01 J, ' . Ut ' · III ·11 11 I 110 1 .. • ,.... F () H Uli h , U H .\ . l 'ln lH'l una t l. cffllo IIDOn . 1 , gene ml el\Ull1l1l 'ou~. __ )1011 :0; 11"'. __________ J ~: U:" 'OIl I'orl. III' .\ . S~ I•.,ul •. hl n '- d-'M I'll. \U t.· enrlc • k ,0 f l l' usell nllm ed, tw"o o r Ihl'pe mnn run 1 Mr 0l'1t1ll::Hrn wn ' u f Ih e Lull/lu lI ll lI ";\ ('u l'o r m y 't ;,"I ,o Ih lr . " fn mil.v . , ' Tho1 pllbli c"ll~ ' o f \\'tlrrE'11 It " lIallry. N I\' I' A. ' ·hll'''8 0 . IIl1nol. Mr . nn Of a lte r .. , l ' · d Sun(\ uy, tl11'11' Lnlll, enttlr t IIlIle ' t.h o. }),IlIlc ... th " t. lt l·t!c t ()r~ sl\l\'klllg th e I ll i lcr " r OIl C' hNI th e fo r t ie t h lIIilo· !( Pllcl ill g Ih" ":Itl , l-'s,,11Il _ . Hll\' . B. Ltlnnt, .~ w!ll . hoi, II prlllllln. 0 ecll on O~IlSlu.. W, C. -Pon Oil , of DIIYtoO t1 1I1p" rio \', I ,' 11 1~ o n th Plll , T t h!'!'E'- I !lton e in hi s life HnllllilY. IIW\ .. ilfh t., ·- F . \ ·'l11g ll lln . Mo n!l ,I,I', l;f' pt e lll ~,e r I I. fo r tho ~a A WarnIDI? to Il4 others U r , P enee I 8' f oreul it"l th ecarpen · I fOf( concl 11l1'l . t. hflt,. ~0 ·n"thl1l fl' it' n(]-t'r o Ul Alltll'e . .suf " -tllco lll e , Ity ':r00 mue 1I car e olin n o .'' It0 .... u n I g llIIore I: "!\i~<lfhis - relf(ti\'e~1I11l1 . . ' '''II It.e .l' 1,) (J tlO11 of o:r ll(lt ("tl o~ f o r en nnt y " 'fir ' dePArtment ' of t,h'e Nlltioolll I,h ut lin I!Xnlllln ~ I'I ~ 1J.... nclll' .. A uW L IJll t1t1ll , HOul.h Le h,lllUu , King" . ~; 1" " "1" . tlf !la .' · I ,' I) , III'~ill~ Presl - uftlCtHR , : with Slllllll chilrlren llurm g the hot . Co., of that city . 1I1'1 terl'lli .v II1crell Slllg .t,b e Mills, Bllln ch eR ter unci , (Jllnd i,lutn" Ill ' (,'\" tUlo ouuce them I weather of tbo s ummer m o uth s to IIf dl s h n n e;: t, gullwreu li t Iti:! h Olll e w ill "Lpnd, Kindly hy qUIlI'in this column for $2 .. All gURrd nguiost bowel t,rouble,.. AI' Mt"" Clara Murruy, who Booom, bnth th e pmllloyes IIIHI ()e l eiJl'utlo g the eH nt . Itltt.e; sllllruno. l\·! tH" Cora Eickman; IInnlll111Ct'ments WIll be puhhshml ' II- rulo it is oaly neoo8sIlry to give Ilftoilld her Mr_ aod MI S to not thun ,t e ll .vellrs.' im p ri s Mr. S trnwn hllll n o t hOfm let inl u II lt O. lIll'i' , Ue!'<t; t e llo r, W"lter E. CO lllllluo usly until the time of the l t,4e ohild drB8 of oil 1'0 corCourt lInrJ'IIY, to Arkans8!', o nm e nt 111 ,uldlt.lon t o hili'S \lUll II n I I' II . " " '1 l :sel\r_; ' UIl ;;90 \Yult.pmatb . t.le('ti on . , re et IlIlY .o f til Do I b hoolft_ has . t ' lid t 01 ' " .Ie ~et. re . {J II> JU,lnnt)r III "ull I . • n o t u so nny sllbstttnte hU!;_~l\'O tho 1i t e ..,_ -', 1'e urn .0 . II f ' Impriso nment. for 11 0 t 111 0 Ih.y t n 11 0 o\)"' l'\'l'el . 1111<1 r e l' nl·t.llmll'eading o f F vu HKPfiEs I,:o; 'rA'rt\,E. lilt! custar' 'oIl\, IlI){\-lwO L ilnd 18 epel'l\torbtcc hi kIh £' thnll oll e y ell \, fo r nuy bunk . tllat it iH fresh liS rlln old ' oll nau se. Io. l "'b · " - , whon tho "nrM~ lH'~ n -Tn-ffl""F1 0 n ulll"u te>t of --1-ire-Nine t cent lrA'nnu a l W Z R oll _ , ~II.. e .. ooe e:o:c h aDge a t B'L\\ ~I . dlrec t,o r fo r n eglec t,1U1{ Il l" dutI es. . h • R en nioll . , . . • . elit es and hlill n tpn!l onry to /\ripe. ,. , I ull" " les IIUlI hr ' ''Irnu ''o l oads h e • F ' . ' A dieplltch sent out from Xeoia II 1111 8 w onltl , of cOUl' @e, wced n " t 0 11 , "" . " . ! C.o rros p onll in g ~eol' et.nry'~ repo rl . ( o r r a n o mln n llon ,) , If t,hl8 does not o heo k th e bowe ls f 'e w days ago relld8118 follows : "Tb e in compet ont IIn tl curele~s direotor s. 1\ wu:, cOlllpl et e l~' t. , ke lt hy "'nrIHl~t! . "Bl oo t, be the t,ie thllt bind~" hv TR U -I I gi\'tI ~hll\Uberlllin'8 Colic, Cholorl~ , '1'1 ' I II I t ' II fi lci I Ev e l' y"n, l" hrOll ~ ht we lt flil ed l .. I':A@ fiF.I . i "llli DlUrrhoea. Remedy tlull t.hen'~ Peonsylvllnia nilroRd, havfng cOHl . IJ~ S lOll ( IIPP Y :0 n UUI n ) hURI.el ~ li nd I( v" n ' P"!Il"'II 11 t tiny \\'II S th p. fUlllil ,\'. Frnnk.T. Br o wn . I (Iu~o of l'n s t o r oil , hllli th e tl!llease plet.ed tho double trackiDI: of it~ lIl s t,ltnt,lo n s a s klll g' l o r uncl r ecel\'' . rttllll ~ l'ks. I FOR PnORATI>: .J VDOK, ' llIlIY !JA ('heckml ill lis inoiplenoy ing t.he 1Il 0 n tly fo \' sufe Iwe pin g of ~/Ie llt, alld wh e ll th e y In n, ~lr, ' ,~ ·1 11 · I· C ' or clleRtl' ll. ' l und 1I.1l dungor u\'ol dec!. The oastor road throllbh this oounty, Rtart· , v 8 1rt1wo WIIS "lJOwe r etl WIth hes t, M ('ol'\\'ln DI'IIke 'I ,' I ' _ , 1 0 11 00 pro odon the !ltretch Bouth of X enil~ . the j>eoplt·. 1 fu\, ol' p11l Cl 1I 1-: 1111 Ull · . No m e Uloritll Re I' Y I Ctl~. r OI IlIlu t 1111 rOl.n e u) ~ 1 tl. • between th ~t ....ilit -n'd WIlV, nes- de l' the sllme Illw for puois hm e nt.' Wis hes fo r IJlll ny 11I1)'p.v r e tU1'n s "I' t Alpx BIl~\\'olt. ,' c nred Ilt Lln co lind k ept r e ntly for g I'"' .. . . _., A plen sn nt I'lln tlue or th k) occ usio n Phollo"rtlp t c oncer . , ln~ tll n t t1SIl Il~ ~OO1l1l8 t.ho firs~ indt. vme. When thilt i8 oomph t Jrl It fo r .dl>!b on eRt;vhlind Adj ournm ent f o r ulIln e r . Fon ClHIMltlSIONt: n. l onti llll of rilly huwe l trouble appeurR i It'r pglllllrll.leR t · I III wu s th e IJr u~e n (' '' 'jI f, Mr. 0 r VI' 11c b will have practlolllly a complete U5111es!' 11I0t, oc S , no )11\1' 18 tty , . , . fi · , I A~'TItRNOON. H owlird B. AlJdor~on. Thill ill th e IIl OS t Rllocessful treat, doublo track betwllon Columbus and "bonld be RllOwn . A u OllJunu 00 S truwn , nt. ~~U'lII g ~ \ll , wh o cn lII e . m e nt. kuowll "ud mn:v be relied C(logrp.88 sbonhl be mude t o iucrellse Ilnwn t o) VISIt hl~ bl'other for t b e i R llpo r t o f co mmittee!> . ( Re -Ilomilluti o n . ) upo n wi t h impliCit confidenoe even Cinoinnati." b . h f l' h I unl' , uot kn o win '" of tbe surpri g'l . Olllcer!:l e leote d to s u eeeeel th e m . , In CIlses flf c hol Arll inftlutum , For Mrs. David W , Thomas, of the til ~ IpnDlA t~lentllo k( IS ones 11 0 0 i sp lves ulluin g MI'~ .Sallie Wilsoll t o ~ F OR SUIn'EYOIl . by L ouis Muy, lIn1 e II etll. Ii 10 OR IOnu lun i' liS we liS \ • B lanc h ester. I, e~Ac~Jt.~ve '. . WIIJt er Henkle. Upper Springboro pike, met wit n t\}o)so or~snize(1 under s tlLte 1llws . .~arrled at COlllllutteu. 1 • _ .






1~ n~ed('d






Spl'illgfl~j.\ . ,~ ell t. u~sist. i

.o lllclnl~,

co~t~. ol~o




Ligl~t, "

~O l 8'!cI-et.IlI'.v ·~

, ~el\',,~












severo lIocldent tlaturdllY e'(ooin~ wbiellresu\tCld in the fraoturiog of ltn lirob just nbove the tinkle. She wall sitting in 11 halllDiooit in the 1 k yard at her home whim it )ro e, t,hrowing her to th e ground. She I is now gelt:ng ulon!! - as we I U!!



Let the people he pr o t(lcttlrl 1'1'0111 I . - - ---. ..- - - - . . QI,OI te tt o. . ' ( R C.OOUlinlltion. Not i ce of Appointment. , hones t y IInu inculJlptltooc.y lU . 'I nil1\11'. 1'1111 Hmlth AII,I Ml i'i' ElIu ! RI\~Kcll dlij vis drn\'e to Bltl[l!'lIcster 'rlw~dll'V ; R ecitu tiRon, Mallter R 1 · dElh M o tt.I . , ;~~~==~=-~====::= . ' oy, ' aytl1 o n( Ull IIr e ; }:-' alt' 01 I•• bdl" Bl'own. ••• ed. nllt,lon,,1 unu BtutA b IInkp, saV ID~H An6 11~t 1:" l OOn. n coompanied hy , H Song t' ' k DLIII:IlIl:0 , . tI · d I . . 1\1 F d B l ' nr !l00 . ' ~-J; 1'he unMrolg ne<l h 'j he." .ppolatl'll'<lGtI-- - - - and trust COll1pI'l1Ie~, bl1ll 109 an t l e lr eouslOs, ' r , re Ilroun " RecitntiQR M-r. JQlfles P. M1J,+If'1 _r.~._~'luolll lCtl,.. "'Ccu to". 01 ,ho wlll ,n,1 eS I.'" 01 lou n i n fnet all c lAsses amI wore-ttIlHed in m ll'TlIlge 6'1 , Solo, E. Helll.'s. ; 6000 HEINZ I:!\VEET PIC KllI'OWII. lilt" 0 ' eoub l)', Ohio. Eldt!I' .1. C. Ree(l at his llo llle 'a,bu n t ' H ocitllti n , Mr . .Inmes P . Mltll lln , ,I LE~, EXTHA II'I~K doer"Sfll, 01' con corns solic itiu g pl1ulic IJlltron. t · t th h f tl lit Ui\\t'd tnl" ~~h ""Y of ,\""u., A. O. lllar, . gM .0 T, Ie U o m e0 Ie ' , Dllet Mi ss Eiokmllll lIod Mr . ' Z._ I M MER' MAN'S J , ,', . I,-E"S. ugl'. I t WOIl II I n 1~o n" II IIlI1 CII to t,1Ie 1II ' d ' f urntn tb • 1.'. ~'"UI,>r_





.Wnll ~1'


'eel conld be expected under the oircum- ullici e tl('y of all fl xullI in e " to utt.n ch UregOIlIIl. )1'1 e 8 . 11 whm'e e r . r ."they 0 1n w er e so n neill' I!tances. II ~e \'el'e pe uult.y ' tu iuco m}lCl tmwy to s uppel' , B . "eol" 'ed upoo tile erection 'I'III'o, ' '''I,un"o. II·II.'', ove nl' ng, tll e.'of an ootl' urel~u no'" pl[lllt I\VI11Io: • in Whl' ch. 0 11 bis purl. '''1' 11 IJu t e llll"rell II r " Ce l)tl oll (I'. t.llt' - to pn r ent s ,'·Ml'. bUSiness, wo now offer our entire Cltl :t.en s hllnk , \\' lI y n es Ylllc , 0 lint! Mrs. •Jam es Su;ith, lit MitlC\le l' iHl 8tookof"rllnitoalldUl'UI'L1elUonu' I" / ') I U I _ 1 ... lur. IlI\(lll r~ . v lllr e~n. vO lll\O

hllndl~ o'~r 1~~geIY inorell~ed

Il_F , ~l OS IlE~:, l'l'csiLlent,

I;orne~f t.lll~ groum'~ 0


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J ."b~llu



Aun OllIlC0 Il1 011 tA . t;ear~.

~=~:::::~=~=::::::~~ll~":31~"~IO :"~'~ll~"~r~";.I:~I~':-I~".~.~II~'~t)~.•:, ,~!,!!!!~u~:t'~'!!! _ _ _ _ __

_ .It, , ~>oJ>oJ>oJ"":.J"""""""""">J,",,"-<,",:.J"""":oJo.J"""">J""""_ '" flyreqllcRt,At torl1f;.v()~cur\'ollng I. HEOIR1'flATTON l::lEP1'E~1BER I ~, \ltol ~ A.I\I _ lt uii p tn . ,

"God be with \" 011 . fnmlly . " Be nctl . w. tlOo. R ev . V1I1l" I1I11l. ,



- -------


Dllyl·lm. 1Il1l!le II 1~l eu ~ lI\g' 1l!l,t.ll'es;. '1I1I(ll'ef''lme~ \\hlt lJOl\lhhllll,'\" s "




~:c~~ ;~~e:~lIr;~~s 1::I~g;r~I~~~.i~e~ lNotice ~o Schoo~~hildren ,'hUl'Sll ~~s:~O~\~~\ll"'I'~I~\(~;O~:~I;d:;~(\ /I~e~~t~:.~~~~ ; ~1:\.:,I::·I~~);':I:;·s<!le'~~i\m 10 l I . " Il we will ereot Will neo essary S I I e ,-ell in" in oO l.l1l Ul on t t u : (lwil\ g t o th o slll'itJllR illn ess o f I. f'

) '1 "



the . romo" al of our eutl-r e !'t<x.k .' c lOa will b egin 1II 0 lHlll~'. Sep., ... . I' '1' l)l ' '. MI'>' .14urnn(tl Persons I'ntereuted will uo well t o t e l\1lJe r ,I. Pu pils wh o Iln"iJ'e to t.h u .y l\l\lJ[{ I"IO)JI ':. I 1 1\1 '-'Knal'". I) I ' roy. 11I1 hI e 11 0 t o, , ,,, Mr . IIntl1\lr • . l::lm iCh 111'(111£'1:1 ill l ~IO all, I'. "f'HI'S \\'0 -' . I' . I. !lentl for our ollt.lllog or bettor 8till tuk o exu lIlillUli 'l l1S f or Ill'llllltlti oll. hi g h e~ tt '(,111 IJv I' hlru fj ('il'('l o 01' 11)0 lJ1'e"ont. Willdl \"-II S 11 ~ \,P,llt d IS " " come io our YIl1'f\ aud 8Ae the work ho fit hlliluin !(. 'J'hnrR' 1I"'llltliutllncC's, '1111 u r Will ll ll join iJI I llPJlI linrl.II " ll t III fl'l oud ", UH 1 wo ofler at your own price. tillY, August:n I( t. II. Ill , l)f'st for (b oll' hlllljlinass Iluu . m uc h o f tll " 0 1 Ic;r lllo,r nmu- 11 Locutio n for h culth (;lXORGE D On DS & Son, l)roRllel'ity-. l IOns hu s bUllll clue to t.ll e lr Xenia. Ohio . C . E . I3It.\T'l'~::'>. Supt __ nnellll ornl,. nlll'x eellell ,

l li

~c hool


wI~h r~

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~. Y. F U LL ('t{I':AMii '!"""! !"!!'!

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Poun!1~ for


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th e l~·. "nece~~


l' pri II po Z II l l lM 111 "" E IIl:,p M i\ nnll N •S

-fA N-r.

1-- -





INDIANIA WATERMELONl::l 111\(1 H om o Orown Peach es t 1\1 AN ' Z 1 M l\l I;; u It


ADMISSION 25 cent.·


~-- - -

'~ I



Bellefit of Public 100 Pl'ople IOn Drill k iug Foun-

taiu. Uoder tho Direct or of

MADDISON J . LEE. Ri(l~oud, VirMiulI ,

BEA U'l'lF U L

I! !


1\1 M E.




" '1'1111 iOIl $~O 00 per yenr.

Potatoes -I"I~

al~ 'I AN ' 51 • ..



N eccesHllry CO!lt of living io Boardin g Hulls '1 00,


CHtllll'~ll o sent ullon Hllpllcntioll to


'Wl1mitwton Collpgr, O. . . . 'iVilmino>lolI. . .



Event of the Season



·Jerse; .Sweet





!I' New

eff ort~_~


Beautiful Fairy Extravaganza Monday August. 21

or Wi tChesRevenge

. Till' followillg' ~Jlecialti(l~ will be Introduced.

WFDOI~" - l ti Lil!."\ Poo plo in Fnll Dr<'ss

H OOP DRILL-N t'ociet y Oirls,


C LOVER DRILL-.IO Cilildl·eu.

" ee tlJe greut U hurc !t 6cono~ .

QUO Cll uul es,

EleKant, COlltIlUl08,



Dmmn In Five Acts


, ~




::l0,000 /{ose~.

I)pecilll Seeuery,

See the Eloctric Snow Storm, Grand Transforwntion

Full Or\!bestrll

000 Electric Caodles ill Act lilt.


Tuesday August, 22

SCHOOL HALL , :Monday Angust, 21 Tuesday August, 22 -~ SECURE SE4-TSEA.RLY.








",U M BE ll

~U :J

I, ,

~------~~----~~~~~~----~~-~--------------~----------.------'-' ~~----~--------------------------f li la( In ·! ·. · · t n ll 1"1 I 11 1.1 !lll' \ ' I Itl' a nd i scy I -amily ~eLlniol1 . Ilar \'eysh ll q,~ , WdlmHn. Autol110;Jilis ts I PERSONAL AND :-O l't ' \\ 11111 l'. ':-o u J r ; II t ll y CU III O 1'1' 0 11 1 Waive Exalilination. , LOCAL NEW~; . 'I'll 11 r :<l] n ,\ ' , :\n l! ll' l I~ , th e III f'1Il , Agtdn Itt l'\'l' H IIl~ 111 0 qllh·t\l tl u 1;-;' tld ..; l:-:l)lnt",i Jl i/ 11l1 ~r l'S , Will CU J'J' , \\'lI n hll g ],prm 1



1",1''; ,,1' tll u l1 i~l·y, \\, i\litIJll so n f ll ln i, ]u hls t wee lr's GlI7,e l te nu 1I 000UlII W/l~ g i n' n o f n pn,rt y of DII Y to ll , S ur e C ure H en un C'be Ilnd i\' Clll' lIl. IS , I " t il e I1l1l1l], OI' (I f au o n t flfl,\', ~II 111" ... ,.1 III ,J. W , II i,,',V" ",(II III ~ I,) Illltn Dl ohi li ~ l ~ wh) hn rl ~h O I, Il l, I ~ ill p OWI]OI'H II I, 1\1" y ':< , Rt e ph pn BIlI'IHl I , IIf Ili A J),I,I' r,n n 11 1111 Mi,s tilldi u S h pnyo IH1, "f ~ o lli ll 1, ,, ld I llf, II' lI l1 nu lIl r e un io n , TIIl'li n ., ' \\'U" 1 1l0 ~t l li 'l1ntlfnl f 1I ) J~ph lln o n p iTH', 1 1l1r'lIn ~o It o II iL1I,o l Mllill HI I'lll' I , i s co n v llins in g- uft e r II r IIf' OI' C' :l,-,ill ll , g i\'e Ih p lII 1111 t ill' 1'1J1l (llIw ,v "'llIlI'PII. i Hh Ul't bu', Sll VIlI' O ill ll t' s~ 'l'1 ~ e diIl IH>I· . f tlll..' "f I J ll~ ve r y 111 1 ' ('h e ellso ():I 11l 0 t o t,l'ilil MOU(IIIY ' F Ol'R IIt- H OllKil o f ~e\' ()n I <JO LII S [JI'1'1 1I111 f"J1lu(' .. ~ u[ I he (, ( ' ('II,J(lII. nfl o rn oon h f o r o S Clniro Bro wII , II I, I o n F"llrlh s trof't , wi t h ('i I , \\11 11'1' , .· .·I'tullll \' 111 ,, 1.. ·11 II l d lli n g t hat 1111 ,\ C e nl (> l'\' l1 1(' , 'I'll A 1)11 ," I nil plll' l il':< fl'lI il IIlILl ~ l u lJ l o, NI IIII 1\111 1'11111. Pili' l ' I H tl d d " :-i ll' t' . . :\ It,ll' 111111 11' 1', II ' IIlI1 n o t, n ppell l' , h nt tht' o ng h tl1l'i l' K. I. C , ,,',' s hl',ul I, 1I11l1 WI fl', .. I' utt or nl'Y \vaiy otl oxnnl itlotin ll 1I1H1 ~lIrtl l n ll l \\" ' 1' 1' gl1PS t ~ uf t 1 11 ' 11' n ;ln tht · (t ;tS(! will n o \\" ~~() t.1 It hi g hr·r l iv"s !III' , <11111 l\1 1' ~, l .' , ill. It u l tl l, ,' 1' pun'd , It !->l ltl rl bU~l llt' :-.~ 11l\ \ I ' t .lI ~ '.',;1:>l lt ·l tl al \ \ II!I' I, ( .,·I/I·g " 1! I\ h..\ H \\; : :-. f u r \\,h"d~, 1'('1 111'11 11\ 1-; 11 0 11 111 Tllt ' !"o>t l ll\', , ' 11 (1;';1' 11 1'1'( ':'" u l l ' l1t 11 1' t llO l "' 1I1I1 11 1l 1'1 11' FI'Jlnk B , Cu rt'Y Ihe L!' hIlIl Ll It .i" W, III'" , Afl, ' (' lid " III,' 1',',1 "f t il ,'


L>eath 's


' e li'rJlJ n k "s ll " p C'(' illlt y ~ W H t C,I(~S Hllcl c1 e),!o;,

"I' ('(,,,,,i r ill g

1; 1I1'II Iu," ~lill ('J' th \'ntf' l'IIn, Uc,ll, hl'(lUk h]JlCkSlIlil,h , d icd J'.1 IInl] ".I' , 1111' , :Inti ~ 'l l''' , ,1 1I1Ilt'S l. \\' i~, WI', I 1I1 0 J'l1io ~, Mr, Mill o t' \\'Jl R in m llllY i o f I"J II I' , hn vo h u JO fo r" w{'"I; I'll , "'" ys n r O[l1I1I');")'] o 1ll U Il, lrll \'ill:': j O,\' in g till! <ll'lit;hls M a \'H'it to 1'el l'l w Ol'k oll ut h i~ trud e ('fl (l llsly f,l r U nrUl1, l\li r'h i'~!\n , m o l' O Ih un ,10 ,VCIlt", g i\'ln~ 11 1' \\' 111'1; Th oro Ill'(' ~ 111 1 ~(! \' ('rn l o f '';)I!1II1 ''~ H n \\'~~tl1o PlI ll t " (' OI I)' O Il~ II Il L, 'If :,nll Il a\' " o nl y a f ow w Cfl bl 1I~1l f"th or 1') 1' Ji" .. nnlc T , MillL't·, o f 0 111 hri ll L;' 11 i ll at ,VU lt! ' Illirill' !'\ t ( '1 111 , \Vtl YII" ildl lC' , [\ 1111 "f ti ll' l<lto \\' 111 , " if'lliin " ', II !' tl~ {' t i lll" I' xp i n " I h o M ill lll' , F UlH'!'ol l s01'\'i('e,; w il l 1m ' :l lll,h ,

"as "PI' II1 « I 11'1\'1(1:: II

HI l, ' n lo II '" ~~(Jlld


T .) \\·u nb

1{' 1:11 11111 " .

"~\' j\ )) 111~

d"plrtl' d . ll ' H I!lirll { t lt~ I~· V!)lint! i l 11 11,' Il t 1111' II1 (), I ('''.i ,pml ,lt! !'l'Il " inll' '! \' I'r 1",1 ,\ I,y 111 11 1IIIIIi l,\', '1'bl' 1'('\111/ 11 11 Ill'" I ."" " 1' \\,1 11 la' bl'lti II I t !", PU IIII ' p in " " I' ll tit" t llll'tI

:1 11

'I'h n l' sd "y ill 1\ \l~Il-I, 1' 1t( 1 :-~ ' lll'l ':" ,' nt fJ'l JlI1 11 di ..; t,ln ('i' \\"' 1'1' : ~1.,r , ll!" l !I( II I ,\ 11111" '1"' 1'1',1 ', ,J , 10 , 1I 1,,'y 1111.1 wH,', ~ I IIIIII' ,J

1)f, let n t Be ll IJl'oul; ilL i \,'('lul'k I h i~ '\Ir~ , W ill "" ' lI u ll, ()[ I h o Sl'/'i ll ~ V n I1l"'Y pi' ICl', '' ' I rl )t ' ,1v('\ rt' ll ~{ t' l 'IIn l u n Il l ' I ....~ I'1100 II , . . tl ttol l ,'k () f illll t'\s:-: Il f :->11\' 0 1' ", 1 tiny::

1Jl'lJ kt'I1)' ,\ 'lh"1'1l1 Ilh ll ll g' 11,111. ']" 1' 111 ~ I r \ " HII;"I ' B(m lalld\\'lf t', l il'IIC'C, ill f o l' ~o rn e t i m e, hll ~ 1111(11'0 \' 1'11 ~ I\I, thu dl :l I :tI1~l', 'I'll " lI,t L'I1 ~ l' 1" ,,, 1 (,I l'iJrlll l!t'lpIJld, lire \'J ,; i l ill l[ Ml's ti cit'ut l y t o ~ II I1P, unl is s lill YNV ""I!lld I· \le ·l t II Il!f \'a nt pra .\ ' , ·1' it U, l lI d ... l':.J ft · lIl' s, I u llII t hIlIlH l lI i L 0 r11:O:lI frai l. M I'';, 10111 ~llIllll n J\ e ul e rtllin el l Il ", 1I 11 ~i lt HJIJ!I'I II Wh tl l j~ Wtty , IIlId w!llt \\' l'1 gid Ill' tlll~ 1' 1. 1l'lI . l 'j l l1tl 1)\"t' r l}t)\\'I llg il rf' ll, ·!t \ I , '~ t'lIl 'I Ll Il ;\t ti ll "; I !,'ril 'lId :o' I L UI1i , · !'i A hlllt Il (l p. 1iglil fll ) t e u rl'l'tt~~ H11d l 'l ld} Illl r f " \' l'J"l 'i l 1. 1' 11\" . I lu r k' IIli ".t ll l)~ :I t \\' \\ 1' 1 1 1\~ Y l '!I ) \' ' Ilr n i n glun IS all at ! d llY u t ft.' rnuo n . A It' l'gc nn t H.b p l' (I f ,\", ,. , II I,' a,l"oIl'''( I'III II,II<I\\/(II I1I II1'1' I" Itl' II ti ll I'I I I' Il ,) II \ I I II 1 I ltllli l'~ \\, (, I'O \lr eHc ll t n n(]llIl ox ce llcl, r, l nne \" (Hlll t{ tl lI l I H1Htt l : l' !', I I t'( l l l1J'~ 111 I' arlll· ... ' '~t'lIt's : I ~" \l 1l' 1' 111l!!"" \\'1' l' n 1t" ~ l d II' ; ' 1 )J'I} ~~ t'1I 11t pr uso nt otl , 'rh e Ilroeeull" tllld lill :; 111", 1' I , n ~ ill :.!, . 1' " ,·1. , ,!" jJ lI':'" " 1" 11 I'' I \' Oll t I IIo n "· fl' t tl lo c ll11r c ]1 , \1' . 1111 I ' \' \l " I I .' ,II ' g 1111\ .. , ' 11 11"11 . (': 11/ 111 I l l ' ... L' t , r i l l ' 111 IId \ 'tl!II',' ,llId 1" " 1]1\1' I,III 1\I'd f tl !'\\' )J I' , I ttl t h l'; wi lh ' 7\1n-\. ( :nnrg L' Dilyis \"' U n seve n:!I .v 11·1........ l·\l a W:l v . 10' ,1 1' l it" Ii 1" I 11 1( :" /I 111 , 1 I I I fl':-:' ( dt'~l'C'i' III' p l p; l~l1l'l ' 11(1 1, I i ll J' Ut'l 'l1 In ' nn UCt'i u tjll t wid I0 o n Ilt~ r lh\"' ~ I· : U'"l)ll tli t' ~ JI :1 I· i' llI ";\IJH' I' I \lll llt . . l' I ' \ oe tll1 ' l-( :d ')(I" 1" ' 1' I ltn ~l'll'irll, d IJIlI Wll. ~ ,)1\" WII.Y I0 Il I I UIl!1 Q l1J\I' I,er'y" 1'1' J( t' I\llr ](' l.; 11:1 "" llt ·I, rt. tl ,'.Jll ·lIt, 'd, ()f Ihll I 'J hwll~ Ilr 11ft'. . ~ L! R M ' ~ ~ P ,. \' I(· (J S a ll o u gu.r un oe tln Itt'l ' idl' lI t t lJ 1w ~hllddl 'n ' d (·jth c' l" III 11\1 \ PI" ':-:" Jlt Ill ' lu en !' ,'.

:IWlll ll t H II


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tll .. appl !l 1l 11 111 ' 1l.1

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Ill ." I '! _('I I~ '1" , ,111, t ll.l, wh'J ' I' hi ']~ hll" IIl' ('''"ll' ~ " " " \1 ',11,;, ,,1 lit" ,I m l,, ' "I' Ih,' w l ll )l 111 11 .1" II " 1IJ1 PI'< ' ,;. i< 1I1 ,\11 I lJ fl lg" ,'I"I' WITI , .. "IIII , 1' 1'11 ('1' [,,1111101 "" I'I ' II I'!l' II " , ,n n" h ill l' t I

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i IlU ,· h I t) 1 11l'

h ,' 1'

, I II ' ~ ,]aI' 1,,,1 \\' I'"k l\11' , an, l ~lr ,~ .

j,,,l.J .J l ng " ,"' ,'1' ( Ih .. lI f'a t WIIH , ~"(IJ III! wh at 1111 ,' 11,;,' ; hnl Ih o l o ml l).!n (' /.;, ' n. ll, ',1' WII " 11 ,11 1, \'1' 1' Ihll " l qn ilt , 1111.] d (' 1t I(Jl gl ' I'" 1111 1 1l lll p lo ]Us t ll 'O t u Ihl'

IIrlt·r'Hll ' ~ l H,)\'. I'r . A ~ U I Il tl 'I I' ~ lrt 'l· l .. ( ·.I U":I' I Ill '.\" 1111 11 " .... plJl1 :-lI '(l. Til I o tl ! 11 1\' ;atl l ' d \\ !t!l a 1I1 (' dl "\I ,P ~ll ' \\ . \'ro..;. 11111 t n r 1111 t\ II '\" IlJ\ h l) r~ o }HIWp r llltl t ll'tt· cl

l u a ll l

l ).\" fl

\'.'lIlll .111

1 1J(~ tl" p lI rt 111'(.'

v lI ( . iI ' 11'!'-1 ' ,,,ag 1Iu , II

l llltl

d U III I II.\·.

,lI!:i Tlt · 111111· ",Il l' "

:---1 1I 1·t· : 1 " d lilld

t lJ ' ~.:"L' 11 11' 1' 1' b

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\\'(' I' £' 1 1 1 ~ lf,,' d

t h p.\"

til h lu tl ll il' 1


l ! n'~I ' I H'e




I I,Illl ll I' 'I ~ II I.r year~ () II { , '1'1] 10 I r e J\ ~ t "t,rll\1 o f I h o h lul1esS bro ko 11IlU t h n "u llr sO ~ t a r IOLl I 0 I' UIl d OWIl II se£' t p hi ll. At Iho f oo \. "f Ih o h i ll WII ~ " IJ l' id gl\ nUll th o Il orso ]ll u u gell fOl', W ill' " IIml hnll ~ with Ofl l,Y It s hillli f oc t t o th n hridg o, 'rho Ilidies w e r o Illrown o n f lIuLl 1I11 111 0 1'0 o r less "' l'l o n~ly iujn r e u , MrR, Axtnnn hll il li f' r Ilrm (li ~ l oO!lI (! tl llllU s us ' 11I1I1ml nump l'lI u:! IJ ruhms, which , Lugc Ilt o r w i th t h o frig h t auu s h ock Ilf th o Ilcc il1u n t, iI, is fOllrell m RY he ~eri ollH ill h oI' cnMO, Mr~, DIt\'I~ \\',,~ ve ry hadl y u l'ul:!ecl nnd !:'hllk,e n li p , IIIIU ~ t)\'e l'll l l'ih~ uro t h o u ght 10 11 11 \ 'C b Ot 'n ul'o l; e ll , I:;h e r cmn ill ctl ut Ih o h t, m e o f l\1rfl, Bo,yu es until Tn u,,, IIIY lIl o rniu g whon s h o wos "b lu t il 't<: COUljlILII 'y bel' hus banu 11111110, Tlr fl , h o r so wa s c ut down a lid u l'O]1POll to tho bed of the ,tl'C'n m , Jt is thB Ught the nuiwlll will roco v e r fro m its injuries,

w h ic h I"i lll ' h 1I1\ ,J ~'" 1 1l , 0I",1'\ (; " 1'1" '1' , " n ,1 1:",\' 11 111 11 01 11 "" ,\' "lid 11''''lId, 1111 "I I' " "pblllt u l rlh' 1I1Ilu t l:'< Ill. li, 'adlll'l ll', tl ll' hl/ l1 L ll,B c.: I! \' lLl\b ll l,a Hnd wa~ I H\' I " ll 'l ill I! ' I"l" h l ' n I r ' 111 i n " f'hllltlltin~ ( II' l 'd l· II"; . I\' rf t,{'t 1II ' lli'I' lll"t t ,) s i~ht, . ' " , , . ,... c1nrn ti o u , /i l l, l ; ( I t' I·~ '· n i d ~u 111H.1 w i t'I ', ( II ,&l uI C'qnt" IlI IIlP Il I 1' ( 'jo l ll ' lll .:- 111l 'J'hrr'~ltill g 111 t h i :-; n cig hl, ul'h ool l Ba rn Hurne(1 I<' r , ,\ lI c'i" lIt : 11 , ( ', 1,"1,," awl Sill : 1l ""' ~ 11 <I I l' . , ~ t: II i" 11 11 .. itllll('r ll , II " i:' lillo i'l l. ("' llI pl(' I,'d , L i llI; \11'11 (1 IJI'O f. ( ' , ~l. Au" f i n IJlI,' : ,tl r ll 1'1,,' 1'1I J'l. lIf 1,1,111 111' " 1 ; Fr" I' ''I ') 1I1 1I 'I\\'(' I'! "I" '" Il I,lm l tic " I' IIJ'L'llllllll"YI ',1 ~ I" I), ri ok IllI'l'~ h(' .J 1'"1,; M" rltln y , KOIII(' A In r go baJ'1I 0 11 tI ll' flll'l Jl " '\' 11('11 11 "'( \ l i n :~ Ilf 1111 , :ll o lIl l:o ulI 'ry (·'I/ll nt ,\' \\, 1[" :Ifi ll 11Ilfl ~l d ,' I', i\JI' :' ~ III ' I'I'III' <l, I "", ,,, y e (Ill ,' !lII ,l ,,1 1 " ,,\\eel 11 ,, \'" I II IIf l ito lo11 R I' lailll I ho Ilfo l'c" ll iti i n by ,1 0 1111 1hll l1 M , ( :1101; ,m I h " nllil l 'i'I'II ,'lw l's' '\,sul'ill t i(J 1l III n llyl lJll " f ( 1,'lll llllll , 1<, !l1.1' 1)11 os,. 1' , "11 11,] hn 1'I'"t, W;\(', Ihl SII'), Illsls Uti' y f'IIJ' 1' 0 lI11d , 1I11L1 I lln Llil1 ~ fl' 0 t1l tll O N,,\\' nllr li n ~l () n l J1l<1 w(,l' k , 1\11' , Allli ll WI ll IL' 1I ' h It! , - . I .ILI' tl l :l . 1 111i-.; w,' an' "" 1,1.;("('1111''': :-' '\' I't IJ ' Il I'I' I' " 11 111'1' 1"-'0 " 1110)'" ' 111111 I I' pilCtl to R UKlIBll, \\'II ~ ,1f'sl l'o y ,)(1 hy \\"PL C Ilt'J' lll t lill 11;0 e Oll li u ,: y e: II', W 'I II \"h't " I " ' '" v ~ , YV I C S Wil lI dl ' II,,::II I " t-'I ,I IIIt , li n 1'1111 1<1 /III Ih i n :,(:<, " Lfll p o o n , ' 1 I ' ' I ,. 'j ' 1 ' , 1Irll 11 JO U U1 110 0 U !'U" 1l0SI "Y MI' , ami " It's, ~ I il l ,, " l : IIII'I; , " ""1' '" , , , ']'1 f ' 11 fJftl e th A J11l1\ ' C r S~ 11 ' Y :\ \\' I lit t i t \ \'· l·, ' I.;:~, the J\ l (l di(J:-l, .\Pl) lll· t l lll uwil l ~ () lIi' " Iulhl ' J1l 11 I'I1Ill ~ , J(J ' II I'IlI IS O~I; I1\1I I)' ',\' 1. .1'11", /II'l' o n tu rlll i llil.l " Ih t' i l' 1111'(: 1' ''' , ' " ' ., u l' ,I ' , ',,<) " 1 , I I I 11 :-l\\,('t · t hy e un ll 11.\"'0. D 101le y <.'11 1'1]0 1' , "l iss LlI:t II I; It I' CI~ i ll, uf H idllll (I11 :i , 1 " II', ,T. \\' 111 \I' hill' \\' '' '' \,,'1'\' pi " ", , 1 111.1' It l';',,"" I II! \\11 ;1' '(I ; 'n'" te ' lil t; Wh im t h o li m Will< tlis(,! .... 1' I' , d I 1 1 1\ ' " 'I' . , " II i", 1l1 ," hl. IJ I' ", _',, 1 \' I] id , " '1' 111\ SIlII"l' I'i i)u 111 1' tll O , IIf \HIHI, 11111 1 1:-:-1 b r n '~, . .\ ~ o r·:oI. ," I U lltl:~' ~nI'J . rl ~c,l by 1I111 111t tlll~· . ;:;. . " . n Oll O rl,hO l1lo l1li \"ll1~onthel'l!lcc , C"lIIhl'iI] !! t'it~- , In cli nn ll, wh o nl' f' f l'il'l;(l~ wll" g n l ll e nl lit II I~ h n ll lf', III', g hh tl l' III SII lll O , l lI lI glh o f 1I,J\J Il , lhl 'l.e It U, I t c'o J\Je~ nnc" n w ('o k W" I' at h o m£' so t]JU 11'11'11 witll l' l ' ' 'I I " ~ ,II'~ 1,,: ,, 1\' 11 11 11l 't ~IIV >'() 1' ,,1' th r oll hri1l1min g- wi t h II (~W ~ o f h o m o 1111(1 v ' .' ' • s p on ( lJ1 ~ t I · I r \, llclL 1to n ""It I 1 10 U1. l?ru.1n y l~ " 111 1lL: t tl r'vh ~ hl' ; d l' \\' l tlt , " . . ' pl'n c ti ollllr 11 11 Its CIJI\ I Onl H \1'(\8 l'lI , I I ' , 1 I It I ' II ' I' f '( ' t l , \\' ,\I' I;s 1lI 0 r e I II1H hUIIl druUl l' 11fI1.t 1' 1' t1 (' ,\'C'lo p ed i ,l IIf (I \' o r y tIll Y oVl'n t " " I :\ f !4 . l ' I'unit h,\'II I1 S HUt l HUg' 1 e l'. 11J Il ". 0(' (,'1\ -- 1\/)\ ' -I f 11.. I tIt I I I't 1l' I 13 ' tt H rl'l y u'8 tr(' \' £'11. , ' .. ' ", 1 '[' , 11 ' I I 1 ' \\,11 1;(" '1'111' , I ItPII I'rl'~ t l), I,h o " )I' ,'~I I t' I'III',I' , II" 11 0:1 , utI' , " U III I" , O f I ,l1H'IIlIllILJ , l' I ~ltfJI II I n l lllll i mil , 1 I II 11 ,\ . , ' " ' ' '1' 1 II II' f ' Centerville 'l'h p r OJJlpt. wurk o f ll o ig hb o r s '1'1 I 'J' I I '1' 1 Ill" II I 'I ; \\,111 lIe Ih o 1" "11 )11;\11 ( I f I h ew ~W I "I , IU II' 0 I ' (lrl,ti 11 II :, . (· t f1 1' \~ l\ll .. ltlY, lC Y:4 lle nt, tl cl 1t; lil l r WI\~gOtl lltlplynl'~ . , . 'I 1' 1 ' 1111 tl ' resilite d In snving I h e h OllR8 whi c h ' ,' ' I' I' " f 'I ' j' n'l ' l ' I " I \1' 1 t " 1I 1't! all,Y ) '" 111 li ll Y fl1 \'1" 1' s n IJ.l('ct~ ca n WUl' o 1,1' ec I ''II'S ' ~lC\, m\' o WII' . o ll l' II' C' lin,' t Jl t 1(, )enatl \I " C'l t" n \\ 11 P " \\' I t Ir lli l . l I' . lIln ~ e t1 1 1 ~ . ' I " M 1'~ , F r o n lr nmu ll trcot iii quite ill, WII~ n h lu7.o lll, DlHl tilllll " , ' , ' , I'I'IUI' II til th e l and " I I'lt ol l' hII'll .. r ow ll n ' . ' a Llt" II)VPll OU CH' wh en ~lr ~ . h vans .\ ·P I\ It 1111l t f It w h a t W it S g 111 ~ on. . " C , W, Hlli n es 1tl[t WeduBs uay for Th o bllm co n t il I TlIlI J n hun t (I( 0 ]' 1 ' 'j'l t I ' 1 I I I ,I n,t I, <)W WI t h I (,n I' ~ III I htll I' ey('~ The 1 11'('I(O n ill Bl'iu~o Co, i~ ndrl in J hu s lJaJlIl II' ll1 r1 c d, II! ~ n c~ ~ g ill le l l'1 II t \tl 10UI " ] hu s li e i s ofwbcll t 2; t,0 I1 11f IIll YlLld " ' , , l UI' ,I , ~: ,I III1 I1U 'I' 1I11t! fr o m lh e l'e 1l1H s n hl ,y ~ nl,,,,, I h f' ,'I' nl'c " iJ1 g il1 ~ , IIJI" )( I'O) I1 "ivo im Jl , ' 1\ \'£'1lI 0 11 t, h Y llIl t (I " h OI' L trip ill Kllll sn s , M l'H , .Jllm es MJllIllel, wbo hilS been ' 1\ {l lIll ut ity o f \'uhlllhl cr illlpl o lll n t~ I. ,\lis!:! 'e l e ~ hl\ '\11 ,, 1111 , (, f \I Il,\'l1l' " " I I' I 1 \" 1 ' 1" "1 1<) 1111', :<\\'\~ o t 11 " 11) ,,," I l i n lt ill Il g]II ~~ fl' Ol1l, ill Ih o "00 111 .. ' . , . . }lL' OcPl""ue( t u t 111 I H IH :-. I Jtlll· 1 11 n . Hi c k for the past m onth, i s r eport 611 All', Coo k st ll t " ,1 1.0 I II ~;n;< It,n i n li ",lInd MI ~R ]'I,l! 1I 111 1111" ()f . lI f.' llr h o rnA when' 'lipl' w e I'" ~lIlil\I.l ~ I Y ! 1 ' Jl('l e !-i tr'\'l! E Cl o n h,, ~ 1i11 ('11 n ,, : 1)('('I1I,l l'l] by W"lt,l'lI' 1I111'],,\) Ilt Bril'l, 11 0 u otler , t,II "t b is J08~ wo u ltl b e nho u L "" 000 I L ellJln o ll , Inlt. 'l'llll r , lillY l o r, " 1,' 1, ' ' I ' I t t ' I I £I' rll e r Tho e lllir o fr nll t will bl' " ~ '1'-, . , " " m e l ".I' t h uil' h,) ~ t, who I h 'mgh Sl11', \\,, ) 1'1'511 1'11['" Il I'o p e r l e ~ u n '\'I\ll l " 'J' hl' s, I''~ l'"Il rtl' U Il y OO VOI'O"u b y ill , l( c],,\, ~ " 111.1' nt Ih e fll1l1 0 l1 S ~\ JIl, on ll prI' Se( I ," (' \,l' r tl] Il uLI IIleurl I ' III' , : 1 IIII t,~ M" 111 "'~ 11 11<1 wi ll nrll k o nn I IJlIJU~' MI'H, L y (li ll ){el~ey is visiting her ' " le A~S Y , " \"I\ Sll r ll ll ll n C I Lnlw IIs:;om l; l v 1U NOI't,h e l n. IlIlliUIIII . i l1 g II JlI 11'11 I'U 1) (';' dnl1ghte r , Mr!l , U l'noe tiDlith , of , I ' ' \" e le lIl O fo r eac h 'tIl ,1 (,', e r S', llfl, ,J u hn KIIlWtl rJ, hll \1 I,U I'('l lI l,e(l I lr n ' u ' M i~ s Hilth BOl't ~o "rl;, 11nllgl.J I ' r Of l ~ , , , ,,!I,Y ' , 'IS JIIIIIl ' t'rn g, tl 10 f l'Oll I Ell I o n, thi s we(' Ir , t.h p.g" l1t 1plJlt'n II Pl t'I' (', ,If jJl'{'pe l'l y u f IIl l! lI u,> n t uf i ,c l )'1 lC I.l\ " ,, 0')11 nft e rarJ' II'1n~ '1' h o hCII\,y min s hllv o d o n e quite "PUSS IN BOOTS , ,', 1 M I' , ~Ill(j 1\1 ~~ , .J,eS81:- H IlltSOf'k,. o,~ ,f I hc p:ll'ly \\'('n' g i\' n ] Ii('ro~ of I ,Io hll S Ol' o g gy , ' Ilf II IP ,L(' \' lI'Y IlI' Y U IJ 'J(l~ ElJ1poJ'l _ " j t li O ~J1rll1,g\ 11 1\,0) plk Cl: Is "~(, I1'll n "', i WOo(1 nnLl t" li l I, c ut, 111 f' llll " lit ill _, '" ' I ll"' , '\ (J~t 1'1111 I\lr'IJ I IH ~(I ttllll-( pili (\ g l' tlll t d Oll I of dll rull ge to f,h o oropR A ho nt, 0 110 lr uIHl re il 01111LI .. o lI ' Il w. w c d. In \~ II ,V IU!SV I Il l' Wlllr h l:1 " II ' • /), I 'J' "II ' I) ' 1:/ AIII II ~ Il un o lr h ,IS , tc' rll ~ b y way u l \,l lI'IO I1S II Il I"'OH I in Ihi s vio inity, llut n ut DllIl r Jy 110 " lI1 ,1 J ll g I. " , r. Is , I , , 1 ' m lu (' ,l II il Ie ,h I I " ~'o\lIl g 111 n n n tl ' \'o nn" 1 1I1i('~ t OI)I' ' CO) ll ~) n ~l i 8il . l f's,;iu Mllrla lt , I' II I" I 1-' ] , L' H ('oa t of 1" IIIlI, In "" h O IJ~", W II n j l11 01l l S lIIlw h Ilf; in d ilTer e nt JOoulll,ies WBst, . ' .~ . : ", 1 ' . ~. It f It\'\\I~ :V. " 4 . ' " l 1lIlCY. '. • c.. Jl1itl('\' ('Ul'l'(.dl It :t~ Il ~Idd :~ li {) \\' t ) f .. " ]'I! l't In Pro f. 1\111 (11 ","1 .1. L " ~ 1IJr~ , lI u"I1 'r n l! anLl h l' o l,h (,l', l\II'" I'III'l'lInd \\ 11 1"' 1' ~I c: lu I''' ,· JI{' II II lIrI " , , , ' Ih e r"" f,,[ FTll 11 I( 1I111Ti ,' I'I,,(',~ ,)1 h Ol'e , 'r I t ,t ' t " " 111 - 1(\" ' , I"'~g"' l lIlltl ~ I~ t lln l I] ~ III 'I' P , ' " , 1lellotl u on f"I ft lll llH1I1 , g l\ (\ 11 li t , Eilri BI"' I'I\' , o f Dli s- t o u W rl1 l,: UeS l g j Cq ult.l l y \\' (' 11 1I111t1 \' )J " I "~' I~" I ~ " , " I "n ~ "I".~ I~ IIIlIl e,.~" ill l: r p l'uir s 1'lt o M If;lHOS L o n g , o f P u rt~lllonth, co ' ] I H II M' d ' 1 T n eSl(lY li t Ih o hmn ,f Ih e il' 111l01 1' () , .I ' I \\' I'rc. 111',1\\,11 1111 11 Ih , "j-J III Illt\" 1I1' Ill I h u f,,"'; , \ ,'Il l' ('OIJ ~I II ', '\'(ll ll' i, ",I h" 1,,1 1' I' .. II' ,,! 11,,"d,, (l ll. l' "l n l l' I'I"" ', "'c wo 11 o n 1I ) nJlf O h iu, nr o \'i~iti n g reltlti\'e~ I~ L this , Th] ' I 'I ' ,I " " 11 11" ), ,. 1111 .1 II I1 IlI ~ Il a \'(' l'<'IUI' II ",l 1' 1' ,0VqUlIl gR , e }l IlY IS lU I t UI Ol1 n" , Ellwllnls ill \\'lIv n sVlll ." \V f'r1 IlI' ~' !lel'lI J' e I1 IIr L' ,In;; II"; a 1'1'1;\(> , , 1,,11 1I'1 11 ''' ll t ~1 " ' llIlh 1.1 11 11111 1;11 to t.l ll' pll1,'e, 'II I ' j' " f li P " . : ' 1 , . , ' 1 ' " . lI 1'! 1' n '~ J H'( ·t l\· I : lt u lllP~ uj(\' r tlll ' 11I ' 0 \\ 0 , no \~u IlIry ~ t olY 0 I1 ~S ' '' IlY lind \' i s iI L',ln lll o ll gI J'l CIl ,l"h t' I'I', 1~lwh li t 11 11l 11ld ltJ~ \\'II S I h eu gll'l'1l ' . " !n, "I~ ' D " 1 I I ' I ' I " 1I111l1J:! 1 l' i"II , l~IlII'1 1111" IIUIIIIl f, " t , Mr ~, Hll nn nlr ,l l1 lll BI! IIml g r anli , 11 11 oo t s , n ll L rn , )en ll lIrrlln g{' I " , 1 1 11 " 1'1"11'111111 11' I " \\'1'ltO /I h ll u "I ( '11 'I' rr l' PI' , ' 11' I 111 I'llI'll I " 1 1 . 1\' I ' r.\J ~~ ,lp$~l A l\I n rlrltt.('nrf' rl nlllP,l II " I"H (lt'cI iI" I' 111111 11 1" wh ,' I'" t lll' ~" " :t ,; I '" IIII' I fI' U , ~O ll, H OII'llI'd TilJbtLl!', of Duyto u. ~\nd OPY l lg ltcc by 11 , ,N, , l p l ll' II'Vll n ll :i. tltl' qn n tJlll ll n s J'IIDg,'tl III "" ,'II I'l'i PI', hl' (,11 rn :Irot,iv o As IL prolog u e to f,h o p iny n hllllll ' '1111 1111 COI~11\(\111 Y 0 1: y o ulIg p Po l'l!' IIt " : ,, 1I Ih; , \\'111' fr" 11l " 1>1 11 1'.1' h ",I" It tt ll' 'JI"'I I.- .1"1':1 1'1 1'11 1'1'<1 :11, "," 1 1l1 ,'1" lr ,1 ,."'nil" ': 1 ,\'I '!!I' Ih,-' til'~ t, 1lf III ~t, ,l Ull U, vi~ilf',1 fl'i oncl ti n t thi s pineo luet , . ( lnlH ' I ' bn ll l ll Y. gl n'll t il (' tH lIp l , ' \ I:/I l l' ! 1\ 1,: 1" a 111' \\ I 'H II ' I!).\' 11 \ ' , , 1' II I '" WPl' l< . t,ifll] Lil lipution w e Nli n l! too k 1)11(('11 1 'I ' , ~, ' I' I I' 1 1111 11], ' I h l' I' C adlll ~ 1,,'011111'1',1 '1 11111' tI 1'." , 11 (1 II"" IIl' I'I' '' 1lIi s.I),1 II Il'ip , '11\'\' ' r IIn(1 fl\J llily Hpent r ln e ld h ) .l IS!-' h JIll1, I(1 )1It, ·,toI , tI JII Y' I 1 1'llll' ll :111 1 ,:"ql ll t la :, 1'J lIlId Pn l tl i\ l ~c i n whi l!lt ~ ixtcp. 1I li ll ln J, ' l lts ill r eg ' , :ll wlI,\''' <Ill 1111 /1 ' lIn ,1 I" " m alll! llU · I tnn \\' I ,n I las I .Pfm t III ' 1-!: t11' ~ t I' I r I n Ill L'I] II'Y ' , \\' 1 1~: 1!I a rt' hH IIlI' Il ;..! :l l il , 111\11 Pl'l d Huudn ,l ' wi l,h l\lr , [lUJ MI'H, LeRter tl lntion dr cRs Hni l s JlP!1 ~~ I' P (1. ' , ' , " 1\11I,i" 11 11,1 ,'",ia l i lll"\'{ "HII' ~<) f, d , , 11 11 '1"' 11" l rip' t il I h e KOIlIIt I\ lIl'il]l' \\ avnl'~ \,III () 11'1 0 0(1" Ih ll l " I"t "" ,,' I,, ' I I l, r'I'1i 1, 10; 1.. ,, 1; l llif'll ']" g r, ,' III ~J ;J, ' ''' i!; ng l A, I!oll o win g Ih iH \\'IIS s h ow ll Il s l at ' 1 n \\'I' 1 , ' " Il1t"I ' l' a l:< , \\" I ' t I SIIII I' I' " " " k '1"'1 \\ 1', III ("; ' ] a\' ('" .. 11 11..III' 1I!l lo r 'I , " I ( ' I f 11 IIllry Rc' , II nnlllbll l' o f YOlln/; ,, 11 ~,''''Il IiI UL' 0 (, 0 " " l ll \g n n I CC t' J'l' IIIII :11111 GII I;n \\"'1'1' SL'J'\" '11 , I ' , , ~ ' . '~ ' I>tlxweII St Jluse II SpOil t U ' [) ' "v, nIH1 I, e l' SIS ' t I,, 'I ' " 13LI ' 't' l 11\ A ] llInl.'h 1I\lwl Idll'l] Wi l lI l(> u wlllllh ' I lin.) ,I ,ll' \\' llll' l oll't''' 1 o f "W yo l1l i ll"g 1 I n9 t wee k WI' tl 1 r rlon ' d~ I(\(li c~ p OS ,IIl ~ tls~t,fdll es, .. 1.,~ Sp rinO' , uJ"anch. ro w IlIyS , , ' \''' 1 ' - I '" t ~, , . . j llt I t'l ltl l i ll 111 1' Ir nlllnll \\' p (111 11l !! of 111 '4 ,... U .1 I ' ' D B es l de;!l tho \lIIl V 11 t1llmh r o f Coll " J.t ,' f " I l])111 ~ o n , \\ CI Il " Il ,.., 1, wh1('11 ~..t III tl ,,' 11111 111 ~ 1'011 11 1 "'liS " I H\)u r e atJI' os III lIyton, , ' , , ' t ' 11 t" I ' I ,\' , 11\1 ' , ' <111"1 ,, II lId a nnl, E 'I.I'II IIntl A IJI!.!" I <1M ,~ UJl I n~ ,~a I. lllll , rs , p Ol'ul 'l\' till 1\\,f' III1 I;{ , , ' ' I ~ Il' I )H ll il' l W"l1 n l',1 "" ~li ~ hll y llll il o II lluUlbot' of our publio s peCIAl fea tnr es w e r e I ntl'olin oe (l ! ./lillI" " 'y~ IIllrg, '1',, 1"" "" 11 ~I,' \\ 111['1':, ' 11111 I; II t '"I I ' i l l III I,h r' l i m \! Ilf llti~ \\Tl l i n g , , ·· I ,<! h llO,l t,ouch or s. nttendoll the Insti, A S(lllrff el rlll h y y o un g I lI lh ,'~, h ooll \ 111 ' J . Iv' OII e tl ,II f t lHi 11 1Il\(, , ', W ayn csv i'II e M 'I II " ,1" "",' 1' ' urill by ~J\l l\ lIe r gi r l!', o l o l'er {h'llI u y ' pI]; ' , . ' ~1\' JIll '] ~I r ~ . 1<'1'1 111 1; ('oo k 11 1111 tllt,n III Dll'ylull 11l~ 1 w eo k , , ' ,,'; 'lIl f,; , 1'l'of , \Yh it l i ' I' [l ll l'll f' !.t, "'If I' :1 11 11 "" ,, 1""" , " "1/1111 '1" 1' 1It1 " ,,1)' " ll hilS lloon ViSit, 1J0 y" Hll ll [t ll'l~, 11111I 1\ 1' (1II le A~Hi n Running', I ' It' " 1'1 ' , 1.h ll"ht.' 1' ~ 1,," ,I t' " I' 1I ,'al' MI I l n ll \' ,' 1\II'H , \"'11 \'1 RHIg ' I ' I ]' 1)111'1 1'1'1Jil l Ill \.... ('it .\' \ \ 1 \" oi l" g l ' ' ' ' ' , rug ,loll chi IIIlY I II. I u g il' ... 1m],\, ,ll1 n:;lrl" I', o f \'11 1111 t1 II !, ' Ihi" ' l '1 "' 111 ~" I III'I]1\ \' " I ~lil 111 11 1 !-i 1l11l1 1l ~' ! "I ~ 1",1' )lfll'l' III " , ~ll' IInll Mrs, C h08, T oo IIlIlCh. ' Cll n n o t, UO s tli t! illllJ'l\,j';O ! lr H\:" hl'~ 11 d,;ili l.l ~ " ".\I1 Jl g lh 'i l' Th l' \\' II ," I(I',,\'ill, ' F Io) lInll :~ ~,l tll~ 1111~:I 1'11101 l " ll u l'" 1'/' \,"]11)1 I," 11\; \\ II h M I' , 1-'1'11 ,, 1; 1>111;[ 11 111111 1' 11111" 1' W, ' II{\(', th e " list w eo:'; Mrs , Ridge o f Lh o lmt e rlllinrn oll t !lull th o funlt , I W lI l' n'lI ' ',)lInl v 1' (,]lll i\,I'~ 11 1I~ l"l q l allo'l' 11I'lIlg vi,, ' ,"] ,1,"1'11 foi l' '' \\ " ,,1. 1 11' ,' "1 Yll r" w' lli 11." 11 :111 11 ' " 1'1 11111; ' • I ~II' , H "I I" It :lIl ,h'' pll ,lI f C IO\' I' llI ll,J , i~ utUv iu g- f l' OIll U /11111 It o n t 0 Ak rOil, I o;~s lII tllllHH' ill \\'li i(' h "I' ur y p :lr l fo w d :ly~ , M~ , I1m'llnlt 1'l' I I1 J'I1 Cd l l!l IIlIlI,f" 1" ' I,II II'-,i, J' 1l!1 1111lg 111 ~ I I I II (l ,\ I" .. ,:\ 11 1!11' 1, 1"' ;::, " , n g l' :I \"'oI , Hln d ll ll lll EII "i wlll' J'C h u l' ]lusutll1l1 ]1111:1 r ecently WIISI' tl rri nd out WIIH II ~J'tl~ t ('Oil ' , i h l '"ll' y (>,;l o r tlll\', h ilL i\I l''; , Bnl'n n tt lin d dll Y I o! 1'lI i1'lI lIi' WIII( It ~ " nh'l'~ I 11 ,, 'n' .. ,' ,\1" , Ih, ' "11!lal~ "I ', II. i" I hl! p I",1 " I' ~lr , 1)",, 11 1II I' IIt,"ll 1),1' fh o Mctr o llO litim I I I r II 11 II I p1 0 1llullt. t o 1\'11" . Loe 's IIh i liL y Hull alld th u lJ;t hy wi ll I'fllnui n n (f'l \\, , " l1 1 )t, w an . . n II' PlI, l, H' \\'1. lI' ; (I' . • 1'.11 ~" ., ...1',t 1. I • II Iltt (1 l1 . . , II 1'" ". uml (Jl II II I.\" III tI d:, ti llH~ , lu ~nra l\l' c Cn . lu. in ~ t nldn!l w o rk in 11rnl lllrin ,," f o r \l ll ,Y:" )l l ll !! I ' r . 1 , )I'lI illPtl y lI t t f\lI d l'ti t , l , I h,' Jl ldl l~ 1')'1 11'" \\' 111 11 , 1, 1t'1\ lll () ::II 'r" :-;.,· d ll l l " , :\11'. \) :l \' it 1 L I~I 'as Hr ll l f111 tll ly , (d .. I " 1 \1 Il II I M II Mrs, AI],p rt, H owd y, of C hicng o , th o "v e nt, as \\1011 O!-i t n th o~o \\'h o "'\T, H . ' 1(l ll l lr'l l ,"'l',I ",' 110\\' 1111,, 111" 1"1." :)P t ll'r :-I 11 I1Jl I ' fl O \\' tll"II , "\,' \' 1' i {' 111 :d u · h I, 1 1 1'11 ... 11 1J I ~Iq lll ' Illl rt ., ' . I\\·," l\('n r , " IH l!l t \l ~. , an t l. r . Pflt"~I' , " , ,' I I \1 I ' \\ ' ' II ' '" I Witll hilS IIIWIl \'i~itiu" h o I' nnrcnts, ' I' t l' I"I I'- ICII Fro m t h o ~ 1I11111 1 "1 I 1 I' . I ' I I , I,"'" I,) " 1' 1' \'" I h " I" 'OI' '''' :I,l' ltI" 1 \" ':11''; ,,),1 : IIlld 1I 1 '(,<) l'd l ll~ III I lv " I' '' 1'1'11 11, III "~' III ',;V, l', w e re '011 111 II,V " t' 11 .l ,, ~ . . "~ , run nt. J0 1' \\' 11l III !-I t n t' ~n l' H' :--t . . . I ' ' I H rut t-l r!4 A 0 Mntldox at 'III"lIIIII O 'I {'li lJ" wJI ~(, X I ' I'lll' nt (' I' 1' 1 III I' I I VIII,I IIII,ll'I('I IIII,I', lI l1 d " d ' '' ' '\'\' llIgj "''I' ' lf\\' '':lI 'II'oI l'J' ''I ' II YIII III I'IlI' 'd ll ll ~n""ts II f( II " "'~ 1J l1':111 IlI1ti. willJ , 1'\' , II ... ' ", ... .., ' 1'1 11 11 lt I' IJ 11I1I11I' 1' , II " "lJl~ "', ' , ~ I ' , ] . 'I Ih i~ plllel', hll~ [to il e to C iu c illnllti, I , " Lnr/;o 1I1lu imwes WOl'l l J11'l!tiOll t l i1 0() t' '' '' ~ II :' lt 'I 'II' ' ="" . I 'I I1 :llitY :! XI , ~ " ' f l lll'P:lII" ' ":t ).:." " f i t H h"fllI ' " n il' t 1ti ", I' '' "ll h " W II" l ' I!~ll t ,\,I'II I'''' .] ' 1"1101 1'"lwlIl'<I t "" k II I), III I III~', l'I ~ I Jl\JJ tl ll fcl\'wct\ k sw ith h o r SIll, W ill ' lllI \,I ' 1I I'll I' ] ' 1:,,1 II I' 1l 1lII' 111m 101' " , ill/ li lli,\', ,' :11111 11" III "Il~ I':l \' I I1 :': 1' : I~ hl y lllll l!.; I'll u pl o 1'1'1 ) 11 ' :'\L'lI ill 11'1',, E l lll ur Hund loy, ,olll'h o \' t' n i l1 ~ , \\'I· 1'l.\ l' 1I 1I' r tlll ll('(l Itt' tho pll·I\~Ullt. , (l I1IJ h a lfth,ll ll llr lWY I'f' IWin' d f l'o m h l'l',' l lli"\\,,',,k A ('11 1'1 " 1111 o f shin ' A Correction. "II" ~ , . t;l " tlll"11 hll~ li1l,'( 1 I llI' " " I1I(, lJ f~I I' , ( il'" '·J.! , ' t ':tr l w l'ighl (II .. ] :\'I11, lr" ll sc d 11 1 ...1" 1' ",1 f l'<l lll ll elli n g llll1l1 ' l _ "I'll ,(1' oI n 1.111' 111 1 1111 1'1.1' LII II II\' 1(,, 1 PI easant Ridge. 1)ullllu tl l'1lt1un ~ f nn n . aln In ! \\' I\ .... l ll\1 ~t()l1 , \\, ll111 e h e ro III a ~lI nl' l An lH lI lh~I,,)j \~ r (jIlt ' hit,· 111 till ' alil l Il d J .)l l\lll ~ l ll ~ 1'\ ~ :-ld tllll'l' " l h.· j\1I1 s .. r :-: . Lt,~t c r 1\lnl 1h~ , 1~:~1l' 1 (' Oil , P ut. (' t1l'f ll l1 nnd \vl fo \\"'s re the ,VnYlles l' illll , 11'111 f" 1 "\II I1' II I1I I",C'(ln~ 111\,11' 1 U" i '"l lf' II' II II Io,"JiU ll g 1:l \'.'~, "lil I '; III ,,\ r l "'fI " IIIIII I .,,"I I \11I 1 I'on ll l" II JIII ." n~ I' II ",1 Ji:l'n 0,;t D"lnlll lll,I;lI d vtl ll , J.! lId l,sof t h cJtIU e r's urotl1er.O eo, . 1<, 1\\' y o u wh n t we h ll\'1) 111111 ~i\<' H , J.' 1\1" >hl ' I', , 'l'h ~ I'h \\11- 1,l1hl1, I,, ',) 1111" ,,1"',"11 111 ,, 1011 (\ WIll III'a ll lll .\' , 11l~ 1 !I~" .. f th ... ,' x C nl' ~ ion f r o ", L n iJlln fl l1 Lal'l 'ick IIntl fllUlil y, n eor Lobu.uon, - - -- - - -- - - Corwin Sunday Schoo l. prl('r ~ 1111 I,,"'t 11'",.1, ~ hn 1,e It L', "' 1'\ ,,] I " 1 1I , 1})1 " - "(llIal1l'" I I" , \,,, 11111 111 1' 1"11 1 lu -t Snll c1 a~' al ll i . I'nnt Ih l'd ll )' 111 111 f e wuuys lu~t, weo k , _ _ ,_ _ _ Oll e ge lJlh'll\~n wh o ill \'(' I' Y llIu c h 'l itlll'J'f(\I'l\ """l ,' \\'h ~tWl lh Ih " (,(':I,k r -, III" ] " ,] ,] a l 11,,, ,,1 1111 ,\' 1'''' 1'1' 1.: 111 III Il i.:hh,nd l11'nl'd , I 1I lr , 13ul'ton F.ul'lIhl\rt lIud flunity I 1 III I I I I 1 ~ l i",,<,~ \' lr~ i n lll 1(1l1l1~, )J1 a nd n e r , , " l' nllt ::i,nnull Y nHcrn oon with Mr, 1.' hirl y )1 e r~ ou, inc nr 111 1\ C \l , 1'0 11 illtPr e~ l lJu ill th o \lro]l o~ell h o m o, :.:p l l ill g, n )11'''1'' '1' nr ~I r' I'~ !l l1' III:' , " 1111 ,1; " o t 1' \ I r l' lII l' ,,'c's l en, , ' 11 lfI III III', "I' l 'ln'"l u I"!. WI'I'\' th e Hurry ::ito l;es Rnd faUllly , RlIll n hl e rpoo~I f', l<lt " II<1 cd Ih ,' l i r ~ 1 eo min f::I'l'n n innlll1xl s ll ll'n \l' r , ,,, a k ('~ , l hl' s\l ".1t " ' 1 1111111'1' 1] I S(, \l"~ I " tl ,I h " I n t hl'd l- I:I II " I' :l lId n u t I' .. r ~" flll' J.! lJ""" II I 1 ;" " l' g ,~ ( ': II't\\ r ig hl II lid I MI' . JII1l1 Mrs, Geo rge DJl uAherty s ot'siu u "f nl c U ni o ll Snll<lu,\' 'I;hool LI d ,; L,,,I' n lirn t "'n :;~l"~l i" " : H" ~II '\' ~ I \\' (H' d,: " C'OIHlll ct a n 1,,,(\11 111 11 1110) 11 , ' I\\ fly III ,IY I,,' 1. "111'1 1 Lil li ('l li1l1 o , ,1' , fllllli ly I"" t w eeh , I Ullll L1uught,e r ~to lla spent SnndJlY ill I,h o t 'or"'i n se h oolh ll ll :lu SUlllll1Y t ha t all (' iti Z" I1 H n f Ili n t n", " , will,olf I lIf'.\, till n ot in tf'Il\I ," \\" ' l'I'lIl11it \\" ,,] 11 111 ': 1",11,; , 'I'h u"" 1Il 0" \. 111 11' 1' ·' ' I' hn 111,,' n da l l"", :! I\"' II h\' Fl'UIII; ; with fri o uus , Ilfl u rnOoll, FI' R e h eooll ~l el' o t COlll'S l' , h " in l e r cs t e <l ill hJl\' i n !,! , l lI<'t. Th " Htl nl e1\ t'fI u S \\'1' )11" 11 h,v ,,, 1,,,11; 11 '\\\' I lin I]rd ,' (I f ani \' lll ( ,I' : 1>,, 1<1 1'1 III ~~ KtI I 1J!'l1 :t I' "'''''llI li g 111"" ' 1' ( I~il,tl o ~~\' IL Pl'Jltel' wnR the goes t rit t tlnd B e thill ~'urllJ\S t ook th e th e i r lJl' l' l)() rl y :11'1'0111' li t it H iJu~t, Mr , lIl o_ h cr, re ll,l~ thi ~ , \\'IIY ; " I "lion l,] til I C'II "t IIl1furtn ll lllely \\' ,': Ih p lllall llg(, II, pnt lIt' th ,' Dn ldn h o )' " , 1of her I\lml,. Mrs, Frllllk Rogers, bo fh I I JIl '(l\'('(] f ll h f" qnit" II "'C"('H~ , de~pit" n cn r Lytl o ,lRst weAk , , JO'ld, hut n pe rlll lln e llt o r:';lI11 il.ll fi ol1 ,luring Ih c tl1lJn n llr fo rm e .. c iti 7.f' n,, : bllv O bcen eonl1 f'c l f'11 Wit h '1 ]10 :<CIIOOI willllu wlld o 111'01J1t lrl" I ] I I I e hllnl 's li n d 'II" "rC' lI n l i ll i t , I lh" l hl'(,II I t'nlll g \\' I'IIt.h <, 1' thllt pru' l Mrs, Elln Lnce , two CllllrlrAD RDd (1 , _ J '11' 0 h fl r o, Th l' l' d o r o h e I h inl(, it 11f1 ,1Ima 111\, S ,,, ., ' I 'lI"c r \'/ ,1 1,,1 (I n )r lif l\' l 'l1 l' ~ (JlIS W\) I O l two s i~t e rs w ere "Uf'st !! of r elo.' ' ll ' 1 1] l t I hed i l' o('\lI" I II fl' o llt o f A I , KIl1 ' l n H II ' ''{ l '" \\' I) uld h wi"o [m: Ih o~(' wh o l'"pee t I II .\ 00 I1 V111 (',1( II l , ' , )JlI 'S"lI t ,Ind n 1;11,,11 ri lll(' WII" l'l' p n rt ti\'ps iu Ihis vi c inity rece utly , n e xt~uDdBI' , l\tUHil' "'U>' fllrn is h e,l hy thl~ Mrs , Jettie L egg hilS lJeen visit, Thero i H I~ g l'eu t, den l o f i nle f(i~ t t,o pain t 0 1' 1'('1 "l ir Ih l' il' pr"pel'l~ t 111'0 th o prlllH1r Oll U:< tu co nlllll'l, nil ILu ,1 III th o 1;111 l o r " 11 ,I'\'lIl,C r 1~, ul(J U £'<1 If 1,1,,'.v ,]o 1I 0 t In, I'II' L' ~Il llll' ,; ll-(h t.eI' II 0 1 f \l c ut ,\ l u I ( ' li PIH,\\'IJ IIt Bl'lI lh p l'~ in g Mrs , Wm, Thompson f o r II few in t,he Rcll ool, n nl1 th o ntlo ndlln c~ III I I I,h [,.' SUIIII])('I' Il n, l fu l l,lInd l'hU ~ l l'x fl l 'linllti ol1 ' Mis~ CIIHiI' HIII,t le lIDll hoI' frion ,1 da ys, will proun My in c l'E! lI!1o fj'OIll \l'l'ck mJll-- e I'lH fll i n o r hllvin g i t ,1 0 I.1c, n~" l e n d t o tl o '0 r 111'0 n o t. {'ollll' o l n nt ill 1L'" Klh, IIt Il I hl'ifl i\l~t )Jl'odlll't w ' \ r n ~h o f w o rk ~H! X t s umtl.l o~ U1t~ y to d o thi s i t ~' ou ld 1J(l t,o th e ir OW Il ' ' \'a r Sll \\' , St r u n gI:' to re lnl n o lit , '\ fr o11l X e n i ll :\'01'0 \'i~itors ,' ''ith ~1r-~ . - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - -to w ebk, '0100" '1l" ko it i m p OSSi b le f o r 1\1\ who Will "'I t ' . " cenoe 10 be fl o l ie " Geor go \Yn sb ill " l o n " 11IIs Li do Cll rl w rl g ht li n d fllmlly on ~lIt , Additional N e ws,letters will be h ' , ' " " t o r e ul o re Ig n nnu "" 0 ' , . . , ' I " U I All o o rLlially ,invited,lIt, 2 0 w~n l jllllUllIlf:: Or r e \llllllll g u o u o l 0 I " it "ot " \\' OOdUl!lIl : .. pare url llY IIUll .,\11\ (£1:> , f o und o n \lllge S, 5th oolumn, h ave it. Jltt tl a dell l o, ' uroh e autl, " pr lIC ICu " , ell c h S uulill Y 11 fte rnoon , ut

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VIt', I H"Ltvl~ I brtm .1

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lilt' ' UI"I lUI Ih l. If II I~ th~ In~t thi n:: I e\'l'r lin! ' lit' ' ''... ''1n l·ftc! : and tw { I)l t · hrnwd it \\ II II an oath

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HilT ~l lIahall \\ : I ~ ~(,l1jn,t.! ltl.~ (llllt i;;lt· I1wH I lI b hI' " t' nl UhHl!! II. h :1l1 :iI'un't'· h s\·III~·lIl h t· I nl o i n to tH'r gu ll ( Ill' I h e

th I~ a nd h l:oi ("~ , ~ ~ n ~\t~ r It 'n \{~ th ~ h\ll,). hi t' ' lIllh ' nl l ll t~ .H lon g I n( c' l 'nl~ In t he h ~ ' I' 1 of Iht' \\a h.- r -B IH~~ l11ml I tl lJ lI~j l lll!o:1 ttw raili n g """ 'r :-;Iu)\ rl IMS hluP PN I fll itl ~. a nd " ml I t': I r ,"Inl I h. 'Id h l! ..... "I \ J. Hlr h. II t . ~·.. ! ppl ' \' 1It ' I1 \lI pjh~l r lo(lat ll"ln (. U\l f' In han Cllll! 11\1 ( or hi s \\ltl! hn\ tnr tbe ~ 11lf' 1It11\l 11,,· , 11\ \ d 11\11It; . 1, S u~ III .: hi ' 1 111 c r .. ~"lld 11111 1, .. ' .... hl I t ' .. ... II ~ !Il1dl c It lll · 11)' \ II a ll tl ~! J't1 l l\f ll L:. 1001\ nllt'lui S lI ltd enl\ he :SUI "; . h ~, t ' ,III " 1' 1. ' ''' '1 1' i-:I~ III L; Itl rh,~ ~\~ I II...: [ tJ~ n' d I IL!hts drujls (" II,,· rOI IIIlI",!(' I n ~ III . Cn tl a,. ;'l ud u 1111.1. ; " I1IJ I1 11 rr' 10 III IIUlIl1utt' Ih~ t. ... !I :. 111111 S l l1 ~ \\h ll f' \ ,"}II \\ ,11 1, · 1 1 ~ IlJhm ~ I' " •.J \ :lI d ... I hl' 1111:-;' 1\1' tlUTl I",ts hutl !r lln ' ~ r" " II<' Ml} ~ '-, hl"''' hn h' :-;,'1 t hs :-i l l ' ; IlI t drh: .d .. Ih 'f,,, \ fi l tl ~ \\",,, \ coli plt\ II .. 11 1,' 1"" ' " 1 :-. 1I ... t I lij ''''tI t it, h)ad llu.! 1( 111 ,. 1 nod \\rr~' "iI · !oi\\ lId l t ) IliltlW lUI i n n n th e Rldln,.:'" ~ Il~ 1,\ tho III ,, ~ . ' . ( II, .,,1\ 111..:. I Itt' IlJlnhpr fin flip 11.1, 1. I n .11)., 11 111111) 11 t h e 11I Il tP r of rhp t'l > (h l !t' a g a in (,,;)l1 ahnll H 1t .... I\ ... 11,,1\ · 11!l 1l~ 1 I t.' l :-,."~ IIUll l h £, hll t:"C' !f'n . wlH'('h" f 5 1 :; 1!1 III· 11,, " 111"1 • It " , .. 11 'I ". ' :;11 ~ I II I h, ~1 " >In , I ~ It prt'd ln d h i ' ~ lIl1t I1ff Ih,.. g l r al1 1 I tl1t h l H I,ll'" to I h e <;l1d df'n g l·t lln~ o f 'lhe fi l .: III .t' ... 'h'" I .. I', - I ... , h , rn lf' If W , I S Ino la te h e r n ~, 1t',1 that h I ,11,\'<; Th t' ma n hla nd lng- In th e :-. 1' ~ P .I "·111 1.: ~' I\II . I " , II 1\ I' ''' n . ' I! (I _ , '' ;, "' u' ru'r \\11 .. IIH" :\nl 11 1l1 } 111 St( l r ,' (' I I\\, lI l l \ f"I ~ li1I11I' 0 1 tht' L'\ll ! ,g hl ·~ f· \ ('n -:'>I r .. ;\1 I 1'1\ 1\ . 111 f II " It.: t l )11111 Itllf l :-. ' t)I \PIII~ On(' m i n 1l'1" tal " r t . I\\f'I '" hi s \\p, t IlOIl '\ p pnl Pll t t) It fa Jl , I II), ' , t h t' ,!II \\ :.& :, 11111 IIf n \in L:. ~lIll nl l' l :4 nn l ~l)l n g In I", Il r l'css an tu h ili t h o .\1141 111 .11 d,ltl ~{'r "It s J1us s ~ ' d H ili ntH' I' nt.:ln P I I . arl!'1 HI I "I I1h~ hro l, t'u Jllll n k ~ tum' thro ll ~h It 11 I ("lIallnn '!'i 11t'r\I' hn ~ ( al!t\rI him 1111' l .lh \\ lr' , l u\\ IlIl ~Hi ln ~ till' ro Tl ).: ln l'!'r tlnh to' Ih~" IWll1lt' l1 t Th ' l r I~ IHHl tl\ IIUII1 0le thl H a h ·' II (t' s·hrt~lll ll h And If' ;:n c" "1 It'1\ lh() .•~.m:1d that rth~ '11. 11ll' !odIU\\t.-' 1 (If !>ollllnf"n; ~\1rl~i"\t 1)\ till' Ill m alllbuin l ing ~Idc (ral\\ i ... E'mJll~ , \\ h ili flf lilt' nall1 . 11101 (' ~l t I S:;; III I l\e 1 ~ l t h' nn et nil ," HIHt n n \ ' R \ III mll k f' 1' 11\ .• '[' 1..1 1 and 1-I 111I1I h l ,-\I t h e 1I1I ,l rft 't "" " (1 nf It n f'\ {H I t1 the RIA t iun liS Cl\) : UII 11ll' philhJrlll \\llh ~ lIll l 1\ll1dll ll ~ ""Ii h. n o \\ P\. tilt" ~Idl n~ I OIlWS By ,,111,1 \\, 1 1'I' ldl~" .\ ~ \ ill In l n 111\ m aw 1I 1lt' and Ih " , \\ htlt wa, I It,ll '" I.!t. ~ P ('rl 11I f' re. , ", \\ It I It is a r- trnl~ h t · ra ll " sufl' t \ . Onl e fRANC'S LYNDE 1\'I'.f'1 l 1!uln t h (' I hou g ht o f hl ~ l1lulht' ll es:;i 11.11 1"'1 1 pnI 111 .'.{ 10 I h l' hn ll tll C' I ·~I·' ~ I I· I htld tl id. \' IS IIlt n Ilu" e n ~ II Wt > 1 s hrl l t! I!I~ 111.1' II 1. lcil !lL: :-.1.11 111 th o I t' [lI\\tllti l ' hl II l it., 1l'1\~ \ s C's th (' air an d Ilu (,\\ ,:, h l:i t " 1 J , 1.: III .IAU. t . ) , lt d llullto.. ~ ~,' III '- 0 J dh l .\lI( \' \\ t·l.d l l ""f I \\~ . "d upon t h' l ill u t lle · \)lIr r'''·ltl s UIP 11t'~ lIll1 l n L! 10 Ihrn\\ Il l! 1'"u ~a~lls nn cl .l h l ll l i · lu'at tt e :.; X \ III ~III !I !':-. "" 11 11' lin t s WtllI l ,. 101 ' IIlnt (, ltl l' I I _lil t! U"({)Il' t h e man III I It I' \ t' S· • li dS I., II U 11 1111' III q lhtl ttl . lit' IIf' -.; llId t1hlllr- (a ll h·vt· t lli t' " P8lln n :ln lt fil e . ~ J~d ' 111(' 11l1ll g 1,1 Ill' dOth I~ 10 ~tllP T\ IIII.!-; ", Ilt Hl 1\ tll~ h Nld till' n!l £l· 1 il l Ilul n Il n~ :,1\ t.H around th ·' t l1l~ Lr 1111 \\ 111,, 1111 t;1 11 1I 1j..:. nIl I S,' I\ I'::; I I tlt .ll I:; Ih'" I a"'l' \\, ' 11 hil\ \' t n ti ,) :i l ;\ t lon tll' , l Vln~ 111111 tll nlllll;':' O\l' l t h p r l fJP~tI Ope ll 1)\ Ih at It-IIu w h£'li lnc1 t il' :-oll1 f 't lli n g on 0111 '''\11 a(' t'ollnl ~t 11£' I II IIi.' \ ('II rnit s of tl\\' ~ ldlnJ.! (1 l1 fl ~ nn cli n ~ i1 t'a d~IAhl •\ flfllh'! ' I' h l ' sl tl{H'i I t,; n u t s II 11 1"':\\ .,1.:-, 1 I lit 1 10 11 t1l ~l ) d C'I all U~ . j ~ hfltl ) U\ l'r I h (l POi ll1 H IlI r s"l fe ty IH tI \ e that I l a\Vl~ till il I h l~ nl h t'ls a l (· I lI ,lll. 111 ~ 1('PJl t'<I lIl lU t h t' l'al allil ... "il< h tn I llIe o n Ih £l c1 0 wn grn.d~ t o (I u ln;; th (, 11 lu·.... I . hill \U' mll ~ 1 du l ' lIr~ p IIII('11 r he I u l4 l of alltO rH a t H ai r ~ l r~ II I" " ha l ,10 \ UII ~, l\ Il nIH(·(t ~ • N" );"ori" he mll H<'I'r <i T he AI Ill(' 1II1 111 11 ~ - .nm l' 111 ~' ~ Iatlu n IS n · T lu' , c I~ o nl y () lI r IllIn ~' I P illi el l I 1. lS h mun " 1!'tlllUI lanl< h('f," r h ~ s ta rr · I tl lIlknrss ".1\" ('" Ih e 1;0J,:g lf' f'IC ~ u r a n








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m r:l l l~ 111f' 111 :{ hnulll 111 11 n h Nul I u 1 1 1L~h a n d fa r ('nnll~h to ~".p UA l al~ r

to stl. 1' or 1'1,,' 1:'"


u s ldillg ..



nlll Illu nl1 (',1 It Itl ,. 10"



r 1l1 t. !oo:('IIIt' IH't"lS

' OJ



rU tSt

IIH' r~ a

\\ C.lPO t1

lJ,' h,III "

" " .. ftllt h . th e I. r l \'l ile setr " 19 IY. ' 0" "('0 IWIll h i. n ~t. In thr " It hr r ( !tail . \\' •• ~ :lhle lO I'tIItlllt·, "

,11\i tl' :l h l"

1C',ul \ (! I .

I ~ "' I . • !t o

. 11 '1 ' "11 11

II ' I \ I S

UII " IlI C' lll


I11 ll1111 "'9

11t'1" Ill e Hel """plf' "f } 011 "


h a n d lJra lws . .l lllonH .hil ,' d . a \\" 1111 b"sllie Ih n 1,lat1 f()r lll . lt ntl 11,'e l' s il c n t'~ r lJ.:n ~ till for

n n ll fUlc h and ' 1 1I~ ~n \' ~r llor t oolt holtl l the mum~t! ' f rt' g tll a r Ih11ti o r t h s n111 0 ·


I .1

Ih~ hl ,.I", Wh l','1 w llh h im nn ,1 tor 1,:II'.s llIOl o r nUllh beam

111111111 P ." ''' u Ih c l e "I Ible !<pe"I I Th (' n so n'" l1\u t s la,I,t'IIt' (1 II lilt II' "r t h e .Ii ' IIsr ,1 l 'a lt" -~",11 ga ve wn \ IIDd pI II,,' 11" 'ec -lll tl ll . Iraln a n el th nt h Ollr \V,lH S" " e " Th er< ' ~ u ll e lhln!; left" -alrl t h

1l1Ih~ ="

IIn ti

HU Pl' l rntf"nt!(" n l

bll l o mit ahl("


th e

,Ir awn

l1 ! lI :'h '~


P I'I' ~ l'n l

n nel IH l o lll r t

r ~ pl f'sl' nl


l l1(l I t'inll \(" dl:\ n ~I' r ur n il

::rn frcr.

. ( ha. \f· m e nrllh c l H fl' ln IIt'th e l m e n Ihllll Ihlm I hlll Sln l }Oll G

bark a n ' le ll lh 1111 RO • "YO U' ll be I'lIld If 1'011 <10 An.1 I n ll ' li b shot If 1'011 don ~,'. ye ll ed t h e ~er­·). pe l·RlIasl vel y. "Tell t h p b088 he ca n' t Hhonl tw o B\' us to WllnAI; a n' l be wan Ih at's letl ·11 ~Iap 011 Ihtl ai r ." was Ca ll nhnn ~ 1111 "we r a n d h e s lae lterl 0 1T a 11111 0 to bring Ih e ro llowln!; trllln wllhln easy 811 11(l n g dls llllll'O l)anrorlh wPnl pal n fnll y unl! t'a l c ( li ll y bat' k with Ihl s doHanr'f'. anll lI\' hll e h e WIt R hritl!;i ll!; Ih e n e rl'()- I r y j n g ;;all II l1 01hpr MA t lou w ll h Ih e RIO I)(b oaru dow n AIIr! . ed li g ht s f.anll<' a ll ), • w ln gl n g w as 1'!lRse.1 with a l oar all fl A whlsl le " l, ".' Wh lll nre Ih ry duln S n nw' "a ll el:l , Calla h an 10 hi s tll f' ttlan "They 'l'e gon e ins ide agllln." wa~ the I c p l), " Uo back .m · l hr )' th e t llnk ." waH lh ~ ~ o mm\lnd . and I HUIll )' S ho ' c l cltmbed over I h e ,oal a nd let 1\l lll sr lr down rpc l forcm oK t ' ln lo Ihe manh ole " ' lte n h e s lid bac h lo th e e h is \rgs W' l e w ~ 1 to th e mitl s hin " It.·s o ul) " I' 10 \h e re." Itp H' I'O! ted. m ca s nrln!; with his h and Ca ll a h ll n 100 1, NI al his wlltt h. 'I'h e l" was yet 1\ fu ll hOll l 'S run a h cad of 111m , and Ih e n' wus no m Ol e Ih a n n 6 l an t fOO l of v.alpi in t h e ta nl, "ilh ...' hl e h to mill,!! It T h ' r car , e l h., f" II",,1 th e Na ll .; h 1lIi" I, Ctl

t or

n nd

Wlllll l' \'p , II1 CII, HC I t tllHI ' H Is" qlH e rllNI "'"l' (h


t he t ilin g

\\o\l hl Ih (- \\ Ul ·

IIH 'l h O U Hill

(lr l.l S I him

t hI ntl ~ h

h (' ld

\\ 11 It



h ud olje

l i n III I It ..·• UII I npt'd,lI n lll \\ It h th e 1.111 0 IlIl h" .. , 'Nl llln l': h lH tanl, . hilt


wJlH \\1111 Ili p I I~ hl (' lIg llIl' aloll t. N o\\ h e , h{l PI I \ ,1(' (at Ill'llInd f'1 l nt. and il ~ ("'m "l(j a l 111Il ('~ to TlUli '¥o1tlt a ll lh r dl l l~ uf It h e !,,\, 1fU IU H 11 one ('x l'cd i l' llt 1(> 11la in f'd !lntl lhdt r3tnt ·t1 " I. h II t il(' II Hh of hi s



nul lIl' c l·I)lI rM n .. d U bi'R l csti v.alp, IHopurtioun tf'l! I() " I)ee<l Is l1l cr ca s,'d . lI e m il es rlln a~ I r",ld o lltplt r o th p s O[,·- /:IIII.d l" 1: ma.1, s ave wal er-all" t a l,e t h e e h llll ec or IIc In g, s h ot in t h ~ :,a<:i( f!'om t h t· t'orwRnl ";:;IIblll(l nr- I he Nalt~ht-s~e n \\'l'1~n h .. had ;:alned le ad .. noll !;h to m"I'~ a m ain -lI nr . ' OJ) Hatc fo ' I he men behind 111m Callnha n I hOllght u n' e of lho l'hlld PlOlh c n ' t\ u , l hl' S I . te l ~ of i..o. ello in th ' Cull\" '''' a l tI,,· f' ''IIItal s hu t his oo.'es to Iha t a 11 ,1 to all l hln gs e slra n eou_ IiIlOI .en l Ih e l .bl0 ahottt h e r bus lI I I~

l'n glll C


tl e~ s


"ttn ~

lhf' fil S I r e \' <r sed tur\, c h ~ o r hl ~ window fo t' .. hRt l' WfH'd

o ut Thl h e r 's h" rulll!; hl h a<l dldll\l ' ~ e" r ~<Ia nll h is III (1t e< lion "' liS l;O Il C I)" lit " .r," 1,1 ,,!fo rm <If Ih t' IIt'II'ul l'

10, ,1: ~ I'

JUllr 11 11" ]1 \\al (li £'d Ih e t hl'C'j ll (, IHI1 ~

~1 ' nl1d SeCIH) 1I tud e Il1l u lil t' n q;: ht

" O"r nt . :tld

t ho

~r e~ts u d


h.," I hllll g h l bel ic i' of It ' m arl.l n J.; f he In · n nd Ih4~ d l ... n:lI JPu r ll u "<:!

I-,tl\ (' IIH H

S ("Iet" jl

f)r the 'l..cll ar l)l !; I"'adll::hl Gtl lll ~.- ,18 sl~ h of re li er wan a lIlI O"1


:::roa u " ~1 )"

(;ud l

Il l ' !-.,rl l cJ , " II lI ul l.e.i III '

.,.,Id 10 t h llll( v.l n.1 Itt l/: h t h:&IIII(·1I tr ~ e shoul d IlU lI OVl'r In lo III o l il l!I'


. tilt'" • Bul Halk II was slt U HUlll rllD& Cru Ul


t hf" \oun,!.:~!::!t a nti Ih:ht(' ~t· ~ r

" " O I1' le

Iltl' 1.111 s lJlul(c -lJl!a lll s n.1 IIn l!(Ool, t hosc " ltaill s . Tit £' ~['(Il' l nl' " If'lot, cd OUt(' 111 10 Ihp II ap '\1\11 Ihe ' ~"dI; In1; jav.. and t h p h,lrI"va .rI - lIylll l: UotW Ill a n ti d Cl lin cd ' Ih l' h onor '1 r nll t ~l'l d .. "o Ih e r r,' h e (, . Ien " A 1,,1 I _h u lIl,ln' l I,n o w wh al 10 do If I "0111<1" Ollr e m Ol a t h e S llp ~r ltlte nd l' nt (' :t. h lbit ed h is n e l "~ H e h ad n Ol hlng at " ' a l,(' s a ve a dr. il e 10 de feat Ca ll ahan ' bOIl h e h ad th o l'l' ls ls l f' n t cOllrac: e o r Ih ~ bull -Ie fll e r With Bu cks nnd t h e .... 1"',., ( tal' V t o s tea dy 111 m he 1owe r ~,1 hllll ~"lr In Ihe sail 1111 h e coul d sr and "PU ll Ih e hral'f'-uca m o r th e I OIO ' ~ Icn tler a ll d g "OI' P with o ne free han ll 10 1 t he h uot. u f the n earC'lt s afe ty" halll Dealh n lll l)ed at !lIm e ve r)' 111I1f' th e l' n!(lne ga l e or 1001, u p the ~ llI r l , of I h e loose COttll li n g hut h n ,1... lge d and hllll~ o n tllllll h e had aalI ~ n d hlmseir. " It·s no !;ood " h ~ nnoouucetl . " ' h e n t hev had dI 8!;Sc<1 him by rualn . 1rf'Il[:l h bad, 10 a fooling In Ih e nar10" n s tlllltl e "Th e hnol,,, are ben t .nl o th e li nl," WC're dll e to go wh c' r e ' Ct' that tlaru n ed Ir t. hman Is tal,'\P \\II

O il

in s us


LION COFFEE I. eard."," _Ired .t our ...clort".. aad ....... OpeD" la

The poplI lH I l(i r a l :-i th !:" thp il i lil) 111 0"",' )~ til l' mo s t cia ll g \' l o lI '1 \Clill k l1 :-\pll In I)\lr Ullln l(' (\lal lli('!:o1 an ,i II h H.:i . t IH' l t'IOIf~ hroe n t rt!f' l y t)lfLIIlI." I R:04 t ill' df'\il \\ .\ ~u n · Thl!4. Im p l t!':i"'IO n h B'" d01\ hlll's:-i ~Io" n ou t of th e 1H!\\II >':;,d ur Il ' r\utnmuuilt· u.~ a l oad \ I! h U': 11' It Is o ll stH n li ) c.·o n l:'l lllllloll~ In I hp puh1~

~ Y ".

your .. ome.

III Cl\Cb Jl" l' kn~11 o f I,ION (,OFFEE YOll S'I' I one fu i8 t:utl'I"O l m; ts t upou g'l lllUg the gelillwe. (.Lion lH'll tl o n (" cry p .lt' knge ) (~I\Vt'

h tll ~('


l una",. y a Ct

Id(~ n t.'i

nl t r.l' t

a~"'n\lo n

a n.1 are qu ie l.!) rot h ow UlItn l 'r()lI-l. o r how ~ " r lou s In e ha.". IN Ih ~ ) lil a\, ue All alilomoblie necltle nl I ~ I1d 1>l" how o,'er t o Iin g e l III Ih ., 11111>11, mln ,1 IUII ('fi n ll e l} ~Oll t.l U

Th l'

11 0


::Hn t l ~ lIt:<i

or Nf'"

\ 011 \

~ll . · \.·t

th e

In Ih IIuhil c the bo x t o h r ll' And w hll r th .·) ,\I'r's - 0 1 \I hep l" ,t o!:oo t. lIo \\'lIh Ih e dll lllplng-hll r. I he", IWIl . dt l·ec H . \\ hil (\ au t omohllt.. ~ a r t:! Lhe lh~ lIol~I n ~ fig ur es have " ""rmr'I I "1'01\ Ica st rutal and leu.~ t dHng(" r ol1~ wher e I h e !'\aul:h' -sc l e n n n(1 a I CIl eC Is IIfI~d a~ h onse-Lirs" n \ eh l c l do I'C r f!'~ llon abol C th e Ba h '1 0 1 'll h ,'" In sha r p pr o- '"Ihle I nr noall) 83 m a n y s tree t at('! ,Iellt> of ail Idn d. as au tomobil e. nn ,1 Irs l . P UI awn \ t lta l mpe \,(1}S ' ' I h('l p'" s lr et~ t I'al l'i lomb lnPl1 In r ael it h d~ law Ill' I C. and by (l o rl \\ c r c C.O Ill ); t:. bf'f" o di s c'oVt ll'cI th aI u,lm o:-; l all t )r Ill al nl al n II l ilt-' r f'l'C n l (' n~ \la ltics in N tH\ " nl k f l) l

tllo 1 . I ,m~hoH..t.i (or \ UllIRI.lo ]l rellUnme.)


I IH' r t' r On' !J HH ~ ..!. I'all) lI ot t ~cl l Lh an t ho!';!' \\hith ltl !' (.. all-l pil by :, tr el·t CU I' ~ I:lnd \ ~ 11I , If'~ il , H\' 11 hy hor ~f;'d. 1'u hi 1(' f!l.1Il111 ~11 1 \ }


A t t his a mnn !lll Shes hi s wa \ Ollt

\\ hldl

th e

a ll lo mobll f'~

\I, l" r e

bo OIll



l and l h HI th \.· ral ' I I II I('~ IHU'" \\ ith lil t' IIt' mnn d :s




I;; n ~


a \ f' l"age IIl e or :ina I) h ()lI ~l ::4 I~ till' h l~ h {"~ I fHHt til a l o r g l l n l l :i I Cl It ~ ma kl..· ' :i tho

ern use CHA f'TE R XXIX. SU llltt SAD II<


Th e daw u or :t n cw dll) Wn8 gray In!; O" c r the ea l.llal c it), . ann the newsbo)'" we re c r ) ttlg lustil y Ino t he streets. wh" n DaVId K e nt l e lt hi s wa y up th e dark s. alrcas es o r Ih e )(Iltleton bull dln,; lo kllo c k 8' Ih e door o f Judge Oliver Ma rs lo n 's ruom s 011 th e (01) flnor. He was the beare r of tldI Il S~. and he made n o more t hun a forma l c xc us e fo r the unsceml) h o ur w he n the dOl)I' was OI)Cned by Ih e li cutenallt- gm'c rnor " I a m sorr) to dl s turh you. Jlldg.. Mars ton." h e b egan. wheD he h ad closr d t he ,Io()r at hi s bac k a n d was rati n g th e tall tbin Hgu r e In nannet ,I ressill!; gown an rl Hlil)pe r s. " bill , Im ..£ lne I'm o nly a foc I" minutes a he ll <1 ,)t thc ('row<1 Ha'f e YOII h eard tb. news o f t h e n lgh P ' . I hav e bea rd nothlns tIIr Ke nt ((ave a cigar ?"-I.alls lnS Ibe box or IInllll e mlJle stogies " T hanh you. nol before brpak fa s l." was t h e Io asty r e ill y Th e n . wilhout fttH.lll£'r "ord or l>re fa te' " .Jud"e MarSl on lo r Ih e tim" bein g you are the ,,-"vc rnnr of th e s late a nd I h ave COlila t'1- ' ' Oll e ","m e ll l Inl e .ru pletl hr" "'n c r . T h ere are so me ~tolie . tMt

P. opo s ltlon to Impound th e W Bters of Lake Consta nce t o A. d Navlglltio n. S \\ Ilz el la nd Is "tro ut Ih e I" . t plaee on e

wrml d OXllect 10 see l'lu n ected b) waIN t r aOS I)ortal Ion wll h t h e o u ter wOII~. says t h o tit. Loui s Pos L-Dl s llllle b. \' et a s hip drawlllg six fe el of wate r h as .. e· ce ntly mad e tb e run upst ream lrom Sl r >ll;sburg to Base l anti Il Is Il roll'lSetl to mak e • h e run feasib le a t any Slage of Ib e wate r by impolllltllug l h e waters of L.ak e Constance to \\ b le h pol nl lIaV I gation tuny e a811)' he exte ndl!ll Con s ul GIfford of Basel rC l ll)rt~ t h ut th e trIal l o),age was a el'll m pll s he d by a s hlphuil dl n g firm In t b e Pruijs lan Rbln e pro vince Th e doubl e-ijcrew steam r Ih at mado t h e Irlll \\ all delalned two da)'s befo re one or t h e sevell pon · to on hritl ges t ba l har th e s tream beI wee n til e t wo c ltlcs through Ih o (1 1'pos ition uf th e A Isali all aut h o rltle. : u Ih e Xl e ns lon o f th e " at e r r ou . e I'ro m t h e sea to Swltzerlallli anll sOll t he l " Ge rm an) As h o\\ e\'or th e r. ee na vlsa 11011 of th e Hltln e '" guaran tee., 1 b) Ih e Int ern al.o nal (ompart o f 186R al l Ih e

'hO\ el ''':is fi r in g anti Ih !' !railing ~ l1l ol ,!' UIl.1 cln rt r~ qu le l"y mad e th J (rr r\\lI ld l os llhulc unl !'n a bit'. Wh en l h p\ v. c re d rh'c lI Ill . Bu c ~ s a nd t h e r p(0 1"~I \\ e n I till o u[; h to t h e r e ar plal r 0 11ll wh el C' th c.\ wer e III ese ntly JO IlI ('(1 h) Hall, e ll !I n.1 DanFo rth '1 ' I' hee n tl'Vlll j,t Ih l' al l Bl':o ln" . al.1 'h e NII I'N llIl c n.I " ll l . " hut It's no I!o W ha t'~ n ex l Til e t:II \'crno. I':l\vr Ih ~ WOld rr.a d 1Jf'tlf>r r or a fo r ( l,I, l lId hfJ\\ vt!r llrl d~t.'~ wrre 9 ' h'n~' h o p ened .lurt li p Wllil," h e tiai.1 and th~ ((l ll. o f h.leI Wh l\l h as h appen Ct1?' .rlp "I' th e dvc r a ga in st t h l' tlllio us , 111' tll ~ 1Il rlll n !! 10 th c 11,111<1 - 1ai ls a wn vtn g . Thl " las t n l~ hl II " a" Ih e I'll rt 'o.e r .' ul wa< a ccnmpli s h efl ln IWIl ria)" a nd hondin l: 10 I hl' uOll nrl lll1': hll'(' h ~3 of Go, e .no r Blld,s a nti H ~e e l ve l Gll llTh(' "' lIc r" on bo ard I h e K rllill h" o" o t t ill' n vlllt;' enl . IUl d til gil to ( ;aslOn by " 11Cl' Ial train. rO lln.! t ha i I h c f' hanll e l III I h ls fl lIM or l1 1C' art" l tllile r C'l'l s f" o l1l h e n ~alll I n ~() lII e m a nn P I . \" hh'h ha s 11 0L y et I h". ~ II P~lIll Is (' \- e ll ll1 o r .- ra y'}rnh ll" II: 1111' r .. Ien'I I'"~ \\h ce l. a nd . Iil l t he In.-l· n fu ll ) C' xplam cn thcl c y,asa cun... IlR'l g :lllnn than th at b f' { w P'P tl S fr a ~s· SI' N' (t 11\1 I'P. l S (' ~ Sta ti u n I)o n e ra ll Is t ll sio n uf a rti els Ins tead uf 11I HceCfl .. hu rg anI! Maullh c l m w h if h fo r :",!f'vc, a l pa s8cd ,l u d n ow I h e pat e I Sf) f urlouEJ IIIg l·ast\\ HltI. Ih e ~J! e da l \\a5 M\\ llt her1 y.n l·s h as gl v e nJlll fiM n IOPI OI' eSR~ l s hllllg ' Ih.11 lh ~ wa t.' 11 "'s Oil th!' n lll e" plat- 10 th e tlati, ~ ,,/ Ih c W Ub te rn f)(vl s ln n ; l og "110 [,,)U tonsot ( 1'~ I g ht lo . h p f rlll ' r t O I m c..:.lnnul m a l\ (' o ut th e- sign al s In wns OIu,h' I h c fl rs t ~ecI Ion of I h .. fa s t ell Y • he \0)11 e) In ); \\ II,e of du s t Sla t Ion marl. "h h! b had o l d e ,s t Il run Ih"'"SI1 Th e IllIllU r lance or Ih ., f' II ICrpfl :;e :tIll Y :-;( hnfie lrl I ~ pa ...' cd ,lil t! a!;aln th e slg- wllho UI Rtlll). Yml can . m agln c t he h e e stl ma l ed hl' con sille rlllg Ihnl "hil A lIal s :r Il n ,' Ihc l ,' h r. are swift ly result" Sv.II 7.erlanll 1M now co mpe ll er! to rel y (lI'ow ll ed lu th e 11'1a) du s t-sm othe r Ma rs toll itOl u po n Ill S fe e l s lowl \, nnd on t h c rall\\ay t r An s portation for Ib e Frorn l:kh.,f\ Id to Ag UR C alien te Is but, bega n pacin g the Ic rt!;th or Ih e IlIn!: raw m a le rlal of Its Imm e nso In du s. rles ,I st allt Ic n nlll r " lind a s t h e H)'ins room. Kenl \\ al t cd anti Ih e s hrill G ermany so lo ng AgO a s 1898 mo\'oll.on Irain rus h es o n Io wa III Ih e slate Cri CS of th e n e ws boys noale,1 "l' anrl ill h N wat e r cotlrse tonna gee nl) ugh tosave bou nda ry I w" face. In the qllarlel of I hrous h tho opl'n win dows Wh e n I hll aho ut $25000000 In fr elg hl cha rges wal t h c," s how le ns e a nd drawn u n ju<lse flllal1} t ame bl~ c k In his c hair d er I he yel low light of t h e Plntsch Ih e ,m turllln e fa ce was gray and bagBrolher Dickey's Sayings. pl a t fo rm lamp gar<l Ue folks whal lo \'eo dey Ddgbuor ,' Z Th e guvc lno l " " .n!;s h lms lf un '" bope II was an mrc ldc nl t h a t can d e ysc' f Is mus tly In ,Ie dim e mu.e uwo hlclld rl y I" tlw II!;hl - h a nd ral lin!; alld be cle:uly Ilr(1ved be s aid; and a ' e n ) ou got le r lIB} ler ~ee 'em .. head IJI' lll gs t b e momcllt later I h., lun g look . You sJlQ I,e of Buel.. Wi s dom a ln 't confln cd t er DO t lDle or Iwl "I, IIrH: n l l'-s l"" or th e IIIwpr li g bt a n d Gulll o r cl ; v. e r e Ih ere oth" l:s III 1)ll\ee. De r)laln t r ut b I. dey aln" 0 11 Br e f'z ~ lanl l Inn In.o " ' f'W li e turns th e Ilrl, al e ca r '" e n oug h o f II In d c " or l t er .La. t a puw· to G ull fo l t1 \\ ho has rall c n IIIU I) Into '1'''0 01 he r . 11(111, It . a nd \Ilc gov- d e r (acl u r} (Jn e d Ih e "I a tlorm ~ h ait s. (" rnur s priva te t:ic('rculr y . So rn el hl1 C1'~ ", e rlln ~ d e II v tl o u t uf OIHt . 111 fl u .' mlnl1tf"l~ mnl \ we s hall llaH'4 " A n (1 w r l e Ih ey a ll l.l ll cd ' " .·onnn unll) on ly Ie . ma ke It bo t fe. ",' "~ I W Culle n l" . h e s a' , Wlil ro u A ~I c nt li g ht bro k e In "P<lO Kc nt l olk~ III ,Ie n p x l~et ti e lU e n t 1,,11 Ih " 11 1, h lllll" I,r s h all I ?" (;,,£1- \\' I",n h e S,lI\' I,ow MAI's tOIl h a d Ill ," aplleuUI te . k e l cll de Unit frel g b l Ira ln rOI[l S IIl1s 1no\(·. hili. It e.e Is 110 all ~l­ pn' h c lId c rl A 1"0 he !lB W how m ll r ll if " ha t co me. a lo ng tbill ter s et s till an' h i" I e lll y . Hn,1 BllcI,s l al( e.~ Danforlh 's wo u lrt s lm Jl llfy m eti e rs If he s h ollid " a lt f pr de was o u.-A t laula Co ns, itu· " " .• pOII anti IIn sses q'I ir'~I} allli a lo u hI' h a l'ilY PlI o u"h 10 ('a\ ch Ihe ball i ll tion I Ih t· I'ur\\anl , s lllJll le Ih l' rNl ttlollu , y bou nd Til .. s t lllllHI of A';1I1l ' Th e)' a re a ll allv ~ a nd un lnJllred. T e ll tale PhYS lognomy. SWIII J.:S In ll) Ih e fi e ld or 1.01 'H tn rh e be~t \,of Ill \> l<n.) wl cd e a nd Mue Rose -Jagby b a.s a dl ss ipl 'OtI · hcp tl l 'j:hl Cl dtalla n 's lanl , h as IJedll IiAf : Ih ouSh I ul;c\ el'sta nd t hat one o t look in g fa ce i,)II n p dry Co . :W lUlnll t s . a n d b e i. Ihe m "a rrow!) e$C3llCrl Iyn 'hln" at tll_\ Jo~ CQ ~7"' ~'; ' naulas gill [lhl~. - N, "' ,' e llll": lh " glns's water-ga uge wherP. hlDUS o f nr. e x~ lted m ob" -".... •• Y. S UI&, - ~ ~ 14~ ~~ _ ~~~.~ UIJ W ~'L~ ffi~ ~~ ~'\'o Be COIlUn"e<1.1

1'' -







l' lti lt ' 4\

I\ Hl hletn

1111 \ :01. )1 l




~I.I\"HIIH' It

It Id "c n

ntld II

'I ii''''''

ll !I\' ••r I Iii' ' I (

1111.1 .. 1,,1'

tI \ 11111 til l )I. II~



M ,I\ f1ll1 lh" ' 11 111111 ... .. 1.,Ul l \\ 11 " t jill I I I, ,I l illI,

I ha\ '"

I the

(h'C' lIpllll o n 'i

nI"lu llfR I' llIrln g

'\ a~


111 111


\\I'l' l)

\'u nn o


An I. lI lotlc ... h ddt l l1 '. nn h(' l n~ ",m"d '" tll,'d 111 11 1 III 11 u l Ilnrt "" " ,j til\' 11hH"'V. hilt " 1\1 1 ,I. I h. pllllll i ll 1, lh'\\ I i tl

T helC' '\rt' .!1l0 COm l)A f1 I~'!4 \\ h o m aliC rn ll(' hIl H'~ r or m oltllll ~ of ('O BI r t'tt1

b l'lI'k s Th,' bl. Fie

'i'ol ,·.!". Ohm

t (l •

I ------N~vel~;~ u


III.I) It\.·

'II 't·\'\· ' ·


10 1\ est 1 T he WOl'ld's G reatest S ki n Cu re li nd gl ef·t, iI'a l ma c h in ery hll8 la ke n Ih " Sw eet .... t Emolh .v " I~' pl a,' o o r tha. cirlv e n b y _Ipa ln In de vc ral U,. lvaled. ot' Ill' Ilrl 'lI'il'al mln " 1 a l 011 ,,"Oi l,. In I I . S ea l Ia n " Ttll're a rp 17 rnil iM In ( ; e r0l 8 1l ) I"'n , gU S t'c l in Ch ,. manllra . l tll ." o r tl!-t:ill\. paI Jl~ r t : l' rIl Jtttl, turn. lI ul mnn' tis s ue JHlllP l

1 11,111


Olll t'l

III the

co un t r y

\\l)II ,1 ( ; rt-, ,1t t' Xp Nhll1 n:-. Hr p (, Ul r rlaillf' d o f


th <'l (\ f' \ t-' lollm l" ut ... l


ti ll Inrt ", I 11



SO ll t h ,\ f , b'a fo r c's l "ltl oW t'd i n th e d l~ f·O \I~ I'.\i ot p x t e nsl\'l IlItI (' ~ o r f in I n th e Trun 9v t a l Rit-h t a s ~fll' r1t a d epos its ' h a\'(' b {'I~n f 01l n d a t \ lak lna g t e and




OIl1l IlIt' nt

h~) IH l d

Clu:~ t h","

Ihe III ,b. t n Ul u .·r><oI 11I1 \llt .ltIH' lO t hll ru r . II~ . l iI ~tl}.t tll l lll.! hlll1,',,,, lit t Ill' "\..111 Ill.! ..rill "

11 11 [ 1101 III}! I"",,,, .. t 1. 111 1 (>\1 r ('. 1I11PO U tllh.• ' . prullt o f \\ hlo It I "111 1.::! ,· 11i1" ' II ' T1 1.t W l dl PII " l·l h.d In II hll\ IlIlh \\11 11 { ' lI lll lll ,' f :"'l l, I P nu d ("lll1 \\ ('d 111 'I. €' /'1' \ ' r(' 1 \ " I ~'ri ' 1,\ 11 d"~I' nl ~ tl l h II! I Ht,"h"111 I' tl l" Itt. I (l Ilt''' ",utlH \t'ul til al111,ti IIlIfllt'd l , t ,· rl le r f ! l it t il l' III'l'" c.J1 .. tr<',,"II1/o: f' II' Il~ ".\ HI.' h1U~ . 1 hll rl1lll~ ,I nd toIl · iI \ ll1l1 lJ ll r~ , (Wrlll l i I·t· ... t ! 111 1" ... l t f'l1 Itn 1 IH'III I t I It "'i' f ,~d " ('Hr, Il l' lI .dl ll"'l' f,lIlo1 I t 11'1 "!6p~t I d h 'i(f III tl u' I" '.dll ll III .. f Lfl f,tu h. )lId {,ll\ldll,,". i>lpt'l,dti \ ~tllIll lIlI~ .111 ,1 141'., 1111 .( till' mu.. ' 111


I '"

h ilt 1hp f':<I (·tlt a n ti prl'( i sa 1 t11~(rc ""' III~ t.: n:-t.'~ \' al l ll' or lh t! OP l"' I Bllonl ! • n ow Jlrllgle 3~ l n s h ave Do l I.>('(' u dett he 11 111 1('11 1 " dll lll ll l t\ In tlH' W' \' Hf lCl lll in r d. I llI d l' l ll ~ ~OII'4 ,III u t lll ll' ti l I , )111 lil t l i t lI n 111f: 11\1 ", h .\I. 1I1 1. k l l I" 111., ti l, \' 111110:11 1 lit'n r

rl !'i- t' whrrf'

Illt~tall ur g:lf'a l


I " ~pon

Ih c I ltl,' I, o f til e " ."wrl anti ( Ilm ha s lhle were ~" P to 1111' t·ar .. le,;;;' ...., o r to 11 SCAl Irc"I"" t h e ha tTl'ur In Ihe re(·~d e :o~ n ('t:I~ of II r l.!H po ll sibl e (' haIl C "Rilln~ a Ulomohil e feu r 11 I. ler), plain Lhc re rort'.lhnt " Th cy " 'e gO t him," h e Mal'S Sll rti y. \\ If h 1)1'01)(.'1 IlI lll1ag'l'lIl r nl a n n S lI tel l 'n " T o ~ h c ho lf' 1 fq r a ll you' c.' \\ cH·th. ro rf'e m c nl o f poilcr rf'gu la tl n d goy Iluti!: ln ". our part Is to ::e , Ihl . lin Ihlt e rn ln~ "1'1'('(1 1It11111ll0hil eH SllOli ld hc \\ Ires uei llre onc ll 'c l a~ I, l~ ttll s pe,· d; c iasse' l an d trea l e d B t he l ~ a. 1 du n (w ei ne' (' r 111 1nd tlt e ru ts ' g~ rou s or all r oad " e hl c les In mod ·





01 b e ing lIdol-

pound o f I'lIrl'

at c.

\\ Illl tlt t' lall t' l hIlS proLl. uced HII lIHllr r"l l 'IH ~ to t h e l wm bc r or t li t.' al c t lI t"' nl :-; \,hk h I hcly .. all~t' ~IIPI..·t U H

"0 c:h_ce


te:rcale4!.or o. ("olftlng In ~on'~' wllb dUll" dirt, g e rms. Qr unrlc_ ba.ds.

Tha>p acc III l' ll t, fo r Wh l, h It

I tlo ~ 110 1l ~l hl t'


III"nl lind wl!:!;l ln \! It lUI s IRe l,. 10 "ull II Th e ('o"" II Il ~ <11(1)IIPti rllIt or l h f' hnol, a n,1 tlIP l' I' ;: lnf' s h ot I\hea.1 to th~ 1" lI l,: lh or th p Sa fel) l· h a lns. t hll s I", 1" ,1 n o fa. t hl' r H alhell SIDoti II I' " II '" UI) I.. Oallf(1 r lh. " hr' s aid r c l h·d tl~ hi ).; 'OH'" to lH" i1 l'Jlnt auovt Ih e I,oll n rllll!! r oa r lIf !tIe Wh ee ls

ALL PACKAGE COFFEES. Is DB Ilecellslly unllorm In quality. streng ... and IJavor_ For OVot ,1\ QUARTEI OF A (OOUn, UON COFFF.£ bas been Ibe slandard coUece III millions 01 bomes.

lo m ob ll{'::, to hlllll un I1rt~ a s "O tnllIH"d \\li h Ihal or o th ., . I',' h lei ,·. elllp I'») cd tn th(l tut hill' Htr cN:;


10 llH!)


(llf\ S n Hll:


li e \\',IS ( hll rgcd wllh a IlI C,"ltl;e to ·(':.118 hllll . mU Il ,t a to l') In II " 1i "HI rOI'1lI a n I! brlbf' - p l'()ltll lll n g in li s Ke lt, n,l . snrl hf' waR .ol·o. ect fl OIll t he Inrw!t l'li vestibul e o r I ho 1"1 \'111 0 cur h ,' " r ~­ volv"r In th " It fintl s of It I "Htl IUI I' :l ilt! Ii l e rnlln cll Ala le CSCIIII I\'l' · Ollf' or l h e m's ('Qmln ' ,'h ~" d llI'c r t h coa l " wa m ot! .!tllllef< S hol'e l . li nd C. lI.h~n round h lH h a mlll e.· • nlln n h ea ll n n la"" n ~ lIlin~ I. III '" ' 'h e s h oul d I':lnrln l: dow n o n th e m f'~ ­

(·" lTl'e

I ' n llcd S'8'''~, th ~ ' l'" " II. 1'~",·IIP.. 1 I.)' t hf' cl"h s Itt\l '~ II J,:a ll ll ll u lll:h t 1,1 r'l lr

or Ih e 1.010'3


If VOIl lmy yo ur lIy l he p ou lld. bu,,. r,'n YOII C ~ peet plllity II lid UluComl lllltl[ity T

- or" h o u I OI\Hl oli1

al1to m o b llp~


('11)0 \\

th Bt ho kn o"" \' CI V ht.t lo nhout Ihe bu ik ulTua ireHow C' JII he 'know, "he l ll II. IIl1 g l1l1lUy como fro lU, h" w It I' It~ bl"II.l e,l - or with what

h K.;o I hi' p r~) III I I ~ t' tn Nt'\\ ,"01 k Is 1) 1I 11t) a x largt' , If not lat gc r . tlt>1 n tha l "f any oll",r [ · It} III th e .' t'a r


(~Iln t~1l

to ,10


J O U,

t tiP S,IU F I .lllt 1"4'0 'hi \l u h It, T ill' f' xa t1\IIUlf Io n "0\ ('fe ll I ht' P l't 10lt b t", \\,','" J .lll llllr) I aull M it: I or lil t'

pnrlln ll of


~ lY ~

hl'a(lI iJ,:hl s ho ws t hc " nll. iI "ta lio n arcl d e nt . ( · o ~ rt b) Ihe dub go fll r b lllld l,": mn ssf' d hy men a "w r,' o f t o pro " r I h al t h e 1'00lJlie t)l.'lIor n' ~artl t h e m pOIRIng ror a s lll'l n ~ 10 Ih ,· Ing t hl' dan ge r 10 hUIll8n Ilf r'olll I forms or ,h e prlv n t r '(U wh l' ll th r tb ~ aut o m obil e 1)1, enlirel) l' rrO[)f"OIl I'4 1 81:1( 1,(,lI ln l: " linN I s hl\lI 1'('1 mil A 1",1- Durl n ~ Ih ,· ro, ,, mont h. ,'o " e rect hy II' I IP"'l> Inlo .h e woor1\'orl, 1\1 Ca lla- ( h e dll h '~ Iln e:Hlga lw ll 1 2 t1 eat h :3 "t.·n'

I hun '~



( Bi oi

\ "hH' II \~

ra llBPd In N u \' York \)\ alllnl11oullt· ~ 1,' Rl. W e II lI n"""I)1 anct IN hint I ~ 1,1ti" O( Ih wlnrlow b(,8 1<1 (' him IlIIt. :l l bv h or:ol('-t lra\\n \t' h h l t·:o! a n l l ~ 7 hy I ,·.",,, pl CIIt;lII ah l t'. til(! t;(,(' ) el,ln h a ll 111 0 (1 II ~ lJ,.. h i nd T hp:;c r ou " I1Ul I 'h ll1 t,J~ i n 1\ (' l1lah ('~ 1hr s t Oll a s !H enllil y aN I f st r p(,1 r at :"> I'iHlI II I erl Ih e' tr' l llhl c L.:.It P sC IH" atl n t:, Ih .'" Th l' !i IMl t' III I Iu' tru~' art l \ ('s nhu l ·'" d(' ulh \'crr nO I snappi ng- a l h1tB f r om ju re rl n i:-l o ti l p f'r:>O Il ~ \\ h l'rl"a" hOl:,,>'~ f'U t 110m 1114) t' n ~"I(I' n l1d was lI ulhl l H~ \\tl s IHl ff()\\ a n d (' I:1 IU!l l'l l. cln tf wll h I h l· l lH' hi nd a n d r 0 3 r111J.1: In hi :; ,..a r :;; froll\ d l u\\ u , c ht c lpK InJt1r r tl a!.! pe r :;ons. h is v.av m 'f'1 til!' rllB I fllllt el'lll j: h lH " I 'I n of till' d .acc , " 1': ( a. to ma l, ,' Ih p I III(' h .. I" of Ihf' bu rned f' nl':ln r a ll d Ih t' ~ lr c el ,a r ' 10.( rt n . In !: 'h e 'h ~ n <l l,e l'(' hl"f II. tol,, 'n or h is l. eHrdlll 1,I n . lItit. II " HlIe I wo or thf'm h ln~ ~\ ('ro r rltnJ.: 10 thi :-i s how Be (loo l1l pl n)! l ~ r nr~ II v,'h n.,w _ ~ nm l' IH"rlod it. t e n ll u n" w "illn ~ fm Ih ~ hn<I,-$\lI gl ng !lIrI- 1IIIIIlIl b ,.,' h p s uys. rll op l)ln", l ro m 1f1 J; ;, U f" c" co rs arc I h e m o ~ t tlns dly '0

Iln !;lIn J.; In h I> a notb Oi t In ~ lil1 ~

is bouc.t Bon- if ho

l r;lU r grocer

The A UlO fll n hl!l.· C l u h of "\11 11" ' 1\ ' :\ haH mnll,1 a lll l' l'YII I '\ ~ ,lIl1 i nat lu n or 11m I ,'r I ~ I ~ In, he n lh N':; nf tlw ~ r " \ , )I'li ('Ot U ll e r~ , l ilt' p o l ice d o pa " I m o n l an (t a rp ho n r rl or h (1u lth Itl d r. I,,-, mill!' the r n, lll or lH',l d t'n r~ ( ll1LiCfl U) nulLl IllO

nn rl


Truths fbat Strike Home

R n tt CompAred w itb ThOll. H " l'pe ni n , to Ve h icles of Otht.. Ki nds.

' ·cl hig g,llunth' led IMIHI n \ •

[,. 11- 11 0111 Ibe Ihroili e- hn. t(1 Ih



Itl" , " .Jm"I'ph


C rus:::;

old c!; t

th tl

t h,'


1'1 1'1

' 111 1 1 Itlt

1 111

Iii" .. 14111'''' WIIH It "tI'" 1l1 "1'1 } 1t ~ _~I:"I<oI i h l1,d , I l k,. ,



\l IIUtt'I1,I1H I'


\\1'\ \


f Pl I"t'/ol




I h ' i n~ a IUlIIll llH Il ltr\ al'rl 'flllt:lg~ a lh.1 1~:fL!~. 1:1::III::r':I (:I:I~~I~~li! 1;~:~ "~I I~II.U t :I.\IIII~ tlw An l l n ' P I It l!olo~icl\ t tt P mll1lll} A I lt r ~ '1 nll l ('n ~ ( h,,1' 1\1\,' , " f.·ell IU ld III "el e l" ',lt c ti I t.'t:e llll } b l ~ n in el) · s e \'tHH h all ) Oll l ' t',l! " · " Irl . "' II ,' Etli' h U1I :11 uirlh da\' " iI \~ l ht ll nu t e.! till Ihs ~'.Jflfi t l.1<i< lilt "


At th e la~e~IUl (' n l r m e nl


th ,· 111II1I11:;1.·llIl..' lI t tllll l !>o t o W'" n lI (' u \1(' 1 r,lIl

Ohi o

\V cHl e} ltu u nh e n~ II Y t h ~ ctpgr ep. o f 1) l)


(o n h' n ed



!le v


Palm ur , u r Lh o g " ::It O h i O l'o n f erf'l l ct'

&uUWr of ( ,od d \\ b l' e Throll c . R ev \)1 B arna, d ~I Kapi lln. ralJbl


\\ i'IJ.t h l

llYlun I l hl1 t

I. oJ ,,,II

or ! h e BU l:I b Sl r eet te m pl p o f Sa n Fra n · I I~CO . r c(:c l\' t,ld f l o m Pretj ld eut Il.oo::.e\'ett an CJ.H l og rapb l OfJ Y o [ h ili Catitor-

Dill " lIe I h ~~ fur I h ~ be n c Ht or tb e l;I" oh Sl ree l lemp le . G la ~go w "nl\' OrSl l \ II~s l'on f~ rrc " I h e d egree or D. D UJlO ll \(· V. W II Be nlley III re~ ug llltion of loi s se rv ices o n the Co ngo Mr Bentle y is Ih e ~o n of II mi ss ionary . an d ha s giv en 21 yeam or sc r vJto e lilA f r ica He I. t h e auth"r "f 'lh e Cnogu dl e l lon >l l y a lld gram mar . has tran . lalPd th e New T e" llIm e nt, and Is n ow e nllagr d In I rall s la ti ng tb e Old Tes tam en t .


I'Lin It l !>ot~d

\ t·.\1MllI'h fl n llh h etl ., III

hn ~

t h ill It I'" II l '1 L':oll t.u Y ( HJ Iti( ' l\lll t l ,r Ihl '

h llll dl" 11

t il C' ",, ' \ Pl ,d



" IIt; ' "' 'N


I II t ill' :,11'0

l W\ 1

thl' , 1,,1 h('I1\~ ' ! 'nlf ' VI~'


IC'k f[ u r 'J r r;

be u,etl on uruDch

- -

'I.! j' UIJ,l'TI.


. - -

1.110\\ I h at R " 1111 ~ '''' t h"I-"II(! I, ,,!II' n ) I IU t ,ltllI II I t·J! t OJ i ta!.! ~~~h~'!~,\ Oll \\tn Jt \II !:t r l l1lltt ( "H" ' ~O \


, 't il I lt il \

, Ir l l !:' i lf

TWENTY YEARS OF IT_ ItllUlcyted by Dlabeles; T orturod Wl\~ GraTel .nd Kidney Pa lO • .

(l en ry Soul c, cobbl!' r of H II III>n (mu ... .. Si n e,,- noau 'x It III , ney Pills ell! <lcj m tl elgoht ycar" a Jl'lI. 1',,<> r el\"hed Til Dud huplI to I i\'c "lIlny 1('1\ ..... lon ge l. But t" e nty yell'-'; "!Co I hll<' k idn,'v troublr f .... ba,l I cuuict not BIBLICAL lIALM. wo , k Bu c ll " c lto was pors l ~tent Jln fl II lI ('O pl ~ see1l\ Ilnkind . read th e nr· U \\ HS l\gOD,V t t) 11ft, t ecnth hspl e r or .' oh n "nytlunJr O' l,,'c J ... II )'011 a r e sll out o f lIOrt s, 1'<'8d th ~ w h • I I I n g h ... "d a c h ea, d i zz I n C''S K hclfth cha[ll<!r of Hebl"Cws an d tc rrlltl e 1I1· ln. If yo u Hn ll Ih e world !;rowlng s mall urv d l :-.Ol d£'rfi r aUl and yo u lself g r eat. r e ad tbe IllnetccDtb lllO (IOW II fr"111 168: P s alm to 100 I' U" lJ (I',.. It ) 0 11 a r " lo.I n g IOIlHd~tlte III m e n. Doctors told m c , h"d dial ,~t<.'H " ... 1' r e ad th e I hll t"c nlh tba l'le, of t'Irst Cor- (·oo ld nut. bye. I \\ l\S wre tc h '(t ! t.lHI In I Ili a " " h upe lr~ \\' Iuon t b Cj,{au u Si ng- DIII\.TI ' K, Ir )011 a . e rlI ~lourag"d .. uou t your Kidn.·y l'ill s, hut they c ure (1 Ill,· " .:th t v. 01' 1\. I ('ad I he on e h tllu ll c d and tVl ~utY- 1 j'eurs a':."unnd I 've IJf~,' n w.~ l l eVI·l' "" " u~ , sixt h Psalm \o'O~ '"'' M .I lonrn \ LI. !lu ff .. 11I N V It )1)" (a lllI nt na\ c } OHr own way.a Lt'orha lo hy a\\th.'u.h.· I's. Pru.:o, 511 C~tI.l~ evpnl h l ll J.: k l1C I' !iilc nr alld rcad tb .. pc.' 1><.>:<. Iblrd e h a lll ~ 1 01 Jalll Cd. port , NY , Bays :

- - - --


BABY·S INSTINCT Sbows He Kn e w Wha t Food to Stick To F'or\\ ,tI' dl n ~ a phor o o f a "rl c tt 1lt 'lir 1 hantl s (l llu ' ,. tt rl h ca lth) YOII II !: uoy. a ' halll lY llIoll"" ... r l les fl o m a n Oill!) to \\ n "The (' II( lo.<etl p icture iib o"s my 4Fear-old Grape·N ut" un)' . "S ln ( p he was :t yes," old ~ lias ca l CIl n Olhln g tlllt Grape· Nut. &/t:> <I .... man"~ a n ,1 t hi s rood t h, ee- Umes a d a, Thi s m a y .,' cm rath... n Du, ,, al, bIll b does not earl' tOt aD),thin g "Ise lifter ho ba s eatc n his Clrape 1'\1115. which be uses witb mlllt or t" ea rn . a n d I he n h p, Is throu g h w ,tb hi :; m eal. l!:l c n on Tha n k.~gl\·l n s day he ref ll serl tll rl, ('y "nd \til th e good lhln g s Illa t mal, e "1' tbat ~ r"!\' dtnne r o " "d ate hl ~ ,II s h ..r Ur'll'!"Nut, anrt ( ' ~flm h til e b<st restllts aod non\! o( th !! I" lis that tile otue r fooli~ h ml' mb,'1'S or !I.e illntlly olCf'e rl enc<:!d "Hf' Is n .' \(' 1' SH·I,. has a bcautlrlll coml'l ~ xloll . nnd Is C'o n s ld e ro<l a \' f' ry b"td !\ om~ ho ' 1\11\.' the Po~ I"m Co m pan ;v I'I O"P~" ant.! lo ng co n t,nu o 10 f urn is h I he ir'" \... Il'JI ~R O Ill C food! . Namc ~ive ll by P I ' .m t'o .• Ha tll ~ ' ree l" Mic h. Ther e's f) r a son R ~lI d tho litll bool! • . " 1'he Roa" to We llvllle." -8varv. pkji.


$20 Colorad'o AND ".TUn. Vaa Chleagn, \inion P.Ile.fl,c :omit

N o .. th .. 'V\."estcrlJ\ LlOel Dall y ( ro m Ch l~ " t..') . ~ 'tJ:J JO t l) ~,)"t 1,.. to llen ver , Co lora dtJ · lJ nni:.~ "!lIt Puct,lu.,. .an .

Ln c unplIlC' 'f ill. A H ~b Ot. • ( 'o lorll d o ::; lU'~ CIIJ I ' 1t-;-t\C.9i. Cb. l atrr: ....


vl ' r ., 00


III d:u \~ ,

on ly ltue . nud l ':. .... ...


'\lL olhe rr a~ ttrallJ le •. ,iS f'bttl "" U OO fl "

......,'--_0..., .."''''. CIt. . . . . . . ItIYt

PUT huo1r:lct ..

........t'l. aft, .I:' u.U


V~IC; IlI'ul 'lnhhea


bego n to ~Ill her · . around btfoI·e h' r tael, d f ils edge of bis c l ~a r l i . Oll e,,- Or I ",ice h~ b&d tbou g ht tbat be h ~nrtt s u", oll e callin g , lind now bt r ecugnlze d th e vo ice or ttlS wife. She w a" IIo t nt th e cabin . lJlIl d ow n by th~ ell ' . uf tI. , lealln J; Ihat lay IltlLlf S ll be r l;' r . He ga ve a Qull'!< ~ lal I wh - II h ~ heard lit ,· IIII rd " n r I" r, no Sh,' \\'a> call1 ll i


1\ .

~ClIl! .P! f' 1 \\1 ' I t 0," 1 Itl f 'T'u ut uUt)u l '"



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J I .. u, k , " · I h ' l"

1;01 awa.y ~ , ,/0 ' 1111'" . r the ~ilul)'. , "I ' 11101\ \NI I II \\o, L I fI' I I\' 'ore . 1 t. ·, k li ll II ~ " Y.. L! I l l l k F.. d . l 1 \ \ j " ," I!h I VI r ... IIll1\ I)

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a rif l ill th ~ fuim gt?


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;': · lI m ;.! IIII' \ '. 11 ' .... ' P H i .. tT;,. . IIII III· JlIII H li h "' lI ff4"'" f l "1Ii t h l I! •• \I ( ,t I

tl , I'll

H I/-!" III n.llttll tim e. Iru\,~ ' er t t! (' llIlI U , 1 " A LJI II l lJ l ' glll d ll I ht' \\1 '. t11 \ ~l ll a1d bt, l'il llnlllg bright ly for l ' \\ d S OJ) \ll.dlil \t ' 1I1 1 II '~ n llt' aIl Y II :iI Il.l!:nliuv e lh (> tl· , · (tf1II ~· "sed lUll I Up II ,-llu I I . d Tht:y ('nlll~ dnIOlld , lJltf t h (\ e r) IIJ( .. w 'r e {; P l lt'r.l l a :-;"'(C lulJi) III Lll" 10 1. 11' IheolJl." An !; \\ e rlh rltUUllt , l. Ud\"'H , r ttll-:I J Jl ~"~ t.' ..: lha t .dlll.llll l' \11 1111 , ... ~ "nu u f t l l (, 1I11!:lh ln g wa lf-r . J UIlIH r In! h . ~ i1all IJ r upllrt.: d


I liall 'l f ,lI

I h,

I \\ II (.1 11 1,11.: 4



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t i l lit




t ll ll'!': lteJlf:..t l IIIH· lh h l< lJJ~t l)(II ' '"IJ IJJ~ t/ \' · lh.l fI ;tl ll g l"-'t·~ 'IIH~ II' U jJtllJ IIle I: r llHI I I H-) so uJ,!ht f l. ." IlH' t O() lt di l d' JI III , · II lj ~~l l1b un es, h1lt I ht- ~l u(JlIt \\tI!:lIW l! 1'Cllt tllnt tli ()y l ou Jd tl btin/-!II I"'!1 J (JIlt ..



t: u ' ll i u 111 11\ / ,til Iii' ;.'1\ "Il 1 ItI .. \\" 1 h Ie. tifl :\: 1 \ I t It , 1 (1.'111 '" ... IH "I I t! J"

I f t l' ,II ' IU.lU :\~I rll\' ll, ~l( l t' \l t lit, Il ,ldlHU. t ll\ 11.11~.:" ·


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l n llt-: t l l1oll !! h IfJ Uti·" ( UI th e lillie 1m l d l CJr lor n WhI c h h t' I lad piunt l!ti In tl l( ,:a:pr in gt IIt le . nlld to )«ol' !> I tl( 'm ",,' 1\ ( f, \\ .J! 'HIlPI ,1 1( d Wl lh g:a lllC'. " Il h whh: h Iht' fo!' ·

t'ijl a llou lilJ tl I) r w lt h o Ikiol1 s "peck leu



t Il. f 1. 111... I hi ' .... I.I1 }1 I., I " i '" " t.... '.Y d \\ !l 1 tlu .tll tl H' ,, 1111, :L II 11 do I t \\111 \\'1.11 4 l l1 " ,· hllr :-- . · ~ a I ' n"' tol

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1I1ih' qultli ng

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u I H..' f'a~ itl g- l\ .

~t l.'1

ill af ill fl st H '!lU I I\ ' h ' .. 1 i n I . \\ I, u I shill \\( 1-! (i I ' t-- II , "'a, iI j ' p I IH I.r auch. I ll' \ IIl11 1..1 hu '. · ~I Ie thl l \\H.' H uiJ'J! H III I, I· '} tlJe l l ,, 1t 1, 1 e I

Til.' fo rr" .r \las 11\'" allrl th(' lu ll€ rlllI e E" ~t' arti (If U I; j ' Eall j' anti Illte th e p io nep r wo rk ed at b l" to,11 . 81HI UI1(, ufl," anllt he r ur I II



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1 11('



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( ,11 I

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Thlls 111l"VtJ;,! li


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..... ..... .....:

(l.-oIllll lr ll tf d

road "1I 1!J 1 ol


Ill ... r ill .· ,\11' 1 \\ a :-;

bral tl h(}f tl lf' S Jf.liJ L \\H' up IIlItI ,·! Ih~' .. b all ,, \\ (If ))l U· I dt' IH a ,l. E : H, }; T owl . buill hl ~ I Ltlill al.t! II


~· tl l ,I ·/ ·


lli a n

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nlonl-! '-' ltl pu ( tl ls o w n tl 1( f :!lilp r eliall ha\'e lil(~ 0 1 :! :t." Illl h(:; "HI .. . (.If EARLY BLiCH T OF POTAT O s H\\ I lip I \H,tSII~ p :s lA h i S d ul u .. U I II th e 1 4 1,,o O-1I U \lI H I load 1.11 ' UI H\ ~I _ Ind , . ... !-ill nd 11(' h At t n ck s 1 I. e Pl n ll t s \ \ Id .~ , uf -.,tII.,III' J1UlIlld 111:,11. :l 11. t I ~, DI C:U\!;(' Th ('~ \\'~ Ie un tlll' Ilgli t lI'a, l :h(l~ ' l t l l l u(I1 I:'''; \\id e E ,"l;, lind \\' lr iclr N ny B e l,II (.I I- j ,UIl! lI j 1( 1.ld I.t. \ \ "', lI ld I h· :t\~ P I I o.:fi \ t:l th ~ 1J) (I'o ill ,1nnJ.!. ~~ r I,lt l ll)'. !-oIX tJldH ~ "hi!:' . •01 7" ' H. J ,nI Jl.d F ou~h t \\ lth S l/l n ~ i ng. l illt h l!y(,u1l1tl(I~Hi, t,tl w mlnlh t'!IE\ 'lIt "' ? Iu a d LIl I,a .·ll Y. \.; ~ .J Jlul. .!>; \\.d. ' . 1 111Un!), a m(JlII4..lIt (l id I h e \ SlOp I Ut XUIIl- I JU UII U lu,u l ~I I i ... I'" a ,)1 .... . .11.. 1 h ol t I'" " Jill h pr p \' CUj':1I 1l ). 1- 1 \. II 11.1 1.' ~ 11 fA 1111 fu ut llJ Itl l~. DI HI I h e n lilt.. y hu: r If' d \\ I(lt·. All (\\ u · wllt (.1 1 d \ t JJH It .. v i I I l.'. .tI · III I I 1'" t'ull liu" 1 t il 1 ) 1( ' I· ,1\ 1 S on\\anl E vt.:' 11 IJUW 111 (' JlalltllLr II I1~ht JJ alf Iht t UI I .) i l1~ .tll d Ih. · !../f ( ' J) t-' tt'tnS a u ll I tl ;':UI" In ' .q l . llll ~ o f lilt' ,tI 'I I" n T(I

Mull's GrapeTonic



b e watc}lI n tlh: m. Htllhc, O T f,"aH l lig o lT t itt 'l! II~' '''' I Th el hu lI!! h l ti ll..,dlhtl Q \\HIt Ia~J IIUI . nnd f U!-it l-'1' t)1(' )' Wtolll 4..l ulI1t)(' l lII g u nl' hu gt' I l tl\\ I{l e l'H t l l' l l ul'l)'i Jl ~

wh elE' h e h ,ltJ !-IP4' l l II1 f' Irn( 1\:;

~;ull llf' r


f ace alld

ltl ~

wale rs

li-ullry afl el'noun lie qniltr,l his "'''rk W telli " g t it" Irees. nnd l"ldll g III Jls b JIIJ,; t,l e be sla l t cu urr "11 lh,· O) LJ~W in Ilurs.ul tof n II1 C ~S of tr uut. Tbe hOy heggpd Itu, d lO ac( u tllpu n)' li iJlJ Lu t a"JH! "U S ~tlJng ~o m ~ UI::il U Jl l'(' Ollo!

Ju ' Ot' t·ltt t'd lh:lt I h l! trallllJ "lIl\ltl l li~ 1(/0 III UI II rnr h i m u ll d :-\0 !Jad e h l il l ll' lJJi.l IU

.JiI lllJll1t' \\ 11 h I II ~ IIl U t h t' I' P I l l lH i!'i l' t: I U ) )1'; IHlfilt.' ll} ~ l1l1 ~ ("' t, J }I "" 01lt ,u U\\ n I u t!J c ~I ('('nm. alld wn ~ "'U lJU ... ·J\j!uJ;f:!ci III tuldn g 1111 ' I r O ll t I IIl I I ! I OJlI

lJ e JJf'n rh

alwtl) s h a,l gou d It ll h


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IIH'Y ~(j h " lti I " ~ t tHles Ca ll 1ll ); th e m J, v 11 ;"0('. tir e

OlnnC"l ns t o \\:lnJ 'h e ~l1l11m!t of tbe

Th, -I'l' "a s n \\I hl !o'hri4 ' ''' :11111 the "'P I an g hi g h In fl u ' :I II :l tll l

"u e ll III

Th ~ )'

, It libaJI" 110 l l-J~ C{J lllri

( o f\\ ;u d hnd d.I t.: Jl l' tl h er t'iH ),1" ' n h eT ';l. I UI!-i. \\ll h ' l utp1u l I huuhs ,I I' a\' (' 11 t hat ti l l '.)' \', t- l 'e ~a"f'd 1ue pa ulh er "oct !) :s 1\ I 1ill tJ d <.l IH1 h l d c' M t\lIrt~ tI . a l1ll (? Vl{ r Id.l pt 1I 1'Lt' r H '

had bee n rerelll ly wade. lll'u'Jootll ill t h., fn m ll y - N \'.





H IIIJ. ',111 1' l-,

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a ll o

off disease pUriftes l he

T v ph o ld Feve f a lld A op~ lldl c lll ...

ullkli O WIl

(,,, "lres whe , "


f o r C OlIs ll pa tl o ll . l e i us send "'o u a fr:e .. l ~ d..ty 10 s h ow yo u t hai It w. I

I b Ollle

do i'll l we c lalln ~llIng Children

Mull, Good for

and NUfslng Mothers



~~~tt~ t ~, ~ ~ :\; ~~t~n G~v~I~!~ 1~:: ~, 1\ ~~f~";~~'I~ ~~~\t, tl SC~~~~ I I~!4~l:~u ~ r~~I~ ~~\ '~ll n~;::~~d tGI~u~ If~~~~

~ '1 U

10 MULL S (; U,a,PEl: 1 {lN I C l lt 147 I lwd AH HOc k J ~ J. IIHI III Wl lt ll'll1l1l \ 1 h,> $1 ("<,0 !Jo " ,. t HII \ 11110,11('.1 ' 1,/ t lll t'e tll n ts th e !>()I 1ht: "COIlIn !! h '" I tl fl tt ,1111..1 lI umh !' 1 "'t.1 111 1 ~C d 0 11 1 114 1.1



I.lhl' IHI

(lIve 11111 fI ,IiII (, ¢'; and A1 1h uI! ", t o l (' '' ) OUI t1t uKg l ~ l

~I i" ll

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..... Pllt ~. \\ !lIt

1, 1111 1.





lHf' ht'"

f ur llJ(l } 11: - 111< h tl l't ' tiJa n I Of lilt: ~I ~ _ It tire all u lil f' 1 t u ildl liu lJ !Jt: i I J~




N ew Bu ddllll; nl eth ods ,


' o, k

t hl'el' ) ( ' a r~' (·). )JPrip lH"E' as \\ , I I , pl hlu . 1) )o; lw\\' !o\ I ha l aftl lJ' ailuI,'> IIH' lIt o e lh l'

\ 1111 1

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(110 1111 I

)It.,!- l nr h tlre ... . \\ li h h fix.(l l'(Jtt ' I" I (JIl ~ Df teMl~ . t h e :-;i); · ill c h Ilre~ "otl ld ".au Ilull i n te~tK I to 1:1. nhOlll I ll' 1,,,"n.1s p ~ r l u n of load \\h Cr CHS th f' nU l l O\'\

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4Ir "NPI'II'-"

fl fl llll'ol

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p lo l1h tlf luge lb t· r

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"(" II ~I tll ~ 1I 1lll, p~1I rr.ll ll cll~ !S III.ll b n SD Il)tJOlJl

wh e,·I. ,lid vuli abou t 44 0 puun d" lle r


uttltl a ... h fu r . uud s&v{:s a lU l of tlUl t: &U4J

I " ",.1I


-'J: Ooo d Sp-J'~Y-.-

A l llH lll ti ur luun('('f1,

weil;lI t I (ncttll'\'

IJ r


douule thE'

or totra cco "tell '" (ro m a cigar In t IJrI ·~ galionsof uoi ll og woter.

llI uktos' a liquid wlw l! !oI.l r llilHHl wh icb is d eat h Lt) nl'htcl s [lllt l 'IIC J\lf1 g In"' ec l ~ o r

a li ki ll tl ". beeties.e lt . On OIIW 08 1' 1 1l!" Ilig s ur r s uffi cient to du I h " \\orl ..

Deep pl owing


r\lr O l/.. ll1l.''i!''< l'i au!)('ll., llro" , lD",,' . ""tl 'I'





"'e : stopa

('0.11 . ,I


't'onl!lIo. :rutu 111 W e ... !tle. .o r CDe ~s . cU l u l c UCO llbtcu TOHI'ID LIV e rL 'J'lIllY ' l ',IIIUle 1:1: Itl puwdt·J' "'Jim t'J re",I'a1e tbc DOWels. r urcly Vegctu1JJc . 'II IIt: r , ,\lId 1:1 I.u " IUle ~ 1 ~'&W1l1K, , ...., ... , •. eo..... al\J ~co nu lII l.lA l tl\,in 11(luIJ " "":.c: pl l' s It.. r J'.

SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMAlL PRICE" 101L~:rr~.~~l'r.~:~~:~A5:.,~~!t~.~SES • Trial 80. and Book «at lnetructlo "s Prco. CARTERS GenuIne Must Bear I TM& R . ,.. . . 0 .. C:o ...._ . .0nON , . . . . eo TTlE IVER



t.=:='- --J

In the (lrcb lLrd aDd nmoll g fr ll ll s . bo uhl lJe ,. tbillg ot lhe pas!. The soli Is full o f ~mo milk was enlLrely free t rorn ao y obJee· . ru nning i n "very directio n w ll fin e rOotS hir- h . houl d tJ nble na vo r', such II fo lio ws the not be ruken. 'rbe)' are ile~kID £ ClllidlOfi SOlAa o,her r OCl cro pll. 10vI1.. _


1." ,

I he- :.:tfll ,t .. \ l 1 111 , lt d I lr 1111 d.t\ '; r - - - -- - ;• • Po-it IVI ·lv .... r<,,1 lJy I!r 1'\ 4, " , ., ;,~ li dl f "I l !t . 1I' ,If "'1 \JIl!1 L' I ti< l " C ),lIllc )',11 • • m u\ til \1[0\\1\ ' , Ih,) , d Il ud Lllltl l . ' ( !I, Y 0:"' 0 rl '!!' " u lJl:! ,~hl h' Ihl 11 "' 1 I ~ ' 1 1\ ), 11!J ·.\.I :s lJ ~ It'~ n tT~ O: '-I f rH ' 1I 1))-": 1)(' 1l~1t1. Jut.:~ I I IIT (lI h.·" I"n " ".11 ,,0 lI cnrt y III, I IJlnl '" "'l up :"H t \\tn J.; ,Ii I ~lI lng. A l ~ rr{', t rem· 1Il1 ) ... t

11 1( 11.

JIlli c lI C(,W8 have It en Cell witb tb e best oC relu,ts on s ugar be6l, . and the

~ GI~pe

Wl' I C


Ii S(lt l ll !/I ' c On1t ' l Iard '11 ... . ~ t ... , · l'r" ..:. I' .... t~ lI u\\1\ , II, "'P(lt '" . 1,l tl'l.dl , 11"11 11 11 111 :': ', Ir l-! ' I • ~ I " ('111 11'. :t i l ll1e. 1I 11 ('d,:.:, .. "r

Hll d 11 .1 1101 ~ ~ 1IH.,n· ,JII II U li t,ll lll ~

t on." enn Ral "e Plenty ot Wb En t . Th e re is 110 question of tbe ablilt y of tl.l ~ linlt e d Stales 10 g row nil th e " heal i t can e \'er eal. W e cuu lcl g ro\\' (OUI' ti31les wh al we are no w g ro\\ i ll& l1u ~ llJetJlUds o f CarlIflng will h av e 10 we C/llIll,:!ed and t he prese nt (>xlrs\'ag an l a nd "a SteCu l me l hods stopped


T O!lIt.. Const Ipati o n a nd l OS~~ ":r u' r I sl .Hl ed MIIII 'I Gr 2pr.: Tonic In )! li s a ltencilllJ! 11 I!1i :l I e c:1u .. ed b y dec ay i ng I l owt'h b~R.&II ItJ IIIUV" r e1? ul.u IY- lh e P'&1Il le ft !lie o r d)':lI r. u o w e: s ~ l1d lll lec;.tliles Mull S :and m y r, r:ncl,,1 heo.l ll h buil l upr~ pld l y G l pC T oniC re"'l ve~ a nd s tr e ,) g~hel1 s Ih e J heJrt ly I cmll llnr-lIll It ;t :!!l '1II Jbsoli.l1e cu re 10 b O A CIS so I ha 1 they a r e en ab led to aC11whIch I am ~ It V~IIt: wl l nf!S5 ' mU II I .. 1I... And ejec t the pOiso n fr om Ihe U nll l M ull s G r~pr. T omo wa s PU I on o:-','s I C!l\ ~ev r. l v body sh o u ld I.lke It dUrl l1g I he Arncr j c an marke t I here .... as 110 ('"lif e M 'lI ;

ur o\\ It

I u.ld ~

Allanta t ~ "t lif not Iii,· '( ,. "

As a Stomat: h

1,\t",I'~t~tJfl~'r~' li~~'I::; ~·nl~.;~~'I~, :eI Y~lhew'~:I;lco:~fl~·h~~~

A ph)' IC IS ,. I!\o

(l " nr,rro 1:-. .1'" II w c,lk r'n~ t he r ~ t l ell l ttll d r c: ou ~' C' '' Vllo1lt \' I' t ... t I t e CRu se willi

<l u d

.Lll ll t, III

on e I C r;\pe rOUIt.: I S t:llltlloyed gu o 1('I III C \I I~ u nt:qu~\ lIe d

l.1 t [, 0 1,1,, (' 1:0;. SUF'f:'ER E D ALL H I S LI~E . P.lllj h e;;, ll hy sto m:.t r- h C"I' ';' t tit . . . • The t.lldOI' :-.e ll lell t 0 1 E B M cCurcy of A$~ A, ·,c., CIl wllh CO Il~lIP :tI 0 11 ;1 1.cI r r o)'. OhIO prov es Ih,it t he s e \' ere~1 St, '.1 h T l l l ubl t: I '" :1 I U ... :; I he f l rsl IO l fO l lOSOI C O ll s l f p~ltlo n:l1 ep l omp tl yc urea • ~ ,1 11 h 10 Slin S Ir G~C H e .1l De Oill !) by M IlII s Gr~pc I0l1 1e H e S, I)S: :", d j I I"l~ ll ;ltln!l C ll oh' la Co ,! "'!Ill ' l~il/t'y(\t1r T(nlc.:l l ho I Ql .... h tThl l It lclh~ I , ~ I ' \' ~ He rnCl r e (;l I,, 111I HOl We.H ilt' r -OJ YI'.!II If-, l v t h,lt

)w t wea l he ; bu da s lip jll e

~!11 \.

. . . 1111 \' t


wi l l r u!(, COII·III J1.JI 1('h 1 (' I" t l "4 .. U ,. v I , Iy I" Il wet - Ill CY .~ Ie lhe ! ~~ 'rh'l;;1 ::I'~::II~!J~~~: ;.'j ~1I'tIIH;~r!41 n~~~t'~r;rn F~~"dn.. ,..'" t I t: <:' 11 II of (1111 "lI j .lll l n I I I ~ ,I Illy how!"l,; would nol It 1.11111 I ) , ... ,l (oli ly ~ 'f I} ~ 1I ... I' I,"c 10 s uarlt·tdv 1.. 1\1"4 K dllu r h <l t he 101 M, O!! I' 1":1111 111\0\

/\J · I I : ' I .'.:\ ' l. V i ' Jv l

\\ d ,

No wllh

{., " A

I 'I " I ~

1:-, I 11 ' ~ I , I I.' lu 1.llId w .l dl 1, \ I !.I · Ilal l ' u\" II .. JI,. 11 J I '::. U p >.I, !, !" .llld \ t 1 .\ lli li l IJ : U al thal tt .. · ... ~.I .. _ ':'''1::' Ull I).\I! 1., 1:1 , . I IUid ... tiUl. \\ ..: I JJI ' I nll l gl \.llli l I ltllI il'l 'II~




tilx- l w 11 \\ lit " I ...

( t:

AUTOM OBILE PRIDE. !lul , e" iSl g az In g fUr lil'!'l), aNlWHl. as thllll!lh he hal f cx ~ e",NI I O.~C" .It ·.Ennblc~ n WOIULW to M aintain a.he JUliuIIU Jl ecr ln ~ <10\\11 UpUI1 /t lw ID'I; n'ty In Her Ugly Ira." .snut! ~ h e foll~!,\~ on t be ual1k . Hu t O Cll·b. lJ .. 1\0"" ll o Ullng .lln,1 as be II c ut OIl \\aIlI til" urd ,ll!llt was -IIOOD forgull e n ,,\',b e th el aulomo~,I~ dres:;lug lor Tue Lnmt oRtl11 cu nliuued 10 be 18l<e.rr \\4JUl t! 1l i ~ heautlful o r uat. it3 LJ O lunger r~a.JII.Y . 111111 so mnc h e ngaged \\':ls h, Il!l;ll.nle ti as Importn nt. It 10, lIU W I hHI lie Wnh .ltU.le n ~~ of Itow (lUll Lb " iJw~ t all but imJlu. Sible. 8 R~ . I be Ilw e waI'.oyln g N e w YOJ k Su>u . tu DuLi;" It ~eclln>lnl;. Blit at J.a.<l. l"flta en eh" SUII co ul d no A1 LlJe '''fIle Lime tb ~ r e l S .... l j ~ facU oli longer bE> Een J'lI tb e I[,t' l ge tlr rOug !J III II " bell'!; "0 unnll"l a kablc. whI ch Ill .. ~ trelWl r.nn. he ,SlI dllcn ly be. " WU eI.ever .\\Ie go. whet h" r II btl t o Ih oll!;" t him~ e lt t,!lal il wlUlt lme fo r blw )lanh alLtln UPUc.ll o r R~ (Ilr a ~ ALI.alHio t o UP turn i ng b omewtird City." n womnn $I~. " lll rt' is DO WII/" S hc hurried ow ot l be st r eam , nn d tnldn g tlr p fa c t t11"l we arrh c \l I II _ on.'ng "I> h Is fl Ail ing t.u(,j<le . ttl SI nrt e a toruobU es otJ' for b ls ca bin . .. Even If II be OI!~.r n paIr or !toggles It \ wns a lm os t s un set now~ ~nd he kn ew tbat a woman p nts on I he lop of b e r be wtt. , ld not r ea c h b is hom e. mu<lh be- hal wh r.n s he g ots out of I h e en r. th e re fore oar:' Dut he would not lib o bJlged Is no doubt or tbe (n et',iha t s he cnm. t o fo llow th e stream 1I0wlI. It IIIstJe in a ll lIul o. severa l bell,'a. whic h by c Ultfng a~ros*, " AD O willi AO many otllt:r wome u be could ~ ho r ~e D t he di s tance. comllell c,t to <'orne In ( '?oil Fi, t!'oiley.. He hurried al 0"g n~ fllSt M b e was or ,)lonls, til rC is a satlsfo.ctJO \l"J o !WI &blll but the d.utik' {h~W8 of e!.ellJIl.! WOIllIo.U In th is sup e riorll1. " . -.-.

H hlll)

Hot Wea ther Dan gers

h .. '-I I"I)I.,C· t . d If 1111 111 .1111 " ~ (llll t il hi ~ I ' , \\' sl l .\\I ~ It I" fir .. ! 1I111)(!ti U II {!Jl1 !

k ,l \ .



\~ee l ' l y.

tIIOrt: llla n all h Ol1 l ue t OJ e


H u . . h II q ll 'J tt:o:;


11I h' l!'l

th l'J r

Jea H:! th e roads III 111 111 I' ( td nqiU IJ tl..J UIl L .' ful·t: JJU!:i6Wg U \ (' I .'''UII U,\ t ! ·.~ IllH t' JIl~l t u t:: OPJ )tJ,:)1 11' t. l f " t ,\1',.


It s fl U

t 1H

olu.: iu nl HHu.lnlu u · til ehl,.' ..; h uu l d IA .' t: ut oUI - anti I h e t u o l u r 1111 11' I '. t 11It-' lll UPUU t he ur fg llH\l coullitl ull. 'I'll :!.! ltl :;1 l U UJd lJe l l l t tlow u abou t 1i;.! lf " , J Ir I lrt' t:i

1'10 .. ner ro g rowl o ( n pun· IJr(' r rell upo n Ih ei r I1rs

l' ,l1 l11H·r

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(FR EE )


Tht' eo..:l vr\ITI~ 1), t:' 1U lind.

t b c lO:,t ur III lui' tJl ..'~ llHtli l u

Ill'r I,ps

ri l(, l (J \\, l:s .1 n, ·. l ·U Jh ' tJ IOl\J.!ll t thal Ill! \ Cl liel'-IJ ~ b ol t! 111.. r,'l1 "I 11 11' 11' I v ... I .kUO\; n t h e lll l u l.ll lo !:;o \" ,11 So Jl(' \\(1I1l ~ t J lI g:.: I L· tU T .t UlUllIl' U l . and t !1t. n hlJ lUI ,·llj.,yllll! t h e SI'U ' l aull 1l 1Ii!l!: UII It l > lu \ lllll :o;lJ« t< 1r('\l '- d (,~ lI l. \\'1111 a l~ l nd ,I' Y t h c m o th e r ... prnn~ IlLr:I1~ r a pi,i l ;

AlIuU I till I I a 1l11lc auo vl hi :) J\;·arllJ g .hI !" al l "' ll lioli \\n... n t llac tc d 11) :-;t llU' 10t:'I Pl l lll fl 111 l b e t: und. Ali t/I lle r glaut.l' 1r>ld 111m l h u l lh t· ), we l c 111C "a", " 0 1 d b llP. I' pliJ1 lh Cl 1I10l hut! h e r ~ r l' u S ~l!d lll· >


nroth~ r

s rnn n g- (01 \\,1111 , hllt ~ tl( l d f" nl ) al"" !'; f Pd h C'r ~ h"' P ~ , \\'tlh :) cry or t('l l1 fJI \l1I 0 1l

c i l iT ti l(.) "'3 \\ 111(1 Itu ).':{' tH lI l l' pr. ' pnn' ll 1(1 ~ IHlIlg upon I hl! h4 ·l p!. t.l~ 4'llll d l'l' n 1'I t( ' r{ \\,I S n nl :'I n 11I .... 1:lnl lu 11 1.. 4,..... \\ I I I. 1 11( ' r.ll1 jtl l t y uf tll till clll E I I (.s '1'0 \\ h' bH I\ I ~ 11I his: 1fl e t il b l~ s ~ ,CI , lIlk r n ll i1 fl ll ' lI

l ll ~

fl1l Tl l'r Jl tll\l'htl 11.\1 \ IUI n t ln l; III •• IJlII\I "'II../ U'" vi I t.1:I)): t il t" W:oC u l til l"" lI f \\ !L1 th I t:,:,~



fil l III .


1l11tll1 n



S· IVt' T.

.tl HIJl J\ g" \J ut

ni (l n~

( .l l l ,, ' !'

lie Il


l) u",sage u f ltlb ::;fllJlf' ' I n d ISc.: U.... :;l Hl:; llh; Ul"a"lI l t! ,' ]1 I lt·I"'· k ~ll said l ha l t;uoll I l I Ud :i lilt... 111.. 11 I ' ~- : f !blt' \\ Il l! IJU1 1'1.l \' Ill t'O;; 1f,1 ti.dtl th l t! IllS Ill en li a s 11'"t ,"" h .1 bill . I,ould ltt: Pd H~(' d ws \\ oliid nut hl'(:u1Ii'" U LIf:ad JE:ller iJy H..·a,.,U Il of the fat l thai I I \\ :1 :-\ OlUluxiu li R l u tit ."' ileu pl<: Th e t o =,t of r utHl s un ci ~tl't ·f.:!1~ '~ u"' jd tI inlu (h l ee

r e~tNl III it~ fool. "h e \' (" \\ll i pil l" of Uf'ad f o rt.'!:'1 ft 12(I'~t . n o t h t h ~ 1'111 e n t s ull,' re,l a ,.,.) or J O\' , f ur 1\(' l t' 0 KU ' d in l' u( 'h olh :) r 's, a rm9,


1 rllut .....Mel} fIlled lb


Tt: Hj)tllhl' l\

11""'.11' lIt .tI ,(1I t

tbHn ll~rcin H ·tlltJ l t' d ~ ha lJ "IJUIi lUll· I \ H I lu l1 1)1' ti n e ,l Ho t h.·!::·~ 111.l11 $,j il ud 1.11..11 IH u1'(: t h an $:!5 fuJ' ,,·uc..h "tl tO "1 1 .. ~ t' ! li e i l ftl l l lJ( ' 1 (- I ' ht • • ' I (11ll t h l!:i a t'l lal\e rrtel t til x II HJ:JlI: .. 0111. r I

B il fu re Ih e m \\u'" a led ;.:~~ uf grnnl1 ~.

Th o m ooli ligl1l

101 ~1 1l

Ci tt'

" h l dJ Cl'\ nl (, du \\ 11 clO'3 fo 1() tlH! wal(Jr ' ,


l U\II ' \\ )h"d,.d \ ,: 111\1 4':; ,III' tlt I .• t ,. , \\h(;' ••l~ "li lt wid t h ti (Jf llJ \ 1.11.. ;, i..i l l 'i,

' ~t' , AIl " Oll l'

n lu ng th(~ 8 utH! , !-ol'l: l d U ' ea gi:' l l ~ fu r U 'I) IIl SI Ol1l·.,j MUT,.. t h an UII('l' lh \' ('ast a tNJubl f· l i U('I k to\\ fil d ~Oll te 41 '"! r11o ' HJol n~ I hUl1J,!h l l IP\' h allcX1) fl ll etllh (~ ~ llIi i-=,hl h · ur!l.: :J III ilS "u ter~ At lafolt [li p \, \\ (l l e \ 14 1 ~e u p un II I ~p ot

Pinl\. ham's

1111 "


H I f i ji II,

( (l Jl I(.

1 1. , :1;': /\ :1 1 11111






In I1Litt:1i

th l ~

\\ 111141111

lIf I Il l;' \\1111 11 II I l i ll ~ (HI \I· !i l.h b 11 I .. I U lllt ' ntl t- ti It, llio:.1 \d lIJ La \ 1

l )lll l l1 III

t h. k in


h III 1 111' IIIII ~ ' ~ lI ~t' d :I~ 111 !tlo I IJf 11:-.1 11 ;": Til. II I ;\ l lln ,' a 1110111 f. Hl s 1 lJ. t o\U'(' h. , til l '" tt ) hd \l' hi ... 11ft' ,." I, dO I

J .\1

'I r


111 1


0111 t 1 :--; it If ' J II • hut fl lI ll ' Til ., 11.1....... 10



Com poun d in Case s of Mrs. Fox and Miss Adam s.


\~ II i It

Succ ess


'fhl Ih OIl,.:hl !>. l ll' a : JJl li l a t 1( n l" 0 h i'" " . all ,t l d hi"" l in tl ,~ II I' lIll '! l,tl ll(dB!


of Tim e

! ..... .....

IUH1 \\

11" , \

'Tulllors Conquered Without .Operations

11 0( II

1.1I 1( ' Jf


~l" !lIl J l d .... h~ 111 , alllluJ I ttl .1 I III III l lUdll lld 111 11l1' 111111 1 '~~ 1I Iq':I .. l.lltllf. '\ h ' , " 11 .1'" [tlr it .. Ullj l 'l t 111' II "!IJIII II' ~

~u u,

I h ' ard

ll ll ttl

e d l lH ' s

11.1 ".'/

= ..... ..... ..... ....

i In the Nic k :


... a l li.

a l l ~ \\1 r I x,


fp l


01 1,1'1:11 '

' J \,.' "" '1 \ ~lJ\ f; I .' fl l · · vtll 1\ I ! I' \\, • k 1'1" (J 1\ 1. d . " I holtl , ' It y.a~ ~1 ' ,d 01 1 J. ,I .o I t-, l. ' IUI 1~h

n~ (f ' I\'ed

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I H I I, I ,\' ,11'01 :11 " 111 1 I I", !.· !'t" " ' lIt ptll ,l' . f llt · l ll llol ,1o' lIt h t:,, · 1."' 11 " \ Ilk .\ :'\.1 "1 ,\ III" HI{ : 111 ,1 Il d t h,·.\' ' l)l' S It . 11 It· ;1\, " " 1'1." h f t' ; H l 1l1 w lr t' ll h i : ' i l 11,,1 b\J"in e ~" P o r f I.. nd , ,,,rr n lill v h Ii ( ',11 ' I,, · 1': 1 lJ ..1 I II '" lt lli l l', d :1 \' II I ' I ,'u l ·ht ' 1' "" 1l1 ~. , ·t )r'l ie r , I \\,U tl f, , tI·ti l' " '(' hl'Y I ll tl g" t ,l l' tlln nh ll\H I. i n l lw t iL' nt I II n l .~1t I I .1. \ I 'l illLl' I III, ,11 I 1 '1"" Inor a 1' ( IO l n ( Il r \' it:;i!nr l"l thun 'n n~ t mi llli llu " l \l~t " II 1''' \\'' ' 1' t .. I' d 'li, lid\\' : an d \H· I ~; I ' !I , ;,·11 1111 .1 \ ,t! !,. \. 11 1J.. .: 111 t" u r u \\" ~, ~'I t o "ti l" 11\:0( t t' t' l lt P l' U H C"' n t (,:-I-t U II 1:'0 .1 I : I I I , '"" 1 11 11 \1 " .\ ~: l. "III~ . \1 ,1 r il l' I Itt' 11'1 11 I l'i ti e ~ of il ~ ~ i ,.... 11 0 II I'e ,)'1I1t " f l h ,' i ' h ,1I 1t · . ... \ ';, ]1, 'ol 1t S I \\i :.. It t H ll u diU :-'t.HI Il' n' l l l11 r1 ~:; ," ·\' 1'11 11 11" N II ,l. , H .II/!· \ r-- \\ I ' ,\ I It l . II ~I ' II ll u lll ::: .... Il l"'" 1) 1' P 1t ' I I ~ l1l' ll:-i lI f \\' (\I I\ , h iii t lt l ' 1'lI'g" n u rnl,e r u t' \I n \\, h o t "I~ hll \'1 I t h \\1 11s \·" i th IlI l \I·. ,ll b;l'lt :ol P w h :tt 1 tI .· 1 11\'1\ pt'd('ei'd f 'tl ~lI lllI" l lill !..{ ti k i' r all l:. ", Ill' h ll ... i llp~:-: . n f I'0ll t iC'al :-t n f p. \ ut' on " r c c t utl. !'--w l.: 11t ':, d lli'llt , 1'I ' :"1l11!"l 11'1 1111 U tl i:4" 'l'Ll I'c d 111 Ih o ,h ,y " I' I t ~ i lll lr " '''"1 II i,,, " 0 " \, ,·~!t' l'tla v ",lI 'lt· 0 1 ,' " .. ",. Will ' . 11"11, ' 1' 1\11' 11I1t1i1' ti l' 1111' 11 ' ) '}'ho lI \' e rli go p ri cll for }.,u g ill l!. .\ '1' 11.,\ \\' ,\ \' , • Irll , ' n ' d (' P ' 1I 111 111 11 li t' lli e- S t Ol 11 :H · l.l • I\' ~ It l l:il l1, il il\· I ', l . 1 ~ Il I l ~I\ b. t l,,'I; I tll n t t h t, ,~ I1Ilt 1 1I1\\'1I\' ~ 11 " l';' (·h il,) !! ·, l u. \l.' r :lon ]Je r I1I g h t, w ld l' lI \\' 11 " I, II lil y . 1I1lL1 J'(' ht' lIr ;; ()s it .. ~ i r by i lli ll II lId I S 1I II ij· k l .\· ( ' 111'(', 1 IJY (' l lnlll llt' I' · 1;'\ 11" 11" I f' l l \ I1 .1 g t ' l u lt n;g- llf I ' · II.~" I a Hit,) 1i \' ~'(1 ,11\ It l) 1" ',, ' i I Hl t11gil) ~~ 1hl I e ll'ec t. u l. t h p lI o~ i n n i n:;: o f th e f"il' , I f,i u n . IlI l n ' ~ ~ [ '!l I I! I (· lt /l l1d Li\'e r '1'u. tJl,'fd. .~\.. 11 11 .\ .... \\'\II I ~' ll\ H · )l1(')(l tI·y.· l l u t I l ItHIl'·. ' lH I l l n$i\ l l1~ Il l' ,\' tlllll l, 1h u ll tt , h llR belln r l'd lI ce d rIl t.l lUl' t h U\I rnised F il l' :-.:lll e tl,\' L I' l li s Ma .v. \ \' h o ,I"l" \l ot, rOlll e lll ber t h ., h:,1 lil1 I t : , II·' ; "o) l '~ ' l t 1IIt' ! wugol) d f " , ' l ! I :'. H III=,, ' t lt() It 1t I 1l .\'d Ll, l h : ' t l h 'I ~(·1 1·\ll· !1I 1. ,\!'l l :L!~' \ I'l: :-" ..111 ~ 11\t t Wher" t.IV '1 o r more p t!op le lIrc WI ll Ilt ':oII :I: I nlg h t.~'ftc' r sc hool. " ' Ilh on \\'1'1'0 nl y p lt'n~l l n t ( l rt~I;, l n~, WI11('h I Il 'dll!!' tl n\\' n i u g t o occupy t.h e som e m o m , .. fH I ,\' I J I.\'ed sce ll e=! und u ssoc i llt i v u ..; I ,J P u lJ II(' 18 A r o ll s e d, ll IH' la e t'd Jlt i ll n t" ~ . y. l n i :--hot>d " \\'I I{\II li lli' u \ \·u l'II I II." II I" _ _ _ __ Nu l itc of A p" O il1ll1i~ n l. _ _ , _ _ __ _~~~_ __ C')lI t r ate f ur on c h lodge r wil l un)" ~c h oo l , u.)y dtl Y ~ '~ T h e " III t llll (' il t'1' , ,,,, '. 0 11 1: " I' I h'·1I1. I till li l u u \'c if 1'1 '11111 ." , f ll hl' <' lI j"\'PII , )'"t ,, " I I" th e h o y~ Illl( l gi l'1 :o:. , fli P p lo y g l' u till d . ~ I h 1 j.; , . {tIH I,! u I'xcell e n t II c comm o du ti o u B, Tilt' 1111! l t1 " ~ w it h h llt l h ll." t<\ ,.111' 111 . , 1 , . 1'" :lr l ll l ~I·, l t <1 II kll l iW. t h o li l tl e d ls p u tc ~. h ll \\' S O U II f " q.(I' t • u gn l,t, tit 1.1' tr y \\" llil' Pil1 g t h,·I II !\ '1!t!1I ,, ( l Ilt' (·llral-I\· '· II I 'T i l '" 1' 1' I h ll l ~.----1O11 , Ih o t'r l" l lll s h i Jl~ b,,1\" WII I' I1 I. II " k it tI"f!' : lIJIll " .. I" . ( tt ~ h tl Wn " I', 'f lltl:" A p P olL! ".,.1 II ,' Ii .. .. ' \ ' " .. 1. I , ., I h I' oil .11 , .1 •· .. I.L I. " I 1 1I 1 ·d H'I ~\ : 11 to O UI' SY Il1 I>~t lll " '. !I't ' " 1, 11 11 , ·, ' .dut·at lS l 1u w h e ll l' l ,\' ~ C) . 1 11 1':0- 1' 1·: II'l·t l' it' d :-\ :, wiu' h ) if Il ny uf .y uu '(' n t n p " ,, '11. , !L, .. \\ L... . "\ \\ ., l lI· :) " ,'. n 1 \ I " ' I" , ' CIl. I l'l1 t I ·\·1tll (uc ts a ll t. I lll B lt l l'I ' '':, t " t " 1.'1, ... f '11l :tt· h . 11 " / ' 1' /lilt! :.- u l' ll ":-, I III ' l' l h ~ bi i I II~ Hfll l tl ,\' ~ I "'I)I I ( ' II I' \ ' I' ':1 i.l :I \' II :; V I '\ l d id \"\S ll' l' li ll.v ~'fHl Wil l \ 1'."1.,1 I t l' ) \ \ 1 .' 1l1 H l" h: ::00 IIIl1 n y H ll z e tt e rell clt>rH t .. 11 c , I l tl· l llI e J' a u il" H I't.~ f l'l'sli i n tll t! t tl I11l hH" \ I ' I " II ' . :... :«1 1:'· ' · ... t hu t ": Ili t, U U :-o 1 , t, I I H :0. 11 Ir l' J't' :'i fl ntl tl) l p ' ill ! oJ ~ IIII"\· . \ \\' a l t l' I' - . " f 01\1'1 ' .1 , I 11: 11 1\ I' \ ~, I-'X '·'·lI t , , t t l o n Stti lt I ' "" ' l1 p· 'l h H' ~ . <\ I n Ill: I' HI PPY t; JlI n t r ." !'II ,' f'I' b lI .. t /) 1, , ' ,,, , :( thl'Y d o n o \ k il O \\' wh et h e r 11' 0 \\'11 11 ' IIl~ p r l!L 1Jl inllt'l t' :"' Wl' I' C ttl! :-.1" 1111' tt. " loll /' 11' 111 ..,1\11 .. \ \P ( 'tl l ll rlll ll .' l : ~ I., ~ 1:' . .. ( ) )i ll \, It l\ " \ ' 1"1' :-i l' uU , .• " . I"",',.," "', ,'1 1 \ ," " . •",1 I , "o ld 111 111 t o r ee e i\' e ll t\ W" it t' lJ1; fr rial I h t' ll se h oo'I I ' UlUM ' I' ~ " \\l l b hi.:; w () I h ll" . 11\Ih i :-,l\\"l \0' S : • . ~rll\\' g " t ••.\ '01\ 11' I l'-.l!'4 II I1 . u '1It l ':" · t 'l l !' .... , ' \ , '1" :1\ II I t1i1 iJ ... , 1 \\" 11 '" wi I Ilt'a l' 111\' It r~t l'l lll-<~ 11 11" ' l1~lt t 11 t' ~ t I l h" .d l ll !l lI d tt :ljlJlI I . II ,, 1 \ 111 11 1' 1 .. 0111' . I Ih a t, we uesir o t o r pp eu t. w h a t w, I i lll d f" \ ' I 'I' !l il t! t· If rd l~ l l Sl 11'\ l i rr; \l ..... ... 11\' I l l " II' I I I B ~ 11,,' ,I! ( ' 1t H lIl ' l[' 1 ! /l 1 \1· . 111' . ' C H H .)y I 1(' ~1I 11 II ' " 1!.! l l ·' , tlt.Y III 1' '' ,';4 ''01 ' 1'1 ' \\'1 (' I ' h:l' d ; 1 h,'ThL:;ll g l i:-i h U,"l '!, I' u : n i nto n l tt'! !' ,Y t'l lt1w ~I ",,0,: 1, "", ; w 1 lt T."" it I"; It::, 1\ 1':1\ 1 t' 11 1,\' ... tl J't '!-I. u lt'( rs 111 11 1 bavs f req u fl utl y @nili t' 1' " 1' ·,"r, I,I, ' I." ill :"::' ' 1 '1 1",. , . ll \ U \ ' t' il lI \' PC' ,\' Id"" ",.l1d l W u Wil li .~ , '11111, 1 11; ': .. II ' ' p. II ll d ttl .\ ' :-oI , l llHI' h {. I II " , ), .. , £ 1: l t l',d ' /1 \\ " J i g t ' o llt l1 il c l11 t" an (lp .ln t,,:{fI111 1 1 1 '~ c. , I r It w lt l l . ' ~ t h /1 )' Y,)J lr S~.1 tl , rill Il l i t tl n rl.III'\~ ' n l ' l c t~in Yi. !.!'H· lIt., f lit' new s nlwn y ~ . W e npl'r peill t o fl \' o r.l :-o l lJtll :t I'll HII I i \' n!,<~ \ 1 :, I'/lk ItL'I: 1 l j S "~ I I It 1 ) I I'l"-I d , l(' r , I'~' \Y II' 11" d ,' I. ,.f F t.,1 · H ,"el; . 1\1 \1 ' 11" l .'l' lin d l h 11 t H!S ~fl'(' U I, l\ ~ fll(l Ifl o ('t n f\ t ho O Jl ~ d ll c . n . l' o ~ ll t i g u ll I, J !I . I I'll,.!":. 1 11.' 1 1 I ""lalL! !I , oI ( 'II I i t e m sent i n no mutt e r 110'" ~ m. ,]1 .. to p pud • HIl~·~ \I 1 ~ wult 1 l':t,1":-; 111 h is l ' Y I'!-" , ,."1 " !" U \( hy 1.. 11\liS ;-';1111 11 tl O lll U\\' li l'I'U 1.1(· t W l ' t ' lI :\l l1r. .t I I'1' tilt !"'l!i ll lllll !! ( II tukl ' E ! I (.t r lO ~ ' I r:"': ' I h U\'I' t1 ~(' I B llt' l.I ,·II ·:o! An tie l' \ lI ltllTl J! illS H!'!) l , n ll ~l ~ . I~''':' , t': d li, . . . In ever y n e ig hbo rh ood !<!l:lI'cAly " kll l !C IIIH1 unk l u. li S if t li o l' o h Ull hCe l 1 ow M I,'., I 'l l' l ·l · l·J' ~. :--\t)I"I ' ~ IU1, l Cll n . " M tld t,el', " t hen 1l1i 1 1l (t I' J:1I Iul' I I <itt , "t' qnll :', I ' l L : .III " ·;! I' c· I IPt', a n t! 11\ II (' , ·r ~ . It 1 ~ 11" , I II'l" t 1 1l" ; l'r,,1 b c twI'c n I h " "h "Ot <;h(., ' week p a sse s hut w h ll't th e rlJ Ill" ' M'~ tc l' '' ' 1'11 ' Ii 'lI l'il l' l' b " I1 "< iI 'Ili 1 !i 1l ~ d r f'f\S l ll l{ f ur roll lld I rip 1 .. ('IIII lIl1 n I,) 'lJI h " rt fi, " P I ' II i nll l i l'..!.\' (, 11 1' .',1," I . ' \ , ' j' 111\1 11 : 1 " :--: u ti . s o me h u p pcni n gs thAt w o u lu b e o f ,,11 .1 th " s il lies, w il io; h 'n l'·' 11.111<10 t , , ) r hl ' ~ IInl1 l H ul l !-4 rll lli t.n r nill :; I II~c .(' ." ) ('1\ 1'0 1'11 111'• 1I \\'1i.\' I JI ',I"t ) 11 V'. " I) . 1-; ,"' ( '. I' I ' "",,:.".T I, l'd,d .• J. I ,\·· :-i d IH ~:--lIH~',' ('I d". '" "' " I' "II I1' < J t.!U\"\· i 'llt t h pl'. nvn r Ii h l ~ t" 1'1'1 11 11 t l ll hl1r ll ~ H ll t l !' c u l(l:; f ).Ofl l th e S UII \ 1 n " Lnng- 1)1 \· I.... l 0 n , d U.l l v . :t ~Il! It t interes t ,to r eaue r s o f t h e loca l p ILllc r 1' 1"1" ·· :oIlc' " lJP('III'II Il Ctl o f th,' s h oo, "<' I' ,\' II , n ub w h ic h il o i R n nw w Ol'l all:; f" I' IlIltl " I Many perso n s t o o f eel u h esi tA ll c y Ih e l [ II "y i' I ~ " TII ~tI d iK t b u ndvul c !~ ~ 'Iw~ ~ . 110 ~' Y~ IIbout re p ortin g n ews rela t in g t o nittlrihllp,,' j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ e~ , it W II S c l'lin"!I] , II1lls t ulH!t' r , "\VllIl t i 8 the II1 I1 U Ol" !" Th o l it ll f' • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ themse lves acId their f a m il i e~ , w ith , ~ tllnd " r eudlo!;, Wl'itill ~ tl nd Ciph e r, fo li o \\' ~n y!l, loo kill l; III, til o t m n~ in~. " lit I l'n~ t ,I biD t.1l t.08 Cit IIl'i lh g l'088o r . " ,J ohu n " I.., 1' p ill c h r d rn e. ont c onMide r iu g t hat ofte ll Ul e m e ti c t.o fJIIl ::; i D ~ 1 1J liu le o f T I1I' l'e. so) h e did. " Tile t Cll c h e r i ~ II I I1 n e.· tld itor o f t h e Jlnpe r will not hen I' o f Occtl sio nally you w ou ld tin ll c xc i\,e d; lie IIt n t, le l' ~ II ~ 110 Ia y~ d ,l\l II 1 It in !lny oth er w n y . 'JDO wh o cOll ld c urr y th o p ll pil" th o ~ Illte lind l' e 'lI'i l. By IIIl m e ll n s t e ll 11M w h at y o u tb r ou g l1 t o Vn l!! fl !' Ffllo l in n s U.' th O' 11111'0 'L l111r,I 8n lll t o ,1 ,\" \\'h ,II1!! \'(! \' J l 11 111111\\":1 .1 " ROM , 'l'b (, ~E\ m e lll'e l!. ' th ,, 1 .lis'it C(1." kn o w . Do it often, We wi ll lip.. Tb on t u r n i ll g t il lit.· I h ey s ': ~ llIiD Cd 11\1 j UrJJlJl·tu n t. rtJia ,w e u seu, h e R n y ~ , i ll " .i11 (l g l' ,li ll r· 1 p r e eiate lI od your f ri en ds will b p ti un t.o soe ic t .\', i[lll ~ Il111 C h li S I." t h CII, 10110 or " Uif''', " .1111111. w l' y ,1irl ,1' 1111 g lall t o h ear o f YOIl n nd Ilbout y on wu s c 01,umit rcd th o t" ldu in/; o f th e pin ch Bill L I'" l y~" ·' \Vh y . h e )d" I, YOll thfnl Jlro fl'~~ i o n Il L : tl,,, t Ih l' 0 (1 m e <) 1\ t, I1t~ ~ h in. " ~II I' ~ .1 "I ,n ~ p eo i rn O D s o f th e ir h llntllw,w k lIIu s t " l\ ic k Oil y o u " n t h e >1 1 i ll ~" " i' t'S lillOI'll t h o h li li s o f le j;b ll\t .o n ; t,IIII ' "iI' ," ' ['i, n t " I\C'I'rH' Ilill n IlIl' ns f t' The 1)l'iee o f the Mh\m i Gazette i ~ t h oy had Illllc h t o UO ill 1Il , . k ,n~· Ril l 11 11 11 " "."" . " Y()n 11 1'0 II P l' c l l .I· , S1.00 Ii YOII r whon (lllid ill u rl vll n cc sq u i res ILnll jnclg e!'. se nll t fll 's " ",I f,' l! n w. \\, h y d it! y ,m k it- k .I u h ll l p r esid e nts: h e n c t! th ey fe l t " \" ' 1',1' Bllk" I' o n t,h e ~ h i n'! " Wben the p /lper is n ot pu id fo r in " t ncII II S" It o , great respo n s ibil ity , lind ru lml wilb ~ c ra t (' h ll d m e . " SII.\' S D ill . lit I],u l advanc e th e price is :1\ 1 2:,. ,. I' ')rl o f il'Oll , ~UIII A t.IIIIB gllOw in g I.h o p rin t o f till! T h o ll o u s e s i n whi c h tll ese CO Ull , fi n go l' \llIiI on th u b It is to th e In t e r est of e llch s u h.' uc k II f th o hunol , ' try ~ c h o u l s w or e k E' pt,. \\" I' e 111' II 1I11l1 sbe,I (li.lI g II scri ber to pay in nd vlln eo. t "11l' P l't w o , '.1'1 "' 1 J.ll'i n li f i vo e h ll l'll c te r . 011 tJill s II l1l1 f, ' " I t each ol' pr ocee.l ; n tl 1"11' 1,1,0 1', 1111 t Tho a bovc rul o wi ll bo r igid ly a d , "o 'lII11 l og ~ . 1I 1l 11 oo vl" e ll w ith c lll }) S!l Y~ , "r IIll1 \l OW ~ lI ti ~ fit d yo n '11'(1 ' h e r e d t o /lncI s u bsc ribe rs n r e r eo hOlIl'tI .. , with n ODI'S 11111(\0 o f lo os e ll o lh in t h e fn u lt, ; ~' O \l k n uw wbn t I ' que9ttld to hellr i t i ll m ind , plll n k ~ . or IJUl1 l' h co n s 'l' h ,' h etl i ll r, t o ld YOll t,lli~ IU OI·lI il1 g . J o hn BIlI, .. r ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .• Jlpu I'IIlnS WII ~ \\11 " , i ll1plo', III 'll l' p,1 I,. t o o b ig 'l h llY t o btl l'i llf'hin ~ ~ "li d - - -- - - ple'L~lI nt : it cO ll s is tod " f IIIl o ill' lI snll t c hing n Ii Lfio h oy Idw Hil l I..,s · : fir e I'I'H' c, in lI l' il i mn ,' y o f 1'1'0 111 f ll llr I,'y , I 'll I,; i,·o him pi lll' lli ng 11 111 1 t,o ~ ix fcc t w id .,. 11 11 0\ "I' ,n l1kipll t ~c rn t c h i n g £'11 0 1.1 II " ~'J h .. " "11 ,, 12G Wes t F if t h SI.rl'et , (\p)lt. h t o t ll k e in II " II ,e k I, ,;!. ' ;" u u t .Ju hn . llnd t ,ll" g tl n wlI fil e III."''; ' I t ll/ ' V w(' r (.' c ,111 0.1. o f fl 'U I11 on u It) II\' .. !lilt r o d , ('U lll ll1 e .". .. a UI, ,". Du ytllll , O h i() , ' t r' ... ,,!: f p (· i i n IlllIlll Ptr' r . ll ud t! " '1l It ilui l" j n s t ico w it.1o Il "Il ' gu,n f' ,' ,\ , I" , P lionep . : M ttin li' O:.!, ,HOUl e 3[,02. " fo r e s t ic k " 0 1' h ,, 1f I h e s iu. b 's ili A._ III Ys o n the Ii ek ~ li n '~:l Y". ·' ''' 111 ," " '" I hlt tillin g in IIn,l pil i n g- uP. Wh ic h , o ve r pin c h n oo tll E VE, E AR, N OS lC A ND T II HOAT. e l' bo.l'Y ::la ,\' , w ill . wh e n fil1l ~ h ecl , \I'll :! II l" 1! h elll' in YOU'!" ;1'01111 orie" "N ,I. M 'l~ t li' l'" , S p ectllc les fl tt.ed at r en s onn b le p r ie p, rnll1ill tu r e. 'I'll<! lJ.. n \! h l' ~, wui c h n o , " liS h e h o w ls f ,'o m ti ll" IIg on y I Iv e r o \lIlId o o f . Iu b !l. c n c.ll Wi t h fo ul' l'l'o(\n cc d by the l u~h os A f l l' l' " i leg:! IL" n c u rl y o f II I nn g t h liS fh n t e rribl o I rilUmin g t.b e t rll oh e r « ,,V" . CII S" w o ultl il umir of, WI1\',' IIl'1' llI1 g ed ·'Th o l'l' . n o\\', lo t m e h ell!' "I' y o ,,!, ,m th e Hil!t·" 1111 ,1 ill f r tlll t of tl d ~ s Cl'llt c hin g o r pi nr:ll in,; IIll tl l lt('\' 1" ", ' 1 g r ollt fil'tl / ' I'h c l'l ' iu th e 1II I) I'I1 in g tlml I w ill t il l, ,,, e 1' (' 1' .1' h illl! ,,11' ~ UN DERT .\K}~ H rou wlI nit ~e n I ii I'! Ir" ..' s 11 11 11 ~ i r l • . 1' 1) 11 . " nUl L esl ,I' ."t.hflw f(''' '' h ,' 1' "'1\" I with tll t'il' ri ll i fil e',',..; Htljl h l·)j.{ht e .\' l' ~ , ~ ll~' :: , " (' fUIl O h ur e.·' Bi ll tn ' Tll l ,II':" i elllniu ~ in fr u m e \ "' I' .r '1 l l a l't t~ J' , f ll t',, ' l\l u1 \\, l' f! P 4 , H IlIl E~IB A Ll\lER ~ II t he rU11I Ill' :-o n l)\',' . (':lIT Y lll g" tli .·i!' \\ fll, ' t Il tl :--' 11 n n y 111Iil· .\' :-I , " :\ I II~t l ' r·. I ~ I ' .:-I0 r \\· (' l l· t.... 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It Pays ,to Pay in Adva nce





J. H. McCASSY, M. A., M. D,




}' U RNrl' URE OF A LL KI N DS .

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Mnry LIvings t on \'s G eo r ge D 1t 11l'11l 1l \\' lI it.ll c r £', luml,!.' r . T hirkield e t. [1,1. Iu the ulll n r e u f n U,ll' llln Whita OI'll , cu nlrll (;(. c red ito r 's bill UIId f o r otl1er equit. ~II . !!l ........ ........... ........ . nble r e li tlf. Hllrlllll Wllilllc rl ·. hr id ge r e p llil's ill ~11 1 <'\Il Illlt! IIlIrl un I'ROIHTI i: '·0 l'1I1' . .\ \! A .\( I' ~ I I ' .\ 1 tl)W n ~ h i p :ol .......... ..... .. .... .. F~ed fur Sail.! 1•• .• \\1 ~;~ t" L te of Lo(lwi o k W . Mill e r , ,I e. Tr'Il~ I NlA III' 1' \, ,, ,,, ,\" I :-., .. 'i Afl'lI i l' ~ . 11 I \ t, 01 ~ , It .... II ., tol l reuse u . '1' . C. P"tte r Ro n IIPV inttl rl li ~ ht lIt.e" ) lll'th o u~" IIn rl j,oil ~ ~ :! I 1. 1 \ I ./ • I) \ \ 'I ' 1,1 1111 [l,tlmini strlltor with b oud Il r "0 ,000 TI'[l ~l t! e R I'llhlie A W lIlIt i li g f"t 'd \·. l ll Illil il i ll ~u ll '" n'/li l'" . wn . til : : ;, li t ,· ,,;.1«) Le w Muh e r·. .Jel'l'}, I'ul'khil l (11111 .J I" I II ,~: " I! IIll], ra l· t il l' \' in ( \ I) · W lll . : It I t)·.\· 1'1' 11' 1" I ito' ilt (·' , U I't. h o n ~ (I .. .. .. ..... 1: ..... 11 1 }I"t ;~: I" j ' W . Rl tc h oy . tlppl'll l ~u ni . 1'11 1'. \\ ' ,,\:-\ I·::--\11.t I'; l ' .\~:-< I ~ ' : ( '1 1 .; I . I tt I ', .. II ' . <; Il IIII'II1'1 II'! III .101111 ].· n ll ,,,, fo r ),; ~ tll l tJ o f MIi I' Y F~ . L alllar. d "'C'Ii " " '. 1 I; I' ; il' " n :-O:t~ \\' I ' l' "11 ( 'ru tH.! :1 t1 11 H , tIt U\VII .\' \ 1., ' , .. ; , I 111", ' ". oU . FOl' m e l' lorllls lll c n di seltllq;e tJ /. 11.' . ".' I I HI l ' ud,: I' it 1\t 'W :-\d ll'd n ll' III l · r"I II·! . nn el new bUII,1 uf ~:!.O()O !5i\'Cn b y Ild rUlld ( ' II'III'l: I'l' u k l Ull n ~ lI l l' . lit ",t, 1.01..: • • • 1 " I \ III. \ , I, ;. L .• nUl tt ~ $ I; ~ :Itl • I'. ,. .I Ullt' '!~'. l~I II:', ll a ..... t·lIg'· r I rui n !'" 1I\' t ' l I : I'" II II Illinis tr.ll o r. 1\.1, loin .: J I - I ' 11 1·1 , I: ('Otlll''' d. It:t 1" .B u l' l H,,,·,i 1',1\' n (' w 11,,01.1 Ih,· P' l l\lI ... .\'l\·lllI i n I. l lll ' :-oi It ': I \',' \\' 11 ." ", " 1 : II II I , : II E;oltltc~ fo r s e ttlmu c nl : \\' . \\'111 IIhut lll l' nt IIn ll l'il) rill' \\'11\1 <>11 11,'1',' I..' 1.11 ~ " ·:11 I\ t"s\· ll h · ~lnti tJ n a:-: 1'11 1\11\\':-', : ' 11 ':1 \ t I I Iuce WikolY, llt'coII Ae tl , fil'st IIllll • I , ', I ,. , .\ I II ", , 1 I" Iy pil", Drcr ti e ld tuwn ~ lll' . fll ('~t i F ul' t I ll' 1'~ II :-, 1 ~I < . 1 It I I I . :: I;' Jt I .11 . , " . I': " d,d.,· fIulll Il ccuout; AlIi ~o n J u n cA, d o .... 1,, 1' ulll l n 1): 11\ I. Iii . ...., 'I ' \', .1,'1. , . 111 . ; ~ l l11 111tY unl\, 11I.'! 1 I I I II. Cel S , d.llr~t IIn ll flnlll IIc uo nnt ; F. ·IUl I 1 1.111 1, 1"-- I \I.t· COIIII'II .. t le t tol 8 l1 rt. Hrr<l 1'.1\' 1111 I! F UI' lit e "' us l \1 :Il'! II . III ; I; .1 11 I' Ri tc h oy . dfCtltlse d. tir st llOlI f111,,1 ~41nll h ... ,Il'1 , ·'.t II tr O ll HPW P l' n n COl u l11 bin l'Jftll Olle r' " I : j' /11 .... ' ,IIII,I..,·.• III ! In . ; t; U1 HIIl Y Ull l .y I :;,;, H . III . II ccon nt ; Hll nry P . Mpig f.' r , d ecclis !'.' I. , :11 ; ll . i I' III fi ell! I'} WII -hip . ,It C'H ti IIlUt<· :j; :J1 . ~,II. ., 11.\\ I.". I t ... X 'j ' :.:.} I. '; '] ell, Itrst lind flnul ncco ll u t ; FOr[;u, F o r' p u t'ti t'nllu- in f u l'Ill ll t l tJ ll llll I 11I r 'O IlII' II I' I Int 10 D. H o l li llgH \\, Ol·th I,.w ... tl, I 1.\1. ,I' I i .... I' C le m e nl A, d oeen sou ; flrij l. II C o\lnt ; ' 111\' 1' " " t' ll lll'" I.\' "" lill"d I h l' ''''g l,,, ul IIml:lll f o r H,HV,' )' O il Ih " Ll ollil'f,; .• wO l'lh \\' . I·: ~ l ,t! d· . · . I ~ l' It'1 l'a"':- "II g-" I' Ah' ! I ,;lIbj l'(' t, "I'lll)' t·) II 1': O""l h . mac h in or y i ~ n ow rnn by Curri e tAl no\'e r et 111. lIIin o r ~. flrsl I \\'1I)· n""·il l,, . I) r orlll TUl'n er- I' co k t O WJ\ ~ hlJl , , 11) ~:; L""" " ,," , l .0hi.'. (, '" 11 1'''''' ''1'. IIlh \'.i ll g Ih, ' llIil l l oj w (1 rk to II ~ l'lIl1l·UPUCit.y . a cco .not ; Ad olin c '1' . Sdl wnl·l z. d e I . Conll'II c t. le t 10 .l o hll L irHl e l' fo r " oe ll ~ cd.ll rs t u nd finlllll oUoll ut ; Wil I 1.11 \V Ir A H i'::-' W "~jo, T .\:\ 11 :-:~q ' T lI \, ' ,·::-- ' 1 .. \ 1\ 1.11 111, "j' I!oJ III' II l ll l f ,'j '" IJ II loll llli " I 1111 li lll "" . s c w e l' o n H ol lill ~~wo r t h I' llllli C lf'lu ' As\( y o ur ! :-:' PILI ·I.\J. II I);\It-~ :.. K I·: I, I': H:-,· t-:.\, · l I: "' I ! I;-":-lillm H . Butt, dcoens od, fir s t. u ccount c r eu k I (lWll~bip, n t estilllll\ o MinIlio Li pp in c ott. d c()ense d . Ihi nl i':lllI tm cI let 10 ]-I1I1'1i11l WlJilll cr l' WI lli wllllt Y"" :1 t'1l lI >i n " Ir y t1oi ~ . 11 will noeoull t.. . \I H "Ill' ' 11111 " 111,11 ttllil1' .t 't ll' \\' , 1"0 1 111.1 \ fOI'II SO we I' o n t ho \\' IJr!I'Y' !'(J llrI i n I,d •• ' .\11\ .111 111 ": 1' OJ I 110,· ,·,·d llli o! ' ,' 1· ... I "~ 11.' In r o will ISlIb e11" Bro wn. dncolI' · I ' I ,, ', t .. 1 II" Ill '· !"<o J" I,,' I ... , ." II I .. 1. 0I}... 'I:L Rnrlllll t () \\,Il ' h.ip . lit, ps l illln l " ~ '! ·t f,( I '. ' 1111 e tl. Willn ,ltnitl cll tn prolill e . .. ,1\' .1111 I 1.111(.· .. \11 111"111 .. III I ' tl l ll ;, 01" 1,l.ilLfI '(\l\lra r·t I,l t to 1'[; , 1'1 ,," \\'h i l' It 'r, 1 1"\\ .1 I ": .\ II ~ .. ... ~1I!" l t , .. "t.1 :\II ·· .. " U II .\1"" ~;~t "t e lI r 1",d )1' 1I 11 Brn wu . d (,c,, " ~· fur 1111 II IJlII.III (' D r. ~ I ilcs' J I I':t r l C"re It ,,~ t 111. 1 :-'; ,· }. r·1 I", lilt' I J,II;. I.h 1 '1"1-:": ' \\' 1'- 11 n I; 0>11 " 'I I'\to,\' l'lIad ir 1, .. \ "" 01. .I m o ph n . I": oy_ " lIp,}inte l! ox 1I III'Ia n ' u \\,il ~ '1' 1':\ " :11,,1 " I ll' I ... , I t I . 'I," \ II 1 h' \\ . .. 1 '1l 1:-1dl' 111 , 111\' , .. I .lIt .... ~,, \ l il : I i:,'" lllll a t. f1>tillwl<' $ 1:. ;,1 , ,,11.1 'II :dl I III "'1, I, . .. 1 II," "'" ,!llt ":lIl n r . R. Lo\, . t;lIl'IWl' il,;ltI, .I uhn ____ ___ thl'.\ ' 1! ;1\t:,· 11 (" '11 l 'lUll tJ ~lT1l('d .... , " 1',.\ ., 1".1' t:." k 1" ' !flLlt t l,II ·!t· I ... I " I n " ". 11\:' :11 , · I. U"IIL ' ·~" ' . I U;III YU' " H. Cnskoy nud ,\ . D. Si d e~ lip \ .\l.t.I : \" l 'III) ~E;o,; .. H I '1 h\ ... . 111'1 . 1':" h o\" ·I<·,,. I I II ,' ~ ,',,111 l'lv l d .. " III I,, · '111 .... tI ,· ,'t I t .,111 .. dl,lll lI' 111 , ' ·,. 111 Jl rul~erll . <:lIre d l h ou':I1"\ "'. '"1 01 \\ i ll :I '. In"l I' , l.lIll' d Ilr"r'"1111 "!! ".. Itl I I rl ',. : 1111'1'1 1 1111 , . ,I, ' t1 IU!'-.t i ll\·;tr i;tl Jh l ' lI Tt· 'II' l H' IH l it ni l I" I I. ' 1, 1, .,'1\ 1.. 111 '11 I n I'e will Hllrry E~sllllltn. 11 0 1I1"11L ;I}'I' . \I·.I I .. ,,, II, ) '1\ .1\ l .. ·[., t .110('" .. , -{:\' l'f\" \':1'(' u f lil'an d i ,'i t'a ~ t.: , c e l\s e tl. I'. ("'" 1\ .• ),1.1 I 11\0' ''1. Arthur \ V. EIl Sllllltf] Ull t lll " i ~ n sure S h ort "r"allt . paill ,-,rlJlln d p o iul ed l'xccuto r. Orle L Hill. N . s i g n t ha t ll carl, 1,,,ll'ila lioll. tl ltlkrin g-. r~ L.\H I) H I I.\\' "'.\ IU': ~. I'}O: ~ .. . I.l!\r.:-: you r d igesC Hill IIn ll .1. Gilpio Trirnblo ' di z z y . Loililillg' a lit! ~ 1 1I"I It .. ri ll;; th'c Ol'gnn s 1.0 A}.; S N I':W )'1'1. \ 'J'E 1) . S '· I 'I~· nLllt'r Ill . 1'\. 1' II .. j,.ull· 10 , 1 .... \\ II I I, IIpprn isOl·s. ... ,:,1 NOT tH !.Y l'UBLJ. art.! o ver$ 1'~ lIs ~1t"ltl o\ 11 ,,1 I... lll ·;~ k'·I\"!. 11UIII allll , l...·1 ~la l l1'I1 '" .ojl III" 1" ·11 11 ' \ [ ' .. 11 1.1 Estute of Mary G. Drow n , decoll s w or k ed 1. 1,"' .. 10 ;],,\ ... l a !l'·II .. lIlh" ... ,·IIL ...... !t·l\" 11 111, ... \V ,I h ll\'I · I" 'y ,,, l'~ 1',)1' glltlll fal'lIl , IIn ll I.o\\'n Ill'ol lurl y lit 1111 T ak e 1)1'. .\ 1il , '~ ' II (,;Ir t emo;' tim es .. I. r i \ I'd t oo hca vil y 111 1111 ;"t,: III II' [I'): 111 1: \ 1111 II • 'J ', I '''II ~ Li s t \\'i tll us, \\' 0 (':111 h elp )'01 11, eJ . Ilo port of pri\'nt e s ule o f ulIDk and <l' e hllIV q u ic k Y' !I\ \\'ill i-:,l,,,! !I IIUI ~ ,\ . 1 1'1I1h , · , ; ,111 burt]cl1 c d 111'1\11 1" 0 1 1" ' 11 1. stoo k fil e d ",nu II Jlpro velt . .... ' ·II·.U IIII I.Uj 4· ... ·1 hi; · l .\ , ' II'''' "I I Tl l !fI " 1 III 'b e r elic\'l'd . in :.l stat e O llie l' 1{.." 'IlS ",' PI' 1'. ,, 1 ()Ilie n III ~ t nO Jl H ' Buildin g . l "ru·!.,t 'I,u or ]'"(>he ll irJil. ID r o will L ll v inn. P .IYf](', lI ecea;t"l Tt C lll lllJl make a l1C W h l!art, It is n se ri· 'but w ill rt',l,)rc a sic k o n e I,,' AppliC< ltion t o r~d llli t will IOprrI U!lll' nu~ ('ond' · N" I Ah .\It ." FAI . I. ... : l re ll :;l h,' iliilg' th " h ca rl n e r",:;; FO :, fu r lt cllri n g AUg ll., t t inn , and if I~ lit \( :'l nl I1c~! l tl l cl' l\1:"I( t e(l l e~ . rc l il'\' illg' th ~ u 'cl ook u . III, 1.:1 1(.·)0( th" r "l tI ' · will reslIlt in cOIDpl of Ihe \ ' \111 1'.lrt k·II.I I· ... !t 1"Hl l l ! /' :l1I11I.]. 1i /':", ,' \1 fro lh Fr lll i s Illl'i V ,·g .. I "Illo : 1I1l \'c Ih o elll!. Also ca nn od Gouds Iltllta lu r a l ~ tr a in, and IT~ to rin g' • •Jo:1I1 H. Lin ton, ItS ('xec uto r 0 1 gravest c!Jal·hclc r . :-- \11 11 It, :-" ' : q.~ .L' 1·' ,.11" \\ 1111" lU I 11 1·1..,, 1 11\ " II il S vit a li!\' . Dea lh lIot infreque nt ly en s iles a s Ihe ::1 I 'l'lkll l llll 1" ) 1 I': lI "ol ll Ti d. , I .\ /,,'1 11' tile l 'l ~ t w i l! IIIIU t est alll e nt, nf Hun tll l\ lll il l'I'n li y 1""I h-l' Ll urt i(· l l'~. "1 b au l; \' I~ ry bnJ cn.~ tJ or h .... nt't pennlty for th ioo kill K that Ihe troubl. 1' .'111 11- \' 1\ . H d J 1.1IH· ... . \\' . ,\ n" '" It,~ l l il l " 1ro\L blt:. Fill' 6 h: III (I1I t 1l $ I cu u ld t1\I L IlIlt U rt o n , tlece1 Q ell. \ 's Mur gllrel wi ll correc t it .e lf an d dll.;IP l'cu r ullas· I wl )rk. . L a !);t .l lIly J \\ ;" 111u\\ lll b" ('urn " ',, loll ' <' 1111 Ilt l'~I ', IIl1d II I O! lI p 1elo slllc l; of o i,h er ~I' oceri :rlJltl r. . . ,..' l !ll g- IJud a ll . !H\: in 11. ,-. nrt, ,.es besid es. Miller e t III . Co ufirlllllt i o Il of salt· sisted . L u W F .\Uf<!"i t'l) 41. .' , II 1 10CJ n In 1.llIwln);, t ilL1.· I "w l I\;! d tv 1.11' lloll't ne~lect t his c n<l it ion - don '\ V \ \ '.\-'I J/,'\tE K'I' .] il \\· I\. or f fl ll (I, )\~o . I I ,n~ .. t !IIl'·~' of 1'0 111 olltllle mud e . Deed o rd e r ed Invite (I;S!l~ler l>y dela \ \ ' 1' u I' t\ II lI Xil ) t1:-L tlJUI .\ ·( J U gi\u O nf :;tu ro )1 \' Come in 'nn,1 see H tria l. y . bUL g o 10 Ihe )H'iH t tln'.dd ,.·d II~ t l '"o~h It ", .., !ld AT 1I ":r.i\,I·; H \ 1.'1 l ~E N!,\ I.INE:;,. ~i Ycn ILUU f': l 1 hl· uu ~ h. u n .! I l u u dlt ' ~ 'l1 l l \' 111 propor ,l i ~ t ri hnt iOll 0 1 Dearest drn glli,'1: a n d buy u bott lc of !lU I' gIHH I .... 1\ II ";U.'H "! l I, ) ~, ·. ,h '1 .1 ,, ·,· :1 1 In. 11,"1\ ' " fUIJ"s Illud e ~~lg(l rnl; I" Io~;:i,(.~; J1~'n l~t'. ···:t;··,~: {:)n~t ); " ~II" I " " 'I " ~ "" In I','",·,·,. ,'" ,.",.1 l'~'f-Ol~ I l ' :l d ' 1·~· J. Iw l( ~ . f It I \"lJl ... ,,, ,,,,,,, , THE CO~N[~ (j~OCEI<Y. d In re will Henry ~lIollleni n g, do -"'; .,lL" . ,.tI 1· . •h· 7' I Ulllll , · ld I, r:tlld 1\1111 \ ." 11 a'~!l ll IlU ",I" " p u ll 1l1 ~1: t. 11'/ 1"1'\ 1. ( LQJCat" '.)· CHl s l y !l ) ;:H I t'J b"d lip (1'1'111 11'. (. If. I "n ; H, ·I I;lt •. I .·.\\ IIII .. · .... ld! I"II' .,; IIIII, . l ..d .l l l ,<l oOllse" \ V, lI 1I/1mitte ,1 t.., p roba te . I .~ :tIm ,·,; ~ rJi,;hl . 1 )1 : 1\' " 1,l k"1I !'I" ,1., \ 1,···",-, """ 1,, 1.11'" I, ,, : .. 11 :"'" 1'1",,,,,,,, • 11I1 1 1I t'8. j ~L .. l .n).' h(>'\ 1 t I~ t ' S I ' '-'= 11l:! I' • n· I!.I HIllo'l.,l l· ... P . H. Rue , IItlmini stl'lltul' o f Ih p • J'op r18 ' 0".. lI!'t tllll'· ,d lI". · ·tt . "I).h .... \,',' k WL 'I~(-~. l ( .,.,1 Ilk ,' II II. W r n : lll • 1" J" , ;a l 11, 'k , I " h ' 111,1 lli, !' " 1 11.'·~ . .,nd (':'I n \\1 .,1'1 .; e~ I tl l o o f Clltheri nc O lll1uh e r , tl o ' ·I ,II.:.ltf ,·nt h l .· f ur fl n oh.t Jt is tim su r~~t, qtlh:kt's (·al' t ing an d !1L22E! !E!2 DUl.Il, b'1 1Il.~;).,r;I;;I;·:-I·"1 .. 1-'1,,\<.:1. Oh io. ·otlllsed. vs CII t h eri Ile Milley et II I mo~ t effect in! r c rucdy i n th e world fo r all '''HI s tOIll"" h t rollhl es ·- pleas~nlllIlH ' 1' ' I'd I" Dr . fMlle 3" .H e ;trt CL lre Is so ld b y ·O rtl c r fo r ~!\ I e of r ea l CS I.ll le /0( 1'11 II t e ll ant bo,.el ytl\l r d rll O<)I'!t. who w i ll fJII~" .'nt l"C t hn t . p o werhl\\. Hnd penet ra t ing' . 1:.~ Ii!' s t ll o ltJ \·..'111 b e n r-f Jt. It It f ntls It reac hes Iltc se.a.l of I he t ro ll ble and E~ e ot' Itu c h e l A . Thrue l"n "I' J H~ Will r ~ f lljH.I ) 'O W' m on e )' . instau t l}' COrl e-cts it. Itun , dl·ocnSCtl. Inve nto r y U1HI up Mile:.; II!ctliCIlI Co., E lkhart, I nd ~TH [!;T( I ., l , I. J II, . :. f" I. The confil": c1 ~,cs are released . fe r. "" iprllisCUl ellt fil ed menI a l ion i" slopped :11)(1 Ihe a ffecte d I . I' · .. II 111 .\. I r, I 1, hi, II .. I I. " I, .j • • " I . B Ii: ~ I. ;j() loculit\' soot hed alld . tren g lhe ned t\' \ •• ,,,1: 11 1. , 1\ J .. .I 1! 1 1).,11:,' 1, \, '" Il r tl WIU IIrry "st 1111111 , d e· DR :CALDW ELL'S SY IH' P P,,'PSIN A Home of Your Own. I'" ," d I '1" ,: 11 'Ii () ,.,sed. Wld"w elec t s I n 11I1H! call be o blmned in I>ol h d ollal'u \ ' (,I'y nd hal[. II, ' , "II .\ Wl, I .; ... : ' I n II und e r provisi o ll~ of wiU \\'\'"5" ll (l t ~ t (l p !,I:l,V l lJ g !'fl ut IIlltl 41\\' " I' I ': '11 , I 1'",I tI .1 'I,·' I I:" 1 doll ar sizes al aLI dr1l.g-g-is ts I." .. I :1 ~ .. . " III '''1. . . Your ru o lle\' will be rC/ lI llded jf It " I I ' I ... :! ,1 1'1 I ,d ,\ ·,I !I .... ,I! 1. '; " '1 ~a, 11 I \ 0] 1\ 0 1..1 f Y l) ll t' 11\ \ ' 11 III Sllnt l l I':. i:11 REAl. KSTATE TI!AN8F K IIS. 01 1 .... 1"1 dOt:s nol bellciit \'ou ,, 'I, . '1 '1; I:'" "101, T "~I '. I II B I t ll':l . '1'1\\ " " 1''' yt)n C' 1I 1l :-:lW n r tl " Ilost n l c nrll ~r~<J ll(" sf will brln~ b~' return EI g unl l /i " " II .. • I Z'~) O I Ill' oy .to h<'orCII \ntl m Your .,1 .our D OW bookl. ,. "'UI< l' A LU\\' f: LL ' S '1" 1 t. \"1 ' ''' I . 1· '\'" ' II eo d t 1 :':" t ., .... , ,·1 III B n d u·•ell. qUl' t CI,UIU I. t those BOOK 0 1' ,,"OXUER ::;" nnrl f ree H"mpl. 10 KtI1l'1 IJ 1n e r 6$ 011 l li f' lo i~I,\\':o\' I " illd"),,,, "1 I.. ,·., ""~"" .. ... ,,,un' \."".".01 who h th "O flt" "er t rlf:'c.1 th ll. wonderftal 1"''''''1'1 in j . til 'Vftyne s\' ille. (~ IlCC, JI1 1~I U: t. "S l ll1t1t 1) /I )\l) tll f o r tlJl 111 " /1 1'. \ ]( ftQlotlV. Mall " our I>o.ull o"n),. " . ' I'" 1\11'1 , 11 1",,'\ ' .. 1 '~"I ' :"' fl, lot'l'!t MiDnio G nllaQer t o Mnry 1 111\! 11 11: ki x th r.C ) Il SI:' (,I1 I I\·t ' 111 11 1' It ·d 111I IJ t1l , Iltl! :1 ''''",I .\ll1 l>ta E. PEPSI N SYRUP CO. l ~ I"ol l ll ~' 1'.11 '11 11' 1' "';. 1 Bro ll'D. lot in Leb ~ J1nu, '1 lind h hlt f'!-I lll th f' P1'l !dlll ' l ll 111 of p,'r ('a I' ll (f!\.\ ! i , HI.,"t ~ .0nUoll lo. 11111101. 1I1~ ' , .' • • '1', 1 " I,,:.,.!,l l'l l lli I'., :--:. 1,1 ' ·lIll.o. 1 1 .111 ()thel' good nnd vlllu~bl o c Oll s idllr. 1'3 W N llIl l. 11\ til 111' 1' W I ,1'11 :-:. ~ /) lI tl 1111111: :1.,'.,11 .' 1 I,'. II·dl",\ ~ 1;'. 11111 1. " .1 1' I'; I F, JI' 8nlo by .f. E. .)11 nn c.'1' aUon•. l lMI\.l lta IS lilt !:.! I I

Th ere is sec urit y if you dep osit a t the




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Heart W ea kn ess .

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Bowel Trouble









Dr. Cal dwe U's

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Syr up Pep sin




('l.H T.\fX

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$:!.oo, .. Best. to


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Charles S. K oog l B t.o Geor ge. E . Y uung, lo t ill I.obll n o n , if I lind ot h oI' good 111111 \'lIltlilbl e cI ,n "i,l e rllii"IH!. J ohn Titlls t o -,\<111 L . l1i ~er . lot I:. JIl o r ruw, f.HO O. Eli ", 1 Jo'. I-lHi n e~ to A un ll C . F, O ·N ell.1I ct nl, ILlt in Wny u es villA , * 1. 8,llti e Hnrt hy W . 11 . Bo uA . •1 . V. Mitrh ollllnd .1. J . Th o wp~ u n 10 C R . COIVn n . 1 I'ooll Ill1d ~G po los ill L ebulI o n, $1.~1II . .J o hn O. 8c r o~gy t o Ann Virg inill Ste wllrl , lo t. ill llllr\' oy~ uurl!, *:100. Addie F . N"blo In Willillll l I-I. N o hlE·. 01 ;'. lI o r os in F l'IIlllllin t e wll · s hip, *2.:mi.




DIlI1.., FUN ERA L DIRE CTORt Telephone Day or Night. lo{al Nc. 7 Long Distance No. 69 -3r

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con. W. ZP. Lt.• lI .f.l .. 1ih lrRau St •.. tlld .a.ll. \V . .I GI HHI:n. t\. M.. W. C. R1I&USU~ . G. r. 1 .• II ClochI ..1i • Peculi ar Di s Hpp e l a ll ce. .1. O . R u n ) nn . nf

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ll1id t 'IC p p.c u lllll' di~"" 1 Jt l "1\1'I11\('£1 01 hi~ plillfnl H)'lll)JIOl1ls . "I' indigcs li on ,uutl b i li o u ~ lI es ~, t o DI·. \, i llg ', Ne w Life Pills , liD SAYS: "Tit ,,) oro It p e rf e t r e m !.'ll,\". f o r di z z i n e~~ , suur sto ll1n o b, h eouu che, consti »n ticiD. e t e . " Uuornn teed R·t May 'l d I'ug sto rt', price 25c. .


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WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Branch office. Harvevsburg, O. 'f i B) · 1I1IWh

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The Pione er Limit ed

A 'l'(Jll c hlll ," St Ol'v.

co I to ,I Nt 0 illn g o n tt18 M a. r k et ",qua ' C numu e l'l ulIl ' s Colt'c , Ch~lero

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The ' Miami Gazette.

al"\!t!r Ire rr ftm. and Rllp In • m ph I1n1l olllnt r ' IOrk . N o (tmA t ll rpllll l ill .' flll nlhnn nn ,1 Prllnre" ~ hslI '1 ~ I JU I' 1 H il i felt rlH~ lI'It>ll hun p Ihf'Y wt)u ld b :,,' ('1


BROWN .I< ,\ l et( ~ V. Publish,,&.


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T he SI'lrl11 ]; H b:t. 'J'h hI 1I~ 1l11 an,I ~' IIrnf,,1 "In re In o s t ('('Ill UllIll :l11l() 11": tu e r ti h; Luv \\"11all , Illill ,·ul1(,.l t y . Jt 1UO ... t Imp" Sibil: ~ u~ ~ t il t:' N(;. w


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Tell OUl.1S A llo ut-Pushe.w s-.Ku " o. I.. t r; II! I " "I,ll \\ "!lld ~I 1 \\1 II I I t'

\\\lld\t- I .. ~e ,ltl 1J1o.dl t IIwdll l lli j t' t I I I .: . kit,,\\, \,h .11 ll lll'l 1.. 1111 Ih \\ til .III [tI, I : I tl \\ (·nklh .. " till I IIIIlId and 11J l l'u"lu; . k, Chll'I!; ~' .\d \l \.~ lI l ' .

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pullta ' lUi" or 10101' 0 1 "llll e e mlJrold<'red nl ' r el>u l&r I n l e n-a) ~ OHr Ibe do lh Lu I" .111d lOis ~f pa le b!u e t3:,,-Lh~ s !IIHle lunt bO~8 ~"Jl e\fI','I Jll' vg-aJ'f !, Orll. . ~

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11\•• t l ~ 11I

I X T HE F H I::XLlI {,J l A 1U'i:: H ,\ l ;'>IE ,\- UHLJ::A NB

Dut ~In r e (Jf trump el. Utlt was Ull o f sal Il"rla ll s uf r eSIJeClI Vf I' O\·PrJ\. tb e llIoal h ero1 4; effOll!; U\e, made in IlH· nt~ ' And l h · \\ Iite r ~()"_b on (0 tue Inl e l e~ I S uf htl",""II' A '1' 11 11.· soy 11IIIl . lhl. uodl. rCll1 Csenlln g th e l Oll'. \l r lli n g 111 t he ,," oriel s W or" lJl U"t n,lIan( ,I l11 e,ilcal t llU ugh t u f I~e Hay S. " J h e slor y or 1I1 ~ I III' P" I 1;';011011 I ,\ m~rl< n" an d lIlJdou llt e,llI lbe SOll IHIit-li s or self-ga l rllll e and COllmge Ihllt e,t JudglJlelll In s an lt n l } m .l l1 rs . Irll n~c e ll1l R lil e IJrovc l) uf lh e '01,1\ r \1l\aul1nu\1 , ly a t e llle,) a s a n nllsolll lt>o n Ih e balliCO hI Th e exlileme n L of Iy d Illonstrnt e el fSI' 1 Ilun c lI al'" 11IU~· bll lt1 ~ huo~s th 50 111 1 I Ull su that b 'llll loes ' arry lello\\' fever" ( O J'ge t H lln u gl'r . anu h ... Tem e nilJC' ls t h e Til t.' ~t.IlU\\. fc\tl mU 5i11 tl 1tO l. t ~o"Id Ullag e I: ' -e ry 1Jl1l let hilS ils 1111- OI;la fa s clnta) IS ""lllellfIlC, ('all;',l Iho 1..-1 ' BUl \\ h en n mall I II (uld h l uotl striped m osqll1to, nud " JJ(l I{eli lIf I II li t lthc la lcly alluws a musq ul to. IIhl .h SO m e JJla,, " UH Ih e d ill lllOS<t ll lw It bas fpd o n y~lIow fe l e t " atl"lIl" f01 tluC" 11 01 hU lInl " ood ., lnil " " Ut 1l1S In t1a~ s, to b ite hlln . Bl1d (his IIl tb th e full },nowl edlle Ihal he mtl~ u e<olUe In fec ted "It h o n e 01 I b m osl In pllll y falal of all t r o pical lev e r s. II h e n m e n WI nil Ih e m sc h 'es In tb e <;lothlng la" 11 fm m yell ow fe v e r corpses n OlI HO clad lie down to s le ep o u lIeds covereu w\l h filthy blanl,ets and sh eets f rom yello" fever h O~Jlltal s. " lIh SOi led tOll c l5 f rom ye ll ow fe ve r (1utl ~ n ls o n t h e ir p illows nncl "u s pe nd th ~ If IIl g h t" 10 1' I hree \\ ee \,R \\ c c nn l:al ill hc ro u..;01, u r ((.HIl ~ a~e o r s a c r lOre II IS nil tll1 ee . -I h e I nl'e sllgallul1 l,on1l 1 II h " h IIn s



flfJ Poinl<!ll U ~ til· HlI1 g eu n gPIlt=l ut o f t h e lll l f(41 ~ l alt H Ul l rl' , ((jI1 ~ 1 I £l el uf l\l u j \\'alt p r H t,t'd !; UI~ c u n in t h f' Lnlt e d Sta 1(~ .11 111\ ulld th e ('flUllcUt ~ ll lg t' II1 Hi Jam es (:. 111 0 11 t\glum hul fl :lIlU J' S~l! \\ LaZUli t ilt t ni l . tI S IO t(, H d nl1V I III 1l1 C' t1 I tit! . . :J1l

Ilu ll' HII'l\u l


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L ndles Ca ll W nl Sh ops One

II I i':C 1-1111," 1,,' 1

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tI.:l I 111 1

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1' 11 1 11111\ "h(1 It- .11 .. q l ' I' , I1I,.! 111 I, 6 h lllll\ ft l\ ' I\\ ~l dlll'llld \\ III tilt I 'l l J .. d" 11 'I1I1I · j.j 111 11I.1 ~1 1 11 1t) 1I) - I ~IH I '


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Do nllt 11\ 11 '-" \ ~ 11 110;\1 .. l ' llI c [ur \\ fj- ItJI' P · t~o n 11 110; .i ~1 CClu1i 1 ttll t' ullj.;: h :os nnd c~II,I ... , I. I' H U){, I " ll lllll} .... lJlI lI ~ .. ) lId 1\·11 15 JI"i(l.

"The Simple Life" Proper Food

Really the Firsi


Step in R,ight Living. () l1t~ tlf t ilt

. od ..

IIlI rltllll!'I"

I \ I I .... , (

t Il l \, I \ I, f II \ II' I!

l'i 011'1111 11 t lill "

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llie w u ~qnl1 u \\ f-' 1 4! bl glln And ! ri g ht II e r~ m e tlt 1(,tI s ho ll III 1](' Ill tld lba t ~ u d, In I '~I l it (·.l1 los 1' ltl l,1I hur n Itl ClI lm 01 a ll ";ll ~ ll - h f.lIh t I h,;<1 JlroptHicti lli p t1 WU I Y t11 ,1I ) (! J1 I 1\\ t (l \ ~ 1 \\ il~ f'.III\ P \pd b ~ IIlC4111 S ul . l lIlo !-. f)llltu lu wlJ' I h e I II 11 e' I S lai c" "Jl11 Y )C II OW fe'e r I ( o Ul n ln;:~ IIl Jl \\ t:.llt tu " 0 1 1, lO pl"o\e l hi ~ t. lll \ ~

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afte r ha'\ I II ~ !;r~a l I'hllu d,' l jthlll uil ib r en il uf "U~. fe ll Ul1 , lIuw fele l pa ll Pllt s. ami Ihe N", l h e ,n <lll'" \\ I ~ a ul< ' U) ~uu llalY dio;; e 8 H~ \\ RH n ul ," o lIll( '«:.' d. Ih e H~1tJ1e a li t! tjual an tl uc IIWaStll ef) . IU IJl e \i t' ut fIIU!-If\ lIl l f )(>s 1I ~f1 r1 on awl art ~ J' th e g l t!Ul fi l'l de Jllit I-i uft er tb e purl)' par t I\\ tl lr l h da~ Illmmunu HI .. d Yf' lIow f ev e r u f til:' tllll,' l p l! lIth t entury , out flonl Il1fp( 110 11

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:l S :\ , rhlldrt' JJ aJf ' obJ(>lt llJ ll. d ,I/' \\I ItH \,,1 1 !oi .liltf l liar " il lt \\id e ( r O \\1J all d 1I :1rll1u. ... Lt. H' 0 tw.ld.v lll~ and l l l l' !lI ed r ho \ r u \\ b lllll I h t:' fU\Ullte " a,' of I r l lllat{' "'t1r1JIl;,! I lllhh l' D tlh\,l)o.;; on I I' f min ·r 1111 In I!-; 10 dl:t l)e o n .'j 1'1' 11 n f

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T}n. ~ .or .

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fo r P Ipes M~y Be Made tJ F111gels at S mnll Outlay 01 TIm e and Tlouble

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1 II I IIfH·; ~l l)\(1 I h "o..;f' \11 \ \ ~I\\P jt w·' , ltapl r oll \lIlOn I h " nO ~Ifilt \a l iUl ltl lI sl n <1l1u l On l l n llH'I l h

IUII I IH lI np l ,h l'

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1 11

\11 ..... 1t.hl dlf, lnl · \1 1 :-; IHI~ !c " l lI lrd prIJlPt:'<ic;:: Tlll'lt' I .. III I. ,I ILlI'(- lillg: o r t he trll~If· i' ... uf tht ' dlll : 1 II .1 1.111!-'d m p f- ~tug tit 111\ h{JH : <o1:' In 1:1 IIlln lllf't" It Is IIUI "" I llI1llt l TI Hn ! \\' tt lit IIP !"I (1 11 ~O t l

"l it'

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Hil l


tI", "' 1,

It IHIt; to Ul t U ~ • I . \\I ( ;'l tl l ,. 1/ ~ hu lIl" lit: t ), I " I" " " III I hUH" "~ Illl h lilt II \, III , 1-.111 ' \\ "' I\ I IJ I I~ ,lh"llt ... IHI ).! "liUI\II"I' t llt'\ IH /.,::11 1 1I 1 11.l' "'I' I ~ '~_ 1 l i l t!'" ' , .. I II duo I I\U ll ltjHJIIU I t! of Ihl.: 10 •• d . I I I h , I I " I t> II lUI \ , U I II !I HIII d ll' 11 11 I i . 01 1,' 1 \ "III 1' \\ II Id , ,I" .Ii 1"0. tllI l ~ 11\01 I I II I 1.l1I t! .. ' 111 1. II I .. 1 It' l llll \!\ I ' III .~I 'I t i l l,. • 1 1 1111, "I \1 , U It-1 11 lt uJ YOUI buat )lI lt' tl~ 1','1 " IN \1 1. .... l dI IlK 111 1111 11(1 ,,, .. Il ., iI"' 1 II f, Yf t , \lIf ' ''' \, di ll tlli ,1 11I11 l! 11I jr.( I I " " I tll o (1 11 .. r 1" •• 11- \ 'lIl \\ III i ll "' l !+II"lth' lt to l il t d e" \1 ' 111 "';1I1 ! I\I II .. I .. j.:" "' "11 11~ II , 11 . 1 d \ " h ' '' lltl lJ I tI! \lt ll !III I " 'Ill ,. 1 11.1 1 II 11 11 "!I' 1 \ 1,11" It II 111\ lit' t II I I • \. II ,lid .. I I \,\1 I II I II~ IIHIII .il l 1.:\.1, \ , !

,," , \\ ,\

Pl tI \'(l ti .dJor l l\ \' . Hnd IU I Pr\If'\\:-., ! lla' \ linpllt' T1 fH lllld utl\(inl ... t j,l l1l fl lll bill tilt. ! I ltnl ~OI1 lo ~

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" It

h ,"


Inl n t il l-- " \lIlt If' I l f IH':HI lht' lP Vf Itl' tl'a t p .... ,\ tl. lrtlll!tllI l: f11 1 Tjl .tl . 111' [ \i ,'\ 10 1111 htll \ , f \ JllI ~I!I\' I ' ' I HI ~'J III Inl ' I Plt lJ!tt l lll"'

lind I I'alr.IIl ;!.' !.' 11 1 fit l .t t J(' 1 III II (J S I Ii u'l \\ I! , /I III '-,1 lvll Tlu ["I "pIIOnll nMI,t ' ~ th l ... l u ll l \. '1' ,1' 111.' "' ll dl.· . 1111 1 "'h\ I i 'S a UtltlH f l f L lhJ U",

Hullt ,

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t'lflllld l l, ,

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f' pl l'ltll

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!-;;l;' lltllJ lj ' lIl

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lIIu q -.:

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h • •III"'PS t h e lS jI (' rllll t'lI l \\ n~ 1I 1.l tI ..... repudln).: lit e ":l(Hlh l S.tll je ..,f d ltlll.': I· r. \\ll h th is I Ps lllt - not 011" of 111 .... I IIf- n 111:)( "' ''' P l ill Ihe 1I 1) - \t IlI IJ. I1fd IO OIH !Jl.l l t.: ,,1111 I lu lh lllg fro m fl' \( r JlHl lfn h ' I nnt r a e l • .) lli(" dl ~ fl1 lS ~ I lil "HII of H I 1. 11 1.· 1\ by ru osq llltoe~ \\ Pl t' :lll:u hl t i t hi H , \\IIIJ \ ( , lt O \\ ff \ pr Arnl ' lluill ,..,,1t11 1'~

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rq.!f ' lI { ~

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lI a~h 'JI 'I'11

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t:O 't' l\ thul \(Ilu \\ f~\' IJ1' !'i l)1lad ~ chH'fI) I f lI u t \\lI u lly lhr u lI ~ 1t l Ilt· ilg' IH ~ til lht' 1I111t-\q1l1 1U th /'l'f' "' f' I t' It b tlt' f' d 1t;!~H lO "':t\ s U IJl t;- th l1 l r t- fll se d t f) l)t;. l ane I : ':: I'I·(];.I I I\ f ll r it A !'il ll lll lf l l} MIII I .. ", \\PI~ ' pJl\ s H l a l1~ Rill\\' tu Hll ' fl l lilt; IllIth of th e ~ lnl (' lllelt t tl l nl lli(

,1 1.\1

fl (l l11 t h (' Qkl~o.;;


Noble WOI~ of

l Ulls

~" I u l II ::) Itll~ "'C Jj ce , \rl {.l l' lUt: UUlJ UlillC€,rnt Itt of I h~ JI,.-


1'\"1' ... n



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1I . llt:

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rltl "C lis

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r hf:' Inm,l ", lw ( ,~

la ld o.! .1


tJI11 l tll1 8 b en l l l l":: rtPlfJSi; 14lnt lu n of

"J I b


If l,P


ll·h.~ "tl( I IJI '

l!i, "

j. I "'P

°1.II ~ll hd • ~nlJl' I I ' <:J IIII 11 (1" IIll C,\l lll


this Ih ul a Illall. like I'rt'l1lent

(I f

I 1


tlli' nll l- I hal (JI I\l1h Ibe 11" '11"1 Ulil~ r \Vt.:; I1t l <.:1 I ti tJhl1 Cs "aul that n lUllultlulI wi le Iluflcil l,r u l1lol"d IUli g life 1\ llH (lru-

llJ e t! anJ..:,t l !;

1111 (- :\1'



J re 111:--. 111111 ~Pli li l I, ll l \ \~ ~ 1(1 II ' (h f' I"U"'I~u ll '" \\hll:L \YOlk


::0;11 1111 1' 1.1 \

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lIIalur'1 (\

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h lluu (fbe· i ns: lI no l tnnl~ he

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W\·. lI i ll ;\,; e w Url.· n us


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a thl ( ' l llS

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ilUllt ,

," , JI ll I lid

c.. ,n.



i ' a d\


I Of tl Jllflllllld (· ffwlill llll s l-



", ltl lll lll

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T 0 M\lch A thlet i cs f'ru f .1.111 ,'· ... uf tht· t n \ ,· r ... lt) t fIlIi · Ilt.Jo~ -- :1\ '" th,n 1l1l11 1\t' ... I i).' allo n uf ~o m l

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puulil '

t lld( lu l illdh I h ,. I. l ... ph~' 111 1" .1 L'l f. t l 1 /'1 . . U( I t:if, \\ 0\1' 1 t he I IILrl)) Y Olll \~ Irt' c nll\·/lI,III . \\ Ii'~ t' \t l 1,,1'" Ii 11 \' 111 1 'II" nl'p'I' 1"11 1' \ UlI In hoi I UUHI :i a hI • tt" 11 (11I"'f-1 '\ Hll lt l "'Itt: [., !l l\ 111\. 1 '. 11.11111 \ lIt l f'dll\~tl r'h (0 1111' !lalJor U II'.., l:t l hll 10-" ,,11: 11 1111 II l i ll I" l ~ I'I ""!>o. Ih · ha ll \(ltH plI·t! \ tlutlJ.!.hIH~ 8 11d ,..,l lt fI ~l h B U y 1111" 11111';.:, alld .11' • 111 " 1 . t ll i/ Hg a l at! l.r l \\ p IIf lilt: t t-'It .! lltl/ , '" .1I1t!1I[1 .... 1.11 .... '11 I ttlUtl l d ..... · IJI\ .... II II .'1 ' ll lttd ' U ll ta n """ l It II In ! I )f « , lI lIp l l'" a l. ~ a\td 11 -1 It\ lhl'" \\. li d I l ' l tlll~ \ ' 1111 f ) \ft-you h":ll thc' ..:: "f~ CO II I I I \ ,1I1t 1 itll Ih, \.tl l tlit ... 1Il\ .... l l f I j lllll'lIl lll III t llt,l r \Ctl",.. ~\hh 1':.1

If 111:.11 Hd tlH Ln' " l 'I I II,(' f I:, Bu'

", 11 d'tt"'c,J LUI 'er) 11 1 dlt ...... . ,. vt"r b uu\\l1\ 1\\ 4.. 1 Ut. II. I' 1i Pt:tl IJI L tu.h t·

\ t \/( I .\/(I ·!

( f ', S \ 11- 1

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I .lI lt! 1' 11 1" ,


Ill!'! p r 1..1 ~I at UIJJ It' l lI~tlll b, III1 ' d t ill r

~ ltl l j Lt

D f-l_iH11t.1!:i



l ilt '

" lie .11 1 1~ 1 11t' '' 1I

joI lttllll,,·

tl OIl I 1~ 1t1l \\

I'S t .1J1<' \\ bo ll I tI l" ....OlJlm tln ' , ,.

-dtll~Hll lin to \\ foI 11\ (A alit!

l in" fil l II


In .l lllfidinh~ An ~w~J- l IllJWltu- , Ill Illdl\idll,tl 1111 1"' 1 l.t' slI blll dlllat e fO Lnt T I\l s t t-t' ti BJtcdt l lll U n H II lIll 1 1 1\ .. "ll(lti t'J ~ 11i 1.1 \ • • \IT(~ I ,t (til l I\l\d £V t l l ll. t!' ·I\III,\., 1 II !o. llIt, .... !-l da \ n (l tl ) o r ~ {tll(

rtll' .... q ..... 0 1 a Il ul. h.lrlllh ~o... J.ll r l'iU Ii III

t tll11J \~ III

Mt'n ]!; and

Q lle s

rrllllJ .... (II IH.

1111.(' 1)

1tI~ I lt'{' 1l

n 'l\

r l ll ' lId \ I'U 1\ I" I\ f 111 /\\ ,..f llll ;!. '1I IUl llj.: t' .1 hOUI ~. , ' loll 1111\ IIlh


all (lre.~


a! lt!l itJII

[1. 1


dn·"nJ (II I ' I '" ,I j.tJ l' lI

lit I btl


S ~10'I1' of


u ilt

IIlI l: 1 niJJtlO 1l

1I ,· r,· I" .Iull il

'rrHHlI w , til llIClU" l' all\ "'l it {1 1l 1 i lllt' ll .. t

n dlul . .1I,qhllll':

j I l ldl nIH to! U I

Acqul,s l lion ot \V h leh \'! A.I;. ured l y FIt Oll e 101 /1 11 E" cl t lllg CJ uis e It(


\ nu \' I H l 'n e' lp S~l m ' ~ mn ll . a n d Yuu '\' 0111(1 hH\ € h ut! you r res t tiny Ill'! ."1 1\1 111l':lIli It . hUH~ It Wllhu Hl

I hHl rlf ' d

IIr ('Mil ,"I Jlf'rtllilled blmself to be bill en on I hp l" e lfth o'Iay. an tl came ,l o w n II II h I h e r.ver. U e r e, 01 er ell Dr I~z pnr Wn" Idllen o n th o ICllib day a nrl lIid not lal,e Ih e Ili sensc. At a lat er lime. ,,!t Ile In Ihe ) e ll o \\' feyer hospi tal. h e p e r m itt ed a mos C]ulto 10 ~ellie on It IR hand . and In /I \'e days fell III with th e fele r. li e <11((J Ilt th e end o f Il "'f'e lc Ida li fe p.t1'.:I'If1ced " fOr) ,l:S6aCf i De! lillwallltl." ___,. ~ - ~ _ _-.., _ ..,

til e \\, ~l Ili liIN). 11i ( dJ se 'lRfi w as Ott' R ·

8101111 11 ), 1"""d uu" 1, IIl1d It prevallt' d rpl'lc~lIcall v III I he "0111 hel' lI ~la(('1I. I n I ~"~ II ra g(·'] 1I1111tlg h u tlt t b I ~ r eglon . l'\ e \\' 0 1k atl ~ al o n e havln" a mu rlalily o f 8.000_ The In ~t 6~1.1!8 Ive e pidemIc 0('~11 11 e ll In I 78. chlcny 10 Louis iana Alahn tll ll and ~lI" 'lssl]l pl . or.d the lotal m o rt a ill y was 16 (lOti Ip, \ 89 II aga in p revall cd In .lnr·k SO llvllle. FIn. ~,D d 4lerlnl n ulh e r rest r iC I d r. g lOIlIl. A Lf'REll WU ITEBOL'S IlIo

" lit


h I "'"

ll ,

11 11 l-il'd " ,\

CH I ~ hl y .... tt .tIll


In u ... 11t N. t ltl'n

tltlJH U,

lI- I ~ Pt' ft til :1 11mple

th C ll lI ~l1,t'd , lll d

tmt a.nd

ft.1\ 111,·,1 ,\ lIlt lI.t I 11l'al

,I t

1 '1 01-

tl~li(.tl t


f"u ,t

purl' gl :dll SIIg'.lr

JII theM' ,It·lit,·ioU K tl .II<f'S

l it.· ...

til e

migh ty Mlrt~uJ!lh-g hin~ pnwcr o r the \\hull' \\lH'ut g ra in 11t :1 t (,V~ II" j .... l h'!'; t · \l· I .\ ·


p b .l' ~ ll'U I Il"d

' pleudld

(It the hOily,

111t· nt . 11

l1cu lt h


1\ 11\11'-

..... I\.,. sa.

"ut' r gy thut 111I' . I II ~o


Rllcccssf ll i

A larae pack_se

at any srocary

,' n.


THE EaB·O·SEE roO. Qulnoy. III.


A II Wc wunl e o "aot~d to dance wi t h aud .>ull erl hl ~ re t up 00 tIlp alllf ... ,lad IlIlh hote l dance,ll nd becau Betbey tbe re Ille' a Crog 9u a pond Jill Illaf, tlt ught' I Illus t be h ~ lr to 1Il1 lila oli My jat;ltnss o nly alellll cd bill feet III tb~ iJilllolI>!, Lbey wanl e,1 Lo hold me on edge , and dad wante u lIl e , to ~ wlm m~ {b e ll' lal'., ':nri .(rolte ill Y Ilalr, a stbougb ja,:kalls out to th e cam e l, and leL h im I Wll. It. 1 1;11 0"" lI'e arc i!<,lug lO ba ve fILII o ft Ollto lhe jllcle, ulIl 1 l(!I e w d.d eve ry hlug our o wu " ''')' ~ ere, Ilud III wo nld sink m y jack til " Ill l lllI,l~. a ll d I Liali do e~ uot S"- l plnr.eli \lltil by so me 1 wouldn 'l go III tile rive r , \\ ell. Egnlilan jlrln ces", I si,ali be ml"talte n, ! ca 'H" I ~ drank aholll a." bOllI' , "' Itll ,, ~tI The E!;YI,tlall s a m 11 l'l' 1I), ucar being ne- l' s lLLln g t he r e m cdl'u t lllg, 111,,1 t h en t\l e smcs, and wcal' ban!!l es In LIIclr ,,";9, uragomen Su L Lhe m 0 111 , II !!U W ~ . Lu"cd "'l'he Bbd Boy .. ud His D:ld Arrlvo in and carrlngs o n lh c II al'IIl S, You tak • • 011' I'or Lh e l.)' rantld s wh t.;h \l r l" In Cnlro-At th e Hotd They Meet Il In tbe 111111<. 'UIU let 11 Ilrln cess put 1,'lalll s lg hl Illto lil e JJI Ctlll' " ) ~u hal e he l' al'm al'o llllli yo u, an,1 sorL of squeeze seen, Wllh jill I III {l'l'l" Illor: g I iJ.j :\ Ik a" d Some ESJ'ptiau Pl'lucesst!S - Da d ,'a ll. nlld y IOI' call'L te ll I.J\IL wllal sh e I~ A mh " c UIIlI,llI!; (,,' I hp " ull k autJ ,t .all!esll Call1 ci t o tho Pym'"lds Bud ~\' hlle . only th e r u is an udur about lh en' loo ked a s l~ Ough c\'(' ry l h ill/o; \\11:t l U lU,';: M ~~ l s with Dlftlculti es Illtr Amlly the hl os ~ .. t1 ," hil LIn th e ligh t tl) he all r~gh l . wh,'" s lI dd" III: ~lI:l. t h ey are oul)' ncg r"c, a ilill e bl cac hed cam el s toPjlctJ II"ail s,1 11 alld. " .. ,,1011'_'1 wi t h n'd l'lll nt 00 I belt ,· b ce"~ . If I WIIS mov e 11 rOO l , au u all I Ill' I·C. t o f he caw~ 1Il • . j, )\. ~ 11; 0 1 1') 1 \ \ I!oO " IJl l!oo IIl , F IJI II H 1 I';dll o r e lii sto l,p e tJ, c l n ~ pd t h t' lr e y.:-, and we ut u C l ' t!\.. I\ ~ SIIII , AtHI ,or (.I f ' J't· ... K·8 fi nu ~ Ul, t' tl.: ~ to s loe.,. and. t h .. '\I u ll:' \\'t'l1 I 10 ~It ell,


( \ 1)1'\ n~hl

1'11 1\

II )

J O~ l' Jl1 , H


U 1, " 1( :4)


\:all'u, I': g) "l. - ~I ) (J ,' UI' 01 11 Iri s h V " gl'lahl e: Uee, but ) vII Ilugh l lU 9~\l dull au ,l I "igbt nu w al a lIot e l. walllll g luI' " l , ha ncc at a roum . wh en II brill' 1111 ,1 groom g-(' l read) tu VlH'ut f' IL. alHt HO " v ," .. wh~' , e e l",I. Thl ,; hulel la rull ur fIIat I it!d Iwopll! whl)





, .-


and oad anli I h·,

n n to p o r t he h l .... ~ .'~1 P) I'amid. t() " filehrRt r f o r (,Itl A II )" I il fl . and I I fJ ld uat..l \" '~L l I hall 1;0 1 , HI Jf I I 1I11111 ~ hl. iJ I f)Ol u lT my ja l: ka ~:'\

W\)l11C11 I UI ' Il f" d (JBl e aoll ~oll1 C sa lll, , - \ 1 I M~ t ! /\ I I~ st 1 willi 0 1h CI'H !;OL

ur I h t'jr' I! IHSIJll n U!:5 utl ,l ~aid, . l ll)1I I to lloul! " \'!ttl ~ec , most of t1 H'~t'

uO .., IHllS

LI" I: .\

lo U l'i 1 u ma tI h 1'1 .alil' )"" 1' ,h " " I, .

FI~Il ( ; O N ,\ PON D LILT I.EA",



K. malf'fl and III and JlU l II l1u de r

gOillg til IlHlI.Y 1111 1 '.~lPl1U.D w.wao, . "ill! H WOIlHII1, 01 he JIIay be t" hollJy a. wou ld ta~ c h t' l lu Nurway, or up ~u ­

(·UnI t' !.

hu~u I\l" 1 \\ h u Is on h ' I' lrall . o r lJy tbe ward s the no r t h I." I~, wh,c re it Is nlshl 1111 dllY, "nd YV II wv uldn t , eallze LhaL Itn~hl\l\d bh e ha~ "jlh h er \\,, ' 11 ," " o r n il the lrlp s we h ave ha,1 \'0 \1 were t1llLrri erl l O a colur~d w oman

.\mf'rH HIl .11l!-; ~

,",(.Iu ld PUliS ali n tlt·Heate 'W'tHl of any stea m "' I nit h. and I had la tllt' l lie

1, 1111 .'. (1 1) 1I

h l Htl


\ \ ('0

U I~ tla t-'

11 ill H

hnl It y a H I with n W('It

,tog rot

p illow and a l aS I-llff bla.l1t<el f r o m a hHh llit al lo r a hl'll. l ha n to I ' ' \. tl l'\ t ilt' hl'uta l , hamh r r or nny stCtllllL, 'I" " .' h ll \It'!, :--l lI ut.l l p ll x

.\ li d


the Iidp a l' 1'0.5 l\i l' IleRN t

,til' nil I to II" " '\i Cairn wns lb e \\'111"" 1 In tU I' \\ ll l l d "a M:; I~II~PI '~ In ra~s g:Olllg to .M j' t'l n 01 I!O 11 It' u t h (> 1 IJta('(lof ", o r shlv, c.-a ll n;.:. d H' t'S P a t hUI/!"otl lld .) eors o ld 1111\£1 (" rl".tm "I d gllii l '!i 11 11 11\ a nd ,ltl~ frum t h e P \,llt lll1d .. (II) lai r II) ~n \'c I t. w a ~ w ha t K t'II't'I.I U'lI dt.' rltl b B li l i th l' ~ antl ~lOl' ll1 bl (!a' t hroll l! h ti lt' (a r.,.ladt~ n \, II h 1!f'rtIlM or t he 11 '~Il(, And ~ l lIll, III li S. ~ n Ul! bl YOLI

< /'r.,ld n I &~ I It ' oft w ith snnlit'a"er . and

IIIP,j .l :,al lil c IJuTe

Dad r" lId " alJ fI '.da! , I .. , ~'I t;u . 1, . l t tl o Il sO ll o r C'R!-l }' .alti r -. ' ~\lnl)llUO\~' I.l o 1t. " Blld I g:Ol my fi 111111\r j Jl' udy , SlJ ,\. ) L' U (.'a u ·l lIr'e ( 1) fir{'\\IJrho:s l~a :; } YO 'J SIJl to

hl lli '" I h r' \I ,'ud a nd sO lll e fe ll on I he

t l. ' - " I III 1'1 II!! a u de(' I; , full or IIpn s. Ilnd wl l h "'",It' I'1I ge rm s o n t h em big enoua,:h 1,; I.kl, IIhe hlu ~ helTl es, Ilnd all or Lhe " F\-4"'it t1~"{' r s ".~ I'~ tllrlr and al IhillgS t hal would ma l, c a .1og In 1\ tJWI k u go " " "I Th r ,I.. .; u,"c ilit t hul lire le ll 10

Il lId

in lIl r d psc rl It \\ tHtl.1 Hal-I" lh e m li p.

., It t'

wh rl'C'. lhe tri p fl'OI11 Cotl l:H antlnnl,l c tU'rt' Wnij 111ft limit FOI two u J"three II t\ !"o w e w e re on ulnli Y t'tlc alubout ~ with l\ f ~II H" TlIl' t\ s Il egl'ur~ and all nnliollilll-



!u fu t h (t palloI' 0 1 II! ' hot e l , " 'h e r e a. cl u !C'" co uph' s ~ cn' ;-,1111 11 ";- u l'ounJ lnakilt~ ~tl \ g n u C ) , ' ~ at ~ ' a ( 1\ fllJi PI', an ti gcl ll l l ~ h(' hilill H S( I rt~ fI a llil III n dl :;;,:u\ :3e,t ' tt l l , . ~ htllJtlll g " I 1\ 1l1 lW all : I'l t' pa l U tn dl ' l t' nti Yfl 1I1'S l'l 1 1


Jo: ~) I"

anu lhOI\!;ht a 111 11111 1,', anG Lol li ti ll" I had It. I had lill'IK lp !; I"UI lir~ c ra l:kc rs a nu r 4l1lia ll LdI H.U CtS H,t Cldro. ,,,, rll h w h i clJ I \\ I ... ~()i n ~ lO fir'a Rahae

I: ' .' r t lr C' l t' II'i U lI e w al rI\al. an d l tam e JI! I'l ty 111' a l I It'I:HIII~ a pnllll; Uy gnillg

III, " IHl\l lb .nme" I"", e l.c, 11 ' <1( III,);bt Iof' IlIul, III;': fur tben> I ha ve \\ ~I!IH 'U dad tlu Llu IJ' sec n COIlV l! r bl ll!;

I\a:-,:-l a li I! I "'f' l l ' a p·

Dad lo.'I\ "d h h tall1l'l l nl ll t ' I I" ~ tll Hl t w o ultlu' t. hilli g i II I.! U "jd d nh' II -('o ulrlU'l lhillh. IIp ..,f llth ' IIY to ;-,la r L I ]IH Pl'o ccs:-; ilJu. au ti I :'Jlf){)J!l \! m y JUI'I, llg-.;

senJ(" ! wll c tl ·

\I" .', hnll

J Ill

pare nti), lh~on l) all lll\,l \' I II w er~ a"al< '.

-. .'

l tJ g u to th e Il y ramlti s


Ihf\ ~IH. II' t hi'

tin" c rai:J\cr . h i rHi Ie:.;!; o f dlld'ij

II L:.I II In ft zz ln ~

Ill odpI I ill,


lU ·III,.)1 g un


my romall

T rem e ndo us S pec ac ls W i tn~gsed itl Blowin g; u[> or SIll plo'td at 1:" pio s l 'lea. 1 " .. \\ 11111


Two Interesting Royal Personages Now Prominent

r I' t'ol'd (0 1 ~Uhtll nl'ill (, ex·

11 10 . . 1111 1:-. h,ts jll:oo.L bet.:H lIlill h " at A It' x· an rlr m , :;11111 1' m f)1I1 h !4 a go a ( l)I1~lg o · II I('tll or "}.l'lt)~I\· "S al ( in! u a t Al t' xa u · unu U ll at I ( 11I 1lt o f l\l cs~r::t_ r\ohrl & Co _, o! ( ;18:-;.;U \\ I l "illS dh; p al ll1 e d lO C air n IJ )' g YU~ :-; f'l I ~ tnal h' ~ su \ l tn g boat s) , but. Ullfr il l ll UUlt\ lj

une or


\\ 8'"i ul,t8 t fl l'd



lI .r .. 11I Il arri, F . C S .. I·hom lsl (I) Ih l' :\"I)hcl. f ume UI II ~ p p. , tall y


and h e'

" Prior



11\ ('

h t · ~I· If)r\I(. llI ~

I h~

i'\ h e



~' :JI ~ I)I "I I

tra g "d r l l l it I.' Hrt ltl l fo r i l !'\

\\.t ~

fl'Il" 1' 11


~ 111 1 'l1dl)r .

I '"

nott>r ' Tl o t r.,, 1

"·I o.l

1'Ol lrl

i-Iltd l h t,

q ll l"


EII ~l 'or h l 'I ' ..... X flll l~ I '(l 1 ""'!IIIlI":; ,tnrl

Wf1 l hi A r ~

ll it\'{' \tl rt 1ro m ' ln \ p r"' lll' ls 1\ 11- ft 1I 111n!u' I' ,,1' y" ] r K th e ,In ys " f (' 11 1\'». 1",', \\ h ll l\ Wf" I'l l"' :' \: 1 1' 111 ~ 1I IIIIIII t' I ' JlI" 'l>i "11I 1 d h~'1' Oll rtH ' 1t o( a llll f')r- n a ... w" Wf Hlid a m llidua td h l l' l h day Wi l lt :'\Irlll~ t lr oli ll nta l I( r l'" (nt h».'~




&; , )\)(,

hr YI ' a l' l\' ~n n \' 1'1\ Ir r Ol'lll f' lI or fll " 11I tHI Vall1tlhtA " ,ar. lc: 111'1 ' Jal'r \oi 1H :111 ) 10 111'1 l in n .)f ( r OWI\ j p w n h, pN lI'l R a nd

Anel if til t' P.~a l l o f S ,\ V() \' t'a il I fl rlI "

e I1 1 hll~la!; 1II


""nit III I :; fr '!1 IJ I' " aI Pr . EI elrl c wlr ' S Wf'r p IN do \-vu IH ItI (' u t1l1 e ('l c o th e ' x· 111,,"1\ eN " It b a ualll'rl In 'h ' for> Tile hill wa. I,e lll rl p-ar of a\l .," np ln ,; . Th e " I!<;lll w •• oll e ,l(" ' P , 10 he for · gn llen Th e se a W!lS IlM I ~' til' cal m.

anl i

pra l ~{'

n"" 1' 1 r

rl)r h " 1


l ' lI t'

1"1 It q ll l'P I! \,11" h,l ... 1 111 1';11 111\1" . Ttl .' 11('I' I\l E\( 't' mll ~ ' " 'tVA 1J (>('n III i l o ~ ' l u wh w il h IOlll l-tll4 f' ilnll I lI f> ld r H I I lw qlll' l' n \' a lH ~ Quil P ad We' ll tl'a ~f' '' ) - dtJ \' t'I' (' d \\ilh 1111 11:-' 11, 11 h").i uI\·,! 111' 1 :(' 11 .. .. ' 11' l it " tH' , '!! \' (' II ~I OIlI from 1119m b' " of til e 11I1I .. t r !')t!'" hou sp 0 1' 1 '\ 11 11 11 I I \\l ~ hul l il f.l d ' SliVOY. w (l f r! h l pc,t h.\' Id H ~ and pI'n pll', ! ~n\, 1(> 1 1\ ", I li rn rn llll thf' rai l' 13ft,. hl'o n /.:.hl In 1.llI pI' ~ It p ( h y fh r at;~a",slll ' l n f ,It . .. tl!1i1nal pallwl ' to ('O Il ~ I" ('ra t lun

on e

A l l ()f 8 s ucid "' n , without nny \' \!'sl lJl e Wa rrllTl g. l h pre w as a tz e m c nt1 0 ll s ul· h p8 va l nr I h e waf er . I hf~ ~ea ue{' um e a r, htlrn i n ~ m a~s ror a g l' ea t Ifl lan ce

( all ,

Ol to n u l

ri ll'

Ii 1' 1'

~ h (O

hll ~ lujlHt

n( 111 .-. I f' ''' '' IdlllW II roya ll y .. th e s hah o r

l\1al'~ IH' r"a

alld Itumhprt \\ (i' r p 1" 011 - I'r l :-. la lI i~ t'aUl(tr . It)o. ha R ~ufre r('" l ~In :;; h t' l' nt ll lh l'r PI'1" I'(':-;~ Eli za l)(' lh o r stilI!" nnntl :i I,r t h o a~ R a gfi in . Hi s r(ltll Saxon y . ta pr ra l h p. r fhf' rtulu) I)f Gp l\()M . 1pr NaHI C'llrt lll '.l.tlH a~:,n~::S lnat ed In YOIIIII..l,PI' I" Jlh t't ,,1 l' ln ~ \' 1"101' Em - I~ ! t' i. jus t a:; tll'e. parai l t'l tl :i for hl ~ j u hi-

ball ~ oJ nrf'l, n nt.!

tnn 8

IIIOl lllta i n ()f] r ,


11 '-11 1 In.l! I iI'" Ila llnll~ \\' hn~n p m~il l on .-. nlil l(\( 1 th r ill If) n l{)\n III lil t' ro y al


(h e rn ka l (;' ':(11 £'' 1' 1 to th p m l xf' d tribllnal Th e p ~plu sl \' r~ ,Vf' T{\ f'D n\' p' t\t! f rom Aho ll ld r rOft In h na l ~ HIJ OIJ ; It IJlI lu ·te r of tl n\ll c OUl In Ih r hay, ofT !'; t'!:;I) U ~ I:-druul 81111 t lH' r

6 1A,:




I4h~ hHft ~

tifr ,

11I~ \V ~ pIIJl r' r!oO

thfl ~Ial (\ nwnl :

~llIQ1Jl e r


\ \1)11

pllrll llltft :

tJ u t d l)lJr

,a \'o l l l (' hlll ' rl a y~ 1111\11 11('(' 11 1)t\SHed in 11H ' Alpii 1'1 I III 111 1IJ.t ~I("' IJ Kllmmll .. , :-;10+' 1111111( In II' II I~ , 1,la d i n g 11 harely rll l!!! l' d Ilfp ~la l'1.~I H· I I1 ' 1 h ,IS Intlt: ~ hl ) wn RtWl'iU ' (olldll f'~-.t r(U .\ I1 H'rll.," ~ II i ~ .... aid not n 1:141 1.. :-, n t' It l'l' I II1Iri W t\r n rU l lu~r Jf.'Rlnu~ o f l h " I ll lldn t':--.~ ... h (\ p \' ln ('er l ror o r I h l "'~ !I f nllr I ql lll)Blrlof R Ihf'.

t ha i ma,l £' h f" '- 0 " lltn",

1ro ll1 Ula:-o~o w t o !;U (len Jl t d'tl lh,~ o pel sllt)n ~ a nd h e \, a ~ a"lii!itc,t h )' !\I r_

rO n S I ~'f' rl


IOfl onr


try . lh p iJ t)\\ ilh C I' QII Nl t1 ~l aq:::h (, lll li ol'l I t a ly ri nd I h p ~ h ah o f l' .. r~ la , I h ilt ~ ~ II · 1 11'1l-\ .11l WItO~I ' om . tal t ltlt-~- l!i " :-;hah· III " lial\ ' - klllg 0 1 luo !!.. I III an ,q rJe l'. 1111 11'" Ilu lll f' (I a \ , IH] P:-\ \' '\ a~ w l l alh:"1 1 ahnlll H fnl f\ q ll N 'II . Ihili JlUlI lf1 r · n f' · l'at " ll~P II~I"'~ 1IIIh.' 111-: 111 · at l \ p 1) 1' (I \pg al1 l lal1~\I 1H~ t\ In ,'Onl IIH' (J'IIJ~ 0 11 th e \i :·d t n' f"I 'I' ~I .t to. L1w l)r f'M(' lI tin ):; a I " HI ~ i ~A virw or IIRl y· ., rIOWl\g(~ 1 'lul"f"n . ulllnlly tnflh p

1\1( >;:-1 ~

f\ xp los " f"~

~ hpn 'fir t l l ,, \tI1 \1\I,· l y III li d


th e d" ~I I· tI( l ion of I h l' f' Xltlmj! \'ps


11 ~ hy YI S lIlll g

et·;; \\ill ho nol'

( r aTe d t Tl tal n ga !:i e~ _ \\ h jl h m ig ht a t RIl Y mont"1l1 a cL. 011 Ihfi' d ) naml t ., a n ti "Xp lllrl r; II So , as a laws lI ll \\ u ", 1tf' lfl~ IIl l l l ll-; h l I n th e tnl xc.1 I r ih llIHtl t h e- pe r -

F f\ rdln a n tl

in Asia - A

M Ol1archy

the Shah,


\\' ~ or£' INI tn bel ie ,-o t ha i fh t"l Rllillmn I W II I lI s llnbl1l ~ h ed flll i"i~ n '

In c:

d a lll:,!"' 1 I I) th e pHillie' ti ur'~ l y, o"",l ng I n Ih. I qnla l l with the \\ Btl' rhadtl l-;gClt\ .

! ()url


and the Olhe r from Dowa ger Qyeen and

vCStsc la.

"h h It hut! hI:.! 'O lh o f Iij tl(} lltil t! O U h{l,l r d gOI IIHu a colll s l cin a n tt WaH \\ rt' l'i, I'd Tilt., ex pl u sl ves were !:ish-e d fl U III fli p Wa te r' and \\, P t'H IH'ou~h L h E\l;l, fq /\hollklr as th al \\aK rh e oul y sal e p l,\( ' 1' '" 11 1'11"' I h ('l)" c'uulll h e uepu:-;il ed 11 1) \' 1< \ " 1 lb p dynami te hatl !Jr·( om!! a

I l1t :-;~II H1 IJ' Ih al

hom Italy


a r o utl n ann II w". e r ' ll o ul or glganlle I ai m ed (III' ul I' adl "HUle !. utltl l b. h e l!;h. rn s,' lowal'u iiI I' ~ liY Th c s un . wh o le plI . h " lllrt~ ' 1 n n a sl)lm"ed o rot s h l nln/; o n o r rali' l"' lhl'oll gh , Ihl s mass Lh e p), ,·ullli ds . t he ';u n l' l ~ ~ !'O a llln); t il' ga H It a s u ne rll golls {e nltl g appearance Arahs prayIng to A Ila h. dad y ~ lIl n l: Ie an rl I,ru r\upe d a won d e rrlll e ffl'ci. Tile SlOll ·e r . and m y ja' ka,s 1['11 lh e hlllll' l1. rlHl n!: of I he wnl e r lasl e ll Il carly L"O oufl I was leCt in I ho tl e.c l't 10 Ili de up min uIPR, It was p. ll ma tell by th" lh e hal 9 Icc hnit'al R Il ~(,' lalOr Iha l the lIal,'rSpOul. I g uCS" I will bft l o to fpll you the r~8t at: al ll C!1 2,tlno feCI ,n b eh~h ~, whil e il~ or tb ~ I ragl'd y in nl) n"' t Iplic r . base "!IS 2uu fa t In «iam leI. TI1I"sa YOllr ~ "lLb plpn t) o r Raod , Ilell,l b, COUll1 p11 wll h Ih ,' 1"\'1 Lhal In ' ('untll e uegan to

rail. a s a

mllliounln' s lt ullili . hilt he .nili be was );ul ng 10 iJreul, Ii la m el tu lh e salJlil r . an<l theu IJI')" him a nll ta lte him twme for a sid e s h()'\v Sf' \\,. " (, lit uowu la lit e ,,:111>,,1 Io:H""l:e. I1nll hll'cd a ('alll e t for lIa d II nil fOllr clIm e ls 101' tbe IlI'alls and lhln;;" he wanLe(1 fOl' a n esm rl a,"1 a J I\l'I, n ri~ (or tII O. Tl1 c re w r r~ UUlOl1U)\)I\ £'':; IInli ,',u'I lll!;eS aud Iro ll eys, nnfl el'e rylhill~ lilnt 11' 0 ~ ul d hal' h ired a 1111 lJe ~n l~'ml'(\rtllhl e ror Lhl' lI'Il · m ll e n<l c. hil t 11"11 \l'IIS ma s h ed 011 t he ('Il lll e l. and h e ); UI it. \\'e ll. ~ Ir. Il \l' US not one o f these

I lit

rUlJlan caudle , au tl a:\ I h e fir e t' ra cker e~"

i 'o lJe nrou nd alUon!: lh"se Eg yplillns Is " gll ol1 flea l III.c ha"lng a t>a ~s behin d I he g , C ll~ " al Lh c 1.lay or De n Hur In ,," P W \ 01' 1; , "nl)' he re I h e lIarl( and ,hlll sc rolls women are {h e I cal Lhlng. ithHelld of helns whllr g lrl8 Wllh blllc:k Illlitll on " W e hav e jU 6t gOlbllde from I he pyra· mlu s , and dH,1 Is be in g Ire liled for Sill nal menl n;.;iti s, on anount of ridin g a ra mel I nev 'r tried hll rt "'r to set dll,1 to !!O a ll \' ~ ht' r e on l\l r ( ' ar ~ t han I dul lO g e l

hi ~l

and wh f' n

an d dodge, nnd Wc ll I "cra t ~he<l




Sh e wa" uIIL I .. IVh ~ n ~h p 1>1" : Ice wl'rl' IIIa l",,!;

Lht\ llIg llo llt

Pa ryl1&.

0 1'

7.,'I Ig: IlHI ' u n.) 1('1 11 1(,n:; of bla!'it i l1~ t;p'la -



Qu eer N otions C,', p Out Among th. Smoke!'s Wbo Th i nk Th ey XD ~ W It All. T w() s m () I' l" r ~ s t ood In o n p


'In wh ic h , " o nI8101 1l<; as Ill lo es 90 pe ,'\




('r nl _ o f

I b r~

Iti ll' og i Yf'r rln , i s o nc nf

mo,;1 pow cl'r u l e xp los il'es , IIllllk e , hiS p x , 1.loS IOII a r ecord as be l n l': onc o r t h p S l'ca l eS I uhmarln c l'XI.l os lo ns I hat hav e PH I' la l; II Illaee sin ce e)(llloS il' ~s were 11\\ enl crl

Thprfl \\' a~ no d anger to b o u se lt nl ct rlgar Sh OI.H In th e ,' Irl nit y o f tho "rolle rl y. A " 1hl' a l",n II k o t hilt f g il s l oe l. <:'x d'3I1ge, d ll rln ~ the r C_ l h'lll r . r nl'lhqllalH" \\ a R r{'1t I n AII~ x andl·ta lid sa v:; lh " K c l\' Yo rk SlIn I he h Ol I",ps w e r t" sha k p lI, hil l t hil t wa~~ :' YOII hl\'" ail ~ I,.es ,)f r\l;a r, "aat.1 nil Th uu ' an d " of Ii. h w e l' ~ Id ll pr( III o n c o f tho s m uke r s " " h L' s\l l'\'{' y ~d I he b a),. "," ~ It III I hp aalls i'a tllon o r the l h e Slot·l<. Th e n Ih es~ qll!ls l inn" and IIl" al N" h~ l'In e n .... h" heunll l 'd h l' It. wUll d 's (nil' l' a m l' l ~ Ihat Is.' flo wn r nl al1 ~\\ c r~ rol1o\o\ ol1 Th .' xplo.I,,,, ", III I'n{DIi a freo h Rountl)' 0" 1o ;:el O il , and 1\)1'11 go t liP O il th (' " In I n!;Lh" r e nli d t he s hOI) I; 'I' Pr , lilA H I ...' ''ouhl r IJa} a nd lli p ad jOI n ing illslail m e ll t plnll , !lil t! (h lll' k you fo r- "th e- a" era>; (' c igar II! rrom fo ur tN five wnrd :,,"1 nil. OU L n proud I.:gy ptlal, illrjLl"" ca m l'l {hal ot ands u l' tit ralllhl and " Ha . llt 0 size Ilr a ciga r an)'lh ing to mnlt r , l''' u , IImh Ull o n 3 ste pladd er . do wilh th e nrl ce '! " SYSTEMATIC WALKING, IJUd gO I alon g Ul' {he " !IIIl CI'. r ibs , "omc tim 0ri . !\Col alw3),s, Th e SLO wh oll I he " t C I)la ' ld ~ r (' II. BlIII h ~ gra bbed Fiv e Thousand Miles Walked by Easy h ol d tlf (h e hal l' on the I Wo hllm l' •. nnd gl o Is lo nger than th e !l l'e rag L' I,," g th Da ily Trips Durin g On th t' humps we r e loo se alll i lit ) IOllped and eve ry budy knows w hat n Kt og lA Y ear . o,'c r 0 11 lhe Mid ', anlill mu s t hlll'e hurl COSf Th e )" are SCI'l' n Iliell l'~ lo ng. the l'ame!'s reciillgs 10 1)llI"e It l ~ bump~ "I hav e IIn ol he r clgal' til{' MmB On January 1. 19,1. I 1''lI\<'C\\',>\1 t.h "u i le t! dowu. 8 0 he I' '.~ bcd arouud hl~ le ngLh as a stogi e , w h ich ~" II " th n'!! Id ea o r wHlk ln g 5,(100 1U1I (!~ be l lll'c Lh e for a ,Iollal'. The 'I glll' t h a I , el ll he,," !Inil took a moulhrul OUI or the seat eXlll r at io n of {he ), ca r. wrl t ~3 W . A . tor dn,l's pant., and da,l yell'd to tbe t hree fol' a half Is abolll fll'!' and a Ore n . i n OU I In!;. Th e ohj('I't was not cam ~' 1 lo let go . and the Arahs 1ln>llulal- balf Inch e s long, but It Is t hlclwr lhan to aclli ( ' V c.' a.ny lIoll ~ lI al f fJSl t , nor aced th e catll e l from dad's lrOUller • . and tbe cig ar of the sam e l eng{h Ihat ~e ll s compli s h li ll Y ('on::il)ic IlOUM p ert orm Ilu s h ed dad "11 on lop with a bamboo for t e n c~ nls Blralght Cir 15 ce nts an e~. The 1Inderl y lng mol h e wa s , 1)I)Ie with a c rot cb In It , and whe n dad atralght." rath e r, to In.ur e a "llIn uy whic h r eg · gOl seli lell hetwee n lbe bUllljJlI be s aid " What Is the welr;bt of an ave ra:e u la r Hnd s.vsle ma l. lt- e , e rc ls e cou ld be " Lei 'e r go " anll we atarted. Cigar?" oiliained Dad eonld have bad a eamel .... itb a "All depends o n th a toha(·('o . One To tran' l thi s dl.lan ' P, il was necl's , IllalCorm on lOll. and an awnin g , but b e cigar Lhat s olis for t e n cp nl" w"I~hs sary to 'ol' e r all al' era;: ' of 14 mil e s In s isted on laldng his came l raw , and aboul nne ·rourth or 811 01111 "". An· a day. Now , 14 mIl es ror a da y's wal k !le sat th ere between lbost' bumps, hi s other, th" ~ame s ize, we ighs an .. I"ht h Is wol\ wll hln the COlllllll'. of lhe or· llOusers work ed Ull lowards hi s knel's. at all ounce , and .ti ll anolh'>r nf Ihe IlInar)' man . BUI an ocr." . looal walk s howing his red soc l, s anu blue urllwers. sam size. th a t ~cllA a t lhe SIl Ill\' 1)I'Ice, 'or thb It!ngl h I. one thin g. l he HUs · aud bls face got Ilal e from 8ea sickness, w e lgh~ half an OImc!!.· Tbe brand t hat talnell e rrorl. tlA .V sft e r da)' lh rou!;hout and th e red . wblte aod bille colol'! mad ~ sell!! lhre e fur a d o llar 1$ the Bame the year. I" anolh e r. me lhlnle of a fourth of Jnly at home , welghl " Le l m e an s we r Ihe qu es lloll Ily sty, We w enl oUI of town like a wild west "I SUPIIO." therp are fad s In ,1't'8 o f InG lhul Ilt lh e end of the year r had s how, and d ad seem('{( happy , except c igars jlls L as th er e are rad . In rasb, cO lllpl c tc rt a di stan ce I)n foot or 5 205 th a l (" 'e ry time an autOl'ilObile went ion ?, mil es, Or a daily B" c rago of 14 '14 mll ~3. whizzing along, dad'. cam e l got the "\\'e ll. yon 'r c on . JII s t a l pres nt The s tlpulalell 5, 000 mll (' . we re Nu · jum!)" anti waltzed sid e ways . out Into th e fad ~ec m s 1o be IOllg cl!;lIr_ ,)1 fhe I ~ h e d on Dl'cembe r I H. hill 811 a d dl · Ihe sandy dese rt. and chcw ed st dad 's panate la s hallI' Th e y are all pr ll·(, <. tional 200 miles we r.' covered in ord I' 8oclt~, s o l1art of tbe lime dOli had tn too from fll' cents un" that each or t he 52 w e l' 9 or t he yenr craw UII hi s II'Ss aDd Sll on on e hump , " I ~ n't It a fact t.bat th e avol':\;;'o ml!;ht cl a im a n al'e raJ;~ d islan oe trav · a nll (lUl hi !! sh o es on t he ol her h 11111 I' . , mol; er- I don't m e Rn m l' 1I wh" r ll n ,, 1,,11 of 101 1 mil es TIl(' Amus on the othCl' calli Is \l Ll lli d I to fall ev I'rl ce s an ti hll)' hy Iha hox I ~r t Ollt 111)00 my t' lI w rp rl st' wi t h ride UII alungs ld' and Blel'l' dud 's {' 11m ':!.! --hill'" lh ,' fll' e ce nt ci:::ar '" th,. \,no\\ l (ltl ~1"' that II wa s i nrl1m op nl !Jack in lt> I he roall, by sllddn !; s hal';' I . ~lor 0 [\I'r rpnt clgnr" art' n()", Rf)lrI upon 111 1..' 10 mainta i n a ILi t! } A\' t' r ,u:r s licks In to lb~ (!B III el , an,1 t he HIIIIIIII I I Ih a " f/l,.m ~ rl \'. " th s hlll,I;C'(' Il!'r r ('· or t-l mil e~, n ll ~ l I rn a d ,-. If a Till ... " h Oll \luulll ya wn an ,l groan uIIII 1U:lI( e up III I!'rl " Tlw fI" C"c!' nt panlltl'la s '''P~. PI at ( it" ahir-" , o( k eeping a i m\"(' I h p a\ e rfn r in s lan ce , W(' t-:n lrt rn r ' ,' n r r nt9 a~" HI) R :i 10 ha\'t' !oonlPl l dn~ tn hanrt ~:t ra l ~ h l \\ 11" n \\' 1' P '~! ' ! diIfY - I 3m r~ I I) !l1r'pt I I r' l·mf'r ~p n ('Ir '''' \, hlt' h warp, ferrln!; t o th (' Por'" It I",. ('1!;l\ r~ . nl lHt) ,. I (' ('I'l ain t o a l' l~f' That Lh oy "I hav!' I)n!' OIl , {IIm Or whn II sC' 1 to) d l l nrl~H" \' ,l !'i rt h o \\n h y till' F-tl t llat bu y tbe m hI' Ih ... h,)X , nt " V I' dllllar •. (011 :-, clay:-. In th ,' ~ti UI OWI :l ~ I n :"11( 1,> -' \O'h n t.h e' dllb- \\' /\ 5 l R), e' n o tT' f L: !\\' P Tl t' .. :-. . l arn l' lI f's ~ a n ti I Lt l ll) -d ay (1'.1\"1 · h im one of the hrlln,1 Ill\(' riAl' a nll 1, 1111 t n '· no Wrllld n l.!: ...·I1:ll r·\ r'l' I I IJld h,'


B'\T IISTO C~:1' l)OW:'; A~H;nll AN 1';f'IU'~RMIS

il l T .II,!::'; 1'INI': I' l )

","UD we got be re all w~ hav e bad 10 do t- 10 bath e Ihe dirt (Iff ID lay e rs It tak es Din e unlhs Iu set do"'n to Amel'i<'an eilldl'rmis. and thc lasl bath (ba~ a jacKl'la ne 10 go wHh It. alHI a Lh lng 1h e y .,·a l,' lI ~ b wllh UUl we arc a1\ -;ri!;hL now wHil roolll~ In the h ote l. and r .. ~ t(Jd. and when w e go hom e wc al'C go inG 10 be sal tell ,Iown and glveu 'chloror"l ru allli sbllliled as mllmmle~, Dad In . lsts LhaL he will UeVcl' c ru~~ a dt .icrt ur an Ot ('an as-al D. and l don't h nuw ,,'ha t i s lu 1J t'1 o mll of liS A nYWllY , \,I.


(U'(' \-:o ill g to ('njny ourSel\' C8 unUl we

kl ll, 'd 01T. Th ~ I1 I'. t two

Ill' "




jus t


a IJl'Ul Cal l'o a nll sa w I h {~ f o ng:r r s~ o f na· 'llous fUI' th CI'c il; nuthlng ju. 1 III, e l ill ti

w wtl llnywh c l r. Th el e arc ne o(ll e from all qUIII'1e l ti 01' II", ):Iolle, tile m u.t outla n,lI " h tlllli th e m,," 1 IIp-lo·tlal l' Thl. " Ia c:p 10 lin li S) 111m for taklrti lInli roll · hl'rM, II pln co wh e re d e falllt e rs , hrlile,·. JUUrd (' 1 (' 1'1:3 .

::;wllltJl crti


e l(Jp(',,~

nro ~a t C, a.::; lilcl'e tiC C 1111:) lU lH! "" ~'X:l'lltlllllln Lrealy thlll cau nut he OHl'COm C by Ila) In g Ulotl e y to lil e ·o ttlcilll •. I 1"lIl1d Ihut out th e flr.L <ifI Y. and lo:1I dad we " honld have DO SLnll ll · lug III th e society uf ";gl'l,l ulll e"~ I i1 e I.colli e tbouGht b e ba,1 oommltLcd so we ,glganll c crime and li ed his COUUlfj Dall wanted lo know bow Il would 'slrike Ille U It was noi sed ahout the ho · tel tbat b e had r ouuIld a national bank. hul I 'old him there w~uld be nOlblng IInCOllllllon or noti reaule about roublng It llnn~ , a. hair Ah e ' Lnurlsts were uanl, defalll:er., so be "ould hav e to be a, · ~uso d of sllmelhlns stutilng. so wc (I ~· ,'l de,1 lhat dad s bould be c harged wllh "elll~ (he prlnl'ipal thing In Ib e ::;tantl · IIrd 011 coml'llny, and that be had un der · ;:rouulI pipe Iinl'H running under BCV · .. ral "tales, gOlh cl'lng oli aWR), from Ihe peopl e who OWll (' d It , and tbat at I he IU-O~CIIl lime be wa s worth a billilln <101 lars. nnd hi s In coll'" was $11.uIIO.OOt> 0 1'ery Iiltl e wblle aofl by gi nge r , )'OU Oil -bl to s ec I hI' P "J"II, bow dowlI 10 h i III Say, "ommon banie rollue "s al><1 de tall lt · r H lust re ll n l'e r themsell'e" fO geL A (" qualnted with dad, anti to ('orry (}.;.A lil jo lle, 1 put Bome I( Cr088Dc all on ~ad 's handkerchillf, and thllt clinched It. ror el'f1l'ybody lMes fhe smell of a perfume Out ~!preBentB II billion doUILra.

[lO I'

.\ ' 01 '; 1; "II

1~ I ': !'i

camp th t' bll,ll' o f I' ",he >l" or SUIOY \ pr ince ur PI'll", onle, The maI'! IRt;O .... a. ve r y pl ca . ln!; I v I';: I II ~ VIl I" , \::111 I manu el. who "aId o f hi . SO li s wlr" "Nc\'c- r h ave 1 !'tee n 190 a(:( o rnl\lI ~ h C' d u nrlnr:e. .. .. Humherl liH('( Cf'ttrfl


fll fO


BOml' Ic n vcard arte r hi s m a rr' inJ; l' allli h is '1" ee n ·WHH lh ~ IIr " tl:ldy In Hit uIlOIl th e l'O\'al throne nr Italy . 11'~ " i o n.... 1<> vi cto r' i':mlllanur !'. rlll ~ 0" "" 111\\ 1 ,\

s ml)kl'II ailulIl half 1)( Jt snd Raid 't ",a,. (' no llgh, and h e want" " his ,,,I s m ok e . Th" n I told him It .. ao the sam e, I(, As lhe <Iuty." "The n what ha Plle ned·" " Whal us n ally hal>" pn. 7 Y ou Rlllok e r R think you know m')r o IlhOllt <'lAM' thall we who mal, e tb('1Il Thal lIIaQ wou ldn't

have I t.


m :ooit" t Pr1


smoking a l a n·c('ot s lralg),t, anrt f gllv~ It to him Prlr .. Is "hat gn,.· e rn e ci him , Just as Il gO\' c rns mo~1 m n whe n the\. buy_ Th " a"f'r:t~ l" nmn is 1I0 t nlll c h o r :I harga ill hllnt l' r"


fa ces al me on my jackass, and tlnally d ad " 'antell to c hange wo rk 8 with me and rid e 1\1)' jackass. iJul I lold blm w e R ell Hnlr had lel tt he s LelllR,lder bac lt aL <':alro, so When r e d hall' mah ~" It. ~pnpa r~nr~ Iiall hnn!: 1" hi ,. mounlalnous sleed, bu t Ih e dll Ht blpw S Il )011 ,ouldn't s ec, and IL () n a b uman head all 1l\1(~\\ ormo~ .~ I. wall !:eitJ Rg m onotonO U8 whell lh ~ at an end [t t~ P.t ' h,' r l u\'(~ d or loal h~d It" atlmi re r~, with arll~1.i In l h~ (::In. R r l" que"'l'. llhlllS b~ pl'nned YOII 1,," (' h eard thai camels ('.a n nil up alm ost bys lcl'l cali y I'nthll , lo -ric T!l ~ ', w ilh wal pr and J;O fo!' a weele without call It go lde n , Ih o ll ~ h t h l' 1!0111 t h' l a81dn g lor an), morl'. W e ll I s u r!, th e comeos out o! th e ea rth i ~ tl f11 JlIl'tl ex w ee l. wa. lip and Il wns lime {O 11>Il(1 t11 ~ a~t\" lhr./'sh ,,<1 il. "rel l · h~ l r pl l "'o ma ll c at1\ e l~ wllh ",'at e I'. for a g w e ,' aUle to t'!II s~lr '" o f a ~uc(.'eS9 In 5f ) me qllSlrt~r l he Ni l ~ el'cry lasi camel matlr, a ru s b bowe\' ~,. Illaln her race 01' In slc: nlOran l [o r the ,.iv ~r. and lh ey we.nt In like a , her IIgu re. The delr.. rtol'9 ()f red hah yoke of oxen on a stampede, anti waded MY I~ Is a Sign of bad' ~p. moer or Immor-. io ,:Iear up to tbe bumps. and beglln to I .ll~y or both, uti ttler,e fore to ~ eerl( tl.rlnk, ilDd dad felled for ~ life prese"u I ~~\~~,~~n :


111~ 1I 1g,('d



? I lilt) :; !


! ,h\' ! flail "

"ur l~;; 1 ..,

l'I'I ~ I:tIl.~


I ,ll

1 ~I U1 1 " IP l lr L tb~ a.t'f" II!'\l'd r almt y r ,' ,,,h - ' ' I\ j'r to,)" lh ... ru rc;('(t ,1'1CU. m en l I rrllll be table 8nrt nlli~ It befor'.l lb ~ n~! qn t..;h p.d cou rt olIlcial s 1-t:!l"O' b t!I I SU nil i,," l l), to Illler f e re. T I,e r ('U ll 0 1l h ~ I lri ~II "" 1' ~ ~"H ll8el Ilromptly ntove d fO I

II ll m ~II ' 14 _

Ik'Pll llll lll n o r


Uld ('f i n.! [h'dp lr I ~ m a th, K Ufl t-.. · ,\ r rl l.l:-O LlI rli A '-f'n l,a n: I ' m ,l jnt'll Y 0 / lIr ('

~ !lI hl l l'

()/ 'I':'1 11 ~" , 1

;\ l n h 3 11l1l11+

,t ... , I ","f!I 1 11

!t I l

W , I ....

t'lI .t·ll n t: a ;,it l' lIlI ' II t ' lar

' ,l ' 1

\ f," /rll l ' I ',ld , ll

~' r;JI )·l' a r ~ .


fl ('o n ~ iderabln

In .' 11"1 1 all l rl, on. Ih .' .", !t ·l h rut

11Ir' Inll r',

r()r sev


- ' !If' Ba l " ", .. . , I I ' n' ll cl n l l ... :'Ind IJtd f{l ~al



It kl'''; nll l l lll li 1 h ., UH· ~ d :'\ .I -- l f, ld lll \nl ~ .I 1I1 " Ul Ii ' I ~

I"flll ' !I " I "

14 POUO l t s w a~ In ( " '~ n' way Ilcre r.t . ahl" i!l p a,olrlillpo l~ 10'l t \\(1 ~ o nly r edun rtan t \\, (,l~ hl a n ti I Ipl! 3:, arenull , m o rE' artiv ~-. ~I l'o n ~t' l' a lld h tl r rler. In Iht' 111 ft !t t' r d r h·-a llil [ r, ' lt

"la nd


~" III" IIiI Il ~

... U ..... II I


T t' hro r ,lIl

Th l'

f I, an rio (;"11 .. 11-



A t e th e EVId e nc e. \" h it. ' a IP n m l f I 1I;';f'I'j prns ocuUOb In 11I ~ I ~ n'::'3 I t I :l \\'I.I !i h lU ~lnn


(',lplt al

li P


an~ ~ull il e n

o f monar ch s whu

(h e "B Y o r va ul ti ng amhillon , I ~ th .. I "'''llIlry d,,"'n [ hare so uth or A. lali. , Ilu h la e xtl'nlllnl; al o n g Turld Hh Ler rl to,), lOllc be .1 by Ih e "bllffe. Klut e " or Af~hanl sl u IIn ,1 llritl~h In lllil. Tb .. !=; hah 's do main 113 !i an c!o( limal C(I Aret' : "I' f. _8.0 011 !lII1 ('~. IlUI m<l~1 o f It .. dpR( r t III It" IIOl11l1a l io" c f "I,!J UI ~ I!UO 0011



h ,, ~

rl' m l .\· ln~

I II), /111 11 h A"


,11'1'1 11 >'111) l\l' ll e l' than I

a"a 811~B in


Pl' l' sla , lallli of wyslerv

I Ilt. , !'t'

Tht, I n alJlllly 10 I! Ltill: " ~ wa ~ PIJHal tn n I () :'\..~ 11( 0 \' 1' 1 :!UI) n1l1 (':; I t WI I i I ht' l'tlrHr l' . be I ~Pf' l1 Ih al_ IIn!t Pf 111 (" ( ' l tr'~ lIlll :ll f\n ce s IHII1U"l, It WR:i imJleruth' l' t )fl u latly nc (' H :oii, lI1 :- to t' x e ee ll (IH" d bt an (1' o r 1. tnl\ f'~ a till.) in ord ~ r to I ~ r t.:' d( r ve the 8 ' ,'ra..,tr' At IIIP h e ~in DIDg 01 ) " 3 11, lil Y Wf'i~hl Y"I1 ~ 1lJ:! (l IInd~ IU ::ttr(>l'l cloth !':,. \\hih" a l ' hp t'n ll 01 It my w ll I~hl ..... a~ 17 8 J1olll1d ~ Thh: l o~ " I ;)




I Til "


t! \I·-r

Th e pr ~~~ nl s halt , Mnfall' e l'pt1r1fn I. the Orlh m ona r c h f th e I l ya n ~ t)' o r thlt I<Ujll~ . III IHG t h r .lir ~L of t h ~ dyna .... Ir , AI;u Mulmlllllt1 I\h o n rel l at lbl'



him It was a n ' \\ fh p·c{'nl r'l~a r l liq f I ha ,1 jll s t nllt o n tbn marl,N. I\P

() I' I"' ,'L Y

\ ... 1 t'ad.'



I h n ..lnu

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HIC 11111' "~pl'l' IIl I" Plll llt wn ll .1 11 1' III~ h hI'1I~ hl' - nl I:.. . ,1 ~: ,1<l UII . \. Hl lI'k,' I anll ~ i 'll' l' ,ll 1'111, \ \' 1111 IH :.,:: l nn \ l-d r,lI'-- ~llIli d I\~

Mr. Lester Ivins

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(· (Hllllry .

1 1111 !"\ lllli h illl1pd ~lIflllll\' \\1111 ,If'I I \' I It'l'I \( '1l

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h 3~t! 1 ~ l er1'ltt , Ml~S Lll:1Jt'(,(,:l DlrJ l l' b , 'V;II'l; ", " tl,-':, ~']('Hllt " l 11 1l,t :\l ll fl l l.l 'I' I ' II' I" IL l " , A11 ~ P, J!a l1 tdl ll ' I' UI . t ll(· ..,111 u l Will \\IIQ S 0 Ulltll'd . ~lt l t 1:111 1\111 1 HnIl \\ lit' ., MI I I 1 1I10 rll1 n ~ II", ' ''I- t il ,' I, · , t ,'1,'''11 I ' • I' II I' 1 1 Illlu .Iall 1.... " ·11 ''''·\'.I'I I' <IoI' lIt,,1 H ' W" I 'II':I< o n ,'nf 111 (, lil'-I t n r, · fl,' " L IIl I· ... lhl1< II .' "(·.\\ lfl·,, " d Hnr co t s ' e~ ,{:w lel UIl ( MIlI'l h 'I ! ln g f 1'lil 1)I~ }J lIH' II " , I ... llIl " I I11' , II ,...


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. ><tnll.lti o l1 "fl\ I1 I' \\ .11"1' "tl , k' ,; \' _:I 'Il, I: ", A-, ·" 1.,11.,1' . 101 ' "I,l l"~ lit 1111', '1'0 11<110 1'('S 0 11 0 tll o nllll"n 111 11/'111 LlII II!.; ld, ' 1' 111 1111':11 M IJ I'gllll a llLl 1"\111 11' ", 'htl"; \ 1\ t 1a l ~ f II I 11 11 1 Il f lll!f::! Al l &Jh!:; Tl" lt O ~nllthf 00 1( h pr fllth , ftln l' '' I· Hn1 )nlll'~: q.! j j :\I\ll lt-.l~1I I I p IIIHO. LOo t' \ . ~l " t l h .· ll I n )J11I J'('l, I I C WHSIJ\\ r pri\,11 0gl! t . , l UI\I·:;t1'\('d ' \\I ' I (' l\ ntt1 Itllltll' , 1 z.;\llldHV by ~l l 1 " 1\1I 11 llnl" ' I\II ' l\t~ ,\III )" . pl1 h1i<II~ tl or , u~IJ JlI A L kln ~o ll . wllo 1IIl1k e ~ h iS It j . 11 , , . 'I I I . ( I .. I I I . . I ·i l l .A t L I I" " ' I ~n co n~ l l LI)lI S",]/I , ,,,,1 \t" L ' 1' 11\' 1 \\11" " 1" " , ·,, '.\' :JI1IH" I I ' ~,; wltl> 1IIIlI ftl l' II I' al ll' lill ,'" ' L I'\\ I"St lh t. - .lllIl f" I",11' , d ltltlll1 'l\" I" 1111111 I h" I lilli' ll( thu l Olue \\ r 1 u o r , 0 e )O n 0 11 I ll l u~, ton (j u t It l P q l1 lr l' ~ Uihll it 11\ " I \ ' ., I)' , ' . ' j I i l'o mwhlo lipll1co h e w lln t t o 'uli l' ll l l I t 1'1 11 1 I I )1 11 , 1(' -"I ,l1t. 1,,) \ ( 1111 - I1ml \\, o lm tl wol hl ~ ~ ,tll"11I" .I! !(l n' l ~ I ,' " N 'II1f' l' 1" ' II"W ll tsl ' n l SI1 I1 !" ]I \I.ttn n . • Y'. ' , \l)tH 'R ,10\ I II' ~la III )1 p t' " 1 I t I l I • ' . ' OhI O, whe r e l1e wI.II ~'i:<I t WIth hl' I 'I' 11I' t ll nknt LIlli p IIII,,,' 1I()1I~(' \I'll' "1'1 ~ It . III I Il'lI I<C llen nf I 10 I I'U,I 'I"I I IlIr., u g h Ihlll 11 0~ l'l' r lll (' -I'l1 gg1 , ' ' ,111' III/h .1 1I,·,,1Ii-i(' 11 11 II !HI flll ni l \' dltllght e r MI S. LLl~ly . DlI lll fm II ,,1'0,' 1"11111"11 t\nt, Mn11l1 , \' '''''11,'1 I L l' rl l'"I . "btl U h o " , ' I- "I M , ·1I' 11t. . \\' I·t! .lu \1' ,' " ' 111 " 111 1"'1' Ih,' 10 li d I . " m Qnth • II ~I,· . 1'1 , ''"' III :-;"" I h I" 0 11 111(' ~1 '! 1( ' . I tll l'PCI I" l1 "r Ih e honlth 1' . Ilr <lt lwIS . ,III)!, 11 11 ,1 1'1 '1 " " . ""111 u" Ihu I \l ll ~ your oYOS t ~~ l1h1e y on go tn :';llHrw"tJd 1'; "' 1II1l :'11' I'11t (':lrl 1\ II ~ hl till''' 1I !l l' d I 'I 'I I""".~ 111 th e ott \1'111 I h o : 11 ' 1 F rtlnk B. C Ul'oy ' .1 eV" e le l' 11 1111 1 " I' '1'1 r .~(., I ' \\. 'I ' 1 I' " , 1'\ /1' I'P n . lI lI lll l" 1·111 ()pU OiIlD I.6 b lln o~ ' O hi L ' ttl " ~ li.-:<11l1~II1 ' t. h\\"l< «,.,' 1, !!xt o ull!'.! n 1"'II I I,V '0\', ·11'011; " 1""III" ,·\l11<H'SIIIII"'"11111. t1 W. h ,o!l!o.:'; II II . ' I II'1t1l 1' '' ' ,IIl,V \1 11 Tin , .. I ' HI 1! Th eCl :L!<8oC I \lO~" 'Of" 'e- W IYI " I·.1"J( ) hI' h fl,lr whil ') I' ldl1 l >: II C'r 111.,' 1I1 1' ''''Jl'I, "I' A ~<(l_'II,tJ()llllu ,1 Ih clt· I h oJ hltl"" !1 11I " Ih (, \,1111,,\' . IIlw ,,\, ! Il1~ II I 1111' I," rrw " r :'II I' .111 1111'" • J) ,' U I t t. ('I(~ n p ' l l' \ V C Ph llltl)~ Ir'l' t' l ~Ull l1 ~ II I f J . '[' ll ' "ilI e Oi" ll ' c h o II r eceiv ed ' L lJ,)X lIf ' 1 ' '1' 1 l' I " II IOll d, \\'h ,) 1I'.'rt' I'ro>tJ llt, "'III (' h , IHlU)' lll1 t IIIlI uri "h r , ','1' 1, 11'11, 111 " .,111 1 ' .111 " 111 0 r ,' lIS ~,,11 1111" \ ) ,.' ,. Ink .1 Ill" II II ... • pilI' , 11' " !I'~ I 'IV 1111 ' ,I "I·. , .. tli ~ , .. . 1 I . I ~ 1' 1 . lill ~ l)elloh e~ ~me d f~Y 111!\ t'W ~ .. k ~r ol11 \I'll" III '1l1il ~ 1\ c r:r.IC'1I co n llltl o 'l f , lI' '~' I ~ }J1~'"~!lntl;y 1', )~ " Jl ld 'd t .. by O \, ~ I')' dlltS \\,ltll 0.l1t II 11) U 1'111111' . III: li ':,~~I, 111.' 11" .111 1111 1' : )',, 1t ~~ ',1 II Illll'l .: F ill( P ll ltI :\11t: ,It· ,,,:rl!l e lr. f Orm !!l . t e ll ~1 0J', '. n li nd . ,1 1"11 -"Irll' l oo k Jl!ll'f 111 t hf' j C' l'II C 1.\·aIl5 }. ~o ·.Y II. of f. . hulIl!l : \\,II ~ c,JU l l1 grO lh I n hll i l k ('1)1 ,1 1I11t! ., II \ 1'.1 h n !,!,.1 «II~ l c" l . rI ml \V1l I ~l ('''I'\\i ll IJI'llI;e w!to B AP'l11~.' ~g'tbM~ l'·/lc)n tlOn III. illS "Pl1~. 11' IJn o b ' tmlr' I'!lIllIIIH' 111 "I [h tllis tlmonl1 r(j l ~ slll1l Ul()n t lJ' II I. O'I It" 1111(11'1' tI,O 1.1111 lI U\ ,' 1 " X II(I~ ;II" '<\ hv 1111" "1 llilrl.I·.til'lI ~IH'~ I ' I H) m c oel1~ ",1.,1l I Q,. ( Ill y . " " h"1)1 11,,11 ',nrl I' I'"r I r , 11 ,1 11 I . ,~ • u , • .' - ."''''-t I I I '1 I "11' I • • •. " " . h Olll l! t" r E' j>1I 11' ! " I he l"rlt""1H,ll"" 1 1I' 1 "~ r"o ll\ll lles, LlnIV l'ttll,,d I h \l I .. I",I' "11' "111~ Mr IIn u Mr~ I . ' • 0 11'0 ) 01U oy S '-'9 ~ litH g lL~«' ~ " 1 I II ' ('Ill , In I,,· p .III· ,,,dll1' II ,,' f\ 11! I t ill A ,ll ll lt{~ .... ~) n tl Lt.e ll by Frtl n k D. CIU' ~ J l' wd c r "I .sl tlCkl'N. II )I : I"" t-ih ll 1I~ ' rl.lll III~ !Jill! w h lJl'o 11 1l!·III)Wn< d lll lll"' , Md t 11l1I,l lJ IrlU u d, \l' h I' 1''' 1'''1' Itl~ C it,, " H .I·I' I'l'rnt',1 t hl'll' h Oll . I' H, 1,'ln: ( ' I ) \I .\ ll l"o~II ) ~''! I L lw eI o ptiC'IIIU , Le llll1l9,o" "'\1' 1' 11 31',1 rul' I h\~ . r i(lI ll~ I" Wll t 11',,1'1 Al' I'O!l{\, t o w h wll 1111 .11e! 1I 1l)})I CI l o t W'I ~ Oll,t 11 0 \\'I\S II I,r \JIII ,I' " ,l1'IJ,j, m I'1l1 I ,) 111,' 1111 11 M ,s '1'lI nl1 I flLl' Orltl w ll h pdvll l n 1'1 I'll Ilk,. lil1 r I hl' :-:111 11 It wh" \\"' I'~ 111111'1'11·,1 'I' lI(\~ : . Mr . lind Mrs; O: }1. .r. ~ d ge p r"t., 10\\'1\ 111111 h ('!JIlIIlH': "'·lIrll l1llt('.1 f"l!·.·. Ji ll ll 11 1',' IJ nbly bave th e b6n.p'p r. ~oticitL 0 1 t.h , 11'0 111 1,,' 1' \\' b,· .. 1 M I' M!l .'t'I ~ SOUII "ItCI' Il illll l:' l· . Ih e llI om llBl's ' fll llllliu l' lllld 111 ))111 111 " II Ilh I'I~ ,..upc. 01" " . •IIlt l " ,, !tHIIll/tell :L lil l' go" III , ! H p·nO Hl111 H t lon . I Rp.II!1p n The y b ti"" · ~fi n ~ wit h I R ')"tl l'!' wl l no"sll.1 I h i, I1C lllimt I1 n, I · · I I , 'f i ' l' . t . '''' ~ " : t "1 I ) . I h "' I I" Ih l'l A!I~ ' Clld 1. III 1'0 n ~se l\lbl~Il III SI01', 11 1) t'IIJ'u " 1ll1 111,," 1 f ll ll" r io', i PIIIl\' or I luII I' r l' l .. n,l ~ wh o hl") lI g hl I va IIrge 1t'It\1e8.~' (i., j gg est o f , 'VH leI' 101116 111 1 1~ I/ ~g l· . " "' , ', .. J ' . I . FIlii SI II I' F)' 0 11 whic ll ' me"8ii.r ~ . ~~~::; , ,:15 In c: h Cn \\' ,I ~ IlI1 (lO Il l<!lIl !11 S f ,1I' ~e \' cl'lll h()u I'~ • .' :lIou I U It 11 w }"' I'U I h.y uul I 'Ll III UlI'm II g 11'1 I h,) ho \I 11 I~ "r II I~ ,1' 0 11 th " !I" n \' llM ' I I1 I. and , ' /1 1111111\ 1' l)I'e~fln I!- I \\' nll01 II t' ll I;! " (Jln nny oil e bc'at· w&Yi· .•• . , ' ia flt, 1' I.h e n r:CJ(I " l1 l hl1 t, I' lll ""0 , 1'11 ~ l ll g lII g IIlw l li c I' 10 ), 11'" . 1I11 11 g-It Il " II'll h I h os,' Il fl had kn o w I, i " .1 t.) k c n. 01 ~I)()<l will t o Iliu ), 0 1111 '1 1 A dozen Ol'~\ fQ: ,1n ' I) be'p , C 1"[' 11 : \lItli ' ·I fl nll .1" til t ,il( ,' 1" 11' 1 111 t h l' 1I1 1\] 1,,, L IG ~ I ' Il l . • \\1;u (\11 II c(' oUIII ',tn (l 1.) ,·,,01 fru m II1~ ,',, 1' I,,·~t r e (' ll c'·'il" 'tl p! e . Th "$p pl'e~c ut \\'('1'1.1 'fi lii : ( HI" n Olll l n o 110:1. l u d/7e . 0 - Oall ~ :tro.Y"!I' "" ven t L, , ' t c l'llll nlll l' u t o f 111 h olll r l, . It ·,s lJe" 1I . l pp l'l vp,I or IWII : 1Y0 " h ,dl ml" I lla l. i>1I0 .vll n l ~rll1l h lind \\'~() hll B Ul't.o( k ,\nd RprIngbo ro • Iltnrday e~en l1l ~. _ _ .. ~_ _ _ ,, __ . _ _ _ u I 1t' IHiln e! 111 .1nl' uf I h f ,)J'I1\ PI' t1l ~~t , I ,. p lnt, lllit (I I t ' n 11'111 \\.(' I'<\v e r t IJ 1 ' 1; ! "' Ifp. ,PIl r lJ" 1-1 11 1'1 o el! RIl U WI ro'. '.!-~.~'!!!"''!!!'''-''!"'~~!."""-~~'!'!''~-....'''!'wh e re t h e v hAd e h " go ' of- the w n, k ' I , 10 I he 11111(" In IlI lld,llIp IIntI C'UII 1\ ' II I I 1 f I E 1M! '!;l id L . I II I; 'I l in g :. 1,'11, .1 P3P t: I' . ;.(1·U I ,·/ I1 II · "' , Inl('1 11 1 tl \ (I I If I I ' I II I Ie 11\11( WI p. , o( ~V"I1~ n ll (! r ' tl '1 ' I, tnt 'I . :) g I 'a~l 11.110 HI ·O I" II 1111 I U ' 0 11 1', " I . . , ~weet ln v ste ries of 1,b o ~cl)nd1 , a grt'e of ~ ,. 1 "I1" I II ~ KI ""'~ ln '!" r" ,,1 1 I I: ug ~ I·~ . hy ~ul11 e hllJlPY (' xprp:<"lIlll Wi ll' .•Joh n E\'IlI1 ~ LlllI l wlf , ~ l'Ctlillfl U Il . , , , Ihe ord c ... 'I.'bc:Od4 ~ellq'w's lo,l ~e [<i\ ;-H .Y N . \ FflLL ( ' I:b:" )1 11 11 ' S I:, " .~,,, U,oId ,'" " 0 1·.' 1111'1' 1\'0 \1 111 (' h lln ,:(I' ,1,, 1'\; 11 ,'" Il1 l u klll i ~lI l1 lhll ncI fll m ily . .1,, [:(. 1, 81!C)1 ~ ,, 1111 ~ A N' , \ I)({,il'. ll UJ!:b~ R ' ,< • • • (H r.: I ':~ I·: . "1 I I I I .' F\{ I~~bj L· AKI~. ' S' (' lt\ G I\"~ S " g holo . Is", S jll\n IL t the • e l\u.1.lI e~t 1',l1l r ,l I II ,· 1,,11 !It " 11 ' 1,,111' 1' t il wl tl r' II , " 11110. g ,Jlltll 11Il [ ,1'P'11 1 lli to mi1l11 f"IIl I I\' .1 .. 1111 S nl1lh 11 1111 \\' If" 8 01 I l llgo \n t\.l o ij tate iU ~ ' ro~o rl1 o ) 10 ' " Ul'lll'I(" - 1 I:U'I 1"0111 1<1 . 1"1111 c o ull d 11 /) • • lit .1 . ' ~, ' I Z ' . I' .; 1 • N . s h 'l' III \' SIX 11·" IIJ IIII, ·oI . " I 11'11 '1 11 1 ~!" I'I-( !1 n a 11\1 fum ily . CIlllol'l1 M ax Z I ~l M F It MAN'S It~ Ill e mbe r s illp, ~n\l IV hey 1111 \' 0 J ~I ~I b: ' " " , .. . . . ' Ullr SY IIIl'U l ily a nti (·o n .l l1 lo l1(' (' ~o · . , . . • , , . , ', • . "11 hllnci 11 'lUrplu~ o~ !:Ie"er u l IS , S . , le \ ,"1 IIn,l I.""" pU I'I!- "f ~1 1 1 q l . I) llt tt, tlo 1,0 1" ' 1/ ,· ... <1 fl1l1, i lr . I/ IHI 11> \\\lll. 11 11 ,1 l 'I Llll l ,l , 1,(; \\1;1 .t\ I~ "" _ li nt! t!t QUSllDd dollllrs . lUll . tW( II'" .. I JIl l' H' ll r' ·I·wIll l h . l o lll·"; !' r o\\' 111111 1'"1('1111,"" \1'(' \\111 IlI m ;ly. MI'", .l ul1l1l.h uli • 1I1I LII . M I >! ~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~ Only I~ illw m o r e , Sotnrdn y~ In Death of MOl"dkai Mill .,; Slxt" ~II" ~ ~It. 13 1'''1, 11 '''1 ·1 , ·1'1' ' ' 1' "f (:~ mtlll l l ll It) t l'l1 <1 11 1111 (' ,) l1lhl " I II III, I{"~II Be l'l'y l ,111 MI', Th oml~ 1:1 0 whicb to u t'e l:Ipa.lir ·s Ph o to eo n ; JIll' . i'coJ II I (,,, .. d ~lu~ I () I'. 1"'1<1 11 1,: 10 111111" 1l1 o llt· 1 \1 1 's '~ I\ IIIJO ' h e llow e l h. BCl't hn ' Ci l' l 'lH } ""Il S Y ou ea n " f; Ilt'l'o r "'+ t o It! t ti llS ~ A ft " I' f OI l I' •YI'f1I 'S_ o f int e ll se' s nll" I' I .. , ll I \ 'II I 1' 1· .... , I f! I'"lIl I IJ O I ,.,n co o \\" t l 'J' I Lt !, III""" U • fA I I '11 I{C111 11 0 11 wil li 0 11 1 "" Iut l.,ll·..,nl! II I. I ~ (}\lJ U l un t"It'J \ ."'\:iJ II 10 P \:HlP o pp o rtunity pu ss by . 1111-( II' I III " \I(' ,I ),! II~ d ls('!ls,'. M ol' ,. ~ , 11'111 . J . , m o n t f O I' Ne l'v o u s • ,11 ('11 l\l ll1 s " IH' u [ ' l lI e h •. 't kllulI' n n al ll £'" II lid A 1111" 1' 111 10 1) 131'1I<1sl l'''')( E I, ~ I(;~ n RI\I' .II. I.II' I, I WlIr. l"/ll'l n nl [ Hlt lm l l:;11I 1!1I . E ltll'0 l He vernl m o nths ngo r e prol:'entll ' . . , . ' . . " ~ n !I(I C hr ll n h ' DI ;;onSIl8. tnl.IVf>S o f '11 co u ctl tu SIIHl t o 1>0 " ll lzellS 0.1 Lyll(' . Jl II -' l·t! t o III " !t l t' r , w ' c ll gil " 0 II 1'1"'11111 1')11 "II "I 11'111<'11 . ::; 1,1': \ ( .\ 1<1 \I J! I I' \ III I 1('. R r ll' lI l'.1(:C lll rt' . h th ul 10ellt p-d lit C hi ong", Ilntl known tiS 11I tI . l tJ ."L Snlllllll' \\' 1'1'0 hsl l'ne <1 II) wllh ;,(11' 111. Ill t,"",1 i 1 1'1 '11(' 11' 111 . F I"I'II R!Jl'I y hol l, M'l tt u' l I b o Du VOlll Kl1't·ly : 0. cllm o I Illll ' r" I ". " II " •• ' " 1'1" (' ,, "d l1l' I,',j MI', S , 11l1l " 1 ~, . d e l !l,,01 II 1"( 1)' I' 1" ,\1 '1 ' 1 1. .1 1<110 \\;; 1.' 1 \ (I 11 11<1 ( il r ll II p,,~ . ~IO~:< I'!\. Pl' ru 1 I" '.'" ' h' "'. ,n\l of ,\I " ,oI"le .'llJ .:.,,,.

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tll, rOlln g h \V " IJ'l t: 1I CIJ ljlntl V !owll"I'!; ;,\, 111~J'1: ' 1 ! :; \1;::~~t'I' I .:: I '~I .I ~ I ~lI Jl~ ' ;lf ;l lll~f' I II lin g- tin t I lreli~ gOvt:\ Jysnlll p t· 1\ ' II I I' l' . I Tlu3 'U CUIJUIU U oll1 y u .s hur t,~ ftl .r ln l 1l .\I H ' \ 1 I'. 'I~ I I , t ' \' alli lil. P thi s iUlIli udiut u viCinity, U" t '''hile t.lU\ L \~ t l(' ~ I I,•. ',l ll l1 I " , II cl \\11 . . h He thoy WOI O fr q uut.l r <:JllI l"I'Ll h l1 l'h',1 I n . 11 ,1' j , 1"1111,. 11111" 1n g wll II frnllll HI')l url ~ III ' f,\le dl~l l y 1-'," 11'111 ,1 '11t \\ II "l! C ~\ di e'. ItoI' I' 1'11111\1 1 ront I d t 'J ( ' ( l'IU Vl' l' III t il' !-! t'U\ O , . ,t tt tJ t f 1 p.ljlerH 11 0 1\ ~ t. I III , Oll U 0 .t. 1I1 '1' 1 ' I 11 r . b t . , . I m e ll ha s bee n arr clS t ' l1 I)'" liUlt ell II Il "\\111 ~ OJ 1 n.lly I "' "{T' t e l I" ' ul. llI .. f llll,· ," l · St I 0


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., 1 I.,,\. , .-1 01" ",-.1\ III- .I- I ·lt,-.

11, .1 1 111 .\. t Id l " I " ' ): ' " I Ll ,'" I II II t r,r ll l tl llf'" f l' fl llI \\ 1... 1, II \l ll

JlII), IIIC' II I of IL ' 1' 1' 111 111 ,, 111 11 II ,' ,' 11 I I" , 1I ,·t " 1\ ." ". MI' .111 I ~ I, . 1n e t \\' Ith Ill) It r'(·Il II'J. t ThI n!\" It ol t j ' :d\\ III t 'hlllldl" 1 II111 l c1 ' llH!l llt ' I'~I I th' 1" 1'1111 " 11 ,,01 h ,,1I' h " I1'1111 111 (0 / d "'l h .\ II I Ii 11I00!.- , . n.II·" 1' 11 , " "11111 lEW Wi ll 1"1 1,, " ,," \1 1,,1(' ,,, 1111 1(' \11 '; 1': iJz l !, ('!h B" " III' .I I1, ' " ld - "~ II llkl I ' " 1 1 uP, ' II;' l a~( " /I • I H' """ .' 1' () I'p r I '" 111'. ~1 1"" - ""11 .1 1111 0\ 11. '1111, 1" \\Itl! ~ r(l tl ~h f' r wo. },l. H Il I t':; \l' l v 1\ 1' 11\ 1'~111111 l ' ,ul ul .\" . Ind u ti l i " III ' J ll.' ~O Il"loI o ) , f lJlIl'\·I·y , 1I IIr j; .



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a n tl mil II y of I h ep l c lt l' l' i.h I h e h ' l)'" ., " " I t.1I Ito 11I "~" 1l 1. li t Ih o I l ltl B (I I H OJlle l \n lJ) ln,~ B e nfl hl l1 IlI'xl \'1 ' 11" I) B n nl lllrt ~1. L llC' r C\\ l o\\"u, Th o ... t}1l 1'1' f't~ ! 1I1 , ( ) ,.: ku l q()s .l ,lq\\H. :.\ 111111 1 li n B p. lln Hl tt' •. 1..... ()I1\" t llll {) li lll




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. I 1\I 001'illl'.1I rw lli' wn~ b o rn n o n I' II Vlllg .' ('(Huell UpOIl Ill o . e rr'o l 101\ • \V" " n p~ \ I: I.'. \\' 11 1 r Oil Cr.u ul y. O ill ,). oC nn o nl1l'e l y Il e w pllll1 t luwhH' 1l :.: 11 In .. lll 11 I~I IH:lt . •11l. ,l S lh t o hnudl o o nr ltlr ~ t~ ly 1n l' tlu :o-t' d 111 ll1 l h. '!l't ll . IUC, ·, . •""C,I -. I "" .'1 '. 1 IT ~ 11I :'H n C~f:, ,," w n e r out' c ntll e ~ Jl l 'J Ilth"" .lll l i 1~ 1 ,1:,) :-: M II II Ht1 ~lll('kot ~rlLn1te nntlnIurhl o 1I\\ ) n ~l I ~ th ln u ll l lJ I:~ I "-i t l j IVl n l \" 1\1 lu c ut.~ nn,l tnar,k c rs :It ).;'r"Htl,~ \'( '. ' H nl lH't: n ll I1 't \ , u 'r 11l 1d l' W Ul' I' b ll tll 1111 ('ell Pl'lOCS . Th e 1.'1 1;11 l'11lltll1' g' t" 1111 " 1I11, n ll . ""Will UI'U (J t WIll llI u k c II I'cet<S III' Y ' 11 . It " pd ' ll rlul e t "1111 < Illnl ll" II I. tl • . If '· I '1" ., ' ~ , I e Tt Ill t '\H () Oll r n ntl ttl s n ( ~ - Ill H l (l U l i ll t. 111 S ]01\ " II nti ~(l l' (' 1I ! 1 1 1C ~ Pl'rs ll n ~ Int e rn~ t HI I \\111 t I ll \\·t'~l t o t il ' '' ' " h l' '''Pll t lltlt1 V~ " lItinl('d rt l n n\' H

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Ld · ( Illl lt ,\ IH1llutifu l l' thHj( ~ tIl l M i~~ I..: ') . H c ltt)o talt t l ~'h ,) u ] h O Il~k' . \\ JI \ I'] I b tc'l 11l'1I1l Dr own wn ·J It }Of hy ( n r l'u ' 1, ',' 11\"" Ih o wn. hut hv ... I Jl UP l1lhh u l ' hu fu u n d ( ·u llll'l n l l.! lI ll p,l ge j 1,1 1111'; 1 1111 \ fu p y-I'u ll,.d t {J 11 ':1<11 ll lf' 11111 \(1 . . iSSII£! 0 1 I h I! lillt.~e l I C "I I il l! lll';n (0 ' 1 III IIIII U 10 1' I III:! 1\ ~I' I;" 'I'h o sCI 'rtllll ry lI:all Id t rl, 1'1'" ,,, 1h~ I1 'l.

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Micha el Settle r Dies from Pilitol Woun ds



AND , _ .1 LOCA L NEW :,. ,

NU r.JI3EH 20% .


Corw in .

Till ' Iliuo who " ' cr c 10 hll vc Inkl'n ' in Ni ng ll rtl Fulls IIUlI were ' 1i ~ : IJ " T h,. t ' 1l" ln S "I1 ']."· ,e ll ll,,1 \\' 11' , llointl'<I. ui tl Ih e \vihuiJl Michne l 8ett~r who s hot b l' ~t o n F ,dr ' 1' ~ ' tI,j /., " 1 lit (',, "\\, 11; ~;t'honl h ') I'l'l' n ~ II lJul."II Cl! 10 I. h o dl~l.lp]J John P . n,nmsey durio g u 4llllrr,;1 l)lulm e nr. 1,,-1 ;;lIn dlll' ,, [I I' l' n ')" 1l lI'ilh un II I. I (~I? IlL'IIl , 1ttl g u s , d i U Ih e u UI·ke.v w lt o, ut Boll brook , .1nly 11. di orl ut I.lw ' "nd :II"' ,. " I' 1" '1'11' ii I" MillUli Vlllley H09pitn l ill Dnyto o I II tIel' II..., , obul t huu escnped .uetill l·, . ' e d h i lll " p oo r ury m elLt, nn ywn ," . Sntnrd "y ufterno on . (;/l l ll.l·. H I-\milli iH II I li o n ". . IIf ) !II 1' :' . I :'\ . 11 " l'ri" IlIHI I·hilll""'1l " I' I It will be r ememb ercd tbnt HeUler l,l'I'Il IlI 'x lC'IHI ,I l' l, il lI'i l h hi, ~''' ' . 1).II'I ,m ._ I" ''' 1 " ' I' .. rlll ll"" ~I II ~ 1 lI"l' k l Bo h UI'II)' h fls Ih res b !3d f l) rl y and num8ey got into II dillpute Over wl\ lI i )ol.l~H·ldt . tl Ht Tll lodt l. ,',· i tl. 111' r I n \d l ~ l 'r. ~ I n.; : Ali l'o ~JI '- !"! l o n~Hlul htl q ll1.d~ of g-1'll ltl thn t; fHr . . , a trivial athir , During tbo quarre l I\:ill" '\' 111 0 bannc r }"wl,ls lire t.brell hlln. ;; " n' L ure 1I "'l<l lI l'he 111101 ~ 1 · n ...oI' It 1M BIlld Settler Imrlecl n couplo o f " . . " l r PII llIII I t.hirly Ihrtlo bush e ls grlJlI' lI ~iH 1'" ,,",l e l's ii I MII Y·, . Rtou llS ut Rnmsey , who t.h An tiroIII' :\11':' II L 11,,, ,11, I"", h .III [" I'll,,,, ,'" f Oll l' 11 11 11 ono luLif uoreM , Als" hi M revolv., r and Rhot. FI'n m till' ' ,' I II, "P lL ' \~' I II! ' 1 1 1 ~ t WI ' I ' k: l u' l' ~l:' t ("l I" 1 f\1.l't ."p 1II' I'f'!04 of w ll eutIL vern g edt.,,,,,e u . ~ I I" , 11. I'; H",,! h I'l if ,'r l llilll'll h " l I " II,·" I 1" ' 11'1 first n o h OJle WIlS ~Iveo fo r 8ettler ', . . lOr 1.1')''' 111' ''. IIl'l ·Iy . ,'wht IJII ~heb . IIr ono Ih o'l!mn (1 ,IIIi,l .. iIll's " te wc!' r oonvo rv . l\. . B;' 11 1.•• 11' ," "I' l., d" " II1 I1 . i ' "' ~ I: '~I. ' ". II IlI,·I"", ,," . "nd " ~ I i,;. I, lin" hlllltll' c,1 .u HI t,w e nl y to tal. W., Thtl tuneml tn ok pillce nt BAil U t':-;~l" ~t l\ h , ';"" . j d ( !lII ', Il.! " 1 ha\,i ' th o ) Hl p CI' S f ur thht st atclnen t . M .. ~ . •I \3 C hn]lIl' II " w h " I'll s 1,, ·r·l. hrook at t.en o'clook Toesda y, co n ~ I I· . H ;;II !," ,,"01 ,1" ,, !.! hl " I'. "I' : (l .... ~· IlIl'c~ho<l tw en l y ·three hun · I' I'" V 111 fl, r s P\'I' n,j \\,'> I·k ~ IS. " ' ''' ! ~I " lr,, " . ~ 1 "' lI i ;;,,"<lll duoted by R o v . MI~d(lo x , of Uenter· \' w ilh 111," I ,JI" '(\ ,, 1I ,1 1I1n oly l lU sh e lsof oats III ~ t'll;lnully in1 IU'O\· iJlI:{ ville. H tJlIi' :--;t ll,. ... . . I I(I U h' Jtlr:i . After tho do~t.h o f !:lett.le r , Row ,ey ;\li sR BHI'III" l\ " IlI'il'k h llil II~ II!'I' ~I ' :I . . ! Th lln ll inlnll,i d Nine w ll o wh o ha([ heen out o n bull Will< I'e. '~ Il I' HI~ !': n n<lnl' ~Ii ,s," ,'111111 'J'I .' I. nll d . 1.. , I' r"n k S',,' lb "n " I hll, 1 o b l' llOllvfl tl) hllth o I,heir fevcred ' li n II n ll F."I! [-J 'I "". nrres 00 D. chargo of Reve rnl (Ie 1" " 1., \1 ,,,, ~ 1 : lr y .I : ",,,·~. II [ ( ·, ·III ,·I' I',IiI· .. 111'11'" h np ill Ih o ('el QhmtAu wllt er s o f grn e mnrtior , pref"rr ed by 8 e t.tle r'8 I' " I,, 'n l ;;"' ld ll ,I' \\,1 : 1i .1 '1 11 ' ,·. I I,dll. " r" s ld ll" N illg llrll ( hut uidn' t) wh o 11 11\' " y o m' " ., .(." Il'" I,'(l llnll " III s'I" 11 11 ,1 f:II I,Ii\' . Ron, C le m ont.. R ,uns o.y ·s uo nd WflH n ' . . ! IlUt 1 !-I I"'~ tl l''''-I IJU t)'kl e t ~ g 1\·tng Jn llp!"I Ii tl 'll Ii, Fmnk U (.'"I'('~•. j ,· \\, ... II·, flx ell nt IS,OUO , ~ II' flll " S ' II " It , "I' 1"IIl'II ,,, " 11 1I [lh l' gi~ lInli c wllter" t o ue explo r ell aUt I u pl k lll ' l. Lel'"l1 u n " 1'1' 111 . ' ''110111.1' wi lh Ii i, It llllll' [,,11.11 111 Il('g l"e lilll,( Ihc llIioor ns well 0>1 Troub le over Rent.:\1 1S~ Eilu KpYR !In,l. Mi s " Ap p hi " 1I1i ,.~e ~ :-i1'J II" L"nll' ")1\ ,," ,I A", ,, , 1\'1'11 II '; 111()~t illldelll o lullllryn thl!, ~~ 'I1,! " .. Wh ~. t oll~ hpr ~I," Ih o ,CUI,·.WI.,., I :lll'rl'llI lh vi s itlJtl ei l' Il' ic ,)(1. ~I ,,, Will i 1111(1 h o pcll t o r eturn Imd In ing Schoo l Hall. ~~ I' J)l)b III ' " \", t lll !! OJ I NIH!; ,"I') A, la :';11 0'11:, a t 8 ,lIlIhlh Lpllll n ll l1.lus l \'il'ltl "" pr l.l",,"tuti Otl , r p.prnduc e t ll l. a l.l~ iI' ~. 1 wcp k , Probnb ly n e ver h e for o in th o bi" . week. Ihl ' l' lI~ l ie~ o [ tho , vi lill WliR,t eig hl H tory of Wuyncs ville hUH public S CII un,1 \\'o llil '~ r s on cl)ull te r ed, hfl ve :-; l' rll l'l lI ~ ;': ~h o()~ . th " 1! r~ I I" Ih l' t iment been I!O th o r oughl y uron~ul1 I Miss Lul il' AIl "nli X nllill ~ P'! 1I1 \' llll i"h pIlli k o Ih l' Imbbl e, Imu o nl.v 1l 0N. A LF.X . 110X W ELL nod feeling rnll 80 hi gh os is Ih ~ ~~\''''i''I" ''i; 1 I r)~ II '111111'\ . " [ H (" '~H'r ) Snn,·lu .v ", i III I,,'r si,.t n[ lll·. Mrs. '[{lIrr.\, III 1I ,:;h l "; of i ll1l1~ inll ti o n cu n revel, . " " , ".~. 0 :11 '" 1111' H. ul1se' utt,h e preSf'n tti nlO o v a rn(Ii" . .1,,1>11". 1'(," ",,1... (I .. "am 111111 r edraaUl until M' SH Angio ti lr u u:;, ' ,f ,I II III 1:>' i Il lIfl,ld SllI ilh "I'lurne )Jnte w hi ch took pluoo ut t,b e Roh ool It. Rh uul ll h".t ~nrll'I' e of pri,l " I" h o\'c Ii o n o HO hall i l ll h 0 III (' Il wi (\"1I ,)1' "\\' h nt, mi ght hav e b een " 111)1 I" ""i ["I' II,,· 10 \\,11. wu " u p lua"'L nl g n o" L III , II'" . TII ;II'~ll llllildll lgllwee ku go 'ro Bsdnyn l/:h t . th e ci l,izens I)( \\'nrr il \' e von in!!. "flm' SpCIHlil1 !; iJl'C"' " p~ a Ihin :; I)f r enllty (' 11 ':"llll l y It , I3c,x \\' c ll iAIII' .II n lllld Hi"pll rti c nllll·' . AJa~, IIJJlll n nI' \\·Ill . R\u inr. 11 1':11' \\ ,JII I' ~(' I" I' ''I '",('ok" wllh Tho t r ouule took place in th e kll o w thu t th o Illl\' hi. " 1"11' 1' ill "~llI' hi "li[" lnlll (} l'l1rnll1l s trietR. " w h ie lt III, ,, d ', n l' 1.1' Ih A 0 ";;(' i ll WU .... CII cu nn ty . .. . I 11 11 11' , r"l·p- uI I.\' . I Ilnllway Iell d Ing from tho s tairway m o~ t t,0 urtng . I I' t k 110 ~ co <1 11 unlry Lll"Y ;;"1 ,, ,,) 1, n 11 ,1 nil (o f Cllo l (J 1, )r y's ('olor .. bee n "i At th e lu ~ t s"""", lO r I LC' :;I,; ,. . tot. h O j'luorltt ury UodNtu g e u oo r8 1 0 hiO .tu th o f l"J nl I \ W . r:ln l. \\l lit 111 ,. tn ,'o th !', II\ \\' \"" ~ lI mI>n,led. " I u I Ih <.', '1 "' : IA'I ,' " "lllt? hll.s ':I.o:!' (I II'II II1. ' 1\11' c . n Itllulll'w 00 tbe second ul)or of t.b esoh ool >!CIOO>l lIs inCi nci nnlll i r!'PI' PS(' II1t- lit \\' iltu ing t on fair, th e ", I ~IIlll (' I s IJl OI"', I\' I n I I" unywh (' ''u i n Ih' t ' " " Ill Os I, lt nport nut 'h ll n :;o I)ellll!! I tlill. ;. "I I, .. ." 1'111' (,I II 1'1II'cI'1I (·" It nf E;d Luke ns huildln gbet.we enO . J E ,lwlLrus llod - th e Box well LII I ' M ' ·. t. , . . ' o n iJ n ~ lIlllssulI (! u ny l uHt\\, lle k ",o ul,i hllv e W" II Ilt mll over other J . C. BRwko . m e mbers of tho COUI . 11)' th e t e uchers of\\,-\\,n", 1''''''ll l' d i l'('la l inf,: l u IUII I" " , nudon g It obh. / ('~, I 'l. H. ' hl~II<1 ' I~Jl I ." I ~I' I lltl~' W ll n c lI l!() UlI I glt l ol' Y u n 130. lro l,; ,)f ~:<lllcll li on t n und Mr~ . ,I ohn Moo n 11,"1 I ('r ltl\ \ lI r nll (1 by Chlltl ,,~ 1I1. Brc)\\n litl~II' JDittee of the scbool bonrd lltL"i r) u t .y whll o Mr. Boxw lr" c ll \\'11 " II 1"11 ('1 ,,'1' 1111." Imll ,)ll. wh"r n it, h ,"1 I" 'e n 1111 , \\"It.! . cnll l pl'l il or~. I\Otl , Ih ll t whioh con· , ... io eha~l(e the 80h l)01 h o u sl', lind I so n. tllO Misscs (';I({)le(li~uouknll. s lillll,'d I\ r~ 1 fo r r OIl (lst ILn~ II DlOl1l~er nf I,h" \V " r" I' 1I \.;ll lln. Opli., Ollfi l h e fol' tJ. ~h . U )xwcll hil,l RUlh, Itll l' diu. of Ne wport. 01 \ III I ' I II) tI 0 I ·ull' II etr ,dund ot. : 'I 'IIP), ,' "I' " s lll1 ~"\'P I'n l o f o\ll\ hr '" I 111111 J . Mudlso n Lee,wb ooondo th e ty reuchor ~ A HS OC'UllUl .J O . Arno ld wor o U;o ~nc~t" I , 111111 11II" r ,l l \V orl: ud h n1'l1 [0 " tlll~ c lllln:;c wlll ll.l ' Ph olll 11.1 I H' I , 011 <1 grooe· "PU~9 In Boots " entertll lnlllent ut l,y th o L og-islnl l1ft' of' .0hiOl H o nl. 1f yu ll JIIL'·... · Mr IIml Mr" \V . \'Y. ArI.1 0 1,1 8n " [nllyil 'h""U~h l ht) WIIS II IU ClIl hc l' or th o LO:';,is lulnr!'. 1 o r, 1\ Iirin('''~ ll\lOIl llhe hre!'''Il, und t;l'co ndl)lue School Bull MondllY lind Tuos dllY the m!lll once nf 'I it i n lit y.un r e'"·Ii.e~t ('o n 1;la\: . I. . """l'l'un ('onll ty IInlll t IllI 0 pll" IlI :lt.(lr 1\'11'; ,In e t o the \·w (Iill like wise for I{enorlll pijrposc . n'lII co. Oll Ih o 1IU1 0 CX1)1 r 03 I,h n · . evening s o f laKt woek, nnd WflS wit. mun , H o n . Al ex 13, Wlllt(' r G r itY WII~ p.qun ll y ~Jjcr-ejls fQI lx\\'('II. (If Fmllle . , sellti m ont, wh ieh he ],1I11 "ro n sell f ur , '1 I ' t L' I I I nessed by o.UUDlb er of person s ",ith ::01h . L\I.·O o [ h l~ linu b're ll /Jo!ts j~ 1111, who \VIIS ably 'L "tlls ll'd IJY h i, l t,b o lI1efl~U l'o) j , I·~. ' fl .0 ~ll1n ..,y "!H lan g . '1'be trouble g rew out of n mis nn . fellOW t Cll oh or R, A r' In ' I I k ' .. I I Mr~. Fanu lll A ll oll .o f Spr lns Vall o" , Ih l) uill s " Ih e.v w or o sh ClI IIHtl il.l C'o rl' I; ! AlI o l h u .. cha n gl1 r oq n i ,·"u Ih o I own . a!ll~ ' I'\en ( pIlJ . I t Il~\d" 111 8 'l WIfe nn ' l l cull. ,,1 011 Mr~ . H o derstan dlng in regar~ to th e puy. rc~ent,ing t h e lll HIl\lI'ILfI p" 8til.cs ariu o th" l'~ fl'''lll Ihl~ I)('ighbo rh ood com· ' 11 IJl' I(Il'l' Ih e 'l lis l ~ o f cxnm i n',tio n s fo r Uox wu ll I u II'I~ l t " .t 1 .01' . lIl'r" I' J l 1l 0 nll'Il!!" 10 U~l l l l1llt . !.luu g ht or Mis8 Do l'll . .::i uud a y . ment . of rent for tile use o f tho S g u IP nn g II . Ie ]lOl l',1 it. is llo nlJl fu l if col or~ w ou ld o mml t eu o n t'c h o ols 111111 Pl'csc ul cd ~upl ls t ~ be pre pnrelI J 1 0 , CIII' 1V " ce h:I\'o It '' lll ont. Th o r o nrC' o tbors of 'y I h c , 1,111." in g r,f Orlh o(l ox Frie n d!! bnlhlm g. ul.' Colnm . J\I I1!<ter Ke n n et h Kil li on i ~ "u joy . tirsl ( '''I Ilrf,nm o nt~ f o r th c Bin . ::;e ~S hreellnn d ne ti on ho u l (;0111.'111 ""10 11 r. m AkIng IlIII IHls l l li~ w eek. Mr . Edwnrd s nnd Mr . Hllwke . lhe S ox\\,l' l1 Lnw l ln ~ t\' v isi t f ro ll1 h i~ co usin, lIIi ~~ of nil I' eqn isi tc t o lIluke p osses sed them win. went to the schoo l h o use Tuesd ay lntf' r oRt u t t.i1O prese I; o ( ~pol! lld f~r lll I'Xllll1 l11,lh o ns 11 11 I) \, c r 1110 . . .linil Duulto ll i. o r Day to n . t hi s w eo k ne rs ill their sovo r n t Illne Wit I'll tlil O. nl cl usses . evening and o~lted f or t,b tl rent. A T.Ill! 11l\V r pltL t.ln g 10 .1 . 1:1 . N 1XOII ll ucI [nml ly, o f I,h o ou r , chnolg 1l" E' . Tb o o lt j(,,:t of (h o IlI w h us J, n 1 Sp ri n g "n llo.\' pi ko IIt tc nu ml th o , Mrs . 'rr balf tile money r eceived from the rt'ceivin g 11 gnll. t dcn nrl x is ve ry ill lit th e hOl1l 1' l of nllent,iq tl . (l ef.'ut.e d in It m ell s ure !J.y tlli H <ll'llll!,!e Tlt e Hllfl· eyt!IJurg Fe rtilize r i" • plcn io Ilt L ..dJII llOtl 8nt nr llllY : of h e r c1all~h l c '·. J\ll'~. Arn entorki nmentw Rsto K" to WlIyn es. 111 itp. ~iUlpl ll!! t (o rm tli e Box \\'011 ull1 on dm o nt uS It h ilS old . Il ll\\' IllILl ur rull h en li of !ltel\m ILUel b ea n fo nntl !lllil r OUluln e(j With r oilltiv cs t.J)or u ville to build t\ drin ki ng fountui n , Lllw 11 00s Iheso tb!ugs - - , I t prol' illes tI.HL ~ th e q\l c~tio~s gi\'o n to .t he u n l il lurning o u t u flr s t OJIl8S in its proo. I:ln nduy ovo nin l,( . it seemed all the money gotten for (,hl\t t,he !Jo y o r glfllU ; Harv. eysbu rg, th u co ulltr,)' 1'1I1)1ls 81.'I CO th[~t lilli e lire unll ece~ I T h o j (l CI, IIIHI Rince IL n e w str eet lnmp 4~B ol1ntltll l'<\lInton of th e Shill' · , tickets had been turned over t o II I\cb ,?<,l~ slmll ha ve nn ~(IUol o]lpo r . st,rll, dlffic nlt. I hee l~ lil u n t~cl O!I t.l) e ~v?nQ~':nellt. ns n r es ult lllllny ' w ooLl flLm il . WIl S h old 11<'11 1' Ore comroi . t 1ll1lt,y WIth th o pupiJ s In Ih., to wn \lupUS who artlnu L 'r k ' \V '1 ' , I lIw rh onllL~ r cs' ll en oe. h e IS off.,r~ng ll r elllly OIl PILbltl uf "un in " o" t, :n lo l' .. r , Lo e 0 Iallll"" ' --' tl 10,t tIl A" i~ n s u'll bh ol . e nll J lIC, or "IDS IL .. I . 1 S WIlS o r CI'tv ~c I. ., r t II k II1 ' g,H Ig I n llll ~toll hi .. two wlltch dog~. Fldo and I:lIlItz, ' ,I 1 00 u no~ "·110u I \\01 .. " k I~,\, I' , (,~ \''' " t .'wu. lIt1ue . . ntt.e- n.ded . , vit!lto uotlerst oot1 by the school uoord tLl1d r IIl!t· SntUl't s well ny. nnll t' t'f S'I.I O fin . It gl~ e~ th e ulllul lt ons c hild o f t h p been . !lun ule to P "SS '·1 " e te rll1!1. 'r0 su ccesg~\J1 1 p lcns'lnt u nll pr ofitllhl c tlu v RPU llt,. he bimllelf had os y ot roce lverl no form e r lID oppo rtnnlt,y ~ ~I u r,\' .I nll n C lenve r \V us (·a lli u :; lIll un y " "llliurlyl ell~0l1l' t o Illk C' r Xu,"mu tloIl M, r,ast your f o r In s l t,nll ted ."1! Ike WH!<, mooey from the entertll imnen ts. . E u McFll rl aml IIml wifo itL ,t w oek .! th e,.;'l pnrps wou ld IItlvlLntll ~e of tb o edncllli on 'll fno ili . slllnce, o nl y 7. 000 o be of lIl cu lcnlahl e n t of Ui. OOf}. Il l' 10 the dispnte which followc d, tie" of town or oity. I> l ~. Ill!'l )lrs. ,lo lm. I;. II ,tW!; l·. i ,. .. ' . , . . loss thllll o n e Jullf Ih o uppltCll llt.S ill IM I, rhlll s<lll.\· fo1l' , ,·,i1 lltJ. IInll ~""'lJt. corn proul1c ers in M.r. Edward s I!! alleged to h~vo hIllS. U vl~l l. I., . N l:I ;.!II . ' [1 '1~11'.. tle O n tho Am eri can Ilrinc i I'l e of I O h io ", ... ro 811 cC$~fnl. cr , :"'~ fll ll.l tll. o f Ihis , ·Jj J.l u I! O II,.e h!l~Y ~lItheri n g IlUlI ~'Il P 1111,. •. /lUtl 01h oI' p mls I) t. tIlt on .s t. 1 ~":'.",~' tIl g t n il ...veJ.l~ phemed !lnd threRte ned Mr . Lee. eq lllllity it plnce!! the })OII I' m a ,,'R " ( r~ .., mst~ o f ,I . B hlll11i n g 10 Co rw i II (" lnnin g fa c tory, T h u Ilmc ncllll r nts lII a d o t o th e Ill '" In th e \,I Clllll y o f Am MA9srs. 1'bad Zimme rman and 80.n or dun.g b w r Ol~ un c l' U':L ~ :; r l'lll · \ II ."it t IIn(\I ,IIII1 I.\ ::;lIl1dll.~ . !'qulll fO Olin g wc r " preso ul u,1 by Mr . PnttOI·s on . Il l' l', 1 , ","11ll1t l O of onr I)1)Ys en gllged fur· 11l. l n rlll "" m ,l (· r . Goorge Funksy CIUllO forward .at WI!.h tb o rl oh lI1un I C hllrl ey ~~lIi~ hil A ;;o ll1 e thr "" hllll · nis h o,1 r ooms Ilt,. \Vi M child . P ike co nll ty" uHl 'Illrc t h!l t Illn ., tht· lmlngto n's lo ck. Mr . Illld thl!! junotur e aod annolln ced thut ~lr" C . M. 1l "OW II h ,I\· 0. <1.'· [!.1 ho~,. fm: cnrl .\' [1111 m ll rl.e Tho Law Jlrov irl e s t,hll t erich uoanl hI\\, IHl s SOUIAIIII! OS bee t · I I1\1llll er th c fair n ~ so m e ,w er e r c· n ~~ fc,rrocl t o 1\1 0 \' (111 f r "," Ih o h f) Il SfJ 011 uJl pOI' C IIIlr\e they would be respon s ible for the of Co nnt.y ::;cllool y 1111(1 ::;lIlll ur o Ih l ."Wtn l1 l p urt ed 10 .d o ufl or R ollin son B ol rou~, u Ulln prs s hull liS " th e ['" t l,o r SOll L,I\\,. fill S IS ilJll in slref't. 0 11'11 1'01 h y (). 8 . Ui ~g i ll ~, hlls lIl ess fu ~ rent of tho hall, Rnd tbe pl"y woe h old eXflmln ati o ns Ex r w hll ~ Ih e r e I" III It. of pUpil d in th e IIlcoTre c t. ll o we \·or. u s t h e III W r o· o[ ! !Inti Lo m se .Wll son . hILS ~ctllrneu LeUIIIl al!owoc l to proceed . " n , 1 .0l Nal h a n .I ,)n "~ Builo \V e 11l1ll l'rSlnnll ,Iohn 'I' uc k l' l' hlls l uftor 1111 oll JoY'Lb le s ub dil!triot.s ,md spec hll trip gIv e n by Tbo bAil was orowde d while the e uoh t o wnship in the di>(I,ri t:t MOf l mOllls eRse ntllllly t h e SIIIIl B li S wh~n i:t ~. I;II Il W n 116 Ih " !Jr . WilY ]1 1' 0 . p\l rc'h :t~ell Il, n n iC'(! l'IIII1111 0tiiIlI1S Le lml10 11 R oco nl t o l~ouIs~ un (l suhjeot M o f frnmo<,l . uy ~!r. Boxwe ll .II IHI 11tn p(' rl~', .dlspute Wll8 10 progre~s, and of o rthoJ/:ra phY,rell diu,:r, III'o pl'rl,y "f Ib n 1,,1 0 EIi",L writillg glli M o thc r s w h o w e r n Jlopnln r nRplrHll ts, .urit.h . te'lCIIl'~~ o f "-urrell couut ) . lllllln l l .ooune reports of the disturb once metie Ennlls h g mnllllll , l's l a l " . C"II~iI\C l'lItillll li n t kn o wlI l unu Mesdllll l OS HllrlulI r und CO li! tmr ·mlllll c(1 pI)I'SOnM Will 11:';1'0" f,hnl flndHIL r vey ;\ H. h~ lhll C I' "X I"" ' I" Itl " Inrt :8pread like wH<l fire. positi~n , UnltetJ 8t"'tl'~ bi810rr in .h e . 119 II hl l'e ]Jr e~olltllt . . . haVll Ii p;, n nn tc l' tll llll g olr nleel', ive of. th ll l' !n lt.GI' 1"lr t ,If t1 l i~ 1\'1: k il n n \· ' ~· I 'I'h (\ Mayor Zell wa.s nskl)(l t o mn,ke dud in-g oi \'il Aitl S will h o ltl ~ Mi f:l~. Hn ~sllY , of (jolnmbn~ , 0\1(1 govcrn m e n t, . a n(\ W n!'fe n co nnty tcnch o r s, 1M ()!1ti tI ed out a warran t agRlDst Mr . Ellwllrd s, ' physiol ogy . it 0 1 ~ilI' p ,· , ,, "" '.o k s t n I ,, ~ Ilu n :.:1! 1.01' . I..h, ' ''' I ":t "1 ~ "llIlg ,. t o c r ell lt, fUI' IllS work. , M, ~ ~ ~lnl' l n nn t IInn (1 " ' I'. nn ,l ,,1,IHl.· I 1\1I'" . ]101 111' I lI fll'tt I: ~' t hc. It O I1l~ of 1 t.~l n t:; ." 1~ I IllS IIIII O o nl y Press Mc· ibot ",'nled to .do so, 'md. the Tho not, proviu es tll u.t I wo ~ u "h J hlll',;cl" .\, . t::>U jl · (,un 1I11i1 I· milk .MIll s ILre h uv mg bll Y A fo w r e l1l llrks rflgortlin ~ t:h c [ l'il'l lI" i n l ?,· nn· .. . ~1Il VoIall theD ~rrl~ to SquIre Vlln· f' lCumlno tio nsueli '1 c·XI "·,·t,, 11 1·11 I I ,'1Il 111'1' 7. eld ellch yon r . All Il.nt.h l)!" of tillll l"w t( I VC (ln O IlIl Il I .I " ft c r nnd t.h or o lI,r e ~t.IlO r s e nj o ying I,' ) ~ IIIPItI hllll ":l4 ( " t· .\' . !\I I~R' l11 r l . () II , i\1I' H. Ch,,;; . B"el'~I "rll\l{llonli y ltuy th)ve~ Dllsen, ot Corwin , who. ISHued a pupils pn ssing thcso p.xnlllil ull1 cgrcntblosslll~ . "d inll~ ~lgh t I11tl) Ih £;l I'{.lIso n:;t.hnt pron~ Jltl'd I h i" 1'1'1"1'11 II·p . \\' 1"' 1'0 Ill! II !t ~ :' n""1 · ' n f LI 'llUlI " lI 111'0 \\'Ci<lO Ill O ~UC'"I H Of \ warran t WOOnll 8d"y evelllOg . I s!lcce"s fully ore o1i g ilJle fn r nil III i",. lilt'. ~ ".X\\" oll In ;,,/lr - - - -- - . k n n flll tcrl11 g l:.- \ ~I"" u f r'~ "'l l \'t!,; wh ulil 110 I\:,:<hc" I II I }..' . Allothe r hltoh oome hore when \slo n to Hny H ig h vi 111111 I. l1 l1 i';l1 .l csHop, th o p"rL' nlS ce h nol iu 1.<1 Pleas ant Rid e. nnu\1S I ,,,'I!. Conlkbtle Joy refused to sorve the cl'lllnty i of :,1 1'''. 13 , I . 'I tb 'I th ' .. I <is th t th ' I,n h enllllln g p ll.~s. a" . \I ~ m . 1 e pnpl ~ ~esH I' '' . I,h a tHOO IJfofllll'r~U hti" " e o r the ILcl I i\[ ' I'S. 13 Ilrk,! l' /I'll I .\1 I' $~ B:II' k.(I!: wh o I' Alll o>! E IH " i~ \lcurin :::-:: . 't::oas : !:~:nnot .. .!"rede or s~,,~olndJIOIn. lnhgco ' g compl e t il)ll o.ut. y .. ~h o In w Mrs . 1:i11l1l,h II11 l1 dnnght or EIl1.f~ . Mr . \3ux\\'C' \I wo rl. cd iU. de fnti'~I\bI Y I llII" " Sp(; n l ~,w pl'IIl wee .-.... . prOV llul( t lut, t. e tlllllOO n t h.ll rler(' I 'L u e \\, Hl1l1 cOlll ll1 0di o ns burn o n li lt) he lh Fpont o f Jlnpl\~ . . Attorn eyC. B. Dachlln t, of Lohu Illlcce~s fulio]JnsBing .... FIII'I1' wllh ~I,· Hnrl I\Ir ~ks ilIOn 'J'nesllu. y or hLl!t week Bl1el . I ' with th o form e r's s istor nOD, wa~ OOn81llted and came to neions might be palll the~u £;lXIlIllItI l (J rthBlnl ('r(,Ht, sof lh O POOPlowh om l l (,\,t\o'riulI,"lIft.~r n ()On ~1r,; llllrJc () I~ Sit u ", h e r u n ~I nrt 11y 'rI, o Boa rd h e rl' 11l·(J.!;(' It I 1'.1 whl lo U lIHHlI bn r u l t.1l h tlill o " go itre t OI F f l'llJHI t lIl'l f~ r;lil'y Mr ~ . Bur . oI' b o ill tJ in Cu lnll; hll R ' (;1111 M i~s d l!s lr oYCI I Ih o old Olltt. Wa1DIl@ vllle FrldRY when a ne:-v o f Euuoat ion or t.Iletli~ triet to whi ch th" Leg,slll tnrc f .... m I.hls e o nul), . I Bllrkp. I I ,I r ,I ( [ . . r t o h e r ,llll l tl~ liS i fl llrhm' in warran t was leOured and Cons tab,e t.he pupil belong!! . 0\11' I'i kll o n Mnin s lr eet is r ce(' i\" ! Mr~. l\I utt. S H~ \VIIS hlill SP\t " to kcs 'lUt! du~ghttJr col.lInt r~, h oy , I h i' ,;('h",,1 for th o <l en f in Pittsb u r g-, I in~ Joy llerved It. I h o Ii I tmH ill ll II no to) i UI'q (til Ii Iii'" I lI' e r u II II! gUl'H tR o f A reguhr 't own I I r ,lIset.l un n f!lrlll. an<.1 I ncel\ e u hI" Pelt li "Y l\" lui" Hllrry Stokc~ Mr. Ed".rd sasked thot the oose I h. \\'II Y o f 1\11 IIlL: RII llI t' \\,11 h "1'11 1" 'I ) lIn<l flltnll y, . Sl [l ('o e lurl r C(1~I (,fl 1i on , n the dis •._ eontlnu eil nntl' l Tllesda y S l.r iet l " e n . mpnt .. WtlS nrranl:e d uu for tbr! Il 8l1ccestH lk l;I"i n 8plIOU\" ' " ' li'C IIf llll llli • ifllrm ~ (!IJllltl. t'0 ful il-'uf \' Rppl ll 1 ike 'ca IllUII" I Th o !tlile . ,,' ,· ... Il,. o ld (1lIlI g llt pr I ' t •• ' 'I ' i '1 • tember u, In order that Mr. Hawko , . . . ., . " I ~ II .r d I ) 'v .. ' . I n!l, .'\ Ie r A (' HC I 1111111 .nt. hl' l· .. },1'1.~ . ('fit< I( CilTIl o11 ~p€lnt \V ec1 ncsuIlJ p r t IHd .t o I'll "B ~ rtlll u rl . h I , II 11\ In I lO llS h IlYR. llC' I fl (·rfl Pfl n w i tll Milric who II now o.t Nlagoru FaUI! mny dCI~ ers an orullon ' '.I[ M I' . 1\lIII ~Ir s \Vn !t P I' Bl. l!!g~, foi l. I ~\\", Surfn ce " . (\ (,('\lI l1Inti o ll AT' Ill' gll n t ell cl "" g ,,,, li o n I nilll " "t ns L , • be preRent . 11''' '" n "I'(" " .'cl "Illry wlIltl o w fit ' r e n s an p!lBn,\'. lind Ih'l t 0 otlll nl.y ~OI) II n" Jw hnd o I hoi i."I. ,· n s 1·,,111111 1' 11 "1'0\ (' lIltwi! j\1 .. ~ t·:01 Bng-Il11 hnt! Ih e ]Il e u~nro till l~ h"1 1 h iH "omll\o n (~""liin~ fllcr 01'Y 'It Co r win o n o lIIh Air. Edwnrd s clulms that htldid c0'dll1le nComen t of lLY ; hi " 1" III It 'I'" 1\I ."" lu)" . 'l'1,;~ (· ... '1' n f I ",\'in~ It ~ .. "~I . gflld nattl~ :<c h llol('(ilH'!lll o n . U"ri n g hi s8 p ,trP [ llIsl wC'I' i'nl' o ll t~. H e v. \Villi~ not use profane lRnguug e ond thut l1'!rler tSltlS nct. gJ \Oul I{. il11l1 Ill. fi l·"t f(,llr ~ \\' (' 1''' : 01 ,''''':1· ,.,. ",, 11 11'''1' I IIIII'I·dg rLtI~,) bo h f' ltl. lII o lll e nl" :\Ir . l301 x\\'l'l l s lnu ,ou lItlll l ""II .ivOIIllHIl 0 ' :,>[,,"11 II lid \\'if(,.u fHut1'Lo<l.Ml'lg~ 'rlulI"''' In gOing to the lIehool h~use 'fues. Ihut ~h n hll ,l h "on ~I ' I" ! 1'1'",,1 .. , I ~ np <' ''''''·lt.r . 1I!l It 1" IlI e , ,·,11 1111,.1'. wllh h e r fo r It few Ie olCwe ll [~IlW h rl!! nn<1" o~ ll on J)I''' I' II''' ',I h i' '' '' 'I!' 10 e "l day" e r upnn tho iolll" I\' . if no\! fllla ll ,v in j n ... ·cl. \t"t 'I li n ,''' dayeve nlDg he did only what Wfl@ ahly dono "~ oro ' WI' h ul' o Im cl \\' Tl o f in t l,;~ r o(·(· nl1 .1'. fo r Ih o oounll'.\· Ill·lIel.ii'€! " f II.\\, . , . sohools o f OhI I II ,,' O I·\til:! Ihlln 01'" 0 11 r lt 11' l1i(',l 1' 1 1Iw fl I1I1 llIl , require d of him asn membe r of the ~ li n \\, ~("'IIUl1 . . ' . I . . . I I ' ' 1 th \1 ' S f 't .' )' . '1' 1 ' I I [ I I 8cbool bo rd )-i,)tl Ulli" I'" ,"ItI' I' h' SIO I Ow "'~ I ""n s l· ... ",~, ,· p r' .' Il'v ' " 1I111 rlcr I ' \ll •J lin'" .' 1I11t I '", ' fC Hp OIl 1. 8 un· pU!II!e< lU e 1\ ,e unrlng t ~ 1I . I Hi , ~I " 10 Il~ 1, h ') lI'l'oIl hl' II' ",, "1 f 11 ' ,,11' "('" III hllll It.\' n"cHIl' I a . holl of Il century . ' " I I -' 0) ,) n ll.II UI yt.-' 1, I /I ll S. 11111 I j d Il .Y \\'i lhE llr I 8 h f!O IS lIlId\Vi !C. hr" l o \\' II '" "u Ili m 1111, nllminn li u l l ' I1I , . .' . ... II I ", ,"1 h ",' " III 'C II g ll ru,·rf' oI . , , .,,,(,,,t. Cll r," :IIIIIIlI ,lau " ht.e rH CII\l · 10 f"rmer ypnrs Ih o l' OUnlf\· / flll·. !'I'III'(", t t' f'('p l\'pd n C" II' I)t I"", I I ' ll I I " ·ul.l l' I' ,' iu thu Oh i .., L".. · · "-I\\ I·I• " 1111I \ ' 1' I'IlI~ I b I filII I ,' ~ I II .• 1 I 1'" ' 1 '1 f I 11 11 1 "1 I 1I)~ II]lP~· l q l urI( Pqll" I 0 I 1'11 " n 1\ lh r rt l 'o r . sc 008 w ertl " , .I i " ~ 1I11 (l( "' \\,11 I 1Il1l11 ,u , )o ,lI y~ nn11l1n c\ wirAlIt lli \ is l:LllIfll. ' il l, 111101 ofl' Ih " ,1'111111111 t " f,: 1\'O Ih o I 11'-' orHo me-C omm g • nndgirl~whoW flr(!ln',f'lrl\ ,II'lIurt',l l tolh'l 11\ '" ,,1' ·l· I, ·c\ hi m ti ru tllll ,'S i n l' i, TI H'~'~ , h ;l1 " I.. " urfll)')" 11 1\'PI\' - . 1 F F ' ' ' . -.I' ,' ,"nll'"Y · . . IRlt LY . ~ kl 't "n n nl I " ( . fA l,(lI\\' IInOr(!C'c p ll' IlIIInhl s tl f. II Il' h"',1 til " Illllr f f W forthe courseo fs lnd Y Pl'u \' ,:I, '(l fll' l [l r.rill ~ u lHI rl. tls .- - - . lhlll . I g hl ~ li "I· I ,' r I))R luth o LI'~ B · UfI· , I'll·II" " 1', 1 I I" ",, In "" 1' 1', I' ,· , 11'11\ )1 11 ~eo ng 0 " ew 0 uyne@'l grnd.e se h oolR. Im t \\111i Itlll !' ,"1 "1,,,.,· ,\11' . 1I. ,x II ,·1! prtng raneh. <.VI e8 buslnos s Rnd profess io nal tbe Wll~ pro III I \" \J llil It I I' uliol ]l rl (,c~ lI ~ h l . opport umtyt.o flt lvllnl·(' fll l'l bpI' till1\" '''' 'l'hl' \\'r '~; I" [1I!llll y of tld ~ "I I Yo I 111 1\' Ilt'f, II',' ( I,, ' I,{'opl o llf Ih ,. \ (! ,PI.t ruenW U8held atl.heTO WIlRhl Ph OU8e l r e mUined in "thtl - -.- .._ II I . \\" II ~ I I I \ I \\ . Ik I I' 1III \to r l'd ""h ",; 1 "" 1)) '~ !';I,M.' lind 1,,-< 1:!)l lttl e" we rl' B t l I ' P I ' I' Mr .I (l lm Henrl~. o r U rbllna.l s ltt " t il< "I'C 11". 'i'hursd oy 'evenin g tot\rrn n ge fnr hOURO" 1011" ,III Rt " I Il l' ~ n , : , I ;' 1-1'1' "'" 'TII l'!'t 0;' i/ Ih ' Ii: e ~.. ~~Iill lim" Bel R p:'e t1,,'\, ~!l 111 Ih o g u es t o f Thomos B e">I I I't" " )v II ,'~"ll . """e " "11"['" ' \fl'lJl'I~ I~lIo'I" O '1' 1 '0' 1 1" ! nn ,l fllllll lv. o~e omng enn Ion 0 f f o r· "honld uncl ... wit,h Itttl e t.1l ,"'I'lIP .Y I ti ,. . . 1'1\'. Ih ..' III ,' III !,C;·"u[ . Ih ,:' ('II , "1''' " '' n IH 111111 \ ' nnl'l'lIl i\~"" I " IoI .\'. "OIIl1'IO' l'd t ol I I n Iii, ' 100 110- .. 1'1l1,II 11I1' Hl ll V le u o nl:-\ mer real ent~ next Snmm e r . .. hol l " II I"'I! " oIl' I'" IIt.d [,, (. h tl lll e 'i'nc~,ltl Y of tl li~ 1 MI S" Ll l.I.ic their tim e . n o t, <1 nl\' fr('quo ll tlr '· l'c· 1bra in y lII e ll f" "" 1 TIIV lo l', o f Bflrriso n , 1111 \I" 1't.!I "I' tl lll I f;> ul' ,,[ I h(l Ull zC' III' 11' '' "1 i\I I' ~ oI oi No attemp t WBS ml\lls ~t the I ~lted d'!lorde wl'" I; O h i" . ,,. I h o g u est o f h e r cousin, meetin g to effect au orgOnIZal.IOll '! ll1t c rfererl Wi~ t hIII lit H ~ ch ')" I., li n l \ :-;1.11.1.. lilt .. 11 1111 ",1 III Ilrlytng l rilll (1 11 11• . , \\ 11,' . 1" ''' I "" rnlll ~ li t. ;;"It . th o "rtlg l'l' ~ti ti t th" 1i 1 ~ 1I (' " t. "" "'pl llnl' lIt. In (h "' II' L II!;I' l Mr~ C le m P ellc wilt Tlae matter ?f ebanglD l( the date SUlRller chilurc lI . t 11I1t . I,,· 'I"'"\(S "I III '" 1,111',1"' 11 \, pgel nhl eH IIrc s nlll l' whll I I [l I\I' el' Ii," " i" ,'III ' :': lIim HJlollk " r tl f In . ~ II)lId ,' II Il r'nl I ~· [o r " t m .. 1 " I " n 111 0 Willi of the Home Comlog froIllJn n!'.us 'fo all tho~o b,',\'!' nll d !!i,l_ tlt " l lh •. " . Il ~ntlictel1 (, Y [ur I ' r f'~ . · Ii t ' .. Dflkll1 !LUll w l.f e !lpent 8nn· >:I) ' ·'·I· ' "I" ·lI ll 11 n, l . 1.:11" 1' 1'1'1",,'1 ". I' ll I II P.. ,J . 11 0\" " '1''' ho.tlbee n propose d, toAngu s t. WlLs l Boxwel l Law was . All 1111 In uI'lI th' O I I) \' ,' I,l l'" III fI ',l l du 'y wllh Ih e Intt e r e sister . MrM. ].', .\\, ,,, e ll III \\" '1'1" 11 C()n ntYIII'O I I"'il' (,tl1J\' " Il'IIlh,' r~ COllllde red. .There 19 II. I'Itro!lg sen tbings . A " f M,·. ( ·I II II. '~ 1o""II" ' l'i" JlI" ltlltll~ IlI!~'1l 11 \\JIII'Ii h" i ( 'I IIyl II Flls h' r , nllllfllm il.Y,in \Vuy. ftflr i t ~ I "I~"'I ~, . m" (' w II I" I,\' k 111' \\'11 I h 'll1 MI' . B" x I f/llll , l \. IIII' I" tlment favo~lDg Angust all the t,IUle was SODl d hill 11 ... ·1 I li n I h, ' 1\"" "" .1" " I ~ II "" " '0 .SO lll'. lI·r I":~II / ,hllll , Il ()~\ Illc. !! 10 ~t n vo f ,l r I \I'(~ 11 SIIl ,'P. k"" " I/-! Ih ll Legisi llt. nre ~tl''l'~'' [nl III ,h 'U \\,III :; of the ReunlO o, 1\11 It Is ogreed tlmt .'rho brlgbt h oy s II '1,," rl " I ' IS " " 1."11\' f"I1I1 ,J III liIflrk e t II nll I,(irls ill till' , h li : l ~ 11l" ' ~1 P " w l g~ ,l Ifl tlu: prnc tl c ,' I h l'y !IIr. Th omns U ess had th o misfor· s('('ll o!1 l,r ~ "11 Ihe ;.:o\'u rnn.Hl nl It ~m be more oo~ve~lent to Ii dl8trlet school" ,tur :II r ,Il l'" " I a 1111 0 IIIrl h \ url e l y t o o s l,n,1 tnn c t o loso 0 h o rse by urownl llg l~nJorlty of peTROnI! WIshIng to par· determi natIOn t o wi n o nt, \\,llh tI" , .•1' I , II' "I ~ "anld, ll With t.h o e xee ll' l C ia, It ~ " ·": I1II>1I1.m o ll g (J )( ze tt e re.lll : Fri,I,, \' (1wllIin f,:, CIl I\' in Ogl Ih<l g01l 1 un ti l 1" , " ,,[ ,' , lwr t. III ll n \\'h on h e Hon 'l'd or oHI"' l1 o n e 11Igbt I:Lst week . tleillate . 1\' 111 I' ·.I ' lIl' ll HI hH ~0 ',, 1 f" rLul II' ' ~1I 1 ["; '11 1" w ,·I·IIlIl e,1 gradna te into tl 0 HI>; I I. UIII I I I I .• I Ih o t · \\'ri I '.' h t l I HI I ' I ' I , ~ Ig I t 0100 . III , ,, I (" , " CH , o \ o rnm en " " " h rmeedt I ngw III. b e h eu ADotle I .na ~heetl'ectwl\s" ' I,· .11"'1 1' MI>l4 r inn \ Vright r r lm'lIcl lllll I 1'"Il, UJlPllren t in t'I"' I _llI'(,III II'I!~ PI" '~"III " un lII · IiIW 1111,1 wl" fl' \ " Mr~(' I E runP k Mn pl ' ''i\,ll t,u Inn knft Or ! l'IlIl"rol " ; IIftC' rll nllll ,,1'1"1' 1\ l h11,,1'1' short t me an 1\ wor k mgorlla Dlza· schools all ovor'OOIl . o , ente rlllinoll " 111 11 ;' :1 1' 1' ('" "II'n cn IIlll\ C'nl orl.lIlBP.i ,,,rHo -, c Ill , O.Ull e WIU., the f:l IIlLc ' I ".It,1II a ll' ulr>l in th e W cst ni,rH .. uorg" ' . . tl oneIface t dt oprepo. re f or th eeveu,. . M J ' I ' w c,'\{ II' Teaobe ti I \'I~lt rl w o r e s tlrrc(lt og cPll ter With H' I' "",I e I' "I', 1'11,, 11 \ )U III II I I IIII I)I)llr( I Ully ,I ' Atlul1l~, M r Bo xl\'cl l i"ut th e prosotl t Li m o 1~8 OllIe .aDd n definite date probnb ly settlcd enthusi llSm Cdtley 00,1 III M L' . T I . V I I f H . 1' 1 aud int llr est 111 ;h ~ir" ('l\ lIfllllnt~ f~ r t h e ROIJllbl ' ) I' ' 111 upon t dl t ul ISH 17.7.le .Ly o r , o i oul1 C l y tIe I:Ill1 t l., lit \ IlW k IIrrlROn ,OU I C9 1 r. ,\( ~ 1 1.n" , I ," I II" I' ItJl~ l"n f ItO : . . . JSPllO O u nn g h er gt~y nl, l' 11l(l c 'Innnt· \ TlleSdil Y 1 ofterno wor . lostl) on of r " lflst ,s' week II,' " . (' ," r 'lt· (' TI S IC () Ie II JIl\'e lOS . IH" "1 Iln l lO lI f o r Nothin g offiolal, of course, has Scbool board~ look erllll M o c losel v \Vllrf c n COuol y. Pro bate Jl1ll gu IIr ! Wri " ht \\' I I~ u 'glll'"~ ,ct, tlllnmlJ o r l, f t . _ M1 9!! G le e H ess WIIS t,b a gne~t of The Pl'im 'l ry I I ., . »11t1ls . I fl' l lr "' _.' 0 f tl Ie sc IlUll I~ UII d ' 'rll Yot' baen arrange <l for • but the n u \' r'I " • Lu,,1 . Fr II ft er t"uO nll""s It I IIlY . . MI' t . Arn o ld ::; Ilbin Mrs Mnllc n anu family nbo vo Bell "I' , ) l' l:lI o n ' ) Jl ca ~ l\n" a Ito!l_ p' 1nco M OD<luy, :-5,,/,, tlll(' ,nr r ilIIl nr'~. "I " , w" s. i. ,," "ltH1I under eonl!ldo ro.tion llro vllle fl)r t,h elr chArge uutl in .... b c . [,)['{) I h I ' n \t f o lll ' e l ~ b ' . .the first of lust , \, I" IIg!, 0 mg It.~' . t rC'Il, hr ook, . wllek . quite Rn elabora te progrlit n, o.ud onr mollorn bookll nn SIl \\' 1.0 It thnl /(·",1)(' 1' L1 l VUa unll Ml' Bllxw oll '>.; l ' t 1\1' 10: 1I11 !'11111 J<.,I"·IITlls \\,111 bfl ~ I I l\ m orl e rn equil) ' f~ l endR u l;I ,~ng ' th o B OX;"C\l 'g rn,lll 'I' ~ former cltluns may relit as!!l1rod t h '1 gnlf\~ttO I f il !111 Mrs 0r . "t. Anna a [~'!I)rc t Dakin. II ~: 1'1 o f I' WI~:vneM\ ' d " ,"' I 1 ' ' 'il1" Ii th III I' , ill ~ppl e mbl'~. Dr . W,';I . . mpn ,s were pro" l el 1U llt r 0 l ' e se I101)I 1I . Rte~ ovp r th e counly wil l probub n )v A ll" , ' \. ly I{1\' ' 1 (' C · .In I II' ~ tlIg that when: they come honlo next ' kl Itllun U · gte 1,e ~tlli . IHy · fif I y ell r . WIIS t h e guest of Mrs. F. M . Da k in ev I'CllJ UIl el l \ Ill'<1 I" Mnny bright, ombit lon s boy~ Itnd be glAd of t.hi s olll>ortn .l II nity to 8110W I · L( II l Oll 111 , t n~'h:ol" si 'x~ ' ~'" O ~I·'I )/ nn Bumme r, . a royal welcom e will he girlll ha\'o sillco noll fllmil y IfI!!t ~unduy . t.s who w o r e · form e l'lv r e c:ei\'ed H ig b their IlPI>Toc ia tion o f hi s work f o r ' 1.0 '" atlOOl'ded ~U, ~ eX1 CO, ~ t \ ' t\ ':) " '~' .. f th re~i<loll School edllll&ti onli wb'o would uot t4iim. l~ llltl C(l wi ll r e lue mber t.h o ol u Additio nal Oo \\·s·lett e rs will bo w e r e llroso n 0 m eu 11:11 . Put r iu rc h~. ' j:o und 011 page l> i 4t,h ond Glb Ot.)\:I •

















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",HI h" ro n ' I Hln ~ I' d at I h(" l l s l In...,mrn t " h .. ndllllttl"d /lnd IF' I ht'\ \\ r rf' 1I":::'fln A I th f' h. ~I nntn t:. and flll(d In th ... cl("fall:... rf''II hf'r ~ h c- h"ald h l l1l Ihroll gh \\IIII.I II ! Inlll I1lf'nt olh( 1 111.111 4 Id lllllln ..;- or Ihl hro \\n • \, , ~ ,II IIH I 11I1l ,l"t:! s nl rt .llln .!' hIli lit I}I t l HI Sl l! ga\('> him rll .l h (> IIn s tlnl l" d \ fll1 1t.l\ f pl\\ "1j 'hI' Illin J)"ld i1 ~ I 101\ 1" \\ ' ,III \\ f)\ll11 Ir \ nl \ 10 111 (1 hf IlIlh

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10 1",I <I"

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IPlldellnol ' I'lom

Ih,'" f'., ~,q (alnC to niH Idoot With [ll tll~ ~

loll of mOlley to hilI II m ndl , hnl fe lt Into Ih e h a lld ' of n II r ll- l, nollll ~am­ !tIN Willl!-:01 him I nto n pol, e, I!nm~, r ile " nmhl pr hel $~ n n ~ hanr! nnd III~ t"nd"l foOl mlNcrl him $1~ ' I 'll lll. ' In( so Ih ~' $1(,0' ~nl<l Ih e !!amhlPr , ho' In:: In his lIlllll O, To Ih ~ Asl o n-


Ic tl 1ll (\ 111

~ Olt

th C' trnli C! r(o!')t ,\VII.II nn C'a rth h a'p

c nt An ,) W~ \ ., n~I,(' d th" !5 llrprl " p.(, ' A. pHil of Idng~ ' a n s \\ rl"''' ~ hn\\

' ~a\

In s; t h r ill

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' nil

r ll ,l l l l / Hl nf) \ 1 1 1I 1I ~ ... lit II \ I UI ,, 11 1 Ih,

,Add , ' 61

(JI'l' tlll tn C


lUI t h l

(fil ii

Itrl l '

dotl c lt sglo rlou~\\ork

good {or

\\On1l' n '~ 1119,

The w o nd c rful1)(H\ c r

O\'Cb )0

the dn.. t"' n ~t':i or "OI1lHlIlullci

1)lfl it! '~1


'IOILI!l' AND WOME!N'B SPECIAL U8E!S tor IIo.o\tc .tdruggl sts, Weenll a boL


~~~~~,n~~II'S ?1u:~:""~~[1

Trial Bo••114 Book 01 lutructloDe " ' -

N ,c:, 8:/! I::~~Ql~ ~


L •••10. CO_.......

When buying' looHo eotreo or anything' your llTocer happons to ha\ o


lllS bm, how do you know What you are tiOlllO q u oer slorles nbout {'ollllo tllllll~ ~,) IJ III bulk,




'.11')0111,.1 .. 1

f "rt



I~ no s.ronger prool 01 me-rlt . . . coaUnued and lacr ..... lag popul.....".

II the verdict 01 MILLIONS OF HOUSEKEEPERS does not cODvlnce ),ou 01 tbe merits 01 UON COFFEE. .. costs you but a trille to bu)' a


package. II Is Ihe easlesl way to convince yourself. and 10 make you a P ERMANENT PURCIIASER.


In,1 r Cl\c lw~ )" UU ~ I t rc '11111 cit': IlU rul wh en

~~CO- I

:\Irs Kanj.; a rno- fl no- huo- ho(J ' !.Jt'ls Johnn\ !s lost' ~Ir K a n g aroo- W c ll. I nlwtl)s 101 <1 ~ ()II Ihal ) Oh \1 ge l your Ilocket pl cJ{$d, -N. \" Sun,

Purity, Strength, Flavor and Uniformity? TId.. ....l'.d.r lJUeee_ 01 LION COFFEE eAR be due only 10 Inherent mult. T"ere

, - -- - -

sf") Inn,.! as h r' s n ot a - , n nl\ p r ' ~ Sta: cs mnn.

CUI oil


the leader 01 all package collees for over R f)llRrtor of IL contury, if thoy i llLd not found It !lIIJlcrlOr lo all ol llel bll\ndij ill

"-flIlC- ,

11(1 IlIl hl r

(grocol H).

Uon CoHee,

. 111111 \nI1l81'\r Ih,,' YOll harrlly In Ihlol. abollt )oll rsrif

nrr frcc'ho',I' 1 no\\


Gould nn y Rmount of mere tulk havo p orsuadcd mll:lollil of hou30keopOid to IIHO

hallll\ 11101, IIIH,n l ~nH''\~ A ~ a 'oa l et hut I nth r l Ib H fll c n et nnt1 n ~ '011 h n ow. II I ~ " (II e no\ < pr" Il ~~f' 10 Inll yo',


.oaTo ... II,,-

Conviction Follows Trial eOll l,1 be told, Ii tho pooplo who hUI\(l1o

1 rlllnl


1I~~I~~:"·I~,~!.ury~~: I:II~nll~\~~~ ~t:~~1 ~'~;I"hr::~

BpOlLk ou t,




1.IUir eet &181, II) II I leletlt31,h . c~-.. Is In AIII OtuJl\ It:ntiuuf'd 111 n il ml lw", o ftl u".'~ 0,,,.,.,, r ,.. II/II'IU' , ~ drmulld ' Ald le. Illso a dWIUeQ \\ rll!' r ,r ca'nlnM'u{'


hrJ r7

ls no t.


An I'tIlirwnf arm y nffi('cr ha s

Intt r~"t~'d :\0'''' ' \111) \flll .tl (, r l1 g tl ~ntl I n I I II \11 (1\ nm


cH.u ) ltll\1I.llIt llol iJ(' c nu ~' I i$ a. PIl1l1 .1t l \ C but.. s imp l , hi.'cn ll ~c I HI tb' lll O:-' t. \\on d t' l ftll t Olll C nlHI ,'cen o stru(!tnl ~\ l' rdl sc.; O \ crt:d t oa<.:t.ull f'C J1 upo n tho utl!ti uc s~ s tC tll p osIt i vI- I v (; 1 m~o dl ~C j'SC nnd dls~,lncculc u lts u..uJ I I I )

It Wit" .ht, 11' .. 1, II Pit"" nf .. 1·1"1.· .. ,1


1,\' rl lI\

rx.t t: t!y ,,[1 1,;.\1 lld."


c .... s ~ \l 11~a'1. ln"


PlDlduUII'::;. V~g cl ab lc (Olllpnu'i.1I1 0"":1

R 1"O ~ lI lu n


'en,,,,1 who h aR h"on wit h hIm n nllOlIJN or I' onl ~ "lid who (wrnslooally ' pr al" 'II" mlnet wl lh a ('"orlor Ihal. "" h r Im!l~III r s IR WOI rantnll by h i. loo ~ "PI'" ~ A" lell(1 or Ihc offiepr, IIho II I ( rh ",1111 Ihp sorvitor ~ frank n('S!; n~k ,, " \\h\ !oi1Jlh tallllJlollty was pcrn""c" Wcll' said Ih " "ffirer, "'

quurtc rol



:\I a~ a:r. lne


l or

I 1!1~:1 rll, l -~. .,nl,,1 " \"llhfr I \ I (., 1 110 th t.: l lr u m r,' s lol'IJl g" l eu. L \ lUll \~ I Sr()r .1.lh h I Mun", l o ms c lIn'S ale H'p4''Irlec1 f r n :n I I nil Pd rt~o r t.b c ('ountr~ lJ \\ U tl1 CU ' \ \U

\\li O \ .. n~ I'O.lll udlllK

on" 'h ot I1C\\ clflntlons new

I.lf " r " 11

' 1 nm ~O lll g to "11\ IInl , I lnl.: , Il (\\pr. ~nd " III ' '' Il h ll" rrll \ 0 11 t o

r vrt

('o mput))

I h pmlr.t

~Iarrt e n


~l fll,. pIr C I S IIII' il:lld 1h c ~n8 II1 ~ P '( lOr, I dll\lIf1 I,e ll whllL'J:t hee n hup p t'U I1I2 l o } Ollr ~ ,' !l m e ter Lut. I hl1 t1 the

co,,111 gOI I h~ pow~ r from r.b c ml cal. "1IIn,III'", I., HC11Rrat" hOltl~s In h,. lahorll l Ol' I I I. ii' ronl nr l anrl rnmInr, (s ur" rl cH lnpNI - 0 S


\\h;V has It. 1I,cti anu thrived and

\III ' H 1 LL TO \) \',

' \ 1,:1"1, ~ I I

uf S.r .... K


n" .

('I l l1l ~t\ n

ha ~

\ l r JIII-tJ,.., nnv

Sl)l'tHuJ r esuit s (or g-o

nlr h lt:.III1 C o n t o f tILl g l rolli4t pCIJ) l p l:uy ' \\ h il tl r~ tlu III It t I' I 'towl ~II 1.1ac

1'.· ..... ullllfr. nOl rOll h l ~ po w e r nll, llIpll",1 mlln) tlm e~ Ill " Imctle e l s harpr ll oll. lind " l,rC Il!'1 c(\!!C pllt on atl o! hi_ I,,"IlIII(,8 II hc n ~olllln!: loIn eonta, I w ll h n " "00 :; Ilc l sonallly wh h'" h,l ~ sc('ml'd to 1I0i ocl, hlllrl c n powers "hll h hc 'leI ~r hc rO! (' <II cam ell h r """'C'8I'rl "" Ihn t h e pO III,1 say I hln g~ .\",1 tlo Ihlng" Impos" ,hl e In him "he n a loll !'? Th e Il ower nr th c OIAl or whi ch h e Olli e" bnel. 10 hi. Ils1eoerl h e flrR t rI , nw " fr om hi " IIntll " 'HP bill h e ('onle! n ~ \I I " r l II "om Ihe s c pllmLP lodlJ urt' t·

L'' I<L

IUHI"tl at t he (' !l In lor th ~' PI C\ IO U:. (llIarter and th c n r 1C' I I ( d t il 111:1 houk .A~a!n h e In\)~e d f,um " " ~ 10 th e 0 111('1 "lid Ius

BIll <ali I Ihp ~ nmhl e , IIIIoin g 10 IL Irlen,1 11111' n 1001, 01 til.!!,,"! on hI. f.\(~ le ll hIm ,h" re gnnr!- I ca "'1 Ch lr a ;:n Clllon il Ic

\\ 11o

t rt!a~

1111 othe r m c dl c lnl's untl

U1 c lItfol' ''om c lIUroCXl"wT"il1ll'nts


" \,f' 1 \ bOlh

finw tll f: rai !:; f'

I .1111 "0 h· ... !)! l, d ,h n lll I f , l it .\! '1111 hi, ' ItrP ll lh l"' 11,,11

in t ill loi1l 1' )

~1.ll C S

Ot"'crshndowing Indeed i s tIle 5 11CCCAA thb g r ea t lucdlCIOC". and COtnllannl


\\ Ito hn "o rcco~.rtt1zcd t h e \ 11 tU \! III L j llia I::. l'mld,ullI S \ cg e lnul" Co m' p o und, Dnd ale r.'11 e nu lIll'h to glv" o. e dit whe. e ,t ,s d\l e , If "h ysl c lD"s (\ ,u e d to u e fr.ln)c I",el ope n, hun d,,, d ~ Mr t l 'ph er":to Tl '" SoI'i hllh \\ (, f C tlU'' I re of them would II '1,110\\ ledge that th e y q rlll l llh liml'" ~llll til \ I e hl mpl y tly plc'<!rlbe I._l ei la ~ I'lUkI , ,, t bll ll(l, he 1I.:lI l tlll, cd ouc d.l) to constan hlllll'S V('gcta!J le ('o mpoIIII(I In "" V~'" h l-l 111(, lI d M lIcT :l g~.lll Hilt ~l It I n~g I n \\ .I :i " III In of rc:-. ource, cnSl"S o f fClUnIc ill s, ,, :-; they ' (now bl e~perlcllce that It \\. 11 c ft cet nell,.., on I d U':~ (,S h'l1 II I (' !tIt th Wom e n who are trollhlcd w.t h "awful Yc h~C . It I th ':-,; \ \.Il, ' hl' ~old "In t h o 1; 1:f meier tll t: ll' u r c 1\ lilt. 0' "I'e or lrregular )ucu~tr\latlO[I, h , c l( t\ t.; ho, \\ h t . :" \\ h ll II rt.: \ nh (' ,I~ l lll' ~ IS fl, l i'I!'IC~ hloatlllll' ((l r l1a tlll 'nee) l eulorr hfea, tlllllu~h, am i so \:UU "' I I I ii I.,' 1I1i 1t) lIll l (1)11 fo.lhng . Illtlamnliltion o r t1ICl' rnt lO l1 of lu m i d l 'l 1)(' r t::;:I-'t l.'ltd ~ 1It1 t.' \ l' l\ n tl ll t. the n!.cru s. O\'ur um trouuleN. Lhllot " IH'1I } C U,UlJl I II lU l l I1l1 d lurn Ollt tho b onriug-do\vlI t ,,"chng, dl7.Zln'ss. hcht 'I..' IIIU II II I"~t "l.n\ fill llT1 t he pipe, f ,lilltn ess indlgcstion. n e rvou s pros811 I 1 h~ \\ ctJ \\ Ice l .. \\ ti l rc ' l) )vc If1 the Ol 'p q <oil t c r)Ircd l lJ'l Ulld ~ultlr ~ C l fl OI1l t.h. tration, ot' thc h lues " hould t.ake im011 1 HlII l 1) ( J.;1I.t4 .\ I..' C l)t~l.' 11 U!; lllg ~lun, n e l l on to \, nrd off t he 8CM t lU8 ) 1 11 hlld It n ":' 1111 I ron\ Iflj:: • cOII ~cqll cllces aod he t'estored to h ealth \Ir ~l nl phl' l :Jtl n ( lIl \:t ll ed the r Clliell) and strrngth by tnluolt Lydia I'! 1'lI1kr fl r t' xnrhll~\IIt &ill .... LIll ~ l .JlblnusJ> dll llll g ham s Vegetable Com pound. Au ,\ wa7. • month_ writo to Mr. Pinkhom, Lynn, JIIa s!lo . ' I h r " t~m e the J; n- ItI~ I I (,,( tor on IllS tt .. 1t Ii IOUl1d ll e .... x IlIltrH the rl·..:J ~t cr, fot' advIce It's freo and always h elp!u I

Ul un

(II 1{lah o \\ 1\"1 l


U !le :C [lec t ed Y et En " n . n t ly Sa tl.fnct Ol y R es ult or n T1LCk Oll t ho Gl\~tCl ,

dr:'l\\(' r" '.nutl


CERTAINL Y GRAND SAVING, ~~~~ ~ ;~ ~:c~~~:~' \~'c~'."~~d";;r,~e~~ c:~I~~

\'llK an imm rlli \1(' and ,halnL l (> II ).\ lir I ell" 'I h r 1 11 (,~ ln m 1 " Ilfl a~ (0110 \\ 8 Poor hut hOIl t'~ t LO d l, In I h e \V,t s h ..

Sl' ll rltfl t I) Ihol'"

I Ll lt

\ u u r JnJ.;ri l ~t

It, I !!~ I In I he hb h ol' ,,"I.t n · dtn tHr h e hnd 1011 11 11 Hn \ (It tit I .... ;; .\nltll1 ..! bi g I I1 ~..:n~ £' '-1 h l:' lt)

5 1.\11(1


"hy hus e I'lnlchal11 R V" ItO'11o r dollar tablc CClmpmioc) nccoll lplbbcd 1(8 \, ,Jo-

Hnt " 1'4 l.w ll . I II

Rt IlIlP'~ I


ntH ,\1



I Wo.;l

Th e

~1 111l"

"p (l I(lI::~ 1



111111\ (.: I Up C

T h fl l).1l)IlU\( , I II lfUli oI netH I ) t lirl' CI1I11 t1 1 t ll ,'':--'(: .. !Z,· A I ell II"; '1 10 1(> " _

' cn reh NI "' ''' ) -

\\'h f' It:· 11\ \ R l n !t1l,1 IIU(l:...l l< ln ,..,d th f' .tnT:. 10 no PIli "liSt" t '!n n lh' ll r I1lf'ltU'fl IIH (,01 11,1 ;:<' In " l ltt' It If 1"


' 1' 113(fIl \rc T n su" Q, H i ThlldA\O,

'1'11 (' rl l-

I h£, 10t1 m IHHI '\tl ~ d l s mn) ("II I II flnl ~ h l' r

\ 111 1

nln l,("O It n tltll1 !-: h ,lrd III I~(l tn(\m­ ho r n. 0 1 th ~ nlh pI I. ,nri \ ' III ' Oil IAh" II 1\1\; lit r, " of UI " and ma ke wbat you call or 11 Y"

~ lIr "


\\ 111 }l1I""1I 1\ \ " I \ItC tit .. h h ll l l , .. t ~I',l (1..' or

c.:: ,'f1 1t I I" ", Cn l1t h111 \\u h " Uf H "me nlH\ Ad l'r,· ... "' AII I ' rlll~ ~ I~ t "'lIll11ef l'r:\ Ir,~ lk " II~ 1 I f :".t u 1 1 Gt ~ pc: f o tllC r o r ti lo m n.c h .\ ud

I a r t"'

,lt ay. f" 1

Ih ln~ "

t ll ... 1

rio f ll r

(,ran lh.IIlI "


'Hil t

Thousands of Women

nt n Ole

BU I','LE aC"I1LIlr I' , SImpl , Ilnd s ure ly h ccausc o f itll Rtet'('; I" rl i, ,1 a l l m~ t.: \11I 1 1(" n n nd nuntng Illi g' \\ Oe ll! Th c I'Clll'l(Hll1 onthel III d , Il H,. h l r~ 'C Ill O ha ~ 0 \ ('I] Rpproul'h ctl It :; R\1 <'C\"' I ~ pl:~l1n l} an cl )l('l~ltl\'clJ' be(' . IU~o t h c~ ru n m l; DO IT I I: COl \' 0 :01 is 11 0 oth e r m c chc1 n o In the WOI ld ~o

\\ h

plan ;.;

111 ("11"'1.;:-;


\i u (' "

ttl n

h l~ fJ\\ n S P I


I hf' Il"'nfl c- rrOOI

ror I he p u bll ,



1lnn s t C' llvll

plnlln~ It

i!tIlH bl(>1


\\a s

~() II "'I"' I1 :-. ( '


111 11"


hl ~ hl~p ti ll ~Ct III "::

Th e


[ can 1IlI,IAlnl' hOIl II 100" II (1111 "f


"I drl\-; Th a I \\111 fl.lIS\\ PI p 1 r h1lh hili it \\0111

I, 1 ... c t

-I ( 'I IPC I ' "IL . . lI .... tl l1'\I " 1I 111 .\ I II


Il lS InOI1l '\a ~ prr' pal C'd II Ii I ).; Kllunlit'd I I I1 II e t)l ( a ~ 101I .l llt! HIIl(lIl " (11 hl'l l tp Ul1l "" hi ::; h O"" I {IS:i III n tu,.;,t'd II TIIIII thp dl (l !oi~ IO~ tahl e All £' Illior n l e HI ",.I' t ot ~


en l er crl lh e IOOll J( IAhie IIl1rar) • t ). nc\\ lOU \\0I11r1 10m,.. to- nt g llt . ' s !le sa id rheerf'IIl) I "'11\ e ) fill I Ilay to fIn', Ih e nnll - fllld 0 no"lrI' ) 0 11 h .LV (· drl ven 11 II ell' - aooll_ clay 10 din. h II ,lilt! a thlnl 10 rerm e r fro m Ihp cifcl ' R II ,n e 'Oil rllll\ r c1( 1\ ro r Nl ' ' I h0l'(' on I Inoi, I he da, ror II at ::t il CVt n1'" III' hlll..::h "l1 I am jll tS t

'- !T il


,ls lI

\\u S P lllCl la in ,"d s l" ' el al fhO :i{ In



r I" \i.~ 1111' n r .. t b OIl Il: lite \\lt ll w "t ru c t l'II-. 'I h i"" \I -t \\ d l l',O ' l' I t~ \\ Ol lh

Ihe hnmp o f n p ll)1l1l1H~ tlf ,hunhmnu

~ 1 1 ~s

.. t halll c Is apt'" li e In tnr penl~ I3lflcl fllllCI fot

n uri

Il o n w St1f tt }


n il rl.(\

, a.\s Ihr"

t !llP t'l e f ree C') up fl n b r l, '

\ ' ou r r1 rtl.;~"1 ., 11. 11

to It \\1'~ llrrl N C' \\: ' 0 1 1, Ii t' l uill Bl sliolJ

of hom e' maldng


a c1dt~ d lit II

\ hrl o 1 11 ", 1"'11

IlI )\\

hllll H ~ II oc\ r r 01 h"r ;: Ifl s . "hl( h

Ih \llale Rpppnierl 10,,<1 h' fnr ~ 'I f1 h '"

1 ' .111 / (1

I III nl l .lld \,,1 \ \ ! I I ( I 1, ,1 1,11' Is _,"ld 1111 , )II II " 1).1'" I .. 1;1 A \ , I II I" n 1

111 (' house In A lnm cl1 :l Ihf' \\ CP" ItH" \\ (' a t h "f

r elHll1 cI

l"j llli a r l'

~ IIP'Hl k"

I ~cH

tl \

I l~ '{' nl


"h u h 1"" III 111 1 It I'" t ile ) v Ul 0 ' 11 c X

ho: tI· ('I "/l t tl n-l II I 11 h \ IIH'c tltll ('/'i t hc .j.() ( l'n t hllP 1+ 11 1 If , ,," \\ I ltl t " ,!ln \ T' ll "lit

lIumur ,



~ 1I'1'

LI H lI llI llt d



" hI' (\11111 I ~II" II~ II ,I('un 1111\ or h ' all h I " li d Ill) pr" lIm l nnn Inlpr-

r :n ll 1 li P jl ll "",1\ h ll l!lt'd hl ~ h l IlW ", tho ll,.:. hl n p' n to \ nll no" ,111 11 II I \ 1/lII A .Inrt II In gP II"I ~

~ood-II"tlll t'( 1

th "


\' I r c hint III

H !!f'h!i n n ti


\\ ,H~

"nIl lui

m lHe ll " nrl 11111 1 " Ih" I " " " I' f'I I ~I ar " ' n n fell \ fa l l'nl illrt(l ,;n\c him f1

' JI(I~p





1m n"t mlll {' " lrio l l :-; than I hilI I f\ I,"e In knrll' h(1\\ II

\11"'" fal I

~ 1 ('11:' ''' l "'f u~t<1 10 :lppIO\P Ih e lj no ",1I

fil ii ' Ih"

NOli go

" "~ don e I 0\ .. " I I, noll

\\,hnt lI a \,.. \ 0 11 fll)n l" ~ in~ c ( 1\ 11 I I·q .t l"" lI ~sl qll 01 thr s \lI1J ('" I'? I ' rtf'" l (l n hlil l'lal '" 11Id~ r :\Irlc l'nddlw n ... \ 01\ ~ llg !!.f' .... It\d B ll t I I II

Thllt" all

pro f' s l

rt ~pp n"' (l

lall \ d

s lnke,1I1 1I he d e llal c(1 off

me !oilre l1" Oh hold on '

IH o mp '

\'dI A th l'


tt t Ih t' meTe Illf'ntion of }Oll l IMin e and


c: hflll h tl \ (' 11

\\ l lh

r l s a ll I II r ,lId t h(l rlllh I1IU :l all ahou l lh t' p I Int " C III lo o i\c d tip (lU ll h h In " r ) 1",1 0 1 Go , BlltI," ArgllB s Ir ' '\ UII al C fl g h l Ih,lt I S t ill' Irll p., 1 I"p ~ d a ' '' hilI 1)0' al Ih e SIal Ion Cxll "ure1 \011 \ ' t:.lirl t o- nlg h l Hntl h e hil I " c nl , 1"'01. hi S l fOl1 l1cl n (lib \\ P llt ~\\ rl\ l(l.I \II1 ~ I he tl t.' :::;:::;C II U.I nnd h eld J III1 i'ipl l , on"") ('(I qllie I.h I f)lI, ' h (' ~1 lhroll~h <11 0"'" " 1111 1110 IIIIh ~ X"' C Th , C\ (l nln c. "dS RIIII \ 011 11).:" \\h ·'n

to l)fUl~

\IMI st oll

~ p'f"'lh

h ,lI!

1: \ c l lIn tr At;':lI ~ '

th l!;


h (1 1 0

I!nllr In t he 1lI011l 11l ,g nll ' lt' " Il lP 1 h (l U "' \\ S '



fto ( o r



11110 ,II olll,

Ih e c lec tl k l ha od e l"' r to "n a bl e him tn tlo so Wh en II was nn l. hed h e s at (\(1 \\ 0 Agai n • "hat n hul" ol l'" «(l!ol. ... p ll n l It bi " \\ a s hi s (,OlJllll r T1t ' RIll WP fO hall c 1"0 " It ~Ir \{ " , of \\ 0 s l·,tli do"n Il II II f<' h.ill 1 (' H \~ Iii,. pa,t \ wlthollt 1\ \ ut E' r\{I\\



Ill(' (I ftl' n ~1\ 1" I Pj(llnlll' r 1"' 111 ,h ccill C"PiI I h p !So h ) ... t ahr ll llti\ ';-;.\) 0111 ):0;1. \ 1111 ... uln \.! 111 10 a P ()~


h e mi g ht go Illll c c n; ~1 iI - n ~ h£' l1 ul , I hi", 1n1lldri PI I t-; '1111 " ,., ( : lIlI f l)l(l t On ('(' s af e II I hh~ I lInn1):; h e t-j C' n t rO I 1.0 1 1al, (' Ii and th ft gn\t' I I1 \lI 111J.\ s t rl' ll h".~ hlm " ' iI o n th e hpc\ In II ~o po.Rld I, put ~I , l \ ph "I li p lHllr \ "1\ CI""t lll \ of r t".lxalloll unln lh ~ fi l"' l t1 I~ - J;.PZP C I G Hili h .. ' 11 (1 II uHl r d I X- flI3m\ gp r I amp li P Tln l n h r ' 111[1 11 (' 11 ttl " JIIIlg r a l OP \ flf t h e \ q.~I J S ' \ nu hi S IllIO{I H. S a n IH c Il aLle n a :;K !o; 1'1 11!-i i l ~ will tln d " ali 10 I ho \I"'SS tI" ,1oI1o I"" 11ft 11 n lro r l.; n il I ha' 101,1 )' 1I11 and . 1 f;n' a l d l'~ 1 I III dflll c Gr, ll1tilam IH' ~llllt nnd '1\ ( 11 (,' l hal Is 111111 dlflerc nl !.mc\ " 'lf 1I11 l h -. h fl J 1(,, \1 \ CHan t - ~O\ 1"'1 n OI I i'MI t h ,' t han ~ Oll ha \ u h (!flnl tn a \\ rc l, lio n"" s pa p<:-r ~t lfl }T n s Iw \\ ul l\e ll Ii~hllng nnlt r l,lf)rg,ll1lz c ,our IIUlnn ~~'m nl nnd

in Ih (l I;!A t r

I1/n Id


I H'ut(' na nt .. s ov-




~I\~!r ~tl

d tflf' r P Il ( ""

P il l I ng

'I h CIP 1< r.Ill' (I liTo "'II' e I1 l1d H .• hll l H .da llll s hlll I null! 11\ 11 \ 51 11 0.:(1 tlnrl }Oll

IU'I\\ (I(, II \ n il



l. o on, £' 1 nnt

f H) \ '

T1 n(\:o;

h, fo ri



",.\lIl n g.

I f'¥t ... ~ , I\ ~

1'''111 H II ~ lF' " .\ d lil l r l"'d •• s t Il n I Or m - 11\ n\ h p !o.rlld dn .::, ~nll


(lIftuj.!'h r \)r o n f' II H' llI hf' l or t h e palt) III I h e prll a l ~ 1'81 TIo (' SlIP-c ia I I rain

\\ I ' ~ In III . I (} (' ,


l lll:J

1I ,\, n r \ ~ n hilt ,\I"''l thrr t .n lc It I'" II le'Iull it.. ,1 1I!"' U111 1~ til e /01 \ I'IIC ln Ii'" 11 11" 1 d ',4 l·t .. e~ f'l1"l f nl d Lli h il t \\1 li lt, r "'\ ) \\ ht.! ltJ c.: , n )1 11118 (,1 .1111': 'lIHue b

\\ III . 11 0 11101 I '"

~ I u nn r

In ,:


n. tn

n nl qUil l" }Utl hod


h e ltnl

H ilI

' \


J!lI l l1 ~n


l\ ~ n IIIl L IIf "l ltld" 11101

l \l U ~ II U '.

tr ! )tll , l~ 1I 11\1Il~ tl rtt li It IIC4 , .I" ll ,(llfIt t ,l l lk +.:

\11 ,," 1\1 ,, 11' II nllli ' "Iltch ou t Ill " qll l'S IIOtl , on Ii hI" ml ~ erabl y

J h ... Ublhul.

btiLl I cOlllel Im" g l" o Ih r r" RIlII of Ihl s Sl lIl~1I1B r lu islaldu g: ,,{ 11:ll n - uretel'8, '''I<I I 1.ln deLl I lOU I" Wh ul W.I S th c I I

nllt Iha, b n'l n il

L~ ,\lIII !!

It In Ill'

Y ou al so

h .(I (1I

" ,l~


\ fiJ I

Il IH I 1I 0,l r rs to(l ,1 '011 10 Ha l Ih lll 1" 0 cll ll ics of Ihe ,x rl' lIll1e had dc -


l Ilt \

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" Il k h d t<, 1I , .t 3t h ll LI'l lrn Ylh ~ Ulliu F .L l'IIII' r. ~1'1I1 l a ! l H ll lll ' "" p i ll uf I ~ IY 4' lI il ,O!O. l t \· "I Ulil ~ Ill'e 'II I! Sl :u l,j ll ~ Ih l :o. s l .,·h HI dl l'l l' 1\ h:h 1."1 In I' 1II 11~1 lilt'l ' hut! id ll ld t., ( I P P U I I '1IlI t~ 1( 1',f'" ('0 111111(1111,11 lI ~l' J, lil ... t, I" " nil"'" It ali t ht. I I " Hm vi t; 1\(,: il- 1 ~ fi llet " .alit! a ~\l hull : . , B t\ (. n i I'IH' 11l 1l'IRI S!' H I I"m h ,I I ;~. alit.! 1-" I l' hl)~ I ' Il f a ('{ llU I .tullll . I w.d I t ,:til IJt' Il ]( ,f' , ' I a:. i l\' t l' :ttl S I "l' l'toi 13 A " \\ \' 11 ' ~ a ttl h ,· I \\ 111 le ll rO \l : n n t ! fr'um J, I ,h " t' , pla t " Th, HI':'H Ihl nt-: n i l , t lit' to(OI), HII\~ If'> ,l ~I ,, ' d o:n hJ '-I'1 [ul' ~ u u:" I ,~-..; :tr \ i n t lr" I 'qll~ ( 1'111 I 111 11 IJ f a fl . I I'll I, tl n ' I\ Il Il'i llr rlJ l lIl'\' t- P l '~ "lall url. f -_ _ I of th i S 1l :~lIll'(' is l !trl ' (! J1011''~ nt,n il! , ~:.! " ' \h, 'n l \'ll " n jU II II~ IIHl. u l \\ n .... l·a t h ! , ....... , h )lI); I t is \'t' r)' d " " ll'ald .. ~ to 11. 1\ " ('r flHld 01' 1:la:d lJg a J.;t I IHl ~ h tl \\ In s o · J 1" \' po It·... of a:-; i ll.!. h t tilT JiJl'l a li }lli ~b ilJle. cl t·I.\· A t tI11l(l~ Ih i}; "a ~ pelr(1rJlll!11 u n 8 Ell ,!JUt l h." c1 C' l'l' k l< \\ h " l1 ( 'O ll ~ t rtllt rl u \e r y l lm lt"'d capl tnl !::;h o rt ly aftt· r I \\ 111 n ut l ie so h t.'a \· ~· 1, 111 \\hat1\\ o 1I 1E;: n ~t' tt lt:l d III !\' ('w Y or io;, I wade the Be". I ~ :"1 '1 ,·u ... ih hun dle it. Th e IIu l.Js nr\\ : (jllllln lnn c'c o f 1\ lI czll ll lf nl nntl e,l lInnble f:l ~ I " n e ol lo~ e lh c' r 'I I til ' tOI' lI' il h n h a ir· y o ur q.; III1.Iy . ~1I 8:; (,lu l'trHI~l. S"an lI u li : J l ll f" h bUll. 111 (\ tOP f'IoIHl of f:w h JUlie IlI!:! t uu lIm e 111 pn\ Ing the Yl a.) fur 11 iJe ln g- h tl \\·"d ~l" t lt\ W~\ a t t n nll'~ lI l nrl y o ! ma l rimonlu l uill ulu e "\Ih h e r . a s lu Kin> r 'l 't"tliIJ11I uf HHI\IIll f' u l fnr I "( JII (\ t: \ lI.;'lli rq..:tli t"O: lI b .1t'c·t ufC' UIlVl' r :ifi t l' all ... r" l'I ill g" (I H\ ctt· I'J'i r l. '1'11 , I P P' I~ ' t IO n b l' t ", Co,,' 11 U"- Jl.11l "!JIJU ( ql(· ra ~ . n nd IlIt' n f ast P Ili' '' a t ~ ltt {' ,' n tl tu t 11 r· 1( I l l of IliP tllt' U P f' l lU t It \\II S t u at 1 ! Il \'l t~ d A CF ~EnALS I 'l'FFL E E~ ~l'£ O. d .· rtid\. I j :t s:-.. in~ 1lr...I WIl thrllll1!h a p u !lt'.\' l' lo ri n tla to go t tJ I h e A(' tH\ ' lilY of Mil '" (.I 11 Iu ~: 11\.c I U I.t' : ftl. t IH:' I 's ll t, tlH!'. T b IA u tta, 11 tI tu ( II (' fUl'l\ a 11 (1 lutt'li a g :1 in It; ,\ wk th u nfo xt e \ E II!I : ~ . A s I hH.\·(l A'lt d Il HHi o lIlat l e l'S \\'0 1' :,(:. f u l' it It 1u}, t: f..1 bE v ulle ) a l Ih ,' lop nlHI frO ll 1 It l: rf! f(1 ;111 m~' llW UI1 H W( I f' th e n n l.' he l li mi ted ,l\ l\d t-i ll r.- \\ u ~ a n 8 t.:t..:o nqJlII 'l; u t U! ~ Ill' ull ci f1 ~ d lit hl' r fllllJr.y fa ... ! l'll ('iI ut t Ii .... I (Jot III I II" • IH; W I IlIld j\l~t el1ou ~ h It· ft to l in), (or for rl~ al lI f Ulr ('~I. _ d"rT1>l d~ . \\'j l l1 t hl ~ 11I('lliurt It IS 11 «, , 1'0.:. L ____ ____ _L-_ _ _ _~---I t li t' I l d\ ;:.t~. lHi t 11(' ~ urJ1 1 Ils fo r f'lll' l lagt' I "lwn !-!, 1lit.' t h e state of lil Y f Ct:> lIIlJ;:-4 itA 1 sar) t il U!"i(" I II p ~ In ~ hl rlq,p n iH 11')1..1 , 11\1' I , I{I iI' ~ 1. I I. \ :"\ • I ' I I I ~" I-: ,\ =' I ) \' .\ tm p lIl' r n n d ('t I.:(·!t'ras \\' 1I h I h" !'-(I I 1\ I J 1 \\11:; l~l ul'~ ha lcJ 11l' lIugh t b t' Htr E' l"t8, 11 wi ! l lle fO Il'1l11 nopt'l·ut t' '"-alb f.H lurilr I t Ilt' luldd l' t t rwlll l'd tf) dh·' p,,'1 IH·, IU; I th l.. lll bl li 111\ rJ LJ I.: 11 11 l~E:-I I Jllls uf a ll\ ,, 11 h U. do ~t. 1\ rude t~u~ s ) clli ns uU I It' ~ Hlr r l" ;~ f'tlTl n l In sl:H f air Ch.1rllu'n wa ~ l li t) ~H' II~ltrlc tu b e B.1'LHlIlt1 Ill t} ~ ,,' h,w W I 1(' 3( ht!(l tu ~ po- clf'rrh 1\ f~) I; ')(> p .t h p 11 · itldlf·' of: hlll f.; vd t h 1I !lIu l )"'r I I' H u l l !r \". ~ 5 \dt ll l\u ll lllc tlH' s t ar k )ants, tlrCt' l·tccl h ) the 1 1l ~~ lin1 tihll1un Ih cu ~ ual l-· n~lillllllnri l:s " cr. f ull and fi n n, \\ Ililet b l'llt u p pill g oflh f' 'I lle ~:H'n,t l l ll t ;t: .. l ,(:(!!; nrC' ~ ho \\'1\ flt ".,'tu·IUflC Cnvol eti Ule at tb{! Btart : I ~U Jl e t hl'o\l~ h Th e rin l ulJll k~ IJ{or t , t\· In .\! f r u m tl.H! f" .. li wU J g l" ':U I )' UI.:H I Sllfl J\ : l or '''' '"l g pl n -<.:. a l I>' iI. fs atl uurlulh t! 1he ev e ni ng "'a~ tinen nd 1 1I l' W'-:lIht~ r l lr ar ed . ulHl mudeu. r huq;C h!=3 i nf't me t1tJ s wo ll\ t h i ~ 1tIIl~1110Ilt t? j n IJI f+ h· trw; l . fw ra lfhilJg .he.(l: I I. a uoor fr om th e ur y. fll at Ih l' ttl l)Jo l nt £'d till1 ~ J IlIntl .... \ o r ·s wln dllng-. u nd d (' l1u \:' l-a l c a ssa ul l pt! tu mnlu t ain t ht.,) IIi'U)H'r IOlld il i o ll . 1t ! O:l' rntt'lll n~ .. IHd ))11 0 th t.. r UlJs lIlY npPt.'u rRU CC. d ll't'!'(' d I n Iho 1J{'gl t \\ ithout J;J'o ti n g p r'll . \'oea l to n.' "ill lJ·- lounrl a g fl'nr a thnnta t-: f: nut to I {'. w ilHlt Jw (' u ll 1t! a fT,)!·d. ~nd \\ni t fd I HH1.' l1tl ~ . ~or ; tI u fI,,( t (or dl' i n'du g ' · ('li . " l 1111 0 Ill) !-lt ol~. \J ut, of to urse-. Ie tu h e t Oil ]ar.!! ., ru rl\JlIl~ IJl" ' H lI S(' t il ... · ~(' J:..;; r', r Oll . . t . f, CI~)l lodu. Sh e..sC Il Hl IJu t n il m~ fl· R I '" on ,,'€, u t f ut l !tJ l hl ll g, . a.s Io, tl.a ll duo!' ill i o .'u rcl. lh e lJu lh eu\nD I:;ll\O will no t (1111 .\ Il l ak 4:> I h,· \\il l1, h a l d l~1 ( 01' , ~ . c a ll' inlu " an.I T a l l't 'll(, I' :1 1 I!l f a or l !l e l"1u· I I !1.~ e qttp s llon t o fII ~ht b» nssu r - 11 \8 e\ l,h. a 'l1cc 111 afllrmu tlou u f f be th e stadico r. lin( i n a dt.l it lo n tv Ihl ~ i t i ... d (l1I h!t' r il il l I r i b . ..: ." rl'1. fxp l 1nl-! m e that :-: he LJre f,,' rr~~! \\u l l .tn glllll l..l Ill n l hurg l'l"' . nnlll \\ a~ hl l"'ll(d t) fflO a ('t'IL itIlJKl.o,,; :-;tlJIl! 10 tllliid lIlt · ~1 1" 1\ )l 1t)1)t'I'I~' 1' 1 all'!! , 1':lI'W t ,. I " III r ' J'/" ' ~ t lln .\ he "'Ve c' h:tltct.i g8 .\· )Y Oi l I h e \\ ny 10 thIP I II p ~I>.1!-. (It t.; HIg lJ t 111 t h l ll k ll.~ (w €r tH Y \\ ' l! (' U I lrt' :--tUf Idll l-!." 1:-; dU li n I II I hi " ~ .III1 ·' j : ~ I' I " 11 ill ( "il' H 1. ,1 . I bt .• III h "r \ anI AradtJ 11l\ . Hild " '(j re i n du.~ tlm e fo rlb e I rt l lli)L b . hI tit:' lt.l \\h r J" \ rlH' ~ ra :-;''i is ;: I\ I\·,1I it 1 ~ a ll I lJein g- !I:l!"l lllfl ' d ( .' 1. /1. JlllrOrnw lll'C' ,,1 11 1'1, \\U.~ th f' U IJ {' Ii\. of ! ~ III l ite m o l't ll !. l~ 1 1\·!t}J;l alll.t ·U 1(.1 a \'JsaLh ' lnb llfldlhl' !'; ll·. d , ~ lqlll.: unrllJ lll'· ·'," 1'l"II"l,' w ll h n l K.l •. n ular )Jf"lrnO,c I Ullll:1 • h fl'l f' lllld j)\\ lItll\\Il . \\uOI»UU II' " ,,"10' I.,! J. ,. s ilflilj ,' u l ly " j il l> 111 , \al' l' llllt ' J t ..... I ... I I II ~ 1 111 Ib El l eadttttr. 1' t.1t~ (,J.f th e t 1t' rfu rC1 8 11c: 1' : H... ",b;. ln ll l l! I' OWL HINTS , Hn cl }JulJ a tlue (It tl 'n cJoJ h! rs \\ illd ~ , B Y:-: II tl ulll l; j, ,, ~ h ('.~\ \ labu r 1 (\(>f'tl not SIJcnk J h o UP(' IIL \\ n~ a ll , \tlJi(ll t h o p o l hejU t; lh 'O !III IJOt::=lJ d uli U le. is rt ' <J lI lr't~(I IU Rl al..ldngU IHi m tilil LI' I II~ r \ \h" 11 Ill· ' 1I 1; . · l .. .. ! i n tllp D'-' ; Ut II! th at " 't' ( ' lJllld d\'~ tl'(> . au(~ \\ H ~ r t'nt.!eTed wen I h OJll e 10 m y uoal'dl ng huu~. , ~ ~!a: H' il "'\a , I,~ (an lJ~ lJ UI JI .- I .. p(} C . , l lilh ;.:t 11 Ill" I • • ! .. nllJ~ t R,lrnlrah l y. tu ft b ;ld lJf':ost 118 ! as Judi wUl lld bn\'e It . till ' p e uJ lle In th~ HeYlluJd ..:.. Slt l,l\\a~ S p CO Ullt .\ , .\11111. I IHlrlII'd ",Vhclll he pe rfOTm un": l' \\ a s o,- er ,,~e ! hou~" w cr~ Ig . nu ralJt of Ill ) nd \tutu rL" A h" n I ", ,' 11 (~ ( I I :t "'II'lg p.1~(' r descend ed tbe t;t nlrl' u 1Jlld t he ~a" l durlll"; th Rhe e 111J.:. h l. 1 tl U) 'lJl ' -';C tht'~ t FOR CO pa y..:. ,.. " I I (, ) 1 to' . I d f l' ( d tbrong, nD ,1 " uonrl' n<:hcc!, llJ e6I,d e'l.-alk lhoUllill 1 h adl ... I' or p, 'o r, r ll" naS I~ rl\· , lIl,:,;I~" MFOR T AND SAFETY 1,,"<1 -11 , Bu\..olJ I,urroru f bor,ol"l! , ll\\a~ I". ln -1 "n ld ,'u, I,la/o: Il Il I"" Il, .. h lll l> I I' • U 1 01 1,1 I" .t ~1l 1.J; ~ , " I HO'~ n H ' ' S t • ~1. ... 111g! \~r h al " 'as 1 to doT To gp t a ~'J1r - ~1h (l- Il1 • 19 l1· pHI e(1 H O J ~e C1\1\ B e \\ l' j I f h .. ( ' rl uF,e. without 1'.&1 111 I hl' I ! I I ' " H ' r "r I IIi' iJ"1I11 11 11": 1) ll Y n)!'; e. rpn t t o pu~ n. 1 e Vent c( ' Th 'll (> \ l:> lllt '·y 1 I1l Hd..; 111) my tTl ,rr1 ' 0 j B ' , I'om Tnlc l n g th <! -ld A bl\ lP willi 1'\I t'l l oI lId ( I !l ' 1 I! I a lld ... hlill 111 111. 1 't , male ' my "1 " uOOl I nlD,_ v Y I call U}Jil J\ Jll) d l!ur 'l lU H "' s T .e th C'lurln daa !1 l! herpar- , I fIl ll l ll' ~1! ( I :ilks I lh " " l lrdll y tbought ol'(;ut're, I to Ill £> I I I a multl('II: ' 1 (,Ill:i fu 11 \\ 111 r 1111' lJl.rputcp. or (·;" I III J Ili..,.( 11. \ 11 1 1 ' I I e.n d In 8 Uf>nU \l S \\ h l"' l ,(' r 1 ns l\ed I w lp 111"1 k I l l!' lI1' I " ~ ' 1' I ' II ' 1, "" '1 ,'1, th .... dn' I ,Ia l..! 1 g 1 ~ l )l" llt' l \ 0 '-"""1 \\ 111 :-:: n/JI(· t~I1l (lS ('Olll lle r' , n O:;. I bohl tl\t,' Li t 111 t h l'll' t I I I Clor l nda Ir ~he burl rubhers O ll, lHit. to 1,ee I I L()( d, I' lit fll,4 I II ,. ;,Jld g r '~ a f" ' r 11t1' 1I1 n fr.llu lng .~ "S C\J ~e .i ,.·b ic h \\e?r ! . (ur ! l ' I all , HH'O IiI C







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I 1",:'" \ I

Di y

dl~ mnY . 8bea nf' ''·t'rt'(J·


1be mo st

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.. 'Nu, IllY \Joot s are ver) iJ).thf. 1O? I '\' bc- l) 1 ft 'nt' h ed duu r lO y !l ,·.lI t an~ l cn ltlll not thluk of wulldng , \\ e 1 s u slrungly thp. t I h'll llJ ) ('1I11 . ~.,,:t.' ~: " . DltI f,t g"tll A.carrlag e · tUb '4B .\ and l sl o ..)I ! on tb e H,UOP ' 01 "Of cull r~e lb ert~ UaH nothlng left to':"" se \'eru l 11I111 \1 I(' ~ IJl"for c I teh l lll . h.O])me Lut '0 f!tee th e mu~i c . an d 1 hulled m o n Fllftk lf' lIt ,'u ll ruj.!t' hI r l'-f' tbe L(. ll one ot Ih e many dr1\'erH who w e l'eJiIlX " " ' b l'1I I h ~ g lr,-l!:1m ~ lu tl l!'l- 100,' I luu~ II) Kel p ru;ye n gclx I u ss l sleu W) o~l\ed If M1s:; CluriJld u. " c.s ul lo w ... ! fal rClorlu da toar.(·a l.nn..J \llu t c wmo title snhl ',·to t;; ,' lilHI pulllt.,ly a~~, ~d llIe Wt'lllS w e ,, {I r e wbirllng nioll~ through to 'Lah e n Sf"at I n th l: pa rl or ,' (be rain Hanlly had we ,;;one t,,"o " Ill n f e \\ mOlHelltS th e M· r\'l~~' 1 f' t· :~ v.. blocks wh e n Clorinda said she wntz nun· pf'areu" lJeari llJ,; a ca rd ~ith I hI..' C'Hnj,l! . t;ry , and 8sited ru e to stop llDd gel tlUp· m PII l S uf Ir eI' ml5lft' ss . I g l an ...· £'lI:l.1 Ih '!1 per. My rce llu gs 'can ea Sie r be IJ1Htg · (lard an d 011 It wa~ written iu a " It ;;r, Wed than ,les c rllJerl, as I tbought of m y dell(,,,t " h und: emp1Y poc l,cts. und tried t o r cuHo nlJ e r .. ' Jlan~ YOIl got ruL br rs on? lJn.';, un1 or eating so lat e a t nl g hl All lilY \'0\1 Ih e JIIoney to pa r (or )llUI ~IlI'I)~,l argumen ts w e r e frll'tl p~~, bow(I\·e r. for ·If not, ( w t 11 l e n d 30U t h u necessar y SIJI,J'




m y dear Clorlnd ll W8S not to be Il l),' Ihwarl ed, " I made a dll~1l (o r tb e doo r , ,_oj \\R8 "'I'blnki tlg thal fort une mlgbt be· ~ oon In Ih e stre e t. (~a rln l;t t nal t h I ~ , 1rlenrt we by some means Ih e n a my.· th er might UPlIea r u nu hi c k me (J' lt 1)/ tl!ry to me, I ordered l he drive r to slOp the housp, at tbe ncurest rest aurant. We ent e red "And now, Ill)' bo)·, df) )'011 wc nde, tbe saloon anel took SealQ al a lable 10 tbal I Rill slil l a tbe cen ter oC lhe room, I de t ermi ned t o you is-be W1lre ba che lor! lily lIell' i.:' o( solli ol: tln de r lr:I~. t o eat as Illtle lUI poss ible, l1ut Clorloeh . ('.0101'8," - :0., y, Wpekly was \lot lIy any weans 6Il d ~lIcale, an(1

_~~~el~,1~~~~, Ihr~I~~~ ~rjt~~n~,~v:~ CII:o~;I~!~'f';tam~ea/: b;~;J;;e~;:..:o

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(Oll ll ll "h to l Ja .... :ot , I" ' la r d : 1", ~' rt l\\t h tI( II I I~ jhl d,~ Ill .. ,,,,).!,1r lill ~ u ( :-: lullt, t' , ru t)lI l _ " arlll and il l J III!" !tI l ,,"(' r Itw Ilt\:.HI : ' .11101 1111'1I 1)f,! h r i n g F Lo I f CI' P Igs. on othl ' r SlelP 11:l\., a fill !..; III l' ad! ~(H n(l o f t llf: 1I )(I<;.l Ii:: ltf 4\ ' s !"fllt liwlne end or si rnp allil fn. s t L' 1l r r lll S t u th e:-;e l' ul!":f' l '" :.~rll\Y a \arlery or r{)l';r ~p o r In s t 4? o J of t o hil, T h ~ S i ra p SU)l'; the I "a ~ l lI l'I ' , nl\'~ f .. r t h e' l iI~S. I lIl'I l ilig Varni a nll l"lIlIn will Id~e; 1 Ill e hit up rh " m fll l", I l rll~ lit III t o n lllllJir' r :1 ~ the III Jilu('(! 0 1111 1l1 l\ ~\ o it ltojJ ....... IIJ le for , CI 4l1'~ r l ' :!' It >: 1It!i t )f~ n t :-\II.I'.-F anuers' ll ' Jl :ie tu bite ~a1lJ ~. Y uu'e. _ _ ____ ___ _ .



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" h l ... Tn", lt.utl o Il1or "Ynunll r. rHllt' S bn.q jll ~t mplH " tl1l q fHt! r.l h ~,'(·:'. r of tl8rrulnftlll~ It l ~ ! 11·,lay one u f tho 1 1 l! ~ t. "lI u I PI"' Lt Rt' h nuls Inoot.I!u l' l lHlI .tllill tur 1( 1\ hit( tl", h t'"~L po .... l lJ lu m' · IIL.ll, W('I' tI :\1('t luntr~' UIlIII ' lI jO \ .... ,I n I l1l t.' rl\all , l n,~t llt l'il y"ll'n I' ru i "Ir1J: ttl I t~ ~tu ll C " L ...

L:olle",lah ·. Academlc and Preparato ry Cour!lor!t. I ~I.:: l : H Jo!Jo.S , ',) ;,: "'I~ I( It l'. 1l Cd lJt 1 1 " 1 : ~ I ' 0 \1 1 :1 1:\ l J:I.'~ ill Music and Art , A Hll o Oyn'n.~ium f "r l'hy_lca' C ulture, U lUutlKl .. llm ihll llll \ tlr IL ... 1(l fi l i. ILIon I .~ "Il h ealtlly 101' lltl ll l1 un un "m l liunio ml) r l"olt\lI~ Ihn rlll)l lLnt lO S . J u~."h Wive,.. lttedern buUdi"~S. he-ated t . ~· "'e8m \\ It.u hot IA Ul! cold ",.Ur I.ilr uuw h ou t F I 'r ' ' .J l alug u tS uuu o Lb e r Ilit o nu~ tlo n, ulhl rt:"i !4


ConductC' d by the- SlsUra uf the Holy Crosi .

Fol' L enky R oo f s, Vn lue of the FI •• ce, lr tla' luvr~ It'n l \ II I lhl' farm U'IIl(l - 1 Th {' Tll alll d f· I I'~ IH 1 ' Il(t· 01 trw g r pu t I llg. e "':')1111 ' :im fl I II a d u~1.:' bu x . i '1 1:1 "~ 111' \\tllt l-;.:I'o\\ u:-; t:!. .lIs l t ' \4 1' lJl' 011 \\' b"n UU lItJ .... \t . \,(' jt ,


t.v . ' !,,)'



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q uu r ls o f 1' :lIC lId ,l un e gailu n of i R ,, 11. 11II\1l) rI811 1, a nd iI., 11ll 1' I'lll'Pllle nl I " 'Ule r , uu, ,ll'(' qu a rt 0 ( r,,"' n" sa il, I' 1ll 11 ~t Ile ton s tan lly ker. l In _m illo! , h ul l a mi sl;lm d CllU , To He r y lll'e ( ' \<'nn t il e h ~ J: 110\1"C no 'l c 1rnn ge !,Ull (1O S or Ih lS , nei,1 s lnll Iy I h r~c·q llllr- ' t he IrNhllnC' , \\'loIlt''''. , h I_ pXI'" lIen l (era o( a 1101111(1 oC pol:t£il n ,"1 rour ! to alll)I)' It;l- tl o:e s ud will (lI d In qu ar t - ~ f ~n" ~ and , Apply W.lth 1I kee\Jl n ~ UO WI: li e , paillL o r wlilt ,'''''~h h ,·II ~h Thl ~ pnl nt _ __ __ _ __ waeb loo ks Il.oI good I'" o lJ [llllnl aD ,1 ' RllrlJllI ~ hor~ sarI' II'J ' I. f rPQu pnt. 18 dl.rall1 e ' ag s ia le; besid eI'. II '. Vn!- Iv I he ra ll ~e of Ille I'Jo lj\. lId n/: sw 1u1 IlI'OOt, ]£1,1lI long, ..'O~l~ a >lr~!e, cwnll\I;,





- , - . _ - - - -- -- OHEAP ~(~I;r;.~ltC~\~~O:!~i:~I,~:~I~n;~:~~ lW II I'l C h Ul tJ Il Ul.l'1fi Iu I b u 1i}).)\ C

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I:llutl' lI fl..rl molHtlnK

W r i te ror :'M.h·-.. •• 1' .r l' .ll.l FOIU I 1 ".U:L f ••• 0..,,",,- Sl.. a.~ 111..

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WII£lIf WBlT1l 1Q TO .... DVERT •• E ... .Ie • • • 'co,.- ..... W• • ..... 1M .AAlWM"laC'

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\ t h ~ H \ ' prlll-! t ', "~ t ' I ' t~l1 t I." thd (' nrtt i ll ~. _~~......or KI' \l ~I"l .: \r : 1~ llIl .. r" rllt~t Jnl ." r g n I It>I' 11 1I11)! r OIl n Il I>1·t WI~PU 1 IIf' ('UI' I> 1111,1 ~ i<l ~ t\'nll; ill fr o llt o f Oll e h OIlSl' T . J , rUt n'\ ~ ...\..: .... 1\ · 1 \ TE 1 '~ 111 f ll l( , w <) r c clt)lI l'eti o f w cetl :, IIDtll u l'l'lell tn " .hutlr·c· '1.00:l ,.c .lT ,I,\II' IL '1'1 ,,' 1'('< 11 It ill 1J)"" ,· .. ,l til(' tJ. !.!:' ~ , ' Cllr'" 11 I llI t I I. lld I II nlh' aU, I ' n pl'Pllrllltrl ' .. I' I lilli, 1'1'0 I't· r !.I' lifl.\' dFFIGE IN .J( IN E~ B U ILLl£Nn )1('1' ,·o'nt. lind tI" , 1'()nl rll~ t be tll' op n it, 'inti it s n ('i ;..; hb o rin ~ pi pctI of !!; \'o llll d wh i(' h is k rpt i ll fa i r ly :;01)11 "" J'dt ' r i~ Hltl Uzin g', Jn~t. II JiI,Il .. w o r k, II litt le I"d n l , II' r: U:-;F. S UA\" . AI' cl U :-:''l' ;' 1.,) • . , 100'" 'l fp w 1 \l l i l ~ ,lri "'\lI III th o p l''' p ' r Q _-- . ~- " -- li l l\ '· . T h eRe li ttl o tllin !(~ I' cul! , EDITORIAL COMMENl (l pt l' rm intJ i n 11 g r (>1I 1 tl1 e l\ ~ nr l' th ... "nltl !! o f f1 p il'N' o f p r o p e r t y . A ll li t Orl1 y o n ("" , t n IH I f'~ whot n lnr g th p~" thin g~ t o " ulh l' r go 11l \\'ll rt), prllpurl illn rtf Ih p lIlHrr i ll ~e!< In \\' ,,1 mUkiu g hrllulifnl h O Il 1('s . Bpn nlif nl r f' n t' 11 unty tnk ~ p l lH'e li t I\ ill ~' h or11 0S lind 11' 0 11 kp pt lm s in ps,; h o n sel~Iil l - : If i" II Ilull \\"'1' ); wh l' n II, fnnrk tll f' J!r ng r(\~~ l\· e t ,)w n . r t:(" l l·, l .. III :- h llW ti t

t ilt , l' rl) ~ ,:t t t '

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Co untry and may I.ocntc , Permanently

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... hoot in g Ht ~pr l n l ! h n rll. (' UUS N ! 11,\ u glll i whit'h tllP 1\W nl'r Ih ll ll ~ h ' " w 1I s n'r I'atlp(l, " Thllt po r~ ml W II , . r i" ht \\' h o ~lI i , 11l AUII i~ 11 tllll1 gp r o ll, th i ll ~ w i tll o nl In(,); . ~ I ol' k or hllrrl'l .

111111 Ihl' ': 11" Ih llt bn ' t. Illllllt'II i" Iht, ,'.lnSI' o f Illun y Irll g Pl l le~ .



TIH: I'rl' ''( nl .. l1l1lll1 tl r h l1~ 1••'e l' r flmliTkllhle fo r th l! 1IIII IIunt o f m i ll 'llt,'lS tln ll fl ll) Hhs e n (' I~ u f Ilth t"'I' n r llJ 1'1111 . Co rn n ntl l'l! pPc il1ll~- t ob:H'I" 'y lI ttl'llC l i1l Il S of 'q nlll lll' 'l lit 10) l it ill Ih e l o wl~ntl~ hu \'(t s utl:<) r('tlll ~ " lI HliI·i<lnlll . ~ h o u l <l il'llll1lutl y Ih ull ' r u~n l t. '1" )0 II1 llc h ruin or t oo Iitt 'e l f1 l l ~ of t'Ul'III P rS I ~) atft ' lHl Hn tl ~hll \ rlllll 1II 0 UIIH d lllluTR to th o fUrUlf'r h e ir u)l pr e('iali o ll Ill' lit .. ~1'('t1 t Ex IIn<l whil o Ih e r o i;o n~ulIlI.v 1'. 00 much lu s ili tl ll . vI' n up- I\~ th e o lh er. tuk plI .VPlfr in " \\' ,,, I '1t'~duy :11111 'I'llllr s,l:t.l'. 1';" 1 Illll1.l'I'IIr 0 01 , ,, prAtty fuil nv " r" ~n ' tnbC' I' I', and : , \\' il l Ill' ' P al '~ Il Il ' I " II1ltinlain el l, ' . ) . t .r~ ,· II l1d hUt){ lr ft,l.-.I of lIl lI ' 11 11~ 1I " ' I '~ \1111 I,,· p r f\~ " lI t I .. p n j' '.' · ( t. DOWN in C IE'rlll fl nl ('''nlily II •. til'\\" fl'il'lHl Den\(K'Ir1lt~'ftnrt Ih A RI!)1uhli oll ll illlnl hi ps. !o&l·t"': Ilt t· 1.!I' I ' nt F uj i ' . Hll1l 1i :-l 1 ~1 I,he numerou s fa o ti o ns of th e til" "G I' nt H!'p.~p , ('(' ; lc ~ fl'lll Jl P '!t! llin ~ n ­ )Jl1 rties in tllnt oo unty lire u o " u 9 il1 ~ l\ ~ mlJ er~ ,.f (l UI' 0 1'11<,1'. U" t1. II !" Qllcb o thor of all tho crim e >! ill til , 1. ·ld ,I , ~I:! ;ot" t')) r I Ii.' ~ la s":", hU Sll tl .. c:lt~logU8, ami iDchl e nta lly' hU S llill ~ '!utll Gl'IIl1 g<', wi ll t.~ pl'e5c u t nl t o get. into omce Ov~r in C linton h.) t,h drtys of I h e R Olini tm . )O connty tile newspape r s ure Iineu 111 Witb man y ndd e d im pl'o\'o lll o nt. in Ihe biggest fi ght th oy hl1\'e hll d 111 I,( ronnJ~ 111111 IllI il. Jin ~s. Ih e ituli . thore in for th e seloo ti on n l cll ti n n ~ 111''' thlll tI \II I'n lll ill :! F ,lil a o8ndiuIlttl for Congress. In G r eo n p will enli p ~a 1111 fO l'm e r :-; lfllA ~;xpos i . county ono newllpaper coutinues t o ti o ll!! . gx cll l'sioll ru tos WIll pro yui l o ry out agains t the gang and gmft 0 11 ull rou(l ~ . uOII Ih o m e mbe rs ul In Wllrren connty u c ry iM going uJ tho Ol'lior 6h o u lei IIln 1;0 Ilrrun ge f o r IlIlrmony, Ilnd oAch fell o w Agree, m e ut s 10 uttontl Ih e I \l O ~ r o nu io n. that if the other t-.ido give!! in WI WIll h >l "o it,: Ov e r the S tr.te ho ll S il' le houLiIl f' h e r es u lts fl' lIm Il di ~ . II ,rtlos tiro l'lniming t.o l ie Ihe o n l.' l)T,l Ht·l·d ('o ll1li l i o n o f th A ;;l ll IIHWI, t,rn tl friends o f tClll1leranco , un lf lin" is qn \c l:I;I" o UI'oll 0 ." Chlltn lh' r fletO ll pre tl{cI s itself 1\ winne!' I\'JI ~ I ' Illi n '" HI I1III1I(:h li nt! Li ve r Tllh le l H "the fro st ill on t h e pumpkin UTl ll Fo r BR io L.Y LOlli s MIl Y. ~u c h i,

the fOllller in the shock. " politics.



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The Opening of School.


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Ih ,; ,11'a \\'i n g It" ,) \IllY ~q :!~ ).11'1' nl' Il'; it I' Ll~ I " ~ ,) r ogi~ t e l'lIl1tJ :f.11; :,Ol'lItr,l' f ' l'~ IIU' ,,,I k~" th u ll *~ 0 <1 L11 hl'S fll l' iu ri ll , 't\ nle' xpPtl " 1." . lI· hil ·h will brin g 11 11 ' o~t o f I ltt1 IlIn (l 11)1 t o uho nt t: 1 r,( ,11'1' 1\ '1'0. (ln' 'I1n " Ih 'o ~" 'r\ r s i ll wlt if' h III )lOY f l)J' i t. 1111 <1 h.\' 11t,,1 tilll u th o land wi ll Ill! \\' l\ l'lh Hlld ~ I'll "CI'Y I'c:lIlil y at $ I O. lIiJ )1£'1' "eru.

Tuli:e 1111 t1>ln.l e li u lls on t o f .\' uu r IlIwn-th oy Rpoit it:! LI~IlUty. Th ~ " l AnggeEltion~ upply tn f h p. ' , small town II~ w B11I1 S 1,0 I h I! hr"c I


F or iofor m Mion address

CBU. 11'. 1[1.1.. O.r.l .. I1I1" BacoKh., l'lld..IU \1' . 1 ~llKl:n.~ . II.. I (10 I II W. C. IUJUISOJ , U. I'. 1. , I

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A clise in p J lut, I'uwe under the obJervatioD of tbe Gt1 <:efte edi· I

1\II I \1 I I~!


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~--~--------------------Noti ce of Appointment.



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'! I'l'a t

Illt ,d i C'i n nl


lt1n i~ ' ,




Guaranteed for all Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Is Safe and. Sure.

Foley's Kidney Cure cures the mo st obstinate cases of kidn ey and bladder discasl:s.

It slippli,es th e kidneys 'w ith the ubstances th ey n eed to build up the worn ou t tissue ... ·1t will cure Bright's Disea~e and Diabetes if taken 111 time, and a ·Iight Ji so rder yields rcadil Y to the wunderflll curative power of this great medi cine.

'FOLEY'S C.ures Acute

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K I0

and J t soothes and heals the 1I rin- BJadder

( - ur- Ii", !4 11 111 ' ~

n S I)llrP I' !'t n i h' ))

ary organs and I1lvlgorates the ·whole system. ] f your k.idneys { 1It)n~llnds fl f Idht'r:-i ar c doin g Jr ' 1 are deranged, commence taking !'i ig lit ~Pl'ill g: it tll a l; ('s \\'1..:0('1' nll ll oo tll'!' Ci li z u l\ ~ " I' " " a l l , Foley's Kidney Cure at once; It \ViII make you well. Tlti ~ w p,·k 1 ('x lII'(' 1 111 I' bit I h " U ; II lI d ",'a .

\\' v rk " , t h l' ),ri c k III II I ('O ltll'n t


Bn ~l t,

(I f' t lln f EIl"t' t l'i., 11 .• ' ·01 (Iii .. :111 1111)' (}f ,\ l h:U :H .\ JI. l l· " :. , H l tll ' I ':: , 1'1 11' ~ if' k :-. t {l ltl ll~·h, l i" ,' 1' flrl d " ,,'1 ..1"11 Hul'l' .\' j\;,~ , I \r\f~~~: 1-: I I i" \'pr y \\' 11 1'111 111 ' 1'" , \1 I III fltl' k l d l ll·\ ·' ~ J\.l lt l',V ,\ \ \'lIlt c \ I ·~ . \ ,f :dl ; hll , l" l ll\d \' t' f V dl' t', 'I' 1,, · ,'IIVW It II ' I' :-='1 . , ' 1:111' :\,'P , ('lIhll lll " I ": , () , \' u r k:-: 1:0' t-' h ." 'll1 i ll \(}l I~ Il f ga 'l!un", ul \\· I l t. · ...:. : " f, "' :-. H\· " l'I d I ll ft l\l1l":, I WII~ ' Ilh ov Appaa t to ~U l' ~";YtnlJa l h t~::!. . II It · 1' , E\'t 'ryll\ Hl y is W lll' l lI·d l1ndvt g l \" lll up t o d iu . r 111111 1'1'\' , , 1' tllld '1' 1., ' ht ! IH J": :tl:d (h~l , (' pli t'/l r" ('(J Il . '(,1!.,tll." . u ot ~ t ll n",,, uny w ut p r fil l ' iI~l1t ', Illy 111'1'\'1', \\,l' t'f' l~ l'll : l l ~ t. ltl t ~lIll't- I'\' I ~ all d IIPP('HI If ' (tu r 1 11' 1 1l1d~ lIg- ti l I ' \\'II~ , pte , !t n tl Itl~ , (·,Hl h l Il i it _ s lc·pl' , /tUI I Ill y ~t ll n ltl['1t I "~' ltl ll:lt hl"':o' T 1H, rt 1 t~ nn t 1111 (\ (I f pn nli l 1n~ WIH!" l ns Wf' re tnl "t n ull \\'I\~ ~t) \\'1'111;. fl'o n 1 n~c l' ~:\ d llr t " r s' t L I ' I I), ) 111\\'('\' ('11', \\ h l l l11 n\' lJut lin ,,,.1 F l' id ll .\' T IIu III'P""II I'I! , is b1\ t H Ilr1\ ~', tha t I r·rt lll t! n ol r.1II.. H'I f1 1l h I' ' "2 lt L I"' l" l oJ h l':\I: h ,,;Id !t ll l' .. i . l" lll: <1 ... \\; l ~HT\ l_tl..lI,ou lll bt)~I" p n ll l1tl:-: , , lIl'f t' t' 1Jt'~inflillg h I tnkt.l. 1~lllf' l n ('I J w ~:- 115' Ihl' tI~n u f (hIl1-l tlh 'I1I1 II1 ' ~ n " pn 111l ~ 1\'111 tlll d ,)'vl1,Ll I Wt!l l. B i tli' t'''. [ , \hl llilw,1 ,·"Ii,·r, Il I\lI in II l" 1'\"" I( ' h a ll ll 1.1\' 0 1' 'I'lI hh' (t-; '1'1 I.. " As OVO" . you r i' , , 1."1'1, t,illl\' I "'MI OtHiI'AI,)' cn r 'l l, " t il 1, 1,' 1" i nl'i :!') t'lIttl t hr· , 111 ' """" 11 1111 l ilt> C t. .ltn;. llll llJ'lIll lk o ll lit, M II Y' !:! urn!; ~ t I'l'; l il' , ' r fllld s l,!, ,' Il !! If II' I\ ·I ilt. ti ll! ,', I' ''Il . lfi~ \Y. I" t· ~ol1th. 81111 Laic., City . pl'i ro ,,00. Fill' SIIIt. hY . I.u lli ,. 1\111)' .

' h e ('Ity, s o h o l' nnd l lldtl s tl'i Oll!>l, I,!l ('!l ,·ll l l' if f II Ullli t ·l tl.v I':Ir,.. Dt' :I /.! t' .

ilH~ lilu n Hlltl UH111 P ,\' I fllt

SII \(llii ll g


_ , 1, i lll \t' I" s S \\' lI fl lp · lll lll t ,II ,,,1 II ,,' lit! . I dl"" '. ll i ll ~ lt :"lIl ll ll . >; , Y " ,·I' ,·I·.V , h ll t l l, ..


(1) 11' 1"111 11 " t ' II' l (~ lH't t t'l' IL d V Ul1la gi ~ (h u n t" t. 1':1,:ul n ~ tl if ',)" <lilt


In Wrill1ll! Or. Kilmer

1 & L: , Blngna m \on. N. Y., be su re ~ nd me n;,.; 1\ lhl~ p.per .

L l': "lillg l )r lll i~ t

1" '\1, w ilhin fif l" 1','11 1 o f 111111 h illl 'I'ull'·, lI l' h·,,1 1111 1 ' P l1 u l lc tl) A l' o l1~ d . QIlU Iii tI h, t n w h k II 11 0 dOll li t \\' H ~ (hiP 1' 1It· I'lib I :1' is n l'''l1~~d t o 11 t hf~ tll'f'idpn t . li n \\' il~ l't" ~Ill"\lt l t t I '~ n i H' of t h t! hl '~ I, ('ll izPI H of l ht ' !l,d !.! l' ( If th o (' \u'uti\'n 1I 11 ' I' it!"4

wit, ·" J

t h _'>" .. llld~ of

IhJ ll 1tI tit ", ,,,,,1111' Ho.l t ,

'I. II1c1 udl\1!( m:m)' oi the t~gll lnonln. 1 If'tt " rs r -celveJ

(I :Ht, 'u fl' ere r o:; ctl r e d.

)la i n

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ir e~, ,\I:;u ~\ J.mph lc l tell-

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men are m a de rn ls .


You ma ',l l:ave a h :\1. by m al l

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IIn l' 1, \ Ii,, · h lln d ... ·,1 h ll.- I." I" \' 11 ' 111 )1'1' HI ' I' f', iu fat't " llt ' nlps cdh l' I",11lI1 1 ht.l f l' Hii Hl' p niJo\,{-1 tI lt! 1l\' t' I'lIgn I

twn 11111' .


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1,,- mtlJ a"d Ihe ' '''!nedl:lle clicel of S W:l1l1p. l{oot 1& "oo n re, I,,·.d , It IS so ld ~\' vu gglslS. I,,' f lfty-.:c:nl an d n e do lla r


' IHHI p; 1I

Ii~ 11 (1('1, ; 111' W II~ tlt ',lIl 111

' tllf~1 1 H'"


f"r'.Llt le Wit h k lJney arlJ l 'o t h n"t tl th e


",hl'r" tlt "y 1lI"I: e IInntln·II;. 1 : 111 .,", I\' 111, 11 th e'S clllil1l / 1" Il " ~ ( , ,,,l II IIl . t. IIl' t ll'l' th"l1 till' / P' l r tlHt H] ( ' I 'l ill' 1It , II tHl th ny hn v e ! I~ J h " l ~: l (· I' lI lt · t. 1 ·t.l ~ '1i: i ll ~i ~ lIt, ttl !<O np ! ,, pl .l' 111l' \1',' 1'111 lor ,·r llturi es. I hlI H " -, .,." I'Il ' l11g h l\~ ph i\ 1t i n il~ er nu e ! . . t nl,' t n P :l\' f' p \·,:: r ,v !-- !l'('('t in e Ye l'Y : " ll y , t ll\\' l1 lin d IllItll ld in 111l' ::) 1111 .. : ,) I lhl u: i t i" lIsilll ,',' 1' ,· l' xl e ,, ~ i\'ely ' I .. ' 1"1 " ,, 1 ul'(' r l lll' ~r:tllil u pllv rd s t t"t , t ~; ir lU : lkps fin !! 1I ' lorin g' f n r ' h ur~o. " Ill! I: a tll f' I .. " ' :111 ,1 ,m ; i l· is in" t " pri Tl I! ~ p t1 I Hlg h 10 I1I Hk e il ni c'e ; ·' ntl ,'u s y . f ul' Ib ~ lJf'llSt. II, i~ I I) be ' fun uy. lJu t (Ju l y I,y tilt: UC I·., hut by I



TWO SIZES 600 &. $1.00

N E •y



Used by the Most Skillful ists for all Kidney and Bladder


A PhYSician healed, now prescribes it dally, VIt. G EO. EWI)W, 8 "radl,'lnl'( I'ItY's ki an o r ~ tnllh 's Gro w'. li }"1 fUJ' u\· pr Uti l·ty y p a r~. wri tc ',; ld !-t p r rriulla l 4;l X IIl' ri f" lIoo with j ·iJ!t'y ' s A"idll f' )' ( "'U I"{' ; "l"ur " ,lill'::I 1 JliLVC h('t~ n g'rf·H.tI ." h~tll "'n'Ll wllh k idlll'v nll d i )l:tdd ,' r

t r oubIt' lIud ('Ill:tr g t'd Jlr(l~t f\t c g land, J tI ~('d l'\'I' rytld ll g' knuwn to tft p p l'lIr,' ~~ill n with o ut rp ll cl f. un Li I ['C' fHlllll f>n , ' j'd

t o l1 S~ Fo/I'.1'·s A:id,,,'y C,,'·,·. AfL"I' LIm'" h"lIle d f w as t"!nti r·t'l y rtl Ji c vcd anLl ('ured, 1 Jlrl'~('r ilr(o it flOW da ily iUIII )' prac ti ce ulU11H'al'lily 1' C'('o mnlPlid ir ~ lI :-1 t ' ·10 IIIl pl,ysidans fnr HlI Cil trollill ~s , ror I " au hnn ~ ' II \' ~ t a to 1 bu\'(~ l'rcBc rlhed It lu lllwdre d8 or calilli with ·lJt.rfeCL





Louts MAY, Drugg ist.




n r}'::

ur ine sc alds Ib- lI esh or II , v.I'o " Ihe cbl ld r ,L.' he:; ~n ~\~ :; when it sh l" uld be a Ie 10 C ~ r. · 1 J l the ra i'S, It Is yct affiLc:ed wi th

h" l h . 11 1 I ltl ' ~1' flllli

'11\1' . " I'

d"a ppea r '"h,' "

{/."!~ : ~ K H.I!l " trouble has ~t. 111 ~\,.. ""'~l( bf! comc!.. V1t ' .',llc nt t hJ. t l(l i ll 'J tunl u Oim u n


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Il'.ldtl~:tt'\'Thl'(h' I )'.

1 1... ,' \1, 11 1111 tIll ' I ' l flill" I'


l lt1l

AM ~ Rlli ~ ,





Ill r illll ilJo l '

I work"

R«luccu ",ll',on the fi ..l and third Tucsduysuf "o<l'IIIonth.

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I , un' Vd llJ)l'l':

L. , · I '


I""""II~. .unLIt"",: ~t\llli .vll~u r

\\' ,)rld ; " ir- I.

1 111'

Io f h" I' I't'I~ a

Southern Ryo

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KIJne y t rou uit.! p reys IIp.,llllhc mlno.

." \\(·11 " " 1111111 i lll lll! ""It Lllke Va l . ~y . I \\ill kilO\\, h l' l \\,,,t 'lI th n I~II mol th ..,:W th n t' Au !! u ;; t if I a lII 1111111 ' ~ e. rc ,l I1 JI1' )ng fh f~ Jn t' ''r () 11t ' ~ i n l 11F


From Cincinnati to all Important Cities South. Southwest and Southeast.

nl1llt"'wl1ltll1 t \\,II H ll c':-o ( d W,'t' I\, \\' IlIf' I


("''',' ' }"Y (ll ,,·t)\·PI· ,'lllIl·II I'I" "


))lIy l ,\I1 "111 1 cour"l:~jau J ~ PI' 1111\,· ('11 I'll. I •

Til p l' o 111'0 Ill' \w t,t ,' 1' 1l 1' I' i"lllln!'1Il l "11111... ill t il eSln to lllll1 a ~ "'lO n " " th l' 'II V· t, e "t llb lish r, ,~ it' ri g uli o ll p la nl , \'I lil'l, will h ·' i n thc' llex t thr.' ,· " ' : II'~ thl R IlDd Will fT1'l1T11' fj](r-rn

I ... e w el' fll(' t () ri,' ~, ti l.. ;, . till'


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, u l:l :-l (J Ilin' Iln t

\1 C'Hs nrn li nd hll p p i n f~9 r hltll - h p1l1 10 1~lto IL h:llil in Hul! J.'lk .. I' IH'.V w i li ~n y Ih ll t \I:II~ tll n AT'·" I, ,!; i I'p"t II f Ih .. ir t '·I1 ' · ... ~ Mut'i fl llllllil ; 11H ll ln ::; eal' ~ 1'(,III" iIl Pt! ill th e w" tt'l' Iho nt, (I n n h Oll l' 1111<1 Il hllH , I.v i ll /! upn n Ih e il' 1IlI lll, n bhi ll !-: 111>" 111 l ikE' tl on rk . l\I :tl io ll i nlll g ill ell I". '''0;0 " o nt, in~ n nlil o 11 milillf O I' h o 111 ~ 1· 1 It (' nr,1 o f I h l'lIl WIIS n I 'U llt,1I Mo rill, C nll fo Tlliu , wilh \ ' hlll :ul'lilllll i\lorri sOIl , hll l'i llg 11 gr,o ll ' 1\110 , lIud \\'itllt. lit l!'y \\'o nl ,1 111 1\' ,' f !) l',' lllt c OJ) Hrri vin g h OI!l o wo uld I nukf ~ : 1 !.! Tf'fl t bi g h onk , ' Ti ~ tl ' l\t' ,

i'e:...; tun o rllnl .. ~ent. fr o, PI'j ~ u 7 fti' Jll1 r hottl e . RoM h y 111 1 t1rn ~n;j,; t ~. Tllke HIIII' ~ Flil\\ily Pili ..

~lI lll jl tllil1 g- nt ' \ '

Wit Il t):-l ;

" 'I' ry ,11~' i n II\~' In" "' I, ; ' I i" t\ 'II'I ·n j .Y 1Ill\' l l"go Ih :l t hu t ft '\\' t ltu ri:-, I ' ' lI jl\Y u u ,l th at i!-l I ~,w t pn~~f'!-' (1 \ '1'1 .11 til P w i ll'n,,,l ,, 111 )l nin t" I "'unt I, n~it , wl dt' h :-ta \' I '~ IlU' n in n y d , dlill' s l' li(' pu ~t Wt!t' k J \\'I' lit IruIn 1ll'1't: I I 10("" 11 . Ct)1'iIlI1". l ',,~ " ( ·il ., ' IILt I :" I I,'.\'. th l)Il('I ' to t ~ I\' 1. II'· ~ n " nl I·n· \' III (' h is I h" lli n l'it', ' n II li lt· t 1' 1l,So' I\' "Z' 111\' ~ / \11 Lulul , tl ll 'u IHt(' I, h " tlh' Y J' sh' I'd ' ,Y I ". ('lIt dn w ll tu 1' 1' \)\" . 11\ lill " of Ih o 0 . & I{ . (t 1 \) • t , . ' t'~i~h'r fill' rh l' d ra wi n g- u r I tHllH'l'P .t land in I h .. l ' II, l u h 11Iri LII1 H"""I "u t itl n \\,1 1:(, 11 l i d , t'!' pl. l('l' r\ n ~ u ~ 1. 1; "11 ' 1' " w i : 1 l lt~ H IHJld !if. 'y Ih .II1 S ilJl I " ' l' rUl liool l 'l' td~ t p.· l' ill t li n t W I ,h' I ' 11 11 .\ ':0-

IJI'l' H dll~' s \\'ilh 11I f!.

~ti,,"li o ll .

hOIl!!; If your ~Ior (l fr n nl . r l'~ i,l p ll l'l1 or feu r e 1'1 ,rnll o r Ii i 1I g..\> , nnl .. r it puinte d. I If your uwuin/,: i~ IIItI . l o rn o r l I d oftlced, get R new o n e. It your !lidewfllk, fcn eo ur ~1I t1' lIel!d!! rep3i rin l!, II" it.. I Driltroy Ihe yOllD~ w p f' rl ~ tl1111 liTO I Atorttng n il your jlT<JI". rt ,Y. Ru~ol ve never t () I.ll ro \\' P:I pe r in I tbe blr£'ot s.



h ill ll i.

Ill' , fllld


1 he Mllyor of D OD I'or recI'n Il y i ss ue 1 a "olel4D . UI) lIay" pr o<' Ill lIlIl tion I4nd Ilsked th o (l80pl .. uf Ill e city to h eod Ih o fu llu\\'i ll ~ s ll ggo~

(I f ,h I' IIt 'Hur l fu l "'{' I l l ll, d i " ,\' hi, ' 1J Ul't' f (.) h f: r ltnl1tlllp~ ) n l '\' t' r '

() 1''' II It' I' ~1"1'I. 1 11



Ill' W

:I fi l l



.1 \,) nl th'l' t 1t " I1 S: If,il r, ·., t


Good Advice,

E VI ' II ul r hl ' I I· I I ~ I·lhl · .\· \\lI tl l.

'1I'lIlthlp" t ,,1:1 ('0 in I I:



\\' (','k

n\a t.ll~

'I I ! :Inti li n1\' 1l"l i;: hl I'll I , I" f fn i t " r n )l whi r h :1 f ,·\',' \': ~ , · I, ,, f, ,\'l t ~) Iltl \", , 1" ,' ln 1I I 't' t"!t lit rlf.!t"> p l'l lIlli ~ t 'd t ~) lIn til l' n lll'~ ! Hlld '

' IP ~o.1, · I~\ II Il 1\n l) \\- I I :

T el oph o n o ill hi R h Oll se wh e r e h p ('1\ 11 h o Ct\,l I oll lit nil hlllll· . .. dllY III hays I\nd girl~, tho ~1' in Ih e Hi g h ni ~ht.. . Nchool for in~tao('o, w o l(' :.1100 Ulp l'oouh e fl Imel t: llIlil'!! ~Ilp(lli etl . npening of ~(1 hool. Auj lJying bot." H n ve r ecen tly lIlu veLl t o 1'00111 the bOllrll of st.nlly Aud JlIM~nre . n ext tn Cl'n~ ~ Br[)~. The t enohAr Is g 1111} t1mt Jl1Y heg in !', UA IN !lT R r;:~:1 . and if he hAM fI, ~ennin" loye for h i~ work, i~also haJlPY in it" Tho lir e'! mother III glntl to he r e li e ved for i1 HVW'R Tbls? short time ello h UI1Y of Iho worry \\,,, o ll'e r ()nc I-luuurell DollAI'S R e anu Jlrllttle or the littl e o ncs . T o \\'nr,1 t.o IlI' y ('IISu IIf Ulltul'rh !Jilt I e vor.Y ,~it.ize ll o f th e cO llntry tht' CU Ilt1 t1 t [,,, ,>nl' p,1 It y HIIII 's (; II IIll'rh (; '.11'(\ . I,' . .1. (; Jw!Hi ·,' & e ll , 'l'n IA.l n \\' U , I h u 1I1,til1 .. " ig·llIltl. ha I' ll kll ' \ 11'11 o pilning of " c lrool s i~ni li es UI II t I h I' ~rAllt w or k of elhJ('nl in g th e ln e n F. ,I . l ' h'· IIt:,v · f" .. th o IIl~t I :' .YI'II I'" . 11m! w o m An of tir o fnlnrc ; IIr JlI·... .Intl IJ ,It ,),·" hirn I n Ill , I'p rf ('N I .~· 11< .n pllring ollr h OYR unl! g irl !! I IlI\~S nIll A "I'll ], !>, i ll 1111 l 'llSi lll 'SH Ir ' In~II " li ()lI ~ the re~Jlo nsibililiAS li S futnr a ci tizens "n,1 fi lllln ci llll .l' III>I A 10 ntLl·.I·~T n lll IIII .\' oh hg ' ltI O t1 ~ Illllfl (\ h " '11 ;< flrlll . of Ihe gr(,fltos~ I1l1tillll o n IJtl rth . hn ~ Wal ,lin!.!. Kitlll ,;l\ & JlI ,lrI' ill . b eg un . Th e IIlflU At1 Cfl o f ~c b nn l i~ Wh " IA""10 l) ruggi str<. ']'0 10(\ 1) , Ilid o !!f'l'onct olily 10 tlr A illflnt'nl'P flf o n p~ ' 1I"II 's ( 'al'l rrh (' l1r" i ~ I.llk'·1I int"r olVn bome . II 111 .1'. ,wlin :.: ,lit·N·t l.,· n l~ 1)1 t,h n 1>1 , 01) 11 l\l1l1'rtU g ~ lIrf" c(:~ .. I t.llfl sy" Tm l1 • ---+- . -

Women 85 Well as Men Are Made Misera ble by Kidn ey Trouble, .

lr uwl ll ,'.!'. TII ~ I~'" ) IP I's n u..;, r e ~i ~lin }! 'u tllt' I ps"l'\'uli n l1 " I.,illl it i ~ Ih


i'l'hC1nl o [lpn ~ n ox t Mn t1rlll .\'. Whllt ... ,'a li f' rl ",cllnln ~ l Ids pO~ ~ P S;lP~ I'm 11 ~ 1111. The ~ ml\lI Ituy iM ~III'T .V- Ih ~ ~m u ll hoy wh o lik o!' Tn go t.o ~"hnol cloes uotex ist.. The~nHdl girl grlle r. · tllu euu of hor Val'f1ti o n with rnixcrl emotions-s h e IIkt" vll o llti on , IIntl !!ho I!kll!l Ihe Fo lloo \. Thll nid OI

IU'U lH'lllg


~ ..


.\'1' 11 l"

11:1 lIy

. 1 1 \· I~r TIl'l'

in n 0 11 t lw t' t llt(, F,lil: g-l'dtllll 1~ ~t' J 10 1ll i>e r . (j tlU U 7'. /'illltl' ~1 : "'t,,· 1' F A De rlhi c k " "~ i~~I1P , lu r: in ·ub .. It'I II' t o th o 10c III Ur,l t1 <:pr~. ~"Y i 11 ~ ill 1'11'1 " Th l1 Fu i r '("HI1 Il~ III III " '1 " .<," hnrl' es t , He pt AlI1iJl! 1' ·Itlt 1,1 ,~ : h. III " In ~i\'(' , <lnd w i ll 1I1l"11'II 1111 ( h, ' " PP"I tnuit;.· o f 11t"'O ll r~ 1 J'rf' r f' ll i IJ n Th I Iupln rt ~\ 'n l llln tl I1Ht i( lII ~ of g- rt lll Il11 .. Ht1 I~ 11 11<1 h o l p l-. IIIll lo \\' 1'.lI lrllll


C'l uitlJ , h n t· h o 1\ ..; 1\:-: uu ll will i till"; ! r utn ... I ... i nc- l uti f' d II I ,\' 11 11 1' 111 " 1' 1' Ihe dlf fl cull" 13 kidney lrvllble. and Ihe ftrot :i:et"l ~ h o'Jl tJ lJe low ;lr d3 the ("1ll o r '0;8 n lHI 1I ') lll' ll li, will li nu ~" \I 1 ,.I ge tllon hle Ih" t u til o nTlt, ')!' '' q\lurl"I' , III .\' . 11" ... " II l1d dl '" ' l i pll\',, ho, ";· Ih·".lC lmp.."'I rt3. :""t or gans, ThIS unplea'):tn l ' lI j ll,\' in g th p~a nl P b l ~ s ~i nJ..:' . I o f t e l o f n luiJIi,)ll , 11 £ gt\ \ ' t' Illn H ]llf"'I, I II "" 0 11 It 'l ! l. .I!'I f , . " cubl. Is J "e 10 ·a dloeaoed condition of t he I"dneys a nd bladder a nd not 10 a habit as I I ' , ( ' ;\!"1\lH\I~ iI J'I .I\! · I III ~ '. ,' ..... . ,\ "., " ink o j' Ill." Il l'a l' n it! ft' i"I" I~ " ' o f th e or o " 'hi e l\ i!'l \' l ' I' ,"· f' h 'll . m u:lI people :h lppose.

...:.r l it' ,

Clt' lIn ~o \\'illl wl ,1 Ih"l t· II n l1l1 'lI I','nll

yCll t o htl 111 . 1'0 \"'1" ' ,1 1\' 111 1'(,I,,' h


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Ha vi n g ju~t r'() lurncdfl' ll lti S I. ~hirk ' :l Cllt,h o. ll' u!. i!:pi"co pn l c hnl' ch, .tl\(1 f r o lJl 11i1l1ll'l', [th u n g hl. J l'UliHi 1I0 t ho tt e r o n l'pl o.1' tit l ill \tl I,h llll h y 1"' l1 la illil\ g in lilly r o n m th j,~ ~n11l 11l .\' tfl PI'n l)'Jll lI u ll wri llt yuu Il h, lt, r ", I.t ito h J hll " 0 heen lI (' g l oC lill ~ fr o m (i m l' I,. tim e.


lIIuny Ulilut! sq ullr , t nti >111 1 ' •.\ lil llt! fOl'III,h lHI" lit. m ill' SIIV' I'r ul l u cCH ,,11 ~h o 101\)\\"11 "dll l'nl is " f ,' J"l l 110 ('111 1 lIf I n,nb ll; . . AI'."UI1 tI 10 1" J,I ,. \\'l l'l lJlIll( .. ~ It II n l1" tll "\'01' '11"111 . 10 w u r ,en'lI '1II111 II, ,, . ' n 'l l "i t'lui l\ ', ( ',,11(', ( 'I1" I1 'ru II IHI ]); lIr a O 'lb tl't1 I~' ~ h (1 I~ !hll l' If' III)_1 I II ti ll' ,'Ill" '" H" II\ ,,;I\' Ill' 11' 1\111 1m "",., l lil ,l Dliu f'J'n l Iti n gd fl fu or H II ,~ Sid ' ,., it . h , h~ II f Hi ' 1 I'\) f :o 'd ,' Ily L0\1 1~ :\ 111 \"

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2 l.< per cen t. A p u ti ti o ll I ln Mo ecu p l' l'~1' 1l t e ,l t( W II , _~ l.L I::N I · I ! I ·· ' J ' ''' ~ · \' I. , ' A WI' \\' ItI G H'l' C' A9 1tU, fl. C lr n r:Il'; A 14nl o ll C mupllny YS ,J, l'ulI ,, >" ,!,,'I ' 'il h ' ' II ' ' Cu .. I'e n t.s ,; Ln I ,1 I ' \ . j I· .. i .. fllr:--·, o[ \ \11 1'1'1'1 rh o 1'l' u \)(1 I1' l'n nrt H . Wi n n e r , IIn r m o n e y Dill \" . 1 I 90 " ,li y ili c'lld O[ :'n:'" h us h e e ll de u n ll ru ll .. ..... .. . '~ O t1 l1 ty II ~ I i n g 1.1,0'1 lh p r lll!'J Alll o llllll'lai m !'11 Ii, :! ·\0 w i t h 111 1(,'1' .. Ilt l·,·" in 1',1\'0 1' o [ t h rlr f' lit o n! o f \v . lJ lI gk, 11Y ,\, :';," " , Uil l'l lt l Ij ll pl,is l 1',·,·,It's l iu nl'ilill C"u l'c ll 0 1 tl ,,· o , t.. IJII Ul i \tU Il & B I'OWII , IItt o r n l' Y ~ :U Rt\ " & C rIU \ £), kUO \\· Jl IL "; u l i'Hli ;';Cl II C Fui lli n r' ... .. .. .. :. 0 OC N a y n tJsy i ll e h e ~ o l l i. f .r \l lll illli ll ' h (' W :I.v ll osd ll tl O l' ,\' (; ""t1 s C lI . IU\\' lIn l A lI ll r l's' )J1 , ~ o II "ys Th e ('hl l l' (' 11 i:-i 1(1 (·Ht,t'l,l n il :\1ia lll ' \V" I,l r o) lI C . H Il III \'~ ,I. ,I . (~ " " If:h fll iled la ~ 1 w l n t 'l l'. l'i 1' l" v i C lJ 11 (1 ll~ mrd of ;I.r l' e l 1I 1'1t 1' 1111 ' \ ' ,, 11 1')" 'l' Clql l\ ," l1 ' St,·tl d'JlII II lId ,) n lill M , /:H Ctill" " l l1l d A ," ,1111'1' lIi vi ,1 "1I11 " I' I ,,' l' " 1.\' I"" ;u':-; but! (li ll g", E ' lnu lr z ' I i,," . , .. .. .. .. . , ...... li O Ot t b ll P t hl plt-:-o Utl lld l l1 g- n n ll L Ull tl nl ll 'l: lll wi ll pl'o IJll bl y h ,1l'1' It1rtlll l u l" 1 !~ n H ~ ,g n rs .:! tl nll.YH· ~ t-! l' \· ico A ' " CI Jl I,, ' 1' () f tllIl ('h ll l'('h WIll" ~Ilv i n g" ( :" llIplln .' ·. 1.0 1"' " 011 , Uh io . Ull BUa )'d " I' J<:'fl1ali ' . ll iotl (l(1 lIlJ '11 , w l Ji l'h Ill tJlI 'B Il lIl t I ' r·. · 'litr,,· ~ w i l l l~k , · ( l Hs h ) tll ("l r l':U·i(Jl) f or ~o ' l i n . A lll u U1I 1 (' I li 'l! !!oi ~ :, I) (I l\' ilh i ll tl' rt ,.• c"" "i \'() IIh /lIl t 1',\, ,) t l f l h ~ o f Ih oi, \ 1" " )' 1, 1l 1' ''"I , ~11 II" y s ~" I' \'I t;e 11L1 I' hl'll'I'" s t ll t ~ d I I) I h ~ ( l n l(' II, f r n ll! A p ri l 1:1, 1 ~I ,l ; l . 'I'lI o !lllls I 1I 1l Bo " I' d Il l' 1<:, I'lIIli z " I iOIl GO (J ( rll n. t. t h c· i r l I I P II ~ ll1' r ~l \1p hud g r lllln Cll r iHl iu fijI' plai n l l ll' II l1 d Brll ll ll " n A . ~ l i l \\,l' lI , ~ \I Il lI y s ge l'· 111 .1' (1i llli nl ~ h l, .l li n 11 I t h l' l'l' wa · D n r r & lvin s f o r ,1e fo rltl l1 l1l,. Boys Cook \' ice o n !:lo n l'd of E ' I' wl !l O W 0 11 1.\' II IWlI ,lf u l an .1 il h lll i h,' A l h' n Bn ill!), I' , ,J o hn S e o rt pt , I CI> (,( iz ·tI iOIl ., .. .. , . S uppe r for Girls ' Cllll t' i lll pO" i h!ll f IJ I' I lt l' n; In " ,)11 nnl\ T ho V llll ny P re tl fl., (in' , r i n ' " lt n Lin l!.' I' , iJI'I" ': I' J' u pa i l's l'e g u l'l l' ~ e r \"i cHs Il l' k l·t~ )J lip t lI u 11l'1" . B 1p ' 13t Ch urc h , nf W uvI' e s \' i l' e I I - ttl I II 0 1'1 11' 1' I,) pro\' e t o I l le l r g il'! '':lsal')' r (\ p a i r ~, ~-;() ir " "li S <1 N' id tl d t ': in ( ' I" /I IT r e l· " Ill\\, lH:h i p R Ull,l'l\n I;n ll S I(( I1 I I '~ A· II' :--:.irnll llt fl n . :-;ll P 1Jli t:' ~ In r P J.I' t lt io n . .' n e n lls t hlt l, t hp.v r e llll v 11i ,l kn o\\' ,,' 11 l Ir e p" o pe n )' 11 11,1 11i~ hfll1 , 1 fo r pl n. i n t i t1'. 1l I" id ~p. ..j . .. .. .. ... ... .. .. . :",\\, t u e o o k . ·fI p tl !'l y o f e ig h l '1'h p. ~a s e I ·( ) tl h'~ up fo r h OHl'in :.! 1 ' 1l 0 1 1.~T ~: I!Ol"ll1' . IV . '1'. \\' I)!) t! . IIIltl pl' iu l 11 1'1 .1 \\' /I\, Il I's vi ll " ~''' IIII t: 1ll ~ 11 ]Ire pllr e d f)ef.)r !' I h e P I' OI,II IIl ~" tll'l , :-;" I' It'1lI E s I Il I l' of ,1 0 1'1'.1' l:'lII (1 \' l' r 1111 ,1 Kil n Jlluki n g flill t ' (' ( ~ Jltt ' r ~ " . . . tlll i ,":O I' \ 'f! ll a f l lu l' ( ' ( Hl l' ~ n s n p )J p f l,pr l(~ lI " i~ lI l1r . Appli cll ti u n 1I [ E " l hl' l' ~I \, ,, w V ' )I' I. I{,, (' II" I 1'i r " I' '' . ~II P {;11J)o , ·p r f ill" u n " ll o \\' HI1 I ' (' o f <'I lti ll , ,,11t'.'; 1', II' .i uII .. . 1' : \" ' I' .I' l lti ll~ t h ai "'{>11 1 t n IIIl1k" ,' U II """ :r IIll\\' Re h l' ll n lt' I II 1' 11" '1 '1 n g ll i n s t e~ l lI l o SI·I f,', 1' b ern i ll l.{ '\ II~ -.\.' ' II l ' lt fl , u r ~ , 1'i J.{ ), t Id w u y Ip tl H' ~lIlq Jl' r . W ll ~ !'I t'l t" e tt' ~l : ( ~ l) t ) l.':"t~l f UIl t' '2 '\ l ~III'-I , l ) l l ~ =- e l1 g l ' I' t J'U i ll ~ t l \" P l 1~ . II )"I III til l JJ I t Ili n no; 1 J1 ·1 d ~I · .. " I II ' li d - ,·, (' ,; ~. I I,,, I I,,' h .. \ 's I lI n ::: Ir l;. ' h .. P"lIn~I ' I I' lI ll i ll Lill I'S l UII I-" W,, \' ": ~ t nl o,q i ,f ,I . R llge l' u n ll E iliu , ;ul ill l' l t l , wlI~ li l li g l'l l llfl \ rl ~ I!.! I"I' I · l hl1 t t ill ; 11 1l·u1 l"onl"· n u t Ill' Ill'!'\ \' i l !e s t~l l id n ufo! f u l l '1\\' ::; : . B I',) '" II . m illlH's S " I'lI n t! lI il t! till ,d 11 1I d l,bJl l; l' t ~ Ilf' I'Ollll t. f Ol' H(> tll plll nll i lil n.l, 1\ ' . II A Id 1':<111 ,1' ''; I , I '' I ~ IIIl II 'I'll ,' s II PI " '!' \V l\ ;! He l' ve,l It t tl", ," , ; :-) Il IllIIlY Ulll y II I : ~ , I p Ill , 1': " 11I tl' "I' " ' llI i'l lII II . W i l h ,,,,, 10 U( Hllt lllJ l"; fi ll' u ll (llt tl l' . ..... . 1" 111 ,' of H'I.I' lIl l) llIl Mn rll\ lt , n F n r th n W os t. \l :o:! n , III ;. Ii :0 1 I' 11 1" "''' '' '11. F' i ll ll i 11f','u nnl [ o r ~ 1 : II I , . -i P l' IU ' I ' 1' I~' )'l i l l"l l' lIl' , b .. ll l g l ' ,'. ,tll'Il! s l(, Pet. by l it e [ ,) lI '" Wi Il C ,I. ; tillll tJ n j' tl ll l y ·1 : ~' :' II , m . ~-11I .' nl li lel l 1lI llI l'l' l . ...... .. , .. . \"H ll1 ~ gpn t ll' lll A ll : l { a ~'fI\ q l_ tl I~o r 11I1I'l il' 1I1 1I 1' iuf o l'lII ll ll Oil tl lt E ~ tntn of H t fl ph pli (', C' . \\'ill i ll l ll 4 ..: ( ; I" I ' I' } .\ · , hn d g l' I Ul llhl· " Il w " {\ H tl Y;)l l ll h l t ~ 1) n n C r , Ji n .\" ~E E ~ " I<~ l{ A :\D ' n h,i (, t:t II p p ly t,) 1'1 K Uoo t h , MOll, tloe ln~ e tl , JII I'o nt o 'Y tl ll ll lip· t ~ 1" 1'gll lll " U r1rl ~I ' C'II ,.fi ll Ul 1':-0" ) n" ~ p ' d l1· . :-;\,,\\,(' 11 lell is, l tll ~' \\'II Y II ('~ v il l o), n . I )J' II I ~tJ lI "' nl 1i 1,' I!. I t l ll l : l i. · 1111 l ' ud w al l d (l I' 1 " I" nd ~ l n \' l ltl t . HlIl'l' rr R l i l!'.,' . I{II: " I~s tnll ! II f ,'I (> I' I'y t'III1 Ct\'e l' tl tIIl :-;' "1 b l" l d r.; ' · . ~ II 1' .•1'11' " " 11 '.\ HIl I' lI lt ;1.1 W ill illlll · li: x r n r~ ifl ll 1"II I' e~ I n J>h i l" d ,.. ll'lli " \\'Ir UII W n nl i ll:'; 1t ~ ~ i~n I H·. C la i lll o f 1';,.1 111 ,1' M . ( 'on I, C . II l1w l, . ,. l'u,; IS ,, 1111 ,11 11 vi I P ,' n n . y l \' unin Lin es .'1\' 0 1' 10 * 7UU nl1 l1 i ll l e l' e< l. roun ,l I n Ill . ' ll t ~ 1 · i' t l ·r n 1.J ··r 1:11 11 . I ii , nil .! I i t ll . ,· Xi' ll'· .... I, I) T ho f (l l lo 'S i ll~ :vtl ll n~ lllll iC'H (l ll lttl j n s l Il n ll t1 l11t s h u is In Iw iiI': t rII Ii II l.i IIIIL' I', CU ll I I' ll I' t :; .) f.l,· k .·t .. l" I' li ll " ,! ,·l " h l.). , ol l 'CH U l l l ~ k l'l i ll l ill.,:,',1 I hpi l' h o~p i t.l l i l)' : ;\l isse. l lio , ) d d 1··.·1](.1 \\ ... 1' ,lI r iardl ·" .M it 1l .lfLt :l a d :--" , 1) ill [ 1' (1111 Ih u Pl' lIIJCI'll s f ro ll! Sill,. I [ 1 i l (I 11'1. r{ , . hl il"; O JlI:\! n f .\' Parl e t t. ~lfl r .\" Or "~· . '!n Jj! l l t)ru ml L oriS' ". w JlI h t· !oouJll ( I"v lll .iI t;llIIttd p r uper! y . l l t' k " L H : I LI{H I'" (1 11 l h c J'f' lln r l1hlllli:l 1. 1Ill·'" CU ll t I"II(.: t ';' 1; ,· 1 11 11 " It ' lI 1'' :-)I o k ,'" , Mll tli (' ,,""I full pa rl l ': Ji. IJ"n rt"j..· 'l r dil!~ 111. 1 1' 10 . 11111 1' 1.1 1 I II r e w ill W illill lll H . D wy u r , tI 1.. t d n.: 1I' t. t il 111I1i t, t..' ll'. a p l l ) \" t . 1 ltll"ld r"\ Il" n . · p al r illt.! n il t ol l 1',·u ll,"· Ho y u l ,lll ll • . .1 ." . 0 111\ ,1 11 .,1<-1, ~ l ll rl ll t t . t\ (" I.. ' l :l~t li t •.Ir t l1 (·:-, · l lr w .. (' ' lI ~ el1. CO l1llJli ~~i"n w i t h if', l i ~n d ~ l' n ' q..: I JI ) r lJ rl} .! l l at $ 1:, tI (J In fl y o f N . A . E I\l e r ~ t l ll r l"l n r n l ,d (; " " 11:11' 1 "' :to' (,1I1 1' 1'I ' ti i lli n wi l h () .~o ti ce to Sl.: h uol Childre n I I. 11", )lt I ) 1\\ " ' ~ , \ IlL'I" "'" l ' t::'o' :'J , I , I ~ U'; . \ V ,II" tI IJ1i l,!"11 t il jl l'Ill 'll r .. . \ tH I (' I·~ ll l l f I ll' 1·t' Jl~ ll l' l t1 g :o\I'W0 )" IIw ,1 I "';" 111 ,· 11 ,1 ".(" II' r l")..· ~lr .. I"u l l l'li ' ·t l'l h d l l ,· .. ,,!\ III I'" wi ll 1.a \'ill ll 1" 1,\' 11 "', ,1.·( ., '" : Jtld t! l ll ~ 111':\ 11 ,\'.":111 :4 IH,'..1 1 Jt ' !"-J d ' · IlI ' 1 ~ t' h t , ( ,J \\, 111 h l' :": l tl l\ lt l llll Il Y . ~ (' P 11. 0111 :11 1 tl , l..t"I ~t" l l .. lh ti l' I !I ' · P ' ·IIII" '· " ·:I,d. " II. \\' ll la tl lll ill ptl t il l'l'n t,a ll ·. r,'ltll ,f'1' I l )lI l,i l:-: ,-" It o ,1C':"'I. i l·c t l 1.1 11' ·', tn ,l ll \ ' \. 111, ' 11 I ' ll l hll .. t · l iln· .. I1Jl \' tl llhlo. If 1'. i', : l! l l tll' I' II W II I II \ \· lI y nt l t , \\' II o r!t· .. '"! 1)11 111 ~, · 11 1 11 1.' 1)\.1111 Hcturlll·' ,U , ,,1JI \ · ,\I. I . Io:Y l ' i! u=' l-: !"I.· II .. n Eit ltt es Ill' (: u ~' \\' 111111111:-'0 11 l't III ,hi}} u l t ! ~ tll il i d e IIf :$ 1 L O\! . r"li.· {lX ll ln i nu ti \l JL:4 f {JI' pl' u t n l )t" i o ll ~""L ! until ~ t'l' l ' · II j\ J (· 1" : ,Lb I luj1 !l rH 0 1 I't.' II II o, ( \·I\· :t ll ia Ll n l.· .. ·1 k k l ' l " g" II I \( f u r f u rt hl\r 111 IU l n o r s , Kixl lt II ceo ll ll t ril l' ~" II I , · C' l ll l t I"lU . ! \\U~ l l , t t ., I h (· () r L' g l lU i u Ii ll "' l bp nf" ~ (' lH hd hn i l lhu g', 'J' lInr:""· 1\,l'lIl a l l(', 1I 1II I' II t IIlt' ll. I:h h l !..: l' l ' l l . 1" 1}. rtl Jl , dr j n ~ 1\1 llil tl y 1'1,\·, .\ n ~ u s t :~J a t ,\0{ H. Ul. R e fo rm e d e h u r e h o f S p ri n ~ I Jo l' r , I.OW jo' ,\ 1I t:~ 'I'll U , A . Il El'i ' ,U ll· ~ I "NT I LJ r l\(! l~ hr idg(\ i n 'j'ul'l l l: I· ·l't ' t~\': un d o C . I·;. Bn\ 'fT "; :-: . Su pt h ' ll ~ ti " ltIr ~- . Fhlll i II ceo ll nl f u r ~ ~ I . T lJI, l'in: 1l l' l A l' El\N 1. 111' )0: 8. Jl l ol )l t u \\"lI$hip.... ILt l~ t i lnH t (1 1 1 r ~ :! :! . tl e m c n j, fi k ll . 'I'{ ) 'I t \" I I\ Y ..' lUll 'l l .~ ! ' t u S" I, l Ur. 1.I ' r :1,1. in l' 11 1!i1\·fI . ·t' X L O A NI-; N I, W l'r ! A'I' F::O , NOTARY PU BL!, WII S II l a ,l ~ w i l lt \ ' , .1 In r e will L YIlill K 0111111'1. 11tl ( I1 rt'I ' llll ll- kC h to [ . PO\I.· !" . l ·\I ' ''l"Ilt! ll. Hl l()U Jl I \ 1.\ I 'J-:~~ ~ \ I. \" . \~ I A -'; :l l h lltal l·"i·OI I1: pnlt·' ll l:r:. IHI :' 1"111\ · .. r tli , Z" n l' ll Y"1" f i l l" r l\)lll irin g h ·id g t' n C'a r (Ten s Ol!. \Vlll ' llll lllit IOlI t o Jlrn tm l p \V o h llv e IJtl,l' o r s f il l' HOOll fll r m ~ n nt! t owu pro p e r!.." at ull Urne!!. '·'·I,l : , '.,·,,1"\110 l h lWl .. 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Call t o ntind the safet y of one ' s fu n ds.


T h ere i s security if you . deposit at the



P EN (


Oregonia, Ohio.


Portland Cement, Lumber, Shingles, and all kinds of coal. DE.A,Ll:BS in Flour, Feed aDd Grain. Valley Phone.




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Bl'lI l1 t n n.l P . K

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.. G eorge H olU\ e~, Mict[ll tJR bol'O a n d Mllry Eli z Llluth Uie ill tl ll , I,inl-!s · Ll l' ~: l\ R JC

Mill s . Rev . S h e ritt. R UVlIl o nn T . Buc hlln o n lIuIl (;,11' ri e ~l llY J Oll e!', u o llt (If Frllll k lll!. R e v . Bro wn .



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F.\BH}( ' ;"; , Hen d etta cloths , PallnlllH , ~I\Jl 'S \,\·iling:, Cnt \' U II et t(" ~ 1() It air , ;,Ue up, [i'i ,~" d Silk :1 7 1-2e lLel'ce1'iJ'; ed Goods

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FUNERAL DIRECTOR, TelephOne Day or N:ght. Local Nr. 7 long Distance No. 69 -3r WAYNESVilLE, OHIO Branch Office, Harvevsburg, O.

T It A~ '; l r ;,:n~ .

H lI l'ultl , V. S mi t il ot III 10 l Ib K llh n ; 10 1 in L o h a n o ll ; ~ I ;IO(l ,J o hn 11 . Lint,o n , o x c('n l n r o f HUll




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F l'Il nk ll ll l ' l' idgn II I $ 1 ~ :!O ; fill' fill E s l ilt.a o f \Yil l i ll lll H . D\\·y o l'. II .... II I 11 111.l\l e l' I{ n n III l ' lelll'l' r o' ,' l: I OWIl (' ons ed . J o h n Hu c lw tl. Ilp po i llt l'd ~ b i p n t (, grlJlllt l u o [ $~ ~ TI1. exe c ll t(1 r . A l> prlli ~e lu e n t 1 1is p o n ~~11 wi lh , feed Sale ~: s',l\t e (I f In e z F. ~' . i x , tl l't'ollsc,l . Pro o f o f \Ill hli Ctl l io u o f IlO ti c e o f " 1'pe rs o n , F'IlI"lH f' r ~ It !HI "I I o l ho r p o i n tlll e n t o f lI11mill isl,ml o r til ed . ",u lIt i l.l j.! ft \lHl ( ' !UI o b tain E~ I·llto o f C li ll l! W . M UUI" , u e n e n oill l' ,Y. ::lix l h II (,COllu t f o r· Fe L tl " m e n t (H e ll. F:: ~tat o o f I ~1l1l 1' lJir ~ h w i l '/., ,le (,I!Il .. , F i en d lB h 8 n tfe r i n l: lid. Snlo m o n Io' r e d IIIl II \y , H, \VI I 1 ~ nq , n (,H Il SP l l h ~· ~ o n' ~ . n ll-c ·r :, Hili ' li 'IIll ROII II IlPOinte li 1I11lllin i!<11'1l1 III''; l! tl l" 'I \ " ~ . tll n t Ull t a WIIY .\" 1111" Hli. 11I wi t h homl of $:IO,OOll, .1. 1,1 '" \V III . lil'l h ll l. II I' F I"I. H I)(' ~- , ~11t · " .. "' II \" ~: ' ·l lul\·o \1 :-0.1 ' , 1 B Il(" ld t' n ·!'I An llL '1l 'fu o llllj ~ o n , ,T u hn \V . 1l11,l'IJ I' ILli ll Su·l ,·,!, t il l" Ul I' r~ , :O;() 1"(,S f1 1l11 C LU I . W ll ll o r Voo r h is , IIPI)J·nis f' I' ~. ep r ~. 1t· i ~ t ll o 111':-- t I H · a Ii Jl ~ ,1rC'ssl1H! E.; tll te o f Luton W nl'l'i l' k , t1 C (''' Il ~ ' l ove r fo und. " HlJu tl 14 \s :tn d h ~nb ~ ;, t} nt e d. Ordpl' f or p ri vllt e !<llI e o f ehll t.. c·nt ~ , l"l ( I1 !'O Il. lltl ~ ('l tl d:-o ~It\.)' ~ t l rll ~ H t.tJ l't ; !.!ll1l1' an tl ' ('ll. te l ~ iS8lled . M ... IIRlA n JC

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·,,"trul' l WII S 1111111" w i th 11J'I' r,:,JIl ia Br itl g lJ Co) , [ M r ll i l in g I", n r I" '" ilh' n cl' " f l: ,,(,. E j(i l ,' ~' i n (:l elll'(' I'C" k t O WIl ,h i p It t, 1'~ 1, 1J 1l" l e of * ·I·! (1(1 ; 1',11' mil i i ll t; U£'1I 1' ::oh il o 1·I\ Il I·I' h i n ::;U IOI II l o \\' n ~ h i Jl nt e~ l i lll ll l l' o f ~ II; 211, CU IIII'Il I'1 \\"l ~ l eI I n H uh!' I'I, n' 11-.


HE .\/)Y'I'l) \"E .\\-: I\. i Illt ) 1l0 "; , \Vril PIH' I'S, hest \" rappf'1' fol' 1.00 " ':11 kill ,.....". :-; kirt ~ , \\ra ists, .rd ~ ()Id ,

Suit s,

T o ( ' !r a t l ,I W ' jlr: ' . T' · ' LII ..... . ·p l ' ln l.,. L I , .,' I : . ili l 1 11~ 1\· . · .1" 1· , 111 11 H ' ·I.!. III . ,. lt :d H, · III! , III .\ I111I\ ' ·1 " 3r.\· , o! ti ll' it .J u ll· ,, 1 I I d , I ,.If I !. ' '' !.:~.:1

Pri e ( ~ ,

.J:leJ.~('t ~ ,

( I O:I! :-i.

L IId (1 \\"(Iill" Il est ~ ,-' e ,!.!,'Ul'lllPlI L shown. ( IO\! F()I{T~, ( ' .\HPE 'I';"; , RUGS, ~h i \1 .\'1''1'1 \ (, ~, ;WOO yards C hilla .Japan G CIII' I'fl I !\1 a tl iugs, I N~ U HA NC E O ld L i ll c R e lillbl e Co m\l . 'Il. i" ~ I

F ur p :u "t io" ul:l r ... ( , ,[, .. 11 11 P " lIn ...

:lI d :t LI ll i · .. .

n' p r~" ~II I (ll. l~ ve J' .\"'

I l" 'li c ,V h ll 8 n

I r c,l fi nlln c in l ltul'lli n :,: . P ... Illlp l. nt le n llO n

g llllra ll g i \, pn


"Iutcbison ~ Qibn~y, Xenia Obi,o . .. ..",, ,..

I n , .~_ _"!"'_ _ _'___"""~_"""'""!'_~_



'. A .'r ou.c hlll g Sto t'v . , N o t hln n- o n the M -rket "'qual to I I "I I '." C no.mb " e rl ll lll'e Oollc l ~ t 1I OS" Vlll !; I I' O Il I I IC IIIII , o [ 11(1 Cbolaro \. \. ~'I ~J , .. ,! ! ~:i ll " I' I I" , ). A , r..r k l' . l'IIIII IJI 'I' I,tllIl . , fl n d Dl tt rrh o e a. R':'m ~ d" ' , ~ Y iI VII II ,'S ' P h o ll !! \\' ''Y1w" \' il l,' \) , ~I d II ,· w ril·,.', : " ,\ 1 I I" , II ~'" 11 1' 11 ' l'h i .. 1',," 1· i., ",.,11 kn o w!] t o drug. I II l t : ll th ~ . l lt l !" h tt l l: t.!l rl ,,~,,~ 111 t11" ~ l "'t s \.l\"(H·.y wh e n', uud 111ue ont of ~_!!",~"!!,!!,,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I'l i ll i n ~ h pul llt , \\' :I h R P J' i u \l~ T ltro lll 111" w ill ginl th e ir cn ~ I.QI l1er~ thl ~ '1 1'1' ,n l ,I,., II I~d 1\\ 0 ph ,l';il'ill n s gnl'!! , PI' (> p llrtlti nn w h e n 1:116 he~ t i~ n~kerl P e culIar D i13s!l pp c l u n ce. It PJ'lIP \\ " \\" ,1'" IIh l1 11~ 1 IlI lle sp"l r, . l llr , Mr . n be \ V hllme r . 1\ promi · ,l , n , H r, II YII II . " [ Hnl ln l' \'l lI l' , U ., ; ", h l'" w o n ' su l \', 'd l,o tl' y l l r Ki ll g ' ,, ' II Cll t dru g-g is t, a t' J o pliu,Mo. , lUll lll itl th e Ill' c u l lll ), ~l i " " III'II "ltru llC() u f I N t: w [) 1 ~l' I) \'e I'Y f ul' ( ~ u ll "ulll \l l i\ll I , ' l' II'I:u lur I ') Ili~ CU!tolll or s, 8I1Y ~: l ll R pni n fn l .!-l .\· l npt o r l\~ ! ,'_I" i n d j ~(:!-4 - COtl ~ h ~ 1I 1 1l1 l'lI hl ~ Th e fir ~ l hut tl ll " T luH·C' i~ u o t·l1 ln g on tb t:} 1llttrket. iu I,:o n Illlll "i1i o n ~ n "~", I ,) Dr . 1\ i ll !!l1 \ :11 \'C, I'l'lid ; " I 1f' 1' t ll lt. i ll ~ f0 1l r .hM t " .s , t 1111 WII ,I' .. f IJll t tlll t m e d iei n,I' "'hi llh .. 1 N e w Lifo P ill s . H e Rn y ~: ' ·l'h (· y Ib " \VII" ( 11),(: '. , n !h l I ~ 111 IH' r , ; {'qnl\l!' C h fl lll h e rl nin 'R Coli c, C holera In fe n p e rfe c t r e m ell y , f o r d iz7.i ne ' 8 f pct h plIll b . :-; e ~ er f tl lis t o T n II nIl D~ l\rrhot>.n R e melly for bowel ~I , nr Al oll1lll'h , h f't1 dIt I'he, c on ",l iplL . h l"'e nnd c u r e Il c o u g h o r oold ., c om pltunt!l. \7e splI anti recom· t i OD, e t c . " ('l l!8J"llJIl epd o t , I\J uy',q I A I l\1.tLy ':; r.Il'lI gs lo r e ; :,UC a nd $ l. OCl l me n d I.hilill r e pnr!ltion ." For sale idrug 5t,o re price l~6 t.:. 19 unra n t e e tl , TrlUl b o ttle fr e e , . oy LOUI S Ma,y . 11 11 h UHin css .

LJ". l >()Y 1}>U1I.T-.,!


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,iIhe Miami Gazette. .. BROWN & ,lIeli ~ \ , I'ubl! h tr~


\\ n~ A.' YN ESYI LI ,I. ~______ ______ ______ ____ o lif_O.

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IIlde thlllllll tlo ". In LII <lnr - , I(l a tlon " 1," ln l: " "II<I"I t! l'&1 lo r ,.110 ' " 11 , " h. fo r r xnmvlc . 111 tile (.I ~C tlf t h elu l <- 1 1"'l n ~ p Ht Inlu s h n p e lu f.Hili t.lle Irllde or tlt e United S llI tl s II llh th e l le,," ) " 1111 " , ~ llI C t r "" s tc.~ t nitl·t1 Ki ngdo m ur " li lt G (I' IIHUU\ Jr th is f,;fl1 I1lII Y t1 c \ el o l'!'\ 0"1 l a p ld ly Th e IO tal t'Rd e Lp ill ee n th e t\\ O 88 Is nllll<lpu ' ('li th e r "III I", " de(onnlrlr' g \\n ~ I n rll llll d 11 11111hl' I S S 2G _l mnn~1 ffll Il!lUmOn Inl. of(l l g ulHl me.. (IAn 000 III 18-,; ~ I vtllI Ollu llI l '-,lt (lI a ll lrs In t hu ulllllllnl; '.n<1" H u t I I, u lI OI ' OOO III I ~-', Ifnll 0 1111 $14 lIllO,ClllO III ne w 1<l\V II ,ll c, a lu n g t ll o 1111" ;>';'1'0 Her,s In l S7 .:! II hnrl n t h l ll (cd to I ~ U u n y \\11 11 II h. l ~ n good h.l1iJul l ~ II c nl· th e ir l es~ lo r lllnul P o.:!s lerA } \1I1I e \1 ~ , JI:'!-O .. 1\, 1"'1.11,111_ \ 1 11 11111 l llll'" I h l 000,000 nn,lln 1 ~j4 0 $ 10'; ('OO OOo-(the I ly IL d llv" - 0111111-: II \1. ' I ,l ll.tI~ I f' qu lln! ,,:I.! 'u rc h; 4 1 I ,\I e' Nt'll \, " k IlI l h t's \\h l.. t .. \ _tld I.H f l I S hH!l P:-\ lal ge~ 1 on I (' ('(" l[; n u h If) I Pl f'(h; nga ln I' I hall lar) ) are J t. \\l s h \\ O tll PIl \akl n~ ac-1h e Of Urlt' ~IHh ITl at. l.t ,.. ' I Ihllll, \\h Ila lJnll ll n lHI I IC'R allill o xim.ll t'l ), ere \\h lt Hl \ ,lId !'; l u~e 1\.1 u arl In li t!'" \\ o rk lUUrnell U:I . Z In I sn tn $HIIO OOOOl1 fh (,lf p fftlT1 ~ a r e III 1 ~7~ It dp- In n ~ . ,al ~ "t 11 11( bl't\I,'e ll 1'; ,;11 \"., 11, lI.H! t... .ll1 ,u" n 11\ Iht IO \ IH ,.11 a\' :H III\e P r I I l nl ll " ' dl ne ,l 10 $68 1111n,OOO III 1882 nd' an (p tl ,lOd th e (' Ji ll now bel n ~ d lre,'t e ,' SIIC( la lh lOll o nl '" hll~ k I h (! fl d\ rt l, f I lill.: \\f (\111I1 _ ,1 0 " I ~ I I ~ g lI11e o r tile III Clp os el1 . ~. h . ..' u - - - -.----10 $82000 OOl) .lIIrl III IS~, f pll I,a cl, to I llIion I'a. ,n l roa k I nl! n < u«'~' o f a "€ t t 1 ~ It!r II t hOOl O :~ ' I ~,lil~I()~~'~ JL , e'l lIl . cs 110 g l·ea t bi n 'i;:1 11 " sc If \I II II " illd ce d Hnl1 ~n nil. Sr, I UOIt OOO 111 1 8~a and V8 C11 11o n lic h oo l Int"n t Pel In Cle r II ""' h e d 11 03 ,- or Ilfo Jl h c(y 10 HCC une or Ihe ( 1I w j;... . 1 j~ r() nJ Ih I.~I I~I~~ \1\1 ~ 1 1 ~~I j l'I" "'' 'brtltc'b·l l t l .lllJ:'II.111~ hhuu 111n l t1 lu' 000 !10 f1f ' II{1ti \\ Ith ,000, b\lt In lS ~ 8 II nH 0 111 ) $_1 uO O,- r llt cs o r L'lIba ot tb ls po int \ ll !-;tl Il H nn lt Iht' ll r e rno\ f\(1 \(:1) ca r e. I h e g r e alTConl\il l r \\ he r e n ceo r ol ll !: 1(' local b p ',' d. h'. D uO In H'O,\ II nttaln t',1 lIen rl \ $' :; 000 _ eRl IHl v\\ llt n go o r thlR ~PlI Ib 111 "<\ b 1[1 " as H,n t lull\ 1111 11 I h e 1" IIt. t"d 'dIn n of tna ",II" Yo u '1110 j Ofor Dl at lo n n ~8 . 1 )' 2nn \ olln ; "0'" \\h ll e tht> fl g urll8 ro r Ih t> li sco I y e ar IHl and r ,,, t h e Amc a li a nll, 1 • Ill ' W ?_ "Ill n It 11I1 t! Ibat \11\1 n u t ha ' llcan s : tl e l IS Ihe h~ I'!' l'a"" If YOII IIUI en are n n " nJ o) In s Ih elr \ aca t' o ll b <' lII'nn letl Lei t hll.t b p I! l h,;r:t 8&1'. 11 ft \IiI !III l; u l1~le U~' . t t ile na il an(1 19.Qj e om.!l--H rv nesr Il:! os e or t h e year I Il1.c t that It Is De" ~ I"I " III pro b a bly at a coSl nol ~eyon d t hei r ,!Iu, :,~ s 18i4 , J u d g In g flOm tl,lIa Illl u ll s h e d f o r I bfl d o mlno t«1 ll lU Ur \ by moderll aud 1l' 0g1 1!So J k H p it [H\lTI a d b ~"l n , Ule ~urr~t ~~.1t~!, lhe ~p~1 '!t I 4~ • • ~ U t1C D Ces.


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OU t Fhst W nsh do y Th l\l a ) nOll e r drift ed InlU Ma s<ac h ll EI t. Un) n .HI la l al un c h (II ""t.lde IU II lillie Hhclt e , ed CU\ e 1 h " tal h e r . h 30

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I f l !ll e h~ HOl u h l e 1 lIi ve

aile In to l, nee d e ll l h , I h '? l1


h rl~'~1'1 !II " u 1\ l i d.

Itl\ I rill

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\ \1 1' \II

11 "


bflt!} at IJIw e

n ~ rf!(1 111 111

"1 1,-: Itlll

lit u Rapid Rate.

il r; or good 'sw l m m c " the fn l ul cru ll II I lI i ll ~ ..aguin Il 11 1 \\ I h, l P ll I til l u ' I n lI d:; III , HI". ) 1" llIlttl l l"l \ 111 \ .. I " (Jul ., ~clle ru ll y du o to lhelr h n\ Ing g UlJO n f\\ III CIlI1I :...I .l1 \l t~ \\1111 " U III ~' ~IIl ('\I::ic j11l11l ' t f~ l ct Ihln g ul o..:h l td,,j n l ll l)~ U I ""l'" II '''' I II dr ubl, Ihul I P il i I I 111 .1\ h I I" to th e IIllt e' 100 sOlln arl e . ealln g o r _. el l "(Jlllt\' hi dll shlluld /,. qllPI II !<OUIIlt! I 11p 10 Ill. i l II i' III ~ t!i III r! IHldu ":' \I b e n 0 1 c r h ent ed all<l th e . pfore wit h 1Ii d Jll uhnbllil \ (I t If 1It"\\' II ll'tlll Ol l ~lncl IIl1h+ Ila: IIII, ... ... lI\e jr At . CIH{'\!, III1CUIl .C, o \l ~ I) to Ih c m - ... - -- - - ......... ~~ - , , " = thu t I h r l ~ hould ltf (1)(. 19 l\ln I III t tl I ""-'t.' (I HIlI lIId rt l.H.!i.) shuuld 1 1~' t h n\ ' Sid, e s, beclo ll It s pa r valu e H ~ r u, 0 jO\IlIt' lll 01 h Ollle 11 ft. \\h ll1\ b illl\J IH - 10 r.\1 1 l11111i " l1 l Ind lI !iI, 111I 1 1 1111 1111 ' lit tr.e cordl ll " l. u lcs lUI g il 1m me r " :'; CI e r v 1t'te IU I IHI \\IU (J\\{.l t! r 11 t t Ji ) ~h\l1tld It H \ t~ 1 I heill tl 1111 f~ ~IJ In to 1h e " ut e r \\ h t:' u 0\ I h f'nlfd o r I l lS thl ~ lJ lll l:;ltiCI \\1 10 hn., n II hili ,., tl ) f p.J II ... lolI I II all ,'la l I ~ ""lilt \\ 1. 111 A ... ou after allng Th e ralcfu l " In sl d u \\ 1111 it " hcl glUtl,\ II) [crb a n d I' X l Ilian OllIe ~ Hl tI 11 1 IlH' \\ Itt II 11 1\ (II--t I II d8n 1I Il1lid p . olmhll III Slst u pon 00 111- lJJt· S,.t,: .... 1II 01;;IJU t!{I Lj ... \ .\I .I ~IUJlldl1l ll · I \\lrp :\! t P i n J\ I It \ t \ S I ' " Z \ " d,{ 01 I d , t llllllll.d In r e ll J ll 1I t t;rlul o f lit let .. t l ll u h o urs h et ll CC II I r i.J ~tl fit Ilf Ighuo r (I I tllt.?IHI II h.lIJ - f f nlt hlill l u h' l nt . 111,11 \ t l l1l I lI l 1111 lIle mo." lillY t h e :,>," , 1I o ll e h om IHa r~ Ir tH IlS, too t hll t orte ll tlt tq{ i ~ ~lppn l ( l1 f ! \,(Ial~ I did Bllt 111111111\1\ II I II ~l1tl L"'( "Ilt f o r (" lI fI(t1l1 ntHl U",~lnllT \ {Jh ( 1T1 ~ h"i tl 111 lli f' { l ilt.llt Itll!ltS fnl lo \\'· J.) UIJLl (;\t\IoiQ [0 1 Ihls impt' I'" n a l JI II c, ~mp l oIIl IHl l)c l ~ ec ll zea l null pf ud e nre no y. 1 .1111 !>OOII\ 10 1 Ih f' io ...... ' h l l !o;. \l'1i Ilgn t lUlI<': n nd lil t..: t l ,blll\ 1(11111111\ , 11 fit! I ' III! 1 :\ lltlJ tl I I llI llltt( 1 " 1IL:!-!.I ' '' l lt Jll g 011 "' \ j'o l l\I~larll o.: l hUt-iJ ul llI \\11\1 \Ca r !'; l llll g h t IIU o n SI plftmlle l I ukd u h alf h U111 tll e dusuhlie m wtnlllU\ I', U I mOl e I I! In ~ - I ~ n 1I1lldl I II I WtI I ii In \I h ud \\i lh I ll! Ih ' UI ~p<.:tl th IJ nl :t "ali sl dh l' lP lI lh c\t' \ IJIr>d I II /\( ;,t \\I I P ' l'sl \H J rt m ll IP ~IO (l I HII afl t: r IM~ 11t {,. s arc t) h' h ll o lh lJlI,...!ltlHII ... " lf ll 1111 PI "pl . t. lf I I t' hd lll li . l' ln3 11 ), do n t en t er t h e IIU \\ , !ll d Ill' ~f('t) nd Imllll· ) el \\ itu IlltHi tt 110 fu s'S 'Uutll 'WI \\ h' l ( wl r,} H.\!:l l J\ t,'d f rOIll I ll' 1I1(1I!J1I~ 01 h P I\\' ! glul lvn Ih"1 \\ 111 l!rall~ \\ It \\ 11) dt d I 1101 11IId h (l' ~"V II P l ? \( r t llllldl ) alld b \ d c 'reog , bUl oo l,lI y ll i l n lnl~8 SlI II UII IHhc1 h~ f \\Ill! J ' \\ d e lt Nllc .lll \I t axes n nd l .lIlIT l llf·ttl lili t ies Itl ll n ~ 1I t J lllld or IlI lpo I l f ~ i s " lillr t " e " L' I )W l n ~ II ld I l l £l l ' LI . ·ol O ' lI ~ lit ,\ .... flI t a 'lli w llh a pilln ge " etti ng the IIb o lu l lull s li n d ltlo l\ fu r t) Hl ll ted .tll tile Hl cult lll .l l 11Hhh;t t ies

11, b e s ho ul d

i-lh e


I r. t ernlltlon nl.


t h {'{ a H(!~o ftla od l o \\ n ...

\i. ""

til k;u.~

tl "I "l

.:\u tllrc 11 1\\ 11\ '- " I !I n ld I p .tll 11'1 li ti llt..:: .. 11 "n -.;I <.' I'll I '" I }I'\\ ! :. "- pl l ll ,.. \1)1 n il 1 lJ lOl HII 111 1111 l1 HII\ II ti! h \~ Ih l l\ " \\' 1 t l \ III t; I 11 I ' 11 ' .... 1 "'VIII " 1\ I ~ I II I .. '" III I P l) 1I1 1. 0.; hoi I III 1\ \ 111_ tll " . ... .. II I ... I I I' gll t l ... 111111 111 1\ .. \ Inlt \ 1 I It Itll .... huilid I.. ! III I Hit 1 I ~ rllip. 11 ,,1 lI lt :; lI t Il tt .. 1 11I"'l t "1 1\ I r 11 It d... phL I. Ill, "II L:.IPI1"

th ' f~l t ~d nrllJ(, I'lt lIla\ h ., tI nr(\ll lJa cl\ eo l t h (l t t I) I ~ n o l nIH e u r 3


I h t II

I 11I \

, ;\ ll1m t r ~r a s o ll


I h~


'\ l' tI

I ~ tli \;1.1\< r''.; I:' t \\ hI.' I t ' ) OU .. ' d tll 111 ... t ll,) 1f \1 U llj

11I111 ~1I 1 1

In nl 'l~ ca'cs ou t o f te ll u r th e n 'lIly~ t\ R , n"ps o f <11 o ,,' n In !; II IlIl h ",,,I<I eu th e

\~h en ldl O \\ 1l


iI \


IIH1ure III \\ hlch


I ..

l~II, t!L

II U\.

I II II ! \\ I cl. U:- 1 1( 1/11 1I 1H.1l\ "'. 111 11 I " t oll 11 tll"'lI ell il \ oj a' ( , I I Hld ;1\ , ,,d. d 1 11 1' III an Ilf I' ..... 111 "111 "'t

I I I,



IlIl h , n r .. ! p . ,q ll "'''lilt ~ 1 11... 1 I lt l h . I


" lI111

Cu ban Pro spe rity and Rep ubl ic·s Fut ure

I 'l,,;l,.


he hn s I st.: llc<l on 1 hi s c,1ne lJ.l(, ut prn ( I1H' I ~ I li p d l~ (U\( n or 1)1 4 nd l(' r s uf IIngr.\ll t «a ~~ ... u l II rtlrt l l uI • (.IOlln h h,,~ tle m<lllt! l'r\ t he fl· f"Hlnt rlt il'- ( :S Th e cl1mll\ !t.I .... inll c r nn f\ h~ s hllcc o r h e li) c r s. .Ifl! tuhll'lb" ~ tn n Il" n l~ h


,tl l \ \\ I l1la llllU~lIl ... IIPlIl d llo t ht-: ltl lll l t lill lUll"'" f ll ll lill" lind. I_ II In~:-" I IHIII ).: l iP ~ lilt I I It il l t lll i [lll tllll .l tI "; l and 11 11\ .tl l \\ hu 1t1 \ 1 ;ln l I \ \h d 1 ~ dJl llII II\! It':' I 0 1 Ullolli ., li lt 1 1l1 '1l 1 ~ t; 11 III 11\1. 1 10 , ( 11 11.:1 ~ Itl lhl , ... !tI Jl IL h b ill l ~Jt tH " " llHI (If lilt II d, I \ '" d WH ' 111 11 1'" 1.1111 \\ pl l \\ II"" tllI ... l . lid (II \ \ I", h IH I, ! II a\\a\ II I, lit .I~ !.: I "Ul 11 11 11111 .In l htlt \:' H I1 tl plHa\u l l ll ll) t 1111110 1:-.. 1( 1 1(1111\1 ( , t' lI l1 1111\ It l ~ .. tlll~ I n l h Hlt tUI I arl lJqllukl! V I I 1 \ IV Il II, I ~\,. pt 11' h ,~ .Ind (I H. I it III .II I ,lI Illl l1l 1 ,uHlllrlf (} l ltl' hHlI sr fluW l I s 1,lI l lId,IIIII II 1 hi It \el\l'W~ .\ 111 \01 ... ll l lIlfltl Ilmlllll. UII 1 tH l \ I \I Jr It(l:s a t hi :. ! I" II l lh \\ Ullrt ahl, .t ll t 1).:,0 11 1 I II I qll ( I "~ Ult!I ' ''' ll 11111.1 1,;1I ti 11 d' t ... tlPlStl'lI l l ' l u lI \ \\I ·' ~ \\'lIlddll " . . lI tn c 11'" Lhu\~1t (\~ I l\ ~ ,111I t ll l:' ll 1 . 111 U~ JO\ l h~1 1 1 .1 1lnlhl\ l ~ -1 1111!_lf .Ind 1It1 I (J n ~e r U JIII ~l ll tlnf''''~ 111 Ihe 11111\11 :-;1 III uln I U tl.::i"'u l\ >.: , I t Ih ll q! \I\ 1) 1I \\ht!1 Pi" '" I IHIIl( ~ \ J f bUI Ua ull j lt l ll a!'! 11 l\t,: I.v l Ih I il\ 11 11111" t u t i l I I h ...... llllld ... II I( ! 1. 1 1 ql " ~ d rI ll t h e l H1111 h. gi ll a l IIIH (~ 1 lit "HI 1 Itl ItI, h l"- "" ( . OIIt!iI(ll r lS art' \Pl \ Ulil 11) ,... .lIlt;C I h · Jll d "lIt' \\ul,ld 11\1 I hl\ l' l a) a !':! fj ,\ flli f ) tn til \( l r .1I I lf 111 1 11 (II \\ ,111 " 111 I I dl l l \ 111 n .. tl \ , .. In "," 11 11111111 III 11\ I!J~ II u,.:.Ih III tilJll.· t U~l l II , "'." ~ 1;1 111 1\ 111 " 1'" 1111 III , q 1l \\ t l J I) I' t lit I' i ... .t ll • 11'01 t t \ 1 1111 1111 t mI lt \ h I I II \ 11 Ibl J 111I1\-, lh "l1 1, I " 111 ,\ LII III IJI ItI II h IHI\. ~ \LI i JBI\ III H ( l l llt! I , ), I I t I ' !1 , III :'i ll rl I I , \ ~ . .J II I" _ un" \\ 11 11 It 1.\\\.1 Iltlllll t ltt l t ; I'II~ 1l lllillli_ l I II I f 1 l-h d l b l .11 1{ I a 1)' lIt' \,.' ~ ]11011 o f .... 11 '1( ( \!!o; 1111 11\ I I \\ . II I II dll\ ItTlIC Ir u tili Ihl ,ftOI I I I) ~II 011 1L:.1I111 11111 I II . \, 1 1'1111 I I ii r l L II II I " \\( tl l · 11 \~ I ow l l 1 I 11 >': .tl ltl \\ II Ii l II' \\ lllil l ill .... I fl OII1 I' \ • H f pI 1 II I,,,h til-t t, lI el


" " nt 't,',," to loc at o n ll ,l

:'\ I

' ad . d Iltt I Ilt l !l, ~ I ll , 't \\11 " IH . \ l (ani. I til h i HI!\ til l It Si lt It ( ( 11 11 11 11

(\'1 10 nnd tile 1(', . Ilt 11 01\«(' .. t II I o u l I!:§


I \

hum l l l


~t dd tll

it) to \\ Iml It ~ hu lI!t 1 li e 11 e J\U.liPIlf' \ IS the Inl n nud f oo d (om m ls!--.Ill ll t' r .It IlIeSt nt (or th n ~tnte I) ~ lLe


IIIHl l d Iht"l1 \\1 tid i ng "' 1111 11 11 11 I 1 h • I / . I I... t il t' t1lp IIWII Ih IlLlr l. l\l1l1d"'I .1I 1d,tlllcl l '" . I I.-\ ' IIII\~ I HIIII I I I h UII 111111111h. n I I I I II ~ I It. n th 1t .11 111- t~\ II i li l l JU I "

Jol,etlli llU)

u ... (d

"11. 11 1 11 . L II It

\ I I 1

lll i ll il \\ t1l11 til t t d\\"I" I 1 ~I I lI ll\ l t h. 1111 11 11. 1 ' ( '1 \\ !l l It \ 1 1 1 1II IIIul r- It hl f \ll l lI ll I I~ u' . U ~ I , IIII d :-·n\\ I .d q.U ::t ~lt,':11 Iljc Luli ll HIHI 1I1t/ llIll It It.:-

or ulJl l l lllllh

IHIIIJlll-i 3

I" tlll l

' 1I t l ""llll"I " .IUII,n . tt

1\, "\ l et .


f' tle(l ll

1 11 1'" 1:"1

lIud {II 111 11\1 1IIllllt gP .h \\ t' IIlU ""1 It llll iit ttlll ,llI jI)t; (llI tl (Ill I I I Jilt 111 a I ! lhall 1II1 1IIJr III lifl \I,t~

0 "" A t: '

r l''''I' 'J IIt; l1lle SU\l n(1~

t o be

of flue 10\1

S f l l pl: t o HII, v ~ a G oo d H OUS8 k e eptl W lll Not n ce l ve M uc h , Il l ,ll tlt l! nPPlne ss- Y olllIg- W Olll nn S hou ld I :)U II Il jIt ,l p l!' I ' I I' I h l ' \\1 ' " I t HI _ \.' N o t W .<I 1r1.u, "lth D II"gh ••• H e . I JI OI .II , t! Ilu,l ,\ ( \\tlt II " lJ lI l ,

fI~lll In ' ht> ~ t . ' I (: dUll' 1\ 1l~\ fov ~ l IO \tlIrlt s ~ 1t I I I I to I hE' LJonl d of tll l Q, t or ... o t

\\ H I IIIII,..

'11.11,lr l"lr ~ ! Cl,m d. T h f ,. oltn~ " " Ul.1I1 Tn th e It em of I ~. IHtI , \ !.fI Jl \ ha ll \\h ll'i l u': HU . ,,)It y ll Lo

LO llIU l h l

W ife Ron". FI ult of S el f - D ,,"a l of Ille Fil S. - M l\n Wh o M n ll ies

11l ef;('

l lOl1




m u,. ~\ 1 011 \ tlr


n lH"Ur h11n

hl(~ !Il llt II I~ \I "IlIA o r th LI \\ 0 1 ~ 1.1 111 U 0<'1(1 t lHIII~t: l' I'e.,t jler ttln a ~ 11t \\ \11 .t\1 h lA '] Il~ Illlfll l Hhd )H I ~ I (t l '" II ul h it> t Ild tt. UII I Ii nthl l t ~!oIl' r; h t1 r tJ lI l lIllllJ;,; ,] \1 1 il\H IJ.,: h l U

h e is I hlt til " \ III 1;1\l U I r € (,;tji\t 11 111 411 h ll'p l n (' li!'\ ~lIdl I u n tu Jt 1 h l lJlIll' !Oi " til Ill( h lgh l ' l o..: lll l.: t :\ l u r l lt:'1 N o ~'t. ,.s pec t I lI1plt ed In T aklllg S ec- I h.'Jlplt1t )o '" IIlll l'l t 1111\ t' IIH I f tl l Il ~ (UIlII o nd P ," t ll fl - Ou t side. s Oft e ll Ex I .litl lu n "I\ Jl ll~ A l l ~ 1I !i!Oi r \ 1 1I ~ p l lll .... ur' ll \ III ' hl 'lIllh I s k llHllllt 1)\ tt l ! 1.11' 11 1 }JI e ~1 I m p Ol SOnl\ l .r(l'l\lo u sy -S ~colld

\\ hen

l \1(lIm"' I '!, e l to n

lpn''' '.,.

<Plund 11'11" lit<


POisons in Fo ous

_ Lool(


\\IJW tl I TIlR U



~t I h':~ IHU U

h Ull

HEART RICHT Vlh clI H e Quit CoJ!'ee Life In Si Il a n ce Compan l -, \\!l1 Do t u. m Ull S 1I r (' I JIll-) fr . .! u il eal t ll u u u ~ '11 e r e,bll H is o l.I\lVll., 'I hi ~ \! n "(]I lUll. :ualt c. 10 lbe h il S uano Qr f .ll hc . II n,! IS SO Uc ltous fO I the flllurt! of Ill s d car (l lI e. O f te n the IH H U ~C

: lcnll t r u ll .ie 1s CD, ltl nu UIl CX l lcc l d 1hlll ;';: . a nd ca n ue tO i l t;J c t~ll U

t n k" o

ill t ,lt "


1 prOI!Cl I)

A JlhUl IU CvtOl n liu \" J ll CS

tr e.l te u

"~I was II gr~lIl , 0 ITce ,\I Inke r for mony j ell I s n u tl II O~ n o l on II a r c o r Ihe 'IIJU' lUllS e ffcc t s o f lJ e ha u ll WI 1 uecallle n "rae ti ca l )III 'I Ud, s Il'I e l ln j; rrom h ellll 1I 0 ub le , IIIdl gest ,0 u u uLl n e n OIl ' lIes s 10 n n e xl e ltt th llt m a tle m e \He t c hod ly m l.clUuo" mj s('l f n nli a IIl1l s nn ce lo th o s e \\ ho \\I t u essed my s uffe rings . ) co ntinned to ,1l1nl, Co ffee. b o we \ e r, n o l ' u s "ec tln ~ Ibat it " as the caU Re o f lil Y III h en l t h , 11 11, on a llp l) iog f ur life Insn. on ee , I w as r e jecte d on a eW ll n l o r th e I ioll ule \l it h my h e nrt Tll e ll I ucca m e nl •• rm ed 1 roun d th.l t len \ in g Grf cun'ee h e ped me liul clt )) so 1 qllil It ol loget hc- nUll IIn\'ln ;: h cc lI a lt r.l e . e ,1 uy thc nt1l ert l'e m e nlH of l'ostuw 1' 00<1 Coffee I bega n Its u se "The c han ge in m )' co ndl tf n \I U rem a r k nh lr nlHI It \I as not 1<:1I1!,: ( III I "OS cOnl ple tc ly ur ell. All m) nllm c nl s \ a nl . l·c u :,! y d lsest!o n wns co m pl ete l) re"lored my n el'l olls ne s ~ d ls .IIJlle arell nnd m OSl im po r anl of nil, m y h ~ ,lrt s l ea dle<l d o \\ n nuo:! becn!ne no r m a l, al\<I u n a seco nd " ~ a m. In:< t1o n I wa s Reel' l)!e,1 b ), th e li fe In "u rance Co Qul . tln g Co ffee and U ~ In s P 09111m \l o r l,e,1 tbe cure " • -a mD gl l'n 'i.>y Po~ l ll m 1Jo. Battle C·ae k.


TJ1P- n's Il rea son o n,! It Is u :,la lneQ t h e li ttle lJoo k, 'Tbe Hr)all 1.0 WeU• Jjt'," : n ellc ll ~k~. J





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kl ll.1 tl a l l u , I1I<1 n I MI' l ul

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II I n l111:o.

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, 'l( ,t1,,, d

rny In lll ,ltl u lI lflic Olll J,lIm u nfl f' 1 Ill ' "' h ilt. aI ! d \P1H h fld t lt e I lhfllnn ..\ lId!.'on rh e 1J l! lb


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Ih al C it"

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1 ll(tllt!


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111 I.' lim l IlIlJO Ii a ll d 1.11HJI \\ t ~ I I f'1 1 1' 11 11111 1 I lld

I II I h " m • • I, N I t ho ti p,! O \ f' I ! Rl1d Ir .l\ l-i l lll1m ... a ~ I 10 \' (',;:, 1 p" ~ loI(l TlI!:"I ;-, anti 111 ,\11 ha P.!'\ \\(' 1 ,' J, dt C'd

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ITI I~ l l'

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\ 1. 1\ l all.1 In Te l r o Ilaul~ !II Indiana h i, II I 11 1( fi tlnrr I h l'rf' \\j\ .. i:I In

~ a l nH n

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Th e Ol d N.ltlo n ,,1 Rond


In ~

1.tlt OI

I 1\ ... 'I I II fl l ,.:: nnl /.-lI l l1l1 ~

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DA D IS DISGUI::l),;1)

Piti l

I Ill' .\1\11111 1 111 11· loI tl l " ,..n (' } 01 II1I1 I ~. lI dc Illll l l £'1 tl l\l' nw l· &1.. o r f-t 1a !'" lil t! n f PI O(t IH 10 9 \\ la.l l T:-; calill d Rl ql l i l l I lud"l a r l l \I\ \ i ll I h c' w It llI~t \ .d,1) 11(' ,I h l I 10 r11" III I, Ihft ah llnt , (tl n sl ll 'I f't H \: of IIlfll l4 i1n l< m,ll · If' r lind f O t l !' II 1 ' I I ~d\ 1 tll' " hl!U1 ~ re·

\\11("rt t h e

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ll li" l r

11 ... 1' 1 tll~ III

II H J I I "

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" mal l

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a "':'1 11I1 111..!"

I h t' !l

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.111 ' 1 (1It 111 ~I ' pl j' mhll

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\\ \ 1 II

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il ls An H'1 ~C"llhl) 11 an lt

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(r l

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IllI i l (, l, r oml slu.

illid . 11 1 III ' h I U\S U \ 1"1

11 m.·

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·, 1, " lin'''} ,h.UH tl l' l b

\ "1

;\ dl1llttall l (l 10 1111' Old e r

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\\111 1\ (1 '1,) \\ :, 11\ 1 .1S lc ('p




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t il .., P.l ~ t I li p d bn!) p I ()val , II I 111I 1dl \1 1 "u ~ HI) l' r1" lunll ) f O nIfl ' I,d II/ I; ' fl U°o; I I! 11 11' \\ O lll ~ ll'(\rs 1111 1\ I 111d , 1 :-. 1111,, 1 11:-, P" II'''Sf' l\l r. m lle r·

111 I UII ..,l tc "lu'll llI p p'

I .. , L t

1111 ,

1 11 11 1..;11 1111 . 1\1 ~1' 1 111 1 Ti Il Jl I II

IIll' I.JI,.hanl 1 11111

I cr cc p~ do\\ II fl Olll tile

I Sonte nil('


'\ 1111


O' I.(.III I~ fH lon


1 ( 111\'1

1'\ 11 1..:111 .. HI

( lIg , l lIl z , I ' Ic) H ~ I II

Ilf ~I I' \\ 1' 1_ I II II

11 \ I ll ...


a nd

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of t he

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l l11 ()un



!'-i l ll l' \\ Ll! l d l II t1''' J Il~ "Ih l l :-' III \lI~li I rnr \ \ I Idll " /l d 11 1;-, dl ' I ll!! 1111 ' \ ,I I ' 1111 h il l ! ' , \ I tI ... \ :ot l i I n h.I . 1 :-.lI n !II I b , ' }III .IlIIIl"'I!I


1 1Il1I1I1I1 .IIII S


I UlI l 11, 11

I h ,I I II :'t llx lh


I<lI ll ,lIl ,'ulldlc Ol l' dlhl l' \\ltl11t ol h c llll ddl (\ o llh eglf l l oo m and \\h en II " {' III oIT : t) u \\o u lfl t hl uk n (lt nll o n hac! e xpl oded .JII" C\ ~n · uo.l) I! I, h ~ d lor Ih e dou r ,1nd ' '', fel l u \(' 1 ('.l e ll nIl! I I!ctt lll g (')Ull h l o IJg l' 'II(' I,a" a!;c 10'''1101 , Ih ~ doo. I was I ho IIl HI t o).\ ~ 1 0 111 ,.lll .l l h si de o r t h e p)l a mici and I \\ rt t t: il CL ' fllr t lJl.~ cr o wtllocOIII l? nul ' I ll e I n ll'I :"I ' ~~()1 01ll fits l nndt h c nt!l\!\ ul IllCU II I lHlfll tlJ,!ullti \\It,-. ' ;o: l n g- flltd 1h e l a~t to fOl)\I ' OUl \\ (' f C t b p An\.h:-. RBd tlll'\ I nm (,Cl ll l be ll h alld;:, nndkn('f\;;;;' lnlhn~ t o' il \l bllanrl C' \t~ r~ o n e or t h e m a ~ t\lcl 1h pali' 111 11 1 t hluk the) \\ (' I e (, ol1~ '-I (' nl c·s l rld, (' n f o r t h e ,) h ('han 10 g l\ (' llatk th r. 1l1nn c ) t b c~ tl l\d



1110 I~ lt) , nl

IttiH II

I I ~ " '''\ .,J

I l di d ~, I II 1111

l lil,'

'11 \

11 1 11\ ,



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I n 1 111



( 1)11111 1 \ '

11I1 " II I t1 "" I' l'I I1 Hlfl lI' d , \ t lllll ;o .l :-.I I I! Tl ld'I :-\ . ll l d ll , 'I' I ~ h f'~ nn'fll j ll i l Ii \11 101 11 11 '1 111 1 ' III t n ll) 1 .. III 11 11 :-. I " .tlll ,1\4 111 141 IHtIlUW-



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' 1 d +l " \ 111 I I " d 1\ " "lIn" o f HH ~ I d l :"\su l lill o n, nil! \1 11\ u ln ,1 ' '' 11\" , ... 111; I I , 1" .. :-.1 ' \ ,J Ill l ll)JUtl ho lly 0 ,, 0 1; "11,\ l ie " I,., 11 [1 1!.,.111 1, , 1111 d l!ol 1I!o1 , 'ci A :o u r en · Jl I· .. h I d 111 I h, 111, \ 111 IT\ " I , ~ 'J!I thl-' \: ., I I IIIL I 1I L u l Hl r IInlon "Btl 111" In l' JI 1 . 1 l il li ' H ' ,.., 0' II 11 I h f' I O I I.; I 111 J( d 11111 I I :.. , I r ll l l; \\' I t' I, \t gb l y !-UI L! 1 \ 1" H I) t hl 111 .. 1:11 H LI i4 \ III ~('I P 4 tI' ' '' I , ! lu I l1d l l1 ( ul l ll ci s \\11 11 l h n ro I 1111 " I I '" 11I1"tI , II II", '" I ( 11 11 ]1 \ .. 1111 111 I I 111 1 h fl l"' ''' "' 0 1 , t .. t'ount.l c r~ fi t II I i \ I I HI I t I lt I \\ , I,' III \ ' I I r nil ' f'l l II _ 1 n i l ' " 1' 1.. I I" I HI Pllld \' 111 Ii tI \ I II III \.., II II lll l' H il i I II ' ""t ... " 0 1 pQ "n n l1.NI )n lo nl :\ m I tl ,I ... 1 1 , I L I \ I I III ' \ I I! 11 , 1 , 111 " ~~ \ \ tl ..... .. ~\ n <l lId \\ II ~ lt1d I ) If) f" I'I O tlt In



\(·-!-1 .. 1 11 111

I II Ilil

"I' a l l

\ /1 110 ' 1:,

"n II HjlJC1l1 ro n llv

)'111":' ) , II


1: 1


0 1 til'


n f t h::-o n!l rn e r .. Rl h ' L Itl l

,l lld

:' " 11

1 .. 11 14 1.1 ... II I I d.

... I

", I '

I' ,

h i I,Hi ll

I a Tl, t!


(\ In ;... tl ld P \\h '' '''I!-I O llh i !-. I\ I ' '~t8 1

.r/tll lin;: an ll 1 ~ lt it flon l lll g I h r r~ all d "hen I go l 11011)(' I fim I;ol n).: to ti l rr !he n ell m r h ncl, t o " h er r I h e I 10 .... (I ",r. t he l lrlln r obbc l K :\lu l hl1 r s l n r s on lO the r!i!)Cu s ... fl l ": Ih e (l x p lut', ln l! III th n t o m h I de a (I I n l"ft) 8 b el .,!; IIIl )lr a ~ lo g a nd Ul e n li e nil 'H n l rlll '\ll I b e side of sr!llln ts tho pj r fl llll" "," ,,11 I tnld dnrt he 'lann t be ll r r tTl to The g Uld s gol I he . r IIrl I' P hack Rflc r climb lip Ihe 1l)lnlll ld Ihnt I " o uld go til y ~o t out In I h t~ n il 11(' 1 RUiOn th e) I1JI 'cnu se I could climb lik e n g nal and wO'I IIl II ' t h el p clad Ilown tl ll ieRS hp Ilslcl .,lI e u I g e l u p to Ih ~ lOp I " o u ltilire a l11e ll1 so meth ing 0 , or l' slo ne Ihe> he lped fi',llI t e , so H eryllod v "ould I,no? thul a h im r llmb <\.pwn , so \\h en h ~ !;Ol do"n f 'l llH


l.H· ~. 1 1I III


of a \\a ll\ a nd h e \\as II II rod $lOanrl l;o~ I R r "l IUllt a:hl l he n nil Ih " A r.l,. . l1utI, blul ror 1I1<111 e ) fo r on c Ihln!': anll anotb e l a n ll wh e n he harl s cttled nil RII.lln d and paid ext r a fu r not rid In,; hUII'1 l'alro on the cum e l " e SOl Itlall v t o ,1mb UII lhe p)rIlmld Oao 8ald h e " ,' \ll dn 't rhlt' lhal UI Ill e I bill I, t il Ca l r(, frT a mIllion <lolln. " ror he "II,

mn ll P-" 11 (:' loo h


II [

,'' -

\\ 1111

a 8 all l:g )P I I n. lI g lllll1 l\\ '~ · lll lIflu ", h

I t h p S \I " /,

lJall Hf 1t le d lor the came l for It bundl cd () o l l al , and a I,roml. e or Ih e sl<1 n of th e I ar,)! I. \I bl eh he II a s gill II ,; to t a he h ump BDIl ha\o stuffed 'fh er, a man who I» e t endetl to he a JII~l1 c " or th e l.e S, r hat! d ud urrCSlI'd 101 till v IllS nil'

'OhUl"lU f! ~ ltd and pl e nl ). th e) g't' l do\\ n Rll rt 1"11). " bll r Ih e, ul e COll<CIlIln h t h e

1 .. I


it l ,' 11 1 , JIl l l l1l" .. \\1 11111'


\\1t1:-.1\ ~) I'3 .llId a \.1111 1' I nlJp 111 \ (' ,1 II I h l r ulw a nd l,lrll ~O I I ~ I II I I" \t l\\lIlllllm

b eLl er p a l or Ihe, .... o llid Itlll him

t u 5 0 111(' ~ l l d a l111 afl f' 1 th r~ hA\ f'l ;':Of ' 0 11

ill ~

1 , 1 / 1 111 .....



ti l

!l nd f f'llll1d h lsl ,U I I' 1 \\ olll f1

(I n " '"' 1 11:,111 lit r. UI II I I!I,' II , .\ I ,lil d 1'1 , 11 1. Hid, "' 1' 0 11 ,1 th ' It,\l , l' ~rl) t 111 :-.! 11I'III 1111 I """, I 'I 1,1 n P I ' ~ I)1l II \\ " Ii It! 11 1 -.,11 (JIll I)



I"t\\ 8 1'i t }u :-. c pll,ll C:-' nlc . .JU !::\l h e fore th e) r oil u man I IH'\ g r l d I1 \\ 111111 thell J,u ecb o n ,i r\1~. o.nll I1Hlnthl<' hnl1l N h l ng



1 tid ~hlllr>nt


1111 1( 1)-.

: ' +1 1 I C' I I I I 'IIIIII


1- ..

I ldll l " \ I' ,


hr(' hft !'; "" (1 11 Th Il1t ~ t 1II 0U IITain s h,n c h .lll n li n he wou ld .bo u ll h c lum';l alld lira"n n t"HI (' 1 Ih ('\ ~ " (, 1Il I n bfUtl O\l' r Ihe ,\ r a Ii, uIIII hUSl Ull I b e s lloll 1:11 I h e LI lli e tlll(l g ot so be r vultl slun ll lobbed d il(l or ulidanArabmu . tlJe lll el - >0 " In s ll t' nt ( Olit e lll, . lal l"" Th.' lI 1<1o n ul' " " h uu t le unln ,; ug alllSt a pyramid t~ "ca l~d III ",l\p "II an y o r bl s I. >"I I In,; 111 ).:11 I II th o h r a l e ll . \\ Ilh a th e \ I ah lame "11 allu IlI r ~ a ll talkell harrl -C lll'n ed r o bb .i ~5 I th l nl, rind was 511': " ~ O ll Ilra\\ I II C .. Qlllllt; IInpa " lInov er In , I", ,, I) It !S nrolnl n;; at Oll l( an ll tlre w 100ll es ami It "ee me ,1 ahoul Ih o m a,jllt·s! nilln Ih ere \\IlM uo t ll ) 0 111 h ead a s Ih'mg t. Ihp) " ole lIl.u nlng Ilud 1m h c ).:ot so m e 01 bl s 11I01l ~ Y hll ck "h e n h e liom r thlr, r; " · c l o un LI an IntcrlllClcr felt h e tl e l. bul b e ).:,\\e me" talking to ENGLISH OF FOREIGNERS. amun g I tl Illllrl . ls 111111 h r lalh od 111111 Ihull 11111 nClrr forgel He s aid ' ))011 t you 1,110\\ he l I h ' \ral " anti IHllnti nglvlh l' IlllU Cl dud Theil Efforl s at M astenng t he Lanb al l IIlJdl n "bleh \\a.t)sll c t l. : h c ft Oulnll ter than tt;) W' al o tllid \\ Ilh (' ~p l n. g"age AI e O ftent i mes Very ' dve" lI!. c R lraln rnhhe . a.1I1 tire 'he san d d lte b e lias dcatl b e l o ld datl LUdrt cous I h em oIY In a holo In I Ill' g.""nr! \I here Ih 8 Arat>. IIauted him to lin) fvr Ih e caltlel h ! h all 'Idd e n to deal h aud 101l n - IhHe Is 110 \ e llllllllio n anr! mal,e pcoTh f' HI r'I ;~ It' o f rorei g- n l" '" \\ ho Il e red b y IClllng It UIIIII, a \I Bj;Ollloati of pi c '" f' fl'" 11111; ' Mil' be } O" hn, e .... ok. bu\ c filii IIl 111r f.l l Th I TI fill 'IOnaT1.' ~ In "alrr, aud thell cT>l el NI 111 a ruc ( across !Ill llJo~ e Jdng:!' an(l QII Ct' lI !-i 111 t I lt~ r~ , and

!Ipll l li P " hi s leg. heg-an .... h e re bb a l m, I d t off " nIl h e .... as lame from Oeuesl. 11 He l e l& II On8 11111 I IJI vr r/saw s urn a lot of people to

1 ..

8 \-


O 'J~I n J.: Oll t. o f I II~ (, fll Pl )

Ihl' Int l'rpl c tcl .ald


\, , 1_,

I llf

10 h "'

II t ,Ii ,L"

" 1<)11,\1

I ..


nes.'1 and

.1 \

11 ' , al h

j .. '

I ( I J II'



t )II I I Il!.1!

~ ' !~t l lll

,11 1 1




to lell u ' d " hl l' II a lllli Ih e su m e time. Jln d "h ' n o n o Ull tl1{1 " ti S Dol jummil ~ hlill 111 th e hac l, Ih r 01 111' 1 huml' '''IS Id l ' ~ III'; I'I m III lll e '!ul1Ia~ h ulld It h e

I I I I J'

1\ 11 11 I 11 11'P' 'I \~


li ed 1\ i!:f I 1, 1



I I{


'. '


all d JU' I UK Ih~ 111 -1 III C 111111 \\U s 1"ad T E nt h u 5Hb t f..n m c tl\11 I \ f' 1l (! rj \\ h no p l ::l ~ n Ilr. b a \\8000 C 1,lu llhl b tlnllm .tll il l it ,. fl rr. , ,\ i )( HIl 1\,"")\ \011 '" l et .. ... I· 111 \\ 1 h Ilou t ba ll !=; la~ lll d liP til l' ~Itlu tll n u t! idtud , eo o r ~ .1I1!1 rlr l l "t l ' ll'l Jl l I I t J '" .1 "l d a tl \l"' hU l ~ ,I.;~"l y " esl. h b 11 11 ' lI t1 lJ ' ~ o r hl :-. I ' t'((" II I ... H I h i .. IIl e.. lI oh J lIml ll n ~ I el b ll ut \P I! I\ II to I b o ol\ a nd .. tlI:-. ti l \ 'li t I lIu l\I11": 1')1 (' th e II U \ " :-, ('c t\ I h (' ~ lI1d t !o. \ llll lh!, \1 ',111' I LI lli 11 o f hll tlll l lg ,l nd I I) I n;.:, nlld h(l l lll l ~ A lla h' an d g l O \ f' ltng U II Ih f' fl l l() 1 and aI I S"~ !l l lhe ,11 1 HI ti p .> dUlIC I l or'; Ham's I Ihro h al '" "Cl e ft \l l1~ 1"1101 11111 111 th l' fUI I\S I ) l l Lt plHm ptl, r l(., I e: a t\ O d l 1ll l n l dl Il I1C r o f' l il t.' l O llrl :-,t8 an ll/" l t\h(,," \\ ns"' l tIl 4 rn r t lll' d u, I llth \ Ilh Hl JlI,'I Il:-. all I1 H.: il li 1, 1\ ~ , 'n l e ll O tt! Of li lt I I h flul ~ I I I IOll~ tl t tll (' tl l ll lI l 1 s , a lld h )l II I ttl l lt1, on" ... 11 I hal. I Ill lt.:;h t as \\ p l l \ \l lI d Ih (' 1!l l ll1!, I1pg, O I Wt, l f " 1: \\ hllt" til J h l~ ' ] O Il Il I,lI 11 ;o, ' n O ll'" sf) I I'ot h )l(' c1 111I" lnl l o l III } lelF I Itw l lll lnlll 0 1 Iiln, kl l , ... s d l t\ \\ :; I!()\\ n t: tnnt tl l " t lu ( l, I l<tlll( "'pa l h:-;t llll t 'Jo r r t t clll ~f" Thl ough II ', hi li ,' -.I HI .. l o o llJ

'\\ A :-; T L.1l Ill." 1., Po' \' I Ol! '111&


I I / L l H' 11\ I,) ,' , \JI1 1 1111 ' III I \1 1 II ! h ' "vile 1 !J ill Ill' \ .. I , cI , 1 \1 I I'"- I 1 ' \ 111 1 ,.;, I " '1, , 11 ) 11 ulld III I II I' 1',11 ,i r e 1111 11 1 1\ I f ' II I t ' , 1\ \\ 1 1'11 1 I I, ,I I . " 1J.t\ I Il ~ l' I )I ~ I:',.1 ~ I 11../ I l l t -. II ' (II ' t , p ' n ,...g ,d \ J' I ' H 'II ~\ l d tlll )l ~ IJ f _ , I ~ {I U I II 11' ,1 .. III 111 11' ,t l ' ... I 1 t. 1I III d tll l) I " 111 ~tI \ ' 1 \\, II' 1. 1' '. I" r a lll\ 11 10:.1 11'16 !.. 1.11111 " If II I I' I I I t ll ll I nd I hl ~ 1I bul, \ 1l - l il L \\III :ot f ( 111\1 11 1111 111 11 ' ''11 ' \ 11 ,",.1\\ JI ~ ~ II I I ' t I) .1 I \ ~tI!f )l t! Ill } I II ' \\111 I, ~ III 1 I n 1(\11111 J hI' J, , I I I I I I ' II ' fI I h l ~ f1 I 1111' 11' 1I III tl . I t tO l dll1,.. t u 1:-. " ,lid [Ii I I :t il , \ 11 1' 1. , t il d\ lHlIH II( r II\! II I \ I ' ..!hr r , h \ ' I, 'I I ,;t fill) 11" 11 1 II rl d nl1' fIl lll,dl ( I ",, ' \\ II V l h , g l l l .l l p) r-


th ~


'I I'

T n !t" , 11 1\ hu'" r ('cNld· II

1111... I.:.

P I '), I I

I Ld l

I al l I I tc ll

p r a ) ll\ J.!., l o r S I I f' tl~l h Hnd rn dIlIH I I" t; ( rr r h lll r \\fl lI l ,jn l h,... a n f .::.~ ro l VI I' pro h u hl) to gP t H\\n\ "lt ll al11Jlro 1lI)11 1 01\1\ If! :-.n \ (' d a d I r 1'111 )'Pu l ) OU :l l1tJ \('I \" ,llcllmll ll l cl l p)la nll fl .triO 1' \ \ \ 1' h ad IP il l\ t' dIJ UI AP h U f' tlP lq \\ a fu j II I ).; :\ I..H 'J Ih ,' n q l, 111 1' 1... lJla~{l~' 1 I OUlll r) ' R ud ua'I ' Iht~ root Ih ll t s c 1II1~( ' filii 0 1 IJ:.'IIS a nt! --

h ' <:I111

h .'


:-. 1i ' JI1 II! II

"]1 I , I , I, \\ I II j ~ I '" 1 !t .. lit ' ... . 1I d 1111\ .lI t 1.11\ 11 1,,11.., '1' 1'] ' I I ll d!, ~ II JI t 11 ' 1' ':' ,I ii I I I \ 0 I " ('lit I _1\ 0


' l1 11hull1 !l1 011, /I I1 "

..lIlI n 11

•II I , I II

<I.lI lI ~ n 111 '

OJ I ,

tHII \\I\ "' lI t h c ( u l1 lt,l t. a m C IWU I j d O \\I1 Ht ll lr:; II lit iI Ii 11 ,\1 I \ \\ I"' ~l l 11I 1n(l W(J " ,Ht h .Llu e d u f Lia ti II ' ~ had hi D I III~ r u olII t ha I "'lIlC' l l c d 111\ +'11 fll 11Il;;U.., nl lll "' rlr,lI l1d l h ethc tl otlt h ll mpft fl!i(' \\ i!h hal :-.a IUl (, lI l nlllullg 11i 11':::;' all «n n H I bIH I Itt' was 't f')I III J,: l UI' Ii t'J I. 10 Ul nllll ll nn d l l (' ll CI f' PP\ to 10 }' lJl lIlfl ll ager an d h l~ Il' g:-, \\ PI '1 h(' ~ lIl dt'H got dO \\11 olllhl '!r !,IH' C'7' tO Jh I n ~ Ifl h'"' ~"" an ti CH") t Inw t b e ) PI a ) nnd [ I hnll;.: h t II " .t :-. UIlH' 11) I t' (An H III J\\ l1 th £' j Idd\l'!\ ilhu l e u ll h t' :oiid c I fJIJ I ,f'.lag:aln l ti ollo 'l\ n lt\\ \\l l .ltm ,l ti t:: o f , 111 IHn.t l IIlC I llInl, o f ma l,i ll g a :; fll s ll t I4l 11 I I ~ ht \\'lll ~ l l I t l ll lll h ti l d ud \\!l l"i a Il rny p Ih " , (1 i ll th e hO\\ l,t:-. " f th tll 1') l anll l 11I ,l n 1'I1l ) " h l fl tl t' tI Itld' It c alf and \\ Iir ll "h"I t.: I h t' l P \\ (\ 1 f' 1 0 1 p:-. f':"'! I hOIl ... anl!:; ' If 1hl\ lfl lI l ; l ~t u p rH' d .l lil l \\ (' n l t() C a 'I Il ~H \I. tU n 0 111 0 1 1: ~\PI,. l u lt l :') 1 :1 1' \' 1 t! lIn lpu l ~ la !o.~e hl ' l vp; l h 'dh l:-. I" ) I' J.:; alld rl' ll t ha t \\ ,1) nt hOHH "in ll [\ I~l l l ' '' ~l ... h ll} lJl "K \\ t h al t hl 1' 1() 1'~ "Hl lln had t(l ll l"tf' r\ bill I l il nll.L;hl l \\lIl1 l d ... hout JI'.l IPlh " It' l ol l et! 0 1' h l ~ I H U H: I II I{ c a ~ 111) In:-. t~;om an l u nd l(' .1I1d Itl (' 111 \ l a ~ t l,aJ! o f\\ ll u l t a lltl :;I II I I 'I IIIh f'~'lll d a n f l l g'I,ln llll (ra d\ .... I I \g ll ll h f1 l l'i I1 1 I HlIUln"j ~ lJ t.l ~al l I t "1\ ) a {I I H) r l hUL \\lH' U ti l ~,I" f'!1 1I1ll anI! l ~tI \1' I ll .... I lIalll l' ~ thn t \\ (' 1I10~ I nn f ' lI1 h l ll'l t ' l uug h l ng h('!-; rl)PI' .... t\ \\ lltl lcl ~ C I Ollt nll'l' tiu\\llIll lla P to uf Jl I Utr ~ fcn " :, u l l l lOll\ I ' lt ho ll , \ oll 1 ~IH \\(, I (' IiI\t'du llhl!o.l ll (l a l n mh () f ~onln \\ (I II I lIn ' n III' \\ It " II I hal J[l( I\ u !oo :-; htt h(l ,J 11\1' \ Il 0 1 cl~lIu m lte Y ou h .l \C 11I 00 t" I i\ t' h ! ~1I1 :. n. U 11 :\ 1)\\ ~f'l n 11 11 :; 1 1(' Oil

11' III I




II '"

1 11•.,


11 I I I"

I I! 1,11


hilt " . "1,


1 -. ill

I .:.,


1 .\I I ... l d

~l\ '· II . l b h In l lcqa -

lIoi\I(I.,,' 11\

I I . .. / ,

or I he l ah o l- Srntlmcnr :llld OrllonizRtlon 1 hl- ou~ h out th e United 5In l e ~ ,



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. 11 I

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l Oll)

,.. 1 11\\ Il t 'I''''




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I 11 II lit..: II 1...1

" ,l



\ .i PJlJ! Idgp

H l t l , It lt l l"

\I I

l) i1

f'" 1 I



1\ , q

'1\ (1'111

lll ll J1J II I I II \

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Ill ,

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~ , ! II ...

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Labor Day-Its History and Si gni ficance

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H l:1 II H " ~ It p lldl\ hll ut l.!" ~I1I /.l' l lahor. ,, 111 11 ' I l l l o n\ Pll l0 1l Of it U' h uui l :"; n \\ 111111 .111 11 ,111 J... " ' II 0111 ' P,lI t IIr Ihn ,,, ,,11.. 1 \HIs nd"p l.-d n t.; ,I1II :-.t lh ' I rn ~ \ \ UI !t! ( ,I I U IIl Il If!t t..: nlld Illj l l u "hull p h\nl n 0 1 JIl l 01 I.J! I! II 111 j UIJI!'~ tl t h r <1 ,l \ 1\1 )\\ h p I U II ~"' - 1I 11 1 Oll l ) as a. I II( I \\ H h r IP L' \\ u l k m f' 1I I HII tl pr; dn ;: u l " ' 1 1, ~!! 1I1l UL II .1:-. n sj llllJo l or JlI I IIIII1II1I .. t \ (11 fa l " r d'1I 111 g " ~ I i"i fo l I It t' JHll d h ' " I H.; n lll (f1l CIt Ill' hunor 1llt' 1" .\ 1 oj " j 1"'\ ( \ ,' IT I f it 11111'0 1 tl ll ' I II) d i ll' I " \\4\ III I ~ ,l S l lJ IlI ili ',lll ' JIl 1.11 ,1 I h H I I) it T 11 \ ' \I .... t l l 1'1 d of pl ,l l " \\ hllil 11 11 II t.:9 I l u ll h ul d K In ti lt} Th ,,111'11 II P l l III I ll d l :"11 . 1,11 l q ll ~~ I '"' '''' of I II Ifl ... tt l Ill ' \ fll , rll d ll Ilf'o p lc t !w [ l ilt, d ::-11~1l (> \ \ih h f' ! d I I t\ .~ \\ l " .... I~I. l 'l\ (' I ' , 1l~lI l1 j" lI " I t h e dl\ W&-"i ) (JlI, III I h ,' \ (' I! I t il t! I \ ~ \ C ~II \ \\lhLlUI Ihnll,1 II I 11l1l1l 1l1 t.lTlt fa t :n r III ,11 "'11 \\,H 11! '-,:"UIIIP, l!I l' ~ 1' " J. ' l~ I, IJ1d II l\ ' IH~ li lt \\,1\ for I t;'dc l n l Hrll t!, ll itHl n \\ " rl ~ ln , l1h'l1 :-. ~b ... t)'I,lI 1] 11 lind th e o[ 1111101 lh" (li mn s 01 \\ hi c. 1i \\ a!o; tlilt 1\1\\ 1. 1I~ I :l ntll ' ICJt" t.' ( IIn l Ol ~ - t''lI....:. atL· atl ')1 t l1 tl ~ I ('S S of J' e hl ll,ll' )')0 ', l .. n I IU II l::! \\ ltlrh il P IHI.lI \ 0 h 1\\I' (1)0 11 ,, 11,,11 p l l)\ Il I ~ l l I h at t hi' pl l'sltle nt 'l1 1 r U I 1111110 "' :' ('von I h i Ill!, H lld UI l\ , h lH!.; (:111111 1"' 1 ... h nuld I nlll1d e till' till t"' f (If' an t h:l l l "omb" ll :t f ha llgj' 1\ 1111 I I) m em ' l l n d(, p E.l ll tl l III 1J ll r f' an o j (O mm (' I'..:l! and l 'l' I ~ ' \ll ) In \, h lf h a 1J ~ p 1:;<Hl IlIOPCI taiJul \\ hO I Pa~ th Un i l Ptl Sta t c~ uEr agl"l m ole o r fo m ale \\ U l ntl ml ~t c d pa lll11 c n l t n I.I l.w r ol g; n n i zl',1 In l SUfl, li t








Th e ," Ide la \ Ittl~e of IlI c~c a , so • •a- I h ad II ' ~ Il III "I ~ I" Cln o o f t )l ~ IJIII eal! ll Uous ullllOrl!ntly did wueb to e n cou r. 1 till 11~1l~llUl C ul ot Lb e 11I1 ;:110f• • -








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Sprin gboro , ~- cen~erVjl.~ Blas~hemy • .._ . Dl'nt.h r oliovecl fr" ~1 b i .8uITerillg - 1•. lJ . \Vllkor son. WU tl trunmlc \. .Iuhn IIUU 'Sall'lI\oi I::Itll1l801 woro ~1t 8ol0tu8 to' be a rooogni lled fa6~ 'htlrl I£v r ett LewIs, oilier son of Im3in "~ in our village r ,\I I'~ P,·tI ,1 ]\I op'rr'. of "I\I ".' ! "l~,' Obhi Res coOlllly . C,' uterv l1l" vl sltm's I:!n~:ul'IY. li on cboo)s h oes fol' Mr. ' lIllc1 Mrs. Ithat' bla:lllhe my hl1s\lOon on tho in. I:to Lowis, nell t' ·1 Mr!l. 1- ., 'II" . I ,I I, ·,· '"II,! 4. ~II ~ It. .\ h oys.. BII. rnl.,,"a I'!1l1 .. , J!j\'lIll ii",s\)O OIl SplIllU. Aln1ll8 tllp th ltlrt o t.I\I'o~ 'St' h l nll il4llolle · or60Bllon purllt,reet8and~tloltorlng . I Jo, ~'o·I,.,O.Ck F.-iul\y tIlorilln g, Ang ust 2:;, ill .. ~ \'1'1'1\1 dllya in Frankli " \1 ,,, ~Ir" 1 / \\. 1I,·" d l't' ''I' . n th e It' t blsoOllll1lUn lts. u I 1I11s>I l'1hlllllll HII bl\w~y , !leor~tRry . ~ t~t' ,'lll i" ~ I'Opt '( ' I :I! , 1 p , ill t 1I 1H1 \'lil" ro'r olll bi~ birth , .runlllLr y ttl. l RH, 'pH SI wllek. , pll106Rln tllo ll\st few yellrll, Thla t o UI A P I·O,Illou t. of lit e NlitlOul ll to h i~ d onth , h e WIIN n BIII'l'Y nRvl~ find family . of Day. III I/101elltu.ble. Bla8pb emy \8 a vloo Rujyolr~r from 1lI t"1, " nl ~ hl' " "t I ~\(' .1 I': . .IUllllI')' N l'IIl!11 l1 wlI t('1' "~:I~tlln II nil flllllily IIl'e t on, !lptlnt, Sun,loy with relMlve 111\ c l'~IIS, L bauon, III or g/mi a hellrt troublo . Abo nt,seve u OlltRl' s ft.t bl d b II fi d d I ortllin ing· A . • 1. K ell or uud wife ~p ndmg IIt wI'11 turnell \'noo·tlo n In . Ih ls plnco. '\ ' J ,1, 11 ~llIu<"O I' t'\' II". h ell n t.. . a lorre ' O h o wos y II . re nil aD ou· ' )f \\' . tV ' " n . h I t .. woeks r, A . ' .. ' IIS · , ' . nttlloke u with S 0 • D J: 0<'11 011 us. fllr " w'·I'I. vi~it ill): "l' r llll \l~ h >lor' I uo J\loun Rlns. • " I I r ell d ... "IlI:l..I~ hi I r t:;11lI11 . tured . Ileople, .I \\.I100]llDg Mr. whethe r roligiou slY . Illno~1 II\IS. W'O HI cou gh . SOO~.I lifte r drop~! HlIr old Pee bIos, of Duyton , I ~ Ilor f' 1, f ('ot nmpu t II t e d,I~ IIIHI ,.lhe r r oJ IlI.i\·Os itl Duyt.m . ' a t·CIl d I'l Y grow I S inoline tior not Bhlsphe my is an I . Wh cn wnntlll grtrugs , you olin go t develop ed. lind liS ng 1119 wellk ?ons!l. visi ting nlu tlVllS. .1 bd t llr . ol1'onse IIgainst Goelan d mlln, ond Is l'Oltl llllous S too k lUlu. 1 .U 011 It ry E'' 0 t 1 then;1 puro Rml fr ellh lit MaY':l· t lltlon Miss W ootll, HllthrlwllY t;peut t.ho · Prof. R . B. Ewinl! nud h ' rf succum bb 1 bed to aduell dlse/lso, .1 L . , KillCl lit i\lllV·S. : ramlly, Mrs ' . ~alJ1ll . forbidd en both l)y divino and human o l B. . . Cook, . of \V1I",ll. ' ' IS 1 o? el. IL.\1/11Y. . . Illlu onsl I tl . I I'llst \\'ook Wi th h er fn onll , MIllS wh~ Iw\'e b e~n V1. 9 1tlll~ J • ' I MI B II ' HIl \~IIS pntle nt, uuselfis ~o IL ves n lAWS. nnd a "onnlty iSI>rovldOll for Arlhnr Uo nkhn 11, ..1 wifo,of X'HIIlI !~ Sltlo l~ U ' f(J ' ,.';U(l SIS h Rnd Orflce W I\1 i!I\IIso n llf Llb() xty dltl eront, e· 1'1I1·I.s .If th o !:l tate. bave ss IJ r HI t,hough tfulof tho oomfor t of other~, . . . 0 1.·. 0 D . ID ullfvey br , wor o .m, d h ll ve heeo \'I ~ lttng IIll10ll g 1 I... ·'Ir ",0 . I" 1 l'f i lillIe will t II. of' Jr\.11 IISII"", I'S' vl' ~"I'I" re lu .... ell hOlll o • t ertll inet! rooent.1 y· sby urg. th e di~rc~ard uf both the uivlne I\nd Mr.. Robo rt 1111 dllrm g llS S lort I e h s pareots ing lIi~ f.llmer neigbbu r~ hotW CIlIl Lyt.lo E . Cre w. tt t orother ,Iohn M . BllUtu. lIud Mi~s Fannie Wihmn. who hilS I .. 1 wOl'e IIlwllyt! ohoered aDCI comfor ted lllUlan S II U ,e~. fllmily. ' •Iod Wllvn o~ \· l lIe . b oon vi siting l1er I Jlllr e nt~ for some BI,Isph emy Is defined by our lexl• . by Ihe oompani01l.labl o lind ·ltppreOi. . For sli le ~O O 1m . of corn, . . IHlve mllnner In which he recoive d ' lll l· IIS returno ·1 to tllo sanitor ium 0 St.icky lind poi~on fl .v PUPI' I II I Mr. 1I1111 MrR . Alf l:lIlpll1a pbers 118 speakin g eVI' 1 of oth re enter. tl . O.lJ i{ obert Andrew U th eir devo tion to him 0 g ra. tuillill!: Mr~. ElIlln MIller, of W os · III Dllyl oo . . May 's . ors; to I'e vlle; to calumn ate; to Orgoonill, '0. Re tlli zl n g thllt life w'ith him would tor :,i1ll!, lind D . Eo MilIllr Mrs. Lylliu Prosllu 11 , of Fu !r 1 Rnd wile, Mr . ~:/llIk ~rIllh'tr lle t, one , . of our speak in terms or Imploul l irrever . btl short. they g ratified e\'ery ex of Sprlll g fi oid . m ount. lodlllnll , I ~ II g\l o~ t hI lh,· , Mr ~ . H?ber t Ure w had II g,:d cII. ,zen~, IS m .1l precari the plellt!. pressed Ilesire.1I11 o f whioh, III' fD,' bom e of her m 01lw r. Mrs . Chllrl " U, ' u ro Ill s t t:\lItnniu y 01 having Mrs . Eii m F'·re. o f Wllpnk onelll , dlt.lon lit t.Il1~ wntlllg . A ous con· ence of God And saored things. Ul! lI er n ~ po"siLJI~. h e Wok ]llea Sllre in consult a· "ThOll shalt not tako the nltme of is ~ IJo nctin/{ th e woek wi th Mr!:l. tlOn of phY810ltUl8 WII8 Edwurd s in \\'11,Y ll esv iil". guosts , .hor UO~1 ~ 1ll 8. W ~t1kor Bond , sharing with other". held Monday . " Mnry Brnscll l' . , ,,lui WII,'. \I f 1 hlitulelp A lur ll;e numhe r of tbo frIends of (lod in vnl~. was the tbird oom· Jf )'our ('yes troub le yu u g" t . ·, .I Ollllth ·11I \\'n g ht und hlll .and PrOf . ! Rl'v I F' Cadwlll Illde r condl1l'II'II M rs .1 T . Bro \vn glltberoc1 llnax. lIuuum ent In the \\'ife. or H"r. I t hl' fU;';' ('1I 1~o rd l'es 'It the Chri .tl'\Il F runk 1:1. ·I, ro,· . J"\\''' ''' r ""d , . . . 1\ .. decalog ue given Mr. of . R. Htl'pbo n!<o n lind lllLUgh I)Uo tcUly lit her bOlll . . ' " , () t " o Fridlly I I'b non Ohi o . evoll Ip . r b" . G Mrs. ud to O,.cllr hi s "reat ClllVeil ger, ' wure . I I l ) S ) ,r". Illw .civor M08cs churCh lit :.l () Chll'k SJ<t.llfllt h I J .. II I(, UltI, : U . ' • " \II g , t o cong rll t.ltillte er upon IAV · to he ll eli\'ere ! omiulll Ib lH fur th e W hrrCIJ lI oon .. IIlId th o Ilo~" er ""l lY IIftol'· D.I,\' t on Vi $itor ll !o;nlnrl1'IY. d to God'il oh080n Mr . &1 ~""\'1 C k •. II I Doyt"n . 1,/I, ,CUPr en. ('IIS"!'t ll II t y 1"111 l' 111'0 H ll W r ou tly fll" ('on ill~ rUII ?hf ll l1u~l.h el' birthdu III 1111 u;,; y. I II (. A I'rtY leo ' I'"IM .Ie r om II III . WII R tho I"rnellte~ and from them ~: C Mulle n 11 lid f'l tIIi Iy tIIovO(I III Rt. oIlJ o~'II11le t IIIl O was bt,e n vi SItin g lt l~ . ~llllltl \' I'S II ' Ih ' lri hl1tiu tl . . ."1ll1 fur OI,1l halt . I I , in ' d 0 11 Millllli <'0111 1'1.111'), . to t11Jl' IIIUtltO\\,1l Moud 'IY · WlIs ue~ \'Ilie 'lilt! \·IClIlIt·)· for ~ll' I H: , brilJ g ~oll1t'tltill g f' Jr <lx hi 1.Jililln. lind inlm'I'ElU Mr~ . Lydi ll Kelsey ent(lrtll ineu Wlt~ pussed uown tbe'tlge sau whf're the meek s Ulf.. rer ha,; fuu nd all 1 E,lwnl'l l Keo \'er, o f Ceuten'iIIe , Snnduy . '1'hOI'Il from a distanc e boeRllle time. M ., li M P 'lul of Piltsb nr u plIrt of the statnto ry IIl\' rest. _ IIII ~ . wh" o sw. r elllrned h omo . . Only a few m or e S alnr(Iny s lU lifte 11 r ., II 1 . 1II e" ~ll ut wure: Art·hllr 1(01811Y lind fatllily, of of b ol.h Enghtn d lIod the .., - --itlt h or Iiul .. dUllg . . ' 1 b I~ THANKS - ~' 1I 0M ' (11m I", tII Unitold 61' H1 · "t:N Ht; ,\IlT~. \'1"11 " \\'111 ""h ic lt 10 use !;pnhr's Ph ot .. l\ '11 LelJlI ~pell,litlg I,h tl stltlllll ht or Ii", H ugu ., "'IIII' e Mi " 9"9 \\. AS l'I · " I'lto n ~ rurs. '} 0 thaod Stotll~. nnu BO remnInMtun er with h u,· Mr . IlIlIl IIlrs. ,) 110 Le wi s \\'i~h Mllr.v lind l:illlltluh Wright I t 0 d ay, I)OII ~ ' ·011 can ' t Ilfl'o rd t n It' l I h i" .. . i\1 oh lldren. I '1 nf '\' Entoll; '" A Mrs. Idu Kl'lsey, slIn ctioned by th e wisdom of IIges, P"I'l'UI s. j .. . 1111( " .. ~ . ' . . rn o II. I,hl'o llgh I h e m hlh. 11 III of t I opp,)rtl lnity pl' S~ by. Bollbro ok und Herber t Kelsey. 10 ('11'1.0 11.0 . R . A. H ,'thn WII.\'. of Cl,. tl C'I.U off D III. C.) I' \\'111. uxpeetti to 1·\'.Inl'lI III h ut to) . I)f ' p xpr £l~ M Ihpi r hOllrt f" lt Ihunk s n ll Mr . 00110 ha vln" in all the hne li ~1)tlllt . history ~Ilndny . 1 wit.h his ('Imily 0 Mrs . Hl\nnnh HUl cltin :!on IIn ,l 11ll 1l1 " III II Itl\\" uy ~ . lIyto n. . • : II • If • \ .. epenl 10 f,wn ,l" lint! • nct ghborB who c x at tillS pll1e.,. - • Cit 01 Mi s~ Bessie Hto~e8, of Uhiell gn. "' " or I r ... . SI'I) ou r h Il Ua!S0 ll1 tl Pl 'lIO"1I 0 \'clti f'l', te l1lll'<l III Ihl' lII."o lh ~.o;'I~pu P , I ' I f tt I id d wn lhy "nrl Will Robin 011 IIml flintily enter Repu blican "u-t,tI ' ve". rlmar y = of their r"I" •. ll mOIl!!.Y. ~ ~ 1.1 LHW IS II rn e 0 ~ o on ~ ~ M,'. IIUlI lit !'), lire b(,lIuli es for tu h oll'fulr.I 08>1 ullrtn g' Ih ll o. ~l c kn eA" and toineu Mrs. Ho ward Booth U. A. I Fox ontl f . futllily 1 I OYllr I [ I AllnO UnCe .ents lay II lIuperlo r l>o" ll r, nnu tlte hw 'It. t Ie tlllJ{) 0 th e I e llt 111\11 ullcm Sumlll\ ' . h I ' ogl\illst LJhl~pbe01Y J . K .J llnney. of th llil' d eur 80111 ~\,Ilrett . E" e ry IIQ _n en· Mrs.·J . M.Bulll l olIlIDlh lou Dwigh. J . 1(. Spence r, Ih o O regon ill 11I1Il · 'lho Rlll)ub\iofms . of ,,"'arren uelml by tb o Power Mba lru lll Ellis 'l'tIl'StillY fc r klud u?~ WII~ IIPIII:I'I'II,f.I"IIIU!l help . spe nt 'l'hl1rsd ber dealor , hll~ jnst r eceivoo tI 1'111' ' t 1.[JlIi ~ \\'1i " 1'1l ~left. llY in Duyton . County wi!1 b o\(l a primar y election the IIniverp p, "the GUll Hlat rules h u will III\; tl \I fill. Ihe hpllnt.lf ul flow er s bent wh,) gl\ve. load of fine ~hil1gl es whioh he I:< .. 'I L d I ~I ' MondDY SElpt.('m ber 11, ror tbe 80· fr mn IIIt1nv fri to angelp " and Is hlDlling e ven cnrl~ brough t silent JUrs, ·" Ilry oft'ering at rigbr IJri oe~. Cu ll . w!'il u '~' ''It·~e II f Il lnu .y lh u eoltli ll t: willl o" ILIl gS 0.11 tln l . ' I S~ luOtl'OII' 'Of oonditll ltos for oonnty II~w '" 1 0 'I Ile wbero ll onto thor II\ t ' n~~ e'I in n~ .. '8 ol' of s.\'mput h.v. om1 Iho con · .LlIlIlB U " n Frld" " 110 such IlIw pre. in killlh' r g ul'cl c n w U!' k . j . orl· beuIJY tllo le"islat or tE'lepb olle. r -II]{lllney Pu ".' IUcer!!. o l M ~ C harles und Folill !:: \\'11 r<1~ I'x nr PHSOII hy Ihe Rev . M lve or munlei~ Hoosier &~ool ~ h co fnr girl~ . r . III r. . F It - .. . MI ~!I Hnlh l 'hllntlll er hUll III'I' II.T. F. Cndwnl (Jllnc1lu ates mllY announ oe thom· pal power Tho natural 0.1' logiod nt th e fun eral Mr: lUlU ·~Irs. B I . runk KInney , 01 , !lclves in thi!! oOlumn for $2. All sequenc t'lIj O)."ill~ " vi~it lito vfl il t few duy~ serviC:ll~ \voro lildcr e of this law, handed down II!! hahn to theIr Phllnlle lp)lIa. , IIrn lIUt s . _ . I unuo un oem llnts will be publlsh ell llireot frolll Uod him8elf fro lll Mi~~ AlIllIl Mall ,III tbat it M ~sl ' JOll~n ::>oUl eArs. 01 Gr('ernWvllI~. l'onthlllon~ly llnW I.he .time 'l'bA \VIIYIIO 'l'owl\slaill tll~t.I·leI : Pill~bl\\'g. wh o WI'~ 1\ Tud or , uf l wounde d h ea rts. of tbe has become an oolealaa tioal law in HillJ :' ri! o launa II l'ChoolR will <>1,011 nI' xt MIIIllluy e x h e .. clu~~ Wllllu till!:>' ",,, l\Iem he r of utrum. 0 U.I · cleoti on. ' nil branoh esof the ChrIsti an ohureb cept. po~sil>l y, Ule OUI.' i ll Ih o bll\'i ~ . 111 Ih e NIlI,ilJlJ,,1 Normlll .. 0 !il11ll1()1\1~ S i d · d Add n.esvllIl ', RIP.e nt last week WIUI r ela. F uR RKI'RlttlIo:NTATH'tC U nivur~i ly . pen 1 land also theoonc Olled,lf not written , ress l , II\'C~ nt I lI S lJ nce. Furnas di~trict, which IIIU)' n nl. 111' 1 Mr~ . Burriut Du gnn i . I:lw of moral allu refined ~oolety. , 1I1i sse~ Null il' by Noted Frien d. Hnrl oy Archuo llOOIl nnd fumily. ready beo"l\~e of . reJllllrs . Tbp. , t1n(l ::;ilrllh WII ~ n s li nd Alhe rt Brunt. '1'. ,I. W ilgl" 10 tho faoo cf sueh author: ty how or Mnrlin H ill e, spont l::l,tlnr<lny 111111 text bookM wI\I bu Ilt Ih lJ ~oh ou l . llf Millltli c,mllly IIU W. Z Roll. tlilre men ntter unolean or hou~e!!, ready for Ihe 11~pII~ UMB . ;t'imith J"" \tJ~ nmllio ll ell(l e.l th l' \ Henry 'Vilhnr , of Phillule lphill. Sunday with hl ~ Jll\rc\lt~ , Mr. I\nd (F ll r r o nomlnn tion. ) profane )unguag l', thnt not only in. Pupils IIhonlu. ~o jlrm'ldllcl With brook l:iulurtl ,IY. IIml nl'lIr Bell one of t h e L\I0~t PI' minellt. tII c mbe r~ Mrl!. N . Al'clule llooll . ! THII:ASU RI£H. h,I\'o ~i u "snUII God, hut shooks tbe OIlrl of ctJ of tbe Fri end s t50C ill t~· in Ihe U nil ell Miss I.n cre.tiu JUlIllf'y hus agllin t.heir own penCils lind pape r n~ us n,,1 beell g nllsts of fri o llll ~ In the \'ioln., addressOII )~ 1111'1(0 ulld i('nco r et. llrll l II Idecent men lIud sensitiv e women ? to her dul i e~ li t I.ho Post . oi n ti Conf«r ence of 11 0 i ity o[ W/lynes \·i!h'. \·j,'i till ~ nt Frnnk J . Brown . How dllre they ntter on our streets , I.h " l ilt, tbe Hic ksit,o Frie nliM IlIl'etil1~ OlllcIJ "rl e r spendiu ... TEhe CliP .nl II :1'11 g II week et At "'prI' n' ~ Iho\l.l('" of Monri ('e Corneli . ,I uhn , honSEl I::lnnd,LY most F ll it rItOIl ... T~: J UIJOI:. or in other pltloos! tlDguag o pollutin g JU. • 0 Iurt I w Ul ol'llin /?, m ]lrP.II e , (' hingn .., "ll'll~un .,. '" . tly I /It I P 1. ll rt . 8nrOll, hlichlgn u. 1 e week frolll t d'IY ,"II"n 011111 I 1IU1 .."rllt' I \\' ri. g III . II 1· 1 I d 'd M Corwin Drnke I to tbe IItmosp here of bome, hllll ~ p en I B.erm on . I' u on . 0 ,. ~ I 'I' CI . . .•. ", II ' i '1 ' I I o-llzin g to Mr. Wllhur hI tit .Ibe hOll rl of n \1 B 11 tbe Ilunnal nppoID tment of DUOl:! or hi g b WBy, an d" "' ~!' 11m C C , I" \' ~I ,lUg 1'0 n. \ . MISS L''1.zle ~tewurt WIll IIlIlVO t h" :lociety of IIl1 tion ul SOO.lO i ex oxwo . Ihe AuiJl'le~s etlr8 lIem... of whose li ves in D.. ylon. tile ohlldre n tere to thI'lYllrlo \1~ churge s will bo I~ttor . I'urt uf Ih e wee hlnrlin A . ,JlIllleso D k fer E" st ! object is Ihe IIUV/lm: elll cnti of Fri cnrls who are to bo t.he .men And women made. It. \:\ ,1~raetlc/lIIY eerlnlll I·h ut urango , N e w :Jer sey, ~vbcre Our villnge w"s j!rently "hookl'll i FOil l'OMlIIS SIONt:n. she .\\'lII l llrinci\ll o~. of anothe r I;enerll tlon? '-;hat .. Rev . Phlhll .1l'Out WIll be r e tnrnct! ' ~llelld I,ho w1l1t t'r With last ThursdllY u ftorntlOll whon it he r llIeCI', filthy legaoy to paIlS down to polter. Inul1 edinte lv lifter hi R nddress LJeC,lI110 kn o wn t htlt Cllrl B'Lrnlu lrt I to WBYlle~vllle for cIDol hOI' yenr. BOWIIfU B . . Anderllon. Mr~. lJ. A. Anllor~ ou . Hls~ I:itCWllrt here, Mr. WiflJllr left for Uilloinnllt.i. Ity I I\lul ucoiuon tnJly shot his motl"~ r, ' lIrs. Annie Leonar d has boon o~jI('''ts .to oontinu e ( Re nominu tltin .) It Is Ume thlll orime waR stopped to ,nlllkA whero h n lll1d 1111 cJ\!{lIgement to wl1'1 Ilic,l instllntu sufforin g for Dbont two 1l10nth~ 1 \\ ilyned\, llIe h er h.o wo ll eolls ly . Fnnerll l F Ull ~t;IIVIi:"OIl. "!1 d WIll re spellk nt 30'oloc k. J. E. Januey t ook by enforcem~nt of peoalty , fur lit Ih " U . B. ohul'ch Snlnrrl ay nftll !'· with a badl y polaone d ·1rnnd. whic h turn h ero tho commg sprmg. "nltol' Henklo. orlme it is to which il att.ohe d ~ him to Lohllno n in hiB Iltltomo bile , noon c onc1t1c te<l by Hev. ha.s prevlln ted her from tluin~ IIny I Mi ~5 Wiunie S hild~ BII\Ckburn . penalty , Crime II ,Rn oif1!ose again at \ a form or fr om whi oh pln ce he went to t.he Th o SYIllJlII th y t)f th l.' entire OOtll U1 \l . , work . Mrs. Leonllr d hns been 11 1Wllyne svillo girl who I Ro· nomina tion . 1:'ls b eon 10 cit.y by rail. sooiety, agllln8t Juora\j. All far all " bard . wor.kl ng, b one~ t nity iH .. xt ondol tu Ihe hl1~bIUllllIllll l· Comlos PLEAS J UI;OIo: women , IInh' catetl in Clnclnn they uro amenl\b le to t.he law; and for soverdl yel\r~. son in their s lldde n be rellvem ent . III deservi ng of 1I0y a!'818tan e~ th o t viSited with herllli grllndm other, Mrs . , Milton Ull\rk l mon . , in high 111aoe~ .. whoee duty It is may bo extonde d to her, anu It WIll Eberly andoth erWayn Millses Hottle nnEl R obll Nnll flll i esville Ir :enus Rev. Willi s 0 Neall to 8ee that offende rs are brougM to te rt.t1inell u nUlnhe r of be gratefu lly receive d . Iheir fril' DCI~ 1 _. tbo Illll.'t week, going from h ero t,.l jUlltice and protect llooltlty agalnBt Visits Warr en Coun ty. in 'I 1ll 0~ t obllrltli ng manner Mortim er Whi teh pcu]. 0.( N.·w ~pring Valley, for II few Oil 1 their demora lizing. praotl()e ll, .bonld clny s 8taY' 1 !:lundny . Jersey, wil1 Jecture before tho Z I M MER 1\\ AN S ,have Ihe oourag e and blgh se nile of Fred 8 Hender son uO ll \1t· ife ore ! R ev. , Vil litl U -N cullIl.DU ,viCE', of Mrri, Lue,V Orange &tnrd~y evenlog , SeptCllI now ocoupy iug the propert y on up ., Rntlllnr l , Ohio, }I/I\'o beon guests of tAr. lIIi ss Rnth. Blu'nh nrt uur,1 ()nu~h. I dut,y to pfrform this duty in tbe ber 9. 1>11'. Whiteh oDd W .'S li t olle pOI' Third streot, whloh ore vi ~itLng r (l \ottiv erL - w.y - thoy recent . t.! I ~ ir Wurre n eount.y relntive~ the at Jame~to face of all seem InK diftknil d.. or time Master of Grange No. .l in New Iy purcbas ed from th e lVn . .&. CW eJllbarrRI!~mellts; and a~ the AU'.e Ur. R. S. Mich el, of Chicag o, Wll~ r ,Ter8ey Clod is thoroug hly compet·ent IIlI,e (Jiurkso n H.LlIRO. hei\'3 ef th e IlI,"t I IV') wen ks. l\C1ving [lude t.I.e Exl.ra fino 10 1 Ibs sect·ion s 17(' time pnb\io IIontim ent--aad Tbe hOU!1Il t/'lp f ro lll P()llI e r l)~' to Cincinn llti by ~miling Oil .ympI· olll t1 c'1l1 ftint,mo cs rO ' 1 to !;ive lin Inter.e!l ting and ill!ltrlJo t· has been newly I>uiut.ed --t.hy shonld strongt hen tllem in the aud reJllllre d !II I'll '" 1.0 it.. th l'l c, t o Lebano n cent.l y. ive leoture, whICh should be attend lind present s (Illito an I IPerforl Dllllce of it. attracti ve wh e, 0 : h OJ}· wpr.' Il'el lind II,keil to Anu nil this MISS Ester l'homllEl hilS ed by all membe rs of the Grange . We hRndle oothlng but I::lt-l'tr appeara n ce, "houM be dono withou t p"rti. . t!:e hOl\le of their daugbt er. Mrs. froUl 110 week's visit with returne d I! friends at Clln", The Be~t Made 400 dOli. lality, l)er800lll walloe or vlDdlot The great rurul r;>manc e "lIn i J. 'V. Barben uwbo formerl lve· yhtlU ' ~III1I(~ el ~urfucl', nCllr'l' ur.tltorl ek Ri ohmon d,India na. Fohs up Willow Creok" IS shortly charge of tbe Waynes St'llIlng Wnx frt'e. 1 ville flour n ,o ,tIOg, hOl\8p, near OregonllL. ~~~:;l1 n~~~!~! ~r8~~:d ~~0~;n: u~~~~ to appelir lit Cross Ball . fllr one mills WIlS Mr . .John Gottsol tnll wns hurled herfl a couplo of days I~st . LII <t !Snncl"y wus sllf'nt m ost hop. moral~ and pnrity. Blas. T. J . .B. Inst Fridllv lifterno on at Miall1ls nigbt on·y . ·l'hi~. uttructl on brill,lls week engtlge d in shippin g his house. ' PIl,lr J , otn.~h o l Ih ';lI1 e ?-f l'1~II'!'t. Snrfu.c an ,' )11 torute eqUIpm ent of ~pec\CI1 hold goods whioh be has had l e. burg. leaves an uged widow Frl~:I~ I;~'~ 2~r~~t:l . . J:I ots. stored ~ 11)1l " tIl >.1 t ll\!I r re U Ives \\ \0 wbo has the sympath scenery , meohlln iclIl uLd eleotdo ul Ilt Corwin to his home .V of her mlloy "'f~1 t~, II n ie tlnli olh er d"rflll ~ n AC· Mr. B~rbeau is now III Blltavia . j m el· 10 ~ re o t litem, aUlll we re ro),ully friends at this 1)ltlce . trl1ove1in~ IenlA'rtulll erl. 'fhe Vr . Green Treae· pS~Ary t.o 1\ p' r ;fcl Ilrodnct ioll . Tl.e throng h tbe soutb for II mill SUflplY I 'rhOSA wh o enjoyel l t.he II~y 10· "'"ll knl)wn cOIIIllll'diall,FrunlL DlIv· house . ~-I men t for N e r vo u • . !,!.:th pr werll: .11I1ll{0.r. W .. () N flll l\. lytle . irlRI n h OIlc\!! the organbr.ut·ion , N e w Out~ in pkg!! two for 100 ch , . Luhatl oll : nompriRos 11 nllml)l1r o f ,:: I ', whi Mr '. Hnllllir and oll Chronio Dillenle l, II nil edged ; . 1>~IS8 KMe M~lrpl1Y, of DfI.,Ytcn rl,lll g ht ll r. of Dn.vtoll SOU l' ; MI'. Ed 1IIIII' We nre gllll1 to rl'p orl MrR. Alhert "rIIRt~. The cll1to ~pt i~ ~ppt. 8. VISited her relatIve s at ·the homo ~'f i r~H lItlil Wlfl', of Mil son; Rllym o~ll Coroell 's fractur Tiokets on BIlle at .hnney 's drug T . .J. Brown, 110 fe w days Bea rR th e ;; l ;- mp or Ab"ohu,e 1ln.d OtDU tbo p •. t I I.. urso,)'. wlft! IIml slIn. LC"blln.lII ; F~, I covllrln g, whioh ed arm slowl .v re stere Saturdr y Sept. 2. Ino \\ onh . "'unceh'c d and founded til was Mused hy full .week .. Whll o hero Miss Murphy fI"" ~1I Illlt! f"lIlil~', lind Hl'nlz Sweot. Pi c kl es :2 llnz . Lhe trut! l'IysLelD of cure, It tlll:l8 hDperSIII. Mt ~ R Bell,. ing from a por ch step ten dllYs IIRO ' , ' . for Ino. Exlrll Lnrge !:lour Ilnd MISS Anno U . Bro\\ n "]lOnt cne . O'N a", o f \\'lI,I'1 0 'VI able a.8 t.ruth ItHelt, n,.q OlCcu,ale \D curaJ . B . Cbapm un sent t o tbe day I!; Hllrlo.\' Mr . Minor Hose !l lld family wHit Mr.. , E cl Evtln~ re "'lve retful c.., ' UJ ~ lIxed l'cI ~n("e., a Wond· Plckltls nO:lr I WurwiCH rlUd f"",il y of Spriu" boro' tmned home from 10. el4ch. Gazette otuoe ~'ltu~dll)' .~ curio~il~' : Spring V,III .. y, IIntl o n Sidney SaturdClY rou·. ule •• ln, to Ill e .Iek Goll Alllnl!. It ~'rill"'y I.hey IC llIlrlil.\' Wal'\\'in k 1;I:d famil/ 'I'm: ond WOB accoml "tnled home. by his ba. enuu r~1 tbe h 'Ht. or t.lmes Qud been t:ho way or . /lo ' pull bull whlt:b h e and Miss Mllm e BrllwJ1 trIed tn tbe c rucible ort&per1 eoce. Utmlouud on hiS fnrUi. Tho puff hllll i tained hy Mr . 1I11l1 Mr!! \\ ere entel' Il enrt'ek : P . H. tillrf"o J and wife, brothe r Furrest Rose and his nellh ~ . I:' Kindle o f Wnyn es viHe , WI<: RANOLlI : eratlc,n Gorte r gcreru.tlrm or Dr , QreeDel ew Roscoe Penrod .; his brother belongs to the musroo IIlId I W H M 1.1 & C ha"e rr... orM healLh LO Ihe suflerlol bt' I· some what re,,"mb les mit fa01lly in 0 ppellr . WII1ter Rose drove in as II. Bur]lris e ~ . . , Ill ~ en ' 0 ~ ne w nm b er Ib ... o,ar,·.lou Ihe . me'l.lolnllA . rwlaJllia. Best N . Y. (beCllO and ance. The blill \VIIS :.14 by au inob eA lynrd. ut COf\\\11 hilS f orK"nlr.ln l( aad l",rttt\.: flluK tbe treatmen t \1S0 a Dllnn Cheello Cutter. or slll~ best Matro n Appo inted for Slindlty . in ciroum feronce nnd 'woi~h ed il ,quuhty ~f Inmbur , IlIth, tbTougb l oot: reurM or enormou 8prao"ca l lI s noat. lind olel\n lind CUtll Shl".f~o~ , F . 'B ' H experienc e ammm th~ ,.lok . b, I .11l4poundf' . :i ounce" . 'rhe outside WIIN ' tlo?rs, ~u"h , o.te. No . I Miss Rbea Pllrlott . of Dayton . Is lin nv pn. straigh 'lullht.y . x4 8 t slice of rlend s oard tl,u,her. lng father a.n,! Non, until ome, visiting hor grand motllOr , Mrs tbe pure white lind of tho textur~ of l W,ll have n en r lond of cbeese. Thl8 ill worth 18 to t third jl;enerutlo n of Dr_ G reen .. 1M new latl1bel ,ly. . HAllnllh Lewis. finely dressed kid uod the 10sido jh e r O lbis week . A cllr InU' to ,h e world nn ~.,eD more luccee.· 20<',lIpc cinl prloe tbis week 16c loodo~, S hl\l ?no .of th~ prtnlll!,1I1 mlltter! of reRemb leu fI. first C11l 9 ~ orti ole c f ' glpe o rllor('d . frolll Mr. Othl(\ Cornell , ro f SldnllY, Cu1 IJr<lctlue . a ,.\lrer aml 'more po.lthe Bt;lhn., hll 111 , 10euI IIIl erest. cons.1I1 e retl hy !the tn CJO R of cUrt" thaD hil S eyer beretofo re nrrived SlIturdl lY evt'ning on hla IIngel CIlke. Tbe growth excited II IWn!!h mgtoll , WIll be her " In IL short !llIltlln" . Yellrly Meol.1Il1{ of FJ'\ ~ n ' ls Dlotp.r c.volll been placed bcr.,re tb e dopresNrd . "ea.for 0 vi Sit over !:lllnrlAY groat deal of interes t beoause of it.s tim~ . COllie nnd see liS enel.l and ,\l sc~ uraged vlctlmR ot obr .m tc IlUd let . u~ l ln SllS~ lit. Pfl ntllet.o ? Inllll<l1l1 , with his cOllsin!!. unusua l size . cC'lJllllaln t,., .show you what wo 1111\'e lind giv e IoIFI. . w ('?lOn ! Now Uood8 -I:lc:l fur 250t~ . k. wu 8 Ih ~ npPl1\ul·tJ\ent. 0 1 Mr. W . C. Cornell nnd wifA stArt : prices . DRS . F. A. & J. A. UREEfIiC. [•.\'(1111 CUIlILrd, of Co lulllhn~. liS lIlll eel Tnesda y for Mr. IlUd ,Mrs . Mn~i ou Clnrk .. of I Louis Muy \'isited his ftlther, l troa :'f tho FI' iAnd:! B.I:IfJio::l HOll w Cornoll h opes M ie hi~Rn, where Mr are lhr proprletoMl or thl\t. mn~t morvel Lytl e. lI!All ChaR. 8. ticllr~ Illld wife. to fiud relief from bay , Vo UrilU Mny, IL prnmin Ant OlL" ut ul1 r emed!e:! for Lhe Nerves and und I lit \\ lIy~ (,s vllle . An extra One fev er . of Ferr"nr rl\'ocl hO>l1I e Illst W£'dn es ; w eill thy resillen l of Troy, U1ooU. ' . , sunday ./ lII,s!! Conllnf IIII!! htld cOt\~lliel'lIhle lI,LY from II tour of olmo.I Iw o ' '1'ho ful1 0wingd ~lIlrion Clllrlr: nnd wife lind (Jha~ lut in thi~ week. Thin Rind ~1r . Mny's fother eXpflrl enCfl \tI work or Ih o klllll D~. m onlhs Ibron!!h the w est.. During w on t to Ne w llv ~~lJEtl ! '13 tlEItlI'tl~JI. ./ uml Very Sweet 20 to 250 York from whioh whit'h wilt he rt'qnirml In tho H O llW Senr~ Iheir tru':, Is tho pllrt)' stolJPPl1 nl· poiul hEl Sidled Tu~sda hlLVO return ed frcm their All are prl"UeRoo tuoon.ult Dr OrtfDe L em ons. Bllnllna ", Pen cb ep, y 011 tbe ' 1I11d i ~ hi !(hl.v recolt1lHl'l.III PII we!ltern tour . Th ey ~n.v tbllt when porl\unal ly or by ul3.11. enUrel, tree_ many dlft"ron l, Jlol lll~. "1 ~l llt.Ig magnlli ce ot <'cean ~tlJlllll EVERY TIlIN(~ G OOf) T O EAT. Dr U'-t!\!ue hlm ~ C'lf nt.te n<k to "n wbo nln oes of mterflst. IIn,l IIlso fn e nd ~ erince Wilhelm . for U· six el', Crown ' 11 \\'11; sillt cri lit III P.B tHl g Ihllt Ih(' ~~~~mg~~r;:~~ h~~~ ~11~Wlllto81. ~~~~: Gcl, c a.n aDil (1D!I"'~r alll ... Uer8 'n penon, lhe wellks HlIbit, trip : go H Ollw t.o wOllld bo t' ell dy fo r oc('npDn c \, of former yelus wh'l hud IIlllved thl'Ough Europo, alllong Z l M MER 1>1 AN'S othl'l' "Ia ef s hy Nllvelll he r I. Offioe, 101 Fifth Avenue ,:I'.. Y., weTO milking sn o w blllls IIIllI Rnow from IhiB viei~ity . Thcf ~pellt i viRiting his old h om e L" 2(;UL lour in Uerlun ny . , . ":Iron B. UhlwllI cr, ~f Wllyn(1~. me n days nt . ISnl~ Lille Cltv IInll . which h o left tifty olght , ~~==:::(:)f:c:o:n:r=ae::::=~~;;::;:;::;:::;:;;;;;;;;; were guldt'd nllli tml fl rlllm"d b.\· 'rhe trip to tile New .vears "go . I VI!l,'" Wil li rl'lIJ1J1ollltml Chlrk . · I Worlt! wnll ' 1111: meellng "udre~setl n lett.or III Ceasa rs Creek . 11111 Clurk wbo enj oyt:'li Ihf' ir Vlsil Il!lIdo in n slIilillg vesse 5 l lind thoy l Prcllide nt n"ose \'elt comme ndin g <-lulte II number nUende d YllI\rly ~,.J:J:J,.J,.J,.J,.J,.J, filii .\' AN much A9 Ihpy ,]ill. Olle l were sovon weeks on .J,.J,.J,.J~,.J,.J,.J,.J,.J,.J,.J~ th e wlltor. "illl for hi~ cITorl~ . t o hrin g IIbo llt'" nt ,.101' of fonr dnys \\'IIS Jlllt III 1\I08 t Now he will mnke Wilmin gtcn o.nd remalu . 1~ R~UIS " TRATION "EPTE MBER 12, !l to 12 A. M. I to (j p m. lleligbt fully with Mr,. . Viull Carllliln just seven dll}, s . Ih e trip I\ e ros~ III ' (Ioll e" hel WIlI'II lIussla und .Tuplln . h r. '" Ne xt , en r 'l! meollllg wil\ he lit. ed during t.he session . 1I1nri'lso n lIud ~iMler. Mrs . Ruth I . _.. _. Hic hIlI Oud.IlIl lillnli. 7.imri Hllino~ nnrl flintily spont I RunMey , ut. I::l'llltll Murin. U'Llifornin . I Death of Mrs. Mary Clark . - . . " ' .. _ who left Ferr.v over Ihirty ~' e ur ~ I l::lundllY with ,John Wilson unU ~ . . fumlly a go for th tl P.lCitic r.: ) .. ~1 IIl1d han" Tho body of Mrs . Mllry Clnrk . •·or 'l'he Wotllnn 's Forolgn MlsRion ory . nlll ~iDl'1J relurn ed t il Ohi .,. TIIl'Ir ' tIIU, Y years r esil1Cllt ne'lr \Vllyu cs ·1 Irip ellrri etl 11"'1\1 t o !:lulltll,', n"ush ' \· ill ~. \\'tlS ILi;rolll,(h Sooiety helel un Intl'res tlllg meeting t froUl Doyt.on ill!,!tnn. \vhere t))o.y \\'.er e gUf's. t ~ of ~ilt\ rdny fo r burin) ut the bomo of Mrs .•Jesse HRlnes " in ~lin'ni ('cnlo,1 ----.. ..... I 1IIrn e~ lin U IlIml I Fl'iduy , ..1"Ill. 'I ~ y III".1 1. ul~ ~Il " I"r.\' . JAMES LINDE R hilS retnrne d to , H erschel Bnnoe H, of Wllliam s. i ~ O Ollrgo P. Jalllo , lind fUllllly . n!,u . MI S. C~lIrk wn s qlllte . agocl. n II \\'n,Vn cs\' ill II II nil cpened a C.UUlLW It llOrt, Indianl l. iii Rpent!in g IHUllu. themu\ lwell !.. tnal ed . ~h~s · ' n ·e .IClLVJ\l~WuynesvllIel a few ' Loelltio n for hl'lllt.h lnnm 'uri " . W ·"It· I '11' I \V lunl e .JIIIIlON ,:: rlLtin ut c(l frt' ttl " I "'. yeol ! t1I1Y!l wit.h his uncle Chflun oyBnn TUItion '40 .00 per year. sligo site hILS mnue !Ier h Ill e !I II \ . III rl~ I S 1m I IIIg n IIppor i neil nlll1 fllmil .v. hU~llIe~~ cotl l!ge Ibtl llVOIllUg nft er \\' 1 lit h or ne Jlhe w. ,J ohn IInlllllo rnls unexce lled . C. Col 'Ht . Mu ,1I s lrept. IT e RHU!I tlllquit ronuge . 8 t:hoy left. De~ lu c" VI"lllllg theso ,l ill Imyton . NeccoR sary cost of living 10 . I f tl f . . h , 1 . ." .. " II/Ill ot,h e r fri omlH. 1111 of wh olll "cnt . F'tlll crni s er\, 'cea were > 1 ,a Ve la? 10 nrmers lI.r? U~.Y con d 1'1,., t 01 Ih" I'll ,hc III \IF.! .~t1UN(l \ I.HII .u.~ Boardin g Hall .. '100. , hlluhng s\\eet. CJllrll to Ule Ullrwln I,)ve 111\(1 killd ft' IIIA1l1hrulwos 10 ' hy He \,. Philip 'l'ro llt li t th e ', ' 111 ') In' A LI. "1 :0; 1.... . Itt:I"!:';T1NO I'~I. , cunning fllctory . Ihoir old fri end" " back Eu~t". th eY / il'r\' c hapel III :1 o 'ol A ock ~lIt. 'roi:l \" ~~voryh olly whn knows ·Mr. J ' ' .i/Ilted the Port1!,n d ExpOSit ion nnd IIfterno on . }o' rl end Dllvi;! Edward Wnlton pr01loh fld here on l ) C tIt F "' II"~, 11 ti t .1Il. Sllt~u!lny. 1 e llowsto no Nationa l Park. !11Il1 f n · who bad beeu'L nu 'glab II II 0Rue Flen . upon RpP 1''/\ on 0 " " f I he de r. kno\\'~ his work Is PIR~T Ct.A8S TIIIl PriCA spent S!\tl1rd~y ancl "II ; . :ved tbl> best of heliith uurmg tbe d ecellsed wilen BIlEl li\'e(1 Wllnlln hr . III~n gton College, Wilrnin _too, O . trip ; ]Llt '. . Sunduy WIth bis brother at Love . .c spoke. Cume n UtI soe Il 1m . 0 u lantl . • ~"..,..".. "..,.. .-.-.- .-,....-,.,,. ...-r'~.-,,...,. r"'r" ~ r ~ Death 's Work .


















onc y. ,

Tin Oan s.





Gra pe Nut s.

New Rol lcd Oat s


Swe et • Pick lcs

N. Y. Crea m. Ohe ese


Shr edd ed Wh eat Bisc uit Ind iana Wa ter Mel ons
















' _



SUPPLEMENT TO THE GAZETTE Wednesdar. August 30, 1905 four Big ~~unions I Last Sat rdav' 'j

Notice. ----

, MI~~e,.

Ed,u. HUrl EI,.le , \"I~IIIDJ.( DUYIUn reIHt.IYI' ~




U. J ')' h~r t-' \\1 II bA b. 'IIP't~flll,", Ilf th f-" ---L()~t. 11 ~,!ldd hllntlOL! ('ll!"H wut C' lI . FilIII' Ih" ";" '''IlUluU~ ",era IU:lltl in \V C. T . 11 hI Frwnol" Wltll u Hl"1ek I H ~ 'UIII '" Itllymllllll W,lllam""n ' I F" t' I . II d 'Ille VWill It y "" I ul',l .. y . 1.111>( hUll"" ~IlP'"1II h"r '" ll/of" "I, 1 · I The Pumllll" Ul'hUgtJ h e ltl Il ltJir 10 ,, 'n l' lI"k titrt lll!,nu 1.111111, Mllrc\' . M h . . .• tt( \\It /I HI' . I~ ".P'lO' . lllln 1111 I r"uulUu lit !.IlIl 1...,1)'111<111 will Uti tla p tolJi('lIi"Cll~,.tlll. . IIII! IOIIH .\· WIllI rplll'I\'I1:; In X.,IIII1 . I"u ir (;IrulIotls 1S11t.l1l'lllIy, IIUd It w,,~ : 1.... 1. "II h .. Vre"llUt 11" I.he rt! i" hll~ Mr .. )) C . RhigA i" "p .. wiinl!: ,h i. 1 /t1'~;I1I,1' IItte llllel1 br IIIeIJlUer'.. tlf rhe ,i'ws" III' ~re"l. import."",." I" "urn e w""k wIth M,.hluu Rillg''' Hnd f"II\i1~' "rgulII;I,Mlull 111101. UUIt;lI''', 'r"III .. 11 Ill" , ,r" I h" '1I"Ptlll~. Tla p t\\'o lOon I,h .. II 101 I'll i 1,1 ,'f \V ILl . 1"11":< uf the cl ,uuty . ~ B . ~I'"-'HIC, !Sec. pro '''III . The U .... h,ulI f"tIUJily reuuioll tllu k ' h'r Bi~j.(~ i" vilry IIlw with c hql e rn I ' , '1 lDf01ntulll jJ IIoe lIellr Rllil,{eville. L tl S h I


'rhe l; ltJll ve r uu,1 Rieh fllllli/le:< y e C 00 s. I Mi_ ~'rllrwe" NlllIrA" IInll [J"rh lilt!!, in t.h"lr lUIIIU,,1 K.tlherlllg Ul1/tr - -- - - - - &lIer.. , IIf Ferry, vIsited frlllllUH In I Til l' prllll .. ry rou lll IIf th e Lytl A [Jlly,on In,,' week . Well'JIIIIl: '1'UI1 Smith .ll1l1le" reuuion WI1" . ""hllul, Hnd thll Hchool" of No 4 /tllli . lIeltl "II ,.he fl4rul uf Wlllhwu Berry . , J 0 IIf I he I.. ~·tle .. pec lU I dl,,',rl c t \\'111 • Mr; C ~: Brll,tte ',l I" e?~loyml! II hi II nUI't.1I lit' 13,,11 hl't)uk . open M on<la l', lSeJltt'm uer II. 'i'he 1\ 1111 t rom IOJr "18 er rorn v erll10n t . ' I...vllp High lSchuill will 0lltlU Sep ,' CO UOIY . , tHml>e r 1101 Conc~rning Owen .1. Burnett feJl Tue~dl\v All IHlllk" will he furnish e ll )lupil!! : IIl0rllinJ.( IIlIcl broke two rih" ",hil.. Former ~esidents. fre .. of c hflrgl\ lit work in H. tobllcco Hhed lit IIIP WALTKH KICSHl ll K, Clerk . home of hi~ "Oil, HurvllY Buruett. '\ - - . ---The Ullutttl I"~ re,;e lvl"d U c llru on t,h e Day tOil 111111 L" tltlllon pike . fl'ulU ~lr" . ~\'u Luug, u~ .1 .. llu ~ t, uwlI. P,mu .. yl\'aul .. , lII"ildf.! lit AIl"lItIIJ ' Notic~ to Patrons. Eo Mllr"bllll !lud family, wh u mowlIl frOID Wflyne,;vIIle to L!ill('io . t :i!,y, lit whic h 100111UU,; r"H"rt Air,.. ! Luug III'~ bef111 e ujoYlIIg "VI""""lIt (Iwing t" m 'III .V inljll irl,..", will ~IIV nnl.i .. bout four yeurM "10:0, I1re eo · 8tuy. ,thl1t. I will nOl, ta/l ub th e r.nm iul{ j ~,\'iug /I w e" k'!\ VII clition with hi ~ . -- ._,- ; ve'I" hilt WIll t1.w tl te 1Il'l' entirA t.ime . ~18ter, Mra . •JoMeph EV8ns . !\Irt!. Aqull,. MeIA,m" ... of Pllrker, , · · . I Co/lun"I", Wl'lIlls t.he (;Iul-e t,te t.hl1t "t,ll Ih e 1~~t'~I C~ of 1I1\', l'roffj~,,~n . , I Mr~ Harriet Pepl, 81eoogr"vllPr "he lind be r hUl!l>un,. recentLy tmjuy. . ATR ......~V. . . I::i. ,if) Ihtl Prohlltofl Court, in Cincinoali. ell II V,,"n. fruJII 1I16"~r!j. t! I!; Eillutt . . . i. viHitlug h A l' !'i!'t·e r. Mr ... P. H . /t1\,1 (;leo S. Scb'ltlbley , liul1 ",ld .. I Mil'" H .. I .. n ()l(lp~b..", of Hllr\'A.'I'I'. I'ollrfnc", "lid her cou>'!iu. Mrs. N, I •. th"t, it. j" II gre"t trllll!. ttl !jlle \VI1,V i bUfl{, I" ~I*,UI'IIIIC a fllw cl .. y" wah Bunnell. II "" vlllil 1)""111" '[,helr friend"• Will / lUll' I:rll'llilnl)lhe r , Mrs, M'lry UPP . , A f ter I'l!'t~U1UJ.( . . . 10 Re v . T rout.S un r"t::ret. I.U, Im.rn Ihl~t both Mr. aot.! Litt) .. Luci le !\I ''''')11 , of Oregon ill, " lilY morniug d et!cribe t.he joy" IIf MrH Mel ,om .. !! I1re III III beH.lth. tilll , whll h,," heAn 1\ Kn e"r of h .. r frl e ull, l lHlllvBn, !'tIr" R ,I. SideR dined wit.h lll"'!' r hllVlllg llt'u'JllIe I:rel1t1y reuue· , Erlith MflY flhou! t·Wl) \\'Ae k~, b"l1 her children, (I. ,J, EdWArd!! lIull ...1 III w 01 l l1ht. ' retllrn e d home. 1'"lIIily .


W w. I'iUl;th -~~t wif". of VII,\" : ~"telllbeT ~ t" H. inclu~ive, e x ! Friends of Mr~. Tprrlll, of New to" . "'<'\t:olll,,,d a ~eO<"lll oIUlI irlt,o /ellr"IOn,ti lJ ket"hJ COIUmbu!!IICCOllot.! \·i.e nnR, forl1lPrly Mi~H MAry HIl.w k . '11 .. 11' h"lIle 1'1'111"),, !\U~U.I :a,. II/Or;, OhIO IStlltt> FUlr, WIll he .. ,)1<1 VIa 1118, Imve recBlved UQWS of the blr,h " • . PeJl1I~yh'lInitt LiDe~ from ull ti ckel" nf II 12 pnUPld bny Tburtlday. AUj? ' F o r fnll i 118t. :!4. 1\10[,. . I he UH1,IlI·te hu~ r,·CtllVet!1I Aonve· ' "t.lltioll~ in .. t'lIle of Ohio ",Ir Ott I'll !ro\ll L 'HVrenCl" Mol'll II. "f li nf.,rnll.t.inn II!lI,lv III IItl1lre.. ', licke,. f . . . • ' ,rIUI·I" ( .r .. "k LOlOt., II wh\t.e h~ht, I ' " IOhllWI, whllt, , . tJnl"rH,lo , ltIulh'l! lit UI("11 t,II 0 f II lillie I"Inell I:','rlllllltl. OrHI(')tI, wherll h" hilI' . ' re t.urnlUg from I Ie ""range picow h;oplI "nj " ~'iug II .. IllY III I,be Lewl~ I , Wh!:e, "Till') . Folk ... up Willow , Lcbunon SIII.urday, Return to ,,11,1 Clru' k t:xjJlllIiti, m . , IJrf'l'k I~ II r OlirlUg, rohclllo¥ clime· I Mrll. J O!'eph EVllns. dy, II~ humor I" clt'll" , harmle!:''', 1 A numher of refioed vl1ndeville IlInClCl'ot IIOt! rllfre"hilll(. the klod l "rtil'I." are with " Tbe Folis up \Vi i. In Society , 1111 .... fined. "en~lblp people eOJIlY and low Creek," uod mlloy plea .. iog alll! 'I ' III 1 () ' ''' I . ~JI)Jrov" . I..adle~ mill' Ilt·t.end ollnti · " . II ' . l ' "I~" . "" 18 ....a I elltprtalo'd d t t II ' I theM ' 11 ' t be u.rl·IHtIO "peclll ·Jell gIven (Urllll! /I '1111111 COlli 1)11 ny of trienn" MoudllY til · It! . , WI no.. "c",,:se tbe acti oo of Ihe plllY .. t. CrOllA HI1I1 O'\'l'ninlC lit. II farewell pArt,y Irivt'u or qllP"I.IOUrt bIB .. pot. III Ihfl Bnur.e FrldAV I:lellternber 1\. Tickets Oil 't', IIuneJ '8 ' IIHrlllrmlllloe. fill' Mi"" Irllla 1!:\Ii" whll lert 'l'UP8dllY I '" lw. At~ Cros!! Hill), Fn \· I'll.Iell. for 8 winler'" ""l.Y In SI, LOlli" c "Y , ""lItem ,r 0 '--- --, I Mrs Ellfl (;Ir8S!llIr of nf'ft.r Well . The followlug perRons cOm!?ed Mis"tlil ErhelnTli1 Erml1~,oke!! l rulin Hnd ller guest. Mi"" An le : aholDecOIJllug,Suudlly.Aug. 21.lI t .. 11I .. r'Hit,e,\ " ~~lrt~· nf ~'Illllll! people I ~trnll~. of .I/I,mAtli,llwo; millIe 1\ ~e. 1 Mr8. Mllry E . UI'I)S : (;IeorjCe U IIV. "I rh .. ir hll"'~ ,)U tltA lOI'.... r .!'IJlriug · )jICht.fnl vifil. rof severlll day,. Iu ~t WIfe anll dlmgh'.ers, Edoll, ~thel aud lr"rn JllkA "f',ln .."clIlY avelllng A wppk with lilp.ill frielld Mi~!I Mllft.le M"rthu. of .KeUlu, S. P. EllrohHrt. I!,)(){l "hIP t'lllllpAnV WA" pr""pnt. H.. ltl .. r of Cluclnnllti. .Mr!l Grll8B8r wife und dAughler.Anoo, of Mlddlt'. /lnil thp. I'venilll! plI!'I!, p,1 )lI&I""nlly "I~n e XPeCI~ to h"VA with her tho I{)Wn,1. N . HI1If1eld find wife, Ehll~ ,\,It·1I II,U!ljc /Inc! I!lIrn.... Ic .. c r""m l11rr.~r VHrt of thi" week MislI Lor. Ogle~ooe, wife 8~d uII~Khter8 Ael.<m IIn.1 cuke wt','e ~" n'fllt " I) V ' fC I b' aod &f!levllloll ,Chas . lSears and Wlfl' lind Mary DIIViM. e ·o e ·mnl',o 0 urn us.



I .

AND W A Yi'JE5Vf LLE NE\\trS. VO l, . XL\· I. NO


~--~~~~---.---------------~.------------------------------------------~------------~~-----F, [Ink \\'1 1' 0 11. Ih e ~ \,,~ !, g"I1"" Waived Examination,


C()nLCrl1l11~ .1 1I'}ll1e ~ Col11ing l~cul1 D Fo rm e r NEW~;, I ion at 13ellbrook' j

'rhl' Iroohl(,A wh'('h Ilr o<o lit Ihp Rohoo l Irnll whllA Ih o "Pm ~ III ---n .. ' I 1·',,1' , ,' 1[\1'111 \"' ,r- ~ Lu h u l' Dill' I\II" n ont>4 enlprtlLlD,"ellt \\·u s "1\'"n ~\1 r " Cn TP 11 1'11 (1 11('1111 111111 .~ " II r II I I II" '" u l ,,,"(l r \p d :1.... It ( l H~· n l r l'II 1l10 tl b th e a' two woeks 11"0. \\111 lIE' rurrrell "Ill 1' "~ I\'rlpr ~' lit '1,,\" " h " I 1,ltl l, '" , "I"[\I Hl' llh, "o l•. 11111 ~1 "11 I o tho counly t:u llrl ~, II !Ill II }IllI g' 1('l-(lI l tl!(ht' R I' nH~lb l u F:Il]llh C'lIlIptu lI IIlld flllll,l l' tl.' 1,1\' :-;"p l(, IIl III" I I 'll ); \\II K II gill' , 111111' ,WCIlI )V lU g lh o () ;\,.,,11 I'r" p ,IIII' III 1111' 1'1 111' 1· ,llll gP ", 's l l,!! Tho clI@e "liS ~ut 10 ('orI10 h efm'" Ott ,v (11\ 'l'hll'tl ~ tl l'et , :lt l Ju l 11 I Ill!, :\l:~ . l~lI t· ( II ' " I~ I 11 I Iq , \\' I 1t ' 1I III Hltl~ tla' ~l S (lnll tl Vun Dusc l' lIt, thu IUWUHIIII' I': II ~" H a ll1 !'" 111111' " I'" tlt,,"_tlll ,1 1" '''1'1, ' 1.(1I11l1·'·I'tl h n \l ~e TU B~llllY m or nin g n, ,I . ,\1 11 1(1 ~ " ~1I 1 ,, 1 " "I tit" ~I I': 0 ltll' I' I, E {l\\'urfl s, th C tn e 1l1bol'n fth c HC' ll on l Rp(' Hpnhl' ~ (' nrllo tl I'J, tl:l1l II ' "'' fill n ' \I\ nPH ]' , "'() rnl' f il llll l1 1-'

C O t'\\' i 11,

!.{III Hl

I~c s iuent s ,

I I \'.{ \\1 111 1111

I'l llt1. l1 \

dll \' "

/1 \1 J.I~~(I lItft'llillltll •• • , .I

1'l1l wr '~ I " . "1 p tlpll \\11 It Iltl ' A lll:11tll A",,"' fJr II ll'l ll . \\1'11 ' .. .. fI li I" l ib It 1111' III 1I '\C ·Il~ II . . " 1, >1 l'I'I III'I'"ln l1 ,1

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I IHng II 1 I' T . 11 tlIO ('l l SO \vQnhl go t o th e' l 'O lunl u n \"ll\1'1l1 t ' II f tl1 ,· \ l ... lt' II'" ,\ltt'\ Pill l)lltllnln g t l ' }lttl li' I )11t t' III lilt , r ~ i1I H~ '\1111 F 111' 11 II " 11',ll'lt il l " , IIl1d Iii" \\ III L'1I1 I' l,oS., Jl""~ (")Ul' t TIll' \\'111'1'11 ('<"Inly Fill' \\, 11 h,' IIII, II1:.:"I"",I1I I' II1, ", - dIl 1l1l ' -I",",,1 L1 11 1nn A~" :':"111,, "1 11' kll lt\\ l1 I ll , \\'11 I (,I'li UIlM ' ~ 11I1I11I\' BE'l fp l'o thl ~ h O \\, (\\Ol, th o (' lr' n u ). It l·ll l f n ul' day~, bopt 1'1. '!II . ...' 1 und 1111111 ' '1"'\\ll ... l l l p 11 11\1 ... \,. ah.1111 1\\1) I\ lnllll l l A~ ... _', JI llIOn \\111 H"t ('lI ld llll' J\1I1)1I I '. 1'1 "I! U nrlll ll p n t In II Il O W L1, (,r ')'.'. ,II II,,' 1."1' ,11" 1111;'" ,, ('I I}Il I, :III l1 n l I l\ ·d l'~l J ""O ll~ , ill'lId £',1 hv tlit, II~ t' lll/rt ..:. 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Hh~la1 " d ~- r Ilol ~ll I, \ 1'lkn, 111111 d '1\ C: I.' ,"-\ (il \l f '''11l tl,, ' fl1lnll('\' \\ltl f' h \\'11 ' 11\ M11 f1\c l"n'\ eviuI ,n ('1l, '11 . tI, pII' " ,· II, \lI lt, lIe ll yblil. IIf Il" ' \! F, 11 \'. l' I IIi1 1l 101 I1111 ,1 1\ 0..; \\I ' IP 1tr ••\lt I 1'1 I til l II I . l' lp , A .. ... l ll lf1 tl '/1) 1M !'o( l lnp l \ ' U'·q ll ).,{ I t .... :11101 ~I" 1l ,lIrJ"1 ltll gllll " I : 1' 1" \ I'lu,c 1" 'l'lI11 l ty 11) 11\(l J >1 ISt~ Oll l' I .i, IIII . III l' I~II I I1 •. !! iiI" Iln cll'. \\' ," 1) ,11 1 'I 1 l'I(' nt I " '11 '11', 0 n 1".1'.1' ~ , 1III,r"III' 1111I " " ., ' "· ,-1111" 11 " ., ', "I;" t\ f I) :1\ 11111 lilli ' , 11111 '1 \' 101 l'"P""" \' f I III" ,I' W('II! ~ 11I " 1 , II I "" , A IH'" hl , h 111" I' 1)I' I'~l' l ll BOIlItI I \JI' I d ied t ho d ~ fe('t. WIll lin 111'o u g ht n g llln >l t !II, 1·;,1 fl1 1'1 'II" "I'Slllp ll! II f UL'I IIII ,ul., \\ It " 1''' " ,d e ll I "I I I,, · '\ "01"1 1111 ,, 1, I" IIl ~ I IIIl I II I lI lI gl' " "''''' lind 11Hll ~ htt'l 1. 1:... 1 \\'\}t' !\ ~l.llk 1I1111ll '~ f o r mlll1~' ypur s :. wllrrl" IIllcl Ilr on tli n ('lbC \\111 lip I" n OlI\' 1()I': tt t'd Ilt I k l1l t' 1 1111,1 ,1,' I" pI'! - 10\1' . ~ Il .1 ,,_ It 11 111, , \ - ,tI, 1I11 IIC,I I""1 li t Ilr o 1111 ,'rr',1 "11""11 " I 1I11 ~ 11I 11I g" " !lOW 0 1 nlPII , 1\1l1 rl1 in lIS I llrlllll th o GUll 1111 Oil All' 111111111 1" . . O . CI1 I I\\" e(I,1 "I (·" llll" lllh, I"I , ' ,la~,"."I III · '1l , h ll Wll lfl lh"ll'l1ll1< )11 1 'IIl(1t, ' fr " ll1 Centerville " ">1I lI, Illtllll lH' , I" Il vl~rtor o f o Il PI o ns CO llr t WOI'O ~Il u s t ~ IIr Pl Ot. ,f () F1l11...t 1l 1\ \ " 1 \' 11111' III1Ll t l'~"'I lit \ \t · I( ' 1I1I 1I It 1.· !f (·1 I 1 ('1'1'1\( 11 rt f.'\\ du\':-{ II~ I I Tlln \\' (1 1111111 '" )o' IJ I L' I"" ~1l. ,'1o n 11'1I' IH IH ll n IS In hI S e'g hty tllll'd TI HI h f,, "1111-( nt Ih n !t1\\Il~hl)l 11ll" ~, -lll'l' r1!ltcmd,' '' I \I t till' ,1'\ " '111- W.t- d" 11\,1' ''''' hI' )t (' 1 \\' 111 11k 1 1" ' '')'' 11111 1' 111,-..; Id "' "I 1\11'11,· "'1l11111jt' I'''i \\ h i) I 1 1I"'l lI ~S 11 1 .1 111 ... 1.11\ 1 III I' :-> '11'11'1 \. " ' till , ~I I-: '1111 11'11 \'1'111'. lliolOlIgll l y prll,e rved , stl'lIl g h L h o n so Ta Ct-tillY rl Hlrntt1 g' " 'U S Itt ttl il onll' ('tt y, 0111n. :-;unILl,V ut Hl :\111 Il·t l I. III I) ,yl l Hl Hn d \\II~ II' t ond e!l hy Il Itlrgo ('l'o w tl in \\'lll Ch hl nnc1u y "' p "J\ tl. ,d t il 111 II Itt t lng- 1I 1alHIP J' I y,) III :III I"l' lr ' ,,' ,,"111 ' III " n l h ll' 11 1\",11 11" \110 li n IIrt OW. w'llk, Ilke tllllILn wll" ~I ~11'4 ~1 1 ' 1 11' !i 'IIli Ililt l not ~C" " ilio n t,hlln UIl£, f o nr"', \lHlrI'8I'rcrlol111nntI'II A llllmb o l IIf , BI1Y Ulll'IIII1lI't '" BL,.t S u h " " !-i1'''L' ~Il l ' illI , I,'" A'I-I IIl. 1 ('I"" "Clll'll ~ . I h o pl' " n il \\,1 11 111 '1'" I h,· at I!II ' Ih (1~o ))r e~pnt hll(1 bef' n cn tl ~ ll J1 ~ liI,' I" ·,,, l , t\' 1\,· 111"",,1; 1:11111 1 \\ 111'111"\"" " 1'(' \1 11 11111 1111"11 " ' h" ,,1 1\ I"I \, "ll .. r,·,tlll~ IlIl Ll p' \J fi 'llhll' hI" ugP II"d IL good fe(,lc r In tI, e wltnOsl>esnuIlllllllltlkl'll 1111 1'1 III th ,· lIl e~" r' . ,I . E ,1 :lIlll l' V ,I T ~; IJ'" ~III " OII 11 \1 \\1111101 '11 11 n ,·.11 _1",\,,'11 " " I l t . ", l hlll 11(' (':til g ,) II,Ih ]1,11" ' " "'"lIng \I'll. ('''J I '~'' ', I liS th oso ]l1'(,s SlIl'u l' llI lll'C llp~ rco. " Pn ~t-t lll BI)ot s (l nt r t ' I IlIHf'nt .J o hu .M ("C I\l1l·1l11 11 ( ·Jlll .... EIII...t III Ht.if' IlIt · ... .\l t l,(l1\ ,'\' Iii lli e \III!1~l' I "I 1'1, ,1'" h t l ilt' kiln\\, " I 11 ...... 11 1 1... 11 e nt ( ' Iy\\ " <':: lulll'o1' WL' ul t.o DeltLwnnl ThnCltI1,~ II~wh o lll e pu~ llln~ th e n 1'·'JlIIIS)I' I !I ~IlI'J. I l'I't I'hlll'" IIl\' ~ I , S pII, k- . Ih .. 1''''- 11 1'' ,, 1 III I I,, · h o1l tl,," I' ill'" 1 (,, 11101 n o l '1" '111; \\' "ltl'l' l 'II11lp1!,, \l !ln ll Wlf tl £i l to litt l"lll C,,\I('gt'. Fr um ~U "' h ·,,~~u \.... e r n l'C'pr"sc nlcd b \' Atl l1!'IIC'\, 111 MI ' ,l a l1l1 c.)" h !ll1l1 S01ll u t"Il ' II1~ .\~- t ll·l1ll l " ". "'''"n ' ' ''pI O' d II \\11 It " ,,1I H'lo tllt· 1· .. 1 I f" II "I," I11"' l1t I hlll P I" 1(111 . 'pc-n l b il l II I .Ill." II n,1 :-i1l1l111l .1 C, IlI"" , tIlt , lu c nlt\' hUlIl I" ' g I}I' RUIIW 'C B Opchllnt. Il f Lo lJllIl OII l\l1 Cit!' . 1,'\\ \\"I'Il- "I IItIlI1I, ~ 'I' llI' K,·\ \\.,- I h , ' 1111" \\'""Id I,.. , 1" 1',,1< ·, 1 ~" Ih "1 I\ltll I ', 'I'L'''I ~ , :\11 /lull l\lr~ th 'n g IlI'I' \VII" nll t reudy t o p IIII'" }:tlwllr,l" \\'11" n o t rC'p rpsoll t r ,l tn l'I"' tY 1"\'11 1 ,.,,",,1, '111 ti l \V ,\1''''" ., hl!'~1' :!llt :1111111 '" ' "' ' Ihallil f, " I .tll cU Il I, II,.. "II "" lld ","""11.1 \\' ,I Ie· I' ~ I nLI, 'n l~ ml,arlll\-", h Ullco JIIIIlI th e ir ('on o sp l ( 'du nt\. ~ h u t1l ( l utt<\IJti tit .. ~ H'ut l ll l q! IItld IliH I1I' ')llU,' uU att l l\ l'l l\t II I1 d'\ ll·II I .'lll~ \\1 tl1 n n l 111 111 \ ' 111 WIlY ha c l! h o m o t o r Olllullllllltl1 n ot l flll'ro WIll Le n o ~e l 1' lt'I'S III I \i l' Filii ut L p.I')und ll n n nl!!I\· "I 1I" , ... r I r'1tJ wlI l"" I ~ \' 1111 AI U lltlt t ' \ "'~'Jll n ll " 11 11Wlllh fHG fi c,1 of l' ulldlJ1osl< Ht 't ll(' nillf' l tl l C1 It if, ·..:! t;t op f 1'1 . .111 .I\II:ttldll ·~S hy Til lJl lllb f Br'u\\11 a ll d 1 1\~ li "w1i11 1 " pup il.., wh t) did Il i it ~I E hurch th lH " 1) 11l1n g ~nl1ll"I' DAN CUPID BUSY. \\'e IIro Illf,lI'me,ll,hot Fl'/luk SId .!I Ull t i '2'.! of \\"u\ 11(>~\ 111,', WI ' ~ f( ~l lIl 1J\' III ~ g l'udl1l1 .' t ' l h l ":,!11l )1 1' 1':--1)11 111 ,, " 1'l\ 0 11 ""l'O II11 I, o f tb t< Cun f e r e nco. III clol. PI' Ill'. d' ~ Jl" ~e ,ll!t "Ell r ekll," U Mi AR(; bllr\ Otfll ,\nlrllll1 lin d Ml IIII,,~I"II' ~II-' .\111 1111' H" II \\11 , ,,11111, 1',\111' ,In\' All ll f Il~ ('1111 :'i 11l' II1 Af1cld ..ll"~~ I() Burt o n w e r n ]unrried In L a h Tilt o Pl~ nl\ ~yh' tllll11 1' Illl.)!1l1 \\1 11 I' h t' t'lll1rl ' , ·Xl'rt: l:...l·"'i \\I' l n Inf l ' l 1 \\r!tl' It 'ltt' t'~ 1\) tli ... :lt nt tllcnl l ~ Ill' 1I11rrl' HI () WU II n Il falml y 0 1 fin " un y l' ontl~ l o l'. t o It MI' UhllP1ll 1l1l tiu o n '['hllt'StluV ril o rnill g. An~u ~ t :'1. 1'\1n It " p CCIIiI t'X ('\1r!o\l,JJ l tr,ll n l u ( \I ... pltt .. ",d \1\' rn UNH It,\' tl u' 1I i1 1l1~ an d t ulk t o th () I.;,' lI (\nt.l t 1a !ltld. ll l'g- In ~ DIl\ Ion "P"ll t I.A.1Io l' ,IllY With th e Ir Tho K0 Jlhllrt rptminn waR heM ut t,y H ('v O o wd ,v !u lIdH l"" Oil lI cl ' u t1 !1L I)t t ill· n l1111 11\' It I nui t' 'PU t1ft·ttfl, IIn.1 0 11 e SUIl !!,, ' 1 1111111 t n h e ltl \\'uyn~foC, \l11 n lit tt ~ t.lll!Il (I., ~ II 1111,1 J\ II ~ .1 '1' Brow u rt Anclenl Jll s I I:llllllldllY COil. :'11~3 AntrllTll 19 Ih e y o nn gesl SI"I u 1''' 11' , l ntlll)'. ThiIl Sd ll\' u nil . I'll,' I lid I ll"" 1l '"l1e. ' \\, 11 11 ,)11 11\ I ll 'llO \flllnll' MIl!'1I ~1I 1l h e lloll\' 1,1' H\·I . A . E ' ~ln \ltlox Illltl 1\ll e hllv e ~pl<'I O Il~ 1)11 till' nCeO"W Il Wll'" 0\11' crhl duu gbter o f th e ll\t e \VllhHn\ olH1 FllIlu \,. rl'h o ttolill 1(,11 \,'" \\' , I\'llt' " ,Jll l111':O- J( 11111." 0I11d .... ·t t l ' til l' 1\1111' !'I\1 ... ·U)I1It\~ Illl \,'nthu"'llt:;t1 e 1I11 1'1"~1 111 " ' 11 Ollh'' lt a1 1l l n g rll Pll JleplHn\ !tllt1 fl'l","I . Dr \ Vrn \Vurtl, III ILttend C o ru(\ll" AIllrll11l, onti ofl f' r g r't/ln \11 1,' li t I; 2', "I1('!r Illll rlllll!£, 01 ' :-1" 111 ,11\"nl\l <'kl' li tllll"," 'I''' l' "/I,, ill I" Ilf tit " AI lI utn , A~" otl DI ,Iulll rs \V"ro, of n eal' n ell·p . ('l lLlIl <'~ lll1(1 EtIHl! 1I1,,,ld o '. an" L' fltin~ tlt \ Vu\"uesYIllt Hl g h S C'h onl E~, Jlnn 11V hu~ r C(,('!1t1\" lrWrll'lI 1 )( ' ltl l l I Y "' ll tl~h \' 1}!I·I , II :~I'IJ!o; ... t)III"I\ I n tlllll ,' In n ot I II.; ~tl0TlI-{1 \r ~nj!~ ll .. 1 II I I hlt ·lI g(l. Il, u I'It ~ t 1\1·,·1; \\'1I\'n ('~ll l l t ' , ,~ II so n o f tho o ld f;Tlt-tut .severol y e nrs III h.'Hchln g In nnlll lJl'r o t I ~ pulls lit hIS Illll)}t, ,I) ! It \\'1I"'l 1111:11111111 1\1 ... 1\' 1IJ.:l\ll'd tllu t t tl! It 11I 11111·11lIIt., u til i h mtllllll d gUlI'IIL'"l1l II I':,!\\III 1I1111' s ILllI) WIlt· I :-; "rut r on c ounty F nnrt h n o tl :\l o rth ... ttt ! ! ' !"', llU\'l tI ~ ' th H A ~~ 1I (, l lIt1l11l h, ) Ill lHlpli P Prt llH \\ \ ,rh: 1,(' d t l Jl L' to lt l~ll l L! It I U I !:! I'" At Clrnt lill Bapti st ASSOCln~lOn 'l'lr e g , oo m. Ilft o r ' 1H'Il,hng tl\",) r tJ l uLl IlI" 11 Ih0 Ilt!llsl·. 111111 1. HII ,lIl.!, . 11<'111 01!: II I1 "" 11''' I. II lid I IlIl I Ilr l' 111'.' 1 I n l t l' ," IIIIISI'. ,,0 Ihul nll l p " 1' 1 ' ,f I ii" 11 111' 114 IlIIII cl!ll,l r e ll II f Dllvt un " "'d ln g' \ip h \·I,1 ,"' Ihl' II! , t i\I ,' ,u lny I r f'lll1l11U \\ III hn II \' tlll ii P IC'1l,Il1,"II' \\'. ·} U ~'\1"s t '" ul l\II IIIlt1 MJ' I"I F~lUU 1i h eld II I Wllnllllgto n W OllneRduy alltl t erms iu Ihe R (1gni:l l' nrm" h l\ ! lI o n 10 ti ll' "'III' nnd In 11 1\' I1 lh," Tbnrotlll" . 'l'h e ro WIl8111 'Lttoucilluce I'Pf11l eUlploy~tl liS I IlOl!hlll('~~ III lIllI" ,, \'1'111' nt~ l o t :,il'pl p l!l l'l' " 1 ~ltI " \\I ,h Ih ,' t " I\., \\· 1 1'1'_" L Il n"I"."'"!lllI1Y . fl' o m till S !thLca, 01'. Ell Ison Bntl l\I ic1l11eto wlI, w lr pr" Ih e )" HlTl ~ I ,. I I I I I Ill !! IIIl,('p," Tho (l l'f'I"lO n I,t Ilt p Olll ~dl,,"1 ~ll's . " , .~o Di ll nut! Hon. Mil loII' wifc. 1Ilis s An'll o otoops, R ev, A . K llrprp ,. "1111I' "I) ,,, "'011'" . (' Olll) Ie wi II 11111 k n 11lulr )·u OU)O. lI11 d II tl'~"" ~ "II' L' \ ' \ 1'!'"slI I 1'11 1. ,1 lilliI'" I, 11 111, '. 1"1 \ . lI'l' A 'S'lI, ,"tI OIl." hlll'P II- r OUlIl !) 1\ II H wh£lre th e good WIll o f nlnr ge l ltlllll I Ir u ul-;l' '· I~\lII' "' ,' ,l" lt1l " PrL'sltI" I\I.(hlll ll'~,\ 'hlln , '!" d\'I" I' "fl lll l' \\'L'e k n .onI H lln ll l holllfl\e_ 'II O \· 1Sl llIl g al clI' tI 'I.\"W, lhl,·lo lI<l, ~IIr f(o n t 1111\1 \\ Ife, \)ILIS" LevlOY 1I1ld u nlll . \\'lIH1 ll1l MOOOllllld 'lTlU Pet.ol' 'ulk,l1P t (' Il n w 'I l 'r C'~Hell I l, ,\' 11111 I 1'[' I'1I'!'I\' hlll :-;('(' . " l u'' l . I ClrC n f 0 f r](m d s \\1 II WI. ~ I1 II l o rn "M,r oll tI "P lIY I "1'1< I I1 H III IIIII l;ll tllll 'll hv ytllll' f' lt 'ZU Il " In Du J I o ng I 1' f 0 nlll11Inl'plll '. {I'I' I, 11 \\' 'H' C\' II('IlIll" ~ 111 IIppelU'Il ' e~". L'l II r 11 "li P ' 1 I , I'I'IIII\' , ,I () IIII 'I',1 11I\f' 1 T I'ell IIr,' I· . I · , I1111' " n I~ ('ll p rll I h ","c 1" ' 11l1n ~ .. I ' '"j ill' r,p wul' llt IoOllg1l 0 I](l1,1 11" Cor y \ on I . r c n y ~ h P • I" l' hI A U:. l l l1 I nll l n fti h r \\' H\'nf'~\ ll h' f\l tl lt 'Il ~, r ro . rl IrU !JlI' tHontldv IIt(,IIII Y hllSltlf'~", :> 'f SPl' t ~. l1"herl \\' PHt 1l1ll1 wlfB, of XAnlll, B e f o l'<' lh c Il! O~ rlllll I ,, 'g a n '" ·,,ll 1!11I ,\l,! •• o f -(h",,j ntltllllllo' '' .' ' I'I·IIlIIl , 1l 11i1 ~ Lll'li tl Il,pellll g Il! th e It UI!1 H ,, 1 "-I' r e 1"R ltll\~ Dr \"lucI e rV I'r tl1ll rl I roprletor 0 Hotel Married l Mr ~ 1\llI'e 'l'PIlIIIUlI. "," I 1111\1 ! \\n s 1ll llde fol' 1111 I'resC' 11 I 11' 11,1 1111 1 It' hloh l'llrl ,) IH'II,!!, I,, IIIIJI1 ld l ,,\\'n i\11' (tnll~ I1'~ ,.; C Hili'll ". Flld,l) flllll l h"[' hllr ,; dllyof lll s l \\,Iw k Itiullgltt Cl' . o f TN I'" Hllut p. 111I1I1Inll, un y 1I lilt' hO('lll·tIl l'l".\'f'\! by Htlill : lit " Illn<t olcl l~\,trl1 l \\' .. I'\; 111 11-< Itl ~· L!I ClIIl1 g . So I · 111l11 Mr~ :-Ielil e :';lllllh, lit ::i prlll l;( gll ldl1 r , ~ \\1 111 11\1\1 1"'1'11 \ · ' ''~llg1·tl l ll ' t " , \' C M '-'''(TII·H ''.! I!' M, ~ 1\lalll' 1~ll glo 111111 11I1ug hI CI'. ! El·!l I'~I. Il"I,', wlfo Ilmllllother, of - - - -1j 1 t:!llndny e\'en ng , pI Cill )or . ' fl e lu , Ollln. b II \ e r BI 11 rll od to I IIt; 1r I \\ n g o n 1l11.1.m g III1 LI 1'\ '1" I n II g I II Jjp 11 1 ;\1 n " ", r,t L," \' 1!l1l ~ ]1"11 t \,,, I \\ 1'1 .1; 1 W ,111 11 Ilg 1Oil. \\'('rIJ VISI tJ ng ••1 r H 1\IOf,. 1I1r. WIll 0, GUStlll. lind Mls~ h o mtJ~, li tt e r a I'l e nAllllt >If,IIY w,th I hr flu k 1111' II HI' .,\' \'1'.11_ . Illl d 11\1' 111 1 ".1 ,\ I, H tll'el' l ~ :111,1 IlillII I\' . " f \\1I 1l M,' IlIltl ;\11' • .1 ~ l Kl' llpy , \'('11'1' CO !'Y ' l'hlll'"I!.'Y Olli e Florenoe Cnse"" \~h e ro n~n.l ' l thoir p'lIC'nto, 1111 UIl,l l\lr, ( ·I"y . r" l1r r l" I"l!HI ,..d an ll II g l· ,111Jl pI ('lllI, " ""\1' ,,,,\,, \1\ 1. L.:llli ug" Itll \'" 111 ,)\, ,1 rl ed at, the Botel Gu s llO, ut , .ttl lun F o "tel'. \,.U' tol" ' 11 o ft 11,0 gl " "11 \ t oo 1 " " ,,". 1111Il " 1_ \\1t ' 1,· :'>1, H,," i\ll s~ I.t· lI l\· M" "I :,:"""'!,\' " I 011\' ' I'hn Mc rllllIlI1l1, . H O Wl'~, Ill'ny~ ,h~' Frlenll Benj HILWkl1l s, III Ih l:' ~ Ir H ,l lp I P:"I I, II,'" , fl""" 1\\" " , I" IS \ 1I ;, lll CI " I 111,· ,' dl1111~ I,:, I " " \' 1-.1, ' ,11,111' jJll'l \\,, ·,,1; wllh I,,·, , un,) oollil, ~ WIll d o Ih(\ t;llllo Fllir ' pro' e noe of nhout thirt y go('sts \V " !lnn. lllstrpC'l'l\c\ln ('Ul' "I f I I I II \III I" . l ' ) )), Ihll \'!' H ,h\'I I" 11 "1, 1"1 1\1, ,, 11 11 111 l)t\' h , Ih '~ \\(H,k. ltlltl U uel Ll PetcrCor.Y , I ' I l~~ lllUll I I t'Jn el' 1'1' -: \ 1 I' n .... \\ \" \\t I t'" l H11t It' . , n t . "l'hobrllie'dbrot.h e rin "w allJ 81' 1: ·' l , sl lll gf'~ , u0 tl I 11', a ll'1 I ~ I t oub , 1"''' '' '111 ,, "foll ll ll' H' " I.a"lJ.(hh , .. I,·,·II1P,1 ,,1.1-""1111 111 tillll " l1 11 111,01 ", II I \IIl! "1 11/ " 11~ I t llo k~'"Il ~lon Jl~ t o l>np l ~t tll eel l!l :': .tef'. M r lIUlI Ml's . C lo rn ~,.rinewII lU e b :rh e"A shlllgl~)>l 'Iff' pO.~1 tl\ I' ly I P I'l t.,' [llll,) . :-;"1" ., 1'01 ' , 11 1f! ItI" lit! 1'11,1. ,, 11 ,' II I , 1, 11'11:': " - II l1d 11<':11 lot· I II ""' I - It I II I 1l 1"~' I!I[..; : Sllll llll v, \Iwl Ell BII ttOIl hUll loft hi S ,,,,eM tho nttenpltnts . E o llo\\lIl g \ lh o li~SI, tll.O marl,ot IIfl"I\I" It lhl I M \( ,I ,,'\I' , B 11 1t. F 11 1" ,1 " l h l l "' IItII , ·-tll ,, "I ,~ . \\III - ,," n tI" · 1\l o " I:.:",,,," \ {"" " ,II l· ,,11· I jlO~II. "lIl111th O jlo wf'r h O\1!1ollt\Vil . thoo0f,rmonYllweadl':lg. AUllllOI' WIl , UI'O ~ lflCII Y "l's tl'lllss In 1: \' 0 1'\- 1" ' 1' ',' ''tI , 1'("!'\' I{lllll1!\\I: " I ")tI\\,II ~ 1 1o "'"I1,'tl I" ~I , ,, I: , ,, ' 1\ ")\\11 . 1IIlIu g l o llIlUlllllko nll!l1 o r e lul'ret l",\ ser\<N in t,h o h o t el dlnl1w I'OO Ul. 1" lwl' Jlrl'.~1,' ~ 1\I ld, t 11(' I ' i ' I \'1;1I I \\tI ' I I I I I ,Ii 11101' "11 111 " ,\1 " 1......' ,:lU ~.· '.lll'~, o l1 e at 1\1Ilg; ~1l11~, lInd o u e of t1w co 'Il It~ 'l"lrty nlld \\' LI ~ Il\ ::; It g"\, n iH lilt I " Mr Gustin 11IIs bn o ll pr o prl e t o l (,111 tIIl(!I n ll'. , • . " 11" "11 ,\ I I t I II I I I I III II II \ ceeu llln e lllcs o [ tho bnlllull . I f b I l l' C " "llrl\' 11l I 'I'('I11~ ' OP"'I 0 10 \\'1 , yOln. '11 '" ,1\' 11 It l' ,,1\11 .' 1" I' I \\' 1' 1' 1,,\ . rl' I I I I I b <of Ibe Villtlg~ hote. o r n ~Ilt 0 , '" I '" pO~> ll d" fo,' I" , 11 11 11' " " -, rII r (J \\ II" l '"1' "ye( receul y y ",cllr8, hlsparen t s III 001l ! '1'lt O Bllrve )' s l.mrgFcrt,ll z('1' ( 't) th"lt1ul ,' I t \\'II \1 ltlll\' \"'V" I ,,11 111111,·']t"II" '1I 1""11 \, 111 , ""I II1,",11 . "111 Ilar\l\' \\i,' I II I Jll rl.s \III " \ y o nn g ln,l y wh ocnm e fr o lllCIIlCl1l t41UOtlllg the SR me. Aho hOlllg II l ltllS ll(\gnn Iho lllUIlUfu<'tIIl'" III 'l ' I I.vIIl ~ I tl 1111 ' Illt l l",(1 l u I IIt.,.~ 1111,] "f',1' p.,\IIl L··1 \1-1\ III ti ll ' " 11·1.1 , l' , uh ,,' IlIklll~ " '.! (, I " 10 1'1I'rIII 11.el' l n,,11 10 L e hllll l) 1I 1111 tl'Ut'llol1.llt p. 1I vII OrA l". f I l l " II Cl l " lOI\ > I v f'r l ' I l \t·, ~I " I1I1'!\lI ~ .\ 1111 ·01 ~ \II l\Il. ~, lt l d, \\11 1 1~ O 'I\\II1 f.( lh llpr"cJu('1 1I'l,lkt'Ilfl OIll LI,lmlw llt o lltIS\llnr·(·. In fUII c. t11lltloess flldeler l Il ' " 1 or l "e r , W I I n 1 ' !'t '" , g " ' 1'1 " ') ll III 1'\" !l lllli ",II, 1,,11 Ih, I Thebrldelsonntlvo o fKrl1tllcl;y , rnlllk o t. itA prol luf' t l Q I Itl~ h nlld l 'llllll Y 1I I I,"'P~ ""~ II lt'"I"IlI' " f ," ,,, 1' 1:lill?"\II I, ' "1" '" t ll\' " ,,111111 l,,' e rll\n_t!lI'I' lIt,fll'l l'lIilrmfl plll'l' lv)'',' \\' [Ivr, 1 1l11 \!mt nl'l1. :-;It,· llutMllle to Ohio four o r fiV O_ YC/lI S 'j (\O llllllll!< Ull o.xtrn Illrgl1nlll Ulllll , ,, f l '0\IIlt l l all,1 "1I\' !t OOl! <'X I" '1'I (,11I"" t h ,,·\ IIIi' 111I "''I.: h \ Th o M",],I,11 In lllll y r ll jo\'e,1 " I 'll lill' ll"iv ll til II


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t!t I L'" ll,l\, _t ," l lIl g til U "' I !I 1I:t I I 1,, " 1 1 L' nl Il l' '' ' ' pr ll"'pl 'n g~ ' " IC I'·,11 rr b \,\'Jl~' I " IIl ~ : 1\1 ',]1;. 'tllIl 1'1'11 It .. " Ilv 011, 1 ll O o k o It \VII" n ,lis . 1)1l'lrlL" ~ In I ,l' IIt<tl_t-.l,.\'·'tt-fffi&.:<1:ln-;;..;.,...~~7,-iS~~~~~~mrr,,:;:;;:;;;-;t';;';:t-" ! Ullp lll nlrn 0 I11 0 11 0 "mn lllfl g nllnrl ll , 'lI ln ::i l ov)l~ III n .c('.)la and IIW l fOI' 111(' N," f) U I'll t u nl'l~ ts \\h enlh~\' 'fl '\' I ~ lI) m ll~ 111 I !l1l1lgloLl hull tu Ilb,IIUl oll t\r o plcllsuro of tl\l' Itll" Hplln () till! c lIllred Ih l) Inte l'lOr ' Irip . Illl l)(l e lltlSO lh o Doctor of Ih o IIf I~ Jl,t Enu s~ h oll l h " I1"1J f o r UI"' I\ I J1ul'ly wo- (l e lllll1 e<l o n Il cCUIl,,1 II I I"III CI' " I I r ltl'!H'l" ,11111 " ''' o lllrHICkI1ll'· N,' I"'I' 11i1I1I1. Ih'ur cll1l!l ____ _ _ - ! (lntl4'~ HH tl~~i~ t a nt h\11H.' rlnt o ullpll t till'" 1111', HlHl 1111\1\ j.!1I 1l0 h. '11 (' l1 t 'l ~l! s ( ' :\1 1-' (,'1\ il lti l i. f lJ llI ll'l'1y Puulllll J.!. whlto \\·ltHltll1 ~ , ""l' I' t11J I)l ug l Pn , 1l11l \, lll ' th p Dr j'lIll tnk ra ~1I\1 P u bli c Sa Ie I'llI' lir e Mot r l1 polJ 11\ II 1,1 f L' I II~ll rllIlI "' 1 tI" ' I r " '" 1\1'0\ 1\11 -" • .1II 1I1f' \~ 1\ \ , \\ 1 I t, ~ I I , ~ 'l\ Itl lll 1; ,'11<" 111 ~ 1\l1\ n I Il l-( F ill 111\ 'f' 1111 ' " '"lIlt' ,11 1\1" I Hili', 111" I ~'Oll II illt "" nnd Wl1 e l l) th n v \\'\ 11 111111\. (" , \\'I tl! ~ 1 1ll·f" I ~· ... t ttl lllltll f1 l) l1~ t .l 11 11. l , I'I\C' Il\\ 'l l tll, h l\ n ~u ... t d l Ilt' (. /1 I t l ' " 1U ()l\yt ulIllll\' O h"t' ll I Opnlnng I II thl' 1I ..: Kl".h ! t lfPt,1 ~)h, 111\" f i 1h u; r h OfllP. Mr nlti ~o l'e fllllllll',l , I O ll~ C ~Io'l) t;~tr: /t "I f':,- l ullu,,!! ' lht' \I' !tll() III tlll ll,'ut Ih " Il lg ll 1\1 1'" ~1.1I 1 11 "1.,\11 I~ "lt Pllclll1 ~ 'rho un,ll}rlllgne li S oX(lc ul or 0 I f 01' u ('o \1l'lc ul dny~ SI:tV "It II Ill~ 1 . \\ I' II If' It I" " \"1 IIIt"I",II,1 I" ~"h od l hllr\ llrn l!, :-;" Ihllt t' VI 'I\' TI'II 111\'1' 1" , 11111 1" III, X"nlllll llnile In st WIll nnll te~I,l\lnAnt. of I ~I\ ~Oll ' I lSI, \L<)tlS \.1,1\\' \ I III'W- fr l11ll Ilt .. \I ,I h OlllHl pl.H·,·. Ihln g \\'11 ~ III rl'l\<l,,"'';~ 1111 ,,111 1111 1)01111 Drown, deconsed, will olTo l' for ", . , T\J \1\ 1)1;: ,\1\ rI:IK~I'" (J~ R FI I BII,)l 11( 1 1'1 "Il~c' l tu Hil t" 111'1" "\(,III ('n l- . 111111 \\'h ll' lr o )l('nell ~I ,m, 11I1 w,·\·k slIle lIy WILY of pu bllo lluctlt;" , 0 11 \ nnosl e r, 8 (111)01 s hoo for ~ 'r b , (I n EEl I =-"" . I I ,:lI n l',1 III t Ii 11 JIll '''I It !! 11\\" I' " I III II 11 " 1\11 ::1" F. F ulllc' y ",11 spo Jl ,l 1h , Hnturday.Se pt!l. A 0 1Q q;I,~ttCll B .1I'I,ltarl, s E:lIzllhl'l hBII I'! ~·tt nI O \\nIJ1 ~III"" I '" f1l1ll , 111I11I' " ~s l" I,, t"1 (\111, I) l' SllllIlP\\lllh"IIlII~"l ll r" \\\ ,,.1; al 1·"lll,nhll " . IlIkln,; 111 th" o'rJ ookn. 111 lit Iho Illt e reslde n cI' \ Pl'o l.e. M 1\U:!111l ItO!! Ilk l' lll1p : "skl',1 C hnrl l'~ hlll ~' l oy I,h f''''( r l' t 1" 1111,1111 ,, "1 l'l' rh ll l''' 10) I' ll" \\h " ,III)' Ih " "lit III ,t. ,}t h o n""I ,')l ol 1",111 Illld ll,' IllI g" r'lllllfllllrm , \\'111 OfBSlu(l eceuenton TIllrd s lrnctll1 hl" WillI; /1< s llpe rlllt. c lld f'utuf 1110 lit "I" hl \\ HI'l c}llr" l . I I",J., ,\1,' th,,"' . lIH' C'l lnll g l' '' III 1111 111' g " ( H I ~.," (' "fl"l' \\h,il, 1"'lI l1dl ". F"III"1 l 'Vllynesvl1l(', 01110, Iho chlltlle l ~chpnl s III W('~t 't1rrnllt OIl , ( 1)110, tr~I'"\1 . " " I ~(J IIl ,'lln·,j lin I III 1I~ l\1f,' l\ill ~" 10) tilt' 1\1 """ " '1 ' 11 ,111" pro~ert.y nf which sold d ocollcnI MI":!J\lllllll11 BrOlin hll ~ r e l11111 e,l i 1111<'1'\\""'1" \\,' 1, ' 111 \ 1' 1' 'i'"I"'11 \\hn~" Imc:to ll r ,' 1Il II \\!JII' Ih\' , "1:->I"1I1 ~11,,!.1 Fllnll]('. lh dllll~ I , . hUll1' llIuk ' lu,I " lllln,,lgIlH IlIIW' fir L~ 'fl''tlt " n . \\ 1\ 1' '' 11\ tHir vllla.'tl I 11- I '1'1 11 \ 1-' t In :.: II It ' lll I I ulO Rel·l.e d ,COIl SI S t, ~Il!rIl\V/lr t o r · t a tll et) H ,,, 8 0 fl o m e ,,1 x.1'1111l 1 T I H' re IS n " llIll :, 1I 1111 iJn ll!! ' -1111 1111 " Ill olN·,l gll,., t I,'r , \\jll D Bonsehoidanukltobellfnrllltllro' i wh l"(, <he ho ~ tlll1 ght fnr !',,\('r,, 1 ",hlllI'IIlIO ll11111 \·PO. tlll(('"n" (' Il I "fl \\'I' I' flllIl \,,11 \\ ,11 hUI' I' '' hupl'l' l PI\lIll l',II"l1 c rh "I IlI''l'hllr" ''u y I M,nll!.'Inclndlng bedR, bileltllll ~, clllp('I- , , \"l'nr~ i\ll s~ 8 1t1 nJlIIs hnglln h o r ; nu r' \' I\'''~ und '"lll;,·~ Ilf ,' 1.. ,,11\ It 11 11) (\ll h Ih " . Iin lll!' 1 \'lllIlH,:-" "Irq ~I",· th,u ~1 (' rl'()1' '"111 l.11 c l J., 'I,· Frllllk Wlb ,JIl . who lro~ hl' l'n . 1lI111Ir~, B t ovo~.glnBS lind. qnp(, 11 1;" ,I P, t 11'111', 11 1 Ih" WI), ,,I" f1Il ~ "" " " \1 I 11 ' " I,r: lt \\ ," I Il ('" I, I "v (t f I')I SI WC t' I, 1"'L'1l " I I ,I \ ,, 1111:': fur I h lJ C E: H ltrlt',v I II~\\tHU1 ' cl'rCt'l' IlH II Il'lIch C'r ' lit N,' w Bnr : )," fI1I,lllnl 1 "lid I\\'llIlh1 I ll,' 11\1!1~ I Rnro ooll cc tton B n CII J111~ nil' 11II !;lnn MI1 1l11"v, nll (1 MI~~ Rhl"' : " !l" 11 1 1)1 111 1' 1\ " '1 'II . ~ " " ' I ,,,,,1 oI 'll l{ ht"I" " f "I,J \\' 111'1,,·",,11, ' \1-111I\ g ~.I.r~ \\lll(ll1rl, .· r "\\ 1I "II Col 0 1 llllvl' ; ;'. ~llo nt:-;l1lunlllYtll\ll , Oeo)f)!!t(\al t:Jl1<1C lnl OnR, 1'llHey l'I)"('r~ ( _~ntllnl p n ecll tt 'nc hln .. r' nt th.!~iI Yl )l1I Ilt\ t 114 I \\ lf ultl l'IlI ' )\, \)(, lI H:.. 1111'" I lHI, L ilt H~ 110 I I II rm . 1l 01l " I J .. ' ", IU!tIP (1 1II 1I111 ~ II'''' " I',\'\,' II l' I ~1I1l' 1 1 ,," IIllh hI , flllllll.l' , Artlole~ nuu Antlqll~~ ()rl'hllrr~ HOlllllU(,tll l.ulmnoll ' 111\1 l e:': I"I I' X(','OI 'll:': I' th llt I·.,n I I Ill" 11111, ' I"t!, nTI, h ptll'l' ti ll Ilt ' Cnnned frtllt~ , plcturo!l !LillI nLh o l' n lll h c pn' -"lI t III )lC1S"", H, " 1 11 11'1'1 h" ",,,. '" I hp 11I " lh"r \\111 1ill ,I 11 (' , ~I," L'lllIlll Lnk"Il " 1l111ldliJ.ln·!1 I I;; B nnk'll nnt! \\lfo Will'll II", ,t1rticloR 100 llUl!\ erOn~ 10 m e ntIOn Ml's ,Tnll,es ~!lnlll hilA r e lnrllcil th e ,j,'lIr "ItI fll ,· llI\. "f Il l\, \" J\llh pt.' II~Il Il' III 10 111 11111 '" ;; Ih .·", I· , IIIiOlI"I,,1 Ih ': ""111":1, ''' I1111 01 n "III ,o : ~ ll1'_I" "f h,~ fntl 1L1 1' , l:i I. D"k rrl j!;"erythlng t o b n Rol,1 R lll'O 0 )1)10 1' b nmo n ft pr 11 !lO) I) UI ,n H.' HI Cbl,llOIHl, N fll' ,'r 111l\ 0 VJlU lipa n t 'lIl{"l1" n 1,.1' [ W n " " \, O 1I1r "n,1 Mr" Prrl " hnlll blt,· n\·ul lI l IIIIIIII~' I III ',dll l' " I I II~ t Ilnd f'Llll,lv ;t unity . Como nnd CXllnl lll e 111\(\1111111. sln c~ ,lui ) 1(,. wh e l e ~he nil' I w,,"d p. r Itn ll 1ll 1111 }' Ill ,' 11'. 11 .\1 i1 ,,'C'un~ 1II ,'r Ih l~ ,u1IJ,,('I 1Il' fuI'(' \\'pl'k lit O ' I'!-(O fl lll II \\111 he I I' 1 Tllflll" of BI\l o, Pnrchoses n m o nll t hlld h(,(,11 f'n rIng f o r th e h Olll o I) IllI tlllI t 1 \I't,t! I II 11\ III ~ Ie \\, 11 h a" " I"" II \ lI lt' 1111 t " o f thf' I I"IIII'! I \1 1111 n~ :-; II , 111 1' 111 b e rl ,\ t hll I wh e n MrH . LllI. [' II; • 1\1 r 11 n il bIrR H Ollier BOII<l r ei urn l nl{ to tlll'( 0 dollnrA nn n ull,IAI· . "Il " h eh ll Lh' e n rlf :l \,('rv, )lOrllcl.lilll' fn e ll,l 1!1I11 t' s \\ 0 1111\' 0 ,,\1 "' 1'11 \\, 11 " I" · 1 " 'll' I" p,1 1""1101" I" IIr1"~ lh .. , hl 1 wo~ II scltr!!11 1",I~rre~~. 'till I b"" rd t', I : Illi. t u ~I~~II' homo III rl~l lOltlelJ1hll~ on dOlY o f !'lillI', lind on Jlnl'cho s,'~ wh o Ililli g,)l)1l ~I l Ca II f o r III IJ f,n r Il\1r Th " CII I e ll "n,1 11\'1'<1<'11' of Ir f,' h , \,' , ,I I "n "I"n~ Till' I, I II I", .. g r>'1' I II I I h (" h " "1 0 of 1, rll nk S.llI" ",IlIIII. - h ,· I".t \~ I e k, u I to r . ~!lem1t)ng.1I fp.\\ 1l1ll01111tlllgl 1Il0TuthilD thr l't1 11,, 1 h c"lt h MI ~s ll.I1rlll~l~n tl'. \\hohll~ · olc l' l'onuII . .. n tl \\, ,' \\01nol,' , h ,,\\ \\t' I I' Ie( fll lll!\ V l!lJ lh " "l1 e(. IIn,l" 1.;,),,, 1 hll , lo)n o l1 ('\III'[ 'Il,, ",," I IIc: hlllll"Xllt' ,11J"~"tth It e tpnl e nli<, ir,l l ,I Ii. o J 1'8 will be ullowed (Ill pn rchll~cl'~ n huge cl ll~. o f JlnJ1l l~ III Illn"w lind I hll\ O 1I11h ' lnoll ll 1l tilin g, lhlll h ,1\o\ lllllo' \\111 ),1' PI' IIvltI" " f"l )' "tlt " IJ rr"Il ClI I\l tli" '011111 '" \\h ll had J,( ,tlU I;I I Wn g htllll<l \\11 0. e~eontlllg II n oto wltb two Ilppro\'e d \\ho I~ n l,(J Rolol~t ltl n Jlr Olllltl Ont 1' II1 1'rcllmtu 11m \r\,l" Itl lI l )' I'l1n g. - I:lll ro u l '\ III'C""~ I" h'l I'll"" Tht· 11111""· MI ~" APl'h11l Mill e r went to C, I', Imrehes, RIC'!Jm ond chnrch, nI'Cu IIIJl:llll ~U h l' r t ~ 1" ' IlI-;Ih I ~ ",lI'on u~ fO I "",,It d ,1V Tho h (I\' I" !!I'ow ln g ~pl l' n 'It, liI' ~ I' n I1l1l1h. I hl'll ,.11 11 llil~ h ," wllh Will Mo nll .. y ltI fl rnlD g to pnrfllTm ,Toso ph G J{ey~, Executo r o f mothe l' Ij()Ul c f o r II f o rtm g ltt S VISit ! A",l now III V .l e ur flll ,,,tI., f "TIl nnd th c IIllII [!\' of h, ,, fOlltl ,Iud, 1I1~" I('rrlll' "h O llo\e,' Ih o In c ld l' nt I~ , hnl' \lnLItlS II~ t£lu c hM in tbnt ~chool. lsllbllllll Brown, doocii seu . hero 111;0 I h ll rlu I k B.Y j,p l'l II h e n u ok(1t1 It o w '!lit e I'I tlll ~ Ill. ha PIIV 111 SJ)Oslt1Ull 'L1' ll e\l. ~,' l!1 e n t \\,Il ~ I h e shoek tn I ' q Brnnrlon BUI r & Ivins, Allys 'hlltl('s 8111(11l1w l' of n e nr Bllr, , ho coming u n wl1h l, e r ' I·llh. ,I ,,.t Ihlnk' Our 111111' doughI e r , h e r nen'on \ M'S3 St ll l!n C T HIl;"' k (\- Auot. ye"~ll\ll g h08 n \llll~pldll which he 1 m~tif) slIid . 1 UOllO le'lrnp.cI t " o,l(l u ll II l' lIrwltli wrll . III "nMlrol' w ('c k, R OIl, F,l\\'lIr,l; n f Am e~toll Al n Wi\~ the gne st ~ • .; ert, errltt . , ' J ' • It 1 I 1 'r . ' I",) II(e rl ~ ll\rtl " Sl'loIO 'I I '1'1 10 V llltl~ ,.) t • , ., I\U.1 fnllllly ll ll ounutlY __ __- - hn~l tO l) tslll('e 11l ~t fill! lind ~lrtch lO nn1l ((1 s. J11 10 ,ggPI~, un n o 11Iul11l1. \\'II~ \,I~ltlng fi nd CIIl\lIlg on , . Lecture IlIA stIli p e rfeNly ~ollnd nntl o nllllhlo m il ,luHt. SO wllh IllP, 1 clln.'I(!tl u I~ Aee rnll A 10 ll g IIA In o1l 1,h ~ lI sc,l t . I olll l' lO nll~ Ilt ol w eo k BIA father, Mr . Strluley Ellrnllllrt, nuel MI!'~ nf making Ule bOAI of pnmpkln pio. lh o fll mlnrBcenc~ ~, but Iho fr "gfll'lu . . : Alfred EtI\\'ufll~, wtll gr ot ll~ Ihl!l l Orn co WIIsou, uf -Lflbnnon . ~Jl A n~ Noxt ~tnrday avenin!!, septem,! 'rh e pmnpklD w oighs Il bon t, s ()\'on 10 ~e t th l'Tll III right Is \\hllt. !t"tlru TN 1811110 Hnth e hl 0 ]111111 8 to lIo Ih e . fllll nn pIA\'e ntlllg Pruv lcl ou('o. I SUlllb~' OVt'lll11g \\ Ith FrAnk WIl so n ber 11, Bon. Mortimer Whlt Hhon\l, 01' olg hl, pO\1nd q , And 11ll1'ing thl' nlP. RIl I 'll c lose With h es t II'IAhl'>I "hIII1lPIOIl ((row(Ir 0 1 tomntoP" IIe I ' . , '1IlIllIIIIHrll y. of New Jerseyw!l\ uellver al eclura wint a r wns k e pt rn nn up slnh' ~ '1llIo h e lll'tv U od ,speed . ~"ys h o hus IUIll!ll o()s bIgge r nfo un(l Mr hl ' li<ll , \\11 0 r ece ntly pu~ohl\s "'!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~"'!"""'!"""'!"""'!"""'!"""'!"""'!"""'!"""'!"""'!""~ at Urange Bali whiob will be b o th ! r oo m Thi s Fummel'lt was trun~, 1 I~ABII:LLA S)lI)\\'01':1I' . than t h e orown of n. lint . Ho e u pro p PII .V o f th o Stotler 8Iste!~ , Announcemt:nt instrnctive and inte resting to Ill] \ f!'rretl t o qUllrters 111 tbe WOOU\ _ .. .. b Ollgbt II. slLmple to tbe Gtl7.e tt e hn!l bought. Ihe property of ,lim who are PlI.trons of Hu.sMndry , nnd I bon!'e. Mr. t:!hidllk e r IS Inte r e!'tpd For snle 200 bll . of corll, om ce Tn esday that weighed two \ udj o lllln g, ulSo fo~; ~or~,of TREA SC RER IH all Vlembers are lIarlle&tly ur~ed to I 1l0W 10 ee(\i n~ just how long the Itfl:' Rouert Aodre\v, nnel n. h tllf p o und :! ami UlellB ureu 2~ Itlllu 1Il cl o se }JI·oXlltl.lty .. I hIS 8_ '8 Will R. L e w attenll. ' 1 of t.he pum\>kln caD be preserved, OrgeoulB , O . Inches, Miller nn ellVluble SItuatIon . fl ........ith


hor pllrentfO Mr lind 1\1 r A I b Oll o It nil J111l1ll1l1 111111 tI'l' \\ It II !t , 11111 Il V hl! ""I I r'll 1,l c'b IlTl':l "" l1 I 'x" II " , \\ ",1 Ill, 1111.11 11, II I II \' I<l llllf.( 1 , 0 11 ,nl r l Cll j mU Ites I t \v O' II, I 111 01.A f OJ '11 Ie IIH1ll e .\' I I""S. \\,,1\1111 .. ' " n d,llll ,1. 1"1 tI I1 PIl rt " It..~ :1". (JaMlY who J'" 0 b ell t h l' 1'001' ll nn ,1 1" '1 " -11 111 11 Ilr e\ ~ I " 11 Cll ll '!J I· I wwch \\lHllt! t,", I h e II1 UI Il,'1I1 CIIll "t· p 'd 111 L'l ll l"I,tIl, ~1 "1\ l:lllII . Will! Pineo Ftu·m . , tl III n 111 0 "1 - ' o.'11 ('1' fet tlll ~' .l I'~ . n Mr, llnd Mrll G u s tlllwlll oC'eIl JlY j t e l OJl b Oll (fyunrnrllorfltut tiCTiiNlIr .v 11I t" 'l'l llll'n l "," 1 I'I n lit" IIllt t' l' ~ltl, . 11"'11r'lhrt'lhl ' r ""I 'II "I,"\~ (,I'II1I111w. lJr " I Il111 . .. I'" :-;1l11l\1 P \ . It Y, a nt \\' 1" 1 0 the Itretty. n .e w (lottal!a b 0 r econ tl Y Mil hl o D RIIl go 1l 0CO lllIJl!ni rd his of tlll-, we \\' o nl,1 h it \,(" f.( 1'I' a l 0,·,"1· 111 1", ,, tlll 'H,g h '> "11 \\\'" i o lw PIll' k 111 buIlt ad!o\Dlng Ule Onstm B OIl!'H, ,lIIU J! hlor m .IIl\\', ~Ir ... n c. H.i'I!;Il ! 'IMl III p ilI' tnltlll (' til 1I11t11\ ll (,lt lo nl' ~Ilrn, pIl\al . "11\1\'('),1111 ('" ftnd the h otel Will h I' c.on(l llctcd by I to Akro n 8Ululny, ",1\(\1'0 h il l' \r ll!' 11",. 01 .1111' f o rulll r "u1ll1,,'I' . \\' h " 1 . Mr lind Mrs J~e n Gll~tlll hUlld hIt. 1',' e ntl, PllI I' r('\1 I1po n Ill ~ Itlt \'(· IH' rfu I'II1 c,1 \\'p1l tl ll' l l' 1'11 1'1 "I








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Hh e l10drled In t. III ~e n co, " I Iwo l\' now wh y yon are go ln ~ 10 huy It. Th e S!'n a lo r Is a nolh el' 01 tho, e wh oll1 yon IUl .-en ·t. tOI·gll'e n." Hi s In u!:h wa s a r r a d y don In I. " I hu,' o n othl ug a g ai ns t Du va ll. H o was o n o of Ducl, 's dup es , a nd be Is pay in!: t he pri ce. TIll' pr o per l y Is tLl he sold at. a forced " nle. a nd Il Is n goo rl In '·ca tm en t." " Is t ha t a ll It mea ns to you ? It IR loo line to be h aw l(ed a bo ut as a tb lng


C Il A P T E R X X IX .-Cm' Tl NUIW, " Uecouse I s ho ul d n ' l be abl to r caliz(' 8 s ing le o ne or your Idea ls. ];uow what t h ey are- what you w ill e XI)cct In a w ife. I could ma l, e YOIi a ri ch m nn , 0 s ucces s fu l man . as l he w OI'ld mMSUres s uccess. a ll d pel'ha p3 II could e\'en g ll'e you lo \' e : ofter th e Ifl rs l fl us h ot you t h Is pas t . l he h ea ve nIy -a mn ity se n ll m ~ n t. l o ~es It s hol d an d a wo man com es lo l()I ow t hat it aho ca res to lry hnrct eilough . he can Im'o nn y m an who will be t. ho ll ghtru l lind geml e. and whose 11IllJ lts or lire a rc Dol bopelessly al w a r w ltb b e r own , Dllt t hat k ind of 10\'0 doc n' t bree d love. Your va n it y wo uld (. IQuo Ilse lf for II little w h il e, a nd th en yo u would 'kIlOW t he curso o f unsou gh t lo ve unrl "I. H . \ \ ' 1-::-1 " 1' DHlI'de r m e In YO"I' h ea l·t a th o uRa nd " OO N ' T ~" iSH1; SAil lit::t::N Tn ' 1,; T O M \' lUI!:ALS." tim es a d ay. No. David . I ha ve read y ou to little pu r pose If l hese a rc th a th ings yOU will as k of lh e wom a n who \0 mal(O m on ey wit h. !t'e II s ple ndidly Ideal h ome- l env ln g o ul t ha l lhln g tak 6 you r name a nd lI ecom e~ tb a th a t P enelope Is "uarrellng with ." molber of your cbil d ren." She ha d nd s he m ade a t eln t of stoppin g h e r risen and was s tandi n g lIcslde bls . A ca rs , ebalr, wlUI b er hand li ghtly tou chin g H p. 18ug hetl Rp:R ln. bin sbould or. " Will you go no w? " Orlll s by says I ough t to ' buy It, and Th pre a re othe r s comin g . a nd- " ma rry . ,md seUle do wn." H e made his a dieu . grave ly and S he loo k h im ser ious ly. w ent a way hair dazed a nd a prey to " 1 011 don ' t h e NI It.. Mi ss Van Brock p,any em otions. but s tra ngely li g htha s a ve r y 1 0 1' ~ l y ho m e of h er own ," h earted wi th al : and a s o n,'e lIerore. he sh e ,s a id Roherly . w a liled wb en be mig ht have r idd en . It was at his t on;;n,,'8 encl l o lell t h o lJut t he mi xed-emotion m ood wa s not woman h J loveo how l ho woman h e .Immo rtal. Al lbe C lareud on h e round dtd not love hod retu s ed him , hut h e a commlttt'e uf Civic leaguers' wailing sa vClI hlm selt o n th e br ink and s aid : to M k him Ir h e wou ld stand a s a . " Why Mtss Van Broc k ?" "~ ood governm en t" can d illate III the "Becans e s he Is l' lndl ct ll'e, too, "pccial election t o fill th e house va- nlld- " can cy In tbe capital dlst r h'l : and In " But I am no t vi nd ictiv e." th e dlscllSSion 01 WIlYS and means , and "Yes . yon are. Do you kn o w auytho selUn g ot pollUeul pins which fo ll hln g Il hon t Ju dge MacF'arl a n e's famlow ed t h ere w as littl e food for sentl- Il y altalrs ?" ul ent. " A lilli e. H e hilS t hree ~au gh t e rs; It WII8 tbree weeks and more a Cter on e of th em ra th er unh a ppil y m ar ri ed , Gov. Ma rs ton 's ca ll summoning lh e I bel ie ve." assembl y fo r an Inv es tlgaU ve s ession. " Have YO U conslde reo lh e cos t 10 K en t 'bad fou ght h is wa y tr illml)hllnt- th es e t.b ree wom en If you ma ke th ... lr Iy Lhro ugh the s l)eclal e lecti on to 1\ fath e r's nam e a byword In th e cit y Heat In th e bouse, ai ded and ab et t ed whe re t hey wore born ?" Dlallrully by Orm Hby. Hildreth and tb e. " He s houlll h ave cO ll ll ld c r ~d It," wall entiro TT3ns-W cs tl' rtl IlItlll en ce and lh e unmm'ell rcpl y. ,'oll·. And no w m en we re beginnin g " Da\'ld !" IIhe sa id : and he look erl u p t tl say t.bat wit.b ou I t he ti reless lIIuW R qul c l" y. of th e ke en -wilt ed. s harp- tongue d " You WAllt me 1o let. him res ign ? ),ollo g corporation lawy er , th e j uoto I t. would ho cn m pou lldl n!: 1\ felony. Dl I,;bt s lill have r cal<Ser led I ts ~ lr. He Is a juri l'( C, a nri h e Was briber!. " llut Lb e boulie committ ee . 01 wh ic h She sa t do wn hes ille him in the l, eu t was the youuges t m em lie I' and r ush lon cil 1I'IIIIIow sca t and began to tit· ch a irman, ba d pro l' eoi Incorrupt!- pl eae! with him. hi ':, and l b~ day u f th e Oa s to n wolr" You mu , t let h im go." she Inslste(\. 1lIII ' k w a s ol'e r. Heodrl cks reSign ed, "It Is entirely tn y Oll l' h a nda 8S chairto <'sca pe a wu rse th lu g : ~I e l gs cam e man o f th e hOll se commltt eo: the go,·01' 1'1' to I be majo rll y w llh n s how of eru or. hlm "elt, lol<l m e so. I know all lI ear t Incss that ma de Ken t doubly )'011 RI\Y aholl t him Is tru e : but he is walt'lll'ul o f blm : I\ eurl" fell to tbe old ane! wre tched . wl l h :)Oly a little r ig ht Il Ild left . uutll a t t he la s t ther e whil e to live. at best." w as Il'ft o u ly uu~ m ember or tbe orlg There was a eUl'lous lilt Ie s mile curlIllal r a lJa l to rc",(o1I wllh ; tb e Judi- In g his lip wh en h e an swered her. ci a l tuo l o f the c"lIiL ul rlug. " H e has chosen a !:ood ad vocate. It Kelll had besllllled when Mad'ar- Is Quite Illle a m a n ot his stamp to lan e'. I1 a m ~ ca m e "I' ; n ll ll lh e Judge try t.O rOB('h m e throu gh you ." n ~ \' e r hn e w thut h" o wcd b ls eReape "David! " s h e sa l~ a ga in. Th en : '" t r oll! t be inquis it o ria l h Olls e I:ommlt- really shouldn ' t Imo w him It I were l ('c. lIud hi s pcrmi !oOli iull 10 r esi gn on to see him." lite pl ea of bro lH' n h eall h , to a yo ung "The n why- " h e began : but th ere .w ollmu wbom hp had II cl'c r s ee n, wa s a love-li ght In t h e blue-gray eyee It wa s EIiD or Br~lIl wuul l wbo was to s et his h eart afire. " You are doing bls Interl'cssor : alld Ihe m'ells lon W8 S this for m e ?" h e said. trembling on tb e las t da y of th e th lr<l wee k at tbe th e verge at thin gs unutterable. extra s essl oD- a ~ aturd ay afLcl'lloon "Yes. Yo u don·t know how It hurts alld Il leglsl a til'e I'Cl'es s wh ell Ke nt me to Bee you I:rowlng bard and mercibad oorrow cd Orm s by's lI uto ·car. and less a8 you climb hlsber and higher bad drlnn E linor a nd Pene lope out In th e path )' OU hav .. marked out tor to P enlland pillre to 101111 al a bous e yoursel!." b e W3S thtDI,ln ~ of bu ytn l:. F o r with "The pa th you ha n marked out tor m eans to Indul ge It. K nt 'S Oaston· Ille," h e co,.,.cclcd . " Do you remembred man ia for plung tll g In real es ta le her o ur IIttJ e t al k nv er the embers ot blld returned U\lOIl blm wl l h all th e the fire In your s ilting-room at home? a culenes s of a hal f-sHtisfi ed Pil .Ion. I l<n ew then I hat I had lost tbe love I Tbey had gon e all o,'cr tb e housll ml gh t ha ve won : bu t tbe de&lre to be and grounds wl ,h t he careta ke r. and ~h e Idnd ot leader yon were describing Wbe.n ,here was 1I0thin s more to see. was born tn me at that moment. I 5>.nelope bad III'o"all ed on the woman ha ven't alwaY8 been true to the Ideal. to open the "enetlana In the musle- I couldn't be, lacklDg the 'rlgbt to , room . There Wf1.8 a graod plaDo III . wear yonr colore Ob my heart-" UIo place ot. bODor, prealded' over 111 "Don't!" 'he said, "I haven't IMIeIl


t rue to my Id ellls , I - II sold U\em, Da v id !" S ire Wll8 In . hi s fi rms wh en sb e s nl d II. nn (\ the hac be lot ma id was Qultl 1 11~ t III t h e Wo mA n. " 1'11 n e \'er hell e l' C th ai ." h c sn ld loy. Illlr· "Rllt If you d id . wo' lI bu y the m IlllCk - tngct he'·. " .

T h t" I' ~

/.! a t f'.


a ('fl d a r

h £"d g r


01"1' 1, th e s lell'wn ll, hOll ndul')·. an ll whil e It ~ti ll "" r po nr tl Ih r m Kr nt bent rp dddy lO th e u p tllJ'll e(l Cat e o f h a ppin ess. " Onp m or!'." h e Pll'a:1NI: a n d wh cn h e h Rd It : " 0 0 YPll I, n ow n ow , ch' nrcs t t w h y 1 h l'oll g h t

)' 011

h t' rf'

f o·da y


S he no!illl'rl J,»),olls l)·. " It Is t h o s wro l Ps l " lrI pIa l' , A nd , dril l': wr' lI h rl ll ~ 0 11 1' l<l cfll snil o r Ihpm: Iln o It sh all l' e )' 011 1' h :lycll wh en th e stO l'IlIS br nt. " 1'1' 11 1': END I


I( It l ' nr '''ttl ' ~ l .n Jlf t Trill .

Helll' llIn , a t t hl' la melh'sa or 1'3n .:l,ill l'( a n d horse t rncJ lll q a UIl1 wago n t rnfn l'i ll ~. long ln !: Il n"r 1II 0 re to r I he freedom of t.h e t l'l1 Jl p i n ~ U'a ll , Kit Cars on s en t wlll'l l am (l n ~ his ol d fr lcnds, i b9 rr p ~ tm o ers of I he I tll dd ,~s. und made '.II' a par ty of 18 olrH .i m o. 1 0 n ~ -h n l i'NI me n. They Hal li e" for t h w ll h rlne a ud ~ ~ ami \lu ck nll il j ing lin g " 'ap cba ills . In t he fR sh lon of t he past, m a k ing o nce more ' I e ~ p Int o th e h oa rt o ~ t h RockI r~, T h ey vl s ltel1 th e Ar l;nns an; t be Ude n . lh e Gl'fl ll d . th e Wh ite. lb e La rl\III Ie-a ll t he 10 l' ed a nd l o\'a b l ~ pa r ka ot t he m o unta in s. T hey cam e bac l( Ih rou g b th e R aton m o u nlal ns Wi th r,lliIn dllll L fur. Ti, ey ~ ai< 1 It '''>is l h e lr IR st trai l : lh at t h y ha d vlsll ed the r.trea m s w hi ch lh ey loved In o rd er tbat th ry mi ght, "H hal, e haud.! wi th t hl'm nu il ~ ay good- by." T he ex pcd ltlon ", a\l lII all c (o r s h e I' love or the o ld Ufe wh k h t h ey Iill c w had n o w go ne for· e '·e r .-outln g. ...ulltllt·or •• u ....


An' English Mecca

Tboueande W r ite to Mrs ,Pinkham, LynD, MIUlS., Dnd Recelv 3 Va lu nblo l.dvlee A bsolutoly Oonfldontlal and Free

of American Tourists

P en clll llO w a ~ I;oo rl to I hem, It WR! Il fu ll h ll lf- holll' hefor e, s he proFeszed hl' rs elt sl1ti s fir'rt w llh t h E~ mech an l 'a l pla n o-t oy : a nd wh rn s h e was th l'o ugb, Hh ~ h el )l ed t h e wOlll a n rA l'elal,cl' to s hnt Ih o vene t ia ns w it II ~ l a n t: l n g8 that wOllle1 ha V P wIIl'n ed 'til e m os t ob.• 1I1' 1f' ll:-l pair of 1,)\' 0 ,'8. An d "ftl' rlVa l'll. whc n th e,' w l' re fr pe of t he hlJu ~l.', . he m n a h rall lo th e wa ll in,:: nut IH ·It I·. l eAv i n ~ ({ e n t Rnd Eli n or to folio w nt a s nnll' s pn co ,I own t ho lel\f·l'ole rell w a ll; to l he

bro l,.:! in ," to

Joi h11l 11 1ji'

a n IIfO-tnt l Ht'li . ~ \t('~

a ,Dlllc hi nirol p ln no-player ; and P eneI I'" ' w~ ri l Ill to c!:tIla.s tes ot m oe) cry. " Wal l \111 I CII D fl ll d t ho 'm us IC scrolls, IItHI I' ll Il y p no tizo YOll ." s ho said g icerllllr ; 1111(1 K ell l a n(1 E li no r lien!. n , h nsty rl't renl l<l t ho w ide c ni rnll Cc h nll. " I <I on 't q ll llO lIn l l l'r~ t"lIll it ." was Jo:li Il OI"S (·olllm e ll t. w h e n t h<.>y h all put " 1~ la ll c !tel W N l t helllsN I'cs nnd P ne ll1 pc ·. joyolls g r lll dl lll{-OU l o t a Wu g- . IIc r s~ ro ll. " It ", ok s as II' t h o Ow ner. ha rl just wai lle d (II1L at a m om ent 's nofice. " "Thry ,11 11 ," s Rl cl T{r nt. "Th <.> y WPll l 10 Ellrn pc . 1 hellev e. A nd by t he w a), : I l ili n k I 1" " '0 a s Oll l'o nlr h e ro s ome whe re, ' VII I YOll ';0 u p t o tb e fI" s t Ino elin" of t.h e s tnlr and po in t ), Oll r fi llger lit l hllt w in dow ?" Sh e did It. wo nrt er tn!:: Rnd wh e ll h e hnt! I!I O ~i ll C or d irec t ion h e kn elt In t he cush io ned w indow ·sca l Rnrl be!:an LO Ilro he wl~h th e lIla do of h is pcn""ire in n s m a ll rou nd ho le In th o wo odwor lL " Wh a t Is It. ?" _ho as le l' d . co mi n s down to s lnnll bos lrt e him. " T h is." H e had Cl' t out a fl attened buli N and wns hlll rl ing It liP ror hel' to s ee. " Il wos m ra n t fo r lII e. al1(l I ' I'e Rl ways h3d nn Id el\ th at th ea I'd It 5t r ll(O t he woo dwork ." " I·'or yo u ? W e l'o \·o u e \ ' c i ' h ere w lu' ll lh ~ hOll s c was ~H!CU lll r t1 ? " "Y,' ". o ll ce: Il I. Ih o Sona tor 1)\1 >011 " lace. T h is Is t he w indo w wh ero I


T h e r" ~nll be ~e te rribl e o r de al t o a. ,h'll ca t ' . ~c n ~ it i\", n "On cd \\' u rn~ n thun t o be ob liged to IU.SWl·r ce l'~ "'n 'I lI!," t lons in reg ard to ' h e r p rivate Iils, I.H'Cn wh ·· u t hos e qU l':d /i o ns nro<ed by her family phys ician, aod many

Q-J3k er Meeting Hou~e in Whose Yard William Penn Is Buried.

• •A

il l E IU t:,\ r\ l uu rl. ls wh o lon' l ill ~". o r o u IIII' bud I)I·c·" , lu n o r l he

. ,

tli ls poi ll

ul tl ~ \\' I) I'l d

('Ot" O(' I"S f une r u l

o t'


0 1'

h is

t' hlld l' f' 1l or

will ti ll il l.Iucld ugh a m s h lrc. f,lt- nd i!. S u re ly l h l' lI II i" mora fltl ln g I ElIg land. 1.coUl lu l·IY "1<:1', III Ihu l h l' sho ll l(1 lie at J ord an " t h a n he h ls lU ril'al buil d · rr lllll l' Cl1 LO n 1I\ 1l\l ~o l ll lllll al P h ll," lolqll lll\\ l


I II ~~ . w hic h

h a vl',

p r rli a ps , phi ,

UH g O tH !)

A I1l I' r ll.' U Ii H H l h ' O I 'Ut t' d


I t I s 0\'(> 1\ ~ uit l Ih ilt it Wi\ :i n en's~ ar y a t o n r I I III ~ 10 1'1 :1 1'(' f\ · 'Iard 11\ 't' l ' lh e ~rH \' f' to IJI'(,V(, Ht th o

1l1\Jit lCln nl I nt o r eS l , t o su m O fr u m t h e fll t: l t h ot. I ht·), Il re s o Illll o I. no \\' II

1'1' \\'

yc a r.i a b u ,

Th iti Is ~(l l llI'w h a , S t l' H I\ ~l' w11 1' 1\ O !lt! eu n ~ lt l I"S t h Ul B ttt'l\ lu g la l lus h i n ' (' liLi r e llHJ\' u l cer t a i n l y l ay l'ln i lll l u IJll Ull 1 ': II ~ l iH h h o Ul o ('DI I IH ,)'. I. o w \ ' j l r y t t' w u f t h e IHa n y t I U,HI ~ r.\l ah; w llu \' bd l \\' i ll d su r ur H lI l'nh ili ll I h)('· I' I',I·:;. ('\' (' 1' r f' Hlb~ l) th u l S (' ,H (' O Nix 1l1 i1 t'S u w n)' I ~ to iJl.' f Oll n d t h e n ll J~ l l h ' r f C'(,t r eli t: () r 1h (> l) ltl l 'ul' it all

1· u l· h" ro on t h e !· ,... ~~ ro ' H I ~ two m il e'S t'r um lh ,) lHl ~H ill ~ t o w n or U \' a ~


(J r II i:; ho n t':; by ~Ir ul l h . F i n a ll y t he u £it n tc.r ~ " Olll l: nt c d (h em . b(.' l\'c:3 wilh c rl' t' l i ll ~ a hll' ~t1 s t a t ll o o r h i m ill l' h il a t.! fl l l' h i·H. , :l lld r a l ~ ll\ r! Il ~l lI all h ead s l o l w O\'c l' th e g r:\\ l' , tH.) I·e ly a~!.:, ain ~l th e \\'i s llt '~ of I h ,' Fr if' lH h;. ,10 1' dam; fl u:; su m ' w h a 1 a p tly ,l )l'r> 11 l'allell

da )'.

I·o ll ~ n cl!l.

I he

QUII I ,c r~

erel' l r !1


Ih e " \\'psl m in s lcr Ablll' Y u l II.p Qlln l(c r :-o ." f ot' o n e f+:'!uls i n I h e r f."~ i ~ 1 f' 1' o r

o f hll rl al s Ih l'

II nn H' "

o f IIH1II Y of Ih e Irnd·

IIl I.! I" r ie lH l s or I Otl ~ Og O, I: nat I'n n , nl llgt n . Wh06C ~ lI"ll - lI n ll g h ' P I' m n r rlc d

1h e l r ol d f'Sl a n d 111 0 ,. ; l i m p orta n t Ilu' et · i n ~ h Oll ~(, s 11I1O \Vll a ~ JO rtl a n s.

SlL uat c,\ In II dCl' 11 ho llow , a lll i s O ~ r - Pen n ; Abmham Hull ed h· I" . T hu lll ns em c ly h ltltlc lI lJy Its l h il'1< hr ll o f lux· 1::l wuoll. ~ I ilto n ' s g rl' nlosl fr lenl l. who

j'onti tl\l C t o SllfT\\l' r uth er thnn subm it t tl CX;\11l ili llt iun d w h it'h 1':0 0 mu ny, ph:ysi· el n,n s p n ) p fl ~t ' i n ir rd t' r to in t c l h gcn Lly t ('en,t 111 0 d i ~ c a ~, ' ; n 111 1 t h i ~ is l h o rc a · so n w h y ft~ , I1w 'n y ph r~ h: ia u ~ fa il to ctl n ~ f,-ma l(.· d i:-,c·u ... c . 'I'hi to; i~ a l:-. u l it .-' 1'i'~!ooo n w h y th o n s nn d a upon t.h OU :-. :Ulfl s I lf W 0 I111' n o ,'c cor ro~ ro l 1t lin ~ wi t h M r':i, l 'il1 1< h u m , ut. Lynn, M Il ~ S, T o hl ' T" lilt'." ('a n coufidc c \'c r y

uri au ( I ltll t! trpc~ I t l H not to be w u n , d C! l' eti nl th a t w UII ld - h e vi s it o r ::; arc r l'(' -

w as al s o 1) 1 :~ .:)1' th e n r~ l t l' lIs tCf'S ( )f t h e Ill octi u g h Ollt,c : J o se ph n tlt e, w h o \\'118

dl. tai l

q \lc nUy rOlill d va lll ly " ~f1 rc h in v; fo r II wh e n Ill. Ih n vr ,·y E; n h ' s. Pc r h all ~ It "ltH not, n l1 o;:t,' t l! t' l' w llh o ll l J)lIrpn.'c: t hn , ! h C 0111 F'r lr ll ds ch ose lI, ls " ce! ud c,1

l«l o wn n ~ t he " Whl te , QII;) IIe l·... fret m h is II r11ct lc o of a l wa ys Ilress ln " In w h ile . Th e r e was a he av y ra il o r l-I Il O \\' <.I n t h ~ day o f h i' ( u" c r nl , wh lc b ga ve

il ls.

t ht' i r


ill n ess.

an I

f rom

h e r g't'c n,t, IClI o \\'h.!rl:: c . o l>tllin cu froln

\"t·:u· . . or p Xl w r it- rH' t: in \-rl' nt ing- ft'mnl e ~ 1r .s . l'i nld til m .' u n Htl v i ~o ~" m \) r o \\'i :o;c ly t h a n tl w locu l physic iA n.

l: c,,<1 h ow MI'". P inld lll lll hcll'c d Mrs. 1', C. W il illd . e n . o f JII IUlUi ll g , lao S ho \\T it uS:

])l'nr ~I ~ .

Pl nUu\tu :-


,. I m il tr uly ony t.lmt YOll ha ,,~ \18\'00 my Hf,o, antl I cn l\w)ti o ~ p rt)S':I Ul,V tnlt~tmld III won ts, Il~[oro I wl'ill " to you YOII how I (~1t , I hn ll tl IW t.Ot N j (o r 0 \'01- two y r.ars ~tl' ndy , nml gi ~" t.. l nt :' (1 f m onoy iu l1 ...!~.II I 'i l1(.'W

I."ill,... but it 11 11 f .. lhxl to do me any good. T hu,I (t"tHRle trOl1lJlu u ml wonMdflily bll\'o ta int , lug !:t 1)(' 1I~, bnl'k lll'h(1 . bonri n g -do~'I' n pa i l1~ , ntr-1 Ill y mo nthly 1.Il"rilJl:ls wei" ver y u'rt'gUll1r I'l.r..rl IhmH:; C C.[1...'4(oO , I wl'Olc to ~'O U r,o r y our a el · d eo ntHl r(.'l·ci\'M. n h'U.' r ftl11 o f lIUO t r Ul'tlo n:t j ll!'ot. whnt, t otlo~ null ,,1"0 Cfl tl1IHOl1("("ti to tn.kc Lydh, E . Pill kb " I1\ '~ ' ·O'r'ctJIIJ'o (;oIHIx>u nd, . RllIl I ht\VB twcn rtU4t O,'l'( t o Itt'rtC'C t. ItwJ t h . li nd It Ilot l)l'(\tI tor y ou I wo uld lm vo heen iu • illY g rn \'.' tCH luy ! ' ~1 , mn Luin~ o f p roq! ('s t a hlls h th e faot th at nil monie",,' In (h o w o l'1<1 e'luats ".rdit, 1': . Pinl, ha m's \ 'I'Frctuhh, ('om · po und for r~stor i n g- \Vom ou '::t h ~nlth "

~ ,,(' ee 1'l 1l or .

"I n t he m nJor lt)' of cases ." slt ld Se n, aio r De pew. " n for mn l p e r~o n a l ad · dress I" sl l1l pl y n st r l n" of ful s!) m!! rn molime n L' a nl\ pr o)'('ss lo ns In c.ll ~ · cl'lnli nn tel)' In" l_ hod u pon nn y [u d l" il lu a l In Rllth ol'Jty tn ord c l' 10 as~ urp h im of t h e pa r l lcll laT. \l H 50n a l lind exf'l u ~ t \' o I' cn el'stl on ill wh k b ho Is he lrl by I h o~p wh o 1I' 0 ul <1 I)n>' e q ua l h om a gll to nny on ' Is o If h e IJOSs e!;ll cd eq ua l



Relurn to t h l! old·l ime wh ole;olll e w he:! t iood of o llr fore-fa th er:;. B UY:1 package o f EGG·O-SEE and II ,;C it tomorrow morni ng .

P OWN' ,

"hen F 'U di p yo ur spoon into ils g o lde n · b ro w ll fl akes y Oll w ill Tilt,; I': X. Tt'; B IU I~ 0 1' J H O A N 'S M EETI N G 1I 01J- 1';. rcrtl ize t h at AT L AST t h e re is n tlcl ic ion 5 temp t ing di h LUad e from Olll ot t he way s pot fo r tb e erec tio n I l'lse 10 t h ~e m a r l, t hn t Frie nd J os lIb the wh ole w heat. ot lh II' me el l ng hOll oc. fo r . If r ~ m O le w as t he " Wh ite Qu ak e r " to th e las . Mao y a e lhe qu ai nt s tor ies told u n w. ho w m uch morc remoLe llI usl It EGG-O-SEE is .1I1ade from th e p erha l'C ucen wh en it wa s lI,r~ t bll ilt ~OO ~ .bOU I th c~1\ o lrl F'rlc nlls. Ills s aid tbat fe ct g ra ins of the c hoicest wh ite ), cars a go. • Wl liinm Pe n n 's fath e r wns so Irate lit wheat, conlallllllg ALL T HE During l he ye ar 1687 a m o mentnry hi s so n 's r efus nl t o dotT hi s hat to any lin'''' R Pull'h'h,,, 1.,0.': "I~ J.. ".... peace w ns gra nlcil to th e Qual,ers by ma n , Lha t on mOl'c than one o cca s Ion \ ITAL ELEME NTS tltat make h ea lth and good Cn lll er Da l'I e3 wa s s tum piu g ulong th n decla l'llti on or Indulg ~ n cc. Il was h o hi d all Wlillam 's hoad g eal' to force for bu oy ant U)' th e ~ lrl e o f " I, d" Hoch . th c repu h- th c n tha l JOr/lull s w a ~ 1!uil t. Th oy do h im to /:II' e In . Bu t P enn s t uck lo h is digestion. IIca n rnn dhhLt 0 (0 1' go verno l' ot Ka n- no t se em to ha ve bee n long Ir fL undl s· p rin Cipl es. ],~ I'e n In tho prescn ce o r It is N ature' s perfect food, and S 8 S. onc day. wh en a bys t Ande r as l,cd turhet! , as oue (rcllue nU)' roalls o f s o l· C h a rl '~3 I r. be r e main ed co ver ed. Cap l. R os s w ho t ba t o ne -legged Ulan dl e l's ru sh in g In al the ir m r.etln gs. BUrl w h ~re u"on h e re m o v~ hi s own hat. sati sfi es your cra ving for "somewas. l h e F ri ends the Dlsc l\' es bein g mlld e lO o bse rving tbat It was th e c us lo m III t4ing g ood to ea t." "Wh y . don' t you Imow him ?" Te- I)8Y heav y fln cs . o r even bc ln g t h ro w n Whi le h all for Only on e man to wear P erfect di g estion means life s pond",1 t h p ca pl aln. " T h nt's Gom rr luto [)r lson. To protec t t.h e la· wom ~n hi s h at a l a tlDl e. power , en ergy an d a robu t well Da "It\s of Ih e Co nco rdIa K a nsan ." f!'ODI pe rsecution. lbe gall er y In wblch On e "fri vo lous" FrlE'nd was fo nd or " Wllnd e r how h e losl bls leg?" a s l,e ~ they s u l, wa s 11I'O \' ided with slid ing s po rt. and us ed to bUIH In plnle Hls heing. Atta in it by ealing EGG •

"T he hes t r ep ly I evcr h enrcl of to Sll!'h an a dd l'Pss wa.s m ad!) by J a mes I. \\' h ~ n c rt a ln or h is s llh Je 'ls expr es sed a "'I~ h th at h o mig h t re ig n o,'n l be m a" I n;; a s s un , m oon an d s t a l'S s boutd en illl re. " ' 1 s lI ppose. th un.' ohscr \' r d t IM m o nAIT h . 'yo u me') n m y SHccrRsor to re ign by cll n!lI e II ghl, " - N. Y. H eral d.



th e lJ .vs t a ll t! ~ r. "Oh ." s fl lt! th o CAptain. d is!':tl stedly, " he los t It h 011l1ln ' from on e political po rl ,II lo the o t he r." A n il Oa \'l eR I ho ug ht th" joke !!1\Od cnoll !!h to j)r ln t In hi s o wn , p a pr r,Kan s as Clly .Jo urnal.

s hU tl H S. wh le h wer o has li l y closcd In dresse d wa s denou n ced ns being gay tbe c" ellt o t an Intru s ton. Thus were a lld " unsee ml y," and wh en he d ied tit d a me lin d dam scl sa fe ly co nceal ed till Is bolle ved tro m a fall In th o hunting all " a n g~ r was pn ~ t. Held ) il wa s with ;;r eat diffi culty thal B t [OI'c th c Ilr eScllt J Ol'llnns WB lI buil t . hIs r r le nds o btain ed Icare to bury him m ee tt ugs were h N d In a f n l' lIIh o u ~e o n I at t he mee ting ho use. T h e s tory runs th e lOll of th n hilI l: l o ~e by. Th e bulld- IImt It ha ving bee n t1 r cr eecl tha l hJ" Ing Is still ston"IIl ~ . Im own a s J o nlil u 's 11 0(1), s hOUld not be Ile"m ltte!1 to pass " · It ,,, u ,,' (" Uldu't t:nre 'or Japon. W ben t he II r8t e mhass y from .JfLPRIl f a rm. It prolla lll y t ool( It s Ull me fro m thro ug h th e gates, th e Coffin was lifted " over th e pa li ngs . arr i\'ed I II Was hin gt on a m cmbe l' of t ho At tb e prese nt tim e the meetings at· sena te rose nnd sai d : " Mr. PI·caldent. I Jordan s are h eld onl y on ce n y ear. usuth o IIrRl a mllas"adors fro m 'he venally a t th e e nd of l\Iay . or a s the era ble co untry of J Slla n are a bout to Friend s lh em s eh'cs quaintl y expre~8 Ill'l'iI'J. I mo ve the s enat e do now adit. th e Hrs t dny of th e t Ollrt h w eo) of .1t)!lrn t o mee t a n d welcome lhe Japt. he Hflh mon t h. 'Th e o ld sect has dIed nnese." lmDl erll at ely an o ther senator Ollt. An,1 b ut few Frle ntl s li ve In the lI'a s on hl a fee t. n nt to secon ll th e 1110. " Imm ediat e n e ig hborhOOd. Neverth eJ e~9 lion. bUl s ny $h ul'lll y : " MI'. PI'es lli ent. I hum bly tm . t lh o sc na to of t he t ~' p; m e etin g Is Illrgely att end ed by \ ' nlt(,d St a l c~ of Am eri ca will nOl a dI· n e nds wh o com e fro m nfar and by JOllrn fol' eve ry s how that comes m embers o f oth er d enominations. Nor a lo n!,;.' · Thnl se l1 l ~ 11 II. - MI'6, Hoge l' A. Is J o rd ans le rt al o ne or for gotte n durI' ryo r 's "Remlnl. ,'ence •. " Ing th o oth e r month s of th e year. for the ,' 1 Itors' boo le s how s ho~ many AN.'r c .·d " ' lth Roth. come from all pArt s o f th e wo rld to s ee Horace Orre lp), w as t h o. a lllhor of " lhe 01<1 J:>1!J ce, Mos t are pe rhaps Am er~t y l e In !'dltol'lal writin g whi ch had Icans o f whom thl' careta k er hns been been otte n tmlta led . bu t probably h eard 10 say : "Am e ri cans come from ne ve r e"uulled. Du r ing his editorsh ip all par ts of Am erica ond New York." THI~ t;H .\\· t:: OF WILI. I.\~J PL>NN, tw o n ews papers , n eith er o f which was Th e beautiful s urroundings of 'hiA frl i! Jldl y to tlree ley . hecame e ngllsed III th e Cact I hal Its lh e n o wn er was called li t tl e Qual,e r building CAnnot hut a viole nt alt ercation, The argument J o rdan , It was not IIl1tll 1687 thnt Il c harm all who Vl91t It. esperlally In tho !\rew wurm e l·. IIntil each p aper openly wa~ i1 cc ltl e!1 to erect a mee tlns ho us e s pl'llIg time when th e beer'h woods aro call ed the ot he r a liar. It was the op- In th e littl e lliot of g round a cquired cOI'c red with theh' IIrst young green port.llnlty Gre eley had been waiting 1I0me 16 yoarli prevlollsly to,' a burial tor. H e announ ce ll In · hls pape r that ground , On OClober 17, lU88. the tlrs t the g ro und carpeted with primroses 0; " he had tbe honor 10 a g r ee with bot b m eeting was held a t "Ne w Jordans." wild hyaelnlh s , and the air laden with of his Ill stln s ul.h ed cont emporari es." Here It was t bat the Great fOUDdel' ot the scent of white ,·Iolets. A baven or rest and of POllee Is this old. world - N , Y. Herald. P e nnsylvania. William Penn, used to lIulldlng, that for more than two cen. worship, aod here, afte r all his travel~. turles has s lood Inta ct . In spite or th& Tlc-kll.h ~ftme • tria ls and td bulatlo ns . h e r est.s In the many c hanges In t he outer world. alld A sili t. for brea ch of prolll ise of mar. peaceful littl e snn ctunry nelf.l' his first the controversies lhat have raged wllhrlage came up bofore Lord Eraklne. and beloved wife. Oullelma. In Its ve ry doors . Ir only the Wall, when . as "hler justice of Engl!'ond. he And J o rdans seemed to have bee n could spea k! presided at the Chelmsford Al!8lzes. the rallying poin t at all hiM voya g~~ , _ _ __ _V _ IO_l:,..E::,: . T YO U NO. Miss Tl ckell WaR the pllntlll'. Her Perhaps the fact lhat he firs t mel Gu · counsel. a s olemn younlg barr ister Il eima Sprln gctt th er e III a m eBRure a cMilldlrected Energy. nam ed Stanton . opened the cl\8e thua: COUllt s for his deep 10\'0 of lbe place. Mrs. Lo\,Bascrap- 1 Bee by the )la" Tlckell. the plalnlllt, my lord." Ers- thouJ;h h e. was not marri ed at t lte pers . George. that a certain Madame Idn e dry ly Interrup'ed him wltll: m ee lin" hous e, but at Ktng's farm . Pousep aOlI several otb er RU8slan la"Oh . ti ckle her your&elf. Mr. Stanton. Ch o rley W OOd. wh ore b e Hvett tor some d ies hal'e enlis ted 'J) a Cossac k regl. It would he unbecoming to my posl- ycal'u. The farmhou se . s tili s tandin g. m ent In order to jll'ove that women ' tlon. " - N. Y. Tribune. Is much th o sa me a s It was In P enn 's can ti g ht. 14r. Lovoascrllp- HolV entirely UDtime. thouSh th e curious oltl window The DebCo •• and rloor or the large room where the ne'~essary, my deal·.- Judgo. Bustler-Don' t you belln'e tbe worlc! marriage ce remon y' was pertormod 18 Expert Knowledge, . owes you a living ? concealed from view by a nower hulld Tomm y- Pop., what ·are hlccoug1iBt HuaUe r-Yes, bot tbLt:t'Ouble I. tt Ing . Tommy 's Pop-HlccoUlhs, my 80D, won" pa)' up, and I have to work to Constantly OD e reads 'of Penn relurn- &re messages trom dopartQ4 .• plritLC'.olleet the money!-D'etrolt Fr. . Illi (0 Jordans, ~Ither ,to attend aiaet- L"blladelphla Re=orc1. freS.. ' ...... --. ....-

O-SEE, EGG·O·SEE is s ld in air-tight,

i nner· lincd pacb ges , p'1;rity a nd freshn ess.

in ~ u rillg

BEST FOOD IN SUMMER If you can fin d a groce r

", 110 rloc .. 110 t ,.ell

O-BE.E seud


LI M h ill

un me

an .t leu tr nt s. ment ion ing ,h h. period i c" lan~,. ~ w in n ud'you a (uH·. l u d I g e prelHttd . Add rt! u .



QUincy, III •


--- --_ .-


520 Colorado .ND RETURN Via Chicago. Union Pacific and Nortb-WoSlern Lino.

Oaii, from Chl c"~o. AII ~. JO 10 Se ll!. 4.

!~cl~~~:C~:'n~:~~)~~~,~ll:j~~j,a~~ ~:u~~~: vc r. Colorild o ti ped .. 1 le ,H'u C hicaRo ' .00 fl ' m. d all y. onl )' (tile n ig ht e ll run te. Anotherf;u it u;\ ln le,lvtS daily rt.oo tn .


..............., CtIIdueIIII "'tal

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I.... CII ..... anti . . lalt


P ur buokl t t . . . et lull p I,tleul." ad d,•••


t eretotore aUPldll'lO onl, to phll lClanl Inr Ib. lr-

,;~~~vr,=,I'~~i-I,~O:;&U~::I~ ~r':,Tg: "::~.,:

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ollr IJookloton()ahce r . T"e Pre ..'!!. !loom 1St WhrallUl UIII " CIDCllno.aU. Obl(l-,



. A.N. K.-B


and the 01<1 ma ll , SI(J rJlil n& filr a mo.

THE OLD ORCHARD. How It May Be Tnsted So .. s ~tore It to a Plolltnb le


Grandfather's Awakening




As a n 0 1ehal d, It had al \\'a) II l,eeD U fall llJ'e The tre ea h a d rrUlU th e r fu se ut nil H.1J.tIHl o n e u UlIl'se r y , Nl nel) -lI ln" !Ur n III " hllnd r~,1 " o llld


--- --

--,- -----~--

GOOD ROADS IN IOWA. Wuat Th ll t St nte Is D oi n g to Improve th e Hl g hwnys In Rurnl Distri o. ts, 'rh o Io wa hl g hll l! ' co nllOl "" lo n r cCe n l ly h,' I,1 lIt l h ~ lu \\ a s lat' 'o lleg e ti ll " ,, ' illI le rOI Llw Il ,d ll lll l; u f I" ull ufIke · s III 1l)llhll ll l;" anl l la rm l;" fOi Iue h l g IJ\\Il) N ul' r li e S laf(l. a lit I til t· s t l JlltlJ u ~ b h l' 1J Lv Ih e I 11 1I'f P:04 t s uf good ro n (i~

will PIUI' O u r

la s l l ng ucll f' li l



I ' l ur \\, II S l l.! ~ e ll ·o ll ill m n }(l e g rC po l t of t li c! i ll :{ ll llt l l.! ~hl YK: ' 11t

tHu t "

u Ot ha ve llllw n I he lrees us u g ift and t he u ll e I ewalnlu l,; mUll tlXlk Llluw Utlcali se I he) we re c ll ~qll , Fur 'W y eani a VUl l "f th

l r ee ~

Hl uO U Tho olh ol M dle'l , lIJos t ut j

YOU I' In ,\(I II I I IU " t il JIIul ct tax lH oney~ II tttl rhr· p u !lln xf ' s If t hl !o; m UIl f' Y Wtl l e

11, (-.1 lJv

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tl m" t!l& fa l m hU ll u

(ha ll gf' or ( H \lHH I) TJ II.! n e '" mun hau lUI hhl n. Th o u l .. lJa l d " u ~ no t 111 li l ·

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b r lllt:; lng a l;ou t a

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l:o u dl tH. U

thu u t h fl u ex i Ht eu Th o Bo ll \ll il!i II li g ht. g ra \ e4l y 103m .

th '> Rli e ll ee nOl a guoll pltu " lu r an ap pll' ~ I (j l c­ bulld ln l: anll u \'e l', t lt e la id hall !Jce ll ex ltuu st pil lJy "ou l inllal cro ll!, in ); lUI iliall ) ~ Cal K, Th is , \lltb I'(JO I s toel< I II th e U" I; I Iln IIl l;", Inll l rt," ultcol\ In Mtll ll lP<I , ha lf -s tul\~ d r e:4 , Th e n l~ ! s t ep \\a ~ (0 pl o\\ Ih e l!TOll u .l in I h e Hp rll1 0 a nti su ,,", to r ) e. \\ h e n Il It:.lfl g l'owu la l',;e e no ll g h to ntfUi d tI

Ila . t III'C, hus s " el e llil n ~Q In wh u \I II 110wI'{I do wn t he '; I'eon "' raW a n d galliCt ed s o me la l't! 1'lLO lh elll s" l\ CH Tll o lI ~xt ) ell l l b e g ro ulld \I a s ag ullI plowed und H<lW n, and Ih e ho!;" ('al l ~ <I III fIJI' t he li ,'I\ CSt. F OII I limes wo s I hi s rOp.) ~t e d . tu t h l! gl eu t HU li .;:;fo ( tion or l h e UIl I II1 U I ~ nn u. II ~ it pro \ ed . to til e u(: ut!HY

tJtuf l ho tJ ces It w" " In Ihn l tl mo evid en l I hllt a

<: H ,\UE I:

Il; lll l',1 III lJlI" l n"~ " llI e th od", " q 3 re t il l! men IlI l r ll SlP(\ \I II h I hn a lfu it'~ o f ~ re nl b ll , itl ~" " pom e l' n., II \, o lllli be r lltl l'cly 1I0 s·''I IJI l' lu lII al n la lll l' \f> '~ m il e o f

t~ 1I 1 f t" l ' l tt ll IJ U \ ul \\ I I h 11t ' 1

e btlll !;" 1; 1''''' II " 1 Th ol e " orch a ro


ito ,1 ta l, e n p la ce Th e t re es t hey h tul n e ' I' r g ro wn befO! C, :IS fl' lIi l in nlJl ln.l nn r e too 1 h e ro m e liP HllI illng \~I th ilS uu r-

I HI li"" sl l il " 'I I" d I h :l1

) w ' I'p n Hln g-

g le I,e n ll \'

th e

P I C!i Clit

r oacl tux a 81n -



fn l nt .

CUIIU'a ,1 t he hl ~ h\\'ayR of

A par t of t il, o r i~ lIl nl o rr htll d

] O\Ul u f IO -Uri\' w il lt l h'Jse w i lli h It I s Jlus, ih le to h a~. e 11," CIl 1'1 1<',, 1 l lJo lI!; htrlll

fe ll ce d o rr n nd l (,(l'b' Pll

!ili tl c h

,q .

,lI a l 11 1

FRUIT SCISSORS. New Inven ti on Which Would Simplify the Task of the Fruit Gnthel'er s , Gf'Orge T o wers, Cnn yon Ci t)' , Col., haR jlB.tell te <l a fruit s r iSSorl, comprlaS A ~tJ.:

n O ,1I1 tN O P PGS ITI ; D IHE 'TI OS I I' l : PROPKR \I' l D'rli A1'> I) C R O WN


bu il t, two 1\'11 h rever . llJl e g raders nlld on e 11'11 b an s le l' al ln,; g rader, !Ill OlJe rn I etl by ~x lle r ls , In a<l<lltlo n , Mix J(l nds of I'oall drugs wel'e.cxhlbltell !lnll n I' e we re ope ra ted 0 l I he srltool These h ;cl utl ed b~sl ti es th e wid ely known l ,i ng d r a g , th e V <lru 1;, th o S toven sou "d itch cl en ne r ," the HlI Qsei't roa d 10 "e le r nnd tho 81\11111 .teel rand <I rag, 'fh ese ,I rags wor e aU s ho \l II n n d u pe ra ted by t he Ill,'c n to rs , t h~ m ,e l" e. nnd It wn s mlHl e plainly aplln "e n t lh a t nil can 110 !ItSl-clas!! wo rk SQ lUuch lut er s t \I a s aron Rcd In l h e~ e r ood III a gs that th e I'omtnl sslo n has Il eclde d to th o ro ughly t ..s t each ldn d On a N<!c!llon o f earth roa<l an<l to re port t he r s utts In a bulle tin, "No teature of the man y de mo ns lratlo ns In road cOllstru lion attruct ed m o r e atte nt Io n thnn Ihe buildin g of n r een force!1 l'Onl:r e te c nll' e rt. A t tho prese nt l ittl e many r oa ll e XIl rts In lown n rc c81 e fully co ns ld el'lng th e ad, ' lsatJ lllty or 1I1 s Illar in g pXllen Rlv e an<l \ID sntl s fa ctory "oolle n c ull' e rts wit b cumbI e Htl uclllrcs ot "unc r e le I eenforcell wl lh . Ieel. Th e co mmI ss io n lla H Il re pnre <i s tantlard plans nnel s p "i· ti eatl(,n s of siw ill e and in " p ~ II R Il' e CO lter. 'to c ull'e ll!! for dlstrltJutlon among lown. rond offi ee rs "


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Tt ll ~ pd t o 1)(' ·o l h i cJ c.' r f'u th nt Otll \, II ri n.l r y 3.J1 d h l .i th ll' r t r (JIII.! . ... " I I ~ t o be t ra,' l d 1'1 th e Hut. l H. ' .... l H l tnu w Il 1o d ,.rll "' I /\.. lI lC prf ' \l. s th .ltIl C..Hly .ll l d' . . . I .. \~ h .l \ (' t lh:lr h t g' 11lII 111J.!' I U t h~d l:-io rd c.: r


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uft h t·"\' lU u loo l l lf1 plll l .l lI l v I ga l ls.

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1-, 11 111 1\

Ill ! ' I H I ',j I II l ilt

a Sample Bottle Sent Ahsolutely Free hy Mail.

f hJ lie " lt b \11 tuul.... 1I -1111 l ftl lfd .

'\ :to. ;'; fl u ,I- IIII L' "

t ll " l l1filf "1


To Prove \Vhat the Oreat Kidney Remedy. Swamp-Root, Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of This Paper Mny Have

\' !I ~ 1 1I1 1 1 ~ 1 ~



Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It.


.. 1 1j.~111

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by l h e sa m e In s lln ol "hldl mad e h im tal, e lIme fro m hI '" lill l rl ed jo ,,,n ",,

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r h (If t h¢ b l. tdt1 (' r . J1:11 n Of dull Li l: h e I lIt !Jt! U. ld< , JO l lt t .. . llld lI1u:)(' I '''i 11l .\ k eYOllrh l'a(1 illl1C .ll ltl 1I .lI.. k a. Il l'. (.' :!lI M.! 1Il l11J;t' i"\ t lO n. s t 0 tl1 . l ~ h ,Iud l In r t r illlh le. " 'U ~ c t a s.dl lJ "' , y ello w cu lII p kX1U Il , tn .d <L' \ fl ll f Cf" l a ... t h (jll~ h :'tiJ tI h :1(lhc al t

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P. IUT OUIAL r':OT ICH - ~n FlICCr ll;d ll l i~ !oi \\O uq .. H. " i JIIII IH('I lII pll y Cll rt l1 ~ I \ . II I III' IU Uo,\ , 1rp.;llt· .. " l n J! ,' (I .., .. , t h .1t I I) IHO\ I' I t.. '\ ll ll dcr rlli


Ul l pf\ \ \1 \ 11 n l1 at u r a l l\ i ndl l n eF= ~ \\ l l l lll \\,U llid Hu t 11(, 1 !lIlt of t h ~ f'Xl <J l(" n l e I h,·,,· u f all Y .1 ~ alll -':1

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... til.

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t l ll i !l lli 1 "'-"Ill t il l' IUcl Ih u t t h e J'f 114 11 u l I f tc :-: l lU l' p I ClII ~ III ' d hartl , ,,I, ( tI~l lI ;'; \II ~ " ' lllJ:l mt; h e II. l .)

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How to Find Out

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dlt l llg .tl i ~ '1 1 1 -.: (l r I1 l1pl , ' 1\ :4 all l l a .. l doi IIial t)l h ('I p .~ tlp l p II ldu t Hid I i ! till n l H l li 1 t hl h Ull '" " .Jlld iJa rll

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m e nl n. u'pe' " " "all y I Pr Ive III II r lll ti l'at etl Mc llI r< i\' e n 1IJ1 to th e o r dina l' ), fll r m ('I'(J JlR Afl ,' r s i~ 0 1' Sc" (' 11 \(' a l R l lt ey <l Id not 10011 a O Iho tl ;: h th n - "'",11 .1 h uv e lJ I'n SN a t lh c s a me lim e ,\l Ib I h el r more l hr lfl )' Il Clg lt lJo rs , If llQtus h un ll phus plw rlc a dl\ hotl uee n o ppll erl Ihe r cs lltl s Rholiid h a~~ IJecn s UIl \t etl e r , rell1n r l<s th e 011 0 Pnr mer, As It wa s , ' h e g rolln d r eeell'c d a AlIlJl'l~' of tnll c h ,, ~ o d e <1 h umu s an ,l Rn r.h o t h pr fe rllll ty a s ro me from ' pns tUl'lll !!;, n ~ ' " I1 " a9 goo ll o r IJeller m l j:h l be o lHll ln p.1 Il\' rn a llY from orc harti s no ll' (' o n s hl e r e<l unpro tItable.

u t l e111iun 1<l Ihl s hn\lo l'l all t " " Il j el"t \ Vi llwlI I ,Io ll ut Ih m'c is a H l n t c- l\'l ~ p lI ee" fu r I lsln",1 I'ua ll ull ild els n nd th o ~u .I - I "u d s 8{'\1001, \li\ h ln a fe l\' yell!', n11,. 1 P" \\c II mos t pOl e n t fa tor III wI> Illg I h I;"ooel -rond " IJI'o lJI ~ m " In Ih l) rua d d ~m o n .l r at l (J n wo rll, three FI,,' llo ns o r en l' l ll ro nd s wore



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lIurt! n(lo ",~ h :" f' \f· ~ . T\" . .-c h e dllt I ll h· Hilt! I bt' ll i; r tt.n d ra r tu.' r rHtli le d ! t \ ;~t li lt 11(1) \\ h fi t I"J IIl t: J mH ILH II' ~n llw l l lll P ti dl t! ~i!H .\1 11g~l e .l l ed . ~t1t lll g n11d t' I\' I II /-!. .. 1I ... n l l~ b ~ hims,-It I1 l d ~ l n~ nu ,IPlw u l lu " rheu; It) ~ h nlc t h e ""'0 " '0 \\ " tl i - h "l t u l cl 411l Ul :j d \\ n Hnl \\ IInl Wl il dd turdd n L v \ I~ r~ ? Il l ... \\ l it' I lh!! lI o t d ll' d .lI d l 1(11t h im 0 11 .1' Olll Iii Il "V I h ti \, hll,. h tit LID lUll,t;

c(J lllu nol


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IlIlll I;"' OW, I l q; to ~<:t Ip i ll ft · 1l 11l ~ 1 1f'1 ' 1 111 ,11 h ~ 11.1, t heU! '111'1 ), Occa slolla ll y I il ~ r pro · 111) r t'a~ vnah Jt "on t, f , Ial ll) li uc"d appl es, !Jil t dl<l no t tu \( o th is a e 1; \ 1.: 1 !-o il ,, !· II,,· ,lt ulh t J l ~ ddl ll llJ lul ll ('I t h e Se l'lOIiH 1"" L or lil" 11 ~ >I "t l n ce , I'h , \\'111 1,1 111 " , \1 1" ( ' ' ' II!'i lJS\d I ff' I ' 1I II ( b id IJIII' pll S~ II"" to Cll cll lil ue r t h" I II I r 1I 1 1~ 1 IJ III II I I I \I 11 11111 1 II "" t ..11 III 1, 11 1 I;" lull nd , ma ld ll g It I " "~ I'alli ll ul" r0 1 111i l ,tC l Ih. 1I I iiI' \ "1~ ~ d l l'i b 11I 1 ,j l l 1 (,thp r Jl\lI"lK1~ CM a nd U1 110 tU; I O ll l ll II !; 6\'U 11 1I 1"' t I f tll l l lJ,!. ltlt !Ol lilt! "III " Iot h , .\

I un:ha l d.


Dl I' tJ 1 t o rc~l l1 it ll ~t.·l1 a c a llllSt a tlllh.. SU W Ih bu." 11I iJ I h ft' -a li t ,· c. o rl) l~ rUdt u


\\ t l l

k Uil\\' U t h :'l t n ur H~;.H II ' r .. fl f'(' nl l\l ~ :t .. ,m p h' I to" I., I II ' HlI lI l 'C Dr . " , ' nH'( & e ll S

:'I 11. .\l I ! l ,. I I ' r nll \\I. Tl n : ' I 'H :,,\ Jl I ~ r 1.lIt t \ J I ~ T II - J I A \ AT I li A ' ! I IHI ' \ ' io; ' i ll


' ,'IlI H fu tl li III Iil o , ' 1\ ' (1)" II uln ' t IIUl li11l 11111('\1 " Ir, It ' s JII " I I1l e ti ll US,"

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G I HIHl f a l h t.' 1 !'a l a I!l Um PT\( s il e nt. til ( I1 o,,::? \\' h y . li e h lld a l Ill Ol'il f o r·


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tl lHt YO" rn ll

City or TeH' n .. .. . . .. ~_ . .... . __ . __ . ••


The" Nubla'c k" is a grand go~d shell. It is good in construct jon, primed with a quick and sure primer, and carefully loaded with the bcst brands of powder ana shot, It is a f:wonte among hunters and ,other users of black powder shells on account of its uniform shooting. evenness, of' pattern and strength to withstand reloading. ALL D E ALE R S S E ' L L THE M

f' tlll l e l h f ng

l l l . l1 C:: -

l-I ul'l, - " li nl " tiS lhal ? Had nn 1II IIIUl ' 0 111 1<1 cUllI e 10 11 1m o r .." as Il InJl t Iw I tJ1 lt.·h <- If m e i ll O I V ' )o; \\ a n u u po ri 111 (' rU I -otT IIl d l.Ju) u f \ out h ? F'ltJll t li t (h ~ t t li t' ll I leu lf' l c am e tbe

I h illl, nl' ,,, ulld Ali he lin d it 1I 0 W. " as Ih e la ll of lb e Ull!; lpsi li II and

T ber ~

t ilt' l u l l o f v.h ec ts

1I11lJ.!h;,mtIHI . 'st . and Nu

pUI(·h n..: '· ( h t.' rl 'l UII (" 1, 1t \ \ (' lit n l1 .I "II.·· ,I" II :\r hll ll lt· .. o l lh cll ' II )!"l lI l" t" ~~' t" r li .... llr· n 1)0 11 1 .s lUu l.: c li ll y 1I1 1.. I OL.:,·, h u t r~ IU t' III "t" r 111" 1I :1 IU"

to ea t- a 111tl l e of p I P lIl (u h ~' C} " ns fo nd IIf \lI p \I ht,,, he WU, , u l1 nl; 111, 6 JiIll 111 \ - b u l

fi l l i n tli lt; COlI l'l(lll w hh your

l Ull n ' ocllh l li ~ e ll t'" r o ll "

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1:fl l h lt n

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tl l"

'0.1 t o R\: III.J rur Nam,. . , •

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lI ud Jll illil l I""" h ll il I) be ba u mn<i e h i. pl. l lI - i-t l ' \\Il ~

.!'II \

P ll n<(' Wil l "

11:\11 1,' 11 11(\ n . ld Te "'!'! :"'tl U I 1,II II1 ... r & "-'0 " Ill "" ' lItl \ CII I II Free Stun r'tle 8oUlo tlf ~ w . mp . R u ot t h e () rC'a' Kidn ey ~('m C'dy,

-:PI,, ~n.~~~6:;'\,~t -J~,.t

-EmlGHE eeJISI0if-H

Helll'l;ll hat! hI-e li 1,1 11<1 to Id Ol , a nc! M8!!!;le wa. " 11. ',, 1\IlJ I e ~ l hi s . lcl ('- he r The h, \l a 111l l:1t Ii s h hll ll ll I\ a ~ cl ll" IIC,1 III h is guc...... , d I n~ c hic ke n wh e re I he lJl l,; lll sun COllI.! ' :\1 \11 I II I II IH ti ll' qu·~l. L!: I\ I , ....,POBltlYeJrearedbJ hea l <10 \\ II llllO ll It s b~ lIr nj.\ g l ell featll Pl'< - 11 ) o1t n>: UHl II H I\l \ l' ll lUI l ea lJ III~ In ~'. l ,11111\1 ,, ' 1 · \ '.It, ,llIl' " I " IJ Il IoL Ii ~w t vn '~ , thrige LUtie P,III. , F'Ht: IT SCISSORS or to thro w n " lle r laIl\' a tl1'llcllv e lJ l t of lll s \ l'IIl !-; - - l h c ( 'iJ c u ~ \\ a ~ mun- h in g by. 0. ( II l Id , k W 1I 1d Tiley wso r eUcvo DJs.. Ing 1"'0 blades pIvo ted togc l h e r \lilh Lou l, \Ia~ ~ i e luul, ," h I h l ile \ .. l lt l " 1"" 1 IIIH·d 1/l I H.. I ~ \\. " " ,. 1 "1,, r,11 1 tress from DjSpepslo., In· ltar!Jnge in Ih . lIa y of a IlOOI'-" ll1 rl lc.1 s lee ve 10 e n ga ge t he Ihumb lin I fludlgcstlon hndToo Doarty h (' n hnn g ill!l IIllo n the f) 1I1 , k lrt s ,,( a ('rlell ' ~ ee. l hc t p g lW ti lu e lJU It(J Loo k, IIt' l )J I . .. t l/: I· 11, ... \ t?1 1 " . :\ \ l il ltuue. ge l's, aud r eadily s nap til e fr utt s tems, ~ \\ c (ll lw .llt t'lle t' lt p lt an { i S l o m l llg n n d Entin\:. A perfect rem· bal n~ a n I r"a "! SORE HANDS, SORE FEET. \\' e mll !>; t J: O a nd ge t edy for Dll2iIle&I, NaUll(>B,' F or a lo n g Ii Ill P he nHe r {! lI e<RP II th e lio l1 ' ~ t1 j.!. 1· Sod-Bound Tr~es. Drow8lnellS, Jl:ul TQ8to U\11 til k e l ~ 1' ,lIl e. 41f U I , le l s hurr y o n tt Itchin g , I1urnlng Pnlm s nnd Painful Sod lJouutl trees are not ve r y com- th a t Cranllfnlh r r \\"1 11 III III " lI o ti ced III " In t bo l!QullJ, Cotltcd Gl'tln<lfa lh, 'r Wltllalll S h al f rose t l) h l ~ rr()l t. to Ih l("\ n 1I111 e mOl'e or tlml.1 e Flll ger EIlIIs -CoOlplete C u re mon, but I he y al e to be m e t with , 1'Ilnguo, PuIn \n.tbo Side, fepl , hi s th in I'll eck~ Il us h .1 a IJululn s = __.... ·r<lRI'lD U VJm. Tb~ Whe n a tree h ns ma dc n I: 0 .1 growlh com fo rt In to h i" c hee rl e>;s life nn ll tb e n I ~I l. Uu,l I hc,n- I h e p n ~ t fail ed an .1 h e by Cu l iell l n , r.guJato tbe Bowels. Purely Vogctublo. a nti has s ilre a d Oll t lIS torr to co I'er Its ~ a m e th e !,;r eat ,la y wh e n n s~cre t COlll- \lOR le ft aloll e o lic~ lIJ OIe wl l h o nl y fee t th ere 18 lillI e dnng(lr Of Its be - I ad es ltip s lJran g up bet \l e n Ihem J IIIlIll} ' tln g lu g 10 h is h un d and ';Dzln g F irs t It wa s o nly a s mall ba g o f ralh coming sad IJollnd , fur Ihe bnn ch es o f wi t h fr lg ht e ne.1 P ) "S inlu lh e u ld mnn 's er an clpn l IleJlpe rminl d rops Inl<l <lur lhe tree ca tc h mos t o[ th e e unshln e .Iazeu , exdt e<l fa re Ing h is tlbse nce lI[lo n I h p t hN'e- Ieggecl and I h e g rllss ~ rowth belolV Is m eager A l(Jul;", q ll iH r lu g ' ig h <hoo l( g l nndTh e sod bouod co ndltlou comes wil e n gloul tJ p" I.l c his lI ar row hed, hnt , III fnt he l " bOil ed fi g '" ', nn <l lh e n li E' r(J' e t h o tree Is eUhe r \' m y young 0 1' so aliI lim e, Stic h ll en"lIre. I'nil er lcil 111 I he \ ell l' see lll eJ to h u \ p fa ll ... u fl o m hi m t hnt tlt e lea" s al o tbln anll re \l , TlJe t iny alt le lJe dl oo m n .. 10 llJak ..~ Ji llllll\' U tI ('e mut l' li l' \\ a s a tll tlll r oung tree that Is ~ et ill gra s s grouDd tb e rl oh es t tJ u~ in Ih < CUUIl Il, ' UlI '1<1. Th e n " e d ~ u f a lilli e 1IIIIti ha<l g l\' n nud hu s nev er olltalne<l a , e ry good An a('lullI Iioc l(et l, u if~ IIl l h o nl), on p lI e w 1I1I'Ih 10 th o lil t hl' r holHl SlI lo ng huld ot the g lOllU<l I. tb e on e mo s t blnel l', th e "am I' wll It II 111 1: h GI a urlfal he r ' lll "l li ~ l'c ll III h lH IUIIo ' I) he3 1 t lik e ly to IJ~(.'o m o sod bo und," hi 'h \\'III H1.J1l fool had Oll1 'C \\ hl l l lt~ ll h w1Jly u ~ . JIllItll\ . " li t' t'ai il . 11111 11\ . p i l l Il l) m e nu s tha t the root s o f the grnRs hll VIl h c!"y.i!"Hnnin g hi m seJr d UJllig t h c \\url1l 1h ' lI\ I)P fl H anti (; u l n l,;' ul v ll g t o IV \\ II, tall PIl \ •• oo n of t he so il a nd are ~ prill g 1I1l ),., n till Il" x III "hldt Iw ha .1 lO U au ' til e air go ill ' 10 ha l e th e lal<lng moot uf litO Illnnt foo d Bnd on ce I< Plll th p to lJn( co fu r "hI. h he no li lllnd esl lot 111' tun to <1 ft ) at lhut dr· moI s ture, Stlcb a tree rnn be r p ll e \ ~ d l on ger Itatllh (~ tn ~ l p l\ lo n g. s tO l1t s llitl ~ (' li S thai y ou p \ e r h CHl 11\ ' only \ty Illgglnl: out the grass an<l glv. whI c h ,l lmmy IIlPfinl I(I '1' 0 fo r a II -h ' Bul IJlII' ga ~ p l( l J I111 Ill ) f<lr \I ho m Sheep In tue Orchard, Ins It ~ root s t be entire use ut the II De And nlllllh e rl es~ olil e r treas ures be- Ib e gales fI r IHlInlll stJ ~ ro lll e <l ,'awni ng If the trees are pro te cte(1 by 80me grouall.- F'armcrs' Re,' lew, s Idell nn aClllal pi ece of m o u p. ) a ca re- " ~II'" Wlllialll" \l ill ,col. I li S," In e an~ , sh ee p urB a s t'"\lful for pIcking G rnllllfath ~ 1 s lr a lj: ltl c ll l'll IllS uelll rllll ) tJ(1 l l< h ed , and "hu l " ec m e.1 10 up rall e n fruI t a 8 pl gQ are, pe rhaps BREVITIES. Jlmnl\ an eS llec lallv lar ge quan e r or n ghClllldl'r s amI look ed al J IUIIII )' III sle ru more so, They are 011 hatlll "h e n an surllll "e , "No" Is th e s hurte r, uut It s e ems <Iollnr, appl e fall s, whIl e the hogs ttlay be " \\' hll t Hait iI' Oh J Imill)' nePfled no o ne 's pity no" ' S, oltl " " ' " h e cr ied a s lee p In lit e Rhad e, Th e apl,l e o ught R81c r to "ny "ycs," Wh ) J lm lil), l OU It Is hal'<l I' I' 1o ge l n cro p In an hes ldes , hP :llld (irnlldl ulh f' r Will ia m . I,uml s s cold lll e ' tu lJe <l e voured prollllllly befor e th e ofte tt tallIed l og e t hl'r l'u ch ntr p lillI e 111Uot ue "rr,Z) , ' 111 1<1 ' wo rm hn s hod time 10 ,'ra\,1 o ut It 18 o " e l II e t ~' l'a r lhnn nn unu sua ll y dry LOST 72 POUNDS. ta lk s o ~ g rnl1<1falh ~ r lea ned a gol" st Ih e Mr., C)t"11 H Will iam' n pe I!a lt le I. uItearl), r eady to do !lO bcfore t be apple o ne , pasture bars whll e Jlmtn )' d l<llh mill, - mi . , cn me \\'llhln I cr) li ttl e of necdln g TUlllIlIs n lnl,e n good catch crop, fall s alHl does not \>ist mu clt tim e afIn g wltidl rell to b i. lot lliion th e greal, fo r he rse lf Ih c fu ne l',11 SC I I' ICI'S s he Wae Fast Drifting Into the Fa tal Stages t e rwards , This wlll su g,;eH t I be 110- Sh eep \\ III ).fas ture th e m wcll In lUll of Kidney Sickness , bu sy tarm J i mmy "auld th e n t ~ 11 how , Illann ~.1 s o cal'cfu ll) for he r la the l In · )JOrl ancc ot pro Ulpl nct lo u If th o cod- fnl1 _Olll e (Iny, he m ean I to bc 1\ hirc<lman law, "h e ll thol !;f'II UCmO\1 wallced dlin g moth I" 10 be " " Ilt ,Iown, Give nr M I':r g-c , Pa g <' Opt ical ('u A con s(llI<lat.'d rura l school Dlean n nnd h~ 1 $t fi a month a nd have a s ull calmly III 1l1.01l h e l , d e mand lll g ' I ~nll 1he anImal s a c han ce nt I he lilli e tru it thnt th e countr y bo y lind ~Irl wIl l I : "." l'n , \\ rl l" " " I HI< III!!; t uu nm" ,' of Sundtly clollt es nnd n re t! lie III, c dotlt ~. fllr JIlIIm ) and an ca l ly dinn e r that fnlls eOI'I)' Alld "o dl sllO se of the ho.\ o thl~ snm e c han ce .. tb e ir cit)' H ellr), Hnl cH', nnd g rnllllfnltl e r wo uld and I'un in !,c fOI tJo tb bl nl sell alJd the 1" 1 Ii til 11I1, q In ~,.. ,,~ Y OI I< 1n I ~~,~ !'oo l n t ll~~~I~~I~rll~It;?lrl r\I~~ ~:,~~~i l~~~ ~::Iti ::~~~tl ~~I'~'_I;::~I~ !l ie Iat H ll l" \\ i l h a 11 ' 1 l' l u l (' u.Un t'k (,f 1,.1 U 1,(,,,,1111) 11 t.n r j.:" t''': _y fto l (' lltll( l UI( 'll fl\ l'h "cl u w .l ~ ttl t;reater Ilnrl of the In serl crop By cou s in s no w enjoy, tell Jlmmv ~ nd! ~ps " I01'l es of h o w h ~ \Ja n I,' s li Id, e n <'1 111<1 th eRe mcan " th e Dumbe r of lh e moths u('I y tnJ uhlc. J had n,'u t e ~onl!" ':-;t it Hl. t'~ ~"~~?::hl lI~I~I~Ot~,~~III~~,~ 1 1 r.~~'~I~I~ " I?:~(~"I ;\dl~r~~~:, )lain barre ls sh o uld be co" c re ,1 wIll , and M"q;l ~ had co m e 10 I he fa rm wh e n A nd \I Il e ll II \I uS lel1lrn el l Ih ol Ille oW ...·p p l~ l n in til l' Wr lle (or t'nt u lull 'u, ran lle r;:really re lluced , but Ih e flght mo squito lI ~ ttln g or a little 81"IDI 01 tb cy bolll "ere yO tlll!!; a nd what a gen Ue m on tJ pfo re I ctltln ln!( ho me , via· mu s t bc I, e pt, UJl ~ v e ry year -Ohio k e ro ~ (' n e tu pre \' ' nt tlull r be comlnl; lla t )" h ('ad n c h (' ~ ~I~~I~I~ ~C~l~I~ J~~~T~~I ~I~I~~~~I~ <mllr l h o n .~ I ,ep p e r JIIa !!;;';I Q liDS, BIIU !t ed n law ye r nn d mud e Ilmpl e pro tlllt! alt ad,s o r <l1 7.Z I· l rl)tl s r . Wi ll . 'l'U ll rlwu l1 1' (' .1 . Su n "" rI.U CI8,.1"t ell!. Farme r, a IJreedln s Illa ~e fo r th e pCs t K, " h a t :t (' ul e Iilil c , hUll "Cy" ha d bec n I'1. lun fOI I lie tt eg l ~c t c tl lio" , MI S Cy rlls l1 e ~. , My~ , " ~ gn " e --- - - - -Tlt nl C," wh o " a s nO\l 'II wOIl/l e rfu! bad occ a s ion fOI prll nlc m ed ita lt on ot Peach Tr@e Born, ou t, Dlld "ith 1 11(' To Cure Clover Hny, n ma ll t hnl ,Jlmltl) sro l'c'c dn l'f'.lllIt h is 0 su me \ll,flt.lI sc un c"rUn g l harac t e r Any s Ig n. of the pORr h t l pe bore r l a ngll oJr 01111 , \0 " ,1" Th e IIll" to cure clo"e r hay, Is tl) eyes t o hl ~ hal'll. 81>1 fn ce, "A lillI e Id ncln ess to, th t lll lJulh w(Jlll<l 1e..~~ ll es~ of tho diS' preRe nt' P e rhRlls' ~'OU hu\' e nUl t hought c ut th e g l'll " In the morning as soou P erhnl'" no thl ill;" f ise \I Oil leI e '-er h 819 have cos t Ille -a lltU e' th e cl I'c r m Ind c :u;o upon m e 1 of him lately W e ll, If ~ o u hal'en'l, n~ lho lI e w I ~ o ff, At n oon shak e out com e of I hi!! Inl e rrO nr!;e lJe tw ee n th e cou l,1 hu l ad ml l, " i\l y , hort-s ig hl ed \V ,,-, te tl from I o ~ to now wo uld be a good time 10 g et bu s y 1 ~2 p'Hlll'\. , A tllt~ anll 100'estigat e, He may lJe at work lhe bun ch es , ral, e Into windrows be. two sl ray nh eell In th e ' \Vlllinm 8 fo/ll nel;"lect o f l h NIl hus bee n th e mos t ext un e I !'. t . II I {,c\ \1 ~ ing "pon some valuable tree tbat does not fo r e e " Nlln ,; de \\ s be t ou It. nod but fo r Ih e CIt CII!!, th e wond e rrul cIrcus , pen olve luxury of my e lltll c life."0 0 11 11 • Kidn"y Pil ls Ilhow noy vls llll e s urrp.rlng a s )let , hUl I a vo It li e until ne xt day, Ne xt day, adv erl lse me nls tor whi<'h had beo n Cle veland Leader. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ on a1.t ~ ~ess was fOrltllli S' un lUy fi g ht it th ~ 1estroyer Is no t r"movel\ the s hak e out the hny a s soon a,9 the de " adornIn g th e land scape fo r wpeks durClot HI. Answer, lci.ln py, Th e tl·o ubl e \\'ll ~ qlliddy algnll wll! develop very pro mine ntly Is off, You ou g ht to lJe ready, to haul, In g th e fl'enlrtl l ~ umDl e r , Th e mornIn g of c\~CU8 day , grandfnther, feelln« a "I nollce," said lbe talknll"ecllstomel', chcclcml, hU\\ic\·t"r. and the tr~ u t ID e nt _ ____ __ _ ere 10ng,-Mldlal1d Farmer, on a hot day uy 11 o'clock or certalnl, s eDBe at loneliness upon him , wanderet' "lhat on e 's beard srows fa s ler In hot ell r ed mel 50 th II t I ha ve lIecn w e ll a fte r d inner , It spoils eloye r hay la bllf ulmlessly. but wIth unerring In- weath er thon It doe. In cold, _ Wbat S ll; (.'C 1 8\18 ..nd wei gh 198 pOlln ds .. If Ibe- apple treea are ove r Joade1. get too dry,- It s boul<l ne ver \te put atJ nct Into the baok- yard wbere Jimmy makes It do that 1" Fo, t" l--I'ttilblll'tl ('0" Burral o , N Y - mre tully ,Plcl! olt the poores t frU 'I!'1 In the barn When wet wlUI min 01 Eat , shelling peat!, Jlm/DY ' dId not "Nature,'" answere,) Ille taciturn bar- For Bille by nil drllgl{i s ls, P1'Ice, 6 ~ 'fll111 will _hll LIle rest a be tter chaw:e. dew; but II lltUIl ,ap WQll' t lIurt it. :eDit polr boa. bear the 6buftllng step upon ~~ walk, ~r,-?!~.gO Tribune. abo u t l l1 ft poult 1 ~ YU lll K to set n (lroo p-

'l'\rj r------f(S CARTE •











LBUAL - --, ' 11.4 tu . u~




~ m . I , l V A~ , whut'o ' Il laf'e tJ rCe41, l i't ulIl.:-no",u , "lII l uke 11011"," til :", .'lIe:o u t hl\ flc ll Ulr~., ht l- p,· t l tioll ' U& l h~ cour l nf ' Oil" nlt)n , 'Ir:\ol o r \Y \ II' r ~ n ~'op u. )' , (lillo, no ,b ~ l1 i I U, t " ', 1\ .' "tl h Hr" .III,! t; u 'l,:,' (" 16th d uy uf Au ,;mu . 1110,'" ~ lt.ln q l ~ ,t, I ~ ., ,," ,t ,\I"h, . " 'i3 1d. "h :ule .. Sulll\' n n 't ntl o t h~I' " , sla n" g tl moUI ',', .I . UH , 'WN. ,\ " '"lOt' I "..- 1t f; II1Tl'1 H, IHh ~r lhing ... Ib :l l R:lld Alh'D H a llU" .. l ~ tbt' OWII I'I' In t <' t! or an unllh' ldt:tl o n r thi n} of t ht1. - - - -1n,.rt.tlftN' -_-., ,. ... " ~ . f'o1tn\t'f


~k n "tl



LI ' 'l:!U II OIII ,

17, 1905. W e lIlAIl ! hE'l'e ' h,,'1R Y, "I. t.hi s Ul e tw ontlill.\t meol!;, /.: of our A R~ olil u · tlou. wi t h l.I ·feoU lI g of Ihe dllnp loss ng 11 ,..,::(', Ittt'(1 rltol c!C t nl c, lo·wlt : of one o f 011" 8trOtl gMt membe r!!. I ',' .'1 t\ rr 11r If IlI.L vah.l i ll bd\t:i_n.·~ " UI' lnu parl !C or lot I.: No. Que 0 ) a.nd Olle who h l\8 been IIbsCllt from 'bllt t it re" FI I In "~rallklln S'J u;\I"e In the t o w n or f ow of th ose t WOlll,y gllth erill go< will f)Ffi'TCE IN .JONES BUILD iNG . W ;I\' n" ~ \' U I "', Warrt:'11 l:ou lit}, . Oh io . BI~ ~'nnlug :\1 0 ,)Ollll o ne hundred and ~ ; r eo t us n o m nr n. ",- ",' ;'loll 11I 7) ' ('d ' W('"" of Ih ., s'Jll lh ('or n ... r nr lot· No. o ne- ( 1 ) u.m.1 In th ~"o uth Unit of 101. '1'ho life · work of l ij "I16lhl flrowII ~I · . out' t l ) Il n Mh.m~ ,8Lrre t . a. nd r.tnnlntt S he Wllii horn 0 11 II farm rl. ·tll· ... ~' nh tu~ lin " , II Maln ,,!,t't" t ~ . : tl }~ e is s nd ell. : .. ; ,,1 r rl t a mI { W I) ( :,: , til l' ''':=- til t bt" Ilh l'\ n eor Lyl·le. Worren COl1~ty, Ohio. tlh 1 hy I. \' . F ,dl hulrn t ,) .J . B C' jl a pm <l n ' {l,,:n u' wit h tbe I1ne I' r ~ :'\ l d la t s S , l",I'l}, e W .. tb e 2r,th (.f I::lecotl d m OClh. 1 ·11. ., :lfl u l lt· \ : t tw u ' t' o.;ou rh :11 ' "I> W .. ;'t :4 t t' C"t Wh ile ye t 'I goi rl !llle rE'fII o\'ed I" ~ u 11"0 (-! j In .. !,.·. t it t br' ,'u,,', ... I,I ~ " f l'IlIu",1 WUYI1P ,fr" !\yill lf' with he l' rlllh el"$ f umi · .. t : I) C' II'" S :" I'J I ' . . t J lh ~ pl.1. C" o r FLHT ORIAL COM ME[\T b.. , l ilOhli .·· I .~ , IInil t b i:' 1'lu('o !tn o ;;iu,'e hel' n h oI' .-\ 0 01 t h j l \;·l ld tl,'fc- n,1.m t l ' !l l rl r " S ldlh'hn !lIHu e r X(\(\ ptl ll~ Jl t t' tnporur y ~tny :\ , ' ~ I ~'I . ' I\ ' I,." I~ th .. ,l .,I I' ~p t f . • : .. j , t f'n :HII I n C· .'(1l mP Il " it II .. ,, 10 "',,I Ul lff In ' Ldll r f' al (" .. t n lt' [)lld I h.1 tbt" pl:liu t lff dl' ... l rt' .. or 1,," 0 ~-l'ur~ \\Itlt h pl' ur o th Ill... RI' I'n lo l i "lI n ('(1 11111 .\' I'rilllflf.1 pr Allen " , hull l hh 11I1t' r!;''-1 10 s n u \ I.nll Iu t.e \·l"r!l.Il ,·, .HlIl til(' \lIliriol< \l'h " IITp will in · i n d pr a\' lfl l! Iiltt ' PH11 11011 th ereo f 1D1l~' Of' in Il li n o i~ . Hil d III1Xi'lll~ tn ~n('rlfl0~ fhl tJl l"pl \·p ,- n 'lllt.- .l r '·(I ,..!Inll t n I . w :\tl l l r\) r " lI c h nllU'''r 81t,- I'Poe h 'o,l h l' r (·ll 1H'.lli o n in 111 0 ,t" II"r a'" s'l \,1 pla i nt iff IU n hl' 1~ lItlth"<l t ~ In "" 'I, t-i r , ·H Hull·.\':-I liliaI' , U:'t-- nwt. Ih ~ II rf·m l ol f·... I'" 101 il' ~ l'II " " I .. Tit " tHlIO\1 .. ul lu 1(11 ' . :-i .d,1 j ·1I .,rh , . u ' 1; \, 31l 1'" 1''' ' lu l r ... ,l III ln ~ 1I11 tl: 1.1",1: tO t ',1 rlillud lip III , "r ~ 1'1'1II'I\Itot\ " .' I I,, · .'I'hool IUlul',l, l ~n'H" '" .. aid \I " l lJi,m Ull (II' tll'lore: 111 (' :! I .. t .13.\ !If 1h'I ,d l ..' r I li n ',. " ,. I tIt· pl".,yrrf,r "' :I hl ,,'(' r p \ ' III' Y t hOI·I l ll :1.' 11 i ll \' r; It"rtL tlu ir t r ull ' , PI" Ltiu n \\ I II lit' ---~.

- ...- - - -

'l'h o Iltws of Oll in w (' t!.l~


,' 0

t'r:1II 1r' ,1

AI.t. ..:~

rlll iro th ll l ttll

\'I~ge t llt.ion hl o u ~ s tn'l' l ~


111 row n" 1111,1 vi II" ):,,, /Iud "long th" I'ikl''' Ihruu l( h Ih t· (" "IIIII'Y h,! kt'p r tU Il wtll l

,III \\' 11

' l'h ~

In olll':lIl1"('

h tHl V,V TkllJ '

1·1"" , 1Immcr h llYO 1110.1" II rlln~ (l rdwrlt (I f v t' ~At /l tiollll n.t ill mun., 1,1t.•' P . n o pfl·"rt. 1 1I1 ~ llel'n IIlllde I,· k lle p .I,hb' clown . In Ih " il,I ll r n>lt ' 01 jllltKl hj'W-ltll U. [~ s h"ij J,1 h" '1()(',kp' l . f te r : -. _ - .-

----4>- ~ .... -


.1U!\I,~8t, prl"!,p. llt I here I1 l'e 'l num · 1"'1' .o~· eflftfOoy lIUUde;l In \V .. :V I\ e~ Vl \l ll . A f,, \\' muu t h!! IIg o ~~ h on", c, ,,I"1 II .. r,lI.\' I,e ohi.lne t! III. 1100.1 )tri.'" 'I'h 01 oirnllgll h 'l!! oot b llt' n lid 11 .0,1 hy r e ml/vl11" from t.he IOW II , hilt 1II ,·.,.I,ly hy Vdl 1,11\;1 uh f'o,geH. I.w, or IIlllr" fumilte~ gOI n g 11110 a bOil!.... 1'10 . Au 0111 r l"shlent ~"Y" hI" I", F no till,,,1 Ihl~ pdoulta,rlty of tk " l ow .· IinrlIlK . 11 J-Iuriml cO I'er!;lj( nl""~ 1'''11 f ll; !lom e t im n~ Ii "U f .) lh I< ,f h o u~p.~ , ~o tnftime~ I 01. enongh .

..- ---_.'.

- - -- ...

The Benef its of the \ .-. Teach ing of Agric ulture Pra c tiCliI II grl cnlttiTC .'WIll , tE' tt,ugM 10 th e sC'fl ool" Of','W llyn . townsb ill tlt H


yeur. Rnd

al.1I ID II Ii 11111 ber o{ oHler lowul!h ips In Warren County . -., Tbe (iozette believel l t,h al.! hi8 I ~ ono ot tho cost moves 1U1la" f tu our IOhool~ In a long time . TIi' ro hu ~ bel'1I u, growin g tendeno y ·tn t,bf schoo l .. lIud c(ll1e~es uf Ihe-::"-C!OIUltry t.o nOl!leot 801id , p,-<lclloul work for vurlou!l flld .. IImi Il sm"lt erlng 01

1-I. \l N ~ ~ ,

II ," HunY1l1l ~\ ~"':1,d"l' . h l,- :. q o .. nr " ... . un I I

li" l!.l rtIlI L·ll t .


u ll d ,

""II .

11i {J llgil

I 'f"'. ' "": t AR9m edYW ith _u of La.m £twit 0 ~e r D .. "J. finn .1Ulll1berl l, U:r' ~l ..8 W .i1111 0[' I Yell.rl'l of 6u li' l'I UIl .Iunll 'ruloJots m o ro beu'l!tlo lll l A SIJrI'II·j~U Jllli' ly WIIM g h 'l'll u ~ th o ,' r bUll Iwe n tronlol d wiLli Illill n thun Liver H n y oU" r r emell y I eVllr 118011 hllll '" of ,\ I, . 11 1111 l\1r'~ .. I~ IIIl I·I; E llr ll . bil l'\{ i'()I' Of t"."1 'yeu r~u IIII I h lllUil lL fur , Imnue); tr oupl o." Ha.yll J. J' . htl' t " .. I I". 1""1"1"1' 1'11. , . III !1nnc.,· "I " v ,,,,,1 I... ,' 1) ·Cl I'~r~r. III til' !IH e LlI l' ln l. ·. (If Elli lll~ . Mo. lo' or any d is· , . • ' 1 1I ""bl,rtll l l1 '~ PII.111 1 ~1I 11l ' ~1I1'" nt.,h,,' of I h ll tlt,11 1ll1l0h , hlliollsn ess or rh~II' KI"· , I:I , Mr uII ,1 bIn • .'\l'lIlIlI' I' .1o .11 t1 f.l . IJ" It, I '. Llil lllll , J " d '1' 111:1 1.,,"' l i pllI,in il Ihllstl Tllble·I8 ara with . Co,.ttl in , " r XII I" ", ~1 " "tI ,, y Il" ... ni ll g 1I" "" ll'n l I . "I. " wH Io .. II I. " " l1fJ,, ·d UII I II ]leer , . " II' Hlllo by Loul. MIlY. o! lust w, ·.. I< . . A ll ... ·11" 1'1(·(\ tt ~,'[ld l l\lI·Hllrul1' • ." "f l Ilflll,. "· ' I I I" f,"· . _ ' _ .__ /,ill1 ". II ~ o nlt! !,; '.' 1\ wily h.\' Lo u l" ~ I "y. ~ A N' (} I,hll l b"",, \ wlllt n nt l\l ~ hlll ':; to 1.:" . , , ',. '1111 '1; "gilill .



Ari~l OI ., ·rION

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fI'Il'":\!llli .

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' r il llAn Ilrl':oIt l lll "' '', ', ' \\' 11 1 1.1I1 Wl d Al ll o ll g I.h. · It.'l\d e r s li n ' ' I 11 ,' O Vl'r · .\i,' II ud wif., . ~ I,'~ , II IlIl II"lr .IUI1Il' ·Y. III ' HI l.illlll,·d . ('IoIl'III,( " I" :-;:011 1"1'1111 :i'llllllr .1uml f'Y 1111 ,1 ",ift'. J oslln ll oi 'CO , nn, l Iltt> Pi'Jltel' l' LiUl il ell.

Ch i Cllo-tlo \\, pth lind "'ife. ,l arob Ln,y " ogo 10 t. PUll L B ulh trlliuH I'lln 110ll wifp. Sherml ln O·y ke unu wifp . "in. tir e ~ Ii ' l g1 , i I \\'(l.l1kl'e S- 8t. Fr/lll k n ogl.'r~ 1111<1 wif". Art.hul' P" ri l RIl II\\,!I ~' 11 ~-ou rOll tell\ · Conk lin tllId ",if !'. o f Xfl lli n, Mi ~!l Vl llliug ,\ I\' ~ t I'll Il'il' ~ ' 1I 1i ,; 110111<1 Rh , ' l1 P,nlll ll , " I' DII,Yt,Hl. l\It ~~e~ "ee thot UIl '" ' I' b,)l h . 0 1 n ll "m flllll · L ('lIll nntl Rnlh DIIIWitl,\ip, Enll.l.H'.v. l lIlI!< Il' ut lll< l~ IIlI'lu,le d III Y,' 1I1' i lilllJ r · Etlr ~ 1 he ll n wplh , Bl!llIc he O;Vk p, \ nry . Hllt e ~ o till d e:;llrlpl lvl' looo k · Mp, .; rR . WII \t pr B11I'1I0 II. Chllrlie \ I t s 011 I' qll n~t . BU llial. , Hu lpll O.\' \\tJ 111111 l~lt rl VOll I I ', I ', :ot .. I',! I1l I).· h . '1" '".1\ 1' 1111 >: 1'.1 .... ", A, f!

HIl''' ''' II .LI\:. qlltO

I DR. H~E.

Ii ____ ____ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ': . i '____ ~ ,~ I' '' 1 \Illl d l ll ~ , ' b111, ' 1/11 1 111 1'111 ..

( ) N I~ \VtI .) \\' AS · I'UIUt ..;

Impo l'lant Noti ce.

IItl ' g:r.udl1l1ti ll ~

I) 1'. H. ,1. Mi (' h(,II CI',

,lil'lulII!lS w e I'" 111 ,," :,: 11"'11 . th e 1'11 11il, 1<' lt I'Y 1J "t1k ~ 1',,), th o \V,lfr t:t1l Co Up O Il 't ill v< i n g :00( ' 110 0 1 W,H'C Wt· l1 pqni p. ~'o ". 'o r " n ....1' " )1 £' 1I II I Ih '" ollie" IIf ped t il Il 'gl fl lif ..· ':o\ wl u·k . ISl lII' ll1l HI'''\\' I) l 'IItJ!'u tll ..! IH' I ~ f m-" Ih , ' ~f O r " I'lI' .f 11 11 <1 \\'ill p n~i lil' .d.v

\' E'I'I;; I{ IN A R Y H ( ' IlU I·:ON . 1,1·10,,11011 . (l h in . C lln I.t~

Il il! itl.

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Hlllil '-\toi l ""d , ' .,,'1,' 1'





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[1I ~ lIru.n c("

lJt"), nrlmt'nt ,

t.hut Wlli c h W"IS r ighl.fnl l y \Hlt. UpOIl I . A I VOIIY~ , ~lI Pf"lnlt" Dd~nt C'!f Inlol ur ' hur . She I! I' W ill> Ilnll er Ih e [( ni ll :l nce nf tht Sl ..n.C' of Ohio. Ito ht" reby . l't rllt.v Ib loL th e- ~ Lu.l e I.lf t ln s ur3nce Cnmpa ny, 10 nn ee of th e Rl, li g io u ~ Suciet y of c lt ~d ut hl.tla n:t p o U .... In Ihlt !';t:tte ot Jnd l · Fri ec d ~, hilt ill lifo Rhe e mlol'lI o· a. D 3 , bal! cOlDpll t'tlln all r~" IIf"I'l!'1 wUh t.b o luw!' o of t be ~ t o.te. appllc:lbh' to H, a ntI · t~~ \.t,lIthor · ed t h o li:1.i~ oO Jl fl Hun rll it.h II u,1 Wll~ " I'f.ed to lnl n ~ a c L In thl .~ S t aLl' ILit :t pprnprlah ' lihe ml l!u llt,rilont or t.u S t,. M'lr.I' ·!I bn~ lnr. -:.~ or lUakl ll i: 11l ~ lInnl..·c on I be l lve.R o( p erlSt\l llI , ulI .1 I n ,. ur3Ut'e (l Oll n ed':" t hprewtrh ohurc h ill WII .V II Il.<villtJ Slir h il I! ' II ilull ;q,, '.t'r t al ilan g t uerf'\w , ;Inu cruraln", pu r Cllu fti n .e !lnd (1I !'1 1)o"ln I o f Qnn u ltl~, 'Ut fir e , dev oted·tltt u uhlll e nt 10 Ly.gollo 1111 m .. crlt e I In section a :'I\l O, H cY h'~d ~ .. tUh"" o f ories. ~e rllllJ.I~ it WIIS DI'BW ::';w"et. Ob ltJ. nnllllllf" Ilr~l d~v o r AI)fll of tll ~ yea r n e J:l " u ("(' ee-clID ll lIl l" cl a t l' here t o. l~ ro u(lI · WII OSO n.lud Ih'st ·coll ooi vpd t h o hI tl "'Iou un,l IJlI l'I ln( I'4 " on 1h i' thl r l,· · llI L ,1:1 ", ( II of ' fllrtllin ~ Ih i·; Ass"pill l,lll II, lilt!. lit" Ut"~;f.l lJi h~r of tin' Y f'lJ.t· 1It".H v rt'l"""uuJ( ' h~ ~al ~ bcoreoi. \.. ~bO \nl h y' !"i hUewt:ut Itolll Ilt B"I\I' unller Urst rueolin g \\'11 ' I)at h, all rC<l ulre,' hy ~ctlon :.! K' o ( h~ld He· Browl1'~ h Ol1l o. 111111 ~ he II'"" eVt'r \'t.."d ~tGtlltr.M, to b r:~!'1 to ll ll w ~: Allrt ltJte UlH ou ul Or &v:t11 a bl,. ac tive IInil o n e rf;(oti(: ill ill ~kinf;( it ...,,~eU4 ta . J t,;1 1. OK:l :U "IRS!.i II ~ Iu"l I'l' o llt~1 hi e orgf\l)iz llt.i oll . "H' li1: r~ g al~ ,mouuI.o f lIablllth· .. rtx('e pt. ('J,pl1 al Inclu d llHf rf" FII the r. m ot.h or "nIl hrol he r 1111 ". IDsu r:l[U:~ ~ . Ilud ApeC'lal a ccu ' wula t1o l!t ::.U,1 0, 4 0 7 6~ Ing pa ssed " "YU IlII , !<h e w"~ t.h o In ~t, O cnerlll SUflllu li 00 pollC' y ,l! old · of her fttlllily . As Ihe wor lll SitS eu" account rl u ,rlil.i 68 AQlount o r luc om e t or tbe: l ·(' Zl.r 2.:!~ ' .O:t ~ j~ Ithe W~!I Willi f'fJlIIl)jJefl to enjoy Il Amount o ( r'l' p t> ndltuf t: .. lur1hr good o ld n ~(p, !:.t nt "h ov ing (' Yllll we yt":lr l."ll l , ~ . ,~, r.d 10 wllOf'SS wbt'.r (>o f , I hU H" bf'rruuto s ub ~ee not." 1l",1 flU Iho l Oth of Sevenlh scr ibe c1 m y name Rntl c'!luJled m ,v .,MC'1111 M~a l If) be a01:u:,l , the (la, ;,n11 ~i t:3 r Ur!'l L noon' mOIlUl, 1\10:', " t NiJr t h Adllm s, MilS· ..,ille n. A. I. YO lY'l. "Il(\hn;\ptt.~, s h e c r <l;t~f'.l Ule bOlln rlory ~uJ'K'l'In t r nd"'UL or In ~ u r :lO n· . t" tllIIl, renhu o f IlI' erln Ating r e mi il'll of kindr od, I I' '' c h !' r~, sc h ool IlIl1t ... !! rrie n ll ~- IIII -wholll Iho 1. 0 1ft d o th

tLe higher llranohmi; In a fllrmlng cODJmu nlty where a Illajnrl ty of tbe pupils win_'Rome time mBke tbe ir li ving bY. tillin!, t he 80il. It is only proller tilt tle IiChonb offer some 'trAin! ' alonll thill Iio!' , for after an, the }eot 01 . tlltl acbool mould , be t.o ~'ge t.Jw child that educati on whioh~l\l '15t> of noo~t heoeUt to' him ~hen b.· g06l! out in the worJ.l tu ._k·e bill living. Tbe time WII~ when a~'y nian l1on1l1 fllrO! Tbe Ilind WII9 rich ana prllotl clllI.v the only thing neoe~sary was to !lOW Reeli IInll garner tbp orop. Now all tbi" is ohange d , A hnn· 'lrell yearl' of conqtllu t workin g IUt> worn the 1I0il Ihin ; the Inlrorln c ..Ion of crop~ whloh were litll. 1\ ~D I1F.Al.F. R rN grown II· of It cent.ury ag", Imrt th" prohlem of ('rop rota.tion : fh e ch~lIge~ wrough t, h.f · t.he lli ~ plsCll'lll ent of I'hYlllf!ul 1'llIor wil b co~t1y fllrmlog machill ery ; all t.he~t· TeluvllOc o In hi" hrous e wh ere II!' thing~ have tend&\ to rllvolut loniz.. :'011 he CAllhlll tit RII h llllr3, do y or fuming . To be Il llooceMMfui farm flight. flr nolV Il D111tl IIIllst h 'lve a· wid.· Conchp.II ani! ohair>! Ruppll il(1. generol knowledl'!(e. HI' IIln , t thin~ Hu vl' rllc"n lly nlt lv"ll to 1'0'1 11) nnd he mOM! work intellig . Ilex I. t il f'r.)~,. Bro • . Tllf'lre I II !lUll R Ilre,ljm\ iCle ill SOl; e

Prin t ll g fit. Iltc

I.o lli ~


/'oiu mhu,. 11l'rll 1. I IlO~

On1. tlclO -UCP.

-----. -.---- --


M~ID Sl r~. 1

Convulsion; Fits, then Epilepsy.

I Jr. i\1 iles' H est or:ll ive N erv·' i llc has b CC Il so s liccess ful ill emili"o th es e bra in-wrcc kin g•

<Ii sr as cs th aI . Ihere IS ',.every Te:l SOn to b eli eve th:!t e,;en th t.: most hopeles s e:lses can bL' b CI1(,jitcd , if; not flllly rc-storc d, \\' c wi ll bl! pl ca~cd 10 refer nny Oil!! lh~ ' aftl it.:l<.:rl t o .ma n~ who now ... njoy tI lt: bl e~~ lIg Ol 1t ~;1 llh , :tiler years o f hopeles 3 S\llT c ri l1 ~. • " r hn \' ~ " 80n th_t had braIn tenr

ti. '1I1 Jlliu t oJ ' .....OUlre lltr 11 fl plt&1 t or t h ft.

From Cinc inna ti to all Impo rtant Cities South, Southwest Southeast.

F or sfl lu loy


0 1'1\ ; " III I \c)' ~ H u l ll Hn e.



Southe rn Ry.


W ~I )' l1 og,' il\ e 's L eadiug

""'l w l1 t wo y ('u rs 0111, rolh'l\ved by flu u t 1 ~~ " W U ; :'I t t,nJ t.' , nnt! h " W f\~ pronoun'-' I'",


n( Ohio.



1.1;" IIII' '0 of Ili'. will to ,10 on,l e nllnrn c h oC'rfllllv , . Mil .\' .


" Nil 1 · 1l11.IJ 'I IC~ ,


kl l ' l,

M.I)· C. M•

H I ' I':4'tA I,'1' II'~ ~

Ph l)lI t':" , \· I1 I I i' ~' [ 11 '1 0111- 'N I l. :..' ., ... . \ 'u l ulUtJu, t\ Jlrll I. WU;'"•. :"HIt' t u u g tll If) d " .' 'l'no"'\IIY "il!h I . Hp pl 1'1" hpr 1. :\ I \ ' ( r ~ ... , Slqk.'r hlltllll "'nlul 1" ... ur,lIu·,' ~i III .. t' tl'n o h \ll ~. " ( Ih '" ~ lt. t " n( n h l o. d .. h en' II}' 4' C" ' llr,\' lh;a l Y.l rlulI :-' .. l u l " · ~ t "flli tllnt ~ht1 W fl!" lit . ,/'cltwk . IIi HI "" (, lItri a ll will he th e !' t' tllI Mut.ual I. II e." I n ~ \l ratll' e t"o m lh n y . CUU ~ ill)r 111 ,",0111:1 : ' ",wIJO.,,,flll ill 1,,·1' I'ltl liug i s 1[';;litis ll 11111 ,1" jl)!·a h.'41 al I' hl1adtI Jlhl 4i . 11I tt u: ~ 1 :i1 ~ nf P"1U1 1I 1'l f! 1' tI !!" tl"In. I It[II !.!;I'~ I I Il Il I\ PIIII I' I\ I I~ " YS (Ii ~ , .. vh";.t nla , ha.. ~' o [UJ.l l h~1 t il 11 11 r,""pc~ ' 11t ""' I IIL h y th ll 1'11('1, I hil t, ~h" ge nol'n U.I' r t', IIHhs III ,' ~ Jto "P Il1 l/ r (' III' I,"" ' /lnll I" lh(' 1 tw !t nf th i .. ~I at l'. ap plk;Lbl4' til It . anti (1"0 W . CAItIC \' , !:ocy . t I 101 :lIl Lh Ol' l ', .I· .,s ·to tr :1l1 ",u ' \ III Ih l ... ~L.llt' 11).1 Inn laH.·,l It ~t"' ri €'s d J' ~' \ ' Hr:4 ill n tH' pl tH'H. I " Ir'n I 1 r llll ~ ., [\ f ltI ~ n tlll" I ' I III 1111 .1' PpI'I ,) rl : l l ~ \III .. lllI'!CH nf m II~i flg Irll\' lran ,' f" 11 m' fi r,, 1 -';!III'Y \l'1l ~ H, .flO )101' '11l 11Il Vil u ru-n 1'1' 1'1 11,"",," 1.1' 1' 111'1'0 1 '" '. 'In 11\' ('" n f llf'r~O ' I'" u nll In ... III"" 11'1' (: o l1 n ,' ,·L,.oI 'fh l' Aa J III'II I'S OUI' ad I", I h , ,,"h pl'lu i " '~ HII .lI l111 ·h u ,"1 Ih '-'n'w lt b ~\lul ;I PI)f nuln ill t: tll ,' rtHIJ . :.1.I1l1 I. ' " t1 f tltf un ,, " . I , th ~ . 'I 'hi~ I II,I.I Y ~ ' I' . ·11 . \~' . POII'I,·,· . HI l! tIlIl WI·I'. 1.1 ,'.1' '1 ':t1"t 'l ~ c,.an lln " . 11ur . tHu\l lI ~ a nl l tIi ~ l l n" ln R ' nf .lflnu· I''',,· ~"I (' 1,1' 1.'~ Il I ' , Il,)(\~ n.,1 I I Hl l, tI!.I1ft"I' itl~ AI .' . I'e hll,'s 1111 ,· x )1l.... i .. 1)(1(\ ill! hll 'I l\t"', a~ IJn.. ... '· rltJ('"11 In 'l.1·t'I I.Ol : t :.~ II J. Ht ''' ~~11 Ol-H l l1inl ," 1 ~1 : I y. ' ""tU I Ul,t'<' of ohto, ulI ",11 I nt! II na Il av o( '\1)1'11 lill ., Ill·II,ll y Oilli tIl }h H,j(. 'I f lil t:' \' e a r n~ XL s u ('r.: I~hllll~ thr. Ila te th e ( t· l rt-;Hr\' i l1 :; ju r y in II JU III'{ h 1':l ~ I ' L ' }·~.l\vHt'tl f'1 \'i ll r I l) f. Jt ~ fun lHtlUIl LII \1 1111,.. 1111:':4, 0 11 I h e thlt· I ",ill! \\':1:-1 It ~t 11 1~\fI[. H II( It 1" ': 11 '~ I ' , UO l l nt .'l se" t n f 1. ' ,nt'n tt connt,.,.. ~ ~Y l1rlH ,t:.&\· o r LJ~c.rlU be l' ,If 111(1 ytlarn c:<l 'o ! lcc h n:.{ fl'llu! li llll! t.,1 t iIlIU tlutii pret' c<lln g th c .l a tc tth- n ·o r. i:t .. nfl \v,,· b.Y lll.· I Ah lou \1 " ~ n .l"· . whi lo Ih prp , KttlV' Utt'JHUlu lt' ru .HII , u~rt"(lll lr"llh.V""" l· lh ll ~ l lU ll ud a li bra r y , If nlllll}'c' l ln H' I") :It<- ~ " I" (\ f .. o,;\1 nil''''' nlll i !<OUHI ;;OI ~ . !!tH . Itl ... ~' h l t{(' \ l" l"tl 'i1 :Ll ull"' ... . t·. l.fOn·... tCll hUolk:-l . '1" It'.:'h1 :...11l ~ IIU 'f.:tH 1,v I l i~tl'i l l tn" ,t t Jl IHt i I ~a \'u H H t'hnl~rll 1\1. l'~ low .. : hu · i n" \,'H',\~ '1 IH'~ I' P. furr.. . l Wn t-' AI t:r~~3H' ummllllO I' 3\'all :l hl e nfA ~d unl .l l1 g I fl~ l llll :..' tl~ lIud tri l·rail :on t" \ "" 111(,1' 0 ~Ic; h ill n .,\' lifo nnt l !-I 1' hl ti~ ~f'l"" atl!'4 .;.ti!t I ·H. ~-; I,oful'< h .. l· (l Cllt.II . ( A&l!( re ~'"at ~ 11 111(111 111 "r 1131111h l .. 11 uf h e r fn 1""' t,o , 1;0 'lrn g !'O tlll'iJ 1'111' {\ I"d rtulu ('}I I' 1 j r r:sct" p l '·llpltal[.II){'lu(J l ll ~ I·.. • it, · ~ tllc1i e:l wu~ Ic:poloH.I', ,,, ,, I Ih o rr· el'll IIllx l 'II"', 10,,1. till ' urll !.!;g ifl t. 'Pili , In ~ur:HlC' I·. ;'&11 ' \ 1'pt"'.·lll ;i,' c.'lI rnul :nlo l. .. Ill. '.:A>, .3 ;'", 1 a ~ .11'11 m UIIY I'llI'll 111111 ""I~lubl ,j "p cc:i 11 )0 ' II IIIIt.I·IH " I' Ch u,"I"'rl o iu 's 1", Ii,' ! jl h l l~(.' rll. 111111 cl lUrdH ('1\ I'c ln l~~ l y in , . and " II('rul ~ u l ' pl H ; 1111 r"..,llr ,\· 'I n l.\ In r l1~ iu h ~ I ' t ~ l) ll c( \ lil) n . 8 Iu-\ Wtl~ II1~ I .- ",l. or"l' ~ l"·I·OH,ll \.11111 I ll' h flll wI"" 1 ,, 1.. 01 fond (Jf Ih e IIl1tlcl'll ! IIth l hud S I' I , 1. 1'01'. "" 1..\' ,,ill· 4:a l,It. :11 SI lk'" 1. Ihut t.lli s lll All it-i ,W ' AUHlo1 l1t. ,., IIH'OUU" r ol l' th ~ y C' n r ItI .:7.-.. ... UI ;IH ~lIl h e l'e, 1 t o~ e t h cr 'l"ilO IlIl .uss m·I W lI "; S I) I1tll c' lI lltH t"I' ht' WI·Hl1t1.',dll .! ."m o 'lIIt or eKpt' lu1Ilur t' I't fnr th" 1'1' ' 0,,,1 it t.n Itl O ill I! H II .~ I \, II ~ in. , ve ll' uf· o itl I lille I l' e ll ~ llI'C:l . U . & "J .K7 '~ pHj in w llnrS"" Vtlwr(' o l , I It :lVt: berf"u(llO fm l)' I III ,Ie 1111,1.1 " ,., or i t. n . d 1\'11" hpt,/.IIr . Be llo h:u] I.ho~o trui tM of e~l.\. l'a r l t'r in five ;CfJh t;l1 m y n aL"lc ;1I1't cau ......1 lil Y om t , a l , I'al lI.itlUt."' ~ . ~r'h t , ~I ~ nnnl t d, i:- l' , t o lJr' amxt ll , lllt" Il a), !llltl )'tl!1 r IIrs ( :\lJtI\' f' whil'll h o ld fri e ull~ . M nd('~t II n rl (1I11'll<l IJlO ' ·nlirAI.\' . ~... ittf·n . 'I'\\' o f .. lI ,;lv A , I. V f 'flt\rs , and n Oll co mbntivl l in ,li ~ po~ iti CIII,g 1IPI' ju . " r,. w pro " fIlicl ('11 hI Iha ~" ", p S up~rlnl('n dr nt o f Jn ~ "r :lI1('e. Rcd ul...... tI r!Llt.'s o n t he fi rsl and thirtl "' '' lInAr 11 1,, 1 O " l! ~lIlllll 0 11:1 IIDrl 1 1l~' n, l , .w il h II ~ Irp n g l.ll (If hot,rl ...: llllrl'1I TucStJays of each month, ""I S ta lt~



.'Vremoir' of Isabl! lIa Brow n Slll'prt:. :;e at Coun' try H om !!·:'C.UI'o . d'


F or iQfonn : L tion o.ddJ't:ts ' CDIS. W.1II U.. 1l.r.I .. 41U Rat Sh •• Ct.d... U.

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W.l ):-I. \ \' \1 1.l'I) !\v U n N J h h ll cured , o s ..... 1'.:,H l wOl'k u r \1 n Q n n r wlh'n", H " flY on., WI ~ h(' :;t 10 n ~ k u 'l Y 'IU,"'~ lh l ll~" ~on l!rn i nK l hi !f .. 1111' )' !" ." li t II ,,' r l )' t u " .., 8u."

.) . I I. lll' t>: NF.l..L. 1.l11001n .


FURNITURE OF ALL KIN DS. s IigRinRt " hook .fRrmluJ ! ·. ·I IAIN IIntl it I\IIl~t, h ) I1rlmit,t.l'd I·here hillheon g rouilIl rflr thi!! prfojntli ct', I'm


WAy/ua VII . I.lC, o .


;;~~ 0'l!~~t ,~V~~ l t/~~ n~~~"~~l e.\ ~~:I~, t~o

wi ll ref und YJu r

money ~


!11iIes Medic:! l CO., E lltbart. Ind .



---, - ----

No matt er how !ong YOll have suffe red, Fole y's Cur e will help you . This we will guarantee.


Almos t every o ther mlln an d wo , m an YOIl

II afllieted with th is terrible di s ease in some stage until it IIC q II ires filII "Irenglh nnd s udd e nly seizes Ihem in .-,~-"(11,' t he most violent form. h your app e l ile

Rem embe r when the kidn eys nre affec ted the work of destr uctio n neve r cease:>, so comm ence t aking Fole y's Kidn ey Cur e at once and avoid -on tatnl ma lady.

ti ckle ? Do

\ 'tl lI ~ t1f1'er with fre " qu eu l head aches .t nd di7.ziuess , and di mmed "I'''S' Do ' ·011 lu ck a mbiti on aDd ene rgy'l I lo YO Il ' In SS aud IlItuble lit ~100 R&wur rl. $100 mn oh h ,IR heon wrillen on farmin g 'Phil r ll ll ilors of Ibi ~ P"I'f'1' \\'ill he Dight, IIllllbl" 10 sl"" p l These a re nil syml,Io ms and (orernllfhllt waH worlhe H nocl lIli ~ I Il IIJlng 111 11 1l ~jl ,1 1.0 I t-lIrtl Ihut t11f~ r p. i~ III gers ur th is diseus e. Ac.: t a t once, 10:\. t. .-'1.... ,11'1):1,111,1 .Ils""",, 11,,11 ~I'\ L'om mt'll ce the ll Sl~ uf B u",,,,,,, r. II,,~ ·fflrlll jUUl'lIU I" , t.h!' e(IIl" hul'! hptlJl II hl n t.o c nrtl ill 1111 it ~

I'XII ~ I'iOle"t.

"lulj,)Il~ · ",10k ••HI n gr;c nlllll·.. .

Kidn ey

It has cured many cases of Brigh t' s Disease and Di abe tes ·that had been thou ght . incur abl e, howe ver we do not claim that will cure these disea ses in ndv~ n cd stage s as n o medi me can make new kidne ys for YOll, but Fole y's Kidn ey Cur e will positivelX cure every cast! o f kidne y or bl adde r troll ble ' if taken in tim e, and eve n ill tlt e worst cases of Brigl~t's Disea se and Diab e tes it alwa ys gives co mfor t a nd reliet :


Fole y's Kidn ey Cur e

Dr. Cal dwe ll's Syr up Pep sin

ul1l1 vllriull' ~III~e~. nilll Ill/If. i~ c nl.tlrrh . H n \l'~ h" ve h een o r .t llllrrll c ur l! I,. Ih o only po"ili ve I LtI .KD t ~&J.) inp!'I tillliil,le 1'1.luo I .. Ih e fllrm er ' l c ul'l> IIOIV kno wn nll ·d illil I . . . fr,,",,·n ltl' . fI>l IlIrrhI ..hfllt.\w n g n (,,)n-II Illl rl IY O he ltl v ~ thlll. H g rl clll ~IHI" If Illl io llhl lli sell~". l'i'llnil'ti ~ cO II~lit.1l 1)j" )I.erly taught. III sc h oo l< IVI Ii n o l tlorlJll trPlltllll" nt. Hall '!! c lllllrrh wh ich w ill ins l anl l), c he c k the progress o( the ( li~ea~f! atld u lt imat ely e r a di cate onl .v . l,e of prK"I ' ,) "1 hdlle til. 1o Ihe Cll r., Is tllken inte rnally, lIot.inR (Ii· all t rU( 'l4S of it fro m your system . pupil s. hilt. will i'"prll's th Am wlt.h repllv n pon the blood DR .l'A I.J)\\' ELI.·S SYRUP PEPSIN " wi II1 ll1") ". . . 'IIrr"c" s of Ibe 8ystom . therflh. ' cit> 1~ th e g-rea lest p re p arntio o e\' ~ r uffered Ih A 1\ It~ nit.v ,If Ih H collIlIIg !In ll .lUllk" .t1.,)yill g 110 foundllt !oll of Ih \ (Ii". for ll ys}lepsi:l . th em Iwtler c mt.ecl. t ,) rell1:lIn on e ll ~t'. un,1 giying ~t U('rs ills l an tl y, th " PLli c llI r~storing every Ill " l'lIrw . .1.relJ\;Ih I.y buildin g up the 0 lIlsti · all~ c l .d pari 10 naturll l lire 1Ill,ldgo r . _ __ _ _ DR .CALDW EI.I. ·S S YR UP I>EPS IN t.nt.iou lIud n~Hi!ltiug utLturo ill II .. in!' " nil lJ e oh tain ed i n 1'''Ih <1011,,1' and ha lf· Cbuwb erlEdn 'e Cough Rem p. d:v it~ wurk . Tho )lroJ-lrietor~ hnl'e d o ll llr s izes a t ;"1 d r\lg:g· i~t ~. Aids Nnture ~o mil c h fulUI iu II.M c oru t il'" jlo·,vers \'ollr IIwne\, he refllllde, l if It l!rat t.h o v "IIe r One · Hu,"lrn .l I). ,J does 1101 benciil will ),011. MIIIllcl np" thut /Iill "!lture are l,j Iflr" for ' o u y ('.jlse Ihut. Your f) o!; I Jl l (':. n l 1'1·t/ lH· ... ' will b rln!: It}' retul'1l il · fHil. t. .... · ' ~R m O!lt. f' ffpCltI1"1. C!httmhe rlain'" (' .. fl'. o ur lU' \\I h cn k1el . " II R . C A LOW RLL 'S Send fn r li ~t. of;>lirn ')ldlll, Bmail C)(..H';' OF \\ 'fl~I)E I~ S" lind free M.IiIlIlple to e O l :h Rpmp.ll y /lOtR nn thi" pIAn A[ldre~,. F .•1. Chent'y & (;0 .,'1',,1..;\11, th o se wIll) hll \'c nr\"'I' I I ied Ib i.! wont1erta l lL IlIlItYA tho co o g lt, rIl i we" t'le Obio. nlludy. D o it now. IUIlK~. aids flXppcl or~ti o n . 01l6[.11 tb e Sold Ly nl\ drn ggisI.B, ~;;('. PEPSI N SYRUP CO. secrutio nR,and aieL" nalure io rest Ir Take Ball 's Fllmlly Pills f o r CO I:'/ Monlloel lu, 1111..1. ID~ tho Ayst eQ) to /I, he~1thy cocdi .t.iPlltlo D. tlon SI,ll} by Louis Uoy . For Sale by J . E . Janney ~

IS /\lade from a presc riptio n ef a speci alist In kidn ey Ji ~ ea !'es and Was use d for years 1n priva te pra c ti ce befof e it was put un th e mark et.

THRE E PHYS ICIAN S TREA TED HIM WITH OUT SUCC E.8. W . L. VAS e y ot P:ldu.c :~h . Jo:.I'., IHi.I" " : ' I h a d a se ve le cas e LI t kidn ey disease and th ree l ,t tlte bes t ph ys IClao s , .1 ~ " ~ Ill1'rn '1 ~<: Il I U Lky Irea t d Ol e Wilholl t Sllccess . I Ihe ll luok Foley's KIdney Cure. Tl.e r, r; t IJot tl e g.l\·e inlln eJia lt! rdid and three bottl es cured m e p erm;Jll e nt l ~'. J g l jJ I)' I L":01lll1le nu Ih i, won'd e du l r em edy." SUFFE RED TWEN T Y - FIVE YEAR •• SHYMOU I<· \\'"un of Mo ira, N.V :. wril ," : " I h Jd . 1>':1: 11 trou ble d wilh Illy kidn eYJ for tll'cnt y , fll' " )'e~ rs ;J nu h " J t n .. d "C I l a l ph)' S1 ~ l d '" but r "c eiv e d no r elief lln t il 1 bought a bottle of Foley 's Kidney Cure. A fter using two bottles I wa s absolut ely cured . I ea rllcstly recom mel)d Fil ley's Kidney Cure."


LOU IS MAY, Drug gist. ,




Or. MlI.,· Nervln. Ie ao ld by )'ollr

To ·S·u fte rer s Fr om Kid ne y and Bla dd er Diseases. -

IO ,,"B ,

to t I l

Rnd hd,;fl:s l h e ftr~ l I,u l l le:! \' I . ~1 u , d . W I • • •• • !:h l see ' a t.:hnnel.,t fUi' t hu twtll !'. \\'~ ia' ~ \U gl\'ton it I •• Li lli 1'\ (' 1' .-hll'o, u ll d Itu h as h :I d b ll t




:?II~~ ~f'nl'~I~'b! ·'~f\~·~I!I)~~:~·r"~ngiJ, fa: c~~ti t :lIu t·,1 I., KIO W WO\, t;; \: , ti(l we brought !:.I,~d !~l:":I\"t.t .. r~l i~n~olo~iO~i~ I~~I~'J' a~~'~~~ , nl



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!T~I~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~'~':~~~~_~_~_~222L!~~~_~~~~_~_~.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ W~rr~~, Coun ty Cour ts., J . M. Hamilt: on and wife to Min- Many Yo·u ng·.Peopl e will Rain ufilll for Augu st, 1..- - - - - - -.......-=-.··..- "'''- ...- - --- - - - - nie, Loer; lot In,L e l)ltnon ; $1. b A h W' HI!lIV SUITS. ElizlLW lllllng to Annn. Hohner ; e. way t is Inter. , . Chll I' Itl!l Uiif'!Jell~)J' I'PI'Ol't~ t h " 10290. ll'. 111 . Or,nnlll g hulD


'1 .'

·a 8 qnit olaim to lo t In Ft'tmkli n ; \ \ 11 ,\ 1, 1.1. ',; 1 'hl I I " ~ I J ( ':\H1' \YrH(~ 11 'J\ ("~ 'NI L11 , A n nmber of Wuy u es vi ll e's youll g IInouut of l'lrin I'fllI d urin g th " . trustee of the' propert y of George , 1 fl t£ AUlIl!. Walling Hohner t o Eliza II I I I I ' Id. " . IE·'1 peo ple ex peot to be a WAY from h otnl' mou lh of All j.\ ll st t f) he';' iJl in h f'B . ~ J .. Roa h .for the benefit · of his Wallin g ; lot in FrAnkli n ; ,r.7fi. t. hi ~ wlnl e .. , m o ~ t Ilf t1l (\111 10 IItttmd dll d t.h o wn rl rl oM, ll H,\' Ilnri n g th o oredito rs VB George RO!loh. Gbos . <UlHmel' Ill Il Tl'nI'Y l'('g is te retl ~ I ' . Emily McLIIDe t o John H. Brau, schqol. E . Roach James 8. Mounts . A. H . ~8 Ia'ene T I'ont, hil S fllre .t1y 6 11 Rnd Theo . Donde n aDd George Hllr ley; lot in .I!' I·ullklln ; ,1. ' A s eO Il'I'II1'" ,1 w i t.l, I,ll •• l'IIill fllll ill ner p Illin tiff us kAthn tan error ill d eed Emil y MoLano to Goorge M. tCJr otl c ull f' l-:o nt J:1ltlllult lt, l own ; .\u!o:us t ill form el' Y O llr~, Mr . MI('h lli s ~ Irlllfl Ellis iH in l:>1. L oUIs; Miss of 80 Ie of r OIl'1 e~t II to be . correct ed. Brudley ; lot in Fl'/\Ilhli u ; $1. ,ner slHlws Ih n 1',,1I 1) \\'il1 l; Ji g l11'p.~ . os Kntlal'y n RIIII R tl~ nl1\ o lld Dnlt in . \\100. I; ·In i l J('h p ~ ; J~ lI l . In l ineht' Al hert AmjorAon ulld W. C. Tbomp R: Mu q~ur e t 111. Puckel t at al. heirs \\'bo Ian \'e !t0011 " 1'1) 11Ilil1(; the su m l HO'.!, . 1', :-1 i rll' IIt~~; 1 ~1 (): ~ , ~f ~ in r- hl'k son., for phLintifi' IIllll EIt.zrot h nlll1 .)f M u r gn Call to Inin d : l'et Mlllllne y, docea sed. to safc·ty tIl"r wi!.11 I,h eir grnllll.llI othe l·, MI's Maplo for dp.f,' ndllllt. LU O·I. :; 0:1 inchos; I !I II ~" ; :,; i ll c h c~ Ba.\tilllo re !lml Ohio Southw esterll fund s. 10291. J ohll W. Grllhnm va Flln Railroa d Compll ny ; one,hn1 f aore'in AmUllua 'Vri ght . will ~ o o n r eturn I h. )\vi n ~ thill, fil l' 11101'0 1ll0is lnl'I to their home I\t B flDnibnl , Missou ri. ·.... IIS pr poipi tllt ed Ilu r in g t ho PHSI Die Grobnm . Di~orce . Absenc e BatnUto D and MIami townsh ip! of Geo . E, YOllDg. attorne y for pl ul n Warre n nnd C lerm'on t, countie s; nod Miss Doroth y Dakin will attend 'n ont it , thaD bll 8 lJeen re('orde llfol Th eZ' E is secu 1:' i t~­ if _ch ool in Sf. Loui ~ . Misses Carolyn L n umbe r of ~' oa r s III the tift·. ('orres $4 7 6•. d nd Edi t It Mosher wi II en tel' collei{e ;)ou(1in ~ tim!!, th ~ Mollie Mlil oney et al 10 B!lltimo re 10202. Ptlllri Mou nl' ~S Luc iu ~ 0 at Ullmhi er . Lnnrf1 nce Sher wood '\1lU Obio SO\lth Mounts. w e~ t p. rn Railroa d Injnllot iun , Pllllntit T will r £lt ur n t,o l:> warthm o re Collei{8 . Repub lican prima ry avere h e r fllther ill hiS wll! devised Uompn ny; olle, hllif ner e ill Hamil, Pennsy lVlllliu ,' , t o lJegi n upon hi , a, fnrm of 1 ~ 1 nc rcs ill Hamii ton tonlllHl CIlillmi t owllshi ps in 'Var, work ill th o sOlli Anno uncem ents or y onI' . Freu tO WIl. hitl nnrl dwellin g h omo nf , 12 ren IIllLl Clermo nnt C'olmties ; f 12G. C ""k!'~ II IHI ~tok ns Hih'e r will enti~ 1 Th o H.4' IH11dIf'O Il H of \\ ' urn"l' rllOlI1H 10 snlll Lll oin~ " . Monllts lInlllu;h K(lIIn edy. h e ,r .")f Mar, nl lD" Ih ,·i ,. "eno ll,1 nl t.ho Ohi o ; Ol lnl ~' wli L h"ld fI pri lll ll l'.\' pit 'p li lln wi t. h 111 0 ('x l)1' OS M provisio n thllt.' flO ~lI r e t Mlli on oy . Ileoon!le d. 10 BIlIt.i, ':>tllt u \·" r"i t y . \\"llT Pll K ey, 11mHIII\, . ",' pt,' m l,\,1' I I . f,.r Ih o '"~ 1011 1; II;; ;;hn r e lllllilltld nnmArr i ed more 1I1111 Ohi .. l;onthw eHterll Rn.iI. Illld . ' ill we ll J';IIi ~ uhlt (,,,,,I I" "l'lnt, (H'ti" n III' c ll ll tl ll l llt (\~ l' uJ' I' UI1l1 t \' pIn in t.il1· Rh ollirl occupy nnll IlIlvo ron II COlUpA,ny; one·hnH >l c re in I "" ,'~ . . t e r lll I\t 1.11ll O. K L· . Ihl ~ winl er . niC'L1 Hlidn h'!'<o 1I\ll)' UH nq t111 C f~ t hronl fr e.e lI ccess to the tw o fr ont roomR Wl.lrl'en lind Gle nnollt countieM; RonllM Huw ke r'x jlPI'l s 10 (1111' 01111' .el \, oH III th i~ ,·,,]11 11111 f u r:j: ~ ,\11 I n I h(' st100lld story t o be used uS t~ 7 (0;', Intl ()l1n (· t ' tll t? I\t.·~ I IJlIyhlll IJil ililleHS 1·" Il '-g e·, \\, 111 Iw pnl 1li :-& Il "'Il h oI' h Oll1 o. Pluintif f 811y9 s ince .Jnly Stepbll ll Mulone y. h Air of Mar, !o nlinuIHI ~'.\ V ulltll til t' tilllf\ nf till ' - -. 28, 190r.. dofundn nt hilS r e fusec\ to ~Il.rct Mul oll toy . (1ecense d, to 'I('C' I i ,H!. ' B.I1I1. Bapti st Assoc iation permit h e r to OCCIlPY 811iu rooms m or o nud O h iu Son t hwes F,." H ~' I · I <I :." ~: !\, T "T \\ ' II: , tem Rnil at Midd lerun. flnll IIII S uri yon hor from tlie farm rOlld r.omJllln}'; onc.lllll AI ,,~ .. I BI'll III f nOTe in thront euin g her with hoclily InJury Wurron IItHI ' Ierm ont, 'I'h" ~IiHllI i Bnp ti"t As~ocintiOJ oountie s ; W. II. H I,I I. shonld she r ot.urn . Plnintlf l' nRh ~4j Gj. ~ I·T ~ I>: Ivill he heM nt Millili el'nn B uptist ~ II ~ ~ I{ () r l~ q l' 1'\' lHHldll H1 i n n .) thnt llofenun rit he forever enjotlle d clluroh !:;ppt nr llbel' 1' . \1 nnt! I fl. Re I'\' 'I'tCl·..\SI ' II I·; tt fro m illlerfe rring with her oeoll· Comm ission ers' · OcM fi t, JOII. II) • I ::111 p. m . /11111 8 p. Ore gon ia, "m ille .1 . 1\ ,'" \\' 11 . IlAnoy of RRld 1'001111< . Runvol l Rnll 11 , E \" 1' ., . ' lOll ,V iU ,' lt lHl. \\' 111 '11 \\'1I11 Ii\\;.: 1 1~l lI t PI!() 11 , '1' 1,: .J 1 IHlli: , Proce eding s, StnIlIIlY, RII.01·II(\Y9 fo r plaintif f. Bills IIH owed August 28, I\\. ('''I'w ill £)1'II\; 0 Oo·t off Cheup Por tlan d Cem ent, LUl1 1.ber , c· un'r l' n OnJI:lW IN flS. M. 1:1 . OswlIld . bllrilll of in· A k x 13""\\,,,11. H I' 11IIry Wil li th ink, 11 0 hfl~ go t, o f. 10200 . F. ·M. Cunnln gllllm. n. Shin gles , and all b:in ds of coal . dlgent soldier .. ... . .. .. . , ...... ,50 00 c hellp. who. "flm' hll\' in.: co nt,r,l ct(-,(l Mal't.hl A . :11Il1l1'~11 1; h ·UAtce. vs Uoor:::e .1 . Ranch, et' 01 C. C. Olen yer ~U Jl !'\ t i pHt i n li nr illdi guhl lp ll, i~ ~ li l hridgll r e plllrB F l U: ( ·II\I ."[ H .,j l . I ~FH DEA LER S in Flo ur, Fee d and Ortlol' IIlflile oorrecl,inl; desoril' tlon MII8sie tOwIlRh ip ........... . 11 00 ,1 ,111 t,n p p. rfoc II~' r l'~ IIll'C' h is h"nlil l I\ o w u r,] B. A lul .. r,,,n , ~u th in&.: wi ll llo tI,i " hili Dr . King ', In de 11 t o oe rtuin ,r o:11 elate nlld BorlAn Whl til (~ l e, lJridge r o· ( H c' 1I0 1lIintlli '1ll . ) Gra in. ~e\\' Li t'n p"I ~ . A 'Ini c k, IIl e u~unl Val ley Pho ne. c onfirmi ng sll lo of tr aot to Chnrlps pllire Hurlun tOlVnsh ip :1, riO ,D,l oertnin cur e fo r h cu(IHCil c. r on r O il S t ' lI \ ~: Y OL1. E. Ronch . itipllti o ll . et c 2"0 li t MIlY'S (lrtl ~ 81U'IAn Whit Icr e . contrnc t, W nlt pr fl l' n\: ICl N o . 10l! .. .......... .... :.......... 24 r,o ,Ior(' . (j IIflrunto eli . ( HC' . nOli! i rllll.i(1l1 . E~tl\. te of SamnnL lill A . Hut.ton . El nr !nn Whllacr ll. nontrH ot Comi ng Even ts. ("'~\ll ,,): l'u, Ml .1 [I I" Iii: No ' 10 H.... .. ........... ... . ... ... 4l 75 deoen se ~. Firs t ncconn t for settle. IIldl o ll Clllrk Rarlan re, lllmber .. . 211 7r. m ent fileu.. 'fh o Jlul,llI! 1 ~ /l R khl t .) 8('n ,1 n o ti cf ~ " f fllm ily 1'l\11ni o n ~ IUIII nil glltller . Estllteo f Willinm R . Baxter, de· O. Holling slY orl,h . contrnc t, 1\125 I\H:~ of II jluh lir lI n l Ill''' for insertio n Undc l' 1\ n e w ~(' h. · dll l.- In ell'eC' t ceused. Firat nnd I1l1al a coonn,t for No . 100 ...... .. ...... . .. .... ... 2" 00 unrl f' r lhis h (, II(\ . .Julle 2:,. 1\11):; , IIII S!'IJ II "C l' Indn s OVOI Bettlt!U1ent filed, John \Vtllf. con trllor. No. 2 .. " AUCID~NT SeJlt e m be r \111 1111 I ll. llll jJli ~t Asso . , h e PllIlIl sy h 'nn ill Li ll cs ,Tohll Wolf, hridge fl'pnirR 1011\' 0 W II .\' Estate of JeRse Gaunt, deoeal'led. LOA NS NI!:W)'f IAl'gD . oial iol1nt Mitll1l c rl1ll . NO'PAR Y PDBJ~I. lIes vili e s tllLi lJ n lIS foll o lVs : MII-saie lind W"usbin g t oll Wllhnm ' H. R obinson apPOInt ed au· Septc 'Vo l1l 111"'0 11f' l' 1,11 1\1 .1' 10 I'~ ~~ 1' t < 11' . OlVns Wnnen goo,l hips fll""'~ Co . ... , . .......... und For IOWIl th ..... o Jlrope .. ty lit IlII tilll eR. Eust \1 : ~, I II. II I.; ,J: 17 p . 2 ~ 2fi mlnl9tr ntor with bonel of $~OOO . ~air I<t Leb •• l lO ll. V. J . Zentllle yer, bridgo r eo m. ; Sl1IlIby oull" 1lI ..! I II. 111 . L ist w iLli II H. w o 0/111 help yr;u, George MoClai n, Alvin W"lling , anu p,.,i r~ Deerfie ld t ow;lI ship ] 8 100 - - . _-I?o l' Iho 'Vos l, \1 :O '! a. m ; Ij ' 0 4 ]I In1lllln Monger . npprals ers . Oll1cc Hoom,\ ov o" p .•~ t. O nioo ill Htoop~' Bl1i1l1itl ~~ . . John Liud~r . ALt.o.c ked by .. Mob III. ; HI1I1,]uy o lli v 1 ' / .. , Il 111 . contrnc t No. Est.ute of Lodwio k W. Miller;· de. And 1oon t (,l1 . ill u 111 1,,)1' r h .l. ullti ' \Jr, ........................... .... .. 1:1 50 cover ed with so r!'~, Il Chl('I1!,;" street ceded. Invento ry IIlJd e. V .• F o l' purticll lur i"ftl nlltltion on tI" , J. Zontme yer, contrac t No , ClI I' oOllcluC' to l' ujljlli .. c1 Buc kl eD" . <II1o joC' t Il]lJll y 10 H K 13 ot h , I'l'he COO D OLD ment !lied. TIM E II '! .. .. .. .. .... .... ...... . .... ... .. S8 25 Arni r u Bnl\' p, :lilli , ul.d \\'IIS SOOI1 ~'u :v n !' ~ ilill. (I . Jijll tat.e of Williom [, . Dey minor. Robert McCnto h con conlmc t ~ol1ll, 1 111111 \\,,(,'11. " 1 nNe it, ill m~ !t fW £! t Ii o e,dJ. AIM o: lull cd ffood 81!ih 0lu1 filial IlCooun t for settle· s N, . 109 .. ; .... .. ........... .. .. 1\ \)0 family ," w l'ilp~ (1 . •1. Wrl(·h . of 'r oo 1.'1\1' ."H ).;. 'I . " JI . nl " t ' ~ VI A I 'I::N N. Illlllldl l',llld y ,'oCJ I.cll u l' ti , ' I "~. kon ~ hll, Mich. "unll nl1l1 i t Ilerfect " ment tII!!d. O. Andel·R on . cOlltrflc t No . Simply grelLt fol' ()I1t ~ nnd ],l1rns. h YI . \ A S fA 1. 1. 1·~~. \y ,' III, (1 011 th Oh', t1 11ll ll l' U'"I ,1 to s Lllc l1 of o lh lJ f 10~ .. ..... .. ... .. .. ....... ....... .. . 14 00 Dnly 2!lc lit IIluy' s &itllle of William Nioklo8 0n, de· g .. OCi' l'i c~ besilills c1rn g sture. . · P~ l (· III " t,' I · Hll l 0 " ' II . lu dll ~ I \ I' , ,·.~!'lI r.,i\l 11 OIlased . First uml fiuIIIII COOUllt for W. E. J ohn Ro n. d cput.y s nr· tl c. k t' 1lII \ ..., L'"hun b\ h , ;\I' , 'l d l ll i U h h l S ta H' I·' al r IV U \I r ' IHI Xi o u~ 'hilL yo n I,;i \'CJ o m' ~ t 0 1C Il tJ illl. CO IJI U ill \\11 1 be ..,u1.1 \ ' 1.' 1' / '11 11 1'1\ 1\"1111 1. 1 I. lllt' S :: ': .'! (I null s pe eeHlem ent· filed . 'v eyor, reoo rdillg alllI inr oun d tr1 1l 1r\HII W Il}' n '... ... \· l! h~ . gtl oll •.11 1 tt' a; \) Llr tr a. ln .." Eiltate of Juliet D. Keever , de, !-\ pt' I' ; :a1 t m lu will ul .. dexing contrao tfl...... .. .... 40 00 I l~ Il \' P. u l tl~ Ul .. C(' nt r :1ill llle. S(' pl \' mt'u' r t..I . ; , Ii . ceased . First lind flDnlao oount far r~evl Brant, uridge, r e pairs iuc 12(1 West Fifth St r eet. THE CORNER tiROCERY, Salem townsbi )J. ........... .. 2 00 Httlem ent fli ed. i'~ X C U R ~ ] () N ..... ARt-: ~ TO p.1t ..... n:\I Dnytou OSIl. VA , . OIai o . Stnte of Obio Vii Willinm .JonetJ Oregon ia Bridge Vo .• rnils '0 0, V1A 1·H:NNS\ ' L \ ' .4. N IA 1.1~"'~ S. PhonIl9. : Muin I ~ O ~, H ome 3:.02. Riley Arch .... ..... ........... . 42 00 bousebr ea!lInlt and to pay the o.)sts St' l,lI ' mlJ' -r \1111 . I Ot l1 IHIlI 11th I~ l. r ll r "i l o n EYE , EAR. NOSR A ND 1'JlR0 -"1'. Oregon ia Bridge Co ., raUs OIlL tl ch l ' I,~ t o H i ,' hlllu mi 'I r ti ln l:;, u cl: CH1I1t 'of proseou tion . .\I IIIU nl t .: ~ln ~, ... .1I'1I1(·1' ... :-':a t l t, n :1 1 I' d lt lt rl'!h. Shilo a·rch ........... . ..... ..... 46 20 Speotao les Iltt,edot r eoso naul e pricP!' \\' 111' Mue EBtate of I)II0iel Crune d~sed. ~ lliol (roUi ul1 Lk kd ioI l :\1I L111~ 1) \1 (lit· P e nn ~" I \' iln l l\ pti _ F or (ull Proof of pu blioat!o n of notice of tiP' Oregonil~:Bridge 0 0 • repll'iril lg' Imrlh:,,!tu ' !oI n'ga r Jlol: r J I' t"h , I'u u t,' t l lll" "t t r ll l ll ~, el c ., liluIdy Creek und Main. poitfm ent of admini strator filed. a pt) l.\' l o J.IKII I 'I'k t' e t Ag Pli t flf t ho:-- f' Il nl·!I . . skeet bridge ........... ..... . ~2 05 C. A. /\)(1 " 1' 111 :1 11111111 Estote of Isabell. . Brown, de. AnH I\' Il\U AT H G'l'(,HI!,;ON W , E . :\1 \,on'. Herf' i\"' r !'; :..-;.-;.-;.-_-_-.=.-_ ----------HlBN EY'S ceased. ' Invento ry nnd IIPlU'Illss. Ohio Corrug ated CuI vert .anll , SCHF:IJU I" r. f)F I' ''S ~E N,~ E IC TRAINS , I!: x c l1r ~ion F'are ~ 10 Pbilnd t' ll'hil1 ~ Bl'idge Co, tubes ·f or I Dleut. filed. . vin Pnnn~ s l\'nni a Lin es N.)H'I'Ji BOt':< " llric1ges.. ........ ......... ......... 611 00 =' 0 ,', " E~tllte ot 8azel Whitao re, minor S" pLl'rnilt' I' I .-, t tl , I ' ; tl I.1I 17 ' 11 , t·,'i.,·II l's hl l l Pani lllln , ~ lI.n' s \' llt' k " h I n AM 1\ :\ 1 I' hll.l.I.'l phl :l , :U ' &':()ll llt M(' j,t l n t{ 1" :\1 J' .\1 Rebeco a Whitllc re appoint ed ' guu, W. Fl. Hoppin g. ' lst eRtilllll tl' 1 ) llct 1,',-1 111 ""1' < , P a l r ! :u ' l"Il ... Mi litaill \." . hllfl l.e~an S' l1 J\, ' n. on Infirma ry bnrn ...... LGO\. 00 H."" !I.:IO 1.:1\1 '.~ ~I er«! ill U t : l'a n.l l. o, I ~f'. w il l h r' ~fll ' l frot1\ all dian with bond of ,lfaOO. L \,. l .clan l l " 1\ 'II "H ,:\fj " I ;! I; ;') () e " I :lU Mrs . Annn PreSSle y, grnvel , 5?8 r.\·, j'OCI,ls t it' lo; (' L ... t" t l lln ~ 1111 I ll e J~ l ' lI l1 \'!) I ' a ll '~ "! . ,I :-.(1 " j l I ~. ~ ..- :. -I . H Estale of William S. Vall Horne, '''nl' fld 1 pan !;' ,llfl l 'S [.\" 1'I.'I!a l~l r (lI:;; w h l h1:1 r 1'1'1-1. .. n (.:! "n -I i lIme 0 1 ~ ilk ~~7 L~c " 1 ",j "-l ,'C ]\[C'I'c e l'i zl'd Uoo<l~ decease d . . Dreier for sellhig . prop- Frllnkl in Chl'Olliclp, noti ol' l,..Y . \· . ~nn h l. ' " l' .r, , " 1! ·HI " 1, 49 " ,I. ,HI tf a ln "" l·dll l ' lI li m It. , ' U · . " prll' to )c)('ul l lc kl' t u ,wut o r t Ill's (! lt lll,' R, to foO '''. )i:(hre\\"ood Dolilllle llt Tnxpay " 6 .:10 '\1. er" :. :1 · I ,,~, :I · t C!O " 1.:\'\ erty lit not less thnn apllruls ed val. ~r A.- 'H FA13HIC ~ I... v L \' t1 e '; .( I l ! l :,(1 1. '-. 0 ·f ,;.ij .- - - - - - - - u~.· modlfi~ lind ndminl strator au· ,J, P, Rawles , mdse for oour t:. " ' , M a nor " 7 , OI~ ·' 10, ·l l "~ O l " ,~1. 01 l.O W FARK8 wtttl'r A ~n ROUT H \VIeS1 h ou se ........... .... .. .......... 14 85 Lv. c e nl ~r\'lIIe 7 I!! 10 U; ~. 0 7 .-, Ui tborl7,e d to Hell Harne.for '4000. I' S II r.-.. . ilemps , puci 'j ,'! () 111. 1:, :! , I t. 0. 1:, StIIt.e ~8 Ohest,er Johnso n L,·, Ho~ l y n ,, ; .:.!'t " Itl l : " :! . 17 ":,, 17 .Y MARRIA GIi: LlOJl:NSJIl . l.v , sn a kc.·r ( Or 7 :! H 111 '.! '.' nnd Will Shield~ . cost.fC ~ , _.. .\ladl':l~, r, ,'..!'..' Lill(lll~, .~. George Vernon Pftstno r and 'nOOO WAS trallsfe red from 2·1 60 A .. , 1,I'O Rll o n, '..l e , 7 , ~1\ 1 I (J .:!:, ~! , :!:, !\, '! :I AII )'lI llI' , ( , III r' IU JiI :1l l n r. a l1' IJI \\' ('~ t 111 :1) 11 ,.\': " . II & .~ ) ' C. II .'-:. n , ' , rl..t"II. ( :l \;;'" :H t \,ll nt ufP' r' t 11If' BI id~e r ,' \ l n l~ '''' I ' 1u ,'pq (u r' t il " . ' " {l , 40 • 1 1 . 0 11 M: MoUabe . both of FranklI n , Rev. fUlld tu Soldicr s' Monnm ent fand to Dnyt oll \ :~ ,000 ;I , O{) f) , OO "'Pt' !' Hl l l l"tn" ~('r l' I 'I "'" " ;ril u r "'l un M \' b I',·n n "'Bill'~ain J) , &X, T . II S:. X T 11 X , &, I' ~,· I'·: IIl I:\ I. hll"'~ t n I' nl ll1. ... In ," 'll l c' rJ.d t1. l L1 :1ho. ' Hermn n, Miamis burg. .' I1BUr l)f~J rolm 1Jt\~ o the llilter fond . Brh K S .IIU :t uO Inw .1. I\ ., n .. a~ . ,\lInll l·"" '1.1. :'o IHs<'ur l. 1\1,111 (j .uO I l.all :1 ='f· h r:t ... I': I , lh e U :tku l l "l t) r c ~ o n , W a ... h . REAL II:8TA'l' 1Il TIlAN811'Jl:IlS. Oontra ot wu ~ ellterm l int,o wit·h In-an n 'l' c.~x a .. HIllI "' llH' I' t,"t'!'l l ll ll !i til t il. ' \\' t ' .... t A 1\1 PM ,l.n(1 In u ll l he ~ I a ll ·" nf ll " , :-:,,,UII1 JeBl!ie Ernest to Lnllrn. Miller; lot 811.rlan Whit.,c re for " vitrifie d AM 1' 1\1 ~II Ii " ~ n joI ( S t llp ' o \·" r p , l "' l,'K' ·... II! ' r lll l l Ir:l\'l 'l r r q t·l In sewer noar r esidenc e of li'. CarrOll tn Springb oro ; \,[' ... t ly :t. I ., IHI .. il1(> ~ '" Itjl l ' '' l n l'~ II 0 ,." 'I'h, 'o..;c t l('){.· t:4 PP('I' ~ , Oa),l o il ' C. 1l .f.;. n I'a .-, (Ju Warren I::ihotwell to Thomn s V ill 8ulem town ship lit 'III w ill h , ' o n .. .tI ~ , \·1'1 1:, 1" .J,"'I II ~ .1 \11 i ll " I 11f\ ~Utn · Oa.\' ttllJ · I) , So: X. ,', ":' on tl\) I,I'HI O Od tni" ', l Jt' U" h.' Il I nhll' lI) i\1,IO Ii a ll 10 l a r (!~ , COlltrll ot \VIIS mnde with W . O . L eb =-t IlCII1 ,hUl l'll n n ),('1. tihotwe ll; quit clnim t.o lot in Mor· \\':tlkill .~' ~J\il'l ." '.! :"\ ,', lU :1:-, U :to I Lh OIlI ~h 11111''. 1'\ 1'. \\ H1 lJr r , (>f> UI.' n l'illl' ll :: a; to :'i f; :j :! UlHl ll a pplka ll ' lI , I n 1 I'a l I Id a'I \"I fJ.Y,I Sltut 7. for repllrin g Droacl\VI\.Y Shahen· C.'nJiud ug 'rtl. (I f R o )'111 ' IO.J '! ' (j :1':. l'e n " y\\' a n t:l 1 1111' -1 ·... ow i '500 . ' ~ I:! .1a('1 \(' t ~ , ('()at ~, t J l :, bridge In Leban on nt f30 . 10 " ,-, Ii ,HI _ __ _ ____ Hrm 5 1~ncl 1.-, , _ ..... __ _ ____ .Tohn V. H . , Lewis t o Vi1lllge ot Contrnc~ Wilq m nd li with .loll n Cen t c n'lllf' '.! :d 10 !.:I G i U I S or . Lebuno n, to oonstru ct IL sower IHl ~ \H' :} 1', . Man o r t· ' IO MI "\ :' ~ CHlap dllll ':! ,') 7 ! " i: I'll H ' II I s ho\\'l I. llHW ,ripS 10 Vunous ,Wolf f,o r new st-on e nlllltme ut nenr r",vue ,.. O!. :l 0': II 01 ",'.; Po int. ~ Yill Ponn throug h l>remls es; ~ y I \'uma F.d gewo(Hl Lim's. 'S , :! ,;) (1 :1 ' II u; '0; 00 re~ic1eooe of Wm . Blnine in M.Mlsie V,.n",hl CO~L E'I' ~ , .. ttt '3 11:1 ' II I ) ' ';" 0:, EX I'u r Ml on tkk(' l .. \\ II I h ,' cnl d vi a Pl"· n n~ )' l · Adolpll Ast to Villoge of Leba· ' townsh ip at $R:l r.o. )\1\ co h IJ ('1' . ~ I ; ':1 I I ' II l :t '; 0 : \' aula J... lflt" ~ ;, "1 f nl l.", ,,, ... Dodd .. lion; .t o constl'n ot II. sewer through ~ '1'( :! O II I :, ' 0; 11 :1 I :' ,nll'ti s (;ont rn ct~ w oro mllde wit.h the Lrl:t.n . 11 :! -4 ' 7 :! O tl 1'(') Po n l:ln. 1. I'r , .1 1' 111 ' I te l i h' f olh' r Li lli, ',~ ·! l l ':, :!:.' Jlremls es; 11 :1 0 ~ 3 0 111 ("1 \1:.;' , · (' , ;" ,' (>ll nt 1.\' \\' 1. . :\l lI t C l u J''' c en1. li ;I:i :; :10 IOrl'gon il\ Brirl:;o Co. ~or repfltri ng Arth'f Le lJall oll en' a 1 t,i np;s, u i,rI F r l)1 , ~! llll'n , Rlokl o Ell to VIU"go·of Lobnno n; Bcar's Bralloh hric1ge In 1:nl lS" " Xl:"PI 5u I11.1 0;- , 'S I0 P (1 11 ", I.,-nil l Hamilt oll '1'" n Jdlllllln !S 1"" :"\lU I'," () :--J I.Y tl Va. S .·p t ' -lIIlw T n, 10lh ;l ilt: to con~truct I~ scwer t.hroll~h prem, t,own hip lit, $fi , r; ; for repairi ng 11t1l. :wc.nnIl L .\IIH lIu l ~h.· ~·l l ll ~ Jo' a l' I1ll'rS' ~ , ' . Illes ; 120 00. . Lt n n a.l {· o n ': l· t'~". Di elc 's Creek brid ge in Fran 'I :lln' l\'"orLhh, IUIH1 ':" :"; ,1. II I !I 4 -; P III T n .. lIlIal.)(·lp ll l ll I 'u , .' t·p h ·UlUt'1' 1 tlth . In I Hepzib llh Murlntt to VII loge of to w n~hip 1.1.1, $\1 :?:l ; ext.m \' ,(, 111 OIl -:- O,lll m lnat(ll'i al S Oul ll bu ll ntl I\IH I 1'; 1\1' \.'1' 11 11 1 Othl F f'll (l w ': !; !' antl I .t'hl t! .~ . r 1 kkN0rt1 l"CM l\ tD:t v t v ll 11 t, X . ' I' :~ , ' I .lIi l Leballo n ; to constrn ot n Rewe and Illhor 011 CIlIl wnllods l' hridge in lo w M n~ c.· t AI ·c :tll.-' , " 0 (·ll a l l :tnj)(I ~ a. '1' 1' 1\11 . ~('pt ,' in he r J ;, t o C , II , ~\ lJ \ ' 11 11) 11 I)l l ,o L throug h premise s ; '40 OU Turt.1cc reek townsh ip nt $44 (U10 . 17. I ndll~J'· t \. a l 'I'IUIi I H t' !.': ult 'llt a l Rc u n lQIl . ""!""!""!""!""!""! ""!~~~~~!"""!~""!""!""!""!~~""!""!""!""!~-----"""'!-""!""!~" ,Y o E . Moor e, Gpn'l PILRH'ngor A.:t. A nn l \"('r :,o ~ r .' ull) l l · l t . ll l h '" f ( · hldt:\nl!\\1 g uu 'I------·~ "!""!""!""!~""!""!~ ,1 . M. Thomll son to 1\1, n. 1I0ltse, · - ------ -- - - - Contrac t,s werfi mlldo with ~lint --,Lp. Fur hll I'"'lie n on. lll:,, Ohio , ' . '''''lilt T h' ke l Age,"s ot worth; lot In MOBOn ; S10UO. . Llko Fll1dm g Money Stonton for \ A l e y (,U Enga ged? sewer PCllI lHr ! \Ulll a l , lJh' lI . neor resi, - - - - - -- - - . _. - . - -,---F. l' WSlltt BI nne ~t to J~. 1.. Hotton i dence of ChaH. Ea~lon Finiling lHlll l th is like n nllin g ·.n .:ngc( I"''' ]> I ~ IHIt! III r ellle m IleI' in Fr/Ulkl in -.,.. - -- - - - - Ulono v . B,) th lot in Harvey sburg; $116 in k tI ' ('SI , \\'h o lire th,t! nft L' r lI,nnlll' :!' , IIInn~~ '1naITI'I~ towlIsh ip a t f:\O. 7;i ; in sew, Gon em I \ ~i ck. · \V hc l\~. ll ll b u \\) II I 'o ll g h .l! .. ! I '~II .. ~ n\·.o l<l(',I. loy Maud Shnnor to Bllltim ore Itnd er n ellr resic1en oo or F kc()pll1~ th~lf . W·i1Mon in 1 ~o r a thr oat 0.· e hl st, initlllio ll. Io('f . ; \~I ~l 's t \On 111 g uou , conult,i Ohio eslern RtJilwn y; 2 41 Fraukli n t o wuflhip at oll IVllh I . 1. ~ Lur ' 22 . lIet. vro;upt l y li k e ,,' . C 13u ....ol'. ~ l~h, a.:I r w B ~II t' .. s . .. 8 .• A . Bruwu ; of I . • ere~ In Hamilt on towDfOhip; '180. II . OIL! Lin o Relilthle 'omplUli es of Huntly L,wI·I. VII . II " NIIY ~ ' .. t , IItlll ll tlll ~\· Oontrlt ot wa s lI\ali'" with Bert ,.... ::;. G..• ~aY Il ; . F (, I' ';S . hl1lll1 t llrri l,It, dlC'~1 I r Oll I ,I ... : ('alhl. ti l Y(, II1·• • 1,11 .1'III",lin Tel~phone Reed for huildin g aljprofl f'h~ to H u l1" ' ~ 11 lut.I·HSt'I .v reprcr :·nt oll. by blll oke un ,l ('( nt! ,lust Ull 1Il 1' ! d .Y ~ jI.p p mll . ·.luliet D. K eever;. H('tir.~ to R. Cadwal lader hrldge in C' !lIpl ll'n v ll \\lIh II, Tnrtlec reek E very policy hilS n. guarM I nu g ~ ; but, Ilflm' Ulllli n:,: 11 0 reli,:f : ~ ,)J' l'lti bVfT. 1111,11 1. "'ha: I L'~t I,cr W. Dndley Keever ; · 102 72 ncre~ t,ownsll ip at $994 0. in ot,h el' remf u ie~ . I W I, ~4c 1\re Ll by.' 1.l eng th hnd Vj t.eed {inancin l bnoking . ~ OI , onll b OHme n in Olearcr eek townsh ip; , 70·19 7tl. Dr . Kin g' ~ New Dlsro~6! y for (.ou i llIere w no k . of h e r forme-r Contrn et WHS mnrle with O. Ben· 69~3r . self. Prompt attontio n given to sumptio ll. ooogh s 1111(\ ('01<19 ."! Th ~n Rhe trlOd Elect.rlo George F. Fox and wife to In. A. ll~r80n for conoret e relllinin Blt.ters. g wall Greatcs t ~ Ille f nny oou gb or Inug: wllll·h helpell her .Ht Xu; 80 aores In UI_ror eek 101'<n. for paving near Mas n '8 8pri~ all busiues 8. in m euioillo III tbe worlt!. At MII.I'·f\ finally luade ber en t irelyOllce, nnl1 • ]alp ; t8oo(l; lVell S~a '. Wayne town llhip,,'16 . 6~ v drng st OTlS, GOo lind $1.00. guaron Is 1I 0W 8tro';lg onll , b enl.thy. LOUI8 E '~ \teed. 'frial bottle frlte . . ' Moy . dru ggist, sellslln d gnaran tees 1rlo.1I_ >tlt"_a 77 · . ~. ~ ~ tllew at 6('c ~ bot·tlll, . , W t.ylle5V ill e, O . , '












P N(' E I ,\ \


I () OhiO'.







J. H. McCASSY , M, A" M. D,


, j

C. M. BRO WN . Pro prie tor..


Darton. Lebanon & CinCinnati Rr.

Now n B ES

& H enrie tta cloth s ,

F.\ B I{ )( ':--;, c iting', Cran 'not Lt', ohai r Fig.' <1



N (' \'(\ Piqll c,

eh sa los lWl'e Gin g' hall1 , Ullla tea. y:l I'd , at EM Prie C' , ,)(, 1IJ1. R E.\ I ) Y TO \\' E"\ H Ki nw 'V}';I Ill'st \\' PI)('(' foJ' 1.00




Suit s, U I, ('s :!. ,) c \<'0 Wi'....;. (' .A H P lL\ T'l' I US , ;woo )L




*1. .








FUNERAL DIRECTOR Dar or Night. Local No. 7 Long Distance No. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO 8ruolL.Offlca. HatYBVlbur, D•



'IRON SA t ',g

It l US, Chil lll .Japa n

"Iut~bison ~

Gibney, Xenia Obio.






? I.

. ruae I, I " '0\]11 !et 1\ .Io\\, matoh ,n e'elY all \ ."el, Jln ll bs\'e tbe l'rel'iK gel lu ' 1,lff~ tll lt! Ill' I t ur ~ h c oPl'0,118 .b r e I11HI \\ h n the fill Got o n fir FIRST INTRODUCED BY ARABI· nnd lull ell up all ove, OlliralLn.r, anI) ANS IN GERMANY, ul1ru e d I'I~r~ IIvluI; t hlllg ) \luultl LlJ ro 1\ \\ al ' r from Lhe 111" dCflurtuwll t !JOU I <111 til" lu,k, Ullci - h e \loulll spill E'n st One In EUlOl'e Na med After ulJe:J nllll roll nil (0 1 I th" p""rl ~ an d G r." t Swedis h ClJ emlst - Bve· th e n I \\ oulll bur~ th e " l e mnt e ,1 : ea,1 d Ull"" of Eally H oro log'pudIC \\ 111 IIplll thut d 'I-'(, l l \\ h lf-. tl pen , uul 00 t h!,,' d~~e~ l 3 11 Ll He '1\ ot:" ,q: Icnl iu t hlltl 111(' " at. r In th e ~lI ez 'Illln i Will i \\ o lhI A t o (O ll llllt'l 111\tl A I ~);:nlul m It.. ,

a littl e yllenm Ollt ... ",.t, wb ,e Ih el c Is uu othl>r I'llI' I" ntu'~' " " pl 10 I\:ad ~ 0) go 'Ho\1l1d n nd t ho' old fcrt'yman ~ II.I'A 111' t II' wagon 10ttli Ihut II/UllS to "o~< unci tn kl'~ Illi the~ III"" !;<ll I<IO~P IIl1d ,III 11 th e II ,ll'l' lpr s are uh ell,1 or Ih e !: 11111 ~ '"11"11 If the~ dlclll l t """ th e Atlt',llll th t''' \\oul ll ha\" to ' BIIII' on Ihe bUllk 1111tl l Ih ~ ~I I P am oIt 'PI I Il l) Su nlP Ilal all ea lth

J(~ Y, I'ubl ls~.ra.


Conserving Mo rnJl ty Some progrrssl I e Illl'ln c." h~nk8 In Mnnllaltnn


('{IHip g \ l1ItJs ... iu lll"O and

IllJrar les n" \11'11 n" 11I1l11I~ h"l1· ror th e h Ip fl""1 j lllliol dlrh 101 he \1,11 era " hi ' n , ) 0 11 II I! llHU I l~ (ng·.lg('d h ~

Jloy D e.c lt b 08 B T li Jl on !lI e Suez Cnnal- H e Goes Up TIll ougb G lblnltur in nil E le v ntol -He Out lin es n Gl gn ntl c Plnn fO I th Cap

fnl\tfl tltllI 1I1l.lIllJ.~ pn,J llut !on \\ \ Ih -


bt.ltl L: .. \ll.jff l II.' HIH1J,: U hU11l1

(lU I

I. . I lqu lr~'11 11\ I h e lIa r e ll! h Olls(' of

11\-..1 \11" th~ ltorl l r"I ', II I ~C 1' " l h III tl ,,' \\ all 6lr(lCllll"lrHt ... a~:, t ill :,\,\\ \i.l"h Prt~"' 1 rllf( I .. ~.1I1 1 , I Il1p lu: ~ a 'iln~ tdl I aldl f llff •



It hI ~


thl u\l~hll\ll t't JJl



fu r It s t 11 " {I L ~

' tip I Lg111.i.I


r ,('t~


, I..,

nH li lt

tU II\

lI HU 1\

1' \ lI \

brill \( 11




111\1011 I'" llH tllf d


Iht J' ft 1111",, ::, . f' ()III III 1u\u n·


h·" ).; \"!tpp llt II

icc- ts do\\ Ill'''' II Itlal ' J h i .. tntllll ' llt 1fi mad t llial l iI e PI1I 110 .. ,1 io rill IIl .. tl1n~ , },! ... \~H II\II IIII ·II(J· I~ IltIl to lultail '\1 1.l u \ t..., IIUUllilll\ tllJlLt li Hl 1 IIIII! bill

" j 'I HII Id c,\ o f COIlItIl III !"<o'II IIII, nl\lt~lIl'ihIJl 1/1 j ..... It, IUI),:'II(U f

,1 , 1' - ,11 ,, 1 I i1(


p Hul 1( 1\1 111 .... bll t},l l

CIlI U '

\la ll Ir IlI r .. ' I" a n <' 11 at Ih e IlIhlc, 110", li P don L n l~nll ,I 111, 11 of g rllb !Jut a ru ~ h fo r a IIIl a LI!, 11 \\ t' a t c t t , Ing fl , mOrlgllgrlhlsplnnt , !f \\ s ut( 'c d \\, ' " III Jlllnl"I Hf' un alltv If \lC Ian ,at"c IM~I1l £, lll

tht'! fil:it

an I

fre l~h t o f <"111,,· Till , lehldc b III the .. h"'"I1' "f Ih ( II (," n,nd ho




II \\ l' n ~ l~ Is


h.: e each



,lin plrparing our tofTt' l ,!I, d sl llk ... \\hl<ll\\ \\ouhlllf <UlI l s n , 'p e< I 1(1,10 If \\ r g(ll a '11' (11 Inl; I lint IIR) l\ U\\ , If 111 1" " 11 101 en lllll;hlt1!lu cc m~nt llll; \\ lh11l

th (> 11 ~t fl\

\\ ("

\\ Ilrr(l \ 011 ar£' ann !-i ltll\ e

,!pa th nncl


If \\, ( .tre


I 'or fl1rrh £ll

l",rtl,"la, s \\ I ltp thl ' office and a staUl1l "III Le ","rned The " DOl der Ruffinn." Tile rN' III I! alh or Dr J H St r l n ~ fellow, s pfltl, r r or th o fj "t \, an',ls l1011 SP or l e prp<c ntatl H< r erall s Ih e fa ct tl"'l he \\ns the Ilrst (Je l son to Whom th .. ra mo lls ep lt h t ' OOlll er I uf o tinn " \I as n JII llied 001 Rceder Is said t o IUlI O 11 5 <I the t e rm "herCUIJOn the doctol s h< oth er I~MY.! I,cd Illc gOl'e lllor dOlI n Th o ICl!lslaLUre was In ses>(lon III Sha\\ n eO mi sSion, a littl e ne l OS:; t he Kan sa s ~ lI ss ourl II n(l T h l~ \las the Ipglsllrtllre wh ich allopte,1 tbe statutes or III I e ntir e, s ubst it uting th e word Kansas' for ~1I .so url ' w h er e \ e r neces alY D r SUlngrelio w was cailed t h" ruthe r 01 Al ch lson and s tart~d th e " ~ s t no\\ s pape l In Kan sas, the Squatt e r Sovereign S tr ln gtelJo\\ wns a n a r dent dlRmp lon of tbe proslavery cause, uut us his tory t e lls, hIs par t y was uu s ucceKH fu l a ga inst John Brown, Jim L,lIl c and th c other anU s laver) lead er s In maki n g K a n sas a 81al'e state

hOH1 ~



I II !


« ' I ' II ~ lt




' I.

Ih, 1I1

to _, ' t Ill'



11 . 1 1.,1


" : :",11 1,

_ ,I


"' htJl~ 11 11\\ It


Il1d ~

1'1I:, lll

1 1I~1I

lalt~1I 1

1I 11 ... lIlp .. loll,


lh~le 1'-1





~ pukf,.' 11




~ J(

l ( .:':'',_'\'='\/,__ '\-- .r ' \ ,lli'-'

~b r-\ 1->-;"" f .~ .. .~ · 1



) ; ~.L-






L;,,;-__ -=-_--

O~II.'1 I .


plalt" uf

hill ;':

,lid It - m, l l,{.:-; n uO\ ,,11 0 \\ r1:-o lJro u;..hl lIll in nn I I H~h \\alll 111 Am l'1 leu ft l\1 h k(' h e \\.l~ at hum e to 1Ilix "' llh Bl ll l .. 1t ",uldi l' l l:J .. d'H tUme f r om LlI p old Hod r:fl"

lind "nl~ t haI

0 1 nl y


I ) \\ ll' t

Ih"lr' Ie n r lff r ll



Ill. \\1 1


l h.l Il IU "


t~~lH ,lUJ

xc I)

~!;~ ~~;::!;=l ~:I('tr~1\~;:,tl n~lt"llll::~,J~:\ll~h~lltl


SliP;: .LllIj mlldl \\ t! ~1 Sli

t llf

I ll s h nHlnt s nlHI ah" !H ii 011 t lJl' uti \ 1111 ..... I n u Il "!' hl 01 i n th( r(>.u "h e ll 'lt r lt ' i ~ ,l r f' lrC-R Dafl H.lY", th at


hLl '-~

to Ilunutcs lh e th e l1o\\.' lI st fu r threo

11h' ,lUlhol III


fllq.:o t

boul s

\\hf'lt al

lCUlSt, hlln

b lM



II 111,1' a

lct "' t h u \H"" n l to I e

fDll lhl (,tgf


l Ilt: \ 1··-i liJ I p~l Cl lig

lIu n

Gurla ntl


J'Tt' '''!;cd h l~ IIHheollSllon 111 warm lOIl CS. l JU t aft. r" .1 1 d I I pt Hl PIi .uld :st:Ul tb o y, U( d~ lI ,I box of ( Ig:H'"

(,,,<1ill,11 Cdb llO Ii H t\ X pl c~o.:cli a vllal saying thcl L 01 t h o hollOIll or l \ f'r) ~lU I \ of IU11111)\10 11 III IHl blic om l I" nn t! III llig l\ fln .tllt l! ill tllI~ "O\l n ll \ is ttt t lu \lhl ~ of mota.•"

Ir lllh HI

fh e' dl st l nglll,h II Ill ei llt r nllul e a I ~ ry and f1 cr l' .s ur~ rlislinct 1011 lu ",hltng III lespu nse to In'luln tb al t he , troll!Jl e o r mon e ~ Is nol III Ihe 10fe 01 m o ney for Itse lf but In t he amultlon to alqulre 11 for pllrposes o r extra l agant o r magnlflc<?nt dl s !>la) Thi s am bill on leads, In maDY case$, to dlsboDor ~II dl~lace, ',.,. ' _ .... ' - _ wl .~


llt:\htltlt1 11 .lIl':




lluuu!; b.

'\ c dtJIIl h v \\ 1 .\wunt Il


all Q rt· \ c l .tllon to tI ,-u l

\\ l1 en , .. e gut nil



,11ul g'ul o ut

lut u th .. ~ ulI l!g hl \H IJ H:mtlal'llIIPt" ~llld l;llHnl(,U ; "h c- lIllad Io!. ul ll bM"( und \\IIl t! lit" U10 !,p


h[l'll :; llHll l' ti gt\Il!t.lpll\ and JI-' utl




Oght Dnil "nn If Ih l'e wns an I1 lsh n <llin n 1\11 h tin army tlnd nOVI the " hnl~ \\ olld 1I0uid ha l O 10 ('om hlnl' to \\ hlp Ih r Oi and )(1 t h p IIntlOn Ihat has lh e co ntro l of Ih e Iri s h " eop le


,I I' II ,\SO hl:EI \\\AY FHOM THE I3Al'hS

LH 1UC hill onc e cl \ ~ Uf

' he lJlltl,h flu l( 0 1 gNII nwss oC hard1I!1I fir d IlIlO I{' \ Itu l 1"11 Is uut that I~ nil II nmo\lnh to ,anSA It eO llllin t \1111 uny ha u l(' rUI l;u;;ll1n<l 111111 ('ould unl~ slnl, lI tlllln g I c~"e l " rhe \lall s "r th e ' (Ie" a l e pe lluluted flVIII top to botlom I\l lh ho lcs hi ;; cn oug h for gU ll s to "{(lIilt !;mol,e and s he lls. but If th c e ne m y shou lll s t,l~ al,ay (rom light In r, ollt of th e holes, th ey mi g ht 8hoot till !1oolll sd al nnd neve r hit nn)t hl ng hill fl s h 1l1!,; s mnr l, a nd }1 p<1 clle t'R o f oranp;es GlbraJtu l Is III,e a "lut e cle phant In R 7.oo 1oglr,Ii g ar le n II jlls t ea lll all(\ kpe JlS olf fi l es w ith I t~ s ho rt ta ll , and II SILGI"!I ree< 1 It (, allUl~ anti wonder what It \lU'1 mud e fa. , anti how much hn) It ea ls OIlJla\ta r IR III. e a $20 go ld luece that n man earlles In hi s \\at cl! pocke t for an e m e l ge n 'y whi ch he lI e \ I lIJ te tHl s to Sile llt.l until he gels In th e tlghte<l pl nce In his life, anrl It wears 0 11 t Ol\e porl,et arler anolhe r olld Ro m e day dial). thro ug h on Ih e sl d e \l alk, and a lt ump find s It an d go AN o n a bat a nd gpt. l h e "olth of hi s m o no) a ll rl hnR a gooll li me: If h e SilveR e noug h to um' a ht'o mo Rel tzer the n ex t mo rning an\'r It I ~ III,I! the Hll ss la n wa, e he.t that Is neve r to bc ope nell IIR lo n g a s th ev ('.a n lJorro w Illo ncy tr Glurallar ('o ul(\ lJe Ill1t on castoI'!! a nd lOlled nro llnll fro m one country to anoth e r Englal111 could whlpa1J EulUfle nncl J\ s la Il 1I0uid ue a Tro ja n horse o n a lu rger 'cale ancl he a ter r o r h ut " ny If It 1;01 to Amc ll ca . \\ e wOIl1110 t lin n thl ng lo It We " ou ld run a staullplpe Ul) lh e s id e, anti conn ecl It " " h a" 011 pi pc line, fill G ibralt ar's t unne ls and avenues aliI! magalln es and uurrall,g with Irll<leo ll , a nd 100II'h " mllt c h to It , and no t all Enl!lIshmnn wutlltl liv e 10 t ell a hn <f II Gee, bitt II " o uld he so rty fo r the


and \\ h e n I h e \

shIll II I ( a l noho dy I,no ll s n!Jout It. OU I "mil \I e n l ,Ig hl aloug and bot Dill or tile callal UClaU'" It \\ aN II lllull lJo ,lt but t he IIlus tur the buat, \I ~ sail Ile, c L1NI li p ItJ lhe !J,lul" \\,llIllIg for Lhu 11\111 . nnilll11 \\ C ... :.&.\\ so m e H ut; L Olli S "alllug for llJ~ ',ur t CJ

l'lN~~ lIc;,lJ VADS WATCH.

s inn

lilo \l 01 CI lIu d U" II C I' ,l< ' ~d t "UII "\uI~ Il uss mn l' U LoulI l l o()h~1\ fic a re d "" Ullll1t;h \q, "e'" IlI p< tll, lt wc r " go lu g 10 Ill e a t orl'Pllo IInd~< th olll UI tlllo\l a 110mb ou ,lcd" and wh e n our

boat g ol IJ) the nU S~I UIi bunt th e crc\\ \\ /li! '''lI cIl Iv "rn~ers to th,,"I, lu e

Iris h .vld lers, but 1 gU~8I\ they ",,"ldn t be there luu"e tb Cy',t wOUl<lIl ' lIl!:h t America. , \\ e ll Ir 1[':11 ,; 111111 1 c ler hall a !JIg war,

a lltl s he get s


niJolit Gtluallar

a11'tf say" i t Is IllIlll eg nu!Jle a nd de nes the wUIltl to ta ke It I lIe t ~ ou ten doll ars It , oll id he t.ll, e ll III 2 1 hours II I was 11 gr n e l nl or an admiral, I wouhl hav e nbollt 40 tank stea mers, 101l110d "III! l, e roHrllc nnd h !lve them I"nd Inno(,en l I1I,e li g ht up bes ide OIbraltar, (Jst f'nsl\)ly t o se ll 011 fOl IJer rUme,~ to th e nativ e" who woulil ni l he Imllltlv ed li~ using I, crosene 00 the ir perso"" Then [ would get on a barrel o n d~k' or my ftagshlp, and ~ommand the Engll8h genernl to 'UffeDder unl~o:Jdltlonally, and It be,.


Lord 0 1 whoe\e l Il Is that Ih e I tl1 ~ slalls thUIII, bec,llI He li lt' ) hail escal,e d a d ire PC!" I g Il CS. t he [tIlSSIUIIS arc nil III a nd t hat those \Vhn have nol ~ulle t' l t hc fr o n l ar e sbal.lng hllndK " Ith t h~m' c lve s a n d lI a llla g rOl thc !lOl l! of peace to nll~ht on tbell gun" 1 he Suez c,lnal prohol,l y p a~ R a nd no \\o n<l~ r 'e a ll~e th a ) charge who! Ih t'y plea~c t o bonts thnl go tll lOU g h and I( t he y don t Ila) a ll th ey have to do 18 to 8lt',~ o ut , and go IlrouDd a ~w th o usan d mll~ It I. like III

~ II ' ~I hi ", Is all" l:SlIUJi " ht. h hu !otn rt ll1 bu Q a.s1, C'd III lll llil\ I1luollll.p -- ll" UIIl l) rtg tllt'lIl

III" 0 <1111

ll al l ul l1t

o r 1{('' IIh'lI

Ih e ~a ht uUl ltt llrncdO ll ttobe QlIe u A le xan d rl a and a parl~ ortoul1 Hb n n d \l h n I ll e Imllk l'hl~ell' Gud S,we lh " Queen," <lnd ;:;OL IIIJ OD hI S h ind IpgR and s nng 80 lo tld ~ou I\ould I llIn l, h o wOIIlI1 sp lit hisse lf a nd a fc llo \l " e lll li P and thl ~\I hI s tit 11IS arolllld dull au.! began to weep , unu tll t ea l s camelnw uad s e~ e;< nnd a no th e r re llo ll \lln ch ,,<1 dad's " Iltl' h and Ih < ~ I e blntlon closed w llh e , cr yhOl\l "elt l n~ -llrn u l; nnd the que en "nlled u\\n y Sa \ , we n rc gOing to Spnln o n th e next boat, and YOII \\ ate h Ih e PUIIPI < \\ e "III probubh be hllQ g ror tal, ln g Cu ba lU,d the Phl llppin s )" l)lII S II ICN:-.:t H ~

WHAT DID THE CATCHER SAYf> Some lhln g Ibe " Fans" Would !',Ike to Know, Dut Will N e v er ~a rn.


It ,. n~ Ih ~ In,t uf the ni nt h "" I ht.! I'l t l: IU I h,, 1 j.tUIlC up III th /j Il , II Url the h.I "l ~ \\ fJll ' I'" lull n ~ tlll t!l: !ilu ft l lt, Ie )Cl1t',.. t he :\ c " n l l, New! Ill \! fO~II I U \' IHi ..... , I II f. , ur of lilt' 1",lIn

III LIIt~ !ill d \ " 1 1l~ 1t. ~ollid h tltt' IH ul1 t \\ \' h u).t1( 1 1 \\ Oll lt.1 \\ 111 I) u ga rlic! 'I \\ 11 lilt II hit I . oIu l (J u t ll l\d til, 1Ilt.1.H II I \J.t fHld t \\ \l .q nl,r:i U":U Hl l'-l It illt


I I "II ~ It (1111 1\1 Illumeill \lI d lut "t "1 \ tin.' J.Hldwl w, , , rllt l .. d :--.mhlt li lt lltt' , 111 111 r 1111111 II I' h i" 1III IId H I'" I ,~hl "li nd

li t

lu lU

l u e H f.:' vuft l ll l t-'II IU liulI ..tlttlll o l lo!;(,T !('


Ih i ~

IIl)"~'\'1 ... 'tlll-- I,) It HUth t l 1J1111111 ,l Ull,,,, \\t.n h ll· 1 1( ,d1l11 ·d 11\ rill \lau ... !n Utrlu.IIJ' ' l il t 11 11' 1\, -. \ tIll, h III 1 1\1~ h i ll!! \\, 1'" ... 1\ 111' ill 1' !III t; III I II . IU\\lI111 11 ,'1 1( lllll u ( JU !'oti " HI 1111 i llst llllt.t u t (·It.-" It~ \ . 11111 111

111I1I t' ti

11 11 .. 1, III

II 1I 1\" ,d 1110( \\ I r ('

d >Ill!

t ,)\\ 11 1111 110.: ,,,t,l lIr , "li t! a h al '"

III 1 181111.' 111 11 hali 1It1\l' ltw~ II "' HlISIUlll.l l lh all~ \\"l ttl "' U':i

Iu t l

I IUI " I ,t


111 0 11 h f ! ( ~~C l u Iht' l' lll I ... I I r d ~ 111 I \\ II ~ I)I Hld 1;,,11 1, I li n", \\ Ii I t. It \\ 1" II" 11\1 11. 1 111 bill 11 11.: IJ ll h ~ 1 "ill) \\ 11\1 f

n 1I111ud 1(, 1111


II .. 1 III ... It ll l 1111' jl l r l l ..... Ih t' 1. 11 11 ""II d I 1111 I I I I d I1 I1 u fllI II ' 111f" 1' 111 III I "III '" 1\ ,II lilt d .\ 1\1111 I I 1 11l1l ~ \ \ ' \\11111 \\ h It I IJ lite c ll t, III I !!o il)

:\ '" II'! 111l~

h ... ,


lu l h O

loHhlH: I 'I'

"hllhlld ol d,l.dll l uL".\ llIadt:t.\ .tl .. .. m,lIa 111 I\-..I 1I 11 11 11 d II tlll1 dl \ k \d i u tOlllph t t ' Li IIII1IIi . \l' llll r ;- U B ill it \\ I .. 'Jill, nl ,\\ \'II I~ IHhl \\1\(\1& n :\'IIIIIIUIi I ,(lolll,ll I iailis II\h, l t ~lll· '.It hI I , 1\)1 1, uf I hi::; \11 11-1 \\l!ll li " ' ..... l t tip HI HOII'II Illd l hh, 011 1.' \\ n~ 1 I IIo U I h · Iddt U\\II Q': t u I ll\., fUd I h u l II "'I I lid, Illl Ullt'/ l" I I IlI,l' 1.)( IIP ' f1llollpd III tltl~

' otl TIf· ,l Hllllhallhltl ll ll,II1Rd


t1p l ·tl.III1 ~ IIII1 '"' IItIl\elJHII,' ~ tlPllilll{l ll ~ l t C~ HIl Sl it It )lltlllll~d lO It IIth.: r s( l\lfe

furll (P IIIII " .t r\~ l l lI t'O IH.l llll1dptn lI e 1l11 Lie \ h h il t! dl "'" I'P t al cd SIIiI \\(\ IIIt\S an Iltl III ,l i p Ulld .t tif.'Ilull'll t!t..:uiptIOll

111"'1 .1c,ll'l p l 0 1 111 ... lt u l llI H~ll,\l l IPllll o.:.p Us st.lIt d 1)\ 11I111i1 I., l u \ i ll l1i H Illt tU

Th e R caso n Why 11 1111111111


\\ '"

1'l il lI\

Ih l ... ,It" HII I IH WIl


\; 1\1 11\ 11 101\

t l ." '" .. \1.1 1 , .. 11

\\, II

(O Il,..t IIH I!lIH


IJflll "' U(lhl" .. t'.~II) If t) 11

t.Xl IJt

1Iod\ ~\H· r llnl dtle

1)1 \,hHh IlI t)thl n ~IOtl, · Itllln ;.o:,' hlfi:t.>;; sf ~ln ll d jlU~l ..

11I "" r"ud

nllll, t'l ~ U ~f'

IlI g~ IIh"lI " u,h I till be e m lllo) e,1 \l ll b , adl'llIlIt~l 1""lUlh s t n n<lpolllt o r lilt' ell1\lln~ tIIl' nt M ge ll el nlmr<'ilanlC,,1 prill '


('1,,1., "' t ) I" " 1Il1l0llltluIIS ,11 (' 10 tl ll,d The 'llh'<lIon h ilS o fl Pn b P. 1l m oot"ll , 111 ... 111" th l_ " 1","nll' lI or Ih " horl!1" '; ICIlI lil t " II,.. ullf;ln !l1 cl od, n: SOlI.lOllll l' o f RI'h c l\ E' lI ~ t l m ~, or 8 9 I h aH h ~1 n (' lu llll ,, 1\ hI mnll ) , t h o ne I'ut In II, pill e" hy l.l' paot e "ho I11 Ie:ht hUI " tll'<' 11 t hc muk" l o r n more mo,l c t n subs tttll t~ Th(' ,Iorlt rrame at,,1 th e IIIHI " com pusl n g thc cl ocl, o r ' th e I'OI)l e <l101 schoo l 01l801c t" \\ns 'l .l'hrl Ht" tll" 1 Ue l za li ll. Thl . gren t l:\1\etlts h (' lt t:' ml s l \1:10 taugh t at t he ~c h"ul - hu d th e huhl t of r uppa t lll!: I e lleh ~I!fll the c la.ole d e mon s t ra tlo 'l INCIDENT OF A SEA FIGHT, : of a " ph vx lntln g sotH e 1I,' e Wrd IIndt'! f th e g luue of the Im e utnatlc ma c hine, Captain of Chinese Warship Drowned During th e a plJulnt.;>d do} a s purro w b7 His Dog n Fe r oc,o us I eonrle mn "d 10 ~ h o\V th e " lfee l s ot all Jl ' t I lllr l'aC llum had heell pillce ll 011 th G I"U e, rutnl Ilisk of t h e In s trument, II he n a C ' ) of JIlt) lin. Inlse,l uy the schola rs This strnnge In CHlp nt of a great l in th e ulld'. fn , o r A.t th e ir ollclta· nal'al ua ttl~ Is wl (1 hy CMnma nd c r fl u n R U e r~ l! "" S >" s pet1lI etl the e x pa n· McGl mn or one of til Chi nese \lar- llI unt IIthl l es to r ed lh e IIlrll to lI!Jerty sh ips In the battl e or III Yalu , bel \\ ee n anll It - uon rel' l\ ed Rnd tOOl1 f1l gh~ the C hinese and Japa n" . " tlcets In lS!H, Tb e n l' xt Ilay afte r this memornblo Sayg th eCh~ca~oDulI) Ne il S 'Abo uLlh ,s o n e th u s parrow Ot more IIk e l~ o n o time th e C llIh Yue n OOldly, Ie s"n" ~ or Its Id nd , " ,' <chenl up o n o n e o f th o what foo lhal dl ly lJo t e dOlHI Oil th e h unds u r th" c10cle a nd r e m a h"'ll J alia ll eHc Sllt!allroll S line Ju s t \I hat Ill me Thl R oeCl1l' te n CC happe n e d hallpc ned DO o nt' "ee ms to 1,1\0 11 lJut ,ll1rll1l; t e c~ ~s whi c h IIU!! Ilroionge d IlllPBl el1l1y s he wo " "t lu c k he lo w th e ulltll S011l e UII O notIced the s l o"flU';O "aLer 1111 ' uy Il heavy sheil - e ither a IIf tbe c lu('k Len-In c h UI it l ~' lu( h Be Iha t as It IL was Ulli vel ~nlly nsset ted lJy cre d o may, s h e took a h ea vy li st and , th uS 111011 8 1)t- r Fon H t hat thi s e xtra o rtllnllry ratally lI1j1t1 ed h e r command e r l ang ph ", u(JllII'non \I a ~ n poslth e manlfesta. Shl C heu a most courageous alllclL a tlo n of th e g lutltud e or the littl e s par100Sl. obstinate o m cer , rewhe<i a L least row. lIt1t ns he lIe lther lelthls card to IlICn ge him se lf lind c harged o ne o f no r hI" name, It \l a s d eci d ed tha t tile th e lalgost or lhe enem)' . ShIPS, in- l, t o feSkOt . 1101I11I le nd hi s for lhe 0 0te ml lng to ram, ell" tUI1 a nd It "US appropri a te " w It h" A hUr1 lctLtlc of Plo!ectlles r l a m bOlh o ut hi s conse n t IL" as III thi s m a n. h('IlVY uml m3 chill c guns ""ept dU\l1l 11 ,,1 that tll o 11111 . trluus Swede \IllS upon his s llill The lis t hec,une mOlo compe ll ,,11 without l!I1nwln g II , to prOIl Jun ccd, a nll JUSL lJe ful c ge t l 'n !:, Ic nd hl H IlHIII () tut comme m ora ting a home to hI. lul l!lul cd \ !rUm hi s shll' to\\ e r c lo"'i< IOlIe ,l 0\ er a nd th e n pl uo gell "Oil'S first Into the d e pth s Sh e rl!;h tc u hi", AmerIcan Idea Abroad. self 'IS Rh e ~ unk h e l sc t e \\ s "hltllng 1 he Am", " u n nuiliollo"e" r htll m. lu th","1t Ilnd carr)lng dO\\11 1111 hamb, 111g Idca or a Mti lng peo pl e to m ee t a In c\tllllng he r c hle r eng ill eer ~lr Pur· lIalJy e le phant also opens up a \I lUll vIs, s hut up III th e e n gi n e room Sc\ e u ne lll tu th e IJUa gl natlve We nrc 11\1 of her crow cl llng to une of the eireu- l e i) VNY t IIf',1 or be ing a s kell to m a t lar life b uu) s I,cpt on the IJ1ld ge 011 11 e ld c,ly lions a nti hlg g uns Sparling we re drlrt cd !Jy tile tide w\\aul tbl) IJ eU lll e I'un now be 1I~ I\ e(1 to m eet a coa st where th e ~ were I eSI lIell lIy a eol t by a dl s tln g lll Hh cl1 sire, th eat ' k al junk Il eople. 1\ lIlon k e \ c ultur ed' 11 CO ph,\ a Scorles told !Jy tueHe lIl e n \ury su I'& ~ OL "" " IIIlI y tnllgh t a rew woro " 10 mu ch us LO he Ilnl e lia"le bil l 1111 at;"' 1! Ruskin Ih e lII ('n lllll g of whi c h It doe ij o n ono llH itl e nt Ca pl Tan g: bad a hot be" ln tu lind e, Ht lll,,1 hUlllanltarllarge dOl! o f nloH t Il cloUIl tem ller UD nil ", a (ro, 0<1\ I" g ual tllII eed tu weep at ruly at -times even \\ ilh his ma s te r, an) mOllle llt anll so on t ill o llg h nil LUQ ACter the • til I' s unk, Capt T ang "bo "ror l'H" lun~ - Londoll \\ o rld co uld nol "1111 mana,:cd lu g c t ao oar o r stJtlle s mall "I el e of wood Thi s Germany 8 Peat Supply. would hav e u~en en ough to !; 111JlJor ~ Th e II IIrhl'. " e n t ceuter Is not In Irohlln !)ali lIo t hl H (l og s wum to hlnl, land - whI c h 11011 ove r has m Ule thllll and '~ Imbln g o n blm f01 ced h 1m to I c- I,OOU Hli llal C Illll e- of 1I0!;-- lIut III t IJe lea sc llis gl a~p Thus h e ml."l alllv lIonh of G'"111l1l1 alld t h e tulja<e ut A dro" "ed and the lJrut e Rhare d lil s pat Is of !lPlllll u rl, Rnd Ho lI Anl1 rate -p~ tl,aps th e o~ly <'asc on recurrl itjllare lilli e of hOI( ten feet lI e~jl IA esof a man belng llrown ed uy his doC tll11ut ell to hlil e a h"a tlng puw~r ell'lt~ to mOl e th n ll 1II0 0UII tUIIS of cua l In_ - -- - -- - - g le bU/(H 111 l ' ll cslanll are fl) 11 till to CIOWS ' Gold and Sliver Nest. A pair or 1'1(, \l S bave couetruct. d 8 r 41\t·. I fino ~ql1ale [Jlil '\~ and (,ermany ncst o ut or l!O lll and sliler -flO CIl1( II' hil S mure rll e l 111 p"ut th an 10 lx ,ql. rramcs purloined f ro m the fa' tor y of Lettel8 III IIl. h Alpba bet, Me""rs Lawr"nlc at,,1 MulO In HOIrThe Ill s h lo n gllug e has On ly 18 letba , 1 he mat eri als fo r Ihl s n est (or Su me t 1111 H eac h leite r 1ft writIIh leb the val~e is a ll"Jll l £ 10) y,tf'O ters ,toien by the Wily <,rov 9 d urIng tne ten sepa ral e l~ and lO t JOined togot lle r. Ill.llrJleon bouT_ It was n~ 'aed tbat The c hl er Ilim e lllt) III lea rn mg t he tbe spectac le frames were dl8appear- [rl~h language Is that th e re al e i"lnuIng from tb e fac to (y In a mysterluuR merabl e altllre\ lal ,uns for worlls and mar ue r bllt It was eome lime befoT6 plira8eR Th e I rl s h language Is 1I0nt h e thief was dl&oovere4,--Allahabatl' phon etlr , th e words rare ly being a key Lo tile <orrect jlfOliuliclalion. rloneer,





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of I' ~ dd ., 1\ ldlu' \ 11 111 .. , 1 I hUI ') 111.' hus 1I1u \ul 1\ 11'


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~t, \\ 11. 1I 1 ~c.l I1 "t d I lil'lII 11\ I ( \ 1\111 11 tLt t 111 JII "' I \\ hil i "\ It ' III . IIl ti I f l." qU IlIlt 1\,(

V 1111 1"


1·t1 ltl II"

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.,1 t h, ' (ll l lll~ "l ,, \ lilT' 1l 1" l nlOt Dodd ' .. ". 11I "1\



t l'lI t..: f I\hlll' \ 1' 111 ... ' lilt It l"tllI 1' 11\ I1l1 d }I t I IIlll1'lIlh 1I 11t1 1''' \ \ nt I I d , \ I plllj.t' lId ' l H II, 11\11 I 1 1"'!l 1 II I '1' ''\ IJ I tin tt: I'\ ul I tt 11t h I ~ D ld -


Hele sy

Hurn Ihat

iu sO fl\l rl~ 1\1 (' lruln ... l. ut lJ gui ll~ a mI 1 8l1 l l\ ill ~ \\ l~ lf' plu (ed III Ihu l I r2 11l1:':i ' P lli l ulh I t ' on e \\h£ pl nho't 11\0 l u th ol " llIlp. ~11 t h e I'rt· ... t lll 11Il le l hd plut:11l 1o! IIf t h t' tI 1111'" I "" I1U I]I tI ll a hili 1· ll:{} llllllr l'lIll ~ \.. hl(hnh.· nl\:'I ... ltI(· b~,.Wl' li lt H H" I " ' I11PIII ,,!Lith " lHi Jlln~ul ul ,u\, Ih, (r.w,,' IH ... nn l lu l o n (l lJe (l lI l\ 1 ' "lIlil II li e , ' ulll lila' 11Irl I 11I:1I I t " "H I th e fUIIHlI \t I ~t- I ~I up, IU cnt Wh H H \', a :l I la l! I SUPIII'-" !l f'tlin tlle pill f'~ t lpelllt' n r, 1 \\hlf ll " h ~ I IlU I I sl 111 pit· Hlttl ltuH d J .ltul IlI cII (l n ciu tH fti ltJu gllu tltltll £: l, f P ll(1! All

I l lt\

.! t ",1

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fltllll t h ~t IIIH·~t IlIIlt' I' hi s hl\!l "f , l ulll h .l~hll<l" Ul1ti l l h nlt t' Il11) Incll([t! ,hllll l-=tt It!

\11 ";

\\ 1... \. I lIlI dt ... II I H "ltdd t u ' lIl, 11 1 0 .. nl~ l l1~ til l 111 111 "' ... , .1 1>1111 ,1 ,. h.I1 II1.) I 'JlI~ untl t Ill: II. I" n \\ 11\ I '" II H I • ' I'll I ·

UI ,\ IHlu


Il tllJ the EIl Lil:d lUmtll IH IJ~ tn. 'dll~ ullt n Inuul n \\llnlll1\ und\\lI e Ul11f\r\orthnlll.l III th l' pap l' lS al1d "l l'l!ll 1l ~ ph:lu l e~ hl , I H.:lll: i1 and pit-, ..: of pn nlt n lHI W4•. l! I ROlll h " l' l t' tl~hllll ~ 11\1' lll'.; h ho' ~ ,lthClll ~ t"l1\t' lI ls Lut. 1I ~ \t I I l'!ullz 't! , th m \\ hat tI H~) \\ 0111 ,1 tul\ e l UI lht: \\ (> 1(' Ih" fdlu\\ s \\hl1 ~I\~"tl thi dl\ " aut a IIl b thin ,; II Va,l S :'\ U\\ \\ho l od" ani! i t ~lnnlf~ nl s and IlHn c nulnuJ ' Ih ..-\ "1111 1' \1 to 11:.:111 1Il b h l:-1 ,111.1 SII I1 p\ e l tuoll g h t 01 pUll lTlg 'IIHlI.!ItOlmOus l l~llhc .\m lll.: llnnng,lIua lO\~( it (I a~ !-i ,1111 1 fl (' \el ~ 1 1 1J(1. rOI an ight l ull, Il g h l lhl~ 1 t.! 011 IIt .ll l-lluilie, LHI L \\ e 1l "':1 \ 11I t' ~ \\\,11..-' 1\01 n Tlu Ul e ) 11" \11 dn\ ur IIlIion \\ ng l"ls \\· ' wn 1 h " (,ti d i SIlPIlU:-I t. 1 hto Ln ~lt:ih "lil)n tI ll'\' tul l l \lad tl ) hO "tU111 10 llut dud" uBltln l fi gltl lll ~ \\n ~ 0\(-" ,tlld Hilltl lf l ~ \\l ' I P tl Hlllw. h t h()lI g' iJl lil l glJUIl 1 ~ ld l d o 1l I I I.,! Mdl.l !\I11 Cli l: l1llilllit \\ ,\ n l 8ul, 11 d HHC,l Uld j...l" d nn cl df'sPOll tl Pllt hut' p ill It lile l t.: ft,! lite 1'; llg ll ",h to t h o uld t;tOIlf.! lluarn 11ll) \\n\ l\t tl i t nn 11! ~ h !-;o ltil P r \\uul<l [OIl1P l lltllg dtll l hoi c~ in f ill n llll '" und \\111\ 1\ th o It. dl tt . it ~ () \lltl (UltH unf) llt ~ e It l II Ut' III' on (Illtl h pq ur :\\ II II n 11111 1.' l I n I UI d \\ H ~ hilS.. \,l u n a ' \\ It t' l C t' hil;j t li e j ,;ue~s l ll t! \ \\ vu lt] hn \ eo hn tl llutl All C~I (' , l I II ~I I n 11111 d ;.\ nnd t(' 11 fllnn\ "tlll1C'H IlIH I I :lI g li ~ h M1l1 0lIg1.l1 I he I tJd, :1 \\;l\ fl ()tll I tor trcnHon (Job \\ Il cn \\ ~ gOt uut 111 , 11 JIl"l)\l: t ilt:.. tii ! fl (i rello .., s IHlI g h i n Spallt b) I'IUllll ::; .U ~n lll t· \\lIlt lo aded the l O\\11 th : re \\n ~ th e \\hnh~ lhlll~d Bpilcnf th~IIl~~ I\f'» nlHt "h £' 11 nllUllu. r l d Jc.:(-' and "htJll J.lI gl und gU I it l li a l J'llnlll~C t=;(}u,utrolJ lllle'li up "Itli III 1I fl J!:"'h l \\ l~ On ,o'lhMlln l l"lh ~ \\ullnfl . tUtlIl1 r V tI(cllit'd tO UlltI ll llk e a tratn l up in t heJi g~i ll ~ likl~ llIonl,,") s Ull tl rd Ill f h o.:uldi(' I t:; 10 'h~1r lob; III lh e lolJh p ( nnil \to l d III) lhc utb~r na\1ol1 s e \ PIY \ f:' ~~ t:-l \\M; tilln~ a. ~Uhll l' It:-; " h OH PII~\1 nr put t h p1l\ tn jnil 10 kee l' l)t Iht' ~,lI lh I )aChL (urnt:' o.;teomiuj.! II) thl'l11 (IUIll rtJl ~flt ln~ their \Hmnds \\h e ll U \ f''''~(l l I'll~ses t h nt r oc)( It Oat! th o u g ht \\UI hdtl ~ IIfP'\ IJrol,,} BIlII ,' »l lIg tll t lt~ frnllt for olle mor e had to hoh' \lp Ib hnnds und fi,linte o ut. o r thaI HIm Ii dl Am erican 0 \111 ('11 III

•• \ t " hili I IItt Ij IIln) h nH I ciodH\ for tt "'t.1 or rh t . IIlh1l1. III IllIgt;' t lh. \ l h(>t3U


~~::~l.lIl ' 1 ""I,UU how ~lIt l n g cuunc li II l ,l,c lutll'l flllll is ll,dl" ~1 " l lw l ll1lhe


, w I "II Il'l h u lf Iln h Oll r 'Ih e \\ a r II(n co rnllll ,d ~~llIn!!: II rlpp utv to I C

"Ie h: fum ill~ al';( ut


' Utl :-; C'

w b e u bQ

tO IlTUl).:£' g()~' J I ullll t.; h t II lJdl h t:'t \ lmlll.llU''Nd et a ll oo h r lw P"ll :\1'111 t' Il SI)411 ti l !-I h u\\ q ~ alllill tlWlh lit. ._' ! (V I II" ~S '\. ,,\ dOlll ~ \t Ult 2 nlg,L' ln~\ ~ d IIP"l l hullJ)iqu, SIuhU"'l .... hu\'\t t II' lillo ll).! ll t he' 1 1I1 1,, :-. /I h.tlI' HI , ...\ l:n bL .... h 1 1l"'11! 1I Ib JII"'( u:; til fl ( ltll t ] IUIl} n. J utld~h un lljue a~ \U Il l'a&l I .\(' 1 ) t1hlli Lu 111~ Ilhh ~ IIIILq.. 1Ue \ UII l' I.Hlhlll t \i,u. 1i a l\lr ld ~ 1t 1I1l !( IIiO ClI ' \\ 1.0 ~hl..-I " \i .. ltt.I I S U I U\llllldll l:n!l> II tl tUltll. ..... IIltd till I 11~llsh ( I\ "dgn tu a I Ulkl s ll 11.l l l lI l ,,,v ltl d b l il~ 0 11 It ",lIl d:; " UI 1 111\ . 1I 1J "'0 dltltl l PlI1 \\ III \\t. \\ll l l 1111(1\ 1,...:11 lltllllf' I, III 11II l od, Hlld IIIJ u l ld dO\\11 tit \ nl ...\l ~ nntl ,ld \\.L"" t lf.; h t .1 "'U .1\ fIUllIt-lt t lll, l fglt l :-; I\ nt! \\l -",1\\ iJlIll ll tl lllliolJ t! II U II ~ ll t(, :-, 1111\ ..t il tilt " hql s III lil t" \\ otld If U l:ullid lI (· l' xpludtJd i11 tli' l ight Jlhu~, !llld Ih .. ~ hu\(' , ,,,,,blolls l:llol1gll ... tV I Nt i ll Ih ~ ll(." t'~ 111 l li t.: lo de t o I,cup all UI IlI\ 10 1 HI )lU I ::; If Ih e , tlld llt J!H


tl eats t hem \\ Olse thn n ~an I r,mel .co treUl. Chl1111111 011 , ""ll,eH Ih e m 11 1' 0 011 How It Sounded po talOC" ntlll a1l0 \\ 8 la lldl on l" to t,lI. e GO\' ~l c Lea n of N e w H a mps hire" as a\\ a) th e IIOlllloC, If lIH' ~ at e sh~ on l alklllg about lI en r) J amcs' c riticism Ole Ic nt IIr ·\ mCrl CllU s pce( h " I s uppose that (Gee, dutl lool,e d o, e l m) s houhl.' I, Mr Jamcs 1\lI UtS l1 S 10 l1Se th e broa,l lin d '8 11 "hrll I h,1I1 "l llle n anll h e he saId, und to I III. In eve ry eurrcil IU 011 t h' SId e o r t he head n nll a W8\ 111<1' Oxfu rd gra<ll1 ,ltes Th e b road aald I IV,I" uu In Ce ll"II\I ~, !lIlU tllal I II Is nil I cry lI e ll 3 tHI Ib e Oxfo ld ou g h L to I' ale Sunse c no ll g h nOl to grtu!tlall' tall, ~ mOlc m us ica lly no \\llI e tl etlson \\htl e 11 guest on ill lt Is h soil I \\ e ll, I UOII L co , c a darn doubl, l hnn t he natn e of Pain t Ro ck At lhe Hame Ume It was thro u gh tbe III C hOI unde l the collar "he n , tbln l( of tbe lJl al e I rl. h fc ll o \\ s , a nd cultiv a tion at lhl s Engllsb \\ ay or I \\ oud Cl \\lt~ the~ dUll'L com e to speaki n g t h nt Ul) best friend nearly AJIl e ll ca In a lJod) and be altre rm~n lost his" Ire- lost h er , I m can, t hroug h and poli ce me n. \\ 1"!11 , ge t hOl11 e I dll'orce not throug h deat h Sh e made aUl gol ug tu JOIll th e I'e ulana, nu d "ue Ilay so me IIl scuits amI at dinner ra lsc tbullder jus t ru; qulcti as 1 am thaL night 6h e su ld 10 h e r cultll'atcd old c ll uugh "".1 1 sll, \\e hal O been tlllflUgh th c " aI ' I mad e 1\ hlg Il.Itch of t hese bbc ults' You did Ind eed d~~ r, s ahl Su,", <ana l, alul lot U g l eat WOtl ~ 1 n Ill)' ft 'P tlll hel hu ~ band. HOll do ,'OU l" Olee or c n g lllcc nug lL Ilve~ n t Site uv I\llh a SCWCI tU 1\I1I\1 ,l ul, ee 01' n kl,OIl hUll loll; a bntc h I mad e' s he "f\~ uu III LOlIlsla na It Is jusl <llg. ,L.I, " "ll l't I"eil I th ought ne mur- In g a rulllun<J ellt thruugh the deserl JIltll c d lhut )011 Hlllt' bO I Ch nnd 1'!lIDg In th e Il tlte r anu tbe l e ~uu !lrp 'Ihe olll y quest ion In It " I CJ( ht it in u nclrrO\\ c~l1 In t h e pDII !- '0" " '"11 t l'llI lit" ple nty vf !lred g lf1~ Illltl,ln an, l left t h re ror hOllrs hy !lIM hln "", 81111 a plUI e to Jlll e the d il l I t \\arlil n \\ 1!lle 11 cru zy l11an i n an clel anll \111 11'1 Ihat jllst cnme In uf Its o wn )"lnl 11 • CI II II a" s holltln g lit th e l Op o r al cu l d !luli st u~s the re and sme \l ~ tllll",ler and ~ou sec t he n"tll es I,," IOIC ~ Hamlin Ga rland t h e no te d 1001. li t It 1111<1 I. cc ll !l \l a~ IIUOI th e .,meh't h nd u l" latest c xpe rl e nce I e I <' ntl ) III ~lll nin g loe,Ii culll! for hi s lia nl," tor feat' llJe Imnl" 1\111 tn l e III on thc lII and ghe t h ( m a I!lUI! l... fu J( 1I ~'t \10 11< Galland II " He d th e Jle lll-~ th e l! ~I'al I. UI' (1l 1 1S~ they IIon ' t h . Jltt.l f) anti a I,(l el to be loc i{ )lI i n a

t,t.lf.) 'lluch

~ ' IU\\ S

ASU(;l:I:; t .~:~; "I~.\ 'lll' lI UF ll l!;

nn CO

I \UIlI li ttl e lip. I !Jilt I lJu, 1::11' (

-\JldIAlI< nbo u l l l ~l lHullar


tlllnu~lIlh'" ~oo ('nl1 tl

" fili I"" \ 11 11 , III lJ\

f\ll1 ~ " ~~( d

It U:ui sa\ . . II (1111 ... Iut \\ III thp ('(llial

H lldhll'

Jll d th. I 1I .... 1,"'iI sU l tllll~ ale "'111, HI I Ilt ... h \ \ 11111 'ull tlltnl, of l ht~ \\ H\ tltt. HI it 1:-\ lJ t"\.)\ t-' l lIm"~{ lltltt :-\1 l he la p", 11 Hll d l h\ n \UU 1t.H..I!, 0 ' 1 \\h l lt nil Ol d"II \ b\;' r~~' ,Ll1t \ 1.111:-; ltt l 11111 uf a (11 111111111' I1IHJ Bud liI ,tl Iliu ( UI1' 1. 11 tt' ll nll ~ \\ tl III 11 1.::;h B IUth :-;. HIIlI 41111. I1l1t I)\l t Itt t i ll hns 11\{' I ()! Idl \ n.11 III \011 f ltll Ih H ! ! 11t III ~ h ollgill In nil. ' 1:lI n ,ti l 0

I I JJ lIll till.) Ik~ t


111 "-11

IlI l d

di !'olt ll \ t' l in J.,:


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The Miami Gazette. BR.OWN 6: hi


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AND JOHN GOT HIS PLACE. HI S Ben el · H nlr W us to t he F Ole nud Dlou gh t ThI ngs H er WILY l l1r(-!.:

ltll llllt

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WRONG SORT. Perhaps Plain Olcl Meat, Potatoes and Jllend May Be AgalDst You for a Tillie. A chan ge to t he l ig h t 1,lud ot rood can 11ft o ll e trom a sick liell A Indy In \\ e hl e ll , III, aa~ 8 , LUHL S I)1l n(; I iJetllme IJed · fns t II Ith s eve l e s to Dlndl trOltlile nc<ompnn led uy 81 k hcadac he I gO l \\ Ll r~e uod worse IInul I !Jeea me so 10. 1 cO lll II scarcc l~ r e tain an y foo(1 at a ll 111th o ug h I lIled e l e l Y Itl nll I lind become COIllI)l elc ly d ,s('O lIrn ged had gll'en up all ho pe a lld lholl ght I "RS <.I o ()llI l'd 10 Sin t I C toJ II I'uth til l o ne day my IIIl. ba nd tl) Ing to find som et hing I cOllld ICIlltu 1I1 0 1lg"t how e so me Glall 5-Nn ts "To m y SlIrtlrt SC th e foo d ngr cell wllh me lllgc~teu pellcetly and \\ ll ho ut <1I .t r eHs I IICg,II1 to g a in s tre n gt h lit o nce my f1 roh (w hi c h lI au lIe cn flabby) g re w firm e r , Illy h ealt h Im IH ol'ed In Cle tl lillY anti el " r~ I l a ~, alld 111 a I er ~ few 'I'ce l, s I ga m ed 20 pound s In \\ e lghl '1I1, e d 0 a l) Nuts 80 " e ll th ,lt for I 1110 n l hs 1 at" 11 0 ot he l foo d and alw:l) B fc i l as I' e ll "a lIs Jl ed urtci eaU ll g liS It I bntl ~al ,10\\ u t o a nil e b:ltlQuet "I hati 110 r eturn of the ml ~I aul e slrl, s tom nr h IIU' or Ihe h o a<1ulh s, tha t I II Hed 10 h Ul c \lh pll I Ul e o th e r food I nlll no" a we ll wom~1I Llo ln g nil II l ow n \\ or l, '1J.;alll, nn d reel that life I. wonh 11\ 111 <; "G I n lle-N ilis rooll has b een a gorl~enrl 10 n1\ famil y It su r e ly <:lvecl 111~' life noti 111\' two little bo>s hnl'o thrlv~n o n It wo.oderfully" Name g lvt n b ,' PORtum Co Battle Creek Mlc b ' , Th ~ r e'M n rPRson Ge t th e II1l1p bool[. "Tbe Roall to Well"lIle," In encb pita,


to ' be n gooil ' lO~ I't III 1 ()~ 3 Id t" e vUII Il; ,,: nS bo U wlnn 'I' Tho lIlal n I hl n~ a n j' wJ)' in (h i , \vul'l<I 1M Il ' VIIlY I h (\ !; mu r Irly In A""O I du" ce w ith I ht) I·U I<~8.

OVER·EXERCISE IS AS PERIL. \.. it h r lUI III (' Ullll 0 So , ur II I l ll lll;J Cr , Ol /io lf-,.,uek lug , ~S AS NONE AT ALL. T o II'.'c 10 \\ e l lllj.; UVOI' Ih u he arth \\' h r ll Ih Ie IH ma nllll wV II . t ile A t hl elioE R Stap le Topi c foJ' t h . BJ'en k . qOlle II lIl sl t!' III th o w(JJ'lrl .. I" II I'~ fl\st Tllble-An A th let !c Youth No l!; no lJ l), P e rh"p. l bel e 1I111 ~ 1 lIe a per· P lrdge of Ol d A ge - III M a ny c~ lI l ugt.· UJ' Inri:-i !'i C' l 0 \ .... 1 aJ!, ui ll C'l L ~ \t! r y ee l tal llly 1J(1IblllJ; til hav · :a;ouseh old s A t hl e ttcs H nve SIIIJcr. ~a lll seri cf. Splitting W ood and Ot be l In~ .', Ol' e ,' u('q lll,,'" wl Lnoil L au m9 C Olli Il C;Q. fOJ ! illH.1 ,lI , r,.! luhllHom ely Tnsks-Why 1'o10s t Moth . :-:I a f l lfh-H ,ut e". th o lJali tl duualtl)I I:i II l:!-' 1)1 h ~ l O ~ CJ s D I"API" OVe of Fo n bl\IJ-C !l l l. i:olf1l lu ay lie I arfwd I n Ill e p n.... c lh'e dron Oft eu Too T en de l'ly N UJ'tu! ed o r Illh lt l "" Whal l h., g" 'o L~~ 1 IIld· -Gymnastic 'l'lniuil1 g lU R el\ !!\on , \ e l :i i l l " ~ 10 :;IP I' and I h e I'r c pnraLury ns JmpOl' lant as th e A , D. C·s . " "" ou l; " '(I) lIIm ·ml . It IH 1I 0t fUI tlle


!j .\ ;\:t , ~I'I ; H J ( " , Ji l l It H ,,,..d ,.,,, )

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g o ud I'Ci~ $ n ll

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w i'hu Ul

A man In lu\'t~ ,\!I b lnl1~ [C d~(' l l n et1 h UI" - 10 1,' 1 11I ~i d nll g h leH:S Imlill to I V\\" \ ( Ibl

l'·o o ll ' all. Im Rc h u ll. h a :ol l,t' t \"111

d ip la( £'lfi . hh;h jlllllp ., It'.t l l:; of sl\l ll : II dhuliid :; poII t he :;u pp IC l1t'8:-, of lilroit st u d :<It n n g t h Hlhl pl li " I HHP C'l illUfl s (II plano - fl alul A muu whu \ tl\lI etl g l'at'o u ll l<1 tHb n,ro It a \ lu I.; I h i' I I..; h l o r way U IHI ..,y mllt c I.,) !Huud HflUUI e ly In ,he I U- (I u~ \\ C lu ll, Ul J111 H th l, 'l11 \\ I t h llllth 0 1 h l~ :;Oll s r hl ollh h I h l'lr d i lld l<l fl dlin~ ~l'H l'h f1 ~ 1I II m lli e ~ l.lp l (' I hnod . I l'1i 1 l h f' \ n h Ol llti gel hn'l \H ! rt fiu or I)ur t.l r tl lt ltr.l l'lL I n ! JI \~ d b! 1I~ ", l oll i I gl' I S P I (.-' u ln / ge rl ,h uJIl!, joi f' l s 11 0m l·: n .' ty b(l u y I OH d ~ t h t' hl )JUlls i n tlt c ' ,l la .\I'lj:.: hall 1'1) 1 t h o l €aSOJl t ilal lli ro y U ('''~J1~Jl I':i, e\ (' l j I141t! ) I!ls hf's t v ~l'e ! 1111 ~ h l :-> t tlmld c on t h ~ it '(' th e .... WI ' l"lI t h e ~U l n t:s (" ,\,. \lu)ll) I II8bC' S ('lil. 1 Hul pf' lllI l ll II 10 ]('1\1' 11 t o ~J< .l v , I n l l l:ien:,


~ tJ O~1 1 :i

\' (' X31: l Hl

I l l l'

g l. l dn p :i ~

,.! I' (Mn :-. ! ( on ""l t'Cp lf' lIl l', alU Jld ll ll; 11:-, I h e \I('(lp 10 ar l ) t-'I ! Oll g il tJl"

h I' tlr ::. be " fl l f' ~ lUI IO :i p (I I: " Ill \ \ (l UI( 111'" ~ 1111<1 IIW I'I; 1;1011 1I Ill ): ul j ll e l i (.~ '1'0 h ~a l U:i , ull e wo ul ll ra n t:)' {hul ulIl ull h,\r siti e:i OX! s t CII, n o t tu ma l, Q Iicb olu l :i, u Ul tit si~ n tl f o r th rtlll l1 (\ls a .1I1 r ace l'8 a n eJ t hamp io ,, " III the fo o thllil F.eld . T ho ol d ,,1<1\I·es.; lJ I I<nlghl " ,\I' OI NI IH p-a pip " lt l' me l in lilt Ul ll.l to urnam e nt In I I" , lIJ1 t1dl e ,' );('", i. III IlJ'O~u lI l t ra il S' f ' I'I'I'd 10 t he M)' IIIIlIlS IlIJIl 11 11 ,1 t h o o pe n " hd n w he l e we ll 1lI8l c be(\ Il<IllIcs "on· LClld 10 8tHhlll1I n tl g hl !Ol r. Car negie ha ~ (1111 hln) .e lr 011 r eco rd as. o n t he II h ule dl Me lllJlIl llI '; 11 t h le ll ( b I II til I III or Hcholarijh II). Il \V a lim e t h at some body IDOl, lill. J;l'll un <l . fOI' Lhllllgh SIIOI L a ll il • 0('1~a· t lo ll hay e t h e ir 1.llI cu. t hey al'e hy 110 m ean s all or life. Flr. t ::w(1 10 1' mO.l l. Utey al e Ilrton ol e nlon Th e )' \lug man who~o s l' Aln dlt1 dc \·~lo l'n ... nl ot l· It ~Ml ami nlu H(' It'. whoso 1·IIIII.I\lS a chl e l ('m e lli s lire so ex trao nlll1al'y, so m etimes II SP'~ ul' hi s pll,,,lc!l1 cal·ilal tou lal' l ~ hl r Hi s h Drl is lIn e l1U8 1 to the " " a l n Jilit on It. Tb e ~lI'c ngth t hlll s holii d hal' lillie d I(lr 1\ III lilll!' Ip 11lal l1 pd h) th tl ,'o n Llnu III exc Jli on, t h " ale In<ldc n ta l l O a th lotl c ~ls l h\(lI{) n and on lI cca.1 II it £ll'os Olll In th ~ lo nl: I'\ln th e n ( hl ~ l p of "0 11 1' 3 " dU.I " Is not l h o ~ t ro n g lIIa lt of III lrl' lI e 1It'.! . all d an u \ hl e l l, ),." lIh Is 110 pl ~ (l l: r 0 1 o ld age . A sou nd m llHI In a SIJIIIH) ho dy wa s It b w hat t h id( ~ 1 N I!l U IIl1 d ,' nl, we 1ll 0 ~ t n ~ e d lo III ct t h ~ dl!JII Rll d, of I h ~ lO o rJ r r n s A ,,-e .. k .;.ok :)" ell'~lc liOrly Ihut Cdt. l' Jl litli C Jl O ~ lrCll" nr II Nli h e l I ll ut Is Itl,e n h OI1 SC nUL ot r ella l r, wl l h fa ll · Ing l'I. tnn ~ s ".HI leal,I Jlg ruo l' I~ to be r eganle d It· a g" Cul mtstul't une II Is n lOre I h/l ll " cll llltUlt;Always It IS on omua rrn HSltl il L Ol le n IL Is a sin . II. IhuHH du}" 01' adl' lIn r d sc i· ence. tbo ~e wh o "O IU Ill to th e world \\'I t h It!b r lted tond ('U CICH LU di sea se lII ay triulTIph O\'C I' Ih elll Ir Ih e y wil l us Ih e lII ea ns a nd 11\ e b} h yg ie ni c ru les. AII' . e xord se food sleep. aI" t 11e r e m ed Ies Naturc II I'O I' lrle5 again st t"cblenoas nn,l fraill y Nobody Hholl ld be .11 who "" n hclll It n nd nili c h ca ll We • ,e d on e lO he lll It In mOs t cased luay b r IV II Ir W ll cb uose Ov el' · cx e J'('I~" I ~ a s perilous a" none a t all 1 h . " L1on go,\. .w lmm e l· lIIay aUIIse . . ~k lll. Th e "w lfte s t I'UnDel' may I u'l'l toO 11.11'.

( " U I I~ Il1lf! I IP I I n :-\l zC ~ tl'(i ll~l h flu d l elJrl c~, ", '." Iu 0 b er . " hll b",d


hit" n f li l l ' a t. he ;; t lh t::~

I ltl lO\\,ll lht' l o u g h Hf'd III m

! alld t il y lI,lIt tu

IIl flke up

( uuld I'ur t iu- d l a'\ ha t"!< of a. lU U l e u . I <I t' I'ly flllr t l1l l'C1 J lI, .. Jlil~ career

A l hlt' t l" H ul e h Cl c 10 ~lII Y W e ' o we LlU I JIII" U" to gl \'e tb dlll nB =-'t ll" tntiul lll-: In 1"!?fl :i()n . JHSl as wu ow e t 1lr.1Il th e alph a br l Illld all that 10 110 11 " .. ri el A . D . C 0111' 0\111 c hll .h ~ u a l C uot th e o n ly UII~O to whulJ1 we OWIl I h e (l1i ),alcal lIalnl llg t hll t (:Olll e" from a t hl e tlc ~ (lorl T h e uIHl e l'- s lt. e d, III . fe.1. (Jailid (' h lI d I'e n of t he l en e lJI Pn t, l b <Jije to II'h ITI f.·OltlllJ ha ~ !Jeull a Stell.dame a ll d \I ho m Nllturo hilS duwe r ed . lIn g l. Iy 100 1, to Us ro r a ._hulI( e to Impro l e t he ir IUlld li lon . No mure g-rntlf),lIlJ; slg ll IIr t.ho IlllI os a llPp.a1'R .ball III tLt e 8 0( lal aILJ'\ll s m \\ It k it Icutl s a coli c!';" I(!am 10 p la y 8h8ln~t II lI e lg hho t h o od " Cl li<!lII c nt Ica lll wh ic h bl'ln ~8 Ih e re i. lOll . w h .. 11 1)1 1)1)1 n to th ~ !lolden Sll(l" !! til m eet as tl'l c ntl ~ th ~ 1',. 11 0 \\ " wh o Il e r e hoi'll IV no " POI) U al all. 'I'he Jl\O '~ g rati fyi n g Ilhase o r r ece llt 81 11Ie t l,·. '" seClI til lho .I "vclll fl mt' a l 1) (' ruu n ly I.II·o,h (' lhl)o.1 whi c h IIrn k r~ IIU lie vil lll uf lid l ( II puur. bn t wo l. cunl r a nil good ,'0 III I atlc,; to pIny t he gllIllO.

I, .,) I

Yet, tb o ques tion bas lWO a$llCcls. NlIbouy want.H bls boy to be a muir, a coward, a Mi ss B3lly Byery tatber and ev ery mo th er muSl Ilre (c r to h ave lIonl! wlJo can 1101<1 th e ir own . come w!lat may The yalue ot athlotle .port Is In tb e traInIng whIch glvcs cool· ness In l be prellell~e of dangol·. a e· c"racy of aim , quIckness ot a cti on. 'OD t h e feo tbal, field a lIIan Ica rns to ob ey; lI e ' l earn tile In valuabl e 1 _ 40' II.c~o"l d~!eal ~Ilhout outc r)', 1i 111


It I s No En&y Jo o t o F .lld SUllable Ono" -Sall1 ts Em'dl s h M.u: y . T !J " I ' ~

;! ~ ·.H I

It W ill B e U sefu l n.nd A Ula c nv e TlI J'ougb th e A ut umn !icnson.


A fa n,'" II1110 ('oa l'l! 0 1110 ~ ol'l ls 8S' senlln l In overy wc ll '('l Jole l e d lIu lllr o ire a nd fOi \\ ea l' willi whito IIn ger. e 1'(0 \\'11 t he Ih;h . Ilow ered sUI, CURt Is ex ceed. In g l), s ma. l nn d , ry modi s h Here ". an Ideal 5 I1 g;;C ~ t10D for slic h a garmen l

A an I C ft:PUL JA C I';: C;'j'

Iand or>

whI ch ,1l1Y cle l'c r hO rl'3S­ J\lal,u I I l" ,ld easily ~OIJY. Th o wta terlal t. pal e ! -~~ n s ilk s t l,)wn with IJcach blossom s In nalural to nes and the rollnd at 'olln r Rn ll g irdl e arc g r ee n chiffon ,·e .,·O I 1'''0 deep l uells anrl a frill of c r'llm lace Ilnlllh th e a bo rt sleeves. l : otel Etiq nette. Wh en a w mHIlI UOWS 10 8 man wbo Is SCllt '(I a t It tabl e III a cafe 01 h otel dl llln ~ 100m h o ~ho uld rl ~o slig htly frolll hi s seat os h e mlll,cs th o a clmowl · e dg m e nt. If the woman Willi Iter ca· COI'l s h o liid SIOD to " penk to SUIlI O of her fllolld s wb" mak e UII th e f,arty with WhUl1I h e II' rllnlng he s hould rise all.1 I'omaln s talltllng until s he passes on Wben a man Is IntroducCd to an· oth er man th ey s \)ould ri se and s hall a hands a s th ey IIc l: nowl edge t he Intro· ducllon . A man s hould always ral6~ hi s hat a~ h e open s Ihe door for a wo man In a public plnce. e ven If s he Is an entlr'e s tran ge r Me n s hould also re mol'e th e ir hilts In th e pres en ce or ladles wh e n goIng up lind down In the elevalors In Ilubllc bul: lin gs A el efe re n t lal ant! courteous 1... lInner at","}! . bows good B;jd o ne cannot be too parllcular In s mt, lI maIl ers. a~ a man's ureedlng Is I cyta led b y hi" deporlm e n l and ~ n ve rs alion quit e 81 much n" by hI s appearance.

lh ~

to no ,\ ,.IIJ I Y to

. ~ tfc i l l ha l (; t:(J f ~:->

:\1. PHIl:JlH!I nllo \\j ·i.I

Cl1lt' vi til .:; tlulIglll f:' 1H ~ 1 0.tlu .) a ~ c a l fUI n ~\ :1Ji l1 H lJ .tl ~h P \' tu ·:-t , ..,aI d II X o.!' w ' ar l. n l l. hil ~ ct. "Ne:.u ly '''! \ Ol .t ti ll !) whll

Il lI" . IIII'Y 8 UP IHt,t' d -:\ lI :-oi:S P tlll man h.J..d a ~ In c . t " e . H llti t twl I h o ~a l a l'y \\ U:i mi 'l .. I \ I ll!) \ c hit 1. . ,ho ~ e ll h,} 1H-'J fa l hJ)1 l( Cl.IIl\"~ ) a n 8. lt lllW I I)J C :i ~ h /\.l1u

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11'1'1 :-. tU\l UC:; [ 01' ttJI :"o rllat Ihl) Pu ll . ,",,) r '

Loso Y our Hnt i n a Cn t' An d ImIDed intc ly Beco mo nn ObjMt ot' SYIl1»1\ t hy

t,il c

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rap id I) tIIfJ vlnL; holl i es

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hot e l "1 1h' I til "i1 "i IUIIlI'OI I, l hlt,; tl ll ('d :;t HIIC hn l (1 job Jt' th ,. })l'o pl p IUI1.!.dt f" d at 11\ \' PI ti l t a·

all t il l'

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11 0 1' SU udn~

a. 1.!

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lI11mh c l."

fo r

\\ (1 11 a s

Crop Growing



"Thr' ma ll a l 111 \ ~' Ihl )\\ lIn 11 ,, · 1 iMh l r x tt' ndl-!d hi a::O\ 1l1tJll l h .\ 1ft 1' \ ' 11 II ITt I t ' d scp lll g: thai I \\.t !-, llaJ"!la lh' 1Iltid t4,ll ' l IlH' \\ cn r h i .. ha l I f l lh ull ~ hl l \\lI "' I I1 I1D\



of In fi l1 s l1 ta l Ccnt " fs th e t'(l

(.01 l)f'(\du {'III ;; a \ 1I1 ~ lY , a~ o.oam onLul

I"" e h eell .:O ll s .a,ll l'I. a llges In a l'(l·it·ultura l IlrOO II (". A

I1lanlH I'or IIHO 111 ho mc yards. pl a nls ror r Ht flO\"' I'~ . " 'gd ab l(·s . etc. -a g e u·

Rtll tly or lb (' wo rld :; h h; lo ry c . al 1l1 1:i'('I' lI anpo lI :-; ~ I o , J\. s lio \\ s th at \, 111 1,.. a~l l ll tll llr p hCl !o\ h!'('II, ! F or a n fJld l nlt . y f"~ 'a bIl Pl hnH~nt or an d \\ i11 ,o n l l llll l' lO h e. l h c Jllllllary lh 1:4 1l,1 11ITt,' h.l lf un a( j(' of g lotJ nd Is

I,aill s or IIr·n l.h II Il as rf'a ''' '' ll lIIC tr lgll" , Hili . If' IIt (," .! " l1Iall Sl a rt

" YOII hal' II I u uy luea hllll h~ld it Is 10 find Il Iltl lll l! lUI' a hllt e l. lind .l IUlI rte l

In find a

11 11111 11 ( 0 .

IH Id g c I h cu rrt a U1rlll'~n) lo a w o man Th (l l ":; th a i ff' IlI) \\ W hO hC ha.l hl ew alii of l h fl \\ i nll,} \\ al C l III C \ I \\ o lld e r I I h e hn s fu r 10 g ( lihll (' h t'alll'€1 '" 1 l tls h pfl (1' )\\"1\ 10 I a i\(' Ih e s lIhwDV


Irl d . -, l a" ~ upn1'l11l nl 11 0 1I " e .I".L " Y tn lh ll\l< of n " "11I e )011 1\f1 1l 1.1 lII\e It.l ~ec car vrd in o ne over ( he c n t l a lwe to a fa mil y hO l e l yo" \I e l'e to o w n o r man ngc Y OIl ml l'(ht li se you r () " n nume Ir II 10n'l .l ml cR n l Smllh Ill' tr you IlIdn ' t hrlng II fr o m Hllss la OJ ' Hlln galY w l. 1> } "1I llllt Is }Olll 0\\1l nam e w e l l t' l1u lI g h I\lHJ\\1l to be ca~ lly 1('J\l p.mhe r ClI ' WO ll id IL 111111 nll Yllr lll!.;


to th a a Ura slianger !


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·t lv e n e'i!i

I d il

Ullci s lJ e ll ~rl ; A l l th l', e lh.n l'!" allrl mure

a r e r eqllired .

I lanl(~ mm: 1

"Th e

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h ee n

t onne ' l cd 'lO B I! u n', \lllf o ! ' UIUlI e l'! V(, 1l1 Il mU ~H Ho t b · h ls lo ( it all ) OFffl ll :- I\' C' 10 an '" I'at(' n all o n I)J t I Ped II TIlli S! Bo t h&\

ex pl es~ "h e hili al l Iell good Iu . a fac i . (0 . I am not III I h e ha bit of go in g lo n ~ dl s tan l'e8 lia l t' head pil \\ hll e 1"lllIn;: for 1It eX I" oss I ttl a mlln

I hun l>e('(1 Lllf'!I'(\. " 1 I 11 III 1< IH' Rtl d l'ci Hfl ll l P jolt'HI I II lh ro ldl' ..- hIH ('s'

" PO A~ I I,ly I r r- pl h.,rt

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II)H !\ ~

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IlPr , r eed

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,1IHI 1.) (!:; l d.'Ii ,




'· Y( 'lll1l~I . $i h ()1

\\ Qm a n

(\ lll j llg it ur ""n illll;,- hiog nlph\' he ,'om' "s unt w it h l ilt! <I';t'd, o(



s a Il t ~ rl \,lIm e n a.p mOIC'


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Tu l'q Ulp Pl o pc l!) a s mall ~ I t't 111I11I 1S (' \\ 0 111.1 I Cqllll C anoth er $·,U fJ F () . m l. l(·lJn llf 'O \l ~ " QlIIIJlU ent. l UI

$ -; () ( I

I Il I IlIdl ll ~ 1 00 1 ~ ,

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'1'1111 <.

o ll lbui ltlin ,.;s ,u uJ stock, \Y Ullld 11,.. n (lc;.f' ~ s .Hy f or a start th('''~

1I 01lid bo In ves le d In t ho

of $1, 20 0 1t' the m a n \\ b h f'd t o 11\ ~ a t I ho place.

II PI Mhhurliooll

h im ~t ' lf

h" SII OIl I(1 110. It \\otllu llrobabl j, reo flOIll Sf-no to $1.000 fo r a h ouse. I II IlrO ll l1d n ~ R \ :\ I I £'t y or (' rOJ1 ~, 3 S in .. rll cat l· tI ahO\(', lh e gross Ill eo m e from

f1 H

4"11' 0

Sill h u phHO should b e at h~ll~ t $1. 200 Pt" I' annum

g in'" ') " 11} Th o <'rops hnn lilr tl s ho\lld be a gen · R el "pI17.ln p; t he II C'r eflSll y fo r g reat· e m l a IiSO IUII (' n t o r 11'.ldIUJ{ I'lunt s. a r r r!l v(\! ~l l krJ. \ I O Il anti g r eat e l prOLill C" 1.011 pe r ue re, tb o Quesllo n n ll ses. In

\I-ha t m a nn er ca n th is r esult be bes t

smal l l'ollcf' 1lon or o rnanu' llt s-stl('ir ns

(la lms . fe rn ~, e tc" wblc h l:O ul(\ be slI l!1 as pol I' ln nts - IInl) ca rnationR, r oses. t,

' \\ (, o( f' 1I111t~ tl1 h 'I d tel s ho ot

It \\ j H r Inl\..'

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h i m 10 gp t out

Ill S mind

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T he


", I l!

l ld n ~ Jj 'q uiP),1 III ~t' n l' lu l " o r k lu tII O ~ 1 .·a ,.HI.... 1I,IIf a n .llIl' of groll nd lin · ii i I "l Ilt h ('ti n be bought

til , hou tin g tl1 \'

hf"l1l~ a IIllln armlnd If 1

pl r l,

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h itt

\\h ~ lI 11 hlu\\ :; o fl ) li p was nnt arou nd si rn h l o lh an Ih s(' of sn ltlll 'd m en on t o. llI "hL b1l1 e'('n hn rlv [ haltr' see n ha!:J I I,,' ~ 1 · J\l· ••11 plll1"pl e Ih a l \\om e ll a l e k 1;1 . I I n1nl~ Itll e l e~ tlu' '0 IIIlI I\! )l"U li e tbllu 11r)O (> 1 ill 111 1' a..... t If' \\a s !Srllr l y g J 1 .. ""h e ll ),01 1 l iN ti m e IW~::; InIi::H I r sUck 1110n. 111.-' 111.1(' I yo ur h ~a rl ,,'11 of Ii IIln,it,\\ and lo se YOli r was hUI It wi ll mal, e )IIU thlll k beUer of " I rCIIl r. m hr l III ,ailed "l ' OIl 10 find A n8ru' fUI a bl~ th e hUlll a n • •lI e " apartm c nt h o use In n fas h lo nahle 1'81 t 1\l y linn l e1'c l l oll Ihe oj Ne w Yo rl' " o nt rnel IIUti th e n ll n~r ndd e tl th e sll ll· TOMATOES ALWAYS FRESH. u lallon l h nt li e s h oul d find a I1l1l1\ e I h ad 110 id l'1I wh at a lJ1 s k It \\'0 \11 (1 be. GI eAt D emand L eads to F orci n g the HI) \\ 0 dldn 'l a~ t- any a dditio nal "0111 ' Plan ls Under GlA SS Gov. Ilons nllo n. Afl c r It gc ne, n l pl a n ot olings. I I", build.n l'( harl bee n olllli n Oli we all se L to worl, t u IInrl " nam e The d emnnd fo r fr e Hh l oma toes the "Th Oll I t rl nll " IIll 01 IlItil a n nam es. year ro und ha s In r1 uccd g r oll' (, I's t'l !Jul I fo u ll u t lral 11 11 t hllt WCI' n ot nl . hl cr ea ijo l e r y g r eat ly Ihe 11I dJ du c lion of ready aUa<"il ed to hOl e l ~ wcro lIn6ult· lh ls " ege tabl ~- whldl uy t he wU~·. is abl e for SOnI C rca~o n I we n t Inlo more llro ll erl ), l egal rled a s II frult - lInd er mylhoIOl\")' and Sl rtU't- l he RO lU e s nng g la s~ Ustla ll y lir e Ill ant ~ a rc t r a ined T he n I tri ed t he nam es of . cOlin· lip tall woo,l e n stllk es. being t hu s pCI · l ies. places. moltal oh s s iai es me n a n· " uBel e d to ado lll II ve"lI \a l m e thud " f cle nt and mod o. n hilt Ilr ey wc r e all ID g l'uwth Simply ror Lh e r e a SOJl Lbat lise (l r uJll\ vA/labl p FInall y I was w he n managed 10 lbl s \Ioay Ih ey t .. ke u r' fo\'ce ~ lo lry the Hlllnb. "nrl wilh IIr O mu ch less r<)o m WiI CM lI Hed to he e nt· aid of a pllbll ' IIb ra ll' I l'olln.1 m o r e ploy ed . bill th o ~ LI(,\, " ha l'r th e a(1I an !l Am es Ih lln Ne w YOl k co uld US() III tage or heln l'( 1II1l. e T\ ~ ld It Is t US\OIII ' m any a ) ear." a r y 10 r es1 1 \( I co.e h vln~ t o II s lll t; le SLCOI . w hi c h. r ea c hing IU tb ·' Ll g htmng an el Cities root of Ih e fordn g bO\lMe aUa l n8 1\ "LIgh t nin g nevel' h iliN Il CO Llle In I' be ig h t of se,'N I or e ig ht rellt A good c ities .:' s al<l un In " u!'Hli ce a !lenl. " My doal of the ro ll a~e Is Ilrun e d aw ay In 01'. company 's slaU stlc~ Hh nw thai In d'r lo a .lll1l l s uffl 'Ient lig h t. Tont ulo p la lll " g l'O WII lInrl !'r g lnss ar9 cities l he re Is . prac tlcu ll y no rlansel' of d,eatb flom IIg h tolnt< H( rolw . Lool; of (1\l arf vllr le ti es. whi c h . hal' lng s hort . bad, and II s l< YO.ll se lf If )OU eve r h e l\l d el' jollll" . produ ce frllilin tl 11 s tAl'ij mu ch or anyone be in g 1IIII e d h I' lI~h tlllll g 0 11 closer l oge l he r 011 t lt e Mte m ,\ noth er Broadway. 0 1' In l!'On t of th e Audltorl· C(II'Ulltll!\e 1>0~RPs"cd hy t heH" varl e t .es urn or un Rellro n gt r ec i . 0 1 nn eh e"t· Is llral Ih r l ripe n earli e r . beg lnnlll g t 'l Ilut s tree t, 01' o n Ni col et ave nl1 e? No yIeld t1Ia rl, e labl c fruIt by ]<Ifl r c h 2:11\1111 I. I. In lh e cou nll Y o. III lilli e \'/Ilng eK "()JIlIIIU IIIl; to heal ulltll Jut} In I"rolll tbat tbe all·dread ed lhtllHl or"to rm does eac h planl Hh o ultl 1'0 0l)l8111 e d du rin;; It ~ deadly w o rl< Why RI C c iti es In this 11e rlod nil n lPr£ll':C I, t 25 tomaloes '. ill s way Immuuo' 80mo sa., It Is ue· we ighi n g nlJoUl live pounds cause th ey have no Irees to allracl t bo IlIa"m \l oh II H Ih e lomlltocs yi e ld e ll lJy II g htlllt.g. 80010 SIIY It Is because t he eac h (llan t ma y be e xpec ted to 6011 fo r c loud ot fa clolY SIIIO IIO abol'e I he h frolll $2.06 10 $~ 53 It wvuld see m t ha' roofs Is R 1I!'01 cc tion ,\I an y rate. sta) I t h e.e I. mOlloy In th e hll.ln ollll Mu c h In town thi ~ >summ e r IF )'~u wall l to be care and sk ill ar c require d. ho wever. Lh o ~are fm m lhund e rSIOrDl" .:Ias" );l\l'lle ne r bel llg llu ll J;cd to re rtlll ,.! - -- -. - - -lb e l)llJ ~:inm ~ a l·tiN, iall y oe tw een Dc· Looking for Information. ce mber I ijnll ~l lIrr'b I ill ord e r to Insure Il was Lbe brlu e's til'St apileal'an ce ut a satisf8clOl)' ('rop any race trac k . NatlJlali),. lh e g reat dE'!11an.1 for "Clarence. (lear." shc said " what rorced lOma lue"- l'ome~ after the frost m~keg Ibem (lut tboNo fl1l1l1y·lool<lng b d esl royed Ihe <ll1.duur crol'. and Il hracele ts aro und th e horses' ankles t " I :"" unlll th e ~'I" rifla c rop co mol! I" "To kecp them fl'om Interferin g. pe t ," marl, e t. Ir Il be d e~ lred to gN ripe trult answcred the other hal fot th e8 ket ch . I lvlng da)' tb e "CI,d mll s l be " Indeed! " exclaImed b e l brld(>.le ls. ~:w n by July 20 In the n,'lg hborhood o f who WII~ e njuy ln ", bel' e man cl paUon our gn'at cit ies. espeda lly N e w Yo rk from tile wild s o f Pike county to the 11m · (\ Bosto n the arca deyol ~d to t rm:k It. " And do th ey r eall y mak,~.the.hoT8e8 ;~rdenlng .;n d c r J;laH" I. bel 'oml\l~ mind their own ulI~ ln ess. - ChicaGO greate r e ve ry year. and tncreas lng at . Dally N e ws I tentioD Is J.;1\'en to tumal o('s. th e de. ' mand for lb e m belug So la" II:0 IIlId UD' V e ry Cons iderate. falling . "O ne way fol' you 10 Improl'" your. self, young mnn . Is to m nslll nll y 1l1I. Time Is Valuabl e. goclale with ) o tlr s U(le rl ors .. "I I, now It • • Ir. but I am so con. " 1" II 't Busse l going tu talke a va a· 8c le nllo1l8 I cannot brlll g mys elt 10 do 1I011 thl ij s lim me r ?" It." "No" " And why co n s c lentlotl ~? " " Why . ho look one laal 8t1mm >r." "I hate to t hlnl< wha t my 8UI)c J'lors "Yea . \lllt h e wa s o n sa lary !.be n. would be s uffer in g all that tlme."- He'ij' a lIIe mbe r of tb e flrlll DOW."Clnclllna[\ Comme r cla l·Trlblin e l' hlladolllhlll Press IInnH!,-IO


\ \ tt lll r.lrJl II It'~ , a n ll oPJlOl lul1lt1aq 111 In ~ f llrl and o f h pi cssonttnl

:s (,l (

Itill es

row 1)1..' ('). t h (~ n

pI c k ' 10W

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Th er e wa ~ n t o uch o f g'P lI1tll le :i y m . JJHfil y i n th e \\'S} h f! Hnht If 'Th u( man wh o I'! I! I OIl L lit lhe (;,an<l r ell l .al ~I nl l()JI l\ elJf loohl ug' (1' m e I ld 1(, \\ J II "" "hilI \\a s n n hi:; tHUHI and hatl l ' d 1 1 l"' ll~ft) l e hI'1 ,. tt h fl a ti l,ed m e I II h p hacln t :-,(\ .... 11 Ill '" ~ 'o n e~ I !5 a ld

h oodoo n :-; :-,(li'iullllnK. " Til es ' al e alllon g Ih e ' f!RSI HI ~ ~o man)' h O Ut;CM a l'/~ tHUl lI'd ntl J "'aln l N c llotJ(! 11

h e a r II a \\ o ma ll sa)'

ili o n \\h u iut f' n cJ. ~ 10 l11il k{' ( 1I1 11\1\t lo n l:." "1) .1 h h O{·'·ulla.l o n wi ll be not


~0I1 .

., '1.001' al t lla l man : h r· 110," 11 <) hal.' "A n 'l Ihe lII a u r ~ /l i l ed I II lie . he los '.

n l1~

ar t} !; lI"tJll g

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An"' nere

e \ p lnp lJl f' r;t " h ,'re lIl o :s t ,11J. t'I ) '-(1 I. ' \\ullid !Jj ~ hr l WI I Jtlc Oll(l l1 l lo n must I ~:;I leell d \\l1 h th e Jat 10 . \' r\ o rO lllllr ) ( u n I hI' ~ ! \ I' n to ( hn IO{,l t ron " i th I C'Sp cct to-


s tili

Opportunity fol'


11'/1 l ir e .a p,,1 g l o" th or or CIlI II· " '. I ~ nOl l"I' a.l y J;rca l q uantity IIOlllll lll lon .11,,1 th o) s hift in g I o( 1111)' U Tl f' th ln ~ . h pH .~ . lI,e lI e cess lty

nam e.). 11 11 t l I hl l IHUlI O itl ~ h it II ) UJ' un · ' l)llltl C to 1J 0 1'IO!;IHH'OIl:s \\I H' l c aglic ul m enial ~o oue i s t.:ulllptl ll ctl lu r e · (l a nge i' I t I e I ~ t hi" sol,· d" pc lld p ll' , . 110 1 I 'II , memher II , and lIa\'t'Ic~ I '" Ul t uol 111,6 1y . " \\ o ma n a l 111 ) ri J..{' h l :-.(11 ' 1 ~n l ll(>l hln...: y (' Olll1ll Y hnp{,' In I I' I tl d ' J H l1 lh' lIt l 10 t'OIllJt!a JIi If 111":0' fi nd lil t 1l\:o:.I'lVi"rl u ~­ t o 111-" (Illll i ld t il ll li a nti hI' ~ll l up If f.! ;t tl fl f'll j r" y t ilt' lH.. ~ t fr lllt ~ or II., ill (l lI:i :-4 i l!. n e tl t n t :.1 l:<1 Iil e n fl m ('-3 01 "Ii, i Ii n l \' ('nnw " ' p, 1(1 1111 10 :-i IH. ,l.: ' ~ I 111 ,11 1 I lIlt ;'l.. I ' r y whf'll(' nJ ,l l1l1l ;;t 1 t l ll lTl g (O Il :.t lt tl tl·.:;,.1 Ha l cnph(lIlII HI!" lIalll ll( PI ' h let ( j \ ' " 11I\ It "ud I l h " u hl d t 11111 1l1lfl f il OIlJ r l \ or \\4'IIIIh ' I tit' t.1I111 "BII ~ \\ !J e ll It 1( 0) ('5 tn 11 1111 1111-: an h im .t ll ' l lil (l fp ' lo r y nlll -- t ~'n Ride \j,' ~l tl(' npallm Cll1 h llll :--'(' III' h,:') ,,' 1 II I:-i d I ITe! · " TII " (IJI li itH I' ll ( ,I I1H f il l Ilh l are A~ III n l df" I I) hl l ll ~ nbr)ll t 11In ).j l l'a1 n"' l c ut T uc II HIlV' o1lg h t I II ltr sll n rl \\ a ~ P U\ I Il r.: 11£' fI~I ,,' d : prcH~ I Pfi:' I\ I' I1 l tl'll l'l l l l<ll an ti In d l l , tl l al mWilt HI ~.! Uph ("III)lJ~ , l 'a"ll, !J JU IIt 'd "' I.o :')t \flllr h " '" tl P\ j' lOP IIF' Tl I easil y 1 c Il H! llIhr l·r.:d li n! l on ul1()lI pl a, 1'. 1 :-I Uld I dId ~:u .\JI) 1111 o r lh o II ,," . ar,d)l~ lanrl or 1I 0t yet \, lwl l) tlll ldIO\\ 11 "II I tht' :; un h~ , I \'i' g O I a t ap ho " 1) 111 1:1 II(\(1 ·It Ihp. 101l11tl) h a s n ow 1J(l(l J\ tal d~ n I1P , I"CaHOn tha l n I nUII ~li lJq lt1 IlP\ CI nam e ) Otl W ,l ll f Il I II g I' l il fin d 1 hO:-,t" wh o :U l- 111 0:0;\ \ Jl ull ).' <'o n · !L t hli ll fil l' £1I1 ) ' IIl1 r I I'I) 1< .1 .11 nih e " I li e ! 1' lIl'd \\ 111t I lJHnh: ~ " ' • •,~r1 1'1111 "nil pl'o d", tllllI rNllz," Lha. n /lol e l "'lIl ld bc l'U.tfl Ill" he nl1m BII "A II lh l' \\ a \ III 1 \\j\ :; lit ('ll} il :;(l r\' eti or Ilf II r pfll . l lr th ... ma in pl ohl " lIl fOI t he to r nny P0 1>1I1 1I1 IH ' I O of tlH' h U 1I1 n t h (: l ~ ,,'11('>11 1 I'-'I t I 1III 4 H. 8 1 Ih l!



Ambitious Young Men,


(I II #" a ll ·

Il lt lt11

I fIl p Orl alii

, r .:"'"


a ll,lIlnHHl t

Il Id.

J" ',~' ~.\

The Possibilities of Greenhouse Agl'iculture

"'Vil a l 1; Ih ...• a IH tl l l,' 11.'1\\ 1" \, 11 ~l mnn atlfJ h i::; h a l '1 0 1 b,~ t \\ I"..! II 'yUI ll" hat un ll (J III ' J" I1I UII " " a ~k( ,tI tl' ll UII ill a ~ llh\\ n v ca r wh lind no hal nl ,til 1(l I.u p!:! t h e r\.a \\ \" 0 "\\ HIIIl ' ''ro~ n hd lll'' aH l 'Oll.l tn~ In (1 0 111 Ct hl C } 1:, lao(1 ::-;111 11 1 allp r ~ 1l \! ~ :\ IH '(,8S IJ a ili Jlullld (J ut It OI l' t 1l1l0 1h n

o lh e l I \\ a~ fi lllln J{ h l' all lI p ~ n w lndl'" a nd th e tll lll;; Ih .ll h ttPpc II "d 10111) hn. 1II0IH)}' wa s q uI! kr l' I hall I h O ll ~ h ' Th o la" t I HMu l!' I IIIH.1 I,f'f' fl • allot! upon In "a ll ur 11 II li n" w h ll'lIl1 g 1\lI,l l,O llhlnl: man IO rD p llny !Ju 111

$c lIlful nguhl sl a h o l y nlU li


Alh l Lk. h al'e stille l'sc(lc ti 10 "<lInll exten L. In sO lli e Ill a ceH I h e I CSpo(· t.aole and less e Xl'I lrn g uII sl n CHS oF 1I'0rl,· In g aro u n,l \bo hou se an.) door yard. The SOilS o f t be fami ly. Ind s ue t we II 15 Ilnd 20, use d LO do Ih e dnlly c hores, 1II1 I he Lan I,a that cailed for Btrenu o us pumpIng . drive tlte lawu mower, chOIl t b o wood . groom th e h or sos nntl weed th o ga rden. 'I' h c), s UII Ic nd a ban d when t h n (antI\)' tillallcc~ co ru· p e l t h In to tlo so, bu t a s mon oy \. InaI' plen tifu l Iban once. Il 15 less _. II I1 t!· loss the faPlh lo n f (lI' boys apd youn g m en to be Ne ll' keable auout tbe ho m a They do not tiCC Lh o neccs· til t y. E ('ono IllY Is nol a popular vir· lue l'plllii n g wnod Anti atte ndIn g to a furn ace are IIOl plctul'esque m odes ot dl\' ~ r s llll1 0 1 aJ;. eea ul e wa ys of taIlIn g ex r cl~o Our son s . and for tbal m atter som e 01 OUI' rl a u g h ters look \\' 1t b sh)' dlstavor 011 homo l} huu sebohl tu s k s, while th ey ux po nrl e nergy an d (ervol' by w holes ale on lh e gllm es they care fo r. F ew m Olhe t s cntlrely aplll'Ov c of tbe t' ls k a thell' SOliS tal, e In M1l0 rL. To ill'lng you. boy slIfc ly tltlou c; h lllo r eefs a nd s hoal s of early rhlldhood. throu g h m umps and m ea s les lind ehlcke n - pox ami WbOOIJlng cotlgrt . and th e n hav e blm maImed and dl sRgured III football. Is a heart · breallll"; lI eI" forman ce The boy. carried dX l:to fi e ld with a brok e n knce cap IS ~uoyed Ull by th e plaudl"" of his tellows, but in the dreary days OD crutc hes. those plaudit. ,,11\ br Ing him lillie (·omforl. 'rhe a ctld cnt8 {jlal march In Ihe wake of albl e t ics are 1I1'1>a lllo g. ami lhc mOl tltyln g • c fl eetloll that lhey arc to be Bot d ow n 011 the bulan ce s beet of ]I(e und er the heading of absolute loss m USt ~'O me hom e to IIIU8t uf us in candi d mome n t".

.llI l lI gh Ih ey \ \ (" 1 1' 1S11I ,) 1 ttl ny fl lrl\ c fl dl ado h'l



Beauty Diet. It Is ~al() to say Ihat a l', ~ alth Bnd beauty di e t '"1 8 made III' !Jrgely of w hol eso m e vege tallies. f r u lLl. le an meattl Il lid ce real s. A\oid hot bl'Q4ds. rll'lt JlR s t rl es and IndI ges tib le sa l.\ds. Long T'.l1';1, Too. o"od as to Odor and lraste. At bedl lm e take a raw egg. Brea k I~ Boyce-Wh e n was tb e turnin g polnl Barber- - I am trying a n t! w kind of III a la rgc 8])oon, a SOUII ladle or sowe. or your lit!!? ~ mpor tell soap; don't you Ilhlnk that .Llil ng or that ~rl. an<l add II duh ot Joyce- When t hlld to furnI s h the "dot I~ e xcel lenl! lemO D juice: salt Iflld pe pper 1C 1'111 maUve power (or tbe grInds tone d0W ll . Custom· r- ~'Ine The naT(Jr 1.; gOOd, proter you can take U ID a . wIne 1;1183. on the farm::-C!tl:..ago J?urn a l. loo!-M.i lwauk&e !hntlnol,


"rO ll g h l a holll '

" 'lI h th e i nrreas ln g l

grO \\ Lh of our t.:.L! es unci the ac.:t unluln,

<i1l~·sa ntll(.' 1l\um ;; .

N c., for c ut fiolVe " .

dUJ' l n g: 1he \\o' llllpl"

l io n o r j:!rcllt nlll1lh ol's of poo ple In \· p"'·~ J.abl e I'( rOW III ;:: liS n s pec ia lt y I. cO l1lllRl'utl l'e l} " lII u IIIlI'CII ;; , \\ Il l> th e e x· more Jll'oJlta blo n (>nr t he large r- Citi es. tl' ll s ion of rnllroa rl ~, te lep hon e n n d Ic le· C lll c~ l'an gl nS In s ize froo! 25.000 111" I:t'allh s," s te nt . rnnt l r. ce d e lll f' r y. and (lo plil aLio n II llwnrd nre th e ones ,wnl cla troll ey lilies . th~ re 1\ III be an Incr.-us· s hOll Id be con"ldel e(\ In thIs, connecIn ;; d e man d rOI many a g ll r, nllll rni tl o n In lhi s wo rk Inrg e r area s or land a·... prorlll cts which mll st or nccefis lty I:rnll n hv InlcD s II' t} m Clhorl •. thnt 18, l e<lulred Frolll o ll e lb Jj ve 8CI'1!S':'wlll s lldl p rod ucts wil l he of a m o r p or les ri answer Ih e pllrpos r. tn ' for.iC · lo~o'I":' p C' r ls hnulc nature , and ror till S r ea son bnsl ness ten ac res 01' p.vl'n ,;as many.lIIIiI·. lh ~ y will hal e to b~ g rown com pUrB' 20 a c r es may be II ccI'ssa ry. Tiro nature . tll e ly c ' o se to \\' Iwre (h e~ are to be IIncl cha "a r le r or Ih e soli pi ny rill 1m· co nslim r.1 pOllan t llar t nnd th e g ro\\ c r s houl d be Th p Ilopnlall oll of ~n or anI' largest III a s lt na llon La co nl1ol the SOIl so far ea s tCl'1I ~ llI ~s anti th e ir contributory os p o~ s lul e : t hat I ~, hp s houl,l not be l~ 1 rltory will a~ g r f'l'!atl' 15 (J II') 000 peo so plnced OR· 10 ha v~ lo Ilurchase his pie Bolh pOI)lIl a llon an.1 wpa llh are HOI I. whl ('h Is an oX (l~ n s II'I) Il e m 111 It· con s tonlly In rrcas lng al1(1 In co nse - se lf II " t h Is tal, os Olll of his han rls to "u c nco t l1 ~r e Is n I':l'0wlnl\" d e mand (or n c('rtal n extent th e poss ibility of co n· sO J\lethln ~ m ore tha n lh e m e . e n ('Ce.;;· 11'01lln l: con dition s In Iha IHollth oe s ilies 'or Ill e 1,'lI l1 l e, n nw(' r " 01111 V(·"c· ~ u r h (ro ilS n qu lt· I, . eailY' lIIoturlng tabl es nr c n ecfl NI to mee l til e reqtlli ~· SOli IS nh , olillely ' (' .enllal By t his Is lII en ts ot IIr~ . 8n,1 tll e"c. to be fUI ' m on nt a soli r elic Illy udal)lnble to c ulll· nl s hed at th e i r beH l, mu st he g rail 11 vtltl on. that (·o nl\!lns . comllarn.~l vc ly to r ~t.Jte-m os t'-I_-t-ilt--It_tl-_.4--tH'&--f-l;LUJLe......cla+...-JIUJ.,o!--4<:u..-"·=~m 91 ~l u ~& dute rl In s uc h a wa y Ih a t th e Inrl:cs t r eadil y all (1 yet dr ies ou t qll,lc k1r i il1 r e tllrn can be s('c ure rl rrom n gll'en other w onl ~. a goo,l, r ic h gur(! en loa m. . . area of lan d with Il minimum rls le. T o Th o so i l ll nd" r !l IltS!' 1IlI' S l .IJe, ~~.,a \,g~fi " ;" ~ accom pli s h this r eHull It mu st ue pmc· ev ory yca l an d s om e tim es more . .1: :;I.o1t. ti c,)ble to contro l to a la r g o e xll'nt Tho (' h i r c roJlll 41.ut may ue,{t1'ow1,! . cl.mate. so il , mol ~ lJIre. t c ml1e ra ttll'p arc lettuce . ' '· tl c li llllJ~ls -nifd·~loln\l.tD~~r;:i' snd, In a m Oll6ure, lI " hl T he only As In< 1(le n ta l , roils. mll's hrOi>in·.:'1)"~Jt~~ ~ '!;; way thlR ca n uc d on e s II cl'cs, r"lIy and d a nrl e llon". ca u ti fl o ll t' rs. el r' .' <in\iy ~- ·""~ , ' .t , p"nl:ll(slly Is through th e m edium o( " setl L ettll ce IIl1d e ll . umbers. I', O·W. . ..... g la ss hOIl H(!\! . e l·c r. eon "lItlll ,' nill e le nthR ot the ' •. A fe w yeal'< ago ~ I ru eillres a r til Is ('I OPS lhat lire "roll II In thi s way and, kind " ('Ie )oo l(c rl upon IIl Ol e 0 1 less nIl th i n gs con s ltl l' l( ,t l , al O mort} profit· ge n e rally a . a lIl ea n . for HlI)I)ll y ing th e able than a n y UIIIII'( I' ls,' In this fi e ld tabl eR or a co mporaLl l'c ly fe w w calLhy In lJo;: ln nll1 f.! a Ill" I, 01 Ihl s nalura It Is e"s(' n tlll i to co" ,I .I"r lh e rllcL that I)rl\'at o Indlvl.Jual~ or to se rvo tor th e wh en a s lnrl is mnrle It will have to b3 s rollin g of ornam e nt a l plan Li whl d. had no s t r ic tly eco n omi c valu e At 011 s uc h n s"ale ns to e naule th o g rowe r the prese nt lime LI.I " view ot tire s ull· to pro rilwe t r Oll , not o nly o r goo rl qll a l· j ect Is rapidly "hangl ng lind th e t ime ily, bUl In sll m <l ~ nl qllantlly to pay !L has com e wh e n t h e conslructlon of de aler to han d ll! the m. This Is es· !!la SR hOUSBS 11IIII t he I>rodllc tlon ot peclally lIuu It I hp g .ow e r de pends on co mnrl 5 ~lon mc rtll .nts or w ltoleSllilt plAl1 l s IIncl r r 1': 1" 83 alC r egaro ed milc h deal e rs to mnrl' ~ 1 hi s produ ct s. The In th e same II r; hl as t he dc "clojlment of flr . t es"unt ln l Is to grow good CrOI)S; manuracturln t; l.lll'. "s t " in a large factory; In ol h e r " Old . n mOd orn' th~ SP ' 01\11 Is to prOll\J ce tlTe m III s uch g r eenhouse eslabll s hm e n t I ~ s o handlerI qunnCili cs thal t h e demand when onco Il i l t I any re ' c reRted will not fall ror lack of s upply. ::)(.~I:: \,;e~=I1~ ,n~(~tor~~ lI~'II~ln g na: LN lu ce fo r e xa mpl e, Is grown under ture 's fo r ces In a " "Y 'to r e l' e r se th e g la ss uoually rrom Octobe r until • r - or "011 verU ng ~Ia rc h. three crops being produ ced In seasoll s for the III I'0... 0 thI s time Th e tlr;;t c rop s hould be Into wealth th o pro.luds o f th e M il the OIarl'ct by Thanksgiving Day Th e il e iti s thai arc Olle n may be on , "on s l ~l ereil und e r severa l heads O.'n. or earli e r. 81Ul th e ro s hould be a s teady .' ral planl growing. s pecial lI e lrls a' supp ly throu g h th e rest or tbe soason ~egetaule gTowlng and tlow pr grOWi ng, until th e m.lddl e of March. and Ih e n th e ullra specla l He lds . us 'fa s tarl III wo rlt or this kind on the 8peci altzatl on wlLh certa in crolls , s uc h ba s is of H" e a c res w ou ld r equire some· as roses. carnation s or I'lol et s thing 111<e th e followIng on an outTh e Ile l d or ge nr.ral planl growln!. lay : Rcr.' or Inn ,l. n, $2'.0 per a oro $1.2:".0 I Ily 0 fT c rK more oPPol·tunlllen Ftv" prO)8) One grl!e-n h Ull "'('. :!O b\ 100 f (Oe l, '" l10l Lhun any


t h e ot he rs, that I s, oppor·

tunltl es ror a I';reate r numuAI' of peo· pI e. In th e vIcInity ot cver y town 01' d l Y havin g a pOjJlllallon of trom 3,000 lo 10000 .J,.h e re may be found In mMt cases' lloo'll" openIngs for the ambl~lous and progress ive yOllng man .... ho de· s ires to s upply a home marllet with genera l crops w Mch rna:' be ll"~~ n partly under gla a and partly; Jn 1& very. Intensive way o ul doors. The 'deman" In towns and clll... of tbll BI&C.


HOl l n -d, foiUlSh nml lll iJoU.' C' IIUJI COUM equ i l)· m ~ .H ........ . ...... .. .. ..... ..


Total ....... ........ ........... .... . $3 000 Th e Inle lll ge n t g rower. con duct ing hi s work In a proper Dlann e r. plann rng well and ustng gOlld buslnoss m e thods,. s hould be nble to secure frllm t hllJ amount ot land and glass a gross In: ~ome ot trom ' $2,000 ' to '3.0.00. an • . nually, or a net Income ot from '1,50il .' '; . til 52,000, -' ---




- " fLL llE--

HOIlle COInillg' Days.alld a Grand Reunion of Old Frien'd s'. I.

}1 ~l!y


wh o IHl\'c heell ~hsent fol' ycar 'will ret urn, Ev('l'Y Citizen of the Oount.y is askcd t.o aHf'iRt 111 Hl'C:1t<'st ({('union eYe'!' h e ld in the county,


this the

LEBANON, SEPTE1\fBER 10·-,2 0--21--22--1005.

\rhprp Hrp til ose whom ~'OU knew ten , twenty, forty and n ft y Yl'al'R a,go? Write and tell thrm to ('ome back and mee~ h,nd g'l'pet thos l ~ whom they used to know and spend 011('·0 1ll00'C a few da.ys 01) tht' old F~ir (+1'01111<18, th el'(, UI'(, hUlldl'ec1s who wOllld g' la(lI~' r('~polHl to ~ message like that.,--" ' .1tnd Turn Hom c Ag;ni n,"

"WTrite tile word WELCOME,"


('api tal Ie>ttp rs n nd j hp )1 elUol'ies of ot her da~rs, a lon g ing hCl11·t. a,n<1 a mystic chord \,. It icl.l l'U ns th l'Oug'h thc flecting years :.nd bind ..; tilt' past to th(' prrs c nt~ will OYC1' come> nll ha1'l'icl's and bring hacl~ t!w old I1Pi g;hhol's alld those who belong in the family cir(·le. FH[ENJ)~ OF THE F.\[I{: 'Vi II YOll sPlld tIl(' j\r[es~ng(' . ~ncl ('hom' up a sonl ? ' If yon cln~p OIU' (\ more the hand of thos(' whom ) ' 011 han'I1 ' t, see n sincc ),011 were hoys and girls ana Rweetheal'ts to g·f1't.he 1'. 'r ite 80ngs of the hil'ds will be swcetrl', The hllrdoll R of life will he li g hter , the tics of tl'UP fri endship be stron ger, th e crea.m of th e milk will lw thirk e l' anel the roses allel lilli es more fail'. Home co miH~ days at the \ValTen County Fair . )l~\O[BEH~HIP 'l'ICKETR ~1.00 AND , HEMEMllER SINGLE ADMI SION I S O~L Y 25 (EN'I'S , write for pre mium A, n. SMI'rH, PI'esident. GEO. "\' , CAREY, Seeretary. list, ~~. . . . . . . . . . . . . .r' l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '1FEIE~





13 .\ :-IK STATE!\lB NT.





Pleasant Ridge.

· Pro f. Hurpe r. 10Dg illeDlifiml : ]'iO. -- - - Jl1llge J. W . v'No,a l of L eban o n i All en Em or lCk IllHI wlfo nmlliltlo I, ' VW)IIItOl' Jorllnn ll11d fn(mUi!hY' 10f . •1 WII ' 1I I IIe ,v..m c i nn a t I· f(' I100I8 nmI ft I ' Ill\nu~ .1 WI' tllOu I·l t rlem" · 1 Blauc b" wer" t:i ulIll ny g Ullsts of Ed l " elmftnI' f were 0 Rr es B I t' ., ' W>I!I II b U k mg ' 1 8ll;uoslJl ' ) .' n 'lt.rd t "oolo"i .. 1 of ~xt f'l'Aiv o t,nl Yl' I. r Ingt \Vt'll lle~ lin v. . ' I uruy am Ulnl Y UUfIOY· Rohoo shot'!I lit IHIl raT .iI. o". . . I ' .. Hough un d Wife ut Monn t. Holl y . . Miss .Tllno S hel 'l;er , PrcslCll'!nt Of l h llR te pn th e {! llt'St ~'f Iho Hnlllllllll H 0,.. ElIIl1y Wrig h t of Rock hlunll. 1 , • I Wult,or Uot.l" IHld fumlly enter. OltforrtFpnlRle Colll'.!\e WR~ In~1 ? f Ohve ~rllu (\h ~ . Sflv~~l J10I1Jt ~ of , TIt 1:< vbilillg r olllti vos Itt Ibl " 1lllIco. 1 Mr. B ~ r t 8 1uoy hnd IUl )11 9 !;nest.~ j tJlIn;.cl lli" h' hrOlhor. ln IfI,w Rnd ~"e"k I,be ,g uest. of E I1II8 O~lpsllf'l' , lUt ~r~,;t \~ pre ","It ecl. 1 nes~lilv,th ll - - OF-I .)001 Merrilt of Brookvill e mRt!e 8 nmlny Frnuk ('"flllU Il nnd fllmi))" , fAmily 8n nllny. ne'r'-Htu've}'~bur" , I ProfE'ts,r III compnny wltb Mr. 1 , . "}.'RYIT I F 'I ' II M' 1 • MI ' . , • "." Hulflllltn R"t or t Andrew!! IInu ll . . THE '1V ..\ 'I N" J ~ -, : li S mo l~r. r~. • : . e rr tt., 1\ H nrry CorneIiund fumll .,-. ~llIIrl ey I Bl1m Me red ith flnt! fllmlly spent When WR'i1llDgdrug8 , you clln g,'1 }l Or 'e~ e e x Imin od Ih e fin e 0.1· I ~ hurt "lsl t lus t,~eel, . . Well e r, of Hl g hlllnd COUllty . Sl1[ulny with RUfton Enrnhllrt and Ibf>ln purfl 1Ih11 fr8llb ftt MBV'~ . \" ,. . . 1 • 11 u W . O . •Joslin lind fllll11ly hfl,ve reo fumll\' . . h·ct.l on " I r ockp. nll!l0rlll s. lind ' , . turn ed frnm t h e EnRt, whe r e th ey WilhAr F Olllks "n~ n09hhntlll ly '. . , B. •1. Ol\~ey , formerly in tbe 11ry Indllon reh c ~ 111 tho c.1 hm et IIf M r. " ' . ' " e l'V Jllells "nlly s pent two , w eo ks I vi/,te n in lI i~ nnn IInll . i<1o h.1' his Philill II}'flloe hilS 1ltl;en bls ,"18 h!l SlnI.'8~ h e ro. Wit S 111 I ~~i1.1inms . Pr " f. H~r~llr aln~o~ ~ A t Wll~· nn!.,,: d'h!. III Mil' Sit! to "I vl ~I'ti ng the former 'R fll th or s nlltl ' ll ng 1" ' C~ lIt Iy . , h or .:les to Olly t ll ll tn IIh ~w !' ~ th e lIynl'8Vllle o ver Sllnf1ay . , .) ~ enrll ~)d . lmt b ill zeli l III !Of k O hi o. Itt th e 'l oRe 01 h ll:!l11 ' .- S. "ll nnmbc r of phlCc"of illterllllt.. Fltl r. S vp rlll fr om t·lu s \lomlt.y ,,'J' _ . . Iz-nHI !:> tlloy. of Oll.vton, h'l !! been Rr.E1 preparing to IItteo«1 th e F "ir. ';:ee our handsome pape r nov e1ti e~, h~tntmg IS U9 koon ns whe n he WII ~ I · f h 12... , An" Il Rt ~ " . InO.,. Mrs. Eh?llbet,h OorDer IR eoler' I Vi ~itio g h oI' m llll V fri end s in Lytle l Mary 11rlrlfltt lIpent IlUIt weQk t h I'y are b 1.'1t1l11 ~a: or' e money. I . t . I I ( . .. . ,\ . .., . ' Ii r . ' wit.h her cousin I!llennor Ellrohart. , .1. E . ,Iannev . JlII!!!I Angie S tr ong. of ,TnmI'Rt,own' j HES(H R CES . I'm!lg le r neDu, a I S... lIlrH) 0 !111.HI ul'lIrby. " I Ohi". ha ll h een tb ll gnp.Rt IIf thn 1''''111" amI "lI, c""IIII" S I~.i1. 'I'-' ~~ HUUl.lltm!. . • I ' . r • ~ , . MfIl, Mnr~ .Mllls, of Lytle. spent. ODly fonr ,more . S~tllr~llYfI thnt Bll1ill (\'~ 11 111111 r ur A ,.bO,Y h ,I\' e ()""nlral". ""cured I\h :i . J e l~ M ~C~ be hus r etnrn ell 10 1 M! . " ,ultel , R~. enr. ll \\Ifo retnrn · , Snturdn y wllh ,Jllool;I Cornell an(l, :lIIIllI n"·CI,,·,·rt . 0:01 1'7 , b l' r h ome III UI1ICII I;;U. cel to tbml' h Olllo 111 F illtoll".' B11D11 'IY . " hll(ll'fln . . .Vl)l1l':1n use Spllhr !! 8\1eclJlI Phot n l hll il . Mi!\i; RIl'ong I ~ II hnin y :m ll P.I>Il[lOJI. inl e res Un" yonn .. I lily . Y O I\I' cor . ' I " . 1I01lU. lu 'cCU " " "IUII,," lnll .-.~ . "Ii~ I"' , l'IIi~s ~ o w nn \Vrigh t o f Lehanon . . TbeolUoorsoftheWlurenoounty respomlent IUlll'> th e 1,lea s nro of 11011.1" "o< IIrlo"", "1 1'. , •• t1"'"lIl l wlI ~:enlhn :;lInff1entll\h('rerrcAntly . II,AV. ~Ir . I'.lt t. n prP.l\o hpLi hi !l l - · . - --.-.- . -1I0UH,·. (urlll l'Jre a""1 M'· . , 11 >lerlll on )'IRt S unlil I Y f or I " Fulr promiae the ,people the best meetilll{ her li t II. s upper given in na llklngIIxtur... :.'.110 no IS!! FIIUIl Y J ,." nuey IIR!! r~ t nrD Ua f lin", }<'lIlr thd till S county 11as ban in hooor of her arrival. It's like "Cd r Il II' from N. IIon3 1 ""nk. (noll ' homo from \,lsltmg r elallv es in t hi S Uoufer e no? YOllr to It larg,e co~ . J ' wllny years rving coal~ 1.0 New " to SIIV H,·•• n·, A ~(' ''''' _ ' Dllyton . grpgf,tlOI1. I t IS slud -thAt L ytle Will i • . . • . 1011. fco ", al'pl'M,·,1 ...... n·. ag iO ;II , ';~II ,Il l Mr, nn.1 Mr~. Sm ith Brllols treet. •g " hno k to th e Day ton Olstrillt. ri o r' l Oil YOllr fort1li1 e r frolll th o Har IIll y tlnn!! IIhollt thll t ~ uJlPI~r . An v . , ( . ".,.~. allol n i h,·,. ca. h IIell" to·: It l l • . I' ' fl ' I Y ,. ' .. ., ' " I' O~zp tl p, Ilfl Y,O YOli twor " isitpll ;.t :O<" I ~·"or lllll"' . ' al l""" IIl' nk.. 4!,r' OO I;:o ro ,Cal1lll! to , c ntol'ville 1, iI~I I ~ll g th! ~(."n er on CP' WI1(lh COnVent'l l JAhiESL1N DER h uR rc turnllll to CIi . ExtrllfJllll th o !:Sla in o'." \V ull m om hn~lit . . I' rarllo l." IP"" "', ·"rr. ",·y. nk k.·I' I lhur~dnyonllcco llntor rho ~ef101\!! Intlprlllg11ehl Tl\ e~lhIY · I 1I y. I1I1t til' III new 100 tb lIach. II " . I I' I 111 "",I n·n.. ,:,-,:1 ',': i1lnc,.~ of tll oil' hrolhc r \\Ir. Frnnk \Vnyne~\'lI1 e flne1 O lJelJ ~ll n l'A nn U.AE . )l 'P, ('orn mmlOUIl I II peop tl Ie 1.<"''''' ' ' MoO" '!" IH.~ I:III· I: I I< 'N~. " 11.; , Frllnk Miller Il!!«} fa,m n:v lind write r hil S p.vcr m ut I t iR /I plellR. SI,er lr H. I!' ; 1·0 I Br'l~d Rt.))root. . '111 1; I Id -I SIIOI- ill WI'I~lt'lllH\iltliug In Ilpper T. J . Drown and MIS\! MllJDe Brown, ure to h ear Mi ss Fletn.h Itmgh , thel e I." gn' londrr nole':\.!illfl Oil . _ ~ he ocker reUDlOD \\ e 10 I !~• • • • • • • • •JI!II• •~ lepresented Wayne8vU\e .at the Old is 'no conventional r cstrllint it ju~t I ~. I .I. 110 nt t,h e bOUle of Hurry PeDce , e llst Z I M M I::' R M A " NS Mnin s treet. Ho fls k s the pII.tronage Home DIIY BetmiOD ,t'Bellhrook riJlple~ o ut. liko Ul P. 1l0 W 'noto of H~:~;~' ;.~.';;lc~~,I:,I'\ :~I ~; .. rea··" ..,no oo ~ of Red Lioll. noxt SatnrdllY Sel,t. 9 .... : ot the poblio 10 RRPA IIUNO VII:RIOLEB (Jahur DIlY· thrus h . I IIl"'/lY~ ft'el t.e n )'enI'R ' - - - , Mrs . Will RichArd .fr. i~ vi! , ~~"-vo~~ ' 011' AI .I. KINDS. RRPA INT/NO eat, • lh• . A"::IIaIl1~rd, of CedarvillE', IYOIII!!(er II ft!'r It vi " i.t. \\Ir!!. ~~rn~sl)r '1',," <.. :1811 U!l1t , I in F~ , W nynl" 1m1. OW and ..,."'~_ Aill of Oxfor(l , !)} reHul cu lit, th e Il1l1n ~. wluoll IH H I : F~ tl lb ~i : F,ve rybocl.y wbo kll ows Mr. Lin. - '-rA un :T~.. _,\. nnl,.a.l·n , "i!\~ l gllorllUtVlhRtIIIAmn~1(lWnR!<IlPI'rh .! LIA131T.1 'I'I "~:,-\ . I .M r . •Tolln M. l3.n utll llllc~ fllllli1:v, .xt,rt\ nellJ_ I ssp.otons 170 k "r.. "" S4 ' ~ 1 i ' l i \\ h e ll VOIl iJonr 11 0 1' YOIl will r Ofllize , Wll rll III uM e m/llu eo at t.ho "antll r ll .Io r . nows hi A work is F1R91' OLA~. R.utiJ 1J0rtom, IIn,KV· 8llt W ,II" whlll I woult! Iiko In S II V \V'OTC}" t:,,,I,,1"" ... k I'al,l In *.-,0. 0011 110 uni " n lit. Lllh ,LDnn 11I!I,t 'rhnrslluy. TiD CODS. . Come anel s ',e him . 18th . here al80 mlule brill Cll 11 II 011 o t· ler l ' . . ' ,. "" rvl". f"n,1 ~'-" Ou" 00 . Misl'l p .•llllne Mill!! of Frllnklin hKI' ' IIrH 8om e t.ime< ~ l1oh heggflr,ll y lJ lI .llvlll" Ill' rnlll_. I. ; .. xp.·" ..·.• 1 u' r •. d .' 11 I hflmll e not.hlng hut t:itflr _ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ !! nltighhnr& ' . : >t hing!l . " n,ll " "' I,' 1<1 ~;I , :lor, 2~ ' !eell spo n 1111( a IJ>'O Ilyll \\1 I ,11l1 Clln~ . Tbe Bost Mnde JOe d{)7.. Rellf'rven ·1,,1It.. foi'iJle fl'6R t , pldY I (I S Ift lIf ' S t Na ll nn:t lll,n k ".11" " oUI"a,"l1 l1 g ;'\I,OUO ItU grllllJ I l~rronlH Mr . Dlld Mrs. "111 . SeKlin g Wux frl'o. " 'rbe Folks \Ill WU\ow Crl![lk • .fIllly j n , ~n( ilY II . ,erooon. I~S, .r on g I 01l·I,leoli. ""1","1 Y'I UII , Mill". \.i It r 1 t ~ 1\:9"s rlrna "torA !lInu B.llllle fllOlII:; "rove O\Ar toU 0 11 ... 10 " ,h,'" N"II,,,". I 'rhumns Be ll 11,011 wife \V~re Gllm 11 S. 1 11l 0 n t for Nor vo 11 II f! 0 I B re a • linn 0 ' · .. JllnJlI ,," to ~ 'l tA n(1 the IlfterllO< 'lI lI"ok < ~ 1'00 0 .1) j CII'y VIRilOrllll1l S~tl\nlI1 Y . J!' I II C I )" t ' Claren('e 8tlrfyhill. of tbe Fel' r~ I with lil t! h e rmit. II ~ h~ j~ ROIl1 Ati.lI\fl ' ~::;~l~~~~';lc~~:';;.·'" HU ll: 2 1 !, : Mr . ~nc\ Mrri. finrrl sOli Grl't;! g nD.1 r~:.~ ~~r 21; rc=~t~. . .. I:;R, , MIll Cllroni o Disen sea. , I ' dUll"hLer M · II.~ Illll we r e ut.l Andillg ...... netll!bb"rhoo<! 1Ins beeu forcp.1 to g- . p.IIlI(\(l (nol, 80 ver .v WlIPp r o lll·lItfP. D.. manrt '·.'·Iln,·,.". t.1 hlil·hi!lll.n fo rn !<1I0rt.8tll;v,t:0 E'f' 18i1her) hy hi ~ fr .!'nlIR. ,. . or,..·pos" 1 '-, . ~O' ''' 1 ~ 11./:11 1 ~ !l lhe oAnnll " 1 roum o n of the VillItl. 0: C'1If1l1thebllyfner frOlu lI'il.lilh 11(\ . 1 h '1I1 Ih ... XII'ClIlie f"I, (\1ty of" - -- - PI'\'orfllll·II· · ,' ' 1lttllll Nlilionnl Mill . D .rw lhu . lrUIIIOIA hoolulC3nrt OtliU ' d 1 H ",,\ lit l ' af. O (HIe J • Ine \\ nrrh . ~'u n ccl \' e fl ::ane' f oundf.d lu h,,~ flU fl ere grE'lIt Y II ...l! fl. : I(lng l'lllk nnrl " !lix mill~ rid A wI I II "T.<I" •. ' 1.lry }lou ,a lit [lH v lon. ou In ~ t N c lV Onts In )lkg"!! . t ,\\'() '"r 1Go ,he Iru. ')'l'.m 0 1 Cll re. lils Il~ lon oerL~h . . Mr. tlnol WM! HForue Da.kill IUIiI I Mis~ M orri~. th e t enl'l,l ~ r . Rh e i~ iii . T ,' '''!; 0>' n l"O. t·".." ....· 0>' \V"Rn~:N. -. ; 1'l'hill'Rduy . · .ble "'" Iril~1I II'~lr. u9 " ""urlllc In Dura . .. Mrl4 . Al ice : I O\'fl W It 1I IIl'r \11'0 f"S~lon IIn«1 f 11 II 0 f ' ~I\:C r e"tlll' ri~" Ill ell 00 I<nco. .. Wdllll· f ..rtb~i r glUlMts Friltav I I () 0'\ltTWI(I (; 1I1' C,.blrr of Ih. ' . 11 ""'nllJtlnt. .. cbil(lr·Il;I. of Tnro l:vollthfnl enthll,.iI18111. well p nstell, .h;,\'~· na;".,; b:. nk.•1" ,,,"e"'"lys~·.n "''' ' l ! Rnrry.LI' wI!\ .nf Micldlotown ,,:np ' ~~~·e~:~~:.:gf~; ~~~i "~~kt~~",,~~~lc~lJbe;J Hallte J0I11ana Mrs . Nellie Smilh. pilJllllnt lind wit,ty , !:lm' Ruecess f\t II, ' n hO\'~ Hllle",. nl l, "'II~ II. In e heAl nr l· trnnRllclln g l'Il!,1IJ es~ h ere Frhlny. \rlrllllll he cruc,1 ble t~, p'tlence .• en. . .... : II II CI t n F.ter Bellhrook in th o Rc hon l r 00111 i< III ' kil o Wl<II ~ anll he lief, Rev . E J BIKoltbnTn Silent t.he Hent z Swcot Pi~kl o~ 2 fl o?. "'MII.II n il .. , IIc r~rn ll"n ulDr. Oroepftft ~~~~g 0 (O,_ •..rR. _.~r.rso ':'.I'.r' much slmken or If Iho .'ltlfrlllls " .r, o . 1:"H1'IV RlG JI,.. Cu~" I.r. I pa'Rt wrek in ArcfUlIIlII . . for Hio. Exira I..llrge SOllr h :&"o " '''11'''.'\ ho.. IU,~" 'h. R,Ilforlh. II"~ ~ • . , .... IQ ..... .- . '", ,. "" " : r E J' \ ,' " . . ti g PiQl! \IlS 1 0 01 11I ...u Il\arr..lo~ . Ul"IIIDln~~. ntlalltllll . " ...o.Jua t.he hlg h OYR IHI s ho jlIIIS t.he "bud" !'\ul'.c rlbeol anll, ~",orll 10 Iodo r,. III' Ihl. : "'rs. ... . .0u1DBOn 18 VUll n o. " I. orlfl'nl •.lnr,r "OIl fI/lrreu"nR Ibe I~fl\ment . . S ' II on h e r gray h orse. no wontler thnt. ;10.10 (by of AU~U . ' . 1110:.. i relftllvf'1'I1ll Dn·.v ton. · . ' CJ.IISalD llorouSlolollg yon,.,. 01 enor,ooll HPn.oUc:l1 ' ~.~t. Robert Jl1l111d' l'r. , !lh p. i~ callell R tli~cipJinnrinn . I . F. . 1"':\';;. N01'AIlY 1'1'111,.,. : N . B ~Jobn!lon .Rnd fllnuly were •• hperl.nn~ ;1I11"" ~ Ih' IIlel:. 111 /Il'.ancl· .01 ~ ~etelY, b.. J"f!Ctl1 VI' Rh . . • War ren ('ounIY. Ohio. ' eDtertRined III. the home uf BeD j WI'! RANI)I.~ < lal,her. IRib er ""II Mn. tllI~11 t otl.~y Ihe 'm .v~uD -to tbl'l matriage of bls : ~nn'lt1y. SeJltpmlK'r .111. ~tiSR Ln. f;OIlR F.",r - ,\ll r,,' I Bnrdgls ofF'ranlllin .on Allnf)ay, th o At-IIL~. Y. ( \l(\P8e IInu 'hlrd ' R~III!r"'lon of III'. Or""n" 10 g h " I{reat uiec.., Mi~~ EI1\tll Colle tt. retto ~f'\·1I1(,. h I'S II ."Ip.HI~npr of IV II. AI.'.E' . I Mr. "ml MrR. Arthllr VamlervAr l1l'1O II Dllnn Ohee!le CuUer . }~~ ~1\1~;Vc:::O.:I~l:~~"~~'~~·:::~:: ;':f:I~~ rlrlllglltpr of Mr. Bern Collfll,r. he· Poagne ~ fnn oy tlre~s hUI!tling p.M toh · .1. W . W'H'l'". D l r~cLO". of Millmis burg Ililent. 8nnrlRY with II!! nAnt. 111111 01""11 and. culll inN " " (If cur. Ih"" 10 .. eyer lieretororo I ..... f! ~n HarVdyshllrlC lIud Oi\kIHnd " hshment. W[\R the g lll'Rt Of. Mr!l F.1l~1 l'. a~1'1I I '1.1•.\'I\IIIII'!!'i~IIIII·IIIIIIIIII!!!!!!IIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!IIIIIIIIII!!!1IIII!!!!' 1 tholr rlK\lghter Mrll . W . A. Early. nn I've ll. Rtrlli"ht Rllce of b~e n pl. ~'I ""r .. l'c Ihe depTa".od. "nil:' tl) Wr. :,\cutt. of Milfo rd. f~ rll!lse r. nft wnM fll"n MI' . ('Iuto !:Inff · "-_._ _ _ _ _ _ b I ene,1 and .1I ..... HII·ugrcl "lollmAII I ohr)nlc mllll t h ollg h " Ohthl" WIIS not ox C C k I The Epwort.h Longnl', of I,ho M. ('h cc~o. l 'hiA i~ wort.h 18 to , cml,liiln ts, ThronJ(h an oversighr Iha nllmo . . . .. . easars ree , E. Ohnrch ont.ert.llnerl the O. E. 20c,Rpeclllll,rico thl" week 160 f W ' II R Lewi" Ctllldldllte fur 81'I.Iy t.he gllest of Elln, It Rtrn ck Ill l' DRS. F . A. & .1. A. URlI!ME. ~onnt.~ Tre~8urer ,' failed 10 nppeur I.ha t r.h~!I Fletu h WAS n IlIrg~ n b l" Tbellnnlllll MIl\S.COl1llltonreulllon , 80eiot.y·!j (If th o U . B. and Reform IIro th e J1roprlcl.ors ' hnt '"o, t morul. in our Ilnuonncement, colnmn until ' hOllial1 f'.l Ctor III th fl l(ll"~t. llIl ~lnA~~. WKS h eld 0:1 th e cbnrch grouuds chul'clll'R. in Il very plOtl~nt Ulanner ou. 0 1 0 1\ r. med l... (or th e Nerve. and lat the hmnl' Qr tho ~U~ges Reba IlIld _ D ,-.; Dlood. tbi:! week . Mr. Lewis haR b ee n in , Tl~ e wrlwr :VII~ t~le.r e .Of conrAil. SturdilY ' Ml"~ DeVille IS /In 1111111 It II IIII'! -torv II. • . I Hettie Null, 011 Frl!lllY evening New GOOfh-Ulo 2 for ' 25ct9 . ., ....". t:!.,,~~ .. r!,I.:I' ..r"'''~'tJ·,,~. tbe raoe from tho start. lIntl will , " '.." ' . 811non H o l1lllg~ worth le ft. Tues. Sept. t. An 111tcrcsting [Irogrlll1l III" "I""~"J'- to' JU."II Ilpprf'eillt.e tbe s upport of the R e· ' t.e~le.r. lind Mr . HI1~mllll 1!l1\1\ 0'.lter. dllY for Okhlh01111l where he expectR waR rPuclerOl} lifter whlfJlI dilinty },e m onR. BILl1",na~I PC>lol.ef', All are Llrl,·IICII."huoonAuH Dr Orttne publican vol·erR of the cIIlIn!.y lit , t~lmng tnlker. Clnto a 1111 F, leah t 1 h t t vo ee ks EVRRY Tn \lw OOOD 'r o E AT. Jll· ... nnn IlS nr by "'3U. enUre', 1 r~ . PriinllPV next Mondny. kllJOIl a IlIr~e hOl1!l0 ,snake \\ Il1l'h 0 ~penl a 00 , . 101 W . • . refreshments were RArved. to nOOut 1)1' Ore~". IIIUl.e lf attend. ~o" QII Wht\ tb e ." d 1m OIl RllfAlI o ver fnur feet ill lenglh . H orace Compton II,nd wife will sixty flve\ J!ueRIJI. At ,t Ittt.o hOllr O«t Iho Allbit., go t,o c;a U an(l : U1 ~W ~·r 1l11l e lt e~ ID·J"Ierllon . Trtt.verl!le Ellmon fl. a young 1lI1l1l . " entertuin the Nel'>' Burlington Cl. E . I.ho gueBt~ d Ollltrt p.d hllving ~pellt. II .Z I M M E R MAN'S Offioe. 101 Flfill Avell1ie.1\. Y .. who taught in the Hiley di ~ tric t., Manor. on Wec1n oRd uy ovening. Ulost deligllt.flll eve ning. Of Course ' school II. couple of yellr!! ugo . nllll ! Mrs. Simon HIQlIing~wort,b spout ,•• , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~(..~:;Ih, J:. 'IV'h 0 b as Slllce . I' ' . . :;ullI)ay wit,1t her mother, 1\1 rs, h ;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;~;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ . bee n engn ged ill The yOU1lg peopl o of th A UIIi verRn· f C I . li st Churob of Mn son, will give to ' d k M It L d n Anto ( ~ 1 teaobing an n e w!lpaper w ? r III , . r. y I ? r ( on. 0 o r Anron Henl of BI~l1l1rook . drama, .IThe Old flomO!ltenf1. ,. ilt _23 _ _ _ ---;-:---_ . '" various }llIft,!I of 'VArren (Jollnt'Y' 1w~n. IUIR h ee n spe ndmg a fAW rlnY!! 1 . tho K. of P . hnll on Frifln y ovelling , ....,,>oJ>oJ>oJ.J>oJ>oJ.J~~~.J.J~~.J~ . will euter YlIle Co\lpge this full. , ~Itb h or ~lnughter, Mrs. Wm . Phil. ! Tbe SA el llltol]Jgeuce of the deRI,b Mr. EdmondR is wen known t.o a hp!'. of tins vlace. of Mrll . Evan Und e rwood renohetl l5eptembcr lG. REHISTRATION l:!E~TEMBER 12/ 0 fo 12 A. M. l 'to 5 p ' m. , rmajolity of Ihe render~ of Iho ' 'l'obol'co c u t.tin g is r Rg ing n o w. h e re IRst wee~ . . \\fr!l. Un(~erwo(l(1 Dwight Bnnnell wen t to Onytoll \ ' Ollzette and bill friends predict. K: ball mll11y r Olnt,lvI'S allll frl01lll!l in o n TUl'fldAY. t,o enl,er Miami (;om· bright fulure for him. I Mr~: MeURsn Fox nnu son lire , this eommunity . mepcinl CollE'ge. . . IlpendlUg se\'eral uOY!l wit.h h e r .. SpeaklUg of shoe~. th e best. 18 Ibe mOI.her Mrs . Cbllr)ott.e ThomR~. I ---,_.--MisR A hbio .Tohnfloll \V us n, Gem ohenpeflt. Try II pair of Hoos ie r ' , Money in Raising cit,.v visitor on Mondny. tlohoolshoes. Barnhart·e. Mr. lind Mril Will . Phillip" "jJent . Lelllie McCulle. of Klmhall. W . Aoturll~:v. n! g ht allil !SundRY with Sweet Corn nt:~~'i~Tg ~P~.tonconnnr~r:~~: n:~ , l Virginia, is I1I18ndin" n vltelll,ion of Mr. Phillips s iste r nt Bllt,on . " Mike Hn1l1illon , of the Telo/l'rn)lh Springfiehl this woek. a c,upie of weeks with bis wife.llnel Rolla Phillip!l hll!l a very Rink Ml1ls nfllghborhnod has pr()hnhly l'irculating among Ili!! Waynesville horlle at this writing. rni ~ecl the bnnner crop of sweet Mi88 Mille r entertnined Mj~s Min. ') Location for Ilealtb Tuition 140.00 per ~ear. frleDda, T I ' I I cvrn in Ihis vic inity tbi!! year . Be oie Ouke o r Lytle on SIl~dIlY. Mrs. Jennie Hosier. of Lytle, was b S IS app 1Il.t.ter sensoll . rp.centlv dAlivered to Ibe WayneR, .. nnelmorale unl.'x oolled . Nec08asary cost. of ,l iviDI very badly injllred by 11 kiok t'I'om I:!e.verlll of our noople expl·ot. t,o vltl e Cnnning Co , . corn gat.hered Next Snnday ExourRion to Colom· .. BOArding BBII ~ ' 100. • horae Sunday morning. She was Rttend Ih e \\I rllltgomery co nnty from Hi acros of !llInd for whloh hI' , bus Viii PennsylvRnia Lines. ," , Rt tho home of her fathor, 'Vm. FBir thi ~ week , WII S palll over '400. For the pro ' ' .... Dnltl!. and b.d gono iUlo tho bltrn. ! Tnl»oeoo hllVf!r!l IIre· on l. ! o·)ki ~ duct. of two Acres he received *82. Beptelllher 10. excursion tiolcete yard to hitch ·up the horse when up the weed now. . W . J.~ O'Nellll, ono of the lorgest to Cohlrnbu~ via PAnn~ylvRnfa Clltalogoe sent .upon appllCtt t.ioD' ~ the llolm~1 whirled 1l1l 0 ut and ltICk. growal's of corn, began delivering Lines will \.ill lIold lit. S1.ilG round .f ' flit ber in the bfck .DIl 00 tile arm. ' t!1dney ~(lon !lno) ffllUlly we re t,he his crop of Blsty acres to the OOQ . trip from WRyne8vllle. good gOIDg 'Wl~mID&1O!1 Oollege, WllmloRton 0 . ~~ . File h.. " SiDCIl 8utfered ~Alh' from ~tll'IIr!l (If Garrett Cleven ger of Yan. , nlng factory tbill week. mO~. Speolal thin leaving at ~ :llra "'''''~'''''''''''',.......~~.r;'rr~,.;w, . ~M ...' tbe InJurle. . kee Street, Sunday . , _ - -ow .,...-•

Report OfI 'tbe Condltloll

N \.TION "L DA N " I} r Jf,









'''I.' G N t rape




R 11 'd




'S weat & SO ' 'U:r



. ..

,. .




' N 'Y Ch€ e,-




Shl'added Wh-at BI•.l..cUI....







1 1

1 1


1 1



















d ' ".


l' 1.



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:ad" ._



Wednesday, September 6, 1905. Dr. Macy in tht! Wl!st


- - - ---- - Heat His Board' Bill.

l Jhin H.f'~t'rvlllilln ~l,lI(Jnl~ f01' 1 A en)l.\·--:,r-;t;;;-;-~I~;;;i"I'II . C,d l . A hunt I~-I-;-!H .V.;-;;-~~ ;; ~ tJ'/ln!!er 1 , .. B rJ I h'", fornill, UIt'J'J1Hr, rl'<:HI\'''oI h.r I II ,, ' 1)"111" tu 111 .. Gll"l1l1 l:I"n ~e un (1 IIft.. r "'." II IIIl . IGII;o'A:!tlt! !\lUII''''Y. ""III"iIlIlU til " ,',,1 r"IIIHillill~ II CII U)I 1<; uf rIll."" lefl, l\1i!l~ Nollif' (;llllninglllllll . of BE'II· lowing : I wit IInnt, ]IH~' 1Il1£ IJl~ IJ<IIITfI . or f"r hrnr·k . iH viRitill1( lit the h ome of Dr. ~I t~ . :\I>'o.,·,IIr I:1l1rw.\,,,llllr;.:. : I,hllt IIf Ill " "',r"e .11111 Imgln~ whi oh W. B. H. Thorpe tbi" \v llek. i Ohio. is" "'l<1 (II II "" gll,,"I, I hI .. w ,,,,k I 11,' hll.1 I.. ft. lit. th" (illstill Huu"" Will. BrtlwlI Ilm) fnmlly nf Ibo l ilt t,h e hum .. of Mr. 111111 !,\II'~ ,~ :\1 i Sluh\tl.• , !..t,ter, it w ,,~ f"nn.1 t,ho; J)tl~· tt)1I "ike "118I1t. I:lnllrlllY lit, the L" Felr~ . Dr ..\l,,"~' ",,,1 IllS h n~t : 1111111 hu,1 rll'lven III Cll'rk~vlllt.. hOllle ot.1. Milton Ulark. IItlllr Lytle . I were I,llI'll lin Ih .. I..'m t>s t ...·ef.. III.· , wht'r .. he Hu l.1 th .. bOI'~e!! lIull thelt • '. I tended Ill .. "'"11" puhl)(, "CII,nl\ !I"U, on t., New Vj ennt~ .wti t,ri ed The 9'l(1\ey ."JIll HurvtlY f~lI1llil'lI thirty Yl'lIr .. HI(H OHUl a III Clllifnrnill.: til rli~llll~n of I,he hu !!!O'. hut. whl'n \~'~1I 1\"ld ,1:h l'lf IInnnlll rF~1I1011 lit. tnget.h .. l· IIl1fl "etll..,,1 ill L.,,, An~.'I ..... , h" fonntllhHt "1l!iJ1i\)IUIl~ Clf Ib e in . !'\h~o 111 (,11111011 county, S'ltllrclllY thell 11 .. trlll<l:!\lJI~ M.. xiCtIll (,ily IIf It'lI~\to<1 p\ll'ehl\"f\~ were "r .. u~ed , h o ~('ptell1her 0. prob/l.hl.v fiv e t,bOU!IIIIII\ At Ipfr. th" ti,wlllilld htl~ nlll, Yilt. b ..en "ell OJlr "'RI)(leilil" l)IIint· llnel vllr· t,bllt Ii", ,, CUltll'fOlI ""'~ u uit,y "f clI jJt.tlred . ni"h urn"h eil llt 1(;('. ;T. E , :l l) nney . fonr h ( '1l 8f'~. ' I'IIH thl'ivinl( l!e~Mirltl Mon'hI Y, Cnn .. !.u!,l .. (,i ,1 . •lp y Mi~"p'" Nellie Pott.inger IIml Annie Ioity n f 1.. 'III!{ B,!utlh wll,b It.~ f,'u l·. \\,I'II~ tn N.,w VII'nna . wh ere h .. "1_ ~t, . •l rihll fln,t Horllco 8t .lohollnll l teen tll"n"'"Ht \1"")11.. ,""" ,.h ell u t'lIlll\Hrl t,11 1l bu!,:/,:.v wblch WIll be !joltl . Mr. WOllinii', of 1....11Knoll. were Sun · I plnill wilhout 1\ ","1iltlr~' iJ tIlllestell II. to Jl"Y I. h ~ IlIUClunt due Mr . GI1>;lio . IlCl~' jtn 6!llH of .r N . Nixoll. . Ilnd PIIKfltlPUlI, dlH "(JrnwlI l,r th., V:III\c'y " nnw 1",u"I.lfJ g II Jlo jlnlnt!,m : In Society. :'.11''' ,T. O. Clf'lI.ent./\ RlIll grl\.ntl of 22 .000 \\,,,~ " ;;I)Cl1j1 )Iast"lrtJ \viul l ,hill a hte rs; Almll und Amln. IIrrived t 1 • )' th "I to . wo OIl IIn~1 , f "CI'lllllP( IYI . Il' · .. IHr· MI' ~u~ Co L' mlllf\ B Hi<'hwllY e lltt<l.tHil) t'll lt n Ulfl Tlle.qc!IIV. Iweninl( , Jlttllr Ii t.wo 1 t .. " I iun" "f I Ie'f (' o)c .,; ,. .. t IS ntlw .... I't.y ,)1' . wepk ' ~ v·i ~lt wlt.1l Ollyl{)n reI a tb 1" '0 III'·,. lilt t e t nl TIloOHt deli g ht,full y II >! 1I11.1I ... . e cnr"t'r n A' I r n" 1' '' II l youn:; JlP-llpl e Fl'ilIIIY e \' eqill .!. liveH. Oron~t-l UrOvtl A\'t' 1I110 A re w Cllrds wer e t ho c bitlf form of e ll. l 'oln ,n hnH Rtook amI Poultry Food m onlh" ">lli~fil'.1 VI' Mil ey witb t.llrt",iJIIl1tml Ilud with thi ... 11 uurdiul W6!lte," lIfH ,,".1 he retu~n etl to.hi ~ ~oui"\ int"r~ourse thltt ltlJultl tit" h UU Imll~p Kille r· Ilt MIIY·". . Ei\sti<rn 1I"lIIe IIntl t.hl~ I>; hI" firs t 'f f " . . bl ' ' Mt'R Wn)ter McClllre 111111 h e r t,wo ." \\' '1 ' h ' II ' . • . II ,Ilr 1lI0 ~ t, ellJo.VIl H . -:supper w"" . . , k . ' th VI"lf ""t· , Urll,\! t "I'e II".V ~ Elllls "Ilrn,u at teu o'clock Iiltla hoyt< "!1~nt IIIKt weI-' WI W • . tt I r ' l to tle ..cribo h is . . · ' . ' J MaCl or,..,. \I ·er .~ til . . '1'ho_e willi were (tl "oretl in onj.}V. I,,·,. flltber, \U.lllw, • times lire , flIIIU~"I!lfl nt .. t· Ihe 1IlIu·v.,lnll", M 'I . b 'I ' 1 ' 't · Bel)l lOk : ". . I 11110( I " , . , elp; WilY" !Ubi" 1111 Y I1Pllr ,r, .' ,cbnll/(" wlnoh . It" V~ t... k"l1 I' li ce wEire Mr~ E V Ba.rubllrr. Mi""!l" .1 Milt Chlrk IIl1d wife, of . neur !ulltl IIltll'l\lllh fllrtlHlI' hll~ cltlllir. ()tlDllJl H":wkll. ~~\,Il D,n ·llI. I\orot.h,r , 1,,,11..,. Ilre vlslUnK D... yloll frl(,ud!l l ~lIJ'lI.v . Wlf.h the Il(l(l\"r. hilI) he h!'ell c.::"Lbtlrinfl lI.nd Rtlsfl1JIond Dakin . i hi .. wflt\k Ilnti while there will. t,uke nbl .. t,. "eo in1,,, t,hl! fnt:urli I", woultl i\le~l'r8 WHrrell Ker s , Wils on E 1_ ill tbe ~joJltKolUery cuunt·y Flllr. proullbl.1' hll vtl' r e JlIlIlIlf-d Itt. v 's wllr(lf, ROlluldHllwke ond Adelbert, 11 and Mis\! AnU flle~, _nd n .. w bel'lI o " ~lntl-'d MoKa ,M isR 8<>lle M"'XfW~herry F.ork, "m'-IJII( Ihe 1I1ll)loJlllires of t·hllt eit.y. y. , l'ltlru Bnldrtdll;e 0 . . : grllwh rt ch hy the I"hllnc" flf AdlllllK t:lIunt,y, were guests of the;r l rlllllty VIlIll ..." . ' . I Mr . lIlId i\1rl! . CUllrles Sbhluker, re llltivE'!!, C. B . CI~mentl.! and wi e I ' • i mn,. t. royully .e lllerluined II compllny from t;tllurd.y llutll MondIlY.. Notice to the Public of Wuyne~vllle Itldie", lit thell' 'rhe Unl.lD 15nndlloY School wblOh I . i bf'lIutiful couutry I,ome !lust tJf I,. bemt: held e, aoh t:luudny'noon i (''''iu-g I.. mllny inqnirl .... , \~11l ~IlV HurvellbJlrg )IIMt 'rhors.Itl.Y . Th" lit. I,h e Corwin ",cbool houlle I'" grOW- lthllt, 1 will, not tellc h t,h e C'JIJ~ml!: I illvitpcl !t ue" t@ were Mr .... ,~ Muftitt,. illl£ ill lIt.tendllnce ond Int.erest. YtlIlI', but WIll devot.e Ill\' f!ntir" t,IUI~ i Mr" . G eo. W . Htl.wke, Mrs E , Bllrn. QlIite Il 1J1rlCe nllt.\l her of .chIldren : to tht! pl'1lolloe of my proft's~IOn . . I hu.rt. Mi8~e" Emma Heigb wily. MIlY and older perl!OIlM were pre ..ent last , . li E. HATn"",,,v. D. O~. II Wright, Annllllnd MIlTUe Brown . D -:--h--;--W k __ . ' SundltY. anti thl;l outlook Is enoour- I





eat · s





. Mrs . J . L Hart,tIOck, of oellr Mt.. Pres. W . H.. Allen lind wlff!,of the All .. i!!'ht rn.tIlt.h", old ohild of Holiy. enterluined the membel'll of 'Nllt.ion" I !:lank . too~ ~llvltnt8g~. of : S"IIlUAI Mc~6{', of Hllrvey .. hurg. t.he Wonllln's UhristlJtD Union uf lAtbor Duy tCJ v\tnt· frleDl\s tl.t ~;ril: Will< . bllried In MiHmi Cemetery tbe Spring Vul\ey M. E chnrcb. lit mingtoll, Ollklllnd and ql.II~k@~llled MtllldllY. ber beuutiful Vulley View farm The d!l-y ;VIIR l(\lOIIl for drlvlO~., 8·n home. Bet.ween thirty Rnd forty ;'lto~ei.lll'ot:.J.hey drilve I\.t)ont t.lllrty· Mr .. 8ocrut.I<;o lillrilln . dI ed fI.~ the , per.. olls w ere present nnd II, pletls. SeV"1I1l111.e s.' . . IhOlm .. of he r br?ther In )nw, ~ A. ant tla;r Willi enjoyed. Mesdltme~ W H MJlltaen&Uo Rnew l)l.m ber , HurlMn, n".M t;f!lItervlllp, FfldHY · . Joseph MHrlllt.t lind Philip 'r~out ...' "rfl·· lIt· Corwin hOI! for IlIIle ' beet Mr.. .. liHrlltu "'t! .. Ilb.lut. fnrt.y · y eurs were present from Waynes\'i11e. , it: of tlnmbel' ·l llth. 8bingles, ' olrt . Her hOUle W.I\II In O~.yton . • _ • 'lulli ",Y,,,.'"'h e, tn lnllIlUtY' School Op"ns. ·donr, ~. . N~'..., . 2x4'e '' whe . , re .llt'r I h Uti, ' 11111111 ' 11\011 brlll.1f In '·be , ... Will hft."e ·1I citlr 10lld of qew 'llSmber l ~ODllllon II elill ~!IIrt, . . '. . \OIId of shin ~rvice. wer e h eld I\t, tbe home at ,, . A k h~a:e thts weed- . '!' .Cllr, Bellin"hllm one ·o·cl •.lCk · SondllY t\Dd burilll IIt l SO~OOI, open.t'd MondllY , In War· · .. Jl:le.. orllere rom . '" " .. , . oE's\'lle t-bere IS nDI v' one ohaoge In W,",hinlo\t,o o, will be hern in fI. IJbortl~hlml (!I'wftl.ery . Ihe elloir of ·teachers . from time . Come and see \l!j and l?t us I . I B rd M t tho!le employed Il1st y·enr. MI88 .ll0W 1.0n what we t\nd give Scho.) 08 ee s. L111rn Lyle, Xenia. is in oharge of 1'r,('''';' . . ' ------1 Ih .. F"llrlh rl,om The IIrell" rural romance "The The Wllyoe!lvlle lIocl Wllyn" ,.lIwn· In Woyne towoshipall the schools FolkM Ull Willow Creek' : is shortly "hip. !kb .. nl BI'Hrd .. {'Hth hf')d Dle.. t I'XCI' pt thllt Ilt Bllrmony Urove, " B II for one IDjr.. MundllY t; vening . The oWe f d I I be t,· . nPi eur tl.t '-'rQ8!1 II . ' 'Ju.I' neR~ tronliD ctl'd CODBil'tE'd In wbloh il' 1111 ergo ng fPpR rs gan Itijl:ht only . Tbilllltt,raol.lon bnnJA • t1wir yeHrt< wnrll: Monday. . . . UII ' pllIQfJrilto equipment. of ep60ml p"ymf<ut of hill ... lind rUlIti oll KlIntrll. t-:ohoolll in LyUe Sp601It! dlstrlot I" pr~9, mecl180iCAl ODel Rlf'ctrictll • ... flo nnt. upp~ until n~xt Monday ann . If.. cI.~, lDu ..lo Ilnd othf'r details nf!(l· l!It illJ;y lind pOitlllil fl y IJltper oJ, t.h .. J..~' t.lH HI8b School does not open . •. ~,,~rv .tu.a IMlrfect prodnot.\on . . The MI\.,Y'''' unlil19th . . " ",<-II kD()Wn'C()tnmedian,Fronk 08V: A1IIt11 e tlTf!, h·t, UII devl;llnp Hnd At Ucrwill . Bl\rveysburll', Ore. i.lll .n hfllids organizlitlon, which mllkH prim .. from Yllur nel(lIIiveti j!lmiu. Springboro and neighboring '1,)lJ)pri\\el! tI. Ilulnber of l(ilt edgerl n.ntllilllls. Our pl'iOi'~ !trl' righi, II lid to \\'n~, ~cboolls'uoder wtl.y. urtistl!. .The dilte set I~ Sellt 8 work first 018ss. Downing & t:lPIt br II;,;mg.


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.Y OL. X LVl. NO . 14



Lytle .

WHUL) .; NUM BEH. 2097, Harve ys bur~.

IJE'tqre th e UC1Xt i~ 110 of Illlzetl e : \\'ill ho !,:lllrl t.o r OI"1f1 it to til" Tobaco o cnt tin ~ WII S )lut. Ll",icle fnr A I \\'0> ' I II\'~ ' "\llill~ \\'II ~ i IHlI111ot£u l : hrt' th ern r ellde l' ri . If th nre I" a fe ~ days on I1Ccouu t, of Ih" tlu,, : in III I)IIYI ':1I 111"'1 """ ' 1; Albino Flour 60 oents a saok. v i~i1.inl5 1111(1 o'tloo l'~ w ho dOHi re c'HIHlluniClltili ~ rllln .'::>nndo ~ . . l 'il5 lol .;OPI'i ll:;. ~l i~s,) s Bnth [{jug IIn,1 wilh progenHor s . Cu Mrs . J . B. Chapml ln, of Wood End n ~ ult ~h e pr" . A 1:1 Ie .M.o Neall, of Centerv ln t>, wll9 ;o./<'I F... ll u. th., purl " ',,," lIt Furm, is recover ing .. from 0 l ong f. ,."o r fo~ llI fu rlUUll un . . '1bls jd ' I THE WINN ERS AT THE PRIM ARY l ijeeu drI V 1D ~ ou our streets oue .toy 1 '1' 1... li o w.' (("Ult lO" and serious illness. nl H It' YHt'I'~ ' wO l1u~ rful oportul llt:v, flil It Ul fl,y IHI I COlUIllo n Pleas Judge .... ... .... ........... ........ Milton Clark (Re.nom iDllted) : ColulUbUll Stuck 111ll! Poultry Food los t week . Hood fo r YUIl · "Boli '·'"·." 1wll,likl ' 1111 011 ..,1' II l .[ .tl"'i/l !l ~ nf th i~ Sll llHl llist in gui~ hau (h lllneeei on I I 'D oome again . .. ro bo til J u d ge........ .. .... .......... .......... ...... Alex Boxweil <'In.,,. " 1\ i ...'· 1',"',' ",,1' " ,)U" O ,\ ."£'u r . . thn FlIllIily '1'reo. lind L OU8E1 Killer ut May·s . , Mis s Lelia Urellt ll ouB{, . of L llllI.l. 'I'he ml l1 ll1',,>, 'IlHI fri() nd", " f tlli s RepresElntatlve .... .......... .......... ............ ...... W . Z Roll (Re.nom inut.ed) . Howllrd Collett and Miss Edith non. sp ~ nt the PlIs t wec k ut Pl'III'I I,l'l'l i"lI 11'.' 1'" , 1" "", II, (1\1 ,1 tes!illl(j. MoRey nolds, of Harve ysburg, were Treosu rer .. ........... ........... .... ......... .. ...... .... Will R . Lewis Cornall 's. Cente rville "i"ls . . gnests Soturdu y evenln ~ I1t Betloh· CommI1l8Ioner ........... .... ... ~no opposit ion) How"id B . Anders Mrl~ . J ohn Runuol ph , of LJayl t1 n, on (re.nom dole. Moxwel l !:ltonoel viSIted In Dayton was the guest of Mr. Rus8ell Hlnllil · \\' riglJt, of Nc w Unrlill gt. l1 Survey or ........ ... .......... (no oPpol.lltlon) Walter Henkle (Renom n \'ioinity , <1nring Fai r week. inated Mr . Clark MoKay , of Xenil1, ~pent ton Olle dllY lo st wAek. wiIiIl Ut'II ,1 lligh t't'h" .. l lit Iht> !lllr· 1\[ ' CI Wednes day night with his unnts, Wh I' It'. f £t . , lnfirma ry Directo r ......... (no oppoeit ion) J. ,T . Thomp son 0 -':lIlcinn att. . Mr . W ill Stuoy IIml wi fe unt! Mr . vey"hn J'g (,tlllng" I.he l' J'\\Hfl nt I" n ll . · .IS8' 1' Il I'll Mrr<. G. T . O ' Nea1lILDd Miss Letitia f " 1(" ' 11 1S . I ' 1~ V 1:-< 1 111g: WI. l1 l 111 t )l!ol \11' 1• Tb orllbur g anu wife, of Doyt on . MI' . unel Mr" . I) . P I-il lllOlP :-11111 · lug" . MoKI1Y . 'l'he Republi canB of Warren , called on their U1I1U Y relu ti ves here uOY611 will, F. L M i l l ~ I1ml rlllOlill', 'rREASURER H I) ' Am"teu rs, let u ~ develop and t:!unu!IY OOUDty held .. Primar y eleotlon 1Will R. Lewis, urlll left fur th l] MIl~' JlI it, H IIl l1 U ;, 1. · 1632 IIl'ry II,' IS II n,l fll.lll l.v , 0 1 DI1:V, make prin ts from your negativ es ., . Monday to select men who will be i Frank J. Brown, II II "1 I . to ll . "1',lIl t t{ un cluv wil.l, "'·'"t.1veR a t HIlO Mr, Smith, )lrlllcip,,1 uf nllr ~ c h ,l(,l , I-:Jpr l u g e «. I" Olll n,· nl LJrl\l1lg . . I1nd fllm ~. Our prices are right and t,he plrty'8 oaudidatlllo for the varl. ' Lewis' majorit y, . t·hl" 1""(',' 142 ai...1 Mis~ PhilllpR , tellch er of Ih e Tile fnn end of I-i . 1'. !JIIW\; t "llk work tirst cla ss, Downin g & t-ipllhr priruo.r OUB county olllces that lue to be ~II· . 11,,01 ~II'~ . MII ('''d h, of Mouti. y tiepartm en t., hOI ve Il rl'i ved "In ee ilI o n" tI ' ClolCI< Ir01ll II " , ~ I ~; . PROBATE JUDOII: Miss !,lue e mue I1m1 Mr. Clyde IInu tak filled this fall. Alex Boxwel l e n oharge o f th oi r wurk in ohurc h !:lu"dIlY . Tit" ".'I' ,·leO" were (~pl l l l , (u (i1anll . 111'<' "I~lti n g Mrs. 1668 Colema n and fllmlly. of Uiucinn lltl. Ke:'.illh (:on ll ' AJ ' which. we WIs h thorn IIhllllllllnt S U ('· C01Hln ct e<l hy He v I' hili " '!'rull l 11 I Tbere were oontestA! for only 'fonr u_ar t lD ameeon , 11 11 1252 are eujoyil lg n ~ is it at Ule home of p aolll!, that of Probate Judg"'. Com· Boxwe ll's IlIlljorl ceS8. M ,·S. H Iiroll1 P r yo r I~nrl " tOM 11 ty . by t ho Mll so ni c Or llm "I' wh ich 'lh o 416 Mr. J . H . Colema n mon Pleaij .J ndge, Represe ntaf.lve Th ose fro m this uill ce wbo 0 ttlm d· ueceli~eu hllcl huoll "11 01<1 II lId highly [111ll~ ht,ll' Ruth. of D••yton . visitpr! lind Treasn rer. In Wliyne svllJe and We8t Wayne Corneli us Nixon I1nd fl.lmily, from ed th e Stllte FiliI' III with rtll at,ive" I.lm PlI At weAk. ~t Thursul lY honored m Ollll" ,!' for Yll" ". The only oflloe for wh.l oh the oon . townsh ip the vote was: Lebon oll , a tteuued the Bl1pt.lst Asso we r A C horles Cll1rk fin ~I,·" All an ~l l1d,l ox wlI~ · ca n ed to U~o. d wife. Hnrlnll WlIS 11 W ,llIIi ngl (\u Wil · teat wu olole W&II that of treuur er West precinc t Corpor ation ohltion lIt . Middler un Sa t nrduy and ber Clurk IInll wife, LOAter Kenri ok clIlIor t:jjl tll n lu y. H u ,,1111 Mrs . Utlr · Cin"iu lllll i b'l'i riIl Y t,o nt.tend t,he Will R . Lewt81 lnd Frank J. Brown, 46 Clark 81 8und"y , I1nd while bel''' were gue"'ts I1nd wife. Dr . Ward aucl wife. ull of ll1n uro prc porin!; ftl r Ih llll' lI11nlllll fllnm',,1 Rel'\'ille9 of the lIlftin t 80n of both of Lebano n, were tbe oandi 28 Thomp son 23 at the home of .J ont:.l.hl1n Smith , of whom report tbe FiliI' Il flne display viilit to Oklnb ulI ll1 lind Indillll Tt'ni· Th o lll" ~ Mlllll1llx, of ChiOlI/{O . .c!ateB and the ont.oom e of the fight 36 Roll 66 t·he Spring V(llIey pik ... Prepllrn tinns hllve heen Illude t,o tp ry . Bllrlllll iN for t lln llt oly . itno t· LlIl't Thnr~dll~' hOli ng thl' eil!'ht,y. <was a m~tter of keen Interetl t, the I 23 Bmnt 17 t:!ollluel Alexl1\1de r, \lr p8~U1l1n in begiu r e rJlliring ell io the II1U!l!I or w lt erohy he cun t.hil'd Ioirt.1t cluy of Mrs . Luoy P op our 'frlende of\ both men claimin g tbe ohuroh this week 14 O'Neal l 22 the oflloe of the Mlddl et·own ~ignal , We lell rn t,hnt t.Ilf1 LILdies Aiu hilS do n t,he ro b o f ollse. ll ull With "gino" onoe. thi_ he lov ed "hI Il1 rl y WA'" -vlotory U1' ··to the bonr the voteR 46 Brown 76 spent last wee k iu Wayne sville t·he mado with U.l eir own willln!,: hnnc1s 8ufllcie nt, t.oi ll s nre e 1l 8<l nlHl oOlllfor t, ph'uRlin tl y s nrpl'il'oll hy a Humber cOllnted .· Lewis won wltb 28 Lewis 31 guest of his grl1nu' lllot,h er , Mrs. townrl1 s re pa iring th e oh'lroh , over do wn life'" turhul ent s treom nlltil of Ill)r fl·ie n cl~. more than" bunllre d votes to 38 Boxwel l lI8 AIllt,h ia Alexun de r . two hllndrlld do llllrK. Th o eontOlIl tbo wlII·e rs m ee t I.ho bino wy un· The raoe for Probate Judge began Mr. Frunk Bmdstr eet, one of our 35 .Jamillo n 17 Mre . Ueorge Davi~, of W ellml1n. pili ted ropairs will con sist of " ne w knuwn. wtth three caIJdlda tell In tbll field. most honored olt.izons, died ·n·t, his 66 Andert on 89 who receive d ~eri o u s injllrit'8 u few veRtibu l e, a COl1 t of pllint. " CA lltlr Alex Boxwel l, of Frankli n, Martin Uilbert Wel oh lind Will B"l es h omo Wednes dny, !:leptem ber 6 The 70 Oenkle 93 weekll IIgo by being t.brown Irom 0 and fu rnn oe. and n~et.ol yne Ii ght.s. nttenll oll 8 t.Me Fair and vi sif.od Earl fnn orlll servi ces we re oonrlnc A. Jamito n and M. Corwin Drake, 115 ted by 'fhomp son 85 carriltg e down an 8nb'lIlk ment near GOOlI for Lytle: we d on 't, III WRYS B' wlto il! ut,l endin g Bli s~ Busi. Hev . A . D. Maddox aAslated by Rev. of lA>banon. Mr. Drake drew Central Commi tteman 82 08ceo18 , 18 s lowly improv in g . butis hav e to tnke the bv ·roll d. ness Co lloge lit Colum bu A, out nf the faoo shortly before the U. \Y. Glldddi s, of West Carrolt on. 6a .J . C. Hawke still far from well . primar y. It was genera1 Jy ()()n. <:.I iliJol' t Weloh ICllve8 this wee k 1,0 cuOOed that Mr. Boxwel l would wln, l MI 8S~~ Violll lind Merle Ulnrk, of Mano r. MAS~IE TOWN SOIP ot t end Wilrilin gton Coll ogA , .IDd althoug h Mr . Jomlso Ds's frleDlI ~, Townll hlv Sprin gboro . Harvey sburg nellr Lytl", ontertll ined In 1\ ohllrm Helen 01( les be€' A t, Oxford . Ro lIlI Phillip! !' cver the oounty Pllt up . a Itrong I precino t . will clio . corport ion Ing wunner lit dinn er Sun<l,\y, Misses milki ng t.WQ horge8horse he hil I' lost in I Ni cll ruin Sund ay, lilid the Iln st filrht Janie Watkin s IIm1 Pearl Urton, Mr!l . Loum Mlllel' was 0 Gem City 34 CI!lrk 48 ' Ilnll illlpurttlrl I' i!;or to the grlISB. t b \ ess li n n year The ume was true In the fight Messrs. vi~itor IOI8 t We<lnesdllY. John Wat,kin s onll Sebnrn 37 Thomp son . . as MonillLY WfiS cool rlnel oloml for Represe ntaUve . W . Z. Roll 36 Roll Eel Will Nuu. f'tarte<1 to ~chool Mou . idetd lilly fur tho e noq:;el,i .V. un r.Jr . . r. M. Luburg , of Millmls bnrg. 38 Bradley , ull of Morrow . c, hnru who hu lerved In the Leg.sla tore I l ~ dllY ot Orllnvl1 \e. wos II t:!l'ringb oro visitor Mundll.Y , Albino Flour 60 cents II Slick . Brant 27 wo rking polltic illn. for two tl!rlll~, Judge J. W. O' Nooll Wllltl~ r 8 .. rtr ~ lind Ri RIe I' Mrs. Em · 22 O'Nelll l Mrs . C hn ~ . Fitt!! and daught er, Mr Clem Burnet·t, wife and little 2'4 Mr•..l('n nic CltllwlIlIlI,l er , of nell I' !lnd AlhIlrt, Brll.nt belnp; tbe OftDdi ; 44 mil Phillil);< HIII"1t· Rft t llrllll Y ni ght Frank J . Brown Mllry lire visi tin g re latives a t Mo· 69 Bes8ie Ilnd Mr, Ben Smit,h, wife ItnU Morrow . WII~ "i ~ itin !,! Iltlllt .Iulill dlLw. Roll'lI nomhia tlon waB prao 27 WIIi R. Lewis '30 Minn vill£'. Te nn esRflo. Misil Edna went to Labono n i:ll1tur lind SUllliny with t.h eir mot,ber and U nuerwo oll wh o hl ul heen vo ry tlo.lly 1I~lIured from the first . 80 sister in [)lIytou . Boxwel l 60 day night to hear Milton and Dollie mn oh indi HpoRt3l1 for !lOIll El tilll ll. H. D. KA lhMon ond J. W . Bndley Judge Milton C\luk W4sCA odidate 39 .Jamlso n 26 N ohles and Ullrll Bellini at the MrR. Will . titaoy lind III .ly fr ieud, Fri ends 811blJll th ~('hf)o l pir:ni c ciat . ~ \I o nt Il fe w duys ll1st week tnking !for re·nom lnlltlon to Commo n 60 Andert on Urs. H or ton . of Dayton , vi sitod in 70 Operli Oonse. u rdn y hllu 11 gO"11 lit the in t,.h e sightt! ut, the S t~te F uir . 59 :PIl!4lto bench, !lnd \Vas oppoeed by Benkle 58 011 vis Furnll8 hl18 been in frl1i\ thi s vioiui ty \II St week. Churlf'H Murphy , of Middlet own, BI1f\'oy <:.11' (" ''', Nil Ill'\\' fe lll.llr£' to ·W . C . 'l'homp aon, of Lebano n. 6l 'l'bQmp son 112 bllllltb for some dayI', I1nd Sl1tnrd ay Ed Hongh and wife. of Mount r e IJ,)rt o f th o o('cii siun, WI1" r o n o \v i n ~ old ncqultin t.onces in . Juclre Clllrk won 8il8Ily. nul, 1111 Cent,ral Commi tteema n I night he WIIS strioke n very serlollB ly Ho\1y. colletl nn Mrs . Lllcy Cornell " ",rmt, m e rry II~ II 1I111rri/ll:;0 boll . " t.OIVn O li O clllY Itlst wee I! . In tl numbe r of precino ts · tbere 57 Lbrlel l Madde n - ~62 ill and for n sbort. time hit! condi Sunuay afterno on, 'were bot fllCht.a for oentr1al com · ' Dr . .J. A, J uhnson lIud fltmi)y en· Lol er. wo 111'0 info rmetl 1.10 0 !:lowe lion Kave THE cau!18 for gllvp.lll arm . He VOTE AT CORW IN' Mrs . IJydin Ann Gordon , who has gath erin g Wll8 1\ "\lrprl ~p ;mlttee man, faotlon al hnee being 10rlll illA, I III ~t, ~'ri dllY , t h eir dough . fol' Will . b&ll since rallied, howeve r, and is been visiting lit this Clark, 32 ,.' Bharply drawn. place f or some Howo 'It. Burt ollvill fl or lI nll r 1111"0. tel' , Mi~" Mary ,Jolin Aon, of Hot now feeltng very much hetter. Thomp aon 22 time, returne d Monday to her home in!ltead IIf n ronmon . We give below the total vote oast ! :-IpJ'ing ~ . ArltltnSo!l, li nd Donold Mur. ~n 26 J '1'. Liddy, of Dayton . WI\8 a In Corwin . 'for thll varloUt! candida tes wbere I ra y , Elf Lebano n . Monrlll Y lIl1I' locul nn,1 tli lentl'd Brant 13 I!U8llt of hi" pR"!nt,lO. Mr. M. C.' t1here were nonillti " : Ch ester Wlttem o ll. o f Cinoinn l1ti, polit.ici llnH woro luhnrin g in th o O'Neal l 22 LJddy , from Monday evening until COJUIOK PLliAS JUDGE ~pe Midd llt Sunllu y with home folk", . lerun . US 1l1I1 ,,"ri flcl I\'IIY' ", "h v ottl r~, )J() r · Brown 32 Frld ..y I1ftemo on, Mr. Liddy hl1s a lMllton Cll1rk. 1800 Hpiring MiHS in pl'of Adel ia Bnl nes hus r eturned usion in their indll s· Lewhl 26 photos: raph ~allery on F:"st Fifth I New!l rather scarllt'!, 'Wm. C . Thomp son, 1136 yet e very. tri o lls f'fl' ortR ton cQ lwinr'o t,ho poor hOll1o from Ii woe k 's visit with rela· Boxwel l 8treet ID Dayton nnd 18 dNug .a nioe body bad compan y during 34 IClark'1I majorit y, 664 th e Asso. heu ig htE'd t.hul " he is HIl Oh II nice tives in Dllyton . Jlu'!lso n 21 busine!l!t. FOil RIIlPJUC8ENTA.T1VIl ciatlon. whioh WIIR well attende u mlln " Morlel" tlf pnri!.y require no Mrs. Willillm Murr!IY IS !lerious ly Central Commi Mrs Warren C. Barnet t WII8 very and oonduct flu by severnl tteeman 'W. Z. Roll, 1351 ' minlstc rs. fol11l1iou s argulIl ont, h o!we u "t1rad ill. Albert Shutts, pleaslll ltly surpris ed Saturda y even · Elder.J . C. Reed hl1ptizec 27 7411 1 tAlbert Brant, 1 two can eusy " wlllk over . 1 Miss Lucy R ()8~ Mrs. Cll\rf/o J . B. Chapm an, 17 lng by the arrlvlll of her "Ister, Mrs . didutes SUll(lI1Y ;'Joaeph W . O'Neal l, 852 mornin~ . DOlld curenSHeR are unily IIrr i\'lll s Lnoe. of LeblllloQ, spent Saturd M. lfoKlnll 11 8Y, )Ro11',, pluralit y, ay 4g9 Collins, from 8/1lem. New York . Miss Ll1ian Osborn e is the gueRt at. Hllrvo.l"sburl,; fertilize r w orks with J . R . ~I o phenson ond fllmily. The two sisters hall not met· for of ••T 1100b !:loott nmI f Ollll'1y . Morf! uf 'em nft or tbl' el pf!ti on . Mr ~. Lncy Bllrnho rt unO. Mrs. Ar· eight yeAr", I1nd 'his Is Mrs. CollIDS' IMeth odlat Conf erenc e Can ning Co. Ca n 't visit here In t,hlrty yenrs , amt h er Monda y IIfterno on several m e m o A Iitt.l o girl ('a mo t.n th n hom e lIf lIolll1 re >!pont Appo ints Minis ters. la st Friday at Get Can!'. vllli'is 0 great pleasur e 10 all t.he berll of t he churoh m et at, Mr. Ed Mr. IIn(\ Mr~. I'; urn Colli e r Suudll.V 1Il ,mt go lll! r y County Fair. '1 Morgan 'R """'e hOllle "'-o· l nnatl lind enjoyed Qanfere noe of the th e evening , llnllll h"y i-;ntnnlllY to th e 1 f Ilml "'u ""... IIn.l MrB Thomas Be ll enterThe Waynea villeCa nnlnjit Co haB member !! 0 f tIe .V. afterno on eating iol1 c realll . Rev . delig hted pllrcnt ~, Mr. ::irleUux1iat EpI900p al Churoh of tbe i IHlt! Mrs. 1d bl tlline.1 on Sundll Y Mr. aud Mrs . Hal'. . bl I Mrs. ElizullOth Bl1rt!!ook, form 'C)inQinnl'tl Oonfllr enoe wblob blls been h~.vinl( Lines made t\ brief IIddress . ~rllnk Rnd rl ock. era e trou e of Spring Valley, Billt·er in lawerly ri"O ll Bl os~, of Minmis burg. of lbeen In 1888100 at SpringB eld for a the Plist few con8 weeks ow l ng to a Mrs. Charles Cornell , hl1" been !lop. Mr. Pl'rry Hart,so ck's lit.tle 80n Mrl!. EVil Mullon , of F rnnklin . is I . D. F . Cor win was t.ran8!lo I _rolty of o.nB. i ted h d ting bU8· f th City 008 WI1S tl\ken very !lic k ugum Sunday . viSiting '!Week pta., q1ade tbe annulll appo nt The faotory rfllntiv os nnll fri endS h oro \ lDeH.~ ID Lebllno n SlItnrda y. from whloh the oanll p? n men' of ministe rs to) the various ea. ~r8de 0 M eo ' k.' 1 pltalut ~prlDlSuel . 1'8. art.lloc Service s at th e Bapt,ist church .m.arg8B 18 tbe Confere noe MondllY were ordered was unable to IIUPP y . in Clint,un no unty . Mrs. J o hn Graham !lnd grand. 118 Il nnrse 0 f more th fln tlrl I'1II11ry Saturda y at 2 p. m . !;nn d ay m o rn · 110(1 Ita Mrs. t:!,u'ah Hllrlnn lIud I..yuil1 li n ught,el', Miss Daisy 'fimler suffiole nt, and a ~r load or two Illbllity ond A hospita ore l ' that hIlS ing at 10 :30, oonduc tA.l hy R ev . Horvey 111'0 a rnoon. preptlr ing' fo r fill extend . with relutive s in Springf ield. whloh were .hlpped , went Illltray 1 .eour~d her Ile rvices is All antlolp ated Rev. Philip Trout 14olllftw to bfl con · Lines. of Indiaoa , and Elde r Doily, h erlllllo ng 'be road. ' od v i,.i!. !lt Hunt in gto n. W . VII . 'Wal retnrne d to WayneS VIlle and (~uit.o 0. number uf our oitlzen . 'lhe Com ~ny uees "bout a million !gra.t,nlll.ted . .. of Virgini a. HarveY llburg Springb oro and Ly 1 W e !loe w he re Pro fessor G!lruer IIttendod the )o'olr at Doyton P d . ' ' last th I Frallk Hn\mes , mOI\ carrI er on in ItA! two fll.Otorletl tlrlDg Deat-h 's Work . e will mllk o Rnoth or eXIJerim ent stlllty woek. . $Ie were plaoed in tbe Hawtl.t on ' Mnl< season lind the Illck of O&JlS means lRlnral Rpo~te k6 , IS ~~~I(lIng a v~~;e dl.trlct and W . D. Engllah appom t I n oou~lderable IlJo88. in g tile Illugung e of t h e monk ey. I t Mr . N . B. Johuso n aud fllmlly MOIIt of the t on At e 011 ey, I~ .gun, ~ 811a9 Hllwk nged Gil yeors, n well i~ not the fir s t en'ort made eel pIIltor in t.bis sp~nt 'l'hursd uy in Dayton alld also ' oorD oontrllo ted for at the local fac. ~e we;' lallt. ;:;: t.o J(~lU 111~i;~R~ e:~ known eit;i:.\e~ of Harvev shnrK, died sOie ntitlcth eory-t,ho t m onkeys talk Oth\lr mlnillte rs who have I16rv.,,1 ton hlW been hreua took ill t h e Might. at the So ldiers' . bt In, but at . rs. ames P"'bIV 10h' IV tlh.l . in that villilge early . Satnrdl lY II" I,h ..... t . tt . e hUllllln rltoe dool\ . . After the Bomo. In this v I\.'101 B IItt.le Y "" son vanous olmes. III .... all Yellow een 8prina" erl' almost blllf orop f II . " fl ' h ey WI.\\ t D ' I th I for !leverll' I wee .. 8 . T were appoint ed a'" a OW8 . pro re urn m orning. II cqUlr II yet to be gathere d . Mra. "\ 1 eSBor . I lIlS t rttl i O( bt .1e tnngnog e I It W 0 R '" Ollll , 0 f LIInOllS t . Mr. HlI.wk ~pen t a A. D . Maddox , Centerv ille; V F . hl1d been ill for "01118 r.lere IS HI I p , e IOU •• HI we cu n fow days lust week witb er, hume this wpe . Mrs . . Mary . ,l1 er . I~ t.ime with dropsy and hel1rt trouble tru ce our relutiou ship to l.hA "Dllrk Lungsd RaperC hurch DIlyt.on · A 0 0 odW hea t • B rown. on ollll Mis" Tamson Mu\1ln . jatt.end lni to Mr Bolme~ dutleR , . ' d . hi Ages." bto We are ('onfldc ntond hope B Au~t1n, Flnt Chnroh , Otlwllt... 11 ; . Bi!! wife. who is ·ln frail health, and ! nrIDg Miss Abbie .T ohnson spen t Sunday sa ence . .. be J . W. Patton, ~ven Mile; C. L ~ Mr. BoraOll M. Sml~, to t two childl'en, CII·ft'ord Hawk , llvl' ng to heor from onr~ . lind whnt tbe P of Otlklan d, The Lehann n resH IItlS en ~ r · aout.b of Horvey sbnrg, wi t h .b er sis te r ond flillllly, Mrs. .. d lind Mrs . m ouns operlln.1i of dis lin gn iRhing Leh Conger , Jameilt owu: W. M. 0 ,,, Clinton county, had on It! F S St key ~ .. his farm I' at II.non, WI . d N. C. MnrrllY of Lebaao n. ~r Lincoln King, \lving north of that tho " blue" from I·h ll commo ma1l, &blna ; W . M. Plltton, Uui.lII; 126 acres of wheat from ll bloo . whloh be 8S P.ditor The new paper will be vlllllge, slllrvlve him. E Burdsa l, BatavI a; A . T. Cowuill . hllrvest ed 3500 b08hel8 Th erl'by the Bln e!! ma,y visit ~OUle t5chool opened MondllY with a 0f tine grain, Republ ican In polttlCl'l dod III nnder· South Charles ton i Rev J. T. 8,,11 .m &vl'nlg e of 28 bobell of the ir oristocrl1tic re latives. 8ince lltrge Attenda nce of pUplll'l l per 1IoOre. I stood t·u ba.v e tbft suppor t of the I.lIlt the M~. Ha,wk WI1S promin ent in us t·he Durwin illll theory has • .,.,&or at Waylle nillem any ~'I'(\r~ Mr 8Ulit.hc tlntrOlo ted with Dot MUle old foroe of tlllloher s. a tbrtlilh. 1BorOllgy faotion ; the two older Re· MI180nio drclea. Tho fnneral was heeD thorong hly explod~d onl), by " 0 WIll appolnt t!d membe r of 00111 'I er t.e) &Ilke .E liv.nbet h BrownI ng, of hili wheat from Ule mock \ publloll n papers at the oonnty seat held at thf!' M, E. churoh, Ba;ve~B~ , those deolarln g it IS and oaR_ on oburch loootion . and deliver I~ on tbe it is NOT. spent a plel\8al lt week a t the home In (rOOd belna control led by the otherfA otlon burg, Sunday afterno on, con uC . . 'I We Bre • not of the wisenor es who of Miss Lydia Wood . oondltl on at 1<1 oen. . . bUlhel , the of tbe pt\r~1 · Thill gives Lebano n by .Rev. PhiJIpT rout. A delegat Ion shall say the 8 . V, Smltb and 'amlly h~rl I . maohtn e man dolnlr evernb lnlr propose d researo h all ,fonr new!')la perll. Countln!!: tbe of the Masonl o fratern Ulelr gUNtil r~lltly ~fe NIchol. ity w~s pres· a myth a 8 blld been predict ed of I Mr . Smith 'Brad~treet and wife ! paper at ~veland. wblch town 18 ent from Lebano n, and the Impres· Machin ery-Wi reless , lIOn ~4 'WIfe, Charlel l Nlohols on. telegrn phy and MH LottIe U r.a'thm a'lel d d !Stioky and POIIOD l1y paper at parUy in tbls oounty , Wa~ren oonn !live ritual o~ the order for the dead II.nd shOUld we receive wireles . ~ . aDd bab1 aDd . . ap4 Will Mar'" s newa. the fuueral of Frank Bradstr eet last \. '1 hM IIleven newtpa pen. . ' WIlB UlIed. of our reltltlV'e B In darke8t. Afr:ra' Fr iday nt Cen·el'vlllt~. . nU1iJlla' ~d wlf•.














The' Miami Gazette. BROWN


,, ,,1(4 V, Publlshen.



to Age.

A dls tlug ula:led l1!arl, of tb e mod ern

nilltlldc hrs been a "III' IIn o In 6l1lle ra nnual Ion." It Is 1I0t thnl people II\' e 'lOnger 0:1 th o IIvc ragc thun th ey OIlCO IlIu- a disllUt od polut uf ,'11 01 s tatl~­ tirs- but tO tU th ey II"" lo nl;cl' llurlu~ a normal Hfe In ","llI llIlnlo 1; o,'tldlY ot Int e rest up '0 Lhe luSl, This Is e\' lclen t. uell c,'c,; th o I'hllail Iphlll Hecorcl, () fl lli t t" II 1\ tit t ' a ~ lolt ul nU ll s-owl ng t c n <irlll ' Y IIJ i mpost' lim it or 411 i ll 11101'(' ~lr{l llllllll!i sen-Ire \\ ht, l"t~ 111\tl ~ r pn' l';hllf(J

lIerh ups HJ\ ngc (lh y~\t; a l

o r l' om ·

I' el llit.n, filII !J"oIi1)' , lbO" I~ I'eltnln't! for effid IlI: Y. III .udnl IIfp . n o laiJ ly, Ihe pccnlla l' ulldj;es and d isti nc ti on s ur I.:t:"e nl'o In cl'eus in;.:ly ,lls.cllnl ed. Till' pass ing of a uncu fomlll nr l YPO o f g rallclmU l ht.' r , at I t'lI~ 1 tCJ t h e o\l\rs l ot liS. Is 1111 1I111 '; l ral ll, n- a luvely ot.1 InC y In a !Jlu"I, Silk );u wn. w ca" lng a l'n l) with ~t rlll gH nnd


Hfor i.a'IT lI tcf, lhe

Inc" Hall le uook ur wo r kba!> In h I' Iup , ,'o ll" Nsn llon with he r uclll g s lIPpoHcII 10 UC ~Olll'e rnc <l Ilrlll clpnlly with " what . he <lId " hell s he was a girl." It Is Ihls Iype a S'.w it, I rh ron ldc r pl c lu res lo r us l u an N!~O llnt uf n rccelltlon gi ve n In l' e w Yort, ahollt GO years ngo 10 I he " <'enerabl o" w idow or Chancello r J{ nt , a ,' Igoroll5 allrl a le r t wuma n of i O, whO "s at In a I' halr or Ht ll te In one cor ner of t he dmwlng-room all the e"cnlng. 1'h gllests, Incl udin g many notatM s of th e day. Ilnld their reRpeets to her, ex('hnng d 0. few warda, nnd th en wltbdr ew ." Thi s conformed to whn t was lh n Lll e ritual of II Ie , 10 )Jay cl.lremo nlal deference to a ge a ccordin g to a n nrul Lrary d isti n ctio n Of 1>lrtll<la),s, This change In soc ial nttl t ud e to,val'd as tru ly re lle cts , as Is wid Iy r eCOG n ized th e c hanged nctual atutl1u e, the ntutudo 01 e ncouragement to co mlnu ed notlvIt; In bu s ln e8~ , Ilrofe ssio nal or pollllcal eITort, I' gilI'd l o~s of coo' ventlonal lim it. That 8uo: , . a cbon ge ro nll'lbutcs greatly to th e pro motloll of Individual happiness In the aggr egate, howeve r it wu)' bnndlcnll rllco om· l' leney In un Ind\lstrlal age, Is hardly "pen 10 qu es tion .

Flens nn d On ions Trouble th e Bnd Boy and ' Hi s Dnd- " Li ttle Hen ne ry" Trea ts t.h e King ~f Spain to Apt'l! Fool Candy- DRd Tries to Stop R Dull-Fi gh t. H I' 11 0 :-;. GEO I! lE '"

P c:C K,

(lO: X- O () ' I 1 11 m ur \\ · I ~I ·on~ h L V oJ l' UI,' r I'; \!t l o r o f " 1" k '~ :-; 111 . , ' /\m)H .l o ( "!.'\'t k:; HHU UU) ," J·:t ", , ("" "1 ~ ~ r lJ:1.t , I!I\'~', LJ} J O!-oI' I' I, H. I ~(J\' ' ,- ~ ) ~lnd'· I II. ~ JlIl I II . - '\I )' c1 elll' L' hd~: 1'0 11 "I'" hau l), Ih tlll, IlInt wr ore lUlling oll r : l l' c~ In (1 111' honu s by rOllli ng tu S IJIIln, .u S(,OI1 "l'll' l' Lhe CUIIllIl Will', III \\'hll'h f' l'c~i O\ ' ll IlouseH l1 l'hlll'!;"d 1111 SUIl


F " rm Hands Wanted . Tbe h arvest sllIl.qon \las brought wltb It lhe annual complaln:t.. Flrom til" timall nei ghboring fll.nn8 .(0 th e vast. grain f1 e llls of the w os t GJl both ~Ides. or Ihe IlntJonai boundary Lbe cry goes up of a searc\I)' ot laliur 110 secure crO ll. , Hi gh prlces-a8 ro.wllllJ/'ed wllil t he lI: ual tnrm wages- are olter ed, but 'WJlbout a ttracllns a su1llcleDl numher e " en (It unskilled and Dnl..)' parUy eIDclenl bands . Of reall y effeclive help, a ccordIng to reports from the banoest 11eld., I bere Is a Inm Cl ttallle dellclency. Yet lu Iho cH lcs th er e are nblo-lJotli ed lU en wllhou l pmployme nl s uffi cie ut to m eel nil the d emands o( th e harvest.ll eld s. I : Is an c" er , l'ce urrln,; oondliion. For '" IJrl t'f sea_o n th ere lti a serious deficiency of labor In Ih e t'ullntry and throu ghout tb e yea r a Stll'lllus in 111 0 Citi es, bu t a ll nllc mpl ~ Iu read jus t these co udllloDB ha" e prllved rllUle. Mayor Ingl edll e of Ma l'>!ha lllowl1 . Ia.. ha s wo n 10(' 31 tom A a llil IIOI>IIl a rll), by Ilnn ollnring hi s rell ,lIne~s 10 mnrry any Marshalltown cOIIl>I e that ml g hl apllly to him fr ee of chuge. Ou e S lInday m o rlll ni: , nut long agu, be was Inlhlng t o 5111110 me n on a st l'ce t rorn er , wh e n the subject of wedolllgM camll. II fl. The mayo r "aid h e h,d heard that th ero was a lrlls t or co mhlnlltlon am oll g I he "reach e rs . A fr, c ' ld s uggesled I hat It was bl . dl'ty to ~J'calt the Iru s t, and do th o work fre e. Th e mayor hilS Rln ce hi s IeI'm lIeglln allo ll. herl the f ee sysl '· m and r ef'el,'es a ~alary In lieu of th e foes U Il, ·C flPllcrtalnlllg to bls uffice. =-==-.,....".=~

"In my par t of th e cllu'n try, " said SherllT Smith . 01 the Texas Panhandle, "we I ail e 110 chances o f u pri soner ge tling away. So long as we hav e the pap er s .... e arc jusllned In shooting on tbe first symptoms or a desIre to ~scape. You have heard th e s tory ot l ho Texas IIherltr who used to ram bla warraut dO'l\'n th e mu~zle ot a sholgun, aDd theD fire at hIs man , satisned that the paper bad been served 'UPOD blm before tbe ebot went bome, Tbat lIounds like an Q8/lgeratlon", but It .co.1Jl1li prett;)' Dea,

Wwr a (acl" -_ .. ' ~ -




)n st uli lin Op l f.l, th e I .. I

I lbe the SlopS of Ihe.1.iuonc 11M bande,1I 11111 bllg, Bll C\, s aid: , YOll!,nol e, "H ~ lp

pI c, 't 'a ll s£' dad gut s{la:-. il'i\ tht, fil s t jla)'

1t1'I','. Ht'I'.\·llOd )' sll1('lh'l\ ,0 0 11\01\)' . I)a<l wt!lItcli a 1I1'1I1;;;I,;t lu 11111 li p UIl lulI S I II " UIISIII ('", II llC Ihey tl () ll lli lli ne. sO I>lul'ldlllll se on th o ""lI1ll1l t uf t h ~ hilI. ho "0111.1 taht! " lUllS " ' HI II lItLIlS\l) 1111'111 , wllJ(' h wa ~ aU (Hlt liS big nR n swl lch- but h . l 'u u l tl u ' t mnh u l1u.! UlUl1 1l1)Uel'ma n's s hall lY. llnd wllnl d n' L hold lWO sta nd , Th t' l't:: o1l gh l to Lc u In \\" agi\i u5.l pl ntool1 s uf In f:0 11 1ry, of 12 "' ~ " 10 tllll Hny pc ,'so n ntl n!;; ullluIIS, unl ctis h e Is )lln lou l1 , w Hholll ''rowdlng , Ull.! wh ic h IH"le ,' u dC'l11l ·enw llcc. But you call closet! Ih e war, nft e ,' tb e no ,'}' t:t.. ~ H er- s laml a 111".;1 Willi Lhc olliull oalllt , ufter la:il l ng ly paraly zed lb e Sponls ll ~ e"se ls, yo u g~ l u:s~1 to it. II l ~ a WUJlUlIJ. n alld s unil th em In wet waleI'. nn a pll'k ell lJeau tiful 'W o mHn , Que you wuuh.1 11 k up th e cre ws and 1'1111 them ~~I'oll g h 10 bn,'c lall e )'011 Ull b or iall nnd pel clotbes wl'lnge l'S to dry lhem uul; bllt ),0 11 , I hilt o~ gbt to IOlO W belle,' Ihan we nrc as ~ Ilfe h el'e as we wou lll lJe 011 '0 nL unlous. Gee, 1I11l wh en yu u sc South Clal'l, str ee t. III Ch len!;'u. n wuma n th nt Is 80 IJ aUllful It Do YOIl know , wh e n I rea d of I hn l ma l,e. hcr Ilche to !:arcy hel' lIeaut )' charge o t o llr troops 11£1 Sa n Junn hilI. IIrOt"" 1. lind you get lI ea l' to he r an. 1 h eaded by OUI' pee rless 1I a r hU ll leI' , I e XJl~C l LO u l'ell th e lb e 0,1 0 1' (If .. o~ s nnll lbough t It was lik e th e ullttl e of Geu)'s- vi ol I~. It mal,cs yuu tl n' d wla' II sh burg, whe r e hu ndl' eus of tl'ron su nd s uf upens h I' moulil to sny soft wor ds n, en f Ullg ht on enc h sid!'. a nti I r1u~sed or 10" e, lI II d til e r ' olll es to yo ur nosHoose " It wltll GI'aJlt, Sh e l'i llnll . !:ih er- Irils I he UUO I' uf o nio ns, lJu )' uu I<oow, II0thin g wuu ld make me cOlllmlt s ul..Ide HU QII ' I' II as to ha,'c a wlf~ wh u habl lllally lond",1 herse lf wit h onion s '! lJa I \\'n~ buy in g s ome candy for me Ol u confBc ti,onc ry s hUll. of n ~ eall' l f" l Spun l h woma n. nnll wh n he IlSI, e<l



ho b l uw ouc hi -

ur~EUh (0 (:nol knu w €Inch

h is liln g uc: III HI " Qld : "Wh u o~ h ," nll ll stl'll ll g lecl a nd s pull el'eu , IIllll Ih ~n th l! Ill'llI1 o III\IIl s tc l' be , I~O': lo l~, "lid htl yell ed Ill urde r III SI) Is:l. ,nl\ lto e I(\n g c al l ' tl fu r wal e I'. Htll! llu t h~'.ii lm uds o n Ills slOlUad, nllll II n,1 It cruOlp , 1I1111 I h_ olh\'!' '""" h e 11,,11 hilus If II pln odul1u le bow 1'"01. alli l " ulie,1 1'(11' u pri est. and thl' k l l l~ sn: <I Il l' wou lilltu.\'l' l u go to Ih8

oth o r ,'! 01' wLw url: no, ti l1 e n ldn g I t.:l'ln s.

\\' /.1:': '1' O t:'C FO R AIR .

• .\IE FHJ:; S H

m an, Mea de and Thomas, ;.nd all \hal crowu. but ODe tillY I got Lalli:lug wltb a veterlln of the St>all l~ b­ American war. who IlroDlI,t1y d 1!eJ'led alter every pay da.y , and reeDlIsted "Her 11e had Sl,ent Ills mOll es , a"d b e dldD'l do a tiling to DIY Icleus ot tbe lm.pGrta.nce of tbDl haltl e . H e ·told m e it WIiS only 0. lilli e s klrml s lJ , liIle d;rll'lng In .n plclle t pos t , aud tb'lt Lhe re were not Spaniards wough (,here t'O have a ,roll ca.l1., nol 80 mnny SPallish soldi ers a8 Lbere ,,:ere Am er ican news pape r cor resl'ondents on our slde, tbat only a few were Irlll ed and woulldcd. ned Lhat a dozen s oldiers In an army wagon oo llid ha ve dri ve n up Sail Juan 11111 wl , h f1recracllers anrl scare d th e Spanlllrdg OU l of .Lbe country, ood that .a par.t (It a neg rD regIm ent did PI'etty n ear all th e .s bootlng, while OUI' officers did th e y!'lIIng, and had t be l.. pictures tal,en, caught In the a cl. Geo, but dad GOt ibi s [OOct 10 It by talking abo ut t he blowi ng UI' of th e Maine, and look ing sail y, a B lbough b e WitS golnl; to get even with tbe SpnnIlInl s, uut h e found th at e\,ery Spanlatd wus a s sorry for I bat accld ell t as w e wer e. llnd Ih ey would lal,e off th eir hn ts wh en th e Maine was m ention e(l , and loo lr fialn ed o.nd Jlearts lclc 1 t e ll you the SUflniunl s arc auout as l,Iood Jll~­ .pIe as yo u will find an y where, and dad lIn8 conclud ed to !all uaell Qn 'h"ls1OJlh e r Colum bus tor a !!leady dl el or talk , 'cause if It hud nOl bec n 101' CIll'Is, we would n':(, have b een dlscu vered to Ihh, d...r , whi ch ml ght hu,' c Leen a darn &Ood l.b lni: fo r liS . Bllt t h peopl e h er e do not r pc.aJl U,c fllCI IhnL Ih e ,'e Her was a J.lULlI ruIJl1 cd CIlI'i5top ber Cu lumbus, and th ey dOU 'l li now u' hut be e"er d isco\'("r eir. ur wher e Ill " CO Ull try Is lhnt h e sn lle d away to !lllli . ullle;;,; they ure edlll:;ed. and fnml llnr will , a nc ie nt his tory. alld ,mil' a li ce III awhil e will )'ou nlld allylJody Ihutlseilu caled. Th e chi l<lre n of ADler lca 1' lJOw more nboul lh e III s lory of Spain . Ihllu th e Spall Is h children. This '!Olllliry r em lnl15 ro u of II play au Ihe slage. The grand ees, lu UJ eir plctur e~ q ue cuSI Ullles . tbough few 10 nll lllue r compured to lh ~ poplliation, are I he wh ole I hlng. and th e (.copl e you see on the .tnge ' Itb th e gl' antlpps. In [J ea~8 nt COSI UIlI f', ped dlin g ol'nnges Ilnd tlJ;H. )'011 find he ,'e In the lite or Spain, 1001( lng Ull to Ihe !,'l'audees as though I hey we re gods. EI' ery peasant C8nl es n l;ul re In sUUle place, concealed about him , ancl no two carry th e ir toad sl.abbers In Ih e 8 arn ~ place. I( you see a man rench his linger nn<l e r bls collar to s eraLch hi s neck. · th e cbances are hIs tlt'gel'" lunclr th e handl e of his dagger. alld If h e hitches np h is pants. iris <Jagge r Is I bere, and It h e pulls Ull his IrOll se r leg, )'ou caD bel your lire hia knIfe Is rlgt.: Lanlly, and If YOII ba\'e auy lroubl e. YOII don't know wh el e I he knife IH co mIng from , a s )'on "0 allonl an Am eri ca n revolv c r . .... b en 01 e ot ou r citizens reacbes for bls pl~tol pocket. Spanla nl s are ' ll E<noou s )leo ple, On the mov e all the tim e, and It Is on IU'collnt of neas. Every man, womall an<l chll<l contains more lilaD a million neno . nnd u they cao't Icratch all tile tim e, lbey keep 011 the move, hoping' the Heas will jump orr on somebody else. Whe n we came bere 1IIe w\!re Ilealsss, but every person we come Ileal' to leemB to ba.vt' coni.rlbu~ 10II1II /Ieaq to UI, UIIUJ now W • •fe ' loaded dowli -Witll -~


- ,._--



Two '.nnti ons Ol O'·!) 0" I s s l'on Llnu l/\ls ly ill UUI' Ilye It..,.! tlIHlCq uu lll tl' d dlllIOlllllll call y _ J eljlll ll "lid '1'11 ,'1, 'Y o 'l'h uII ' h .III I'I II b U'" Ins l t lV O y e ll ,.,; <lll VnttOllS h avo Orlfl ll nl'I ~1,;) 11 III w hic h o tll' c (f ~ t U I'll li ll y would Ila't' II hc'" 10 I'UI' n WUI'I! iulo l hl1 t'u,' oi' Ahll n l Hf1.LUttl l l. -·c ~ [lucill i ly t; 1Il'h

q I H.'ls lioI1S ,

a s llv) !: ;i' 11Il sSa J;" of HII s.<i,, ·s " ul, l'i IOjJV1. Il ll ti th e f£tlluw !-; w ho wel' e g u a t',1 · "Ill"!'} t' fh~ l' t thrutJ!.;)l tit ... 1) llt'daucJh'~ Ing l h,' h lnl,l lUuk h i", aWllY, llr nl lt ln g I l a st y t'nr- ,Ia pnu ha s Il l,) aC' I" l.!uilt' ( ',u,·Il. ull,1 n 'l! In I he fllce, nnll ,h,d s"llI r lllJl't.:'Sl' lI ltlli\'(' to 'l'lI l'l,!'),. aUtl Tllrli oy 10 "' ~: " \' 011 hll\'e pui s,.n ~d the whule !J uudl o f 1"'owll"d b ~a<lt , and 'I'll bad hu s Il UIlO tv ,tn llu,\. . A s II lll u lt r1 r o f fa ct. SUY 6 1.I ..\nr s~ ) I1 '~ \ Vecld y, tll l' Y Hi m () ly {10n 'l I\ nuw ~at h u l ll" ", Th e Hlllwn uf 'I' IIr1,,'y ha s a t uut\!t! nhj "l!tl on uu prillcipl u tu ful" £.IS'II ,l\p IUlIlutlsts, ""U Is n iJoll t ns UI1 X i UII ~ lu ruc '(vu u ti l} \\" O ll ~ as t he J-lVeru g c


Ie ll ll Xlull S 10 I' l'cclvu

II CIli. Tlwl'cfuf'e h e hus lie I' 1) 1' cuu' s elll >1I tu It Japa nese mlll l~t er nt \'ll d l. ~ li: i'JR lc It Is . hu", e ve l', e X\l el'l e,1 ti ll t nftc f' tho Wtll' .JlIlmll will be IIlJ le to ~. 11l1 t tl llll IItlio lIIattlll' ri ght. Twu powcrij wb ose l "Tltorl os :llljol n c!lch oth ' l' whu mil);' IJ .. ~1I1t! to Il raCli , ._:~ co!!y l'Ul Hul'Il o the ro<l U!I{ a trle An slrtcrl n , r-" null MOll t elwgl'o. ne a Ie 6 1 .. t Iflgns ul g{)o(1 I' e la tlonti hlv uetwco n 'uu"tries .Ill th usi s tCII CC uf a trou ty o f conllll rce, by whi ch 0110 notilln enjo),! the mOKt fa vured lIation tarllT w ith in Ih ~ o tu r 's I Olinda I'I ' ~. Thon l,lh adjoining , Austria btendfus tly rcfu ses t o gr allt Mont e n e~F " " ch n tr uty , p robnhl y hccanHc or I he lillie jJrlnclplho w muc'h It \VUI:), Hh c b en l o \'er t u wnni s . o ;· it) 's not orlou s fri en dshi p fol' Hutitila, him III Ih c m ost be wlt 'hln g manne r. " U IlA\, O, AIo1P.P.II' A:': O!" 'fh p resll it Is that th o goods u r III nnd lIrclllhed In hi s fn e, and s nld : IIl 0 nllme]>rl n lIr It a"lIy ta .'od ueto l' " Qnnl ro -rcall s . s Ig nur," wh ich mea nt bell'cl' get Dill," and 80 we went om ot th ey eRn e \' <.'n I 'nr >? I Ill s ~u llnll ~', an d "four bit s , IlIISler ," and he h a ndefi th c palnce wldl!: the I" og's r elaln o l ~ s llt\l g~l illg: 3 ri te Oil th 1>0 "<\ rs. her u tiv e-dullor g0 1t1 Illere an d weut wer e Oilin g him wi th I 'e wat er, Well, It Is, ho we ,'e r , nO lo r l')I '8 Ihat ce rlnin Olll <.IOOl·S to,' a br alh uf fr sit ni l'. nn tl the r gal I ho cayen n Ile ppe r Ollt of hitn, ot Il\u I'owel's " wOn· t kll ow " S.... vln Od let be l' I. ep LlII' 1'I1l1n g'. He suh l she b ca lise we ~a w hIm !lt l he bllll- tigul ln a \)ull l1<hl11 ' n t [or :h~ {corrul 1It1l o_OCI'O "a s 'relconw to th e $4 .:.0; If sbe woul<.l Ih e an e l'noo n. bu l fur awhile h o hUll In 190:1 II f 1\ lnk Al e xander ami Quee n the hot leS t box lh 1'1) e ve r was OtlLs lt!e Dra!;n. 13l'itnln Is :hc JII(lst Illuu( t Dot ur eal be towallis h im ngnln . W e ll, we have laken In lown, (.r a fr e lg-hl tril l II . unci It he liv es to the~c I,owel's , and now, fo ,' nell rly two looked al the cnl hec1l'als , atte nded 111 1). be us o lll us Mr. l\'f thu s lah, he w W YPO I'S, we Ituvo hal 110 dI P!OIlHLll c lu~eJ;Sl ons of th t' COrtel. and the ga mbling alway s r CllI emu e ,' h i,; IIIl r l' l w with le;colIl'sc wilh Klll~ P te r , Ollr \) II ~I ­ hall ' s. sow tll e peollie se ll III s LOple IlItte Hen n r)'. n ess wil h h im bolua ,,0110 lIy OU I' co n)lrodn ' lS or lhe (!OUlllry, whl "h are Tbe 1I1l1l -IIJ,(hl aln·t mil b . Dulls iIOlllO lUI. Mr. 'f h ss l!:;cr, :( n elgrlldr. prun S, lo malu es and win e. 'rh e pea- In th e rill'; Clau a s wet b ons, '('OU Ge t.\tt.)' MO"ncl'o hIlS bee n I' ery milc h tulkp,1 ~Ie do not care who.t h a ppens us 10ll g s LIck ~agge\'s III th em, a ntl they bf\l- Oh 'Hll uC Intc: liut. : huu;;h Bl'ltoln 16 o n us tb ey ha" e a Quart ot wine. In sorue low aro u nd, llnd t h e , pnulardM tloll!;/I I' ls lt l llg l(Jrm q·wl th doc 611 1(nll , thrclllgit C01l nt l'i rs Ihl! (1lIes lioll of ex ls te nco Is and s ha ke red r ags a t them , a ud after 0 11 1' IIIll1 isle l' a t l~e:< , )101' ceu ha s n o brea ll, uut In Sp nin It Is wi ne . No II. bllil has ripped a mes~ . ot bo we ls o ul r~ p,·e s"Hstj,·O In Lundon. H I' Il eal'on e I so poo r tltey can not hlll'C poor of a f ew h ors s.l h n a mnn with Il ~abn eSI UllPl'Cluch to lhe Ol'lIls lo enr Is co nwine, lind II"lth wine nothin g e lse Is Rtalls Ihe bul~ be l ween the 8bulIl<l e l'~ , <llle'tNI at Gl lIrnllnl' uy n ;:entl ema n II ceRs nry; bu t a pI ece ot ch ~ese Rnd and he d rQlIs dead , a nd th e crOl,Vd'c hee l'l w ho I'ujol ccs In tbe Il.lme o[ 'rul ~u·A btl ­ ~r ad he lps tb e wlo e so me, lhougb the assansl u of ~be ulIlI, and l hey urlll, es-I. lam,Bo u- ZIIIIl-el ·Tanjl. elUle l' couill be dispen sed wll h. Iu la another- uull. The new re))ubllc of Pnnamn ho s os sOUle co uu trl,es "wIn e, wom en aDd \Ve ll , si r. dad cnm e ~Ighty nent· bll y et gul to " know" Uij, III th IIs ulll way. song" nrc all Ihnt Is n ecess llJ'y to live. nulsh at rh e bull-light. Whe n lhll li y ~end l ll S' n repre ~l'1l1 nl h·e . Here Il ls wine, c heese audan un ion. seco nd bull callie In , nnd "I pped tb. ' rh e shoe Is on UI ~ oth e r root In Ih e \Ve weul t(, see the 1,lng, because h e s tol1lueh Olll ot a hllnd horse, and the case of Greal Brl tnt.1 nn rl Bolh·ln. Our Is su(!b-a YOlUng boy, a nd da<l t bought bull was jus l chltrgillg a mun wh o was r~In.:lons with Ih lll 'ulltb Am erI can It would e nco urnge l!.te ruler to se an lo stab It, lind couldn 't s tand It o.U)' ~tnto hnl'c bpen tllNl lnrt l ' "o ffi sh" tor Am erlCllII s tal ~small, ' a nd tu min gle longer , nnd he climlled right lIY~ 1' Into rh e last 50 years. Thr~c 11m s s in e with au Amer ican boy , wbo could gl l'e the ring, and li e said : - " Looh !t here, you ] 852 hll\'e we al'Po \l,l erl a m l lll ~te r, lint \JIm cards and sp all es, anti li ttle ca sino. h eathen , \ 11I'olest , In th e lIome of the for v urlous I'CnsOIl~ ile hilS \ie"cr gone aud lIeat billl atnllY gom e. \ made dad American Humall e .~'!.cl e~y , a gain s t this t o hl g l'OSl . Th re Is no Britis h 'JIlInput on a 101: of uudges we had col- c~uelly to anlmnl s . 1111<1 unless thi s uu~l- ISle r III Bollvl n nt Ih e w ese nl lIme. lec ted III OUI' town wh e n Lh e re werl' o~ I'-!'U.\~ riW!.~ """AIr.. ('. .I".' tl bal'e lhls . In che ca se of lIom e sm n' l s la te1!, conv('nlions held th ele, : ~... .tt.<!!':. ~:;..;~ .•'''''<'~'' ' .....~. -~ Il'ltain, as It we re " 1;111>" h ' l' social were all I'lnlll,d o n dad's ureos t' 'fie _,well, sI r, you wotlill of tbought that tlutloo by a lllloi ntin g .ove m ini st e r' (or luoked IIlte au admlrnl. Tb e re was a bull wottlll hav e ha<.l sense n<lllgh lo I four . 1'111'111 Costa HI Il. Honduras, Niuadg e ot Mod e ru Wuudll, e u, one' at Ib e see that dnd wa s hi s f riend , Ullt he CIlr.i" lIn allil Sa l \'3d'1 I' each reJolcc In Hal'dwnre Deniers' assoclatlon , one o( proUobly couldn't tlndel'etand what dall l one-~ullrte l' ot 11 min lrll~" reside n t. lho th e Wholes al e Druggls l s, on e or tbe was dl'l\'luS at" fo r he mode a ~ush ror wh o le of tha t olll( inl helDg 10 r ep rcAma lg amated Assoc iation of .Railway dad, and dall started to rUIi for tlte ' s ell t UK to all fotll' ut. on ce. .. Traln m ell.pllI! ot Ih e Fal'me rs' Alliance, fence , !lnd Ihe bull caught dad just III,e Allal·t a llogeth i" l rom tim es oC war: on e of Ihe Butl e r and Cheesem e n's COIl- dad wns Silting In a rocking chall', and we hRl'C) o[len bee n II the I/Osltlo ll ot v,,"tiun , ullll of lhe Stale llHl ertnk er s' tos sell him over the f ence , nnd dnd's I "1I0l IWOwllI(;" anolh ur Rlate. GlIlltI . unci ha If a doze n others ID ul'aes, pnnts s laye,1 on th e bult's ho,'n s, and Of all gr eut 110\\,('1'" III r ecen t yeor~, III'UlUe and l111, Oil I'a rluu a col ored rib- dacl land ed In amo ngst a. lot ot male w e hov e toll on 0".. dipl o maticu lil'. iJ OII.S. and femal e grand ees, nod ever yIJody most with the Cnlte.l Slates. Old limo Sa,y, d o you know, wh ell th ey tl shere cl yell ed : " Brnvo. Ame l'l cano," and tbo I t nlted R pi'osll! u ts had a WRY ot ' II h,w the thl'on ~ room at thl! )1alace, Imllce wrapped G. bl a llk et around da(l's dlsmlss!og ao ambas ador with lilll!! aDel UJ e li t tl e kin g, who luok e,\ like a legs and wer e !:olng to take him tp tbe ' cere mrHl)'. Tha I"csld ent In lS5G Rlud e nt In the blgh school. with dy.- eme rgency hos pital. lIut I c lnlmed dad, Ilro milfly " s ncked" .lTr. Crar,lP ton , ollr pells la frolll ol'er stutly aDd cal(e bo- and louk him to tb e botel. Yours, mini ster. t o nhow his dlsn p[>roval ot Iwee n m eals, saw dad , b e thought h e JIt; NNl>HY, th e BrIti sh habl.t of rec l'UlIllI2; In the wus 111 ",o~t dl s lingnlBhecl Ame rlcon Pea~e-TI11Ie ArJlljes. 1l~l lt cd Stntes so ldiprs 1(1 fi ght In lhe he \J"lI ever seen, un<l he IDvl ted dad Of nil g reat natioll s Ib e United Stat~9 f()~ ? I S' n leg io n a ga inst R"s~ la , "p l.c~ l!l e him on Ihe Lill'lJlle , allli dall uf Anll",l ca has III It s lIeace-lim. l . I hll·Ly-tw,. ycal'~ j',l o,', in 1 8, Pres ~al iu th e ~ bnlr th nt t b e queen will sit :,tnndln g anny t.he s mllllest uumber .,t . ide nt C1eve lnllll , '~ " t" I" i1~lld III lhe In 1IIlien the boy klog gela mal'l'i ed,::"'d sold le r~ In I!l'tJportlulI to extent ot ' salll o fashion by l:iRml , s ln ~ Lo n l l'Ollllllltlon , nam e ly , ono soldie r to f! nckvllle, onr IlIllIJa~ ~~llol'. fOI' ha vi ng every 1.000 cltlze nR. Th e oppos lle ~X- w,·~tt II a h:llcr cU I1I1J1 c ntl ng on a 110 tre me, curlolls ly enough, Is renched by 111 1 'nl ques tllm. anuther r e pnbllc- Fmncc-whl ch has - -- - -one sollli er to every 72 of Its (lOpt.l&- - L.nds in Le"tller Manufnctures, tlon . Italy ha s. one Ho ltl lar to every . Pr ice (loes no t COllut for everythin g IUD s uuje cts: GCI'many, one to 107; In th e export trade, any llI o ,'e thun It All s lm-Hun gn ry . one to 12fi . ~nd alo es In olher brnnpheR of b1l Al o6SS. Great Bl'ltaln one soldi er l<J el'e ry ~25 ~-h e u" erago price Il e r Imlr of bool s s ubj ecls, B e l ~ llIm, havi ng a I)Opula- nlHI s lloes ex por l"d from th e United tlun of not more than 7.0(JO.OOO. bus Onf' Stal s Is $1.52, whil e Ihnl of Ih ose exsolili er to eve ry 130 Inha uitanl s . Rlls- ported rrolll the IIiI CII Kln g,lom Is sla has one soldier to e ve ry 140 uf Ita only 95 re uls, and yel tl gures com in g suujects; Japan , one to 3,,0. yesle nlay fro m th o \)l1reau of Sla lls. tics of the dallal·t nt e nt of commerce and labor show I ha l. III Ib e las t te n Milk Cans Become Lifebuoys. A farmer's wite. who had uee u to y ears Ih e sal ~fI of boots an,l L1andlpsil , Cal'dlganshlre, to s ell mill,. shoes abroad 1I~)Je e normou s ly Iehad a singular escape fr(lm dl'o wnlhg creased In vnlne, while those o[ the while relurnlng to Carmarlh pn. A 1:Irltl sh hav e s ll g btly d c~r ease d , until TilE CJlF:WF:D HIS I ' IE C E small 1I0at In which ab e was cross ing to,day Ihe United Siales Is Iioing pl·ac. ~- I R S'l' . u rlvH was upset and s h e was thrown Ucally fi B large a lI" , lnc"s In Ihl s lIo e Into th e water. FOrLUnal e ly s be had ns t he Unl te u Klngclolll . \l'hlle s urpussI s ill dOWll on a front seat and watched wltb her two milk cnns. nuw em pty lug It allli all other p.oll nll·les In the dad. Dad ha,l read In lhe papers that the ' and secur'ely clusell. nnd Ih eso actud "X pOI·t of all leath e r manttfll ': lures._ ' lIuy kin g wanted 10 marry an Amerlcon 8S IICe,buoys. Cllr, gln g 10 the call" Prol'ld ence Journal. g irl. wlto was the pO$8eSSOr o( a lot of the " 'oman lIoated along for some dISHard Luck's Lhuit. money, so dad lIegan lO le ll lh e kiog of tance IIntll pnss('rs by saw her pll,bt "How 's tillles drumming ' lIte Insurgirls In Am erica Ihal1ll er e more ' b eall- IUUl rescu e<l her.- London Expre.u. O H('C?" IItul than any In tlte world, and ba'i 'Tough. But my uroth er I\' rlles me Disreputable Club~ hUIl\\red ~ of millions "of cold dollars. Th ere Is a little club lu .London called tha t he ha ~ an ev en harder j o b," . and an appeille for r:l,W kings, an'l "H\lw cn n thallle?" that he could la J'J'an~e d mntl'h tor the the Froth Blowers' clull, Th e orgunl za"He's trying to eell s uecle " loves In Ilfng that would make him rlch~r than lion m eels In "lIl1bll c housl\o" "Ole] Hery ., any lling on any tbrone. member Is bound to f l\" !M' :t,TJc! c urse at NOI'waY."- Pltl&ullrg Post. The boy klllg was becomIng Inte'r- Hery meeting or Le (,llIld 25 cents, It ,Was So Sudden. ' ested, and I gU66S dad would havo had Shc- I ought to tell YOll I think him married orr all rlshl , If the klDg Yllrdatlek of Summer TIme. tbat I am aJready engaged. ' ., ' had net seen me lake out a bag or Mrs. Knicker-liow 10011 wlll )'011 b, He-Why Illd )'OU not te ll me thIs caJldy aDd beilln to eat, when he ealel awa)' this 8iJmlJ)~" renlerday? . to me: "Come UII here, Bub, and C\ve Mrs. Bock.r- t ,~Qtt ,know. I .lINI "Why" .yo\l ste, yc~f~d:ly there WILl! me ,eome that." Oosl1, .lIut J trem- i~f, 'l ,ooO at the 1M'~ld' 8'JollOd'., eDl!!ln, to Ie IL"-lugg.. : - '"!lIP, bled . like .- 1e.l11: but· 1 weill ~~&:lIt '. ,DIO.un~IDI,-'N. T: Sua.





Dub,'" . - - - - --r W ell , s lt·, th e ulloereMt th ing hap' OLD WORLD NATI ONS. THJl.T pelled. I 1111\1 boU!! lll t wo pi c~s of CA'''\1 SPEAK. ' ~EFUSE T\) Oll eU ' With ('aypune I!e pp,·'·, tOF A.1l111 fuol, un!! the kltll; hllllded the bag I.CI tll A IIIR ~ t e r 01 ceremonl 8. a hi' SIJnn· Engla n d Cuts S lll'v ln nnu Dollvla 'n nd 111 1'11 , all cO\'er'IlU O~"I' with gol d \ ace, TUl'key Will Have Nothin g to !Iud Ie yo u '1'111 believe \11 , th e killa Do with J npnn-Cnuse s go t one pi ece or lile caye nne p.P I)er of Trouble. candy , 81tel th e Spangl ed prim e m inis t er got tlH' oth r , n lHI Ibe klllg cb e wed ,]'h(' I" are In the w<ll' ltl lIaLion s u s his JJI ~ce fir M!. [lIlIlhe opened hi s mou th ", ,, II u" Indi vl,\tu,1 PCnl>l" who " woo 't II lIe ad gt hllt.hlt s pkkn d llpnholbollp.d l

lIeu.~ wo uld tul{ c 10 t!g~,

I ,e lUgS. utlt I \f')' ~ uy h,'!''' Ihlll lI e u ~ will lea vo a .Iog UII,l gl' t un 11 humau iJ"ing, iJ ecan~e Ih c y IIk l' Il l., " " ' II of I;nl'lI ,', ns enl'Y Spnnl'''',1 ra' s I,In l'l k t} tlu~l' n t Im e::& n day, Ti ll' )' nrc t ".rillg III Ir Ul '1I lIogs 10 cat I;n,·l1". \)lI l ll0 S 11'1'~, ,, cc l l"J; Il uS will tUUd l It. We Ita , c \Jall to till Ull UII gll l'lIc lu orde r III be aul e to tllll, wit h Ihl' I' -!u-

J un n h i ll , ill th e fu C'c (J( ",'t' 1' ~O blo w l· thil'!-1ly ~ ll:\n i al"cl ~, nrll1 " Hlll lll'ed Ih e


Norweglnn R evolutionists. A co rrespondent nt Chrls tlnnia deI!crlues tI',e lour len ders of the Norwegian re l'olutlon -~lIc h el sen , Derner, Lo vland ollil Nnnsell, Ml oh elsen , minIster of state. Is the real h cad ot lhe movem ent. H e Is a merchant, much Interested io bls busi ness, ov e rwo rked lind In Buch poor hea ll h thal t.e t hink s o[ leavi ng Christiania uecau se of Its enervating cll mnte.. B ern er , president of the ~ torlhln g, Is a man In th e late slxti~ S. old-tashloned Ia. attlre, deJIlr e rate In s)leec h and neUoo nn d stubborn Iy tenacious ot hls purposes. Lo\'land , minister of tbe exterior, Is a fann er's son. H e "'/IS a set,ool-tencher and an editor beCore II" enter ed )lei Itlcs. He Is a ' eo Ds ummate dlpJomat. wbo Iulo .... s particularly how to bide biB 1.1 me. A5 for NaDseD, lie he lped ('Melly uy lending W s J)o lllliar name 10 Lbe movcmcut. He 1!1, 118 he always was , a. dr enm er, JIDd has no political a SI'lr atioo s.

them, a,D~ ,V8 nn d In ollr room at tbe hOI II I a bo~ of In. ~~ t !>9,,' ,ler, lI'b lcb Ii ~harg d 10 w llb t h cn ndl e~. \ The Itl llg, wllfl Is 1\ boy about I hr~1\ )'en.rll olde r thnn I a m . Is 1',,11 0 1I0uS" tuo, nnd be jlluliis a l'olllld trom Ollll Illace to another, Uk h e was tihaltiolO hlm~e lr 10 uet rill ot tbe n!. H e get a Ull III t he nw(nlll g alld goes o ut I,or>;ebael( ridin g , aud jump .. f en 'e s. and rhl es liP Ilnu Iluwu Ih o marhl s t e ps uf Ih e publi c build i n gs, a s t ho ug b he wlln ted 10 malte the lIeas f e~ l l n l llln g e l' . so lhey wouhl leayc him . Seotns 10 111('. if vc l'Y mfln I, e lltn,; nllll l)' llogs us t h~y do in








INDUSTl\.Y, t. •


ODe Ja;g~' oonrcl'O In LIte nile !>tat I turll 8 'out 15 tin CIiU R I.CI e,'ery p r8 n III 'he U.nil d St:a t ~$ . T e n t llll e8 a s 1111111)' Inq u ir ies fo r ~ull lh . rn iJl\'c,; tm DI 3 are mu{ a at t lte I\r M ot tlflle us wcre 11111110 olle yell r AbO'.

Th e ~o rnl- nu n" " 1 Inl erost Ilay m ~nts to .'\I' lu g>! depos ltord ot bleugo blllllls, 1I1110llutcd th l~ year to $1 ,850,000 , un 1111 IIgg l'el;ll te of 'I :IG,~I) O,OOO of de posits. Th e InlJ)el'lul ' "i'OUIlCCO company , f' Gr put DI'I, u lll , re porf.. protl for IhA hll ir 'l'enr " lIt1 e,1 April 30 s ubs lan lln lly In crcll scli uvpr t ho ,a me Ilerioll In. t! ~ear , All 10t ... ·111I "i'l'Id CIllI uf s ix I)e" r~nl . h ,,~ hce n ,le c'llIr d a ll the lIre? f~ I'I' c tl o rtllnnry s har eR. Spit ta l 8pa,Io wurl,s, Det' wlek , h o lrl~ a "e lllur l,nbic ,·~ ~o~d. Th e spVcn ~~ I1 I" r ~ mploy ()s ha\' e n tul[ll R ~ f'\'lr" u r :I ~ l ' l·cnr. , o" """IlIIl1; :;3. J olt n PArI;. IhUII!;h !J\) )' ~n r ~ olu. ~ II II d Cg ill ~ Ila y's wo rl ' "K 1IIal'l"Hulth . lif te r r. a year s' sr" ,·II·c. Rln re I !I(I. wh"n Ih o Jap ll n e~r urI'h lr e lA ~o ~x l'nrl "1 1 hilt ~ O . OOO toml u t co al. Ill e I\r rlll< ... II,II' llf , ho blu II II la mon ,1 III I h" nl'l'iIIIlPillgu lInR In c.rc t~" t1 G~ 7 fI £, l~ l't~ 1I1. T h irl lt'\l\ mi llion lo n : Wfor{l 1I\ 11l~ d In" t )' 1'111', " ,. whi ch ~ . O 0, OD w r c !'hlp pcd o ut at lll P co un try, T,,'enl l' -I1 11 I' arl il'1~ ~ , or. g ''OII PB of artI cles, h;,\,III!; !'nc h a total vul ue or $1.000,\100 or ",'c r . wc re Imlw rl ed 11)10 th" Un llerl S IllieR f,· III Germany, In th e loet fi s,'n l )·pnr. nnd 20 orti cle~, hn" IJI~ J\ tota l vnlllo at $1.00,1,000 or ovo r eath. wpro !'xllO r teli to G,' r ul on), du ring I It o snlll c periuli .

- ----

SELECTEll SCIENOE, Fi ne gol<l hns uce n rOllnd to be sll ghtl, £ol uul e In 0 s t ,'ollg solullo n of ye llo W' IUIIllIun lnnt snljJhlde. All expor llll enl with vacllum t ubep or £2ven ,lllIntis \)), II ''I' ll '8 showed 1)'Bt eXlc rn ul f" lcllun o f lh e t.u ue, s ,"c h os Tlluuln g wilh Ih l' free hnnll . stim ulutf s <'01111 11 1'1 1\'1 1), ·lI'lIhln . . J u llll 131111 . 1' Burl;e. wbo. lh rongli llt ll dl sco " pry of ,'Od l0l; rllllh s . hns IIdde n lJ be~O D Ie th e most Inl ll tI ot mllll In Iltft \ 'ulled J( 11l~ll ol1l n Ii mun ot science, Is 811 I rls hmflll, a till wn8 1,I '11duuteti fro III Trlnll)' ('u llpg , !In,llllIn , lFI(l' all olhe l' Ihlll l;3, mll ~ t IJ e l<uo wu ',uy, 'vhol It du es, AII <I 60 f3,· a s kn wo , Ih ~ du'lng uf mili um haye no pnra llo:l in IIalll rE'. 'I'hcrheml s thll . .' ell ll1l1 t It ~blllu~ by 1t 6 O\\'" \lShl ; nnd Ihl!! not 'for a dll),. a mont h , 11 Yl'ar, but for an 1I11mltnui 11 rlod, ' ew ~rn o l, -burnin g app lian ces co nti nu e to u"e u p n l'on al.leruhl sll:tre of III'\\' I'ld 's lnl' ntl " en ~ I'!;Y , Tit pr o m1~l ng Id n of a Belgla'" hmillst cou S I~ls III drawing I b e "lI1ukll Ullt of thlt qb lmney uy nn aSI,lralor. und p!l~ s ln g It Lp,l'ollg ll a Hlter o f \'011(' SO(Ul'n lOti wlt b I' trolellllt; 'I'hl! Illt pr colle"ls the soot . wh ile I h '( ga es I)Uss ln g lllr(lllgh are made ~ 0J1l­ IJu Hllbl e hy th c pnrlc hln /5 w ith p etrol e· um VU llO I', Th ere Is no los~. as tb e cok'l o( the fllt e .. Is un ex 'uil en Lfu el. RACI4L PEOULIARITIES , Stammer ing Is unknown a mong Fa l" a g .. Ir lu S. Th e nnt l<'e o f I nul n ItO" an avera ge lIfe ~ ( 2. )'~lIr $, a~ a6'111 nsl H III r-: ngl'ind. The c hlldr~ 11 ot A Inos , 1\ IJf!o ple IIl'ln l;' In norlhe rn Jap nn, do no t J'ece l<'e tb el r names unllltlley nr e n" e years o ld . It Is lh e fnLh er Who I hen choose l b nam lIy which tit child Is aflor\\'ar(\ s to bt> ailed . . . . lu Ice lan d. lbat conulry of geo tle aD 'I~ oltl·ta shloned customs, It has alway ~ been the fn8hlo ll to pre e ut to th e bab y, w)len li S fI\'"t toolh ullP earpd , a la m \), fo be Il ij ,'c r), 0'1'11. ('nrell tor Bnrt te od e t! as no ot h er pel could be, nnd never to be parted with . COllSIJlm' Oll" am o ng I be adornme nt s of th e brl dlll fca.ql In Brillan), Isan artls lln and elaborate untl er Mrtl lure, as fu nclrul anti eleGant ns thn mOMl beoullrt, 1 bridal elI lr!), an d In to I hIs 5t ru cture the Illl es t~ sll ell. s plit s llc lts bearing coIns of Gold o\,· sliver,

' =r;=



A Tussle with dOffee. The re Is somel h l ng fairly d pmo nlnca!' In Lbe way ro lfee ROme tlnlf!S w rea l, ~ Its fiendis h mnllce o n I hose who us.e it. A la lly wrilin g frOIl> Cali f.. SIl)' S : "My hll Rbnntl nnd I. hoth l ov e r~ of co lfee, slIIfer ell tdr some 1I1l1~ fro m a. very anlloylng f01'1Il of u c rl'o u ~utlSS, nccr)mpanl II by Inosl (righ t ful h e nlla ches. In my owu ca se t1~er e wa s eventuall y de velop e,] some . ~ r t o f nff ecllo n Of tho ne \'ves leadlug fro m the spIne 10 I he head . "I was unalli e 10 hold m y head liP stralghl , Ihe lens lon uf tlto n erv es <.Irew It to ull e Hide. cn lls ln g m e lhe mOSI Inl ense poln , We gOl no I'elle t fro m medicine, an ll were llU ~1.l ed as to what caused the' troubl .., 1111 a fri e nd RllggeRtcd Ihnl Jlo>,ti hly the coft~e w e dranl( hall Ro me lhlng 10 do wilh il, and all vi sed that we qui t It nnd try J'os turn Colfee. , "We fullow ed hi s advice . and trom the .Iay that we beGnn to li se Postum we IJoth IJCgan to lrullrol'e , and In a " c ry shorl. lim e bo t h of us wer e entirely relieve d. Th e nen' cs becnm e Meady on ce more, I ho b eadache ceas ed, l he muscles In th e uack of m y oEck relax ed . my hcod slrnl ghlened liD, an.1 t he cirentltlll lInin lhllt had so punis h e d m e while I nsed th e old 1(lnd of cucree vanl shecJ. "We have Dever re~ lImed Ule lise o r the old correo t ,bllt re llsb 0111' Postnm Every day as well r.s we dIll the torm er bevera ge. And we nre de ligh ted to nn<l thnt .... e can gIve II freely 10 our childre n . also. something we. n ever dared Lo do with Ihe old klOl1 or corree." Name Postum' Co., Batfle Cr~el" Mlcb , Vo~ ~um Coffee rontalnB absolutely no dtngs of ally kind. ' btlt rellevt>5" thE C(llfEe drinker frOID the old tlTU, pql~n.


TQcrc'e a





'T n

Yabollt '1\ ' gresl ~eal. TiJ lel\< o 1111 thllt cn oOI .ln th t' woodu, " gltl In a l own. an d 1:0 In to l ho COttlltr,y, ...·Jllch I hat ed, a gl i'l with " 'CI'Y Cl Jll>lIa nce , 01' a :d rl OS[lCCI(l lI y will. ,Wlll l I' cOIn in g on , with , 1\'11 11 f I\' ht·II'.; lIlay b a \ c Ihp :;a lne W.non t ho [ Ur f/lee ahowl no r ll>plo, lhvu~h nothi ng to 110 hu l In kn coro o f a sldl pX rH.! r:e ll ~~ Y OH ( Ug a lo ng G:lll n lh!tiS, . \b tl 8l (lIn n Its e WrrL und dec l) ; man- well , ' It n o~r l l' />ro k o my h enl't. "~ h nn j h Hood 1hn t'H In l ho w ortn Of U8 hag Iy. II i., .11.h lll wOI·k. l OU oli p lJU('k ( , acl ua ll y was 110 clt ll llfa b nnd hordrl CONQU ER INE R TIA A N D S'rUDY ~ n k n ~ t ll lo \\' sO Ill f'lim c ..; . h ill yo u pl a nt )'U 11 I' f eet A nd hUfIi htOned love' s fnd l ng (~mb C rR llll t ha t I fell a s Ir Alfrerl wn', some how ~ab a tu fl r llll y , IUII.l t al\(" a n ew :ilnrr. . ZEAL. , thl J flns h Ago l n :1.nd Gl ow ; LO blamo for ge llin g s lc l<. This wa,n't 1'011 ga lll ll lill i ' g l' o\II ' ~ LO' (IfI\' ; u li t'~h ~n "" J feC I l huo's so m c lll i nR In utJ has a ll; I hod a eO I'l ot COI1lI>Olllld grlev. , CfH,' tl lll'd t h e In uo d l ng (,,' r OWIJll a 11l 0l'r I n - 1lI0IT(}W. ~tldlll · n ! y. ru u (U\ ee: AICred ' chose LO C0l11 0 10 lhls fi ot'! Scho ol· Girl s M ay Becol1l e I nt.r- can ' l ex pla in 11 0W " h ell H ' t4 llu lct In . t ho e\'cliing Dnd I, b ~ u r w h ~', ~h l' I!i tillon ely, doo k tick . lou d, ou l-or·the· way Ill nc:c, wh ero 1 . est ln g Wom en - Dorothy Enj o y ~ c lJl thJ ~ vUlI i:i h . Lh o lltl :i l\ ul' u'o ublo Valu ab le Res ul.'s, or Ex pc rim e nts Co nd ucled b y Prol . Harry W I\;8 SUI'C Ihero WI13 no "oclet y, S. I <lId Eng'li e h, But H(ltes Mnthem a >;lcs fa ll ti UWI\~·. a nd O llt eOU1e~ th e lle rrC(' l ''' hf'll the Arato nro'! c r !m~(J1t (\ft~ r g l l jw GCl ndley a t th e Un,v.rslI), 01 Illinoi s , not 11 110 lbo lown It Ac lr, Bnd I did not h. S"1"tl3'tn g In to g loo m, -Th e Oirl Who N ev e r Ca n R e· floweI'. w hil f', rra~r a nl , :-;ali~ r yl n x Wh t' n 1tlcr e's non e u u t s hp alld )' OU wllhi n 111(0 thl . n e lghborhooll nor th hou.c, m ombe r-Til e Girl Wh o Cnl; ' t R el\- YO II ,'o lllli n Ul ~cc YCH lcnluy . bU l yu u t hU l ':: oz li ttl e l'OOlnan d ( mode up my mind lhot I s hollid ,n, n th {' ;U), Ullon s on-Ho w One M ,ss A cquired P. sec 10-lI n.\' , Y OIl h a d 110 ro t..: a blll a l'Y th e h ~ o.r t h rug )' 11 ~· n. n ot lIk e th e peo pl e. They call eel on mo nrltl [J rUt s ugal n to drt'uIUB }'ol' olg n V ocnbul u l'y-SclloDI P,·i" .. la Sl \\' co lc, liln worr! :) (' ro )\, d o n yo,' ve ry Roon litt e r ( got se tll oo , and ( qu cs tlon or [')0" I. 011 'l' t: fln h o w \'c r y lik e the h ea v er; we b I' ll 1I11 11 1m lllll lo"ses we r o a s folno w. I f You'v e Too Mn ny S tudies, :('0 r n ell I n 10n l; t or 8 e m! all Im po l taot on o for nil low", Ttl ta l lot;!< Ie weig was JU St a . horr id as I coul d be to ht lO,v.t A t:il'l I k no w w n 'i )o! t \llJylll ~ a n c," Th nl dollf(~.or ul IIn l. chumber wllh th e them, I told t he m how D rop t h~ 0 " es YOII Li ke. Il vlll g be lnb">< T im " lI'\ I ~' I >C~ II\ ' I ~, waleI' 0',6 7 p ound s 10n o!\OCllo and Jn ll g uR~C. , prol e lu S h e liC lll wuilln g 0 \' (' '' nt Hl .~ m o glc ~ h a rtn elldowed !" g l e homesic lor ~ xl k s t e I ll (,~ was Hrt1 and 0 ll Ilo a n· w I 1I dl ,:l n s illmd P011 1111 s. ra t 0.0 3 t)OU IH.l S a nd. m i n.· the h " 'h en It '!> fJuhn I n l h c evun l n g tLnd th e c lock o r c,. ; " I h a r e 110 wunl:;. I b a \"(~ n f ) flY ~1.~H i;"HE T I': . ~.''' G S,. r-: ll ~~ ~ oountry , and I bragged abou t m y Ilro Im a l s and l )rl lll l lh' (' IOnn r ral m Hl lI r O,l f. 1101l0d ll du~ lo ud. wo rd :;. I h n \'o to l1:nll o ut (I \"' ry word s. (" II I)~ rh;I . I , T1h ,:; . IJ ) J " " '1'1i It . H' I\" ' :' :" ) ~ JI l'olls In the cit y a nd ot all the ad \'anlages ls lP.r1 a lmost enell'O' ly III n l a"~I' num bor or e xperlme ntll I wa n l I II th e I x i l.'(} 11. 11 i; JH t'l1d· N ot a w ord to break n it) stlllnc"8, yO l :;'>111(' ;';; 1'1 " lll . lI l, c . 11 I> 'o"OIl H, Th ey , In gP II ! n ~ x u Uk ir> ul , nOliI" [ had th erc. Afte r .IlY ca ll e rH wr n l I t he }lv (o r n}:"o r esultin g I n t h e t he r e'6 t1l u~ I C In the a l r I p ~:; t a ~ I \ . I tihull II c rc l' 1I 1l .!f' j'ri l antl . 'W oll id Hhrl l 11 0 Le or " if' l lH' ) ' n l lVCI' I ~ h nlf'nt. an ti i n n \· oi (lI n ~ l'III' I11 IC':-;. Mu ,,1t.- bo rl1 at s o f les t !t ile nce, m ll~,1 c s weet told Altreo J, OW countrW " r1 a ntl boo r· III rnasl l n .;.:. 0 1' 100 POU Il I'iS or bee r w ere I] ('\'c r , a u 'h IIJl ." n gn l ll ha d l u IlI Cnltu'i zc ur rc ~' l l'''; l lltl if n,no ro w an d r u r e ; ,· j\'ilii'."ri w orl.l to ·da r , Wu hO Ul(" ! f (HlIl ,J t o li p as Is h I t hou g ht ttJ e m, on.l I dCl' la re ll l hat fo llow s: Tolal l oss 10. A ll at o n ce , wonl "! 1J (, ~f\n lll('el! II ::'~ lesso n" wa r e lCrl w ho ll y Ollt uf t h r lr I"o r t t'-e o n e who Blta bl'sldo yo u 18 y'o ur tlllI ~ :; for).: l' l l ilt' o't rell'" I n e vo r wOIIIII retun-t th e ir call.. Poo r Im l,nrlan" c w(, lglll t3 ,47 pounds , wat c r 14.61l he r w it h r l'lc llIll y t' n l'r :->. 'I' h " y \\' l' r e . ~ w of'lh"'l1 rt. and y ou k no w r'H, I! ' nd ar fr o m I h l!; l i l U P ()1H':U I' It. I t lhl...; ~Ir lllf·ntar .\' ulo l ogit'ui fa(' 1. T IH' p Oll n !!...; , prot ein 0.15 pOl1ndH, That f§):C lo \'cti l ' OU, for "he wet.! )' OU m an )' Al trod, what ho had to endure ! I h OI)[) ), 1)\1 UO not br-.lon g 1f) ' t h f JI" no l o nge,!' sf l'all gc l's, She Iwl'w t h eir rat 8,51 co m · II I1 Oo liol1 o or It ow to J!:~t t ooel. of I he 110 ll lld s II nrt as h 0. 12 UlOught t he country was a goo ll (>Ia ee f·,lllon t )'CIlT3 ago; p o und~. It Is thua in OtH' ! i o u ::,. 1 h eir C U (I"' rH'l! ~ : II'J(o qH'au· Ila ny, Ih al II' yu u do , .W II wi ll malw And h ·" , love sO llgs. bo rn ot atl ('lt co. m k (' to weal' ou t m most rr o llom ica l so r t of foorl , or lit e p"l llr' lI l thai th e n a tllr r ot the looses y oid clot.hes 80 I "' ore b ~l !)l(, to leave i l. uhu'y o f anfJ lh C' 1' l allg'la~c wu :; her YOu bra \' ~ , n n d g rp.nt, a nd proud , fno d I ho t g lv,," Ih e grt'l.' ll' s t 1I 0Il r l" h· i" Il lI il l' dlff e rell t In Ih e roa s ting or '" hen t l ' Ii Qu i ll t in th e c \'c n lng u'T1d lh e c!CK'lt 0111 gO W1I S th a t had ' Been bett I' days, Thr' r (' was 1\10 11y S1t ~, a J!, i1' \ I l\ nc w o wn , Hard w OI'I\ h lui b l'oll~ h t 113 I'e - ment. n nel or th e b '.it \\'8)':-\ t n pl'('pa rc meat:; r rnm th al Ot'(' urrin g wh en and I look cd 11110 u trl g hl, e~ p e"' ally ! lI' k f:l l ou d. \v a nl. " N"\'c t h eY' r" b; u worr l 10 I II! 'W h t U en rlF' l o d ll r w us Iii, 111'(' 11),. soJt· mu n · tll.b 1'0., ,, for ea ti ng, OCell l)Y 1111 1' 1111 ' a re hollp,1. In th -N, Y. Times. as I negl ec ted my balr ourl \\'ore sha\). e lalle r, lh o It reate r I1 crc ct . S\\·ccl·\'o kc u, but. 0 11 ~ so lazy! aw ny f r om on e':) ooo r, Th cl'£.' n c' lI ue sr loll"I)" lL large (>ar L of tlt by o ld Sllpfl PrS. e li fe 0/ ehr pa r t or ti le 10." Is due t o waleI'. but Sb e lI,.ifl rd th r o llg h ~ lI ('CI":.;sl \' r ~ I~ hoj)l ~ 110 stw h W O I"I I. nr en nn oi wom en ot to·da)·. F or Ih e III tl l O fo rm l'r t he " 'T ho doc lor came Ollt to S!'<) AI(" ed, main loss Is dis• WifhOiIl le arnlll g • an yt • h in pO g , Ol', al It w RY is s a ma ltar o f gcttlng " uffi cir n t t ribll te(1 betwee n l h wat e r and * and be loolte d (>u zz lt'<1 unll 8hooll 1,Is fat. S f·ho o l ho nul's p an la yln,; d ))ri zf'.'; th.C a!'£' m le w or of Lh a (oocl, ~(I"' I ".~ I I ro r the rl r b It Is oft en n IlI At· n>1 t Itr" d . henl\. " I don ' t Ree wh y he' don 't ga in 'I'l l" 103so" ot nllt l' ith'c m a t e rial In IITt''; IK) II s lll lc "hl r k. Hr l' k it I 11 1011 st ri vi n g 1'0 1', T he ,.;.il'l wh o I'un w tn IN' of ~C tl i ll g fo oll tha t w il l c1 ; ~ e' L I he pan ·broilin OIorc," he s:;l ld, and be 10Dk ed at me g of ments lire very h er te acher'li apIU'O \"al i~ n i wHYiO cn · Il olh ·tl a ss s a l''' co ntronl ed wi l lI th e " I11HII n s (' ompa red wi th Ihe 10BSeII s iJaq>l y a nd with a gleam 0/ s lI ;;plclDU w a y ~ un d cl o in t)' S \\'ccl. n C"!oIj) won h er vi, Itl ~. Bllt 0 11 Ih e wtlOl e, Ih c 111111 11I'oillem of obla f a r too many e)~r. lI HCH I1'0m h l'J' l p. ll t' h · ln ing Bumelo nl nOll rl s h· w h"'h ta ke pla ce In ool ling and roast· In h is eY£il, c r:;, a lill a mo ng Ilt I" fl' i cndz:; th e fe el· 1;'11'1, "h o wIns It w :th e:t:or L Ii more nlPnt : o ne c lass has not en ollgh 111 0ll ey In ~, "' I don'l III,e to tblnl( of that time. in g wa s w II oxpress d hr a n arti s t. e ll vlub le Iha ll the hr h;h t o ue w hu ,li d to gel IIle ae tll lli fooll th ey lI ec,1, th e Th o n nlghbors ' did not call n secon ,l 1'h~r e nre t wo m etho ds whi c h nro By St/S •• BROWl! ROBBI IIS w bo ,;o lel: ",\I oll y Sue do,'" n,,, nONI no l try h ul'Il. AU II I he.! icve lh at It Is IJihe l' I'(l n nOI On d Iho foot! lhal will rll · co mm onl y I .. et! 10 de term in e the dltim e , of course, and I was I'eally ve ry to l((Jo w tll1 ]l lll ng. II Is ~ lt l ta \lo ll gil m uch llI"ro pl oas an l 10 1111 1'0 the 1'1111 g"'1. W ll h both las.e" It Is a prolJ· sosll bill ty of load s, They are a ctual lone l)' , tt,ough I did not admit It , and 10 10011 il L hul' , a o one luoll" ut a per- apllI'o vn l or on o's"rlo lu l l cot1 Mcic nce . 1' 111 o ( parti a l Hlar\'tlll on. kepI s aying how g la d I \\'as no t to be or nA t lll'a l d lges llon method and Ule to I,now fect 1I!> "' er ." tha t let b!lII!)ClI whal. lila)' . Unti l rece nliy , sclcnce has pul rl IItLl o a rlifld a l method . The " ~ 0 , the day ot ml rar les ain't over, !Jothered by tb em. latter con s ists ( could sce tbot S ut " lo ll y Sil O oi l.1 1111 1 Sl ay If,! Sb e on e h!is dOll c 0 ll e'5 vcr y uest, I h a n to al t n lioll to I his qu estl <m or food , Th e In treating and to[ka dream dreams and Altred was gctllng worAB we igh ed qu anti ties of lito In s tead of gre w ou t of g lr lh ca rry c IT marl," nncl m edal s und "c r· wh ole Ihlll on n. you will. LOO. g has bee n more or less a roo d with a very d el ute ncld see \. "I ons oVOn now . You dOll ' t 00' botte r, and I knew solmlon . th e doctor thought anti arter malt e r or gu ess ",orll an ll tra dit ion . In th c lIetual or aw hil e poo pl c j'OI'l'lOI to no· tillcate. , lI e" e it? Well, I' ll tell you 01 a case. ( was IMIn",bo w n a tuml digestio n ex:10 bla me lor It. I' t Ire hc r wh e ll Some or yo u are h811 11 lc81)" cd by We oncC lauored u nd er th e s uper sti- (>e rlm c s he ' \\"n~ In ehe room "It a ;year ago thl8 coming month nC" e r wn" 90 wret ch ed In nts the Hubject ot the exp erlmy Itfe, I " ' il h Ihose wh o ha d 1.....' 1118 find Idea ". ha vlll !; LOO man y s t'lllleH al. o ne an ll tion t hat to mat oes caused cancers , t l'ul l ment, II s uaJly a healt hy, tt.a l 1 w nl over to spend a couple 01 bega n to be re., lIy strong man , .. alarm ed a bo ut my 'fh e pe rfect boa llr y fn ,1 c! . Shc he · th e s am e tl l11 e. It is IInw iHe 10 al · weck s with 0 01l81n F.lvlra at Mars hall's bllsband , nnd It was wbe n [ got my c am e u \\' tLh Cr-Cfl t empt WI) mllcb. It th e class wo rk Inrose. Th Corners . ~ow, you probably don ' t mln tl orl mysell c "B enn t tha t t.he r eve la tion ml nel wa s like a cI U'ilJ l u m her- rooll1 chltl es mo ro l os ~oll s thal1 YOII can as · know It, but Marshal l's Corners ain't ca m e. full o( rullili s h. II wa s nil Ih e g l'ea t- Hlm lla le , ns i< LO ha ,'c so me o f th em exac tly t he li velies t placo In all t he NUTR IENT S "'It W08 ouo night atter one ot AI· er vlty. for If som eb.olly lwei ta l( cn dl'O" lle" . T eac hers n l'o willin g to a id wo rld. Th ey are mostly rarm e ra the re, fred's very worst ,lay" tl,at ( lay Molly Sue by ttl LOST IN BOIL Rh uuJcI l' I'. nn ;1 an 0llrl1 os1 IHlpll who is cl o in g what and a m ile from Elvira'" Is a s toro and awuk e worryi n g about him , At Ins t I shall cn hcr OtIC of II r r in tin lel1te OS.T IN ROAS Ti"helt s b e ca n lO o,'crcom c h cr own d efic ien110,;1 offi ce and a ta k tactory. Ob, fo il asleep , an d I hod 8 drcanJ , or a sh e wus a $choo l-g ll"l , ING 6 ci es. BU l I[ ),0 11 drOll s m e lh,,!g let ~ h o m lgh l ha ,'e yes, onll l bere's a schoolho use In a vis ion, I don' t Il no l'l whi ch to call IL grown U(> a n Inte res tin g It he Ih e lhl llg YOII ure fo nd o f, no t INO ts"PO UNDS WOl11n n, p ine gro. 0 halt a mile trom her Ilou ae I seem ed to bC In a g mveya l·d. and th e th ing yuu I lI s li l' ~, Th e sl uely yo u II Is y()u r pos ith'c n e oth I' way . du !.y . II enr ); irl. the r e WftS one el ou o tllat I seomed to BEEF ~IBS, t o'so l rallt mlncl , h earl . wi ll a llli el ls· ca re fo r may he tal; ,It 11 (> a l fl !l)' time "I guOES It . W Oll th o third day [ was be drawn toward . I e x-pocted to see (Jos ilio n tha l In Ih e (u illre. Th e o th er lIlust ue YOII shil ll t hHe ~bllt ( s nys: '~~Ivlra, who Is It my hll:s band's n a me he noil hc r, (tn It, and ( tr m· S 1I \1 lrl, s ill y, In s ll>ltl no ., t~rll ' J u~ w h ~ n fa coel nn rl conquer ed no w, 0" It will li ves In t bo house across the roo d, b lad w[tll tcar , but ( rlrew n earer an d YOt1 a rc. ol d er . A II i n l CJ'C'I;t in g \\'(Iluan. nere r g " 'e you t llC jo y o r v leto ry. an d what' s 60 much comin g and ~ i n g looked . I s aw illY ow n na m p, and bo- clo \'cr, nl hu. fa ,'H !e, I, pu n nnd r(l Sll (Jl1 ~ Ye". I lo,'c th e YO ll l h fu l w lll n cr . t h re fOT ? cem s 10 me lh re 's lIom e lo w II ( read th eso words: "~I y Lad,. £li n:>. is mOl'e to II- I:e" l r ed I hnl n bellu", \\'11 It t he medal an d th c ma rl;; one clIlll ng there overy ha ir I',ou r .' Disdain. No on o 1 0 \'E~d h e l' In lira nor t lfu l wo m an ; an d I' n il l t' ~ aU r ac,t l v lI o ' h ll~ ga in eti th e pl'l z h e s,," g h l fo r, " mlvl ra , slle toltlod up h I' wor k IIn rl mourn ed Iler In deat h, an d no one In h'!r hOI11. ,' 110 will Ho is joyo us u. a la r l:. mo re Il ec l> ly s lood up. 'Come alo ng with me: she wa s C\'er mod e hoppy by he r." Imp rcss soclelY. E" e ry II It O wil l h a I ' 10 pr al.c hinl ; sa),s, 'Dnel you 'll 6e wh y th or e's so "'( llwok e w ln l n start , a n d th el'e or cour,;() hi s g ir l was n ll rxcc p· li e i" on Ih e bon or Ilot, lII uch calli ng tbere. (t's l\1ra.P r r y WBS no more s leep for me tb a t nl gb t. tl o n. Most ,,!c' ls ro n qu~r Ilwl!' In · I' ve a tQntl or t hll ug h t , 111)' (hll'l iIl I;S, lI\'os 1bere, l le r hll sba nd 's s ick. ha~ I looll ed nt myse lf a s It r ho d hecn erli :\ an ,l sl ll (1)' afll'\' F or tb e o n ~ who tr ted, an d missed. a fash io n ; for"'!CClI to r a long time, hilt hc's geltln g :0010 one Ise, nn d I sow that If I tun u Lel )" m O.s l girl:, b u r e. a shar of b etter n ow. We all t1,lnk ve r}·t.hln g kO (lt on 0 8 ( b ad THE RESULT S OF T il E EXPER IME1 'TS, Qu,' ~ begun, my epi ta ph common s::, nrle. Ah , m ~ ! th ~y co u nt by lhou· l-03'·e l1 I'cl uel anti \' ac· of )lr5. P rry, though we didn 't like would 'oo a tr ue o n e. Then ·1 r eali zed q ulred Imow s >l n d ~ , lcGlle I. beller t h a n -non a h ~ r a b it tbe ftrst Illonth or 80 s h e what was the trouv le with Alt.'~ d , lily uL a ll. Tho se wh o h[ll'u not glli nEiI Ih o race, so.eds append le iti c, nnd that ba n anasi fed nllon t he f ood or roous, lh e dl· Was bere.' gloomy. fnll l l- flndll1 ~, depressI ng at· wer e bad t or lhe diges tion . We have ge tlh lll ly o f which Though tbey did l h cl!' teo l an I [a ll" are to be d et r· " I noticed, a s we went across the mos phe re ,,'as havin v een fl ood ed with a g Its ell'ect on "t,lm, mas coL, • s of lit era tu re mln cIl. • In th c eX\l erl men ts at t ha m ail, wlln t a pleosant look the bouse As soo n as It WILlI \v lm l wan t tu urge upon YOII i,; 1.0 o n pnre foods and "back·to · nalu re S lrl"l ng I'o r- lh o, winn or'H Iince. lig ht I look ed at t,ls Unl vcrs lty 01 [lIlno~~, th e d ie L of tb e had . Th cu rtain s were ra ised ' quIte sleepi n g toce, and Pllt th e eml)h8 d iets, sls or yoUi' ofl o r Ls on On ly few 811 rencb Ih la ure l ; but th e sta te ments ma de have s ubj ct consis t ed d leny I wa9 t e rrlficd, he of beet. to· Il lg t.. so 's to let In a lot of IIg bt, and looked so worn a nll lac ked sclenUn c verlfi caU on. Ma ny Hee th e ir chan ee n it by, pa le a n d IInhap llY. Ih e s tudl e. yo u do n' t lil;e. il'o all goth er w it h b l'cad an I mtllL there was one window filII of hrlgh t, [was Slell witb So me time II g0, Prot. Atwater, of (cor. Had I learned hn vo stu dies we lo '·c. and "It . Is ea sy l '''e a t en der though l, my da rl lug9, T hc n a tu ra l di gestion expcrlm onts el llan·looklng, blossom ing plants. to purs ue th e m. Fo r ' In s la n ce, Dol" W esl eyan A my lesson too la te? univ ersity, For I he cllrn e.!. band who t ry . 1\1 Id tlletown. leach th e t uc t lh a t tbe nutrim ent s ot hlg yellow cat set on another window Con n., began a s crles ot Impor ta nt bec f nre almos t "'It was har d to appear cbeerful nnd o lhy, who €1l.OY;; h cr E ngl s il work, com lll et!!ly di ges ted. 'T is t h o tr yin g that I .~ no ble, .. /jlll and blinked at u s as wo went by. bopetul wben the nutritiv e Investig atio n re was lu ch a feaf /Iud s ' no dl ffi c nlt y III keolll n,; nl Ib e whi ch at T be averagc rcs ults at GO experim entgIt yo u' r e l1\a de or stcrner .1 ut'C I never liked a yellow cal, bllt samo· at my beart, but somohow h ead of h er cla ss. UU l whcn t ho Queso nce s howed th e slgnlR eon ce ot the s bow t hat th e p rote atrength WOI ld s, the m os t valTban th e laggard . who al'e daun led l,ow th lu on o see med dlrlorent , and no g iven me to do It, f ood problem , Abo ut 1896, tbe d e part· nobl c tood l'on s lltup-nts and ,ou don't ltoow tion I" ot math ma t lcs s he g rope. o t bee f are Wh p. n tb e bit of rond OLll r kind would havo soomed 80 bow tt ankrul I was Is roug h . m ellt of chemls lry of LI re Unl ve rslly (lrnctl cnlly cOll1 plelr t hat IIrst day wben ailout hI til e da r k. I ! you w ill g la n ce All 11'111 Ilrai ly (li ges t!!iI and tle Ih o hapl)Y wi ll ne rs ; £!teartul . I made A Itrod laush- somethl n g be ol'e.· your c la~s ma te~, YOIl Will ha" e 01 Illinoi s a ls o bep;an n s eries of In · th nt nbout 96 to 98 per ceut. 01 the tat Bill wh en th ey ha \'o b urr led uy, " . "The m inute I laid eyes on Mrs. had not do'n e t or qulrles Inlo l he problc m ot nulr ltlon. 01 medi um lean meal weel(.~. I play ell to no LI'OII!Jle III r>1 'k In g o ut a ha ll rlozen 1"'0 " Kon g are digested u,. t o cheer, P~rry I knew wh)' everybo d y liked h im and m y darllnss , Do rotb ys. Some of "·.h th e work Is under th e d lr ec llon 01 Dr. healtb y m en, doi n g aellve em come o u l read 10 him"an d In the artel" wor le. T he groa t coml>an y w i Hir. You know Uier e's som e folks you noon when be took ho try , tiIlle ndid ly In h istory a nd ar e dull in H arry S. Grindle)' , professo r of gen · h l8 nap I wen t out Th e rcs ults ot t he eX(lerlm ent s Indl· ju. t meet on th o road; t hey don't do and callcd on one eral che mi stry. Th ese In vea LlgaUon H cate p lainly t ha t th 01 th e n elg bbors, p hy s ics; so me s hill e In L3t1n , lind e d lrler t Dleth odll n oth ing more than nod an d smile at a nd eve ry day wh HONIT ON LACE, ba"e d eve loped new metho(ls 01 reo of go od coo kin g bave littlen en I could 'r el urn ed eonnOL lacl, le t be s lmpl csl al gebrul c POINT AND e Or n o In· you , hut you some bow feol better tor (ino ot the oall8 problem . Th e p Ill l ' fo s r e arch, e"e!'y and su ch now pres ent a " ery large nnonce II pon t he Iligesli!J lI lly of the I bad recel vetl . . It seei ng 'em , Mrs. Perry ' wos like tbat. was hard (or me T he Vog girl, u e dOIl of 't H you a nd-Wor th lnl!. k Brings I. and to to s promisin petlll g Re id bot h for th o cook eel meaL That Is to say , u 10 do It, rememb eratu ral She "'a' n't ,,'hat you'd call pretty, but Ing bow d lsdaln(u the Fore Product s Turned Oul ee lentlst and the eco nomi s t. l and nl de ( had sireng ih nnel tlm o all rl I'call y haret dlge~ tl o n e xp e rlm e nL~ flOlnt to tbo Bhe ha d nice elean.lo oklng teet b an d been, but tbey were wOI'k on t h e \)oo k, t h o s lIhl en. t hp by Skillf ul Ne~1 1tllwo ml\n. Tb e ul t im ate, fundam ental, un Ll e r· conclus ion t ha.l Irled all so kind a nd beot. when propb er hair W88 tidy. ami st,e bad the torglvln g and did lying object of the nutrition Im·cs llga · erly c ooke d , Is as nDt soom to r emera· .. ILuatlon , Lha t s h e ha s 11 0 pnnl r ula r complet e ly dIgested ap titude IOI'? plellsan tcst cordial s mil e l ov er sae. be l' the first Imprcss Fine m us lin h"ald allli a s mall pat· tIona Is the study ot fl es h 8S fo oti (or Tbe t hIn gs 0110 111(0" lon. She bad on a plain calico d ress, hu t It "'Soon the neighbo rs b egon t o drop on e acquires wllh,out, paiu stal,ln g, uu t lerned Honil on ' arc used In making t h l~ mnn. In ord er to altain tbe a !Jove It Is Ilains ta k in g tha L rew nr:ls o ne In Ince. wblch I" lin <luslly worked oud ef· object tbe , was clenn and whole and IItted bel' In of le n , and tbls belped to bcc r AI· the e n~ . nice, an d look ed kinder styllsb. 'She's tred lip, and tbe · feell v ~ d es ig n. or the valu e n e'xt time the doclo, j ust what s bo appeara to be,' H e r came ho was aurl1 I do n 't lblull lb ern I ~ a pl e l\~ u re In Malerl a ls required tor on e yar d of ond, a study of the Injuriou s I'es ul ta rl sed at the Improve 'house was just. like hor ; It was plain ment In ];Is patient, the wo rld t h al can hc co m p'lI'~ d wll h produce d by the consump tion 01 fl esh , H e looked me Bn d n eat: t her o was comtor tab le over from top to all honcs t Joy In cO llqu erln g 0 dlffi · T be specl Hc s ubj ects studlcd are chern· to~ I had cbanged cul t tas l.. It Is by har'II \\'0 1'11 0\,0,. ohalrs, and tI ,ere was books and a my a ppearan ce a Ical compos ition , tu el valU E" dig es tibll· great deal-an d tben plano, Ity, economi c "alue, m ethod s ot cook · be nodded his h ea d a pprovin g ly and wh at o ne does n Ol c lljoy I nfl r on e gains tbll t m a stery of th o Will anel "Mr. Perry WlIs ly ing In a reclinin g mutter ed. "I tbou gbt Ing meats and Influcnc e ot th e CO il · so," I did not facll ily or tbe mlnll tb nl m a l, e ' Ihe I'halr, nnd although you could see that a s k ' hlm wbllt he s umption of m ea l u(>on thc h en ll h. Ot meant, beca use I tru e ,1Is.t1nrli on lIetw ee n Ibe eti ll caleel all t he work so tar a ccompli s hed. th c he was a pleasan t sorl or persall knew . e no ugh, It WII'8 b[s wile tbat was the res ults obt a in ed In the s tud y of th c .. 'That dream hAS made sucb a dlt- and Lhc u l1 cdu<:a tell pcrs on . Nlllul'al on u fo lk" liked bost. coold ng ot meat and the rll ges Ub lll ty torence In my lI(e, Aun t A&enat t,- clcvernr Hs 1M a good qunlil y, BUl a belle r c ne Is do \\'n rl<; hl , sturd y, cl og of meat are or mo st In lc rr"t IInel prac· "Well, we bad an awful nI ~ ca ll, yes, and In the IIVOB of otbera, too. ged persever an ce, that n e,'rr leta CO, and just b efore we went, Elvira asked (shudd er to tblnk tica l value . . wha.t ( would bave once It has s lart cd 0 11 nny Iin o uf Mea ts In cookin g lose m lll:h weight, a s [s boll ed or roaJ led her to play and sing for UB. She n ever been by tbls tlme bcer, when propIt I ba4 Dot bad work , Th e amoultt, c baracter a nti valu e 0/ erl y COOk ed . Howovc made a word of obJect ion , and sh e tbat ellPerlen ce:' r, artificia l dl· A s choolg ir l s llould ta llc s todl 0 1 tbe fooll nntrlm ents thus' lo sl Is a n 1m· gos Llo n ex perlm e nt s didn' t say s t,,", bad a cold lind COUldn't, Ind[ca le c leor l,. "'Don't waste any " hlldd ers on that,' bel' own cal,aclty . T WO B RAIDS CSED. Tb ore I ~ an olr! portant economI c qu es llon. Wl.tll e In a that raw mcat and but she went rlgbt ove r to the plano i sa"", 'Someth ing mellt cooked by else would " ave story of a pl' e CCIH ./ 06 I>rlvate tamlly It may not bc n ecp-ssary !Jail ing a nd r oas ting ar c more I"CaS who wrol e t o lace ; and Bet down and begun to play. Now pllt YOIl on H,e Nin o yard s mll 81111 bral (l , 1... 0 rapidly right track. but of Ib e I I I've beard more or le88 6~ """"" mu sic course tho vision yOU ha d marle a tllat I' r. I pllrell t or a ver y Il ull pupil. yard s Bo n lton. lWO )' anl ~l !>url edge, t o cons ider su ch a q uestion, wbe n a nti eas ily soluble or d lg oslib le tlrall hi "" "IIII" lar ge number . are to be fed , It will be broiled or Irlcd mea ts. la ck'el I "apac I I)'. t h ree s l; u " II Ler In my day, and wben I beard Mrs. quick er cure. You eln. Ih r ead , are one or tbe kind "Buy hcr on e Immodla l e ly," tel recog nized thaI lho so lIlea ts whi ch c. P erry sing I kne .... sbe wa'n't no or· that can tBke a H bas a lso bee n plainly s hown by No mor e " h arm in g "rc"e rtt coulll he hInt. Now, lots of graphed the man of a rtalr.i . Rhi-lnll leaM in cookIng, other things t he.e lu ve s tigatlon Ala. ! dlnary amateur. HoI' volOll wa'n't tolks can 't, and hes s that fat ' 1wJe( Is towed til Chrl s lmas lIlan In your place tbey ~old ca un o t huy Cal)acllY. No o Uls lel a Illt of being equal, are the er 'Ibi s exqu l ~ il nothing 'W'Otldert ul, but mos t des lra bl c. not as eas ily Or rapidly dlgcsled as .. It was sweet would have k ept right on aa you be· e hand· work , I I can g (n va C01l1l t you. BUl you call buy IL ection with these research es lean hee l. F or example and true, a nd ahe sang with 90me lite gun, and th en " tb e ave rage 'ould hav e blamed lor your.e lf, 160 e labor n1e e xperim ent s have been coe rnclen t of and snap. (says somethl nK about It everybo dy under diges tibility ot thl"l5O the Childre sun n's but Hl\lr, tbem· Y h mad e "lor tor t he their purpose mi ser": of determ in i ng samples Oil, Edll , who co mp lain I hilI YOII art er s be got t h rough ,an d 8:e or " ery tat beet wu only 80.45 t said sel , Tb e rCallo n l hn; chlldrc n's hull' dark- the a mollnt, characte , eannot rem e mber , tha r and economI c lit lhe end of one hOllr, while tbe ahe'd stooled a good deal and been to "'Well ,' she says, ' ('m gla4 I round lo·day IH fo rgo ltcn t wbal yo n Ica rll ~n s as th e childre n grow ol der i. lle· va lue ot Ihe to·mu\'l', losses whi )w. ch Olay occur when a ,"erage coe ffi cient of dl[;'8lt1bJIIlY of IIOme good teachers , but sbe didn't put tt.e guilty per90n. And wbat do you change all tbat. If you will g l\, e your cau se 1hc hal l' Il igm ent (: h arig~H, t he nea ts a r e cooll ed by tbe mel bods In thr ee s ampl es 01 leo n m eat was 85.52. on no airs about It, think, Annt Asenatb ! I bave got!!O att e ntion t.o o lle "ull>l\ur of lI'on In e rcaHlng an el ll c(;omchm mon lise. The r es ul ts o f theMe ex· This dtrrerenc e was also tbln g a t a 1.1 ",e , and , "Atl!!T that ftrst call, I went over I like the town and noU"",d at tbe tbe nelghbo rbood let nobody dl . turb you. So mo girl. Inlt 1110re I>o we rrul than th e mag nes ia. perlment~ b ave s hown tJI3t th e gr eal· end or lllC s econd h Otlr, th e ratio oolna there pret ty otten, and we talked to- and the bouse and the peopl&- yB3, lhe are sca tt er-brain ed. Do n ' t bo like TIle ,'onl llii o n ma y b e I; c pt. 8way lO a h!t loss In weigbt whlcb occ ur s In then as 87.66 Is to 89 ,79 , letber like old cronl .., It Willi one people most or all, Besides all that. Lholn. Fix )'our mind on a s in g le certa in exte nl by s hllmp oo ln g th c IIt i [e c06kltrg m eats by boiling, and (>an· I n a con sltlerabl e number of the day towards the end of my 'l'1~lt that I'm going to like the country prelt ,. word , a sin g le senlonce . a 8lngl(> para- o no's glory hnln every wee l( wltb cggs brolll'lg Is clue to t be r omo val of natllrol dlges tlon experim ents, tbe sub. we bad 8 spec[all, . long talk, It WAI soOn, too- In about .another montt" I graph, and compcl It to understa nd and ho t Wilt cr. 0 s lIgg es lion 01 sa il , wll te r. [n tbe r oas ling of meat th e ject s w ~ were s trong, healthy, youn" • rainy day, and Mr. Perr,. W1UI IIIIleep think: and she laugbed , that. and Lo r emembo r It. M~mory Is ot tartllr b eing Rlld e 'l to t h o fir sl. , , hte t loss Is du e to tbe re mo"al of m en lh'ell almos In tile nest rool!!, so we had Quite a t entIrely ul)()n meat. "'The dltrerenc e Is all In yoursell : a slave to those wb Dandruf f cnnno t cx ls l wh~' n tb o s calll I'olb water and tat . Tbe loss es of In liv ing tor o k no w how 10 ave ll to ounelve tl, We'd come to a t II&YS. ' Most generall tbree or tour days at a y when tolks comman d It and mal, c It o bey. i. ~ell t perfecII ), clean. Tw en ly- four I\utrltiv e mot erlal In th e pan·bo lling t ime, every o tber weok, upon kind or pause In our COnV81'MtloD, and l\&1e everythi ng II diet and e'l'erybo dy In You, Rosam ond , wb o havo no trou- hours I:r fo re t h e Hham poo al 'pl y pure cr m eat s arc very s mall a s comparc d consldtln g almo st tt.ere wa'n't no lIOund In tile room sight. tbe trouble's exclusiv ely of m eat. all wltb them ae lves. ble aboul m e morl1. lng, bll t whose hard- olive 011 10 I I\ ~ ~ hllrl 's head, rubblnll ",'i',b the 1038es which take place In th ey e xp er'l ented no detrime ntal or In· but tbe clock ticking aoo t~ · bat pur- (t they'd .o nly see It and bate tt..em· Iblp 16 tbot you cannot rea son . tba l It In we ll , Th is will a ct as a tonic hoi llnlt, roasling au d s aute ing . Tbe reo ring. Finally, MnI, Perl',. la[d down selves tor awblle It wOllld make all the yo u do not s co Inlo t h ing. clearly. and wh on )'ou r IItlle girl I" a big on e: su ltl! of a lArge num ber of ex pe riments Jurlous r esult" . They were no more Inconvim lenced In making m eat the ber work-s he was one of the buey dliferen ce In tbe world to 'em, and to inust tal<n the samo prezlcrlp tlon . Do weari ng t rail ed gow lI s lind cndu r lns ;n whl cb m ent was cooked uy bOili ng ehlef article of their dally di et tliaD kind and wo wu both sewing- and ahe everybo dy else that has to liv e 'wi t h contente d It you do no t mak e very othr r amictioll s tlt Ihe matu re lire, s h e have proven tha t In coo kin g 100 say8, with a queer little smile: ' Aunt 'em or see 'em: "-Rura wben bread or any other tood ,,'as used [ r-iew Yorker. rapi d progress, but con 'e n trai e your w ill h av c n fillO, h ea lth y. tb.lclc head or poun ds of beet by this method , the re as the mll.ln constitu ent In the dlel. ~ena.t!l. I'm going to tell yOU ' a hair. Is \Ipon thougbt ,a n s on a'verage tho tblng t ha In tollowln g No di sord e rs In tho proper working s of hand, " Not llstrango experien ce I had wben I IIrst Danrero u. Proceed lnB'. losses : To lal losss [n weight 3~ . 35 tbe body were Ing can stB.,d beto re Lbo dn)" s wo r ll," moved Into t his nelgbllo rhood. I never observe d. [ t doas not Prot. SlItle rlln "'rites In tbe F rank. said a grent t eacber. nou ndH, wot el' 30.76 pounds, protein n ceessarH y follow Form.. l Dining. Eaen <lay 's • tave told al\Ybody but !Alfred, and I turter ' Zellung tbot (rom theso experl· It Is dan gerous to . wor k , carefull y doDe. tells~'o nd el'ln l Tb 9 g ll ost of bonor s hou ld be s on tell 1.41 pounds , lat 1.2l pounds and min • m ents that a "conLlnu ous meat " "88 llllbame d to tell even him a1[ of It. ,bring complai nt dlst , .agalns.l a Nap.'lil l;y on tbe work or a m alb or . a te rul. at Ihe rll;lh l of th ~ ral m atter : (ash) 0.46 flOunds. The e host. Th e se l'voul would not finally produce e trects o f an .. 'YOU 'Bee, when be wu taRen sick. oo,a chman for ' uuelty to "a!l lmaIS; ht same expe rim This entB 1 demQns whal' sh.ould trated b ap prese llen the Inj urious . In tact, th e. resulte s · It; ),011, my n t. th o d is hes at the l eft md tile doctor , _Id he Iiluat - come kno'll'8 or an English man who did so. dear g IrL whoeve r YOU a l'e, It ' h as han d, of overy guesl In t ll r n , beg lnnln's maximu m '103ses to be 'as ' foll ows: or the experIm ents at the Un[ venilt, 1u""'~1 _ntri, It _ a terrlb[e blow IUId wu tound dead u~it day In a nar. ha Tot!).l . [O SB In weight ppene(l t o 0\1l. ,"!ln y a time, 80 I the IIrst (:OUTse with t he gu est or honor 50.20 flOunds, III fnOl 5 have to di.. I'd alwa,.. lived In the' city, row atreet wltll a daGier ,",OUDC! \Il b1I ',n p w whereo( I spea k , ' Never, mind and passing In regular ort! I' aroun~ wat e r 46.92 p O:::lds; protein ;\.63 conclusi on that Jed to tile ientaU•• &11 ID1 rrtllld l".. &here, ao4.1 "tllt . burt. a judlolou $ly mbted .. ~ , -.'. flOUlldi, fat 8.50 pounds and tnlneral dlet fa the 10Clll.Il!; 'a , Kirl ln the dl/itrlct the tabl e, .< - . ... .. _ ... "" . ... "'., . m08L odvanta"~JlI lor: lb. -; '. matter" 0,70 pounda. aurap Indl,·ldu al•




~e~f' at'!'! tl m f!G wh~ n tlfe

f" 110 m ') b in rr.o~e th u n f'l\ t a r\d d r l l1tt, nn d IN'I} ;

IDqr Nutritiur 1ltulur of ]lul·inu.5 :!Ients










THE ·W .A l{"R E 'N C·O ·UNTY --WILL BE--

HOIlle Coniin,~· Days alld a Grand Reunion .of Old Fri.ends. Mall.V who hov e been absent fOi' yeal'~ Gl'catp~t


OH' I'

J'(~ tul'n,

Every Citizen of the

ounty is asked to a,ssiRt III making; this the

held in t.he cou n t,-. ,




SEPTE1\fBER 19--20--21--22--1905.

\Vheren re those whom you knew ten, tWt'.n t.y, fol"~' and fifty years ago? "W'dte and tell them to come haek anfl meet rtnd g reet those whom they used to·know and sp~Hl d oi)('e more a few days on the old .F air Ground, thorp 'are hundreds who w()uld gladly respond to a message~Jike that ,--" \.ud Turn Home Again. '!

"W rit(~ the word 'WELCO ME,"

in Capital letters and the emories of oth (' I' days, a long-iug heart and a mystic chon1 \\' h ich ('un s through t I.t c.~ fleetingyears {and binds the past to the present, will oyer conw all barriers and hJ'ing' bacl" the old lIt'i ,g ' hh o l'S Hud thOHt' who belong in the family circle. . FRIENDS OF THE FAIR: Will you send the Me~:o;ag and ('heel' up a soul? If 'y Oll cln ~p OIlC'O more the ha nd of those whom you haven't seen Sillce yon Wel'C3 boy and girls Hind sweethearts togethel', 'l'he song::;; of t.he hirds will 'be sweeter. 'rhe· burdons of life will be lighter, the ties of true friendship be stronger, th e CI'l'i1 m of the milk will he thicker . and the roses and liUies Dlore fair. Home comin~ da) s at t he ' ValTon County Fail', MEY:BERSHIP TICKETS $1.00 AND REMEMBER ~INGLE ADMISSION I t NLY 25 CJ~NTS, write fot' ·IH"emium list. GEO. VI. C tHEY , Seeretol'Y· A. D; SMI11 H, President. '

.================--I------~~----I--~--------------J G TOLD IN SHORT IOARRIACE ~'1...

;-- --.


the AS8OClatlon will vigorously pros· nS a"Z S ""l.IS. 'lcnte automobile owners who run _ _ _ _ _ ____ __ _ _ _ _ their mHchinus contrary to luw . PobU.bed Weeki, a t WaID ....lIle. Oblo In to tue 100...1 peo!)le who have Rutornobilp,8, it is only ftlir . to ~I. '1'. UHOWN t EditorS und Managors SII.Y , they 1111 hAve. been uniiormuJly AIJ~ ... t:tLTM . MCKA ~ I OODsl'derlLt,e of per80ns OlLreful uod " . J. UROWIi. ASSOOIATE E"lTO It. ~ drh'lng ne rvons borsl'J<, .Lnd we n .oo .. leBr . . . . . .. In ""vance bave never beard Ilny complaint 11.\!5 • year If noS 11,,1e! In ..avancc agltinst them.




PARAGRAPHS John Stnnsberry a nt! family 1111 v!' moved from tLpllrtml\llls' in the old ' . B 1 th I I' d Mmml ouse W IAre ey 10\'e Ive ' for six or ,~eve n vears. into tho e brick bu~lding ' of Mrs. SAruh 801. lund on Mllin street. Suro Curo Headach e IIlId };CllI" o!


Cheer Up!


Every I OYI~1 residelltot Wurron l Three JurnrsCurbd l'ounty tllinuld utl.e Dll the gretlt · MI'. G . W . Fow IHI·. of l li~h 1" \\" "', !fair Itt LebnnolJ , one day Itt leaRt . \ Aln: , rolnt"~ ILD l'x l~rio.nCtl. he !IIlU ~emen~ber t h dntes, Sept . 19, 20, 1\\'1111 0 .. er\'Jn ~ on u pelH 1llr~' !D If ~ l n.nd 22. • _ murder CAs e. III Ed wllnls\'i II, ', ~ured of LatDtl Back Ilfter 15 j· co uut .v se... t (If lebotl rUA <10Ull t,.\' , Alu bllllllL. Btl s" v~, wbll! t h N'o l Years of SutferlDll lite "ullll' fres h 1ll<; Ut nn (1 ~0 1l1 e M ilS! " 1 bad been troubled lome ulOnt lind il gll \'E\ m e oho'l lertl Ill nr. back for fift~eo'yellril and I found ft bOil in R. vor y .. e v" r form , 1 ", "I' compl ete r eoovery in the use of nAVflf more s'ick in Illy lire IIncl ~I lIi Chllmberll1in'R Pltin BalDI," says to t he drug ",t"ro fill''' I Artn l " l'h"1 J.oI:Ill O. ~i~her, Gllum, Iud . 'fhis erll ru!xt.,lrp, bul, toi)f\ dl· nllJ.\t~t. 1'1l1ot. hnllIDPnt 18 Illso without nn equtli me n bot,t le of (lh " lIi1) rlo.1II '" (·"Ii . for s pruin!; . tlnd bruises. It Is for choll)~a tmel dinrrl1(lell. rellledy 111 SlLle hV .LoUls Mnv. InRlplld , IIlI.y ing tlonr. )1 >1 IItHI wltut, 1 ~Pllt f 1'. hnt. fh>lt.' I.h i~ lIl"dit 'irm wnK SI1 llI\lch bettttr h e would rlLtb· . ~f LAN G ~i fll' send it to llI e in ,116 lis I \\"~ HI. •• , . " . l t,()ok nll e(~"dn of il. lltlfl wa ' Iw Ut'" RIuO EviLLir, Onlo In fiv e n.imHI' >I. Tho ~ (·C.IIHI II,,,.· OIlred mu un l,ir ol". 1'.vll f., III'" BpI': I,j,LTt&8: DISIM8ESOl' wO!IEN jIlI'I,,, .. w, r.' "fJ1i · tAd in I I" . " ""',, AND ORILDRltN. 11l1l1lllPr IIn.-1 V"\< ~tIlu Jl hvll l.· 1'1.1' 11 1.11ft threll nf 'ns FI1r ~nlt' 10., ' \'''\1''





REP AI~ING. J AME " LIN DE Ii. hK S returnell tIl W~ynesvllh Rnd openl'd a ARRIAOII: sHOI' in \Vrlght's buildin g In ullphr MAi n st r et. B '1Ilk,. the Ilutrnllllga ot tho pnhllc in RJolP lIuim VI<lIll u~.. 01" ALL KtSI)S, IlEI'.\I N'rINI) flOt. '.

powl1elrs lit May's . E,'erybody who k nOWIi Mr. Lin. Alonl'.o Borton, nl~ht engin ee r Itl der , knows ltiR work!!! Jo' IIU1T OLAI!H . 'l'E:ullP1-lo!lE: eJUaIa - • ~O. 6-2 'rhe world Is taking your photo. the power house, htls moved hit' _ _ _ _~__~~_ _ _ _~~_ I III Come a.ndsoo hill1 . grapb. Look pleu8ant. Of oout:se family from the proport..v ac:\jf)ininj! WEDN£SDAV • • . SEPTEMBJo\R, 1:1 · . 1806 you bave your troubles. troubles tbe Christian oburcb til tho property you Oft.nnot tell tbe polic.e mon. A On Third street owntld hy Philip .-.-------~ 1 1'1'1"'" Hopkins and v.lf)llted by .1. EDITORIAL COMMENT whole l ot o f things bother YOII, of elint Spab.r und family . . . oourse. BUSiness worries or domes· III I ' n I ( .. r N r' r II • Om yotl evftr thinlr of thl!l little tio sorrows, It may be, or what not. .llld 'h r f'l nic Augu",tus Wllliamt'. h llving fllilprl i 'J{'onllilll~oCY to the Phoneti c meth. You find life ... 'ragged rOlld whose in h8llith IUld st.rength 10 R nlurked od of 8pelJin~f Instead of spAlItnS stones hOl't your feet. Nevert·be- dflgree, his son .ln.llIw .:nr1 dllught.~r , Hl' :,rs t be eU uill of Aluwlutc allel G tDU £lA'rHA WAY, I Il l). \\ ..... rth : , I\Jlhlc h te(\ AUf} I(JutIC1~c1 hi If MS It !louul11', ,. Fonetlc," it. beg los leRti oheer up . It ntlLy be yo ur real Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. AdfLm", httve Lh..: t r Uo l'i)'"l-t'1I1 of "un:, h. h~3KlmperI8b~ ditlOtlse is selfi~hDestl-in·grown 881· moved !n wit,h tbeir p"rents lind al,l .. r jil r.rudr ttf!!~U, us aOOUfn.te in cura., whh " Pltu .. Waynesville'. Leading Dentist t.h·,· rC',.ult~ U.!!I u ttx d Aclenrc, a Womt* • _ • fish ness. Your life is too self·cen· will lIs!li!!t in cnring fllr Mr. Wil . rVUI!!I Blc8.",hl@tothe ,.Ic k BUcJ Alltolc, It Omce In \'. e y.· Ou IIdln,~ • . . Malo Slreel liams. . lIa .. cntlur 'tht" lctlL of "hneN and been TIlIC li ll htnlllg rua wbich hilI! been t eredo Yuu inlUgine t,hat your trib· t.rh~d III 1h c r u("l b l c- or~x p -.!rlc n\ e, Opn' in KNW,uK dillfavor for II. lung peri' ulnt.lonll I~re wlir~e tbun others beur . (,"1' 111t'1I 11.fl cr ~1' 1 finalnn of I)r, or,e n e~ We h~,Je just r eC'Pivl'd II Cltr of h a\ t.' fI~ l ()r\!'-' ht'.,n ILh to lht' Rutte r lill hV "II of yt'lI.rll, bldtl to come Into You .fe,,1 Korry for yonrself-the 250,000 shIngles; both I (J lIud HI tll""1: IlIa r 't:h lu8 nte- flll'lIlC .. , uduU"IDKI inch These sbillgletl "rA po~itively polmla'rit,y once more, 118 no less an mBll~est ~ort of pity . It. iSll ptLthetle ur lll ud ~. lnJl und l lCr{,!,alu ", th e trealment VETERINARY SURGEON. best the m ll.rket. uft'ol'dR ond through tonI(' l'OUrtt 01 onorwous prao"lc;nl Ru,hority thlln By iii. Davis, tbe illUSion . Rid yourllelf of that and Ll'lbunon, Obio. eXIM.!rlclI oc II lU' '''\1l the Idllk, 'by lfI'and · Ilre strlcf'\l7 first.claRs In flve r y r eo Can be calleel any hour: dlloY or Fire MlI.rtlhal of Gltlo. has obeer up. Wh"t ri!!bt h"ve ~'ou t,o RllBct. (nl,her. fa th er .• l1d Hon, umt t' to<lu.y tbr QUII.hty und Jlri(' A~ 1 il!bt..· n ight. Both Bl'11 tlnd Va.lIey t hlnl ~ell rutln n ut Or. G rcuuee h.4 rh" allll come forwaru HI! an Ildvoollote for OII.rrya plntllre of yllur woe · be· gone Call and see UH. W. H. ModdeD & till! to (be w \.I rld nn C! \'e n ttH-,r, au(ce'lIt ... Pbon~, Volley Pbolle No.. ~j Sou~em fu l praotlce, a ftlurer :u Hl Illure (l<JBlth' e the mucb ILbuliOO rod. The Fire faoe lind funerll.l WILYSllboUI umong Uo., Corwin . IO u I f ~ of " ure than hUt-! erer berf'toforu MII. r~blll bas cllrefully collected sta. your fellowI'. wh" btl va ' troubletl uf From, Cincinnati Mr. S . Z. Va.roes, who t~l1lg bt the bet' II p t:u14J'l 1lo4·r., r t the t1el)1"C8t;.~d. \\,eak ' cuell a.w l dihclluraNed \'tuttma 01 cbr mlc r.iMt,ios relntlng to the OlLuseR of fires thei,' OW1I? If. yon mu .. t wbille or Hisey sobool two or IhrHe t .. rDl8 Ii. • to all Important Cltles ,', IIIpl dnls. ..... wbloh ",,8m t<l tndiCILt.~ tbtLt Ji ght- sulk or tleo",l, tuke tL wulk Itnd go few Yllars ugo, hILS heen e lllplo}'ed 121l West Fifth St.r et. DRS ~'. A. &.1 A. URII:ItNR " SoutJa. SOuthwest ntng rods pr"IJt!rly 1,Iucel lire vlllu. to t.he woodH or to ~qOle unfruquent ta t enoh the Smith school opar 0 .LY t on, Ohl o. ar e th · llrvllrl tot~ nr t hlu. lDo~t morvel ' aad Southeas~ able I,rottlctioo . ed 11I1I"I' (,heer up! Your Ills tire Loveltlod, which MI!' Churi ot tu l OUMot'ull rOU1edlc.~ for Nod'e8 am! W Ood . . • _ • lurgel .v IllllLginllry. If you lire rea lly Antrum Bur ton hnd h eAIl oogltgpd Phou ef'.: Muln H,02, Borne 3502. ~uotd rates on tbe tim and third Tuesdays of each month. on Ihe hrink of hltukruptcy, or if before b er morriage t o t ench . I EVR, EAR, NOSR AND TOROAT. For iJlformatlon address t)I~, ~~r.DrI-'~ rIEl~i/'t1~JI. TUiC uf·teotioD of t·hol Gazette hilS •• r••• ItI.. ChcIaIlll. All an' Ilr"· lIc~oal"'OOIl. ull Dr Il l'etne ·rLUI. BII.rveysburg FOI'I,i Ib:er ('0 Speotacles fitted a treasonable prioE's . erAS.w.If,' ULI.. been olllled to tbe number of dogs there were no tliorollghftLre through . ullm.•.•'J QadaqU I>., rrion . 'I1 ~' or b.\' ma ll. enUrely free . W. O.IIIU11OI, O. _ In Ilnd II bout WllyncHvi1le. As the you rllnrrOW", you should cle"r your htl~ hegun t.htl mlLnuf\lel.ure of its l _ lJr (J r"~ lIe hhn HcH utlChOZf to 011 who browl!. tlet )llIur .t oeth ollll mllk a th e fe,tllizer ,. wbl oh is tI w tAutly for i' . call i LU{\ Ull H w~r all WtTtrH In l1e reon,' Ilditor of the Gllzotte own8 II. dog he!lt \If it . Cheer up! You ure market. Its product Is tre!lb and Offlc.·, 101 F,fl" AV tl uuf',~. Y.• hilUl!6lf. It ia rtttber a deliOlite sub· milking II. h,vputbe't,icnl on·so of yoor oontlloil}B an extra lor!!,,, ItUJilunt of l ., u t ~5th joot for UII to discuss. However, trlmbles and 8ulftlring fr'om II, self· bone 1L0d ILnimlL1 mut,t tlr whloh tbl!re Setlnll' to be a nnmber of bome· mlLkes it worth more for t·he t:)loney l . . Inflicted verdict . You "rH horrow. tbttn most other fertillza r~. CIlIl or l h:NI Htrllyll tbat belonK to no one 10 ing trollblo IIllll (,,,ylng 11 hi g h rllte telepbone your orderR to "'ie tll.otory ! partioulllr lIud (\lIgbt t~ be weeded nf intarellt. Uhe"r up! Why, mlln Cross . HILl! WBS In ned with a·n , If we were to assemble all ollt. AI~n , Hnd very importtmt. all .'j Idiv .. , in n, t. e n minnl.A w'llk you npprecillti ve audienoH ["l'id.~y night those who have been cured of ptlrlltlu .. wb .. owu dogs ought t o re t.urn I·bent f .. r t~lxutiou . We hllve ll1i~ht. '<tIe It ~cor" or P'" 'pie wor se t o wllnes!! Frllnk David:lo!I'R remli I heart disease by Dr. Miles' nnt· tbu I1glu .... lit hlLlId, but IL!I Dear ofl' I hlln yOIl . A 1111 III"'" yo u II rt' tlon of "The F nlkll n~. Willow , Heart Cure, and who would o do"no dl!!~In~ ,."ur II\\'l1 gl'lLVtl, ILOt! "III.Y Ureek" 'fhe r,OlllPIl 'lV OHl'riE'S il!l to-day oe in their 'graves ha d 1L8 we remIlID L.. .... r I",II>! til .It. II .t ... . '~ . . . do!!,,, we rll on Ihe IIIX duplicate in IlI g 1".1 Ihell 1'.11' .llIt .. nIl' harglliu . OWII ece nery nnrl k CI'Il!l R.hrell!lt. of I not Dr. Miles' b!!en successful in perfecting thili wonderful ' IU!!' t .~" Y4"r nOll Mlln nil vo. .vun lIIuNI· till yonr work the limes with !'Ionlo(illLlI(1 jok eR. nno l W ",yne 't ownsh II' AND DEALER rN heart specific, they would popthe~e mUl!t I,.; con8iderably over Sm,IL'. Hve " IhOllllh It he t.hrougb Mr . David ..on is nlw"y" tlt h"rnA III ) ubte a large city. Whenyournerves 10uinel,' 1', /-. i, tl"Lr", which "I'uellily dry. And wlll\tever r·olo li e a!>~Ulll e K. · tl Itl. ' t.wo IIUIIII I tl rI 1U ~ What a remarkable rccordall ullstrun g. YOllr Cheor 111) -Yunn~ Folk", appetite fails you and HlI.vinA' tlflOided upon rh e erection I a breathing, thinking, moving you feel as though of un entirely lIew "Inlll. in which monument, composed of human Tnt.: worm will turn ~ For ~everal . the holtom had drop/ to blLudle our IlIr~l'ly 111(·rpn ... ed )jvcs,-that for which evcry Telephone iu 111>1 bOl1se where ' be votlrlt the flLrmer!4 of Wllrren oounty ~100 RewlLrd, $100 ped Ollt of your stomach , you are paylor 11U ~i nes!l, we now olT,'" onr en.f.lre other earthly possess ion is saccan be coiled I't aU hours, day or the. penKlly {or the abuse you have il8Vol Hnbmittpcl toO lIutomobile owo'i' 'l'h ~ r tl,Lders nf t.hls puper will be st.ock of ~lr lLllit e RlldulIlI'lolH IIl'lIIU · lofh<;ted upon ynllrtielf by hnstily-eaten night. I 't ' h phl.lllml t·1/ 1"IIr1, I.hut. there ill ILl, ment.!! tLocl markers ",. ~"eIlUy ro- rificcd. and Improper food . er. t r om neln,y CI lOS, W 0 run IllIlHI. ,)01'1 dl't'"lled Ili~tlll"" thn t ",)i The Miles Medical Co. reCooches Ilnd ohairs Aupplled. Your digestive organs. even tbough .. ver tbtl pike!! Io"edle,o" of the right~ enoo hUH bee " 'Lble t.o cure in till iI ~ duced prieos. 'rhe 1"1'10(1' hnilding ceive thou sa nds of l ette rs from we will erect Will muke n ACi'''~ury delicate. will stnnd a lot of service but r ecen tly moved to room , "I' ""Y hnt I.bem"elvtts, pn.ying no -tll!;H". find I,hut I!I cutllrrh . Ba\l '" the these people like the following: they re~ent ill ·treatm ent. ' r em oval of our enriro .. tollk . I1M.ention I,ll stop "i~DllltI, lLud there cn,tnrrh Clure i~ I,he only j)osl~i VA Persons interested will 110 well to "I t eel Indebted to tho Dr. Mil...• 'l"xt t,o Cro~s Bro~. Cure tor my \1(0. I d •• Ire to ""II . . t hel" v.. oft.en dellber. (mr e now known to the medlCKI senti for our oata.log or heUnr Rtin nthoea rt atte ntion ot othe rs Buffering 8JIJ I MAIN STRIIIH. WA YNIloJVILLIC. 0 .·_ '" r.lIl""n .11 . I t l . ,' frM eroit.v . cnt.nrrh being It conRt.i. did t() thl ! remarkablo remf'dy tor the come to our YlI.rd lind Flf'" Ihe work ( £ ......... ".) henri. For IL long tlmo I h lld .u!rered .. ttlly Ilt.t.emptlng t.o frIghteD the tutinnDI (li~BlI"". re(llIirll!' constitu . trom shortness ot b retlth aft or any Hull's C'Jltm'rh we oft'er lit your ow n l'rir,l\. hl)r" .. ~ of Ihn"u whom t.hllY met tionlll l,rentmAnt Utile exerUon . pal/,Itallon ot tho h ear( ' 'rhi, lIumber (\f per.~nn8 10 (lICORla: DOIIJ)H & Ron, nnd at times t erri )le pu ln In the region ailing I.hll r" ..d. Ao orglloiztLtinn cnre Is tllken inte rnnlly, aotiog di., , Wu;!,n tl"v ille tlnll vlclnit.y who hlLve , of tho heart. "0 e.rIOIl. t lillt I f eared Xonin . Ohio . tlint I would Som e tlmo drop d ORd u!'On h<\1' UIIW helln fllrllledllDll clllled tbe r ently 'IIPIl~' th" bIOt)t! 11.1)(1 mncolI~ is the greatest Temed.Y io the' \vorld for In!'.t wil h morn or lASS ~rlous Hcm .. thc s treet. Ono d a y I r end ono o r your , . . A . ~ nrfu ce... rtf t.\,,, syst.em, I.herehy de I Mrs ••T'L1n e!! Clttrk nn.l, correcting nnd c\lring nil forms of stom. dAntR I hi .. ~Jlrlng alld 8ummer til' c lrcula rft. Rnd hnm edlnt ely w ent to WllrrPlI U'lOlII.y Pr~teot've 8~001~... I.rnyinl( t h e fllnn clnti on o f thA <1i~my druggist n nft pur cha.sed two botaeh and digestive trouble. . relll1v u~hml~hillg: Almost eve;'",' ti.,", I.h .. tlvllwpd ohJect of wblch IS ""~'\ .11111 I!ivinl( I,he plLf.iellt MiRS .T es~iA, of B.rdA Pnr\;. Cincin., tles of ' ).0 Ileurt Cure . und look It ~t in~tAn(ly imparls ne", IIfenndvlgor k f I h h to dlro ·UOM. with tho to these parts and keeps them in riml wee or ,,"wert! motlt· 1\ t eo to Hllftlr<!8 Ihe III~II rellLtiog to "t.he ~t,rAlIgt. h bv bllildinl( up the oOIlRti. unt.i, II.rriYed ill Wlln'l'sville l!lst I according reBult t hnt I am cured. Since and perfect \Vorking condition. P Q"·I.Httf' hll~ pubJi ..herl rflport8 Or.; then I nc.\"cr ml ~!I an opportunity to C'lIIt.rlll und mauugument of vehlclet. tntinn lind U~~illtilll{ n .. ture in eloil1lo( Thursd,LY and expect, t o r('mulo recommend this r emedy to m y fri ends Don('t wlli t until you nre in the grlpo! from 0 110 ttl rour or ftve 8.coldentsl, hl"c 1 i .. bwuy" Any it.H wnrk . 'I'hH prnprif!tor;o hlL ve 8ev(lrtll months with MI~R Emma who h llVO heart trou ble : In f nct 1 am these torturing complai nts. butgetadol'j An 8cold llnt m.ll:V come to 8ony'one~ ntra yeUng adverUsment, tor I am lIJ10n t·1lA pu 1 I "' . Rn much faith in ltR onrllt.ive p"wers lar or hnlf·dollar Hi>.e· of DR. CALD. a.l lvthne. ond In OII~e It oomee tberBl locality. " cllizen \If \\'lIrr" 1l county over l.hM, t.h .. y "fTl-lr Onl! HUlldrllll Dnl B eighwllY· '!'be ClarkA once owned wIdely known In thl. J. Fl. BOWMAN. WELI:'~ S\' RUJ> PEPSIN now at your 18 only 0\10 oertliin I)rotpctlon ,~ Ani M"nngor or Lebanon Democrat, twenty tllIll yelLrtI old Is eligible to III r .. for II ny ClILRIl t.hllt it fllils to und ocoupled tbe propert~· now druggist s nlld- for~stnll the trouble. aooident polloy tn tho Aetna In~nr~ Nashville, Tenn. mttmhPr"blp in t./u. orgllnizlLtion, core. Send for li8t of tellt.imollials known as (}len Place. und MI'. Clurk Your 1II0~ley w ,lI be refunded If It Ance ·Co of wblch Fred B She ..... Or. Mil ••' He ..t Cure II lold by • oes not benefit you. . . ., . . n your druggist, who will gU . . lnt •• that rovidO'(l .he dol'S no t. "wu lin RUto A"~lr .. ~~ F . •J. Cheney & Co., Toled , did mnch towllrds bpuuUfyill1( it, Your poot.• ' card reau •• t wm brln b \Ira ,1\ I" HI!'A n,t,. !ltm r"ntf e. yon tbethe "rlt boltl. will benefll. I' It 'alii hewill refund your money. ",aU our now bonltl.n "DR.. C "'Lt~'t~ pa,y ,ue.l )t of II. I)8rtaln .8nm II· you, ~obne. TbA Initla.tion fee 18 fifty I O~~icl by I'll (lrngglsts, 7Ge. and, while lit has been many years ::'~eK .,,<?,~ ~~,~~~~v~~"I~~Vbj" .ample 10 nt et' .w\t.h 81\ IIf:oldent, Think wha~ oeotl!. A8hley B. Brown, of oellor 'fldee BIIII'>I !i'llmily Pills for con. since the family ltved here, they. Mila Mtdical Co., Elkhart, IllIS nmed,. Do IlDO", I I W..-r.i! rtlean~ and bow helpful th& LebaDon, t. president of the A~l!OCi Ist.lptltlon. · have maintained their Interest In . . moo~y will be to yotl. whlle you a~& &"00, and the membership a.t pres' l and love 'for the..J?lac~; antl~ . The WarreD County Fair will be PEPIIN SYRUP laid up. . Then talk the matter· OV8lIlIIa... . ·'wlth- Fred · Sherwood. ·Ratte:v.erjt eDt It Uiostly confined to tbBt part See our "speclal" paint a.nd var. ·pa.te pl.eft!1ur'etD. rene~lng 01 .frleo . b"ld .,f our daY1l.'Sep'·. 10.20, 21' oDd · '"For Sale by J ; ·E •. JaDney~ l'888onable .. , '~ ; oUlle county. ' i~ III underltood that ' nish bruehlls at 15l'.. J . .S. Janney. 8hipe. . . 22.' at the Lebanon Fair GroUndl; 1(111.


D' C M


DR. H.E.

Dr. R. J'.,




H. McCASSY, M. A•• M. · .

1"......! r.·...



A Li. vlng -CAN'T ' M.onument• EAT







-- _...- --


Dr. Caldwell's






Syrup PepSin





. _.Rt,.."..



. Warr~u1

County Coutu. 'Colil lil iiss iOllcl's'

Home- Com ing


The Child AJ5leep.


.m. . . .____WM. . . . . . . . . . . .________. . . .~-. . . . . -------~


:Stlll t.he Inieroflt in th e H ome. 'Yritlng on "The R.1!?hts o f th e l 1.1 . 1 •• " rt l " II ' . :o. I I ( A WI' \\' H 10 lI 'r . C.A S H rlk, IV II. \· I ~ C P iH'3llt l;:-t I J Ln L 'oming Re union in 1l10o remains Child ," In the Ootober D e linelltor. / BllIl4 nllowed·i:lllpt . 4 Ullllbot.erl, in fll c t, i t Reem s t.o in· Dr . H ra ce P . Murrtty I\llfl flOOlO r e . Oret(ontll Bridgl'l (Ju., r Apfllr. cr61L!1e 11S t.he t,iDle for t,b e In·gat he r . ml1rk~ ofpartlculllr into reRt to y o un ~ I log hridg e on Diok's m others. "It is dilTl oult t o kep, p . Crook .. ....... .. . ...... · ..... ... 111 \) 25 iug oruws !leIHer. 'i' hnt thlol ille ll of the R ouni on Illa y m oth e r s 111111 UUI'SOS fr om 1.11 .. "I d Orll~Ollitt Bddg" Cu, rUJluir. !I n, be mOl'o full y unll e l'Rtoocl, nnll itl! o u~ tom of ru oking t h e ohilo to >:I lm, l'. Ing Llollr 's Crock hrtelgo olClgnitml'''lppreoiilt.e.l . ,\ fe w words bllt ohilclre'n amI m oth erf< ulile e Oregonitt Bridge Co .. Clu\wlIl. s h ould b e e mnn c iplltod fr o ll. ~l1 o h ltider bridge ........ ........ .. H(j GO on t.hfl H,lhj(Jot Illn,y n nt be ILmISS. ' La~t "pl'ilIJl. it WIIR "ugf,{os ted that Whe n tho time for s leeping h ilS I"'. Heury l3iehll', hrldge repnirs ,Juhn aurourd Honnebttum et ul, B arllln township .... ..... 3~ 71\ 1111 e ffo rt. h e mlldo to hav e I~ r eu nion riv ed th e c hild s hould he )ln t in its ity' IIcro" Iu 'l'urtleoreek township, Clint Stanton, cont-nlOt of I.h e fOJ'lllOr pupils o f WuyneMville c radl e or c rih und le ft to w oo slcRp $;lUU. No. 120 ...... .. . ..... .... .... .. ~ll 00 I:li i(h ~(Jh oo l, wh o had not grlldn. 011 bi~ OW11 IIcco un t . 1'h£' ohi III Itten. lit th e ~Ilrn e t pn o Ilull plnco us sh o uld n ot b e tempted t o slE'e}) by F. l<Mwio Grie@t to Farrin T. Cli nt Stanton , cout.rllo t No depo~it t-hl e~ I , ".llB Ilcrel' in J<' runklin town· 121 ... ..... .. ........... ..... ... . ao 7n the Iln nuttl r e uni on of l.h oRe who m enns o f his bott.le . Be II h onl (l hI' kept uWllk e t·1) flni!lh hi!l m eltl (' 0 111 · • hip, f- I lind otber vllluable consider· W . G .Shn1t:l. COli truct. No. I ~ I :l;t 00 hull g rlltlnll tllll th fl r A. The ill 0 11 li t o noe beon.lIl e p"p n lllr, fo rt.a hly, nnd th o bott;le ~ h o nld ),(> JltiIlUS . Oregonia Brid~e Co, I~t estl. Minnie ~l. Loer to ,lobn .J . IronR. mote contrl!ot No 1<0 .. .... :lUi 00 tl"c1 t.h a Ach lHlle e uhlrge(l until n o w th e 11 r e Ul oved, The ' pu cille r' wllidl il. i ~ pr"plI~ Ul I thu t sH ve r ul !lnys n ext 's ofte n u sed to put the ch i leI t o 25 !j aores In Union township, '1 and Oregonlfl Bridge Co., I ~ t estl. sloep, alloule\ not h l1 put in t,b e ohild 's or.hor \'III'lIIble oonsideratlons. mlLt·e contrdot No. 58 .. .. .. (120 Oll sll 111m e r, uil h er in .Inne or August., 1lI0 uth for Ilny rE'EIson whute \' e r. b!' d ev otoel t.o m l)\]ili)\iDg a ll f,)rlllel' Besid es Us lIn Ol elllin esR, it m il.\' mule !> ,1 limes GrImes to I. M. Miller, lot C . B . Jones. contruot Do. H~ 878 00 oitize n, of Wll y n ~ ~vi ll e th e m outh so re !lnd dis t ort it : n nd In ~lIrvIlYHlmrg, $SOO. W. H, Stanllge & Co . • p enoils It i~ furth e r iute llf\ed t·hll t IlnriD ~ it causes lin exoessi vo flow of suli vu . I.nurli Miller to Elber .. D. Russe)], W . for Auditor......... .... ... .. 3 00 (·h'lt t im e (.IJ!! IIllnlml h.ln q llll t o f till' Do not permit- t.Iw huh.l' t.o h e Pllu H ~t8.naJle & Co , rlluher lut. III tiI'J·llIllboro. 11. All1l\lIIi A H~on i ntin n h A h e lll i also outed int o h llh it. ~ illlrl \\,IIVS ill I'e · ({.lrd t o ~ Iee plng Rnd nn p. t il ki n j,( btl ndll Jlml lIulse for Pr" . t.ho r tlll11iun "f th ll Olj ~Cllllo.J Asso· whi ch will Jl1l1k e him n Iit,tJ e t~' rnllt. but.e .Judge ........ . ........ 4 liO T B. VllnHorne to John ,J . B ougb lut in Fmnklill , ,,:150. O. L. Wantz, bridgo lumber. \/11 5;) oinl-iou, .". U ~UI1!. Besidoy th ese, it. in tb o fUlllil y. " i ~ pro babl e th ll ro wiil beJltte lllpts . . . . . . __ . ._______ • ______________________________________aa~ l'IlIlW SO ITS. Ohio Cnrrugllted Culvflrt Rnd 'Illltle If) L{r'!I1jJ p")lil~ o f other f or. Women as Well as Men Brldgo Co., bridge tUbes :!i' 00 }'ell rl Mo unts vs Lucius C. fil Ar ",",,,·h.·,·,. WIHlII 1,lltlro Wflre n o T. C. Plltte rl'On , bonr(ling Mount,.. Injunotlon. Are Made Miser'able by otho r > ,111 ,,,1-: il\ (.he vllhl~ '" bosides priRODerM ................... .. 78 '(0 W. F. Eltzroth aDd W . Che8ter p riV llt.t· " r8 t1 lf~<: t, !'r ll() {) 1"' , IUHint.Hln ed Kidney Trouble. E E :-; ~ ~ Connty Appe lll, Maple, executors, V8 William Frau Wllrrfln H lllo ~.,. · t " l. i ,, " . n lll~t.I .v h.I' Ii'l'iunrlH. b1nnks fnr Sheriff .... ..... ~ 00 enknecht. Suit for money i amOUDl It !I",. h ~,·" ""k ell w h,i t (~ IU be Kidney (rouble preys upon the mind. di s. Bllrrelt BrI)R . • cll~!I"ifiollt,ion c laime d, '3&8 .62. dun e. with "Il wh,; ,LI'n ill \,11,111 a ud courages and lesse ns ambiU on: beauly, vigor for Auditor .. .. .. 12 DO W ilf'll WIIll till ;': and. cheerfulness soon ' W . F. Eltzroth, a8 executor, VB F tl XIJO'Oll!ll 1·1\ ,,(1.1" 1111. Th t! lLnSWer IS , OrAI!"nin. BridR:o Co ,oolltrnnt disappear when Ihe kid· D. FulkerRtb. Aotion for money ~ 1II1' 1 .. " (J('.'>nllu"tl 'llio"" will he pro· neys are Out of orde r N o 62, IAt e8ti~llt-e ..... or BUll forol'l08ure i .. monnt ohdmec1 , 26!i 00 vir!ml 1'0 1' 1111. lln(1 we h"p" .1'0'1 will BArt Reed uovanCIl on con . Kidne:y Irouble has t80~ , 1l8. become so prevalen l trnct 110. 9(1 .... .. ;. .. ..... .. 90 00 come that il ls no t uncommon J . W Scott VB the (,Inoinn .. t·i lin. ' R. H IIre h hllrl{er, HU)U ry .... .. :U'i 00 In u. r r ,Ct-'; nt (·n f}\' I·'·:-Jllt"j · 11l wit,h H for a ch.ild 10 be born Northern RH,hrliY Co Aot.\on fOl .fulI";14 Fulle n Sr., Ma.!lIr.v .. ... . &0 uO I.;lln tl pmttll frDl II" I li ~ '""t ')11'0 c it .I' ,~~~\~t ';> arflJ cled wllh weak !:id· mone", . limonnt. oltlimed, '500.: ney •. If th e ch ild urln· Il s h lll't. tllll e Ilg n . h" ""'·" " " \11,·1 I.b nt Obio Curru!!ILt.o Uulvl'rt lind ~~~oliI . ~,.... ates 100 alien. If the WI UO he hn ~ n fri nnll II" '" Ii \'i II !! ill ()hi n Bridge Co ., brlOgl1 t,uhf's OOUUT PROCEEDINGR . urine scalds th e flesh or If. when Ihe child who tUu'k P.; n n ' llHti pill!l·i n u .."rns tt, reaches an age when il shou ld be able 10 a.tnlnmln Crune, Ildmln8trator, UOI:J~8hy & ~on", b~rlli! of Ii 00 hi~ N",v EII!!I" .n r) 11 0 ' II! ' ,,' ... HOUl I1. co ntrol the pass·.r,e. it is yet afflicted wllh H; c hll,d Mllr"h ...... .... .. "'Il C:hurlell UngleRbAA . Clt!le 8ettll'd bed-wetlllll:. depend upon it. Ihe ca use of l)omi11~ HfHIIllnn. ,t o ,1 II. h p p Xpr A~l' ,f. S Morri~, t d X rfloeirJlfl fu r the dlHlcully Is kidney Irouble, and the fi rsl I\nli lil!lml~sed wUhout, record. 'rre ll8urer ........... , ....... .. 135 00 erl it.. " wo uld· I"~p h l~ l·h " ,"the r step should be towards thl! !realment of !\tAry A, Strout VII Uharles Nixon than m '>8 tho pl l' n ~ ur( ' .j ··ri \' e 1 .. these Imporlanl organs. This unpleasanl J . S . Morri ~. !U dse for Snr tro uble Is due to a diseased conditio n of the fit III. Cd~e 't Akfln to C)lroult· oonrton 'i 40 Th e villlIl,lp c 'lIIt,'linl' hnt. t 200 illlinb kidneys and bladder and not to a habll as v"ynr .. ... ..... ..... .. ...... .. fOri o r Mta.\' of fute ontinn f.{rllnt ed, nn ihLOt.~ , ,LJ)d l us ( Yl'llr l.h Ar e were most people suppose. "'V . O. Corwin, r e lJlllrR fnr Oll,.t" IIh;1l fixed in th l! ;lUID of $SOO. Wome n as we ll as men are made mls· H 00 5000 r pt.llrll etl wll1l,l nrl'ril P,>rmis erable with kidney and bladder trou ble. 8,,1601 townl'htp ... .... .. . .. U rll1 Pprrltln VR Churlefl Koogle PI (; r,o sion w ",s uutllinerl fr o m th A G i)ve rn . and both need the same great remedy. LOANS NEG OTIA'l'ED . Ruul(lt'H Gule Co , IlI!lIci !8 .... .. NOTARY PUBL!. mild and the i m medl a t~ effeci of a). ('1I11e "At·t.1l'fl Hnr! dlllmi8118d. 8 00 or of th e SI.'lt.e til ll"A t.11P. t.Ant.!'. The RUlIgIH.!I Gille Co , ink .. .. .. .. . Swamp- Root I. soo n realil:ed. 1/ is sold W o hllv" buy e rs for gOOl) ftlrm~ Ilud town proporty nt u11 tim e!:!. PItOBATE .I.lODRT. cot.~, eto. , hlllo"L{III~ to" II ' 'Ill JlII.n y by druggl$ts, in (ihy RUtolKle" Gtlle Co ., nlunktl for ... L\~ t with UM , w o 011 11 h elp yo u • . EflT'lItH of .lo"ppll A:verll, Im~ilfl Probllte .Judge ... ... .. : ...... 7 50 of milititl Ilt th e cnllnty sellt.. nnd iu cent and one dolla r You may have a thut WIlY pVI!Ty hod y 11',,11 I).u oll sizes. Soo"nli nnd finlll Hoonnnt for bettIe· RUlilliet! (;./11 (:0 . • mdse for Office R oom tl ov p, r POHt Oilkn ill StOflJ1R' Building . sample bottle by. mall 7 25 for. t;urveyor ............ ....... . free. also pamphlet tell· nome 01 8w.",p·n OOL mplIt tiled . Ing all about II. Including many of the E"t.l~tp of .111 tIlpM Lany. deceRI!Nl E. l). Thompson M. D. ser. Atta.cked oy a. Mob thousands of tesUm onial lette rs received vieell to IJriHoller" ......... . . fr om sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer Pronf of Imhllcolttnn of T)otioe of lip 5 00 And b ent-en. ll1 fI h~h,or. n o t. until! lit Co.. Blnghamlon. N. Y ., be sure and Be rt. Reed, bridge retllli rR polntment .of adl'llinlet,rl\.tor tilt'<\ f!overerl w,th snrl ' ~, Il C lll r,"~o Rt·f Aflt mention this paper. FreHh Frnib linn V p l!c tllbl fl~ ha ve t.he clLlI. Also cn nll ed eoodR Datorfield township .. .... :J2 50 0111' con(\uct,nr III)pli ed Bllc klen'~ E~tate of .10fleph Ayrei'. 1\I'Ol'ftl'l-'\ Don't mllk e ILII V mi ~ l.nle. ' hilt r n. 1111(11111 rolld.I' o:l<lk cI1ILrC icl"" . Lee B Dunh~m IlPI.ointpd IIdmln; · R. B. Sill 11.1.1 . oeme n t .. .. ...... .. 11 7 80 Arniclt Rulv e , ILIltl,,, lind ~\'IIR !!~~ I:llemb",r t.J1I1 11l1l1l f., SWill'll" Roo t " Dr T n~A ,t. 10 • Ki)lll e r 'R Hwn m".H of). Jln(l 111<' lid COU l"Rc t WUI' mudo with F. M sound 111111 well. \v o hll v", 1111 t.h osl'. 11 1111 a CO' Il)ll ll to stu(: k of ot,h er ~" <l('l' r-i eH " e ~ll1 e !j trllt. I' wltb bone\ flf IGOO . A. I' fnmiJy ." wdl e~ (.; ,l .. W e~ o h . of 'r~~ Ilr e~R. B'i~ g IHlIn ton N .' Y ., (III f' VP,'\' nll~' kon sllfl , MlOh ,"111 111 linc1lt pflrfect Smith, 1m Rhlony Ilnd ,J. WtlTr' " HIIII1I1\\,IiY forext.TII hlbnr b(.) ttl n . ' . \Y o IIr£' IInxi o tl~ tllll ! you g ivo nnr "torn II trill!. t,,,rllil "n Middletuwn 1{1ln Brld,;1' Silllply 1(1'1'111. fill' nnt!:! ttn!l hurnA. Wo"rl Illlprtll"Elr~. ne' r t.esidllllf)e IIf .f oe EVIIII" in Only 2iJo III. IlY'~ ,\rnl;{ ~to r e . In re will Lyola E ' l'anll'1. deoea~ W ,lyue townAhip III e"t'mllte of Un.l"r "d Will AdQ)ttted t o Jlrnbllte. '" III GO .1nn e ~5, 1\11);,. 1",,.,,mll!lI r Irllin A IlVI'Ir THE CORNER GROCERY, W . rhe!ltrr Mllpll'. a" RIlmlnlHtrll Cunt.l'Ill)t WIIS nhule wit.h F M. C. A. Alderman und W . 1-:. Moore, ReeeJ vu r K tohA Pt1nll:oo.\ ' ) v llnin LiJJ t' ~ If-U-IV B \ Vtl,V SC HI!:U U Lf: OF' P,ISS I~ ~ la;n THAINS. n f'~ vill o·i"n "" f(l ll n \V~: Itor or Iht' ""ttl'" of RflbeCM J . Rlln Lt.wi,; fur new "tone ubul.m eut );JeIL' Non'I'1I UOUN I) ·yan, VII Fronk RnllYRn et. HI Or(l ~' residence of R. K. Lellk in l::IurlulI Fo r til n F:IIst 0 ::; 4 Il . III . ; a :·Ii' p . Nn. 1 0 ~ o. :J Q S'rA1' JONS i:tor !lale Ilf relll Pitt-lite Illflll . to\vlI!<hil) iii. *40 itii . Ill. ; I'lnn.IIIY n nly 10 :24" II I. A M A !\1 PM P \i Est .. t," of L.\·dill E D/lnl~1 deceRt!pd Conl.fIIC!t WII8 Dlttde with Thornton L,", l.. clJa n oll , Fnr t,h t; \\' I~"t !J :O:t n. III ; (\ :/)·1 p . n.: I ,~, ! 1.:10 ".ao Lv, 14tl.a n(J " tl. -Il "\1.:111 " I. :W .. " au A, D Cl11111111 er "PI'''inttod u·d m!,,!,. 'l'homps"o for ~I!wer nenl' reHidl!n ce L\', utldd s Ill . ; Sunl lll~' o nl .'\' ·1 'Ii " II. III. n :,O"II .( ;, : . F, 1. 1(1 . trtltor with bnlll! of 1IIl.000 Thn,l of F Cllrroll ill Bllrlun township Ilt [ .. \T, 1~l w hn c r " 0 .~,:! "\1."7 " I ;j " I." ~ Fot' pur(i nlllr illfo n'"lti OI1 0 11 th e ARRIVING AT HUTCHlSON GIBNEY'S L,·, \"e nalJl u '· ' ~ . ;d -"V 4ft " 1: 4H "4 .·1(1 Zimmerrmm, Ell R('tlllliok Ilnd Jo.:It 110 7li. L,', 1';IlKC W()04.1 " (UII' ' \I :, :1 ' 1. .-, .1 " L r.:i :o ubjec i. IlJlply t " H E BOOI,iI. Lv L y ti c ':'.111 H.:),! I .: 'll 01 .:1{; F'ABIU('~, ObRndlor 1I11Ilrtlis.. r. . COllt.rllot \Vni! m .. de . h H W II~' ll(l!\vi \I ll, O . "; .111; " iU ,OI "~ . ()J ".-, .0 1 Est.llte of WllIlnm S . VllnBorlll', wit, onry I\', Manur L\' , U' ntt' r\' ill c j I :! 10 IIi :! 0-; , "'I i UhrlMt.!ulI for sewer near re>lid"" 0e deoelll! Report 0 f pI' I Vll t e fill Ifl "' f . l ,... , II COIVH l cUlI ';' , '!II In . I :. :!. H, r., I :, . , of Mr. CfllllP~ In Hllmilton town~hip l .. v . J( o~ I l'11 ~'''r e ~ to P hilllde lphill "~ , !! ; J " 101 7 .. ,! , 17 ";,. 1';' Excursi on ohft.ttAIII tiler! . at ~, (.. \' , Sl1 al:.\'r Cr . 7 , :! ~ III ~,! ~ , ,!'.! r,, :! ',! ' y lvllllin Lin es vill P'3I1n El!tat.e IIf WilliHm S. VOllHorup. W • " . Ar , L CI)C\n o n .Ie 7,:W 10.:,:.-, '.! .:!.-, [,, '!r, \', 11. & 1) . 1l . .tXT , ',II .. ' U , 1 ·, It . ,~ o , SCI ,I,c Ulucr 1 ,-,1 11 . l U, tll)d 1'7 1. 11, c x. cu r sl{l11 deoen.lled . Fir"t _ccollnt for 8fllt-Ie (;lIotrllot wus mltde With Oregonin Ouy t oll Go()d~ "IUO " .00 ".Ou 11. 00 th.' k l!tllo to l'hIl Mh-J IJhl.1. at'CUlI lll ~h:(' lln io: meDt filed. BI'idge Co.. for conore te l1nor on 1•• &.\: . ... . II X ,&T H , ~ · X.' I " O\hl I"cllows, P :l l t lilfc t, ' l<! MlIll .Ult ural S O\'~ . IIf1 :I .UO .' .(1 (1 e r el~ rI fJrI\ uJ. I.utl g l"i. will hu !'Uh f f ro m :til Middletown Run Bridge near rcsl Estate of Oll.nlel CrltnEl, d eo"a!l6d. t1d[ l1 \. $~ tatlon 8 011 th e l'e nnss l\'lml n r... ill e M, :;OU l'IJII017ND clence uf ,Jue EVl1ns iu Wttvf1e town. ," o r rull }) nr tl \: ilJa r ~ rl!&t ardi ng IIU'l'H , llm t! of Firat and lIuliI nccoullt for settle· AM P :'11 AM I'M t.ra.lnH, r' t,urn li m i t. t't1' .. a ppl .\' l(, lvt..'ul !lh ip III flf,7.00. mell! fill-d . ~o Ii" :0-:,. "' Q ti c ket ngtmt or l h cN~ I l llt'l'l, CunlrHot WIL!4 mll.\c- with C. H. 1):1.\'1 0 11 ' C. II . ' 1) rn ~, Linl'Il~, :. no ----.~: .. tl lt.e nf Mllry (~ . Bl'nwn, l\~('IIS JOlll'S for (\)(t,nl mat.llI·inl b.nd Ilibor Da.i·t'}Il : I) . ... X . T . ~ 0 0 ;-1 no 10 0 0 6 0 •• l,Ow ~' AI(ICR WICIl'/' AN I. ~OU TII ,.\."" ,j.. e ct. FirMt. unli finnlllccount for "et. '; .-11 ,111 :\:, 11:;0 I1 .llllH' Ll o Ji . , 1 ;~,OOO 011 Riley Arch n,," I' rA~idp. nce of Sl... hchallO 8 PlCU CA L 1I 0~1 1C SI£ IC KlCn~ ' ICX CV It~I"N s 10 :$7 Ii:& ;! j I ': a\(c r ( ' ro s ~ ll1 g tll'm e nt fJ]fl,l . ' j 17 II .. ': '(I;t -; ' I Hus\'ln G ' 0 . Hde.v ill CI '''lI'orllt'k t~, Nn~b Ip VIA P l1; NN i; VLV A~ I.-\ 1.. INK:i . EHIII t.. of ,",ull wiok W. Miller, til' '; :,11 10 I :, '0 ·Iel flt"l n~l.,l·lI, l "10K (10 . A Il\'t 'lt ~ ~or Jtc l1l lllal. ll1j.{ a tnp W hit may -; r,:., III ;-1:1 Il '- " l't- nt.l'r\' lilc oeAlIPc\. Proof of publicat.inn of no ' ''; IH ' III \\1 ' 1\ [ I ': 1;\\(1 ' .lil n mtu ge u f \.111, n :lI Ul' ..Otl fu rt'!-4 fo r lit e ~ 1 . lllnr Coutrucl. wa~ ente r Ad illl " witb ( "\'\.\« tlceof IIpp,.inlllll'n l Hf ttnminitlirntor ~ O !I I I 0 I n :,: "i lH..!u lltl 1.1 OI1 U ' S'· t·ltt: r~' I'~ t" u r Nlu lh! \'tu I' e ll U 1-': 'I I \I; ' j" 1111 "ylvil lI l" I.llI ClC III p .. lul.M- III Cuh )r all 0 , Hl a hu. C . H . Jonell. for ennt.flI OI. II \)111.10 ...111 l~ d ge w utl\ ) flIed, ''': IIi ' ;I II! I ' 11 It ' j" Ct,) I o wa , I{:t l h l a .. . ,\t1 I IU "'~') D , .\ n "',h,llrl. M IlIl' \'('nabl e nellr re~irleD ce of H B., nllL ill J{ll c lin l'r ' II 1:1 '-; n·, Hln a Nl.'lJru:-;ku . l il t! \) ... I ~l) la s. O reg OH, Wa ~ h . 'N 1.'" ' a 11 [n re will 1. ~uy Irullll\(l, declIlI>' II I :. ' j I I IIl",t nrl T Cl< :l s u nd n lh "r scc't lon tS In Ih t! W ma ' 1'\ ~ II :I I :! Dodds Turtleoree k towllship lit *:.!O ,' 0 ' I I ':-1 . ;- ::11 d id III 1111 th e Stalc~ of Uw S o uth , ' :- '! ! I 'a .!! ed . Will 1\,1 lIlitt ",cl t·1l prllbltte, I... e l::t nIl

F . M. l:Ioolleld elral t{JBertha Q. Mhllllt<ton, quit olaim deed tu lot In M.. t:OD , $1 anel other cODsldorlltions. Chlrlt 13. Idtolltonbrollllh .1'0 .1<":. H. . U\lIl'k, t.hruo lotll illJ<'rulIklllJ. lilmd Ill.lwl' \'~ InILulo cun8Ielel· .. tious. ,\:IIII'.V A . f;Uis tlt .. 1 tu I:IIlIl1l1e l A. ~j " _, :lU ..0 1''''' III MIIIl>lie township, Ii



Call to min.d the safety of one's funds. There is security if you at the





Oregonia, Ohio.

Portland Cement, LUl1'lber, ShinGles, and all kinds of coal. DEALERS in Flour, Feed and Grain. Valley Phone.




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Dayton. Lebanon & Cincinnati Rr,


C. M. BROWN, Proprietor.



II ' .



t\rrl vf' l .c h ,lll" l)

Estnt·o 01 1 ~I1Y [rel"ud . !lecl1"". ed Frllnk C . Anll",rROll II11Poilll... tt exeoutor wlt.h bono .. f fOCIO. C hild .. • VIIDdflrv>I,lI'l, Alhert SohneH IInti ,Oscar Ludlnm apprllisertl .


;\:, ; ; : 101

II :10

"7 :h t

Gvt off Chba.p Da ti ," f·X ~I' P I. ~tlnd ll Y ' ~InI' !l1l ... 1t!11.l 1 :-; 1' NII .\Y HIl mlly wolt tltlllk, hu I", ~ gUI ull '1' 1" ,1111'; pu~ ~ 14 \' t! C :t :-. lollow ... . oi:tllt1l', w liu, alt"r lJu v IIII; U oll trullll't! -; :.H;l III ;, .. 7 l' 11\ uUUOItll'utlUu ur IUlIll;etlLlu u, I .. ~I,III N o r th hnUl1.1 !1 , t , Hl m ; t)" p III .. IJj" to Ilo!rlool1y re"lul'll /til! houJcb Son lhh thl ll il Nuthln~ Will lIu this IJIl L Ur . l(11I1:'~ 11 ckc t Ottl CCri ul lla y lnn ' IJ. ...t X T :!:I L u d In re hlltlrd of tiohllol exft.rtli lie "" New l.'fo .PIli!!. ' A '1IIICk , "I Oj"~ lIl1t, Iv w "LrM: l An' Atiu ( ', 11. . P l ' nlol ll P "IU) L 'Ohtlries Young rf'llppolnl e!l , bistHrrn /Iud ce .. "".ln oure luI' boodllCllO, CUll W . E Moor!',O .. ,,·! ['""", ·n g, ·r A g ! Hf.1I1" LIon, et.c. itau Itt ., f'~ lil'ug Lt'hHnl)n. Ohio. .end.l ng Angnat 31. 1908. tltore . UUILrllnteed. _'!!!"_!"!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!"''!!!'''!'''''....._ ........~~'''!!!!!' Estate of Kin~y Thomp.. ,m, bf>ne Cauae of InsomnIa lloiary. Second Rcconnt for SI'HI,, · Notice to the Public'n n eurl.v III\\'n~·~ (fiR. lurhs the IlltJll P IIlllrn or I /lR~ IInl1 i~ :ment filed. UWlug tu Ulliny IlIllU"l tJll, Will ~IlV




t)ft,t\n tlHl CPlu~ e of l n~nlninitL . Mnnv


Henricttn cloth s', Panama, Nun'::; V ciling', CI':1Yenettc, Mohair, 50e Up, i\lem('rir.ccl Fig"e! Silk :171-ze WASH FABRICS Never sHc h saleR here Pi(Pl0, Galatea. ----------- Gingham , Mad yards at Bargain EMnROIDERIE~ Prico. 5 (~ lip. READY TO 'VEAH Kimonos, Wrappers, hcst \V rappel' fol' 1.00 yet sold, 'Valking Skirts, Waists, Suits, .Jackct~, Coat.~ , Undcwear, hcst Z;;c ,!!,'al'mcnt shown. ;.r t<lU, COMFOTfl'S, CARPETS', RUGS, - ------- ;HIOO yards China Japan t ~ h plI " ~nll\tn p. I ' l't'ip~ Vurio us MA'lHrINGS, ~l n Jl ' vn'r prl\' I II\lo!f'ioI l h~ rml t tr.j \"t ' lc r ~ I n In .

\' f'~ t lJl,a t c h u ... lnc"ls o llC nlmllf. '1'1I c."!ll'tlclwtl'4 wilt ht' u n i"o ,d c I ~t:r laln ~l :th's durlnu th l" "'U llt. I Il"r. I 'ctni l" \l In rt1rJIlnLIo n ax l,() ran.!l<I, t hiHllth lim t'. d e .. wil l III! f l'cl 'h fUl'nl .. llI'cI

UI)I\l1 II Jlplll'lIlIulI to l 'c l1 sy h ' all!" I..1I1(,l'I .

lo ..'a l I,!t..: lw·,

J g t' li l.


Poi n t.... vi" Pe l1n ~.\' lvnillu Lin ps. EX l"\I~lu ll ll c k t:t.s w11 1 be VUlt! "l a \' ;,\ula L illt'!4 as ',\ llo w s

Pt! nll ~yl .

T n Portland. O r~ " .hln I t o w t oher !flt t! , Ill du,.I \'I'. :tn': l111lll L. t' WI ~ alU] G lIlr k 1' t' lIll ' lI IIl.dl' YpOloti l itl ll

T u Phil a dl·hlhlu. P a . ~l' J'to mhfo r I -, \h . · 111


~ Qibn~y,

Hutcbison X~nia


• LI1I II I ~ . LI, ' l' lI\an t nLh l F r. ll n w ~ ( ; ranu Lm.1.:c , "Estate of Hnrry Elll!tllltln , drcn"H LlJ"t l ,dll uut I"uuh the UOIIIIIII-\ hUVH bee1lpnr"'''I"",t.)y eel ' Inventury Ilnd Hl,prllll'l'lIlIIlIl- ) "a I", uut wlllilovutc my e uflre tlUJt:. hv Chnrnhnrl11tn'~ :-\t oto" oh c nred tLJlfl 1"IJr JlJ.rL lrl1I: H ~ t,(\ lI s ult 'l'lC kct . A ge n t.... ur "!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pf'n n l" yl \' lI h l.l 1.11H'!oI, fil cl tu the I'nl ullllu ul my )Jruf""~JoJII . Liver 'I'oble ls . For ~u h' IJv Louis • _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~~~"!!!!"!!!!~ Like FlIldmg Money Are y ou Engaged? tl ' . Ii K I:iA'rUAWAY, U . U . llI. MIIY · . TIllie PHnne. IIdllllll ' 8 rlltrix VH . - -...-____....._ _ __ b:ngnw·t! pe oplo ~h o llid relllllin bel' . . . . . (j " 11 ern I FllldlOg h e llah Is hk o hl1(ll1lA 1.1.1111, nfl r l' llI!lr rin!tP, lJlIH':I,' qunrrois Tillie Penoe ' et al W H Nflwpnrt A Remedy Wltllall. II PlOer mon ey . !'Io think thn~fl wh o nfP . c;n lJ he '"\'OIdecl, by · kee pl1l!t their gIven lellve t·o tile hi!:! 1)\llIIdlnjl '·1 Ii III I ' JIIIlUlIJel'llllu'!1 ~WlIlliut ~ick. Wh e n y o n bllvo n nnugh . c,)111 di g est io n in good cO ndtti oIL with nod LIVel' 'l'.. bl"t" ulIJre btlUuticllIl ()Id I ,ine )'. e I tn ' bl e Comp" 1lieH sore thr ont, or ob es t, irrit" n, hot · El ec tri c Blrt p r~ . R A . Bro wn, of JoIAHR(AfUC LJOICN8k:. I.hlln tI uy " thtll' row tidy J eVtlr U!:!ed IICt, prolllptly lik e W . C Bllrhnr. Benn£'tt!ivil!e S. C ., slIys i "For Jesse H, BUTtun, Mlddletowl1. uUlI for "tt~IIl'''J IJ (,ruubltl, " "'t~y" J .' 1' . ropref ?nlod . of Sundy Level. VI~. Ho SIlY~: "1 ;Vl'U1'S, my wife slltTere d inh'n"ely CharlotM Elizabelh Antrim, WII.V '. Klott', uf l!Aliutl. 6111 . For tiny diM. hud Il terrible chest t l'ollhll' , Cluu"cII dY!!)J")J!!ill . oompli cated with ;~ Every polioy hll1'l eavUl Rev . Huwdy. IIrtltlr "I (·htl liWWISOb, . tnliuUHnel!tI or II gllllfllll by ~ruoke and COlli clu"l, u n my toruid Jive r . nntll sbe· 108& her 11 ", coulIll\Jlltlun, tlitll:l\! 'l'ubletllare with IRed finnllcllli bucking . lungH i but, Elfter findi11 ~ n o re li f'f ~trength und , vigor, and- hfoollme IL John Wtllltlm Rood Ilnd EI,,111 UU'tl pet!r . . ~lIr lillie by LHul1l tlY •• Prolllpt 11 !tenMon gi von ttl in r r lllOedles, I WII" ourf' cl lIy lIIere \Vrr ck (If her· former Bulf Wilde, ho'h of Frtlnkllu. Rev. RYlin '. • . Or. King '8 N e w Discovery f L'r con Then ~hli tri ed Eleotrio Bitters: . • OiarenDe 8 llolllllll ' Kyle 8tMIoD Th~ ' 1111' I " ot th\! W"rr~n ooutity ft.ll business. 9umptlon. oougb!4 and ooIds ." wbich helped her at O~De • .and ' .' ' .' . ' FILII' promhfe .the people the beet Great·eat sale of any oough or lung finll·lly made her e n tirely wie.ll ' aae ' and Mary ~~I!!, · PlerlOD, Million, · FiliI' that thlB \lOunty hall bad .ln fR01~S medicine ID th~ world. At Mlty's 8 now 's trol?g and heaJ,UI.y. LOuts ..Bov, Putt, . • ~any yeaJ'!l·. . Valley 'Phone 77. WaYDellvl11e 0 drug store. !iDe Il.n d '1.00, gUlll·Jln · II Y, druggl8t. guarantee14 , 'teed, Trial bottle. tree. bem, at 500 a blnile, •.






FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Telephone Da, or Night. Local No. 7 Long DIstance No. 69.;-3r

WAYNESVILLE. OHIO' Brancli oHlee. HarYB,aburg, O.


A t . , g




wblte with apllreben llion a.nd BurTHE ORIGIN OF CHALK •. ~ ' IRAT AND ROACH CATCH Ilrlse. ING --.~'nlll b ls w)to ooul ,1 not e ' plnln , tor Rema in s of Myri ads of Or ganls WJI Mell Wh o Mal,e It n Busln e~ . Are tbrou gh tho Ol.ell doo r Hlle saw , thQ Whi ch Onca' L ived i n A lwl\ys Dusy and Get room, an (L the Hi ght I; II ItXI hel' ,'ol('e. tho Sea. Good Pay. Oo( re h er WI\.'! 110 o rd l[lary olllce, 110 o ll,l ce at 1111, vut I.ur OWII ,I ~ arly lor c d. 'I'h e \\,h o lp hottom or the Atlantfc 11 a Rat and roueb e&tchln g lit '.!lc ~Lo' nm ­ 1" lI dorly r omolllhel'ed lilt 'ben al l:.nv- ,." ., plnl n ur d.ali, . ',,, ,'c red by a holl ot Cr dl)('}{.~ and o n OCf':H tl lin e rs hi (H WlUI


~ n (It" I ' lL.._~",. ,,,,,


1'1 1"<:; ,pry III, '. h~ lng do n ' t you Ihlll il

so rich, J o hn,

. (> ~"

Th e w omllo ~ l)Ok e in a tf'tlLnti\'e way.

ns It sbtf \' ere Il ut s ur e wh plher r k h o9 ' ''' I'ro an " "D1I.p~ blessl n" or !I()t, \Jut th o man repll". I, will. ~ \' er y aPlI· an l'e o f heartlo" "" "Y es, it ' s vcry n Ice. So l'1llJ ; [lo n e


I·~a l"ru .

Th o dIlLm 01H.I,p:ln ed w i n ..

lIow hnd 1) ln k g eranluU ls In It ; tbe ol d oal, c lrnlrs s bo had so Orll' lI (lollsh ed 3!00(\ al ong t be wall on o no sld c; on Lh ' otbe r wa s he r drog,; r decked wlLb I" 'r 1)1 11109 nnd ClipS lInll s allccrs. , ".J oh ll ," she gMlIetl, as al,e stumbl ed In to th o room and almost fell Into her acc uslome<! scat In the come r of t ho \\'Id e. old·f .... hlo lle<! nr e plact>, "Johnwlt y - w h Y- how - "


till t L ;:; ray 1111 1(1. "h l,-' h u l:-;u Is



h"r,I, 'nl"1. All o" c r Ih e \\, 0,.111 (h is cha lk Is (""n,I - 11I I ~ nroll~ , A'.la lind Afrl, 'u; tb e whl. e c lltl< !I t ·))lIl'cr. rmw Alhion, arc <' h ali; ; th ' d ly of l'al'l s IS tm ll t ul'OIl l'i la l k. A nrr II ... we " 111110 II) ... ""1 It really I,; . ... hat il is nlfl(l e"r. H nrs (h ~Cll ll alliall QII PIl . )) 0 rllll Ihl nl, )'0\1 can reollze )' 0(


the ,!\Icc r

lIyll1;;. III I t OOU a


m en h av e



mnl<i nA n

A nd a good, li v ing th,·), lililke

Doc. Chin3 Obj cc t Onl)' to 'the Indi gniJic"I Offered H er P dvi lc!\cd ?- Powcrful Guild . an d Thci r WC3pon ,

l no ~ so mc t l llh~:;

y ar.

as IIItH'h n~ $ 10... !-ol 9l0S I LJ ~ ~('W Yorl, H e r ·

aI-I. ,'Il (! nwn whu do It It ' vel' ad VW' .. li i::ic, lICS['U.Il ~C I h e bm~ 1 I1 ('S .3 'du c:i nut.

tiOUful a ~ w ell Il~ It lIn .\' ti, and n ma lt wh ose hnuse I~ bll d! 0 111. or ch'tul rut .; lUHI ('O\' l\. l'oa('I,,:o:) w(lu l d JII l-\ 1 as tiO OIl HU I. Ihat I hut vasl o Hu;~ofdll\ ll( which fornls h ave h lK n oig hhnr:i Icnnw 11. . (he A till II !I" IIm'l', I" "")' lIot h In/o: of the On('(" R yeaI' tloc'h:1'( and pier :; aro thousand s or m il .. , uf II 1111 OI'l'I' Th e t urned O\-e r to I h r rat l'Htt.' h c r to r t:t. gl()iJc. Is ennl p" se" .. r th e petrl ne,1 n i~ hl . T he ",un II' ho h ns mnd ~ 11 fI,,· b r11 ('~ or Jnn ulll f' rah lp I iny I hl nl;S ! UI\ £! nr I fl c hll !i l tl c~;:; ill N ('w Ynrh I'! lill ... h l<' h ('O m e In life III !h" ~en .ll na t ailont wo r k :i with his m cn, t'o r 1h r ~\,' l:r l or IIwhll c. IIl'e Ih c il' ow n life . lWei .lI e nnll t h e hU MillPs ~ i:1 h i ~ lI.n ll h e 1I"U:i l:i It to ~ ill l': fll )wn , do wn . ~ ( I li h)wly I h a l it lu l(r •..; DO o ne. Ha t:i f ll n c " c l'y wh ('I'L' , 'I m l r I\rs to f ORt h th eir b\lrial pilu.'e. w h ic h I'OR(')l~ s ha\' (' a s p(lC'i A. 1 IIkiH~ fo l' r.nll "! ill ~ C)lll e phu'cs i:') rnl l'll PI ,lI()1) t u Hi,\I()I) lor l, p r s, nn ll Iwn.· tltr·y :-;Warm \I)' ten~ re et riepp ? or I lin thm n ii s l1nl c:J,:.{ l h e pier OW ll l,' r8 Can yo u rcall J.f' t li tH for ag ~ CO ll n t 1('8'\ hav e n C( tllIrSI·t wilh Ih l' rRI a n d roo rh m)' rlnd Joi nf lil (>:;1' t illY I h illgg wrllt o n ('ulc bc r . ''''' ho, u.fl c r R t horoll g h ovrr· li "i nl; u nci (Iy ln l,: " ",I fllllln~ to th c hol · h nulln~ , Allnra'ul CP'i 1'1'('01111 111 !' ro m th o 10 m nTHI l>P(" o mill t-: hard elled in l o l ha l )Jos ts for a Y~ llr . r,·iM.I"~ whit e :) lIb ~ l l" ln' \\ hl,,: b we ca ll 'Vh enr"(H' a n Of 'f~un 1I110r r oaches ('h(\I I,? I.o rt, wheth cr on Ih is ~icl c 0 '1' Ih e other. Tht' s(' liu), I,'r(lat ll r(' s H,f'P 1\l CI'(' part!· It I. t urll , .1 o l'or 1'01'

FTI:::-I hl/o: h han'oI ~'llI c"s I':"~' au I ts



Ih o C'hln p. r ~/)" P I'nlllpnt w()ul<l flnrlll t·

rur n lon ~ tl o )O; lH' I ' I' S~ in 1 1 y l tt ~ IH fol'('o n ,1Iffcre nt tlllH' , 1l111~'I1 {) Wil1 g th Hr P' \'t' r Rltltul!P o n lh f' buy,'ull on America , lh (' ~{'(' lIr itr h:i f81 :-\(', tll nt ,... ,'(' 11 if th e gn \'C I' I1I11 C' I1 L w c r e unx.io1JB tA"l some tin y tht"r (' Oll'l e-l'; :l H PP C:l:-i(' thi ~ C:OU lI ll'y. whll 'h jUHt At thtt W fl \' cCC llr l!

bel' agitati on In c!'eased, J ohn retl>l\ t sCI'lmpl n!: n ll d sa \,l ng wo ha,1 al 'tt Lavend er . Far m III th e 0 1,1 (8)· s . Why, gal n od h is s~ I( · pogso~lo n . j r r('\.; oni n ~ , Th e \",!w1(' wm 'ld Ilw m ell t s~e m ~ a r ntllrr un(' crtatu th i ng , "l:la rah . old wOlDan," ho said. " I YOII batln ( n ijil k t1rlll<s 10 your hnek Ihi ll ln; 01\ I Iii,. II UW ll ll <I Wil;.(·; A~ M I'. BOl1 ~n l I'r m a rl.;s : .Japan I s e n wou ld n 't have lold you for the worl d, t h t'" n , old w oma n, au (' now you ' vet i S h eHl l l, nowin,l! lr WIHHI til" ullll'l il (l 'I' t.:i Il J,: IlH' d (lI' ll'iIH' o f I\ Hia fuf' lh e A s l · ,,,,,,, mao)?" She ~l\IlI",1 fai ntl y, but and I ca n 't tblnk how you round me ':-: Jl rcu d ~ In A uwr int (~ \' t ' I ' th e (, h l n r~e alil't'I, a n d J a lmn 1:-1 iu ~ l a ll cd in Pek i n ,.;. .lId not a OSW l" r . Bnd b e co ntlntl lI ; Ollt, becaus e you like IIvll)g In nno lJ O \·c't Hl. OUt 'C' w e mn y ll\'l' £' nl l' l' ('d tUII' gnous " \" 'S , It was a lu rl,y dRY for UM wh en . tylp, an d beIn g rich a~ we ar e rloo ses \" e h H" on·o nll ~( 1. a nd o ftc llll erl lI ~ep . 1111 0 .hd ,. ]lurl "h wllh " m a ll ~ " 1 of Imlm rt ~!nc le I'!'ter died out lu Iy. a Il~o)p l c 1I1"L i>rl z~ rou rl p")' an rl l'illl r~t' , alllt. 1"\('11<'01 'olot'ado nnd you , I k n ow, lIut I'm s Ick oC It II)' l !.'tt u s 1,ls mon !'y, a nd I WIl.S a fi n e was tir ed of It VNy soo n, tb ls paying l 'e l·o rnnl1l ()1I ~l1E-'H:j. NIH aloft h nv tJ \\' t' Ir s, OIl th', :; ~lllr . t"itan.':'f·!I 1I.'r'" alld arm· ,l!llieR l'austn~ .lay for us wt,e o we le t t La yo nder (o r dl n nors and parLies (o r rolk who lurllNI blll'l; th ~ r'(Julle from ou r ,;h ol'<)" rrom 40 to tno pp,. O'~ IIL arl vn lorc m ; !:Jut )'"R r m nnd pov orty tor a cosIly c ity du n ' t care for us a bit, but o n ly ro r hilt we hU\' c'~ h nwn n n ill hmwitn1J le f1'o u ! t hose J:,uo d ol d days 1\ 1'0 pa s t and go n e, wl,at th ey get a lit oC us- thaI young 110111 £1 an d eyo r}'thln g wo wan l." ' " 1H llIiJors uf t hr p 1"l\' II ('~e d etas of ((l Il (' llialioli II OW IIlIl:-; llw OUl' error!. RAra h P la tt sIgh ed softly . J'o;ow that coxco mb, H utc h inson, and ' YOll r d r a ~o n Ch ina , T wo Amrrl('l\n~, wn ll u,·[plIlll\! . : Th e Chlllc"o Ailr lH 01'<' nu!'il'nt. Ih(J 'h e fir st nov e lty tlnd e xcltemo nl or »08' oC 11 Mr~ . Daglelsh . I'm tired or kel'1)Ni wllh t h ~ Ch ln osr C'ltu"'''t' t ~ r , !Jolh I (, hinr"" h")'I'o tlllllC,,· lsQ olrl. Th erl' a r<> 8",," lng a (ortll ne hart worn orr, Ahe Ing a rack of servan ts wbo ea t Ihel r rn n n(' 1' m ini s l r )':; t n Chinn, M r , Co u g(' \' I \' j\ I'll'lir :-i o( ~ild H: ~o m e m~ l'(, t l',tl SI :i: \........ m""t mi ser alll o, and .he had asked h 'ads off and do n oth in g , vut 1 k f\Ow elo, nr I\l'inl( a lI it; ht to thl.; HIHI Col. DOllI ,)', 8 S~P r t lli u l I ll £' pl'rS0 l1 1 I :-; o nlf~ wha l t h e J(' II)'. 1I ~ III e r t ha n Ih p ,;ame mn n. CUI ullthor' W(I un' QlIOl i n l; ; (10 m ll l' h In Wllr,1 \( oo p- I l'ollht e linN 11tH llriH(' 1\ Iu"call HI) or Ih ,l t1, ~ Il ll !'SLlo n to see It h er hu ~ va",1 yuu lik ed It, old w lrp, and so 1 dldn ·t li g h lc~j rl ust. wirh oll t m OUTh s, Il e r\'l,."' ~. I /'!. Il " a h ~ ur 1\:-; f'l'Hll'Olr r rln l trlhllnnl R. In ~ s h ll)S (' I ~ nl' or rnt _, lIlI l or course ( £'11 th ~ sa mo. H ow coul,1 81.0 I;now I" t yO Il k n ow. AU iLu rlc nt Ih e t ' nlt crl 8tll l"" 1"'11'111'.1 "Th"l I' \I'~np'HI I ~ n1 u f'('l (18 01' IIl stln c" o r ,tt' an s, un" ye t t he bop·ott and lh s "Oh, J ohn, 1 wl ~ h It, to th Rt bl s ,' heory a n.wer was ou ly tor \\,I . h It . capa lil e of fCO dl n,:. !l l'IIw ln l\', hlIlH lp l)'. h tH' ~ n o pfT(! (' 1 u n r ('UdH.'S, On t his eldp. 111(' c'oollc illlpol' ta l i ulJ . but h CBl1 Sf'I ('Il' t Hhnc\ rn l'l' i('d n n with n rc l c ntl csl:1nl'~~ or th e Allantl l' 1·03.'h ('II II'h ln/o: Is th e Ih lI' all t of t'eHllec L . IIOWU ill' us III ' h er benefit; that be. 100, longed for too ," s he c r ie r!. " I wlgh wo were bnel, In g a utl ct~'in~;; whlt-h nel l h er Ihl' Ll' b h no I' thr 80ull\ of o rawi llA intn I h em· Ill o re Iml'or!n nt bra n" h of I he Lhe da),s or po,'orly nnd rr ee dom ; and at La ve nd e r Fa rm ." bllSlllCAS \\'111' , 01 t l'I\" e l r . IlIordllln l nnd s iull en t. Sea Is lnn,l ers IHlYO 0 , '0 1' tlrell .e il·os (h o "orl>olla t o of IIm c which Is lu med evc n In wh il e o n tlw ot h ~r si de wh !ll'v('IS nro " You wish It," hl.q vo l ~'O wn~ 11111 of 1h e water . II n<l rOllnrl the possess ion of a pa i"t la l Col. n ell by I ~ Quoted Ihlls lJy th e S e· I lhc ll' ,t ern ph ilflS')llh Ollt I>r whi ch g rnw I h- ulmo ~ t ns ruli )'." ul' ra l flr. l' utt"!p\ lI\Zcmou r H ns t h o lil LI e P ll~l· llIt eli lg ellrc ! ; "but [ thougl,t YO II lll;od "l, plolO"" or ~ h ' II . 1I' 111c-11 hel h ouse IlDd bast 0 ( ' se r va u l-'l wea ri some " I n his vIe w, I (I t may be III Illn ce her o to rcen ll that p 10 l1Ial,e shl l's Rrp of ral s, In t he <,xtrem e'! Ollt he boll c"oo t hat be in g th o nne la dy ." Ih e Cilln ese govern m en L ha s no ohject · I th o word lJo)'cot t d1illJi. wh ell Rnn J.n': f d, I!-' !; imp l y cnl"uon· OI' lglnate(\ In Ireland, Th ese Oll rc WOl'I'NI II'll h ferr els. bll t lion 10 tho Ch in ese " Oh, J oh n, dear, don ' t yo u sec ! at e aci d ga s a nd IlfII(', u r , 1.1. wife e njoyed It all, and he wo uld ex clu sion laws, SO I wh cn aile Copl. BII)'cot~ , land·agent or ns c.:Ill' nlis ts n ow th ey t\.' d lOlli lc a l ~,<; e cag - fur II . ill,,)" fi re liml le,1 to IIeOI)ln l\' our., an n ot lor ~' or l ds ba ve dlKturbe d what be Ca n't YOII under stan rl! I hate all this ca ll It, carbollll le or lilli e. Ir ish landlord In Connem ara , W 811 Imagl nt'd' was he r con d Ilion at p leased s how an d gra nd ellr! Anrl t h is I. hnw YOII fi n,1 It n ut. It lik e trailS IIr~ II ~Jtl. ill wh l 'h letlu.:o of !.h ls cuulltry laborers of th e t:oo l l~ I mad e th e Ilr~ t I.romi ll ent victim of 1 t holl s ht YOU .tlla lea,·c~ arc pla ce t! nt"l er be ln !: BllI'l n kl .. liked ,1 It, a n d so I [)relen ded I did, JU&t chalk Is h oalo,l to R hl S'h degree the CQntont menl car· wllh a IIqllld-o ll ly th e cR tl' her Itnowl As a matter of taot, tb e o ld !'Ouple's t o p"~&Se you . B ut I'm tired of It ho nlc acid Aao, w ill Ill' ""''')' and thcre wbat. will b~ only' lim e Ictt, (f. again . you sway o\' or lhe hou se and servant.., was all." W hateve r It Is. i Is us Irrcsl Rllblc tn The ol d man lau ghod slidden!y , a Rl' r apt:' l5onlt' r halk do wn fino in rn n goo,. Dnly nom inal. A year a go, wben the ral a as th e welrd ,pl pln g of th o PierI lou d, h earty lau gh, qllantlty w hl ct, would hn,' e of ", !'onS' vl nega .· It will bubbews of theIr a ccessIon to great wealth Plpor " 'a " to t ho ·ral s of. Hamelin town . came to them, they had bean li ving s hocked Mrs, Dag le lsh and draw n a bl e aud 817.z10 for II lilt Ie. and thon the re No matter h ow chulre Ih c food 11I, lh o Qllietly and poorly on a tiny Penn s yl - rellrovln g look from Mr . ' Hutchin so n. will rcmo ln o nly a dea r liquid. In thl . locker s an ll In ' th o hoill. lhe ralS leav o C' lltIl'lm ent yoO\l "~., Ih e ca rboni acid vanIa farm, anti, wten they moved bllt whi ch r ejoiced hi s wire's hea r t. "We've been a coup le oC blind foo ls," gus go in g ofT I" hlluhl es; th e lim e, dis· It Instont l)' when t hey Am II I ho mys · from It t o t ho metropo lis, tb oy roa lhad t erlo11s liquid 0 11 the le t' 11"0 I avc • . IL tbat they " 'eta unftt · t o cope unnld ed he s a id . " We' " o not 1)lensed eac h ot.h· snlv ed III th e I'i nr ;:;" r, l'all18 hes Cram does not kill . the r.I' i<. nnd h ~ reln lI eft l'r, and Ri"hl we' ve , not p leased ourse lv es, with Lbelr al te red cln:um stSli ceH. Th o Th o WA Y th o hl s lory o f ('\Ialk WOl another secr et at 'JIC l>ro6t8 o f th l'l w ealthy n e ,'e r la c k fr lendR, nlld BO and we' ye s llDply spe nt onr money on bus ln css. LIve rat:; aro wo rth mo ney fou oel o UI wa s by "ounrl lng th o Atlanti c man y t rie n ds mad e t belr al' pearan('o wl lh II lead having an uttachm e nt to In Eng lan d , where Ih 9)' ar~ uHed fo r that old John Pl at t and his wire worn whi c h t he mud s lIIC1k. Th o whitish· traini ng' (CITI CI.". D! nd r al" ur~ wo r th Quit e bewild e red at all th e conOl ctl llg gra )' I11IHI was d r lNI allli PU t ulldc r a lIIo nc),. 100 , nM Ih e ll' . kln . a rc u"cd fo r lIdvi ee they r ece iv ed . Ev entua lly -~I ov s, At Ove o r " ix r e n t" nlJl~ce , 40 mi cro '('O llC, which re" cul erl Ih e CO rll"CS t .ow, they hardl y kn e w- t hey fou lld or 5\1 ra t~ m an SO !l1 ~t h ln g. 1I11r1 Lh ls Is of Ih eec lilli e Je,lIy fi s h or 1111 s l1,cQ nnrlln lh p1ll~ eh' es Ins tall od In a house whose nil R tage~ or lle trl fi r:alinn . T hi s lcs qul tc B lls llal cn lch. magn i llc~ n (' e [rlg bt en",1 lh em, alld For rC)ar h e. n pl, w(ler I~ useri , hilt i ~ called globlge l' inll c, Rn .1 ih e sc l e nll s l~ wh er th ey ne ,'a r (c it at home, Alld wha t pU'l.7. les nil 01 '1 satl o r. who uSNI 80011 fo u lld Ollt Iba ( I h ~e we re exaeLiy t hey an d It were und er th o nilaolllle th o . lIm e li S fOllnd In I he ,l;Tent cha lk 10 ha ve lhe jub of clea r in g ~hl(ls of cont rol or ~ 1 1"il . Dagle lsh an rl ,!'Ir. ell ft. ulld otho l' (or mat lons a ll o ,"er tbe roar- h c~ Is t hR.T 11h.,' r e nro lI ~ve r any Hllt t'hi nson. Th o IIrsL WIUI Mrs , PiaU's dea rl one_ Iyln!,: an.n no! n e.H mornin g. a \\1ol'lti. rompanl n n ; the seconol Mr. P la tt's sce· Th e rllvorlte wa y 'JI I h e Rallo rs wh 6n r ew,.y ; I.ey bo t h rul ed their el/)I)l o),they h "', 'o" c h o~ W l\i tn ))111. WOULD SPEAK NO ENGLISH n "co h"a doft.O1 1I'ClIt ers with a rod ot Iron. ~ n rl .> n top "f n ('0 11 of It secms a lmost In comprehe nsible Indian Ch ief of Seventy Wh o R e· r o pe. Yery quid"), II wOIII.1 he eov pred w ith hlln gr y - b rown bill'S. ond thllt th" tw o old pcopl e cou ld be so fus ed to U B ~ th e W hite !hc;;c th ey knol'i, _r1 1:110 n \\'ell 1-:1"'lll!ed "''rel ched, ea ch e rroneous l )' t h lnlt lng M a n 's Langua ge. IJlscnl ! pa n . Th ' ;;1' R,(' kept tb o It wns l or the s ak e of the ol her, b ut roacbo.$ 110 It wns. and Lba unbap py conditio n rrnm ,'rawlillt : 11 /1 lh a " Ides, It t;COIUS s t rang e Ihnt within 250 of ntTl\.lrs mlghl have go ne on In dclln · Th e mil es at KiuIHas CllY a f llllb loo,1 Am r- an d It wo s :l [>,or : on .. h ral ,' her who c l a~s Ind ee d, In b!s ollinlo n, If Ihe ex · ~y" l e m . Cen tury Dlcllonn ry Ite lv, but for \t,e growlh at til e secd iean s holll .1 lI\' e f.." , n a r ly 70 years w "u ld nnt hn".t w., C)r three In ell cH o t cl u ~k l\ IliWS ,,"e l'o rr ll cal e.1. t.h e ChlneM~ st ll lcs Ih e worn was In trodu ced 10 Ireroa 'h es w h ~ n he lIa. I h roll~h . on (1 In go,",,,,,m elil wOllld ItsC lf \lass law s rOf' Inn d In 1880, and o( j,,,, IOU SY whl cb It ba.s been said Is oon became (IlI((l lho 01111 yet unab lo to s)lc lik or un de r 10 Il l' 'ry woman' , hoa r l stand th e E n g-ll s h hlllguage . But, nc,'- a few day s h e c()uhi bcgl nand do It ali lJ lrlrting coolies to co mo to thi s CO\lIl · pra ctice) com mon Ihrough out the J::ng· o,'er again. try. Th e gO" <ernllle nt ha B a cont ract trl II s h s peal,lng w'bfTIl. It ca nnot be said ~' b8t caused 113 e rt heless, gll "h was th e case of H ul· Bu t- It seoms Ih. fllrnl tih labor e rs [or tbe lll ln c$ of SOIlt.h Chinam e n , who npp oa r to growl h In the h e/lrt of Sarah PlaIL to h:1" e known bllLl n MlcL'O, t he [ ,,' lI all \'Ill ef who dIed LION FASCINATED Afri ca . a od BY has GIRL. dlO1 c\l lty In t OI' men t and haraos h er In addlt lnn to ever ~ ~c llrln g yt hing a thous and or two years bein t he Cr eel; naLlo n , say s t hc Kans a s m ~ n enoll gh lo fi lt thesecon tracls." the so rrows 01 weallh whlcl'.. sh e ai taro most I)COp!es, h ad wily I< nowlodg . SHf!: TAI'£,ED T.tMIDLY . City J o urn al. Fall' DanceI' Aifectio nately Caress ed Mr. Conger, wbom ih e pl'es lde nL bn,q of t he s ys te m long, long a go.) r O'ld y bore. Why s be WIl8 jealou s , oC This chl e r wa ,; onJ or ma ny, Vll t hi s by a Bl'l1te, lot or pcople But who FRee I s s noo r at us bo!.·lnll deat nl'llolnt cd s ileciul co mmiss ione r to go II1r. Bansal tell s Of a happen I og It> Iwhom, o r oC w hilt, she did not kn o w. h marl,eci au cl'()c h In Am eri ca n Scratche d. tn ell Ina for the (lUtllOSO ot a rr esting China a t;h ort time since, wh 11 may ha ve b een rrom a Jok ing re o our hacks, We'll b-ivo Hu tchinson and hl slory whl" h Is ~ :o.ed for good . en merth e boy cott, s a)' ~: " I nrlllly bellevC1 chants and olll ci als came nlllrk mado one day by Mrs, DaSlclg b; Mra. Dagllesh tbe grand bounce; we'll There are til pl' cs.<n L perba[)s 21),000 In clas h In tttl g ive up the th city ere So wOll g hou rea ld se L b was and a\'e the bee go n Imllress back no boycott lon which \ll'ovl de· St m ay ha\'e been because Jobn very n ce nr SWlltow . Th e v iceroy an o a full-bl ood Indlatl S In Indian ter r itory rare ly ca me In to Ih e parlor ror tell to the tarm , Jackson w ill be ooly t oo and so me 12.000 Itl OI;lahom a. Th.esc fa sc inatin g ,la nce r ma ri o o n a li on willie clu re.llll,:a lll ij t Am rl cnn goods In Chlnll bl ,; assoc la t cs Pllt o n au .,xlra, lran s lt g lad to let me bad s he have the was Lt " Lmml again, la)'l os to a dan Cing hall whero g t'atlon s e rvice Il~clr lax anll Bo n t forth all a rmy or collecto' nnd we'll re.1 men stll l pOSS",' a I.rlde o f Wlt.h l.e r; It may have bee n for any rs I'ace Ihrollgh olltlhe lund , Th ~g ild sobjec ted r eAson or ror no rBaSOn; but the tact J li s t II ve ID the way .. e bolh \I I<e. ~u c h a,; IH not. 1111,.1 r:Haml a hl e by whit e It wa. perfo rm ing fbat the anImal. aft er ~r------;:' What do you s ay to tha.t, .Sarah?" to !lien, They h a ytI watch ed t he advanco cont e h er for SO tll O time. got on the r ema in s that a tiny seed or j ealoll 6Y increase or to x, aud establi s hed I 1905 " I should like It better any, of cl',' 1II1.8t lon, Its legs. U)C),'ed orr In h er di recti on. and , !I boycotl a"at list the unwel come coltook root, and rrom It sprang a sl"nbut ha " ~ r e fu sed to thing," pu t ting abe its declared paWij . th rough "['II have th e bars a good of Its I"elors, pursued a policy so rigI d the JOin t'n It. der s talk at 611Sl,Icio n antI mistrust . strong maId and see to the cookln8 co ll ectors were 1I0t admItted 10 Inlar Th cy hll \'o relt lI,at I h ey we re tbe cage, took h old o r h er head and palled .~ And ono day ~ hnn co h e lped ber and h e!' fa ce atrcC! tlonately . m)'se it, and you'll be able to see atter las l oC th e l, col1l, CO llrge with Ihe <l ealer s; lh ey could find o who we"e rnh hcd of eho"'ed her ,,,h~re John P laIt spent so ,I'tO.417,O:Z the 'farm agaIn; Jackson neve r unue t'· an IlIh erlInnco 'U nfnrruna t ely, Sam80n had reckoned nl) bOllses to IIvo In . Thet·c \\'as a great of a wlwl e co ntin ent mllc h ot bls tim e. Sbe and Mra. Dag· stood I t: ' and tha l cve l')' Ins t luct o r se if- ll reae r- "!th om h is cla ws , which loro Ih e ton"pronr, and a gcn ts we ro Bcn t 10 Peking lel s h dro\'e to Broadw ay to have Mrs. l :i r ron, the U nited Slate" to C hina " We'll gl \'e all Ih o money we don 'l vat Ion demalld del' sld n or l he pr etty da nce r . Infli ctIng IIII;:XpOI' (h ", t CII rn o n lh ~ t' ltiHn llr wllh Aprff ul O1 r bolh s id es, I t was more than probed Illat they Hhould iI)oglol. b 's watch repaired . While sbe scars. th e t races of whi ch will, In 1111 lh ~ y e:U'.1 l ndt c lll l'lI Ull Ih (' dlftg rHm !l, need to charitie s," said John !'Iatt. slr lve 10 tb e la st uble that th e au t horltlcR, at Pekln~ to maintai n not only (W1LQ In the s tore !ln d M MI. P latt was rt I~ appnre nl lhnt uu r CX rHJrt ~ III C h inn, III'ob&bll l! y. hc ,'er dlsll pp ea r . This re"an d now , Sarah, I orten mal; e a cu p Lh el r Ind ependen ce , bllt eve n Ih elr Inr. n~HI'lr ( \Jur tl m c~ U ~ ~r('l1 l In 191'[, were to hav c s hared In the bonoUts , but 1<lly 'IVai tIns In Lhe carrIage and watch· 01 tea s ult of what wOllld oth e rwl~e have been '""er h ere oC an afternoo n. Wlil yon tcgl'i ly and exl" IOn ~e as HS t hey W (l ro. In l00~ , when they found th e s tron Al h or Ih" a .lIv1810 n of ~ng t he passers- by, s he s aw ber husreg a rdcd II H a good Jol; e. not being IIko· make It to-day?" t he human ra"c, I; lIds arraye<.l a l,;a l1l8t thcm-ttr ny ~cd band t urn Inlo a larse om ce building Iy to '" eohanl:e th Gladly sbe M aented, and with • e professl onal 'atl racwIth what. grace th ey could. This was a natura l and rpost laud. on lhe o ther 81de or tl.'O street. He did tow el 1903 tlveness ot tb e g ra\!eful Spanlal' d , s b41 . pinned over he r 8tyII sl.. dress nb le fee lin g an d P""pose, Olh er InBtanCo!i ot the bf1ycott al'4 but one pItI- has taken legal not noU ce tbe carr iage or her, and sbe, she u.,.z."n : S:-.te.1..,1 1 • U .JOI.D8I neLio n ngalnst Iho pro· bustled about and soo n had s upper abl y use Ie"" :t til I hopell'sH gll'an. Transpo rtation compan ies ar~ , The red <co ns um ed wltb curiosity as sb.e was, read y, a supper I \ worth eating, t or John mun 's career WIl " c·.l ded whe n Ih e pll· pri eto I' o r the pi oeD o{ c nte rtalnm ent, mado 10 pay claims for da m agetl goodS nlAde no sign. Neither di d Bhe say ~..:lnt out to buy delicacIe s for It. grlm s lall llc,1 lit P IYlllo llth Rock. The putlln g in a claim for da mages 10 tb~ ' to) an extent consider ed ver), unjust. Ilnylhln g to Mrs. Daglels b wh~n tbat amoun t at $2 .000. Impo rt )' rnllll C hlllJt In t h ~ U n ltt:l! St u, eM but If "It's somethi ng 1I11e Bupper," he de- crro l· t.~ of I he natl ...! tribes to t hey were r efuse d, Imhlcdlal~ly a. preserve lad y rejoIned h e r, and sl.e on ly men- clared . "I III th e Ll~ 1\ I11nnlhs l' l)lTl' dHl lldln g " ith lhe 1 o tt Id b hate those SUI)pers we ba ve Lh emse lves a n.1 til c ir owners hip or tbo . Thc ca se ba a Just been broug hl before- olJo\'(.' .• th , rI )()yc WOll tlon ,'(\ ca.suall7 al dinner that evening up there"-! C paRseu on em , an on e of Ihe Paris courts , but. aMthe de-· tul' e n a year o Je jerked hi s teaspoon wltb continen t hnve r es ul :"d almos t. In comr two as" th e m ensure9 they would have no cargoes to that s he had been on Broad "'By. She a disparag ing gesture fondant carry. Is abroad on bu si ness. th e bear- no~ In HiO direction plete oblll el·ation . di rected by t h e presid en t ror a lib- 1 Tile boards at trad c at 'Wat ched her hu s band's fa ce ~I ose ll' as or h Is m etropoli ,'arluuB IlOrts are tan r eslden ce-" wllb Th e last a<:t or th e .Ira ma Is 1I0 W be- In g has bee n adJo nr ned until Novem- ! ml ",\(1 Jus t adminis tration of tbe Chi . Bhow lng a diffor tlhe spoke, and to her esc lted Imagltla - "ups so tiny you're ent altitude to the roraCralll , of sw allow- In g played In In dbu te rritory. The ber, wh en tb e judges may have a be lt.e' .,o~e c xclu s lon law. Th ese Chinese do' eigner tram that fo rmerly obt~.lnlhg, tion lIe seemed un easy and Iles lrous Ing them .along wltb tbe t ea, anr! blu Indian I" doo mcll tf) utter extincti on opport.u nlly fat forming an exact. opln- llOt o hj ec t. and I hellftve will not object, Iml!O~e restri ctions wbleb tbe wblte Gr ('han t;1ng U,e subject, of bread and butter 1 cOll ld put 10 the a s a race, and th e wesent generati on Inll at the Injury whi ch the charm s at i" th e exclusIo n o f coolie labo r . What d~\11 may a ccept or reruse, at pleas. But .Le bad made up her mlod, and .. orner oC my e ye." see ms Onnll y to I", \'c rea 117.ed t he In - the fair plalntlrr ha ve sllstalne ,1 fI t tbl! lh ey do object to Is the trealme nt at lite, but It he r efu>!e presentl y tb e re Is paws ot th e SIl81:epllbl <, Samson . 'tho n ext day abe only wal..,d tor Mr s, His wife beamed upon him , and e\'ltaill e fa,,1. Th e YO llngc r c hi efs and tb e prlvllegcrl or cxem pt class." n othing doing In bu s iness hit! way. ·Dag lel sh to retire to her Mom for he r si pped he r tea rllle l'S of t.h e nve (' trfbcs and or wlLh co ntenterj ease An oppos it e "I e w Is h eld by a for eign O~)Co the great ex porters were (orelgn. arternoo o elt'ep, to start c l~ywa r<l . She while he Nationa l Banks Incl'easi ng" talked oC what tb ey would the nth e r trlhos in In.lian territory (lapel'. lh c Slngapo N Free Prcss, It re o C I S, to·day lhe Chln eHe are bringing ,wllnt b)' the elevated , !wd was soon Ilo wh en tt,ey DurIng t hc year 1904. 535 charters f and Oldnhom a do :loi thlnl< o r a eL lIIle I the word In" of the protest. tllel r goodsto t.h e . blps and got back to t~ e farm, se nding th em at the bu ild ing oh e had @oon he r bus· ers 0 . . Sudden ly lbe c lock chimed seven and Ih elr torebeor s. Th s), he llove, a nd are tor natio nal uank s wcre applied ror' drawn up at Shangha I. wb er eln Amcr- rorth tbe mselv es. ',and enter. She ask ed the Janit or I( s he started to her Ceet with an ex· Icadln g the ir poort.~ to he lleve, that and apPI'ove d by tb e ~'O lJIp t rol1 ~ r of the leans are a cctlsClI ot severe r em rletlotl It Is thou g ht Ih e b oycott will sprellli )1 r . P latt t.nd Illl omea there. cllrre ncy. But only 4;16 banles were a gain cla matlon at dIs may, Her n e w· round th e bos l po ll r.y Is to yield to the Inst ali Chinese " laborers ." Th e to Ute furthcrm oML parts ot the kingactually "N o Buch naol e lu lhe place, m a'n m," (reedom organize d . This d ifference evitable 1ft an<l acco rl th e white man'a W83 still strange. " John, due to the ract tllat some appllcat lonl Singapo re paper thlnlcg tho \lSe of the JlO re plie d. " It may ba tl1e Queer ol d hark to the tlme ! What will Mr .. waYI, word laborers s ho ws plllinly that Ibe that bave bee n approvec l b aY<' beilO iVar\ y whose name I' ilon't know, wh o ))aglel. ~e~ h sa y! We can n ev er get back slibsequ ently aband Jnerl , and , In oilier exclusIo n o t coolies Is cause ror comcom es at odd times. He'. got ao omcc lu The Amerlm... In London , , .. .... _ .. ' ... ·. - 1. time fo r dinn er. She will be so plnlnt ; and gocs on to s pesl, at th e l'ollon cases, cloli. delay eXI.OI'!C occ Our America ,:> ·.~ " Itors are detorurrcll In the co mpl etion grow .t III April or 1001 !n No. 12, on tbe top noor, but, so lar angry aud ing democracy In Ch ina, t h o ri se or "lid l:lOj. dlsasreeabl e, and so wlll m of tbe o rg anizatio n an(l addltloll al Ilml'l Ine,1 tc g ilt lne real Mavor of Londo a )as one can see, he Il oes notlllng , H e' :1-1.·. Hutchin s on ," a t fl':'Y e xpense, La. t e ve Jllng the bas been grant.ed , Th e pract\ep. ot the th e knowled ge that a man's a mau ",ever bas no lotters,' o or lel~g rams , 180~ But John Lad grown very bol d. us ua l party ~wept Into t.he CheHblre complro lle r's omce Is 10 approve tbe e ven If he Is a coo llo. It thi s he tb e 1"01' \'IBllOrt!, and his omce Is nev er IS04 Iru e view, tbe ques tion 1MIm t wh eth er "We aren't goIng back for dinner ' 21,1..,'" Cheese fro m t he ~welte rlng "treel. orgonlz atlon of a b,lnk an<l to rescrve .,Ieaned , ror he won ' t I ~t no one insld o It will be poss ibl e for this country to to.nlgbt, " be said, ebeerful ly, "1 koow "Ob. ain't. It Qual nt. ! " cxelalm cd the the title for a period of 60 days, and to ~he doo r. " obtain anolh er a nice little place near where wll can yonngesL of th e Arne treaty excludin g grant an l...· ol.ton c h .. t h pX lmrl C'11 from tho ltnlLcl\ extensio n at time. If toward . ican ladle. al abe , " I. I.e here n o w ?" &liked Mrs. Plat, hav e anythin coollo8. S t IlIC~ to C h I nn In I h ~ t en mOl1 l h !1 endl na g we lille without a butl e r IInpped \l pon a be ncb. "No w I want the expirati on of that I)erlod good and in ber heart beallng wildl y, fur s he re lt watcb ln g every Al)rll. The otber day at t ho tran9'M lsslsslpp l mouthfu l. We' ll have cheese-and a sausage, becau se sau- s ati sfactory rCllBon s are given for de· "be " ' as on Ihe l>rlnk of 80me di !!Cov· a good hea rty meal, congrcss , bel<l at t he Portland exposl· clom. The Brookly too; none of your sages here arc hell '/ e nly , "nd-gl nget lay In L'O ml>leUng thl' organl zlll\on n Eagle thu s spe ak~ and, althou g h 8ho hllted heroe l( mOllt bluls oC IIsh, tlon, Ihe pres Id e nt of the congress . Th e- I of the strong anti-Am and wine wltli no ale.' The mnn In c!lorge of l he party erican tee llng: or be log where s ho "'lUI and Il e r r..a· tsste. What do ~ou say to odore K . Wilcox , came out openly tOl' "Opposi tion bas doveloped to various tripe and gave the artier. "Out mInd-c heese tor Thlnty Man's Ruse. ~ for being H, er e, she .Ieterm lnt'd t o 0010ns1 It doesn't matter what any· e yerybod y," he ad d~ " . And this A man with a cnlnnlc thIrst strode coolie ad mi ssi on In lImLled number a, railway enterpri ses In which America n 80il~ ul "h wbe t s he ha ,1 beg lln . But tbe governo r ot Orogon declarcd we ' capital has been one says or tblnl, .. Mrs, Dagle ls h aod tory "rltl s h er s faggered Invested ; work hilt] Inlo the rapidly into t ho 8alooll and ordered 11 , "I coulda 't say tor certa lo , ma 'am , Hu tchin so n aren mllst have a st rin gen t law eXCltldlnl,;' j' b ecn torbldd en on ' t o llr k eepers. To- 9t11l1ng st reet for a lr.-Lo nd on ChronI- tas te at Kentuck y remover . building s that ba d /but I th ink he ca me III a bout ha lf an morro w I' ll pay tbem . and the servants cle. Pouring ou t a drlnl' that would b;,vQ Chinese cooll cs, In ~ plte of tho threa l· been begun by Ameri cans, and Am erl!hour ago. 1'\1 Inl<e )'OU up In th e ort, anti put tbe hou se e ned hoycot t. flooded tbe New York slIbway, ll e preIn tbe agenla' , can shIps cannot di scharge their loads; ",I e\' a rDl' , If you IIl< e, ma 'am." Stellh eo BonslI1, In a forcofu l arUele contrllct s wltb Amorlca hand s, ond the n, very soon "-and tll Where They All Look Allke. pared to toss It off. n firms aro &n, And In a Dlomen t or two Sarah Platt to~ s ed hi s hoI In In the " New You York He ral d, telis us som e ( null e d o r not re n e wod ." want to marry my dau g hter. you Flrsl, how ever, h paused and ask er! tbe air and Sarab _ 1W8.R stan dlog ou ts ide the door mark erl clapped he r bands (hlug of th e characte r and strength of - "&n ll th en, hurrall say. But I don'l re call tbat lOb e has If h e cO llrl havo a solution at a lum. Collier'. W eekly r ece ntly gave some ~' 12: ' !Je hlnd wh ich al,e la y a ll lor Lal'cnd e r Farm IlI1d Il bertyl "- cv er ""entlon ed you ." "Wba t for?" asked the a s lonl s hed th e merchan t glldH In th e Flowery KIng- diagram s whi ch gra) blcally present 8lahe wuoted 10 kn ow, "You 8U I'I)rI 60 me. ISll ' t your IlQme emile t'O ncoctcr . N. Y. Week ly, dam; and as It Is Ibo merchan ts of tbe tistlcs of th e trade b'lt"feen tba United S lle tapped· ti midl y; tile door lIew Timmon s? " "'fo drllll' Orst an' uRrrow my tbroat trealy por ts t hat have sprung tho boy- Stat(l~ and China, It goes wltbout ppen: bet husband s lood be for e hcr , " No," . Tbe boll weevil III an amale ur co~. BO'S It' ll lake th' lIekl!r l(Jnger t' lrlckle 00',1, th e questlo ~ of lhe g ilds Is a matter ltollylng tli'lt "S nrat.! You here! Wha t ha.q hal)-l pared with the gratt "Exr,nse me. I must bave-go tluto the down:' replied the (h it'sly Dla n.- BiLlU- DC tlm ~ 11 Interest Mr, Bonsal aSBerta of Il nAr the loss or thl8 t, rado and weevIL 10 abl,L1I¥!G !u~ure In ~rease, WOUld f1>u&1, Wbat Ia 112' HLs ruddy lacf t decrcase the co~ton wrons "-Cleve ;hllt the glldtl arl\ strongel' than any vert sCI'lous mattel' more .Americ an. l'laIn ,' CI\'Po _ • _. _ '-. ' ,.1 _. _ ' _ Dealer. to tbla couotry. , ,rovlncll ll or mpel'la l powcr, and that . _ Jlt.FREl D W.l:UTIIUlO\JSEl.





,, '- ---.:


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Rationnl Div(!l slficat ioD Ha s Proved to B e t he B ett ~r W ny tor Ih e Fnr mer:



Uriu W ns "Inclosed In the Room by Mu ~h ' Slcknes s," But

".,, 1.

l.ow the E::lllm lnnllon May Deter- . the ag~- w o rltiIl M ttlt'C"Jl1gb th e law u l A fiufj, \ musldll oll gc W ,l s hll!t:d In Ilw dlvlsl,," "f lalo o l'- I,u ln ts to Ih ,' ",. 1 . m i n e Much A bo ut lh e Qun lit y Ihl ~ <JtIIlWU ,' 1\'1"1' I HI I. ftl l' flllll i Ilu l i. "ull tugcs a<!(·t·llllI g t"' :-tIIlJ wllU " \lu':'; of Corn On e h O:·owlng . Cauadu. lately. IlS ,.11'1" ,. Wa H I rulIIIIII~ uu ,1 lIu eij llia l ~.. ", I. " '011 II II 11111 Il li g 10 1' "ic·hp !"l· j wi! II a bur ~ sp uo u By I he Iw r ll ~ 1 uf llie <:01"11 It I" pas- IIr cOll ce ll LI"n I1011 COll ll tS. Th e Vlnll wh o n ull wa s g l't'o tly !'I III' IH' i :{I ' " wh e ll he "i ble Iu 1.. 11 1I111" h U ~ I "lt Ih ' qua lity 01 (illti S hi s IHo pc r ~ I) I .., I' • n utl ~ 1 : ,' I< M 10 It.


A Ulll irhl ('rin i. 81110nl-; t ~l ~ u flh .'<'I'H of the J uI'tlllt' jo: t.' I Hl.\' y w i llI · 1 1t'~ . 111 l U.' qllll'lIl ll h l) l l ,o;"l ,\" i ll t ill' 1I-.;llL w i l li 1i11 ' 1( 11 1-,., 111 11 :01 • .'\ " bll~: ' "lllI 11 11 '" a d,'u lI." 'u l ;tl' itll } v\\" 11 II ,I \ \" , Idbl .: .. ~ ll c Fno' ,! l ·n.· &~ " 'I'il l' th is IIIJ I II~ : I

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III th ei r n o<to n . 1.·11. w o men how t o nvoitlsuch

,,\t hulI ! ".lIlrl,,·ill lot nllr . l h Otnt!s , ~n nlO in C ~'Ur\!;I, and ~I Hno in stlff~ d D g ; ~ h c wri tes : wutl ld lIu\ hI! \\ ilhulJI. U( , d d '~ l\i ,hH',\' I' d l.. : . Lh e whirl ur oocicty. A nd ill Rlvr c<, Door )[r«. Pinkllnl1l :I 11 ,1\ \' good r ' ,J Sv ll to !'I'. IIJO l! tlt"\l 1 C\ CI Y' Inil ls ["' Ill shops t.cL1~ of t h n u :-i tLud li [1.1', " 1 Iomffurcel lui:-:.('rV' f or f.i"vcrnl yearR witb \\" 1""" . " U II lhe nt' \':,! r ' 'cas ing' lro(u.i.Juill, cu-ruing- irr" ' lo: l1 tIU' 11i e IUl:t nULLio~ . }'Ly buc k nchU4.t ; ( " · 'UlH'1I Wlt ll " lIfr('1" ,. h' JI1 ' .l 1t~ll r l1 H \<, ,.": 0 11 th eil' daily bl'cad. IIl"rt 1JI·nrinJ.( d own Pllin!-4, nlH l rl'eqll eut hen... · Cr ll lll t ll1 l'<1 , a ud t b ;l t 1. ' I' !'ol !1I 1/'i" "I UI't,..' Il le lU' hos ~ 1 ('oul!l Hut tdoop llud oouhl hnrdly All nn~ subjec t to the snnlO physinal tl rug Ill"onuli. , I co l1!'1 ulh~t1 two phYbi c lBH::i l1 id,u,-" \',. " i tll I)od d l : I, ;dll l" P I II ~ illlt l \11\11' "Ufrl' I:II I ~ wi ll 1 " 11" 1' . " \ \ ' , , _; .. ' 11 ' .. h,'nltl; d ~'· luws : all S I1f'YCI' o.1iko It'om tho 5 1110,-' without I"('!i et , I1n l1 n~ 0 I ll~t l'OSO,·t, I. 1.11 ,!tt ph ,,·sicu.l <lis t-urha u"'· , and the nutul'c o r J,y tl uLE , Pjnkh nn l':-4\"' (;gotalJk~L,;l1J n ponm\ . t\nd " ' 11 (1.. :dltl IIH ,-' 111 111 -1.\ ' 111 1 hl' t' I i l I 11 1' Y/'i" , )Lldd ',; 1\1I 11I t"- 1'11 11'0 Ie. l n' Ile VC' t' \ t' l f;III (',J . t,h ~i r, dl1li ' S, in 1l1a ny ca ~c ~ , <Illi cItly t.o llH~· s urpt·i..... , (' \ ' (l I'.\' 11.I·h" !lwt pam Il'ft n'~i to Jl ml,\! 11\'11 11 11), Id d nt') :oI, ' tlrlft s th e lD in to th e h Ol"l'lJrs of a. i l 19ru ued. Leu POU UlltHl IJIl am I II lJUrfuct hoalth . kinds of ' emale complaill ts . \J"ari:cu Mi ,~ r"ar1 A lee r . of :127 North Sum(; "' 1' a 1t 1:l! 1 n il Itt· \\ lI lilo( to . 'lI t :11111 ubl es, u l ce ra.ti o n, fulling nnd llls - m 'r ~treu \., X:&.hb,· jJltJ , Tenn., writes : ,11'111 1, ;t lld Itl' , \ ti l I li d I t t';I",' (' II ' ,II!!!. tll · pln Cf'lTI e n t..., of th ~ 'VOIUU, ) 'l t1 COr rlll'Cl1.. ' I- ' tv 0 l ' NI1I ,., ) " ~, i o n D " lr ~Lrs , Pinkltlllll :111'1" "11 10) II t lt"I" 11 1"1 :1 Il u' d l l t)' III' ,Ji a, l t· or P 'I"I lUp~ 1I",,,,',,p 1 u.rI, prc ~ " I "' 11 Il'l' 1"1"'4 I with Itlli ll ful IJ6rlmi.3: sovere Ii t: JH t '. H II t ' JII ' 1' 1,11 I ri p l , of .. Juo ll thly p ' ri otl~," { ' a.. n ", il1J.r lm .\{- 1 1~(' laldlel he..'ll'lng.d u w ll pnin:; , pains !U! ~("J6S . :wli c , l1(! I' \'ous ncs s, il'ri ltL-uilit.y u,ull 1110 nh. l : Ut:.II ; \,'{t o;; \ ' 1'1',\· D('n 'ouB IIml Irl'ltn~ BABY CAME NE !\R DYING Ia s"i jtndu. 1,lv. Huri m v t l'on lt lo g .'ow worSoovQ I'Y u W1ttb.


:I u d

al o ne.

II , tII \\ II


.. ~I y 1)lly. ieili ll fllilt,,\ to hull' 1110 IUlll I .1w: id o.l to l t rv L"t1h H P ln ldlfL11I M Veg lltoblo to t.llI.!!)O l'O: np"11t1l1. ' 1 ~l)nll rUlI m} It was UOhlg me ~1'O, l. A ll mV' t l'li l lR nnJ u", ,1i,;npl)Cn rod,

'\'OIlW lI whQ s land on lheir fe e t. nil From on Aw f lll S ki n HIIlllorScratch ecl 'Iill Dlood Rnn Wa s ted to a S kel ct()Il ' -S P~ ­ iJy Cured by Cn t: curn. II",\Yh en t llr t' ll1 o l\l h ~ ,',1.1 m{' h o\" hrola' with :111 itl'hill !! . wa " 1 .\' 1',1.:11 ;\11 0\'('1'.


h i.: 111 ,11\' . nll d Itl' ",,,11 101 ,.p ra tt-Ii ti ll Iltl ' 111nod I' i lll, \\"l' Il' it' d II P " 1'I y {'Yrl,\ , t l l i ll l!, UI" '\\' \\'t1 I' ~{, . w;& ..; tm~

It f'

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: 1 ... lit' l r l On ,

IitHl Wl" t"ClIrt'U h l\ wnuld d i,t , 111.' :-:I t l, ~t ulll .\' whl'n in "\lr fl rJn -t, 'I' ll(' fi ";H t1PI,l i. cnt il)n (If C"'lIt i t'III':\ f: cuII1II',1 lli m 1-0 t l a t h e ,..11 'p t in hi ..: ( ' I 'n tl l,~ foJ' t ile fi r!'t t i llW ill HHI1'"

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Get Foot-Ease.

A \~'() 1Il1Crrlll IUJ\nlpr 1 hat C' lIr~ til'cel . laot~ u ·IHll g f (,(1 t nll t! Jllukct-- JIt' W o r liFht fo; h l 'Ii ea~r · ..t\)'Il\ to·d a,\' fur .\lI l' II·~ l' t1ot ·!t:i\t:C. t\ C'('cp t no )OtI.l!~ li t 1It(·, '1', in I p:wk :II!4! FI EK Addl'ce' _-\. ::i. Uh ll>l cd. I." Hoy. ~ . Y.

Cor n li! g r owi ll g:'11 ";l l' ld l,' tlc ;,( it ~ ( , ltIll hj like I lie ( :II' lIh 1" 1'- \\,11,, ' 1'\ 11'--'\\' ~ 11 J.: dl " !!j!o:, j

l l iu lI l'apt,lf:- ,J U1In UlI. X ;I:-!.\·il1f' . T f' l1n .. i~ }I,(' ... ,\d t(1 ,·.ItIl'H I.-' tri r1 ol . P llpil~ \:'\"(' 1 ,\ I ' i t .\' (1I1 \";l lIt ll~l' :llId iall tHll d n ul'


111UI" s uscuptilJle t.1a ; LIl oLlh:,·,g .

1.. 1'0 LIL IIl l') Th t!y c-'"-plal' inlly r cq llirc nn in \'i g Ol'n t~ in !!. l1 .. talni n ~ IllCHli uiu ",h !,'h w il l s tl'l' Il ~ t1h' n th e fl'ru , O I' J!alll ~lll. nU ll e na hi ' t It .:! lll to h e a r e ns ll,\' th~ fa t.lg ul':-; ur Llw 1l.L.\' , t o Flcc p \\'(.1 11 nt nl g- h L, n utl tv I' i~c t·l.: f l'csh c d nnd chcc dul. n nw tli stl"C ~5 in g to RC'~ 11 \vom nn ~ t ru g::r1i Hg to l·tl rU u. lh·c ~ ihouJ. 01' PI.·I'·

nuLl I n o lOJl g;l l' { ca r w y muut penod~." L .n lia. E Pinl<hnlll's Vegntnbl~ CoinpOllnd i .. t he uufai ling- Cil l' O for 1111 tbes~ , tl'llil hlt,s , J t KlI'l' n g- tlw us th ~ p" o p e r IIltlSclL' !'O , nn d ,1i ~ pla cClHf' n t " ' ith ull ita hOI'r'ol'" w ill n' l 1Il(11"\! 'I'u""h .You, Ba elw r h e, tl i 1.~i n ('s~ , fai llti ng, bea .....

ill J.f ,l o wn pnin ~. di ~OI'th~ I't--' , t s to mach. \\"11(' 11 he r mi)ouill .. ~ ... . d is li lccoffr i('u<lsnlld s ucic t .v lw el( ulll l 11(' 1111 il.1·O n ch in g", a h is so -all s.\' mptutU\i of t h o: one cO ll so -will Lb·,.iI s h" ca ll hardl y <1 ..,,); al!Out or be quickly di s l'c ll f'iI. and it w ill llIa,lrc s ta n ll UJl. H,IHI ('\'(!r,V lOon~ lUen t crtn!;u ~ YO '! st r o ng an.i \\" ,11. p ai l!, the o l'i g iu 'O( w ht 'h is dne t ll 'f. o n Cl lll tell the s tor,\r of ~ onr !o1\lf1'01) 111 0 Il ern-o gement of the {crnnlo 0 1' · \ f~Wll\g,I'S , t.o n. w{nnan, n.ull I'P - '1\" ~ h e lp · gu ll l....·•. · rill "d"I '" fl'''c o [ \lOst. A.ldr · ~s :'lrH. -'I iss ~'. Orser o f 14 WIlI'rc n Lon Sl re>L. 1'l nkho.lI1. t ,y nn. ~l usH . ( 01' 111 \H'I'

lI o uRc huhl

ct1lt.I CS

Lvdla E. Pinkham's Ve~ctable ComPlllllld Sucw:ds Where Others faiL 'ne IlII b ll uf n


mnm' I"enl I,fe

11111 111 'l '" lj l l l\ i l1 d ~ \I :i -Iff 1\ rnn tl · wh,..1 l' tl lI " Ul


' Yard Serllinut'y

Wril l! at 01,.." (til' III (ot'.II" iOIl Uouk.

T la'

II l iln

wltu il lll'r it\)I n lllll g 1111' ,.: tl·I 'f!l ~t IWal , "lid

il'l ItI, ,",.\ t ' J Ilc L!\(: I'I 'I} UI .... I I.\' 'l ll~ ii h ..• j.: 01'~ :-I\! \\' IJIl U II! I II IlOI , i l, ' uri' l' JIIIII .

Tuledo Bcl.: ,

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.-'llkh 1ft 10 .. ell'tf. II, Il tl'lt,


Ib, . ", 14 , G,l tt..


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"amp.III,. . 1., O"IIIoD."


~·. IUlf

r~H'l1 tll ," II! 11I1,"f, lh)' n I au/ti lt!"" lrol!r\' U:l' , a lid Ujl"" lit Oh iO !III" I. :1:' ! £,U r 'l I,r :ICll l ' l' , I , :\WIO 11 11110(1,, 1('0 nl KK.

... \Y. IhfUII'IIIt'K III l'O u S!J. ' I t! \hl,nll th ,. l l H I:-UI'I. 0...

In Usa

Bears The


pl e ... c .Lllh!'1 tJlQ yo • • • •' tile A d\lerU,,_eat. I u. l ....: • • • p(:! ....

For Over Thlrtr Years The Kind You Hav8 Always Bought




1\ . N. K,L.. E

~~e wltiWll~ i~~~i~ii~i~~j~~~~~~-:j~~~~~~~~~;;;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;~~~=


A -


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of AU l'i trnlla, I ~ p l'r, win ~ IHlIl'l1 .':l Il U!')'

Heed . It iH nt nt'\{c lc tl

1I1 ~ f1 y for fretl lll .!{


birds. hUl III Ro me ma llufn l'In r ing '0 1111- I tries i t I, ~ ml)loy c ri itt mak i ng It fine f10llr fo r wrc,s illg ro lton In wea,·ln l-:. and In flnl s hln/( ~lIl, "tufls . In tbo 1;[~~J;,~];~t~~::~t~::@'~~!~E:t~:!J Cunnry Is lall';. Il Is used lor making ! flour foOrlnu"reenagtl. Anlong Cilinese.



It. positive cure for

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"we ."",.-,'1 .,, W. ,, ", on d'An. PENSIONS "I, bill I " ·111'\111111 fu t' " Idu"'''-' tinv !)

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To destroy tleas. ~ Cl\lter bl:1i ot What t he Farmer Can Can trel. neece-lIt'oo l where Lhey ha \'e befD Tlte rur:n er cannot g relt'.Iy ('onlTo l tile found . Afl e r a tew hou .... gather til. price ot c'o mmodiUf!H, bot b. ran 'rcgu- . ';1'001 anti drop It ' n l.'l bolll'lg waler IDte to a coo81 dc rabie f lltent the coat The f1ens will have 'h ldd~n III It or- pro.cItIC III II' .\JI1l th in", ,tblU _. come The farm home III tJ.e ,!uUQl1atloD 0' .... U llln..""o-'fI:"~ ·o.t :);arde,ll · u:u~k.", tbe oalion· •• lre D&1&.

t or .hl'llllIl(n4 ..... _1\.1'

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QIlEs t or lIectar n :ld poll e n. nnll the manipulations are wor c . EIlKily Iler-


h -., rultJ(ore &1I 1,"UmJ OJI I), 10 IIII JltlchUI!l rur I h cl r




hi Klli)' "puken of

--- e- - -


Bost D aY8 to Work all Hive. ' Stnnchlolls and Ties. It 18 tbe rllstom uf ueekeerJel"s g~!I- 1 R ap. nn!! <'llain lire beln!;' ~u llsliluted f'fIIlI ~, to se lec t wann and cl eo I' duys o r SlUn,e hl Olll1 un many ,Ialry (anus .ill whi Ch to l)e l-:orm th e operationr. of Whe n th e C~ W" I'. ' ! on ly In l he barn UI Ib e hi lle. ,ThP o ld "· r beeS lhal consti- j mll l. lng l ime t h. RtanchlonR are th e l ute Ih e 11.)1<1 torce are olll Ih e ll In most co nl'c nl elil . :Jilt wh e n Ih ~ y are

The Hay Baler

np u (r(l\lg h ('ure.-J . " . . O·U!"i{'II . :t!:! T hi rd A,·c., ~ . , lIlinn eapolis. ~I i lln .• J UII . G. IflllO.



.r.Olu . IU() p cr lllllu ' J, ..

Hn l \!,. under h'II1 t:} . YUlltllill 'l 1':1)' tl 1!l 11t11l 11 t\ u h u .. ~ II puti!t hll i. I..n r~t' '' l 1i )' Ii\tOltlll l IO I('Mml,1I lI' boub In

'- ' I . Allit' r lca. . Kuc10rlwd til ft. 11 f i, l h y:ty unlclnh . 4JIH'r' l ' Ol' l .\ y e a I'''' 1 r" r ll uft ·II IJ • •tl t/ .. na/Ii'cI . L II'l h 'K a l/h , atJnllUtJd , U l'll I' e:hll ll~ It S patroll s ul ill til l' eUIl 'ul!u u of the il' Ki1'l ~. HIIlI I l u ,.: I~!i \\'r l ' I\ "'t cu t il lO"!!€'. uIO I.. UI'" ul' l,u lln ll ity Lo )lleu.e .' 0 11 . I MORSE SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY \ \' l'il C ut VI1\:e fvr 'uQok uf Jl1fUl"lllation . B~~~ ~~~1 :\~li8 ~~i't!~;:~:~~:;&. ~~;e~·,:, S:,:I;;~~o~ ·O::

T ill! ll1 h l l ift'l'I t dc11"'t Inr of 11 111 "' 1 n f IItt i:'l Dot ttl g:1·t ai<Jl1l' " f! I")' f'lst unlet's wu lWi! tl r - l'u cl;.

of Many the LIW e two yoong n lIC.,. S III th e P ' allItry I lll/s Lro k e. 01" ' "~ al' d . nllli a tll'o·))olll\l l tmllt. 11 lh is was C l un ollL the feIlcecorIlerf III hay an,1 ~ Im)lly nil oni in nry m eal t ll r Illltlllal , ~' h at fi eld . always ha t! mOI'e or less t roublE UI)lw c p of a ~i g TII a ~ l ;ltHltl g' mll H 1.0 A s ple ndid team : YOllng Courage ull :1 with s llInll cbl cl, e ns 11rowliln" In deen a serl,,"~ c han:c U)lOIl th e wfll", r It illPosi tivelv cured by ., ~ thc"u Little l'lIla. Old Catt lion. vessels Ulilli I or- hflbit ~. 'nl~Y n150 r ellCTO DlSailoused' hallds are Ill "'b 10 b e lIre9~ ran ged 1\ (lev i e tre!s l l·omD;""1'«'psln,ln. fel"re<1 to ClllltlllSetl h III· t ~.- lcarru JUllr. • ~ttch as Is s bown In Hl g-h AltitlHies. ITTL£ dl/;CSl lonanclTooUca.rt.1 De l. •••• In Ibe Cllt. wrl resd "On' peukR wh r p' ,'cn itir,1 l ife I~ Entlnlr. A perfcctrcm. Few fnrm er~ yel arc sl uuy llig tb e o. ( tah In t'm e l' in th ~ ml.s lllg ," ~1I )'g II I l'Il l"e le r. "and Ih e cdylorDl%zIncS'!. NBU.'Iea, h ave f l"i~' h{ C Jl t! , 1 I""• arm nnd HOUle. etfl'nnl !'l nOW f( ep. r1I s t U t q lle~t I ons relatlug to lillnge alld th e • Drowstness. Dad T n.sto garden . Sludy of l!lis ~llbject ni enn s lusc llny kind of a l'Ollll d vesse l stt itabla al\ life away. I hav e B WI1)" " fUlind 111III tbo 1I0uth, COIlte<! money. In t he )lOclt~ t at tb e for mer. [UI' watc r ln g ch lellS. "'he circular pief!C secls. No IlInl l"Or how hi , h mi ght 'l'Ongu(!. PllIn In tIIoSldo. i U l li t tl I lil r c limb jn I ho~ aw[u l w liluli cs . 1~ ~I' ll e ~ I 1'ORl'm Ln'1!R. . T4"1 Sum th ing wrollo; \I' l e ll the boy. don' l I Is lOa e 0 Je ns eo vessel allll'anll ot11-eI' In "ec1 ~ CIIII I,I l,e sec.n. Th t) , regulate \be Bowels. Pt!rely egoto.bte. w hi s tle orollnd th e old fat·m . NoLiee" flonls 011 Iha watet'. Il haR se ve ral a ny s U"h fnilure al your h Ollse '~ if yoU ho les. Shoald n e hl cl. j;"e t Into th e " esRe l bee lles Ilw e ll 1It1t1 f1" t h r< ~ I (s lilltl III b nv , ISlI 'l it lime yOIl began lo <10 n 11 1- I he float will hold il Olll of the \\'at~r hol es In Ih e (!n rlit. Th ,·I1· wi ng" nro lje whis tlin g jourse lr?-Far Ul Journa l. unlH it Is ollie Lo gel 0111. T ile (' hl cl,J s mall. o r ml!I!< ln g e nlire ly . for tlt o Genuine Must Bear r eadl t he waleI' Ihrollgh t b e holes 10 s now c ireum s(!I' ilteR lil eir wantl e rlll gx. Fac-Simile Signature At Noon T ime. fiout. anll tlt ey gene rall y ro loy In ullr Ill nce all , ~1If!!' A t noon un hOl uUYti Iifl th e ItrCPc hthe ir li ves. Even ,m th e i,' o fl r!.I" , PILLS. /~.AJ?#'. In ),; u po n l il e bock (In case of a or eellGood Use of Axl e Grense. wh e re everylhlng Is whit l' ailli frozr t•. • i-" g harneRs ) und J)u sh th e co llar fory;ou lIIay tell your Canne r foll. s tuat t h e re Is n greal ~Ix- I ~I-:<! II ins~ct. 1·",,1 REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. " '1<1"<1 on Ih e t. ccl<. w:lile Il.e ho r"es are if t h ey will UI)pl;V oxl e 'greaHe 10 lhe bl acl, in co lor. II RJCtll S 10 IJe n~ C.I IIIr es t ing onil c nllll g. 01 co ur"" Ihl s is mold boal'u or plows and cull;"alOl fortnlole In Ih e " II01 W n, o lh p.r In H~rt" , It! cas,! th e uo r ijc r{Jllch~" ~own to his ~hov~I" .. arr~r (j nls~ llIg wOI'k wilh a r In a lIo we r gar le n. " t u,"1 un tl nul up . :IS in SU lli e (· as~.<. t helll. Ilt c y will h~ allie tu lJ i t(.h I.Q 'Thi ;; 13 mn r h qul c l, e:' nml rlllly " " cf- I he m again wll ho u t being fir"t ulJlige<l Growing Oa11nry S eed. S cc~ l ve u~ IInhnrll cs:: ln g. sr'o llr t he nt . -Fal·1lI Journal Qu ee n Hla\l,1, Ih e 1I 'l.-1h"usl', rn co lMl,



Nash\'ill e T e-nn .. ila H ' f : f

·f.:(l l fl ilH II·)'.

_P(l1't ", c)(1 a ' n'illll i f lli ,,1I1 lu r ha ti ,·lIl1 lJ1I1H .

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'Iil, t'

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I hl' 1I111 1, 11t' I' nrclt ·l . tlu.' t i li b ' 11,:1 1 3 _·.... "'l lJ i " "- l , tI "lIl lQ II to the e\l il.- :-:L\III C,'\' ~ t1t' ,J ... ll r u:d .



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1I 1l 1.1· I-'I CUl '

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L esson for W o m en.




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J e r~ ('y S IIIII' C

!lolh ln g h e ra n Il rofll ahly .-al se. bUl he al"" ll hn lf WRY liuwn tlt l! s pout ). At g'p n e l'n ll y F;. e l ('lr t~ ~(H1 I(' one t en tllr£' . us t.h e ta i l c ut! tll L' l1 :o; uul gu u;.; of h uo loi wh~ n l. cu rll . b e I I·ull ie. hogH. fln e wa s nUn.c hl.!d with t il e hit of p Ol'k, ho rses. fi r !I l1lry CUWH. whlcll he works A :t7-I:olm d !is h <1a, he tl III I h o for all h e'R wort h . 011 hlH hi,; mOuey \)olt. 1111<1 gO l I WII 0 ' I he hOll l'lI e m [l h e t"l llt' e IiLral ~S Ill s I"nergles. w ' Jl H4j 1. i ll lIi i'\ IJoIIY ' t1I ol l lh . Tho " h il l' lit" pru purlloll o t protein III Mllny 1(ansll.G nnll l uwa fa rm rs are gel- fi s hernulH w us hau li ll g- h im in, Wh(.l ll n il r . lrhl~ is scell to ill! s mall. Th i. ling rl c:lt . Thi s is IL funl. whateve r t he I.b e IIlh e l·. pt'oha l,l y th e ftornal e 11 6 h. l'a n he ,I c, torr:'li ned by IlIklng u r aUSCB. :'.ei 1.CII III<! RI,u(J 1I il s c H. or li t n ny rOl • ~ h Hq, lillIe [1 1\(\ cu t ti ng- ope n ' s e \'c rnl Tb e ~O ItU t e rn l' I ' 1:I"OWH oll c ·lla1l La Ie " 'J durtl'<1 at II thai il W,," ~n\l t! ht in I'N n e l ~ lOr C ' :'n u ud IlI llld ll~ I'V lltllarJ- III tl' n- CQIII cuttUIl 10 Ih e a cre nnrllJuys till." • (. ~ U C lt(' l , n lld HL'c llrl ' i )' h e ld , HJJ.t ~. w es te r n ~ orll for WUII aul! mule o.nll - · Th e lIl a ll WII" alo ll e IJn I h ~ Inl<p !Llld Tit., I,e r n els ha rlng n Inl-~c ulltounl 1\J ~ cs 1110 lI e .\" . A bal e to lit e a c r e eOH l& of prote in' , : ill lou l! Ilk " the ' s cu ud ' a boUl ~ i" ce ll tH a )lound. hill two bn lf s W U" f),1 b l ~ w ltK' eo 'l. A ., h ~ tol d tll0 lal p. h i1rugg('r1 lilt' U(' :1l II jI hy 1""tI); pr npl s howli h01"<' , T it .. 1l 1' 0 )lo f\lon 0/ r'all IJ!' g ro \\"11 0 11 un 11'1"(' u lIII Il{fo nl a in~ upo n hi s lit H.! III w lk r e Ih e two l"I"UWII s tnrc'h will lie ~OUliti to \)e com · : 111"011 1 a, tire ce ll Is. L l lit e so mh e .... t' l'enltl l' 1.; Ih l'n s IH~ ( l about U II ! h.e =-, llr1 a ratl l' Iy s lIlIIl!. w;llIe t h e horny i fn nllH Oil 20 n~I'CH rnlHo fI,·c ucrE's o f fnee. alld coc l, ill g hi H , llIb lc -IJUlTc lp.'1 &1." 1011 will ho roul1<1 III Inrge HIIIIIII)' . , ~ow p eaij n"d fi\·'~Il· resorr·o n;.w ll~tJ hla 1;1111. 111' 1,1 tl,,' 1111' III Ills lefl han,1 VI tl ile n "'\Il ~ lti e rnille I u n ion 'Ir the I'u ltU Il li o es 11 0\ requlr o Il ls a t tentioll whll wit h hi s rlgh' he IIl'e<l In th e tll 1I11t! on lh e l'I! Rl a lli lng le n O'r 5 he can Hi s chan e r ccl lun uf hi s call 1 l'' r~. mi se elghl hal s und ho need b uy IIO Hito L 1001< Ircpt. IIII·j I.>ul h fl " h wer ~ " 0 le l"llll ~ el"s . H e wou ld mak e money. sl unn ed lh nt th ey 'olli d he 1·.lw ed into ' Th e Il,'c rage 'ollo n pillllt e r d rl\'£'5 n(1 ~ hnllow wal e r . '1'11 0 10lll\)ln"d wclgh t he ne fit froUl his ~ IlIUIJI' lo u ri climat nn d of th e IWO fI ~ it waH 78 Ilo umi •• his mul es I-al their hends orr frum July But (h e lu q;es l II "h IwuwII 10 ha ve to Dece m); I· !". been laken In Ih i" lIiBU'IN wa s eliu gh t Th e losa"n or nil I h,,"e 11JlIst fa tions ill n mu ~ b s impl e r ' 1111111 r. OILl P ete r Is 10 Sllccl lllize ulollg lili es or rulioulll Brllie s ilellred II wi th 0 1J0athook. near ,11\·ers lly. Ih e mOUlh uf Ih e Ga l lncRII . II wa Th e wesl erner I", ~ learned it : the bas il ing nnd appII.l'e n Liy fnRt ns lre p o n aSICI'll a lld so uth e rn a g ricultll ral pro\). Ih e Rltrfn e of th e "" 'e r wh r n Ih e o ld lem s Illu~ l lie so lve d olunt: lhl s \llreeman firs l ~8W it . !lnd h e was "uo u t Lo lion . ' row 11 )1 10 It nnll 11ft It In fo r n )junt· For example. one man hns n CII ClI lIl- Ing log wh e n he tl e~r rlell s ig n" of life. iJor farm lind r g la s6 an:1 s hi llS tbou· and In s leoll lt ll r :~11 111 $ iJo8 lhool( Fnnd s 01 c ll cum\) r s to Ne w Yor k and 81might at It. Uo st on al $1.5(1 to $2. 50 a tlo~ell. He A good deal or " Illa.h lng en s 'l ed . ' ~t1 t r TI l) malw8 llIOIl ey In h i" Rpecllil ty. N car som ehow Or nnol h e r Ih e old rlYe r SLa ..-cb HURl iu ;(s more thau 2,5()O a c res of Irish l1olaloe ~ ba"e been planted . A norDlern waif l'Ontrlveti 10 lu'J )) a co :tl a rOlln d P duCIO t. wh o came to Florldu lor his ilS tnll nnd to tow t h u ~ reat thing Cnp hea lth h a s a 1)lnenllple Fa rm of morti a s hore . It was 11 \' e rv s allnt . II g ly I han all acre' \Il1d e r a s la le root- no s peCim e n. and we ig h ell UII lh e Ilal) r glnss- ~ l1d II se s s peckl ed s Ulls hln e or mill scales G2 ))01111 :18. Thi s WRS 1I0t. b orn y !Uallcr Is s t arcil. yet tlti ~ s ame wood flt'es nt will. On e gardener s old how('ve r. 1111 maRk lnun15c. Wlthlll Iho bo r tly mailer Is so ric h III )lrOlel li Iltat from on e a c t.c Inst wlnle r 20.000 hend s ol g ull l of th e mOlls t e r Wit S hnlf of a ;. may b e ac~ellLell a s Il rul e that lb'3 lelt u(:e-12 In e heR li~ rOSR und solid as partly dfcayerl to-polin II Rt urgeo n. srea ter the prOllo rtlon or ho rll Y matte r callun~e s- for rrom t h ree to fh' e cenls WHit tlte Il sslstan('e 01 hi " wife th e t ue g relll ~ r tb e 1)I'opo l'li on or llrolelu 11 head. Auo lh e t. speclallsl 10Sl20 acree '\'rlle r o nce cn))tllr~d nil I!II III e n a In Ih e COr ti ke rn el. Th e size of .tt l of s UgII r nil e by Ole J an tt urY.1905. col .) pH, c . with n il ordinary l u tlt1ll1 ~ n e t. wh ich hnll atloth e l' 111I,e PI'C lI )' lI eorly g rUl nl so Indl'a l s ' t he co mparative wnve. IlD10IIII( o f pI·oLeiil. Evt'ry tnle has 0 moral. wri tes E . A. IlS btg IlR hhn se lt half In alld h air out ., Any Ulan tbutexpecl ' to do milch In ·B er e man.ln F'nrmers' Vo lce., andthoto! at hi .. jIlWN. breeding 6r corn or eve n In thl! l he I)raclice 01 \'arlel! agricultu re IS. Th e y mnlwll vl go rolls s tru ~g l e ror sro wlng or co rn must mnlte n sludt " Pul nol nil thine eggs hi o ll e bar lie l." life . lht' se )lowI'rfll!. t on) do·s hn lll'II of lu e platlt atul it. Reed . Jle mllsl. which 'Is ns good 1I0W as in He n Prllllk- gl ulIl~ . bUl LI S th ey are ~ " nerlLJ1)f ,,'d ucnte himse lf to be nll.c 10 tell lb o II' uecnu se Loo' mnllY eggs In call .,rrht wi t h hand lili es (llId b"J Lrol1ln" 'n B d 8)" . ,. \'al ue or <lltterenl Idnd s of cor ll. Thi s OIlC baRk l mealls havoc for RO Ul e ot th e y do tt l g ive os Illuc h s P9rt nR milking a niecho n l"al nllal)'ij l~ t li e rea l Ihl'm. might he e Xllec te (\. As II. ml e th e y lio n of an educatlbn Is 1I0l 1ho work 'the molto or I he s p eciali st wh o enn do not breal< wllter " "'I .> much. bllt of Il 'dny 01' a wee r< . but il rellul res COil tl'O I ul s Condlflntt ~ Is "Pllt nil arte r II fe w fi erce ru~hes nrc ,Irag g d - m il It ~ttllly , mu ch t houg hl and mu r. h t.h lu e eggs ill on uu. l( t anti watch in s wnylng from s id e t o s id e. S)lort smen l'cJuice OV CI' Ul e d ualh of mll(lriROII of ultrer ell t vllrleti es or t hat ba's ket!" \ ' 0 lind or dliTcr enl nrs o t jho ·F.DmC e l" e rv o ne uf Ih SE' c r eatures : with Tal'l ~y. ... . A COVERED WATER PAIL. how- g r ellt reU l1un wu~ weli slt o wn In SUMMER HINTS. -- -t.he case of utt O of those tn l{e ll rej' _~__ S ofel y Device Wh ich Will Snve the ce ntl y. This Oil ,) had III it " hllg e \DO'Y

A~wl~v~ ln ~ebnlmQvrennt



:1 11.)

l'L"t l.po. ,

Tl w,v 1 ·11 u l u lt ' h4 ' l'!-'alJull l s ur n. try. I\\'o (IJ' til " C'c ro w s . n I ru 'I{ IJ '~h: h. nil on' hard Illlll a w",,, i lut. II ~ usn ai, HIII " n,lI<1 IJIlII" of llt oS,· t; ian l,; LI·I II " I)' m a l\ r ~ n IIv( lI g - t'"tf l tlrul'lnltl t or flf)t cau g ht Up CIIl lHl t' ~ ," I of bll (dd~ i ll IIH hiM t e mpCrlIlIl rll t ,1 ~ l\)tllldH . 0111 Ite U "'~ (;h e ll l' : , '1'11\1 ~ POIIII wa li 'H I'med ~t-' l alol1l rll ulH!S II)(J rp , Wil li n Il"iple "l' l \If IUI"!( ~' II UIII, H h \lIl~ Thl' ""(,,, Iern e r alllls ai ,,, 10 mal,e hla 11\' a s \\' i\' e l frulil lh e 11 11\' I II :-; Il cll lL humes lrntl se lf ' S IlII(J(J I' I III~ nnll bllY! r~n nll (, I' Ih :H th t.t y 11':'I.l l \' d in Ih (' wul~ I '

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Iw ll " " ,\ to ll . I 1111 1 1111 \, ' ~I.t II I' t II~ ' 1,-" 111 11 1 I I .. I, !.tll .. ... I d ,. " 'I l 1,' ,· \ Ill", -~ --

Tll i'i () II ~I \\'a ~ lalHH I Hf·I.!:;. li e: u :,('s :{;, IJOlillti s, 1111"'11 l'i lr lltll"ul r~ l· tili t. e t · . H e Jlr>" ' :lrc~ III I hI ' urthu dox JlIanll , · I' , I iJ at i:-; , tl POIl l"O,ta llu ll p('l"sis leli lly all!! In l III~c lll l y •. :t l u q .!l;' s poon lJa i l . with Ii triul1 g ll l :lr l i e riti s11:i tl \' (: ry Yl'a r hi s s wall c rol' Lil uf pIII' I, 0 11 t 11 (' ho o l'H. III b Uill or l ht ' ~ ( ' t'U I'i"' ~ liD n ll t> m p t o f (·lu l" (' r. 1'01'11 . whent . ha rl e y II lid Ilmolhy (Ihl " I)pl ll g" lI hil Ullh e orucr of WU!i n l ull c 10 ,"lo't t lu," mU t l'. " ' hic h wa ~ l'IlIccl'~ sio ll fru ll' ~' (!ar IU ),par). J..(e li as prolJnlJ ly l'iU:-i(-' II,\'. II i : s t:: ltl olll tha t

inlfJ te n -n

I h n tb ,' Il l i!1"

Il lll k ll!:..' til t ' "' " 1 .

hll Sk S 1" " l; lh I)," ' r 1111. Allullal ' !' Jlllt.! fi t-' It , \\ la id r IIl l':j ~ Hn~~l 1lJlI t.,h huH :l. f UIII 111111', ' I II 11 ' ll ~ 1 It , wa s l al,, '11

Tb c ea Hlc rn lorm e r 0111'111"" his <10' II. f ew n<i lp>; Ull lh a I II·N .



Ite wu.. II I. '1'1.. , '-11 1'10: " " 11 I '~' ;tu d III.n k , II I I · P II I·t : 1,. 1 L l:I I U

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lIUl lll u l IH IJI


\ I t1 1' tlUIfonai I lIIt'ml lf' " of po w er ,


Il (·I II I I., t .


w hi (' h l lt-' ill'l y Wl"! ' lIch l' cl c u r n 1)11 0 i " . ~nJ\'illg·. A s 1\ lIIalll' t' of "' lh'l 't: l·d s . '1'h e HUlI l with t wo litany hi !) urm olll , fu l lO w ' ,.] by IIH' jI '(' oli a r 1m:: t' lIf' tlUlI w r· plllt l h . 1! tl l l ' .a"·CU l n pU Il ) - ~ 11'0 11 8 I II I ll e nl'P (,fl .-it b lJfll b h hs li ll g ' -I':)' ~: hul' t., all d 1'1I ~ h \\ ltidl l u ltl l ilill a i n g C' lI t s. w h1\11 \\ Pft: d fl,S 4; I1 f! t1 1Iud o r I On t h e ut he l' hUIlt! . 1l1.1 11lr · ~ c. jlm ~ to I II tIil'C4'liu!I qf l'l'ul'. II lJ i ! I( l n ~ .').of l Ut: I l/ r u lt'EI at u \' cr- pl'oc!lU'tloJl uf u,II Y U ll (l ~c Huin t' o l d !-i t a g " t' hud t ;\li, (·n !t ol d. \Jll l ver"ily 11111l,)ls . The I\ro;t UIIO hl' l' " )lcd l·". T ou lI1allY Il CII H, fo l' e X 'l'h t' l' e wa :-; a g uo l l !l u if hi HI I' uf \·ir.:o r ~IiI)W " n iw.-II e l o r luw III'Oldll cur ll . The " " l lo1 e. do nul tllri,-c IOg(,l..ll e r . I'; x, I ) II ~ )Jla yl ll ~ UOU4' Iwt'uI"P ,'II P }Jlg f u J· J)fO l l o l' tl uu of CfDW/l H! Un h i ll llll ~ l\O r - I l ' III Si \ ",! l ' l' U P H ure fol1u "' cd lI y dl s e a s~:t Inw " ull i d I. e II nJlI1..:. h t IH ' ar l' Il IJII :!, it to lit-I t(J I hI' 01 h oI' P Url it ," S I" He(' 11 10 \)0 ti 1Ir1 III M " s t e r. )\; III u.-e s lrl \"~ " alwn)"~ Ll i P uCJUL to I"" k l1 lt,·d . II w ~ · ig l . -Ii :! ~I " ery I nr~ I · . Us I" 81so Il,e h"rny ij lurch I III Ilres ,' n 'C II lJll IIIII CI' HIIU - Uti III ill, PIJlIlHl s :tlld wa s e:d u ' t) y fl }n r [ , I L i ll



Their Hard Struggle Made Easier- -Interesting Statements by a Young Lady in Boston and One in Nashville, Tenn.

•• \ ' n tl I"t ,t"t'h 'l 'd hi 11,1111 '0(·,,1 ' ·Ii lll ' at it.l fl I\t .1\1111 111 '10 111'1 . X,) u llc 1\ ,.0( ,1, ,' 1' a hurdl ' !' ~ LUl h~ lIl III ' 11 1,'. '1 ' 1." ' II " , ·, j ·II~ It ' " " I II tilt" IH" -' f l jJ·lIl a ll,'" (,{ Ih~ HHl u lJ ",ld tl lI lll' ~ I IJI I 'IJ",t" J

rt, t' \.' h "·d U Lu g



Was Bmv e.

l'rubreMs l ve fo r",er" . c,' 6r al er l fOI Ihe lI e weS l IInil hli\' e tJ IHc ll ss e~ :;ome H uge Speci lll ens QC (he Fis h' uuj u sl ues uf th ~ 111I ~~ Li oll of iill"l!rs ifl· Are Onug h t uy th c Hnl"dy Old CUI tU li \' e l' ~ 1I 8 HP d a l hlliuu . 1 '~u l: l1 con · All g lers of I he Otl n wn l'i ll " ioll i,; liullh ll eHH ua sell UpOIl Illtllvlll· Riv er. lI a llleed~ unll t UIJa~llill s: TII~ HI,lrllol








• I.


h o P"


con(:er~_I:_~~e-,~eSid.nts. !

&ptl st


. 0'"


,Children's Clothis :~~~,~ ~.?:.~~:~, at .Mose C0hen's 2

<,.d ..



. \, , From Oen\'or , (;010r.u1 0, ' . It~ . fllrrn,Iyl11g /lbov ~ Ct.a~llra Creek and WII"" ..... nU .. " .Irnll~, you O"n get , EIII . ' 'l'lie lOGtb A DlI1).al ~elllliun of tb e delle. h. u llkIlOW", will ,,,ke nolloe tba~ AWlJI diU I I t M ' nit ~en I!I t 16 ",Il:t.ette a oOllY of Huln •• Illetl M s lIeLllh", 10 ~he Court',,! (;.ru,: bet· ween Harvey sburg lIud Orep;on . ' .''' ,, ' I'll "'" 1111.1 1I1I1I1I11 rf\~ I II Regulll r. BtI.\'tl ~1 AiisoOltltion n.,' ~, tho 'DRily Post of Ihllt olty, filled mOil I'lcao or W.arreo I>O UUIY, Ohio, Oil III _ In, to Goorge FOll, of nOlLr tlprlng. h IUlb <Iuy 01 AuguHe· lOO';, ,"",1 _nld old " .... '1111' hnnl\;<.,III f! JllIl'0r nnvo1t,ic~, with new" with the Miil ,l1 el'nn oh urch of t,btl NlltiolJl Il ~ltCtlIllI'. '1IIlrJcs Sull1vun itur\ othor.. tita"'n« tUIlOn& bo,·,'. - Tho farlll oo ntlll1l8 t\ hundre d !h.-.I' ""P 1... "llli.,~ fllr th A mOIIPY · olber ,,,Inll" Ibal Kal,) , Alltn Halntllli lIlt" nt. o f t.he O . A . n. h elt! til thllt beginui ng }<'ridIlY m Ol'lling lind c on· 1I01'l' S aud 801,1 f r '"(i,()OO, 'rhe . In. build .. ( ,WII" tinuin ' In r<:. 01 un uncllvllleO one lhlrd of l"e l' g wUh if/nrell" ing inte r nst ,I , F. ,Iullnt'y . cH.y Irll.t wel'k . (ol1uwlnll dMCIIbfi1 renl fllftU\e, to.wlt: iug~ on t.Il11 plnce IIrn 1I0W IInil nIl to· nntll 8 unday evoni,, !!, \\'ith thrAfl MrR . AIAthift Alpxnn. l e r wn"e" lJ .. fl " UOln ~ part. of Inl. No. one II) and --A copy of 'lTI Industr ial Eolition of 81l~ill o l1R II oIIIY lind Itm mlniijte rs dn t" . I" MIISOII by I·hf' rlp"t.Il r,f " IIPIII' three (:I) In I"'ranhltn S4.J Udre In th e t own llf Mr . Fox, tlln buyer of t"e f'Irm. Wa}'lIc.vlllo. Warr.n CO"nt.y, L1b10 . th o Johnsto wn, Pennsyl vllnill , Dnily resoll 1:. u N"hlli V" , onP tlllY I""t ,,"pllk . ltt'.dnntn g at 1\ polnl onn bundred and 801.1 SOIllf' time sin('o his fllrm n ortlJ · DfltnOO """,! .. 107) r•• t weKI of tit" ,.,ntb co roer of rllt 11n.8 been r eofllv ed by th e Ehl er HltE', nf • IlIlcln"k~'. prenollo d we"t of Rn:w' :vnur fert,i1i 'l... r from thH BIIT Int Nil o lle (1) ll nd In t.he Hou th Sprlul-: boro, contain ing ~O ot lot U07.ett.... , lIud ill it was II write up of t ile introdU(\f.or,v "(I' No. 0110 l l) on Miami .~ rcot, ""dline "",v,,h'IT!! Fprli1i7A'r ( '"". III " U ' t:l ullll llY tLCl'~ EI \ fol' '8 ,000. E:o:lrH ql1l1l. • L1H.! II(' f' with Ih th A c bu!'in Un ' 0 p.!\~ 1 Mu.ln of !4CoT'eet the "Ceut,n ry Stove 1Il0rlli ug, fo llo\\,,,01 lIy .. IIpr llJOD by N. :J1 X· ity, pnl np in nAW 100 II, ~nc k ~ . K . s a tee t and t.wo (2) luc he" '0 tbe lotll \\"e lIuLi e rst".lul lhllt Mr , Hlldll'.v IItld Monufl lottlring On ., of which Ehler Loui s ThnJ\lll .ulllily I. V. ~'alrholol to J . U Cbapmnll : ~. of ARhlllU tl, R'n d hi~ fnmilu will . lOve to Oklft . • Mr . ehA rt.,!, 1'1 inhnl~nn II n r1 wif,' rrll nk U . Long, n. former :I"' IIce with ~he 11110 Of ""ld 10t1N. • II W .. W n~'OIl!; · Ohio. Snnd,,> IIft erwI(,n. Ehler h 01 1l1l \\'llllrn. . J to an nlley : t.hence !K)u Lb 31 !,(; . W "6 8X· 0 3 ttJ et It 1.1l1l1llJe r of their r ein. anr\ IHII,· . nf ('i nr.inn"t i, !\llfInt h i~ \'1110' boy. is mllnugs r M tl .h ., Ie rll ~lI thrn ' thore" . I ""~ . '100 ,.! ] InoheN In tI", eus l ' Ide of MlulIIl Bu('kle8 , of 1nui llll " , ,,"eI Elder tl\")9 t U lOrS. l1\U It ' '4U'cct. : lb ~lItle S. i,H .x" F-•• to t.he vlace 110lIfriomds urO/llre nd Y locnt,ed ' ! Jlo pl11 00 liku M,I~e Co h I, \"~cl\ti'" " ' ilh hit! fot.\,pr, Mr. LAfp ur 1'hll Intlu ~ trilll Edition of t.II A LlIles , of IJ,lfo'ouu t",ill ell" for l b.K l n "I"~ . " fl . llllliuUli , _ _ _ ;.\loholRl'n. nfl'tT thp T .. IPlj r"ph Mill!' . Oemncr.. t. Rhow!l .J ohnst,ow . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B O~'8' Clot,hilll{. . Pnr sil oX l'oriell ctl ll t o Va deliver ed obII' e ll ~o"l\r" e ~ ; Elder 1. . . . . . And t hu t ""ld ,le re ndont Cnarl e. SulIlI'l\n . . . . . . . . . . I IUlti t,oltl th e rll t·hlt'> ; weur OXDerlC nCf' Is n te:nauL In " o mUltlo WILh ~I.hl Illulourr In On Wl'Iln"" ,hIY. Mr . .. nIl Mr~ t; nn A of tlt H leadlDg Tlulnufu ct urin g Corwin R eed , or Blllll,'l1 1 hu a \"erHic<1 tt, p~'er, gU " e ~ul d n~al e~ tnt e ullcl that Z I ~'I "I E H MAN '''' L!>v Cart.wr ight, lind Rev . ,I. F. cirit'" oftbe co nntry, nncl it.s "lIrled t.he fllrewollu lhll'eil~ !oo:IlIHIII I 'V e hu VI' 1'1 '10('1\ ' ) 11 .ul" tit " groll~' to 1I(11~ III., 1,,101'''' III Iu ldttat pl~ll\tltr detd r es .V ui g ht . • _~_ __ I la mlln •• ver.III·. " . .tIll" ~~_. l",lI1R th .. t Ilarth.loll thereo f milo,. hft _ tri _ l'~ ~__ lire IIttmcti _ vely Ilresllnted '['h tJro being 8u (' 11 II lUI'go lI11mbl" est hlle of BlIY~ /:l(}hunl SUIts !lver madeprayl"..: r, .. dwHlIH d"r and wife were gtU18tll ac "o r,ll ll~ to Itlw ~II,I ror .uc r of b other ex hibited in DIl~·t " lt . R I. BIl''<lhd" Ie, t·hll hrun o of Mr . " .. rl <cliO! a ••• 101 1,1"ln\l[l lOa)' be entitled 'aIn "i,it'''r!! lind ",iui~ te rs ill II II olldnnc e, I GOBS ' 11 ' 1 I 1 I k ~'tr·. . ' "flti d th Mr e l,rel"I, . s .. ,,, CoOti Wt' n ' t1v , , II ( rOil ~ es. •• SuUI""n I I;( It 11111 MIS. G . T . 0';.\1'1111. t Itr 1ll,IXe said Cllarl tl dlllw lII oet.ingH "Pl'd It ilid lit t.he l'lwvlOt 8u llH, oq uul t o IIUY "I to IInow er .,,111 1)('"11011 011 orI. required to QlOllle very h"I''''' "l1IlIln y 10." Ihl' h " llles of belore lb. Hb Will . Hoblett *3 . .50 ,jlle~,)b ~ult ScOI,t , 801<1 "I~(l.whl're~ da)' of NO\'ember, 1006, or lbe prayer 01 aalO On 'l'hnr"dH v lin" Fri"Rv Mrq IIrrivll lof th" ir """, \\' 111 . P . Clink , C hll ~ . Rye, Ed Morgnn nnd Our s peciul price .... .. .... 1il . pd,\Ion will 00 ir.lIl.a. other~. F.mDlA Smith, of Wilmln l!t,nn, nn'< of ChiOtl);:"', wl\\) ('IIIHt· dowlI "'. ' 1.1 fror)} 7 I'" it . vul ur ell ' 8 '' ALLEN HAINES , .. 00 ", 1\ ~ In 8we II new Before the first, Sf'rill on ::>undn.y !\trIO . Willl"m ]\ff'nnn p IIn.l dllll!!hl "., DII~'I~n lind r PlIlltill PII nlltil Muneln) Dr HUDyn n & S~nl.v . bl . altorn ..·•. "n lnr~-Iln f'xtru Jlllir nf pnnt.Mto l ,,,,.t." ' IJlorllln . g, Eld e r Corwin Rced UdUliu · ]\fill:' Vlr!!ini ", nf Kol<n'll n.II1'lin l1l' , m o rninl-(. 1Ilr. Cook i ~ uow I,rn rn tlt oh oou t·, (;' l'oA-A *5~~ vo l latere d the rite of bllpti"1l l t.o Mrs wprp tl,p !" \I'~t. ,. nf Mr 111111 ·Mr... n ill~ fnr tbe HllircJ Mltltllfn 8ui1. thu wlIr ltl Ove,., lJow'Jj • (:tllring Tho HAst NflW Yurk CrenID T . O'NpnJl . Co . nf ('hiclI/!:o I1IltI \VIIS in ()11~" ... n EIiZll Murph y, of WAYII Cij \' il\ e , ullel 1'he "Mn.1J ('oh.m ~1"lC ItII" Bn~R ' Mr . S iuj:('leto n , o f HUrVe,l'Hhnq;. Huif"-p IlIlI" wit·h .IOllhl e " III "nd in Iho i~t.e rf'.. l s IIf t.his 00111 (I""Y. . . Alhin" Flonr roo I'pnt.~ a A LB. 110111010' k "''''- P""ith'f 'ly '-fJUIt I 10 Among the leudt rll lire The Over. Long "ILbles wore 8et, A/l oh rlR.\' o n l'tIr "oo k left. WIt:<'I1" ~ \' i11 1l .dllltlt Mr. Rnd MrR AI H Cnrl,pll , 01 rh" *~ IHls"il" . ",,"1 "I." Si5.0 0 d lllttl Lirni1"d , UhIOl1l!o~&n Fr:lIl. whloh w ore spre"d t,h l' h e,..t, t.Jltl hllld whure .... .... .. .... ...... ...... FMrv . IlntllrllllnAd At. thpir homA nn ellCht, .v enrR agn . ~~\' e n whll JlUllle re oll'ord8, I1nd all pllrt,ook 01"00, lind t·he Pwneer LIUllted , Chi· 1\1\11 were boy h" gil va a vldflncIl of UTI ullustlll i 'Iw"i ,d H"lo of &,11 0,,1 Stockinl -:" oligo tu St. PIIU\. Both NunrlAv, Mr ItIld Mr" Gh"" H oul?h traln8 run slltisfie d, eujoyin g bot,h the food lind tat.lIlt iu pleetri( '"l IDlwhnn i cnl wo rk Ilt Ilhllll" t ~~ Ih" "I' I,: 11111 r prioeA , via tbe' Uhicllgo , . M!lwuu lI"r' Fllln Kennflt li . Mr nn.1 MrR. kee & ~t. th e Seulinl{ socinl .wort,h lutl'irco WIIX 5c. Free, urse. 1 t t', 190 . WlIlt.t>r KpnT'lok An" Mr. .. nrl ]\frjl und he nllw h old .. nn exouJle nt p o· :tao lIud .Jf'c-N " w Cli P ", wllrtb /P •lI11 Rllllw/lY· If you lire oontem . iMon, Mr . I;"ok 's .\'nJln~e r .. on, The next Associltt.i on will bn held d O tl bl", ,. J1pn EIlIPl'tok IIIIiI,illg II western trill you IIhonld nnrl : dflllllbtE'r Bnrolll \\'ho i~ wit,h thA N"tio llHI ned yeul: at Blunche st:fIr. Ohio . ~50 IInrl r,lle-So h onl Pllul~, bE'~t ill MIlO thllt ono, or both, ot tbtllle Rlllnf'ltp, of f~ytle . fam. ('tI~h Registll r Co , Ht Dn..v t.o ll HIs" t OW II . I>US trulns IS inolude d III your Ittner· Thprp ,..ill lIP ""f'lnl! II t till' ronnlv MPf'Tlt Snndu:<, ut. bOUlA . Youn DAYTON g ' Coupl e Illy . nute~ 111111 llel!O riptlve boo k· Fuir .. ,·pr,' dMV IInft 1Il1l~io pvprl rl"~ . ~. " 'I'"",,""\ " . Ri>lltE'mbftr 19t,11 , t.l1P. Mor· ~I0l!e to Covin gton. t ' I I I IH"" Briug u ~ ,l'our ... "". AII'I .. rnw hlllnl1 w!Il rlHY, Wf\I1np~rl" ... , !lIP Jesse V. Harts ock :.! . ('ure w UUlldln:, ~l ll(llnu.u, Ohio. 201h. thO' K . of 'P. band nf !'Innt." Relea sed from Priso n Wilbur WHAM , fost.or [Ion of Egg s Cl.OTH~5 T",hMnnn, nnrl T1lnr,.dIlY "nrl Fri.1H ~ . FURNISHINO", The Warren,y Fl1lt will he Wlliter Wilson , ~ an.h MIR8 ,L uc y \\" . 1110 paying A line Ntekled 11011001 r{mfe ~' \' Uf' h e lrl f fl UI' dll ;.'8 , tlllpl J esse V. Hnrtsoc k ,' young Bogan, a dllugbt er.of W~rren 21~t lind 22nrl, Kinj!'R Mill hAnrl lll, 20, 21 lind R6g llD, witli <lve r y Hoys ' ~uH . 2~, lit, t,hp. L,'b,ul<ln FHir U"ound~.· . All will dlllooul'IIC mcnellpnf. mnRi!' IUHn from tho Mitltll orun neigbb or. hot,h rl"sid onts 'of the ('Il'SlirR Creek hood who WIlS Ilrresto d enrly in t·he neighbo rhood, eloped t~ (,,ovlng t,o the orowdll that ure IlXjlf'ICt,Pl\ !!!'!~~~~~~~~~!!!'!!~~ Chamb erlaln' a ton , COUll'b Remlld y Get. thl! Bubit, ~o t·o 8prln~ lifter confess ing to hll vlog Ke ntuoky , Wednl's dll Y wbere tbey A Remed y Witho ut a POl er W . S Ylldde n&Cn ROIlW InmhflT wri . AIda Nature . ttoen let torM to M!I tt.he w B~rry. were llIarried . ZlMM~~ HMAN' ." I fino I; hlllll b orlnin 'II tltolllnc l' YArd "t Corwin hA~ for Mle OOAt hill threllte Medloln es thl1t· I\i.1 \I .. turA "fe III· nlng to bnrn his barn If IIml Live r T .. bltlt s morll b e llllfic iJ~l Of I;onr&l ",".'·S The young mnn ill t,be cnSA 18 qnllllt" ot InDlbe" , 10th, "hinl?lp~ . U 8um Of effl'ell1l1 l. Ch,uub erl" III'. t.hlln IIny ot·be r r e medy I eVflr 11~f'f1 c ou~h most money were not pilleI'd Ht. Remed y HOfti <III till>! plttn . e\j:!btee n year s of It!; A unil his hride donr\!, III\.-h, eto. No 1 qUAlity 2x4'p a oerta· fllr "tollln< h trlluhlp. , " 1'11..\'" .J . P It i n point, hilS written the tllIll~t4 the clllIgh, raliev& ! the is l e~8. TuesdllY night,'ly went Klote, of Eilinll. Mo . For nlly (11_ . lun Will htl-ve" OIIr 1Oft.d of new '"mhflr Ol\zllt.le the followi /oCl', lIida ng letter from order of th e !'t.mnlln h. hllillllHnt'!!M or MPcr.el,i<ln~ pX/lOOlorllt.!on , openll t.he to Kenhl and Wednp~dRY mornin g here thlll week . A cal' 'Md of Rhin. Columb u8 . lIlld "idA nature In rettttor· with the request that it constip ut.inu, t·hl'" A '/'nbletl lilre with . Inl("h took tbe marly trllin t o Cinolnn l1ti gin po\\,.ler". nt, MIIY's. glell ordered from 8fll1!n g hftm, be publish ed: .. ".r"t,Nn t.o .. -b6lllt·h y oondl. out, I~ pp r . For 91110 by rA ui" Mu y . t.lull ::-:"ltl by L(lultl M",Y. And ' went from there to Covin~ton Wuhlm fron, will bft herA in a IIbnrt "Mr. Je@se V. Hart·soo k r where tbflY were mnrrie rl They tlmA ComA Rnd Ree UI' and let UP If ' IIhow you' WhR' 11m bllVIl Hnd glvp eentenc ed by t,lIe United Stut,fS ret.urne d home WednM dnv c \'eniug autborl tles at Cincinn otl , as 11\1 wiJI prioea , Because of the youth of the par· rememb er, f()r vlolo.tlo n of tbe po~ · ties, bpth parents marie Rtrong obj p.o ' Ifl'. aDd YI'A. '!'blld Zimmpl 'mRn tal la W8, under thll cbar ge of hlllck. !.Ions to the IDRrrin ge, but, love IInrl Mr. IoIftT'ah Flmlth ""fOrI' "mnn", DlA!1in~ , \VOR TeleA~tlf1 from t,he fnund I~ WillY . Ihp t·hron!! "t. thfO ~t..t.., 1",,11' TIln"~ . Troy, MiRml Count,y jlt.i\ Iltst SlIt,ur ~"v Whtlfl nt. at.Ht.lon In r,o d~y, hI' h ..iTl!l Tbe young couple will mnk e t·lu,ir AntiUoo to thirty.o ne !"mllil" wMit.ine fnr th",,, trAin, !.lI P'" ,lnYR known hOlllll with Mr. 8hllWhl tll , wbo Jives n~ goorl tinln, J,!i ven witnplI!l9il til" "hooltm ll "cpnp nf n bim by the s heriff of Ihe iu~tittltion on the N. L,. Bunn ell f/lrm . IRd y htllng Iit.prllll v f'T'lIl1hPfI to r\PJltl, whioh shorten ed bi" s tny IIm1 oon h, tbA .. rowd AR I!h!, ..wlI~ trying In flnemen Demo crats will t. '.80l! her t.rIlln, . He ",I ODce proceed t'd t o Colnm. Hold Conv ention . AUllt.ln Thllcke ra, n ow of ~p"lnl!'. bUR where I\n intlml\t ll friend hlld bora, hut. fOl'mllt'!:V nfWlly oeRvlll p, I!ooured Tbe Demoo rats of Wllrren county two good opeglng s for filll' had • nll""ow e"onp~ ftJlm lleAth or po81tlnnA Tfllldy for hi .. choice of will hold It muss conven ti"n III. th e IflriaWl Injur:y whllp driving nl'ar lI('ceptJll Conrt Boulle In Lebnno n III. 2 )I , llI, tOIl npon hiM "rriv.') : Hprlngb Mo onll riA" I,,"t woolr . AI" A few !lays prior to his u -Iellsl' l'aturdl ty, MepteU lber 2:1, for t.iI P bONO took f .. il!ht "t, !tn lIut.nmo hilp Mr. BHl'tso ck I'nrolled as II Rt.ullent purpose of nomiOll.tinl{ cn ndid/l t E'S and hfl wnll th"own f.rom ,the bUlll!'Y for II o.)mpill te conrse wilh /l ~chnol fOlT thll varion! ' offices . hilt. fortnnH tpl" 'p o oRl1'!d ' ~prioUII in In flcrtlnto n. Po. ., for th e \Vint,llr In villw of the politioll l cllnditi onR Jurv 'I'llfl bUI!!!':Y WH8 bAdly dllm whprl! hll will toll ke UII It cnmple te in Ohio this fall effect,in~ the "fflcp IIged. Itndy of eping "nol Adve r. of Govern or, more illte re~t thRn A verv plplIMn t· reuninn of old tlslng . usual is being token in tht'l cOIIIJJulun frlen.11I "nil nt'hrhh or" took plHce ot 1111 over the State, lind 1\ Rpeoial To him soo n or or lutf'I' RU('.(lAS ~ IS t,he homll of Mr. R. M. ()ukp, near sure to C'llIIe if his 1I"term inution effort will be mode iu thi S oounty Rid "eYllJe, Tu8ll1lilY of last week . be oarrierl (lut." to bring out a. reprtlsp. l1tut·ive guth. ThOll8 l)rel'ent were Mr. Dutil'" ering of Ulembe rs of the purt.y. d ltUllbtAl', Mr" Alice Trlokey , ond childre n, .Ilr O'I:vt,on ; .Mrll. Frllnk The Stork 's Visita tions. Many Pe~s(jns Fr.ld and dllught. er Mil4ll EIiZllbet.h, B t M d M • E I; M 'O 8 Attra cted by Sale. k orn, 0 r. on af UI. lin on i TIl rll lnept" \. 01 · r. .. nd d bte MI E S k to- eR R lIer, neor Harvey sburg, Sumluv ;~g ~' va h t.o t.·'.!~ Idg". Sllpttlm bn" 10, ni'nn pr.mnd d"l1~h: The Rale of the per~o~81 PI'(lllerl y VI e i MI . onat, lin .nut.h nnd tor belongi ng to ' tbe estHtO of the Iflto daught er, Mrs. Rcll!a Berr(yh lll , of I Ipbe1l11 HrOlwn whioh WII 8 1lf'ld the 8prlng V"nAY pike, who had Mr . and Mrs. C~o~. W. ~qllirAs, 8aturda y, at~ractoo II lurge crowd lired neighbo r" to the Duke f .. ulily of Ferr", ore reJolCIJ l!! nvpr. Ihe A nnmbe r of out·of town lJuyoJr~ yeal'll a11'0 Nllntl I)f t.h".... in\'itl'df! birth of a daughte r, EdIth Mllrie l lit from Xpni8, t:;lJringboTII, Ilnd other kuew thot th " II tlrl! wprO'! to be ' theif bOOlA 8UllIl,,,· , ~'elJt omhpr 3 points, were llrnwn hpre lJy r8llson preeent and t,hA '1111 xpected meet,in/{ Mr. aud !\Ir... Rpnry Satterth waUe of the numero us rll,r e dlshe", piece~ of all th~e old friends whu Md not I of the New Burlint ton pike, wei. of old furnit;u re, g elll" lIiolll 8[11'oi all belln togethA r for R long t.ime oom~d "Sf)n mto thflir fllmily Fri mens, etc ., which wI'ru "ffel'ed for madA the da'/' II very happy one. IdllY, Sel)tflDlhAr 1. T1IIlY uow have sale, and In !I()me ooses th e bidding Ouly three more Mnt.urdAY8 t.hltt a fHmily of nine childre n . WitH quite spiri ted. you Cl8n use Spahr's Sppcial Phnto Born, to Mr. 1111,1 Mr". Morris COUpoD . RO!!prM 'I'hn r~duy , 8flptem her 7, a Five Point s ReUn ion . ""(10 Mortim er Whlteb ead, of New ' Jerll6Y. nne of the f'ilitflrs of tbe Th.e sevent·h Ilnnnui mee ting of BELO W II A TEITI MONI AL FROM ONE OF THE MANY THOU Ol'llnge Bullotiu , udtlre~~tld the I"eal Natur al Gas Assur ed tho FIve Pointe Reunio n will bll bold IAND I WHO HAVE BEEN CURED BY THII CREA T MEDICINE. Grange .mil II number of vislt,orH lit the resideu ee of C. H W;,d", t'WI< for Wayn esvill e. and one·hlll f miles IIIIJ·th eOMt nf Irom Lflbllno n l CPllte. viJJeHn d nt,ber A. H. Thurne s., Mgr, Wi lls C r ee k Coal Co., Buffalo , 0 ., writes: "I 10<1gl'l', lit (jrHnl!e HIIII H"!lIrilHV have been afflicte d 'I'],oOh in Fn .. t Fln~)fllv r,o, which Springh oro, on &turd .. ~', Septem ber with kidney and bladde r lrouble for years, passing gra\'el night. and for on hnur HlId" hHif rpN'nll " qp"nrp,l A frAn"hi or stones with excruc ia~A t.n Ilipll twenty . third . There wi ll be t.he ting pains. Other medici n es on ly gave relief. After taking held t.h" ullIlivi<led Ittt·" ll nf the nRttlr"1 11M into WnvDll Fo/er' . ICJd~ C",. qvjlJp hn. USUII} basket dinner, tI nd 111 .. 00111· the result was surprisi n2" A few doses. started the brick large audienc e. Mr Whlleh elld i!l of'''Ill'dln~ t·o r"port.R dust like fine .tones, etc " in thp · .IAi;~ Dllttee hopes t h ut 1111 who desi re to and now I have 110 pain across my kidney s and 1 fee a tlultul'fl d, educllt.,.1 ohristll1n I{f'n ; fI"Tlf'r q, 11'1 0 "ontrlll' l like a new man. t. tn A l"r ~p I1ttend will conside r this II ~l1tU('\ellt tlell1l1n, lIud WhS" "hHrt.. r membe r : 'ol1l1,lr v oompAn y fnr Kidney luvltatl Cure has done me £1000 worth of !rood." on . ~i;tCtv milp~ nf of Plolliler Omn!!", Nil I, in Now I Iron ripe. At. A OORt. of n.hnnt hnlf A JerKIlY. Dr,d ill I h .. roll!!bl.v pooted on I mll1inn dollarI!' . Su nday Schoo l • 11 line!' nf UIHI'gl' work, and hill ; TIlfl \lnll "nU1P~ from Linkimr Rally at Lytle . It'uture Wit" hl!!"I.v uPJlroc i"ted by loonnty , t.hrough UOll1mh l1~ to NOT. h,,. h""'l'r" . Whil .. ill WlIynllHVillej wO{l()anrl will PII~~ wit.hin II connlA Sunday , t:;eptem ber 2il. tlJ " M. E Mr Whlt·" h ..".1 "alO t,he gul\lOt. of of mile" t.o the West. nf WAynel lviIJp Sunday 80hool lit Lytlo will bli \'e a Mr • . ~ R Elh "",I ~t!~s Dora ~Jlie, t.he mAin pipe heinJt tnpJ)P.d at, ~ rrilly lit 2o'olo() k In Ule ufternu on lae h/lvlng h "Il", Hil mhDlHt e .frlend . point nearllilt. thll t~wn And Illll! at wbftlh speoial music nnd reoita: (If .th" h,t.· Mr. Elh" for a ptlrlOd of carried In here. The pipe will be tiODS WIll be a feature . All ure thlr'ty flvo ~ellr8 . early ill the 8J1rlng. Invited to at,teurl.

$1. 75 $2. 50


$3 48

$5 00


Down the Prl'ce ot Flour · VaII ay WaynaSY III B, Spring and Lebanon.


-' -'



1 75

FLOUR 80 eta· a Sack,



Che ese 16e

"",,Ie .

Sta r Tin Can s, 40 ets a doz.



Dut ch Jav a Ble nd Coff ee 17 ets. a lb.





.~ I~.r:I~~:~~ut~h, 'l'~a"OIl1l8


1 8 ets. a doz .

' __._CURES











FOL BY'S KIDN BY CUR B will posi tivel y cure any case 01 Kidn ey or Blad der disease that is not beyo nd tbe reach 01 med icine . No med icine can do more .

II you notic e any irreg ulari ties, comm ence talcl n. FOL BY'S KIDN BY CUR B at once and avoi d a fata l mala dy.


Two Sizes SOc & $/.00 .

Relu se Subs titute &

An irderating Booklet, "All About The Kidneys" free for the Address, FOLEY & CO.• Chicago. III.



LOU IS MAY, Drug gist,





--.15 \ :~.~....__...~~~ ~~__~~~.~~~"""!"~~~~~_ _ _~~~~~~\~7~A~) ~'N~E_t>~'V~I~L_L_E,,!,'~,_O,,!,I~::I~l(~), ~~'!,,''V_E~D!!!!N~F.:~8~D_A_Y~,_S_'E_'...P..T_E:.r.~l~B_I.;~'P'.~ _~~O~,~I..\I~\I,~-'.__


I( )


WEE K B~G INNING AUG. 14-, \PERSON'AL .AN D 190H RE1' PO R H OME- I 10 '~1 '[I N Gi, , --':OCA-=- NEW :;.

W IIU LE N L' M BI!:1t 200ft

------~-a~·-l-;---r--g-.----,. .I-'''-''l-' -L"'!'c,"'!'m~I'-I1I-\I"'!'I, '!"'!y,!".tI"!""'!"I{~'''' ' '''c1-''''''Wi l " s pont. i-;nlnrd "y H,,1'\'p.v ~;I\-;;:;-I"'-" I'IlWhll "flIl IIW)III:::::~i~i~C~I;pt~h~~~;~. ~11:1~1~~I'~I~~'O~t'::'; '.. 1'111'111 ,)1' ,11I1l\, '< 1':111<. hnilll thn IIrp un ,1 COllVl' rt tl

Corw i n.

Mrs B , K Booth ill ('illoilln nti. , J\l hll.llJ I' 101lt' Il() (Jen!.,." ~II k . l\1ir<H Hellrit'l.11I Mol_ iu rit·\, l' III " I" --- , --~-11'11 ~.I'f, . 1''' :11101 ,\' tI. , " I :-<,1\,' \ ' 1, j il l"'> .nl o II n ·od .\, Hpl'end , Wh~ r. ('\ ill"rl in h Ollor of t.ho· M I ~~I'" "I\n/l . ~ I1 , "ln " "d \\'11 Ii' I' l'rllll\"l'" III I h,' will )lOWl' l' , ~ It' s , ) 1!ll',I' llo!loli, of Enst \Yllyue, OFF,CE RS SELE CTED TO lind (lu e l' l{e ti o fe lllll !., M o~ h ol' Satnrll ny. Th o~(' 1"'''''''11 1 t'hi " 1'1:11'" . spuu l SlI lI lltly. with h oI' llll\1g h tc r , woro Mis~es Donna \\'11 11 11111 wil l Ilceolllp lis h is on u , f Hawl.". 1.111'1111 , ' II lillI 'S HAVE CHARGE OF REUN ION WOR K , MI' •. .1!l ltH!" K orr ic k . i ll ()lln'~eh'nbilitje!l UO I'l1 e ll . Stella Le mm oll , ~;dil h '" 11 1 \\ " lInd" ""llI lI " l ' ll illl" " ::lingle, ' " 'urolyn M08hol' , , .' t ll ll 1Ii1' " ,1.1 Ih .· oi1,"11, ,' 1) 11 East ~1"il1 ' . Ill(! :Shuites MI' . En rl I£verly a n d n yo nn l-( Illuy C luu had II t.) /I ~" n 11. ' 11 11111 I " . I h,' 1111 m u o f Bra e II t l,lll d epa l'tll rporliln l' I ~~fll'- lIt Ctll'l wri ~h t III bo hm'e noxt m on th - ForIJ1(·r e fr om · th e I'eg nl" r \V .• J. Kilbo.i' 1 WUS ill Day l ,," on W uy u o.' I' iJ. e i Irom Dayton . f'punt oundllY Il t tlJe . " tul NI ux or Clses lit Ihe IJI1~iDtlS S ~lLtlll'(llI,\'. 1';,1 L I~ I" " h 1I1.l tI \\' ,lI t"r (;1'1\)' will C hlll'l.,s i\llltidel l OUR b OUl" of r.IJ-, I'.i, i 'l.p n~ li vln/!, lit Dpllvor h ',I'1 R e union- Othflr n AWR nf e venl ll g lo .t I h om e o f Mr . llnu Ml'e . O . •1. Edward s . Mbs Apphiu ~ltller Rpent. ~l1n dll .\' tull,' th " 11' PI't'1 II III III ~tllrk It) I.l'bn, we e k . w biolJ ohorllot e r lzeLl I I.;1·lI os t. Mnl't.ln h n!! I' Ol-\ll'1lCII to hl ~ at h,, 1' hOll1<; ill HUJ'v oys hll(' /o(. 11 1111 /llIti S,"" \l'hlll th u j l1Llgc~ kllnw " Ilnr BI'y~ IIn,1 IJi r l- \\' 1,0 hll ve wl\\ld ol'e,llIw tI .v . " thA distincI·io n wn s so methin g or 'L !IIIJm u ill Un yt'lll Ilft.e r Il fm'l,n lg h t .Inlll o" Ullin,"s '"lIl flllllih' vi~ il"'l of Ih" 111', 111 dille I<l n\ll,h ll "" , IllNIl oy schotl ll ll'd Med ley of Exten " lit 13,, 111"'0,.1; ~' lIn'III Y. ~ J1Ullt w illi hi s I1 lI ell1. \V. '1' . 1j' 1·llIIIlJ. · ' 1'11 " 111 , 1 ,d' lit" Ih'II"h nop i" JIf"'1I1'1 01111R 1"n~nutri oM ILl1d whllt '1'111 1 I.:l'lIn. l H 'll nl ~ { :olUill;.! nUt! It " n. t:hlll'l m. J.: ~[, 'I'rltt. of .\11 I"" l) 1(1111011' "" 1I 1'111!( lit,. 11111 0 "f hal'vlJ~t.. IIl1d thn 1IIillCI ('''1'I1I'"i\',,~ ' I] for I·hll odinclI . IiI! F',1I·1I1. . I - -It" lInilln (If 1'111'111 1'1' r Bsi,lllnt s ,.f 11 111\", N('w ,l "r~".v t if \ 1l Ilf 11\f~ nC'f'l l -j l1 l1 Aft " 'r IlH l'J,; tk . DI U'/l l' lI I.UtI!;. t lrHK il i ll g an ~l !'i1l\\,11I~~ ' . . \\'1I .1' I1,.,. vill,' 11' 1.1 1 I.llk " 1,111('" Iinrinl' . Ull y.f' tt.n" :VI'fl l' b ook . InlH ~"I\ I 11"~. Lytle wh, :!\! IlIHl . gl'II~"i,; ullcl 03 I' II iull b ellcl III l-( ,,1' II c',,111I111I1J of 1"'-(\ f.l··11 · cllk " . of tho Hnrlill/.( , C. M. An~ lln, tSll jl(l l'lnl ('m(\ nt o f th .' \\'''~llIIl 'l{i'' "i ll ~(" An g m,t 1I IVlI<\' l t ll n ro\ IIt.V fuil' t o, ~-.-------' . - stcaln i u g "n I u ('oulpl" liull. IH'''I a t ;\It Ih l! ,i\'itllllb lit. \\' e~ l'llrrolt on. ~pO IlI 1lI l'lnl\ '; . l'l e, l\li~" Winoll G Mc DoH. MI' . UlIl'rl ~l') n {·o l'1ll.'l1 1'('I''''''lIll 'I'hi~ (hi- I ' . l , ft ' , ' 1 l' ,I I I lillll.1' Octoi>(' r :1,,1, r. I", aldll Jlpellrcd n n th e ~t,"j.\e iU II ~t! rij " !ll lli (j Ilt . MI' . :,;nrnrclu y II IIlI ~nn c.luy li t hom o. Mr. ', " '01',1 Ih lLt 'J) ' l ol'; 1 1l~ bI'IIlh, ·,. . \l'h , • l. " .'" ' I . III , .1' (1'1 l(J' I Mplrl :Slllll WII " 0 11 piek ut u nt . l · "gain tti~trI1 •• Ilf dl'lllll Oft.l l e F'lIir All AI" .• ' ~ •• " • "Will 1Lt.1I IlI Il1 ti lT '! ,,! 1."'111 t.lI~l nl"'" ~OCiiltio llllfl(lfiSUrf'r l'pslll oN o ll~. ln J'llll'fte ltl I ~ II l1t ·X Snlliluy tu nrning wlttchin g ful' P el Ut' ('oI lIll'!! IIYll IIn, 1 IJIl I'I ""fJu e nn , ! .d so 11 m Olllbll r o f til . i ll he!)' uhnl'lI cturit1 pr" . \ . 1111 € XJlrc., , ,I hlllls,,1f n8 IIlll0h .Pet'l lltl i ll hl'p . 111 "1\ h, .I,lln Ih.' I )i r~ctl1rs·' roo ll1 o r 11Jf)lI rol nI' Illrocl,o r3. - ['d il l' IIpjJe"l'e U OU t lw ·"ClJIH'. unt! ,1111' 11" 11. IIncl in A unt Dinllh, th" pll"~.·~,u \\,11 It I,, " :"l W lo"u lion 1111\1 1 T he CIIllt·)'II o t 1'01' Illl l wrill J.( OUI' Ihll~ :;'1111 h .. ,1 a e, )11I' rh u .•n ILI l:t:.nk li' l'idny 1~ " o llln g. I " 'Y"II'1l til ",,1 " 1' 1'" (Ill". o n. lind U n c le R:lfraill l, . '. ' nnt.l{"patc·!<\ Il ~ nt,l sfll ut (l l' y Yel lI" t; i !lnre h hUH hl·,·11 1..!"i\'f'Tl ttl ;1 . Pa y t un l·hureh. All "I'~'III I~" I,i " n tll workrn r t " ... ' . II.I~ IIII,.t 5' ''"xt'' " ltnllhll!! , ulllhl i ll ~ nnl l t.h u w, rnu ou I,ltlllllltl IIJl'Olin) . .: . wor k. I", I,ho Flre lT nilerwr ttol'l' Associn t.i ,n \ nl·llI . wli" 11'111 pI ·. ,r·lled \l' illi Ii it< III I'. Willnn" iii (,..rtll inl,Y II cOll1ple te . w ,. rlt ~h l'l't,I ,\'. H••' nnhlll WII~ ]lHl' fl'l'lI lil hy "I~r tin g : L1f t h e n llrl.h wP.~t will H .. " . H nl'lnn ,"HI wif n W{' r ll WII,)' h" ' 1101 ,1 II I. pllllll .\I.ioll , thou tnu8i c, vucnl lind IJ" :'ltl'm y hr('I' " sel loul 1I')I1"e. in ))"11 Blln t y- fl'nlll Ark.. .J . O l ;'.r t ,v l'iL(llt, pl .... ~i .. en l : Ihl\' . Chl ulI /-:o. Oetobl' r dllln ed 1I 0" vl ll o lind vi ildty \'i ,;ito rs 'J'hurs lDHI,l'llll 11th IInri J:!th . th o ~1l1'1l" " lIel/o(hllo l'l ll'(l II. hll >l beoJl WiIIIIIl llmtal. with an ll ocolUpa nl· Sl\t llC·. ~ II" , ['eMI ('()mel l tlny . (" Iltort Wl'lch 11lImo~ .1 . ~' 1; l1dwIIIIII,lo\' , VI'" preside nt . Am ong t.h e ~ 1J1'1~kor~ l\IlIII1 Y m OIlt. of th l) lig h t fl1,nt~l s tio Comi.o is C. M . U,Il·I.. ullI) or gni n J.( 1'0]111 iI''', whi oh ,I ol n.yell ' un o (ln y lu" t. w OA ll . I t~) I·"llort. p l·,-,g l·I!,§ lit Wilmitl g t o n I)l'(lI,io n8. w h ist. Imd genoml good I. tI Zi. JlWl'llIlin snel'el lll'l" 11I1.! wright., orlit" r o f WI' s l e ru Un, th OIl)lL1l11tl)( of MlluduV J'J" )j c 'I'lI Y und wifll o f ( . 1\ \ U,l ll ugo . .1 I~ .1 ,tnll"Y . I r,·" " '; "'. 1' d ll~" 1' WII H II Illlukod I'oo ture of the A ll ' o~pou, (:':~\\,l'ltlw'hWhO ~vlll ~p,1\v. r lin . 1111 , wll nn Mb,. . t:!l1l'11h B'll' tl ott to~k I t(\l'villo onnilll,\ ' willt ~I.J'. I 'iiII' Le w i,.. , H I II ,S" 0 11 t. "puhl,' ct In Pubhcl t\· At n I' ,,"~onnbl e hnur e :; I\OW>I II Ihi'l!; or tWII. ,,0,1 we o C" ~lO n . . . ti VI'. nnd ." IIllInl tl.,." 1111 vi " C,hlll'lll' of tb e : be mild, w lffl ' lll'l ' g lutl t u weI urn lJ Eli ns HIli' I ' ;d" t he gu 'HtA too k t h eir depu rtur e for 01 Iwl' . "I:' ohargp. I" III plll .prtlttic '. c(l o f . I' . H,lI', ' . I " ' , .. rl 0n s , I" IIlII ~ "r tI " , wtl l'k 1\'11l.h" , ' ·' H \\ 1111".., I·.x 1 1l1t . .. r . hllwlIl'rl Lon"lIn h,-I' 111111 frl III I. ., 1111 - d " . . , ..1( or III their , !l(l\'urnl h OlDes nnd the n to . U ' I'j .I' II Ill1 t·I·('LJlI 11 t, 11 Arl \.f'lntl's At rl ~ . \\' 10 1" '''Ij,:ll etl 0 11 lIe(l 11111 f Ili . . , (~ I I i J" r,' t l'l J'lIt! l I I II IOW " I' f Ull) J) UStUll l 1Jlld~I. t· Ill'· i ~ "~01'1I1 1 "oui lll 'IU" UUI ")li'l'i lll," \ I,,' 11,(1 pl', .. il1 ... n l. >-h f. ,.tIV ' I II"nr .' . I' C~t. Thu noxt m oeting will b e n.n ,' Il prll 10 • "mu~ , .. . u II" ,,1 B"pl; II I h l'llltll. . ... L' :-;u IIII"v • N,. ", y" .. lt ,.. ,dIJ, \) n u"i- t'i t nl, ' . h"I'I'Inl o f II l'mli:lIll lti,1Il nf t li" O . iluprnv illEnt dut e. ~ince it il! conced •.•'>I' lt "".",It" r " I Ih,' "x,,,,," t.I" "l'nlll Fin' MII" I' , I )f Oi ' l " , ,. " ' Alhlll' I I' lnlll' 1i0 f'l'nr~ II ~lIck, I I) lid Hl1 0h lI l'e 1J)1INj to t h o onjoym ent. • I t I :';illll'lJ1l I1 .. II",n ,, 1111 fil II .. '". s l)lJllr ' .. 1" , II' I t I) IItl CUIII 1'11110 '" Will h" III Iii., 1""lI (Ie II o ~e( co.I:!n,'.cver ' hll. - l olll1 111'111 III I' hl lull 0- "I' nil cou ce rtlrnl. ' Vi th n o m e ntal I:I B 1';iJII! lind Eli l\ ilJl{clI llll" "un II Il Y ! lIu:1 li11' Ilrllol' g l'lt\l'::! on h im . 1 1, ,1111" \\'11" II w .. .. k u, Clr pll y!!iOlll propn rntion the fu~ure -- . , n,' A-. II ~II II,I I'\' ,. 1.1 Ell t:h 'r!r· ... 1:1111'.-nf , .1,'. ~\ III ( I·u ,>.!h rull 1t",1 rill> Ill BII S , lu lI1 bns. ~ Ill'''' 11 1) 1''''''11 "I ' ITH "rl.!"" i~" l i"" I'"'' b,' I' fl' ... c· II' 1 Ih ,lI ""\'['1'11 u gu.t lte r.iugs nre lIbped t 9 bo 11 d upll · . , 1 till". ~ I," t 1:",.. (,uk wI' ,11 III" r l' t 1 10 \\' 1 • . b-lH IIr .. "I~ li111 UI't1t' l . I Il IP .III tl. ll' (·"e' lllllg'. l"I' li nd I \\lI cuto (If th e for egoing, 'Iri 1t"I" .' 0 111' (IlIe-.v ~II'~ lin (lfll1'~l·til I'"I1(\ J I <II"III~nrl th 1 r:(1 ... n'''' t1\uchill nnd or ~ yof II''' ""11 "Ill " ' '''PI' """1'." ,h,I,d l 1'lI l1tl I'LJt l'd .,· E k . 'Hll ll hv i'l.e )' I.ltmt i~ I,ept ILl, _ . ' Ii "1 Uo lin I'.\' ' I II 1'!? 1I111 I n I01' a m OI'O PI'O 10 1.' .\' . 11110'1' 1IlI T"'f'nt,\ IIf ' ,pl'ill ,! V" I I ,,~' wh 'l \l'illt u h Ull[. 10 ~ lLli!!fy tho illl uUlud " ' lIh tl, H. lill ll )! I '" .. ', 11\" 'l'hll In speoto r of Buildin gs has _ k i "W', t , \'lIr~ :'11', H"lI I"ft '''I'", i n 111 I ong Hu . 1 "i "l ' t 1I11l01lg" I r1l'l'ipllll~ . On I "IIIlIl" ,1l(I ~ I' 'I,t (1111' lill v \\'i(lt t.IlU IIl r, 0 1' t.IlId PI'I), nut Illiid foul' t 1'ips to the villlllle look . I 11" "f Ill fo! flr,.t onlllmit rN" Ih ,.1 ~"C\1 I 1 s IF""I nil .. in 1.11 " ou ll' l' wn ,·II!. ' ' \'llch 1 htl :! tllo rei) ' I . . . a lII III" .,,·e n {,lI ~tJgec1 in. Uti rllil. l\1 flU dn.I' III' W"lIt. 10 ·olm nlllls . '111II · I:lhf WOHI< . . \\'1 I hI' nppnlllt e ll IVIIl I.... on(o l.rt 1'0",1 llllLt.IO , l1 of fi t'~t 01u -8 good s . Now is in!;; a fte r th e d efects in ar ohlt eotural IHl!<lIll1~., n llw IIn,1 flit' 1\ num noxt wor k of Bu Il and scho ol buililin g, \"1'<,1- Ito willl'J)l lII tI III I " wi - tOil tl t f).)el.o l' \Vu l',l /11111 ' wir" . ' glll' li tL , .lU IfT,e t o seOll re t hat w bich will We llnd er ~ tunu Mr s, " " ""I'\, fnsllJo tt lll ,I,- '1111 ,,1 11' A II Jer t ' cot\\'en ~Pr'(l1'''' 1'111 I 1.• )",1 rlltr,s, An pl\'nrl I,ur" f y .. r~ b iOt-( Pll ChllS, Madden Ihe oW l)urro n 11lIobs E !\~ inl n o gl1 II l' c lln ' 11 . , e~Or \'f) f' . lr . . ' l'll . e IIHwas the ca u se o f h is inspect ion, and ' I (..ll will lip tlW fl,-' t I r WI , I ,' l .. UTI r IIt1llll _V' o I'Ctll t\ L." Do ·tOI' atII t e () f f e r t 11 l.rpt; 1\ r lt ', . tlf ()1l f4 f 1" ? "u ' I' 1.y . llrll Lnl111l1 h n s ...1 A I I lI b r''·It.I.I\I I ·" . Ilf" 1 • I t.•) 1•• 1 .II,) " "d I' ll III "<ufter 11 HOI' utm y of the afor6Sll ld, . • [",, (Iltl Ook hil S ml!~ " "11 t ho )hw I IIHI Illlt· IlIfJk m . tll1'llJ ~ 11 111 I on,.. ! , 1 1'( \\'l, --lh uut h i~ 1 lll·").tlt "" " ,l1nl U'l p f OI'lIl ~'r I'I•• I IJ lIt'Vl! . '1 ellY I'uud wiil', inoom, ~omD)ellil('d . Mrs . lillldcle ' ~I', . W I1(\1" \ 1Ie II I<'" po S\ 'LtO Univ Ct'sity wh e r o ho '''I n for the ' ' ll t ..u k" IIIPt 0 i c iuo C,I ~f\ III " . w irhln Iht. Iprn t"ry " ov prell h,\' f'''.''U~ v.lIn llhle I'r " P" Il Y wah ot,her uoqllllin tl1ll0eS i ntere~t s h e bud monife sted In I" 'I.ty \T1torl'~tN 11 co ur,;l, of ~tl1{l y in o ginecr ing-t,lHl i . > A Il l' . n . e w PI'0"~11P. DI11'111 1' ' tt II III' .,. r t ed hi ' dl' Ovo II' In Xeuiu Iltul'du) , cven iu '; tls eertain in g the condi tIOn of the f " tl C " II r I'll I P .IS~I IIgor ~~IICllltt on . t..: . 111 pll ~ , qmn't.ll " R SC '['hi .. AWH .~il.\ l i"n nJl" I'lI t t,~ ".,' !<t t.o ur'y, MI': l:l"ll hilI' mud",r 0 '\ ce n t. tJIlIIllnt.; \'\' 11I1<,r , ("Ulta n colo ll Y of I h l'8t II I'IIl 'lll on. :S11111\1l'· ,., ~t·ructures uy bll ving tbem exam, ". UDu W01't! e ultlrtuil lod nt HILn'e's olil h n t t.WI) viH W '1 1 ' ~ I :h iclI!.:o IIntl lit,. Loni~ "n il IlU;.l. tl~ jt.~ to hlH 1)I(.t,I\'o h ell II ,v ,Iu,y 0 1 ' t.h e Lylll' Sl1ndfl Y holU O 01'0 1' ulght tlutl :,;un llliy li t his in ed by ILn e xpert. While "Ufe Is _ lh. ~nll ~hns e uY \J ~svl e bU).M ure nl th o 0: , . " . l:lcIJ ool bllR b oon pOM,vo lld .t! till UII . fu tIJel· ·S. Lilt. 1', we Wll r, 0 11 I,he O(,CII . lo n of burHlI 'of U. thl H YAllt·: Herbor h ellr ~hl\t he Lut 11 s plln n-t best," it is bnt human t Wllr\vw k , \l' e"k Ull ""coun t· fill' Il~ Plu~hnr~ I.h ' nb WIll hu "o n w eek 01' m ore 0 11' from ntlture to g uu.rd· J\ " ~ Ilon " " 11 rute hi ~ fut.h r !Luti IIn o tl1l'r l' Int,iv s park, espec, I liTe,1 Cus key. lit ok R ~i1I'I'I·. oidwell St! 1I '0 of th e minist er . I.. ",l)(w ll ~ ourI'll it wil1 he fllln 0 I111C, But, hi.; h flllrt· yeul'Oel Ibid te l upbo ne bU8illes's ut Xeu iu llnd Ill ll y where dllnger l S Ilppore nt l for h is old Elli s IIml 8 rlro lcl Conk . or ,.,1 Ilr l" "'gll th o lhl 'I. ... I Ie will uLUpl oy hlR vllclI I.ion here in tho l e11st s us \liclon of it . The hor , h nnll' . Ilml It.!!t woelr ufl ur be I\l)d ' tl'c'k, . l ' nt Nlidd lerun. , .' ; lol1ntin ~, tislti n g Dud · ViditiQg . h i" wlf" hlld r etl1 rn.1d n tour . r or occ urring In Ol nolnnllt some , ., II ml P OISO U fly ptlper .A n nl\lba ~ o[ u t ,leI' COllllllll ,tF'OR o f Ih e Eu~t , h tl felt. t.b ..from t It. Y"t r oo Mu y's, thing li ke ngo, sbould be an MI' . P ony HlIl't~ ock's littl o so n is 'wIll 1,I!<o b"~111 nOllv( wll1' k li t nn lJo . •l tnllln (,t) f <ll' a ViRit LII~t Wuunes dll Y m oru inl{. EUler , Inmmtiv o 11to yllnr t.o Wlln , n ~~,'v I' llo IlIly o n e In gnardln g 90 .' "mt ~ e !'. Tlli' Ilrllgrnl ll lo r Ilh' w po l, \\111 I nn ll 'nt' wln to compl [I'. 0.1111 ~1'I'i'. O . •J. E l1wIlI'(I~ ente \'· . 1) \ II n(\orvoo r t'tj boy te hi~ lllLppi . on th e IIg11i n!tt uC"lden t . Hnd tbere beeu . , . MI~ ISItlJl11 Smith ~tlllt 'll t.o Bell · W UlI '1'1111 ~"yol'IIl (:II.ns ofWll~ l)l'ohnbl y ,,"n"iMI _illlpl .I' nf rp'(\C I)ti ~1l1 1 !...,~~ . Mr, Hn!1 hOCllnHl milk tI llS · li S elllcien t II· 80bool board there 118 l ~ tere5t~ d t u1t\ ed on ~Hbl)ll.tlJ to dllltl ur thell'. \)r,,,)k to High Sc li ool ' ". i~lt ~[ll"dHY .r. " M . oll,III Y 1I II d '1." 1 RelllY 111 th e B o m.e Comi n g R !l nlll on Willi" tll lOll Iu\' th e ur elllllur.v, when with in wo h n ve in on1' town tbls torror ~ I life ~ II 0\ . " , loug h-ienrl~, . • · . ' .. . Mr nnd r. l rs . (;bn~.. 1,rI K~I'S .., tl , B \!1' tl111 ' R ye ~OIllO lit.t lo distanc o or th plllnt h ' rN It:" ..,Cu e would have been overted . espeol!1 11 y ('ullill d . -tl With. 11"~~lhl v ~I)ln" klll ,l (If e nt.or , \I'r!', n n" 111 y 'except~ t o IItten 1. nl'lcb , Of ;llluml s bul'!:" Il J~o Mr . (;;l1rl I Be rtha t I .'mith /\ Ii' Chou o w ot l " . t: . WI. I IL .wo, lon<o wlIgon. ufter boi n g n otifi ed of tbo dlln • E " c r Iy Itrlll . ' gllr youug Indy Irteud tulrlm ll nt. T Ut'Hlluy " "Hniml . 'V"d ' · . I. c h oollislO n c"n soc.lltn c" 'lle u'LtioI1 h y tbe jlUlitor. fl' On l "wi Ell na ;I]ul1!11 n en dl~r1 ~C'rvit'«lS whi , I' fl - t' Unfurl the bonner ~ p ny l on. .', b . I (.[ I r 1If1~llIlY 'PhllrHdll.y IInrl Ji'riilllY Vllrl. Frien ds Home aIm OS t U . h J oU lra " ,ttl cu IIl1d . Ie UUplH nten 9h otlt " g lo r y he t.o h im or h er HU( I III • !tnnou n,ill;: rObll" I' to Fo·tts · IIIZ t J'' oy , ; I . " lIt I I Y. . d' 0 . Mr . •f O"HO Lewis ·Io ft. Sl1nd llY fll' l' rldll ~. ~ . flu "en e r W nllwnt.~ WI )f\ pro. vll' IP{. 1 nnll e y, n o to whom s h e wily be due . , . Think . . ( . ' " rea y tor . . ccupa ncy clll lll ug e sll"tn m e d by · t h a lluy, bnt o f u dry 11010 thirty f eet. deop eight . . ' . ;\ 1 us , Ji:lhcl (fllli EI"I? HU I:t..sool, gun 1',01 1I 0d wi Ji'rfllll Ihi ~ tim" f" l' wu,rll un li e l.l e .Rpl'eud hllvoc of feel in Akr o n, O h IO , to e ute r Iho ser V1CO of ,pl'nt '" I' un c~u uy din.mete r , with a· few d clMyed ul, Ihe :Su (;tlr t.l vlt ll., llllJUi jl n rllr th li ov ,mt wi ll he ca ll p roc.lnc t . )n t.h o winLl lip o f hOlLl'US Mi ,,~ r~Yllilt Co u urd. of Colnrn bn!l, t he Metr op oli tun Iu s ul'lin e Co. 'i'h ,' pln eed unrely two feet from " I' ll"" sc h ool. oll nl l'd " II !1;,,,.~.v clti ~" 1\ Ilf \\1 'L;I" ' w IJ .. hu~ haon appoi u ted mutron of p osit.i on wnR s lJOl'su, wugon 11 111] IlI1rn es~, ILII WIL~ t h iA tmll. ston o pil ed in this t o the "clIred t.!trough t il .. M I' , Nnn c.v Pe n e witt " IHlIlt SUll , tIllIIU l, SIIVO sOllle wonncll< to I1ILrn e~s . d IJ t h of twel ll P. ..", ill .. unel viO lllit ," " h l1 lllil ht'lp ill th e E' l'ieu(\!!' BOIll',lin ve iucbes nnd the g Ho~l'\ 11rriv- in1'lnel1 oe of D. 'liff Ri.clgl'. forru l' r1 y Ill Y wil.1l ,I "CIl l> Se llt.t n n d f,.1I\i ly. Will unu J.yrt le C haIt w. 1'0 011 r esi due filled with dirt. Sucb was '\VI'l' V w,, ?' p .. ~.i lI le tn IJl fJ kp it, n lid h e r e Ills t. w eek lind hilt! sinoE' of W".\'ue sville . u ow A SRistnnt o np er Sprin g Branc h. -110(1 '~", ,,1,,1 ,"'I' rl (nr lll e r CJitl'l.en U e n Ilt,sis ling in the tc r lllin ed lit I" Hpe r Mc r cer's :Snu tho ou u ditiou of th e w e ll on a prom, wo rk of pro. int,eud ut fo r tho Me tropolit lln Lifl' in ent pal't of 0 111' publio 8chool "11 "l1h1 Iwlt ln IIlILi{illl! phHl" 10 he l Po rin l: th e Born e for 1I11.V, lind .I oe Wittenb u l'ge r pns serl o collllnn cy. nt Akron, !P 'OllLld, u p erfec!t trap into whioh .a t M I' . 'l'hoIl1IlH ltrl1l1 P:-I tlIll1 fllmily r,!:tI'()\lg h I h e vil lngo 11 .,1'11 tlul'in:! th r. \\'I' ''k . on bis I'ouil to some tllll o hllJf I~ d ozen hves inight A co nSi.".ntn e n t of fU I'nl' lure'v'l s J . fdu lurk III. s returue , " I"lIeu d to Olli ". "; 'lIl1l uy.l' t< lu t iv s n eu l' J\I 0 l\ut l:Io ll y .uWusbl l1 gtoOJll'6 n u. iu B .• Ihwhore wille be th e Bllel'ifio e ' of It though tless pen IlU e n ell r he r ecei ved lu st wee l. fr om It fri end o r oml i~ ngnin "af, h fulnr om e" III Corwin . , l\lr;'~ . All ll " Hurlsoo k ul\(l Miss IJu vo t.etl to r eul eRl ntenlll1 m!ln or men (for th ere were six of c, M.. Curtwr illht, or C hioll go, th e H Ullle lit Richm o nd , Indlotll l. in"ll rnnco' Mr. GIlLTit e uj oy ",il his six mouth , OWe l' ppe r ' er OUI' prese nt board IJas e til i>liuclllY h o 11Il>! d isposell of his furn itnl'e bus them .) Bigb 8 0h nol AIIll un i Mn<:,h of tlJe tedions lnsld e finls rnlld e this /:I lIfe, !lnu so o n , eto. llin ll sojouru iu Sult Lu k e City lind lIur , o f t;h e IIttter's fflther, Mr. III t ile Cit,\' /lml seek:! n ew n, hUN writtml th e 0, I!" ,t tel of the woodw ork ill the iuStltl1t Jlelds to u r ioD r Olludi n gs to I.h e full est m ensuro, Hill 1'0 l'I)el' nnd fumily. nellr P looslUlt POlll1 . Mlty est tlO lo. 1I.e~'ern and ity that. h e will be In ClnClnn ut.i on 11 t hll8, been comple ted >nl:peace t,b eIIttc1Hl III prospor IJigh. Cente rville . ' . Qnit-e u little but 1\,lllLdl y diSllble d ankle m u I g . bnRine!<iI t rill next month and will w ork qbont thl\ ground hIS tUltlrllJ g cOo r ts !lnu nrown bi m s in . wuy r esid l'o co In tbitl port of the oount.ry ' , Mr. Enr! Con . . , n o r I ~ft Fridny fo r II Jdn ~ in t he Into ventnre , IIDd wn Mr, Imd ~.rrs. Guriis Snmu ElI Ilnd . c o., Ut e nIl t ,l Wuyn8l lvUle to look of 0learlu. Ull old brlok t \\'o . wetlkR viSit'" y With r eluti ves at t n nd lumber a n ecessity . g II 1 d s mull !lon , l:iyd ney, of Spring City. Atln n tie Oi t .", He wlla h 'II vrOllits .• New .J er oe". III OUR nfter mll t t.e r Ei conneo ted with t he un gradmg down . ~ J ' I' ))I'ope ed Jy h IIlla llr6VOI·tioll t!"tlm o ve r T e nn . . lire vlsi\.i ng with r e ltltives of the premise s iEl The report of the 81\Ie of Otis Bnd, ,~coo lllplln ied ·by his 'bitt rennilln IJElxt Anlt uttt. unc le B,.rr y mil s of ~ teol nnd' p a n etrnte the in te. this pIli (18. s t·11I to. be done. bnt It Is hOPEd ev. 1 ' f , bli ' h d) t . , k . , ey s Itrm. pu ~ e AA wee ,WII';; Mnrrn.y nnd A melltin~ of the ' Exeont. h e Com, e ry t blDg. will be In r itlt' {)f On r vi llu"o el'e IllJ ot ll e r ";ellr • wife of Wlly ,Etlwll rd . rr eHv ill e . K e v e r, olle of our TIInDlnA: orde r " J lIt tl . . 'f ' b i b N t M H dl . . d Mr, .ltlkll L" OY nDd , fll m ily, of sllllll PIISS II \1'11.'1'. . 1 {I a . e l're nm ure , 'l'b O. S . is ns· promiS ing yo ung men is Attendl pg r . a ey un Lytlt', \V 1'0 tho Ill oll, n n t. ' uud ny 8nr.etl. O l.OUY . ll1lttee 0 teA I1Utnl ANAooilltl oD Y Qvemoe r rs~. II Ql1t1ke r 'ollej!e III P e nnsylva nia. t.he Int-tlnde d purc hRser of tbe fnrm g llO"tll I)f .Ij.1110R will probllbl~' b e It(' lcI .while Mr . Ch enowot h lind Several rooms ID th e Horn huve hlld'\7er hnlly Agreod on t Pino is uttonc.lin g Steelo's the term s of flln lily . (.:'lrt.wr i !!h t i. h T' rn. Th" rl'~iflflnt IIlr Olldy bp.on c n gllj.{erl 1'hnl'~dny evoning , II wILt.e l· m elon HiHerber . g h :Seh ool this yenr, sn lo, bl1t t.l1O d enl IVU S (\ecfrlre d aiT All' . Frnnk Dnkin tlntl rnm ll y on teo (mor e I rO I)tlr ly . u. IJIf~mb('1'8 nf I'h n clIlJlmit. l ~e lire W . .follst) Wl lS In· n.t. th e lalll Ill UlIl out, oIV ill" to \I 8UUllll Y ' n e(1 I.h g MI s~ Mlluc.le Wr~tkin s, one of our New Meat M k 1 e f o llowing ;I Ul !lll In .I~y 80 m ? h Hy gues ts nt ., g \lr~I.: MI'. E lm e r Prult B . Alle n , Chllrl"A A . Bro wn, E V " [\.1111 fllll) . . lle beaul,lf nl r O~ldllt;t ar O() of Will hi g hl y esteeme tl ludies, left In st e. elwin of cir n tl'lstllnc eH O\'l'l' \l'lli ch ily. () f X"l1in. Mr Hllrnhl lrt., Mrs B.mj nll l~kin!<, Ml'~. 111lfl M r~ . H , G. H ,' IIl.Utl., "olll.e two lJlllo!! fr o m ,th e '1'nesllll y for Soottle, Washin gton, \f, fl ithnr hlld rmr COlltr 1. [\lItdn . Mr. nud Mr~. ~:,I \\,tll'(1 C I.k h nC01P!ll tll e hmlts of 'I' l' lli ' ,1 I ."rs . •J . F• (;IIUW.L 1" , 'Ve hllvo OII(lf\eI1 II m Elll I; 11Il1rlw l Ul e oity. Sev, w h ere s h o will be ulIlrrled to 1\. Mr' L Jcl r .. ~ O !l 1lI, {1" · . l\lurt\ll in ~ho n enr future. nnrl lil.t.l n 111I1I/.!'hte r (,lc l1l1l1 , .111 11) 0B (11'111')[ th AI' IlmOA rs \ nr[l.1. Will iu · the lcCin g pro pe ru ... . ; " til e l)R·r t y w re.f r o m , f or og!l I e rhlnill . ·MrR: AI~iH ll in~w, of D,:y l,on.1l 1' lJ,l kin. I~ l'llllk fln rtRoclr • .l c'ss R He!<p, Plllt..~oll\ enf t h e clI Jllto l crty r osI ,\Vhl tf" vice pr ....icl C' nt. ; MiR,. Mum e tllltl Tylor streets, Hev. ,John White, our former . nnll IIRk [t r\" c(l \II \ \ ll,\' n e!lv llIlI III ~t. III " rtlll.\' . I~rtll ·~t. ... Ilnkin 11Illl ()~elll' ( . l~cntH 0 [ . \Vu¥I~9l:ivllle 1111(\ other mini sttl r visited with friends in thi8 lg') uf 111"I)"lb ll' O, 111111 will vi~it IInto n g h er old fri clllh e r uwn, ",eor p-tll 1'.1' ; lin!! .J. .J!; ,Jll n . ~llI\l'oof t,h o 1ultr9tJ1 vil1ng[l, Wedn osday and Thursd ay r v < f f y a l't.lCI)lll tf!fl l ' I t 'I (111 B ' Il y , trnt\ ~l1ror t bi s . ~1 1·. 111111 1\1 r Ho I' I',IU k Cuok 10glons W llCh o]oyed occn~i oll Tbe lUol of hl8t week . A ole~ l'ln "o:l tl)ok of Ul e n t"., \\'1 . ' 11 b (' .\1' 1\ . or nl" · 11 111 OH IH j lll1 ~ I. . I, n i. I It "1 1 . , 1 I (ullg 1 t 8 Ht' "" _1 lllll (\ FJ.})t-Hl unuu:\l' OUt'! \'Iu,ru• IJOllln g r own k \)ton hnn(\ Ilt 11.11 timos. Cullnn d o n ly .11l~t r Bc"vurl , . l urge a nd oovo m I llg fro m n 1'1'11 w III.1 ~1 1''' . t\ IlSII Il ',)u k, IIn(1 flLmi l ... Inf'eiollH The nnn n'~itl,m t U.Hllll hf·, r" of t.IlO , Ab ollt, tliirty ~f ' he~eler.t. th o won of o ur oit·izens eiljoY41d u ' I' t . NA1.1.IA.... HA''' ''S. dorful e lectrioll l lUsplo.y , 101l!(ed unll "O rt Ot1" , \ illuo.s whi"h in \ 1I\' IW8,' i110 . ., fr DlII II liv n c m Jlllt(\11 . COl11l1l lltce llre ' lurk ~l cKtLY, Xenhl; wore ~llcllred g i ven Ilt tlte o ld b ome!'lten d of John HARItY OM ITrI.,' ~ \Irfl v I' nl 1Jl1 h e r n\t olldin g l1il~ r ['u ni o ll . M,'. lind 1\I1·~,. .I oh II E Rit)g .. , Ginciun ll ti; Mi ~s 'l'ril. n ' h "nowpt h , of t·01' I' I.1" 1)~l1nH1tJ ' n , ,.,mI uft.or th e m e lo n B . P~ t tol'so n of DUy': ~on, Saturd ay o f till 01 .1 Scholll A_Hocilltlon II' CItIl'!"'V I I! P, " I ~ItPll lena Elh"Ul'II~, Ouyt.()n ; Mrs . Au ntt wI I.h th e for· rUD IlI 1)[1 Is h nd ~ll t.ult(Jd th o 1'1I Ve UOUB ove nlng. ' . l ' 1111''''' hrnrl1l!l '\e lhlrs :st,.hl. AlhlOlll, lIIinol" ; MiM~ M'a ss Demo cratic '. MI' . .llllll f'H Ch en o · IIL\lIJ tit Ih (1 l nCll rsio n on thILt bnn ch AIl;;Il ~ t, o f \\'hll) , sh o IS n mom l,,·1' , W,.t h II n(1 l''' n,; .Tohn ~tu nse l , of Da yton visited I~' Rnrn roluy ni gh t of Awoo lli IVn" II PIIl'tilLi domolit ion, MrR. Erlit.h Huni s lI\ld falllily 111111 allli ~l1II1I I I Y. his parents , Mr . lind MrR. Kindle . Mlnni .. Dnrl~on, I JJduWllp olis; Dr . nll,1 I'nch o n o IllII I 1I1l ed the full Conv entio n , the 1)IE'II~ l1J'O lust. \Vpe l; of !?n t 'rl lli n, MI' IInll i\lr~ . WlIlter Dllkin 1:itnllHIlI , I;lLturdu y , Eli Ur e w . Millmil;' bur~ . lind C;'\lllCl.t y . n f li iH !Jol t . Sn tisjjou~ i \l~ h e l' h Rev. lind Mrs, Oeo. Koene of r o t.h e r g in .III\I' /lOll ~isl l ' I' ~. MII",r Ahe D~kin. lIf \ Vn .v ll c8v ill e . ! ' e,. T h c1 Ollll~tll1 will if J1n~~t111 f\ un, . I I "f' (J II y . Th er e will b.l n MILS!' COl\vel ltion Mr . ulld Mr!f . L Lewish nrjl, Silent Friduy wit.h , .1 ol\1l ~ t on o nntl Mr . \I" l J'C, II)t1 /o(l1~~ t S u f· ••, .[ r . F r nn'k 1\1III' I nClun l!" tll A .4' XlI ct t.ime w hen Mr. of t.h ll OutllnCl 'llt" o A fl1ullll'(, o f il\IIt1 ~ tr y co n s nll1 a tcd Rev. Ilnd Mrs, f \Vny n e l o wn· ,m d Mrs. 1:I,' nI' Mllddox , Y H 1-:1111'! .. n . ft' UIll .I II nil IUlllllv . _::lnllll"y ---:..._. _ _ . (JI' l' t'wrlgIJt. will he herA. IlIIXt, woe k, s hip h AleI li t 'L'llwns "PI tl'" ' hv .• t h A ~. e d e, d ~px. nn d II l'J'y hip U I'S. Dmllny K ee v Br and h er alsh nu~n. W n.y, • d ' 1;' I I tl anf! It. is h opl'll I.hllt. Ihll~p of th e ne~villl1. 811 1,urtlu y, I Pleas an t Pidge IlIIrlu1'(1 fl'om th l) onl innJ''y WII8 VOl'· lor Miss J~ydit~ Wright , are f' )lttlm UIH' :lO, 1..,,1' In l!to n . 1.1 ,"1'1 uy . lOY wcn " " noll. I'o~ldl'1lt melllbe r~ IIf th e flxec u , [ HO:; . :lt )) o ·clock . f or t,lle • iliecl o n o ti llY I" .t. ','oak Iv h ou I,hrco wit h r elu tivoR in differen "isit.lng purpose of t o L e ball on t o VI~l t\·e~, IW ln g t parts of t ive cllln l1l lth'" w h o ClU n dn 1I00nirll ltlnl! n Townsh ill tl okel. 1)1' fo ur 11Ilivhho r ludio!> 1LI'III0d wltlJ the s tIll e of Pennsy lvonin. ff' om t lll'ro t·Onnci llllltl.i whero lh BY 1 IW'· I:.I' :I,"! IY I c l\ttmg to· pll ies will to "i!lit t hoir uieoC" . Mr~. Frank IIl1"·O Itl . 11K \,1.(, 1111 ·~" l:In w ill hI' pre"e n t. ",I. tlllLL 1.111'10 SA!! MllllCltlJl TII h"rr f:J I ~, 8"u]';:. IVhe.:l hILl·r OWS nllLl T I ' ~Irs . \ \ til . ( n,,")' Il 1\[l llllug li (Jtlrt~. I'ecppt llc l"" f or t.hl' hnl' vest of BURTON E ARNII AIt1' fLY or . HIl ng (leclded upon the erectio n A I \'IL JIIIl"... . 'J'hnrsll uy appl es. J.(IlI.h ot'ptl th u "UUH1, onll t b o of nn\'iooti 'l'll» \V 'I, YIlO~ vi II Il U" lnuy ILt, Don , : r ol y n e lV plant in whioh Uonstll hlo 10" IVIIM in UllytOJl IIlst a f t ll l'n oon wit.h M 1':;, b'fll11'k Rog r~ llIll'Il!'!1 WII!! ('a (' t .. Ll slim 11'1'0 vnr ~(~HITI ~ uC' t,) "TlJ' n,V It.I, roilol:! 1.0 11ILlIclio nnr hlrgely increas ed 'lnlll, v .1f 111' h"l!lin 'ont,rlll Commit !.ll l1lon . IHt< ••~ , woelt wIJ e re h o IIrros t ed II y Ollng II l'lIr. 1•yt I o . 11 I I f h ' U: o 1 B ' .) d fl' I I to II· cid er MilT,\' Hpdtnl1n ,,"fl" Ihe glle Rt of in r p.Jl"rt.PI\ IVU" on .. h e ld /I.t tb .. upart ' e n o w olfer our en'tlre wh er e t.h o'y ~l'(\lllltl, Ie IIlInun m ee ·1U1( 0 t e :JHh man n l\lHtll pressed nDll .s t.ock o f " w runlte nncl marble e UJ . , Tn or , IV 10 9 h pl' I1l1nl . Mrs. ' . lill Snyugo 1\10u· monu· m n nt... "f ;\\;~~ 1>'\ •• rut nn,L ( ~hfl"rller Ohi o Regimfl utol Assooill I' tlu ced th 11111 S t.o It spnrkli ng .tion whloh ' ull Aged to bnvlI oh tll in e ll II r.oulJl e of tin .v ilight, .. Frid~Y hi!'t. II~ t o Ii! h y llJrnf,,,t 6 n1'lI ' iR to be h e h.l nt Dliytcm Oct obe r 19, l'gun s from " i lltll l-:O ~\\'eet, '['bi s wus borr el o(l ments lIud m a rker s at greatly reo B'e llj , D(lvi~ fit Corwin u Mn'. F r unk 'l' hOlllllS lind nhiltlre n nnd llom e hll k to tho 11111 III I.ter ,t o hiS \.rn lhE'r. E , will he 1'\fl!ely d evotec.l city. phlcad dneed prices. '.rhe laJ'ge buildin g liS a momo. I "'''ek ugo 8nn d.1Y by makin g false spo u t olle I1I1Y lil:!t we e k with' Dnvit! I IIl l.c lUes IItld the w OI'k V . Barnhil l t rllO"" w h n were TIt.. l to t b e late UIJlIllln ln Cell' o f mnnu· we wtil er eot Will m llke ,n eoessur y • rlll)rOse ntl1tion~ . J\~'-'!<"""t wt'r " Mr lind MrR F red Aft e r 'on s t;lhl e Th olllll Bl1 nd fumily. . . I fllutnrm g ele ven gn llon~ of npplo the r enlovul o f our ,J le I'. i Buruht lrt., Mr . Ernest BIlTllbn rt. . . -. . entire s t-oak , ' T Will b e mano I.l nd trlbllto R; J oy 'blld seoU1:lld \ unt,ter W'IS thu l·e,vlu·ll. Ib r equir hIs tho ,Ml @S AnnlL :;t, . lOhn of . .Mr /Iud I\"~~ f!< v or y ' N erdlp.H 1.lIlr! re~tl from membe rs more c.)u lind will p owor eLl to P er son!! of the lllter!'ls regim ted e nt' will . " young man to , empl oyed C\ lill atto b rney 1\1~rul's thTe llloosn ~~: .glneSltt ofWherdfrel elml , uull l'r t uke !lnd , an'! r~'l' ' 'I 111 Irl M r II ot1 . M r s . 8, \ o~ wellils Q. a few Hnish this ooutl'uo t 1 80nti for our olltlllog or better still 1Ierso n !! Olit-side I who sooure d I.he prisone r's r l'l euse hni~b RS t nnil r enThnrs<l 11 vvr uy Ie, . 0 n (ll Y th " I ' f . . . .\ . &J'.lIn " , , IIU n ~n~ to nlds 0 tbe sterner . s~)C, oome t .o .our yard ~nd see the work p.or ,,"" ,,~:v n dRIIAohB !' t Ihr()\1 gh RODle legal teohnic a li ty, • t'i . t h e r('glmen t wh o were p l'r RCfDllI . , s: 0 " , . 1b y wou Mr~. ld huv Uhn e hod. wlla h! In Denver vis iting friend!! of I.h e Chaplil in nnd have t.o r ay spent one d u~, he...we your own 'prioe. . con veyed to 1111(1 fi'om In nu t(llUo ; offer ; . ,at. . being n. s hKht, e rror In the ,l ast week WIth h I' lUothex: •. bIB dau"ht~r. N .' biles nnel th e ItOtUIl!' l abor would . 'be!ln \tl~ited to }l!lrtlcl pate, OJilOHOl l: DODV8 & SOD. pupe r s ser~er.t. B. Rich of We1Imu.n . ' ' . .. . , Xenia, Oh.o. \.-








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The Miami Gazette.

SOlnt GRAPE S. fitton An S UIt-Jt'St. I 'Ill t e w\\ e n\. on.~ da' (\ !lllhh ,'

BROWN 4: McI(W, PUblishers. WA YNESV ILLE.

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"N o Ul ln g I Cpl lCt.! 1 0l c y . lill,o ln te ly n u thln ..: I ha ts t h ' U UIl I) u r It \\ 0 call lo \ 0 u.c b 01 be r lo Out h e:u 1:\ I OHle llL" Ho\\ h CQ,ellh , .. murmur e d ~Inb e l 'I hat e ' Clung th e) sat In th e little "Itl- fa s hlullell IWIIl parlor oi tb c Inn iJ (' lol c a U1RZln t..:: lo ~

Percj~ lUU\ e U

eaRlly. ~Otl



un ...

dnrlln ~ '



a~I((~ t.I.

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llall ..Lll h UIII PUHSI d - 111 ~ 1 1t! Ill! e.. !\g alu P e r t ) tHO\ e d lItl l U ~ II} J u the IJud\. loom \\ 01 1"; a. hair I1lul ell llln \u pou l taill e Ih C lallil lu l<I allll a Us b c r-


\ \lI ll ,l d



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a t .L1 t III"


n o\\I) 1ll,1I11ed

O( (u\ll ~ll nut'

li l lI e

aIl S \u' l ~ tl

\\ 11\ Ilfc Ollt


\ 1\ bIlC h

Il ls ICl urn


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u po n h lH aim Cnn t \OU :) Il "hh In £' d <" u she \\ II IH lh~1 r II I 111 HO lOla Iy , \\11\ l ~plicJ I"I I V, l lU \(' l l l \011 ~()f .Ilt e I"tl' ll CI Y Ih.ll ::; ,\ho L \\ C I UII1f

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111'(' 11 ma i l l ed tP Il lPn TS \\o l ild rlu you II (X( IIS e m e III t r otl th e II tfT-

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1 h () ~ . 11111 hOl l'l 1\11 g ll \ I!! ).: the

~a"k l.: 14111,,\1

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lI ot ,,",clt h .. ti ( ll" Pt' l r \ le all Pt\ dl (. (o n~lateb U~nl1l8t 11 I I Cf.-~

D.Hllng, (I



l lE' npllt tl

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Il l' hUIII',1 his fn l e In h l ~

Ihl nd s P P lil n p c:

(h'ar ' " lht

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"CHI \\ (' r r '

nsk N l Mahpi

hf' crlf'll

nnrlln.E: Jet

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r:1\c 010

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I l "l l t' ... t ( l :

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tll l.\ ;.Ulli II S I UD

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fil'!'olt:\ hi wauc

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"I e:"

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Id l\j \\n tl ) f lit, " I l te l 11i ,1l l ~ 1, 11 11\\11 tt .. "", I t l

\I~ ~ I ) llt llll' ~ h I I I. I ll i IU.; t u IItJlll ' · 111 11 \ IlI nl ll ~II '1I~l h th~ ' Ul , ld Ii l\ .' Ll Id n l! 11 111 be. ~ll!\. l"I IHl h sllll";( 1 \\tlm 11"1 ' lI f I l l 11' lII u!Sl

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lJll t tltl~ \ \ lI l !lall 111 LU ut tllf' glll 111\ ltu , 1I111 \.l\ c ti

blal lullsut! :;O$

I Jl He ~l



t Ile.: IU lll :, \\ ~ 1(1 t.11I 1l '\ lll II ~l


l o,,;1t lll ~


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1\11 ) 1 1 :,lI t (

~ I t l I It I,1 J.! I III I( I1 l It) m. lICt' 1I ~ t' 0 1 n lll -

I I I n ,' vI II I"" l ,,1 11'1 ' I " ," III ,



\ \ lIl

U(( CfbI\IY

tilt mus t ld hu t Iilil

Ol ~ lnl 111 k Ilo"'n

d J' tl\dUll l

PltU I lti l tJ

"I \,\II:-\(

of I h ("' dlf11 f l lll\ of sl)!I.t ru ll n g n h 1' n O\\ IJ f'Il ll mau l.' qml ll l ! II{", ~ t. ) l11fJf"'t nnv .1111\11 11 1 11\ I ht (1 ' ll rtC" f lll n u"() 11 ~I\ I\' I I I ~ I" I) , a lt llL ld o (' lI' tl l! , l \lJ tO Ppr ll f ... . \ n tl I" (x p l l 't d In 1l ~~ lImC Im-

II fl " \11 {lx\ g , {1\l1 !tllI .1 11 11· In

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11I/""t1 f'1('f\3 \\h lc h t ~ l sl ant! dut III I e

1\\ i1 11 f1 t.:l's lJ rnst('rl 'o -

'Ih l 11'1)0.(\ 1 ((IHt'~ -('Olll a\P . "'(111In t 111(1 nxp:.I tl f t'l rl \ !'ol Irc)rtl olf flllll i 1'1 11... nr I h ~1 p h llll lt nll'l t In tllf I \ {' II ll d I hp , 1'1111 1c1l ~lll .. hou ll l ('qu a l Ih l l t)f tl H' ('1{lIlr rn t ul\!nt.; th o S(' IIPf"I

IJllOr c)g r ll' h A 110\ ( 1 rnrlh o c1 b llH (.

~ m(J I\P


of :H

t!t : tlng r\\1 o r th e !'iIU flP. lime

it I II \l sf' I~ " ll opt('l t n f;I) m 6 f UI ft1 r il'!i I h(' JoIllltl 4, j' 1111\111 Ii\ fill'" I n l'l l !lJ1 r o u :1 1''' t1pt ni9e lf' o ' (lr "h u h n'I\\ S n Rt r (' n n1 u f J1p. t lo l N l11t H I s i m l l,lr 11Q lltd 1 111' ~Illo ko \ 1.0 Ih llt.; ('alig ht :'1111 1 tl lll1 ~ { 1 I n l ' \ ~n ~ Ih,1 1 ~ I\ P:-' gl tn l tu',d nuu tu n Il lI~('d t llln i n g

IJf·I ~ I.ln

(U I t UIltIlll g g u s

t! 11 ~, l n ('~

A l.l lJOr l~L1lo l l ll ';

111 \n in

D f"I n tll Rr 1t

hu ~ m.Hl f n Il {, \\ In, en llon 1n li l t' tU\ \ In gIf f' hlllJ1 (I ~~ I ,I {l ( Iolh o ~ \\ll lt n tiub ... tnn cf" "lt telt \\111 ket' ll II !;hlp .1 V'I P('h c'( 1 pf' r ... n n nllo lt t fu r s f, cnl 1 u n\ s

" \t h Ult( h}~ ' I1~ tt R pro p( r t ' A IIHl t n \ r ~ ' A. tl fl \rltn g' I l I~ - l n fil i t \ rlV p lt( .~ o r ,\('..u lllt.:" dp palt I i mn l ' n ll \ t l I I

(, Itll lhe HlufT

i ~ ' \ III)ll ~ h


k "I'p

n n \,·

o ti C' ntun c \~ ~tl tl I hI 111\ 1"' 1111 11 11. hn~ !JOlll s i ll ( f'I.:Qrtl l l) Ih i IHlIl tl tr a tf'd

\\ Ish to l IUS,"" S :; d ll d l il t I.!. ~ I I \\ lh , I"" lh" 1 1t.. "J \ t'lt tl " tI t' lI I(' l t .11w. 1)\ \\i ... l lt,,;:,\ n.:; .\11 \\o lll uul} \\1 1, 111 I 1II \ 1 ~1 I trllli lI 1 I l WU~ • 11) to ( 1J 1l 1C out " Is h III P0 1:-; t-':-;S till lu\! ' I t . t II \ ... 1 \ \\ 1I l! .1 SJIIII,> MEDIC AL MENTI ON vII I h 4. r" t.' J n d { <'ll il U ll t' flil l lU~l1 l b 11I !1:1 11 111 ...... HI \ u q;' ll1 Is 11 ..11 11 tu h t! lp ~ \lI I IJll h a t th e \ cr y n rl ghl r ell " llc,·l a c h . n ~r... mp3n lpcl " !lit ll"" I !O:cl l ~l1l d t!" :..t'J\c 1 11Il l l U\!;.I lli l" lilH by ill ~e lllal til)lSl' :t vr tn lOLU tJ l I,H W !l III <.: 1 o . ull Il bit I 1I 11l ~ 1 111} If r I Itt l e I ... I ll) l.) lU1" tJ lih p h om \: i n JI ll " G e l Ill .lll t)(tt' l"i fl c U ~;.t' li t u ,; a.l u "'Il beuti l , w ..1 l uu. t lla r c it; JIl!lL u Ut t h l llg I lja l \\ hl l b l u c ull!\ n t ' Ilw I; irt u f g l .HI611~ ­ "II! h ell) h u fl um .1I\l lll llu l.! 1111 h lfl u e:-;~ Ir ( ,lI hl l rU IlI U:J tu l ilt." lau lu ~ lcl. nc s " lll HI t il u l is ~Il t b hll (l~... Accor d in g to P r ll f !Jehr ' llg \\itt.l h l~ hd ll i e br c.\I, CasL g-I u u c h ' r (!* th o I I ~l lilt h \PI' > ut all tl.1c If' .. ... (1\.... llH'l ll lH.) r UIlI } th .ll h e ilia) Hu t IU1\ C mlll< fell 10 Infall ." Is t he dll e l CDUSO of ( Otl s lllUlItiu n a til t! jJltl"l ( ... 1 lfall ~ b !-lUllh";hlll' ~~ lUI ~ l l' llI ll c \\ O li i tl tul:\l 0 l " l' ll tH ~ t Ill ~ h ( h e may h .\ \o I I .! {"lI' r atc s an i ll dlrYf' I P Il II. l UI lll\. I.)U~IIH'''' '' \\l) rt i ("'s a uel ulm (, l1ltl .:.~ YUH th· Ilol Sl olIlIZll llo n o f nil uli lk \IlI Il J..' l Ult d n e ~ H t!11l 'u lt nllh f :l h .l r ..\u le I "!-l utts n r~ ,)\\11 l Olll lHrt t hlt ! Id IU \\ I\uthtu~v t alld ma y IJ(' \\ u rI\ln~ lIJuku; It t1 11)i\ lI ll 101 uH 11 I 'Hh b I)t)t l ud ht!t H U sC 11 t' 1;:1111 10 Inn l! foliu \\ od lhe b ) IHJde rlll lC l Wu ol ~(lt un' for li b t a ll1U) t I PS (II !tI d!) I I II g-u u11 lo\ l lI t.:' 11:01 11\ 1I 1l \t \\ I. ljl'ClI UIl o f ~ea \\ Ille r tll !!4 Lubc r c u I~ h \'d f il l pll':l NIII C o r p os uIHI c \ ( \ 111\. III ,.; h a g ill 111 1' l" I "~ l ~ ~l'!-; ,4lu lu.l s 1,.d lc lIl J U) lJ 1\ .Hl rIl u l at II. Pall~ ll a~~ tPl1 l t II l1'nsllJ1t PXI1t l'~s

I 1·-1


it)J1 ' \ li n l- llhl k 'l.'11 :ilil l u l llI hl has h i.., hl r~l. hfu elll ,\ o r 'di P f \.,1 \\ tll l1l H It I \\.l ) th "11 I: \'0111111\ £1 ill h h e a rt ', u s \\~' 11 11 :-; \\l llltl'\r-o l' It" 11 "" 1. 1,' p h ll ~ .l n l I h l ll ~ t il 1,1lit n c o,,1 C3 11t1u l C:\b l witb .l ~H' lfi s h 1\1 , : HI ~ tt l 1'1 t "'omp I,ll or " "\\ !-lil t ..t u lt v f h I 0 \\ 1 u gc \ ... \ tlllJU l h} rU I 11ll' \\o d d S S\.ljJ(I\ \ I !I f' ll1~lj ue IU lel l:!;It'ci i n lJru .lllt lh o ,i 1\ l l. Ll I\ d e~ltC tu Ile u k\.! t lh h I PPllll':-;:-; ' ~ uuJet I i i' a IH Ll fll1 \\a) and lh e ol Iw s ' \\\111 " hu lIl \\ fJ t:O IlW III co u _ ! lJ oi'.l l,fa :'1 t a hh' '\ 111 ~oon uN;ome a lu t l • I I (le l in lIur b u m e!"! 111 snt:ct \ n lU :-;! (lIUI S ,Hl t m uul I\ ltll c r v. ill starl ul ,Il lIt e \\ o rld of Ull:-;lIl ~H:-. a 'hl u d u " 11I 1)\\ II wi t h I f a l li;: hLcr lW:tl t hc \\ ~ U to lie Ulce 10 (' \CI) O Il ( l~ no r 11 ' \\ I I(JL 1,I1U \ \ Just \\hy bUl ht· \\ 111 lu g til l"' llnp"ll,.l"'tl 11 1 tl at h u"lrh t.' \ ("I n Inl\(' a p.II II~ t1 I. l1 l) I,tnt.! IU' .llt t O I 1I1 ~ dil ll Llltt' l one ha~ IU n g l,,, ,' a ll'l or It S:s Ih~o l P I S h e~ It nllc g Irl UIl\ho w ' 8nd l (>(ug JlI 7. fn ~ ,)11' " IIII' hl' I IC! 1 .p lIl l h t. > \\111 "" .\\ tu h il lsc ll'. lJl·,lill.l1 H tllH..'O JJ Itl s (I I u ur lrH! IH\ ~ 1 ~ til t' II HH !'t I l l> Mlol l:-; ) \ u n d Il l.! "I ll :; llI p l\ tal,p 11 n e \\ i t; rllt a lu th(> g i rt u f ;"1 11 lU I1 s 11 (> ~ nl 1fJ On hi S bl1 -.; in l!~ ~ aO"all:, a.nd Illtl V '1 h e I ( UI e l h o se "h o I h llll\ u nl) t1 \ ell ~ u rn ~ oU l :s ul 4.: I.! :-i!-i r ul ami nil h esp e a k uf th e l a c 11111 C.lII "'(' o f n g l.U' H I U S lillll g hi e l l; l a {" l(J lI ~ \\ 111\ 1.111 \l d th er 11:, \\an t ll1ci in ~ lr~ lI J.:l h ul c1 lL l a tl l ' l 1 \\ 11 1 ftH ft r-. f or U l i me h e r ' llI:: f\ Ct; ' dH ~ Hh u OJ u ld n u t IH! nl (e 10 l \ ,\1\ l 'lI lfl t ho 'l'!S I)nll ~ tlJiti l l t! s o r the hO ll se-


I!l.U Ullllg

tJucllu \ e

t tl Ir e l

t l u it H t 1l,l1



on e Or \ \ 1,,: \}[ Iull c \l . p H ...... I1 I ( " , ~n )ll1 r-o Oh lha.L Is lllr t1 1l"i l'u s ltlu ll Jl Ib lla l l' lai f L' 1 ilt ' r t u lJ\.' IJ !f'~I ..:,t !l 1 " t,1I l~ \I ' IHII I (t HU l "'llll l 011 , \,l l ' Det nno lh o u,., ht lIlU ' \ l.!~ t O I IhHI~lil t l

U ~ I1 ( 1 II lillIe Is s llIlIIJJ:llf (1 a l\ d \\ e Jt.:. l\{! ) 1( r "Itb it m Ul l ('0 II f~ Jl lallle fc(~l ln g ' ll Otll 0,' 11 \ \O lt 1l iIl CSH. 'fh ~ l ( li e t!.i ll s \\ h o ti t! 1I0t Iu"-c!lntt"' to SIH.lI\ v f la ( l a ... t..i er ( lt - fl hJll d III

utHI it l ~ , !'o\ OI ' lI'lln H '~ tilth 10 te ll t tl ~ L wh r l f Irlt 1111 " 111.1\ 0 0 u r.:1 \\U -- \d lllt I .u l 1 ~ .a\f'1" IT ll101 ( h~ l: t! ll tll l\I lll " ll u .: !JIlt C\P II :-.() _~ t p it I ~ In g Il l TIllI (.' s:, lI(tl ll 1:-; t hll tn I I t~lIlII.l l t'li as \\lltl Jly uad I !II rl 111\ I~ I., C IOll s u' li l IIH Lt u l "li\1lBlI do {' !-; fl o t \1'( o o lll, ~ (llI b Itl(' !;OOU II .ll l~ o f 11 111 E!lld 'I' ld 111111 111 that 11 1C'n d ~ ,\ hsc lil C Hpe nl, ur Ih lo Ig: n o bi e o'l f'l"! llial lila \ e x 1~ 1 S(.I f,1I ftulI! N)Ha l, in ,.: fit ( ~ {"' m Jo.;h ~ PH ' n In h r~ r 0 '\11 III lit II'I! OIt't-) tl ll.: 1ll nn d . :;1I1 f'lj lhl' bnPJllp ~ 1 111 1IJt ! 1 ill all Ih e ""ullu nrc th o se' \\110 ~0 1I1Iot1!..; h lil e 1E-':llOrln g u ~ I1I1H h us IIhl\ Lc n il IIllplealSu 'lt lhlll!;'::; Hnd "''' I flll g th e ll Lu es rt'so lut Ply to\\.'lIU l lll, iJc:;l CU l l


JIt(J ~ t

I l l el'~I II "!

IIWHI :luJ fallil" the r hildrpu win ..;;l a n 101 !-H houl \\Ith li g h t h c n and I h Ulll e \\ltl 1l11'H11 10 them I h e \ ell LYP best

plnl £' Oil Plll t h Ih c l IJ :lI e itt11 p nels tn I'C' I fO I 111 IJl tilt, dru l t t o a C<jIli! colh o ~ il l I) f g l ad l 1.... II ~H" .l ~ k motilt'r it I ~h e bu ~ .UI\ e rrand s d o lIot "nit till ~ h e tl lll S I 11:;1\ Il U~ n tU\ UI r ro n l lOll. I an l \ ul .tli I hlng!; n e \\~ r !-;In jOU Ii tl " , 1 1 \II) 111l1l l ur all } of t h ..' ~p littic ,ll, IPII HI I1U('1 I t I ~ tilt-" ull s h :s t JJl'uldt' Iu Ihe \\ u lltl \\ho al \\ a '~ (an 111 111.1' 11111 1' f o r Hu tu elh l ns eX(ls. It ia. th e 1t 1l ~ \ CJn f!~ \\11 do the " 'H Id's \\ ul h I)u nul l £' fu ft O tho !S mai 10q ll t',ts(tlt ho l iult' iJl o th CI or s l, pr i\ ut (l111) I ~ Ih tJ g lrt o f b ra C I(H~~ Il eS9 f rll ' Cllln g !; 111 ~ a llholl g h It h. mUlU cadlh flll l l \ ll lCd In vo ulh II I s ll'n lly !1 1I 1 11 ~ 1 hll\ £! ' rl )! th o \\ o m ~1f1 \\ h u is It 1\1 11": \II U l h 1it!1I11c1 S e lf lti hll P ..1l1{( IlIdl rtl H Il U I ('!l\(, I II I I :-; IIIC J1 1~!. k o n Ih ~ f all' ul ..\ 11) \\ Olll .\n 11 till do more I h ,l:} .111' I) l h r' 1 Ull i' l hl~ ~ 10 l it-' ,I tho

' t u r !i tl H' O Ih e Iil1 e~ ot ag e Oil t h a t II( p \ 11111111 1: 1 hl ~ pU ltl c ul.lI Dted t o b e ",, ',t( Inl1 ~, rllr "' ( I I1t1~ poolJl c \)( lite Il ef U.! 1 HU l l 10\ 8 III (tit e r a home ~\ht!re !hf' III lsl l l!!,)S ls ta( tflll and gr.ld ' IS A iii 1)(' IIWt g{ IC~ l.tI III 1 1.·lflll~ d !lul e n Il) IJc \\ hal '\ e w Ollld hu\ p lh e ' ,l and 111' I ttll ur en uf a t lClfllJ 1I1olhe1 JU:l\e tar m Ot ( oPI101 lllll lfl 1u meet thl li ght ~~) rl 1/1 l: utl1p.lI\ l utl ~ and llI ulw Ih e ll ~dcc111111 uf U Itt (l lumrnli v a moll g tlu. I1\ U;, 1 p Jj "'l Illie a lld Il(' ~ lrulJl e ur tl..h ir


UII" \\ ullltlu' q llll e Ih ... S ift o f ~ ,u. clulI ~ tH HR lel It( I t flllIlll elH e h j l ulli-

Vnlu e of Sunshin e It I. lIU1t 1' 1111 1)0 ", 11>10

fUI II Iholullgb (' XIH C":"i111 1l - 1l 0 L U Iy h e al l ll), pelsull tu huvc too lUuc h lil:iluitlu ll of th ~ J e alul {:~ nthl u toud ria) I1).\ Ii I Oue III\) hI UH \\ 011 "ll Y IL Ie • h el lin lmt Ihe SII#! ge:-; , !o ll uf UII upJIIU( h fl c~ h all "ard Illl a t Ih e tUlu e r:s uf I h (l mou l h p ns!) I I} 11' to I nl\ e 111 anll II. soft s lllliln ~ CXIl/ I' " I"u In ' h , 1)\ \ II;. h( doc s 1,0 1 11 CU ll tli 'J Il l rf'Ct g l n l l~ 0 1 t it(! !'-lU ll J\ttd a 111 :lit!..) P (. e}os 1 h e llI e r e ~nu tt ul r t' p llHII " Ih e droo p ur t he m O lllu- \\hi(1i dl uu p Is !-lll ll t~ Itut Ot1 t' \\ Ito ~ c e\ (lSi dcntnntl 11 ..1I1.1 1(·~~ \\ hptllf' r f lit' lWlls(' 111 nl s halmuo,,;l 11I \.u lalJl) nu i n dllU l lU oi lIJ Htlfl s h ll l'SS -( lf iJI OO llllI ~ 41\4,'1 t l l" lhJ p~ ill b bIl l h ur IlJ e n li cloes Ilo l ~uatt er In lht, It .ott I' lli'I (> f1 1 .. II latl ~ l()n ~ ill wbh.: h nuu ~fI\\ l1l g tilt' PO SSt"", 1f1I1 H O l ! Il'I ~ tt! s ure I II lIIul . . e til(' \\uIIl, ~ ee m 1 , I t. a ~ on e f r t I~ j..:, loum y il l "' !llt e ril e ~" lcl c n(e~ of \\c.lIlh allll lil lie lie (Utl ~ll;:e hO fU PS n nt l 'f"I W hllmuJl lu!i ll g:-; CUll les l~l t h e lu ll uell ( ~ or a s udl • noll Ih t! g il j "hu that m ~d\· u Dt! :-; 1I1 ~ ' fl Olll II ~ \ l.l1C'~S o f v ~lIlll g


~milill g


([c(Jull es Ihe hault 0 1 s il);hLly Llllln;: Ih e ( I II nI' l , or bl! moulh \\111 s oun linc! tha! If ha s h ad au oJT!' ( t U)lo n her llh; Jlu:') lllon


iu st inllh el)

Ihlrll\ .. of

fl om 1111 , noil fOl • •Il.E n 1)lnen 10 1\1 pl ea"nnl ,h ' llg " alld t he p) eH 1111.1 a l. agUJa wh el c \\ C call mingle ",llh the " a ys lou I. il L I h" wotlll Ibl Ollg h Ih e crow<l ru se-l'olo l ell nl cul u m uf a SOl l ie \\111 .111 <1 th re> hOllr. la lcr D love ly )01lJ18 fin,l It ,I I'r"u) g oud pla ce to lI ,c In woman In a pearl- colore d and a ILfLe r all d e voLe,1 compani on In a Cloll, coat and Then lomme n ce wltb Ihe Old e r 1:1.'0n ~ lIk bat "ere hol<lln;; hl1l1r1g In.. pIe . and t h" 'ery ~onllg ones of )our Niagara expresg. and on f-he right r.rar." jllcQu'l lnlan C. 1'1 y to wul<e ~lIe 811) at las t.- Town and Conn 1I y.


. lI P t:,OIl !l

,, 11l)t, \11 I h t \ I lln ) b,' eug rll :-;scci "Ilh I I I h l f lilit .\ :it-i 1l1lt1l1J!. all P ll t l ,'x l \\1 11 t () I IIII 'IU i t n Il ) Il. ntltl l l :o, loin dlltll lll,l' \ 111\ 1111) h,L'" Hil t! K' I'P '01\ d i ll ,,! l ltl I lllf l hIS U rSiI Us hll t.' HS - l hHt lil nlli ll lI ( t ll IHI H 111II 1 s lll\\l) " 11 1\ 1 ~ il H

l' \ c l\tl ll t. ~lfL l: I

lu ' a i u '!; Hll ult e n

")r CU IllIJl O~iCd

)t CUl1 sb l d

<ia illu ti

It ..q J

f il l

All It ..tI lan pn,; lnC(;T bu s Invc nt t?1 1 11.

lu( ( t. !-;~ ful ('I(I \ i\l u r f 0 r

111 110 11 1\ 1 , V ~ t ;ltllt t l 'dlll ril ~ l I II ph o t I1J~ r3 J1 h ~

\1 11.\ !'ol

I II 111 11 1011\11 \( l!

\'Jlll kll1g"

P~ l1 l l ll(1'

11 1l ' l l .


h\\ w , Ii .. ,

[' e ll y S 1,lCe \Ulllil Ll' lI etl.

1,·,.!"(' tI

lt l('


:\ulI sclI se ' A ll ) 0 11 lI ee d IS- lIIe! • TJI ~ ne xt m OTnill g a t brenl, fa ti l the luu d lulfl I t' ..l1Ieli o\ e r tli e )uung hll !:J ufllltl g Hhoultl c i \\ o ll lll ~ou III," 10

vi tI

H I }

UII I II I !'ol sid ....

d,!"o, l \l d l lh' .HIII.d \\U ld ~ 111

,..1 \ 111\ !

AtI1 u tl ~ 11I1-' Int t's t iu,en t loll i Dat ented 1M n ('un t rhHll c e: \\nlrh nlll!U lO 8D orclln.l1Y ~ l \\III K mnfillne \\ 1I1 fa n nlld Inn s ~ . lI:t:C Ihc v!Jcr..L ltll whll o ti tle Is

IhIlI1lIJt!~ or tallva ~ntt \\I r f' ~a( h n illtl )s{ \\0 1:-; 111 1' 'till In hl:.i tl N ll1 I{ p- 111 1l Ii t o n. liftin g " ~ I},l r ltv at' GO t u ll H H l' ml)1 1 lit I t tIp ' ' I IY }U\lll ~ alii th • • 11101 II I"" I Ju ~:-; I LJ l r. t.o tlt nr-h a s ma u ) u r

\\ I ~ .\ lill l' P) nile 1111 lIil l Iu d IIlI l h u t 11I 1\ .. t .dd, I ~\lll .. f'l ll, II I

cllhr l go u d 0 1 It II..! :-;ll Ill e !,l n rl l dIP:-.!-J uJ th e t- I Ut 10 11 :3 " UIII ..U I 1;(1 11 IHIlIi d Iy aL th e ball s 1'CI C' Lhuu,.:h t h ~ III I,; ht 01 ol ~~:H lIlll!iJ lla ~ lt ~ :s I l l' ,11 ,, 1 I \ "'" l u g lH e,ll{ itllu th e bLlm e - lu.Jl Hi Ir hCl t: ffPf [ tU II III lu \! al, u\\n ~ 'J l ll ~ ..... 1 1 111 tI~ ' \ (1111 111 ",,\1 1 ~ IItlh I i)!' • iJ pal eS I s alu h c I lilll1l, I 1\ III , e bp ~ l [n rl lOt.;l " It 11 "h Ulll silt j , lllh Il lill ie tUI n ruunll \C eat e I1 H llh a I II CU I l I t \), l llIl :-:, ' \\f n l c P1 UI1IIJIl'U h e!u ty s uppe r t bat tu u\: ,it 11\11 I ll'~l \ h t' li III ht'l pI P~r l llC .

cis 1 _


III ' I \t'''' 1 '\l I1 I ()~ I JI~ li nd tII J \ t,: n. s llIlUlt ltll b lt l uci\ I Ii lld~ lu u !d I fl . '1111 ~ Pltlj.;I \'~S 111 a III U::; 1 1 1 1~\ l1l1 ( l ll-

Ill ... II gu cs l " {' I C hUlllllllr lll g stl l'lIlI(J ll!t""

s h eN Ou tll ~ 11 ctrrlval nl \\"a , hln g ton I hi' ) \l e l e "hille d 10 Ih elr hotel P"n) fro m o pc l all ll ;; IIl lu:hln es a t all Ir Lh o 311;n c ll h is n.lllle S\I I n!:llI~l) 011 th e le,!:mao be hlud Ih e boul, kllu,," "hal s 10 lat c! ~ u , 1 they "CIt) s ht)\'11 10 t h e l o om hi s atl,auta s" be "III s lIJlllr CSs h i. II(IIClI to Ihem All Ihe do r closcd !lid th e)' \\He al last alone his sorrow"asoous volaLillt y 01 ;;nsollne spirits III Id a "tll . 1 Inlo t(,lIrs £uu k eel' from g e llios III "orHe otlor [ul Tnl<o m e IWlll o'" she c ri ed "" h:lt S Ibo matter, Ilarlln, 1" asked publi c

\ ud

eo rnmolla l lo ns


i ce-- fl O Ill I h e rpa l

I h." l 111,'d l oa



\\Uld"'lI t . L

tt )\ h I. l ll l lllll .... 1 \ ' I \

I a lil i'

1-(' 1 h. I II:-\


l H bl.JoIlld

hll\l \: \.

In l\c the c n l l v 1I1 u ruIll g t l l l 'l 'Ih e lIe..xl IlI tJ lllt l1 ::' IlI e.,) \\ ( ' I C n IT to


Ct 11

t I,, ~ I ~ nu l

:-'fJlJJ~ t l u f vII I

I lJ

~\\ (J w

( U IIl'

H \\ I\ \\lI ldllt·:-; .. III d .ll14 111 10; UlS~1l 11H ~ I I III 11 ,11 1I1 ' l ti 1 ~:'I IIl! ng qlll c kl) ani h u " II i

lo \ L I I ' 111 ' ll l j,~11 t )I Cll l I IJll II II ! \ ' 1\ lil t! :. 11 11 ", 1111\1 .. I II h , .. 11 1111 1111 h \:l I I HII I I II II \\ Llt L.1 l ull!;" ' «;:: .1.1 ::.. . . .. .J. \\!rl .. It , I~ "'1 11 1 III hI I

till e,

S " c PI 1H ,\I , h e (' x t.:i \111 11'11 \ (111 .110 Intl c flu Ih e 11 ( ~1 d itl 111 .11 1 t h ~ " t i l l I ' 1 \\ i ll t c)('g r n l) h ..1\ (J u ('e ':.d l ll: f' t llUl a c-

\PI\ M'Ilutl sl ~

dUf= lo Ihe (1)1l\ 1 u on l h a t Ih { pelson woo i!-1 tipp e d 1i ('~ l'n ~s th e 1 ( ) \\~Lld o u t j ) f( H(,(* 11 !05 JI O Il1 a !'i0 11 (Jf IIHI I ,ll ( O\\ n nJ

~ (I'lll lll\

' ... u\l1

l u ll

Ih l


h o n e ~ WOW I

."DAR Lll'G. I \\ aU L to HIl<!uk tu )UU about ou r ho n e: mOOI! . · HOW lu-el) , ' e xclaimed ~la!J I. b cr C,) CS ci: ro\\ Ins larger 1 )\UO\\ , dear, Il Is som c Lhlu g <1 Ilg htflll . "Yes. s alll Perc) . • I thlDll you "Ill al;I e \\ lilt m e Ihat It Is I b e rlghL tblng to 110 I ha,c arrangc d d elli est. to go LO somc qui e t. OU SCIII C SPUL. \\ h e l e We ~nll be c nLlre ly aloll" "I t h ea ch ot b e r What do you say 10 Ihal ? ' · Why Percy. d ear " s he e xclalll"L 1 , • Lbat ISll L my Id ea at alii " • Then wbat Is YOUI Illea 1 . "Well, to Niag ara- allll Was hington" "But. darlin g , they rc qulLe far I1lmrl and you know. It wouldn ' t b e (L l eal h o ney m oon- It ,\1)111,1 b e m ore like a lour Now If w e g o 10 th is qulN Ollt or-lh e-\\ ay place I ha ve sele c lod. " e can he e ll tlre l) al o n e. I can lov e) 011 Ih e re LO Ill)" h ea r ts conte·It " At la s t the l<not was licil anll th e y " e l l.' o rr In the co rrlnge lea vi n g b e hlllli them a trail or 01<1 shoes alid rice "Durlin g." s ilid h e . "YOU l<now w e shall be ve l \ hn ~ .I see ing thin gs. and


10 0 fal


UtlH'! ..:il) 111 Ih is. HJ Ull t l Y All Th il l lH Il r c tl t! d t o 111,1" (, i [ , L ::; t11 C't tit; hi m Ol 11 n o l ,p ln :" IClIITa ,. .:, " 111 l il t> g lt.l l m .lj u r ( If I a s(:'!i I

II \I I !">1I1 11

\\l lul ti u ' ( H I rlWU, ll '" J lI1 en n Ih . 1 \\ ,.. li p 11111 pl .t:(l H~ trip .1 1111 g u ttJ till' fl lall \ UII 'hO llr-. llL. 01 nllll IH n tl lin 1I Il\ll l tlll f r ,)1 u I t

1I0l ue IIII LI.l ltld In th e 111011111)011 < " ' the \\ t'st altho n gh r e mall, s th e Uall (m Ol e Sun ma 11) Jl ~o pi c HI e not dis..


li t

hu d In IJI JIlj.! ~ 1l 11 tl1 l:-O ~I tli u l I I hil l I II! I I I \\ I~ 1H.. ll f .111,) \\ lllt .'d tu III d , t· \I)li !"tl'( I I . I Ih l lll, I S l' l \\ 11 11 \ (1 11 1 ~ f" :l1l ~ tH • 1'1,,; , 11 \l J II l'l uJ l ) ut i ,,, t' jU

rl cilll

no r eus{J u \\ hy such U I C [UI rn sho ul d

!; tlu


n l"

:, Up.llISC

The Ti p Abom inntion. It n o w lllll)oa," thaI a COllcel ted m o ' m ont h as heell SIal Lcd In Chi ca go 10 lllli a n Cllt.! 1(' til1lllll g Th Ole Is

t Ii lf a~(l 1('\ 011 11 i ll 11 s pl fln d til t l lll e It ' ('1 \1.:1


til , :-;i l llih

l li u

"1 11 111 11 1



' \ 111




f i ll

Ie s ci e nce

,1 1t~

" lit

U tl l JJ1 11 p ll :'\l~


In the Detroit h ouse of CO l r ce tlOn fur a ml nor oUcll se buns Le t! th a t h e ou:d lI eee lv e t b e physiCia n !llLllch e tl to tliut In s lilullon H e \\ Uo lu.I-e n III and the do lo r s be ll e ' cd he \\ as fe ig ning Illnc.s-un UI he di ed Then th e )' fo ullt! they bad dece ive d LhellI se h es Tbese t\\ U me n dle tl on t b e same da), Ye als ago LL c luve r woman 1 e}lOrtel \ ts itod Ih e om cl's oi A uumber or physicia ns. sav e Lhe m an Id e lllical s tute mellt IIIHI cach Dam etl a sell.\! a,c C()mDIlll ll t anti Ilresc rilled 11 tllffe rent ~our se of tre atm e nt 1'1001 tim e to lime Ihe lIe ws columns o f Ihe Ilaily preHs Lell how IlOlIl e uufortlln a Le h8H di ed of Injull e~ and dl sense arLc r hn' log h 'e n tal, on In nn olllbulun cp to a h osplLal w he r e hi s or h e r ailme nt wo s dia g nos ed as 'Intuxl catlun ' Ye t agllillst II n y r ucoul of 1I1uutlm s i L may be \\01111 \\ 1111 to o ffse t the ne t 10 11 Of 11 pll: s lel an of Daltilll0 l C \\1Iu (\ cslIoyot! hlR a ccollnt" h e rOi C be di e d In oru c r Inal ill S vah e nl S s hollid nOL ue III e.sed for Pll) m e n l by h is acim ,n b uu lor s '] h e l e \I llS t h e SI.illt th a L e x.ti ts th o mClll la l

'hu Hl" Jt \ \ 111

I \ .)

lIl l I :ill ggl':-oll ·t! g u· lllg 10 };tJ ' lll 'l Il li ' ' l l l rt·J !'oll Hll \\ I'l.' r e '\1 t ll u td 1)1 ' 1l 101 H' li ut ~Ull IlI Ut h I I , Il l) :s11 1 III lSI , \ HII II d 1( , f1111 ,i' I Itt' I l ~ II 1.1ll ,," I J II' \ \ hU l I h a\ .... I I \I d l o ~ l hJ\\ ' Ull I ~ tha i 1 ' ,l n hi lld ul 1I 1P lJ ~ !ild {; :i lJ(lI Il ~ \P I \ I ~ It USI \ I IS 1I1l 11 ltl li fur

II l l r l \

1' \


II W 111


A young ma.n ser vin g a shUi l s tHen ce

]lOt;cd 10 t n !\ p th.lI l ll\


a n i h ,· 1" ldi II I" I II! his Ii s l f'ZI I li d I " Ill txpln' u "\}-

~l"lI S

p t' fJ r£r " 11'\ 1,11 -

H ' II

I \


iu tl'lt t; l ill Ih c It dll c l il' lI tiln UO\ w uy be IIUlI.lll g ma i{(, \ c n light u f hi e

( iI .t l I tlt ~I I I \ JIll ~t1Il . . h'II "''''' Il I ,II I

" .. l tJ\ld 1 J II ltl kt· a "': ' l' UIl lJl l- a..a

u [ II

l h~) nCl h lll

It ' h1", ..lUI. k \

-FI n k It H c \ h \\

PhyslclD ns ' EIIOI S. A IIfe8u, ol. ,,,mlne tl u} a phy. lc lun of Ihc lo lt ed St Les marin hos ilital In Ne w \ orl< !HId IlI on o ull cP,1 ph) StCa ll} Il t." tlropp ed Il nt! a mOlll unL hlte r .


• n~ tJ.:i ~ '1

~. I "

S U(' \H 11 h.l\\' he l

I. li e rd IIbo llt " ;; Iuft rh e sig ns ale 1101"' ful nOI d l' press ln g ~I c n mu} or mu y nUL ue 10, III g t ho ll I n tcr~ "L In ce r \ aln phu ses uf r "I",;lu u but Ih e ' ale nul lu. l ll;; Ill tl.! r cs t III go u u wo rl"


I ud h,

' ut

' 111

t II U ll


t I k , t he Oll1 I l url \ S ill ~ tl}()" l'lIl k \ hi ll " l \hk Ulr GHll n\ d ll t I lu<.: k\ •

:le n t iruP ll lS a r c. HI O\\ i (1 g t hu t 10;0 m llc b

nLtJ\ c

At l' l


pll . ouilgutlo n Lha L t h i publi c omelD.! s lw llio ue no L nle l e l) n; gou tl WI lhose "holll h o r e l llc~c lIll . bUL uelto.> r tbnu III } Bi Oi IL I. ue CflIlSIl Iheso

l-Ilofc:;;s iuIl

\\illtllll i l

"]) )1' ~dt I!

, lIud I IJ l"lh kf r


.... 11 I I I I

, .iu g ht ti l \\ n 1(1 tIL' c rlll (> lc

l llll k \\ I l 'l

.. Ill

~ t.: \1 I

Im -

uPll or tll u it )

\\ .I S


T hnt !ll r hr !'Il z t' or I' .. h'

t be tO lllllCl1LS a lthoug h l "'l f<1 e i s 11I'O \muly . O.S lI f Il . hu ll Ul un ) IIIP I'OHe Hu t as u n On 130 t , :,bu ilitl l10l tine COll 31u e r Ih e I:ru \\ lu;; Illt eres t In c h I ' ll c ce n c ), an,l III hate hOll o r tll.a Llle

it'el lll O'

"'- t l ,l

Sh ... \ lllIl J tlo It ~ I I I kn,, " , \ \ ta n tt IH) l lolf t ..h k t r


t; NJ\\ i n g




I \'" r 1

I I~h

A n,

cllu r h ho n-c·- lllCs, tll ln l':" nl ~ v r, e n Ul ellt IOIl !' d

III I' t \

\\ II00f t \\ , I . h It t' l r lt\!,,:lfI SI'III hi d I II l/t: l . n\fll t I h 1I ::\u \)1 t ~Ii \\ t 1tl I'rlll l.:itl

uf U\ CIl th o se lhllldl Cd \\h k h hU)1 1 li le ir l ' \\11 tLll' uUlll uu r u f v c r t;O ll ti \\ hu d(j Dul a Lle n ..t ~ 1 \ iU6 on lh o~c

1I "'1j.}\ n . I"'~ lH

J l l k " I";

DI Ctll U I l':) hlp



I ' I I I I \ II C"~ III f, . I n I h: ' nil \\ II 1 '11 "-1 I nd l1 \J ,

th, lt I h I..' ~ \I l \\ 111 I)l , xlcr:ulUll tcu I s L e u p r ' ha n e \ er uc f Ct I C ,,:om rncllt

Mil d

h llid " I

F nt hll gs -

~ lla , '

,1 :-. lI 11 1li lt..: I

~ II I ~ oll d ~It I

1I I \I 11\ 1 It II :-. 111 1t 11 11\:01 111 ' 1 t It I I I I I I, I I I I II 1:'\ I', I I \ \\ I::, Il ti l, \\ I I .... t lid III I IJ II IHI 1111I1sI' 11 UII I l lIlIl , 1! t UI I ll, Ilr :-. 1 11 IH' III h \~ li f o \\1111 11\111 1-; I II ',v b\: lli e prob l , nl, \ l Iii 11 1I1tl1\ lt' lI l li b ItI\.' [o r

In, ... ,1

lJtl t '

SUlilln .\

~u r ~

l 1I1.J.

P ett y

~oo u l U I sun\(,,' lilli e

I \ ~\ I\ h \ 1 \ \I lill i ll\,,;~ . 11111 .It I h, ~ Im o 111I1l: I!W su \( 1) ( l ll \ hd l I~ ".lo) J ,"\~I t I U\\ ,f'H) , Sa llll' \11' ol d a n ,1 \ PI) \(l 1l 11 ~ fr i t' ud .. :--i\\tl l lhUI I t hUIl I I I II t-. U IU II\l;1 ~ (' '''' lIl l lnll\ ItUl1l ult l1t:' I.\ll \ 1 i ~ U) I)( l lI~

Ir. ,I II I

lIut halt

h I ~ a \ ~I p rl l\t \ h 'l\ ll of lJ UII UIJ ) \\:l } " at hl l , gU \\n 18 p let t) Ul la~ (U lHtli b l !oi s UI tt t o Ulul,o h l.: r ' ee l

Ot hers, N ot Y ou l sclf-'l'u c t, L ik e Chl.u lty , :=; houl d I!Cg 111 nt H o m ~

da \

IlItI'.;;l ti ll '

C l a ll ~


,,) I,h lI ..l \ l!

"'!l1I , \II

\ l lIh.1 1111' \ \ 11 I .. , I r l1 P 111\1'111 11\ • I dI d IW I 11 11 111 '" ... 1\ dd ti l t l I \\ \:00 III t i l \ 111_ 1 L; \lIII, ' I'" I ,I tt I I'-I!] ... IJ 10 I , {II,II I 1\\ 1 \ I I I II I! I II 1 \ \1 \ 11 -


Idn ~ lid 111 .l ruo:it uet u m i ng l1hlnner-

llUll s l1

S nv She La cks Ch a l .c te)-To Acq llllC l h e Gi ft , Cult i vate a Smili ng E~jJl c ~~ o n S~eJu I .. t e l ' s t ed 111

l u ll lld 1\ .. I

, ht.:;:, l I. ~ltl lI~ 111l\ r- lU l L UClt.' 1I d !::i du~OI L 0) l li l. : gl U . lII ~ u1 i\ ~ U rr ll l1lh pu.t Lt: ll l .

~I l "

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I Ill! ~l lI t t ll ~ ,t I l \\ 1111 1.1 ,:» 0 1 lt lt1 lid} ,It ", I' IltHhln~ li t the I ' \l Cl l l n art '" 111I lit , I q l\\ l ,J Ille \'11 11 ' hU1\::;!,! . Ih ... ~ tlll l' d 1' 111 111' III (1 ' 0 ,,11 1\ u\ltl d ll1 ~ 1111\\


A \ Vo mnn' s Stl el1G'tb LI CS 111 Tn c t The G l n c lou \V o lllan " Nlc o' 10 E\'tl y hody - Sh o I g no l es Hel

!-; .. Ih lt I hi .. I ~ I I u t .. 1 I 1)\11 11\t) 1lt: ~ :! \\ vI I h \\ I 1L111 :, 1 IJ' UII Lilt.: I LlO\ ~ \ uu I H II II tq \111 a ll l it t 1 \"";:, 1 IIf ) UH I lilt! ,

IJll l


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bo;. or e lrl f pi mo r e c(omrorta bl> by I:NVltlll TIVE IN tJl:NU ITY. sllyinA ~II I IIr· t h l ll g' Idn dh nnd ~ h o w· Ing u n ollllr, IUlioo ot :o m c' ''I~~ In A P lrts uurg man hn. 111\ e nt all a m o\\ h i' h ,·\th,·r 111.1\ IJe I n, c re ~t e tl To r:lll1 e flul l \\ III 11I" \.e nlld Ual.e 40 ,,· 11 II t l llll" g ill I h l' r hUll \. nr- V, e" a IIIlnllle


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111 - ,) lI H I Hl!C llil l:ilc1 h t ~

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01 ra l til " , l"',' ~ .L .. d ) l l.-J.!.i l~ ~ 011:<1 ,," \ , r tv fl" 11,&1 , h ..• \\huH bU f j \ p.d III I~ IUl..tCU rb, lhJllb lr ' ,It\) llil llt. I1H l


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.. ith.!d

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De " P1lJJlt.r:, and \\ ceh J) r t:'\ (,"l\"t ~ \..-ou 4 lnu'ls tUf\ 1U Ihal til e 1l1\.'.!"t U ~ 3 .!!,-, i s f'h IW\! ju {'\.llrul' !IUU \ .'1 uitl'Dligh ' h e ' mn.,,' oe :,. t?Il:,.IU\l~ :":kl\" \ v lIth:i .. ortlJHtn luD Uh\ \' l!.J l ' n Ol ~,llif-'" (' lI h l bl~ .

" I. Pl i u·

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In :-;: USl l ); 1)1 1\ ' -

1.('H1a.: \\ Ir'l Hen

H o w 'un l lre:ll nil: ~ v '"

.A ll ' Ilt tl,..! ( \ 1\ ~ " l l llH l ).( tl r "


·'\ .."u·(

ner hu sliaull ), O lU Htd r '1

h U!) JjIt ..ll

!'e rh .ps It Is 1I 0 L " IRe Iu tHujl hes) a lim o \\ ht,! u e ll ? ) mic til :! n ~cs I:It1 111 losu all th ' lI lell o l U) 1 ('USO Il II ,he t.l t~ ­

co\ c ry of t" rrC'llht' nlltlclolc ~ l o l h o 110 ito \\ hl dl thoir I.H a ges arc g e n· elully duo It Is Itusunllu l e. Ilu weHr

SOU t;

LO lou k fon,urd Iu Iho time \\ Ile n Ibe IUl o r or th ese dl s(' a ~cs, 113.rnr!l ) dlph~ tlle rlu t ~ p ho ld r. \(' I i) phu~ Il nd kInd red "cu urge~ ,,!J ail ue r educl!d 10 II. llIil11mu m

Au En g li s h ph) UI ClIln declal e s that il Is uetl e r LO I, e l' scarl e t [olve r \laIle llts aL hom e \\ he re Ih e l'e llll S di e ouL Ilrnduall )' In th· f lcsh a ir t h u ll to s cutl th e lll 10 a Ih) ~ ll iL lil \\ b r o the y ur e III the mid s t of d oze n s of OIli e r C U S "~ In all st ,q;e~ ur tbe <!I 'onse On th e il I "t llln Iu sc huul the gr llll s are CElll cd Illlo nc tl .l t)' Il) t ea fOil. Ulr In th u l oom and th e dl !-Je ,l:;e I::J s lJr ead to uth e l ' by \ o ll l.l hin g e t c IJ r G e Pranl lib . t h e u, w presldenl or th e 1I111 1>ll J'l ·tll eul a~s ocla ­ liuli. III a ll ruldr ~~.i 10 (ho nS;i I.,tl l alton

aL Le lre'; er po llll o<l out th" dauge r u[ oU ' r_\><'1 lall zaliu u l u III clll cln Th ~ ti CH' I\I !> me lll of t h e s pe c lnlls'. h ~ s31d "US 11Ie \ Itllb le. allil h e fear ed m l;; hl ICu<I to produc e 1I nUl ro wer L) pe 01 ruedl ca l lUun bllt 0 11 Ihe \\ ho l ~ l h d e , e luPlllon t hat! so far bee II he n e fi r lal botn fOi lIl0 !.ulJllc arnt-rbe IIr"lc5510u

Th e Woman A golII li e faft e r a lo n g .1 r ~ l lll1 ~ n t l - W e ll

nn\ 1\( 1\\


0 11 ( an t lI eu) lha t nl j

ln ~ l

I, lwit I rhan \ U \lrR S h", h \\ cI Ih I - Tha t wa s pro " e d lhllll\ "h e n '\ c mOlllltd . 111\ tlL'ar



A Judge's Opinion of Grn l' e-lruts. A !;Pl!lle mEIII who hns nC'lu lrec1 a jll ,l lrl ul lurn o f mind [ rolll e X!> ' II. oncp on ll l<> bl'lI c h Ollt In th o S u nfl owe r Sinle wrltps a cnre full), cOIl. ld e l e ,1 opIni on a- to til<> ' ;llu o or Gra [)e ::-Iut ~ a s foo<1 He HU)S • I'OJ th e pas l ., , cars Grnpe Nuts h a s uep n a prollllu Cnl f eat u l e lour !JIll of t!Jll' Th e cll , 1' foo<1 \\\th th o " nllc lous. nllllv lIu,or htl H bl'come au Indl s p~lI s a111 0 IIC' ess lty In my family s e ~e r rday

lire "It IlII s p rov ed ta be mos t h ealthfll l

anel h~ n e t"'lnl a ud ha s e nn b lc(J ti S Ie} In:lCl ila lly aholl s h II BHt l Y an ll pi es flom oll r labl e for tll(' c hild r en prefe r Ora pe NIIIS on ll tlo n ot CI'U' e r ic h anll lin" hol ooom o fo o,l • (Jlope·1\:IIIR Il ecp~ 11" nil In p e rfe r t pll) ' IPu l COllllllloll- as a I" eve n th e of fll cn ~e It I. hpvolld 'nllle I h avo b ee n IMrtll' lIln l h Iml)rl'Ss('11 11)- th o be ne fl eln l c ff rpl. of Grape·N llts \\ he n lI sell by lalli r s who nre troubl e d w ith fa ce h elli l I Ll I hp Ilg hL lu to Lh o rOOIU A bl cml <hps. s l,l n I' llIptlon9 . e tc 1l s(\{' l il lt s I 31 1\\ U\H nnd Iln ~~ ol gc~ arc e len r . 1111 Ihe enmpl~x lon ,,"on dc "rully "A ~ to It s lI u t rll l\ o qualities . my ex I)), g hl l S' I II ' 1.,,1I,1 f' 1I uL, t ~ ldc Shun th o .1 1111 I l'i l g'hJl 's li d- il l Ut; vou would pprll'n e Is ttml one s mull d l5h of Grnpe Nnt. I. s lIpe rlor to a pou lIll of I Il l' 111:1 ,., lI l ' I I h I H mu c !] fll111 rt CSS and m EAt re r brcahfns t , "hleh Is nn 1m · tJl ~ c.:iOI1 ~ Illtl e 11' li g ,on about It, porlant rOlls itlcratlo n for an yone .t sall s fl e. Ih" nppetile and s ren:rthen ~ De Amiabl e Ir th e deall~l" "pvll )our favorite t he PO\\ or of I esl ~tln g fatlg up.. wbll e li s use In,·oh o. oon e of Ih o dls llgTeedl c~s dun t get all g l y abouL It All outurenl< of hal temper will tuke n",ay abl e ~ on. e q\lences tha t sometlm es fol· much mor e of ) ou r all rnchvcnO s.t Iha n low a m eal hrenkfa s t" Nam e g lY cn by Po.tum Co. Battle Creel., Mlch. your lIres8 coullI s upply. 'tber o's II rell~OD.


ma "CJtl "r:l':~

CI ": h ~~ to rnll on tII ~ I on ~ or t ne roya l rallli l y m ll m oll ng 111'0 yutl II W Q (hl \ ' EUcJ - lllf: fl emnU Y-nl l.· 1\. 111 Op t :!111t.;

ClU llluu r or ( ; crl ' \.l J• .,.

v U \1:; iL 1' 1)'a 11Y i n T urlt f Y u nd Eb YP ~ ' Cor n S )jJl t f ro th ( a l ;.tnt! n sill' hal \ .. 11 Ltl l\., }U11 an \\\li ~ J r in t ile 1ay t it II t' , a n t iL :; w alh-,\ \- tull i ~ l c,~ul len ti P!' at n ig-ill ~ ) dnd pUl on h i.., 1'1'01 1\ (O:ll Ulul $111' hat. Jl l l'I t n:; h I" \\ ~ll tl lo ~II and all en Ll an n I H' I'IWIJ n w~tl (Ii/Ig a t h om e. anti \II c \\ (" C ul"1 h CI eft I ll to


th @

1 ~ .\ l:) l t 10 Il onl ul' t ;:lI'h {JIlt' , an d P11'lT ~ Hr)OIl t ill ')


HII h cglt l ,

n nu s ":l.tlr h



Ilf'n (J\1~

IlldustlY of

Jllln cc jll!lq h·, j and !'. ~ J .11. 1I "t!

Ill' UIlt!

Id ( !\l'J

R ecan t II, cap tton . E1t t tv Be ..L:l lof.tra ble.

H t:~, r l ~ \' ed

t lll't:h cl\' j"'s tlnd I hf' t!U1 pC'ln l .. lapp ,·.! 111, l .~ .; ,l nd Jl ill~.' ~a·d U:: arw <JIJI] PUI h ! 1 :l 1J ~ (1 I' :i ,;o \\,n h l:i • j ~' I :lI a nd SI rut. hI t\ his It ",l, HilIl Lh, ' \ ro'.\u


11 (' \\

T he Sp le nd or s S ur ro un di ng th e V ic er oy of In di a


Ill !; I ~

h I:. 1131 ' \, a l"oJ; u t.u PUl"l v l, \\h e n an d ~ald Ih e Bnd Roy Fin ds G >l mnn ' tl \(' 1 ~ I J1 p(,lf )rt " :-) a ) h id y Ver y W,JH ha\ lU g: . >I! II fll " II n l h J PI \ll t l 'lJl ~ \1:, fll n wi l h hi s I htlrl t l Mu ch M llwn llk ee-R a ~l. a ll d a re ) 011." n nd Play s t !l tl IH I1 PI OX.i W a~ ~ aid E JlI"II I I"IWdolH "; S IJIl ' n co l(' 111(11 ), 1>l ll\nb lety P eg wlth th e Ou. Ill) .. uu 'l l,l' Pl U ll t mon w nr'k Oil' illl ll; ,fit! 1'1.l icas- Re E nt" tnl n. t ho I st oJJp er D ar! HIJll prlHe d \\ 0 ' HJl ll d ha\( B oyn l ' 10 1:111, F alllJ ly ,I. I t h 'a 'XI 1[: "-.: .. H} a ll d h y I h r'),;t ll gO T I n :;c: la Iht' f'lIlp ,' r o r Inc! I li a r n t l 11" 1:';, pl ilU p

rh l'tH lgh

Hi s

E~ altcd

P0 5Iti o n--G ove rnm ent HOU 9~ in Cal cutt a Ilnd Oth el' Re s lden ces -- Num ber Ilnd MI1~' n.fic cncc of Ent erta lnm ent5

an d 111 (> " I11PCI , 1J

1II III I'd s ill I ur 1"11.' , 1I1 lClll rN f' r a ll d \\ 0 "'L u tHI th " l, iJl t t hi ' \\,1 , ~ofHg It) ~ "{' \\alllll ~ fOI SO lH tJ 01l t' In Iht' slll)\\ hl f. i l\ I t\(' I, e I lhll ltJl-:h I v I Ill ' ,>l lfi , I ~ I llll! . , WIIl' lI ~1011l 0 fJltu l ll lt! t h ~ h i' ' IlI, J p I' lI lp CI Or l htl t a ti( ~, (' I . 11II c1 h lJ 1,;;1 101 , an

\\ /l 1L1 b Ihe ,\ III1HI CB U t;t' ll lll' m all IU1 11 1I 1:i bll)' J"hu , /111\ \\,' )" ,1 :1 11 I ), (1pl u ll :-;a )ll1" \\' , U llud 10 1),1) Lllf II' I' C~ P l'( I ~, n lld I h e t E ne Ilh nl '· 1II ( 1I1)·m ) ' l ' lIII Jt~ I( H who \\or( ' ,ill 1I1fI I Il aid \\ ldb, II I': Ur) ll.111, alll ll l11J l it I r,lt11 o f l h {'lrn a'it! d<.l!t :illil . \\111 1 no J1111 3 11

Ilca l

1)1 , 1I~ J OY Jt l: vlll t!!l t'X f'(' 1 1 Whl l II

e ft. )

(J I,I

\\ l! h ..l ve gO l 1tU I Y f lilis \00 1, u Jl e h Oll\(' It 'lll \ 011 \HJl lhl .; IJ . j o r lltl' )"lIl lg jlll nu' S IH' II ll d I)f'c n pl lY til lu..l \\ /1 11 1I :-. , I. PLtl l1 ~f' you I tug w llh , a c.:IUI ~ hi ~ I, nno .1IIe l g L,'f' 1 t f II Ih l~ l d \\11 f llJl Il :\ 111" uuk (1" IUIl I:t t ~)tl p h.· or enS) s punl n; III Jl ln 10 1 t h e 1111 111111\' PI t..:II ~ I' 1 1l \\ lIh I a n d III \\h u '<~ r a ndl:. "a s l.HI,.; h l u .;; I \~' f\' ltI !lI.{ J:., ' ;)I11 1ut 'I ('d \\! W I C' I and tht' ~ J)a ll l\c' l hu) ' ,n ll,I !",,1 t ill ('IUP ~ l n l ar' ltHlU l ip ' h'I..{~ hr lu \, I hi' 1, 111' ''

:r t: al

hi\{, a. fuo tlmil 1' 1 L \ ~I :wd IIH' 0 11 I ! )lI' II1 (CS 11Ulh' d tum on. drll l I tW CIII p ert H pa lilc li p LO il dd s lI lIlin g , I ~.

Lb l lUg h li e 11 1 '


",I tt

it u\i n:.:

~ p')I\~

Ii)\! tlIIIt ' lJl

I'n ll III dr..Tl l r' =U lIlI llil . Illll nnd IlI\llr ' J 111'-' " Iu r l 11("" 1111 nnd .'I I ~l! e ,1 1 II I If'\! .tll d th, ·\ 'I I I ~I I'l ft'11 d I u 11111 SO li a nJ Ja uol l c, l . 11 111 .1 (nd '


h i:)

1/1 da ll 111 l it" pl1l t..:-.t 1.1I 1-;1 1,b a nd SJl fl h e \\.1 , t-;I.l rl to Ih . . . ' Brl d 1:0 \ ' 1ll [l 1l Il' l d\ I ~ "" h i': had

n· In lhe lli nne rs. our

IIl .t1l l'I1Ij H'rU I" tdlld llt; \\U L' 11 tlip lu ie r U I' (; .'1 1.1 11 11.\ tllll wd 10 m e' a n d .. aid , ,\1111 ~CJ thiS I , t h .· ~ h <lI l1 '

to 1Il 0 l l' II I

pi eHt

li ll i" ()('\'I l or .\nl (l l ((l ' nlll! J)tl ltl.." '1 IUC 011 lb ..' hea d ftd,1 1 f('l t lU, U

u I Il C,l l lf'{'


\\ oru !' "

l~ I' II1(, \!:S

j f' C"

r;rd hcrc d Itl'ou l1 rl me ! th e nUll I au t! lh e 110): , lin l vc!:; Rn ll plar( 'd m ll mbl f! t~ II S on lh e) \\Qu ld til COlfIJ Cl , l,nl1\ \ \\ ha l IL \\ ,\ '::' h ll .I1)rHIt Hfld I ~.L l d J Ubl a.} I huug h we \~ f! 1 ( •• tl hom e Ullil l lll') e Jl ~~ 1I 1(.> IlC uou IliulcL'ci 001 '/li n an d all lh e l>(I~ :; l l lh cd B lI gll s h Hn d \\ 0 da ti !mid \\Ia l .} u u gl\il lg Ih.' aJJJ nut.! ~l h ll ll ) l l lll i 'l' h f' plt n l l'~ h aLJ all " :sa id, " N p \ (;!1 y ou ulIw l, IIH re ad ' P ,"\. I\tj B,Hl Bo) . (11111 ~ 1:1 my I l b i u k sI10 \\ ant.! I a m Ihe "hol e pU ::, h , " Ul ltl tI t ' "' ~lpt' I'()I' and t"lIP I :014 Ila \' e 1)(0011 - c,cn uul\ r li tU) J3P( 'U ull Olll Il!..!ed Ih r lll I n t :II.'11' \ .I( III IH i ' I,('c1 n '~:;H liB Lh o c hul t and 'UI.,;!J \\d S ~ t I tt l hll1~ Il tJ ',:, ~al tl O\\ 11 on gill OUl th el l'

"" UK hll ;):)I I1f' ~!:i (' \ ('r \ Wh.(,l~ , ,1 luI I ha l lr a \ ('J) \\Uh I'l:,!l l t h f.!JC f n lhi ~ ~ rca l r,t G Cl"lu nlt ( II,}' Th t' l t, ht 11.!..lIgh;l' r t'\'flf \·

"h er" ,


fH "h en t he 011l[)(1J'~'1' dll\f' ~ lJ , It l:, body s.n: n\\ l. 1m lh ~ hor,{ .'s in lht"! \\ fllll1 . lh pn e\' f>l r Citl •. pn ,III I hc n ll C(' t slop a ~ lUl llnb O')


(,~d t rt t'll

111\Pl-. l

I nll !, nln~ .

a ll 3lun d al UllO m!!, n


" ltrl c\ cry (B t'C I nl,es 0 11 a sole mn. p n lT'i c,l tI C.


alm o" a O g h tl n ~ 1001, . as thu" l:h cad . JU an " " nlel "ons (li t It I, I. halll . !"'t

dil l)

:lotI pI


to wu l l{

l't ~lIt

I1p I t he m(l ulh or ~annon anti di e In 1.1 . lra cks fo r il ia pulo -ta eNI. hagP,ltJ II

nn t! In . .·, I)


e mpC " J I·.

And t h o C'mll Ol'nr

s ml lcs 0 \1 h' n su hjcc ts a s hc ll WlS s. I.. " 1001'3 In to \"cry cye on bot h si des of th ~ beau tlflll s treN \\ 11 11 nn c.x pr ~s!; l o n o f a go ny 0 11 hi s rnce , bu t a prowl :lg M In h Is eye AS thou g h lit) " 'o uld SA Y. "o\ch . Gol L. Ullt lh ey arc <la l leH. an d th cy wOll ld lI t;hl lor III F ath erl an d wltll ~ h c lati t IJ renll , In tb cir hUlll cs .. Th e rrlol c o! tbe I,eo l. le In t ha I


:')1 1 me


~r \ I~ lal


t rltk:- .

the), Ila(1 p !3\1 1,\ 0 11 li1 f' ll' f' '1 i l'r lh (" em · pPl'ln \\ hl It Ih l 1 \ !t ail I 'H jI .. 'd 11lHll I fi t' ' lJa ti UOj , ,w ·t II ll'flli c Hl e I... It''·d I wh en (IIr ), loll l 01 I nltlalltl!.~ Ihel l fa(lh ' r i ntu lil t;!. .'I:u,, "Il!>. l hl' \\ay my

\\ 111 (' 11

0 110..'

1.1 \1"

(' n ", t f' 1 n

o f 11111 f'( Jl l ll tl \

I tha L

\\l~ ."l UUI , alld 11 1"1 a II)


\l ntl l


n'el'Tl l ly

Hilt! nt

Amo n g-si l' I1Ic ' h j..:.c JlI I! I c udl n g' \\ C



lim c.o l~


,llli l

\ 'I

'Th o Idl er '


Intl ,tr })Li Ii I-;

lops tI ~(· IHUH:'O , :-, 01 111 h " f'l lu ng whld l


al f ' IJllJ!" ' lIt'dlJ v:<, u l la Tl dI Hl JJhl lu Lll owe r 1\ I ll ~ tlt!(1' o r llll'S(l llIlX l!' U l il'

~ hn ~ hpPlI n pf · l ~l ( l lIJ.:, WI l li p " t'~ l :ille o f ~l o 1lnt

I I ll'''''' It

1.],ll1d fOI ~" \t ' ( l w l ll t Prs \\ I th JU I aJi 1l 111l ld' Li '. 11 ' I (1:-,~ Th e I 'o mln g raIl \. . 111 ell'!. .)! 'I!)1 I lS f' l) a sllll, ( 1 11 (11 111 VI l' llt IIllIll n's ll!:i a u ~ · hu~ .. t ' l('(> sllt l lo Jl:-i In u nt

b,d d . . , b il e fl jul ,~ U:.:. Wf'll hotly , bUl I Ul,l 't 1:1 ,11;11 IInt l1 I I\uu\ \ wh:l t I a m h.ll16 hlll t;: .dlUl 1l. lUlU h l! lU] 11 lhul l u Ill a l\ c 11l 'J tlh H\ \\ha t \\ .b In I ll, IJ ltlc, a nd 1 !'Ihu \\ ...'I l Lip' bua lt',


h:1 \I'

l W f' 1I

I'oun d t h l1N'

o l d ll u l1 l b e r s

TIF' r l" Is no

n",hl lU; til' il no,," for t h" s 'n llnps a r c n Ul .... 11 good ill t h e s u mt 1£.1 u nrl s (l l) a t &. ch t.Ul a 1111 I 1,II II a1 e,1 ,ln,1 " 1\\ p l.!\ e InLU ttl e i'lli' :,f HIII! I I ,o a t It .l '" {l1l\\'P th e) stuo d M.: ru tdtil , th l,' I allfl t1{'1 I il l t;~ :\(· :-; an t I 8!:-k C!d tho h l l\ :; h o \\ I!lci o r ltl\ .\ Inrgl S II ()I :~ n 1 " r flau took I (0 )l1 dad w e ! t il a fi\'(:' or "\Jt:U l'1 ' X(\1 '" ,' O l:i:,f'{ \\!.., t)l x fo it . a lld \ol iil l!i..: m II OIll t d iro ll II \ 11' at I\ ~ l1Iou \\ h ~\ t \\C 10 \ and h O, th Htl a l.'ilt' ll Hnd w~ \\ (' I e 1;!1Iill ·\ m ell ca Il'":t tr\ ah(h ll lhr.. b a ll l i.;,l t t o I lll fatlH lllb o r r opt.' P!I11)c 10 r o( ! cnou g ll \\ h is th e CCl ll l p · pJ1 11 :u l " lid, " \\ Ital b t; ('I I1lUIl ). \\ (! \\ 1I1!l d {hIG~ 1' \ m Cn! l UI !H1U IJl ng Ih l Ji Rh f r , 11 \\ou l rl ld ll you a om t h pl r l'~ d olal; , (' 1111 us \\ 0 t)ll i a lml ':";!.1 aTlyb (uly lhat nl.l\ e cl a ( I"l cll.'(' Jj sl! 3 uerho{ h. 011 hlln t o lil e l loOI L \V h C' 11 till' net IS lul l t ill' ~ al d ' \ u ur IIm j{.' ::- I) I l oad 1; but Lh r-y B.lid h e \\ (J llill Jo;ul f)nl \\ t\ Into Ih ~ boul nil a n \ttli n g IUL\ C f\i .:iLl' lJ) a ~ l11 a ll iiJUl ..' rl tll1;M JILL' I : , I t :l,3:" f l o m t ll o ' h l ld l ,} :1. n nel \\\ ntl ln:-i ~ l Ull 11:-- n lIapl I' o joy iL, but I n t oe I'o}u i t ha en g in e uf l ta!IIJ i j II I C (" I1J131 1.' . U b.1 it g l' w n JlI t' n a. ll 11l 1 1l ~ d 11 s C \ ~l'al h I r ~f'- J1 9 \\ to l11o nli.. cy a Plitt, of th ~ er hll, I ~ II {':; l th'ui"'l lh a t \lIt h hi m Ih c f UI \\ u uld I t I ~ til £' pr ~Ll.'I I f'p or in h n) Ta c ca n p m ,lnce s t r- rllH' n 011 C' r O\\U rU lIHc GlH11 0 tn nnd t;fJ \ (, IJlIll nt dur i n ,:; t he Mo ill e cnnRt lu hllild It uf;c po w a s Intro - L1Hll ltuHI\ llll tb o uu ds tim e of ) N l l' E lI l OI"H'U cc " c ln~ Wilh n lJt hl r. ~ to dll ced t m o, antI h e ~pc ll1 n orl \\h (ln loll g l l l' ~ ure n s u l e nlJl e t o e d J)rou d tf) cal CXCCIJ pl('n tlrul nn rl "ta nd t ho t th C Il I ." C i\ C ~, ano 1 t.'--.l1 cll 'c~\ tI:-;c Ills t0111 If' Pll lh m,lte th " , r, Is nt Cal c \\t tnatt: : f'l 1P: iLP in Ih c ~ l1mm : J-!t: n - thul t b e r o ,\ C,'C I to p UI I IH' m In 8 11l1 1111ltl C.llr n Il f'oa~ I lw!;c a 1\\ S\\ l1\(n o I , wh e ll 1!,l s ' Ity \\'oul "y, had tolll h t,1t !lbo!!1 j,"ln IH.H l lld\,; and h \:c !1 : h(: tl1 HnLl rl t; 10 ~ 1 1l - III th c ll",k ,)(If)l I th e l-e Igl! Intul lu ,p t UI' h(lu .c- Cullo \\ aul(~c , u n n cr a ble to th c fore 11 0

tIl l 1\

\\ all Ih e " o m e n that lO\\ ll were th ~ h n l\Ho m ~l h e h ad \'c r see n in hl s Ir lp aro und t h e wor l d an d h e D!-il\ cd me Ir it wa ~ so 1 r o-f rrell b l", to ' la d, a n d d

,~' 1 tol<l h im

t h o \\.O I1Hm "' Cl i) tho ~ r (\ n l e!-il 111 ; h o w o rlll , ant.! th\,11 dad IlHt.d o h is l h ua l i.) r puk H e s lli ci 'Loo l, r..hc

r c . l\11;itOr

Prin r e , yo u h :H l! got to b e m n r l'iorl

.. Olll !.!" rla y

cp lll ~ In \ OiH JJa l3( C. \\Ith f' rw l: g h ~luc h. t h ~ pa lncu of :o a til crow

'. vlng \\.nl e,

and : h l:) IA lha l

Th sl""'ll ilop fl c;he. rm !' n he l ll" v(1 th ) ('an l ea p H hal\ cs l In the hy ('atd l lu g' 1111 sc.:n. ll ops in ~u rn~ HIlII 1;:('1 pin g t h e tn III p OlltH ls or

T hl! CJ11}) eJ'o l " a ~ m a tI a t finn hu:. h I'! ln ll~h~rl all.) w h~ lI \\ g-o t tbe JJflln f'c Iln c1 It"'nll cil 3~al n ~l a lullt} JpOSl a mi BLTa lrilf'.1 h is bad\ , alld s ~ll d

gOf'!-i u p S('nl l p~ \\ il l I I \ !.? and Ihn\ • .! III a I UJ a s \\ ,. 11 a ~ lo1Js l (lfH ,[,fie e xver l m e llt h as 1)(\1'11 1r i(1d \\ It h goor l I ('s uits

I wil e n he h:i

m :lJlir -d

t l)

n prl nf 'l'

~Otl may tC'Jl] Olllb c r th f' \' I..,1l


B ad


a ll 'l It" dad.

an d 1'&1:-00 a raml ty LO h :.ll.H1 tn t1lh"I OC'hc cl yO Ul1 b mUll , \\ to m c. ·'ll c n lwl.'Y :o rt u nC\ Ilh l h e loul\: t h " G ~ r mn.n c nlpil ' c t1 w f' r fl t l ~l\t to n to u n rl .uy ha ve did 0/ 5u fl e l'lng . Is ullly eqlla Il," aurl I H.l h l ll ed lor th e at! \ If ~ t u \ Oil b 11 111 10 l et \" ha t co uld t hem !S J. \\ a }JOo r boy -eo p r ide of the emll e l o l In C \ CI') wh un c. clll r£i u POrt slI d GCJ muu o ff o n to you 11 0 ci 1lr h ('sf; or pr in ('e5s c1c nh to d o SOm t, In • rmn ny, o r a l. y\\'IH~ I' C till llS lo e n lOlln i n roy o n t h e f l\ ("o a s hom ely as .1 " l'd gc felH ", with

until tllo pri ce


"(all o p m eal


t pr tn lnm ent goi, en In thei r hon: .r by th '.! 1\1 ,.IIIIl - wh oevc , ho m il)' be ; a nd r ~ lnt ·s tha t s h' wo r", h r ,' Ie "'egal rroll n or ella mon d s , tbat t he pala ce lg no. th o on- wIJ Cle t hey ,lIn e,1 'was a nn e Ita lian ll l" H"'al I ~ r m o vo d to Siml a. In lho Slrn e l urc , th a t ~ O O g ll es ts sat dow u In nort h . up 1/\ th c Ul nU Il la lu 8 Whi l st u ruum O VeI it. thou sand feet in l ength. .n res ,,]e IH'C nt Ca lc utta th e vico ro y !So I ngo th u vlcc rc in e, sluin g (0 tllCJ c1\\ Ilg nt gOY J 11111 ('n t h 01b P u mo::; t Il1Ic1d le . .eou ltl nul "ee cl tltCl' end ; of Imp os ing I"" de nco "\1 111 III' Ih o ~ I n t · n tnhl " cll l c rc ,l \\Illt qUls 0 1 \\rc ll ~ l c y, ( Ij ~ -;) gold pralo anti at It cos t o f fl o wers $;.11011 IJlI! ' Th e r; , onL pli o Is Hu l III \\'0 ge t so mo Idea or the nuno uf' a lll1Ful J.; l tlllllc tS In t h o } anc c!! I. eI') h" lHt e'b tl' c n lall s UI"'" o f ( ·,tleu tl a. /I W O ,.t h~ jluln co 1;l1g ll s h ho use· In . th e ho l,l In In dia as \\ c r ·,,, 1 of th e do mes· ell Y of [lula ct's ~ol:1b l e apa lllll (, llt s tic I\lTn n/;c me nl " In I.ndy ni t.' th e thru n e r oo m , t he DulT e rln 's coun cil r. h nm· ",tnI J II Hhm e llt- " he .' Ih bu ll roo m rIncl dluln ); room , n ln el' llt H InttT \\'L' Pilc h hll "c a mag · III th f' pa ssag o n c ar ou r FI u m tb p \I ails o f III r(f ull r ll ch amh c r lI olirn ull1 s- l h cy Ul l' \ c


But H IS B .,t Effo rts W ere S et a t no nU\' ?' lb e It l I>e. The l c Is no n c Nau ght by Hi s Bes t r)' tall m e n, in 01 , the gln ;>;~ r In her 101 (HI "UL y O I\ shi p hdnd som o 1111lr orl11 ~ , aull "He llo Bill " st:~ h IlS we Qut '" W ell ."' s ny , .1n'l " I don 't r 1r~ l o r B elov ed. th t3 u t h e r e lIa \' e In to Amc rl(!R , n n rl ('o rn e to il.Ill wlll'l ;cp. lli e h e np ~ o f Sl' f\nnt ~ . s umo Am erle':. w hen til e lIrc3 iti thl g Is l j)1 to I I n \\' a l l l' n 1 {~blJn g-!;t Th e ha in ro gs .. n t driv es null 1 will In l lu'l\I('C' you 10 gi rl s thn t m y;,c It, l1l l t I t l l room wIth a nd fio nw i \1:. th ron;:; h h l ~ peO I" C, IUall) ' n 0 han. \ IHO llte the.\' w i ll mnl, o .• 011 Oil n U I j.{H, nlill tm m u h.i no J I roo "TllC~ t rtl i h I ~ a nll ghty of t hum urc In tc rn atl rm al (.....Hn p l1 l'·111 tllll~ I c s ull, . !l ello T e d uy " whlI e he loth ", RIH.l1 1 R Ul nil sai d " Y e~ il \\,11l un .) 'cus l\.! ' ana n ges ~ h o \\ . his lOO th e marh , Jlnd If J on m UI 1Y l e ll la l l, eti a uu'-i ncs" ,-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - out} ('alIK e th e \ \\ Pl h,l.)t'If)~ Jf' I ~ a 1111 0 t - . , I IIH' 1I00\ ClS , an oth e r t ceth un ci l a u g ;. ~ and s tand s a ' C"' 0 lise ppr~ ll\n nl ttll, c lell ll s th e I' late, "1' In lit o, or l h 11\ she wil l r ll l:-.O a fam ily of lo r('lu ll's th e L l n ci n ll ali Enqt 1 'rc r SC t pow (11r 1,.0 r;(lt 110 or It Ih ll(l Pllt, ca ntll es .,arl 'lagu . nnd say ~ "H e ll o Intu th e 'lI u,lI o· th f' IIl' an d MII,e." as h c a lt hy yo un g :O V Ull~ \\. nh no hllm o Kin e tlC r~O ll s 0\1 1 or t en tiCC 111 lO thin k l t he n \\ 0 w t:Hll lO our h , 5t le i,". hil t a fOl\l lll li g hts h o rv ognt zes an u t!quu l nta in th e hloo d, nnd y o u '\ on utel (u u l fou;; 'lI. lI o tlulI g th e m one n ee But of 't tt'I1II1 !.~ n 110, (' \'cn \It h e n h a v e to Hens nll n ig ht. il li g a jug o f \\al ef. \\hll e t he e sam e "Hc'llo Dill " Ame a nd thou g h t of t l10 th e!'l"" il l oq ull e s rica ns at C go orr ann be gay nwa y tmm ho b n u l'e asolUll d·~ C"X (.:iH;e me. slee 01 t I.robolol), just u" loy al LO the he Ie., r f a o r n hig l 1t. ht he r or a 10 \\ ~ r m a n to the ro)a l CIlIll II) IV"',' ~lr ir cll l r. 'cnu so an Atn N h.,n '.1'11 0 will ta lc e )'otl h PI bool , l. pc pcl· cl\lD e t1u\l po ur It ou t. Th e mun who cl 1; " hoi;evcr he m .ll' be, and \\ hy t h o ear If YOil . ho w lIny ean s you r o lll te a n hOll r Ill t c t h la m Oln to Lho au ld n g so Ion;; s lg ng oC [IV nln j;, W cll a s hin'tl ns Lh e ,(w ing Germ an" /1 g b t wa nd er1 ng iJoOl IIn,1 s wo uld nul o n<l esCOl\u lO . old Pntn mrr nle l,el. rrOJn )onr a wn fire s ide. wou ld haud wh en I rcnu lI'l,o ll 3bom Y01l n c up o f t oa, und lh t or I b el r h Oi dlt.ll :r e mpc ro l·. 1\ he b egan ' Ilh o lo tg of your r elatl \' o; Y OUi~ t l HI) e v e r so ll wb() al once In s lal1l nl c I (, X'PII SCM. havo do n,: " m a hc" you 1 ~upp o ~d t he l e I ~ so m e bod y r be t! wU 1l \lld 1 ,:-\N Gee. be 11i s hunOJ"od En \" bu l thal l e~ cl e t h e on11, oror ho I' ,. ~I) WOr king wa r, h . lo('ll NI lind I m l.Red t. If h WCI e t o talte JlIIY oth In Ber lin bu t Il see ms t U8 <'r palt In II .)" ll a ln .' he oalll wenl thn t 'hc nnd he said cl a,1 npeel ll 'l In. t ll nn y ot <l dnl . , n go \ 01 11' ,.. ho le PUlll llull oll . so fa r as r ou m ~I h e con seql lPn c e i!iJ Li s t enin g to the Fl s h es. .. I" tha i Ih,' o nl ) I PU"O"'" can bo hi s Am e rican 1l13n . Inlo th o Germ an Ihat . 1t1 !'i t >utl ot ull u Heat I nHk ed .oen t~ bent on nJo) lng e vC\'y hUll S }OJa itl .. T he n t he fel' l y got mlnu Le , F or lI s lpnl n,:; 10 Ihe n ol'0 ml:fI a t wm Ie wit (, 11 .)- IIU g ZI lu h 011 111111 wnll:les the S t r"el~ , In good e wa" tl clny ed lind I IflUl( bloc ' illY 11.\(1)"5 cio tllcn fi sh es i n th e (\('111 11 8 o f 1h p I he \\r() ng c hull1 ul' l' \ 0 11 lin d Hl'Yt ' 1I liCD H 3 Nor g h 10F mil II' '' y ~ II I \lle" . anll tru ll c \ nn UI' ~ I g h l TII U ll h e w e n l un Ib say \\h (l n drln ld n!l "'C ~ tal1 III\ Clll o r ha ' tl c \' I:oi i n ,lfl ll oli S :-i til g ('~ or d r t.,!-;q bccr 1) lWPC I! mea l s, and ta lkIn tla l C' l f' ph r'H' " 1 I n t I ruJ) , fluc h p ut· lf'd a n d iSu il!. g ab'Ju t 10 b e lo\\ c r cd o \' C' rho n r cl I'nlll l fl Rhi m, 1111 1: a halld w s omo litt \\ hat· Germ any wuu lrl do 10 ', le Lhlll g whle ll " See h e i r \\ h .ll 111 I h t1 ncl an e nem y hoal ~ PI i s t h e \\ Il h thi i; h (' ( 1 9[Jtl~ a li l:h crm: h .! ~ til III.' d OtH.' .. If Ihe \U - II\ C.~ "t ch ip o n l11 1 1I ~(, of )OU I ult emll ll th e Hho ul,l cr ll g 10 ~l l' l llg !11f! t.. a n rl c lC'tl lhc l' rt'sl' Il( f' s houl d be 1, 110d ,c,1 o IT, e\'c n I.a d \ n il rr~' 1 II I g h P S li S B eli or h ~ h IIw ir "I tll lho!'3 a cdd ~ /l l f' nl PS9 at ol d g a gR" Hum hpl :-5a nfl ('\, r l1 l h pi l hl 'Je ll I h.> Itllth l ilt ' p ll111 P a ll d 1111) , nrl . Il rtnng-~. ma ll nJld ut I hpy nil S'~C Il\ to lo ve A me ' t 'I " IH UU Y cOll n h::;.e l' \'ed f eHs - , h IlT ) 0 11 w Cl e o ut r("I r HIIlc1l1 r r n s h w ilf' n Ih (l) lea a n ,l \\ hell \\ e r pgl, tcr ed I \\ he n a 1.1ll11"" IS hul d- tpat I ~ , wh ('(1I1l~ l lllan ;'(' 1:lt r l ust rl1 g 111 .ulI l o\' cr:-;!p pl ' at cho en n\1mhC!1~ mal, c n Jl l p l n J.: lt otpl. fro m M.lw alllt pc WI " , I I h" 1'lce "'1 , ce,' 1\ es n , tn te \'bl \\lll S 1 1 !1l ~ "Nn si r , 11 \\u s n I that l' SA , t flO Ul sOll nd, > "hl h r prolp ('ort mah :a a loar l n;; Ih H!oi" clt ll~ nH hr;:;a n II) !;,tlh naill 'll chho k .\ s ti li gl"U er aro und us and t c~ t f.l {\ r l h ruu~ ·Th f.\ fn ' t I ~, 1)111' bat» h ad \\ h ell t h e~r (0 111 (' I lose TO th Iho ,," I, a hou , r e lati ves III OUt h ! t h .lIl 1I :-iIl ,\I \~ ,' ~ " hH "d fu r ndtl e sl1 b Tlla r ln' '011(' Ia.o;; t n igh m o Th e) lllt\ \ l et' roy ! n ntl I hac! 10 \\ a ll, 111(' t £t Jflp l l("\nc til t' m o ve m e nt H s ee m HJ lhln l, lbal e vel) It \\.\ ~ of n :-;11\ 1..,;' 1 or1£' with lat !;" go ld t ill ' 11111 1fl oor wit h h i m u n ! 11 r o m I Ge rm a n \\ho \'Idlllli ll s h call hp fl J; lIl s ho,1 hb m ur n . 111\$ seLtl ed In MIl\\"aul< l lio ll :. l ur aJ lI l:-; all Iltl 111 " In ::: I etl,l n 'l ,:;o f tn ", ce 0 \\ ns a br e\\ , l lHlo l1 l w llh a h , l e~ Jl and n,I ' In stl'l11n efil (on sl s ts uf c ry, anrl t hllt all lire r ic h . \\ Ilil" \.d\ :-; ta l l i n hi S ha n a ml f" I' Opho li A llr.l ll ) I JIAu u ll c cl r t.'llin g. b 3. m ag lllli u })too J by. and t llat dltln I h p,lr th e alar m go orr In a herm et cC' lrnll n t ) I. -"e ~ l c.l Ih' !--\llO u l (1 t r o Ihl e hi ~omt' day they will co aI NI stcc l ho, It I'm son ) me b.le" tn (Jers (' ~ce ll e n c y ·. Ilpll rtm cll t. , hut - ' iR lonn e~t Pu 1» e le clil c wires \\I Lh a I UnI JlW'il 1I 1' mnn y li nd s pon d Ihe mO!ley H gulll t' mhr old e l el l c ar~ CIII': \l tta Is a l \\ny s hil t und ' Th erc Iha l·. m llr~ Ill," It and tl llin t r lep ho nt) In th e \·PH.c l a h,,,"c ' Ihn I p" t \\II~ 1,, 1,1 Ul' /PI,· LI,,) (or Lbo e mpe ro r. r~ \ cr r '\yln dl rl n ' l lO U t\"ll th f' vJ(' c r o), 1II 1l\ see l, r ,-.I1,' ,Ial s , and ( 01" frum sonn Ihn t In th ~ el In th o wate . hph O\\ 1. llt lens I lK r C'l lfi lr ~ W l' 1 e a t \', e d 1<1 /lot hn \'0 Ih e hea rt rnll gy u o n (l ith or S ide til :" 11 by th e mi cro ph o ne a lHI cO lldUN Wcrt firs l pl ftC P" 1\ow . lOll 1':0 rll: h l ho nto' 11 0 11 0 l no llu r e .liI fli Cl e I :; pl o\h l pl l or th e m tb ll t all lh e Gillm anN It, " Al'D so Sum e altc n dalll ~ h e lt.! iJun c h e s rh t' r ~ I c1. r C"s l lI tl Il C(J Sl)m In ~ 11l . th e cl ee'll' lc wires LO the tclel NI I., ,nrl mak e np lou r s loe p 14 Il1ll c ~ l i p or Vc a 11('1, '\\ aulte c wom c o in g to s lay ["at he r's ~C l In bold , and lho De.- - hav e" da y o ff' t h e l'I\'t"' r , ~illl a t (''' ill Oa th e . 0 nnll l ruC'l<p llr Imrl\ I {) 11 H.' r :-; h n. cl Stra y StOrlCH. " penel lh elr mon e y. anti whil \ ' I }' !J i g "; 11t m aces in thei " ·cel\. COIl s tuys nI H m.1Lle e th ~l r nobl ll Ly as "Th e man t han ked r b) t he \. l eL' he h ~l ll ll !';. (.Uulrl run t hin gs all h eart s \\ e re etlll warm lOw me v ary h CII rtll y r o:, aurllal ~ \ V h c n th e mah a raja b r eac a,e!s ~h e rl g hl \\ Itho ut 511 1tC, t h e p u rty pl" u:i:u lTl he d an~ \\ cn l oCI F a tal D efec t, I relt Ho rr y for him , b l)- t. y I II t' doo r th e \ ieero ) gOl an y b elp, ancl dad got FIHh erlan el . Ihey love d the up a nHI.,.. rpd In th c vl cc!Jc glll lo and \\ a lkS lal ~ ~nd r eady l o go H &-H cre Is on e or thoRe art u nl' h , , ,,.1 tu tilt) lIl.dd l e u r th 'ca\!S C t h e u lmm~ llh e r c waR Stri pes a ud wou l d Hg ht (or icles on ,' nU"Q I !tad b p~ n In I he sam e fix m y. th e IBUl lch :, " rooJU tu mee t \('" Ame r - g t!lng so rl tI1J'1S at a I)rl .... at u p i C' l'. h ow lO lir e 0 11 nin e doll a r!. a ~e lf "h en my rhtld rcn of I l U " lU ·.lIl I flag sgal nsl th o sh y. w o hut e~ oli l, w hu t e h r a o ntl a YO ~ mpc llO f: . fr om whi ch a lin e 8 \\ Ith him, n nd mOolo r wOll d. BIHI ttlal soou Hi s W lfe- Wa ll - I MUPI.ose tt \ ·. ' IIU e of tlll mll(Jo~ lIun got ONr h is hurr , and tolel th e yo un g" r Germani< Hpo l,c ed IHIll to a c hnlr nil hi s coul.1 t IO!it I hnl H) mlU1 l h~ , hnw f'\ c r, an hou r leall s dall t be Go"- not lO hurl ·Y. to r ig ht. Barr Tl cl\ )uJI l a l " r wh cn a t · )pph o n c mo:;s glHc r l1l1w nt ,\111 \' his an 'l th e n he turn ed t o me be ,lolle man la Dgul\ go , Ir at all , with a;:c r am o. h :lll se , follo\\ e n~ toOlt lov. c r pl a Ya/ll, e ~ and slllr! aces "Oh. ycs. but tb e wr ltl'r docs In ~ul r l n s COl Ihe hflo , "No lV, lItlie Am c . lc an bad acce n t . Gee . bu t "oul do't the n il kl«' th e !{am e sid o ITb e ma eper lI ' t tell Sim la " a s ma de su mm e r lt ClIdC ha raja h·. p eo pl e , boy. wha t Idnd 'Are yo u 11(8 wife " I a " l,ed thl'o l l1 nr' l the:, s waH gree n n .of Berl ln be hot und er tb e 01 a trjck a :~ yo u go- yo u h w 10 c'bucl< a blulf s o as to m a,," nd gohl . u~h t e ~ 5 ro r lh e gove rnm ent co llar If Ing to play on Arte r a blle l, In 18G·J. " hon eO 'I\'e r~ nll me. 'I' all se fro m wha t foll< s lhln k you are llvlu g ou nlne ty.'- · th~ ' ph o ne th ey I<ne w h ow man y Germ o ll th e mah arJu h' s at. lit e 6. ~uatlOn o f th e pla ce Is ans In I hn\ e rClld of Plih . " No ma!:n l· t" IHla nt. are t.res e nte n O I yot hllf \\,p ' r t' cn~n ~o t\ 1 k no·.v you will Ame rica we'" unfa mili ar with tho ne,'e s:te ct ~ d to th o \ iecro y. II ce nt rh e c r C"~e nl s h aped h tll s. rUIl· r go o ilt or I his hOUM wlth Iisporl a femi ni ne \o ll'e a t mak e UP of tbe Gel'm an flag, and eac h oll e holu s out lu au: t 'on oth er n l ng rrom we. t to c a s t . anll lnat givi ng me a b 111m o ne H er Ton d.r Hea rt end pres e n t a sc· go ld m ohur ; en ~ Ht. a n,1 1111 m)' bJ they only see It oCCIlH lo ually whi Ys c h he tou ches . tntls n es of lovc ty \ le ws. At th o foo . wh en expe ct It. and will "1\1'." s he s a id. " I do n't i.J<e t of som o celeb ratlo u or G ~ rman days 1 e njoy Il. the 8nm . 10 lite ly e Xllre ss lng 'Y ou m ay kee p It t he hIll s nrc h u!;e' ravln c~ and take a as [ will; now lot The y're so c rue l Th ey kl! 1 l o man lhou g tl you nrc so er go: ' place. Ill e d ear T he Jo!t ll n g Trai n. nnxl ous to gil'" It tic wate rrall s. NOI tltwn rd s !JUl " bird s:' I o lelt n do"· t ha t to It Ill" : ,. At a 811,: oa1. th" Vlce roy 's IItwas up "Did YOll hav e 1<1 s tand UJl W ell who n dod saw lhc Ger "Yes ," _ r e ~l ed the s ar castl nil the crl ' rang e nbovo "anJ;c o f mOl lntal n s, man som ethi ng to ,ualn taln to m o to -:It tc ndan t s brin g 1/\ tw o vess c ma n. WRY o n that e xc urs (tHl ?" e~peTOr III h 'c Ilown the gr oat the . Cp,ll allon "It's e ls . 0119 sa i d Mi ss c nd lng I~ th e s now y l.oal ,8 o( lh e too had }OU cao' t trim ) ou r stro ct I had /Dade. so I s aid HI· cont aini n g nttll r or rosc hal " Brow n. and gOl a 1001. at hi s (nCIl' . " Yo llr s Ly. wit!! mala s, th e ot ha r yas. whlc . he said . I ,,111 no w proc b s ta cats nel . Olll ISD In ' t It ?"- P hll ade ll.bIB bold rOo ~om e thlng WrallPe (1 eed t o mal, e 11 In tl!r · "Y cs bllt I l\ld n' t mlnl ! ,' enid "H e nner y. J bave got to ~ee Ibal UI) In s llv ~ r I1ml Led gtt. Mi s! lI.c f agai o st a ha l.l<g l o ul1<1 of blu e s l<y , sold youn g cst Ing tor yotl. It yOtl .lon e8, "1 wa~ jam merl I tght I)npe r ; the vice roy !Juts a bit man and advi se him to go and and t he boy" up ne xt 1 he way In wh ich th l. sum ltl er re trca t or con s ult wl\l kind lY be seat atlu r lo Ihal Snll'PY Mr" S ulll Y. ana ell In a cit'd e a doct or," and su we mad e arra of rose " . ol1 the lllah araJ ah's Way s and M elut s. Il gave h as g ro wn !tur in!; th e la s L 30 y uars Is hand ng e- arou nd Ine" They got In to a circl e. m e s uch 1\ One cha nce 10 accH , men ts to go to the pala ce and IIn ll glv s him the sllvo r aud lpllt all), extr aor di nary . " Good c ltlz.en s." said til" rofo see ',h o all hlng . and J took out of my ",bo rmer trnin t)l e o n h ~ r tor;;. !'·- Dctto gold IJape r Itarc e l. with i n ,,' hlch emp ero!' and bls son. lho crow Tryi ng to h e r;rnc lou s , 'Icer ll ~'rce uld band toge ther ana get cont , n prin ce. pisto l pock et a halt t ho re c lu o at IJrob ably Is a s mall vl pin t ftas k ot gil .., rol Press. . who .... 111 befo re long take all ttle num berle.s fun c tio ns tbe emp ire oove red wllh leat of lJ1" prim arie s." tb e Vice·, >lnd sbor tly lhe c eremeco of bele l nut; her. lind wl l h a stop on his Bbou lfler s If Will iam Is ony rega Is c ude <l. . l . cour t I,e rrorc e 111'es , It "Bu t wha t meth o d wou lti YOU as sick per_ lbat opc ned by Is no The pom l' an ,1 'o aj;nl ftce nco touc blng II sprin g, ad1141 bel ookl . You dOIl· t have Hla Stor y. wo ndor Lad y Cun lJo srew wea TIIIC! ?" asko d his (rlcn d. "Jiu ' verY to bU. fIoDll 1 walk ed arou n<l - .- ry un· Jl bm or . pict 10 tron t ot ..ell ,ltJu ures que farlh at '!:he olde r a man I !I the the Drat , but pres en1l 1 er be to deat b . ~he vice rOy Bua ho ld s a le vee, very wea rilO Pu~ -. - ult- and ba.ttel')' ?"coul ll Jum p wlJOIl a boy. me. I Ole v!l:e r01 a wlCo 11011111 a , wID&' KA- TllI1 JllNI (I(




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h itot 1lol'c UVt'll f UI Uil .v un .} 111 :1 t \\'t' c h " " i~h ih .. 'h Ollo th n t th " ,' \1 I ul' :,\1 A II(,l1. \\'111) hn~ 1}pp n s p (' n (1if1 ~ ti l{' ~1I1 nlll r r wi t h 1lis he I' ll· nnit ett lit 11l ~ 1 i ll IlI lI t 111.\, 1'." . <,trnucl · u lo thl ' r, Mrs S , ( ' . Al lr'll,O llll rll a ll !-4i, lfl \\"IHH't! th o wif'''r ,l ( ' (\/!:-o " Tllr: I1A'l.k:TT~: 1lt'1,,'\' '' ~ thllt II rl\ n~1 I lIlI t . ~ I i!,,~ El1l1n n :\I t' I\/I\·. l' f' tnr n ('(l fr",,\ tl' on b ln II llLt t,h o \\'rlll',l' II ... • 1I t I ' (l ~ t . B e'it ul...;() R f's .d \' t I l - ,!,l o I T II ~ t) hil'O ' · Xf·t.. nellt. !'ot' ) c (' 1iqn of I.fli f'prs f ll 1111 \'t ll p llH ' i n eop,l' of tb" ~t' t' e~ \l lnt ion, I,, · '<' li t· t h,' ehnrtce of U, A wnrk of pr" I'urin )( ftll ~ v ll n i ll g flllllil~' nn .l U eo pY' lll'P."i ' '1' t Ill' IIIIl HOllie COIllitl\! H.mni " l1 lIu ~ h.·,·. \\"111'1} wllllr i n l,! .1l'n ~ ~. :\ ' 011 ell n g-n t ' ,liu n tos ot Ihi!' IIl Oettll !.! . Inllll.. . .\It lite Jlr"~r .. ~sh· . " !,ublil' thl' lll Jlllrp II n ,l fr p" h li t :'>l l\ v· , . ~P Jril t·.1 l'i t.izl'n_. IIl1tt I1n<1.·,. tllt,It F. ~" H ": \' :\"II I. II:-O. C ' ) 1II11l i tt,PEl 1C I,lpr \Y . L Li.lI' ~, n f Inlli llno. uIlll \ V . . 1, ( '.\ I.I.J.:'I''I' , ,Urt-u:li.. u , w; .h .lu- hf'f~rf.~ t' n t l l'nrll I!:ltl n r n L. nil i iI'. " f Viq.:i ll iol. h plIl tinnof th .. IK'Oph' of tl\!' t:Otlllllll nit ." . ~"T\' iro lit Ih, ' ~l io hl l o r l1 n Ullp li ~ t Three J ur o r s CU" "d the H.,m .. Co ming wtll \)" II _nC()I'S, nhurch ~lln l lll v fh f' V \\' pr o g lH!~t~ ~Ir . G . \\' . F o wl nr , of H, !.! lI t"w l·'·. - "---- -~. F,i ll .. , nlHl ""t\lr, I u~' II f :-< ut h Ull A lII . , l' tJl lll o~ flU (l Xl )CrituH"" h.· h nll TH E GAZ~:T'Tt; i~ eon!ltan tl .l' IIcldin ~ "lI"lil\ ull il flltnil whi l" se n 'i u b: 0 11 II IJt' t,i t jll t'y i ll I. y. IlI u l'd e l' ('u sn nllw I\II "" '~ tC) It ~ Hllus crll>tinn lisl Ilt I': l l\\·II f'tl :01 V l llt ' . ){r~ . r illril Phil ip • . _ \ Ir o. Mnr~' nnuty ~ ""t o f (;1(']) 11 'l'h ls I~ g I'll tifyin~ tn t,b e pu hlish f' r >, 01' '' ' ' r," 'lIl t.V. \l pl'lnn>, Mr" . ('nlli.. t',. n~. III\1l ~1r .• . A1Hbu rlw . FI t' ~Il V~ . ,,· h i li · r,hl' l't' l IItI It i~ tll A be"t pOSHiul" fl lltl llr~ e· Li zz in Le w is W"l'p Il nlit: htf n ll :.' [HI · • rc "" tJ tll P f rt'~ 111 11 (l;l t l n lt l ~Ulll n :-Oll l l:o" t IllAnt t,h e ponple could lCiv'l of t.he ir tt' r!·nin ".ct n't Ilinll C'lr on Thnr~cltI ,v h,· 111 (\ll t I1I1< l it gllVB Hi e ('}.tll ll' rH I II II l' , h ll ~ in It " ,tl·y 5h ' \ 'on' f o r' llI II IIIIrecit llion of the II" tltlr. A 8 olll I \\'H:-MrR. l nlin RII \·Rgp. nenr Lv!l n. n eve r Ill o r e s'ic k in 11 1\' life Ull d !'Il' n l D~nM9nDe~usedto 811.1' , "if we d o See tu o nr t h e hunt1 lhng 80m sWr e 1'01"/1 c.· .·. " II I ['h ,,1 e p Up s l' 1l 0"I' I t.i e~. ~ay It IIsllhou ldn't," the e i ~ " I'll mixt,nr p. hu t t h ,' dl'n!.! !.!i, r "'I),t !loove the II verllge of c0l1111ry IlOWS· th ny flrp h PllutiPR for th p m OIl f'y. '" 11 1\ hoi.tle o f Ch .ltlll,,' l'ltl ", ·s .T . K .Tunn ny. papers and II cr edit to Wayne" vill e eh"lera a nd dl ll rrlw,," "" lIl p Lly \ 11 Mr. E. E. T'logo r ., ht'h veo ll ~'nrry ,n s t onc1. ~I\.r i n g thllt. h,' hlill I' h ll t·' !lud the comm onity it r e present! ! We receive n ewspap er s frum nil 'Iuel Ce oterv ill p, Monel"·, , fnr , (mt fo r , hnt, t.h llt th is 11I1'ol io'i ", ' WII S ~ u mu c h h ottor h (, \\' 11 1\ lot I'll t h over the St.IlW llnd cou n ty, and Wf II v is it· in Re ilford eonnt". Pnnnsy i. e r so nd it t·o m o ill t.b El fix I us in 110 not find IIny publish ed in town ~ \'.mill, hi~ first.Rt oplmin g t AHl)onn . L t.oo k on o o usa o f it nml "' !IS \\holl .. I' of this size or even larger t.har. e xcel This is Mr . Roge r s ' fir s t. visit t o hi p ill fhte rnillut (!S. 'rh ~' ~C ('() IHI ( 1 ' .~ 1 ' Tw n f.. ll "" It in news Hnd general make· up, nuel nllt ive h e nt,h durin g II rf's itl p.n ce o f c llre d m e e ut.irply . we are pleased to Bay tb at the peopl p m ora t·l11ln t hirt .\' ~'on t' ~ in n t' ''l'ne juro r s w e r e ntlli c te,l in th" '" " ' " "lllno e r · .mel o n e ~ m ll ll \)o l rl ,' [' nr e,1 of this commu nity !lnd its form e r ooun t y . t.h e t hree o f u s. F o r sn le h\' L, 'ni. r ~idont.M n ll"r e ~ llIt,e Ihi ... ThAt wh o l p·~o nl pi1 fri fl llft ntHl ~ \l C· M o ~' . . (,fl~flfnl fTl1it. growAr , H[' n. \V . H[m . " WE~TWARl> tbe ~hlr o f Empirf' k If'. n6lLr F Arr v , hn s IIg tl in r PTll PII1 · wends It " WilY . 'I It is "Illd th Il I· \)Ar('11 th e 6n zRttt' o!li e (' , IIlltl t h lR Am on g t h e lend e rs lire Th o (hi"'. t.wenty Clr IIIl1rA Imlmber ~ o f tllp tim e it i,,' wilh Ho .n ll fin ll qnitl oes o f 11I 1\d Limitf\( t , C h iclI go to l:;" 1\ [C . ull Hildley fllmily. living ill the v ie in hiq ,own r"iRin~ , on" o f whi f' h t.ip .i Reo , I\nrt t.\lU P ion eor LiIII i!!'", Ch i ity of Hurvp.Y llhurg Anrl C lllrksvll le, peel t.h" ocul"" 'Lt lin AVOII ponnel . "" go t o St. Punl. Bu th t r:li II. rnll either have goue or expcet to emi Wn hll\' [' j U" t '·Pt'e i vl'.l II POI' o f d'L t h e Chil'n go, Mil m llll, ,' p ,\; "t grat!' til OkillhO llnti till S f.111. und II :?rIIl, OOO " h i n!r l p~ , hoUI 11\ IIlIcl Ii" r im I R II i I \\' 1\ )'.' 11' yo lt 1\ I' P ",," t I' tII large enhlllY frflln th e vicinity 01 inc h Th "",, s h inglp" ur n l'0"i t i \' t' I .~· pillt,in g 1\ w""l p rn t r ip ,YOII ~! I· )llil l Hllrvey~hurg is ulrelldy ill thn t th o ",,~t. Ih n Illllrl,'" " trot'rl. /JllIl ,p.e tbn t. on e. or both, o t tll " ~ " 1'''.11 territory, lind the present pltm is 1.0 lir A 8t,' i c tl~' ri rRI.. c lll " ~ in pvC't' .\" r (' · fl US t r lLins IS in c lu cl od i n .Vtlll l' it i ll t' r hold th E' next IInDunl reunion of this spect. Qu.tlit,y "ncl Jlri rA ~ Ti ~ ltt . Itry . Rut e~ Hl1 tI t1 ~C ti P' l\' t ' I)"vi\ family InOklll homo·. Rel}Ort~ from Cn ll 0.1\[1 RI'C I1 R. W . H. MAcl rl pn ,~. \+-'ts 0 11 r equ os t1. those from tbl\! countr.v who IltIve Co , Corwin . 4', \ '. ~ l ur l1 11Ul-1 h . T I'.L \'t·lIn~ 1' ,1"0":. :\ :.'t settled in tbn t clll1ntry 1\ r e oUllflict . '! .. ( ·lI rt·w IHd h l ln c . 1'ln d\1l1a1 1 t thl' ~ Th o Hllrve, s hnrg FA rt .i li~ l' r ('0. lUI{, BODle fi lldll1g th ey htl va n ot hu~ begllll !,h e Illlltillfl ll' tnre o f its C hambe rlain ' s -;OUg ll R " ll\ pdy benefitt .ed ma.teria lly b.\' the ehunge . fE'rtilize r. whiC'h i!t now r""ri,v for The majorit y, h oweve r, ~AeUl to f~el murk AIds Na.ture . et,. ItA product. is f rt)!<h n nd . that they hu ve f,!reater oJlptJl' tuni ti e~ eo Me di ci n es t hul .ti<illll l n .. t' " . , . " I nt,llin R ti n " xtrn lArgO Am ount o f wn .V ~ rn tJs t t'frCl~ r.'l1 l ll. ( \l " l nllJ ,·q· l lIall · ~ for ncqulrlD g H C,llllpet enoy thnn hone lind nn illl ll l ' nm!,t e r whi('h nou gh R e llletl y uo t R \1 1\ t h1 :-> 1' ~ 1I 1 1 had they remllin ed ill t h e mort' m.lke!! it wort-h morp. for t ltl' money [t nllll YS t.lle co ug h, ,·,·I il' r.1 ,, · thickly settled Eust . Tbe doy of !h .m m OAt. othnr fert,iliz ... !'.. Call or Ino >:", Ilid s e xp"clo l'llti " " . "I" ' u, l it .. the long emlgrtl nt train il! pIIst, bu t t.l'lel1ho lle your orilerfl to UI I" fu ctnry ~(-! c l' el,i o n g, nnd n id9 nnt n fl -\ in 1· 1 · ~ t' l ' for years w corne 1\ Rh ifting of pop. ill g' tll e S.lH te m t o Il I",u lrl, y 1·" ." l i The Ft.on p~ buildin g hll " h ee n .. " l io n . ~ o ltl by L!) ll ullltion from ttll' o lder Stll t-es to the i~ M"y . modelo( l, r ep.lint.od nnrl improv ed in newer Meotions of Ihe oon ntry Illlly n WIL.V t.hAt. udds g ron t,ly t·o its The WHITc n Uo unt.y FII'I' lI'il l b.. be expecte d. "ppeRrn non A ~tellUl lwnt,in g p lllnt he ld fout' d r~y ", Sop t. I v, ~O. :l l II n d l\"R he en ins t a lled IInel nil )lllrt~ of 2:1, at t hp L ph a n n n Fni r (-irll ll ll l l ..:, th e t)l1ildin g, in elutlit.g !.h o Jlost ~ ured o f La.m", Back IIf t"'I' 15 , of:llce adj o ini n~ , \\'i1 1 Ill, h"1l t OIl b.\· ZIMMERMAN'~. Y e ars of Sulf"rt DIl the radillto r !'y~t,pm . Thp. C . L. " 1 hn,l " pe n t,r o nl .I.,,1 with I I1 ItlI' Kr e ll klcr Furnltn re e n. \\'il1 o(\Q I1P ~' buc k f".· fit' t t·p o y .~ "r~ II till I f" m ll t" th e tirst nnll " 0[\1) 11<1 Ii () .)r~ of tl .. , CO U1IJle t4' l' oeo \9p r .v ill t 11 " 11 "'1-' nf C hull1h o rl,lin ':-; P Hil} 1 ~1I1111 ." ~n .\'~ bUlldi~g . .Iutm G. B"h f' ''. U.I "." . 1.. ,1 Tid, IinuulP nt i." uh"' tl \\·it,l ll.q t n I l 1'111 111 G o t art: Ch aap (o r ~ pruin ~ utld l l rt1i:-ot · ~ J r 1 ~ IIII' H it rn n v wull t hmk . III' ""~ J,!o t utl' ~lll e bv Lu ui" 1\ln " . Ch AIl]). wh o , U.ft .'T htl "inc (·011f."tt c t4ll1 COllRt,ijm ti o ll o r inlli !.!p!-'tt o n . is still Ilhle t o l'f'rfrct ly r esl nrA' hi ~ I",tllth Tbf\ Be~t New York CrPRm NOt.\ liD ~ will d u thi~ hnl 0 ... Kin ~:~ New Lit'" Pi l k 1\ qnkle . pl l' tI ~ IIn l.. A LB. n .II"If: E \ ' I L I. V-. 11 11 f l. lin d cprt:!in "n ..[\ fo r hl'nli" " II n, nO l1 · SI·IW I AI.TI £(t;llSlf;i n n , (, 1(' ES : :!:H' :\t 11 .\. '", 11J'11 g' ~t nr f' . f : 11 11 fllnt.,:u .,J ANII CRILOln :"

t,he ffu,"prs of til " I,i ttl ,' ~lillll' V .• ll".v huv" "'I'U\\ II u · · bnlll)J.' r · p lllllpkin (,rtll' ti d_ filII.





HplJl"' l


FLOUR 80 cts. a Sack.

Ohe sse l6c

Sta r Tin Can s, ' 40 cts a doz. HAII1iIl ~ \ \Tux Frt-'t '.


Dut ch Jav a Ble nd Coff ee 17 cts. a lb. yonr

" . ~ III (! l '"~ inl!

18 cts. a doz . (i.t.

t h~

ttl M



~n t o

It MAN . S

O f Cou r &!

A ttll c lt E' d b V " An !llu ·a t pl1. i n n lllhn r

f' llvPr4,tl ( ' /I I'

A rn i('u

Southern ity.

From Cinc inna ti to all Impo rtant Cities South. Southwest and Southeast. Reduced rnt("s on the first and 1hinl

TuesdayS DC cnch month .

For infonnatio n address nil. W.18U. D,r.I .•llb ft .... 81 ... l'.Iadl..lI. W. !. QAlIETT, Q. I.. W. t.IIIUIlIl lJ, Q. r. !., ellellll.1I . '



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\\' hen \' O \lr heat! a (' h,·s. there is a st o r~l n in th e ll l'I'\' UlIS s)' !-Jt Ctlt , l't' nt e ritl g in the ur ;l in . T h is ir ri ta tio n pn du ces l':Ii n i u Ihe h ea d . alld I ltt' tllr\,l;]l 'llt

llI T\' t: ,,: urn."l t :-: l' llt h ) tl!'~' :I:. :&(h Cllbt'S lI ~Ht:--.t':\ , \ 'u : l1 it i ll g', T hi s i ~ ~i"k " ,·:\,]:It'I.,, . :tud i s d ;l tl g'C f O ll S , a ~ i n 'litlc ' ll l :l ll d

1)1'\ IU Il ~e d a l t :lc k " w('ak c u \ he: b rain , r es ul t illg' in lv ss oi ll1entor \' , illtla\l1I \\:Itioll . {'pi · krsy , iit s , d idi lll·ss . l't e . .\11 :1\' tllis s tv r lll\' . irri t a t ed, :l (' hill~ t:o n d it io n . h :~' tal, itlb' I k :'Il ik s ' :\ lll i- I':lill I'il! s . Tlt l'\' SlOp the pain I,,· soo t ll ill g' , -;t ren g': hellin g- a nd r elic\,j n ,~ th e t l·I i":. in.1l U P() II t ill' lI Cf\ ' (' S

by pa.a!,· z ill l-: t l"·I1I. :\s dn ", o~t Il ea' belt" rrllll'l:i es. 1)1' . :'l il cs· : \ lIti · I'aill P ii l, d o 11 0t cOl\t a in 0p \U I1I . nt o r l' l,i ll L',


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o r :-;illl: t.1r d rll(s.

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I , l l,\'

MA1N ti' I' Uti:tC1 \


It suppl ies the kidne ys with the su bstan ces they need to build up th e worn out tissues.

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:?;IP ut

und .. uI ·II \\,11 "; !-: I l ' n ll . ,, ' 1I~ () it. in IIl \ '


- - -

I 'olmn bu~ Stock IIml P o nt try F ooll

nntl L o n s n Kil1 Hr u t,

Kidney and I t sooth es and heals the urinBladder

Fole y's Kidn ey Cur e


it will mak e you well.

TWO SIZE S 60c &. $1.00







Used by the Most


Specialists for all Kidney and Bladder


A Physic ian heeled , now prescri bes It dally.

~11I~"s r lrn~ ~ t. n Tf' .


ily to the wond erftd curat ive powe r of this great medi cine'.


M" .v ·~.

A R e m e dy Witb e. lIt '" P er " L fiun r;lu ilulJn r lll l :-; 'o"UU'" find Li ver TlllI 1., (,s 1n l1 r Ih-' nf'fir'illl I,hnn 1111 .\' oth " r ""lIl edy [ p Vl'r u~ I'11 f ol' stnn \lI f"h tr t )11hl(", " ~l\.v!ol .T . p , Kl o t l' . o f Ed i'1/I. Mo . F or nn y tHR· ! or.lor of t·b e sl,.mlll oh, hi1iou".w~s or co ustiPllti oo, tlt t>so 'l'llblet!< lIt" with . onl, /I, peer . F o r ~.t1 e hy Lo ui ~ Mu y . .


D ... 0 1(0 . EWINO •• pracl lcln/! physkiall of SlIIllh'8 Oro \'r. Ky ., fu r ovo r Ih lrt." ,Ypars, \\'ril (' ~ til !'! JII'r8o lm l ('x pl' rit ' llo (' with Fult'_Y',) A'idll ('Y C urt:: "r~Jr Y(o lll·it l l1 a v ~ b .'l' !l #! ff' ally ho tlU"rpd w ith kic1 f1f'." all d v l a dd ~r t ruuul e 1I1H1"lIla rg'('J I l g l:lIIo . 1 u :-it'd (' \'(' ry tillug know" to till" pru (PriMiol1 without r r lll ,r, unt il I <:omlll (\ !u,:('d to us.. Fol,,),,s " 'id ,/()' CII I'," Aflt'r In k III!'; t hrr·c hll tll os I w us (·utin·ly f' PJiev,· t1 Hull c llred. I prl. ~u· rl1 .n ir now d a lly in Ill ." p rn c Lil'l' a Tl d III ,at'l ily n'cunlll1 t'lId Ir ~ li St; to all p ' lysl da ul:i fu r ti UC'lI tru ul1it 'HI fur I ('all honr :it I," ;tt ato 1 ha , ' ~ I're8 ctlwd I~ 10 hUtldreds or c.ued wlLh I'",rect

IU c Cedlt,tt



LOU iS MAY , Orug gist.


11 .. \


H f" ~ .

Guaranteed for all Kidney and Bladder DISeases. 'Is Safe and .sure,

ary organ s and in vigor ates the whol e syste m. If yo ur kidne ys are deran ged, comm ence taki ng

hf ~


1 11" .. WIJu dcJ'hu

, F 0 I ey' s Kidn ey Cur e

,,111 " '"

. ' ,. :; hl ' l' l," h\' re l un l ' I, I \I. IJ\\' E LL 'S

t,t u" lIcc llu , IIII .. ul. ~l1 } i ' h r .r. E . .I n ll '''·\·

cures the most obsti nate cases of kidne y and bladd er diseases.

I '

n~ .

\ 11 ' '··I I ·, . t



P EIJ ::'. N!:; Y~ (J ? CO. 1'\1 1'

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F l' H~ IT 1I nI ~

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fnmil." ." wl' il< " Ii .1. W plp- h . o fTI' . km"hn . ~ti l'h .·.. " nll fill ll it. pn .. f" f' t" " I t\\pl~' '/!rP ll t fnt· , ' nt~ IIn ,l hnrn s.


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I hu 1'I 1 1!1\.~ ".1: It 1I 1!1 i ,~- , 111,.'rit·!1l'I·" in I !le IIP1''''1' }Jar l Ilf I h I' ahd. l\;I.·,1.

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A II .t rt· 111' 1. 1l"~t 'll tn l 'IIII .. u l l Ur t: re rn e 111'''''ll l1 ,\n ,\ ' or h ,\' 111 ,11 1. l'n tln: i." ( ree . p,. Cft' I·lIt· tll'''''t' !1 uLlf·ttll ... tn u ll w ho . ,I II , I ll ,, ; lI ~ ~\ , ·r II : 10-11," " ,Ii 1.... l" .. 11

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F. A .

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r"l1 ~ 1I1 t' ... )o.lfI ~ III till' toft'l, UIIII I\ tl tn .,. IL !S .. .. l l \lli l n'cllh ~ ll·t. I, IIr tllll" :-' lin d h ce il

H EI ' , II: I NO \ ' I'; III1 ' I. I·'l-


Cures Acute I t will cure Brigh t's Disease or I and Diab etes if taken III time, and a sligh t dis order yield s read- Chronic

Down 60ls the Price ot Flour Wa,nasville, Spring Valley and lebanon.






t l,t' ~ \ ;- rnp or ... bfo l ~ Le i ' ld O. u \u

\ ._nn: ~I\' c:' t.l and rlltl n t.h .· d hi t il" l int" '" " h'm of, ur ... . I L irf ~' . . h Il P('t'I t-t h ·


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)1 ' 1\11' 1\ 1·, 1 I ·

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.'L 'I'h l' pr . Gr"" 11 T I'!'ltf, IJI I' n t. - , r N " r va Ii " H ilt! 1 ~ I.i·':,,,,, 1J.~",,~r' ~.

\\ J. ' '' Y'' '111 ..



Wa rre n Co unt y Courts.

sc Leb llno n (:ius Co .. gliS Itt juil 2 G ~ .z ·1'I* -< O .. " lO' , rSY"'"mi Ou r Le ctu re Co urs e. W. 8.. ~tllllagfl aud Co.; de. ( 'OUR T pnW!l!lIJl~a ·e . Wo me n Dr r um me rs :Uk I Ii IIquuu I. dlllolicH .ltl t or 1'0:.l~!I . . Jutt le u,,, g YII Mllf 'fhe dllteH for our lect ure cou tbel Auu ll.<.Ir Itull 'l'rtiltllurt>r 2& in Wa yn esv ille. rue . A . t:ltoke8 . Cal e tjett led UO the eom ing wiu Itnrl d18. Y. B. B.vm~u . olot hiug tul' bu vu been un· \\', 11. \ 1.I. I',N " II I, IIt1 ,N' 1 ,I , I. ' '' .\H' I '\\, l l1 r.lI 'I '' CA~ miAK611. for "It.II, nou nced as followM : For th e firs t time in its his tory t; :;..O r; pris one rs ... : .. ... .... .. .. . .. . JJ.J~ ':f \' HJI:> ~ jU. S IlJ , '· NT , 3 40 Tuc Way Nda nesv y . PRO B .\TJe 0011 81'. ille N ovem was ber 7. Dr . A. A . vi ~ ited by ge nuin e Ber t Ittll1u. brid ge repl tu'" in EMtllte of Mur ie M . .MeUm, min Dee rfiel u town llh1 p ..... . aa 7~ ·Wil lits. "A g ram l o lrl Ullin of the wom en Ilro mm erH Tu psnn y . or. plo. tforw , " will lect ure ou 1St,(Jullli Hcc uun t tor IIIcttltmount "Su o· \Y Of)len dru mm ers !Lrc n ot unc,,"l. llled . Flir r IInu Whi to, cem ent ..... . 16 00 shiu e. ~;Mtl\ tu~ r";r Hott hml ellt: mou in th e lu rgel ' Uuo ye b'. W . HIlI.bltw uy. brid ge reo Wodnt:'sliIlY, N ovoll1bor ~2, Tbe havo sold um IU\,l1 citlc s. bllt Ib ey tiulluno.i, ullOtluljQd , filth uoo puir tl iu \VllyUtl tow n. rlml the I'lI\'IIl Il i~· oun t; Mor pho t Itnti Stevcn~on Nov EuaHy L . MoLolle, min or taftb IIhlp ...... ... .... ...... .. ... ..... . 10 c lty trict~. and :&5 Co . will eute rt,uio tht> pou lio wlt·h It !luu l Mouuu nt; JClizubeth B. A )JtLTty of. t hree you ng Hoe l. Xen ia Cit.y Wor k Bou se, wom e n [JoUluinut.ion of mus ic IlUd m~gi I1rri ll",cell"lld, Urllt uud 1Inlll II('c \'ed on the t,e n o 'cloc k trtlil lr:ee pinK c . prlHOntlrH dur ing onn t; l Sutu rdny , Dec emb er 2:1 , the 110t.e TllU rsllllY mOl'nint Mur y E Ttty lor, deceafled . tint Aug ullt ...... ...... ...... .... .. II ; 1\1111 wh on they d lind 50 bumoriMt, Ber bort. Leo n lJope, will mud c tbei r appe ufIl nce on UUIlI ucu uuu t; JltDlIlH F. Dun Muin hum , Cha rlell 001110, rcp ..irl! u.t give his lect ure on "1'l1e ~mil e dUl!6IltiOlI, deoo nd III.,'count; JOli cou rt hOU8 t.hat stre ot with th eir g ri)Js und pura phil . U ...... ...... ..... . l!a 60 won eph 't Uomo ofl' . .• nlllin, they u t. tru ctod CO Il~ld o Ii. lJh" pwl to, dtlOO8t!oo, tirllt rlllJl ll lind Joh n W. JOOtl~. broo:t;ing if Iltt.o UIOul bccu unt ; Mar y EIll'.abetb Wedo utio n . e~li radl dY . Feb ruar y 7, the Mo· rs Ilt I:!hcrifl"s l:iuw over , t ho .\,UI\I\t; Sull I. lIart wOl "lin . litlUe.IHed, tirMt "nd tlnll l:;yr llen . npho seem .relli ny dtlu od Cluh oe U {)ous . ...... of tom ..... .. .. .... .. New Yor k , c(1 to t h iH. l uc, r, 00 will ()uu ut; !tuc bel IS. K",lh.y, dOOeu.8e Guo rgs E. You ng, I'tlr gh'e 11 hil.(h (J loIH~ lIlUSiCIIl ent er unLl got d o wlI to IJUsin em. tit oneil. t :lrd ti, · ~eouuu Ilud tin .. 1 uee qua IIl1lury .. .... ...... 100 00 tliiolUP-lIt. !loth \'o<,',Ll .. 1ll1 inHt ru. 'J'he y we re repl'osp g th" ~;II oon t; M.t y ~y men t.. l. aw u r, o.iCOtlllHtld, firllt ,IUd flnll Cba rles Tu s k Son p Co . • sel1in~ t o g Stlb bs fina l esti lilnt e l UO r U('o r" uuu ut. Illld IIlltking IL hou se t,o hOl1 se clln !:ihllo Arc h. .. ... ...... .... .. 243 75 Mond .. y , Feb ruM Y :&6. L. B . Wi \,II M ok . of t he to wn got.ting t,bu (ll'o miso ersbulll, one of the m Oll t po Bult luao ro lind Uhi u l:;outb wes 1'. C. Patt erso n, boa rdin g 01 pult lr t. b on~(\wiv ()s to u"n t,hei prla oner ll ...... ..... ..... ... .. li8 er .. Ruill'Und lOIllj.II.ny VII 'l'hO r pr olln ct. 20 om tors of the \Vcs t. will lect ure on IDII~ Cen tral Uni on fel. Uo . rent l! the sub jeot , "Br e .. king thro ugh '1'. ,lUll lIt..ry li~lll. h . Vou rl urti - - --._ -th e on Th e 8eo gu... und tolls ..... ..... ..... .. .. 16 l1umbe r o f per.lUns ill delt'udulJl~ notl tif'd to IIPPP 10 IU' \ !Sept. "' uyn n~v iJl e 1111<1 vi cini 11. 1"0:" ut \I o 'cl'JCk ut whi ob tim. Inqu est uf Wil bur Wri ght Th e pric e for Il seus oo tick et ty wlt o hfl\' e i~ Ill et c08t1'.... .... ...... ...... ...... .. . 10 3S only with m ow or I ~ss seri o us neci prel imiD l.ry questiuu>! will he b!lu Si ll~l e geue rul u.dmissio · rti Inqn n den ts this spri l!llt of Mrs . IS. T. Bar o. Exu mio ntlo n of the Cou ng nnti s umm er is is :15 ceD ts; chih lren I Go. nty reully ns tollitlltio g. Alm ost hurt , costI! . .. ..... ...... ...... 10 20 Tr.1I8or y . W . l:i . Juuk~uu uuli ThA pub lio hll~ not com e forw ov cr\, M. J Inqu llrd wcn k for est of Juli a. Stob er 008tlf 14 20 with t·hel r )Jutr Hl1tchltlon IIVI> 0IUI...<1 1.0 eXll ~c\'eru l m ont·lt" Ih e onn ge us prom ptly min. hil S puu lil;hr-ll ,Jot!. Cor ring ton, lum ber .. ... . 17-1 Cou llty l'rell~ury. I'ppu rt ti of 87 UH thoy !lh ould , cOll side ring the from one t·o fOI\l' or (h'c rJ()('ille nt~. Con qun trac lity of the en t ertu inm en ttl offe t· '11'11.8 mnd e with Ber t In re Mll rgur et E. Bow r· An acci don e, a Ree ~EE t 1Il 1II,\' CO III O t o IIny onl'. d for corr uga ted sew er nea ed. To pay exp ense s nt. !eus wur thy blin d pertlon. App Ax n r t 2(;0 Iluy timo lica nt . IInri in (:n s() it, eO lll o~ t,h ere resi deno e of Mill er eats te in DA!, ~eus on tlcket~ mn~t ue gran ted .2& 1\ quu .rter . Bold . Tick ets iR only lr. 0110 ce rtai n prot.ecti field t~wnl!hlp lit $2V 75; for on . An Dew nlllY bo Mecur etl from U. E Bl'u tten . etM e va &nj :om in Whl tuor e. IIceid ent )Joli cy ill thn Aot.n u De ·ston e abu tme nt.8 In DeAr field [nsu r · tow n· Who n Wn ntln g fend llut pleod~ guil ty tu steli nnce Co., of w h ich Fred n. liol! I!hlp ut !116S 00 ; for oorr ngll ted !:;lt nr . sew er It blcy ole lIud Itl IjQnteuced to jllil woo(l i" II g'P Il t.. ~IlU l'llnt pps .1' 011 fOI neal ' resi deno o of J. Kib t.h e bev iD ten dnY8 lIud to plly the cou pnyn ll' nt nf Il cort nin ~ UIII if b 01 Dee rfiel d tow nl!h lp at, $24 2li. . ~' O ll prOl!eo\ltlou . mot· with ,UI ncci(l out. Thi nk C'llAl U JKR SU Ll . I\' A~, wll ( ISC pl tu : t: ur rCI'II Cuu truo t was lIuHle with the wlm l nc c ttl unku vwlI . will lI~"C no Or· ttl' 10 tb", nllltl~r of tllll Hpp licat t ice t.h at. Alle l\ thiN In enn .. nn rl Uuln cl:t ti l d hb l )CLl lIoo In holY 11 61111111 tllf' ioll el(uDill Brld gu Co ., for repa the 'our tuf C l.l II I ' . i ring mon PJea:t ot \Vu.rr c n I ~o of Edw iu Mur"lJlII til he Itdm itted uut y . Ohlu , on t. ht, mon ey will he t tl .vroll wbi le yn n nIt' to and rel)18clllg Mun ger brid ge Hlth Jay nt AUKU~H. 1110 nea r Chnr ;., uw-al n -;l ",ah l lal.l bull . (:ilveu b.ul of IjlfiOO cond ition ull. 'l'lw n tllik th A nr ()VI\! )c:o. SUIl I\'IUI alta o lllor A. :,\UiLl n i-: ed re8i deno e of Joh n Pllr khil l ' ' . 1l11on g in Dec r· uthe r t hill/.('" that Ra itt Allen lI alu tor his "Pll e.. rttliOe uefu re Milt /Jjo. L"! til l' with Ilm.1 Rh .. r\\' (l()(l . GUY t1e ld town llhi Jl I1t ta9:! .7l. OWII I! ( I II [('l' or Iu] uudlv RlLlplI \'nry lllCll o llr IlI lrl l t ill' •· .. n~O 'llllol till, the muy or, 8 ept . H, 41105, full uwi ll K tle.... CI H)c,1 reu l c~lut (l Itt d ~ , to -wit : Con trac t '11'118 mud e with F . a. III. W. " Uelm : llart !'! 0 1 l u t ... ~u . OU t: ( I ) alltl Bllthu.wltY for con oret e reta (a ) in 1·'r a. llldln ~llu.lrc III inin g tWhree lIh.' t o wn 0 1 Eo.lbte of Inez E. Fur , tieoou8et aY ll c H\'lli c. W.arr etl Co unt.r l wall on Way neB ville u.nd Xen ia , t 111 111 . pike Uet; lnnlo g at u ltOi n l nnt! Fin t !I Dd fin,,1 acoo unt (or I16tt huu l l r~lI and ,Jun e :t:" le neu r resi den ce of J. Nix HHl;" IJll~ :~e J\g- e r tr,LlUK UVPJ { I07) te e l w es t uf I bl) sou on in M\'Cn th f.:or ner b t men t tiled lot. No. on ~ (t, ullll 1n lohe Way ne tow nsh ip Ilt IlltoO.OO . sout h it u e or l ot the Pun n"y l\'IInili Lin .. s l enVt No, oue (J) on Miam I stree l W"y t , nUtl r ~lnJlln~ In re wlil Luo y E. Murkll ue8 viJiu ht uti" n 1I ~' full o w!': D(,' with tb e Hnc o t Mnln d •• ~ t.rt: e t N, :1I Y,.:o g " r;a C6Aded. Commillllion to tu ke t.wo (2, t" chee: to th e iV t8 dep o For th ll EIl"t v : :;·1 II . III . ; :1 :·Ii Oc tob er Te rm Jur ors . ""hi ~y . fel. etV. a F'ndalrho lrn to .1 . U t:lia pwan : p. 8itio n of Frll deri cll J . HU8llell tbe n ce wit h t.he line ot ·Hald iotsN . i,t' Xo W ., til .; I::iund"y unly .1 0 :~ uf I J1 tn. to an O~A uUcy ND JURO R!!. ; l.hen cc KO Ulh 31 }." D W '1 LOA NS NEG (.lT IA·l 'ED . O~klund, (.'.11 , 11!8ned. :Ia t eet and two [:!) IboilC $ t o tht" , ~ NO TAR Y PUB L!. · For the \\' C8t \l :O ~ It. III ; G :0. Cl\fJ t l'4h.1e o f Mlurn t Joh n ClI.8key, W ..yoe tow n8h lp. In r6 Bltrlt>y N. Bail ey, in8ll .. treCL: lbc ll(,"C S , r,tS Xc E p .. We to Lh c ll1d.cC 0 1 Ill. hav e buy e rs for good form s and De ; ~l1lHlllY nnly -I ·r", 'L be i lunln j.;.:' tow n prop erty at all time a. Ill . Adw ltted tu tbu Dtty ton A8y Joh n Den man , Dpe rfiel d tow lnm n. Li Rt with UR, we cun h elp you And U.1at KIlMd cfelll lllul Char For pnrt ioul llr info rlllllt.ion 0 11 abip . for the Inllllne. l cs Sullh ' nn , the Is u tena nt In comm on "'ltn suit, plulu llff In ~ubj( ' ·t npl, l .v t,n said real eM H ,,~ BOIl I,h , R , B. Cor win . Tur tlec reek tow Office RoomH ove r Pos t Offioe lo hat lobe l)ia lnll ff (} c~ lr efo E.~tlate of Aon DelDplley in Stoo ps' Bui ldin g. n. to h old hhl tnte rlUlI1 , de/leftsed ship . el'fl 10 :snltl la-nIl i n t\C \' t:ralt " , Wuynt>~vill e. O. amll }ray tn g tha t 11arll t lolJ Flrl lt lind Ilnlll acco unt for BAtt1 the re of Inn)' bfo 1l made AllIllOn Tny lor, Clea rore ek tow rdluK t o hl.w ulltl for ,",u c h o llu: r WilDt filed . n. reli ef U!Iacco '4altl pl ai nUff may be e ntitl ship . ed t.= In! BUN OAY t:x ' u nalO N the prcm ttltH. 1'0 l' IN UINN .<TI SUM~ER In tlit> IIIl1tter of the Ill'lll\olltiun Saltl C harl cij 8 ul11\ of JOHeph Blld ley, Clea rore ek tow rt:'lu lred lt1 VIA 1't£N NSYI.lV ANIA Fr,'s h Fr\1it~ IInli VpgetlLblfll< Edw in Mu nha ll to be Itdm ltted LI SI£S, n. unsw cr suitt Iw tltlon on'aoor l !!l l.Jf"fO r c hav t he-!t e ClLlI. Also orl-Dued good to 8btp . ll daY 'o f N o \' e mbe r , JUO!; . or Sept: ~ 1. e.cllr.I" " <.I cll"," th e l)ray er or "" Id buil . Adm'i tted to bail In the 8 pemlo~ will be ~ruIII Ca Via Pcno N\'l v:l nl a Unf'S will (Q C ~, " III""LI 111111 nil r endy ooo k ed arti cle,. sum . .Je8!le· Mon tz, I,'rfl ukli n tow . lJc ~old li t j:.I.' rvun d Lrl l l ·froU1 Wa YIlI.-'Il\· IUc n. 1)1 .700 for hill . oppeHrnnCtI gnlnL !' on Nl1(.·rln l ut tbl' ship . .t\ r.I.I': N II AINJo :S. I raln ICI\ \' I II j.: uI I't:!!~ n 1Il , I' We h,lV O n il t,heso, /lull II CO·lllllet.e ('ULr :ll t..h tl t~ , By HUlIy un .t. StU ll l ev . hl l'o C"molOD Pleal! Con rt. a tt ornt.·y:-. stuo k of othe r groc erie s UesideB I:!amnel t OCL. 18 But terw orth . WRyne )lAU RIAU E LICI!: NSII; . EX ' UJ!Sj IlN Wo "Ail !lro ES IInx T() iou~ tlmt, you 1(ive our tow nsh ip. t: INl ' INNA TI \' IA stor~ a trilt l. Com o iu and see JesKe W. Ross and Pt!8rl Will!On, PK NNS YI.V ANIA I.1NIt~. our S"o( I_ , Rob ert Bra nde nbu rg Hltm tlton b llth of Sou th ' Leb anon . St,' pl clIl ber l. b , tU lh IIU" ::Olh . cx cu.ll'olon Rev . tow mbi p. c. A. A ld erma n and W , t,; , Moor e, Reco l \'c r :- tl c l"~L'4 til l'ln c lrllllH I. lu~ C () Un L Gow dy. Merc haul :f TH E CO RN ER GR nllfl ;\I OlnU ranu rc r ",' ..~ X I;KJ:SCH I!:DU LE OF PAS Sf;N OC ER Y, . Laf oye tte Rile . Fru nkli n lI hlll . will h e !oInltl OEII 'I'II AINS . tow o· vlu I' c UllioI\' lnll1 la J. lllt':o. FrHllk Dru m ;JolillR. Mnn roo, ~nd (re lll H:ldu tllJIIII . NOR THB OUN D ship . S(!lm a . Ye il ()'w S llr lugK ..l Ull Jlltl' rrllCl llaLc Rox ie P"o rl litew llrr, n"u r Leb S'rA TION S No. I v NO,:I " ~ta t l(ln " rtn" u Rob ert Mon ger, Cleo.rore llk tow n. B. A. l_ivinI/8toll . AM AM I'M IIhil>. L\", L eban o n, O.:Ji, l'err y A. WOllib ,Id nea r LyM u.:lO J. ~IO ",au Eli:.' (;RS ION F' AIlE~ '1'0 UIN, ' INN A1'r VIA L\' , Ldan t.i e, F . M. Bu'n ieall , UnioD tow nsh "II ," I " ti, :ltl " 1. all .... 311 ip. ~ \" IJ Ot.hl fi &n(1 M"r y Wug ner, Itooytle. H.!,O "U i:, : .HI "' ,H, Alhe rf. Sne ll, Blliem tow nshi p. L .... . ({I ~ hn t:r " U,:,:! "\l. H ~ e pfl ' m lJc r :! ,H h t o " I. ; i " 1.-4 : RlC. u: aTA TIt TRA NU'lC RIl. ;It) t h Lv. V,wa blt" "'I.M "il .. I' " J.4 IJ "4,"" !!f [o n t k krll'o to ~ jl1 c1ulla , 11I t' l u fJ jvc, ·cx c ur , J . M Dill , Tur tleo reek tow nsW tl. L\', t:lbre,,.ood IiC, · OUIJt, Onkh -y p. .. tJ .r, ~ ' ~I. :,;j D ' 1. ; . :1 Park T G ' r .. aud , .& :1 C:rl' t ult i r\l t l'ctln :: wil l Ill' Buill " In ThOlDIII' co . t,\' L)' tlc Alv in 8ml th, Bum ilton tow rRm er e j,O l n.M Pcnn s\'h'l ul ta Line ... fro r:n a 1.;,.\ ·0 hi " o· ,:11, RR I\ ING A'l' HU TC HI SO N ~ c i m a. I v. Man or Y e llow Wllh>tIJI Vel dt; lot In Mor "-; .011 " 10.01 "!! .Ol " ,"LII! S prlll ~!-I . Hh.: tlU10I1 fl IIoml Ifllc.' rfli e dlaLC Gi BN EY 's row 8 p. f.4v, <...e nl c n'l lh: IJotll UL j I:! 10.07 '.! 117 t11)\I (l, :, .U: I .. ·... Hem pst eud Cha rles Ea8 ton , Fra nkli n to" 7 .'1U 10 , 1:' :!.I fl [,.1 :, EXC L\". nrRio Ro"l} t n Ti n. ~"", n 'H~ "j .:!:.l " . 0 . 17 III Phih l lh-i lilhi u " ~. I j ":,.1; JRI1lI\~ M. Hllr t t() W D. M~EI. tblp , I..v. Sn3.k t."r Cr . i .:!R 10 :!'~ :.! .l!'! r, ,:! :.' Ar, [ A'bl}u on J c , i,aU lO.:!! frl\Hh ; lot in Roa ohe .der ; 11117(;. ', :!. ~,-I :1, '1;, .ICTIT JUBO RIJ. C, l1 . &lJ, 1l. & XT U. II . l. U. e , iut u , SO l'w ml mr I.~'lh , HI , Ul u.l Otr. ytoll 17 t h, t.=.'( c u r slo ll 11.40 11.00 Joh n G. Val l t,•• Her bert Bnt~ a.flo D. tlckc t"l to i'lItl a(h'lp hla , " .0 0 B . B~k ett, MlUl8ie tow nsht p. eld i1t'c oun l Mc e llnl-' o.&x, 'r , 1 " ~t,X , ' 1' II x ...'1;:' ,· Oelll j'·o l ll) w :.., P :I L r l ~l lot in r~bRoon; rl: h 'N Milit al it II n il Art hur Bea n, CICIlroreek, tow ~ . II0 :-W'. :" "0 erclV II (an tlll I A)rlg r , will (I.UII n. Ill ' t1 ckut s:tatt un ~ (I n th e p ,t: nll .-:uhl frnm .1I SOU THU OUN U Wm . Hl'n ry Ano MHt~' Bt;hlg~" to Rhip. Good~ .p~ lnll1lu. Lint' s. C "'or full Jlu-rl lc t1l t lr ~ r(' ~an l lr : K I nl'''~. t l llle of Dav id Gre eD, Fra nkli n tow nsh AM PM Alb ert nnd Adp llne Hun t.fir ; two tl:a tu 'C , r.:tur"1I lim i t . l' Ll' .. ip . LEA" X il llpl ;\' I n l oen) No :! & Nn" o No Olio N,·" ", I Ui! kt.: lI1 g l' nt o r t h (:Kc Itll'· ~ . -tract", In : TllrtleorpPIr: t.ow n8h lp; 'Fra nk Mill er, Fra nkli n towntlliiJl. Da yton : C. H . ,~ 0 [, OU W A. Bllinill', MIIl!8le town !lblp . Oa~' t on : U . & X , T . 700 ;. 00 1lI00. ~ uch 10 0U Ond LO w ~' AHK 8 Wf:I:IT L eba nou ANI! SOU' 1'I1 WK.'l 1·. R . •1. Mnr rllY , \VnsliiD gton tow tion j "'0 '! art WI1Ullm ' W"~~on lind wife 10 ar, u :w n. ~h3\(er C' ,Junc HPi( t ' I A I. II O M JC slC ..: K .if.U I' o ssl n j{ . to 8bil). 7 -4 '! ;! :I '; Piq lle,Li~len8, Galat~a. In :17 U:I:: ... ' KX U U U ~ l nNH Rt~phHn K . ~urph~ : lilt· R o~ ~')n ' 7 -4i ':':,, :! ' III-I '! 'tI :r;VIA I'ENN SYLV AN IA I.IN~ in \;oll th Hemp'Leull Dal lu Tho mps on . Dee rfiel d tow :I! . j ,~IO :.! ";1 to ":1 I: .. U Leh Rno n; n- C(>n~n' llh~ '; rlJ'( :.! rl l ,\II ), I' li e ,: ,·.nll· IU" l. l t ln~ a It I ;.;{ U 411 .' whIp . \ !'I JI \\, ... !<\\ Ulay Man o r ' Nt'''_ ':! :,j' ElmorA fl. Ofll hllm to Ann ' l fl r.1J ·'I:. ·~ t:\ ke ;u l\,un w t-: I' Il l' !.lIt" rr',I UCl' rl f urt' " lur l~~' L1 c Ih e E. :- (HI ;i u:.: _p, ·d lll IJ lIl11t' · S " , ' I{t· r .. ' ".~~· I I 0 , B 1\: . •. , H . Roh II II :o,'"II'" , ' 111 erts on, Was hing lon f.J dgew o(1I1 Baf:h A\1\' IIY : lilt in 8prl llKh '~ I '~ ' :1 or, . , I II: .: 110 ,.\1\' ,111 1., I.lne :; t .. 11I11 1I l r- I n Cnl ' lI ;111 " I '. ' nn , orll ; 81500 tow n8b \' cn ll.ble . IIl a ho, 'M In ip. ':\ IIlI ' II II ''; lI,j lllw .I . 1, :, n l4 :, ,,, ;\1 111111' '' ICIAnnllr S Opy. 1l1ll1r"lsn, etc .• '11 I . .\I I .. ~ I'\l r t . ;\1011 · l{itc hnt!r 'x 11' ':1 11 of . , I I:, ,': 0 ; a n " Sct" 'u :<\lw . til t' l);dil l.I :11'I . I I lJo{III N I· t-:UII , \\';t~ll Olic ar Lud lum , &Ie lll tow nshi 'I-I:tll ,I I ;-1 II 1:, , ~ I 1 ""\ 11 11 'l'l' xa", :ulII lllill' Wil liam L DAv ; Int. in Fra nkl r !'o ' · I ' l t "" .~ III til. ' \\ ' , ' .. p. L r l aud in; t 'to '!! ' 'H .!:! 1141 I n 11 11 tilt' ~ l at l' ''' of ' 11 ::" ':; ' Fra nk Loy , Frli nkli n tow nsh 11\1' "',,"11 1 t195 0 lit! ip Arr1W' I.eba n o n Ma;, :;:111 11 :11l '; :1. ~ " J P ' " \' l'r 1H'1\·O l'CI ':' Jllm Dally )'i"I' es llI l l \ 1", I\"t'it' r l'o tt, ttl · e" c f~ pt.. SU lIIlu ), . ' Stoll 8. Vun derv ort, 'Va yne ~~.~----011 ... 1.... lI a l. \·,·... t i ),! atr · I1 Il .. j n l· .. ... 1I11I · , il lI ).!' ''; . 'l'h" O'; I, l l dw t .... SUN IJAY ON LY tow n8h lp.. \\ I II 1,1' "" .. a I" I'C,' [ a I Il ,1 :t [, ' " II u r III~ 11lf' ~ 1IU1 Co mm iss ion ers ' 1I" r I ll' tll tl .· " i n ("rlll . l l l"u Dan iel Art hur , [)'cerfield tow ;1'" l() r;,rc}>I. I, O ll\.! 11 LIlli '':' " 11' n. Nort. .hhou nd \\1 11 h . · 11'1' .. 1" ( u rnl ... I,,'" j :,Ua . Ill . ;. , ' ~ JI I II l / Jl II I! ,II'I'I II-at Pro cee din gs. 8hip . S o uthU o llIlC1 l .. n I " I'" 'a l Ild, .·1. .lgt'1I lI.t!i'L 111 1 of ; tlJ II " I'l ' n ..;y I \, :I 11 1.1 1.1"" " Z:")C , :tckeL OnI CC14 ut Dayt on . n . & t ill ;. X " :::1 L u .1 1\111" 1I110wp.1 ~pt.. 11 190r; . low ~ ,r c el Arca d o. 1 l ' . II ·, oS: P 11 111 (111 IH' P"! U O~lF()]{T~, ~noo Rew ard , t10 0 Joh n C . HIlWkp, cAm ent 1129 (:I"' ''il ~111l1"'P" Trip " t n Vur W . E Moo r ... Oeu·1 p''''" ' 'ul!" 50 , The reu. der8 of t.hl8 pltp i Ol1s r 1\ :: ' er will he Leb ano n lOtI and Cool Co 101' Poin t ..:. v iii p (ll nl1 !'l.~~ h· nnlu. Linp ~L\'J"rINGS, ~. Le hlln nu. Olo\!;~uoo yarrl~ P . P. MIIlt:WfllI , cell lent allll :I 8:1 plelilletl to lllllrn t.llll.t I·ber e iM u.t •': X(·ur ",II' " lk IH'l.. \\ It l II" ' leas t one drel \ded dlBell~e thnt t:o lll "I a P 'nlh, 'l' \':lIlI a 1. 111,·:-; ,, ~ r, ~lI n \\'... soi -pw er ...... ... ... ... ...... ...... fi8 tlO Ua. ttin~8 . : eno", hilS been able to cure in OB.use of IIiB omm n 11.11 itB '1'41 P ll rt, lll. C r e .. .f t' ll!' I H mArl~~ n Whl tllor ,', lum lll'r ... "7l i ; Rtage~, and th~t 1(1 \ }~' t "lJ f'r ; lwlll Is ... cuta j \ ' I' . :1 " 1' 1111111 lndiJo!IlMtilln nOllrl.v rrh Ball 's I ,,· wl ... alld l ' l llr .. , 't! 1I1 l'lI catl !rrh cure III tbe only 11.a! ' ). ," ,:1 1\ jil l! Har lan Whi tHcr ll. contr~"'. JIOHitlve turh~ thl! slee p 1II0r e o r nlwl1.\·~ 01" : cure now kno wn to the med le~" IIml i> No. lla ...... ...... ... ...... ... 19 UO iCllI nfl.An the cuu se of in>lomin Td " " lIa tl, ' lldIl1 l , I'a , S t' I'II 'mlll'l' 1·, lh , I" , frut,ernl t:v. MtM rh bein g a conl itl Il \' all·1 1: , a r l l 'j ll nl Otl (t "'f' lI o\\''''' H. D. Ben klp, J)ep nt.y 81lr ltl. (I,,", ,.. hll ve been IltIrllllmeul.l y. l\I" (Iran " I. ()f t ~" · <:ll ' ·.··,j tutio na[ dl_ IIp. requ irfl8 olln For p ,lrl i ('u n r ... ( '!lMl lt 8titu !Iv Chli mbA vr.y or, Mervine!' 15 c\"~' 11 60 oo 'l'kk l't A~~ l\ l .. nf /tio nai treH tme nt . Bal l'" CIIt( · [_iver Tnb rluin '" ~to ll1ll c h /I 11,1 l'pn n!'ly lv Hn 1.1 l1.I1"' ~, lets. For ~Oh1 Iov 1."11 " oure 18 take u Inte rnal ly, Ilcti l.rrh MIlY. W. E, Joh nso n, Uttpnl .V "ur nl( di I . reot ly upO n thll bloo d aud mucou~ . vey or, cnll llt.y wnr k ...... It! 00 IliurfuOOll of tbe lIys tem , Lik e Fm dlll g Mo ney ther eby W. Ii: John~on, lIur vey lng Are you Enll'B.lI'ed? . ' . Htrllylng the fonn dati on of t,he IIIl' . .. dl~· En~nged peo ple !!ho nld rem d Flf)d1!1~ . 111'1111,'0 I~ lik Bta oy '" 10 00 ell.86, alld emh er e IInd lllg givi I ng Ihu .. t af ter mnrria(.le, mnn y qUR tbe pltti eut I'0Il .... .. ...... mon ov . ~"t.hlnk thOHIl who rre.,• W. n. .Tohn~on, brldJo!Il wor k 4' 00 Istre ogth by buil ding up the oon sti. Ill'(! .- ClIIl be aVO ided • , by tutl keep ing thei r "lC k. Wh en yo u huv o II eoug h on aod 8118lsiing nu.t ure In doin 0 1<1 1~l n o Re li llhle COlnp ' ,ni W. E .•John ,,"", Ilervlcl'lI II!! . oold g riige !lti on In p;~ good HorA con dlt·i on with cJflt, 01' ohes t. Irnt,n t.lOn , !Jet· Uti wor k . Tbe prop rieto rll rlljJl'ef?n ted. EII'c tric Bltt. pra. ~. A . Bro hav e Sur vey nr IIlId Eng inee r tl'1' li nt prll mpt,ly like wn, of 80 muc h fait h in Ita ourn W . C Bllr her. Benllf'ttMvi\le, tive pow ers Van Cam p ro(u L... ...... . 30 00 S. C ., !lay 8; "Fo r of Hllml~' Lew ·l. Vn . He Hlly~ thai they oft'ur One Bun dred Eve ry poli : oy "I ba8 :velt a rI', ~Lllllan hllti lt terr I hill ohel my wife 8utl 'ered inte nR6 ly Du1 · \ar~ tor any case 't tr noh lp, cuuRee\ dY !lpepsilt Boll lDlI 8wo rtb, hrld ge re·. t.Ped finn nciu l hllc king . It fuiltl to . c omp lica ted with 1\ onre . Ben d for liltthat hy ~ lIIoke nnd COlt I .d us t. Oil of tellt lmo nlal ll pal" , Tnr t.lec reek t.ow n ~y torp lll IivH . unti l she : lo~t Illn g~; but, nfto r tindl11g Add" 1"811 her F. J. Che Pro ney mpt no & . rehe Co., nUen f !!tre Tole do, t.1 on give ll t.o in othe r rem edie IIblp ...... ...... ... ...... ... ...... 26 OOO lind vigo r and becu mfl II s. I Wll8 cure d by mer ength illo Illl husiueR!I ' wre . ck of h~r Har lan Wb ltao re, brid ge re· form er self Dr . .Kln g·s New Disc over y f ur Bold by all drU gt8t a, 750. , sllm ptloll , cou gh>! nnd coldoon · The n ~he trio d Elec trio Bitt ers: p"tr a B.,l all,' owd ahlp ... 10 20 E 8. " . whi ch help ed her at Tak e Hal l', Fam lly.P illa tor coo Ore ntes t sale o( IIny oou gh or onOfl: Rn<l D,r.vtd ¥t~g, wood............... . 4 60 ,t,tpa&ion. meollc ine In tb,e wor ld. At Inng fina lly mad e ber enti rely wel l . Sb" Val ley 'Pho ne 77: Wn ync svll Mny ' \I now lltro ng and le, O ' ldrug stor e , 500 and . $1.0 0, gnlu an· say , drng gi8t se\l ·hea lthv . LoollI s and gw. rant oeR teed . 'fria l bott le froo . tbem , at 500 ~. bott le.






Ca ll to J1 lin d th e sa fe ty of on e's fu nd s.

Th er e is se cu ri ty at th e

yo u de po si t





... ...-----------------------------------------SP EN UE R


Or eg on ia , Oh io .


Po rtl an d Ce m en t, Lu m be r, Sh in gl es , an d al l ki nd s of co al . D EA LE B S in Fl ou r, .Fe ed an d. Gr ai n. V al le y Ph on e.




R E A L E 0T A T E B R O K E !? LI FE


In Th e CO OD OL D


Dayton. lebanon & Cincinnati Rr.

C. M . BR OW N, Pr op rie to r ..


CAR LOADS Of fAll :,(;0005 No'v A

& DR ES S FA ER Ie s, He nr iet ta clo ths , _Pnn am a, N un ' s \ rell ··mg , .. Ul":},Yenett(l, Mo ha ir, 50 c up, Fi g'd Si lk :-371-2c Me rce riz ed



Gi ng ha m, Ma dra s,


sa les he re

:-3,000 ya s at Ba rg ain KMBROIDEH.lES Pr ice , 5crdup . RE AI JY TO 'VEAR Ki mo llo s,W rap pc l's , be st \V rap pc r for 1.0 0 ye t sold, Walking- Sk irt s, Waists, Su its , .J ac ke ts, Co ats , Unclew('al', be st g-u rm cn t sh ow n. ('AH,PE 'rS , RUGS,






l.N S U RA N U1£

FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Telephone Dar or Night, locil No. 1

.long Distance No. 69-3r

WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Branch Offlcl:itanl,sburg,

L RO Y IR ON S, Ag t


Ch ina Ja pa n


H ut cb is on ' & Gibn~y, X~nia



N ev er





OF- QTl3 'ER


rllCl·. rll bhed ~ o m o sce nt y ~tu (T o n It, Il.lwcd e ,·o,1 II w illi Ii bto <k of L'b alk, IH'I·"'. In \l l\ lUI JO U. iluod.' d '" ' t he b.)lI l ~ u1;>\l n. too k on4 J lO l rt~ :- '1\h\ ~l lllll~ Il k · I u t! I'tf CO ,f u :I 10 II!; w llh In c .•LO U Sfl ," ,,'" t il /I rock . h l t l.fJr h u h lNI. 1n .ll u ) oS j:;Ollt· 11\ ~ I tlg e h:\I I' 1.I lm .. : ~ ,1 ~ f ,· h \.-...: k W l..l r..: d ll') , IUIIJ.; h II ~ • of "' E\' ~ , ,10 nil) lil l ll g IlI lh c <:rl\} , ' 1 li ck n d . Co • bu t t he Ups o r t l "~ ln 1111 ' ) \H ' r,' IlI g 1111 " " h ~ ll>kPtI lII e . t \\ '~ III1K h i>, 1,Ia , .A lld tI t.' ~ ~'JO \\ (" u rl tlt 0 11 ('ndl t OIl"l II h C" .H\ lU uslncil e ,Ill" loul,l n ' cn lm rw n n ull· " 110 11<1. rl WMHit' l ( u l , ~h' tnm (,' r IH": . d U H et ll ~ "\.III .. ' " ' 1\,..' .,,1<1 I. Ih , I I '~ o rr m y hr Ul.' 'Oh, ,he, I ! t lm t.' IH I~!i lind t hO nlLl t llllf1 " II \\ ... plal ll iu m .' ,h ul IH' wa s IlI lh e J,: lrj .: '


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lill ie \\ h ll\'

IOIl ~ <r 1m S,lI· '· ) 1l 1{lh' h a s n I h u fI







t bl r d flo or fro ut ri g ht Qui, k I ha p. . W 11. say . 'he cn rc les " rt css of ' h eso hilS to he s II lIk In Ol'tll' l In r endl t he pa y Ion ; hy I ' " IIIch cs \I .do UIt" nvc Ill eue. p ened t o kno w t h a t h e re W I\.' sO ll\ e " tnge Co li' " Is " uee r Is n't Il ? T hai s i ng . go od II op le loca ted In th ot pa r I u t t il lug \\ o ll\lIn 's goud s tllff- I .'pose S Ud hllu se. a nd [ took a ruhb r a t th e k ey was wral ln!' t h~ pa s t" at th e ma t in ee r aell an d fou nd t ba t a lo t o f t helll we r e pc rfnr mlln re- \\ as Sllr a d OUl a ll ov e, r OUL. th ei r" ys ue lll!; pigeo nh o led. he r ,II'essc r- nol e ve n salt rd ",, " y t n " All I had to do " as lu lul, o Ih o fro lll lh c Jc" c l cllse . l l'al litte r ed t h" hurea u. ele\'a lo r r id e UI) to th' lh l rd fi oor , s le ~ " It wu s pre lt y so ft, ho. I Il r OI)p 'd o tt anil t il e t hird (IUn t hnll \IU S m i ne som olh iu!; 11 1(0 $A.I)IlO \\un h or Llue· fo~ o pe ra l lons . I \\ e OL ti p n nd t he r e whi l e l ori, s i nto Ihe IlnCkel o f m )' to p· wa s 11 (1 t hl1' " 1\001' f ron l il 1111 m ' Lll . It cO ll l a li(I In I h ' 101) c!r ess c r d raw er I 100 kNI too easy fouu(1 a wallN s l uff ert wllh n,bOUl $l 5clO . ·Th. s 18 li ke g Ullll lng a s ouse ' In IHl \l" I' chunge- loftles, u uud , eds Il n t.! t hough t. as 1 g ums hoeel do wn l he hall t he liI, e. In cue rllr e tl an of a ce nnl ll s ulle o{ . ' Th is Is a s h am e ' I Ih o ug h t all d I r ooms t ha i I bad III lIl. nd- n p rlln a co ncl ud ed I'd d r o p 1111 0 til r01)1\\ u C th ~ don na's s uite. d uel; Il ex t clOO r a lld s li p hlln a Ie " hUll · " Th e n ll lIl he r of Ih e Il t ra ncc doo r 10 ,Ir cd ( 0 " llc ll ng ns 100 l(O u t fo r me. t h is SU ll C was 68 Il was kind o · "I t u rn ,I the kuou of th e prima do n811a10w)' rto wn tha t wa y rlll d I' m a bi t na's <1001' Rud sle pped Oll l. T h e n e xt n ea r s 'gh te rt a n yway and so Ins t ea d Clf do or IIlllg WIIS wa ili ng fo r 111 0 S o we re g etLl ng a hol d of t he. kno b of N o . G8 t wo an I" ranclsco bu lls. He 'd luuclled d oo r- reelin g oC m y buu ch of ti l(e le to ns a bu tton fOI' l he D ] GGE ST N UGG ET .) ], OO I, D I l'> T H E ~· O n L t). W OP-Til Ol) S. So was tlt e man· S~ :;~ . wllh t he ot he r b and- whal do 1 <1 0 !JUl a gel' of the hOle\. g ive . he qU iet t\\ ISl Otl Ih ~ hll nd le " f "T ue d uc k th a t I'd r un in to nexl do or s l r ellit wlnt r ml n llll': Is Ul Ol r e('o no m· d eC I). n nol ' i t we,g hs a pfJiCIX' llla t ely 9Q N o 66 h ad t ho w r lstl e ls un me he fo re I had Ica Y. bca u ,o lh e le Is l e~ s "n1) g ~'I' of t h e \l O IlIHI ~ m 1J! e cay lllg In o r LJ e ln;: Uooead b) wal CI " T he door " a s no t locl(ed. lin d [ I(O e \\ \l1lI 10 bi lls u So UU t If. Aflel Ih ~e t ll'O evlrlr n(r " o ne ther e I was. na il rl from me lllo !; s no w. W he n I:Ie /:nlu nd Is s tili IIOll h,s t il r rlgh l o rt tuat so me hody w as Ins ide the Wll h t h goods r lc hn ps. of th e 1\ nmp My pal s f;o t LOge t h p. r fro, e n ~o lolrl . It mllY be l U;l nele(1 \\ It b Innl1.lh r r roo m . I \\IIS all r cau ) w it h m y 'Beg lllld d id ~ o m c b uy c I. " 1:1 ' ); (' >\ ,o rt m r n tnf l\l os: ,ng wh e n J clim e lO be co mpar pa.r don-ma de II. m ls tul, e,' whe n I til er! nnd I Du ly a t l\, r en s e. a nll It Is not neccs- ('nll lltH'ln ;: rI ' s plays got a IWO s pecke r. Th one o r t hcso h ea rd 'Co m e In .' give n o u l by s o w e g u)' " Th e bll':' glly IUlO wuus e 1'00 m 1',1 EO"Y 10 h oa r ll "11 I he s ha ft. A s til\1b~ r I ~ w hlrh nll r a c t s I h e. m o ~l 1rHp I ('s t I S a " 'o r lll $ ~ O n tbo usl\n d feet In NOlli e th, ~ w ith a <l ee l} ll a.~s voi ce. I1IJ PAt' t or ;.,:ol f) \\ (!I ~ hi n h 1 ~ o nn r'f':; nn ri s ll pp erl hy nccld e n t \Vas a D n vc r de t c. " We ll It wa s u p 10 m e. an d In II I' . H e " bro ng ht a l ~ q \\ ls l l lon e d IlIlt I' fM tu le Is one of no s m a ll 1m· WUl l h $ :1~7t; I tl ~ Ih u bh;grs t nu g gel I)orlnn ce s t e pp e(1 I l was a h a ndso lllo room , a nd b urglar f rom De (' Vfl r 10 1l n d .1 n ) wh e l C. nn d WU ti diKC U\ n ver \0 Sa n l·' I·anc\s co, M, Un ller wooll t a ll," Inl preHllngly PI L'd 0 11 N o OH r b)' O Il C o C the wi ll do ,, " a !JIg . good. au d \\h en I r a n :1 h e- Itt-h rla l ll1 o n A uv il lOll> h l!\l he wa s j us t of th way win t el' ml ll Tn g i ~ l'a r ri N t () n loo ltl o g d uc k was s lalt d ln g In his s hlTl abou t n lal;e h "1 r ele IJ} n. mine r wh o 61 rllf'li: i t w it h i mail 's s et o· l ools to Ev e r) ml u e Is eq'"P Pc(\ with 11. lall ie r s leeves In fro n t of a s m u ll ha ll d Sloss t he Il ' ope l Ly elC! his s holl ' l wh e n III/:g lng a pos , holo. k and a ho so w h ich ca l'l iCS i h e sl ~ n m t o s h a ving him self. 'I he II l1ggCI IR d is pill yed In II s ma ll II'lte " BUI h e s ure Ill ude u ch ,lI\ llR UZeC o ut t h e Clun e Alla e h " to t he ~ n ' l of lh e c a ~c . " H e ,lI d n t ' tlll'1\ 81'0 u nel af a ll a s I c u· 0 ' mc. " - N . Y. Su 3 1ld II ma n who weo,'s III h is hel l o. boso Is a long 1)1 . , e o f , tec l "I pp. " raw n . 1 t e rCri bIll I Cel t Ihal he \V RS pi ping me r (> \ o h (' 1 or Ih e s l ZQ co mmon In 111 010· t o a pOil'lt , a nd p "' I ~(} t n tt· " \~ ilh t wo o rr. all t he sam e In thnl IItli e s havl n;; d l.lI S :l or! ~\'I ld w rS l Hh o \\ !-\ s ta tHIs SAKHALIN TRAGIC ISLAND. h ole s a , ho l l .lI S1a ll (,p "ar l, ()( ' hp \10 11, 1 ;:; lIillmt gla ss H ~ we nt li g h t all SCI a pin g h is c\ m' ~ r ,t Th e r e 1 a ho le I II t h e s lda T he slec l p ' p" . 0, n0 7.zl e. Is dr " ~ n Illto u f th e r a ge hlg ~ lIo ll g l1 ((It 0 m ap , l h o ug h. 110 to put l\Ios t V iolent o f R ,", inn Pris on els " ' 1' \1 h a \' o to as k yo u t o exeuse me.' 111M h all ,1 ' 11I 11 11 ;; h . 1.>11 t not la "ge t\011 ~ h Stn t Tb ere f t om S ibe· I began , Standi llg up s t ra ig htu n d lhro w" , e na ble 111 m I n RIP" I t he n11!;/(cl . Over rinn J a il s In g o u t I he Sa lldo w e h s t for a bl uff Ihcch lln l, Of;:; olrlll \(' re l s 81 ~ s end wh ich 'T he t \\ b lS and l urns III t llls-' ' ~lIoi s ' 3 11 1111 Ih o nll!;;:;pt. bu t' Saldmll n, t ho Isla nd \\ h le'h J a D8 n Ie no n I t nld'l i l U\\ fI \ ' ·As\a ma ll r t of rar,t , "T he !>lo l,e lowe ,'s h is . 87.01 an .1 now la l, lng , or, ro lh" r l e l ll h" l ~ Iro m ', w h ec ls a ro und an d ha n ds lI\e I h wi n· R ussia . Is th e p It "pq11l1 es • ""s idel, d ,l,, m ll s r lp til Illt itlec to h Rna" 11i $.: !!7l) \ .0, I h o f ~f1 !d , 3 1Hl m oti l w om (' n so m ' s m ile. send s h e r viole n t con l' lcls T he co n. , 'Cnl t b a l. pa l.' 8a ) 8 h e, w lsollke. viet o r S lhm ln h a s ""11 ' 1 \ 0(J !,I ca l fo r Ihe lr s tren gl h. s o me I,bec·t y to CO li . ' Do n ' l pass !\Ie t h ai hi nd ' . )0 1"""(0 ' \. \ neh 'h e 1I'0t c h,lo g s a ys so le h im fo r hi s J e t e nl lnn hu t tile • " ' Whn t do yn n m ean '!' I Rs I,ed h im. t h a , 11 (1)\ d.1 h aM II ied t n s teal I he nll f;' co nlie t In Sal' hal tn no oe W he n a / " I t loo ked f rom hi s s ty le t ha t h was pa r ty or cun vl cts g-pl R" let. h ut ,h u t vi s it ors "h o Ihlnl( (ha vin g bee n proon t he ge t. him s elf. but I di d n' t Int e nll nO!l nced " vi o le n t h c) I an pic l; or! a ch lln k \\ IIh tlrclr t " h)' t he go,'orno r 0 1 t o be balterl In to all)' t ra p Wllb my I h e S ibe ri a ll s la nll!,er 1' 1111" o r pry a way 11. p Iece of Its tlo n ) is Inn ned a t Sa\;. l am ps o pe n . h a lln ( h e proces s ion to t ho Ja il Is ae I " li e stood g r innin g at me. follo ws . F lt Sl a mo ng t he l)rl60 nCr s I I h e; arc It n llm be r of sm all er o neR. allll " Gues s )OU we re a cter tilc s ln gs t r ess' L'O ItI C I\\ e n wi t h feltc , s o n t he ir legs t h o r nge con Ln lns all to lr! about $8.000 Sluff. he),. Bud?' says he to me. 'a nd In a nd IIn ke n togcl he l' on p3lrs . I he cia nl(. 1 wOl'l h o f go lrl nil t he l)l o pe , ty o f the t he rl al'k you got ml xell Oil th e r oo m s ? In g of th e ir r hili ns mailing u IlIg ulll·I . 1 Pl n u(> 1 ~l ln i n b ~fJ m pa n y . We ll , he' s ou t, all r l -hi . a n<l s O's hel' o us no is e NOXl C() IlU' hn lf a r\uzen ; u ra Irl I rI ha' go ne a lt e r he r gea , 1ll yse lf lIIe n eadl wll hu /I les s "p 'cl nc:ul ar dl s pln)', but o ne n t rPll e r s h.1I s e" ure cl , hUl t ha t kin d 0 ' wo r k 's a 1,I t o ut 0' my by t he h ll n (l ~ ' 0 " hl c h Is a lIlIO" 1 e n lnt er csll ng con. ISI" n lo ng Iro ll ,ort Th e n nl' a nu m " ~ r of ho ~ es of pa y di rt. \\ II h lI lI t' an .1 t'm so me rh' ll! s ~' at It. Sit foil " " femnl r PI' h /HI\' C'S I\ n(1 aft e r , do \\ u ;; h c's s ing ing at a m utln ec. a nd Ih m 1111' mn ~ 1 ~Ja 5K cn \ (' r ~ . T lH' pa \ (I lrt ~ h o \\ s n o tl c a a ffecll ng pan o f t he gnld hll t th (\ g-o lcll ~ t h e r e a n d Is att t' ' " tc tl )O U ' c ~o t pl e nl y o' tlm c ~In c h doln ...·' whol e- I he " (\ es a nd , h i ll l' c n "h" hy Ihe lege nd s ol1 e of " h lr h rends . " Pay . Wel l t h ,s 100 ke.1 pl e tty n\ll< h lik e I h all ' e IN'"I\ to a ('(, )mp ,, ") In, n ~ xl l c , lI e w a ~ a I1 Jl1 m ln:01 u tI l h c c raft In t\O ll1 (\ th l'1 cll , t f l J Ill /I,"i l c r ce k " \'er" ~ e \ nlll e, 1 hll sh nn t1:; :l tl' I ( nl h t' Ts B f'h h lfJ I $1 ~O PCI' hll li, r l " /I nOl he r ~ o x is la. l JrnT H b o J ot h c r o r lt H e h a d t h c pa l t cr t h e lll I'u m bh' tt l .. :.,:.l S," or { o u g h \\ n ~- I





~~,I~ o::. ~cr:~~1 '~~~I,~esPet~: '~~~ ~~~;~~


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a ll :s l r a lg h t eno u g h


• ~l Or (l (H C l 1I 1)1l,' tI n~ llt

( I,e



h is

ha i l \\a:; 1l 8t r ll~ l{ ru e I ha l

Rhn .. t a nd a lag \\ hn'd ju,1 /l n ts he rJ a

" I' In O' 1\I 10 wa ll; \\ hell o n , he nU I Ph

l" 1 1 ~ 1 4 lt O\ (H l h e r o ad

HO t hl\ l lll ~ h e mp ha d l i m e 10 8h ool Olli lo lh c n g h l 11'11 £1: 1 1fll 8 11 <: h a guuLl loo k t' r Hu t I f' ''' IH)Se to 11I 1" , I ~ 11 11 11 1 I ba d u ls


""!II ' ,

, l' pped dead \lI l h e r l/: ll1


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\ P

/:ot )our b".1 1I


00 "n;o11

.... 1I) H h (' \\11 r ll hf" s ahl .. to 18 11\

l h rom..:b h l!~

d a mp

a n d ( UIUH I:i

Th e ir

( fJ \

I Ilh(l

C \'e l'\ llIan 10 h i' "" " !' Iaf t Ha lO a ,\Ja il? II c \\ r nl o\' r r to tI ... I\' e",cI' plclt NI

li p a

fjllu r l

bot tl e o t

a n d a I'oup le


111 1\

( () I r f'f t

th e le rl O'S u f l h ~ 'ho ol ga In Ihl! I n ~ I I'II II WI\ I o f t.. rlllm I h ~ prl "n ne r Is HO /1, (, ,1 I ha t h e ca n n c llh~ r 11\0 ve n ~ r c r y (l u t n n d wIre 1 t H ,n g ~ h01I1HI n.l th n e nd \lIt h po lnt erl lin Rt rl ke hi. IJll ck al

go ods

g la " . , hn nd . d me I lie

l ayou t o n a Iray " 11 11 I h e- \\ Aler hollie

a n d s loo d ('hu c k lln g "h ll e I \,0" 1'1'.10 111 a hool e r nnd t oss ,I II III 'l' h" n II' too k n . 1110 11 d r lnl, h ' ntsplf a nu " e Dt o n "" lh hi s , hali ng " I was l(eC I_n !; III> a hel\l I li ne o· tb lnk • . Tb is du el, lII ,g h t he " l il>p l nJ; me the bolO us 81),el. I t hu',g ht. alld I wa s n I lao kl n fo r ao) r'or m l "Be fi ni s hed his s havi ng wa s h ed b ,s

~ ll ll1pl cs

Al c tn l, oll Creq lt ell lly alld t h e a mo u n l of g o ld Is a sc e rtained . so t ha tll th e "nil m ll' e. .. most e< ba"" I lnl':'. Is poss ibl e nt a ny lt me to estlma le th e :\Ian y t l f th e p T·l Hfl n.' r R a rc \ l" r y I ~ n ()r- value or Lh p d ump II he r e lh e pa y rl lrt Is a n' I' e w or 'h e m r a n rea" exco pt ln !,: de pns ,ter! In Ih e 8prln J; Ih e o llmp IS I hC' (' f\ IU' ,l l'd a ll !-\ h il i t h f' \ a l P a ll p u t to c1 c n n ~ d u p, I he gu l,1 be ll1 g wn>hcII o ut sa m" Irt l lol i o u~ \\ nr l, iLnll In rlH' b) me nns o f sl ll ll. e IJo, e • . a lld this con·

' bll l' h.lIl1 g B UI flon ' t mul\ u m e ~ I ;.:~ l(' I \ c gO l l iu ' r aracil e JUst (' \' ~ nl of I !I fi ll h fl i ng- ph ~ !; lf all y II nah! o nng tb at pa n m ll e nd o f it a lul (l e a l f r o lll I t o p t'T f0l11l I h " l1 tiliol fed l a:-tk :.; t h e ir lh l1 n l Hldl €' o r b o tt om Y OIl r e \\ o T' kI Jl ~ pu ni s h m en t :.; n rr 'ory 1' 111(\1 Th ..,. }o-; nJtlil t' h ,l lb . Well . tl' Rl 's li nt til )' la y hil l lI . h . •·" t-o '· nl n ~ ' ,III ,," Is nol hl ng to

f r e(l,, "" n l in lC t val ~

Ot hor ' OI'II ' re" In " I""', prl "" n "r ~ ar e ~uhJp " ' PI I arn Inl) " r e",ifl" to wr ite a boul. a nd nlll'ln ~ nil . hese lo rlUl'OS I he pr l.o ne r I" IU'o\, r nl ed by ~a"s f ro m o h tal1l1 ng cve n l h o floo r, p. lI e r of a S'I'C O I1\ Sure ly I h ' hnrro rs o f Ihe ~ a l t mill os 0[ [I o t~ k a)' a a re n t h ing co m pa.ccl to tbe a lJo ml na tio os of Sak. ballu,


J\ f .I I Th'

!t il t! "I /'O i . · I ~



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\\ lI n 1'1 1111 111'" lI ud "" " p I Ihl' t l1 l ~ t , I " ' , ln~ l),l l l.. "'111 1 11'

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A mbl g u\>us. W lI lIl ol ll

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Su re Cure at L a st. l\ l cmtl ccllo, :\b ~!j "

~t.'P l. ·1 l. pecl nl ).L ,J.\\lC IH': c l llU ll l j It! II I U1 U~l d .ll1j IU let.: ..·llJl. Ul f l'ci'Oh 1\ ,liCHee t.h ,\ t It tlUle CU1 ~ { \l l Iii I K ld ll d ' ll v ll h l ~ h ,IN .lL l "ll l l lt'l' lI iiJu ntl, ll11d l ·lI. tL cUt e lit Dotid is l\ ..Idll l'Y

J 'illd.

I·; 1I,, ~gC tl


of " " . 1'1"" 0 !ll r •. J)uJu I) I\ Jd llc)

I\ n~n: C tl haJ dl'o p:t ~ . 1',11, , u r~ d h,' r

" I " rI .t:J \llluble<l With 10\ k ldneyrt ," Mrs llll J.:: j.!(' t t tl n \ d In l et'Ol1l1ll l·,'ul lllll l)oc...Itrt' ), ulnm' P lllt'l t o h e r r rlf~ url "' , ' III) UI'I IiO

\\'o ulll h al ell)' PI\!II,4!,

' I h e D Ot t o rr; t'u ld


!I ' II I Dl oplO/. , I hll \ c ink,'n J)1I.ld 'd K l d ll ~ \' J' II 1I'( u:< (lIl1! ct 'eI, !l lld Hili n ow n. \\ cll " -o tnltn

I '

f),"I,\'. 1\ «111"\, 1',l1A "lira t he krrlnc\' s. r ' lI r,·tl, l\. lthl (, \ ~ ~ t"d n all t h o Iml1 ll11 l ic'i

.-,'" 411 th e 11100d

Th nt 1l1CU " '" lHlI C ~1 1o()(1 a nti l\ t'ollnli , r n e l ~ l't lt' hud \·. nmlt1 '~ I\. !l11H" Ptl1 :4 n r t' t hi' ~~ r ' ,\t c:; l t om e t hu \"oJ1ll hJl ~ C\'\'l \.U1O \\- 1I

The fullo"

Severe Surg ery. con \ c l ",lllo n r e t'e n t Iy t oolt

11I J.t

1,I.H.' l' III I "lim '

P h' ''I <': HI1 I 1\\ lth h iS cnr ltJ t il l' pn Lic' ll ' FJ 1 1 " t' u~ l l - l'I lt' I C 1?4 ,I ' l l l hl U ~ t4Wt' I!llIg IlV~r t h e 1<.'f.: I' 111 'I I .\ o ur h Cl\l t , ", 11 , \\i1I( h III U!!t: L

bp r eh cl I,d I t ont c P n t H' 11t ( 1U X I I HI~h ) T hnl "w\\clli ru,: !1 18 r.. \ 11 ~kl t hulll•. dCH W I' I'l r n04f' dO Il 'L r c LI:"C it \1)(.1 IlIm ll ~ It'd l (',\ 1 HCl'OI l1.

A CLEAR COMPLEXION A Simple Home Treatm ent f or 1Ilackhc"ds, Red , Rough nnd Oily Skin and Dlsflgu rlng Humors .

H ) 0 11 nre oml cted wllh \l ,mp le. , blnck. hc,ld:;, red, r ouloth or till y toI ~{l J) . ()!' d l~ II H ­ tl rll l ~ hllIll O I ~ , } 0 11 Will h nd Lilli; HlI UI'I e

h Olll C t rc,lllllc n t III (h , t ngr ccd hlc .. pcc dd\ <:ffe<' l l \ t· a nd ~con o ll\l t- II l; c n ; l ~ " 1II r. ,lf t lte JII L't! , \ ILia the g reat. cmoillent ~ "I TI ( 111 ('

( ' UII\' UT l\ O l n l l1ll' ll t ,


d. 1 n n t lUI.>

\\ ' ,Il'th o lf th e illUt llW l11 11 1 h \ c 11I 111 11t t!Jo! "Ith t utI( u rll !"illll p a lltl hOl \\,I t el , Hil tl hl\ t lit' It t d~ I{e l' ~ nt ll ll ~ lIIor m ll g II nri

(\ I 'll !u~ \ \ I I II ,I

I t b I') \\ cc t S l lI1p ll c it y.

n a t ura l l1 a,'or o f pe rfect

Au E l;g. O. S ce bre akfa s t (nn kes ),0111 ([i n tl c r nnd s uppe r t as te b e tt er.

Back to Natur4I - Eat E l;'go·OSec. D on 't w o rry n b o n t il\c :l ls . th eir cooks-o r th c ir cooking - E a t E gg·O·S ec-fo r n ot itin t;'ctsc b y a n y o t her n a me is th e Hllm e-or n e a tl y a s god - a n d t r y it noW'- fo r y o ur g r oce r s clb E gos--O-Se c,


.\ IIIIHl g l h n:-c \vlto l ut\' c I cn " OIl to ul c~ l .l lU t ,\ mc I Il " l ll I\.l dll ..·~ l { clIH.!d r 1:1

lI le

~I r.


fl a ked vv hole vvh£at-I~!;Il' ·U· Sec is n a t tl rc' b f ood,

. 'l'l ll ll tl ~ \ 0\1 " I "Jd l l1 f1d t !lf' h"kt'f . " rt 10: In) 111 \H 1(, l l iln ( llIl th e lu: hl l'~ t hT'I.',ld I II t lt e 1 11\: ' Yt:· U Jll l. l Illl' d tltt' \\ fI\l I. ln 1 11 ... 10 111' " "':'Iul If p i l i J!' t It I1ll1t II \t g h tll l It w ill t ill- t' \' , \

11I' f \" ' -; nl ll1! 111 11 1 t l'l' l1l .. 11 11 11 Iilt , \, fl lt ' l' lrl1 \ III g . T ho

S tr(HlI; 111

" ( " 111~t I n lll p l l l l h ' !!1 ~f) 1I f ' ll t h ~

:t h lt' 1 1 ~,d l ~ lI c ...... of )(IU I

t h .,

- 1\ I.ttle Cr .. ,t - a j a r o f e rell llt a nd EJ.:/;· O,;;pc, W o rry n ,,1 a ho ut cooks or cooki n l;' - wc "'c ,lo n e a ll th at f 'r Y Il U - r nr E g g .O·Sce is f1alud W'hole vvh~at - c('I o k cd exa c tly r ig h t.

' 1'111 tll lSt Ul hl· .

n Tl"~'.· r


"H "". "

Bring Your Breakfast

1I 1l11~I ' I

,11 1\1 ~rt

" ,II·Pl' hl: '"


Let Your Grocer

Il llr l1 ' hi


It ,.t ,ll , '''11 1,111

n n t!

",k III

\ OU

\\ 11 1

p;ult , \ \

(\1 111 !"i O.If'

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rC\\ nt'flf,d

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thl' l ll,l't t t Oll N nll « l: tJ llllll cXIO Il t'II,IP 11 1 I IIf' \\ (H I.I i1"' ''' I ~ lc ti h ~ ( ' \Il l\ 11 1/1 () l t l l ll l (, 1I 1 ",JlI 1' 14'~I ' I' \ C , rU1 l h Hl lt l h l.:.II I I II\ til(' f' l llllll h ' x l On :Ul l k.'"p I I",

The Price or Qual ity of

Eg g-O -Se e has neve r been changed r f y ou en n fi nl'i It RrC'K"'( r ' Th o fI ~ " n ot &cl1 l{C ~{ , - O-~ HE, 4~lld us lt i", n n m ea tl d le ll cc nt ~, 1IIt' lI t 10ll iUR thl ~ ~ rir){1 h; R l . :\ n ,1 '~ e will "end ' a u n ful l-she,1 p" c k ~ ,, (" p r ~pft iy , A l l dr r ~\l. Il'I tJ: ~ FGG O-S I!.I: l.:O . OUI1IC:),. Ill. In

l ) tw Hk c .Hua :1. 1,,1 NOC Io:: ), M OntH Ain

l r rr ltor" t he pric u Is IS ce nt •• 1WO p Rc ... .1Krl fo r 15 ct: nl "


If) 011 ha ve cream to separate a good Cream Separato r Is tho m08t profltabl o in· ve8tUJent you can P0l!8ibly mllke. D olay m enn s dally WlISto of timoi labor nod product. DE LA VAL CREAM SEPAR ATOR S eave '10.- per cow per year

e"e ry ycarot use ove r aU eetting systems nnd t6.- per cow o"er oil imitatin g separato rs. They received' the Grand Prize or Bigbest Aw8M II t St. Lou is. Buying trnshy e·ln·ad 'vance separatol'll is penny wi"o. dolla r foolish_ Su oh mae hill es qUIc kly 10116 their coet instead o f 8a ~/ng it, If you h a ven't the ready cash DE LA V AL m achinea IDay bo bought o n such hbe ral terms that thoy actually PlIl! ftn' themfte lt'cs. :Se ncl today for n e w catalogu e aud Da m e of nearest local agent. gTavl~y


compli 5;h r e:;IT Ils a i mos l a ~ a S1o n is h ln g .

ATOR CO. ISEPAR 74 Corll.n41 SI,"' NIlW YORK



~J~I ~/SHsn~

Bot h of th ese rl c vl ces hal e bee n In. stall ed In n n um be r o r case s A s ia mp On l he c lnlm las l \\ In te r . Ih e Po rtland mt ll \\lt h 20 s ta m ps hns heen \l o rk l n,; Posltlve l., cared 11, Doa t h c1a ,m Oil ncd by th e Plnn ee r ~ lI n · for a) ea r 0 11 Solo mo n, \I c r, a nll an o th e r these Littlo pm .. M"ACK OR YE LLOW Ing compnn y. SC I en m e n and a cook Is 'I'beylllsO reI1_ DIao bei n g c' e<:t"-d Oil Glacie r crpe l; " Ix cleaned lip $4 21.01)0 \\'o rl h of gnld In 60 mil es trcSll tram ~pstn.ln· fr o m No m c \\ hll e SO I'e ra l hun. (10)9 1'h enot o f ope r a ti ng Ihe Dll ne , InLE d1fl"1Uon ",,<1 TooBear1;J dred Qlla rl . cla im s have bec n loca t, d EAllng, A pMfCCt "'InIn clu d in g " OS L 01 labo r an d coa l. du)'ln g /lnd I Ol No me ,s s tili th e (lOOr man ', TAKt NO .sU~nT\lm cdy tor D1zzInC3S. 'Nall8Cll, th is pe l Iud wus $S,2no. 11\1 5, of cours e , co untry. CATALOG ue. ''',e eMoWlN Dromctne3S. Dn4 'I'M,," u "IN. or c:.AnMcr,n "" as t he \J1~ges l cl ea n, ull , h il t o n tb o HA.TL "On t he boat whi ch I can) e do \\ n on ,. In tba 1I0tl!b, Coated A • .I, TPWER CO. ~o.TON ......... U.&. A. cl a im n ~jo l ll!n g , kn o wn a8 N umb e r] -rowE" C_NAOIAN (;0" LTD., 'T'OfIO,,",O. e"ftAOA. sa ys Mr. t n ,l e rwood " t he r e II a s $990Tongue. Pntn In tIlo 8td~ on LII tie c r eel,. J . C. Bro wn took ollt 000 In bulli o n . Th e re we re :IS mln c rs . t====: :"_--.lT ORPID LIVER. '1'IIq :::.... ____ • ____ _ __ __ ~ 260 . 00\) a o d t he re are man } s m a l\c r who had sta l; es of frl)m $1 0,000 to $1 00,. re:rulate tbe BowelL Purely Vegotlloblo. clean· tlll s. Mr. Und e rw ood Sa\ 8 lhalill 000, nnd th ese w ere nea r ly all me n who tb e ne ig hb o rhood ot 100 clal ll1 s o n th ~ nevo r befo re ha.d known ho w It teel. I Ancie n t Pa y Streak "he r o th e IIrsl win· to hav e 1I\0 no)·. " Genuine Must Boar ter di ggi ngs wc ro f o und , we re wo rked; Fac-Simlle Signature a dozen o n Little creek, and 0 lh el8 on Nothing to WIsh For. Conle r c ree&. Crippl e riveI', Solomon The man wbo achl,.U bil Ideal. I. rIver, the Snowba ll. Ophir and Cl'ooked to be pitied. . c l LW.i ('l:; th e S U ' !-\O I1 S \\ o rl,













1{1 " 1"' , III 11111 " hl'l f'l h l UIII (' tI 11l "P" tl v t r lu u I It" Dr. W,I11UlU o lIl ulilc,uu \..:1,) . , tidl Cl.hl ';· t",l) , N. Y •

li llie jil ld


I1 l d Tl

" 11.11,1"

it. fil et no t

Pll l l, Ptl h. T III ' \- U1 l1 l1 h su l ll l, 'lv g- II:Uflll h~ (· rl l i . hf' frp,' 1 I' I IIH O IHI\l I' S nr tJl lll'l· lanr l1l ltll cl ru ",,,,. 'rl! py 1\1" 1'~ l ld bv u11 d rtlJ,:-

1:CO: "

"l,l t t ::;II IIU '

n ll t. I!ln w (lil t tl f

t h'l kh ghllh; t. i ll qH tI \ Ol l Hm l, ~~

I hll 1'l I I.iI~~ , I,

\ 1 1I 1I~ !t ll lld \\ c n t up . nnd \


n nly \\' 11\ 1, ' it·.. d t ll t' lI l is I h,'ongh Ih o h1\);I\1. n ll d II,. h~-' :-; I fUlll ll s nl \ VdllllTl I!'i '

II r ll u k " !,(JI, t Ilf t ill' 1., 10

1"lp d .. (.f

t il l'

I'll ' \)

\ \" 111'11

,1 \\ 11 111 p ,,", 11 1)' 1\" .Iu d \\'11 "" 1111 l Iraq JA U1l' ...· h .ll l n !,' 11 lIe t hI' ... t hW 11 1'1')IIIIIl lt · t t l' \ 1:"I lt an ~ Ihl "': ,l l lI lI h 1 1'1 '" ho,<I to t t i l II ;!t H ' 1 t he t! ~ ' ,Hh of dUf!ll'I.l , rf'l lu· ... 1 h~


I did


bl \' lr I1I t 1l\ 1l ~

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,1 1.. ll1l ': \lh 11..*(1 ~I I IIII I Jo.

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T ill' lIl t l In rl ll n G I h 'lr h l\. n ( 1.1\ .",1 i I h ' C tl tl 1\1,111 \ \ I'tll ~ 111.:.11 • h i' ll i r "I 1'::-0 :;: I ' ~ 1111 11 1 \ .+lI IU\ :> t('ul-. a k ~ I.' 1I 1II1 ('Il:.. t In l

tl u \ ' Pl Q ILt ...

It t' Y.' 1HI " . rill... I \\ at-! (·tl llI pll't " l\, ",. -11 I L' (1 11"' ld t'1' 1)1 \\· 1l111 L1 11 ... · PIOIe J' lll ~ J\ 11 10~ t \ ,d Ull h ),' 1t' O l/ ' rh , II THI I n l ll in t ilt) hu ln t of 1'1'('O l llll lt II cll ll g' Llt t' lII Lv u t h UI :iH m t ' ted

N ot On l y "



t ht II I I ( II n lt! o.j l ' n dl. ll' l ilr l(t I1 I1 I H"(\\' f - I1II ' ll t 1\1 11 1 n ft"1 l' I ' ~'l' l !I :":- nl\ with t lWlI1 fur



G o od

) 111(1

t l nt O p, l l'i",p d , I d l't l .!I ·ll I II li St! WaI · I l jll l1 :"i ' PI li Ie P tl l:i !l Ol l kll n w of ti01Ut)ClIl 'C8 l11<, ,' I lI l d l' fT4 '(' l l'( ll ll l'Il~1 s l t1\ o IH tll f! · : \ I II I I I!'o t. Il 'i t\tl l i rl II ~ [ hl '~l1l1 t !lld Tl ,::t

1 1111 II I! ' h .I'::: ,lIId tl t'il Il li P " I 'I III ,' I ~

"" 11111 I


,",yI .. du \ly ~i. Il Hlllths.

BUi! " 1'11,1 " ' 11t.1I

r 1 .. \


II tr", ~



nf I h e !tlt'le LI p h .. ,,1 f ~ " or Int o ill t ho \\ hh,J I I, f l. il ill \ 0 1' \' w culf !l1lc1 d nlnI Jtntt. c1. )l y l H'HrIi p a )pTt I\ I I'd , Il l y hl t'll lhll q.,( hnC'HIIW tI lfht' u lt. u fr t' r I 11 0 I t '11 ~ t O Xl'l l lO JI nwl t lt" lt) wa~ lIl1 ll1hllt ' :'I !o( in buUt b lUld ~ I

I nll l~ 'l! h l1l1lH ~ I, ,.1 h,' " I II!II lllilUt h 0 1 11 14' I ,,~ 10 11.1" I I n lib el l\ 11" ,,· h .\l I~,·.j IIIl l I II lilt' " ll h \\ 11 i1 U 111 .. 11 .1 In ,d. PU''''l'~ 'i I H '' 4)\ I II , , ,. I I 111!,1 " " )'! 1 \ 1' 1 ) 1 h lll~ II I r 1' 11 1 h l"', VI' I ,I I "1' 1~ t'd 1 rl l \l lit' l It , ~~ I n ,! ~ h n(' ''t' III ~ " I1l1j 11 1... 1 • I I \. I' l l llI l l' th


~II Y :o; :

11 0

V(EI ~~AT~H~ o!~er:!'

1;1a vel und dil l la t tJ hll'l-\ e trlt c l, elK. \\hlch

c re d o ll l'e du m j)ed nca r the mo ut h o r th e mi ne .

1h ei r fo o d 1,4 If':-(R hun t h f' a llo wnn r a rlu r ln ;.! I hf' J OUI11I' ) a n ti Ih p lr \\ o r k In

" \\" '11 , fl . h e Ju~ t lh . ~ " his heaol bacl{ un o h ol h 1 re d , ', uu


1\\11 hH nd , ,..ri b l .,I t. I' I !OI


Ilr lsn ner.

aJl 0 \\ N l

tl Oll Ihplr 10 1 Is n 1)l lIfll l ou o

f r lf·nd tU1YS I. !\oI rq.; a h r ,l\) I ·m ·nn t · \\r sc g a g '\\fan l h l' d e u e l ;t l " ~ o u t .l1 lnn g a h llu t "

p al , JI~d

Ih ~

. I ' ny d il l from r lnl tll r\n 1 0 0

'1 ,

II J1 '; (, I:i

Lill ie PI'er l, 0 11 1\111 t In olx mO lllh s l:! klll III It 1I C: 1111 11\ I fll ,111 11111 . P lt'\' c lI l$25'J 000. .1 C BI 0 111 1, o wn e r ," A I h Ird !tiC hl'l ll, I" 'lI d 04 pll l1 p lc ... , \': rll p ll ll ll ~ or the box or th e d ll t hea r, a lng \\h lch s nys {I I ' t UI TI nf C( Z, ' III ,' li nd oLiH' 1 .. I\l f) tl o uhl l '~ ~ t' t\ '\'" 1\ ",It lI upon I t. 1 1 ~n the HCR lll that It II " , t a ke n frOIll Monn ll g ht fi t " l ll " t !Ol 11 1)(1 ~. ,d (' ~ !I ' II IIln\'sC'~ LAVAL llI g dnfuJr ufi c ree l;, 'ln,1 IS worth on e d oll a r a 0 11lt P HlIlI fl ll n g t Ilt' I; rll" , h n f t he ) I,Hr \!andolph • Canal St., ] til red, 1 I1 11).: h II l1 l1d lO/. 114 h lll ~ I I/d lll ~ l\n tl CHICAGO hur ke l p Ul llfli1 fll l!.{<' ~ I, t.:nol e r\l ood . th e l\' o me co mml s. fl ll ll ll iL11 I ,1\ 11T11'\t'(,n tltn.. .nJ ( ' u t lt u r n ;0.; ("' )1 ;t llft \cl OUIi I C~ UJt lt , often s l on er , Io.l rlHi t hnt m o ll e I' ll m et h ods, In a. ~ 1n ~ l c II I ~ ht II h lr- h r~ qtl ll e expe ns \l'p m a c hln ~ ry . nra !Je lli /: a cl " llt ~ 'IIl\ t he Nome "eg lon wi t h Defin ed ma ' ve lou s r rs u\t s "Pa pa w h:ll III th e I'all oma canal'" \\ hc re a la bo re r, ·· :\l v 1'1 (1 11 , I t S Il IfJn ~ llll\' (J f p n ll l lC8 n · 1\ 0,·l.lng fo r $,: 5n a li llY a nd I)oard poul d 11t.: I Ut;~ the I rl tl 111I U ~ of Po nam a. " " hove l le n o r I~ c ll hlc ) 3' II. o f g r a vcl -t cwhuJ.: lAc In a dB) n h) o ru LlII ,· ele vnt o, CUll c lcan up ~ ;,00 ) a rrl" Dl eri bl ng ili a . III li es ac.

l hre e !l') lI lld s or IJrC'nrJ a nd tbr han l" b) I n~ an s 01 a s le.l:;e. and o n e - h al t 1111 11111 1 ()f h .ea t C' flf'h fl u \ . a nd w h o ll t h e I" t nnt 18 l UI ne d o n I be g r ,\vel t ll r ) UII" n o t fo r hid d{' n to rl!('c l vc a lm s, I. I ha II e.1 \l Ul (ur .111 pO O. foUl feel In Blll " 1"," Ih e} III'r il e nt IllI'l , ~~ s l lna­ all \lIrcclI ""' W OII,m c lt " h,,\ pl l be

h rl U U I

ga n'

h .... lc cl

!I ll S . "ltt' l (' I 11 It l (l I I <,0 :-; 110 . ' cd lm~~u g' e I LLL~~:""':~:"""~-'-L--L-L...-"--'--'--'-~ a nd l li n :-ol' I h ll 111 1"1 11 \\ 11 0 al e 100 \ QUll t;

g l(ly l ~ h


T h f!t Ip,l lt tlp O U Can tUo n 1l 1 u l ' I\I"' I ~ 1\ \ 1' 1 , \11 til e

1'\0 111(' gt't


bu t H I ~n l o ~ llj"\I 1J; tlll IlIlIg the II l 'I'\' L1 foI . A 1 1'111 1,, 1\" that Wi ll ti ll h nl h , ll1 UltO K, Hlll l l I l l! sa u l. , \ 0\ I,.; 111 111111 :" il 4' ~ h I I) 1 (1 1M Il' \\ . 1 ~ t L\ H IH l g n 'o 1I 1' \V \ IHu r , \ "p l c~ , I II I i': : ~ l1ld IHII of t ilt tl Il' U t o 1t)U 1 ~ l o J It * n " ~ . i1'l 1hu 11I U:"it CO U\ O Il W l1t " 'I ,dot . 1 lilt , 1101111 ' ltl t il l' d lll d l l..!l l " 1\ 111 1 " 1' ( 111 11 111\(,,11 . 3 tT I h 1\ l't' lII ot l y l ~ Dr. 1' 1It: \' 11 111 "I I " pl t'd lilt , 111 \ 1 \1 11' 11 n ll d \\" 11", ,,,,' PInk P ill. j o r I'lIlu P e\lplu. l il l llJ;' tl )11'" hll lh l In l ll t h t.' :-01\11. I lu HII U,: 1t 1 It i l\l t n~!, 11 11 I II 11 bU ll ) O no )l H'. lf Ill' l h l:01 l!t th l ~ O XpOt'I t' IU 'O of \\11 11 a h ll ill .. 114'11 l: lub l h l lll-: t CI 1)IIl! ut h !l!6 l ·I,.II I. ~ \ Vf1I' l 11 , Ell s t Y .. " a lburu. ~( II t ill iJ tl " ' 1 of h lll l , a 1\ lu ~ hd~ 11 11\ t It ?"

1 1(· " t \

(; 0,, 01 " " III' oI lol\" t 1,ls t 1I 11Il ~ 1 )l elt l,,01 ~11 J tl tl 1lO T11b " .1::. mati " p o~ti l llio b y t l\l' tl hl t l\l ' I' Y of l ·II .I) I l l 'U t hy Th o

N OII\ !,'

1' (l 1I 1 1 1 ~ 1I1!l 1I1C't TOPll li:s

I' tnl /a lJly 1

IJ;nr cd. al l loin c rC"r l( a ll d l h f'

~ t "r s li p 111 1' ', l f liH IH IIl In t ill ' tOn :Ill " r"c l/:h l lu I' Ih " "llSI . 'li p 0 1' 'l nd lh \ ::;Ui l ( a s C' aU II ~ h ll \\( d lIo lthl nlltl :\IT l fH l ,' n \ III I(\ l f ll IT Ue lll l' IU a p r el l v !;C't 0 ' no w l oo l ~ U ~ P \ CI 1 cPllt l ) 110m t\ n IT \( ' all d hll:; lhl\ r gc u( rire - II h oll' 01l l UI fm llt a ll .I, e' ,,' a lii. Ihp r xl lihl l n l,1I1l~ h ~ I h e u lt c t'lJ1 h. 11l 1.." {' h umh t'l uf ~{JIt1 lt1 t'I· ( . ' t l f 111 (\ tirw:lI d c a lO r ft l f'f; n tlil J a nH" ~ l's l n ( l n l h \\ la p

[o "e pII III II);

The Prima Donna's Jewels "T

"""" f,'"."

• 1J411.

hl ~

o f 1 1 ' ~ (II " I L) \\ cur ing , t or II f l.tli ~1 ! 1I~ ) \ (' j tl ~ t t urn ed m t' lum:!\! u fl f' r n , \\ () ) 1' ''1 ~ t l l· tt h dO \\ l\ In Sa u \\ ("(1


O ld Not Dlllllp pea r Untt! the B loo d W e,; R e n e w od by Or, William s' Pink P ill s . fr ~' ph nll l rl' \' I~ r i i :'ot uct l l1l c!S t:all rl nor h .m r In CH, t wo of lh l lH cilll .\'t ng a h Ip: P ' ll d \' 1 .. uc.:k b c l wl l' U , 11''' 11, \\,II J, l'l l I ll l ' 1111 1'1 11 1; t lt o '''111 M' of 1110 L' , Ilna·l· \ t, tl l hJ.:: ~, I f (' . II ~ 'I'\\ r lflh ~lII d f ' \1' 1' t ir o I H' lI' l' ~ G ' 0 n lwu) s l)lo[" "I1<1l y ~ I ' 11. 1.' 1 ... It\' \' I '' :-o lltll ':) 11l:!I IHC t l l h" U~ l un e " " l,"b,' t! , tJll ti "h.,u it ill Ol' ur th ey aru II ... 1,111:,0: Il lw, hl , ,lI ld bu t 1111\\ 11 II I "I l l' 1)1 1dt"" s"I" dl VO I llIlt th o PIIII" lIt J ",~ to 1111 1,lI li l H. ') ti c lH.l ~ w n~ l. II'I' l u ll y d ~ 1'11 .. 1\ d III U. c urUtH , l oI u t q; l h l.:' Pllllndl·l· \J .. go ""l , luJ 1l 1,;11 11)"t, 1111 ex(" t(,lIl('1I t, III tlte p ill I 1' l c".II COIlIC t.rl·l\ l ll l\' lIt t lll' \l d t' l1Uuul oll , r ogl\ld \ Utll l W U ", I i ll l I llok I h \" olt h" ,,, l it III Ust \10) I ""t 0 " 1,1' I" uu,l .lillg UI' tlu. 1l (1 I1 U ~. , C U II Lh ~· ": ,1 . I, )'m ,.I I,) 111:-1 t u , l ; \! ....a1 4.

' n on ( Id' t)\\ h ill \\ hnt )0 \1 I t ' ri g h t nultl h e. , r(l ss ill ~ t h I;' roo m Ulltl

lUl l

O h . 110 I " Ih ,~ ~\ 1\ I I .t \\1 ' 1I "" II ! n I, , ' " 'HI .11 \ II I1tJ ~ l h(' p i l I ' I II th " h "' n l l or 111 . ' I I t. li t. l tl €! c hl lltrl' I\ t il tI \I >ol l'41 I I ) \I, '

Ala~k a ' 5

(!tn ' \\ Il!' IH ' r ' Cll n ' l sla n d rU t

IlIl t! Nh (l(' :1 11 t1 a

f' u t i n ' i y ' D I. :1!ll l oua


Th e Ye llow Flo od fro m the N Oln e Dis tric t

b Ue- ln c!';s . Hlld f; ll I c hlll'l\ c tl tip t il l?' \)11111 I '.1 I,,' ' II tIl,rtrlng.

..., ,, ,1 II. f tlllll\ I hl ,' ).t :> 111 1\ \\ !' \1 .!'C(·ll U.l t ' I..(' l 111' ~t.1 \!H' II I l' l l ' m il' II li lt ~<l ll


:r>o::cd F is Ihn d Int o a Ea" of 'C, :lU-





1)0..".. t'n ~ h (" Ih,n r




BUDDI NG. How th e Opelatio n ot Shi el d nu~ding DI1U Ring Bu Idlll\:, 10 P el tUI m~d




mos t lO lll lllO Il melho tl or unduln g atl ,l

MIlCh I b t t t! .~ H '1'11 0 oC the cj l!'li l (' Ll ~a rll ty HI t; ( lI l\ t' ll [Ium \~h~l t iH c. t1l c ~ n Ulld ti llth { I (go t, n) \\11 1(11 I ~ II t \\l:; o r Hh OO l the vr e:se u l ) r.:.c rH g'1(J\ t il


} ~tl l :-;

111 I LlCl u ll Il ll \ ~U II ut ,I I his H :.: l lt ilHttll b .ll\\u\s In " ')r ldn ~ e" d . . ' t ill Ie: n c"" it' U Il\ Clltlil t I t Oi \\ IJI ri 10 h10\' IlItl) Il h Ul Illl


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$3 =~O& '3~OQ = . SHOESFOR MEft

W . L. Do uglas ,4.00C llt Ed ge Line canno I b ooQU II datany p Ice


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I hoes mr.c'e In mv f o ctn ry and tholle of ot h e r mllkt'IJ. )n u would undCH·e.and wll) Oougl." U(\ IlIf; U Wlldtll III 1l1~ ~tl u c.: Ilcd llu l !:i tlUU S3 SO 5 1u.Jl'5 COl t more 10 m a kt'. wh), t he)' ho ld hUIJIl' ~IU U U) It-. l h (l ruu~h Ill! Illt~ .lIltt their M h ape fit hctf e r W('A r l on p,er .ntJ nrc of CO Ul l'c'l.l1 1/lI"tr UI.1 I 11 I'Il' tJU lt: .- !-( III~ I lit e I Intrlnillc ' 1I lu o Ih3n alO Y uthc .. .$J \\ \ f U Ii. 1 . hoe u n t h e mtlrk cl l o' . u t e ~It ll l ~l' 01 _ 00 ot nlurr U.lllv ll W. L. DOU~Da StroP" Marl.Sh o e.t",. Mon. $:I.IJO, $2.00. BOJ/.' School & \\ h l' B :) IlIlU, ~1I 1 I~l '" I I 11, ,, 1, I t " DrDtJS1SI,oc.,$2.50F.2F$1~75, .,.aU SI Il1 I " ~q

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llJlIl str lllgth



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fo · S tom ll ch T. ollb l e-A New otl by A bso ll' tlooNo D -ugs



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::!lI n es c ChI l d I: oJd by GOVOI nm ent A uth ollties t OI B elll g S Old In t o SllLv el y

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eli ll e 01 h' .u,; a t; ill un l!l, which t n ( flI H 1 I S Ll I I I ill \ II"h' ,Ii :-she ' \ a s bO ' 11 In .111 IUleilU r \llIng~' in 11Inn



IlI ldl lll dl'd I

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SIal es I, \ Ul c 110 II n);~' 1 I" C R ~e h~l ~ it t>( 11 .1 pli :':;UIlL· r u l t IIfl ~ Sam fo r 1l1 fJrf' lh~llJ fOlI l \ (> a l !ool Th e P l i m e for "}.I <.'h .. It(' 1 patl n~ Ih e II PIlH l l \ i R th c


,''It:\\U l l


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:Hltllt l uns 1hnl she ,a n nu l l em lA mlw r lhe n UIllU€r Al t h ull g lJ \\ t! 11 alulI)'! lU\\31<.l t h e All nt 1!-4 s tili IlInnln. the h ul~ 1 aull Is a ~ fu l l or \Im 0. $ s he \\ CHi a !i( UIC f 'tat~

Pia tt

\ f'11Ii"1

I~:~' H~~'~NGEST

," un t Eli za h n~

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\\ ltllt s~l d ( 1I 1(Mo ,lilt! p tn,.,H. ltllHt


h\1 I \ \hl,

I ~ i l I it '1 . 11 1 ~ 1I1 ... 1 Iot ll" II (II

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adop ted s o nu,u} CIIl'luk " e gil l_ utili g h en th e m nn educn llun I n I llest' In-

l ou m

111 III



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I 11 1 h~""lll 'JI I lhl'

Ib nn anI olhe r per .on pe l hnl'" to fu s· l'H> lthi llt\l t lo ll ti \\Ilidt Ii 1\6 be on t h e 11Iitl e of th e C'hctlll,eC H fo r

,1I1\ C

,It .. :\1.l~lIt .'


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ter liltls

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t hi s 100m in I i -;' fie-UlJ1 111 I j ,lnd to n ls ht I tl nd lIl\ s r.: lr I f'StI n :, \1(1fl1 r c tliu salli e rlIP p lu( ! I.lll tl ,L bil eS! of t il £" hOl e l tIl( nl h ,t dl\ l1111 tlw 1 lOlll 1 \lu h~ Jl ,I 11 1\(' I t di d \\ h ..: l l I fli SI .... lo llll.1..! In II IlIl ha l VCr ) r o u m Cllie rI..C "i\ l s Do\\ n111 [.: , r"ulI ti el 01 t h e UOIIUlIl :; p n llY, and V'1 1j u f th o m l)!H f:l IllOl1S X(', U


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",11. 111 1'"t.:I,

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\ h c t e nl l Q I ll..'i Aun l EII Z,t lou h. hur:;c o f h e p ln ce S h ~ Is u n allvo of Ch e lll ke(', a n d L. fol e th e \\UI :,; .ad . llal c d 11um t h e l1uti o nal f e mal e ~ fJ1 or lh e C herol{ee s 11 Ih e (' IS :it'i or IS51 n ntl Inte r tau gh t th e ("h c Ju " ld~c lllUlc se minar ' Sh e llli.l 1I1 1.11 G

tiC \ e ll tl e~



1 ,,",h'" II II I ,t 1

(l\ l' l

o \ e l hal f a ce lltltr)



IUllolls " I

gC ll cJ .d h hn u \\11 ull

dotl t ~pe \\11\ " Oil! n Rhrntl I1n 't. HI I IU' ~ l l n . I 'l' "' ' \\ It h a goo d \)'} ~t be "llu\\ e,1 Iu \\ P.lI 1"la.u n u s ' !lU ll P tl th l' h" III\l1' \\111 s u \e .. 1o! or'h " rd 1'1,11 I h c Iud) I t 's the U:lIlO lui dl ('s~ u r Ing on till' pnri of th e hors R u nd ",II] lapnll e nnbl e u ~ to dO a ra t nice r j Ol1 Th lnl, II I. " t t h e Idmo 'lOH '~ 11 1 (he lI' a" eS I't'ctnll v o f th e h o r s's Wh, s h oul d who l\ tH~ \\ It H 1h e \\ aj. I h e A mp r · HIP" h lUnd l<> sp' IHI thell " tr uoth lean s w ear th em ' - D UOlt F' '''~c P ~ t s. p ' lllIng uull 1, lIil e$ thro ugh t h e ;:1'1 8"' Success ful Ph ilosophe r. S a lll c people Ihll I, Ihat J)a te .,t medl· Brl!ll!>I- ls P e r:.IoN suee ~sflt l In hi. "lntR are "madp. to " urr, " 1\ b e rcns 8R , , More IIltr~ 'e or potsfb has bee1l uled runtlFr or fact, lhfl &,\I/t I. rrall) lIIade pb\losOI' h ~ • OrlggR- Oh. ~ (~, Iii \\ !fe h:uc 0 :." r~ ierUU.I' r I h l~ yellr tJ:lln enr before. , t o s oli. ' ported h im tor) eArll - LiCe. Cat ~u tha t n,e Ilehn e.s <If .'olo r does nol n 1WII)8 In di cate Ih e pro llo"llo n of bUlte l fill \Vl th ut "0 m" n 'CIII ate m e ans, su ch nS th e BaL ~I, . es t , fo r dete rminlu ); t li e qUll llt, o f t b e milk f rom cncb co\\ a ,lai r ) 1I::l n cao ne ver b e s lIr oS to whl r h are his best antl wblch bi B IlOOres t CO\\ 8


• <: J \


1 , ld' h

IliliUth 1.11 I..a l\l 11If: 11' lil.lI l t hEtil llJ p

6 11 11 111\\ f' S I

(' r al t l OOPS UlItll th e lio~e o f I h p '\.11 \ ftC I I h e \\ar th~ ;\ a tl u lHtI \\as

a ~al ll u pe n cd as 11 h OI I

\\ hil lt

1I111 111 l 1101

11 11· ... ,. l!.l t' tll


I I he 1<<1-

n l ll ~

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mo ist fo r Imm c ll l"t\) II SC.


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111 111llUit h tlt l ~\,,1t 1 11 I), IJl l j d

Jl fl l iu ti

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.. llO\\,l at (a l th ('lln s (, lt e l gnod rnl l l,r r ", tll id 01 fbI n nllh c Kam e \\ I nppcd nt (II It Is n "\ ~ 1 ndlls lIlJ lp 10 \\o ~ h 111 l11t l lll ~ t he lIud It scmi lm U e l too dl\ !Jill :l\ o ld I(U \ Int; tO ll 1)l mdfl'r nf I ln rl\ I "" I Pmu \ ("c ) \\ l l h I t m11 c h \vutf'1 in I t. n~ It b th e lIlo n 11.1 nu tl n !'0 11Il1I:lrJ :-i(l(tloll fl om th e siod. b Je 10 s p Oil " ;.!o Ull r ule I ~ to h. I\C I h .. !JII,I \I I til li S hur l, Is no\\ se t III dry hll l t ol fo. SIO I II ,;e, ,In ll ru lll) Ihe p tlCt' "lu' I«' th e oarl" \\n ~ remov ~:t.l bNtI

h ~"



Ir lh p


and or Ih ('l ~n n 1C t UllH'I:.ll lIll us "Iwu Jt com~ " f. Om I hp (0\\





I " "l'UI1 Bllt tit, 11 1111 \\,,11 I " )CII ,Ill 1"0 11 11 ' " II) J.:" I" J~ II At I Ilt.: U blU'( I~ IUllJl d l l1Ull lI l !ll \(J \\ I l Ui- ! 11 1l L!l h Ihf' Jnd .... I' Ol ll li,d I I' t l l1ll hi:) 1 l\' lntltr l~ "'I!l IP \\,t ~ Pllt ll . I I , I II III S- 1 1111 11 II I .... UII I '" l 10 , m j.. l !ulI Ih l l :-I IIJ It:' )) t.... , I Il ll n J.!; lll (' w t 11 ... , Xp l 1 \ \ I I I ~ OI ..l t'" 1 I I U"IIH !{,., ( If I ; .. I 11 I tl j. ( "I n , ... ('

u lOI\ ~ ~ 1 1f\OI

n llt!

S et f11111 ~ urt f' r nli l1 \ lllg- I l L It)! fl it 1>(' cam ps n ~ ( 00 1 ,18 1lit nt.II0SJ,IiPl t' Ttl p cr p .Lm \\liI I jCl.t' lll l l ( r Hu\ o thu mill<. f or t hfl ('31\(10, <.; \1.1 C' l


1110 1 "1(1 II~

'.... 1 I lit


111 l. cl C1 il \ , d t h( . lItc:\ t. H' ~ ld ' " I hl Inl I did I'll K I' I h, L Ih. tltl ' IJ I ~I ' of tlH' t.: hOOl I t'.l \l n g Ih e lat- I uu) t v til'ltl(, t il ... dltl'II lt 11 11 11111\ \\ I I\l lI ll I, [ t " dn \ \ ll h a Ill lJ l ilt r i o (Illi t i o llf' I IH' ~J( l\\lh and Pl O I \ lin \\ 1) 111 I II 1. ' 110 11 111 1 dnlla!t d l ' l l It rl l'(, of It~ ' UrI (\ t\ \ \hl ll tJ\1d S leep i n ti e A n t ~ l(t c II l ' J II I \\ 1111\11 ,,110 "uu ltl Il l' tlll ~ h p l' rro l ,lI N I I n th l' lat e q Utn~ lfr \ \ 1} t.:ulllpln1 tl 01 til (; d ll h ti l) Ilf (h- I t l l,H I H I !I. I ti l t!t t' 1II IIIt hU HI ~I H I h' ~t u(l, I ,lit ('Iff th e rol! o" I t1~ lawlIlg 11. 111 IlIll !; I tSI (' I1 I I I1 h' tIll h \ t 1 1011 1 1 I1I IL ii I I\ I!I~ l ei ani b.Il II!"· .... lll1li( r '111\ 11"; aft .. tlt e !JII ,I hn. lo rllle d" \ I~ \\ ,1\1' , III


t ~r lllln l e


li t

(It ' H ~ I


of th ~ (I , ll "J r \\ (' rt PI 1' 1 1(.111) Htt KPCll ilrd 1'1 Inh h\ lu o h n llt! ( \) 11~I \ q ll ill th tll - (J ld tUH' ll1 " llId l Inttl lJep u 111 n nin f,:' I tl \t:nl' S \\1I !:l i10HNI It IJ(lrnlll e 111(1 ::lIsi.mnl r(H l he (o u fed' la l e :; Idlt.· l .... "'hu 11Il!1 jJIJSS f S Q lO l1 of t h e l CJ\\l1 r~\ f\n l u OlI) of th t\ I Jllilllul~ " fHI 'r a t t.i e l! I nll uf fi l iUS fllle l illllll1u nltloll rh . . .:;r !".uppi1 eM 'H l P "rlt t\\drll ru pt l1 . e, l II I th e nu rth e l n 1I0UpS nllil t he

l ..


I II :-I t)

to slO p

!.. 111 hlUl

\\ ll1c lt Hh 0I1I,1 IJPI Il Illr(o Ih "rup p I Il ;; . \It) u ld bo t'U d :lI h I l'sa ll III 'L\ llI(1lll .... alld nit It! 1 lrll' w, p d to lil t 't~ l1l IJII1I1 11·.. ItIP fll)l 1 J!IO\\ Itl ~~ hlill 'Vhf"U Ih~ h, ll) I U s IHld' 11 S lHl11 l~ ~I' m(lalh ) r ill ' h ;;) 'II I· D1ul !i sh UI IIlI I II n dUll" !"it lhh P lIll l l ~ ,tI\'1\ IlI tll ' l ;.:\t o ot Ih~ st Ol l" m il ' 1111 (lit 0 1'1' I fm 'l l h 10 ~ll 'rdr In ch . IU O \tJ 5UWW CI or \\ Lu tt' l

i s nc \ f·r.

l 1!iC 0 1

1 1 1I11I ~

Thl IiIH ' I :;1 ,\1 111:-. JI I ... t north v i th e " flllal e 111 \\h lt " ( bl l 11 ulo l1 a i ( 8ttitlll tJ1Jlld Jr g IIf th (iI ( 101\ 1 1.... 1:1 lOl;u t e«1 Inl! ht ' lH • h.l~ dh~ 11' , IJI l' lt tli e IUg H .1 1 111a l:c l or I l,,' r{J)\ee In " JI1HI\~ I!i


, !! .

lll l lL: 1.\ III" 1'<11\111

, \ II

d I d

'I II\ ~ 10110; { \ ll(l ~ :lI P r <' p()!l. I rl o ln (111)11 l:-.uft h l IlIlln1 1\ II ) " f l/ .. II\\ lI o II I\\.! 1'1 n 1111 1 d t l u !1\ d Il IlI""'" w h o

1' 1I11111! ... 111( 1110 ).: 11111 n n \tL 01. 11... ,1. " 1 11 1 11,1\ ' 1!l1 "' 11 l lli 11 .. 1 I h ' 1\ HI 1'" / ,1 II II, III II II! " l C' :'11 1 \ d< HIft h' 11\\ I l i t t 111 1 111 111\ III \dll1 IJoi III \ II I" h 1111)' \\ (\110m II l1d tilt f ll I ll " 11111 'IJ.:II>II , I .... ,, 11111 1 11 \ tid 11I111" 1, .. I IIt! 11111 'III HI IIIII II It Il t ill 1 11 1\ 111 01111,.. 11,ln t hlt l,, ' lfll t llllll •.dl I{ l\ l r ,-,.)\ I lid I 'IIIIPIL' 1111 01 IIl it l ' 1"\\ 11," I II


(:i1l1J(Jll l llllt)l1

t " l ltt U I \

11111 I. t o h oill t'le IItI !. uf Ih e "t or i,

ly l o::eth(l r ~ o th e\ (111 th .-. " Iotm CU\ \ \ uy tl lI lt c ~nd to " c hule th e :1 11 ,lnt.! Ill" I Ill'''' r l \\UI ' tqllJld t hn t n rInli , \(, 1Illh r blll i lining: Ollt 6tnh! ~ w ill ' '' ''tllllle 10 ue a ,111 ty Th o oJ)el~'H o ll is n o \\ co mplct exstahl 1 no III ntt: fUI "hUl allllll ,l !::; I t ('tlt ' t 1(1 .\\.It( h th e tl CC n n ll RH~ If t ile i s· ll sed ,\ m :ttl (tuc " not ~t!nu r.ll" 1.\ 1\('1'4 01 sta'rl a t o g. I O\\ o r l ig h t II laa lel ll (II \',HI Ih" ,11. , III h i" hll d \ \h en this I ~ sta lt l (~ ami 1II ll m e'illl :-i l h~IL t he o.; tu l,l r unite \\ Itll 11H" Etod" :Hlo m plls OJ~ C H

I ))

~JIl~lJl l \

' , I,II Jd

h ,...


1111:\\1 \

•0111 !-tLHIl ) IJI I am h e JI{IJl tl l lI !'U UPI)\l1:; pl~lfl of n il Inll Il lI ti 1~11 '1l in tllft Ili dia n

il n lhu 01 IHlI ro\\ s 1 Ip~ o r \\ aXt U '\111 tln ~ \\ tl ti lt' II ltr po .. p I ho

!ll- l h


I q l 11 11\


th l' p lc«~ o f barl<. 10 \\hl (: h It Is ~t lt ll fllll\ I t \\ U:s i n t h · uld :\:all'Hhl l be R11111,cd bI\. bOlel Ih,lt Ih e IX, III I, a l VI O\\I ' " or n e nlh Ih o bat l" of th e ~ lO()( l'lf; 1. lh f! Cl1l~ l tJ l\t:C8 \\d ., t Os l HfU ~ h o \\ s t;o llw w hnt the Alia J)e or Ihla ~lllfI 1\ I tfol1ul \\O s IJiIlIt In I S., I b v 1)11" of IM l it ag Cllt fro lll th l' uud Au n l !:;u ,I, i' n,lll r \\ll e of UIIIfi t lcl\ Th e 'lit Is m ailu lIrel' ~no tl g t.\ 'fa \lur a \\1 111{ 1I0\\ Tl L'hi lllt\t.:P It t o 111 l:11 1£11""1 JU S! a tlltll iJlt Qr t h e UHle r \ U l l:; Upl' I H'U 1rll III. (IInlf h ll!-i a I " ''I ll . ,'oUl I UI tambillm Th e lh Ul ~ ( Ic lc. , .as h ute Jt-i " fi l e t: ul ll Ii ill t h w;e tl n\ s.

in t h (' "irl tcl I h f' 1ll:J1I11I , ' ,, 1'\ ull t~il l t1 " Ill hi'" 11ig lut d).I n t !L'~ lil lie \\ l lldc.J\\


\ 11111 IJI UII..

tn c lt c ti 0,,,1 wh lclt Is to

u u <,1 1 es~ e Ut l rpr

I. \


I I ! Iii

Itr l

iJll tl Jl g

I \ II


tn l l l ll l ll ,",fd lVV lliSUr Llu·tlJ d hVlCi



1 .. 1 11 11 111 111 I h l" II. I '" t,

11 1111 \

g . O \\

o f \\ 1111 h nr c hlIl ~e i ) 1J ~ ht ti gh t ih}I )J ~ thL\ hlIlg efoi a 1 til !..' t up rlll l '.-e \l UU I !i 3J ~ (011 111 c l( d OJ 11, lU llll d th..l1 hold H U l ll (JI I, Ul h n Hltl(} \\HV n jul ~lI PP(l S l\ l h ~ \\ Iud IJh ," S Ol h L f t h l"1'1 will s h u t u tili fill llin Ipl; \\ dlll Rill , I h,' (l lll l l " III LJ. IlIHII rh ls lIIa!,!s it 11IlJ10 'i s lldu t OI ' LIllI drU II,., h lS tu CI. IU) ( du" n T ll t II MIP JlU :;l tJ ~ \UlI " hitl tu It sS(\TI til l' all~o\ll1 l 1) ( a ir e ll t rlll g ' Oil ~ln llJ !) (haw (\0'\ 11 U11 n c oni I hil t I, attnclll II to t h e m"l oI ll' or t he eo nHN'llnl ! ho.1Itl nl ..... pl nc l' "h t:le 1h( t· Is n h l ll ~'-~ nud It bE. ntis lhl l e dra \\ Itl ~ th l1 du urs t<l/o; l. lht r S ()IIlP\\ h, l L a b d or ("Iu~ p \If) us ) 0 11 II hf' 1 JW \ P SL\(' r .FIG I h , I ll ln g " u ll, unll ili s gouu <l Illt h" illlI ·I . ,ltlutl t ll o .Io , t e ti 11 m' ;; sllo\\" . 1101I 1d he ~lIt but n . hol t lim e be' 1h \ (I l1tlla1uJ B cloSI"'o: 0 !-1ho\\!{ the n} fo r c t h r h ll ii s o n tll ('l lll nr('l t o lw II sed, Oli UU 01 If th e ) m"'t b!!'s ent som e til s tan ce or I,opl fOI ,I t In1e s hollitl lio \\ 1,IPI.ed in m ois t r. lo th UI J110~f; DARK , STABL ES. Thi s t il t I. m n<le a s n enr I he I:IO\l n<l 'Iltey Arc Ul' h e:> lth ;y Plnces In Wh ich ns on e ca n \\ or l, corn ell l('lllh (1\\ 0 t o • Ix In t he" 1 nn ,1 o n th e "1,10 0IlIIOgl t n to Sh ol te .' Stock nnd AI e Gen· t he hOll s t ra) 3 of lhe s lin It I. mUll .. olOlIy DII t y jllst '\['" 1' CIIUl1gh 10 ell 1111 o l1 g h til .. hal l, tlll tl Ih" hlA (le Is t\ le n tn se l tc ~ 1 have jusl ilecl1 0 ' c r to ono o r m ) • n e lg hbul" "h. h U$ ('0111))1 lell nil a util· iJc n Nlt h th e NUn e t S and the !Ja r!< T be t lon 10 hi s burn In Ihe nd dltlo n nre I ~ I'e<l as s110 \\ II In l 'lg 2 b s tOI' I, Is n Oli r l'nd ) tor the blld t b e s l u l>l es rUI tI,,~ CO " s a nu tb e A bud Is 11 0 \\ put tl OIll t ile 1111<1 Stlc'<, h u r. s II I" nOI II Ise fo r ono to Ct Ill· el se h is '1l'l g hlJu l or. a t lea st to ,h o l en "I ll!; a h,.l f or tllr ee fou lt lis In c h n e lg hllu r ~ face so I did nOl " ak l' UIl) o f uall, ntln( he d, a011 u s tllg tlte 1'('\ 10; 0 (U1l11II1l1l a ll tbe £1rrall g~ lIIcnl S of Ih Q of .he lear n~ a hn n c\l e It I ~ ol lippe I s t nlJl c BltI, s ay~ a \I rll c. In th e d01\1l liohl n ll Ih e rals e,1 b&rl, Oil I h,' Fill nl r. It e \'i c w . I \1111 eX I" CJ~ t h ~ s toe'l, un til t he upp e r tip of th e hnrk opl nlu n Ihal .llo slables bllih '"(' all Is ju s t uel o\V lI' c h or lw n t nl cu t o n t llo 'Hung I uo nOI sec h O\l t l "III uo .Ioe l. I Fi g ~ p ) The tal sct l bnll, Is n o " posslh le to I,c ell th e m c l e ~ ' pl csse d Th c S l r nt ll bJ "~llo n to them Is th e fnel rlO \\ n t Iglr l I} auo ut tho b u rl and hcl d t ' l.H t lIl') h.r o n ~1 h e l1 0 1t h sI \lc oC t h e \Jllrn n Itl hn\ e IIU wl nd o \\ S li t nil e x· U ! J)l Ih e lim nl1 ,\ ind o \\~ thal Ule mnllc fo r tbe In" IY-' . e ,-, r th lu \\ln g Ollt Ih c mnnllrr anu "h ll hOl D 1" I, t ro \ crl't1 , \\ IUI s lld ,'s Tillotl g h t h,'se sn< .11 lI l. e.· t llr s li lli e IIg n t 11'1 ",1,tI ·." I he a tu Ll es 11 111 ai ll ap be ,In. l, " n,l l h nt m enns t hn. t hr \ \ til Iw alII ' \ s dil l ) a b G FIG ..?> DtHI h o\ c In Illl' lII htlll smell s Th o m an h (l~ p ~ :sI X t U \\~. nlHI lhr' , e hi 11I1~ tlow n h \ "rallpill ~ UH Rl}o()\\u in f." 1 ~ o n apC'llUI( ' h, hl lhl the (O\\=L:.l~ e ~ d

1.\11111\/ 11

lh l I

tu "'13 1\ 6 ns n ha ndlo b ) "h' (h 11 111' 11 ( 1 V\ lr til t I H)Jlllti lll~, lJrt h (>l.Il hl r In se.t 1110 liu d " "i ll I IJ) 1 he natiu lI ' all li tltll. I11<1 it e. Il v I)I'I.IIIIU \Il u s ll rnlnll 01 10: 0 Rho \\ !J. t he Im d 81111 t h e q n ti.! It f t h l' J;U \(: lll lll c nt In Iht

0 11 till' ~ Icl t:i



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... t'IIl.: lul l '\trdl ... I II \C llc! t ni\t.: t dll 1 ltl y u p . ,n t ilt ' . . \ 111 f l tlvi O l l!lIlS p.I ... ,ll \lIV

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Lydia E. PliJhh ~n's Veget able Comp ound



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Mr . ,11101 ~11: II iill M1'1' . B , V. l:illlith "I ... ·.·,l 111 .. ,,, 1 II II. Ii ·" !>fl tt , p" l\.rtuimlll fo r til ii' Utl o gll t or, I\~i !ls L" ,li . I ' l'i -II,' " /I I h i" fo r rn i!T' I~",, " , ' 1' I \llI'~J f\ f \' lIin g tlb ou t Iwoll . I I I ! II' ''~ III P q ~l ll .\l t llt ll" ,)' .J t1 il g' JlO" lJl .,. ,vh ('n IlI11 i1io. RUtlle \I " • .",,,1 .\1,' ~ ~ · .. tn k. ( " .rIM, o r I r I' I · . ' '', It'' I' I. i 'l I' 'lttl .' l fl. \' -Ar A (!'lfH r~ " t ,r.. 1 pt'''' h,'. lIil'o r tl l.l,l tll e b le f Mrs. Edith (farri ~, o ver l:Iu ' fIl II . , n) " ~' llll' ll t lIf IIw o"~l\si on . M , ~~ Hu t r~l H F' t'lt ,n p ~ }.h H H sl~vtn n l · I '/r ,,~., 111'1 ~flllt Wt "0 Mis;loR M.II'.\ ' flliy ~ rtl/leu"' y wl t.h h01 I' WII\',ll' .<VII1 . . Gnl .\" , In u /I. 11 11 ' ( 1~; t.h fl1 I:i l n kO!!. l'ult"iVfl8 I1nd f r"' lld ~ "" ,( "p l lll'n pr] W inn itl M" ,·,'d . I·h . , IIo1'l hIL HYIl "lid t.. Dayt.ou 1'111'-llll v ,\1'11,1 I'It,I' )".( . ~t ll~5 r>! . l:ild J<; llI ~, nll Y Br'l rn . t " Ifr . aud l\I r" ~"O"1 A ' R 'II" lcp Ithjl(' I·t Huil ey. ( '1I11'111I<:u S ... tl cb . ,1 4\ ", h •., f( t f!l!" ) " " l1 tt ll 11 l b ~ . } t."'f1 t'A,' IHh Thie makee f\ ,( ,' . I,. II\' , ",1 RH' k ~ lIuli Wi ll l::itro ll i . f,.H I, \ h' .,f f, In r rt : 11 '.l IH PrR I\I I~ - N"," An lt illU 1I'",'ed .v e!< tr r . ,',\ I · l\l i rltl l, t " l\\ n . w h f\ r f1 :00 b.· \'1 11 " " ', ,· " I r ' 10 i" .. <1 Il 11111'1.\' \l r ~' n\l nli . ···t.,l t il,· \\ lIt'~ r w\r lJ h pr :-I;; .;t ... r , I· d i,·. S"tnnl"y i n " nmp li,n flll t II) 1\1 , ... .11~f . h llJ' f 4,' r ~t l ... ... '.'" C u ,' ,IYII '! n ll JI~tli th ft l t ,"\ h tn


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.1li ~\· ( ;'·""',( 'Il.IV•.,ngl' l


Children's ·.Clothes at· Mose Cohen's."

~Jl t~)l' i lll~l

ing lUi'!!.. Mf'\.; 'l'rd~r, 1)1 j," /,i' ''v n . W A I l.Hj~ n. :l1. '11\"1 , " r h yt.l< . 11'II!lMII ,""d, II11"in " ~ til ,1 ~ 1' 111111{ I,' rll l"y , -~-~ I.l!r: ~I r.l'II' IHCN' tI \I , L. M I'~ , LII UI"; Mill' I'I " lI-<liIL./, 1'" 1,, 1 I'" \ :n, " . 0 , 10·!< 1. fi ve", ,,j , (m i ll I'h ll ol '.""/I. 1.1"1i: ~I \ i\N P I al M "" . 1~1i'?,II I;p l h I: \,,, n " i s " P ndl .. ~: ' Itl ,.tr1\J<" ti( Ilfl (1rC1t'r o t' F;\ )t' , {Ihl ~' h.'iU't~ II IIIW lIn.", j.,. ( 'I'I1I0 \, V'lll. ' rOln .c1'l1'1 l'tH1rl , t il th., uhp,'" KtnlP(l no u. K (;. i\lilll,l1', 11)' t"' l'lIln Tl t o w n. . n .1 I ·) 1I1t\ ,lIr('I' Lt·d . I wil l Orrt.' I' frH' ~:' h" I". .If IlUlJllr ;Hu.:Llf.JII , "I the ,1 WH' o( I til' t,,, ·rj .'s it ~ 'I\I1'1 \'i~1t 1/'''' 1111.\' J~ ," l (W\1\' ;q ; 1I t Jlnw-" , In I. · lJLIIH1U . ' ' '111' 1'(111 (,1)lI llL-Y. \'· ' ' '.Ik.

1)111 0,



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~h'. W·m . P bi ll iJl" /111(1 rl,L l\Il1.v Apllll i 1" !l1 ~ nlld /l .\' wi th t )) f I'!J IM 'S /ll hr r , Mr ..JIl Io 7. PlJill ip tI.' :;\1..". r .. itll .'. ', 'h nTIIHW II I1 R lll'c. lI Iliu u I'll q ll'lllL.\" \' i!>if.ill g ft'H' DCh in Unlit I' ille 111,111 L ny t'ln .

I. S igt I 11 111 W" ,. " I " " ') Ilt 1.>",)" ..\1(\:'\ 1M \' , ()( "1 '()Ul~R :.':1 , 1\.. n. tn 05. MOllllll11'l PR l'hifip Tl' lI ut HOll ,I. D . t,ll ll 1·1..It,VI' . MIIl'llIt.t will ool,orr,lIi ll I·/r e C hJ' i",t ill ll hl 10 lI' dlll'k <1 . 111,, 1111 f' lIhl 'fl a,·. Lilt.' ro llo\\i l nt," M, ,;. O"'f>" ,\ ~ '!'l'i ll 11 11 .1 Mi:;;; l '; lll': dt 'IH· r l h l·,l t' 'u l C Hl n \ . · , Lo· w h ~ U ll ioll o f H jlrllI g' Vull o.v lit t h 1>1 . t~ ,·. MHfI'l (t.. li t, ' \'I ~ il j,,~ ,'plo t l\'o'. ~thHlLt· fn \ v :\yn l' 'I 'ow n 'lhip, \ V:lr r e:h E, pnrsOllu g tlti H. W (~ d u Htluy, nftol' . III Brolll J;.'\·, n (•. (; n u l1\,\' . (lhhl n llll hrln tf u pu n or ~~CL J (J n nOOD, " , lIl,· I" I. "'111.,, H. I. MRS, ll e ~l nnln~. ,.X.·" ~ to",' ~II RS Bale n Og l e~ heo gn\' ,' H 1''' 1''' ' Mr r- . j,: Ulllll a .)" ".11 1, . "I l'a vflll1. IM I" ' 1 11 ... l'ln"'nn" .1 nn,1 la • I I h nnlt' I l Jl' It $11(»', \· i~i t. . t unllll" ,' In Iht' ~uf'll, \\' \·"' tn\rll f'l' ur l\th' hlli ll we ll (linu e .' l'l'cuutl y to tl n n l n h c\l' 1)1' i\ (ot h"I'~ h uve I tlU I~lI ud.r l(U, t l o r p , " . 13 , .'/f)h n~u " ' 111.1 W I f., 'II'" !II I 1I ,,,tll,,,,, ·, .• urn .... h' .1""11 \l ull,'''''' lani!. II,)\, f riA1 l1 ls u lld o ln~l! Ill f\te~ . r.t i~l! n il plll l'" Ii I; ,; M .l:<6 L'o lum '!' t, ll' I"r l;1i n lll g ,\1 r " Hllh""" ll .1,, 11I1s' Ir~. ."hl ,'O'H' """ ! 11~ lW" 11 ,,' l'lllced. h)' JUt'1 IJ ple ll "'IHr l!' 11'1Ie~ll l1 r t o O xl'n r rl t o Jj(lV~ ' Clo , l1l ng , Pl1 r RIl " ;(1'111'\ Ill'» H,· • hll'" L.UlI' UI. lt , U · "1 1',\ fJ t 1: f-IW l]",.. ,' ","ulJd\\ n " ;'\'IJr, Ih l'':;OIl trl'nl I' tl nt II'I'~ l ol ,ll.l.H~rll t,his " wenr exus l'i"lH'a pI':'~:l nulI, l '/i f)ullUl1 .t\' IIIr Ma furof~II nil· ~ II re r .Oxfo . rt.1 (iI !:: Ul U Ie C0 II IJ g , .... i ,.1 'e ., ., . I f'l iltl 1~1' lt l' lt U PII \ ""ifa, It w ·,.lr. ,\ ·: '11 ' \ " "l ljlJ \' U 111" tl fI .V \V U !- fi f "I "mllon. . 1," "1' ." ,.' .J 'lhll Hulll:Jl\( tn. ·:\~,' ~o, ' I iii" '1,II ' II .\' L> lI y I'Xe rOl,'(1A . I J. I hu:.; \'(ot'ifi l1 ,l ' H. ~ I ,' '' . l" ulIl' 1':lI l'I y . III' ~11" '" I ~ IJ\ll'g. ,ItA,·t... . vil lt ·, w, r ll h ... ·... l:-- lit 1\1 n .: 11 r , 1, )(. _ .V l. C 1 I I ' \\ n hn v p IH o&d orl !i' ul e tll o greu f. .. T t. " ·~ t'S I H wo r u Mi ~scH ' lI 11tll , h ul' !li ~l,el'. Mrs . ~1 /l " I J l u l'lm. '" \\ t4rr"II ~'''U lllY ('IIJnIiIOII Ph'll,",f·lm:-l. " h t ) , Linton'H "i,.t,'r. Mrs l!. :;. H owl<ll. ' 1""lT r""l1 l"I:' (h"I1,', S ; .. , .•. ~;, lUI" I':. ,'0.0 1 :iUnL II )' til 11,, )1, w lI e h 11'01'0 10 hll\'" OI; t lin e or B"YH' 'oll \)()l S nit" ev r Oun,!II' 111lI\'k'~: l,ue lla Go ru ell,Ste llu Il ti h"rt vitli t, UII O .11l Y lu s ~ ",.'nk . Il nd fnmil.v Fridn ,V, "",<in< ." lIlf' 1.1 11 1,· 1II1 .•" tI HI".·.. , InCuC":< . I' IJU U It llhl 1I (I.Xt ::;U lldll.)' , 1111 \'e heen Cnl'o ly n tlull E dith 1. M. ' ulp th e prop ri l' tcH' of thro IN </"j(. :; 0 mill. I':. ~:" ,'10:01 .. , · '"" nce. K Pli!lt.lJon od i ndl)f} tlite ly, o wing t.o t,h e ox hibit'1l1 iu DlLyt r.n . DIt VIR .F urnnN . wholle ~i (1 kn 8l<~ W (\ > Lemmon, Chihlrell '~ li g ht 'lUll durk mlxe ll Fl1i I' :St oro "'us he re ,·('(·,' lo ok . :111 ".~. :l0 mi n. J';, ;;, 111 ch .... 'h~""c wl'h th e prOpo!!od n b~oll ('C) 0 1' tLl0 plIllt or . I'flport,cd In IlI s t, wt'e k's GIl7.ell p M ,, ~h .. r . r i 11.n.' .:1lI1' · t·. LO 1I'I l ilt, :o' Lt ~('\\.," ('tl~ill LIHIt Hll e ( or iji'{:ll o u 11 ; ('bt vi n t ~n it.~. c~llll" I tu nu y $3 t u 11 lII fotl Jo~ lll'o li ne ) f ,",ct, II. N . I i ng n rte l' bus lu o ~s. continoos quit.e ill. &tnrdltY h • I ,h·u .. I:, ml". I': In " "' ~ ,.;, I'url1cr 0)( ' he \V ,lI 'o \'n e I UIlIl flllllil y. l\lnnriofl :U ,O.m i t ~"I .l pIN~Hv l 'I " W . O . G l1s tin. Willi rulreo to n ho~pit~lI Itt OILY t O il A pllrty ~roDl W" y n e$"illP, con of \ \' uy tl f"s\' iJ lr' IlIn ll1\ Ilf.1. \ ' WHr L' ... In ,.,aI4tl'l('C , 11111': C tl l' lI f1l1ll l) fl I'll i tlil .\ . Il n ,','Y ( ' H I'lI PI I (h ll ' " Il ~ c ' l ll 1" '1\ .\t ..... ..... h where it, i~ hopp.1 hI' mil ." n 'J1j ll l ~ !i' t r Ot' Il'- o n o (111)' th , ·ill·" \,llt. 1·! d\\ ,l rol .. :Iu " .... :lIi dt 'R ;' '' ' ' l rl( l Ilin ti l y I ii I h l"i ~ Jfr i ll '" Vu ll t, \, . . " i ~ tlng o f Mr. li nd Mrs . A . M,lffit t impr .. ,·1' WIl S seoll 011 OU\' ulln \\' :' "'"., II" ·,, , " -.: , I .", mfl" l" k •. " '111 l" upll lI rif WII"I '" MII' •• II II Ow II' '1.11 "''''' '''101' 1",1",1" Il,.. ),,·10"',0" ""U • . I'xt.J''' l'lIir "r 1',,"1 .. 1" Mr II ofl MrN ,r"II1 "" ~h\lt .. ,,, ',',' .. , Mr. 1111(1 Mrs. <.1eo . W . Bll w k". MI' Illst w eok. 1\JI'8. f '. N . P on oe Wl 'll W" R ,' (n' , 1\':<,,,,, ... Ih' "I•• ·: lll" ""r,; ,;, 01,," :10 ,,, In . \Vll'y n f'~ "'l1t1,. _ppnt :-\nn ~l lt .\' . 1l1 ~st : , B' "~ ' .) IIollper Inllt 'l'hurMdll Y to Mr. Imd Il"'\ M' H. E. V . Bllruhn r t, MlslOOS • \\' ;,.:.'1 p .l lt·S, tlWII I'f' ~ ;1 eh'! . ·1;1 m i ll . \' pI UH:-l fl t\ l ly wu h' r(.~Jtl t.I Y t:l!i 1tl "\:0 1\111 . I1l ll led ('Hilt , - .. ~ l\lt f /ill ", p , 1,1 J'H~ o \'~r, n ow ~' • Mrs R . B. Hf\rltm lind Mr . /lOll Mr. I!:m U III HuthllWf\Y, .I o.~~ ie t 'larll. ill f·il , PlI llt week at ill')' CI.lll1 t ll n quCl :' .::': :" ,1",. II"·", ,, " ;, .1 ,I.'" II' ; .~ I 1',,11" : L .Tohn lltona, of Cindin l? ton ; Mr bOllle . is slo wl y impro ,·illL(. "helll"·'; .I,· acu I:'"ll ill IV; d,,,lll <' L/,,'I1,',. N. \'\'in" I' \lI\ It io k, 11 1111 fnmi l y . of 'l'h A' ( 'o lo" \1 t-: IWlliu.l " Boy ,,' M I.V Wrig ht. M um e Browu , nn o Mt·<l . N. Ma ltbie II IJ Ill, !;U II c! IIY "~ ·I ",.~ :;;, min \\' \.1~U ""al,," : 1I"'lle,I, ' I1lC'\ tl IltHi. II I''' ~ P'llId l ll/o! ,n, Wlw ic • Ernellt MIITt,ln , ()f Dll y t." n; Mr II nIl M r ,1. M . Coo k, were j oinerl I)y ." 'I,'~ ,,:. "dn 10' 111,U 1 "'le'tO Sam" . 1 \·Hl·. " 1 1.)ll · "lll.flllly .If, Il, I' ut t'rllOllv , 'I1\1 " -PI' I~ w lf,Ir o'l l\ hl e ~1"1I1, \V itu r e ill ti v p,s I\t CI\1' II" 10. • I I I ' 1 II ' ' t " ... I IJ I .P I I I11".1 I 1l~1I: W '1'. FrltmA. Mr,. . Bpt.hl .. tll1l.'Jll .. · . ~Iurlllt'r!o' til l ) S C(t om ,.. ttl "" (."n111 r .\' hUllll. ( If 111 " l'h.t pl'. AI ' H, 1,11 1\ 1 ~1 neu.- f 1-.1.1 t. " ... . y ~ql1", 0 W ill Hlti n es , o f No 1'11'111111, "pm n lI\..· huc: II'n"IIII1, Mrs. Edith F.lurri" nnt! Mit.; 1"" 0111,:-" o tll e r" h 'o lll 1I,lrvey s lm r.g. .he.w" " ,u.1l with F" hl ('lc ull·nt.·. rl·r· e I :t ' II) t I I I \ii: r.. ull day witlll bi s pn l'IIIlI q. 1\11' " nil lIl t' /')V Sll·( hltJln·~ l·t\sl llu t, 1.C1 t il t" ~ ,~ t'l , rll t' r Ali ll it) T hol"IW, 1\1'1' , r .o kr; h H ~ . h l'rot i I K'1Ior1lryn Frame t II ' I j t ~ tll s ~I) 1 .... :-' ,~ ":» t,) . !Ln,l vleiul t y In ~ t TIll1rsun y e Vfij nin l! :SM,· . ~Iuuu ell Hlliue s , '" "" I,, ele.m ",,· !a"" , . 1>"""1' W" ", wl\'11 11\ I h Plllp1 " " (\ f tir o B & It II, \\ 1" .•'11 ......... .. . .... . .. .. ... .. ·Robe~t· En~le, flf Wlnc h estnr, In . lit th o bpIlu t. ifnl h om o o f M r. /ln d (;IOlllt'thc.'llr.c I1I . · """(h li n,· In II", p_ir. UO lllPllll.\' f I: !.lllt.t,y ~· ... ur", /l Ull lie ~p""ill Mr a. \VOl , Murl'llY w h o ltll~ htlutl "al,1 hrl Hlla~: CflNlw.t , .. 1t>' \r Ut. .. aht 11,11(1' I l ",,11' 11 rI ~'''l no. 1 lSt,C)Ok. I ien H~ ~ diana. Rnlt Mrs. 811rllh ~hl glp. ot r.r r H Will Hllille3. en s t, of Hrlrvey!:! h l iln' W~H lin,' (I f 1111,' t\rl" lr. IC!.IlS pl11 Ll'~ ' t tl cI r i'" tol " vlt~t It Jll Ol1llt. tlf plflHfol ute , Il l, " " Il I:"1 ....~ t , .. rt'g u UI' ) 1'l ,f "" s e l'i o lls ly ill :is ve r y ulIlc lo ilnp rllv ol1 New Uiohmond, Ohio, 111'1'1 VAO III bU~Jt. '. 'l'h , \11 t ll rtll inm en t hlld be n t;~'0iI(1 ~o . .... il 111 W:l r l'cn l 'UUIH\'. OhIO, \.'IIIn ' f l' ~)n1 u n o n t.\u J;.; ~l1 ola n:-: 110 It'l IU 1' W WU I·t II ~('. 1 h ' . . l\1 " the home of MI: . .. ntl MT~ . N B Mrs . LI 7.~1Il J ann ey i ~ ' P nd i ng , IO lln l'lt·a ... (; "UI' l n l (1<, :i,J>ot: l b cJ!I·,'..,ou l h war,l,y fmjo y illg . ~:h, Hud . J. ~,c- , Ii \\" (111.1,)01 . WOJ' t.ll wl l h l"o,t I II IH' fi t :mhl 1111 :u~ re tra c t It Antbon." Satnrouy, nnd tire " p purl ~iv. ' n th e I",me o f Il " Wil t rlU l:lon fow 1IllYs in D llyton .. . . u,>rl ) Ii , in, a wpek "I~itinll' nmone thAh Plt'f'ty. " lrn t wb ri n th e g uests we l'P l o 1...Ill!ofplll l' " u f hL'~hlnlll", \'u llInl n JIIJol 11 :-•• 1;, 'l'WL) wfck rot ""0 t.l l ·U i' . ..etre 1t1 ~I1 , ~I ' ) 1t1.'ll r· ll'-~"cl , o(·.l· P Il l! IP, b es t~ lJl ' Born , 'Lo N . C. MUrTl/Y "D .l w lfp. ut·!'t· I Ullt!. III'H'c Vi" lePitol ,... _ . U _ rAIRll Veil herR. It will be I'om e lll se rv eo to r ef r es hDl ent s s Ilg UI' m e l o f Le buu on. 1\ dll ng hl p.r . I Linn ed rh o ,c".o ,If " " . , · Qung n .nn l I IIW I. I ~n l ,1 rea l t, ta l ~ h.~.~l.ll'e ll r l •..-ultl rly 3i J,r-\Il'ii' .\· h. " bud IHIt- n l' H t t,h M l-i l1 r'tl ll I oore(\ t,hot MtA SIngle mn'de.)lP' ed UflIII'r o l'tlt.' r ot "'I)UI"l at. t h~' ~lIm IIf !<'O!·t y· A OIL of ~ b e fln ~ st qU tllity w e l'e /1.18fl MI'. uud J es e Wl'ig lll hnme for a time with th e lata S. W . in ' nhnudun o·. E ve ry lhing CO lli tb eil' gneqtoS. til ir !l n . f;I\," '1I.>, ;ooC,','fI , IUd il ~~IIJII \f. ' 1, :\ U f J t.llilf" lK'r 'U,' ll', H ' IPot fo1' n ( ' I\~lph l o f rl nys nnd t ill n ~ ",'..tI&M IN " Rogers . .. . \\ ri g ht lmel fa m il y , o f On rl'll<lI E' ' ".11 ",I II lIot II.., ... oIL tnr ll· .." thil n ''' 0 'urtls ,h .-"pll t,tt ' U Wll ht rllt puyi ug r I ll ' 11lt4 Uu."el to mllke tilL Il m os t ohllnn Pe j "lll.1 ;'\,Jp.raf t" tl \'Ilillt.". . I f)(l!;: j n .t:' f'I "l ~ t"l l l t-\ .L ,.\, \\11011 [Jll h. I. ! -:;, . Mr and Mrs. Henry PrBter, Mr onsyl v llnin. r"H ' t.{It ..·..; AI.I-. . tJllr'lhlflt ftu.. n.olll, tlll·jl , , "t1 l " 1U.. t i n .,'u ('t"&d ti 141 U ),. " \"1:' , ' ,.," . ' and MrN S Lov , Cartwri/!'ht" nnri p nlllin g t o n il w bo pa rti e ipa t ,1 In (III, n',\!' .,n41 UIJc 'L hlr ,1 Itt t \\U ' Clt1'r- L1l' 'I' I ' I f (I' tl t I I e The ' BOII Ill Mis loulIl')" :;" r h, t,. \ , Mr. and 1oIrR. Geo . W Ehrll!'ht., 01 . . , . . . . ,'"tJj "lll " I,' t!C""'I'llr,'d I.; III/jl t~ tl gt' l ' : U ,i)!I ("l l n .\'~ I{l ~n~ ,III . 0t nt the b Ollie of Mi ~~ Mll l't,lw ltlllur.t·/l·T" Xenill st~lrlod Mondi'Y on what "Ill , Il,tl ~ t ::iu ndllY nh out hft.y r t'lll r.iv N 1II t "~ 1"0"luto.,, M.hl lilHI l u 1lI'.t r tU ltftO"l a l l)f)r ~ ... t h l:' nUin 111,,1 ,d l·l \·."n JI /ld 1.,... " r CLOTHES. . Po uee 'I'hn r litl y 11 f ta r nOlln . • problibly be" v!)ry phiuslIont ten dll Y> a nd fl'hlll US b'lLth e l'ed f\t th E! bOln r .Ix [,I'r I" n. . . 1 ,l'utl"d ofr; /iu t Ih\ "l1~ f Ol1 l1n Ih i' \ h i I' ]);I('kll'tll chr ol Knife Froe 'I' " P \ T ·l'F I · ~O~ N V' I' I " Ob IL rl es M c)rton , w ife Iln<l 1iI.Ilo ' trip throUllh Virginill. ThAirohJec ' bf Mr. lind Mrs . B e bAr P e rrin o Il ea,' :-:'h"r lfl \\·';I'f~lIl'l'~I ;; t ,·: Oh"). " ll~~y .. r j I'W I t-" J If III .Htl"' l lt l o/' "" I b "l' '-'' " ,\' IJ"~t-o ' l'OooUtl, ISCln. of Cl u cir.I1lIL t L Ill' \' iHil ill lI I'll in . tlve point jM F/lye t,Ieville, Virllinia . L e bf\n o u t o 8 (1Bnd th e day . At ooou t ives lIt t h is v Ince . l;' ~I 11 1\ .1 11 : 1\ ~,' ,\tl · ,·, . ~ ,I O\T toO U~:-CPP""P() Ht tlr (., ! H U l' I ll '"f ."",,~-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ where a reunion of the c omrnd AII . , h re a m! I u If ' h el l'Oi'1l 01 >. le . ...~:::=? ._!!..w._ old brigade will be held, hnt thl't, on t4e belluttful "twn, t h o g u e~t_ R;e v. J . W. Putton , plI .. I.(l r 0 t lJ\' • \' lI il~ lttDa ytOIl J s \\·. " I;h u lt'nr lod . ·~ k~H~. W· l/I. Il lI.v . F.. ~' . B lwby, will BIAO vlAit f\ nUll1be~ 04>/ other '''01;'0 fill s eated ' Ilt tl. t u ble whICh Met hodist Chur oh hu s 1""' 11 Irlln. , o f 10 I'll! IIn .' I IIP rlll /? t h u T< d ~C'r I VI I" " " 1. ' I ' I Will G Ilio;Uran Cl:' I}CJ1:\rtnlctlt . , .. l ,Ue or Oh lo I I••, t 111"11 1,' f. '1 ~.'t" I •. ,\ 1,c)II) ' n .JuT UbH ""' , J U l{ u , A.1f l"'t ) 11I " ru . ft'r r ed froUl t,b i!:! pl nc:!) t o ~" VllI1 ~H1 A points of interest wblle aWIlY· · fll4rly gr ollneel with the good tlling~ R e y. PII t ron 's uln u y f rill Dl!~ h tl)' ClllulIl Uut'o , Ohl(" ·\lirU I. 11),\:,. I.,irn «, B . "'t'lit t tl ~Y tl rfi" n il H rH IItlU t , ol ,, )t o l.AU ,r " nfl \ V'11l ~ luwidcl H' Last ~unday. the home of Mr t o eat, undall did j q;>tice t o th e m . \ · (Y ""I,el'lllrel1 t1clll of , h 'MII Iild ' \\, . 1/' 1' II " " 0:. l Ioe"" I rom Ill" 1~'c" 1 vijh.Ohl,). ~10 h Cl't'by t,;c Ins",,,"c~ r l lr.\" t h a i f·IIH1 It g.oI ll " r t pr In,ll'm,,!! 1 an4 M~. Joe Pennewltt, OR thl" 'rbo remainder of the dllY was lire SOI'I',V 0 k now h e 11'111 ~.. II'O'l, () ( I.tlw,I .: .. I.lutd MDon g: us b UI, we ~inrE' r('I ,~ Hult,. Ihe .f"" Jtoh ."~",, .\lUlU." I. l( ~ l<1~uru " r~' ·~., !illll ll y fllll llli I II .. 11lI'" i '. " Sprjng Valley pike. WIIS thA s cen" . . . '· !'r .l' I,,': ,., .. 1' .1 0 " .~ , [ wh o nt,t l1n lJ. of II bappv Ill\therln~ of friends who spent In 800ml oonve rs at,oll, als o III in wishin g bim s u o ~~ in his n 1\ "ll'~' ,I '" "J>rh;!V'l~'"I.ln I h~i'ol"' " HI d.""a· fn b'" lit 1I " ll ll Pll r !;, n ,;nblU' h Or .. .. , . <ltu.<l",. h;., u'"ul,lIe'.1 I', Ill! r"'~"I\I ' \.' Il II r.\rw lnnuM ' 'I'hl' h(l r" r l\t'l /' h ll R , ,,,I II .. , ~'·- .l,, " .,1 I ii" I'! .t tt 1Y1J O~lml '. were cordially entertained f\,1I(1 nlso hoth vocal and instrnmentnl \lIU iC field of labor . 11Ie' I. Wbrl~c.t or till,lot) "'''l'. " IU:' ~ut.,,~ It. nllel n .. r. .Yil t 101,('" r /'111\1'1 . hil t, i t . ~ th ll l1 l: h t ' '' ''I II, III I) ' .1' 111 '; 1" "1. Wi'll k . Itnfl u1l t ra. " "'ul','''I,II,'UD' l ill thlf; MiRS A t bie J ohu on h il I' n tl' l'et'l '~nIHho "erved to a sumptuous dinner. All d e ptlrted ut fI. 'lute h our wish 'PI , r(lprJa t (· hu ... lu 'tos u t lllu.kJng tnI'i Urnn"l' h e will y ,,r. I 'H :-(o>( 'U lf IU hy t h o l l1 w . •·'·. I,Ul ' II "' l tl ..~ 1i4 ,r ~ tl 'l t1I I I." The party consisied of ~iIl Ing the host IIond hostess mony mOfp the MitlDli C{)IIIUl er IILI C .. llege lot on ~ hll 11\'cHO (pl ol' . fl II X, ILlI f"1 In/'l \ll'unuc cQ l1 jl er H/ll'teock IIond fllm II y. John Rich .' , DIl.y tOll. \.\'<.1 t." ' re,wlll) and a lml r uunl ll,w tll lo t· I}tO. nnel B'n d family, Frank Squires and slloh plenSIUlt gnth erlngs . lCnluUII}.t'. pur : lIthUII I; lin d ,1J.~J)u~l n g of lInll~ ' The d mma ti o en tertll i n'llI n t' l!iI·l't1 family, MI'II. Mellie Mason, Charlllfl 'l'bosH prpsAnt we~6 Mr lIud Mrs u t the K . of P . H llll 1:\... I,nl'lI1l \1 r v!' n. ttll'''; .. :J!' Ilr\~r rlbctl In 1'0\1011 a : tUIL H-.' ,' hh!11 ,-;l lll ttll'~ of U h io, 'l ULl! tI\e ' ·tNl ,1.tV of "'pH) F.lllrley lind wife. of tlprlng Valley .John Pe rl'iuA from Bethu.ny ', MrR ing fol' t h e ben efit of t h!' ,;iv I'SII .at t he .rC ~lr ue.x l ~ U I~cufl(tlnJ,: tllt~ ;laLe lllo: r r: ~~~.~ Mnch of the p,lhsure of t,he OCCI\lIlon of. l l l'l (o ll ,HOUll III cl l h~ .... n l h ' thtr. . wos marrecl. lIQwever, by tbe fact EIi:rAbel·h S mIth. Wm , Bay f\ud lis t f u nd Wus II 'g r Il t !'l1cces!! II OIl ~}' 11t;tl da,.\' IIr fJl!lJ'Uulbcr •• r lllt.~ }'(':II' DCX l (I was w e ll ut teu d ed . p r e,;e<tl n u th e 111He h t"r ~'or, 1.\' 1 ~ ho ", u 11)' lh(' thRt MrM . i'enntlwlttwasseizedwith fllmill' , Elmt'l' E arnhart f\ud fn.mlly , t ll L.C' nH' IU u li(h.: r lMlh, UJ\ r Ull uln;:tt ~I)f "("CLln nl R Av. Dndley Mu Lth e w8 fr <l1 11 N e w ~:!S. Itn at.tack of fI{lute toothaohe nn.l Ben 8mit.h ond fumily , ull from " o f :o.a h l Hl1\'i:,cd ~ l a tlt Ll'''. HI 1m 1\.'3 l u J u", ~: Purls fi lla d b is f\ p poin t m l' nt fllr t h" enrRchA dUriU~ ' t ofternoon, whioll Wllynesville . .Ll'R t e r ~mith nnrl AIl J;J'I!io! at· :nJ10UII LI,r ",V!tlltlbl t, fi rst ot t·h e ~ 'L E. ch ll r It ' IlrlO Il Y' lilt.hongh ever~ available remed~' fllmny, frnm Elmwood Plllce. Cin. u"",,:ltoc .17,1 17 1 i!u;- .'17 Will' applied. nUn ned in a severn m Qro iog . ,A t'.•{r(lttat ' ·lu U Il~IIlL 1)1 IIU lHlI li crt . form t~ next dlloY, . einnnti; Ed~llr 8impkins nnd family IC~":I,'I"n uapita q, I llulmllns: re' , Jm mr!\1lI\1:. an e1 "'r>1'cla1 Ill" L frpm D odd!!, Mrs. Mattie St, John C"III"I:..II), ,< ".1.,;01 ,1111: ;" Mr. and .'1rs. Vetters Iwd ohildron, Mr. '''' ;.11 St. John nnd W. C. Cornell in Michigan U Nwn~1 liU q l l u (1 11 pn l h.y hnl tl .. ~ J. t'~'('UIi UL . . : 1,:lI n. liU l o a I I";' fll lLllly. Mr. Lee McCormiok nnd W . C . 'o nl all, o f L ~' II t1, wh.; (· .. "I,al "Io' k njured in u{"_way . ollildrlln from B e thllOY, . Messrs , m[~kes nllnull 1 t.ri ps to Ml clliglln t j' Amb,ullt " r.lnoo", e f,," ,'''' y~ul' Carllmd George Smith f\ml L ouis eRCli po th e hn y re \'er', oU ll i" nn w ii , Anlllullt'" ~.p. n (lI .u rc ,," . he A serlou8 uocident ooourred or. Mlt80n's spring, two 'miles eooth o f ~i .J ohn from V\' llynes vill e, Mr auU,a ~t . ~l nri f!t hil S \\'J'lttPD Uu' l'~u~~ltlll~" W )'jlrc~:;(, I III Yc h~:I;,~,~::~~)lI~lu ~l.t.' B ~ber Pe l'rin~ lind fllrtlH y. Waynl!llvllle, MondJlY afternoon. Guzet,t e th o ( o llo wi n g b r el'z,V le'tt or : icrlhed W ',' ""Ul e .1lI·1 Cllllk·tt nl\' omcc ,,1'0;,1 ON!': wn o WAS 'I'IIKII " D.: AR GMllo.'1'Tli: : I" I", alli se,/. .1... .r 'Y "," I r ·it l· Ilrkl ,1h" ,' <' when Mr. and Mrs .(George Vetter " \tTI llc 11 , .1\ , r. v - HY .', Tb is w orld iB f ull n f t.r o n hll\ nn (l Supe rln t lll h' ," {} ' Inlurallee. were both injnred'. Mrs Vetter" When the favored ones receive d Sllti !lfuot,iou , V e r y mn c h of tlw ' FlA 1:' , L ... lh:A I. U, AKelll, r'.. II" II 11 . (J . ~eriously, liS a resnlt, of their hor!te their Invitations to n "corn bllke " becomin ~ unmtLnllgeable /lnd olf!lh II t Mople Shllde, the bt'llutifl1l coun firs t , ve r y l i t t lll of tb fl In i t or T hi~ ing down the steep hill from til try hom e of Misses Flora lIud Mury lIO e of mln( causes me f.r o ll hle I bnl 'T h .. P'""' I'l '" / ',·,·,·,, 1 ('0 .. "r H,..,,'I•. pike neur t,he sprlog Into the ' wood ~ Tibbu18, t.hey wondered what th,' Doct or s can not cure , M ll'x ill\ m v. Mr. Ilud Mrs Vott.ers live near nlLtnre of the entertllinment oould s elf ond g et r,elie f whioh ~I\',i ~ flf'~ 1)1" '(\Jr, Mi(\ll l~"" . 1l1 n n n flll' lu"" f f' u l P I".t'lI I1 ·t:' rll p" NIl I ~ , "" 0 ' IIrl .1 Mount Holly, and wure returnlug be , but it nev e r occurred t o on e or me for th e tilDEI ond lOonoy s pent Of cours e I bllve It /2rl'tll t 1111l 0UT,t Oft'I' fl' c) n '1I11n 11.·,· nJ' ()rl:t.'·~ t,n ~ rIlCA r,. home after n. vielt \vlt\l relut.iYes in th e m bllt- IL I'oyul g ood time Would o f bt1~iness b e r.e, I hll " e 10 look li t uI"till f! Ill ' II ,,, I> , '~ t willrlllw .l ii'p1 .. y .. Butler oounty. In order to giv e be I,hairll to enjoy. the bOllts c.1Uling f\nd Illlin g t h ro n tih o r Ih' l l' I'I'Oll lll' t" . Of (1(! IlI''''' , /: 1'0 the horse Il good opportunity t o drink at the !lpring, Mr. Vetter~ 80, ussured of fI j olly tim e uhead, the grelltol< t lllekfi in l,b e wo rlil. It. Cht s 111 .. II !I/rf~ of I,h'c CO Il,if.I'.Y. took the bit from the anlmnJ's th e KneRloll gllthercd lit the Tibblll, is a gml)d ~i gh t. 1111111 u n H}", r t t n "']1:" 11'1 tb e prizp.s I have ju. t oome in fOr riinn (' r ,In rI 011111 I ,N it io ,) . I II . vH ry tll r nn l; mouth, Be WIlS st-E\ndlng lit it;o 'holn" lIt ,;e vell o 'ol <lck Satorlluy head when suddtlDly it sprong for evelling where tL hig wngon "'liS in after be ing ont ..II i h R ' m ornin g u Zi"'1ll rllIlIl'I 1"" 'II Il ~pd 11 ""I'Y WIlrd lind whirled ,l"l.lf way about . wllitin l-( tn couyer: them to th p. 10oflug. l!ofter t lie Sten lll e r " Mll u ri C'e b"" r1s" llIp. 11'111,1,,'1' ~I' II(l ill 1! 1I liMe>. levolf\ncl , Ohio. g rll phi o r "pl'll(l n r::tt fl ll to til l) Without tbe bit there was no WilY woods . Whe ll, after 11 delightfUl 'B~ Grovol''' of IlIn to oontrol t,be b01'l!e, and Mr. Vtlt.. " j olt " t,hey r a llched the woods, euoh Yes tArdllY Ul ,rniu gslle oolllllr rl l1 n l1 flfl lIY. lind .l1 l l1 r l"y h - rc,o\.jyl' cl tel'S Witt' knocked down, both wheels I;u t'st Wll ~ reque~ tec1 to bunt brusb tOr e a h ole in h Ar Rirle . 'I'IH'Y 111 ml Cll Bl}k fnl' * 501). llil< W I/)(l /",,· " .. vill I< . oftbe buugy pussing over bill bo<h til cont,r lhut.e to tbe fire tbat wnll im ed hAr a t th t' d ock wl","o l!be Hu n k b p'(! n I I \vtt n lt oll t llttl' It ' H tllH l fl Mrs. Vetterll hud roulrtlned In th e \l1 ellillt 'll.1'I'tn.·tflcl 'l'be n ;'ll,b o r IU1(l ill 22 f f'l't o f wnt,el' . 'l'lli s ill trou hle I ti ll. loo kin" Il ft m' th (l lJrellk buggy. IIon(1 qUl okor thnn it clLn bll blrger bl'll ~ h }liluR we r flllot t o hnl'll ' told, the frIghtened ammal daHhell iu~. IInrl """11 Iho wood!' w nH so IOlld HllVO II d ivu r down e Xlllui ll ing the through the picket fence II10ng the rhnt Ib e ~qltirTl:l" nnd th e birds 11n oOUllill ll n lind pre plll'in g- I mpn i!' pike auri down the steep tlmbtl.nk. doubt f t!lt I·hnt daylight WIIS up I:Jllve II , t,eou\ p nmjJ " I WO"'f rlrlt"" ment, flnllJly running the buggy on thAm f\nc! t,hnt II "hot wav e " in l'r Ihl' wll t e r o ut It t,"len .. 10tR nf aga.lnet a tree The LugICY woe WII S ILt, hun.1 Thnn the pre plif/1 . WOl'lc but t,hi nk w o \'.' ill "I1 (!Ofl(1fl iu almol!t completely wrecked and Mre. t,ion~ for I 11 .. t Cil ~ t " eg lln . ,EIL1'S o r s lLvlng tl ,e ,IGrov p!' " ~ I' "he o~ n /2 0 Vetters thrown out. Her 'arm WIlS t,llDder !' W,'P I, c lI 'lJ n lid big pot lLtoe!< up to La l;p Sllp,' rio r f" r 010 . A (te r ~n .1Jn ol; H'lJ(l broken neur the elbow, an ankle wero put toto t Ull uOlll~ t o roa s t nnll dinn e r I wi ll h n v •• badly hurt n·nd her fllce brnised in wh on Il,ft ll r Ultlcll tll ~ hng IIU.l Imrn. seA tlln t l,tlL< wo rlc g o r~ on Th o St . Mur y' ~ I' h ~ r iR , \tnpl , m'lDY placAS, It greut lIplinter fully ing of tonlo!\1('s lllld lingers thl'Y w e re 8n inoh and II half long entered her prollOIlIl OP(] d o n e. th e cotree WII~ pn t, /o! f!lntl , wi.l l' i n pl ll Cf~ \\' it.h i ~ llIn . l ~ lill. lind if. WII8 teared for a. time til boil hy t·h e "ol,,<r. " wh o d eolured CUVlH OII wi t.h e VIl"1! "f' C"" ~ \lrr O \ln,l . thnt, she wlI!llnternaJly Injnre(1 : t.hll,t h~: ~n ew h ow to tnllke (lOO !) e d by s ky lrln u wlltoP I·. Th or o UI'(\ I" " n v thi ll g" t·o nlt.rll ct, Mrs . Burl,rm Ednlbllrt clime ulnng Ic rJfl'ee ~ " (l il A co ulel Ilouh t t h,,!; Hrlon lifter the lIooident, and she when t.h e 1,1I1l11 ell1l1 0 to tu s te If , hil t OUI' n tt 11 t io n 1I 1l1;,og \\' hioh n,r ll th n I"'ought Mr. ulld Mra . to 1II'1111 e II PIlII try t o e ll l£llge his Re rv. ,.t eo! I'hwt nllri pilIp lIl ill'" n n' ('unan V" . I:!herwood's office in Waynes. it",." 1\ t, 1"'I'SHllt" fo r hi S. tun e IN fully iltn Bido. (.;lIr b id e "'''l' k" o n Unil·.. rl ville wbere I,heir injuries wero I n I, "n n p wll h tl'lI ohlDA' tll e .Youn g ~ t~Ltes Sid e. 'Phi? I!I' P II t lock" hn th " e~ded to iliuu tll flh ont 'Vhen Ruppe l' \VU S " ides; th e rllpid R h Al weA,1 t,h " twn \Iii Mil uy p en)ll n ttl'A cllni ecl Late in the Il fternoon 110 cllrringa ItnnllllluJI'.(\ t,lI e g l1 es t,~ Wel'fl r:~1Il1fll r t. s ide s . !I seoured IIond Mrs. Vetters Wll~ ,ably ~P'/lt.e<l llJlllTl II wood pIle . '1IId throu g h th A mpids 10:-- [ll flinn ~ I\'h o ;. h ' e to UOOolll(Jllny her husbllnd t,lIe hllHtM"e/j ~ e rv ell th e corn ILlld ur e e xport in t,ili s klml Of pl oll s nrfl m TedJ&esday a~d , . lIle. pot.u t"c!' on lV,?ocle ll pltlte~ . follow ed We h a. ve not t l'l ell t he f u n ; j lls t. Report~ from the injureo couple , hv b p.ef ~ tLnd wwhes lind eotl ee, brn'ld looke<l on to see Whlll, lot6 o f t~)rri'l V were t o the effeot tb>! t n?el butte r ILIlU IIpplo. butl,e r. pUIU p. tl'ol1blo f or n lit tle ~n l i ~ fu e f.i o n . All hn y fe vll l' s n hj p.nts sboultl h were (Ioing lie well liS cI, nld km plo 'ln(lonke . Till!! m euu w Ol1 ld he oJ(peoteci . h.Lve beeu dell <:lOns nnywhe: e. h il t com e h er e 01' ~01D1't pIneo Ohl A '0 ge t \ w h use UPllOllte I ~ not kee n e r 111 I,he r Alie f from t h e tr onhl l)HOm e .d isel1 . (, S~pposed Mad Dog : "'("1d~~ DEPARTMEN~S , Wh oever 1'0 11l f'I< eo t.hi ~ r og\(m will more thnn th o.\' .c \' on t h ink o f Bites Child , Aft.tll· t,his d e lightful fellt,lIre, II wknow ith o ut oomin g'. ehllrt, t.ime wus Hpent w ith 1, 0 !I " t~ Perl'llp~ t11is is on v n ~ h . repre~~nted 'in Loo t.111l ~Oll of ,I , N . Lemmon , ond SPfl/lCbo~: whe n th e hll\lllY c r OWd . , . , . C. , CO li~hi~r of thfl Citi1.eOS Bunk, W88 jolted-Imel Joltod for s u.r e-bn,c k ~o _ _ _ _W_ _ IlNELL. 1\,

g] .75

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(,ltiltl 'l " I'~ " "). l"~_'''I


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D A YTOl\l OHI4.1


e beg to anno unco our Fail Opening for

n ext 'Week•• commeucing


i:hElremainder oC·the week.


willI be

b ft...n bV n (I n ~ 1)f' lnlljllng to WI'S ' 1 ' I' Blg,c" nf C' .rwin. l'hur~elllY 6. , ' " .• 'l;'be ohlld 1.1 pllrellt~ ~1rd not learn f tb 0 nd nntlJ ~uuday when he owail ta ekwen.u t 0 CI'" n".nna. ti BDd 0."In nd stone aPbplll!dh, Abl!ltthe sdkl~l WR~:Jt .broken y t e . e Kn Ie . lltone found no Ilnrfaoe t.o cling to, i.,~ b,elleved the pnUd Is III no do..n.,



the hOll~tJ where they c UJoyetl mllSIC Mr. f\\l(l Mrs. W . 1'. FTf\T1le Iliul liS , lIllll ~lIIl1C~ u.nt,il they ~ni11 "good. their " ucs t s lit din ner In ' t, F rlrl'I.,V. ni"h t" 1' 1 t·h e, r 11(lRt 11 nel bOStAStiUS. '" J h Thlim li r eseut were N e IH o Duko, Mr . tLnd Mrro . L . , 0 n~l oop., , ' I' Iml, . . H . B. Barla n, o f Ctu'di n /?tnn j' . Oierphll Phil. Mr. lind Mrs. ,Tn mes l:ihllte ILnd Mrs . lit) : /i /Inri o t. 't Lidll Bond Bunt F ,.nn Mitohell .t:"l~Rtj ", /,' us tln u~o Krlthr.v n FrnnVl' Llll1rllo Mos he r , ~1 ... ~~ 1'. c; . M dustill . D. B-. HieJ, Buy your ./ ertil iLwr (rom tb E! lIat'. iYil1 Huut ,Mulcolm Bisphulll /lnd veys bllrg Fer~ilizer Gu; Extrl~ g lllil. vVllrren Key~. K, ity, p':,t up In new SIlO~~: '






·", .·1






this bi8' eV,ent.-

llI1hic h will . be TH~ . stile sbcw event of

the autumn season.


"'Sh "





$1.75 $ 2.50 $3.48 $5.00

o W AY N ES VI LL E ~~~~~~~


"' /\ YN.EI-\ \' I L L~; . ( lIil U, Wr;; ONE S OAY , 'EP l'E MBEB. 27. II'''' , '. ~~


Mr s. ,,"a rt in (jo ns Die s ~~~~~~~ IIE oSO " ' H uLr; ; NUM BER 20119 L. AN D ~.~~~~~ . NA .. IOld E van s H om at L OUI.SVI'11 e HOSp 't I r . ~ ~ ~ e~~~~ l a. Ha rve ysb urg . L CAL NE WS " ( SI IIIIII""x \\' ,, ~ ""1:111"I 1"' 1 11' hI '; :lllill __ iull __ __ _ - - - - .'\ lel"J ,:lul lI recIl ive ri W edn ~"Id. · I" I' " " I "lp," '<1 ,'h ~ 1I1 ste ad Sol d. . A1iss es 1I1ug e!\t1n y Alb ino Filiu r (10 c(l nt~ II Sllc 11 11 pox . I Ce nte rvl lh: mor nin g l~nno g ie 1111(1 .) e~"l


k Ullc ed Ihe (\ell t,h of o An, o ll , for I ' • •· 0111111 1:111 d,· "f!l' Y I '1'1 Id I' --CI LIl I'll ., 1 " we re hOOle from Duy toll U\" ' . . 10 0 Mr , li ao rge ~' nnk ('.y. .loft 8llll Mr.'I. ,M'll 'tin (i on s in II ho!< 'I' Sil l! · ( All ult1 d"'''I III1I . 111 11 IS ho me~toll!l on il l' .t! dll Y I NO rtb Mui n ""llI pitll ]III \V~ II . Ihun g "t II I II HI . lnl·IIII'I:~ t stre e t WIl S solei I III Ibl~ 1'1111111111101 .,' . I I,l ", t,' II . WI 1 , 10 Ir pllre n ·S. LouiM vi ll e , Ke nt n ol>y . e ven in ,," fo r Pbil l.tllc ljJbi ll, wh I . I ' erc h e l wee k by J OIlI E\,II 11 S It re llu!<,\' cutt ing corn II nil I IIIII! II ,,·n.,. '" 1(' "",,'e ('rnc D k t o Mrs . ~1urgl'"t I .B ' L """ I ;.;' k NIlWA ,,'1.11>,,1,. hilS au c x cell " ntp osif.ion . Il i n iH pu tti n g in 1l 0\V ,' th e Mrtl , (i nnM ILUel !Jer ~on Fred I ' I I W eir, d ,Y nu IItnr we.rf 11Iln l ' ' 111.".1 l o , f .< , Dr. pllt" A ed two wee ks a~o 8nu dllY to 111 r en lire nn ll . '1'. Wri ght .: WID. I I I OWS t1 in I 1'1 Fren cll the hou se '" l:)tlc ky lIud pOiSO U !l y pap I . G·. \V . 1.u \\'80 n, orr e of "III' If" r nn l!'n 1le re \ ' fnrm pre pura tol'y f o r occnup 0 11 thl' Ill< el' lit. I L Ick S)Jrlng~. l e r,VUUR lom este ad 1M !lIlt, I'· plln rr bl' Indi llull , s h" hIt vin l,! MIIY'l l . · on e of , - , th o pl'is in g un s ine~ 8 m e}) , hH~ olele M "u<1 heeu In ill heil ith for' nbo ut Ill ost . ' HubM . I.u n tlllll NI(\I' " II . ~ I wh C o m WP. knu w n o l.. cle vell · Mrs . H"bocca. •J. 'ido s ~pent. , Il COlli ya rd . Mr. Ltlw~ o n will '''~I1:S. 0 Suh I lmil t p iece s of pro pert orw ln. ' hllil · y III Way n es. : Alre /~dy t h e •• ~ u t. IIe " d VlOe - II V1r y~i bllli, l 1ll O~°t d e II g IItrn II fros t hilS lice n tl n tl1l1 t tl I di n u goo n g rurl e "I' COllI III 1·(,"~ Vill e. ohm at. th e S prln /(. Mrs of Th o t1"f,: y ~ a Ihll l e 10111 0 l 0 1i:t · \\" ,t:; . -llItto Go n~ "'''1,1 of Mr , Ilull MrR . S/lI " u loy ' )llll Ihe npk lll. uuel SideM . ble pric e:!. lil' hltY s u ppo~ ~tI !Ilud ' ll o ~ lire r .all can bc Lbo n ew own e rs uj' lir e IJr o . ItttE'~t OlI . boinA' ullo w· ' pert y I <:lve r 10 Lou itlvi lie IU tuke ~peo ild tlu b Jcot: ;. )lllIn u nUll\h~ r u f cxlen~ivc kll o w of o n o '11' OIl to run Itt repu irs ' t.wo who 911YS tb e\Ve Lllle s t Ht·y les in Mil line ry fo IlIrg e . P~oper ont,h or . M r.nss Lnu ra Ale xnn der and si!ll tlr JJlen t fIJI' 1r ~ r ullm e nt wlll tr .nt fros t Irn ~ hllll It.~ it.i es shou lll l' fu ll nnd imp rove m e n\.s ubo t f S' .. II ut t.h o Vin c e , ' gnl) ll I'c' n1t~ o tllk o Ih e rn in hun d t phy stcl lln>l dlag uos' lU u t! Cuuch I,l. t'l Illld w inte r Ilt Mis~ Linc uln' 8 8utl l". Ilrg ure, 0 n th Ol1l prl llll ·n ey, .s pell . cI! r III (III", "':O!l te l.ll" e l' '. ' 0. lIfrs . .r N. I~('n, ,"\)" lint! sOli IJel' SlIlu rdil.v wit.h th .. h ve r . 8 he r enoh ed t.Ilf' r w hil' h J is " so buil u t. nUll situ nted thllt MI' ,uHI MrH . IS!tm nf' 1 , e 'J' UCK Aun t. .Iulli ' U nel f' l'wo ,," fUl'l i t ca n I e I j W,,'I I' I·. llUll 1' wilO wu s bilt. .. n I,y II rill' . .. nd died folluwin~ m orui · I J IIIIH e III t on Irn I A . B. Uhn udle r r e Huu e" y "u(JIlUt.\fu uj! hl' IIII 1 . 'y (J 'I.dlll Il I' ~ ,! Ill'e "01' ~ · ' id [> c reSi ul; n , of de I Ihi n ce . Mpln oe, 111 0 1' " ,1 to " es ey B Mr. Fre d (iOUH Ilrri v edll t \Vllyn . Igg" , sl ll~t<Hl ' l'hll \·'<\II .1' t " l~ I ' Mr. 11111 1 M .. " W ., lilll·' · I'lhlo.oI e~ Mon uny fr om a thre e wee U u ~uc le&t. or llAo nduy t o .... ,i ks vIsi t in ville with his lIlu ther '8 bod y The PI' pe l·ty "01<1 t·OI' $t .OO(J lIluk o hl' I' 11 ' ~II I 0 I' nl ng f or (.''I1I1·" I l'b urs Den VOl' . La wre n oe, and h l)JlJ . O IV wr!' Lt'~ t h t' MI ~"f'" FIlii'll IIrlll ~j"I' ." 'I'1I with fri e r.rds . 8 h Kan 'h" I.. . e hil S r elltt (l i Wili tllk o tl'ell t,lIlt sll B Ci t y , (lilY ufte rnoo n - -_ ... --._ . 'nt nt tl HI 1'11 '11'111 of l·, r ber prop erty t o ,J i III lhi UICS KUU BII S und uthe r We~ tern citie WI'l' Il l "'1I1 ""I'I II" . "I~it" ... · . InSt tt.lll e tl . Mr. nnll Mrs (ion s bou ght De Hth 's Wo rk. I:> llII lll1,\' the LII 8t Frie l.IY. whi le Al ·Mol e Mrs . U . M . Wh ite will hu r ve \ViiS II ' JOHhu .. McK uy rurll l on thfl Mr IIU(/ Mr~ . H ~; H",, 11t - - - - -- - -\\,,, ",' New Di!:!pluy of tl'lu lI;le d IImt tn kiu g tb e biue .rr'o m II beef MI' nn d M" W . H . LAlI rend y .l o. , It e i n. L e bll llflIJ vi~itUl' " ",p t-I' . ,f 8url ingt oll pike se v"ru l yeli Th e iufllllL "h Il t! o f MI'. IInli " "rlll d" .I'" InAt EIIg lo wo, )d, rs IIgo, \\'et~r bllts . ':! tltur d .. y, Mrs . tliot ",1 1I [lllll ltul. Imt W vi .. i t ,·J ill I ·,·ul e rvill t'. ll trus t . n ot 11 w!;e k. i:iept. :JOt,h . \ \ 'nlte r Bigg s dlt'd 'I'h\lr~d' I mov lllg_ th"r o Irom t h e viul Y nigh t· tlnn {;er <l ll s won nd ltI Illty 01 Sttt urilu .\' lind 8nll rIa,v . Erw in R eeu , WI fe Ilud c hild bi !:! I"g ",i t.h II I .fllrn el> Ant , o f And w us bur· iI'Il I'illnc1n y L eblluVIl . rum . li t' M, ,,,t.oc:t'I I ,. ·uft,e rn ooll. I,hlll k ee u Cllet W e I Ii Ull t Oll , OhIO, ure gu eHt~ Hev IIn,l MJ'H . t'lIr twr ight t'ld 11lI 1,c be l' Iinil'll. ' Mo, .'"h tit tht' Hud Fun urul >lol'l'lcel! we r e coud MI' . lin d j\'lr", l:!i r~s h",'~ t.110 sy n Ant rulll . <Vil !ll i fl~l oJl . e dlln ghl e r , llcle d h um o of hi:! er , l:. JlI l:!l oud fl o wed copi of on ~ I'y, hil i Spr U. tteu d, Ull pllth y o f IllIlJl)' ing city . ll. Y arl! froll1 h " r 1111.0 h um e by Rev '\·m . N edl'.Y lIod "i"IAI·. Mrs tllll'll h fr ill O(ls in t l:ci r so r . t lllll'u ng . Pbil ip FtJl ll'tlr tltrtlot , vi s il.ifl ll in Iho vilil lge. h blw dng ing, slIcc eeti (1 i n r ow. WiI HOII. uf 1'ru u~ ~lItUrdll.Y ~'ft.e rnuo n . HII!'\·e,V"hm ·t;. w e r n ~ t.o p)Ji n g th c fl o w . ~ lt·. IIn ll Ml'tI . \V . B . Blnl ey All th o III.t.1l s t nn ll u].l t".d llte nril . tlntl glll' sl,s e)~ th uil' re lllll\· e~. Mrs Bb u Is ~ uI'vlvad by h ur hU Mba The follo win g ohit n ll r,Y Wit" Alrc gi ' ,CII u lld \.n.' r .I' lit, Mi ll . U . MOo Whi MI' . a JIll MI'" HUl'r.I' 'l'tly l o l'ilt tend B u \\'ur d Kllb in, of Ou . y tn te·F. n . eo 8R lh I. el' b y !Iud I IV II ~ons M c Kin ~\,y !Il1d ~1"I,er. Mi~~ N('t1I'),. Mr. TrOtt i, II I. I,hp I'll n 01'11 I Ir une , of Mrs .1 . .13 \\ ri !; lrt,. I urda y, Sep t. 30. t h e Wu ne n Uo nnt.y F'lllr Rt, ~ 1'1'''''111; t h e Wel1tH'~ellt,V Leb n · th e dllll~ht l' r o f W "I I..,I· E un el \\'ri~ill, f""o il .\' uUII twn , Thu rsdl l .! u l In ~t WPI· k N . H. An tho n y anll hi~ cO Fu rni shi ng s ,,1.111'" 1'1 ,1" I J\·IJS .I .r.h~ W. W. ll ~ in , My rtle BII!g-,·. WII H b,)J'n Al'n olll "'fl f n!. Frid ay .Tlll y a rel I t b ,,~ I)","n " ttofJo ltou e rt E ngle , "' pc nt S uml ul' Mr . Uhll rl H!I Wri gltl lind falll i UlIlI t .I' .,, in '11 1 " Cill. ' 1II ce , with f "le IJli s lu l:i n ci nnll il .v , lOon. aud : \>'I"~"'l 1.'l Ih e h eove nl tor Fri end s Ho me . ci nntl ti with ti y Ir e of w,," Cinc innR ti, visi ted Dr . Uud lilll, k tllll il' reltlli \'tl~, MI' . hOIll p. !lbo to r h e o ltl h n o l" . ;:IllI : !Il, s li.y . • "" J ~(> H ln pt. ks :lard ,IUd [00" Iitt-I , Ilt e th e wili l e lill ~"Y>l ll r.;" hM N nOi ><on KI~ () v .. r 1ln<1 fllm ily In ",t IUlll MI'l! . A . D. Blli ne:!. t """11 111 .,,1 11,· 1.",·. "I K .. r" m we ek. Mrl:l. Will . .MIII~ . III' Nur th T l oge of two 1II 0 nl,it" IIn(\ tW tl nty · five lir e fi" ,'.\' I'YI' · tI Y: i R visi ting !Jer Olln , I N '[ Y ' i\Irl! Jum es MUl luel is in a orit I ,.( {J I' 11 It' Molt "" I.... · be l ""otl,,,,· I J, r R. , . M It a~"ll1lll, ew OI'K , hus n uM ical < o \' :! . Mrt! . '1' . •1. 8rni t,h . lall r otu.l'u t:l1 , dIl S~ . . 'h e \\' IIQ t1l1' ~ixt h chi1<1 h o rml cll n ~ .. tle d t h e l ' •. I " I cond iti on lit pres ent . HU II ' I() . C ilnll] . "fl S s inc,· I,,, .·.II ~ , Aut uor ti es uf t, llll! rla n(\R SOll r <J1Il . .~ " I,ut o f seve to I1frR t h ese Aoh [llIre ,.. ~ub ru l Ilay s \\,1 1 h nt·" '"1,1 th e Ihir el {Ju e 1\\'" Mnl rdi le ng n I '. ,' H Olll otla t I Isltl · . n g n.IS on ll ' 11 I b f ~ to go t o th O' " pirl l,I'11 wor ld h e r " Is te r It1 Itl\\'. Mr ll 8t..n MrR . Mllr y Bllr tHoc k, of nell r ' .., I' ilPr lI e ph ew, lIlllri o n C lnrk . lit Lyt le . I l~y Se I· ....14s I WI W . ~up}l Y I e Ut' ler~ at 'olm . ' ujtlh iU~d fur tbe . t ubu hi " dhlr nlt . w u ~ Il vi~itnr in Ce n.ter w s , eek hil t! 8"111 " I11 0U IIr(l I ,p,rf~c i ,," . oUl'r ldM II . of the ' vill e . 0 ' . lD tl tltu th' Ch Ild lilt ten by Do g t JJ"m 111111 u c kno wl ecl"" " J IIlt tlo n tt ~ Il llIe m oriu C uste r 's hnv e a Ins t wC!o k . . i l. ln .I.1 l\Ir~ Nlln cy Edw nrds f Ul\, the l', th tl Inte Mr~ Eilz 'l l to h ur nice I ' is visi ting ,,a b E l::I oel I thro [lil't ~. WIl rHll'r e t .(,,, ' I !Jt I will c h es !lnd jew elry . Cun lU I! 0 M J I 'r B N t jlll! . ' ~qUlro IlIll1 M Ih" m ' lH' C Il.l1 g e r , . n !. s upp ly . rs II 10 ' Pa Mr. . 1£1iZl~ I:!II Iu tlS \\ ill [uro ste . row ne ur toK inse Ins Mr y. titu H llllJ' 'I' te b oyet 1 t'l i bllu tl tril) to ChR ttun oo"6 · ' tl ling- olrl g rizzl l u~ (If I·hl· In ish Y O/I t II Iugu e Imy t Iling' •• ) ll "' 1 I u oy d o n ot " li ve r /II r tlum !! ill Lhe HUl ' '. ' .. , Loo k. . III I 1 nm SOliS ure • " e lld or in " fin .. thrl'(> hnn lle , ILnd I oILrry reg nlur l y m stou ou t Mon ,lr"ll .le,1 [l1"'pnrlllg' tn. m n ntui n Dnd C hi okn man glla " k. II " vtjrl ll 01 '11 v e t,~ lJov ingt on, l'I St wee k Mrs .T. M. L p.lllr n Oll ll n<i 8 ' 11 K t k • .. . . Lee IHr h ll gA'Y \\~h ell Ih ur e lire Dr Eli i t ' 10 '0 w h o w tIll . gil rnll n ~' 1 tb:~I:~~lt~~ j s tllr ted to C hi clI J.!o . '. r ew , I 0 1'111 0 1' IY the H 'J Ul e WIll furu i:;b Ih. ll.lmlr.. In e'~~~:: th ey will mnk e It iij repo rt~d ThurH11 1I." whe re mRl de n s f,lIr ic own I W ~Yll uri VIII(), IUto wb o . e ellr1l lh ,,, O tbllt Mis s f'en ny ill hil l:! puro bttse d II Lne eute r ou l'oom ~ 0 1' D11· · ' ' t·I1(' P" " IPll" m .. titu te · mi gb r I Vl'~ Ibom e fo r $3,f, 00 In Mia this wee k t·o wed Mr . R oy CorD vis lind , o 'tr,,1 ' li tties of 'Lov ~ '~ y o fam il y s pe nt mitl hurg for t r catm AIH l111. u n l,! SIl1ll1flY III C lnci nm, ti n i r will bl~ "l'<lu ll e d : drtll lm " t th c Zoo . h _ II you ng furm er Ile or IlU el o th e r s uhj ellts. wl"I w h pr e b e h 'IS ""en this pluc rlli lt ougo ge u.• in Ihe t h at the ohil d "'"s hi ltl"lI try II do~ ' To wn shi p Tru ste es e, lind B orn cA )';tokeR und wife w t,h e h en rI. won lll M h o in re~ ere t h e hllPPY oOl1ple Ivill IIJI'/I eticll of mod ioin e for t.wo pl),, "'\ "'· rece yim rs . he long i n g t o \V p.~lp. lv/) the Ci n clnn llli viRil o r ~ S nn uu y. y ni g.:s ubo ut ' Ilnrl 8llli ,linll alfl CI n!!rl' tu]lI.t,ion ~ ' (JI' t.ll e ir frl· Me eti ng. I Mr. n.nd Mrs . ,Tohn C ni ty . W (l h ))" 10 onrl". at .. • t wo wee.k s u l;o Mil'S Kll to a Clar [Jllw k and sist er Alic e Ihe hOIll!l _ __ _ _ __ ke I s bukA 0 1<1 bone~ in t h o ligh t flln l ' l ~ 18pr ead II fea st lllst SUD uny to nf t,he groo m. Wh ile It Wil l< th ou g hl Un ac whi oh Tbe 'l'ru s t ee,. of Wll yne tow rion s 'I ti o lit. th eir nnp tilll s yM, ~ pent 8Iln,!r~y with reln t,ive Mrs . Anr on SCll rs ente 'l'tlli necl nHb tv la lllrge Pl1r ty of the ir s in Le h n rela tive s par. resu lts wou ln l1Iel III l'eg utllr Hlls.- itln ILUon . CI)ll l e from I.h o bil.o . j nUll lbt;l r of her fri end s nt thlli MondllY t ook . Tho so who - The shn rp es" nml 8t.(\Jlrl .V onjo ypd tbe dol' the skin not r hOllle U!' Ilv'l llnll' ! I vI' Miss Uer tl'ud e Lil bur n . nf Xen ia OIlSt hOY ing b ep n li Nke n, ' o f t.h" ' t oge ther on thi 9 oco' lsio n wer nf Cc Ill,\lr \' ille . W edne lrun tslIl lln hil S hrou ght t.o '1'). It, t·rus e Mr, the wou ud flli/ in g. to M(hl~' , is th e gue st of her frie nd, resp ond too 11 I' e~ rtl! '1uito tOllS Am,b oriz ed the pnr . Ph ' I' H Mis s 8ep lem ller :lU. An e xcel k G t\ lIult r ber of sqn irre I III nw e, eo . 'V. Htlw ke mnd lent dilln er ston ls e, nhllNIl of II ~ .. fe fur Mor ing , Lor Mr . lind Mrs . Lem m on whi ena OJld Den n t.his w e ek . poP ,!ls, 1fllm ily, Vhll s. T . Bllw / e l.h e Aml lt,o ur mllrk~mnn WilS s e rved , lifte r wlli ke and flll~ll y, felt th .. t it w oh ~ull1e exo lt. hilS l}ookR nno q lb pl' rer:nru~ of tbe o uld ~e unw ise .not t o I had tow n· I Mrs Alio e 811w ke unci ing tlde s wor e tuld b.y ellch one - -___ _ l'~lI ct.i "e ollly ftlm Uy. li S how Ban n r e.wl j "hiJ l 'rhl s hILS btlen very . tllke ever y prec a utIo n , and lrd fnr Sp rin gbo bud ly. H"w ke and J. M. Key It wus hi M f'nt·bt1!1iusm ro. t.hey hud lo~t thei r R]leo Fis h e r s of Ille n s and fam ily. deci ded to gn 1ll'I·tI ed, ulld will fllrnl~b abs taol e~ . to CblOllgo ut·lo ll . ure II olut e Sh @rtly Rft-e r ~ o'cl ock th e com Mr. Rob ert Eng je, of Win ches r(\.Te prod uc t,. from wbu t OIllIS pon fl ter, y , ,, ,,tec ti o n in case of fire MrR A . lett Wm er . r Nul Cl)ei l nnd Anll ll Fau lk dep llrte veu h.v MI'. L e mm oD lire nnll for the Jndl llulI , and Mrs . d feel in g t.hey had spen t n bl e t.o olsoo~'f'r tiara ll Hlag le, of fro m his wife 'fiuH l '\! bav e II ~ 11ftl' · befn stilt visi IIr I'"n~ VII Iun' ed ting b I hoU r elllt,ives , at v e ry plell sllnt I s be and whe n t,he IIng ler . R ie IImo nd, e rs e ong mg dllY . 'rho se Ilret lant, ~Il~ II com mo n Cllr th"g e, Ind . Indi auo ,spe nt Thur he r son wer e we ll'. The coo I." th e towl lIlhi p . rse of itll nr ILnd tlt A sma ll with thei r nun t, Mrs . Ann MOUy wero 1>lrs . H. Boil y. Mrs . E. Linc bo.1' coul d sit Eng le Mr, trea oln, tme n. n el nt Mrs nt . U the . '1'. 1'11 0tllp son o f Mis~ '. Peo Repre~lmIILl, iveR "f he 'ins titu te will r e fo l' hou rs ple~, ~hA. (i. 8enl'l!, Mrs . WRi ting for s Ollle eIlUO Ur - Leb I new s I, W h 0 WIIS muc b grnt quir e tbem to- r e mlli n t.hcr c 1"lJ lorll we re pr""" lIt, Hnd10cII uno itled n wer h. 1 ' e t.hei cn llin r !tbo g on. J nt ngin g ~hll1 t h!tt th e tinn . pres ente d II pres ence ; Mon dllY R. ·J. EllIo tt., . Mrs . T~ Sell rll v t·rih e WU B Step hen son and they w e nt, to tw o wee ks long nnd MrM. fnm ily S und u y H . Mul len ' lbe wllt ter of pnh lis hing a er . t,hnr e nntl only Wlli lillg f o r . uetl illad M rs. B lInn lfb Jann ey'R Ml e re~· , uea nfte r rn Lyt oon. le , ·stu tem ent o f the eost- of I Ill " r f eedi n g h Ollr to nrri ve rnnn lllg lan( - - - - - .'1 rem oine d unti l Tue sday whe Sp rin g Va lley h efo r A 1'1 t h e nlfa lra I) f the town Ahlp n . 10 11111 8 B e II nn d w Ife ente rtui th".\' wou ld r e wIlr d th e pnti ent Ly tle for the l t b ey r e t,urn eu to thei ned fi ~b M S I resp ecti ve :yel lr . The' lilw I)ro vlrle s t. h I'll Ilrll I ' rl )I)lI1 pson of F' rtmk lin La ATtl lnn . E llt!lo~le l b~~l eB, gren tly plen~ec1r with . ~le!lS1'8. StIlC.Y & Kett erlll tIl. e pn s t thei r tlll huv " '~\101i, i!1-ate m e ll t s hull he iSllu ecl hy 1 VISIt die s nte rta ine d . . Geo rgeVunTre~ , wee k' . . . flnit lhed u)l thei r I}elloh orop Amo ng tbei r r e!tlt ives who s.ot ' Mis ~onr i, lefr, unti l Re m v the t.lm e o f the gen ernl . •1. U . Vlln gh lind wifo of Mrs . Phil ill Tro ut a~d .J. D . eleo tion 1tbey 1I11d nOI Reen for tlno ther y ellr. Mllr j Clin t.? n con nt.), tbiT' man y yellr@. Ilitt e nter ta.lo el\ t~'. five y~lt rs :w!ti c)h t4ke R "llIc e in . Nov Dlly ton spon t, lue t Ji'rid ny wit,h Mr R.1 the I1ll'mlie r s of the Jl gn. IS emb er I AIll ~s Mell den! Ju'U . Tbe MIs.~e8 COl1lpt.on , t,wo cha hl/ c k for I,b e firRt. t,l1n e VIsIt. hilS bee n t4lk. Wo men 's rm. H ele n Ben n e tt . )Her~t.ofore it haR bee n aim "I.\' ~osl Uhri Rtln l1 Uni on o f t ha inl! ed Ing 1111 enfo roed vnc tltlo n th e ing you ng ludi eR fr om Indi anll f .. ipnd " uocl old h ~1llnt'R . • It, , III'A h~ pnst Spr ing Val ley M. E chu s 'up \11 t.h e voti ng plllc e8 . Mrs . Geo rge Sell ers nnel Mr~ I gUllst~ of Will IJl\k roh, ut tb o ' lip"" firt.y "enl 's By pHb . twn wee ks beca use 1.'Inc e he ",ns in tillS Ellll e l',.( of an a ccid ent hom e of Mrs e'" fnrn ily . . ljdli nl!t it in the nf\w~I)Upers irtlb nm, wer c shol lin g in the . Tro ut.• W e dne lldllY. prnc tlo· wbi ch . reHu lted III , plu ce, IInrl .Iumpl< Will . A nlro 1 1I1tlSter Ullr mnn Go rn nll hi bre "kl ' ng <II1l;V.. e very f lnni ly in th" tnwn m. bttd IoIIIl . . of (Jem (At,.V ln s t. 1 hllrs tlay . Mon tice llo, !lllll J thrt! e ribs . Mr. Men donb TwenlY ·~lx m e ll1hArROf th e U' . ' l) uri , min gl1n g with . M \llel lsnr e o f (mte rttli ning his Wilc nll wn °. a t , 'Will b"v e nn o\l"ortnnit.~ T of m on I frl' I' n(l- Iin el Miss R her. r e l 'ltl',. P" rand lifte r illg An I,h. ~ Cor win Ilnl olttl ing n OIlr of ' rs. I I. l ' . .J. Hill of Dlly t.Oll \VII" iI ~ lum ber wer e pres ent 1I1ll1 en joye d /I \'er~' 10. p·n e". of Mi- s Min ni e Dnk e. live r Wer lneR II ' tlll· l.t,V. ." I·.v "I'll ... pc !I Ilt Yln r t· 1Ifl( ~pe JURI ' 11 f ' " "" I . ntld F B ' ~ ru. Iln), c 011 1Il~ 011 u ( rl enuR URt ' rldu: I I ~ ", 'Utle hal bee u IIllld e of th e wlm t. for B . P. KeY !l flud in step ping plel lslln t, day . v. n g It. I n e l' Ebo rl.", of Inc1i;l~" . ., puh lio from the wag on to the , mnllin~ his Frll(l Rob illso u s pen t, Snll liny , mon ey . • 1'he two pl\.p eni car P: l.lOllrd I 1 T 1 1 .1 nt Mrs . TeSHie Kpn ri ok IlIlt.1 Nett hnv e 8liP lled lind lIe wn!! thro Uiuc inlln t,i IInll nn r"ll!1(~ . 1Ill( ul'R Ce W ' I " i!! wn flcro ss A" en Co mm EDi eric k we r e (lnl ridi I son, '"gre fl() t 0 IIll bli "I · II t Iass tb and I I,b I~ ng one nfte l'. of Le blln on Iln IIlltk I,he iuJ1: iro n a "h run fUl'e ner wel! . 011 visi whi -II t ch Mrs the I doo me Lon r I '. i e Mun ung h o f 1n<1illn noo nt" ur.o urd ,or'" .. 0 e u"" " . I' 0 n . r ocen tly IInil call ed lit . ~ her Ile'"lIr,.·.'lre. fu r "lev p]lIl ll) IIpo li s i~ vi~it ee uy one . of tbe the . Act,l on on th" m ,1tt.elarg .in".... roilltivu ~ li t tlli~ beau tifn mov es. Be Is .got·ting I wh e re 8h e will iuukf3 hve r WIIS defe rred IlIon " I(Scar l hoti le of AI. Uorn ell nea r _ r WE'll fut.u re o s plun e~ u1rl e . be e t xpe i cted , M unt il nex t mee ting Borf lce Klrh y , o f thtl Upp er 81Jr B b I Fer d ry I . Com e IIgll ln, we'l l buv e ing lOm f', lin< but hllll nOI y e t reou vere d 8utJI I' 8t .1 I' tll nra Rr eilHI an )a IlY , CI oie nt. boro pike , Itro llg ht to , It will be a sllu rc e I1f gr.l ti fi 1I1r Ie on€. Ilnu I • e son . Hurr.\ IIlor e pum pkin pi ll . the Gnz ette I 1:0:1' , of B .. t.nvio coti on Iy to retu rn to wor k. ' . wit.h her PJtre nt~ , ':' Day t.o n spa.n offic e one dll.\ ' 11I~1· w ee k U p ecul to the 1>60ple of Wll yne tow nsh t SlIn tln.v with E:d iari ty I for n. wee K. ip to M I' C bnrl es Pllr lett lind Wife Ant lrew Am an, of Dily ton, own , . of I .... t.•"", lind fam Ily OR~t· o f tow er In the wuy o f n " t·An eom mun kno w thn.r. th e allll il's of the n. c\m ent" I \Vo rd hil S heen " t,ow n . of the Am nn Bltl ck wa~ Illlyt OI1. \v.!l' '' rteli ght. fnlly ente rtai f(lce i vad fl'lli n D. In WlL ynes . gon rd . The gou n· sbip wer tl neVAr in he tter eon MrM . Anll c l::Iat ha WILY rd WIIS e nte rtni u ed : 011 It I, the hom " of rlllS oo by P StUUlP and wifo ditlo n yille l'ue sun y . Wit h ClifT nrll l..awl!I on sin\l e t,h e ir nd ven t : Mrs . H M. J , A . Fun key Mr. Kir by's n than n.ow . The prOBont bOil elgh lJ nr s, ~lessrs . Ar· to th e Kllu x and Cllll dr!lll o f ITu esr!n y I'd of be took up the mlL tler Mn~oni c l:Iom o lit Spri ngfi e ld. , of buil ding thu~ nnd Joh n trul ltee s ' b 'H! cOll ullct nd nfT .. I Olly tnn nn lilSt. Frie l"y Bf'la n. In~t end of anrl t,hoy . irs eoo un add itio n of nbo I '; c verl ll from t,his pltlc mql ress ut snti twe ~fnc e IItte ntle d nty. tlOn five bllV.lDg " ~ltIo o th s urfll 10 nom illul ly imd witb t.he bes Mi ~,; .Juli n E'1Hton iM vlsi with CH ."S ~he d'>g ree IraD sce ndlt t inte r· feet ttl thll room Mr. t:lI e ~'Jlir (Inr ing Mlll lll,,, t. wee l1t to I.hel r e XJlA c r e e~ Fun key is. 00. ordl Dnry, ~Ol~~d k, hut estl! of the geller,~1 pub lio in /It Mcl ' nfTy , Ohi o . :t. hlltl tAn proJ ect, "g ! tlllin ll . new . cup ying . Tbis wll1 give lIlr. I ' ''p or t II 1I1t' "lt, tIll! HII'm, liS \lBlI ttl. .W hile th ey hRd nnti cipl lt.eli I Fun poi~ts. gro .... mg np nhn The mem be rs of the hO!lrtl DlIll ll~ Orll hRII l of Pau ldin g Co . I nt It.. Th o ("\!llf'l rt ~h I A fluo are keY !l Rtor e room with :MiRsos Rlll h IInrI EVil Mor ford rter R. th e r e was IIn l nnrl l. "ruh 1\ dep th of curl Osll,y , nf .lob n B. (ira ham , .Illh n H. w e lgl1(\ll .m !! J10 und nnll : 1I1lh flnl of WH ynes vill e , Ill . WlIy lJ"s key one nIJRVilll), ~pllnt, Sun day with RPPY huud r611 lind inw urd oud rA nI' li ve t.he r e feet '! !\pe nt" v ery pl ell ~IIUt. (Iny on ., ole vel1 ol1n ce,.. . and Fra nk Prll tt . 811tnl'. Ule ir reln th'e . Mr .•Jeph s l.ri c li o ns ~o verllinj:! t·he ~ple ndldly ligh te(l nnel w ell fitte d Mor ford H ome I dll~' wit.h t.h e ir Un c le, •>' --' • ,.JOhll (,l'Rhlltll • for I,b e dQ' goo ds Ilnd clot hing ,,"o n \11 he J16rll~110nllt to 1111 Milt oll Ben m , of Spri ngfi eld, bus i. Ma rrIe d a t cam A o t.h p.r De mo cra tic Co nve nt Ion. 111\89 Tho FiI'p. Puin t Reu nion "'hi a h tu "pe uu SUU lluy with I CO!tl f,OI 'IH C~llI hIDe d . Mr . [<'nr.k"y'/l preM nt. qUll rt. Hnp ~, bis siste r, y d Alu WIIS ht'lr l lit Ihe hOll le 'I'll .. De llloo rnt.@ ofW nrre n cou M. E. of U. H . Will ie Mrs .1(1 0 b Lo Pa rso nag e . 81:1Il . (tllo hn g fr.o~l Da~ nty (~rs lire t oo s!tllt H f or his cy lind fum ill'. Mr. cous t.nn t ' ,:" HI S t~~ In~t 811turdllY W/I S WAil IItte JIl,lrl n mus s conv pnt. ion lit the - - -- .- -__ Con rt . Iy gro ;>'in g bUBilleR~. n,l!,, 1 nnel Ben m hilS Imr chllH . ! hI ~t,. h"ltI ~ w e I" III kne.I' ed II new houMe , n·m Hou se in Le ban on S.t,u rday Mllr l" () rierl nt th lit ll 111 ~J P"r Ro nR g " 1111r "JOICCl uno n hou r eve r yo n e elid ofle r . Mr . J . H . Mc Clel hmd of Ci wlt,h .t,h em I~ t.hel r co ~ tenlncl in Spri ngfi eld anu lioth he n ein . W!I.l'n e~vlll(l. 0 ., b." noo n. and hlH just. ioe to the lion ntif ul Ilinn er dau ght e r MiS! t!Je POM!.or i 8tllt .(1. but mlH~ nllti , cltm e up to \Vuyn~lIvlll ' Mnh le h .. ve prof ltnh le theI r "~SOCIRtt O ll , for whi f'h e 8un . R ev ; Phil ip 1'ro nl, o n Dr . •Jnbn P . 1\iuc Lrm n, of [<,ra hnll h een prepll,red by the \V e<1n esdn y i Brn I'ltu mp IIntl nk. day t o !!pe nd dRy with emp loym ent.. wife wer p mOll el Indi t's of tho . his sis evcl 1lug 8eJl t,. 20t,h . lin. WllR nOll lillll l lld f(lr Rep rese ntll sooi ety. Aft, er oinu er ~~~~ 1110(, Mr . Joh n ClItZ.·lIH . .. ter iu low , MrH . . Hnr ri e!. ~!!!'~'!!!!''!!!!''!!!!'~~~~~ Linc oln, C .. Onv ls o f Be llbr ook, the sooiety wnM cnll ed to tlYe., lind .i hi. Eur nllll rt, of Ohi o, nnl' ordo r Clea r· and furu lly, Illld hid t.bem '1'1111 olh~r dllY un (,M Iiti zen Hav inJ,: t1ec iuetl upo n the ereo tion goo d bye I ~I~~ Pea r! Dan, oree k tow nsh ip, wns Dom innt WDS loy th e pres iden t" Alle n Gre g~e l' IY of SjJrlTl~ clln lpla illln ll 1)( ed for befo re st.u rting on l'hu gg unll of I~n enti rely rsdl lY to join ; 1\ ey, Ohi o. he new plan t iu whi oh ing ph , troo<.< urer . YRic lilly IIfte t No CIIn dlda tes wer e bls t·h e u~uIII ronn tine of busl Des s, 1 hIS y oun g conJ lI.p h,,1i " I)o~f f"m ily nt Kln mnt h Fall !' Ore to hall dle onr Illrg ely inor 'd . W e t e nrle re(l t,ho bro tb· we ! ~a9 the beRt wlshe~ of th oir sele oted fllr the otbe r offic es ell8 etl wer e outo rt·n· i nod wit.h spee ohes busintis~, whI ch gon , whe re they hav e mlln ., er n ur h eart felt sym we uow offe r onr enti re been sOj' ourn , ! rlfn~":~~f a· path y nni! pn · from seve ral t.liffe Ilre he fill ed thi~ fal) . Ilros )la rent rOuS ones ,,11(1 .ltbe hllu afte r. stoo k of grll nlte Rnl\ P :V qnil 'eo th e nat,n re of Ing for se"e ru!m onth e for the bis trou hle . noo n bein g spen mar ble mon u. ben e. mOr T e Gra nt J.ew ls WIlS 8,,1;' otpo UII e. • _ _ t in a goo d soci al nlen cell lit of Mrs . McC lelll lud 'l! Wit h CIlnd n r and fear in ts and mltr kers nt grea tly heu fl very , Mm e Ilnd the rehe arsi lth whi ch I Nu t Bun daI' Exc · 'raloommttteeman, or .Way re· ursi on to Uol nm. OX[lI 'p~ Ion ne~vll1e; bllll been som ng of thos e duc ed pric es. ewh nt Imp aire d 8Inoe ~ of bis wrin kle d flLC Il he go ncl The lurg e bnll ding ;,Bu~ 1n ElIr nha rt for ' old lIoho ol W~t W" .l 'ne I~U atta ck of day s th. l lt hllv e gon e we will eroo t .w lll IIf" "'l' rl 'cI , "Ah , my doo r Mrfl bl1S via Palll ll<y lvnn iR Line s. pueu tllon i .. h\lIt win ter. II 1lI1lke t1eo ess" ry '. • "nll hlp; ancl t!amu~l Mer B, Ity . Eve ryol le dep arte d .. erltt,h for f,\1' . ~l(1Ulellancl lind wis hing t,l,Je rem ova l of our m.,· fli~IUIRp i~ 8U incn rubl e. Olln ' the faDl ily exp ect ! Oct,oh er lot.. I)ntl re Ht oo k . . JilMst Wft. yne .~'wf\!lhip . bos t and f'XOU rMlO hrul n tlok eta s()f1!'<'f' I.v t Pme lllhe ·ass 1ll.Bny mor e Pers onM into . , Boon to 100l lte nAr mlln entl j in . , r, rellt but ecl . If OlLli will n o , t . ~i8 do \\'to II t ,) : t~ I (1ol suoh . • A goo d represeutaf. tlTn plea bn~ nil Pen nsyl ,,lllln t day s, and feelt np; i ' ~oli Of 1'?,0 mhe rSI (o1:nlo, bn ifl IITk rn , anrl ce rtll i nly am send for 0111' oat,, ,log 01" bett ~ave nl?t 'deo lded opo n I LlOep will hr ~01 {1 Itt $1,25 vlll) not, the bad he an one long er still of tbe ~ .w ere p~D"'lrom ~ trlp from WII Yne~v i1lr- gor roul ld ' to be rem em. onm e to id gOin g ,lm'l or prlluOllnPe<i all wbl\o~ · voint. '.. anr yard and! lOfl th·e wor k - it cho lera Infa n· b ored . Hop , JIll'rte o~ th" oouuty, I on S)lBcllIl tral u leav itlg at ing to ·' mee t all:al.n to· we Qfre r at ynl,1 " :13 a' tum " Th e fo r ejoto ing re'lJI "'~ , r own pric e . m. t,b at, g " tbe r In one yea r at the ·hoU le of 9f • Ii 'colo red bro ther whoI.lll' liF;' Rin; DOlJ lJri ;,\- SOli , , whe n Har ry 8t.oo pt!. Xet) la, Obi o . .





I I .























t!o~al f-:;;;;;;;;;;:;~i;:~~;;.;;;;;:;;;;;;_:1

fr . also th tin can l. brung '11 01 In." h ll added, magnan·lm ous ll;. " " ou'ro IIbernl. " snort l\' l CIII:IHwallt'r. R I t' Io; I"H Und ~ , n ~ 111 011(' ), t. " Anll - \,' hy, whnl's ·thls ? U!j t .1,,: . 'I.A\bol·. 50 A ll ,1:4" ull I'll ) t('mp \cs th r oh Rnd O'i. rlll ce nt s': hOx, 25 c Il ls.' '' " ' Ilh the whil't l llg \\ h C' I~ o f 1rJHIIl. "That '. tho dR)' )'0 11 "ome h er !Ix1n' k abUl( an ' str (r hln' th ie nt. fl l o~ A ll thlY t 1\;1 \' (' grlllfwc1 'he tre n (' htUl l \'I t ('~I. tb A n d J.:ra pl' h~d wllh t Il lInll :-;. b luc k and and tHe ll·y. I clo n l allll to mak e 110 ~r l1 n . Ilron l On thnt iJox. Th oy 'cJ I'Ilargc yo U . "'Nil I tI ~ nl " ht I 11 m ( nl nt nll,II1IY Rf'tlK('H rt' 1. 16 ce nt s or maybe a qllurt er fOl· II Ilo wn A I ~\ I th'" J..;(nr)' o t God :W t' n \s ru llll · und I th e hal·bor. and YCl II'cJ ha ve 10 fla )' for Ji m. b.Hln · It bro llg ht "I' h ero Ill' bollt. That'S And: so 1 hun· ('"O lll f' to I hi=- l l''' ''~ ' room r easo nabl e." To ~ I t In t h~ ct ;)I k n("R ~ and I Olll' h th o Cbl'ls wall I' I>nILI t hc bil l. kl'\ ~ " You To \\ ak"(' n l hf" ~h O ~l l ll ,' l l h (l l ~t I't' rfU I1l(l mig h t rec.-11I1 It If ),011 oIon 'l chnrf;l' tllO or t he ~n l1l ' !t ,t a d 11·' \\ l' l':- w I th In )" hll r ~ much (0 1' 'h e la bo r ." h o obsel'" (I. NIII'Cn~ . m on~('s , t1cally. A n J ht'l (\ Jd ol1l' . ( ,' f :\ ,. t n ltJ.~ hOllr . " lInw , hnw." Inllgh ed Sl<edgcr . enI ('an Jrr HnI Dnli a.flt· and dr ift U" 'uy: tire ly IInlluas hcll. '·No. s ir. I nc,·or I c.1.n t OUt 11 tlw ~ h<l:4 1 o f a pa ~uqo ll thn, '(' r.1 ';: U.D ('atdt thtl g \C' am o f t4. \'uu tl4 h\!d da)". charge rOl' Ih l\! . ObllgeclLO )'011. s ir." Th e nexl wee k he had a hili to J , ',1:1 ~ ll t l l H t h t' iIlit'''' of lo ng 1'11: 0, seltt ror 8ulll lll e8. Mrs. Chrl~waller hall T h ill h l oOlll l ' f 11,\' U " al it w h t l'h Il baby he r Iurn Ih nn. "MIII< eight ce nt N a l I LlI! A n tI 1(' \ "- !I fl r :<1 r tJ)( .· ~. a~ wh tl t~ ns 1' 1l0 W , quart! " s hc exclaim ed . " Why . we oilly T h nl ur,' b lt):::-O Il ,i llE; n Ow AI 11 (' 11 ·,'t o r Pill' .ovon co nts ror It In Chicago . I\n,t l ; ('{]. Ihl s wa~ sklmm on milk ." o @ 1 :l H " "~:, II:C'!' , " lid r·O)' .-,. whi tt", .. It·" J e l's~y mill:. Ihou/:h . marm. " s ahl l) Jl U ~!"I(l 1l Uo w('r, v.' Ii ll ) .,lll· IH." t llb rra : Skcrlger . " Wh ~ n YOIl bllY milk In the " "lI ,II' 1n ! III ' l)nU.- mon' ( o r n il h,u l r to ' City ),011 do n 't know what YOII're gc Uln .. IIIJo.!ll1 . You CO lll O oIow 1\ to I hc pa"1ure sO lli e tllIIO T hOIl~ h t ill' Il t Zln b e Ju n ,h n n t.l ~ l' HI ' ~ br nn' lool! al th clll J e r ~.' )' s o · min e. If )'011 dnn 't . ay elg h l t Clll S IH IIl1lc e nollg ll o !I '" r Ih! I""lI rnm '"'I" (l( l,tn g n;;.:o! II ~ ,\ nl:: heft ctn )' , wI! h r Olll' ~h~" 111 o r ~(} : t l : you nln ' t th e la d)' I t ll k ~ ),011 fn r. Do (I hh10d n ' d 1I 1'!'< I\HtJ lI~I ' k o f ~n .t\' : YOll I'n o w whn l it costs m 10 f~ c tl the m You a r t· mine (l lll " t11l Ir ..•• It !'I In Ji\~ R u f Old , co w ~ III th e wllller?" ".\l1d eggs:!S (' C IlI ~ n doz n! \\'c wcr' J USl (,' r l o -n l~ hl . F ll r III ('u r i )" un wn -#JJ 4,n.r J

hl.wc: IOiled ttl lht' h hH) ,ti, ln

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I ,lin "R r k In I t!f" .....'"1

W h 1(' I! -

t"' wh C I~ : ~

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o f (; r f', ·tl y

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h r. ,) ~n u ' ~ art' ~l'o ll nd In t o b o l ,I " n dUMt. J\ Ib( rt I n l;l'lo Vt' Pa i n e, \ Vorld 's En~ ll tlJ ,


payin g :!3 fu r lIl(' Ul w h C" 1I Wl' It'ft hom e," " Not fres ll. II" W· IIlIII el:l':s. 111((' wll nt

I'm Kupp l)'ln ' )'ou ." urscrl SI, ed ge r. iu·. s inuallllg ly. "Go .lo wn a lld 10..,1, al hi s I'hl d , nr huu sc ll ull you 'l l :;I\Y Ih cy' r e I on t'licnp ,"




<l eclde.1 agalll Kt the convent ional r esort very ea rly III t e senBo n. He pros JlOcted arollnl! Cor ;,(I nt e W ek. and at last dlsco,·c l·erl Sk poger lIud the Skedger riv er tarm . HI' d e~c rliJ ed 81,ed go r as "o ne or those shre Wd. sl llrdy. prac·tl cn l Am e ritall rllrnu' r • . " but he W:l' no t e othu s ln ~ llc a U"lli him Hen at Ih e beglnll ill' : he . 1< "1.1 hi s enthu s iasm frol' Ih e rl\'('r wit h it , beautitu lly 1I',lod e<l s horcs. Its c lclIn . . ;lIla)' b('d and i •• fl ::h. " ,\ lo,·ply rh·cr alto!;o tber , my .jea r ." b e .a l.1 In ~lr" . Chrls ll'allc r. " lIlId t l tl ~ .S ·leci!,:e r place Is the pre tti est I\l ro l1 ~ II. I'vo got th e "wce te s t ca mpin g HllIll YOII ~" I sa w pi II ~ d Olll. My Idea Is to t allc o ut II cOlllll e o f large telltl;. w me ro", and tled rllng a lld 811 011 810VO li nd -.. ta: Ih e re. yo u a lld lh e boys 811,1 g ir ls. nil su mm er. I CIIII co me over for I ho w.!ell' s ('nil nn d Ile rhap3 SOl a d ay 01' tw o off now nnll lhen,"

s noe roll Ch rls watl er. who harl jlls' look o~ ov e r h is wlre's s hould er . ··Wha t·s · Hab blt. :!tI CClltS?' H~,·o )'011 iJee n uuy 11110: I'ub bil s ?" "Tile lill Y. ki ll cd o ll e In Ih., \\" no. ls ." I'~ pl ie<l ~ Ir • . Chri Hwull er , "!:Iul I nel' Dr SUI' lloso<l ~Ir . ,., k . 1 ~c l · \\'0111<1 think o f c hargi ng for il." " Rabbit s Is J;il lin' mighty s<'n rc~ aronnd h 1'".," s lli.1 SkcIlgel·. " I didll 't IIlI0w th e l'e was all), Il'ft : If I hn d I'll hn,'e been ane .· ·cm. I' m a mast er han ,l fer a rabbit pi e Or 1\ ),ollnl: un rrl erl . I'd 'a··glve ~O ccnt s fer tbat one wlllln ·... The next I' horge wa s fO I' so m e drlrt " Ianl! 8n.1 iJotlrds tha t Ih e 110) K h8'! gill hered 1IJ1 nn,1 cons umed In a bUllflr., 10 tlrI," illY t1;e mosquito es. Sl' crlgc r es tlmll led t h'lI Il ls riparian rl g h lH had heel! t res passed lI PO II to Ihe ex. c nt (O r $1 t hul tith e. He c ha~ge.1 for th e ri c\\,· iJerrles that Mr.;. Chri s walle l' ami Iho g irls plcl",.1 f" o m t he brnmbl ch an ,1 ho dlarg~. 1 fur I1nnllll a a pa ckage or oatm eal and So rn t' <:ullee and s li ga r fn r th e Chl'lslI'all e l's wh e n h e mad e a Ir lp

Ge ner al Ho ma ge Pai d Me mo ry of Be nja mi n Fra nkl in

============================ Beloved and Rc?ered hy Ihe French- · His Early Siruggie Llboring In· Inlerell of Ihe Public Good.

s- Ever

THE PRINCE OF !3UTl~RS. His R esourcef ulnes8 Saved HI" (;.1'8&8 In iltl Aw kw." rd Situntio n.

r o town ,

" H only missed on e chan ce to I'hargo tho whole li me wo WOI'O I he re." Ch r l"· wall er s al.1. "That wa. when Rob Idll e.1 Il hla cks ll akc th ai wos cllmbln;; a tre') wl t hlll a few feet of o ur tenls. H o Cll t It III two with an IlX . I call erl SI'crige r 'd nl.te nllon 10 the rml ~s lon . but h e said h e didn 't W'lII t to be small. \Vhen peo ple wer o libe ral wllh him h e lik ed to he IIh· ernl with t hem. Th e n I argued th " t, lll acks nal. es were valuable r eplll es. us they 1<lllell Ihe m ice ;lu!! othe r vermin I hat, oth erwise would destroy the r r o p~. 'That's tni,!: be said, and went away. loo king Ihoughtf ul. "The next day h e l'am e nround anll said b e hnd been s tlldyl ng on It and, while h e was a mall oC hi s worel and wouldn' t make any claim for the s n~ e, stili h e tbought It no moro t.han righ t thnt he s hollld be COml)Cns ated Cor the damage Rob hn<l done 10 t he tree with 'be ax wh en he /l tl'lI cl< at Iho SIl1I~e."­ Chicago Dally Ne ws.

T hey we nl .10wlI . Th e re wer e Chr l~. "aller an d hi s wlfo. Jim and Ro b. I he t w,) IJOYs. IIged I~ nnd 13. rcspec ilvl'ly . r.nd Annabel anll L3ura. 18 alld 10. l'-R AI'KLII"~ URAVE. P.HILAD ELPHtA . T hey all liked I he pla ce. slrllnsl' 10 ~ a y. and they did n 't think Skedge r WlI 3 cloty petitione d the s tate legislatu re to mode l or tbo Ameri can s ysl em." In ~"(' h a bad sort a t tlrs l. awartl a sum for the propcr commem - ""3 ~ his tame was He was ol esta\)lIs hed wl l h t Le lall k)· . Inng·nos erl pprson. with sand), oration ot tho Frallllli o blcen lenary. pu\jll catlol1 oC "Poor Rl chard's AI· hair un <l II hrick·r d co untenane '" and nnd prompt r esponse was made, an manlle.' 'und fo r ' 25 years his witty. approp riation of $~U.OO O; thi s sum world'IY- lVl s r. sa yings -eye" whll'fl bt611 a I,ceullllr c ross. so In this were vory ~hn l in co n" or s ing wilh him th e Cnmll), Gov. P e nnypnck eT. "with an economy Influ e nti a l III molding th e new Am erl. Cuund an e mba rra ssi ng difficulty In tbat could noL but have met with Ihe ran characte r T ile almanac In tim. approva l of the au t hor of "Poor Rich· was tran s lated Inlo t , I:lnl! wh lt!ll ey c 1.0 10011 a l. He camo many language s. <IowlI 10 we lco me Ih e Chl'ls wall erM In al'u," cut down to $20,000. I n 17~ 6 Fran l<l ln was mado clerk of I.<'r,o n Rn. \ 1(11)11 Quite a kindly Int('I'es t Gov. Pennypa cl(er does not cut the Ih" genera l a8~c mbly and next year ap llropri atlo n bCl!ause at any want oC Was llpp ot nted In Ih ~ lr se il lem e nt. olferlng 80mo val· 1,08lmas ter of Phlladel . a llpreclal ualo lr >""geRtl ., n" DS to pitching th o loll cof th o hero or the celebra. , phla. III J74 ~ he pres ented a plaa for lion, (or he Is a close sludent oC the ti P' l ell t, an n 5willlll11n g the hammoc k s. He Cormatio n or an a cudemy, bccame lire or Franklin a n d an historia n or fOll ll' le l' oC Info rm ed Ihe m lhat th y coulll t1av~ th e great Un lv erslt)' of note. The governo r will preside at the -Pc "" ylvanla. lel' hl·I)1!l!ht loy Ihe littl e s team e r Crom In 1714 ho Counded tbe REBUILDINC OLD ROME. ce remonie s. nnd. Presiden t Rooseve lt Am!! whkh thev had .1I Hc mharke. i linll ell•• can Phllosop bic society . . has promise d to be present. The fed · pial lied th~ l a hanny refrigera tor CIIIl!!1 Prosaic Modet'DS .\ 1'0 Removi ng th._ Though engaged In sucb Importa nt .ral governm ent as well as lhe atate lop. Illad e by sinking a s hoe box I" the Pi"ture~que btruetur es ot publi c .dutle~ - us tn ese m ~ntloned. 1;1'0Iln" . ''1'11 fix It Cor you ." he s alll.llIHI ICranklln, the IU\'cs tlgator aad Invent. Ancient Date. hp tl l(1 so Quile cle,·erly . or, hlld t ime to pursue work In other " I Ihlnk he's mO Rt a cw mlllodat lng." Wh e n Rom o Ilrst beca me the capital fields oC greatest Interest to blm. He "al< I Mrs. Chl'lswa ller. lifter Ih el l' lanc!· oC ullited Italy II luvente'd the Franlliln stove. Improve d mania ror tearing lunl h au tul,o ll hi s d e llartur e. " Whitt dowli old blllldlng> the city slightin g, Ilre, paving and po:. i and olle nlng neIY lII all e you dl s lill€! him . Ca t her?" s trcet~ seemed to ~'I'e"nil. But monnt li ce d e partmen ts, and conduct ed elec"I didn't s al' I dlslil(ed blm, " repllerl soon became laeklug trical Investig ations. · It was In li5S nnd the I'enova\· Chrlswa ller. " I mus t s ay Ihougb. I Ing I)fOC~SS came to be made Ihe eclet.rat ed kite exp~rl­ a stand stil l. ihoughl he soaked it to me onlhe boat. "An),one who knows his Rom o well," ment, wllh Lhe result that }o'l'fluklln's rhr~e oollars a weell seems r"lIl er s tJrr wrlle~ the Rome correspo "scientif ic views ndent to T he won tliolr wa:r Cor Ih e lise or t hat old luh. He's ge llllll! London Pall Mall throus·1I surprise d Incredul ity Into acGazette. " will reo .a gont! relit ror his camping ground. too. membe r the unsightl ceptance botb In France and England , y bulldln8 S one 1 ,:all $1 6 a mouth a good price. You ca D s ide of Piazza Colonna The degree of LL. D. was voted .hlm , In the ht;.,rl of rent a six·room 'house In the suburbs for the city, which hy Odord , Edinbur g Bnd St. Andrew s, were brought into ,Ihat. promine nce by ' th e pulling down of the and he became F. R. S. and was a""arcl"::; l ill. g(l('88 be's all right. ancient Palazze Plombla . Now It Is ed the \.:Opley gold medal." That will certulnl y make a crneke r tlrought to be time to use the empty In 1753 we tlnd him postmlU lter gen. jac k uf an Ice box whe n we get som e s pace anrl oblitera te the IIgly buildings. eral Cor tile colonies , and the next yeaI' Ico ror It. Well, we ought to get pl en ' But how? Money serving as commis sioner from Pennsyl . there Is non e to t y or I!ood Cn'Kh vl'getah les and mill, spare, so tha! the commun e accepted vania lo the Intercol onial congress , Bllr! ~ggs ch e al'. nllrt the boys oll ght . th e otrer at a I.rlvate which met to con81der action In tha nrm to und ertake 10 kee p you In fi all. Our living won·t th e buslnC8s. But . unfortlln lHely. thi, threaten ing French and Indian war. BlRTHP LJI.CE OF FRANK LIN, bl' pxpenslv e; that·s one tblng to be 1'0· project doer. Dot m eet with the apFranklin offered a plan comblal ng loBOSTON . member ed." proval or the public, so the city rathel'S cal Indepen den ce with unIon, and soma 1I1\\"lnl( got Ih e e ncampm ent ar· flnd the niselves In an awkwal' d dllem- ot Penn8yl vanl.a will do Ita part In the sr.hoIRr~ think It this piau had beell ra nge.!. Chl'lswa ller went back to Iowa mao They mu st · either persis t In th e ir coming celehrat lon. and Massach usett8 foHow ed the revoluti on Itself might Il u dhl not me ntio n Ihat li p. hlld agree,1 acceptan cc of the ofre r and have the -hIs native IItate-w ill tie . well to the bave beon avoided. During tbe prog· II) PIlY $2 a mOllth for thp. privileg e of wbole clty like a ress oC the war Franklin rendered most neHt or hOl'nc ls abou t fore. . fi s h in:; In th e rl"er oft' th e Sa~dge r Ilrop· the ir ear~ , or baek Frankli n's Catber was a tallow·c han· valuable assistan ce to Braddoc k down In · tbe mos t by ~rt y . 1·lf had blamed himself Cor tbls . undignif dler, hIs mother daughte r of one Peter gIving hl8 persona l security ied manner. The present pro· for sup10111 Skcdgt'r han pOinted 0111 tha It jeet wouhl ~ul.all more demollH hlng, nil Folger, a man noted tor hl8 pbllan· plies furnlsbe d hy tbo Pennsyl vania wIIIIIII be more co n,' enl~ntto fl sp at one'" tho a.nelont Pala>:"B Bonocco rls l slands IhrOI'y and gen<e rous toleranc c. Benja. farmers . In 1764 be ""as sent to Eng. (l WII front door. 8S It were. and that It at th e corner and juls Into the Corso, min was l1te IUteenth oC '17 children , land to represen t the colenles on a tax wa ~ only jus l Ihlll s uch a conve nlc!1c" making It very narrow. Lovors oC tha and its the t enth son was Intended as question and remaIne d 8S leading r ep~ bould be Imld roO' . as Ihe fls h supply pictures que, however . do not lind I !l14 the "tithe for the ministry ." Either re~entatlve. He won Bucb favor there would naturall y beco m e ex hau sted In a Cault, and complai n that a prosalo on account of poverty or an carly dis· as 10 be Instrum ental In blvlng the !.Ime and he WOIII II 110 longer be able~.., municip ality Is slowly bllt Hllroly taste on the boy's part. tbe theologi cal stamp act repealed . Not Quite under. HII'oll dowll 10 the r ive r and catch It eliminat ing all th e featurea that 0101.0 Idea was gl ven up. standll!K mn~ters at borne, he urged me.s " I bass frolll th e lan.llng horor ~ Ih e Cor a unlqll c He worked a year or BO In bls fa· the colonist s to submit In Ihe world . to the small l.1' enl,Ca s t. 3H hall hoc II his custom . So ther's shop and then apprenti ced to his tax on tea, hut wben he found war InChrlHwa llor harl " "r·{·umbe d. hrother James, a prInterthis brother evitable , relurned and set his sboulde r PI'oof Positive . Whcn he went down a,;aln on Saturda y T he husband pla('ed his arm about fou uded one oC th 0 earliest paper~ In to the wbeel tor his native laud . h e r.)\II1<I· t ha.l .lim UII,I Hob ba.1 fi Hh ell th e wai st ot hI thIs country, the New England Cour: s wife and klssP,'1 her . All rlurlng lhe AmerIca n revolut!O Il st ea dily ror rour .laYK Wllhout gell ing 0 " You bav e boon drink ing again, m:r ant. Benjami n took to tile prlnter's Frankli n represen ted America n Inter. bit p rrom a nYlhill g bill s nalll.lllg tllr· rlear." s h e said. trade with zest. learned It thoroug bly ests In Europe. and was partlcul arl, ti ps. ~l(1r eo '·e l·. Sl< edgl' r had objecterl to "How do you IlIIow?" he qll erle<l. nnd Cound time for much readlne and successt nl In Frnnce. "His Rclentlllo tb e lr dl"gllll': III lh ~ cornfi eld for "Smell tbe liquor s ome writing. He wrote articles and o n my brea th ?" r eputatio n, hIs dignity of characte r worms. but har! "" I.pll ed Ih em hlmse li ballads Cor th, e Courant , publishe d and cllarm of manner. " No." s he an s malic him ex. every ·morllin g. Lal c l' all 81< elll':or cam p .me."-C hlcnso we red. "but you kissed anonym ously. and It Is told that these tremely popular In Fronch Dally Nows. literary. so. OJwn to Ihe camll an.l pre'e nl NI hl HhilI. were sometim es of sllcb a radical obar· clal and political cIrcles. and hla wlsOne of lhe Items wa s : "\\'orms . ~ O a cter as to win public displeas ure; at Rule Didn't Apply donI And fertility of resource secured cents." Sunday School Teacher -'v'''I .•. WII. an:r rate James. hecause oC the expres· for tbe governm ent aid lind concell"'(<;lU don·t ml'an to sa y I hal YO II s\on of certain political opinion s In charge us COl' worms ?" s Hioi ~ Ir. Chl' l, · lie Wilson! Flghtln, ; again I Ditir. t last the paper, was Imprison ed for a month slons whIch no other man (lOnlbl , Sunday' s lesson l~a c h YOIl t haI when could bave obtained ." He procnred wnlle r . Indl~nan l l ,y . 'and forblddo n to puhllsh the paper. It loan8; conclude rOil arc s lnick on one chee l. YOIl ought d a treaty wllb Franea. "Why. no," sm ilerl Sk r1.o.;cr. "llIIi ;;I1 ' . to appeare d un~er Bonjam ln', Dllme tor a tllrn lbe oth e r to lh e strike r '! defensiv e', and offensiv e alliance : 'of co urse. but t hen th e re aln 'l no IISO Wlllle- Ves'lII ; but he hIt me on the awblle. but the brothers Quarrell ed and slgnod the prellmln llry arUclee of beln· small. I ain 't ani), ~harg c rl rror Ihn one nIght · tbe appr~nt1ce slipped· away nose and I've oDly go~ one,- 8lray ~ peace. and the doflnlU n tre;.ty of otllQe dlgglij' ·em. lthro\': th ~ WO I'W~ III from hl8 bond .... ; sIDle by Bea to New rieL Part..


iorlL H, !Qe!!,-c~ ~~ 121~ Il....




Thn lute l'h Oll lthC 'old well, th t in\'cl1lol' hi d,~ I.~ W II 1HoWel', WII:t lL grout udminH'

01 w it tr und ulcl'l I)(," r ~o ll s. A L a \!tIiIl C I' In ~ c w . \ ' "rk Mr. Co ldwell 8a it! 01 n inUl u u ~ imll io llaire : " '1'111::4 tHall , Lhl'tlu gh hut'll luck, once hKd to \\., rk U¥ II ltuU e.t·. He made 0.0 8 ~ ­ ec!il' lI t. t,. tier . Let. me i 1\'C you au illl!illtncc of the SOl't of w u rk he d id. ' " lI id ru i.;1 ll"l':qf w.ut ~I\' ing a dllHH\r party of 1 ~ c:)vel':I un " ce rta in c\·en lng. One ('Ij

'Ve nre ge ltln& old, shortly wo nrc 10 and tried . Phllal!e lphla next. arriving cele brate the two hllhllreu th ·annlver · In this City with that h is toric one dol· sary oC ail e oC th e found er. DC tho reo Illr nn ,i price of threo roll8, and ate public oC the Unlt er! Sl8les. tho histori c oll e roll anti prcsonte d th~ All Yankeed onl will Join In the ce le· historI c two to II poor woman . He bratl on, whi ch Is to he he ld nt Phlla· soon ob l alned work as a prlnt e l' Elnd rlelphla . this cll)' j nlous ly 'Ialmlng his 1.len" ln g perso nality soon brought the Camous Ilhll oso llh el'. statesm an, h 1m fri e nd,. rhe gO\'c ruor Il ers uadcd dll,lo mall sl and Bllt hor . France Is t.n him to ":0 to Englund to buy type ror se nrl O'·CI· a spec lnl commis sioner to a s hOJI oC hi s own. Ill'oml a lng him a tako part In payin g trlbll te to Ih e Ic ller that would procure hIm need ed Ame rican that won th o II'l e ud s hlp at funds. Ho mad e lh e journey, hut his that nat.ion In th e ~ to r m)' rlay s oC OliO' patron's promise s ptovetl valu cleKs and lrollule wl l h the mOlh cr country . For· h e had El Ill'etty bud time of It In l.onelgu sc icnti sts will II sso mhl e to o ff er don . ho mage to tile Am er ica n whose orlgl· Aft er a year un d u hair of tryl,,;; 10 Ilal rescllrch es, eSIJcd'll ly Ih o e xpe rl· mnk o thlng ~ so III En glanrl . h ~ I·C· ment s wi th e lec lrldlY . the wo rld turned 10 Pb llHU olllhla, working a 190k IIpon I; 1m a s al mos t a wl zal·d . 9ho l·t tim e 0 8 cieri, III a dry " ooLis Three clli e" wOllld lay claim 10 th e st.o re, bu t el'o ICIn g wu s blH''' with his proper Illnl'e In whi ch to hold th c Be n· o ld c lIlp lnye l' at pr in ti ng. I'reti Ent ly.oe jamin F rnnlllin blr'c nlonary ; hc was met a .. ,a rlll cr wlUln g tu I.u t UI' . E1lll· born I n Bosto n ; s pen t lTIan y II serul 1111 IIga lus t hi s o wn s kill nnrl C II ~ rg y. years In r\(lW Yo r l,. onrl th o t:l lY honsls alld an IlIrl c pc lld cnt s hOll wa" dc t uJl. .c vc.-a l s lu tu es 10 hl ~ m c m o l'~' : I'cMld e.1 In 1729 he " btalnCiI o nl rol of , n~ Phil · In Philad elphia whll l> It was the . torm allel"hll l Ga zelle. an d suon Iltln\l' led <'oll ter of Ih e re vol uti on. und hOl'e P CI'· a\le nll on by th e exr'c ll e n cc or hi s pr int. form ed tho work for the r epublic that ing. as we .1 as th e 511lrlt er hi s wr icmallCs It fl tl in g h o be call don e oC its Ip g. fO llnd ~ rs. All the time' he was s tud y In::; and The ce leb rnlion o ccurs on the I ilb of readln J;; Olollter~ d seyernl oC I h c mati· January nexi . bU l for some tllne past orn Innguages. becomo one oC th e bes t Philadel phia, r epuled s low, bas been read men of th e day . In 1731 he beean a cll,·c in prepara t ions for Ihe dlslln; the Philadel phia library, whi ch WR9 gul. hed c ,'ent. Th e Philosop hical 80· chartere d 8cveral years later, "the firs'

m ...

Lite l u'lrMes c nll ~ i ~lcd ,flf

Th at In ao.lLlresslog M r~. Pinkham YOII o.recou· t1L1ingyour "rlvllt.1I ills to B wonml l-

bcallullOO 0),' The lel. of "ih'er n \VOLDlLU wb osc cxpcri. ,.hells wo,. urolwn- thcro were Qoly 11 . enco with wOlDcn~s ·t'll" miltt tlu?I't'fol'C, t ulcl th e lJUtlt.'f diseases covers a great thut shu wuuld IIOt cal nny oy, lcu. and many yeftrs. tiouo tIoCI·. wuuld be Ju.t eoougll t.o ao Yon eu Ol talk frcoly rorullnd . to a woman whcn It is "Tin· Lutler w hen the oYller cout't'c cnm e, \>Inccd bcrore the lady one 01 the r llvolting to relate _" t.'lIb. To h ie IWl'rt)r, Mho did lI o t d\! · your privale trou· cline it. l'u itllly . I, e let .1 rcs t before \11'8 to " manber. If . he otllrte,1 10 en l it, OliO guest besides · a man would he "hurl of o),lI ter8. \ ...· hat. " •• doc s oat under· the matt er with her nny how! ata nd -simply be"The Lullel' wut chccl her nrr\'otu..ty , ~hl eau s 1 h o is a man to ok lip h ~ r r('U'I.. She! WU!l actua lly "bc;vt ]\\ any women to plungc it inlo thu dn in l/' .hell. Th"" along from the fllun , ('\'cr (tl ert nnd rent y, flew t o her .urfer In si lence and d bod to 1V0rse, knowing full \Veil that .ide anti be nt o\'er hf'r re ~pc c t.f ull)' : 'j 'nrd \'11 me( madalll,' he murlllun' d . .. J.ey ou g ht t.o havo ItnlUclli ate assis l· "Dce, hut· a natural morlllsty Impc ls ' bilL yo u )(;,\ hl "'liS to Trll lind you t'I'lt the uof'tor fllrhll li c )' o ur cnllll" o}" Htcl'da ~h o lU to s h"inle f,'olU C ~I'Os i()1;r them· 00 UIIY account." ~ch' cs t o the qucstion s and prob"~ly eSDlIlilllltio lls of evc U thclr tnmlly ph ys ioinn . I t Is uon ec ·ssl"·Y. Withou t Cure to Stay Cured. tuo nc \' fi r priCD yuu can consu lt. 1\ WOW Ar eli n. low:o . Sept. 11 110, (Srecial) .One fir tlte mos t rClllnll\nble cur~H ~\' er mlln ',·!t ose lenaw ledGc fr um actuat ell· J'cco nlcLi In LI)Ul SI\ ( 'Uli llty i.e th at of ,Mr~ . PI.' r\<,IU!C i ~ grellt, II,nllll' Il urt II r li do pI" ·e. Mrs. II llrt wn. IUrl. Pinkha m', Standin g Invitati on. ,.(', ),Cti ft) r l! i~ hl m Ollth s. nnd wh en she \\' om ~ n ,,"ft'crin~ from any form or' 1'\ as nuln 10 li l t 1111 ~ Iu.:· \\'11 9 all tlm\\'11 Ul' nil on e sidl.!. nod l'oulti n ot walk ncrOt; S fa mul e lVenl, nebS.Ilro I"vllcd I.oprom plly th t: rottln . IJndd 'ij I\ uln <!y T'ill l!l cured h~r. ·OIl.IUUlli cllto wilh Mrs. P iul<hnm, "t L y nn, Mass. All l otturs aro received . ~ P(,llklll~ Il f h fr l ' lI rt: Mrs , II n rt HU1'8 : . " Yes . D".IJ·. I\ i dn e~' 1'.11. cu red me ope n ed, rcall nnd ILn s lV c red by Woml.'D t: t" .cr I \\'U \oI ill IH.,d fur ei ght Inol1 th !J, nnd 1 oulv. J\ wOlllan Clln ll'cc ly tnl k of h e r" i; rl OW the ('urc \\' ..1:4 comll ictr, fo r tltat WRS pri;'nlo Illn t!.n'c , Yf'nr:i 3 11ft , nnll I hn\'e nfl t heell been cstn ess to Il \\,OonIlO; thUG hUll lolis hcrl lho oternal con IIden eft flow n ISl nrc . I n f OHl· w(>Cloi fro", the timu I Ht artl',f taking. them l wos ohle t tl mak e be tw een Mrs. Pinldlat u nnd tho I09mC D my 1;,1" lrn . Nohrnly I~S1fl know h ow o C America which h,ltl nover beC D lh :tnldul I [1 m t tl 1,(, l ' lIrCII (I'r h ow much 1 brol«:: n. Out of the VlUlt 9Qhnnc of experien ce whi ~ h s h o has t.odra\\' from. rccl I ol\'e to flodd's K i,ln c)' l)iU. ... Thi!.4 1'.' sQ ngil in pniob I)ut hnw much It is moro than possiblo thnt sho ha. t he "{'nern l held th ,h' ll('nd :;t on the l<ill· gained the very knowl ellgo thnt will no,',. ("lire Ihe Kidn ey. with Dodd'. he lp your case. ~hc asks nothing in R i·(ln ...·Y P,II:oI IHttl n illr,· l4'nths r the tiUr· relurn except you r good· will, anrl her (tri nu tlin human family i" heir to will ad"ice 11M relic"cd thou(I."\n d... SurelY ril ~ UJlI1 Cn r. any wownn, ri ,It or poor, I"."cry fool b l. if sho docs not tnlco a.lYllnta go of tll ie In T empt"U on·. Way. gen l'rous offe r of ass istllncc . "Tide i. the finit Li me you have be-eD H ),011 nrc III . d on't, h cs it.llte to get . to pto)t.'r' lll ccllng III a lOUR tIlJlG:' aDid the bottie of Lydia E . l' inkhaw· IIVegetl lbl .. pu~ l l. r ul it l'olol'C,J COJ1Krf.'gnllon . " I hall to CUI11C," I'('phcd Mr. Erl\l'!us Compou nd Ilt.o ncc.llnd wrlle Mrs. Pink· I'lnk ley . " I ne ed. strellgth ·n in· . I'be " o ~ hum. Lynn. MIl S.... , Cor spc 'iol advice. . i Jo b willt e w:l:th in ' " chicken ('oo p unW b en a m cdki ne ha~ btleo IlIIocessf lil Lu illl in ' n fl'm:c around a wah:nucl un in res toring to health 'M> mOnY .~\'om~n. vull'h ." - \Vn ",hillg to ll Slur, YOII cannot woll s" y , wilhollt try ing it. . ~ 1 <10 ,, ) t believe i\ will help me."

).lel'" ir•• d vI.'l· Klu'll..


--- -

The World's



CREAM SEPARA............~ .... "0.· ... 0.. ,,," h.,.Itat hi ...It

Tbe purpose of • iaw lJ to cut.-

h should cut eully , cut c101l111,. and c ut «lib every moveme nt, l ftrot~ r an Atk inl tio.'Y. Il, blade

~o;131~\~:r !;eet\~~ ~~n~~~cl~~ uai".. It II hnrd. oIOIU·,,",'n tll.1 .011 It(.'til ever m"do in anolen Lor modertl

"ouICh. It h o ld •• ,ha,{>"c uulug lORA'" t b n 1.111 othe r SQ.\\"

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bl.a.lape ,. porlae", Iroru lbl ck 10 lbln,

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"rom bandla l e, Up. l.~ bu. h , ",akel leow.y for Hactt. run I ltu U, and doe. nnl buc: kl". Its lcmp~r tl

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all 1_IIaUol ...... _

po,lect. Whoa bont by a crook..,

Ibrult, It IfirttlR' h l to I hn.fIft wllhout klnkln" Th e AtklnISil \., cuta.-and dOdi lt bell o f 101.

Wn m,"o a Ut y \,:, aDd .lIe. ct

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°a:l~'~~&~'~ C::n Ratn •• Pertectlfto Ploor 8cra,)eu

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CO .• Inc.

l..rlul , •• Mam,t.ClU lt,. la Ib, WOlld ,

F - . •• d E.<culM 04ca, l ......poIii, 1.'-'· BRAst:nf;S : ,. ~ "" Y",". Cftl~• • 'aneal'OlI", " u r-Ullln"" (OfI!gO UIt 13~ .'" e. SaD "·,..neh co. Mt:CDllba' t AUa-uta &oil TaroQw. ,t"aJ:lA4ltI.

Acco!rc 00 S.botio.. ..-I_ .. lho AI~ •• Ouecl

TOILET AND WOMEN' 8 BJ'eclAI. VIlES . '0' .. leatdnlggi atl. 60ccnlla ~L TN' Boa .114 Book of 'DlUUCt( na. _

........n'" eo."''''y



Co ns tip,a tlo REnwge rs LUo


Deal With the Honest Dtaggisl

When you alk your dr ..ggllt for Mull'l Grape TonIc, ConlUp atlon, Stomach and Bowel Trouble , and he· trle. a cure fo,. to •• 11 you lomethl ng el .. which he claim. I. JUlt ·a, good tliat II .ubatltu tlon or ' dllhonea ty. It I. an Inault til your Intellige nce, He do. . It '01' profit and not b,caun he car . . about your health. No hone. drug"ll t will dolt. Stop a moment and reftect befor• . you permit him to ml.l . . d you. H. la willing til endange r your 11ft and health 'or .ake 0' a 'ew penn In, la he • ufe man to trlde with? Deal withthe the drug. glat who will promptl y aupply you with what you knllw you want, and that which you call 'Dr. Until Mull', Grape Tonic wa. put on the AmerIca n markat there Wat no cure for Conatip atlon and Stomach trouble. YOUI' Doctor will tell you . . much, He know. that a phy,lc won't cura 80me remedle . may act a. laxatlve l and phYllcl. but youConatlp atlon, and I know 'rom experlen .. t that phyaici are dangero u •• that they weaken. that they not only 'all tD cura but maka u, worse until flnilly effect entlre'l y w~ Ich mean. paralYI I. 0' the Bowell and they loee death by Typhoid Fever. Append lcitll. Stomach . Heart. and Lung Trouble , Rheuma tllm. Orope.v. Kidney and Brlght'a Ollea.e. etc. There are hono'lb le druggl. t. In mo.t every locality. will promptl y .upply yOU with Mull'a Qnpe Tonic and nllt men who you .omethl ng el ... hut ahould thera ba no ,uch drllggl. try to lell will send you the Tonic direct from thla factory wIthout t there we addition al expen .. to you. . If you hav .. Constipa tiOn and want to try Mull', . Grape Tonic and have never used It, we will lend you 01' any of your friend •• who luffer with thl. amlctlon , "'ree bottle, Send u. name and addrell at once while we are giving the flrat ·bottle free; we want to prove to you, at our expen.e , the truth of tha clalma we maka for this vatuabta Un the coupon below at once while we are giving the remedy, r.medy · away. Free to all who ha'/e never uled It,


...a nil OOIIpo. wltb fOIl' ..... a.a .4a.... ana fOIl' 4",,1111' . _ . for a free "'ttl. 01 MaU'. Toale, 810lDlcll Toale, Cnltlpetl oa Caro ••i 81004 PunS.r, 10 IlULL'S ORAP8 TOniC CO . , "7 Tblrd A..o.. Rock lilud, III, 01..... U.4d ...... d writ. pl.hl',.. Tb. $'.00 looltl ••oQuln thn. tlmlt tb. SOc. II... At 4natt Tile , ••• Ia. .... a date aa4 AWDt.<r



._ped oa tile !allel-talcl .., ot. . lrom ,OIIr 4....1I.1~


.IIP, ••I

COLI,IU~~E ••,


IEIW.I...:;:;-. J Ifoa'han ..a. ......, ...... to . -4iiJer who·' ....ra..... , ... c.n , •• y·n.. _OWBY • •• IT ........ClllaL

, ..,..IH' .......... Muailf.. ' .


\tlrtlr.~ . . . " ~

tile" dropped tbelr . work and made a Well. s ir. YO\l'd • ,1IJe to , ee ;1a~ all4 rush for us, and one tellow yelletlso me- 'Leopold mllke Il r ~EMINDED. HIM OF HOME, INVEN TION AND INDUS TRY. "6h ror Ihat .. ",Im· thlug In the Belgian languag e t hat mine: 1)lnce. 'fbe Idng 'llIlt his hall.1 Ie sounded like. "r saw titem first." and' he the wllt ~r. and s aid It WIlS tin e. and be· R<J U;lh W e. thor on th e Ocell n lilbd. A llee dle ..!!!acbID ~ can turn ollt 1.60(1•• sOt bold of dad and me, nnd Ihe rest. gan to pee l his H An ss" 'fhink He 'W ns Blick clolh e~ off. an'd dud 000 u ~edlcs a ...eek. Mr •. Reallan woe e Nervou . Wrecl(. st~~ oft like 11 101 of hack drh'erB that took oft h is clot," os. Ilnd tbe I<lnl; mude on th e Ferlll. aut Or. William .' Pink P ill e A l. u t 90.000 10 ns of bu'. te r are bave se.e n a cUltome r fall Into th e hllud. a jump a nd we nt III al! ,"" r, an,l cume BrOullh t S.,und Health. mad e yearly 10 GI'eat Brlta l u. of another driver. and made liP f!Lcesat up wlLh his eyes full A J'~lIn (' roM:"i ll ;~ the :\lI l1f1 t ir, i n r01l~h or wal eI'. s trang· ~·t>:H~I .. ncfOlt Il>'1gtln to take Dr. William 8' A mHlca makes more barrel s tban (,'1 \\'('nt out u~ d,:c'k ..'heu a bi. us, and called the farmer wbo had ling because he ,1I!l nUl hold hi s nuse t .tlt! \. 11 ~ l ol lJ\\, I IIj( ., :\ u u ud} \\ ,HI III olOid Mra. Mnl'Y Reagan, HII~h L all Y otbe r country. 'f he IIlInual produ c- PIlll, Pill s," caugbt li S tbe' vilest names. They said anti Ihen tlud maoe n lenp lind Spl'3Shed ' M '· ,l ll t III" C';I PlllHI. rt'IU1~~ tlie 1\ lIh8iJl ti o n I. 200.000.000 bart'~ls aod circu- of No. SO Xii burn titl'eet. Fn 1\ Ri ver, we would be skinned to 11 Onls h by the the water 1l1,e au Clt , f ,~"U I · II1II . ele plllln t had fsli en lar packag es. The Bad Boy 00etI to Belglum~Dad faker wbo got liS, and Mllss . " r eceutly, .. I wns in nud ont ot : ' ~ h: t ,. j' l\\" tlH'rt,," ti ll' ('a p tlllll &hllllll'(1. Ibey were rlgbt. In. am] tit ere I hose tw o old men were Buy. Fake Souveni rs at Waterlo o Au lrollmas ter In Soutl: Wale. bed nil tbe tlmc. bnt new I stay up IlIL li lt.> 1"1 "" I 'h~f'1' lrllik,·d .. roUIIIt Iu leu H e sho wed lis from a high hili where lu the lak e. just lik e ldds. "d' UI" ti e n Ull l al kill~ t u , olalm8 t.o ha v. Invenled a pro cess by dny allll do nil wy ow n work. -Re' 110e8 Swimm ing with Kine the dlll'eren t \lor tlons of the battle were " I ' U s wim YOII a DlUICh to Ill ., olber "Yuu II U'/111 1I1l' ~" I,t., ~ t' II~tt I IlH' k wheo whl cb "I wn~ budly run down from O1'orIL e cost ot Dlult l n!; stee l cau Leopold and tile Bad 1Ioy T iel Up fought. and wheretb e)'callgb tNapole oD side," s oltl th e kill/;. h e "II '" lllt'n' \\ a!O nu u n l' I·ItW III )o1ll.:l.t. " It's a go," sRld IJe r educed 20 per ce nt. worlt . Oue dny \loi RCS begnn in Illy bCJIIL Bonapar te, and wher e Blucher came up dad. an!l th e), starled " 01, Their Cloth... ~(, J dll ; . l!fI Ut 'luw," siul lb. I)oi-pols ln g a eru._ Wl'l l1l nil'ulll l ' alll r.... nl. , n ~~.H h' . Callforn la prod ue.," t~ .G~9.43~ barrel. !lnd alnlOs t wacle JIIO Cl'Uzy. My beo!l! and made things hum In tbe Ge rman lhe 1It1le lake. and Ihen " \ \" ,1 I ~1I1'''~ 11(,1 : ' P I' U I t.'MI(l11 the l\: nn . of pelrole um Ills t ,pu BY HOI\'. GEORGE W . PECK . Illnguag e, anti then he took us olr to bis II me t here was HOme I thuught It wns CIl1l. r- a fourtb of felt .." il a tlgbt bUII·1 lInd heen put ·""11 up IIf' I 1'(,' h Ing ,Io ln g. 80 , I II ""' 1" hl l \\' "lIe of (mx .. Oove r nor ot \\' hlcCJn ~ ln . l ,'orm f' r E dl- farm where tbe mOj;t Ih e lOl lll Of th e t:nll pd Rtate.. Oblo al'onud it. amI thu PI'CHR UI'O lind tho ) ' (, Uf I lItllIlIlH i li "iJl t. W:I\ (.~ 01 Ihe r e lics worc U ti.! got 'l,·rrHic hus)' nnd tied t.b el l' clolhes In Iwota 50unds 1l1ll.le me so ulleasy tbnt lotto.. l or ot "J"ec k'H Sun:' Aut1l or ut " P td&.' . Gil l.,:.' l 'I ' llIl':l h' found, nnd begau 10 se U tblng s tu dad, "0 li ght you <:oll hlll w ll ;1I \\' 1' han' i ll I,n n' produred 18.HiG ,G:1l bl\rr" ls und Pcnll. hud to WlIlIt JJud Boy." Et c.) tbe floor all night. 't get I hem IInll ed Im ~ in tht' wn ,\ ' \II!. "f " ,\ ' t.:!U U f't4 Th i. It l l1 ' ( Il sylvan ia 11.:100.000 barre lH . unlU he had tilled tb e btnd entl 01 the without an a ct of .. M l' 6 t u illnc h IVII8 in bad shape, Dud I IC·o p)·rlgIH. l!!OO, b\' In.cah B. Bow les .) Ilarli amen l . Tbe, p ul ".. h til ",h,: 1 rH' ",P, ' 1l oll t (lur \\'1\ \'," It I. s tstP. <1 ill' a wagoD 1,]3<11111; with paper Itlld bullets Dl a Rlllulb.;r nuand illll grape shot. went aRhorc on lh~ o [lposlle Hid e of Ihe ..\ h, ~ \\'/1 \ I' IIlul. (' u\ (, " I lit, .h,c·" , ,;\\'e tp. 8cll snt!ous. At ~tl c h Brussels . :Qelglulll. -D~ar 010 Slmte: "What Is tll , ml1tle~ with our golug to saben and bayonet s, old ru s ty rill es. lak e. (!IlIISe so me wom e ll were drt.·llIg tnF 1hi ' J\III1 "h ll IIfl . TIII' ~' plda,d IlIIn up fR!'lurer that <luring Ihe )'enr 1905 the !.illlPs m y bolly @etlllle<i bloodIeR., lilY w l Lh n 1)1'lIl, \>appr I'1i luul(l. h,u mak , 1\ ers W"ro tWI ot ~ If·d and Itds like f: III ~veryth! cu Juldr'r clJnlk null Illy fll ceuntry ng dad wanted. and we had throu gh l ile gl'olln,[" wlli CO Q. 13elgllllll 1" S~ld tllld to me. 11& we were . Rnd lh en I foun d fl' JI :I\n .. d " " i ... l , 111 111 11i" Li t Ifl I-,J" ,,j Uti. ,fn sllmc 1.;'00,000 lon H ur wuod !)"I\>. Ver- IUl'n l:,1 Yell .. w . The d e ctor 8ni,I I hnel cnou&h to tlU a mllse um. and when th e a flock or goats gl'Qzlllg escaping frolll Gerrunn y . it hurl 114'1'11 dt'u;.!c,·d 11.11'1: \\';' 1 ,I l iIlHII/.!h Ily th is Is II r<'l\<ll a ll Ill e lawn. dY 'JlCPsiu ill the w orst form . 'l'h on Illy ns POOI,l c. " Well . whal III t bUilder d o we wnn t farmer had got dad 's man e)' we went nlld Ih e d og und I urova Ih em to wh ero • hfl ll l' p n t dl. \\' 111' 11 Ilc "11111(' to 11(> liU W A Imrre. 1 of snit Is prollll cc1 III I he n(lrv CR gU\'o way lIud I w nH complet ely' tlw fI ,l lla l n , back to' Brussels , and got our shIft unto gO to BelglulIl for ?" s aJd I to dad. the clul h"s WHe tied In 111101", an" Ilro'II'III.,,1. I fl'equeut ly ~ uft'eroc1 frolll"H \, J!Tn \ ' \ ', 1~:1("" 11(' t'uid . f. ".l ll\', "'ha1 Unttptl Stnl t:H tmdl r (,!Lr fur '! \' er\' four BlJ) o th cl'i ll~ seII Hllt.i otl!ot. "I UO not wallt 10 go to a cou nll'y that loaded at Ih e hotel. Say,' when we came Tf'II III'd l'll IIH ' or IHII II I!, oul)' i l ' .... i III dcr'" InhuLlla to nlH loolt . It N .. over w )'ltl'l, we found I. Ih .! two 1 ~"<Ilng nlsL), e11ot1,t y.·e ller!' _ _ _ _ Colt 's "'rho fir st box of Dr. Willinm .· Pink bas 110 visible mean. of s u ppo rl , ~xcept suit 1,,·o.l lIl'ing "Ialp. Ih e yil'ld u e ln~ Pills- thnt lU Red Cjll ic tc.1 rl1lsing Belgla ll hal·es. to 51'11 10 c raD k!: revoh·er a. and gun s of modern construc · lily li eI've. · un e ha rr IJll el PlE" for tlon. rt i earh Jlf~ nt whl Illhabita P 8 0 cb oet. thut I could g et 1\ I:o<,d ui g bt'.., have nt. bepf) bought ou the 10 America . I couldn ' t eat rabbit s wllh· .. " ·It,· ... ",:11 11 ~ I, RIcc ,,, C p, 1III. whi 'a,. A t battlefie ch wns n tlCW eX J)(~ri e [) ee fo .. l~ , ",li,1 ~' fltlr few month " ago I he 'Jea rl bullon lds In all counlrl es, alld propo ut thinking I was chewlns a pi ece 01 11 11 11 1£1 11 ' 1' III , Il k 111'1 1 · , ' ~ll l:!f·II .. ·Il t. t u ,ilu t IlI tllI st ry of Blrllllfll\hul1l. was p rllcll- 111 0. B l (ore 1 hu~ult 10 tHiC thmu I Wil" ' bOll se cal, anti rabbits Is tbe chief fout! erly rust ed to se ll to tourists. I s hOWed IlH tlaI ,.. .. 1I1~ ~ 1J111I:.t 1'1I(' I ~" 1\ n"rvons wreck nlld t rc mLlecl nt th n " II,' ItII-IIl1f·d II ", ' It ' ld il'l! II f' l' I lo~ 1i'~~ , a" cl\lIr "pad. To -d ay II Is fl o url s hillg. sligh of tb e people. ] ha" e enten borse an<l dad that the revolver was unkno wn at lest soltlld. I wnll so w euk tbnt 1 . s h e (·H:tl,· the allu tim ...... mllllon" ly e 1 oC :11\ Ibe 111' .o 1' r battle h IIco ll J.:{"~ rl of ')'1'11 bulltlll" Wat 11111. erloo lilt' arc . a\ld be- hud to s it down aud rnat eve ry fow mule lu Paris. anti worm), flgs In 'fllrk e~', stopS"· J I,I~('''' u t' a ~;t , ~t tl, "" I'Y 01 " :--:II \1 i lll ~ uUll In g 11I1' ned 0 11 1. Ih.nlts to th e l'a rJ that w he u I w ~ n t. up HI ni rR. Now and emhalm ed beef fried In ca ndle tbat every article he had bou g ll t was a (;111 11 ('1 ' ' " .. " 111 ;\ 1'01' 111 II\' \\'1'10 1,,· aholl t 11"'1' 1 cnn I'UI'suftfron l r !l s h fra lrls ud. ba\'e Ill e sabers co w e Inlo fa- up u whole f1 lsht nt Ollrc. The s moth er· ba"lng been made In III: ~ all l ,.1", h ll >! 111I1I 1u- lIt l! \ "' '' , ;111(.1 .hl ~iu h /:rOlUle In · Russ ln. and sausage In Ger"or III Englund . j U)l.1 \\' I,d.III .. ·t ~I alld f \l l in g SClI Sll tio ll H h ave gU ile nllli tho noiH"'" dHl t, h"I ' II I1!'i ~ It wany, Import ed from the Leutgar d America . befo re the warof th e rebelli on, Wlh ,I II i ""IIIIIoIllt lll nlll ,llt uo( )!,·t lir.' "PncllIn atic IlIbrl ra lio n" Is what nr. ill Illy It,'ad hnve stol'p.'d elltirely . My fI(' " sausage factory In Cblcago , anti sluft III anil dad wns mad , and gava th e stuff to 111 LII,· li lt' " \ 11I1l"l lIt·"to ," '' 1 1I"u~o I h: ..·u n .! , Cal'lo Del 1.11 II g", of Genoa. l'oli" bls nPP,,"rl1I 1 CO bos greatly improve n, fo\" E gy pt with grouud mllmmy for cuny Ihe porter of the bot e l. who cha r ged dad II CluiJ. . Dt'W plun lo r Ill crells llJ!; th e .[leetl of frilll"ls who w ~re alArm ..1 on Illy nc-· \lowtlel'. but I draw tbe line on Belgian seven dollllrs for tn llln g It aWIlY. £hlps. Dao kcpt It cn nslst" In rp'ItI '~ h lJ; Ihe COO llt be-foI'R. vow illy: • How well yOll_ one three·co rn e red hat that DISFIGURINO HUMOR. bares. and I strike rlgbt here. and shall de IIA lt)· of the Ihp. surroun dlll g "'l\t cr by nre loullill g I' My l'II,bnwl speut OVI' r n,_ farlller. to ld him Bomipar t e lost bave Ibe Tnterqnt lonal Union of Amal· huudred dollars pumping air when Into !t. creallng Ii foamy ",us Wal'l ble",'. 011 treRI m Oll t for DIe I,hat hla horse slamped ed with him, Brus hed Scnles from F noe Like Po...• gamateu T ourist. declare a bo ycolt on bn t 1\ fow boxes DI·. SlralllTU In whkh and It Ih bad drifted uoder a barbed wh'e e ve85c l s lip. for- Willilllfl .' Pink Pills brou gbt lIle of der-Do ctor Snid Lndy Would Belgtum ;' said Ijllslllk e thnt , brist ling sOlllld. ward u!;nlu t greall )' lesse ned res lat- lU' H) t h , " fence. where It had lain unlll lite tlay up 10 dati real s punk y. Be Disflg ured for Lif e. an ce. liefore we visited the baU lene ld. Say. · Hm' Sold by all dl'Dlligi~ts, or Bent. PORt. " You nre gblng to Belg ium. all right," p"id, on receipt of pri ce, liO CAlltR (lC'r thnt hat Is as goou 08 ne w, aud dau 8a)'8 CUTICU RA WORKS WONDE RS. anld dad, as he took bold of nlY thumb Th pat erB of Fmnce. \m •• Hlx hoxc. for ,2 .~o by the Dr Wil· It Is worth all t il e slurt cost , but I would in a jlu jltsu fas hion. and twlsled It France leo us Ih e cunntrle . of Eu· Iiwp,IIM ed iciue 00., Schcuec illdy, .N. Y~ "1 8ufTi'TC'l l with et',1.e mn nll O,'pr m\ ropc In Ih enle backwar d \lntll I lalrly penulted , and noL be fou uu dead wearing It., cause It r • . ha ving 394 . h ud \" . ~h' rap.! W UIi l'u\'.~l' (·d: Hlr t)r~' held It, while he snttl he shollid never Is 'all OUl of sty le. 1I I 'I ' \\' jol ( ';! IIH' 1/111 . We ha,'e seen Ihe king of Belgium , THE ."I!>:lj I h ~I,1 t r i(,>{1 th rf'C tl lle· ,In re go home .wlthout visitIng K lug t lJ r~, Illn (11(1 I\\,t I! CI :W}' 111' 11 (' 1'. I l ll('n A WOMAN'S SUFFE RINGS . and actulllly got th e wort II of our 1110ney. w eIl l 1'1 11 IHIIII(>I' flu, L opold's kingdom . and havIng a talk . 1-1,. t hll ll ~ht m~' 110 00 ",,,hen th e goals ' begau '10 che w Ibe fllC'(, \\'l1ll1d he fIl Hr!';' III" He Is an o ld dandy. 011'1 !<'O I,s f·.t IIkc for a lif,·. hut my Weak, .wlth nn SO·)'ear·o ld InRle 1I1rt, who hod . Irregular . Racked With Paioll- w. L. Dougla LJrull wl·. ilt Philadel · cluthes ln l\' I nl d phia I 111 tuo (: quak In k ~f' t he er. t ("u dog only ti t'lIra, IIml he r wen Is Dot t s ,4.00 ellt Ed8e Linehn ck al a thousan d chorus girls 011 b ls s tllft aud pious as Ma~e W ell and 36 Pounds Heavier. a quaker. Dad wrote.' fo the to th e e ntran e of the pnl·k. an" dod wn ~ II (>l l wit Ii ( ' UI il.'UI·a ~O:1J1, lIP pli N ) l 'ulj· oannot be equalle d at any prIce. cura Cl i n l ll H.'ut. ~If HI inn';: ('1\ tkllnl. lh·, 1, lng anti saltl he was a dl stlu g ulshed an<l Ih e klllg HW8m bn c k 10 where tho poh'j ~ n t 1I.A' .1 11'I'd ..d , I I'tluld hl'\I !olh th*! ]l l r~. E. W . Wl'i f~ht (I f li~ ~I"in Rlreet., America n travelin g for h is healt h. ao<l clotbes Illld Ih e goals were. aud wh n M':I I('~ ,lfl' lin ' f.w · l il.c powdcr . Nllw my HU\'(' rhill, ~t:. ~"'I. , ~a\,"': ,. 10 1 ~Nl Wtl S r:af'\' , 1' 1 Ih .i n c), tlrove Ihe gOllts Ilway lIod co ul dn' t .. t :104 I.,,)i\a tl a~ it I'\' c r \\'n.8. -MI'~, hod a niece wh o bad freqlle ntl y visited B Iglul11 wllh lin ope ra company . and · unLl e Ihe l, nollJ, Ihe 1(lng gu,'c ('b e F. lIl llln \\"ti ll', li41 ( 'I H'l'l' iC"r Pl ace , Uim· buJIcri n g 2'0 w i th too'h ar p pnin s in th e UIIlUll "f Ih,' tlttel. she bad spoken of Ibe king. alld dn d g ralld hailing s lgu of tlisl rfs". 0 1' somo· dell , N · J " Apr Il 2:; , 'W,:' nnd 1131) !' u"h fl ' I~· wanted to' talk over matters thllt mlghl Ihlng. ami Ih c g ll nl'ds o f lh c pa ln l!e and Wh ere MIl. ie Do"sn' t CllArm. Clue lll l li z:!.y ~rH' lI s be oC interest both to Belglu llI and so me CD"nlry ca me on tbe I'lln . and I he Th p "Ui ce 1,,1 \' ",lin thill l ~H th nt ('a n thut I c'l)lIl" "WaITI: to America . Well. tbe me sse nger came pllrl! see med fill ed wll h nn Rr lll)" anul 1n81,.· IlIlnl" (' 1( 1"" PIIl:II' l,~' w ltiJootlillt-t hi! 1111 tlet! Iy t:'<:t I1hO ll t th e back and sa id !lad couldn ·t get 10 thc bId Ihe dog good-by nnd went back to l ol c~ l 1II Ill'" to hi ~ f!lIIpl ny 4'T' w11 ilc he h (m ~c , 'rh o urin w(ld~:, 1:" ... 11', I ;", t r'tllltlg h C \ "' U t tl I ~ li P' pa lace a ml uute too quick . and so w~ the hot el al one. nntl wnll eu t or'dud. P lHllh"l omlJ:\"t:.Gdu l' to EII" laml.- SulllcrIH\' Jla ~~ ;q,~~M \\" '1'0 went over, and as we wero going Dnd tll dn't get baclt tlli aH cl' tlnrl•. \' jlll: .Jc,urulli. nl sn (lilho irn·~l1 · l hrough the park we saw nn old man In a nti when he (:lime be hud on a s uit 01 lar. MOil t h I Y Chit.·llgU, ~cpl t· IIII".! 1' 2, IO05.- '\,itil the cltlzen's c lothes. s llUngon a ben ·h.l/at. th e klllg 'S clolhes. 100 tlg ht al'ollnd the P 'riodA: \"'-1re Stl !Ing the head of a boar hound , and w'hen " tomacll and loa long In tb e legs. cause ('o lwl u MCltI. nl IJI.!d('C Il C~'I 'ti h tioII S at. I'tlrt,.., it is t"' r,fi~ing lI1o utli. and lile early I'Hl ifh'a l iu lI u£ u he saw liS he said, "Come here, Uncle dad Is pussy. and th e Iilng Is long trc.l1~ bct dl'\:uticl\ t..l!rit' o I)1U'ccli Btl:":!.:,' au ,;1 .Jnl'UII, th e t :hi: Sam , a~d let my dog e ll ew your Ilan ts." geared. ('ugo & ~ul'lla \\ l~)ot crll I'"' UlHlc rKl ~Hlt l lO pronch. Th i~ w as my c lJlIlli 1.inn fnr IIII " C orc.lel'cd ru~hcJ to C~IIH I')ct.i o n a Inl ge foul' )·e nr. . no",,'. Ki,llICY Dad thought It lIIust be some lunatic, "Did YOU hav e a good (lme, dad? " sa),s Pill s h"Il'('.1 and was goln g_lo make a snelll, and get I . and he sllld. "Ha" en't ),011 got a llY O!'ile r rot' new Cf}lliplIIC llt rut' tlu! O \'NluntJ m e r igl lt. o\\'uy wll1 'n I lH'J,! In wit.h l.imil.l'(1. out, when the man rose up and we saw res pect Cor age, condem n )'ou . The trlllll Iw Illf, i1' (,l':u·k ~,'e r'\'.(_ln )'- i n .th e·y('nr them, unu t.hree b'Jx us CUI'Cel l1'I ~ p rrtna· tw('clI Chit'ugo :).Iu\ :-I rm Frnn(,hiro. It was the king. and we wenl up to him king has ord ere d that )'ou be fed to the Ti ltt', ill ('x l lf'{'lnl in n uf ~l l nr~e v ol lime of 11 t',ntly ." lind sat dowo 00 the bench. anti he asked animals In Ihe zoo." ffic; to and fl'o ln t he Poe ",,:: un;.t . d ue "oste r·~llIbnrn Cn . • nulTl\\(I, N. Y. dad j( he had come a8 a re latlv~ of the I told him that] dIdn 't care whallb e, . 0 til ,. imlUC"\l i:lh' coullnercial cI\Jaullio n For s"le by ull d~n.lcr.- I· ,l cc. ~O ce nt~ W . L . 1100',1.. $3. 110 Iho.. hne by IlIeIr WI_ -lA' ...' .....!. per bozo opera s I nger, to commen ce suit agaInst did with me • .J had been brough t up to that i. untio'il'aleU. callm' .Iyl•• euy tltllnl' • • nd .uperlOr . . .rlDl "udtU ••• Ichlevldl '" [0 ....1 .. I. of an7 $3.tIOthe kIng tor breach o f promise , or to lie knots In clol hes when I saw people - - - - .... - ..... til the world. T'Olare Res ourcefu l Womnn . AND BEGAN TO BELL TIl [NG8 TO DAD. settle for a money JUI'''~'' conlliler aUoti, re- In swimmi ng. aud , dl!ln'l care wheth er Hl.' - ,, ' hn t dill ), CI II till with th nt t.- inl · marking tbd be' had always rather pay th ey Were c rowned beads or Jus t pial n td I IICIU<"Y )'OUI' \l nde ~u 'c ~' uli ! could gl1'e the sultan of Turkey carda C88b tban to have he· I ~ alt i~ 1 it Itu\\,l1i. uf (.:o urae,- J"lc· :~~:'u:!sc~~~t~.M::kin·:any 'fuss made about dllbe, and I asked aad bow they got lind spade s and little ~aslno In lIie harem theae little matters. 1'00111.(>1, car.,d II,. .h...., ond .how you Ihe .......lIh .. trO ll .F1'ee' l'rt·~g. along bk.. en.,. when their clolh es were cbewed Dad .told h im be th,,'" Lilli" .'111 . . pol. Dou,.... _ ' . mo~ •• you ...... 1d _II •• Gume. . bad no 'clalm Btl'alDst him tor alll'natlD g up. H e said the soldiers covered tbem T~'1 al,,' rcll •• o Dt.. why W. L. Doual .. 53.50 'Ynr41 .h ........ ~em i nnr.r, N'ns h" ille , Tenn ., 0(Ion&. ;'You ,,' 111 go along, \\'on't you, bub!" anybody 's affection s. • .".... pro<loce4 la Ibo ..o.ld. or for breacb of wltb ponchos and got tb em 10 tbe fer;.; your ~ir l a fi I'J'I't ·duB!4 ecJm'o tref;s from l>yl<pcpo;lo, In· t io n ot " , could .how you d.,lcrence betirftft '"_ aDd be gave my thumb another twist. promise , and lbat InLE dlges tlon cwc1 Too UeBrty .hoe. . . .de.a my ..dory .nd IhOM all he wanted waa to palace, anti they bad su pper . be and the COf'lL Putroll t' get 1hl' profit, ' ·011 t'an't of o:.her nnd 1 s aId : . ':YOIl bet ),ollr life. but J have a little talk ~HI you would undcrllen d 'Why Doualo" wll h the 1Iing and king. and tbe servanls brought out a get $0 IIlu <:h for tlu:: 11Il-'Hey eh:~w hcre , &:.44Uog. A per crt rr.m.. 'J.IO .hOd co •• ft'IOf1t to, why lhe,. bOld Write at onr< for lJook olf lufor(Uation. won't do' a thlDg to you aDd Leopold tlnd out how a king ooytorDtutneh.~, Nowtr.a. their .h.,"" fit belt",. w ... " looller. and.,. o' lived. aDd how he lot oC clothes 'and be sot tbe bes t tI ( be before we get ou t of tbe Belgian hare had any fun In runnIng Dro... lDess. n od Tructo ....Ier Intrlo.le v.loe th.n oay 01_ • .::. .... th e king busl· COUld . ,\,la c l'(' \' t,>r " ' le! henr Hf ;1 n fte-ro nnn. In the lJoUlb.. Cnntt'd .hoe un th. market to.day_ elt ," and so h~re we a l'e, lookin g for ness, al his age. and _._ p I asked hIm If Ih e king wa s a ctually bn s 1IIIIIIe a IWl' N.'pI-'fful 11igh.l wi t h h il who . W.L.Ihn ItII.•• , , _ • ..,. . . . . .t_ they liat dowl1 and (I)' ....... 18. aln In tb. "Id.. rouble. __• ••• IJO• •fl.OO; . began to talk as f riendly as two old ,nad. and h e suld no, that he OIWR YS ing IlIlIl' hinf> we w\lIH lr l' hu,," IIIUI'I\' lIIure . TORPID LIVER. Tboy p ..... IIIta_ ••• IJO••11•• It Is s trange we n.e ver heal' IIltire lloout chnms, while t b e do g played tag w[tb en joyed s uch things, nnd wonted dad he will b(l' ulJlc to lIlnk{' hdure tl ;~ rulnl I'eJlllAto tb. Bowels. Purely Vegetable. CAUT IQN.-In ,l.t IIp" n h,,'na ,v.L.nougOQe,- J\III1SUH ..2:~J~JUrnll!. Belgium In America . but actually . 1 mc. We found the IN' tlhOf!'I , I'll ke tin IIlIbAtit.ntc , None genuine. king was a regular and I to come Ihe next day a nd go flsh. never beard of a ;Belgia n settling In the bo)'. anu that Instead ,,·lthut:' hi' ........ nod I""' ••••miJM OU OOtlom. of his mind being Ing w llh 11 1m . barefoot ed. 1 :1In 6ure P,iso'$ ('un~ {oJ' l' o n ~ lIlllption Say. dad \VANTI;: n. A Ahnedfl:ft .)f'rtnel'C" tawnlfber e' United Stales. 'l'hel'e are Irls b, Dnd 'occu\lle d 'by alfalrs ot stat.e, or bls cnn go. but I wouldu' t be canghl by that 8:1\· ~1 . my i!ft' t.J,II ·CC \ ' CIII'f ug!~,--... M~1oI, 'J'h o~, ·l- Must Bear w. I •. llou~I". 1'"..... ArO "n! "'Id. Yull line ot Genu \.1erman s, and Norwcg lans, and 1t.&lIanll, Afrloan cO\lCe8slo\ls fIl mp'" Nfle. freo for tn8JH)ct.lnn UPOD requN" wltb Congo coun· king, on a bet. He would got e,·en . s ure. Ro\'bIl1 8. :Nurw ICb. N. ~., ~ cu. I" WOO. and men of all other countrie s, but I try. wbere be owns Fac-Similo Signaturo Col., E,.lot. ulld; 'hey wlllllOt Orlwr· a few millIon slaves cause he li as n look In his eye lll( e Ihey ITTLE ~ E"('I \' 111;1 11 unnl" Wrll. roi- Illud..W Camlns of Pall e'7'''' Dever saw a Belgla\l until to-daY.I l:!d It who steal I"ory for u n .' h iln ~clf lI,r IVER h im. and' murtler hav e III a sanitari um . Not any king '~hal lie iM "U lIl g t o t odo.nlf'l1J< ~ ~ W. L. DOI T OLAS . IIrO<1""'D , M ... hut the wu!'lo 111· iloes you good to see a people who don·t ol her tribes. b e was PILLS. ~ en joying life just bus in ess for your little il,:t ,.. <? Tt II\ cl1,-"n\1 1o; hll ll by w hn t he ha~ , !lo anyt.hln g but work. 'l'h el'e Is oat It 8S he did when he WlUI UUIIC,'-( '11 it'ltgo H l'\'unl · 11 l;,' l'uld , _ _ _ _ _ _. l-IF:N:->ERY. ::. barefoot ed boy, REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. loarer<In Befgium . Dnd cverl ' man ha s flsbln' for' pcrch a -- I l t the old mill ponl1 Emut on hi s nose. and his hands are ' anu ' when ho 'menftlln •• J h.v:c Ul'rd one (( )'o,)ur F ish Brand RUSSIANS L1VINO HIOH. ed hi s caree'rn~ Slickers (01' 6~1t yeArs, o nd now want blael, wllh handlin g Iron. or sometbl ng. a boy, and his enjoyme • ntw one• • , 1 0 one for a frient!. 1 nt s, dad told Th ~ re Is no Inw against peo ille going a bout wou'd Ra' be-willtou toncfortw icc the his rou th , aad how he never got Aristoc rats of St. Peters!l urg Spend ('ost. They ar. juel as (IjIr ahead of a a"!'ny .from ~elglum. IJU t lhey all ·lIlt e so mUch pleasure Much Time Over Pl eosures in aft I' lire as he did common cool DlI • commOD OIW Is It here • .and seem to t.hlnl' Ihere Is no wben h ~ bad a stone ahead of nothlng.'" ot the Table. bruise on hi s heel , (!( .. lIIe eu .pl'l1~lIoo. ) other colln!.ry ,. nOlI Ib ey are happy aud ami went 011' Into tbe woods and cut a work from cholne. tamarac k pole Dnd caught s unfl sh till Wnr or no war, the arl stocrntlc Ru. "'GUEST AlURD WORLU'S FAIR. 19ot, 1 a lways knew tb e Belgian guns tbat lIIe cows cam e home: sian 1m-sues hi s pleasure s wllb lin Bell In America for 12 s hillin gs and \>111 The Idng brJgbteo ed up and told dad abantlou mcnt that " [leaks Be s ure '0" don't .et on. ot the comof unlimit ed at uoth ends, but I ne,'er knew tbey resourcc s or unlimile d reck less ness. mon klnd - thl. I. th" ~ mad e thin gs h er e Ulat IVo rLh aoyBUYS i he Pall Mall Gazotte. The pl eas mo." of elcellen ce. :i ' . t b lng, but clad says tbey ora better flxed • ures of th e table are IIl'otra tcd to nn ••. 3.'= bere for mllklllg everytbl ng used by A., J. TOWER CO., :·~. Inordinllt ~ d egree. ,\ IUII <:II. In wblcb civilized people lban any co ulllry on .OaTO .. . V •• , A . .. ..... _ _ Ihe courses a r e 1,l e ntJ(lIl1y wut ere!1 e artb. an!! J. a1ll glotl to bc b ere , cnuse TOWER CANAD IAN CO., L'MIT£n. wi t h Challl [lII g ne, will ~ lJreliti Itsclt S"~ notlce' wh en you are going to lJe TORONTO, C~N.OA. 352 through thc arter nou ll. You mny ba rebe robloed. Th ey ri ng a bell here every .Makers of Wet WcatheI 'Clothl"g .! Hats. Iy e5CIII)0 a t five o·clocl,. tltOIl~it you beminute t.o glvc you notice that some Illn to l!lI t nt one. Th e host ne ver slt9 one JS aHer the col u. so ..... hen you beal' down. plying his guests \l'l tb 11 s ll cces a bell ring , IC you bnng on to your ~IOlf of (;ood IblnSH. liquid lill!; " 11 0. IlO ketbook . )'OU don' t lose. Even tbe afternoo n tea In mhhllc ehlsB This Is the place wh er e "There was c ircles Is It very formlua bie IIIHI ~rt u.I ' · to itO to a sou nd o( rel'elry at night, and Bel. Promotes Dig~slion,ChmruJ­ In g. It Includes dis hes of various so r tA. glum's caiJijal had gatb er ed there." ness and R esl.Conl ains neither In whlcb meat. will eerLDlnly licure, . You r emembe r th e ni gh t hefore the bat. Opium.Morphine nor ~lil\eral. anti Russ ian lea. ijen 'ed lu a g:ass willi ti e of WatHlc o. wb en Nallo lco n Bona. NOT NAlIC OTIC , ttl to IlfOp i u)n;\ Iht n llJ:h ~ nuri ~ t ~1~e pC!r at ~t. Icmon , Is but tbe pale co m[larls on to parte gO.t his . YOII must rememb er 1, O"ltl ;\lHt lin t ht' rOIlI1"'I1~..s t o leave the cor sparklin g champag ne. Th e Uil l il l.·Rl dolUI Uiii rt·,l(' h .. tJ. al'IP~aral .co a~o\lt [t, olu man, just wben they werc 01 tbe ThiiO l' UII \"t'l1icu('e ) ' 011 h:., \.·c if y1JQ tr....~t via st rcets Le lls oC wcalth. luo. 1\0 "."p"tII'OfIl»-SANl/.EIJ'lrr:oEll ifght Tn tbe mlds i of tbe dance, and ' t hC'M I';' n r. H\, . 11 \dll lJc IIpleaAUl' e to Hn er equltlag es exist nUl \l'h'!re Iha :1 "90ft eyes look ed love to eYES wlil ch ar.'IIIJ IUU :1 lK>Ukl;" a Uout lhe "uicC'. Ihose wblch . h orsetl wllb coo l· hla cl, I apake again," and th ey were taltlng a , I st eedsl d a~ h at full sppetl, lu l uft~' dis· I c bampag ne bnth, Inside and out. wben r egu rd fur Lbo mer e foo l !'a sse ngcr' j Buddenl y the opening guns of Waterlo o, TilE 1\11':0 BF.GAN i, nne.,.. .., t o C"l1(o rl1 i" f r om ~rpt. 11th to TO PEEL H18 down Ihe I!entral Rtrlll of wcod pIIVC· twelve miles away, ~"an. to boom. aud (let J u t - ,'JO>.ou Ironl ~l , l."a; a.s.oo " me llt In Ih e Il rl ncllla l "pr03pr r s. " a'j CLOTH ES OFF. hnm K.nsa~ City. tbe poet . wbo wss prueut, ' Eald, "But the wider sl l'e~ \a are dc c.omlnllt ed. II )' II,,'re:' hlllki nSl ('I ' R(l I II~ bush. bark.-a d eep Hound like a riling be bad a poud In \\· ,.o;t n r ~ D ,.thwr ':' l '~h . l~ th e tbe palace grounds . Holding tbe reins In his I Wei handR. A. ~l Remedy for COlIStIpaknell." and everybo dy tllrned pale aud stocked with old rail'" arc low, ,"rite- mt'. fas blon ed fi sh . aDd with RI'm B oULslrel cb eC:. th e ,irl'· ~ lion. Sour S(lIlNlch.Dian1lOea r. began to stamped e. wben the floor DIan· every day be took GEORGF. MORTON , C. P. 10 T. A.. off hi s . hou and medlae" o l In <Iress. has lit e "" m mary Worms ,CorMllsions .FewrishDj;er s aid. " 'TWi but the wind. or the rolled liP his pauta. M. K • T R,. SI. lowl •• Mo. and wllb nothing method s tlr a \toman (' harl ot ee r . Inness andLo ss OF SLEEP. car ou· the stony slreet . 011 wltb tile on but a s hirl. and lIantl' he ld liP by tleetl. t here Is somel hlng of Imper ial danCe; le t joy be Il n !~on nn ed; no sleep one suspend er of striped bed ticking, be ROllI e lu tlllH secoud callilal of tho rae simile sillnntur c or till morn. when youth "nd pleasure went alit In a boat alld fl nhed Ill! he dId czar. meet. to chase th e ~ Iowln g 1!0lll'S wltb when a boy, wltllil ~ bent pl.ll lor II hoolt, iij Oylng teet." NEW nnd be waR never so hap])y 118 wheo 80 He Got It. Weli, s ir. Ibis Is the place wbere tbol engaged , and they could B09h- l l([Icw a man once wb o hn.1 all ha" e tbeh' ball took place, whi ch Is descr ibed In :grnnlt flluetlon s an,[ balls and dluners ne,'er met 'wlth a dlllllPllolntlll Ilt ill b i ~ lhe p ~ncol I used to speB'k in .;clt ool. but and Turklsb baths, If they wauted life. I nev"I'. tltougbt I 'Would be !!ere. rl gbt '(bem, but give bim lIIe old swi mming . Josh- How waa that 1 wbere tbe dancerB got It -:11 the neck. hole. "He' wa~ never look ing for anytbln g Wh~n dad found thnt tbe l.attletle ld of "Me. too," saId dad, and as dad looked bur truuble."-Detro lt l-~re e Prellll. Waterlo o 'I\'as only ' a few miles away, . down Illto the park he Baw a little lake, '........ ........ ........ .. 0'". lie blNd a W&g!)D and we WCDtOut tllere. and d&fllield up two flngf ·.... Jllst u boy. Of 80me Vee. . W,ell, Blr. ot 811 tlte rr~ud" we have do wben tbey mean . to 811)" "Come on, . Ella- Thai fellow 's bead 1811'tof mud) ruD aerOB8 on thIs trip tbe battlelle ld ot let'a go til .wlmmln W"lei'lo o Is the wor~t. Wben tbe farm- said, "l'U 110 )'ou." andg.~' Bnd tbe king u.4, to Itl~ . thE'Y locked arml 8tella-W el1; I .uppo.. he feela tJo~t . '. e~ wbo ar" ral.lng, barl"y and baled and started . througb th~ "'ooda to the be's Got to bave _.hln e LO lung ~ 0;'" ..... .l1altl,e~eI4. Noll': \18 ~. .~ (,'ULUa. ,. 1&jI.t. u4 ~ 4 • . alld I ('!UO.... ... ".. !at O.D.-Jud , .. ;1~~ ' . __ ....... .... , . . _ 1IJo!ii'ctoIo - ......... ......... ....... n .... _...... .. holle 10.. - ......11, .01100" ......... .... ,," ......... ..., ....w-. . . .,., ....... .lI.C ...... ... OMlO.rN&!G~.U......._~



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to Know.



N ,'111. D', C,M.








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Uf ' rll n l Itl ... II . 111

tIl,., \\

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Il ia :

LWTIVE couSh remedy.

prllcr.iP./\lJv imp ."~, hl ,, . The cenuln e Th~ "'~. of III, H ",·1• •r ·1 .11 ,' < , FOLEY 'S HONE Y and TAR. laID hH'H\l8f \ no ~t." Ipnwnt !' W I ' I'e (,,' pr • Yellow package , Rerll ~e suh. Utul-. ' m ,Hle pnhllc .. hll "' !II @: the trn l'! enn · Prepare d only by dtti ~ of Hlfllir, it> ! till flf~sh ill ., I'ol.y " Compa,ny. Oh.o,. ••• .



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Reduced rat.,. oro the fint and TueoiIaYi of .ach month. .




"I"l ~ ,-:;,, ':.(,o

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• r I; , ,'!.. If I t f aUt, he I ~ n ,,,\ r 'I I It! y .

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,,'l'" 1" :I. l 1\'11,,·,1\ (' .. f(.1· t he 111. 1". 1

kJ~.\ rE)'! ~ '~ ]'IE~"tJ~fI. ,.

YO llr Ih'cr-eve rybo dy tloes . AII'tI


I.rll 11.·itt·U tv " 'JI I ~ u l' Or f I ~ent' .11 11\' tlh\U . l' lIl1l'e , y rret.' . I" ,' " '. "h -4i·j( II1,l t'I!,l", L, I till \,' 11 4. 1\ : , t ' .!lI,,\' · j :tIl h ' ll l!r~ til " r l'f>'''Il , l> 1j , . . 1/ , !',fll;· AW· IlIli'. ~ . Y, 1\

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1)1'1 .. 11 11 .111\ . I

tl u:t-'u

il l'ikllte nnd enf"il y- di s ..

ordered 01' · g llu, do gel out o r tnller, I hey ! the worst th i n g~ If yO\l loo k the

i ll Ihe world IU yo u. rib'ht :. :0 <1 f enre o ( th~ru , )'0 \1 wou ld o'l

s u ffer. but \'0 11 don l t, 'l' he 0111)' ;,'a ), ),011 enn correCI tbe trO ll· ble yo u do hll"" lind pre o'ent Ihe<e pn rts frolU gelling out of orcler i~ to use

Dr. Cal dwe ll's. ( £ ..... .. f1u. )

Syr up Pep sin

M ~ II\ ~ 1 " c- l


E " cry bodykno wSlhnt PEPS IN i~good


l erw in pl ll "t ti l'''':' by DR . CALD· W EI.I, ·!:; formula , its nalllral vlllu" is high ly increase d . , DR . CAl .DWE LL· S SY RUP PE PSIN Is the best t h ing in the world lo r correcli og nnd curing all (orlUs of s to mach l rollble- you 'll fill)' g(l wb en you try iI . DR . CALOW l:: I.I, ·S SYR UP PEPSIN ca ll be ohlnin ctl ill ""tll tI ..lI :o ... nnd half·

l~ M BAL~fER

fo r th estolUllc h. hut in co mbiulliio u with

II "E ;\ r.~ H 1"1.:



do\lar si1.c~ At n il <ir ")):gi",,. nnd your moo ey will b~ r e fnn d ed if il fail s to benefit you.

t IL, i'l U R.E H' .\ LL K lND ~:;' " I •• ,

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Your pos t Kl cant r~(ln('~t w1t\ brh'li! b, rotura mall our IlU W bookle t. " Illt, CA l. IJWE l. L'S

R OOK OF W Oro;I.)E I..:.~" li nd f r c' ", ample (0 t hOlle WIH) h tl\'c n\.·\'{' r.f rh II Ihis wo aderfuJ relZu:d)'.

:'II nil ),(mr t HJ,HOI t..,.I .IY .

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( ',.. ~ .. BroR. • 1\1" MTH tel<:1 ,

No matt er how !ong you have suffered, Fole y's ' Kidn ey Cur e will help you . This we will gUSl antee. \' . It has cured many cases o(Br ight' s Disease and Diab eks .t lliu

had been thou ght incur able, howe ver we do not' claim ' that it will cure these diseases in adva nced stages as no .med icine can make new kidneys for you, but Fole y's Kidn ey Cur e will positively cure every case of kidne y or bladd er troub le if taken in time, and even in the worst cases of Brigh t's Disea se and Diab etes it always gives comf ort and relief. . Rem embe r when the kidne ys are affec ted the work of destr uctio n.nev er cease s, .50 comm ence takin g Fole y's Kidn ey Cur e at once and aVOId a fatal malady. . .

Fole y's Kidney Cur e

)s made from a presc riptio n of a specialist m kidne y diseases and was used for years in priva te pract ice befor e it was put on the mark et. THRE E PHYS ICIAN S TREA TED HIM WITHO~T 8UCC E••• W . L. YANCY of P ad u.c ~h. };v., writes: '1. had a seveie case of kidney disease and three (,f the best physl claos ••; qot" hern 'ke ntucky treated me "(Ithou t h I k F l ' K. t e n too - 0 ey . s ldney Curt:, The first bottlc gave imm ediat e relief success and three bo ttles cured me perman ently. I gladly recomm end thi s wonder ful re medy," SUFFE RED TWEN TY-FI VE YEAR S. SEYMOUR \V RU lI o f Moira, N.Y: . writes: " 1 had be en trouble d with my kldney a for twent y- fi ve years a nd had tn cd sel'eral ph ys icians but receiv ed no relief t'I I bought a bottle .o f Foley's Kidney Cur~. After using two bottles I was abs~~u~el cured. 1 ea rnest ly recomm e nd h,/ey's Kidney Cure," . Y

"/, '


lI' :!:, tll

To Su ffe rer s Fr om Kid ne y and Bladder Diseases.

Pot iDionnlltlon add%eu au.•.• •.r.Li~'."""" CIIIIuoU• - Olam. v. • 'J t Cladll.U • •C . ~1W4I1. Q. ~.A .• I

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r,-,,..uIL~ U" II 11~ ~,1 ~d('n, ·.I, {L W !' rpull HI 1:o~ 11, ~l(. tlJ c 8ic k ,l\ud AlI\n " .on Il I'llIh u',',lltl r It'g\. qf t lmcI" tUttI b (c u Ifll, .1 III t Il P' n 'u I" b l e u r ~~ l iel'le ll re, (lUll ' "I ,I\1"lIlI lt "'1 J,:l, r um ll ll llofUr . U r Ct.1 l lU b h .I\ t.: l't'li l' ll'ed UUUILh lou th l' Kufft:r lu g lJ y 11"'lie Il1an~l .. ul'4 mcclhJhu: s. iHl apt.tll w., unrl l n l ... ln ~ ..lud l ~ r ru~\.lu .:, the t r(!R lme nl l hl'lHlg bl lUlIo! )r.a~ o r ('110TlUOUH prlW"t cal o""· rl,·,,,·," .01,," 01< Lh o _Ick . by gr ....1 hu.h.-, . filth,,!, ;I1\tI :CO li , nm.!) fnd GY t it,. t nl r .1 ~ " ' lH lll lllll ll lf I h' U rf'I'U" S IR I;I V, ' 111)1 1,\ Ill.· W"I'1i11i 1l C\'

n, ore or less !rouble with YOllr alom-


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If ), 0 11 callnot , it is oue to an irritate d or cOlIgc~ lcd statc of tIll: hrain, whi ch will so II dc" clope i lito ncrv o lI;'. pro st I':ltioll . !'Jat ll re dC'lI :lnds ~ 1e l'l', alill it is as iml'o l·tan t as fon d: it is a pa rt of h er b ttildi ng" and sustain ing process . This l' ' riod o f un con sc iOllsn t·ss r\.!i:lx('s Ihe ment al a nd physica l st ra in, :lIId allows nal li re to restor\.! exhaust ed vitality . Dr. ~ I ill'S' N ervine brin g'S refresh ing slcep, bccau se it soothes . the irritatio n and removes I h c congcs t iOIl . It is al so a n cn 'c bui lde r ; it no uri shr and st rengthe ns (' 1' cry JI ('rve in YOll r -b J;,:,. a nti c'reates c nergy ,in all th e ~rg-an;; . i'\oth ing' will give slr cnglh an d " it :ilily a s s ilrely an d ;lu ic!.:ly a D r. liles' ?\crvin e.


.t Ll •.••. '1 11" ri. IIH,ir,"D"i. ac.Cl1 r3 t rlnClu ra ·

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n " ~ r'" l itO .. HUI ' ) of AbMO IU\'o and Genu J"e \' 1'l 1·lh . \' v u Je h ' ed ' and (u undt:d til t tl,. l rU l· ~t'P' r." UI cif cu re, It 183e ln\ perl h -

• I II )l P,,"I" •

II " I I ~ k t4 fli t' Pldl" l nl1J! " l \ 'Ii . . ut th e pn I e III Ill\l' i\lU I l'ih. \, ~" ltl l" . K... ,., It

, nlllpl lc., I\ t Itlp ~ o rt h \\' c!>ol ('(11' 11" '1' l.r M I.'h:W! 1\;\1111 1\,\'1\ ' >11 . f •• p lwrl y J u hn ((Hlh' rh ' l al l" .. r lln'· h:t.v i UI! IlI-'l' U ... 11 l,blt·' ·11 II)' ,h Ili!

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, ~rlt) 1 ' 1U \Yt'\ 'H " ", 1. 11i l,llll .t \ 11

t' 'Y MI A.• M. 0.' '-ill·ill ." trO( I . J. H. McC A~S,

hlr l·ml ,', 11'{

!'ie" n llt "s pe;: jo ,1" !Ju i UI li nd \·lI l·· IIIHh hl'll s h ,'s lit 1:)(' -.r Il:. J IIIII "·,\' . \011,"1,,',1 Iin ,1 tlf l r lic ket.,; III list I.. Mrs . Li 1.~. i e Boglln1 n, i, put.e rwin. s"hl ,,~ I )I' tnhor IiTHI. if w t' h Oi VA t h' i u g II c rHisr,'r. iu .I.lw . MI' ~ . HIIII, from co nr:ie . Fo r ~Ol ll e rell~nn tht, !>I.I\ It · 1'l illI ~u nt\· IIl,' . Ne w Ynrk . .. r fic~ k n t t<' 1m !>l. Iwt-IJ n ,' pry !- In w I'h, b u l'lJ Cure 1:1 " ,"111 01", lind N UIII'" I 1,·(' tnr H (~n ur ~I'!'oI · Wt' hll \' p hilt! 1h l' gin 1 ~,\\,jlI1 rs lit ~llL.'i'~ Wa Yl1 c ",,' l llr )Ilk,': the u ce:s , :. tle~ all w in . IMI~!. fl'\\, ~· ""I·S lo ll "" 1I1'0011 ~d ll I'MI ' . IIfIll ~Jr8. ~' red H. bh e rw ood W :,.:.: \ p o lc,; . th ence S 'iI ilc\: . ~ ,l lut n , W Wliyn" ~ \'ille II,,· ,' el'.l· lll'H! talplI!. ill ." . :!~ J1o le :ol : lhc: nn ' S ;' 0 d('~ . ~ , p' ti c:\. : II U(\ UlIl1ght ll l' Uuro!h y e ll joyorl II t hCOl'C s:m t1c ~ ,t tl m in W ; ..... cWlH\jl n~ ; \.I)(·m....· th e land. The SAries of Ii\'e pnl... r ~ ... 4 ,If'&( 5,) min W 1:J :!O ch ;d n~ ; f n e\.· :'\ t./linme.nt.s aml lecturp8 nrrlln gpd for ~ w dOl )'8 "OI Cllti ' lB In ~ 1 w,·, k \' i~iti n ~ t'iA t1 e ~ au 1Il 11\ ' W I " .r.o po ll: ... w t he S.1m u cl l'Iuull..' nh' . forUl t ri y HULl! Stl·t!tJ OI1\ '", l'u" t the present yellr lire unusu :llI y h i,; h r J IOIt ive'i II t. liret1 u\'ill l' . It n~ : t h e n cf' roO l1lh wlt.h Hatti Ch ' lU\"Ut,,', (ul" AllJil w F lo ur 6U co n t.s 01 Sli c k m e rlv Stl.·,hlom ' .!l c ast Hne to t he S I~ ('or n er c lass . A sellson tic k pt coatH 0111 .1' o f :-.ulel m c n tM' l a. nd : l he n t:t' we .. !" with M I' . u 1111 Mr~ . NilI' Hrowu 'tIe o;ald Clemelents· 1111 . which put.~ Iho prie" with ill Illf' sout.h lin e to Ult.' l.: t W.l rK lr· I) . j" plke : t henet! rnu).\l u g r lliloh of prlI t:l.iclIll y ''''P I')' \I\] '' It 1l1 u ll t h 's vl~il ullltlng t h eir tn t h ' w CSt li ne east wardly wit II lO.\ll\ pl itt' II or 1.\ 1)\' u re Lrac:t n,. J1lut f't~ til will bll II m,1tte r fo l' genu ine r l'g rul r IlIl "' I!~ ,n lu lilll "OI. li t Ri chmo nd, caso Nu. 4 :,j,4 I n \V ilrrcne l'OUIiH' Uh!t;) \ '''111' 'mllll (·Ioa s Court r ecants; t hence "i oltl h W,H\.l1y if the oourstl f(\\1~ throu gh fnr I ... ck New CUijlle 11 1111 Oili e r pOillI S. with said w t!8 l \lo t: o f rta lll Uti ;u :rc tr-act of suppor t. and every public s pirit.ed Mrs Will . Lippinc ott onterta inell t o Lh e IJl u.t·e orhe t!lll ul n ll, cO nll\tlllll ~ I t ;l.i;' c it\",en shoull 00 Ilil:! I'hul'e to wurd u t d iull e r W "illII!!:!dIlY. Mr~ . •101111 Ill'r(>.-; of hmd, more o r lc~ul ~uh.1 r eal c8tal l! h.u-. bec n~~ ulul' l \' apllral ,,· mliiting_ it a _ ~!u Jl s\Jer ry . Mr ~ . Ohme r Lewi!l nud "1I under ortlcr 41If Court at.n thl' success 4_ _ _._ _- -~ UI11 I') r I·'or t y, " Ull Mrs 0 11 0 Ltl wi ~ nut! children , !<Ol, \le n and 1j 0 , I UO r~" 7 .,j OJ Dullu r K p01"UI'I·t:. anti wttl nOl ue :<'o l d (or l e&.<4 Lh:\n l\\ oJ th l rth At the e lcction 10 be held t.hfl fir st. 111 r~ . li . (.! A lo xltu(\e r, of I!:lidu, n f 8/l111 apl)raksc d \·u~uc . 'ruesdllY in N o vember the r e will be '1· r. llM ~ or ~A I ,e : One ' lh1r(~ cal'ln IIIW Ih trd t )h l l '. \\' H:o' th t1 glll.. ~ t o f her ~ i s t e l"!'t HI 011(' year and (1ne· t.hl rd in t wo yc ,lr" ti L' plected II IreU" III·e r . r.t ll ~t e p. cIOn · .\I n. Lul·lI " r ::lull "1''' aUi I Mi ss E ~ tlJlI lI k rrcd payrne nt l~ to be tiel'un'l I l J,\' l"lIrt~lLgt: S a hle nnil II S~I'KSU)' in t.h e tf'" n"hlp. 1111 t he preUll st:" so '" a n d tu lJCa r In ltrCril :Il. I\l s~lldll"', ","1 \J 1'. )lh ul'. Mr. O . O. ... Ix l le r ('e n t . two membel'>1 town scl100l banrd, '1' . c. [ ' !..n·t]f~ <1;01 . \!i'"II,1I1U '. Ir um T llIlr,d.IY Ilnli! ~bcrlff , \V arren (:IIU 11 1\'. 'Hl lO . 111 'v,,.· , ounoi llllnn, I1 tc T h .. 1:>11IIdll )' . l'ol r ... A lexllnd e r reports to'. M , H .UJl I~"()N. AU·Y· • li,, ~ett e i8 of .,be opininu tbllt ill ' lip 01101 01' "dllln( \ ver y busy . ('Ul' \(lOill e lection s po litiCK s h ould We hll ve jus t r ecei ved n car of plllY IIU )Jill t: AI! n geller." 250.000 s hingles . botb I G lind 18 II iu ~ I he men w ho are OlIn incb . These s hillglell IIro 1>o~i tivdy Iliol ... t PK for office lire knowD to ever y CUA U,LES 5U1.L1VAN, wh o:!'o place o f relil l , one in the town or townsh ip lind the hast the Dlllrket uffo rds lind lleneo Is unk n o wn . wlll ll~ke n o Uet-' Lilac. AII ,'n l:Ialnett Ulea hi s pt!Li t loll In t he Uo urt u f ('.1111 ' tbe men hest qualifie d for tbe VIII'· lire striot.l y first-claijR in e very r eo lOon Plea s Of W~rrc n CO\lllty. O hl u, on \>lI t' spect . (~ullli t.y lind lUth c.\"y of A ugu t , lUO~ , ug1t ln"i t ~a Hl pricel! I igh t . Ions po8ition s should be e leoted to C ha rle s S ulll vR n a mi o th e r s , st:1l11l~ ',i moue Ca ll and ~ee Ull. W . H. Mndde n & o th the plaoe . no maUer what his - poli er t.hings t b:'Ll ~atll Allen 1·l n lne.", lK ti le OWlle r In fee of un u mHvldtd oa e ll tll',1 ,II t Ill' ti cal beliefs. 'rhe G azette does not Co ., Corwin . f ollo w l nu c.1escl ibed rellt edt u t c , to· .w lt ; Mrs. J . Milton Clllrk. of near know who will 00 r.8ndida tes for "11 · t nK Il a rL.~ of l o t s ro; o. 0 1l L' ( I , :-, ,,(I the differen t offioett, and for this Lytle, ~pellt II pleasau t OilY lost l hrt:e (i.l) t n J:o'ra n kll.u S ijU,UC In lh e t · w .. III s v tlle . W a r ren COUIl t.l', Ullhl. reason no persona l prefere nce Olln be Wednei:lday wit.h Mrs Mllrlon Clark W ayut: Begl nnlng a ~ u pul nl 0111' 1IlIlIllr(:ll a ll il Ileged whe n Wtl especillll y urge IllI" w h o hRU mu c h of in terest t o t e ll of "'C\' Otl (lO 'i) fcet w eNt of lil . ~"lll h ,lJrn ,,' r I" IO\' SO. vile " 111.1 i n th e "., utll I ltll' ot I( ,t>Domina tion of H mall for mllYllr .. 1 h oI' roce n!. thr ou gh t·h e West. So. ou t: ( I ) (o 'n ) M i a m i ~ Lrt!\! l . Iln,I r" nlll h " t h e ll ct' and with the esp lI 60illll n e u t ~1I1tll wLrct:l N . :\ 1} \tCo y of the form er res i . Wllyne sville who will be capa hl lJ 01 €., r;:J h >et a n d two (~ , ' ne hc .... lfl t he lu \i<4 IIdmini atering the IIft'lIir~ of the d ents of the O()DlDlun'ity who m t·hey so ltl b y 1. V, F·3~r holm t o J . II ( ' h :l))III ;\II : thtmce wi lh Lht li ne of !ta hllflb~. r, t\ !",Co W .. office in Il manne r Ihut will r e flect m e t wbU Il nwa y. 10 an 11\J{ly: Lh cnc.c IiOULh li l l '} \\" .. :l ,J (t.'l.: t c redit on h imself und on the I.o wn. Th e H tlr veyshll rg Fertilize r ("0 . ami ,"\""0 1::] luchell t o th e ('UMt 1'! h le H f M huul "lreeL: lh c llCe :o:i. :,81 ~ O E . . t·, t h (" pl .,," ! I,t The Home Conling r e union n ext h,UI begnu the mllllufl lcture of its locg l n nl ng." year will n eceHsltR Ie II g r ellt. IllI10Unt fertili7. er . w biob is now relldy for And t bu.t tmhldefe uMllt Chllrlc.8 Suli l ~' u ll of extru work on the pllrt. of the lDa rket. It g produot is fresb li nd I .. u t t:llan t I n coUlmo n wiLtl l"uit1 plulutlrr In "u ld r eal Cl'OlI\.tc on(\ Lh at th e l liatn t lff d ll~ l rt:M Mayor and 011\18 for a mil n of more contain R IIU p:dra large a m ount of III h o ld hi !' in t cre ~ t In Buid );tnd In Mc \'e ralt \'. thlln ordinllr y ability and Ilddre~s . bone l\Ild IIni01111 matte r which "nI.l pr ay l n g Ibat t)artt1.1oJI thereof UlU}' Oft w ,,(lc 3.ccor d tng t o lltw I\nd l"ltc h o t h e r We have such men in WIlyne 8ville. lIIakell it wort.b more for the money teact 38 tlialcl pl rt. l n tlff may b(' 'c)r cn tll 1t'd LC I n es. and we believe it is the duty of than most otber fertilize rs. CillI or 1he premis sai d C n arl c!t S ulH\' a.n l!l q .:quir,!',l tl) suoh men to tIIke 1m interes t. lD o ur tele phone your orders t o the facto ry Il ll !olWe r suld l)t\tltloll on or hNurc th H h .l. IY uf Novc mbe r , l OO,5, u r t ll,! pr:\ )"I ' I' il f .. .. 111 local affRirs. and If Ihey are culled jJl't ltl o n will be g rl\n tt:(I. to serve, accept the p osition offered , Chamb eylain' s Oough Remfld y ALLJo:: N lIAJN S , By ltunynn ~k. St·n nluv. h i ... a tl tJ r ll '" \'''''. even at the risk of its inte rferin g Aids Na.ture . l n e\.. 18 with their bU8iues s "lfnirs . Medicin es that Illtl nlltnre ar e ul · w1l.ys most elfectnu I. Chumb erlaln's S t a t e 0 1 O hiO. eough Remed y IiCt s on this pllln . The Tax Payer s' Ins uronce Ocpa rtm cllt. It. " .IIILY!! the cough, r e lieves tlw Cu lum lH.l."i., O hio, April l. IU U'~I . I ungs . aids eXpecto ra tion, oJlEl.n8 t,he 1. A, r. Ve r YK. Suvc r1ntenrtc ll tu r'Jn s u mnue Right secretio ns,aud old~ nature in restor· llf Lhc S t Ule or O hi o, d o heroh), t; \.' nlfy Ihat lin: Mle hh(uu MUlru a l T..#lfc In s ura.ncc CQ mpnny. The Gazette has contend ed (or (\ ing the syste m to a healthy conui lDented at U e lroit , tn th eSl:\I f: of Michl, K,an . h as c()m pllocl I n nil rl·:tpcol lii wi t h long time that pliblic offioials tlOn . Sold by Louis May . tht.: laws o f til ts S tat e, aPI)itcllhl l' t.Q it a (I should i88ue stateme nts lit interva l" I~ auth orlz cl1 to LH'allrl.3t ' I n tll ig ~t.att: 1Ll'l Cured of Lam!> Back lif ter 51 a l, p r oJl rl a le b UBlne~ of l mnktn g nut ."a.not! showin g the conditi on of the o n t he Ilyt!8 nr p("r 8n n ~ , tIond lnRUru "I(' c '- un nt'u' Years of Butferl nQ' Lcd t herewith and apJ)I·rt.nln ln g lh,.rfl lO. nn ~l variou8 funds under their oontrol " I had been t roubled with h,me Ilrant.l o~ . pur.:hu.8Ing u. nd tl lfjpHsl n ~ ·u( i.l Il UU · Ilnd whitt the money the tllX· pnyers bllc k for fiftee n ye,lh, and 1 f uunt! Il tllf S, O\!'l prcHc r.tbc.4i tn ijcult o n a:,III'. U',t'\' iHc4 1 of O h io. u ntl] Lh r jotL ~hl Y u f A)1rll hHve contrib nted 1M Uded for . co mplete r ecuvery in th e II~' ! o f oftlituUn' lhe yeur next 8u r,ceedtng H t: h en: This cunhmt ion is ~hared, w e b e· C hlllllbe rillin '" Puin Blllm ," ~nys of . lls co nd luon ard bugln CJ4"It' n (\n ,\ thlr./01111 G . Bi~h .. r . lJillllll. Ind t.y· Urs t <lay of OeeemlJe r u( Tbis th c yoa r next IIi·ve, b.l' II 1II0juri ty of tb e people l;nllllll' nl is 01 ..0 witho nt 111'1 ("qUill ()rect:dlng the tlnt e ht:n~Of . is ,.11O\\,n 1)y t.he s tllLem unt. under QU h , us requ lr !tl by .. cetlon Ihll commu nity wh o have con · ' for "prllill R IIlIrI h l'ui ~,,, . It. b for :!tH . of R3it! H t: \·l tIIl.>t1 >; lalutt H, to be us t ol · ,illATB(1 tb e rua tter. t<1l1f! I,y Lo ui~ Mil , .. Inwlii: .\. ggreg at e um QII!1t of :u 'allalJle UU ll "f th l1 h ades t tllxpay ers ill - _. --- _. - ... ..,t. ~ K . K~; ",~ I 7.. W".vne t.o wllslllP Rilid w the li"zett~ UT. LA G Agg roga te IIm""o! " o( llUll l1 ~ re.o l' rc :cc epl cnll 1ta. 1I, InfJlI"bllltle r eet'! : • "1 wish !:lome puhlic Inoumo ••. an rl "l"'cial ac· Rw b: 1·II.U·, ·O IlIO c"mulallons AtllleUle n t \Vou Id \J e mil d e bY wlll'cb K. ' :II .:11111 86 (leneral . "rpl". 011 pl ,II "), h o l<l · I migbt know what become s of till' f\I'~CI A LTlES: DIBEASEIl OF WOMEN cr. B•• OU nl. ''',O . ~O I 110 C:lp lt.a l s look m oney 1 plly out in taxe!! 'l'he 0 b . AND CRILDRteN ~t,u. ooo 0 0 Amuu nl of Income f .. nloe ye .. r 1.\I:SI.~~:; ••11 jection is conlltll utly made lI~a ' n>t A,o"unt o( expenditure. (ur the .v e,~ r l . l :! Lall 7:, publicit.y of this kind Ihltt t.h e In wltne.. wh ort·uf . I h."·o hereunlo Hub' expen se cllnnot be IIft'"rolpcl A!! Atta.ok ed by a. .Mob hcd m y name ""., ca " sed no y o.IIIClal "cal And bml tp. n . in 1\ In.bor ri . t, .e"; t n he anl xt!11. l htl day a nd yc,· u r tlr!-it I\bo \' o fltr 08 I Htn cO!'ct"rn l'!cl ) would """prp<1 \Vit.h "o r p~. It Uhie:tun s treel. ", .. IlleR. ;1. I. I·OIl YS. t ' Supe rln Lt'lvlto nt of I m urnn ce . I f ch eerfnll) ' pay my shllre lilt .. lI r (,"IHlnd nr "JlPli pd Buck iclI ', I i;:::::: littl e e xp"n ~e t.1;i~ '"I1011Dt~ 0 Il~ W1 am =:~:.:::=; Arlli('" l"ulvf' . linn. ,LOll waR ~ " " n convinc ed s u c h publicit ..I' "'lId s to •• 1'011",1 lI nd ,,,,,II .' ,,) use it. ill Ill . fll11' lh '," w,.itt<~ li J Wel nh . of " carAfnl , eeonor IIICIlI lin, I ho nl'~t fld II 01 ,,,\ifl. \1 ieh , rid find it perf""t " millist.r ation of IIfT" ir _ 10,"1 in tllA I Alml)l:v arl''' I· for 'Cllt!' nnd hurns. I'nd lU elln~ Itn 0·C" 1I1 .. " . ing "f Onh' 2r.c lit. MII:V'~ rlrng storl', m o ney to the till pli,Ve ··. I The lIitUlLti nn fla n h. · "lllJlllleU III' : thh. way . If lin "tlidal kn ows that a stutem ent .. h ow ing whll t has 1l1\li becom e of eVAry pl'nn,V 1)( public South8 l'll money exp"lId · d, ",n-t b , i!<!luerl. · tho t officilll will h A c"" .. f III t··, "ee ' to all Impo rtant Cidea t.hat the mon ey IH \l o t cII'· e l t<~"h· . e8ty

J AMl<:::l I,JN [) I~ H. h,, ~ \'0 ' 111 1'11('11 ,/11(1 ,, 1"1"':' I ,Yoyo es vUl nud ()I.IUl1t 'cl ll I


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'U I <H:O ' Ohl u. Van l>e .lI lI l'r1 ooy h o ul'. ,la y " I' n ig ht . Both BeJ I IIL1U \ !I\ley Pholl eR. viii ley Phone N u. 2:i8

I ·rh,:

"111'111 "UIIII" 1 bl\ 1,..\1 .... ,· xpon,h'. l thlur uf Lhl' I '\tll rt tt n l1"'~. III I . ..·\)a nvll t)l<' ,\ 1.1. l' tSU ... . H Y. I' .\I NT I 1, 1'1'1. , W ,tl tt'li ('tHIII I·Y. '1'1 " , 1" ''' 1'1 .> ".'.1' I ll u l" ll,"I' HI IlIlV" Il h \ ( . , II Jt.lytlltl , O hhJ. \ tl rl~1I t tu kn)'" whut, ll ~lI l S ~vln ."h,uly whu l{tlu\,,' ~ Mr. Lin . ll\ hl ll 1\1.);-10'\ Y . Ul'TO Bb:rt ~:I , A D. \ \)Oi" l'honlll' , : f)l,lin U10 2. H Oltl O :m02, of tl... rn nuey . B.I' puh\i slilng I hp~" (l (1 t\ kn o \\' ~ hi ~ \\I o rh i~ F I U~ 1' (' I ~ AS.~ nl I U lo"k u . III " un ,o.:,(d dll~' tll l' rollnwll1Jl EvF., EAtI. Noslt ... Nn 'rl1ll0 ... T . s ·ur.. 'n l'1lt~ in !ht'l l oe~ 1 pnptlrl' pl' .r .l." .. rrl1,'(' ut" ., re a l C," q tlH " , h)' WIt : C UUHl HllIl SlIl-IJ hi ll1 I~U h I tlo:II I, <' I·e l'.' i'~r so n in !.h tl III w n "" "111 \" i n \\1 ;\ ,' ,,11'" 'l' owtlSll l p , \\" llrrl" 11 1I ___ ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' (' /' l\ ntv . l)hln. an ll 'wlng n pU rl 0 1 ~t'r UllH _" IIn,l 1 0 WIl~hlp wi l l h,,\' t'! /III " PI'OI' II '1', 4. H . '" .,1. U . So. • II c ~l nlllH j,! 11 1 a Il U ·III ' Inll il" n t l·ur l1fnll.v· ~ lu'l yi n Jl ~lIt1IP . III tilt c ~ ltIt'r u1 t l ... l'llI l'I lI l IIn .1 Xenia


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-- ---

ALE. Dr. J-L IT. MichelleI', CA RRI ACE


LOU IS MAY , -Dru'ggist.


~--~----~~~--_ _~~_ _ _ _ _ _~~~r ~._ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~ _ ~~ _ _

~arren. C9unty Cou'rts . NIIlW


~ UIT9 ,

oompe nSl\tion for road,; r l lind /I.oh ....... ....... . ,.... 25 00 Woo EV1l11 8, Jl('~td.... .. ... ...... 7 ~1

Frlluk Spitzlne~~e r v~ Vi ola !:$pi t.z I'bnmll s COUl(hlin, repnirs in r, lJivorce . Dt'Ouunt IInu Turtleorl:'ek tuwnship ...... 26 80 LunKtlon for plaintiff. Otho fren'd erllon, repairs In Wu .vlle township .... ...... 24 GO 'lU II'I' rno I!:I!:OIN (H . Perry WolfE', rl')Juirs in Mas· EI1IkJ',"n MIIIIOU \'8 ('hll rln~ A sl e townsbip .. .. .. . .. .. .. .... i 50 AmwlI . I'lliiOlil'r gl'unt.' d lellve to Ii:IUlor Bowell , repairs In file ....·ply ; ~IIDle filed. UleRroreek tOwuRhip .. ... (14 81 ,J. W 81l1lrtl'Alr vs H . I:> Couover. D. V. I:itllOA reptLirslu Franknnrnnlll'n~ gmnted lelLve 10 file Jiu tulVnship .... ..... .... .. .. 12 85 n e murl'llr Ent,erpriae Print,ing Uo., let. ~;it win Uillmtllllr Ilt u I YS 'l'hp. M1_ tel' hends for Audit.or... .. :l 25 l"IiI MO"',hl .Y or the Relig- rrustees IIf Pul)Uo Affafrs.--Ious ~O(lif!t,~' of Fril'udR et u J. Sale light nt, jn.i1.. .... .. .... ...... 1 72 .. t' rllul I'kt·ute conlirllllld uud di~tri Trustees of Pllbllo Affllir~. hntinn "f .. rooef1d ~ orlll'ro[l. light lit court hOulle.. .. .. 96 l'rnstees nf Puhllc Affairs. I'RonATE Otl UIt'r . wuter .... ..... .... .. .. . ......... 9 23 . BllltimO)fll und Ohio 8"11 th wetlt,pru rOl{onill Blitlge Uo., oon . ItltllrnllrJ UornI'll II .V. 1\ tlnrp /,rulillll, ore tl! floor toO Mirldle Run v~ Tho 111 1111 '1'. Bellr,h et, III. ,Iurs hridge ....................... ... 1li7 00 orrlflrt;(1 Ilr .. wn t;""t HItl hllr i4. 1905 F W BBthAWIlY, flxtr/L on I1r 10. u '.,I,'u k M' Iddl e Rnn briflge .... .... lil 60 E.tllrl' IIf J"hn W 'l'1t'lIIIJl~ ' "1. d" F W EJuthltwnYi contrl1ot . ceulIllI\' \nv 'lIlt,f)I'Y IIUlI IIJlprll isA No . 1(12 ..... .... ......... ...... 60 00 m ont fill'I\. \ V . B Httlnllge lind 00, tl.ffiee . E~tute of ,lllnllthlllt Smith , <leCthlt< Allpplietl fllr Andltnr ... :.. 2700 er\ .hlm 0 I'1l11lt.h nppniut fl.l IIrl VlIl! tl,Y r.. IHphone eo , rllnt" 16 ao mini "l 1'1\ to r wi tIl lI"n(1 of $100() UII~on Lumbe r Co, cemont.. 2l vB Johu L . Buff,'rct. Wulluoo HlIlirl J . M Ketwe,' present.ln~ his 00111 . linn Alfn·1\ Compton. upprlliilHrll millsion frum the State 1111(1 giviug I;" r to will l:;uslln WllitillHr, ,l ooenll bond WIII:I propllrly given 11 flel1t nn eI AIlPloontion" SHt rnr IIt' ur llt, Ihe b Otl rd . ·Mr . Brant, the reUrinl! Sfl ph' lIIbur In, lit 10 .I'ol"c k .. D\ CommiNsioner, lliglled thu bills of 'rIWIUII" Hlltltl1 r. II~ gUllrdltlll nl toduy As tho lilw direclH H. B lit·nry Bllrni< , i IIIUl:ci It·,. VII Henry Alld prl<on WII~ Illnde pre~ident of BnrllM !'t, "I f)'hlP. ~"t fllr helll'illg the BOlIl'd SI'l'tf'mbl<r J ~ Contfnct wn" mutl e with 'hilS. Estllto of (iHllrgll W Kli ok, c\P. l"I~ wi8 fOI' wutur prenk netl,r sIll ugh. 01-'8se11 . Firlll, hllll Onllll"II)(IImt. for fAr house 0\1 W"yneRviJIe nnrl Xenia t'ettlelllllot. fill·rl r " od III Wuyne t o wnship fo!' $44.24 K. ' llte uf JlIlili M :-;'I o lwr, rI"()l'tl ~ Uontrll<:t "'"" 1lI.llle with Otl 0 e1 . Jollu F 1. lh 'l· " 1I;I'U -,t,1 'H~ . Henderson for rlltuilling V:"11J and m ,.I . tt·" to!' wllh Iio oll (of *20 N. repdlrinl{ IIblltm nt nour Mu.sOlI '8 uPIJ'·I\I""rne nt . Spring in Wuyntl towmhlp ' fur EXllm lu" tioll lit G, 'nnt,.v 'l'rell ~ n ry 15U 75 O"lJIllIit,tt'fJ 11111 \tt'M rpINrt whioh iContrtlot WIIB ml1de wjt,h WiJ.itlm 11.1'1'1" ) ""(1 IInrl I,npi .. ~ ,:h' PIl 1'1t Mill l' for (1llintJug Fra"klin SI1•• \Ve.1 rll :4ll1r IIl'fl 1'h ,\ ~· ' Itri .) t. r... penllioll IJrid~1l at ':!.~~ lJer dllY. publiCI' I inll . . DeO Il~ IIrlly elJlllloyed. B,.It,imnrAllurl Clhi f.tionf,\l wpllieru Uoot,rElct WIIS eut.ered into with l:!.uilrOIlIJ Com puny VI:! Heo F S~llt J .. ke Bi r oh for corruga tIld sewer I" 11111 n fit, !II. UaRe Rottled and dis Dellr Newton St·ltt's retlillcnce in mIR~E'd . rDrtiecrellk townl!hip lit $2 GO. re will Ed Wftrrl OilY, doopased. Cnntroct' WIIS eotere:.d into with .(\ppli\llltiou ~et for hllllring ~flpteD\ Cb",rles LewIs for conorete Ilrch b .. t 28 . 11106, Bt tpn o'elook a . m . nea·r resldenoe of William Morris in Elit'llte 0; ElIz" Zel1. deCflRsell Wayue townHhlp at ,93 70. First ann fl;11I1 lloo,mot for 8ettl ~ Three Jurors OUred meur flIed . Mr . O . W . .Fowlor, of Hightower, Elitllte or WiIIlRm R. BIIxter. d li cellS d . Proof of publlClltlon 0 1 AlII ., relMes lin experience he ban U'lt.loo Ilf appoint.ment or eXeCat,rix while serving 011 a petit jnry in It murder ease Ilt Edwllrdsville, fil ed . &itat.!! of .Jphn W . Rehuey, de. ooon~y seat of Clebonrne oount,y, CI'JUlerl. Fir~t a n(\ f1n'llll l'.C!oun't ror AIllbunul. Be SIlYS, while there 1 atll ll',me fresh meat lind ROlUe EItluee I'flt.tielUent, filed lD e llt Rnd it gl\ve me oholerll mor. In re wlllSU8IIn Weidner . ..-l l'oells· bUM In /I. .very severe form . I wae ed. Will adrnitt.ed to pro~te. neVA' more siok in my life und Mnt. Estate of SUSlln Weidner. docens to .thA rlrug store for a certain oho). .ed. James Weidner and W. 0 J08 erl1 mixtnrp., but the drnggist I18nt, ')In, appolnt.ed adminitltrat.ors with me a bot.le of'l oolio, oholera and diarrhoea remedy In. bond of- ''',000 Thos . ~il1er, W. ,l nlteAd, .88y,ibg that he hlld What I B Siel(fried lIud ThoD1t11! B 1\ tip· 88IIt for, ' but that this medt('lne Willi so mooh better he wooid rath praisers " ~ . er send tt to me in the ib: I was in . RIliAL &STATI!: TIlANStrll:1l8 1 took one dose of it and b.etter Mllry, Singleton IIond heir/! or Ao. in five mlnutetl. The seoond dORe . .. oured me eptirely. Two feIlow guatus Singleton, deceased, to Aohl! · jurorll wer'e IIfflloted In the 88me les Single.ton; quit 'oll1lm to lot In mllnner and one 8m all bottle ollred .fjIarveysbarl! j 1176. the t,hree of us, For I!Ille by Loul8 Mttrgaret 'l'rowbrldlJe to'Uburles Ma.y. K Eat;m; lot III Franklin ; 111625 m"I!R



--- .

Wa'l'ren County . t


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Shawl Lost for SevY i F d ..--~-----------------------------------------enty ear!:> S oun. I .1. J.·C l\ II'1'II'UI U Il ·I·. ·AS II ,O" . W . If . ~\L1.":~ , l·IU1. l'> ! ut. N ' j

The offioers of the Wa·rren Oounty 8unday School Associat·ioD have arranged with the Ohio Sanday School Assooiatlon to oonduot in this Cciunty a series of Township i:)unday School Conve~tions by one Of'rthhe State Tour Pnl.'tles . e Toar Will beglll on Monday October 2, Ilnd will olose on FrldllY Ootcber 13, I90r;, acoordlng to the following progrom . MondllY, Oc t. 2-Presbyterian Churob, Muson, Deerfield township. TneadllY, Oot. 3-M . E. Utlllrch, South Lebanon , Union t o wnship. Wed nosday, Oct. 4-Free Will -6'lpt.iSt Church , Milineville, Hamil· ton township. Thursday, Oot.J)-BliptiRt Churoh Plellsant P lain. Harilin Township. FrldRY Oct. lI-Prflshyt,prilin Churoh. Morrow. Salem TowulShip. Saturday .Oct. 7-;-Baptl~t Church, 0 live Bm-nch , Wlltlltingtoll ·L'OWn. ~hlp . MondaY,Oot 9-Frie nds Uburoh

After having been lOst for more 1 than seventy years, ' a handsome I 8bawl worn a' the wedding of the mother of Mrs Samuel tUdes will in all probabi'lity, soon com~ i~t~ Mrs. 8ides' possession. Mrs. Rebecca J . Sides hU8 leurned through u. letter from a fritmd Iiv. tng in the fur West that the shawl was found among the effects of a 11eoeaRed sister of Mrs. I:!ides' moth· er, lind that lJefore h ,e r death sbe expre88ed a ' deslre that the shu.wl should go to Mrs. Sidea. ·Mrs. t:)ldes' mother died when she was only a few hours old . When she grew older Rhe IUllrnod of the shawl but never knew whllt hlld become of It and of oou rse its reoovery afte; 1111 those years will be a sou roe of great plea8ure to her.

O EO. !.} •• .I.[.E Y

V l cc· P rU.. S11.lENT .

BANK FAIL URES Call to mind the safety of on'es funds. There is security if you d 'e pos t at tile


ThoueaDda BaTe Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. Bow To P1Il4 Oat. Fill a bolt Ie or common ,lAM willi your

Hurveysbnrg, MII,,~ie tmvrulhip. water a·nd leI It stand twenty-four hours; a Tlle!<rilly,Oot. HI-\! E . C burnh, sediment or set· Wllyn etlville, Wuyne t, own ~ hi)J. Indicates an •.- - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . • IlInr unhealthy condl· Wedn"tlday . Uot. 11-11. ~'" h r. r . h tlon of Ihe kidneys; If It stains Springboro, Cieuroree k r,o ,"" "ship SEE AND your linen It Is '1'hur~dllY. Ocl, 12- PrnslJyte rilln ev Idence of kid· Churoh, Franklin , Frllnklm townshll1 ne y IroubJe : 100 fre:quent desire to Friday, Clo r.. 13-Prtl~h.l't o rl8n pus II or pain In When Wanting Churoh, LI.'u.lllon, Turt.\ocreek tho: bacl<. is ,,150 convlnclnr proof that Ihe kidneys and bladto\'\'nshlp. der are out of order. . Tue Tour PILrt,.v WIll (l'. 'lu.i~t of What to Do. p i There Is comfort in the knowled!!,e so Itev . H. A . Dnwliul,!, ('" IIlII,buM, of len exprClSed , Ihal Dr. Kilmer's Swamp.. Ohio Rov . ElIeTI R . J<in!,l , ~rnith. Rool. Ihe ,real kidney remedy fulfills every ville, Ohin Mr . A . 'I' Nt-Ison, wish In curing rheumatism. pain In the Ashlllnd. Obi ·) lIIr. E. S .• I a llle~ , back. kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It Cl>rrect. inablllly !:f"bokllll, N.J. 10 hold waler and scalding pain In pouslng All speoiu 1I,1t1! ill ::\1111.111 .1- NJbool It, or bad effecls followln!!, use of IIqucir, wine or beer, and overcomes Ithal unpleasant Work . necessity of being compelled to go of len Mulle rint, ~ n,l,lIlt.~, IJR s t.)rs, during Ihe day, and 10 get u:p many times All VALI.I;;Y PI'IONE Nu.40 teRohf!r .. IIn,1 frl""rI .. .,f th .. ,~undllY during Ihe night. The mild and the exlraordinary effect of Swamp.. R.oot I. soon ;chonl IIro reqn",te rt 1·0 lItJlla to realized. It stands the hlghesl for Its wonmtlke the T"ur It ~reut hl t:ssillg to derful cures of Ihe most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the the ooun ty. besl. Sold by druggisl. In 500:. and$1. sizes. The 00 op omli',n of Ino " ohoirs You may have a sample bottle of Ihla i!! askod tor '1 nd tlileoiu I III usio wonderful discovery .LOANS NEGOTIATED . N01'ARY PUBLI. a book Ihat lellaA ihouIcl b e Itrru.ll!(tlll for tb .. oCll l ~sion and more about ii, bolh sent_ We llllve bnyers for good farms u.nd town property at all timos. or the Sundll .v e!c,h.,ol P'lfl .V. absolutely free by mall, ~ address Dr. Kilmer &. R ...... of ""_...1IoaL List with us, we can help you, Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When w'rltLngmenGot oft' Oheap lion rodlnr Ihls generoWi off,er In this paper. Office Rooms over Post Offioe in Stoops' Building. Rfl muy we ll think, he Il"~ lIotoff Dou't mn.lte \luy mi1<t.tI,ke, b\lt ro· ohellp, who, aft.or hit vi nil: oontrllot.ed m elllbl-r I·h" name, ~wa'IDp Root,~r oonstipation Ilr indigeHtlnn. is Htill Kilmer's Swamp.Ront., tI·nd the ·.ad. ..ble to perfA9lly refit oro hi!! hlllllth ,Iiro"!', Bin~hllmton, N . Y ., Oil every NothioK will' do t.his bllt Dr. Kinfl's ' bottle. Fresh Frnlts tinct Vegetllbles hllve the 01111. Also oauued eood~ New Life Pills. 4 quick, plf'lIe"ot, unlllllJ r endy cook6tlartiol eR. Ilnd certain oure for headaobe. con Uuder II n ow Hohedllie III effect stlpatlon, "eto 250 at a f· . I rog ,Tune 25, 1905, pllB~enger trains over We have all t,hese, Ilnd " comJllete stook of other groocries besides store. Gnarll.nteed . the' Pennsylvauia Lines louve Way. We lire a.nxlou!:! thut, yon give our store Il trial. Coms In and see nesville Rtntion a8 follows: For the East \l :54 a . m.; 3 :47 p . our good~, 0 , A. Alderman aDd W. E . Moore, Receivers m. ; ~nnday onlv 10 :24 p. 01. . THE CORNER GROCERY, SOtlI'lDULF. OF PASSENGER TRAINS. For the West 9 :02 a. III ; (j :O~ p. NOR1'HOOUND ID. ; SundllY only 4 :5511. . Dl . S'rA'l'(ONS No. 10 No.a o No,5° NO. 7 0 For partionlur iuforml1tion on the AM AM PM P¥ lIubjeot IIPJlly to H E Booth, fl.ur; Lv. Lebanon. u.aa 1.30 '.SO .Lv. L..eland "tl ,4- ' "0.:10 "I.:)U "t :16 Wayn4'l8v\lle. O. "I) ,~ L,·. oodd. 6.r,0 }."I, •• 45 ; Lv. Kltchntr I.~ i " (I . fi~ "11.41 Lv. Venable flU."" "U 411 "1.4" "4.40 IIIXOURSION FABEl! TO CINCINNATI VIA "O . i)ij Lv. t;clilewood ' ~Ui~ '1.0 :1 ".1 . 5)1 P&NNSYLVANIA LINK!! . ARRIVING HUTCHISON GIBNEY'S Lv 'Lytle 'i.o. n.M 1.1'0 0 4 . oU Lv. Manor "7 .00 "10.01 "2.01 "';.01 S e pt c mbrr 2Mb to aOth , UlelU 8h'o , excur · Lv. Centerville 712 10.07 207 (,.0 1 s lon t.l c ket" to OlnclnnaU. n,q :oun\ Oakl~)' DR~SS )t • • ,. L\·. Hewp.tcn<I 7.:1U 10 .1 ~ n. l ;0. Parle Onn.1 C:rculL M flf)tilll( will be eold \'Iu L,r. Rcalyn ",.::a "10 .17 "2.17 '".; . ); p e nnsylvllnta Lint!'.' trom Se lma, Y~nO\\' 7 . ~K Lv. Snaker Or. 10 2'~ :2.:!:: b.21! "prlnIl8, IlichmODfI und Intcrlll.draw polnto . Ar. l,ebBnon Jo. 7 .;)0 10.2& 2 . 2;; n.2ri O. R.&I). h .&XT 0. 8 .&0. q, R.&O. Dayton U.tO 11.00 LOW FABII:8 WK!!'1' ANIJ I<OU '1'8 WI!:RT. a.oo 0.00 n.kx.T. I) X . &1' " .&X.T . SPIIOIAI. HOKE 8&KKII:R~ 'EXO UlI~I'I)NS :1.00 K.OO 0 .00. VIII PENNSYLVANIA L IIII·K8 . SOUTH80UND



Oregonia, Ohio.

Portland Cement, Lumber, ShinBles,and aIlldnds of 11.1. ,DEALEBS in Flour, Feed and C4rain. Valley Phone.







Dayton, Lebanon & Cincinnati Rr.

·C. M. BROWN, Proprietor..






& FABRICS, Henrietta cloths, Panama, Nun's Veiling, was Oravenette, Mohair, 50c Up, Fig'd Silk 371-2c' Mercerized Good!>! Anyone t.!ontc m\)l:u.nllt a tnJI West may WASH FABRICS l:tke advanlage of Lhe roducr/l 'fares for LE.&VR No!!- No No 6° NoR " Never such sales here toI ylvania l",lnes t o pntntH tn Colorado. Idahl.. Dayton : C.1I D OU Io wa . Kllnd atJ. Mlnn o,wta . Mon· Dayton : D. &. X. T . '; 00 00 10 00 00" Mlobtlel Tleney to Chllrl(ls E. FAMOUS TRAINS OF AMERICA. tana tbe DakotaH . Ore,.on . \Vasb . Gingham , Madras, Piqne, Linen~, Galatea. Texa8 other KeOll n-DS to th e WC!it Eaton; qnit oll\im to Int ID Frank Shaker Crossing 74 '2:! at 10 ar lint t il be StateR ot tho South . Among the lea.ders are The Over. lin; .1.00. 3,000 yard'S at Bargain ROta),ln ',47 'n·aj land' LI mitf>d , Ohloago to SHn Fran.. 50 !! 4;; 104;; 6 40 Elizabeth Leever allli hUllbtand to oisco, Rnd the Pioneer Limited, Uhl- Centen' I11e 7 r,g 2 51 10 au 6 .. 0 ..... 111 he on S:Llc certain dateR (luring tb e ,",um · EMBROIDERIES Price, 5c up. ':! r,o,: IU pr. Uetlllled InrormBtlOIl aM to ture:t . Baltimore Rnll Ohio South western oligo to St.. PIlUI. Both trains rnu Lytle OU a m: 11 04 01".,; tl:e furntMhed or. no upnn lIllpllouttun to local RllllrOlid UOIDpllny; °4G nores in vii, the UhiCllgo , Mllwuukee & St. READY 1.'0 WEAR Venoble nn '11 II [,IU 91'4 . ull" l'Iarlan towullh ip 190. . 'R 1M '3 11 ' I! t:l 0; Pllul Rnl\way. lf you (tre contem. Kltcbner Kimonos, Wrappers, best "V rapper for 1.00 1\ Elizabeth Smith et 81 to Emerson plllting a western trip you should Dodd. Lelaod '32:! Chell)J SnmmAr Trips to Various Whlillore et 81; qllit olaim to U;7 slle that one, or both. ot thtllle fRm Arrive Lebanon 3 ;)0 U :10 ';" atl yet sold, 'Walking Skirts, Waists, Points viII Pennsylvalltla Lines. Dally except Sund"l'. 'Slop oil In S.lem t\lwnNhip; '460 ons trains IS ineluded In your Itiner· EXcuf'lllon tlckeur will be via Pono.yl· SU NI)AY ONI.Y Suits, .J ackets, Coats, J... W . R. L6wls (tnd WIfe lmd W•. 'r. UIY . Hu.tes and deecriptive book. TratoK Lytle foll.) wlj: ThompSon tlnd' ",if A to R W , Uil. letij on' reg nest . TOPonrand.Ore .. J"nc ltoOctoberlillh· 1 Undewear best 25c o'at'ment shown. ohrlst lot In IJflhlUlon; $l. C. ~~~\u:~~.~~r~~~nt I,cwl. CI"rk (Jentro· J 00 MF'O R'f ~ CA'I~PE'.rS RUGS Carew lIulhllnr. eiDolon_II. Ohio. 1 1etet omCC" at Dayton : D. X. '1' Lu,l For porllcularR ,nu.ult 'l'lckct Agent... ~, ) I..: , Theodore M 8ohofleld to Waltllr low street Ar"al\e. C. Ii. 0 Union I)el'ol. r . nn"y1\·"nla Line.. , _ IMATTING8, ~{OOO yards China Japan M: Schofield: lot, in Milson; MOO. i $100 Rewa.rd, 8100 W . F:. Moorp, Gt·,,'1 P .. Agl .J N lind M"ry I~ Lf'rnmou to ' The rllllders of !.llis pllper will be Lp.hllnt)n, Ohio !Mattings. Genl\rltl John U. Hille.y; lotio Corwin; '150. illell81ld ttl learn thut Ihere Is ot, .T . N. nn.l Mory E Lf'mmon to , lelll!t one rlrflorled dlsea"1l Ihnt soi Oauee of l\leomllJlI "" . . enoe hl1R bP.en .. hIe t.o care in 1111 Its INSURANCE. ! Hutcbison ~ (jibn~y, Wm . T . Enme; Ie,tln ('..orwin; $100. IItaglll', IIlId thut i8 olltarrh Hall's Indige8t1nll 11I11Lrl.y ·A AI





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l-lorne·S(O('kerH' ex curMtoliH \·Ift. P onn·



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Mordougb, Tra v cH n g


Ag-t .•


NorLbboumt Soutbbuunrl

ln e H "'i'R fnllOW H



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~~engl' r

rJl\Va. y~

J. N. Bnet Mtlry


Lemm ll n to CIltlirrh onrll il! the only positive Wl1lter E Blgl!8' lot in Uorwln . cure now known to tho medlcd.1 . '. " frlllernitv. mMl'rh beilll! II oO\l~t·i. Lydill. VnDltlllgh.11lI ttl W . A Itut,iulltli ·tli 81-'.1I~", reqnirAl; ol)nstitu Pllrkhlll: Int. In Masoll; ItHOO tlOllul t.rcnt,lIltlnt tiull's O/lturrh . . Ilundtl tllken internally, notlnl( tii Ollorge McL'lnp,IlIl.lrllhu, of ffi,mly I reet!.v UIIOU the hlmlll Ilotl mUllous r. MoL·on". min '1', t", !i:,nily L Mo IMnrfllce!! of th~ &,\'Rtllm , thereby lip.. Lane j Iota In c rIItlklin j i "'r"yiu~ the fuunOn.tion of the aiM · """P, IInrl. ~I viog t,ho patient , \1It-rengt.h by butJding np the consti. Commissioners . tutiull !'ud lI!'slllting DIIture In ·doing Proceedings l ilt! work . The proprlp.tol'l! have • AU l1I11oh fulth in It!! ou rat.ive powert! --I thllt tht'ly offer One Huudred Dol· Bt11!1IlUo)'Ved ~eptHlllber 18 li"rM for IIny oal'e I.hut It ·fllils toO OregOlli& Bridge 00, MUll oare. Seud for list of te~tlmonlal8 gor'e RIlD brldle ....... :... ~50 71 ~gllress ~ .1. Cheney & Uo.,Toledo, Oregonia B.ridge .()o., fiUAI O. . 8ItliDat~ Contract No. 68 100 85 Bold by BI! drUgK'18ts!.:.?~O. . T 0 ....... 'riU· da d TlIoke HaJJ 8 Famlly.t'U18 for oon. ... !.. ~.v o! ' maaee an ltipation,





turh8 the IIlellp 1IJ 0re or l e~ .. IInit I,' Old LIne Reliable comJl'lDleS i ""b.l""~ .... ~ ~ flften the ollmle of immmiohi. Mil" . 1 · "llrp.F ~ nt.el1. I'"'~I''' huv!' bUllu IJIlrlllllUttnr.l.v eUn'" Every polloy hilS a I!lIltrlln· hv Chllrnl"'rlllin'" ~Ion"lch 11,,, 1 : !!!!!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!II!'!!!!!!!!!!!!II!'!!!!!! tf'l'd finn nollil bll oki ng . Liver 'rul.lpll!. Fur .."I f' loy 1.11" " Ma y . Prompt IIttenhon given to I LIke Fmdmil' Money A re y ou Engaged? . Enl;uged people should rOllleUl hfll' ,til hll~inARR .. Finding helLlth ill like linding I that lifter mftrrlage, many qllllrrl'l;o :rnoney. So t,blnk thoMe WllO Rre ' oon be avoided, by keeping th~h' 1 E " \giOk . When YQu hHve a cOl,Igh. 001<1 \ digestion in 'good oondltiou wi lh VII) IIW 'PlrnTlA 77 WIlv 'n Asvllle 0 !lor o t.hront, or OhP.8t irritat.ion, bet. Eleotrio Bltt!'rs. 8. A . Bro\\ fl. of . '. . , tp.r 110t, promptly like W. C Barber Bennettsville, S. C., RSyS; "F"" - . - - -- - ,of Sanely Lev!'I, Va. Be says: .., my wife suffered ill .... nsl1l\· I A Remedy Without a . Pur Ihad 11 terrible ohest tronble caused dYl!pe)l8il1, 0 mplicate(\ wilh. II ~a, "1 finn r~hllmbe;IAln 's ~tomaob by sDloke and COlli duSt 'on 'my torpid liver. I1nti! sbe: lo,t her \ "nd ..ivflr Tllblflt.M 1JI0re benefioia.l l1nnlJs j but, after finding no relief strength ond vigor, and hrCHllle" t.ban any other remedy 1t ever used In. ot~er ~emedletl, I w88;:cured hy mere wreok . of her f~tnH'r , HHlr, fnr "tnmllnh trouhlf1 ." sayll J . ·P . Dr. Xtng s .New DlacovelT for oon- Then 8he trIed Eleot.rlo'!' Klote, of. Edina.; ,Mo. FI,r any dis. anmption, ooogbs and ooids ." , wh\oh helped her ~ at ouo~, and . orn!'r of the IltolilIlOli. b\l:lousnlll!8 01' Greateet sale of allY . coogh or long flnAlly mllde her entirely wflll . hQ con stipa.tion , theee Tablets are with. medloine 10 the world, At May' I now strong and healthy. Lo:>llill out a. peel'. For I&le by Looie lrIay. ldraIr at01'8, 600 and. '1.00 guaran . . . y, druggist, sells a.nd guarlnteell . teed. Trial botUe free.' them; a.t 600 a bottle. .



FUNERAL DIRECTOR TlllpbDnl or Night.

Locil No. 7 Lonl Distanci .No. 69-3(


Irl.o. OffIoI.Han.,sMr" D.



" \'

The Miami" Gazette. BROWN Ii Mck'V. Publlsbm, WAYNESVILLE,


r Decr"'lsed Rurnl Populatlon, , Il ~ec ms a parauo .... bUI Is ne vel·tbeless we ll es tnllll sholi a s lI·ue. Illa t In ( ~ rt;) h : o( t.he be8t (armin g r eg ions of the Uni ted SUltes gr clIt Dud aooundlng \ll,1'icu l\l1 ra l pros p(' r lty has rCH ulted lu t1 rcl'ea sell ru ra l IJIl IJ ulul lon, A no less MI ill ln!: Ih a ll s Ul' pr ls lng Illust ration 01 t ill S Is gl \' eu In a recent s l a te r e n I t.II I'epu rt u f 1011'1; , wh lcb Is rC llOrte d 10. shu ll' a fa ili ng oIT of IW O PCI' C('ut. • 11 Ib,' JlOllll lnllull ot tha t g rea t and 1H-" !:- l l(' n ) 1I:; s t a te 1:\ '0 <.:0 t he gc n e n t,l ('e u Sus o f 19uu. 0 / ('o urse s lI ch 11 reo su It was nu t IIITClllIluic to lo wn 's 1"ldc. ~I" I It was nol reud lly Ilcce pt ed . CloB! :,JIQ" ")', how el'er , Is r eported nu t unly to l o nHr m Lh o ge nera l co rrc ctn e~s of Ihe I,'·W t'OUIll, hUl lO s how a s ontdenl ,.·'a "" 11' fur Its di sa ppo inti ng re. ult. '[ Il~ e Xlllunll l lo n u /!'er ed I. tha t It I. ai, ti ".., LU tb e land· b ll nger of Ih c prosperUI . Io wa farmor. Hal' llIg mone y oh ~ nd, 141. 1i we ll Iw owing t liu t good rarm lano I II Ih u Ml ssls s lp\l1 vall ey Is onp ot t h~ sa fes t aUII mos t pl'oHtahle of lu· " .·.. t n' nt , h e hu s bee n buy in g In the lI,llo lnlng [ar ms ot hi s iess fo re h a nd ed Ilvlg bbors to sucb an e xte nt, Ihe r eo I''' I'IS soy, that "a~aUI. fnrmhou ses dot (' \' ~ " Y to wns hip In th e s tate . Mal. y of t i:(,Fe vacant ra r mhon ses mllY agaIn be jj,:tupl cd by Lhe so ns nad so ns · ln· law or Ibe pur 'haser; so me o f the m w ill Lu abando lled and the newly a ClIulred la nds co nso lidated 11110 la rge r farm s. A ll d Ir Iowa foll ows tbe course of de,"lupmenL thaI bas been goIng on fo r m a uy years in th e magnlflcen t t£ r mln g reg ions ot central illino Is Iho c()cso ll<lat cd farm s will be Icased In t IUl'lS G! 80 to 320 'a cr es, or m orp, to ll.rlfty anti l,rOSlle rOllS tcnant-f«rm cr~. Tbe process a s It hRS gono In I t: inels for a number ot years Is thn t I l:e wcalthle r land owner buys out tile ,10 a lld 80-oc re fa rms of bls nd ghlJil l'S. tll e· d rulo s a nd ot herwise 1m· 111'01'( 5 th em . orte n re ntin g the Same I:> ntls or large r trn c!.. 10 the ven,! ors, \\ bo ge nerally mad e more money as h ·l. ant s Ihun tb ey had do ne M ow,'crs , ~ ' b c le nnn L tarme rs of cent rnl lIilnols I1UI th eir cnplt.ul Into Ihe best ot tarm Im jllpm ents alld machinery and liva 51 )" 1<. Th e ir pro spcrlt y Is seen In lhrl r comrortnble and well·fllrni she d l!uu se~ , th e well-ke pt vehi cles and b OI ses wi th wblch th eir lamilies <!rlvl' to church anti to country gatherings. In ce nlral illinois jllst now tb e t end,· ('~c)· Is to large r ' farms , the leuant s.nerally deSiring to· Increase hie s l ea and tbe , landlord regulating Lbll q lillli it Y of land b e will lease by Lbe proved capacity and success at each ""nant, F'or 1t8 liest farm lands flowa IlPIlf!a..,. to \Je al.proacblng Lbe aame slltem. Editorial Ingenuity, tt utllana editors have fertile braIns. IJ tllp), cannot ove rcome a dlftlculty In Ob e way Lbey wlll In Imother, In the !J lu t:: u n pn~t of tbe Slate recently, rt(lorts tbe Indianapolis News, lbe 1.uBtmaster' of a sII1all Iowa refused to l'Jlwlird the weeltly e dition of a newsta pel' \Jecause It contained tbe names (]t persons who had won prIzes al a cit.Awlng, In violation of the antl- Iott ,,,y law. Tbe edllor of tho paper had tilt e ntire etlltlon curletl back tu his orice. sharpe ned his s hears, care fully c'/ll.ped tb e obuoxl o us ilem out of cv ely co py ot t he paper, and, sent tIle edition back 10 Ih e post office. In \\'c ~ tCI'll Indl~na the editor of a s mall v.l:l!y n e w Rpap~r di s played · almos t a.q milch Inge nu·lly. He found, the otber day , nCl er I ho edition had been work ed ('llf, Ih a t the pai)er wa s dated "Mall ' d41Y, Augu st 7," In s tead of "Tuesd a y, A UgU SI, 8." Palle r cos ts mou ey, nnd t:le Ellitor. In s tCltu o f thl'llwln g away tlle I!,lIl1ou, filled h is e ve r-ready pe ll ,t IIh Inl, anll lalJorlous ly wrote the corr ',ct uate In place ot tbe ml s tuke. The Poet's Duty. u pon th e s oul'ed, scrIbbling l1 l n('s who are Ilerpe tllnlly p ratlng o f I helr bill! dec laims th e rlght oous Out

tit't' iI ~c

of n


heftJ exchan ge. Heave n

k rlU W' t he world has sorrow enough "Ithom IlInldn g record or it ! Ye are n II ml nlsl er s of woe and scourg es of hu ma nll Y and retributive e xecutlo ne.·s. Y e a l'e :ll illi s ters , Ye are m e rry. m a l' H s. Ye , are m o untebank s. Lo, YO III' ra sh audi ence wa,ltln g patiently \\ Il h Ih eir tl'll cl ahl e e mutl o ns ! Do not S il l' to I hem : " This Is ordnrc, tb es e are maggo ls ! Dea lh lurk s In every,loI fl g," Th e), know It . CoI'e r tbe lUI · s l;; htly Iblu gH wllh " Ilawls of s ilk lind ti( alt ering of ru l;Cs! W e know, 1\'~ k uuw. we merry cyni cs , Yet Is It .a m os l s killful, charita bl e lIer:e ption. Ay , fr iends , Ih al IH th e poel 's dULy ; \Ai ma.l<e thlogs beautlflll and plc.aaaAI, to g ild t he tarui sheu \\' 0 1'1<1.

ONCE IN A WHILJil. Oft c. In a wh He \)J • • un .Fh lll@1 o ut AM th o .,,-"In , ak l. . Bro a perlect blu~ ;

Ooe:... 10 Il w blt.. 'mId c lou d8 o r d o ultt. JJ op U' !8 r" lr e.t .tara ('O n"" Vc.. p !n .. t h r ough ; Ou r IHuh a lead dOWD to the m (J u d Qw @t a l r. " ' h e N t h l as ,,"' ee , . . , blou onu nod u nd

.m 11e.


And "' e I ny Q. l de ou.r crOll. uf

('0 1'0 .

U n e tt In lII.'III'hlle,

On ce In uwhUe wlthtn ou r 0 "':1 w. l'l a. p lb. banI! 0 1 " ...nd r.... l trlend : On ce In l\whUe we hear a lone O t lo \' e, wtlh the h~a.rt ' . own yole. to bl~n d;

.An d th e deareflt of aU o u.r

4rewn l co mo

true A nd o n Ute'. 1\' R)' I . ....old en mil.. , E l'lI(" h th l r j;l(lng flo w,"r t. kI HtH.."tl w ith d e w . O UC& 1n ","'h Ue. On c o In o.,,' hlle In tbt> d e." t"rt IIR n d~ " 'e tl.n tl " "po t or th e . a lre.t. , g r e (" n ; O nc o In o,,' h ll ~ f ro m where w e Mt n nd Th o hills or purndl l e nr~ K{>~ n :

A n d Q J)e- r t ect Joy In o u r h ('u rl l w e h oh1 . A JOY that th e w or ld ca.nno t dt·Uh' ; \V e trat16 tart h 'a d ,.o ... (o r th e Il ur e .st

gold, O u ce tn nwhlle, - ~IX O !\ "'QtermaD, -~---

The Persistence of Ludlow 4> ~


"Yes, If you vo'll1 set ttil! lable," Ille repilI!(!, eareless!>'. She had tlr.t met Dilly Lud low at a erus h at th 1"lelds, which yhe had nl· tend ed &8 a soc iety re llOl'te r-one Of ttle IInplaced habitu es o f hIgh life. "In bill not uf." a s she detlned It. Sbe slra!gt.t, way forgo t the exist ence of Ihe youth unlll he called al tbe oftlce to see her OD eome 61111sy pre te xt. Tbereaftel' s be lDet blm lreque ntly In ber walks In lire, aDd tb elr a cqualntlln ce had grown unlll tbls . bls e rs t call III h er home. Tbere now lollowed many' calls aud devices for tho cultivation of a fri endshIp whlcb w!II1 blm grew Into the slronger feeling. Dut Hutb Rogers had literary ambllIon8, an d s he was beginnIng (0 be r ecognized by the' maga~ lnes wh en Ludlow 4!\' ln ced a .... ho:le·soul ed de votto n. ::lho was not as pi ring to socIal honors or 10 dom esti City be!'ond that of he r little lIal. Sh e WitS j us l n,llouL tu writ e a book , S':l s he staved orr his al·tlur. In time her book appea red and made a bIt. StilI. s he rrpuis cil Ludl ow, poss lbl), be ~allse ev er),one, him Inchlll ed, touk IL for granted Ihat sb e woull e " enhlllll y ~' I e ld . Upon her arrlvlli at a house· party to whl cb she ant! Ludlo w bad a ccept ed Invitation, she was surpri sed and also a little chagrined 10 find be r de\'o lee ron . s plcuous by his abse nce. The week dragged on and SlInda)' morning found h er In a mood not In a ccord wllb dl\'lne senke, and 81> e remained In tbe house alolle. Lu u lo w'ij SUdde n and unexpectt'd arri val was m08t we lcome and opporlune. "Where'l! th E' crowd?" h e a s lted, "At churcb." "Why didn't yoU go?" "I didn't want 10, " , "An unsatJsfa clo ry reason , but It's al. way s yours," hI! said. resentfully . She made Dil repl)' , which was 80 unus ual an oceur'reuce tbat be ...·as at a IOS8 bow to pro ceed . "I suppose yot: are collec llng materIal for anotb er book ," he nually ollserveu, "No! 1 don'l wBnt LO wrlle another book or anytb ~ lIg else. I feel llhe au acrobat lwls tlng Ihlngs aud people to tit aome sltuatlou In a IIzoole Every lime I slart 10 "ny s o metblng brilliant I

ISS ROGERS sat In lbe little sll· t1 ng· room of her tiny nat so ablorbed In doIng nothing lhat she gave a jump wben her eleclrl c \Jell aunounced a caller. "My ner ves will ne\'er adju s l them· !~Ive. lo that bell, " sbe tboughl, a s 8b e went to the tube to parler with her call er. She mel wIth no res pon se. bUl prese ntly the re was a rap at b e r doo r . and sbe open ed Ilto admIt a good· lookIng young man. , "Mr. Ludl o w! I ml gbt hal'c known It was some one ' nol a cc ustom ed to Hilt call s. Th ere Is a tub e-" "Oh , I know all about your tele phont c lUhes , but as soon as I rnng I ha.lclled rlgbt up bere before )'OU could move agnln! " " Now , reall )" I bal'e n 'L mO l'ed- " "Since you gave me permiss ion to com e and drink l ea . I have called at no less tban three places 10 learn that 'Mi ss Rogers had Jus t mov ed.' " " I tru s t , yo u ba ven ' t come to tea to· nigh t !" , " Whv not? You saId any nlghL" " l'es; bull expected a few minutes' notice, I have notblng In stock bUl wafe rs, olives and candled dates," ''Then you bave an &bundance. Any· thing more SUbstantial would be out of keeping wIth thIs IIl1pullan domicile." "LliIlllutlan!" she crfed, " I assure you that thIs flat Is considered gigantic for one person." "Really! I baven't an Intlma.te ac· Qualntauce wltb tlats," "I shOUld suppose not," "But I would like LO.. Suppose you Ibow me O\' e!' your 8paclous apart- IIU1'8 llOGt:IIS HAD LITEa.\ Jl Y AM. menta." IllTlON8. "Certainly; come Into tbe next room. feel 1 ought to stop and Bave It for a book. wblcb, as you will observe,ls my dlnlng- I would like to go wherl! I WOUldn't BM room." pen, pencil or p aper. I tblnk I woul" He gazed In wonder at the plate racks even like to be Ullterate and-" Bnd CliP cabInets. "Marry me, d earl" be cried, Impetu. "DinIng-room 1 I should call It a. cup· ously. bo&rd!" be exclaimed. "Why do you "Would lhat make we 1Il11erate?!' sbt bang your dlsbes In shipboard slyle!" asked, wblmslcally. "I shall nol bave to lell YOII the name "Rutb," he plended. "don't you rememof thIs room," sbe saId, IgnorIng blslast ber our old, jolly IImea In your Hat beremar'k, aa they passed on. fore you were fllmous? I don't seem to "I aoe. A sort of butler's pantry! " be know you half I'S well now, Won' t you d eclared, trlumpbantly. Iry and care for me ?" "Dutler's pantry!" sbe Bbrlel)ed, "ll'. His proposal IIroused all ber old state my kltcben! At tbeend ollhe hall Is the of contrariness. bathroo m. and adjoInIng my sllllng· "Billy," sbe B.ald. nonchalantly. "bal room Is a bedroom, whleb I suppose YOll your sister gone to the seashore ?" would call a sleeplng·car section ." He looked al her . amazed and angry. "It see ms to me a bedroom Is rather Then he came closer to her. She thought luperfluous considering tbe Ingenuity tbat she had never seen him angry \Je . ~xerc lsed In Ihe other rooms . Cuo't fore. Sbe was almost afraid of blm. r ou touc b a button nnd let down a mat· "Has s b e , BlIIy ?" sbe asked; but wIth lress o·n the balh tUb?" les s a ssura noe, "I will cons ider Ihalsugge8110n. Now , H e cau ght her In hla arms. you may help me to s et the tllble." "Ruth, I will ba ve YOU, III spite of "What Is lhat . a \Jreadboard 1" be de· ' )'ourself. " manded, os s be broug ht forth 11 foldin g I "rbat'. the only way you could get tl1hl e. i me, BlIly," .. he n .plled, meekly, "Won', "Wbnt do you tblnk ot m y fiat?" Sb9 ' you let me go, p!ease'? " a s ked , Il a ndlng blm an eud of lbe table., "No, nev er! " was the response, an.\ cloth . 1: ls tone waB not th o lazy one she long "Wond e rrul! ' It s ee ms. tbollgh, lik e had known, nor yet Lh e au g ry one ot a tbose hOll ses we us ed 10 \Julld Ollt of wowenl hefore.-·N. O. Tlmes.De mocrat. card s. Iln d which I,e pt us In n state of ' ,usllend ~ d brea tb lest tbey should tum· THE ONLY FIOHTINO RACE. ble down. And your furni s hIngs are on ___ _ lbe plan of an a ccordion. Pulls out BUt! Company of Soldters Had Only One closes In. But wbere In th e world ar ~ That WllJln't Irish lind He IhoBe people?" be asked, bearing voiceR Wue Quiet. n ear, "Tbe peopl e In Ihe next Hat. Tbey An Amerlcaa I80ldler who s~rvet1 - ln talk continually, wlllch Is not to be re- th e Spanish war tells. In the Portland gretted, as It prevents tbelr 118t e nln~ Oregonlau, 8C\'erlli s torIes of the IrishlO their n eighbors." . man as a soldI er, Some of them 111111"I see 1I0W Ihe force of Hathley's com. trate th e li-IahmBln 's ready wit. parlsoa. H e told me b Is sist er wa. enA numb e r of American otf\eera at tertaIning a gIrl who was as tbln a s tbn Cavlle wero watllhlng the arrl\'al of a ""alls of au aparlDlent house, Can you body of Spanish prIsoners 'of war , I atbear your neIghbors abo ~·.e and below t ered and hungry looking. One man aa plaInly'" suddenly ste pped rrom the ranks of tbe "You will tblnk so before loog. At Spaniards, aUd. salnllng an American balf-put six tbe pIanola &hove will reo officer, said In tbe strongest brogue: sume. At Beven, Ihe bab), on Lh e leU "Any chance of gettlng a job In your 11'111 gIve an exblbltlou of lung power, army? I lhlnk It's about all lip wlt~ while at tbe Sa.Dle hour th.e EplscOllaJ thla one." rol nlster on Ibe ftoor below will practice A cnplaln who bu.d just got a new In tuning." oompany was lookIng down the mUBter "And yon m·can to tell me."lIegaspet\, rol1, on whic h the, namea ran " O' Brien," "Ihat )'ou sit bere calml)' In tbeJr midst "Maloney," "M nrphy," uSulllt'aD." ""ltboUl se llin!; up <oOro etblng I l / j . coun. " O' Flnherty." and so on. l eI' Irritant?" ~II eve ry malll In tble compan, "Wbat would you suggest?" Irleh 1" saId the ' caplatn to tbe aer"I have In mind a hilarious parrot tbat gean!. Dever talks. but acreechee alway. and "There's wan Swed e , hilt be doesn't f orever on C In alt. Thal mlgbt be a s elr. have lDueb to_salr," was the reSpOtlM, Infliction. but your ' dainty retreshments are ready to serve. Will tbls ta. Sale l\~ason, , ble remain II table tbrough one consec. A Cincinnati jlllige has decided tnat utlve meal?'" bowleggednes! I~ too eommon ro IJe " It won't," ahe returned, "If )'on eut depended upon mark of · Ideutll1-' the bread 80 vigorously." catlon, ': Ita prC\'alllllCe III ClnclnDIIU "Anel may I come often .and drlDk :. cauaeel. pr.... hab/)'. b, tbe co~stallt elrink tea'" be ukeel. pleadln,lr, ulll Itralll iH lI'alklll, up uti ,denl'la Ua•• 1I'U taking bl. dtp&TtllH. _ _ . _ lief» JlJIIi: _ . ~ .

.,1 •

n ~ . tor e XOnll,le, a !!,ra\'f! look If I h ' re Is 1)1'o(lIul\y In yuu r pl'esf Oc.!l, w il l Ii i. I IIIl " 1111 to II. I n m p£'r KlI sclcl' Il.u,t tl lO' ha WIi of d garellll s mukl " g, whi ch we all li e lJlure n ""ys. would vuulRh (1'0111 t h face of tl e enrth If the gi rl s wo ulu u nly show by loo k IIn ll w(lI'Il thaI they dl slIPPl'o ved II . Ilm l would 1I0 t ha\' e cI';III'Cll c s lIlul, e rs lIlf Ol . bered IlmOIl ~ the ir boy rl·le nds.

~ pec r ,



Jlrotbu Ashnmed to Cany His Sis· ter's Books-Nothing Sentimental About llle Boy Who Helps You with Algebra - Old - Fa! hloned Candy Pull Pleas e.. the Young Folk&-GII'I·. ,Iulluence Over Boy Fri ends - Wear Tbelr Colors at Athletic Contests-Out-ot-Docir Exeursl onE-FI'lendshlp n Chnnce to Help Somebody Wbo Needs Help .

Th ere nre II g l'e al many Ihlngs wh lell boy" nllli ,; 11'i ~ may do toge th e r. In Ihe de IJa rlm c nt of lIal \lre s tudy this i8 peculiarl)' ll'lIe, EXC llr ~ lonr. to s ludy Illrds or find lIuwe rs. Involving tramps Ihroug h Ihe Il e ld ~ , or Illo unlnln c lhr. hlng, al'e tloulJly IlleMsnt If a puny of youllg lloo pl ", go In compauy . '1'0 add 7.e~ t 10 s lIch s tudy e ve ry ODe mlls t lJe cnlhus la Sllc, Thore Is no roo m rol' (he lad whu IB borell or i he ur .\I A lt lO Alt E T .,; , S .\:>; l lS 'I''';Il. g irl who In g " Ile llind nnLl lake" lillie (t ·(.I I ~ ~ I l g h !. l~lO;'j. by J O:!l I' II It H. Uowl,,:oI,) ln le rp~l. G i rl s IIrc us a ule to c nllm e A g irl wh o h" " l,rulhf' r H IH n c\'el' lit fatl gne and l a ke whnl e ver comes III n l u s ~ [0.' l'o mrlHles Ir 114' 1' iJroth e r" t h \l'ay of hal'll. lllll nil hu ),s , If I bey h a ve Ilw r ig Ht \Jr l nbl ll ~ "11, T he l'l) n r f' are \l ro lle rl y dressell (0" lIwir expe!!l · I tl o nH, 0111 ), 11 s illy girl se ls O llt fur 11 bro lb orrl a lltl brOlh e r", huw e ve l·. lwu fli uf Oll e uut luug- ut;u wll u W:U; muun ta.ln di m\) 0 1' :\ wa lli: nc r oss conn· a tiham ell tu be xecu walk in!; 10 SCII llil 1 try dressed in or gullIll e 0 1' lawn. wltll with his " IHlel·. und wil l! "of" se d 10 lIoaHn g I'lllhll n ~. wllh a pl ctul'c hat aUI: carry hCI' bllUl'K 01' h er umb re lln o n 11 li g ht . IIO~" , The gi rl w ltO Is U guo ' , rainy lIay . Thu l boy may Olle ur th ede ('(l llll'rul e wear ~ loose, eus)' IIttlllg c).\· day s be \'e.·y ott e nlll' ll 10 sOIyc\)') lly tlllll e~ for OIlI 'O/.(luul's. hus no Ilu ut · el s l" " His ler , but h e \1'111 not Ilfu\'C a Ing l ags or otllls, b ns a en p 0 1' a s ull')1' goo d fri e nd [ Il l' nil tha t. I·h' has m lsB~ d hilI., nn d W£llrS tih oes w ith brollll tiul es Ihe home I rnlning wh lt-h li ps at lhe anll luw h c is pl'ollel'l), adjll ~le ll to h'lr [o undation ur 1111 frl e nd ~ hll' . Uoys anti feet. girl s lu I lie same family anll unit r tho Te uul ti, bn lIa li aud golf Are sam e !'Oof " ho llid \Je gUOII [I·len,ts . g llmes thut bo ys lind g ll'ls UHI Y_pl'IY. Ne lghlJCl r$ who Rttend s chllo l IUI;eth e r willi no otId. Ull e llher Hid e. but w ilb ~ h o ulll equall)' be ["l e nel 8, The boy no e ud o[ rlln . I~ol' th e 1'OlIg her ga r.. en, n e xl 11001' o nd Ihe girl next door ough\ s uc h as [uolba ll and bas" ball glrlij ure UOl III be s lrange rs , nud In e \'<'I'y s tl'ec'; ('onte ut to a~s lllue Ih e ro le o[ sllb:ta· Ih o -yullng pellple ~vh o o "e I!:I'owlllg "I' lo rs , T h ey IUlUW th e lIo lul R o r til togelb el' _holllt! hll\, o gOOd times . a ',11 gattle, Illld Ihe lr S)' lIIllRlhy cheer. l!l e reall zc Wh a t It means to bo trle ndly , pla Y"I·., while Ib ey nl'e 11I'uud to wen I' This do es 1101 meon Ih n t \Joys al' d lh co l Ul' ~ u f Ihose whum lh ey fuv 'Jr . girl s s hollid be f(]o ll ~ hly seullmeulal. i wis h I co ult! mulw YOIl sec frl CUtl· Nor tlo I I hllll' th ey ufl CIl a re. l OU s hip a.s It lool.s I4l 111 0 , It Is HOt a cnull ot be s e llllm e ll tal uloo ut a bo)' me re pleas ure ot Ih e mom e nt. It IS wh o 'Is 111 Ih e snme cln:is wllh you, 11'11 no t IIju ), me nt ouly. It Is IL r .lIl11 Ce b e ljJK )'ou wit h YOllr olge bl'll, und I ~ to Ire Il' ollle bOdy whu neeLl.S b.lp, a nmy be I ~ \lInd ot ),0 111' he lp lu nlr c hallee tu m a ke tll is old wo rld a Lntln l l'U n ~ ltlt lo n. Ro long as bO ), R !lUll \)l'Ight e r place. w ~ ge t fro m U wb a t gi rl s ellJuy o llt dc.:Jr gil meR a utl IUd"m' ! we g iv e. If we UI' Relfl sh lind nnwilJ p leus UI'cs IO gelh " '. t h el'c Is n utb lt;g io Ing to make a sa cr ill ee. we Shall ne\·el' be c l'lll cls etl III the ir (r lend s hlp. It IF be frl pllu s ill th e . bes t se nse. o u ly whe ll th ey begin to be m ys te rIou s Pe rh ll ll ~ l .ean Illtls ll'ate wholl m elln. a r. d fllr tlv e a bo ut It t hut I he ll' mOlh · YOII hal'll Jll s t seal ell YOU I'd If wllh a I!rs n eeil to l ul,e alal'lll, \Joul, Ih ll t )' Oll have bee n try Ing ; 0 For Ins la nce. wh e n \\' 1111 huu l:s r en ll. and rOI' whic h )'ou ha\'e had 1111 lI uOt~ t th e door lu the tius l, ant! du s 10Is llI· 0. \'nu hal'O t'ea cll ed tte U10 , l n o t com e III. but wal ror Ma r y to stea l o1:,:lI ln g lJur t of th e s lOry. 101 co tn es o u t anu mee t b im UL th ga te. t her e I: ! <(, ,,1' bl'ot hel' with , 0. I'equest Ihal yo u M:Oth CI'd lIon ." ,.; ~ e nd Il I'IV In hit! Illo \'a, or In rou m rur CO\1lI·llaln l. told me I h at tlle lr duugh te rs fro ll1 _.4 walks a n Ighb01' who Is a rn ~ h e r JlIlI lU H j hn ve be e n de t ermln ell to W ll . ~ a 1\ 11 s tllpld lJoy. It Is a leSI oC your U[) unti Ilo wn In the e venlllg wi til b:>Yb aOll a ll illl)' nnll nl1l'II Is m. whe tb e r YOII or their UWII a go, whom l lle motlle r~ cnre mure ror yOUl' own pl r as ure, o r did 1I0t kn o w. ! fo r th e b),o ther and the hro[h~r' s H er e Is whe re lh e lin e, s holllil II ~ ' frI en d, Th ese li tt le thin gs, Ihe re lrltle~ dra wn . A schuo l g irl Alm"l), calln l) t UIIPllre ntl)' , s how ch:,l e l·. 'I' hrou ~b­ liave frieuds wbo ore nOl \\'l'looll1e In OUt lUI) t he r e are ch ,t"ce!l fur 0. thou· her rat he r'S bOlls e. and of whom 110 1' 6and pe tty se lf. de nlals. SoI'le of lh em mOl h er <Ioes uot approv e. Sh e may not make th e ditter e nce be tw "c n belU S wri te lell e rs to boy f ..leutls or l'eCl!IH' U' leudly a ni( !Je ln!; selfls h . F rlond s hlp let lerR from the m WIthout taking h el' nev er thrl\'es In I b e soil o f selfis hn ess. mol h er Into he r contldence. If ther e are picn ics, merry· makln gs. o\'elllug t BORDER CROSS _ AND _ LONG g, driv es or s all s by llIoon II gill . , It Is all rlgbL It a group of boys and Tbis Is Appropriate for All ArticlES girls are accompauled by an oltlcr ' Whero 13 Required 11 Bold and Clie ut!. A mothol·. !:unl or marrIed Quickl -Worked Pattern, lady who 18 a Lr usted a cqua! ll.lan ce y OlIlSI talt e clial'ge of suc h !l IUlrty . Thi s can be worlled on th e ends or .Above all, a girl mll s t hav e b er 11(0 s lLlc bOnrtl alld dlnner. wny.on cloths, lIud cun~u c t an upen book lo r bel' fam · low el co vers . or, In fu ct , any urtlcle &ly to r ead. She cannut ha\' e seer ~s [or whic h a bOld, Qlll ckIY-'lVorketi Plltand res~rves trolll her moth e r. 'rhld Is l e rn Is des ired as oruame nlallon; tine 1I10re InlllOrtllnt lu tile realm of he r wool. flax thl'cncl or Ingrain cotton Crlenll shlp than auywbel'o e lMe In th e II1ny be used for I he work, acoordln.c whul e or lite 's Inte rcour ~e,

scmNTIFIO NOTATIONS. Poisonoul Dlcotlne In toba~co II re , mo\' ed hy steeping the ,Iea\'eil- In II sulutlon of lannl e ~cld. Th l~ Is the Ill e thod adopted hy II Ge rmlln c\lelul. t. H acent dl ~ cov e rl es see m to 8bow lhat ea ch uf the larger Illnn et~ Is lie· compalli ed by blinds or satelli te s r~lu · lively s mnllel' lbull the IIIlnur Jllll n ~ l s , a s Ill e pl'lmaries Jlre "waller tll a n tbu SUIl. A balun':/! of I'r~c lslon ",'elg b lol: a mlxlure uf IIlllm lnatlng gill ur ti r e· dnml' again s t an equal (IUI\'Jllly ur lia r· Illlli all' Is tbe 1I0vei !\" H( b t~Cl lug IIltlrm I hal hus ilfe n II ruug'l t be fo re Lb o Purl s AI'adewy vf Science •. lit. Cav crall , or Fl'Illl ce , hr\'l dl scol'e rpd Ihllt Ih e eg gs of IU ~p.(· 13 co ulain th c SUllie , 1'Ilul's e tcrls ll c pul sv u V ~ IlUIl1 BS Ihe stlug o f Ihe Iliseel, So n lso, Ih e egg s ~r serll ~ lIt s. Tbe d !:;co\' e r,. Is Illlporll\nl lu It s lIearln[;,1 ull Ib o I'hNlollllllla uf he rod lty. A labl e ur I/UISO-lll'llls &t t'l O differ ·


A ques ti on worth con s hl erlng ' for eac h, uC Ul< I~, whllt uo I me an to my trl e ulis? For wh at tlo I ~ lIind ? Glrl ~ uo not alwlI~ 's rem emb er tha~ II I~ their p rl v ll~!ie lO e Kc rl a good lulllle nce o vor llie IIv)'1I th ey know , A girl wh n u:;e" s lan g aUII peJ"mlls h er aclC to dle rud e and dlsco unoous In h er ue· A:-: t NUSU.AL OIilSIClN . ba vlo r 10 boys, wh o <loes no t e xac~ , 10 the mater Ia l (ha t fo rm s th e founda . trom th em by he r s weel be ha \' lul tlon It Ih e ma t eria l I~ Of sucl~ a ki nd sO lUe lb lng tbn t IH lik e h umage puld to ! 1 Ihrcads cannol be coullted , ' aa Ideal. wls s es he r OII[lorLunHy. I ,Io ) tl:~n t~~lt ca n" ns o ver It, wo r ll Ihe nu t m eall tha l ~ gi rl s ho llid be S~I,f. i s titches thr oug h th e cunv'ns hoks 011 consc ious 01' u ptig , \Ju t s he s huu lt! 1I.1t i LU the m a l erlul. and dra w tb e thr ca ds forget th ut sh e· Is In a way a IJ tl l ~ ; II' • a £trr I be work la done, IJl'ln 'css, and ·Is tu lie treated ac~() nl . a a) _ _ . _ _ _ __

; '\1

ent ti lu,t iUll 8 un


P~ u.k



ubo UI I:I,OUO feo t wa . mad e b y Pro \'. Cl a ~' l o lI In 19UI. Tll o almu. pher lc I're ~""l'e fur Ihe .tatlon s IlltS n u ll' Ill'e u I'al r llinted by '1' , Ok a lla, 11 J a paneH ') llU'l eOl'o lo gi:a . wit 1 flutl s u vo r y

r tt t;lI ~

lar 111 t' I'~8 He ur oue heurl -henl l) ~ r (11\11· Utll for ea e-h third of Illi 111<'11 lI o..reus8 Jn l)1 ' (~ 8S U I'e, Th e rel' e llt di scov ery that 0:10)'8 nol c:onlo lnlng Iron call lie made Il~ IIlUI;' ne tic us Iron nus slIggp.steli t h l' lI eW t heo l'Y thut magneti " m lI e llen d. ll llU lI th e gronplng of I ho 1I101el'ul1'8 \\' be n the s \lr clal mug netic s trurture Is made bette r kIlOWII. II I. hopell to Improve UPO Il t"lC c.: t d eu I mag 1l \" 1s hy a d lJ JH 111 r for th em all Ill10y of g r eal powe r. Ih ns lI<;hte lllng Ih e IIIm' lu g pa rIs In ele,·· trl rll l machines. Vlgorll e. Ih e new I' Xlllos h 'e o f Prof. Shul z a nd F:n gl lll ' ~ r nt' h re. ('It Sw it7.Pt"· Innll, Is a n llrOllS cnmlXlnnd wh lr h, unlt eu with saltllc lpr, has gl vell 1" sU lls lIa lm d to In rtlca te a s trpn glh n\Jonl 10 11 lim e" j: rI'lLte r thn n th ut 1 any ulh er f' Xll lu~ "'e , In Ih air It lIurns withou t ,' xlllollln g , It lIa. III fllrlh er nllv nIl1 8),;e!< u f \J e lnt; I~ ~ n sl b l o to fri clitlli .. huck or CUlll'lIs slJ n, wh llo It Is not Injll red by wrlllng o r Ily 'reezlog. OLD WORLD ODDITIES.


Th ~ re ca n be " p~ n In Nor thamp lon scntlemun who W E- a rK a Ulu9 t a~.' h p th tl

eud ~

or wh l h reu" h dowu 10 b l ~ " cst Iloe te t". Ha\' III:; bo rr ow ~d Ih e mon ey 10 Lll r a Ilekl't. J oha n ll 1\lIrz, a 11001' 1'yroloa ll fllrm er, hR ~ Rcc' lIred th e chl ' l prl zlI 0/ ~ ,000 In I be annual A us tr lau charIly IOl le ry. On Ih e occa sion or a c ycIl 3t' ~ we d· din g Rt E(.plng. neur I,olldon, the olhPr tiny Ihe brid e 011 11 Ilrldpgr oo lll rode to r hllrrb Oil s ingl e machlues asd reo turned on n talld e m. In turning o\' er the' leav es of a bo ok wbl ch h e ' had brought for threepence aL a London bookstall, the p u rcha ser tound lh"rpln two £5 not es wblch were elat ed Mlty, 1878. EdwIn Web\Jer, a London mOlley lender, has gone Into bankrul'tcy. The judge of the bankruptcy court sa id We uber was tbe only baukrupt mOlley lender he hatl I!l'er heard of. A womau of cashlre. Ell glan~, Icnl lnls note lo th e local POSlIlj8S1e r : "Will you pit'll e send me wonl If I can 8elld t\\'o girls lo - (a Yor!ts hlre town I- b)' parce l post, nnd bow wll ch will It cost:.,?:.,"_ _ _ _ __ A LiberAl View. think that n [loll tlc lan wurse than olh e r me n ?"




ou s weTi~ t.I


Senator So rgh UTll ,

'H I) ha~ m o r.. l e mplatlou s ,"- \\' o:; h· Inglon SI a r.


The Pretty Daughter, "[ don ' t IIh o Ih e way twrry man '11'11 II11'P.I, s tar clI at YO II, Elh el ," "IVe ll, YOll don 'l PXI~lhl' m to s tare at you, stlrely. ma! "-Til-Ba.



HONEST PHYSICIAN Works with Bilnoelf First.

II Is a ml s tali e to n ~R ltm o tJln t phYRI. clun s oro alway . s kl' ptll'al :IH la t il ... . ' . Striped , Tafteta. w g ly, E lh 411 s h ould ~OL a~k 1 .I~ eOLllJ l e to Strl pc!u lu rre ta ~ i1I( gowll~ ure to be cll ratlvc p l'Olle rli cs of un}'lb in g elso, como f1n ll sec he l , on)' mOl e Ihull ~ h p ve l'y mil l'l l wurll Ihls fnll In s luulo w lhan Ilrll J;R. IIhou l<i Ileg hil!! IU be her pal·t,, " .· III 1 \! I1'~ c t . nnd hll ve tlll'O Il Ih e J)lu ~e of Ind (Wti , Ih c bogt .loetors n rA th asP' a dunce .. H he wi s h es Ih e 1·1 009ul·e of I (' hee l,s '0 lon g fa vorite" III th e wh o seek 10 hpnl wit It ns lit'll e " "e or a coli he s houlrl L1s l, ulld Hh e s ho ul d :. il~ wurld . ~ A ('hal'mlng Ilrclis Is or dru ga a s po. e,lhle nn.1 by Ih o It ,; ~ or smll!" anu hm' lII u lh e r ~ h o ul cl be jJrcs ' ;' I' 'I· lHI white 11111 s trlpoll i aITot!l. rorr cet rood Ilt)(1 Mlnle A l. hy" lcl" n ellt at leus l L1urln g pnl'l o f I he e l'e lll ng, ), i~~' t:' , s ldl' l la id In tiny plnils ... rltes frolll Call r. to 1<' 11 how h e mOllo' 'rhe pl easant Ilnd IIIl.tural. wny ro; ~'.'Ol:nll ~ h e waist for severnl In ches, a well' man of hlm ~e lf with Nat urc's young peopl e Is to \ isiL IU Ih e f.llull) , I •. . II I· n ee Is a 11108 t10un ce re medy : ) 1 I· at I l.o Ja '1' . li st HuO \ e le" 11IId b ave e ve ry on e cow u" I I " " luI on wllh a pIp ing uf blaell ve lve l, • " B~fore I came rrom Europe, wh e ro' while th~y arc the re. I !rhc 1Jl0IIKeu wllist has a V op ening I wa9 born," he Bay s, "It was nl)' ClI S' A goo d dcal o r plea s ure Is auu eu lO ; ha l'k uud front of s wiss e mbroid ery tom 10 tal<o colfee with milk ( L'afe 1111 an o rdinary cnll ~f, befor~ It I ~ uv~r: a nd pulnl " ,1 uias bre telles at s llll piped lolt) wlth my morning mrAI . 0 s mnll tbere Is som e thi ng to . IlL Lomo na:ic wllh ve lve t. The Ihree.qual·ler slee ves cup (cnrn 11011') arl t' r my d inner a n rl anti cuke tlo uot co me aml~s, aud tJwre are a Re rics of pull's Rntl a IIlack velvet lwo or Uln' e additio nal s ma ll CliPS li t Is 110 eud of ~ atlsrncllo n In 1111 "ltI· ee l n lure c ndrel e" I he I 1'1 In waist. A my rlllb du1'ln:; the "vl'uln g, fallhl o nell cund y Imll If u Ilalf· do.e n Qualut g llWII 18 of goose llerry green "In lim e n ervons Ryml'tom 9 devel· lJoys aud s lrls talle pa r I lu It. I hllve Hille Th e uudice has klmonu s haped oped , wlllr Jlaln ~ In Ihe r,nl'dlac regloll, ye t tu se~ the 1J0 )' willi lIues nut lI1< e ~ Illow sle evt .. cnl In uue with the an,1 o ccomllllnl ~ tl hy grP.Dt dppr ~ ~s loll to call at the hOllse wh e re th e 1;11'1. ' wa ist It"elf alld I rlmm ell wllh old. or "plrlt9, des pond en cy- In hr l., r, 'Ih o luvlle hllll to he lp tbew wllli.e fudge, fasbloned rutlles ha"lng shirred hea<l . hines ! ' I at Hr s t tired m erll r in es , bllt The r e ·Is Ihe mOI'e fun Ir th e ooys 1I ~ 111 Ings . Th e s hawl· like eoll a r Is luset I!ot no relief IIn cl at Ins t renll ze.1 th nt Lu cl ea r away ntte r the feas t. wIth haltle menled pI eces of whit e all my trollbl es w ~ r o r n ll g~ d hy eoff r e. W e "hull' ne vO!' do our lrlends good . t"rtled s il k . tltl'hed a 1I11mbe r uf tim es I thc ' Nlllon quit IL. nse fo rlhwith. unless we are our~ e i VeH rlghl ' Dllull,Jd" will; g r een , • Th e HUed glnll e Is uf Enbst/tltlln g En g lish Breakla st T r R. "Incere aou ullseills h. There Is I'o t the l's tlLched white Bilk. and rose ttes,. from "The tra seemed to Ile ll) me at Il r.l_ least u"e III prete nding lO be wha l o ue which lIangle while lassels . oruameut ' but In time the old distre ssin g s ym p. Is nut . Ulll ess we bave real principles I be frout or the botllee, Th e sl(lrt toms r etnrned, nnd 1 quit It n Iso. nll l\ Ilnd care ahout Ilvh:g UI) lu t hew, we hag a klltell 1I0ull ce to Lhe kn ee, tri ed to Usc mlll( for my tabl e ben' r. sball ne vel' know Ihe golden vullle c·f trimmed nlooul with a labller elleet, n'gc. Tbls I wn s compell ed howev e r t() tr ue friend s hip. Girla. don ' t fur ge t carried 01lt with pllffing~. abandon s pre dlly for while Il r p lJel' e ( ~ lilat convl ctlous li ved UI/ to mak e the ne f'o'On 9neSS someWhat , It hr nll !;ht titron g c hllract el'~. Cnl'e ot the Hair, on con, lIpnllon . Th en Ill' a Ii nppy A fri end Is nut. alrald to Lell lhe The hnlr ~ houlLl he sIn ged every InSI,Irlltlon I was led to tr), th e Pos tlllll tnllh , though now and tb e n It may tb" ee mUllth" Lo I,eep the e nds eveu, Foo'] Colfee. This was som e m ont hs wound another. Still, il 18 not nece d- A 6ho.mpoo eve ry fortnig ht wi th ago ancl I ~tl11 UBe It. I nm no long r 8ary 1.0 lJe offi cious, If lu your IIl'e; - plenty ur eggs and hot wa ter wll\ I\ eep nervous. Jlor clo I antrer fr om th o ence one or yo III' sc h oo lmni es, Iloy Or the hall' soft, Hu/!'y amI free trom oil, pains nliout the heart, whll o m y 'hlu c~ ' girl , Rhollid say something unkJnd The sulphur in the egg allts BS a ,..tonl c have left tnt! an~ lite Is bri ght ill me abOut th e ahsenl, It would be an easy to th e g rowtll. A s imple ball' grower once moreo. [ltnow that leavi ng orr 'hlng for you '0 show your dlsplea . whlcb .hollid be used 24 hours befor e corree allll IIslng Postum ' heaI_'1 nil'. are, You. would not need say a w,o l'd; the shnmpoo I~ : Four ollnc(:s or al- aDd I m'lIke, It a rule to advIs e my PII_ . a 100,; ~'ould be enougb. - Sometimes cobol, two ,ounces />f castor all. per- tlenbl to use it:' Ntlme gIven lIy t the- refllsal to 8mlle ' l't' a jest which fumed with 011 of llerpmot or &II)' Poli um Co.• BatUto Creek, Mlcb, tal!.u • Ube rt)' wlt!l IIOmethlna you re .. preferred ac8nt. . . TileR'. t\ reMon.,








Suggest ions by au Eas t ern Sto c kmu~ to,' P rofitabl e Re(lrin j;' of Lambs to'l' Meat. ( wI s h to g l':e SOIll O lads a bo ut tllf

i mh u e c t a n IlldutJ Lry n t: w l O lhiri ·OUU·

.. HOW CZAR WA.~ T ATTOO c:t, 8.









J ap unese .\.rtl st of R ong -K n:tg I 'r icke d Pictu!'es Int Q R u es la ll Empe,'o r's Ski n . ,,\ y u un g

F o"el' Prevr.< " v e M Ake s Expl om ti on ill Tropl cai Coun tries Pos• Ible-M .\k cs .Fllr -

~r. ri.J 1'

.t' t'J ~H· Ii...'an

a l't! :, 1 anll l",1,. :- ;11-

of' n" ...~ l a ha \'e hCl l h hoc n la ~'OO ' cd a t 1-loII!; koll g " lid t he I (l II OOc " was a

Ru ssi an Dip lom acy as Co nsi der ed by the An glo -Sa x'o n

I ry a n~ In wbl ch arc th e loast [.osij ilJ:, rl . l<s. with lbc hOl' C or In terc. tiu g cuI/· J 4.ll'n np:;e. Ita llsts . His l,n nlC I ~ NUDla, I-Ie has a Ht l" lI .. tu nes. I be liev e. writes W , 1. Arms lrong. 01 'Two Inatrum enta Which Will n, I n Hnn g \HUl g . Il cnr I h e hJ\rhul', wh ct'l~ E nAll1 nd's Views Doubtle ss H ave Added Much 10 Our Pre judices Ne w J e rsey , In lbe Co untl'Y Gentlem nn, Qulll in e Is on e of t he mos l valu alJlo h e r ccc h 'CH t:n lh; fro m vh;ilors or . :t. il Good Work In Ridding Fields ot A'b ainsl Ru ss ian Srales m.n s h ip- H-.If Oriental Has Code of Own . I may claim . :., nati lJ s th o nali e o.'lg . iI'S. ln 01' nl H o a a ll (lv b oth so ' (lOIIl,l uruD • ~ a Trouble some G1·aso .... l' I ha t it " " 0 WU tu me d ical cate uf th e Eng li s h system o f sheep IIc ioll CO:: , Is nccessn ry 10 ma lIC IIppril nttnen l'-' Nu Oil ' woul d ,. ,.illll' c to trav e l in days or wee ks In lid vnll e" . H e I') rell il y A bulleLa fro m tb e d epar t ment of farmlr, g as .ulte~ to the Ameri can eoil 'a l; rl<;u1l,1II'e at WlIHhlngton det.all. Sf}me aud cllmato. lily VleWiI lu tbls brlri!~ !tulin \\'ith o llt It. II pf 1'1' ItN ,lI s eov e r), un ar list an ll I'" pres 'e nls th e lhl rd 01' expe rim en ts In trylnj:: to 1<111 a lii Ihn- o t farmlog baye been 81:.,IJOrte d by thl 2 .UI!II.UUII I' 'u plo ' rll cl l an ll ually In Ind ia lourth ge ne rallun o f h is family In th is \Vh en d ed ar a l ion o f wa r was ma l l ~ nat ura ll y aIm ed at provIng tbnt s hll 080n g roso In I be so uth . This grogs ila. fo remost autbor1~es In t his counlry. o r malnl' lnl f ' \'e r ; t ill' tH ,"·tullt )' 1" UUl pru f~s $ i o u , At preso n t, how ov er . w i t h UlJu n H U5:, ia rlllr l ll ~ l h c C r i m e an SI t' u t;- hnd Inte ntled all alo D1l' to restore what bel'ome a pes t In sume Jlluces, na It My rema rks reter to It syste m ot le ed· thi s cau se Is 110 11' I lJ~s Ih a n half that the ir In l' rea s ln!; c:l vlll"atlu n , tal tou in!,; J;l p nr th e "" Ieu ne ilu ll s agai ns t \\' a~ lIOt ber owo , but h a d resonted the cro wds Into cultivat ed Oelds wors e lng , el c .. whi ch will "csult In tile de· Dumuer . hn" h e~ " I.. rbldd en In .Jllpnll<l Noma G" ent Uear , Ih e tcy t of t he d eclara l lO ll :·. l1 e mpt On l h e part of ,Iapan to humtl(v)nl:l lllctl t ht..:se \\' o rt.i H -" t o sa ve 1~1I ­ than Qun ck or Wit eh !!:ra8. . It s pl'ead s velopme n t or a tbl ck , lea n. juicy mut'T h e poo r I' 'o ph.:-so f, unr t hat th e y hll ~ HC I 111' his "Wdl" In IIn ng lwng . ;Il tc her by co mpe lling h e r t o do so, Tf) ll ~ ~ un llergroll nd. ao I hnt I'dlnary cu llurp ton earca.QR ot nn est quality Bod dl, I!x,l, ed nl,u n th e le\'l' l' a s Ih e lr rata I r o m the pr eplHl(l er a n cl'! o f n Th e CZ III' Is not th e nnl y me m hcr or "Seco nd I)" s he decli ne d to allow tbo llI ere ly en 'o llrages Its g rowth . TIHI gestlbill t y, having a pec uliar turnll)~ and c xpecl ed no 1'('1i e t'- Hr 8n\'0,1 hl' I'oya lt y wh o hn , hc!!" II jlAlmn of I,ll l" IIO \\'f? r \\' hl (' h Iut s \' i tli :tll!t l fa tr h ani' W{)";"I <; of t he t,'only clauses to eonflavl)r, 1)lea s ln g to the va ill te. the cpl· th e ag c n(, ), or quin ine. En /; lu,"1 cou \l l a rti s i. t r r- ,1f i c n nd deti 'i t h e IIp l U lU U of th i: ronts mu st bo pull ert 111> nn,1 destroye d vel' th o illll>ress lon lhat ,'allan wu be'ore It can be 1:lII ed. A di s k or cu t- wrs 's d eli g ht not kee p h er ~ tlrol l{' u u ti ul lilc n; i n " I hll "p ho d th e h Oll or of tn ll t.... llI/; (;i\' llize d w o rld ," dic lOl ln); 10 h er. wh il e s h e wa s ob~y­ Tb o qu es lloos ma y be a s ked : h nat In dia wlLho m II , An ll fo r Inll g l:ngl . ,"1 ha s helrt Ih o In ;;. li e nee t hi s m yol hl j;il ness I h" <l II\; P ot Vo l'it . h e Ru s. la n cn,·o ys in silltare th e l'equlre moDls ? Will tho cosl l' za t" !=:1 peo pl e a Jw o ph: ill no \\" ay ~ t o IJ (' I.h!ln gslun o un rl ol hf' r t ra \' e le rs In n l: o h i; im p l' i.1 maj r Hlr Ih o e ml ed I hll t l h ~ lr ,l olJUn oso co ll eagues )e l'o r oxeeed pl'egcnt west el'D s ys tems 01 c entral Af r i c a c Oll lol h ave n 've r m lr u:'(i 'tl . F ()f :;00 r . ~ nl's Ru ss i n an J , hou ld eX I)!' '.sly a oo pt Ifl c ntical a rl c !Jf HII ES I"," 'a ld Nom n. , so lffeed in g? How call th e h e ~ p be pro· t he ir dl ~c lJ "erl e s with',u t Its Ri d. It Fc )!' 111 (1 11' n WIl mu~ lit l a ll no i n h' t h l' l':II J; htlJlI h a , ' (! u Cl"l n II1 Q r o 01' lcs!=; a t u c ny ln g or fitn an ces whl r. h Bccordlo I. g to cured ., ~m id 0 1' th e sn:u l G e rma n C Xlll l)l' c l' J a Jlall 'sl' . h av C' Ih ~ sa m e ( h~ :-Il g n t; I h ut q UU I'1' I. wh ll' h fa ct ma y a cco un t fu r t h e o l'ig illnl c1 a usns of 1I\F' dratt or tho Ordi nary fa rm land, about one-t h lr.d Srh w(' lu furth l hll l whr ll ho 10"1 hi s o re fOllll<l fill t it " " !lltu de 0. 1' GII ,' lI s hlU e l1 gell rall y Ihel l' rhl" tl , an d n ,l a llRntn' a l ), HIlS.ill. Rntl only l1u ijs ia . was to ot th o farm or farm s, s boul d be pl an t· e ntire propul'ly hy fir e, \' slua Ll c sc i- el-)Il \\l hCHn (} l\llr l OW ,4rd Husl:) inll s t~(, ll e r ally . A wrl tllt' ~ i j.; II , A (jrul y h n ~ h('o n I nl ooeu wi th tu rn ips, yi e ldIng 10 to 2U tO ni E'mllir lI" t rum e nt. nmo ng Ih e r !~ 111' 1::1I;; li, h Il!:! r lolll r n i 11I s~ l" g ll1 t; t il d l () lIl;: ~ Ji h:c " I H~ n tl l i "lI l ~t a lt p o f fin ~ ebt. h" T illr,Il \' . In s t cart of nllOwlng ' Japan \lor n," ,e, a ct'Ordl n;; to Qual\t y ot the r elt t he IflSM o f h is Q lIl n l ll ~ t() he lIl e po rc lal li , t! uhjcc l Olean \ \", Trtl.:, l Huss ln ?" t , 3(li IHJ'lt- a tc lo r h erse lf ,.h l) honor II is not nn III1U SII" I 'Ih l ll /; .:ot soli . cos tin g about 00 co nt s pel' to n to g r oa le" t rof all , ," u l uf te n t hou g ht with , ro r t'c,ynll y t n b e Ill ll one cl. T h ,. lH 'C~U' lH Ch 'UIlI .t,,,d ll g Ch in:, an d R orea , Russi" gro w. R oots are the main s tay , I\ bo lll f ear 0 1' t he j U l! l'lI e,' tha t la y h \' t'OI'H 1( 111 o pe nly t fl O\( th eir pa r t. 1",IMO d dnrlng 1:; of E n g l und h il :\ an all t h or l a ll ()OI. Jlo un ds ench·d s y pe r h ea(1 being tod , h im . wh ic h, ho w!! " ' I', he ll rl'~" " crc d t h r ri l"('I1Rs ln n t b al th eil' lo l erllatlo nlil ' I III.un h is a nll . It waH (lone 'bo me wit h a " cry s mall quantit y of hay , a lso In . yenrs ago wl. ll e. a ~ pr l,).It:o f Wal es , h e Rt ntl1S . ho uld ue Ifl lrl y r edwood wl t ll hran. ppa s. lins eed and cOl1on I!a k ~, Th e su ldl p. n ; In t h l' Am cr i cnn r;i ,-tl wa. "b1 111lg a nu f' fllh~a \- ul' l ll g La fI!v i\' C r h; h ls o£ ,ICl'lI SR le m . OB ' S. et" ., nil 01' part mi xed In bu lk "'HI" dcpcurl e" gr eatl y u pun q ll i ui u ', t heir,; wh ich s <lll nxl s t In thcu ry llllt 1>11;; 1'1"'5 10 Lo l'01.l.0 hR.\,c tIll! I n1n ~C es timat in g on e 111m or so each day Ile, Tti u p!on CfJl'!:i i ll l1 1 1~ CUUIl I I'Y WII (, 11 or e Ilea ' l In pr ac tl r.o . il er "011 1' Lll ll y o r \'o r e l ' O" I.!! (l oe d hy head , wllh abou t two qunr, s ot hay wa li tll'sl ~c tll c ( 1 a url c i\-lIi1. ,I llU' ( a s I h o s nc,'lsta ll or t h e 1'111Il'! ,h f!J" I h rec" Lns tl y, wh 'm ove r in d ~a ling wltll t: bn rr, po""l uly a li t tl e wate r and r ocil ha rd \ \'0 I' It lig ht ing r ' \'e r illHI a g ue In ', \HIl'lhs or It lira , an rl a lira 15 on ly r_Il Y cl;JU HO ftu sH ia Il, ndfl Ull Ilcr mlut1 '""" J G BAS S R OOT DIt.;I;J:: RS. sa lt . Mova bl e fenc es nre necessar y to th e t.h e n ~ w all1 p y , mal n l'lal di s t ric no t to ) (Jl s pu te Ih e sulJ ~ tun ce nr th e dets I n'h ce n. " III lI nlted S t Rt P: m oney. T ho !I'VI\)' h arrow do es good wo r )( at chop, enl'l ose t be flo cl. In a llew patch 01 a 8 In lig hti ng In dia n.,. tl n u Qu lulu c wn s a r m III t he most IIs ual pl m a nti )l ref' lITe'l, s h!! " " I In slst!!d on ll{'o fur I hese plu g 01T t he root", and a sl,rlng-t oot h ro Ols eac h day. pn ss lng o "er th e fi eld e\rC lI m o re n OC ~,h5i:i R ry tha n ll rc a rl1l zi . t Itu l.fO llosa l bnlng "0 worrlcd that s he lll Rrl< s. Th e czal' w a s t attooed UllO n wi ll un to ver mll!l Y ot [be m, lJut In or- bit by hI t . lea ving I.b o land rl cbly butTh e gr ea t illl ' rocean ic clln a l no w h i" I,'fl lll·nl. s ho ul<. no t D,lll onr to s ign Ilway rlgntll Other IIll1s lrlo ll. Indlvl (lI1pr 10 II cITcI' l lv e a t oo l llIus t rea cb tered wit h h IImIlS. In )I,'ogr cHs ot co ns tructi on II Cro SO t h o o t.h ~ I' I huu h er 0 "''' 0 Or co noh'n at a funa h.l who h~ \'e be n d eco rated we re an Th e co rn In t he West Ie cheaper than ISlhmu s ot Pan aDla requ ires 110wn u nder nnd rlJl the roolo ou t.. Two th e la uo r E nNll o; h pI'llI ce who h lHI I ho " Gnd l u r o POli cy ot aIlRnl'l.tI"n whlcb aile dess g1'll,<s ·root dlggerg al'e m e nllon ~d In aro the auov o,nam oll mix ed feeds ea s t, at thouKRn" " or mon Ian,; Iy ullaec us · of NI " h l " palmed wit h noed les Ullon was n nl\b l (~ to In(l o rso." hu t tbe turnlpa, which I,lay s o Impor- t o mort to th o c li ma te an (1 th is h llll elln - Ih ey are sho l\'TI In t he so m uc b hI " hac l.. a nll a )ICOr o A S InSlllll ec Ihllt lIot fa ls p.hood Is rof th l) realm wh o ncco m pn ny lng d iag ram . Th e upper o no ant a pa rt , will tully mak e good 00 m o re mo re s uscelltlh l e to It s III e ITect. h a d hi s (:oa t o r arm R IIpon .. orto,1 to lIy t lin It ,, ""luTi I ~ader at h is fo re, 1" used by Geo rge M , Clat'k . of Connec- the s ide of economy , Feeding sheep Be tore th e route was doc ld eel upon arm . t im p-., . a s lo ry IH 1,,1<1 hy Iluth e rforl1 Il cut. In pre parlnl; eod IAnll for reseed- on arable Innd afforda ao additIon al m a ny s urveys we ro ma t! e an d th o Co rUln In lI a rtler '" Wllellly, '1'hls!!I 'An a r my nm ee r In"e~1 <I $200 In hav · In g 10 gTOSS _ With tb e hest Jllowlng Ite m ot r eturn equal to m8.n y tons ot m e n . nnval umce r s lin d oth e ... e nga g " In g I he IIPIICt' pa rt ot bls bOlly la ttoo, "" auld lead us to beli ' ''e tha t 80tl- nll ss la n (JlI)lo Ol:ley n s It 1M hel<l by the Bud ha rrowin g Rom e rnOl s of old g ra~9 city manuro per a cre, e nri ching the dc- In thl . \\'01'1(, wor e e xpos e ll to all con ' en . It w as· a J a pan ~' lll be le(I In th e pl ese wh o Illtiooell a n U.8la ll Jo ul'll ull" m, I n c l t~ (1 Ily th e An glo. Sa xon , nllli . us WI) ha vc suggesteted 8011 and sa ,' lng expen s iv e fe rtll- ,1I11 0 n8 of we ath e r, But lhroug Boll. To , ), h til e smu ll II zanl IlIJOn Izor ,th e m :'11'. Clark uses lid_ too l lik e a bill. . The En g lis h g row t.h elr On6 unIV CI'Hal an ll pro;l!! r usc I he fo reh ead o f n f",t- in crea s lng J (·wl" h CO ll t rol of tb e ra ah o \' o, th o An glo-Ruxo n ,nay be of t he III d l- mn n wit h s uch ~klll Cha', It w as s ai d \\' o .' ld ' Jl r~s s agen r les. I" res pulls lbl e gh'en to t)x:q;J; tJrall o u, l1nj ll~t judg ... on -h orse cultlval or, " wo rl18 lleep CI'Jallly mal ti ng ha rl ey an .. r sh eep, an ti cine dall y a s a IlI'o!ca utlon a r), III t.. ure th o OI es . hunn In th o 80 11 . g els uo ,ler I he r no ts :..nd :t ma y yct be dlHcover ed that a nne I' th e mo rta li ty wa , ed · hi s v ici nit y. Noma Is fol' I. h ~ fee lln8, un" t ha t tbe fc 'llllg ' b lflP.nt . \\ ' ,) te ll t it" t,Il., us It was toll1 n o g rea t c r tha'D a qlll r. l( worllor , bu t It tllll cB t h re e hOllr" o ve ,-- wunn , 'fhe writ er mnlles n s la to- to u ~ , s ua pR t hem off- often r CRcbln g 'the quall lY at 101.8.C!!0 can bo g-town In tbls am ong me n In lik e e mplo)' In oth er 10' Th l) III clr: .. nt citNI took plnce wh n , 10 co m plet e a s mall s,crpe ri nnd r r men t h e wo uld h avo I he 11II1)(1rt"lI 81d e of Ihe lIel<l cOl'ored with brok en co uatry arter au" h a pr"p'a ratlon . calltles. Ou ~ of >l littl e 0 \'01' G,OOO and dr aggI ng roots. :llr. C iaI'll s aya W~.I e ru la mbs can be bou gbt In tho whll o 01 n c mplo)'e la l'ge r \Ies ip;n s t1;e l'c m li st b e sovernl r ea(l er we lg b ca t'e[ull y- Ihn t nu ss iu Ihu n nllo ll" s ('ot 1\lI! lr Roilli rR to the d In tllo Cl) Il s t1'1'C' thllt h e cann o t fi t an oM malltl ow a8 Buffalo ma rket o r s hIpped dlrf ct f ro m t10 11 of th o s it t ings. Th e fi rs t Elttl ng Is nO I IIn - hns r. \'c r yet I' ' l.ud la l,',1 he r o bll ;;a . ." " I ~ f of th !! Illbali o ns ut Pp.klng : and. ' P ana ma railroad t h e re ' 1t"" ~ 11 WP. (Io)s lr( ra il' pi ny for Iluas la • . It u e~d s til ling wltho '!X'm;t'ff~ O I ot I ho west . ~os tlng a bo nt th ree dollars we ro onl y 29;1 tI ~a t h H . arHI so m c ur pl cal!a ni , bul a ~e cOnll or third I r enl . li ons. \\ • n;n y d h: ~" RM a morn 'ntto I:ull ,to reIhl s .or l. It "eems I'I/bo Indl . pellsa b lo per h eart. Th ~ nn tl- H u5slRn f olln g Is o r tleoi, l, th " w ' ~,o l he I'C3 ul t of utht' r thn n ment. wh en th e fi e. h Is 1'OW anti In, In des!roy l!' g Joh "Ro U j:: rnss, Th e feed ing period ma y ran ge ove r Clim ati c CR U fl allled , Is ver y pnlnfnl. Th e d es ig n i ~ cu 5t H'II glh , a nd Ihe a t t ltud e,,, f Am 1'1- Ol e mh ra n('o o r th " r end or the g reC!\ISCS. t wo 10 th ree mon th s , .durIng whl h ft rs t done In wll l cr co lo:rs hy Quluk f r I) C8 It>warll " Ru ssia n RUlI csmnll shl!' .,; 11,£',:;5 fH; l n to"d IJY th n O r Qnt Rl!:ar wh on T il e wh olt' ",o r!11 Is In<l out ed \'0 t h o l Ime I he nnimnl will han d. The 'oa rser li nes nr c <lo no w lt li n') t ~o " c ry d ilTo,'c n t !'rom thn l oh· ' hl oa f!a ' "~ II) Ho ttt e,ilUnt or IIt<l c mlllt h ick en nnd grow, c inc hon a t ree , fr'l lll w hich q ui n in o iB GOOO SEED BEDS ' PAY. m il de. Whu could ha " e fOI'Olllirl l hat a s ly lo li nd th e fin er wl lh nn Insi r-II - th in illf", '()\' r i n l h e t1It)lht\I' 4.~ OIl IlII' r , 'rbe Careful Cultiva tion of t h o Soli t h Is I re!}, II nath'o of mounta inous lor· men t hn yln g se ve"al n eelli e r ollltE. 'ih c F or t lll!: hll y con t rl hu lOl', \" ho m w H as Ita R ewBrd In F u ll er cs t " o f South Am e ric a , \\ o uld be (, I W hen' IIle tles lg ll Is comple ted It Is have quutetl aho\,c, a ~sc n s th a i " 1\ 11 ~ ' bitch Imllurta n c in tlw atlnm co o f civ, bri ll ian t a nr! alm ost s ta "UillS In ap- ~ian ~[u lc5 Illa ll " h lp to tho n""rn:;p nnd Detter Crops . pea r a n c~ . E" AII, ll1" " " Is a s yno nym ro r fn lscIlI zntion a n ol h rl "tlan lly . ' S on,e Y~Ai-S a l10 Ihe wri te r had a A Jatlllncs c arl l: 1 I ' h n" ~e s a li llI e hooel , whi le a Ru ss ia n a l1l bllHS"" OI' I" Its s a te t l'UI) HI)Or a lio n frol11 o n e sid e II.- 'brae ,acre " rend y" for oats. but o f th c \\' 01'1<1 to t :, C o t he r and t he s uc , mO r~ ~h an o ne <l olln r li n h oul' !or hIs au A u nanln s In lh o Oes l" Th e fi!lll lie ' wh e n he s ln rle d th dr il l be fo un d I he Ity Gud me ll dacl1 y or B USH lnn s tOl~S' cess a t tnln d in cOI1\'c l'tln g a \\' 111 i.ll o worl,. !'u hhe r pipes s o wor n Ih a l th 'y wOllld m R lI~ I IIIl Is n n a r Ucl1! o f f:li t h wit h a c nltlm tc d pillUl on d lia tu ra ll;d n): it n ot nlln w th o seed t o run do wn . so he rea d ~ ilk e a r o man ce. On e of th'J OION·T NEEO HUSBA NO·S AID En b ll ~ h m e n . a ho ul. wh ich It is usr les,< ~ta l'1 o d lhe blred ma n to h nrro wln g t he to c<' " le n(1.. Th e flllssian a cl a 1m , ho ws tl'lln g th ings about Qu ini ne Is that It lan d a g" ln And w n t nway for W) w Is no t n ~ ' r\ \\ 5 a mod loin In th flrac· M ormon Woman Had Already Made C" I' , lhat In overy In s tanc~ of nll cJ;ed I1r t'1l h o~e. Tho ha r.d s llonl a n emi r 1'110 1\'001 ba el I Vi l ~, lh e I.I me an " Ih r. c lrcu," , Com plet e Arrnn g omen ts nr pell Is a n it.e m or ret urn. t lce o f t hc natl,'n pb)'s lela ns 0 1' P ' ru~ aft e rnoon \\' lIh harrow ond tw o horBc~ Th e butch s ln u' cs we re s nch \lta t I.·hey cn u ld n ot , or s wb o cate r to fnn cy tr ad e E c uad ol' or CO ~" ll1 l) ia , fo r Glory. 0 11 I""" thnn Ib ree M res . arter It wa.~ .cnrry ou l wh a t Ihey inte/lci P(l tn carry Tho no l h'e In tl la n s d id not ev e n will be compe llod 10 flll o rd ers ror t ha ~n ! lderod Ottcd ror tbe crop, nnd t he s pecia l goods, what eve r th o pri ce m a y lm o w of its c urutl " 0 p rul> ~ l'ty ti ll e n· En!D n fte r n vC"y ~ li g h l a ('Quai n' Oll t . r~ s ll l t was t hnt the (' ra p 011 the wr ll, f t Is " c ry d llfl r.n1t tn r Iho An be. A s lau ghter bo uso on the tnrm lig ht e ne d hy th o S [lo n la rdti abou t 200 Innce wit h th e nYc rag!' ~I o rm o n fa m. tllted land wa s filil y 50 per re n I. het. and a method of cratIn g tbe whol e or YOn r. a go. Th o), call c rt th c hl nc h cnla Il y Qll e cnn B Il tha I s uper sti ti on. Snx o" . th e Am e r ica n nn(1 r"H~ II R hman, tel' th oll on Ih e s lUoli potr. h d r lll ~ d be- part of 1\ sllee!, to eae h of tho thon- trell Idna. f ro m wh ic h c om es th e wo rd lH'ough l t o thp r er rectl on or rana li, to u nci e rs tll",' th o h a lf' o r le " Inl nusf r,rPo ~o lll g to town for now d ri ll hose. Mnd s ot rl clT families In ond around (Iulnln e. \\'hat do YO ll ca ll It- I, wl n c. d s m hy B ri g ham You ng, bIn d. Ihem s lna mI nd, Th e Slav SellO' " untru' tOn oll r prr senl wh eal crop we bav e a NIl'IV Yorlt cllY shonld be easily _or- kin·nine , I<ce u ·neon o r ItI,, ·n cell ·! \ Vhal 10 Ih e lr church In hnl nR unbrea k- u or thy hi s Id eal s V Ol' , ' forGig:l. Th " p lAin ca so ot tho volu e or go od ClIitu ro ran g~ d , . n(lv lot · 01 n a m e. t he drug h a . h ad! s llle, writ es Marlon .B onsa ll , in t he cl) d~ o( hOllo r at Ih e 1,'OMt rn er tS ~ rll s l n g Ie unn ece!sary to nil AN D 0 1) 1(1; AI ,E XIS . ot Ihe 5011 b ~ tol' C plantin g. Th e writ er o n st ra lg h. fo rw a rcln oHs-at mall e known s uch 8 commod ity·; once China hurl" I] ulnu, Qui nqulnll, c hlnc ho- 1i ousclt eo\ler. H hIn ds th em In a Lllil rl II , wns nl1 lng Ihe )nnd with plallk , drag es tabll s hpQ, the only dllJlculty will be nn ul\rl ,. I]ul n in.,. c lncon a , counles s ch a in wh os e linl. s nrc mysl el'l ous cere, least St; th e An A l o-Sa~on b"- " eve ' -lInd Iy; Ru ss in, Ihou gll not over-ear ly III II n el bArrow, and the bo),s 'had gon e to to s uppl I ls ll ~ u rr mCl hod" ot ti lll'onse 111(11 alluell I.owll e r , J es uI t'. I)a rl. , Ca rlllnal Do man lea a n d oa ills o f se(' I'ecy wltlT y the demand . ge lt " 'g 10 t he Rr.e nc of action. and "0 t er· a ne lgb lJor'M for a tew ll\1shels ot seed In Ihls billion-d ollar Age In tbe most 1.ugo's \l ow,le r , Pe rUVi a n harl,. otc, rlble threa ts ; t e mpl e . r oho, a nd arc ClIllllo)' ed ratt' e r than I ho u se of &roat I1 coo un wllli'n arrl ved, IUIlletl for. , . wh eal. Bometbl n:; detaIn e d them so Great fnt'tull e s hu,'o been mu clo out tain -garm ents nevPr to. be r emoved; cu/)II c1I}', Th o Ang ln-!'illxo n d er.lnrea an "ulmj;o" u" S UIll . extravag ant co unlrr nnder the sun, a a gr eat deal more \\'e ke pt th o rtl'ag ond harrow going dupllca le English sBddle Oap and jui cy 0'( It. At th e tim e wh e n Lo ul ~ XIV tho la y In g on or hand >! by Mormon nr. u I;lI e l'Hta ndin g can btl arrive" at thltn th o cla im mucic by thp. Unlttlc1 a long ,' n e sid e ut t he neld . Tho wh eat leg ot mutton w, tlt t he Ru s s ian un t il I h I! lattll r ha R S latpR, Th p. Gr ea t Ilear [requent s houl ll comman d a hand- pUTcha sell th e s ec ret a Imull" ot th e elders ; Ecc ret marrln ges nnd proxy ly 81 th l. "'rll Ing Is 25 per te nt. bett er on wme return. e as ll)- doubling pres ent burl, cos t abollt $5, As It cawe into bIlP.tls ms ; s l gn ~ and gr Ips a nil pass, m adt~ a lt alh'o nce III hon es ty. In 0111' wan Ls lh ll 1I0n's abare, Ihat strIp Illan on th e r est ot the Oelll prices, Th e Engllsh, fed mutton on- gen e ral lise It becam e a most 1m· worrl s . whI ch , If known': will admi t .r eRd lllg Oil th o th ome IIn.le r (lI scllss lon , !lilt (0 tell anel Ihe slaorl ot tall ,sown gros. 19 ".. e t ama ac ro ss lIle l,hrase "manile r In eXJl clJ:\ion to Mr, Curbln 'a , slory; " ThCl portant artic le 01' !qlort (rom Peru , them Into t he r.vo r!a st.lng t1nu~8 always to bold up a hIgh price giory. The re tho ,roller of th e logatlon fl flllly 50 per cont. bette r, -Pralt'l against All Imports, The best Informe d Now It Is S II CC ssfti ll y c ulti vate d III I. nothIn g In l\formon l ,;m whIch s o which Ru SS Ian d lp lo mncy outrun Rns , will he r e me l11l)c rr.<\ as l<:arme l', lhe mo s t cQmsia n l~teparc ll can show no r eason adverse to the pr(J- Co y Ion and ,lava. nc 8s fo r.....orrnrwltll Ja- l'OS tp. ,nrlllY s ln"p. Ihat ot for cefull y IIhlstmt cs the. ounnln g ot tho sllctll p un·;" and As th e a moa u s of gll al'dlllg t he !lyat e m I h(' Jll'l esthoo!l, and Its OIore -o r 10 3 a sserti on: " For yeara to f.rus a~e, It was du cHon of eQllally . good mlltton In 9 compose d ' at Javs. THE LIVE STOCK, ~o m e flu s s la can neve r Ilc terr ible In close Ilroxlml ty 10 New York city, anl1 fro01 Inte rmItte nt fe vor . the En g lis h hypnoti c Innuenc e O\'er Ih o poo H'JSs lan R. Amorlt'a tl H. ~nsllsb, ("renoh. l.l e. '''ir,wlt b educated nation s , b ecall8e ab e Gt.I'll1anH Whatb\' er YOII may teed yo ur horse, this branch of farm ing will work fa- naval regulutl o ns 1'01luire thu t e " c ry fh a n the temple s e ""l ce nnd Its mix, 3n(1 Ilull"n R. Th ill' took Paman vorably 8 1101l III tak e a Ilo rU on o f the drug ture of Ihealr lcal In conjunc tion with the usual f@e rl jiHI lclOl,.ly and regularl y, s, free ma50nl'Y nnd 11 1"g and r ~ lI"v"d the Ip.gnllous, It. , Use routin e of whe n tho ship Is w llhlll the farm a certain : mys on co started even tic is m, di s , By.lem. wu. 'Ic cld e 'l tn havo a tormal entry In a s mall wny, It can be developel1 to tance of th e cast o r west coa st ot To s how some t hin g of these chamc, lhrnugh Ihe e li l' . nn ,1 grea t werp, thei While It Is alwa),s an He m 10 teed enormou s proportl ons_ Africa an.1 that It shoulrt be regularl y l e rl st l c~ a story may be pre pQ.( allo n s th p.r cfor. gach lIatloo told of a well, young pigs ' may casil)' bo "tun ted It must not be suppose d that the un- tul. en by th ose e nga g ed In boa l· Mo.rmon womon of my I\'ls hoo' ilK I .'O<) [,S j n lead th" Ilarallo. by o \' ~rteodl ng, ncqua Intanee Initiated can make a success by t o]- cruisIn g Al ong th e coas ts or on tb o who wa. prot estin g again st her except thut th e E"gll Hh and Amerlcl O hus· Kp81' hr.edlog sows by themselv es , lowing the above stateme nts, neIther rh'cl's or cree ks , band 's I.A ldng a plural wife, and wa! com mon,l c rs s l)rr!! nd C r" ~ to lhe Japll.: Ind !earl them acoordln g to the de- do the \Vo may suy with a s much lru!.b nOI7 threate ned by America n s tockmen grasp the him tllat nese th eir d u llll ~ to the firs t preceoternal mand'! at Ihe cOllllltio n. posslblI ltles that "Will! them. The nu- 8 s "hi LRm berl In 1820 : "Tbe tre as' damnatI on would b e d ence , Chaffp" nnf! Gngolee assu red her l' OI'tlon II sll n H ogs f"rni~h on o ot tho heat me, merolls del ails neCe88ary 'ures whl eb Pe ru y l 1(ls and whIch the w e re not obelll ent to him . "I s up, to ' conduct th o Japan ese (:o mlllnndp r that. In thei r dlums for mnrl,ell ng the bulky prod- sllcce ssfully th Is sp ecIa l branch of S llanlard s sOllghl an d du g out . of th o pose," SKid the woman , "you mean o pinion. he' was l!nll t ll!" to preceucn ce, .CUl of the tnrm In a concentr ated farming arc IInde,'sto od by the be. t bow e lS of th e ea nh Ilre not to be com· you will not ca ll me In t ho r O surr~ r · beo!lll so .l oIHln hnd Iho. most t~oops ahape. English sheep feedrr~ on Iy. who o.tteo pure,1 for utility wl lh th e bark 01 the tlon? We ll , remom ber ," s a Id s he. "I t. IlI e~" nt. Il \\' 8 8 flnally agreod be tween ' Wl:eD . tabled (or the roon feed. It I, haYIl cold or .wet to contend wllh e1ur- IlnitH1UIllO trec·. wh Ic h th e y for a 10llg wa sn't YOII, It wa s Elder - -, who 'all th e comm a nders that the matter ,",mfort m,; nnd cooling to the III'ed, Ing the winter montha. n ~essltat Lng tim e Ignore d," passert mo through the ve il. H e knows tibould be set li ed at a conferen ce; 1'b. .wu.II ng h orso to be relieved ot all shed,co" erlng 8S protectio n. (t Ie not my new nAm e snrl h e wl11 let m e day of tho confe re nce ea'r ue, Guo. laar nesa. generall y known that a Hllcculent turPoIsono us \Vaters , Into g lory wlth ollt your aid ," Sirarl} Ca sek ~ l,ropO,c<l h is plan that tb., The waters of th o ColoradO river, It Is the hoga I Itat make the best nip Is healing to the syst.em ot a weet_ thi s llad bpen t ho caKe alld tha t pnrt nrml es s holli d he urranged In order at lTowtb 111 the shorte8t time and "pon em lamb, In tile aua enee of dilly pre- 11P In th o Grand can yon , lire I)ol sonou s of I he s ~l'\'l ca refe rred to' as pASsIn g th e num crl cal s trc nglh ot the re pr~­ the , smal1 e ~\ amount ut food that re- paring the animal. The questIon of to many peol.le . and tbose, who drInk through the veil haY! bElen a cconis nlutton. Th e HusHlan gen e ral . 1.lnofe ncIng and protecU on from dogs the m aro us ually so lzed with cramps pH s hed tU1'1I the hcs t Ilront. by the woman with ano t her " ItCh . a sse nted, and qulck]y turned to A ta bletlpocm tul at copper sulpbate '*ould be fllll y und ers tood; t h e cost ot alld spasm ~ · a fe w mom e nts afte r, man. I hro.lIgh 80me littl e t he .Ja pnn ooQ mars hal. 'How man,.. Irregula rity, I1lesolv etl In hot watcr anrt gh'c lI with att endance la II small Item at oxpense_ This Is s lIPllO se<1 t o be du e to the min· the hu s band W89 nonplll" CO I<OT LAM SO ORF. trOOIlS hnve you?' he O9I.ed . . Tbe Jav soo hy I.hp In support ot my right to speak e)'nl 'prollcrti cs th ey cootnln , but th e y argllm ent " galloo of milk 10 the b:':)od sow will and ' ne ve r mad c thnt par, s aid hI! ha t! G, 500. 'We1\.' sal ll LlnobRR ha" with no o n c e authorit la ve ss r ot 1l,Imlni st ratlo n s lmll'" bee n all:llyz ed . NOl Inn g tl cular throRt y In she<'p husband ry, J atop scours In little pigs, again . to thaI turn ed out by OftI' IlUllll o vltch , ' )'0 \1 go s!!<:ond. I have 6.600'Own,' rs ot wasle. brushy land would beg t o s ay tbat my fat bel' WB!\ occ u, IIgo a Chicago man who drnnl< a gain s t 'Thai: ll1ull c r ~ d Gon. Chaffee, wltb a sr: hoo! ~ o r young Englis iln, clI wh o go lind a ft oc k of Angora goats a very pier or several farms , about 2,000 th e relDUlis tran ce ~ of hi s guid e, was "Yous Is, AIII't YauP" .:-ns p of's urprise (It t.he nu s. luu's 8 U. ' fo r a pttllln co to th e cuds o f tt t ~ eart h, valunbl .. n( lulsltlon . They aro money Aces. n ear tho counl)' town ot Bedford , Rcl7. ed wltb cramps a nd was laid u~ This conversALlon Is s alel to 1'8\'C tak , on d gO " oro n tro pl('ul pro vin ce ' wllb dal'll)' , 'I s a da s hed li e!' Th e ooove l'. England , tor over 50 years, and for fo), n early a wee l. Aftor at EI To,'al en place lIlakers as " 'e:l as land doarcrB. bet ween a GI1 ~hrl c ball "Ir.yer lus t. ce. humanlt )' , and unimp '!uchabl e sa l iO Il h ad bee n I hrough aD interpre . hote l, Thc 20 re YP.8rs arc' T lIlany hove tallon springs an active part 01 and a bar tenll cr : In s elcl' Ung n young animal for tcr, Lino vltt:h .wus mildly Int ercste<l I,o ucs ty." fr esh. In )lllre thll wate bn s r lness III the chas m, and nnd In the manag&" Is you got lin)' smol. 1II ' tobacco? " bre~d,,' ;:; pu r flo ses 0 11 0 wIth a geotle in t lt o oxclama t!on and asked the Infr Th cqu ment e e J nt a pun of stream large es e. too. it Is Il 0, lI es8 to s rUIl down the s id e a sller! th e bnll play ~ r . flo ckR at sheep. enpply, and t raclaLl e dispos ilion Rboul" ba IPI'(JI'fl c r whnt It was the Amel'lca ll Ing the I.ondon market wllh :-io . .1 "anyons . but oth er ~ tre am s arc so chosell ao nearly ns can be judged, Th e bartend r did lIot r Cll ly a l once, tal' , or c trl cil Y. Ull t t h ey hu)'o th e Su- !,:Pll c ra l hod s nld , 'Oh: su ld th e iDter. mlltton nlld ]amb, mnrnl s pir it . th e Imllclli n;; Illl lr lotl RIl1, strollgly Impre gnated with mine rai anll Ih e Ques tion was rCllca lerl , that they ()Oison th wholo ;'ver, Nc v· . " I aIn't "bi cil lIlO"CS tb e In dl"l duIII to g l' ea t~s t prutcl'. ' he wos s urprised that yo u ba.. Humor b c. wl111 1)lenty of room), said I aln ' I," r elOned tbe barso muny troops.' ". The Sleeples s ·:Bee, En(' rlfl ct for prI de or conn try. el'thelos s, the wate r s e c m ~ to he all te nd r . ll eSI8. (, ne apl ec" Is not 100 many ; stic k Tho Th en Mr. Corbin adds a: ftnls hlng One dllY ' whllo worklllg In the ri g ht rurtber down , and belo" !t n. la n s s ec loose hoxes e\'el'ywh ere, SOme hi g h uP. m to wnnt Ih c pound ur !he "1 ain't ast yo' If yo' a in't. I as t yo' If 1I05 h au d tb e good name, too. As IlIu6- tou r. h wllh this : "It Is a good story aa otherB Itl , ol'ound. IInder. o lhers way aplar)', a gentlem an watched me, H, N ccdl eN It Is used for cool. lng and you Is , Yo' Is. ain't you ·,''':....Ic(an s &s CIty tru l i,·p of tho s uutlnty or RU SH! ~ti It s ta n " ~, and s hows a characte t' whl cll bat'k u. b lnd ; put 'JOne where sun shloos wa s anxiou s to lIDO\\' how J tnannge d <ll'lnklng ,- \Vllllam E . Curtis, ID the J Ol1l' lplo • •a cy we QIlO to from so me dla- to I he c n vlolt s Is strictly Russian , -:-hft 01\ th e egg. h o wever , to get tbe hOlley trolD the hlv ~ s, He Chlcngo Record·H era ld, pt-tc M .. pllbllnhecl In London durlug :1(ld6nd a which comes rrom a forelgll ,Queried , "Waij It at night, wh e n all tbe His Snge Counael . Tough, Ih e la: e r <lays of Ih e pea e parl ~ylng aL a tlath" I ~ even more Interestl ng. Th .. Hen will lay as llIany egg" In a y eaI'. bees nr., a s lee p ?" That. "1 boen thlnkln ' 'bout gitlin' mar· or course attache was.stan dlng outSide tbe ooun, Chnrch.c..I S2e th ey arc lowe rIng th o • n'd \llte ly morp., If "ne let'ij tbem batch would bo th e very WOrlt r icli ." s aid a membe r of hl B no ck to f'rt l't ~ n ' II lh. th o dl ~ l.a tcll es "urporll ng rll , l.inovltc tlm o ot all, rnnning tlm o on th e rqlll"0art h was the tint to bustla 10 s in tiro tl'UC Inwartln ess at mattera , s bel ween Broth er WlilInm s, a brood or two. tban If none at all. It la for hees kllOw nothing "Ynn re~:kon I could about sleop, out, H o did not know Lloovlto b then. more natural. A hen 18 stubborn . but labor 2. h'ours It. day, Tbere I. Chicago and New York. glt a lllarria go IIcen He fer & dfll zon ,w atef' 'Th ey say J ' .I,an ,I ns lred to Uplny t he lTor hl~ national ity, bitt ht' looke¢;J jj':; -'---"7~ OO l bom- Oh, )'es ; (don 't s uppos e !I @n \' lnblc ro le or a chIvalro us prlncll In Dolln ·t p~y to contrar; ' her I' er,' mllcb. plent.Y of "ork for m elons ', " : thom to do In the , wlII .be long hetore a t ellow porlallt enougb to":' b'l saluted wlth It will rl'ach · "r hlv tl at nlgbt, .. ueh a~ evapora tloa Ne w reckon you could," re illied Brother rlll ent,ing tho Chilles o . And Kore:ut re,. peetrul 'Goad York chewIng ih e sam e piece ~t William morning , g eneral.' Qrou n,'\ bone I. t.ho be.t fonn of bonoy, comb s , " But my' whol esome advIce , prlncPJ tram the power /)( the aorcer- 'Qood mornlnl bulldlD5. ,e to.-I'ar m bllof he III t In his mout b whon ! .' r!lpited Llnovltc h lD er', spell and ' III helping. Europe and he loCI t el' )'0\1 Is to cat de waterme ,bOl£)ho rl'; :l.~Jd to UN with ~m .. JOl::na.L · lons! "- At' t110 r \\'lIlzed Chlt ago,-\,o ukcrs 'Slat.csm an. ' wqrld to rlgb l s too iong lbe reost pe rte e~ Fln!!:lIsb, 'It.. • , iallta ('ons tttut\oll. " . , "· Ithh~ hl. RUlSsla, on Lbe aLb" baud, 1l1eU&llt 1I00y, It It not!' '!







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J~ct<::;ONAL "''''EN TION

' PA1~AQRAPHS _ __ ~~___ . 'Form er Resid ents. II I M M E it M AN' ~. TIIIl 0"n'V88 tor t ha leoture oours~ A) bhio (!'IOllr I\U 1:,<lIf",. /1 "" ck. ('olurnl)\\~ stock aud Poultry Food for Hie cow.. Ing wi nt<6r hns thu>! rur ~u.-S~U--\-'I·1"1-'I"Fl 0·~ UR~·~~. ']'oe GUllette hilS r ooivlld " Illrge ·-·~\" ~'r ."ni) ~II'" ~'HI'rnllll U" lIaher 'II nd L"ll"" Kifler .a t, MII Y's . ,'v 8 ~~ . been very dlscourll giug. The Bu· bt1n(lle of Denver (lIlPers for whi ch I,A ba n, ~d llanght e r, Jrm!l, lIf w I) ,u oU' . 1l ~. ' h"" HI1I,,1I rot,llrn oo 1\0111 Mo" . ro"u ~h.q " Y~1 r eqllir f'R h Cf" 'lllin "lllll · A . Q. MoCoultl s hn s Oll r th8Ilk ~ . and Mr... dll,. .\I I'KIU"'W , lIf Doy • dH Y fr.,m '"rlngll eld, whero -ho bad bor 01 llt:kol@ sol(1 to g llur'lIIl ' uo th a -ton. 1I1,0ul \\1\ , III~' "lIh ai r!! .• I I F v" be..,,, ~~ llI ell lIy the deILtb of the e. XpeU8f'. 01 1' I'SO b- V (" rt.\l\ In ( :hi"l'~'- 18c. I 1Il 1U~l(.' nllt · o In a not.o t.o N the . ~M.e tto MrR. ,I" ll " .. wi fe of hi~ ne ph ew. Lee Hart.aook. ecnred hy r rsponsi blo Gno,I II'htlit.v lin d low Ill' ieefl mel' l, ml,l:;.onll of ~1l1rthl\ DodsO ll, of Ill d in ullllo li ~, , .. " H t 0 IlUI' IlIltI . . I ' --n ud RhlL \le hunti" her o, II nu In no J' \\ e ' Y II t 'r . B . BlIY your fr om thEl Har. tbo town w ri tes .' "Wo. Il r ewe, II b. u t nro feel · O l\'; I~ I" .. "I in CI\.I\~. ~t.ll r 40 C t Tho Ill it eI' 1Ill'tl.lOd WllS I,riull in iog quite ,So mo re p"l·li eul " ,· plnce i i t exempl i . 10UElf\01ll0 wit,h ou t. Ollr boy. d .. ' L. P,;\A r. of P"I' nceto'n , v eysburg Fertl1l~ r Co. Extrllq ual. f f I ' He,l tlltln ilt t.h" fJllll lity UIl [1 prioes OZ. ormer _ro; . ~ . yellr, Roulin s , g 0 wax le n wit h US8 to tb e B 'lr ry has ret urned 'to Ohi o to fin . I' rce. IlI lIlois I" " /{ 11~"r " \I. Ih " b,)me of t y, put op in n ew 100lb 8Ilok!!. I of <lU I' n 'l W rll II ~ \1 It,s . Gold bou d mOil W 10@i);tled t ho guu rn nhle. For Ish hi~ courRe At the O. B. U. Mi n. J ,hltl ·u.,n (l ~ 1 ~"r(l, ,UI ,I i~ a loin vis oonpo" " with lIo rch n~e~ . Mr . 1\11'\ :o1r... Milton Clark, Mrs . th o hl st, IW O yellr - we h"v(' gUll rnn· nl .. II ml J \V IRh t,o be r rlllllmh orerl to Dutch Java Blend Coftee . I h J O.h UH Cheno wet" u.nd 1·l nug h tl'r teod lJ y Ih (' ndvllnce , ~ Ill e nf fII AII\ nil JGl\ ~ •• I ,, "II.! 11 111 ," 1' l'f" .itl\'t*d in t is ." u VI ." .' , ,: 1 lb. Elhe l, of Lyt lo, drove over to.. Mlam. oors h lp t.jekots li tH) IH\\'o C OHE N'~ IIIIIA Ollt ~, . RWElflt ~llturdllY " nd reul u\ned untl'l wil II II II lce 8'UrlllllS t'llOh tim Pio kl es .Mrs doz. Li :;.)';ie \, II,! .. w" n!ln g 'l1 · lI g~. yo n CliO g tIsbnr" H . ~; l:lmUlI, " e r W OII forllltl r on ll of onr f,2. 00 0 1' rl y e t.ast .. .. .. ., b t' " I" ' ", ... 1111 "t.~lJ It t 1\1I1 Y 's , Mi ~s Lizzie Rnbert.fl, wri tos to thl" SlUl lhl.\'. ,·itlitlu.: Mrs. Clurk 'H broth . SCII~"I\ moyo t hnn tw o hlln tIC:! 01. Hil ts ? tr you ne l'e r 11\,1, dred und , u . ., . r er. Will . Linde r, II lIcl oth er Iriends fi fty ~enson tiok et, ~ wore Oru ug e~ . BIIIIII IlIlH Le1ll0 n ~ > uow'" I.ho ti m" to begt n . sold b.v Ihe GIIl'.ett e fr olll MUllcie . I urll uu!l , sny· " I.. d~ _ - f D I "J\' 1I1 ~ r'lJunuln g- u ew ' • rnnnn gel' . AI' 1'1 tl~ , Cuhbag e. Ue ler.V In g a Olong . 01 ,h6r thi ugs: " 1 wnut dll ~ n"II ' ''ll II'l tII III ; pilrum s ul . D" 11 0t, ftill In se Mrs , White 's I Wo 'huvo but u fe w tlu.y~ Iuft for th e pa per so I ca,n .JorRey l:l\Vpnr~. Oni ons . relld of t h e \~' I 11 1. 11 _,1 1111. ' ollT " l! h'" u,b~I'uol' d.'~JI\u .~ "I' trl~IHIIII" h il ti'. HHtnrdn y, 1 ~~()l\rin ~ t,h h~ gllal'llll tee ~t1 \t'. Octo. BOlUe C01l1 i u ~ of t,h 6 WIlY ll e~v il1 fl (,""I ~" Zdl III ull ilJll 1111. 1.lace al Ii:SOI; t .10. KI'urY(!l I!J g new fi nd IIJt. r I ~ I helull t he limit· pl aced i n tbe boss " nil b' i1· I~. H uw 1 wonlll like W e ,U Il J1 " .vin ~ Clelll"n t !!' g ""L'6' y. n o ,I,y . lo,mt ru ut with t,lle Bnrooll , t,o be I,boro tIt t hll t tilll e. Th o no \V B . . . . . . . F'jR l:ioo 0 111' hlilldso me puper nove1t le~ , E,lwin S . FnrulI!! WIl ~ in On.yton · I flllly r ellli1.e that to hUI'e Made SpeCially for Us by S. the in I he \>11 per i~ ull 1 g ot, h 'om th o ~..,~ EGGS they are belilltil'S for the m c;m 6Y . MOlld'l)" tlUlI wlill e t·h llr e oo lle(\ np· loo lnre courtle monus u otlli ll j.t but old home pl ilce and I t.lClk o ver it tiS levin'son & Co, I of New York. J . E . JlllintlY. 011 bi!! ~i!l tel·· io · luw, Mlt!!l EIlI1 F ur work und oure to me ll side fro III th e soon It tot i t COIlH\N " Hrl ~r". Mnry Z .. II hnR boon 'llute ill ~08 IIn.d ftl ~mly , ullll found (·bem oil plellK Mr1< t; mit, h '~ hll ~ " I\ ",1 iH ill I h I' ure anll benefit that 1 ~hou1d Ili ~I"",f«1 f"r !lo verlll dl~Ys, at. tb. lnolnc11n g he r mother Z I ~I M E H M ,\ N . ,., . Mrs. I:)arllb derive in oommo n with tho~e wbo ~ I'uce r y husim!!':< Il t ~ lnll <'ilJ . to 116 01 hu dllngbt eJ, MI'~ ' .J"sl')lh ?httou . III exoelle nt health ""d do· attend yot I 8m nnxions thn t t he 'I'ho Xl1 nin U UY.etre ~ny~: 1311.\' " " ni , ,, "'li lt n·n Axtrn )lllir of Httwke , nellr S)lring VallElY. IDg Willi . excell~nt oourse planued for thl' l)1"ollle of W ll y n e~\' iIl e htln~ {l" '1'he tI ~n ".; In "1', 11' 11 . xo,l If y() u've mOll ey Ever.vth iu g t.hut, is d e~imhl fl, up. FilII and wint,e r 190i}....ij relldy·t u ~hall be oarried through RU o. t.he llute ror " HOllie C01 l1in t{ woelc" t·, t.hl'l1 ·'· II W" " , go tllMe whe re tlull to dute and fAMhionahle in milline ry wenr ond trimme d hilts, Beo the di s· oessfull y nolV that .we have con · for n ox t, Yl'lIr for An gmlt, IHh, he· ply lje ti for ~\llt~ " ' l)el, . at, Mia Llnnnln '!', Septem ber 30. pIny at Miss Urn ce Linooln '8 Sntur. tro cted for It und had tiokets printed . ginning . '1'11(\ r l'unilln o l1\ l'u r ~ Johns Reuni on. Mr. lind Mr!.' J . H Sawk e uear day . Septem ber :10. There is no thing olse that url1ws li n \'c bl'en e l oc t~d IIIllI rhe lid " Art.i". 8"Y'in g Vlllh,y . Are hll-ving tbe 1)1008 ill g hOJ,{nll , \Vo ulr1n 't i l IJ,. II >l plell. Mr . amI Mrs. J . U. Burnet, of 80 lIlany of ollr town togethe Snmlll Y. Sl'l'hmll1r,r ~; . , (' 11" II , r a9 U urfl ,.f It ,·Is\t· of !Itlveml weeke from Han' eys burg , who hllve beell visit. 1I;00d lecture I:ourse, and wo rel1lly dul id un f ur X t3 Diu /l i lt l B l't~ p n t' H("'fl~i " l\ !If ;, \' pr y hhlJlfY 1'11 11 111 t,lilllr unlit. Mrfl. Amelia Hamme ll , inll tbe's brother s Rud sbters ueed to get tog ether mor e t hlln we \Jullnr ,v to h a \' e n "Hn ln n e, .,.lI i ng" r('U lIl l1ll n t Iho h n 'n ~l)f ~11' n 1l , I Mr:' . of Cillcinn n t i CLOTH ~ 5. next, Y'>lI r '! Sc"ree l), un .r r hinll' mon ' (JII " " I·; .I " h .... in Lyt.lll. in I ndlllnA. returne d home SII.tllr. do. It creates 1\ better feeling lind Mr. lind Mrs . Roy Blltbaw llY's day after I\. very )ll ell8l1nt trill. ll lellsi ng enn be thllllL( ht or Ihull t.11P ~u \." Golll \:loll(1 Coupon". 'fher 're . TI ll. h.'''' .... " I\\" .. )· ~ ull makes '·",.III·.·. a bett er town . But nlor e lit,,\" h'''lIe which they are buildin g tba,n thi s, the high elll88le ctlll el; lind lU ~etin g of l on ~ . ~ .. p" rll! .. u (u," III('s tl n,,· ... ,1' I.. I... "" iel " ,,\ "I IIC''' r.... . 'II'It "nlll " bl . on MIII ,,;1 ~treet, Is rapldly: t.a.klng 1II 1'8. Ava Ebright·, Mrs . Lina De· enterta illment:s that are uow an,1 th e ooming togeth er of old u~'lh, · '·i'"!. II " "IlIod'y \\'lIl n11 "'u8 being flhflve "nil promise 8 to presen t a Vitt; MrR. O. J . Bnrne tt \lnd Miss sent out will el evate and ben efit aoy f.r ll' ll,I ~ . An d wh nt 1\ grHnd army nne .. r p" "f \~ n l ,, 1' un l nll1l1,, 1 heuuty , very ,I",fty _"peRra nce. !)/Imh Burnet t we re among those commu nity und give UB nil \uftll'r of , Hlr fr iends ImvlI gone Iot a otlJ er wu ~ 1r ' II1 ~ 1I1 w lt,1t II luull plllllRtJr e A Large Di~plIlY of FilII and from this Vicinity wbo a t tended pn"I ~ thllt won l(1 mnk" oll r he'Lrl s ,111 <1 ... n joY " lI'"I. the ideJlls. nn,l "'11. 0 1\(' lon g .to Wlnt-or Milline ry at Mrs, U . M. re union of t·he form or pupils of I.h e With Ur. Willits, ope. a nd Wick. 1;\.. 1\ hy t heil' rol.lIrn . Wlm t. elo yon he rl!llIf' 11lbe rfl(\ 11.\' .. 11 pn."ent . White'! !, Satllrdl lY, Sept. 30. Fiv e Points ~h ool , ueur Sllring. ersham as lll<lture rs, and At nonn ti ll wpm inv\,l' ,I 10 11ll' Morphe t, boro ·I::!ntur<iny. dill in g rOOll1 , whl' h w .. ~ preU lly Steven son Uo. and Mozurl ::;~ Dl ' Aooord ing to the records "t the Tl... fd " l>ll ~ or AII..,r llIl Y ( ~eo rge clecnru tell with :.:" 1" "" 1'" ,1 Connty Audltor 'll • office, tho· Miss Minnie Duke, of near Lytle, phony Club' as concert s, we hll ve nn 1\ " d 'n,, · ' h S Ii/li\>" · . r' "lII t' rl y of \\' ,;YUlilwi ll ,'. let ~ 1l Ji!P. 'VhA'·' · 1\ 11"11 """" i dupliea te for Wayne townsh ip Illst en t I1 r t \I. i n ed In 1- '11""," a 0 Hrm ng IlIllnner exceedi ngly strong course. M"n~'J If ~'O ll can no t , it is duc t o an hll ve told me that it is th e troll "est uow u prO~ "flrou s nl torll ey It ~ (.,~ II . \YU~ ~ tlrl' I t il ' ''~ lItH Iht rll' Wll ' ·~' · . year ..moonte d to 11,768,44 5. WtI at 11er count.ry b ome, on S d Ull ay, • irrit ated or conges ted s ta te of b cin l'lui, \\,111 too inter they .. ~te<I in th e allove known of iu any town didn't know we were so rioh . h ef re Iat ives, Missell Edlla '1'1 ..,,,,, .. rEl~"n t "'''''Ii ~Ir.... , I." r\ and t he iJra in, whi ch w ill soon d e'h 10fn\\I t ,\\'inl: f Item Edi ..... hich b rlU the 'entl K size y lip. . o f Wayne Cnr.\\" sville. 1 feel that . Mr Hurl'.\' KAllrll ~. \\, 11.. '''',' Mr. and )(1'8. Wa'lter D. "handl er I}" ryn \AJ mp on, a \. lo pe int o ner vous prost rat ion. ' H I Sid f 0 n urg. it woulu be a distinc t 1099 to t he po "ali in Tinl"l< St'l r of tha t, ~"Il 1!lI ll'h . 'hilQ . Pltrl pn· ud lliater, . Milli Charlot tev Tyson, I n d unft. " " Na lllre dema n ds s lee p, a nd ,I ; e en 811,.0 ayton c ity: Nellie and Zoe Unke Rnd Zilla Gith ; towu to let It faU. While Mi:<!<eH Mobel Unre.v 11 III I N,· II .. .it is a s im portan the cour!le t as food; it drove down from Dayton &turda y en!!. ot Lytlo . " AI' url'IOY ~'IOI"I.{I! l:l Blilley, who K"rn ~ nnd Mr Fvrre"f. Purlett, oos ts us over 1300, we have thu!l fur 1111 1 is a pa r t of h er b ui lding a nd and remain ed nnttl Sonday at tbe ,' 11" li n ... II f th e prin "')lRI ben e(icl. DIl." tnn ; Mr.!' n,1 Mr~. AlFr>'(l 80ld I08S tha.n balf enongh to gUIlT· ~w"i " • s usta inin g p rocess. T his perio d hOnie of their relative s, Mr. and A. J. Griffin , 'lf Lawren ce, Kl\n an t ee it. " h'~ ul1ll" r t ho will of bl~ olo~e 11 1111 Ilhihlrl' lI , Ell rl o f uncons cious ncss r claxcs th t" IIf"t 'fhomal l,ZeJl . M "'. I'. " I . m IlIi S. ill a guest of hill brotber; , If therequ lreti numbor is not sold rd .... ,l, Philip UtI,rey b"8 bee u in. Rillg., vllle; . M r~. \1/l .\ v,'.,·. en tal a nd ph ys ical st rai n, and fl f h "li. i ·S. C. Davll, the Expres sman, camp Aaron B .. Ohandl er, and a llows n atllrc to restore exIs today this week we will havo t o drop it .. ,·" ,..11 h"lf brotbe r- tl nrl llil if !lip. tlU" " "h~; Mr . T h or ...·, of Olduh,,· 1 11:1It oot ·1I".t. WPElIe wlt,h a brand new aleo vlsltlDg among r ted vitality . elatives at In whloh case tbe surplus from Illllt t ,.~ .. r t he d"cl'a sed . wh o Ii .. e in mA; ~lr Rntl ~1rR. B,ln v .I nh" ~, IIfi wagon of whioh be ill nll.tu~lly Harvey !!burg . Tomol' row Dr. M iles' N er v ine brin gs he will ! year will be used in bUYlDg books Ptlnn Y UII, N . Y ., may ondea vor 1,0 Cvr wII1 ; Mr. nnd \'\ 1'1'. ,I.. n T h''''''''' 1 r efresh i ng sl eep, b ecause pronl1 . The old green wagon wblcb attencl the reunio~ of bie it old r egl for the library . . ' 8 eurll PliTt of th e (,H lll tl'; wh ich wa s t1,DI\ ~on Earl ontl Mr~ . Rut!' .I, .h,,". &111 ntteC1 for M many yeai'll that it ment, ·the 3rith OhIO, lit: sooth es t h e irri ta t io n a n d r eHamilt on. Tboso who bave not yet signed oln~~1 1 long ogo. Mr. Bul\ ny sold of Milnor : Mr '''''' ~l r~ . ~; . .1. "l ll i, h mo ves thc con g cs ti on: 111111 heonme "lmOll t" lllndma rk hilS ]\[rs. &tran Zeller of Nowell . for tlokets may' 1 do so elthor with his illt erl!!lts over n yl'llr U!/O-tO t,ho Rn rl W"It-" r Lnwi~ . ,.f \\1 1111"";; ' ''11. I t is a lso a n ervc builde r ; it I'fllplI;ated' to t he 801'ap pile. }(flllt.uoky, ollme UJ) tel Franl' lin , Mr.' Janney , Prof. Heil, Uha n ouri hI'S al111 s t re ngth ens c\,~. Glonn , prHse n t hohlers who co,nptlAe th e. -- --' Mflth «Jook hll8 receive d a hand. Salurd ayand visited with Ph ll ll) . IrilY . Mlinurllctnrln~ Co Iter sis Snrold HOlVell o r myself. ery n er"e in y ou r body, and Mano r. IIOme l!Ionvenlr ' poet card frdm ter!', Mi8ses .EUa and Mllrgllr .. ~t r 0 11 rl y kill ed hhnRelf In c-re:l tcs c ne rD' in llll tb e o rg ans. et Mc ll.olnem ber tho five num ber 8 cost Berlln,l lhowlnl j tbe eatbeiir al wbere ComRs until today. As . 10 thing w iH g ive- streng th I 'gij, " "'l id Mr. B'Liley. bCOIlIl!\e of Mrs. Zel· but ' 1.00 witb roserve d seats. The.'!e co,)1 night .. " lIIk " I,h,' f" r ll" the Gennat l empere r .attends wor. ler's time limited she and \'it ality as s u r ely an d III he" lth He was not ne ver s poke of re lu. er .. wis h Ih' ir ' uh,,'('" "" " C. E . BRATTE N. ill <he Ihip. Th~ oan1 was llen~ by Mr. able to get over to her old quickly a s Dr. 1I lil cs' erv ine. ' i VHi'. nnd ,80 fur li S we here kuew, sh ed . home at " DurIng tho JlnAt wl nl~r I ho d t wo Cook'il ootlllin, Hl'Il , Edith Deeds, Waynes ville. Wayn esvill e Artis t ntt ~cl.~ (I t 1 . !l(; I'; ~I P h "I none. I 11.111 securei ago.inllt which J (L me Sidney Co· ", w ill rllIR'> , 'et'y ~'enk. nnJ In ba d co nditi on. " lnrge wbu, with her bnlloon d oud broth I WI S d P . Mn. Ruth BnehaDlID IInli Miss ,UI ." ln~s by the present holders of w aH ::;0 11 ' TVO t; :;a I couhl not s l£'en. l\[y tob, :co "hpil Ihls IV l'l' k . ns econ wife. ' l~(~l: r U!'~n )(' d ll'tcr n t r e:-ncdl C3. er ilmaki ng a Europe\l.n tour She Kathry n Buchan an, of rlze. ·th" propert y . Mr. Corey's w i! RipIElY, Are wcn t t or f\ d ,i(' tt r. 'I'hl) doctor ftS M'\"R BnrnieH Corn ,.11 hllK I·all llll Il out, " 11 1 t\. n i~hlJot' r e<'omm.e nded WDr~ . 8ayll: "We have _n tbe Empere r gne8te 9f John ThomllOn Dr . •T. W . MUII;r, of Wayne~vl\le . to"d th e test of th6 ·courts. and fanlily. I h lV , pf)" IIioll M . I.'!" Ko rvl a lt. II ' ... Hire. h " 'H!~h t h omo 111 D'II" and hill ~n ohlldre n. It Mr. ~lIls of the Lebano n pike. t.n n. WOIl the second prIze in Il COnl e~ I oot billm Informe d of anv c\lII I 1\ • ot tle. [ h:ld nc,t 8t C'I't tor Home tim", Tuesda y ,.,>IOf.. Il:' d t ~ rrl blo l )U11I~ In m y . h ea d : auiltln t mllnage r of t)lA N. C. R. mornin g they. aooomp anied 1\1r8. Will . ·Rhi1hjl~. rl.lnght.... r.i n. ! nnll ,Art I' t :LJdng- n. f e w 4.!os"fj of N e rvt np by Mil S conduo ted by the Cincinn ati Times. by any per80n conn eot~ Wllh ' tlw t ho pn .1\ ' ''as n ot 80 a \'cr e, B.nd I at Dayton anrt ,Iraws a handllo me Ani... Thomso n, went to Iopt. ! n m ..... uw tal,ln Wilmin~ Star reoentl y. The contest \vas for lilleged olllimllnt8. I think t,bert' I~ IHw II ncl /l mnd .dllugh ler ",t ll",1 on .bolt .. tho 80<:0n4 In. ". <»d o nt -v mue" hllf')".)\'~ l I\&lary. Mrs Welling t on 8q ni r tl~ M<)nllay. ton wbere they will villit wltb their the best drAwin g of the falJlous not,hlng to it," .FU;!':I!Y lit . S ~ ~I TU, Undcrbtl l. V·t. Gibson pioture s. Dr. M!\I er suh Mr. Franc B. Smith, neor Lytle, relat,iv(', Oeear Gilbert·, until Mil •• ' N orv in. t. aold by yaul" Mr . and Mr~ . .i olln Fite Ol'o hnPIlY cfruDr. The Carey . es tate inveDto ril'd Thurs· \I\ ' s t . wh o w il l guarante e that the mitted a sketoh of a Golf Girl went tip into DArke connt.y abont duy. tina b ottle will b ·~ neflt. If It falla, he som ething over 1100,000. most of Ii ov er t.he llr rivlII of I~ ~rlll Ilt. Ih(' ir will r a Lind you r money. Thepri1Al oonsist edof four tichts bill"!! devised to Mr . Bally , con days ago to &sslllt, hl8 son .\".law , • Miles Medical Co., Elkhar t, ln~ and Mr homo. Mr . t\n(} Mrs A. Moffit enterta in· . to tho Opera "The Educati on of Mr Te ' .. '~e Urabb!!. who wa,q bookkeMr. Frank Beoath< lrne, In II contrac t 'l'b e 8 o Ul l' 1'1~lt'ph rt1l l) Co. i:l rll er· Th UI'8 day Mr. nnd PjpP;' ed R .t 7 dinn('r a. Thoma s Uibson PIII.y now ~e"llOr for Mr. Ullrey. It for drillin~ wellR. Wblle there Mr. n l u ~ t heir li n.. I .. ~ ir\, !! S ('OU Il ·,. MTII. "Brren Blirnetf., Mr. ond Mrs, nppeari ng at the Orand In Cinoln I:!mlth beCAme 8erio~81y ill with E. V . Bornlll lrt and Mrs Barnha rt's Llst<6n ,to th o weddi ng bOlll", Chamb erla.ln' B OoulI'h I' th ."i malaria l fever. Thro'u gh tile Odd si~ter. Mrs, Collin s . The Remfld y Socie ty News oOOll~lon DlI I , wor .., n L1l0ney. Every bmly III ~I\ tt!n ~ m,,~ri,,(1 hilt, . Aida Nature . . i'ellowB he receive d the best of med. of the Week me . wa~ in oom),lim ent. t,g Mm Collins, ioal aid and nur8ing . and Wft8 bro't , MEldioin es tbut' aid nlltuTe IIre- al · wbo will ret.nrn to her bome lit Mont gome ry Coun ty, t..'81 l:ll! tnrllllY. Mill.. Luella Cor. ways mORt ell'flo tuRI. Obamb erlaln's home Sunday by hiB danllht er. 1111'8. . Coup le Weds . 0 "111 celfl bru ted h er hirthdl1 ......-- .~---:---~- congll Retned y aots on thi s .pta.n. Salem. New York today, Mrll. E. V. Y' in Ii Heoatho rDP, but waB mueh fatigue d Barnlla . t wl1\ IIcoompany ber as fa r It all tlYR tb Etcllugh , r elieves tbe Mrs. Lncy Corn611 and Mr . WeI. ver y h IlPPY' m 'lnlle r. Miss Rogers by the jonrney. 'Hls mlLny friends as Cohunb nll. \" . • A THA WAY , Inngs, nit1!1 ex pectora tion, opens t he . had OOllle from Lebano n on Frldny Iington Mquires , wes t of F erry, were Wllype s ville'a Ltlllding Delltlst. · 11~f!Cretion~,nnd aids natnre hope for hill illJeOdy Pit' in restor t . recOver y. , th G r n lng a e Aze t t e 0 ffi Ofl . married in Centerv ille Wednesdn.y to VIBlt be r, nnd HaturdllY mornin g nl:! t h e RYHto m to 11 bellJt.hy condl.· Ohmer Lewis hILI! a: JJllrior.i ty in the tw o . V QIIlIg ladies lVen t. drh' lng 0 mce In K c),,' nuI\ O ln~ . . l:5olrl by Louis Mny. M ain Strte t t·lOn. the way of IL one cellt pitloo O. R. Clemen ti!' handso mo now evening , Septem ber 20, by Rev. B. During tbeir IIbsenoo u bev y or Mi:l" F. Vaughl ln, and will soou be at throog h 1I0mo mlsba-~ lit the mint, home ou t,h e uorther n end of Third home to their friend s W&8 itamp8 d in Rueh I\, way tbat street 18 rapidly nflaring tbo borne Cornell '!! fri endllnr rlvEldat herho'll ~ ....... ....... ...... _....... . comple tion . of the groom. whoee 1,lI'r e ll t~, Mr wlthol1 therkll owl'ldgeof thAir m only part. or tbe IlBllal iD80rip tton The residen ts trf this pIIrt - . - ....... ....... . of Way. t{'ntlon , ·u.ntl wer e r endy to e:'lte nd and Mrll. Fenton Sqniree and little \l.ppeare on the oent, a wide seotion nesville have chrt ~tf'lIed their neigh. grandso n :wUl ocnujiy their "own approp iate grEletln gs t.o h or 1I110n being blank. A nnmbe r at ,16ISOn8 borhoo d "Fairvi ew;" because of the ~'I cottage on Third st:reet In Wllyne s , her return Tlwsp who purtook 01 r~." bue ' Been the coin and 1111 agree splendi d view of the LltMe l ~ \, ) 1 J .1 Mjt\DlI the pleasur e,,' of t.he day '.. enjoym "nt. ville . that they nover !laW anytbln g llko l valley tlllLt. can he obtaine d there. were Mi~ge~ U'lroly n lind E,liUI \11. Uncle &m taopi! a close wa.toh and all take a prldo in keepinll ANI ; their Mosher. Donnn _ Hawk e. Annu of the money he mBnufaotnr611 and prollert,y in good conditi on, ~o it is Enter taine< t at rbOIllRon , AnM. Mfl rodlth, l:!tell does n't allow allY but perfect ooius really fair to view ns well fill IL fuir a "Smo ker" Lemmo n, Henrie tta McKiu~t!y ~ to go oot it he knowil it, so It Is view ~ and Mdl·thn O'Nea.1l IIlld Rhen R oger R ' 80methinll; of II myster y how this T1 ) I f ('"I A party of fourtee n gelltl emell Ie nurn lOr .0 • . (.''3r.lons in were delight fully Mi<s Donnu. Ha; -ko enterta ined a. , entert!l inlll1 III a got thruugi J. W (llld II d t b I . aynm'\"I e an VICInI y w 0 III-ve six o'olock dinner lind "smoke r " comp"n y o f "bout fifteen vory de Linnlpll m, .Mut.1illgll. L" ce CUI I l1 i n~, Dln))f'I·les. ; Win H The new 1.. . bhouse whioh Mr. win dmot with ' more .or IIl88 serious ncoi. T d ' t t" nes ay evening , II, ue I]lIme 0 r light.f'l lli SlIturdu y e ve nin/{ in flrtllOOa 18 nildlng about two miles ent8 thl8 sprmg lind snmme rl ow I'\h"t.l p.~. Il .... , e tn r is D J TEll' th . t b . ' . cOll\pliU1entt.o Mis~es Coroly nlllld north of WAyne sville, ill about com. 11 Y to I hi Al r . ANI) . , IS. e even rea k H n \j ng. I moet every bonor of the dootor' s blrtlulilem g 'n Edi th MORher . T be Allos ts were Y. Illet.ed and the family expecta to wee f or seve~1L ' montb" the The guests were:: W . H. Allen , MIss08 Marl,hll O ' Nellll, Elhl Keys Old Fnrnl tm e relll,b oilltered Up\101 ~ t'< r y . l:! t,ulll' In g relLt ooouPY It In abont two woeb. His Gaz.. tt.e haa llUblt8hed report8 of T O " t . . . . ; v ar wrl g II t. O r. 'rlJOl1Ia~ Eva. Funkey, Cnrolyn I1nd Edltb' I \'tlri p ly . ne t g IIbe rs panned and exeeute d a froOl one to fonr or five acclden t8. Sherwo od. Dr. A. T . Wright,. J E. Mosher Luel l1~ Uornell . Henri eHu 8Doce88 ful surprill 6 boose warmin g An Ilooiden t may come to Bnyone J I t " da t A- M ffitt MoKlns eY.llnd Mellsrs Worren Ke.v 8 lion ey, E . V . Ba rn h ar. all onn '1, P"nd while bi8 son·in· anytim e, !lnd In ea8e It comes . II " " , E'' rll lll tIi ll ch eup.l!lt tn·th t! fin e~t. . DOlUe!,t\c '''li d Imported . 'U' J there .t 0 Y Ed wur.d 8, " W 111'91', "Ur . oe ennowl t, went . d . ueo. ' . HUW k0 , Will O' Neall , 1>1I1A C I:5tout, Ed w,ml P RF.~('OrN U. TINTIN G, LIN CROl:!TA , . t-lT UCCO RELIE driv- is only ono certa.ln protect ion. AD Sllmuel Merllde tb, F ,1. F . (Ja(\wAl111. Rioks. George Ftmkey and Adelber t jng wftb him . About sixty I)f bl8 aoolden t polley in the Aetnu F ABRICI:) Fort W ALL8 . Insur. , . friendl dro118 in. and conceal hig anoe Co , of whleh i'rild MoKay . B. Sher. dl'r, ,J. Will White ,and Jonh Mo· Curds were t.he chief form of en, their oonveyanOlls from view...wa-it. wood Ie agent. guaran tees ~rices mnrle sn1i sfa ctory. A good )l1I.ce t.o .. rade. you the Clure und John Taylo r rrom Hprinll;. tortllin ment . Mi sses Edith MQlJber lid t.he return of Mr. BartllOOk. payme nt of It certAin sum IInll l'ee n s. if you b"ro. F urni shers 011(1 D(lcor.. t o J ~ . and Henrie tta MoKins ey tied fllr first When be resohec1 the house tbe met 'Y1tb lin Acoident . Think what !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! ! ladlell prlzo R·nd Mesu/( Wllrren glles t,3prell8 pted ,them!le lvl!llto bim, this IDC{lns null how helpful the ~l.W.LANG,M.D; 9 .M. Kl'ys and W . E. & O ' Neall for thO a"l1 bade him weloom e to blB ·new money will be t.n yon while yon All' ge~tlemlln'8. Lots were drawn and 30-~12 N·. J\{ tin iH, , 0'_ ~ hou!!l!. 0 ,1, Y r ON OHI O A l'umptu ona leallt waa laid op. Then talk the matter over RIDGEV ILLE,OO t O the prizes: , wore awarde :! 10 ' MIIl8 " apraad, aDd a m08t;'d.ell(rhtfnl day wltb Fred Sberwo od. Ruhlf! . '. . v or;v BpBOIAl lI1E11: DI8IIlAB1t:8 OF WOlll"," '. . ~. BeaBonable. and . . AN ~ OUILllRICN . .... . . .. (



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Orand Jury In Sessio n. I PERS ONA L AND 'rlIe G ran d •Tnry "" -"j OlUIlO d ye~- I LOCAL NEW !i.







" OB~~H 4

19 U ~.

W.I:lULl!l NllMI$l !lK ZlOO.


Harve ysbur g.

with many 11 man who Is such ton; Mr . and Mrs. W . T . nom" ,,,. _ Sprin gboro . doubtin g ThomR8 he bas proven n of Lflbano n; Mill$ MIlI'Y .1' lhn,."", • , Mnrk Hnill es, tho. ei&:hty. three slgnRI failure_ Pat rick Henry hod Use AlJlutl 10'1,,111:, terdllY evenlng alter hRvlng been in H,'t. l:lp ring~, Arktl.n8ll~ i V I', I_,:::,:" " year old bo.v of whom meuf.lnn hns tho push , lacking 8888ion two day8.du rlng wbioh time in it would 11l1"e.1 Mi ss Rnl,h Weloh j" viSitin g relll- and wife, at Middle town i MI'~ Albino Flour 'GO cents a suok. I, been mllde, hllM retnrnee l to hiM been n,n utter failure. True, t,bey exomin ed forty-si x witnesse~. he hud tiVOli in Dayton . t:>ticky and pOIson fly pllper at h ome In Mcilwa in of Springf ield; Ml'tI_ E> " Richmo nd, Ill(lIanu .. brain powor and combin ing tho two. i consldc red twelve oases in four at May's, ' Herr, of Ti,ppecti,nDe ; Mr. Lllo SI. · • ' •I U.• J . R oblll~o wblob they hrough t Indiotm ents ; MI@s Ada Stokes hus t,tlken Mut:n Barbellu mturnll d t o b er preSSing forward , knowin g no de· folk" II \'i.jf . " reoent,lS' p.litlho mc )Jhenson !lnd litUe son Curtif', f1, posi . of 1';1. home in Blltovi 'l :\\onrln y. ncoum fllnt, reo obed tho highest s ummit of I t,he remain ing eight being. Ignored tlon in tl dry goods store J o~oph, Mi ssonri, were IlmOll~ tho~, ' at Wi!. fall1o. \\,lIy nolt Ellrl or IIny other ,Jntn(lS \\' ni,ln,'r WII~ in Iltte nrhlllce from Jlllulell by h er mother , Mr~. B is Two oa~os of looal interes t mingto n, n distonc e in attendan C'o Itt t h', \ . . onewith tbeneoe ssaryor gAnizu tll>n .l 'lt thll ')ukle~' uovlu g l 'l~I, \Veek , .. sloge (llI llle before tbe jury : Th e trollllh>s o [ lIIulnrin , of whioh funol'lI I "f Mary t)tephf'nRnn . Splendi d values In ehina ditlhes lit !II ,', und Mrs . John Bloss are cnthe IItmosp here is fnll in thl'secti on III 150hool Hall dorlng tho "Poss in J. )<~. Janney' !!. f!"rom another COTre.p"n~ert.] , tertllini ng th eir son lind wife from where sh e resi,loR. Boots" enterttl lnment . u.boll~ six Cllurles ThomU8 and family , of Mr . and Mrs. ApphiB Wurd t,lIok : Bloomi ngl,on, Illinois Lytle . weeks a/.:o, had a hooring hofore Frankli n, were gnests a,t the home Mondn,y mornin g, moro min and dinner wit.h E . E. ttenson nnrl fllmily ' MI' . M . W , 1I01lin g~\\'orth hil S tho jury yesterdll.Y', a number of / of R, A. UroR8 Sunduy . Th or o w~-;;':;~re Sunrl/l.\' oooler went,he r ~ houltl discour age SundllY· witn08s es being called from WiJ.y; ret,urne fl fl"JlIl u SIlVf!1'/I1 \\"I'nk~' "i ~ il ''It''ing t n til .. fll(·t Ihnt th the fly p 011111'1'11 i. In hi!' rnvlI gl!R on t,he' wbeat , nesville . The jury Ignored tbe cu se H.lrl Hnrvey , wife and SOIl spent ! wah reluU"e s in Indinnu . Hundso me tlecorRtiollB in chinll Gms8 is putting 0 11 II fresh 111111 Il r~oil1~ I'PJllli r ~ green '1'he fight between the DRkeu plutes and bow!!! at J . E. Janney 's and 1111 N'lt,urc is revived by the Sunday with B.Arry I:lhidtlker IIn.d ! Mr , and Mr!O , Elm er urnhult1 . rdi~ Mr. ~ir1 1.11mb ItI1(I wife entert,,11I brotber s of the Spring Branoh fumily . N . L. Bunnel l returDe d home Sat.- recollt showorR . I Uenna Bruscllp oml Mr . Thoodore ed on ~undd'Y Joe CII"IIII)ioll ulI(1 Deighborbu~ .lDd the StrnUih! boys urdRY evening trom a pleosan Dr , ,J. G , MRcy is spendtD g t,h is : Muschle l' were the reCJ.ln t t three Th o GllrrIlR~on" hll ,." moved to !!1l0HI,,. of Mi sR ~llfl lAmh , or Hellhro ok . of the Lytlc pike wbioh took ' place weeks' trip tbrough the 'vost. week with Mr and e. H . •Judy at l Rev , J . W . Putllln 1111<1 ,vifp, of the IIttla cnhin ut UIO foot, C'f t,he M,' \Vult er Kenrick lind wifll . nellot the raoe bridge in Wayne s their hom e in San Antonin , Texl1s, I So ,'en Mil£,. Snre Cure Headoo he and Naurlll old "I:;" ht11l1nd t,he fcrt,jJj~A lr indus. tuok 11 flying tr p to Jnmest own to ville during the snmme r, WIIS 81so gla pOWllertilit May's, formerl y of this 'plilce. try n ever cpnsjn~ work of tunnu . Acme Flour IlIn kes t,he hp~ t bread. oonalde red by tbe jurs , bnt no On IIccoun t of Jewish Holidav , fRot,nrln g gOIlM on UtlY and Mr~, Ann Kelly. Mr/> , Mury 1 Mrs , Borry Curpen ter. of CJenter- ~pend t)unday 'w.ith 11 friend . night, aotion taken . The cnmmit tee Hppoin ted to-,purMose Cohen' s store will he olosed and the "'romn frolll the "onp pot Hn,ynel'. Mr and Mr~ . Frnnk Simla ville. spent Fri!1ny with her puront!', chuse tile new c"rpet Prosecu ting Attorlle y Young ali du.y nex~ Tueeda y Ootobe r 10th. when nt boiling for tbA ohurch k er s pent Suodu.Y , u.t the bomel of l Mr. ond Mr!< . N, Archdet lcoll stilled to tbe (Jazette lost eveDlng hellt, i~ II not,cd , prooure d it of UeWeetlc, of Dayton . thllt, the jury wonld be Clllled into Wilson Hnrve.v . On ucooun t of Jewish Holiday , nppetiz er, I Mr IIn(1 Mr~, W . H u _ f'., . "",I'" rleu Mrs Emerio k hAS gone to join ber I!8s:lIou IIgllln luter tn take some Mose Uohen's store will Mr Murk BIlYI1 0fl r etnrn c.1 tn hiH , 11I1\'e been enf.ert," lnlng be closed Snm Eylll t· IInll flllllily mm'p to t,hA~ JlII~t \lilltl'r from K11nRR8 tit Oren, Mhelby .. ctiou iu I,his Ollse nil' day next Tuesda y, Oct.ober 10t,b . Sonth Cbarlpf lton thi~ week , Evler hOlll o lit R10hmot1(1. 1nll\lInll ,. Thn.!'II· 1 \,\,PAk Ih lli!' litlill !,rt/lT\(l'cIAnghtprp, ooullty. OhiO, whom Rh£' hlt e nnt liny . 1Ift."r II pll'ARlIlI W AN1'BlD ,-Hors e. Smnll. perfeot- will engagf' in hntrh.' r hm'IOP8~ At BIII"'/,vRhnrl-! friflUtb , I \'i~ tl, wtt,b I Mllry flud .l Annet.toU rnw . of Ollvloll . pelln for fifteen '·ea rs. Wrec k at Corw in. I.v gent.le, horse for lady to drIve . t.hnt' llluce , Prof, . Rp\·nol J lh. movl'S . . A relir eud cOllisinn bet-woen two Apply at (Ja:t.ette office. Mrs Bnrtlm ArnhclnllCMI. 01' MRr. MI'. 'Ycl1in gton Smilh I\ml t'awily to the Corbin JJrnl) ... rl~ l' n rill' A,- . Hl\r1'~'~ hhtl\k l'lr kill",l II t.imwi1 I!•. hus IIN'I) _visiting- I·p lllti ~i,~ and .101.'1 Smith Rnd ftlmily, enll e. nnd .John Tucker will mukA &I til filII Y li n the romlllA t. 1111111 nf frpillilt trains 00 the Penoys lvBnia wC"· l1 Franl: . tIll' l'Tf~f' nt wpol: . ' Mr. und Mrs. M . C. Liddy hllil all DAY ta ll . w"re i:iundny ·"l.leRt" of .Too roadlll,t 0 ,rwlo tlb')ut elevell o'clook their , . ShillnllC 'r'~ IIn(\ Will Rllinmo '. gn09tsl ost week ~rrs. Liddy's sOlli e repnln. UIllI !lecome II mWlen I ., ' " buturdtl,V nil!h& r"snlted iu "IInoR!- dau ghterp, MrR , Lllum Spinne . ' ~II·~. [h ,lm,," Bllrnhll rl,. of F'rhIlK· Smith nno fl1tui1y . r, of in our miMt, in the ncu r future. W A. Hninl¥.' Imll wiff1 no ellterl,u let d iot lin. I' Rpent. f Iltst 'I'burKtlnv wit,h her III Mr. \{ilpntr iok with his autOlJlo ',' L M rnp e o~ ,IUO,Iun 0 II Cll b o014e Sh Alfred Ed wO ,I'lI~, of t nni~to n , eel II 1I11mh~r of vhllir friendl< e , nn d ' ... r s, eo filion . fr om parentI< , Mr, und Mr!l, .J. ~L Bnnn(\l\. mobile IIRS been aud box cu.r nod bfl.dly dnll1l1glng llof tlronv II S t d Lebano n. flYI'n" around in I Alllh81l1.L; fnrll1/'rly 1\ residen t of Ch Il~ t{II' t.()'.vnRI P 1\ ur tlyeven ng , MI8. EIil'.IIbeth EVllns !lnll MrR , our town and vicinlty.... the engine of the reur trn\l1 , No Mr. lind Mrs . '"Levi Gustin, who this plaoe ill n wI'lco mll vli'itor ,(lurlng the with Mr , nnd Mr~. ChArles BoerHtler , B"len Bennet t lire spe nding one \Y'.LII killed, tho fireDlIlD on the have been I1ssoci(\.wd with the last few !lays. their son relative s ~utl old fri en,IR. The uml lion, of l.Rb8no n, spont& turday I week with rnllltive!< lit South train jumped "od "'lid pretty blllil y W . 0, Gushn, in :tlle mannge MrH. Hunter . from L.ima, vlaitoo men: ohllllgO of climlLt", IIIIlI rest, hilS de. Qnd SundltY wit-II relntive s here. Chorlcs ton. IIhllken l~l', other wil'e the crlHV!l of jor tbll Gustin House for among ber relative s during the pe8t eev er81 ductcd twent.y yenrs from his formI'U1I1C Kolly and sisters and Misp hoth I,rllIDs e~odPod'unhnrt , Th 'i persoDHl propert y of Mrs , week. From here she went'to - years, hov moved to Lebllno n ~r appearaDCA nnu Ilxt,rtl Indlgoorlliv lllg Coonrd , of W"yue sviJIf1, oolled on 8uslln WAidn~r A freight traio b.ld gOllo ioto tL I where they will engage in , deoelllled, will be ana for II visit and WIISltccompltnied tbe hotel bus udded twenty tlvt! pounds to frioncls h" rn l:lundllY afterno on , offered for snle ut h er lute r8f1idlln ce by Mr, and Mrs. Milton St4lcy. lIieli,lI g tollllt pR""eng er truin No, t 21l ' b·usineslI. · hls avorduJIOlse Mr. nurl Mrs. Milton HII·'ley . of Octobe r 14. u which reuches berA sbortly !\fter 10 1 For rent-N ewly built Mr. Be rne J ones and wife Ipen~ house wi t.l1 Lew SetUS Bnel family ure vi ~ ltlng Harvey~bllrl!, hOVIl been attendi ng o'Olook.goos by. Arter the 1)888en- 11 modern oOI~venienoes, E D. Russell sells Aome Fl our Sunday with Mrs. Dill at Mt. Inquire n Leesbu rg .md AnoiA Stoops and Frie pd,.' Yllllr)y Holly. ot Rich made by OrAgonin Mill!!. ger trlllD had gontl by I,he freight 18 lof W. O. Gustin. Mr. and Miss Mrs . W. ~dden C. Cornell ",pro have culling on m nml, ImliuDA , tbe pust weok , Thev C11U1 e 0 ut OD tb e lIIO In I,rllC k \V h ero ' " . "'" IB '" t I d I . . . ' f nenu" In I , I) b110011 "'II - , ..,,,mue tlUg Imnn, W . 0 . Joslin ret~rDed bome from their trip to urr 11,\'. lin a also vl~ It- was stundin !! wben- th e tl'lIin I, Mri;l. C. B. Mo~re, ll ed their nwoo, Mrs Hurt.· , W lte W' lk ., Tb of Hillsbo ro, ni ce roin SlIturdo y nl.,llt ' It/id the I . . Miohlg an, Wh ere t,hey ' bad gone , '\ u followi ng ornshp.<1 into it . ey DIC k'1Il!<01l, W III ersou lin" 1 e til Omt18 Mil · ' ere, un d "Ier , Mrs. M. Vrane,o f Bethel, lInddal 1gh- dust and 1)lI~hecl thtl ..IIl1wn wer i D to ' i I hoping thl\,t Mr, Cornell would whe~t oouRIII III, ~llic"'nll(l. lIud 0 nephpw , le~rlll re 8~ ~ VIS ~;s :t!t It is sait! that the e!ll(inee r of the . ter, MrR , Myrtle M'lther s, of Cin into view and SIIIIl WIIS looking for J o~eph G rilll t!~, ullll fumilv in OilY, r .- y can errmg WIt I t, eo oers eaC8I~ hay fcyer. rear frell(ht was II~Ieep lind foiled I' clnnoti , nnd 01110 Mrs. ~ntbers' Peter Itgain nnd I,h e old town \\"n"s t ()I ' . , to heed t,be block slgnul ~howing ; ~nother -, Mrs. 8 . C. ate our propose d truction line, They Mr. Albert ornell and fllmlly Mather s , on wit-hon t, ..ny noticab le chunge .'" ,on. \1 0 t tI . . .... .' ~'lInge! uheMl. r por , Ie prospeot os IJOlUg · very entertnl Dou on I:;un da,y , Mr; Joe Mo· of Cincinn l\;i , were guests at tho Ma urlce Collett is n.t hOnle from .. '. , • ftl.voruble. e hope-it- -Bray-tl nd wife, 1'b" truck W,LS cleaWll_h~Ill.l bom(.l of n .. lIod-R. O. CrosS Cornel lltnd wife, Illst. Cincmn oti nnd wo nnder tand blls Conv in. . "b will be n, go this time . S week ' l)8rllt I \'e Iy !llort 'frenll and Uraoie Cornell , Clift· tIme an.. y un I I . dypthe rin. It. is Adelbe to be hOlled this rt, Mc'U'Ollr I,own hud quite un eXCIte dltY evening procticH lIy ull ~Igns of ,~.y, 0 f Wnynesv III e, Lewis IInd ·wife. Hon. IB8ltc E. Huffma n, of Hamil- di 8case mDY be in 11 mild form . meot last Sllnday 1tl1ornln~ when n "'"8 recently trnnsact the wreok hlld heen olllllred IIway. ton, d emOcratio candida .lng busines s In Mr. Wulter Kenrick , tbe obamte for t)tate From an extensi ve observlL tion as freight train ron !tltO t·be rllnr of an our villttIiCC.. Tbtl sCtlne of t.llt~ wreok was vlsUod Senato r from thl~, the second pioD pumpki n raiser of the county. · fourth well liS baving been II Bubjef't to othAr. delllolisbiD~t a caboose lind hy orowd" of 1"'rRolls 1111 d .\y Sun. I distrlot , WA S tl Wilyne svllle E U. Heigtri ed, of Dltyton .l'pent hM Ion.ned out his prizes to visitor this dreaded dl!lOnae we would just anA oo·r , No ono I;e ~8Dt was hurt serious l), .tillY . Sundu.y with his parent,s . Mr . lind to tke HIIUlllton County Fair. Monday . This district hi nomina lly IlR soon mingle in an lIt,lDosp Be here of Mi"8 Henrie tta McKinRey spent Mrii. W. H. !;eigfrie d: : Democr atio, althol1g ll a Republ ican smnllp ox as' thill , One bas two, of wbioh (Ine weighs 101/b must bave Sllturdl ty und Sumduy wi~1 Miss Dang erous Quick sands Mr. and Mrs. Will Early 8pent a~d tbe othor 110~ . The pumpk was elected two years ago, and Mr. hl1d serioll!! experie nce in. to come to Apphia MlIJer tit her b ome in Frldl1Y with of Caesa rs Creek Huffma n seems hopeful of winning . this 1\COnOluR Mr. Early's mother , Will be retnrne d ID the near future ion bnt know whereo f BHrvAysburg, ___ _ .___ I Mrll Mllry E. FArly, ut MIRmis burg. ,and out and the seeds k will be BOld , Snperin t.enden t 8bid8k er of Miami we spea . for so muoh a bunoh .and proolitlt\M Mr Bert, Orllko amI fllmily ot A puty of Wllyne8 ville 1.'dl~S ' Cemete ry, has receive d word' Mrs J~llOY Bllrnhn rt entertn ined w!ll go toward relliliri from ng the ollllroh , One of the grentes t at,trllcti ons to . L"bllno n and Mr. Kirby Bnd family to •dinner Sunda,y the fol\owin~: hlld a narrow escl1pc from dOllth 10 , his brotber, A. J ..Sbidak er, at Troy, some of our ent.erJlrisin~ young o~ Ut.iOH ,"bolted their r elatives the treaohe rous qnicksf mds of : tbat be has succeed ed In , Mr Mr. and Mrs. Cllrl Duke, Mrs. C, J. pIltent.i ng men of oolor IR to imitate t h e alnrm Bnd Mrs, Howtlrl l Booth, Suuday . RobinsoD , Mr. Fred Robills!)n, MJBBeS CeaBltrll Creek recently . They at· ' II sot of holdbac k strape, Cente rville by wbioh whistle ot the antomo bilc. It 1:\ Mr. nnrl Mrll Gen , Shute of Ricb- Nelli e Duke, Perle n,nd tempte d to ford t·he creek where $10 C8n 110 811-ved 011 each Blanoh e John Oenete r, of Dayton , visited Bet of bar- yer.v cODlmnndllble to ~ny the le!l~t I wooll , Inditlna , wer,e gn09t.s of hl~ Ri!I'Y lind t,be Mimms l:OIIlJlton:}-Qf .i~ it III oroMRed ~y the WllynllMvll\e IneBB, He expect!! to move tho village Snnday . to Indi- of those who have perfect ed t,11O I broUler , Mr . Rohert, and N,ew Burhng t<m lind horse , linn poliS shortly , where 8111lt.e Reve':ltl Edinhu rg , JmUana . •..' . the article Illtebt anel mORt ' enviabl c acconl . duy~ IltHt week anddrig were . ~ ~ _ .... canght ID the quick Rev.-m~A.80n ' IJlr. an d M l'$ _JOG"n.. . !I will be mnnufa ctureel. d D . ThoIDI\S Mulldox"JIilddo il! vi~it.lng d Will, " IJ1ishmeDt of the modE'rn wonder s x. of . XeniA ,.pent oelebru ted tbe Mr J on AtllllllS of Ban slIn it WIIS wlt~tlffi . .-- .. ,-- this weelt. fiftieth n,nniv e[Sary Chica~o A new line of line box )l8pers at Thot. abilit,y nf thl' highest deculty tbey worked their way uut. I 'SundAY with Mr , Clin t Ruder tlml l 0t'thel r marriag e, on last Wednt's· ' gree is CIIlle(1 IlItO l'eq ui~ition i8 . i" th I I't f ' ow fi gllr09 1\ t J E , 'J 'f lInney 8. Th Il oro~RllI g "II I~ id eve DI y 0 I . WI e . I..J. Hllrrill family, of .. b dRY, I:!eptem ber 27. At the noon 1111Mr. what I f hIlS th t l olH MIBBes ssifiOll Edna ' nol o" I\re VI' sl· tl· n". and tbis difficul t and Kather yn Camp , reilltlve~ I'n thl R Arv~y" nrg an .. res ell SO ...·' ~ Ilour li4 relllt,ivc Mrs . Rllt,till Kelley il onll "nu ~ of . hbo I d h I .. tid f !! Qlld friends " problem gathton onll of Will oon]nlll tho return mcnnce · nl · ty today . i voble to their of home ' • nelg r 100 N",vcom uve r e a r years . . Ed erRtow Ohi o. v\!.ited i ered Ilbout the tables whicb had I f plishm.e nt.s ther.o can bf1 no t,heir r elKlivesu. to secure a bridge ut that point but 1 m k eDburg , 'thn d' , Mrtl. Alicw. Mc I been I!prBfld unlleI a , a ter tl·wo iBccom a tent in t,h e Sq~ire .John hE. BriJwn hltll been gainsay ing, the count,y comml8 8ioners bave l wee 8 spent WI thltmi . , ' d ' 1 l 'd e r great unc es, I " 8ervlllg on t e United Statell Klm'ey p Rnd S1stnr lust week tRiled til t-ake uny ootion. . ! Yllr , a~",~ I adm e Jl1Mt,lC8 I R. M. Duke and to the Grllnd Jury at Cinoinn ati. Wm. nuke, Ilt That their orA 0p)lortu nities 10. lir. F, K Stlltror d H)lent SunrltlY fM st wh_lJ,~ been Ill'e)Jare Unt.1I a brlc1ge ill built the trustee s Lytle. Th08e young ladi8ll d. The I , , . ha.,vll iday a~ goo~ nnd fo.vorab le I1S in the in Leb,mo n . of Mft8~ie to-lvn':lllip should post been given a round of hou~o WI18 ve~ropriatelY deeo- I rho Ep~ orth League Willi enterent,ertll m- IpIlst IS beIng vprlfied nil ovpr the __ ._ ._ _ tI notice wnrnin g people of dunger menta ' rtlted with goldeo rOll and flov-ers. tu.ined nt the bome of Mr. during their visit here. and world but Ihe percent ",ge is ~mllil and Mra S' B h Oil a Reriona flltnlity IS likely to have enjoyed , Mr, ond Mrs. 1'homa s were the Milton i:ibeehl\n, Friday every momen t of it. I, (ond ever WIIS) comporocl with t.he eventng . prang r·anc . ooour. r eoipientll of Ulany beautif ul lIud Tho Democr at!! of Wayne town- ! massos yf't, thcy do ex iRt ulld Mrs . Lydia Kelsey and Mra. E. C. ocellMr. IIntl Mr~. Frullk ZeHzel wo~ : vulnnbl e !lrelMlnts. Horris attende d ,the funeral of Mie. shIp had planned to hold a conven- ~ slontlJly one . present s it_~elf to onr the guest of tb e latter's 1)lIreots, 1 Mr . I1nd Mrll. G. M, Henllel Stevens on llt Springh oro Satorda y tion at the townsh ip house S!lturd ay : view. Enrl ~ te~ 1\ young Docto rs Hold grAllu· Mr Marioll McK\I1n ey IIl1d family I, were visiting at BoiIton, Ohio, last afterno on , after:noon, It seems that the time ' ate ~f our HIgh !School .conceiv ed It lu~t ~lltnrdtlY night 11D11 Mund.. y, week, and whil e there had the Annu al Meeti ng. of the event WIl8 not general ly un- pa88lon for tho profe88lon Roy CorDell and Glennn , Penny of lAW, Mrll JameR Cbewo weth a,nd fami , pleasur e of ItttendlD g the birthda y were marrit;(1 Wedne sday evenlnj f The regnlar annual meeting of derstoo d ond a8 a result the attend- ' HIS er Cllll1e forward "'Itll th e Iy enterla ined reluti '~e!\ from Lytle dinner of a friontl of tbeirs, Mrs. of last week by nev , McMillbael Bt, t,lIe Wllrren Cuunty Medloal &Clety ance w:.s IImall . For' this rOllson ' purse to gratify the IImbitio n IIntl/nn l' dAY Inst week . I Lucind a MlltBh. \~ho oolebrotecl the BotLvoT'town, WI\S held at the Ml\yor' s uffloe in the event Wlltl1JOstponed two weeks, Etnl went to Columb us wherc h e i~ Mr , Ellwu.rll NixoD, \vlfe uud 1I01l~ one huudre dth anniver sal'Y at whlcb time :!andldatllII for th e jtRklng n cODlIllf1rcIHI conrse. 0'[ her A Ulost eltoul\e ut IItlrwon Willi preI..ebtlnon yesterd oy. _. Aftt'r MeDurd Hnd ElviR of Leelan , were birth on Thursd ay, 8e)ltem llCr '28. scnted to thtl cOllgre glltion at. t,h e t{)wnsh lpoffice s will be nomlna t.ed " finlshln g this will shorl, hand, kell)l pleu.S!ln Mr. M W . Lang. of Rld~evil1e l,ly ,mlertu. ined tit tbe borne Mr. and Mrs. Hense l report Ihe deliver ed.a ptl.llOr on "Raohl ahtia," cen · 1I E . Uhuroh 8111111ay eveniD g by. · I ' hooks, et.c , nnlil he hilS acqUIre d B ' of Mr Frank MUllle V ery f ew persons rea IIze and faDlny ' tenaria n UII enJ'oyiug fine health and Rev . C8rtwr t Ie and Dr , Thomal l Sherwo od, of . ' . t f f . bt ight, of 811ring Oity. . 1 tUn lIufficlenf'Y 01 the needfnl to relm, . l8!lt 8atnrdll Y night IIInd Sunday Wayn88vlllt", WIIS down on the pro. amoun 0 rClg att.endi ng to her own honRehold 'l·ennesRee. recelve l 11 r' l burse his futher (which SArnO \Vns . grlun for II )hIper, but 'VIlS unable to wio statton each dllY . A represe n. , 1 . • ' I Mr. EIITI Vonner retnrnec.l home a,ffalte k untIl a 8 b art time bllc when tatlve nf the Gazette hlld oooa"lo n not demundec.l of him) nnd t,h pn lu All eloquen t sermon was deliv:et ed be "resent ' MundllY ntter . . 1Ie recelv . ed IRst B ' f II II plea8!\n S unday afterno t "Isit s . The follllwi ng llhYllloians from to go into the frel~ht room "of II e, ere ADn a Arbor . for the profcss lOn. Ellrl on at t.he Nprt,b . . the . . 't ' I bl ~, i I WIth relative the norther n p:lrt or the county s ID New JUtBllY, D.. I8t 'h by R Mtlry ADna Stollhe nson. daught er PlOpt 18 wal lUg ,II e, uO ug c loreN UU11 (j urob Pennsy ov. Dalrli, ~Jaa" lvania depot a few days \lgn, anythin g when not in 80bool whe r,," wcre present : Dr A 'I'. Wrh.( ht,. of U JR' b LIttle MI88 Florenc e HetIH bas 0 f Mr. an d "1,rs, t f th LI d A B ti , , t:>te)l en son, or WdynA~v\lle; Dr . M. \\' lAnv, of shortly after the morDln g freight b h a 0 n tin VODUC a . lit ' t' It I been n,bsent from sohool the Pllllt died nt 1 :30 p. m. Wednel vo expllnse , or Ridgev ille; Or C 0 Rnndn.11 ~nd Dr had f\rrlvoo . TIlt! room was then y tl e ('.an lday, Sep- churoh at Dayton S B f) Sll . I be 27 hi f th few days h S .J Elli1lOn , of Hl\rvey sburg: Rnd orowde d wlt,h mercha ndise of wm r ,ngc d 22 YOf\rs 11 mont" s a e r ' on aocoun t of iliokneF8 . The Epwort h League will give II all no on 0 1I~ own ed f ,0hi)luy d ays. Th t . W Mrs . Marion l'rloKlosey aDd an d '>8 I sen I . Dr .J W Wllrd of Lytle. . every ~ cent 118 e 0 uners S money ces 800illl e f\t the Cit.y Hall on the evon · descrIp tions Mr , H. E. Boot-h, t~e pred'lot a brlgbt and glowing . . d future, Rena, vl~lted with rela- were oonfuc Odd fellow s' ted t~e ~omo Slit ing of Oot{)ber 12th , The prooe!!ds Rgent. explaln etl that most of thIs: f hi f ' f tiVB8 In Mt Holly one day last nrday a ternoon Itt 2 oolook, by of t,h ta 800illl wil1 -be used , .olr he H' ::: Iyounkg maudo w e e k . ' Distr ict. Enca mpm ent. hl\(l oome In on the 100111 freigM I' Itabril'ItymWit Rev. W. M. t:>hultz, of Dnyton . The ohue new Hymna ls for the t.o pnr· I a tlu",,, ent nowle ge Churcb . whloh had left the ststton bot a few of it-NOT too . \I1uob, howeve r-11Dd Se,'eral young peoplo frOID our deCllllIlOd leaves tal b er. mother The Dllltriot EnCIIIn pment. t O. 0 , ,minute s betore, and most . Iwo of thltl I bas the will puwer Bnd push to vioinity attendO lI I~he Op!!ra at ISlaters and a brother , besldcs II· hOllt F. will hold Its meeting t1.t Odd Fel. would have gone out We have just receive d '. oar Of' before the! what hennder tak8f1. Watch L6bano n entitled lows Hall, Frankli n, Ohio, on Thurll' afterno ou freight arrived "Uncle Si dpruca- of relative s and friend!!, t.o whom 250,000 . shinglBl!, both til and 18 ' '1'he I h I h 1 b "lut Wedne!ldBlV Ight df\Y. ~tQber 12, at 2 p m , Dngree ' we extend our Rympat hy in t,lIeir in~h Tht!lle ahiDgIM are filled twice elloh day and th 1m II!I "ong t e tne , He mllY y ,poeltlvely work in the evening . Lunoh nfter I r 0m . I : l . a , BIIl\ bel'f'ne ment. .' e Ilt,umb le, but wOl1re enthnsl asti08l1 y the best th- market ----"- u A w9rJt.~ , value of the goods a,rrlvin g at the . . . cOllfident of his 8U00088. Whato tb .... Buy your ...""'" fertlli'l 6r frcm the Bar. ! MeBB~. wm ' ~ri~tI, Olift' De~ru AU encamp ment memtie ra are station amount e to thou8(,n are etrfot,ly first-oI.1I8 in ~very ~. da of have done he oan do aDd /) it { veysbu rg Ferttliz er Ct.. El:tr. U'tged ~ '~ ~!lt. ~ quIII. dorf ancl Will , Sel~frle (}01lar8. d, of GinclU8pt!Ct·. Quality era. ead pdcea rlabt • II i\ tY,II.ut up VI DelV 100 I)) MOks. nati; Miss Franoet l Ureag, of Day- Call and Bee UII. W., 8. Ilad4eD •
















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. /

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I'ICK YOU-R F:t.AOE TO F.u.r..


Li nen ter de l.tlMoa Puo plu o ne ~n ull : Climb high , "r ~'o u w n nU trr.

BROWN • McUV. Publl.ber..

}:Ju t p l d ..



1'tHee ter r,nll l

InlD a lIalr at Bort wllite a r . W nOle " 'a8 heUl close tc.l ' two red lips , while dalnlY bejewel ed IIngere tw ee kell 01)' . s tubby Q8rS and fed me bit s of chlcl,en IlI1 covel'ed with d~ IiC\0 1l8 grln'Y. I heard III y new· folln d friend tell Frank that Iirer fatb e r, who proved to be a bIl81,,0"9 frlenll ot my master. WIlB fond o( dogs and owned a couple of collies Ihnt Irad been prize winners , "He Is o nt! o f th e merchan ts ot the slree t, " s be silid IlS we pre pared to le nl'e. "and I wish you would come n ~ ro "s with m e. I want him to' see Ihe bealltlfll l IItti a dear," tapping DIe on tlJ e nU'II, lIIr. :{oli.orr. be r fath e r , a 11Ig, red· fac c d , )<Jlly ·looklng mau, bnre heallec\ anu In hi s . hlrl SICOI'Cs .. clIol1l e frum bis 1I1ugy littl e oHlce , an d nfter .. cor'dlal greotlng 10 Ill)' mn H er. an e xplauatl on lJy Ihe daugbte r uf th e calise of our visi t, a happy Introd uction tollowed . In wblch I. learll c Li that th e pre lly youn g ledy's 111\/110 wl\s Franc e s ilub· SO li, alld that ~b e bad Jus t r elurn ed fro lll \\" e ll es ly. wb e "e ,sh e had ree" utI), gradulll etl . Bo<Jn th e Inlk tllrn ed 011 me a Dd I was [.111 1I0wn a ll Ih 0 floor 10 show ott mof gooa poi nts , a ~ Frnnl, e Xlllalned . Attt'r hearln!! many OaUe rln g worda abo ut Dl ySel f I was tak en In my maHter'. Ilrms anu we lurn oJ to lea ,'e. "H e re: dcJo' t rlln orr that way," s houted tb e mercban t. "Wall live minutes and I'll Ink e you bom e In my alllo." Tbe tim e was soon up and Misa Frances and Frank eeat ed tiJ emse lv eJ In th e r ear, wllh m e between tbem , and ,..e we re soon whirling soutb,.. .. rd In a olg wblte machlno that ran , as sm oothly a s my master'" carriage , and three ti mes a s fa s t. I did not ha\'e time 10 lis t e n to lhe young


Of tbe folly ' a~d fullllty ot "aylng too dearl), tar Ileaee. A lillie war wc,uld bav e beeu preferab le_



FOR COW 'OWNERS . --.......


We are lIot alwa)'s eo Cll reful 'ail wo HOME BAPP,I NESS SBOl:JL D NOT might be -about th e IBJlt word we say 10 on e anal he r' wh en wo s eparate for New Foe ot Consum ption, BE S'l'RAIN ED TO BltEAx ING, G o 'I o n, u p d e m oun tA i n . 'lbe mechani Prom ineoce has just been g h 'e n to tbe tlay. 'l' he ch ild s tarling for school become a "Italcal Cream- Separato r baa ' D il l "I 'k YO' place ter ( .. 11! ...: . feature of bome s hould have a tender word ot 6ncour- dairy jU!l~ &II of every butter every the ""porled di sco ver)' of a new r llre factory. DUI drs nil de l e~,.on ! ~ Silenco agemenl at Times Require s llIuch Self· , t he lad goluaou Uoranev enlnt: lIB WI8 meana muoh mOTe and much fOl pulmonn r)' luber r ul os l ~. Th e nnY ou " ' I.nt ter ('11mb c1 n t wn ll ' I I: )!ens ure 1'1',011 de IlI.lal1 Ce, . Control -Politic s Too Dangero us I" Ihe' be ller If moth er or sieler go to better cream and bu ter, na well u no uu c~me llL ur ijuch cures ls so fre U' a-:;n p.1 c k )'0' pla ce ,,,r taU I IIIIvlDg of water. loa. time and room, lh e door with him, give a look a ~ his l' f~ Family Talk-In flicting One'. queut l hnt Lbe first Illlpulse is to -A t :nn l tl l.'on . tttutloD.· The dUferenc e In nlBultB is n ot small Fl\ds on the Famlly- CRse Where tie, and s ay somet h ing nice about the but big, Few cow. now pay liIll': "W hal , finotb e r ?" Th e nt without a s ull he Is wearin g , and the man goII Little Wor Would Bave Bee.1l IICparntor, Dairying Ie the most profitt er, lIor. glvo n to lh. lat".t r emedy I ~ In g 10 busin ess In Ille morning should able kind of fnmllng Proferab ",lth one, le-The. uu e 10 Iho a ll,'g. " fUl'l th at Ihe New Lnat Word Betore n ever be lIulferell lo lellve borne wllhout 08~ of the crenmer y butter of the th e Day's SeploI'a tion-Oa yety . . a kl sR and a lasl York I'os l Grfi. hlllie lles pll"!. lin Inloving word, A man world Is DOW made with De Lavnl Vi r tuous all So)elllJllty_ stilu llo n o r ~ lll1llllnlt, h ll~ been u ~l n ~ doe" bell er nil !Iny 10ll g It be st arls machine s. and thero are over 5OO,COO the cure "ith tiUCCCS!j fo r Dca rly " Wllb th e al'pI'o\' ln g Hlllll e alld Ibe farm U\leJ'll be814ee.. 11\' ~IAn (; AlU'; T 1::. SAl':OS·....: U . Send tor catalogu e and Damo ot Dearcet wnvo of th e hand wblch a wife ran )'I' ll r . Till' si mp licity o ( th e rem 'O J' ((,; tJ r) T1 il h t. HI06. b y J UM' l'h u . Huw l ull.) local agent, give. \\' 0 111 11 Ol IIrSI I hOlll; bt p rol'ok " doubt, Loul<llIg "li ck UI ,I)II u h" nleci dl sc WlB7 Jr.. DON NELL Mall), Ihlllgs may hlllJIJ enln the course !Jut on rUrlh ,'r eu nshlern t itlll I~ rClllly 810n 9r II s lu llbo r u "rgumel " , In ~'O 01 o f a Si ngl e uU)" . None ot us arB ImC'ne o f th ~ "hlet argume nts In rll l·Or. 01' ,uumell ls , Iwollie ure oft~n II s touls lled 14 Corllandl SI .. tl • Canal st" Illune fro m accident . JII en have beforo Ian40lph CHICAGO NEW YORK T ll is ne ll' roe o f oo ns umptlon '" nOlb Ih ut Ih.·y WIlHlcll "" ""Ich lim e aud no w left IH,m, o for a tew bours and T was In a III ti e secont! fl oor res· . lreng lh Iv 1I')' ll1g I I' have Ill e lo s t w",;d. Ing Illora I ho n I'egct ahl e Jui ce , preueo n gO ll e fo r mnn)' years. Let Ibe taurant thaI we I1r Rl me t he r . my NOBILI TY NOTES. A "lull cOlll'l u c~ d al!ul u ~ t his 11'111, Is o( l-Ilrc<.! Su ." to ge t lb e 1: 1' ntes l amount maste morning wurtl be alway s oll e of cbee r , r and I, s ix years ngo, and nc llhIh l' s ame Ollill iOIl 6 \1" , and In IIlu" ca~o s . wh en It Is th e In.1 word or Ih e ""bel" bl" csse nr e In lb e s mall- er ot us has eyer Iha t cnn be had re8Hon 10 r eg ret uli l ul' t ~ " 1I0llleS II I! dl ~se llsloll s re~ u1l Prln C"8~ Irene, wife of Prince Henry ' ~~I . I, nllc. \' egolarla ll s. wh o bav e so Il. c xchlillge tl till Ih e g loall1ll1g . or Pr usslu, wu s ch r is teneci IlS .. cblld III dtsco mrurt all ar.ound , Him ply beIII 10l1g chu lllllloneu tllal fo rm ot di et . as Ihl ~ world of cbance and chnn ge , a ~ tb u rlose I was o nly a little pupp y nntl had cau ~e ~olh pal'll es ure del e rmln ed to o f tbe war In l ~ rG. Ire ne no duty Is 1I10 ro In c umbent on peopla "bat'!> t th e fl es hly, \\'tll r~Jol ce at lile only know n him for three wee ks , but m eauy "peuce. " hal' c th e ir uWIl way. 'file lasl word at home lh a ll 10 lre _ncoura glng and lIew oIly In . ul)\lorl or th e ir clalms_ It In lhat II horl space ot time we ha,1 Is not lll\\'a)'8 n J) leaoallt word nor a HI',',' ut plcl ures of .be cznr Ilnd the ch eerillg. and to lake a rose-col or ed has lon g beeu bclic veu by people of grown to be the best of trlends. wise one_ II lal",. uo little se lf·co lllrol c"n, , un Indl cale Ihat bolb ha ve ug~d vie w of whal ever ma), be expected 10 wl lhl n the lus l year_ My lite until Ir e hall appeare d on the obse rvation Ihal pllre ai r and gooo 10 l e n v ~ Ibe auvlllltrl ge II'llh lh e OIJPUTbio, ho wever, happen. fooll ar Ih e mosl e Hl cnc lolls factors In acene bad bpen a Quiet on e , I was sl le 6hle , ye l. mnny al lme w~ are graleIs 1Il0 re lru e uf lbe c"arlna th l\n of tbe Peopl e who go auoil l wllh 10llg racea, one o f a litter ful lf of Lhey nve, Ilav~ all of n ob le th e good se use 10 forego who y ield czar. Ille lI'cnlllle nt of tlluere ulos ls_ This lO Ih e blu es , who are crabbed cOl\tlnue u speech nuu luk e reCug e In and Pri n ce Luca Es lorllazy, wh o b as uiliains Ihe wunderf ul valu e or lhe blooa. Dandy Jim wal my fath e r '. IJer\·erse . hav e a good tl eal 10 anname, and my mother was regi s t e red s il ence. Thl. 18 ijure to be true If we enormo us I)oBsessl ons In 1'f3ns ylvQnta ~ Adlron.dack region nllu lh e Insl s lence s wer for, Tbey lesse n th ll8um of pl eason th e bookl ot tho K e nnel club BS arg ue on pollLlc8. They IIru tou dangeruilOU care In e ating wlli cb Is made by ui'e In Ih e world. Th ey mal,o other i8 aboulto erect a chllrcb on IllS estale •. Quee n Allee, and was lh e proud po.· ous 10 be ud mllt ed Into family lalk . peo plo sad nntl give th e right ot way which will be It model ot lOng Solom~mb rtl o f Ihe meul cnl Ilro fess lon . It seslor of num e rous blue ribbons Home hU[llllue .s Is a chain lbat Is to m ~ llln c h ol)' . aoll dim the brlghlne ss WOII'. tewple, pllre nlr anll vege labl e IIl et will cu re whIch adorned tb ., walls strong or wealt , a ccoJ'(lIug WI It I. of our den . A go lll bl cdul, a pipe and Ovo pOllndsof Ihe dnlly palh _ In n girl' s album the 11& we ll U pre"em l"llmona ry InfeCnlea811re tl by lbe st ruln eath sP llBraLO On e day wbon I was e ight wee k s olt! of toiJacco lXlusLiln l e<l the kal qe r 's Sift other da y I SIlW thi s slunzn: tion, lbe wealtlly ne e d nut lIal-e llld tbe maste r o( th e k e nn e ls brought link will bear. If III r~ Is a weak pin e to Franz Grunwal d. an In vete ralo as "Jlls t a s a 1.lac,o 10 live In UlollopOly ot s ucb rem edi es. \Vhc th er a visitor a sp lendid looking young man auywh ere, lh e n UII O maJ' " flY guou -by to smoke r , who cc leurnted bls <'lie bUIlTh Ig o ld world Is hnrel t o bea t. peade , anu h a l'pl" p,~ I ~ mo re d epe udvegel nble Juice Is a s pceWc or not, lbe who pla yed wltb liS YOllng '1I 11S and d red IIlId four th birthday at Burg, Th e l'e Is a thorn fo r every rose, ent· on pea ~ lhull ou any lhln g ,else. It el le I Wllic b I nc ltld es n largo perecn tage spoke flatterin g words to m)' mother. I ru~ " IIl, rec e nlly , Bul nrell'l th e roses s wee!.?·' canuot fl ou ris h In UII almos llh ere . of Atte r numerou s Ques tions a s to Ollr o ( lb e fresh produ ce o f tbo tarm a nd Counl eRs Lou yuy's colle ction, whl cb , Th at Is IIr . Ro rt of "Ins t word" wblch slrlfc nnd co nl e nll on. This 1M whl I we ShOllld be all tbe saruen Is every wh e re con ce ded lO ages and pedigree s be ex tra cted fiv e Ih e lim o s nyl ng , There Is 10 be so lu wo u In Pnrls, In cludes 1> _ wOllld excluuc pu llli cs. unles~ aU teel Is lI t lie be In Ibe Inte rest of h e~ llb . Wilb A.II- crisp ten dollar notos from Ill s wnll et , danger thllt we s hall nol ho veil Ilresenl ed h e r by tho <.lIy o r allice abolll Ul en a n,1 issues. s uffid ent ly Ncr loUH. Sobrl etv Is In ollr Bruss Is on b el' marriag e to R udo lph rondac k air and Ren sse laer anu Was il- baD ded th e m 10 the k e un e l masler, \Vc lI eeci nOl lim it th e " la s t word" to uloor!. Oral' took me 1,_ bls arm s and march ed 0111 , lly I. forced u[l~n mOSI of of Aus trhl, sb o wln g lbe un lted firDlS lOg lon l'O unly potaloes so near ' al d lsp ul es !J 11I1 s llllulJL I s. In house llo!C1 nnd t hllt wa s the last [ e ve r saw of 11 ~ by our "'rcums lnn es , and we cnn- of :l(! lgiu lO lind Aus tria. ha,"I, lhe peupl e t hCI'ellbo Uls s hou ld uo my little brothers munage m ent I h er'c fi l'is· frequ enl occaand s isters, although T be sonnets o r 1,lul: Oscar 0: Swedc n nol always bo Jolly , Yet th ere Is no fav orably situate d (or lI efen.c agal nil ~ tor somo years aft e sions for ge llll n!; qu s l lo ns of Imporrward I was al · n eecl Ihal we : h oultl go aboilt draggin g h ave b e u Iralls lat'cu luto m'ls t o f tho ullacks UpOll tbelr pulmona ry t C)(LU l'e. lowed lO cnll on my parenls. I11Dce, III whl ' h 110 l wo.or Ih e famll)' lalcc o n uur feet th e bn ll nn d cbnln o( Irrl-' lanl;l1 llges of EnrOlle. He Is a n ncpr ec'lse ly Ih e same vl ow, nnd yet In My m ast e r, whose first nBme was lablillY . m O l' 0~e ne S8 or <1cpre~s l on . Oay- COIlJI,lIs h eti 1l1l,s lclau, also, h ls nau l lcn l Woman 's Ancient Prl-;lIeg e. '\' h lc ll Ib ere may I. e Co mllll'l e nmlabll - e.l), is o(l S 1' 1I'tu 01l8 and honorcdl l e In Its BOIl GS, sct to ilia 011'11 mus:c, be ing . Th e wire from l illi e Imm el"orlnl - and Franl" l oo k m c to liv e In a man s ion. ILl' an d n d e fere ll c~ to Ih e wl Mb es ofotb- prop?r I was giv en a ke nn el all to mys e lf v ery popular In Ihe S well ish nav y. Ill ac e UUII lime os solemni ty. Englis h law ha s held It s o frbl11lh e time ers tbnl rcmul' e lb e ulscuss lons trool and was frequen tl y brought Into Ih e IIJalmur Bo),eRNI , the Norweg tan Klug Alfon so Ilas recelve.1 on o ot · of 1{ lng ntehurd I. - has d ce mcd Il her an Ylhln g li ke II'I·un g lltq;. ~'o r oxam- poet ho use t o show air wb e n my masl e r 's . wrOle nn enc hanlln g IIl.l1 o lyri c the &lrallges L "ICI S ever \lre _~ n ed to pie, wh 'n I h e 'Iu elll I II 18 of choos ln(; a n il rl gbt l O go throu gb lh e pocl,ets o f her fnmll y was bonorud ab Ill. a gi rl wh o wos called the Brlor n monal·c'h . 1\ Is in Ihe s hal'e Dr l wo wltb fas?lona bl c I'rof~ ss ion fo r I he Loy 01' u sc hool t or sleel)ln!; lo rd nnd m ~S l e r ami 10 abs lract gues ts . It o e. She went Ilanell'g Ih ,'oug h th e fino 1'lIgs lUade fro m th e hl tl c& of Iho th e g irl. 01' of se ilin g a fav o rite hOrBe or days . anti lb crefrom the UlOll cr he b ad Wllbb eld, One m orning I wns lucke d under my wh e n t he olher mnlcienA were b o rs s whlcb we re kill eel by t he homb Introduc ing Rnotb er dog Into a bou s~ mlll,l ug lh e cows or pinning, s he WR S thrown lit the young Spa ni s h I:tn& du ro wb otbe r for liquor, tobacco or olb er per- master's arm aDd talten to a splen d lu wh ere eve rybody d oes uot Qually lik e Id le. E ve rybody con demn ed · ber. anrl IlIg bls r ecent \'Iall to France, sona l exp ns es. Sile nce has us ually ac- otllce downlow n, whe r e I was allow ed dogs , Th e re ma y be 110ll es l . dist as t e s), mpn lhl zed wllh h er mot ber becouse King Etlwar tl Is an omn vorouacumplln le,d and a Klonis hlll en t not Infrll- tbe freeuom o f the su it e until Int e In and ave~slon or bonost desi re and affec· s he h nll so h oeti lesR a dall g hter, Sbe De wspape r rea de r , and on Ul llny o CcnTb en . Frank plllled quenlly follow cu Ihl s se paration of lh e t b e nfternoo n_ t lon , or t hel'e mill' be a forelh oun hl ee mNi a s trlvolOIl S as a IJlItte rOy, bllt slons has showll himself to hu a goorl h ead or the family f rom bls sm all down Ihe lid of his desl{. picked' m o wht ch looks far nhead , or (\ slI llerflclai lh ere ca me a day wh en lhe r e was a fl' lcnd of I·he press. He I teep~ a n umup and said : "We ll , lillie cbap, I c hange. Th e rc has bce lllll llch more s nid " Iew which sees un ly 10' morrow , In chan co C4lr an act of tim ely berolsm , b e r or album s for clllliling s. Wh en guess we're bolh huugr)', so we'll try , any c nse, nbo ut lh e Hchool, Ih e horse, or nn d II than wrillen CUI thl ~ ' grievanc e of llle a little 11'118 Ih e lilli e Briar Rose wllo en lho continen t. he has cafe that the boys have bee n 8 buntlle oC ' the tlog, Ih e IMt wo rd Is t he decls " 'e OD O. s o rlflced b e nedlcls_ Al IllSl It ,}las been passed lalklng 80 much h ~rs~lr uud saved tife lown. th e ' 1 ndlng "TE DD Y. I'M G O IKG '1'0 G I VE TH Il: nnd It. IS Br l l l~ h dalll~R e \'c ry about lately." Ittte rcu presuma bly by tb e IIpo n by a court. Judge Slovcr, of KanFrie nd s. It does verl' Ilttl o good to m or • .Ing , nnd ; nlded by hi s su~relnry," BABY 1I\'fO YO O R C 1I AROE.· ' We pa8aed through crowded streels on e who sees furlh eslllnd . ls most un- scold IIn'd nng Rnd co ndemn other ' peo- pe ruses s ueh "rUcies us he de ws s as City , In granting a divorce lO a man that were all new to me, und or er an Im- people's con versatlo n, but I felt Ihe 8ellls h and cO Dsld e1'lltc. pl e. What we n il ncpel to do Is to look lu leres t wbo asked for It, among otber grounds , m e nse sleel structur e where the roar 80rt hand of Ml o" Frauces gently Olherwl .e, tbe las t word Is thlLL of a lit o llr~c l ves . Are we willing !Jecallse b Is wife had a hnblt u( "frisk- of tbe e lev ated trains made me trem· slroklng my coat as I watched tho to yield Ily- tl'l'an t . anti lyran ny Is fatal to home e n - the last word? Are WISE AND WITTY . wo willing, first Ing" hi s pockets arler b e fcllll tilee p, satd ble with : rlght, Into a Darrow little Ing J)anoram a on either side ot liS aa Joymenl . T y rann y s t I'lkes a ~Iow a t nnd In"l , 10 s al' words thnt 'genial be wQll ld gran t It for Olhe r r ~asous. !' ( tboroug hfare wbe.... meD wera busy we sped down t.he .. venue. Ih e life of Ih e hOllseh old , and makes an ~..b..e.ll lfu I 1 As tb e ehlldrim Tbo mau who never tlLlls never s ing: \Va arrh'e d at our bume all loo 600n quiet ~h' lng Im[lossl aball tlo nOlhlllg ," b e s aid. 'to Inte l'fere wheelin g crates of fruit and ,'egetable In that envlron , " LILlie a cts of kindness , trl es_ ble8, whlcb ror were me plied nnd I gU high llSS on that th .. Frank felt Ihe me nlo willi Ihal anci ent IJrlvll ege of tbe fall' Jus t as In "Dombe y Little words of 10\'e, and Lite's greawst pleasure s d" not cos t sex _ A wlte has til e right 10 do lhaL" sidewal k, Into the littl e stores pre- same, tor arLe r adi eus had been snld Son," the elcspotl s m of t.he elder Malle o nr earth an Eden, money_ paratory to cl08lng, Jor the I'ay, Final· and Francaa aud he r fath e r had botb Domhey was a withe ring and sco "e b'rb e moral scems Ie be pllher that the I.lke the Heaven above." Tbere nre frlenri sblps as t,ue OOIY Iy we .:amo to a narrow flight or alaii'll, Inslsle d on Frank's calling soon Frunk Ing blnst wllhln the doors of his pocket of tbe sleeping hus baud Is nut a up a s In the days of David and J{} nalhall. wblcb we climbed• . and e lite red 01 whisper ed to me \'er)' confiden tially: miscall ed bome, 110 d espoti sm anywhe re safo iJlank o r thaI a mn n Olll:bL not to small room where tbrongs T.UNIC 1 FOR SMALL BOY. A girl mllY lead a young man on. ot people " She 's all right, 'feddy," Teddy, of works mischie f lhat cannotlr e replilred . wak e It necess ary for a wire lo OULai'1 were busy eatiDg the things that we hut she cau't alwuys make him prore course, me aning m e. "Sbe's all right, • • • Our Design • • Is «;:harmi ngly SImple pose. Illou ey In I hat wa)', aerved to them by warm and tlrell- and It It badn't been tor YOll I would I k new a man whose follrle IL Wall tbat . and General ly Adapted for the lookIng YOlu:g women. Many men ml s talte a dis position to nave r bave had t he n erve 10 speal{." h e mu st have the flnal word about e ,'er'/Profitab le F~llowsllip. Oue tor Whom XeaDt. . Itlcl, nL everythi n g fa n" Olvln~ 'call' lo, The room was crowded , but Frank Afler that events traveled rapIdly, tblng. Beyond hi s own bil le .. h e w;s Among Ih e pl ea s ures und profi!J' of 1Ioall)' round prea~h . a vacant obalr and, seatI was soon able to follow my master a fairly good c lll1.en, , This lillie tUlllc may be worn over Inlclllg, ,"l Iravel are Ih e COlllllall)on- Ing hlm'selt, lucked me a man of s lrl ct The under his coat as be took his n:lghtly walks to wbere Integrit y, nnd a r epulable m e l'cbant_ IIrst. knl ckel's, or ol'Cr qhort petticoa ts. proph "rlnco may not be a weath erIlhlps one form s , The well -poised irav- while he proceed ed to glance over el, blit h e knows when It 100118_ the .Mlss Frances live d , On ~e he had turn ed hl B lalch -key III It Is of cream casbm~re. trimmed wllb eler Is never afraid to make new frlcnds, cvenlng paper. like rei g n. ,Vbetne r It 'II'as for a stroll tbrollgh the <loor, iris whol e nature, sllk-emb rolelered Insertio n: but the plUanll certalnSill'S tire Jo'our-Tr nck New s. Atter a short while the wallress tbe p8rl:, a gamo of tennis or a quIet Alw8Ys BI'eak tbe trutb . bUl don ' t He eoon Iy his mann rs untl e rwent IIU extraor- tel'D Is equally suitable to be copied In lea rn s to re ad human nalure s ufficient ly cam&. with a tray loaded down wllh evening 0:1 the v'eranda , I was alwaya dlnary target thnt It 18 of lea wls) not to ' tran washing s formatio mat n erials . He for wan s led ummer to "'ear, apeak at all , to know wbom to tl'lISt, ann on6 can- steamin g. sweet·sm elling viands, and th ere, all,1 although I am no eavel- adJyst everrtbi ug lu slghl, he prowled Th e cashmer e Is fin ely tllcked where It droppe r I heard nuany things on those about t" e kitchen , 'fhe man wbo ~o Dt e nds tbat tbe ' uollrav el , even to a I'PI'Y IImlled e :<tent, peering Inio the pots jOiLS- t he yoke, tb e tucks being about wo rld 18 growing worse la me rely occasion s tbat made me 8U6piclollll and pailS, and dri wlthoul mectlng runny p eoplo well v ing Ihe cook 10 dlslooking at It throngb spectacles tbat . that the re was somethi ng slronge r traction . H e crept worth Itnowlng . Th e littl e hum o circ ie fllrllv ely arou nd UP men t olly fog&ed. than frl end s blp b etween th ese (wo. the draWing -roo m, louchlng a finger Is d!;li gh([1l1 aud often helpful, bul lhe Finally It came. Olle even ing a8 1 h ere and a finge " Ih "Iowpul nt s and OP ll0l't uniti es o~ ou r ere, to see, Ir pasBIting. lay .it my moste r's teet. quietly nlb- sibil' n lilli e dust m lgilt have sell ied fe llow -cltlzells nrc s o ncurl y Id.mllca l Kervey- I beg yo u to tie my wife! bllng at tbe lo e of Miss Frances ' on tbe fU!'Dllure , a nd scannin g the tbat our n e xt·door 'n elghbore a rc \.ot apl Corne, now, don't s~'NO . " _ dainty troot anll listening to e ve ry corners or tir e ceil ing above and tire to (urn Ish as profitab le friendsh ips as ~Il Bs nO:l l e y- ~1r. Ne I'l'I'Y, I wouldn' t. word thnt was Sllld, ror 1 wanted to lIoor below with inqlllsl tlve eyes, In th':nk of soyla!; ': No" to yon , It IJerSolls we meet whosc envlrou mc nts find out positive ly what was happen- the nppnre nt hope t hat a cobwe b In wo nldn 't f ea ze you. 80 I Ihlnl, lb e hest are differen t untl who h a ve, perhaps, had lug, I saw Frank taku a ring from hla oue place or Il' crumlr o n th e olher might tb ln g I cnn do Is )'el1 for th e pollce .pocket. set with a iJllautifu l diamond give hl1t1 an op por a wltl e r range of O['POrlu'ntties anti seen tu nity (er cl·lIkls m . l'i,ll a delllhln Press. that s hon e like a Sla r, and place It Whatev er was prOllosed m o re uf th e things \vorl h whllr, wbl<:h he a t once I' Con Miss France s ' dainty finger . are ,I he h<'rltage of Ib e traveler . Whon t oed, maklng ' hlmse lf a lI'et blankel Oil A :ew words or ' co mment on ' the ex· t.h e pl eas ure of Ih e youn g tb e m on who Is tamlllar with Ih e ea~ t CET . POWER. pro llie anti qulslle benuty 01' tb e ring and they dampen lngany e nthllslas m el s th e ma n who has lea rll cd lh o m wlrl'h might were In each 01 h er'" a rms. Tbere W88 -be in their ureasls. The Supply Comes from Food, As for his poor greal . 1i1l·Y of th e wegl . Ih oconl'cr sa tlou tho .ound of murn e cl kisses, and as I wlCe. s he had lon g ngo said good-bl to lti pre ll), II lit 10 ue wurlh II sle nlu g to_ If we get pOwer from food , ' wh y no~ . bad aee n enough to assuro me lhat enlhu slasm and sponlan elty. strive tb get a ll th e powl'r we ca n. Thllt • everytbl ng was' O. K. I marcbed away Tile Jcnglh of hi s <Iaugh.te rs' trock s, The ~ Ing illar spectacl e Is Ilrpsenle d 10 Is o nly poss ible by 1150 of s kilirully se· 10 my kenne l, leavIng them to bill tbe color ot Ib elr balr ribbons, lb ~ ):11 ro~e or a I;reai. It'l e ill gent and and coo to their l!Carts' content. IC(le<l food lhllt ('xa clly fi lS lb e reslyle of th eir shoes, and eve ry trifle In I rog ress lv e peop le now praclicll lly frce qUir ements or the bouy. Not long atler, perhaps three lhe lr contluct alike came IIntler bls 10 ' months , I was taken to Inspoct a now cessanL fauit -findlng ",id Indepent l e nt peddling tbelr Ihrone Poor fuel mol,os Co poor fire, and a _ Now and Ihen, collage near nnd was shown ' where b e look up a tad wltb poor lire Is 1I0tago od stea m Ilrodll ~e r , about a mong the princes or Ihe lIelgh· eXlraord lnary Inmy new kenne l was to be placed, "From not knowIng IlllW to s~ l ec t borhood , begging for some one 10 come Blatence. and while th e fitlas l~" woe be 1:\ Very lillie Illlen.tlo n was paid to me to the family It lbe the rIght foo.1 10 I1t my needs, I s uflntl rill e t hem . The people of Norway, y veolureu to dla· now, In the evening Frallk ",oul4 agree with him , fered grievous ly for a long lime from ~ a ys Ih c Kall eus City Journal, are· not' Once I rem em ber be come borne, bls pockets bulc1or; wllh took II IDIO his head Itomaeh troubles _" wrlLes a lady from to regn rd COUlmon l1iJl e for lh e lr stu1'lly Indus try, whole(urnltur o ce.talogu lls, and, after a baat1' table aalt as a must a lillie tOWIl In Mi ssou rI. vlrllieut pulsoll. eo me c(llll'Uge and b lg ll Intellecl ual meal, woulel rush e.way to talk tut' No s alt was permltle '1\ seenJ e i as Ir I would Dever be ,l In Heasolilng , no Iden ls. So far as a c ll)· tor se lf-govIIble to find Ollt the sort of t~od thnl 80011 salt was allowed on tbe tabl e, no sa lt WITH 'I'I-IE FllIST KNI CKE RS. TOOK ME IN HIS ARMS AND . nlshlng8 with hlB brlde·to ·b.. c rom ent I ~ cunce rned. th ey are second there ... as a grand wedlllng , to .. bleb was admitted wllbln was I'cs t tor me_ Hardly anl·thln g MARCH ED OUT. lbe pantry door, lu non~. Thi s hardy no rthern race has It Beemed to me all of Cbloaco eame: An unfortun ale guest, Ihree In cbes In length. A band oUnaer- tbat I could eat would stay on my looking val nlJ' deposite d Ita contents on tb ~ table In atter that a three monChI' tour ot around tbe always been remarka lole for lis res lstEvery attempt ga ve me Ii.ble, Inquired tor sllit. 11011, bound encb side wllh plain Bilk, stomach . nn ce to O[lprp6Slon , Pe rbaps no cOlln- tront of my master. Nol until tben Europe, on wblch. my lIew mlltre. . "Madam ," be salel, " I would as 800n' Is ca rried down th" ~enler tront, tbe heart-bu rn and flll ed m y stomach with Iry In a ll Europe Is morc promisin g did I sbow myself, but atter a long Insisted that I sh.ould be lakeD aod gl\'e YOII arsenic. " A 80n or the house wri stband s I)plng ot Ihe 88me. The gOB. I got Ihlnner and thinner, unlll grollnu for th e spread or Ilolltl cal Inde- da,. at the omce I was nearly tam· on wblch I cam(1 Doar balDS 10lt venlured to ask tor It, and was &um- walslban d Is of kid , and the ~rlmmlng I lIIerally becam e a living ske leto n. tahed , and waa determi ned to have a several times. Is le ft to 10tlll'Idu ai lasle, . The style I. nnd In lime WIIS comllell ed t o )(eep marlly sent to bed. I. end e n"e. Y{,I NdI'wa), Is hnwklng her abare of to. the bounteo us repast Ibat sr.t s ullabl e for a cblld rrom two to three . my bed_ But that wal five years 'aao, an4 At anolher time, tbrolle auout as a gift to so me alien before the 8ame good man years U8. old . now 'Ne bave settled dowlI In our own had a fan cy lbat all "A few montlm Ilgo I was per sll a lle [~ nutrition and ever)' pr lnce_ Poking my nose from my bldlll8 ,home, have an aUlo ot our own, and possible req --~-to try Orapr-N uts 100d . aod It hatl,. uIreme nt for physi cal Girl with -Thin Hall'. such good effect from tire very be ginThe Inlrcrduc llon ,of eggs- Inlo a re- place I carefull y fe lt my way acron the tamlly, Incilld ing myself and the growtb wer~ toill ed up In the lillie ecmStop s hampou lng It. Fill a thimble ning that I bave Itept up Its us ner pass ot a lima bean . Tb erefore. for with CI nl dehate wit h an umpire In a west- m1 master'a knees and, putting my baby, go driving overy evening , sweet 011. Ever y night dip your sin !tttle .aws on the edge of the tabl e, I nearly torgot tbe boby. He came some lime lhe family ce , I W88 surprise d at the eASEt ureakfas ted , dined finge r lips In It aDd eru town s ee ms til eslabli. h a prr.r.e- I looked mass age ~ ver. Across tbe table from three years ago nnd we nsmed him and your with which I digested It. It proved slIppetl almos L enlus lvely on s calp_ c e nl whkh ca llnol be 100 p rom ptly UB lIat Ibe Part orT Ibe balr and be carerlll to be Ju st What most beautifu l young wom· Frank, nfter his tather. When be lima henns flS an articl I nectleti , Ali lilY e of diet. t; 'luelch e d. not to I;" t th e hair olly_ Run along H il h erto th e handy bat an I had e ver seen, and as h er eyes grew old eoough to toddle my mlstros l llnplu sa'nt symptom s, the h en r t-burn, "Why In Ihe world." Slid al<lnsw om- the lin e I'nll lhc co nv e nie nt cus hion hav e lreen resled on me an Involun tsry exclama - took me by th e collar and of Ih e partlDg with your Bald: "Ted- an, ' ~o you 1111 give up lO Harold In Hnger tips , , Bul 110 not get. your halr the inHated fee lin g which gnve me !It) all Ihat seem cd necessa ry III (, s l1.- tion of de light eecape d her. ely, I'm going to ulve th e haby Into so absurd n fasblon? much pain dl s allpenret l . My wel!;ht Lire Is not worlb g rel\sy. Tbat was tbo beginnin g. lng tbe VI Il WII of the 1I1""gl'ee lng e le your charge, and, mind you, don't let II vln~ at Ibe price graduall y Increase d from 98 to 116 you hn\'e to PIlY M.y ma~te r and the ment. UnL tbe use of eggs, no malyoung lady were anylbln g bappen to him," Ibs" my tlro.lro round ed Ollt, my for It." A New Belt. soon eugaged She knowa that even thollr;h I ' am In animate d conl'era alei' wbat th el r ' lIge or I.revloll s condl· "Tbe truth of the mall er Is ," said tbe A belt with a walch pocket Is new-ID 5trength came' back, nnd 1 am 'now u',lle tlons, IUrn s, 8S Il w('re , th e b'urrlcll tlon regardin g my good points, for no bllt e. dog she can trll st me, tor after persoll ad dressed, "llrllt Harold 18 so pique or lIu eu. It Is wide-fo ur or live to do my hOllsewc.rlc a"l'1' enJoy It. Th p. matter how ugly he- may be, tbe bringing about a'll th~s happlne .1 eet upon ha,-Ing the last word I bat we do Inch es~ ba s tbe IIsual oblong gilt buckle; Orape Nllts rood ,1111 II ." Nlltne gl l' en sllll unpre meditat ed a et or lin overclumsy dignity of a bull terrIer puppy wOllld I be likely to allow It to be e.llythln g for the ~.ake of peaco lind and tb e PQcket Is at lbe lefl el~e, a Illtle b y Pos tum Co., Battlo Orecle,. Mlr.b. wrougb t nltnd inlo Il e llberate n' lIlie. Is always tasclnat lng to the human shattere d at tiils Ute day througb qllietnes s. " A ten !lays ' trial will 'show IUl),OD6 , . pointed lIap but\.onln g down -over It to , ".n" rJ'lm t'ng,1 aforelho u l:hl. net. I ",al pl8sed across the table my ' carelessllu8?~Chlca&0 Cbroptc l.. 1 Here Willi &orn e fncts 1lll<lIIt foot!. an utraord lnllry Inlilan~e bold , tbe' walcb ~ecul' eJ¥. -,"Tbere' s 0. rellaon," , ' l' u \.Jut 1n

(h ~

('"hltl., You dl\l In de hl\ll ,

A Dog's Story


.....,.....,.,=== =





, '

The Growth of.Mocfern Democracy' in japan



WOI'!t 'of Ka,n sns Is Proving a Qren t V." lltc In Sa vlnr. the CrOllS,

r ravelets


Lo g~


All Sense of Proprie ty Mako Prlendll TOG Ensily,

A hair m illio n trees a year for west. !rn K ',nsa.' t(1rm cr~ O . ~es ul' lile work )t tb e Dodge City torc dtrr sto llon. I, \las n ' t bee II sO ninny >,ear~ ol n ce a t, ee wu s ,,-curlos il), o n Ihe s e mi -arid ['Ia l n~ )1 tile wes t. Now lit t le clulIl l'" of lim-

In a Land of Strange. Romance and Mystery

T he dl sea ~e \\'hlc:h ami cls tho boll!ay trav e ler I ~ now a l Its h el gbt. Il Id Iniec Uou s, c l,ldem h: unel extr em ely linuoy ing unrl d e pr es~ing to all healtll y anti norm a l rnllwi.Y passeng ers . W1W Has MaJe Ille Questlonlng of Ille Emperor's Wil/' On Th ero a re many S), tllptOIllS. Vo lube r 'CUD be see n on o very hUIld. . r c pU! ts bilit y Is on e; chlltlliih curIosity The Inyanga Mountain Counfry · of Souill Africa With Ifs t.~e Pari of tile People .Posslble. Is 3.11Iho I, a ns ns City Juurn ul, Tb ey re n,h:r other. E'Vldences of a Past CkJl[iza!ion. , valualJlu ,;t)rv!ce, LOO. T hey furni s h Th c h'Ol ldny ra ilway tra vele r l os~ s wInd breulls fo r sLOel1 It'l I be ,,,Inler. Q\I se nse of prollO('U on , and at lime>! ho . bade In the RDmDl cr, ch cek bOt wl nus I~ quit o ItlloU c. And Ihe wn i's t of It Thot the people o( 1'01(10 '~ holild rc- opinion or ((lI chl Kaneko that tbe ta- on d br ing m o l ~ ture . Is th re Is I/, co mpl ete nbse ncc o f . 80rt t o violence lind I'al se formal ' pro- vora d rew tyranni Writ e rs and s d eilt1Hc ID en of the are th e r e main s of ze and the mllBseE "Ti,oru l" ls lJeen a wo nd erful cha n go Nhamc. He Is quito un onsc\oll s Ihat he the atone walts of lest agalnsl a l realy sau cllo ned by th e a re forced to qui escence, IJrese nl day are eugappd In a neY er- dr.'ul a r dwelling s. This uprls- III cllllJ atlc cond itions o r wcat c ro (( ,,11 - is doin g anYthin g out o r th c We vi sited otber CO lllmoD.. !Odlll!;, never·aatlsH ed IIIlliB riO, holy and reverr.nce d rul er of a Ing suggeste d a general searc h dlsaffecl ioDl ~ aH, " suld Mr, Chalk Bcewn . " I con for und s imilar bill forl1l In th e di strict, A man may Ile th e mos t I cse ryed of 1I1lli 0n lJo ll evlng 80 devoutl y In r e\-er - wll.h the govern m I hln/:8 mysterlo ns and at th e sarno 8n() fOllnd t belr numbers en t as admini ste red rcme mber wb e n the lJll zzarcl to be a s toDs from t he Intllvid ll al ~- m ay e YC[1 Ile one or those time rOhlantl c, -lInee and a rlil er's Infallibi li ty, Im - nn , at least the onc Let tho.e wh o wou1<1 Is hln g. question . norlh In th o winter would kill ca ltl" e~l raortil nar y ,' Itl e rl y Jle rso ns who IIrOHSes the world with I be fact tba t ' Marqul ~ Ito fol' w ,,\t'o n t.h e n. Ho l v c~ In :;ueh conditio n. 40 years has been by Ih e th uu sanel s, aod th e hut On n of the feature s ot great Intorest wlndJ ~ cow; and g runt III rCS IXJnse to "good 100'ade lho hloulllal Jal!an Is now Int ense ly mort ern In va- mos t c lose ly conn " . oC south ea stern In t he' Iny nnga r egion Is lhe "slave ecl ed wltb the hls- rro m Iho so ulh wou ld bu rn up eropa morning s" ilt lJu s ln e,;" ; bitt pu t t h l~ el- i\am!Jesl a III So r ious wa ),B, Not only are th e Japan ese tory or Jallan, li nd ut h Afrten aod the prod - pits," Theso are (ound by hundred has bee n mo"l In- IlII d J1as tures In tb e s limm e s, r. W e go t dcrly ., p r~ on In a rat l ", n), carri a ge on !let would doubtl Ilroyen /1 great 11Ower. hilt within Ih e llu enLlal In Ih e mode e." thri ll t he r en.dlll g even withi n a s lIlall area. General ly rnl.atio n of hi s raug ht corning a nd go in g. I'\ow we the. are rOill e fo r a mo n (h III Norlh W al os . a,l,1 wo rld for years to co m r calm lh ~ people arc moved to asse l·· coulllry, t h c llhe e, ra llzation ot t heir not b<lt hered wllh e it pits are found In clust ers of tWOK a nd her , Th o t rtle ~ Ih ere cumr.s over h irn a st.ran gf', 3. 1lio n n f their r1lo:hts; th o leav e n of dem- vl ew8, H e was ono Thll mountal n olls ~'OUI\lry tee ms threes. o r singly at of t.he Hrst Japa n. iJrea k th e blizza rd s a dIstan ce o C notJ O]OSl \l 1,lu:mom c llal t ramsfv r mKtion. In wlnl e r a nd th o" ratlc nnd soclnll st lc Id eals -Is nt e~e )'nuth s to go auroad ...Ith romanc:e a n d mystery . RI ,l ll g to 50 yard s apart. Fig trees ot g reat gi rth. fol' st ll rly. on hal wi nds In sn mm er . Th e li e Is g ra y· ha lred , d 'a n -sh urc n , • he iAll1 s a ving to wo rl<. And though t ho reeo nl (lIsplll)' hi s ret urn lahor lng of 10 ,00 0 fee t above Lho sea g row ou tho fl oors or from the wall, zea lolls ly to ac· the farlll ers In ca lli e 8 : 0 w itl, 0 rat ·lrn l,) mo ulh . n llt wi lhln 21l lovel. 1l C run s InlO c" mo b sp irit ha s heen (lulet ed, tll '~ qualn l his co untry lhe I nyanga mo untains g ive mas onry . These ore not Indigeno with need for frle nd- Ih e th o u>!lI nds of dolJ us andl a r~, And as f" r mil e ~ frum London h e dc v nlo()H an ~ r ­ t hose who 8eek _ ;)cc nr rc nces at th e nallon '. c'apltlll g il'c IIn eMs with th e t he strange anLl ""clrd arc nol of " cry gre a t age, 80 they hated whit e for " lg no,'. crollS. we ha arlJ ve ll ' t Il lI own pf a failu re r tl sl w ' ~ c ni alit~· , n pen s n conVc r !-in Li l n a !:\lmato Ind lratlon 'o! n ralll cal cha nge msrl(lng H e frnm ed th e ~'Onstltu which s tro ll g l), rese rubl oij prob ably th e d esce ndan ts ot tlon th at wa ~ KlIl ce Importe d. I hc trces got 1,1'l e nou!; h to do wh it-II you ,I f'si~'u III avoi d. n nfl pres s l~ 8 t hat Ja pan's Int ernal nffa lrs. so mon'elolls ly grnnt ed hi s cOllnlry · o f S wllZ Crlo ll(l. Th e in oll l.l a in s t rcc" whi ch once g rew plenll rull y over lHH;l ncss." o n y4'l 1l ( l u lal1 ~ nr lhc (TO IH; , Qn w h ich Th is appears " cepl y Mlgn lllcnnt wlill'\, me n, h e IJrcvaii od u co,'er a n area ,of counlry e xl e nill n g thl ~ tl ls lrlcl. Th e pnn th e peopl o t o 1)lI s are su nle to a. Til e salva ti on of th e wes lern COUll try h e I. qllit e l ~ n (1ra n t. Ir you re r 'l lse abou ha s r ce n lly lake n \llnce In Toilio. The Pllt o n Europea n dress, L 100 mil es from n O" lh to Rou t h ,Ippt h or from SC" CII to te n reet beloWj h e enc!lllrnger, 'I epends more IIpon Iree , t!.a n o n Irrl - him s lImd r' nl ly h n wil l prese nl.i)' uOe r and Gn mil es rr o lll eas t La west, D1l1nl r lpn.ll1 y paijs lng reso lutions d e- numbers of young men to seck li beral gatlo ll , Only lyIn g th e s ur fal'c ,n( the IlI'o unLl , th e s id es be1\ s mn ll part of t h e cO ll n - YO I1 u It:!u r, fo r til e dl sea. c t il h i m II:l S lI oulw in g te rm s nnd favori ng Iho edllcatl on In li beral Immedia tely t.o the sout h o f t he m lt;hl Y Inp; IIn et! w llh wa ili la nds. Aftr r the tty ( lin ho Irrigated ng. P IOclll ~"'1 Ih al s lute ... f mind wh ll'h Za muus l a t T ele, a llLl auout aband on merll of tb e I,eace t rc llty, Th e la pse of years th e lit 11 11Ihe rl re r marqu is looked ,UPO I' vull c)" , 250 IIlll es They are all Circula r In form nnll The go vor nm cn t I ~ Hilan dl II u lT~l r s gontl rur ev il. B al'r lste rs' a ssorla tlon n t; l:~ ;; to d«l- hi s work anll pronoun we"t of th e s ho res of th e IndIa n ocean , hovo diamete rs ayera ced It gooll. Nol $ 2~O , OOO maili ng gl ng trom 18 to Bllt I he m<ls t IHe "a lellt Bnel r nrh np .• T hro ll gh th es e mountai Irrlgatlu n pXIler lm enld t enll nil peteons arreH lert In riotin g. It lon g ago he dec lared n s 11II';SC5 tbe ~8 feet, The Roors are paved wIth nat conce rnln l( .111· arollnd Garden J!(;und s s omethin g IlIle t he Russ ian so- (la n: "Class dl s lln CII), . If th ey p ro" o I he mo. t Ilh jeclI onllb ln of nil S)'Dllllotlls ctlons and t r ~lll) s lI rcebs ful t hp. rarnl e.'s, In Ihe 1....11; r ll n , .) 1 th " II I.. clallsts, does Il not 'i-or per haIls we ports are of th e I!aal. Is th e qut ck Bn d ' ~O [\ ­ Merchan ls " It will have to foot wo ul<l bolle r say . agitators? Wi t h til e In th o di et. Inter that bil l. If t h )' fa ll t III Ur,: t\llll ~er or th e ho lld uy trav ele r. murrlng e Is lega l boo IIUl I wa s I n Ih o 'lrain 10 Devo n sh lro last gl"'ernm en t will be the loser, Bu t ~xcepll on at th e governm cot orgnn , att tween allY tlVO grades of society , Gv .. ri gal iO Il affects on ly a small arcn. It '\1'1'11 anti travele(1 with fI "lout In,ly th e papErs seemed to o1>l,ro\' e of tbe th at Ihe ','T ad es ha ve practica lly dl S2\1- Is t Ite hundlln g or the upla nd at a o f "I ' Wll h a s ma ll hliHualld alld tlt rl'O upri si n g. This - Is th e la nguage USe d. pearod. The Sumora l liS a ellll'• .to) l'>Ul w ollt Ih at will cou nt. And It se ellls (01 .11 (111'11 . Th " la \llaflven r ss III1iI enOne pape r, tbe JUI , declares : "Such a e xI s t. Even I h e forms of speech .,,.hlen tha t trees offer the onl.\' solution of Ih .. . I".m of t h e Ilarl'y "'ore a ll\181 ll ng , depl ora ble demonst rallon In a ci ty formerly Indicate d diffe rences In rank nu l worse th an tall{ was to come "hat has s eeme<\ a dl mcult I)robl m , .,,.bere tbe e m peror resides Is hi ghly ure DlodHylng. In social r elatloM hlpl 1'\\,pnt y ntlnu l~ " aflu I ~avl n g Water, Th e gove rnm ent h as set a s id e 6O,~0) a cres ot land In Finney cou nty 'fo r" 100 Ih c la dy asl,cel her IJ llslia lld 10 ha,ntl Iree r ese rve. EXller lmonts wIll be maie 11""," onr. of t hn has ll ets fro m I he rack , tn Hnd ,o ut whal s pnc les of lIm h ~ r is Wh pn be hort d one so. t h e Indy le :s!'es t adapled for thaI counlry, The II rely IInp.I, a (1lIanlll y ot cak e, a arid dlstrlr.ts of Europe, As ia a nd A[- I p: nt lJotl e fill ed wllh m ilk , Rn (1 a s,mall rica will lIo sea r che d by ex perts 'for ~ I n s~ . som e fi Rnrlwld) (,~ ond 1\ paf,c r trees that thrlv/! wi thout much \\'a le r. baj! m lllalning r "rl /l. It·rants, As soon as t h o governm en t has It ! ;0' Th ey be!;"n with II>" ror\ Cllrront~, H rvc we ll slarted It will s upply t rces nnr] I ('x \l~ rl o n ~C(1 1\ f r.-.... lul w es cotlto wes te rn t arm e rs a t a s mall co s t .Ina me lll. fo r hos lH I.O tltl' 1$ a noth e r mil ch e nco urage I.h e m In o\'e ry way t sta r t toJ be dn'odc d SYlIllltOI Tl . And my fcar groves, wn fi i llfiUOrtl . T 1Hl good larl)'. with Il eTh c sla le n o w sU PI,ll r s "OO.COO 1f'~ eB l('sln lJl n Rm ln!Jlli ly , p·ruffc rNI m e Ihe 8 11.)" ull y 10 the farm ers. Th e e r. r e j"l r l' pO tlnr hng , a A MAP SII OW ING TilE HEG ION OF MYSTER Y, lltl I h011 to t okc two prndll ccd nt th e ~ tatlon and s h ip· cLl "1"":< of 11", r",1 Cll r r :tn tfi. Th ese I Car,e to Cairo t elegropb line on Us s lones. Tbe npproac h to l be bo ttom of (j ill I" tho ~prl "l;. ' r h e fa rm,ers sl mjll y rll (lellVOrrl l In tl lfi l)Osn or 'ir.'gly Bn\1 Wil Y n orlh. haye to P H)' ror Lh eir d ~ lI ve ry . No " "rrrrt lll'~II "I Y tn these 1)lt8 Is always b y a narro w [lasth n cO l\ ver~atlo n Cecil Hhodes was onC<! ,,'ont to make s a ge or t un nel so me 30 to 40 feet eh ltrge Is mario flJ r the t ree , by :h l w h l,' " Ir' )ltl t h at In mOlll e nt wa~ his h eadq uarl ers In t h e90 mountnl ns length . The eu t mnce Is nt th e surface $ta le . lI nn n m4'l. when any great problem and confron ha te way afon g Is a veulilatl nil tad I J\ol ,, "I at I':~et cr . R y t h )ll. tlm o him . H ere h e could t h ink for hour s s hu ft lu tbe root. Somellw EXTRAORDINARY SHELL FISH. all I h .~ n,, ""e ll~c rs hall fl'ntl'rn l1.",I. oij D\ouo' A ~ a nd no problem \\'a ~ ever faced thO l II t hs , s tili ereel , arc round 00 lhe sO uth ll t fl I Ih n h " lr-pmnll o(1 hall of rC11 diu not s uccumb to a s tllY of a da y or sid e of t he pits , 0 1 II distance of Biva lve of Singuln r COllst.'U c t ion ClII'ralitS gu lll J; the about rDl1D11 of th ll ea r- two 7,000 (eet a boye lbe sea le vel, It 4U fce t. Rou lld about th ese [llts arij the Th a t Bores In a Remnrk ' I il\~ e , Is rel ated . re-mnlns o f s tone wo.llg of clreull1r able Mannel-, At on c time t h ere wus an enormou s buildin gs , EAST INDIAN FAMILY LIFE , , y located In th e h en l't of t he I'lln ge I'crhapH lit e But the most ex ll'oordln ary feature mos t extraord inary tlg h t-gll' ln g s h el lrt . h Is th e ph ula s , or T he Wif ~ n pco m cs w ith ITer Hus band II.,lId b er e a lso s9 me deep m)'Slery r e8ts of t ile (lIy uusa r~ng (! Is Lb e vast numfil e OHh. Ills a bl\'alve; thnt ls 10 soy. be r oC I'ery old aqueduc ts s owe I wo a M ~ ll1b c r of Hi s Par ents' It has two she lls, wh ich a re ope n a t rulles In lengtb ruunlng from a ncient Hou "clt old , both e nds, and at ea ch end Is a cover da ms on lhe mountai n 'slreams aud which fils ov~ .. lhe open ing. Tho fi sh crossing fro m bill to h'llI In a m ost A man ,I'"'s nnt len"e! . l s (lare nt ~ nrte r s tllYS al ways In one pl ace, appare n tl y mnr ri a~ e In live with his wlfr, HfJ b o wond erful mann er . wit hout a ny life or m oveme nt, bll t It 11 "t'~ In thl. · counlry, but hc SIA YR Otber features that s trll(e the vlsllor at Is rea ll y " wld e-awako, hun gry crea- h', lIIr . unll I~ " w lf" hocomcs a me mher to Ibis region ot mystery are what ant lure. By menns of t h e covo rs to Its I, f I\ ls ramll y, Irel"g Irtmlcd as a (III ,,!;b · lmow n as Hili T e rraces, and th e8e aril shells It ca n o:lpe n art') close t hem Just Ic,' r or th e hll sll ulltl's p aru llt s, wril es found In hundred s througb out Inyan&&wh en It won ts to and Ollt ot eit her SWllmi Ahh r danllJHlu , i ll (;oOd .fous(' Th ese terraces cO I'erlng th e sides ot open ing It-thrus ts 12 long, crook ed , III·I'I, ltlg. Th e nltl J ewl' lt I" w, " Th e re the bills are mostly on their nort herll - ;U..l.IlQU IS ITO, b alry arm s In searcb of Ita prey. Ei ght fon' . hall a mnn leave hi" fath e r onll b ig side. As ma ny as 40 terraces, one sma tt er arms are gene rall y lu cked 1I1 U l hf'r nnd '"' shall cl ea ve lo hl ~ wire" above and behInd t be o lb er are to be elg-nl ncanl th ot th o only course ope n 10 lh ~ old barrIers a rc Clow n, Jnllnn Is bl' awa )' Inside found on anyone hill. Most ot these I l~e ' ";'H ls ;H). haR no pl ace Iu III ndu the Ehell, th!\ cabinet fs r p.s lg noll oll ," The Hachl co mlli g (\ owocrat l c." " bave carl h behind the m ; but from .the ' 'I'be phoias Is found In all so rts ot KOeid y. 1\ I ~ cnnsltl l}l'cd to bn rxco mparcs Japan's capital wI th tb e cal)· But the de mocracy tor whi ch thE inn e r s ides of many the 8011 bas, III 8ltuallo ns-some tlmes at Ul e bottom ot t (I, m(' ly s e lfi sh to bc 50par81 (,,1 fr om lho Ital of Russ ia and allllerts tha t tbe marquis labored, no w loolu. u pon th~ the the cour8e of ag es, been washed away, , soa, somellm s hIdden away In I'lI rn lit s for th o Nak e 01' a wlf~ . Parpcace lreaty was lIole'cau se fo r th e "sad leader a 8 reRponsi ble for unfavor able Th ey arc relalnln g walls, and mOlt lumps of ear th, so metimes lodged, sb e'll PlltS, illd cil . 1"\\"0 a gl'enltor c la im upon and sha meful occurren ces." Another t('rms, holds blm to lIecount "When llui probably wer e used for horticul tural and att, In the beart of tbo hardest lh "'r chll tl rl'n In I ntl la t han In any pDp ~ r , the Manl ehl, cries ; " Heed the ,~ov ernm e n t a ppro ves or II "~h~mcflll purposes . Th eir co nst ructors were moat marbl e, for th e boring Jlowers ot the pnrt of the wo rld . Th l,; Jolnl family voice of tb e lIatlon , Heed the eXllr~"- peace ," He Is head of th e Ilrlvy coun· probably Arabian s, tor 10 so uth ArabIa ~)· .tC Ill Is 11 vcry oln lu s l il lI :!nn hand ed fish are truly marvelo u s. slo n o( t h e nation 's rl eslrc. Th e na' ell, an(1 belllg close to th o mlllUdo s lmllal' hilt te rraces are also found, If you take the pholos ou t of Its s h pll dow n Ihrou gh ge neration s. II hBsg r eat t!on '8 vo Ice Is full . ot anger." A 1111 It s hsre" th e odilim cas t upon U, e ruleI'. Traces of lost races and ancIent pe()It look s ttk e a sort . ro und \luddlng , V"III Il in developI ng bllmn ne qll ollllcs boldly su ggesls that the anger might be Th e patriotis m thuL m ~de Ihe Jap solpIes are to be found throug hout the v..rth no In strumen t tor bori ng- In lo lik.e fellow-fooling nnd sympat h)', and appease d by tbe res lgnatlon of tho cab< ~ I er a t~ srl ess and ' fearful HghLer , gr eat area of Inyanga . Th ese evl d e ne~ e\'en the son est substan ces. Its two In r.x t ~ndlnll Ih" fi eld or lo yo a mong all lllel. Tile penple, angered ' becan8e lhe rJakes lhe Jap citi INTERI OR OF A BLA Vii: PIT, ze n, those Ihat hav(\ are to be tound , almost every 'IUndred t eelb IH O so placod as to b e use less for , lI r h rela t lvcs a s live mulllr one roo , governm en t stands for progrc~1I and rcad along mod er over tb e In ~aliga range- lh e myst ery yards n IIncs, learned ot of on e's travels through the the pu~pose; 60 aro the covers to lis To- day Ih e l'c nre 10 UP. !lInnll familled con eS810n in the Int.el'es~ of mod ern democra cy and citizens' of a long-for gotten people who bav e rlghl8, somerange, and In th ese traces 110 manT shells. . Tho Imple ment wh l~ h It u se ~ whi ch co nl<l.t of nearly roo m e mbers civilizat ion, rise agaInst IIberiU vle~s; Ihlng other Iban moek lett, substant and 8ubmls8 fvo. ial tra ces ot their labors problem s whic h sclentln lIy lnA tOf';rther In pcrfect harmony and thougb It was liberal Japan that made c men for years The 'weslern clvlU7.a llnn In a waY has Is a_, broad , ft06hy foot, which I,s s ucs on every s qua re mil e of this vast '~ oacc; an d th e morn l s ll\ndard among to come wilt Iltlem)!t to solve, and It I. (rom one 'It pos8 lble r,for them tb' rl~ p, end or tlto oth er of Its sh ett, go ne to Ihelr heads. There bas grown ' streIch ot ' mountai n country. HIli wlLhout a shadow of a doubt a puzzllt ami lis met hod of boring s uggested to th('m ' ls k Apt S f) high thol.,...,h hll8hand terraces It Is mos t dlmclllt to get a true pi c, up Insubdrd lnatlon , slone forl1l, o\d aqu educts and which will In the schools, a hamc the he9t ot m en enthe great illlglneCr, BruneI, In 1914 t he looks upon eve ry othllr woman of Ihc s lave ture Of' the Japanes e, t.raveler s and oa- decal' ot maDner ~ , (lits, are loss of Ihe old I'tVwltl> :" th e view of visgaged In just this sort of a Held. 10h o tl~c hold a. hi s mother, whll o OVC I' .v th'c patriots are so wont to pres enl an erence wltb which it or s; the extent of country cov ered ya nga Ihe poopl e gonerall y way 10 maltc th e Thames tunnel, and wife J10ssesse 10011. upon all 01 he r men aM h er with idealized vi ew, th ey e ver palnl a coun · \\'tre Imbu ed. J'he ilervcd no :l model for lhe macbln es these remains Is simply ma ev el- ull monnt.ln s a charm whi ch not victory over the R can lay claim to and used In boring tb e Mont Cenls tunnel, chtl ct ren . Th e membe .... or su c hahou ~e ­ OilS. trv ~ c feel sure Is too Utopian to u - Chinese has add ed 'fn ey ha \'e no s lmll I! ud e what - t hnt Is the to the nallo'n 's !leltvasl area whIch It occuplee , 1st . ' Th ey tell us that In Ibe land of conftden ce. Perhaps Th e IIholos works thus: FIxing It- hnlrt dall y pr rfnrm Ih(ll r reSIJecli ve ever 10 th e remaln8 t o be round In oth . S ixly by 40 we m3Y be per . mll eR Is the estimate place!l th e "'YankeeS of the Eas't" purrcl lIb- mltte(I, owing to perso sci! ftrmly by lis powe rrul fool, It usel! dulh' •. Th e w"men dly"'o thc work or er part s of so uth ern Hh odcsla. The upon It , and nal a cqualnln nee hOIl"" this feature add s to Ita kec lllng erly Is enjoyed; Ihat Ihough wages are of some r~prs with o lllong It AS Ih Il em ccnter se lvrs, bIt, nnd around whi ch It InY8nga ruin s fo rm a IYI,e by the m· Japanes e colonist s, small tlll're, prices a rc low, everyho d)' to gIve an Impr~sslon ot makes Its Rhett revolve ; th e soCt ed ges tnkll Ih (' onl lre man ageme nt In Ih el r se lves . and Ihp Jap a s he It would app ear a s If th e Is happ)' ; that Japan has no saloons appears t o lis-cock ot tli e . h ell begi n th e pcrforat lo n, own ban ds . follo\\'11I1; Ihe dlrec llon of wbole or th e I nyanga y, a mlxturtl or cou nt ry was once ', ho mo.t e ltl er ly latl y of tlu: famll)', and no strll<cs. In r elldlng and lI ~te n - banlam, Iris hman one huge city . For 100 miles hy 60 it and orlenlal . .Japan - whi ch I ~ afte rward enlarget l hy Iho Whnl e ve r th ey Ilccl de becomr, the luw Is ras plll;c Ilcllo n ot the rough Interlor_ In g we build up n Jopan of IInlv Hsal esc workme n ar~ almost Impossib l e to noti ce a s ton e fklil e and eas lh afIn th c hom e. Mc n allend to th eir busl · 1Iutrty nnd joy, a go,'e rnment. whoBe front ed. Htrllies and Thnllg h constant ly worn down " It Is whi ch bas not passed throll g,. huruan riot s ore ;nuch n e"~ . cl enl wl l h I he out s id e world , supply machi nery run8 on Ih e s moothes l of morc common among hands. Who were the occ up Ie rs? What them than usual- replacell by a new , formati o n from the Ih e lI ec d ~ o f lli e fnm lly, I'I nll nt the be· was wh~pl s animal, so tha t It Is alwa)' s kept In But !a writer In the Arenll, Iy report ed, Uy ,h e wrltcr, th e ir obJ ec l ? How ,lid they dis give n ovpr I'llInlnl; of ea ch mll,, 11t Sl ,·c 1,lIch l Kan eko , lI!.t empls to break (lown to fulaom G praise 10 th good e wom conditio n for boring. appear? ' of tht "Iltlle brown P II or Ih e famil y <,noll gh mou~y In m eet thl H Ill lls ion . t.o give li S a cotrect vlcw. men of Nippon ," Who~\".r th e peOI)l e we r e th ey mos t TeachIn g Blind Fish to See. 111 th e cxpc o r th ~ ho" se ho ld , Bul p H hap" \\'e s houl (1 ad mfl I.hal hl ~ Strlkc ngltatlon promise s 10 more ce rtainly u nd erstood th e building a rt. In the hOI10 of teach ing blind Hsll ar tl " le bears th e title '·.Japan As and more dis turb Utopian Dooks o t ReI Ion call atle ntlon to an ,Japan , COI{I - . 10 sce, EO me In Iores tl ng oxperlm en ts " Icwed by a Nutl,·p So r lallsl." mel'c lall7.atlo n now has Japan ' n i: .. old fort, whi ch despite I he fa ct that It .. re b~l lIg car ried Ollt at the New Yo rk KlIchl Kan eko l e ll~ liS of s lrlk es an rl S I' ~S p; th e re Is g ren Is told of in unlluth en tlc wo rl<s, has l Illdustr ial Impe- nqua rilim . A large con s ( ~n ment of ch' lI broils Innllm ornb)e , and t~lI s us IllS; nl so Ih ~ rr Is become Ii matler or hl s tor)' . bCC Ruse o f 1\ " en ' clls lressecl In blind f1 " h has juat bee n received there tllat the ~ o - ca ll ed democra cy Is no trlle dll s trlal 1l01)ulaUon Its actual exi sten ce. Th e walls , cve n , s lIrrollnd ed by con- from Ih e Mammo th ca ve or Kentuck y, de mocrn ry (Th o !/,cnllem an Is corre· d i llo n ~ nlmost un pnrlurah l c, al this la to period ar e subs tantial , ~ e­ To be and Mr. Spencer , director s pond e nl of a pal,e.· In Tokio. and nnt "lire. In ovcr-cro w,led of th e aqllnIng co ns truct ed fro m six to ten rre t .Japall Ih e re has rlum " "h hat chery, expeclR l hat und er 10 b(' (,(>Dfollnd ed with Fl am o l,a,)e kO , lOll S hee n ml sp rnIJl In width ilt dlffere n l Sl,ots and th e e po verty. It ilt now hi s t ore th e blind fi s h will . In time , person al repr ~se ntAll ve o f the ,e mpero\' Ihere Is r eali zation ruined s ummit s of the rud e turrets are of pO"CI·t ),'8 ex- evolv e oy es and Bce lik e 01 her HRh, of Jap an ,) He le ll ' tl S the J ap,lI n ese Ire me. Imow leclge BtIIl a bout olght teet 10 h elgbt. Ihal oli)e r la bor ers Tbe II s h nre lIati ves pt Echo rl"er, tho go vernm en t s),st cm Is a "mal;c-h e li C\'c ri o n ot have so har Houg h s to nes of all ~Izes und shal!CO d II 101.. And co n. deepest 9ulJlerra li ean str~a m In the s~'sf em : It I ~ nnl by the pcoplc. of the .ltl Prl n I Ih e s illms we re used In th eir cons I rn etlon. Tb a t of ' '1'01<10 a s r OIl- world , pco(!lc , fo r th e peop le. 1\ III Ihp go,'· trust ed Wllh \101'lIon thl H bll\lllin g wa s a fort alImlt s of no , s wht>re IlIxury Bnd erllm~nl of Ihe few. of 1I0bleR, of tb e beauty dlsC lI ss loll. \ls strage ll c pos l! lo n , enor11I'c '·a.!.l. T ok io ma y so me dllY DoubleTailed LIzards . titl e . a ud aho \'e all , o f the fif';u re h t'ftd be lIla r ked uy ~cc n mous stre n gth , narrow e nt rances Bnd ('s lik e thode ot tho The sma ll house li zard s , wl,lch art INYANO A F'OR"l' R U INS', -Uie mik ado." A rtlfl'e rent vi ew th a n pas l ,. r ar In S, . l oophol ed wall 3. all 110lnt to th is con P eler.b urg. "In no numerou s In tb e trop l c~, s he,1 the ir Il, al of Marqui s 110, whl l'h we s hllll capltn l of th e wodd d u" l.on ; lJes ld es wblch a t c rrace wall my sl e rlou8nes s, as we ll as (lacs th e plumm et tail s when ca ught or bad l)' frl ght en e r\. to Ita a tp \,esent IAl er . so unri dC ~ f, c r In Ihc OCP nll nf poverty, Frequ entl y, wlien t he n cw call roulld th e in s id e of t he muln walls tractive ness fo r explorer s and dIe up· tourIsts , One of the ,Jnpllnes e pOI' Pr8 . co m- wrptch edn ess and hUlonn enabled the defe nd er s to throw sJlears TIlls charm , combine " 'oea than In ponda ge g row s out a ga in, II come3 In d with the hism entlng on the rIoting, mod e t he assel'- T ol. lo , ~ Lond oll with and sboot orrOW9 on the e ne my Ollt- lorles pf los t and Corgotte Its "submer ged a blfurcALed sha pe and t he s mall a uln races wblcb tion thul l hose ta il in g part therein tentb"- Porls ,with dde. ,Th o e n t rallccs are a ll co vered, are to ue found, if the It ~ seWCJ1! p eo pled mal Is th en co ns idered a " ma ~ ~o t" by explorer or 1'\8_ were h ot Irrespon sible a(!ltator s. · bu I wltl) vlclolls halHQd En rrln.nd'. and Cun!le. numbe r 21. To enter th e building Itor Is familiar eoough with the surhumanlt Y- lhl thesu l,ersll,lIo u s natlv e3. those bay!ng good standing In soc.lpty,; g ro' ·elln g RII8e lan s Fl ottin !,; h a~ !Jecome Ihe C:llrse o f Eng. one hilS t o stoOJl cons ld ernb ly o.long o f Gorll Y's nlgh l ref'a rOllndln g countt')' , go to make up a and tho ugb the ,latc l' disturba nces \\'~re II ges-fall to equal 11\111 1. 1' he Neapollt Wh all passose a pa t s s lv.l for "t h~ a QueettG n l bare~' s ho ulders wide. Tbere' country whIch , as It becomes the a bsolule wrel ch· b etler traced to ro.".dyl sll), It , ~ agreed a \'ery edne .. s ot the slums loll l! r y Is n n tlling :ller<:ycompare 1 would neve l' marry a maD d wltb thu are no less tban 60 lQopbole s In the l;oown, may become an object ot TokiO, where of Inter. differen t 0las8 part iclpated at ' Ih e be· 1I,'e half a million I!lnglls h horH, racl ng fevelr. to . wb leh walls , The Inter ior of lb e fort Is. ,lid not lov&. or more of Ibt dl - eat for touring parties from every- eeo.- - - ' ginning of tht exprcaslon of ell ssatls- ~tar"ed snbJects of r.IBudl e-Uut suppos e a r eal wealth, s over Igna. · lords, members of parlla· vlded .. lnto sIx Inc losures, the central tloll of Ihe 40n of heaven ~be globe, ' The exqUisI te ell'- rr..cUnn wIth the sonrnm cnl's a ctio n too poor to own m ent. work men . lad len. old men and Inclosure lJelng hIg her tbnn the others, e,·en th e rag. the), man should l)rOpose ! mate aod tbn tracel or preblltO rlo ' Whlcb BH.n& to wntrodl ct a IttUe tb e. ..".ear." "' 1 should lo ve him, of course: '-811., chi llren s uccumb, It II a crImIna l and thus formltlg an Illner citadel wltb races CHRh3T OPHltR W~;BSTER. are proving U attraotlo n, Dol to,'.. Slorleli. , (l'u .• ~'. - - lllh~1I Secolo, ' . , .".&1la ten fett wid.. In,ido tbe nlltI' lit tull, reallte«. .:






, Silrin gburo 's Brigh.t- Prosp ects. r---------- -.

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It i~ t.o be regrette d tbllt the ox cl'Jlent lecture eOUftie , whiob WII' plunued fur t,bill winwr hll8 fflll ell thrpugh . Prof . Hrlltl on d eserves IlODlme ndut.ion for hIS ettortl! in behllH lit' the cuurMIl, Up to Ihe lust be did Jill ill bit! power to m .. k e it It s uccess. For lIever.. 1 year.. Mr , Britt ten baa IIttende d to praotiCIIl1y 1111 the work of arrungi llg the lee ture OOnrHHtI lind s ucceede d in bringio g to Waynes vllle some of the best tul ent In the OO UII try .



The Oaze tte's Speci al Editio n

F' ruu k l ht



S prlll t.;b" .. "

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hll ,-" II trll(' t.ioll li ll '" '1'111' "I ,i 1;0 1- III th p 1~... III~ n on tlnd ~' rllnk lll ' I h.. "'1,,,.' IIhl! tw · of IIn~' tr,"c li ,," liu e hll ,' ,. mild, · Ihi ~ pr " IJIl JI "W~ 1'1' "UT " t'l 11' ' )001 II Il'u (' f1 0 1l lirl f". ~lIlOn : II tll e.penpl" of til"'ill:':)''''''' i Ill'l l' l,.. illlo ' I,-,,1I Ih ,t : IIl11t which Will , "k .. flO It(l " ",,, ,ll. IIf Ilt tl "Ii"," t~ "' VI ' I' W'I:'" h:l ' Ot ' u,.,'11 t o i JI ', of I,h, Co. Ih ~y "i ll bll ill " lill - --






Trtl~t ol'


':'p i ' l ·", t,.,!, I "llIll:H~ will hfa s llpp \l d


J. H. 'McCASSY, M. , A" M,

, 126 W est Fifth S treet'. Th u niti'llouH o f our n eighbor in g The I~ ('p n lol i('an 01""'101''' of t.o wn nf RIHillj{hor ll II r A feeliu g Da.ytnn : hl (). JA MIDS LINDE R hil S r etu rn eil to ve ry II111 0 h onol)l1l'u.god over pros Wflyn e Ill wn . h ill will ttl I,,· nnt,\ce peets ttllt t will m nke fo r . tbe s llb- t hu.t. n pl'intllf.V 1~ I "e t iulI wi ll 10" hphl Phon o~,: M...itl H.()2, Hom 31i02. Wnynes ville oIII I o llOn acln ,·o\ IlIIlMII.: dr"uti ,tI 1""':':1'1'- - " I th " IUW U . in ill tb t, 'l'o\\'ll"h IP Hnnl>o . Wuyncs En:, EAfI. Nost) ANO 1'lIItO...1', SHO I' in ,Wri ght's buildiD g In UppOI' viii ,. 1111 ~lLt\l[n .. .Y. Oct oUOI' ~ I , 1905. th ~ ""I'.\' t\U fn t ur n . ::ll'octllc les flU,e d II t rell801luble pri cE'S Mllin street. Be /Isks the JltLtrono go bolwOt'n t.he h 'mrs of ollo llml four 1'1 "-'. I It" It " . o f ~ llr '·' · .v for th .. II lit. for t he p l1r l lO~ e IIf nomilla; ~~~~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!..!!!.!!.!!'.!!'~!"-!!..!!-!!!!..!Io' tbe puhlio in ItEI"I\J1UNO V"HI I, K.~ Ohi " 1-' 111" 1 :-;uPl' h' I ., . wh if' h pro CJl llllid ll " ',. for 1111' ro ll "wi n ~ '.own· OF ALL KI NI )~ , ItEI'AIN1'IN O eet, • pO"'o~ I,. P 'I'" ~ " ...

J C, ~ :

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Prima ry Elect ion,

Repub lican


1I11111 "~

will lin prtnl. ·,j on t.ho t,.. :k .. t ~ oxcepCin l,: r. hosll ' I'"IIitIJld Dr. Mil cs' Anti,P a in PHis , _i l.l. th e l'(, lIlrul l'otlltni tll" ' fIl HU 00 are a mo t remark able remedy for the r elief of periodi c pains, ,',. hll f" r " M"n.1I1Y. Oct,ohm III. 190r" backac he. n e rvous or sick h eadS,I fill' t tl! U )lpl iclI hie rtl h'~ und e r \\' hi (' h I :lIllllt,V P riIlIlLr~' t-lontiou M ach e, or any of th e di strcss~ ing aches and pains that cause II' ,' h"ltl ~hu ll g ovllro 1'II id Hle(J t,ioD. w o men so much s ufTcring . W • •1, KILli ON I ( "' lIt,ml As pain is weak ening, and .1 O . CA ltTWit lOFl T \ ('Olllllli t , leaves the system in an exha usted conditi on, it is wrong to s uffer a mom cnt lo n ge r than n ecessary. a nd yo u sh o uld take th e A nti- Pain Pills 0 11 first inWARR EN CO MlliON PLEAS . di cation of an attack. If ta ken as directe d you may lot:;: M v,N ut:rnlAI .I , have entire conlidc llce ill their I \'!'t :' L'a"'c ~ o . I U'! " t. effectiv eness , as w ell a s in t h e I. t!~ MA SUS l' t II I I fact th a t th ey will l eave no disH~' ,-Irtue of :l n orde r or JOia h· . Ilu ly 1",,,w ',1 agreeab l e aftcr-e ffects. (rllm :-ul<1 Co ur t , In I ht~ uuun' ,.,ute d c;, so. an" t u 111 0 ,1Ireewa, 1 will o ffer fo r ,,:11.', U\' T h cy cont ai n no morphi ne. W:.l)' uf pu b.'" aucLion . ut Lh e d our of tllt.! o pium , chloral, cocaine or other t:HIH 'C lI om.e, In I... c lmn u n. ' '' :tn'I'1i C·" \lnL ~' . dan geroll s drugs_ Oh i O. un "For a 10nl!' tfme [ hnve sulfered }\()N DAY , OlJTOB ER :t:l, ./\ \l , Ifln r" greally wit h "PCf\3 or lin ·ko.he. t ha t tI{,('11l nlm oH\ tn ol' c th a

13,' " MIt " hl ch'"I )(e I II !t ~ I'I't'MI',, 1 ('h..-.lul,· th~ LJu . Onn U!'4t1 fli t! poI lu n ..' o . r~. lII tt lJlll,"1 by t he slim e, re I ; thu t 'Ir" ruunillg helwt'fl n Frllllkli n tlml Ldl:tnn n. Anll I'llIc ti('II I1)' the nnl," e XI)t!n~e co nnoc lNI with t,he IlntlE' r tHking will be tho lu:vlol{ " f IL tm (' k I·hrel! und II hillf lIIil HS lu ng. t-'pl'ing huro hllM IIlwHYS hmm nn inlrllld tm'Vn aUfI th iN h"" heell the ~r ealest hlodrll,! ('o t,o its gro wth SilulIlE'd II H it, i" ill Ow l'eoter of one of the bost f'lrulin g "pc ti n n ~ in Ohio Slid with "II OIlS~' Ole tln" of uutl t't , ul 10 u 'dOt' k a . m .. un so.ltlllln' , l lll ' C" lI o\\ It )l d ":tc rt ul' d re"l cfil LUl " . to· wlt ;' there will certllin ly bo conside rnh e SltUI1W In \\'a y n e T uw ns hlp, War .... '11 growth ill the 10 W il witbio II fe w C I)U IIl Y, Oh i o, ami hcln jl n IJI ~rl III :"-t,,,' \11I1I 11. '1' . t, K . " . M , N , ~, neKI I)Hl li~ ul a !'ILulu' yt'ars , I II \. n t! ce nter ot t he Cinc inna t i 1111 ,1 • "111 ;, It is said that the r llqll1red turnp ike La.t t h o N or th W es t COrTwr or .\1 11'1111,'1 lJ anli llOn '", f o rmf"r l y J ohn I{ohc ' r~ ' lalh1. IIIl\0un t of stouk wi II be raised with ~u hl s l o n e havlf\K tM!,~ u "'0 I'h~ c c tl , by Juul l-; " aD ~, Surv e y o r. unde r tl1 (' te n m4 uf out much ditUcul ty , C'o m prom ise b~ t\\"te..~ n 1)u \'ld M al'olHI (or Su .. an There i8 tII1k. u.IHo, thut ufte r the M ago n an " John Hobt: ru, In l' a :ooc N I l 4r. 7l . COunty Commo n Plctul "':(111;" 1. Ami lIlle is comple ted to i)priol,: horo l'\Val'ren unnil1 ll Lh en ct! S . ~7 dt·,:. :!;, 10 111 1:: , ·I O, t!' it, may possibly I"ter on be extende d ch ;,d ns t o the Lllt l~ MI,a Ol I HI\' t.'r : I lIenc,· S. l ~ ('le g . :10 min . E , z .rl l l' h ... ln"' : tht: IIl'l' . N . throngh Ridgev illE', W uynel1ville :111 mi n , B. a. 1U e lls, . t he nce..' WI Lh t ilt' rh'der Cl)J4 t lSe(tl.o n li n e uf l'J t'1.· UOIl I I : und B .. rv eys bur~ to Wilmiu gloo , lhenot!. !A'


1- -

Com e IIml

hi " work is F'R!!'I' g fle


n I cn n endu ro. '!"hese atta cks c Olne on eve ry 1T~onth . nnll last t wo or threo tlUYH. 1 h RVO

. Ile \' (or b ern " h I e t o g et anyt h ing th a t The Mlliloi Uuzetlt l III prepari ng w ou l\.l g ive m e Inu -" h rcll tlt until I ue· b f'ga.ll th e m~e (It Dr, Milt'S' An tt·Po ln to) illll110 a hllndllo mu 8peoial edition l"lh. , and th o ~' n )wu~'!'t rclieve me to a s hor t time, My til l'it c r. who a urr c r~ about Tb"nk9~lvlog Ume. ~ ~~~ ;;~~~1.~ ;~~rit ~~!~S U~f~s~ht~nk~th Th", publish ers of tte GlIzette 711 S. 111 lJiIl" " St .. South Bentl. Ind. e][pecf td make thha edition 80me. D r . M il •• ' Ant i- Pa"n Pili. are Bold by you r d l'ugOlt t, w ho w il l \uaran tee th i3 t thinK thst will be a oredit t o ~.~~J f:;'; ~nf~~;3~n w~l~r ~~~f~~. If It Wavnee ville, and of whloh every 25 t!oses, 23 cents, ~evcr .old In bulk. r8HideDt 01 tile town will have roullMiles Uedica l Co., Elkhar t, Ind 00 to be .Ill'Oud. The edition will be gotten up in ________________ ltb Eusl s t:cUou 1111, ' (,( "'l'C . 1 L ~, magazi ne form, printed on tbe 008!' I de" .. 1,-. w i n . ,lo~ , t o t h~ S . E:. f urlll'r ur t b l" 'l[ G ~l qaallty of llllper, copiout lly iIlus· Gonllu mptlve sMade Oomfo rtable IllU"l'4 or J . W . EdwilrdN In t;a lll :4C t' . li n ,: : 1\.. .. 1" JI, n. , .J • 1.hc ll U(' with E d\\' anl~ ' ltne S, till d~~ :.0 trated with vlew8 In and Jibollt Inoipie nt cun8un 'lltion is ollrl.-d hy mlu , W . 3.24 cb s.; tli en ce N)oII II ci; . 4 ;' 1U11i. R II('lIi:"" ,I.I!. Ollrn WayoO llvllle, pictnre s of mallY of FOley's Bouey lind Tllr. but we do \\" !! . ... cll al nl to a lWltilL ln th{J L ch:u. ou nllc1 \\·asnt;:l'\· t1l c pUw : th o n cc S . :. del! a" 111 111 the handso me residen ces erected not bold out fllise hope9 tu oonsum p- w rl.:!l p ol e",. the "'I'IW t AI..T'E ~ : VISII:ASltl; n~' ' \' OMII: ~ n co S 1 1 dc g . .. ~, 111111 , W tivesby cluimin g thllt it will our e :'. ~!! ),)()1f!8; thOn c e S UO d ell \ V 7 ,!,! , pliler! within the IlIl8t few y ears, half· this dread diseu8e ASJ) R1t:n H~N in the advllnc ed t be nce S av de..: . o mIn W i o·H c h nlu~ : t. h ,·nl·" toUOII of well known retoiden t8 NtHges; bllt if the lungs are not too s .... tIct{ ai. m in W llJ ~O dl~III 14 : thl'IH'" ~ fur gon e Foley's Honey Rnd Ttlr will Kill de g no min W 11. f)O »oles w SaUlue l and former resident .., eto. Clr uu: nt!" , rormcTl)' Buth S l t'drtom' .. "u- t etft'ct .. (',ure, ns it st ops tbe ru cking Hn e; "benet! KOuth with ~ "ltl \ ·I\"!IUe..· UI .. · . 11 01-' lIuoh of the early bi8tory o f ('onKh and lloot,bes the inflllme d air Ine rlv S t c ddom' s cast li ne w t he ~ J~ ("'J ,' tl t' f ~ W';'n8sv\lle ~il1 be publish ed, be- p""sage s gi ving tb em 11 chlluce to o f s nld Cleme nt'" lano : tb t~ n cr w · ... t " I,ll Nah'l Cleme nts ' KOulh Hili: t o the..' l · lllJ.l 1 1 ~lr' 814es numero~ 8peclul feature s of henl , lind evp.n in the adv llnced stag. by l:plke : th en ce east wilrdly w i t h ., ;aI, I jJllle )OCIJ I iu'tel'f'Bt, P 8 It al WilY" ~i VI'S comfor t und r elief, hi th e w t8t. lloe: of II. 6,,-' llc re "raet I1S ,Iliutt.'\.; A A. He rron. of Fin ch. Ark , write~ ClL:4C No . .. .·,1 '" 1n W tlr r e' D Vo unI,Y. Db lt). ,.'u lIIIII , !!'uley's Uune y I1nd Tur is t h p. best mOil Pl eas Court re<'onl s: l11c u\:t: ~Oll' hwaNI~' 11 to' Get Ru:.h ~ ald wes t Ho e o f Ka lll UII ~ae tr 3 1' l l)rp purutio n for coughH nud Inll /! twoith the plll C~ of h~ ~ l n nhu( . eO llt l. tnlut:; 11 ;,. :;, IIrll ofton frn~tr"t ed b y tl\lddl,n II'ouble , I kn o w t,hll t, it, h il>I cnr .. rl ut' r ~s u ( lun d , more or le ~~ brellkd own, due 10 dyspepsia or onn - cllos umlJt,io n in f.he Ilrflt stllg e~ " S. ~ hl r eal ~8tale h.tlibeel1 r '!:ular l.\' 'l IJ1'1 .11~­ .'iJllttio n. Brace up and talle Dr. Fllr BIlle by LoUIS l\1uy. l 'll under o r d e r o f oourl at. the !lum ul I·tlr l y Alng'lI New Life Pills. 1'bey tak" ~c Y.: n and " 0·-100 (."7 ,0 0J l_ol1unol ptJr Ul' : C, dud wi ll not be Mol d for l es.'> than t\\"II Llllr l1!J nut t,hs mJtterilll1l which are clog Cold Sprin g o f 8111u Farm appralHe d vulue . g1n~ your energie ", and elve you a TERMS ur S AI .l'! : Oue .. tnlrd 4.:~.. n , "n(' l h l n' new "totrt. Core hOllllaohe and diz to be Sold In one 'year a nd one·t.hlrd In two yra rri. I'e zinet'll ' too. At LouIe May'. drug f erred p av m en tM to be sccurc\1 hy luortgll tW !!tore; 250., gnarun teed. e premise", NO W alnd t o h. 'ar IntEre ld at. (Ii order to settle the estate left soni x th,)tIr ctn1. by t;Jle late Mrtl. Dltvid MRBon t,be 1'. C. PA1'l'ER !:.ON S be rlff, Warren Cou nty . IHII O, fum known as the Cold Spring F. M . HAMlI.TO N, AU'y , fum on the Lebano n pikE', a mil" sOllth of Wayne sville. will be offerA Promi nent TraIDm an. ed Itt public auotiou by i5heriit T U, The many friend s of U H Huns , Patters on, of. t.ho Conrt HOIl Re in .tD, t:nglne er L . E. & W . R. H. , lit Lebuno n. Ij,t .10 o'clook , Mond u.y. present living in L.imll, 0, Will hI) Ootobe r 23, 'an advertil !ement of ..,lell8ed to kn ow of his recover ,I' trom .wbioh sppeors io this issne of the threate ned kidney d isellse. He lIay" "I was ollred by using F oley 'MKid . Uozette ney Cure, whicb '( recf'JlJ1lU e ud t,o The farm is consillf lred qnite de· 1111. eSllecia lly to trainDtll n , whn Hru slrable In many respect s. beiul! es· l1:mo.lly similu.r ly o flflictH'l . L May _ p eoially well Buite<l for stook foi s Ing It contain s 0 bout 1Hi acres and hall been apprai~ed lit tH. r;O lin , FIlIl 01 TraWlc Meanln w. acre. CHAItU:S ~U LL1VAN , whn so pbcc of fl·H I· lire these hnfl8 from J. B. Simmon !', l' u ce Is unknow n, will \I'k e 114)\11':0 th at. All c n It Is on thli farm thllt the fam- t'lllo.ln c a tHud his -petl tl un in th e lJuurt o f t:drn' of CalleY. Iowa. ThInk what might mo n Plea," o f W .. rre n cOUU l y, Uhl0, UII Lile b ... e l'lI8ulte d from hll! terrible ~U8 Ma·l!on·1I tlpring Is 8it,nate d. I t} Lb du,y 0 1 AugU Sl , .lilO:" UI!C ;HII"l ~ du oough .If he had not taken the medi C rmrles Sulll\'ull :111(1 o th er s. ~ t att ll g .1 UluUC clDe about which he writes: "I had Prellid e ntlal .Eleotl on Will o lhcr thinK" that sa id Alll.!'n Ualn c~ 111 I n'e mako uw uer In ft."t! o f an u nd ivided un e .. fearful oough tbat disturb ed my lll ird 01 llll\ no Obd.nQ fo llowlOI{ t1 t't4cl lbed rcal I!:Hutc . W-wlt : 'e. night'8 rOllt, I tried everyth ing but No matter which candidtl t.e is " I-I el nJ.( parl ~ of lotH No. n ne ( I , a.nd ootbln r would relieve it nnt-IH took e (11, tn "'rankltn Sc.IUd.TC In the t O WI . IJ t Dr, Klng 'lI N~w Dlscnve ry fO.r 000 - elected. Foley's Honey & Tllr will tbre Waynctl\' 1I1e, Warren Co unty. u h h, . 8Ompti on, COUgh8 and colds, 'Wbloh r em!\lD the people '" fuvorit e remedy Ucginn lng at Il 1)OIo t Ollt) hUttll rf'd :ule1 oomple tely cnr.ed me. II hlstant ly for cOllghs . colds and incipien t coo · "C \OC U \ 1 07 ) fe et WeHt of th ~ !i')ut 11 l'IlrflCr u l relieve s .. nd permcm ently c~ 1111 8H.mption. It cnrl's cnlds qnicklv lOt. N o, o ne ( 1) u.nd 10 "he ~ "utn !til e 01 l o t . o ne l l ) u n Miami ALred . lind l"lnlllnl( A , ,J. tNo throat and lunR d11l8a808; piIIven ts Bnd pre v e nt~ 1lIlAlIDl onill.. u euce with tb e line u ( M s Uc ct ~ . :I, ':1 0 lIrlp and pneuwo nla.. At 1••.lIay's, NU8bau m, Batel< ville. Inn, writes : to.: .. sa r ~e t a mi \.w o ( ~ ) ull! IIH: II t:'r' ttl th e lo l N 'druggi 8t; guarlln tood; 500 Imd 11. " I sntf.. red for three mnnths with 11 ~oll1 by 1. V. fo-'a lrholm t o J . U L'hapma u : se vero cole\. A drnggis t th ence with lihe Hue of Na. ld IUlfiN . t. H J-~o W oo Trlli.l bottle free. tu a n 111ley: Lhe nce lo)()uth :H 1 '1 " W .. j,a ree t me some medlcinp. . find u phy!!ici an I1l1t' two j :! ] Inch es t o th e {' u~l 1\ hle 01 Miami prepcril,ecl for me, yot I did nnt im - 'IlrceL : the noe S , :,~1 ~" ~: . , t, tb u )I1.J l.:'c of IlrovH. I I,he n triml Foloy's Honey heM lnnln.: .. . HAT HAW 4Y, Hood 1'ar and eight Ilnses cured ,n e," A Il (llhlH 6Hlcldc fe ndu.nt C h :LrI Cd Su ll l n an For sale by LOllis May. Is H Le n an t In ('UmmQ I, wlt,h 10011 hi 1)lnluli O In Wayne8 l'iJIe'. Leatli ng D611t1~f. \.h~



W LA ,...

O· C M

ha.N c nllunltl t.h l' t eAt. or LlmlHI l~ntJ b een \-rled lu th u c r uc ible of ex p ertence. Ut-nt· cr:ltlhH I\ft er gc r urLHl fl n of n c . • rec n t}8 ha n ! f'tJ..·d4Jre d II Ulil t h LO th t Ruffer! ng bv tilt-fie m ;t q 'clUlIM IncHll olnCIJ. tHl:lptlng . lt ami pol'reeLln g the t ren tule ut thrnu.t h II1f1 J,{ y CllfH o f ImorlllOUS tl I'6Ctlc a l l'X twl'l n ut.· ;(III/'UI: UU! tlh l k. uy "raut)· rtl~h ~r, /aLI,er alit! ~OU . ulltll Lu4uy lhe t,hlrrl ge noratlon of IJr, OrennWl ' ht ady' In g 1.0 tho w o rld, l UI even m oTe kUCCCI'ISj ull1 no"l ~e, a .. uror am1 more puMl tJ vc IIH M II M of our ' tb an halt o \" e r herelofu r u lJCC II JlI 3l!t'tt !)ttC,HoC t h e ..Ic pr '!lse t', \".,01k cued a nd ItI",cnul'.q ;e d ,' fc linul 01 chrll1 lc cc ml,litln l,!;!.


:Bowel Trouble

19 a lur. sill'u that your diges· tive organ. are over· wor kedtoo heavily urden ed - In a stnto o{ rebellion. Itlsaseri 0'" condition, aud if neglect ed of Ihe

F . A. & .1 . A . URlI:teNIC arc Lh ...• I)N 1Jri owr !:l o f "h UL m os t UlQnfel


~~. G~r.ElJ'l: '~ rIEl~iltfr{JI. All arc prhl i1 c ~udw oo n ll ull Dr Greene (K'r,w nuUy or hy m " U. e nti re ly tree o

Ur U (t'C II ~ htm !ole lf l~tt c lUl l'I to 1\11 w ho ....a ll alltl no s \\' ~r a ll lelt ~rA tn l~r~on .

OffiC,'. IOI Fift,h AVAnUp.




Is th e sR fe" . quickest -ncting anel most effect i,·. remedy ill the world' {or all bowel anti stomacb troubles- ple_ .n t. powerf ul. ond penel ratillg. ft 'r euches Ihe sca l 01 th" trouble anel Instantly corre 'Is iI. 'l'be conHncd g'uses are rcleued , ferrnentnllon is stopped nnd Ihe affected locality soolhed (lnll st .... nglhened. DR .CALDW ELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN can be ohlalned in bOlh dollar a nd balf· dollar sizes at all drll g~ls l s , Your lIIo tley will be relunded If It d ~ nol be nefit yo u.


EMBALMER Fl; H~ ITU RE (.) F .\ LL K [ND S . I, .

Your postal ('Rnl feo ut' ,;t wl11 brtnr'by Nttu'a

CALDWB LL'8 BOOK o P w o ~ I~EKS" " tid rree ~.lIIpl. to

tbole who IHI\'f.· 'h,' V,.r tr ied Ih l . .... oD4 ...... Min ),our ,1tos tllll nday.


" •• " •• I





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",.,.••• 01, ., I"hl. locil 10. 1 LDII Olsllnc. ID. 69-3r WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Brlnch OffiCI. HI,,,,abllrl, .0.

p ll


Il~'" lu~o~I~I . " 1.)1{.

E. ') """",\'

oIlon , ()ht" .


bu c,,11.·.1 lillY b on r. dll Y or Jlil!hr, Buth B.·n IIntl Vulley I ho',p" . \I , I \" Phon,' No 23&


FIIr H.'le h.\· .f




• • ntle.n .. lUi....

r-. . Y.,


Syr up Pep sin

man our



Dr. Cal dwe ll's (£......

0 1 u_1I I'ClnedlcK r4,r '1;11 a Na n' es and


wll1 result ill Ern,'est charal' ler , Death nol infreq uently euslles as tbe penalty {or Ihinking t hut Ihe trouble wl1l correct Itsel( and dl, appear unassisted. llon'! neglect this cond ition- don't Invite disasler b y dela),. but go to tb. Dearest druggist nnd buy a bOll le of


t , IJ r N" r vo u 8 Chr onlo- Disease s.


Hearl' th e " tim" of AlJsO lui.e; nutS GIDU




l nf' \,' nr tll . \',llIcet\'c ll an d tound e(\ ' 11I til e: lrUCHYlt.l·ln ,a ·e nro, I" I ~ 3H hn l!.! r1Kh ' abl e ill Lfll"b IUtelt j I\I'l aoourate In 6ura, \.1\'0 relluh."$ a " 11 ib ecl ttciulJcc. a \V o n ll· ro u ll Bl c AAl n g.w th e s ic k Bntl Allin" . It.




'1'1;:~ 07.'·- ('rt' ;--:~JI :: ~I' und

RV'lr yb,,(I .• whn k n nwil Mr. (,i n ·

cl er ,

"' I



FOL EY'S KIDN EY CUR B will posi tivel y cure any case of Kidn ey or -Bladder disease that Is not beyo nd the reac h of med icine . No med icine can do more . If you · notic e any irreg ulari ties, comm ence taklp g FOL BY'S KIDN EY CURB at once and avoi d a fata l mala dy.

nn.H .E.

() d l r.~

In He)'s' Oulldlol ."


. Main S lrt.el

Bow's This? \V ... • II .. r On .. BUIl.I ... d DullonI~ " wnrd tor auy calle of OIIt.Rrrh thllt ,'" " '"·'1, III' curell by Ball's Car..rrh lure. F , ' I euey &; CII" Tuft-dll, 0101<,. \\ " tb.· UI d .·r ..ignel l , luov" kn '" II I .1 CI eno' fur tbe I,,_t li, )' ''"r~, • I', L~llev, him Jlerfecll,V hon'JrJl.hj,· 1 " H 1\ bu , in~~~ t,rlln8llc tions !lnd tl ' 1, III.i .. ny I., Ollrr)' oul Imy oloh~1I . 'i"o~ Dlnd" b)' hI" fil'm , \Vl1ldtn~. Killn"D &. M.,n·i» . W b ..le8llle Drul{giMttl, '1'01. do, 0 11"'1'0; ~ . r" . I t · 0.- til t:n in· t. J It 1". " , "lin! li n' · y U p 116 I, ( .n ttnd nluoun I I "OO!'i' -, t i t .~ .. t m . To!lItirll'III1 - "Ant fr .. I 'it II 75e pilr bolll.. ~ I,ld by It 11 ollll!gbt ~ Jake Ball ' f' Fl<mil~ Pi1l ~ ' "t con~tj~tio .,1. .

"f .




I tlU ltI r ea.l e", l utl' uml t hat tb e )llalm l l! ct c:-Il r c:f , t l) ho hi hi!'! t n lCre14L In HI \1(1 Ian,) II. st~ "f' I'. li t " . ;.t ntl pr ily ln ~ t h .l t pOlrt.ILloll 1I11' rl'I d 11111 ." ~ , made .n;conl ln U l tl IInv 11 1111 fur " ue ll " Ilie r rcH et aN ~ald vl ;llnUfI ma y I,c cn ll lli'" l : In til e'ml!'lc:ol Sil.hl Cllarll!)I !'i u llhoan I '" n ,," lul r u, ; L,.I unf\ wc r ~uhl IM' IU loli o n v i' IU' Iltre lh . Itb lia) o ( Nu ve mhe r . HIO;•. VI' t h (.' pr ,l yc r III .. ;.hl pl·tlLlon will be y run t c.-ll. At .. f.. K"J IL\I S ~:S. Uy Hunyull ~~ SLanh: \' , hi ...lttOrlW ,\~ . l OCt. I A


Southem 111.

From Cinc inna ti to all Important Citles South, Southwest ~ SoutheasL Reduced rut<lon the fint and third Tuetdaya of each month,

Po. ialormatlon ad4tua

CUI. •• 1I1oL. •• r .L 1.1........ . a.u ..U, • . 1 IIDm..v• • 'J !IbcIaUU'

•. G. UI....... I. r. l.,

i I



. Toe OrlQ'm al. Foley & Co ., l:hic:oJlo , ori g in'"lo,I I Boo e,Y und Tnr ILS IL l,hr"ILI, on.lll1n " l r l-m edy, ILOIl 011 uooouln lllt' th .. !:rH,.t merit aod po[Julu rit.v o r "',,1,,), B Hon . ey ODd 't'l1r umny imilullO S 'He I

; I,

I . I'

F OLllJ \'"


;..: r

ill . II

Ii " ,' ",' l ,' " 'l'f b. ' II Hil' , l l I' ' '' 1I : ,'" l it" ' " ~n : l ' ntatl J u ,\ d . .:,r. 1V"- t_ !!" ~ul1 . 0 ~ ,,',

111 1.1




~ I'

BELO W' II A TESTI MONI AL FROM ONE Or. THE MANY THOU IAND I WHO HAVE BEEN CURED BY THII CR.A T MEDI CINa. A. H. Thurne ss, Mgr. Wills C reek Coal Co•• Buffalo . 0 .• writes : "I hav" been afflicte d with kidney and bladde r tro ubte fo r years. pass ing gravel or stones

with excruci a-, ting pains. Oth er m edic ines only gave relief. After taking .Fo/er' . Kidney Cure th e result was surpris inr. A few doses started the bri c k dust like fine stones, etc .• and now I have no pain across my kidney s ' and I feel like a new man. FoIe,'. Kidney Cure has done m e ~1000 worth of I:ooa." .

Two Sizes SOC « $/.00 . '


Refuse Subs titute &

An interesting Booklet. "Ail About The Kidneys" free for th. Address. fOLEY & CO.• Chica~o: III.




i~fltfion. It. i" IIlIluI,1 ),, " 'llll'e. It cUlltuin s D,) o.,i,,' "'' IH,(1 Ii! IIIIf ..lIl, fur c~ildren IIDdde fi c.te :I'" r ~" . M, 1\1".; 1

LOU IS M,AY, Druggist. 'I


. -.

..------------..... .....~

-- ..~~~-----------------------------Wurr ea Coun ty Court s.--.----Esbite ot JCH e GauDt, deooo8od

. _ -\ -


r ...... ..~..~....~'··~r~....--.... ..~~...... ..-Invento ry Ilnd . oppraisumont filed . NICW SUI1·t\. Estllte of I:IUBLln WeiOne r, deceu· Oh Cl1'ltlS A. Hl'Owo, as gl1~rdiao of ed. W . H . Al.L£N . Pu m'; l or;x'l J . J..CAR1'WRIGH''.CA ""C ktr Inventory und IIpprals ement Dil viLl M 11800, Imbeolle, VR CII rollne tiled, 01;:0 . E .• ,LEY V I ' K· PIU'.8I1HtN T. 'M"tthoW s. On J nne 30. H166, by I Etltnte of AJli sun .J ODetl, decea sod. I II KrellUlent und by Dltl ndute of tllA The WllrreD County Teache rs ' Associa tion held its first meoti ng 1 Di~tributive IlCCOUll t ftlell. Cirou lt .Uourt, Duvid MlllIUU WIIS fnr the prese nt scbool YCllr,llt Lehaoo n Saturd ay. One of the m ost in te r· Jj;~tattl of .ICII11011 S . KlIlg, deoeu.8ed . e ~ tinl! fClltur UlIIU .. t,rustee of the m oueY II Ml'I< . es of the dllY was a. round· table disouss ion which was pH Fl rHt IIlId fiulI! uCCOIlIl ' t I'or settle. ticipate d io by Il llJujorit y of the UU l'lJ1iue MuttholY" WUH 10 receivll tellcher s present" when the followi ng U ~ I,,·j c' u r Edmoll d RoiJiu sou. Tbese mtlut file:! . topios, of vitlil importancE.' to teaoher s. were oonside red . • E~ tlLt e of Jnduthl ln ~tite9, decens. lll O U "y ~ tllUouut nd to *1I.ur.2.IH IlDd 1. What i!; the greates t need of our Country Schools ? HuiLl IrUSlee gllve boud III Ih e ~llll ) ed. SoooOlI nnEi flol1l for settlem ent 2. What school legislat ion is most needed ? 01 ~\lO,OOO \vith !:iltlllu el Clern eutij tll\ filed. r hi" 8ec l1rity. MU lSon , us trustee, In re will Lucy E . ' Mark8, deoeas· I 3. How long should children be held on the chart in Primary Readjn~ ? )Jurohtlijl;ltl all a LLOIIl U for suid UUI·O. ed. AJlplicut ion sot for hearin\ : 4. Is the "Ward Rationa l Method " of teachin g reading a success ? linll MlLtLhuW8, oert«in reed I1stuh' l:Ieptember :10, ! 90li, Ilt ten o'olook . 5. Which ill WU.I' uc:lvi lle for *13:'0. Whl!1! makes the better High School teacher s, Men or Women ? ~IAnRlAIlH: L1Ct<: NSE . 111111'11 1,1"111 ir, y"ur" u~o ull t he 6. Does it make for better teacher s to issue two grades of R oy L. Geor!,;e . Middle town, and certific ate IIIIJnO,l'M b" lolJ~lJJ!,; 10 Ihli Wttl' d , Ednn, 'l'blrkie ld WilHoo, Frllnkli n, and not allow extra branche s and waving on the Elemen tarv branche s? whioh l,hl S tru~Lue IwILl , wero ox. [itlv. WOlle::!, 7. What part ought teacher s take in shaping school legislat ion IJe IHlet.!. he nll lil,lllll urtlill U Wus u)I. ? W . JIlY HllUlIllel Nettie Guttery , "uiutel l dill )JUY UUL ul bis 1l1Y1l 1'1'1 . 8. Whi ch should be taught first, commo n or decimal fraction s? Vll lt: IIUI''',·, Ih t: Luxe" ulIll in:4untll c(' both of !...llmuon . Rev . Lipscom b. 9. Why should elemen tary pupils be made to take five or six full un Llll~ l' t"lU l tj::s l l.d,., uull kUJll ~l lIJl e it l ltEAL II:I!TATIC TUA NtlJ!'H:lts. studies, while High School pupils carry only four? r eplllr . till lYev"I', th u bu"kij unO Joseph \'I!ltkinll !tnd wife to Ben 10. Can the country schools remain graded ? vU .l o lu:: r )oi o f !'\Iuifl t·l'ul'\ h w un~ III s,wL jCllllin WIl,kiu lI; quit olllim to 6 1111 1m I,eltee l cu ncH lIulI I hu L It IS 1m aure>! in !:iulem townsh 11. Should teacher s dismiss school for the County Fai.r? ip; '120. pus"ilJI" f"l' le iS bPlICnl iuli I,u shu\\ .lllmtls M. dmlth, decease d, by his 12. Should the Spence rian slant writing be readopt ed ? WIC h mucb IHlc nr .. cy whllt hi " IJ'Ullh exec utors to Ha.rry 6 .iSouth ard ; ' 7: 13. Should the uniform questio ns be printed by the state and sent uOtlO,!S 1·'lII ll .v Welu. PI,UllcIIT wi t;h 11 acred in 'furtleo reok townsh ip; to tl8 t1i u Cuurt t " dir, c I whut, UH Ku ur foi'OO . the Examin ers under seal, which should be broken only in the presenc e I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;::;;;;;:¥ of the applica nts? dillu uf ouio.l I rn"lee. his dUlie>! III ;;-: 1' Achille ll!:iiugle ton to DC.LUie! Broce .- ___ _ ____ ____ __ .' th tllllllt .... r C&I'.. Wb e llwr he; sh ull lot in H(U'vdY::l burg; 14. Is the present school boan! system a success ? *1 50. OullL1JlU U to lm y tnxo~ U.UU iu~urunco ; Eugene K. English lind wife to C. SEE A~n 15. Is the topical method of teachin g history expedie nt with young wbllt"" c' he ",lULU fll e allon nil II C L. Osborn e Ilnd wife; 34 Ilcret! In pupils? CO IIIII UII Iw WILY be "bl e to ml1ke up DoortlelL l lownsh ip, ~2(). frp m impul'fecl, reodrds ; or ~~ h u tb e~ \Y. 'r. nnd Ullrolin e Burch to 16. Should pupils be allowed to express openly their incredu lity con . WheD Wantin g cerning anythin g stated by textboo k or teacher '! he lili u 11 tllHh'll Vu l' tu r ~CO V tlr wbltl Jilcob N. Buroll; a tracts io Deer1111 111 Mu~ull ltll~ t·x puD(lc·d of hit! \,,\' It field 17. Should the teacher look fixedly at the pupil reciting ? towotlh ip; '~HO. Illu .. e.\, , 1'.9 "" I" "f ...", 1 IldlolltU (II J. I. PuuulIe;1 to Peter Noll; 77 18. What kind of punishm ent do you give to the lazy and indiffer Olin hue Mlltlhuwtl titll ll Browll I~ ucr eH In Turt leoreek townsh ent? 0 1 1I.1~ ip; $50 IIHOI'ntlY flOr 1,luilltllI. 19. Do you permit pupils to interru pt you in any way while h llaring FrlLnois Sicking to J3. I:Iteinkolk ; UhHII. P .\1, .1. e VI< A lourt, E. ~'0:4 113.01j Ilcre lD H,Llmilton townsh ip , a recitati c:J ? 20. To what extent can we use the Batavia plan ? h j)' "CHI IIhllltlu ~'••~te l' , his wif .. ; f6,090. lIIondY " Illy . A ili on il L Cillinlutl i&~~ 1 21. Is it wise to prohibi t whisper ing ? .i t! " iclI , Iule re's t . ChUM P. Mul,le Commissioner~' 22. How do you obey the in regard to temper ance instruc tion in IIUe~tl:l Lb" L b.V \'erl".\ "~1' C~ I;Wllt III Proce eding s. the primary and inte rmedia telawgrades' ! t 'tjflU. U cu:-.c~ u.ll li Wtl ltHI, llg'rcUII1 l3J1t Fresb Fruits Ilnd Ve!;etc.bles h"ve tbe call. Also OIInoed (foods 23. Would you call ill other" he limed II>! geuerll l ugelJt attentio n to gramal ical error!! of pupil s while they and all rendy cooked Ilrtio1e1l. Bills IllluweLl Septem ber :!G. are reciting ? for u~f ud unl .; in variouM tl·llIItjliC. l~ ll pulJli o .. u ll.eoord e n veloptll, Wo have all these, Ilnd lLoOOllJplete stook of otber ~roceries bellldN ti"no SI101lllS exchu u\:e rel1l e:lllltl', 24. To what extent should teacher: ! in the grades have a vOi for Uoronor ........... ....... e; 2 00 · ce in the negoll" ting hJllIl S, ele. ; aud thut h e Uhas. tltiblJ~. re)Jllirs In 'i' ur· election of text -books ? f.Ve ,"rt' anxiou!! that yoa ghr06.o.or store 11 trial. Come In !tnd Bel! ellru ud III CUID llIil:lsiou us lI!;rtlud up. tlecreek townsh ip .... ..... 00 25. How do you prevent tardine ss ? ollr good~ , ou tho 8UUJ of 'HijO , 4~ . Fur bls Ellohol Ilud Eit,zrot.h , oe· tioc'vices he receive d '1I761Hi and t,hut 26. What is your aim in teachin g'l meut,........... .. .... ..... ..... . . THE CORN ER GROCERV. 'i' 00 thlll'" Is yet due him $ 52 J.I B, for Bllrlnn W hltllore, replllrs in 27. Which is better three, five ot: nine Associa tions a year ? wblub I:iIJUt Iltl Il" k,. judKellltlll!·. Hllr. l:lllrhm tuwnl:ihill .. ........ .. !l 70 28. How caa we bring about more sympat hetic r elation s betwee old V KU)J1' lind 1{unYlln lIud Stllll· F . M . LIHvi>!. contra ct No. 1~!S n th~ 57 00 school and th ~ home '! ley 14re "ttl/rue y .. for phllntiff, e lm s. LewiS cootmo t No 1:18 44 24 " Julln F . tiwbflr, HdmlnlHtl'utur 01 f . W . HllthllWI1Y coutrllot J 1J1l.. &1. I:Iluber, ueutllllleLl, V 8 Nu. 6:.! ....... ....... ...... ..... .. 23 llO Under a Ilew schedu le III effect A JUdlOIOUS Inqwr v. VALLEY PHONE Nu ,49 '1'h tl Clev"lllud , Clncinn llU, CIIICIlI(O Bert Reed, ijtlwer contrllc~ June 25, 1905. p14111'601(er trllius over A well known t,uvelin j! mAn \Vho cmd tit Luuitl KIIII wtlY UOIIJI)tID Y. N~ 1:11. ........... . .. ........... . 24 25 the Pennsyl vllnill Lines leuve Way. visitll tbolclrn ~ "ton- t,Nde 8'IY" be Pluintlt f ulJ"Kes thtlt tlllid .1 ulill lit. Bert Reed, 1I8WE'r contrao t hilS oft-.. n heard drDlqlilifs inquire of nesville ata tion lit! followt; : l:ltober WIl S on dll\:ust :!4. 1905, No. 135 ...... .. .. ........ ... . .. 29 75 For tbe Elist 9 :54 11 . Ill , ; :i :47 I). "Ullt,lIllfll'll wuo illqutire for It, oough medicin e, whethe r i~ WIl8 w.nted btruok IlUt.! kllleel wUiie wlilklllg Juke Bir,c ll, cont~ct No . HHI :!ti 50 m . ; Munday only 10 ,24 p. m. · for 11 chiltl or for an IIdult, Ilnd'tU ol' JCIOIll!ou tltre"t aud uvur cCOII>'lng. W.O. &Iston , repairs ......... HI flO WAN8 NEGOT IATED . For the West 9 :02 a. m ; 6 :0' p . .. child t.he;v- ulmost InvlU'ia bly reo NOTAR Y PUBL! . turool\h thu uegU"e nce vf lItI id com· Waldo Mull, repair>! In Tur· ommen d ChalDb erh,ln'e Cougb Rem m. We ; Sunday have buyers only 4,55 for good 11. m . farms and edy town . The propert relll_on y at a\l timee. PIIUY, in t1mt lItIid rOlld crO::!I!6ti Jlluk. for this is .that Uecreek townsh ip ......... U 63 For particu lllr informl ltion on the t,hey knew there Is 110 dH.nger bUU tltretlt un a lilvel IIlId t.hut, t.he 8takllit u Pen Uo., pads Re. List with U8, we can help you. from hj t I to B E Booth Ii8It lind that it alws,ys cnree. There ' view WI1:1 oblltruo ted by " hill Ilnd a oorder ........... .......... .... .. 4 50 su eo app y . , not the leaat danger in giving Office Rooms over P o" t Oftlce In BtoopIJ' BuildiD g. It, ourve on tlllid railrulI.d, by feocts Will. Miller, paintin g FlIInk. WaynN ville, O. land for cougbs , cold. aod,oro up Il '!'!!!'!"!!!'!"! !!'!"!!!'!"!!!'!"!!!'!"!!!!!!!!'!"!!~-:!!!!'!"!!!'!"!!!'!"!!!'!"!!!'!"!!!'!"!!!'!"!!!'!"!!!'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!...!!!'..!! 1l0U stook cuutes, nud by locomo · lin bridge ... ........... ..... .. 1)7 50 LOW FARI:8 WEST AND SOUTH WJI2IT. . i. unllurp eeaed. For 8111.e by May. ftivetl and Cllrtl Vhtocd ntittr orossing . A. f!~. Meyer, . lumber Ilnd SPECIAL HOIIIIIl SI:EKKR lI ' lI:ltCU RttIONS PlulD tiff . Illiegel! thllt dofendl l.nt . stone .. ....... ....... .. ......... Ii 50 VIA PIQJ(NilYLVANIA LlN\CI:I . Cdlllleu u truiu to IIIl)JrOllch Ilt a reck. C. IS. Mountll, fees ........... .. ali:! lIa C. A . Ald erman ... nd W . t; . :Moore. Reeel,.cr M Any one ..:ontemp iat.lDK a t rl p Wellt w ay 11.1l1li rllt.. Itt spetld Ilnd uegleot ud to Jdil. Uorring ton, luw ber...... 2i1 ~ 49 SCHt:DU I..E OF PA S SENGE R TItAINS . take advanug e of 1.he rlJduced fL1ret1 "or thl' ARR IVIN G AT 'HuTC HISO N lIi Vtl lIign 11 I uf It ,. 1I)J].I.rOllobeit h er T. U. l'atttlrs oo, jail tees .... .. il5 00 epeet&] HOlDe-Se eker s' excuniltonl!t \'Ill P ell D GIBN EY'S NOR1'IDJOUND ByivanlOl Lines to polotH In Culorad o. Idaho. S'rATION S by bllU Or Wlusl,le , PIt.luti lf as ks No. No.3 " No.r.. NO. ; o W. C. Uole, whose steam engine I o w a, ]{anllatl . Mlnnettot a. · ,\U ltKhurl. DR~SS Mon A M A 1\1 {I M P 1I 1I11llJngtl:l In thtl tlum uf flO.O(·O. I'.. t. broke through a bridge in Deerfie "ilOil , Nebrut;KQ., the Oakolae. Orell:on, WOls b. ld los '." 0 t o n TexaN and ot her fWcttO[J 1ij In tb e \\' ~~l Lv. Le ball on. t). at; t'.~10 riok t:illynor ISIiUor ney fur pluintilJ . townshi l) over Munger Run, pre- and In' all tbe Slat e.!l or the !$outh . l.:ao V.e;i~in.g, ' . 1 1." , Lt:Jand "d.<ll "!l .: 1H "1.:Uf "' ao stop-over prh'lIcgl'JS permit lr :\\' c l e r~ to 10 [." , l.lodtlif seared 0.r,0"U .5 OOU UT I'ROCEE DINGS. his olaim for damage ... 'l'he v&ltlgale bu slllC dS 0I,e uhlK8. J .4r) • . 46 , ' b " lu! ,' oket.o:. Lv. l(ltt' bntr "O , ti~ "9,47 ··I . ~ ' "4 ,41 fiOe up, . he on .a le c~rla l" d. lco durloKIbe Hum· I.v. VeQ:.t>le !...le Meudtln h .. 11 Vii Mason et UJlltter WIIS refe rrell to the Prollllou- _Ill "u . ~ . "8 ·.u "1 . 4 0 "4.40 m"r. Dehlttrd tnrormllt .lon..... w t ares. L\', t~ "ood "6 ,M~ "9 . ~i:' ' t. r.a ··4.6:i II.\. J : B. Grl1hlllll beillg nnable to tor who reporte d thllt if the Oom- ' ho'lIIb 11m e. elc.. will be Ireel)' furnl. he" l.v Ljll. 7.01 11.511 . I.GO ~ .5 6 ' .. . GoOd . '.:- ~ appHcutlo n to loca l t.lckc t agent of Iv. Ma.nor I!llrve II.:; onl' of the oOlJuni~~iollers, mil!t!loners were neglige ut· iil repair· upnn "'7.00 "10 ,01 "!!.Ol ",>'01 Pen ~,lvanla J.ltD U . t415 L v. (..eotervtl le '1 . 1~ 10.01 207 5. 01· , Wllnon B.crnett wa~ tlUbtltltUted ing the bridge the county could be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..__ Lr4V ·;.. lIeD1Pf\Iea 10..15 ~. 1 5 6, ) 5 Roslyn <l ..7 .20 "10 11 ":::. 17 ·'h.17 by tLJe IIherilr 1111 ono ot tbe ItJl)Jrni8· beld lillble for darnllge s. [.. Y. Shakt"r Cr. ? llH IU :!'! :! . ~2 5,!!'.l I Ar. LehQnOD J o. Uubtlrt J . IShllwhlln, Probllte erB 01 811ld 0II8e. 'i .au 10 .::5 !L~a 1), 25 C,B.&D. O. 6.~T . c .n.AD. C.R , ~V , J Ljllell~, Ltle Mu .. dullhllll v>! Lee M 111:1011 et ut1Ke, oertifie d 'that Margar et E. Dayton I~tc~, 8.40 11.00 3.00 G.OO D. &:I. T . lJ .&x . T . V.X.AT al, Ordor of· t;llle mude to t;ell real Bowe, of Hllrvey sburg, Ohio, Willi H.OO 3 ,00 11.0 0 VIA entitled to 1jI~r, per quarter under &.<t'"te. 1 SOUTHB OUND provilli ons of Bliod Law. The oerII Loulnille "Hashym. PU.UllA rK !,)u UH'l'. AM 1' 1\1 AM PM tlflcute wat; approv ed and Audito r Lt;A\'~ TO POINTe IN No '!~ Nu. · No 6 NoR co Edtllte uf Cum H. !:Illrver , d"Cl.IlIs. directed to iSdue Wllrrlln t for saId Dayt on: C. J-l . .t 0 0 ou ALABA MA, GEORG IA, Da,tun : D. &: X. T. ; 00 ,,00 1000 6001 lWpol't of pri vutl> Hll lo of ",tock" amoun t April I, 1904. 1.ebahoo Jun c tion i.O ~ file;Ll .... ~I "pprov tJd .. 3!i MI~8ISSIPPI, FLORlD A, 10 36 . 6 ao The bond of Philip Spence WIIS Shaker f:rn" flling 7'~:! ;17 to BT 0 3l! . 'l'llunlu~ tinnt"r ! I!uurdll lllof l:Ien. repltloe d by the United Stute8 Fidel· NORTU & SOU i'U CAROL INA. 1 ROI!Iyln "747 ...! 4:! '10. ~ 'll 87 110010,.,.<1 ; 50 2 4i1 104(, e 40 ry Burll .. , ,tuUtletI H, \''; Henry Burnt< ity llnd Gua.ran ty Go. 'l'he ohange VIRGIN IA, KENTU CKY, ' CC"nteon' W f' 16" 2 6 1 1063 6 t.U Manur ' M 0" '2 :,1 . et ~I. Order of u)J"rtti~cnlementaod Wll8 Illude in ordar to get the signa' 10 r;9 'U 5!! TEN~E8SEE. LOUI8lAN~, \ Lytle "Ou a (r.l II 0 • • hi tIl"e or r"ul e~",.. c il4llued. Ueorl!u tu,re of oertain olllcee uf the I;!OmEdgowuod ' ~'2 'S 06 '11 01 '700 Octobe r 7 anti Novew ber 7 ~d 14 ~~~o~b~:r W. Jllok, Johu C. 'rrovillu IiUU John pl.ny. :=:~ ~~ '~III )1~'.~ ~~ Leas tban tbe One li'are foi tbe Dodds .Juck IlpJlr ..iser ... 'H~o a 13 II U ' '7 Il John Frie ze WIl9 given a refunde r ' J... eland '1'4 ·!O '3 :~ '11:!4 '7 20 . I£slilh. ut Anll Uurner , imbecil e. of taxos Hound l rlp~ A rrlv. I.ebaDOD H 86 3 30 II ao 730 for the full owing amount A : 3000 TJck~t8 limited to retu r Q :n da,8 from i'lr.. t Il Ullollnt for >"tt.I " IJI ~ 1I1 tiJlld . DaU)' excep.. Sunday. 'St(JIP on slKnal.· 1901 ....... , .......... . ... ......... 22 tlntt 01 Sa le. ~tllt " ul Lud wl uk W. Millllr. ue·. SU NU AY ONI.Y !IIO:l.. .......... ...... .......... ... 16 }'or fullinf ur mu.tlon, r a tes. tichetlu leH. "I me otluMed . Wllllld ll,tl,teu 10 )Jru !III ttl. Tra1o i ! 5 pall" LTlIe a s (oll ow,. : 11103 ...... .. .. ........... ... .... ... 79 tables aDd ItWMu,ure . descrlpti ye of llie var · Northbou nd Widow rl quirotl to Wilke known j [Ida . m. r; 4i p w 1110ol ... .. . ... .... .. ........... .... . r,6 lou! resourot..')I. acrl r: ullUre. Intneral and Southbou nd U. c.t", . m . 7 .03 p m I her I·!e;ctioll . 1Icke,Om e,," .t Day\an : D. " X. T ~3 Lud · Umber landli alou G the line. lo'aU on or l ow "treel Ar oade. C. u . a D . Union Depot. i..t.tte of Hirum Kllbon. deceuse d 1.73 addreaM. W. E MI)ort", Gen '1 Pu.8~nger Agt. ~tll!und lind tiulIl Ileeonu t l ur btlltle. It beloK found tbat the land WIl8 milo t flied' in the Deerfield townsh ip Dilltrlo t .J . E. Davenp ort, U. P. A ,8t. Luuis Lebano n,Obio . E';fll.t tl of :SCIHI! P. HlLwk ,tleCtlll~e d nnd nut in the Fostere Specilll H. U. &1I .. y, N . W. P. A ,Chwug ll. "!,!!,!"!!",!"",!"!!",!"!!",!"!!,,,!!,!!!,!,,!!,,,!,,!!,,~,!,,!!,,,!,,!!,,,!,,!!,,!!!,!!,! . Don ·t Borrow Troubl e. Bome 8ea8on able Advloe . F. D. BUdh, U. 1'. A., . Cinolnll111 i. Ulillon ti Hit \\' k 11 PllolUt,e ll e;)cllcutor School Distrlo t. Genera l \ It is 1\ bad bllbit to borrow anyIt way be a piece of superftu oDs ,T. H. Millik~n, D. P. A, lA)uillvillo, .\Yuh bond. of $IOUO. Nu IIppruille. l~T thlnp: but the wor>!t thing you can advice to urge people at tbls _IOU' The Commi ssioner s' Report WIIS c. L. S1'ONt;. Gen·1 P&I!S Ag~, Louls.llIe went. .., pOS8ibly borrow . 18 troUble When of the yeAr to lay in & supply of directed to be publish ed In the '!!!!'!!!!I!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!"~~~'!'!!!!!!'!!~~ . liy !!!!!!!! )Id LI "'-II b l " ' In ro will Ed WIIl'(l U'lv, delleused . Wetlter n 8t&r and Frankli u News. i Rick. sort', heavy, weary and worn· Chamb erlain's Cough Remed y. It - - - .- - ( ue "'" a e vompan es oot hy the pains Ilnd poisons of dys. 18 &lmOllt lIure to be needed before Contrao t waR let to Clint Stanton CowlJ\'illllion I.." nell to Ncllill !:Iurl, New OUl'tI For Oanoe r. r" )lrp~~nted. pepsla, btlloU8nes!t, Br.igbt'lII disea8~. winter t8 over, and muob more , 01 MllttOOIl 111 , tu tllke tIUPII>i l.illos for retllinln g wall and rip rap noar AJlaurf aoe OIlnll6rell~ now knowo prompt El(ery polioy has a guaran . aud similar internll l dl~ordel'8, reHldeu ce uf Tony ShiJltng s in to be oDrable , by Bucklen don t obtalDe aud @atillfllotory results are 'lI Arnloa uf lIullbcribiul! wif,ueM~cs Mu . Hll r. Frllnkl in townsh ill for d when tallen a'J Il00D aa .. sit down II.Qd brood over f21. yoW' · lIympBalve. Walter s, of Dnffield, toed finanola l baoklng . C uutraot, wall mllde wrt.h \II. t" 1'1",; SU1 11l, rllllHlll nd Mr" , .Il.1>c" 1.11 1'· toms, but fly for rehef to Elootrio cold I. con'rac ted &ud hefore It baa . l1 .• t . " J ... . . , I " u .. . ad a O&n06r on my ' , u :11 L~I . I 111 Berll "no will find 8ure beoome I18LSled llIl the IIY1I&em, whloh Prompt at~en' on II: Iven t,o Bltte.i o'YU" luWu> nq.lur ili a" au. ,1\) 1Ur ,f t" ''' ~ t I ~ , . .... ·. ·11. " ".u,,'· I '. ' 1\11 bn.,inMf' , tlnrt pernmn eut forgeUuluet18 of ail ( ,.o U ,ha.; 00 ~,t,v • • " ~ '.' h,.·.·' ...41.\ t ' l I ~ .. ttl (,d of l <:lao iJiI' .h wi · z, cle bl d \..uUI,rttUL Wil li let tlJ tiurllln Wblt. ~l i BlIClrlp bod 111 feulMr n' lI " n<l 1hi" i_ ,." .. .:'!o,I~I· II , 11 1..(1 1 Cdl,"ud.. In u nl,ury unu " PIII'IIi!!" lLcrtl fOl' IItonl! Ilnll brusb protect ion It, aDd nuwfI'"it. AI'TliiJ ~~~~t, r;:td:'eii~y :~~~ r / d~b' 1I'i,ip..Jj· 100,U I\\ II . nnd, \ .. perfPCt lv Yo·tlll· · 11(> Rlt"(Cf'thll~ Gparan tc",1 LiM cnfl' tor • d (lllt5llln t d hlll· n ellr II ~ . resirteo itood ce of tbut JUllJ nl) one_ .. bould bellitllt e Ultlllt fil'!d . es Brown for. . . , <1I SPD!Ml. At· OU s ny s . rng's ore. 250'11& Louis MaY'I! drug. IItCJtll. Ilia G6. -_ . Ilb,.ut 1J1l~' 1JI ~ 1l. l lo pl't>J'ertl\J cc' 10 lClI ,( Va}Je)' 'l'hlJlle ,'ii', Wllyue s,ViUtl,·O. (riOe 500. (iDaraD t.eed. other . )" i8 ,'va" ..10 Ie V~'" AlIIV.





Oal l to min d the safe ty of on'e s fund s.

The re . is sec urit y if you dep osit at the





Ore gon ia, Ohio .

Por tlan d Cem ent, Lum ber, ShiD Bles ,and all kind s of DEA LER S in Flou r, Foe dBa G Gra in. Val ley Pho tie.




O. M. BRO WN , P"-P llrle tor.




DI,toa, It'IIOI'' CiACIIRlti Rr •




Pana ma, N un's Cl'av enett e, Moh air, Fig'd Silk 371- 2c






R. R.



Hen riett a cloth s,








Nevel' !i;uch sa'les ' Ging ham , Madras, Piqn e, G.. EMBROIDERIES 3,00 0 .yards at Barg ain Price , 5c up. REA DY 1'0 WEA R Kimonos, Wra pper s, best Wrapp er for .1.00 yet sold, W alki ng Skir ts, 'Wai sts, Suits , .J acke ts, Coat s, Und eweu r, best 25c garm ent show n. COMFORTS, . CAI1PE'J'~, R.,G S, MATTINGS, yard s Chin a Japa n Matt ings .


Hutcbison 6t Gibn¢y, X¢nia Obio.











"'fIll"l, J .


br ll ises 3n Ih oir b elli alld corna on t he il" Voa, ~ nllH n g a Oli laughl .Jg all th e time. \\'0 mot a p opl e thal wor l( a ll lll e li m e. Aod 1I " 0 1" la l; ,u ir r o~re· n Lin n x e~ l't c h urn i n ~ nmi ror kin g ba·I,)le s . A1Hi YP \ ne ve r h ll l'O l., ca ll a docto r . bC C.l ll . ~ I h C I"~ n l"c no dllr lo rs e x-

ACter D ri v in g A M il k Ca rt in H olland, 'the Bad Boy all d His Dad Go to Cubll-.The Bad Boy Fin ds Hav Rn n Som eth in g Lik e Heaven- In the H nr bor Th ey See the BAckbone of the Mll ln e. BY Jl O N t:t':O lh: I'; \ \' . " Jo:{ ' ).; . (K l. · l :U \t ·r .. ..H' o r \ , · t ~ ('o mci ll. I t o r "I P I'I-k ' " ~t ltl . ~\ lI lh o r !t il d ItU ), " l' l e. ) ~ I '(I P )

F o rmeI' Ed.

or " P" dCtS

rl s h L. Eao.:,. h ) J nS!' I, h S . n o w lea.)

11 11 \·lIlIa . Cuba. -) 1y Dear- Old Greas -

t' r : \\" P Slopped in !~()Uan d for a COlllll ~ of dR ." " after wc le tt Belg ium . an cl it " 'nN Ill e mos t d lsa l'PolllLing ~()u n t ry we " isl lc<l on OUl" wh lli e tr' il'- \\" e e Xile,·t elt t ll h~ wa lked on wlLh wood cn s hoes . a u d f rom what we had hea rd of t hat duk e t ha t rua rri ed Queen W ilh e lmi na wo t hollt; ht W (' werr J.;oillg to a ~O \1nlI" Y


s l cl ~ . p av e mc n Ui a s S tn lH, l h a s

d o~"

to perdition. a n.i irop lcal Il'ee:;. piun ts and ri uw e rs. wilh lIi rdd of rare I, iuma ge, YO U feei like s ltltllK Oil a ;o ld beDc,1 III A PRETTY BORDER, the s hade l;,tId wl . h lll g all yo ur f rienll a wer o her e LO e njoy a tasle of wblll .... 1iI Bow It May Be Arranged Rnd 1I'ain· e"mo to lh oso who a rc t rnl y good . In tllill ed Several Weeks In AdVAn ce Iho he reaft e r. w he n . u,hIPoli y you a ro of Ordinary Outdoor Garden. take n wllh a dl ill up lb . ",lll al ell " li m n. and a co lli slI' cal lo me s o u l on tn ·t be a ccompanying plan, drawn lh e fo rebead , a nd the 11I \" Tll al a rra ng!)- entirely Cro lll me mory. s a ys a w r ite r mr n t:; go on a strikc b ~,,,,,,,v ()f th e In the Oh 10 Farmer , but Eumcle n ti y co loi . per s pIring c III'um h,' r y,, " :;..d fo r arcurnle to Illus tra te the matte r In iunr h. anll Y"" go to a rloclor . !:h o h a ud, a Is lh e IItLie \llant houso: 0 f " oe. not do a l h lng to y"U , but ",'a'''' be ing the wa ll a l lbe outer eclge whic h YOIl o ut ot )'ou r bOllls by lalklng chll/' Is mado of POSLs ':'lith wind ow s a s iled em. a nd 'tld n,; ynu ~ h " carcl of h IS Iiko ce llar window s. these being o bo ut p" l·tn er . tt.'" un<i el'laker, t e~ l! ni )',)11 16 1,, ( II('s h igh. a Drl belD g eIL, lIy r eo " eve r Lo ttr lu" ·.t dy ing In a LroJlj!o:11.1 m on'lI wh e n th o ,veatbe r ge Ls wa~m . l 'lH lli l r y \" ll h o llt ~ i n ~ t' nl iJa lm(ld. &)9Th e roof r Ises quito sLee p liP 10 t he ca lls a yu u lou l; 80 lUn ch lJoLt er ,,' hell h o use and Ih o Il8th In t he cente r of )' o n are ,Ie llv e red I\t yo m bom. hy th y th e grecnho ll SO Is e xcav ated some so C XIJ I'C:-' S (' orn pa n y. a nd th eu h ( l g : ,,.~:t th ere Is p le nty of he a ri roo m Ins hlc. yo u 1'111 !-i a llti a hi ll. 1\ 1111 a ll uhll ,\~ I"\ ••:k Db \!, lh,! p ia nl uo rd er b otween lh e t ha , gno,; ' J.IT c" rry hUllr to lak e a 7111 wailt a n d houae . A s lr a lghL boa rd h y . Rn d fU l'n i... h cs YUIl a ll o flh:c l' ~ 1 t;r fo rms t h e edge n ex t to th e walk rl Slll,o: h lll1l1" to yO I II' h ot e l w i th yo u t o cn li \! ",,:, n ir ltl o abo " e th e c nr lh. OIl CO e very h i,; 1011 1. 11 11<1 yo u plI wn ),Oll r wal ch ..··. d fow f ~ t li t tl c rn f t~ rs r u n rrol11 t h ~ " I e ~ v (' \)111 tll ns fo r a s lee mge tkk c ~ t o ed ge (If lhc l,ed UJl to the hous e tllHI i'\ pw Yo rk. I:~ee llh o u se Ilnd o n th oso rar ters n ice Dutl hM 'lil t h ~e n II1 l1c lt ~oo d Ip lI a·

Al1 li catLl o. Th e peOI)le wo me t In 1I 0lln nd wcar woode n s h 8 to t ca r h lhe m patience al1'1 hu m ili ty. W ll h woo .1 n sh oes na frAl I ~. led II na ncier of Ho lland w UI ev er t.rA"r i th e fa s l roa .1 or s llc.'nl a llo n. slip u n a I.II,cllN s hOll "Anana poe l. an ti f,, 11 o n t he Inll ",,,!nl bys tan de r w ho hAS ('o ng-tr rd nl' hi ~ "R vlll l; ' a nd g iv en t h e,n to l he ho n e8l fln a a cie r to s afely In ,·.lsl. Th e bau k of /loll a nd Is th e o ld wnol e n Rloc k ln g , alld mO lloy nover COD le' out of th e slockin g "nl os. thc re tR a .. tr ln g to It. a n.1 the Siri ng I. the h ell1' rl ng of a n ho ueot I'oo ple , t h a t will s tnnd n o trlHln g, if a d l" ho nest fI.nan c ler ca me to Ho Banri from a ny oUler co ull l ry, AU" di d a u)' o f h is d irty w')r k , th e ,,'om en or H o ll a n d . w ho h 8n ~ cI!e l he fu nds . w()uld g h 'p h im slleh a h az lug th a L he wo ui .1 no" er o pe n liis l~ lr c e- cn r d 1Il0 11 1(1 lay ou t in an y ot h er

F o r 1.WO 0 1" th l'l:"(' cla ys \"'·c w fl r e no t

r olllJr d, and I do n ut uell e ,·c th ere Is II

IIFfI': , ' OL' L D ·t' Ar' l!: O F P II E ll ' W O ODt:: N H O I,: A :-.I n S '1'RtK I·: O I' T AND A ~ tA N \\' O(; t.. 1 T Ill;';\;: H~: H A D Bt::(';N Il tT HY A R A lI . R O AO TIE .



.,Is ho nes t m a n o r wom all In Holla nd, e x 'Cllt on e. T h cre wa s o ne woman t bal pia ye d It o n dad ill Am s te r da m. bu t 1 th ink s he o nl y playe d him f or a j ol,e. to r sho lau ghed all the tim e. Da" wa s m uch s t ru c!, lit s ee in g lh e wome n se lling milk fr om little car t s. h a uled b )' Lea ms of hig dogs , and h e negotia te. I .w llh a womun for a dog tcam all" cart , .nd all one day dad and I put o n wooden ahues and Dnt ch clothes and drove lb e dog t eam around town . and so we ha.i the Ume of our lives. more fun than I e "ei' had outs ide of a circus. bllt the ahoeR Hkinned our feet. and whe n th e d og. lai d down to r es t and dad eouldn't talk dog iangllage to maile t.hem ge t up aud go ah ead . he kicked th~ o rr dog wltll hIe wooden shoo, and tb e dog got up and g r a bbe d a moutbfui of dad 's ampl e IIRutS and shook da'd till his teeth we ...~ l oose. and a woman d rivIn g an other m eKS of dogs ball lo com e alld c uolte the 01T "Og ~o he wouldn 't swallo w,iad. PRllts and all. Da,i ga,'e he r ad o llar for r es,·.lI lng· blm . and wbat do you think ? Sa:1 she Ilulled nn old atocklng of mOlley , Ollt of her boso m and coun ted out 9ti c <!nt s In change and g ave It uac k to dad. and o nl y ('harg",1 rOllr ce n ts fo r sllvl n:; bl . life. lind th a t !:ouldn 't occ ur in any 0 1 h er

t'0 1l11 l r y ,

'cause i 11

1ll 0 Ml

va na.

( · a ll).~

h o wall teil


t he I·OC. tl

Br e

I h l)

whol e hu s luieo; s lu " li e rial' . H e goo t


ro whnRl nnd " 'C !l l oll l I n th o h at' bol t il Wll 1'(' t h e lJucl\ bo lHl o r th e " Mak e" a ('l ~ a s a m Oll u m e nt to t h e fe ll o ws \\'11 0

ye t s lee p i II t ho 11l\' d o( th e bOllO Ill. a n d a f t !'!" tyi ng a l il'i..hl A row' iI'a n n da;

T in :

nOG O RAHR F.T> A MO I,,.lIFT L 0 1" D AD' S A.'II · I . ~; P A;'; TS.

co un t I" Y. I t j. a l'ou il i ry w he rc yo u got t he ri ~ h t ch an gc haclt. anti th e ['o w, glv p 1 '-carat milk . an d lhe b en s ha l'e .Jot lea rn ed 10 la y . ",a li . cold sw ra ge el!g~ . It is Ih e t'O ull lry for m e , if lho w<.J tn CIl wu u ld wear co rse ls. a ud no t tJc lh e ~ a l11 e s i ~e all th e way do wn . s n Lha t it ro~ h ll g ged 11 g irt yo u wOII" I,, ' t rualte , de n t In h e r thll l wo uld n o t cOllie Ollt ullLlI ~ h e got h er brealll. A nd we Ic ft 811l'h n l'Ou n lr y an d .lll'h II pro "ie lO co me h I'e to Cu ba. wh e re lh;) POllul ll llon n ow ('o m \1r l ~ es the mea liest f ~a t ures o f the d es \le r ale IInu w le liet! 5l1all larri6, beale n at th eir owo gam e or 100 l . Lhe tri ck in c. s of t he n u· Li ve Cuba n . flus bed w ith I}rirle !Jccau se Ir l~ hi!; A mc r ica n !Jrolh er hc iped 111 m to dr ive a wn y th e Span iard thllt h e could nevc r ha ve gOlte n rid of a lo ne. lind w it h no r eS\lCCl fo r l h o Am erican who Il eiper\. an d on ly mee ts h im rp.s l'en t ll ll ), ueca ll se he Is a f rllid o f bein g th ro wn InlO th e o cean It h e Is imi1t"I ~ l1 t . li nd t he wo rs l class o f Yan kee g raftc l's und h lg h wII), ' rob be r s t h:lt Ita,'e eve r bee n a il o we " to s tray UW gy fm m lhe la nd of tb e ft·ce. T h at Is wha t 'Cuba Is to ·day. Soulless Ya nkee co q lo l'aLio ns have got hoid of most of t be bran ' hes of bns ln ess l h a l l bor e Is :lny mo ne)' In. ai, d th e lh IlIgs that do not pa y ant! n ev e r ca n be made to pa y arc for sa le to londerfeet. Th e Cuban hates the Ya nk ee, the Ya nkee hate. th e Cu bau . and the Spa nia rd h a te. uot h . a nd bOlb ba te him. In Hav a na your hot e l. o wn ed by a Cuban , r llll by a Yall kee. wl lh a SpaDish or P or-lilguese ('a s hier , w ill lak e a ll tbe mo ney you br ing InlO It tor a ued at Dlg h t . and boid yo ur uag ga ge l ill you call ca bie for mon ey to buy brea kfast. It Is a " tree eO llntl·Y ." of CO lIl's e. ru n by me n who will fl y hig h as lo ng as th oy can borro w mo ney for SOmo on o e lsll to pay. ati er they a r e dead. but w llh iii len years lhe luxes will eat tho peopie so'lhey wll1 be head o,'er h('els in de bt to the Yankee and the SpanIard, the Ge rman and th o Englls bman. lh e l' re nchman and the I (aliaD. and some day wafllhlpR will s a il inlo Hs· vaoa harbor . ov er the submerged bont's of tbe " )Iaine." and there will he a Oght for juicy morsels of Ih e Cuhalj, dear! horse. by t h" co ngr egated !.JUl ' 7.s1'118 o f s trange nal·les. o r p erhaps they will s hake dice fo r tho carcasa.

Jlla ce~

th oy wo uid tallC doihir and s lf llt(! lt lm fo r more. /Ja .i wa nted t il lai(e tiw dog tea m a ud r arr w Mil wauk e e Vl gl \'e It to a fri e nd who s e ll" re.1 hot weill ers , and ti(l we a r ranged to h a \' e th e leam 10a,Ie d un t he bOlll. iJm ju sL be fo,'c lhe uOll t .ailell Ih e dog lea rn wa s ly ing do wII TilL ox BI·: I.J.OW['; O AND nAN Oil Ih O' dod, . s k Cl, ilW And scral ch lng A \V A Y. tl ea • . whp II Ih e \\'/1ll1all ' hili boug hl the team 0 1 callI(' alo ng alld s llll;e to Lhe I and by ca refnlly :?adlng tbe dlee IIlW d og.; 1,1 VUldl. a nd . sa y. Ihllsr . i o g~ the w hole t hin g orr on to t: nr'le Sa m. 'W o j, ~ np alld "Lu n ed " n a rer;lI lar run - and m il lIe 1; lm i'6 J' th e ri p.l.ts of th e d e~ aw ay do wn l il (' doc I" al l (l l' lll l! la ll gh · ceas e d 1'(' IJll h lt e. an d a c l us llflm1 n ls tratll g "'.:man . a nd 111 ,;a p,lr a l'cu II I' th e lo r fo r l.lI n bc ncllt o f rh e childre n at 6lrn ' l . jti SI as I he hoa l w I1L.. Uc(1 l h p ull th e sa w ed o ff r epu blic. whose o nly as 111 Ih r g a ll!; pi a l) ;, :;. I'a.j and I SLnlltl 1 s et no w Is ctl ma tc lhat lee ls good. but () II l)Cl' :i. ,a ud sa w t he I t!u m tli ~ u p ( l e a l' . cQ n ln in ~ gC1n s ..> r a ll di sea8 e~ . Ril :J 811 ,1 Il nel s aid " iltlltcocd Il~a l n . 'Llltl it Lo l,g,'co t hll l ~, lt e l i,, · ~o od "' h en it Is h~ j " a ll YOU I' fll u ll. W hy dld ,, 't yo u conU a g ratiou under your n ose , anti h a il S all to Iha t MC do!: '! " d oes no t k ill los tantl y if IllS pas te" up \\" ('11. we iOSl n llr do C tea nl, hit : we In a Wiauo " , in wrap per thal is tb e g Ol t il e wo rth or q ur nr o ll ~ y, [0 1' we IHlre goods . If wba<:co e n \' ceaKe" to .a w II peo ple whu 110 no t ca l mudl be- IJe a fad wiU, t he r ic h consum er of 50 tild e r-ab bR!;e nllLi mill!. anr! Ih ey a l'e cent c ig ars . anol beeL s ugar 18 tound tbe 8tro"g~ iJt In t h ~ wo rld . an ll tll ere to co ntain no first air! to BrlgbL's dleJI ~ II ' I' wa J a case 0 1' d )'SIle psla In I he lr e a~ p. , Cu ba will anlollnt to . abollt u _ua lt:_. \\:e _s a_w a I)oo ilic wit h dlOIi. much at Dr¥ 1'0rtua:aa. wlUdo. ....

o n Ib e r l i;~ i ll g t haI. " lh' ll' a bo ve til., wa ter . It nd damniQ!-: lh e v illaill d w ho bl c w II jJ th e good s hi p, ,,~ we nt bae ll to t.o wn and (Ir o ve out to tltt' r e me tcry w here se" c r a i hlln t1r-cd of o llr bl' Y. ar6 uur led , w he r o w e ieft fl owers o n the g ra ves a nd a CII S. In l he ba lmy a ir fo r th e s lIlI ty wrc tehe:; who fi red tho bo 111 b. and r.hen we we nl h81:11. to the cllY an d wa lk ed lhe btm ll Utll 1 5 '.r ee Ls unl ll d a d bega n to have cramp~ from Ir y lng to ea t a ll th e f rll it he rould h ol d. Th e n it was a ll o rr, anel I w a ~ goin g t o ca ll a ca rr!a;;e to lake h im to I he h o lel. when da d RIJW a lIeg ro a s trid e a 51111\10 o x. h!t (' \) ed to a ,·a r l. \Vhn h a d eo mo in f ro m, the t'O unI ry. Bnd dud s ai d he wa n ted to r idc In that ,'art, if It wa S the las t a ,' t uf h lq li fe. a url a s !l ad was " rsinn lng to s we ll u p fm m th e f rlli t h ~ h a d eale n ) I ho uSh l he hel I e r ri lle In a n opon carl, ~aU3e In a "Ilrr lage he mi g h t. s well up so we ro u ld ll 't ge t h im Oll t o f th e door wh e n we I(o l to th e hOlr l. So I h it'e,1 t ite n e/!ro. got Ila d In t h e (·a rt . nllli we sl a rt r d , hill t hr ox wa ll;rd so Rio\\' [ WIl S a r l' ntcl W" would ne" ("r

ge t dad th ere nliye. M I tl1ill t h e nc):ro .horl had tir e chole ra nn ri Iha l so tt le,l II. fOl' he kl r lle d t he ox Wl lh hi s beo iM . An d I h e ox bnll owed nnd run awa )'. lind lh e negrn turn ed pal e tro m f rlgh l. and I g ll e~3 the :rUllnwa y r ide o n I he eob· I.> I ~ s l o l1 e pt\veme n t was what s ave d rla rr . life. fo r lhe sweilin /! In dad 's in " Irl e bep;a n tn 1:0 do wn . a n,l whe n wo go t t o I he h otel he got out o f lh e c a rt a lonll. an li i I; ne w he was be ner . fo r he ~ h oo k hllll s e if. glllllllle'<! and Ha ld, " \' 0 11 t h ink YOll are s ma rt . clOll ' t )'ou ?" So I will clo se. Yo urs,

PAPER MILK BOTTLES NOW Our Mounta in ~orest:s tD Furnish Fulp fol' tbe M a king of Receptacles for tbe Milk Dealer. A Doth e r r ai d has bee n o rganl led 00 o ur- mo un laln for est s , Slates t.ho llr-ookl )' n E n[;ie . As If th e pu lp mllis we re not IIlrPA,ly devastatlng -t ho hllis ides an .1 cl l'yln g 111' ollr waler s uppi y ral,l.ll y ~ uough , n ge nius In Phlladeillhi a has p Ate nt e.1 a Ilappr milk bottie, and bas t ell mac hines whic h can ma n ufa ct ure 20.000 of th e~e bo ttl es each In a <l a y . Th e pape r milk boUlo is to btl made fro m s\l rllce pulp and s\lrucell g row at the top of th e mountains, the v ery sourcea of our streams. The argum ent tor th o paper milk bottle Is tbat as each botth! will be used hltt once tbe milk will run less dllnger of contaminat Ion trom germs 10 glass bottl('s, wblcb may nr may . not be was h ed clean atler using. No dOl'l ht there are chances for ge rm s In t.he glass bottlel 10 eycry day use, althougb in comparl80n Wi lh th. · Iack of cleanlin ess ot the ordinary tlalr· d es from w h ich milk comea objecting 110 the r eus e of milk bottle8 Is like the ' Scrlplural .tralnin g at a gnat and 8W~1. ' Iowlng a cam e l. The s ides ot the I,all~r milk bottl e are to 'be held together with glue. and· glue h8 s as many posslbillt!~8 "Df Infoc llon a 9 would come from hastily~wa sh cd bottles. The filet iR thaI th e Philadelphia man probabl y beli e ves that h o can make po· per bot ti es cheaply enougb to r e place th e glaRs oues anr! that h e m erely USfill hy gienic argum e nts t.o hol s ter up a D1II11· ness propos ition . This Is the age or pa· per 8 S unmis takab le a s o ther age s we", of bron ze or s old. Th e making usc o{ paper pulp ar e b eing extend od contlll ' uall y and the additi on of milk hoUle ~ wOll' ,1 be only .o ne lI e m of Inc rease In the cOll s umptl on , A s lo ng ne wspap ers continue to g r·ow In popularity new materials for pap er will Ioa" e to be foun d, Th e us e of wood pulp has I\on e tar enough t o s how th p IIrgent n eces s ll y ot a far-r enchlng a nd e lteel iV A pl a n tor r eo fores tl ng hills ides stripped to t eetl pu ll' mlIJ • .


Cau!!e a ll d ' Effect. "Thp. las t tl m p / s aw Mrs. N(' wbride , h e sa ifi h er h nd wa s aiel;, " " Yes ; th e la sl time I saw b e l' she Wa d ma idng som e dainty dIs h fOf him" " Ali! I glless I mlllt ha\' e aeen h ef jus t atter lI OII dld."-Phllade lphill Press. Very Trull Men who all~eet ..vlrtuel lIa \'e ' no If· fectIon tor tbem.

f ram('s co,' r crt with tlg b liy -str e tchod coLlon clotil a~'o nt ted. Th is ma i, e, A li lli e cl o th · roo fed lean -to over t he borde rs . The ratlers agains t I h e e n d ot th e house arc abou l 30 in c hes long and II g a los t the g reenho use wh ore th e bor· de r I" wid e r . a bollt 48 in ch es. Tbl s is n perrec tly n eat nrra ngemen L an d wbe n the cioth roor 15 n n t Igbl . 'lnd th o ceil n l' window a l C Is open, It malics a miniature g r ee nhous e warme,l by heat e ca plng fro m the turnaw In 'he celln r . nn d If the s a sh es tha t to rm the front of th e g ree nhou8e n re t a lren a way It nil form a part o f the groe n· Iwu .. c. Kow fro l11 m y knowle dge or m anng in" cnlt! fram es an d h ot- bpdH ...q 1\'e ll nR I1 m ·h ellted plnnt hO U M~ I Eh on ld Ju dge rhal s u ~ h pinnl s Rli g.1r ·, on ltl l11 s. lin d t h ~ ooo le r- bl u 1(lctJ " .. ,1drn g plants. r ould he pu t o u ~ nt Ic;ul 1I,'e VIce l; ' ea r li e r than w ltl.n ut thl,; p ro tp.ctlon LInd ar tl O<'i al h e n t. T noti c'! Ih a t ~ r a r ly c"cr y h t.n se wh Ich Is h e.Hed " It h n f uru a ce hUB ,ono OJ ' m ore cc l1 ~ 1' wln dowR open In nil htl t It", co\ deHt ' '' cnlhpr to lr t out th e h e n t I !ld ! ~ t ­ . lu g 1wm th e fu r naco. n ud wh ich Ii ro ot cOllse n 'er! in all Y way ror healiu g d. e hOURC. B y con s en-l ll g thi s was le a. Mr. Hoo t , l o c ~ . mallY a fa mil ), m l" h t ba H n ml nl nl n ru garden weelcs i)' ft"'~ th e ou l,loo r .ReAso n. L ettu ce a ul onio ns wOlll d b o r ea dy to usc nh'ltl!. th e l ime'" ou tdoor SO Wlllg. a l1 rl slrR.v, lle rrl P5 pla n ted wh er e t~ P. y rolll(l he "ar me rt In this way couid b . 8,h-anced t h r ~e or fOll r weel,s. All wo uid de· pen d upo n t h e amo un t o r h eat g iven . out hy t h e ce ll ar. and tho size ot bo rde r . Fo r n earl y Iiard y s tulf III(e on· Ion s . iett uce and . s tra whe rrles. th e cotto n clo th wo uld b e all that Is n ~o · e ss a ry. bllt In clt ceptionaUy cold Dig ll ts \I m Igh t be n ecessary to cover wit.h blanke l s o r sh e ets In add rtion . 'rh o cloth roof shoulrl of course be mnvahi& "n d thus allnw wnrm sprIng rains 'lPon th ~ border when t e ll, and fllao pe rmit vc ntllatln g.



Re a sons Why the Trees Do Not Prodllce the Fruit Whleh It Is Rel\s ona ble to Expect.


The Illinois experiment station has done eonslde l'llbl e work Oft orcbllrd c:ultlvatlon alld manlllgemonL In bul · le tln 69 the followln, are glVClll as aome of tho reaRonM why ma'ny orebards arc unproductIve : 1. Too many growers are ox pectin:; a crop to be given thom wIthout put· tlng fortb any efforts themselves, after the trees have been set. The apple troe requires tbe same carefui atte n· Uon as otber farm crops. , 2. Lack of moistllre Is a common cause of (allure, ospeclally in tIOuthcm illinois. Thi s Is because grass and othe r crops aro allowed to compete wltb th e tre es for the moI s ture BUP' plie d hy rain s . Wator Is just as css e n· tllli to , tho apple tree on a hot sum· mer's day as It Is to th e labore r In the har-ve st. field. 3. Injuries resulting from attacks of tnse ets or o f fungus dl s eaBcH. Th ese depre riatnrs COil s id e r tha L they have as milc h rig h t to tho products ot the farm a s do e s the farmer himself. F o r thi s r ea so n he mu s t get hi s a rtill e ry lIu,l ammunition to fight lh e e ne cty, 4. Lack of fe rtilit y is a common enuse. Th e appl e orcbard cannot Ilroduce a profitable crop' 'unl ess prn· vlded with a n aml,le MUPilly ot nlll'o, gen , pot as h and phos llnorl c ac id. and tb e s am e rCll s on s may we ll appl y tn th e t1nprotiu cU" e o rchard s of th e oth e l' state" of tho Miss iss ip pi vall e y. FOR T;tIE DAIRYMAN.

At a ooll\"e nll on of dairy m ~ n , In a d1sc Ub Slo ll of tho bllia uced ra tion, a Hp ea kel' sl1 ltt : All a nima la r eq uir e In the tood eno ug h SUUSLLU(,e to 11l ~et llle o XI.on . ea of Ihe uo" y I" cllrryl,,/; on Its ph yslo10SlcIIl tunctN ns. Eve ry mo vement of m uscle, thl.' bea t Ing of the bOBrt, br eat hing , otc .. r equires H,e tlxponr!i· !.ure o C e ner gy thal co mes large ly from ' cer tnln co mllOunda in the food . wh lcb compoun ds we call protelll, Wo \<no,., the n Ih al If an anlml\i Is to JIve anti work. tho fo od mll st ro ntalh prol ' ln . umclcn t 10 m ee t th e ir ",onMtant exp en ~es . Thll barder nn animal work. t he j;rel\ le r t hese expons C\." h e nce tbe more prot e in mu st th o foo.1 co ntoll1 , . Again. we s h 'e carb oh ydrates and fald to ncco ml.lI sh an other IlItrpole. Tho tempe r al ure or n cow I. con s tan t, practi ca ll y at 98 degr ees ie. H Is con s tan l In man at th e sa me m a rk . How essenlial It 18 th a t thi s "ons Ll,nt te mpc ra l. ul·e Is h\aln ta inc,1 Is " e r y appa r ent 1'1 th c human s ),s tr m wh en wo rcailzc Ih a t on e-b a lf cJ el; l'oo helo w normal j; h 'es us n chili. whll o o ne·hllif to ono .deg rec ullo vo- n o rma l g lvcs us a t c ve r, ~ i th e r ,·() " dl lion in l'O:'a cit nlltl g lhe ma n for worle if we . h oul ll at te mllt to Ilee l' th e t em Jl r l'at lire of a hOlt th o ~ i lO of ,a co w a t n t! o;: reo~ F . by lhe • Ie! or nn 0 11 Inmp wo woul d 800n b e t 'lo de Awa r e of th p 1"~ m eiiHo o mount at Ibll ~ requ lrNI. 1' h e antmal h e rsoll IJ con oto ntl y li ee llln!; "11 lhl s e norm oll e e qJ onll!lu rc of h ent. hllt s he bas onl y o~ l e !'Otrree lIpon wh ich to dra w and tI,at IR mnnlfes tl y th e foor! consum ed . T~ o IJtc ullar functl on ~ o ~ Ih e carbony· dr a lcc and rat g 1ft to I(Ce D up lh e bl1d} SlI p ply or hoat. In fa c t tb oy arc more effict ent as h e a' prodn cers than are thl olhe r compounds ot rbo foOtI. The sci· ~n ce or a ba lanced rati o n t ben oo n B i ~ t~ In SUrlJlylng enou gh proleln 10 ta ll E caro or th e dally was te o( llroto plagm to Ih e anlmal 's bo,i y and tn supplyIn g a s uftlc!e nt amo lln t. of car bobydra te~ nn ri ful.R lo main tain th e te mper a ture o f lhe anlmal's body.


COOD .81.000 FOR BAO-- -- Blood 0111~ .


Food for the , Anlmnls Mas t Oontala Protein Sulllelen t to Meet the E x penscs.

C(lP' \'(, I cr lnnr y Sl1 q ;O(,) Il ::J, wh o ca r c (o r

'" ht:l"c m e n we r e c ru e l t o th ei r wl,-e :J, a ud s wat1f'd ttH~ f1l on!r t he h eacl w hen t hiI1~s ll hl n ' t gO r i~ h l . hu t wh c n w e sa w t he q llce ll ri ll III !': w il h h er bus ba n ,!. tl ~

'l',rc Irum o~ te ll l tl t.lo ll a s a liellart l1l 'II' tilll f(' d e rl, wo u ld rid e o ut Wllh hl ~ l'lw h(; Irl wifr . a lld SIIW h ll lllli ness bea min g on t ill' fn r e of t be Q" PI' II and he r hu s ha n!i, lIlI t! " IlW th r ill S[I U r e~ C h a nd s ami 11101, 100' lugl y Ill to eudl 01 her '" eye • . we ma ,l e U JI lI ur m l tl c! ~ th ul Y. )l1 coul d n' l be ll evo t hes e II c ws papc l' s l'Illl rial s , Ali t! \Vb .' 1l we Ha w I he hroa ll' Hh ouitl r red. hrond -dtcl' lcd n nt! IJro a ,i-H e ry. wh er e wom e n or Ho lla nd , we con c lu ded t ha l It wou ld be a III'a\"e or reclties. h u. · La lHI who wO"id he u nlt ind t o o ne o f thc m . nllrt m lghly d angero tls. becaus e th e wo:n en a re st ro n ger th a n the mell . an d no y wo ma n cou ld wh ip fOllr me n a t the dro p o f tb e hat. beca use s he co ul d talt6 0 11 her woode n s b oes alld st rik e out an ll ' I ma ll ,,'ollid l h ln k h e ha d :.ce n hit b y u .rnl iro ad lie. I do not k no w wha l ma ltes Ho ll a nd er,; ' Vl.'a r woode n s boes. IInle"s th ey a ro SC II · t e o t e d t o do It. " I' l ba l t hey a ro unrui y "" d ba ve to he ho hh led to I, ee l' t h ~ 11l 'ro m Ju m llin g fe ll (·es. bUI th o peo ple a ro ' s o go o.1 a nd ho ne' t tira t a rle r r Oil hav ~ In et I he m YOIl fo r gel th o vallrle\, l1 l· f ealu r e of Ih e lr cosl ulll e". IUlli lo ve th e m. IIn,i wi sh th e 1100 1'10 of 01hc r c O lln ( rI ~s w cr o as ho nes l us l hey.


pure r air. a-,, :. Ule [al" at P ines, ." bleb h"~ more tr oll ical ~ccu&rY a Dd les~ r ollo w tevo r. Bil L 1I0W I h ~ iHln n,1 of Cuba II • . joy . o ~ Jl ll vlln " is li lte H eavc n- u;l t!l YOII come to I, a y yo ur bill. S I reols HO wid e yo u ' II nno t see a cred llor on the oth er


Rh eu matl 3

I5'nd Oth ..,

"Galt .. a: .. Cured by Dr. Wllllem.' Ptnk Pills. " .I n tb o I,;rll\ JJ1 illl!~1, uii nt wnrk on mykll l'P' wlrh illY ulbo)",,, Ilr('sH,·.1 ng: lillHt r" eli walld. ill dIlDlPU O';~ f,,"1 Olt l rlJlIl tr.. or col,'- " SUi ll Mr, ,J, 0 MUII /(e i, of 2971> Jaci<solL "veuue , Dubuquf\ , lown, ill d e · fl("'llt II1R hi s " "peritl ll ctl 111 I~ rcrJOrte r, " nU ll it i" n ot . _qlr isll1/t thut I con· t.rllut.Hd m . Jo'or I.h,. ltJ yeurs t hurt llt\al1kH utrect illl( th o jUi ut KIIf my "n kh·" kll c,,~ ","I ulhnw ,;. My nultles ""11 kJl"" ~ halJllUlU "" 1I,.01lull 1 COllld tiCIlrcc ly wnlk (10 un uve n IlI'OQnd and \I /rlt.l u prO"'mfo i"rnm 1\ ~ tOf)" und or my fiol't, wo"hl ,,,,US,, t"O KO III,," h poi II tbat I woultl h UIU'ly sink down. 1 WUlt often I1ltloll etl to liu in IM I en,. wovorlll days at a IlnlO' \\I v 'ri1lnd" \/rio... w ent Hilnilariy tremhl erl . w n,," I:eltill~ DO relief from d .~ : t o .. s '"111 I did Jlol (,lo l encoumgtld t o throw I1lUII Il Y "wu y for noth ing. By dllln l'" I rentltho "tor.. of HoberL Yates. of tho Kinne r M"Ulirtl cturiu~ Co.• o r Dubn'luo, who 111111 n very bull c:nlle of rh')UUIIH-iKm . J d udll,,() to try Dr. WiI· liu"," PIIlI, P,II. fur P,d" PI·tllllo, th o rOIlIt'.ly II< , hlltl Il :;ud . \11 tbr oo or t our W " I(s ufl ,,,' l"'ll illn ill g t o u sn t ho J.lm ~ . I WI\:; Illlll'la h~ · '· r tl l· UII(I in thn 'o tnu lltbs I ",us ,VC'It. Tho "w" lhug of too jniutB fllld the t CllIlo'rI W",; di sIl P\",,,rCft. 1 collid W Ul'K Slt!ltdihr ,\lui (III' p ig- . t yenra Ilm\'o bud 1111 rotnrn of Ih .1 t rolll,lo. ~{y whnl (" m il ,· he h" vII ill Ur. W,lI iu",.' Pilltc Pllls.- I30 lh 11 1\' "'''' " ' " ' ' I hulI1. W o e'"lsid!'I' tl ll' llI u- h''''l!I.' bol ll rCl11L'CIy thllt Wt'

/In' suru noout. ··

IV 10 11 1 Dr . Wilhums ' Piok pm~ did fur Mr Mcul(Cl th ey IIr" d oiug for bt1t>dr('(l ~ of IIt lt ll rH, E vor y dos" ,*", (t. j:Ollloplll Jl t ltrnlli:h tl", voill'. J.I" n', "lroll l!. rich . rud h llltu l I ha t slrilu'~ ~(mi ~ ht nt tU 0' Cf'ln sO o f nil I II hmolth . 'l ' ho II OW blood I'C"UlrM 1· 1 ·J.t lll ll l'it ~r. nll n brucos nlt t.htJ urgu,o JoC for rh,';" " pucinl tusl< s. O c' tbft gllll .. I" p. Dr . W. II " ''",, ' Pink PiI.,. Ul ,onr drJJlfW s t.· IIr ,11I·{''' t frnll. th l' Dr. Willilun~ Wt:di · C ill O Q q . • ticbuu eclaJy, N.):.


'3· DO &'a,oo SHOES~rN

W_ L. Dougl •• 14.000111 EdpLlne cannot be equalled a.any pttc:e • .


An Up·to-Dote Buildir.g Which WlIJ A ccommodate Thirty Oattle nn.1 Seven Hor~ es, J ()hn F . Hubrouck, is ter county , N. Y., Ban d. a pla n of bt5 dairy ba rll t o Hoord's D niW)' ml\n . This bu ild ing I ~ 5!txRO feot a nd i. ligh ted ,.. Il h eloc· trl cl ty Rnd hilS running wa ter . It read· lIy a ccm n modate4 30 cllttle nn d seven no n<es. beside s largo am ollnt s of to.Jd. T he . h ol'llo s tabl es are n t th e left of tho mai n doo rway nn(1 a doo r t rom the bnrnyarl' opeM Int o lh c m nlso, IIl1Y3 ~Ir . HasiJ rouck . T he flnor Is ot con cre te co ver ed by planks. Tbus th ~ mblc.


FFI"I ,.'






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U==?===.. ·· ·· ....====11 Dftlvt"""". 'it


H..CH"" :\..~

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'IrD~ . Jl,'~





P LAN OF 'l' UE M DEL IJAltN. C8A be e~ly c.\.c&nod . &Ad a wlladG... above eacb ou~er s tall wakcs them Irght and we U ve ntllated. 'rlle cow , eLable~ at the back ~l Lbe bul!tUng • • placed to accolWIIDiIata t he QUI. bl parallel rowa wltb a 12-(oot IIPace ~ feeding Hoor between, ~Itb hay chute. trom the mo .... above opening Upon IL These allSlst vent\iaUou. Here al so' ue cnacrete lloors and gutter.. aDd tbe Drew litter earr,l4ir mnnlng into tb. barnyard makes It possible to remove aU refuse and uncleanliness some distance from the huBdlng. The staneb. lonc are of tbe aulomatic make and • patent teed manger hu been provIded tor each animal. At the end of th c fecd tloor .Is a Email milk room . where the milk at once IIndergoes aeraUan. On the rigbt aide ot the main doorway Is a space 15x48 Ceet tor grain . Hay Is stored In lho upper portion ot the barn and a patenl hay elevallng apPllratu8 Is here used. Tbe driveways are broad, and lwo loads ot hay can be s tored away al the same lime . . I think [ bave tba mosl co nvenlenl !.Ja m tor dairy IIDd ge ncral farm use.

Don't Forget. Tho !Ialry farm e r c hould not for!!et lhal b e IG 2. manufacturer, and should manage his bus iness a ccordingly, HIs rIIW mal e rial arc the fodd e rs Rnd g rain H h I) rai ses or buys ; his machines a r e h i~ co ws ; his barns. stables Ilnd m,l!<tt ollse arc his shops; and bls palls can s, s eparator. etc., are his toois.

Well·Shaped Trees. Tbe tree lhot is prop&rly sbaped Don't pU·. orr tilling Ihe s ilo unl!I th ~ will have an srtlstlo IJ.11pe aran ce In cnrn is ca ug ht by tb o irost. winte r a s we ll as In s umm er, [t Is not Pra ise th e d ay a t e von l lde. a I1 li th o onl Y' doslrn-'llo to have a Dlass· pf C.l\\" ol lh e end IIf t ll') year , It s he tb cn roll age hi tho summe r, but Ito desr rv es it. hran ch os should b e so arranged that C l e a l1 l1n e ~s Is n<.'X t 10 god lin l\S~ ; l iti s It wl\1 g ive a pi ea s ln g c ffcct In wln't er. nppll es us m uch t ,.I th e cow sla ble as the 'f ronl P8rlor. . [f farm e rs would sell on11 No. 1 It tir e corn Is H ry green anel safL, It appl e s th o market would not becomr ts watery, and th e e ns ilage mado. from glutted, e\'ec In a yoar ot ple nty. All It 18 apt to he come too aclrl. It t oo No. l! ' IiPIDes shoul<t bo drIe d; . The, old, it ",' 111 ia ck flu cculence will mo~d, clln' be kep~ ov or aud iblll prevent 10... &nj 1\'lI1 not.. li.eep well. . prlc:ea.-W. W. K.

IBTWEATBERCOMFORT. I" . ha.. u ........ ,tSH . . . . Slicske,.forfiwe.,..r. . . . e.-~

"'''Y "Y


anw't.'nc eilte

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fort Ind •• ti.f'lIciton.


find mv ord.,. for ."oth&r one."

. 'fit•••

AIfO ADOIII•• Ott _""LIOIl'ftOtlll,

You can defy Ihe 1wdt.1'.... 11111 Tower', Waterproof OUId Ciolbillg IIId Hals.

Rigbt\'It Award W.rld's Fair, ItM.





A.J. TOWER CO. ~ 101'.... U. 8. A. •



U",'rtd .TORO NfO. CA"ADA


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co. i . I -: .

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-An .Unw orth y ·S.d tor


at ",Illi e . bellt. ''Very well, J . rcllnQut.ab all claIms In bls fal'or. Good-






Wl\~ Alway .. A greeable No Matter Ra ilWAY Term' Canled with It a S UDHow T.'\II the Story Replclon of BaGe Insinltiled to Him. uati on.

Tit ed, Netvous Moihers

The next Instant he was gone. and th~ fron t doo r closed wltb a dang. E \" leu ned he r h ead lIpon ber hand s and broke Into bitter weeping ; then s be r060. Mane Unha ppy Hom es-T heir Cond ition Irrit¢ ltM IIF &LLA . a. PtAa C& Rec ~ h u\V h~ rl RC'nnto l' ';1\1 111" l:lr. lilt WAIII in th e n (')~l ol1 ~ "bw i\\' tJ. ut th i ~ with nasbl ng eyes anrl glowing cheeks. tel. lIf MfJflta llil. "'fl 'C' ." W (l PPII ~g "h)1'I ' !'i, occ'Ul'I Both Husb and and Child ren- How Thbu sflnd s t cl ," ti:tH "Well, lel him go." she tbought. "He sny,. till' B rCtnkl.'" u J·.:I" lt" \\"114'11 lI w 8c(.!o rthu~ t u I u 1'1·" ,· i,lt' ll l'l.' IIlIl'"lI ll' 10\ IH II U , llu.... ,Jo ll r ll ll i. HII .I fl'cq Ill! 11 11\' SCCl l'tu r y . . uf tlw 11'1':t I'l IlI'Y t Is o lll a It perfect )Luud of tyrant Moth ers Have Been Save d From Nenl o us ; be had IlCl right to OUl' id~(l jour ncyed to tile Huh, "u lld I Wll~ 11 11 I'; ' OOD.BY ," I!8ld Eva ,J.une. gay I)' , lll II IUitfi UIH I II lin IU I\' ll t C"l'l.':-.tcd o Lsel'\lc'r , I d UU'l klltlw \\'llI'tll ' to\\'1I w hu Wi\ !'i Il t!\'f f knuwll ttJ di,.lt}l,n:: c . and her compani on IItted his treat me 80 .'1 Prost ration and Made Stron g and WelL you ' Ii l ' UIt it 1111 nC ' I' II/l'lIt Il l' u trulo! c'dr, In t hlH Harne mnod she met Wlltred will. a ttt utelllent f,f nllVtln'r. 1\ 0 1I1/1I1l' " e1r S UI ha l 10 hili courtly, debonai r tashloll. II HJ~I' the W~l lll a tl ill tll (, (' a ~" I'cg:lnll'd )h fW i rnpl"uhuh le it " 1I~ 1at lIl' , Lang fb e next day. ant! hi s ga llont. at l\ ~ a 1 1'a~cc l ,' " Oat"Uu ltl to-morro w," he said, ~o tt1 y, " Olh ' dllY U j!1'Ol ll l III' ft ,lI ,l w" dl' : rr, "III uh~li l lll~ at t lt Hl ioItntillll '1(' ;..1 1' ti ll! w lt.h a deep, tender gle.uee that made t erlng manner did much W Boolh e he r 111 11H'd t u l't' e l{ t ll(',\' ('llul.l,, ' t g l't ~lIIith Cn , \\' 111' ....• I a l,." 1r.1I'I" ,IIt',1 t l) Io:I't and mak e her reHenl her old l(jl'~r'~ ~ - 1' 11 ,·. ill 111111 'SlIlIth ," ~Hlt l :--l' l ' ~llH\\' , oft,nllll()II I he g ir l's cheekH turn to u dec ller ... bluntl'l'i llg , II \\'k\\'h I'U hull. Ilf /I \ ' 11 1'1 . "to t' ~JlI't',.:~ 11 d i~"':l'l\lIlIW: "IJ1 111011. harshne ss more Iban ever_ ~II pink . ~l'lI gl' " w oo WH !oi ull fl 'p t ,. h " 'I 11'I1 0 11 II' .: ' ~'lI i th "~IIIIP ul'JII~ " o n,· uf I Ill.' 11IJ\ !ol Illl d IlIn d ", he ,· ",kit·t I"uk HI'I \ h"u~ 1t It Lon Swartou did nol r eturn to t)1e ..WIII·1I niLl : El'o c lose,1 th e gate. and walked It .td • beell t Ir t'H UI,,d 1 II " t.LlI~I, ' I', .. ' I hlld u m OjoOt n~ lI m l'kllhl e expc r h, tIC'c !lI'lskly to t he Bt P" ot tlltl o id -tlll!u, June hOll sc. Some one said he hac! gono " Slll' \\U ~ if! :. :o: l atf' (I [ 1ll i nd , uf ('c U T"Fe. lone<l man~lon t ha l Btood In the mids t away. Mr. June was nut aware ot the the 11: 11"1' .Ill.' ·, ~ lI li lh , :\ .!'I 1 WII!'! ('1 1Jl1 1 11~ 31111 fl v O llt' " Olli d 1,l u lIlI' Iwl' : 11111 til" WIl I !"t qu a rrel. nor dId he kuow Ihat hi s daug b - I li lo I I ,wn th "fl!l J!h tilt" h Ill ,. 'Ollfl.'r I \\ 1I)1: , ..·t tu I 'IIIU"'. A II :1 1 ,~ r t u lli' ·1lI 1. 1111\ ,..: ot "paclo us. well -kept grounds . . " :lW 01 hlln'~ dfl up it tl'f'e ·utl"~ g f a pl' JoI, 1" 0 li'l lI II IHld , 1III1'I'14'd 11" , .. 1" '1, Illl t ll'l p u t Once the .Julie "stute had been well ter was <1ally mee ting Ihe nian thul be )o hut 1'1111 , J) Hl \ · tII l t" , ' !' M'l.' a IIl1ftH lu 1If' uIUOll K t lf 'ultl,· 1'11 1' t lH' I'H:ld . a t l 'fl l' , !'m i 111 '~ ' ' til th o sub urbs, but now the growth dlHllk ell. .. ' \\ ' lid,,· ,1 1' 1 'uti h l.ard , II I1 Hlnm '~ ' III' rll " ' \\·" l!. I "UII't :0-:'1\' Ill fl t hQ\(': re. QUllt'tl. Eva felt her lovr.r 's dese rllo n " cry \ mlll'l • of til!! town had almost Oy erlallen It. l S lIL lt h. I·i·gr.,tflil ly. ., ' lIl l: II'!!!' ~ /" h(· ,· ju t'ul ,l t l'd i TllIi ~ nll lll l .\', keenly; hu t H h o tri ed . )o'rom the wi do bnl co ny one could ROO 10 persuuu e h er.. ' \\ ' 11 ,11.' I'f' f'l'dl-t .'d tllfl .. t il l , ' kll 4' I' Wi ' nl'\"~I ' "aW " I lIIfTillli u p n trt't.'" (.n ~!1I ~ l i l li I rl,,; n ~ 1II III,(,t i"li . nl1l1 " I 't:llhlll~ ruws ot dwelling s, nnd at t he cor ne r self It Will! for Ihe bes t. lii t ~ III' c'uutd Ill' 1"'u l'll ,, 11II\ t' 11;1'1 1111' 1";'. ' I The gla mou r of fa~c1 n utlon was UPOD ;:llqlf'l'I ~ . an enterpr isi ng lJullder waR erecting lIl' \ c l' bl J:lld ,·. 1 III Illy l ife.' '' " \ \ '1,11 110 . t Itt" , f'1' ,.." w n IlIIfT:do 11 :1 a large !Jloclt ot flats; !Jut the old h er. Neve r had Wlltred Lang bee n mor .. 11'1'1' , Il1It ,' "'lI ll) ~1I111 h . hrit.:lIII'tll I l;.! 111' . '1 hou Be uno! groundA remaine d 8.S they c1evotecl. more en tertainin g; finally h3 1.1111\, t lll'Y UI''=--:~ I~~b a;l lJl ' ''' '' " CUTICURA PILLS lold hel' of hi s love. and won h er COnRp.r. t Imd been tor many years. Clerlcnl Cnta stro pbe. to P'or a ntUl Cooling rlage. anu Clenllsl ng the 111oc" As Eva 8tepped a cross th e thresbol d , w"" Ira.! t id·a II 1\ d3V off t o "My fath er. Wilfred. had o t he r plnns at lAticlclIlUP In Torturin g. Disfigu ring Hunton ot ber home an e lder ly man advance d t' lu l till' hllllkl.." I'I,c n,, ' p i"III(' , ' n iH 41 1'" for me. you know . and I do not t!ar~ rlll~' IrIJJ III ... ahi lit .,· h~' c.:ll lllliillil 11 t",,· lie from .an adjacenl room. -60 Chocola te 1'1118 2lk "Was t hat Lon wit h you?" be aSked. t ell hll':1 now. I wish Y<'U C01I 1,1 gal r. hIs fc·1I 10 10: 111 ' " a \\';l~' th nt Iw: fl,t,t c'a u..: hl III .. fork (,f II tn '" . II l1d th'- I·e til ' hllll~ 11l,:. ,1 rllt ic'lIr:l . "No, papa," replied Em, turning favor ." n (l:O-I"\,(~lIl P i ll ~ (d l ('U·"()1tct(' ,j ,,\\'11 \\'ll I'll , ll 'n f"f" fr(.llil t h... ~1 "1J1I\1. ('0 :111'1 1 i : 11'1 ' HII' \1\"1 .. I111' t t oward tho Rlalrij. uf I \\'t.· l1l~·· "So I will; but at present I am not In " 111 ,111 fill! d4l\\,1I~" Ill! ro"l'Iaillwrl, ·III a yean..' PI'II( ' t)('all !l hll l':l t lJl'~· t' '< IWl'it' lh:l' I II L'" til(l A nervous , cmother , often on "Wltlt a minute," sold her fath er, a 1108111011 tor that," replied Lang. " It ' ·(.H·e {If U~ O It .' · , " (or ht.::1\ (... ... i(;ll, ,·! r.f rs. Ch(>Rter Curry, L eader of the :\1 .' · pn'p Ont tlull .'£ I'rIlWdll '" fOl ' thi· 't'I '~l tll"' u l the Terf(c o f hy s terics . is unti t. tn care T~fU1i C S' !::i\'mpho rll1lnt tlill tll' lI llil 11 ·1J. 1';IIIK~·· ~ :III FI':IIU· I",, ·u w llh a Hh ow ot Irr-ltatlo n . nv Orchl,,.., tro, 42 Sam.0 1 1IIIIIlt J1'Ii of till ' !'I, ~ " 1I 1 1' all d "1 ,·n,1, for childrc,D "W ho ' wou ld be easier If we WEre lIIarrled . E "a; :\ I' W l'· Ll'l l cr. i it ruins n, child's dispo~\- toga. Strc.·ct, Eu.sti-los t on , MUd., writes: was It?" w i t h I" ,,;. flf Ita i l·, :illd al',p (' I) IIi\ ~ I {, l l t! :: 11(." l ion and r eactf; h e. woulcl soon forgive us then." u pon he r self. The Dea r Mrs, Piukham :li""ed til lie ""l' .... inr 10, " II tl,,·,. 1,1·:.,,<1 troubl e b etwe en Eva looked down BH abe answere d : "Do you Ihlnk so?" "', e agked. childre CocJ.:1 Oet No Best. n and th eir .. For ell;lIt yo" ... ' "'lUI troubled withe:rpllrdi.'l·.oI, h O\\,(' \'{·I' "Mr. Lang. He met me In tbe city." "I know 60. We must get married at Freeh orn, :M inn '. :""Jll I Slh t ~l"l..... ial) ,- flxwrn al fl lIIl int prnalf'xp(',, :ri,·... , (·r, !lI() ~., tl! . mo the rs t oo orten is du e 10 fa ct trcmC' ner"oUSJI e6B ftnll hYf't."rin, brollgbto u by I ,·f·:' t IIWllt that th e mother bus rome fe m ale ,'u'uk - irreg ulnritiMi. , Mr. Jun c's brow clouded. once. Let us make a roman ce at It, d ~ ar. MI ' , H. E. ' :owanl, n \\,{·I I· kllowH llian h1llnm' 111n" no\\' 1)4' h:'1 1 f"f' SIfl',(H'l'I, '! \·,·...Inr::· ness, 1 c:ol1hJ 1l111lhnr enjoy lits nur nnd she Itt!H'. is c ntir('ly 1:rt'joh ' lIl unfiL ~ I II to 1111' oon ft'llt' r f K 11'0 h 'el' 111 lIigh1,.; ;-. ull'I ' I·. ~i!'l tirrl.l nf ('lll i t'lIra [0.:0:11' h. j·I!' :HlI4(' I ,lit. r 1\'88 \'ery lrrito.ble, Dorvoua ' " I do not lik e tbat Wlltred Lang. I It wIU not do to have him Imow to ~ W~ 1:(· IHid olit a llH'~ 1 thl'iJl1 ~ h lI~i '~ ~l::in, ('l1 l irl1 r~ OintHI" "! til Iwal Ilt t! fl: l l\. d ~po n(hmt. strui n upon h to rllCrvcs tb r,tR'0ver ll· anfl wlob you to hU\'e nolhlng t o do with awhile. You lIIust mee t me so mewlt ~ rA I"duty Pdlt-! . 11 1l" exp'l'lt' liCCll r.; i ...Uodd "Lydia E, Plnkbnm 'sVcgrtn hleComp ound \\'t! 1I ;\1111 ( '111; (,11111 It ,,,,, ..h ·I'lit P ill " III ~ , fto l ;;01 \ the ing chi ld ren in \·olvcs; it i R impossi ble Wf\S ru('um mc llut.l(l hl:II." he said. " I don't like that where we will not be seen , and we will \\' JI"I 11 n·I U':l t l1l~. :IS It .,.:11 0 11111 \hllllt. ;ht: rl "JIII "~' lilt' 111 ......1. .'\ !oI in~lt! ~ t and }JI'O\ed to be i..ho onJy , is u i l .:' fI for h e r to do on.rthiu g cuhu ly. t il ""lIllh to 111;111\' nllnt 1l! 1' III a Imtlit'it.' 111 tn rclUOOV hl:'lJX'd me, smoot h. b ypocr:Uc al way or his; he be married and star t oIT on a little I rill. ",I'U:((I I bs,'o da.Jly (' un' . 'l'hcilIM of wOluc:nu c t. 1ih eaflrcb rand impro;'oo that lInd lll , ' j lutlll l UII, • hcu lth until I am n ow b'trnnK u non th e n e n ' t' :-; . t.'on :-;('(I\1ClItl .y nin o- tind w oU, In does u't oppellr to me like a sen tle- ThaI. will glvo your father tim e to ('011and ull nervousn •. , II ;II J nil 1I~1!ru,'al in l! " RPe of I , il l m~ \' ess bas djsopl"'nvn g nnt E cnu. man." s ider. and when we r el urn every ' hln:; '1' 11)11111 " ," t-II~'~ MI' tenthso ! the IlCI'\'O ll S prus tl"utillu. n l! J"4 pt! llrt'fl." Mrs . Chnrles F, Bl'o wn , Vicfl.Prc si, (:U \\·UI',1. "tllat ~n \'~' "1 t ell \' u n wh nt ." (1 I'1l1l.l1l r d tl l(' 1\ ....,1. vous d(· s pond(·nc 'Ill' lilt !'c" l ri a ,' ('1" II IA II1 , bil l 1I1'1 111jl a j., W "Ob. papa. how ~an you sa l' so ?" will lJ e sat Israetory ." y . .. th ' " bl." cs .... . " lc('p· dput. of tbe Molh ('I'~' Clu b, 21 Ced ar . ... ltc)xP", I lr Dod d'jO: l(i, l lll'\' r"l ~ put f' ss llUt! ll('r\'O\1~ irl'ltaln hty o f Wu,d "ullt" ·, "Pl.·I J IJll~ ni ll ' t L! )\i n' t i p'" I ll.l! ll'sl:n prot ested E'·II. "His manners are Ir.. . " , Eva waB very chil dis h In hel' trll Rt, 111 lu r , allf! I f l.d lilw il 'I CW II \lll1 .new l ife tl f · _ . 11 t 'rerruce . Ho t Springs , Artt •• writes: l ~' \ II!"."I tn i ll I ll l' v iii Il n \ ", ." w o nu: )] n1'l so rU IIl f\OWC e .-uu g-ewen renroach able." UCflr and Ihe romance ot !!I e plnn 1)le086d her . ~Int . l-'inkhlll1l : "'1'1111 1'", r iuitl ." !"I'tllt.,,, I h,' (tl lIl' ." W'lI t · 1\ of lilt.! .. I filII I lIil l l'r In ); tll tl' I Ira \ 't' 1'f1('ein'd rl·mn.l c u'·g unislu . ,.. I dr'I ~Pg~ "Oh. I ItIlolV h e's hond sollJe a n d H w ar; se tlled that Mhe wa s 10 ~f o 8 1 !:t l't'at ;11111 \\'(Iwh'r f ul Iwue fi t fl 'o Ul DUtIiI'.oI t' l : " tlt i 'lk II( ) ·:~:1I1. whll IJ;n \'c h i,.: hlrt ' I' 1 I .... 1 tllrou"l, "I". yearsot nl'~(lbl" no YOll (· xpC' l· ie.uce tits 0 f (~prcsf' 1\ 11 111 t.' ~' Pil ltl. I wOllld 1t(!II J't ih ' n~('OI11 ' r,~ht fur n IIl hl!, of 1I(.l l tll,-w o n exlstcnce wo rn out~ witb P:UII B.n d 'lurVOU8dresses we ll ," said th e otber; "hilt I oway from th ~ bOIlMe at night nnd m ," -- I'ltd :I\ I( ,! · with .1'es tl eNs n uRIi . ulh·rua.1 ill J.f ee t 1I11 ' "d :111 ~lIrTI-'·c r~ fl'lIlt! I( 1,llt l'" Tro1l1l1l! 1) 11 1:1 I.nJg(' r . w ith nr:'Ss, un ilI it t;eCUH'd nR l,ho uj.;'h 1 tlhould fly. d",n't II I,e hlm - tha!'lI en ollgh. He will h e r loverllt t he co)"U p. r beyo nd t he cut u to: t o 1.\1\' 1' ))" ald ' .. I' itin l'.' · P j Jl ~ :1 extn" m'.! in' ito IJility'! Ar c ;" 0 111' s pi !'its I t.1101l notit!t.«l fail' tr iftl. flOo; t.{'I1l('lIt of 11 \\'OUII.I.I\ troll· - . ,eu:-, ily ufrcct ('(I. :-;o thnt u n e min l\ h~ .rO ll bkl(l Uf4 I waSt Ulottn ne\'er he we) co m u I[l my hou se, rl'~ \ IItre<l alTO nged C' el")'th In g fo r he r. I IIii\' . "'4'ry l' ra nc H' to I.ul! IIt.!,'e .It mid th~ \\p'(1n~~(lI'rftl! r,c.:mllta 8l ") 01 I Interest i ll O' to S t udcnt!l. IIL""I" WlilW ( " 1.1,1 tiLe rl .. . ·• IUI' uule .\·u n fee l d~ ril'I ...1 frum 1..\' h member thul:' e .Jio. · hili Hun s ~~6tAb l 0 11 ('\' (' 11 ~ 1(' .... '" 1f.'l! I'I'III'II." J llst ns t h " Ioclt In th e lIurary Wl!A Compou nd, I dct'i,It.'(1ht .otl·), Thf" joC('hnnlR :Hld roll ~ .,rl~ wi ll it. Idlrl 80,tlnd ~f) " t\ Ilil<ecrY iUK ? I ll uld"", 1\ ld ll. '" P ill lol lll :a1;:c, Y01l f, ·,·II,Ii(' (1 1'1\ 11 fil As I~ \' o uscended' Ib e stoll·s. her e ves (!hlmlnJ.: th e ho ur of eight tbat ntti1ullw l of tLn:o m Olllhs l WRStluU ferent, l' 111fI . f n1ll(·I'm.'l't· ,,· ill b(' IIl g h t. n new 11\ 1\ 11 tI " ~\: '''"nlt. )If· !,U\lo;.C Doyon (cl' l somct111 n gli1cco uall ris - \\'O Il1 /lIl, MYll e r\,()\ls Ut'joto;. \('l~ uJJgona. l lll'\' 1' 111·0 1I H1 11~· F:,f"lf I't"hnut ~' nl1 l1 g nl('n :1 n(1 "'11111('11 till ed with lears lit he r fatbel"s ·u n. E,'a .' n, ered th e room. She .lwM iug an Y0111' tlll·oat and ning t o 110 hmJ.!'r.r ball ' bee n lilt· I, IIi 11('1 s. C lI1·t,(1 k l dfl (>\"Io/ I1 lf'a l; p tlrt.! \\ 1111 irrit,n lJk', uml 'my bustxUlu t~ll iu tl""ol harshne ss. olJ lI ge,1 to tUl'll off lh e "1,le - do ~ r conn ec- 111111111. a ,,,1 p"n' ~llnlld 111t',1I 1!" I )(JII l1dtll~ I (':"11 \\'tll111fll. hf' Iflo l{llI e {Ol' ,:! ).( n fl ~1 \\'~ ~' I ' ! cIlUl cc y(m ~ :t 11 tlit~ fil'lI ~('~ p t·l·vcrt.ed . IO\'e wit.ll Ilia aU OYer ag-nin." f''\;;p~n'':'(>fi . I I\(' !· l l ll r · lr:If'k' morLi,l1 y t;('n h iti\'H to light. lI,uti !)otl ud ; ll11 fl llil l' lIl ·t'~y 111 (','et'j" pan ,,[ th e I ;\ ' Ws, till' r u:rl'f\t " SUi'll Injuatlce !" \Vonlt'n s h oulc1 re m e mbe r that L:rd'" she thollght. tion w ith the hu rglar alar m. an,l Ih e, '1"'a rllu .. t r'ntf1( l month'" III,I!!· hud ,r . , , tI , '~ au .s l)l~ci nlh' g. Piukhnm 'H Vcgf'ta1J lc ('olu]>o 11n,l 11 1 1.11,.. ' flf "Bu t It Is partly Lon 's to lilt ; he has h~lwy dool" .'<llIlg l'aclt nol" e h '/)\' (' I nl1(l (·tllI('H t ion . npflf" n l ~ t o PU1 11 IU is - - - - .. - - .1U QVllrJe' n~ l es~l)' ancl . oJ lT1 t l~ II I!.!. ' nt l'I 'rlll (\ I')1, :Hl11 ",I II!I"nl c: "" II fi fHI 1J(,~\\' cl' n t h o xhu uhlcrs:, h c arlll g dO\\,D Lhe prejudic ed papa. I Hhall hate him It let hl'r o ut Inlo (!Ie gar-,Iell. The 1hf"U fl' tl Ull th (' ~('lI r{' i l\· or IIl' r \'. it (' n"' , ' In 'If'f'111'(' ~"h~(',·i medicin o t.ltnt hulds e J'('cord for ilti nnF fl)1' it. Th ~ plurn,, : ll('l' \'Qll S dy spt·ps1n. null almost. the grcut.e be' cOll\ln lleB to In tertere with me. I !:tt uumber o! ncLunl cures o f "Papa would not r est It h e knew t hat nflt ~ l rI:oli I~ ' ,In,.. fl "' lltl' ll' ltll \' ;; "I1Ijl. ho;!. l ll . t'llI ~ t o 1U'l'tlO " ~ ~(\ I i(' itin t! I. tl h..:rJ'ipti o ns l"ontiuuu l ly CI'OS!'; n ud snap py -, l'(I Il~ e iii ,,,,'I \\'nll'l" ~ prlll mli lr OrlR llI lt!lI,1 (l fV f' \tl"enwh· fctnHll~ ills, ond lulte 110 su bsLit.ute . wis h he wero lIot comi ng to- nl sht ." IilI (>l'fll , lmd nlf(-'r' :1 \'cn· this <1001' wns uu ~~r urert." she Ih ongilt, w'1I 11 ~ (JlIII If RO. yO llr n t'! n ' es 3"" in u. li hnt.~crl'd ' nne ",hn Waf; tl'.l'ill f! t o 11I'1'O\lllt I V(' IIPfrHI !-l .1II nrc:i Free Ad vice to 'VOlue ll . Neverth e less. s he arrayed her se lf as she eloRed II. afte r h er. "Dut t.. It wi ll fl nr conditin u. BOel yOll are threalen ed 1:Yith th ere C:llI- £01 till ' I l lInht.\' or C'Ut"l'(' lIt tictl\l u . - I\ lIr1l'iuS ~1I 1\' t l1C· lntl"T'{H.l1: tNlor tt,profi ~r rs . PiLllduu n , Ly nn, Mass" in~tte. 1n'lt ... 'i o th,. plI h · Dl'l',·on :-: pro,..,traU on . that e~en ln g In a 1II0 t hecomln g cos·' not be allY dunl(er. Oh, City .1() Uflial. nllsid(w omcnto cle llr . I wls:1 [ l i.d lf" l·. (h." (I'·~.· 11 . n ,tll i l,l ... , i 1 '::I ~ t 42ml Pl'onf is ltlOtHllIlc nLnl thnt nothing io Ml's, I'lnhhnm 's writOlo hcrfornd ,"ice. tume at rose and black, and fRs tened had not promise d: hu t I mus Strl't!! I No,,· YOl"k, fo r filII PUf tl(' uiars, t ;;;0. WII· the wO"ld is l mtt c r fOrnl' f\'Onsl)l" lI~l l·n· femlll e tro ubl es vu t)t. ftxper ience with a spray ot /lowers coquottl shl y In her fred Is illY on ly t ,·lcn,luo \\,." !Piflo's l nrC' for 'tHlPqmp t lon i~ on infnlli· cutlb l· s her t o tell ti un thun L yd ia F.. ('i n lcltUm's Vegl!- yo u jus t what bl,. lIIedit' llIf' for (Oll J.!, It :ooo j'o lll l'\. - N . \\. , dark hair; l him. to prove her coml)let e i s best fo_r you, B.nd AII'endy Prov ec. She flllied across t hp l;IHllcn like " ~nm u t.'l. (J(:('lIli GI'U\' (\ N·.ami tahle Compou nd: thou . "ndg and thou- "htl will charge you notblDg J ., FI: u . 17. HkJU. Indltrpre nce to be r expected ca lI er, she (Ihantom . and for ber I he \lrO"nrll' " '~ni " i! t ,. "II':-I t! i l1;;:an· a tew mlnnt es lul er she sOlllls of, o",,' n tC"tiry to t h is fact. tldvice. it~" al'- h i ", l l'f"II !"'L' ~" lI!"okud \ he j ll d ~ ' , tlCatcd heNlelf at the plano and began was sta nd ing In th A ~"orl l'IIan,· l111lt a pl'Y h(llllr", e shnd"w of Ih e unarc ('ll u;;: I'd " , l lld~i llg f!'Oln )II ~ "" ,ll'I·I I·ti l o r ' ·UIIlIlo'...t :' Ask Mrs. Pinkham 's Ad~ k:c-4 WomaD Best Understands D WIIIIIIIII'S Ills. 81nslng a pOllular song. ~ Itboug)l she cOlllplet ed blodt of hy ol,'ntlllg th\'fll!ol(,h' '''so 10 lill IiJ I'~ ,,·h i:-IU'I'ed II hOi I'! hll' 1\uts . The nl -ht tlln:Iwopll! :dli r . willi li mt filii 'II t C'l IIl1 d t ' I1 w l1\: ~I O l11(', ~" , Ih l t il:J I J:.t·l till hricf. '" Ilca rd his toot8teilS along t he hall , bli u utd "'01 ,) h l: W tl i't:" wos ('hill y. aUlI Bvu shlnrcd In her II bl: t hUP1'Yrlull'~ :1:4 1\ tilululd lH! . -<' llI rll ~o I nh unl' , ~tliiY ~ lori • • jII.on Swarton approac hed ; but Eva. jacket. with persiste ncy. kept on singi ng verse ';Wllfrel l ought to be ll ere." ~ h! U_ S. SENATOR TOWNE efter verae. til l at last he beut Over thon ght. ;'I '1ll nlrald I lu.n-e been rool· her and lai d bls hand s upon tire little Ish . I wish I were home agai n." Credits Doao's Kidoey Pills Witb II Gratl· tlngers touching tbe keys. Fifteen minutes pase'l. and ~1I1I E\'a fying Cure. "Oil. IS It you?" she said, airily . waited : she was becomin g nerl'OIl S nurt wheelin g about. "How menn (If yo u un comtort l\ble. Another 15 minutes . The re Is on o~ni ll g for you In th~ HOII, Churlc ' A. Towne, Ex· U. A. to Inl errupt me." S o ulhwe HI: SI) iM Iherr for :m eIH: raf!I1c. and no one CUDle. The wretche d girl Siolla 101' (l'om M innc ~o tB . bt'ill\au t \\'ic1~~:".oL: :e 111 :1 11 . Til t' :-:lllU hw e ... t lb in "How long would you hO\'e m e "'as atrold to uta)' 1I~t1 of NOTHIN (; hut rlle r~ e l ic 11I ('n longer; thero wel:8 orator . cl" ' ·(·I' lJU S i ll ~ sR I1lo.n . lU'tli uy walt?" a sked her vl pltor. " 1 lik e to teal'll In b er <')'cs and t o dc\.... lop It" w Ollllt! rful rC'loQu n :e", s h e was tremblin g 1 :t\\'.\'cl·~ wh n,.:;c l1atinn1l1 pl'C11nill c n ce 'fh t' re nrc \' a~t arC'a" uf t1n i lll pro\'f~'d bear YOll 81 n g, E\'a, but I wanled at "Iolentl~· BIIUh: him l1 r nr lllicl:. hle c:uulida tc for IA II ,I in (n tH :lft -" C"rrllnr,,·, Oklahu nrn . least to be made welcome ." Rml 'l'''~.Il, o i ling t il e 1i 1lC: 'of t ltt' M , K , "Someth ing musl lJ aye happene d ," 8118 the .pr("s,i,lcl 1t,inl D.Hnill ntion in 11104 1 &. ·r . k ailw3)' 0 111y w;1i1 fllg ro r tIIe n like . Lon SwarlOIl W811 tall, darl, and dig- th ought. y ou 10 mak" t 1rC' 111 yi C' ld th t- ",o ndt'rlul "bll t wbat s hall J do! ' can- writt·s us .tho followin g: cl'vp~ of wh ich t lu",. nr("("n p all l (", ,.hc:rf3 nlfled; hla se rious face and Qulel man - not get Into I. G Cl1ti(Hne n: ( the house wltbout a key, arC' hllllll rrils or t (1 Wll ~ \\'ht're ,.,.t. IJU Ai. Iler were a decided contrast to the and I cannot 1I t'''~~AIU{ AC'I"UAt. l.V NEJ!UHIJ , To I am gilltl tel cn· s tay her e .. mnke th e lll ~ lI ('clt",dtlt . ),ou luu'c only blond. etrelllina to bea uty and dasb ln g uorsc n o n u 's K ad· Slo .... I)· Hhe r etraced her s:cps at Isp!. to eMI3.bll~h them '!IId lI "e ordi u uy 'Way. ot Wilfred Lang. hIl Aillc"" judgment III rOIl<llJc l i nJ: tll f't11. n c'l' l' ill. . 'I'he feeli n g more seeme In the shndfl W of "hrrf! arc o pe ni n gs fur mill!! and 11I 1UIU ~e neyer liked to /lnd Eva In this t ('mcd.v " 'as rec· her home. facluring p lftlll S, smalt JIIlon~" . tle\"", t e-nslng, rebe llious mood; he was no 1m pen. hltllbcr y ard s and UlAlly o tht'r OlJll1Il'IH lt,' d t o Ultll At Ihe sl~e ,Ioor she paused and sa ~ hl'OlI ChCfII o r tradC'. Tht" Olt Qnd gotR trifler blmself. an d lately he had be- down on 1I1l' a.1,·\V mOl1tlui ugo broad Ilpper "tep; :e ;tnl!l!l fi e ldll of Knu "us. lu diu tl TIl'r rit vr r "tHI IS GUAa ANTlt ltD TO CVRIt gu n lo tear tbat t be girl he loved was baclnl'Rr ll. ~h" when Ok l ahomn dre li t''*' and o rr ..: r ",",OIH ~ r r ' l l I wu s feelwas surp rl sec1 leo rp~ 1 her Ol>po rlull i l l~8 (ur dC'\'t.'lnl'lIh·III, \\' f! nre drUting away f rom blm. ing rni GRIP, sc l'abll'; BAD COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. su pport. gi vIn g way. oud then th e door In po9~".lo" of ott sorl $ o fi 11 forl11ation ~ J Wou' llft il AnU.Grl pllie 10 • rt M lt!r who "'lm·I Ga.,. .... "I don't know Whether YOll are wel- swung s lowly had Rt!\· j'I'C pai ns "",lllahl~ plike 10 Ihe! 1r1\'C' ~ I O I ond ute. Inward. Ir, t:~ 1t ' (Ir plllr MONEY HA. CK IP ' IT DON'T CUB..E. h o n' t':l'r~kr r. tf ,"un lIle I nl f'r~~'t"tl , tlt'll in the bu ch : wa ft come or not ," said Eva, with a little # ' ..... Dlrll."r , lIf. D .. MnnuracLurcr.8p,.' "gJl,,''', lifo. li S what )'nu WlIllt, h nw uw dl yo u h /ll1' 1" Thinkin g that sho had n"gl £<:I..,d to . r cs t lcRS lLno lnn4 toss ot her dainty head. "I am vexed close t .) hl\'e~ t "111.1 w e will II(l tHII)' rurlll" h It firm ly. Em s lipped Into t be lheinfo rmntlun , \VrH ,' ~ ()..fltiv ro r II CU fJ .v Ifllid: lind a du ll with you. Lon . YOll hav e known m e house. than or C"lur bvoL. , .. 'rhe CUIU IIiH !;oulltr, '-· ldul for t he OPllOI·tu Ulty . and ItVE HOU AIID h"",l ndlC a n <I U ', rleC' , Addles . for a long tim e, and. I da re sa)'. feel was soon IU:A IH'~ R R Uf.· 'rlllfo' £-Ar ..m MISCtLLAIIEOUS In her own room, d eter min ed n .... l1Tu1 t!' ic pn.ine; in tlll! l illd H\ nnd Wit S 11.~IH 1N O 'I't) " t.: ,~ A!'l'''1'1IIS 0 much Interest In my weltare; but YOll ne,'er 10 rClleat her folly. I)tlll' ,'wi sc ~list. I' ~ :'!'\"(1. A ( l'W lH"'XP~ or !lEORGE MORTON, O. p.. ,. T. A.. AIn't':lLTJS F;U I N I1'M (;O r. U M S~ presllme too much all our friendsh ip On the morrow th ere was cansl ern :!.- tlll~ p ill~ (dTt'CLlla .ll.v 1"0 111(-'(1 '"y llilllH" Ut t;1JU1H. U tN~t S 1' UPCJN IIAVI NU wben you 'try to prejudic e my rathel' tlon ST, LOUIS. MO. wnAT 1'11":" ASK . ·Oll. Ut-:.,· ·.:'I N'O In the Jun o housebo ld. and I um J..rlau tu u l'I(I1()\\'lc d gt: thfl b~ lll!4 against m)' trlends." AI. I. ~U UtiT1TV 'J '1d3 VB, IMl'1'A'l' IO,:\d, A t earful discover y han IHlen 11: 11<1, ; tit I ,h' I'i"" I. . " 'V'hat are you tolltlng about? " a sked (Si !{II ,,,I) CD"r.r. F." A . 'fOWl' I·:. tbo library hatl been eutered. and lhn 'her compani on, Quietly. Fo :.. t ~I'·l\1i lb "l' lI ( " ' " Bulr:i1o, N . Y. SAfe rifled of Its vnlualJle couten t."Ahout Wlltred Long. Papa has tor- mone)· . j e w ~ lry, s ll\,er. all had ,'unl s h ed, 1'''1' sale by all ut.!td e l' S, l 'l'i l:l! , flO ct:nts WDI'.N WftIT.l tG TO .4itvEJ1 ...."IDlII bi dden him the hou se, and It Is YOUI' and tho burglarR had per bux, lett no ,'.ew. ple •• e .....41 lha' .ou law 1b" .d.d"eru-e- I fault." replied Eva _ "H o bellc" es ' _enlIbl. p&&pe'" Mr. J une was frantic onr h !~ loss; b~ eve ry tblng yo u EO)' . And when you co uld 11 , . 0t Imag ine bo w h is mre flllly s o. . t ell him that Wlltred Lang Is Dot n !"uret! house had been ente red . E\' a wo~ ' . gentlem an. or Ilt company tor bl s b eart!Jrok~n . for she felt thai h er r nr,,daughte r. of course b e tRlles YOllr word lessnesa had led to th e crime; s he kn ew for It." thnt II. hnd been commitl~d dnrlll); t h'! "Eva. you are lIuJ,,"I ." sai d Lon . time ph e hall wolted fO I' Wilfred Ln ll g. "1 Rdmlt t bat I. do not lik e Wlltred Wilhert Thomps on neve r knew u we ll da y- he had be e n co ~he did not h eRr fro m h e:' lover. nstipated nil hi s life - m any doctors trealed him but nil failed his hea llh "'iled rapidl y 0 nd on Jalluary 2 1. 1903. Mrs. Thomps 10 eve n h e lp h lmLang. He 19 a man of whom '!I'e know e it her. allll In th e m idst lit the (·ommo· 311J recomm ended th", a s peci a li s t be consul ted - bu r he also 'ai,kdon asked us to sugges t, trclltm en t for her hUSband. We thought th e case tuo serious li ttle; but 1 never tried to Influenc e Uon Lou Swarton al'l'l\'"d to help the patie nt - NOW HE IS WELL. :\n,\ 1.)01, t be YOllr tat her. But wha t Is Wilfred i.ang matter In hu n d. to yon?" Through his Rh r~ '\lln"s. l\ rd pe rs everThe deepenin g flush on t he girl'" ance the r:rlll1lna l~ ·.-.-e re tra ced. cheeks, the downcas t eyes, the silence One day Ii terrible revellll iun wa~ tbat tollow'cd his Qucstlon - all served ",ade to MfR. T h om pl'On-fi r l't "roteu~ ILl' 'oll ow,",: u My hu~ h3. n,t . BRed 2.'. "uffrr l'l fr om I'h :l ql p" l n ~ ill h l-; I tom Evo. A devcr t.hlef wns In Ib", .ell .nl' "'l l11elhu~'lhit1l~!I it i~ h i~ h ra d , l.rt nit' kn ow by to rouse t he jealous passion lot bo hands at the r~llIrn ma il whol Cft UM·" thr I." ill. if )' OU C3 U. ~l r. ' f)IlJo1l1PSO" 11 ;18 ~r u 1r«'nted by "",,"re l doct po lice. and he wa. Ilrovo,\ on •• but 'h ~y II .. ,· ~ gl,.tn l1i m "V. " man 's heart. \\' e promptly adf' hed thaI" fir"'"'· t;"!,, " 1 ~dalif' l ~ co u " .. 1t~ d , We IllIo gllllt y of the Jun e robber), . H 1M name le : " \\' t! wnllt til Jiiir:1 :\'n ll'~C r.f1e TOflic. bt! ('QIHiC we kllOw if w i ll C'nrc CO II ~I I p :Hiol1, hill SOc, "YOII Itave seen hIm latel;r: YOIl was J ohn PrenllsR 0 WI It' I" n o ubj e("l III n~ wh,m " h Unl"1I hIe I" at J'hLkr, "tid it ),ollr h u~h"IHt'. case hi a ll ,.r ri . alias Rollo Weslern . ou~ "1Ii ),Ollllt Alc. Woe 5t1KRr'"t ,"UII cp,) n snll « rrlia h lc "'Pf"Cilllil'i t , IlIlt lhe Rch'etll ll lnM kind. p ro mptl y." A t the SR UU': thnt, wish to see him again! " be said, fierce· a lllUl Wllrred Kn o w-h.M' that 1\1u11-1, Grrll.IC T UII ic cHu l tlll" 1111 hart1l , WI: p ,lv l~c d il!luIoOC!uulil R physicl :'" ("ou ld he COUliuhtd , J ;\11113TJ 25lh . M YI , Tlwmp!!un ", rute l h Rt a l'hy I,.. "!llva, Is It posslhle you r cally care Eva fai nt ed Lang! h "icir u nd btl" U 00" ,,"11 ,,11 . lie lUR K II use d I h ~ CRM' fl!!' beinK ch rol1 ic wben she heard t he ne ws. rouliil ipalion !tll tl,l y,:pt>pllin . ll hl I rrntm t! ul YlB. lo ll nwcd II1i1h ru ll y. hut th rrc WRS n o perccplib lr Imp for tbat man 's SOCiety? Do DOt trifle and rou'mrnt i n Mr. l'h "II1,, ~o ll 'l'I h talth. '()'('II h (" hettan tor daYB Rtl erward she ,,' 8 S quite Ill. t31~it,g ~ft1 I I · . t;TllpC' Tunic and 00 Mplttnlw r J, lQ()J. We! rt"ce! IYcd the rolluwillg Irlter fr o m ;\tr~, 1'110111.,'"'0 witb me! Have you promised to see ';1 : Much ot th e st.olen property wo:; l'et:Ov.. You will remem ber that 1 wrote to ),ou last him again?" Januar y In ' regard to my e red. and utt er a time the atr"lr was genhus band'o health. It 10 four montho "You baye DO rl~ht to ask," an · erally olnce ho quit taking Mull'a Gra po Tonia for tor gotte n. corl6tlp atlon. which he aoffora d from alnco birth IIwered Eva. cresting ber bead. . He took just 24 bottle e of It and Is perfectl )' oured. He Is much atronge r and But In E va June a great "bnu!,;e had " [ bave a right." he said. ' "More fle s h. 1 cannot thank you enoullh for Mull'o Grapo hqs galnod conolde rably In talten place. Sbe was no longer a ,,'111Tonlo. 'It la worth Its weigh t tban tbat-1 forbid IL! " In s old,' Just St2 cured him and he haa spant ful. capricio us g irl; sbe rcall?ed hel' o wn hundre ds doctors whO .dld him no 8ood. It did all yOU clalmod It would," 01 dollars with Eva taced him In · slldden. girlish tolly. and wondere d that Rhe bad 80 10Dg Vory respect fully yours, 1*1810D. MRS. W. H. THOMP SON. 801 Main St., Peoria. III. deceived h erselt. lI,fr . Th o nq.Ilo lt "topp" ct I .. t"nlt Mull ' . Guilt Ton k in Ju ne, lQOJ, II r hn8 lJejO' u cU~lIpt~lel) ':lIrw nnd MR. and MRS. WILBER T THOMP SON, "I deny tbat YOIl have & right t o 113~ lakrn 11 0 o ther IUrd ici llf! tiiuee Ih 'l l dale" , A She w.. ~ 80 snbdued . so ~l\rnc8t. so penhl'l OFt t wo y e. u. amili o r~tur l\ of the dtH&H. Iilbuuld pr o ve " 1)t! 1u,anf'III cur e. dictate t o we. 1 s hall do jU8t as I Ilent . thllt Lon Bwarton' . 801 Main St., P eoria, III. ~ beart " ' K.i please!" MULL'S GRAPE TONIC CURED HIM. wnrhed , anti once more he hecome h er .L on SWMrton rose, pale an d det er- accepted lover. mined; the affaJr was begInnin g to rna ku y ou W 0 r ae . " I want 10 lei l )'OU Ihallpe \'er cared I h f'~ It"r nt: lr ~lomllc b assumr. a aerft)us aspect. He telt that fo r-that "I'hel c III 011 1\. IInr ri~ ht fl u ,1 llU\\·l· t I r o u h 1r a otht' r man. " lII urmure,1 Era . In 121 923 be was Injured. defied, and tbat anBh' ltloch Troubl ~ou rle es. .:\Utl Indl.estl th h(' CDIISt' i t c) tnn p.U lh~ ~ t i5 10 on, DY9peph is {Hill.. " I lo\'ed YOIl always. l..o n." Sc nd th is conpon to Mull's Grape 'fonic Co. , 147 .1.:1 . Bl ood P oleon , akin D le. a tlea , Gtber maD bad uS\lrped - his place In I rrru tll e ( :\ " !I ~ . RC'~ nt ood :JIIII Ul R k~. th e , .' rd Aye .. Rock 1. laml. III., a nd receive an o rder But sh e tlld not tell him ot h er- nl gbt lore", Sullden Bowe l Troubl., t'h'e 111"\ .. I t(, IIVI hrll Eva's beart. inl~!'iJiIl"' '' p rtlc llulty o n your (lrl1ggi st a free bottle ('If ~Il1 l l's Gl'a~ eseapane . Diarrhea , Cholera , Itc. the \>Owel" Dud I lIt r.~ neU'. II fCC' ll~ th e "You deny that [ have a right ?" To.n ic, Dl ood Tonic ilnd Cons tipation Cure. T h ey are m'arr l~d n ow. nn,l /.0'1 No on e who JCe boW4 .. hiell menI1 Adeco.rC'd. fII1CH\'td ("o u dhio n and 1ine" . We wil l . pl'u \'e be repeated . "00 you mean, then. S\\'art.on I~ a pr08Dcro e-I" aTC h e" hhYllu,1 ocpol~on ed atld d r il.'~ us busin ess man . 10 ron th :l t l\t u I I ' . :'Iy ..tlng. thrill ha ck to Name - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - tbat I am nothing 10 you-th a t thi s while theIr hOUle t h·/'!: ('OlIlrncl, th cRe boWt-' A or inltstill "" Is one of the h nndsow Grnllc ')'n ll it" ("I , rt,. l ,fe-IIoI)u "", ell(' will. Addr.c s8_ _ __ _ __ _ _ ____ ____ smootL. tongued fasblon- plate has com~ es t III th e c it y. rl)lllfl l ollllR. J II '" a rt4 Ch ec k. dlnrrht"3 a n ~l (,'on , lip:1hOII :tn tt all uhl Ihoy nr~ lh~ <0bet,.'cen U9'" you Oft o lab l WlltTE FOR TH IS FREE 1I0TH.E TODAV EVil Is Ihe hap\1 l ~ st L-' \I' II·c". Il lld ~h. City Slale_ _ . _ ____ __ IUl1t o f Conilipat ion "Ob. abuse hlml " cried ,!Ilva. wltlr-a bas only one eerr el ~Iood 1>o180 n - :1 ph.r .. ic ' Good lor aillug chilltren 'olld" JIu n-iug 11101htr. tl'om her ,Io)\'oted Wril e ynul'S gnd , our drualhr, name Ind Clddre.. pl11 nly on by.terle al little laugh. • The el.oo bottle coatal ... n .....17 tbr • • • lm •••• "!IIr. Uulg busband . R9cret of .U·, nl hour. ,lloIrln. _,.c~ •• the 50 ceD' . , . . . le,l,.,. pi ece DI Ol De r . nd mail at ~nce .irltlflh" cou,,~n. _ 'Would never be-aa rlKhl to me -18 -YOU which , she a t'ted tlJ! un Innuco'n t a' Do tu'C .now-he I. a gentlem an." MULL'S SRAPE TOIIC pllce wltb on ulIworLhy 5aU.o.lI·.- N. ~ with 'on j l 'And 70U love b1m!" sald ' Lon, now Weekl.1'


















Suffered 23 Years from Constipation and Stomach Trouble

MuD's Grape Tonic Cured Him


not a"'pt

It Wi ll Cu re Yo u-- Beg in To day FRE E COU PON

unl ••• It ha. a date and numb.r . stamp.d

Indellbl. ,Ink

the lab.l


' _' __

~~~'m~M£~~==~"~i2~'.~'~"_._'f~-lH~'(~~L~·.O~(~I-N~S~li--r.~~l~'~'~--~--~~.~ln~~s~o~j~le~~y~.--~~·~c~o~n~;-~er~n~i~n~g~~~~~~,-~!·- !t£±=:~~::!~~:;~~~~N;;O~T;I~C~E;';"~_~'~:~;~

,LO(ALANO ' "ERSONAI- ' .~ r-'·lIlt


\ill I"- ' I11 ~ II ~lI o k ,






H U Allcn UIIII i!:llJrnn. 1 r I. AI'III .. ~' I "ur IIlt1klll\ b st. hl'!'!I1Ii. hl'Klly ontorl",l\Dorl ~1t'~ ,I .. 'HP" 'Il ~ Gl'lI l1d Bom ll. ( 'olll i " ~ 1) 1111 , l. lIud ,I"u ghtor MI>ls . l fJ,,~i,' 11 1111 ~{i NS Reu m on of fo rm er R e h1e"l ~ II I d, • II l 'IU('il1 '. fi.1rIl , III Mr . II lid· Mrs , Chil I!. , Fr~ , 'e, EIII""l fl ei gb "'l1~ .. I ~ul' I"' r T uet!. I, ~ ,1"""",',,. , I n '~ . _ II W/1.~'" Qellvi lleweekbe Innin g Ang ust " u"'"I ," '· \1 " " , 111 ._ '-""111"" n ll rl " I ~ .. II Wr,lna~III1~ , I'I nr t f'nlltRI' ~' " '1\'fll1tn ~, I',' .... , ,, ,~ , " ' . 11 " x 1'''1'('1'''' n Imp. III . , II' " rr' · t i l l' II t ill . 11 190,: A I III" " ~'I","' 11(1 (',·lIt... n "M'k "ltlnfl 'LI J E, ,Jllnney'!! , A seleot tluucu W , . ~ /.!i \'L'II II I (j r f)N~ ~I ' - I,, '" Iw,l "I' , "f \\' ,jlllington, Mi ;;se" ,RIl Ob I lIud Mnr t hu BllrThe Jllm estown COI'l e" poutlont to l"I' m"rlt' M I~ . l'OI'll ~I,'k, ·., IIf WilY , nett hHVO hud flS their gue t, for a hllll Fricluy (I \·eni,,/.! ,"111.,1' 111(' th u X o ni l~ (il\ ze Ue givos the f ullow· pul,ronuge of Chal'it's BIII'I, ull , ,Jus. , , . np<\'illl' , i. rt'JI\1{I1I1(t ""er 11III bir'" ,'u week, Mrs, E, F, Garner, of i::!prmg. ill!\, roport uf 1.I1Il wolcome extellllt d Th om pson ,lnt1 EIl.r1 It" h,' rt';I"!. of /l nille Jk1ll l,,1 ,11111;.t hl,e r , SnndRY boro. t,o Re I'. ( ' . L ~ongor, who was Itp A lurge COll'Ptll1 l' WII~ ,,!'{,Sl'lIt . pOinted by th e It.te!tl, He s l,m of t he Miss Mnrtlta Compton , of Hllmil. O,'rnUI' r l When wl\ntin g drn g~. rnn CItO /.(M t,OIl , i ~ the g uest of h e r IllIrents, .\11'" A:':II "~' Wri,dll 111,,1 I".otb e r , Cm oi muHi Confe rence t o t he M. E 1hp Ii I' q rt · 1. lId 1ft... ,." HI, .\ I It." ,'" Mr. nnrll\.trs , Elijab COIllPton, thlll III" I :. O . WUlinlll ~, )IJ , "III"rlllin e,1 ch"r~ u at JnOlestown , Mr. Uo n ~(l r )1 .. ,01,,1 ~I 8 ,,",dl nr I ;\." k e lll er wook . II" , 111111 Mr~ CJ, II' k Uu,II' al lu, le r , of IUd fnmily wore form erly residunts of WII .yn e~ villl', h e being )lusto r t .. ,jinn"r :-;'111' v('OlU"ltlll~ ~.., • u Po~ltr' _ , I a.I', "'I r" . II 'III · "'took' ,'n" y Fout\ .\1 Ullt! Mr , Fl'Hllk 1'" 01,,,,11111. .)r the 1\1 , E. ell\l rcll h oro: n"" L"wI ', ~II' 1111,1 Mrll ,T""I ' " /Iud Lnu~(l Killer li t Moy 's, II I' "nd fllIUiI .v·, of 1,(, 1.'111 "" ~1l "llIl Y, . Ro v . IJ . L. Conger, t he n u\\'ly L""' I' , ~Ir. 11. 111 ~rH l)tl(ikin Lcw i~ . Duv'" furna', wllo:;u illl1 o~ " " ,,~ I I" t:1J11I"limollit 10 IIII' ,""'llltlIIY of !lnd }It· IInll l\lr!< \\' "lI e r ,,,mIlC. V. " ~ "D IIICHllulIO II 'III 1' , . 1 0 G Ul':e It e I""1'". ' " " "· " '''I,. ' r.M,,~ Clllrk(u:\\\'lIlllll1 ul', I(J(lointO(i JlII ~t'lIr of tho M, E c hllrch, " ntl fll Itli I." ,ll'O now r esi<ients of oiu ~lr . Hllll ~[r~, 1\llthun Joues spent '·'>! "r>! IS ill ' l'r o ,' IU ~ ,lo ",l\' lit, his , . . . , . Snn,l"v with tbeir ~ on , aurl lInn", "1111 ' e,' I I II' Cill'O ,If II . t,rn I' I I' :,""" LOllh t'llllthllllll " Is le r, 1~ l ul s(" ). 0 \\'11 . hll \' ing m o vo(1 W l'tlne~d tly Th o ~:pworth Leng uo gn ve . 1" 1I1erf.rlioe!l II ~Illllil 1"'"II'"Il . f'Y of I IlIst , Ill\n!!hl.f"r. Mr. /lnd Mrs, Frllllk Zell . 'IlIr.o I,h e lll 1I r eco ption 1\ t, t·lle c h urch OIL ~ youlI g people F ridllY e V!)Il lIl g, lIUC I , neHr Bl'l111roo\! , MrR, Ann McCnno IInrl duu ghlol' , lI\u~i{' and confeol,ioner," provillg Tuesdll Y evening , the 2Gt,1l iust. Mr~ Bltnnah Reichel , who hRtl MI8I! Martha., o r Chester townHbip , I)Opnitlr, Tho guest!! w""" Miss \\'1Ii1:h wn ~ "Itonded by IWlr fl tllI,n boon for two months visiting rpht Clint"" cuunt,v, S)ltmt''fu""dl.Y with ,IeM':!ie Mnrlutt., M (ls~rs Ltll.I'''"lIlId ,IOU Jll'ol'lo. Bl'u lJu n ~ e ,' I~ jl 11 '11 tivBS Itnd 01(1 friendtlln Wllynesville thel ., friends. Mr!l. U . 1', O'Nellll ~lltrllltt, Hn)l'~rt Bl1iley, lill,Ym iJllu lIl g t,o \\' 011 Ul lmJ hIlU "tl ,~ buth IU lJl' '' lVilliull180n ntHI B o wllnl 'l'ntllt, /lnrt \,Icinity . !!()ellt. 11181. week with ,md Miss Letit.ill Mc KIIY · '"g lint! u\'oning Th e 1I111,lnO I, fnl' Mr , and Mrll . Frllnk Zell. noar BolIMrs, Jllrnes Kerrick hllll 11 fino _____ f,h e year is \'Ary pr{ lfHH~in g , brook, and returned to be\' home in dlsp(,.y of dllhlill9 In her yard. on Mr~ . ,rnm es l;huttl e~lte l'tnilletl u OilY ton Monday, lower MILln I!treet "eventeen varlo. J.lllrty of ladies at diunol' FI'IIlay in Presicltlut U. M . Curl wrigh t uf t,b e Grent bar~aiu ll in writ,lng plllJer t.ies of whiob sbe ruised fr olll seed complim e nt to Mrs, Hall, of Pleas, Alullllli A~soeir~tiull , writes 10 tho al J , E, Janney's. of ber own planting, untville. No w Ycr" . wh o i~ .. gl1\'Sl li ll '!..'tl c I' Clgllrdiug hi t:! vi sit he re t o Mr8. Ellen 8ides ItIl8 bflen I!:rante<i Try Aome Flour, mllde by O rego. of he r !listor·in law. Mrs. Eliz" be l" " rl'nllgtl f,'r He union maHers, liS a IJen8i on of '1 2 00 a month by Ihe nla Mills, B()gllnlns. Besidos the ubo \',' j.(lteHI" ( ,) Ii " w~ : United ~tates government. M rs, Mr, and Mrs, 18raell:lutterthwIlite were Mrs. Israel Wrl gh l , Mr~, \V , Am l{11I'\ to kllllW lit e lilHIlliuu is i::!idol!' fir8t husband, Mr, Cleaver, and chl)droJ'J came down frQUI r. Frltllle ,wd____ Mrs, _Bethill i?lIrllll S ~lt' IJlln g I Ctlllllt)t 1,,11 Sl't. Whfl ll 1 WIIS 11 80ldier in the war of tbe Springfield Sunday alld s)l{'nt I,he Mr , and Mrs . C'llRrle~ A(\IIIIIS , of will be in Wuyull)<vilIe , 1 hnv o Il l) rebelhon, <by with his ruother and brother 'r opoka, I{'tIl8a~, who hll Vtl " een ,.ddrcss t o IIIl1ke hore the 12th lit Edmund RotaJlick CJamp Sons of Will. at the S"tterth wnite homr· "ince Saturday ovening vi~iting M1' , Oe tuher . I t IIIl1y be' thill, 1 will uol Veteran~ will meet In reguhu @e8 stead, ,l.Ild Mrs, W, I:l[ , Allen , ~IIICO N Ull . ~et dnwTI nntil NO\,l\lllhur , Bow. 810n at the J. 0, U , A , At, BIl11. Jobn W , Collet. of Dayt,oll was II log tbey hn.vI~ been the KI1(!~tI:I of uve r , wbe n I ~o, I I,hiuk it will b" this, Wednesday evening. Husi. WaYDe8ville visttor SJ.turday, be lIonor ut II nnmber of ~llo illl Illlllir'~ , Noll for unr C" IIIT11il·leH IInu om oer" ne~1' of im)lOrtaDoe is to be oonsld· Ing .called hare by mllttert< oonnec.•trllong m mt tbe h01l1l' of Mrs r , lJI ~e l, t,he geu e r,1I o:ilize n~ " cum ered by tho Camp, aDd all member8 ted wltb the estate of his aunt, 1:), C, Allen ut tea Mondll Y 1""' Hin!.:; III i II ee ,ted thtl Olt! i::!()hlllJ l t\ ~!I"uili are urged to be present, the late MrB Mary Clark , 'It Rev. J F CndwalJllIlpl"" Tllt,~. I" .v I 1' ,1I 0 .) 111111 i Heo to t1lw id " tI I he Mr, lAnd Mrs, Ch ..s, W bitta k er Jrli88 Allie Frame went to Clncin . oven in .. ; lind nt dinn er \\,, 'd ''''~'' l\y III,\," wllt'UI \Va will holr1 I' " rlll 1 h d li u VO \V tl .v i11 1\1\0\'0 t u d ispen <6 and daughter drove over to BI1m natl BundllY where s he will spenu n li t MrG 'I' O'Nellll's with the bll ll'lue t lind h .. llI fill 1111 ohester Sunday morniQg and re·. month with her friends, Mr, nnd duy meal,ing (lr o ue ill t.h" til t ,-ru ll. D turned home SUDdu.y eveDI!lg. Mrs . U. C. Meloy, Mr , Meloy WU8 Mrs, Frunk l;hidaker, of H"rvu~'!I. lind prlOlflll g iI, In th e I, vl'nillg They were aCCompanied to BlIm· f.>rmnlly snperinl,endenl. of ~ch ool!! burg; WI1S h ostess at /I V"!'.I' i"Ier" I tllink ,Your "pe i.. 1 nUlllhur \\'111 ohester by Mrs. Whittaker's sls~er, at 'orwin, esting 'dinner party Illst Werl llf's dn~'. be 0, flll ·tor In ure" I ill l{ II n I" I,' r",,,, Mrs, Mell · l:5hleldil who had lKlen Bargains In ~blnn; 'don't at which t,he guests W tll'C Ii ' yflllrs their guest for two WeAks, . fail to see them i the decorations of age and ov()r, Th e dll~' WIl!l II tiod it \\,111 be grelu l.\' "1'I,rf'c illlpd, flo tl r




fIll' >!

"flllIlIIll '!.""

l20 sheet!! of good writing paper are hllndsome , .1. E. Janney. most huppy OUEI to all. rlw ;l IWRIS ,J. E, JaDney'1 for oulyll1c. M "nd their ages were 1\8 folln\\,,, : Ann FrleDd Benj , Ha wkinB IIn~r ' rls, Kelly. G yelLrs ; Mary HU,\'I;e,;, i'7 Mi88 Bertha Brown, daugbter of Sarllh Smith, attonded the • enr .Y yeurs' Marla anineti,7(\ yeur.; MI1 George N . · Brown. of Ferry. will Meeting of O~tbodox Frll'nds ut , riottu 'Carpenter, SR; Murk HIt,vlles enter the City Hospital at Spring· Richmond, Indlanu . last we~k, Mr, · I)( Riohmond. Indlllntl, R~ yell rs; field short,ly, wller., sbe will 8tudy Ha\Vkins returned home Solu~dllY A)f, Edwards, AnniRtnn, Ahd"lnHI, to tit herself lUI u trained unr8e evening, but Mrs . Smith remlllDed (iil years i Jervis Hat.ton,IM YPI1Tll: WilBon Hnrvoy,"i'7 W . A, ' -Gnder iii'; direction of Ml'II, Lizzie ror a few dayI:', Dr A T ""right hnd Ibe plelll!ure H"lnes and wife, Hul'l'Y Iill.rtl!ock, Auperlntenuent of the

yf'nr~ ; ~hillllhr,

H d ."


h~1 1 rty . ,d' !ol

I'll ,,,! Dlt-Ull u

diolU I' lind wit,1I 1I1ert!lh11' IIIllI t.l·i),lh . ,•.\.... 81,lur Juel l{iil ge, IIf lnr\lllnllp .It~, Ill!.ed eil(hl ,v .four ,v .. ""~, 0 'II . ,Iuct"" "urvi ce" lit t,he U.1r I.• tl In l'iHlr:.:h ill \Vnyn~"v"l .. l;und ' .V lIlornin!;, tlml Ihe sti rn " llveni"" 1I111ir l1Hsed the t;O IlKrpglltitJ lI lit, II ... M, K "hurl'll.


$12.00 and $15.00 M.l£-N '8 8Ul'rs.

Pi ck I",. -()!r VHR

(;00,1 qnlllif ,v lind Inw I,ri oe:; meet !lhllk n hlllldM b e re, "od in no ru"rp )lllrlif' lIlur pIiLC('l 18 it, exempli , tied Ihnn ill Ule 1]11"I\I,y /lnd priCes ()f onr lIe w fnll Blllt~, Gold hond oou I,ons wit.h (Inrollll ell ,

No w Plln Cll ke Flllnr


New Bermurln Oninn~ Nf'W Rod KI,llIey BpIIU 8, New

RI"Hill ~,

Nt w Prlltl eH ,


No \\' e ,tDnod uo rn . Now



t:,~lpl'.Y , '1 ·II U k (> I·~.


( 'lIllIlI'd


$1 0 1_"



II '" ",

, "On , of "hOlitda y " ... will ,,,,t lie, open Dex ,on a y. , M O ' lobl' r Otl1 ,.: · , ~ . , .

~.~.- -. --- ~~-~~ •. ~~ s~or' I'QCI'~mt FrPR.h Bnltill1 nr

Former Residents.

E\'e r wea,· oue of our $2.00 or Hul~ ~ If yon ne\'er did, noll' 's U,o tlm fl to begin,


*:1.0(1 1';n:n\" I'HINiI FR.·"II

Nl':w GnO lJs Evt: lI¥ DAY , \\"1







for Us by s. Levinson & Co" of New Yorkl Uri, Ih o Hullit. j.!n In


or (;nnrse

BU~' II' ~"if!<

with on extr/! pair of tn 1I\1I'1'1t. If yon've money , · , ... ·11\\' ""'Iiy, gn I'hu'!where Hnd 1\ 11 ,\ It,' !'-\1lt~ n o 1 t 11(1".


( ~ -





I hu\,H d."oiflt"ll 1f1 q l1 it. f U'fH·

I ~ hlll1 "IT,' r for ~ II I " III, 111\' rt·!ti . ,1"II r'" n il tho 8nltnll Hnvc n,. flll' lIl t lltilt'f< !Il1nth of L:vt,lp. lind -1 ml lpl' ", ,,,,I of \Yn)' ~f'!wI1l A on th ft \, pha llon ,,,,,I Lvtle pikp, (~own9hip rnll,1 ) n il l'hnr~dnv Oelobl'r 12, 11105, til, Itl " 111 , n;y "ntire c rnl', s t(Jok 10 ,HI I "'"

ftltllling ~i1!', ('nnt<IRting nr "",. "'Ilf ;nl,pro~t in ; ucre(l nf t l\1>I1('C'\ ""d II hlllf inte r pl't, ill I. IIO"P~ "f

~';r~lln;~, t~leB::~:~; ~~\!::r~~. ~~,~!:::~':

Olle Rtnde hR ker wlI!.I'nn ",it,h



:{" \', U ,It I BlOnd ·.. 1II ..


'l'h,'y 're




'HONEYI.p.,TAR . Ttie ,rI,lnal LIDTIVE C'.Ulh nm.,.

berl, one h"y IIlrld"r, 1\ terll VI'I hPfl, . !' pl'lng wagon . fI. rnn " 'I" I1I, nn ' t."nguelpss onltivtlt.or, nf'" Y"l,'''.' breuKing plO\v. Oli O Ilouhlp."\) ,v,'I. Th •• enuln. 2 ~e t,A nr wnrkin!! h''''I1 ' ' ''' " no> <P ' FOLEY.~ HONEY IUld TAR It III bu :gv hltl'n"'H. nl1l1 l1l, I r r. t,,· !< i a Yellow package, Roru!lO BubstllU1oel. tim 'lUIV h'l\' in mo~' Pr.Pllredonlrb" ~ 1)l) t.atge~, 80>OA h" II~ .. hol (1 ~", 'rl . Company. Chlo.... and kitehen o .J . H . ADAM..; 0 . H . SURFAf K AnN, ' Harveysburg Man Head A H'Er.. LER~, Clerk Insomll1f1. Oured,


"""1" 1

"01." ...

or Educationl League.

of entertaining bls nepbew, MrChas wife and dflughter. Mr, Rid gll WitH 11 of hilt hnlf "IARt yellr I had II ver,'" 1>f'\,l'r.. A ll 'IJV fir t h e-H II lIo I, Oh ;', ,'lin . E Wright, Wife and two children, brotl1Pr. Mublon RillgO, llIst \\' opk 'Ittlll:1< or illllil;" !llil\n I C"U '.11I ,t R"vie\V hilt< hePIl 'II II.V Ih" from Duqnll!!ne, Pennsylvaniu, IlIsI, Hotel Beillg Renovated lind viowed with intere)<t I he rlllwy ; 'oop fit nll(ht. anrl In")<t. PlC G 11. 't,II1, \\ hlch ,e" llthin !'! "0 eXleuded ' . t IIe c;'" ruclnlln g .. 1 afte rW'IV ellohfor me>LI , I 1l1'llole "n 'rht.. Aml'rlCKn ' E(11 I 0"11' " ,,. Wednesday On T1lUI'S d ay t h ey c Illlllges t h 11 t h Ud III k en P1lice HI S Irouhlf were gnests of their IInnt" Lina I,o wn slOce h <:l left, h ero hrllt It cnn three m ont,hl'l wh en I u p,1 Cham ' Al LI n " l1 ll II"d " picture nf the o DeVitt 'rhe Gustin Hons e is clo!:lfld t.Ili R tllry IIgo. lJarll1in',. ' ml o\) lind Live r ',,"It -"Illhur l:llIlrl p.R E, l.ukpn!'. f ormer. Wm, Urahalll, of Lyt.1l', was ex· 1V00k whil p W. O. Gnstin Ihe 111'0 Mr . Hidge iM reruar.knbly Ilclive lets. anrl reCf'i\'elllnllnprli 'ltp r elip'." Iv "f ... IJ'"rve S" "'•l rg. bll' t, for a nUluber Ontdl of ' ' OllrR l , m lnent Iy 11 hibltiDg a quince In town the other IHietor is engaged In milkin g 1111111 itnd oould easily P!)'RS liS tep or even 811"8 . .. 'Tohn Dixon F ' 'rul1'11110rf' 1 b ( (ent!.ft er1 'til' lr e rous repairs and improvem onls . ' rio, Canao"" ,)r 1\"." Y .. , " .1 ' evening tbttt wns rather rerul1rka· .twenty yeura younger thlll! he Is , edLlCJltit n,,1 w,'rk In Nort h. "rn 011 1 I), ble In sll'.e, and weighed just. an Mr.'R )Jllrenls whn hll VI' AlthougJi he prOllobed twice l:Iunduy, Tree Budding out Mr, Ll1kl'n< Ild vool1l811 I'8dot .. 1 even pound, Mr , Gruham said the been IISIIociated wit.h !tim in Ib e he appeared Ill! bright and I1c tlve tI,t. a Second time. <lImns':'" fr"111 tbe pl'esent. system of quince was one of four grown ou II management of tbe hote l hltvO th e olose of the dlly liB at. t,ho bagln, . _ 1 school Ilnd to fnrther &b18 tree little larger than ' 1111 orillnBry Irloved to Lebtlnon and he will unw ning, At the clORe of his sermon Vi{, T , Fmrne hilI' R (JuriOllir,y ' on , ead baH organized "The American bush , tlLke oomplete nharge of the blls l Snnday ovening. Elder Hidge in. his lawn lit Dillmnnd Hill farm in LnIlGUtl" _ __ _____ -,._ J , H Adams, who has been living oess, He is re·fnrnishio g Ihe hot~ 1 dulged In some brief r e miuisences the way of a dog 'W'JOd treB th 1\ t, I... fro on the Snsan Huven fllrm on the m top to bottom lind will bll va il of eurly daysut Wllyno,.villp, r['onll. fil leu.' wII . h b u d 8, IIn(1 810U I Id c 0 Id C ure ..,0r Corna and Bunions • # First', "Go"k Ihe corn or bunion In township road hll8 dl'clded to give open to the public and e very thin"" ing that in the f'urly h" WIIS Wllllt h er h " Id Ou II Iittl , A I \I n gpr. bl' ds ' Iwarm Wltlarlosel" to soften it; the.n with. pare up fnrmlng. nnd has hRd 1liiIe bIlls in first·clnss' order within II fe w du,V" ,ono of six youn g 111('n who wont for fltir t" rorth IlS i t wou Id In d a8 po!l8lble printed at the Gazette Oruce offer. ward to the altar in the ehmch t.11 0 genn I ne sprIDg t,l.!ne , Tb . e t,ree ont drllwing town n" C blood .r and apply <-'bam. . tng his Implements and other effec ts Ceasars Creek where he WR 8 then prHn oh ing, '''lt1 I)rf'!\.. n very I)retty BplK'arllnol' berlaln '8 Pdiu Balm -twice dally, at public 8IIle Thur!ldrLY Oct .; 12. Illude public of their ,Inri h'L9 ut,t,rtloted muob at.tentlon , tnbblog vigorously for liv.e minutes He will nlove to OilY ton, • __ ' f'" t e n oh IIpplioa.lon . , A oorn pla.tar A sh"we r " ""II!' deflire 10 lead chrlstiHn IiVf'!I Fivo , given Mr . Ilnd Mrll, Wilhur Wil~on of these young men nfterwnl'd,. be. :ii,'k helld,tcb e i~ olLulIed by a rll~. ehonld ' be worn a few days to PFO. Mrs Mu.urlce 811ver Mrs J, H , lit, the home of Warren BoglIlI l'l!!l ordored ll'lIIditlon l1f the RtomBoh teot, It- from the 8hoe,, ' As a general K 11 ywith of Hthe fllmlly. here a ' lind Mrs . J, T.'• . VISited . . four lind i!l ' nuiokl ." cured by Chllmher. liniruent, brulsefl. lame. Ysburg ,winnt ll also n be Caskey Ellis Satnrdny ovenlng. A Inrge oom clLme ministers b of d the I .J .r d f6r h MprlLins. tl Pain Balm Is e e r , h'l f·rvlel their sons ot the Ohio State Uni vel'· pony WI1S IlreAant und Ute.v roceived of them Met 0 illt mill Htorll n nu lain '" StOID'ICI'l lin, I Li VAr Tllbletl', ness nu ,r eUIDa 8m. one 0 t e liD! ' y, ' . sity, Columbus. !::lundILY, Remem· mnny u sefull\nd beautifnl presputs . Mr- Ridge in the Ohristian chnroh, For Sill " b,'j7 louis MIIY. unequHled . For by May, Tbe m en werc: :rhomnl:! Smit h, Ravlnll: decided upon t,he erection bering thllt young men n.t College I . h' h Miss Minnie Ewing 11m! a Mr. Toy. ern le v Hidgp 811nllel Sport J"el of an entirely new p 1antIIn w 10d u8ually have bealthy apPl'tltes und lor, J) " Il 'II'I "J'Olln . . . . .... to handle our large y noroa~e a s(Jecllll longing for "home" ~ook· '7. Bow 9f . ersville, we.r e united. In RI'c} ~' e , 'l'llnlnll"0 (' 'I)II,, .. If t huslntllll!. we now 0 er our en Ire log, they provided I hemselves with mllrmage by Ruv , .J e88e Hllwklns, W Hpnl 'w d bl 11l8t Wednesday. The y onnA' cIJUIJ\e 8tock of granite an mar e monu· nnmerous II nd substlLntinl ... tl bll ve the best. wiHhes of Iheir frionll~ menta and markers at grea y ra- country oooking find spread a feast Death's Work, I '" duoed prices, The large building for the W/1.yuesvilJe boy!! nt the Mrs, Will . WUl'lon f ell d own the I """, AN))

-. hOspltlll, . an,1 well known in this '«lOmmontt.,. Kate Minor P lind . Corron, of Leip!!lo, ut,nam t ooun.y, were guash of Mr,. CorreD's I!lster. Mrs, Elijab Compton. for A week put, ' Th ey were I aOOQmpB b M Died ndborne M Toeeday morn ng .. h III y d r"aome t -' 0 , ime Compton wow spen with them, Putllam coun'y II! Mrs. Compton'8 old hOUle.lllJd this 18 her IIrst V1llt t.hore in tbirty years, it will no ' donbt be very pleasant to her, II d t II h Mr8, fLevi Ke yan am ave Co to y Ohio moved rom Dew "-e ' . fo l'III a whioh 1._8 beeu tb e i 1'........ W Dumber of yeal'8.h to "fDMV t f the and will oooupy t e proper y 0 e late Mi!18 Belle Brown. on Third street, Mrs, Kelly's son, d BortoD .iII employed in 11 raiJroa OUlce In ... CinoiDnati aDd will haveAhis bome A



pllin~t, hi~











~~"",,,,,,~,,,, .~ ""'~ .



we will erect WIll mllke necessary Univer"lty. ILnd tlllllnjoyed u happy t,b e removal of our entire stook ·1 day together, There WIiS Ipresent Persons iDtertlllted will do well t~ Stokes Sliver, Fred Cllskey, Sid well send for our oat-a log or better still E11Is. Herbert. Wurwick Ilnrl Bnrry cnme to our yard and see the wor Dnclson . we offer at your own price , , The numtJer of perJons in (JEoRn!!: DODDS & Son. ' Wuynellville and vicinity who have Xenia, Ohio, met with mortl or less serious , aeci. One excellent method of adver ' ldente this spring and sUlllmer is tising the Home.Coming Reuuioll 1~Q,lly astoDit:lhlng. Almost every tha~ has been 8~gges ted . Is f or ll week for !leverlll monthfl the buslnes8 house ID the towu to hMe I lilll':et.te hus published reports of printed on the statIOnery used the ft'oru one 10 four or five acC'identfl,



~lon,g ~

dllte of the Home Coming, An acoident may corue to anyon e y with their u8ual oard. While It !lIll time, lind In CBse it comes t,here pr.obable t,hat our former res. only one certn,in protection , An Ideot!! wlll oome borne next August I llooident polioy 10 tho Aetna by tbe hnndreds, ye.t no, effort IInce Co ,of which Fred B, Sher. should be to udvertl8e the wood is agent, guarantee~ yon th e Ad evelJt thoroughly . ver t 1810g 0 1)II.yment of a cerlain SUIII if. you II ·· th f t.his kind wonld go a over e mot wlt.ll lin IIccic1en t.. Think what. ' d h 'l h r't Unltecl Sta.I.eIl, an w Ied muc I 0I ' this Illelln!! and how heillful the would relloh people monev will he to VOII while yOU/lIe h H not CIrect. y n· ' T I '.D I'ktl Ie III' Iltt, er over tArested In t e ome· omlOg, I·t luld UT' l(1n wonld show them that Waynesville with FrAd Sherwood, Rates \'ery il alive and up· to elate" and oreate sl'a!'o!1able, • good impresalon for the town.






blo~s"lll nt, ~








coHllr steps lit, her home, l'everal dnys 'lg0 ntl~ w ..s . Clln~ld?rllbIY brmsed , She IS not, rACO \ o~lI1g as her fri ends woulel WIsh VWlII!; to ber IIge, J esse Haines IIIllI f'lllli Iy lind Isnu o Lytle !tnd Wlftl vMled W\]) , nnrl fflmlly nelLr P,.rl· WillillID last Sunday , The new telepbone is ke l)t llretty busy these dllY, The f'll'ni~rs lire eujoylnK it to t\t13 fullest extent. The Womlln's :Forelgu Mi 8!1ionll"y





Thc horly nf FrHnklio F Daniell" Itroll!!ht to Wn,y nesvill e from I).. Chlcogo Tnesday morning. 111111 nfter ~ Q,short se rvice onndncled by Revl4'" C,u)wallllder at tbe Frionds Wh it,e 1.-. hrick meeting hOll8e be wnA Illitl to l1li , rASt In the Frienels buryiDt: gronnd _ LinnlplIIlI , MllttingR, l"ce CUI'lul!lfl, DlaperlOfl, Win. Mr Dani e l WIIS well known in t,bis dow t;hude!l, Alc " , community although he \Vas never A.ND a resident here He hud lived In I fl. movlDg Xen Iamos t 0 f h 'IS I'f . to Olel Fllrniture renpho18teret\ , Upholstery Stufft' in ,great Chicago "bout four yearlil IIgo He vurlel ,y , died from peritonitis IIbout noon

Ii i


CARPETS, All makes and grades. RUGS Ol'ien tal a.,n d Domestic





SOCiety, at Its meeting Iltlld Frldny ..,fter an illness of only Iii From tim UltflllPOllt to the fina)<t , D"melltic ".nd Imported, nt the home of Mrs . •Jp"8e Btl wkios hours The news of his death was PREHCOINU. 'fIN'fING, LINCRU::lT A. STUCCO RELIEF Saturday, entertained the Hnrvtlys his SIsters, Millses Allie and FABR1 Ct'. fOR W ALLB', burg Mission, After the hllSillfll'S BelJe Donlels wlto are nurses at the A gond plnce to trade, "cllll meeting WIIS hehl, wal t' I' llIr.I(.n WIlS Soldiers' Home, Ullyton, and their Pri cf'M m!lde !tlltll.faotory, d m.nle Allron B. Chllndler left SlLtur. IInrl ~ce ns . .. day fQr Chlougo and IIccompanled serve , Furnlshertland DeoorJltoOls, ,Joseph rr<:;ld"nt . body here, . I Paint I't edr ,' nd farlllllr ttl I) n" ot the, • .• . • of tillS v 0 nl y , .10 a 1(" II I ~ It M H H' '''kln6 Mr. Daniels WIlt! ::10 old he DAYT'O N OHIO hisX. cluug l1orI' ra 'k nrv e u..lln.I'''r\· ~ was. highly spoken of" .be. ',IO-:I~!_ N. M.lin st. ' d'a and wllJ ... in ,. C I greM,ly millsed A number of hand. ~ , ~ . .- 'omll U!\ , wee lin W B





tbe cemetery here 81lndny. _

I,some floral. tributes were !'eot with

Ithe body by' friends tn Ohlcago


...".. ............. .... ....


" '.

, ,' ·t _ _ ,


. .




Frien ds' Home n ;,w Ope' n, ' PERSONAL AND The Frlend~ BoHrdl/l{! Bome was LOCAL NEW S,

Sprin gboro .

Hanre ysbur g. r Althou gh but " l few rnil f'~ ~opa · [ Sprin g Branc h. rates them from tb e olc\ hom(\, Yil t I My 1 what ------a belling we bad the openl!d ~o botl.rderll Monday . Mr8. S db ' [It is 0. raro thing for " Mil t 1\ n(1 M,lt," \11' U" vl,l I... ~" !, .\. i~ " I I'''l~'''' t other evening . But alas I ~he boys Last atur BY t ere were two I Hu'dsou to pay USn vi~IL l:iuwllvlir l Oll' t,lll" ~I ok li ~ Albino Flour 60 ceuts a eaok. were ml.tak8 Jl, yet Dame Rumor deaths In our vUlage within t . ' . , . Mary ferrell, of New Vleana , Wll8 a8qu£lre tbrougb EIlIl. tbe awill ble dn llilh . Aa has it tbaUh bo !III' ~:t IIWt' Pl'nU " r. oX "nt ". WI'" III t UJ of thfl fir'" per~on '0 enter the IDBtltu· each other-G eorge Thomas . ter The Waynljl lvllle POIt v ..01 18 's entroat i6s, they, ElllI a lill II I",d l,n!! Ifl II ur VICll1\t~· Hnlldl1v. . . e ys w Ie aDO er white, and PI'es. Magee, colored . nice &tOil, IllthoU lh othere have .rrange d preeent ing grands(m, spent ~h e da y wIth quite an Ilttrllctl ve ap· :~~e:~ .~!ml!~:'~' near fuaure, MI' ('; '" 11·,,0 CI 'I· t.w!'I!! I". " ,01 f".nlll.v Both men were old 80ldiers and Dr. allu Mrll . Hatton last· to make It tbelr. hOQle wbo will peal'!l.nCl8 at preeent , the walla Sun111l Y.1" n t. . ,·t" i n (',j (' 0 1111'" n y 11''' 111 Xel\l" hav· Mrs. J. M. Bunnel l wu a Gilm cum" in t'oon, ' . In till) l.mef momon t t!peot 10 lJ ur I Olle da y reccntl ~· , ipg been re-pape red aDd the wood CI- ',iliitor last Thured ay. · their deml8e was presum ably uue mitist tbey oircul ... l ed to BOUIe ex , Mr~ t'1I1i1h . nf k -'"ted d lebed -" JI1I1l", tdwn. I,. thfl That UIIl Borne may proeper and wor.... 4eart tailure . .... , an VItr o. . tent. We were 31188 Mary Lacone y hall been to Dr. ly gltHlden ed J.(lw~ t "r Ill'r dll uI{htPT . Mr~ \:l<' o r~ e J long oontlno e In a wQrk of UReful. . O. MIloy returne d fueBd~y hy t.heir preHenciofinil·,! BuiJdln g Bale at J . A. FunkeY'1l the reoent gues! of Mrs. J. e 1I0d !Jupe for iJ, 'II rt\\' !l ht, lit t.hi H tlIIl O . M. Lu- of last week from hl8 80nthe rn trtp repetiti on of the Slime ri ne8818 the WIRhJ,f tile 6azette . for iihlriiy daYII. in ollr llIi (l~ t Shoes ·at auy burgh, of Miaml8 burg. MrH Frunk l:h\l' ~"c k IIntl .MiHI! after a visit of over t~o montbs · lin tho near future ML·. B ~ .prlo.e. The largeat ltook and the Frank Mar8h was a Lebano tlu ~ on hUH Ot l"; P" l'l'lIr ViH1!('c\ ."llltl\"·'H ill t ilt! Sund ay Schoo l beet 8hoes In to","D-DOW 18 your ~tor. Thursd ay night, wbere n vis- In CaUfor nla he Wll8 WIth t~e ~II.- ueen n.'lsooiIL tl!u with th e hllU!:!l' ot Ple"s" u!. f1 111 f,l' Ill·i !" hulJrhoml ~Iln . he was Fetra8 quite a little whlle ; 10 t:llm Hutchi~ on & Gibuey of Xelllll flJr IllI v . InitIate d Into the myster ies of the Antonio , Texa8. with th~ Conv entio n ohance . Judys - twenty yellrs, benoe h e mllst havA MI' l 'hllrlpsG lonn " Elu." of Wllyne 8vllle all former resld,e nts of tbls pluce- uoen au effi olent Ildjullct. t.o I An indlotm ent for muder In the Mrs. Aaeneth Taylor and The Obi 0 8 oda &b I A t,ho hilS· 1I1ll!. F J'lIl1k Muplc ntH] family were MI'II. Ilnd reports thet~ each and all . wcil liuess to retain 'lOU 0 JI: no 880C • "t b th atloD Iii OODduo Ell S tilt " hold ol ll WU gllests li t the bome of Mr. beth 6 tlDIJ Ilserles of Sun lMlOond degree Willi broul.. . y e and doiDg like'll'i'lllt!. J . G . Will be I tbe job" Hirllm za arner were entertaIne d found . at ,b'is office filllog, extraot ing . daY .Sohool conveD tlon In .the VIU Greene County Grand Jury, . 1 . Duklo "n(I,fll'. Tuea· on " II Thursdl Hllm lIy lY . at Y th, e hom. e of th? and making teet.h for poor unfortu tOUl oountle . of the etate, holding da; afterno on agalnB ' C. John P. MI8808 BDrnet t in ,\ ayn8lvi lle. Mr~ . J. C . b enowet h Ilnd dll.ugh. nate maDkin d. orwln . ter ;\11"~ Anme oull ed ut the home on eaoh Ramsey . who IIbo' Miohae l Settler 4!::I!, I Joho 18 P AC: p:!vlou si.. annoon ced the" at Bellbro ok, July 11. J. N. Lemmo n \ttlS been quito ill visiting relative s the pa8t week. ".,. ng, varn 8 lingtl~1 t p~ tp' D~Oh~~:~ the past week. . . J .., LI Will hold a oonven tlon In eaoh I J ' t h d M ' I:J ' C Drtkln Mr 11m) Mrs , newoar pe II n i l Mig Rae Furou , of Da~n, Ie y u Mr8 . zz e anney a ~ Stile" nnd dl1ughter , I. .. toWllllhlp In .thl!loount)', Monday 'he alok witb pneum0 home and will Boon e .. . be a oit.izen of M' 8 DoBope n were 1lla a'",e home of guest MI'II. Sarah Muon, ofa reoon 'M orl'o w \'IHi to r~ Fl'lluk D'Lkin , Mr . lind Mrll. Walter. Penn· the grellt metropo lis, and Bro. Rey. S Ie d touring party repreee the A880 Ml'II. Eva Jonl!ll where 8be r Onkln nt,t onded hu heen vllle,lndlnllllr. t,he funeml of the nold8 and family have oomple Y oillUon Will at Harvey aburg and lefti B th d Mr. aud Mrs. n. F. Corwin llpent their moving and are oomfor ted uMr: . 'Ben ' Millt' nlld ~on RIl Y form, f'~ nopbew . Mr Wm . Da.k in, ~., at WIIo"nesvllle. ~ v : ng. tably made er mo er 08me OWD Satard a" In Dayton 11 trip D Lyton in t heir ,lu tO Itt XenIa Fl'llillY . Intc:rm ent nt . en800nsed In the Oorbin house on one do. lllst ~ ,'rhe conveD tion opel'led I!t 10 Mouday eveninl t And is IUlllIMin week Woodla nd Cemete r.v , XeDlu. g In Mr. and MI'II. C. N. Penoe are the Avenue , and a son to y Will o olilC1t .,nth a SonlJ I18rviOfl led by 08rluc for her She is Mr. and l Mrs. Grrll~rtm of th e Bur. I'tIOOverlnll: entertil ining 'belr son Barry and Mr8. Will Chul[ E.~. Jllmet!, of Hobokell, N . J. TuIlMda y of 1ll8t vevsbu rg pike is serious ly 111. ' nloely DOW wife, of Minnea polis, and alao Mr. week, a.nd Will Pleas ant Ridge. I'ollow inl thbl WIUI a bible read· Frank Hllr· Mrs. J . N . Lemmo n lind lion L e ~nd MI'II. A . Osborn and little BOn rie and G . B. Welch, ~ by Rev, A. Dllwllolf, of Colum. . U you "aD' lome'h lnll Da.vls Bre makmg returne d borne from ChiclIgo Fri B eUo, everybo dy I we "re back ItrioUy J.,hn and Mr. and lire. Parker winter wood of b,,' " Al!IlIRtftnt t;eoreta ry Oblo State up ~ daM ID pho$og rapha, their shade ~rees, day evenin g once more. hll'fe Bardin g, who compos ed a jolly aDd every body and bis dl8tant tela. Mieses ~~~r ~~h~ To!~~I~~,!! Ilnd Spahr make )'00 lOme of hlsoarb on· crowd coming Flo: and June ()lllrk 81)ent Mias Abbie Grllham aDd Mrs. -.., . ..through In hapdso me tlodDB were at ~~ hpolllt\0l111 meetthln g Sunday ...... -J' with their pllTents, Mr . and Celill Snvl\ge. of nenr Lytle, 8pent · . ' Rev . . Ellen B KIDI IIpoke on PIa' I001. an now wear l .n18 [lure sIDe . Jawes C1n rk . autos from Ohlcago . Thursll ufterllo on \vith Mrs. John poUtiCli aDd bi8 elllthu81asm for partyr M.rll "Ttllloh er 'l'rllioiD g" and MIIiI.Be ule W 1 Bi B uor1 family have Redmou'" Mr., J'nd Ill'll. Bamuel Surflloe , who J. W. Badley 8p8nC Frida)' n'and dl.ugbt er . tran"II Dlurea agalnllt A Iilalt.~' MilIarllbnrg Obio, oo~; have been lIviug on the HoeI!8 defeat. . . mov:~ elo ~~e propert y . r eceutl y .Tlloob Cornell IInu ohildr en Sun. Mrs. Jane Downin g enjoyed a ~8It, Vile" teel byto Mrs. 'f .J. Smith duuMci a Round Table dl80u8\l10n. \Jom farm, near Tur'leoree~ tned actlDI buein8lllliD Dayton . . meet. Mle JIllla Throck morton , who h.. 8uDday from her dayed wil b HarriSOn Corne ll Il.Dd The afterDooD aeesion , qpened J. J . Downll lu! • _ • been _rloue l" III for IIflve1'lll weeke of Xenia. Mr . BOn with au .ddr8811 by Nev, Dowlin " ID' hOUle, linea early In. daa ghter, near Lytle . Downin g ullu"111 L thp Sum· is rapidly improv ing tl , tri88 to come to see hi8 mothllr Mrs . Johu Marsh, of UtiOIl, was "~~OIJll Day. In the ~ODilay mer, are DOW oocup:ylog '~JudR8 Smith . Y e. . Bradatreet ~d wlfe'ha d as e;:y) t~o ~eeki' and hl8 visits add Mr. 00 . Rnd Mr~ . Ju.mes Lewis of t,lu' guest of her ~nghter, Mrs. " .' Walter Dllatul h farm ODe mile receDt guesta, Mr. Evau Olthen8 Ernest: Butterw ortb, recentl y. and g Mi.. Ma8t II~O of P~&lOBI north of t Y 0 er p ea8ure. . nellr this Benr,\' Baitey were Pri~ry PlaDB, demon8 tral1ng ber ui ptik LebaDon .,n tile WaynN daughte r, Mn. Ne&\ie Bdwaril 8, of Mr. SaD?uel To~IiDson, Presldo nt tbe goest8pilloe Mr. Wm. CllrAY and fam ily ente,:· at II obllrmi ng rlinnor . Aleund erevll1 e and Mrs Meloy of the WlDona Telepho ne .Co" of Sunday remarl ta by teeobln g a nnmbe r of v e _ e. tnin ou at d mnel' SundllY, Mr. Frank served . by D Mrs. t o Obllrles ' ' , . Ohloago, and Il thoroug h·gOIng bUBpri~r" long8 to 1Oh001 ohlldre n "AlblDo Flour 80 oeDta a 8110_. .' f Yankee Street Smith Ilnd flllUlly, Mr. and Ml'l!. OfThIlY, t'"' Who wert! pl'tllleDt . &t rd b ines. man, 8penll several dllYs lo st A~~:k ~iCkerlog li nd . ven e mar wife r etn1'n Frunk BeCllt·h orn and Mr . and Mrs. e a· on .u . ay y week with hie ,lllotbe r, Mrs. Lydia ' In the evenlu . IllOng lIervioe wu IIr, and MI'II. S. D.' Everl", " of the 111«1188 of the U. B. ohurch wu Tomlin son, and brother nnll"uc ted bv vr Jamea Curtl8, uear home Sllto.~ay ~ Venlnl;(l f.rom 11 Fra u!> Hogers . Day tun, were IUl!llta Baturd aJ even· well at&ended. CII.II ElIruhR.rt, witt) and dnugbt er thiB vi11age while en rout .. to tbe plea811n alt~ a.lae 8poke 00 tbe ''Teaoh er In,and 'I a5GD4ay of Mr.. Del u_ 0 t Vl81t Wlthc Te IItlves at '" ' ...... . ' Mr. . ..r1lCl s pent one afterno on last week with I i Oeor~et.ow n B rown onnty ~bluBOn bas entered , Tralnlna .~," ;abla Russell Bumilt J. Edward s, and dined SuDd"" with She Miami Dental College at Clnoin· En.s t on a bualn8E18 trip . The VB t Th ou BUI·ton EU.rnll£lrt nnd fllmily. was most enjoyab le to all couoerne(l. hllu .ttev:::: :fortun e to fall Add....... were also dell'fel1 'l by Mr. anet MI'II . .1 . B. Cakey ., Mr. one day llIIrti . . lIiII 1Iaa~ and Be... Dowlin l, tho MI'II.,Ed Lukent uttende Mr. Ilnd 111"8 George Sollera very 8tate Conven tlou.of the Wd.. tbe Ohio Il18t week Ilod in ' ure his siue, but Ceasa rs Creek I8rvioe olOllini wl*h a .olq. by Mr. and Mra.of" AI. . W. Bunea , C. T. U . anll their 'plp_t i)' ent~rtaiDed a few frlende . b Is improv whioh WI18 h eld In ClevelllDu Octo. : :we are g Ia d to k nlow 'J am... .' , ., 'wo . lnt!eI'ftlttDi It.,..e ohUd,a n, of wUh OIlrdl Thursd aJ evening e Mr. Fl'ank B.uunic utt visited Mr. . ber Ii, II and 7, Ilnll had the hcnor of mg. TM tow parb will be a' Sprlnl Xenia aleo speD' the· da)' . lLnd Mra, J Il. esse their Bn.ine8 Sablmtb . IIrs W B ~Igfrie d aDd Kre P being the 801e ll'8pre8entlltlv6 of . Aunt Mn~y MII~1l wmt~e boro 't odayaD d Frankli n tomorr ow, forme~~ehere. va 8 h or~ ~ Zlmrl Boluet! and family vl8lted J[.l:'e~oe·we~IDattendanoeTh~n: Warren OOUllty Dlln "eek they begin work In l a t thatlar go8tat e vlsltll. tthe omeo • . . rane,o Webate rBlline sunufll mlly8a bbath . I da . at the "~' 8001&1 mub" t'lt.thering. lIrs. Lukenlloameh Gr8!IDeC01Ul'y . ~oaf ~me f,",Ule f ft()m *"Ilar~ stowD , . t , the h . C Of ....... b • • , d tb W erithull 8d with the 8pirlt of Merritt .Dr. 'ir. __ ~ w Keever IIond Wlf!!•. of Cllnter. a Mr . oy pUl'O u...e oma ...... be Oonven tlon e m. Deat h' W rk VIlle, were aeen ."" drlVIDg of on .' our . Wright ·Co. ~ furm on' !. Omsars . . . . . . oreek. . .BQ}lt ...... 1m.. . _ Two fUDerlll~ a Sunday Sohool 8treets Tuesua,y 8,fterno on . • . ' .• O. Ity, pat ~ III D8,W 100.. . . . MI8. Mr Luoien iiarJ: W RWI88I1 ilson purohll attende sed the d the ToUrin g Conven tion of all denomiD. -Ill'll Re'toooa .Jllne Sides w.. callSevera l, from here n.ttend~u tbo Oliver Lamllr prOIJerty . Few men take t~er pleaaur e In Bamllt on Fair las, week. 8tll'DI. exten81ve prepara tions for .Kltche n Shower 'glven R eel to WilIlam abu"" Ohio Thurad ayI groWIDg flOWBre 'and Rlautl oy Uornell Mr. 8Dd Mrs Sinnard , of Spring thau . lIi8888 Kathry n and Evange line the politica b~ the death of ber brot,h er, Rev. 1.ld J A i'nnk Mr FunJtey Ro8nag le epeul tbe 'Jl8at week with 8treet8 andl meet,~ng, llvery stable!!, lIo,nd. wife, of' MaDor. Supper con· Vlllloy. visited their duught er, Mrs . N Rbciad8tl, who paNl8d away TIles. OM • • alleY8 full of vebloles . tj)StlD~ . of .. oysters ey. ' otber good Wm . Compto n, Ilnu fil.mlly SnndllY . . MIII8 Irvina Dearth , of Franklj the belongi ngs of people nttendi ng thln.g8 wlJ,~. served and day. . , 8peDd8 a ~17 portion of the 'tIme Mrs 8 . B . Ellie and daught n. . by Mrs. W eb. Miss Delln Bradf~rd vlSlt~1l: over er'MI88 the foregoi ng. Mrs , Madden , aided SQuIres . .Ii IDe musIc Re . v. Rhodl!llluod frequen tly V181t, whioh he ,OBn spare from b~l1_ was r entl ered Sllodl~Y with friends In thiS VICInity . Dora, ·ot 'Wnynl!llville, were calling by the good 8ugges tions ed in Wayn8 8vllle,a nd newl' of bl. to the otaltlva tion of and deft by Frllnk CI~rmau I~ qua'i>tett~ Miss Della is in attend"'Dce at Wil · ·hle p~nt.e. on friend elut Wednes day. ' flogere of MIS .. Lutle VunDe rvoort o,omposed Of., Hurrylln~ death will be r_lved with sorrow Jutat preeent hie well tept Cor oell , :.I~~ mingtol l College . /JrDuDdl i Mr John Geiger, of .MlIson , was in deoorat lng house, poroh and lawn Cornell., ~I Cor~ell . by maDY of th088 who kDew bim are a m.ze ot beauty . h an ~1 M{ :h~o i EilptI,9llllly traDBaOtluc buslnllll8 bere on &tor. for the Republ Mrs . Mu.rtin Hllrner is sufferin g hertt. ioan oooasioD, nnd a the . prllel)J~~ 0 Sbt : handso me are hie OIl11adiuuUt · and day. f g th Olu from Il 8evere attllck of noumlg ia . . couple of thousan ~v. RhOlldea was 8$rlaen with canna8 . d and 80me more !!IIug "n " e n e 0 , e Miss Mnry P ugh, of neur Lytle, . Mr. MaroellDB Thaoke r Wll8 a Leb . all things going Olll at PIlral1l1i~ while at bl8 farm nl!llr Handso me deooratioU8 in ' the Bame time Apple Tree. vl ~ it<ltl tho MiRses EVil and Com -\lhiDa Ilnon villitor Saturd ay. ID . this olty on a blll-nu d this WIl8 Wllllam l!burjl. plat816 lld bowbl Il~ j. Ill. JaDll8y'lI . Dr. W. M; ~uburgh aod Harner Saturda y nl gbt nnd E?nnday. wife bave on Monday .. We beard a lady r eo , • - • Cente rville M i~s Monimill Bunnel l is visiting ~ been enterta lng IIr. and Mre. Biram mork, "It 18 an nndlspu An Even ing for A new line of tiue box pap,~ at Bender ted fact sbot and ohlldre n of .Byoll ' there i& 80meth iDg going on • for '1 fe w tluys llt the home of Mr. Pleas ure and Profi t, low figUI'flll each "~veryonc is invited t o at J. E . JlUUley'II.·' more Valley Ohio. ,. and ~very day 1m H,lrVey sburg ." 'l'hur8d ny e vening nt tire tho !:iooiol Wi)linm ne,il' Lob,LDo n. , . (''haa. B. WhlttaOI'll Is buildlh g a City Bltll' M . u ::1{ s G R Bunnell enter. N B Janney wa8tra nBaotin g bU8. t10 lJ\ote it be. . ~iven 11y the Epwort h Lellgue of tIliu!~th~rs. ~un~llll;S, Mr. AD loe crl!llm 80ciDI will be held hOU@8 at O,r.own Point! ne~r the lua88 In Middle town MODday.' ~u~r:: ec~~olcoC~~V:;t\o~t~~~ ~~~ th~~ . :ii~~~;;~l'ibbalH, of Dayton , lind Mrs. at 'beFrienda· :W~te Briok Ilee\iu c Boldier a' Home, Daytoa ,and S ogn.u antl brotber lind anoon YTII. Mary . Grahllm aud pand., the'par ticular8 to report, but tbere is vi~itlnl1: with olu n 'lends and r ala. slRtor , of Wellml ln. Ro~ tomorr ow evenlni r. Thul'llCla,,' a8 It 18 finlahed eJ:~ to move hi. ~,hter IBY 8, 1tf1~S MaJiti and 1i8 consola tion In tbe faot "There are aUves of this village. 'he prooeed.811f whioh lire to btl u8ed' wife and claqbt er Into U ~Dd take .b!':di:ua~ re ves a · ew are othel'll" lVliddlerun. who will give to the' toward s purohll sinl( dltlbllll for tbe up hit own realdenC8 at Mis8 B'llze l Taylor. of Dnyton , was iibe lJome MI88' Sue Thaoke ra delight fully public fSeaull anhd completletePrdoceedlngll tho ." guest o.f her grand·pA.reuts, Mr . Fritlllds Ii...,' BoIirdl ng Home .. _ Se\'erol ohildre n In tbls violnity .. from where he OlIn vlalt his ,_mily IAIw r8 as oomp e entertai Ded on Sun.... Ii wllgon y ... re. AI d.e11.a body Ma nuel SundllY for the •• HarvEIY8burg Fertiliz . er an d Mrs. J II mes I d I t ' F ft . ' 'th M' I . K ' . Whitao ho\'e re the whoopi ng oou~ h . Millell Mary And LIZZie :fr811ll ent" an k' hi bo h' 00 The a er >/ e r Moll and taJanne y. Woma·n 8 (Jrelgn IBsloDa ry Mrs. Bllrtsoo k was the Notice. Co:' that for wor mans p, t In !Society held its r egular me'etln g Itt oomfor t. We regret partlDg with wOod and iroD, does oredit to tbe the bomo of Mrs. Martha Wntkin s victim of It. Burllrise Wedne8 day . 'beee gOO!l olt~18I11' but trut tbe ar· Wh I dl .. LI ed highest art in malmfa cture for 8ym· 8atllrda y aftern oon, Tile Friendw Boardin g Home at , ill ' ' eatiatai ilon. ev~~~~:~ Ethel and Elsie BllrtRook en n an~ V . nd proportl(on . The ~oD8truc. ",Dgem en w prove Mr . Orval Menueh llll nnd fllmily. "Ilont 'SuudltY lifter noon . . t Wa nesvi lle metrya Way~vme, Ohio, I~ now coml,'le " , .Splend ld valnl!ll Inohin a dl8he. at Hon could not be of It. 8uperlO with Nina r order f S I V \1 JOnt Sunday with a y had th8'~iece8 oome fro';D 8, mould. ~r . ~~~gMr~. ~~,~I Bro~lfo ~ and ocoupled. A few rooms DO' J. E. ,J~DneY'I. rd .'" Sco tt. .,_ . yet engage d The 18 liken u~ to .a I ' Mrs. Bell8ie Chiokad !til'll. !:!arah B. I:!mlth retnrne d smallferhllze r plant lind obild Bl~:~I'I:l~~n~II~~~~~ :;:n~o.~:~~~,i The Home Ie beautif ully IOCllted, ' Mr. i»muel .foleun der, of WbUe the ca.POOlty ~8 , r en of BallOU., lire ltnt,z visiting Mrs. Middle. home Thursd ay from a most . ~tI8- all thatmodel. IlIu M A WIlS iDtend,e d, the 8,:!pply 1tI Mello. HatfiAld . I1lbAtantlally buUt and hllndeo mel), ~WD, wae II gu88t of hl8 ~It~ o~,lr~~. ll"rllutM, r . IlU JD~~her, faotory vlBi' Ilt Rlohmo nd, Indiana far ~elow the demand , It rs . . eqUipp edwlthm oderno onvenie nOea ! JlJ'II. AJethia Alllzan der, bOlDg .Im . , Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur KAlsey SIJOnt MrH ';lIonb !:icott, little 80n Rnd fro, Fri· aDd New Paris. During her po:ble to furnish the . reqUlre d l snndA.y ID RoomR and bQard,l noludln g '1lgll&, da" afterno on untu Sunda) Dayton with Mr . IInu d,tll ghter, Nina, ~pent Tharsdl lY ' , " Mr. ab8enoe 8he had tbe plea8ur e of prOu~o~bliging frhmd, heat Ilnd lain laundry from 13.50 Aleund er Ie IlODneoted Amos Ellis •. Mrs. Erne8t Ke.lse y . . "fternoon wi t.b Mr~ Freema n !Smith the meetiD g Borne old 8choolm ates has a contrao t oot,ting --t' OO..! week aooord l"" ~ loea- Middle town Dally SlgDal with corD of one ' Mrs. Jesse pll1lln~ smnll son Mil and rtnug htAf , Antll\ aa4 w .. wb"m IIhe Illld not seEID for more hundre d aorell more or L1tS8, Rnd toMln a,re visttlDg "ltb "",.. ..... enJoyln l a two week8' vaoatlo n tba flft p£lrents m Mrs J " IJn W BILrtH"ok and . $Ion ot room. when the O. 8 . rood is Iln a~8ured . umls b urg . . ' . n y dllughto r, Minnie. Rpent Friday. y~rs. . t.o this olty. Grant street will take ' Mr. A. limlted numbe r of nnBlen't part of which had ~n 8pe~, und Mrs . Jo~eph Montgl1U1 ' IIHernoon wil.h MrH Perry Rartl<"ok with ODe partlcul u.rly Intere&tlDg fell on an exlenlli ve bundln boardt'lrs mo.y be aooomm odllt8d. g boom , estl. ,ery. of Do.v ton, hi. bro'hflr . Dr. B. Q. AleD~.r, at ture of her villit WIIR the t>or vic.,,, 'Lt the B,~pt. i!4t. t 'huroh aooiden tal mates h ovorlng "cl08e to or near by " r elntives of thIS 'lre vlsitlDg with _ For f"r'ber .....rtlo"I.1'11 app' ly lu BUda, Ohio. Mr. Alexan p~llce. 8ll tnnlu)" ut ~ Jl III :SundltY 10 :30 d., one meetin g of Allaelln e King, who as seventy five to Olle ~ y • ...y l hundrfl d Ilnd Mr Imtl Mnt . H."rvey Ba.iley I.oo.k 'L m . UUL1llucteti by Elder by lelte to D uf tbt'l beet printera tn the 81& . til and a ohlld 8Ixt,y.fl LeWltl ve yean ago. with elt'lven dol . I nl!uranc e men w 111 ~inner penon or Tb u IllILS , MrS L Craig" t""oh,,r r undel'lltandB Uae bnaln _ fiOm A to her bro~her aud 8181er, Sunday With C har1es AU!ltlD Ilt :,;u!-:"r Uroue School sevAr,,1 Y"lIrt! Joseph and !'C"P a bllrVe8$ A. B C~.umLJ:R, Supt. then and 81ng "This a1Jd f£lmily 011 Yllukee Street . Z . The GaSBtte .ckDO,.I01dges a lIgo WI ll be pre~tlnt 011 t:lundlloY t f th r IS the way I long have Rought., ~nu LYDIA CoIURD, MATRON, ptelUll&n& call from Mr . Aleund er Luoy KI ng, an d a par,! Mr. Ilnu Mrs Barry Browne nm) he would like to meet hiB old 0 0 A mourne d because I found It not. At the Home. WaynesvlJ\fO, Ohio. during hl8 8ta" bere. . little uaught er Marie of Dr,ytuJI . whun '. '1 f ttl I IndlanC lblldren w£re brough t from Last Sunday tbe vlu.nds· served at oelebra ted Mr . Brow~e'8 • - • birt,bdllY Im pl so , I ~ P Hce: To.mor row the oontrac tora ·oom . Indian Territo ry by Thomli8 Oeorge Harlan 's t ....ble for some fifty I:!u~day by ~pe?ding th e P olitic al Feast ' 8tore. and lived for a time amongWells. dtty with Ceme tery Board Meet ing, the gn8!lta- prinolp o')ly relative s of Mr. tbelr pllrent!:! meDee the additio n to OUf , Esqr. ,\lid Mrs . J ohn t Harve ysbur g F _ ____ _ __ Harla n - WIl8 hi t tbe T B to Frlend8 In tbill commu nUy, that· 11 ndted Mra a If hi k . I , or a I y day8 we w i1fhil h t . rowne . · ve Religio us Society baving be. fat s Tllf' SIHlI'll IIf 'I'ru ... t.fll'flll f Miami OIt. the °drW ga gre ~ t~ ! Miss Mari e Benhur n. o f LebuTl ou. CAmete ry vaOllte the rear of our ~t h .. J,1 t.h A il' Il'gnlllr . month. evel Iln d 0 ere A Republ ican mag meeting w .. room, thle will oompel us to epro nct 0 e and Messrs RIl.YllI nlld MIl~l"t. t IInll ly ,n tl()ting ,tt I,htl cem" redaoe fr\~n!~l t~~ ~~~::sbe rememb ered. ~rdr~he ~aDd tAry nffice :~ord~oc:~s : Rupert Blliley, of Wllynpsvlllp , were Sn beld ID Barvo" lIburg Tueeda )' even· our large 8took. ~ll and t,nl'dlLY Illllrning. wit.h thA follo,,,, ' the by many of our older oitlzeDII that :1I:ed. ID the c;lItnlU'Y IIrt. It WIlS ~~::sor"tMrtlt~1I3e~~ ~!lt~~h Ing,.t whloh Judge Sharpe , of C9 redOO'IODB In ever,. hne. ~~~~;~r i~l~r~e~l~b~r~,r~=~t~.. ,M~d.~~. : ~... ;~ We offer Angelin e mllde her bome WIth Mrs. a surpris e to 8ee .z I am b uto, gon. "'.. W hale hellrty looking II'amRnn frOID S" tur(ll1v uft ern""" ~ 1!II.,of Wil m In" • - rge S m tth' I UDCl ' A h ..- the erea&e8t barpln 8 In the ... i I. J h B 0 Bro-n -ho lIB Ie before tb ey h a d bee' e, II er ~, I ~ JlfIOp .' ' ome n· until Snnd ... y "On SlIo(I",I \\It" ~ 11- • I) n 'tOn', Judge J . W . O'Neal l lind Judge ~hoe St.ock; oall a111 price 'hem. ~en rJl Hlfn LLn' I ·'" I.H" lII"rninp : (~nIl Att, ' !!.vme r. M. Cunntn lham, of Lebauo n, Women '-. Mi8ae8' and Cblldre n8' N ·t"han VA tl°':to~e o~~ n~;tbM~f af ated lat ktlhat :rkbll'i:me~g: tb:r~f t.hey WAre j l'linAd hv Mi~",,~ lJ!lrl'i u ~'WM" 1 CIIllImUlllC .t,i" ,,;. .. ",1 rn , • rom DO ng" A~' epic ure -. t Elllot.t lind LUAl1 ~ Nutt ,111,1 Mp "~I'M "O l't~ r l·· j,tltll~ a4dnu ed a larle orowd 0 f enSh usl· Drell8 Clllf uto n. "I\ ta kl nit· ,,, "" rill"" "" If! ' r-I ShOl!ll a\Speol al Barll_ID8 1 aSbe ni, now .manaOll were no W K e liviDg \'~ nne\ in Will Indian Ellint.t Terri· ol1l1ed Into requi8i I . I I tion thAn t.o aReAr . IlrreJl uMope ap}eap on tbe vitll lllUes of The . . c"nn"(\f , Ilad lar~ line of 8oh00l i tory " I ~ t I" (',,, ,, ,.; ,,,.\. I~ ' ~ " le "n Elder In the QrthCl- taln when they were"f ulled" The the day. and Wllmin gtoD BaDd a18· ShueB, :Men '8 Work and I 'C m Socia l \ ~\\"~;::';1' \ " ;\ " ,''' ''lI lr'''II' " II : , ' J DfeIIB dOE Friends chu~h ' JOIMlph and unfortu Datewb oweren . , f t otoonn eot,Pd ce rea Luo:Y, durl'-I their life . Ar R . t 'Oouraed fineat mualo at reqU8n, 8hoea at BeduotlOI1l.· f. were had some share In the festivit ies .,'" i I for 8paoe and cared for tn the homo bere, ,.("' p ~ " I ., Uldl . .. , t ~(''''. 1'1 of anothe r th . dlsoonr tllng muslo b;lIerva la. on this ' There will htl n RII"I" I lI t Mqnnt th .. , XI '! (1'·11' "" iI)" :n,ll'" II" II time will not permit uil ~ give uDcleo f Ml'II.' Smith. JohD 100 Brown ~:I:D~ phono~llpb of Ruperlnr \ Bolly t;aturdllY The Illwn and reatden oe ot Mr. rl088 here. WfJ a.ure you 4>Vllnin !C. Ootll hor more lanel wife who lived on the farm merit, and It.. speaker 'Ph " II ,., :1 ""t?1 lll~\ ~:>k,l nfif Vb.. IItIddeD bad beeD deool'l Atad:' b 8. elngers Rnd 14, for t,h e . 1Jenl1Ht lOr t,~ " M E f' f ~,,".~1I\l ·tha Can be obtal\ ed 80uth.w eet of Wayn8llv1l1e now ~e bandll 1)11.' , I \ It lI b I~\ lll< ,. ' hltlaeemed t{) underst and r t e money thllre chnroh at n tbat plnce, when Ice propert y of Edmun d Re"dlC k Ol·t"'"' fnl . Clt.V " I t\~r I ,,)v·u nlll', fl'O and o*erwt ee prepare d ~ UCl>lm· from any foroed ..Ie. wide aud'itOl'll who were and cake will be on S illti . whICh cut" WIll be m ud " t n . j)ll" r L1I07 hu8inc e died bU~' Jps8ph 18 ~~r:kf~lu for tbe modate th8 mee'lng , but owlnl ~ part which Wll8 Everyb ody . ohrdifll1 . ' ~' John inviteR A. I'uDke" li nd In foli A ftllf'C ,Ii E..)l ti 'n " f t it,· ~ l~!ll t , latlll Ih1D, in Indian TerrI~ry. ,..m it ~ bllld at the U, B, ohareb their prl~ege to enjoy. . made __ _ welcum ___ . e. j . __ GllwHe Lo U,; i!;t4ut!li tSUclU . ..... '






:~e ~~ t~:


~alnt\nr' p~per.

~!t1~~:;~I Y ~~;::~~o~~ ~1~~:~~:e!ldgo,





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fold crc,m IJftlif'WlJrt1.;. A p lrtf#l)' IlIef!'




-,.. ,

l.a l~ I .\'

- -

... e "islted th e farm o f 0 0. the I""dlns boS ra lSCI'8 or sou t h .

r a S l (' 1'1l tOW8 .

A m ong ot her Improve-

II1 c ll l~ w e nOl lre a rement hog wa llo.


I hIL L wa.a about II foot ciCC II a lld s ix 01 "nc n fret "quarl'. This 1'0111<1 he Hll c~ wilh Wilier from nn llll rl e rgt'Ollnd pipe le ading r""'ln a tank "0 a h ill . ..nd rnlli d b~ e ml.l lml Into It. tile dml n ny r~1\I0 " l lIg a plug In Ibe l)clltom. Thll "as rlOllp I wlco e uc h wtlek. aad the wllllnw ctlsl ll re<'! ",1 w lt b crud" carbo Ur ar id. Th r lel en o r a hnth t uh fo r hog. will

BAnd )' , Light S!:l'uct ur e Wb lc h Will Snve Muc h T i, ••· ~ I\d E"cite lll e nl Wh o.. H~ .. dli .. S B ees . A handy hOtl ~l' ffll' IJI'l'ld"f"pC r S w h ic b "" til ~RVl' 111114'11 lill ll' u nci ('xe il c m c olio t

h f' Up ibTY I~

!'oh(l\\' 11 i ll

th o

C'Ul. says

"'.Irm and lIo lll r

I t is nUltlr of light tl131 £'1 riai alld (' at : !Il' {'asl l r m oYer! hy

h and ,

.... 1)1 11"111 r ilth'II Inll8 to some

Th e f'OI' lI pr pos t s al't'" of (! im one

And 10 11 lw,n; arl' o r

(I iut'

nr Iilp ronmC Il i · hlll ~e " 101'

m e ns lons . The fl'OI"1' It f I he fl nd t h (\'


reader., but

we arc sure Ihll t " littl e r.onslder"t.1o n " .iI1 r'o ll,' lnre t he mOBt pr ejudl red tha l & d en n pla ce In wh ic h to waltow II Ril e fur hog h ea lth . 1'hll8(' who favor the mllrt -ho le IIRY 'ha It I. nallll'al for Ih e hOI: to cove r him se ll wl l h Illlld Rnd wall'r : and tha.t who ll a t h ing 18 nai ll ra l II Is not de trl'uC lI lal to h 'nl th . Tbey t e ll liS th at Ih e hOI: I ~ a n o n -~ w ea tl nl': an i ma l. an,1 I hal I ho onl y IlI OR n' he hilS of coo l· tnl: hllll Relr Is In the wa ll ow: a nd If I h ~ wallow Is nn t pro \' lded h e mUot " " trel' fro lll th e h en l. Tilt· ''''gllme nl looks well In prin t, hili w,' hlll'llI y I hlnl! It ca n s tand In· '·esll/:Rli,," . A<lmlfllng l hat It I , na.tur al for Ih e hOI: 10 ,,·allo "-. <loes not prm'e t hai he 8he>llld w!llIo w In a ;:" rm ·i nfcst cd lIlu rl -hol n to mal nla in his hl' oll h . The ure~e n l- da )' hog 13 I he I"' ~ 1I11 of a grea t d oal of CroShill c"'I l i ll ~. Ih e objert of whi c h was to ( h llllgl' the s h ave an d m uch o f t ba na l llre o r the pr imitive hog . Our do m es l ica tecl h"l':. ,Iecl ares Ihe ' Farm. Pi e hl and Pl r os lde, wo uld die It h u we rl' placed In Ihe ha unt s o f l he wllcl hoS'. a n d ex pected to 1I,'e as did t h pri ndlh'c wild h og , becaus he heo ll " red away from t ho nll tu r o hahlls or the wild an Imal. Th o llg h It Is In! e tb at he n eeds ,,'a · rc r Ie. cool Ills body. he needs, le a s t of all th i ngs. t h e Ill t b y wallow v.b Ich "ree d all manlier o r germ e nemies . Hr ne ed" water- Vllre. clcan ", ;Ilc r- to 0001 hi s body on tb e SUIIlmer afl e rnoon s. Glvc him t be ch llic a or a dirty wallow or a tro ugb Riled wll h clea n wat e r. Il nd to ur limes ~u t of Ihe h e wl\1 take I be latte r. We arc !lu re t h at th e cem e nt \\'allo",' t h e bnt b-I ub- lIke the o ne abo " e de3(!rlbec. will SOOIl become onc of t he fixtur9S o r t be up- io-dat e h og yard .

I)), nn t' alltl onr -hn lf ilw hes . The uOl tom

at'(' IIlull e of lighter DUI -

t erllli. Th e leUI I, Ih 'e a nrlltllr -hlilf fC ~1 hl,;lI . th r('c fe N whir, HII( I f O ll l ' fert IOllg'.. I t IS

h ln brd 111", .. 11",1' al "lI l' h jo int. The ta l' t ram,· illS in,id(' th e 11':t",,, \\'o l'l. of l h ~ t ~ n t , helllg l ed 11 IJW Il 011 with tWO

h ool; s 11,""le . TIIi, h .. llI, I h ~ ICII I ollell 8 1111 In 1"", 111 (111. In Il le "lIll he top Is s ho wn Ihm ,,' n hncll. The r'''''cr lug Is or .Irou~ "oll o n rlnl h. ~'~l' pt!l tt lc('e 18 1: 1 "'I P~ wi tle or w ll'(" 11(,1 t InA on (l Udl side, " 'hHI gi\,('" mor~ IIghl "1111 Hl r.


tv•• .trelJled .teI " daJl)' ba! '.{"t: .,.Itll thfJ full suds, ,/li d promptl)· b(!~.. ma cletlr, TtlrllJr on lire _tectlJ ylt'ldefl/~ . ...,. II, and leL'f tlwr Ilod • tend.. ' 'Y lo~ "anIs hflrdenlllK of tht! ak/rr regalneJ fher.· ntlturltl cOlldlt/on, till .not/,er fllml/y had joltrt: d the chorus 01 frlclldly ilf:da/nr. And so It I. e"erywhere, tho ~ e 'M ·lto know the" elder The lillie Brown Men of Nippon Are Ove rrunning Ihe Islandr broiher" welt;ome fhe Ilew·rom e,· Place: Ikcoming Orie nlalized In! tead of Am ericanizedfor the uk" of fhe flr~I' &IIolI'n, Whetbar' IIII"d Sepol/o 60t II _ore and . IIose M'ho meel both for the first anthuslaJJtlc 'Welf:om" In 1J0mes wh",.. lime lire plullllfd 11110 a "'ltlmslr:,d Sapoflo WII. an old lind tried frIend. worry II" fO ...·hleh fhey cOllld btttll:r or " 'bere II w.r. a .tr.nger. I. II quesTh e )' t'lluw I.crll ·, 00 111 > 1lI 0rp I haa a 11 0110111111 : " In l VUI), Slt'co l'ltln g to (he . pare if they had 10 mllke IJ c:hr*e. tion , Whero women hlld come 10 rely II looks a s O fn c' ('PlI:i Il S, I hpr f' w e r t'! :I .tIIIU lI ath' !: m yt h o\, er In II ll wali . l h n ll g h 1)1' ('\ t y SQ PTl l b e re w O ll ld LJe Il l! Uo)I U A.lal il·s ill Il a wa li. a ll o r wh o m. on SapoI/o for rlJpld, thorough deanp lfu' e rl) r , no I1 I'NI o t', whltr m e' ll t h £'lH' , TRY HAND SAPOLIO. wil h lll a r,'w } t"'tHS , w l llllll n ' H \ n , C~ In Ing In "very part 01 th" bOIlH eJlC<tpt It, .Iud y u . e will keep the hand ~ O rh'C' ttl!' Jap Si t' H1 f"c l a ,'ary tral'lu b! t', I h l'l l' IPC li o ilS a n d IIHllI lt 'al l lOw C' r IIHII It the laundry, they commenced witIIout of any bus y woman as wh ile, un8R ti~ rl\d() I')' P i f" I1l C'IlI In tlw la lH!. u fa l:'· w i ll h I' it1lP OS~l h lc 10 igllo l l No la tll t loss 01 time, to avllll 01 thIs nt:Wf prize. ta nn ed and prell y u if she wa' I y ha rrl ,w u l' killg , peae 'C'li hl e f:J'f'a lun', 1'011 111 h ~ f(hln d with Ihl ~. or ('CHII'o" , I f !t Orubby little hllDdtl, and stained. omrkunder th e COll i lanl ca re o ( a cit} " ' il ltng ttl III lt u r 1I1 e: alIIY 1 01l~ Hl 'l Mlillel lil W(,l'e 1I1 ) ~~l h ll! lu Al llt'r in llll /.f' Ihe Jup . 'W(lf'n older ones, whitened, .tdtoned, mani cure . It i. ,"uly " The DalnlY of $14" llI o nth 'l lIHI " h r~ p " hlllI se lr. I\II L :llIrs(", I" I h e ~ an \l' \\'a~ lb •• I rI~h . Oer· fInd smoothed out liS If by mllglc, calWo man's f t iend, " in the suu urh. h e hn ~ III(Tfla~(lfl In Il tllll iJC'n; a t an ll ti - I11 Hn . allli nl h pr~ UI'(' Am f' n l"lllll :lOed nu t or on the fa rm. lous .""Is dl!Jllppeared, and r;nmlOllnri il1g ru l ~, IH' ha srl un ,-,('ri " o rl((l I'~ , il i !i Im Il D ~:; l hle . T h l' J n pall (,~(, are w lll Th05e ul;ly dark brown . treak. plexlons c:lellred, Children cetlscd IY.J t h sl<llled &lId tl lI ,l< ill e(l . r rom th olr in ~ In llf'flll i l'(' ll lt l h ,' ItHHlIllI g tha'. lhe on the nec k. a ri~ing (rnm lig ht tbelr strenuous objections to the scrubf oothol.l , ~pnl Ih f' Hl to ~(' r- I \ fl irt ",,,, o lTiol" lI l tan i l11 pa rl . hut lh ~y r e rU!!I6 collar., and thl' l ine "here th " a unburn Sl O p S , ca n be wiped out Sotl)f' whp l'es p i N", Al rrady t h e JU l' ~ I uhh()rltlr 10 h l~ u :-\~ im ilal Ci t in th e hHly bln6 up proce!is. ~u.o II bt:uuJa a by · the \'c h -el), la lh e r o( H .~ ~ I' pr"lt~ I1t'HI' I~ own s Jl awall. 1'o l il ic', wi! h I h t~ r mwl l t hRt It h a~ he ~ S " POuo _ It (!I, i ndeed, ., The TII (' , c· l\ I·'" some 7U,Or)O o f hi m I n a pop ' ("li m e m,lt n r iOll i: a Dlnu~ well -iu ru rm N1 DainlY Woman', F riend." l' ialioll of only l r.4,noo, and adel to th rsf' Ih' n ph' Ih al th e i sl:1 nd s Off' h ~co mhl " .

Cemtm t T ro u gh 111 imal. Ca ll W a llow Will bf Ol'eat V alue.

~~~~ ~l!'




The Japanese Are Taking Possession of Hawai'j





2S ,IH)() C h l n r s(l alld ....... . Hnd a lmost IU O, ~ ono Ul'lt' III R ig , H~ Ol ltlOsefi til rl ho l1 t 1:3,· Ot)1) \' hll ('t; , Anti th iS ~ llIn o f wh ile~ 111 -

OI' l l' l1t iilll. f' d in~I c al\

rlUt les . u~~ltI s Anwrlcali R. F.1I ~ I I" h . Ge r-

('~ p e ll ~ I't' f" e rrl)rts In C'1I tnfO rI

ma n ,


I,~t'e lll' h f\ n~ 13 r, ~ \\'


may not

~ I'rm


i\1ll {' rh 'H ni l,~1 1.

A 111 Prl t'A. II mI9Sil) lIal' il~ l'I o f e \,flry SPI'I a lld t1u nnmin nl ion hu\'{.! ma ri e f"a rU flHf Ilnd

I htl J npan .

n t hfH' E \l r np('Iu II S:

e<;C' to Chl' hU an a nct ('alH 'a s ia. lI \\ H Vt; or

so \'o r y fa r out o[

I h lll klll t'; , hut i n vn in ." . I r ~ ' irle, 1 In 1I 11"," il fl' om 1 8~1 , 9'j . Rnrl eve n th e n Ih" I'l'o hl olll " 'a ri b gln lllll~ to ma lif' ;t80 1' f.-.l 1, \\,hp.r\l \'e r rh flrp. wer e .Jap IlIhol'lH'A t h f'r(\ wa,s s ur e 1'1 UP m n r o or I( 's ~ I rnllhle ; strl\,p~ t; UI11 Ul 'J Il . 110 II ,· li e noU n s "bo ut h o me u f m a u tl~ l' r an el :~ I 1 1t1al'lf'r~ w h f'rf'" t l h~ la!Jllrc' l':i d w elt , a s a wllf} l ~ I h " .Jall ~ (ll' r l l y ...· fH· la l<~ r·


'1'1 1(' EnCJ Ualil'fl .. d h.I:l'O al"l'l&II~t'd (or the lUIlUO ,d,:tl C c"xl'~lIdlllll't' of ~-:!'l;;,I)OIl f~\1' Ih~ i l l>l!· I ~I1 ,\\'tlm of the I Il l"'" l 1111)("','1 '" Ulld d


Ih.' H!Ul "It.II\\"a ,\ tilM lHtl thuL ua ye t. h n:1l p ut o n lilt! IlI url,cl , It i ~ kll u\\ 1l Ih lilt! !lull EI 't' U'it' ~cllu l pll"re .:\ t) l'Il1 ul C I ~tlr ;-..) I+Le.m , a ud ill (.' pcm l cti by t'ltnlhm;Jr~ ~ l l)l ' H~ I ll, t.te"It·~, n lc lme hCl\\'t:t:1J Uc rl? o.!.l~ta



\\'a li lod

cXf"'rd ~ ('

Th (~r

1i1 l'lr hUIl,1 to I1 nYlhlnl:. As SOOIl a. t ' onl l(l'~ t;UlIlnlt.' l

har1 oX lllrpd.

o rr

Ih ~


\\011111 I filii", .. wi Lli h is hun dle anr1 :+e tudt rOf' pa :; llI J' f"'~ IU' W, a s a rlll ~ eu('h new" \ 'C' tlt lll' f' 1 C'lld i n~ m ~ r"; \l lI r .



Jiul {l h i gtlt'r (:oU1 '

ts lnnrls : whil e workmen fo unr! th olr s killC<l I~hor und er so ld : fr o nt Kaunl on Ibe norlh to Ii a \\' a lldownln Ihe s() ul~. th e J Ul' .wur m p.rI . 10'lm and cou n try tak e n pos~cs.lo n or. A nd what. has It e .. n t h~ r e,,,It ; wh"t

fi r!"1 ;t!


1'11l.nt.!'o tilt' c-h-ar ging t he lIIl!cnt."'to.. \\' b .('J. wil l btl InCal(lc1 It' \: ltu lht'rlul'll .l uo ...·l It111. H HIIot .... woori ,11111 ('11"0 , :--'ufT~rll . O:<f llrti ' and ~lJlk11 town.. Th e- lill e tn hc..' IIl'Vll'l't ~ l h", pl," ",,,, "

l Wu UIII! fU lir Il';\(' I;:-. nl ddl'l " l' lIt

i~ llir 1IIUSt. eongc~too part o f t he Erie t;~ t>o t.C1U. lI itlH'l·to It nHWlI .d hl nl'~ . wlll (' h i~ a tnW('r wit h §ignai;. "I' em lp,\ hr It


Itu:, he:cn

tll \\''':1'IIIU II ,

~_t·dioll , hu t



U .... L"lf

u IIhlCk , .r r,"

hll "'l , " 'en d l!l'1I1 0~ l)o\');\. In

ioittllll 1111 I'm t nlflntH' 1'l,·~tl' 1I1 fn r £111' hr'r prnt el'lloll , nnrl to nrf,'plel"u t c t he 1I1' ,n~ ­ I11rnt d tl'8 i1us, T",' tH: W h",.. t Itl ,,~iII Ih!


J a il sl ores lIlulllplle d o n lhe


ut r ile c.i ll'\ lan t:'l!. a h,)u L Olll' Itl1I1 OIlt.',lIl1rd 1tulr.'1 :I1':Irt , I t w ill tI."CI'lIl'e Ih' l ' Pu \\ " r


II , 1'''UItt lI u t hP :::il't'UHHI ll hl~ 10 pu t

lIH l ln~ lo w u , a d n.l:lIl l't' n l eM

W . '"'i,pctl at , )fit · ' . Fo r t!l,' .. ig ll illlO will b~ nut t \'i)- thll d .. ()f " mile " I 'HII '! : rtn· t lu- l 'l!;(

t IIC'

r·lls. Th eir abilll y. how " ,· .. r . wh pn l b. , qll c~ ll one( 1.


, J ,~


milcl", i:!'l

cs.nw'led over t ile "'Ilt i r(' Jill(" in "he f utlll c.

S I h .e eet a nlr dozen h e n ~ whkb 'mit t!l e e YE - he n" that s ing an d ar~ a lwloYs bll sy :' brec ll 10 best full- blooded DOCk n ",.l1u\)I ': I.cel' In a !'OO Ol ,\' breedl nA I ell : g i ve Ih e m " Ilce ial ca l'e: rR lse 11\0' (· "llo·c IIm·1t rOI' I'n sllln:; )"~l\ r frulll I iii" 11 ~n: nn,1 lweI' Ih l' IIil fro m ,\'1""' I, ; ·ca r . Slirn lllnl " tw ns 10 III )'. f)"c r h:l lli

pleauf'e, It freshened up the hllnds H e ~1\9 S tln g y _ lifter dlsh-wllshln6, remOl'/ol the most Ba l",hlppr--{' In:-:di t 1';"'01 1I 11l ll1nlt 1 1t~ II(' r rllslIJlreeab/e letlture of Ibllt neceS5lIf'Y than t .. 1 h a Vl" ~0I11 ~' t't'lIl 1\'" " foil. h ll ll fl'lr a ttlsk. It w •• found to keep dellCllte loltJl , U 't't'" wer- r" that sn ! • \ ·c"': it u-in·.,z h i m !4n Ill\u,h 1.lertHUre t\J ha ppnn ... 1i (0 t h e OU~lf!fJ OIlOR'! .Flrs r \\'9 bllby .klns from (:/.llog better ,hlln , 1,"11 " I.eak nf t hp ·rort ltg ll ese. looker! ulve or powdet'. .nd tbe C:f'ownlng ~C'''''' .''-P h i l .d.lohi. R '.orrl. J ,\ PS IIAR I'I';ST IN G RI C K u po n In II nwali with mudt t avo r I) i n · note In the .onr 01 del/zht ClIme w/Jen th t' \\ay In Sll eul( ll1 g o r lh c un £> ut a lh:a· Il " Hl rln " ~ . thrift y . r l'lIl\ lulI • . Illw -Bbflling lin adult member of the Illmlly used It ,,1 11 7.~ n s . Tw ril l y )'~Rrs n~n th pJ' C.R IIl O In a full bath, lind t'etll/zed tha, II ROUGHAGE RACK FOR SHEEP l illli o f l h Is te rt" Ol }' or U 11I:lc· ~"1lI " \\' \'11. whillo ftt : hOH ontllhcell s hnwn nve r 10 lIaw all frulll Mad ei ra and tho Turkish Ba,h lit II cost of ont: dol/tlr Cal'" VerdI' IHlalld. hrgA n "s con l r act ~'IIlI. outdooe by II smtl/l fraction of the Receptacle trom Which the Ani ma ls tl tlll t h e J,,))~ a re II wOhtlerrul l), 11f0l;aborers. Or;I<I""lIy IIII'Y 'IrHtntl away lIttle. ten-c:ent, velvety CIIke. ~rc· !i~ I\' e. a vc r)' s uperi o r ll eO pl r '~ May Be Fed with AdvQn taS'e from t h f" P"JlJI;ll. h) II ~ , "f14t III tOWU H " ·(Os ; hut j ll s l f'xadl )' wh a l is m e AlIl t,,}' But. strllnge though It may ·.ee.W. --Prevents ~a8t~ r(II",,1 wnrk lh ll l e nnhlpII Ih olll 10 hulld th tHr "c l\· ilil..atlo u '! " It Is a VCr)' t! 4:t S t P ril homes of th l'ir own; t h l! POrfll~II f't;~ 1;4'1 1· tllrre were people who ".l1li not lellrned " 'GENERAL" EOlt 26 CENTS I am sOlld lllg to yo u a photogra ph o r nn:a lr. Ihr:ir enu e 01' IllO ra llty a ll )' l/IIII/; ou)' hec 'a nte :t va. lu ahl e f flal l l rA of' t o ",' n to prize s.pol/o_ To thetle the .dvera rad, t ha l I 1I1l" e found 10 be \,ery It,,: hI\;h . Th o J ap Qll nr te rs In ~I o " o · IIfr. , Ilu! l1l eltlh N'$ J.;flOrl l ' l l1 i',fH1~ The Nas hville, Ch attanooga & St.Lou iJ IIsing of li.tId S.pollo ClIme as II Mlll li S ful In f ed l ng roug b roddel' 10 Rhee p 1111 11 arc nOllJr lolls . mo" t or th~ )l oo r lit· s.poI/o,.. scouring _p, Railwa y is disl ribu ting a. , 'c r,' bea utiful th e J ap, tno, RUI lIrPlI or :..hf! t;oll nt ry, SIlrpl'iMC, lith og raph. 1 8x~ 5 in c hes. of t il e (a mou3 III t he ),nrd . writes a corres poud e nt ot li c do li -wi ves tb rro' " I,"IIIl e al lallt e". " engin(! u Ge n c ra l" whic h is no w o n cxhi· t he Prairie Fa r m er. Th e ge n e r .. 1 'Th e rTl t! U arc as conr :(' , l c ri allil ab~1'f' S!-l t \'C bili" n in t he Un ion D epot , C)lattnnooga . make-uri "r t be rack Is 90 cle ar 10 a. Ihe), arc th: l;1 n: I hll .lap c li ara" le r I. Teull .. The p ic ture is ready fo r fra m io,! the IlIlI stratlo n t hat a n ex te nded dr.. II0t hell! III hl~ h .)~t "'H t~ .. UI by l h e whll ~~ ~e m ailtd to· any- aoddrcss (o r a ntf ... hI lIawnll. 81111 pXllI' rl e nce bas I cs s~ t\l' <! twent y -fi ~e CCllt~. The- " 'G-enera l" wa~ e"th ll~t"" l11 ro r lhl s c'J o l1e Importal/un captured by the And're ws!' R 1bid e rs at B i~ THE FIRST srJl:r ..... Allr! rugardlll!; 0111' r:1vll1 ,... uo n. th ,· Shanl y (now Ken nesaw )... ~co~gia, on th ~ 'rolD .elf·re.s.. tlct I. leell of J&I.aue"" reel th ey l;now ve r y "," 11 uuw Wes te rn & Al lantic Rad road;..A prill2t h, cere to pePJIoa.1 cle •• U. De ... , lb. fll'''' IDO". 10 RJu a: h th ey wi s h 1.0 adopt, It u w ",u,,1t t 1162. a ltd W AS reca pture d by Conduc t!tr build' •• ap _ prope .. pride W •. A, Full er, Antho n y r.rDTphy anJ. l e'A. vt! alone, A J a pi\ lI ese pav ,'r pull · ........ ""om.a. or chU' othors, n ca r R inggold, G3·.• after an excitto • vl.1t to tb. b."t"b. II Kh "tt In t he Is l. url". th o 11 ,,""11 ~ hIDl ­ Tou caD"' b . . . . .Itby. 01' ing ch,, "c o! ?!;..Illt 'llnely mile~, It w •• po a Hhort. t1 me "I!.O nlld 11.11 ~~ Ilurtu I r e u,., or CVrD IInod •••• one Il! ',ll t r.::o;;t thril li ng exploits of th e fl • • )log 11 •• wbl eh may h e Inl e'rpre t ed aft"r Ihl s Civil W ar. The o bject o~ tile raid W3 ~ " ,\ND SAPOLIO. fas hi o n : " Yes. we are vtlr)' wllllll~ to pl ..... to · Burn the Iirid ges nil tho' Weste rn & 1;0 hllmnly ot ),O llr honorablo ch urdl es. Atl ant ic Rail road . nd cut: of!' the Cnn · end ~ v ~ n beco me m e mb~ rs or you r 11 011 ' federate A r m)' from' if3, b ;o~e " f "u ppl ie~ , A tiookl ct, .. The S iory of; CII'Ie C e nerill.~ ora ble I;ongregallons. bc,~ all~ e lh~r4!b l' lent free lI(1nn a pplication~ . we obtal o .. rree edllc:!t1on hi ollr Ra: boO ls THE HOL'GHAGE RACK. Bu t ace .. pt your rell glo.II·( Neve r ! 0111'" W . r.. D ,\Nt:EY . G. f': A. N • • b\,1lI0. Chatillnoog:\ .'<.: ~t. Loul . R', Itdapled lor tbe hIInd., thtl lace. thtl tllilcd descr.lpUon Is unn ecesk UY. Sucl, I. older a nd It " tl~r, ilnd 1I1~r .. ts no r~lt · !Wal tL,mo i Tuu n~ an arrangement can he made about ~O 50n why you sbould 1I0t o mura,·" II ! ~' , generlll ,00let P Impoalhle, It would 'l'h e ml s~ lonarl es who broll g ht Amo~l­ ~ lI c h eR wldw and "'hate ve r le ng th I' be horrid. Who eVer hellrd o/sucb .. c lvili7.flU On to th e Hllw ulta n w o ra ' ' :e~i ra bl e. I presu mc. ho we,·cr . tha t u§eP Finally a bold .hopper CIIrrled Ne w England Prol ". ta nts . anll wb e l! 10 or 12 feEot Is quite s ufflclNll , Two· home a Qllce, Doe. It /ook like kitA STL' ltDY JA[' . th ore e llt er ..1 th .. tr tie ld Chris ll;trlS 01 iJ)' -fou r IlOsts are uscd at either corchen SllpoJ/oP No one I• •ure, and .. , ". hAve tried ..II' lind, at wat~ IIII' Ro man CathOli c: raUh lh .. fOrill er I\{~ r . If ea ch ot these Is mad e 40 cam o to town an d c r (' pt i n t o t ~e Po rtu· clolhing and have never r=nd anyrhinJ inches In hei ght. and the bottom II felt th e grentp.flt hartll hAIl hera li e n CU Il - &11l"!!:)e p o~iliu n s , Th e I .. tle r arE' n ow CIIke 01 thllt I. bought••ntI comparison verl ed Ilaw o lI . Wbn.t now mu", th ... drmllde. Behold. lamlly u!llllll both the at any price 10 C!?~ w ith, yo<Jf Fish so II I1>ced tbat It Is abou t 15 In ch es aeeudllllt. of lh oH~ I'Ilrly Now f;lJ ~b "tl Il'R\'lng f(a wali in lal'J:(' nllmll l'l'~, do· Brand for I'roteelion from, all; ~nds r:I S.pollos for every r;onc:e/vllbltl - purfrom tb e ' ground, the men" "re me nt s mlss lonaritls t hllll' w he n 11IPY tllI,l Ihe parll ng fOt' ~ I l"ico . Co na,l a an d t he ~." Affer will fit the a vel'agc s bee p ' ve r y w ell. coun lry ove r.'lIn hy a {Jco[lle Ihall1ull,\') 1' 11111'11 S I :\I ~S . l ~ssl' lIill~ lil e ,dlli e 1101' pose, .nd com".rlng notes I m. n .. ml I n.1 .,M"", at ttll..~rit t'J1" of ddt ailtllllc ll.dlclleJ' It•• , I"" hlld ul"-~ ' .ppUeatlhft) ellslly and qu/c:kly dellns/nll II Jlt'ellsy On t h o Insl d. of t h e rael, I hn" e IIla ce') hllltl prntp',1 agl<lII"1 th o ra lih lno l. IA III NI Ill a l i l ill \'i: ry t'o n ~ lfl e l'a lJly , Th t' n,'j ::i a rln)o:lIi1l1,~ ti l: tlll('lr~~1 nall('c· !IO Il' C ~ lant1n g cleat s whlc b I; ee ll t il o III f hf' 1I f1 \\'Hlla ll !;? ~lI r l'l)' (t p r ohl r lll II I Highest Alvan! World'!! Fair. t904. r ou g h a~e in t ll c mlrJ dl e o f tbe r a c k , ~ hh.. ttl the ~r'r rilor r: Ih f' Itlan l,f' l's 3~ 1 i.lh i~ w a ~' , 10(1. THE DISTRICT SCHOOL A. J. TOWER CO. 11l~ (fir Illorr A ~: j " ~, t h p L a 11o I' TI ad l':; tpu(\ilJl( t l' preve n t was t. e . \JeolrJes k'!"f OF SPOTLESS TOWN

1hcil' OI.n l', I'I':O: nnel m'll.. (' wanne l', Hil"

Ir,,!! !n IH.: h nr the chaff out of th e \\'1 , 01

It \VIII Alwa ys Hut'! the BURinesil of Ol e H eney R aiser lUI W ell AS th e Hon est Comp eti t OI'. Tb ~ bee- I,oep"r \\' ho 1.1,,1'('" un ripe h eme)' o n Ihl' mo r l,!'!. is nOI in"lIl' ln l: h is OW II uu .l ncss ns " ho n y It rollucer. bllt i" Inj uring tlt e h UR ln cs8 or eve ry<,nc (\ I ~c Who nrOflu ces hon ey ror th o r" ark cls. Ne!'l ul' nOI pro l'e rl y evapoInl er! a nd rll)enetl 1M n long \\' a )' orr f rmn !teing hu ney. in t h " se nse thnt ' lOn ey ~ h o uld ' be lnl, ('u el t.hor fo r food 01' med ll'l n c. It IR 1I g reat pity . s a Yij the Mid iancl I"nrme,'. that all kl ndR of hIl RIr.rSH hav o th e il' scalpen; who d e~l r to )liar .. th e ir prOd ucts o n t he mark et ll l1tinifo iJ ed and In co m p lete. Por rea ro th e produce rs of fn r m bu lle)' hav e Butf l' l'ed Ih e 10SH of hn ndl'ed s of ItlOusa" r1H of ,lol1ars fm lll Ihl s ra u ~c alon ('. ~ llt1 no w Ih e Hh lfll cHS . ho ney prodli cc I' ).l co min g In (0 )' b ls s hal'e of l he loss in h i. g r eal hllrry to gCl his so-~alle ,1 hon ey lI)1on l h roarl' c t uefllrc lh e be p., h a\'l' had time to e" a WJl'Dle l h e wB ter th e refrom an d ripe n It lID that II mal' b e ,'alle r! hone)'. If Cll n" "m\'l'" \\'Cl ul ,1 r e fll s e II} Il(lv e a th ing lu do wi t h HOcnllen h" " e,l'S wh ic h no 110 1 we lg" 12 1' (" " 11):; tn Ih e !;Illlon. It mi g h t " e tha i : he , ll1 fll css 11I'odll ce r of n eclol' fu r th e mor llN wo 11la! he eo mpe ll erl to k ee l' hi s III'OrlIlCt IInt ll It wns ftlil y r i pe ned .



av.,,.o ••.

Bome Blnt. as to Bow to Impr ove the QURlity of YOUI' Bens-Nee d Care and Thought.



t';ra ,ns. ! 1)1 Ih e ~ h pC IJ ·

I think th a t

an ),on n

f'h l("lly \\' 11('at: a ~I iff !Ilea l mUHh 1)1\1',' .. liti'::: m :llH ' ! h rll l srra tr' h to ~f"1

wllo h H~ !o\IH: h a rad.. as t h itl w il l ftorf. It \,ery sat ls fa r tory ,

'T"S\"'" s mail who II"', l C' a~ JlIl ' I I1 .


r l'aln· · J.:i\'~ rrr', 11 I,o lle

en,l1J .! ,l 1(1 H\\'n llnw l ui W'! tIny p r r fH~ 1 1.


(' aLklJ,.:('

fl r' tld


Tin' Jap~ f rom ,I ll' tlr ~ ' , I l '(' ll ro \' f' , b ril'l~ hl th (' ir wl)nU" 1I alOHa,; Itl h~11l In

Imil II

hO ll!'

1l 1l1l1o:

up (n: I hl'm In jllJll P lip a nti p if'k: or ~" 1 a f " lIr · I HhlH'1 box III ' h e PPII hil \"


111 " 1;' h a\p 1,I'j ' lI Intrlll llJl t'd

" ' hi ll' ~ l lnf'l'illg frl""u c nn lli.

How th e Rope M ay B. A dj us ted S o os to H ll v o th e M"s t U nr uly P Ol'ker Under Co ntrol.

).( ""'1' ~ ":4 l11a l ·t ,.\ It'( '" flllll ct~, nnl l n Ylrl ;.'. , ap ,lrI ft'()ftl la )' i ll ~ h f'I1 :i:

,\·'-' 1


,11P,\' IOlO\\' II," insli n r t thai nl l'cldl ... ~u m t.

p"l1l'1 , tl h"

wi ll

f'!..:j, I'( ·I:l111

"' ("m ~,l \f '


,, ~

Ih ~1 1'

l ' ll~ f a}'lf'l'

n ~~"~

fo ;'

t han I lip,\'

('rl n

111('111. h t' n " ~ "" ) 11'1 l ay HI a i l.

Too M uch COl'll . On e lllitO ~a y:, h e ha ~ had no e,g;;s

. 1' wlnl r r . hut hi " he n" a l'e ral


h I' re/ ll l-, Ihl'rn w{" 11. Thill i!:; ju s l Ih e. tl o llh ic - fufI mu(,h COl'll. It iii al m o .i l

. , h:ll'4 1



ror a h e n to m aliC CJ::.L.~ S O ll l as II I" for a lIIan to coin

L:,fJ; t1 (i(lllan~ 0111 o f j lln l( iro n . ' vf111' I;ti ng" wi l h Ihe ('orn .

F' 'ell

t en r ~ct

I fl n ~.

hil\ I' he,' 11

I WIf'f"

;l S

f1 1" 1 'f' ~s a r r

and lh :lt I h l' ,'1II' pll1 :-> l;ll lnr, rlll llll l ,'rln J,: !->lJlllfll hlll ~ Illd' :,lIllIJC), h aH

(,f lga !.: I'" i ll n'l' c : h ; " Iic: al , l' f O rf' )-:!" loT l ~ 1 fllt' r p:' 1)111 ('

I iii '


P II n~ ClII ~ ,

11 :III\i ' , l I l li ,

\\' 11 0, 1/("'" f,-.llcJw , has

111" '1 1 J..!I!I II ;': II ) 11 11' \\ .111 ~ OI\I I' ritH" 1'1(:-0 1 -

'Il l

Ih tt 1)f ' l' ll lIr t h . IIth l' l kl ll ) \\ !" 111I11I :: tl'), -' II,, :, la le l:; lJ(~('1I li~htl ' I ~HI of' w hal \\'url; l it' di t! r.!i n~ lo. a uelillt' .I ,l p, Ur(·UIII :-H' , I!;l l1 e! IH"'Snn III ~l' II:I!-o ~(l l hl ~ JIIU 1I'I Jl II IIIIlI TIH' w ri l.t'b \\hll l' PI ' I'II. )'I'l1n\\ pt'fi l,

Be v e 0

fee t 10 the celli ~r ·01 th e ~ h ort rope be tw ec II the loops . Pass t he l oo p ~ over I h~ h illd [eel of Ito g anti Ilra w lon g : n pe het ween frunt fee t anll ove r nose . "1 he n uark again I hrou,,1t ~ h o rl rap" _ Pu ll f<: 1'wurd O\'er 1I0se I\lId bac k agall\ no u ~ for c an,1 ti e. Wlth ·thl s arrangement. . nys t ·. e Farm and HOllie. lila hl,g Is in eonlplet e ('on l rol.

:I S

If ' lf '!" ~ :

orr !!Iree f ~"t " li d tic a 100 1) in earh e nd . as s ho wn In th e ·,' u l. Ti P lh o r e m ol nln g-

" ~ll l1i t ' $;

I n f Ill, ' wt)!I " I!!':' of 11\ " 11 1 :1l1r al l(.r:~: :lfld Ih :l l 1 11i~ liti s !'('s ul l l'd In (II II IIW I I1I1II: d l ~ a..;t r !·I1~ It ) nil 11 111 i llll ll(' d l :I I (\<;- I I)!'H T' i:"l;

An c'a 5), war for OliO man to handl e a 1r,:':' clII W'1' ('hoff I n il and it s prin ld,' I:lrl':o. \'i el" '" hog Is hy flI ~a ll S or n O,·e· nl ~ nnll(l\\' ('r :-..rp d in r 11f' (' h alt . Th, 'y ~1 !; hth H - ln d. rOil a \\'0 11 · 1 1:1 .\

(" '!l lIril a nd Ih ,' ~ I"n ha lll :-i' ;. !.;f'OI·I;lllon tt f II tJllo l lilu r:l i:.fn~ IllI'ir VO i f ''-':-' a ~ :li m~ 1 a l l )' " urlhl ' l' I IU ptl t !"II I I I I 1'11(' \\!f'r (' hall l ... n :.ll, ol ' ialio fl P, I \ ' I" ~ 1... ~I I I1I1 Hl y !bat Il1ar.\'


A 11l1 , ~1'1 I h l' ltl h y SOI1l~ lIew teen , as




11' 1' s ;lIllll e r : );i ,'p " "8ril'l),

.r. ('I....


Ihl' T i lllt!H l LlI ~ ~ 1IC' a l\ s o ( Ihr- UWtl c r-: " .\ ~ s l (,v c'dor. l's , II s 1u' I' I1H' U taro - J.,:rnw el'!t ami h ad( lI,r i\ "I'$ Ihn UlI.UvPt) nt' llw ,o iL


. agt.' -C'arning, fu r tlle liLLi e llfUWtl wom.

.0 :lI'P :::i t unly \\'01 kt'r s, I \ ll l ~ lIl t, lH slt l r 'odl b th e m~D III Ih" ti e hl s. ~n tlt e .1;11'. b avl n g h is faniily wUh him . flHUIIlIW d Itl H a v'a it, r emailllHI itfl ll h i s l'hthl rr H til .

_ ..' n · t' a "u l ll ~ t be \1t· lJ. e f('wLtl1 l ' l lICI ' f' !;\~ nr)' ror u g ood :\ull SUbs C:tflUal livifl~ , T. " 'ay thf' Uil\\'ail all ~ arll proIlI IU"':> OI ;j too~ t ll( , whal'\'t·~. LU Uw ti !.i hln.; htHllS, ""M U, e tar!) 1i1'1 1l~ , fir Ih(! uri\cr' :::i l:I l ,.ly b y th ei l' al>~ l ·fll'C. 111 f I I' hro wn Dum


h av" 1"I<en tlle ir l.hll:cs evc't·)' wh cr.. iJt a

Boi:on. U. S. A.

CLAS S IN ALGElIRA ' .t't hfl ll '!of"\.,;r"..rqll :, l x 11111" E; L ...·t I': t h e ~i;: n Iftr S :q)Olio he': Ji.,r dir,t kt 11111111 :< X l'jO h :ul ;

·rhclI :, 11 th t" !>'.: !HI U" .. ),. \'H ' wlll add , 'I he X rtl i ll IlIi llLl ~ X tlrop Clu1 (,\ .. (111\'1011 1.' ('li ll

:!' C' (,



C"N~ !



~ I Ell

CO" UM1TED T""""". Canade


M.k ••,

11 0 111'11 111 )

;\ 1111 lei,,'j' " h il t tnll ~ t the 1I " " "' r.\.1 f \, ph'iuC''r h e h:tp!')' toJlII h o t we c',dll'a,,' ,

of w"",.n!WWtIt WlDtlN. OIOlhlnv

pan " 'lIh SapoI/o., Jane tflOughf IhC· !. · · · · · · · · · · · ·. .• • olher"ollieibegri/l.r, olld 1I '1l ~ IISIO/l- \ /sited al II.e smoolh. dalllty lalher. I AntJlher II'IlS cerlain It ",ould hlln/ell ' l tI.e l.alld5 a/ld c()uld sr:Hrc:ely rCfllIJte : ht".· s/JII dnd ""onrl)' "fh,'), (elt allo rr l the " -asltillg. Tlren bcgtln Iheexc!temcntoflJdvtJlI_ 1 · ture; ..' I. :i t ",ould fht: /lew soap N07: 11o? A glrllr/ed a ShtllllPO:l, 11er.soIl and sl/kJ! pe rlecll".... oltheun.


II/l:tl· -

WHY TAKE DAIN.'TY CARE of YOltr mouth; 3lld

111 111 ' 11 l u w('r wa r;:t':' negl ect y our pores, the m.y r ia d Th ~ .la'\.. . ltu,"C 1)r09~r, ral h ~ I' da u~c r .. mOlJth s of your skin? HAND Feedlr g the Male B i rd . U nreasonable. c rc,,"r al In nllllrb~l' s , Lool! ~t t ill'S" nil S fe1 h.W8 UI1 Ih o plantbti " II : Ih~ )' ap. S ,\ POLIO does not glof$S them I':~I ' " I i ll ':; Ih e ht' n, to till'll ,," I lII a n \' S~ c (ha t Ihf mal o In tbe " reeal'"l: pe n 6"'1001 S lall ", i c~ : --I ll Ih " last r" " r peR I' 10 bult1l o)·alty "o nl)· to fCllow-r o un. over. o r cnemically · di:;solve. 8' ''' ~". " I PJ.!J.!~ wi l holll s hr ll , a u'l >;" I' il 1 ~"IS n s llfll ~I G n l qllalllli), or rllod tel r ~ oI'S. o r to ur mo re I'xa.' t . In 1:1111. 1 :11I~ try mc u. 0111 on Ihl s Inn ~ ly plan t a tion f, . jll.-I lil,o II sI. I"" th" ",ill e r III grin rl I;"CJ' hllll hea; l h )' nnrl \,!gornlls . OCCI\ ' l~O : : an 'l 1004. l b., I1I1U1 hcr or .I"pan.''' ~ IIH'r e I. e nac ted 1\ lieell or ~il>l" lI\'C. on th ei r h ealth.g iving oils, yet 1\ l.!lk lfl ;':' I'!til wi!hn lll ~orul. I" I IU l'p J tun nully a ma lr blrrl hs :\Q Ka ll a n t t h at, ch i1drt-' n in t h e sc:b oo ,l ~ of th e lNI'I !Ur j' l!lat one an Illipopu la r ma n:ltter t; Hlld N~" clears them thoroughly by a notll , ., Ke('1' the ml ll \\' hce l. ,.f YCJ ur h ' wl l~ nllow the fe mal s to coneum. ' h as In c rea sEC1 II (i lIN COllI.. 111 1' Chi . I), di es" m ),st<!rio us death ; bu.l it is 1mmethod of its OWIL i. \I : i, I!.IAI·tl .. rr " hi)' s hn l·pCll t"1. l'loet of the rood, If not a ll o f It, and n e••' ch il d re n ~8 p~ r cr ill. . I he PIIl'IU- I' u>s ibl e to urins II ny uoII)' 10 al','uUtll. - - - - - -- -be wlli go hllng r \·. 10 tJll~ case It H gn p, .. d llldre n H p(' r (:ent. 311 1j th " I he of{c ntl N Is l'rot cct~,1 by bls nrmy of .\\' 1\" 11 ;lIhl il1l: a SlIllor uf sections til " 1;01)t: Id ea to place hl~1 In II I'cn by Am erica n , anti nl'it1 ~ h . Gerlll an alld f el lo \\' wOl'kers, t e 1&1'[ 1. II"'e It hctwee o tb e broo I hl lll5elf al (r)l'dln". tim e an ti sc~ Ulat o.l hel' Europell u <:\lll drc lI on ly l~ per It may Il~ t h~ OllPnl . g uV tt> th ~ Ja llil n r st "n d I h ~ " lfwr :lIrea ll), Ibe b l, e . h~ get" s lIfIl cloll t food . afl e r 'wh lc u \lilt cellI. . . . of ar ('.~Iule n ~ w ,I.,'r,Itory \V III illvl") that . . e.dsJs for u ncr Ille u e~s hu\'e sl a r lcd \\or k h rl~I'· hI m had; In th e peu with til e females. Con ce rni ng th& " ff ect ill Ihp r "~::r o- coloil isi . In. o lh or IllreClio ll s Ihlln Ua! y 1' 1 th e IIPIJer "" Iler. pin,'/.' iL o n : op l; n l~~. th e male hlrt! Is k ppl h!lal. b y oJi.t ll e Villili cs of th e cOllnLry . \\'(' Qu a le w3il. F a r 'd istant \Ie Ib~ ri a), wbe ll }la. atte,.the 115U. ~III.' IIse« the del/g"'ful 'Ilth . · all l\ r ill lbc lr, l\ r r ule r.. el· Ih e bl'QOiJ and ,·Igorous. good I'es ults <allDOt from a v~ ry aul~ arllcle. in th O' N e w 1 •• 11 sb~Il>? ",holl! .Ja pa llIlOll. iffl 110 IIlIed lor Ilc. t ' 0 be COW\lle L d. eXOlc cte u trom !A' mating. . ' YlI rk Tlwes, writt en b)' a re~ld~Q! ul - . " CHR\:50 I:~ ~Jilo~7 ~~ er tv .'.I.J·In••

ON ITS, IlWti RAilS.

" ' nll lh ltlrl w;th -it'4 O Ul't 1:;r.t il~ rJll[ ten dillq" r rn lll 0 11 1: IIUPllrtRIH Clt\' h~ :t 'ltH I H:! I,,\~ .-Iccfdf' rl ad\l:l llt 'HCt: "'0\'"



a !lllt'! d el.end-

~~~~~~:~i ,l~nl f: \~;~'~r:'hr~" :-:~';~

M· f\ 'it..e. t.· l1 tin.!I \' olw l:H"'fJ

titt'I"OIl I(' ch'·

I ~>." ....

uri"jtlll' f rrJlt1 cO llm,'Ctloll~ 111 1.,. ..I,.'.t. J'h b i-. ,why TH E KA T '(, ..... hh it" "''''" I'nil i4..r r. ultl ~ 1 r,(l lli ~ tv..,' I': I'U I"A !CI "ty to 1I n \l &1l l ll l

h ll :OO

m..",lvC"l 0 ftl

11.j\'." lI t :l~C.!l

a n d SHU A II, ., UI l), I ille~ hc t ween,

over uth t:r

, Ih l" ~:un a fmI~ II ... , Th l'p~ ll:: t1. tl!~I1 ~ with ?'t,"t.Il.'\(A~,

1. l! R"r-:kS

..~ nllI h.· , \vtt ll Sl. 1.1l"II 1A>. 1I::tt1 J,:\1II'Oa1 ' il y a IHI. :\Ut

"f'\ IICipR I

Tl'" a!t

ci t il"~

Y 1)11 Sh'p into t11e car:to.

at S t , J,oul s or K..V11U18.

l'ft. Au,t an'!

n ill.

o")m ...

1 ~lled tu I("ave lh ~ m ~Ilr­ dt your dU lh, ... , io lil 181 t"tach,cd.






'.nd . '



7_ _ 2!! _ _' liluul." 11'1 cried, -"Wi.&i. I~ i' It. wheo lhere y n 'L lWO b' In tile blAllk'I" F~r1'lT\'e a 1id ram. ..n d e Q.!'le' maTI ],85. " I know bet ttir. You bave tell lbolltl1" bl'. ~~ ~w ir y ou t h tbu t n. ma n li"t't"lil. 1 car. sau d there If you blll' e a ~enny. yl\lI 11(J 1 I ; blood-su cker! " (, n'~ m u)' be lh c hold ,,'he reI n 1 \h·C. "And you wunttw otbousa nd? " 1i4,,: 1111 I ) may hI: the Ko td I he ~' Q r l ll ma y " I wanllt, and I' ll have It ." ,a.: lve. "And Ir I gh'e It to you, you wllileav t )' el ,.,l ll1 m y pO" f' r l } my p l'fn t y Sf't! 01 Stioll gu\' ~ ~r(:al acU l"" to n l(!, e"' lng me me Ilk" a gentlem a n ?" ,11t: tll n • . " Give me tbe paper and I'll go, " Th e wi cked ·old scouI](lr c l gr inned ~ hO U~h lJ y n wani ng nr~ "' ton e 1 l'\1t. again . 'Til .. Ive Il),oU for old Limes' f'a lll ll~ m y h(';lI- l '~ ut-x lt'\! lu IJrlKhten It. Rl li l \n Ih~ hl~arl o r m c, 100 fn lr t o nu nn,

H u nlt~ o ru~ d " fU f a ntn fi ,f IIk l! fC o ld(m f\lImf' t'~U IIl'H ( thai fA M' I ¥ee . lit by IH H; I I gllmmH-


J!ave .crt-at jl.l ! · t o me,

Ilnl a m ft ,

'~ (J'm ~ f' yf'H and Jm"lH"f! ;

irl vt"K"


lauglllr. ,; 1I~3. too 500 n h u \' e

'\' OIIl I"1i c llng-In g n n t.:~r u ps Ul1loose a.( last: .A ll o f I h\: b tt5fo1 m1' n •• 'nt·d f uH:'t t hem I n lI me, O n ly tI\f' unohtA1Tle d II v if" s li r e s ubltme: }.lln. '1" 111I t hat ~eat••!· n o ltr 1e ' r t:..J ec m.( ; '](1 ~ H\'-e

al l C'oChl 10 mv, g1\' 11I 1,; me d r~n m~ - 1·h"' ,1101I1. O&",I&on , In \VnmUfl' R )f o m e t ·lJ mvan'fln ,

--- , - -- -






16&&C Io;rutils. rlr.h man. fence.

recclv...- <>1 slolen good~. planne'r 01 rorgerlet i. II&t !n his lillie front room on the "rst /loor of his crazy old houle In Br-Ick Lane. Ills charwom an ball lIeen palti her few pence. and bad Rone bome hours ago . He k.e pt DO domestic ; he ,,'as able 00 help hJDIself to bls scaDt,. !!ujlper of st&le bread and dr), cbOOlle. consllme d \.btl delleate victual. he WIUI r.ullnln& over bls account boo.... There WWI a large balance on the cred ll


t:lu l{c . " ue sa ltJ.

Tben he wbi slJered lO himse lf. wll b a lIa. h uf infernal cunnillg : " 1'11 gll'e him th e ehec ll- anu s lop Il aL th e ba ni;! Ob. tb ese me n are s lrong nnel uruwl und ready for any crime . lo llt Lh ey ure fool a. tools , fools! ~~aa c )' this bens t or Il DurLoy nut knowlug thaI I ,'an s top tile "h e ck M easily ...." I can 11'1'11<: It: " 'fhen he !Il1ld · II 10ll,l : " I'll write tbel cbec~," H o tild so . li e sat at lois table a nd s crl u bled oul tb e ur~er on th r. halll( f"r a co ul.l e of thouijaod f,lOIID<j H. " There tl lIS. wy s ou , aud yo u h ul'o robu .. d your poor old fn.t he r of 11 fort,lIne."

" I lui"e," . a ld tbe oth e r, coolly folding the plliler a nd plaCing It In his pockel. " Now , YOll tlnmllign t ed old ,-)1Ialn. s ay your Illst pl'ayers on tI.l s eeli' ll! . for ID anulb er lIloment you dlel" "Whal!" lICream ed tbe other, "YOII sh all lure no more men to nrrn, YOll merclles s ,scoundr el- you fence, yo u nark, you usurer. you Iwealer! (IIW lIolng 10 kll! yo:!!" "B ull give YOU all you ask! I give you l

~.;,~:~o~~:~ ~', :



RICHT TO FAMILY ARMS" Lnrg e Nunl b e.· of A lne ricnn s Enti '.l ~d to \V . a .. Insign ia of T it le. In • h. , " H ~e of m'uny latllll l~~ Ih e Ian thlll th ey Dlay 1I 0l huv e tlseu COlli' urllH) r ""tll wea lth lor o ught lhe w i n lo tou<'l. wllh all t h,· lux'tI' lcH Ihal IV pallh c:olllman el. ,nllY II., 'Iulte lI·lte, hut. ~xc· ,· P t 1011 m". l be ta)Ie n to au a "':SI ' I' I !U Il

1 ilal


he g r ea t

1llltjlH' lly

th p tllr p('t



tr om

, 'j,o: itn r


urmlg,' ro ,.. an cestor In other la nti 8. Th o,,' ot f:n g li Hh IInCl'. try must d ..du ce de. cent trom on e whos~ right. has been g ranted by Ilalent of col lege ot nrms , Or lI'as conn"me ll at the vlsila ' 1100 ". I n En~lan d a. IlIlt ent or arms Ilc."... ndK equ&lIy to all legit imate male h ~ lr " . lJuughter~ or the hOlls e bave an " lulIl rlllilt dUr ing (heir IIfellme, bnt cnnnol tran omlt ihe arm • • exce pl III tll ~ ('a"p. of 3n helresH. wht'n the arIDS

~e:;:~~:~. I~r;~::~ 1~~~~~rO fb~~~~:;I~!"'an

" Yea, tbat check!" l\rmlge~o' ;s family . I may , II I wi sh, " Whlcb YOIl would s(op ln all1ome nt. hang a ('(l IlY of the arms 01 that faDl ' But IbI s Is a check ) ' 011 will never live lI y upon lh e wall nlong wit h olher ram . to s top. You ha\'e ol-errenc h ed youl'llelf , lIy rellcH.- IJl ue china piaL,,", whlcb I YOIl leech . If )'OU bua refused the hilI'. Inhprl\ " ,1 from that 1I11('PRlre ss, 10' mun ey, I s hould nOl b e,,'e killed you. Your delltb woul<l bal'e beeu \\'orlhles e gel her wi th th e saml>l!'t· whi ch s h e he r · ll wrought ujJon homespu n IIlIe nto DIe, BUL now, If YOII die. I get twa Hr b'lt I hav e no rl /,:1I1 ro u~e this h ernldlc tbousan, 1 In tb e murn ln g. If YO II liI'e . I ge l nothlug !" dpvlcr CO plNl In littl e as a dis tinguish · Th e ,'ew fell on hi s IUl ee n. In g mark upon m y slive r 0 ., 1I0t t! po, " I n ever lhought uf .' '''f)IJlng tbl p"r. Th ~ fami ly ur])] ~ ar c nal Irons· checlt! I won't s (OP'lt!" "litt e,1 th ruugh a dlstatr li ne. "No." cried tbe Lourglnr. :'YOlJ won't ! In n gr eat oumber of en"'" the right Say your (ll'Uye.·s , old villaIn. YOllr la Bt 10 be n" r uat ·~rn; or bas bee n l;nown momsnt ho s come, " ' hen I kill )'ou, I 10 Amprlcn n fan!III ... . but for mauy rid the earth of Ib e vilest tblng that ,'ea , on s Inrll vl dunl s haw, 'IOl. for s ue· creeps "pon II . and I make lll yself 11 rich coss il'e ge nc rat 10nR, e x~rc l se c1 that man! " rillh i. On 1I1€ oth~r hon d-espec la lly where famllle _ hal' P not been In lou cl\ Th ey tuu lld tbe old fen ce deauln bls with la rgp. <'I 1I us. li·:i1.g on Isoillted room, two days l at~ r, It .... as s tll>posed Nell' England tllrmR. or absorbN I In o n r~lng Ollt Ih e lr fortune In some ... ~st~·rn wll tl -- tb e fa('l thal WIIS \mown. with no tholl ght of quesllotl . hy t he grllllMa ther . ha.< be" n lOBI to the eh ll· dl"~l" and i~ \lI Sl'O\ CI'N} ali a pl easant M"rll,·I.. ~ when hett e r tlrc ulllst ancC9 ha\' e urought l he ability to .end Soll8 and da " gll' er~ to 80.h ools anll collpgeB, 10 rstabHfil l a hom e In 80me 11I :·ge city, nnel to -C4mo In every way Into tOllch with tb" Inllt1 e lw~ ot the hi ghest dv · lIIut lon.



:-\t' U"'h \t!

lh 'u<i; e-

itt WUlfoI(, t hil ll i t " ca l' . Luu d l( " ..l - JIII" o~"' I I~ e, si .. :-; .llIdy ,

!HI), 11I 11I11 t11".I , y l llll ' fI ICH,1

:\ ( 11' 1 li ll ti ll d

IlI t' , 1.ld Iw

1 1l 1~ 1w PrI waid II I t ill' 11I,ltkl'

mlmy wornell


thot TO eD

6Lr uuti u u is Uu.! Luiull cC ",h,-t·;' o f a

I wom nu',' life , ou(1 whi le no W 'J rDun

is enti r ,o J,r 1rl ~c ironl pCrlOtlic al 8 l1ffl~riU g, it Is DOt III ,J plnn of IInture l hat womeD , lihould suiler so severely .

l1 url ti 'lll e, M !CIIII 1.0

t lll lh a 'f, l1I b lll ;il lU fi ,,4 1 \\'ll h ' l \\'.I~. ' II lI u lk wo01 \\' f)lI, ,- ~ , \ .

111:1 1

cml 1. " ' WI' 1"\ 1. :Lu tu..' , '

H f)'~


I.I .. t

W I!"


AUI<·t'\o:1I 11 flllll il it·s I, a n' u O rl,;ht to lh ~ al'mH which ruay be u sed now for the firHt. tim e III· g. ·tl ",·atlons. A lan; o II UIllI ... 1' or Atl1 e r lt nn ~. I'sllec lall y the ,Io's(!en clllnt A or th p. toltlltl e r ~ of tbe dlrre rent I'ulolll eH- nH ti, e 1",'(\ . or Ih e mnnot· or ~"I\' Yorlc, th e II l "ellot b e xll ~ •• the ); 1it" , q uietly ,rl a,1 Quall e rR, thl! ['ll\a ll"1' 8 ot Virginia . a nll tht' P\lJ'ltHn ~ o f :\e w I!:ngland , wril PH :\1"1", 1 \l'anl CanlNon . In Goao! I-Iu" ..... k ,·~ pltl~ . hav e u I ~ gltltllal( ' r i~ ht In the rumll)' Urtll " UIJJlc rtnlnln l( t o till' nl1m,' they hear. Anll 10 dill", th l" right I he)' ho "e on Iy to pro \' e th pl r d pHce n t in



. - --.--


S ix Doctors Fnlled .


:--= .. ut h HI'Int. In.l :' '-'1'1 . 2!'11. ' ~ ll eri.tI) , - .", l ll" "\l11 1 ' 1 1 1I~ f " (,111 l' i,III.'.\ 1) 1"" .1"" I (, r I ~ " n r" : Uil(.lr ' n klll~ \l"t' ,lltlh' lI l f r fl lll i "'IX (L Il I- I l' lI t ,JOd .) .. .; \\' 111';1111 J.!I"I tlll ~ I

llir f c

rp\ lf'i 'I,' , ,I. 0 , 1.;1 11 r! '- I1l ;l II , .,f thl )O' l,la ,'e , I li ll t. 11 II I,\' , n., li,.f. 1 ~ lIt ~t "" 1' 4.? ('dy ,II It I I

1(J lll ul

,-o lllp kl ('

"'; l"-II I;. I II ~

" \' "", I

.-un' III Dilc!'! Hf It i", i.'1II' (' , ~lItfl ' l tIt! f llllli

P I II ~ .

!' "rdl'f' \"

~h , l .a llti.:1t1H1I !'H~'''': h. HI II "~'

JU 1, fl, J87e .



TI" () uhlt~

kit tl. ll" -"t'a l''' . :llId 11 iNI "IX Il ndll,.'ol I n 110 :notl , '1' 11 1' 11 I tn(lk ' ju..,l tWII t lU Xf!I:I of 'j I)"dd '", l\:jcl fH'Y I' dll'l. all .1 tlu ~' 11 01 ufl ly

' '\In ''}

I"'!tlt h

111 ~' 11 1


\,i dlll '.\'!OI. Il,' n" n t! ,

J)ncld 'l'I

g:P'" HW br 1h.' r , ·o\/I .. e I 1'f'C't1Ill ' K idllt'Y I' illl'l to .}\ ,..'t'lol ,

,11111 t }.; IH, W tI 1l1lmh,' r 1111W

\\' 11 0 :11'f'

lI .. ill,t

tilffr. wilh 1!ond r E"JlUltA." Mr , l.!llld"lllll lI'''' " [ltiC i6 not an fO X" ~P' tiou . TllfIll" :l IIII., j.l i \ ·1! "imi lnr exp el' i ·

1 ' 1H't'~,



K lil nl ' "



T,.ulIh l"


\\' n p


n nl,lw ('hp



( ' .l~e

" " f' I' f ' lIl"t·d

BrlJ.lh t

ni"' f>a Jt(~ ,

~~~o~~~:,= ~3~Od:it~: :~~~h~c~~~


Hrhtld ' .. d i ..l'lI "C' thaf U,}lld')oO K i.ltlt'r 1"' i1l s ," mId n n l I' ll IT' , TII (>r IIrt' tit (' (l111r

edy t 11 :. I



Ah.,.. prod.cod In the wo,kt~


It I could .how)'011 the dlfterence behllret'n th. ThouRu nl.lsof AmerlcBn womell, howIh_ lMde la my f.clory .nd thOM 01 o'he,

ever. hn.vt.,

fOl1n(1 relief frOID all nlonthly . . - -- . , g b,ll talcing I.J~' d i(). li:, Pinhhnm 'a ~.I o~" ...... '" DOl nec ••, ,,"ly • teot or , sufferin VegetalJ lo Compou nd. as it I"" the most th. "'0,,1. thoroug h f e mnle rt' J(lllotor known FREE -DON' T" MISS THIS. . medi cal "cI~llce. It ,,"r,'" the cun,lh:oto u which CI.II",·Sso much di.comf or t nod menstru at ion of Its ""r rors. A. Cure t or, Stomac h T rou hI e- A N ew robs Miss Irenc ('ro",h.l'. o f 31~ Chn rltoD Metbod. by Absor'p tlonStrect F:n ~ t S,,,,n nn nh, I la., write": No DrUg!! . " Lydill ~; . Pillk h au",~ Vagut.Lol e l 'vtnJlon"d Ie '1 true fri(,JlfI t.o \\' QlIlnll, It. hnH lKMm ot great l)(Onellt toO mo, rurlng mo 01 irr"/,:ular n o Y ou Df·le h ? , pail! '.J; 1tlC'Ilt1truot,ion wlJt:u e\, t·rYl.hlng It lllcllll t> a tit ,.ClI o.: ("U !"it mnd •. .o\I't: yun e01111 lM hr." fn ilpd , and 1 glndly rocomme ml it to ' 0,:

$1 0000 REWARD to "I,ne who un

1 dl.prove thlt It.llm,nt, L, Ooual ... S3 ~ &O .h~ h,w e b y thel, es:celleat Aty' •• tdlB)' Uttlnl' •• nd .ur,ertor ",,'c.,lna qualUln. achie ved the lar••• t '" e of en)' SJ.50 .hoe ID the world. They ort! Ju.t II ~od •• thOM IIlIt COIIt ),011 SS.OO to $' .00 - tho . difluence I. the pt'lce, If I cCluki take you ""'), my fAC'tory .t Bmckton, "' .... , the •• rsrettInto lit the workS uader one ,oof maklna ...a', fine .hon, .nd ~ho .... the eMr. 'With which ever~ w~

bllt el f

I, you would un4entao d why nouaa. 'J.50 11100 co.t mor. to ..eke, why they hD'd.. thet, .bepe. tit better. wf'tlr Jonrr-r •• nd .,.. of area'.' value th ••• ay ata...- '3,&0 thoa on the. m.rket toeday.

I. AQ.. .• E' ..,.110

W. L. o-.t •• '11.00; - - ••• l1li_ '"-:40.

0 ....... .....i.lIO.


CAUTIQ N.-J nliit o .."n.I"'~I"1! W.L.Dourlu . hnes. l 'i'k. lit) "lbAtitl1te

None , enn'u. wl tbout bt. name alld price Illtmped (m bo,"toOl. \V ANTf': H. A 1I1l t)tl doale r II. &"(l r, \O,..n where W , L. l>ollK131 Rhol'l!I nre u " t 150M. Fun Ihie at ' , Ii li lnpt"M}fL tree ,.)" tu!or.eet1un upon reqa ..t.. Inn Color EiI.'''' uled : th' ~ will not aNa' bN.NtI'. Wrt .. ro. llhtltratod C...,"!! of Fall BtytH. 'V. L. n01JOLA S. IS rocktoD, n .... .

Yee , he _'as & wealthy man, fnr too :dllidt'd wll h :::;1101' ( HI'Clllh , (i nFl, ~()Ul' other Im lferlng rlrh for !mat porertY ·8t.rlcken dwelling. w Ollum." t-: l' lI l"lnt Jli Il ~, Ilen l'l J'alJlg, Jlldltt! ,,,,t lll l). LlY!i ' tlIltt parsimo nious maDner ot II r~ . Bul W oweD w h o are troubltHl wi t h paioJI,o,lt;i a Ih u 'llilig P;11I14 llIlll Ll'ad \\\'If,tln ful o r irre."'u l1\ r JUl'. n ~t"uHLion , lmd cthe affeotati on of poverty "lilt ed him ; in J)l t of ~ lul"a t..· I!r.. :\ cid ~tlllll a di. 1>1Jo1 ' " tended :\htl OIllCll, u lz~ ht: naturall y ml8~rly, he Hut t here dllily al ~"" Colle . Dche. blonting (or tln,tulcllc c), lc ucor .. Untt Hrc:. l th :'If AUy UI hel' :"- lO lI1ad l r,h <ea.. fn lliug, inUHmlD ttl e receipt of custom . muklllS mOllE'Y , ot.1un or ulcera.r OI·tu r. ? lion of the ut, ru ~, ol'lIrian troubles . adtllng to hi s pil e. tlnd Fpcndln s lItll e U.'t 1l!'l :-:c:rti y ou 8 box of }tll l l' ... Anl l' ihnt. u lJt'nring-'c1own BUMA, wo rk H It'. ~o.n AlklnL " f Ctlling, rlizzlor no thing , nl'lt'h " 'Ilfcr s fr ee t o ('(rJ1" jlh't! ~ tH I th in . Df'SS, fn i ntncss, The " l'eu, c l" un cmti ng edge indigcst. ion , n t"'r\'ous .ud (MIrrf!Ct. Lupe r of tho lJe totaled np hi" oo illm ns 01 I1gure .• it ('Ures , pros t ra li ou ..,.' !" tho lJhw s, sh ould t.u.l<c ~DJ ~ IUlt.ko il run ('nil), :'\ lIl h l h ~ t! ilole l il{c it k nO\,\'I1 , Dllll cbuckled at the r eHult. Hogu eryand It 'l!! FIIt'C imrn c (liute [l e t ion to wurl'l off t.he scri ... wllhOIJ\ bllekllu g , A.nd n: rr I llt'!: "'lllIt , e lll -, ~ h~' rt1 )"!'!lH IOll . Ot1S con S(!qu'De No ,. hum pi ng" to crime )JI'OBJ)f'red with him . cs . and be rcstorc( l to . 1i nl'l uless, ~o dl'llJ.t.w, o IlHl 4•.' 1I I l'flllhlc do ",Uh the l-~rtec , r tI " t · tJ \- tal' e;'( ;I ' t be ('un.'tl o t h'rW ldC-~( !-I[1 Lovingl y h e closed hlo books. GlpcMil ,,!,) ..'l l ' I I ' ~':l1 pCI' ~c ;ca"III1 auu lion II nllldle, ~ r e nS' . l uy (lng ~"':illn l' c . Ul'lI g~ ,,"c, " 'l d,.-- rlu!r C;ll 111' T.J,)'tha. E. I lul<1Hlm Uu t t.ilt' ro nrc othe r rucn boh&ud fllily be took a cand le·enn, lighted It. s, Vegetab le COln\~: t :-:t olJ\ ~ t h li nd IIw li. e yuu WOI'Pe. tbe Alklu. Saw, 'a'he or l~i unt tJl" or pound, un,a til 00 wrlto to Mrs, P\Dkan d retired to tbe hac·k room, to h ed nnel IILY . 1i A.,..I:!.. th e Du ult crucible '\' ~ " ",l\\' MtllI '~ Anti · fh·k,h \\' afer ;! (, lI l"e bum . Lynn, )tLlRS., for fu rth er free ad .. to s leep- t-o ~renm. maybe. of his pile of D ~ jt w e \ \';111( yflU to know ii, h l! n<:c till'" vicp, ~~~, '!f~O(h:'~'v:r:r~l1~:~t~fu~ 'l' hou5D udH l~CD cured by money In tbe bank. of tbe hard bargaIns o~~ MlCNi1.e mrar'l1J: lJrooo.twa lJlkewlso alUAn of ~d~q h~ ba,1 drll'e n w l ~b tb leves and burglars , I" I'EC' IAL OFF I~R . -Th e rrgllla" pri",' ~~~~'~~~~~~~ ~~~~~= br:':J"~~oJe:~LlirlRb~lua "OTkrnen behl ud " I Mull'. ,\"t i, lIelr ll I\·.fer. i. Rfk- n 1m" = of tbe fortune so "teadlly umasset!' He tbb IiA.\V, m."teflo' thel r e raft whrnr.e "kJlland hut If' in t r t1 filwf! it to tl ,oU Aund ", nf ~1Iff( ' ''' 1, )) £ Inan wif u ('I~:ln c01Hwienf 'c," ~ ' d pride or workmana hlp blvebe lpeo lom Hoko lhu sla lll wl1 II a vl ololls s mil e on hi s lhln enr w e w ill !'I e tt,1 twu (2 ) h ux .... !'! IIpOIl r(' · l ' lwlt: Ebe n. " (crl,. lIIi~ht:-, cOl1lfm' rubh', bill' Atkins 'l'M\de "ark an &!\lur"UC8 CJf g,uaUty a ~ f'e ipI of 7fK- " nti th i~ ' G 'I\' cI'1 ifle lll (: 1I l, ur Wl' III ' ~1"t '''II ' ,10 IiIIR- Slept a1; s oundly as they ,..-It O s leel) reliable all t.ho Gov~rllleDt InAY stAm p. lI t!u r tic" 1II'lI1( gi n ' uf Iii' 1111111 w ill ~eJl(I yC)u n ~n lnlI1 ~ : I''''~ I(lr Ih itl ro nllotl , \\' If nlo t Wo make n il tYJl(' A and Ib,llI uf SAW., but I he s h..'flp of the Just. 'I'It~r'i"' I ur 'e ut al1 ." - \\' :l~ " i u~tf)u only 0110 ftrude-U,, , but. ~t u r_ So be did 'lot bear n tap and a click Atkin. Bnwi. Corn Knl,e., Pcrrecnlnn Floor 114 A FIIEE B O X', !l:1O at tbe window, DOl' l h e 8tealthy lifting 8erol .. ra. elC,. Ire 1011l1iy.n BiJiOd llllld ......t u ~f'Il,t ,Iii" ('OlillO lt w ' llI \ ' Ol l f n aHie Rl1d Th ere h Money dealen, C.talogue un r et)ut'd. alldl'lPlC1'l ;111l1 ,h Il KIl, ":; I'" IIIll1i e: whll tl l~" lIo f 4If Ibe lIallh . He dltlllot mark the form 1n t"k i n~ ~\1hIH'r;ptic ln'" to the 'Fnnr~ ell h fM il f rt' c: 11olC' of 1\11111 ' .. An l i·nelch E. c. AlrIUN S (1). ' CO .• In·c . Ihat stole softly Into t he chambe r. H~ Tr rwlt ~ ... w~ , lIlt' ~n'n t il\\L"trnl ('cl m onl hlv W .. ref!'! to LI"elt Sa .. "'aDu(utur e,. In tbe Worl • • knew nothlnc or tbo presence of an 111 mnU:il7. inr nf ;":\\"(>1 tll ll l edl1."nlinn . A ~ln . I : M n HAoP l! T O·s r" <..:0 ,. H7'1'llin.l Ave. ~«"tm. O£xo. 1........1.. lodiu.· flllic'1;; ~e ll f1 r \~ t"I' \, l ihr'rnl terll1~ . (ruller IInUia llgbt v.'as8\\dd enly flRSbe,d Lnrp;e Hu t'J, l ~ lllll!l , Il l. urofit . .~~l."nI 8 ' wnutl 'tl everywhe re, upo n Ills 1aoe. B~·~~~!~ '(O~;O~~ae.<m~...-ci) 'tJ:!a'::.~~~ ' \\'ritp n~Ot~" H . Dnni.I • . Pllhli.I,p r. 7 F.a.t , IItbiPw.: AUan\& 'l'orvn l .J, Then b e oppned b la starUed ens . Bmi 'I 21u1 ~tr f't , Xew Y li..t~ , {ot' full pnrtic ul nr6. ",- .. s.Wuo.-luioa ... U. All... Dr. _.- - 1ll1! nand mol'ed Dlec banlcall y lowards t:;nh.1 uta ~ I (I nll!nrJst~. ;JO.;.' ptlO \' \.h ' ~ , Th e pr'-It>' !l it!. )' 0 01 will nut ice, 1,,1,," !.be p)lIow. SEALS AND WHALES SOLD. • P.rla np!!I d onkp}'8 · n~':;;--;'l·t.''' ' but we an opt lnlid ll' vitl'w (If the IIl lJUe l' U lIulla'h •. sto.; that.," et'led tbe man wbo bad bAVI' I, euni of mulet eers. I t.l.i lvahy - ~ . 0 , J1 h.:a yulle. There Wnil a Time When Thee. Xaml1J'ok en lo to the bedroom . "Ilmow YOllr ma ls Were t~ Be Bad III Fish ,barker's undet tbe pillow, bllt I wllnlll more tball )'Ou do." Market •. N~JR-uulon J oll Oompo~ltor8 t o "ork 10 The JntrlldH rapidly remove,1 a reChlcaRo. WUHe. $19.50 I",r w.ek ot 54 Seals were o pee large ly wa,kete d at '\/!OI vW '(rom IlenllaUl the pillow. bOll r!i. PerUI,ne nt I.o\i l tlon ~ tor tl n l-olo,$I1i', Dllilngs gate ... an a rUcie of diet; ' so Tbe ' ~ye• •r tile rellce expresse d Inreliable mOil, St.rlkO on. Add ress, tHu,Ltn ll were pOrpoise s and small · cetacean s. 8.itJ. csperlo!lc o un.d rull parUcu JuNI, tenireu tonllll_ nt.. "Wby. Darby!" he Blubber was eaten with II s b In IAlnt. erieCI,lt ltoDelot lllUprlse . "wbatev er are 'POOL E BROT HERS "Holibu t" 11118 nnd b eads Wer,e · the you doIng beN,.!" .... wa, Printer. CHtCAGO only pllrte of thll delectab le IIsb ap·':" 1_ 'hilre lit m~ft a '.blt,'· announc eli. "'" •. provell ot Du-bJ ,ltagtl~. , ·tbe.buralar: ' liP to the lime of tbe.oRerorm a. . -- .HEi FOt'NJD HIS tlon. I twas mUl'll later tbat baUbu t N "To malte a bit cut at your old fa· came Into popular esteem. 6'Y6 the FIMb 1ftr!" The ;receIver wal 1Il0re alton· be bad commItt ed alllclu~. nobd, Trades Gazelle, i tilled' 'than _eor. He wsa even a lillie regrette d his demIse. Tbe and Com_It o", e19.110 - T,lnoty"" Operato ... pOlice COD. On Ihe otb!'r band . so me IlSb~H tbUl .24.00 per week , I-ermanen t. poNlt. lons III eratulal ed Boclety and t1remae ln. upoq .. Quinlfflr o f LhO leadln. tHUabUKhmenl ~ or once enjoy ed tl great reputati on bul'e "Yoes," 'rePllM'ed Darby. "You ",ere tbe 8ummar y end of a cOllsum mate and Cbtcal'o and vloTilJly. Strl~u OD. Call on or DOW lost It, The lamprey was onte the addre"", lIlY father In ·tbltJ line or business . You danlero us rogue. 5i!CIU!TA RV CHICAGO TYPOPH ETAI mOil eateeme d nlld most expellslv e or t.ulht me till t lmow. You made me'. Darby Bapler ' prellenle d his cbeck al all fi 12i. MUQa4noolt DlOCk. Chfcll/lo. s hes , specially flurveye d for the ttdef ,Dnd a IbUTgIIL'r. 1 have seven con- the bank before tbe tragedy became rdyal table , sold unuer s pecial regula"Ictlons to pill to,.o1ir account . I eame known. It was duly honored . .• •:. . . . ..j'.1II0 TO ADVER T.aE •• . and wltb tion s at an exorbita nt prIce-a nd often Clut itt etretdb 'dIJa mornillg . To-nlgb t I tbe proceed . tbe burglar ....... lte ~"W'ertl' " took blwllelf brougbt ol' er from Frsnce uuder _tit ·montor.... "sale abroad . . conduct ." "Illid 'wbelle _ ." uu loin&, to let It , There Is a possibili ty tbat be may beOf IIsbes tbat bave become obsolete 1>tQ\by',?" come an bonelt man In Rome olher quarm enUon is made of the lumplleb or ,'\Here!" ,_, ter of the globe ~ lumpsuc ker. slill larlriely consume d In , - - - - - - : - . . , POII'''' "I, ea",• • ie~ls' potiltl~ly 'caddell . " You are , the Baltic and Scandin avian counlrle s. Buttar and 01_ a "ej;y 'tItllPld !fellow, Darby. -You ulI't WONDE RFUL In Pennant 'S tim e ther tilled to William be al!! wed BaHlla;' 'blame .me' frO!' '.)lOur convlctlO lls. Parsons , the en&!I Ilea tram like a carp. -yOu Yoar t rade. true; but you neerII\B,e:r.pert , was talkln8 In Pbllade ldlgmIOD IlJId Too n~ Another peculiar IIISlance pbla concer aliOut Ihe variou s food adutlera ns muet Ibave :been a ·bungler , Darby. or BaIlD&'. A. perfect rem, the ·burLoot . for Aldrol"a ndus tells of a edylor D1zzJ.ll_, lia_a. you 'Would lIut !ba.\.1! been caugbt 10 tion8 tbat from time to Ume crop Ollt In Germen co unless FREE_ who s pell t mORI of her tbe most unexpec ted places. DroW8l.Dess. Bod T:I.'It.e ... tten, " .• .' I.u the )iout\l, Coated "Betore 1001." be said. lauglll ng . " It Income III procur ing that deli cacy. wblle .·'l'm ·not·goln K " ofbungle an y more." It Ind 'I'oIJrUe, PnIn. tD tile stole. will bl! necessar y to take literally tile De Ka y says It Is so poor a I1 s h t hnl '~ut 'l'ou'ha·" ezj'l, corne h e re to rob?" TORPID IIJVER. 'l'Iu>.J Until Mul!'a Grape Toni c butter story tbat used to pasa "" a joke. even Ihe dug. reject It In th e arr: tlc re o reJrQllll.e tile BotrelL ~11 brought 'W'm lbere foraDon ey ." to Amer ica there ... no c ura lor Con· Veeet.eblc. stipation and Stomach Troub le., "Tllere 'I'a8 a Dlun In a restaura ut glo n. "Then you ll'I'e 'mnl<lllg n meS8 of It It Is now Ihe internatio All ed, n ... ally ated lamous ta. t ~ remedy i n tlsh lor Ihese , II •• The Is now al · agail n. my nllllby boy! YOIt kllow I who called a walt er 10 hlOl 8nd 6alll : esl cure tor Constipa tion and Siomach Troubles. Impu;e Blood , wor ld '. greatRUII "·, look llere. Isn'l tbls 8 most ltlli l'I'THO.l and whil e few lood fi s h mever If~ep It pe nny on n,e pN!mlset !." bad health generally . The Blood, Slomach and Bowels. are 'trange:y dOWlI, a nd Genuine Must Bear ha\" ! br eD cond e mned In recent ye ars an subject to rhe cur4 tive pow« 01 Mu ll', Grape To,\lc . ., 'know that. 'I Ilou ' t suppose tl. ere cow's bair In wy IHltl er1' l ullnlr e 1'lIrlety of ne w "peele. ha\'e Fac-Simile Signatur e "The waiter took up the butt er, e:zI Mull's Grape has cured Ihousands, nOI hundredt , my reader, ITTLE fII)luilt-a ' llllld'H 'wor Db of anytlli ng III t be but h~ e n Illn o~d on tb e mnrkets . amlne~ tbe hair. nnd tben ,'eplaced t be Ihousand s 01 fellow sullerelS who now knpw the ple". u,e. of perleet IVER bouse." hea lth . . _, A!l a mlltl e r of fal'!. we are agnln fa~­ tAen , women and chi ldren In every state and l1eighbo rhood Ihrougho plate before tbe patron with n nod of PILLS. "l1hen 'wbate"e r 'Dlade you breall In In g tb e p"o~llecl of Utilizin g whal e m eal whole country bear will ing wllness to th e mar velous curlllg qualilles ul the .' of this 118'1'e. 'It II '{be "funnies t job I · ever aRtlsfacU on. ~!L.. s .J overe ign remed y, Mu ll's Grapo Tonic. REfUIE as SUBST all arllcle ITUTES o f diet. III Imp rov "'Yee, .Ir,' lle said, ·that's a genullle ed lorm. I Ilenr«l!" 1'11. (lId J ew cbuckled and , Mull 's Crape Tonic Is In truth a boon to mankind r . Mu ll's cow's ball'. "'e alllO serve them wltb .t arDn II ocPsBes e l'eryt hln pec uliarly lhe relief and cure for Inlesllnes and Bnwels. Grape Ton ic Is g Ibat romes 8plutler etl. .'!rbe .s ltuatlon was so rldlcuour butter, sir, to show thtll It alu't out of Ih ~ Rea In Rome form or another. DIseased Stomach and digestive organs whi ch afflict nlne ·tenths of Impure Blood, loUB . There the human race. I~ hope lor th e dogft"b yet In oleo: "-San '\ntonlo E1pcesa . . . COllsllpal lon and liS attending Ills : A r un dOWII sy.tem and IBut ;'be 'bul1tI8T 'wns thoroug hly calm _ ,eneral ba d IwelIIn g th e 1II\lloo's food supply , health. Rheumat ism . Cold s , Fevers, Stomach . Bo w ~l . Kldlley, Lung ".rf 'l-can't have cns)) bere ." hc saId, " I an~ !:Ieart Conalcle rate Ruler. Tro~bles, Indlgesl ion, Dyspepsia, Diarrhea , loss o( sleep and stre ngt h. Piles, ~ tba"e ' m onay's · worth . You,call write Costly D r .... ms ' of Empire. That the Cbmeae emJ)f'et!s dowager Fistu la , Appe nd icitis. Woman ly Troublp. , Di llOne.s ". Impur. Blood, Bad Com· eo ,out ;a cheek:" ples lon . .etc " yield at once to the wondrous cure'ol Mu ll 's Crape Is tllouehl ful for those ~'oo lind lilt Tb e dream of empi r e Is doubtl es s a To nic. S·'8 e" • • 0 Pe'r': CO· W , Thi~ Ir ee boltle otler Is made alike to olle and all'. Fa ther!. Moth ers. lliraell!' pOllckre d lil moment . Tben he ~e n\lfleJ:iollll In hal' pruenoe taligulll C pleasan t dh'erslo n (,'0111 th e stern t eal-I ' Brolh ers, Y .Sisters, Wives and Children. and to everyone . to yolf·my s utler lllg _141 : " lIt yo'!i want a ·poulld 10 set 10U Is proved hy lhl. dot. "SRUed JUli e ~ Hies of tbe ordinary ruler's life. uuI reader . and to EYERY YEAR OF USE U the ailiifg 'one. of your fr iellds and aequalma nce., who wil l even 4rfIlng, 'I,clln ' itve you a cbeck tor that. I last: "Wone Wen·SIlAo. Ilbe gralld wbell It hl!\:ome" IlOUlethlDg more lry , 10 be weU Iball u a nd ~trong Olea-in . : wouldn 't d - ",an old friend." aecretar y. baa _1'1 118 m8:ll.7 years drpBnI It Is lI~ually a costly experIm ent. , ~ NOIofIlIere now In a)1 the world can any sullerer say , . ' I have no hope , no Th e c;w' hll6 found IL so In Ihe far easl "v.'Ou ·""lOu ld~'; t 11611ert one YOU have and be has s bo..., great <lllll§llllce and And $3. to he lp, no Iriend to aid me in mysl,lenl l"lser y." There ls a help. Per Cow There ISR eure_ "Jell tW;1'lllll , You wouldn' t desert a .pupll. faltbtu ln-. He t. _ ,,[here Is a b le nd. There Is a way~ The help Is t-IuU·,. p.r'\Pe.Topic. over :10 yea ra Bnd GermaDY Is beg lnnln/{ to realize Manklnd 's ,' Y<l\t ·wollid ' u~ true to:. DIan wboaf body at lI&e, aDd In the daUy autflenc 8S hIli thut Ibe kalse.r'.. l'ls loll Is olm08t as besf rr lend. and Ihe way I. free. Mull's Crape Toni c I. fr ee. _ _ .. nothlnt: to pay, .1I0 lhlng much asked. a8 ,'1011 Ikave cO. clemned to prlaoll and ob ellance I. now "ery .Ulllclrlt:&1ld only it Cl.O Ihat bellr. you be Mlilion "Illlng H of 10 try Rusb, :'yourself agalll a lld' lest Now 18 the time to mak" this IDOIIi our yourself at our cost. free . lhe marvelou s .,._to _ _"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _for Wbu8e lIoul lI .... 1 lIave ..loomed! Wer)' sympatb y Must be "ho.'O him. Let Rlall rubles have bet'n " pent In u I' alll Importa nt and profitab le of dai ry {arm _~. me,ltor this saverelen cure . When .l'ou 122 ,:FREE CQUPO .>e1'1. ahe me.e..cbe ck:" him be rl!lIe ... ed from the ~ralJ(\ roun- atlemllt 10 make Slberla nnd t be Padt1c ' inl'estm ents. Send at once for new 19011 N . 93011 send your name and address , 'ell us Tbe ,~w elll;ll.ced cUl'\ausl y at "'S ell In order that ~e lIlay ~ 8a v~d trou- . coast . producth '8 parI 01 Ihe Ru ssIan catalogu e and name of near agent. sim ply t hat y ou want bott le o! Mull 's Send I ht:l cOupon wilh your name.,l nd ed , e mpire ..... hlle lhe aim lIas speut $5u.- THE DE LAVAl' at .... fI~ "I .. ltor. -;rhe man's manllterw.1I!I ble." "" TOtllc, the .reat Stomach Gra and dress :lI1d your druUh t'.! I~ "'e , lo( a frer! ATOR CO. ,..b bott le d \1ull':5 C r.1 pe T onic. 5 tf01ma cb ToniC oon.otlo an h is Arrlell.n wars. with no "ndolph iC...ISI._. SEPAR per:IllJu . " How much dOl YOU "'&1\'1., Bowel re medy, free. You w lU. rec eive. 74 CnrUlndl S"'" and ~~lpallon Cure ,: ' IlroSpect of retll rJ! from tlloHe L-o lonl es .JwIlela . Verdict . Darby'? ~' I flut ~ . on YOI", legslf«ai sl. Ihe bolli. without CHICAGO one cenl of COSj . Eve ,y Mull!.. Grape ' TonlC COo. 147 Third NEW VO .. " JudKfl-Y ou are lI~used c( h a l1~ tor half a rem IIry. Tb e publlo-d ebl 01 pe nny of the expense Is ours, : Impty pou·r'()a 1" " • Awe., R_ock ••Iand t lit .. flJeaten this person cruelly. German y bas In creased $300,OUO,OOO In fill (I ' \ t and ~a l J th15 coupon at 1l11(.t_ ''Two th O<.ttnnd .".I§alrl the burglar. ',"l e, "'!lll .-4rldr,., fw d II"rU, PlaJ.IJ!Y. The A C~uR.d -We ll . I had t<> beat hlG ten ~' euF'6, anr! there IR Iltl prospect t hai PEIISIOIS bn l~;~b~I'.,o;~;:~~~ ~~:,';.:1 8t~WOHl' 11~; ''')'.,,,'Ii1C}II.s/Ind? You ' re mul! " T he ler .lIne hu a date and numbe r , Iamped on . The $ 1 boll Ie conla.lns nurlythr~e ttmtU I-Ie Is . . It. will be dccreaA;e ll 111 Ih e Immedi ate rrt;I:~:!~"'~~ :~~~lal;!~~~I ~lj~~·7'.:~~!~~l'::.·III"/!l lr:;,r~tr;~~ . ~ ' Wrlte me .out a clleck for two thou. 11.0 waite him do btg . 'ork. the labet ·lue no vl he', hom you r druCi: ' '', lhe 50~ !'!I l.~: At u:ue 810ru, lullt te. -Pluebu Idiot'. PJ: Dllpalch. .nntl . or 1 ' I1Il1J~t you Jlk e a dOB!" £. If • • .c:uat_lI.M ... lOxa. '18 W.a...: ." .• ~' U'lnA~"''' -4 . _ _ --:-_ _ ~~~!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!I!!~~~~~~!~~!!l!l!~~ Judee (sever.l y)-Y oll IbOlllu re" I hav eD't got two l.lwusaud )u the Advant age of. 'F rontler Ltfe. A . N. A.-X memheo- Ibat an Idiot II n mill lik e yoil 20133 banle." ._._ - - -, .. .;)1rs. De Styl&-- I don', 'llee ·bow vou ", "You He. Write Ille a heck for tw o or me.- oLes Annalel . elM! bear ta live In '"at wild frouiler ct () tl~antl . or )'11 rOb B lilinglon of a cOII'l'1iry. so far trom clvlllzat lOll , Btrange . C"N:1jtom ,I" . ·•• GV~T&EiDTO~V.t.' . ,· Mr. '#e \\' e8t- ·Don ' ( )'01t1 Well, rJl TIw fen r,e fel l perpleu, l. T ben-.n · 1 He- I ~ ltall l.Ie just ml8etalt te w!l.ell t e ll )'011. I' t! rallJ er II ve whE're peopl e bave to go away IlIId lenv!' ),011. evil 611)IIf s lJr~ad OHI" hls sa llow fnce. "Oh. Jack. If I were M\l re OJt · £haC; s hool lit II' eneGlles t ha u wbere th ey -~ttO~~~[ ••. l.llforr -rIlO,.. ,,, D&.CII> ...... DO!'ll'T llVRi. 1 -H I ~.Oq 8 c~eck for t~o tllou- I'd t( ~l .. baDp)'. "-J;tt.. \.. cut tb~lf' ff'le.~da.~levell\.ud ~ader . E. W. • - .. ' !)... . '- . . . . . . ~ ...... ~ D., MO"llraolurer,I9JU'I: fllf~la, 11'0. ~ ..t.....J ..-.~ . _.dIr ... . l










Co.p••llorl Ind L1n."p. Op.rilor. WInl.d


Om Tblrty YllrI nl Klad You Hatl AI••" Boupt













':BloOd, ·Stomach and ~Bowel ' Hamady Will You Accept It an. Be Cured or Reject

====:...._. .

Be Miserable Unto Death.







Over All Bnvlt, letting S,ltema


Over All Imitating S.pantors.









_ _- -



~!!~~!~!.!!I~!;I~~oD.~~~! ~~D,,!~~~~~.~~~ ; 8'_1_••.



,. ~~ttlesnake

Kille.l .

emt, Hl8ey, mall

;\1. &' "tt '-h~ S I " !. 1·:.llll.r~ nnd ~t~n:a,,"r" A, .! t f,,., I II' 'I .\ f ' h 0\ '" 1 . ·t'. .J. URI ; "'!oO . A fh ll h .! IAT& F. l)11'{)R.

+1 .un

'1. -::.


." "n r .


-,"cur If

In advance lluL

IJaid In


--.-- - - - - - \ )F~'IC~; IN .IONES BUILOING.

'1' ~ _~P!10rlE eJlz,L .. ]40. 6'i . n""'ORf:n ~ l ' . , 1I'or,





Ma41 Carrier


--- -- _.. -


. r


OIIrrler 00

rnr.1 rO'lle 2, enoollnt.ered and klll~" a rll t.f.\e an";e Frld.y ID thfl ro,,11 In the Compton neighborhOod. The reptile wae about a ~oot in )t'nglh Il.ocl bad tbroo rattlen aDd a but·tolD and It alao differed from tJ!a larger vllrlety whioh Ie found in tDO\llltllll1nUl regioJla In Ita marklngll, ",'hloh, in tbls Ollie, were 1I0b'~lteIl<1 of diamonds. The oountry ID the ne1lbborhood where thesaakewas1dUed bill ~n nverrun with rattlers 101' a ·I.umber of yean. some of 'hem of ."ry IArlle tlize . Of late th., f"rlDfll'll h • .,e been boming t.hel pr"irie.Dd man:v of the rattlerll hAVfI h88n c1ri'l'en in. to thehm~. -4/ Mr. BI~ey hill< bllrl q uitA A little experlellce with I'1I;'lIes In one part· ot 'he worlrl IInrl Ilnnthez: lind PI:. hthlteli thp. rBUh.. of a ~.u:e Fri. d",. whloh bl'l hRd killect wbile be was In california. There were eigbt, rRtt.les Bnd the soake Willi of the I~rge mountain sp80iell.



J. H. ' McCASSY. M. ' A". M. O. OARRIAOE .',

1~6 ·· Weat


11mb Street,

If l .


, oJ

The Rtlpubllcan ele ;tors of Dar*oo, Ohio. J AME!'; \'I~ QER hliK retllrned t o ; Wayoe towaahlp will take notice PhoD8I. : Main 1.602, Bome 3602, , WllyneRville Rnel opeopd /I C ARfIIAOE that" primary eleotlOli will be beld EVil, EAR, NO!IE AND "RI\O ...'I·. in the Township ~OUIl8, WaynA" i n, .... in Wl'IgII'.·1I Itlllhling h, uPIl"r ville, on Satnrlllay, ~ber 2.,1005, Speutllolt!K fit,tedllt, l·eJh.l,nllhl p pl'iI-~8 .II IIi n Htr, ~ f\t . I'JnllHkH tlllllmt.rllllll g" betwOOll tho hOUri! ofl one and· fuur - - - - - -.- - - - - -. ot tile lllthliiJ III IU!:I'AIIUNII " II: III U LK~ Il III for t·he Vtllrpo!le ot nOblfnllt.inj! . OF Al.l. KIN))". RKI' AI!lTINIi P<1t. • Cltll,li,lo,t·/,iI ror ~he following "Il\VII· ~ II ' " Yl.·,.. .. : i IilV/'f"'I, ih' whn knnw!' Mr. I.ln II'rll"4H"" o~r kll"w~ hi .. w,,,'" I.. ~·IItIl'r (11_ "Il~

Y . . Lif _ e ' I·J ", . .. Current. . ~~II

i ..

1"",t", nrPT




f :" "I:",1'I hl ...

.... ~ h im







~ i

.\ II rlluie





I Ii ~PIj 8e".


_... ._.... "'.1. ._____...._. :(


" ~'. Ir" d w .. t-: JUfJ A U"vIUH! lA ud O .. nu lur- \' If!'t h , ,·,I n l·e h +l'd .10.1 t l.Juml~d tu t ht" lrlle " ,' ''' L, ' d. " t IJ Ul'tJ . It 1)t .II' IIUPl'rl Hh , It ... t.r uL h iL!OIl'It, alol th':" ~.II'a lc Iu OUl' a.· Lt" , r c "'II I L'" it" H 11.<<<" 11 " ..: IClh'n. a Wnnd· ruu .. IHc"Ht"IJ t o t h .., fjIh;l( 1I, lid Alltl1",. It


11"" c lhlur, 'd lo th' l UH L ur Li ml',", uuO be e n t.rh:tl til 1110 a u ' lbk ur,,· x p ~I·l c lU c . tUm ·"u

nfl ~r ~c rt) rll\i ll n

or lir, u r ee n eK

111\\' • rt 'R lllrl:d h ('u ILh \.0 th.: 8uITe rtlig b,·

lht'HC man' f.'l utHI nl tcll nlnuR, IIdap"lng. ur~1I. nl1. ln )(


nu,", pu rtt!~t ln ~ lb u , l~nhnenl 1 hr n t'~h lurlJ( yt'lU'N t'nOnnOUN prauUcal " XI,,"rlt'ol' I' , IUl I'Inll ,tat" mvk. by grand rUlh rr. (atlH'r an,ll(ulI, unLll t041u), tb ~


Lhtrll J..:l'fwrnllo n nf Pr, Ure,-,nc"

h_ ,(Iv •

In t: tu I h e wl..lrllt nu e\' ~n more 14UCcelllJ' fli t Jlr anl, h '~ , .1 oIUrtlT anfl lOo r (' [W mlth'e lUe IIi N Ilf ,' ur(" lha n hil S ""fOr h creto f nro 1)('1..' 11 JlI "ct~ d '~' r "n: lolh' (It ' r~rt!dH ('' , "tJa.k ·

The power that ,::i\'cs you life and motion is the enl!(i a nd I II ~c" ur . tti(~1 1 \' hatuf, o r ullrJulc force, or nerve fluiJ , located in ('(' mI'l tn t.... . the nerve cells of the brain, F. A. ,I(,. .1 OH>! A . HaH:IIlNIC and sent out through the r,' lb ·' llr ' 1 Irll'l' H'~ ur t hUL m H:oIt mon' e J nerves to the various orr-an s. of Dr.CaW. ou" III I,l l 1" !n"ltle... fur toht' !"tiurVf!H amI If you . are ' tircd. nervous, 1;1 11,11 1 weU·.S,rup irritable, canoot ~Ice r: have I"epoio,uled &I directed, headache, feel stuffv, dutt and will I!'lv. 1\ 11 "n: prl \, l1 c Mt od, l.., ooll l' ull Or Oret'oe melancholy, or have neuralgia, you 1m· )'M.Irr40l! tI .llly 0" b y mol". c,' ntlrel y free . rheumatism, backache, periI l r r ;( I· I·II~ hllU"4{'lf Ilttl'wls w ult who fDed late reo (' all ilull nlhlw;:r a lllt.'lt ~ r '" In perRon . odical pains. indigest ion, dyslieU rom tb. Inexpressl. pepsia, stomach trouble, or the OlT1 o.·. 101 Firth Av"uue, r... Y., ble tortures kidneys and liver are inactive, to 2M h occasioDed your life-current is weak. consti· and ' ______________________________ Power-producing.{ue) is need.\lend· ed; something to increase nerve ' Ills. ~n.ergy-strengthen tile nerves. Conlinue the use or this w()ntlerful Dr. Miles' Restorative Ncr- remeo:ly VETERINARY IoIURGEON. for a time. vine is the fuel you need. It Ie will soon sel your system right, \. .. 1. " ""D. Ohio. feeds the nerves, produces nerve wben aD occusinnll l .lose of it will keep en" be ('.III\.' .llln~' h/)or day or your Internal orgaois m In I he very pink force. and restores vitality. night . Both s..11 lIo-d Valloy ; of condit ion. , "When I I!oc&n taJtln~ Dr. 70111.,.'

" . nil III ' " will h" prin! ·1: ,,, "" . ~i lllretAI .. x, ·... vt. i"~ thOle qu"lIfied ,,,Uh t.h" (Jtllltl',,,1 Uommlfl.~l1tn"n lin ,r h"r'lre l\t .nj,otv. Oct.oh ~ r III, IUIif! 8 ,) fllr II" IIJlI],lIoohle rnll''' unll,,,· ·vhlch ·UOIlDt.V Primar\, ' .. 1~.IIIn" BrA held Hhll.lI govtorn ~IIld 8Ipo.ion. W . •1. KILBO!l I \ 'i,..t.r.. I .r O . CAUTWIIIORT ( l 'Ollllllit

Dna Botlla;

Mr. C. M. .t.h" mill"r report.!! thAt the "rert wpeYt),' h .. Appllnrerl toa oooHiderllble ~tent in whe"t in t.h!" viciDlt:v. '.PllII 8IDall Bize iDIIfIl't rnD kill! it, very diffionlt &0 detect iD the wheat . A veorJ: lIimple method whioh he haR UM'd. how· ever. i8 to wet the blind and nm It ·~ALE. through th., grldn. If any of 'bp iDllects are in tbe wh8ll ~.lIOme of them wt1l oling to tbe h,.nd. WARREN COMMON PLEA~. The follow111, artlole 00 "rNI L&I MF.NUP.NH.AI .I. ) weave)" Is taken from tbe t lJlp.rlortlt PUBLIC SALE. ~ ~:Ulr Nn. 10 :! 41 . Miller aDd wlll be of IOHl'ellf. t.. J . LU MA "O" at III liVery one who rallleR wh ... t , AM I hllve decided 00 ' qnlt farm. By virtue of an ordt! r of' .. alt' . ~u l r h.... ut!\l Raid Court. I n ioU., .. b4n'e 81a'~rt uJ.I"e, Botb lut y"ar aDd tbu, Y88r th,' in~ I AhaU olrer for B81e a.t my resl. from aad to me dlreewu . . will n lle r for Mal", ltV wbeat midge did coDaiderable dllw dAnce on t·be SnMD Bavens farm wa), of publlr 3 1... ·tluu. u t \. ht: " 'Oflr 01 tbtJ Dnu,",e. 111 l .. eIMllou . ,\ u r rt:n CnllD",. age 10 Obi" "hea t. Laat 1"'1' it wa- :! mitel'! !IOnt.h of Lytle, and • mUIlI! Court 1>10"""14. VIIII,,:v Phone No. 238. n ... torath... Nervln. and Anti'l'aln Oblo. 0 11 1'1118 I ..." . conftned 10 my .!>ed. I found In 5\1 oo!Jntles. I. the wbeht weat of Wayotlflvllle on the Lebanon bad IR\'ere nen 'oult lpella, the result MONDA Y. lie rOfj~tt lin, A U. I\JUr" . or t""o years lIIDeu ""lIh m ..... r... I pl/lt8 at tbe experimeDt etatlon it and Lytle pIke, (townehip'road,) On ....dually r.."" .0 weak t hat I was at IV O'c1ocle a. DI" · o n .,,111 day . \lIe lollnwl uv (L ••• rj ...l W8S f' und prll88Dt In 10 per oent ot Thursday October 12, 190&, at 10 un.bI. to alt up. Th. "pella woulcl d eacrlbcel r~al etotat~ . w-w lt : commence wit.. cold chIli.. alld I all tbe It affeoted all v.r:· a . m., my entire orop, llook aDd ~hl1l1te In \ ..... y llr 'l"owuabq,. WarreLl wollld become weak .and almOllt help. Ie.... My c lf'Clllatlon wno poor. I ettel, but IImoot·h whput.!I to It great farming utensils, ooDIIlati" of· one C4JUnlr. Obio. a.ntl bci ulC "purl, flf ~ ""'1.1"11 hnd doclorecl r'crht aloncr tiut crew II , 'I' • •• te ..... M. It. S, lh: HIDDII1~ at a tttUlW II the ' best preparntll'n ohtalnahle for w eaker ... nd 'Weaker. The N ervl n. er t1e~ree thau be_filed. wheata. balf ioterest in 7 aorlll! of tobaooo 10 lobr center ot the CIQ,(] uuJ Xenlit aecmc<l a\1 the mllll }' illg 1111<1 lI ilment s llrising to ~t...,ntr'b.n me rlcrht away l urnpllw al .be North W". t corn"r ot Mlob",,1 and my circulatIon w .. ""II.,,~. I b a v. from overworked or disordered diges. Prof, B. A. UO""II1'd. Illloomologillt and a half IntereSt in 18 ,.8crOll taken In 1\11 eevtn bottJ~. or tlte HaDllltuo·.. !OrOlelrly Juhn UUber',,' land. tlve organs. of the Ohio .tation, repOrt!! tbat the oorn In the field: 5 ho., 2 OOWII .~loJ .tone hul,," bet!II on pl ~i1. lJy JWI Ncr,·lnc. Dnd I ~'" en tire!.>' .."II." It acts qu iCkly and su relyon the cause nOSA Jil. 'VUVJi:R, IItuDrto. IL t!v;u.", S Ur\'Clor. UDder ' U1U ~rlDH ot ("om ' AND DEALER IN damage Was greater this year than 12 hogs, 2 .B rood IIOWII ,10 Rb08tll. prowh.e bt!t"'erD Ollvld Mat40ll rCU,.. ~uxaD of the trouble and its beBeticial effe<:ta Dr. Mil ••' Ntrvln. I•• 0111 IIy you~ druCCI.,. who will lIu"I\nt .. thAt tit. are Instantly percepllblc . la~t and that It wa~ reporWd from ODe Studebaker w~gon -wltb box MallM)u ani: Juhn KOberL_. In cal"d No., .. ,ra, lire' toour. wCII IItne fl t. I' It 'all., he . It will cure Ihe most obstinate cases. WiA,",n County Commun 1'.PUA,·r·vuTr." And .J' ovt\r 50 oonnti~. bed, one bay ladder, Ii gra vp.1 bet! , roDnlnK ,hence s . 1~; dt"lC'. ;tr. au-. ~~ ..:tO.O" ..III relund your monty. Dr. Caldwelr. waliv. Syl'\lp Pepoia Miles Medical Co .. Elkhart, Ind ~baln~ to tbu lJIUlr ~UaDl l Hi" .,r : tneoce N. can be ohlolned in bolh d.. llar and halt~ The wheat midge, or "red wBevel" apriDg wagoo, a· rnnarn,nt.. one 18 d eC.:tO m in. I!:. 2.01 "1Ii.ta."; . tben~. i\ doliill' sizes fro'D all drug gislS. u It ie lometimes called, il a very toogueleas oultivator. ODe Vulelln at! de" . nu mtn. ~ , :~. Iu uh !'4, : tbellce with We" Your money will be refunded if It T,·to ·vll ·,n.· In hi .. hlln-a where he river '0 the ellS( . ""tlull IIl1e 01 s""tiOD 11 : 1IIDft11, delicate I~t, appearlng on brellklng plow, one dOllble.shovel, tbt!uce . does Dot beueHt ) ' 011. . ....·llb. .t:&L... t N,. .:l'ltuu line ~r Rec. I" :". CUll be 0111100 Qt 811 hoUl'll. day or tbe wlDI some lime In .... e 'rh .. 2 llllta of working harne8B. one tlet 1 dea. , ,,:, mill . • : w t u~ :<0, I!'. c\iJlI~r ." lb t Yon. po.tal card '!"jueot will brln. b~ ot J. W• .t:dlWllflbc 10 .... 141 He..:. lI,,\., ~~'a~ n... bookl.I. ·Dr. eawwea-. tI n ight. eggs are laid In a OIIIvity or JrI'OO." bUllg:v harn_, about 4 or r; t-onl I"ods W .. a.. d f rC"e •• molo to (110.10 who b ..... ,bence wleh '· Unts .::t. l)t) IIC!!j ,; ', _ . tried I~I. wo~.rlal ",medy. WrI,. tOllar, at ;the upper end of . the tirnotb:v bll:V in tbe mow, some miD. W. a,!!4 ob:oJ.. ~ themet: N tU de". lil w ill. Conohae and ohairs lIupplied. RlOOItVILLJ:,ORIO W 2.4' ababa to a &llDlu," tn " be J..f&lI"lIUU "'ld ontermMt ohair, so that the potatlles, !lOme houllehold good8 WaYDt!M vlUe plkej lbtl nce ~ .f, de,. oJu nU l. ..... IN IIRUP I HIlve receDtly moved to room SPIIOJAL'm18 : DJ8liA8Z8 01' WOMB W o.:U pole •• tbe,o ... Ii H .de.. 4;, lulu. II young maRgo"" on ha'olung, cao and kltcben furnitnrll. .......... 111..... . next to Cr088 Bros. '. 6.:2 poles : tb •• ce ,; ~U dill( W 7.~1 · pulet! . AD OBILDRB. r&odily reaoh tbfl inCipient kernel . tbenue 1:1 all del ,,,, . DIII W j .B cbal1l>l: tb ....'" Fol' . Sale by J. E ..llll1nl'Y J. B. ADAMS. S 44 dog :;F. wlo \\1 I " =0 "balM : tbeuce N Tbese reddiah larvlll Imbibe nour n. B . SURFACE, Auot. .. deg au WiD W H.nO pole~ _IAI Sawuel Clemelll1l·. formerl)' Hutb I:It~OID'O """t Ishment from the mtlk,J kernel, A BELLERij, Clerk. llae ; t.hence ~u lb w it.b .,,1ll O~en tK', tor,- -...-.- - --,., ,. OfIIllllng ' to t/!tld after the grain be merly S tedoJoDl's ...., line f,O tll~1:I ~ cum« oomea hard. Wben fulllfl'OWD 'hey Township Teach~ Meet of s",td Clement,,' land : tbenC& w.:xt. ,with said Clewen, . · """,h lIue tlul Utloa IKI,.· aeek tbe earth, gttDeraJ)r-b1 IUdioK by llllke: tDe uce ta ~twa NIY w!fll nl<J; pIke down the wben it Is wet with The teaobers of Wayne towJlllbip t.o the \\'el\\ II nf". uf '" th ~rl! Lrilet. ~ ..wt.eG in CAlJe Nu . .. .-. ;" 111 w ;«rreo COUll,".: O~,.,. ~u.~ dew or by llliding . down 1D a rain held their firlt meetl~g for tbe moo PleM.4 t.,;')urt reui,,,ru.,, : tbclli~udtw'''Nh .dr'!p. <GcJIDIf 'about one-'half Inch pretlent school y.eal' "t the townlhlp with I'(a td w C8 l Ila'le HI " " U) ,W tI, \:re , lral'" tu Un: ll1l1 uc:o 01 l~);iJtIUUl t;, c" "t..~" 'R. '" J.ji.'i i) , beneat.1i the.v make hOUM Friday. ucre~ ul l U ll .. " UJur~ II, . \!~ ... • .;i. • ooo(lonil nnt mnch ),.rgerl1blln mnll . These monthly teacbeQl' meetlnRB llJIld real cdtat " 1o.,s bCe D ~ul4rly appra l~­ ed LlDtJer unter 01 Cu Urt at lll e ' wn u( teOtly, t.rd lleedt1. very dlftlol11t to find, ill wel1l Inalllnra.~d 11I8t. yelt.r "nd tieveu aull 3U-1OU '11147.:,°1< por 1M!l\t, whl~ey rem "In until t~e follpw p1:OvecI of lOoh praoUca), ;bene8* *0 ..d will ..., be .oW lor le/lll "'.D two·tblrrl. or .ald appral.dtl Vllllu". _ • Ing IInm"!er, when·.t.h ey IIIllln issue the iobool. tbat the 8Ilm~ "ll1llD ,b,," T~kMl'4 ur ~A ••K: : tJl1~' C.bird ~ , oae lbJrd filM . Rln,ever. m'my of the heeD followed tbb yeor. ; ; , . In OAt! yea.r aDd ou~·tUlc" lu i ~~,.e...... 0-= ' f erred p~vmtm l.Jj w be ~urC'd yy. mong ... c JarVie b._ve 1I0t left. the ,beftt'l" by The morning II88II10n of the meflt. on tbe pre ......... sold abel to lJear Iqler". , at banwle tim" IInct' ,b8118 Ilt'tl carded inc 'wu devoted to II ~ dill. IIx per ct'DD. '1\ " . P"'l'Tt:K~ON'. tato the barn or 1I'-IIok; l bey AOnD nnaaioD of the probleDIII "hloh oome Sb~rlf(. W",,..t:D Unuuly. Ohio. F. !\of. ""'.Ul l'ON AU ' y . ' ~r become dry aud ahrink lI,,",y from lIp4a every day IIOhool work. the skinl, ~omlng •'Olt aM 'Iarvle ;" 10 the aftetoooD tbij Corwin these do not feed; the~ "gaiD 00 teaobers met wlth"i tbe ,obera of A ProD\lnttnt Tr&Iq,m~ ,he towJlIIblp. The afternoon wa. ~. 'Or and 'BIadder ~be mlUlY frltlllU!f uf 6 ; H, Sauaoome aotlve W:b en tb"r.,nghl.v IDoi,,'· devoted to a stndy of lit«ature and IlD, JliDKIUtltlr ~. "- {/{, ~A ,., ac ~. Safe Sul'e. ., ened, even aft.. r h..vinlt qule" "PedIllOlfY" or method 'At Becla I"-U& "VIU" IU ·t.IW ... ~.~.atWiU ~ oent for more than balt a i!lJ&r. . P'rofMlIOr GOIIIIArd adit.i8es that tloa, II oonduoted by Sopt:' Chaa. ~. pl..~ to knuw •• t 11111 reOIH~~m tbrellttlDIlG ludl1tll d~ I .tie . Brown. The teaohera have a~na""-' t.o "I Willi ounld b.v nlliog rqle, '! Kid liDoe the ohaff from tbe-..:trlUlhlng I1I1Y t)ur~, willun 1 ~1A\flld I" mllohlnBIJ oontains 'oonlltJjllta oum " . • .... . cures the most,obstinate cases of bers of f.hltlle "cued. "'VIe I t It vialt the ecbooll of the 01&1 ot XeDia dli, ""J1tMlI..lIy (4) tl'ltlnm~ ; w,ho ar" sbunld be promptly bnrn.eef ;' tbe one mODth from the tilDe 01 tlJlB ue'''' ,I." "IIIIII," ;ly IImlO~ ; L May . kidney an& bladder diseast:s• . ,: ... }jnlk ot the atraw oa.n be,.put to itll meeting . Xenia Is oredlted w1&h C1IAt.omary nee witbout iPeqlal dan. hr.vinr one of tbe bMt IIOllool.,.atem It supplies the kidneys witb - _____-4 .. ger. All eeed wheat ahOD.ld· be well In Ohio and lome ul!l&ble and the substances they need to build C"ABLI!8 SULLl"~II. wbproe '~ace 0' 'reBI' 'Imoed or screened 'to pl'8Yent sow belpfulldeaa caD no d~bt be ob· 10 ullknown, will ,ake nO~l~ Lbat AII ~n ing midge larvill II10nl ' with the tained by tbe local inaunot01'll. . dence Baine.. IIled hi. petition 10 tbe Courtot C<>m· up the wo~n ~\It · tissu¢s. seed. The 8Oreanlop ~ould be The tlacber" of Wayne TOWD8h~p moo 1-'leas of Warren ClOIIII~f.plllo. iDo tbe letb da, of August. 1110:1. ~.kaln.t ' .aId by are tllking an aotive, earneat inter. _ Cbarlu :;ulllv~n aDd olb.r., iKlibr. amoD, b nrnell . It will ' cure· Bright"s ' Disease est In their work aDd tpe oomlft~ Olber '''I0<<0I Ibat .al<l Alleai!Jlalnaoi iii tbe t III ,"" 01,.., "udIVlde<l,," tblrd of tlte yeu p~mllllls to be enOoelllJful in owue (ollo .. h'l( d ""cllbcU "'... e.w,e';'io,wl': FuU 01 Tra.lrlo M __ l DI'. and Diabetes taken in tJrne, eVllry way. "licluK par", of lob Noii one \ II and lire these hnp.. from J . 8. ~mmonll , ,'he total eDrollment In thellOboola tbree (a) In ."'ank'in "'lu .. re In {he '0"" uf of Casey. Iowa. Tbiok wbat might Waya~.vlile. War""D CUunl,. {:Iblo. ~ " and a slight disorder yi~lds rea.d1:IeJ!IIIUID, at .. PUlnt uIIII.bllnit,.,1I ~itd have ftlIInlted from bit! ·terrible al'! I'epor~ Friday WIUI ~, divided to ,~he wonder-fut curative SflVI!Q ,lU'} tt!6l Wt=Kt of tb., 6u,tb -ct'W1:a r of cough if he had not. taken· the medl IImoDg the schools as followl: Jot.N1l uue tt} lAud 10 th e l'IoU tbltrh: 01 lot L\ cine about whioh be write.: "I hlld Red Oak, .Mi~ · Inez Williams No. O'lt \1) uo ,~I;rml n .....t:: ..lIor I~nllln~ .'p owe( , ~f ~~ ;·g~eatl'medicine. · tbeuce!' with lb~ Hu.: uft-lidu Htreet .111 . :ux.• . f&or'ul ooogb tbat dl.bed my teaoher, 12. Jol" r.a le~t and tw'U \~) locri;: .. to Ibe·lul. nlgbt. 8 reAt. I tried eve~"ing bnt. by 1. , '. fo·.. irbl.lI1to tu J , 1... \ .tI.,.V-"u : SlIpr 6rove, MilS Ao",lIeredl&h aold DotblnK wonld relieve 1& _U 1 took It aitd heals the u rinlhcDce w~lb line of .. aid Jo~~. (1l\ ~'.O h • Dr. KiDg'. New DIPOOV~;,for OOD. t-alloher, 16. to all aUe1: t.hetlce t.lOutb ;U }" .... \\. , 4:; CU~l t.wo J::J IDobe. ·tt:. tb~ c" .. t.;;jI(\h~V' .:1I1.uII somption, oougbs and 8, whioh ary C?rgans and invigorates the College BtU, Mlu Doqpa Bawke • ..aDd 'teni tbell~"tt S. AtHv· }; • • t ·) ·~hfi"1'tJ·:"b, .,r oompletely onred me. to t,ftiItaotly tpaoher 17. • beCllnnIDW." • • relieves aud permaneDtly tmll't!8 1l1l your kidneys whole 'syste.m. Mt Bolly, Miu Ruth Chaodler. , fthr08t lind Inng 01 _ _ ;,l~vunta tMoher,2& A,ul tbat .~lddden<l~Q'C1l1"rle. liulrlvull I ... t.ellaDt In OOlDDI<'b wi,,, "",.1' 1'.Iuhnllf In I(rip and pnenmonia. At. ''L Mily'", are deranged, ~ornrnence taking Spring BraDob. Mr. JohD CDm. ..Id real eotate .a" •.bat 'be llJ"ntllf d ...lrv. fI rUKKI8t; guarll nwecl; (jOe Ilnd , • . mIUR8, te.ch8l',27. _. to lold biN Inl_O\ 10 ..111 lalii! to "."·.ralt~. Trial bottle free. !!armooy Grove, . . . . .nh Bnr. and praying 'bat pa","Ob ~ereof may bft Foley~. at made accordlog to Ja" Qba fQr toucb Htber nett, teacher, 32. 1" ....1161 a ••al<l plalntllI ilia), Iot:, elltlth'u t.:; III once. BlMy DiB'rict, IIIH'Lna VII.n . the: ... reDlblt!~ Bow'e Thie? " ~ ...h.l Cn ... rhm :,ulUvau J i t:' ret.ulrc.l lo. ' We olrer One Bundnid 'Dollan dervwort, teacber 111. a.n"~'''r ,...ld PfltlltuQ uu ur bflure .. U~ .. ttl Green Brier, itr. Robert !fnnt.• eh" TWO SOo .....00 ,,( ~~ .. vembt:r, UtO,i .".. r "h~ I)ra.,y~r lit ",,111 1 Rewanl for any calle of catarrh th"t teaoher, 12. ""mion wIll be ..... ated. . cannot be cnrecl by Ball'. Catarrh •• t)ur~ . . .' AI.Ll>S !JAIN S . A Ph,.loI_" "Nleti. "OW ..,.ecrtbeelt dally• By nuay~n 6~ la"lev . bl" allor"~).. .... . • F. J . Cheney & Co. • Toledo, Ohio. Pre.uientl&! JIIleonoo WIll make t oct. '" . • ....... 9-- .~., I praettolnll' pbyelclan ot Smltb.. ooOb.n~, We, the undersigned have kDown . _ __ -'O .,..;.'_--e . -+'-Uz:ove. 1:,,, I~ q~ tblny YIlllI'II, .. wrltee Ids pel'floDal F J . Cheney for the j alit) I) 1ea1'8, No matter whloh candidate III . 'Pne OJ·18mal. e:&perlenoewtth . FDle,'s Kid"ey .Cu,.e: "For yea", I .and believe him perfectly hODorable eleoted, Foley's BODey & Tar wjll Fule.• &; Co., Cb tClt If0, orr~'a '~. f , ',~IV~ bee.D ,..eaUy. . botbered with kidney 811d blal1der . In all bnsiDeas tranaaotions and du remain the people'. favorite NlDled)' IIDoill1ly to oarry ont any obliga. for OOnghll, .o olds and inoipllrut: ~on. Boney .. nil 'fltr ..,. u, t.bro'llt i'6dl iiini- .. ~ble -I.Dd enlarged Pl'Oltate &'llIn~, 1 uaed everything tlons made by bl. DrlD. "kn~ tri. ~hll p.rofenl~D wllbout rel!~;, u~tli loommencecl lIampUon. It Olll"ell oolde qntcJrl v r.,med.l', lind IIU Iwoo-unt of t.he ~.,u"'. Walding, Kinnan & "arvln, to UJII FDley;, Kid"ey Cu·,.e. A~ter liking three bott'" nnd prevent. pneumonia. A, .j. OI~rI t." I,d ,lOpul .. r 11 I' ! ,I I!'ul.,.v • HOII Wholeule DruKgiBY, Toledo, O. Nnsbanm, Bateevll1e, Ind., wriMII: ".". 8UO lin ''''~ 't " ImJlJl Ilu: ". HI II J W&l eDtlrely reUeYed and clU't!d.- 1 pre.crlbe It now BaU·• . Catarrh ' (lure Is taken In. "llI1lftered for tbree mon&ba with" ..ftf're I , r tb - genu:ott. "Altk fur .' dall1-tD 1111 practice IDd heartll, recommend III tl8e to terolilly, aoting directly DPOD the llevere oold. A dranlat prepared FOLEY 'S B n ,v lUi ,• .I'dr IIhd ret'IIte ' . aU plJYllclaa, tor lucll troubl", 'ror I can honettly rtate ' bl~ aDd muouU8 surfaces of the me some medloiDe, aia a 1IJl,8toiltD R', .~ • b· I·• • ' " " ..!If.... ",.. IIt4 IIU .. th" ,· 1 I have pr..tbM hla~ of aU. wl&h ---..I • system. TeatiIDoDiaIB IIIIDt ' free. prescribed·for IDe yet I cl1eloo' hll- prtt,lArlltl llll wlll .gl".. tbe Hme H' I•. _ _ . ' .-..tot . Price 760 per bottls. &lId by all prove. I then tdecll'ol81'. Bon8Y I, '"!I..... It I": Dlll1pl:f 1a~tt... dnqrglstll. Take BaIl'1I Family Pills apd Tar aod ~h' dOl8l cued· rue. " 0110111 .." II" ~Ot»tj.tll!II. Il~''W . . . 'fur lor oooatlpatlOD. ohildrtln IlDddlllieiato penoD", . . . , . " For lClle by LeI.... "y~ •



Dr. R. J. Michener,




Syrup Pepsin
















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, aD'lCIcIney




.'11 ':: f~'eyJ· . ~KI~~ney·· Cure' ~~.;;;;;_;;;IIiIiWWI;a






Kidney Cure

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It will make you well.


'Skillful Specialists .' for all Kidney

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. Used the·




Cures Acute :or Chronic



E • Y


hi '

. .I

and Bladder


~ vVarren ~unt; ~~~~. ·~~Ee::~:t:.~O:f~La~:VI:Da~Pa::yn;:e:,~d:e:~:-:·~::d~.~·~f:::::dW·::i~p~7:na:~~~~:.~..~..~..~.~..~~~:.~..~..~.~2:1·00~~~u~n:d:e:r-:a~n:e:W:-:I!o:h:e:d:u~l=e;1:o-:e:ff:eo:t~~::-:-::;:g:E~~· 2!£ ~~~;:~~~~::::::~~~-=-~..~.:.~.~~~~:. iDteDtory and appraiBemoDt ftled. , &I_te of Lavina Payno, deoealM!d. Tholllltil ·R. L. Ball v. Tbomaf 8"le bill flIed. Dill, S.-.h Dill, NAn.le Dill, Catha. ' JI'.e~k of ·Lee Elltl, d-.ed. &10. riDe Hue~tnn , . Alfred DUI, William ond and flnal aooount for Nlttiement 01\1, Jobn A. Dill, Ellen Dill, E1~r· lDAt.te of Mary E. A. Conger, ben· .~ U u - . h 1A00ount f or lOt. - BIa" o .. ~n" hi Pll, Anoa ... ooree, E m· e....oIary. ouven. milo lion.uoh, Viola Dill, Urone 0111. tlemont 1l1ed, a. mluor, John Wykoff, May Cox, John Backett, ellooutor Wm. B. Sa,rKh PaUerllOn, Marth" Laoib, Al Dwyer, deceued, n Leoua V. Bi·te\!. bert Dill, John Crone, Rlohard Orone mau, e& at. John M. tlnook dieAlva Bond,' Alberta UroDe, Bt1Dry oharged .. appraller and GedrRo O. Shurtz, admlnifltnator of the 08· Uooper appointed in hIB place, tAp. tate of Peter W. Ball; deceaMd, praleemeot rettlJ'Ded and order tor Bolle Bonhaw, the uDkuown .helna inlbllo I&le of real eetitte iIIIued. ' of Peter ,\rmetrool!', doooasod;.Mel William H. RobtDlOo, admIDIB", vllle Armstrong, Mary Outr, Albert tor, eto., of Jee.. liaant, deeeued, Arm.trong, lier&rude Lytle, Almira vsE4wanlUaunh'.I. O. B. Deoh· Beedle, E117o& E. Todhunter,Charloe anfappoluted pardlaD Id IItew for Bowyer, Sylvan Bowyer, RalNleU Forren Marnay. Order fur publio Bowyer, I wlnor, Almira S. MII1(1. . .Ie of real _.te Illued. .nd t»rah L. ArmsCrong, Plaln'~ r.tate of Mar'ha J. Flon, dll8MB. aven that be II owner of Ind iD ed. 8arab E. Kootle appoiDte<i'ad p.l88OI8ioo· of 47· 88 part of lome" mlnl.kaUlI: wUh bond of ,500. No acre8 of land In Deerfield township. appointment. The I'f'mainlog Int-er8lta i8 rep"'" ID matter of Rlohmond Middle· sented 10 the Partlee to the IUU w:ho toD,I.DlIIlne. Admitled to Ohio State are tenaDSIIln oommon with him III BOIpltal at Dayton. 'be .ald premles, PllllntUr Pl'&YI IIARBIAGIl U(llCnl:. that par"&ion of .. Id land. may be JOieph P . Bale and lira. Mary B . made. Brandon, Burr aDd lviDIare DIal, boah of rrankJln.. Rev. BMoh attorneYI for 'he plalntllf. Barvey Hall and Elizabeth Den Sanh A. Nb~n .,. Alloe ijattoD, Unpr. both or Franklln. Boy. Barvey 8utton, Alioo Daug~ert1, Wonea. Uoorge .Daugherty, Jawee Daulfh Edmand L . aaWOl, lIexloo, D: F., eny, Kate Daugher&y, Mary Daagb and Grace K.Mamy, Foaten. on" John Daaghertyand J. O. Bey. BaUey. ; .JlUDea lIurphy and Allce Varnell, WUllon, tnutee of the OIItate of Fir Plaln&itf both of FOIIten. halter U. M. maD !:tutton, deoealal. ' Chat I'trman Satton dll\d No. Diener. .. vemb8r 23, 1886, leaVing a win, ao Char11!1 A. Orea_y and Lottie B. oordlng to · $he proYillon. of whloh ttevart, both of MalOn. after hili JUIC debSll had been paid REAL DT4TIl TIIUII'Il. ., "" tbe proooedl ari8IDg frow the Ieue of hie real eetate which oonllsled of Jennie E. Smltb to V. E. Suttac", lOme 10 aoree In Union town-.hlp, traot to Clearoreek toWllllhip ; 4275. .ho~ld ~ ueed for the mlDiI~ or Grace Stevenson to Belen ...bllr tbe I'ellowlhlp t.'hrls&ian oburoh 10 rlat; lot In MalneYille; '100. long al it oontinued to exilt. 'l'hla BeDry W. Sl1emeniDg e' al to Ida mlniltry baa JODir llinoe oeaeed to M. Onaka; 10&8 in LBbaDon; f1. alft. Plalad avera Chat Ibe baa J . N. Lemmon and wife to vmalfB ' a lepl Tlgbt to X part of tb)B ,.r eal of Oorwin; lot 10 Corwin; t7i.'1Ii. _.te, Alloo and BarveJ Satton aft J . N . Lemmon and wife to Benja eaoll ..&itled to 'he undiYided ~ min B . M11\8 ; 2 loti In Corwin; f:l60, part of . .Id premlael and Alice. J . N . and Mary E, Lemmim to Goorp, ~am., .Kale, Mary aocl Patriok Clark; 2 Iota in ~n; JQ~ Doqherty ~ epdtled tc) tbe '160. ..... 1-24 part of · I'trman 'SdttoD William A. Cochran to B. B . haYinlf been dead for more 'liad 'ODe Onath; 8 tract. In HamlltoD ,.rar, plalnUtr prall- that J. Co ;wn· Iblp ; It. ~. IOn, trDl&8e, ma, be required tip 118' Anna lIaria and Alben Bocnh to up wliat. fandit may be In hie...... AnDi Sweeney; lot In Leban~ ; fl. lion and tba'partitiOD be made of Aoaa Wolf aDel Mary'&. JOliDIOII 'he property. SHndon, Burr and ~ Thee. 1I0DermoU; 10' ID J';ranll' hlDi are a"orneya for plalnWl'. Un; ,"00. Arthnr Logg .,. JeUle Legg. ' Oi. WUUam .,.. Burprmaier to Emer. - voroe. · &rtI8I were married ~roh IOn E. Oard; II haeM In W...bIDIr· 17, 18i7, and to tbem-ba'ye been born &011 toWDIhip i '20,OQO. ':. two IOn.. Plalntltr aven thai; d ·Fletoher and WarreD Tor'!!tt 10 fendaDt hat! been Dl1ty 01, Tbomae R. L. Ball; quit c~Jm to InAdellty aocllinoeJanaary ~1~"5. 43 aore.ln Deerfield eownlbl~.; f23 hal refUll8ll to live with him. P,JaID' J(M8ph 1'. Burgemaler ~ 'Itr alte tliat' he lnaY be divorced tine B1lI'plIIaler; 113 IIOI'fJIIln ~ &IIh aDd ma.y be decreed ~y ~ ablld. IDirton towDlblp; fl. . ren o W. Z. Boil aad II, Qrab Flora M. Van Horne to A~ M. .' are .,......~ for plainWf. .. Booth; lot in Franklin; f775, : - W. t. ItItzro$h, a. elteoa'or ~r 'he 1'. II. Cunniogbam .. 'raath fur Ialt will aod' of lolal1aO. benellt of oredlton of ~ J . WUM, .dooeaeed, VI &ll_~Tuft.eBOIioh to CharI• ., Ro&oh ~ 'nao' .. eltoontor of the Iae~ 11'111 ad4 tee. In B.mtl&oD toWDlhlp; tamet;at of ·E. D. Tuft., 'choe~Ied, 1':. 11 . . ~agham. 'nutee of •• 11"'!eth_ ~ruf~ and 'Y. F: E1~b, Oeqi.J.,,¥!!t~~lo Charl. E , Roaab; .. eltooGler of the I. . wi" and .... 131.ftJ . ' iIi~amUton towqahlp . J. P. Oilohrla&: d8oeued, Ka. . . ..... A. Baouteoborough t.o '.PlaiD&U! l118li for . toreol~~ of John L" ~.~ugh; qalt.'Clalm mo~pp. Amo.u n' 0~lm4ld*."1111 to 10' In m~IIDJ fl. ~ . with iDtereit on part iuld .abJeot '0 Jam_ bo.....,. iDd wife to hm .... oer&aln oredIta. .tzro$h &Del .ple Coo., Jr: ; H aoree In BlUDlItulI are a'torne,. for plaiDd.. &o1rDlblp; ttOOO; ... _r- ()()UaT P80011£DI.G.: Blllnu .\po WllltamlOn ehl t.o State of Ohio VII AloolO Blda,.. llary &. Collett aDel bDllbando; quit Motion for new trial overrUI'" olalm to l~i IOretI iD Wayne town· S.te of Oblo VI AloolO Biday .•blp; t3OO~ . -D.&n--.a ....h ....ooar' Tbomaa T. B_alt and wlfe:..~ the Def-"--. ..-....... ... . - . u;r • .. to Impn.onment ID the pellit. .ttary Baltimore and ObIo Soa'h"",torn for the period of ODe 1ear, at hard Railroad Compu,.; 37 aoree In labor. . • Lovelaod; '11111. illcw ~U l'I'~.







, . ....-. or

John M. WUlIaml .. &lm_lIar. phy. Defendant ',rallled lea. . &0 flle aDl.wer fonhwlth. , PROB~TliOOORT.







Nashville R. R.







Da,ten, Lebanon

Cincinnati Rr.




I080mnla Oured. . ! [,v. Lebanon , 6.:15 "LaAt year I had "very _vere Lv. Leland " 6.41 attack of IndiguUion . I OOlJ,ld nut L v. lJodd. d.50 " O . fi~ llleep at night aDtl "uffered ~Qllt....,,J:. L ... KI"'bn~r LV. Venable "0.51 oruolatlnlJ peinl! Ilftor e!l.oh m!l&l. I Lv, t:dMewood "0.5H troubled tbi~ way fur' _bon' Ly Lytle ';.01 three months wbeo I Ulled ~ baw I.v, Manor "7.08 ntervllle 7. 1:1 herl..ln '" Stowaob Ilnd Liv. 'l'II,b · Lv. Gc Hempstead 7. ~ O let.., and ~ived lmlnedl..te i'lrilef," LL,·: v. Ko.I, n " 7.~1 Mya John Dixon. Tnllamore, Onta- Lt , Sbatrr Cr. 7 .28 Ar. Lebanon Jo. 7 .30 rill..Canada. Fur Bille by L . lay.



AM ~>M 9.30 1.30 "P. :l6 "1, 3 0 "U 16 I.I C> " 9.17 "I.' 7 "9 ~D "1.1 0 'U.63 'I .o a


•. 80 "4 ;) 0 1.16 "1 •• 7 "4 .10 "1. 5 3 U.5 6 1. 5G · " .56 "10,01 " 2. 0l ",; .01 10.0. 2 .0 7 5.0. 10.1 5 2.1 5 (,. H , "10 .17 "2.11 ":1.17 10 ~2 2.%2 6,22 10.26 2 .2,'; 6.26 C. B.AI ... ... .tXT e.H.AI ... C.B.&' ... 9.40 Il .0 0 3.0 0 6.0 0

A JUdiCIOUS IDqwrv. . D. A:.X. T . 1).Ax.T. D. X.&T 8.00 a .Oo 11 .0 0 A well known tr.vellng ~ who SOUTH BO UND vlelt.. the drug .tore 'rade 1Iiay. be has often beard drulll'" Inqllire of AM PM AM PM (\Ulltnmen who Inquire for ~1lKb L .... v. No 2- No t ° No 6' No8' mediolDe, wbMber It w.. "anted Daylon : C. 11. .t D . D 00 for 1& oblld or for an adult. aait ifror Daylon: D . .t X. T. 7 0(1 () 00 1000 000 .... banon Jun eUon 7 .0 2 36 10 Sf> e :10 .. ohlld thtlY almoet Invaria1ii.f reo Croasln, 7 12 ~ 3T 10 aT 0 3~ IImmend Chamberlaln'8 Cou~ Rem Sbaku ROftyJn '7 . 7 '2.~ ' 10 f 'l '087 ~, The I'MIOD for tbll ·. tbat H.\IllIt.e~ 7 0 0 2 f o 10 4r. 640 10 (.:I 6 1U 7 ~II :) 6 l they IInew thare II no danPi' fram Cellt.enllle ' IO r.V ' 6M? 'M 01' ': 07 it Ind that It al_,. ourOi. ,-;IJ!h8J\e Manor LyUe 8 0 9 a 02 II Of 0 h7 II no~ the leaat dlnger In gliRog i', Edcewood '11 0'; ' 7 00 '8 I !i! 'l! or. ..nd for ooughll, oold. and .t!!toup it Venable 'R III 'J 09 'II II ' t 0 5 '8 18 'a II ' II 13 "; 0 7 h. nn8urpalllOd. For .. Ie . . 101.,.. Kltobner II H, '7 '11








We have bUYllrB for gooll farms and ' town proper ty nt aU times. Lillt with US, we can holl) .you, Omoe Rooms ove r Post Offioe in Stnops' Buildiog .




Now ARRIVING AT HUTCHISON &iGlBNEY'S DRESS FABRICS, Henrietta .cloths, ,&00.. . Panama, Nun's Veiling, ' 8 20 8 13 50c up, Cravenette, Mohair, Leland 1) Arrly. Lebanon 8 ar. 3 30 Mercerized Goods Fig'd Silk ' 371-2c 'Slap on Nign al. Dn.H.E. HATHAWAY, Dally S U NIJA Y ONLY Waynfll)rille'. Leadln, ~tI8, WASH FABRICS Tralu (>488 Lytle a . t,ollo ... : omce In KOJ&' Bnlldln,. · . . N ~ Streel Northbound 7 6G,a. Ul. 5 .7 P m Never such sales here Soutbbound 1l.!.I " . m. 7 :03 m - .- .. " Tloket (lmCe8 .. DaYlon : O. II. X . T I. ud · Gingham, Madras, Piqne, Linens, Galatea. Women u Well as ' Men ·10'" H'<eel AToad. . C. It. " D. U nlo ll W . E . Moore, Geo'l PWll!Cnger Agt. 3,000 yard ~ at Bargain Are Made Miserable I.ebanoo, Obio. EMBROIDERIES Price, 5c up. Kidney Trouble. " General READY TO 'VEAR Kidney trouhle preys upon Ihe ~d, dis. 0011,.,.. and 1_1\3 ambillon; vlrol .· INSURANCE Kimonos, Wrappers, best \Vrapper for 1.00 ..." and cheerful~ s~n ~ ~~~~~:cl! Old Line R-ellable Comp"nies yet sold, Walking Skirts, Waists, or disused. ,. . , rol)reF~nted. k C 1:, Kidney trcli1ble has Every polloy baa a goanan. Suits, J ac ets, oats, Comml••lone,.· become so p'revalenl Proceed"'.... IhatII Is lIotu6mmon teed financial backing. Undewear, best 25c 'garment shown. • for a child lo l·he born afflicted ..,1111 '4eak !:IdPrompt atteotioo glveo to COMFORTS, CARPErrS, RUGS, Oon~ w.. entered IIlto with noys. Iflho child urln· an bueln8llll. • . Ilea 100 ofl"- If the OrelOlIS. &rIdp Co., for .-railtoe urlno the flail or If, wh~!~e child LE ROY IRONS, Agt MATTINGS, 3000 yards Cluna Japan oa Stubbe Milia aroh and .Morrlll :~~:. =s:e~ltl~ .~:~~~~:fl:":h aroh io 'l'artleoreek and ~a,n. lIeci-wettlnr. depend upon It. Ih....cause of VJI\fAY 'Phons 77. WHyo08vllIe, 0' 1Mattings.

IIIoItitte of JOIN Gaunt, d~eed. Ioyeotory and .ppralllelDe~- liled. of HlINn WeltlDer,""""" ed, lDveDsory and appra_ment towD.hl.., few taW.fIO. ~. Oon'ract WIle made w"b~nbArt lied. Ea.te of AllilOD JonN, d.,aa_. MoCotohoon for cbaOgtOI oc;IIlrt18 of ' DI.&rlt,l1tiV8 aocuunt flied . ". Twln Creek fOf po'doe lo.plel'lJ in _ . Lta~ of Jim. d KiDll, deoeaeed. Franklin towublp, f or. 'llU. I'tnt and fintU &OOO1lDt for ee~'IeContl'&O& W&I made wI'b · O""rll~ . fl ! II \I f lowerl .... IIeW8l' and m II 'meo' led. '", I er o r . . . . a II:.t.14I of Jonathan 8&it., d .....· ,Ioe new h.d wall. fo#" 1&111" OD ed. h a d anel ,blll lOOOUDt for Franklin .Dd Red LlOD road III ..&tlement flied . "~nklln towDllblp, for lD' re will LaOJ E. Mark&, d.,... Contra.ot w.. made with Uoo. De ed Ot!puautoDi of Wlm... re hnld for new .tooe abu_eD*' near '~ecl. Application w a4wl~ w1l1 realden~ uf Wm . In BarlllD to bale .., for hearinlr 8ep&em. ,,"wlltihlp, for 'UIS 06. pro ,~ , W . B . Hopplnl, 80al .ti· .~ ~, ., 1Y 0 0100.. male 'on Iullrmary barn ... .." " 00 JohD saokett, enoa..r of Wm. John P McCarty, cement d - - - ' -. ~--- V Bi";;'~ '", e;i,"~obD andp..~r .....:.:::.:.:.:.:;... ...... Ii VO 1I.1:Io00k, W . W. Hh..... · aod Wil. W. • _7.... u ........OD OIl ' Ilam. JloBarDey, aplIl,ted. ~ ~blll.~...... ............... ill at ~t&iaae,4. .. CUDt ~1ihII W&l1


R. BarllbbarRer, Mlary .. .. .... 36 00' June ~5, 1005.-llll.lll!enRor t ralnB ovor Jamal Follen, .. Iary ... ........ .. 50 00 the Pennsylva nia Linea leave Way. ¥l . H . ALLEN , PRESI DKN1 .1. ) . c .) I . "1' ~ ..!lt ll,' .' t ',- I\ I ~U ij. A. Stilwell, part payment neeville Btation as follows: GEO. E . . ,LEY Vr cH' P"HSlU <S'I' on feee ......... ......... ........... 1100 00 For the .East 9 :54 a . m . ; 3 :47 p, B"rlan Wbltacre bddge floor· .., d I LO 2 m. ; .,un ay on V J : 4 p . m. 109 ......... . . .. ..... .... ..... .... .. 10 87 For the West 9 :02 a , m , ; 6 :04 p . Bert Reed, approllob to Cad. waIlllder bridge ... .. ... .. .... 119 00 m . ; SundllY only 4 :66 a , m , Lebanon Plumbing Co ., re o For partioul ar informlltlon 00 the pllirtl at SberUJ'II rellidenoe U 00 .ubjoot lipply t o He E. Booth, Ullnt Stantou, IIdvaDoo , 00 Wayn88vllle, O. Oall to Inind the safety of on"es 'rwin Creek plen ..... .,i' .. ..... 100 00 LOW "ARER WERT A.ND 8OUTO·WlCllT. Muon Lumber Co., lumber.. .3 10 funds. IiPRC I AL B OME RIt E~BlR8' EXOU RSIONB (,awYtlre' Cooperative Pub. VIA P E NII8YLV AlitA. LINES . Co" law boob .... ... .... ..... 10 00 A nyone l:ontemplatlDg a trap We!l t m ay Thare is security if you deposit We_tern Star,150notloes for ta ke a d vant age o f t be r edu crtl fines for the Connty Treasurer .. .. .. .. .. .. 3- 50 apecla) Hom e·Seeken'i' ~xcu n; tnn H " t ll. P enn at the l v anl a. Lines to pot o tM In Cu l ora.d o . 1<1a11 n , S. K . Stepbeoson, lumber..... 7 riO lty Iowa . leallttaR. Mlnne90 ta . MSHHouri, Alon J. F . Riob, coaL ...... .. ........... 24 00 una , Nebraska . t he Otillko t:l 9. Oregon. W<l ~h . los too . Tt'xaR ana o tbe r i;cctl ons tn 1be \\" '~ l C. B . Jnnell, extra 00 Riley and 10 ~II tho S lales o f Ibe Soul h . liroh .......... ....... .. ..... ..... 108 00 S lop·over pr1 "lI e~eH l)ermlt I rave ler_ 10 In · v~s tl g ate bU fid otS8 o p(~ ntn lC8 , Th ese Uok e t M O&ho BendAr8on, repairing will be on sa le certain dat cH d uring t be ~ um ' O1" r, Ue ta lled Infonnation 38 t ar eM, abutment ........ . ... .... ..... 69. 65 t.b OtUth tlm e. etc.. w:lJl b e fre ely ftour nis h ed Oregoni" Bridge Co., lilt est! upnn appllc.llon Lo Ilooal tl ckel a l ent o( l'ens yl vanla Linea. td l 6 mate Twin Crel'k bTidge 2000 00 C. C. Clpaver,:repllirs In Mas- . SPECIAL HO,MESEEKERS 81e tOwDBblp ....... ... ........ [I 60 EXOURSION Western Union Telegraph Co , send log me~.. ge to Windsor... ....... .......... .. . 25 & EnnlR Donnell , contraot No. TP POI NTS III -- --- _.._ - -21 ........... ...... .............. . 5-& 00 ALABAMA, GEORt2IA, Ch" ... Lewis, conorete aroh .. is 70 AND MISSISSIPPI, FLORIDA, Wm Miller, paiD&ing Fraok lin bridge ..... ............ .. . 18 00 NORTH & SOUTB CAROLINA, Oregonia, Ohio. W . W . Scott, Oll:POORI!I of VIRGINIA, KENTUCKY, W hen Wont.lng Lealie Scott to Wild TENNE8SEE, LOUISIANA , • IItone .. ... ... ... .. ....... .... .. 85 40 Portland Oement, Lumbar, Ootober 7 and lI/ovewber "i and 14 St.f.t! va AmoM lii1lum oOll\a a3 55 Less than tbe O l n e Fare for Lhe c:!tllte vs li:dwln Maubal1, ShinBles,and all kinds of o. al. Hound 'trIp. OOltS .. ... . .. ........ ... ...... .. 24 110 DEALERS in Flour, reed and. A oommnnioatioo from Govern"r Tick. " IImlled to relurn ', 1 clu)·s f mm <lUle 01 Sale. Btlrrloll "r.ated tbllt he bnd a.;pulns. Valley Ph ODe. Grain. f~o r lull i nform a lio n , r a t ~H. !olcheduit!!", ti rJ'C tid Hun. ,JOIOpb 'O'Neall, Benry tab leR nod Ut.em t u re, d e !'i (lrlp Llve of t h e VOl r · (Wid. JoItIwntll C KerKey, A. Lev ault re.~\I~ . ag r lr.ultun' , mlnr r;ll illi Li ()art wright., of W"ynetlviUIi;. Ilod timber la nd" a l o n ~ th ~ Ji ne . ('a ll o n or In The SUMMER TIME Fred Moery, of Franklin, IlII ·mem add rel •. Fresb Fruits and Vegetables bave the call . Also oDnned Bood s ben of tbe M"wortal .\.81!001Ilt\00 of .1 E. Dllvenport,'D . P. A ,St. Lou i~ and all ready oooked artioles. WarreD Vounty . H. C. Bailey, N. W. P . A, Chlcugo W e havo 1111 t h ese, Rod a complete stock of oth er gr coeries besideB F . D. 8nsh, D. P. A., . Cinolnnliti. New Ourl> For Oancer. ·· ,T. H. MllIikeo, D. 1[>. A • Loui sville, All "urfaoe CIlooel'lJare now bown We llre anxious that yon giv ~ onr store a tria l. Come 10 a od see 10 btl ourlAble, I.oy Bnckleu'll "roiOll C. L . STON t;, G en ' l P as. Agl. . Louis ville, Ky 8alve. Jas. Waitei'll, IIf Ouftleld. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' our good ~, Va ., wri&eM: . 'I Iuld a canoer .i}il wy & THE CORNER GROCERY, lip for yean, that lM1"wed inoll;l'ltbl" till Buoklon'8 Arnioa 8Iflve healed C. A. Ah\e~an Bnd W . ~;. MOOf lt', R~ ce iyer8 O. M. Proprietor.. \r., and now It I" Pflrfootly , . .11." SCHI':OULtl OF PA S SENGE R TRAI NS. OOlu.. nteecl oure for ontilind.bDl'Dll. NOR'l'HIIO U NO 250 Ilt Louis May's drug 8tO".~ S 'r A'l' IONS No. 1 No.3 ° No .r, ~ NO. -; '






' 11 :! -l 'j2n 11 30 73U

SUDday .





Depo t ,


Iho difficulty Is kidney Irouble, .... the flral step should be lo....,ds Ihe of Iheso Import ani C!rrans. This IIl\Pleasanl trouble Is due 10 a diseased conditIOn of lhe kidneys and bladder and nol 10 '0 hahll as mOil people slippooe. . Women as woll as men ue made wltb kidney and hladder trouble, and bolh neod Ihe aame ",eal remedy. Tho mll4 on4 Ihe IlIImedl'~ ,effect of aw-,.Ileet 10 soon realized. Ii Is sold hy dna~, In fifty.

: . ~.u ~~~ ~!"! _pie bollie by mall

~'a~~~tl~~tudh~'rm-::'-:;ao;:~ thouaanda .• f teatlmonlal letlera ncelveci from sufferen curod. 10 .mllnr ~'. Kllmor It Co.. Blnpamtoo. N. Y... be IIIIS 0lMI _Uoo tbll paper. , I . 0.",', make any mil.kea!:: reo mllmht>r the name Swamp· ,.Oro. Kilmer·.. !:twamp-~ an~' tbe ad. dre1oe, BiDghamton, N. V., on




H ut~bis~~ ~ Gibn¢y, X~nia Obi~.

Don·t Borrow Trouhle. It ie II. bad habit to borro w IItty · . ........... __• thing, but the wont thing ~'OU enn ---- .. - ~, poe8ibly borrow , 18 trOUbl e When C1DCIDDati· Riok, sore, heavy, weary nnd worn . out by tbe pains Ilod poillOnM of d Y8 Ie all laportaDt QdeI pePBla , biliousness, Bright's di ~e"8?, S••:..:......... and ,,1m liar internal di@or<iers, non t ,It dOWD and brood over your lIyml" !!! ....... . tow8, but fly for relief t o Elootrio '...... ,..-;;;U; ant... tbW Bitten. Bere yo'u will flnd Bure ~cleecb_tJa. and permanent forgetfulnftl!l of 1111 PwilfArrmatio......... your troubles, and your hody will "'Wi~JI""""""'" !notJ;J& burdened by a load of debt . I;C. . . . i., dllOlUlO. M Louie May'sdro" Btore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IPrio!t'titlo. Gual'ante«i. .


:.rf. I""",




Some Seasonable Advice. It. UlIlY be a piece of snperftuouB ,ulvi ce to urge people at this 5MBOO of I.he yoor to lay io a 8upply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is Almost sure to be needed before ,,;inter is over, IUld muob wore Jlrowpt Bnd 8atlsfl\otory r6sulta are obtilined when taken I\~ 800n &I a cold is oontrllotod Ilnd before It hu beoome settled In the 8ystem, whloh olln only be done by keeping tho remedy a t hllnd. Tbil!l rewedy IB 110 widely known ' ~nd so ftltnlfBther good tbat no one ~h ould helllt.ate about buying it in prefer enoo to any otbe'r . It hi to~ IInle by Loul. " "Y•


. the .' Miami Gaiette. BROWN 6; I\\d( ,V, Publl ~ bCrl .

!!!W~A=Y=N=E=S=V=ll='~L=E=.=====~O=H=I~o. Tbe Lid That Co rnEll 011. Does t he st raw h nt go oul as t he oysler oomes In? Is t ber a r lg[ d line ot demarkation t or the 1I,;1tt a nd e umm ery tile that a .mon who Is pa r' li cuhtr nbout h ili drt'sS II nti the la wij of tllllhlon mll st n ot IlI1SS ? Th e a ll' s we rln g or th is Qu estion. r emark s the Wash ington Star. does nOI call for os m il ch Il en e liS do es t be s imila r proee!\s I n tbe s llr lng, whe n me n a rc ca ll ed u pon to determine when to do n I be straw hat. Tit 'ploneer then mu st be IIra \'c a nd . tllnc·h . He m u t pre pare 1'!, Ince a storm of je e r ~ and crit ic isms . Bu t t h e ,.~ I. nothing diffi cllit a bout s tart Ing In 00 the felt bat In ·the a l" tu mn. I nd eed. some men wear s lIch llel\(1I;e8r througho ut t he s umm er . T he el li nge r comes t o t he IlInn wbo h old" 100 long to hI s stra .... who hales to s urre nder Itg Ii g btneslI nnd comtort t ,!r tbe comPA ratil'e tyra n ny of the d e rby or .the s lou ch. Ou r Am erican ve rn ac ular bas ue " lsed a pb rase to m ee t tbe case of the belated st raw. All tha t Is necessary to re mind the forgelful one or t be procra s tin at or of tbe passing of th e season Is t o s ug· glIIt to blm, wbcn tb e fro sts bave come and the su mmer ha t Is platnly out of ~ale. that tbe " gun bll~ gone 011'." It the straw·hat man Is at all sens ltl \' f> b e Ilbandons !JIs suo·burn ed tile or fl umm e r In II Jiffy and eithe r hies blm to t he haberdasher tor a n eW Ule or pulls out his Illst sprln g's derby. ca refl1l1y brushes It, p erbaps Inks I1s t hread ba re bi ndI ng. ao ll ma kes tb e best of a s lim purse. Seplem ber 1 IIRed to be s l r lctl y rega rded a8 the d nte for tlte honoro.bli! retireme nt ot t b e straw. but t tlS blon Is more lenl ellt nowa.days. a nd It Is 1I0t u ncommon to see t lte li g ht a n ll a ir y hea dgear can· tJ nll eu In u se until Ihe latte r pa rt of t he mon t h. rt Is all a maUt' r of wenther. It the sun continues to s hine

'O n Fasblohs ·- . in:· :.' Ge~e:ral

p1lll8. . J le' o Rkec1If lie ml ~Ut IInd : ah el~ ' Ler tor tim nl,,;ht. anti lb ~ hospit ali ty t,t Ihe 1lI0 iJll1 alnN was at onre ';xte nd~d 10 hlro. Fo ttl an .1 a be d nnd as yl um ' for . Iii an nn d beas , O,'I! a lwoys f reely gll'c n V ) ' ' he dW tille .. s iu Ih ose h il ls ide bOUlf'S . Ly lll l: al full lellglh on I ~ e cailin nO M a ll II ci llher ln g by lb ~ II gll1 uf blu~ 1 1\ 1,; ~In knot s w ns a ba r who seemed abKurbeu lu h la 0 ·(· uvuthm. On In qulr)·. II lr aDSIJlrc u t ha i this lo ll 011 4. wh o h8 rt hllll I'e ,')' I'Itlle "c huu llng. wns wO "klng Ills o\\' n W.O ) · I hroug b allll'bl·a . IJllI le mly , a ek.ll ug el'ery tl lm ~ u lt y ng be m el It. u 'HI I hus ftl " h e hall ha ll olmu. / no b~ll'. '1'1,,· l!'a l'eler dl."J l' e l·ctl Ibot Ih e bo y hnLl a genll in e IU l'e ror leo,·nl ng :.1h e 801'1 of IOl' e Ihlll plls hcsllst ll d('n lulI wh e lh e r hI' itns IPlIlc hprs or not. He w n~ a ble 10 ~iI'e hl n \ som e s li gges ti ons. IL IHI nft I' owhil l' 10 pu t h im In Ihe way o f I;olng to ,:oli ege. 'fil M 1lI0un lni n boy beca me 3 dls t lp g llls1,eu IlrOreS"o r in a grea t un l· I' er. li), . pro vin g b lmse lf not o ll ly s kilfUl In 11I11 ll l e ma ll c.~ , bu l a ble to m IL.te r O1b· e!' s t ud ies In m nll y Oe lus. 110 rot by. t ll p renl va lue 01 m at h emat· Ips fo r you will be to co m ' lnce yo u that wh utCl'€r o lh e r glr l ~ ha\'c don e. a ",h'l 111;1' you IU"Y uo. A I s~. It llI ay he lp you loo uo pt Ihe llI oltu o f th e wl ~est of m ell " Wh o l sn~ \' el' t it)' ha nd II nde tb t o dO: do It wi t h tby ml gbt. "




K ost School Gi rls Dis lik e Al gebl'aM a themati cs n ~ . Dis cipli narIan - It H elps One A cqlli re P erseVel" a nce, Mo ral Cou rage 811'd Self· Con tTol- EduclHlon I s Built 011 lb e A lph abet, t he Multipli ca t ion Tobie nu d the T~n Cou. m llllU men t s. U\:

~ I Art G A I"'; '1'

10;. SA:-;l;~;,n;lt.

(C t;p:' r ltch l, l!'t.o, by J O!'t' ph


Hu ",lt! ", )

I don :t bla me YO U n llldi. iJOl'Ol ~Y . ro r YOll r I:r ~ at ,ll~lik c of 1lI. ,llP lnllIlcs . I ha ve w: vt'1' IJBrti<' lllarl y t'llju ,n' d

~ llll l y ·

o f '


Cu,od by Or. W lhiama' PInk P il i • • Allhoulln Wholo BlidY wa. Affo c:ted. . Er~'RI I JCl n9 or S t: A nthony's fi r o i N f\ l!Cllst IIll c<)lufIJl·tnlJl u d iS!:tI~tl all 8 ('I'Ullnt of t!.to bu m illll', I Il ~ " Iti ll 'IIUt:! t ba clis· iiglln.·ltu'ut ; it, i!'t u 1.ii:(J 1\ " cry ~ ru\' e dil'l · ord t~ I' , nl1t1utletl

1\1WU.'·8 by Mae dnu gel' of \' llnl ~I' ga ll ,~ ill il H "'p l'cud l ire cast) w lncl , fo llo\\' 8 Will be rPII.1 wi th " ...·ut il llcl·I·>t hI' 1111 s ult'crm's II.' it IIlfllc l.t·cI tlru wh" lu bfK ly., ,,1)(1 refu sed 10 y idti til I-Ull j'c '" l'fli cs 11I'f\Sl'l'ibcu 1;1' I i1 ~ l'lt y, it:ill u (·IHl'luy'"d . lIIrij. ltill A.' (:,,1 · ba fh , w ho WII '" UI O v il' l,im of t h e n tt rlo' '' " uniel ill ): al N(I. '" WilHer I!ll·oet. N ,·w: ill~'~I\' ill l;

UUl'YJlor t. :Mass. , I'o ll ." ~



' <In,lllll uuf l!ll/il r wn stnkml ill w ilh WIIllL at lirs l. " PIlI'III'cel tn bo 1\ fever 1 fo r n IJhy s ll:ia u w hU .}U'u lHlUn C( Td I p y , ~isf'n !'\4' ('li l'o n io p ry ~ i pl ' l l l.R 01 111 s tiil! wlluld b e n louR' til1 H" \)Pfr'l1'O J Ant w l,ll.

» W lt


" llltllllllllliltiull b"I!'H'"IJ Illy flU'" ::",1 1;111'cnd nll

[ng ' l bem f,' r m y own Vlll'I . " lid I lrave &Iwa.y" louked wlt b re ~ p e," ril l wontler a nd nlmo~t nw" 0 11 othe r ppopl e wbo h al'll profe s~ ed 10 llllll t hem d"lIg bUII!. V" l. my dear. lhe glr l neXI you in , be closs muy IlIiP rua ch 1I1 1~ s II lljen III " (Illi te Ultr.·rent mood fro lll yuurs. Sbe w ay lu ll y enj .-,y Ihe a bstraci a llil con· cr e t" 1"' l n cl pl~ij ot th e scie nce of num· lJ" r.; mo l' lal .. ly r el'e l III d lmeu ll pro p· ATTRAtCTIVE WORK BAC. 08 I'I"," ~ . .. ud may regard t he Itoll" fo r al l;<- lIr ... Il'i gouQlnel ry u r wha te l' er tl l.e This Sbows Some Improvements Ion the Populal' Design In the Sbape II lII UY lit! ... th e mos t ex hll a rlllillg bour of I he UllY. Not iofr eque ml y t wo s is ters 01 ]~Ittle Side ~ocket8 . ma y be entire ly In contrllSt wbell th e QU l'Ktl u n ~'O~ce rns tbls &1I8t r U8e IUId , on Th e Iltll e bag sbo wn ber e. altbo u~ h OP' SO FT WOOL. th e wh ule. forwldable s ludy : one way ot a w"lI· known and IlOPulal' des ign. loye II as m uch as the other loath es It . prcsen ts 1Il01l lnclltiOns til th e form of All through tb e winter ... h ;te will tlU ",II over the ba~k of h at and blair. You n eed not expect to repr-Iv e mucll lilt Ie s Id e 11Ock e ts: wbl ch are a deci ded continue lU he wo rn . 0 ' L'O lIrde fo r "l he s 'lIl ply t rl lllm ell ha l ha. rea ched b elp fl'om tile p eo pl e nt bow e when you 1IIIIIrOVe m61l 1. The circul a r b~8e mea~ · hO UAe Il re"H'~ " "nt ll vr r~' InlP In t h.· 'w rfu ' ll o n thl . yell r . 11111\ I" ", . ch mo rn are pu zzling O\'cr ul ag ra ms. exalllples ures t e n In cll es In t!tll'm etel:" ailll mu s t fall. Ilo ... e ver . whil e I ~ s een o n t he I: ttl ufli YC ror utilit y ycn r I bll l1 nnl lIud probl e ms 10 ma t hemallcs.' Mos , of lie con str ll c le d from s titt cardboard . c:ll y s t reets . people Clin gi ng lovt nJ:ly 11189, I, ~augear. liS. a fter o llr s cbool days. r em ember a nd theo co ve red on b olh sid es wltb to tb l~ .alm06t universally liet'O m lng Il eal'prs c'O me In vas te l s h uu,e s. a nd eno ug ll o f what we learned th ere't o en. whotel'er mate rial is ~e l ec~ecl. Any. l'O lor. o r .h,ck 0 1 co lo r : Wh i .. · "o r~~. ' oil o o r a Go llcllu· blue Is ," cry ~ re tty , a b le u" to foot up bousehol d acco un ts. Ih lng w ll b a smootb and tl ust-rejte tln. abolmd. \l SUall')\ w it h a IClng '''at. a lit! t l'lnllll ~" 1\:lI h o ue 1,III ooe or wit h a 80 ft .and to see lIlat we do uol over r un o ur all tbe .... Inter long th e lin getle wa, s t Sl·o r. Th" so rt "ca rl nnd d ru rln ll' v ~1 1 weeltly or montbly In com e. Bu l we tlt.l Will esblbt t It. daIntin ess a nll Rnow ,· I. fig" ln In pst .. "ut . UUlt wc s h"ll h",·o Ilo t re t 8111 much more. neSB. ·);'or Ihe chill y pc rhOlI IiI I II' uo · t bp, bp·vel lcd lauy "" .e mo re. The bll · If we arl! tllough tless perijt.ln •. we a re .Ier.llps o f Hllk will ha ve to ;'0 lorD· 1m.'''''' I'c ll Is g-<!1Ip.rnll y IJccomlng a pt to I'eg ret t haL we wen~ colllll" ll erl to vldel!. but wi th a ve ry wa rm Oll t . I<I ,· w hl' lI Ih e " ~ I I la fr es h DII ,I II CW. h ilt spen ll II 101 o f ttme ove r thl il gs we 1I id wra p I he t hin W.1:s t wlthollt a li niol; wh en da m pll ess i, as wor ll It It) a ,ail tt n ot 11I,e wh e ll tb ere we re so man y ot her ... 111 a nswe r tor man y a wom an . s ho uly at on." be dlsr urd c, l. Th ere I. t blngs 1h \1t wou lll havc gl l' e ll us a g rea L Colure d unde rBlIlJS au va nre In favo r. 0. IIl<1ng (o r the r.,,1 lac~ ,·ell. a nll d eal of plea s ure. " and when of a cu lo r ha r mo ll l1.i ug w ll h Chnn ti ll y. thc dea r II ItJ · r" , hl n nUli BItt. Doroth y, st ol' n lIlu me ll t befo re the suit. or or a s hnle th a t fIl ntra e l ~ tltill S'. Is ver y s ty lis h. It ren,ItIt! .. of you cond emn YC Jllr I.. a l'l,ers fui' ln sls tln g pr e tt il y. Ihey are rharmln g. With " I;nlleel dRYS anu lavc nua r : la ~ bllr U\· hot e nongll th e straw bat ts t olerated on Ibaklng ma lh e m a tics th e test of yo u,· m aboga ny s lrt anu coat Ih e HlIlI worn tu gly " e ",-o lu. f or t he sak e of Its comfor table quail· tiehol a r~hlp. In t he tlrst Ilia e. il 181:0011 It. PfU:'l'TY Q1WI'. u nutlr Ihc . heer wa is t mil)! . he II I IIln l; Th e re wil'l be short Hlt'I'I'eR a n d long ties. wbateve r may be t he sta te of tbe tor most uf us 10 do what we don ' t very s llle : whl cb will be ton prl Ilown s ull\ - . Io·('I·es:' pe rh a ps th " la tt "r will a p[le al co.lendor. It Is only llle tlmlt! man lJ1u~h wau t to uo. We are bette r for ,lie- s urface Is tl ~ e r ec'o mm e nd e,1 for tb ls cently to n l' pesr bnl a 8uggrsUon o f " little more to the excillsh 'e c lass tbe w ho scru pulou sly eschews hla ' straw log comp elled to exercise 80me self: ue. purpose . 8ud l as g:Uce $111(. sateen, or rO RC . car ty ln g o ut II co lor ~rb a r- fo rmcr havlog beeome I!O oom~on. Yet Il Is a !ashlon Illat mav we ll be ·af. w h en th e " gll ll" Is Bupposetl by tradl· n lal. You Ilotl I are bound to meet ob. fa ce clot h. Th e bug Is for med from' cord ln g ' ro lat es t faRltlon . .. 6lBCles of o ne sort or another all a long a stri p of ma ter ial :lG Inches long und 18 ":'!,Ite tailo r ed ...'al~t.B In the new lec tcd hy IO t h r ich nnd poor. ser ving tlon to ~ g o off." the ronu .or life. If we n l'e co wards . .we Illch es w ld e_ t hree loches ot t be ...·hlt b f a ll sty les lire on dI splay. a nd my la d y a . eco no m y fo r Ih o on e nntl all owing ::===:::=::=::= s h a ll s bl ve r a nt! s hake and tum aw a )' being w rned In a llu hemmet! to form II Is eagcrly ~ tudyln g patte rn s . Th ~y are or (\ I ~ pl a)' lIy Ihe othe r: Ihe poor g irl W omen In Science. Adl'ocates oC wom ell 's rl ghle will a ntl . look for some Iltll e bY' IJOt h by wide frill. o ut's lde wh l h rin gs s ho ultl as a rule trIm and tnllory. n llbou gh j sa ,'02 on r .. nycil lind sQlI ed <lreS9 c,ull!!. d o uhtless rejoice nt the eupP.or t all'ord- which we Ulay ovo hl , he IsslIe. If, on til t! be se wn a t Interva ls In whi ch to t hreatl we believe .... e sh a ll havA some trtll '-ti rn n &j _e a drc"sy tOllch to the "Ialnes t . e d tbem by scIence . . For, rrom a gen· contl'llry, we are brave, we s hllil go 1I01d. t ile rlbboll s lid e. Six pocke ts s holll d he shirl walAt8 over h era befo re t h e n\ \lI· I wa lM IJ)' u.d lll ll o n of IIn cg rte cu trs and Iy 1111 i o Ille tblng In ollr p·nt h. and see ne xt cons lruc ted ot doubl e thi ckness ot Inc oC the Beaso n. And we rPmfl mhor Btock. Ibe ' rl ch g irl can throwaway .. ral re\' l~w at t he ta ct s of d e velopment wh eth er It e.a no oi. be JIll! ns lde. I n o rtl~I' mat1! rl nl. tu[,nlng litem In a t tbe lr UP- it wa~ a ve ry vrf'.t t y Rh lrtwal Ht they her money O il expe ns iv e loug I!'lovsA. and anat omy . ot "l'r10U9 In vert eljrnte to get alon g cr.edl ta bly In l hl s worid. per edges a n d machlne·s tltchln g. a od wore years ago ~ wh e ll th e shlrt wal s l l;;ve T}'on o seC'mll satl eneu wltb the and ver~nt e animals . Mr. T . H . Mont· eve ry o oe at us mus l' bave a. good s upply ma k Ing II bu tton hole In eac h. The made Its bp w- w'lth a f .. 111 tlo,wn e~ch .. bo rl s lefl v€, goml'ry «>n cludes ihat tbe mal e [s th a ot moral 00 II rage nnd renl (orce'of ,char' pookets s houltl meas ure abo'ut s ix aide Of th e front hand . Til e s tock ;vas We .. !fer a i1 eRh;1I fur a ' w rt w(lOl less ue'l'eloped and more e mbryonIc. ncte r. These tas ks ot Ihe s(, hoo lroom loches wid e a nu elgb t Inches hlg~ . and' net at all tu sl Y Ilnd the waist In gen· waist. -a whlt.c grollnd dotlerl with pale And In tAose ca ses wbere the mal e ap· are chl eft y valuabl e because In tll em s houlu' lie neall)' stitch e d to the lIag be- eral n ~t and plaIn . t.he onl y trimming blue. It baR the low ncnk wl)lch thp8e peara superior it Is shown lhat t.he tllf· there Is hidd e n tb e e lemenl \i' hl cb t urns fo re It Is m ade uP. The wholeca.n tben th .. trills. They lookr.d \'e ry pr, tly Ihat ~aJY\1atld a CXlllarle9~ hlouso .... 111 f!'re nce 48 maln!y In unimportant mor· the raw .. ecrult Into a soldier. tb e ele, be Bewn ' to .t h e blllle a t oo...'€. I t wouid Jlep-pin g from an open Jade.. l . and Itllve affer.t this sp.n w tl . IInll t he hit of hand · pbologlcal characters. Wb ell one sex m ent ca lled dr ill. You get a ll enormOU6 took p rett y to ha\'e tbe pockets ot vel· . a Kl'aLeflll rUIMSS If tbe ", t at .. r hnp a 1Y0rk that " \' c! r)'on~ will go In (or. 'rhe Mltchln gR may be worked ·In a unrk or Is rudimentary In compQrlson with t h e nmo tto t. of dr ill to r your m ind whe n you vel In Il con t rtl8tlng s hnde or a dee Per tlgure a little tOO ' Blend e r , s tudy malh emallcs. YoulIlay notlindtone ortbe B.sme color.Of.COUTlle. tbeRC(l.nlly " 'e st.udled a waist des lgn erl . luul" or 1,lup. otber It , .. pointed out that tbls l6 almos t il ngreea ble, 'but thtlt doclj not matter. Inl t[als also mus t be worked before mak- to bt' worn wl lb B three· plp.cp. ~ult .. t SoH , wool" arfl to tbe fo re . tlnd Mm. always the male. In size, again, tbe 'J' ll e fru it will be r eapetllater on. Ing·up. an d 8hould be don e In ailitorone bmwn. and 'lIke d It perhaps the b,,"1. In all Rhwl llR. Mrtcst pas te lR well .. femal e us ually has the superiority. • • • • • of the pretty Silk ), COltOIl8. In embrold. of any of the new' models. Th e back tit· the s landar,l color.. Tlte grllcp.fttl Sometimes nl so tbe central nervou s ted ·eoslly. but did not bloulle. the frp nl gown be rr. IllnRtrat ed Is or pale ro .. You need not laugh a t me, Doroth y. e r y or s atin s lltch . system ds more bl gbly specialized In the wh en I te ll yo u tbal a girl who htu! beeo ...·as ratber loolle. sleeves ' had . a c:oRllln r. rp. Ih .. Rltlrt 100Ig 11Ilti flill . Ih~ female, willie tbe Internal r eproducth'o thorough I)' t~alned .antl dlacJpllnetl by COOD FOR THE HAIR_·.. pull to tbe elbo",. ud thil ~ ' long clltf. bodi ce ha~ Hnhu folil . IK,rll ar e d wlllt which fitted perfectly. ' was . fasteD f d n~r ro'" frill. "I Milk .. orl tllHl~ nlog ...·l l1. apparatnl is also us ually more complex. s truggles wlt'h mathematics , !'Iiat fOl' Summing up t be evidence, Mr. Mont· her mpan conquest, 11'111 bea r herself Be Caretul t o Chllnge tb. Part and wIth small gilt buttons. The hat .... 9 rn 1'()"e U ~~ uf . Ilk. 'The cheml s .. tte s holl III Quite Often Change tbe Xanwith thlB mljtht· wl!U' be one ot Ihl' be or crPRm or "'bite nnlllness of ,omery "?'Ioteods t bat among Inverte- mnch IlUIre IInely t ban on e v,;bo baa ner of Atrangement. I pretty new beaven; sOrt ye t wmewbs t !-('Irt. la cI! o r net or .c hltron. Th.> Bloevu brates .and. Ibe lower ver tehrates tbe apeot her time dawdllllg over lessons tbat ·ne \'er t axell her powel'lI. }'or In. --I tllIff trlcorne order. the only trim · are JliPt thfl 'thr';~ ;I~ r'glyi! tbe j\IIIRh ln. f flmale ~s clearly superior. In tb~ atan ce; It Is a shame for a woman to It you wan t· to have a luxuriant 11,- nllnl a plum "esiendIDr; ftom one . 1d o tOllcb .. to thl. d<!·s lgo. ·· . . hlgber '\'ertebrates tbe female Is s cream when sbe Beetl a poor little mouse of balr al 70. don't part It In tbe 1IIl~. .... . .. ! .. stili BUj)erJor. thougb In a lesser SC!lttlinc U fut as It can ou t of the place from Ille UrnI" you leave achopl; I degree. hI connee ilon with tbls clospt, Qr to go loto n ts when 0. bat or It )'ou do. you ~'lIrbave a "ft),· wslk"llaat ~me ~ Bupe rlorlty of tbe fe male [t may b e .. spide r or Bom e other un canny creature would uccomtrnodate black beetles. 'No The exaggerations pre(Jlc u>d earilc r n o ted !bat many apecles or Insec ts ap· cl'Osses h er neld of vision: Wom e n who woman In tha worlu bas Buch beo.utltul !n hott aI'''' not to he Iflnl d M uflOnt n s 0 lh : ::: .. pellr Lo tlJe able to de without mal es for do this are women wbo have n ever bad haIr a s the \~oman who keeps well In s ight 01 tbe prevailing fashion . It this ~rar art~r . all. r cour.e 'rre ' i't •.;. . a wbole generation. Tbe gall nle8. tor allY vractl cal drill In self·control. You 'wlll IIf' II"' f .. w' grand ' tall lad;c~ eIIample. 'Whlcb. lalue from t he s pan'· may no t I\oow It, but Ibere 18 th e great. m eans t,bat slbe frequently cbanges ber thll t wlll appellr In Cro .... nll of a ....8nm ~ mode of dress Inc. and &~rtge In dtfaa.. .. 1' ' I tl glee falling from tbe oak leaves In au· est peril 10 ,,"omen In DOl. being able 'lo Ing Is a~ . goou for tbe hair a" In'-III. h eti!,hL. aoll look very we I n . ,em . . ; '. • .....] tno " bill the ~ mall and the uv. t umn , I.Tte aiJJ females . Tb ese fe males keep a good sriI' of tbemselves . , once me t & lady approac bln g mltldie g/!nL Irriliula:rlty II for the buman ' ;:iog :.·~ ' . "';olllan ncell not feeil it [n cum· lay their '. 'on tbe oak tree and age wbo bo TboBe barmle.s little . IIflnl til go ahout under a " hhnney ·pot d tb at s .\Ie had n e\'er re- mecha nis m . . a s te produ ce an -entIrely dlfterent kInd ot s trained all emoUol1ln he r life. "It any- word8, '" alwaY8 dO." bave been tbe affaIr. ' ' Hllts" ~re tft 110 of'medtum ~ 1 7.e gall. viz ..! ·currant gall. From Ibese tblng gocs wrong, I jU8t go lo pi eces," s tumbling bloc k In many and many a h IH ) ra II ml' 111 • ~ncl ITJP.IH.l'!", holl!: t. issue male.and Jemale gall Illes of a lilt· II b e sald. "and eVflrybody has to Ill' humao lite. ' c1~ 11 g-bl dA I 'to . flll ,V . I-~ nx "Why do "Oll always dou ' ble on a . ' 10 ' . nery. we IIr" , fer e II t rorm~.8IIId form erly looked lipon around aod walt on me." She s eemed t o ' " I I' t i rn t.•. h ~~ th.nn odd . a tr~ mc Y v:~ra" . ve ,,, 8 S IInothe r 06pecles~ wh lcb repro duc~ tbl II k' I b Is a m erltorllll! th ing. In reo it so selt!om comes off '.' " was"a.k." ~ To h 00 I I I allty. It was di sgraceful. Th e one ullty card player. 1who Immediat e ly replied. e Aur .. we rro .. a IlrFB ( r a th e Sfl8l1Kles ,on the uak lea ves. So •• with a look ot mingled p[tv and scorn'. rrom old fashlon ~ In thi s ft .. a M n ·~ mil · . " I1'0 m th e J e mo.le Ilphl s. 011 the ro s~ bu ~ 1i b eyo nd ...1 -otbe rs fot· )'ou a nd lII e. Dor. " Why. [t Is nilY s ,·otenl ." II, a very l inr.ry. ulltf rom' 0 I"u t IUthI onll t IIn t we rA '. " J" was nothing "~ nlore charming. W h nt rou. It! be bptlrr Wit. h' ', . will prU<llled scveral generati o ns beroro c t.11 y. Is to be equaHo tbeocc8s lotJ when- lJad s ,·"tem. bllt tbere n th e d I:"~~ Y'. cos I tlmo tl Ian a h a t Ilk p tb , a mn le L'i",e!IU~red . Th e \lnmllt ed 'Iuee n ever It oom es. and to rule 0 111' o wn spirit. to Ill' ' said . HowaJ'e we e ver golog to rill e on"IlOO)' ? It I~ s Imp Ie ' So with "Ollr Ilal r a~. wllh nlao y of on n I"our ' 111 U" t rn t 'Ion.. Ilee. " gain. w.1I1 .lay fertile eggs, w h le ll. else If 1'>'i! I}O n ot TIlJe oll rM lves ? , , f ( . I • • •• your bablts. try 8wlllglng tiff on(.",' III lind ypl 1I~ filII . g ,'a ce ul I .nr " ~"' r. I I.e we \'cr . produ ce only dron es. a wb1\ e Into new grouves. alld don·t tllll ' nlr of bplong lng t6' th.e .... ortlrollc A t tbe m:st dinn er s h e gave In Ha milHarJJlg ilald tWs. ~t ru e ndd IJiat I ' O'r 'n clamn o f high degree And .... e ma y Ito h) 1 t! '-k " c ram p you rse lf by a foolish regularIty. -" '" ·:.~I .' ·;'- :. 111 o n. Mrs . PUll e r P a lme r UPOCI mal .... emaLi cs vcry mu ch as Re m ember l h e axio m :' " Wise men p ronOl ; nr~ thi s IYlll cal: tbe toll at O ll~ Plo l' I;I' red ' YOI:y lOd y by lendin g the t b e IJu.UrIer 1001,s on ·t.he foundatiun of cha i,g;' ,he ir ml ndH." and It Is to be ~Ido . thn nufty ' plume enlargln" t h e WilY Ill to !the .d lnlng-room. At fl tSl UJ e b a use. If _WOll are planning to build hoped so lll P- limes lbelr habits. OliLHn e. Plilme~ 'of mMlunl length ~ r~ , .. ell qlllie ortrn( murtr hetter t-han the t .:! b " .. g uests .t lllJu ght Mrs Pa lm e r had II bl'llIIllful IlIll11s lo n. 'with man y rooms , 1111 (:11 . iJs<m"minueul y. bll t s he ron- a nu cunJdorH. WI"" .a towe ,' on tbe tOp Pretty Wedding GIft v~r.y · lon /; , . rn~p:"ct nllntrs ' that adorne(! ' . l,n l"' ll Ib.e j ' sotlce 8U Ina ugu ra te d. In a n d " '1114<.)\\'. OJ >en wide 10 I be s Ull s hlne. An tl(llIe broud,es nre pOPI;lar wltb (,) . th e so·calted pl ct urI.' hal - whit-h . . ' J' A G R AC gFU L nAT. J>: nJ.; lollu t he I)'J" tes~ .Iuv a rl a. bl y g008 )·tOlIIJWllfU. .Ill'Rt .CJ r.a1l tll g ci eeply Into the arll s lJ c fu lks a s souvellirs to brine D ~ worn loy :hose that could allw;oI unly mlp ;;;- Iook that Is tbe ntl vt'lty of 11141 ""~'Irlt .111.1 d .ep 1.1101 your uu de rplnlllng home 11'0111 abroad. Th e" are pat.t.e rn. di.r,q OJ Imitations ot grnnd~'tr . was Ihe do·y. .,. . . ' • , I Ulo 1h l: c:UW11g,r'OO m las t , l)l lt se \'pral I UE' HlLfp ane! "our r I II lit .1 ' 1 vi )I r ". PaJnlllr's (rl e nus .hupe that he r T Jle "'ll u l e .tJf .ti·t1I1Cal l~~I!:s" ,~It s ta e. ed after QluUnt old mod els. On e beau- F.(][l:j~~t thlnll .ever ~('~n on t Ir R~~e~t 8 .We rlnel a llorllbli> p r Inted H I vets. tbe • Xlill. pl c _1IJ IJHcu me th e ras h lon In alll.IJobm. t he JllI1ItIPllcall~~ ta~~n th~ tif,,1 b rooc h jtl.~t sent to Jl local bride Il) , t\lC w~y of wo mnn . we lat('s\ . Ih lng · In. ~('lt s ; ·, th"y . t;Ome In Lun dt-n . tloW.lnJ: thn t It I' Cl b"lou"ly lhe '.TeJI «:Jummapum ent s. On t h"s~ ~~u ha .cen tel' p1ece of 0,. ~L~\ler1 ~nYll l eJolcQ I~ c1a>: J~ . liii' ( ~at l~o" eti maf!-)' sh~"I.e •. Ih e d ecor;t.!lp!ls. ~~ srnall. 1DIl!'.r<>a.l' ~v,l!ateller beaull flll I'll , of brownl eh gnrn et tone, lIurlounded . Yes!cf a y l ll.S8 ,, !, .1' <.' ." J : t lw.!lf hes of tin y 1I0w"r~ of . 6malli sii 1II00 e se lls lLI" Xur tb e hu.tes6 to e n ter "lea",' h " ,,, "ltl be : e( ' ce YOIl by alt.jSllat e p!larl s and beads of onyx. 1111 thoul\h II. had be.e~1 '!'7r n lio.ll ly s ln~kl .How e l's Dellullful ribbons on • be WO UI O r~1 ill ,<lf ll pl' 10 t t'rrect an v de'l"1'.;'111 th ai ' a all'; e ;U~~le .• ld ed s imilar· in lIll!e anlt contour 10 the fr~'!D an old ·Frl'.,ch pl r ture t ool.. a utl Ihi~. , c r,rl . r a rc on dl 8plal'. In use for 1II1sp kes III I.IJ " "o rder u f ultlh 'l';:' -bo ..."~ ~t lll g l ha Vl! pearl&. iEal!! onyx be.." b.s 1\ Iiny we s tnTed nt ' lt thron~h It • . " IASS ca"e s lMn/\ tI ~ I.. \\'~lIr with la y. down co l " "' w .v _ • • u II g ... x c:e ~1 lD a the ma l lC.II e . ' k . It I 1t • II t Lerur~ t be glilo('6tS iI~g ln to Jl o lillde r 00C<e II!) a 'l:tlUe I hl~ J'8~ bee n ab own I~ st rl~ . of Wlrl:t.fl across . 1lt.. ..... g raeetul ~~ mn e .RIlI ~ waR r~ " . a . lats. or '(0 . w illd ahollt n be;d'lIe he,1 aro ll nd t he lallk <lll c;earr b q! Illel r th p r....... ~f Hil m I' maLh C' lnatl cal rod l gol~ « 8uhBt"'~r:tal eIlaraeter. Olut \lit'll. oil mont<lrou s 11n'~II~R!! Ib al Ilancl.. , We ?".V.~ had the ribbon' voglle uamt-s. wbo bu Jl('.r! urm ed IWf\ I II P gy yet looking allmos t like ftMCI'ee. -eom· woultl t'levnl e It high alxl\ ~ thlt co f' j h€ra;d ,'(1 (!It IOllg anu'"ow we bellev!! with 11_•• _ 0 h I on 8 1 n g l eata Ill ete8 thle bRJOCl!. tli"e' ony.x 'iJllYhl b Ie : furc n ·I,I.Il ck relt or s lllev l,~a\·er. · on1 If. 'Il ut l a~ 1 ~ . . I v · -~ t'>' .8Jl as I ot' not h I n~ . I -., I" t'C1 IIet .. .. . h e lse ' . 80 polJ ~ll<!!d Illllll .'1t seems :a3mos!< IJke flat. .\ohOllt t II e l ,r Im. eo· ! ' F plt hals are ttl be vet·y fas blonalJle A N ew , ork man. ;\0 years old. At one eud of t'lle "cal e p.d·e mat Mlat· • . ' rea1h f,f rOW" r ' of "ee I ' . .... 9," Ire lie hau run \r:1I for balt"",l; _ lit P o ll' .... j;lve pla.y to II gpm . ' cro~n ,.. ....a . a w • r> " p ontl ,ltere \\111 b" "v me painted brim. I d 0 f II!e. tile gamu t u,1 emollons. t h~ "orlt! Il moglnation eml tb en yo ,. will ha,\Il a ' , Illpit Rhode. ~n con" l ru<! otl " " 11 pIB~II , 11] ,rtllllrasttn g colors. BOrne embroltl . ns pe rfeclly iJal;U-loe(J h . D Llllf!ll N eckwenr. thty lookc1l IUt tho,,~ h rutn.tfd 011 1 nn t:' ed on cs. Flowers will lJe worn 08 was colt! 10 IIJw . tbe tLltllre loky LJlack . tlle relOre be \l'O uld ~ fJ(' UtaJ,e Ih e m lglalr e (;./th~~~~;·thnt ~b:! Butcbe~'" 11~en ls tilled fot' t5e. , eu~ ,t?la~1t. II 'VH._ 113rt tlf I' Th en n whl t.e I II'e '(10 not r"m~m.~e; thl!ll\ 'i o" have utlt tb e whole tb lng by a pltln!;~ Into tb E I" lIO \ Irt ll !! ou ts ide IIIC lett g6/' EI'p"" ~;\ belt J;~I ¥ "'.!-11I SUItable el~bru'ilefl , Ilfilm r lItl\~Ie,' on tin e "~e.:. ~n~~' 1 i becn IIn y ...·Inter ' s[n ce we heg'ttn .. to b • ' . ,·hlld Wll0 60iv",. . QI/II ' J ' . 0 81' a llc CthJ se t. may be made ot clown over th e bandNl II of . tuP. ' ....,k. f talle tloHc~.'! · ;"H er e 1M an Imt)Ortation a r lJu r. H e plun g~d . rbe sal ~ IIBt ergot , h ollid be 10' a • cll .1.. probl em . It"er lawn tr ll1lll1lild " 'Hh Jace and I~e 'rh ... mon~ trou8 LJan 1"a " 'wn s Te llett f ro t]1 Pn rls-r. plum .colol... tl fell ' o ne Into h iS t Jl ro at . a nd made b,m c ough. a tp ly uft erwar~ a: !a:;~'R~:.QJ ~ ' Irl1me~I~. b,o ld a nu fag"l~lll!8: Was hable lJ:e lts; ",Ilb- what do yftll ! Some hrowo ~ltle ",/ .lbe ~rowlI . roesllng 0 0 tbe ·brlm . It !>Ot lu"" Il ls st owacb IJntl macle hIm else \' 0 11 (J mj t be . I. Wha telllr IORII" o f mnt erl.lIl li ke th~ cow/.ume· ... ltb mali no. It may Round not n L' nil p ret- I II m ix ed bouquet Coosl st ln lld sick . \Vhe~lJOn t he ma n ti red uf IJt~ yonr ' m lnd In ilte r:~~:n ) °fll r'~l!l vnt: wh lr h thf-Y a re ,,·(>rn. are (ery ·popblar. ty. but JII realit y It .... 38 a p ic ture. re~es. honeysllckl';~ . \ 1tl'ffodI iil'P and pur. a e Q I!Pck IJl " e ~UI uense uf so rru ws cniled tan c~" fl p~e r1' all .-' "onld be roO!lt f'ffec U>;e, :w Uh' Pile or pi e tb iai lca e a cH 'aitCompanled by lIill1JI\ a " luU,ll y ns hI! _ 'lld [UI' h~tll. H ,' II'IIW A ' ~B veler ~a~ ~endlDa hi - II'ay o"er -T ' t bl1~~~11 LiP.S • I t h e \':lU'11 b roadcl"th ~"1t6 ~0W: . :_0 ('f Ils o wn fOllo ge. Thl~ may.oeem " X: ~ 1: b ,.,., • EoI ,." W \;" ..... e JleOT lJon eY,lVQ $01 b I' p;a \' ~ ttl fa c;hl !.. " , ." • s ell Ol, t a nu l:lI lI gJ, p to 1ry. Jie.oQw t he l1I uu n l81ns nr K enll"~k )· . II hen he Ilopl ea.9illi l a Plll r~aIlO.llltOl' ch" edll", mlt c n IIvo r . ,. •. dl.l · lr eme. but ."'ltllfl. pre. enteu tQ,tb.o eye &.II IJW ~ult~ ~~ QI~ 2Wll..ln lC. '!&me. II I Illp./llfall t'Q n coLin In a loneh' Dun:~ I)j ijilli e .11.Il1i. _ -:- J;P ~ . I ~Ie mag~lp. thde Ilia kbS ".t'I ~blltde 1r~n.!: 1)& vcrl.. pleaslnc In,d!c~ : __ _ __ ., _ .•.. :. 1 ,,11.:ltIOU. an ~o t e pa .n_t . - r ,...lU' -J ~ _ IOLLE~ 0S"ONll,ll:.


flVt' " IU Y

1\'t y oym~ \\ :

l,n d y,

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Il llli Rt 'I' nl ~cl hul gin g' nnt nr t It "; r ~oo k ,·ts. 1 i ll 1\ t" rrillie I'li g b t II li d t;uffert"C1 • he HU ls t i IIt,CIl I'iO l I<lliu t lJ r(\u;.: h· UIlI. Ill y bllcl y. 'rh u II lx' lor sni t! ' HY cnso wos (\ vnr y ft;1)"flrO ono. U 1l 1i,'r lli ~ tr clLlUHH lt. lhlw u,·(\I'. t h o illf1nIlI IlIiL' tiou d icl li nt d it ll ill is h IIUll th o pll ill " wh h- h ~hot t.hrouUh Ill y hOt'l y ltlcrPII·:I·d in so n ·ri ty . AftN I.' illl( two 1II0llt hF 1111 · .' er hi "cl\~e . w ithou t ""Y improve m en '. , lli ,, "I "" I ~l h llll . .. Rhortly utt~r thiR, on th e ndvlre " f II . 1,·ir.lIll. I Itt 'WlII In t nke Dr. WiIIi" I"" Pinlt P ills fur Pilla P opJe. two lit a 1'''' 11 thr~ u tilll P" I ••1IlY. AflAr the "Cc.on d I.. ,x had heell \1 sPd 1 WOs ~ nrprlllCd 10 1t01 i"1\ til/It Ih o iuftllllllllntinll W I\8 going d "w n ollcl IhIL t the Imill" whi ch UI;<111 to CUll "" ,,!t, "Olll,,,,h ftjtOll y Ion(l d iAAp'p~al'ed . ,\ f· to'r ,,, illg hix boxe" Clf Ihe p,lI a l WII' " I' 1IIIII1IrtlUnrl the hml"o Ilita mlinl( to nl y h ou"tlhnld dUO FS, /1M w pll 11 8 ever. " Dr. WillllllUs' Pillt, Pills are 80ld Iw IlI ~ clpJl le,:" ill IIl ijtl i('i u u 01' mny be .. I;. t.tllu . cl tllr'",t f l'O lIl rhe Dr. \\<iI\iu llI H Kediuille Co .• Scb ~uecttWy. l\ . Y. ~"' C1 I1 " n


THE PIONEER JOe PACKAGE Th,e Highest Grade of Cereal Food in the World




MDBons Eat



Every Grocer SeIII It.

cn ..

S (,'

p. re'tt 7 ,"F II M I·'11-IDe..". .,

One ' doctrine' "'bid, i. <ommon"to ' all .. tiri.t. or Roeiety i. Ihat the all' t In V write in i. th~ wo'rat. of In L:nowD 1 8~(t·~ , th. loweH " !lint of d*generat ioll.i . " L na. h e~ .-N . Y. T imet. . SALT

ot flie

"'*'. ..












of ....






. .

' !.



.-.:.:...-; •

"'~other cure ' by CuticurlJ i. told ' or hy

Mrs: Coroline Cubic, of Waupaca, " ' ,, . i'n the following gl'Qteful letter: "AI ~ hUHI","d! ngOIlI' with MIt d iem;, on hi. hund., Rlld I load to keep t helll boml ilged aU the li llie.

\ \ie tried e \'J r\, -

lhing we rouhl gel .. LJ!,t nothing 1,,' 11',;11 hun ullt,1 h. usei.l t;utlcnru. One ••t .. I C~ltk utfl Soall , O intme llt Il IH! PiHtI ('tlrt 'll hm1 "'ell t il'e l ~', nntl Il i~ h nncls ' have lleel l i''''

tln~ooth Uti. Jl u:",i hlt' t! \'er l' J d o h 11If! t!'l" leller w,lI Ill' the men n8 of h" II ' I II~

lom e 01he r Im ffcl'el',"

- _... - There io no t ellin~ ",hnL a dar mal' b .. i l'~ 101'tl.. A 1111111 11111 " Ire huppy I';· d"Y' ,,, .. I , 00 .... i"'l tu·mooT';"·.




Ider.d Apny and Bad to Wear ; BanclaS" .·,A1I th. ·Tlme-An.' ' . , . ' otli'e r 117 QuUcwa.



-r;. ~



• '- -


P isO·.\'·II,." ('unnol he' loo highly opokon ! ~ " c;lUg~l rurc·-JI:,W"Ig'DrieJu . 3220, Tlti n! \ '1.'. , ., ' nneapo '~ a mn., un . . IlIOlI. A .g,rI 11~ • • n'l f..h for .. dialllond "D~ "fr' ",other'. ,,':;]siotuu.


~.~.~=~~~~~~~~~~~= . DEATH SEE-ED """AR

m. .&.1A '" . - ' - '- . • How a Cbica&o Woman FOUDd Belp "Y- ben .. ,. Hope W .. Fast F,dlol Away. - " .. i\lrs. &. T. Goultl. Oa W. Lake~tr"" t• -GJI~h ~(), III., allY ": ..'. Oo.u n's Rich " ·.I· ,I! , 11 0 "re lui tha t M v",lme fl'om d"utll f Ilt h '" D ' . 0 r It L 8 I~ease, t h u L 1 kno w. J loud cyo t'·oul,J" . . bu cknchc. cllotc 1"." whe n l.rltll!' a bed ' .,',;: or I\' I,eu bencl OVCI' . 1 .I . 1\1]," lll[ anti often (l lz1. v Ilnd had ll ick h .. ". I· . "cl~~6 all~ LJPfJri ~~: u palll S. he ~ It ney se cr e " "'~ .. ' w." ,·c .too c('pi .. " s . an~ f~eque~t. BIIII v"ly_ b~_ .11 n r)' k\~rnn~;\IlIt.h,vlos;n 1IlO,a' th .. t Dooll ', ' • ~ey ~r t~ p e, m e fII~lqu~ok'y u n tl ." ~~~ w~ll~ eO,,," ~06Clncc t'f°u • ~~ and . !"I'U ....~ a -, ' .,. ll'os ter· l\lilb ilrti Co. , Uull'alo, N, Y For 81,10 by all dl'llggis .... • Price , ~l. 8Iln t.& oeI'LJox.





. \.

18 assassl na !. 11, or ap Indian con 011 t h e war .vath In MUICO. That 18 all .hey '!hlnk or In Europe,.that are dln nij, thaI. arc confined on oll r re.erva· lio ns and not allo l'ed to carry arme. an d that Il Is no crrmtl for Englishmen to come over !lete IIDd Bcalp us. "What do you think of thl~," ut d dad, as h e read an account of Mra. Chad · wlc lt f orgln, the name of Andre w Carnegie to note. for ' 5'.000.000. and g etlin g fo eble-mlnded bankert to lend her money on the notes, unsl ght, unseen . "Gee . my boy. when we went away. Caas le was the rlche.t graAs widow In t he country, buying everytblng In BIght. and cre.lIng a ee nBation wherever s he went. And now she Ie In jail. her houle and furnit ur e gone, and a horse doctor ha. taken ber horses for m edical attendance when they had s pavins a nd epizooti c, and . s be look s 20 yeare old er because th e jail ors won't let her hav!! a ny faco cream to disguIse h erself with. LeL thi s be a lesson to YOIl. H enn ery, n evnr to forge the name of any m a n. poo r or ri ch , (0 notes f or ' 5.000.000." I to ld him r would n ever forg e any· hody·. Dame to more thall a r ea so nable

we In-

Tile Bad Boy Arrlvee 10 New YorkDad r. Caught Trylnr to Smuggle Merchaodla_They Al'e Surprised to K .e ar About Casale Chlldwlok and the 'Jhlcago Btrlk • . B ¥ H ON. GEO R GE IV . PI':L'K (h! x· Uo\',n nor of \ \ ' Isconlllll , .... ormc'·ly Eel · it or ot " P ec k' s Slln ," AU1hOl' o ( "Peck', linu liar ." j,;IC:) (I.;ol'yrlg ht , 100'>, b)' J OHt' It h B . Howle:. .)

N ew York Clty. ~ Dear Old Pardner In Crime: I hav e wore troubl e trying to do the righ t thin g than any boy you ev er ~ .. w. When 1 lie to keep dad from llelug pnlled Ily the police ot a foreign co unt ry. 1 seem to be allrl,hl, and lhen t!ad will leli ms lO always be lrulhful; and w.b on I tell the truth . and dad gets lu trouble by my doing so . th en h e wants IC> 1{lck me. EI'e ry boy ought lo have a ~u se l en ce tbat vo'\l1 pre" enl him frolll doiug w~ong. not on e of tb ese vacelllall ng consciences I bat h a ve to havc an all\l'I11 c lock to t~ lIl tlV b en 10 work 1)1'011crly. but a (.'Onsclence that Is like a de tccllv e, whic h never s lceps, or like (lllls. t h/ll work while YOII s leoll . and r egu la te l'OIl I' conscience so It will I,eo p ti me w!t r ther It Is wound up 01' nOl. Oll the way over fro m Havana. dall h ad several ia lks with mo about turnin g over n(!w lea l'es, allll h o sal!1 now lbaL w e lire a llout to lan d In o'uI' own count rr. let us be h ones t , aDd tell the trut h . I said I would trr It , !Ju l mayhe It wo uld kill me, lind l h oll dad concea led about hi s per SOli all Lho t b lu gs he In te nd ed to s mu ggle wlt~out paring dutr , an d t ho n he put on a pious lool{, JU8t lik e a mini , · t el' who IB on his return from a Ion . a n ti " 'e stood on deck as W '3 cam e up rrom Sandy Hool" lool{ ed At the stl1tue of Libert)· and swelled up ; lo oked a~ t he. SIal'S and StrlllCs flyin g . and wepl. a nd ·aded 'Uke fools. Dad was puss ier th'a~ ever. wIth over 40 yards of Incc wou nd around h is SlU mmlcll und or hi s s hin. Kn(1 0. lol oe Ilhl gi(lvc8 tied und er h is 1\1'111". a nd more th in gs thon' you could I·I,u Ut. and whe n l he r evenu e o ffi c~r. bonrrtcd the 8b lp dad broke out In a per· 8111 1·nllon . w h\c h was so noticeable thnt th ~ Insllcctors piped hIm off at on ce. lin d whco h o SIIW that they suspected


blm, po lnled to tile statne of Llbel't)' and said: "My son, lo ok at thlt foma'le wltb the Lorc h. Thal torch SIlYI all are wel come to com e to th .. coun t ry who are hon e~1 aud willing to help bear the burdens of ' our government, but to tbe dishonest man t hal torcb means tbat be I. not welcome. Be honcst, my boy , It you d o n' t lay up a ceut. An h o nest ma n Is the 110blest work .of God," and dad r olled . up .Ills eyes 111.0 Dowie, and aald : "Peace be unto you ," and Ihen t he In~pectol' asked m e If dad hnd any gOOdS on him that he ball n ' t pa id dut}· on, and I to ld hIm he coula search me. a nd that !t il I know was tbat (jad ha.1 used extra I' l' '('Bulion In mak ing h is to il e!. a nd t hal he hart to wlud aboll t 40 ynrd s or lace arollnd hi s s io mach . whi ch had lie en trou blin g blm s ince h e bud a tOllc h of clt', lel'a at Havana; all li dati looke d nt m e all t bou gh he I\'oultlllke lo olectrocuLe me fo r lei li ng I he t r uth. Tit mll n told dad \.0 \l~el otI h is outslue ga rmen ts, and wh en he co me to t b laco and lleg8 n to unrn l' el II rro lll dad. dnd was lIIore omfonable. CRuse h is c lo l h es dldn ' l Ilt so qul cl;. \\'h n Ihey h a d got th e loce ott. and th e glul'e •. Ilad loolir ol hurt. an d said: "T bc Lo rd g l velll n nd the Lo rd tak clh away." and the ma n said It wo uld cos t ,~ O <,lollars nnc, a nd dad paid It. and Ihey II Cllt th e lacc. And wben the ll16lleCLO r ti left dad and l/egan to scarch a fa t woman. he took me to one side and s alt! : " You s how the poorest judgmen t In te lling the trutb Ilny boy I ever met. OOI1 't YOU r emember the' verse In th e Bible 'II' bl ch says: ' The truth should not be spoke n lI,l all times,' " and theD h e wall golog to ..:Ive me a .... Ift kIck, wheD I told hIm t o be careful or th e diamond ring be had in Ihe toe of hl~ s hoe would cut a hole In the lealber. and be 101t. and he let up on kicking me, and finally we got elf tbe boat and wellt to a hote l, and dad lectured me on t he subject of com· mOll senle. He !lAId a boy tha t badn't common senae enougb to pre \'ent him from talklDg when he ought 10 kiep atlli. and gIving away family secr ets. would br ing bls tather'. gray hairs In sorrow to the grave. 1 am going to try to lead a different life from this oul. Well, sir, you don't realize th e changes :11at . have taken place In our belove eountry slnOill we le n. almost a year ago, We ba"e been readIng the back numbers M the newspap"ra 00 IIlld out wbat hM haPllened-lllnce WI lett, ClaU.. you never bear anlthluc In JIlul'Ope about .... h.t _Jtt~O In_ Am~rl~DI,!U~ ~r!l'~eDt

'THE CROCER' S TROUBLES, rho Women Wh o SlIIlIIpJe H h. W Ul'r" W ipe Ou t All '1 here b of Profit. "I f I .QOme out eve .. o"n my worne" ell ston: ' I'M." I'(! lllllrflerl tll P eM uel g r()('cry m <l n , wea r ily . " I I hinl< I am uol ng we ll. II iM Iii;" ,h I.<: A WO II "III WI II cnnlC In a n d a!'Ol, I'llI' hutf ' a pUlIlld DC 1"111 cr. " ' Wltll' e l"e?' 1 a~ l<. lIo, wi! In hall ' l. "S h 11 11' 11 . he l' BU e n lion I" lh Jr lii t. " . H .. I'e you a ny 1IIMI, hel'l'Ips day '!' s hc qu es llon s . and she Is nol Idle while ( answer . ~hc goes about IH Clti ll{, Ihe largest a nd beSI ott lho lOP wb e rp I hav e bee n car ef lll 10 place I he m . sn d Ilu lli ng t be m I hOUl; h If ull y In he r nHJlIlh one al a ti nte. " I uame I he Ilrlce. " I '!UII't beli e ve D ('8 re fo,' hlacllberrle;; lo-day,' s he ro nc ludes wh e n s he ha H 1' lI i ll c tt t hrof\ boxeB ; -how a r e yu ut'

I a :;phe rrlcs 7'

" I nanl e the price and quailly: abo ' lecld C!: artpr sa mpling Ihem t ha , tho" are no t rIpe eno ugh or al' C 11)0 rlp~ . a nd wa ll'N Into the CU rr a n t" . s ll ~ d . " Now ••:u r ranls erll easl"-" I of all to " We ll. whell was l\ter~ a lIlIIo when ~I sal'l ang.. . Th ey are ver y ,Ialmy snrt I he Cblcago loamste,l< ;v~re nOlan a f res h loolrl ng In Ih e ho x afl Pr yo u IUlI'e Hl r ll<e?" sa id I to dad. 'T', ey a rc t hs I a llen IJai n ~ to PUI I he best 011 tO il anrl most ~Y llll ln i helic people (,n eanll. What arc Ih ey s lrlkln g for now~ ~hak c Ihel~1 "I' , bill thrr ha ng logel hc r. "O h. 80lll e girls tbal sow ol'C1'al i! " I'" 0 that II hen ~ h ~ ~el e(' l " " n e hunl'll 0 11 a s t rlltp.. and they can ' t se em 1fI11' In to sam pl p.. three ro llow. S he laltp, Rn Ih c teamSlers hav e 8u'u 'k In SY IllI)a: no pa: ns to se paralc Ihe hlln"lIp", She Ih,· all.I . wit h l he m . nod thc h u. I n ~RY 0 f rOL'f eats "n th em tI I IIIlII lon people Is knocked gaily w~.t " .Y Ie I lII e H II! Ramp\e,s t h re~ • ald <In.... ' box es YOll hav r los t YO llr Ilrofll H 011 " We ll. I gues~ Ih ey bpll er le t the rll.~ I·an t s for the day. tea msters star o u I. ('ause II' I hey 1;0 hac k . Th plI ".he cOllciu. leR s he 11'11 1 dll to wor l{ Ih er c 'lI be a HIJ'II; e of Ulirsell IIlth olll flu ll for l unc h . s he hart ." week afte r next. and t he I amsters will much yesterday th ey are tirerl of I' . have to go ou t aga in. a ud hlock things . a Ud. ~olllg 10 Ihe bael, oC th e Blare . a nd ball u(l th e w hole business ." I told 1 lOll fo llow mee illy 'In Lh e I'ea l' wllh dad. and I add cd : " fh e on ly way 10 ~'our I.cnclt. s he s am Ill es th e cheesr , SLOP lh ose tcamsters fttrlklng .1 8 to pe n- j This being mo r e m bu. I. s ia nd s I h~ .,1<>11 eve ryone of t hem abom a hundre d ord ea l fairl y well. Iho ugh 11'0 an' 1.:.llars a month. an d la y th em ott. a nd ' o hli J;('(~ 10 Icare a. few c r umus s~aLlen' d hire someb ody that 18 110L looklngfora ll aho ut. so Ihat ' h l' m ain ch ee .e ""on ' ~ excuse to Quit work and shy hrl cks. 10011 III,e ~O t On Ls bl'fore Ih p d RY ... Malle them th e leisure class. wllh bank over . "No. Rhe doos n' l w a u t checse. How acco un ts . and lhey ...·on ·t have so much "ympathy as to I'uln tbe business of Chi- :r I be ba m ? Cut o tt a lilt I" sli ce. ,;ago." please. and let he r see, : 'H~re ' s so melhlng yo u wo uldn ' t bs.. "You obed lontly cnt off th" lllll l' 1I000e." s ays dad. pl<:klng up ano l her pa- ~ lIre. hul MIIPI'oSP )'ou cu i off Ih ree 0" per. "Roosevelt Is e lected again. aud Is 'ou r do~c n IIt llc s lices 8 rtS I' wh al .' o ff In t he m ou nta in s tor two m onl hs , a bout th e ham by n ig h l? sbooLlng lacl, rabhl ts and bea rs. and let"Th e re 18 OIl C good thing ahollt e~g'. ling public b~18ln ess go to l be rlogs, but TII ' Y call't sampl e Ihem . S IIII. tin · h e has heard of the Chi cago Btrll(e and I 85 you k e p a aharrl lookoul l h y will a hanque t In that lo wn, and he.8 go- . 111) c n e 0 1' l wo or t h e hlggeR I 811t1 Itlg 10 the banque t, and see If bls IIres- whitest In t heir re ll eu le. whll c yo" e nce will no t make tbe st rikers forg et a rc ,ll . hln :; Ollt i he huttel'. a nd wal k to Hgh l. an(1 you wanL to plug be rLbs Inno('c nll), orr wllh lhem . fol' the train to · nlght. cnuse I h a ve got " 1 );now . ~I o s t pEople Ihlnl, tlUll dl' Y to see Roosevelt and r epor t to him goods o'o re s are Ih e o n ly s urrrrer . about w hat we dld for him In Turlle y and r"o;n 1<1 ' 11I.o ruan lar.s. Th at Is nol t. I'II~ . Egypt," and dad beglln to pack 1111 Ihe We ha ve s nlrer ed all th o t Ime In al things t.he c listom bouse officers dldo 't lence. Hnd on h im. " If rOll cou ld 8ee u . In st r aw hp.t'r,· And so. old maD , It won 't be long be- time." he Rud<l enly bllrRl ont.. "W~ fore you will see m e In your old groeer,. have 1.0 I(cep two ext.r a cle rlls 10 wat ch and I wlli le ll you things thll t will make Ihe hoxes we hav e tal, en pain s to m a l;p t be Arabian Nigh ts seem lik e an 8e - rlcnu llf tl1. II I" not 1. 1 IIl o0l8 111a. It COliot of a c hurch sociable. It I we re ID I~ hl g hw ar robhery . your pln!:e I would get a detectiv e to "T h py ts l,e o nl y Ihree. maybe . from IIrotect you. for I ba\'e got so I am liable " n p b c.x at 8 Illlle. lin t take three of to s hooL a man on sight. Rn d rob him o f : he biggpst Bn~ b r lgh tp s t and redde,1 all h e uold s dear. Scrub out and 0l,en s tl'B wberr ll:!" off th e tOI' or o ne IlIl.I e Il,e windows , and put on th at clean s hirt hox . nn(1 1\(1\1' doos Ii look ~ you ha\'e bee n hold ing for s tich an 0(' . By the lima Ih e wom e n get thro ug h cas lou . for "behold, the prodigal 80 0 il !'nlttplln g Ihlng ~ what t.hey Uti )' o n you r Lrall" with a rea l appe tlt.e . wouldn'l pay Iho per ce n l. 011 th e cost. Yours. .of what lhey lalte away with Lh em In HENKERY, l e mall ), ao<l ol her wi Re. Anrl Ihe



G I';l "1' I NG A SKJNFUJ, r.l" THE \\,A 'n:R Oli' J OY AT F I FTEEN DOI. I,.\lI 8 A B01'TLlI:.

a mou n t. calise (was no bog. . W;ta t cryin g IIbout." sa id I. a" d~ brok e down and wert. " Oh, I thinking of poor A nrlrew Cam egle; the dear o ld case of Scotc h wit 1811] and Qua l.el· oats." said dad , a s .11(' wiped his eycs and read more llbou t tbe Chadwlek case. " Hore, this wo ruah charges that Cal'l\egle wa s b er fat he r . and gave up tbe notes t o sQual'e h imself with his a cc idental daughte l·. so s he wouldo't squeal on !t Im , and quee r him with the library beggars, who might r efule to take bla tai n ted money." "It Is too bal! about And rew," s ays I to dad, " but llon·t you reme mber what a w lnl{ h e bad tei his left eye . that tlnle we sa w h im. even In his old age?" " Well, thaI 'II'oman IB no ge n tle man. or s ho n ever would ha\'e told on And r ew: ' said dad and h e dl'lod h is e)'es and lool,ed at anotber paper . and to ld me to hush . and h e kept on r ead In!:. a nd finall y he said : " Well. If that wouldn't ulli n VOII :' and h e put hIs hand to hi s b ead, a;ld sIghed as thongh hIs heart would break. " What Is It. dad ; out with It. cause we might as well know th e worsL. Has C haun ~e y Depe w at te n ded anolh er banquet , and to ld that o ld chest nut nbout-" "Oh . Henn er y, It Is worNe t ha·u tha t. If pos.lble ," s aid dad. "Lookah ere, a c hurch organization has refused to take a hundred thousand dollar gift rrom Roql{efeller. (or use In tbe ml sslo nar)' huslness, because they believe Job n came by 1)\. money dishonestly. robbin.: Ind epend ent refineri es of kerosene. lind John Is heartbrok en for fear all the reo IIglou s and educatlonal !:rafters will boycott him. and refuse tO'take his money, and It will accumulat e on bi~ hand. until It rulne him. By ginger. that 18 har d on John, " conti nu ed dati . &8 h e kept on reading . "Oh . don't you worrt' Ilbout Roc ke. fe ll er:' said 1 to dad . " He has only a ccumulated a billion dollars. and hla son has nOl got gay yet. A rich man can always get rid of hll money. In one of three ways; by payln, taxes . sLartlng a n ewspape r or leU lng his son gCl gar. Rock efell er's young man has hee n I,e pt In Sunday school until he Is full of text H and PRI·ables. lind hymns. and h e Is about d ue to geL Jl. skin full of t be waleI' of joy, al $1 6 a bottle. a nd gh 'e a di nn e r to t he d IOI'US of an opera. all fl Wh e n lUlll V!J1l




he wm s tomaell, and tell b er meet h er a l l it o Slage door th e out night· with an automohll e wl l h h er O\\,O monogram on the tilde cntranceyes. when It comes to l hat I'ld J o hn wtll never find any troubl e In putt Ins the tdaInted d d billi on loto , cirCU lati on . ~;!t, a . o n't YOU t hink so ?" s ays I. and dad that would be t he I s aid be gUtl1Isell ' on)' sa lYatlon for poor old. bald - headed John , with tb e odor of kerose ne on h. is ban k account. " Bu l here's som ething tbat 'II'1ll make you "tall(1 without hitchin g. and I wanL to gf't lo Chl e8g0 by th e Hrst Irnl n." 8a ld dad . 88 h e tumerl o ve r th e Ilaper aod loo l{ ed aL lhe hca~lIn es . " What ·s the nlatt er In Chit-ago. dad? " oay. I. . " Ha s Cart er Htl rr iso n been e l~Jte ~ again whell ho ....&8 not 1001<1 II g ? , "Ob , more fUll Lhan Iltat. " M8111 dad, "W blll do yo u thInk . Ih e Cult-ago tea msters nre o n a s trik e. ano Ih er have hlocllCd trame. nnd there Id a falrchan c. tbn t he I,eoill e wbo are not Itlllpd wlLh hrl cl'ft will be sl arved to dealh . r.a llse Lhey .re going to put a stO (l to deli verlng meat. groceri es and milk. Oee . wo uldn 't I like lo be lb.$re Wll h a window looking out on StnLe ~·. r eet ," and rlad fall'l )' hes med wit h Joy.i ~ tll~ thonghl of hlood-

- ........ THIi: e llt 'AGO Tb: AMST&RS ARF: ON A Sl'R t.Kj,;.


- - - _ _ _ __

wors t o f It is thai wom en al'C our m ost

STUDENT QUESSES POORLY frequCl1 l cl1 RI.o me r. " Xan Who Acted Rational Was Ins!\ne While Loud Fri . nd Waa a FarFamed Author. A student ooce aaked th ~ Frencll ail eD1st EIQuirol If tbore were any 8ure tests b~' .... hlch to tell the s an e from t ha In sane. "Please dine wllh 'me to· mor1'011' at s ix o 'clock ," was lhe answer of l h e sa\·ant. The s tuden t a ccepted ths Invitatio n. and fo und two other guestl present. oue of whom was elegantl y dressed and a llilarenlly highl y educatRrt. whll c t he othel' WM I'ath e r uu cout h, nnlsy. nud extremely conce ited, Afl e r (!Inne l' Ilia pupil rose to lnlte lea l'r . an" ~s he s h ook hand s wllh hla leach el' h~ rema l' lle rl : "Tb e prob lplll Is vcry sl lllIl lp. afte r nil: t hc 'lll iel.wp ll ·dl'cRsed ~ e ll­ Il e man Is ('e l'lalnl y (li stin~"l s h e(l ill so me lin s. blll lh~ other Is us eprtniul, it Il lII alic n nd ou[;11I to be 101'1 :0.,1 np ." "Yo u or e wro ng. III), frle n<l ." r Ol lll ed 1,.qu lrol. w ll h a s mlll!. "ThaI '1ul e!. 11'1' 11,ll'essed man who tall(s so rationa ll y ha s for years labo red lIn lkr lh.· dellls iou l b al he lti Gnd . t ht' Falh er. wh erea s lh I olller man . w hose exub .... '\1 I<:.. an(1 selfco nroll ha,'c surpr ised you .ls.II. Ho nor e rip tlal za (·. the grealest t' re ndl \I riler of the day."



It W a s So Thick That It Became Almost Tangible Ilnd WI\S . Oppress I ve.

Wealth and Fashion Cath<'!red There Before the R<'!volutionary War:Elegance and Stale ~nesa Preceded Modem Mainilic<'!oce.

Th e 1I81ler. ",I'll u. word of t h e de·lln~. 'hr>lIi':h it s;>i'm. a mo. t Inr on gr uelred wlllntrawlll 'o f l il e lle rSonage8 I,,· iOllo ly hlllllbir (rrm 10 e llllll o\' ror Iltlt \labllln~ "Newport the Mn l'\"n illcen t" !;real s l.l' lI ctllrf'K. sol id a nrl 8,;1I31antl ll l t ~O Ill th e t: ommon folk c OMtillltln~ the ', noll g h to I" , Sla, pty ' all.tlle-rCar r ty of New l.or!. of a potltlon Lo th .. a borlr'. .. HlIt " 'm ~ flf Ih e pl aces do 1I0t Rhode 1. la nd leg lslatllre th a t Ih(lI r s er" 111'&lrnd ' () a lII' hu m li ll y . ~ t!ln<l fOrlh ' IiOD tK> ""pal'ated into the <:I l l' or SOllth pt\ 1 8"~ ano r· hn l~a u. wh""~ I'er lortlly Newport

fo rm (h ... pa l't l(' ular arrhIIt-' ('l mfi \" lau .... A

Lel 11 8 glance a nHlm ent at tb e . fa r ·fam e d town : let Il s Inqllire when It IIr!lt came Into ra"hloD. look at It now as th e so cial Ilh e n()me nnll it I", Lon/.: ago Nswport Wa R noted ror both .ocla l a n<l oomm e r<:i al Allpr~ma"y .

• e lecl Pd r'll' Ihe PrI I Ii f'P nn . Ol'hl'A Pol nl . SIlIll At llll et; stylerl ~ l ll l lo n ulr (t Point. T hrr. I. Ihe ~rRa t n!!" '/o,,, hn ll Rc hu llt hy ~lr . \\' . K . V"nd"I' IoI II. and whl r h 11011' hp long" t() his rlh'nrre<1 wife. Mr •. O. If. p , lkirn oil i. II. I, no sham Im l-

Ormon rt Ti"llny 9o' rite~ --n er01''' New Vorl( \\'lUI g r eal , New lJOrt Wll K n fl o 1lr,


I RI Io n or qrltl1 rl CHlr, marhIt" hom'F', "1 )l lt IUtla" (' Chat wo u lll ~ hi l1 f'" 111(' n j e w e l I~ h l ng rl ly. a nd ItK "OIllIll Aroe whlt e np'.1 In an)' of Ih l' !I ...·al f' a l .ital ~ of 1~lIrop ," aI'er y sea . Optll ~n t nH!I"' lTant " di s· I II t. In he f'\ ass i<'"I s l y le bu ilt or pp n ~ed a princel y b OA plfallly , an(1 lH~8r , whi t t' T tlrl": Cl l u')(" marlJl "', 111f" m aiu ,"'n.

Il' a hlln<lred w<lal l hy lI ebrew tnmlll .... worehlvetl In Its now ~ese l'lp..t Rynn · !:oglle Wh pn th e rel'o lll llon (lI. t ur bed tile ' progperlty of the tOWII so lI<lmlr, ab ly .l tuat c.1 fOl' both COlllmp.rf'C ao.1

'ranre a nll . ta lr ,·os o of 1I'0n ri er fu t Slp nnll Illarhl". Ih p 'l illin ~ l'Ootn of (la rl' plnl, :>iumiri ian lI1arh l ~ . Of Cfl II r.;r· w it 1I " " t ""'"l lon til<' (' 0 <1. aholll $3.0')0.!lOn. Th f'\ Rrr fl lw l'fO t ~ an o lh~l' \OaTlI l pr bf ' t ' -f':..i rl e tv', · n t re nn . yn : ".su (: h rural ualnt·o SR Btl Ifnli ull pl' i l"' f' or "a r din :11

.agreoable Mllmmf'r reHol't . nH!r e ('ns u rd 11 lo ng p rr l or1 or df'prC'sli l o n . ·ewpurt

los t II i;


pt'('.-i tl).:f1' .

Thp rear t H30 Is ~ 1 1' p u by Mr. Tlr· t any as Ihe dat e " tlt ~ t1t1P of NewllorJ' " pru~lJcr lly he~a n ~ Iuwlr 1011' 1'11 " In IIt L' rl);ht rllr('(:UulI; a lJ alt llllo tn g" lIlI emllll n r Wf'lllth t h t'n

.~pUli n S"

IliP lim o or tlt ~ Ih l'gla s ml~hl Ita v" ")'f'·Ird ." Sl ill an ll l h" I' \'all ,lc rhlll Ila lIlI'<): utl ,1 Ihi, i, c ~lI f) r\ Hough Poi nt, i ll'" 1', l'II pol'I:: 01' ~l r. FI'"rl!'rl t: I, W . Van·

th e n:- , and hi ...

d t'r t, l l l, o n

In n llpnr' io~ fri e nd s to f ollolV .1\ nlll.Jlh el' o r HUlIlhpr ll r s pllt u p

p rese n<'e

nlallnl' h!l1l 30. {' h O!i r'n

~I ne.


EIl ~ ' f..s n

LIp' o rd l' J" of a n


th e

/I.. f"r~ n c h ch a teali IVU m orl el fnr Mr. O;;cl c o

flno (lw ci llul:s. a nrl IIll1u hy li ttl e Ncw · (;o ~ l p l '" , UlnlllCr "h~lI p r . whi c h So ~" (lort a gai n ~ruw In fa ,·ur . In IS H Ih Ill' II ... nnln " or Oe hrp court. 1\1,.. 110b· twtc l::s Ol:~a n n n ,l Atlanti c: \\' e r C twllt, fOrl G!l r'llpt '~ arc hit~f'l hOrl'o \':e,i tro nl Hll d ahotH I h ls li m o c h:!iu nt v illa s I; p- l1l f ' F':ng I1:-11J. man Or hous e foJ' bi3 PA.t... ~lHI 10 ap IJl'ar. N e wpnrt Wa H UIH ' \\" the rnn . l\ l r Ed'IA'an l Mor ~ oll ha.· an a1.Jo<l{)

or w l'a l tl l anr1 fa s hio n us IIIrn IJac k to [lI llc' r"vollll iona r y days; and ('or ll e r 8tlii. 10 I hI' rOllndln g or the to wn . II is on" or 0111' ol d pla re •. WII R selll (I III 16:: • • in f' o r iloratcd In 1700 . That lh~l'c wen' veI l' ~ "rl y vl.itor~ to the slIot. IImt th c' Nor semen arrived 1Iere ~OO years bdorc Chrlstophor Col umbus' di . cov · e r r. trn,lI l1o o woul<l ha ve u ~ hellcve; 11111 1I10"e wh o m"lt ~ It th eir IIIl s lnc.s to tcar dow n Irad lllolllli w ll·s. l e i I 11 K 10 he c hnry of att rlbu tl n)l; the old s l oll l' h UUltt

t hat



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al)p a rau c~

11'1111" (;rf'.' I, le mJ.le fr ont. ~l on t ~f) r. I ': r)' Sc h 1),11',·. cont r i h llllll ~ 1(1 the C<l.; nlllpolitun a mo s i intl' nl; ,1i "l'lI ss loll of "/\ !'>pwl.ort Pala ce." saY:l or Ih e hulld '!r. of l it O. j)ala es ··Evl· .Io.ntl y th e 1)1'51 art , 1 ha. bee n chose n . li e has had Illlerty a u J h ilS had mo n 'y_ 1\1,01'(' all . 1ll01l~y . " Alld !\Olr. S c hlly lPr '''Ili s I ha , I here. ca nnot he su ch l\ rll.... plu y uf s u m r'llI o~i l y In II limited ar ~,. at UII Y o 'h rr wutl'rltt!: place In th lt worl' l. \I' h il' h " lI olo' c of wort! " see ntil rI~ h l l y ttl !i 1JJ;~(' s t I lu~ N,' wI.ort s t'i !'!t. \vh"L . Irik os II, ,, h"hold cr I" ~htJ "" "d d lo of .. ~Ia l'<' " ." all too ' I o ~p. non " with I;rO ll nrls III til e I,Cas t adcq'lIat to Ihl' " nl ll 'II("I K II"~' of Iii bu il d In ' . A , lire writPI' we ha vc jn ,l <1nOl(·,1 r,,lI1a r l< ~: " 1'; ul'1t IH wonh y 10 he II" Nhlll\' plo r·p uf " Rh lro'. , lIfl.:! .1 h~ unli t

mill at Newport to tl w NorsP rrt f'n . t lH'Y

VOlin !; 11Idl es with a rondtl'~ss for Infan tll o ad mire rs s houl d be warn ed by an e pisode a t a sea s ide reso rL I a.~t ~ umm el" re lRtcs 1.l ppln eott's Maga-

" id us glvlJ fa ll h to Ihr Iheorr tt Is t he work of (lov. U" ned l':t Arnolrl, who ulc rl In 1678 "lid a wil l whcrdll mellU on ' b ' li arie of "illY stoll ll· lluli t wind mIll. " A bit or rl eLal 1 of t ho naill mi at· tractlv r ness of thl' pln .. I' Ill ny tO Ill C ill


An e nga g in g m a scu lin e or ~c I' e n yeaCB becam e 011 c Kc,eerlill /.:ly ~oort I"r ms with IIII' bello of th eir I.Hr\l clI· \\'('11 jll!-'t ntl t'r rnpnlloll o r til(' l' arl y in a p Ul k :t ntl ri o t II d lJ ,I r· y u n L " lor hot e l. A gir l a hou t 20 YCllrs hi s HC'tllerM ann v t H lll)r~ , H h utl" 1:; I:-tIH I 1:-1 "-I ' li ft ~ " "' l ml l :-o f' a :- )1l !;}:i l :t u lm ll t fd x ~e nl or. O n(' (lAY th e charmPI' 06 1<ert f Unll·d ( o r It ~ j' II III I1((" I\ l' i l g l1trllll y r oo I W I'(· I,:-. . IUTI fo r t h," ~i \ we·... !.: =' til l' fan t .. the s wa in 10 go ha thill g. and after I ho In ~l trl lmf' r Hnd 1111 If1 I n williror ~ C W· II I ." I ttll., ' linil ll a [HI !'! "" I n 11\' i" i n. hAt h . as I h ~r retllrllNI t o th ~lr hath · p ort Is o n ~ nf 1th od~ l !'I. l allrl '~ lo r l~ l ic:-. l 11 1'11J~ 01 11 ' \ 1\ a \';]( '/11 :. l ll lJl u •. :tIl arIII Y hou s ~s . th e s mull IIln n slIg):r"t c.1 n t _pO t A ~ ll unt('rI u n Nllraga ll .... ' ·tL tHI\' of -1' 1"\ l nl~ If I ~ ,; :1 1 \ I t) !t .• u kH., l tI ~ ('I .Y I'a.' " to gpp whn rO llld d rr .s Il,·s!. Th e)' sOllie ft\'f' mill'S r rO l 1i lh~ 0 (,1'0111 , Th p ' I 11 ,, 11 1'\ ~Ih' , · r.l 1 u n "!' .. lI ll o r fl lfl :i n l .l l t e lll(ll'pd lh" Iml hholl:-; CI", w h it-II H,t - 1:,,·~t·!·;t ~ lI i p:-; CIII(' r t li e fl o f' Ilurlmr . th (o~\'. I 'idlh 1/ ' \1,11 ' ( (Ir f' -:I, '1I11 I n ~nW :1 Il't joint' rI. :1111 \ In a sIlOrl t ime a you rh. 1IPIJ rna c' II \1$ \' ('r~' 1J"alltl ru l. I ll" \ I, ' w ~\ jI'l l' l\' r " (' lp ro f'i y 1" '" ,ln J:.. " :\ 1' 11 111'~ m .. fill trehl L' calle d : " ;lli "s f: l hl' l. O. r rqlll III1 HI rnagnlflfot--' Ilt A t tll ('o l i l llL: of Ill" til I", :d , l,· t il " :tt" . l :1I 011 II ! p' .:;" l'li ",s Ethrl, J '\, (, got Illy s ln (' )( II1 ~ ~ n n ." I Ill' I"\' \l oll i tiolllh .. population \'a ~ 1'!.OI") "' 1':.1 ; ", ,~ o !.:, I'. '· np 11' ,) n' 'III lh" .. ,· ti1. l t I



l o w contra ltu

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R ohlli r. sO hol'l' I ." Aft p l'

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aA"ai ll (' allpcl : " I\Ii Hs E l lwl, 1' \' (\ got m y s h of' :; U Il ," A~ai n ('nnw tit .... an :-iwcr : "Y ,"s, d eal', s o ha \' p I." n (lJl II :u! - th r n n tl'illl11l'Jlltll l " " i('o ~ 11 1"i11)' pI'Of-l:aillH' rl : ",\'I i ; n 1t:!l h l' 1. I' \'o gOf m y pa 11 1:-; on .

M ole and His Habits. In burrow in g hi s Lunn e ls Ihe 1ll ~1~ 1'1\(-' un ~ w('r l nl-:' t-4i1 " ru' p Wa _{ opp r c-:;8ee m. to .wl m thro ugh the mI' l h rn' h · er than to rtlg hi s way. Althung/. flIli':1t sive . of t he earth Is never rOhl ol'~.j rl )111 t Id The Age of Birds . runs. but Is beat.e n hard Into Ihe \\'alls Tlt p hir ds Ihal attai n l h ~ ~r~at cs t age and floor of th e t.unn e l. the crralnr" fl n d~ Bre th e cagl e. th e s wan and 111(' raven . It more cX I.ellltlous 10 hll sy ti me. 10 whkh "o meUm c" live fo.· 1\101'e Lha n 100 clear tlte run" or"'l oose eal'l h. Thi s h~ yeu r. . AL th e olhp.r 'e xtremc Is the does at a poin t where Lit e rnn co mps If) wren . wh oSIl av eragE life I. only thr ee the surface hy pu s h i ug the ear th beror. yr arR Be lwee n I hese come t.he h e ron . him wit h h Is lint forehead aM fat'II, the parrot. t he goose. And tbe lIe licau. Some times. where the eart. h bind. easily, wll II a Iloss ib le age of 60 ye ars : t he (lea · h e Ilush es oUl the mold In oo lid rountl ('0,,1< a nd th ~ linnet. 25 years: t he pings. s ho,,' lng the exact. d imens ion s of ~" nar y. 2 ~ yea rs ; tb e pl ~eoll and the the orillce throu gh wh ;c h th ey hal' Ahee n cranp. 20 }'~ars : th e go llllln ph and l he thrust. Wh e n the mole Is huntln~ or phcaRaul. 15 yeA"" : I ho larl;. 13 years: traveling unrl er gl'o und he bas 110 neell t h" h lar. khird 8n~1 Ihe robin n'<lhreasl, to tbrow liP the enrl.b. Tbls Is a s lIhso- 12 )'ea l '~ : Ih " thl'll s h . 10 yea rs . ________ quent operation for tbe Ilurposeof c lcal&' Au Early Pre'for~nce. Ing tbe run s for r egular use. Ted d y hatert the tlarl, . and hi. mother lI')'ln~ to c u rc h im of b ls A Prejudiced Opinion . "Suppo. e the government 11I.:st3 OD (ear. " Now. Teddy:' she said . a s she' lilting rallway ratea1" ;'WIII," answered Mr. Dustin Stl" tll cked tri m In fnr the ulgh l. "YOII k now "\t'll be a bard job. Under the p rese nt w ho \" always \l'1t\1 you even III t he syatem . t h s tockholdel'll ' .re_ cootenL dafk ." " Wpll , I don 't 'II'ant a mao . I wanl If the Jovernment takes a b.nd nelLber the IItockbolders llor the public w1ll be 0. woman;' W&II bla 83tonl~'I1& rePI)', .-L1{lQ~otl''!.. TI!agaz~., .'" ..;,.

time COUles, and the young8le r'~ back teeth are aflollt. and be lees doubl e. an d begins to reali ze that he Is t be gr eatest caae or ' It' In the EDgll sh language. and the chlet chorua girl OOmes and sits on t ho arm of hIs cbalr and leans over so s he Is almost all In .Ills arDia, and her two blue eyes look to hIm lik e the showClase In a glass eye 8tor~, and he r breatb CODl41S In short pants. cluee to hla lar and sh o put s her 80ft, manicured. ve.i sweet bread hand on hla fe\"er ed brow, and stroke8'hla hnlr away from the forehead that Is beginning to .ehe [rom miltInll the canna bac. and budge. lerrapin and champag.ny ..... ter. and tel1a him he It too good a thlDS to be bouIDC a !'Iunday ICbool, he will look cion-v.ld from &ro1lWU. Ja , . ~~leftl.!.~!!..h~B~..":

Our Beautiful Newport Long a. Famous Resort


l li (l pl :l t'I' n r..: ori ill j" 'lll fl f Ih ~ li fl ~ t1 is " ,I fOd :Iud W I·ltll1! ' I'il rn llll '.{ r'O rll 1til' :S Ollllr 1 fl t,wlu·,1 IIP n' ('adl :-i lllllll\f'r, aliI! II r- r ,' ! met ~ori,. tr pl"n p lr' t1" (, 01 tll r II n rlht f li f'a plt nl ~ AI llli s Ilf' r ll )l 1 h rjf l ' lH "11I1I ! hOIlf(IIII ~ ho m.;('~ ha l h nl( '" Ihl ' :-Il llIlm "r I fnll\. alld 'li P ~ 1 ' al:iO It \\ 3 .. Ill u rl\ "(( h y ':;(, II (I " a l ~n \"· r y Til l' H llI b-. h 111'111 p n .,sr,.;s- ioll nf (\nw p on d tl rlng Jl (jo n ~id('r a l"/ ' pal f "t ( II , r p\' o i llt inn :Inrt (ltd whal f h r'y cOHld to fllin I lI (' town , TIl f"Y (it' ' lrtn','rl hl1ll lt in M~' h tlr n N I tllr I lcltLhollse , ('ut (I own t r("r" ~ . lifO)\( ' dowlI w h a r .... l' s. I n <1ul J:'{'(l ~ n a c t H o r gen .... r al v.u Hh,ll s m But to c horntt:lf' ano l h r r ~ td c of th l"' h ltitory of 1 h is p e rlo" . n ' " ("8 11 atten ·

s h afl €'

t ion t o t h e f urt th a t Gonnu o dorf' I 'l'rry ,



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boy"." ns .. II rl'ad,.", n f Ill<' ,0,.1,.. Y 1"111 • . hil I ' PI\U!K [.III Y'·,t In bathill; 1J~g(. k n qw, 3rf"e Vf'ry nro m IrIC"rtI til lil t: ' Ilit;'\ i~ ;). \ l lv ~r.,ion , S ki rt ,)!:lnc~s by t a s hlon ll hJt' New lJOrt or tll P. Jl r l;!~{~ n1. .r "1111~ ~Q" l ety f e ll w,\'~ f llrnuh • W'h ich hrl Dgs II" to "uns irlN"lhll of I' I~a 'i n g recreoatlon . Wh lr: h do r~ n ' t n.olle rn f ~8hi o nahl " Nt' wpo rl . "N o"'l'ol'l. sP" m to tll oll ts l<J " r ~o u W(<l1'l.v 11)111 th e ~ ' a J::lllftce nl .. or m y or or l.;lns!. hut s uglt'''JIS l 3'\ .1 n llt bcrol'c w~ l.e~ln wl l h thl! IIltt1l'j alll."cl t ...;. too tnt:ch m OT'~Y . Som· nl o d er(1 ~ . l<'t 1I ~ clIlI 10 m lnll thaI N !"\\, · omly ~g l.l t!, ~"" !s n t~' l ng .0 1'0 u · port ha ll pr p\'toll" 10 Ollr day nO: ,;;~ I ilion a l Npw PtHl n < : n o n ~r-Iln l l o u r of sta t ell n ea!. oC no sma ll ~lc;;l>Qce: ari. tnc racy o r wf'31th \lu , 1~r. O ,"'" may s lt of It Rs th e " '1' lll a sOllle lnifl~ o f "d e mo _ra r .". <11 , War· period." ' Stieh dl5t lngul s he.1 r~ll enLg l ' ng. wIt Wl . IIlm ' c!t " I' :. 1(1 n n t a s the l>Istorlan ..Boncroft a. a .(lov' l Ne wlY.lft, 01'-:' drl Y !>lms ;, ell thA l t " Lawr ence, :allVa)' ~ r e f~r r e (\ 10 tlielr . NClVlIN l colo n~' \1f-v ote1 It J ~lf til - 'i.. \ "Ne~' JlO H "l lIns ." To·da ~' . h = 10. m cot· p~ Dat l ~g~rdl < .'1 Q{ pi .01111" . tal- II applied tl) tbe t.i "wJooit tlwell· : . - _ l>L t..I!:i\ nll\ ~ e; ;1.







...----......~--~~----..--~~~~~~~-!-~~~~~G~~~~~~~~~.~.~~!L~!!~!!~~~~~~~~!!!!~2&~~~-~.!!~~~~!L~~~:~.-~-~~l~-~~-~!L~~~~~-~.~~_.~_~_~g~;.t~ . ~'t~_..........~:~.P~,,~_~. . .e·

LJ..:Af: AND

~·PERSONAL MENTION .\I t,j, .. , Fl.":"u .· o C)CllMlilluok:

M,·~. i£rlulllnri Relullick lItrs: Thad ZII;.tttertllnn "ull Mitlll Belen Stokes w m:1l .. hllppi ng ill D"yton MondllY· \~ • ILn'l !eet ynllr share of tho OOr. I!lIill~ "t ,J. A FUDkey 's Foroed tlllll'-only thirt y d,lYS Buy your Full und Wint,e[ g notl!! wbile you ('un IlIl'Ve money . Mr H M. Allen ond son Donald, Bnd Mr. Imd Mrs. E. L. Allen, of einoiuulIl.i, spont Sondny with their m Ol,her, Mr~ . ~ C. A lien. B"x plI\l(> r~ at· one hnlf t.hei r r lllll vulue LLt.J E Jllnney·s. Mrs . RR chel Crew is lit bom e after plenRRnl. I'ix doys' visit with r ela· li ,eR in thll vicinity of Riobmond, Inditmn. Mrs . Crew's son Frank, 'ed b of Greenville, aooomtJllnt er on tbe visit, m eeting ber at DRY ton . Burgnins in chino. plates i don't It

fail to see them i ~he decorations 'IIre handsome J . E. Janney,

·A Memoral Building · f or' W arren County For 11 uumbol' of years thesubjl'lot of oreQtlng Bonie sulln-ble pIowornl to perpetuate the memory of tlie oitiz ns Qf Wnrren County who IJllrtlclpnted ID tho ivll Wilr hils been ngitnt.ell . Several yeurs ugo the people of the COllnty voted $tO,O OO for th e purpo8e of building 11 mem'orul of ki I th i >n t'j bit 1. "1 uS a. shutt nt , ' e n""n ou eng 0 erect or monument.. A bou t "7,000. of this hn s been ooll ected , but Investigation' by. the Comm issioners of the uount re o \'ea led II1e f not th nt a monument thl\t would be SUItable tor the pm'· pose oould hnrdly be ol1t1llned for the moubY on band . After consultatiou with· members of the G . A. R. In various parlA! of the oounty it was decided to IlBk the people for 1\120000 more and erect a memorial building. Tbe voters wlll decide"he questieu at the November election. The builrlln" will oontoln .. Inrge n publio Ball o.nd underneatb will be store rooms wbiob will be rented out Rnd in this wuy 1111 income ORn be seoured that will make the building more thllu self·supporting, <0



Concerning "" 'Former .Reside'Du.

,-Gro.ull Home.Coming and Reunion of foriner Re81dents at Wnynesville wook boglnping August C H , 1000. 0

j"The Banquet •

.A • •liiIiiBiilallllliiiiiliiiiii_IiIW,* ZIMM' ERMAN'~ Spiritual Peast"

Thll Ilbo\'eis tbet.1tlo


Va lies at Mose h 'D 0 en s, aytoll, • WHY PAY FANCY PRICES AT

(If II 1111.10

booklet reoent.1y publi!<hnrl by MrR. Rebecoa Merritt., of . Wayn es ville. 'l'he book contllinl' the lifo st.nry of Mrs . Merrit.t's lute hllsband, Clement Morritt, togoth Ar with muoo wise oou nRel and wh olel'ome lId vioe, and will be npprl't'lllt ed by lIuyoue iu need of spirit,\1I1l help . The oOllJl'ilIlI1{ of the bonl_ W~9 begun III tht' Illst dnys of Mr MflT. ritt's life and it was his dentb bed request thltt Iho work whioh he bp. glUl ~hol1ll1 be completed by l1's wife . A lett er rec{)iv nd lIy M r8. l\If'rrit.t from 1\ s i ~t,er' mini~t.Ar III UIA Friencls l:ioeioly regll rlling t he work is 118 fol1ow~:

Dr. und oMrs, Her@hel Fisher, of Lebanon, nnd Mr . and Mrs. Oyrns OTHER STOR~S? Fisher,of Buoyrus, Obio. were gUOllIA! of Mrs: Annll 02ojoall Sunday. Mr . . Cy rus Fisher is an old Waynesville Come With the. Crowds to 'J boy of finy yenrs . ngo, going West G t t St wbere it Is snid fortune treated him ore very kindly and he has returned to Seventy.nlne Ple"8Il.nt Su.lespeople ~ hill native state II. mlllionilire. Ready to Give You the Best of "'er-'ce. Tbe marriage of MillS <..:aroline 0 v, Gertrude Brown lind Dr. Harry B. Robert~ will take pln ce at LnG!'a.nge, 2 5cllnd GOo Men's New l!'all Neok· Indinno , October 17, Dr. Roberts wear, vlI,lues one· third more. is a son of Mr . and Mrs. J. A . G 5c 110 11l1rl ~70 Childreu's Blnok Roberts of Peorlll, who were fom · ,,_ Stookings, worth 100, 150 aDll erly resident,s of this oommunity. l>O Dr. and Mra. RoberlA! will reside Ilt 2¥ 5' Elor tho Mese Cohen Special EAST RrCA I.AN\). Omo, 2 21i , !!lor; Hi gblund Pf\l'k, Illinois C SUBlJOnder, 0. 350 vo.lue. I Rs:nIl:OCA S. MEltRITT. hi ' N F II' Sb ' ts th DS:AIlLY BS:l.OVEU SI""II:I{ : A oopy of tbe Long Beaoh, Ca.Ji. 50c eu s ew u Ir · u.t wonld cost 750 elsewhere. "lain quite plooMed with thtl pr. of fornia, Dnily Prells, 01' t)eptember I I 29, r eoeiveu by the Ga7.ette, men· 2 5c GOo, 75'0, '1.00 Fu\land Winter !ohel'ts. I think it is just beaut fn . tlonR that: ' D. B . Gard and family Underwear i 30 per oeut snved The manller of expreRsioll, Ul e open arrived in Long .BaRoh IOllt Sunday bere. oonfession, Ihe wise oounsel ngllinst,


rea as


' Ff,....


K" 11l1lll1ZflO ( :tI!pry "


Or"nJ,:m<-l.eIllOtltl, B" nil [lIlI! • N"", rtllil!il.'R & Prunl'll N"w t.:Otu M.'u! New N Y . Bnek wh lllli Flour N

"'v PllII ( ~It ktl Flollr


EVEln' THlNO 0000 TO

W" lire llAyiog ........


~"~EOOS lie!, I II" HLLllIt, go t,o

ZIMMEU.MAN'S 1 Oc ~!~Cy25~0!~n 'h!,la!~ell~e~~ the populnr amu8em~nts uud evil Of (JourllO of six brothers who have oonle to stook in Dayton. hobits of theday-atlvllle to pl\r(\nls Lou g Beaoh from Ohio. Though 25 nnd (jOO all styles of Working that is so muob neeul'd everywberl'. having trnded for 0. large ranoh at C Gloves; Wortb one third aud every tbought oouplod with n Tulare, he has oome t(l tbe oonolll· . I' Ch' ti . i I PROTilOTElJ .BY "'HE slon that Long Beaoh is the finest more. Ive rls an experlenoe g" ng OUARANTEE plaoe in the West, lind will probably 25c and 000 Boy's Knee Pa~ts prniRe to God, Bow beautiful, Id H i te to Other stores ask 600 and 7uo . Truly bls tbought of writing !lnd No OYI!}Jupt.ic t:>holl e8 ta inve~t anll make his honlB here." '}' P ' k T "1 FroDl the news a'ppflllring in the $1.50 Children 'Ii t:iO~hoOld S..~~ts, lellving this message to tho needy r.v elN olB au ets on Press we jud~! e that fAng Benoh i s . equal to t,he IjIw an ••.25 world wua givlln from God hy thAlia t erms . but not .suffiolently to leave hiS State of Ohio, Executi ,'e Depart. on boom, and liS a result it is to klDds elsewhere . ThoosllndR who were onoe t·h e '1 whum he WIlS wonderfully nic1ed in home. ment. " . be presumed .. he numerous members $3 48 Boys' t:illits, with nu extra his foeble oondltlon to writn It out vletinll.! of indigestion ODd stomlloh Clint Rader, of Corwin, went to . Offioe of tbe Govenor, of the Go I'd fumily who emigrated • pair of pllnU! to matob . ' trouble Rrt! now w.,11 and IItrong Oolumbus, 0., Sept, 27th, 190r;. from this violnity to Long Beaoh $ 5 00 Boys' Suits, the "Moso IItt.!e h~ Iitll o II.,!! strellgth IUH} 01.1 t hJ'tHl.:b tho \1"b uf Peplilkoia Tab Ye llow Springs Sunday t o see his Hon. 8. A. Stilwell. are benefittilllg by the progress of • Cohen S(Y.JCilll," t,ruly pOl'tuUlI,y offered . Mny it be hiS Ie..... Peuple who have sUlfered tb o County Auditor, t~e oity. worth $7.00. d elightful }Jrivile~e t o moot-with "!COllie!! of indigo:stiou for yearl! are nephew Rader' AdamI', who is im . 0 htlyafter a severe ill· Lebanon, Ohio. L' B' i I ' .1 " b rought baok to parfeot health find PraYing 811 .. I My Dear Sir:HI' 23c and 460 Boys' ..,nll <":alls; 100 efwens greet Ilg- nillue tue the propriel",rs or this r eDlRrkable t is I am directed by Governor Herriok e ping. A ,l ong to 260 Su.ved here on Capl!. peurl y gates-Ill uuy who shRIl be perHoriPtion bav Ilu(lh enti re 0011' nesR from t,yphold fever. feared, bowever, that Mrs. Adam!! to announce that in pursutmoe of Our Home-Coming. 5c (jOe, 750 and 11.00 lilrls: New helped and encourllg"d by the tldeooe in itl! vIrtue lind power that is threatened wltb an attaok of the the resolution Ildopted by the <..:ouu· style Tams II.nd . Slits, one· wllrnlng, wooing testimony he hilS tbey have g i VtlO 1\ written gua.ran· . aame disease . Iy Oommill8loners of Warren Counhalf regular bo.tter8' prlce!\. . toee Qullt·rllot tu J E Jllriuey agree· 'Y, 8S follows: One of the enoouraglng feat~res 00 Boys' Soft Hats in all the left as a pledge of hIS love t,o his ing to r ufnod 2!i cent!<. in llIl86 tb 9 Remember tbe weather will not ".Resolved by the County Com. oonnected with our Home· Coming ~. new oolors; a $1.50 valne MIlker u.nd bls fellow U1lln ." rometly f"ll~ to be""Hl 1111 <llllhned. be as nloe all winter I\S It Is now, BO missioners within and for Wu.rreu is the interest in and good wishes $1 00 $1.50, $2.00 to $360 Men's If you IIru u"rvou", despoudent" ..... b I t Bat .... A County Ohio by a majority vote for the event manifested by the • Correot Fu.ll Bots', r.Oe to ilEA TIFUL WA YNEt:3 VILLE oll r" ",otn IIlltl wlthuut ener"y, or It bri ng th e .... y n nex Un... y " oitizens of neilltbboring oommunities w ., ... S h' thereof, tbat in their opinion it is $1. 00 Sll "ed on Ht\ts here. WOMEN y011 have diZZY spt'lIs, hellrtburD, and have Itt> picture taaen a\ po. r s desirable to erect,lfurnisb and main. as Is shown 'by the frequent refer. o')!ltom tongue, ,r s' ,ur ~tom"oh jDiit Mr. and Mn. Marion Campbell taln a Memorial to oom. enoes to the Reunion which are 50c ~~!~ reHg~~:; 7O~I:i~s.JoalJ The Seore"'~bfatbrmeir Incren!lin~ mtlli:e UIJ YOllr mind to try Pepslko drove over to Waynesvllle from memorate the servioes of the Sol appearing in newspapers of this a.nd v III '}'ableta lind "btaln relief. Tbey . dlen Sailors Marines and Pioneers surrounding counties. 5 5c Men's Uark Colored Jean it is really surprising thllt. lll lin h \vill "i<i !lOll ~tl' .. ng&hAn your diges . Bsrdinla &atnrday, a distance of of said CQnniy , and to expend for Along this line the Lebanon Press Pants. wortb evel,'y oent of a short time tbere should be 110 tion,· · mil ke th" rloh red blood forty miles, reaching here about suoh purpose the sum of 1j120,OO~ . bad the following to say lost. week: 8ilo. marked an improvement In ap cour~o !hroul!:h your veinM anti put eleven o'olock at night, and 'remain".Resolved tbnt this Resolution "Tbe home.comlng at Wo.ynea· 30c Men's Blue Overall!, or pearlLnoe of so mt\ny Wnyne~ville OtlW lifl', nt'w "tlArlCY II.nd n"w vll(llr ed until Sonday afternooll with be certified to the Governor of the ville,· whioh ill fixed for the week Jlltlkets; go elsewhere and Illdies. but itls not /jurprlslng when intI) ynur ~t.ulntlCb. Mr J E Jiln 'heir sister MiBB Emma Beighway, State of Oblo, .and tbat he be reo beginning August H, 1000, wiil pay 400 to 500. the (lause of thlR improvement is ney t ..118 1111 di@~Rtil'fl, ·d ODtltomertl Men:s IIond Boys' Heavy Blub known . And tbere Is no grent tbat t,hey o"n h .. ve tbbir money , . qui red to oppOlnt 1\ Board of Trus. doubtlees be a famous event in loonl Mr. and Mrs. E, V, Barnhart Joined tees of five citizens of said County history, Arrllngements for the C Denium Overalls or Jackets: my$ry about It after 1\11 . Drop III baoll, oh~,.rully and wllho.u t 6r~u. them at dinner. not more tban tbree of whom shall aO'lIir are 1l1rea.dy well under way. 660 value. . ~ . I most any day now II.~ .Tllnney's drug lUPllt belong til the same political party, An orgl'nization of publio.spll'lted $1 00 Men 's Hairline CRBSimere store and you lire likely to see one II'rom now until 'January, Spahr to be known as the Memorial As· oitizens bal;! been formed to·manage • Pants-EquRI to '1.60 of the.olerkswrapplng np a boUle will K1ve eaoh dozen photos kken soolatlon of Warren County Ohio." the entel;prlae. The talented editors kinds elsewhere. of the Uttle t·ablets that. do 80 mllo~ I ofbabiea two Post Carda wltb baby's 'Governor Herrick bRS ~y ap. of the Miami Gu.zette wlll ill80e ,a . to Improve the appeafllnoe of one s l loture (In them or one with each pointed Hon : J~eph W. O'Neall of speoial edltio~ of their paJlOr, some $2.00 Two: Thonsand Pair o~ oomplexion . .Brigbt eyes, a ruddy P , Lebanon; Henry Reid, of Lebanon i time before tho date of tbe meeting, . JoIen 8 Corduroy Pants, gl(lw and 1\ complexion free from half dozen . Samuel C. Kersey, of Lebanon i S. whioh will oontnin ~om tor. worth $2.50 to '3 00. plmpies, 8Il.llowne1!8 and moth spots I L. A. Zimmerman hilS purohased Lev Cart-wright, of WaynOliville i mer residents of WayneSVille, and 00 '3.50, UOO Bud 15 .00 may be had by every womAn who l or and Frederiok Moery of Franklin other matter ,o aloulllted to arouRa • Men's Finest Dross Trou8 wil1 take one or two L!lxl1k()la : {" from J, B. Chapman n fine, gentle, as members of the M~morial A880 ~ intere'.lt· in the reunion. The Leba.. ers~Al1 tbe newest patt.e rns. Tonlo Tablets nt bedtime. Thpse ' Uttle horse whloh he will use tor olatlon of Warren Couuty, Ohio, for non Press ORn be c~unted on to help Q 10 4& 12 $12 Q 12 Q 15 tablets oontllin dandelion nnd ot,b er hts delivery business. The trade the erection of a memorial building In this good OImse-and 0. good caUS8 'II' ~ 'II' 'II' purely vegetable ext.r aots that Bre No, S9-3r was made througha small u.dver· for Warren County,o&sontemplated It surely Is. GI~ea taooompllsbments --------known to have a seleotive notion h' h d' I t by tbe o.foreBRid resolutions . In materitll tbings may be expected $10 MEN'S SUITS for skin affeotlons, and being bot.h tl8ement w 10 appeare In as Very truly youn all tbe time in tbls energetio age, a. laxative and II. toniC tbey qnloklln B h HI H b 0 week's Gazette. Tod B Gal1ow~y but here Is a dblmoe to 11ft up the 10 & OVERALLS iii 15 the.olroulat.lon, open the pores, en · CI. Seoretary to the Govenor sentimental sidle of R flne commu 'lI' 0 u aoe the aotion of the bowels The large quantltv of very hand. nity." Thousands here to 0 r .. ' some flowers whloh deoked St. To the Board ot , Eleotions within $1 0 choose from, $15 ~:d:!lIt~et::~~v~~~e:r~~~eth:I~~~~ ~~~:,~~:~~:::o~:do~~~~~::'in MarY's ohurch Sunday were the an,d for Warren County Ohio. In Society. III! 1 0 $2 to $5 saved $15 sDt~I."" . 8'tioSniOk headaohe and ohronlo warm water ·to soften It; .tben pare Jrift of Mr. Clark MoKay, of Xenia. This Is to oertifv that pursuant to Ill!' .... it down IlS olosely IlIl p ' )~lIlble with· ,( The flowers oonslsted mostly of a Seotion (3107.4411.) Revised statntes 4& 10 Come let us prove III! Try them. They oost but 250te, out· drawing bl()Od and a:pply Oham. ~t variety. of dahlla.e and were of Ohio, the undersigned have been Mrs. E. V iBarphart served tea 'lI' 'lI' Rlld once Used tbelr merits cannot berlaln's Pain &Irn tv.lce dally, .,.Jehie tbis flt·atemen' to you $15 be oonoeale_d_._ _ _ __ rubbing vlaorouslv . for flve minutOll muoh appreciated by the oongrega. appoI n ted b y G overnor '0f Obi 0, Friday evening to MisBOB ' ... Hon . Miron T. Berriok, as Trustees Clark, Emma Helgbway, Myra ~Jrd at euob applloat-lon A' oorn pllU1ter tlon. ' ·Of the Memorial Assooiation of narl MIlY Wright. $10 Q 12 ~ 12 ~ 12 ~ 15' 81{1k headaohe Is oa11Bed by a dl~· shonld be worn a few daY8 to pro. Great bargains In writing paper Wllrren County, O~io," and that in 'II' . .gI 'II' .gI ordered oonditlon of the stomaoh leot it from the sboe A8a ganernl , pursuanoe of deotlon (3107· 44b) of Mrs,' .J. E. Jnnney entertained a . FREE TO BOYS' and is qlliokly- au red bv Cbttmher- liniment for sprlllns, bruillef.l, lame at J. E. Janney S. the Revised Statutes of Ohio Ilnd ' • lain '8 Stomaob and LlvElr Tablets. ness and rheumatlsID, Pain Balnl i8 . T .~ h Id ti t tb' f small compony of young ' people at F i b L I .. unequaled. For 8Il.le by Louis May. ID order to beneflt by the moon· ruB..,...,· e a mee ng . a eo· W d 'l . I A genuine Leu.tber Foot Ball witb or BR e y ou s _ay. "ft th tl r h ldi th fioe of the County CommlBBioners supper e nes< ay evenlOg n honor ~~ 00 1m P t S j"ft K I T I ""!!'!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~!!!!!~!!!!!!~ I h ...., e me? 0 n~ e of Warren <":ounty, Ohio, in Court of tbe birthda,y of her nephew, light nil u, e8 ~n u "',' n ves, 00 = meetings · of Farmers Grange No. House In Lebano.n, OhiO, and organ. Charles Ellis. The guests were «»n, . bOlIta, Harpe, and German Pop 13 have been arranged so tba.t the ized by the election of Joseph W. liuns Free with the lower priced A.Good Place to Buy Good Wat.obes Watobes , genial, the entertainment pleasant l3ults. I::Itationery. nl~ht meetings Will be held the first O'Neall ohalrman and l::!nmuel C. and tbe meal ap""'tlzing. The event Clooks T. CUSTER Bat rd In 'e aoh month and the Kersey, Seor~tary, and fixed tbe "'. Gold Bond doupoti8 are given Cblnaware r. u ay ' f i r s t Friday 10 eaoh month at 10 was also In the nature of Ii surprise with every purohase to secure ODr Magazines WATCH MAKER & JEWELE~ . Jewelry afternoon meetings on the tbird SRt- o'olQOlr a . m. at said Commissioners to Mr. JunneY. elegant presents. The next time W A YNUVII.LE, OHIO Silverware urday. office as the time nnd plaoe of hold · _ __ you're In Dayton don" fa11 to see Books Watob. Olock & Jewelry Repairing. . ing regular meetings, u.nd by reso· Miss Ada Eyl(~r was hostes8 at a.n the grand display of presents on the second floor. These coupons 120 sheets of good writlDg paper ntion duly nA""ed by unanimous 'f I l~A ,~ enlertolument lit the home of her at ,T . E . Jat,Jney s or on. y uu. vote, did direot the submisslop to are also given by t-en other Dayton The Aid Society of tbe M popular vote at next regular Oounty uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Merobants. Ask for Partioulnrs ~....................................................... .~ I • Election of the question of issue of A. Brown. Friday evening. One when you call. . . . . ~ .,..,. . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . E. ohnroh at 'Lytle will sIlrve a bonds in the amount of 1\120,QOO novel m ethod . of entertainment, lunoheon at the home of Wallaoe beretofore sptlcifiec:l by the County prodllotive of considerable of fun 11>.1 T E R I O DEC TI Tibbals Oot. 21. Eaoh lsdy In "he <..:ommissioners in their ori~inal res· was the drnwing of lolA! bv which .l~ R ) ~ Soolety' has agreed to earn a dol· olution and of the ereotion and mn.nller various couples were select. . . !llaintennnce of a Memorial Bu!ld. ell to take turns In milking fudge . AND Iar b y some extra duty before that IlIng to commemorote the serVloes time, when the money will be pre. of the Soldiers, !:lailors Rnd Mlnines ~~~d~I~~rlvl~r~~th~~!~! ~~n~~e: ~;: CLOTH We E 8 . n speclnlty of Brethern HOUSE FURN ISHIN m Rke sen ted to the ohurch. and Pioneers of said County of olaim to bllve lJOoome quite I}xJIOrt Warren and State of Ohio, nud in the making o:f oonfectionR. Dif· SHUaltts "'11.000.00t(lto"'32.000.0. 0 i also Bretbern CARPETS, All s d" We have just received a car of that t.he same by duly oertified to ferent gnmes IIInd a general g o o 250,000 shingles, both 10 and 18 the Bo&.rd of Electiou witbin and sooinl time mllde a bappy evening. RUGS, Orl'ental DODlestl'c CQunty and State Ilforesaid . I·noh . Tbese shingles are positively for tbe o ted t I 3 rl d fOb The guest.s were: Misses Jeesle St t t ill the best the market affords and Jos!ph {!.,~ o;Ne:fi, a Cbllfr~a~; Marlatt, Irma and Ethel Stokes and a emen s W Lin"oleum, Mnttlngs, Ltlce (''urtainR, Draperies, Win. . are strictly first-olass In every reo 8amuel C. Kersey, Secretary; Eloise Smith i Messrs. Raymond be Published. . dow ShsdeR, eto., eto. Quality and prioes right. Henry Raid, Lev Cartwright, and Miltlatt, RI\ymond Hawke, Banj . MISSION A' 'N D FINE FURNITURE, spect. Call and see us. W. H. Madden & Frederiok·Morey, Hawke, Rl\ym01~d Williamson and At the meeting of the trustees of Co., CQrwin, Ohio. Trnstees nnd members of the Hnrold Howell, Wayne township Monday evening Old Furniture reupbolstered. Upbolstery Stuff" In gred Memorial Assooiation . of Warren tbe matter of publishing a detailed variety. Mr. and Mrs,F, W. Hathaway en. County, Ohio. lieo, W . .Henkle, of the Ferry statement of the recipta and In the Joyed having as their guests - - -...~--~.---pika brought to the GRzette office two looal newspapers, was oonsld· WALL PAPERS Tuesday some Slloond,growth olus. ered, o.nd it was ordered that Ruoh Anti-Carbon, Sunday a oompany oompose d of .At t be d Tb ill be From the cheapest to the finest, Domestlo Bnd Imported. ter plums g~wn on the farm of his s ... emen ·s mil. e. ey w their nephew and Wife , Mr. and neighbor, Elmer Keever. Tbe tree published a.t tbe time of general PREijCOINU, TINTING, LINCRU::!TA, BroCCO RELIEF Mrs. Wm. Jennings, of Cincinnllotl i Seth Cook is agent for "Anti·Car· has blossomed out ntl in spring nnd election. . :, FABRICS FOR .w ALLS, their Sister, Mrs. ;Harper, and da.ugh- bon," a oomposltion that works the plums are well formed . Mr. A petition siped by some of the tel', Miss Minnie Hathaway, of Leb. wonders in stoves lind fUI'naces Henkle 11.180 presented the Gazette heaviest tax payers In the township Prloes made Batlsfaotory. A good plRoe to trade, Call ologged up with soot. foroe w-~th Rome of bls fine l{eifer requesting the pnbllcation 'of the aDd Bee us . anon, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hathaway The Gazette haa been using it for pears. Like every bit of frnlt Mr. statement was p1'88eoted to the Furniabers and Decorators. and son Melburn. Mr. Jennings some time at the offioe and in tbe Henkle grows these were super:flne trustOOB, 1 h kltoben range at the editor's home. The peop e pay t e money and it P. HARMAN CO. wU for eight years 0. member of Rnd It is the best thing of the kind SUNDAY ItXOURBION TO OINOINNATI Is their right to know what use Is Mr, Hatha.way's household, but for we bave ever used. made of it, and the Rotlon of tlle 30-32 N. Main lit. DAYTON OHIO It olears the pipes nnd ohimneys VIA. PENNS.YLVANIA LINES. trustees Is meeting with very ·gen. ~ . &en yearlf past has had a responsible of "oot and aahes, burns the ccal uP. Oct. \5, excurBlo" IIcltets to ClnctnnaU eral oommendatlon. ' .. poIltlon In the freight offiCe of clean and i8 generally satisfaotory, ".n. Pennsylvania L int> :w U1 be lohla'.7i1c There cannot be too muoh public... :.. ....... ~.&>.A ....... . " 01 t A good size box may be had for 150 round trip lrom WaYllClvllle ,olnll on ')Jet:lall tty in publlo datta, . . . . .,. ............ ""'~'......VI..... the. • ra r I n ,In nna I. train I.avln,at 8:2s., m. central tl~e. , . . . 11 cad C & 0 Q M.!: a Katbryu Frame will leave thiR evening for an extended visit with friends lit Morrow, Highland and New Vienno Obio. . " .T . N . Lemmon, oashler of the Citizens Bank bas been very serio ously indisllOllod the past week. He was somewhllt Improved yesterday ,

: : ;!\lr~ti:mfit~i:3 ~~~~I~:n~h!~ Inspired hundreds of WIlrren Uounty 's best mon to flgllt, suffer and die durinjl .. he dark dnys of 1861 to '65, in defense of tbe nation. ·.1'he Gazette will have more to 8Il.y on this subJ'eot within the next few weekll, and sU!:llnit now tbe followlDg on the subJcet:


~~;r. g~:;~~: O~~: ~r~~~ ~~!'r::t







FUN ERA l 0IRE CTDR, TellDhonl Dar Ilgbt. local No. 7 Long Distance WAYNESVILLE, OHIO




rlne 0

ani,s urg, •









0 RA


makes and · grades. and










Our Tract ion Line



--,--- --


AND Easte rn Star Chap ter ' LOCAL NEW H. at Harve ysbur g. ____ ___

l OO ~ ,

Harve ysbur g. ---.- -

r wi th \\' ('1 1 ""' I il .·.l npl'IIIu, .), ' ( ·h.,rI .. ,\·...,h 1,."1. ,,;,. 1II r rln.\' IIi " ' 1 " .. 1 1 \\'1001111 11/1 ,' /I (J il l' \·o ie., 111111. ph ," ' I' I ti llll liu,l' . . , Onr P o plu llro lik o Il "dr oll'l1 in " IOIIl ~ lrt' ~l g ll~ "li l." HI IIUI I,'! hl'1I1g nlll .( 0 t ~l l " -~'''''' , II " n'' BI'''l'l, ,,py >l1,d 11 ''' ' u E Mi et! of t,rllOliOIl Jina bet weAn Lublltlo n [)l l lO clutcili tl' fit u , trull' , " L. 1 ~tl llllll J]IIUlll u l~) II 1111111,1'111 101'1'1) Wn LII~III Albino F)onr 60 oent,1:I 0. suck. Iwd Xonill. thrl)lJl(h , w n y·nllle ItI' \,1 W,"Y Il "!I\·li l.. "''' I'r" m e w WU~UI~ ~vlth'. iB ers 0 flTlll 'f" ... : , "]rsll.lY tllo g\. n l'l oon H ou", 0 "III U " Cht1pto IIII" >lbour to m .. I.el'ia)rlr.A. • flt' r II n.1 of 1 ,II t.b I ' u hl'l' E'ls Il lu llt." 111,,1 I'\'P I' , •.•11 Ill<' In,lter ~ fILl h." r , 0" \' .. 1 • •,.~I tern Stnr ilL u , Mrs. Wm. Blaine. of Wellm! , 0 0 ~ 1 I 1 .1 a."p"rt hll .. it Ihut 'suffioie nt fiuun. !been s uffe ring from pneumO ln,lll1s "VnYlles ville . went t,o llnrvey sburg tuined aL dinnor n mUll " ' lI o h ud r ell.(,\' r \\,ll l lII g n n~s 10 l'I'~ I )[ 1I 1( whl' lI ; II '." ,I ~ I ~1l " u/lY II .1 II TIl " " " DlII the Fridtly ovtil ning und institut ed u wolked fr om oi lll ~np]lnrt h/l8 boen ~"ollrf'(l to PIISt week, Columo us MI' IInrl .\1r:\ (~II"" !;" I> " . ' 1 "'fir I Ubnpte r ut tb Elt vllloe which will be ag ont \lle wlng fo:r Romolin IlII l'llncll til/II" Hell III li .. S.. IIltlk e oorlnln Ihut, ollrs WIll be l'uu. 1 Albioo Flour GO oents HY 11 dtC'l fl to Oil S Ha ,lI e,l' II nIl f,tlllily ~Jll.'nl l fh " \\,,, Ir. ... :I(' /!IIC,H8 .. t M II sllck , knolVn nil Wnrron Chllptol ', AlII. possibly wbo Iltllll' h ,Y tbtl ' middle of n",x t. !5umme r. nro conte mp'ln tiog fl tll1llllay " bllln g' Mr. Barry Prate r had 118 his gue~t wilh ~ tl ~.' I "~ I" ." ~~ ~1 (1l ,rl!,y /lllrl fH~UI I ~ . f I I" r The work of institut ion WIIS in t,raotion fr om Col\1ltlun~, Thl' Irne WIll bo built fr om Le humm SIItnrdl lY evening "nd 01' ~O ll'" PUI'(· lIt". ~lllt '''1 nllli 1. II ''v 8unduy Ib , l·.v Mr. c hlll'gu of J. E. JllnnoY I Worthy other lJoint to ; I 0 1 1~11l ~' 11 R~1IJdIlY I,,~t., • • '. I," I>I)ring Vulley oonD PCIIII~ Ih" re Pryor George cf Dayto Cincinn n, PlltrLln uf th o IOClII locl"e und Del)' vey~ou rg, 'Tbls f"H o ati yin Hil l'· IlIl'lJ IIIUklll iJ lil t:' 1\1""L 1'1 h.. 11<'1'1\',,<1 r.1I . Etlwlltl l lo .. k ," " , 'I I .. " D .... ~J D' w wu s foll u\\' · :uut ' of th' Iillli ll!Il ti lll(l Wit I tIe nty Ih e~' h llVO ·)l.h ,, 1' ,I'~'~1O!~ l!ltln from W .. , 1\. " It. 11" G I d 1> t . ..., 11. for H~' t"" 'I he in" tho old line o f t.i1e O. i:-j , (,'lll ll. h pr e ' t' I' U 1I 10\·in;.: III " Bnnlhto me .dooorn t.ionB In c hillu ;, ·IIU . exwnlli on to K~nl" will Cllll1l1 . IIlI." a, rou , " .. Ihp . r ('111 1 \11111 " lind . YII'II\\I,V fl!,.,!" ~.l II r . pl"tes antl bowll:l at. J , K ,lunn ev's . , " " "~ .lh o ne w hnpl,or stnrt~ Its CIII'Cer 'Ve d u not KNow . lmt he The H"ztltte IIIlIde lin effort yeg . I I It nf . .," Ii" mighl hll v o ' \V L·kh UIIII Dlllli u '" i> n_iul " " IlX P:I; I .V III II . ' WIth II m e mhor slltp o f twe nty· SIX. heen ( . 1:" \' ~: ~ .Y ~rd ...yartern ooDto rettobD r.Uhlts . Mrs. <1aokO pros pecting f )r n stetllli 01 ntin · . Iencl ti 'Ill ite II u i ~ I.fII1fJ\I fr ol1\ Ih l'i l' \' I " ~.I :I~ A I : 'L., ) lI~" 11 odds, of Clevell mdhns Mrs, UlllrIL Me rritt Wt\1:I el eoted lA', .111.1' '; ullti o n , BIluI(b of Lebllnn n whn iM the pro beentb ereoen t guol:lt We /It' o noL Imrtienl l1r ' fllet l.r y , Wil l WIIHpn !l illg' lip II PW :IISI ~~I I , : ' 1lu y ul . o , gllthere u I~ of her pnr Worthy Mutron Amol:lV lln Doren whi ell , so InnK .IS th e r e mu y he Il l wul'\, wilhilJ Il f \I' Ildl"K of W Inoler ~f tbe propOlI~d Iille " mem .1 ents, ~r , IIn~ Mr8. E. il· 0, Robert8 , tlt " It,, z~lr~~t"l)~thj: lr~()lIte . 1 W UI'III}' PI~trou [md Mrs , Lulu Rl1n · I r eul lzfl tioo of oll e ber flf t.he family snld tho Dr wus or h e 01111'1' , . mill g' 1UII t hu lu t Doll t f.lIl to rt, IJf Ill s t w ~e k M M/ Fa nl I · I;"it . n t the Trud a dlill Assoc", te Mllfron () d IIkin Il~( I Even lill II ntom o u rl e 01' 11\ t o ]' rn ' lo Olel st()V O~ II )'(JIP I'1'II II.wlI.y on bnBlnee8 ooon ected with Palace during theolll1 hO Four Weeks bule, lllg d,scu I'do.1 r" A 'rt e~ t h e ilJstitut io[; of the lodgo I roud w(,uld be lin illipro \' r' IlHl II i, o r ll n ( II III 1111 son, Car 0 the t.raotlon line And wOllld n"t, be n II'hi! no\\' OliO'S 111'0 l,u1ting th u pill el; w ore In" t· 'l'hl'll'"dn Friend DAVl8 Furnlls Is ~ow ~nf· Ii Itlll1QUOt WI18 "c l'vell .1' I!nt! Frldoy 1U Mtlrri t t 's whllt we hllve n ot "ot. buok for severlll dn.vK, Th AV Wl're f!.oient)y recover ed from . o r tl<v~o "I\cull" \' 1I1' rll'f) Lll u Illlill ~ L'Kt A o j .thu fOl'lll e,r tI brot~er tb .. , Mr , It I~ Illl il sured s ulothis tim l' 1111<1 ft om u \'i~ il,uti " l1 IIf t lill unwilli ng to give oot an.y t,b·lug for Illness t.o be able t,o set hiS re(l(l nt H ilI! old IInuunl UI' m ost of 1'1. £)u1tll1l1nd Wlfll of F~!Inklin . 'I' lie onlil'U occasio n WII S on e of I Oti s Hudle" und f"mil" will SO~lI 00 ' t nurt s l 11.1 .. \" be \lI el wll II II gl uwi n:; puhlioa tlon, but promise d tbut ~ome t Ile time " but is sUIl quite feehle I on 1 !llr~ I ( ·hul'l f'~ . Hy e " .. " sk tClttl.J'h ' I1nU >! llIl " . plenl'nl'l' , IIIll the new 011 the rouli II " definite informa tion would be Illude Il np., 11" 0 s Jle nulng t h 0oorl to Indian 'f(, l'I'itllry Mr, Ilnd Mrtl., Uour.t MUl'flL),. of lJllll pl l r beg iu tl its wee 11 e R .. life wi th oright Mrs , titlllll)) lllld flllh e r wh o hll~'e, r illA 101, r ecopll o n publlo .on his return. !;lleedy cU r1\"lIl oseU llce is Ihe Bfellbrook. .have returne~ h om e pros pects . e~onvlr . _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ ueC'u Illllk iug t.b eir ll olll e with Uti" r e port fr om !Un!, H •l ter Il yellr 8 stllY I1t , Rogllr~. AI' · ll tTy UII!'O llIlU will b ('0111 0 oit iZE'ns 01' t hili pb ce of Hlltu viti iu rn h el' Mano r . Anno uncem ents. I' tn ru 11 ' "11 0. ~unlltL"' . t~r!, M~r~'IY IS very mnc h Harts ock Horse " gain . \\' ,~ lIuv b '11'11 ~'rnl1k Ited · lint! uunl .lulla 0(\131'\\,ul1Il r~p'Jl't:; Iml)rove c tn.lIell t . E\,I'!'.Ythiug is lIlli. t nlollg l:;ocill.l d t l ock IIUU funtily IlUll n MI'. Hollinl! s· her IJh y ~i ('lIl lIluch Im\lrOv , If yOIl w,a nt sOllletll oc!ulI.I. ll R o w 81noo tiilluey Goon got ecove re a uncle worth Hrc preplLrinJ,; t o louvl) tbi s hllpp.v cOllten ~ll(1 ~ t-ut R A . Urostl annouu oes, ~imselt us up to date In photogr ltlg striclly his large e .lphs, o f llIiml iu h.Lve ------count!'y fo r Okluh om (1. r.ltndid ute for renoml nat,lon to the, tipllbr make yoo 80me 1101' n( w (llllIl'I erH ut, Roches lor , [(ull to h ~cco slt(lU uoue, of blH c.lI'Uo n. I:lI'rber t Hurt~oc k Bon of .J , L. ' E offioe of tr.twn.h lp traM II rer, Bubjeot pl<'tin08. Mt'1:I Ulal'u M' lUt~ o m e ry, of Cen· ' II ' c· ' ' l E Ull1\Il I uu e ns ' tri P. t o Toledo wus ll ll rt~. I(lk , o f th e' I:5pl'm g Vnlley pike, : Il 'bvle r IU8 t mg • the deoloill n of "b >.. Ih n ( t l t lln J I'l 1" \r ' l, Jw l I 11; n e of l~nllll tJ~'etl feli cit" Iltld Enst. t orv ill tl,uud 11I0thor Mrtl. J . T .Brown .v . is l' 'J' II' CI' Og 0 ~.' e vo .... rs at 't le · 00 0 Mr. John of II Garner ~ pn~ S I'RS1rll1 . of neur S, tI}lpellre ·:'ell ( " • I. · ~er , "L . 1'0 very Repuhl ican pnmnry . ,, ' da.y lI10rll ingtllld IlHld o h i~ pr08f'1111'S " ' of thlt! plucc. s pont Tuesdu y with mltn who suffered II stroke of PUI" hl ~ h UI ~e aud lIg II Ce Bli ck s tn,"" is" nutl cr~o ing It Re l'iE's Guorgc Bro wn of Fprry . b wa stolen ' k • ,' 1 f' Qt , f " " ., fr mn tI rack n ur "hlc I t of th imlJrOV CoUl'l nm ollt, Honse In , \tEl ulysis n oWn bulldiTl"' severnl \~ II 1 r:o a l1lonth 10 . s ngo IS tlt,11l In I O(,ZIIlIt ~II n e, . L. A , Zimme rmun tlnnoun oe 8 l\lr!l. Kute Johns is on the siok • . . " , MAil , women uud.1 , \'lIilc1 r oll r l'C)og. tlnd t.h e ,ttlJSflIlC(l of .t Hlllt ab lo VI!! e hRt, htmself II.S oundidl lte for tho nomi quite a orltlcul conditi on lind thlHO In.~n~•. June dJ7tl h , f d nizl'!! th e l oy hUlld 01' Ihl' "I d \'flte I lIeems tlUl'1l1 g lUclUIIlH little 1I0po of his recov erin J:;. t M O ol·sE'llldn. lIl ggy were ttutlon to the offioe of townsh ip oun rlln IIUlI " rUS lltll1 t.h e ~itl1lil io l1 with l 1!lil\cu o n~ glll,heriut wcath" r fol' pro , WIllter Senl'~ .. nd Clyde Oox went A new Ii tI h ox u f;1! is one of the n mnll, tr,1\ ~urer Bubject to the deoislo n of netoJf EneJ "gr!l\Uluo " ' " r~llpers II t Il M r.IIUOIO to OilY tOll to tuk e uJl u position . Fr~d 1:Il1rlso( ) k wont to t 1 t re lm ~ nllll e ,. '1'h e l'o w us nn lI (,cl(,"~lIrJ'('>I f ul.r clo llf,~~I)P ' t.he voters ut the RI1IJuhhean pri. Iow figures II.. . , Ilnney 8. M ' ' d l.'ho honse wtfe is getting ready e r nit I'n l ltl" e-~' l t l1jl l' rull (1I1 111111 III \(\ 111" n~ II .tn l (l m II IIl1l l l,l.ere . unCle u'1 00 III W 1l £1 r o IIe r ecov· I OIli mury , OlD rill , Tbe MaSSIe Townsh Ip o r for winte r QUllrte rs Ilt thiB sooeon . 8unrlllY e r ed th~ ollt/H \Vlli h h o fo und tu Lhsgust ' of d rl oes n ot "fl ect, tll (' IlW111 IIrl" n 1lI1 11,("1111t, " W e lire t '~oT\l IY 10 8obool AI:IBoolatlon wHl hold II con· b ' nee th l~ yall r , d d" CO!) , pooure o f ttl h l.III'Y C"~ llI ol'.) 1 I II /I Prat,t, announ oes himself vontlon II.t tbe Beeoh Grove ohurob 1/1 " Itll n ~CII ln g capllclt y . \:~1 g~ : n ~tl~Il VVhllt ' ' I 11 d I boautif ul fll.ll weuthe r I Hun \\:h o hU R co m e to Rtll );- fOr II ' A ~on1tllhillg I,h town nil tt Mod Idate for re elecLlon to Ihe I5nndltY afterno on \It 2·aO o'clock ' n ove l' ·o nid II~ b l\r of ,1U\1 Y . 'l g vun pe ri nd II r Rom e nlm m Ollti Hi W e are abont to lose one of our ['h en OOIl8t. of, TI'lll', wo lll1ve 0. m e re "moe of t.o wn8hlp trustl.'o subjeot Mess . rs Loer unel P.\ulev· prumin en~ 1 u P U t l °l))e 0 ev?r 101It'lllg olel time lloighbo rs, Mrs, Wellin gton Uln II loto full will flJll ow ' Ol'll h e ('n . 1npolog v for a hllil f ' , ' t,o tbA decisIon of the voters of Ihe tiundllY 8cbooi worker s,ot Ie ' lorse uOu Hs reoover yug,Ill whi e h never W \I ~ tiqnires . but Ine Lebllno . , u, r OIll • :f ' b , "b bnppy to say Bb . I11I cr on cb e~ n go ln " d tl . l) b '. t townRb lp. tAIl " d . mOl " KrUll ' lin t M 0Ile il til s · t. uctlOlI to t om Ie ~ I ze I not going very fnr I1Wo.y. Her e is WI e pre en lOvlte s h ould A disl)tll o h in tho U1I\ci 80n, hll vo bl'e o 1\ nd OVEI" nuut.i En . I,his i~ '1'he ulll.fecr oll wiLh th e llX C(" IJti o n ' . , Mr.OU l er Oottrel l of Br okstnn fluII'or from MunCIe In ,.. , Roy nnd wilo will 8tl~y on thl) home ' " l1del' Iflillomn llt.lon . .H 'l'uBsdn y of Il fl! w ill,t lu krJ o tt.y mlllvld uul-. Ind. pln viijlted ee, 0 Illl . wlt,h his un ole Mr. g,l\'a fJ n.lcoo Ullt of th e urI' >It Ill' II we say good luok, to both. . Handsom~ Oift wml II luilnt'e, but t " klng CI'O l)S gf'n Mrs , OLI !:! B rl<lle.v ,n ncl I.h nndpn Gharle8 SmlLhn Mr, und Mrs. Wm. Pine are in fumily Thursd ay mun .wbo is Itllcged tu Ilnv 00C1I t·rul l.\' illi l' 'on ~i d el:llt.ion tb n yt.:ltl ! WIlson cnmo t o ~be Burg , to Frien ds Home . and Eriduy, llUd ndwith Fm4n:v. our midst IIgain after six months his Ilunt, MI'M . d ell,lillg oy t.he wholesu I 0111' ,flS~ 'elllil tl. fn enll R.o bert WIll Btoy In \Va hington , Frllnk Pratt SIUlday night lind MilO. horses gu "0 the first le III "tuilm 11,,"1 o"I',n IIlmos t 1111 onll. Oillt! us to the '1'1 . . h b til ' . r e UlalD III our ulId !:!t untIl SUllelay , Mrs Llnu OtlVitt und Mrll Av" dllY. He will. a)tlo VISit ., "WII1. Phillips , wife and 80n, Rolla 1 lPre II~ een e pn Rt season ~vlth r e in· wbereu b'luts of the U1lt1Sl11g ' of him nnel d [Lu"hte r mo\'. ' .. t ' . 0 t rIg , , few vi ittlr~ who IlIlve ub Ro llledI( Jnstt:'nd I, f nlltl wi fe nnel bn by Sl)ent Sunduy Ebrigh t returne d' home TuesdllY · .... 1 d ' t h . t f l II ' I IVed In hI> ayon va ore r eturtlln h t . g . ~ Ie ' ,ISPtl c WIll!!lS 0 OIVI:I:. lIlg 10 11 8 P (ICO ulil we lIve ere o· with Cltarley Weller • the tU8e lv e fol' u numbe frnllJ Sprlogh oro, where t,hey had home the lU8t of the week. at Centerv ille Mnnole ,.lnd ," Oot, O.-liIL rry ~os. nnd th ey tell u s b ore nndr f yeurs. : for aliegerl . I,h e y will mOlle to ::;tntlo n bf!en in nttenda Doe a.t thl) Uoivers tt. , JObll A. Funkey wants t. h ~ro has orwin ond m a ke fhllt- tih e il' future e \'eryon e tel', ugod ; 3 5,wUb nrrest d und jlll!t·d ?sen soma Improv em ent 111 Ih e , h oD;le This Jlllt Uunven tion, II.nd al80 vi~iting to underst and th"t lUucb f or (iiI' ct new>I Pleas ant Ridge . be hitS not th e la t D1ght churged WI ~I~ h o:se steal· . Burg, friend .. , ' hut the m st m time toudve rtise hltllUl\n y bllr"uin H, Ing 1111·1 t odll,y ol y from h Ollel 1I1lrte rs. O,otecta e ~lOll Pu~k. ~p.ntn~'o W(lS the Ilbsenoe lllnch While in Springb oro thelle ladies hut a8Ks for 1111 to callund . of ohl q see the ~tt ,a n.d ~ohce officers h.l\e oee n I e farL?l!1u Mr. and Mrs. Burt-on Eanha rt wftl'a httnded " contrib lltion from money saved during Corw in. this four wee k coveno g Btolen h or~es Clght IlUtI " clllll r flloe~, Ill ti n y of wlll.oh huvs antI two little 80M spent Saturd ay bed the golde n stull',' Mr. ~nd MI'II. David Uorwln to be foroed 8I1.le 'l'he U .500 wlnle night lind Snnday with lIrs. MlI.r. IIhoe Btock ISltt d I th t h u~ t.()'jVar~8 procuri ng diBhes fur Is b b o at a fe w ure dwe llors of othe l' \ I\Irs . Ali 0 MoKins ey at tbe oUBtorn'ers' meroy . entertll eve i n ops ed U o~ses 'l ve'en clil ll bS , Mr, A. '1" . ·llbl~. lifter a, lust Sumluy Dr . und Mrs, Cltlgett IlItt of Mt. Holly. tbl' FrlEind s BOllrfll ng Boma u /lift Morrl80 n V' 018e r of Corwin stolon tbrou"h ont OhiO ILud Iudlnna snney Mr. J ohn Redma n bas been on ,whlob tbey were pleased to r~lve bas 8ecnred t~~n oo~truo of I,he oltler Illhtlbltll.llts, hus unel little danght er Mr Levi S th e siok li st.. t ~itb the dnd sbiplJed . he re to }4'os t e r to be I figur ed ont s ome eight But, & Mhr.trt time after their arrival W or uln e incli Lnk e ns. Mr , A . 'om'stoc k', \lnu Mr: I I W d L' C u e d In bls live ry ~t" bl e . Jnoo~ Com ell I\nd ~nughtel'll honie th receive d tehi hone only , w\,to have dw elt in the lly~e8v I e u.ter lin 19ht 0.. Foster was releused fr om the I vldunls 'B ur g for tHty y elllr s , \Ve wOlll(l W . \V . Weloh lind, fll i1V of B . f!,l?e nt 8undn! a.fterllo on w1th Henry me~ (' f~~1II Mr. a~d ~rwin ,.to e sta.nd l)!pe , .Iocated neur Ohio Ill " III' 81des Ilnd Wife, Sta~e prison III t !::i -'pteu11 I' . bn v pl:\(~ed the cstirunt e lit fnlly voys~u , kl Il h l'ber I if t.he west 6n(1 of Uhupmt tn street. rg, I Wm , Carey IInel family were r ij. ervlDg one year fo r titElldw" d l'lIl ht.. l,hA numbeL' \Yith ~f\. n~' e t 101 bO e r to present I Mr. Viln .Duser beg\ln wor~ on tbe ufte ut uU ,Ml;. IIn~ M~s: C. Rt!tler wer IguestSO 'f r elatives. Sunday . junk lit St. Mllry'~, Oblo." t e e~t re 8e ' untuil l count. ".6 es. ' 'IOOInont.l VISItor!! SnDtll1.Y P erllou8 JOb Monday mornin g, lind und " Hllrk the Weddin g Bella are still Monday . expects to comple te the work I.n ringlnll , Mr . SII1I8 Sprin Rohmd gboro . anu I Wlnl C) fLpples ,t lml Older WIll IJ(] II , Mrs , Achsllh Home -Com ing Dates ' labout ten dnys, The pallltu ed IS Mull on is visiting Mise Nonie Sberwo od \pere married . ' fOl., rca .comm odIty nt the fir esldo her son in inc\nnn ti • 11l8tlff billok of durtlble .q uuuty. tbl ~ wee' l {. I\t Loblmo n one day lll ~t week and :M r. Wesley Luourg , Of'ord. ! tl!l~ . 1I'1:lt.a r, wo can Set One Week Earlie r. SplendI d vulue8 In chln/\ dIshes at OhIO, hnvo th e uld Mr , 1\11d Mr~ Fl'I1nk 8tolc e ~ nnd thes epont ~und/\y with 81Hlut It few dllY s tb e Jl!~~t dl h e ~ o t1>; l;1ngor onke ~od tbe grooDl8 good oh , eo r little IJ , E. Junney 's, daught er. Graoe of Lehnuo n pIlre nts , w el' k with bis 0:; , !Jr. \V M. 10 brl(lge over on uutll tb The. Home Coming Reunio n wtll o bl ossom . we ro gu ~ t. s of Mr Sto kc~' 8is l e r' Mr IIna Mr8 Fenton Squire8 wbo Luuurg , Mis Otn Pepper bUB Bpent sever· . take pllloo t·be week ooglnni ng AUg' j i ~~g' o f ut"0tf,hcr pro~peo t. tIt IwOUld Mt's. H. E : Booth , Friday . .' . , . I Mrs 0 ee Merritt hlld .IS r eceu t I' , al week" with her aunt, Mrs, Frank u t 7 Instead of t l.le week Ati UBt. hllve • ~en ltvlng au IIC 0 Irro\'en llloe 0 on Il- farm nenr guests, Mrtl J C Merrit.1 g n or e .. , . ' Ferry ror about two yellrs, have .,·l lle alll M s AI" e rt . of Broo k. good " hl motbot 's pumpk in pi e ill Mr , J ,~ . Lommo ll!l brothel' , of Bnrt.soc k , - -_ __ 14I IRI' prev t ous Iy l' d , g _ M 1~ 1'f 'ILt f the oill i " of flll'O h , The ohAnge In nnnounO e[lcfI will ( 01'011'11 r t.lme of the event . mO,ve d to t h v Ciuemn nll n v1l:nlml , U him lust week . . e r 0:-v ootlll,~e . on Bnrvey s burg ' . • Utl'Ca . . , ' h~n.1 oue of t he ce l e ~tllll W"M made at a ",eet,lng of t,be oom Tblrd s a t I hIlIlI'PC ' " MISS A!mo Wu terbon;lo. s pent 8treet snd theIr fnrm "Ill be _ _ __ _ __ 1\11' lind Mrs Thomns FiUs ure en .• tl ~ll1g bonrd. mittel! Iiavlng In oharl(tI the preP!l' occupie d by theIr son unduy WI t h h Ol' frlimu MISS Ado and daught er t e rtninin g Mr. nnd Mrs . Harry Emley enter · th eir dILught a r, Mr;; Will Wrig bt hu _ 60111 bi~ for m o n FnrBlu! . ration(l fQr thoe BOllle COming. WhiOh ! ~n l~wl Mr Iln(l .: r8: . taln ed 80me of their many friend>:! ~elhngto~ Wultel' 8 l:ill'uble, of Uh, \lollllld Bnr, WIIS held in tbe office of tho .Wnynel l d qu rhetes. k Rnu lind jlllrchn socl prop . rt,y I Mr JllS llph Hi Hoy s pont Sllndll,y !>t dinn e r /'l undIl.Y. though . Irs, Mqulreds .. sun Ru.n Mrs Luoy i:JlIl'nhurt llnd Mrs in ~ e w Burlin >lto ll . 1Jo.l~S the duy /lug 'ssion g ivl1l1 with hi R fll tl1Qr. i'llI' , Ju oo h HI ~C)y, f·ID· aw vUle Cannin g Uo ThnrKdllY .even. , Uornell oy H E Pe uoe \VIIS n ot· I1nSpICloUB for ,8llob a gath. wtll b~ve r. lin ",1'6, ' f I( 1\ s pe n t, 1" t h' 1'1'd ny u t tl 11" IUf!:,lt hRvinl( been found that tbe f ..rm on 80cllli Row oharlte of b el' IIrl'Y ' t ' ll Mr " , Bon t Reddick f b Il nd fumily, .)f ermg. Dllyt-ou. . ' I ,Merc(' r DII.k in Yenrly Meeting of AlLOb 800iuty ot wifo of ).1ol\)11 · Ui ncinnllt i, vi si t ed Mr, M,II'riso n !Jeototls I Il mOJorl y 0 I. ose ex· . . Mrs W ebb HUll dliu gh tor, !\lISS non W 1'0 vi ito r>! /lnd made tb ell' .nppearan~ de· Friends would be held week of wit.h I'el uti yes I.Illll , VnnDu . or !lnr! s ister severnl dll:Y8 Prices , are not the object, Tbe jFIOftJollce. of Delll"uu . 6pl~ e the u.1.m osphorl o eO?eutr loltles, 11I1uOI", lOre frieud I,f I,hi llllIlt! IItl jucellt Thurs Ia.~t w e the i!lth . good~ mnst. be sold. It is yon r own hare visitiug 'k : whl oh were so largely In evldeno e relul.iYe9 duy' 1I1Hl Friuuy. Prl'8Id ent.l 0 . ' Cllrt-wr ight >tn. fault If you do n()~ in the Illomin g, Alfred Edward s h.1S re Lnrnerl to noun~d tbe II.ppoin tme nt ()f the oC the foil unel winterget y(\\!r sh"re l \\ iIlhun Etlrly nnd wife elltert.u lu· Lytle . goods at the ed tit dmn e r ~Ve~n~8d'lr Mrs lsfltlO Ann\. t Tb o, dillner WIIS lip to .date . ~ml followl ngf'xl'o utlveoo mntltlt:e: o n , Alabn.mll. Iln elljo,Y. ! unbell.r dofprlc es. ~r . FIl.nkeytolrl I E~rlY . lllld 1\.bs End wus (hspose t!uf wltba reh8h wlnob \\elbuuJ )), of 1I,0I e vi Bands "nd Mutllc ........ B, S: BowlIll UII thl1t lust wl1ek S sit, \Vithre latJye.~ .~ullfrl el1ll,. Mr. Wl1l1lloe ' e ntertllin ed must ho vebeon u pleasur e to that . he r e nnu ill Uhulon (;ou ul,y . Bllrell.n of lnforml l.tion, C. E Brlltt-f'n, t:lllturd ay wns a record bUSIDOSS uud Mlull1lf'burg bis Kistllr MI'S, Fmnoi!! Bllrtlow Hnd lI.ueen of th e, on!sllle breaker , ~ntl nnd M,':! P K !?euce ent~rt~no , Mrs . Be~thl\. Conoo88loDs 'r! M' K ' C M Rn\,Uzt lr he feelB gratefu l to all wbo wlnted edMr ' . B kl fnmily of Indionl.L I'ooent,l y , ovcr :ountlllY thOlr son , W.ll hlllll Emley , Mr. 81 1119 Stook entertam e:<l , .. ' .... .. i .... , , d I if ISBes Y tl I Imm) f lng. tb I Deoor~tion ........... lIp O e '['1 W P e ore ....... J . A Funkey sorl'y t o lOl1rn nf Mrs us by .mnny fin e ~(' I~otlonR ou so P8 enty or , er t,nrn, le i enc.e)o f l)lIy~o~,un d t h ell' ' 1 I J(. o ri e l< young olhus of hl8 r of (, (l'll g~ nn .Jonuth J'ill8noe .... ;........... ..... ('~hlll! ,Cornel l orowd seemed BO an \Vri bt 's ('hIAS ut Wil " I' I ' Ph : «ute .Tob.ll>l being Ill , Ber nllLOY ' con~lderl\te , exotl I01'" t or . Mrs M.L (";blh!IOvhl.'r, llud M1s Inin'tn n WBre ii g;I1]l10 on(', a bl y5eo· Fire Workl' ,........... ;.O , B Ulemen ts eolo 'iz!n' I1t l fri ends WIs h h e r to soou r eoove r , Mr. and Mrs . Maurlo e Uomoll hlld CIlIl,o,f Jnlll estvw ll down 1 und~11 uy u \sry Lulkutlv e-Pall Pur. , GrollndlS II.nd dtallds ... P . E . Kenriok III plessan t oODlp8nv Jon~h's R.nn Sllturdn !l II c~"m~I11 ' j Seveml froOl here we re of fJ'lendA II ~ D'lyt OIl r~ t thlll~~o J)tI,rt.Y o~ Mh , Ey('r. The 0 0 11 t forgot I be tlute of th e I 1 I Botela and BOIIrdl ng HouRea I P y, I their guests lust Snnduy nt O",ir "Murrlo ck" I'uuillil s h oppo r~ 0 11 Snturc\n :\'. ond \\' II E'n lnnl IS L< r t' L111ly 10 be give n lit el.)yl lO rnfl's~o r . .lUlUsm g and the .J, C: Hawke home on the old Amos' . Ihetrni n t oo k on 'L tUente '11\11 \ ' I'Il (1 rnhl " Mrs l\1nrrhu ,RIl ey . r opo!'t. i~ thllt Ihe r e II'n~ n'illp Ih e ' ''\l IrAI'I'\'''~l llr I~II observ ers" Dlllmin atlon ........... ... Je"se Bllrton homest end on the t!prlnl(UtLrt~(r<l k th u M ~ Church , Oct, ~O .. H Ll Itl Ad , not "t,IIIlII . Vullt'.v 1l1ls"ion Hie IInll 1:)0 'I'll .· InlJ()w lllg were tbe gue8ts . ~tE']ll1l oth..,r of th o fn l'n ()~1;; WII OI)l1llr ing rriolll . .....t Day PrograD l. pike, those who were I)rl,,,ent, W(lrt! ' of I,h .. , "COII"II1 n , Mr IllId Mr8 . Mr nml Mrs N B .J ohu~un IlIlII ' of J1 nMlC1I1 . fnm e . rtltul . J . F. Cndwll llader wm Oornell li nd familv Jllfl 1'"1\,, , dnll n ell . 10 h,'!' C"lu ito u nnm bel' w e ro on tCl't n inl'll 1 ~1l'" b"' PI, M 1' , .md g ht.e r \ ' e rn . • !Jt'nt :::uturdll~' 111 . h om" 1rl Rl ohm on rl,lndln MrB . Frnn k Out door Bp<:lrt~ ......... J A. ,W oolley I wett' und fllmily, n". nft(·1' nt dinn o r 0 11 :';llI\(IUII nt th n nl\"l'r. ' \ I'llIIhl.·. ~;II f\Il1' gdllll Mttlmis hnr g'. Mr 1l1l11 Mr" Erner"o u . ,lllf'Il Stllll ~llllt, :'· I.'~l MI'H ~lIlry ful hOUle oj AI Ijl1 rr;oll .Parade .......... .......... E. V, Blirnbl\ rt and wife) Berne JoneH n lmr !llld wift', F"rry F."/l w '!" ~l \,".r~ tll lll ~ I:itlJok. Mose Unru '0 U M Ul'lIIWti ulld Wl fl1 .l l H IInft" . :'Itn; Ittll'y IS mlll~l Prelt! and Publloi ty ..... J. W White Frllnk Bradd ook nnd fumils, e l1 nl1me '1'hose pL'osellt we re oUllg hl,er \~I1S l~Uk(,II.~ 111111 s llfJ " In 11118 .r e ln. I Clurfc i:lpritlt.{. o f C~ Mr /lilt! Mrs I Klrh y. ~Ir" ~_nn L1I1lie r, several PrintIn g II.nd Adverti sing . n tf) rvi\II'. ' M I' y"um: Mrs Hobe l' Throl'kl ll rlou r ocll ul,· IlOn!' lllp WI tb th o old . Tbos. 8bArwo od es tnbhsh od nnel Mrs ClifT Lowi s Peurl U n.J) .11111 I 111:1111" lIncl IIlHHe~, Mrs. Knlgbt A porty o,onsillt ing of Mr und Mrs Iy bnu n~ IL g lll·"t , o~.II'S l1r('o nu eli/l onl f .. nul y nr Ihut, IItl III 0 , h er e R. R. and TrunMp ortation . Hnt! fillnil •. Itlll' Co ;~ oll tmd ;~Ul;l~ HWolter MkoCludre,Mr \lnd EMr8U(Jor~Q Bro wn llllli c hllllrL' u - - - --of IJh~· IOII . MT " Ht:'nl. of artsoo [n,Jillnn . nn i. IL son ' wol, hride M,,' \VC'iJ l'illllirtls lind wif" W , B , AlI"n W rn aMt • o f .. . h'\ 1' 11 (\ 1. III1H' ' Midd lerun . ."nnlH guil t' I 0 DUI 1111 , • come gue~ t (l f 0 Id .Loqllnll. . t,(tucos. ," Alle ll Erul'lck Ways II.nd Melllls ......... J. E .r'lIo,,:\, II '?!Iesvl l1e; Mrs CIIIlfit ', ' nllli WI"fe !lnu dll, n ~ h , ~ Ry e. •wel clw:<\o!' to III ko e h"r ~" II I I b., un'nm I tllld the hnJ)Jlin In IlPP"int.illJ( t.hi" onmmit l,ep Mr , !\ Id' MClnrFen oe'k °Cf Middl1l ~":; of linT oh i hll'on , t p. r Blt.n c h lind Mr, Smith. thA ,"-h . ·nping cn ngh nud hog ohOlerA .lrun. Mr e r y Ih en' f il l' n It'\\' \\",t·k ~. ICII \' lng l o f whICh tlll're "'.. . lg ' h t m .. el l1 I t Illlm I' 11;- (' ,,('I;cral hl'l'll CUll lll'in cipn i "f 01\1'" Vtlrtwr ' >In ran A IT.·y t h't . II 111 1\11' II tHl1 ',. h nlJ l. All r ep(I!'1 ~ Is Ih l1 1" lk ill this viciDlty , M All1'8 H ' 1 I~" U" IIIl( " lI' ' Ilurl'" villiN U II I! ~ CIII " f11l1!lIIl . C'1I Ih,lin n )(I1t(,s . . , ~l'C, , l ,.ull bn tl,,01l , tha work of prorNtrillJ( for t,hfl 80lDA . M 1'8 ,eMn C"!~' 0 f M( . l ,,0(,,1 tlln ' (l lllllllll~ t1t:( lIodTJ1u ~ I"C , " ,,· nn d WI' f e WAre ntl'n I ", IIIl( 1I'1t·" .1 " "11'" 'i1·,(.I;r.I,v .. 1 Le d" II I ' ,I I I' I_""' .I ~ St Ivu" . . t h I' ,lesrt.\1 . S'mle of our fll rme l's h n ve hl' I1I1 ' f 1 I'llno rs C' ImlDg, ourt urrl.' " uf 81"1\ oO"J1E'rllf.l.1n" The LIl dies Alt! l:illoietv will meet s Ul'l'rlsml Werill tlr:ouay I ' t,lUg ' M r,. l ", k ' c ,II' ( ·Ie "on t d .... er. . , v., 'lll' II w eek eveninJ,l J,,, ' " . Ic rlhll1u every perBon In Wayue svt\l" lind J~»o h'tr~f u;n; fT~I d ' f g ctJl'nl " JlII ~ t II fill III Ih t) h nnlP of W , "'V , Tlbbill . f n ' en d s CtlII Ing e~ /lYk rt~IUthtL ' s ::>lIt, "IW" ,,, I 0 f tl It'l lI' M!'!4 I!:IIImll Joslin nI' IJIl Y(()1l SpOilt t,he RO wn whe nl, is look 1I11,l ~h'ejlurroundlnK country I" dll~ire(1 La ~ , RS u. °1 ing fin e bnt, nrrlll Y, Th e mOlllue rH of wee I.ho t:-\O Cill' /I o e nj oy ::lul,lIrdl ill!{ tho l), oYnnillg and !:\nlldll\" . with " theu. with wlston h I•• uttl o i e!lervo ll" tll i I' . is un nn "ven If they l\Ie not ntllUlhpr" of (I certnill ' CrOI)' I k ' cnn tv hll\'e boon , workin " t o th e I' IIlI tl AClcinl Wily nnrl eating oyt!ters ' • " fo fl. . .1 . . , , " . oomml tt,P.e, and t.htlt eVEIry oitiz~n c.,unt , hnt" I1l/.l e . , until Iho grnm i~ Ask .to see the n ew (IS ortmElIlt. of that OllCh ono IIl1~ht IJnng t... IIII ~ M~tj Frnnk BIIII L!r of \\' est Cllrl'oli . hnrves t,('d. III .. IInll MI' ~ .l ohns of Dean. dj,l ~d il\ rpquellt.oo t.o tllke An notive inter ~lll~sware at t!t e five oellt c,)unte r tou I~ Npol\d l ll ~ I,hl! w,,"'k WIth h •• I h() prnceorl pnt, on the mark e t urul . m er'tin!{ $ 1. to g.) inl,o Ih o (!hlll'"h t-llllnr<.lI\.Y wi t h John HI\rt-so ck I,.vl ..101 Hl\d ltf'l]J In every V"~AIl;IA WH,\' ID the >! ill th o fnrm e r 's pot:'k pt I trAIl~nr.v. IIml Iho 1lllli c~ will 11 • x \'\' ift1 Rnoket ~t.ore , 1LI OI:hllr . Mr" Attwlm ~11 ,\·dum . ! Th " r e liT O n ftlw t,iIlcrR of th e Koil , ]J<Jct I'11 t o t,.,1 1 ho w *0 rllrtlif'r t,be OIInAe. M . t r dund Mrs. J , f E .Januey lo ft th p /It ''I\f'Y \I'll" MI L J. C rnig. II- tOll oher of Bugllr , til'I"n .1 ', 'hll~O, tt"' , 1r :-J (lrllllllll I MI~. . ' I who l tlr c not, 'l'hf'lCr ettWst.i nterElR tint,llfI801ll1l .\,~ !,.e Ihrou"h l " , bllt ' ell rn ell , Llluclw o n will fll> ~lll'l' llI l r uyltl'!r nmg oru, Iuee (11 ." _ hf'rllll\lI.Ptl llll , I~\· " !'owin" I S lll~l g' 1 Ill' gI' V \ ' (' ' U I,o p I II I)ont f Ilrty yenrs U~f) , IIUIlI: Ih o grnllllJr mllj ol'il y hll \"e lun g ,llllltltt: 're will 111' 111 11.1(', O,mlnlC WPM "hown b.v 1t,1\ l'rp"f'nl , Hlp t.o 1mh.•mllpoll, .. 1111.1 "Iso "'''" l'l'''"''lII tllt thHHIlI .lt\st ohurob whloh Uw y MI'!l H tlsl'oll " nil fll lllll y. we,! o f "illCIl hllll ' r"("lin )!,, h,'\' ~li~~ 111' g' liP Ih !' fid d le . lind nnmerou~ pl'lDs for tb e Renllio n mude I~r their hllnd~~I 111<11, IIf i':"l\' SUII I1,LY liS 1I1111 0 UUCl1d , whcre he en Ile un l,"mo t nw lI Were dil'ou~8ed \Ullt Anu l( ' lly If ft h lh. Ibi" \" lJIllf'e hHo tl\ wn Oh io , /I \,."Ii kll llWU ('l,If' 1l1i'ln jll,Yml 1J1ll(1 tin~ R(werul Il,t l1l1}J()h~ Ih(' \' . Mr Will J-juinl'A Il f NorwI1 ou 1I1lt! 'I' I to vi~1t M Ind;l1 of hiB h"plls t J " t' . Tbe choir of" TrlOlty cl\l\roh n,t e.xpeut . 'I " If B ' ist It" . onr uy ", Wit k 0 b er h orue ." ' r , WIth . ' tIlU CS UIH 111111 1yo f DII.\'.I on I·' h e r '1IRlIuh Xl'nIH ;'''Hid t o be one of t1.le !i·.",.t, in MI"R Na~lOle Janney I\nIlO,V A 81,. ,nr, or r A Aft<ll' i'lIrVll'lJl! h o IIml Mr Job,n"'''' Ve . 111\\' MrB Hull i ' . " ~ho hilS ul1P OUI·it n , Itlft fo r ~nm fl llft.' r II IJ1""~(I~t V181 1: Ken .• t"'W/l.n eA \'il1 wbo \Vlll:I with hiln til OI,re for Ohio. hy offered to oom" til WilY III thutOlt y ..for sevE111\1 ~. ' e Sprin g Branc h. hitl1 ~s 110 W'L~ unuble to wulk ILlonA nel4vtll" lind gtve .. ooncert, with nn H I ~I1 RtJlln.rll\ , httle t,lme WP kM ttllll : wII,h tholl' I'llrallt" . MI' 01111 Mr~ H ' ElJon:e \:l lirll1l1 und wifu Anrull tit h ,mIP : Ii Hoines, weI''' Biltedill ined by Jucob Soott .' t I 8 \Vulter Ze ll lind of Mrsth "Murth . (f II' I C,h IIrl(" exoep' , t h elr l Lu~hl e I7 . l s n. on(1n et1 to lind ftlllllh", Mrs Scott being one enl "1'<'. t.le of 0 1 nr\ ey 11m IIlr ,v k mown 'UR DOC ) I I ' .1\11' , OUl'itl b th f l · ' ; MlsR Inn McCllhe \le r y pll'. IL!'IO lltl y <lnrl of I . t 'nr, 'c"t'oM to eo to t.he Blltl'!' Corning ' or.:;OIl, Woo k f i t wlfostn ll rtcd Tlles tlll J m prnill g l r oom )~' Il~j\\' e rcu t'll' n .l on r hl~ IHlpll .. , 1111' Thomal l . W )o~, formerl y ; 6nwrla lnella few of h e'r fn e nd lust t o Uerryhl t tl'~IL~ ",ry 1'1\" t' l-,o\r will he here, live fit .'lynellv il our ll, Oklnh mn Bud 111(1I1l1l T el'·. tronu le ?1 Iho tllllO of 1, 11>1 Writing wife 110d t\70 childre le rho oo unt,ry TburO(l oy evelll' n " The e .... elli ng ,r il ory e b ' n enjoyed the Tb ur~ d o" i, Plloh bnvlno kindr ed Inter I Dr, Wrt g h t of W(\ Y l1 e ~v\llo ~.' V~Ulll l! . n" 'ct'n "I ,' 7 e . .. . · n..ow I the afte rnoon with them, Mr ' Berr"hl U I' looking its be~ r ' I,ho weuthe r I : ' . I 'bein ~ ': g apeot in gllmcs ttC ndll g pltsi ciun IlUel at II. SOO . e~l!' In Ihlq fn,' famed loenltty A num bel' of@ouv enlro'l I'UP, show . 108h~'u Igdht1fUdi I lind }hllo\ run n I J , t.brolugb I Bon"ble ho'ur dAily refrc~llm"l1ts ~ Th of n,T nvn l1 \'iIIB b eing one of hiR pnpils ill be ' 101m n !lnll wI 10 very I "ll v low" n'l~18ic~1 fea.turCl fO-';10d , ,. I) ells , " . n . :Mrs. Wm , Rich is at Ilresiln t the ,. ~ "w n . I tlut-. • 8 h • B wel'l) served. , r ti . 1 dl prorll1nont. port. Il,t thel W " • prlllhl~ Rhort.l.v uud Jlluotld 011 Hille. crvices at t e aptlst G, T : U , gues t 0 r e lit ,VOl! 10 n .ma , . obllroh Monday evening Octobe Dr nnd' Mrs H E Ht\ thll wny of meet,lo g h e r e Sl\turdn $btl prOOAed8 f~om tbem t{) go to tbe y evening . MIBs Goldie J on es of Wnyn\ls ville 0 'olock P . M, Tuegdll Y r 23, at 7 For I:!I).1e-A Amall oak h~/l,ting Waynes ville spent SundllY 24th atld very A solo,' Bome.C omlng fllnd. 'ome unto me " r endered wns entertlt ined nt the plea store-I nquIre at th,e Gazette oftioe. pleasan tly in Springb flllt Wedne sday 25th at J,O :30 A M and oro, by MIBs McOon old was receive d oountyy home of Mr. and:Mr s , Wm. 7 P M Uonduo ted by Rev ~le

It. iH ru'm orell Ihllt t,be long talk.











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e w~,oeb w8fllwe at out 0( S~, HISTO RIC EiJI.TTLEFIELD , ,our do~ :lIke ca2'liy toO .... .....-I ~ "a, yes, he eats a little," enId (h~ Ch,bbou90 't o 130Eroo ~t:d W)J rrc "-1\10 BROWN A ~ckA Y, Pabll~btr•• (1" groeol'ym au, and the j...o tossed a Colcl Sweats , ,TwltchlOO NIINI!8 and . Anthon y :Routed Hostllc InWAYNE SVILLE , piece of cnndy such a~ he ga\'e tho SQ Curecl by Dr. Willia ms' diana i 11 179'1. king 01 Spain, wlUI cayenne pepper lu Pink P.1l1s. It, to tile dog, which s wnllowed It Notnro pnui shc~ overy iU(raotiOll ot Check on Immigr ation. Bowling C1 r p.u, O,---The b utll ellel;i wh ol,l, atld the old I1lRn said : "NO'/(, ( Tbe whole coun t ry should ue kecDly ot I,'nll on 'fll1lb~ I'S. Onl'e n plnce of sal'-. her I"w~, nuti Cllrele.'iS hnbll ~ eMily Ir'od .up\)o~ e your fllthel' III cui-ad: you ·... 111 to the cl.luditioll descrihc ti by Mr. W il. 11Iv e to (he 8b ~0 1ut ;' Ul' 'e681\y of raaU stllY lit bome for awhllo, npd s-n- 3 1-:0 scc nerr anti of I\lora sBl'age 1\u· liu lU Browuo, of Nu. 10illLill colu stre~t. ' malllty, ",'!t nl'oo n one of the de,:lsll'c strlctln g Irnml gl'nl loIl, Th e Incom lnr. tie <Iowll to decent cit Ize Dshlp, and :Boy'. Return Rout_ Re cUll ll gcm n ts In Amerlenn hlsl Ol'Y WIlS St,; Joseph, Mo. MI'. Browue i ll Ull ex· lIood of ~: I Ir OIlC'S Rl' um has I:rowu 10 talte Iln acU\'e pm1. lu th e alToJrs 01 Jl~rt t ilnwl' \u Lho employ or t It o :Nllti~ Ulll Bls Uncle to a Turklah such Jlrollorll o ll s thnt It ruu n b e CDI' ~ your ' city and stale? Goe, uut wh ut fou ghl 110<1 (h fi eld ou whl 'h .\1 ntl Biscuit Co. ITu gil' s the foll owlug uc· Clgnrct te-Be Meets the N~w Dog Anthony \\' n yn ~ Ill ude his I'e p<l lll ll', n, Cully slU lll nrl fro III many r ol nts of Is th o IUnller \Vltll t be uog?" add ed lhu CUUllt of II trying l'XI",ricuCO: and Foeds HIm C..;ranuB Pepper,..... view by th e ap llroachln g congress, old man. ns the dog Jum)led til' on ha s llaMso d Into lhe han tis p C a syll dl- , .. III lito "prillg' , of i!lll~. " lto ,n ys, cate. The m emher,. a "ropose BotUe of i" erect .. wbile 1 WaR rc!;uhu'l y worhing at nil fours, lool(ed cross-e ye!', and tried Col ll cl"s soy>: "The dem and ror some UIY to dIll a b ole In hi s slom ach wllb Ills on all lomobile c lubho use a long lho 1I'1It1~, 1 gr!' w "olllowllflt careless i u Illy ImprovCllIOlll In ollr sifti ng macb lnery road which sldrls lhe blltt lt,fi ' I<i , nnd Itubil.s of Cllt illg II lid dri»ldug , nntI tl llnily hind Icg, Is too st ron l: to be IgDored, One BUKBY RON. GEORG E W. PJj:CK. "0, no, we sh"l1 !leyor stay 11001 0 10 mnlnlnl n drill 8 . boul l' a1'ds on,1 the ContHl thn t Illy lI[lpetil o WII H tlekl o, It bucl \;&8l1on I, I hnt the a mou n t of air S))3 Ce CB'X·Oov cl' nor of Wlac ()oaln, "'Form.r t, much mar c," said t be Bad Uoy, gel- crea liol1 ti or a mOII ~ rD In tl<1 ~CIl PO gar· t.aste Iill l( rp,1 In ll1 Y month, ll1 y UCI'\'C3 J::dlt or or " I'o.k·. Sun ... Author ol IJll'lI1 Ulltlptl of liIe SlI' atn tihlp compani es t,wikh II lI utl wen, bl')'"ul' III)' oOlltl',.I, " I' ,· k '. B nJ 1:10),. " EI C, ) ling Ill' o n n barrel lInti plll1lnJ: hl ~ { eM deuel', for paeh 1)l;r, OO s hnui<l be Increase d. 'rhe b a lp ~ n e "l \I es on bollr ~\(I ' s or ll1 Y kidl\cy~ wel'e Ollt of O1'<lur nlul culd (Co py r igh t , l OO5. b)' J o cph B. Bowl•• ,) liP to got away fl'om tbe dOl:. ",,1.0 RW el1t~ woulrt b"t~alc out otter my ly at uliIrl t he CO" t o f II'll Il' llor lulion thus cor'l' bo ol d gl'ocorDlan was s lllln g In th e was l'cglnnln g to nrt Queer , " V'u r,eo. t ho Mnu01 l'o rlnlr II I !L polm n~ ou t o<1,IIIIII OH , Pc rhap". whilo 1 s tl)Ohot 1111111rrJ6pOlld In.: I)' rA Is'·,1. All obJpc tlon. old grocery one fine llprl ng mornln\; , dad fo(Jt cured ali righ t, o f a C~ -lIs· iU I{ wllh 601110 Oli O, thi s I,ramblil lg l l c. w e \+er, 1.0 :111)' fO CHl t'Y U!S l Is lh nt lIn ~ looln ng o ver bls a ccoun ts, as th ey were of tho lilllhs, nud I,rofuso sweatill g, 1111 11 cases that were carrying him otl', 1Iut l\ 8(, \, pro chill W()11 ,I 8\' b:o ul!'. I ~'Cnlll o d( r t h" IJr~"e ot s )',;tcm It Is (o und ""rillon OD a Qulro ot bro~v n WI'R ))lll ug lto hao l al,en tb e 'juml)s,' a dl 8eM~ IIIIITmet! .. t, my l'on(\itiou nnd, hnv ing tJl lt lII unl' or the Immigra nts Illost un· paper with a blunt Icad ponc ll, nnd ,hat Is Incurabl e, Wh eu a man 111\~ I'PII<l nil ~lIr l nr" e lll"nt of Dr. ,Vill itllll6' th e 'lu mps' he can' t.a lay lo og In otl ' Il e!i I.) lumll It an,1 cha rn lr. r arc wonderi ng whe re he could go to collect Pl1l\( Pill . , I ~o c a hox Ilud b" ,::nu [(J use money to pal' a uoto that was duo ot vla co, but hi s life after tailing tin tho se who wil l pu y Ihe most, Ihrou g h th " III. 'l'b p), h olpNlmo lit onc". Aft cr the banle at noon 00 that <lay. H e dl. caso Is 011 0 continua l roullli 0 1 1 1""lnsou on o box Iho twil r.hiuK of th e th~ lll so "' c s ,lhtJse who wis h 10 hp. rid was looking ten' yoar50l der lhau he dId lIaclllns up nnd unpacl,l n g. hi s IItcraII Cn'CR, tho tl'\)l1hlo wilh tlie sto wllcb or lb ~ m , Prohnh ly I!ID most e rTcc live tho yenr before, when the Ba<) Boy bAd lure Is time cards nnd railroad guhl e5i, nnd th o colel swcal s stOll)lQd nml bllve wn rk will " 01110 IlfIlo be done by played bls last trick 011 th e old mnn, 110& rell)lp"lu'ocl,llml my OI'I",t Ite i good. and h Is mcal~ lire largely tak en nt ADl Prlrn n U ll () Ol~ ut lhe ,)IDCeS from and sone ahroad to Qhaperone hIs olck I hn\'c tolcl'lIll my frl ~ ud8 that 01', Wilrailroad eating, s ilting on a linlUM' wtllcb t be irnmlg ranls come. Even un· falhor, In a search r~r health and ad· Piult Pill~ cnred llIe and 1 T()COlUstool, and bls sleep Is uncertai n cat mOIHI th em to evoryoo (ly." (J..- the Ilrt·~C l1t Il< adequate sys tem 1m· venture , .ho old m."n had misSed the naps. SIlY, tha t dog acts as thougb Dr. Wil1ialll~' Piuk Pills oored Mr. ,J11~l< ~O n UUl bel' s ar~ r e Jecte~ 011 tbe boy "rouod the grocery, and wtlh no lhe mlouthf\l l 118 tooll out of my panta Browno bccnuse n othing ClIU strengtb eu one to keep bla blOO4 clrcul"U ng, and und or the counter didn't agreo wllb tho 1I ~r\'C. exoept goo, I rich, red blood';,w,'!T $Id c eve n at thc gangpla nk. On his tempera ture oce~lonally ooarlng blm," added tile boy. as thO doa and 01'. Willill1D8' Pink Pills DctIDLlly IIlls slue Il b far more difficult to abo'le the normal, ho had fa lied In 11111 ke lJ ew 111110'1 . Tucy dOll't nct 011 the rolle'J o\'er ond tded to sland 00 iii. nc-<:ompllsh se rious nnd just resullS. hoaltb, bowds, They don 'b botber wilh 1I10re and had read wltb mixed feelhead. We wlsb, by the way. tbat Mr. WIl, Ings of joy, fear H,I'IIIJlI<lms. 'l·b.1Y driye from tho bloo!l and resentm ent tbat "Dog acts kinder like ba bad somellams, who did s o much to Im'prove tbe Bad Boy and his dad tbo cause of IIntlllllin. indigest ion, nerlblng on bl s mind," salll tile old man. had ar\'O U~ cli Ronlar. , IlQlleml 'v e aku e!l~ , Rud tbe Immigra tion work at Ne.w York, rived home, and be kllew It could oot as he got out ot the dog 's \l'a)', SO tho tl'Oubll'" or growing girls nnd women. could be used In ,that seq'lce somewb ere be lou g betore the boy wooJd blow In, he could do his neroball c slunt. Tho 11m. nro gllllmnt ee.l to he tr 0 l'A ~ tll t ; bl' tbe presldcn t. He lost his I/lace for and ho was trying to decide whether HE; Tli,RF.lW llA 't"l' t."o 1l0 U :\ l);; , "Sny," said tbe Bad from Doy 0Jll\\t ••" (IT hat'mfnl druRs. Sohl by . "If you hnYs ( \\' h"l't~ 1" I~ ht8 ut' ,;'ulll' ll T l mht·rH IT AWAY AIIOD LOOKF.D unll nil drllggi stR, reasons that bave not been made pub- to meet the boy cheerfUllY and wIth never been "acclnate(1 against mad dog. or by tb" Dr. Willinlll ~ , 8 I1ilASlC;.IC , 'fll r Kf' )' .- OO l H ock c(, lIr r~lI.) Medicin o OolUpnny, Scbeuu<Jwdy, N. Y. youbelt crts'ke 60metill ng right now, Cor lla. aDd woulcl, joo~ unfortu nate 10 • spirit of resignat ion, or to meet blm . with a clubi w hether to give blm tbe dirty SIllss haH- fllIed wltb ehler, whl<;h that dog Is mad , and In about two min- tll'C mil e. SOlllh of Maum ee 'Ill'. It llnnt, but tbere la likely at any time slad hand, or form hlmoelt Into a col- the boy drank. and then looked queer utes bc Is going to begin to snap Il( ,was th e sceno of .tIl ugnge ment Au· to be a posltloo In whlcb his excep· umn MEDIC AL MENTIO N, of fours to drive blm out wben at the old man. PeQple. and -tbere Is no death so ter: gust 20, 179,1. In which Gell. Anthon y tlunal ilLness co~ld again bo put to he came Wayn e c rush ed th e combined 1I0s tl ie "Tasles like It sOlells golog througb rlble as death fl·,lln' a mad dog bile, Soda, In a two,per·pent 801utlon. Is WIll ... • He h~d accumul ated a terrier dog tho 011 belt In Indla~a ," said the ·boy. Oee. tut I wouldn' t be In your vlace Indlal\ tl'lbea of tbe northw8st, tho recomm end ed by Prof. Es marcb, of alnce the boy wenl awny to be com- "What's In It?" Wyan<lo ts nlon e los ln ~ It c hlors. (or a mIllion dollars." And the uoy Gottlnge u BS the best meaus of dlsln\ " Civic Betterm ent. _ . pany for the old singed 'cat to bunt 'fh o 1)luce Is mud e stili more memo "Kerose ne," silid t h e old nlOn. stood U)l on tbe barrel , and was be· The work the body pollUe hilS to do 10 rll-ts In fec il ug eatin g utensils, the cellar and to ';atcb tbe Turks like kerosea e In thelt· "Tbe ginning to yo11 " oraule by, ihe presence of Turkey Foot mad dog," wben (he elder. c:t",lc betterm ent I» becomin g more and atol'e nights. The Twenty. llve per ccnt. of th e student" rOCk . n Inrge lim es ton e bo\vldor on dog WOll barking They get drink BIlla Ught, If tlleY touch old lOan aaked wbat ho could take to nt IDOr.. appreola ted. and la yoal'ly brlug- down cellar anti the old '.'Inland· s IInh'e rslly nr e WODl en; which s too (1 old Cbl et Turkey Foot man went a match to their brealh. Say, that make him Immune lrom th'c bile ot a 108 ' ' (rUllful results. Compre hensive down the riCkety stairs to see what us he milled his de Cented warriors but only bnlf of these paSH lite exammakes us evel\. Now, leU 1M, what mad dog, Inallons , Those tb ul .10 are moslly In aClbemea fot tho Improve ment of an en- the troubl e WIl8 and while he was country did YOllr dad "Eat a ' boltle ot horserad lsb ," said arolmd bim for the lasl MtllDlI against tbe \lied Ir al Ket robbed tbe depa rt~rn c lll. tire city have alrel1dy been brougbt for- down tbere helping tbe dog to tree 11 most in while you were Wayne's men at Fallen Timbers . the As boy, as h9 reached over to' the abroad , .. Headach e lind olhrr Ill s of oyer· ward 10 many 10calilleB, I1ltd while tile rat ~nder a sack ot potatoes , the Bad the s lIn went down llll'o\lgh (be smoko ""'eU, It was Il~Ut a stand oft," sbelves and got a bottle. and pulled .llrect resull~ as yet assul'ed I1re small. Boy slipped Into the lItore ' anti' finding said the boy, IlS he mado a slip noose t he co rk, "Emlne ot Iclentlst s agree of battl e that tlay Chief Turkey Foot crowded rooms are round by Dr. POlll. the old, man absent. tell he !lend c;awled under on the end of a pleeo of twille, and that horserad ish Is the only thing that upon the rock , sbot through or Breslall , 10 be du e to re tention of Ule Hrst eslie~tlal yleps bave beca taken. the h('at by the body, e\'en 15 \l or cent. I'laug prollosed ' for ,W ashlnGtu n, New the ' countsI', curled up on : a ctacker ' W1!Ul tl'yl~ to m.ake a hitch ~ver tbe will get the system 10 sballs to wlth- the h eart. of carbon dloxldc doing no harm In box, 'nod began to anore as the old bob ~Il Of , the grocerym Arter Iho ballle the Indians burled stanll' nod throw ;York. Clevclan d and other clUes bave mau camo up the stairs followed by wltb tbe Idea ,or fastenln an a dog, and he banded oft the inad (log vlrllll." the chler under the rOCk, caned tur· a regulate d tempern ment. e a tomato tbe old man tbe bottle aroused great ~publlc Interesl, not oDly the SomnoCorrne Is lbe nllme of a new dog, wltb arat In Its' moutb, /l'bll can to Ihe IItriolS- a ~~tt1e .Ialer. an~ who began to eat It, and cry, aud key's feel. upon It and placed milch to· aneSth ell c tested III th o . among . tbe ludlvldu al citizens. but old man beard the Bor~ ea ux bacco and mnny pilles nround It. aDore aod ' woo- tllrnlng tbe dog loose. Do) 0\\ know • cboke, and ihe boy got dowo from &mODe the governl og aulborlt les, der"d If be had beell entertal lllllg 'l'he new :llItoOloblle syndicat e pro- 8choo l. Paris. which. wh en pro[lerly 3 said he , to old ma.D, " tbat I tblnk tbe' Larrel and let the 110$ . out doors. ,whethe r realized or not, remnrks Amer- tramp \ e when Ihe dog dropped It Iy poses to mount Ihis s tone on a pedcs· admlnl st.ered, Is Baid to lea ve no nft e r wrong to (lut oft .. dog's tall, and 1>e made a bee-line for the lalce. cftects. Il Is composed of chloride or , Il:4ln Homes and Oardeos , these pi all. 'cau.~ e wheo you tie a till can to It .you "He's a water dog, all rlgbt:' said tal lu frollt of a $fiO,OOO clublloll se. ethyl. chloride of metby l a~d uromldo feel I\!I though YOIl were taking ad- (he boy, and as Ii servant 'a re I~dlcatl ve of good. nnd IJOlnt to gIrl came of Ethyl. ve,nlal\EI of a cripple, IInIDelhlog ac<!Cmpllsbcd. They mean SUCCUMBS , TO CUPID, In to buy some soap, and saw th o old Three human lungll-< me whi te. ODe "WEll, all the countrie s w. vlsUed man eating raw hOl1l eradlsh aud ehok· the body poltllc Is being arouscd, tbat blQ~k and one gra~'-form an In struc· robb6d dad of am tbe money be had l Ing end looking 6tat~~men ,,'bose time ' was forme rly opoplect lc,. s b e aslced Mlsll Ro8enul fY S(l'r torls, Gr'lUdd augh- tlv e nhllJlt In an Edinbur gh !'Cuone way or anotliler, Booner or later; what was tbe matter tel' of Gen. Graot, Reporte d Enconcern ed with tho granting of rl1l1road wltb tbe old man, seuin. The flr"t came (roOl an Eskl· ,even our nwn couutry . ,when we ar- and the boy gaged to St. Loula Mnn, said a mad dog jusl esfranchis es aod lbe renamin g of streets, mo, wh'o breathed the pure' air at rived 10 New York, took his roll for caped from atore. are looking toward publlc' l1rt. Tbey the arct Ie regions; the ' ~econd, troDl duty, all some llttle thlugs be emng- man had shnwn slgos and that the old St. Louls.Mlss Rosema r y Sartori a, ot mad.ness ever mean a pos itive nnd Kreat exteoslol'\.of gled, but 1 thtnk the combina tion o~ since; the girl gave whose engagem ent to James N. Nel· a coal miner, who Inhaled mucb coal a yell and 'rushed 't be 'movem ent for civic betterm ent. i or duM , Ihe third. troot II lowo dweller, robbera at Oarl8ba.d stuett togetb~r arid outlmot heworld wlthout her SOllll. "Lei sq,n,..l!:.. of this , cll y. Is reported , Is kepl In city rtu!!t 'hll), mean thallhe IllSt of tbe three and sotoke. got the goods olr dad ~n the most this ,be a lesljOl\' lhe younges l daughte r of IIfrs. Neille to' you to be 1(lod to &;rellt element s wh.lcb musl ,hell/ln lhls Sonic oC the ll'adlng Italian physisystema tic mauner. S<!me way they dumb anImals," lIald Grant Sari oris and graudda ughter oC ~ the boy to tba got ' news wheo we arrived, of the ex- old man , as hellnls work has awakene d to 1l& value, TlHs Ihe la te 0('0. Ulysses S, Grant. Sbe cians hole held for some time that act Amount ot ,money dati l)ad got out borserad lsh aud put hed the bottle 01 is dcs('rlbe d as an attractiv e gi rl , with Iodine. properly transfor med. could be at lellSt W&S oecellsar)" before aDythln g bls hands on ' hll ot the bank, and before we had break- stomach , a brigbt face and a charmi ng person. used as a cure ror t6bercul osls, Prof. could be accompl ished. 'he next slep .' tast the fakirs hail divided It up among allty. and much resembl es her motb· Levi, of Milan, believes be has disco\,will be realizati on. Tills Is the cod of all themsclve~, and Mch ,ooe khew just er. She haa expressi ve brown ey ... ered the most s uitable process for • Bt!)ry of Adolph and Anna. ,wovemClllt! [or e1vlc bette rm ent. what was going t,o be his abare, and Adolph, an Austrian arUsan, adored . hnb h er features are Calr rather tnan IIslng It, but he refuses to make any It wa3 just Ilke gottlng a cbeel, from ~Anoa, an arlstocra l_ And Anna adored dark 10 colorIng : She Is ot m..tlum pnsltlve staleml' nt until he bo.'I BCThe Americ an Milliona ire. home for tbem. U we were going Adolph. Another arIstocr at, AI(red, all bei" ht, po~se8ses a graceful fl&:are, and cumulat ed more proof Clf tho etJIcacv An' EngliBb writer 10 discussi ng "The of bll method, there again wo w(mld gl",e the money ambassa dor, adored Anoa. Anna ab· • Psychol ogy' of ~be America n ' Mllllon- "GEE, WlIIZI WttJ;~E DID YOU GET to 80ml) particul ar faki r to divide with horred Alfred . Alfred addresse d Anna, alre" hIlS tbls to sa)' :, "He Is apUo comlhe reBt, and theo l ake a few swallow s admltUn K admlrat ioo. Anna assumed BOME WHY DON'T 'YOU'B. bine lhp. elblcs of ao ailigatn r with tho the rat, and, rl1llhl~K behind the coun- of theIr rollen egg !ater. and get, amazem ent. ' Alfred' abjured Anna. creed ' of a member of the 'I. M. e. A, ter, began to growl. and grabbed the out. Why don't YOU take more pains (0 Anua admonll hed Altred. f Alfrtld And It Is this ['Omblnatlon Ibat makes Bad Boy by the , seat of his trousers be self-sa crificing ? Time Is rapidly "Say, did you ever eat a p'iece of adopted aggre88lveness. Alfred's all· and ' gave blm a good sbaklng. The blm rar more rormlda ble (han our own cus~~d pie made out Of stale eggs? daclty alarmed .A nos. Alfred nttemptpasf lit,;. boy set Iikcllllcal uoa ey n"'n I cosmollo lttan plaster toliP a yell tbat cau8ed tha Well, that la Just abOut the sawe as ed Ilbdnctin g Anna, Anna. afraid ,an,} Wh), don·t YOIl send "wny that lit(all, al!d the old' man nltbe Carlsbal l wate r, only the wllter agitated , a cquainte d Adolpll, Adolpll mllllnna lres, wbo (eel lhnl there can be most to faint tle gift yon have been plannin g to with excitem ent, and he Is no~ baiLed with a raw crust 00 tho accused sCli,d ? Mfl re Idnt\. Intentio ns nev Pr a , lIO righteou sness In a prol'hlen ce under went to the door to call Alfred. 'Al fred, angered . a pollcem an. coltlllll sh anl' '1ood, wblcb t hey prnsper, 'rhe Awerl can The ooy kicked tb" dog oft. and raised bottl)m. Bul the doctor dad consult- abneed A~olph nwfully. Adolph aD' , Wby don't YOII speak out the encon rUllllIono lre gets his strength (rom ' a up from beblnd the <!Dunter, caustDg ell wa~ 11 peach. Dad asked him bow 8wered Alfred. Alfred atlaclced Adolph, a,;ltI!; words ihat you ha,\'e In YOllr • Imple and Inherite d pasloral moraUlf , tbe old cat to raise her back and spit much of the water he Ougbt to drink, Anna, agbast, 'aid ed Adolph. Adolph and the doctor he'ld' I\. couDsel wltb and Anna nlmost annlblla ted' Alfred . tho ughts? Uole•• you exprees the :.1 an.1 he uses lhat slrengl h to 4lVCrCOOll) cotton , and as tbe old man 8aw the himself :' aod said dad might drlnl< Alfred abdicate d absolutely. Aona ac> th ~ y nrc of no lise to others. Bad Dol' be leaoed agalost tbe show tbn COrrUI)t Inhabllu nts at clUes wllh all h 9 conld hold , and when dnd asked cepted ' Adolph. Adolph and Anna !lilWh l' don·t ~'Oll mako the promlseel tbelr own weapons . Cyulcs, dlabollwls, case. and a large smlle came over bls him 'how much hlEI charges ,,,I Slt 10 Illat Invalid? !Ibe Is looking Were, be ruptly !lbsconded aod abandQn ed Austace, and be said: "Oee, whiz! where lIalcrs of lhelr uwn kl~d . IIro always said: 'Ob, walt till you are cured: tria altogeth er. arrlvlog at Antwerp , (or l'OU day aCter day. nnd "hope d ~ · did you get on?" weakene d by thu fact. that their faith, f el it" mnkelh tbe heart sick." "Tho porter was not In, BO I turned sO d8!1 thnught l)e ' was no t', going to and alWaYS abiding nbroad arterwu d, charg~ for bls ad,-Ice, but acter we had -TowD :roples. 'boweve r furl ~ lIslY they may hold It, Is In the Orat lower Why don't YOU an~wer your frl end's lierth I came to," drank the water for' ten days. and dad n egative auu hased. on tloubt. Huel(e- 8uld the Bad Boy, as he JUDlJ)ed telln ~t once? It ' will have a double -~---'--over was so weal. MISS ROSFlM AR' t SARTOR lS, Milk Melons. he couldn 't brush the Jellcr's fall" is positive an d preservc s the rount~r and grabbed tbe old man " "hte I( !Vrill en promptl y. and will One of th e latest F reoch agrlcult llral (RCIJOI'tf c) EnJ.;o g l'd 10 ,J a m es N . N oison, of tal(f' no more tlme 'thlln by Bud by, 1I 1m rrom 1111 doubts nnll ficrllP le8. ' Nllw by tlie arm and shook his hand until It Illes v(l his bald spot, we decided to go 8t , Loul., ) fads Is being agltated by n iarmer near Why don't you cr~ nto nround YOII that he Is ri ch beyonrln ll prcc"llcu t his acbed. "Introdu ce me to your friend, MarsellJes, who declares that water· Speal,f Be \'ernl longuag es l1uently. 'Wcallh , uo dOllbt, Mcerns a proor Ibul hi s tbe dog. who scems to have acquired melons supplied with milk freely About two years ngo Mias Sartorls wal Iln vlnlosph erc DC happine ss nnd helpway ot life Is agreea ble to a bcncllcc n t an appellte for pant"," and the Dad : SMO" e ()oured nrouod the roots will grow reporled 10 be engnged to Llcu\. Jobn fuln ess, so thal all who rome In tOIlCII Dol' got behl nd the old man allli ~REEN Prol'lde nce." twice their oormal size, aod etrers Wri ght., U. S. A.. oon of the la te Oon. \\' It h YOII may be made \Jeller? Is ON klck ~ () at the dog, wbo was barking as TEA' proof In the sba!l~ of prl7.eB from mBDY MarCile Wright, n confeder ate veteran. tb ls pOf slbl eT WAIMIN4 Th ~ slreugth of ,llw Amerlcn n Ian" though he had a cat 00 tbe fence. fairs which, he asserts, hI) was enauled The announc ement from the east ot 501)'" " Get out, Tlge," snld tbe old mnn. NOTICED IT. forl:cs lil's In It s Nationa l GilaI'd or vol· to win tbrougb tlila practiCe. Accord, lhe cngagem ent aid not o ccasion much :!H ns i1e pushed lbe dog away,. "You Ing to his theory tbo melon Is provIded surpri se here. ds th e bel rothal of the lInl""rs. both (or borne dcfllOse aod A YOllng Lady trom N ew Jersey P~t ha\' ~ got to get used to this young with the proper combina tion of foods youn g coullie bnd been frequent ly clr· III" , for p ~l)andlng - tltn reglliar army heathen :' and he hugged tbe brlghtHer Wlte to Work , culated ahol'lly In attor 'exactly Mrs. tile Sartorls right proportl tool, ons and ' is In limo of war. A rlne leap! of lhe lool<lng, well-dre ssed boy as though ho liP h el' res Wence enabled In St. to tbrow all of Its enerltY Into Louis during !:\I!veul h rcglmen t of theso voluotee rs. W8H proud of blm. "Coriee Ita growtb Instead of sendlDg (ortb j'be Yo orld's tall', PIl(I was as frequen lly .iigesllo gave mo terrible spells of In· says n ' JOndon pUl,er. camo over from n, which, coming on eve l'? "What are good fal rats seili ng for d'enied , Young Mr. Nelson Is a Yale long roots In order to dl'aw (rom the week or so, made DIY life wretche d UtlNew )'01'1, lasl ycar lo shoot against now ?" Ilsked the boy, as his eye rell soll what It requires as fooil _ The mnn , Is aboul 20 years old, and Is the Iii so me one 'told me that Ihe COfTC9 a team o( Ollr Queen's Westmi nster on (b·, rat the lerrler bad brought out process Is saId not only 10 Increase tbe I;on uf Lewis C. NelBOn, .. multlmll lloD- I drunlc \' olunte cr~ . No country In the world, of lbe cellar. " I did 1I0t know you al ze of the melon, but to Insure nrot alre c.8pltallst. Form er Gov. Loo V. nonsens was to blame. That s eemed e, but I noticed ihese attacl;,l lInder aoy conditio n of service. could had added a meat market to your red pulp of deliciou s lIavor.-N. y, Slepheu s Is on un cle of the prospec tive \lsed ' to come on' shortly ufter eating , grol.m. James N_ Nelson, Jr" Is bave prodllce d finer and more Inlclll- grocerr, Now, In Paris, lhe rat b\lslHerald, ness Is a very Importa nt In&lustry, hul aamcn oCter his gl'andfa ther, and thlll and \\ ere necomtio nled b)' such excrlll;cnt men than these America n cltI~eD .------------ -I ,l1dl1't know I he people ate th em Tho J[h'edlve , IE the reaBon the jim lor Is attached to clp.t1n~ pains In llle pit Of lhe s tolllBold Icrs. allli l( th ey a r~ D specl mco of here. Wbat do you retail them at 1" T~\l>: BOY STOOD The khedive Is a strict Mohamm edao, Ius ntlme , He Is assoriate(1 with his ach that I co uld only nn.l relier by UP ON 'rHE BARRE L the volunt p."r~ 01 tllll United Slatcs-'"a. get out, I don't sell rats," aald AND WAS BEOliotNllIOG TO YELL and as such eschews both wlnea and fath.:r In buslnoss.. Tl Is expected that loose ning m~., clolhinG' anti lying dowlI. liS dou~tle " s they are-tba t power bas the 0111 man, Indignan "If circ umslances Dlude It Impos" MAD DOG" spirits. His ablltlnen ce goes even fllr· the wEddlug wlll take place tltls fall. tly: " I got tll18 DO more to fear a s to hcr land forces dOK for compan y, In your place, and to sible for me to lie d.'wn, 1 spent hOUr;} l~est cure, and wheo we had our ther, for In 1 country where everybo dy tban sHe ltaR 88 to ber nRvy. be b 'AS proved himself more useful tickets bought the 1& gnat mlserYj: Lay 1113 to Electric Eft!ora. etnce. doctor attached our smokes he w1l1 bave nothlDK ,to do with The lu xuriant. effioresc ence of elec"t refused (0 really llclleve It WA~ than nny boy I ever saw. Say. <!D me baggage , and bad a bill against dnd the fragraot weed. Like hIs (ather; he I Put 00 ;'ollr hal ", la d I".! No mot"3 and '.\Il Is .. monop-m illt, altbough hIs rellglon tricity Is not wllbout lts lhorn In' a new tile co ffee until floolly I thous ht a down by the otol'e, anel tell me for $460 for <!DnSllita.lIons,Op eratlons , bareh eaded lies. ror cou ntr y or 1011' 11 , It all :tuout your trip, as your letters lo advice, board and borrowe d money, allows blm four wives .. He Is known dlselUle I hot has app eared among work- trial would at leas t do 110 hllrlll , sn J lias ~CED .lI cnlly ueerccd In NeWpOrt Ole W€ l'e not very full of loforma tion. /lUd he had a d07.en ": Itncsses to prove to be greatly attached to blA consort, ers In ~Iectr l cnl llower hOll ses. Tbese quit c(,tree In 19ti..t and bet:nn on PD., tbis summer that 1I'0nll' n or hlgb de· Ho1v Is your father's henlth?" every Item. Dad pahl It, Uut we aro who was a Clrcas.l an lady of the khe- IlUu ses ar e localed at Niagara Falls, and tum, My troubles lect entlrel, on ,] b ave betrnyed 19 CIlses, Tt seems (bal (on vinced fife of (bl' C& \l ~e. "fJad Is tbe healthiest man In goln,,; tb ere once more crco !'Clls t nevcr bp see n wlthoul that wILh a keg of dlval ' bousebo ld before her marriag e. "Postum brought no discomf ort. nor mllullcl to tllo' loli ell c. The sccret 01 America ." Bald tile boy, liS Ile banded dynamit e for that doctu r. But dad In fact, he Is e~sent1ally 1\ domesti c with Ileople employm ent brings tbls 'ullwrlll clI law. s tatcs the UOSiOll tUe old mao a Turkish cIgarett e, wl(h thin ks he got tbe worlh of his monoy. man, Ilnd' 10 very fond of his cblldren : I.hem Into Ihe Unmedlati! Ill'esence 01 did indigest ion follow lis us e. T 'havo high voltnge al ternntln g curren t ge n~r­ hlld no r c(qrn.Jo t Ihe trouble s luce ( Herald, Is an Ollen o ne. Veils! VellS u,' plcce of cheese UDder the tobacco "You rememb er before he wimt away -Westm inster Gnzette, ntl ng (Or I,ran s formlng lIIachlne i!' th ere Legan t-o d rlnlc Poshtm , It haa bit &bout half an. lu ch from where Ihn old, he thpugbt \I~ the <loctor s wbo operated are worn ror good nn d sufficien t rcaThe Norw:eg lan8. uniform ly r~sults n grave dlsi.urba nce 01 IDe up. re~ l or e~ ' my b ea,llll lUau lighted It with a match. ;'Dad Is on blm for lhat and g!"en 'pendlcl tu. left II sons; ana need not mention nuy ot all right, Tbere are practica lly no illiterat t\IO dJgest\v e. e orgnl! ~, )oss '"f appetite , me n new Intereat In life, except bl e back. He slept monk'll' wrench In him wben It certalnl.l ' tliey ID Norway. TIle me!1 ·are perhaps tbo dlslt ess aCtor eating, anI! tbetll, or tuat It 19 Impossib le to lio tour nights with a cork whitenin g 01' ( j a joy tei . be well Again ," - Nam',t ,life preserve r velle.I, wltbout tbc hats. It must de .. atrapped to his back, llOmlng over, and sewed him U\!. Well , after he began Jln~t 10 the world pbY>!lcally. Army tbe c:oml)le.x lon almost to tbe color 01 glvcu by , Postum ,Co" Bame Cre~I(, to drl!1k that ",ate~r he fouod Iron ae"lce III uolversal; onl:1 2.3 per cent, chllllc. The 'cause .Is attrlbute ,l to 1.114 Mlcll . light t he milliner (0 fiod society Ilgree' he bas got curvatu N of the iplne. but ruH ou , the towels wben he ,.ook .. of youth. aro 'reJect'!d fot pbysll:aI chemica l Inftuence d .. LIla K of doctor J!ltt\!r baa eleclrH _trapped lO4: wIth her; a board t.O lIatb, and hp i!Ille'(e8 the mOllkV- feeta. ReaC; the little book. "The RoAd to . _ _ ran 80me ra)' ,et ".,... IltllulowD , . Wellvll!e,l.' ID ellch Pll&. ._ .' ,.--.--

The Miami


lIall" batTe .•.011 8ay. -wben hi;' back warps 'back ' to 6t tb. board he , wlU lie !Iound ago,lo," ,"Say , ' I. bls Is 'a ' genlline Turklsb elganiUe, Isn 't 111" ~alil Lho old mao.- a! he 11II!ted away at It, ,an,' blew tho slUoke lhrOug h hIs nose. "I have &1"'"YS wanted to amoke a G'QDulne . Imported clgaret.te. Got a fla'\!or some· Uilng like a ' Volab rabbit, IIID't 1l?" and th e old man at the CIg;\Tette wllere tho frying cbeese was soal,· Ing t hrougb the palmr. "Oee, but I can' t go that," and he lbrew It away, an 1 :ook~d se1!Ul lcl<. . , "Turll;' alw lll's tal;e cheese In th elt· elga r~ lt().s . " s al (1 Ihe Dnd Doy, "Th ey get ", s mol!e and fo od at th o L,me, Bllt If you fe el sick, you can go 04t In the bllClt yard nnd I 11' 111 wal t ?or Nil, " "No, I wlll bn nil rlgbt," , sa id tho old ilion, 118 he got up to wal~ 00 a CUlltom er. "H ure. I.ry n glOBS of my Idor," n'nd be band.ed tho boy a


-- -- -











D enf .n d' 'to r 'Ihllill Has L ~'18l' ~ d lh a "u~lity of th o S Il)' l: ly.

Th e Un iqu e Sto rie s of Tw o· Ve ry Old Persons

It Iii becomin g' moro nnd I'JO I'C "'\1 :( .

THE OLD YI', NKEE ACCENT ,' N ew England Provinc ialism. A re Not Cu lt e So Often Heard ns FOl'1lwrly_ Wo hot o t

h ~ lI e v e our Cr een 1110 Burling ton



. , .... • ~

1iie Founding and Gro wth

1IIoun· fi cult , Il I" Hair!, Ip ~ e t l , .. e tlllely tat n j'rl e nd. Nll w>I. VoO,'CI\ Jll dlall !Jas t,cts', Ilad , cons ; wh en It RS.lIr es tUi lhnt " the Yall ' quon tl,\", to fo r m coll eo:l lc<D>I or .. h e kee ac e III I. dyi n g 0111." Ra Y3 the uD.IJ!,cl ry of LU O almr lg ln,,1 Amcrl can. Nelv YOI'll S IIn . Evpu In Ihat New The TASk of lUI E«enlri c BaC:belor In IMilan. Soldiers ' Home"":'" Fcwcr of t ho n,',o Lusl,ct. Ilro b ClH3 E n gland wOl'lJ or F rellrh ' , " udlan " mad~ , and th e lIumil er 01' those who A Content ed Old Maid 01 101 Summer s. Harvard Ant~d .. tes by SiKty-F our Years - Massach usetts [cRII!t.lls lind other torelgn s le el,s we Averse d~si .. c LO 1IIal((l collecl lon s I I n c r e a~· to • New Haven Scbool · - Elihu Yale Cains rame lor Small h ope lha t "Haow a Ir ye?" s tili gla ,l· Price. 109, Il Is estimate d that baskell dens the , ear. Y"t tb e Burllngte>nlnn valued at ~5 . 000,OO O bal'e bcen taken I~ aure thal "el'e n In remotes t 1)8rl s fl 'onl CallCoru la and Al'lwlIll within ',h e or Vermon A mons lhe two olde. t livin g persons turn oroun,I. " said DeWitt t th o long·dra w n 'caow ' and In ex plana- la~t two yoars, NOI all of' these, how " 'naow' and k lnllred words are rarely In lu d mna to·day arc MIs. Eliza WII· lion of tbls fllcl. 11.18 walled Yale now IIl'J; ills li s two hllJlIlr~d IInllllJrUIlI,; and IIOt fur with brick, e ve r, were or the Idnd BllUgh somu lIme tb ere· t by Ill e b eard." So much lIl e worse. Jlam ~, 0 1 Andcrso n, and l'lugh DeWIIl, IHlh yeu r; th e HI'hu nl dalln g bu <: k to afl,' r wus New Il th a bottom Is concrete . .lnd the root, The ave n IInlllly agree,1 most e xacting ~"OIlECI C "~, So h eavy hlndly wlw I ~ a n Inmllte of tbo soldIers ' home urler the comll Is plHced . will native toug, th e provlncl nl 1700, It ol",nlHI a H a I'oll<lglule 8<:11001. IIIHII1 a ~ n IHUnlUU flnt location be oC Cc, not un.. at Lufaye tto. I\1Is8 WlllllllU s ha' melll.. DeWitt lIa ~ ,lulle all the work. ba~ hee n Ihe deman d thllt the so ulh· eta mp or speech, ore wel come to all Th o· fh'~ l rlasHrH \\'~I''' 10 1'1,1 In n "mull III I"I :G, nnll ' th e n there was !;rumhll n5 "'cst has \.Jean "'oil-nig h denuded or bnt pedanl lc and priggi s h J)(lS5 0<: I hQ centllry marlc, 1I0W nenrl,,!: In It IIC ha d 110 lIij ~lst.a ll ce. cU l tll.!:~ In a Connecl lcnt vlll'lgll ; IIIKt o\'pr I he .rcmova I. lonK ' cor". eltb e r In ex· I he Ol:el' !Jasket., MoSI of the baskelR The 111101 "a" Ho uD~ ed n. "I" ttll: a gr ' ot 101 years, and UeW lll la ~II;. cavllllu! : th e earl h. mixing tn " )lIn," Yf!Uf th e unl\' C'n; ll}, ClIl'ol lc. l, ('oulIlIng the morlnr no w ohtal nabl e oro mad e At Ill n ro' lIIo vlIl a haltlo royal was lIurrl ed ly and " Amerll,y ," "Afrl cy," " 'And I;uth lire yet lu the enjoy ment or or laylu!: th e hrll'i' tb'at rorms Ih t.he Heh nol fur I IIdll'rs 111111 t he s um' wa-r;NI urI wl'en thl~ HtnIJbl)rn Cuby ;" "En· e walld to fulfill the d emand made fur.lIo ns ; by ~'Ol­ ropean" wll h the ae,cent 011 t hc .. eu Gc nllbly goorl hpolUl. A peculiar ity or hlH tOll\u. Through out It a nto· mer H,'hool of for r Hlry, :I , H ~ " 11111 1' 111 ". it hall I,' o[ hool,". lin d onc res ult of I.ho all he la- leetor~ . The Indlan ~ ' do nOl spoud penultim a abullt I be lives at both Is th at ncltM;' IJOred puLlently . IIcver h 9 \lpler Yale hi oy no nwanN til e (!Xf'llisiv u rray WIIS IIII! I,,>s te. n pronunc iation thol ev e n tlwn tbo Ilame amuunL ot lim o or ,;o me 250 very upon t hem Mr, Seward t8 sa lct 10 have was e ver murrlorl , allhougl t th e ir r~a· wben he was lit worl' lit I!. He useo; th e prOI.orl y of New EIIl;IKlII1 , Hio u hulunll" ",o1l1nhll, I'olnmna . Anoth er Ilili s tra· Is now as wb c n they made bas llets to be s lou ghing 011' of fln a l £OI1 S for romalnl ng Blng'le ' lire wldelv waillug f"r the end or hi s life to tbo nlillon , Slw has ~l' 1I1. fllrlh lion or tho hl!!k of uuanlm lty Ilmons "g" III "Ing;" to cowe. lIanll ed down Il~ he irlooms. 111 SOIllC diffe re nt. MI ~~ William s gl"e. as h ~ r the adding of "h" to hel ghl , Ihu s I}ra- many a fro ntt r r !'H'holllr. U H \Veil aM 11, 0 s lIpporler " ot th c Miss William; ; IH locrha p. the o ldest new sc hool Is HJI,;n n£ tor r omaluln g II 'sr)lu ~ ter : old m aid III the UllltcLi ~ilule8, Her girl - ~lIs e H It Is nOl possl ble for t h em 10 flll\! nouncln g ,It as Milton ~ pe lled It ; the many a chu rch miss iona ry, Sh e well ~Iv~ n In tho lwo r.olll fll c ll ce mc nt exer· "God n e ver Inl ellrle,1 Ihot I ~ houlJ hood hl)mu waN III Pellns ylvonla, llIlt for lhe d urabt e !; rasse, whlth they OJ;ce little ''' vul garl sm s '' like "l'\'lt," pl'o deserves he r Uunll) Muth er of Co l· <:ISCH lhnt were hnlt! In 1718 ba' ; lit thl a. used, for clvlllzuLioll has extingu ished m urry . I lI ever ..ared for men. thnt I. fuany )'uar~ Hhl! hIl s I.o~oll IIvln!; In bly remlnlsc enccs of the Bp eecb of our leges - " In Lho nlu e leH lllh centll ry 100 I hn Orst c:ommcnl'(' mc nt al N~w In- the m, Haveo. in a love r's WilY , null I ha vo ncver h~d diana , She Bays she hu~ uover IICllt cllm. on ceators; th or hav'e the ir ch arm, Am er ican co lleg ~ p rcslth'ut s We ro Yule e ig ht studon ls werc grndullt. ed, and Son:e oC the earlier busl,et~ were .ho allY mind for matrimo ny, I cfluld havo IIIIIIY regularl y with IIny YOllng mOn, Yalo meo moved hy over lit Weth" rsfiel,l n minority es pec ia lly 8S one grows oilie r onel reo grnduat es', " or Iru9' product of months oC InlJo,·. Many of the coil ""'calwA nl Ho !" "Clllllin t e,,", whn 11". lr"d 'fh" Orret'S O[ mllrrlo!; e that come to h er turns to his I1rst 101'€!, 10 loe,ue Ih e sc.'!ool loyal ealllO wllhollt t h c cuSlomo ry courlHhl l'. I he8 3 cannot b e bough I for less than to tho 0091, "PIIIl Ioa cl, s un Ihe rr, hold exercise s nf th e l.. (J'Nn, If we Dlay judge 'by uooks. dialect $25. I'.nd 88 hlgll 00 $1.(100 has been some l'f the III IJretly uIJl·u[)lly. I\ ever fl ourl s heel more Ihall III th ese and grnnrlso n to til.. olrl schou l. g nlll"allll t; li ve Rl llll olIls nut pres· pol<i for s pec imens. The kind uf· "I will have to le ll you !l1", "1 or.e of days of trolleys and c hea p travel and To bo 8nr", with morked change or ~nl l y tl1<l OPI,o Rlllon RIlURldcd . CI'tnthem," she ~lIld , Illughlng ly . "It wus In l, ot Ihat can be bou gh t for $1.50 or ,2 clUlled country , Mrs. Wllklns ·Free- conrlltJo ns In I.hl. eOllntry Ill .. dlllr· " "I'l lc llt boy >I 51!1 1I cI I d.)wn at Nu'w; the CIiSC of II YOIlIl11 1111111 who had madB IS not Ihe Idnd whh:h th e experleu ('ed man hears dialect eno,ugh In New Eng· linte r of \.11(1 "I.ud e;,t" \t o" chu nged. Unv"" , billflrsl cu ll 00 me al ollr home, H e biW col hle lor will accepl. He wants 0 bas· land , Probaul y Mr, Kll,lIns del ecled Numhr rs pf thmn to-Ilay do not hc· An luOllllO('e I~nlllug 10 Iho oalatibeeu lbe l'e ooly Ii sho rt time wbon In Ilet whic h lIIustral CS the IIrll s tlc tnste .Ir\lnso Intonntl ons and lingo In Ve l" lon g 10 lho "hrl'clllI ary" cia"", tho Il shnllJnt or Iho tn slllllilou IInli er ,lis· tbe IIre~ullce of Ih e "ther member s of Ibe and lhe sk ill ot a Irlbe, 1I0t a "pol mont, thollSh nothing a l>proaeh l n g tile I hlrol nnrl fonrth '~ e nll rntlon nt YI\!oI "IIK.lon WII' lbnt mllny looked UpOB family he IJrUIJo.oel m al'riagc to mc, He uoll Er:' uninlelll gi ul c bosh III whi ch he Is cuIl C'!le; lo·day th orfl altonnol nt th" Ho rvord os loo II be rnl. not Rllmclcn tAt .ne lIme bas l,eL making "'as o'n pleased Imew my obJcclioll~ LIJ ruoll'lmo ny ant!. to compose. In Moill e. love ly lIul"m's lly Hons of scif-mlllio m r n , mOil ly orthodox . Stern Colton , Malhor. art carrl eli on by all t h e tribes of 118 ho CUlIlJlcd nl ~ pruposa l wllh thB Maine, Ihe re arc prollun ciu tion s which Ih ut h:I<1 n elt h ~r LIme nor mone)' for HO II of II onc·timo preslrlen t of Har~tl\l emj, ut th lll he ' walllcd 11 wl!e nnd a Pacific COOSl In dian. (!'Om Alaslm to an outla nd er auvl es uut can scarcely lOll!: year ~ ' nt. "Oll O~fl. Many of t IWHO vard, fllvored tho, rlvHI In 811 tlllloo, MOl:ico. AI IIl'esent I h e tribes of Arl- reprodllc hou ~elleulll~ r ,' I an s wered him e, IlretLy "COOL," "boal," even eeif· mRll c mlW, It III n er:lll css tu ' m on · nnll bo vers uatl od tho Connecl lcut "hll.rply , FrlJm m)' earliest . 1:11'1110011 LO lla make Illost of Ih baskets, Th o "state." "stel 0' Ma!n c." have Ihe lr daYll I wa. neVCI' III lovc. IiH 01 her !;Irla Mo),i. or Hopi, and lh e AJlacll'~ mal.e luteres lln s l'arlntlo llS of SOUUII. many bask e ts 01111 plaqu e", lIuuerslu lld II. I du 1',01 really Iwow Tbe " Surry," "cluset ," "c ule rn y, " "Puca· wblltltlH , !Je,'allsc I nevcl' cnrerl for meo Pi",a~ uml MarlcOI)nS form£'rly made huntlig" - why s holiid evc rybody p ro· In l hllt wa)'. Th ere urC nl ure Ileollie ;;et- fine hnsltc ls, and so me 01' th e former noun ce lik e everybod y elso? tlllg nllLrrled t h all s t'lY JlIa~rl e d. Tbe <io to·day. The Plmng le:.rn e d lh e al·t Th e Iruth I ~ l ha t no 1,l nlversal unl · naJlll 'o lel maid' IICVI'r !:"VC uny o tr~ n 8e frol11 lhe Mari coplLs when t h e lat t e r formlty (lrevlI lis . The SOU l hern er , the '10 me , I b ~ III!\' e I hUI'" heen hllpplel' nil f,oughl s he lte l' among them from tb west ern er . the stater, th e In or my life tit!C.1USC I hu vp n()1 bee n mar- siaGsllle r of tho Yumos. abollL lOC ha bita nt of enchmiddle sev'e ral slale. have y enr" 8g0. The MOl'l hal'e a.c r their lIlti I'lc~. At U " " "tll l')' old I 011 1 "I I ractin!!: JII;e n Ill': WITT. e peculiar ities. The cOIiOlry lIlore 81tenllol l II~ all olrlmalt \." s l:e add- lo wen thoi r basket wen vl ns to ceaso, Is full of loca l Illol e t s. Many aI' lh e Leon m rrled bad I dc.qln~t1. lor I hav", pd willt a ~milc. "Lhuu Ir I wn ~ n mal'- whil e th e Phnas I. ~e a gilln Inl, lng II \lec ull a rlli es a sc l'luerl to th e "Yankee " • C(Ubcd n scart! or offers: ' 011 . rioe l wonuul. " s pee 'h may be henrd 'mor e or less over DeW llt's r~060 0 lor ne ver marryll\~ Tit .cheop model'll bosl,e lH Itnl'e milch MI ~!; WIIIlIlIIIS llhl all her 'own 1I0useof t.h e eounl.ry , Cerlat n moun· j s dlut\'llpo llllrucnt tn u lovo ulTall' III \\'01'1< h e:.v)' fibers aud COQl"fe glitches or taln dialec ts or t ho unlll ijhe wa ~ 00 yellrs of O!;C ond sOll th may be marc lois YOII1·b, "I loved o llce .." he ~a !d, contlnu( 'd s lro n(is. The chol e:ll baskets anll Ilml tell In tbelr geograp ~e\\'lnb un III, Rh'e \\',, ~ 98. She hi ca l Illslrlllll ' " anol wns denc lved . I coul u nevI' : ha s olwlIY~ 1J')o n a gl ' ~a l r cader un .l Is ;ilOsc sought by the con noi sseu r fire (I on . hUI Iho Yanltoe ()r I'arll! of Inelt· 10 l'e " nother womnn . All IIfJlIl\ h , fal-o Willi edliClilcd, hllv dcll cat Iy w(ll'e n with mellowcolo red lnl\ for m UllY years ana and of the sou tb will prese rv e th' t o. m«, 1 ha ve I~arrled tll.o Illv o of Illa i. ho~n nllgo gelHn teud,ln !;. Allh ough sb@ Illarl()ng s and sotl. f! exlule s t,·und s . good old Yankee s~eech, eveo If It b e lira t le ve In illY h l\a rl tu Ihls daY,Th e luLler are 80 \V ell IlUt togel h el' truo-w hl eh we (Ieelln '~ to lias not he,," IIUI'/' II or II h ll lll ,sllo hn admit- thaI I'll ~ 1 ) tlll l(luS or th is "v,,,', t In hI , be~ n a /lrln(~r!i III it" (In'ollnl ; much 01 Ihnl. they will hold walm·. It Is s uhl Ho sea Dl glo lI" Is "as cxt.l nct all tbe ('" r ly IIfu D'o Wltt !liIld to III , ,IUI'illl;' Il I ll er lICo In til e (:al'l' to I» almost o nt of Ih o ques tion to dodo." o f illva lld pnrenl9 be 0 h er day w e p! eked s om e vi ijll ilL tho >;0Idler5 ' hUOl~, thut It oe- .nnll gl'l ln~ n mnlh tl"s lovn lIud a tten- rorm II comp lete coilectio n of blls ket ~ , good words out of i.ho dlctlona r), ef rnrrml j ust nfler the close of Ih e Mclti- tlon to several flllllillc~ &1'.,1 I!l m nke a collecllo n of 50 or ~O o[ · Illld rcm. "Terms Us d In l~or est ry and Log'an wlIr: 11 0 \vlL~' II m Clllh cr IJf all In . "No." ~ he ~'llrI . "I hat "'liS nol It!y rcn.- good o ncH , s uowlns the d iffer ent stnsed sing," m ~re drops ou l of the great ,i la l),1 rcgl uulIll 10 th~t Nll'lIgg l~ nll ,1 SO li for nCI'cr gettin;; (I[ d vc lol'm eol , m can s h undreds o f ocea n at epec lal yet in Ih e IIlllln marrlc~. It \\'88 es· mllos of tmv el to the r es e l"\'alloLl~. sentlally wh e n the wal" wo's ov e r , willlt 10 lh ~ popular vocabul aries. That and I h eXPllndl turo ot much money s tron " J~o"l Uel ds or Cnllfol"niJl in s r UI'f"l1 of a-. ge 111111 gif ted s ,.;eech , " Penn sy l· and much speech In, eonx lng the re lu, Vania D furl ""0, 1.11;0 RQ many ul h 'r!!, 111$ utch," IR still t oo IItlle know n. IIn.nw of the old t ribes to parl wllil We see iLO I I~. o f s"curln s weallh 'VI'I"O Hilat · no rea son why a man s houldn ·t lIlelr wOI' en t reasnres . ~r >u, a'nll ho WAS on, hl ~ WilY bock to be eager and proud to possess and th e Si ntes. He 8topped In C01 0nl,10 treaSIII'O every portiel'l of. h.l ~ naU,'e l or awhile, ond tbere h e met ' the IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. dtaleet. be It Florl d l!ln, Oregoni an, daushte r ' o{ a ran b er, who hnll c mlKan san, Eve n If he' ls not. It be loves gl"Ole~ 10 Colorad o fro m· the cast. Whethe r a Fellow'S El!nmor ntn Calls that cheap plated "cosmOjlolllanls m ~ I t appearel l iO be a cllse or 10l'e 01 wbi ch scorns lhe vernncu lar of th e Rim or Some Other Fellow firs Nlsht, at least It wa~ so on tb@ s oll,_ h o- mny he guiltily sure lhat hi s Hnnoso rue. part of 'DeWllt, end, after & fow sveech, and eHpeela.!ly bls vowel s, belweeks' conrtsh Ip, they were ensased 10 Sbe WIIS pl ctn resqn e; he wns ath'· trays him. {(ce p your ea rs open 10 II be married . The prellnlln arles of thl) tellc, al ert aoQ. In ter ested In every· 'c ar, ferrybon t or In t he street and tlon , hllllt their r,)rlll ne. In Iho west a ge nt at [,ondon to try to win tbe In· mlirrJag e were all ar ronged and tt was one. Tbey appeare d 10 Ue the bes t you will ealch many shad es of "pro' and lh r re d we ll, !Jut they, too. Bend Lel'os t in It or w!!althy F:n!;lls h polrons . tn lalte placo all sooo as the IIccnsJ of frl 01ld$, says the New York SUIl, vln ela l.....:..and I.herefor e thrice blosHed thel'" s ons cas t IU tho famOl1ll 01,1 (1;llhll Yair, Il Ulan of largc wealth nnd s chool-Y ale belong9 to tho P acific nOI(lcj [or hi s girt could be secured . This III tbnl early end she was evid ently g en eralis -Inlona tion and s lo l'<incntionnl nnot pronunc liltlon. (lay In Colorad o wns bArd .mol ter to tow ard other women , for os the two Finally. l)I'on th e snob will drOll th e coas t as well os lo New Haven , Conn. reli g iou s ln alli nllon H, befrtcnd ell the Mecuro and tbere was consider able delouu ged on the sand s at on e of lhe prunes ond pris ms Ollt of hi s mOllth Yal o for lo ng h a s becn mnrk c ~ as Iwep- nell' Sl1hon \. I-Ic s~ nt uver blloks ond In g In close t ou ch wllh Iho ~ounlry , a co ns lgnlllrni Jay In seUtng It. 10 tbe meantim e Defo sblan" hle beach es ' he dhl not resenl wh l!n he sets old , of J!: .. ~t Ind ln mer· MISS ELIZA WIl.LIA MS , Witt was,ca ll ed to St. I.ollis on some Imhi s e n l husla s tlcally eXll reS3e(1 /telmlra· We'll bet tb ere's ple;n(y of Yanll ne allll for Il ,' Isorolls .J c motrocy . In 0 <:handls c- ll wag In hull .. ho mod~ hilt s on 11nrtant bUSiness motter to' hIm , nnd b Ca\ISe ' I s!) Ynle may he cull ed a nallonal fon IIne - nll'l 11'11 h t he mnn ~y ohtlllncr1 nccent In' Ver mont still. It Ihere 1 ~ II'l, neV H 10vo.1 In th o len'c r', lion for her natural enemies . ' Im lve rRlly. , L t ns go bneit to li s " co ll cgn blllh\lllg wben In severa l w eel,s ho relurned b e sense, or, a s pcrbal)S "The re's a fin e, 1·lgo ro' If;· looldn ~ our Burling to n friend ShOll ltl visit, wn " erecIClc!. At tho YIlU \l'oul<1 ex press fou:o foimd that the girl ha d married IInoth~r It, ~ nevcr met m di ll s , tra ce, wllh wh ut Ilmc w e ilrs l com men cclllulll y falc. I't wa s better gIrl." the lis ten er h oard h im s oy , Wllh s ay, the J erse),s. In goorl, Rat. I1ll3al, th e Il rnt c rul trus, )1'0 "0. !Ls s u cces~ h' e 110rloel 5 us col· tees chrlHt ell ecl loan . ~ thus. I lIaye always beon bap!)y . I be· manifes l Ill-eleren ce for th e buxom lw::>n~lng genu In c Yanl, eo speoeh th , tho school In bouor of leg la le sc hool. coll Aft or that be wandere d' nlmlc~s ly lIovc In ,Iopklns pn tbe hl'lgh og~ nlld unlv e r s lly , Elllhu Yllle. t side or amI Bumptuo uR In womaold lltl; ond Jerseys outShine many of lhe lr neigh· Now 8nl'en'" IIr~ 1 selllers (l1;3S) nhout, ",'orklng as a carpeU,t er nnd at life. Althoug b I am growing Dllrln~ Ih n fir st century of Ya le's nry 01<1, hI. slim . lissom eoml,anl on 0,1110<1 with· 1101'8, Sceno and landsca pe seem to bad plann ed a colll'go os p"rt ot th ei r Ill s tol'Y It may 1111 " oIlier trndes; and .rnall)' 8il.!>tllng down T t ry to (eel young. I love too be In ha ve a !rected th e "ocol orsons. lule ,1 thnt tho "h lef lIIe out envy: Te 'llliremenl ~ . hut Mns£ach llsclts to a hermlt'l! : IIte' lo lodlana ; living all compan y of lhe youns, In many , rcob· .'nd or IhQ eo[l <,so wn:~ to tr~ln Y01mg "Y es. and sh e'll gl·~~erili. loo," and J'lcled 10 lI,l ~ au lhe gro\tnO Illot t he tllell for a pension received from th e'govern ment SPcclJ>, I try l!l make ' theIr t h e mlnl~lry ond tho state. wnys my s o on, Indefinit ely. What mo re lJb· The' NOl·th R J.ver, pOP\llatl on ot th l! ('olonles was nol Wlre l1 Tlmol hy , for Ills servl~e during tbe Melliean .war. ways. Us ,old people ought 1.0 c owl;:ht bt!(~o 'n o ,prcal. ultlvute eraltty could It woman show ? Long beforo I.h e revo;(uU onary war, equal to t,he SII I)JlOrl of the col lese delll Some years ago he wen t to tbe soldiers ' the spirit o f rcellng young o,'e n If Yal o cnl!lfcd lipan :L ncIV ern ; ou r , fter about an hour of Ihal 801'1 of North river (In Mass nchusoll s) hnd he· estnbll s hod at C'amhrlr ll\f)- Hnrvard nn tl dllr ing hi s rul 1I0me at Lnra),et te. oow regarded life's pendulu m Is t:lI \ltlily approac hing thin;;. how e. 1796 · 1~17 ever. sh e finally turned fll\l come nn Importa nt fu elor thl) tn the li te W!\S fonnrl ed In I GJu, Thi s ohj ec tlon ~c ope 01 Ih e o s one of I he D}ost eccentri c Inmates UIC tlOIe wllen It will ccase to swing." co ll ege wns srea tl y broad· on him the se rlolls gaze of he r b ig, ot thlR I,oopl e, It was lin o utlot bein g 10 "al 0 tliere, 'Is pointed out to tile vlsltora a t b e ld , Cor 00 ~' I'nrs tbo I)copl c e ned: Il CI"I1I3nent 11ro(esso I'H ANJ< D II~DlNL':. brown oyes and sn ld, softly : rshlps wer/! large Inland country . Not only wcre man who has bulI~ Ills own colHn and eslahll . h d, "' CII nf ullllsual ablllly se"I 'd like 10 hav o yon s how me a its fi s hcrl es of Importn nce. bnt coasthI. own tOOlb, glv1'ng ns his reB600S tbat Plenty of Soldiers . ' leclclI, I he co ll ('I;O square ~xle nd ed, good· lool,i n g lIlan." in g vessels found their way ' up t.h e 110 'bas no relative s to Care tor blm· autl The Frenrh cnnscrlp tlon ~cr I ho nc lV ,)Julldlll gs crcc tl'tl. 1,l nn ~ made ror H e I)roudl y called oLlcnlio n to him · stream, and consl et ernbl e trad e W89 tbat If dies without t'he" worl: tielns army Is more 01" less of II srab bag. 111 0 01' a nl 7. atloll or 11I'ofess ional seH. carried ou, Pack et !ln es were es ta h· and m ore thAIl once Homo recrull h a .. schools • lind,,,' <l l. line't t acllllies. " \·es. I kno ...·." s ho s ai", "I)IIt nn· II s h e<1. nnd tho ril'er became n scene In prese nletl hlnise lr. In ans\\'er 10 ~ P reBI<i rnl [)\I'i ~h l' ij da y Ihe r evenlles ollle r." of bll's y Ilfc. Here, aI E;o. Industri al ~urumons, who ha s scarcely t Ilpe i a or Yal e hnd Il, c nttendun co wero "They nrt~ [ ew," h e rcs llOllu ed , wi th nCll vilY (olln(\ n plnce, 'AH cnr ly n ~ yard measure . Tho r ecen t conser l" . a R gl' ('ally Inc rea se d. OQM ve lll un gl"i n, "h ut the re's on e Jf.7 S 5hlps we re built o n Its banl,a, tlO!} from Ihe Rotl ez d istrict le ll :I~'1 Olh'r nalli es Ihol s houl.1 ue tou ched that Is' 110t ho'.I:' trom Pembrol ,e to tlle sen, ancl , In lil e so mcw ba t lO even things up, [01' on e ct on In I hi ~ brlrf rrd ew of Ihe IIpbu lhl Th e g irl's eyes IIghl ed up ns she y e al'~ that follow ed , nllm erou s Ship. the conscrl[ lts, wlth- Ih e d lmln\; lI l' " log of the In s tllllilori nrc those of look ed at tb e mall ir,tii cotprl . yards brought J)r OSporll), and I'enow n name or Col, was fOllnd 10 scale sevr.I' P"cs id"IH Wool scy. N o:II. PortoI' aOtI "Stunni ng! " ebe s81d, enthusln . tlcnl· to this parI of th e COIIllI ry, The I" r.~· fc"t four Inch es, NO lhln g In thl: mill .. 1'lmolh y owl ;: ll l Ih e seco nd . Iy. "So well buill . nn el hand som c ; sela built h ero \Jero me known Ih e Each lary ,,'tores 1I'0uid tit him, an d before add,'u mil ch 10 Yalc's gl'o wlb. The ond bra lily looklns. too," world over bofore 1300. Th(:y we ro al · b e ~,'uld join tbe uni formed rank. l,e I n~ r lI alll('u () 111 ~ r(' l l u po n hf a \\I o rl, at Hcr compa nion cbanged tho Hubjert. ways desl!;nal ell as havi ng b een l>uiIL had to be prOl·ld ed wllh nn oulllt o mOlll e li1 rlpl' for I ' h~lIg~, 'lOll prove,1 A few minutes lat er. Ihe st r:lllge r on Ibe rrver. nnd n ever :In any of t he I:oelall)" mad e tu r him, DecallRo of IIle Ill e Illall 10 t al,c adl'lIlIla go or Ihe op. again passed Ih ~ m In hi ' wnlk "11 and t own. ,o n Its ban l,s,- Fru rn "Oltl Co l· disQarlt y of hIs sl1.O with t h. t '0 ;· b 'n \I" AS pOrl un il)'. ony Shl[)·Bn lldlns," by Ev ~ ll na W , tlo wn t il e b each , companI ons h o ,,' III n ot h o e ~m l: ell~~ Ya le li as s looel for consc fI'all s m tn "Thero's thnt hun ds ome m an a ga in:' Drew. III Four·Tra cle New". to taka hi s plRCO In tho ran I, ,,, I.ut ge Il P l'~ i. hilI n OI tor narrOIl' 30ld th o girl; lind th e li s tener heard bl golr)". of New )-Iav en se nt I hell' sons to :\ ' V N~ ' co ns id erable some special oen-Ico will ue fou nd (C).' [lart or Its origl· a borytone Krow l lhot souillie rl III, e: Wh ere Hebrew 18 nn I.nuovat ion. blm, H ananl. Dut th e nee" for a sehool nal I' llIl u\\' monl t amc from Eplsco· "Fnt blol,e." YiddIsh I. an archaic anll COI' l'll (>1 of 1111)11' ow n bN'lIm c IIr:;,'nt in tl.a palian s as w ~1 1 n .~ Congr!'g allonalls ls. form of Cermnn rX lens lve ly spoken by eOli l'SC or II nil" on 'l "ftc r 01 lIeh a glta· a nd I n I he (\:0 Y" or IIc no mlnalion a Y oung Womnn Like a Daby. I In· Old, Old Story, J e ws In many cou ntri es beside" Ger· ti on of th e m al t C' t' a !!('c i sh '" , t ('11 I l .tfl l' all c (' Owing to 1\ strange CaRe oC mentnl EI,i scOI)alia n mIni s ter" " Ha ve a goo,\ t ime llt I be !Jeaeh 7" mnny Itse lf, A startlin g Instance of to \\'ards Its [ ormal io n \\,a. la l, en, Ill e 1'I'[',1c ll oli in Ihe co ll ege c1,apel. Ih\! r e lup!<e. 111189 :'Ilary Senllr.] ft YCII :~ ns l,ed Elh IIR popn larlty Is glve ll by 0 writeI' In mlnlsl c r ~, al\\'nl"~ ol. DE WITT'S !lfONl' ML':NT. Ill e learler3 III those c ll n ll ~ 1 Illa t ha s h old' slIeh la rge plact! oid, cif Morristo wn. N. J ., who wa" a "No ; deadl y dull, " rerlled Maud , t he J ewlah Ch ronI cle. In J erusal em da ys , 1,11;1111; Ih e In ill all l' c. Ten of III Ih e life o[ Ihe Yalc s lud ell!. dooe mere friends and ncquolnt Rnces few day" ngo 11I,e any other womo" he mel "n worthy man who d enounce d Ihc t'lli ct mln!.t "Only two m en Ihere," 1" . nill e nf, lh em br!sh l, active nnd enjo)'ing h enlth, toY" I" 1I1I1" ers lt y Is mos t I)Ica ~Q ntly 'Will not carry out bls wlsbes. "Well, coul rl o ' l ro u la nd one of me [or bein g unnble to convel's o wl1ll Han'arc! gradllal es. calllP to;; lhe r nll,1 , llIl oleo!, th c coll!'gfl ca mpll s bOI·der· day lu Illce 0 b:lby, sca rcel:,' abl" him 10 In Ylddl~h. He bas been at work on his tombst.o ne 'You a re no .Jew,' h G by n gift of bo ol,s for them?" a library lu g 011 !lIe I'\ e w Hnvcn gree n. Tho for live )·ears. It Is In the cc m~t ery nt 'walk 0.11(1 apltl'ccl allng nothing of w;,nt "0. res; bu t I was c ll ~aged to th cm prot csled. ·· for )·ou do not know tho fouud ed n coll egl~te In st ltul lon . In e llll s of Ne\\' flnr en are far famed. Battle Ground, eight miles from Lafsy. SOOd oc around her, Twice before el,(I ' h<llh last s umme'· ...- Loui(\ vl li e CaUl" jewish langllng e: {answ ered thnl 170 t tho coloni a l a s.cmol,\" I;ro nl ed a a nd .Ius tly; Ih oir rIpe 0101 :ise seems Hehre w wos the Jewlah language , anet charter ette. Tbe marble sbaft. Is s ix feet bigh had th oso pel'lorls of ' r el apse to 10r·Jour n a l. by wblch the ten ml"lsl ers and .ig nili cani of th e maturily that I was quIte wlllingl o Iry to speak th c and <II;;. and two feet square, Btondlng b cneath a lau c:~·. She Is hot weal; In Intellect , lr sIJccellso rs were madc tru ~ tees or nlly of tlte place Illey adorn. Gone to h im _ I\Jlr~ndlns tree to ucape \lIe 8un's rays, a8 sbo wa~ gradllate d from n llorochla l III It. His rejoinde r was : 'I t be Colleg lnl e School or Con n ecticut; Law of Opposi tes . are Ih ~ old bulldlug ,; If Ih!' old s tu· lIavo no palleo'ce wllh this new-fan g led On It, carved by DeWILt' s own hancl s , 8chool os one of Ihe brlght esl m em bord Diggs-T here gO M ' MiS'gl '5. thi s th o expresse d aim oC Ihe e nl er· dents could COIlIC He's back and were to Idea nr ' s peaking Hebrew In Jerusa. are hi s name and .the dale of Ills blrlh of he, class. Her elisa Is not one of homely enou g h to stop a clock, blltprise: That "Youth mny be InSl ru('teu 10011 for (lInin "011 Brick Row" Insnnlty , but . s he Is Incapab lo of lem.' "-Lond on Globe. ond and the followlo g epltaph~ , BlggH- But wbal? In the Arts and Selences who th ro ugh Ihelr sleps IV e re bllhl ~ll thol1 £ bL 8llot!ch or rcspomlI Jl e a,ction. by some ml ~, "But hla wlto Is pretty enoup.h to "A bachelor lies benCBlh 'Ibis .ad Ihe bleg~l n g of God lIIay be flilell for ~ hlevoll '10 011 s In youn te nls nud PUI"I)O'lr. S s\l e 18 80 stO)) a trolley car.'·-{} gs lpr to , Ihemoder ~ '. Wbo dI80b.)\ .~ t ile In ... s ot 004. , Very Charitab le. hlcago Dally Public Employ ment hoth In lhe s true.ture s-say Van'derb I ' Advice 10 'others Ihna 1 gl"clofant llt ' boll-tb l''' Awkwar d Silouse -I se,~ our Het It Church and Civil News. Stale:' DOl\'1 Uve a 'ba ch' (\B I dlQ, JI\:c." would turn to th e ' elma ns tho Doe . to hnve a grand chorlly bllll: Did you Tbe hend or the sc hool bore the title faJtbful friend. Tbe marble Btands pn Q mound and ' , Fol\e~ Agn,ln. evor dance f!lr obarlty? Tommy 'll Ide" of Them. . Of r eclor; he 'wt>lI I\S Isted ' the ,,'r st benl:atb It lhg velerao bos nlm \lit com- • Villain- If 1 sbould Idss But aft~r all lhe .days of tile plalo Teache r-What arc tbo ' parts of Pretty Wlt~f course. non't you year by but ooe tutor. you ,To sec ure the livIng were good old times. and tbe7 Illeted bllt;T8v e. Itl,"nll ke any other P060 you'd go tell )'our moUler, speech! remeinb er 1I0w I used to t ake pIt)' on Bupport ot the towns .along tbe Coo· turned alit men. Not but wbat ~o·dar. , irate 10 the cemeter y and o~cuJ)le~ Modern Sbepber dess-No; 1 TommY Tucker- It:s-It's W!lOD • )'ou and, dnnco wIth you wbea we Il.rst DeetlO\lt river, It was "DIed to est a'" does too-occ a : lonally. .on -" W&ot t I met?-ob~lIg0 .J~,!!~ mao .tu~tel1lc-Ob"'!caco 'Trl ~u ne: - .. apll,l.. - .. ... llah the. oew aut of lear,olng at Bar· . .... pleat)' of room IQ 10 tell myflawy cr.-.Iuda e.. KATHE RINE I'CW&

of Yale University


--- --









. .- .


." . r

Publli bed WHllly at Wa ,a.n1lle.

- '- - --

O~ l o

T.h e foll o win~ s tate ment O'f t he r ecei pts and expenditures of t he T . J . I1H O Wrc, ASROl' I." TI EllJTO K. muni olpal water and light pl,ant 11 .00 a year · . . . . . . In ad .... nee f rom Ap!'11 1, 1004 t o J a nuary 1 .J. :.!l\ & )Iear H not Ila ld In OOV il DOC 1005. is s ubmit ted by t·he Boord 'of Pu bllo Affllirs . OFFICE IN J ON ES BUILDING. REOH:ll'l'8 Received fr om W llter , 562 80 '1' iluElPJlOrlEl eJILlt • • rlO. 6·~ R eceived from lights, 777 14 Recei ved from supplies and WEDNESDAV . ' . . OC'I'OR .~ R 18 · .. IgOb Jabor , 1,03 1 60 Rooelved from County Troos. 630 00 Amount on band at ulose of EDITORIAL COMMENT last y ear . 59 28 Overdra ft. 14 86 "The frost is on the pumpkin And tho fodd er In the shock ... 3075 68 -----EXPltNOITURES It WIIS II wise t.hlng on the part of 1173 . 0 tbe Bome.Cornlng committee to Paid for Labor , 59 32 oba nge the dllte of the event In Paid for Ex t ra Labor , order not to confilot with t.he Y earTy Paid for Coal, 718 2:1 86 10 Mee tings of both Societies of Friends P ",id for Insurance. 27 84 To make the Reunion II SUccellll we Paid for 011 , 13 75 11'111 n eed the. .coopera tlon of people for Carbons. 997 04 of all denoml.oations. and holding Paid for Supplies , the reunion a. week earlier than first planned will make little dltlerence 3075 ~ 8 to those who wish to attend. eKOWN l AOK•.8KK'1' M. McKAV I

1'' ' ''1'.


uud Manalt'lr!


'UNMATCHABLf -.--'---Values at Mose Cohen's, Dayton. O.

consolidated last ' week, t he Welltern Star a nd tbe Republloa n. R ecord b eoomlng one . Tbey will be published Illnder t.h.e name of the Wes tern tltar. Tbis leaves t hree papers In Leba non , the Star, t h e P a t riot a nd .the Pr888.

- -- - - - - --~-- ~ - . £ __: -: Ne~ Ourto For Oan'o er. · " 'rho Ur . ,61' Tr,l'~t Allsur(lloe oanoors are now known too beO llrnbltl, by Buoklen 's A rnl Oil. UI e \I t t' 0 r ' N e r vo II a 81l1ve. JIIS. ,Wlllters, of Dllffil'ld . \ Illld l :tu ooio DI e II" VIl .• 'wri tes :' "1 had u canoer 0 0 my , ~ It . ,'" Ull for year~" th at seAmed i nou r'a ble , till Buoklen's Arn io,. I'\lI l vp h eillo.d l U~3 r.lh o. II· "' I ' ' f Ab, nluto aad p .ltU In u \\ urtb , L1u ll cc t vf!d ll Utl roullli t O III It., and now it is pe rf · well . ' · Ih" lr u" •.v .,. ", 01 cmc. ltl. ". lw\lcrIHIl· Guarllnteod oure for OU t.R ILnd bul'nl:l abl e a. trulb 1l.~ I! . Ill< acc urate! In t Ufa' 200 lit Lo uis Mll.V·" (Irnl! th'O reo"II' a . a "x uI'! .clonre. 11 Wond· C-

lin .


A JudiCiOUS Inquuv . A well known t raveling man who visits the drug store trade 88ys he ha.s often heard druggists inq uire of oustomers who inquire for 'a oough medioine, whethor it was wanted for Il ohlld or for a n adult, and If f or a child they 1~ lmost Invariably r ec ommend Chatnberliliu 's Cough R em edy . Tbe reason for this Is t h a t they knew tlllere Is no danger from It and tha t it alwo.ys oures. There is not the leas t .danger in gi vln g It, l\'nl1 for oouglbs . colde Ilnd oroup It i~ uns urpassed . F or slllo by MIlY.



neighboring paper reoently mentioned that more than $200.000 had gone from that comDlUnlty in the past five years into stock In all well!l, gold minea and other ventures located at a distance, I~ they existed ..t all. and of whioh those who bought stook knew nothlnR what· ever .alde from the story told them by the agent. The paper went on to say tbat hardly one·teuth of the ..mount spent for sucb caU8es oould be eeourlld for a wo~tby projeot· In the bome tow!!.. At first sight It would .eem 'a town of this kind is woofully laoklng In publlo splrU. and yet tbis merely shows a side of buman nature that I. found everywhere. Wayneevllle haa had tbe experienoe, and while the "lBount paid out here for stook In wortblOlll companlea ia Bmaller tban that above mentioned, yet if tbe ' money had rerpalned at home it oould have been .. wonderful help -in buUc11ng up our locaHndustriee.


A p.r'Y of workers belonging to the Ohio 8unllay School AlI!IOCIation and touring tbe State In the Inter. eeta of Sunday IIOboolB~ beld con.' vODtion In WayneevlUe laat week, Conventions of thia kind are some· thing of a Innovation i but it II au iDDovatloll worthy of ~ommenda. 'Ion . Nowhere lB active, energetlo, work more neoel8ary tban In the ~unday school. We have an in. .fenoo of that right bere at home. On A reoent Bunday, someone estl· mated that In 11.11 the SundAY echools of Wayneaville tbere were not a bundred ohildrell. ,There shonld be an attendAnoe of two or tbree bundrod. There are BOveral call86S fQr tbla, prinolpally thAt tbe people at large do not appreciate or take an interest ID the work of the Bunday BChool And the ohlldren are not in. fiuenoed toward ·tbe Sunday sohool . at home. Another reason II that the work of maintaining the S~nday 8Obool ia ulually lef& entirely to the mlnlater. or one or two other work. en. We bope to llee the time wben every pArent and every oburch member will feal It a duty to take an active Interest in the welfare of the Sunday IIObool _ aud Work for it.




The Memorial Building Iu. last week's Gazette mention was mad~ of a memorial building for Warren county. From What we have been able to learn cif the propoled building we believe tbe object worthy of serlons consideration by tile people of the count.y. The $20,000 required for the hulld. ing wlll increaae tbe tax rate of the county very IIUle. '! 'be building will have commodious busln8118 rooms on the lower fioor and wlll no doubt more than pay the cost of ItII malntenanoo. Thia mewor Ia I b u ildl ng I s proba. bly the last thing the people of War. ren county will be called on to do for tbe 801dlers of the Civil War. The ranka of the surviving veterans are rapidly thinning out . I:-Ioon the bugle will sound tape for the last time, and the stirring days of '61 to '611, with ItIIleaaons of self·saorifice and patriotic devotion will fade away. but &8 a conltant ' remlnder tbe ooun'y's splendid memorial building will stand as an object 100000n to the plUllllng generations of the 8tory ' of the daY8 that tried

rO UM Itl tl~Hhl tl lO t h l.1 a lc k Il n d Al llot;. It hal'l cn tJuru() L Il ~ l eg" or tlnH'M u nd lJt"e u t rl ~ t) I II Lhu c r uci blr' or CXl h: r l ' II( c . , hm ' I: r a th,u u r t ct' g l.·ror.u lli n or Ur . U r eCIl6n h a \' c r o;ltored htm l LU ,"0 l i l t iluffer lu g In 't h ellt ma r l' eIUl. ' me,Uo(uUti. l1dap L1u ~, o rw u tl1. l n.c aut.! po rt(t~ L lll lo! th e treut. men l


Goma With the Crowds to Dayton's Greatest Store \

J AMES LINDE R ht•'lI. r e t ur ned .


thr ough IOIl ~ rOUTS 01 cllorll!OUSpnootlcal CX1Je ri t! Due aUl n n~ t h e !flck . by g'1'3.tld. · rnt-her. r~lt h e r .lllct "'on , lI todllY tbe thlnl ~e n . rallou uf Dr. (Jrtontl8 I. glv· IIU{ to lh tl wur ld Il lt e ve n more "" Ce CiliAt ut pr ac tice . n ~ Ul"Cr a u,t mor e pot,Ul vc

Seventy. nine Pleasant Salespeople W ayn es ville nnd opened II CAU IU ACl J!: SHOl' In W righ t ·s buildin g I n upper Ready to Give You the Beet lUe .. u ~ o f oure th an h a Nfl \r ~ r he re to for e of Ser vice. Main street,. He Il-sks t h e p"t,r noflge \ be en pl aoucl lJc turc th e (h: vre~!tc"d . weak· e nell a u d .t b,cu nr a Rc tl vlc t hns o t c hrll llic 25cand 500 Men's New Fall Neok. of tho publio in nKPA II{I NG VJ!: fII01..H:8 c ClUvt ;,lu tJi . wear, values OIie·t hlrd more. Oil' ALL KrNO!l. REPAINTI NG eot . OH M F . A. & .1 A . (lR EKN IIl 5c 110 a nd ,170 Chlldren's Blaok ;Arc t he protlrl ct.o rH of "haL m os t m onel E ver y body who knows Mr. Lin Stockings, w or th 100. 150 Ilnd OUMo t ull rc mcllI ctI fo r Llle Nor ves a nd d er , knows his work is II'lItR'r OLASS Ulood , 250. 250 For thA Mose Cohe n Special \)1\, ~1\r.Erl:-'s: rlE1\'lltI1\JI. Come a nd see him . l !:\th Suspender , .. 350 value. All a r ~ Il rl '· lh ·~~ltu t.,() II "ull Or Orc e ne TWr"ollll lly 0 " hy mal l. e nUre ly fre e. 50cMen 's New Fall Shir ts t hllt would cost 750 elsewhere. 250 500 , 750, 'l. ooFI1\1 a nd Winter Offic,', lU I' Fll t b AV6 1111P, 1>.. Y., ... Under wear ; 30 per cent 88 ved t.i t b here . 1 00 lIic. 250 Men's P lain and WARREN COMMON PLEAS. Fancy HOBe. The Rreutest s tock In Dayton. , L B. MKNUENDA I J . 50c all s tyles of W orking \'8 ~ Case No. 1020 , 25cBnd VE'l'ERI NA RY I'lU RGEON Gloves, Worth one t hird LEE MASONe t al ) Our Lecture Course I..+> hun.,II , Ohl .. . m ore . 6u1fering tbe m isery By vi rtue or a n ord er of sal t', d ul y issued Cft n btl 0/1 1\,.0. Jlny h Ol1r, dn y or sutd · Court~ in l.t:.c above at.o. t.e4 case, 25c lind 500 Boy's K nell Plln ts IU1d agony that come is Assured tarom n ll to w e dl r ecw d. 1 wUl off~ r for salc, by . nl A'h t . Bot h BplI Imd VuJ\a y Other s tores Ilsk 50Q Bnd 750 from your live r being wa y of public auction. ut the door of th. out 01 order - trying P h uII P ~. Vu II .. , Ph n n l' (l 238. Waynesville will have ~ lecture Cuu r t B ouse, . Sn L"e bu no u, \Vll r ren Coun \y, 50 0 hildreo 's l:iohool S uits, to bear' up in th .. b•• OhIo. 011 • equal to the 1112 Ilod 12.25 lief that you will b'l course this winter . all rlrbt In a day Of A oourse of five numbers had MONDAY,OOTOBER ~:J ,A. D.11105, kinds elsewhere . two- are you deliber3 48 Boys ' 8ults, with an ox tra been arranged for early In the fall , lit 10 o'cloolt a, m.. on . ald (Jay. t b ~ roll ow lng ately neglecting the • pai r of pllnts to matoh. waroing of oU lralfed but for some rea.son the people did deacrlb~ d real e. tal". IO-wl " Situa'" In Wayne Townsblp. Warren ~ 5 00 Boys' Suits. t h e " Mose Nature - com mi ttIng not take hold and buy a snfficlent County. Oblo. "lOd beIng ... JIIl rt of SectIon 'ill. Cohen Speolal." truly thll blunder of believ. II. 'r . •. n. ". ld. :R. S. aeslnnlul! al a Sl.OoP log that yo u don'l number of tlokets to insure itll sue. 10 the center oC Ibe Clnclonatl aaJ Xe ni a wort,)) $ 1.00 . medicine ? cess finanolally, aud so the matter tu rnplko at the NIJrtb Welt corner of 1011011••1 23c and 450 Boys' FilII CI\)l8; . l00 lleed Hyou nre, the sooner Ham tl LO n 'lJ for ullu l y J obn Robe ns lilDd , was dropped. t o 250 sa ved here on Cups . JOu commence tho .ald , tono h ... lo~ been so placed. by Joel ANL> l'EAU:ll I N 5c 500, 75c Bnd,t1.00 Ulrls ' Ne w me 01 Thursday, a representative of the E V\1 I1 8, S UTveyol:. under tho terms or rOJllllrom lsc bt t wee o Dll\~ td Mason tor Sus a n Taws Ilnd Hats; on o· style Bureau under whose management Mason and John Rubena, in c; No. 4614, half r egula r hatters ' prlcell Warren Coullty (JommoD Ple"s Court. ADd (I...~.t'.,.) the attraotionll on the Course ap. ruanln~ theaee S. 81 deg. 26 mla. E. 40.0 . $1 00 Boys ' Soft Hats In Illl the cbatns Little Miami R1"er ; tD.nce N. pear, ' oame to Wayne8v1l1e and 18 s; a ' 1. 50 vILlue • n e w color min. I~ . 2 .61 ub aln.; tbence. N. made suoh arrangements that the 30 deg. 30 min. P~psin E, a. 1 0 ohl!. ; thonce with tbe Tel.·"II ' '"p ill h i~ h" u"p whe re be 1 00 ' 1. 1i0. '2.00 to 1113 1i0 Me n 's rive r to t be east section Hne or Bcction 11 ; Course la now assured . • Correct F all Bats ; 500 to Clln h,' ,·; , 1\ ,' ,1 III 11 1\ h nn r~ . nll Y or thll bett~r It will be for you . thence. wllb East stotlon line ot "ec. II , N. The program will be the same' as 1" -Ie. min . .E. w th o S . E . corne r or tb e ' 1.00 sav" d on Hats bere. You can 't nfford to fool with your n illhl lands of J . W. Ed... ar~ . In 8al4 sec. 1I0e; 50c Boys ' Bea vy Lin ed J OOlJ liver. a nd you certainly can' t a fford to announoed earller 10 the Fall. \benco "Itb EdwarCIs' lIao S. 66 des 50 bll wit bout this great remedy it ),our . CMoheR 1I11t1 c hILlrl4 Ht1IJplled . Pants r egulur 750 kinds . Dr. A . A. Willitt'a leoture on min. W , a,24 ch...; tb. nce N 81 ~ eg. 4S mla. Uver Is out of order. Don·t ,lela)'. W 2 . .. obalns 1.0 :Ii point In tbe Lobar-on ~n 4 55c Men's Va rk Colored J ean A'l,"'-' ,Pf', ·,· th· !1 '.,,·pcl t o room Both you and your liver will be belter "8un'BhI~e", Tuesday, Nov. 7. Waynesville pl jle ; Ihunce S .5 deg au mIn. Pants •. wort p every cen t of "liven" th an ever. next to Cr n~~ BrOil. The Morpbet and Stevenson W 6.U polea. t be nce S 71 lieII'. 4 5 min. W 850. DR.CALD.WEI. L·S SYRUP PEPSIN 6 .:2 poles ; tbence S 00 dill! W 7.:. poles ; Novelty Co •• Wednesday, Nov. 22. tbence S 30 deg H. min W 7.H IIhallUl ; Ibence .90 Men 's Blue Ove ralls or can be obtnlned in both dollar an d balf- MAIN B1'fl EIt1 . S H deg 6 5 mi D W IS 20 .h.l~s: thence N d C Jooke ts' "0 else wh er e aud dollar sizes fro m nil druggists. , '" Your money will be refunded if It Berbert Leon Cope, HumOrist. 81 dell' 80 mlo ' W H .6 0 poles 1.0 Samuel . Clement,,'. formerly nUlb SI,eldom'. east .pay 400 to 500. does not benefi t you. H. ~' cCA S SY , ,.-, ~,. M, D. ,Satwday, 000. 22. :!:'e~\ yt~~:~0':~81::..~:~~0~a~ ~:Se~t~~r~O:; 45c Men.'8 l~nOd Boys' H eavy Bluu !8~r."~:~ c':,rgo~~~e·~bri~1 ~~ ~t~H· i~~ '!'be MO'1.8rt Symphony Club , of of D saId Clemeats' laad : lbeace west with enlum verans or Jllokets : BOOK OP WONOERS" and Cr... lample 10 126 W eMt f'ifth Str eet, New York. Feb. 7. said Olements' soutb lIoe to tbe Utlea [Klr· 650 vala ~ . thO •• wbo have never tried thl. wOllduflal byJ;'>lke: thence easlwardly wltb eald pike ~1 00 Men 's Blllrllne Cnssimere nm<4,.. lleDd_l_od_a-,-Y_'_____ F. B. Wiokersham, Leoturer. 1.0 Oaytnn. Ohi o. 'De wen 1I0e 01' a 6~ ncro tract lIS plated In 'II' calC No. "674 In Wa rreDOOUOS,. Oblo, Com· • Pants-Equal to ' 1.50 PEPIIN aYRUP co. Monday, February 26 . Pbollep.: 11,02, Rome 3502. moo Pleas Court rooords: tbence80Ulhwanllv kinds elsewhere. ._11...... 1I11 ••la WIlli u ld west 11011. 01 . i ld 011 ocre trus 00 l' Th d P I f to tbe plooe of benlonlnlf. contalllln, JjQ. 7D • • WO, oUSlln . a r o . For &Ie by J . .E. Jann oy Ev", EAR. NOSE AND TttROAT. Oure tor OornB and Bunions. Men s Corduroy Pants; Speotaol.... fl U,erl It rAlll40uabie pri0E'8 First, soak ths oorn or bunion in 00"", ollllnd. 1Il0r'. or 1. 58 Said re al . atate bu ooeDrllllUlarly apprals. worth $2.50 to l3 00 . . I . • ~rm water t.() !loften It; then pare RATBA'-'7'AY ! . - - - -- -- -. ---it down a. cl0ll81y aa p088lble with. ell u!lderorderof ()ourl at the.UJD of t' orty· $3 00 Sa.50, 14.00 and $500 anil 60·100 IU7.50J Dollars JIIlr ACre. • Men's Finest Dress Troua ••• TT , • . out drawinr blood and apply (""ham: ,",vea and will not be Bold (or Ie .. than ~"o· tblrds e re-AU the newest patterns. Waynesville'a LeadIng Dentiijt· • • ANG, • ; • • berlaln's Pain Balm twioo daily, of said appralled 'VGlue. rubbing vigoJlOualy for five minutee T..1UI9or SALII : Olle 'tblrd casn, one·tblrd $10 ~15 ~ qQ12 312 'ill 1omc. In Key.' BulldktC· · . . Mala St" et R1DG ~. VILLtr, Ooro at each application. A oorn pluter In one year and on'e-tblrd 10 two years. Oe' terred paymellts 10 be secured by mOrlP le ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!==~ 8bould be worn II. few days to pro· ou the premloes sold and to bear Interesl as $1 0 $ 1 t=:. - - - -- - - -- SPJCOlA LTIES : 1I1alli&81t:1:1 or WOIiIiN tect it from the shoe. As a general au per oeat. MEN'S SUITS tI Pllo. .. 8 t o Get Rloh liniment for sprains, hrni8ell, lame. . Sb.rlfll : wo~r;:n~:uRa~~~blo. ifill 1 0 & OVERALLS $15 are ofteJl fmstrated by !ludden A.N!!D!!!!!c!!n!!I!!LD!!R!!K!!N!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!,!!!!!,!!!!!,!~ n888 and rheumatism, Pain Balm Is F. M. HAMILTON, M~· y . q breakdown. due to dyspepsia or cnn · ~ unequaled. For sale by Louis Ma.y. Thousands here to stipation. Brllce ull and take Dr. I S 1 0 $ 15 King 's New Life Pills. The y tllke A Promment Trainman. from, ant the· materill,ls whloh are clog . ohoose The First Snow Storm Tbe many friends of U . H. $ 10 $2 $5 saved $15 ging yo~r energies, and give yo~ a an, Engineer L. E , & W. R. R., at new Itart, Cure headl\obe a,nd dlz Tbe first snow ltorm of the 'p resent living in Lima. 0 ., will be $1 0 Come let us prove $15 ziness too. At Louis May'8 drug winter oame on Wednesd8y, tbe pleased to kno~v of b ls recovery from Telepbone Day or Hlpt•. . this fitateme nt to you store; 250., guaranteed . llth:of October, aud Is the ~rllest threatened kidney He 8&yl $10 $15 Local NOi Inow storm in a long period of "I was cured by using FOley's Kid ney Cure, wh:Loh I recommend to $10 812 $12 S12 $15 sPECIAL years. Long 'Dlstance 69-~r all. espeoially; Ito trainmen, who are The anow came down in the usually similarly aftlloted. L . May. WAYNESVILLE, midat of rain, hall and wind . Along VIA tbe Upper Springboro pike It Is A genuine Leather Foot Ball with Han~,sburg, Louisville & Nashville R. R. i5.oo Knee Pant Sultll, Knives, Tool reported that In IIOme plaoea lUI Ob'eetll; Harps. and German Pop TO POINTS IN muoh aa two inobee of snow fell. ()UARLmB SU...., V...... wbose place 01 resl· Guns Free with the lower prloed In town only a few flakel were dence I. ullkao" n. will Lake noUce tbat Allea Snits. ALABAMA , GEORGIA . Halne. tiled his peUUon la tbe Court of Com· visible. MIssiSSIPPI. F~RIDA . mOil Ple'as or WaLTeli COUbt.)'. Oblo, oa GoldBond Coupons lue given 16th duy of AUI:USI, 1000, agaln9t •• Id Charl.s Suillvaa and olbora. StatIo i' amoD, w,th every purohase to .8eOure our NORTH & SOUTH CARo.LINA, Notice other thllllrH tbal said Allea Haines Is I he elegant presentll. 'i'he next Gme VIRGINIA , KENTUCKY, owu. r In l ee or 110 undlvld<4 one tblrd of tbe you're in Dayton don't fatl to see following descllbelll real •• tale. toowlt : the grand display of presentll on TE NN E SSE~J. LO UIS I AN A, Those who are in arrears for " Being pan" of lots No. one (1) Ilnd light and water will have their tbree (a) III Franklin Square In tbe I.Own of the I!ooond fioor. ThB86 ocupona Ootobe r "I nnll No vember i' nnd 14 . Is your pulse weak, too slow. are also given by t-en other Dayton Wan'ea County, Oblo. 8upply torned off Nov. 1. if not Wayne.,·lI1c. Merohant8. Ask tor partloulars Beginning at 8 poInt one bundred and Less than the One Fare tor the too fast, or doe. it skip. beat? paid before that time, and will not seven (l 0 7 ) leet w".t of Ibo! soutb corner of when you call. Do you have sQortnes5 of , Hound 'l·rlp. ' No. one (1) aU\~ In tb. aOlllb line of lot be turnod on again until all rentals lot breath, weak or ftungry 'p'ellll, No. ooe (I) on MiamI stre<l t. and rolnolag 'I·lclt.t. limited to return 21 <IlLY. from fainting, smothering or cholellt, are paid with an additional ohluge tbeuee with tbe lIoe 01 Main "sreet N . :II ~. (Illte or Sale. I:l.. 1>3 reel and 11"0 (I) Inche. to Ibe Io U sp~lIs. palpitation, fi!1 tte rlng, of 11.00 for turning off and on. oold by I. v.. FalrlOolm to J . B Obapman ! For tull Information, r~le...,cheaules. tlllle palOs around the heart, In ,Id. Ibence wllb tbe line 01 8ald 10toN. 6 ~ ~. W .. By order of Trustees of Waynea. to t ables nod li terature, d ~sor t pt.J ve o f the va-ran BHoy ; Lhenc:e aoutb 81 X a W" b3 feet and shoulder'; or hurt when' ville Water II.nd Light Plan • . und two [2] Inohe. to the oo.t 81de of MlIllDI o ue resources. 3grk ulture , mine r a l and lying on left side? Itreet ; Ibenoc S. Jl 8 ~· E .. ' to sbe plac. 01 lim ber lands along the line, ca ll ou or b<gtanlng. " If you have ' any of the•• a dd""• • , Notice of Appointment. symptoms your heart I, weak And tbat aal44tfeodant Obariei Sulllvaa Is a tenaat la. common wltb oald plalaUff la .1 E. Davenport, D. P . A , St. Louis, ,or diseased, and cannot get 81lld real e. tate an/llbat Ibe plalaUff desires Estate ot Lydia E . 'Ol&nlel, doc.bed. H . C: Balley. N. W. P . A, (illl0Ilg0. better withollt assistance. to bold his Intere.t In laid land III .. veraltv. rhe uDderolg<e4 haa been appolated aad Dr. 'Miles' Heart Cure F. D. Bush, D. e. A., . Clnolnnllti. quallft<4 u admlall.trator "Ilb tbe wlU Iln. ana praylag Ibat partltlou tbereof mar bfl How's Thi!!? acconllng to law and ror 8ucb otber atrengthens weak hearts, and neT<4 ortbe estate 01 Ly41a E. Dalilel. lat. made .T. H . Milliken. D. P. A , LouI8 ~l1je. reller as oald pl alntlll may be eatilled te In We otler One Hundl'ed Dollars of Warrea Count,. Ohio, deceaoed. Dat<4 tbls 2a ~b da1 01 Augu. t A. IJ. 1906. r: t he prembe8. Reward for any case of catarrh that c. L. STONE. Gen·1 PMS ASL . Louisville. ICY\ rarely ever fail. to cure heart Said Chari"" Sullivan Is requIred to disease. Try it, and see how A. Bthe , CRA.oLEa: .. nower ... 14 petition on or berore the Ub cannot be curerl by Hall's Catarrh nl Adm. wltb will annuea. quickly you will find relief. ' liar of Nov. mb<r. 1006, or Ihe prayer or 8ald Cure . pel ilion will 00 granted. F . J. Chene y & Co . • Toledo Ohio . Conr.umptiv8sMadeOomtortable "About J'anUM!' lIt, ' 1'01, . I ~ PreSidential Jllleotlon Wlll make down wIth - wealtD_ and dro1lIIY We, the underSigned, bave known Inolplent consumption is ourer! by 'and ALLEN HAlNI:lS. craoua1ly P6W wors.. I .... toJ'd DO Ohanll'e, By Runyaa &; Stan lev. hi. aHorney •. F . J. Cheney for the IllIIt 15 years Foley'8 Honey and ;rar, but we d~ by m,. tamU,. ph,..IClan that m" cu, I oc~. I S W&LJIoP81eu. n"cbbo .....nd fam' No whl~h candidate Is and believe him 'Perfectly honorabl~ not hold out false hope'! to ooosllmp. II,. had ~Ton lI" m. up to 41.. lI" elected, Foley's Honey & Tar will In 111\ business trllnsa'o tions and fin - tlves by olalmlng that It will cure limbo &n4 ~ bod" wen .woUen to ODethIrd Jarwer than normal el.. and remBln the people'lI favorite remedy Tne OrlQ'lnal. anola11y to carry out anyobllga. this dread disease in lhe udvanced ..... ter IwJ oollected around m,. blJ&rt. for coughl, ooIds and Inolpient con. Foley & Co., Chicago, origln!Lf.ed tions made by bls firm. stages i but if the IQbgll are not, t oo For 'at least three montha I ha4 to elt In bed ~o keep fJoom ·amoth. slSmptlon . It ourel coldl quioklv Boney and Tar liS a throat and lung Walding, Kinnan & Marvin. fAr gone Foley 's lioneyand Tul' will Pril'OPpedIuP e~. Mnt tor liTO botU. of Dr and ' prevents pnenmonla. A. j . remedy, and on acoount of the great Wholeeale DrnKglsts, Toledo. O . effeot a oure, aa It stops the racking XU.'. Heart Cur.••nd b)' the Urn i had taIlen them au I wu ' 4llltIJ'eI1 Nusbaum, &tesv1l1e. Iud., writes : merit and populBrliy of Foley's Han . Hall'8 Catarrh Cure is taken in. COUlh and IIOOthes the Infi"med .,alr cured. 1 feel better than 1 haft fOr ' "I lIutlered for three months with a ey and Tar Dlany imitations are ternally, acting directly upon the pUllagea giving them a chanoe :to twent" ,......, _04 I am ~to do kind Of :wortr on !D7 :IIlr severe cold. A druggist prepared offe red for thel genUine. Ask for blood and mucoul surfaDes ·of the h.l, and ' even in the advanCed Btllg. ..ttendlnl' pbnfoJu tol4 111. . It -ft me some medicine, and a phytllc ian FOLEY's Boney and Ta.r and refuse system. Teatlmonials BOnt free . ea It a) ways gi ves oomfqrtana rellef~ ha4D't beeD tor Dr, XU.' Heart ear. bo ..t1L1Il' preaorlbed for me, yet I did pot Im- 9. ny s ubstitute otlered as no other Price 750 per bottle. &ld by all A. t;!erren. of Flnoh, Ar k . write, I would now L. T. CURD,<WIImOn, X7. ' prove. I then tried Foley's Honey pre paration wll1 give the Bame sat. druggists. Tak,o HaU ·'amllyPllls Foley s Honey and ~Il l,' 18 t h e best Dr. Mil.' ,H . .rt Cur. .,. 801d bY and Tar and eight doaes oured me " isfation. It is mildly huutlve. It/lor oonstlpatlon. prepardlon for oo~hs and, lnng lihOUt..d",gglltt who wIll RU ....."'" t118it · For sale by . Loull May. ' conlains no opia.tea and II saf t f bonetJt. fl". . a - • J t,rouble. I know that It haa oured ,,:Wlfr~'"nd" ~~I money. Printing at the Gazette offioe. consumption in the tiret st.a ges .... lI~ea lIedica1 ,~; E1ldWt,·Iad. . <lbildren anddellcate persona.eeMa0yr . ,.' ' . For ...Ie. by Lou~ May. , .. t I •



L ,zy LI-var· . _~_);_;I_I;,_~:_;~_:_~,_I:_\~~_'~"_:_:f_~_:I_I~_;I;_~"_ln_tO_I,_e~_I~_o:_._It_O I



lo l l



men'l aoula.


Receipts and Expenses 'of Lebanon Papers . ·Consolldate. , Waynesville Waterand Lightf Plant. T yvo of Lehnon '8 newllpapers

Dr. R. J. Michen e r,








Dr. Caldwell's FURNfTURE




















Branch OffiCI.




.Your Heart?





..ra....... '


" ..... .._t •



2...,. .. - : - -_ _ _ _ _ _ . _. -""""-"f'-' - - - E'atllte of Jonlltba~ Smlth; -deoeaa- " Samuel A , MoCun e and Barry E. ' Under ,a rie~ '. sohedul e lD effoot ' Invent ory ·ltnd apprais f.lIC W ~ U I lrIJ . ement MoCune, exeouto ra and trustee l to June 25, 1905, pll.!lsen ;'er trains over ) ' ft ,filed . , . MlLrtba L, Tufts, 2 aorel In Hami!. the Pennly lvanla LInes I ual,7 ( ,. the III II II III" IIf I hI' c-tltte leave Way. Estu t.e of J. P. GllchrlB t deceased ton tow nShlp, ' 2460. \ V . U . AL~... g N , .... It ItMlI1KN'1 .1. I, CAH 'J' WH10H 1\ ( ' At4 l1 l tat . nesvllle station as follows : o f Marinll 6. Wilds, eli'H \I"It ~0I 1 'Ap. Nintb .. cooant l.a:o: e. for aettlem '-l l· t;, P' IIUt IIKN 'I', en' filed, , Charles W . Naylor and wife to For the East II :154 a . m .; 3 : ~7 p. )ttl" I (rllm Pl'v btll 8 !;"urt hy . R , ' In re will Mary ChUK, W"It" GllchnH t, .. t III WII,l urd J . Will .. dmltt.ed to probate , deceale d . Ernest West, trllot In Turtleo reek m. i 8unday' only 10 :24 p, m. • . W 1·IKht. IHnr.r"'I·III1 ,V fnt· pluiullf f For the West 0 :02 a.. m . i 6 :0<1. p GIlrret t Cleveng'!.r , adminl strlltor townSh ip, 10308 Mrri. J " hn MI'llOf', lAl1l1I vs Mlittle Boger 'et a1. Order for B elen Sberrit t to Oharles K. and m. i Sunday only 4 :65 n , m . Brulle fwd .ION'·ph Bruce v;' The Vii .pu blic slile of relll estate Issued. E.t ta May Bill, lot in Mainvi lle; For partiou lar Inform ation on the Illge IIf l."run" lit', WUrrl'u CouIIt,y, 0 Estute of A. L, Simpso n. dooellsed ' 460. subjeot apply to II E . Booth, Error Plllillt,lff itH!rr(J r ov er tbllt, Firs t lind fino.1 accoun t for settle· W aynesv ille , O. on Jnlv '~6, 1005, dofend,~nt In error ment filed . Comm ission ers' on'e s rtlolt,v ered It jUclg lllO>Dt- of 12 a nd ~o. t,W. Chest er Mliple, as adminl stra. Proce eding s. LOW FAnES WI!:8T AND BOUTn· w~T · Hlooun t,inl.( to $20 50 froUl IJlf\lutiff tor of the estate confirm ed. SPROIAL nOlllE SEItKERS')£XOUR810NS i,,·prro r in the Cuurt <If Bon , Wm In r e wt)1 Abraha m Ebrigh t, de. Bills allowed Ootobe r 9. VIA PIIlNNSYLVANlA, LI NI!:8 . ·H. Dttllrth, MHyor .. t Frllnkl ln. It ceased. Widow elAot to take under Chu s , Stibbs, lItone aroh ... .. ' 231 90 Anyone "ontemp The re sec uri ty if you lattn R a tri p Wes t may I" ollliwed Ihat ther e WIl8 error in provisl ous of will. Avor!ll n F . Eb. C. H. Jones concret e abut. take adyu nl"gc of tbo nttl uccd fu re. for l it e ' . Ihe proo..eeling lind it. id a,.kml that right , executr ix, flIed her spcollll Ho me· Secken;' CS Ctlrsl ODtI viu. P e nn ' first IIC ment .... .......... .... ... .. ....... 120 70 sylv anla ·I.lnea 10 1]0101.8 1/1 colorado . Idaho. lIIlid jlldllulf 'nt be re versed , Plltrick oount for settlem ent. Geo . MJ'll er, sewer. . .... ... . .. . .. 29 00 Iowa. I{anda•. Mlonesot a, MI •• vu rl. MOn · t aoa. N c brB8k~ , the Dn.kolaB. Or egon, WaHh . Ully nor ill lItt-orne y for plaintif f in Estat.e of MlLrtln Darmod y, do· Robert McCntc heon.oo ntract In810n. Texa. Dnd otbllr soot100. In tbe West arror cellsed, William Darmod y apPOin t 111 ull Ib e SIate8 of Lhe South, N o. 148 . ..... .... ......... ......... 134 00 and S lop·ove r pr l vlloges parm lt l ra,·e le .. 10 In· 10309 Andra Ann Qurtt>r V" Lean ed IIdruinl strator with bond of $100 Thornt on Thomp son bridge "e,lIgate bu, tllco, op,<nlngs. 'J'beac ,lukel8 dttr \J"rter . Oi vorce. LJruelty and No npprals ement. , be on Ha lo ce rt a in datt!!) dur t n" t he ~ um ' l contrllc t No. 127... .. ... ..... 16 75 will mor. I)elnlled Inform aLlon a8 t.o rarc•. I drunk enne!<8 p ,.rtlAs we re mlir Elltat.e for settlem ent i Wm , H , Bulan Whitac re protect ion thou"b lim e, otc.. will be (reely furll l. II M • ried Nov. 10, lU02, In Xenill lind WithHm , deoeliStl d , first accoun up nn ap ldtoall o n t u l ocal Llck c l aGent o f oontrao t No, 141.... .. ....... .. 23 55 Pensyln t. 'J , nla LinCK. . Idl ~ there Ilra no ohlldrl' n, Pllllnt.iff Roger and Eldli Brown, mincrs, J ohn W olf,obu tment No, 115 83 50 a ve rt! t,b,.t dttfl'ndu nt, alt.houg b in sooond nnd final acooun t. Reform ed A, 0 Shultz, repllirs in Tur· BEAUT IFUL 'WAYNE~I7ILLE gl)od heal th blls foiled to prov ld ~ Church of 8prlngb oro, benefic illry, ijecr eek town~hlp ... . .. .. .... 13 35 WOME N fnr nf oessltie R Il.nd hll.8 bAe n gullt.y final accoun t, Ouy Wi!1ill.mson, et Bert Reed, repairs In Deer. Th e Secret of th eir Increas in g of hll.bltulll drunke nness. At tlm e ~ ai, minor, sixth accoun t. Cll.roline field townsh ip ..... .... .. .. .. ... 26 45 Char'm he hll~ <ltruek lier with Il bed slat W. Moore, benl'fic lary, sixth ac· J , \J, Hawke, cement .. .... .. : .. 138 06 and ball cruelly bel~t en her . AI onp It is really 8urpris ln g that in suob I I.;;;~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; oonnt ;;;;;;;;;;;: I~ sh ort tilDe thore should be 80 ~ . time "he livers he poured ooal llil on ceased, I:!limant ha A. Hatton, dr. R B. ' Smi th, cemont and first accoun t. William R. 11 80 mukt!d an i UlI)rOVe ment sewe in r th .. .... e. ftP· .. ......... .. ..... . her ol·,tblnK then IIttemp ted to set, BiXler pearlinc e of Boma ny WaynBEoville . decease d, first and fina.l ac . .P P. Max well , cemeut and S EE AN D It on fire. Wm . McDonllld and oouut. llldiss. but it i8 not Sl1rprising when I, William Nlokles on, de OMS' ReW tl r .. ... . ..... . .. ... .. ....... .. 1194& . the Clln~e o f this im provem ent is Fr.. nk C. Ander son are a·tt.orne ys ed, first lind final accoun t. WiIllllm Le wis and Talbott Stone Co., known. And there is n o great for pl1llntiff. .L, Dey, minor, sixth and ' fiual ac 94 When Wllntin g . 50 mys tery about it after all, DrOll In stone .. .. .. ....... ..... .... .. .. .. .. 10310 Pr'Jvlde nce ,T Cox V8 count. Juliet D. Keever decellst most any d ll.Y now at ,lllnuey '8 drug d , Trustee s of Pnblio Affairs, , Phcebe CIlX store and you are Ii"ely to see one Divorce Absence first .Ilnd finRI acoount . Josepb water ... ... .. ..... ... .. .... .. .. ... . 4 63 of the clerks wrllppi ng llP" bottle Th·)!!. C WelMh III attorne y for Ayer, Imbeoil e, second and final ac Trustees of Public Aftlllr~ , of the littlo ta blets, th at do so much pllllntil f. Pllrties were married 111 count , Dllnlel Crl1ne, 0 I dooollse d, light Rt court house .. .. ..... 87 t,o lID prove t he appell.r unce of one's Nulf~rd, I:!ept , 13, 1902. Plllintif f fir st and finlll accoun t William comple xion . Bright eye8. 1\ ruddy S. Trustee s of Poblic Affuirs in avers that 8IIid defenda nt hal heell VanHo rne, deccs sed , first glow, nnd 1\ compl exion free from accoun t. light Itt jtdJ. .. .. .. ... .... ...... . 1I 36 pimples willfull y absent for more thun three Mary G , Brown, deceased, , 8allownosEI.nnd moth spots first lind Lebano n (lIlS Co , lig bt nt j ail 2 50 nlay be had by every womlln wh o ye,u~ Il1l1t pililt . finlll aocoun t. Kinsey Thomp son, Lebano n Ice Il.nd Coal Co., will tllke one 01' two L"Xllkufll OOUR'r PROOH:IIIDINOS. benefiol ary, second accoun t Marie Ice at court hOllse .. .... ... 3 39 Tonic Tablets at bedtim e. Tbp ~e . .. 10001 WIlliam Mlohael, vs The M. McGill, nUnor, second ta-blets oontllin dandeli on lind ot her accoun t. I:) . D. Henkle , Deputy Sut-· With som ething BuuNt.nntla! t o bogin tho day on, suits ever y membe purely ve!.!'ett~bl e extract s that Itr e Perrine Paper Co. , et 11.1. ' On mo Iilmwlt B. Pllrlett , r d, first and ve.vo r , work on bridge plans 2000 kuown to have a 8electiv e action of the hooseh old these cold m ornings . tion. the &ult Ste Ma.rie Pnlp and final licooun t. .Rlchllord P . Evans, S. D. H enkle, Deputy Sur· for sk In IIffectio ns. lind being both Puptlr UowlJI\ny made parly de millor, sooond and final aoooun Most people d r ink coffee at breakfl lst, and we can suit the a· lUll ti ve and Il toniC tbey quicken ', lover veyor. work on VonCam p fenltllu t and granted I~ ve t-o file of coffee . We hllve as good II line oJ COFFEl!lS all VOU cun find In town 72 25 the circulll t, i on, E~tate of James Llddil, deoellsed CpllD t·be .por es, on· r ott.d Ilnd county work .. .. .. courage the Ilction of the b owels, ~btl~t\r forthwi tb, I14me ,filed . W hllt betler thll n bnt,ter cnkes with P URE SYRUP . Get Pauoak Inventc ry and apprllis ement filed . 8 D. HtlnKle Deputy Survey e . stimu\ll te the liver , eorlch the blcod F LOUR and BYRpP h ere. "1000. Wllliftm Michae l, va T.h e Estate of Ann!\. E. Oons, decease d, or, for A, M. Bower, lissis t-· Ilnd \!,t the sa me time cure bilious· Perrine Pll.per Co et ilIOn motion JlImes Vll.nd"r wort, ,Davis We can furni sh the maken» of all m ellls; bre.a ktilst, dinner and Furnas, sistan t s urveyin g .. ... .... ... .. 23 00 n8l38, - s lok helldoob e . Ilnd chronlo sup. 1:), I:!ilvermlln and Compa ny are and Jonathl '.Itipation p~r, with 1111 seasoua ble goods . ln Cook wera appoint ed W , E . Johnso n , Dtlllnty Sur· Try them , They cost but 25 ots, ·wllUeJ.llltty deftllldl1ut, antlwer filed apprais e rs . ' You are in vited to 01111. veyor , service s a,t Com and once used tbeir merits cannot THE by. le.. ve uf ounfS. CORN Estllte of Reuben Null decea sed ER OROC E;RY. mission ers' meeting s .... .... 16 00 be conceal ed . 10117 Hellry &buml ck. vs P&lriok Beoond .aoconn t for sett-lem ent fil ed . Oeorge E . Yonng, blllance 3d IJlLyuvr et 111. Un motiou of Robert MARRIAO~ LtOlCNSE. qnarter ly saluy .. ....... ... ... 2"7 92 Dayton. Lebanon & CinCinn Cidrk l:0, cl.e fendant this oanse III ati T. C. P,dters on, board of , Silas A. Re)ond , Wllyne sville , and o. A . ,Aldorman Bnd W . E . M oore, R eeelvor K bruu"h t un the 'rial a docket Itnd prisone rs during Sept .. .. .. 45 80 , SOHEDULE OF PASSEN GER ·l'RA IN S. tmid'de'f endan'i II oranted leave to Nora Lee Hender son, Lebano n. , X I ' en a. City Work House, • NO'R'1'Hf\OU ND Robert Wilds GilcbJli st Ilnd Jlldua VALL.JV PRONE No . ~O 1I1e tt.nllwQr fort)lw hb to theaOle nd board of prisone rs during TIohen or Ourry, botll of Lebanol!. S'rATIONS No, l ' No.3' No.6' NO. j ' el1ltDd' lIupple mental petition . A M AM P I:!eptem M PM ber .... .... .. ... .. :. ...... 13 §O Gowdy . 10199 Mary Readm an, VB Tillie Rev. . ti bo Lv, Lebanon. 6.:15 Borace A., and GUBBle W es te rn Star, prlD 0.30 1.30 '-30 ng r L\·. Leland " 0.41 "n,an "1.30 ... au Pen.tJ8 Itl .. D$lfend llnt W . H . Ne,w Osborn' , both of Le ' bonon . Rev. ducke ts ......... ......... ....... .. w 40 00 Lv, Lv, ..,odd. 0.60 04 6 port grllnted . leave to file answer , 3 Itl wboor , "0 ,62 ""9,47 "1.4 1.(7 ...U6 . 41 Johnso n & Watson , snplllie s ' Lv. Venable " O.G' "0 ~ O " 1.40 " 4. 40 CooJle.r : f 11800e 11led t LOANS NEGOT IATED . 8 00 Lv. Ed8ewoo Al bert .Routt and Carrie Ellen d " 0 ,G8 ' 0.6 3 '1. 5;' NOTAR Y PUBLI , ;'4, 6'3 or ,ressl1l er ..... ..... ., ... ..... Lv Lytle 10236 Cl k d Robe t . ;01 0 ,(,6 1. 60 4 .66 8 G Clark Co" law book Ilr . an We r ve. . . Tindall , botb of. .Frankl ln, Rev . Robert 'huve b'oyerK I.v. M for anor good fllrms and town proper tY.nt all times. "7.00 IO.QI "2.0 1 "0,01 for P bot Co t Gerltrd . Defend llnt granted leave Wdflhbu rn , G 00 Lv. COnlervlllc 1.12 " 10.07 2.07 5 ,07 ro e or .. ......... L·;. flem))8lcn LlBt d 7 with .20 10.16 us, w e 2. 1fi can 5. help 16 you, 11 • J to Ie Ilnl!Wtlr, fi led. ., ~tewart, rubber Lv. Roolyn Oharles B . Glauoy , Frdnkli n , lind limes K " 7.~oa " 10.17 "~ . 1 7 "~ . I 7 ' 10251 Margar e' Ford va Guilfor d Be i Lv. S naker Cr. 7 .~S 10 22 2.22 5 Office ." , C C1 k Leb R ooms over P ost Office in Stoops ' Buildin g. Jt stamps tor ,Audito ... 60 AT. Lebanon J c. 7 .S0 10.26 2 .25 {26 88 e Ilr , nnop, Ford et ii1. P'tt.lntlf e v r - wls Bros' , cbment ,r ......... t' aranted Gowdy se.ner.. o n 10 . , 0 D "D 0 &x" . H & 0 0 IT & 0 ...., ~ n"~ ... D I . B • 0.40 ,"'" . . to file rllpl;', same tiled ,: 1 9 85 ay on " . q .OO . 3. ,.0 0 . 6,00 ....,WIS r os " coa .. ........... .. :7 D.&.X. T. D,& X.T . D .X.&T REAL ICBTATIt TRAN8I1'K~ . S A "'tl'lwell exporeBs pol' d 102&7 w vld . Luhley VI Thomal l "5 8,00 ~. o o a,on . . "" ... "ZeU'et al. ·' Def"ndl'~t R , L.Snea th-' WilIlllm Wilson et Il.I to tbe Trus William & Monfor t, repllirs .. 3 50 SOUl'HIJ OUND eu ,ranted I~ve to plead. tees of K . of P . Lodge No. 70, ~outh E&rhar t'rl Drug Store, point .. 43 .14 Ll<AY£ ~o~~ . ~:>l' ~:6' ~:H' 10286 Oharles A. Eaton Co. vs J , LebllQon, 10" In B<?uth Lebano n i Morris & Blair, mdse fur jail 2 50 Dayton: C. H. &. D ARR IV ING AT H UTCH ISON B . Vninnf'f. Defendon~ grant.ed *200 GIBN EY'S 5 00 Ray Cline, Oldse for jail ........ 4 65 Dayton: D. &. X. T. 7 00 6 00 JO 00 000 leave &0 answer , uwe filed. L . L Clemen t and husban d to \V . H. Autrllm , P . M., 500 Lebanon Junotlnn ~ !~ ~ U)2511 ROsa Boney vs Charla~ ~. Mllrk I:!~awban, t-rll.ct In Solem ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ town· stamps for auditor ........... . 10 00 ~~~~I~r Croa.lng '7 41 .~ 42 '104 2 'U37 Roach. Derend~nt granted, 5 dllYs shin i $1. Valley Telepho ne Co , rents BrtD/nent! '.to We anlwer . ~ ~~ ::~ ~~ ~ MarK Sbawh an to A,1ice and E'd nnd tolls .... ..... .. ....... ........ 15 Ii(\ ~:.!:~vLlle 'KOf '2 &7 ' 10 5U '0 52 . .. ward Sh~whan, three t raet8 i In State vs J,\mes Ba rklil ow, i~~:W1)O d .10218 E M. vs Henry H. King Morrow i '200. ~~ ~ ~ g~ .~g~ COSt 8......... ..... .......... .. ...... 3 80 vennble 'R 16 'S 00 'Jlll ; 'j 06 Bale of real etlt.t-e conllrm ed. DemaR Gutt-er y and Charles E Otho Hender son, oontrac t Kltob'ner :~ i~ .~ ~ ~ i~ :J ~ : ~por' of .Graud Jury filed. s~ow Simpso n, 108 acres in Wuhln gton No. 140 .. ....... ...... ... ...... ... 12 QO ~~::d iug tbat tliey bltl' been in 86')810n-2 t.ownsh'tp " t1 '8 ·!O '3 22 '11 24 '72 0 ., EI . 0 ArrIve 8 3~ B 30 1\ 30 Ill.zor owney was . are, DnllyLebaDon' oxcept Sunllny. d1iy,s, ,examin ed 46 witness , oon· ': Stop OD81~nal .730 Andrew D. Branst rstor ond wife funder of taxes on ,the '70gIven valulltl on ' SUNOA v ONLY cerning 17 Cft88S and presf;!tJt ed ' 4 to -miam ' D. Branst rator, . 121 BB in Milinev ille Uorpor atlon as per trlltl bill8 of I~dlctmetit- . Lin e n 8,! •• Trains pass Lvlle as fo llOWS: aores In Wlirren Il.nd Clinton coun· surveyor's report : Northbound 10143 p~trlok6liyuor V8 Wilham tle8 i $10,000. : ' ·'0:. m r, 47 p to lDO l. .... .... ......... ... . ; .. 2 08 U . Thomp son et iiI. V . B Dechllo t Southbuund O. ~.n" m : 7 .0 a p m 8 Alloe 1'IekeL Crawfo omce. rd "t Daylun: D, &. X . T 29 Lud· to Mn-£tha 0 R088 malle party defend ant on bls mofton 1902 .......... ...... ... .. .. 1 9 low otroet Arcade. C. H . ~•. D, U0 Ion 0 el'ol. ind illes his answer and oro88pe ti. lot in Lebllno lli 1903 .. .... ....... .. ..... ... . 2· 09 W . E u oor " Gen'l p .. aoenger A"t , In ~, ~o BenjHm iu WIltkiu8 to Adarlne A , .. . 190'J ..... .. .... .... ... .... .. 2 00 tion . Lebano n, Ohio. Watkiu t4,quito hUm t o 20 acnle iu t UT .r ' ~ , ~ ThomaR 0. ll, ' Ball VB Thomn s &Iem towDsh ip', '630. ImOn OS, n ·rota.1.. ... ... .. ...... .. ... 8 05 DiIIst.I lI Order til ken to !C1.,e no· Rehecca J. Runyau by W. Ohes, The t.roo !lurer 's monlhl y finun cial {I PROTI llOTEU BY 'I'HE . t1c~ ,by publlCUtlll1l I ler Mople HS ttllmlni strator t o "0", G t4~teme llt \VIiS pre~euted Ilnd tiled GUAR ANTE 1030S Mil Juhll Bruoe et 81 V8 Uouove r, 44 ooreS tn Barlan E t.own. Eli Thomp son and Wolt,er GrIlY No PYfOpep t ic sb ouid He81tat Th .. VIUftge of Frankli n, Orller ~blpi $1865. e 1.0 wllre gmnted r efllnd er of 1-0 xes on TryPep sikola'l'I~blets on IDlldef or t!t.y , uf jgd"em !1nt until Rlokle EIi toMIl.Y Hllrdy ,lotin.5 Iicre:;.v I\lunt.lo n'100MII8IIie town . theNete r,m s . proceedingl! in error C.. II be det-ar Lebllno n i ',1. shill 80hool dlstrint : Thoulla nds who -were once the mined tb A, Monfor t to Lydia E . '~D Th 1901 f Ohl J J . EII~mbe victims Indiges 3 ''''" h .... ... .. .... .. ......... 1 34 tr ouble of e .tate 0 are uow tion '"~l.['d s we ll and 0 VtI IlntlIItomllo • • strong nd Mbry .!.t. M.arilia Monfor t, lot In I ' 1902 .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ...... 1 48 .J K eII , . Defenda nt re tlll.lltl d on g Iv. Leb"uo~ ~ f P epsl k throul!h i T thn }{ use o . • 0 n II. "'1 ab· . .. '" 1803 .. .... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. t. " Ii" I ott!. P eup Ie wh U h Il If d tl , Ing rtlClQlfni sance fur his ftPIMl Rrllnc etlinak yV.Dro wnetll • ve tlU er e . Ie .ltoSam uel 1n04 .. ..... .. .... .... ..... .. 1 fit Itll:" nies of indig"8 ~iun for years are III th6 ~um of $700 Ural~ ttllct In E'rltnkl in townbhlp ~ J:j brongh t back to perfect bealth aud WUlill-,m B . Noble VII R. WII,I,!' 'LOOO~ h ' ~ Totlll.. ...... .. ..... .. .... 5 88 the proprie tor s of tbis r flmarka ble .... 30 G\lobd ,' " t DefendHDt grftnt"" t James "'. Si,outen borou" b I~nd perscril ltion hove snch entire con · \JVn ,rllO was en te r ed' I U t 0 WI'th "d ' ,. eo Wuld o fnr r f'fio ,)ring bridge on u en co In It s V l d.t:vlI t,o Vl .... d , r t ne d an power th a t wife to W. G . Olark, U3 45 Il.OreSlD Leba nouMull .... llnd Frlinltll n rOlld In Tur. they have glyen '-'* a \1~rltten guarau · ISftrllh B N ,xII II v~ Alic<' t'lut' m e t 'Frllnkl in; . 70. . tltlOrllek townsh ip do the estlmRt e of tee contrac t to J , E , Janney agree• RI Ott 'ml, I'III" !t " Ht' H \V1 1~"n "1Ie1 Ublll'lel! E Eaton und wit.e to Mllry 111 17 ,711. . ~1~~O~yr~fll.~~dto2~::J:' ~~ cl:~ro~~~ Add i,: C , r"'t ,,"I~~ri .I r,· n\.;,,\" p n r!J ,(A J I:tliwthuru lot in Fmukll Don 't Borrow Troubl e . n ' $760 Some 8 eas~na.ble Advice . Plll-n8. specificat.\I>D!I lind estima te " If d ",f.,uo .,111 ~ " 1«' 'l l,,'l I.... Vtt t ll file ddt John IJ V ~i1 to An ust nd M fllr a conorat e protpct lon to Iln abnt· It. may be II pl oee of superlluou!l you ar~ nel~1oa~ , eepon . enti . ..II· It is II il. bad Hry ~ent ou Dllututl h TOl1d In Union oarewo rn an ~ ou b abi t to bOr.TOW lly or vioe to urge people Ilt this Meason thtlll' lll""t.l ou~ ill 1I0 <ltt.y", thing, but th e wor st tbin g youlicun l:teulirlok8, lot In ,LebILnIlD; $1 <If tbe yenr til lay in a Impoly' of towlI shlp ,vere appr ov.' d and (',(l U · you have dIZZY 8l1 ellsenergy, I'Hl)BA'I'JI)\ltlu rtT. , henrtb~rn , possibly bo rrow is t. rc·.l lll" 'rhe Wm , 8ebtlld .I:IrewlIlg Cvm t.rnct let to L , O. Uuttarv Wb en Chil I]) bel"! fliD '~ Cough tit tho cooktod ton glle or.sndutlr ~tom'p .. . Jl ukst IRick 80t'e beu v; WltUl'V fiO t! Wf' rn is IllnH'"t ~nr" t.'· hI! R""lfldv It t' In rll wlll Edwllrd D:ty (f~cea~l' d . pony toRub., rt III, . m" e lip vour mIn .0 trv lCb hpf'lr" Ap A 0 I Kline 81' III, Jot in as ,I ma t.e 0f ' 56. 59. . . , . , eI ' , ., ' III Tl1 bTetB Rnd obtain r eher . They ' out by the.pu lnH U.n p01 M\I.n , Frlllllil ln \ $lir,o. " of . Contrll ot WM elltared Into wl tb will Itill ,. ~· H wltl wr 10< ' ·V I,,". tl nrl "" 1\lIh m ..r,· VauMe uontloued . /lntlstr'lD~tb.en your cligl'8 ' nep~llI , blho lJ~nf'sR, n r.l ~ '. ~ 'S h t. " d l l'e' , l~~, \I~ Cbllrillfl .. m .. t, 'l'lI! Blirtma ' '''I; n 't/ for (1' ' 1' refiO<lr . . . ,) lngllnd It" t' . &!t.ftte 1)( ' Mille Ortlel.v. mluor. m ke the' ri('h 'r ed bl')l d lltnd RimHll rintl;l ruu \{h~ll rd M .. ," Ehzabe Nl tokea to ~erbert G, repillrln g retainin g log on Eost '1/I t "br," IIIPU ", \.t,-, , 'lo ki·" It · -", h_ " ~t . .I"'!:se throu h our 'veins and ~t ~It dOWlla nd . Thirll 'Holloaut fur ""ttleW f'J lt fll~d. brood over YUUT S.I ' DI)l Smlllle~ , loti.! iu Frall"ll~ ; .:l50, bridge In Turtleo reek townsh ip at life ne.J eiergy and new vl~or tllms, but fly for relief. t o Eleor.rlo cold I" coll t.rllott.(\ u1I!1 l>t!fore It h ..... In're will Luo.v E ., Mark .. , uOllerUI: . May lind M4rfon 6 , Hardy hl'ullw e tle tt·ltl,\ in ".v -t..m, which tc A. the estimat e or ,12 00 . Into yo~r ,tomao h Mr , J E Jan Bitters. Here you Will ed. WilIod mil-tW w ·pr obllte. W. Mardis ' lot 'lb Leba'llOD' '1. ' find sure CIln only be d ODl\ b " liPfllllng th tl Contmc t. wae entered Into with ney tells all dleeaiia fied otUtome , r~ IUId perman ent forgetfu lness of .. J1 r pUl!ldy o.t hund 1'hlS remPl:ly d . 'c Stubbs tor making road· Eoitde or alerlhal W: ,Borniel L de11'1'1 James Y ~unj{ an ,wi'e to harles Cbllll811 r your trouble s, and your body will widely known lind so way around . brid~ ' near Mainvil le t h a t- they can h ave. th Rltnget her oeM8d. J'ira& and 110.1 aoooun t lor Le~8 You~; . I;l r money not be' -burden ed by a load of debt i good 22.71 aciree in Turtle· Oemete l:y In HamUtoD townah lp at baolt. thllt 'no one should hesitate cheerfu lly and Withou t argu· dilleaae. At Louie May's drug store. .• tIe_tJlJ~r ;" . . '. ~ to~P, 11• . " about buying ~ in' prefere nce to an~ , t1!te e!t1ma . bf U.OO. me~t. Price 600. Gauan tead. . other. , It II ror ale b7 Loula May.




Oal l to min d the safe ty o f fund s. is

at the





---.- ------



Ore gon ia,' Ohio .

Por tlan d OeD 1ent , LUD1 ber, Shi ngle s,an d all kind s of al. DEA LEB S Flou r, Pee d and. Gra in. Val ley Pho ne. A WA RM BR. EAK FAS T

O. M. BR. OW N, Pro prie tor..






& Hp-n rietta cloth s, . Pana ma, Nun ' 'Veil in g, • 5Qc up, Cra\ enet te, -Moh air Fig"fl Silk 3 71-2 c Merc erized Goods





.U .::


Ne ver such sales here Gala tea. 3,00 0 ya rd " at Barg ain EMB ROI DE RIE S Price, 5c up. REA DY TO WE A R K' W 1 00 ra.pp ers, b' cs ra pper .lor .. ld ' 'Wa 11' ng' S I . t W . t s, ye t so, {} r s, alB Suits , Jack ets, Coat s, Unde\vear, best 25c g arnlc nt show n. COM FOR TS, CA.l{,PErrS, RUGS, · M "TT ING S', 3 000 Chin a Japa n attln gs

Ging ham, M.adras, Piqn e,








b+s ''''!·I bn Ut cI on u .... y, X hn 1+a Ob+I"'" I










SCH'OOL TROUBlES dlelt\18~.


~~~~~~"-' f,us.!l)' belongE)!l to tDOl Lonorab l. house. need " not be JD I\'retriev -I A OI " "li"~ to l!le Int,..! n 0"8 i E TRANS ··IGRA 'able loss. ItOno ..\A.oro IS ' he woo ed bordf r rod. T'ON (If Ihlng you and [sbould D u L ~'::--_"_" TIIQ maid reviled Ulu t It · honorab ll . • tll ~ hhl ~lIU~ of h i~h IlnnllCu \V8OreIlOme · of the A che v\\uc l' o r Prun ue. • . , guard against Is caring too u ,tG'~I ' !Jt'l' abOut ri l1Y: \·jll'icly Do; .S'l!Yet!l 'I.1 .\\'0 ffo[) i,,·8 . for n Defunct Man nnd Ii id. A bH iln4 o n hls b pl\rrll.lll, tl Pl, whet people say. ~ burt" to vanlt)· . 'A ro s lIlJon hhl ui'nc; u, " Would 111 0 honorab le 'possesso r ' !!:Il:\ Gots It tor Dead Do wounds no~ beli '.Brhlnd him Ci111~r- n pau n(!e r like rl'e lhe Viso's thrust Curo ot £1l1' ConaulOll' 1\ knlfo. Wu ' d Ign LO dl$(108 lIugu~tly oC lt1" Quel'lell GIRLS SJlOUL D :N'o' ~uJo. tinn hu,", .In t!q ll nl ('}r coughlJ anc.l coldH.-.J . T WORRY OVER are orten 80 mortifie d becsuK8 our \Vb o dreamed u, golt1en d rCu m, Oyawa San. ~'.J3oy'C " I', Tl'iuilY ::;lI~r lurl .• Jtcb. 15, 1000. And bu il l a cabin III l l16 " ' lid., :Ebi'DLESS DISAFl'OI~TMEN'rS. ' lrlends thlnl' liS slow and compare lIS . Tbe mahl honorab ly didn' t know, aut I:leltde a m udd)' st r co. p.l. mnn who itnll « Jilin >low II the Itell' aa 'we lruaglne with otbers who have of Th~ 'fh{> Oud ~n 11lnritnll rloCI'I1 I't. do IL &lS ~ he voluntee red La InQuire; aud the l il.! "'")' II1\ Jl hnd I Q UIII( II " 1)11111 ~h ~ He rou gh l Ihe f reah oLIlSld Ihe Ilrough l, done better tban we. lba~ we cense III1J el h i feet. Imd gl\ en the ,, " i lllni on IU \'Clt lIllCu t,.- N . Y . TImes. master ot ,tbo liouse, who ku w tho 'Dlscour ngement ll Test The $ tl \'llGCc, (I ru l I he b east. Obarac ter- our endeavo rs at· let ourselve s be sldo- I.: w I, t'dalCli the \ Vn';111I1g wJI t'tn l'. Tbel\ ~ Th e dn r k so ill u tOl" e~H s h adel wlthd re w, folll', told hlH son, wh'o was the ownU WU~ l ,:U tll e. f (,) I' \\'fl l"d HUll ,h.' lI\ltlldccl : ' 01\88 of 1\ Olever Girl Who Falled track ed enllrcly too lon&. H is I:nrcltn- IJ6t c h tncr.c tllse4. er or tho cat, to GIl"e her up. He · l ~i r . " ' lay d id you ldd.: III\' " o~! '~ . A DESPAIRING WOMAN. in Her Senior Year-A Llternry F o r (!: ,"e r y t h lsti(' t ha l he mel Occasion ally It bocom08 necesu.r y "JJ~tn\lh(~ 1 Lclll.! H: III ll1"l,slll iijl'uliun ," would Dot hear oC a money recompens ~ Woman Who ;Refuaed to FBI 1- whully to ch8nGe tho Iliuns A 10ilK h I. w e::J t wu.r d r oad. re.liell Ille other, for ana's Weak, Nervous ;.nil Wretcbed from W .. tfor the boy, but the rour 'bOught" t110 Two g r n l nl o r " ' hl' Uf u nd t.'o DC r)'., "'Vhnt h UH lhut to till \1 itl! il ~., life. A mllY be oompoll d by ;on Illd enough sweets and orangCll Ii) And two or eorn he 80 WCc1. Don't ICare Too Much What Pl!ople of heulthgirl Ing Kidney Troubles . "'1'wo ycnrs ugo I kill'\\' u nu.:an m an . or finan cial trouble In the li e died, YOUI' I.eep him sturred for Il montb besldell tiog iook. s" IImeh lil,u Say-Fln lmelnl Trouble or Sick- Camlly La do somethi ng Quite R IO nAm e has "n nl. "ed like the de" dllTeren t him th nt 1 Ilf .. IiO\'C kites it and il' l n tOps, , qulie oC U'nn i ' and a beautlf~1 batrle~h·s. Ih.... l·Y A. Realll e\,. Dt-. tore t ho m or nl ng I!li1 n, nees May Wholly Chnn ge One's from tbat wblcb she had anticipa ted. m igl-'l\lU li. I n l way !! wunlr:11 t o lic k t Itt.· Gnrl.t SLrcct~ , SouLh Hond, Muin nl1d door and shuttlec ock. To these g\f~ D u t s ti ll h ilS dfltJ l l lto~N 8p1rlt Uve. Ind .• says, Plan&-- Don't , Bo Hysteri cal Over It thla III duly, ho bral'o mUll , und, tindini{ YO\11' , ,10" under lilY and accept In ever)' flcl d ht. w on . It In klnLl tbo tatber made no objectlo n. (CCI, I could 1101 rL';'i!.L Ihe 1IllIIullle." .. IV lI\'n I beg'HI a Failure. wltbout lie nee<1l!1 no ShAH o r C: Il.TvE"n alon., making a fuss anti complat n" Sir," tutid the d(l~· vw ll e .', hi oncu ku~", Indet-u, he hlruselC was not Imparusiug' J)OUU'ti K id· This brt\\' ~, unsc l ll.h man , log. • mui~, H e \\'U ~ th \! \:l'I\ukieli t , I1t c ~m ' Ual 10 sweets lIoLl orunges . BY M )mGARI ~ T I;;, ' A:-:I;s·n:n. A rkansas Is hi e In ou umenl, n 'Y Pills I II' liS so •• This l rr iller Is 8ur. on h tbe n (uce brigh of lhe "arlh, II<! t and cheery OYllma Sau being Iho smalles t or the (COl'yrll'hl. 1905, 10)' J O'~I,h A nd mat.c h Il I( y ou (M : weni, I cU l1ld d ietJ. 'l'he I ne t (~yCl\ un )'ou, 1 , lIowlo•. ) ,,"orILl!n which we IIVIl, and there are luH..' \\' tim\. it.minute - Minna Irving, In H arper'. Weeki),. On en In a while we ~all. Sdo fow', naturall y felt. as little men do. 'we nOL, w ns 1\ cu~o of tl'nn iw) igrn ' IUHdly drug lilY' that ho was the one who could manaro Ilrls? Thero 19 Komothlng 011 whi ch HO many reasons tot· being bappy, t hat tion . I shy"y. wUllh'd to wallup th!1L 601 t ocru"," ~hc mul e, IoUI It Is nel'or a positive .. ~ot .".e IIlc sin bave elmllec. for set anybody our 11 hu heal·ts. .• ever LO some perrectly tbe whola alTal.r rl"hUv. Ho dlvl<l'Jd room. 1 W liB come cit II,Mt.. Ami no\\'- " , be hlu e. When lbe cost of the pitts hito wretch ed nnd 1.\ lilt when the cruwt.J huulcd them "ll lt l't fOllr equal right "and 6eslrnbl e Ihlng, but we can- InLO a babll 1\ girl lets berselC drift .. or self-pity she becomes tl.lC'I'~ were three blnck c)'ca nn,1 a b itten not gel It. We have tried fRlthlully 10 n crVU lI d, ontllmd parls Bnd assessed !!ach partner the tbe beal or our ability. Bul we arc dis. morbid and ml~erable, mal,es hclwecil the t.wo of th em t o pro\·c. ,h ut ba c1{uche, bClLr ~ villue of a part. Then be look the herselC e",r HI\.! thEury of hanfimig tl\tioD workil like apllOlnLed. We feel I'ory mucb ns we wretcbed and perhalls . loses the pow er jug - tluwn pain, cat to tlto warehou se or lbo four, whore would • double·barreled ab!,.!.",~ Ir we saw sumobody elso cllmb- ot controll ing her nerves" She h eadnclu' t dizziwants be held a solemn meeting . lng, witho ut Ihe I list Irouble. to the 10 scream. I wish you lleMi alld \\' ~ alc K eeping Out of the Heat. and I could u.pThe cat sat In tbelr midst. She top of a mOll lllain. while we kept KlI d. derstand as wo potey~... rill oflhel' iJl'Jp.y set ough~ h:dd iug Ihat, yeu however i Ood·br, seemeu to like the Warehouse, tor sh. Ing back Iv the uottom. .y CLARE NCE L. .ROWN ELL I L's t() l'n llfl111 ~\ rOl' me . :jlllll--;". in nnd blonting of the chest c hul, ,,d lUll we may feel Inside, we never bave a MOlkf' made no attempt to eHcape. Perhalls fou r doll'LI~ 11 4111 Y wUl'k in ' (lU t he c.l n:11 nlHI tlll'<' uteucII tho Everybo dy canOM be equally 8 11 C- right 10 show our friends heurt. I lind liWn' anythlllS ex- I"uks Ilc . 1I go!d mine be.i,le Ihe .UO to ehe smelt a rat. She may have proa- cessflli . aull a fri end hupe. bUL t lUY uut.o ld tmrpri!'tc D on o 's or a cla8~mnLo cellt brightne ss and 8ympal h,. ,\ rneriln-; . peeled beforc, and have recopnl zetl IU .. UnOE IPPA1 NIHAI lived ln Ja[lan To let ourselve s buddle up III tearful MlkL":'· Bul, 1,,,1, ,10 ~"O U lIliud Lhat l'un· Kirln oy I'lii s brOlllfhL Ill" rulicf nud SCC Ill S 10 gal II wll bOIlL !'>uell efher present enl' lronmen t all Ihe signs otlen fort what.ever she wants, while WI! hcaps, to be damp, moist OUM one of Ih e h u ltes t plac('M ill t :' C' savcd Illy Jit.:. 1 bhallllc ver furget it." • In the good old day. when Japan and llDpleas- WOI'h) iR ot i\ rat mlno. At any rate. with gell1 Il 'joI 1:..)Q in the " had c m Oin e\'ery 'ulLl iov 1111 denIers. 50 ce n~s n bOlt. lose. It Is so In many departm ents of IlnL. anLl bavo hysteric .was really J apan. He had to dec;d~ s over l\Ilytbin 'd ny . g tic patience and a look or wisdom, she life oulsldo of Ih e" sr hoolroom . It Is Fostur·J liiihurn Co.• lIulIulo, N. Y. 'upon all the klnda_ of cases that tho whateve "YOII r, Is absunl don't f4UPP\lPC and s hameful thut I'm . Tbo such n eat anti bllnlwd and occasion ally liclccd not only tbat anOi hor girl wins the ! ngenloul! subjects of tho sbogun were a paw worst failure anyono can have Is a fall· [001 "" 10 . Iny in Ihe s hlld" .tI Ih e tilll ~ , and rubbed her ear", u'lIll e tho o " alb Ie to ereate-c vel'ytht ng from mllr · gold medal for prollclcn cy. while lVe ure to rille one's Own ~p lrlt and be- tlo ) oll ?" -,Mn guzinc ' uf J'·UII . have nClt 8"'on a men lion on Ihe honor havlor. ·cler and manslau ghter to mistake n partners dlacusse d her. ~o Demand . "She Is to be In (ourtIl8." said Oy- IIsl; that ano lber always '1IIar rlages, Onco be had to decide upon 150 has re llOrt. 00 In Ibe Lire or Burne·J ones. a book ''No'' aaid I,he ~. <lnger in ' the •• ed, 8ma San. "We shllll divide hCl·. L~ Hay- enriched wHb a double A, while we Ibat IK full of -8. cat. It bappene d tbus: luit; l'busfnelU ilfl1 t w hnt It. used to be glorious courage, Ihere W. L. Dougla a '4.00 Cllt lEdge Llno as hl San shall have tbo ;ert front leg bave only IL B 01' C, llut thel'u are nre conOllual proofli ot tho c reat art- J've secn tlOme nrct.ty hnd yen .." but lhul' Mr. Mounta in (Oyama San)" Mr, and the cannDt bo eqllalle d at an)' price. fourth tbat appertai ns to tbat; other t.nllur,cs" thn L try our 11earts quito ftbilio1ul cly th e wurst e\'er:' "Pinttre e (Omalllu ), Mr. Forest (Hay- Otera 1st's heroism . When you see tis love· i6 .0'1'0 San sball have tho right fro ut as much. wh nt do p)li nllrihutc lt ~" ashi San), and Mr. Temple (Otera Iy pictures I want you tb e to I,a£seng. r wllh Lh" , kull cup. r~ member ! g, nud thEl rOl1rlh that allpertal ns AnoUlor girl a rr l~ndshltl that Iho loveliest tblog abOut him .Sall) had gone InLO parLner sblp. They "Ru1nouH CO OlIJ Clit io n," was thereto; Omalsu San s hall have the left where we have uuly "\\'hat iii y,lur liue of lJU~' nc ti . , ml)' J 11 s light aequaln t. bls refusal ever to be were l'leh merchan ts. Oyama San was dlscol1rhged. He • • k! ·' hind leg, wltb the appropr lale fourth; anco. or gUEiS ort all n Slllonflld trlr> 10 made his fri ends stronger by his ..a "sul"all bit ot a mao, even for a and as for unworth y me, "l'm a raiumlt }.;(,I· . ' ~ - (· h ica I;O Tribune. habitI will be E' urope. Jllpllnes c; OmatHu Sao was tat and honored w hll0 wo 81 ay III hom~ IV It I1- or conlllan l cheerful noss. We uught to by acceptin g tho rlgbt bind oul change IIf srene. Tho fad 'round IIko a ball ; Hayashi San was ·.cg, and the renlalnl" Is. It we make stepping stones at our failures. Cured Her Rheuma tism. "" ·ollrth." choo ~e to dlBturb ourselve s ubOut them . If we happen not to Bucceed ."lo-dqy, let 'lIke a bean pole, and Otera San bad n eep Vnll ey, Po ,. O<'t. 2n.1 (Spociul .)" And tho lall?" asltcd Havashl San. tbe 8ruall dlsallllolrHments or life are us stnrt right over and succeod Th l'l'l' iH del'I' int erest In Gmen count.v ·aueh a ~mall hoad, one wondere d 'll"el'o "Does ' to- o"er no one have tho taU?" lhe cure or Ih n lillie \l nllghter o( endless. Th o grent ones, too, occur morrow. Ono learns ' !here room In It for any brains at all. more by failing l. 1'. WI, lpk.)' of HhN'ml\l "0, Y8S," replied Oyama San. "Thll now and th(,n. IL Is iern , Sh. '""' n tOA t of eharae- than by "gaining easy nonors In These lour mon lived In 8. village tall 1& for the n p 'c;',11 8utft!r'cr CUI' t!\' C or ;oix YCIU·!I. OIltJ tbe ellt herself, tho tall and' ter 10 meel discoura gements IJravely, nO .near Nagoya, wh ere tbe golden dolpb- the head l il il,!, seerne.1 early ' 8trllggle~ of this strenuol ls time. 10 lin her II n~' 1\00<1 l ill , with both cars." and to ref usil to bo downca st and blue, Tbe one wbo ralls aud . I,c Lroed Dud d'. Kidn.\, I'ilt.. • I," " • . ns stand on their beads on the rldgo t r le~ ugaln ,.,111 $11111 Thee the cat was given formal pos- wben we tan In an altem[>t tn 11l1111'O \ ' tJ nl,nn",t. At on C t~, null now through no win at lut. ' !lO le 01 tb o root or the ancient castle tlhu id cUl 'r d nnll cnn run :lIId l.)lar 3~ Fesslon of tho poSl or rat calcher fo r fault of our own. _pa'iacc, and consider ing Ihe size at the oLher ehllfh'. 11 d", 1.1 ... Wh ipKey 6llY . : the warebou se. She caulh~ ATTRACTIVE NEGLIGEE. many rat.. As 1 wrltEI I am thinking :>f a girl "I nlll indeed thankfu l for whnt Bod.l'. village they dill an excellen t business. Kifln e\" i'iIl. iI:,,'c done ( QI' lilY cluu~hlur friend who :bas had all ",:perlen ce Tpe . Just as In this co untry tollt speculat e PopulRI' Surplice Style Haa In- the)' snl'e<l hpr (rom being a cripple vcr"', JU I,I.1I11. which wllJ show her mettle Rnd dis· tn wh eat. over In J allao tbey Blleculate l U: [ls f U I' lir.-,· .'· vaded tlloR eahll of tll,e ' Matln~e close In Its later errecl the sort or slrl In rice. They had II /lroduce exDodd'. Klliney l'iII. h8"e , pro" cli thll t -.:o 'il= W.f~~.z= Rnd Tea J ncket. ' ,P.i"" llIniiSIll iH aile of 111e l·C~lIh . of AllY OTH£II she Is. Ellzabet b Is a Quick o!nd cleve r • chango there, or a rico eKchnngc, long • • •UF.OW R£& cIHi"'II !-CtJ J{ i d""r~. flheulUnl it,1II 1."1 t.'U UMrtl girl. wbo lenrns without taitlng much ~EWAnD to Iny.n. wile cu before anyone In tbls couuLry thought Negligee s nrc In dQmllnd at all sea- loy ric "dll ;'11 lim blooo. If Ihe I\:d· I dlop, ... lhl ••111......1. Irouble, and who has n reputlltl ou In ,or tbat sort or thlug. W. L. OOUII'''' $.1 ••0 I".,.,. [ ...... by t".I, sons or th e yea r. . IIIUsLrl\IM Is a most h ll,\' 1-- UI'C rI8 ~1t. th ~ rc ('.1\11 be n o Urir ACid her family circle fOr extraord inary III t he Lldod nurl roni!CQ uc lltI )' tit; niH': '" ceUeDt .lyl., euy (It rlnsr •• nc! sur.,aor "'tarln. Being partners . tlley belonge d to tbe Bttractlv e oue made ul pretty challl'! 1'1 111""" O",ld·. qullt'e •• Dchls\'ed the larse , .. e of .ny 'l.50 gonius. She has always been 01<lIe ted 1, idllC)' r ill. mal •• tho .ttM , \Same guliLl-a n allclent ono lbat cluug In tb., world. Ther aro IUlt •• aood . wllh simple (rimmin g of b!\ndlng, whi ch h ldllc),s rillht. to carry thoM '"at coot you 18.01 10 11.00 - lb. aDl,.. off 0,11 the 1)l'lzcs In sig ht. Her to cus toms tbllt dated hack to nobody allows ,I a chute'e dlfferenc. oC loose t. 'he Drl::o. If I could lako you Inlg ,01" l)1In:eLl fnther an\uSElS his friends by lbo' unknew wben. Amon g lbese cilstoms one .""Io,y at Brocl,ton . llla... \lho 1'11. rat woninn 1M\;. I.,~ ..t lu th. plnllln ilirl m,. t he world under nno n'K)' m:ak "r ..en. flna 'consciou s vanity which prompLs him tc sleeves. It Is gotten out by t he Pcople'" w ith fr if~ l\lj l)! LIIrl1l puthy. a~t-;llt~ ' bad to do with dress. If tho market 1. l\ n ~\' ~ wl1l\L HOllie Journal. Tho s lightly open' neck 'he I. l,'o .hOH, and s huw)'1"u 'he catewUh whkh evrry nIl H~ ll') .- ~t1lnt:l'villc J o urutll. bOast of EII ~ abelb 's ~prl ghtllMss, and means "ellt against the member s of this guild " air Douala, fboe. b you Wffl.,kI RaUre comfort and s tyl e In one. nne\ why W. t.. Oou~"'. $.).50 .11""a are Ihe bHl he Is continua lly relleatln g her wit ty Ihe in winter time, Lhey allpcare d Oil the jaclcet call ,be beltell with a ribbon .hoe. "rO(Juceci fa Ibe world.. SKIN PURIF ICATIO speeches N. and tellins any listener' wbom or left rree. as preferre · streets In tbo gauziest of summer co.. III c... ld aho. you the dlff.... nc. bet"""" tbe \l d . Whetbe r "bGee mad. In mlj factory and thOM be can buttonh ole , tbe s tory or her latQlb.r ' tumes, It the market went wrong In made wilh th e [1111 or wi tb pulTed Clltlcu'rn. BORP, Ointme nt and Pills est triumph s, Her mOlher bas less La sleevea rJ~~"i .!,~1~:r~~::~ · SlImmer, they walked about mulllod In t~:"U~!~: : I ~ Is emluenU y simple, and It Oleanso la thel, th.. ah_. Skill' fli better. and ",or Ion •• , ••"d .... 01 Blood of say, IIml Is more tact:rnl , but In bcr Uppets to their eyes, thick bOOdS On l1"..ter In"ioek: v.luo Ibaa TOl'tl\rl~ g Humors - Oomquiet, unobtru sive fas hion, sho Is Just Ih .. on the .... rlcel ta.da,.. an, ol"ef' 'J .50 dl\llr heads, and lhelr bodies wrapped 1If. L. o...r•••,.." plete Treatm ent $1.00. as proud of her datlgble r and JUBt , as . . . . . . . . . ,_ i n the heaviest padded kimono. No . _• • ";80, ~ co nvin ced of her s uperior (aleuts os ~ne hilS been able to traco the orlgtn D . . . . . . . . . . '.78••' .10 Th; agoni zinll iteh,ing 01111 .burning of ber good busband 18. Both thrso peoCAUTI ON.-I"al.\ .u","" I"'Yln~ ~f this Clis tom, bllt only recen tly nas \\."1. 1)001:the .kin, 8M in telll" ' Ihe (rightful 8eol· tu eht'MIL "Talle tlO euMUtoto . None Aenuln. ple. wllh out meaning It, bave purred ,n disappea red. Probabl y were one (0 Ing' 08 in pS"l"i"$ i~ : the l o~. of h. i" nnd "Jtbou~tlmo IOd))fl co Btamped on bOttom. up" Elizabet h from her cradle, "Ilb the eru~ting of "e. Ill , ns in Ben lied u••d; ~hc "'A.NnO . A,"oed •• le,ln evOTY town "h ... flcrutlni t e carefull y he would finel w. L. Oollltl.. Shoeo aro 110' .old. Full 110. or result that sbe hos come to depend rnoiul di sfigul'<lmenl, M ill pimple. nnd lIunplel • traces' o f It even .. u~ r~ for lU' J')&eUon DpQD teqUila. I ring wonn: the awful epllr~ly . ulTerlllK too Inueh of IQ' on ber qulcltne sa ,Well, onc sum mar day the marltet fnnts, nnd anxiety o[ worn-out parents, n ~ Fo.1 CeIer E,./.t••Mdl 1~.ri.,l1/ ..... -......, . and has omlUed , the nard Wri .. study lor nlaatTal6 d CaW", of ....n 8tyl_ which GIVEN FOllMAL POS$ESSION. had behaved badly, and the lour partin milk eru t, tetter nnd filit I homn- All "'. L DOUGLA S. u .......... U _ at certiln pointS Is Indispen sable. You 'Ilomand 'n remed ' of almost "",II.rhlm r.n I nera went down t!i.e street togethe r nnd lJecame 80 happy that '\lhe grew may Imagine t he family constern ation virt"OlI 10 Bucres.fully cope With th~m Jooklng like bales of cotton on parade. fnt. Th~ll sba brollO a I~g. As luck Thot Cutir.urn Soap. OintTl\ent pOll. Pills and chagrin wben Elizabet h failed to 'UByaph l $an led ,tbe processi on. Ho Illla it. It ",'as Oyama's leg that are "u~1I ot.nlls proven by lite teslomony sUf- pas8 ber aenlor examlnn tlons and 111'&8 ~ looked like two bales, one on top oC fered. of tbe eivilizctl world. The acciden t distresse d Oyama IOld that she would h(We to tok,e her a he otber. 'rhen came Otera San; he San. He mourned for his Injured Ins t year o l'llr It slle Is fina lly to be · looked Uke a cotton pyramid . Omatau limb. Bud would have drossed In white " . " 'lnl peru n1 of eUT ent literature will iurl i.ale thut one ne".! not be .:Sao' followed , looking like nothing but -which i9 the mournin g color In Japan graduate d. logical in ordel L() be 8ociologil. ll.- Puck .. A year doe', no t Jook very long to . a ball of wool; and ' Oyama San - but Ills partDCl'S objected . - - eThen, your father alld motber, becauso as : brougbt ulI the 'rear lookIng lI'ko a ,Ibougll he did not dress hI mself In ·Announ";'ment i$ 'made by tho Rock people grow :tlttlo Oniatsu San. T IOllo ·Prisco ,,·yat.llls of t he inaugura· while, he dressed lh'l cal's leg In a ly to rltsh older tbe years seem fair... aloong li ke waves In, a mill t ion ci' 3 dnily through tOllrist cnr St. As they' drew ileal' the eltcbang e. soft baMllge, and put all on It to aSd raco. !Jut It seems a tramllnd ous tb ing I~t)ui .!f to Loa A.niJcl,-~, via l"ri J.,rlll e to ' ,...·here thP trouble of the day bad the healing. ~cdorn, Kuu*'l., th.nee Uoek r.lnud· I ~1 to a girl or 17. It looks to her like a SURPLI CE NEGLIGEE. come about, Oyama. San saw a cat. All was going weH with the cat. and long level I'a"o Lllle to eatiroruia. " , stretch of e~ernlty- It we ndapted ' He rolled towards It, snylng: TI'i:. pro~:ide8 nn entirely ' lIew lourl.1 to tho washabl e materia ls that Oyamc. San woulu soon hBve his leg fall In anylhln g when we are young we ear I'oule 10 tbe "Aha ! t he very thing. Golden many women prefer at.all soaSOllS of tbe ::>lnte, ,nnd "ilh Now we on Ule ground again, ~hen lbe cat IIro terupted to fancy lhe illRtnlluti that we ooyer can year, 'as wen as to this Cu r the Rocl: ..-lIall bave good lUCIe." upset II nigh t lamp, and· the ~eg caught make up' our chaille. cashmer o and 'I land hal 110ollIe ..oftban tell tbrough ,tollr, loss. That Is one reason the like. ' " What Is It 1" asked tile three In fire. The lamp was lu 'what might be why , , is. lille& between tlJe Ena~ nnd alirornia , young people-'Bre blue wheo the '1:ront. througb their wraps and pel'- the porter's lodge of the warehou se. 1:bo negligee Is made wlth,'the 'frootlJ These, .nn .tart' fl'OlD ' Cbitugo, St: Loui., ought to see e1VerythJ ng In ro~e-coior. ' spiralio n. a.nd backs, tbe baclul being plain, the St. l'aul and loJinlll!llpoli. ~nd l'uh through With a , terrifyin g ooowowooo, the Once via either tho Rock , J.lnn<!'8 oulhml "The cat," reviled tile panting cat ran tram tho lodge, to tbe ware- aged, wo allow ourselve s LO be discour- fronts tucked at the sboulde rs and R.n.!.. ' by wn>: of EI l'aao. Scenic Route we are hl~ndlca ped, We are very lapped one ·Oyama . side over the other to glvll 1,>, \Vn~ , or Uolotado. 'Chiser frequent houS&, nnd that 'was soon In flamas. apt In Buoh moods nnd to discou rage oth- the surplice elreet. The Sleeves " Ani) what or the cat? There nrc .J t was a total loss, and meant some- ers. are In ~"mll~hen " I\' o .ervico i8 r,ro\"ided with " ' It a girl In IlJllzabetb's position orie view to 'udequale ly 10eCi ng the demnnd piece Il\lch. "many cats. We see cats every day anel tbing like rulu tal' the four parthappens to be preparin g to teach. or ered Into purrs and call either be gath. (or tourist acciolilmo,IRlioll. IInde>' th~. ;bear tnem every night." or left freo at their lower I \ '.I'y low tate. effeclive ners. . has In mind a delerml natlon to be a,n edges. in Septelllilfl' and ' • "Ills true Indepd . I/.ugustly , honorab l:t October. Then Hayashi San , Otera San and artist. or a jOllrnall 3L, sh~ , says to her-'-"'0 The' . .t ,ue." Quantity _-of material required ro.r Omatsu San met and doclded to sue self, "1 Dlay as well g ive It Ufl. Ther~ tbe me~lum size Is 4% yards 27. If YOII wnnL to be (he man o[ the heur "Well. Jben?" All wero exceedin g· Oyama San. He' bad vexed' tbem by Is DO use 4 yard • 111 keellins on. I s you must , keep your ullpointlllclits to the hal'l never 32 or 3 yar(ls ' 1y' warm, ond no t pntient, probably , bls officio usness ; it was 44 Inches wide. wllh , he who had alt[lln what I wlsb. yards of banding and 2,'ards of embroid - minute. but Oyama San managed to I",rr BUtYl- persuad ed them to buy tho cat. Had "Never" Is a word line hC.Brs on tbe ery tor frills. c lcntl)· to eXIIlaln. It nol been fo'r him Ih ey· would not IIIIS oC schoolg irls much oftener I,han --::-,-:-- - "Behold . t he cat has rour (0 lars. hnv e Ihought of having a cat auout; one ought. FASHIO N NOTES. ,brown . and black, and while, and and then. It was his leg that bad set o • ",ray; nnd we are four- that Is it sign . Iheir precious treasure house. of rice A. ~reate r number of fancy sboel ar. Looking over' a eloRe t ope ' IIny In being Tbell. IIko nil caLS. she hn.q four legs, on lire, causing aU tJle loss. Yoa, "'orn tban ever before. , IS GUA ......IlfTEE D TO~Ullt wbicb a mlddle-n ged womau had 'Rnd our wnl'eholisa has four corners, Oyama San. and he only. was reaponWraps for evening wear dlsplny the paclecd away lUany Lr en~urea or her short. s houlderIRIP. BID COLD, HUDICHE liD IEURlLI'A. Thus have we four a nd four, and four slllie. The three partnel's would capo errec!. ' go girlhood , I e~me upon 8. lot of old 1."D".eU .1. ... 0.1. "t•• to. deAler 'Who 'Won'IU nar."t•• :lnd f(lnr. The sixteen sncred cmulcDl5 before tho groat Judge Ipnal Nibil Clolh In rusLed 011 volle or on lace ' It. 0.11 'o,you' ,,,OIlO RAClJl: ... IT »o;,a'T ClVR£. In scbool boo 118. In olle at lhem I founl! ,,~ .... DI~ ... er•••.O.. M..nur"'luror,8.p1""I1J1('I" .... or th a mys tic double eight. We must Nngcya and state their casco With18 IIn:ong Ibe charmin g errects. written In ver~~ bl ack leltera, un de r· ' buy (his cat." PlcLuresque. daint.y. berulfted RprOn& < out doubt he would give them JUB- scored, too. on t bo margin or several are one of the season's By lIppea llng to IG sacred emblem s. tlce. coquetri es. pages tbe word "Oesl>8Ir." "Have IOU The princess 'mode III shown In a ' (he pl'rslllri ng Oyama San Ile rsuadci! The next day they went PBst the any Idoa," 1 &ald to Ule owner at the ~'eat mallY varying ' hls perspiri ng partners to Join him golden dolpbln s Into Nagoya, and, designs for fall books. tn pUI'c baslng tha caf. Tbo four pro- bowing tbemsel ves low herore Ippa word "why or when you wrote this wear. on tbese l)ages?" Nouparell anel chlrron velvets bave ceeded thro llgh the gate before which Nllbal, to lLl him their tolo or woe, "Oh," she said, with a laugh, " \\O:ben been 'fhe cal sat. and at th~ e nlrau ee to (he 1 hen Ippa Nabal sent for Oyama San, prepared In Quantiti es for tall I was 14 I had tnoods. I often used to ·trnile. 'house within , On reacblng tbe en- and qucstlon cd him a s to Iho tale his thlnlt that I had almost reached tho -trance to tho lIousr.. Oyama Snn, In '3 rmrln ers had told. Th~ tailored shirtwa ist Is the onl7 jumplng -off Iliace or the world. and It cne wblch 18 perrul Slllllle with a black ·.olce lined with flann el. called out: .. QDJlB AL" POB. il5 CEIlTS "Honora bly so augustly Is ," said 1 failed In a lesson I felt as If tbe dis· tailored slel,·!. ... Augus t pardon ilelgn!" He meDnt Oyama San. wllh his forehead a!;alnst Grace were Inacrlbetl upon The Nasbvill e, Chattan ooga & St. Lolli~ me In letPlaited that he' wish ed Ih~ master of the, Ihe tloor. "The story Is Railway i. distribu ting a very beaulifu l even as you ters tiO large that el"eryhodY . ('Ould eee \'~rlal1o sltlrta are sbown In many ns and tbey are stili tbe rav:!r'l!ouse 10 pardon him for " enln rin g ttl ho vo h eard It." lithogra ph, J8xzS inch~s, of the famous them. (suppos e I serl bbled tbat oDe Ite Ilc$lgn. nllilroac h- that Is" theoreti cally. he engine "Gener a'" which is now pn exhi. "Then ," sai d lppal Nahal . sitting In day when ( was lllue." • The close-lil hilion In Ihe Union Depot. Chattano ojta. meant Ih:lt - prarll'rn lly" he WIIS dOing lll~ I'obes or A woman who has ueen wIdely has created- ting bodice now In voguo state upon a silken cushTenn. T1le piclure is ready for framrng 'tIO more tha n l c lfln~ the serva nt know Ion all a IlIntform covered with tbe known as a au ccess lul writer told me UJ!oerwe ar. a demand for tailor-O tting and will be mailed to any address for l.bat he was therQ ; Imockin/! wilh hiri fin est malting. "Hayasl,l Snn, and that her Orst work during ' the llrat twenty-five cents• . The .. General " wa!l Quamt looking little Red Riding ,"olce. 60 to sp~ al; ; thnre Arc nellh e l' Omal811 year of her struggle to I'llter the procaptured by the Andrew s' Raldclll at Big 110011 cloaks for small girls are among ·<1oor bells nor .lnor lulocl;rr< In Jllpan . PRY to San . nnd Otera San shall each fes sion Shanty (now Kennesa w)"Geor gia, on the you one·tblr d of you r IOSges due was tn var labl y relul'neiL "Slor. tbe r.~wer OrrerlllgS Tn Ihls lacle thr), nre neilher Amer- to the . Weslern & Allanli. Raiiroad . April I2Ih. 11llrnlng of Ihe warehou se. for les. 11Oema. essays," she said, "all came No eveni ng 'gow n ts complet e . ·11b. Ican I1nr EngllRh . 1862, and .".all recaptur ed by CO,lducl or : heir' legs carried lhe burning leg to 'hulTyln g back. declined with t hanks. out I~d gauze scarl, sel'eral yarde long. W. A. Fuller. Anlhony Murphy and There wa K a repl)" In . O.vama·s lhe warehou se , lind their lega ;lre ~lIe and she added. "1 uaed lit erally many of a harmoni zing color. O1hcrs. near Ringgol d, Ga., after an excit"Augus t pardo n MIJ;I1! " II !IOunded cal1~e of the los .... a time to wet my pillow with tenrs. Yet ing chase or abollt ninely miles. It was Tucks are again stepping In In place 1I11e th e ,,'or<1 "111 h." Ion !! d" •."wn a lit : the oft&nel' I failed the 100\'0 deter- ,o f tb The three pa I~. onl' 01 ' the most tbrliling exploill of thO e s hirring, . fo~ everyth ing now 'lI ·'Ill\.!· i-I ·I-I-t·1." mined I became not to fall. I w,!)uld Civil War. The object 01 the raid "I3S -.~-~'--La look as srender &8 possible . Th on th o lloor .1111 It' one siile, and to bum the bridges on the ' We6tert l & just pull myself together and ",ork Greerl Goods . The double skirt and tunic-ilk ·the face' of a maid apl;eare d , . ". Atlantic Railroad ' and cUI ', ol'l, the Con. harder next time,." H e - ~ly brothe',. Is IlI E! vIctim at • fecta are Increasi ng In llOpula. r ll1 , lederate and Army from ill bnsl! of euppiies. O/ Dma l!!an blew out throngh hIs green ·goods swindle In the case of a Btudent who, el~her t..y alltumn . wlU be In full e.r y. A "bOOlc)e" "The Story 0/ the General, " . lipprt anutber "hu!;ust "ardon deign!" through Illness or lack or painstak ing She-Is hp, a farm~r' Prime . lelll color free anil UpOD appl,lc<lllon; green are anDounc ed iln/I.ask ed If tho honorBb1 e cat. atlgll8t. "No. He married 'a · grU«l WIdow..... or Inablllt) ' to iJcrher work, miMes a ..& tWll of tbe learUni fall shlUlea; t,ht , ' \ ;V. L. DA,Nl1!V . G. 'p.. A• ~7 sltUn. at. the bonorab le gate. au8rOOklf n BaKle ' ' ,ear. tile d'iay IlDa), lie a 111. .1111 III JUeWl II a v!\rlel, rich, dark ton ... " ..11.111., ChlUlaO .ln a St. LoaIlR'w. ~,Ule, T . - '" !rRE




-- ---

The Legs of the Honorable Cat ~



'3. &'3. SHO ES

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$1 0 000


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- - .---



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The·Engineer's Sto ry B7 M. O. ROLF E


NE alllllnJlI Ur~I' rll()"n ollr tru ln hllPI' n d 10 be a 111110 laIC. nn ,1 we Rl ea ml!tl !tHO MI!l vi II,·, Ih" e nd or

or Ill s repoated dlsa-gre able \' :sIt!I 1(1 her. nnd or bls II ll3l r e thllt sh e wOIlI(!' become hi s wife. So Mrll e: t1y nil" v~hr.1nently d id ' he pl'eBB hl~ Mill! tbat., at la st, ah IID<\ 'I'.l!s ol"ell t o tuli hIm Olli' bet rolhal nnd I' Quest '1 hnt I i J \'I s lt s sho lll<l be dl - rolllil1l1e el; 1lJ1 'j I Iholl gh! the C(lIl ckC I' IhlR WO II d onn. Ihe bettcr It w01l1iI h c rOr all ('Q II Ce l'I'c el, So. wholl I \l'IIS 1111 bs )'\. 11 \Jy t ho Spu lll ur,] 1 manage(] 10 w hl " Jlc r: A, PRACT ICAL FARM TRUCK . oI Tc)JI hirn now,"

RESCUING.. AN ORCHARD. - - . J , - - __ _

A. Pl'actlcn l Leason 1n th e Cultlvat ioll of On e Tbnt Doe9 Not Pay.


What Ii to be donn wltb Ih e old


dllu'\I? Thi s I ~ n l]uI 'SI IoII whi Ch m n oy III n fir ' as lcln/,;. \\, 111 Il pay to do a ~l"

lhlng? Is It n ol be tl e r til CUI uowu lho I"N,H. I' lear th e Il),OIl I1U and mali C UYO of Il fur olh"1' IllIr pose s ?

OPE.RATIONS AVOIDED Two Orate ful Lette rs from Wom en Who Avoided Serio us Oper ation s.-Ma ny Wom en Suffe ring from Like Cond itions Will Be Intere sted.

And In It e r OWI1 w~ol, womnnl y wny. On e Wili ch tile Farmer Cnn Build t : lu l nuh{cd1 r l h ~ l' tJ al"n f;nrnc 01'r lln l'u.~ 'Illietly . alill with 1;ludly s ll ol. 11 woni a Will Serve HIIl'I Accept.a bly lu llil l tnight lJCU,, 1' IHH'P I' ha ve \.) c(! n t)e t.. of l 'eST~ 1 !I t hI s t1IS1lIJpol ll tnWIlI. ~ he the Cull i\' a ted Field. 'I'h" H Ili Is 11 01. SIJ" h a :. Is OIled for to ld hiJ1J ull. I saw 10ll g lJ e l'or' sh.a llu:II1. th e vurl c.' tf ets wfln~ poor ly HI: I N t· hnd Oul . hr.d tlHlt Sallw .Bldo·. 511an· Th (" I'c n l'e mUIlY Il latA o f grou nd (:ci, t he HI Of"k wn ~ II va- tlr ll.c IU l.n wll u IKh blood was 11(1. 1I1K tIarl; ",\'e" tll ole ""he )'e It Is Il1ali vl~lI hll, 10 l ak(' a s et Ihl' llI WitH 'J):~ nllnl.leu til 1'1' 11 11 all' a ~ I ne l)' ;;iill er ; hi . wide. liisugree· wa g on 1l'!H ti lt! whl ·t ' l~ c10 n g l'(IUl d e31 1 ~ 1'1)\\'ll\ n . A ,,~ HI'lght on . '. qll Illr. u l'(hal'd I~ H Shll Slu r l,·,1 u Ill t le aN III,' Whis tll' a hll' .lIoll t h I w 11 1'\",11 l:pn vili sl vel ... ; \I !~ of lIlLlllagc to 1..{l'owiug pl nnui , ant! to fullure anll alwuYR h u ~ l,re:l!. rrct3hlY -('11111vulI!d la ntl . Pfl j1N"!oJ ly nf1 ~ 1' EH' I'oamctl U\lt dost.! by whpl'p ~ihc stOOd, lu ll. III he f"r nl ,,'r,1n bl ell lIu d Pr I he In· Bill IlInny fi n orc-hanl li as 1J1'~11 nU\ll f! co n ()ll1iz(~ i:;<Joti. I I\ rlll~ h tlil! Plo !" j ' (,,(;lH Wf' rt! di ~­ ~ lId tha t wu s. whal III'C W Ill Y rr ll l! l1tlOll 1111 ' uI'e or hi s [IU W(·.. fll l emotio n ; amI r ('(lint tlownpol lf:. ; Yflt t o C\'pr_V I hln g tohl I hUl li e w aH In Hudl tim e Ulltl l aho r In garhHl'in~ ("lIil ('r r'(jllrn ~ iH!,; 10 h(' r al 01"1. III th e IIrn l. Utlf! ",lIl-:h I 'fli p hralH'i'j w('re ntl 1111, a nti we were u to\\ Il iing posslon U!i on ly ono 1i!\A Sllt'endl ng mo.n II n' ul' In m Uh' hint; ,\ h3\-0 111 ~l lil1d ('(')u I. I Itlldly ha\,A 11c(ln p lnn l R, a haul 0 1' ~nllln so rl Relll l1:;\ i n ' m( .I'(1 I1 nhJ\-oral ll r: ~ IOPJlIIl;; n~ 1J1'lclty a s wo cO ll ld. hili him oOIlI l! hn\'e In h is wUYlI'a" II heurt. lor a I JI'g ll1l1in ~, I t " I'm g oll1!; !" he " oltl. "prill!;l lI ); 10 dl s}ll ' nsoul e_ Th l .... o ht ai n ~ t o C Vll ll n I \,\' I~ S.!-lf' 1. O il a p;ra vfl llj' !>o1 1. wh} Ch Is tlOt thero w ere Iwo LHJgg:ag l' C';tt'!-' RIIII ltaJl' a d OlP n \\'(' 11 · 011 ('<1 couc lws ul" h ilJll. uud his rect JlJ'l'clpltl ll e ly. "UIII I W81'11 srpU';:C"f f!xtf'nl UII ~,om o Innd s Wil CIO If O.lS ldt· 1 d ' oUL I r(U Up p l C'M. rh e t rc 9 thc}'\! I ~ II~n g:p r ur o\-erlllrl ll ng nn ll not "f ru of \"~y c'l'Owlluli \I ; ])1'011 )' 11I1I'd ; 111,,1 II yO U tlull ro u will yet ,hun! l'(H ISe lO th e p oo r eH I _ They "C l e, in was ll\'hlft ll t we wuu ld run n 1'011 or rcs rN Ihat ),011 bave t nye,1 willi tho sto ppi n g at jll Rl lIl e pra lleI' plnce a nd rd I. IIlI l flin g lIc U!!. I h, ,, ,·,· rtll e "10 I( till H!, . II"IHI1 a II II I'I-I .... I"Y . SHc li n ~ " l l lght to go as h p-ul'l of Sun la Elllo!" two h"yo",1 our 11 811Ul HlOllpln g )JIIII'I:. A bronll 111'1' ow l n 11 01 Il'IId( wiil hTII Hl1. 'i'hl ~ WII R Ih J\ Illi. before e ith er of liS cOII I,1 F3), n \\' !ten I S:lW lJt·1J ~ Inrt. Wt' \\Of'!"t1 nOI e h~f.; l lInlll g. n chhC'r t !'lar II I) t hl' grOHn !!. s lnrt at For l1flnl'ly :10 p~urM HH~ t r e~ c;tootl qllit H even wit)1 thp po int wlH're Rh r wOI'lI. he wa s ~o ll e: 1)llt I dilln 't fOl'geL hnVI'OII(~ r m o ltH' lllS, I'HII' he 1InlJI to n lill tu ot, tile clln nceM with the ,tr ulu was stllnr.lIIl I;- IIIOl'U III Or ~O f"c t hi ;, tw \'agn look nntl th e lJ ellSl·lil,e s nnrl lI P"Ct. Fol' h "",·y liflilig. n lld (or anrl ha y CI· ... Il'· or ,:ourso "wny. · Ii e r foot Klrlle\, nllalll "L II" , fOl' n l1,omh. thoy hali thO sprllylllg pot nt'll "". the ncu re r the worst of II an,1 at whm' l of a truc le I'lose- by. a lltl ~ h (' the enrl er lha:. t im e OIW rloy . ~ome liltl e lim e nrter war,l, groll,"1 Iii I' " otll·r. "'III If Iln l maue 100 there wr.l·e many Whcn a physicia n tells a womnn , RlIf· I Hea ri llg how Lyll ill E. stagger~(1. hend lon g r ight IOWIII'I1 the 0 " 110 khowed me a 1I1)l e. of whic VSlCSlllt 1.laces In the l'inkhfulI·. Vege tA\;l. h tliis wl<le for flI .ltI row". )OPt hi g h e nou g h ore hnn!. 'fhe trees I hn t 1: mal ned "'"ro f o r i n g fl'om o,"IlI'iun or womb trunblP, ' Com pound b~" t\t1 \ ' t' d _tltl l~ wom~n t",~n tracle. Ouly two 01' threo S t ~ 118 . alld Is a copy : thu t un 0pOI'atio n is n ecessary it of scrlo ll 't O)"I('nl UOIUCJ d(,.'(.' s mal l all'l " killy looillng: As for fl' UI,t uh d to t..-y it. Hbe woulu go o vel' t I\e edge of th e . I I " ~I I"R Bpll p: I ItlSS tllnn f'lIIr Ili orH i1 :1 1 \\' nR omir?l" oncl III wont to b e~ YOl1r I here ne,' c r hurl hpen muc h . Til \ Of'- cour se ~ f l'l g lte ns leT. mul wOJ'ds rull t OOXP1"4'~1l my tbun ktu ln1"l.:.rOO; platform . and the engille ' wos I'lls h. I,ord on . nn " thnt of YOllr belrothe ~" The \ . •,.y thought of the opera d c liOi'll h all i.c(' h one that "d illn't IIa y. " l uhlo '. • , .. , 'J-' . Ing Jl lon g 10 ~1'II"h he r II 50011 as s he hU,1. fur my IIn genLiem a nl y d \!unu th e Iwi[e sll'il,,,s WI' I'orting to IIIJ ss ll'rI till. I.!dcy ~f .1;) Furl llll ai r ly a 111[\11 w illi all Id eo lh~ n her he:u 't. ' As one 'WUl1lon 8<1 r~ 11. expres,q cd St.r eet, 1\l1hnrul ;cl', \\ lS. ~ wn tes; I felt cold uil Ol on ce! pOI'IIue nt on the occas ion of lilY last loole dl o l'ge or Ih e farm. II Q )l1') w~ 1I it, wh e n lold by h~r physicia u thut Nhe DonrM .... Pillkbnm :No one " 'as "Il ),y II r n)' ha,' -not n ca r ca ll al YOllr house. I cun 111ellu lI0 I !Ie on' haro1 nnll ~o \\,pd ,·ye . In \llneo must l1u,l c rg-o nil opera_lion. ~hc f el t "Loss of ",wcugth! oxtrcmo nervonsn ess.. e nou/,;h 10 gms lI her nnll rlrng h er boclt e xc use that I was dee ply wonnd· of ellJil ng Ihr. g l'nlll and I'lrawing Il off that h ' I' d eath knell hud sound ' d BC,'cell .1I00llul: P " ns through Wo pelvl.. , fro111 thl' slIdden. terrl llie IIps lh Ih a t ell al YOU)' s limmary r ej ect Ion of me. t: , orgutlfl, uc ,l1'1nr; uowu pn.Lns nnd Ihe field h e I1S~<1 It for a hot; lIaStnl·e. J Our hos pltllls ore fu!l of w o w en "xt1'elllO \Tamps IrriwtloJ1 cOlllpellod me to l seck Ihreate n -d Iwr. In n mome nt she Thinkin g of yo n In th e WR Y I uill. unrl ArLnr a ye nr lhl' g round wos alSula who ure thcro for OVllrlUD or wowb 1I1Cl-licul n(iv iL'e, Tho £1 ('to r , nft or nlllklng wOllld lOll e r o\'er 01\ th e ra I Is I,n.· h""\~ nalu)'ull y "cry pass ionate. It 1110\\'r.d 31111 Bowed. Tho 1)l g8 gre w Ull OJ.' 'l-atlon :sl ,m exn.m inn tlon, saili t hu 1 bud ovarian trou.. Iloes low-an d 10 n mOlll e nt my cII g ln n not nl)ll ~al' s ll'1J1l ge at oil 10 It Is quite true thnt these 1)10 a1llInl~CJ· llti oll ,.~111l od '· i£(.~l flll opl1ratiolL alld wenl. t h eir oppo ln ted way. I a vlnll me Lhnt mn"rc ncl ustngew h 'I'e nn o [lerutio n lISlTIY onl) hol'o. wOIIlI1 he thr ,' . lao ! I s houlll hu\'e exhibite d illY c ha gJ' in I Olhi. l rrr, onbly objCl'tod l h e ordmrll ueltrr Ihnn I.h~)' fOllnd It. .' I C I ,,"<·,,100 uo a I... L ,'('tif)rt to Is the oll ly rcsource , hilt snc h eases 01" -c:.lind Impell el! hI' U s lIrt!l en Imlllll"l.'. I anll mo,'l lneatlo n In 1\ mann er I hat Pinkham 's V,,!(ctnIJle !:umpound.try l..ydh. Th e IreeB reallol" le<l r porllly ' lo chIs muoh rut'cr tllnn c rawlQU along the sille of tho holl e.·. "~e m NI 10 )'Q lI IInculled -rol' oIHI rll ,le. 111'0 II\ y ,",urprlMe tho ulcera tion bealed , nU IrealmPl I!. They maue II. fin o growt ll, hCCU.l1 bC 0. g'l'cn is general ly au pposl'd. t.. mn ny WOllll'n hn n _ ' the bud 8y lllptolll~ rli.,llPl wlU(,>i l . nmlllllll om'U ('1~D.t to Ihe rrout , of tile c n~ln e .. onll I lJel: Ih nt ),on will torgi"e "llI e. nolY 311d artc r COlli' or fi ve )'enr.. ungan to be..' 11 cured by Lydia B , Pintthnm 's murn strong, vigol'ou:\ 0lH1 wcll ; dDd I Cllnleapetl 10 tho platfo r m ri g ht oga ln s t lhal I am golug for awny. null nl· Ilrl)lhl rtl nPIJleR. Th pn th n orchard VI'getab le Compou nd Ilfwr th o doctor. !lot my tbollk., for "'bat it bAs don .. II r. a s we ~n m e 011. I sa w Ih o fl,·e· low m e 10 co Il 10·mO I·row .1111 I'A " pai d," It 110111 tho best o r II.ny fi eld hud said nn operatio n 101ISt be ]lcr' for IJle. el,·o man st ore. And hi" fnco uI'l lI aily loo l(ell r)'OIll YOIII' own 1I1li;. a nd thos~ of my (onne·d. Tn fu ct, lip to th c puillt wh e r<' nn Ih e fal·l11. Therp we r e <'I'OPS on th a O"nrlon nlld womb troubl es uro lJaln through Ihc.cunl ,lus t n ull ~ lIIol,e. t'oJ'lunur c 1'1\'01. Ih e ass llran ce "oil" )'car~. wh e n othpr or 11Ilrds were the l<nifc mus t bo u sca t o "ecura iu stll nt ~telldll.l' on t1JC: In c rcn 'll among womell. that, relief. this medicin e is eCI·t.llll1 to h e lp . -:. al1ll be fore subm i tting to on 0l;'0ra.I savell he r! wh on YO II s hall IIIl0w me 110 mora I1 r ur ly hnl'rt~ lI . The slrongu.' t and mo><t [p 'atcf ul tl on p"cry \\,OIlJUU " Dut the force w \lh whl~h l. oll ld try LydllL E. Cu nliil\on" WArp cerloln l y dlscoura g. et.ntemc nt... possihle ha ll f o r ~ ,·er. ),0 11 will not think 100 B& 10 mal,~ !:ome from l' I~I(\"'I1J's V-;g<'lahl e Compou ud. and s prung r1'om I It t' f' 1l g-ln p lhrew Ute \'~"ply of YOllrs slnn'rely . ill g I'nollg h . Il IR 110 exagge ratloll lo \\'0111,." \\'ho. h.V taklug Lydill. I:;. Pinh o \\'ntc ~Il' s. 1'",I<ham D L J_yqo, .1II 1\8s. across th o sha rp iron f fls t At the lJll t Aa r I hill I he m njlll'i!)' of- npgl er. tell or- IIOIII'!! V.·gctub lc Compou ud, . SA X T A I: I lin." 1I0\'c for,ndvICc. •. tom of the hag!;aJ;" IJ'lJI·k . nllll " bl.' fure "Whnl " hall 1 110. Ca rl ?" ,nali ed r hnnl~ oll'"r belte)' proslle t s Ihon thlB. es""pe(1 seriou s ope ratio us. r J. 01' t h l .. t.!:. yenrs T_Ylh~ .E . Pinkham '" aoyone got to rill'. I hnd faiIHed. 011 .1 Ilclle. ns I flnl sll ed r actIng th e noto Mn" g ritc Ryon. TreMur cl' of At. An- \ <,ge taLl o "om pound Dllt thero was 0111] Ihln g III 118 favor. I;O:O;RTR t r. TIO~l 0'1" TR IT " . h.\s bee n cu~lng drew's Society, H o lc l Engl i..h , Indlan - Ihe worst fOI'lIJ s of I had Iltll c more Ilr ~ Ih /l l\ II <I 'fll] allli hanu'll It ba" l, to he r. CA , Cuupilng P in: fl, J=:itnndard ; G. l'1o \t ; D . The \'n rl . 1I~ H w ~ r e mo~ l.Ir goorl . fC!1.'1lI1 0 eom~lalll"". mnn. ,\x ;e: J':. I~, C luhhN! EntJ s or TllIill'I: G, \Vhal \\' R ~ dono In Ihi R "aso cnn be opolis , lol.!. , wriLeso ( her cu /Jus [ollows: 1I.1I o~arlo 11 ' trou bll·". In ~h\mJnatlon . III· At fir" t I llld not soy anything . from cerutlOn , fo IlIn l!' lind (i1spluc ement ot 1r oo Pl po: H . Coupli ng- l'n]t ; I, Coupltng don e In lIIony nnother. Wilen 1 come to Ill yself ll~aln. thcy ~h('/'l' .tll·llI· !.~. It If the orc:hard Dear Mrs. Plnkbam :seemeu HII'll nge that t h e womb. I~uco rll( n. irregu larities, nUJ1 d; J . \\' heel. bad laid me OD R Rot'n III Iho IOlli es' n mlln lill 6 llle hns hee n 10llg In soli It r..n be plowed I cannot llnd ·words to CXPreR8 mv tbllnk8 indi g'~~sUoo lliltl ..J1(.','\'O\lR SIJaular d ' s houl,1 wish prostrn. tiou. ror tho COUII .Lydia room. and they W P.Tf! all loll<ln,; III 10 npolo,;l" o (or E. Pinkham 's Vegotnule A ' I .. d I' anyt hin g ot Ih e kln'l. tn jlls t brll s lr O\'c r pOlato vlne ~, on e II() Ihls full after t h o lrees hnv c slOllPe(1 Compound did lUe. Tbe do<:toi' ... II! I cou ld n y "omUIl w '0 "un I-I .u I ~a t Ie ,,::~tly o n re 80 fas t Ihnl I r.Qul dn ·t 1I1"ler· It ~ lnl c l, mil n mn g row y Ihlls i II ';. Ihen s nwn to rYI!. Next spring have. not a t Ih get e well I"os unless t po s~lble I lind un opcratlon be lllg uunatu m l for tor ~rn.tdul lette .. , on hIe Ill .Mr •. IlJIkEland much or ""J'1.h ln!! ony of them Utl C of hi s I mpera e xpen se, n v~ry sn rviceabll l adjunct to begi n [lrunlng anll ~et Ih e hogs a t o\'arinn nnd femllie tl'ol1ble:s, r knew I L"Ollld hum s omc~ would .,. l!onvlnc ed of the m c nl . and cAna lnly not sttlllfl tbtf Mtrolu of un operation tlnd IlLude (,meie rlc_y flald exccVI' two- th e do to r nnd th e Ill". my P:11'l II hI.. worh. wa gon Th shed. o plJ;R (jf h~r nch'icc nnd LydIa, EA will bollt do 'eIght th" cllltiv bOilS. reo ati ng up my mInd 1 would btl was e lilirely unlooke d an Invalitl fOl'lIf. . PiDI,hom /,; irl I harl sO \'l>II . 'o Veget.o.b and Quiring l~ Compou nd. will Ilfl.r' an outlay (or the or privilege 20 ce nlR, IK a ll lIie . ro O' . So I thou g hl It nil OI'er Cltre· "He's cOlllln g 0111 ot hi " ra lnt." sold fll ily a s I wotcb "d Whal evPr I1JOY I,e ~ahl auon t this Ask Mrs, PlllkhalD's WOIII8II Best. Understandtl 11 Woman's II ... hel' s lowly fold tho average worker need newly acquIre. the (locLor. By marking a secl!oll fo\ll' times on mOlhOiI. NOY" the Fnrmers ' Vnl~~. anrl "Two ur hi s r ibs are I)Bp er unll 1)lIt It In li s e l1\'elollo. But, a bro leen. hut I do uot Ih lnk lI c'" fatal. :1. ld9 from Iho s rea ~onahly large gllm irec. one may It is nlll nbovc crlllclRm . I ~ IA at least lIrprl se I felt. I coulll )y injured. " . cc nothing to cause me to suspect b n\'c rour whe els. fOllr or fI,·c In cbes Il eheR l1 ~nll I!onv e nl e llt way of treat · wille. that wIll meet every require- Ing IhlN " exe,l qll es tlon . Th~re mllY b~ "That's bart e n ough," s nltl e voice t hat he wa ~ 1I0t . u_ h o hact s lgncd m e nt. explaIn s a cOI' resJloud ent or tho ways Ih at nre hell r. but r ertalhly lhl! -a teneler. pllylng. womall'H voi ce. nil hl'in s~tr, ~Iucere. So. I sa id, ufter a Country Gentlem an. Dy IJlklng (ollr Is 1101. HO ba,l IlR 10 Ir av e the orchard to In a tre mble. a n,\ whll-h I I<u win· tlmc : B~ought care for II sel f. Th " sam" Ireatme nt ttn e llvely was h o,' ,·ol ce. "Sill. tbonl, "H e a clwo wl ellgcs that he IIlIS done ' baklng·p owder boxes. and unfll3t.en lng wOlil d mak e m a ny o rchards II. source 01 the Hcnven. It Isn't any wo,·se." ~otloms wllh a batchel. ""me le nt· wroll g. li e WUllts 10 make am e'1cls. Iy dllrable axle hOKes are hall. Th e n all was sU lI a moment . The and It woul,1 1m hardly A profit thn t now arc nn almoyen ep. to fulr fOI' 113 10 while oak tree will thon furni sh nil Ih e Iholr oWll ers and far from 0. cTedlt to dontor Irepr feolln1: around my rlhs dpny hlllI Ihe privilege . ~al)eClaiiY as requis ite remaini ng tlmhrr for Ih p. the rarms. la a way Ihal mad e lIIu Imagllle h" he I~ go ln l: awny ~o soon nnd will READ THESE STATISTICS- WE CAN VERIfY THEM: fram ew ork. 'fhe Inrger lJl1Jbs nearc;;t POWER WllS trying to hOI'e thrOllsh IIlC wllh I)rollabl y II c,'cr bothe r YOII ag~ln ," the ground wIll make thc axles. lly a very dull auger. I /lauD 't opI'n crl OO, OO~ people die )·torly {rom the result . 1,Ie, lerriLle p iles Iilal kepI FROM A WINDM ILL. 01 <';olls tJlJBtion Thal ni ghl I (lI'camed or my "weethiru in ngony. uml :st.oruuch 'l'ruu~lc" uml Jlowc/Il wo uld Hu t Hl' L rur my eyes yet. Illld I "but them ti!(hler henrt. In m)' day .. , he;ut uc· happy dream s . nD ttl;l: lheir ut~lldin g ills . Niue in every tCIl tl o n IlUu c lll nlCllIl~tI Attacbm ent Which Will RUIl the and bit my lip hard to keep from marring \' I~ lon of . run down UlU! com· r tllwe It. ~{nny don ' t kuvw it, (L nll i1 ~ood pltl t(!l y d l~cuulIIgc Sontll Elldo came to trimmin g the dl slal porllon to fit the d. Il l' IC80rtell tu t~H!ry' Grindst one, tbe Bone Cut:tera nd <!rylng Ollt wllh th e pain . tll :lIIy who do ktloW it negl ect. it untl1 I L dispel my ' 1lellco or ell stllrh ln y RIIIIll' wh ee l IJoxes. there knowlI IIW IIIl ~, UUC10r!'4 , J't!ltIcLlie~, ua thfl, wIll bo no worry is toO lute, t:;OIIlO get 80 bad lIl!'Y thillk dC. all to Other LIght Machin ery. "One of 'thrm Is fracturc d In two he rR. Til e lI ext day' 0\-811. H I.! SU)'l!:I: ":Suon nitwo re away lJul clt- or anxlet.y or n eed it ia ill cul'nble, nnd th cn they I'Ctiort. Lo c r 1IiHII·tCJno~IIIII places," said the Ilottor. '~ Gmpc Toni c my bowIy. os a ll Iinys do to Olle aCllvely em· Ite"p on the whepls. for ollls ide taps to the phYl:lic 01' pill haLit, where the J'eu1 e/!t l' I:~ull to CH· t J cgll!urly. the pLllll IpCt If YOIl havll a willdml ll II ca n eas ily trouble bcghlK. You "He savrd m\!. but ho n early lost 1.10),ell. and. he fore and 1 kn I was aW81'e of It, ow that. 111 (', umt Illy WHir J!:~uel two 'a l hl'ullh buill pipes. eneh a foot long and be nrrangc d tll r\lll tho grlndslo raf'~ 'I~ . own life 111 rloln g It ." salll he r my u 'sln n e, P ills onu l'bYMic mllke \1S worse, \V~ UC ~ idly_ 1 III!lu -tliy J'CI,.·o IlJlucnd It nit Hrl hnd nlmost compl e te d the two II g nes throll g h (In diamet an oil· come a e r). the s lave 10 them u nd voice again. " Whllt an IIWfll1 death relllrn lun Qu'd finall y th ey 108c selill tc.,' cure t o whidt I a m a tiri ng wit· bone CIIIlp ,·. 'feed wag TRUlIllg olQng axles are 10 be jolne.l. moltlllg their power on'" 1-«\)'8 1$ o[ tllo ll1tC l:t ti.h!B nCl'(~_ tll crll It wOllld hav e bee n! I want 10 do toward M~lvllle at a grind e r. cle. The OCCllr. .lId then 1111. Iow rll s hlng rato. The touch In Ule middle or the p : ll es. dellth. I Thc "~ OJ'! on lr a few of I he "ery, somethi ng Cor him . doctor. " e ll t. 1'(l llro<lJleed Now Oon,tlpat lon ahd Stomach Troubl • • r. rnSt's uC Sll l1 wa ~ JU Rt dipping OUl of s Ight be· There Is no danger the tJioU!;'lIul s cured by l\lulJ'~ of I hel I' Rllpplng , Ju,' ___curabl. a' any other dl,ea"j we ha"" IJrnpe TOIl!c, "Vou csn do nothing now ," was tho hll1,l the SI!Qred hill from tho f'nrm s away to th e IE'ft, being held sccnrely by the bolt~· thaI {hi. fully by curln. over 10,000 the lall We can cure YOu,' no MIlUer how bad oft' and Te illy. "W~ mllst mana go to got 111m and the ~hllly 01lltlmn nncl Hornl', s how s- proved two vear., Many of th ••• wero the mo.t to prove It wind whl Rtl ed Jln~ 3 bcroro and behind each axIl', a we will .end 'tou without COlt .. homo OR SOOll a~ he Is rO\' lved," _ a );OUU device t o c hrOni C, torlou" complica ted kind In which all bottla of Mull'. I'r m y 0a rs . os I lean d olll or the little 1I10re dls lnlly Orapa Tonic and In.tru<:tl on. other rem.dle. and do. tore had f.iled and how to use Ihuu Ihe ~nd or It_ 1 he d ii,e.t lve ora.n. .,.e While ho waH spelll<lng. I ral scII my eah. in a woy that I:OllVl\il the p e r· hope d.'pai red 01, but our t,.." lOlenl currd t reminde d me Ihat curh pipe. 'fhe rP Ht or the framewo rk I b' t ~h.m qu ick ly and to .tay cured, ~:~t~:~~.~~ ~e~lIic~o u '10 curEo l',,'e powe,. of Eyelids and toole a goocl lool( o t Ihe wiliter wo" rom lng. 1)(,nrll Clllar m"Uon Bllt I dhln't mInd rJlII be "hopped onl ot IIIIl \JOlly or a Mr, Thomp son, of l 'eCJl'ill , who IHl d s ui &Irl. Her I,yes fell " " she saw I was it, for I wa_ II ThIlH'G I. no schemo ~boot thll, but. of thll win dmi ll fair, Cered ull hltf life oud huu .gin. " UII IUl ln.' • • quare chance Re d 10 ex pos ure. As m r.rllull1 tree or .al)lin s with a !lhal'll tor yo ... to t ~' l 'h iS &rand tr eat looking !It h~r. and Ih e. worm htood II SUOI. I kept a Into 0. ,horlzonl al WI8 cured by 24 botlleR, 0 1'. 'Uili . of S t. :;;'~f;.t (or yourselr, in your own home without· Iwen 100kolll a head. Iml c h el. onll lfi s Imilar in (" '~ry rl'fi ppc t ~ on e. Th,~ liar. b. Lou is, whose henlth' reddene d the [ace tha l had b'!IJtl almost An en!':lneCi' .can·t ' be 100 careflli. YOll to Ollr ol' IHnury wa gon . "",'0 onp. By IlIld bten lJro l,cn II \-OU ho\'e Rllf,'unH,t St omach, Do,,,. ,.. llR pale as my OWO '-OIlU It wn~ dn- know . wh n he Is conn('ctm l fo down, c inillls th u t. RevCI'lll boules ('ul'rd t:l , I{U.JIIC~I Lllll t; 01111 i"Hn~ reo llzes thnl a bit ot mortl ~ lng the t hlli s juH o.lJo\'('l IIw rt;<I~. Il ca rt 'Proubl c , I nlinn, that it. il'! a ~plcn did met!u.:inc Inr dl~W:-l"HI , O.\ ~ ~ ,the windmil l pit· cl dedly the pretlll!s t fuel! I had . ver l'eckIIlSS U'!HS maS' " 'l'~i:I , ('old , (evel·, u iarrho 'a, enualls:e r hlllHlred s wIth a clulJ ·~ haped proxima l (10 Ihe ' l olllarh nnd BowclM, Ulld the bl'~l g('ncrul 111:01:4 1) 1 I":l ccp JIlon. O. so thut II .een. Then Rho opene,t hp.r Illg. br own of 1I"es :IS i1 ear ~I r\!n l:tt h , lUll J own , Pil c.r.~ tonic I,,; aver Haw, Hr_ lI edl'ick, of Kun ;oou ... " I'Pl'II Ull' ,l irol, nnlt a.; hIs own. wagon) end. th ey aro h ,,111 Hrml~1 by li" lul.l , uucJ LJluud ; t h ZZ llI CSH, moy be eyOJl. s o brlghl thrOllgh 1", 1' 1·[Il's . nnel attnch e, j {,; l l\', who Bud ron~ tip:l1i o n teO hillily 1II,It Itflt! (;OIl1 l ilcxillll , "h ' nlll th r o I' WM. Ihlnkln g of t he the nfo resn.hl holts 011 th o front __ ''''llIcliliaCl' ,ITO axl cs. at llald. Bweetly nml ('ur nl'!llly : will. The he \ -crt;.cd upon nen' ut'll! t:vllnp":: l" ~a\"~ ll~ III I.! rl'~ull of ~ ',111:0:1111 .' t Lt11l {lildlIh'V peopl e In the r,oar.hlls he hlnd. when, mai ntain 0. coillno of \'n n la;~o fol' .lInJ')~ ~111 11 ' .. his gl ' UL 8urllrise lifter t ry\ll~ '} t'\'t' I'_ \ "-l l ll n ~ w (;, h :11'(" e e 'l'flllit· 1. "YOIl am a horo!" C. and I:ikc wtll (' lin' \ 1111. It i~ D :o;p l c ~ .I be.fol'e me. n lifo' was In dei'gcl' which tllrn " BIIII "Irpllglh . a nd r"(!ll ire no u II· WflE! h)" l\1uW!4 (;nqlc '('\I fII l -, h,' ,I h i T UIIII..' 111 .... 1 H!ol Ill'_ hili '1 s haft . c. s holiid ~Uy9 it i ~ cureo ~tntl'~ _ EVl!I-Y'" I thOllghl I \Vo"hl willingly hnve wn~ \\'orlh mOI·r. 1o the ' )('~ l th illl:' f ol' SI OIII:lt ll ,llld me than Ih wllole d iUonal f ns t ~ nln !i'" Io lJollld 11 " , - i t. An " '0 11 ~ rrlll, T .\pll ol(l f0\"('I' 'llil l - j be of Irull or s teel . BHI\'CI_' ltlll i kin d n ',1 ill .... t!tnt 11 :, :4 UJIIlC I I I III ,"d~' two mor., ribg brok"n 10 hear he r say WQ)'III bcsill e. l PPl'f:ti u ' III <o; lilt: II lLl.llo\\" n IIld II Ot Imo w II Ih e n. Rhnll ar 10 what Is fUllnll arolll1d 1111 III fatlli l lt.!. , \ Th e !tho rt pllman, tlHt Ulll'lII io li ill I II~ IIruh'",slU llal ' -,lre'i ' l" _ \\'11I~ , e Mul\ '!'f 1:1"1\ 111' '1',1: \1': iM 1I ~C" J. YUL& tho ~1) fOllr wordR ugaln. hilI. I su \\' It II monwill la lFl'. and It o il harrel. wl li mal,e Ih e I'"qui "Mri-l_ ,\ !t'OIIil, uf ( 'll ir:q,I;I), wlto 'nne n l "l: Itl'I ' oI "-"t h :, " i!e h. mny be ot INn hl'll1 TlII1 L\'_ lwa.:: 11 t,.-,I:!\"' Arte r awhil e Ih!'y t(Jol, lII e hom ... nlO1 Mt rro. e the bloo (ld ill\I:t litJ coupl ing lJancl ~. "nil ifi ('a ~ ill' IlIlIl<" 1 o r hnrd WOOl!. cl In m y " c ln sl l' fC ,' uf ;'~r 1,11 , 111",:\ DUII ' I WHit btl l ~(' lId IlO \\' f~; r th iM rr~ "h e :lxlc hll r . d. which ·hortlUl1h ( -l) lInol Cfm-!If ),f'lI B elle foun d out wh(\r(\ \ \ ' t ) Ih·c' l . uml MIIII':i ( ; I ''1 h ! T l)J II C ofTc(" ,I Uti Jl"1 ,n 'll. t :l1l1d for AR wo rounded n shar i' n il lllg chl l .. rl1 1'\' ~. tllred br n " mail hU11I1II1'1' n lld ax lUI' holds s h a fl . e. I'lgltl. IJ 1'IIII1Ii BOrR r-. h e WII M nll lc hi _ 1I ',n-,' h l' l: lI el l a l lt'I' d , ~ n ~IJIJ 11111"" 11 1' lI1ot ng ths ran a hcarl to Ilrp.pll l'IJ m y 0101 mol he r 1111'1]111; 11 u cI~C I) IH.l ra _ dJ'Il'ill g purpo ses. (,lit n ot h a lf " 111\1 2 pilman. fl. 10 r('l'ol\'" whp.c l. I'. RhOI'll] '. h(' Iillru IJ4I lll p_ nntl 13 n ow e' Il JO~ I nK HI1tld !; to seo me bl'ollght III nil a " I rPlcher . I'I'Onl Ih~ Slo tlon. 1ll'lIllh . :-:11 l! 11111 1 hinl '~ \- I, , - \ t hlll g Ih:I(, I\ .. - - -- - - - -- - ------ - _.. T sa,", nor 20 r oth Lo of h <:n"l' Iron. IIrml y sC(, llrml. nnd l'l, llIe I n - - - - -.- --. She wOllld,,' t go IIW"!, 1111 );1", had hdor ~ II: . a womBn h,' r I",l i t-c, ~ fl -, l'm\\", o f ~l. ALL ABOUT 'I'HE FARM. 12:f ~RfE COUPON . lyi n g III O;;I"o le 107, lJr:H 'cll III p ump nl 1Jlnl r01'1l1. llfll il'i, II:HI dyt""l'l'r ~i :l , Ih -,'I' and IIIH\'f'1 troll bel ped mllthcr to mal(e ",u ·: ~a ~)'. unll acrO$" Qn ~ o[ Ihe 1 111~ " Oll pon \<'I th you r Dflm e unll b lC' fill' :tr, \ £' 1I1'R \\ ll1dl 11 f' tu ulr:u Icd dur I tHl!=;"IIc1 rall s, a iHI. n lillie N ow 1h ft h f n ;';llP:O; l ln.')oI.8 Oil UII'! n. \'R \' 0 r Ir afion, II rll~l·d1i t '4 nBllle . ror B t!xlortc(l 8 IJrDml"" rmm "" Ihu t Rh(' nl·all·r. :I ma ll lOp.: till! t ' i,-". I \\'nr, li e :-:,11\1 h., 1Il,," ' I' (:oll id s ta nding on Ih" lies. I r" ,- IIllu l c .. r MIIII"~ t:r: q)t' ')'(luic, SWlDtlub Trentin g Poar Bli g'ht. 'Va k h th e "al1' lo r "'""!;O anll li ce. 8,f't nnylll l llg 1111\1 C,,'('1I II /ro ld ed ' Iill' '-C' j 'l 'ou mtght co me and rIo he r port lowal'll rlghl. In Ihe mldille le ami ('lJn ... l 'p \lLhJIIl'u ro , oC the na r l; ! "The Do 1lH'1 nu l!tor. l hods lot iJu t ll mt .. .. lIp .. t t n ', l1 111(" l1t of M I I1I'~ pUI! pn,'(' heco m e n "ire, w lii (' h w e lIu\'O u sed nlJrHlng me back Mull's Orope Toni c Co., 147 Third Ave., 10 health onll A~ we r ame )'N Il ean' I'. I Ra w that As bNW PNI Ih p. "e lf·sall"H ~" II1l1n nllli """c"" f ll ll l' In c:ol1lr" lIln g rll:llJ' "lig ht (,;I';.IPC Tt1Il U' rO Il 11,'I'tl'1 \' ('III 'I 't! h im 11 .... j • RO C k 18 10no, _"I. fltrl'n g1.h. t he ;\'o m on wos tied Ih rl'. nllIl IhAt tbe IIn satl s ll"II n'('v III111('mlC',1 I t t i l ul,1 "'llh.lll'r~ ~ ') 11l:IIl"Y 01,·, ""f( 4'ldltr"':,tltl d II r ift /,/(llnt~. II Is ha l'll to ,uy whi c h In Ih,· (,IISI." s a ., '" Prnt. Will ie . i n Alllel" She came eve ry ,In' to ~ee me. an,1 lhl' man Will! my Spanl (I I wlwt1J fllII 1T,~ r \\,Llh t h f" !'I IlIII!.! (" lIl1pJ II IlIt. Th o fa OU lJu llltl nmt nlll.!l n enr ly Lhrcu , h dval, .Santa Is Ib e lIIore tlal1gN·o IlS. kan Frllll,. " i" Ii,at or 1!IJltln g; Ollt tho 1\I r, Ml' Curd y, Ilf '!' ICIY , Qh III - well. by th e time I WM ahlo 10 Hit 1;:1010! , wa~ olle or t imes l1w6Oc ... Ito Al dl-II:; fOi l-orcs, T'l brooll ove~ lhlngs whi " h connol h olllo"0r IleDr hill'ht In Ihe foil. IU C' groli f'j:t. ~ 1I1TC'1'f' r~ .h ut .-\·,' r (' ::l IH f.\ t o PeaT UP. sho har! proml"e d 'to marry m e at Great II ca \'~1J! I lIorerl not a~lc my· b e hplprd Is wo rse I hnn a S~ll (lur nttt' lit iOTl _ TIL('rt' 1I1')1("'-('lIl l r W:UIU 't illg ben hll~llI. liI;e s mollpox . 19 cOJ1taglou s . on ,.11 ... j;!!f!flll i nc 11 :110: u rlllt.e nnd numbernext Christm as. I'm nol going to te ll s~ lt who was t he nrj.!1111 of h i~ body r l'C'e from t.h~("n !ol{, : f: lnlllpNI woman! I <Iorcd 1I0t trying t o hateb ~ lOnl'S . and Ihat "hOIlIlI IJC thol'OlIg llly und eru n thc laIJI.,I -· llll.e 00 other - frolla._ l' OIl jllsl how It nlt came nlOm . A luter h er nam e! Li\'t!r Trouhle . FilU1nlH.'h Hlld K IJIIC) Tr llll- yU llr dJu~glst _ If YOIl hO"e buill all nil' ens ile " hl [l h Rlooli . We c. amil.c mllllllply each t ree man doeslI't ' \ik ~ to go IlIlo (\~toll s Rl'ellng. holf fainting (rom my In· In the oil· ... COm lll"" re II nw Iu uullll n 111 all o ...·ho rll nnd ~lIt 011' oil Infected 'WIth RIWh 8 maUer. ),011 Imow. le nse excile11le llt. I whl s llprl "down sood founrln lIon IInd er It . IImh" 01' IwlgR. Wo dlsln(ec t the IlfunAs soon as 1 wa s able 1.0 hobble bral(I's ." 5e l7.e,1 the Down In man:), a farm cellnr are jars IlIg ilniv 0" IIsP,1 III I he ,pro:(·ss . and lever aOll. throw· noollt town. her vi s it. 10 ollr house In g mrselt IIpon P081t1v el., cared by It as n malli or. hurl s and r.asl;s con taIning c[lgs III Ih e wn · lift e r Iho IlI1Prnll,," we di s infect the ceaeed; bllt yoil Dlay res t assurer! that himself a ga lll"t tbe.., Llltl" Pili • • Ill s p r iso n wo ll s. , re- t e r ·glosR sol llllo m Tho t m eans omelet woulld . It re"e mllips In .thl s r egar<1 a J lo's t no opportu nity 10 I'eturn som' \' I'nell the e n gin e. Tbe7 IIIso feUe,,, DIBand c ustard w hile th e h e ns are restl u g . su r glc. 1 wOllnd. BUI e \'~ n Ihls ·melhod . tress trcm l>y'sprpst~,1D' o[ IhoRe she had alrea dy made. nnd \\'0 we r c rllllning (ns l . anll r.olll.1n ·t coiling for B mORI palnslnl llllg eXh ml· dlgeaUOD IIDd Too nearly nearly every morlling fOlllld m e a w('l · slop qlll cldy. The Farmin g Popular . noll on of th e trees earh [all anil again loaded truln pressetJ EIltlIJg. A perrect rem· -come and happy gllest In her ' nea t lit· " " on.' Uw I!ril' lng Recent statlslic al calcllial ions. bl' n at hlo""om lllg time. wh ee ls " lIdln g lind edy for DlZtlIJcss. Nausea. onnot 110 said to tIe parlor. . reliable authorl1 y. show thaI Iho)'e a r e lie s ur'cessflll In emdlcat lng the disease s hrl eldng Oil the ralls. I "hlvered 'ln,1 Drowstaess. Bad Tllllte more tban twice as mllny 1)l'ople e n · entlrel),. So far ·Whllo vlsiling Belle ono enning I ,s hook like one In ~ • In tile )foul.ll, Coaled w e hav e stlcceede d In un o .~ue tit wh e u gaged In 8grlclI!t \lrnl Illlrs lll w I han In Illa c ln~ the fir st met Snnta Eliio. He wa9 Span. 1 th o ught t hat '~ 'I'rmIIIe. Pnln tn the Bide, dl se nse tlnuer eOlltrol only r====:. not hlll g ~ ou"t holil ua ..;..._~TORPID U\.E!t. any other occllpatl on . Isb. 1·lIs fierce, (jlllck' moving. blacl, back! T!cllJl In small territori es." fti\I1I&e til" Bowelll. PureI1 Vesetable. eyes. his dorll, almost swarlh y facl'. How my heart shr8111; withI n mo Mak· l I.. YOUT Own Crates. bls o\'ery 'move nnd ges tlll·C. and hIs when I J'cnll r.ed Tons at Oleo. thnl Ih e Spa llla" 11 TOILET AND WOMEN' S SPECIAL tIlES JI wIll soon be time to lis e cra tes for s peech and general bearing. all told beIn g groulld ben In Ihe Hscal yeol' for 1903 71.804.102 f -or ... Ie at clruggblS, 60 «0"& bel, I' enl h the wh c is ! appl es and poLotoe. agalu. • M sf B Ma T .... 80 •• lId Book of ''''\J'uCl I_ F-. ' l,c of 1110 Illnd ot hIs nnU v'IIY- OJld were. S \lOllnd. or o leo were made In thIs COU11Theil' s hllt my ey es! ,nulna. u . ear 'III' II. "UTIIII GO.,A", Hlme wood sawed ofxlut three·elg hllls try. Lasl ..... 1111. MA_ at- the aR me tim e. oqllRlly cxpres~lve yea r the Ogul'es we r£l48.071,480 TT... Fac-Slmlle Signature The 1\ xt thing I kn e w we lUll! or all Inch thick a nd :.n I Dch aod a pound s- Ihl s yenr 4!1,8S0.98 ot his paSs ionate and Im penlollS [em· stoJlpet !-stol,pe d with 2 pounds. t he rO'' ''cat IUl r half wide. Also g t Bome hardwoo d The largesl Inc reasc Is In COIOrtlcl ol eo peramen t. Vet. tal; ell all In nil . he wllllin th1'ee tect of my bou nd and ro.r til!' corner-p loces and th e bottoms . -tbere belu g !Jut 1;,3.154 l'Ollnd,1 more was good·loo lllng; that I~, In his dark. insells lhle Ilarlin LL8. . g! F'ast£ll thes e in prope r shape w ith of uncolore d mad e t his year. pecu1illr way. . Bll t tller.e wos , noth· REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Compo. ltor. 119.50 -1. ootype 0r.era11lre> Bllt she was snved! Fhlngk. nails. A craIe ' to hold a j ng nbout him that would attract my It WIlS ' ~Ix. \Vellks. b~'fore s ho WRA bushel sbould be on A N. K.-B 2094 f~~m~r ~~ ~~~k-IOO~~~r~n~~:!'~1t~t~~~~ I~ the Inside a roo t admirat ion or comrpfn d ' my re.pect. herself ogalu; We have a wa"m' spot In our heart CbtC:lIO ",nel , -tclnll,y, SLrU(O on. Coll OD orbut 10llg bef., l'o I.hll t ' :eel). IS In hes' wide and ' 16 Inchcs On the contrary . Il,e Nlpellell me ' .and time bad. elaJ)sed for r.II.Ur. tbe l good ol' d ~'frled nnd ' f aithful'" • ' I Imew of "'0 ~O,· lons.-F arm Journal. IECRI!T4 RY I;"ICAOO TVPOPH ETIB • J dId nOl wonder thllt :S elie IhOU&bt .rld tr nc\;ery ol.SlInt hired m/l.ll. Treat ltim right. a 611l0. 1~1t AlollAU0oo;Jl BIOd. Clllc&a:o, blm a bad man, for Bhe bat! 8Pokenl , SGmetlm b_ 1 Inln l! be WUlI Inall~ Give the weak chicken a cha.nce b)' We do not neet! new fruits ' " we lit pI Jllm' ~ lOt _maDY I.~_e!l, ·.tell~~ .. me . --N, y, Weck lJ', ,~. . . . w8In•• 'I'e ~ lUelt. beUer culture of the 014 on. . ou r run , flL a \'{' t'.\ ' II v I I.\! flll', Thel; wltro [, 1, 01' tllOI" ou I hr pln TrO I'm, II wllltlllg I he 111,,'1Va I ot IIt " ll'Rln; a nd nmoflg L1ll'm, 1lI01't~ Il,\ \- Iy (hOlt ;l ny 01 her \\'onWIl 11 lf' l'e, W ~t!' U ('lh'







Unti l Mul l's Grap e Toni c Was to Ame rica, .the Follo vvin g Was Incu rabl e.


I~~;:. e~~I~b'S~I~~~d~o ot~~



"'E ./---..;;;z,



m InLE




~yER ~ ~~~

Compositors and Llnotyp. Oper.tors Wanted



_......_......--..- -...,,--



TOLD IN SHORl I BU£lnp l'IIOt one bl\lt their r PARAGRAPHS . vlIltio lit ,f , r.:" ey's: • . PERSONAL MENTION . I MI~s E"a DIIVUI Will' LD Xenm )U9t·



Dru-g Store.

' Administrator's Salt:

Marr,jed ' -----_f_


' ~ Changes Hands. I will offer fill" ~ll e llt _tb Il omo ' wMlt'tI M~ltt.i" DIIVI .., ci'IUl(bter Clf D I 1\1 U)"· I ' \ Sl\ t orcluy,- whore " b WII HI ~'u t Mr,! L ouis May blls soltl bl (1rug of Reb!'000 Onni(1 Wo"nellville 0 III DIIVI",1'lf B,·Ilbl·" ..k , Hnd Mr Al bin n Fl our llu ('''lIt" u ~I\ I. 1'. nn' rt'.. "'. nt II\WU Y of h r ul\(\le IInllllunt Mr 'lOU lIlrs ' h r t " I~, (,'. ""-j'rtl! 0 C"n In . ' .. " I AI/ruo (;lI""'I(, .. un .. r M'M ElOl'lin 1It.t'·IIIlflti Ih.· U nln' rsnh:lt { oll " E' n· . . . . W" IJ" • '. ',1'UEI:;OA U 'TOBER 'II 11100 , . .. Only rllur ,'....'I;l< t,h,,' YUIl "h lnill l tl Oll Itt. ' pdn;; hnr u . ·111l(1I1\' . \ ,l e""o OIllptO Il . ': nllt! . ' . _ , ' , . " ,J, ("""!C, fir n IIr prln/( V," II fty, will tb 1 I l oh ll A FilII I '" . ' )11'. ,111(1 'Mrs. ,Iell 1.Ilith t;))ClII t 1111' . " ,11 \\'il rtz Is II y(mn~ l))IIU beg mlllog ut 1 0 look p. m, ! t.wn In nlllrrl.,\l tllUlorrnw, Thllr.~qllY , Ilt, . , ,"I' O!lI 1I " \\' \lUIlI ,lu l11l1ll'.\', . Mpllhr ' llo tloy "ery h ll l)pil,r wilb Ulei l' wllh II f\lmil.v. con~l~ting of bill wlf bnreClIl3, II oe ntor tllble, Illr~ e ulDm~ ' .ho hOll)o of Ihe hrlcl.,,· Onlv' rHIII . Il t(rol1 1Il1';l 1l 11l~ II .' k ey 's l3uil,lillg r-;"I <!. wIlll!lVl "11U1~ .l u7;0n I)h ~to~ t ulH\,n fl'i(lnd ~ , !III': fin d ~II'~. L!l \'011 go 1', lit nml two RUlli II ohill1ren, un ount of tllhle , IJrtluktll ~t tllbl e, kituhclIl tnbl l' ! n\' t'fI ,,1\(1 u few IIl'hnut.e frleodll MI·~ . Ella 11 rII KHf' 1'. (1Illl;lhlur , Oll\f~lIIh.I ?8 1 \Y<) l "" I(Hn1 S ~\"l t.l!bn:'y.;; l?l'l\ uldlll . h.i~ ~- if( willul o Ulnk her h o me two tllud~Iour!{oodru Itin gohuir~,I \\illb;'lJrfl"fll\tl", t;tIA\lmrrl"l!'p. Mr. lIfIIl MI'~ . \\'111 Billill" tlr Well . )l' CI \li t. 11 11 I h nn,. 'J! n' H II II h ,u< h ~r ~ F:d !I': 11 I . 1 II . , " . . w ith I bom hor e . Mr _ l:iobw'\I'I.~ bll!! six ca lle s eAt, chulr~ , ... ix Np lit, bottOIll ! ;;~~~:::;::::::= . . I huH'I d(')I(H1J . 'I J'I I. S , Ult , (, .II ny c. II co \(H ) oh nl'rs ,fivo WWdHOI' ohllirs. t\\'o~,'od 1111111 . IS l1LII\' 1, lhng" " I' I' j' Lio'llbl o , I B I fiu" <:urn e t s olo>! lit th t om porHllco fllr ('ad )" tnken Jlo~l!cs~ioo uf Ih I. 1 I I I mm·w positlUn in tlo l' J" ,"gl1l' ~ I ore~ III ~ ," nl~l ': r~ ." ;\I~n. 1'(' '''\1,"11( IIwl·ri nt.: in H lll'y oy ,-bllrg l:illtlln1i1Y ~I"I'O lind his flllllily will join him vel stOIH s, olle uUO!,:, 000 'IT (!e Z t . M 111 I': , j) M ,A N . K , .' . ' 10111 ,.\ 1J~ )." of 11 .' _111 ~Olr5 ~ Jl nl, , nil ov,)n in g . IlTld"onlribllt(l.1 !;mlllly to III' l' ll Iho IlI ~ t of I,he m.onth . They ftlllth ur holl , wil,h Ilft l>!t!"1' "nd pi!. ..... ( .ll/ Clllt.lltl . , , lillY '~' llh 1,11('1 1' r,·IIII1\·,'II, ~1t. "tI (l Ih o ,plt~lllh ,l '''HRIl',, 1 P 1'01-; I"IU;I "I \\'111 oCl'u JlY 'V . U. ('n~tin '~ uottlll;B 101\'1<, (lne m IJ dlUIiI size hoal,lng .~ L"v e Burglllll ~ In I'll1llU 1)llIt l.'s; d Oli 1 M .. ". b L 1l1'11"h n('ur I1.1 o ullt Hul ly . I th,' "X lJ re l ~ " ~. Ull :l.llll,h Muill s tl'oe t . (con l ) II cook ~ tf\\'O HOel Ut,"Il"Il~, II fHi! to ~, .o, th e m ; Ihe dC(.urntlull~ 1 Al'rIlllg tl Il HlnIS ."I' A ullti I' I'IIWIl V r" .. , till' I M I" ~' II ,. I I II Thnuuw tlrnj.(gist illngrndunteuf t Hllr of UL'1I8S urullron~ , t.wo c up ' l: .. (I f Ih " 1', 1'I.,u< .' I' " I, 1)l cJl~ lIru 1111\ I rll ,'" IIll III 1 l' L·lll(, . lnll ' llt.1" ( u II oge o f PhnrltltlCY bou rd.' . nbout tl(tv .yunlll of lngrn lu lire hllllllsIllll l' ,J. K ,)'UlIl OY. n t·0 1'111:1I tJpe nln 11mlll\' u f Ullu nll'Y l'tlliuil1 " ti '. ' il,l1 sOllie . enl'pot Eutertull1 uu. b y M.. (,lit". ( '\'It\, Bo IIr IIi II' g H o me' \\;1lI' t.'I I \\'111 I n I',0 , t.h·_ • 1:111 nu,,'~ hl'l'l h I'.in 'III \V U lid~ 11111I UU,. I' Ollll OO llntlc t 0(1 w . ' twenty yn, rll~ ru~ Olil'] otI' two ' . I pineo nll !!001l Ull th ll rnl'lli ~ h i ll"' ~ (If I . " 1 . . I 'I \' St [I II o f tllH 11IT'g,'~t 111'11" .. t orc!! iu UIuoiu loOl\l ll g glllS~O!l, IL t OI le t, ~~t , IIl'ge . . . ,. · ·r· I I H I ' '\ '" II , ,,. ~I:!I .. ". " r ,1111 "I'S \ 1ll, nn l' l . .. . , . . " I tl I t f" "1 ' ,. II d lin ' ' ' ' . nM ,, 11111 11~. -, r . "II HID tlw 1 11~litllti o n /11'4) 1111 ill pIUI'{I . ' ., , ' . " lIul,i. ~?llper (N (',. n Oulu e'Hlrll () 11 J Duos.wir.. lI u!l l( .... mhlu .. hl fl l·. .),. t!(1 ll Gr nite III t r' . , - , ttl I flOlIl Xc nill, IIIHIIIOph u\\. i'llI' w tll Mr . MlIY hu s heoll in the t11'1l" 1 1(\1I.1~.t\\'O Illhlc I1II11P", four w".h \ I'll 11 b 1'111'''' _ "" fI II , I l l ' II p~ .,. II 111 1 B >In II tJ I l ' llICllllIII I I to I 1 0 00 0 ho \' ' I SII lld Shove l Shoe uftn IIml ["mil.\' IIlI rl N 1:1 HwlJ H'lc k"l. Stor!' . . , ' . ' . . . '. hu ~i l"'S S nt " " yn s\'i llo f v l' ~ix \I )" , n \\' . 1I I) '". '. ; BntlL(l' , ('''PUlII. ::Ito,'. FIIl(i( uod .' . I' l' B"Il ,l ll1ll ql l:l. lI\\' l(ln ~ IS ]lbll.\· .\"'''I·~ II lltl hll,. blon ~I1CC(1~sful i ll 1"1111 p(\~ tbol(} ,lt gglll' ; !L1~o UIlIn .I' RDd \\Ifo. . . MI';; . Hlo u H l)el llllSl'ctUI'II"tl hlllll r pro ml (I f ,I 1ll 1l 1ll1ll <1 Ulh ('Il Sl nl' h"1I1l bll l\l1i ll g" up n ~ nb,. talllilll bl1.iil ll'S~ I () lh UI' IIl'lIcle~ not here IlIPntionpli ().Y~t" r HeOlel11lr~r the w!'nther wlllul)ll' ~~1lI1l p ' '\'ltl ~ 1:<- 1" I.> lt~n t _ wlti c h h,. I III~ J'I,ti s~d.l'rol1l ' ~ ll lI I llId Ii 110. Uu hus pTovunhil;,' 'nll'''(lg~'.o~l~hil\· ebp''nwftll olll'l'cJ beu~ nice nil wint o r n~ it is !l OW. ~o tl\e!; /lUll fll fl n,b III CtJIUlllbl1~ ~nt ,I ,(lnt b Ill! frrom l),LllfoI11l Jl 10:1 sclf It ClllHlhlo bu~illOSH m/lU 11Il(IIIII:! f')l II1H1 1I1' Il' 1(0'111 unler. ~ 'r tl AIl~til1'~ Pun U,lklluud bring the bllby in HOX!. &llllrdllY For !::Ialo-A g ood h l) r,;,~ . AI ~() his f riyntl ,T ohn tltlrd , who fo rll1 ~ .. ly IIIl1n y fri e nd ,; wbo will s iuelll'"l.\' ' A.. B. Of-IAN D~I<;B" Adlll r .' Bn(')' "'heut Fluur. alld hu ' -0 it,ll picl,llrfl til ken ILt Spuhr's on o pen I'rtJll t ~t,.o \"l·. in 1.:00(\ co ull i- \\'Jl S Ill'; u (, lg hh Ol' wh on th oy 11" url r ug l'et, to soo him lonve \Vllyno,will n ~V1Lh \\,111 1IIllloxetl ul L.v dln D"me!. tiun . 11111 IIi 1'0 Ilt t.lli ~ "m o. nOn" N, ' "" Hnl'illlg t o ll 1:1 0 c x poct s t.o locllte in some lur!,(ur 'I C(\(\lI~I·tl., . . Ui~i')le:s' B~I~I,I~I~.l:bl~8:~~: o~f U~~l; :.I 1' ... Ho nbon Tyle r , of W~·nllli ng. i\11' 111\(1 ~k'. U. I.. KI'<)llldor ~l:\ . IIll~1 ';11'1\ oont1illlMle ill !:~e dl'll!-\' I ' '!' 1:1 A WI:~ !.u~o~~~ J ilrb".V 8woet Pot,litoes Uillcinnuti. ' speut lust woek \\'it.h Kun·tJ. I JIll 1'1 ('g' lIlt ~lIpper TlIUl's'tlIl.V ,-!1I:'llIeSS u r . ~m ' r~ . _,>IIY IlIll U.. lIb" go-()o ions lifrer Il sevel'o nttu uk of IIIuln,.il11 her co ns illK, Mr . 1Illl.1Mn; U . '1' . 0 '· O"t'lI111g t o IL r ll w y o uug poo plo. itK It httle L1llng htor Edith will 11rohu bly Public Sal e. Applfl.", Oru ngel< fevor. Neill\. fur owl'll onl p. .. lnlllllle u ~ to Ihull' II Ut InllV O h oro f(l r II fow week .. lIt, Lelllon8, Blmonall. I will ofreI' nt pubJir ~ lll tJ Ilt il lS ProtElct, YUU rBulI' IIgldo ~t tlcciuont,5 ~lr. lint! Mr~ . A , 'I'. O'Ne,1I1 11'1(1 Uill('O, ,\[ I~~ W,,(ln Hil(gi n s. who hnLl Illn~L , clilug htor lSlIlit'llf' oj' Lu nd ,,". \\"11',, ~JlO llt Ih SlIlll m e r wiLh .t,bOIll. nml ~~~ . IIncl. Mrs . 1\1I1Y 1l0HIre 10 pX -. l'f h 'lI.h-}J) cu "2 .nl1o~ \Vc~r ~ II Fori y o n by insuring with Fred B. Sherwood. gtlest " "11111 f:1 A ,) '''' II 1't' lnrne,1 tl' Iwl' hOlll u 111 IJll yt' ll press tho II thllnk!! to _be poo ple o t 8 Ih ' lIt! H "', IIlId I ",II" , ~O tl i ll of New .Cnllllll,1 Asparugus · ',1 I ~"'lUV" J YI' ~ . nnll _, \I I . . ' '" • A ge n t ; · I~slll n g lIoCluent po. icics fo r lind flllllilv . . !:rldu ,-, :vh ('~(i "ho WIll Inke up t,he \V . 1I.,: noHvl II 0 lID<I VlCllllt,y .01' I,IIe U"IIlel'vill c , I the .<li: t·na Iusurnnee Co. ' . "I Ulh' "r ~ 1 (,Il"g I"lIJllly. All c !' Sllp . lIbc llll piltr onnge tlltlt, 111.1;; Loen cx - 'P II ll HSI)A'i. NO\'EMBElt 2, IIlO:., 1 N,·w Rlli~in~ , Clu'untfl, Prunes M 1 M \Yh ~n tho nf\W !"OO I.1l '" nll':f' Ll tn Pl'!', o\url<:in;.(. IlIlHiu il.lltl ~Ulll Cti wore tl!Il,iL'(1 to t,h ~ tn lluri'u g tho time r . nil( j ' r s ,T . O . Cllrtwright th ~ pl ese nt n ll P-. Olll ~t tJ l " \\ 111 he on jll'yI'Ll by Ihe fo llo wing guosts: I It " y hn\' c u('cln 111 hll;!lne~ . h e ro. ~ hl) r~ett . nllO IL ~e t1eru l pnrpll"I;O hull as their guest.s SundllY,. Rev. 1.0,. feot, loug , th o . 'l l'ol'!'~t nnd tho i\Ji~~e s Blunch o IIml ElILlu Zollilnu I __ _ ~_ _ _ h ''''~ '' , ,mu l:{oo, 1 work hOl':;(j ; <l llll l, h I . . . . . . F'I.R ~. . . .::;- EOOS and Mrs. Undwalluder, MI'. W. 'a, lightes t st o r e r OUlll In WUI~I'l\n ("'lllll · l,\'wl1n 'o rt)ulJ; MASSI':!". ,.l Oll 'l'holllp . 1 Democratic Convention ' 1 .1' '', " ill btl 1'1'11,;11 iii tll e ~ pl'ill l!; II , Allen, Mrs. S. C. Allen Ilud Misses ty . ,l ohn A. l' lIuke.\'. S O li , Ellrl H.ob illSOll, HIIl'ry H llUlili oll a:" "JlI' uhl I'od pollc.l hull f ll t fll/u n!! h I Emmtt. MeKay nnd Lile . Tho Frleod s Bourdin !; Hou so is nml H iliph Mi lle r . Th c De m oc rllts uf Wllyn o to\\'I1· 1" h nt( h e r; au helld o f h og.. . Ih""tI '1'oltllJhone IlS ~' nnr orders, decOl·ntctl· wi tb a lI u nusom o bllgollin MI' . n Ull 11.1.-,;. ~ , Lev \J'II-t 1v ri g h t ~llIp held lI,o~ nv 1)f,I? n lit. th l'! ~O\\,II' bl'ood so "'''', ' J~ f/,Il pig~ lind lfi , GUlI<l" O"h vtln'li IU t''',,"ll 120 sbeets of good writing I>nper whIch ,,"nM 1)l"e 6811I e'.l uY MI' . Wm . will 1(0 to Duyt tlH t om orrow whe r o . hl)l 1l,)llSO IU WItJllesvllle ::lntur· S I'I'~ I1 ~ \li \;5; fl, lurl(O lot, cf f,u' ming /lnd CorwlO at.1. E . Janney's for only 15c. ,J. Collait-, of til e Hnl"ve ysullrj;! piko. Ihp~' wi ll Iltt,llnd t,he nllllllfil r e uni Oll d:' 'y 'dt c rn oo~ . Up'.Jl.IY onA cllndlLi!lto it II pl om en t8, conslsl.Ifig III pH rt "r '. SlIturduy was Mrs. J . E . Jnnney's Presil1e nt R . F . Mos he r o f tho 01' th e 3~ I' h R eg il11 AB~llOiati oll , ~\f\ ~. 1l 01mtllltcd, I I tln~ '~h O r"lill l·. rilling Kl'I\lll! uu lti\'ntu l· . " liet Ihe l:iu\)II , go t·o h\Jeel c ulth' ntol' , ~ wh l1ut drill", OliO . ~(l l'\'Illt; ~s t <ut wt 0nAll1111P 0 mru~ blrtbday lind the n.nuiv ersllr," bus Citizens Bllnk caUl e clown fr uUl h i~ Iho ('xAI'C'i e~ o f w hi oh will bp Ilevo t · IS JUII!" l"\' lI unllUI1 l cu IlEl, 01 wbinl\ hus II Boosil1!, ( rtiliz ,r t .Z 1 M M Ii: I{ ,\1 AN'S 'I " P tt I 1 · , " h o mo lit Utl ruin gton Mom1u y l)\' ' Il- ed a lm " "'to (',",clus ive 1y to menj(lfHtls oelebrtt.ted by herself nnd Ml· . Jnn. 109, . .1 WI' 1I r Illlllll ' h c re 10 klDg , Of t h int e 1HI)) l mn ' ('3 . \V 'II ' u r. I'f1 . I US !lilt( \) uu CXCtI 1I tl Uv Ili llwhmenl; 2 hllfl'OWM , ooru 11111111 ' 1 allu . . L o le r , f '0 I t t I b' f - d Of UourtiO ney and tbeir four int,erestillg lLfter business ufl'oirs f o r II bout t 11 n ro \' oror1 m omb ol' o f IhlLt orguDizlI }·(:~II'~l.J~I: h';~s I~;~t n:~~" 'i (l~~q . :11,~,~tl : " I'. /I ~ l e ( 1 eurn c utter; hllY Indd"I'>!, ~ra\'(\ 1 bCII, 2 horso s leigb,)! br"nie , I:::::==:=:::::~ daughters ~pending the day WIth dnys. , tlul~ , who pnsscll to b lS r ~ wnrtl h im 10 IInother t e rm . ing' lip pl o w!', Il fnrrtlwiug out· pI li,', !! ber mother and sister, Mrs. S . a. - Mr. Ri oll Hool hns r elltod his fnrm , durmg th e P'l~t s limm er. It IS MI' . ~ d"uul o s llo \,I· 1 plows, It Met. ut I,l ''' ttl Iosomma. Cured. Ellis and Miss Dora. Ellis. t o Mr. Milso n wb o no\\' liyc~ DppD. find Mrt! Cf1rt\\'rj g ht'~ ynrpose tn go worle hnrn tl8~,11 spring w"gnu!,,,I.. " L,",t, Y~I1I' 1 ha (l II \'e ry severe site Kild e r e Furm , and in th e sll1'i n g f .. , III D"ytoll rn Uh lClIgo, \\'h~I~El Mnl1Y Relics Shown at grindu!' uo(1 mon .v ..I hoI' ' d' S i Oreat bargains in writing paper he e xpects to gi\"o \ll' [l oth-o ngri OIlI. till'Y will mall(! n pl'lJ t .... ('t d ~' I ~1t F rlen S oc a!. !Ils'lll:<uge rlioles , A I~ b ousel!old fnwll :ll''', nttn ok of iu<i1;(,. -IIIlO I eould n .. t at J. E . Jnnney 's. tU1"II1lifo and engago in :;ullI O nh ,rc With tbClr S()II . C . ~1. Uartwrlt;h l . in "l nulllg ;J luml,ill/( tj(ov e~ 011 (1 111\ " lel' l~ ut night II ll·1 -\llfe r.,rl most, ex d M oongen inl bU8 in e~s IluLi fnmll;\' . 'l'b e pOLl jllo of 'iVIlYII!'svlll e Dull 1':~l lIte Ouk II OOOk ... luve It 01111 1 ,)iI 'ru ulUting PUlll~lIlttll' "'Ioh mebl. ( M W N 1" rs. . m. ee u on rs . J, H . M Il 1.r :U ' tt t 1 vioilll ly s h oWAlI t,h eir illl ll l'tlst in the sl.<I \·,,; 2 ~uphollrtl,., nn' tlxte ll,I')\t W ill! troulJleu Lhl" WIl.V fur ~bout MoPherson, of Xenin, spent a fow Go to John .A. Fllll~?Y't! l~lId .. ~c h o Ol~s M"~ll~lr~~I\! \:l'l~i~~~ fr~~ll nu:~~ . FrielldM Bou rdiug H OUle ill a sub. I'lillo', 50 YlLrd" of carpet, 21i Vllrrl .. 1I,hroe l~un!,h8 WbHlI I Illied C~llm. days last week ou Breezy Bill fOl'Ill , tb e r ed uctl Dn 1U th o ~"I!,: O IlO" ~tock. ",'ys un r:-r wh oro s lie llud ul'cn vi~it . ~hlllt ju l wny Tbilrsduy e ve ning uf,illl!, obn rn I.nd oreum' H"PII , 111 rllli ll ,.; St.. m !Ol.l l\ull , Liver r81~, the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs . F . P. For four week.;; , th~ IJrI~OS ~'lll b~ ' ill~ h llr s ister, Dr. ;\[]\[ Romin e. IInll whcll 1.110 socinl gi\'('u At the Pl'ienu!I ru l ,) r u large lot of tlish",. " t-li ng .. r 1 1M", <lilt! r el18IV ttJ lm ' ll"ltltt-l " rtllief, ou t to m!lke u\cr.., thmg obI' 010111 h e r 111 0 tl.lO r Mrs ,I n o DOlVuiu' Whitl) ijriek Meeting H ons c to rai se AtI \\'ir:g ruu cbinn folding' 101111 '0. Mlly~ Jtllin OIX "I. l'tI II,, 'n ' lre, Ontn. Jones. the wuy for t,he co nlru et or, Ono . ' . ' u. I 1;, I. d' I f t" H h If oJ t " I '1 k t b ' I" llll.1 1:< llluoh 1I11\lI'o\,ed 1Il hen Ih muney t o uUy IS l es or ,ue ollle. couo l! ; II IUT,::e lot of nIl! Ir,lo '" rill. U IlIud, ~ . Fdr s II,; bv L MIIY. ' Mra. W. H, Allen is enjoying a a ,1.118 IlT~e ~ 00 111I1S 0 ~O, U While in U/lI'\'eyshnrg. IIlr~ . Merritt wu s " c l'y Il1r,:;ely ntteud ed. l\In~ L uo y COIlNELL !::IQUIIlIC." protraoted visit with ber parents, ebdefO,r'?l ltllbe.olled' OOtU ellD bc clonnoc t,., at tends t. be t e lllpOl'ltllCe m ee till g lll' ld O y t e r , icc c reit m, '(Ike , pie lIull - 1.) )(1 t1U1IILY EXlIIll'"I 'JIl til Colom. U d 'u u lon e n ow nll( e r cou, . h M ,.. I h " I c, IIoo \\'. ro co r(lund I} n e At SUIll \Vila, II . A McN n\ , 1111 tiuullllr _r. an ""rs. Elias Barley at Mo.. struotioll. ~n I, (l . '" 0 1Ill'C !::Illttlr! Ily.evo.n . olell rl!'l. .1f' l'rY l-l iUI C!>, ' lurk. lIu. vi" P "11~~' 1 VII nits lJ m et;, comb Illinois. Mr. Allen eXIJects ' lIlg, 1111(1 I'e pll l't,s m o I enthnslIHlllc· IIt,·lbp.r 2211,1, "x 11 r'\UI1 tioke Mrs Chnrlotte Edwllrcls r etllrned l ull y ill ii i! fll\' or . Sh e. tLY" the pro SO Ul e r ulic ' o f ourli e r 1I11YS woro .. ' ,' • ~olnt " r'll" VIII PHnn"ylvnnltL ~ start to ~OWII next Monday on . 8 h ome . eveuing fl'Ou~ II si~ t,;l'lllll "'Il!! eltClllltioDully wotl pre- also li n exhi bition ut t ho Meo ting ~l('k bl1I1(lo e ll l~ c uns d hy It 'I! ~ to business trip, ann on his return trip weeks vi~ lt .wltb r In tI.ves 10 Inrh - ! pllred n nd cn ni ed out, 11m' hAd th o. hOUSt', U1II0ng I.h III h iog the werl -. orrl p!ed ~ond ilIon of tlte .~toll.l !l llh Liulls wI ll ' b. ",, 11l 1L1 *1 ~5 ruund will j91n Mrs, Allen and . will spend ana W'hile In th.e Boosler. St,llte abe e ffeci of II st l'ou g or te mper . uing gown worn by Mrs . W·. T nl~d ..... ql1l c kly enrl'd h ~l?'tlh ' r Irlp fr u ll) Wll .\' npHvlll~ , l(1),td going a fortnight with their 111l1l0is spent 1\ ~e~k WIth h er SIster, Mr", UIlCO nWllkell.i ng thuu Llls ux \s ted iu FmUlP 's gl'u.ntlmotb e l' , Th e mtlt-a. IIIlfI;; tOlllll h .Botl Llv p-r 1I1blflt~. "Il Spuc·I.. 1 I rHin 101' viUII Ht, 9:13 n 111. I Hnnnah Crnl g, at Dunkirk ; Il Sh ort" tlmt \'iIlll"e f or II lon g tiul e . rllt.1 or the d r p8s is of lillell ~llllO by Fo r sH le by L (lll1s Muy. friends. time WIlS spen t with h e r d o u g h t e r , ' " tll urilla el p. ro, {lnd tb o st.yle' is

- - - - -- .









I .





Mrs Dr Greist, lIt Nl"V .CuBtl e; m os t l Death's Work Df the b~lllnce of the IX : eekb w~" _ _ _ _ _ __ . ~pent With A.nother dnu." hter, MI S l\lri! IIlllrtiu HlirIle l' uled MOlHlllY Lydia Presnall , at Fuil'lllOtl nt Ini"ht Octouer III 1\)O:i li t 9 :flO 0'Mrs. ~mily Foster, of Dnytoll , 11ll~ cl~k: uftllr IL bl'illf but ~tl vel'e ilIn e~s been s m ee SlIturd!lY \"t aiting III r l\11'~. Hllrner WIIS Il Illost x oe lle llt r e lutiv es 10 this communi ty Mon- Wll 111 11IJ , u nd h e r d ou th 1>, n Revere day, she nnd h er cousio, Mrs. :Mory blow t o n large circle of f1i Bnds , IUld

165 1 :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~

lllliqne , A or s uddltl bngs .... yenl's ol ~, W~lOll hod belonged to ' . JUOl eM l:ilmte,; !\r~lIt gnlllll.f!lther . \ l:itlltionel'Y Good Plltoe tu Bn.Y O"nrl \Vntche., \\" "f'hl'tI · Ubll ln, l<O yenrs old, owned by ~et h Ohln80wo re 'IIIoie!! Fllrlllt.~, ~~r~ . •Jlln~t.s Shul e ' 'rlln~' 1 Mngllzin es •• J El~\'l' lry fath Ol, sw klos used IIY Mr. Shute 9 1 Book s 'i\7 A'rCB MAKER & ,IE 'iVELER. Kilv,'rwlire grcn t grn~Jd ~ttthor 0 b oot J 60 yt'l!t:S Phonogfllph s W AVNl!SV1LLE, OtrlO. . ~::::::~ ~~~IILf~! u ;ba ~p~l~ l~g wl~e~l ~ gr:!n tb~ ge Ill1rl R eC(lrds Wnt h. Ulock & ,)pwp}ry RlJpairio~. N" .. dll's n Hawes, of Crosswick,olllled t o se e h e r luss ~I sor e berellveme ut to her "'R' ~'lO ,u, edonge ~ I :5. ~ n l() l ~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~;;~~~~;;~~~;;~~ l Po ... their Iluut, Mrs. Ann Engle, whom fami ly_ . ~ I (,~e;; grnn mot IElr, li as. ol~n( e I . onr four weeks foroed sale. Isbe hud not seen for 1l1llny yenr::!. ~he IS s(ll'\' i\'oll uy h e r lin bund , tiCks ~Dl~ D~ lldl e m o ulds,I O? )ellr a J, A. Funkey. IShe is 111110 visiting ot tbe hom e of und fo ur gro wn cbill1ron , two of olc~; Dlsclpllne_ of ; b e oCJIe ty. cf ~............ ..... whom 1m3 lIlurri .ed . lfuend oflS::IJ InchulIR, ) ell rl y Meetm~, . . . . . . . . . .~"'~~~'~ M r . an d 14 rs. Car1 Sh eets Ilnd . Mrs · SIImuel Sides, . 1 I print ed In lent,bor bnek - ehinn, . family Mr, and Mrs. James Bennett l Our Forced !:;ILle i~ n m o n oy SlIvor I B 'I' fUlIeml WIll tAke pluce at ler b I I . ' cl 1 r it · I _and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ubllrles for everybod y . Prioe Ontlng flun, 11 ft to h o rne- il? t,h e U/('illl r sc rol'k ,!lOlg h hOWElf~:~~~h 8~hu~:s~rt;:I~I'S ~s~ Smith and family Mr. lind Mrs. , n el, dress gO DUS , nnclerwea r, c lot,h, , ho rll oOtI t h~~ lI'OI"!lU i{ lit [00 o ioe ic i k~i ves nml fork bOllght Pb~n .' ~ Frank Pratt and Mr. Orner Uottrell ing, dress shil' tll, work s hirtll, ha J n t(lrlll en t 111 the UIl"n r 'cr po k bl11' y , \ cl I l ' . 1 0d 1 ,C b D Id j . ,--.~ I II d J . S . b i t t" 1 I ' , IIlg g l'ol111,1 e p lilt 10 ( nn ( y av o f B roo ........ n n r " an essIe mIt " caps, OllrpA ,mil. olOg, Oll( 0111' nl go ' I\nd Mnr:v Brown ~rund.pnrenh of AND .visited Wm. Daugbters, neal' Mount , stook must be r ecluoed to one hulf: Ot' - H- dl -F S Id Eliznbetil Moore . ' Holly, Sunday. A photograp~ . was 10. foul' w Elek~. Our ant In pmos IS a ey arm 0 • I ,\notu or f OR t,nre wbioh IIttmotetl , taken of the group of the VISitors 1Will ~o it . Come ond be l\> u s lind Otis Hlldley hilS sold his flu'm good d01l1 of nttention was lin 'A rt . .&!.:fin the afternoon . mm cn ey. . ll ll W i l Itn d 0 regou III . , L "flilll Exbibltioo" Tweoty· !teven ~ARPE'rS, ,I we Will save you 101 A Fllukey , b e t \\e e !llIIU w In ~entioning the, fnot in l/lllt " . . . with 1111 liiR liv e s t ock, farm imple- Pl f'CCS of !lrt. being r epreSllntetl. A· wooll:sGazet.te tllO,t Uhnrles Whit· I MI'. lind. Mrs. Hay rreUlll lD o, of lIle ut.H, I'te . to IL gentl e lUllu from ! m~ Dg theYl eces wos 1111 o)el !1hoe acre W~8 builulng IJ, houso near the I Bel~efontu.lI~e. hll ve bO,ell ~uesf.tlll f Ripl ey, Ohio. wt,I,h Iho '111 e, ':A \Yuvworn Tr,~_,~el Soldier, ~ome tit Dliyton , we were I theIr reI6tlv~, Mr~ . E lI )lu. Hnl!lI'lS, I It will be 1'~('nll er1 t.h ll t iIlr . Bud ., er ,; un cg~, wltb ~he Wnl'~,H , .. ,lh e Linoloum, Mllt ti ngs, Luce Curtltin e, Droperlel!, Win, sllg~tly In errDr In suytng Mr . jllntl otber !rleuds. here s lDce Sun - le y il ll(l pru l' lI('u]l y blllll Ill S fll l'l\l n , l.Kl:~ of tl~o LA~~ MlD s trol ; rb? dow I:!hllde$, e tc. , e tc. . Kindly bring In your premium tlokets. We need the One Dollar, tb &00 25 100 d r.·f d 't ,0., ,an 00,1 YOll on e wish to make your selec~lon of o~r present large 8.8IIortment, we Will give II. receipt or ~Uj , OO tiokete In exohange. Don't fall to CODle and g et your portion of bnraains durina









tS' 1



.1$I' 'r E RIO R. DEC 0 R A 'rIN G S $ #HOUSE FURN IS 1;JIN G.. $ '..1 A ' 1'1- m·,' kes, and gloades. $



Oriental and DODlestic


Bome. Mr. Whltaore SByS IlS long MlBs Currie Cnnby nuel WIll be r e- bore purtl e s, wh e n I,h e d ou.1 wlla ! b Hollle brokpn dishes All tbrongh ~lISSIO AND as he keeps his henlth und is able membered by many ~I'SOOS I~S bllv- l deOlill'od o tT o wing t o u Oll~unrler, the hst there wereextrelJl~ly c lever to work he expeots to rem'lin with , !ng hv ed nt Waynes "llIe wbllo tnk- stJt Iltling . plnys on words, lind thiS f e ut,ure Oltl Furni,urc r en pholstered . . Upbolstery StOt'ffl In grlltlt the family. In~ . trent~ent fr om t,he In te Dr MI'. Hlldley !lUll his fomily will wos t h e s?urce of mu~h Ilmuse t;nent '·lIriety. 01 d it t th Il'lhrllllll WllIlIlmson . .Mon dAY even- looot e ill Oklll h olllu l elivin~ here The Frltmdsappreclnte the !tbernl IUIsware an grll.n eware a e ing , Mr, !lnd Mrs . Tremaine II UU n hont, the t e ntll f N~vember. 1'0tr o nnge t b e sooilll received frOln ~ Raoket t:!tore. Mrs. Haines were ont,cl'tn1l1ed nt tell I whi Ch they realized almo t $25.00 From the oheapest to the finest, Domestic and Imported . Miss Rae Furnas who was taken by Mrs . Agnes Wright. ' M. E. Church Service. PRES 'OING, TINTING, LINCRU!::ITA, STUCCU RELIEF • III with pneumonia at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Abrnm Shoemuker. - - --- - - I Farms for Sale. FABRiCS FOR WALLS, Mrs . Eva. Jones on Water street, ,sout,h of 'Vuynesvlll c, wore SUIll · Tho sr r\'IO()S lIt the M. E . Ch urch 1 ~ where she was visiting, was ufter. m oned t.D Spr ingfield Slltul'dllY on nex t S11IlII:! y lll"l'lIlng a ile of 140 aereR, y. milo from P ri oes Illade Slll isfuc t,ory. A good p ln oe t o trade . Call wards removed to the home vf EIi~a- loccoun t of tho sUlldeD · Iwd !'e\'or o ::lun llll}, l:ichnol-P :~10 I New Burlington; good Inud witb lmu see us. beth Moore on Third street and her illness of their so n ,John. )fl' . C"lllIll'uni ou i:iorviN,s -I O ::1 0 . timber un d wuter; nine room modFurnishers and Deoorll~ols. motber snmmooed to ber bedsido . l:ib oe mnkOl' returll e d h ome 'f ncsrtuy Ep\\' ort b LAngll e-li :ao I' ero ~ollse, good bflrn Il.n~ fencos; She has suffioeutly reoovered nDw ,' And reported the condition of I,h l' l'rPHl'hi u g ~1Jr\' i oe8-7 :lG locution unsn rplI l!sed; llrlOe " cr y however, to be taken to ber h omo '1 s ick limn us very distl'css ing, nn(l !';nltj ed-"A ::le nnon 10 Y o ung low lind t erms to HU\t purcllnser • .• . • in Dayton Monday . Th ey were 110· unl ess h e rullies sullloienll y from ~[f'II ." . Also, fllrlll of 100 !lcres exo!'li e nt 30- 32 N . Mllin st . DAYTON OHIO oompanied home by Miss Li."." ie ,hiB present conditioll to c)Ilnule him T hl' Ehhn·. IJI' D. L. Aultmnn, IRIl(l in ~nlll e oomlllllO itv ;. h'lllse. ~ . Moore, wbo will rem.a in In Dllyton to mnke tho jonrney t o Il milu er \\,111 ]ll'ench , HI Th1lJ' ~d' I Y .l\·ening of hlll'n 110(1 fa ncflR good; on fIl UlO pikA. fhorer~e . few days nmonff her fri ends olimnte, obonces fol' his I'eco,,!'!"y tid>; werk lit 7 :00 o'clock, 111.1 -lire ill, A bnrglli ll. Add reg9 ......... ........................................................... . vit \1 WILL l:i, :McKA Y, Wilmington,O W'W'. W'... W'W'W'W' W'W' W'W' W'W .......... Ilro very m engu r .

I i










Store is going to bc opened in Allen Btil idillg to close out the balance of the


& Cra~le stock,


Sale will last ten days Eyerybody invited to the enormous big bargains we are going to offer. In 'a ddition to that we have . the entire stock of C. C, Stinal'd & Co., of London ·Ohio. Stock consists of Calicos, percole. , Ging-hams ll bleached lind unbleached Goods, rugs full & coniplete line of u~derwear, hosery, ' laces, velvets, & ribbons. Also fuIlline ~kil'ts, wrappers, etc., etc. Reinembm·-Be ready and come. 'rhis mean s ten days and ten days only; at the Allen' building.

N,.MA.X ,·



WAYN ESVILL E, OHIO, WEDN ESPA Y, OO'l' OBER 25, 1905. WH()l,/<.: N tJ M HER 2 .. ;j ~~~~\~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~AND

:~~~~~~~~ . ~~~~

Jame s Grim es Killed PER.SONAL by Train at Orego nia ' LOCAL NEW S; _- ____"'_ _ i

News of the Churc hes:

Our Drink ing Foun tain. l. . Freque

Harve ysbur g.



'8 ' 1









Cente rv illl!

Corpora tion and 'l'owllMh ip (11(" ~ ~Il ~ LI·,lill WII~ou ",,,:; A Lnl\jorit.y of the oluer resldentoS n 011 \ 11>1 nt Inq UIries bnve hetlll : ti on s Ilre 1J<l~inlli ·.JltJU' " l;r.lllle- , IIJ r nl/my YE'IUS Albillo Flour 60 cents a snck . n g t o lIlix , lind CI>Ill' 1 vis'" 'I' ]ltlll,Ufl V. of ~Vuyn es vil1e oud ' vi~iinlty hofv1e r eceived .by t h e Gaze tl e rcg~rdll1g , poulld cvlor ~, Ill '''''''''lIl elll ,, 1 liul' vlly'IIbu1'l,{, WaH lu · j y ing iu . II "lIl'pl .~ " r f coelvcd . il1vitnt i.m . s r enung , 'I S o · th e . pub~I O ur l~k1D g fouut'lm for ~.t"lJ II~ kil led lIy 11. lUK'L IJ .•~ Henger : Lnr~e variety of l bru SheS I1Il. J. ellgil ~ ill g llrti s t'~ h'<It" " wrltl~g plLper l o w~ : (,I " "'i l :~ I , ~"". , ,r lln"·LlvlIle. Wuyn es\llI e . .uul .. ,,,,theP~nn .. vlianit. Llues I1t to ~ej ectfromlLtSchw ornto WIth WIII' IJIIlIlt fI ll' t,h o """lIn l.{ (JII, ' . \\ ,..- 111 ":\ arlzll. OIl:A uFIU II:ND: , , \\ " .11 I.. u.y Thlrty. thr~l d ollnrs Ilod nf t)'· lflll /.! ngC1l111Ilt,. I" " .... ,,'d ·s crodSlIIg ill Ur .. " o nlll. 1 Mi88esM nrt.lm Itnu Mabel '. Mr.- 1. \·,j"' J {,I \· i... v'~III" G liAr Comp o We axt olld t o yo u Il oordilll tbreo ceu ~.wIIA ole'~~Ip.d~YHthI7 "UOUI b~!f l'nMt fuu.r MCHlduy utter. : ton, of. HUUlilton. llpent o nt(,I'· 1 'l'wo ,) ld Fl'I1l1ks -- Hurl'is llnd , hi . 1;1'" lh,',. :\ 11..... t \VI... ,"I~" /i"I. \\'lI ' UU,,",. IIQuD lbe budy WIl~ IIInlllat.ect ua· I 111tJir l'urdu till home here. SundllY Ilt inv.itllti uu . t o,," t t olld "Th o Olll Peo~ tllmmen t I;IVOUl,"t.i50 100 !1. HI) ~ll r. :tllll"'l'- \\'(' r,' In Loll/LBo n Tnt'14l tn ~'. I'lIrl ul! l' O .. t1I,I~' pi ll ~ Meetlllg t o he.hold lit WII.yue " UlIU01:t yuud raQO,,!lil.IOJl )l~ IIgo. fbls m Olloy Is lI n\\ I 11 j)') ~l4i lr t y lI n~Q tllll i n l.{ I . • . I'm n tru c'li on \'1110 M. E . cburch ouuc1IlY , Oot ober d e [Jo:;lt II t tho Wl\yno s vll! . (hiuleB Wil li! rtl l,Urllillg lwltw rrorn : .S V: M'lrt Imd .anllly er n NIl I 1 ~ll ll l l li nil t .. 't l d, p ine". uuI. lll 'lrA Ill'o!>ul'l e i (lilt/ I' " 'Y ? g UllsIs nn ~11l"' I' lf 11111' (,It·, 1, ' II ~ LelNID " n. It i~ ,m.ltllll l ' fl' 111 1.,1 th ell· Hl.n Ed lIudfam llYIIl Dn Y I ~flth , lit, 10 :~o u . m . H oping thllt Bunk. Tb o I::ich ool Boul'c1u l~o Ilgr pod ' huI<ltHIS" of SIIIll!' ut.llI'l' 1111 t U r fl . I "ttl'" el"" I IHI bl'wI.'n It L, ',..:<." .· I " n · y nuU1Il Y findit eOnVelli en t toaceBP t t o d onntp. th o m on whis tle d ' >4,,,,, rill I.nnet! he lll w t.h " t.nn ~evo rul Dayton IlIlIt eyroco l\'edll' oJll Ln ~ t, ~1 " tI,llI .Y \\'1111 0 .1'111 (; .. i ll"'~ v,' ot.1ttn III, Mll1rnl ~ I!Ill'j:{ weck, . . II.'I R in vi tllli O . U IIlld be present at the tho hllll r ent" tolO . 'l'hl H hilS n ot ILn ·~.I .. y o r us;iillg , but \lritlles "PI).t I',ml Iy I:l r. WII S n ,t nrn in >: fl' '' "1 J.ehll11l>n h v II nel F'rl lIIl Y HIlDd~O U1t1 deoornt lona III ehl11£\ 1Il0otlllg . If. unllul tl t o be preso nt. bee n t,u\'!leLi over ~s ye t., h u t. ~\' i"l.h : wny of Oreg"ll lll . IIC WII ~ k 'li d. not· henr it lIud pllid ,110 IItt .,utiou plutea IlDd bowlll at .J i1h·<! lit, I Mr" i\ . g . J)1une.v ~v tl:~sk th'lt y ou r em omber the maet· Ihe "hove amo ullt WIll to It. mllke $4 ;) ..,;), t.11n rllill'o,, (! CI','~" II\ ~ hy 1.1", ,'oil r~ . Illl'rn 111 1( . D. M1I.lct nx I,' ft, Monday • For SHl c-A ~ond 4 by G Climeru 1I1 g 111 prl\yer . [" r Hr"wn ('"unly , 1,0 viSIt . . IIUOUt, ltnlf of the m on O The h orse wus so hHe!ly injurod . md Ol I fit Will sell cllellp if wold W o r emu1D. t.l'l1ly y onrs ID the ~a l·cllt.Y li ve or olg hty c1oll.IT n eeu~'d ; !:I tl illl(l IlIke' n H l1~hr "(\ Sil\ ~ II-I"lI t o f"r Il ft' W ,1111' S wit h h el' invlllid tbd it hnd I.•) be' killed . 11,1(1 the ' ~(.'on . lloqUi re ll l's U " 1I11. { 1.,{'I'llno n in II f)"" h, 'r~e IJlw/.( .I· . IIlld l lll (l llwr . M!'". \\' II Rltlmrn . .. t this office. Muster' s n a n~o . • bugK.V \VIIS comp let ely wreck ..,,!. tIll! oMtJrl1a t od e,,~t. ~ nf l.' r MI' . ~ill g l .. tm l hull tnt"~l1l' ft'tI · , . . . PtULI'·. rI IOUT . Pu ~to r . . Th o UUfol' t ullal o uir·cn m s t.lIllI· o' h i... ltu" The delld mu.n WII" UE't\\'eeu ~ixt,y in IlR~. I>llIlt' IIV Or!.,1 III fi llli l . I ht · I r~lIl "nel\ /i f rh .. lut e Frllnk: (20 to tiuhwllrt,z '~ for auyt',l ung 111 A meeting si~ilnr to t he IIbove snrrol111ullI g t,hoonte rtuillllle lind ~ixty five yellr~ old . '1'wo I!ulll! th e ,Irng line. If he llt ho\'o Urimes , but in VU ill , 11 011 1' '' . wh h!1f1u t w lltL t \\' 11, It III by Mr . front la ~t full and so n 'eu t o s urViv e him . pnt u dumper on "ny flll" lllrimos sturt ed h Olll e h o \\'II ~ n i" f' n I Urcl(bll" ,·r. " n l,,'rtl1 Moln ~trpet, yo u . wllnt b e will ord er It f or y ou. n". I I~"~ hf'OI I f(·Ill Ol h"lE'tl . lind IllS L'on 1"11 " Ill'o urt>e of grellt pl ell~ul'e lind th er effort t owllrd buildin g th o thnH Ilv PI.ting 1.1' 0 nO(licl (tnt III ~ 1Il" 1 I!- IIII"1'." llTlItIK -.- -- - - - - Mnl. JIIU1'S t;peelw llu, of Bell o I' pl',)fi t t ll . till wb p IIttende l rre l.. \\'It,h hill flllDlly d . If . th e f ount,"in . Suici de at Sprin gboro f.tI1tutll H, Ill'I'l ved 'rhU1'sd .. y oVIlniuJ; wellth or I~ le t on , whi ch w0ul,1 ha I'a III'nv~n 11'111 III kt' I" 's~,,"".! un good Ile xt Suudtl Y It. IS m t,h e ne,,1' H owoI'er , we m ig ht a ~ well f or got ' equully /LS for 11 brief vi sit, with h er sist e r, Mrs. IInn o1jmtod tbut many fatlll 1,0 hlill . II i ~ 1'1111 ,.(\ Il1tI1Tl·. oldol' peo pl e what IS Plls t , un d 11 11 work .t ogoth E' r llriru es' jEc1 .!::ltowe, Il ,yoll·to d o fllrm llr Id'l Stoko~ h ellu WII~ Hove l ed frulIl Iho wIll' I~re n ot attl e tl! ILI.teuu publi o for .'h e fonntnl ll whlUh (h'er fift y of o ur oitizen! ', ullder lhvlqJ: .on the 'Upper Springb oro IS n r elll hody, Iik.H\'isn hi" I ('g~. WI'" 1l1· tI" h t,,1 t UI' IIlll'pic.O U' M t C h C 2' t l I",)rshl)l rBg llbl'ly Will he preAent . Jlu blte uc~e~8lt.Y. R "r Iho K of P . Lodf{e. jlik" killed \limself b.Y 1\ pistul shot i nnll m nllgl ",l b".l'lIn,1 rl' " g ll ili ll n NJlI,nt Olliurdn .y in ne IIlU 0 oug ure, ~c Ii . Springf ield visit· •I1L hi .. howe l:Iuud ..y uJlJruin g. 11 hilS heen s U j:{g('~ted Hchwur tz·A. . RUI· . D r . Leo Anlt,wll n . Fre~idi n g UJl t t.Ol' of thro~ 01' il l10el.t h tl t n CO Ul · B o \V IIS'ntili ,',1 1'.1' Rom e jlll perS lil t:: Illfl ({ n C~ . Homo, I.ho Odd Fill . ~lr . t:ltowe hud boon melltllll y un tl1.en s tuk e fom,d in hi MtJ"c lwt. lI:tr Hill J; let on 1 0w~' !:IomAlI If y ou wn llt llom ll thlll !,{ ~ t1'HJtll' 1~1,1 " r of tb e M .. K lld th e vllrioup machln e churoh in the up th o mutte r eith er 10 oonll BctlUli c,w e hCllllfl buUlluoe c.l for S,)UlO time,lIu el o llly , ~p to dllt,.., III pho togTllph w it.h .I 'lln ell 8 i1 0(1 l1lnk ol' ~h u " . s, htlve I:'1 I1l sboro Distriot , cunduc ted Qua r . with thfl \V,lter All I' xofledin gly fine time r t'etfllt ly hiB f"ther'~ 11 III w , Au g u IUBI opllhr r~ltlk e YOll sOUl e W Clrks 'l' rll SleCl; nr who hlld uriv clI tu Lellt/Il on. IlIk l' ll \\'11'" rnpnrl,p. d . ot hIS Cllruon. 10rl .I' Moo tillg R() rvice ~ lit Wnyn es· Wllh t,bo litle lle r . lJ.l'ou .. ht hl1n h OUle fr oUl It jJllltlllUll . 'o nnel], th · ·s d 'e t t o Ihe eil t o y il l" Thnl'sdl1Y, jJl'enohi ng IL fearl ess '" .. ' e CUI nil . \\ 11 til1uitltrluUt n en r O"fonl. wh e re he l Prof. C. M AlIsti,!! .y Th o CI'III,6I'V Llternr y Club haA Superin tenll. a nd prn ctionl se rm on t o n good sille ) tl'lI n.sllnt Ul1H 1O "~S, .13..1', . IlI:ClLill,n t urrnn" PII for llle ltlld heeu rootl ivlIlg tre u.tlU ent fiue leeture SlIlg leto u lIl !1t ::;hOO .,1 n ll,l ( II · co ur~;; l,hi H YUILl'tI VNY tlut of the '·" 'est Jener soll soh ool", Ilurli onoe ill the ove uing. e ven better tbon Cold SlIuday murnin J; h e see m eu In s peDt, l:latllrdllY lIud Sundn.v Sprin g Fann Sold I gll gllil pn ~811J;e . a t his Ihc on e" the t, \\,~ preoeedln!l: year8. u""uu.j plrltM li nd uf ter b rellkfus t h o rne h p.r n. f The furm knowlI us C"lll Kpr ill g I, 11 ~lepjl"t1 out vn tbe slue por ch IUld Da\' id P"rlett ond family w!II Cl\n d' I '1'h e .~I't!t number wi bo g ven at Idates or . Furm , ue lnnging to I.ho lui," I hIrD~elf . B e. tben c rune m ove from Wayn es yille in 11 co uple Lytle . Ih e l .:J w,;\ 13011, Nvvem ber 1st. Tho Muni cipal Offices. Wife IIf O""l<1 MII~n lJ . 1111 Ih, ' ; huck IUtu Ihe humm and ns ked his of weeks to the fa rrn of JIlr . G oo Iujt;';ii ck III l.hi M leet.lIre r IS the well knOW? SPI1~n:an Le banon pik £l. WIIH snlll hy S h01'1 l1' : . M" H R;;;!rli~ --;wit" tu shllve Ols neOl{ . {/Ilmed l. g Ril ey. n M r Rlrlgevi JIe. RIggs. the fa mons whl8t er lin ID Tho vO l er s of W"y ne;\vllie will , '1'. C. P ul·t,ors on Moudu "l.l>ly ufterwo rd h e Wtl u t It ~ltlo t o ' . . .. . l'or~onfltor. hll ve on oppor t u[)ity to 8uloct the ir I {) ro~~. of \V" y nosvilll y t n II i\ 11111(> . tlill !lorc h I\nd phluioK Il r evolver t o '. li t ~.J t\ IIt ' l' . Mr . uu Ll. Mrs UIIIT L(' wi s ~Jl C ll t (2reat burgllm s In writing pII(lfl r o moinls fr om the followin g li s t of lIer e. , 01:; tl1ruple, pUllllLi th!1 ,.rigge r' l ot J . E . JUllney ·s . l-inuIIII Y willt MI' . IIIlU Mrs. Fra llk ca nLiiuuto s ",bose nllrn e~ will uppe lir I Th o furru is w ell 1 0e~lt od utlll i, 1\ Ull l'IIH1 n . n Oll r FI' r~T )lIellth w .... Itlmt,)~t 1Il.llIutI\UCOUt! Fr ow til J S 1 on the tlok e t Sprl ~lg Branc h. to be vote tl for ut the Ilk Slrllhl e I'l ooe of proport y ill m nl1\' , Mr~ .•Jc~8 I e HO"lf'r 'I'b~v funoflll wlll tll),;d plu ce fr oUl hilS ncoeptod Ii Ir N ovenlbe r ualection WI'1l give n ow elLC hllnd openOIlUbllr!.\' ' p O,(l8. tPk" U 'en 1'Ol<11ecl-' contllill 0/ ;,o)'e " IInd l posi l.ion lO" 11 0 l ~luI M ll t·hudl~ t Churoh lit 8prlllg 'j ofbabi elltwoP in [JlI ytO . lIu ll will go ~'lO 1) .. / 4 . , ttl ostOllr dll wi ' hUItUY '81 ForM,\ yor, Wru P . Zollwu nts t,o l I ' ] Ilti, ,. l' htl Y. 1\1rs . CI • em P ennewl' tt'18 SIP; WII R IIPprlllRCd ot, t.4 7. 501le r ac re. r.lhJotCt) thl~, WedueJjdlly mornin g Ilt picture Oil 0 n ;O. Il[l le~ lU es them 01' 0110 wil.b eeioh su cceed himself . 11Ild 'w . b RUllIII' ill lit this time . IlU,(i'I:I" ck. ~J lLl er~on Mas.m. nnd 0 . 1:3 Hi ggins . A.n oxenrs~un y . \~'O llt t o . huH u .z ... n ~ " is ctlndidu te for tbe SIlUle office. Mr . Frllnk Dnkln Illlll family were Mr . .stowe Will! In g uo,l (' Ilanmlll of Lehllll oll also 1)1[1 on t h o pr oJX'rt y. oprmgflelll :5nl,urll,port , '~ lY "her o Ih ey Lounno n enller8 one nfterno on this '1'hroe monlLre nmdoUB topresc l've (OiWIIUli!l:unce.. , oWllIng tw u flLrw~ utt.eutle d t h e d edi cntion o f tho K . of week . Mrs. Allm e Thorp h " d t,il e pleas order ILOd weor the title ~ear ti~iJlgbort.l. ure of e IJI.llrtuiu l!Jg ~e v "r,,1 d " y s Joseph MurBhl1ll i s a. of Marshu l , P . B om e , onndirln te 10 .'Vlasonic Notic e. WI! wlfe 4n(i three ohildre n Imr. th ,. I1111' r e1'l t I vo ~, '1 Tbe hUToh WI1!! opened II g,iln on ') ' IS wee .. Mr. Dllvid LllRhley , "'h08e Illness JJ r ~ < /'Ilg ue, sucoeell hiru~ elf, nnd G eo . Thump S IlnullY ..,1'0'11 blw. .1 t 0 w or S1 I Ip, w"u en ~ n I'lr"e wu s r ellorted lilst w eek. Is slightly Mi",~P ~u l:l ue nud Mrs . ,Jllelge tinlaey. ~on lind M V. Zoll er nl . " H o IlS[llre to 'rh e lUomhAr,. of Vlllyues ville leong r egllt.ion WIlS preso 'rhe 4Wac.k iugliear.b of Mr. Stowe. of COVlIlg l ,HI. [{ Aut,uoIIY nt lind good impro\' eLl . the \)ll\oe. Lodge N o . IG:I F. & A . Ill. , Ilre r e o at,t ontion give n. f ollowiu g b.i.a lUeulil\l trouble s, hil S The fvrm,, 1 " Ilt'nin g nf th tl Frie nd s Mr . Fr!mk Cook and fl\Qllly. of Cha 0 Reed IIlLS no orjposit ion quested t o oonven e Ilt . ooPu IL terf1~~t.rlta on Mrs _t:!tuwe BOllrdinl.{ 1:I0/lle Will n:30 (Ill I . The Llldi(1s' Aid i:iooioty r eportsn . n enr tllk e place Mount Holly, were the guests for re·elect ion 01< Cle rk. nud W"l ter thc eve uillg of N ov e mber 7. on no· 1111<\ f.l111 fl llt th ~1T Roellli g l"?11 lIud !\h~ ts In II. MI\I'.iU\1M ,oouditl on . l'hursl1l1Y, Novo mber O. D..r" llwof MoClur e is olso wHhou lit the of t ht)ir nl10le Mr . Wm . Ohenow eth t.he Ilrrllll ,.;tltUent s for t,IlA £t vout will In his rlL ne III' Tremm rllr t opp()~iti o n c·. mn t 01 the Stll r Course Lec ture h Olll o o f 1\11' 11h11ll11l 11l ~ t i511 t. nrdIlY. Il Ull family . . Ihllt lJi~ht whioh m a n y wi Ah t.n (ho I' * ~ ' \ WIlS l'ul(l' n In Warm Time s P»Jiti cally. be pnulish ttd in the (2uZill tl'. It!, Ih e tlm tl Quite I~ number from thl8vio lnity The time of 1111 m e mbe rs of the Iltteu{l. H . E BOOTH. W . M. II " n," ,, 11'u n,n g I ~ t 1)(' I'rlll Ol pli t IIttonll ed !\ d'lnoe 'Lt the Board of Public Affllirs expires this pleasan t I ru . The blst week bos wltneMII~ some KEVS, Secr etllry . Ill: l1 Plltll11l <;,f the h " URfl Wiv es, anll For Sltle-A Ne ,Veolllu h omo of Mr . Luoy OrltiJt nnd sister • lntU!lre sting eveuts of 11 polUlol.I1 "blo for makil)g botb 1'1" '11, s uit- yenr·. but a s . nil !tro ca udiclllte,. for _tl> 1'1\ hlll okin g t hro w n 111 for ~~od n Ollr o~r)Jals und Roxallll , oaturda y evening . A re,eleot ion, lind tb l'r e lirA no oon . IUllliUre In Ilnd abont Wayno sville 1 1lI f''' ~L1.T '' nnli 1.0 kt" '11 up g ood A[lmtR . I jlllly g ood time \VII S rugs. dS gooo as new . WII) sell tetlts tur I,h e places, t h er e will h e n o reporte d by nil Anno uncem »Is lI:0uera lly known . t)lere hll.s oheap if trtken in the next ents. Ex tlh e rlif F. lit . Hilm ilt oll . of present . . heeD .anti is mvrB or lees dl_titl fao · or will trade for a horse. few dllYs, ohange 1.I'l l(lIIon . 0 11111 0 11 J! l'econtl Mr. lind Mrs \Vlllter Dilkin and The termll of J . C. Hllwk e. O . •J Fruuk .Pra tt, a nuou nccs. h im self 1m- II go,1 1"" 1'l1t". Mr. nnd y nnd t oo k tiuu al&uug utlrt.llin RepubllOilnli! ovur I Dl1vid Pl1rlett . Mrs .. Ru~· ne hew Abe Dl\kin visited with rei. Burnet and W . H . All en . uS m eUl · 88 Il rh da te fo~ r e eleotlon tlltt ~~tn 1'I'lth. (jt.l\' \lfI)Or !:Ierrlok , I .Yr. nnu Mrs. Ii'. B. t·o . t ~e ~,, 11 HlI llIl lt un , h om e> .wlt,h hlln to Ilti~es in Frankli n anu Miamis burg Furr enter bers of Oouncil end tuis yl'J lr. All o lIl e of prIDClp u. lI,y /llIlJIIuse or IllS Itt·tHude t~I' ned ~t I' si.~o·olook ~~'vngbip trustee s ublect ('1Ir1 ' fnl' tl II' II' Iho> r[,l11ll1llllar of thei r Mondny dl' nner 'l'hur • . of their names w1I1 g o on I,h e h ok e t 1.0 the ILnd Tnesdl lyof l1ist weekb t th n . . . " , deolslon o f tbe vo~rs of tlta 11 1'('>' ,)Il t ile toOllijWr lloDoe III n e, u • e dllY, Dr . Lee Aultmll town Ahip . . Mr. and Mr8. James C h enowet h "lieg ed lufiuttllOO of (2tlorge 8 Oox,. Eltler of the Hillsho ron. Pro..iu mg I\gltin. O. L. Kreakl er I' 11180 0'lU - - .- -vislt,od thol'ltte r's brother Mr. J"ke 'IDOlUU"U . In Htllf,(j flOlttlc~, has olso l tbe M. E . Chllrch, nud OiHtric t of didate for Couucil . Spri ngbo,ro. Mr. I~u»ert Lilcy and f"ruily nt Lytle MOllday J oseph Hi ey nnuoun ces himself be:;,~,~:to;i this dllillHtilifllction, ! Blllley. of lust week. Mr. LIley and family . Serm on to You ng Men. Il Mudi!11I I,a for ,.h e olIl· ce,.of T owll Mrs . !:I eleu ....,... Benu ol.t llll ~ rOllll'nc II moved to Dllyton Tuesda y . many men whu ,ho,ve boou in the I B ux ptlpe rs a t one ,h If tl e I k' " tue s upp or h ship Trnst ee. a and 1 Ir US rell om e fr om 0 Visit with re)ntive s Rt bllbit!l f voting t.he-tltrl tight Repub. valua 1\1 J . E . Jllnney of the vot er s for the same . s. Rev . Philip Trout prenc hed n _ __ IiCII.D ticket. have IInnoltn oed their j lIir. I\lld Mrs. J. O South Charl eston. . Cartwr ight splendi d serlll ou for YO;Wf,\ I\I (' U nt intentio n of vutiug fur Pt&ttisou, ~h,a ' served dinner ound"y MAIlBRA L . Pleas ant R.idge. Mrs. O . •J R obinson yery pl ens· to11 ou . U. Q. the eveuing servioe in Ihe M. E . W e ure autbori zed to 11Ilnounee aut.1 y sp ent th o Jlll~t w oek · [)e lllvortlti o CIlllc.lid,Lte for (2overn or .: I1nel Mn , tlildebr llnt. in Cincin· of WiIUlln~. church Sunday nig ht. J oseph lI1ur!lhlLll as oundilln te for \Ullti. The IIn~i Herrlok iieutim ent suems t.on i POHt Muster lIod Burton Enrnhu rt IInu flLmlly en· Mrs I). B. Mr. Trout eruphn si?Ol.l t h ~ n ece.",. 'tll A offic e of Mnrsbu lof t W · lie urlU~u'llly ~tl' OIl:; he r i tbe Tlbbu)s , of J;'runkl lu, tertaine u r eillti ves Sundny . the villu gu Rohnrt. Grim os .of .Hlllllill and OU Mle.s r e· Myrll. ~Ity of true DlIlUhood III uusllIes s, ID , of Wll y n 9s vlI1e . ,--.. ~j,tl fltlL'CIOk poopla olalmin g Plltti !Baird. Ilewod old Il oquuml,an oe~ h er o on Wm . Cll rey lind fllmily spent Sun. . politios nnd in socinl life. . , !Ion will receive seventy five Re'p ub " ISunlluy . dny wi t h Mr lind Mrs. Fronk Rog. l Ucan vote8 in the corpora tion of 1 ~r. Uavld ~hoDlas, ' Mi~ E'lul'cnc o l:Iuthllw uy , of OilY , arll. nOllr Lytle . of tb.o Uppal' M . fF ' C'I b \Wayne svllle. Lectu re, Cours e. tou. spellt I::iundny h er o wlI.h her i Sprlln~uorol Ptlke , ~?St edxhlblltlntgha eetln go arme rs Dnrlni the last few da.ys consld· eur oSlty U. Lester Surfu('e uud wife Rpenl nown 0t10 Itr "y n 'm s istllr8. e I Rfl", r,r ved seat.s for t·be firs t Ilum · , utheNr anu ~Ie feeling has beeu exnlhit ed ~IlY of a donble gram Sundny oftern<1on with Frank " 1f '1 of ooru. MI'. te r t ' The 1!'lIr mnr.· I 'Ilib " f Fl'Illlkli n I ber wiillJeo n sale But.ul'<lu ~ ~rson8 on both ~ideil of the ~ bOmtlo9 says tb~t In his y,Ocl ultor ' C'I\1 ' ~ Ju ce n~~ IlLllll y ceno ~1Il ' Thnmlls lind family . eXllariBnoe was ell t(1rf.llin ~.lI ·' n.t. . t,h e h(lll\ltif~i 28, lit 8 tL . Ill .. 8ea ts will n ot be sold i ~~er ;~ndne; so , \" 0 80y. 0 nWiDn Itnll argume uts betwee u IU furming IIY .01), before MIV Il oOI'nltl' h o mo o f Mr . unll Mrs. W . befor e thllt Miss Mary Reelmo n I1nd several qthe ""-r'iok and "nti. Herrick men double grainheof never hmo . No number s W1J1 " oorn. J M L u 'h f M' Illi - " ladies frnm Ly t.1e were shqppln g in . I T " 1 be g ivAn out li S form orly G et In W ' l'ibbt\ I~ , n Oll r Lyt e. htusuu y . .urs . hllve beeI.llo l)g and heated. . u urg ,0 I' B Chamoi~, ' I' N OilYton Tu esdlLY of tbis week. 1 burg blls !Joon the r eoent III of Tlle Club illclude s In Its memhe r· m e .1I1le1 t II k e. y our t nrn. . S&turdB f' afterno on IL nUlUbe r of Behwa.rt.z·8. 100, 150 Itnd 250, rLt . . 0 one b er 'pllr e nt~ Mr. unn Mr~g.ll l1~t . J . K ship SODle Qf t .h e best kllown Mr .lliw es Adams and wife will nnd wi1l ho Moe known to be oIlposed be permitt ed t o .r os61 ve nlOre , R obinson . ' lIle U W re~.ive fnrm ers in th o than the soots for h IS . Imwe tbis neighbo rhood for Dayton Mrs. S. B . El\lsan a d"ught or r.ti~" most pr()" Immedl !Lte I ,.. , to Govern~r flllr:~Ok: \~ede t~IlI~J1~Il:~ Dora enterotl i oed family lit olle druwin g. If you wlln t I Mr . Churl.a s Luk enH. in /I ~ hort &~ tI. fll.mlly dinotlr ~~Sl ern p,n t o~ iV!~~r~n c.\un~ . In to r eserve sents for a fri end nr IlAlgh. 1lIlId Mr . W ill Luk en s , of D'lytOIl, Vll o llte~ willtime. I\nd the hou , e he ed when t ey " ~mp ;e u Sund"y Ilt wbloll were pre!ent. Mr ..... di tinll ttl I. I II of Dell vor. ue occupie d by James ~ m OIll !Irs, /I bOT IIl so. drop ont ond fll]l in n,t ('od Culoru( the Prlml\r y . , ". Ilnd ]o. wero s hukioR hunds wHh Slims lind fllillily iu the SlIring . Eugttne Fo"ter of (2lttu · I number of In"ll(ld I!UflstB wer~ pres I t 11111. rnlo of 1\ IIf1J1lllry ele?tlon dale, Ml'I!. of line for second eIrel\" in Obit); g. 'rhis 01.1 fri encl fl h ero M'IIHlu y. and Mre. :'I)hn rllV' ent, ,Lt. th" Thlll·s ll ".'\' thll.t .. mlln who vlutlolp tltes In it, 'Ior lind tlOU Mr. .or JI)bn " 0' ~Iure " u' d _ __ • hi " II to u port the r.ul e is Illlo)lt.ed in to" inl oi'l1st. of /1 . IJL • Mr lind Mrs . Georj:{fl Dnmlm t hClr W " Mano r. obllg!"t es mse " ~'1lllLro denl" t o n.l1ultk o \I (l fawny, of tiprlOgb oro, Iluc.l Dr. J . T. Always hnd as l:>uudoy g lle~ tH. MI' IIntl MrR' Comp romis e OIlodidlttll8 !l0mlna ted. Effec ted. IlrIu g vnur mernbe rshil) EIlts lic k()t,. .. nd f .. mily, Fred Dnrnbll clwl' Itntl chtltlrt' n, of j I~oy Corn ell and wife spent '111e Berrlok m en olaimed that a Includi ng Sid Ell!8 ofof Wllyne svlllo , 1 Sun· the O. O. U . tI d I u m&u who would vo~ agaln8t the An other I>oiut . W ' 11 . e . 0 t llLt " Cillciun llti ' 1 day iu Ullnterv l e . A COIl1Jlro llli~ .. h ll~ ht··.>lI eilt 'cf('u cnn"Jl of th e Il1 gh II1' lOe of our CO O~~fl .Govern or WI\8 u ot entitled to a pIIrb Ohnrles S to wP. . of Dayton , WIIS No howe is oomple FormAr s Ilre husy haulh,g gr avel ' in lIle primary . Tbll anti· Herrick Hot Water So.t tle . te withon t a "molll( t·h e hoirH fl f Oll"i<1 MII~on Ihl ~ yellr thllt. w e Will have to rl\l~e culleu Ilpre Sunday hy I,he Get oue nt jwlt.b Emer~o o MII ~o n, in sot.II (·llH'Tlt th e price 'neople contend ed thllt in a l00a1 8chwar tz's. of t<l1I"lIl tldrll1 ~SlOn to the d eulll of bi~ brothflr , Edward . trn~lC all tho r oods lind husking oorn. . of his chtilU for ~B r\'l c" " rt,,,,I ,. rorl to C0110l'rt s to r,o oents. : ~leotion the Govern orship ques.t!o n ,Illld they uro Miss Ue nnn. Brusoul ' is vis itinf:( WE j,RE IN TROUBLE-COOle anu hi~ fuIIH' r . l:>ome contll mph.te killing a I?lg as . woll worth It. Bllt beoure It mlmj · wit,ll h er Slsl ol'. Mra. btr.d no part and should not be oon help' Uti. 'r be ouotr"o 13 A. !:Illtbn- suon IlS the weathe r will permit tor wants UB It will be Tt'0l111 11,1 Ih nl, E1I1 orson "er~hlp --" ti uket ut ,1.00 I\nd ge~ a wny to vllo"te the rear of our store ·.0 M'lsoll III ~ t, 1:\1" 'P'u of Uinoinn ati. .8 IdenN. Mrs . Kat e John~ is nble to be out 1!I' ,,"~h I "1lI1 r('~or,,(><l sont to 1\\1 fiv e nf th e ~rtlnu · Th .. ti . , Frun . t IT IIn (I ,,8 8"nin. "'A Ilre "Illd to sl1Y eeu ulJllce .'I'S, a"'(\in~ t 4:\11'" A BmwlI . ~ l1nrrlilln po t ArtnlOll reques tlo n isstillo.tidsue , oonnec t tbe Itddl' tlon-th e D ., tl luler Mr oiH Rnsung le ha~ ll\ll ,.. ~ 1> . orpu " . )I~ ,.. w ure 18 consl'de r"ble feeling 00 fnll of F~11 aud Winter "ood", I an d th we of hi .. fulhH.'. ".ldt q! r..... :jq ;' ..!,'ilU 110.11 'I'bl·. h!1IJiB u s gllflrnn taa the cours e. II r ecent. g uost. /" . E. Thlly el', of ~ Mr. "lid Mrs . W ellinlo!:tnn SquIre .. D !lldes . th b h"ve to ··.orlfio ,'lll'i e during ~llV t'A ." ou money . , 0The prip1ar tl11'8 we"k the 111\ .Vlll nnl .. of II 11"1,, 1,, 1' . y resulted Idnh o 000. 1.11 u and sou 4~hnr I,, ~ m ll VAr1 'InA' I "Y 1IIf1.• ~ in the seleo. o,nu d next" " to . • roum tor the ('.ollie (lUt., /111(1 Illl"r Dr Will elt! ou r etllrn for hI" "' /irk "11 hi" 1"lh.,r ; tloo of the followi ng oandld" tes : conneotlu~ of make •• . W(lpk Mrt! . .1. M BI111nAlI wa s 6IlUJI)l11l1:( our new u . fnrl11 II nIl h i" HII"" I I " II ~ In hilll I' X~ " i:i uu "bin e " nlcot.l ,m nigbt , JOI!eph W . Hisey, trnstlle.i R. A. Do YOU Wj,NT BARGA. liis lu MlLi (l1 otowull l ondll Y I NS? Uome ~I f~ WlIl B·,uuh, 0)( Wn ntt·Q ~ille. tending OV ,' I' Il 1"' 1 '1,,,1 nf a nlllllhor philoso ph y will h elp ynu t o lielU' , Orosa, treasur er; J. "\JI . J oy ~ oons t It· lind hriog your friend~, Dr. W . M , Luuul'g h and fulhl\r , cull pd on Mllllnr f"lkfl our !lllae 0 f v Ullrs wit h !In IHmpgfl flit h e l' victory or d,., . 0 11 l il y III t . i ble i lind Elljab Oompto n, ussesso r and rubber stook I '-' IT " rc1 W'·" '. Mr. ,YcsloV Lulll1r g I, of ",III v tlry large. 11ll . Ii, I" n , tif'Tst" I> oI 111111 Ih e 111'11''' If'lLt In SO l1ud ~~U Ra. 1D • :;'I'here were nu oontellt e exoept for mense bargain s. i8Come experien C\e . Oh io, wor u Leu" n oll \·1 8 il.Ol'~ bnd :S"lnr s(Jonrtl 1 bl1V A ~i )l' llIfi".1 tlt"i,. wi lliIlKII" S" In . in bum"r ' 11 1111 in tJlLth '--.... Mu-r. L . A. ZimmlJ rmlln and yonr portion . tlB. h" nILMll y eIay . John A . Fu~I'ey. ....,..~ .~ cOmlir "l\I i~A Ih'" ll1 a tt(' )' Th o II'. rrn ~ r,,"k s IImong I·b" il1n.d R . A. UrOl!tl being the Ollndid ates. cOl" er s on th" lec Death 's Work . '. 1, I I tf of ngrelllll l'lI I. I", ve Mrs l:> H Elltt! "l1el dUll KI11 (\ 1', li nt u,'('n mile ,lI r e ]l II orm . P"iots, Oili! and Wall Paper Itt publi c 1 Ml ~ A Dorll, of Wn y n. ;~"i ll !'. WCl'e, Sohwart~ ·s . Anno.u ncem ent 0 111' little tiarlln~ L60U Rolund . -- - 'Ph .. 1'l\d it;S' Aid SlJOlot y of I.b o ollllillJ; ou MI~" Mllrtha r l' IICO (ln t) I S" U of E,lwtlrell1nd' Irene R .. IlLn1 . A!-rl:l. i:lolle Stiles, of UOT\~ln, Mrs. Trou t Enter Ll'tl" M. . E chlll'ull hUM ~ lIc:cep.(le>d dllY lost woe k Dr Wlllltte stoandll u.lone as the receive d" letter £ue>ldu wa~ b" ru JUll e :l, . ~ and died In rtli~lng 8UOO6II8fui lecture r of two genera. from her dunght er Mrs. y mormn g Mrs . Dr . Fill'!'. of ~" \It h ( 'h" r1e ~ · OototJer 18. 1110:;. II/{ed190(;. Kate PItt . talns Sund ay Schoo l Class O(J Vflr th o nh,")st enoug h funols t o " m onths and oost atlonl. of the OfIIY cnrpet. t on. bll~ re~urn (1r1 h 0 1ll1' lift e r 'i pleus- 15 When Beeche r, Phillips ton. of ~wrenoevtlle, lllinols , writ dllY~ · whic..h th ey h llV!1 I,rocnre ll for I,h ttir , lint' visit with rc lll t.iv e~ and Gough- were on the platfo(m , -teo 00 I:!nndllY and lilter h er o. The little birds around him sang III the day A very enj l)Yllhln t im " Wlfs hnllllt 1)llI1rel.l . At th n ()olllLr the Il!lome of Dr . Wl1l1tts was Il telegra m arhved II.nnonn I:!t,)c!al h eldl Mrs. Elli ll Bl'Ild s tn'ut. (.If. New oing the the M E . I'"r8011",,0 It, ~t Ollturllu y I~t th e h Ollle In sweetes t,. hl1li(llO~t stralu commo n in the eamll oonnec tion, seriou!! iIIoe~8 of · Mrs. of Mr. W . W. ~~bbIi18 Burling ton, and MrR . Hllnllt\h and. nQ 1I.s t .of the sn~rul le~turt request lug I:3tiles'Patton, ann afterno on fr nm tw,) t o five hy nln C' Sntl1l'll ..y uftern o()n, ovor ~2u was truro , of W'l y nes\'iII e. w e r a . An . Re eoltoiug. 0 er ths hlll.8 there rang on ter. The mnslc of the plaIDS, e rs of. tblil .dLLY Is oomp"! '1 .\ \'It on pre~enoe. Uonseq uently, immedi ate teen little gi rl" ,)f Mr~ 'rrOUI 'R 011l8~, nrlrled .t o the [uo,1. Whl0h, With con· tsinetl very pleasnn t ly lit t hu home But see tho joy thllt h8llves his both ahe rtlnging in III; fmlll t!'n to fourt aen ll'lbu~IOUS f:oOl ~t8IldvOOllte .of good ·chollr. Mr. Frll.nk !:5quir.oR of Mrs. Tltomtll! Mill e r llls t week. 'snd Miss Dora t:!tl\e8 boarded the I years of .a·ge. They broll8t. wAr bll~i1 y nne1 other lDl ere,·t ed fr leuds, WIll i Althon gh ,the dootor hilS been first traio to atl, wliere they ! .engoll'e d fflr u wbile. e"oh . Though rival brows may frown' glD~ pul. Ibe Iprlles on a firm fiDunuiltI loot·~rlnt,; for nearly forty years. he were .joined Clnolnn Miss Lydi~ Wrigbt , o f Centerv ille Yet his is judged the' worthie I?y her 80ni .Mr. Oscur her tlltmllll l'if)el work hll Hk "brln t, noel 11 foOllllg st. ' Is s till io full strengt h ae i as t:!tiles and Itll three will 'proceed to ~ lIurelv \\'11. II trell t to ~(\I' t,I,,· olce b" lIg hl .P.l'Th e old curpet hn~ been I spent lust week with h e r ~1 8tord, . . !"ytloC hnpter ~ll1gbt8 of Misses flnnnnh a nd Mllry Wright ~ - . yoql,g lusplrl t. lInd a il vlgllrou 8 In L'awr~noevi1Je todny. . To well.r thoF"l rest Orown. where t,h eir: 'vorl.:' Ibe.v W(.r • • rl 'liI ' l{. ""(,,It ,,,' ,·m th., G uld en Engl " nnd will be used . '·~ho:n~bt a nd alotlon Ita he· ~as e~er -ll1llny friendS hope tbey Mrs. Kata Moley, of ' Frllukl lu, We desire throllgh the oulumn ll will find . breidor ing cUMbiuu ~. dvi ! h,~, pleolng ITt th!'ir Ind ge r oom · ibeeu; fie tr&ve~ e.~ten8lv y , eo., Mr8. Patton' s,condit . SundllY 8chool WOI! the r ecent guest of Mrs. P . K. of the ioD muoh ootter.; quilts alid making dollllre8~p!l: Gazette to express ollr hEl"rt , ill ," lind prr nnhing nea.rly Fevery nigh and ~re. I thao th~y feared ser vl,"e held in Pencil. fAU thonk!l to all wbo sQ kln~ly' They were 8erved wit,b frOlI nml t.lll~ churoh last Sundny were , ,. 40el!tly Ptea 0bei on ~unday .: d be from hOQl~. Mr. when they 8farted for the first Jnoob Elieey assisted us during the oakt}sn d before IIlIl ving 1\\1 · mile f"r three w!1eiks , becuuse ll /Uld ..,. .tlooto~, , ~IUI nev~r. mined .s. a.te oh&rge of the Oo.r~ln of the W,m. Early elDu wife enterta ined a.t the timo of ~he deatli81eknllll POiIt Ollloe 6!l their thilnks for the good time repllirs and ot our baby• '''' - pbysioa l . weatne ee. Jwprov emonts baing At durin .. on SundAy , Mr , and Mrs. Arthur - Ma. AND Mas. EDWAJU) HoLUIP Stllee' . sh..... "-d .pent Nov: .7~ .'" ..,ade on the edlficll. - .... .....- . abllenoe Va.ndee veer, of l1iamia burg . -oJ . . . , . . . • ... ' ~~ !






._ ., ----.R-yme. ....








The Sunday Editor and the F Qolish Limerick By S. E. KISER

"Somo PIle b a d to ttl rou thll l 7011 cO uld n 't ,get anrthln g 'Prin ted. I aU\lp osn," tbo linda), cdlt'll' s aid " noUw lI& ho"o beu',Uflllly roundod anti how ~o!L h I' 'bl n \\' 8S, " Yes ," s he fl it ~' I'cd , taltl n g care Ilot to 1001, in t o Iii . ey ~s, ",!l nd- an d 1'111 a fra id It '~ ' goi u g to bo vc r)' ser io us for me \1' YOII terus e to - lo' recon. ld I' the

Illil ltor :'


T her 1001;{."1 a t eac h Olhe(', tb ell, ioro. lo ng lI llIP \l'Jt hO ll l sa yin g a nylhi ng,· T il e S lIn ua r edItor \1'8 lh e Ilr~ tlo s pellk_ ill': entered wilh II ~\\'Is h and a sm, lid , " lC It Is !,'1Iin g 1.0 be"s se r lOlls nR )'0 11 A falu t. dclldo us Iler r"lIl1l rou"d liS 10011." h e s a id , " I' m a f raid I'll h ;l\'e to 1\'ll)' 10 the SlIn day edito r 's Ilostri ls as Il I'ell l, O il,' r ill e," s he npilronc hed h llll , and he looltcd In to , Ii el' fa ec wa s s udde nl y I l'alls Co rmed h e r beaullrlll fil l'. , wil h Siad an til:lrI3 - f!'O UI 1\ 1'1 lu re of despair 10 ono or g lad (fUll , hopo, a lltl l it ' un dny e ditor told hl m" 8 h ~ has a soc lely DOle Rh e WR llls l1u b , sr ll' I It sl he pre fel'r ed h e r haJ1PY exp reslis b ed ." ho lho u ~ I .. , " lI ow IInt el' fu lly slo n, , II he carrlcs that s plen did Iitll.~ hcau of "Can' t YOlll e ll me .... ha l the con d lilo o. b ers ," of (hi s n ffa lr nr c',''' he as \( etl, " ;-i l h a dR llll )", glo \'crt hR nd s he " Il ' l ho s il li st th lllg ,n Ih n wo rld ," r~ at h ~d 1111 0 11 bn g ,l h a l " h e ca rried , un(1 s h r a lls wor ed, " !\o, r eall), . ( s h o ul~ 1)1 I.h ~1l lJ es lt ated , 100,klng rtl h im ,1s It' she n ~ h 8 m ClI to (10 s o," w cre nOl llu llC 8ure lb at It wou ld b e s aC~ Dullh" Sun dllY cd liar .... as a pers uRsl V8 ( 0 II'Y his pA tie nce, Will\!; 111311 nod per s l' t e n l. whe refo re h & • "Exli1l50 Ul e; Is Ih ls th e s unday edl- learn ed Ihllt ~ h e ha~ nr erely o ut of 11111116 tn l' '!'' ~ h e aslted, ~greed 'to b t.he wi fe nr lID mch ody wooso 'I IeI' to ncs we,'c f il II o f soft lI!II SIC, Inl e l'csls lild n OI a llIlea l to Ihe Sunday . S he was th e m ost I O\'~ I )' er eallln t he ed itor, If h e l' li tcmr), c n:or l. pro \,ed 10 BlIll d"" ed itor hau ever seen , T he be '''lllI'OlJl l ~ llI g, :re~liz~ilo ll of Ihl s cnme 10 him whe n " Yo u see," "he eX I':ai lled, " I hn\' c al· sir e spoke, lie forgo l Ihnt h e h ad an wa ys ha d 8 11 idea l hal I W8 nle(\ t o be 10' e ogabemc nt. wl tli an a r UM In 20 mi n ll tes, dOllen de u t, a llu h o ha M laugh eu a t t he fo'r:;o l t hat h e h a d 10 re wrll e a n a r ticle Id eu and Ihllde ~o lIl u('h fU ll o f my prcw hid\ be lU\d delle ~" ed II pon ns n prin- te ns ion s I h at I j u s t got nll gr ;' and told " Ipal reat ure; he I'orgo t e\-er yth lns bil l him thul 1 "'o uhl stlllle Ill)' 110Bms "hal s h e was s ln ndlll!,; beforc him s mll- a gain st him an d I.h8t If th er wcre reject'tO g coax l ngly and I ha t he was n ever b'l- ed he illi g-h I. hOI,e, " l ort so " lad to be Ihe SlIlldll), edito r, Th e,S,n nday cd Itor reaohM gCIIU)' o"or " Ycs," he IIDSWe l'e (1. h·us lll)" loss ln g a to wh er o he r halld s re. tetl Ullo n I he ma n" l1e of pape rs from a clla lr. " \\'Ol1 't YOll uscr lp ls III h er lOll, n lld wh 'n s he was tilt <1 own ?" lea\' 11I 1; Rhe 1III' neo lit tho door, 10 s mile " T!ta nk you . 1 ~U P'IO 0 It Is aV.'~\lI!Y 5W el ly UI' In Iri s fae Hn ,1 s a )': ,treSll lUpt uou s ot me to com e h er e In 111 is "Yes, lI' nly , I w ill II,Hike h im ,,,,co pt w ay ," s.b e repli ed , "draw ing a roll of t.h e ler m,: Wh ~ n I ·can s ho w h im m )' name III print II ll d ~ 1' a (loom I \\' lI ll1 a ,'o th e r ig ht 10 loll h im l lr a t he n ecu n 't hop e an y more,·' Wb eu t lt e SlI nd a y ed llor was r r prl· mand CII n wce l, laler, (01' hal' ln g gil'e n s pa 'c 10 a (lOo r li ttle IImc r ic ll for whi ch h e bad se lected RI'ecla I Iype 8n(1 a rllncy hordcr , ho "'a ~ In flO .... Ise cast down. lIo m rc l)' sai d It wou l,lnoLoc eur a gu in, and \\' ulk eu bnck (0 h is dESk , wh r re he tool, a leller f ro m his In ner mosl ilock et and I, resscd It to h is IiPR, I n t h e S lIn da), cd to "'9,h ca r t "'liS II ne w ho ptl 8 nd a k Iud I), rtellng- fo r n II th e wo rl li.- Ch lc"go H ecord ~ Hern l d ,


'Mothers Are Helped "- : - _ .

The Little Known People Called the Laplanders ~



Happiness of Thousan ds of Homee Due to Lydia E. Pin ~ hDm's Vegdabl e elm·


'3· ao,&'3. 00 SHOES~or..

W, Ld'oug laa 14.00 Q l!t Edge LIne Clannot bo equalle d Iltany price.

pound and Mra, Pinkham's Advloe, fI !Ievo lecl m othf'," sCClIl'


1I ~ l cn


e \'r- ry 1' 111 1 of dut.y (lx<.:,:p Li ll J:r t he sn ·


1 1' 1I11~

oun t h a t t.'11~ h e r t o Ut1 tH'd h f' r lc u lL h , und bc(Ol'C "" " r~llli?c s iL , 0111 0 chlnl11 ~~ lII l' lI t o f t h ,~ f cmnlt ' org nn ti 1111 1'\

The ("deli nile Relion That Beau Name.. -Reindee r aDd leppa in Their Strunlo for E,. i.tenee ..-Wond e rfully FruiaL

IIHtui fcI'- l c d itl'w l f, U UlI UI' I'\- O\l~n(':-;~ and

h·ri la IJi lit,,Y t ullu tit\! place or hllf'lliDC~~ " n d allliabil ity , S \\'rtII RIr La"III,"I .'I'" h a\' e loug h au Iltlo 1110 fllr -IIIt.,l s boe. this llr.clliiar th .. rl ghl 10 wHud er (lv ~ r ln tll I'\or \\,ay I s" " '~'I II ~'"" hs llll/l e 1I11I1'HI ti ght ily in sc arr h or IlIt~ rlll"ugn rUr lh t! lr I nI H· f n1t~ a"S or l o ng . lIarro w lm lill s; 011 the d ea r h erd s, u nci 1111 ' NO r\\' Cb 1all nOll1 tuls l l1 C(ll t a d o th ('Ull I lI nH~fl 111) Itll a round

POHscsKe d Ih u I'i~'" III go uv r r 111 10 !\,lt h. fa d u!: or fill', Th " wo m,' n ,lr e~K Sw ellls b terrtlnry . on e o r lltt' arlk ll'io\ mllt'lt : 1I~c th o IIU~ I1 . 1001, ve ry mll c' h In l ite r ece nl N or\\'''r - ~\\'eM I/ 'el lie- III,,, I he m, Th e LlII'1' 11111 . ure mad e of menl dealt w ith J):I Hl 1lre llrivil l'S f' S fu r a t'lJ1l i('ul rrume wnr l, co\' (~n'll with can· Ibn Lnr_lan dc l's or ~ I l h er l,o llllTrY' 1\ ' I1:q . \\Hol e' !! c lnllt 0 1' tl r.e r 81i.ln, wi t h a wllkh mnll r ,', d nC Ull)u o r Mllffif'ie nt 1111- 11 010 a t Ih e tOll l. ~ ro ll !,; h wbl t: b UII

I••'Y"" "he .,. $1 0I 000 RIIARD dl.,ron Ihll Iialonollflt, , .hon have by Iltel, n· celhtlt .t,••. "'y fltt'",. antt eu.,.r'Mrwe.,11J1 qualll.... ac.IIl.,'ed lb. J.r ••• of.ny SJ.50

p Ol'l nll l'C In ,l l'm a llll ~ I.(~ci nl cOIi Mi d era - 5 11l 0 J,!! m ar CS(' ftl)f~. Uon , a\\'III,o'",,1 0 '" t' Ul' lll.I,IY a bo lll Ill e I Con cc l:n ln !( Ih e I'har" ,:'e r

w. L. lMucl.u '.'_80

or Ih~ Do rnlldl c 1...,plalltll'I', I f. a nps , ·o no a ll t hMll y 1e. lI s li S Ih flY are Th e IlAnll' La l'p , ,; II'P. II 10 IlI e"" Ilro- . h o np~1 a ll,1 loya l ; til(' II' Ilrt1j .. ,lIccd pi p Ill' th e ~we ll es, m ea ns nOl1l a,l ; Iltey n. lgh lJo rs rail Ilr(, 1Il " R/.\a h"I\'1. thlnf t ull Ib o[lItiC I\·~" !';n mo. lt , 0 1' S UI\I ~ h laf :, " lid li ar , Th e nlolc hns bern Ira nsla ted 'J' h r wortl l.u pla'I(1 rei','r. tn 11(\ 1101111- in ln 'h ei r la l\::: IIn ~e. Ihry ad ollt tho ral e nl ll )" Irlll R I' ;:Io n 111 nnnhwr ,1 I'01 llglO llg fo rm oOllllnln 1\ h, lh e lo culity Europc of belwee n S:.,OIIO a ll d tJO .11110 Ihr), Inh a h lt : In nll "~ iA they al'c orlho aqu mt1t\..

t .... .hoe In the work!_ They .t~ I... t •• _ _ .. Ih_ thl' c_t you ftJ,OO to ",00 - tlie _Iy dlUerence .. the "rac.. "I ('nuld talce ),OU 'nto


- ' II ~ ~(jt l l h c l'n

LJIHlIlua ry

I. not de ""II ('ly u e n ",,,I , uill It IIl a y uc .al~ to e,te ' HI sO ll l h III NurwR )' tlll pTOxl ml\l ply 10 1"' l1u do 6 f. d "gree.~, III Swr llml 10 lal ll lld" 6 1 degrer" ;11111 '" RlI s" la Itl 1;1 . !llul e Gl; d egrc~", II 111(: lll l l ~s lit e ", 1I4J !t-l l\o rtbcrn l HHI o r !-\o r · ...'n y ( snm n ,iI "t""I'(' IIIl a ll" from th e All n ttlh~

rt o x Grc<!l( s; In Sl'a nt!inav!a ,


lilY teclOf'Y •• Bmckton. lite.. " tbe I'I'IJ"I III the world unde, oae roo' m.k'"~ Ifttn'.

tine .hon.aad ~how you the carewhh whkh ,,"Vny' pair Douala. ,,"'," Is m.d. r ) 'OU would I'ea.llz. why W.1- lMull., ",' ,SI) .no••• r. Ibo _t .b~. produced .. the world. , It I could ebow you the dUference between 1M



Ihe rons , Th cy al'(~ nr a l' l'lc(1 li nd burleil lIy lh " pries!, ~1I '"l r)I' n r lt' " 9 '101 \rornl b ra n ls h ave iJroug hl 11110 Lavla n,l In "" ener.. ! nrrdln r-: 10 \Vnr k rau ieal f'ila llr-:p.s In Ilr o lICe or 1100 slm"l o wnndnrcl's : a nd 1I 0 W w o h,n 'l! a mod e rn Lnl'l'. try ing to .,,1111'1 n Il erllln n e t~

('ons t.) , S \\' l~' It~ 1I a nd F i nl a n d , ahod o a nd cClnven lto nal tire!'!:'.

'l'ir,' I. 'h' r vouS anti iIT ilublc. the

mu t ht ' " \1:; untlt t o ca rr. for I I(~ I' (:hil .. tlre n . alul h el'co nd il iutll' u ill s tlH." c hild'. dit-. r~ns i t.iu n unrlt'Nu 'L:\ upun h4· 1·~t·1' .

Tho lu ,)I IIl' " " h oll ltlnul, iJll IIl il1l1r(\, liS

Nil ..

rllJld,L hi


~lIlf~ 1'i n~

with ho cll '

lu -IIt . h l'tHln d l', IH'a ri n J,f-cl u w1l Jlu in s or di." pl;h·' Hn c n t. l1Iu lci ll J.f )ifo o. lmrd c o.

l.,I ,H" I,:, Pin kham 's Vcg'c l,,\1l c Com. Dn d Ih a 1\ ola IICII III " "I II o r IlII ,' sia ," Th" l ,n ll l' ",'o I10 r , IOIn\\' ~ no l h lnJ: of pm ltHI i ~ t he unfai lin g- Cure ftlr this 1\ 11 In 1111, Il' e r<, "rc b ill ::0,0110 Lap - to .... "s. h is wa nd er ln!; condil io tl _ I t sl r~n ~ tJ h! n:i l.h ~ ('~ lIlule life nol tho 1"lltl Ol'l:'"l1S II m l llt'('OIolle n!I.I· eurell 011 t1is·

--- --- --- -- -'- --- -.

GREEKS FISHE D WITH FLIES W r iter of tlt e Tbil'd Century T " U. How Th er Ca ugh t 11'Is b III M acedo ni tl , Probabl y few Ib ller men lire aware ~h lll liy fi ~ hlnh <lu tes b uck 10 rJa ss l.c I n,anus.c rlp ts trom th e bag in w11kl\ t ll~ UmQ ~, A mln lt tt! descr iptio n of t he II tlle h a od had b eo n hidd en , " Im l I I new urllli cia l fl r 8S lI~eli Ill' Macedon lau tbe;'e IS nO\lSel;e nrllng thlllgs Illb)' nl a ll. a ng ler Is g h 'elt by ' Aeaa u , a Greek ;Vou al wl1YS Pllt s uch IhlllSs III t he waste writer Of Ilt l! t n lrd cen lu ry A , D , a s fol',uk et withou t. read ill g lh e m , dou't lows : " Bet wee II Boroa ~ n tl l'hessa lOl, lea )'ou '/" lan ll ers til th p. wO l' III, Thoug h th o nG- ,tha t resllits in c - "'0," h e replied, " un le s t hey ate un - th e re liows a riv cr, A_t raellS fly name, lo;c ,,:rowdct\. d \veIUn; s igned , Ou t I' m glrid YOII s uppused we alld tlr ere nrc III It t1s h c: Of a spo tted ruad s m ove th eil' !'e illtlee r o l' cr th e 1I0 r - all" "ublle bnildlltg . ComllUr a l h ' ely red el'S or ~ wP ll e ll lilt" Norw" y . IIndio ;; ,, ' n lly oll color, but by .... hlll name peoplc o r t1\050 ' t~ hl e rH havo re)utl,1 IL proIHa.· ,dl(\'." p asturage fOI' th eir Ilrrc loll Mslu(:I( 110 11' lIle \(1 st art COUlIll C"C'RI ente rpri ses ID Sh e permi tted her eyc lid s to dr<lop,' purts eRlI lbelll i t Is bette r t o usit Maco. on lhi ~ SidE', no \\( on tb a.t . we lm\,t' Slat · ·l l.' n ·, ·,o l'}, and two lown s or o nd th cn, ignorl n!! hi s ~ omlllim c nt, con, donl a n ~, tisl lcs of the ir dl~ " lributl AllHl o Y \l I'al ; o,'c e l\.l r c l s 'll O' t1s h ~ 0 1l1C s lw hllve lJec u es tablillb ed ; th ere 11,,0 1I1,0 n t he li nued : ' thlr,ls nrc found III Nor wlI)", o,OOU 10 · IS the u,llIlnl; lown of Ucllivar e in , "1)0 ~-Oll ever a llow p ~o lll e to rearl na t ive ti les whlcll (a lliu lo tb e riv er Rn U Swed e ll and :1,0011 arc like II' Hussla , 110 flle~ or' on)' o lh e r pa r t. OUG ,!:iw e ~ b' li LlI fllafld, with 6,uOO Inhabl'th i ngs you- Ilwt th ey brlll g ill 1" Who IIrll lho, ' '';II II)S, wh e re tl ltl llt ~y lall t~, ulIll III Hu ss lan Lapland Ihe would n e it her cu ll t hew was p-lik e in "Som e !lm e~, If Ihey -" I(:uappeara n ce . n o r wo uill o ne reply 10 a com o f)'p m , willi \\'hl\~ (J ~~ pl ~ nrc t1l ey tr ee' llu rl (It AI "x "lIIlro v~ l l. Th e I " Th ese a r e all I'cry s h o rl : ' sh e Inte r- qu (1 re s Iilllell 'l On e oth l1u loj;l s t ",' ll e \' es lhl: m fUIIII ,1 In l:!w cdls h es tion t hlll Ihls creature Is C ormed lIo utb e rn L3r,lalUd aro 'rllil led , and I wou ldn ' t w 1 nlto r ead the m tn be a llrull clr .. I' lb e 1,' iuIlS, uHulhe r t:o " . ldc rl!U o f SIIIICI'IOI ' qu a lity, and t o you , Dilly I Ulilll, YOII Will be m.orc IIlte what w e call th e bumble h ees , oor that they Rre yet dClIl'c,"l Iilte Ihe nnl ho s ney of bees MUllgo t he mselves, , Ilw, u a\'l;: la,g e 'tU ll olltl ' lI In tlrat roJlk el)i lO get thel,' meaulll; ; If I ,1 0, HUl ! II" n Irlues IlrlvolI "In a\1(l1\ nOl'lhwO Ity it is ' III. e a fly , III s ize It Ird allli 1111· gluII ; the ueveloll lncnt or the mine . " 'T he r e was on(:e " ~,,cct m a ld en mlghl be calle d a bumble uce, In co lor Ilrallllg WCII l 1I10ll g th" Ar<:lll: II hOl'<I>I, h " . Ieli 10 I'Illlrol1l1 c xlt,ns Il omcd- ' " loo III lba 'I'hey al' o not lI y allY \IIean " a I'n re, trio II I t errllory , OOlll \'lIl'e' "l']xc UH<l me ," h r b roke ill , with n sa (I It rlvlli. th e wlI ~ I ' IIlId il buzzeK lI ~ e tbe ls 4'1 mil es 'sloklll g al th e hcart , " We Irti\'o (lcclQctl hOll ey ue~ , All co mm on creatllre H or race; lh u la ll l; llll,ge I~ !'l'Ia lell t u th" t nOl'lh of tho ArCIl c <,Irti c. anll fr om of Ih . Finn s, ,"a" y Of lIll' II' famil y l b b. tll llllll!; cCllle flot t o Ilttblis h all Y more poetry I ha t be - llr1 8 sor t ure cu lled ilorgc ta ils, r the ro rllns a mllnalll~~ IIr c Swed h''' ' ,(, I1I'Y UI'(' ' ha rt or way " 'I'b c~ e pil ch lI l,on the 5 "ca m to seelt IIl1e. 2:l0 mil es or which li es nor til g i ns '-1 here wa s ()Il(:C A .s wee t Hla locn sta l u r .. , tlll'l Ih e r food fa e",' Ih tr uy iang a ffect. ul a r, t hee le oC t he ci rc le, I L wOllld s ecm Ih a l p l'esb Ul can not he lj) tl a m ed-,' Perh a ps Y(III ha ve so me l/, l lIg lIelllS SCC II Ill' th e llsb , which s wim uu- bUIlcs hl Sh , ",,",", lIal, lil('i l' b llld, 1:; e c ntly wc s hnll Itave 1'0 el se, t ha i will be In our IIn c, " Ar ~ Llc m ys'amail , ,lel' the uclI t h. h al l' (' ht'~ lllll l u r lila 'I" lCrlcs, tir o I'IIII\\' IIY ~ will ))al'c ma li c all "Well . see bow YOII 111,<.: Ihls olle : Th ere a re eo uHI L.apllS allli rc lrrdce r UI'CII to bIOI IIl a t can "So whe ll e \'c r on e or t hem see s the 'Ther e wa s on ce 0 YOllll g fe llow fr u lU- ' " PRY lire ,fare. A s w e s ui t! " tJo ve. tbo Lapp depend s " I h 1)0 you will pal'dull 111 11 lor III tl'l'- II)' 1I00til11; he co mes snrt ly, s wlrnlllln ,; LnI II'~ : Ihe lall ~r 11 \\'<'1 1 III t h luter lo r, un der thl: watcr, atr a ltl "e dls !urblng 'rlllu.JU! YOII a gain . 1, IIt 0111' rtll c~ li a r o ut fo r cloth ill/.\ aod foud on his h erd; not man)' uf I he 1'\'1ndccl' arc brollOo to oil llOOm " begilluin g 'Ther!! wa~ Oll ce a the s urfa ce an d 5 0 ~;; l n .:.; awny hl ~ gam e, Th en he CCl tn CS n II I' th e s hady youn g fe llow (ru m-.' I In \'c r y so r ry," har,u):;:;, Th u:;o IlIl on d('d 1'0 1' bc..s t of " Oh, i t's III I rlg hl>' ~ h e ans wel'e(1 w illi s ld c of Ih e fl y. g ap') und s uclls ir im la, iJ urd~n aro \vu , ked whilst s tili fawn s , e vld en l (lls UIJpOlntm eu l. " I renlly u un' l Jrr nl II I,e a wolf s nalc h i n ~ II s hee ll from a re I,otted aull IH'a c tlcRlly hecome memc;a re V 6 1'Y mD eli (o r e ilhcr of liI O"', ollY - th c fol n 01' all ell;; le a goose f rom the bers o r lh o ra mll)', Before full ' growu way , This one mao ), of n Il' 1ric ll ds yn,'d , This (loll e, he dis appea rs benea th I hey !,; rl)W \tcc us lomed to hailer and the rlp(ll ~, thin); Is very good: I ~at he ,' :;a(\ dle, 'rlio I'elndecr ' ~ galt 11 " Th e fis it el'lne n unll r! lh nd tbese .. ''fhe re was an old wornon who- ' " u s humblill g. que " ono, bu ~ he can car" 11 no w YOII will thlnll we ha_I'e nn ab - maue rr vo" s, IIn L Lbey do not mak e any ry a g oo(\ load alollS ov er (ho Ire at use o r lh esl! Il les frll' a ba it fo r th e ""h, Bu r d ' )'S(c m here ," he Illt e ril ose d , " bU l l he rll te ur from clght to ten mllrs all th e fnet is ' we don ' l, IlI'llI l all y ilrill l; \'>0- for If 111<.: hll ma n uand la y. hold of I hem hour , Ho gultl es ea s ily, but Is ha,'d 10 Ihey 10"" Ih e lr naf li nil <:olor, Ih elr win gs ginnlu ~ ' Thel e ""a ~ S(81'\ If h e tlrillSH It time 10 rC81. The all o ld womllll fmy a ud IlI e)' bcton:c u"C>rt3 ble to the ",bo- ' .. will te r Is the ~ellson for the Lapp, the fI ·h, H e r ch eek s were ve r r ro.(1 nuw , alld ire-buun d I'i\'e rs arc then pAssabl e, the wHh a n )· I1!~~ cral'l • Ir e)' o"t~lt t h e hands whi ch he ld Ull the manu - ' rc iud et "'s uhle to 0'111 lis moss uuder s cripts t remlll ed, Bllt she was us brave t he ris h. ( I~\'i ~ il ' ; a ~(Jrl o f 11I1'e iI::ta l nht t lf\) lIuri ed "no\\' , Hc can dig lbrorrp th l' lll , Tir ey la l) u I I,,,. ~ 01 re( ldis h won l a s s he W88 hcautlru l. uud, laki ng a IUII I; bani," HI" f eet and 1ll0l'e deep ; pall entrou nd lh ~ b oo l.. all,l 10 ' I I ~ wool two brealh , s he as lwd : Iy, unlirln!; ly he forn ges. the oue anf(ooc l(s f eat h en ; w h lth g r 'lw HOlt e r th e " Do ),on care 10 hear any oC tb e othmal for the LI\I,l a lld b8l'rens, wa t tlcR, alt tl li re uro ub h, 10 Ih e prol,,' r ers? R eilldeor 11I05S, found preLly nearly ~ ol(1 r wil li wu s . Th e ron t ~ fr o m ~ I K to " Y es, I \\'ould III(e to, v e r y mU ch ." a ll u\'e,' I he wurld, gl'OW:; most aOlln. len fON Inll g und th~ horse ha ir line h a3 " We li. th en. thi s Is (Jn e t hat IW l'Ole dantl ,I' ill a" cllc \tnll Hub:arU c I'c gions. In a lelLe r to a frl ell(l. II Is foulld c ll on th e Rllm e Il'tt !:IIr , Itl pill o and "I,nrcc (Ol'csl s It \' el'Y orten "Til ey lowel' t hc Illr o. The fi s h Is atf a ct: 'Th ere was a fond wlfle wh u- ' " Hourishe s : all" tr th e ('urcsl s arc burned Irol't cll h y l h ~ co lor , «xrlt ~ oI , ,l raws cl06. )' .\PI' A1UT I II·: I: ..\':\II l' IIILU "B ut th a t hu s thr sam e fault 1 hav e OVC" , II s pl'illgs up "l'I'Y luxurian tly, It an,I , ju ll:'III~ fr om IIR hea Ui Iru l a ppear_ had to lind with Ihe olll e l' ~ , H cre, ju s t .. Is sO lll ellrllos us cli by lIIun (or (ood. all"e tb Ina e lll for \\' mer 111 o lIIa itfatn lw a Iilt'il' m,"'\'elo Ill'i ng largely Ih e In s til us banmom en t. pl ellse, I'll mal,c a iiI tie II.\. " Is 1,l cas ant. IltoU!;1t Slightly quc!. rOl'lh wll h 0lle n. Its tu oll t h , hut Is by O,hll1g nllt! hU ll l il/ ;'; Til" Nor we As h e wrote h e SPOliO aloud the ...'oru :l callghl h y th(' h oo l" D.HI hlllr r , In, Iio NI, gill n !'IlRs l Lallpg 1« ('f'II lIIall Y ...·i lltice r ; a c rid . that wer e jolted d o wn , 1'h6 wo nl rc l nde er Is derl"ed from Is \ he t cas l, il h ::", In a ' III I1 ('(' liS It 18 cap· lhe fi , hill g Lapt''', Ih a l O\\,:1 itO r elll ,, \,OC uon ' t prim " " )' poe ms Illal belhe l.all(.l "(' illo (I)aslllra gel and lire tU r CI1. ... d(" ~ r. an'" a mun' tw ill ed {o il" thu~e g i ll : An g lo Suxo n d e~ r (wild heast , or aol. "d Llt h r l'tl s (JurJ'on.: c' mu v in g fl'ulII l)la(~c .. 'ThC' r e W'd S U y OUI1;; m a o-' mall. " Th o I'elndee,' has long b een doto l, d a"o to ulJtutn IHlst THE I1rU WINDS . b ' . Th e d N~ r Ol l' sti<'a tcd RIIIOllg .. 'Th e wa~ a n o l d woma n-I Ihe Lapland e rs nnll fe CI) 0 11 all Ulld Cf/:; n.)Wlh ( If II c ll ~ " ti and .. 'There was a SW t'ct mnldcn- t " ·! I lft. 0 wIT!" ... r tLI' ~(Jt; t h; mo." IInll wh e n lhl s trtl ti II cc lI Illhhl r ~ tire trib es along the eon SI of Siberia. ~ . ' ~f.E re was u gilt ,1 gi rli e-' F n!'lll AI II " 'I,(":t a" tlll;'~ rio!" } I t Is not II snbl c a ga i n f o r y<'an;. and \l. rd (01' d" ltwing ijled ges Blld a H a • , '1' er e wa s a gur Il an ll ), - ' \\' lu'll tlir i ll k !' ~" R1 ! ;: I ~. · La,l f, I'alllili(>;-; u n Hot dW l' l l ill tuwll ~ . rldlll ;; and b\lt'llc n animal. It hRS r c1,1:-", til {"l U QI I c e rr. y rno l: t h . " 'T h re wa s a proud fa lh er- ' morltUhl e cl"llIran ce, sll'cng lh and ea(h 0 \\'11('1' or u hero musf h a v l' a w ide " T he ruel iR,'; h e (' ndrd , "I ha t w e ha ve ," " ttl, 0 w l nti r n f' nllrtj· , erer. a bu ut him fo r hi . lII/iul a l., The s pee d In (irawlll g s ledses, anll wlth ollt shu t ou t J)l r try III; d W , I ~ I" th \\· u l ~ ft. al t< l g(~ t l lf · r. Hilt (' n n ' l n illllce,' I'rovlll e hi!n willi ('IIl, h ln.'> an ti l hi s allim a l III lid I of Laplanu and Si. ,'\ II . fo r 1 h f' w o n"t ('n ·~· "0/1 k\,. )' ou wr i l e ' o m r lh l ll C; (> I ~p': l 'lll Slife it herla could n ot I.J c in 'lubited, fOl":' I h r food cOII " I ~ tillg 0( lIli ill , fle s h \, I: JIl o f t Il(' :Jhl lUi g lll \ \.' : 0. ' h1 wou ld iJc od ," Th e I'p. lnd ec l' are hn,' lng 0 hanl strugaurr bl oot!, " No, " ~ h c und l )" a n~ \\' r l·f·d. " j d o n ' l " 'ind , 0 w tr. d r) t 1hto (, :1 ~ t. II nomnlil c Lapp with uul ~:; r e ind eer g le for e xls (cnce : th " nOllladl c Lapl'S Or :'" nnd 1' 91'~h l h ~ ~dt-e. ti ~ em 10 be a Lle 10 h a \'c all ), 1,l eu • ..- Il en Is pO I'prl )",; I,'lcl,cn , oll e w il li lOU i. III are wcal; enlll !; IIl1dl' " l he ll' s truggle In J\u rl ttl ), 8u 11 mlr: H ra '·. 1 t r l' 10 wril e ollr er 1<111 ,1>. of " oet r, ." l ,i lu' ~ Inul ~ ll o""" I f>! 1 IIw {lerot c dl'CUmSI Hn ces , tifo (lo ~s~titiio " " Ih e l'Ov erly or a re gion unlit for hll" Th en wh)1 wr l t(· 1IOCH ),? ' man h a bitation ." Reindee r anti field ot ~ ,OIlO meaus_ weallh , '''i l. l1. 0 \\ h .ft (..f l h(' 0. ('1'1: :, "We li - You -you "ce, r tl on ' t really LAl'I' al'o pass in g , 111 I. II LlIl~ \0 drc: , m~ I t' '' S II Tl , s lImmcr f h e l~a l)p S arc rolJcol III have 10 writ c, On I) I hO Il Cd you ' llI~ hl C I-IHISTO PHF.fl WEflST Efl , '" h rorl u n·" : ... l oa:; fi; l :- Is t! l'In, darl' blu e hom es pun <'loll" .Iecol'n led. lind a t leas l o ne o r ,h r ~ c ~f) O ~ c n~ llg ll 10 " ' 1\ f t mt'" H I' I)~" . I, r !.( ... ' whh ;;or colors , In winter th e followIceberg ., Jl nb li s h , bec a use- her:a nse-" - r' ~ll1 M ltll G zc , Le , tng I ~ a typi cal COSI ItOJ ~: A long Innl e Pati ence-W hat do YOII IIntlcrata nrt " Beca use what?" of r eind ee r hell e u with a lealh ern gIr- Is th e normalt emp&ra "Oh , It was awfu lly fooli ~ I" I l;now, ture oC Ihe bOGy? "Where to Lr,o l, f or ~1()S(I"lloel" II dle, from which hU:lJ;9 Ihe Ine vita bl e and you will S8)" Ihall h a \'c n o rlg lr l to! tbe titl e o r a lon g a r ticle In Q New Patllke- Well , It all depend. , In 0r- long kntrc; I'e lnd ee r Il)gglngs s howlllg most places it 1ft about tOO, but tn BOlIhllll, of sncl) a tblnl, but lhere ,,'ali ,a leans paper, Ord intlrll: lOU dOD'lla an bt neat.h the tunic, a!ld sort d,'led graas ton I .belleve It Ia aboul lI,~Y"Dktr. dlallen 't iQ It." to look for Um)' ' .. Quod close about tbe leg aDd stuffed Statesm an. hr M -.: " , - ~

l)h\\" (" lIJc n t:-~ U1HI irrcg'l1ln r i Li l·s .

S II h

t l· ... ti lliony a s t i ll'

fnll"wfn g "ho u!d con d Uct! wome n of its value,:

n t!n r i\l1~. Piuk ham : I i I "':\.Itl tn Id l yo UIHlw' lOl1ch ~nn.l ("p lio E. [' jll t.: 1 :II l'l'I \\"\~ {,t.ahh COlllpo untlllU!'i(j OlIC HI P . I :-.u trc '11'f1 r' II' n ig h t. y~al';4 with 1l\'RI' l ttn trnll hl p~ . r wn ~ n~ n~ou !t, th"t',l "HI ) ir.. ritu l lt" , nml it did not ~"" lIi nil th ollljth , pOlild tll nn tl It. llny l o lt~r • •• ~ I I\lut 6,'n dli hh'l"itl t.ft f'r1\~n (411'. I.y th .. E . l"ill k hIUU·1I \ -.'':i'tll h lo COlll l'ill Jl ul \ ' 1l.S 1"UC'ooll1lorulcd ond it hit S "11t h't' ly rUM"! l tnt\. . 1 ~'nnnot I hank )"i'lU (ll1mH~b COl- WHir I~·t fl· r o f ltfh' ll'O lU1 t1 fn r whn t L:p lift E. It ln ld lDllfs \·" Il\-.tllbl '('ompou url hn~ Ilo na fnt· ""' , - }l r., Ph, n " fflllMn, IU\! Hil1lrod t-;l r~'I. RI·O(jk l.vl1 , N . Y " ~ II'N,


I'i' lld ,nl n "II vis!'" si ck women A ( hl ru",~. (,yon. 1Was.~_

None T oo Ta In ted ror Rim ,

,l'ill .. ,\ n t i l) (1'0111 1"(\ ir ~n" II \\ " ", t"iutrd Hlu lh ·.\~" :J .. l. ••.j II·" l"n .. I II I II' 1 i ll \Iii' 11.. ~t.It: r n llt ;1:- hl~ ti " , .. lH..'d tll:" '\· ,.uI11


k nl " \'

Ihou .... de In my f.ctoty and IhMe of other

m,"n. you .,ourd und .... tand "lhy 00~5r"" '3 ,50 .ho.. COlt mo,. 10 ",.ke. "hy Ihe,. bo'" their .hlpe. fit beU." .... loopr. and .re IIrwt.r t"trln.le ' than lID)" other 'J.50 Ihoe on the ml,ket . W'. L




___ _ _• '11.110. '11.011. SQe' llehool A D _ . . . . . . .11.1511. 76,".IS II CAUTIO t npnn hn.9h'F "·.I~. nnng: . ~

,11, .r.

, . . . h oeJl. T it"e n t'll .. ul .... lltute. N uoft ClC" nuitl~ w it h o u t. hi. Olamft nil'" prlct' tIIt l\nlp t)d on bol.tom. WANTE O. A ~h (\f't d o:aler In e ..e ry tnwn wb ~f\J' W, L. DnUCh' .. f'I Hte" ar e 110 !!10M_ Fun Hne ot umpl .. Nnt. free f u r inlJ),;wthl ft upoQ requ_L Fed E".,.t, " •• d: thOr! o.wa•.


''''''.ot. ..,

'lVrlte fel' I1Iftdrate d "&talor 01 Patl lit,!. W, L. noUOL ,\ S, lIroektoD , 111 __

Don 't Get Wet! TOWER 'S SLI CKERS will keel' you dr)O OJ flothillg chc will , ber."•• they are Ihe F'od u(\ of the be,t m "fe and ' SeVenf }' ~ ncc

},C':l r :;'

exp.:rj ..

A, J, TOWER CO, Bos lon, U.s,I\ , TO WER CAlf.f.J)L&..' ~.. '-\t\,

Il u".d ,

. . ~ II. I' ir: ' ' r l,IIt',III: I!,fll ~t· i,I, ~H. "\' ,'1\ \I \ nll

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w;.. ' "1 : " I 'd Iln f h,l(ll 11 n it tl ' ! ",':p: h

t ;t H\l· lllht.· rl

Y ,IIlI\C'J'l-O :-:I.I{.·,.II :UII .


in n1wHl f.tcruring .

t:hf'f':: • ,.U'. -


For Infan ta and t

The Kind lou Have ~b.Js ,~usbt




Promotes l)il?,cslion,Clll'erfulness and ReSI.Conlaill!l ReUber 0f.ium,~IQrphiRe nor }lillcrai.

:NO'l'l IARC O'l'IC .

Bears the ': Signatm:e of



' '""'' ' ' ' ' ~~



, Aperfpcl Remedy forCoJl!ltipalion. Sour Stomach, DiarrMea Worms .ConVtilsions ,feverish· 'wss I1lltt Loss OF SLEEP. File Simil0 SiGnalur e or




In ( U,se for Over Thirty Years

CASTO,RIA , iw'* em.



. "

~- _ ...,..... . ..,~·tDlll '\


...":~« .






"".!",; ' ~~~ ",.::l .



- - --.-

----- ----- --

BUILDINQ OF SMOKEHOUSt.:;. Put the Ov en In the Bnrn Cellal' tlc.d BUll the Pipe Underg round 10 Snlokeh ouse. A 1J0uI 0 y~llr ago I uKke d yo u for 80m.' informa tion r('gordln g th e CO'I' lItl"11; tiU Ii ~




lelf ' at Small Coat-L ist of Matella la Used.

Cl'al'mll l g A plll'tmen t TherelD 'G,Ivell Up ,to America n Womnn ArtiU.

;:' ~iil1 ~l!:!J ~uiJl!J H~wO~e Farme,' JluJlt One tor 11 1m·


a smul\ ehouae.

yo u


kinul), IIt1lJll s hed my (luel'Y and sever· III t'C\lIl ~s, II'rilps a co rres pond ent <lC lh o Huml New 'Iu rk .. r, lJul 1I0n e ~t th.m hulled my ~u s e, I hUll Ihe l\!lj ... f .. lI e ighlJo )" s ,'mul, pho u"e, an d It . WI! " 11 goo d lI ue of li s 1< 1lid , IJIIt too 110 1 ft'r my "lea III II'hltl a good s molloL"u. e oughl to IJt.1 , Ou r· m Ol'tli ng, wh ·:o riding o vel' 10 " la r l a snltltl ge In till'

J . G. GI·abam . COO lt counlx . \lllnol • .

of tb e most pl'og re~ alve j at'mel'iI It. IblH Hecll or .• who prevlollH ly had us cd u. ),JOOI' bul !dlllg for his "ouhry, COll ' "LrU eled a tlrs t ·clusH house about a Y{,RI' ogo, He tlg lll'es tbat , t be In· c reased receipts fmm eggs ha,'o mo ,'& lhtLn paid fO I"1 he untldlng 1III'(·ady, Hl'rewlt h. say s Ihe Ohio ~'orm e r , are giv en Iliao s for his HlI'uetur e, to :1,'" commod cte l OO hens. The hou se wu s mud e rat anu f ro s l I,,'oof, Mr. Grahuln "l olted out a " It ~ ' 12>:2[, feet . g iving ~OU square te I 0 1 floor , und then dug u tren c h a fllol wldi ant'! u foot de ep all llround; III QUe

bn ~e m e nl o r I h u !. 1I 0 1t ~t.', IIH~ Illea (.h !

eUl'feti to mc 10 bu ild" huuijc III.\! tb l:

.Lco mp~Q y IIlK


il K


wo ~

to get o ut

II rella. ttl!' a ne w ha l'll a nywuy , I thought l...... ~ I '~ wOllhl Bul he lU\IC'h frOt! ·

Li e to llllll<l !on (we n o nll have u

]l I IJ~

fl'o m Il to Ih (~ s ll ~o IH! IIl)\lBe , aUtI so f:~f t

aWIlY from th e h r DI "f wood ,

th e




G OO)) Hi': ;'; 1I0 1·SIl, .

The .u'"l11e;· Jlnlacu, m,e all Chinese pilla es lind l e lll p l ~s , un,1 "ell l he ~w~lH n g hOlt ij('s of Ic e rl"b. L'() II Sls l. of a series of vPl'ulld aeu building s , lJulit on s tun e foulld s , Ions wll l 'h rl $e alJou t eigh t (ee t from Ib e grou nd, I; llerolly of one s lory , :tronnu Ihe 1'0111' s id es oC l'ec lnHg ulu)' or S'llIare court s . con necte d Ill' ope n ve run dll - lik e l ' ot'l' l<ll1l '~ . Th ~ aparlDlc nts sel 8 5' (\" for m y prll'lIte 11 8e, wbll e In th e lJr~Cl n C l" . ".,.Iles Kat bnrin e A, " urI. In "wil h lhe EmIl re~ s \)()wu!:" r," tn CeIl IUf\', ,i'ere to Ih e leCI or Ihe e mpress d"wager ', IhrOIl O r ou m and Il eal' II, In orupr IlJat 11111 .,111 he wllhln ca.), I'ench uf m~' pahlll nr;, 'fh e.e Il partm en t s ocr llpl II un e ntire 1)(Il' lIlon , Th)' wer e cll l! l'mln g, Th e u' " hillill!: tIllll'ble floo l's II lit I b~allllfllll y l'ar Hd 1)[1I" illon . , th o! ,' p:lltll etl wall 9 all d <.: lI Hl'ml nM' Hil t lou k o n r ' How e r;.' co "rt ~, ulOltie Ih em a deli ghtful 1'.lrcllt. Th e~e pa"llIulI s al , II 1l8ia ca hUI'€ movable IlUrllllo nH, nn.; Ih e l'orJIIIS may tll, mad e a s slllull ,~ clo.c l, 0 " " H' IDI'g;) as t he whol e IIlIII,lln !:. My JlI.villon ' couslstp ll of I\\'O . Ilt lu g 1',lom ~, II rllnlng ' l'oom and u e1lannl,. !; IJclIo'Oom , sc I.Iu,'o[c t! fro m ono allO lb el'lJr sc reenlll(o wU)l s of IJpa ullft :lly ('m'l'ed ope n \\'o otlll'o rl(, II'lih 1J 1 1l ~ , lilt ti howl nt; lbrou g h Ih e In lm'sl kes. I n Ih e largrr HllHCCS wprr a rl iSI Ic pan el;; of lIuwe r s lIulllteti on ,Vhll e s till. u lle rna li uJ; with

Th er e is on ly On e Genuine-S, Yl . r up of Fi gs , The Gen uine is Man ufac tured by the

Cal ifor nia Fig Syr up Co. The full norne of the comp ony. Collfoo -nlo Fie Syo-up Co.. I. po-Inte d o ,n the front of every pocke "e of the eenul " ...

The Genu ine- Syrup of Figs- is for Sale. in Origin al Pa~kage.s Only. by Reliab le Drugg ists Every where Knowi ng the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita· tions made by piratical concerns and sometimt~ offered by unreliab le dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should therefore be de:clin!d. Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its beneficial effects. It cleanses the systl!m gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches when bilious or constip~ted, prevents fevers and actS best on the kidneys, liver, stomach and bowds, when a laxative rtmedy is needed by men, women or children. Many millions know of its bendicial eHecls from actual usc and of their own personal knowledge. II is the laxative remedy of the well-informed. Always buy the Gcnuine- Syrup of Figs MANUFACTURED BY THE

havp nil th o f.; llluh:e ;'e- su ft 01' weL gl'oullll a gl'ealer u Vlltb Th e !llnll will e X),J laln II sd!, ,,"uulll lJe lJell N', A I th e lJuI tom ct ·fhA OVt~ n I ~ tlll'flP rc~t ~ <l"Br n , lIud DRl' tblH h e 11111 "Ioue" from I he lI eld ullll • Rhpel-Iro ll door upenin,.; In to har!) f1U.'d In t it 11It ersl lc e~ willi (;0 a I c.·ll a c, Th e \Jille leadln ,; (1'0 111 It tf! as hes, A fe w Inches l.elow lh e gro uu<l poe m s antI (1I lot OI itjn~l t'1'om th p. C 1U ~f; Ic.'j, amuh " house i ~ a l(' t;' II II'h l; la1.ed r art!l - be L",;a ll lJulidlu g u. (Olludull un wall of Portland cement "Iltl s und, nnt! car , in tb e plcl uresq ue, i tl.ogl'O ll h lc wrlling I'lell Ihl s eig ht Inches UUOV\! Lh e S"'ounu, of th e Ch lnesp, On (J oe tlf I he . 01111 He IOIHd 1"-0 bUl'r.' ls o( cement with walls wa s II IlIrge w8 tH '~ lJllJ r pa Intin g o n ,\'hi lc sill., r"p resc m illg u reil)i.- ' f),' O) bn rrel s of coarse sa nd ant! Iloured III wal eI' atHl s hov eled Il OI' m' unlll I leull), )lal llt",1 pCfi fo ll'1 III a lIo lI' e r y m ln'ol' : OI'IIlPtl Lit " Il was IIl. c m OI'l r, I'. Theil he Illa ccd 1I ~ld ; an 1111111 Ilo a rds a fuOl hi gh aro ulld II!oJ four o l ber so lid wlt ll. Th ~ i,l ale ·g luss low el' t re nc h s on uolh I he Inside :tn,1 OUl· w lnduws hnd bll ..! " ilk e n Cllrt a ln . , th e • Ide edgc~ . ho ldin g th e m III plac'o wltb lip pe,' wluo o\\'s, ot while Korean pop r . Th e He XL worlt wa s to s uo,' I wel'e "o il ed down , and Ih e )'Irh perfllJllc in Ih ~ " e me n t n il III'o unu. plac ing s mull or the tl uw ·r III t hc CO li rt com e Ill. 'B A t" h stOll s In lh e tre uc h as be wOI' I'~ u . III Ill)' h Ollur. seve r u l fur elgll ro bjel s .]e ( tI l .. .. \\' he ll I he c" m c n l wus lI ellr l h e tOil 01 \'Pr i ll atlurn ell , he tables uod \\' Illdow J .. ... lho lJuunlH ~x4 Bt rl ngers we re jJut a t she lvcs, Th e \lcd, II cOl) clllJ ll l1t illiu lIn ." olcovp, was co"e r ~t1 \\'11 h blu e SUIln lh~ ullI " ld e cdgps o t it and the r.c me llt >l\'j':'-- ,,;\'D S~ I (J t ,E Ilo) l'F E. clIs hloll S: tl nd 'h e window s we,' s had · ,'ul'I'l ed 11 11 l he Ills id e le l'e l \I'll h Ih en p i pe, wilh tU I ,'lIlu\\, a t ca di eu ,l 10 101's of t h em , Th e stringe rs we re so ed fmlll Ih e ollts l,l e by lillie 8111<0 11 awOl. Ji ve 111 (' turn reC]uireu . 0"(1" lh e en d Ings. whir, h gavc a s ufI. s u lJd u .1 " " ht. 10 IIrml)' Imbedd ed III lh e ce lll ollt tlla l no of I UI~ l)iLm in fluor ul' h uuse yu u w il l I he 1'00111 , I hat mo de II H "y cool alld LO\li~viUe. Do t in! un alYll lr III n.'I,,' u " de ll cl'iO l'; " It co ltl cu uld get HIllIe r ·t he m anll uu restflll luul;llIg. mols lure eUl e " th o tlln tloor , Th e wall I ~ U lin t sqnllt'C pi er" tI( blue ~ tun c In l'l 0 11 t Olll' lli('l't'S o f lwi d \. a t t h e ('or n e r p. 74 r eL lon g may cOSl two doll 31'S for I he ce me n t. THE CATCH OF THE SEASON an d r..!'o Ih :itnu l{ s t ri1 ~ s It , of ('U\tl'li ' Th e h Ollse 1I0W W3: r en dy for th e a h ;'l S ld t o. liO n h or l ~c,)n t ul COU1'Se un,l wall ., Th e fralll "wo rl, WII S mad e ot :Bnt H e Had No E " d Habits n n" fllI ~ Ille whole bons ' Ill ~leau o f 1:01 111; t he Young \Vcm:u; H esII),J lr: a s lmlg'ht IIl1 c,ror Ih e l'e nLllu to" 2xt sca nt lin g, '1'\\'0, fl ,' e (,," t elghl In<'il l'3 lu ng, W<' I'C 1,lnced al ca rh ell d Color more Goods brioht er Qnd 'astereolo " lhan an,othe r~,e. Onel0c Pl ItntEt!. (JII 10 1'. ckliOI colon all nbels, Th s, \I,e In CO!O _att!t bt ll."t !hDn itnw ri1her die. Th e ,'c Ulll o tor is 12 in c hes I" all' garm ent withou' ,iooin ; aoa,l. W,lte 10' 'ree bookld-.. You can dwe / Ho .. 10 Ore, Ule •• h .nO Nil' Culoi., .. la '" ~, a ud h" " a <lalllpe r II'hil-h I of th e. 0111 h cor ne rs - Ill e fro nl of th e AIQM?Oe /)/wu CO,, Ua/oDvlll c, Mluourl. Th e old 1I1l1 ltl·mlllio llah'e erool. II huildluA ·and ' hr~ olh e r~ were pu t eun re g ulnt e to !lul l tht' W Ilth er co nTh" Mnntle of Gl'e a tness. o ne I'he lllJlall c Imcp, al Ihe r~ t o f III . d i li o n ., Th e uu se llle n t of th e Hmokp· ulnng t he fl'onl uL \"1 loa I Inl en·al" . nil " II waH In one uf I lle WCSI I'll to\vn s l.Ie£. lIlIhll de hmuUle, whil e in I be dl~ · "Io~· nll tl e d " 10 the bottom NI ,'l nge r . At h O Il~ 'J IH JlU ed wllh slo nes glltb o re rl l nlll'O Ihe orcheBtr n wu s playing "ome ot alii' .l at.p 01 fe w w ep!; H ago," sal cl th e orf Ih e lIe ld s, and IIl'e ill ('hes' at CO li· I li e mp of t IW5e :If. rrpl of S~ !lIlU l llg f lelt nwt If {!'Om Rnu l mlll tJlmsl()" S ~ lIb · Chi ca go " l'lImm el', "a nd I 'ob~ e l'v pd wa~ nailed as n roo f ~Ilp]lor t. nnt! In c' re le on top of Ih e lll , Ih e wall s \Jolnr: lim e wo rlts, a nd th e hUll n llll g' m e loll ,' I ha l n Cl'owd tlf "rlmil'cl's wus follow Deel1!, Ihr e fe t llllll el' Ih e gro ulo.1 Ih e ullc k eight-ro o t <cnllilln g" we re fi lte red I hroug h l he troil ira l ,'Ptie1u - lug a yOll ll g mall fl'om "luCIl 'IO (llaee use,l a s lI(lrl g htN III II Rl mlltL r wa y . wit h li M tf) lJe helo w f rost. IIlIII m ald ng II h ~l'o of him , unll I nnla ~ ~autlln g at 1'1" , lOll nga ln, To hold lion Ih al' ~c I' een e d Ih pUl fro m th e dune· TJ.I ~ house Is hull t of \JI'l cl. , wit h II rn II~' InQ nl l'ed uf a dll zP Il : ~ J. , I' lalel< Ihe New Lhe Yor!; (ro n t H nud CI'ald lJn . ti( toge th e r a scalll5hin ble roof, lJut a fl 'alllo \JIlHllln ;; '" ' Who a nd wh al iu I htLt you ng ")116' YOllng lJutldelIo g Eth II p. C Iert 1 G IllI' hes lOll ); was nn llell lu,'o 'woul d lJe f!uit e "afp, a s I he re orc lIu man ?' you!" "1181'1," at that t.lis tRn ce CI'OIll [he Hrc, f"om I'II~h fo rwa rd CO I'IIPI' Rt.ra igh t , 0 'ron dun' l lenow!' 'I P,' ex cl n lm Ed , os " BuI. oh, Mr, SioeR n nd lJo nd ~. 1- 1-" and IC hl cl(o ,'y Is used I he r o are n;) across 10 u Ilolnt. si x fe N f ro lll the Rtu lIIlll e re tl Ih e s weet YOll ng thin g', 110' , he IlIrIl NI o n m p. E\JUI'lt" unyway, Aud I ouly li sa d ry ' ''' 0, Is lo p. a 11I'l zefl !; ht c l' wh o hos .;) , , ing, how eve r, lhal h er offl clol s re nog r u· l,i('i«'ry . as I think Ih e s moke is I,ber and ret'O,'dl n g' ll honogt'a llh were In \l'on II 1.II3Jl1pl on s h ll' ·" A ___ ] IShnl'pe l' and lUore palle tTalin g ; th a n .. 'SII', ~' Oll\" IA' nC1!'Il Il(' f't Is pil i rul. g ood ucou stlc pos itions. from ~re~ n \\'ood . I Cllt o ne-i nch plpo Th:o l. IR Tom .I t1 1l (' ~,' "Ah , Miss EtiJel." t h e old mulllonl l· to rlln across the hOllse Ih e narrow .. 'An d who I)lP l] t "il IS Tom .Jo nes?' ,~ Honulre was slIylng, " Il Is' ln th e me rid way , n nd mad.~ hooks of hpav y No, 9 'Slr ~' nntJ thl ' dli l.Nl dl'(,w him se Jr ." Ia n of life Ihot we can appI'ecla le womWire 10 tit easily un Ih e pille, and hU ll ali's wo rth and her c h ee rin g divin e pres· 1111 untl swell ed Otll. hi " (;11 .,,1, ' Tom a l' II<g one a nd a s horl on e ullcrnuI ,' , ence. All else have I: palnc~8. uutomo- Jon PR Is Ihp mall wlt.t> Iltlnl' $ of r;ollig A. A - ' A . A H'~ I :tOI I can hallg n IJlg 10l of ment biles. yac hts; \Jut wllh o llt YOII Ihey uro nV~ I' Nlal!am F'IIIi H lI ext m,mm" ,. In B 1;' L oon FLAil: . '. an.1 yet have none tou~hIDi; , as I can f~al hpl' \Jet!.''' os nothing, " grounu 011 Ihe reur upright. Three teet ~ A, ' "Ah.!I1r, Stocksan dbolldl!," lJIIls h eu I he AdvlllIC iD,g the Farmers _ ...,. ,.fit'''p. -.'''' from Ihl! SOUlh side or Ih e weSL cnd 1111 de bulant t' Interes t.. e, n would lIIerry you. Indeed I 'I'l'a,'elin g 8gc nl ~ anti s al es me n are IIllrlghL wus nail ed to make a place for woulll, lJlll (or une Ibiu g aguln s t ~'ou­ now , onl (rOIll th e hom e Om('CS oC the th e door, I bree fecl wldo and six fee L ,Yo ur " erso nul hub,it s," Chl c8!';O pac;l(c rs InlO all ~ olllh Am e r· hi g h. The fruoue,,'o rk now was com· "BuL" protesle d th e o ld milliona ire, lenn nn rl A$lut lr. (' olllltrie~; . Th E'Y are Illeled , Tarred lIaper nex t W3ij put on wltb dignity. "I huve alw8y s conslder e,t .. ftgo in g Into I'" I'y la ntl. no ma lt e r wll at Ib e OUl s lde of Ihe s cunllings alld Lbe myselfr and so huv e my ro' l e ntl s-l\ ~ a I:LtI' g 1tnge m ay hn S llo l ;~ n or, whal siding nulled fast 0,,' 1' i t. He 'illo ~ 1; :to' very crit e r Io n ot mo rality [lil tl r1elln liv · CONGRESSMAN GOULDEN. mOIl P), \I n ' I'Ptl. Th ry will cxch nnge' ' boards a font wide we ,'e used , lbu ~~ in g, Unltl;e the wort h less allll J)over[~' . 'rIh ~i ,. ~o o" ~ Cor COII't Ips 0 " Iii Ceel · lung lJelllg Clit In lWo 'for 11'_ l' e pll:Ollt Find. Quick R elief from BIDddtr Troubles !ltrlclwn young rak es uf IheRe <l1I)'S, 11Is l."- ouythln g 10 "eli Ihe , rorodu ol IIII ck ODtI Ihose 12 feet lung belog d;· 8lhel. Tbrougb Do&o', Kidney Pill •. I am 1I0l only (ulJu lollsly rich lJut Dnd S f'1 (;n m C'1 hill ~ In rl'!UU'11 c on\,~l'tl ' vld ell for , the front. Tbe buel, II'lUI have ullsolllle ly nu lJad habits," blo' 111(0 mon e)" nulled on al a lice. Ib e p!lper belDI: H I I m,y "eem uII,1 to on . ,10:0; " ph A , Gfllll.1nn . 111(' 111"1'1" Hf "ThllL-'s just It. ~Ir , SWchsJlnoluolld s: ~OI\1('roll ;~ . lilit t r:l\,,"l ll u g' u)C'II, carry· CoJl({rCSS J'c pre enli n..r th o I strel c heu Li g htly und e r II , and a Will' DIAG rtAM O l~ SM t,f: not/Sf:, til U i ... td·t th",lls just why I mll :i re rlls !; YOIl," enId . In g: ra " r~ wilh . ump ll·. of Am eri can of Nt'\\' V orll , a l!'liO r oll Ih e . lI llie nn)' ul ~ I n n ce ullorl, anJ do w -roul' feet hi g h wa s \Jlucell In the lhe girl. In R tune of InHnlt.e snllnes;.. tJ' n ~ tc n '(,If t Ite S"I 1i1l ,lc th e hoolts liS lI enr ur a ~ I'ar f rum mldtll e, a t l he lOll , In Ih e front foul' " lm]Joss lbl e ! " j; n ~ Jl e d 'I he age ,1 mil · ''''lAI pl'n,I II(" 8. ro n he • e n In tho ti cs "-:I\\l\,\:i lIitH~ ' 1I 01l1l- a l na i l i '<a I: ot. he r ' a s I lI'anl. I hn"(' fou ll ll II'ln,lo,,"s were " "{'d , lJelng 1,laced III Iionalre. " Do you mea u IU ~Ul' tha t ert o f Soha ra, t ho sa ,"I R oi 7.an1. lbar N. Y • w ri h 's: the a bove ar)'an ge lll t' n t a /.ir eat. 1111 ' )la irs 119 s hown ill th e 1,InnM, lind IUl- y o u wo ultl udlltire bud Ilul,its III u hll ~' o r In Orn1.II, " wh pre th p. nulA cnOlO from " r.r~al · l ,; Ih" e nl e rpri sc of th e o .' n t, I ~' III . ~ 1\ : A s I!ru\, umellt Oil s lallolla)' y oa l19 ,II'ivPI1 oth e r was pUl Ull I he we"I e nd nea t ba nd?" Innll Y ur II ~ ,Y (, i C' IIt1 ~ IlIto r ross heam H. I hav<l jU;'1 flnl s hrt l Ih e door. as ~ h O "' 11 In Ih e Il)lI s tr al! Olo. Drcamll y, s Ulil)" I hi. r Ullllllltil' )'o llng ': : IBJ;; ~ e O1 p rl'lwl1l. TIl(' J.!I'enl Pr th p ha\' c \1"-",.1 jlO rlll 'S I\ il l IlIllOlwlg n La tch o( pork. an.1 bUI'e It All Wf l'e arron );",1 so a< 10 -Iltl e. that It el)luanlt'l IHlll ed til pl fl'f::'~ n ,',..1. r ed 111:111\ ('1, I hp g n' : I'~" 111 ('1 pl' (ri' utili ~ tn · np j' I 'i ll s Ull d It:t \' e hili1 \' nr I It " n rk ..., or til t> 11I'odll (' t nnd 'fOILIlT AND WOM thol'Ul',f;; hly done, 111,,1 ye l unl y Il n ice they mlghl lJ(.! l'p(liled un warm t1a y ~, rose. UIIES For 1I.,de at dtll jot l{l :-.t ! . bl'c'n ('111"1'11 (If l ii tllll' S n ' l ll. " bos. ('0 101' III'e h :lms I hUL are "aiel lIy Three IJoard~ were lIall ed IOgeth er alld "Tell me." I. e ,'sis ie tl Ibr HIII I() r, "w h,\' all t'h,11 co,'. 10 m:ol, o Il III It s \' arIOIl_ T,la' 80s .nd Hook 01 lnfuuct'o ae Pt... ond hlHdtkr t r ll ld,I ,'!'<i, bll t(he rs un(1 grocc rs , nlltl IltJl thr used for. I he 1100" , u I1d no window was yo u wUlIld wl " h 10 sep me tll "s TH" R. " •• TOII 80.'0". II.", llllll etl '!" J ,,'i' l i t. 111 \ ' tllll ,V I t) loCI III l b . eas l " ," I. ' blacl. halr-coo l,ell Ihlllg,; tlillt ll ~ lIull l "Wby. c r- e r, \Jud h81,1I " s l",rt p. n li fe, Willin g 10 OlJli g e, "' f"(lmn,..,H I I I1,· II I1'd , AtI . r , I", hou se was -Hnls hed Mr. pa s~ a s well-smo l; pd ha:ll" among l" you Ilnuw ," tnlll' mu J'tU til ... lIl a id el"! . "If I n,::rfP 10 permit YOII 10 mol'l'\' c in p , F n llu 1I (' .. " n l ll\ I Graham 1J0nl,,' d LlI' th e dirt on th e o ll Lcounll'y foll( s, Anyoll o who has II cpl· Bnl th e n , r ell e"lln g I llal . he "ouU my dall \: ht er." "aid 111 0 ' ""IIIt · llIilll(),,· ex pcril'n cc T I<no \\' l) nall ' ~ l\idlH 'V J' ,I J.:.;. Jllr " on mak e 0 s lllok"h ollSQ lik e Lhl~ Rld r 10 Ihe 101' of t.hp wall and' emp- po" lIy drive him to ,Irlnl, ufle r marriage. aiJp . • , r rnly , " \\'111 lUll proml .e 10 le t will cl1 re infl:l III IUU I i.HI 1) [ t.1I,· h l" d d, 'r , tied s lfled ('oa l a s h ps on th e noor, C'll Il1IHJ " ll.tlr..;. $19.50 - I. IIIIII.YJMJ Oporalor Then 4IlIe, with very IILtl e (). llfOn "", lind tbere hadu g' (· xpc ri,-.nC"t' o 1'I'li_,f th l! :-.t " '\,luJ S24.00 I he romanti c glr lll~ce l'lc d the " 111101'. whl ~ l\ y O!UIW ?" s 1'\.' 1 "I' c,I., be whitewa I '! ' nua l "' n~ po"llloU)if III s hed I he walls and Ihe wIll be little or no hEUt from I he oven , "Yon lJe t I will," 1'01'II e,I the gil tletl day of u si JlJ.( tile ul( 'll il"ilH" , a uu utl.wr " f III,', I C:lill ll(! tr\b ll ~ hm oll t"' ut hOll "e was \lri g hl 311d cberry 1": 1111 ' '' .".., Uilli \ ' IC UJ I 1.)0' on 'he Occupat ion Ilnd Physiog nomy. A the rmomete r ten teet from my roven ~ lli llc Oil , Cllll On o r ' ,'outh, with ala('l'l l Y, " N<J lhlllg . bul (S'IfIH',1) ,I. :\ l;rJl'I.I1 I·::-; .. d, lrr .. ... ' . Occupal lou hus 1111 ulldoub le d Ittlill· ;'hampag ll o fOl' 111 0 nfl.'r atooll ot 40 degrees nil Ih" time I wa ~ lla"k es!. dnys . Sui.! 1H' ull (h'!1 I("r~. :IU ( '1' 11 1 :-. :t-Ilux bE':IIF.l·A tile wedding IIV CHICAOO t VPOP II IlT,e ThlR woulll lJp tbe CO"l of the hOllse ellce o n I he pby s lug nomy , Calling c'Om <'s ott." - Chh'a tlmoklng \16 da)'8). Some lloopi o mlg~: Fo~ ter · I".!II ~J \ ILurn MUllI"l.ltllo ( .'.1' t:k 1 Hufful Ul u t.: I' , t:bl ca,o, g:r, !:) UIJ. ,., ~ , y , mUSl certainly ba-¥l' ooaWe Illtluenc . thlnl c that Ibis was ' far 1.00 nn o u hOIlg(! (raUl lIew malerlal . 111'.'ord lng 10 nil" -'~:: ~--- --over 'he physiogn omy o ( lhe "ulJman , for . them to build, bllt If I hpy adopt. the ures s l!lJmiu ell 10 MI', Grah!lm : Ihe omnllJus ur"'e r , Ihe bllll cr . or the .. dtll!Tgro und part Ihey "an Pll t nn~' F~u t1ntl a lton II P. ATlt: HS lW 'J'lI\I~ l'AP~n Two lJonrl. ce ni~nt .. . , .. , . , ' '2.00 groom ; each frequ c ntly Ilc) kind of h01l8a on It th e y _'ant. Thl. .ses~es a "t:.~IHI!\4 ; '1'0 l11.y , ~:-o,, ' nIlNO 114 r nnning ret l 4.4 s lrlngers , . type of face which W(08r ~ 80 cha'rllct er 1 , 5~ 011(' I" on a gentlem an's private borne A .. \· "'H · I'I~t; J) 1~ , )Tto1 \ 't) I .U IU:"'tt. :-: 11t 1 ( : I.III;\'St ~ 'I' ' JJ · tJ~ IJ-,VINU IRUc an e xpN'sslo n a s '0 makc It not alld hoe to be In plng wltb th c 1'raD1e\\' HA 'J ' 'I'll t!: f .A ~ K H 'tl, ' llIO'UH INU 82 running feet ~ .4 ~ lrlnJl:C'r8 .. 1.48 dltllcull 10 Identify th l? \'0 ('1111011 accom · 4It h" r building• . AU. ~ulI~'n 'r VT1~ Olllll.'r"' ''''10S~. ;;00 runnlllg (eet l ·foOl sid ing" , . .00' panylng It. We gpf al, nhm or th e RooflIEE AND liEN · LORE, legal face. the sC lelltlli e fa ce, III. 40 running fpet ~x~ .t ringel'll , • . .72 ecc le.lus tlc,.1 face, th e mu sica l fa el H e r.vy moiling, now, mea n. bpln)' 300 fopt boonling .... ' ....... , ani! arll~ti c face, lI:e dramuti c rnee, 'W i'II": la,lng. R oofing )lOPPI' " , • . , .... , •. _.. and Ih e m illtllry (a c~,- Lon,lolI· It you havC'n't alfalfa- (eed ",ar FlttillgR cet. ebl cks red clover, SII wlndC"ws """ , .. " , .... . ' II ,I!" A private family Irllde 18 mure! vulu , Tarre,1 I,ape r, lalh , hard warp . • 2,00 Extensi ve Family. .hle than s hlPllillll: to Ihe opc n mar· A cellltllry ugO the re ,lI cd lu .Iamnteu ket. Tolal ., .. . .. . " .... , ... , ... ,S33.n3 a woman lIumell Mill s. 1·le l' oge \\'a ~ given !l~ 118, and s h e wa s followed Profitab le Tl'~e Vnl'ietier:: . Gel · Rid of SCl'ub• • to the gl'n"e by 2~fi 1'I1I1t1)'e n , g ra n d· for mony. mony years hu cured 001,. blcllOf)'. 'I'!\IlIut. mulherr ,' , ,-1m 1f Ihe re arc Oil Y ~c r"lJH or culls on c.hildr n. g ,'eat'g ra n(\c hll drc n atld contin ue. 10 curo alld Inti malli e IIrp. th e most orotllub l e va- tbr. pl o re , get rid of I he m at onre wh !le Ilrea t·g real·g,'a ndchllrlr e n - n o fewe r riet; ~ s ' of trees to ' 1IIIInt III th e prai ri e th ere RHEUM ATISM Is a ma rk e l tle mnnd for IIi~ m , Ihan eo a t whom . nil n lllll Ed F:lJan b, slales. O~lIge orange In harqy and Tbey belp ;0 1'4'ep NEURA LGIA the Qllarlel'S IIltily belollge ti to th e reglm en l or mllilla ror ulakcs go()(1 fence posts, bu t th e thorns and or;, of u,> eart LUMB AGO hly lise " " cept 10 S1. 8111.lIl1el1o '8 par ish , 'Stockraiger~ BACKA CHE rend el' them a oul son (' , elth I' for Een'e till In I he cl l y ,'eslaura nts ~s SCIAT ICA fen cIng or olhe r IlIItpOS!l S. I hel'efore w e "choic( sln'llIg chi Ilen " Poor Child. MAIL ED 'FREE . ' SPRAI NS advlsc ug!lln st Increas ing It. Mrs, Hilnugal l- :'Iy: but ihe Ahe rn & BRUIS ES Sloan's Tre.ati se on the Hone. , An y IJrood Mlllbs nOI In use .phou'd n re crazY·lIl od. , SOREN ESS and Sloan' s Advice on the !I1rs, Flanoga n-Whu l'S I~Je mailer rt Is nbout time to dls posc of the old be 8ulphnre d o cc aslonull y. as Il keep. STIFF NESS wid t'hlm'! ' ' DPIlB ana let the pullets bave 0 chanco> !bem 8weet. -FROS~ B.T~~ ."',""''' 0£ Horse~. Cattle. ,H.ogs and "In 'I1n' !lbsln ·lnllldC'd Illomecl they The moultin g seos,OlI 16 01' hund, eggs Sbee p ba"e excell ent digestio n &lid Poultry . Send your addres a to 'brls tb ened their Illihy '" A loy- Iu8 Pat, hie.. 2~••i ..s 5Oc. Ibtu"] commlU ld .- Good ' p,'lces un til b ence lllt!Y IIUII" Cecil to tb') tullelt rIck.' JI~tthln l( 0' tbe inl1lals oC blm!" ,»fllllk', Dl EARl S. SlDAII. ,6,16 AlIAIIY ~cl:rep .IOSTDI.IIASS. ' -Catbl'l Ic S!alldu d aacl Tim~ .. UII() y t:' 1



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... .









San ITal\cL!co,CaI.






""" . ~





Compolitors ..nd LlnotJP. Operatorl 'Wanted ' I ..

--- ---

St.Jacobs Oil

VET'£ A:. NA ft¥ .

are a nece ssity to ,every Farm er &


H, '~

'p hQ Ga-zottO.


Mrs. 0 , W . Printz and Hi'll. Ne,lIre BerrY.pent Thurtlday in Dayton, 'tt . '1'. BIWlWII l r.dltorAan. ~laD a.e r. MIIIII Mary Ool1!·, of Dayton, o\J)"U"Il1' M. MCJU' I ' '1'. J. BROWN. A8800lAT. 'EDITOR. Ilrri veil Friday eveniug for R RlioTt visit with Mrs . Robert Shute . tI.oo io 1ear . . . . . . . In"" ' It ,ZG .. yur If Dot p:O:ld In adUII4le Bargains In cllina pIn tel!; doo't fail to see them i the decorati ons ,)FFlCE IN JONES BUILDING. ar e handaome J, E. JanDey. Born, Wednesday, Ootober 18, 1\ 7y' pound boy to Mr . Rnd Mn,. Nlm K~rriok. below the Telegraph Mills. WEDNESDAY. . ., OCTO Ut: R Zb ' . . IV05 Sidwell Ellis, who is attending Pu bllll1le4 " .. kl' at OW a111en111e, pilla





YOU 1 had . . .'" MV'" of iodlgee&1on. I could not at nigh' and Idered mOlt ex~llJ&iDIaf&er eacb meal. I wae .troUbfed thie way for about dlririe months ~hen I DIed Cham, be;t.iIl'. 8&omaoh and Liv. T&bJete, aDd received immediate relief, " .,.. Johll Dilton, Tullamore, Ontario, Canada, For . .Ie by L. May.


or '

Notice '!'bOM who are lD

U ht aDd

a8r for

will h

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I ,. & _~~ 'l.-' N alve e r Inppy ..n...~ UIL 0... lf no

. .Id before 'that Ulne, and 'Win ' not • 0.- ' " - _ ' "


.... ,



_ _ .on &ga... aD... a l'8Il ~I _.......... 1 ohargo ' an _Nona. of 11,00 for turning off and on. , _ 0I'4er of Tnmeee' of Waynee~UI. W ..... aDd Ll,ht Plant, -

ve _1.1 __ --6h ........


Farms for Sale. ODe of 140 aOraII. X mUtf ..,fronl Hew B1lrllnaWn; roOa land With 'aDd water - nIDe room mod.


hDue. IoocI b;;; aDd fen08l; , .ooa&iDD ·tma1lllpUle4; price very low &ad tenoa to nI' parqhaeer. , AIIo, farm of 100 &Dl'8I excelient Iud ill Ame OOIDJDUDltT; 'h01Ue, bun and f8D088 8OOcl; on mtJn pike, A baqaln. Addreli WILL 1:5, MolUT, Wilmington, O. • - • , Pre8icleDtlal Bleotlon Will make no Obaqe, No matter whioh candidate Is .lected, 1'0181'• .Boney & Tar wlll remalD the peop.e'. f&vorlte remedy for OO1IIhl, oolu' and inctpient con11UDp"OO\ U oures OOIc18 quiokly aDd prtI\'8IIte pneumonia. A. J. D_&-vllle Ind writes· .n _ _ - . ...,., • "I ntrered for three months with a 118ft11'8 cold. A drOniat PreJared me lOme medIo1ne, anel a phYl!ioian preaoribed for me yet I did DO' improve. I 'hen tried Foley'a Bonev and ·T ar and eigh\ doeee 9ured me, T, Fo~ "'le by LoDilllay. . nil


. PrhiUDg a' the Gazette office. , ' - ,~ ----.--~.~-~~~--~L~ (-

Oure for·OorDe and ,lfuuioDB. Ft!1l~ eoak the oorn or : bnnioD in warm water t-o IIOften it; then pare I'down all 010ll8ly.. po8IIlbJe withoat drawlnlr blood and a.pply (''bam. ~ln'. Pain Balm dally, rnbbing vtgoroualy for ••8' ibinutes a' each application. A ~ plaater Ihould be worn a. few iiih. to pro· teot l' from 'he ahoe. .A&'i. general Huiment for sprains, bruiiee, lame, Dell and rheumatism, Pain , ' ~ i8 1ID!qna.led. For sale by ~teJlay.


0 J, H• ..CCASSY.... ,A.... . 128 WMt FlUh Street,

Darton, Ohio. Pbon8l.: Main 1602, Bome 3502.

BY&, E ••, Noel: AND THROAT. 8peotaolee flttedat reasonable prices Tile Onlrlnal. . Fole,. & (Jo., Chicago, origiDated BonBY and Tar all a throa.t and lung remedy, and on aooount of the grea.t merit ao4 populari~ of Foley's Bonri aDd fir ma.n,. · imitation8 are offered for the genUine. A.k for I'OUT'. BOIl81 and Tar and. refuse any labltttut~ offered all no other preparation will give the Ame 8a'IIfatioa. 'U is mildl)' lautive. It aontalllll no apiaMe and ia .test for

oIlua.. aMaeUoate penClna. Ma7,


, of Dr.C.ld. weJl'.Syrup,used as directed, will ~ lV O 0 \1



~eclll\te re-



lJle t o ~turos


t h l s \Yoo ce ru




. 1 t LI N nEll l lll~ Te turnlt 11 1

I l~' l 1 Wuync \'i llo ,TAME


loul'svl'lla & Nashvl'lle R. R.



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you r \Dt.erunlorgnn tslU IIllhevery pink; ttl I ulio ill l'II,I' AII(\1\" 1 n: III' ! \'~:~ 1 of cond ,tlon. ," to 1n ' !IF ,11. 1. " IN1'5, 11I~ 1' '' IN1' 1:-i1l ('c·l . , ' Well insido, you 're well nU over.


1'0 ,l NTl! IN


Dr. Caldwell's I Syrup PepsIn I


NORTH &, SOU'l'H \ \RO I,I N A, VIRGINIA KENTU~Trv , V l.. ~ , 'l'ENN E: 'SE E LOUISI ,\N A . . Octobe r 7 li n t! NUV t'Ulbul' -; 1I1ll1 Lees than th e Une Fd.I'e for t he H.oun d 'l'1'10. ,'lck"tH 1I1l11l ",1 to re lur" ~ I ,I",\'s lr,,"' Illite ' J IL ',


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nUll ul10 111'd n \. ,\HB I I\ U":

, SIl Ol"" i n 'Vl'lght'r; hnllc1 lu g lu np)H t I t Will soo n . set your syst em, rI ght, . ., I . t)nU"f\ I when. an occasIonal. dos? of It Will k;op I MII'dl I>t reot. LI e n ~ k ~ t,11l p II t,r b I







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und ' I1 r oll ,u VIt" wri te8! "1 blld Ii ("illoel' ' H\ 111\ Ii for Y'/lr" tbut s~e lU (ld il1I\I1 ,·,,1I11 , ,I) . L .. \ '. r' 1 It,ll ' 1"' l\r~ l hll :oo t :..' mp OJ AbliOlut,{\ and (,i ' "U till Buokleu tl AllIio/\ ~,t1 H 1M" " . I,, " \\ ,"'lh, ""ocol, o<1 ""11 "un,l 'l\ III It, nnd 110\\' it. i~ )lorf" t,ls 1\ ,,11 ' ,I,,· In, " 'l,. t t m O. ,,,\'a. ltl!o "" I'Jl t1~r l. h · Glln rtmt ,,<1 onr e for o nt,~ IInel ""rill;. !lui, nK lrlllh 1",.11. " " ''''1\U,.•lc 111 1'11' ''' 4) " nt Louis Mu.r '~ (iru" ~h"'" 11\'(, r d .IJ II'" n:t u Ilx ,' rl ~ C h' ll rf: , WUl ItI , , ' I "' UO rot 1'(lU b JIl t'''II''\u~tllth f' )ofh; kllll\li\ tllIiU . Il h ,, " ,,'l l\lun'tl t..h l: " ... , ur t1ull'~ u n d b..- ... II

occ n s lone d



N eWCUrtl FOl:oanO ,I"

A I1 !<urfll Clll1'pr~lLr" n o w kl\""'n to b curnble, by Bllok 11m 's t\ rn i.!n, ISulve, , Jn ~, WnlterH . of ,Dnlti t1 ld ; l


the Ohio Stllte University at, (JoIUU1' bus, enjoyed BAtn¢ay flnd Sundll Y with bls bome folk s bere,

JOlt in the way of oontrasts, it Mr. Clint Rader, df Cor wlu, hit S m.y be observed 'hat 11011 the w!I8th oontraoted for a 1IJ'!ge autom obi le er grows oolder, events pollt.icil whioh · be will receive In Il .s h oTt acern to ,row warmer . time, The mllohine will onrr y fo ur or five persons, be fitted \Jut with all of next year's improvements, Republican Rally at This will make seven automo· Waynesville Saturday eto. biles now owned by person s in ~IlY­ A great Rtwuhlloan rally will be nesville, Corwin and vipinlty . Mr. and Mrs. Amos VtlnDoreu bel~...t .prOM Ball , in Waynesville DNt.mrday eveobtg, October 28. and Mrs. Wm . J. 00 leU., of Bar· Three men prominent in Hle poll veY8burg, attended the ' tntleting of \lOj! igf OhiO, and all of them m~n the Masonio Orand Lodge'~t (;inoln 01 recognized abUtty, h"ve been Ie- Dati la8t week, IUld while III tbe oured to deliver a.ddriltls08. They olty also visited the Rockwood pot are: Bon. Emme" Tomkin~, Con- tery, the Art MuseUUl nod other ~aa from -the 12th ' Ohio displaces of interest. B, E . Booth, of triot i Bon. W . B . Miller,of Oolum. Corwln,al@oattendedth e meeting. bUll, AMieta.t Attorney General of Ohio, "'Judge GIIfl1'lJe W. l:It.nley Dr. and Mrs. Garner lind little over Fridny of Lebanon. ' trrand-daughterst-opped night with their relativos. MTR. 8, The !:JoDI of Veterana ~Band of B. EUis and Miss Dora Ellis, whila Xenia, on8 of .he fiDM' bande in driving through ~ their home in . ,Irlouthern Ohio, will fl1l'l1illh mtlllio. Lynohburg froUl West Elkton, Ohio, • I where they heul been in attendanoe InsomDIa Oured. at ~he celebratl~:: of the centennial


BOttl a ~

,. , A JUChOlOU8 lnqulrV , A well known. tr ,~y ~ing Ulnn \ ...110 visits the drug stor~ trade sayR b e haa onen hetlrd drugglst,A inq uire of oustoniers who inqllire for a. oough medloine, wh eth e r it- WO !/ wtlnted for a ohild ,or for liD ndult, u.nd if f or a ohild they nlrn oMt inVllritlbly reo ommen«1 Ohllmberluin 's Cough Rem edy . The TOR SOU fOI' t.bis iii thn t t hey knew theTe is 110 c111lljtor fmOl it and that: it nlwoys onre~ . 'l 'h l)re is no t the l ell st c1nn/!pr ill p;h 'ill J,: t t.. aud for ooughs, I\n l rl ~ IInr! r. rollp it, It! un ~urpntlsed. F'or RUt.' hy .II111~'

I II dll' Wudtl h I!

t'\(~ n

IIh,r '


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~"'· C(·.I"'·

I U ll'l';lI'l k~a " III "\'I I\(ll1lo r' "u:' ll l\\!

1111' .111 "1 u f ,'u r L' lh itll tI.\ :<o \' \ t ' r' hc rdOltJlf' hl.'~'n I II ,h ',' d herm I ' tilt.' , It- I)I·t'::tril!f l. \\ (I . l l .. -

,."c.1 a ",1 oI l,n ''' .... ~ c " ,'h'lI "" "I ,'II'J "l c

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r 1\1 u. f •• u rr tJ~, G~r.E1'i ::-'~ J'E.\ ~ U'V" .\ 1' .tn' I'I'I>II," ,.,\,,, ,,,,1\,"1, Dr elI'C" 110 'l:o. , III .llh II r It,\." IU dl] I), ' IL"' ,'II C 111," ,"11


t· 1H l r .... ty fl"(', 10 ,,1\ ,, ',, '


I. the best preparation obt nlnabl~ for __ ,,It,.,,,\, nil the many ills a ud a ilmen ts IInsln~ \-f t bltl l , 1\ .111 11 "",,,'"r .111 k ll"". I" l)c roO ll. from overworked or d isordered digcs- I Conr;umptlve s MtLdtlOo tn UI' 8 . UI1it"', I U I Filt II A Vl'fIllI" l\: Y., tivo orga ns. I, I . ' t C " 1111 1'l lOll IS c·l1rt·(\ try ... ' It acts quickly lind S\lrclyon the cn\lsa I 1I 0 1j '1 ~ 11 "" . " t W,· 110 of the trouble aud its benefici al effect. Foll'''' ' ~ H, ''' II.Y 11,,"1 '1 HI'. lil , I . _ _ _ _ -_ _ _ __ _ _- : are Instantly perceptible. Ittll t.lwi'tl tint fll[,< o 1I(l1l1l~ t n I" n'Il:"I '\ _ _ _ _ _ _ , It will cure t~e most.obstinate nses: I ( i Vl'>; hy cla imi ng lhltt. 11 \\ 1 ~ 1 t.I:: ~{ Dr. Caldwell. laxative Syrup Peplu, thi" drc"l(l clisrnso ill 11 \!' ,III \ IIn ~ I " , J'. ~'l (~ll l', Clln be obtained In both 'h~lInr nnd llnlf· ~t l ~tlS' bnt. if t,llIl I tln f(~ /I rl' 11 0 1 b lo I dollaTs1zes from ul\ druggists. 'o~ F 11oy's lllllJ ~I' ,tt d 1', l' w l11. V!-:'I'ERINII ll Y ,; ' HG~:'H~ Por rull Jllforlllll,IOD , ra IC". ,chl·,llIio'-. tlll'{' Your money will be rerunded if It C"I\'(>~t II rt :~c', fI~ i I, " toil , I " ..." ." III '; , L " , '.' "'"1. 1 )lti '. labl •• "",IIIII·'li,ur... l\c, orlll,l\' c of t no va r , does not benefit you. \pl\l,;h IIllc1 ~oDtlll''' th o w t]IIIIl OU "" 1', \ Cll n h" ('II11UIl 1111 \' hou r, dllY o r auo ,'tlSOU'CC•• ·srlr ullure. ,,""eral all(\ maVllaon.',·rP~e.,~albCOnardkl.r;,'L~:.tC!Vd~~'U'WJ::!~u~ 1"'''':'UgPB O'i vi llg th e lll " (' hllll ('ll I," nig h !. ' Buill IJ ·] 1 Illld V ~l h y tim ber IJntis a tong thf~ lin e. {' all on or I .. I ""1 tll l l Wonde"" and free l.tllPle to lIIaS.,who h ave h('1I1 lIull !lVI'1I in t hA " I \'l\l1ol ,' , ~ . '"f P ho ll e,. VII] ;()Y l'ltnnu o. 2JS. add """.. IIOver tried tbl. wonderful re medy. \\ ,!te today. t' 1 ' rOlll fort II 1111 n 'lI£' . I , . " 1' I II wn vsg l\,('!! k \\'riIO~ ' __. _ .1. E. Duvenport, D . P . A , St. Loui s. PEPSIN SYRUP Co. 1\ . A . Hon ell , of Fill h . Ar ,t . B . C: Snil ey , N. W . P . A , Ohioago . .ontiDello,lIl1nolo ' ·.FOl e.Y'llt HnllOfY i A'l'l1 AWAY, , r Ii: . nr pum lOll 01' ",' • II F . D , Bn!lh , D, P. A., . Ci noinnflti. For ~llie by , . J lU11l0~ t ro t b~o . 1 kn ow tlwt, it, 1111" Ot1I\'~, 'iVnyn llV lll 's L Ollllillg' Deuti Rt ,T. B , Milli ktlll , D. P. A , Louis ville, (JO!lSntnl tiou III tli o Hrbt, !ltllg ,~ , \ alO S F or Bnle by LOllis ~1:IlY . mc~ In I(oyo' Uulld ,u \: , . . , Main Strcel c , L. STON g. (lun'! Pa. ~ ,\ g~ , LoUIs,-lIle . \{y







l{'. J,



\f '"

aucdo ll~'hn ! \.~:~('I~"~ D u.. H. E . H

b I .• C h R d

ChamColds, er Croup oug erne Y ,\ Vh ooping Cougb. Cu r ~

QU t.1

_ ~~~~~~!'!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!'!!!!!!~!'!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!~!'!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!"!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~

of the Friends Meeting. While in Waynesville they also oa,l Ied upon • their oollatera! relatives, Rev. flnd lira. Philip Trout. Joel McGee, who has spent his eJitire life in &h18 community and who has the respeot of all! who know him. will make a publlo sale of his ohattels Wedneeday, Novem. ber I, aDd will, in a. few weeks afterw~rds move to ~ol1Dtain Ot~, Indiana, where he owos property a~d on wbloh he expeof.8 to engage ttl t .. "'"', be oed ruOa mar ......tinl, Ing near a R• market, only eight mlle8 from Rloh· d F tai City · U Mo mon. oun n 18 ... rs. . G ' ee 8 former home. Mr, Jo1m Wright, of Dayton, wos .. gUellt of brother, in· law, W. J , tlherwood. a. few daye last week, Mr. Wright had wl'h him 8peol. m8ll8 of the "Bower Roller Bearing Axle. ~' a. newly pa.tent axle whloh petlSBlllas a number - of excellent featu1'88. The axle .08.n be used on ~y. kind of a ,v ehiole from a bloyole to-6 railroad vain or on Bny kind of 8hafting. 1$18 yrobable that a com. . ed pa.ny wlll be form 800n mllnu· faoture 'he rule, a.~d judgi~!Jr trom the advantRgell of the lnveB~i,on, there o~ght to be .~ , enormous demand for it. . " '": " .. ,


Notice of Appointment;'· Estate of Lydia E. D&nlel. deceased. J'be un<terstgced bas been appointe<! ana qualUled all admtnullralor wttb tbe ~' I\l au. ne7ed of tbe e. tate or Lydia E . Dunlel. lute of Warren Oounly, Oblo, deceased . Dated tbls %8tb day or AII/!ust A . U , lour,. C 'A. B. CDAlmLF.R, 111 Adm. "Ilb tbe wtllnnncuri. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!' -. - .... T ~_. .au4e Have AlUUey rouhle aa4 Don't EBow it. ' _ _ To JrJ,,4 Oat.

, Fill .. bottle or common rlass with your watei and let It slllIld twenty-four hour.; a sedlmenl or , settltnr lnalcales an unhealthy condition of the kidneys: If It slalns your linen It Is eVidence of kid· lIey trouble ; 100 frequent desire to pass It or pain In Ihe bock Is also convlnclnr proof thai the kidneys and bl..dderarooutof order. What to Do. There Is comfort In the linovdedre so eften ettpre-.t,' that Dr. Kilmer', 'SwampRoot, the rreat kIdney remedy (ulfliis every wlah III" curine rheumaU.m , pain In Ihe back, kldneYI, liver, bladder and'every part of the urinary passare. ' It correels Inability to holel water and scaldlnr paIn In passlnr It, or bad effects followlnr lI!e of liquor, wine or beer, and ovorcom6S that unpleaoanl DecUlily 01 belnr compelled to often durlne In day, and to eet up many times durlnr the nl,lIt. The mUel and the Clllraordinary .lfect 01 Swamp.~oot Is soon realized. It stands the hlehest for It. wonderflll Cllr.. 01 Ihe most dlstresstnr cases. If ),011 need a medicine you .hollld h.. ve Ihe bat, Sold by druRiats In SOc. and $1. sizes: YOII may have a sample of thIs wonderful and a book that more about II, both sent abIollltely free by mall, addrea Dr. Kilmer at B...... Co., Blnrhamton, N. Y. Whet! tIcIII readinllhls eenerouaoffer In Ihls Don't make any mistakE'!, but r e o m9mber thename Swamp Roo t, llr. Kilmer'. Mwamp-Root, anti the tld , drell, Binghamton, N. Yo, on every bottle,



I. '•.

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Marie Brown vs On.vid Brown. State V8 Louis Paul, costs 9, 75 Muti on by defllndant to Bot ,Bsidl! Inqu\'ldt cif Madln · Dllrmod II rVll'll ~verruled,. Defendant (1osts ..................... "".. 15 55 grUlIl\ld ))0 dll.VII fur pleoding. Lebanon Patriot, publishing fllport of Examinatlen ef PReDA'i1:: uOURT. , Treasury .. " .. . :, ............ 41 40 III thtt mlltter of the esta.te of Aml;1 E . Gonz, Illte uf 'VolTen Western Star, Duplishing re port of EXIm. Inatien of '''III1I.I ',Ohl" Invent()ry und up Treu.eury ...... ............... 41 40 I'''fli''''"tlilt IiIHd, rhe formor beiojf Franklin News, publishing f,140bO Amuullt subjeot to the in Commissioners ' Heport 132 12 ho ritull co tax, '3592.04. George E Young, was appointed 1':,..lul(I (Jf Rudolph Frloden, ue , Ct'U rlUtl. Firt4t nnd fiUlLl acoount for tux colleotor of Delinquent P,er.

lH'idl-t, · l)"IlI'1l1l111 ,..(, ttlo'ment til ed,

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~:Hlale of ~;uwILrd E, Irons, deeea!!, ctl,,"ed S,.cond and fill III (Jooount fur t!"Ulmmm t fl leu, E~ tllteli of Bllrt O. and Olam E 1'~' l1llln . min ora. Ch,rll 0 , LYlllun '1I'JI"illt"d gllllrr\i(ln with bond ef

Bow's ThiEl? We effer O'n e Hundred Dellars Reward fer any C!lS9 of catarrh that cannot be oureel lby Hall's Catarrb l,'ure . F. J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, Cbio, We, tile underSi@:ned have known F, J, Cheney for the i Mt 1[\ years, and believe hlro perfectly honoruble in all buslnes!:! transaetlons und tln · anoially to cnrry out llDy obliga. tions Dlude by his firm, Walding, Kiunua & Marvin, Whelesllle Druggists, Toledo, O . Hnl! 's Clltarrh Cure Is takon in. ternu lIy, aoting d!ireotly upon the 80nal~ . bloou and muoeus snrfuoos ef th'" The bond of S , A Stilwell wos np system . Testimouiflls sent free Price 700 Jler hottle ~olel by a II proved , Take Elall's Family Pills Contmot was enterod into with druggIsts for ce nRtipation , J N Buroh fer 30 inoh oorrugated iron sewer near Pleasant Hill sohool Under a new sohedule 10 effect houRIl, at 119 J uoe 25, 1905, passenger truins over Centraot was ente red into with t he Pennsylvuuin Lines IOllve Way ,\ Charlie I.,lwi8 fer new abutment n esvil1e stlll.inn us folh)\~: aud repairs of old a.butmBnt near For tile Etlst 9:04 a, m . ; 3 :47 p. , rt'sldenee ef Mrs Cook In Wa,y ne 01 . i SundLlY only 10 :24 p , m. i t ow uHhip a,t 1104 00 For the West 9 :02 a , m ; 0 :04 p Contraet wus mude with the Ore m. ; Sundny only 4 :55 n , [ll , go nia Brill/!,B Co fe r a steel heam Fur particulllr informtltioD on the brid~ B wi th oonerete floor near res· lelonce ef Mrs Cook in W.lynfl town subject IIpply to H E. Booth, Waynesville. 0, ship

w, ~. J\LLEN. •

~EO. E . . • r...: \.

't o

VIOl PkKth Il k!".'.



Call to mind the safety of funds • There is security if you depoB t at the



Ctl llf'lt'

J , J . l:'.. 1t1'\VU lflll'l'J 'A,"' ,11I

P".~ 1I1K"1 '

Bei p t ,t,·(i "" Uoo T ( : PIlt.t.tII's'm, al!! adminiMtrator ' ~IIJII . wltlt Illlt will uunexed of LudWick IJ;"I"ly r\(ilH~. '1'1111 "nglll .. W II " W, Miller, deceased, vs WllliaDl V"iUHd lit .. :tWU " .111 »llIi"lll1' ~"Y" Mili lJ r et III Apprillsemont flied , ho III~I\ If)Ht Ihl'l.(t ~ 1I Ii\,,, tl"" loll" ~lIl'v , ' yor 1IJ1INintoel to diVide the nt" ,~ooj H lid el)!'4 t, It' :-4"('11 1 ' \1I ~ 11"'\\' l"l~ltl\.., f"rlll lDtO fuur traots tlOl! order for ,,2:,U li H tl"'l' el"I'" I"''')'' juol!l""JIII ""II' uf reool eMtllte I;;~ued , 1,,1' f,11:! ~ 0 Il'olJl H"itl HOlIl'tl fur lI eg l In the matter of the 'l'rusteeship ~"lllly flliliu!,; tu kC"JI SlIltl UrlO:lg u III ef Mllry L Nixon a.ud Harriet Nix Contruct \Vus Dlaele with Jehn CUp,lIl'. ,.--~ O il . 1.1 W tittlnleyappointed truM Wolf for raising a llutments Ilnd LOW FAREB WIfB1' .ANO SeUTIt ,w&S'f , N.ohul!ll!! E. MeN ul'IIllIu \,>1 1)111111· 1 Lf11l IV ah bund of 11200, Sl'EC I A L HOME SH:tt;KER~ 'EX CU II~WNII Coucrete pruteotiun to old'abutments M cN ... nuuu UIllJ Mill''\-' ~ Ml'Nu.I' nIUIi. (j \V . 8J.Hlllo:v VM Mllry L Nixon noor I' B Midenoe of Wm Bltl.ine iu "1.1. ,'ENNtlYLVANIA UNE!!, AND P J"l,lI·IUU l;jUt' V;, Y l'llll g , Itll tu l ' UH,~' I·t III. Cus" ~e t for heurin~ 1J0toutlr Mut<sie towO!;hip, Ilt $18 50 A nyoue ~O nt C mll1atln R a trtl. Wes t may ("I' "1,,llltltY , LIII"! III (JI~" 's l1 " n il!! " 17 lit I IlI1 Ill . take a dvantage o f the reduced f nre1l for the Hvcolul Ji ollH..',Seckers' cJ(cursionK via Penn Iu ctJ Wi ll J ,llle '1' Hinkle. lie tl'uct v f or, .. c ru. vil Ill .. uUI' LI.t ""le When Wanting Nylvaliia I.. lnes t o potnt'" til Co!orJ.llo, Idaho. A PromlDent'Tralnman. ,of lil t) l'uutl lu"lhllJ; .rum MIlLIJ,' rd ' ud. Willudmitted to prolJflte. I ow a, I\: anrta ~, ~lnu CHo t a , Mleliou rl, M o n The many friendM of 'li, H, Haus· tana, Nebrn:;\{u, the DalwtilH . Ore~ u u , Wa811 . lMill.l,u Wlilllllllll,vu , l'11I IU tIft' !lnu E~ tlll,o of Willium Bllldwin, decas· tost on T e xas {tol\d othe r 8oo lt o n H t n the WC!:I t .uut ~ Utlulltd lIlH! d ", t"'ndllut~ uro tell eOIlt!ed , Fir~t tmu HUHl II CCll Ullt for all, i!:ngill!1or L , E , & W R , R , nt and III ull the St:lles of tho S O\l l h . prustmt living in Limll ; 0, will be S top 'o"cr prh' lI ~KCS permit tr ;l\'clcrH t o Iu~ ,lllltS '" COIIIWUIl oll e b huviug UIlU Bottltlllle nt fil t:d , plclllloll to knew of hiH rocovery from \'e1itlgate bU ldne ils openlnj.l8 . 'l'heRe I.loltuts wll! bo on !ia Jo ce rtain dat es durin g tbe sum · \tllll'tlll1t.. r"~t tl.t " l·uill , El!tlll" of Mllry Young. deceased threlltuntld kidnoy dislJllBtl, He says mrrr, Uctullcc'1 tn(ortnlltion a s loo fares, .JucO'll lJIlIlultlltt!r \f~ lJII ICIIl. dOJeonu und Unlll "r:count for s"ttl" "I wus eured by using Foley's Kid lohough tim e, etc .. will be f re cl y furn l ~ lt c d Cure, which 1 r ecommend to upnn aJll)U (',u.ll on to tooal ticke t agent of noy ,. .. ( ,1, llllyt'Jll uud Tol edo Tructrvu ment filed. tdlf. all. ef<l'lleia lly to trainmen, who Ilre P en,ylvaili a Liues. VUIIlVllny. DurnuJ,;ul!! 10 Lhtl "um vI ilEAL lC8TATE TRANBB'ItIIS. ilsuulIy Similarly nffiicted. L . May. IjI j. UOU . PlulUt.lf !jUyt! tltll l Ull Uotu Ethel M, 1ronll et al to' Joseph and DEAUTIFUL W.~YJ'1Ef:>VILLE IJt:lr Iii. lIlO!, his ,vlrO, Macy, \\'a8 II Vird •• Wllt~on i ",0 acres, in Wash. WOMEN Some SoaBonable Adv· i ce. With something snbstnntlal to begin the day en, suits every mem ber "",,/jellger ou the OIlr of the defend · ington township; ,t. It may be a piece of superfluous· The Secret of their lncreasing o f tho housohold these cold 1D0rnlngs. aut o"I11\>11ny irom Frunklln to Day Murtin Gallaher to Lueius Frazier ri.dvlce to urge people Ilt this seasen UhanD tuu i that Il-t tho intOrtltlction 01 63 norel:! ,in WMhin~n townsbip i Mest people drink ooffee at breakfllst, and we can suit the lover ef the year to' hlY in a SU1)ply ef It Is really lIurpriliing that In suoh Mulo und 81xth titreets Ihe car waM ' 2500, of coffee , We have as goed a line ef COFFEES 118 vou oan find in town Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , It tl. short time thelt'e should be 80' ,>;u lltlgligeotly montlgeu thut she Rhoda E , MoKinley t.o Ch"rles T, is a lmest SUTe to' be needed befere lDarked an improvement iu the ap. What better than cakes with PURE SYRUP, Get Panuake ,WUl! thrown with great force nnd Goldmtl.n i 4.75 a ores in Frllnklill winter is over, !lnd muoh mure pel'rtwee of sO' many Waynesville FLCUR and SYRUP here, prempt and ttatisfllc~ory results !lre Illdies. but It is net ,s urprising when -wus 1'10 Injured that ahe III n township; $BOO. We oon furnish the makeup of all mellls;, dinner and BUP obtmned when taken tl.~ soon a8 Ii the OtlURe ef this improvement is ;great length uf time lind husbeoomtl Chl~rles T, Goldmllu tfl Alice oeld is oontracted and hefore it blf"s known, ' And there is no great 11er, with ull seasonable goeds. ~arn e nnd oripplud . Plaintiff says Greenfield; 47,5 aorcM in Frtlnldln become settled in the system, which mystery abeut it after alL Drop In You invited to oa.11. OILD only be dom) by keeping the most any day now D,t Janney's drug THE CORNER GROCERY. :8he hl18 beou unu ble to attend to her township ; IUlliO. Julia uutl Freu B Litzer to t:harles remedy at hl1nd, This remedy is 80 store and you are likely to see one ,u\lmestio dutllis nnd thllt he hUl! widely known tl.ud , sO' altojtetber of the clerks wrl1pplng up I' bottle Ibeen utlpri ved of her svCiety and W. Nllylur i lot iu Lebllnoll i la50. goed th!l.t nO' one "beuld hesitate of the little tablets that do so muoh ,Lhllt altogether h" hus been dam Frlluk Bruuelun and wifo to Ar· about buying it in preferenoe, to' .IDY to Improve the appllarance of one's ,ugoo In the ,abeve sum , Putrick tour E. Apple,v unl, trUtltee; two other. It is for slIle by LOUIS MaV· . oomplexion, Bright eyes, a rnddy glow, and a oomplexlen free from IGII,ynor I~ uttorotty lur pillintlft, tracts ill Le,llanou ; ' Wit , pimples, sallowness and moth spots v ALLEY PHONE No,tO .Mary Clinefelter V~ The Cineln. Joseph \V , 8nouk to 'l'emurllh Don·t· Borrow Trouble. UJAy be had by every woman whO' Dflti, Dayton and Toledo 'l'rllotion Snook i t,rllot 10 Hamilton township, will take ene or two Lax!l.kola It is a ba.d bablt to borrow uny· (JulU/>lJny. For dllmages in the SUOI 11. Tonic Tablets at bedtime, These thing, but the worst thing you can tablets oontlLin dllndelion and other ot ,,5,000. Action complained of is M. J, Hutchinson t.() Arthur E. pOssibly borrow, is trouDle When ~Ile ijllme 88in the preceding cuse, Appleyard, truL'tee i quh clalUl to lIiok, sore, heavy, weary and wern· purely vegetable extruots thllt are kllown to have a seleotive actien bllt in tblli 0Il11t! pl"intifJ brings /lo. lot in ,Lebanon; $1000. unt by the pains tl.nd peisons ef dys· fur skin ufJeotioDs, and being both LOANS NEGOTIATED, NOTARY POBLI pepsia, biltellSness, Bright's disellse, tlon in ber ewn btlhalf for her per. John A, Ilnd Leona M. Bone; quit a luJi:atlve !lnd a tonlo they quicken and lIimilar Intern"l disorders, aon't the oircuilltion, epe'n the pores, en· We hnve buyers fer good fo,rms and town prepertyat all times. 80nlll injurie>j. Patrick Gaynor Is oiaim to lot In Lebanon; 'I~OO, Sit dewn and brood ever your sylll1> List with n8, we can help you; o.ttorutlY tor lJlaiotiif, I Franols rd, Wond to Anna A, ~Il. t'Jm8, but fiy for rellef to Eleotrio courllge , the ftct.ien of the bowels. stimu htte the liver, ,e nrioh tho blood ler, lo~ in Franklin; '1000, Bitters. Here yeu will find snre and at the some time onre bilious· Offioe Rooms over Post Office in Stoops' Building. <bURT PRooH:lI:imHI8 . Mrs. Nallnie Bowmllll, exeout,rix II.l1d permanent forgetful nili'II of II II ness, sick headaohe IlDd ohronio )l)Bvere li ustin vs Irwin E. GUlltln, of Alva RowID"n, deoelUled. to Mr8. your troubles. and your bedy will ~tipation li!lo.Uth H .. ttltlld, Minor Meloy aOlI Prlsoillu Irelll,nd, lot In Merrow; not be burdened by a 10lld of debt Try them, They oost but 25 cte, disease. At Louis May'sdrng stereo and once used their merits oannot WillUim I:Iw;tings uPl'0lnted a o'om. '16()0, Price 500, Guurllnteed. be oonoealod. m illsion t .... lIIuke purlltlon. .. ~tho E, MoCundless and wife tu Kate 0 , DUlulh et ul vs ,Jnmel! M. Jane Wier; traot in Frllnklin town· Ph.... B to Get Rich GI'IJj!g et 111. PurtitJOn •.11 real ell· IIblp; '170(0, are of ton frust,ruted by Huduen "'.' -II~f.e:- d , '1', titlhllhng, WIIIIllm A. MOdll1! S, Hyman to J . M , and breakdown, duo to dyspepsia. or oen I'" AND • Allul1 Hlld IJum~tj L. Urny tlpPolnted Murthu E, Dill i let in Lebllllon; Mtipution. Bruce up and take Dr. . .. RIDGEVILLE, OHIO' ~ 'K iog's New Life PIlls, 'l' hey t.nke OOIllUlls811)11 to IIlIlJ(tt purtitlun. ta2illl, 8PEOIAL"l"IES: DIS 1m1£8 011' WOMH:NI~ FU~NISHING j!'ltlllCl8 I ..abellu Keyta to J ennie .oU t the mllterlull! Wllloh are olog. State vs Obe Ward , Plelt uf gnilt,y Kln~ your energiu",II'Od gIve you u ANDCUILDIIEN, I~ ~ entered u.n d lIentlJllced to llU day~ III 1,; . Chumberllun i It. new Htllrt. Curu hcudllclo e nuel dlz, zinBt'M tuo ' At L\ouis' Mny 's drug , jail. ~tore i 2rlO ., t,{ ullrllour'l'ec!. State again8t Edward Marsball , Commissioners' WI. 1Blluu lixed 1>10 '300, Wl110h WUtl given Proceedings. Tbe Rudolph Wurlitzer, t:u. V8 W, I() , GUH~ln, Motiun for new trilll Bills aile wed October 16 AND ,overruled JudjfeWentjflVeO defeud Oregunla BridJ!:tl \10., areb Old Furniture reupholstered , Upholstery Stuffll in grllat • ~In, 120 lind hili CUlltM rails on .:stubb8 Mills and And Other t ..M~ri!uret Ford VM Guilford Ferd Mlddletewn rilllds .. .... '........ 51l 60 vam y, tit IIl.I. Leu. ve gl ven dtlieudant to fllil Oregoniu. Bridge Co bllla.nce pleudinjf uud lIIluoe filud forthwlth , on bridge oontraet No . From the oheupest to th" flnfl~t Dnm,,"t,ic und lmportlill. 4~~ :All pain in any disease is &rllh A Nlxuu vs Alice t\utt ... u et 82 ....... ,.. '........ ............ 7924 PRE~COING, TINTING , LINCRUI'\TA, tiTUCCU REIJIEF nerve pain, the r esult of a tural. 8ervillu of summVn!! urdertld hy 1', N , Wilkerson, briujfe reo FABRlCS lmR WALLl; ' 4• bulent condition of the nervcs. publlclltiun. pairs ...... "........ .. ... ...... 3 00 The stabbing, lactrating, Prioes made sot·lsfnctory, A good plnce to trude . Call 'II /:)t~te ex r,,1 0 h"rloll III Kmg , g, M. Dllcker, bridge repairs darting, burning, agonizing PROTECTElJ BY 'J'HE and see us. Leu vO'jfranwd plalDtlfJ to file nmollu In Cleurcreok towD"hlp U 70 pain that comes frem the promGUARANTEE Furnishers a.nd Decorators. .til ed petitiun , G, B, Hamilton, Bridge re inent n erve branches, or sen- No nY~Jlupt.ic Should Hesitate to 'II EDlIU" J!' . Wu.rd VII Joephine J pnirs in Wayne town sorv n erves, is neuralgia, and 'l'ry Pep~ lkola '}'Ilblets 00 • • . • Hmkloy . I::Iwnley,)1 Krun jfivun ship.. .. .. .. .... .............. 10 00 is the "big brother" of all the thette terms , . :$0-32 N . MaID st . DA YTON OHIO gther pains. ItlIl ve to fil" answer and oruss poti. Lloyd Stockman, bridge reo 'I'honslludN who were onoe the ~ ~ Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain PiJla '.tlon, pllirs in Franklin town victims uf Indigestion and stomach ' rarely eve r fail to reli eve these Arthur E , Appleyard vs The Duy , IIhi1>...... ...... ...... .... .. ...... 78 07 are now we ll tl.nd strong ~~"""~'" pains bv soothin g th ese larger I trouble Ihl'ough the use of lPepslkolll Tab· $UII, Ltlul1!AOU tlud l)Juoinu,.tl 8ml Wm, Grll'bkDl !~bntlnent con nerves, - and restoring t11cir lets, People who ha've suJfered the [uad l.... , jI'urwtlr recul 1>1'11, W. E. tract Nt}. 84 ................. 209 40 . tranquilit y, u~unie8 ef iodigesthJ'n fer yeur!! Ilre MtNrtl aud C d Alderman, diS' WI.\,ldo Mull, coutract No, Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pi1I!J brought baok to' perfect health Rnd ch"r~ed .. nil reqUired t.o filo thuu' I 147 ......... ......... ........... 17 75 leave no bad after·effects, and the proprietors of tbis ' r eUlarkable • lJhlls, :::>tubb8, contrllot :No. finui bOCO \lilt , are a relia ble rentedy for every persoriptlen have stlOh entire oon · lho ;'01"", Yurk Trutlt lJompllllY Vt! 154 : ......... " ............... ... 2 00 kind of pain, sllch as headache, liueuce in its virtue Rnd lJOwer that they hove given a written gnaran. backache, stomachache, sciat- tee the D, L . & 1,;. R ..i1ruud Co, et 111 Hamilton and Thompson, eontrllot to J , E , Janney agreeica rlteumati ';l11 and neuralgia. W , E Muure 1~)JPUI.ttld rooei ver. awulogll, mdse. etc ...... 28 10 ing to refund 25 cents, in OIlse tbe They also relieve Dizzincsl, remedy fllils to benefit as claimed, Hund 110,000 RttUtllVer auth ... rlZ6u Republlolln Record .subscrlp. AND DEALER IN Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Jf you are nervous, dellpendent, loU burrow fl6,UOO dnd tu illsue re tion " ....... ..... .. ., ...... .. . 1 75 Car-Sickness, .1ld Distren .f~ oareworn lind wltheut energy, or if OUlvor/l' ct'rll1iulI.'" IUr tbllr 'IlWoullt. !topubIiMn.Record, publish. you hllve dIZZY spells, heartburn, ter eating. . Awbrolltl Cardor vs Wlllillw 8Ul' hig annulll report ef 0 fTor mnny year8 I been ....... COli ted, tongue or soU!' stomaoh just atant sufferer from n r urnla1o. an. KIND~ ., gemll.ier. M"ti"l1 toO Ilppt!ai diM A, and O. H ... ,.... .... ..... 22 26 h ea.dach~ and ho\'o n c\'or Wen a.ble make up your mind to try P",p~iko to nbtal n any r ellet !rom varlo ll ~ In Tablets and obtain relief. They DliIlSt!U Rdpllh}iolUl Record 500 letter headacho _powde18 and capsulos, until Telephr)ne In his hon." e \vbt'rt' he I tried Dr. MJles' Antl·p,.ln Pili •. will aid nnd strengthen your dlges E LI.J 'r~ ou ,\ Ia," " v~ , A Bruwn, heac!s Jor Auditor ......... 2 00 They always oure my he..dnche In nv" tlon, Dlake the rich red blood can be called a~ all hour8, day or mInute. U1U@. " FRED It. SWINGLEY. CUhlcr Ltol Nat. Bank. Atldntion. Neb. course through yeur vein!;! and put night. I i .. 1 ••1 Dr. Mite.. "ntt·P.'n Pili. are .old by new life, new energy ,n nd new vigor Coaohes ar>d ehatis !lllppUed. your d""gglolkwhO will guarant •• tha" inio yenr st.emuc}1. Mr, J , E. Jan p~ ~III . \n nUHI Repolrt ................ .. 132 12 tho. tI~ pao age wl1l benent. It It ne.v tells oil elissotisfied oastoDlera ,Have recently moved to room fall. h. will .,.turn your money. b tk. .1"" " 11i III VI, ~ 1:) . ",It 1<:11 u , Cenrl'lll Unien l'tilel'hone Co. •.. \·: .a..ull, ,-dOMe. 25 cante, Neve••old In u they oan h" ve thllir money next to cJo088 'B ros rente ........... ......... , .. :... 12 7~ 'MUea Medical 00" Elkhart, In4 that· UII VI<I. PllLI(Jllif (II ~l Vtln tll>ve to bllOk, cheerfully and without argu· • \ ,ruo I'e ply . Statee vs J. J . Kelley I oosta 2~ ·ao ment. ; MAmSTRIiIi'l. WAVNEIlVILL!C . .u eu~ill(J w.' \I bel l ul Til l' ,,;·I't"',,.k

qUBlHly his "III.H






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,The Miami ' (fa~ette~,



total. I n~ed~ not tell ' NII 'to pa~' a s yot. 'Tbr'o I av' It L() me," . tlld J fthro_ go. YOII "'lI b oud it • t Olleo l he aafest , ., "Tolll'e's o ua lhing ~'Olt hilI'S, ro rgo('t e l(, moat conve ~tlen t au rt III091l !IOtlsfo<:tory , B~WN ,6 McKAY" PublJalcra, Sh nla y be- lut:ltnell 10 Illti prill or methOd of Iltl8l1all ln;; ' mon ey. Do nol ~enU lll ~ Jt l ft i'sl, ~ !; ~., llt )·o.lI. But I' ID Mr, Port&rT hOughl H~ Should Go Mild IH!, Ilia read), to, \)orr,ow or to lellll, A .. ."'YNESVIT.LE., O)'l lO, Dul 'Or: WltIlllmG' Pink Pltla C GBEAT lIUSFOR !l'U.NE TO liE glt'l phould oev I' , I I'row used to den Ii ng .wit II mcu. IC. W lit If slle con • Cured H'lm_ , 'A'DLE , t.o hu y orr thi s mun )-\ IIOI'!. 'r lJU'1! (? bell" he~~e lf. anti w.llie sh e shoul " not -TO SPEND MONEY .. It ' soams l\ku 1\ Ittirlle" t hat Dt. The Met rlo System . pi'eHII I m ? ,LcIJ. l'e It (l! , Ol e." be mea n a nd grudg ing, ijhc shoultl beFOOLIS HLY, Tbe perenn ial qu estion. the IIdoplion How II n le l,nu\\,11 to Ihese Dltll'C ~01\~ WilU ~ lilll' Pink PlIIs Rhouhl h", o ·ctJl·,i(1 WIIl' 9 of 100~tA le nding, Df th e met ric ~ y " l e rn , s uggesls to ~ plral o l's a ga!lIs t· het· happine ss W ill ,)lIY 1I01l1'Dlgi il," llIlill Mr. Port.Jr. " "l'u'1 1, Myrn, n ,gl:l'l frl cold .:lf m ine,was a 8tU~ merlran ~I c dl ci ne the followlll g re , ';he .' 01 Rux lel , lJ/l.Se(llu l{ th e b urt nrc o~ I' I'niuly a 1U/lr\'1)10 U ~ IIIc,lfoiu e utili , ~.,n t a fll l,hlonall hl sc hool. She had '.rhe Girl wltb an AUowtln ce Leal'ne ollly at asmalll R O~I thf' gall er y Mr. MonsCie <:Oltlll ,,,t Vur u HI"hl [8m nl\\'UY 8 ylml to I'Ccollun e ud thelll. allu wa uce. llll l Il wus e,,! ' mi\rk ~; "The mel ric system I" I. ra o· , a('c thc tl>lu ccrs, null tb e slgbt WIIS to Be Practica l and Indepe ndent- pllnctlllOllsly se n l I;cr ' .' F m· two y eurs, " ho CQlltiUlICd, " I blttl H tt me hllil scold 1';) m ll~h , Y that! ulb)' be r tiliher , l'e Ural medki ne bas not at all prol'etl Ita ry re h'eH ~lug 10 hi s soul. Had h~ ' WUYd Ila lt s~t! 81 the The Surn Sbould Be Modera te, But and U ~ she IIod hec •• trained I'ltnl \KlI nt. !l snfi'ol'eu aljllolit u 11111111 IIrnblo IllliuHiu illy In tHlsl- nOl hired lll e blggesL appropr iateness . For most drug~ tho Ample to Covel' NeCeafl \l', E,,- neHSIIl;e wa ys. " he alway ,hall In 1.,0 udo J\ thing more cloqltem Ih811 tbe , most II ' till. They woult! sturt OV C1' Illy eyes s ha cl mOlley for tb .. occa , rai n I. It lUore na l ural meusure th an Sion , 811 d was not his aon'" Ilu ~b l o nllt e OUII)()ltl' llIg ('O ltld IJOSSIl'I\' amI shoot uliwar,l lllost frequen tly, but pell s~s-Bandle Your Al1owaD~elll Itt ber p,urse. 1'u"l al'ross tbe co r ridor co mln Ih e mil li gmm, whi ch Is Gii tim es too l{ r nge as big nil t,bey oft Oil spren(\ OT(lr my faoe, aw.l a t a Bllslnes a-Lj ko WRy~Th. "Ami- tbere roornell u g irl who tll'esse;! with Iha ( (he dy hi g 8ell80n evcu t liS !l J1 )' be at tbl s jlluctU I·C. amall an il Is li ke usi ng a n Ill ch Ule ll ~­ tlnt O!! 'Overy IlIll't ut Illy hend !luil fn ce had tlll;en t1 . ~ able lIorrow lng" ot a Boardm g- great elegan ce and hllli And 1I0 W , a s t he), lhreaded Ihe slee tl nn a ir ot \Vould 00 fol of IllClllly . Som etim eH I he • ure tor a t." '8('ro lol 'I'll ' nUll ce, III;ewood " w\r h:h clltn i' lu lhe sltles of .i.e paius oollnul e~ wealtb . 'I' ui s girl. wbo was Iroubl e to celebrat e ? WQra 10 itlt e u ~e t1u.t I IlctW1l1y School Girl-Ev ery Girl Should very swee IIlrs. )lilln slle. lOa , was ~l bla aido. hili "nrlool;\ng Braldk wise, i. I,.tl er suited to o ur purp!Jse t a nd a't I I'aet I" .. In malineI', lilt\) h, be sud- feared tb y wonl,1 .It'i\'e til e III1It\. Have Hel' Charltle a. hael a fa lal ehron l habit of a miable Tbey WNe lin Im~os ln g co upl e. 'I'b It· denly b rolw It to her thll l hi s " : ~ It Ihan l he lillie gram or big kilogram" .. My e\' e8 ochlld c nstoUtlY nucl there oorrowl nll, allli was ver y s low In pay- heIgh t waR aoout equlIl. III IIreart L!! ml gll l lie cltt'lnlled , II. silite or I he fact that che mists (le\Vos aiwaY HB buruiug HC uHBtiou over lIiy BY ~IAH U AR~;T li:. SA !" GSTER. ( Copyf i gh t , 190{;, b y J U~ (lph H . l:i o w ll'~.) In g her debw, She g t'Odll a ll y lI ~cd up l108Slhly tb e matronl y figuro WitS 11111 "Ill Fact ," be "ald . " I lU ay aC lUflll)' fureheml, but t,1I0 otltl' r pa ills varietl, lJ'lnd upon Ih " melr lr. I ystem. \l Is not ex plin.l ve ot tb e two. 50lUetltlt es t,ltoy W6re ncml o. nll,1 8t(flin Mr, Il lIVe 10 go to- n igh t," It I hnd my way i would gll'c every the I)ati enco 01 m ()~ : of b er classma tes, mol' at all sbown to be ClIse nlial III CU lDMOlls tie's diamo nd t'ln gs and /lushln g til< y w et'e !lull IIIHI IIngeriu g. I r otl1t1 wh • o Irl " leamod But a moderat yuu 10 hu be e ve a _h onl llo' y . y I·s of just nee lis tenin In cu m cu .. g ~ ," b to lIbo (0 poundin g pl'eficrlp lionl. 'J'IH' practica l thlt ~I oop, Mv t ultlJl4'r WU N irritllbl ~ uutl coyer her exp nses uy Ibe week or lhe b or honeyed 1.lea dl"6s, But M)'I'a did stuus wcre mel'ely the re ncc t\ou <': Ilt'Ol' e~ted . physicia n Is tbus In the clnss of l' rac1 g ot no pleaslu'e Clnt of lite . month , Plcaso OOtl Cl', girls, the (or('e no t know h ~r pU tl " O!l ra t her tlll llered tlle g lo ry ,whl cb he himself hu,1 bCJ"One somet Imcs ge ls morc 1.lcUll r8 .. I tl'iutl r OJll ucly nfeer r Ollle,\y, but ll~al men. using a Iral n and ounce beot th e a djec t Ive. I wo uld not lIestow wh en Lu ~y clime 11:" lnl' In IlIIlIuls lve BIOWNI 0 11 his s llO u ~e. lie t winkl ed, In a weuk l huu fo ri line Itll ~ nt lo nll il y Hntl ing no h olp lu allY of thOlll , I hocause t bey a re 60 coo"eni ent. Tbus on a schoolg irl so but ~ h .. hl uzcd. and "mlllng: . Il ro b vl egg deR ln ~ for a 10:l n whi ch ro r u lifetim e," oluua a clespniri ug nmu. Eve n wh ll u I much muuey t bat Hel' t he two, wldes ot t he metric contro- abc woul d ue IIro mp lcd 10 uR rk urown eyes 1001 were ; nearly tlreamy o\'cry ce ll t ft'O tu Myra's " Yo u littow Ihal Is my feeling, LO():' began to tnl' lI Dr. Wl\l iallls' Pluk P iUs [ rllsb wildly .. ray nrc quite likel y to be r pconclle d off to s pe'nd Iter Iit l le fortun e t lte mo- little honrd , The OIo ll ey was to be re- wlt b a hOI'C t.hflt had It..s roots su tUe· grc'n,t h OIIQ of tl CIII·O. "If ( un iy uu red 10 kno w it! B,tt btltllJO whfl'e fa .. 'fhnt wns ill Dorc tttbcr of 1903. :J:() r do wn In l he earth, 11_! hesn't It hoe n l'ipor III you [.U the by on acltnowl cdglDen l that the SY8· menl sbe recel"ed it, 110 1' Ihal shc turned In all ay :>1' [WO, Im t w e~ k ~ my 81ll'pl'i8ll bra nt hcs a l!ltl o IIbol'e Ih e ijl~ :' 1 time ll''' t L tl ltl" tll 't '! Even , 0. l;o ill Iny coud ltion tem baa He uses, Is Indlspen sahle to a could lJuy a l\ t he SWlle tij s he cr8ved. or passed and Lu cy salel not h ing nbout old Mat,s- totJk plllce righ t L'hllll away_ The pal1l8 " row Ite se':.' It r lIe's bee It tall tlu g [ 0 mo less very small class of men, bul unnalur al, C\'CO tak e un\lml wd rides In Irulley r elmburse metl. t. Mou nwhll" Myrn , th e h&III·( I1. iutelll!() antI th e ncnto ottack.q were "J ethro." sbe said , us s h" nudgetl like ." futhe r," Il ep ths of de· aDd th erefore unable to s upplant tbe cars, or Indul ge In any otber pas tim e honornb le, was ill : h tOl'l,lInr Upnl·t, ti S I k opt nu IIsiug Dr.'ViIs l.alr and In Ih e grent esl IlIco",'e nl- him , I"enlly , "d'yo ll see who Lewis , 3 "Go Olt," salt! ,'erll. IitlJJl ~ ' PI Ilk Pills_ 'rho impl'ovomoo r, benatural meas ures wb lcb 11111 mass of to he t' heart 's contellt_ Not hln g Is so bad l'or Dlost of U H as ellce. Sh e neve t' tOI'l,~t :Itterwn rd to bo dancing with 1" "It fll'llen t's thu l ULUOll g his m an:r ' ga'l with t,he firs t bux, nlld '''heu [ lnlli manltlnd bovo evolved tor Ibelr COD"\·~s. I know." he grunl ed, " ulll I pic; It e 10 be a lli e to gra ti fy £\'ery wi sh with- very em'eful to wh o m sh e made loans, hll~ a finger III sume en glne",,- a80(1 AIrI: boxes I stopped. My cure Wu3 \'enlencp. The wisd om of forcing aD ou t BO dOIl' L see all~' lh l ll g to be so mi g h t." Ing \Vol'I;s, a monst I' big One more Bugger-lioll , I t Is a s milch rne self-den :aJ. Wh cther you COll c"rn , 8lttl contplo l~ (11111 hilS Instell ever sluce , unnatur al sys tem upon th e nolion can know It or not, Ib~ Mr. Ohorle8 11. Port l'r I\vC9 a t Ray" be hd S oft~'re il me 8 \Jost In cunue.!t!utl great est m l's ror- o dllty to giVE. to t h o~e who n eccl It as PUt'pr lsed al." mond . N . H. He iRone of lJIallY grateful tbel'efor e be Question ed , nnd it would lime tbat can lIefall a young girl "Th sur pris in g t hin g," Mrs. Man s· with It t bn t \\'111 el'ont wlten It Is not" du t y foo tl ~ hly 10 loau mOIluoll)' IJl'lng llIe p!lOI.le who hnv e foulIll thn t Dr. Willintll~ be far better to have ' the matter very sbe Is g rowing till Is to be ablo to ey. E,'e ry young git' l qh ould hnve her tie r H llrn ed, " Is tlln l s he s hould bo Ii hl g incolll ." P lnlt Pill~ \,ilI l llre rll~pn seHof ,,'ldc ly . ,lIscusse d betore co mmlttln , s pend mOlle y fooll s;l ly just because charil lea. The re a t'(1 ol her g irls In lhe here a t ni l. T hese Haddells nre ur "I II IWO )'9 said h ~ wa" remal'lls uly t1ltlt hove slnhborl ll y reHiMtjll' t he li N ,.,,,. e very OJ hur ourselves Lo any pel ltlons 10 congres s. tbe re Is plea sure III lhe spen,lIn g. To WOt'IfI who IIeed as" tSlnncc. Th ere aro Ih e lJIuch-up lifted sort , a nd , Ihcn, ~ hc Id ud !" remedy t,rlerl. N ot only lIotlrnlglo . bllt ·.'BUl th et'c I ~ a CO Dlli tiOIl aUQcho.\." soiution, pnrtlnl JlIlt'8ly ~ i R on,1 lu('.o llt ornr We must keep In mind tbe fa ct tbat be s ure tb ere Is a goo<1 deal of ex~lte· cau ses \'cry tt l!or 10 us. We wish a s a 111 ex c~ed ln gl y beautiCul." "You are quite egg-cen lrlc, Olaro " lIlati er of cou:rse to ItS mOllcy In our atnx ia ylelr\ to th em. l.'hoyor 111\1,1 by " Uh! " ~u ld \ · ~rn. a bumaD law cannol dl splace ' a nalural mcnt In going Into a sbop and buy in g church wo rl;, To ,io thi s In tb e best o bser\'ecl lte l" hu. oan'd, lJ'enclJa tl'ly, "I 11m ' to I('u,'o a t ouee and gl l'& nil drn ggi ~t..., OI'IIItI~' b ~ nb w illccl Ill r(ll·t,1 y la ..•• and If the presenl meas ures are prett y t hings ri ght a nd left , an.1 o nce way we mlts t clo Il acco rding 10 sys- " T bts uplift ing: a s ),011 call It. Is ex' I hem H,'e yea t.,.' sel'l' lce III Btu'mab and frmn ill o Dr Wl11imu s lIlediciu e Qo" In a wh l\e Il Is a ~ a tl sfn ctlon to be really Illc lIatural evo htllull of man's jnst a littl e bit exl.ravag an t. Bul the t em, and a H,,,,d p r', lJOr Uon ot ever y- plode" , go ne 1101' absolu te ly! 'l'llcrH1I Slam. 'I'll re Is a bi g IJrl.~ III mon~f Bch e ue~ tad)', N', Y. practlcoI needs . It Is foll y CVC II to try one tblng beyond ot hers that yo u need o ne '~ allowan ce ~ h oll id be put as ide not II persoll In tbls p lace I couldn' l nt Ihe enll , bul here lull I th lnl; ;,,!,'; to abollsb th em. It th e Frcllcb sys- to know, a nd th e ou e babl l " or u bigge r. And I ~ume to )' 0 11 [0 d ,you o ughl 0011 h eltl a s a sa t'e'l trltst because It btt y ul' i o-mort'Ow." " Yo.:' mu r mll re d Mrs. Muu s llc; "ct) cllle" tem Is tho bes t for tb e worltl It will to a cquire betore YOII are nlueh Oilier , Is to be devote,,1 to aome un selOs h pur. /' . / .' .' , lupplnn t tbe ol hers, wh ptber we dcslre 1s Ihat of living w.~ 11 within yo ur In- pose. Fo r th e' res t. la 'wa re ot hn"ln g clo ubt. you IIro I'lght, J el hl'o. At th ~ ~~ S h ~ Will! sllollt. ho les In YOllr IIOCI; ls, Some p eo ~ r.a me lime, I see 1II1s8 Hart ~e ll Is UO,I' como, wlln te \'er It Is. It or not. Congres s can not do It." "Speak ." h· said; " 1 can bear 'a niUNS EEN IN A SAW A girl who has un allownn ce bas an ha\'e a lIurse ..... hl ch Is vcry IlIltch IIIle dll nch.g wl t b some one e l ~e. Is"r t h lll p'. If ,l'on will only s lle nl;," wlla l the Iha The Moderll Womall . Bi ble t you des ng 'rlbe" Income. and ~ b e Is lheretur e 011 exactMnr de n II nme?" ns n IJOg with " It Is hurd" t' tOt' m : ' she QII swer.d. ., T hCl"Oilte nn J~~n lhlnlll Boout lhtlSa,.,'. Yull eallIl O ~ 1f'6 thn n Ud UU: tllhl u t lbe Steel : \&1\ ('1 One ot lho blessingS wb ie h modcrnl ty ly tho SQ me 1.lane. su long OR Ahe does hol cs. Do not let outgo cree p beyoml " YOII don 't suppo.e s h e'd ve r tI'O;\- "If I lho ughl l'ou woull l nul ( I dis · a Itharl,."uu Jug ,~ !: o IItHl hold. IL l UlI ~ r tba u bas brought to wom en Is th at il baR no t exceed It, as th ? woman who h os IlIco me. Be just fir ~ t 01111 nfterw ord ble aoo m him ? Father u hulf-Iluy appoin t (I wit II 010, I w"ulll t 1I· .vou a ."yol ler S.w , You c:.:l Ullot leo tho w ughu ': I' l\ taug ht the m to lean upon t hcmselv cs a dee p pu rse and (!I)un ls Il c)' wealth be gencrolt s. Regat'J money as an op- col oJt ~ I , or ~o m e lhill g. Ni ce 100 k hl B, I fe i." ~~Lf1\~:'~-i ~\I~ll~I~~ t~~o~~~:'t b~~~~~~ :tI!~\0t'r; tbu world. lJ mndo 01\ ttlu At l:lul tormul A. Instead of upon a man , The clingin g b)' millions. A glrl wll bout all allow- port ull ily wh fclh lUust be Pllt to good you "ay? Well. and 1:111 '1 Lewis II i<'J " Am I IIU~ tltOIl nough to ben>' tbe hllDJle rcl.l aCCOlln1. amllul rUe nl'd by the AU. htl II!CJN L looklog? " Ilnce Is n pe n s l o ll ~r, She Is II Ot necesIt'tlll. ?" Ivy bus iness is ontirely ou t of dale, and. PI"OCeIll. nmlull'tl o nl y In A,tk tDI S a wi. \"lH1 "YP!, she mill in- yo u l:now wb 'lt CQ. r,ln o ~ 100 the pcrtf!C ll,r Ilr ud uh tcd. t npur " / r el iltu l I could wo l(.'· s he so;II, or reall y. wb en all t ilings are la lICn into sa rily n mendl ca n', Her fnl her. h er Lho blade i ruu. f'lUlly. \\,U h OUL bu~kll ll~. mOl b er. her gua rtl lan would be most girls are-.,..s h e mt gh t cou cel vu bly-" A NOVEL PINCUSHION_ "an,t :el f th lnl, s it ch Ilfe8SUre wot ol,1 UUl you ""tl'lOO Ihe Atk lu l Ihlde·mnr " .n~ cons ldera Uon, Il Is bellet· for m'cryon e reluctan "Look bei'e ," said J etbro, " I've tlIa ,J.~ lie broug hL to IJ at' t to PU I the II lt le dn ughl er In " II y our p rolCullq u wllou you btO' .So w. " 'e on ID \lull It concern ed, oIJSCfl' CS a wi so cont em- t hat pos ition , Ne a rc • • w·makera Ilud o ur- trad n·roark o n Il SQ. '" v"rl1l eless . ~ b e Is a May Be Consh' ucted nt Little Outlay up my m ind whul l 'lI do, a nd thell l'OIl \\Illli d 110 hOIJ ' less. Ah. YOU lImlt"'mtaUI Umt I l l ~ our O\\'D nHI1.::e a nd tbul " 'c pamry. T be man IInds hc , bns got pens ioner. So metimes. on of Money 'lUd the Result Bo sha ll j;ee wh a l Is wh a[, my lo dy!" ate 3u. tty llro ud Of Il. We mako all t)'lkl b l r lh d ll~'s Rtun(l .ltow I. Dl IISl n ns wer alt'ea Iy! ," aud l12e" of !ittw. t llr all pnrpoIC" a compani on. wb ore b e usetl to ha vo a or nt Cbrl stni ns, " €I' pocllet hook Is , An bOlt I' later he wbls per ed in hl'r Quite Satls tnctol'Y. "1'h£l' Is !!Ollie onO tils ?,. Atkl". Saw' , Ourn Knlvet, P<lrIC!Clt\on Floor delicate creature who s h l \'Cred at e\,er y well filletl : so m e tlm e~ when b e looks Sc.u. pert, 01 ' • fLte »ollJ lJy a. U load h'an1.,.,lre rar: ' . " It d ell ntis' how YO II mea n It . ' Nil dt'aJeN. C.UlIO'tiuc OU r"'llle,t. Th is Is a qu'aLnl li ttle cushion for th e draugbt o( air and collapse d III a s~ I'O n g espec iall y pretty <\1' h as ta ke n honors, " It's all J' lght l Tbey're coor lng U jJ I' u e that I care 1'01'. Some Oil!!, perC_ ATIlIN S <D. COo, 1Il0, breeze. And the woman hilS ,lIscover ed III school. or Irer fal"' er Is In aver)' toilet tabl e (ba t would mak e anlJ ccept- t(l Brn ldkenn och In Au gus t i" ba\l~. who mig hl mnko IIf 101 l'abl8" E. ,Larlu t Saw ...."factUre" 1. ~c WOfld . " Whu I? Wh oY" ,quesllo ued Mt' . I for n'te, 'l' hlu fj's ur IKJ that sh e call do wltholl t a ma n 's bolp bountifu l mood . he thr ows Iter a bill or nbl e Ilreaenl , and wou ld Onll a I'ea:dy {'IJ 2tt 1{8d RltJ'~'! F aclt><y ,lid £UCu&ive OS .... I.d;.__ ladiau, >lulo a colli :l~ bazanrs , H Is qull e Inexpen dve Mnnstle , faintly. or gold . and she Is t e mpo ral'\I~' and old altogetll er It she wlsbes to. I (.am~ h c r~ , ,I tim not con ft d tit' UHA!' la>:s t' N w Y ewlr. Chl t'AC1 aUn~eal'Ol". r ich. But ber lot i5 not so ell vlable 08 "'flint cbap Hume and that glt'l V~ r:l of u, ),selr uny 10(lg 'r Slie does n't wanl lo cliug, and she , I r~el , th ar ~'!~~ ~~~::'lt.::r';~:O~Wt (C~::K' that ot her fr lentl wijo hall somet hing H alltie n. Jumlled a ~ It, botb of tbf'lIt , you \\'111 go (IIJC of m y doesn't hav e to, Sbe is Indepen dent, r egular on which utl'. a nd I s h ull she can coun t, on(1 of CO\lrse ! So now we'll pft tb " 'II eyer J'egr et Ii. lIut 1;0 earns her own gooll money. and can whose spendin g money Is neit.h )'011 mus!." er doled IIga lafit one another , this whlpper s nnl'"I s how \I i ~.' It Is adverse clrvie wltb man ncarly overy time In hla out In dri ble ts or Oung out bf tbe per against my son . A tol l' 110111 all,t cum alR IH!C. \Yo urn \II .slarred lo \' e . ~. nw'n business If she Irles, Sh e has lIue handful , but glvc n her 10 a busllles.s no Cal'or. \ Vhat do YOIl say LO t hul os OI:~ I'cuds o f t hem In th e hool;s. J:: ut position s at her commal ld and can like way 011 tbe firs ot tbe moo tb , or for a sebe me?" , j ust uo w you !l:l.ltl YOII could w ~tt. FOREIGN NOTABLBa pick and choose. Tbo, \'ordlct haa gone perhaps every fo rlnir,-ht. Brlll dk eonoc b castl tl "'liS quit e fu li. T heil ( Uill conlenL. It I werc yo u and were I w ill hulld un 1\\' ln g In the forth tbat she Is rolil\blo; and thep she It waR olle of U.lo~e Immens e plies f 'lI~al'!!: Wal t~r RotllSChll.{ ~J. p ,. who r l!l!e otneltb er gambles . drlnl(s nor sUlol,es. beaulitll l aea80D where the years are sranlte and Stucco wbleh excite : h ~ Two 110 111'8 late r a I ral) stoot! walt- Iy s pent tbree Wftlts a t Canter ets. In No one th inks o( reproacb lng bor If sbe approa ch lug lh e te~ n B. or uuder 18. I rage <If antlquar .les ; but within It WOl,; Ing fot' Htl me, read y would Ilel'suotle tbe powers tbat be to .11I goml .tllll e lo Francl'. nCDr Ib a Pyrenees, b ro ugbl doesn't care to marry. Tbn term "old slve me an superbly comfort able, and even wh ull go to I s t.atlo 1!1l0\\·an ce. , n fol' t~ e nlg b: home to - IJlantl'.w llb blm . early 4,000 maW' baR loat Its sh:nlllca n ce. Sbe a Scolcb IDlsl envelope d tbe \'Isl ble mall going sout h. s pecimen s" of Illlll tlrHles to add to lila • t ravel s -sbo wor!d tbere was aDlple amusem eut fu l' studlu-;-sho Invcnts. He had hnd bitt small oPllOrlu nl tf mlillon,be lla ~ . Some parents begin when their chileveryonE.'. Gen. 1.,11115' Tel'ru as, governo r of the Every ' avenlle In tbe bus lncss ,,'orld Is dren are ' very small , and the to ",'hlspor rllt'ewell to Vera . Orst aIYere.. HaII,d en had .at Orsl acce pt·~ {\ open to h!!r . Culth'aU ng aDtl dc vel- )owance Is on Iy a : ew cents a wee k. Not ten mlou tes la te r In came l.ewb. slate of Cblbuub ua. Is probably I b ~ tbe altentlo ns of Lewis Manstle with- , Wh en he beard of o/.Ing ber will power and ambltlol l, sbe Tbls Is gra,luall y increase!1 as i be Hume'H slldd ~ o ,largest lund owner In the world, as well out tolnklng . Sbe tbought his JlCOIJ !O ,le1l3rlu re he seemetl .. the rich Is bringing oul all her streng t b. both cblldren grow older. A girl of 12 anno yeu, Tilt ao elgbt est LOan In Mexico. It lakes ovenvhe bO ll toS' Journey on ,n tast t n ln lmlnllly kind. She could to mal(e nc; Ihould ; all two , th,o If had moterlal possible been , hlive a weekly or s needlld would very gOOd frl e nd ~. mental aDd pby s lcal, ancl O\'crcow lng belp feeling a trille vexed al t'helt· " And I wuul et) him to (.'Ome drr elt- to ~rave.1 trom one elld of bls properLY )ler w cakDe S5"~ , rcmnaut s of t.he past , montbly allowan ce la rge enough to pay be a few odds and end s of 81\ k or lIlus lio. to the other. undi sguised \'ulgarlt y, but In the sou ' ~ !lboolillg tn· morrow. __ -~ " hQ s al~l . as "..! IlIs\.ead or loollln,; up t.o Oleo In the her cnr fares and tt ovellng expense s some bran, and 11 small doll. The legs presellce It could Among tb e Oleo wlto bave rately bebe forgotte n . He WII S s trode l owai'd his ' fath er 's sanctu"l back and fortb to Rchool or t own . to should be cut 011' at tb e waist. 'alld a . old-fas hionell way, she looks down ut.on pay for ber staUona ~y, pens and pen- round cus hion su bslitoted , 'rbls may be bright. clever and amusing . More, he To him h e expreSse d his grlc vun ~ 'l come promloe nt In Ru ssia Is Lleut. Oell, !.bom, soes all their weaknes scs , smllll Cils Alexand er ,Rodlge t·. He dlsllngu l8be;J sewn or glued to Ihe ·body. Having bad acquired a polish wblch see med to wilb aome frcedom, . to cover II t.t1e ill'f'!!enle valli l ies a 011 large vices . The modcrn tQ gh'e, and dainty arUcles8be wish es dressed the doll In tbc blmlelf III the ,,'ar of 1877-78 wllh, Tu rwipe out the original vulgarit y ot h ;fi "Bul. my fas b lon Indlc&ted fUr ber uear boy." said h!!! rat her, "old maid" tol erat es tll om In bltstncBll, tOilet . and to purchas e the trifl es wl lh volumin ous sleeves and sldrt. "ubb ing his "hulltls. joyou sly, ·· ~·v .. key, and ba8 since attl'acted muah nt>· bouee tentlon by nUlll erous al'llcles and bo ol;, Then, too , there was somelhl ng l.l , .'hld ed YOll ot au egg-stre hltt. In ber h Cl mo \ire. SItA will ha v" none Buch a s rucblng , ribbons anll bits of edge ot th e lutl H should be gut hered mely daltglll-" of tb em. e mbroid ery which make tb e delicat e and drnwu closely logethet· benealh the the backgro und. Tbe Haddens ball ous t',,·n l. Dldn 't )'Ou Aeo bow be W. I ~ on military quesllo n.. WlIlIom Acl t\ms. life Baver at Gorlesfllllsbln gs of a 'yollno glrl'8 dress, Il clls blon. Small cus hions s hould also' fallen on cvll days. IIlllkl ng tbe ru nn ing with ~II, s Ha.lVCllu,,- n·i - p.,.i=;;;m;.. lou, an English Ii us lde resort, b09 MI'. Mans tl e W(lS tODd of tlJrowllt;!' oen ? I've bou ght blm mlghl and qhould also Include ellough be mad e 10 place round t he arJlJs to 1111 ou t. lilY SOl; : Wh ich I~ w()rso-- t<r hp. (0 0 Her lClulI or to buy stock Ings. b"'ndker cblefs and , ou l the wid e s leel'es, wblch al'e gathered oot hints as to the pos ition wblch II I ~ 'A pr~lly hi gh Ogure, lOO. bU l no o l1 e ~oved tb e lives ot 'T4 11el'80l\S, besides resIClo frivolou s ? The pC!rpel1t3l1y 1I,;ely, other requis ites of t'le' wardrob e. cuing hUlldred s ot oth ers from per ilo us wealln would give to bls son In thp. s.hall soy I'm ' a mean helo w Lbo elbow ao form a frill, lot! \\ hat On rp.alhcr- hraln cd, plcasltre-c:ra2cd crea- , It a girl has bee'l ~arerully Insil'u ctf uture, " eorth's l he mailel" ooy Lew:s? ' You 1108IUous . He 1\1l8 heen Ilresente d wllll: gold, ,sll"cr alld \)ronze metlals. sev,eral His frl eads drank his wine, shot h is don· t approve ?" tllre Is almos t. If no L Quite, liB It-rltat- ed In th e art of qpondln g moncy, hy "SOME BEAUT Y DON 'TS. " : ' - of lbe 'Ro)'III ',Hu~n ~ sOciety blrde, and let biOI talk. B certlliIlIg 8 M th (j deadly RerlollS Individu al, th e tim e she Is 15 she sbollid he nbl e to .. Ap\1ro ve? Good Lord. o r all thE. cales nud num et'Ou s pri Don't wt'lnklo your brows wl tb every vate tribute!, to Mrs, Man stle came to blm from lIn!e phabhy ll'lells! y es I18YS a l..olidon writer. Dotlt type9 uro select her own cloth'! s ODtI tak e enUre wOl'd sllolte fotht r , I mh ll b ts bravery : , n nnd cxp cct I ho (aclal i,o tim e wltb news, " charge Of the outlay for fro cks. wraps, wh al I'm saying. HI , b el'e, Salldy : 'Icavlly r epresen t.ed just now In hotela; Admiral Rojes tvellsky has a beauUl'ul flats and shoes. Fc','; g irls a re taught masseus e to r emove th em permalle ntl)· . Thus she Informe d blm one lia r : Fi&h out my bi cycle In two s hak Ilut, npropos of lho' a cc usation r eccnt- thl s 'art as es !" I, n one hour's tim e. dallgb ter , a fllll' girl or 20, wbQ was mat'"Lewl's was ou t with ,her tile \\'ho! o thpy Bbouid be, It Is at leas t " Le wI ', you're wild! You're cul- rl ed to u Russian lIu\'al eoglneer 1,1 lod ge.d aga i nst us t hat as a lIallon as Importa nt ns muaic Don't worry or cry lin necessar ily. afternoo n! " all.1 or French , t.ln3 him ou t of a One jail ! ba l'll mnld followl" \ him to Ihe eilsl ln the c8 ~/ Q arc heco mlng A girl away at boardIn g sc hool IISU- \Von y malc es wl'l:ollle8, Teurs dull Ibe tOO friVOlouS, one Th is gleeful declarat io n bad t he him for liCe! " p,a itl' of a Sistel' ot Cha rity . She returned II) caDl10l hel ll Haying that we are a great all y has an allowan ce whi ch I ~ depos- eyes. SOYR u wt'lter In tbe Philad elphia meri t oC being true. , Bul Lc wlR ''' oved a ll expos tula tio n Sl. Petersbu rg wileu WOI'I1' out ,an d em],loreove r, Lewis bad spollen. cI ~ 1 IIvcll er than "'e werc !f. J ew years Ited with tbe prlrd pal of th e scbool, Press, as ide. He wus oft', barked latel' wllh he t' tUlh er, but h e roDon' t ha\'e a wrlnkl e.1 tace, It Is as He had as ll etl ber, In twlef (enns . to ugo , and for tltls reli et ass uredly we and o~ whlcb she ·1. nllow ed do draw He reach ed Lochns l.le stati on In ree- grelled permitti ng hel' 10 sail wit h l he marr)' blm . and sbe had ans we J'ed ; OJ'lI tim e. bu l was lIone bu.'e " "It SC to be thanhfu l. In conse- a s sbe would on a JllI m In bnnk. She unn eCeSHQ t'y as n wrlul(led !;own, loo soon. Baltic Oeel ' and sent her borne from Don 't wa. h YOtlt' face with SOOI), un - "Glv.e me time to think It o\'e r!" Qllence wc a rc accuscd ot haylllg be- ott en has n bank book ant) a check He rus hed lip to Hume. who WD,l VI go. 0001(, alld learn s 11;'ocllcl,lll y bow to less yutl wunt. wt'lnl'l eR. ' It was a great temptat. lon, Ther J I Ju st a bOlll to board the I:ome too (t'''·olo·ls. 1l see ms to mo keep train. a ccount s ao,1 munage ber small were those at Don't hOUle chew to be gum. ReB!ona thou gbt Il Is ble, of ulls ighlly anj , " lIm'e, I say , Hume, you'l'e got t!) lbal we hll l o just gOl malleI'S nicely affairs to ad\'Qnt a;;e. H. tbat will I(eep a monkey sbould vulgar. as well liS a rapid wrlnl,le pro- and all It would mean to them . Tben: come back with me. I'm onll or balanced . This Is ao age wh .. n we are t hu 'I'he danghte rs of. certnln weli- uucer. \\'as the sense of sccurlty tor the 1'tI- 'Iirector s o f this co nfounde pay tor the glasses be brealc.s,- Se I:Jen_ d s how, a~d prepared 10 be r. ranka on tbe slightes t known fioancle r bave tbell' allowan ce Don't twist th e moutb to ' :Ie side ture. A.ntl the man bad phrased hi " I don 't cOII ~ en l. Besldes. ·1 meant YO t1 Ilro\'oco tl on, Pcople Cra\'S for mis- paid them Quarterly. It Is by 110 means In tall<llIg and fOlldly, Imagine tbal It bopes 80 nicely; there bad been 110 to come tluck-sh ootlng to-morro w." "aOLD ! aOLD! " ilion., tbey wallow In philanth ropy, Immens e, althoug b It Is ample :0 mn.k es I hA face bral!!glng, no ' violent \lrotesta tion,,: Hume wns bewilder ed . 111 0 1'0 exprc8Klve. co\'er Ibe rcqllls Hes of youn g women tbey potlnee wllb avidity on new rellDon 't expect the coa t of tan wblcb Ihere had been nothing romanti c abottt "Well. If Illlt won 't do, I've a meil- "Good," He Saya, "But Com1or t it, but jusl a quietly senSible protest" - soge Irom 1II1s3 alons. tb e), "' III plunge Into IlOlIllca or tn tbe ,80clety of a s.uall towu. Should has been 8ccumul utlng lIetter." , Ha,hleo_ You 're oot for weeks, to th e y spend the entire amount tile first Uon made by a man to a woman of to If0 ," writ e aUBel;s on wom en, sorle!y, the dlsal. ' pear wit houl som e effort on your day atter receivin g It : no more money "Foot! that fits Is belter than a gold the \\'(lrld_ degen c l'A ~y ot lho pan. age, or an)'tbln g woold be for!bcom ln g from " Is tha t n rllet?" jlapa's milmine," says a gratetul man, But Marsden Hume bad .rrlved tb c ",Ia. tba l g lv~s tbem an opportu nity lions until quarlel' clay " Como and ask her ." Don 't neglect tbe dally warm bath. s bould come "Before I commen ced to use Grape, It Is a beautiHe r flS well as a health nIght before_ or airin g whn t lhey call the ir views. round' B8!l1n.. 'I'h Is IS an importa Poor Mr. Mans tle was mu ch, upset h:;- Nllts food nt no man ,on earth ever bad Q A .."(ek later Mrs, Manslle sounuc.1 Ib e for ceful Illnguage So sltrely, It des ipere In loco were not feature, It one Is to have an allowan ce. giver. of bl s soo th ~ worse Inflictio n from eatarrb of the DOII't neglect to ventilat e your s leep- the note of alarm. (leea.lon ally to be permitted to us, It Parents m1\8t not be too ready to make followin g mornin g. stomacb Ibao I bad for ),earB., "It Ie common talk, " abe said. "Sure· Ing room, ond th e dally airing of tbe Is fearrul La think wbat We shoultl be- up a ,Ieflclt, "But I I bougbt yoU wanted to 1Da.'rl ") c!,uld eat nothing but the very Iy. Jethro, you cOllld nOI have tboug 't t the I"lrl ," he remonst rated. A trugal girl co nlr i v~s to have I5Om!!- Ih' lng room. If YUII desire a good com.:omc. Ou r frlvollt)' Is the antidote to lightest food aud even tbat p ve me it all out carefully ' enougb. Mr. Hu:m~ thing lett untouch c.1 on lbe last tiny plexion, "do ' I itltl. I even hoped It. Do YOIl great distress, t be lw c ntl ~ lh cenlury dl sposltlo o an'd o( sbe lbc are Don month. always 't prPRS An together out, improvi IJlacl;hc , dent I lrl atis ~ tl lblnk I don 't, see whaL sh e g irl I ~ with t be toward craol<luesR, It really I(cep. ua "I went tbrough the catalogue 01 Is, and ortell 110 deeply I,ll d(lbt that her money Oliger Ilall ~, unless you want t{) enlarge to warn he r, 'Think.' I said . 'Cbann- what she would bo to us? Well. sh ' M prepared toods but foulld thom all ( e)(· Aile, Ing and Intellige nt he may be, uu t goin g to lJe Mrs, Ma Is anticipa ted anti sn e has to pay It nil Ihe pores, rsd" n Hllme. 111,7 cl'pl Grape·N llts) more or les8 Indl· 011 t almost a s son n n8 It Is In 11.' t· DOII't be surprise d If y~u have black- nnly an enginee r. and a poor one a t bellet Is thal tlult's wh at s he \\'o,,!d gestlble, generoti ng gas In the Whll ~ th e pcace eonfcl'P.nce wna In stoOl, hands. which Is a very bad way of gc;- hend s and III mpl es, If YOll eat JIDstry that: And ' then Hbe Hald ; ' Riches are havo uee ll 111 s pite of YOU s ~s"lon al Port s mou t h an En::lish cor· t· 1Ii,t1 e plo t ach. (wbll'lI III turll pro,lnce d belltltlug along. -flOt ever ything.' Upon wbl ~b I and gav ~ contectl lo Indlt onery re him to leave his bones til nebe and \'QrIOIlS o th er po Ins and e"cry day In the respond ent alllmad, 'crled UI.on tbe h~r my op ini ons on th e subjcct -o)' Slam, week. \\'h eu you could a s well bovl' acbes ) nnd olherwls o unavaila ble • familiar way In wblch Am et'l cans reo for which I mean ot coursc. you r oplnlon2 It YO\l are pcrmltte d tei b!\'e an al , Siv6Jt him a herl 10 Eng la nu DOII't neGlect to lJave tbe bands well ('\'II my lise . fer In Ih e Il r~s ld e ul itS "Tedd y." And lowance Jethro ," , confet· with your fut her and groomed Ir )'0\1 weal' costly rill!:", proml H d to SHi ll'" tbal for him. a ny"Grap e-Nuts (Dod T have toulld '~as ll y :i'el tb c En gll sb SPo t t he' p8('e for nl cl(· und ers tand preclsel r "I lind those Haddens are CI'en m" t'~ way," wha t yOU are to Don' t bile your nails. It bOl1ele5s ly c\lgeated and aSSimil a ted, and It hn" names. npltfted tba n ) tbougb t." said Mr. Wh err kin g Ed ward was do wi th It , 'I'hcn :nal(o IIi. YO llr mlo<l cJ e5 troy~ the " ) don·t know," mllrtDltr ed Mr. renewed my healtb :ind vigor a n rl sbupelin ess of tbe nns-erprin ce ut \\·nlr.H hc Wa H I;nowo as IIrmly lhat you wi ll n" ver O\'errun the tl\18, is uncl ean) y, an,1 delrlme n tal to ~an 8 t.1e . m edllath' ely. "I had a prouf l\ lanslle. "I do u·t , n ~ w . I WII M b l'ollga t made me a well mao ogaill. ' The cn· ) f thr.l Bum In a In lillie your "T~ddy "-ales." maUer pocl; e[ ilool< of bu hy s ln c8~ up to bell ve that Cro CS\lS could .1:.1 tarrh af the Tbe la IC dullo vt so mu ch as Ihe h ealth. stOll)lI ch has ' dlsappea rru Ih e otber day," Clarence was called "Coll ar ond CUffE." ! cents. Pro ville yourselt wllb a \' prelly well anythin g." DOlI' t uoglect tbe dally care ot tlie entirely with all Its olten(lan t ' 1I1 ~ , blank "But slill book there Is hope," Mrs, Man uand pe:!cl\. You do no t hall', Oleanlln css ..160 " Lemona de an.d Clarc\. " Lord " But you' re not Croesus : ' laltghed 't hanl;s to, Grape·Nltts, whlcb no~ I, Is quite 81l csnentla l lie ret urn ed. "I will say thIs, that Lewls_ a$ be wa tcbed somowb ut ~allly my almost Bole :Rlbbles dalc was spollen 01 8S " Old need an elaoorat c System ot hook- ((It. the ball' as for t be' oody. fOO<l . I waI,t ' IIQ keepl og. bu t put. down carerully anll lhe 6!lOkc,n lccly ot Lewl ~. To tcll yO!1 the ligu res of B urne QIld VerB pasSI ., lIt ber." Name given by POlltum Co" Don't arrange 'J oll r hair 1Ik(' your th llhubar b." Tbc beredlta r y prln eeas of legibly ~ tru lb, , I believe 8h e I ~ -just bul- arm In 01'01 every dllY all that YOll ba"e aeros", tbe lawn In fro ~ t ' Battle Cree l; , Mlch, " ' fri ends, unlecs It alllO Bolt8 tbe con- tneinar cJ!DUID/lnla. Is m ~ lIt1oncd aij ".'1lssle: ' .pent, and 811btra ' ber&eiJ betW"D t ..·o aHema· of tho wlodqw ; ' ",011". onl, ~ t the QUill from YOWtour of your fac. 01)1" T~n day s~ t~lat' telfs th, story. Ltv"," ...::l. 1 • ---- , .. lUI, Limited . H 'l'lIere's a\ reaso\&,



CR OE Sl1,S.'







. .


... - .



that WAS brol. gbt abo:\rd; and' 1\ 30 aolo \l lO rotllrn tllanl,$ lo~ thom, wh on the'l W8 re 1"rlced a w,l\y (rolll .11 1m. a~1I h e looked hUI'1. W lten lho gan~ pla n lr waR pll lie,t In, n ll,1 l bo boat bogan to wh eo~c . nnd b'1'lIul. llnd move away f rom .ho .lo(·k, nn,1 da rl saw the erow1 wa vlll~ ballll he"chl cfs an d lallgh lng, and ~aylng bon: v"yoge, h o th oug h t uloy I',era doing It all 't I' him. and he starlo I In to make 1\ speech, t hauk ln g bls t ellow COIIDlry me n fo r coming to see' him orr, nn<l pl'o ml ~ ln !: them thal be Vloul!l I)I'OI'e a i rile rep .. resen (atlve oC his belo l'c<l cO llnil'Y In hili travels abroad. and lha l hA would ba true lo lhe 8tarB !lnd slripes w her· e var fortune mIght pl ace bhOl . and all lbat rot, whe n the boa t got 80 far '1way they could not hear him , and then ho came o lr his pel'ch, and sa id : .. 'Henner )' . that lItlle Improm ptu demons tration to your falb er , on lh e 6\'e or h is depar ture from hl~ native lall'l. perhaps n e r er 10 rei 111' \1, ought 10. oe' _ d eep and Instlng le~soo to you ,

Afta "1 ~le I th~t In 10vI ,1" 1 nm' lpO) rell In l\,I e facD' .a lld 8nutillic 1111, 8r1(,I ., uJ'ust Laughe d:" " sqllqay.~ /lau lls, and IIlOI, to ••dly, nlll1 :A ~tiRt-- I1J\,<, )" Iu . olm , ill ); p i~turr t ~ tbe ' t X'ilil .i\.it')n'! swallow YOUl' emotion , and trr to waH _ . ell'II'I",· - Ye·, ,11'. It ! e~med to I'l eaac the IIntientl J' hllt ll It Is uark nou'g h :so lh~ 1 ~11 t l~ I Iu.' 1I n'f,\ n!Url!, .. spccla tor a \"o n'[ .)olfee any t hi ng, and " " "ru L lli,l' t lld ~' -eny~' In "0':\ IIlclcnc/,a )' 011 "el lill ie la the (nce, "Oh: they di u;,'1 , ~ay " o t hi~ll!; but tbe,. b UKhcJ t hul h"~r IY . - Su·.Y. St o l'1e~. and til/read , !lout" a 11(\ l e~ GO of hanll s, and Drler you Ilava 8tooll It, nB !gog BI! --:-Sent imen tal. -yoll CU ll you rusb to tho \'8\1 Roll a ct a~ " She wn~ u wuconl1:' ~n. it1 the ,poe liM.' Il'ht Bad Boy Tell. th e GrocarYIU!m thoul;Jl ) ' OU wero &01nr; to lllDlP ovel'b oa t'tI"I', " ,dlU~': b eauly tl1 11HHt I1I~1I oS be:kr l,1I boa i'!l, alld Iht ll stop s ndden and let· About Their Trip Across- They t o lin' :' .• 'er· lll\gber, r Ight lJefore talks, Hop Clliture Ha. B" come a Moot Importa nt Induatry in Land "Anu Lhlil' 1Il'('!t tff tl tbherll .li111!/)Ose. A1"8 Bea-Slc k-Dad M eet. a W id ow Lewi. a ddrtl t ill' JU'Ob)' hIli U,I.H,'} It.· Ol'.- l 11~ftg alld after It Is ovcr you lry 10 IOOlt _as and Clark Added to Unci .. Sam'. Domain. and Loses Hla Hoart and Pocket.. DJily " 'w' , . Ib ough you ba d enjoyed It. I will sa y EMit-H e Approp riates a Bteamo,l" ·thls n, uch to r d ad, he a "d t he wld llw Chair n.''.ld Quarrel . with the C)Wll~ n ev~r played a du el o ve l' '00 r ail , t,ut they too k turn!l, and dati held bel' UY H O:-; . OF~O n G b; W, P ECIt. It was In 18li~. '" 'ye ar a (ll'r th o clnse at th " Htn rl. ' ,"ben poleo a l'e used, on9 te nllp. rly as t bo ugh l bey wer e e ngagerl of til ' civil war. t hat LR'I -(';o\, crn or o f \V hll::o naln. F ormI3r l )' E d.101111 \' . Mee ker, Is .. tllcll Illto the grou nd for_ ~nch 1'1110 Il or 0 ' " P~ k ' l5 SUII." Aut ho r ot and w hell li e ;;Ot he.' bnel(- to t he " rds ideu L o f Pll r allll [' , \\'a~h .. con· pla n ted, Tho pol e~ Sla nd 10 r.,a t hi g " P ec k 's Bad D o),," l::l C.) h. steamer chair he s t"olleu her tacll alld ce lve ll the Idea lh,, [ th" Pildll" coust OurillS .h e ftr st yenr III I' Ilie, j(1'OWK ( ' :c. py r lgllt. l00a. by J Oftf! ph n. BOW :CH.) pu t CAmphor to h er 110 " 0. and Ilcted wou iri be n !;Ohtl Surll t I, rof~in ll tl. l c.ullrity w(;rlte ~f: d o rO'!;iuu for ;';r<J wi ll g ullolll \1" 0 III' s ix fe ~ t hlj;h, u nll th o "SUY , old g eezer," 8al<I th e Bad Boy like 1111 und cnak e r thal wasll't goln!; hops , all il cX JlCrlm ol .,ctJ 11 I hI In,lil'\'''' III t.h e a ~s~l'tll)n uf elt lo y JlllllltllI·g e mIl I ~ al mo SI worthl c~". 0 11 accollnt nUU' to hl o nne le as he seLlIel1 hlruselt 0 0 '''!.!I lhh l "w hell n mn u ' is d own l n ttl lei the r e malos get away trom him. hnlf an ncre on h is Ulll . al'lIl. 'I' h" ~ xll e l·l · ur th " 1'00 1' Quail. )' of lh.) IHl on e o[ t he groccrym an 's cra cker boXeR. ps. Th e .ce· I he wI,t'l, 1 1111 O lllll ' l' of help if4 \\'OI'lh a. Th ey we re haY ing a Illce coovales cent _n"'" t prov ' d 1\ "" J lli UlIrl et: of 1Irc:II' h ill::: : - Uul ti IllOt't, f-:'1f'1 , 'S " I novel' wrote YOII abou l our tri p lim" , Jll s t afore It broke UP,.Ad hadn' t half acr e M r . Ml, •• a ll" I'ro lll hi s Oll,t )' p-ur', ': roll gr nc rall y I" (a lrl:; clwr H', I'lI r UII HSfi snud , a ll rl at liv e fl " "Ix year.; th e 1'1110 a'T06S, did I. W ell , I Lrled a dozo n eltb er ot th e m lleen s ick lor mlll- 1101I n d ~ uf huhy 11"1)" w h,,;h won: has " tt nl ll r-ll DllSt io the World. limed to write. bllt Ibe sea WBI! so Its II III It', n il hough It i s utes, and dlld bad PU l hl8 arm ~und cured ' " 11", I,,!t OVI '1'('."11, AI'I: .. 0 'I. -tllh ('pCI'i" I):-:-Afle e r th e falll ily II vi II ); I DOll!1 luI' ~U y~ "n; 1IlII.l;'er , uI1I1 porhal.3 l'lIuSh tbat pll r( at l he LImo lho labl e ei ghteen mU lIlil r4 l'I ufTel'i llg h 'om -t:J} l l el)~Y h er shoulde rs, alld was talking CUll- roul\I . 111111 !UIIIIU rca tly .u l" a. /j :; e", , ~" m"r~. ;" 8 5 11lI top or llI e and parl ot Lhe tl mp. Vi ll es tn • he 1VIIIII00 0Ud val· Un 'kUl'hu Ilw l J\.idm..," c..;um p lu i n t, ~1 \', \v ... IIlng tt bel', and Rhe was looklo!l: lov- Iler 1101I1I1\. ' I was on top, and 1 WaR so sick 1 seemed h'y whic h wore se t Oll t whon hop cui· JI. :-::Iuit lt , ui llt iti 111:Il'C, I~ n we lt lIla o. . Ingly Into dad's eyes, and they were Whll l! Ih " n" RL hOI'~ In th ,· 1I0rtll - tllrr on It lur ge sca lo to have los t my mind , oYer the rail , II'II H started In uQ uill. nud t lw. i' W\1) I~ u \'~ wutc h,cd his talking Of meotlng again In France In WI'S1. we r" in W".hl llgI.O Il , IIl1d ! I NM IJ arc . Utl VII,WI'OIlS 1""IIII Ce I'8. Tb~ rt.'lurn l.1 It 'u ltl! IIl1tl('S lln l m g h ' glv!.! all with Ule other things s upposed to Ils 'L c C:l'cti it lu U(ldlr~ Ki,lu ~.\· ,Pill ". In ,an.. a few weeks, whe rll s he waa colng to tbut s .ate Is .tl lI a I- ~ r y la r~l! IIrQ- "In' dl c~ dow n t o Ih u root wh" l1 lh l) in tcr\'il! \\.' J'c~a l'd i n g Ius IlI s llle of me. CU1'e, :M r, ~:,il ·t ll I'c nt u v illa, an cl dad wa6 811ylog h'l dll e r,,·. Orego n . ur )' l'ar" has h;", 11 th C fl'lls t o'I'lIiO" It In t ho fall. lars: "O h . old man , YOU think you know would lJe lhere wllh Iloth t r<a t, wholl t bUlln er st a t", and lI" :, 1 IlIhl hcrn lo\\' f OI' 'l ~II\' Cl'flp amo llll t· eillhtl'lln month" what 6easlckn es8 1o, 'cause you tol<l Ule T ho hOI' villes III lhe Willame tto OPCllO''\ tho wi lld ol\' and .ald, 'The cd to U2,r.OO IJlIl c~ o f (lOll' ilh III)' h uck uuli ki ..lll c'y~, nnd ul~o l SI) 10 I ~U \'IIII -!), gro w so luxu rlan tly that Ihe w n"c Ilbout c rOSSin g I. a ke Mlchl gau on El'ilep",' . I h"l1 1.I,clI e,-cryllting I ktleW' ijtewa rd Is Ilrlll g ing arolind a lunch , pOIII;/I". WhiCh. ')1'''''l; hl. 011 t\lc a verage tre llis arl'llll gon. e nt for trallling the m 01 , and llulit iug ~t'l'l lI l~ Lo Ot) m o a pe"ch boat, hu t lalle s ick ness Is ea ay unr alld I hav" ord er ed two boiled pork ~r, cellt. 1>0 1' POIIIH), '1'1, ' val li !: of til· i. fou lIlI 11101'0 Ma ll s rllc tnry. s in ce il gOfx.1 t ill a friclht of mine ,.:ot me tQ fend compare d with the ocean malarl),. I san'~wl ~he" t or you two easy marks," for .o"d ,1'. )\. hl,,"), c rol' ",cec\le l' ilk 1 li ll<l tl llit .hey ll $ ·' .000,001) , or e ig ht dol· olln bles th e "Inc III " I)\'oad 0111, and 1IO IIId enjoy co mmon seaslckn oss and r;ct Rn' the QTl'nlcKt IIIl'd i" in!! i ll lh!-o . " 'Ye ll, you'd a dJde to see 'om jump. In n; ror CVt.' r y man, wo rl d. WUlIlun a ud rhlltl th ~ Hfl v ll lltago IJr R d3i ly s un lh ln lt It WIl8 a Ill cn lc, bill thlll salt bath. In r m' now I nll l ilhl c tl wlU'k nlHl nUl .tJ f ct WI,at tbere Is 'about the Idea of tat wllhlll th O) hnlllldur ll'" IIf the Sla le. : .... , .. Olar s ickness tak es tbe cake. I was ~tOlit bu oml lldin,; ~ i I' tH1tt lh ' l l'e lll ~. la l'!; u 1I081s ura tt~ ltc fol'o l look ~ic:.c ,'" pork tbat llIalt s ple wbo are Boa Th " HtlH" or Ihe 1I1I1",'cIO"" g rowth Illontnt\: '1) follt tl llar. ' J)od ,I'd Kio I11'' '' Pill" CIII'll the Kidney •• "orry fo r dad, because he hoili o 'more , 1",,1 are connect · C'1I1·1.~1 slcl. lIave a r elaps e, I don't'lln O\\', bllt of hup Cll ltllfll III Or' 1\ i,l ne,' ' <Ion" •• il,e bl,.ot\ " of ull e goll " ciUtl'lu;tc r , 1111 with hORVV wlro_, whi ch arc so ar· impuri. i" ". :I'me than 1 do, and he Is so s low aboll t g lv. tbe wom a n &rabbell her 6t ummlx' In I ~ tic o ( .h e Gl'owlh bloorl1l1c "f ,,:I t hlll)!" III .he l'aUI: ' d lhlll ~.. h cn It \.; ' lInio t.o Ing up meals thal he bas paid tor, lhat - -.-,-- ,,00 lIoud h.alth. plc l. , both bands and lett slall and ru shed In.l stu. e WhiC~ forms " part "r ~h ~ 101 ' th e hops the wlre~ OIay I,o c Jln ed frolll It takes him longer 10 conlmlln e with I lI ' t il.. 'I\\illt \\'It~n A W OIOU II to th'l eablll yell log '-enough : o r som e- m e liS" It'rntory th cps tis:· · il l, 11'''. UI'IIIIl r't! loy the I' 'S ' 1o whi c h th ('y arc (as te o e u, ; ng her- Imt'k l' il t th" tltc:u ~ l' kt.' nRi lIre, and he grOllos 80, and swears llml th~q, tblng Ukc .ha t, and dad laid right , \'11£'11 t hC JU'r tu no :lII l'c i,1i U\'t"C to hllrl th at ah& iome. I do n'l aeo how a l)erSOn can t'li" C "-1\1 P H OR 1'0 lJi\ol leit tu r uinfll Omll'illg on~ hel' drc.,!(:r a' II r.:R lI.'OSF. .... ~D baCk In ih e chair Ind blatlod like a awc/lor when he Is seaHlck on th e ocean, bonld-C io,-.I;, ,, ,I I ..... \<'I', A ' T ED J..K F. A !'o: llNDE RTA 1<E R calt, and s aid he would 1.111 me dea d .,d th no aurll thing thal be will eyer and :o show YOII Iha tthe estimati o n In wh en we gal Il8hore . s~e lund again, an,d a I:ood Il l'ORpe CL o f whlc a I am 110ld YOU HAVE NO RIOHT "Just th ell all E nglis ho!Jln callie hy our people, Is ~ol ng t n the botto m, wb er e you gal t'l worth. millions to YOII , an d you Can ala n;; and tolll dad ·he better get up d lc In l ho ,",ms ot a d eY Il OHh , wi ha p Int wi t h pride to ro Sutrel' fro m Constip ation, :Bowel oll L of hl9 chair, and dad 9a1.\ whoel' your fath er: .hark billng pieces Olll at YOllr tead e r and Stoml\ch Tl'ouble , " I salrt 'rats' and dlld said h e cha II' you tlllll ln,; aboue, and tbo mon ,_ loin Dnd a 811101led halibut wailing ..'oul,llI·t wonder It the boat wss full s aid Ihe chair W89 his, and It dn'l Q . Wh al i. ihe begi nn ing oi aickne!l!l! ~ roulJd for hi s s harc of Y(l llr co rpse, ot rats, a nd t hon we stood 0 0 deck, Illon ' t gel OUI at It, h e woulrt kick him A. ·o ll.:t:lipa ll0Il , and whales bl owi ng Hy phons of .... " te r and Y:atch ed t he obJec18 of In terest oue, nntl dad sa id b e hadn't ha d a good (,! . Wh a~ I. C,, " " . illn ~ ioll? ' , .nd l!l cklog hecallse lher are so Illg dow n th e ba)', A 9 '-\ . Jiui hu'e of the l!o\\'cl~ t o enrry off we passed the ehallco a l an En g li s hman si llco the thal they cao'L get a t YOII to c Ie.... sta tt:e at Llber !1· . the w •• st u lItULLcl' which rCI'oll lieD utlon in Un: sry ali· war, a n d b e just wanted whlcll Frsnce gav~ men ta l')' ell nul Wl.t'I·'" it dccuv!4 a nd pol cuds or hum an g llm , anti 110 1'1101 OS t a t he r ePll bll c, on Bedloe'8 Is land , dad a c hauco to clean up enou gh ~ngll s h. i~ns t he colli'\! bp>luill . l!:nilll uall.r thl! combIng your dam p lI a lr wit h lhell' . starle<l La malte a men tal' a Dl cas, and dad got up au 1 s pcech to the pas. iC!mi: d U".: d(lllt.h u lltll'r the 1&0.1110 of 'U I'II C iln e too lh comb fln ~, anti 8word fis h senger., but ono or c lh c l' dl :!:!;l"'\!. l\lI f" tll u dcnl hs £t'Ut .1 ty· t he omcera of ) h e slood at "altenll oll ." alld Ihe ·Engllsh. lin d ~a wtoolh 1)lsenlOrlal car'tPntC"" !:oat lo ld dad thlB Jhoil 1 fC \' (!l' unu tlpp~ nd iciLi ~~ Jfl u'lluc ll und was no democra tle man s quared air like a IlI' l~o figh tor, )uwd 1I'(1uL lc ul Ihe IJ1'·~l' H t. l illie. Ba\\,lD ~ olr steal(s. c aucu~, and lhat ~hokcd him ott. but and t hey wore Just going lo Ogllr. tile t}. \Vlm\. f.;U lh l.!d ( ull..,li palion? , "Gc~ , bul Il made 111 ~ naw\' I once lJe N!l3 loaded fo r It.. Nt' ~I(!,~ t lu l'C~IJUfU t l o t hu c:,l1 of a Rpcech , on d 1 Ime w ballle of Bunlcel' HIli ovor tl galn, when en\\' 0 dead dog III .1", rlvcr, wll b bu ll It W1l 5 only a t\ht u_ l 't.' JJJ·\/ IIIPlly I run • ul' .l.:wk (0 of a u 'o me!)r wit h oold la ce on ulallcr ot LIme when he CXC l'cibl.!. E~ · h ea tl s Bud dog. fi s h rlpll ing h im Ul) l be woul,1 have lo Oro C~ h·c lllt:I!U 'wod:, blcnlu l CH Wli')Q a mi It oft, bUl I though t h is conL and lemon pie a ll liIs wh ls· 1I111J!'O PC I' (\let . Ita k, nnd I I,ellt thlnltl ll g I harl ra tller when \\' 0 got oul81de , ' ~ the bar. Ill to tbe Ilers , und told him au ol d crazy Van. tJ. Wit ul 111' 0 lite I'esults of IIcglcOll'(l be thnt dog. III a ni ce rive r at hom o, oceall, his s \leech wou (; l1 ~ti li otir.m ~ ld co mo up wllh Icee e u t 011 dock I\'O S goi ng to murder " with Lu llh ead !< l hat I k nell' e he w~ng th e r est of t he slu ;\ , l'oll ~;Ll l lIl liun crllld~ mOl'e 8 n rrcl'in~ rt. snd I guess Il poor sea slcl, Eugllbhm lln. a 011, t he o ~­ thau uny Il( h cl' J i~ O;I ~I' . U d u s e" .' hCUlCilL· dltl . fo r a(Le r he Ilega n to bo s lc.k h e /I CC I' rll shed out an ,1 ,took rlall by tile tlS UI, col,ld, feve l's, IHU IlIUCh, llUwc l, li ld , had LO Ilee p h is mOllth shllt. whl h was coot coll ar n nd nllid h im qu it. an d Ot.ll' lUlII ' uuo. l ll'al l l t l'u uhh~H etc, [l III tlle' one ~i~ clI c thll l ~Iirrt. "II olhe r• . In · a g r eal rellet to me, for I felt th at h~ whell be fou,,,1 whal t he quanel was tl1 "CI!I~iOIl , c.1,\' pPCp . . ill , d iutJ'h c:t, los; ol would say somethi ng that " 'ollid ge t abou t, li e • 101 d8!1 all the cha irs wer ) ::liccl.t um l ,til!'clla;lh :~I~u Hi .,YIUIIlUIl US' l hl s coulltry Inlo t ro uble with oUler prll'al ~ I)roperly belongin g to the pas · {) ilel:) nl)ll[' tHlit>il is, UllJ li.~luln, lIl'e ' cll used by \';oll$llpntioll . ~ l.• cun SCtlllC~ce 9 4~ nations , 113 th cre " 'c re lots ot .!o ~ e l s n · sen gel's, B Oll for h im to, Ileep alit or know n ttl nll r.h~·d l'-'-Ian"t ,but ic~" . B U r~ th em, alld h e apologi zed to tb e Eng-. ers 0 11 bas rd. fel'(!l'toI rtmlizc t h!ll' couliluou tlulll It t$ "I heard tha t J , Pierpon t Morgan lIs hmau and they wenl Intll the 8alool1 too I " t,~ . \\'0111011 he '0111 '. cOl~IiI'l "cd IU ' waR on Iloard , and I l a id e l'erybod y I a nd sp.ttJecl It with hi gh ba lls, and daJ I'U lid~ I\~ n , c_ · .,lt uf (;O"SUlll1 t10n. Q. f) .. phl'"il'illll s I'CcoK,';"e . hi, Y gOt In co nv ersallou .... Ith t.ha t da<l was beat th e Englls hmall by drlD klng two S IlU \\,I ~ G Ilf; \\ T il E .I U.· VI l"}';S .\I ~E SL'l 'l' O I:T ~; IJ . A, .y ~l', f!' ,: ,1Ir.. t QU(!sli9n yoU~, cl~) b'lf PleTJlollt Morgan , and .... hen peopl e be· hi gh balls to ' bls one. Then dad sel •••1; yu u i. ;·.I \! ) ,,:: (:On .I ' jI~ t ctl! rlr'l~ gan to ,call hIm Mr. Morga n. I told dad Into s poliel' game. with ten ceo ts antr . lhe Unlled States is the st'!cre t. as a res ull ot thc au<l .lre hOll the pa ~s e ngerR thought he was Mol" and lIO lim it, and rh ey playe d along Lewis nnr! (:Inrl< expl.o,ra "'II ~ "lil Y I;~ IU Wi!rIl!l tt; ~ I , (,'(1 11 il i.e, oll rc,l ? I\l n ~. . II height of oll ly fOllr ,'oc l, s o thnL , t be gan, the great flnao cler, and Il IIckl ed fOr a wblle un t ll' d 'ld got tour jad,~, A, yc~ , wit I.' IJI'qll" " , tronl mon!. TI,,, Hop ralsillg, ~u y m e n whn have PI I COllllno n l'IThl' dad, Ilnd he n ever denied II. Anyway . and lie bet 11,'e dollard, and a Freneh- t ri cd 11. ls c c', as pill", suIts 1./'1 to r O.lSort 10 IJh.\'l!ilCS,8I1ch ",ore Inter estl n;; thall IIny Ilorrlus II1I1 Y 110 pi cl!C!I ca ~ ,ly, IIlb hi done l1y hau d, 111 011, w ()m e n n nd, ~ectioll', ck" IIn,,",'ul wDI,' r, c".'or oi l, In. th e captain put !lad and I at hIs own man raised him $5,000, and dad laid oth or .. c,'c t'\' o ue of wJud( ltot an" ra nch ntfarmil l'g. b~cau5 t he ro <: hlldrllll taking Illlrt table, a od he called me .. Little Plerp," down his hand a nd said the game was lti ill il th e work , ]lIrlOu" !1'1"'r wci,l,el! !llIlI ill c..ons. th an c lumunt or c ttunee. A DIU" ~ll t h p i 'ker llu K II h III llgo 1J 1l ~ 1{ (!t. or mnl.,uly. 'lWI I: nt":: till S by your own ex.· and CI er)'body 1\l8clIsse d great flnao· too ri ch (01' his blood, and iI' hen he may r~allzo tlllmcu ~e p roh1.ll o ne yea r, I II' I I I t .. clal question R with dad , and 'ev.e rythlng rcaclred In hls \'eat Ilo cket tor moo ey a';;1 ",1a , It! po d"q p.rtence. (,). What Ihell . !toIlI J he dO rly U8 gfl)at 10 g ' ~ tb e nex t. Hun I'''''. IlIlu WI le 1 Ie M ll o to cure It.? LIS he tn OI'Cij rapidly al"ul; tho row s. '\'Qula have been lovely the wbolc trip, to lJa ~ tor his 1I0ker cblps he to un :1' -but In II Cet. u hutlle of ~I u ll'. U ..n". TuOl ~ th e IIIlI ln th e btl,l n CHS IS re ll. Thu curing only Morgan' came amongs t ' U 8 atter that his roll was gone, and he said he re"IIII'e~ can· ".1" ;,ncu. ~11111's C I'n pc 'J'o~i" will posi· able If a mall lInd urlit ,uJ(l ~ 11. and III Ritlc rahl c Hld l !. orA hUll" hO)Ji uliS' l or a , teu- t lvely cure CO II ~tlPaIIU It [nu.l tom.nell he ;tad been seasi ck tor tbree daYI, would IOM'e his watch tor security uu- cure ful. .Je , lf{'rson 1\I,'ers , who ijll rv e d '--' ' ." hie in t he Sh Ol' t CB t f.. }lII CC of tUIU.· , trNou. 0 I he hop, o~ h el' r cuted.\, \110< • ...:-: D THE Y GO'r OE'F t:l.T,Y M.lXE D L'P. and they gave him a seat opposite liS, til ne could go to hI s sla teroom anJ as [1I'cslrl ellt Ilr the o n'go,) stutc CUIO ' LlCl'u yunt c"st ~. abou l $6011. I>eell known· to Cllrit hOU HO Is H cit ed . Wllh u Hunl' or Int" Co IIS li~llti " aod with two Morgan . at. tho same tao get >:o me moner, and then he foond miss ", )J o~hi\:f! l r ,ami p~~rlll l,l~l,~!lt tlY. ion o f th e Le wl . a,nll 'Iurll ex po- 1I ' 'd wor l, SU tII \l I'ee l llhu vc tile g l·oa n d. til e at their Icl~ u rc, t ha n to he a dead ble i t was a goo!1 deal lik e two Uncle that ~Is watcll had beell 1.lnched , an d Q. Wlml IR 1-. 11 11 . (, ..,,1'\' 1 .o ~I( . . ltl OII, Is on e ot- th,} hl ggc~ t hoI' g row - , , J\ It i 0 Com l \,und ('onW III1t1H' !Joy ~ G~: :l 10 l be ocean, With Toms In an Uncle Tom's Cabin· show. the r';ngllsh man said b e would be good el's III th e W\!S\, II,! ~ aY5 th a t SUIlIU I he hops III'C 1.lI e(1 onw th is la ttice d cent of Ihe jlli"c oi '.'" " coi'J gl'np~~. 40It per ilX. 11001' t o II tlel Jth of t wo ( \~ l , an ti then er t.e n tHI'L'nKt. N1'IInie flsh and sea scrpen 18 Qusrrel- so rh,1 had to stay 111 his stat eroom 00 for It. and dad cam e out In th e 'calJln h011 yal'o s or, BUY , tl l'C lt c nlll~. hen lmg IUflue n~ or ,l' n IIcrc~, th ll furllace . Ul'" 5lurt : In g over the tender pieces In me, A accollnt of alclmesa , a good Ileal. ed a 1111 heal Is IIpon the i lll "" ~i Il M. ~ '! . hot the)' .enn do> an d wanted m e to h elp him lind t he lir e s at~s t, Il c ca u ~e tll el' are a \lt til ro. UIlllllfld . It tn l,c" t1 I I/I\"'~ to tlry msn told me, that It YO II smoke cigar · "Th en dllti got to wall'ln;; on deck Wld olY , 'cause he s ai d wh en s he tfll(j cell'" the tlt ei ,' wnl'k "" ."" I",!. 11.e \l rocc"~ I.• Wild· " , unl lua s lire, etlos Ilnd g et saturate d wi t h \llckolee o , and IlIrtlng with the temalo \laSilcn· her head 011 h is s hould e r. lo rellO l'er yard s. Ilotter IIU,mtlon. thu ll larse r bOI)':; p"')IU~rl }', n JlhYHIC, 1 t Ut !:;;ulp.lllt 1M us~d to un1l1w flnr th ' ugJt(,1 Ii.e lu,l ~'(J U h a \' c , 0\' ,,' 1' u sed, and YOU are d rownde d, the IIsh wl\l gers. Say, did you evcr see an old man [rom h er sl c l!l1C89, h o tolt n (umblln g utca :: h lhe pruduct, unll "UI'U m u st bo bUl h. (' 111 '\!" Confl l)1uthm, Itnl e l.ll~ry, 8t~Jm, t'x ucUy t ho I't~h t amo u ut, ne1 1 :\nd 110\\'d tl' ol~I ,lt~. sm ell of you: and tul'1l up t heir n08e~ who \UaA stuck all hl8self. and thoug b t aroun:! h Is vest, hut be lhou gb l II wa9 P eople III Orogoll tuil, In I rgo IIg· (a kun ll.. ,, ~t! ' ilt" 'III l-{ II I'lch . I I . t 1I Irui.)' grap e H.n·ur. II " plt'"slllIt alld so aWIlY and lea \-e your remalus , tbat oycry woman who looked a t him . nothin g bu t his stomach , b ll ~ now be 1I1'P'", llee8 n"C lilrl:e proll \ ~ aro not 1111- Sltlll I~ !lccc"~ar tI, Inl, . y a '" til ~ '" I," 10 A s " tnule i~ ;,. 1l11C''1 ,I, insllring Ih~ " " UII\' Th un e'l'eCur le ... ull e il< not s urpriHed 11lI .... o! tb o hll il I ~ lIot ItrOM en , liS iIO I tried a cigarette , and , gosb, bu t T trom curios ity, or beeausc h e h .... ,3 knew sbe had robbed hlm _ th u BY tom "~!Iin, ~ di '~".c> , 1\ $trclIgt itCnii bod to I' ~nrl III a cl\rcrull y writtoll a rtlclu 1II0~l"l\ luu\)l c h O}l Is .he v" ~ whlc had rather he et by fi sh than smoke wart on hIs n eck . and ,,'aleh him gc t " Say, dad a lld I loolced all over t!lat ll lij bu ild" III' wn , I·' t' ... "e , b a nolber, on an ocean Itcamer . It ollly busy making 'em bellel'e he 1$ a young boa t [o r th e wIdow . but s he s Imply liM , by 1111'. W , J . Cla rke. of C e rvlll ~, Uro· iJrol, 'U lbe lo" . t, h Q,\ .• ,,' hel'o C'I11 ) IIIII'H UI'llpe 'I.·Qnia • add e.i to my 81clmeSB , and I had anI! I!llteny thing, who Is Irrcslstl ble ? e\'a\lora lod, We landed s t Llver,poo l g~n. thaI HOme la..,; e 1IJrtllu o ~ hl\l'o lJeen 3 hop ),111'11 of UlD !'cr.c~ Y,Otll' ,I ,"~i t ell. it. 'r ho liolll.r I I tl I I cnoll gh before, Gee, but It makeR Ole tired . No man UlIl.l Erte rnoon, and dad wa lled for lhl 6honlrt n c l. on thc u,'era[:c, a llwllt of mal Lhe 50. 1\ I 1(1 11 ' u~ ln ' H>I " I""" II la ImlllC """tni ll" 0 '''''1/'Iy Illt'CO til1l"" "87 '0 , • $1 ' t "I k I It ludlls wldo cal1 Lr)' W:U; HLUI'1. Pf l 2;j y e a r':4 a go, nn. t ('cnl ff i1. t , '.v al lhe gang Illank, and said he ma8h, and make eyes. and ha,'e a ;'1 1,'8.yed BOme, wb e n tbe boat -slood · . ,0 -0 PCI' )'c" r . .' r. '- ur 'e l li H . g. 1I1 u l!Ia 1 . r lw fur th u pn,do'; t IIPl l ea .'~ (III Ii,~ )lead aod' plied liS all lip In the 10.,0 soone, when he bas -t o go to the woul1n' l do a l blDg to her. I guess nOI. Ul'cct lh at ' l h c ("''ONf ut a tell·ae r o 11 0 1. Oood fer 1Ii1,l n ~ "I" lrll..~n onllu I nllll'' ~"',~ ol ltc l'l", J\ 1'1'('(' I 111 ~ In n w I~ I , '~'~ fro n l cnd, but a chaIr struck me on thp. rail ~very few mlnutca and hump h l,3' "Some <l a y I'll . ell YOII It dad go l h l~ ~'nt'd, In c lud i ng COf$ t (I f la'u rl. b Ollhousu . t u bu ;u~ ~oull l o ,rtn y a ~ It ''''a M w h c u nlt1e\'f'1' 1I "'l-"{1 it, hl'C'i' '''''C W o 1 :lIt'l\\· I t Will lol(" ;.c nn(.l wire', h O}l r (,lot '3, !Jian l h.1g, U H! htt s iIlC~~H W ;I,~ III place where FUzslm mons hll Corbett. self w ith so mething In him tbat la money and wlltch baCk." addetl t ho il ~ i ut a rll'Y 111 th e cure YC'Il, ___ _ _ _. , and knocked tha prayer all, Ollt ot Ule. koocldn g nt the' door ot bls palate, tIJ Bart Dol'. giving t he doo a parllll" Ide l ~Ulth';_' tfllg n od lwiuin ft, rU T' U \' LJ ),canl. Ilorth wc~l. ""tit lall :"I JIIII ! , ~h.: ul~n' - - - ----- '1f!.. 1ot<l5 ," II) nm '.I" t to · _",'.>;;0, I I!" t-''' \I''OIl ~ ~ vl ll th eIr l:ro)) 111 1' u · h '~ 11 II , .t!. cen l!! and Vlh en tbe bbat slood on her butt as he '~c nt ou t. I '~~ FHEI': nOl"l'LE • ~ s how a pronl ot 8 .CI' t.e r ( " lll, ~ It wouli 1 I [ J end and we all . slid bacl. t he whole SCII" th izl \.' 0 11 11001' wit;, WHIr n n 11lP an~ l l a l'liU lld , An n!'i ,'4J f ' , ~lt 1111 U , 10 1• nd t.l "{,AAflll d,l tt'l!o;:l ... t ',~I,I :'IIl \' . f\lrtJ(n: ... bott1c 3 pp eal' th li t 3n occa Sio n a l ! m'~ IJlI ~ hl ' g l'u wc r , Why M en Die Fast. Je·o glll of the cabin, RIlII I brought liP I'l'C ' n Uy .I Hl ~ h een ! tu m 'el . o f Mllll '!C r,;r;lIJc T OIlIC l ur Stulmu: h Cl nt.1 un ite r tbe plaoo, r f ri ed to sIng a Col. Bent ~Iurao ck. whl) I" a goo ~ be stl ~lni u Otl by on o who 1I :1<i l' 1' Il u rmul II wh ldl 'IAl'l'e d ltl IUJO ! th " coming ll c'''C' I,a In ~ " j, ' I t .Mn , I :~ 01:,\ 1'1: 'l'1i~J(' (", • l li 1'hit'" Avo" IIvel' himself. has lI' t any IYlllllatl lywl,: lI cl r cuin s t nIlces Is mald n ;.; SI ll !o.' l' CC!~ t. ('H'II ~lIHI h o ld it 1,01' hym n. Bueb 8JI I u8(>d to In t he 'Ploco· a :, ' ccnl mariO . " ,01'1 .. It"lltllul. l ll. ).al chOIr, before ill Y voice cbanged , ' the high Hver who goes 10 rack , So., 0 11 h is il1V I!SllUcn t. Th e u ' l sLa l ,lI!f y 0 1 lIl '! mUI',l{ et 111 past Oi l" l:ull ..l iN,,, .. ,,, n ll/j 1I'I'UI'! "'IIII,lfl, called big me ll-state smen. warriors , b ut tho pas8eng ers who '!I'ere alive Hop cult u re In OI'C"go n io.t cr n t l' r c c.J \' CU. f~ has been t h e (: h l " l (lIl1lctl llY 'f- he SI.Cd \.IuttIe c01l\t\i n ft nC;l rly,h rec l lmi:iI professi onal anll hllsln ess mcn-go a ll lurgely In th e W lll a Rl NIl' \'t1 1l1' Y. l lml h"I' l'ai:5cr~ ha n! lI ill l If! tl ual Willi, yell ed for !lOme 000 to c hoke me, and 1!1I· 50c ,.i 1.I:', .1\ 1 ~l rll ~stllr"A. a cultl lh I d ltiri'l sing Bny more. ls. It I S lI1UII ~ ItI , WH\-' \\'11 1 bn • 0 ple c~s In an hour," sa )'s he. And th~ region whI ch was II,··. r" rlH l'll LJ y I)... TI,,' t: l'1I1I1IW 11 ,1," ;\ d ,l t \.! rll llt lIu m her wby aud tb e ' whereto r e? Th ey know . McLolI g hlin. (If th c III1U 9 0U ' " l\a y cI' m- a-Ytlldcd, In I>W:" w h e: 1 O l' t',g-IJII ~I'o\\' , "Dall wae In tbe s tateroom wbe n !l tlllll jl '/l (\\1 th e labd - tukt 110 lItb er froR) e r..: nHlI ' li {' h :i\ :J~l .rl ll ll hai l'S or 1101':-;, lh l." Y We Imow. Ever ybody knows. and ye t pa ny, berol'<' MO I'c u" \\' hlil/l ull Il'd we were roiling back and fortb In lhe your dru~~h· ', hl~ ~'rabln , and belwee~ slckness eB be came nobody are8. The world saY8. let them bnnu of ml s"lollllrl ,,:' 8e ro"s Ih InUUD We l't' l o rf 't' ,) to st! 1l at p:"i('l' ~ \'arY Il1 ;'; . _ --,-II'UI1I ~ lu 11 n' n t~ a, lI' lIlIl !t. a nd die, lhel'e lire pl enty letl , The fIlan It ho tnh1 5 out to catch me an<l ·tak e me Into t be TIll' \\"'·teflt f llrlrH"J' whtl c':Jt1n ut move .. Bnd w h ich 0 \'o r ' 11\ ::" (' liu :{ h ce ll r ca ll z\" jl 11t111' pr oHl. :.:. ,; I til' Cu ,S( . uf t,i:- l ' l np 1 d ro l l": tHl t 11""I.llil'. s tulrs IJke a pi g, drink s \lite a Os h and u n o of 8tateMo m, but be got tile rolllug bablt, II ~ I eep .... th e W(Hler s 01 0 ... 1 I)lu ll tlt : __l g ri · (.' lIi tt\' .Jll (1II i,l lIt! nl:l r l;: I' IIII~ IS ahfJ ut 111 1'0 1'1'01':: .11 I., l l' h' :Inl l h'm] ", tli ~ 1 1I t •• loafs IIIle a hobo will collal)Se, Th e man cul t u ral too, and he rolled a match with an 1111' II" g~, r cgio nt;, Tlu 'll lit' II ',I \' ,'!'! tIlt' h UCA .Marion (·Ot ltlly. L' lg tll ( 'IIt ~ f ol' CV I'I ), lIol1l1t1 who lives fast dl e~ fs st. No gell ingol'cr Or€'go Ilctre.,~ wbo wall "oYllgln g for her l 'hll:.d,·III :II,1 1"' l lI i l '!'I' , n , i tl 1I 1f.,' lJl~art o~ ~h l ~ n ... ~ IOIl , I S Ilfjl) ~ r Cf) lit .....! a : ~ n 'u t II"al o f aLton .. that proposl1 lon _ While the a ile Wlltl th o lJann heal t b , and tbey got otrlllly mlIed up .. e l' hOI) cOllntr y u t r Iw \ l u lled tiu lI , a wl I' ll tJII ,~; :.1('('0 11 111 I h I.! ~,mall lives rallonal l y, sanely, IIY es long an,1 Stot<?s (He t.ned to resoue her, and grabbed SCREAMED AT NIOHT . , lIt' llt in fln n lll ), ~Il lft I tHo: fJuau, g l·O W l.' f .... J."'i a g ! !lt l' la J Ih lli . l lRV O dies slowly alld peaceful l y. Too m a ny hold of her· belt aod was reeling her o tity 'of hUll S I,r oduccd , n"ll~ l.(I , III (H L' 1)U1I1I(\ ...; Ill' l own' [, tn n Bnb y Scrnt~hct1 Unt il Fne" ~a people are burning the candlo Ilt bor b In /III right, wh en a man who Bald h e s Raw Thel'e E',r c lWO J u n tl ~ ~l r ~ il III th e I hu ::;e who fm vu ~IJII l' Ili lo t tl :'" hll t-ii n l! s:{ ends. Bu t thel1 wHy IlTcac h. why prll.te, W8lI h er huaband took dad by tbe neelc a nd nl e ed i n g~E t;!z e.n a Cured va rl ey i n w hlcb bo ps a r .! c;rowl..I . lIl l'" IlII n IUI' '.!.c r s(:ule . wh " ' y iloI'" r erer to It? .Thcy are nol mi ssed anl1 ru ld be must keell his haods olr,or 1'\lt lllt Pd o~ , l;y Cu t lc!,,'t\, upla nds a nd th e r iver l .otlO t1l 'S. lI!l tl u mp ll''' ma\, II lit hv t n lH' 1I I II pro\'!.! a and there woullt be no place for .h em get "'lother 008e pUl on besi de the TOO K DAD B); THE both h a\'c th e! 1' a dn\nl. ag P C5 , OAT COl.l..A1 t Th t' j{ClI c ral fi lll lt 'lIH:! lI l , t;U Il It ' ur IIII'm a re s hould the)' come bnd;,-I {a ll sns Cit, one bi had, and then they all rolled " I'llI' o\'\' r t\\'o ,\l" I\ " W ,\' l il l ~l' IlaLy g'" A:-;D AlADE HIM Qt: IT, rI ve r lJol lo m ~, "'hih.! l1H.'Y [ll' ur lu CC pCI" IlIt (' I' t's tifl~ a ~ IJI 'o viu h wll11l ni H h o 8111l cl'l' d wi t h 1\ I ll\\'. il.l ll ill g Bud p ainful Journal. under a sofa, and bow It ca me au t I hO I"3 50 p er cent. nittI" como Pll t the game way H went III. Dad C~' I"Cl lla lhl 111' 1' II ~a o.l II tHl ian", lIn! p:uu hnp~ 1 1J th e limit.' II I I hl ~ g r ea t IUfl tI o r (h' I" ~o n hy doo 't k now, but tbe nOIl morning dad' , l',IU ",I' Ig. h~ 1 111 ::l I' C; I"1 ~ Ia " nml n igli lo 1I 1,h ac)'{', "'ft.·c Dot SQ r £l' i!o iJ k , a s rilC Y u :'('r '/II1 {'n w ho urc found a widow woman who lo ol,etl l Adnpta blllty of th o Jail •. . {'a l':lhl e a lld Jl ld . l3 l r if)lI S eye was blacked, and tho te llow who Ill: wif.: .'oulll )!ct. l : q I't' '' t. \\ 'c l J'ic,~ ,"~ back a t him kind DC sassy. when b e Wh en Lord Elgi n vlslteo J allall tnd flo w every .yell l', llu d lh e rup . ,'l ~ ll lJJ ect l.a ;, 1 v ea l 11 .I Oltf\ ltl lf'iillt' i", . 1' Hol em , l'l',d llrot·tlJ l MI hu, '.\ Idl l1 n\. :-. I1 Ct' (' ''':l J lnles\."4 sl114 h~ was her husband had his fron t tom o ldnnn th c 3 tti\('I, RUf h'')j d l (' ;'), wh ii o r~lh., c :1 ~ 1 , H·; pou l1f l~ or Ill',':" Irom n I'·t· !a",L 1\1'1' !t illitl i I it:d hil, ' \\'lIuld scrl\kh teel h knocked ou t , Ilnd the a ct ress lost bracllil III' to her. and w.hen tho ~ hlp Insl8tcd on maillog tho Sh O·,,1I1I Il prC1ellt 1lp'ltl1er of Ih (lsc da ngcni "uiI'lps t h o ; 1:': ':H'I'\' h ~ til l ;1 J~c,' f ;I\'e \\'a -li lil;", I'a\\' hc..·f. One roll ed and slde·step ped , he tooll hold at. yaclll alld also In COlli'! 1I ya rd. Ull U\, l'r U~ [ ' or ~ , GG; : of s Isted o ~ nrrangher bnck hslr and bad to " 'ear a " Ilk l 'llt it' tIl'u ~tlll P u llll I WII lJ o,~e:.l ()f ru nn wll0 grows h i!' ho ,\!"~ IJn t hl! up, ! puu nd ., PCI' ac.:ro, of he r arm lo steady her, and she s aid Ing a t r ea ty vd th him Wh H.' h u l :!~, I.L' n ls n '(:UI' t\ O iut IIlt'IIt r" lU jllt,tc l:; cm '("o(i Cutj· handll erchlof li ed arollnd her head the all bp-halt at En g· lIe l· . 1RIHi.", , mayhe" they beller sit down on deck land. h e lI oled l b e Spra:rin g t wo or l hrc thn c ... a pou nd u"CJt!ght him cxtrao rdlnsr) thh·~ t I'est ot the trip. and she 100kOO like a S:, ';';'! 1; 11 (I f' 1' a cre ; hClil w:C: IWI' flh..'O \ \'Illall ll 1ual'k, U l' hl~ltt, yoa l' l~ , ho ,,,' ev er, c OIH.. l'l ~ l't' d aod mlk It over, 10 dad (OIlO (), a cou ple (or Imowled ge anu n(:cr>s' R . J1, t:oo),,'l'r, un th e ~a n ll' ar.I'c uge. Is lt , t ~iJ:u('tl) \\ ', ,J. 1\\ ~1'gI\ll, Ol'rli-lt'fr hired girl who bas been ,ollt to a dance qul cklless III learn. T uwlI, l\:!' \\' L nmblu li. ~ tJ lr :nll i b \\r:ttc ~. sa l'), 10 In sll re tho crOll il ga :Il 'H Ila n · .-cu ll1. " tl ~l:II at st ~a mer chairs that were 1I0l In use, Ing whleb dl Rtln'gul 'I,~~ p<'r a c r,,: A _ 1'. Vll't cit. .\ Ustl'iil in." s h tht: .lafdJles tl. " The trouble wllh dad Is lha t he o r , .::111 1 -t ac r es, r aJ cd ho m; w;·:IC'h .. - .blltte In too mu ch. He thinks he Is and Ihoy sat down near together . and Wi thin a week a I'aw Japan ese crl>IV h all Gel' f rom peSI !3 , dad toolc hold or her hand to BCO It learned how to manage HO[lz a r c lliuntcti H.m . wllAt nfl c r lIlu rlw t L'd rol' ~ A l(1uucl' hun1.1 Itut ~ll jlic ro l' W$ r.i 'LiM ~ , ~IJ" , the "')1018 thlDg and thinks every the or • Ill' In ,.,,; o,' shC lgun'j\ s erowd he leea' Is a demons tration for he \l'IlS· n ervous, Ilnd he .Iold me 'J new yacht. Tb e JapaneJ e comm l.sloll- the manlle l' of c orn . cxc"l' tilal tile I\To\\'l' r 5. "r e h ~ Drnth c r", ,. I ~ miles ftt.t, ol hel'wi .. c he IIIU .\ ' ue h h~ 'I ~n [1'01\ 1 h i. {"l1owt;' I':o 11Y Ih(' C II I \~,d ll l' e C)! lo ur ~ur th ,­ coull\ go and play mumbl p.ty peg In the era even took pains to Imltllt1' lhe hill s nrc e ight fe('t 8PoHi ea c h way . from SIlI I'II)' rel10 rt Ihut thry sccllre Celltur)" 'llllO. Wben t he ateamer left Ne'l\" York, cabin. snd , I weo t In t be cahlo and cheers which tbelr gUestll there were hundred s of people on the ga\'e after din- In planting, a s1l p ~ i x i"ch cs lOllS, an nually 1 ,9UU Jlo lIl"l ~ W'· ' \(lI'1I from lookell out of the window at dad aod Der 'Wben tbe Queeo'. h ealth II' IUI drullk, taken l mm /I ,·ln4.': i; h:lI'lzll i n the • b II' yard ?[ !!~4 a <:re:.. This, at 25 .ouk to eee friends off, and th•• ' bait · tbe ..,Idow: S,y, yOU wouldn' t thlDk aa BOOIl . . they understo now~ to preunt to the frlenda, ault od thllt "wheD ground' in pl nce or s ccll. The bops a rc cell ls /l IlV lllld . brloga tbem ,S5G,OOO, two chalrl muld eet 10 eloee, and· 4ad 'au II! tba welt wli b to honor IIlJtrtlOl l trained ei th er on IlOl cs. as ,is !he eu ~· 01'. IIII0wlog e'l- bt c e nl ~ a pOnnd for 1&4 ~ught U.a" 'l\"VS aU tor hllO, ud eapeclal ly, you roar and abollt af~er ),0111' .om In lit e eas t. o r on. a tr e llis ar· ra l9! ng, gives thell) a ne t pront at , S~8,. U rer.be4 for .,.ry bllDClb _at ' - 11''' slIre 10.... Ilok, and 10 w. . .b e. range ment. wblch _Is .~altl to ~ bellOf GSa, 01' abOl\t 'IUi 'ru. d!lr.rallo e '~&""Il 10.... ~lelL alld lllea1a.'':'' --..r "'!, ~ per acr e. . " Ia Lb. Ion, mil, but 100re e~ pca.t.... w: ... llP.

SUCG~~,fur 'liIop.i Growing

in the Sta te of ,O reg on ~

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LOCA L AND ' Mr: and Mrs. . PERSONAL MENTION J. Q., Peterson





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ConJa n(,t reoogni ~ hll frlenda flOrOIl4 the,8're et. ,Why not all Chapm~n? " , L Mr. Werter :P :' MoKay Xenia _ . ' , Wayne sville Is peoulhn lu Unvlng -O ' Go t<l 8ohwar tz's for ~rbg8. Exper,t · Optlolall8, of DArton, a 'street" , o ne. sq_re of whioh IIlI " .says : " known by one name Ilnd tbe l'BmILin· Ohio. My leQ8'e s fitted by Mr. and Mrs. UNDE RUllS BEGAU Albino h,'lour 60 cents a sllck. . SE HE. . der by !luothe r title, w TM ' treet . '. Peterso n 'give suoh perfeot r6llt and . UNDER'BUYS Don't, fjill 'to ~~t your ehare f . beiJlns 'oppos1 tetbe r~ldenoe ()f Joel ill be at the (lulltln Hotel, satlsfao tlcln 'that I wouid not . take the bargRln8 this week and next Waynes ville, Ohio, for tbreo ./ilvan8 on Ml\io street and runs west {lRV~J t60 at John A. FunkllY's BuUdlng Sale. Oot. :10, 31 lI.,n d No·v. 1st. Every tb ' f Or tlr'enll'f I .c~n lel' no t rllp 1 to StIth street: .From . Mill,,· ~o ace " , Mra . Rhettll. Hopkin s, of Behnoilt., 30 dRYS thereaf ter giving free Ifhlrd, a distano e or one ~quare, it ,c; .V', ' MuBon, forincuiY in tb e y . Vision ,dboth ex. e m , 80 or .m near . nellr Dllyt()n, is spendin g n week IIminat ion of the eyes. Is k1;l0wn IlS Tyler ,st'reet The gmoery busin e~ d iu Wllyne svllle. an d f ar ts muoh IlDl)rovo . '. 'With her sl~ter. Mrs. J. G. Keys, lit remain der of the thoroug bfll,re being bUll r ee ntly b ,"gQt a grocery 01) A commo n s"'nse tal. II.bout t,be l:ltrabls[Dus or crossooeyeli IS 001\1 · West. 'rhird st!tlflt , .D1tyton . W aynesv i'11 e . called Oha.pman stree~. . Ith ah I'ld ' AyO d 11 Imos t 1 nd I... .•• d 0..,f ec t'·s an d h " t 0 mon • w v a ren , lin This 8urplus of names hl\8 been II ow , ' 120 sheets of good wrltlDg paper remedy them. ' the cause of some confusi , way~ .results froUl hyperm etropia ospeo· LII ter rt'portP ' from the beds1de ot " at.J. E. Jnnney 's for only 150. lally,to Rtrange rs oomlngou. t,o town, Mr ..John W . Shorlmt\ker, All persons who su1l'er with head. If that be rproper ly 8prtn):!'. vnth Me8!lr8 Roy and John Ohono· aohe may rest d88ured that and It has been suggest ed thllt t11e field, are til t he pffeot thatof deleo . glasses the Qrosslld oondltlo n wlll he Is rap. • Tyler be droppe d and the entire jdly . buc mlng weaker , and his wetb, of tho Bellbro ok pike, are tive eyesigh t il! the OIluse of aliout disappe ar, and the general health pl8llsllntly employed in a large pllper , strTeflhte beeh~tlglleedlnCthhaePn~alnne' 'OOUld be friends en tert•.t n ve!'y grll ve fea ra improv e. . mill at RtttlUllIJ, Wayne county. four caaes out of five. HyperDle- 1M ~ for the OUtcOUl tl in his oR~e. ~ fOod I d , "" ,. made by the village Counoil, and ns ';ve'reg rut 'that Mrs. J. G. Keys' tropia or farsigh t Is the prlnciP lll 1 ;:~ money ~:UI~iJ :uy :h~' I::::~ We have now on sale 1.000 Pulr !::a~;rt~:ld :!::V~d:~:~)h~~:e~ , hllllith does not. Iml.'rove a,s her caWle of conata n' headaoh Wnrren oonnty friends hav e!! . A that ha ve helped my little dauj.(ht ur of Men'a Heayy. friends wished It mll~ht after the hyperm etroplo Oordur oy Pa,nts drop the Tyler . eye is inl!uffioient oalved word of the death of Mr. ' the SRme quality that ususl1y reo herolo treatme nt she reoelved in the either lu its length or in the I>owolr ' Florenc e (4 years old) so muoh, I tails for 12.00 and'2.2 Morriso n, o.f ~Intn Maria, IJallfor. Davlon ellolttlriuln last sprlDg. 1l : · We bought of'ts f t' Obitu ary edl h ' 11 nlll, whloh ocourre d OotQber 6. lun deeply gratefu l to Mr. P eterson them at a low price nnd ~'rs Loui@ aWOO HeYhl lSbeen lthrefr ao!nR bmt11 a,wloO you'll get Mrs. Morrison WIIS bufo're lier mllr· lldus·M rs. F . A. Wise, of Osgood Ind ., them at low price'. ... . Now 'L 60 ocus.o e rown towllr a Otis Pleasan t West scoond son of riage MiRS Vln". Cll r mK n and lpendin g a few "peks In Lebauo n es I e be" ---moved . ' says : d with her daughtl ir. Mrs.. Ha rry po nt ,' mnd the retlnn, Gold Bound Coupon s with Ilil ' Mar tlu ilL from J!'erry t~bou t , au Hattie West, wa s b.or n ttol I Cn,lIforn retlu.l,t ln g Well , Dr. yeur lenses worked Puroha t fi h ses. h ltb , in a oonstan t IItrai Decemb er 7, 190~, nnd depllrto d . ) r y ve yeurA ugo. th I WRiter, W ,!Be ea IS very . n upon e C1 IR.ry wonder s wtt.h my little girl (3y' this sbort hfe nCter tbree weeks ill· muoh Impaire d. - ---n88S, or aooomo dation musole s nnd years) did n 't they Ootol,er 20, 1005. ,Just R·t the r'nyton 1° s--d nerves wearin g th d not l d I. I would lI a e of ten m"nths anll • J . Tf' Liddy d ' of JJ , t.hirtee ... ; ~ n t ~Il' , S . em · an u uru \hllVe believed it. .D~ a ew ny!! nmong • nynesv e affectin g what CUr~' Colda. Croupaad wh't;pla r COI1lh. days he bllde farewel l to parents IS known ns t.he , . 11,tiOO Pair of Boys' Cordur oy Knee and fneD~8. loved ones to rest boslde his third nerve or motor oculi. and If YOU don t" Ju~t d rop . hl. 1 II II Pnuts. Why ,,0 else~hero an(l POly dear little brother , Chllrlell Glad Remem ber the weatbe r will not through sympa 'hy oauslng extrem e postlll CIIrd nnu luqulre about 1 t. tiOo for the slime kind ? beas nioe al\ winter as it Is now, @o disorde r In the whole ne rvous mllU, who ht\d renohed thl\-t blessed 8 S. All l:itylo8 of Ey eglassos. ZIMM ERM AN'8 . bring the bRby In next Baturd ar tem Gold Bonel Coupon s with all Pur. nbode" bout two year!! ago. . y "So EASY" Most Stylish , ComfQrt. ohases. IUId have Its ploture taken at Spahr s This lovely bud . so youug n' u d fulr, able und t:lafest Eyeglas s on the Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Harian , of By the use of the lenses Called hence by early dooDl New Goo ds. CentervlllA spent Friday most hap. ground and fiUed, the eye properl y market Just came to show hmv s weot n. is made il" with 'their relative s, Mr, and art!1l.clal1y perfect ,and the Imap:e is SBTJRO N, FlNIS Hower P " H- IN FAOT ALL Men's Heavy Fleeced Lined Under. NflW Buokwh eat In Paradis S:woul d bloom. Mrs. Wm. J. Collett, on the Har· thrown upon the retina I ,vlthou t FITTINGS. E're Bin could harm New P IlD C,~ko Flours or sorrow fnde, wellr-e qUIII to the best veysbu rg pike. 500 Und er. Dooth came with friendly care strain upon the oilll!~y l1)usolell, New Bro\lkf ust Foods PRICE::; REASO N ABLE ' wear you ever ,bought . The opening bud to hellven oonvey eu Protect yOll1'86lf agalll8t aoolden ts just as In tho perfeot eye. This New Raisins re o Two yeus guaran teu oll.eve ry set. I Gold Bond Coupon s with by: Insurirl g with Fred B. Sherwo od. moves the oause and at once all Pur. And bade It bl0880m there . New Pruoes over. H om Agent; Issuing aooident polioies for R 1000 ohase". . Two little angels now on high New Dried Penohe s . . ome ce oom the 1Etna Insuran ce Co. comes the headaoh e, dlzzlDes~, ex· . U . B. BUilding. They hand lD hand togethe r rORm New Aprioot s. Two links now bind us to the ttky, Mrt. Eva Barger started to Chi. ~88ive wl~king, waterin g of the Pubii ~ Sales cago, Monday , where she will spend eye, trembli ng spells ,!lnd it~blng " 'l'wo IlIlgers beckon us to oome, of New Navy Bean8 . ' 500 Pair ' of Men's Helivy Weight , Lord, give us strengt h, the winter .with her slater, Mrs , the lids . our lOllS to Ne.w Fln-ke Hominy I will offer at pubhc Mle at my Da.rk Color. HlllrJine Pants. Every. i'rank Horme ll. Anothe r oommo n defect is astlg. residen ce 2 miles \vest of Ferry bear, ' New Oraolte d Hominy on I pair g narante ed not to rip: And lead us . in t·he Hooven ly WilY ' Social Row, and " mUes south of ' Do not fall to hear Dr. WIlUtts ' matiem , In whloh the eye New Corn Meal '. Oh t May Is not Centerv ille we meet our ohlldre n I Hold Bond Coupon s with . all Por. &d Kidney Beuns. at I3ohool HaU, Tuesda y evening , equally curved in all meridia there . ns 110 THUR sDA\' NOVEMBER 2 1906 oha es. ~ov. 7. Tlokets on sale at Jftnney 's th~t the foous is not perfect Tn realms of e'l'erlas tlog. day. on ' the 2 horaes, one a general p~rpos~ J Saturd ay, Octobe r 28, at 8 a. m. Servicell were held at his plll-entlil retlOa. horse, one good work horse; 2 mUoh ! Flluoy Florid" Orange s • home Saturd ay at S 0 'clook by' Rev. I M18II'A nna Thomso n, of the Leba. , HendaohesOllWled by a.tlRmR Fllnoy Eutlng Apples Benjam tlsm in' Hawkin cows, wll s. be fresh In the spring; a iSpeolnl selli non pike, went to Dayton f M 'N Bananl l', Lemon8. F II Interm ent In Fernoll ft' Cemlltery, ay, usually begin wUh shootln a .... Ins 3 year old rod pOlled bull o where .he entered JacobsSaturd fat enOUgh,' S ft d StiffiJH •• eyn a eW /I, Springf ield, OhiO, Bl1IIinll88' ""to butohe r; 36 head of hogs, Mondo~ at ten three 0 an ld College &8 a student Monda y morn., In the baok of the, eyell whloh , a.... ou oou not -" fin. brood sows , 18 fall pigs and ' 15 mntoh. thes~!.Iat8 'ft~. anywhe re else for o''R~~~il!h to thank our friends and . . ally reaches ihe top and baok of-the --. spring pigs; a large lot of fllrmln g lel!8 than ardO ans . .,0 to 12,00. I Bon. John III. Pa.Uleon, Democ rat. head, extend down baok 01 the neighbo rs wbo so tenderl y and wll. 25 lbs ' Ga,na only 26c . neok mpleme ntB, conslstl ug in part of R Gold Bond Coupon s with all Pur. lIngly 'stood by us In t11e berea yo, ie candida te 'tor Govern or of Ohio, to the shoulde rs and freque • poke In Lebano n Monda'" night teot the spine 80 t .... t p' ntl, af. roller, riding ;Kr!'us cllltiva tor, 5· ohu~es. 60 tbe. Oanl' onl~ 400 . ment of. our dear little one . h I I oultlva tor, 2 wheu~ drll~s, one " UQ ys oanll boed of which hail II. HOOSier fertilize r MR AND ....88. M'ASTlli ,WEST and II. numbe r of penoDII from this diagno le the case &8 Iplnal ~ trouble . attachm ent· 2 harrow s corn pllntFrellh Hul riDl Qre . ' ,"oinity went down to hear him. Pl", .. a t o' Gat Rioh Other sympto ns ofaeiig ma'tlsm Ilr, a sled oo;:n outter ; hay lad\lerl! , 2,000 Boys' Caps Al~DO Flour. 60 cents a sack. and Olrls' New are often ' fru8t-rllted by sudde~ are, a I6nilatl on 8S of hair pulling , OYS TER S 1dIIII Grace ZeD!.daught er of Mr. IIOren8118 of the scalp and dlzzlne8 , gravel bed, 21 hor8~ sle!gb, 2 1;Ireak. Thms. They were made to soli fo:r breakdo wn, due to dyspep sia or oon. 8 Ing up plowa, a furroW ing ' out plow, 500. Ora For spot OMb we seoured stlpatio n. BrliOO up ' and take and lin,. Walter Ulll, of Indtaua po- elp80la lly upon turni tb nbe rrie s. Dr. h d '2 double sho~el plows, a set of Rood tbem at our lie, aooom:panled Mr. and Mrs. J . Eo own price. Now they'll Ring's New Life Pills, Thoy tnke ng , e ea . . work harness , O~le a spring r¥ wagon ~le, go for 230. Janoey home frOm their 'automo blle Those who suffer from . out the ma.teria ls whloh are .910g. a allcht 8&\l8Ilge grillder and many other trip $hroq h Indiana; and rem~ned degree of aatlgm ' ' glng' your enllrglell, ilnd give you a atlsm experle noe artloles . A1Ko househ old furnl~ure, C:loli1 Bond Coupon s with all Pur. new 8hu·t. &8 their lf1leet . here from Friday muoh tronble . . . . . . . . · FOR ure headac he and dll'l' fn reading or doing Inoludi ng 3 heating stoVtlll, one un untU Monda ". zlness too. ' 1 ~. . .~EOOS At Louis Hay's drug . Estate Oak, 1I~ COOII: stove, a ooal 011 " 0 ose work more than thirty etore 250 gn&r~nteed Wan &ed-A whesl ohair. Apply utes with out vision blurIug, mlu· stuve ' 2 cupboa rds an extensi on ; 'J ~ . letters table,' 50 Ylirds of cmrpet. 26 yards' Get 'th(l Hllblt, go to :. at Frlenda Ho~e: t3lok headac he ill oaused by II. dbl . or lines of type l'unnlog t-ogether, of matting , ohurn aoll oream si!pa. We olosed out 500 Sults from a ordered ' oo~dlt'on of the stomao h Mn. D. L . Crane and UUJe eon and becomi ng more or 2jlM MER -MAN 'S mixed rator. a largel lot of dlshtlS, a. Singer Roches ter N. Y ., clot!Jlng mllP' and i8 qllio~lY' oured by Cham'be Ethan are, visiting their relative e, catlSln .. eXOO88ive winkin g or waie r~ . sewing maobin~ , folding lonnge, · )'Ilf8lntl~""'r at15 Mr. and Hr•. J. B . COleman. Mr. ' OfOou ree oent less tnan the lain's Stomac h and 'Liver Table ~t!. " CraBB was aleo here ·for a few days, ing of the eyes with , perhaps r 'oouoh: a laJ;'ge lot of old Iron. prloe. ' We'll pass For sal~ y LOnls May. . a , MM. CoRNELL SQUlREil. ,but retome,d to,hill home in SpnnS ' IIUghtly im1lamed cotIditlon 10,t of n ~" Fan and WlIlter , of the A. A. . auction eer. the people at price that will !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!! fleld;1m Tliursd ay. lielll, and. a bloodaho eyebaU. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!! JerlY any mau who oares to J. K. BiMt U4 eon'C:.'nrt, ~ Cor· All tbeee troubl.)~'be entl~y I ~i11 lIell',t la lind tl3-Get •. A Good PJaoe'c o Bu; - ~ood :Watches wtn,h8 dth8 .Dli!Mure of entart& ln· remove cHlyw _rina& proper, lng three of hit auntl, from Mon-, rectlon <if 18D8e8, and withou . COT· of.Reb'eooa'~~~o~~i~ ~:!~ ~ t the TU~D A11" 31, ~ ..~)"..s.tarday of last . week; P-n· Magazi nes t'd ' • • . beg'tnning at 1 o'olOCk P m Jewelry 'l'hey ' were, :Mra. Rynen on, of uee 0 rngs or surpry . . Boo WATOH MAKE R & ,JEWE LER. ' Silverw are llureaud , a table la~ge dining Ph!~aPhs ro~~~~f~r:~~ie ~7ia!':a'Wd HERE ARE .SOME WHO KNOW . table, breakfal!tt-ablt", W AYlflt8VlLLB, OHIO. Sewing MllChlD1!S kltcben table, and Record s Watch, «'-'look & ' Jewe1ry Repairi ng., 8eW1~ee~~~hIUe $ I d~Rl!lADWHATTBEYSAY. err, 0f 'New .MlJkIl, two~t&n dt!,fou n na rgoodro . alrs, , six cane seat obal", IItIokingoh iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;i.;iiiiiiiiiiiii;.i;iiiiiiiiiiiii>ioiiiiiioi;;;;__ split bottom selling ' of Childre n '8 ' Knee, ' ;;;;;;;iiiiiii :.. John 'A. Funkey wanta flveryone Osgood , Ind. Mr. andlks . Peterao n ohalrs; wtndllor ~ltalrs, t\Vo good to calUbl l, and next week to get -Befor e nalng your glaeses Sulh. Truly worth and 801d !!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!~'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!-!!!''!!!!!!!'!!!!~!!!! I slif bedstea dll,ol1e lounge, one large for not- lea than !!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~!\!.!!!!!!!:_~ P.1I0. See these barsaln s,. Remem ber, thil! II a fered with headao he all the ,~ ~~ toroed and Bnildin g Sale; barpln a Illy eyebal h ached IUId th tilDe. loath.,r bed, with , bolsfieJ' and pil· lluitll. 'You'll ' buy one sure, Now aharp lows, one medium tlize 'heatlog stove f1 .75 BO in every departm ent, The greatee , ' . ~y (coal) a oook stove and out ill Ih088 ever known, 8h088 pain IUId throbbi ng in my e G Id &, d Co i h 11 Pur temple,s pair of bress andiron !' utensils two ' Oha:. n upona w t a BQote and Rubbe n are ill $he con· was really die'resl ' . ling. I often had hoards, about fiftv yard!! 'of . . tractor '. W!'y. COme at once, you very severe liok headaoh '. es also. ~rpet, twentY ,yard!! rllg We give Gold Bond Coupon s W'lth will lave money. Wben I trl~ to sew or read every- looking gtUlel!, ,It tOIlet every 100 purch&lle. Wben 250 Throq h an oven!g ht, the follow. :thin 1 ked led ' bl ed \!opper kettle" lotof tablewlLrDof ing arttoles were omitted .from the ' g 00 areopll eoted.y ouo"n have m x up or urr kinds, two table· lamps, tonr ,~ l&1e bill. adverti lltng the .le of of ,hundre ds, of magnl! l' Your correct ion for fllr Sighted tubs; new scoop shovel, I18nd . , ahovltl oentPr emjum . whloh are now on effects of the late Lydia Daniel: n888 .haa put an end to a1) my 'troub ~d post hole digger ; al80 many ~xhlb.l~ ~n .t he ~ond Floor Lot of fenoe ploketa , blue"fta me t;wo 1901\ I haven't had at f40se "n aohe .or ot;~er artlcl81 not bere mentio ned. Cohen s. " burner 9U 8tove, .spade and potato parn in my head and reRdiog ' .every. f fhese · goods " haodve beerdn well f • gri d 8to d Ood 0 let . or an d Ilre i n 80 0 er: " ollred 'Alh'heeenartioi:~!' good: :'di: thing ehO~8 up ,olear and dlstino t. A. 'D, .OIIAN AaTl!r,; tlon. ' , . 1, the momen t 1 glanoe \it it nnd I With will IIDDI!Xed DLER, . . ' f of Lydia. Daniel, can work any length of time WIth deoeased. A new line of tine box papers at · ttl i ' low figures at J. E. Janney 'e. . C. T . HAWKIC, Auotion eer. au r .n/l my eyes. ~liiNII5HliNi~~ ; ____ ~. M E II G S In You have the privileg e of using On the Allen HI\ines fllrm, four OfOP us poskl oard and we ·~m Vall!:;: e:t!r~~n~:g~:::~!~ o~ my name if It will be of any 1l8O to milea north of Wllyne svllle, and a mal) toyon an illustra ted Catalog ue youn 'people Saliurdll.v evening In you. mile east of Ferry, giving yon valuabl e Inform ation oomp'lm eDt co her lIOn and daugh. Gratefu lly youn, WEDN ESDAY , NOVEM BER 1, ana .explal nlng the (lold Bond ter.ln.l awMr.a ndMrs. AAron Gregg ,, Mre~rtle Reynol ds beginni ng about 10 o'clock : OOupu ns1stem ~ you thoroug hly. who were married Thursd ay flven· " head of horses, one a, blaok lngby Rev. PhUlpT rout at his home Osgood , J,pd. R. R. Nt.. ' 12 years cold. dl'aft; one sorrel Fqr Sil.le.,..-House Ilnd. lot on welt The gueBts brough t with them mallY RA,D DO OBtJC VISION . about 13 years old ; one blllck end Of 'fhlrd street. For partlou . ueetul and beautif ul present s, &II Mrs Pearson Tadmo r 0 ". R R gelding , oomlng a years oM, brok,e lar llllnquire of Rebecc testimo nials of their esteem for the a Daniel or A, ' , , . . to work; one black drnft H'ly, com., B. Chandl er. · . young ocuple. . No.1, .Y': !ng ~ years old ; ~)De hA.v tlll.v, com. ' , Splend id values Inohln a diebes at loty eyes were getting so weak and. Ing 2 y enrs old, sired by o,- a Pur Ladie s' Aid Socie J E. Janney 's. ty Notic e ' pained me so mnoh that' I did not oell, darn by La~y M; six heud IIf ,cattle, 4 Jeraey mIlch ClOWS one will L. J. Wooda rd, of Rlohmo nd, Indl .....ow w h Iitt0 d 0 , I h a d h & d th . em be fresh first of Fehrull ry the iltheril The Ladles'. Alii Soci,e ty of thA M. lUIa, WI&8 a guest Munday of his exa~ined by 80me who were regard. libout the firat of Muroh : all giving E. ~huroh will, hold their annnal relative , Joel Evan.. While in ed as good optician s, but though I milk now; 2 heifer~ , cominlt II- year Thanksg~vlng market In th,e 'r~wn,' Wayne s,"lle, Mr. Wooda rd called at had some relief they nover com. old; 21 hf.\ad of hog8; IIbqut twenty Ihlp house the Saturd ay before the Gazette o1Boe where he very pletely overcam e the dlfficul t,y My tons of clover hay ! fariUlng imple. Thanks giving. kindly volunte ered valuabl e infor· . ' ment!!, cnnslst lng In purt of a 2. All the mation regardi ng early history of eyes soon tlr.ed of any OIOM rs of this SOCiety wo~k horse wli llon,M llwlluk ee binder, are requestmembe ed to be present at the the vUlage .ot whloh proper nse wlll and then paIned me anll when In DI"lrinl( (Jorn luuvest er, a l:iuperJ0 1' legulll.r · buslnes a meeting of this' be made in the near futnre, and for that oondltl on small objects clollU by (Ii~c fl'H'tilizer drill, iok Soolety to be held at t·he churoh at which we feel under obligat ions. or persons at a few feet distJtnco mowio~ IIIrf1lhlne, sel( MoOorm dUUlp h~y tw(> o'olock on th~ lI.rtern~on of Mrs Wm Graham of the Lytle t l ntke. ~prlng wagon. Kraus corn Novem ber I, as buslbel!8 pike hall ~n enjoyin '" a visit; from appea,r, 8d do uble. I w liS I II D10~ . clllth'lI tur, disc oultiva tor, ,Deer , tanee will be trlinsao ted , of ' Impor· her 'unole and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. driven crazy. Ioon8u lted Mr . and corn plante r, a ~a horae oorn drill, II- By order of the Preside nt. J . T. Andrew , of· VIlli8Ol, Iowa. Mrs. Peterso n whose eXl1min atlon 11horse Mingle corn drill, 2·horse MRS. J. W . WHITE. Last Thund ay Mrll. Uraham enter· was the most careful and talned the followi ng oompan y of I ever had lind decided thoroug b corn plllo ter, a 50 tooth lind II- 40.... • - • t.o WAnr I tooth harrow , 2 brellkln g up plow8, relative s io their compli ment: Mr. Notic e of Appo intme nt. . , hliY shelvin g; househ old goods, con and Ml'II. P . V. Cleave r, of Harve y. the lenses they pre80rlhorl Mv si~f.jnl( iu 11IIrt of n. nioe, Estate of Lydia E. O"ulel burg: Mr. ancl,M n. J. K Howell , of eyes rested, , <leceaaod. my vision Port WUllam : Mr. and Mrs. Morris the.alln oylng double visionj~ p lrfl'(J~, 3 bl'd~toIld!', 0 chlllrs, 2 heatirl . hal! l'he under di", s\g[cd st . .,vc!', bas ClIl'pata been appolnLed alld , orccks, 2 ext'6nljl oll qu~llJled a. Ildmlnltllmtor Sherwo od of Spring Valiey ;:Mr. appeare d and I li:now that wah the ".111 an. Mr. and )(n. Fred Sherwo od, 'of Orego· Mn . Petetllo n are moat skillful and tables, kitchen U~ble, wllShlng m,\· oeroe! oftbe estate 'or Ly dia. . JI:. Daniel, lllte op. chine, and Ulany other l.hlnjl8 of Warren Oounly, Oblo, oIecealJ8<2 : nla; Mr. G, H, ADIIoo, of Clarks· . J)ated thta llIIlb '4 .,. of AUillit A. U . 11101, C JOEL MoGJ1)IIl .. ville; Mr. and 111'8, carl SherwoOll, ttolans by what they aocomp .. lished A. B. OBANOL.' C, T. Hawke , O. H . Surface , Auots. · of WaJlUl lville, 01 in my cue when others had failed. Adm. with tbe wUl .alleud, A., B. Sidel, Ole,r k.



Ha goas to the Factory and · ' purchasas Immense quantities' The Patl ons 'of this b Ig sore t ge t th e




$1. 50



25 C

Ch b I ., C h R am er am ousr erne,


3g e '


$ 1 00

$1 00





$1 0





.'B .




d 61'BN("






UMB REL bAS , : '.




Dressing Sacq ues








LIN OLE UM SHADES CAR PET S QUI LTS . BLA,N.K ETS Fine st Stoc k 7c Shown. '


6t Gibney,

,X¢niiJ .0b,iQ~

,\ .


.' -





'Lodge Notic~, . Mlntlll


\PER SONA L AND ITwo Wedd 'n ' LOCA L. NEW "I gs will ; _ .). Wedn esday Eveni ng,

NOVEM BER }, 1!l01i.

Corw in,


----. - - -


Ceasa rs Creek





-.---- -

Sprin gboro ,

UIl"l.Ito'l', E"" I,.,rll :,it"r, 1 Hllrne!!sdresSiing, Soc a gllllon , lit I Buy your dl'ug~ lit ScI.l.w", ~1l~~lnn 1,11f' !'venlng Albino Flour 60 oentll a slick. 'r 1.'~" Bny ,\'111'" (It'n;(~ "I i':lOhWIIT' Z .. . Scbwnr tz, druggis t Wnyne s vi1lo. I Wl~yne8 vl l1 o, Of, N"vlH.~IJ"r l :l tllr I it A nnnual , L. A. Zimme rman was W IIy n O~ '· III". a Cincin. 1 Two w?tldiDgs t oo k plnce We.d nes. I Emerso n Da v:is iR Ithln t o ho ont e I'CtlO11 of ,"fllm'l''' linn rh'I IItIVut(lo t . Uno Minute C;ou ); h Cnre, :!~!!, II I. . 011. 1 ' .Mi. ~~ 11 tll l,:"l1,!!1~ t:111'1" :t&" 1\ t 'Ily e\' elllng. nfter IL!lerlons illness. of rlUI'~ , . A fu ll I'tten"u u' ce I" nati visi tor '!'uesda y. tSohwnrtz ' ~, \VlLyno. villo. t:iflh\\,,, I :(.~. W". '.L;', ,II • . B~Il·I'Il-MII:lSIL\) I NH:. • U 0 , f1 il~lr ..(1 Mr. C. D. Rader wn~ in Dn" ton I 'Handsome decorat ions in cblnll. 1:1 t ' HurneRs d ressin" , 5c llel' "/1 11 0 0, At (j o'clock E.te11a Missil. lUll ~" (r"'sllIl {, tl~'" I"" gil II "n , J ~ .••. __ " ' " on Mondny on busiuot!s. I plnl,es lind bowll! nt J. E. Janney 's . dine was uuited Miss I I:i{\h\\"nrl,z '~, druggi! \" l t. Wnyn08 "il\e. ,B0I in marriag e to Mr. IWllr ' lz·. , 1t· 1I1();1"1 . '. II .' ·U'· · VII Ie . Repu blican s Hold , F . W . Blltliaw ay has been qUite T . Rlty Smith, of Vorwln, at t hMI'. Geor"e Sale !lnd son 1111'. JOB, I Mr. lind MrR Bro wn fllld "m nd , Mit's MIII'.v ~Jmm'l. D,~rlin>(tnn pn . e'" Enthu siasti c Meeti ng. ~ Ick fa r I d"y,8 but i8. no ~." b n'd e 's 1lOme on H' I " W t Suletra nsllotel i liusines s in Lobllnoll I, lLf(' vlHlting rllllltiL'e · I f ' ~ H in ertmnt1f on I Ig I street, ay. "Nt rlllllY. , better. n csville, Re \' . Pbilip Trout ofIlciat- Monday . rison Mu li en of Fmnkli n. I'H , I.III' · I t hi ~ vi cinity . An enthn~lll~tioRepubll olu\ meet. Uroat bargain s In writing pnper , lng. N, B. ,r,,1111SI)O lLllrt wifo Wol r,' 11" .1 'Mr. Idd UIllrk was Il ~ue o n 'ily ; Mr , lind Mr c. R. Bllnoel InK WII8 held lit Crus!l HIIII Suturdll Y IIt.J. E . Janney 'I!. l !'on Only relative s lind 1\ few nea.r vislt.orT hurbdllY · ton vi~1 to rI' ln st Sut lIrrlllY. IR hon dM , viijite!l Mrll , Bnulllll1'. pur. evenlnK, a IlI.rge !ludlenc e being I Misg Chllrlot .te Rlckurd , of near friends of !,lIe contrnc ting )Jllrt.ies · Mrs. Achsl\h Prl)( H . D. Kelliso n II ttended tbe MlIl\en hilS re t,umeu lents of \ Yollmu n t:)undny. pl'tl8ent I'3l1 ri ngboro, WIIS II gueHt of MrM , were presBnt, the gaest9 being Mr . home uftor a two weeks visit witll 'l.'he meeting . WIIS ahly preside d EWlUll Dllkln, last week. Mr. IIn(1 Mrs . .fesse HuilleH WtlTe Ohiojl'e lwher's ASBor.iution at Ham · O. O. MiMsill1ine, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lu. h er 80n, Mr. (:llIl'onc e ilIon on Slltnrtla y. Mullen, in Xenia visit ors Tbur~tIIlY, ovtlr by ,I. 0 , C/lrt\Vrl~hl , Box pllperl! at one half their 1'0111 ther Sellel's. Mr, Otto Smith, of Uincinn n ti Mr. unel Mrs. E. C, Millen Rnd Republ ican Uentl'lll Uoml11ltteemlln . "ulue nt J . E. Jllnney 's . I Miss Lenll ::;1.0 "herd is ~pont1ing Coving ton, Kentne ky; Mrs . Alvin Buy yonr drugs Ilt &lhwllrtz '~ , /I fow dllya With Mr. onel Mrs The speaker 8 were Judge Ueo. ... . Wil. < Ed ull of Gernlli llt.owU , ' S\llI er~, Mrs. Avarilln, Ehright , Mr. Wn ynesv ill (j , ·W. tltlinley , ,'f La ...·n"!J ·, ' O'1n. ber Wilson ofSpriu g VlI ll ey. visited r elllti vOB bere 01l8uudl~y. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Joy lire find Mrs. H.. G. CroRs, Mr . UI.1 lind Mra. 1\1r~, I ng Ii~h, who hilS Grllnt.. M.ouser , O"n"ro o. 'IIIIO from s pending 11 two we\lks' hfle n Spalla P.or. L . U. Wilkors on Ilnd family . MI'. lLOel Mrs. I~sno \Vil soll 8J10nt v vllctltion E. V. Burnlill rt, Miss Hllttie Tbomp .. Q~ the Thlrtllf lulh Dlstrlc~, who filled witb-re llltives of IItrs. Joy in Mich · flon nnu Rev. Illld IttrA. Philip 1'rout. illl-: snvernl moni;hs wi t h her son ill . ~und/ly with Mr. AlIllorsoll lIud of Oro.."onilt . spent Snturda y and " '.he plaoe of Oon . Emmet t Torupkl nll 19an. III"', Mr . ,Jllcob l-li ~ey, 11,1.8 gone to , family of u enr Xonin ::>nnc\'IY With Mrs. Wilker son's . Immed iately ILfter the m'Lrrillge N 1 Oh·10, h ex I'ongreflljmlln froln the Twelfth ow H 0 II IIn(, ' were RI16 WI' II .I The Misse~ 'orn Uet your fllvorit e cough syrup at ceremo n y II woddin g supper und Eva Hllrner moth er, Mrs. C. fl . Suydllm . WIIS RLlon....• tl It' Dist-rlot, who WIIS una.'b lo to be I)res tlohwnr tz's . I Ie W D el' Wit b lIeI' m' ece. spent SundllY . n ftornOOll ~erv e£1, lifter whioh the hllPPY couple very - Mr . Lucy Bllruhl lrt is enterta in· I ft I ent; and A8sista nt Attorne y Gen Mr. N. McKins ey Ilnu fnlllily hRve I, plellsnn t ly with Miss Monlmi Mrs. George W. Hawke ' nnd e a ll t Ie six o'clock train for a moved to Wayne~vi1le in II ll BnD_ ing MrM, Ch al'l es De Haas und little ~r ul W, A. Mlller,o fUnlulI llmR Mr , danght er, MIl!~ Douuu, pnrt of noll. 1l1LUghter Elizllbet.h of Indlanl lpolis . ware Day. visit amon); the g r OllJ'A rel rlt,ive!! in Kentuo k Mill er W III be rom Ambered by m~ny I,on vlRltors J . L. l:lhee.h uu 's residen c.e, /l,lld Mr' '1 .A rl "'h Saturda .... f ..... Mr. nnll Mrs. Wilber Wilson y. went .1 1'8. ",-wan 11 .., eets 0 "' R 0 bert W I l lJDyton .1 ll<lrSOna lIB having been s Ullerln I son nOll", duught Wl'u Ml er, Mr . and Mrs. HenJ' Mills nnd son lin" Mrs. on old f r I'eorI to houRek oeping C~tu in Spring Vu The.v returne d bOlllfJ Monday /lOll M Hey, . ~~' ., s, on.".. St aUlp occullY tL10 r· t endent of the Oorwln 8Ohool llhout Rn.y spent Sunday near ' ury p r operty Thnl'sdllY. day . . New Bur will r eside in WaynOllvi1Ie vlIClltcd by tl1em tell years IIgo. liD<>ton with Mr. MIII'Q fntlJer, Mrs, Cbll s . I>tone and 80n Bllrry The groom Is ussistlin t ogont fur The 80ns of Veterll ns Band of Benry Mills !lOll brother~ ~ Mr, Horaoe COUlptOn Illid f.Lruily 'I' d 'I ' W "C , George the PAnn syl vlln il\ Rnl)roud Uo, lit E IlII I> IllS innl 8 tone 0 Ryton huvfJ li e n :nute 00ugh uro 2fio. nt , spent Snn d IL~ with ' Xenlll fnrulsh ed exoelle nt lUualc. Mills. "fl' . .Vllll Sun. r eturned hOUlee lifter orwin and has liv ed h ore for about Schwur t.z S, W.Lynpsvll1 e . a . pleasan t fi elll anel family . OwIng to the raot thllt the speaker s . six yeurR, moving visit hero with from Mrs. ~e Lio\ ll Janney 'rhe d elltll , Mlua of Mr . Koto Pntton, ami Ulembe rs of the blind bad to Tho fllrm an; Itrl! til king the ad · ·DO Mary Leffers on , of Middle• tuoky . 'rho bride bas spent her whioh occurre d Itt her lo te bome in \'lIntag" of Ulis ' fino Mr. I"a ve on the 10. :Hi train, the muslea l Itown, hus1x>en for SOUle nnd Mrs. Hllrry Penee of wOllthal' for time the entir IJ Ii.fe nt WaYII(' s ville fwd has L[~wren covil1e, IllinoiR, Wednes llay !Shuoki n g oorn nud shuokin g out Minuoa program WII.R necessa rily ahort' I""'uest of her friend , Mrs J 0 opli!! have returne d home, . . . tUnny frrends here. morllin g Will! Il g:rent shock to this , tb e finB ears s uch us gro\V ened 1I0lUOwhl1t. rCllrtw right. UI ODg lift er Reverlll weeks vi81t with rela · ' oommu nity. 'rhe tUllerul wus heId i Caesars Creok . T M r .. n d M rs . , osepII HI sey, fln d s nICRW OOD- C AI1NARA N . tives. hore ~' 1'it1n y mOl'lllng. at hlllf pl\ t ! Li ttlo l\li s~ EVIL tn!1I1001 111 y ' f . d I Mr und Mrs . Joe Evnn~ IIttende d Farm •'n F~mil l1 is 9nl 'l'he second lUlIrrillge occurre d nt rs. \V , H . 8 elg . rle reoen tl y tell, IllHl , .' ""S larg.el y II.tttJnrle d by ! foring with whoopi ng cough i the Distrlot Conven tion of Duugh. eight 0 'clook at the h Olll e spent a few days with her daught er . Mr lIUlI th I t .108 Y ears. terl1 of Rebeka h at Mnll,m Fridny Mrs . 'blls. A . Brown, the otcOllt.r"lc I f I Mrs. Van Orew of Dllyton , ts.I'mpn 1~l1lg re a Ive8 fl nl rlem ~ 'I We lIl'e sorry to report the death -- - ' ---:0 ' Ii b Messr s Barry Pellce and J . W . . Mr. JII.l1168 S-l:!Rle ' -[ hll.H bought the ~ lind report R Ua II pro tit Ie lind. enjoy lUg par t l· OS belOg"' lor Lillie Rutled ge of New Burlill"" re. enll rU Il L tl pilreuta l Ilcres where he WIll! born {lI.ble gathArlul! . . .. Hadley lUll de .IL flying trip to Dayton hnl~ and Mr. HILr.ry h or wood,. n v . y e. ton . and 8pent hll'l entire life, in East. MitIS Knthry n Frume lust Thursdl lY In Mrs. Pence's re~urned Pluhp Tront beIDI!' the OfIlClOtllJg, Buy your drugs at Sch wllrt;.: hftnd. Wftyne town81llp 's, 1 OBITUARY home SI1I.nrdll;Y lIHAr II three weeks olergy~uun. some outo. . . Wllyne ville: . Martha J. Floreno e Benl was born s t"e only one vlalt amnn'" frilluds nt New Vlannll , . 100 Crellrb BI8 n. Is' perhMp Tbe "Snus PtLriel" olub held 11 very , ~.. Rnd oonfect lOn. , '" third lDonth, third d ay 1846. Died Mr. ,Jomes Lewil! will lllOVO his 'I ninth in the town8h ip th ,(t hae never left \'Vllruln"toll, Bl1lsboro find , ot.b er ery were servcu month, lG~h day a .. ctl 59 pleasan t meeti ng at the home n of Besides. the .membe rs of Mr. fnlnily into Mr. Borllce Mrs the fllDllly line at de80en t, but b~ , IJOints. Clark 's yea rs, r. months ami 111 days. ... "'~tu 1 Rfter . ' Ed Decker on , "'" B r( ' ay f ' l . th pKRlOOO frClm flltber to aon 8inc,0 1797. t propurt v in the spring. Mrll. Albert Terrt!l1 ILnd I.wo In . rown s . ami y, Sho wns left an orphan Itt the Ilge n oon. e g~es 8 were : _ _ _....~_. I terestin g ohlldre n, of New Vllmna , Miss tiadle The Reform s lire expecti ng their Sherwo od, 81ster of the Mr. Frunk Clllrman IIlId fllmily of seven yellrs. At fifteen !Election Retur ns will she gl\ve new minil!te r to arrive this w~k, have been tho Jl:UestR of ller J)fIl'ents groom, Rnd Messrs . Allen Comsto ck, spent Sundny with f\lIe!l Emedc k h er heart to Christ lIud was won · Re II Mr. and Mrs. &!DJ, HlI.wkln8, P' 1 NOla. Oonner and Ed Hut,lIowIlY. t h' Be 01 ven at SCh 00I .H a. and family. . , d erously 81\ved, nfterwa r!i uniting ct~ rd Mrs. Caruah . an former , h ly lived 18 at . Miss Idu. Worllb "",t·n ow oy . bad the mis: witb the Method ist churoh at ' Old . . . , Blanch oster, but for three years hilS fortun~ to run R (Jitoh fork 'r own, 0 f whi CliO h h The, election returnll will be an I Prof, U M. AUl'tln, 8uperln Ben through Bridge of Frll.nkh n WILS n oonSlstent. ton made her home wltb Mr. lind Mrs. her foot, from the effects of which membe r . Doaooe a fr~m t,be !' at. &h~1 dent o,f tbe 80hools at West and N . B. Jobnso n were Morrow Cftrron . Brown. . she Is slowly r ecoveri ng. 1n 1865 sbe WllS nnited in m!l.rri. vi~itors on Bunday . Hall at the 01088 of Dr. Wl1litt s ' ton,.iS ftt hOIDe this week, hl8 ~ohool Mr. Sherwv od has been a residen t Mr. and ,Mrs. Lester Kenriok nge with Martin Hnrner . leoture Ded Tueday ev~~lng. g To them ;hftVln been olosed tempor arily be. of Waynes ville for a.bon Miss Abbie Johnso n. of OilY t on. t five yeura, dined Sunday With friends In tha were given thirteen ohildre n, three speut Sunday with home folkll. loan88 of siokn68 s among the pupils. moving with hi~ paronts Mr. Imd country . of whoUl have preceed ed her to the Demo cratic Rally I A numbe r of young people were Mrs. Wm . Sherwo od, froUl Oregon ln One Minute UouJl:h Core, 25e, n t better 1110£1, namely , Josper Elzl\., Cente rville A De I 11 III be h 'ld t ' preRent . d '" select dance a·t CrOfllj when the water works system WRS 8chwllr tz's , Wayne sville. mloollratW Clemen o ra y w' t L. a.nd ~B Ada at '! B. I.orene a 1l Frldl\y ; hers evening Barne88 , given dressin C1'0IIII O II n · "ynesv under g 860 per gallon, _ built here, nnd !or some ti nie he wns i ll II nex.. a· I h rd I wile nn oxempl llry life , N ,t e patrona ge of Mea!lt's ,Tesse . the enginee r in ohorge of thll Scllwar TI10 tz,. additio dru"'gl ' st, n to Wayn"s ville. our choreh whioh plun t. n all' even n~, OV.4 · I h '" A devoted wife and mot,her , self " A -",Dna .ntert's t ed n earIng IOonne r lind ' George l:imil,h . Music The ""l!t season he hll8 0cnuple d II bas long been planned lind talked uocrifio .lng and pntient ' . andurin g, , ! wa~ Berber furnlsb t Kelsey, ed 'by Mr . FrH.Jlk Carmal1 'respon sible position with t.he Wny.. a b of Miamis burg, O Ir tbe I..uetl·of the dAY Ilre invited to ~ out, W1' 11 be erea ted th. IS ' woe, I u.c:l t' . . thn,stronge . . . st was 8 Cen terivl l e v~'sltor Bu~ d Ily. ' MIR~ Mnllill '-Biepba m attende d 11 nesville CunOln ' . 1\ wnys g Co. VOOIl In!; be pl'Oll8nt. There wiU be KOod mn· ' Anothe r new house Will go up In prinoip!L1s of trnth uml ri"hteo us R ' h d H Ii Id d " . 10 'u ilarge and ' elegant receptio n given at , e an family ~pent · wee.... The newly mllrrled couple will our to \vll tl •• It IS ' ...'f r. F rllll k · liS " s d ay WI't!1 M 'lilt ,,1.0 aud IpMIUn !, _ . ' nes~. I lif! d. by Mrs . John Charlee . Doddd of uiRke their home for n limn un . 1'." on K ese, Ilt lell!!t Duke'tj uud will take the pluce of . After moving from Ureene oounty family . . Quiet 'H allow E'en. Xenill., Toelda y afterno on of last wi,th the groom' s »lIr en ts on lower l t~e one whioh blunlid down nCllr t,o Wllrren oounty In 1875 she united we9k and remaln! ld In 'Xenia 8ev. Main street. E. J. Himes lIull family, of Day . 1tlie saw Will, with the Friend~ ohuroh tit Ceasar.s ton , visited with relll.tive Laatillt htwllta one of the quietes t eral dftys with friends , Mlee s In. tblll Annie After tho weddin g u lil r~t~ num· A lnrgn cOllgrO!;ation \Tas disll}). Creek of which she reUloin Ballow e'enlln the bl8tory o~ Way- U. Brown wal also an lnvitOO ed a village l:iunday . ,guest ber of tbe friends of Mr. and Mrs. pointed SUDdll.Y owing to the ab· membe r . Alllletio n ha.ving laid its nenlUe Aside from the prankB to loin. Dodds' reoepti on. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Roberts , 01 Bherwo od gathere d at Mr. Brown' s 8enoeo f the p88tor, who oonduo ted hllnd upon her she wae strlken Daytou , spentS oicUna rlly Indolge d in, there was Mis,S NaRnle , Janney who has bome and "belled " thorn undoy with Mr. anll cnthnsi. the funerul of Mrs. Ueorge Slllde at down and 'being 'Y8l'1: ,1OQd order the ent.lre night been in IDd\o..napolis for abont j" patient though vi . Mrs. Mason William son. two a&tlcally . Springb oro. 'aDd everyon ' I'8emed OlllOt suffere r Rt the end of ten days ~n.enter• into the splnt of ethe Mr. Wa)ter Campb eUand wife. of OOOlUIio ' sville month s. arrived In 'Wayne H arnells ' d ressI ng, ' 85 0 per gil II on, h Ign 001 y ad'" .... . seres o.,t urday ....... Satord ay. n . urI'Ump h an.."Iy DaY to n, spen t Of> -_ .. Bu»· Ber brother , J . E. News of the Churc hes. SchwRr tz, dr'uggl st, Wayncsv1l10. yielded up her loving ohristia n dRY ·ThtlN. , were fpwer IIOOIaI events Janney meeting her in Xenia with Mr. lind Mrs. Samnel and --than ~~I, althoug h a Dnmber ~of bringin g her home in hi, Sl)irit to the God who ·gave It, leav. Wel1er. unt~m(). At the lIlomin g service a t tSt. Pleas ant Ridge. email ptherl n,s took p1aoe InA a fo.i thful husban d, ton ohild.cen, bile. MIM JaDney ls 'now comfor t. Mary's church Snndny Miss Laura Ha.tfield, of Dayton , , Hcv . 'lid· ~ one brothe r and large circle of formerl y of this plll.C8, visited wilh ably' and ple/\/lllntly situate d at the wallade r udlllinl Rter ed tho !\U~l'1I Buy your drugs lit Sohwnr tl'.'s, other rel!lti ves all(l friends 111M lIileano r'Jrernh,art anll broth, Friends Boardin g Home. to mOllrD her grand mother , 'Mrs. Mary Hilt. ment of Holy'8llpti!\1\1 to CatharI ne, Wllynesv!11e. er Emerllo n en&ertAlned a lluge com· their loss . M -.Jfil " ,field, Sunday . .K · the Infunt dllught er of Mr . .. nel Mrs. . One Minut,e Cough Cllre, pany of young talks at ' the home of F Idr , arren eye returne ~5c.!lt A oard of thllDks -The family d hOlne FrOd B. Hel1ller~()n, tho ~1l0"Mprs Seh wurtz's WaynE, svil1e. wishes to express its thanks to their their father, Burton Earnha rt, sonth r ~y evenldn g from ~OledO One Minute Cough Cure, 250, lit where being Mr . lind MI' H J . 1:1 . COI~U1I111 HnrnosR rlreS8lnl~, 850 per gallon, fl'iends and n eighbor s for of WayDlI8vtlle A delight ful e'\"en- wthas Gn atten anC8 at t e their Schwar tz's, Wayne sville. hmeeEtibt . g of and Mrs. D , r... C I'tI11 0 e ran d Chapter af t e IlS ern &lhwn rtz's drnggi' !t "'·"yne svillo ' , ', A bo;X soolal was held In Distric t . Ing Was spent . kindnes s and sYlllpa thy 10 their Btar of Ohio, gain" 1111 ft delegate St. Mary '8 Guihl will nwet.. 'l'hllrs Hurry Stokes · and fnmlly en tor. b~reave ment. No.2 Saturua y evening . The pro· Mrl Joel' -Evans enterta ined a from the local Cb!,pte r. Ch - -- - - Enrout e 1ayafterlloon til· I.ho homo of Mrs· tnined lit d'lOner S ] oaeds are to be used in the purohu e. uUlay ho as stopped , at Columb ns und DIode E. V. n .lrl1h'Ir t . large oompan y at cards last even· ing of a new organ, 'of which tho . Br ~W Il and furuily !lud Mr. Eyler D< Nlidd lerun . Ing Mrs Lina De Vltt was. awUde d lit brief visit with his I 'f aunt, Mrs. Rev . Philip Trout will trf'nt "The Olll WI e. sohool was in· need. the ladle. prize and Mr E V Barn. Btanley Sellers and also Bav your drugs at Sohwar tz's, oalled on Urellt Morn I Movl'I\I Ant. of Ohio" in Mrs. Clark Bargett hilS been en· Wayne sville. A Conven tion of the S.undny hllrt l80urd lobe Rentlem en 'e Re. the Wayne tvllle stUden ts at the hie address to t.h n p oopl" of bi!l /)on. tertalnl ng reillti sohools vns of Washin gton townsh ip from a distanc e One Minute Cough Cnre, 250, at freabm ent.l oonslat lng of pumpk in Ohio State Univer sity, gregatl on n~xt Sn nrlll Y morn in ,::: . , the Pilst week. WllS held at the North Baptist ohurch Bohwa. rtz"s, Wayn'e syllle. pie, and·o'h er. dta~es approp riate to P . H. Surfaoe was ca.l1od to All are cordilll iy invitm\ Sunday afterno on. A very Intel'· t o ''n(1. I· Miss 'frenrl CornElll clllled on MislI Ballow lne were IMlrved Harnes s dressin g, 850 per gRlIon, ,8treato n, Illinois , Monday , In reo estlng and profitab le addretlS Wlltl l!'lctllh (Jrnne of DoellIs 'rhursd ay Sohwll rtz's, druggis t, Wllyne spouse to 1\ _ telegra m announ cing sville. given Lnl!tBu ntl.. y WIl S 01,1 PeOllle' " Day IIftorno ou of last week. by Rev. Sherida n Bell, of Mr. and Mrs. Will. MoDon ald Harve ysbur g. the death of his nephew~ Roy Sur' , n.t the m ornin g snT\'i ofl in Miamis burg. IhA M. F. Miss Mllry Redmo n spellt MondllY dined Sunday with John Hartsoc k. fllce, the five year old Bon of his 10hurch anelu IlIrgl1 llUmher of eiller · Ilrtorno on with Mesdnm es Trl1\en a The M JC ohuroh and Aid SocIety brother Will Surface , who, Under the Ilusploes of the Ell. -Mr. Jacob Scott WIIS shoppin g In until Iy perROU!! Will! prm'tmt ,. ' Pfllter lin!) Alice JlILmes . . . w')rth League , the old people of this will on ' lIl~"OD day, Novem ber 7. About Re I f I ten y~rs ago, . was a residen t v. Trout prcllohe l. 1 °111 I Ie Ota Pepper hfts r eturued home nf. Daytou 1'uesdo y. have dinner and .t night will h"ve ot Warren oounty. Mr. oommu nlty were enterta ined at tho Snrface text tllken from t.he }.Ith yerBe of tor spendin g sevel'lll weeks with lin o),lter·. opper at Merritt 's pa·r \on had no partloul 1lra of Mrs. M. E. churoh Sllnday mornin g. A Clllules Rye nnd daught er the child's the 8th ohapt{l r of 8ul}rowI<: ",'e;1\18 her aunt Mr!l. Frllnlk: Hartso ck. Great prepara tions '!Iore being made, IllneB8 nor death up to the were in Doyton Friday. very able addres9 was gIven by Rev. t,lme he Cbrl!lt, the 81111\0 ,\'n~tel'dur, •.0(ln y, ' Mr. AileD Davis returne ll home Blaok, probab ly one of the oldest And the-l.u ll. no 'doubt wlll8nl!~ln left for Sueato n. He' expecte d to I llnd forever ." Ridge ville Chur ch after several days visit willi hIS -ministe rs in the Cinolnn ati Confer· reputat ion havIng q~n. be absent until abont Balarda y. At the 010 e of the serm on 1\ nUIl1 · Serve s Dinne r. brother .James at Pleasnn t Bill. ence. Be has been in the ministr y ti'y of tho bIiIt of ~Iotualll to which 8umme r having gone and winter 'her of the ohlor people ~tH' A t·h ni I' they invll!t the 1*!.Ple of the town being at hand when big MI88 Nina Scott hIlS ' stilorteu to for s')me sixty years, a.nd WB8 ' I~ dres are expOl:le n ces In ohrlstilln living. Mrs Tho IIIdle8 of t.he R.l dgeville ohurch sohool ln BeUbro olt. beloved pastor of the Centerv ll10 , . . .well. as all men', In for the eleo· neooua .ry in stoves and furnaoe s, Olll.yton Pnrker, mother of Mrs. ~ill serve dinner charge over forty years ago. IIl1d Sllpll0r in the ilon ~t nlaht . yo~ oan hav~ your t the danger from fire Mr. Mntthe w T. Berryh ill Is hav· inoreas es, Amol Homine, 90 years of ul(P., !Dude ohuroh on eleetiol l dn.y, 'I'uesdlLY. iug a nllw porch added to his house, 4lheloe \It !lappen , oYltera or. a reg· I Protect your propert y by Bny your drugs at Schwl~rt7.'HI IDBorlng an especlll.lIy Interest iug' tllik . Mr~. N ovenll)e r 7. _ ~ .upper Waynea ville, • apiDllt flr6 with Leroy 1rone, A'I', H, E, Fetter alld Mrs, Rebeoo a Jane Sldtlll also spoke, 1II1lPt In rplCllhr








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The Miami ,Gazette. BROWN, a McKii"'"Publllbtn. "



Our Harveat Weo.lth. Tbe total \-alue or the ft<fm product.!! ()f the United States Cor the year 1030 will c;qual approximately t he total value or all tbe gold produced In Ib e ...·orld for t bo laat 30 years. Tbe linnual o utput of tb o world 's gold nnll sllvGr mines Is even now wor t h Ic ~ti than one-te nt h tbe gross omput or hmu lean farm s tor a sl llgle yea r. Tb ~ director or tb e mInt ostlm:Hcs t be valu ~ ot tbo world's production of go lll btltwu~ n th o yca rs 1873 alld 1903 al ~4 ,8 UI,2 6U,900. The gross value of the I"rm prod uct8 ot th e Ullited l:!lates for the year 1899, as given In the last fed ual ce nsus. was $4 , 717 .010 ,~73, 1'hfl value of this year's prod UClS will un Quesh ona bly exceell t bat. Tbe wbeat crop Is estlmatell to be In excess oC 7oo ,~OO,Ooo busbels, seconll o nly to the reccord-breaklng ccrop of 1901. Tbe corn crop Is estimated at 2,716,000,000 - II figure that hilS never before bee' . rellched. While tbe cotton crop Is expected to tall below 10,000,000 bale3, the gross market valu e will not fall greatly below tbe average or tb e lasl 11\'8 yt'ars, In otber dIrections lbe reporta Indicate a year or prosperity tor Am ~ rjcaD agrlculturo tor ",bleb 0,0 ad· minis tration In power n eed ever be reluctant to claim tbe Cl'adlt. WhlJe the. baCkbone ot t his prosperltj! III represented by the tbree grWlt.apeculaU v9 cror&, wheat, corn and cotton" other ~rol> c " 'hleh lIever lash bollrda of trade , into a lrenzy modeaUy contribute theit bundreds at m1l1l0ns to tb e annll41 J:rouuction ot the America n fllrm. No· bally ever hears or an egg panic, but th e AmerIcan ' hen, ,wit hou t ostenta· tious ' display; lays $l45,ooO .000 worlh oC eGgs In yoar. Tbe cold-storage rompanles know about It and , ISO d\l t be benevolent gentlemen in Chlcat;o " 'ho are k,nown aa the lI!ea t trusl. Tb.e newspa pers nevt'r repor t a corner In lIay, bu t tbo hay crop Is 'Worth about &S much ~ tbe w)1eat crop and more thau lbe colton crop.. In spite ot all,' m isgl\'l nga about the decline of AmerIcan agriculture, remarks the New York ";World, and the averslnn ()f the American boy to !~rm 'lIfe, the farm keeps 011 doing Its work and 18ylllg an IncroaBlIIgl), sol1d found!'-llon for t be Ill-osperIty ot the rest of the , country. The (arm output- \11 more than ,keeping pace' wit" the population, as the statistics of the ' l,let generation amply prove.



-to"; J

Intellectual Improvement. Th. capital of nearly all or Qur "eaUby .c ftlilina I. InvO!lted ~n m,,~u· ..tAct'drlng, minIng or ' transportation, JivIng tllieful and prolltable emploJmeut 10 millions. Many of those cltleens. observes the WaaIIlngton POat, U!I. alving more tJme to buslneas than thel# ~mplo1eB 'do, . Some of the owne.n of vaat propertlea are ac:c~d . oC lIQuimdering their wealth bfc:auae the"I' ,are f,ree-b'anded In Bpendlng mone)': But thai puta their cuh Int,O ·the ohan- , nels or trade, paying fer labor of many, klnda, Of wurse, ~here rich ~olJ, ,ror thf abl1lt, of a man to ,accumUlate 'a creat toriune ~oes not fur nlah an .... Jillfante that bis lonl will tnberlt Jl1a bUlln~.. capaclt, alona with hll es· late. ' But thoie weakUnga, by exefdlllll, tbeir foUy, onl,. distribute the miUlou tbelr (athere plied up. All for Intellectual .tren'gth acd culture the present aeneratlon of Amerlcan~ a~ow. DO decadence. All to morals, ~ls generation 111 on a bl,ber ph~ne \ban' an), that 1I:u preced~ It. .


Ren.ewing Her Youth By . MARY OILBERT ,


HE was In II rebellious mood.


see med to 1l9r that s!lo had al was bee n conside re d old. Sh wlsbed Ih at peollie could reali ze how gl rll sb she waR at h eart, despite h ~ r 50 ycar ~ and the gra y halrl tbat clus tered round h r forehe ad, Marri ed at 17, Mrs. Hoyt had been a molh er betore s he was 20 nnd a grandmotbe r b rore sb e wns to. Now sho wns visIting he r son , a nd was sec retl y annoyed at th e respec tful cons ld erlltlon sbown her by all the !nmlly. Her dau ghter·l n ·Ia w treated ber a s If she w eI' 70 ; , . ho cblld re n w re nevor allow ed to play with he r loug, If's t 8ho wea ry or lbe lr lively onllcs, This mornlllg young Mrs. Hoy t hall been s ummoned to a nelgbbol"'s bed· side, and hod ,lett Eleanor with strict Injunctions to be very goo/I t o grandma and very qUiet . It was compara· tlvely easy \() obey tbe first order, but how was 'SUCh a brlght·eyed tomboy a s 14·year-old Eleanor to carry out the second ? QuIet! Quiet, wben the Ice on tbe pond was like ' g lass, and th Is was probably thO last skllting or lhe oell' son? Of course It- was 101'e ly 10 ha ve grandma visit them, but how pleasB nt It would have been bad s)le waited un· til spring! Eleanor flu shed at tbc Inhospitality of this tbought, aDd was glad to be distracted by a knock at the door. In cnme Clara Roe, with glow ing oheells nnd sparkling eyes. "0 Eleanor, put on your things rlgbt away!" she cried. "The skatlllg ls t he best we bave baa, E veryone elso Is there." " I know," said Elennor. h e r III' trembling a little, .. but....;but mothe r h'as gone away, an d 1 have to Slay with grandma." "Oh! " Clara's bright fa ce clouded at tbe tbought 01 b er W end 's dlsO I)' polntment, th en cleared a s slie said: "But ,,;hy not take your grandmotber,' .too ?" "Till,,; grandma!" echoed El e'a nor, ae If Clara had proposed to take tbe house and barn, "Ccrtl;ltnly," said Clnra, In b er pos itive manner. " I belie ve s he 'd like It. She looks as If she ~ould have as much fun a s any ot ua, If· sbe only had a cbance." . Eleanor no reply, and after a moment's hesitation ,Clara salll: -Anyway, I'm going to au ber!" ' 8he . marobed straight:' Into the sltIJng-room, where , !p'andma aot ' wltb lIer knltUng, looking out at tbe bright BUllsblne. Mra. Ho)'t looked up with ." welcomlllg smile; sbe and Olara had beell friends slllce tbelr irst m'eetlng: . "Mn. ·Ho),I.," aatd Clara, putting II persuailve arm about grandma's neck, "don't you want to go skating with UI?" Down 'Went tbe knitting, up went Mrs, Hoyt's eyebrows, Skating! A grandmother skate! "The IC( tS.J,Jlke glasB," Clara con· tlntred, eagetU', "and It may not Jast allotber ,day. We bave an ex~ra pair


I . Beca~ OUver')P.o ' 'e,'ii bullde~,ot aOllta, CoDn.: put aU bla."ropertyI D'hl~ , ",Ife's name and she, died chll!1lea~ he , hal! 10lt It all, acCOrdlllg,tb,tbe pr 9 bat41 court's ruling, and Is lett pellnlles• . at tbe 8Ie of 72, too Inftrm \() worlC. Be· lIevlng tbat at hla wlte's deatb he would be ber heir, Yr. 'POWe had bls' home and savings, $22,000 In all, transferred to , her so sbe would bave no trouble In pttlng hIs estate should be die ftrst. Mrs. Prowe died at year ago. her eslate Wall promptly claimed b)' ber relatives and tbe probate court sustained theIr claim. , Mr. Powe bas lIrouiht a suit for equitable reHet


A corporation at women has beeu formed In Indianapolll, Illd., for tbe purpoae of bulldilla Mmall but artistic bomea for people of moderate means. AU the dlrectol'1l are bUllneee women; one of the vice presidents Is MI~8 Elizabeth Browning, tbe cit)' librarian, and anotber 18 the , princIpal" of one ot the public scbools. The aecretary bad. for IlCime time been In charge of the omce of • aavillga and' loall 1l88oclatloll alld Is the 0111), womac' member ot the IndianapoliS lire In.pectlon board, Six houses are to be erected at Ollc,e In varIous parll ()f the elty. Tra,.elers="'re"'t"'o"'r=n"'ln"'g:='::tr=o"'m:=;Japan are «enerally ()f tbe opinion that the's Bubjects havII become quite tnllated over tbe result of their war with RUIIsla. AI aile Amerlc&ll put It: "Th~y are Bcratcblng their headl where the bat brim ougbt to be. A white man Is a poor clrtter In tbelr eyea. Tbey seem to think that tbey can lick a German, an AlWlrl· can or!, Frenchman wltb t~e eame eue which the white brethren ot the RUB' slans In other countries so gleefully dllate4 upon In the beglnnlllg of Ole'"


"MRB. HOYT, DON'T, YO U WANT TO GO SKATING WITH UB?" of skates, and , I'll run bome for tbem while you and Eleallor get read,. You 'll come, won't you?" The freah young voice bad !!8rrled grandma back to the happy days. when she had ftltted over the Ice, 'avowedly the best skater In the little town. But that ' was long ago; she would not know how to stand on tbe ice now, much le8s skim over It. She stifled the longing to try ber aklll once more, and sbook ber bcad. "You are very kind to Invite '!Ie:: IIlIe said: "and I appreciate It very much Indeed, but I f.r that my akat· Ing da)'ll are over." Clllra was not a girl to be easily thwarted; besides, Ihe had seen the tlrst look of yieldlll& In grandma's eyes, "Of course you could not skate In that long skirt," ahe aald, thoughtfully. "I have one tbat's Just tbe rlgbt length tor her;" Eleanor Interrupted, cagerly. '''You see, I'm quite as tall as grandma." "My scarlet Bweater would be jUllt the thing for her," added Clara, "and I'll brIng It with tbe skates," Gralldma flusbed again. She had worn a red jacket tbe night tbat Jobn-how long ago It see'med! "Then )'11 go for the Skates and 3weater," said Clara, decisively, "whUe rou get your own thlnga ready." Sbe "811 out ot tbe door before Mrs. Hoyt J.Ould utter a word ot 'protest. Then ill" llllDlor of tli,' IItUIlUOIl aruck

rran"ma an.d, tbrow!ng bsel! sbe Isughed UII sh ' I' letl. motller go ' ~ kalln G ! ' But wbe ~n Eleanor oame dancing In with a na~' y · hl u ~ kid, "onUd ent t hat 'the matter was Quite G~ltled, . Irs, Hoyt bcs'llllted ' II moment, Sho glan ced at ber Irlm, Ill mollt Glr ll ~ h fl gu re, nt her pr ICy lillie foot and n nkh~, nnd yle ldll(l. It was a r llllclllOll S thIn g to do, bt cou rse, 7111t she ncea not tr'y 10 skat e. She cou ld stllY on tho bank anI.! watch U\(> chll dl·en. There was no r easo n why ~l,e 'houl d spo il F.Jea nor'" pleaSli rtl b'l Ht ayl ng I\t home ; she well li n w Ilrilt the child )\'as too obelli{'IH und too h O~ lIllablo to s o away alltl I ave h _r alone, A tew mom ~nt s Inwr a radlanl lit· ti e fi gu re stoo(1 In :ho sit tin g-roo m, IUlI ghl ng at Ihe g irl.' AIII'prl se at her t I'B ll s.formBI lon , The da rll blu e skirt hun g III gracefu l fold s Illwosl 10 her nllkl es; th (, scarlet sweat r, with a tnw,o' ·shonter I ~ matc h, set. orr her blucle ey s an" so ft gray huh', \Vh lie the cxclle meT, t at I he lII omellt hll d brought nn l\ !mo 'l slrll.h f1u ~ 11 1.0 her cheeks, "S ho' li bE' tll e prettiest g ir l tbere! " crl el! elf, rn, ent bu slnstl rall)' . ' '' We'll pull h ~!' to I I! ' po nd on YOllr sled, so t hai, s he won 'l ue tired before the SllRtlug begins." Upon th e sled Ibey bun dl od her, and away they raced 10 the poocl. Tbere WIl S n ri pple of e xcitement at tbe appearance or ' the g ray-haired "girl, " but It soon subsldell. The chIl· dren were tCiC mucb Int res ted In lhelr own skilling to pay mu ch IIttention to IInythln g Ise. Suclr glo rlou sport 'ns It WOB! '\'he nlr was jllnt trosty enollgh to pre-' 'Vent t he Ice fro m melt Ing In tbe brlgbt su ns hine. ' "Pertect weat her Rnd perfect !ce!" cried Clara, ecstll tlca lly, as she fastened on .bl!r own IIkll tes, and lben, with Eleanor's assistance, fitted the extra pair t() grandma' s reet. . "Let's put: her belween lIS," sug· " We'll s ll'd e her gested E lea nor. rou nll ror awhil e, ti ll ~ b e reels like t ryin g It beraelc'," By tbl s time grandmlt bad so en· tered Into tlle spirit or i he f un that ber In tention 10 stay on lhe bank was 'lulte torgotten, The t rio sk im med O \' I~ r th e ponti; then gran.!· Dla wllnted to t ry her slllli !tlone. Down' she w nt, wi th a s uddo nuo s tbllt quite took ber breat h away ; but by the tim e t tie rrlgbtened girls had helped ber (IJ her teet she .w as ready to t ry 3&0In , assuring tbem UlUt s he was only 'o ut ot proc llce. fn th e mean tim-e )'OuDg l\Irs. Hoyt bad r elurneil to' the (l eserled bouse, and waa wODld ertng what had become of hel' moth er-In-Jaw nnd E leano~. ,COUld It be t bat grandma bad allowed herselt to b.l taken to the pond to watcb tlie skaters? Eleanor ongbt to know better t ban to sacrillce the poor old lady to her cblldlsb pleasure. Her mind fill ed wllh such thought., Mrs. Hoyt started for the pond. The merry shoutE' of th e skaters reached ber ears , while she was stili some distallce away. There .was no lonely little ftgure 011 the bank. ~fra. Hoyt quickened her pace, a sudd~n tear POlls ~s lng her. What had become ot grandma? She C&ught sll!bl of "Eleanor, skatIng wltb Clam and another girl, wbose skirt alld ' tam·o'-shallter looke" strangely famll!ar! J~8t then the tbree turned, ,and tbe bright sun sbone tull on their faces . Mrs. Hoyt took & long look, thell ..nk down on the bank with a little gasp, Eleanor had caugbt slgbt or her, and skatlld up In some alarm. ' But betore her daughter reacbed, ber Mrs. HO)'t hlLd recovered her seUpossellSlon nnd hlld risen to her teet. "Eleanor Ho~t," sbe exclaimed. "wbat does tb Us mean?" Eleanor, uncertain what !be ought to say, gazed helple ~s ly at grandma and Clara, who had Just overtaken her. ' ' , . Grandma looked like tbe spirit of . wlnler ,'; her. ~heekB ftushet\ with exer' else, be~ eyes glowlug ' wltb exolt~· ment, Boft IIt~le curls tumbll,ng about her tace: "It 'means," sbe repli ed, s miling at b~r daughle r-ln,lo,w's amazement, "that I have round somethIng I thougbt I hlld lost fore ~e r." "You'll find a good attack of rbeu· matlsm," exp(lstulaled tbe youn ger wo"l8n ; but grandma sbook ber bead emphatlcnlly, "I am never again going to find anytbln g tbat goes with old age," she said , "It will have 10 find me-and bunt tor me, too."- Youtb's CompanIon, A PSALM OF FARK LIFE.

Tell me not In broken meuurea Mod ern farming does not pay, For the farm prod uces chi cken ..

And the hemo-do th~)' not lay' Eggs 11(0 IIlgh aOlI going higher, And !pe prtcl>llJ'8oarlng fut: Every time we get 10 tnarke& ' It \II b1l1h. r t han the la8t. Nola coop but It produces Ever)' day


e •• or two;

Bo each farme\' galne hls mllllor,., Even thoush hie hene be r••.

Ever}- eel' 18 ".~ry precious,

A.nd the hen! ate herd In awe; Wh en a hen b'lgl", to cackle, Then the tarmer go.e "liaw, hawl" In the bre~d an,d bUlY tarm)'ard StrutA


r oos now and thon. .

But the ahrewd, bewhlake.-.d tarm. Only notices Ibe hell· Trust no

rOOl5l~~ r.

howe'er .how}-

Be the reath~rltn his (all; Pa)' allenlion 10 the blddleo, And )'our wealth ... fit never fall. of farme rs all remind U8 w. mal' roll In ",·.allh 80me da,., Ir we hustle to, the market With tho eggll our pullete lay. -Chlcnco Chron icle. ._


By Pro~. Newmon-:-TM tdea of sayIng that Penman doesn't wrlle the books tbat are publlihed ~Ivet his name! Wh,., he keeps t w't lIElCretarlell bU8Y! Crltl~us-Yel!; one writing aJ\ll , til, other F~

The Dual Nature of ,the Austria~ ii,u nltary Alliance . Franz Joseph', Ollllcull Realm-Conditions as Th~y Arc To-OayRevolution 01 18-UI Incl Selliement 011867.

One F'~lIowe tile Ot".r, but Or. "VUllama' PI"k 'Pilla ' Q"lc1<11 ( . Cure Both,


The It.eady IIHe oCa particulnr ·let. or ninlOl". tendR to chronic fntillue, whicb prodnces fRuity or ' uilBuul t , moUoD, trembliug, urltmps aud e eu pl\raly ~ . WrlWr., tolegl1lphers, tailors ,a lia seam· strellSe' nre omoll g tbe 011\, ses 'nlost Ihrca toned ill t bis wlly ,with tb e IOll.~ of ~b oh' power w eam a Ji~ill g, 'l'bo (01· l(lwiug iust·lIl1 ce showS thl\t La 1.... 0 )lOwer lIIay bl) recoverod ufter it ceCIII B entirely. IU8t, If the rig ht m enus are t"keu. MI's. O. S , Bluoksten, of No. 684 Nonb Bownllill 8\rcct, l\1llllsfl eltl , Ohi o, I!IlYN : •• F or yenl'8 m y bllilds wonld become 80 numb lit tim es t)m t J w cmld drop nnytblllg I IItr~ mpt ed w Iifio.. Lnwr they bCClllIIO so bmi thnt I CO LI 1<1 n ot a,e w nlly long r, alld lit 11181, 1 cOIi I/l sCl\tcely do I\nythill g lit 1111 with DIy bl\u d~ . At ulght the pri"king 8CII I!DtiQUH woulll COllie Oil worso 11 11111 e\'cl', nml my bonds null Ro'lIIS \\' onld pain ~O · thM 1 (Ircndod to go to b 1\. My fa mily do l.or /lIlVO mil some UOI'V O tnhlcl H. 'l'h ey belped me a lItt,le, bllt (JlI ly f or R sh ort tim o after 1 hnll tllken th em ollllif I bnpp ued to be wlthol\t t hcm for [\ day or t wo I woold be ns bn" a" ever or o~ ou \VOl 0, 1>' iulllly I got n box of Dr. WillillUJs' Pillk PiUs ami bcgoll to tRlle th em, ' .. 'l'ho result WO R surpri sin g, By the tlmo I hnd tllllent,he 10~ L pi1l 111 llIy 'first boll I conlll ROO a Rnln. Tllllulls to Dr. Williams ' Piul[ Pills, Inm lI"wnli rlght_ I eRn sleop unlli ~tlll'bed by poill, aud for two yellrs I hn\'e bcoll liS w olllU1 over. " Dr, WiIllalll!!.' Piuk Pills f eed the IIsrveR by mtiklug /l OW, rich bl~d 811(1 ill this wny bnvo 0111'1'(\ Il eM'ous \lIseasu of et cry description from sll11l,le I'ostlessne8ll to paralysis. Thoy hn\'o bonlalled tho tort DT 's of n eural gin, the wenknoS8 of uervous lJrost!'nt ion, the disnbility OI,d awfnl P!\IU of locomotor Thoy m'e ~J.I by n11 t1rllllglst.s ntaxia. or di rect b,r the Dr. Wi11hUlill Med i Qi~ e OompaijY. ::l<ihe ue<; ~ly, N. Y.

• Hun gary Is Lb e ol(l osl co n$tllu (IUII81I II r a lt wllh formally; and w e' have ,he lo" erom ent 011 th e Eurnpp.a n (!on tl · IlItl'rcsLl ug svecllIcls or I~ mperor Jon e nL In Austria the cOll stltutlon 1$ sr. J1h s~ e l(\lIg uutll ence wllh I'rallcls th e girt of the emperor. Hun gur y hR H I{ o~s uth, . 011 of hi s grent enem y. La,ula for cen turles' bee u liberal , AUBl rla cOll - I< u"s ulb , tb e mun who sugges teu be eervatl ve. Hunga ry hrls lod !Curolle In hllll ~e U bn macle IIlug, lbe IIlIlD tblll ~oclal and rellglouH frc erlom. Aus trl ll Ili ull III ex ile 10 li.aly, m fll s ln\: the nib .. c6ilS"rvllllve--reactlouary." "I'Hty o liored (\fl ~ r th e clOSt, of tho 1' hu8 we have n liberal nlillo n III re r· revo luil un of 1 ~ '1 8 . Ill s so n, FranCia taln wu bjecllon to a very conservn tl,'c Is iI:ach)r or th e Indope ndent parl.y 01 ODe, the latt er ~nd e avorlng to ImDflls8 IIl1ugnry. and tHI ~ !Jec n IIl1lU ed a 1I0SSI upon the forlll er tb at wbl(:h spe ll s 10 hie r\ll flr In casO Il r (l1~rnllllou or tbe lIe r people retrogress Io n, Tbe Ji .,n· lIli lo u with AURlrl,,- 'I'b" fulh er. you garlans a ss ~ rt that whal ever of (~ 01l · rClllelllb~ r wil eo he orrered 10 put on etltutlonnl right s Aus trlun s enjo y to· Ih A <:ro w~ nr l;L t;tollhen, dee me(1 the day have cume 10 th em lhrough t he cr- lI ap~ llIlrllA 11'1.11 lor(ellell 1111 rl Gh t tu forls or Hungary, not from wllhln. It Ibll emb'mn uf klngshill. 11.. has long bcen un~ ers to(J(1 th a t Fran . I< "' I;'S reH pnlls lb l.l tl cs hc wus nOL cull ed Joseph 's persollal potllilarity hilS bee n ullo n lo 888 ume, \JUl IL Is nnt .0 far out the s lender bond hoi/lin \: tho 1\\'0 coun · or ,.enslln \It loolc upon Ill.;' 8UU lUI ut tries; and all Europe tr e rubl~ s nnw lea. t I","s lble presl".nt ~ uollirl "Huntbat tbe emperor, ohler a nd Icss dlplo. gary for 111 0 lIunllarlnns " reac h ill. matte, Is forg ettlllg tact nnd toJera tlnn c xl re mu or 11 repu ill\ c. In Ills dealings wi t h Lbe kingdom '1'.. I;la"(lO hrl olly Ilt I he ",e volution whose crowD ho wears; "tbe vast ma- In wh ich Louis 1{ ()$5 I1lh IIhll'llIl Rueh a jorlty or the HUDJ:arlan people hav o flr<Jllllncllt. I'urt, w" OIa ~ ('1111 uttt!1ltloll JoIned the Indepeltdcut party. A real 10 Lh" rUCl th a t III )H4~ th ~re , wlla a concession mual bo IUlicle by the en, · C)o mnlld rM co nstitutional rlgllLs peror; or he will be compelled to g,,' - al!rnu.1 In "u"'ro. 'fho Ma gY llrs wI'rs ern the 'klngllom hy military fon:.. , III11 S1 11I ~ lJ!le t1t ror l ho re>itoratlon of a Tbe 81tllallon speelllly would rosult In s trI ctl y C(ln Htl\utl onll l govcrn m out. .rmed resilltunce and ' th en nr)[hln ll' Franz JOSP. llh trl p.1 mtll or eODccslllous, could avert the cataclyem which Eu · bul rcfuscl\ I he great ' nllC, The II uu· rope hilS hce n dreatllng as l he greal est gar llln s. Icrl by L.(luls I(ossutb . began or calamities during th e last all years," an armed revoll., oM 10 hatlle after Hungarians and AustrIans nre an cs · hut tl o ,,'c re S Il CCC~9 rul ugal usL the dll· FAOTS ABO'UT :KOREA. aentlally dllTercnt peopte, wllh oppo ~- r. lpltnod AuStrloo lrooV8. Austria In. Ing Id C1119. Tbe Hun garians have a l'Ol\eU the IIld of \{u ssla, Ihe revolt Tbe l1eople nre m lecrabJy poor. pnss lo llilte love for freedom , and ' ""lien \\'8S C(lhtroll l\~ , (,I' ll Is cni llng In of The country Is nrl atooracy ddden. Austria scut over to theIr r.o un try RUMS I.., nnd Ih o oxecutl nn or 19 lilln. GarM abo und s; \he soli is \'f ry fertile. Germoll offiCials to lak e Ihe Illactl of garlal1 noblt' (tmn nn d ~l l1lt' srue n . wbo All Ibo p ople nr e tim id and IIPacotul, th e Magynrs t 1h.IDGl1r lans ). a willi 1If(J· luolc ,,,\rt III t he rc\'olt, have ne ver t est wa.q arou sed. The tlpm u~n , ',ill· bt:{'ll r.. ~g l v" n by tbo II lIngarla"s. , The Kor IIU men lire ta ll nn (f bnnd some_ Tbe women a re squat, ' hapeless and IJgly: fl s lnndscnp s IIr ~ ge ms, winter or summer. Th e peasant II bled to t bo limit of enlluran ee., The klng's reUnll Is gurgeous In~sl lk !lnd colors. , Justice Is bougbt nnd sold . Omclaltl bUl' tb \1' places, . The countr)' Is ~ Illtby lind dellght! ul all the year round: ' Seoul '8, mayor W01l cbose n becau8e of his 8klllin Borc:er);. It Is Ilonsld red, hI na{ural beauty, ' ,. tbe Italy ot'th e orient. ,, ~lLXes Are farmed out. like In.'ra~ be(ore tbe revolution. , " Korea' .haa po rellglon. Buddblsm \\' .. dlsestabllsbed )'e\Lr8 alr9... ·, ' etal, ,!"ere recalled, but the "tlem~t Octobtr 5 ' II c pnera.lly observed bl The belter cJnss or' women are !lever Influence the count~y at largo; more 'em na a day or muurnlng.' aliowed tn appear III public. I , tntense pat,r lotism waa InspIred;'. Hun· Tb()!Jl;h the nrmert resistance, wal Seoul. the capital , III mean ' and lI'ary urged wIth unabaUng ,ea! Ita full put down, tbe Hungf\rlans were not IQualld- beyond descrlp\lOD. .rlgha upon Franz Jos~Jlh. The ,cllma; conQuefed ; wore able to pre\'ent ' the Mercballls wbo appear prosperousaro 'w u reached ' when I he dema,lId WIl8 , coronnt!'o n or F'rall1. Josepb lUI king of torlured untU th ey make " loan8" fo tbe made that the Hungllrlan loldlers reo HI!ngl1r.y. lhey ,,'OUlcI nnt adopt la"f! noblllty. , ," , , calve commands In theIr own, langu"se Olctated b'y him. THIs stale of atralre Tbe king ordera dl8play8 ot de\'l1 ~ In t!Jelr own country, aud that wltbln coutlnueCf ,Until 1867, wben I ... set tie- and ptirforDllln~es ot maglcl . DS for ro)'al Hungarian boundaries thll lIags aud ment 'W1l8 brQugbt . abOut by ,the 'great' tunerale. emblems of l!upgary be used . Austria; Hungarian statesman, Francia Deak. ' with arlful diplomacy, made co:nces· A Bummary of I hls statement ' I, SHORT: A:wD SHABP. 'Ion ' after conceealoD, :.>" but on two given In a very Interesting article III - -- points would 1I0t yield-tile nag , and tbe Chlcllgo Record -Herald : -'Austria T!,e bOllesty at lots at inen bila lI_e)7 r the lanluage. , aoll Hungary , are bound Inlo dual been tested, '. . It was In 1687 tbat Hungary, much rhonarcby by tbe famouB aU8slelcb : or It's a WIse mnn wbo 8&y.:'nothlng at har&ll5ed and w,eakened by aavage Ot· cODlpromlse. of 1867. Austria and Hun- the , rlgh\'·~lIIe. ·' , " ' A great deal of aUvery laughter Is ,toman raids, enteree! Into alliance wl~b gary are granled tbe .rIght 'ot control Aualrla., In tbe cour_s o or lID!e It tie: over ' lhi!!r reapectl ve governmenlol Illtered tbrougb a mouthful ot' gold came the popular bellet tbe ODe waa a runctlon8. It provides . ~o~ tbOM leeth. aubJect oatl,o n, but It Is In~orrec~. to branohea Of administration which con- ' TJie young man who thlnkll be know. look upon Hungary as a turbulent lrOI arralql common to both' cou I I It ail Is just on tbe brink of, acqulrlDg tr: LegllllalloD pertaining to aome 'kll'lwledge" " ' at ~~o arts and IIclence congr p B8 beld mlll~ary a~alra, sucb as assentfng to klnd ' ot' that , r it Ireades, provldlllg cOlldltlon. ot mlll- ' a , ~L LouIs, ,says: "The t,rul~ Is. ' ,e tary ?ervlce, etc., ,Is reserved to the 111_ !!I')' ~ op~!te ~f · t~\8 1: the ~rlmal faet dell-end,ent acthin ' or both' leglslalurea' I.' ,all liidep.e lldent kin,gdOm ' of , Hun- but Practically tbese bollies are ' ex: a~ry, wblob haa allied Itselr ror ~ertaln peeted to agree. Tbere al'l' (hree comp ~rposea and IInder cortalu con~I~IOI\~ man dopartmente of mlnlstry-for,dgll to the eQuall. y Independent e!Dplie of IIrralrs tlnance and . ' 8 Th ' tl f ' "r. e expenees A,U8tr.. I bI' ,an ae' t 0 sover!!, gu ree of l1rose departments are borne jOintly " -fO • • will, wllh9ut ever hflvlng Il,bdlc'ate<l lhe by both Counll'Ie8 aDd both counltlea COFFEE NEURALOIA IImallcst particle or Its sovereignty BS have e\lual control ' -Wem. Tb~ an Independent uallon .• lIlough It has ,comp"omlse as a 'b I Leaies Wh~~ ;:fo\! 1 Quit nnd 'Un coDllentad to ' cx~rcl~e a sOI1I1I IlOut ot ogri?eCl uJ)o~ lo~ ten" y~:~s :~s a 1~1n\~e POlltum. Ita governmenl,11 (unctlnns Ibrougb but possibility or cbaul;:e during the$~ executive orgllns r.ommon with AUII- Inten'ala W"S d A lady~ who unconSCiously dl'lft.. i ror. It was tria." H ungllry h as Its own pari amenl P u"reed tb ot tb earrange o mOllllrc. b ",as to be Into nervous prostraJlon brQught on anti hns no represe ntative In tho A us · callect e mllenr of Au t I ' . ' trlan parliament. TCrI'ltorlal\y Hun\ 8 r a and king of by coffee" says : Hungary . and tho monarcby WBS to b "I have beeu a coffee drinker all gary Is larger Ihan lhe Aus trlnu em· call ed the Ailst e IlIre, tbough ber POPUlation 18 somero-Hungarhlll empire:" my lite, and used It regularly, tbree , In Ih e conferencelllluded t080me time 'tlmo-a a day. . wbat smaller, IIbout 19,000.000, I\S com· bacll IVh " reln I' < ' rane IB K088utb figured "A year or two ago I hecame 8Ulr pared IV Ith a b 011 t 26 ,000 ,000. '1'1Ie twO with F'ran z Jose I ' ustlAlly appear joflltl), In IlIterD3 ' p I. no agreement wnB Ject to lIervous neuralgIa. attaoks ot .. . 81T"'l.'d lit. Another. conrerence was nervoua headac.h e and general nerv' tiona I aualrs, hut Hungary has cver "allp(\ later ond lb II held herself ao Ind ependent nnllon . Jtlurney~tI t~ VI , e c ~~ tlon lesdera OUII pr08tratlon whlcb not only inCouot Appanyl, chamberlain to I be reccl\'"lt ., Fra ~nnJ a . h· ow were tbey capaCitated me for doing my hOU8~ d wItb I he ra,lI caJ HungarIans < . II I ng,' an d no tCiIIIIse I nz G 'Qsep spoke to the work, but. frequontly made It . lIecesIndependenLB a year IIgo bore WllueS8 n· erman, contrar), to hll sary for me to remain In a dark that' " Hi1oIia~l"B ' strong InSistence on usual courleou8 ~lIstom, ~!Id accounted room tor two or tbree da)'1l at a tlme_ . .., . an Inlentlonal ,rlevous Insult· h did : " I employed several good a.octon~ her national Independence (lOed 1I0t ' e In' the leaSl Imply a will or a wish ~ ,1101 orrer 10 IIhake hands, anotber at· one atter tire other, but none , of t.bem , (r(lnt tn the Hnngarlans was able to··glve me permanent' tellet. break away from AU8trla. We mean to ' , . be true to the reigning dynasty-no we shall ere long begin, to "Eight monthll ago a friend augnallon \!Ilthln III domlnlon'l allsolutdy reallztl that poor old F~an. J08eph Is gasted that perbaps coffee Willi the· more reliable In tbat respect · we mesn realty 1\\'0 lIersons; snmetlmes the king cause at my troublll8 and thllt I tl')' 10y&1ly to fullOI our compact' ot mutual or Hungary, /\gain emperor at AUstrIa. P'IIItum Food Coffee and give up tbe detense with AU8Irla; In a word, wbal Pulle<l lhl~ way, pulled that, tbe two c.ld kind. I am glad I took ber ad· _ our rorefathers agreed to, 88 being persons In one may .hortly Come to ,.Iee, for my healtb · has been eJltlrely obligations rully accepted by Hungary. :::;:' d Rubmor eays Ihe recent dellant restored. I have no more Beuralala, All we want Is that equal faltb sboul~ u e sown tbe Hun.arlana In can- 1I0r bave I had Olle IIOlItary headacbe be kept with us." rerencE\, Ie but prelude to Franz Joaepll II} all thele eight mOllths. No more· InlAlrnal squabbling bas marked d18- f~:~D:e ~~It the reIns or government,: o,t my da!1I are wasted In Bolltar,. con· cusllons of Austrian Questlona In Hun. er man A ~~dl~ateF~nd let tbe younlr· ftnemellt ' ln a dark room, r do all my gary. For the past elgbt yeara Ibere aS8ums ' tI r\ u e rancla . Ferdinand, own work wltlr eue. ,Tbe ftellb ,tbat I ' have been many turbulent .cenet I.n lies 111 eavy double reapon.l~bl.lI. 1000t dllrlng the yeara of my nervoull prostration h.. come 'baOk to :nie dur,tbe legislative bOdY, and mlnlltr)' ofter ' KATHERINE POf'&. IlIg these' m 'ntbs, and I· am once more' mlnlatry haa been torced to I resign. a bal)py, bl&lthf' womad. I , enlllOlle a The papers cbronlcle the throY(ID. or 8ummer Tal•. lukatands, the smasblng of chairs b), list ot namel of frlell~: wllo pan l VOLJab . ' sup'posedly dlgnlfted members of a sup. B.con-A n), lIablng up. III tbe COUD .. for t~ ttuth of the statement." .Nams posedly dlgnlned tUlsemblags, TrIck , try ,where )'OU "ere . tbla summer' given b), PostulD Cn., Battle. Oreek.. • and torce lIave ~th be~n tried to' ,keep Egbert-Well, I should aay sol Wby. Mlch, dOWn discontent and revolt, bllt t hI' I De\'er. sa,.. sucb ' bla · ftsh In my lit.! Tbere'8 a reason.' ", Independen18 ba\'o gained In, strengtb Ten days' trial leavlllg ofLgolfee .antll "No; laue. TOu dI4r1' 1."-Yonktn 10 lIuch an elItent the, bave, bad to 118 Slatelmall. ualnR POltum fl 'Iumclellt ,AU .,0.




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tlon , an" we w~ot and ule al) Wll8, and whe n tllo lime was ther e .tom slep so hard roY ,ha[ r ralseel 'rIgh t up , the up, ~tl!f, li ke a pOl'e ullld e, The n I dete eUv e disa ppea red and dad ' pay for the lunc heon , but he Itlckblld to IIsle ned to dad ond Asto r talk abou t R ln·g lng ~----- ' " of Bell e" all Ame rica, and' 1 ~ever 81lW s a1\d Blow ing of tho way tei Lon don, and Ute a man who , suar Whi d st.1es seemed to be so asba med t hat Al' U II. Thi ng 'would not 118ten to Ills co mplalnlJl be was , but a brevet Eng llsh;"'an, as , of t,lUI :Pu t, told blm [f he tried to bold be did. He up train he would be thro wn oul the l.Ie salol be had 10 muc h mon ey tbat It One of the cnte t'pris lng Dltlllllfac tur· dow and run over by the train 7i1 U' mad e bl~ heat! ache to hellr the Inte r· Ing toWII~ or 'Co , bad the co,n part men t to ours elvel We eRt accu mula ,e, nl gb ta, wben he cru sade aga[ us nnec i icut bas Sla rt ed a t t ho exoess[ve rlng l Lhp coul dn't s lee p, :llld yet h A Stra ight Crit icism , rest o hall of the no mor way e mill bolls , ou~ th e prol onged lJlowl ngo! The Bad lIoy Tell . HI. Vnc le to l,ond on, exoept en joym eot " HoII' did you like Ill y-tal k las t nl Abo ut abou t an hou r, lng tb 01 nn Drey fus did on Dev ll's slea m \\:hI 6tl e8. , Th e manufo~t whe n the guar d sho ved Island, Lon don Fo p'- How ,T hey Rod asltell the !Jegl nn er [n the lectu re ghl' " u ril1 g e3· He had auto mob iles e In fle[d Firs t·(;1 ass trom Live rpoo l to Lon anc! a tarm er who s mell ed like eDwB , Oil ou I' ex pos[ tlon buil ding thllt "I OU I" tabll shm eul S' are tll IIf!) f JLIl via e, "We lL" repli ed tho «;nnd [d crltl o, , , hors es and and tf tlt e sign · dad t ried to get In a Quarrel with "you als or dldn 1 1I'os carr 'l don -A Visi t at "l,IlI 1" Asto perlt tuke iage y s a adl'a re by wei ,ntag th · e e scor of )'O ur ' man y e, bu t he no're r corned sn'ywhere r's him , abou t Eng llsb roas t bee r com Ing enjo III t be OIlllo worl yed rtun ll a l1i Cou nt.ry Plao e - How "Bil th rid s," ey e a bout London, beca use shou ld l's" f~om Ame rica, but the U1un did n't hore only Oue be cbe rlsbe d In a ll their aggr es· " I d[dn 't? " pers on Flun key Sat On a Che stnu t Bur r, his argu ing cloth es on, so dad b~gan blm, and lhos In ten thouao n" knew s lven ess, one mlgh l sII[lp 08e, In bust · ' '' No; you bad u num ber o f, oppo e wb o dlll ' look ed upon ling and to find taul t with me, and the rt bust lin ties to qui t beto re yoU dld. "- Phll unl· BY HON , GEO RGE W , P E K, told dad to let Ull on the kid man him wltb pIty aod cont emp t beca use The citi zens ot g C nne tl eu t tOIl'II , adel ( Ex ·Go vern ol' ot 'W I !co or t h[ I he he had reno unce d hIs couu ' port l cula r place ph la Press. usl n, try to get repo rls the Phll aric ' Bc.ll l or or P oc k ' s Sun , Auth Form erl )' wou ld punc h 'Is ulooc!y 'ed off. Tha t solid ll.hl a Ledg with er, or ot druw the Eng lish seW ed It, whe n t he man dro llped arist ocra cy, and l he 111) 0 al t uB " P ~~ k '8 U a.d 13oy, " ClC st roll~s of a big facto ry his nobody would spea k (Co pyright, 100:., til' J o••" .h B , .)Bow " II," dad thougbl he was Told the Tru th, one of tile lhey wan ted to borr to him unlc ss bell at 5:30 In the mor ning . wh en mOSL l •• ,) ow mon ey, and 11 ot tb e Inha bitan noul ilty, and he gOl Qui to chum "Com e In, you )'oun g heat hell," fi lcb Hl?lress (sco rntu llyj- !!o ts al'e my enjo said you' re they ylo g t did hE' pro· horr ow mon ey from him be foun wl lh the Eng lis hma n , aDd tb en th e grt)cery man , a s th e Dad Doy s UII on enrt h ? r und ersto od you d s lee p whi ch sett le U(lon we ~~t was nfru ld they would look ed to to say one poy Ulro ugh t.b e fron t dpQI', "IL's Lond It back oll, wh , and abou t th e dawII of d eo 1 rejec ted you las t s e8son that a nd dad had a quar rel a foggy abou YOll mor nhtg.fI t his uagg ag e, I\I\lI afte r threat.on mak e him trou ble co unti ng It. He by one o [ th e di sgru llY. It Is sugg ested could not poss ibly Ilve with out · told dad he wao ted to get n tl ed t ha t Lbe bell· me, Ing to huve a lol or fights he "l"n&b'Y?" said the Bad Bo)" back Ja Into Ck rin Ardu ging llp [lrac (che lloo crhl got tlls Is n surl' lval of th e ll 1-I'D I not as he trun .eateu blmself, ' "Say , old ma k on the roof or a cab, and livin g. Mel' ely man agin g to p r lod wh en t bere we re few cloc III xls t by ks aud just Gugh t to see a Lol\don ll , you obou t an hour we go t lo tb e bot .. mea ns 110 of (loH th e ar wu tches. mos t rigid eoollomY,.tha t'. fog, IC then t ho rog' bega n an e ngage men, and a cour t 80n tenced me to live niLLoui 'It Is r!lnl l heresy to !lcclalm svill e Co uri er-J our nal, t. If In agal town , 1 would apile al the case that th o fog hare ever frole s tiff, tbo town lbe bustl e of tra de, CI' u If It lake nsl the as k the Jud go to lemp er his sen, IUld would look IlIle a Illec e of Ice form of uno e~essul'y I'acl, et, lu wi th tenc e fish The Cha mpi on Draw in g Card a co m· wltb merc y, and hang me, The rroze n In. Gee, but 1 would lI , mun ll,y whic h fin ds It !l Im ult to ~e tog Fair Cust o mer (bre athl essly ) diffe r· 10 bnl'e It fr eeze In fron t or our ther e Is 110 th[, 'k you have I see entl ate betw een men ! no l ~e and 11I'og · ho to reel tOlI. you are adve rtis ing s hot silks at five so 1 could take au ax and go aron nd Uke n bllod goddeHs, ond ,ress; bu t ." onll' of tb e citize ns of ou t and ... cent s u ya rd . R you sbow UI' thro ngh th e fog bcn chop a froz en girl out, and tbaw bel' ville , Conlt .. poss essi ng lbe cour oclt· you Sale sma n (bllm dly) -Ye s, tpad am, and She -Th ey've been secr etly enga age of till s he cam e to. look nbon t 18 fee t high, and eo nvl cllo n, 81'e ag itati ng the ques gnd they you , are llou for a year, wll! rio uei\l Itlfti lly for mos "Say , old Ulan , [f nnyl;;ody ever 10 wel you "'au t to be rull thro wb eth er It Is nol wanl poss l! lb[e to turo ou t as n ettin g, You see lbey cam e In quit o He- How do you kno, ,'? clot hes wr inge r ever y little whil ugh a to trea t you to a trip to EurOpe, doo' an mn cn worl t trOD l tbe facto ries t e, press cnr that was held up by traIn ex· She- Why , s he's lold alm ost el'er two days we nOVeT left our hote For como hore , but 1:0 to som e plnc e wh robli tt le less t umll it [n the bell towewltb a y· bers ,-N, y, Wee ere l, but Ihey rs bolly nnd .-C ldy, h[ cago Jour na l. loo ~ed out ot'th e window» terrlfl blas ts of Ihe big wh istles. wait ing for gllsh don 'l lhln k tbey can s peak Eng · , You can u uderBl and a Nlta llan the fog to go by, and watc hIng The re was a tlDle w heu lite peop le peop le swim thro ugh It, with out the or a Fren 'hma n , or a Dutchma n, could not be asse mble d wIth out Trou bles of the Rich , !'he Mod ern J'ack Hor ner, wbo turn · can' t si,eo lIle nlll Ing a hair . Dad was tnr goin It Eng lish , an d know s' be of a bell , Wltl tin reco llecl lon 011 Mag nale -Ab , my boy, r.. ltt lc Ju ck }{ or r.e r g righ t can' t, a mil· '. ever y lhan you can an Eng lls b· to the lord may or and lodg Ing lIon alro 's posi tion Is a hard one, Snt In tho co rnor, . school hous e wnH prov ided wltll a com · man who one, An d JUSt why In thin ks he can spea The child ish mind Is pec uliaI'll' Skep tical Frie nd- In wha t way obllv l· ? Th e c orne r h A-ut IIsb, and can ' ~ 'don 't you k Eng· ous 10 punc tual ity in a tte ndan 011 Mag nate- If 1 hoar d ' my know .' t8 qUite ~ns ce l' wea ltb to gue at •• , 6ve q'th lng Is 'do n't you know s choo the)' l, yet se vera l hund red thou usan I'm oblig ed to collf.... say I'm Ii skln fllnt ._ and it, a serv ant give s you nn eve ning .' If 'Twl.U$ lh e o nlr pln ce public schOOl pupils In Phil adel d my mon ey awa y t hey Bay I am I I!'lve pape r try phia be says : " Ere's your palp er, Len In Ih c lIu \, to ease my gullLy cons clon ce, ~Dg don 't J UST AS TBE FLU NKE Y FLU NKE D man age to nrrll'e In tim e for the Hrst -Ju dge, ..;-Tl t. you know ,' and If a man shou BI~ . mor or; ning T HE lesso HES n 1I'[th TNU ldollt 'l' DUR R, THIl : I the aid of any . don 't say they would , hut If FIH E C' R ACK ER WEN T OFF slgn a[ save the hODl e clock, 10 a , the maQuic kly Paci fted, . . s houl d give you a civil answ er, man , jor[t . y of lhe Penn syll' nnla coun ties the wben n' WO ULD MA KE MA TRO UBL E, Hus band (furl ous ly J- H erc's my ,ou a sked him I he nam e ot a Ame rica, and become a citiz en best usal n cour thou se Is l'roy lded wIt b a bell, Lit· mee rsch aum he wou ld look at you as thou stree t, ot that gran d old cou ntry of pipe brolt e n! How , In tbe Igatlon apPB the gh you and strip es, and asked dad howstar s dueted with l'enl ly coul d ' not be con. nam e of seo,se, did that hapl )en? were a cann ibal, and say : 'Reg out It;, but 10'N ew York and he Wlf stree t, don 't you know ,' and then eat could do [t, ror h e said he had e-I don 't know , exce pt tha t wben rathe !' ' Phll adel pb[a t be judge!1 are able to oc- 1 ,got u wou ld act as thou gh you had brok en wor k In a s laug hter bous e In >\merlca cupy the benc b, the lawy ers, the s uito rs, mee up Ibis mor ning , 1 found your hIm of bls reat, Dad aske d mor rsob aum pipe In the fron t tban lie a gran d duke In Eng land the wlln esse s and t be jury men e than . tbel r Iyou r over sboes on the parl or hall llnd a doze n men wher e Bill Asto "I neve r saw dad look so sorr places, mor e Or le8s prom p,Uy, man tle· r lived , y tor a wltb ou l piece and of all the PD,Pulal\on ot Lon don 1 man as he' did for Asto r, and he told the ass istan ce of Ihe bell In th e steo ple. Hus don' t belie ve anyb ody know s, band him tbe only way was to sell (mll dlyl - Oh , ,,"ell , acel · out his The fuel ts, II grea t dea.! of very Imp or. (len ta' ,vIII one new sboy , We rode halt a exce pt ranc h In Lon don and go hnpp un, I pres um e ther e has back on an tant asse mbli n g Is a cctlJDllllshed wltb . been day on an top of a bus, thro ugh stre ets 110 emL gran t ship, take out his first earth crow d· pa- out s uch ald . , The th eory that ~o\h'ns' Y. Weekly: '.qUa ke or som ethl ng,- N, Old that the hors es had to cree pers , vole the dem ocra tlo Hck . " Is doin g wh en Iher e Is no nols p, anc! et and e 'ls ex· dad hun g on tor tear the bus even tual ly beco me , a citiz en, plod ed. In the early days ot ra[lr would Asto r oadl n g be tipp ed over , and finally we was thin king ,ove r the prop ositi l iE \"OU LD PUN f-I 'IS BLO got He W:a nted, to Kno w, on, and the time table Willi nol s umc [ent to wak. ODY 'ED Into the ~ uburbs, whe re the rich out dad had aske d him It be OFF, "Th is .yur III: tbe pl~~, ain' t It, was not en the villa ge, and It was ihou gbt esse n. peo· whu r pIe live, and dad said we wero afra id of dyna mite rs, whe n ho righ t shud - tlal that the depo t as well ns the loCI). you·1IJ1 set, type ?" Inqu ired a gan,d erplai nt, and dem andi ng that the fog on the trail of Kin g Edw ard, and we de red and said ever y day he expe cted moti ve, shou ld have a bell to Info rm tbe neck ed youn g Ark ansa n who had perc be clea red off, BO an Ame rican lated Into 'tbe olllce of the Polk o· clUten got olf and loite red &round, and dad to be blow n sky high , and final ly he trav eler Lbat It ~as train lime . ' ville could go abou t town and blow saw a beau tiful plac e, with a big .mel led som ethi ng burn ing and Wee kly ~ia.rlon, ' In his iron sllid " 1D0n flY, but r told him he coul d fence, and a gate as big, as a the ame li rem inde d him of an " Yea, raIlr be " Ame IIr· repl oad CH rl· ied AT the~ able ed itor, ' ''r h~S WITI1 THE BARBER: resl ed for trea son, He com e Fath er- Uow would )'OU like to IS the 'Plllce, " ' mig hty brid ge, and dad aske d a new sboy who can Fow-1.Il of July , wea r 'f Dear bein g arre lted on the olotb es like thal , Tom my? " You see, I had been sitti ng stilI He Say "Wa cars from lived tber e, ' and the boy mad e up a s .-al," Men proc on Don eede ' t Cut d the The visit ir or, Own "w!;l Live rpoo l to Lond on, n.t ,Tom face lit tlad and said : 'H'a stor my.l .1 d unno , I'm 'frai d. th~ atep ot Lbe vera nda do tbe type hatc h, and how long so long I got Hai r, But Som e Trim doei lll whe n rna , :wanted to give me a that blok e,' and h e put out his hand, 10U nerv ous, for som ethi ng exc[ "Wh en we got 011 the atea mer talle 'em ?"-PuCk. IIck ln' ' tlng, so I for a and . The . ' ir Bell. \'tls, " ' sbe' d h~ve to Ul!e ',a crpw,b!U'/ et.ll tip, took a gIan t firec rack er out tried to find lb. wido w who ome of my robo ed had It was the first civil answ er dad thin ' like that ,-'-C blca go New i. rece ived 'In Lon don, BO he gave dad of his roll Of mon ey, but ' "r-!o, " Bald Lhe barb er, "I neve r , the pock et and lit the long tall, and shov ed , > knew foun d her, we were abou t the lastneve r boy n doll ar. The boy tell over on It und er lhe porc h and look ed lIeco mln g, Inno-- of a man that cut hi s own hair, but I pas· the cent , ,"I wish to adop t a child ." said aeng en to reac h train , and side ' Wo Onr tlln e, the whe n go awa walk , dead ,. and dad star ted to wltb and just then one of the lIun klea know a man who Irlm s his own beimt. wea we got' read y to set on we foun d thes lthy wom an In the orph an asyl y for fear he wou ld be arre st· tbe tigh test pant a you ever taBW He is a very r.Usl ress -Brl dget ; whY ', d Ulli't um, gooC e you l Cust ome r of mine ed for mur der, but I kick ed the ; Engl lBh cars that open on the finis h wlnd.~ng the cloc k? Yo boy, cam e alon g and patt ed me on the head I hav e cut his hair for year s, out "wh at have ' you '" , alde8, and and they put you Into a box ataI "Oh be got up and yelle d BOme kind and said I was a nice boy, and , we gave have it a, them coup he le ,ot turn s, trim s hll! Own beal'd, In aJI shad tbat .om e othe r live stoCk, and lockl with of mur dere d Eng lish, 'and mor e tban mad e me mad , and whe n he repli ed the poli te lady supe rlnte ea," Mal d-Y ez mus t rem lmb er tbat "He wea rs o nly a abO rt wen t to nd"n t, you a doze I'll poln t e'd tn, and Ollce In awh ile a guar " alt whic dow n h b~' new do n lavID hesl sboy s cam e On a galIo p, you preCer "! de me on step ' yez to.m orry , " mum , and I'd bear d on his ch[n , trim mi ng. the d open s and ' side s my )lorae ches tnut out of my I took of hl "I whe n the boy told' them wha t had the doo r to see If yoU are dead 'thIn k a blon de' child will be tbe not be afth er doln ' anny ot ~ face clos ely, • He neve pock et th' new r coul d mos t and put It on the step Just whe auff ocat lon, or have been mur derefrom happ ened they all wan ted dad to appr gyur opri ate," l's wor· answ rkt" "-c) ered get evel a ask and , Lefld r , the barb el' to trim h[s bear d exac wea the 'othe r pass enge rs, Dad ,kick d by tbem Queatlons. sat dow o, and how It bapp enedre he Iy ns he wan ted It, and flO he took ~" In llhy wom an, 'my auto la Hnisbed ed ' to "I told the boys dad W38 And blue goin g In one ,ot the kenn els tbe on to com , "~P e out uck, ao ' I don 't know , It mus t have tri mm ing It hims elf, He boug rew first Carn • A Nat ural Oholce, bt him · tbln g, and ' said be wan ted a ' parl or mlllI egie , and that be was givi ng awa y been Prpl 'lden ce, \ You see Just as the sel! a clipp er tor tlie slde s Oholl)'- Cba rmln g widow, Isn't or On8 of doll ars, so whe n dad \-1' car; but the guar d too1C'dad and his flunk ey shef flunk ed on the ches tnut burr , face, and tben with XUS EUM MUB ES, got Th9 y say abe' Is to mar ry agai a, pair of shea rs blm a shov e, anil toIBed me In gave to the gate of lhe beau tiful H'as n, ' tor the firec rack er wen t off, and the man be wae all equi pped , ' on top plac AIg y-I wpu ldn't wan t to be a WIdlump ed up and said : "EII '.·flr of dad, and two othe r pass enge e, the boys yelle d And rew Carn e, h'am "lie' trim s his ~eard 'e,"e ry day, e· ow's seco nd husb and: a wom an In the oom partl Den rs and gle, and .a flunkey lIun ked the gate hlow ed,' and he had his hand a and t he laak es a. pret l y good job of ChoUy- WeU, I'd rath er bt!i a ered , 'a nd dad wan ted to ligh anlc k· open and dad and I wen t ~, It. 'A pant s, and the air was full of on biB wid · t all ot walk and amo barb ke, el' o.,..'s .seco,!d husb and tban her coul d tell tbat It was 'em ellce pt the wom an, ed up to the hous e. Asto r was and hand dad arst got on hla knee s and said : cut, 80 to spea ll, bu on husb und, dOl\.O,be.rk no,w .-Tl t·Bl ts, t you coul dn't the vera nda, smo king a Miss ouri 'Now 1 lay me,' and Mr, Asto "Wh en the door cioaed dad told corn r fain tell tI.hal tl>e now so eas ily as you coul d at cob pipe, and drin king Ame rican gUlr d he wou ld waIk on his neck beer , ed all over a rock ing chai r and tipp ed first, ' beca use h'e 's ImpI'QI'e wbe c! In hl~ ,A Gen ius, the door PP8n ed, and that he was .n and seem ed to be wish ing he was beer bott les on the vera n4a and worl mor l, and now he turn s <lut a prett e not baok hom e In Ame ~han 40 serv ants cam e, "Yes, I th[~k DIY now"aon .tn-I aw an entl'J' In a 'dog ahow , and be :! rica, ' Dad . , marc and hed I told hu a. geni us for finance," ed a kenn el all to 'blllia81f, and wan t· righ t up to the vera nda, like a vete ran to com e on, and we got onll ide dad good lob, So ther e's one< man , any, , aske d sold ier, and the way , . that trim s ' bls own hl:arij, ' g ate, "Ha tor do, ,blee ult, ~,but that ahea Aato but s he d ' r been of coul the d ,wak see polic ing 'dad e, and got a I ne,'e r ' knew anyb .mo ney on , was guar d an Ame rlcau ody tbat cut h ili was mad , and ' he gave dad look .. tock s?" by the dand rull on his cab and drov e quIc ker than _ t to own '. ' balr, ' the hote l, and I ast dad wba ,atar tois' tbe traln ' gOing, I whla that coat colla r, and A&tor said : " No;. but he's just go , bom ,Iltte r a t pere d , ,, "You "ye u· say you knew a man once thre e week s" Dcat,lon, wIth e$7, to dad to get Qut hla revo lver , ~U are an Ame rIca n citiz en and tbou ght It was that wen t off, and he that ,60 In. he had , 31 razo rs , one for e~'ery, ilAld: cas the othe r Pau eqe ra, look ed like Be you are welcome, Once I was like day h ."-C hlC8~ Reco rd· Hera 'You can sear ch me,' but he ' In ld, you, hold the · mont l~? Wel l, tbaL and 's eald a, up men { and -be .~k bls revolYe~ dIdn 't care a cont inen tal for ' any· good mlloy he had got enou gh of tryin g to razo rs mor e than I ever 'hl!a (jut body," refo rm eeca ped Ame rican a, aDd of his ' .. tche l alJd put It In hla rd ot, A but we got goorl man y men have a En Voy age, pisto l reno unce In a mom ent ' ot pass ion I IIi case ot razo rs, the hote l and laid low, and d my coun try, awo re al· pock et. .- and look ed lierce,. and "Ah ," sbe said , 8S they were the Btv£ th" n, one for ever y day III the wee k, le&!lln.: t ' new spap ers told abou t a dyu legia nce to thIs lllaw sted coun try, wom an bega n to act fain t, 'whi over , the rail, ~' the mqo n 18 mlt e and plen ty of men OWII le the and outr com ln« two or thre e paa ieop ra; 'aeemed to b.e'·p repa age, and laid It to anar chls ta." up." rlng to razc , rs, But one razo r w.lll do nry ~ Jum p On dad It he got viol ent. , "Go sb, Whe n hie; well " be answ ered , "1 didn 't , 1£ It's a good one,' the traIn atop ped at the flJ'IIt Patr ick Hen1')'" Gra v.. hl c, know YOtl 'h ad- " .tatl "Wh at abou t the Idea thnt a Mt.n ager --W hat do you thin k of I got" .out and told the guar d that on man "Inq uiry the ':Bu t, ',,,'el'cOIile, he 18 mad e nOW and the oughL old ieat lem an In ther e wu said .lam ea Atk ln.o n, ot Phll adelthen ," 80 tbatto have mor e tban one ' razo r roug h houa e ' tbat "Tb e Bear ded Wom · to his feell ugs,-Re cordagai n gave way from he can use pbla , ·He rald , an" crea razo ted Hele na, ~Mont., and that he r laat one nigh day, t? "as to whe re Patr ick Hen r)', had a and then let It rest a day, that the The repu tatio n from 8t. Pau l to Port Skel eton a razo I'm r Ton gue or the Rev olut ion, la surp rised , 1 alburl ed, Impr ol'es by reatl ng? Wel l, I don' t way s thou ght he was Irre sisti ble, and lhen I held up both hand land , The grea t orat or lies In a quie a perfe ct lady ,"I saw Grum by talk [ng to you t gra n take muc h stoc k In that !d,ea, way traIn' robb era mak e pa&e a the Pitts burg Disp atch , yeson the esta te In Cha rloll Le ence l'll " It a man 's got a good rRzo te rday. 1 Ihou lht Y0.l' said he Collnty, hold .up thei r hand a. r, and neve r Virg inia, whe re he form erly ' be's got It In prop er cond ition s l'ok ~ to lived you , an., mor e,?" , It 11'111 . "Wb en I wen t back In the car Red Hill 18 the nam e of the Too Lig ht, "He does n't, \I1Iulllly, ,b ut he eata te, cut and keep on cutti ng, I've gol a noti ced was talkl n&, to the wom an' abou dad wblc b Is on the Stau nton rive "1 mus t com plim ent cuat I you t had ome ber on a r cold, and be coul dn't resi st the who shav es ,him self with tha the reo r, 118 rese mbli ng a wQman he uaed to mar mile s trom Lyn ehbu rs, Whe kabl e ligh tnes s of sam temp your e know tullo n tp tell me an unfa ilIng rem razo r rIgh t 'alon g, day afte r day brea d," said D Pat, tn tbe .t&tetl;' and he was jUlt rIck rien ry boug ht the plac e edy tor II ,"-C [enl and Lead er, goin g It com · Cor 8 i]< mlm th., The n he hrln gs It In the wom an cust ome r, to ask her' how fODg abe had prls "Th ed ank abou you, l " a,600 r ejoin acre s, One of tha to me to be shar pene d, and I ed been so t he bal,e r. " It 1 put It 18 my aim to turn beau tl(ul , whe n the'· gUard cam e near est neig hbor s 11''' the ~eleb out the ligh test brea d to thl' In\o prop er shop e for him , and A Sou veni r Spo on, _hie door and calle d the wom then In the city ," John Ran dolp h, ot Roa noke , 16 ratetl he s tsrts an oul mila agai n . with Aun t Jane -Ed ltb , didn 't I SM It, usi ng Into anot hel' 8ta11, and then one It day awa " Yes, " cont inue d the cust ome r: "and y, Red Hill Is nOw own ed by Hen afte r day, of the , Swe etse r ktss lng you In the hall Mr. pass cnge re- pulle d out a pall' of ry's gran dson , Will iam Wlr t Hen It you get It muc h IIgb ter It last "Do n't 1 ulle the sam e razo r will take nigh t ? ry,"cutts and told dad ' he mig ht hand .. man y two of your poun d loav es to Balt imo re Slln, &8 well time~ a day l' Sure, welg . b 16 Edit Wba h-Y ea; t you surr ende r, becauae he was a but It was only ' In reIs a good roto r In good orde r , anc!wan t ounc es," - Tit· Blls, mem bran ce of othe r days , Yard dete ctive and had spot ted8cot land you Wel l Poa ted. dad liS can shav e wIth such "A sort or so uven Ir spoo n, 1 IUPpoae a rllzo r any an Amerl eall emb ezzl er, and It i quac k doct or whoBe trea tme nt ha.. time. he drew Tele path y. you mea n."- Tlt· Blls , . that &lin he had In his pock evid entl y led to the deat h ot et ther e "So "Dlt you teren ran acro ce In ra1.ors ~ 'Why , cer· ss dat mill iona ire bls pa. would be a. dead Yan.keo In abou tien t was ellRmlned stern ly :!'y tbe COl' lalnl y. Som e ra~orB wea r well and whe n you was goln ' dow n de road ," said mlnutell. Wel l, I tbou ght dad t tour SMO KIN G A MISS OU RI ORN COD Nat ural , Apt itud e, oner , Mea AND had nder keep ing Mike. lhel r edge s, lind som e don' t. You DRI NKl NG AME RICA N B EE lIerv e, befo re, but he beat the R. "Wh llt prof essio n will yo ur son " Wha t did you give the poor tello !.mnd "Yes," 8Dsw ered Plod ding Pote, mh: hl buy two razo rs a t the folw 1" rlgb t thero , He unbu tton ed hla sam ! low? " aske d the coro ner, "An y COnl'Bl'llatlon?" prier: at the sam e time , and coat and put his finger on a over· ever ybod y hat es me here , and I don' t alit of "Hil "Ipe ven' cacu ~ del)\d od! It hi,s haIr anha , sir," gran d dare go bom e "No. Wo jes' exch ange d thou ghts the ~a m e stoc k, razo rs, ,'ory Ises p&; arm y butt on III hll butt on bole to , IIk!!I)" ciall "Yo u mig ht just as well have , and tellr 1 will be quarcolle ct my rent tor glye n prob ahly [n fact , Dlade at Lhe Bame was wlsh ln' I had his mon ey an' he was mus y luxu rlan l I'll ad.vl se ,blw to be a nntl ned at EllIiI Is· him tbe auro ra aald : ician , If his bear d Is, part icul wish In' he had my appe ute, "-W bore alis, " aald the ~r. lime from th e s ame bar ot 9tee land and sent back to Eng land arly ss ll- heavy I'll tell I, and Ingt on Slar "'Oe nlle men, I am an Ame rican as an oner . b[DI to be a ~hYSlclail,"';Ond them very dIffer ent. I1.'s , cen, visit ing the crow ned head a elll- unde sirab le emig rant wbo has com mitIn tha Wus hlD "We ll, s Ir, that 's just w.ha t t was gton Star . of the ted a. crim e, and [s not ' go· uiinper." welc ome In the Ing to give him 'When old ,forl d, with from be died ,"-N , y, the land whe re I was born , Old Rec rimi nati on, pres iden t ot the Unit ed Stat man , have rrlb une , el, alld' a. glas s of ' Milw auke e beer Why He, ~Id It, Indi cted tor Bno rln g . The Aut o-I dpn 't balk, or run day alt,e r , to~morrow I bave and lel's aWRY, " He mus t thin k II lot ot his horae," In a sma ll com mu ne near Vers aille or s hy at barm less thin gs In the , mee t your klrig, on ollloial a date to talk of your hOule and my birth place, s, road , Blue X.o1 7, bUl In Fran cei the .may or torm ally "Wh y?" that mea ns muc h tb the rutu re lneu and forg et that ther e Is such a coun · ' Indi cted Yah ! .' Foss il or blue I"or y ' Is som etim p_c e try as Eng land ,' , . a citiz en for the gra~e ollenlle "Bec ause be nam ed ber alte r hIB-w l'..,' es The Hor ,of Oil[ resp ectiv e coun trlea , se-A Dd ot snor t don' · ; t brea fouu k d dow In n, com IAJ' merc a e, lng, and Is ueed occa , "Dad sat dow n on the porc Tb e accused atten ded a meotlng or explode, or turn "Tll band cn me and you han a from turU e over brld ies, the at hors e Is a conf irme d k1ck er, all4 " the wen t out on the lawn chas ing b, and I slon ally In the man ufac ture of iewe lry. ot the mun icipa l coun cil and bard est h.ors ~' Yah! to man -Chl ,a~d arm ' or' an Ame rican batti ll8e I.hat he baa ~ago Sun, peac ock. U la (;Vldentiy from was BO eSbl p:' and tree ing gilin ea hen. goC ' -Ho usto n Post " ' , and sett1ll8 delu vlan mam mot the tusk 8 of ante · .oven :omo by the eloq uenc e of t he m.y · "We ll, sir, I have seell a good I mU hs 1 dop 'burl or that el1 on he lhe to ~n swan the ored 8, . unti l a bull er or a eart h for This dem ollat raUo n blu h In m, tlnie, but I neve r aaw Our tl'rea .Mlc Htor: thoU And tbe , dulie of was year or BO som s, ,, , _ vigo duri ethi rous ng ng took me by the, 001- whic h time that the reat of the m. Lov e. > equal ~. that , for the_detecUveSeri ous Stud ent- Ano rent lege ntll tbey have ' beco me .Iow l, may or:a addr ess coul d not be h~ of . The Hus band- You don 't ..bite, aDd apol ollle d; and uke-tUrned lar arid ,.hoo k me till Ill)' teeth gut peD ltrat ed with cert ain Euro pean . nati ons rela te dou ht _ meta llic salta , whic h The offender "'81 char d dad 10018, ' and he took me back that the love , dear , do you ! ged ,.'lth ob- IJnIt Ulce 0.:14 I ou ' t.o Il!.nch'"!.n at l ht!. n~ to e~r of man kind 11''' a Ita- v.-andA and lat ma don on the the have sl\'e 8 tbem a pecu liar blue colo r, . stru ctln g the tran sact ion ,of publ tree. • _ The Ife- No, I don' ic bus. bot· ,a110wl1lS them to be nled as t, I Frlv olou a DiU o-W u Itap lpaw turQDO ... lD~-lIIi ,lind outr ailll g the civic maJ treo ? 'love my mon ey aa muc h now belle'fe-JOli Utr, dp, ase YW ,"' , dld, -Yo nker e Stat eam lll.



-- -- --



P. H. Surface"~ Success with Milch.. Cows Publl.bed


WHlttl at WaYDr'T\IIe.

"'U W.L.~I\TM .

M oKAY \' T . J . U n OWN . AitNo4.:& .\ 'r .

. t 1.00 ~ l . '! r,

t~ UJTOH .

Q. rrur · . . . .. In l"J Y ~n ('e .. yellr If nO l palO III OO"'~ Dce

\ lFIo' !CE IN .IUNE/>

'Wlo:lJNESlJAY .


. . SO\' EMUEB I · . · 190:.



The suggest.ioo in IllSt· week's Gazef.te regardlnr tbedrlnklng foun lain 1188ms to have the hesrty ap pro val of the publio. Just a little united effort on the part of the pe0ple 'will pecure the founMlo . 1m't It worth the effort ? A detailed Itatement of thl! money received and expended by the Trusteee , of Wayne townlhtp during ihe year just olosed Ia pub. Jished in thl. i.,ue of the Gazette, Ths a'-aklment showa this town· .hlp to be in exCellent flnanolal oon· diilon, and should be carefully read by eVl!ryone, The Trustee. lITe to be oommended for authorizing the publiOlltlon of this' statement; all It Ilv611 overy ~ payer an opportn; 'n i."y to what II done with the lontblp mon~y, and .. the people pay the bUIa" is their right to know bow the mon~ 1s UIIed,


da.. " '.

Nolfc:e of Appointment. >



!:Ii tate 01 LJdIlt E . DanIel. cIeoe~.

I'lle 1ldendpe4 bu been appola'ted aad u a4IIlIall_COr wUb>tbe,wUI aD' aeMO of,tlle - ' " or L,dla E. Datl lel • late or Warm Couat,. Oblo. 4ec:eued. . , Dated tllla 18sll uJ or A\IIU8~ A. U. 1M. • , A. B. OILUIDrh; 111 Adm. ~Uh tbe wUl ..tiaUtd.


. n.-.ld .... Sinclair. f~;;o maoy ~ean the beloved and pojiQilr 8eOre . ~ 'o& the Y. K. O. A. Da7f.on 'O'hi _ D ' WUllta. " 0. ,.,.:.. r. . . I" • "I know or' no pop~ leot1lref whom I can tID ~hNlta~!:v reoom~ . mend .. Dr. A. A. wunt.. Be I. one of the mOIl' attraOtt-.e, enter. .taiDtDI aDd lDRruot.lve ~ .pMken ,1 .. ., -, , " - beud. To meet Dr. Wllllt.aja . . . .~to hear his Jea&ure, ~8~~" 1Idn,' fa a privilt!le wldoh 0&DII0t . tIIUomue life brilhter aDd hilt-


,I :'& !J

..~ -:\,



.~,' ~

Public Sale~.

The Jersey Hustler, a dairy juur. nal published at Lebanon , bad the tollowlng a.-tlole In its Ootober number thllt will ~" of interest t,o Uazette readers : ; . . P B Surf~ of' "Waynesville, Ohio, sends in the following report of the produot of four oows for eight oonllective months Three of these oowaare of the Jersey grade. and one is a regl8tered t;hort horn A family ofelx haa used all the milk needed from thest! oows, and' the balanoe was tateo to the French Brothers' Oreamery The average was IS8 per cow for eight mont.he· milking One calf' was sold, and three more are being raised at home whloh will more than ' pay for tba labor of taking care of th e cows : Pound, .Juultr, hbrultry Marcb

milk. .16 1.013 911

Aver·le le ss. 1.1 ( .4






2.:la. 1,111&

"J 01



... til 77




To aI





Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Chamberlain's Cough ·Remed,

11&6 DO

The calf sold brought $8 , 49 which added to the '136 eo, makee a graud total of. " I " At. no time were there mo1'8 than four oows mU}Jted, and they wl!re ' never fed an1tbing but ltiaw or fodde~ After pua came they wen Dot fed at aU ' ' • ll'avored b~ Both'ftartl ••• B:9ubU,oans and Dem6cratl! alike pnlae I'oley'll Honey and Tar for cougH, ooIds !,D~ all ,t hroat; and lung dlllt!llllt!ll, all DO other remedy can m*h it. It fa safe add 1JU1't! B. T. Slater, mereluult, 17l .Maln Bt. OlotiOeeter, MuI., wrttell : "Foley,'a Honey aDd Tar cured me of ' a very bad OOUlh whioh I bad for three monthl *hough other remedi. failed to benefit me. I can highly reo9m· meild it for coughs and oolda." F. 0 : Bohwam. r"


. I will der at pub""' Mle at.~1D1 1'8Iideooe 2 mil. . . . .,of I'erry 00 Social Bow, and , Ddlee sonth of Cent.anllle, ,,; THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 11105, Ohapped Sanda. 2 honee, ODe. «euer&l purpose Wath your banda wltb w~rm Wilt. hone, ODe IOOd work lione j 2 mlloh ter, dry with a towel and apply OOWl, will lie freeh iD~e .prlDg; a Chamberlain 'e Salve just before go. S·year old red poUed'~llIat en0 1llh ing to bed, and a llpeedy oure Is eel'· lo butcher j 36 head of hop, three t.aln. This salve is .• l80 unequaled brood BOWS, 18 f.n pigs aDd 111 for ubi UISe&II88. FC)r sale by F . C. apring pigs i • large 1o~ of farming Soh wartz. lmplemeDtI, conlilting lD pan of a --~--------­ roller, riding Kraus cu1tlvalor, IS. B'hoU8 Attaok Qwc"tv Ourad. hoed cultivator, 2 wheat drtlla, ODa A few weeks a"o I h.~ ". bilious of wbioh hu a Boolier fertilizer D ,... .. ..... _... • .. ha la attaok that Wall lio IJt!ver~: I ,waa not a.-.llmen. i · rroWt, ooro P nt- able t.o go to the office fbr two daye. 81', a lied com outter j hay ladden. FalUn .. to get 1'811ef from my family panl bed, lI·hone .lelgh, 2 break. • In~ plowa, a furrowiug out. p~ physlolan'lI treatment, I tQok ~hree . ,_ h I ' 'of Chamberlaln'e Stomach and Liver ~ OU ... s on P"O"",, a 88' of Tablet8 and tbe Den day.£I i~) t like work barDeIII, a aprinl wagon pole, , I&uqe grlDder and many other. new mao.-B. C. Bailey, Editor of arilolee, Alao 'household furaltu1'8, thl! New.. Obapln, B, O. Theee til b; ioolndlag 3 hea&lng .toVtll, ons an lete are for lillIe by F . Soh WI rtz . ' Estate Oak, • 000& stove, a coal oil Oroup .tove i 2 cupboards, an e][tenlion • table, 60 yards of carpet, 28 yards A reliable medlolDe and one tht of mattlDl, churn and orelim eell&- shoold al",ay. be kept In the bome ntor, a Ia"" lot. of dlabee, a ,8 iDger for immediate 088 is OhamberhuD'8 aewlDl maohiDt!, foldinK lOUDge, Oough Remedy It will preveot the oouoh i alafR8loa of old iron. attack if giVI!D .. 800n a8 the chillI Mall. Luoy OoBllaLL aQUIIlU. becomes hoarse, or even after the A. A. lioNel1, auctioDeer. orODP1 OOURh appean F~ we by Jerry Blm. Olert. I' 0 Hobwartz


W L ' MD C M


OounterleltiDIl' the Genuloe. .I'oley & 00., Chicago, originated 'Eroney and Tar alia thrOil t ilnd lung remedy, and on account; of the'great merl. ana popularity of Foley'a •• dT 1 i I ~De1 an ar many m tat onll are offered for the genuine. -Al!k for Foley'll Honey and TAr and, refuse ~y lIubetltute oJrered .. no other P1'8paratloD will give' ths_me •tarao"oD. It 111 mildly laxative. It' confialu no opiates a~d ta ,~eet for ohtldrl!Jl and delicate perlWnll ,F , O. Bohwarta. ' " ---------.".---.Men PaR SIXty In Danll'~r• More than half of mank,nd ~ver liltty :feat:- of · age tutter .from kid· ney and bladder dlsorde~, u8u..lly enlarg8DlBDt of proetate gland. This Ia,both p&lnr~ and dangeroUII. and I'oley'. Kidney Cure shonl~ be ta'bn .t. the fin' alp of ,daDger, &!I It oor· recti lrregularitle,, ' and has oured many old men of th18 dI8888e·. Mr. ~ne:r . Burnett, Rook Purt" Mo .• writes: "I Buffered ~th enlarged pre.trate gland and kidney trouble for years and after taking two bot. ties of Foley's KidDey, -Cure I feel better than I have for twenty yearl\ although I am now 9~ years old F. O. Schwartz.



13 60 11 07 '13 3( IS 18



DR. H.E.

tiD 0:



Work on the IpeoiaI edUion of the ' Oue* kl be iII1l8d about. ThankqiviJalf time Ia Pl'OIr... lng _Uefao1Orlly. To ."iber aDd prepu8 ma"rlal tor th1a iane reqairel an imllUllUe .mOllD' of 1alMD', ad the 'WoR of M01lrIDg pbotopaphl and half· &on811 macle fa • matter that. oonnmee maCh time. '.!'be 'pllbUahen of the ~l8tt.e aeiefore req1ied that aU ~t who baa be8II aUed to contribute . , arilcl• .~n all7 I11blec'- or , phototnphl, aeDd _me to tbe ~azehe olloe thla week. . .' io.- ~ _.a ''': '.' d :""'''''' aM "",vertl88men~ Shoul 1110 be eent in at e&1'li8ll' pollllible

Tired ,. NervQus .

A. R·

.rUl1e Jill,.

Please Notice




A week frum t bis morning lIod the G87.ette will tell the results of tbe election.



C _ ZG---._ ... ____ -----.-


-W .A·LTER ,McOLUR,E. \.1.

Together l26 ' W e~t Jl'ift,h ,·trf'l'lt, . Mr- ThOll Georg,c . tl merohant 'Of • 1 M~ Elglu. OntariO. Sfl.Ys : "1 have Duytou , Ohl? t had t,be looal Ilg~IU OY for blunber. Phonoe. : lid 0 1"02, B oulT! :{1I02., 1 lain's Cough Rt>medy e'\'el' since It. was iutroduced hHO 'anl1(18, nnd 1 Telephone Day or Night. " BY!':, E \ ' hen you feel' languid, iir > • Bell as muoh of it us! do of u11 dther " nervou's and irritabl e. your vi· lines put togeth ll l' Of the muny local No, 7 t ality is low-your sup ply' of dozeus sold uotlOt· gll fll'anteE', I have Long Dlstanoe No, 69·3r not hud oue bott.ltI 1·.. turned loan nerve energy ex.hausted, a nd personally recolJlulOnd thi s Uledi. your system run~ng down for WAYNESVillE, .OHIO cloe 88 J ha va user1 It, m y elf anrl lack of power, given it 10 m y ohild ron lind "lwIIYH A Good COUl pl xioll Mu!'t l;nolll T he organs of the body are ",it.b t,he b8l\t rosult>! .!' Ft)!· ~1I 1 0 by Branch office, Harveysburg, 0, F ru lil With i n working poorly. or no~ ' at a ll, F V /::il bwllrt z . - -'.rho nnt,lll'lll d ll~ tr o of overy IImb i. ' and you are not gettmg the .(\ D1SB.SlrOul! Oalam ltv, t,iuU!! \\, ollll\n it! tv h,,,'''''' '\'''''· ~ 1t1 11 ! nourishment 11eeded. Th is soon It Is u dl ~8 str o n s eu!n.tnit.y , ~;b PD I UUd be/l n tlfn l olH \llo.."(l ft~ NI I'/ impoverishes the b ldod and in· sPECIAL HOMEsEKERS you .lo~e your hCttlth, .b - ~Ilu~ e mdl O\'ll ry w Olll o n OU Il be II Dillua or II stead of throwing off t he im· ge ~tl ou aud 01lStJpfll,lon 11I"'e ~tll" J nu but I he fl'l1Hhnoll\' aud ped it aWI~Y · Prompt relief cau lie : tlle ' \) tl. uty or II 10 1Li' skin nr I ru rit ies, di stributes it all VIA hll rl iu .or. King'K New .Life PI11<1' 1witllill til r tlll h nf f!\' I'Y WIIUlII" l' thro ug h the b ody. This brings disease and misery. They hmld IIp your dlges tlve rgllil s who will mllke t he ' Il'ort . louisville & Nashville F eed th t! nerves with D r. It Is nil II IIlU t tl' I' of I"tf' lll~ent und curo. bendllcbe, dizziness. col lo, ooustl~lItlOn, ~to. UuarllU LOtl l~ u t tr y itl~. If t,ho Vow ,;I.. IIrB inllot.h'tl,! Miles' N ervine, a nerve food, a TO POUlT S IN F. C. l::lohwl\rt z 8 drug store ; 2 0 0 . If the liver i8 1I0t, wor.kln' properly, n en'e m edi cine, that nourishes ALABAMA, GEORG I A, . . if tile poisonous wuste IUld rtlf\l ~e 1 and strength ns the nerves, and MISSISSIPP I, FLOR1.DA. ' Inre nnt m::pe!l ed pro mplly fro III thtl l see how qui ckly you will get NORTH & SOUTH CARO LI NA, BATRA'V A Y Isystem th e oOUlpl e.'{ioll is Sl1I'A to strong and vigorous. sbow t Ile offects. "a1 y wi,f Q Hut' ered ,,'1th n en"ou!ltno". VIR~IN [A, I~EN'rUCKY, , WnyneB~illo'8 ~nding Dentist 'l'he only right wily to relllll\'O 1>r"\'IOll a to n r . n t nl luck uf typhoid 'I'ENN Jo}tiSEE. LOUISIANA, Druce In Keys' Dulldlnlr. · . . Ma In S lre e l , pimples, moth ~t>ot B IIUlI v!ot.olllJs ' f,' \'j·r. bu t 11U( I' h er t'eCo \'cry troJn t h e t u\'('r. nho W lllo4 muc h wurtle, anll GOuld _'_ Inud olenr up n mllddy oloudy 0 0 111 · III11',II y cOlll rol hl:rs.1t beln. excued, October 7 and November 7 uUll A QUJd. I pl oxlon Is to gc ri ght to tbe~root uf I Uily n un ' olls w h en ' the hml t e x ultod . Sh e W itS v ery r sUess at night. nnd Les e than t he One Fare for lbe Tllis is to oer Hfy that ul! drll. ~gi!lts tiltl tro uble with the pl'op0l' r~m u tly . n ~ ve r h nd n. g ood n lllh l 'tI r e.s t. She nlso Hutl'or cd m uch fro m n r\'OU f! h ead· .H d '1' a~e authorized torefund YOIll' mOll ey Til e ona romedy that, WIll cur n t h c.. Dr. :M U, 9' N e r vlu fl wntl r ecoruoun rIp. If Foley 's Houey nn d 'Tnr fllils to ~onl!tl[~nt!oll . Improve the ooruplnx m ~n d cd by n rrlen d. A n 'r the Ol'9t d os.s , ho had u. good "Ig hl·. TIck to Iiooll od 10 ,,, Iurn 2 1 d n,\" ' fr oll1 cure your oough or oold . It stops I?", brlghter.l tbe ey o ~. touo ~t> tb o Ihre6 re~ t . 1l,,,1 I\t tloo end of I h , nret weck'. ,I n..., 01 . a le. the cougb nnd bouls tbe lungs , Prfl. liver, curo IIICK hOA da.ohe uud I~ S ltrfl trt!C\ll1llHl l !fho '\'Jl!'J wOll t.l ~ rtul1y itd· Ilroved. Co n lll1u~ (1 u eo o r Ne rvln e 111<.1 vents pneumonlCL and will onre III' ~ ,ol eur velvoty Rll in is Lllxll co ln , completed her enUre l~un· . · · t·'or full 1nfor 1l1 Btlon . rat es. schClluleB , "10\0 olplent oou9uDlptl(>u . Contaltl ~ no ~o nio Tablots . I "'TO KOLB. tables uod litt!nllurc, de sc rlp~hl e of lhe \' ar '" 1021 horry 8t .• m,'n nsv lJ1o, l ite!. ous re.lo\Ources. agr lc,fttnre. ,o l ne r a J a nd opiat88 and Is 91~fe8t for ohilclrr II Or. Mllel' Nervlne I• . Iold by your drug o lst. who w ;1I guarant •• that t h e limber lanM a long the lint , c,," on or Aek for Foley'" Boney aud Till' lind '1.,r bottle will b . n~rrt. falll, h' Inelst upo,? ~ ba vlng It. 8tops t he l U. • AN G~ • ; . • ~rlt addrell8, ' w l;1 rorund your monoy. cough ,a ud h pn,ls the lung!!. Fe !., RIOOF.V II Lit Omo Miles Medit:al Co., Elkhart, .Ind .1. E . Da venport, D. P. A. ,St. Louie. Schwart z. . • , ' Sr E I L'rms: UISF.A8ES OF WOM Il:N H . C . Bal'Iey, N . T..I ' . p . A , Chicago, For Sale-Bouse und lot on ' we~t A ND RILOH EN. I --!'!'-"'!!!!!"!~ ~.'!!!!!!~~!!..!!..!!..~!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!I!!~!'!'!!"! F. D. Bush, D. P. A., - Cincinnati , .J. H . Mi11lken. D" P. A., Lou,i sville," 'end of '{'bird Rtreet. For pllrtlou. _ , , Cur<. Co ld •. Croup and Whooplnlr Coui'b. O. L. TONB.Ocn'l PILSs·Agl .. r.oul. vUle. Ky lars inquire of Rebecoo Dn,niol. r A. B. Ohandler. . CUr ... Colds. Croup aud Wh""plog c ougb:


Ob l~

t t:,lI lor" uull ~laD"ge ..

:-to T . aI'O,",'"


..... H. MoCASSY, M, A" M', ·0.


W. F. Elbr\lt,h Iflul Boward W. hln~. III Plt', t1nlu~ ,..r ti,,, !tlllt wm and teataml!l)t IIt- R. \\'. Gllohrl/\.,. doo'uailed, vII .Iimnle W. Trpn$ Ilud W 1f . 1'lent M •.ney " "cl.foreoIOlI. u.·~ , PI"lnl 'ft'" h"l" uot,· ot iterl'o' ~'l i'l\tAi' ror tllOO ~'I"I~ IOt6r tlllt frnm Oelob"r ~O: 1802 ~Iid", 'ti1 I~ !;Ie · c m~ 1 It." 1I11J1·I'I:{., gn on lor in L .. hlin,

JaDl~ M Luburib t.o Weele7 M lJubllrllh; lot In 8pri~gboro,12OOO 'Ubrlttllan Pelle &0 Mary J!elle;

acres in Bilmihon township , Cblules N Pence &0 Jeremlah N.nbte; · 2 66 dcre, In c..:learoree,k t ,wollblp ; t260 ~



Comml1isioners' PrQceedings.•


...... .................. ........ OO.STi~ATIO.' ~



\V .


tel'of a,.,alld



~'~~ ~ .

II. AJ.,Li;N, P....'u",., ,.,..,


It; II jUlt aI

ommoll a coodltioo a. moog elllll!. ren as It' Is wi th their

gOls to the Faotory and

. purchases Immense quantltl" The Pah ons of this big store -get the Benefit

pa~ent s:

The cOlldl. ' tlon is far more likely to reach an acute stage, develop serl· ously .... ith the little fol ka,be· cause of th"


"n PI " lnt.iIt·~ " ~ kl! f'lf jurll(tlDlPnl Call to mind thB safet l1' 10 Mid sum lind Ihllt, ,I!'t·ml .. ,·" h., funds. loltlltollllthJfy jn,lgom"ot ~~ Jt,r"ZI· h Uolouber 23, lllU6 · lAod M.H l'ln llnd BI·ol;d. ;" . Bur'r Ol'egunll~ Hrldge Uc final IvillH '''''tluttfJrol'YII I" r pltliolllf tltltlWIl~ 'l'win Cre&k difficulty in detecting it. Ja poslt There is security if Bridge .. ... .. .... ; ... .. .. .... t870 00 Many a child bal died 'from constipation, or IIIneS! arislnlr from It. when It dIlwtl, finl11 ~Inlmate, oon· at the John M, OllvlH V8 iolurllh Ellen . Wn have now on sale 1,000 Pair might have been saved by the 11I11e11 trllct No 81!......... ......... 66 46 of Men's -Heavy Corduroy PADts IIICI of GolO Riley. mllterh.l' labOr the (lawe quality that usually ra. @Hlllol\l .110 lrrty v~ WIlllt1l1l A. /lnll Ctlwtln,fo.r road ...... tails for ,2.00 and $2,26. We booght. Mort "inll Tile 01\1!f\ Is HIlI·tIIld "nil rouod .KUey aroh... .. . .. .. .. 30 00 'hem Itt· alow price And yon')) get them at a low price. Now 11.50 dl~UlI~tI"d Hnd (,PSfH IIfA pHIl! Jubu Wulll! work 1&8 peroon· 1 Gold Bound Coopoos with all 0 ,1 WMnesdl1Y. OotolMlr l8, tbere tr .. o~ ~ 1.1 157 .... ... ...... 18 50 'fbll Is tbe greatelt remedy known for I Purcba8es . WitH flllHJ with the Clerk "r uOurt~ Jobn Wolte; re~lr8 10 eorrecUng constipated! condition.. I pon't wait until YOllf Chlld is affected, Wayne and Mayle town· fi.doiJ "he time , nr bolC\ln"" CUlllml'!! but administer a dose, of lhe med icine Plells oourtll j'n 1906 10 tbr. St-oond "blp ................. ;............. 2304 occasionally. will notice a perceptible cban!!,,, Judlola~ dlBtrlot. 'I'he times for J N 8aroh, 'rep&lrll In Tur· 1,500 Pair of Hoys' Corduroy Knee forVou the better. a bealltby color and a Wtirren oouoty lire Jllnuary . Mtiy tlooretlk &0 wnabl p ........ . 10 Pants. Why go elsewhere and pay livelier di.posltlon. I 500 for t·he same klnu ? 7 I\nd Oowber 1. Dr. Caldwell'. Synop Pepain is a good tipenoor and Monroe, lumber thing to have In the bouse. because it and cement ....... .. ......... 198 68 Gold Bond Coupons with all Pur. Ia Boraoo Shoeml\ker VB K .. rl _WlI good for the whole family . b'rlluk Bradon, 1 • • 1 ier oha_. helm. Cllll8ls ClI8m\8Red. Dr. Caldwell'. Syrup Pepain can be I obtained in both dollar and half· dollar !'!!!!'!!!'!!!~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!!!~!!'!!!~'!!!'!'!"'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~!!!!!!""!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ vlO811 defendl~k Lon Auna 14ewie VII John Lewis. lizea from all drurgl"s. Hldey ... ..... .... ......... ..... 6000 itl dl8ml88ed and COAte u~id. Your money wID be reftladed If it AN]) Dave '1'bowpeon, wi&n88ll tll8 John P. Mo~a!l Val Cba... E Will· Meo's Beavy Fleeced Lined Under. doei not benefit you. Your POltai card ..quOit wID brlnll by .01..,.. wear -equnl to tho "-~t In "r.&& VII JohnlOn and hlWS. Motlun for Iln~ w 'r!ttl I~ """ 500 Under.. ..aU our no .. boklet~ "DR. CALDWELL'S BOOK O. WONDBR,," oad free .ompl. 10 ~ tiblaldll ............ ••. ......... 1 00 WeHr you ever bought. overuled. tbo.. who bave .ever trted rhl. "onderfQI WheD Wanting Gold Bond Coupons wit.h Illl Pur. ....... Holb... writ. today. B"rry ijpurlinK et ai, "I The Mlled G ThomPllon, wltnOllIl Portland Cement, LUDlber, fee in &awe oaee...... ...... 1 OU C\ho·~ell. PEPSIN .YRUP CO. AdamI ' expreu Ucmpaoy. MoUon ....u...... \,f defendant: to 'eet IAslde service of Milt Monforti witnell8 fee ShinBles,and all al. For Sole by J . E. Janney in lome case ... ;..... ......... 1 00 sllmDlotll1 IDlltiltned. Plaintiff dleml8161 prOOtltldlngl! without Coer. in l:ltate \>1 Obio VB 500 Pair of Men'A Beavy Weight. Flour, Peed aDel Barry Moon and Wm . Dllrle Color. BttlrUne PlAots . Every Under", Dew 80hedule 10 effect prejudice. Grain. Valley JonB8 .................. ......... 17 00 pair guarlAnteed not to rip . JUDe 25, 1905. pt\ssellger trlllnl over Bash .L. Armstrong VI .'arues L. W H 1:I&IlD~e lAnd Co mdB6 GuM Bond Coupons with all Por. the Penosylvania Lloes leave Way . t:!weeney . ...Demurrer overruled. and 81;1.l'PllOil for Clerk choRes. ' . nesvllle station III follows: t)barl8d Brown VI ClLrollne Math· For the Eft.8t 9 :54 Il. · W. i 3 ;47 p . • of Co~rill , ................. :.. 33 80 ews, Defendant Ie giTen 20 day. In W a 8$a1lAge and Co otllce m. ~. l:IuodQ.Y only 10 :24 p. nt, With something substantial to begin the day on. suits every mem ber whicb to Petition. 8upplletl and. blauke for Specl all'elllng of Men's New Fall 'For the West 9 :02 B. m . ; 6 :04 \1 of the household these cold mornings. Kate C. Peartb et al, · va Auditor .......... ....... .. ...... 48 06 Soft and Stiff Bats. Yon oould not m. i Sunday only 4 :15[; Il. m , Most people drink ooffee at brMkfllSt, Ilnu we oon suit the lover M Crea, 8' al. . Appraisement ap· Hai'lhbargar. lalary for watch these B,ate anywhere elAe for For particolar Information on the of coft'ee . We have as good II line of COFFEES all vou· clln fioel in towu provedlLDd cOnfinniid aod preml8ee Oc&ober .......... : ............. 36 J888 than 11.50 to 12.00, subjeot apply to B E. Booth, Wh,at better than cakes with PURE SYRUP. Get Ponoake ordared' IOld. " 'c. 8 Bowman,' deOlaI88 for Gold Bond C'onpons with IlII PurFLOUR and SYRUP here . .¥argare' Ford Va Gnilford ·C. · OhOI68 , WI~ynesvllle, O. toad 1U'01lDd bridge .... ~·. We Clan furnish the makeup of all meals ; breakflllt, dinner I\nd 8Up Ford, et ~l. Coar' de~ermin88 t~e James FolleD, ular,. a8 jan per, with Illl s8ll80Dabie goods'. varioullutereete of pant" to the ltor, for .00&9ber ......... LOW ..ARm WI:8T ~D IOUTH·WEST Yon are invited to oall. 1I111~ " Walter'l:l· Balter. Alex 8. Ford n.e Lebanoa Patriot, aliver ' 2.000 Boys' Cape and U1rls' New SPECIAL HOllE 81l&B:IiRB'II:lt00R8IONI THE CORNER OROCERY, and Charles A. "u.dhlD~ II~ appoInt. italnk Sheritf', proolamll Tams. lbey were made to aell for VIA PIIlNNSYLV ANIA LINIlI!. rI t f'dpre:~m~!eI1'80o ttOo I' Ilillovbldd~'~md. $Ion ... .. . .... :.... .... .. ......... 31 40 5Oo. For spot 008h wNe 8tlClured ~D10dne ~onte..fPlb~ln!'. a ld"fP wefyt ,,!~Y ... • , 0 ... _....,.,1"\1 • ......... t h em at our OW.D prioe. ow they'l t'!-'" a vantage ate r....uce . I't!lI or ...~ .i " . '1')1e Lebt\non Pltotrlot, &dver go for 230 .' "peelal Home·Seetlen· e","unlons via P6nn· t na.. l.ln. . . .. . 8,l.,iml a Linea to polnLs In I)olorado. Idabo. tl81ng ttme8 of hnldlng· Gold Bond Coupons witb all Pur. Iowa, Kannll. Mlnneaota. Mlllllouri. Mon· De Ciroult Cou'r t 19 3" b tana, Neb ......ka, tbe Dakotas. Oregon, Wa.b. ve,-& Gutin .. Irwin B GtUlttn etal' Real Mtate Ordered Bold a t! . "~J ''' ''! ': ' ' u 0 aeee. InatoD. lJ'uu andotbnr seollonaln tbe West V AL'LEY PHONE ND .• O . . Tbe rollowlng contll'ftotll lIEN'S SUlTS and III "II tbe State. or ~be Soutb. pub'lc a' uAUOD " . " un . """Uaate Slop·onrbull!ne prl .. ueces permit travele to In· made and eutered lrito : . Worth ,12 and' '13.50. .. openl..... Tbese....tloket. .....:. John F Stober .. Tbe C C () and , ." , '. _ ,,111 be on ...Ie certain dates t1url~1I tbe 8um· "'-I '. ' St ·L Ry ' Co . DtlfendBut baa leave With L L 'Duffy for woOtlon br.ldge We C108ed out liOO 8uJt.1I from ' It m~. . Detailed InloriDa'LIen aa to tare8. to Aleans,~er "ltblD SO dayS . near tbeltlng Powdl\r Co. In Union big Rooh8llter N. Y .,clothlng man .~~~':."bap~I':'.!'tI~~"t:III~~ ~i:~!~ f:~:~b:: ACCIDE~ townlblp ftt tbe eetlmAte "12 76 ufacturer 16percen ~ 18118 than the Penl,lvanla Line. . . . tdl~ LOANS ·NEG()TIATED. MARRIAOIl LlCdlll. NOTARY PUBLI. . , ' regular who1eeale Vrlce. "fle ·1I .pass - -- -"-----..,..-- - ~OIBU R I3mtth, of CorirID, and '. :Wlth Wm 8 Urfeham lor ,two vl'- th1l flne lot of new 'Fall and WInter IUJroAT UOUaslON TO OINOINNATI We have buyers for good 'farms and town property a' tin times. viA P&NRIYLVANIA Lll'IlC8 . Ii'ateUa MIBIIIldiD8, of Waynll8vUle riled 88Wel'8 near ~ytle ou 8tarry 801ta to the people a' price $hat will road In Wayne tGWDt!hlp at the eetl. appeal to any man. wbo Citf88 to . ' LI"t with ne, we can help you. Rev Tro!1* '. ' . ate t16 '0' 1 f i tI . BaTe money. Men' 112 Iln<1 113 60 No ... . 6. lon t}cteu to OIJ)clnnalJ m , , a 80 . or po n nr up S 1 t10 ' Yla Penusllvanla Lioea wm be, IOld at 160 6- ' Office Rooms over Post OffiCe in Stoops' Bolldlng. WliIlam ~oeepb ' Kenoecly Deilr old abutmen . aDd repatrin, gUard u ... now ~' r"und~ t.lp trom Wa,Deavllle 'OID& on special Lebanon,' aDd IlUy 1'rai10811 n8tan. -'dence 0 f 8b1 Dnl, on Oold Bond Coupon!! with all Par tralD leavlhgU 8 :!8. m, <lelltral lime. . Deer ..... ' . . , ", near M~nroe, Father ' __- ,.er. LOW I>NE·WAY I'AIll!:8 SOUTH AND alid Five PoiD'.ln Cl.,atcreek ohoaes,. bOttfer ' . '. ~ to'tnlllbip. a. 'he _imate 'of 110 SOUTH·ICAIIT VIA PIlNNA. LIlfIC8 . Georgs 'W' Andertl, "Moons, OhiO, " With Lloy!\ 8toclunan for repair. . • . November 7tb and !I"L reduced o... ·wey . . aud Kitty Lowe, Harveyab.urg, ' tag bridget! on all r~d. 8' west of the' BPap80lal selling of Children''' . Kn ee ~~~~~~;V::~:TI~~u'i!e~ol~~lln~I~~~~ X-IJe 8 1 BnOo~' , South IAIlaDOD, (Ireat Miami riv8r To fnmhlh ma nt Snlls. · Truly worth "nc1 \'Old Florida, Gtorgla. tCcntucky. . . . , for DQt IflIIB ,than 12.50 See tlte!le MI"" IIIIIlppl. Norlb Gaolln". Soulb Carolina , and Mary Blise King of pear /®n&b ler',~\ !I1 ,la~i'dered ~,. . the .Comaittlo loIt8~ You'll . buy one sore, . ~ow Teone_ and V1rrlnu•• Forrull Illrorma. AND Lehllnou Rev Coo"r 1 III0ul\~"t tlifl .market .p.r lce Baid t1.75 · . • ~::11~~~~~~gtl!~~9al~::':~10~~~~~~1y~~i.· William Wehib and M~i wOod rpadB : balnl 10 Franklin to~hfp Gpld Bond ~upons with all Pur. Linea. . tn21 bo~ '0' 8prinlboro '.Re'v W ~b1U'l1 Pri088 'ln~lltraqt - val'~ ' September 'chues, , " WaIRr ' B :l'ordl08 and II, ltoe ' " \fe ,tve GollI Bond Coupona ' with Uealness Ol!.nnot be Oured . BU_,. bolh . of Morrow. 10011.1 application,s. they ' Wlth Dand Hta08)" forrepiJ.iiD, Bro"a o~er lI:t. Klam.' aDd ~rie 7 0v,r oholce of bundreclll (If m"gnlfi. nO.t reach tbe dlsealsed portion of Linoleum, Mllttings. Lace C\lrtalns . Draperi8l!, Win. PII08AftaoOtJltT. C&1lal , ..aad on all road8 ,n orth of 08DtPre.mtulllIwhtoh are now on ea,. TheretBo~ly()newaytO'cure 'lilatate ~f .Tolm F IIl11eldlne . UppiIl' 8priJl1boro pita iDoladiDg exhtbtt. on the I:!econu Floor ~t MOlle dtll!8fnl888, adnld t~. 18 by nlutltu dow Shades, etc., etc . f d . • be ' 6 , 6" .' n., l ' Cohen's " , ona. rem~ el. &{<Ift nees sea se ANn 0MIed mventol'J' and appra*'r ~ .w WI!\! , and . . by an Inflamed eondltlon of the mu. ' ,... ' .. , .' ' Iowuhlp ltn" lD I'nnkliD toWDIb~p,' 4ll'a MAIN 0008 linlug of tbe EtUltaohlan Tribe Old Furniture roupholstered. Upbolstery Stuff!! In grll!1t ' mllDt flied . . lamleh lI110b materia.l .. ordeftd at When this tube IllnOamed you have " Eetate of.John ~ "W\ld~ne. muket pri~ Pri08ll In coIitN'" .. rum bUng Bound or imperfect-hear- . varloty . ~ I'u!t:anc1 flnal acooUO, for wid 110tll September U '190. log, and when It Is ent~rely olosed "'lemen' flied . I deafnll8ll it the reeult, Rnd unlesll the '!nftamniatlon ca,n be token out From tlto clieapest to thn finest . Domestic: nnd Import,e d. . . , , ,.~te of Stephen C Wll1ialUOD . ~D ~t ' lIIothe~. I", ' , - Urop us a. postolll cftl'lland we will and tbla tube reetor(~d to its normal PRE&1OJNU" TINTING. LINCRU~TA, s'rucco RELIEF dllCl8Aed , ~t and ~naJ ~an' JUif toyO\l an iJlustrltted Cftt810gue conditl-on, heari~g will be destroyed FABRICS FOR WALLS. for ae\l1emen' flled . . .. . I . lrunl in 0111" ~1DI1" (Jiving you valuable inforoldtlon forever; nine caSeB out of ten are I, ·Ea.6.i of. 'Trainan Bolm...' k ' 1'r'B:7 motb~ and explaining . the GOIII Bond OIIused by CAtarrh, ""hich is notblnl P.ri008 macle satisfactory. A good place to tmtle, Ca.\l '. ,. , ", 0 rm~l, e. Coupon 8ystem to you thor»ughly. but an Inflamed condition of the ao(l soo as. 0IU8d Seventh. UOOUll' for aeWe. ho,,"",8I'. on . mocoUlllurfaOOll. We will glvel100 Furnl8hers and Decoratorl. meD' flied ----:-' . cold' , tor any Cftl'B of deafl~888 (eat188d by KI." of G J ' 'Rqaob ·IDIOI. D1B~o '9ueetlon Doubt'It. cat.rrb) that .cannot be onred by 1IiI __ ' 8()I'jIe " f ":1 " ------'--1 · ha;'! Pepeikola MIl!!t Curc Incllge..tlon or BaU's Catarrh Cure . Send for cir· 30-32 N , Main st, DA Y'1;ON OHIO ,..nt "' .......OIlO1ln or 88"" amen . me ..."... __...... 'llD«ti'01Ible. it la Free. .J , E. Janolw CllDtlno811 culars free. . er flIed ' .' ~, BiI mOlb 1 e ~_th a IIad 10. W 8811 Wllynt'lvllle I)~ople with tIle F. J. Cheney ~ Co.~ Toledo; .....te 'ot ' . .oqh Whltaore , for .. ~~Beid, W' he understand'l t mUNt poMU.iv.l!l:vo~1'f' SoltlbyDruggiltil,dioo. rakeHal18 &ie btllllid . '. i ' , ~e m~~ DO' eS)'8pepela "nd Indig68t.ion or it will Family Pilla for co~8t1patlon. , ',' '.•' . . ~mare . DOt~t. penny. Q W 8.t anlQ - .1I&ry L ' IllaoD for ~ri~ . ti~rlenoo bll8 proven t,bllt Pepsi . ' e. .1 .A.pPrat8imeahnlered 8a,~. bOttle kOla ~llbleteoure. dY8peptil" In forty IN TIME OF PEACE . ....unedud oonltmedancS' priftte }line ca_ .ont. of .fifty . ~is II" VETERINARY &URGEON. ,of, ).' ramarkableB.atelll,~~t. !!pt tbe fllots ~ : Lebanon,Oh.i o. In the fil'Bt montha o~. 'he R1lI81a• e .o ." , ' . ,<, . _ 1D:'he 0&16 da~ Mslly be' verifled. ' Can be Cftll&ll8ny honr, doy or Japan war we had & ItriklDI uam· pIe of the ne0888lty for preparation ·UAL~AH~. "I Tbaak \be 1.01'41" ~ere ttl every 1'6IIIIOn to bave col!'!' . .nIght. Both Bell and V"lloy and tbeearly advantage of th08(l 0"1 M aDd"'rlOrenoe L ftadJe:r $Q cried IJanDAh 'Plant, of Little Book, fldence ~or. •T. E .,Tllnney ~11I hllnd Phonell, Valley Pblllnfl 0 , 288, Who, 110 tc 8peAk, "bllove Iblnglecl .... B.,.... U WI'-' lot' ~ ~ Ark., "for the rellef1,ot from Baok- ~lr Yho~~d25 ceDftaIIWI,t-bbe01l1t heal:!!" ",' ,...... , . -leo'. ~oa SalTe U' 01ired m ~on I ow you a 0 ng our.,.... ~~!!!~~!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ their roofs In dry · weather," ll'be Ma~le.Dd W")'Jl"toWD~lp; t8000 fearful ranbiDl 1Oi.,.. ",Wch'noll. ' All lrinds of foocl CIIn:tie eaten Man·s ·Unreuonablene. yirtue of preparation haB made his. AND DEALER IN tory and given to UI 0111" peatee, _ ' Bertha lIa7 ' B1IDnell '&c, Lydia IDC _wonld heal, and from which freely-It h' more. easily dlgell~, IloftAln a8 great. as '"omaD's. Bat men The Indi vidual u well a. the •. Deake'r ' - 1~ iD Olearereelr I'tiad. Idored for 6 7eeN," It la a there Illllnesll or dllltr&t\8 aftflJ' Tb08. 8. Anlltln. Mgr, of the "He. nation should !:!.e prepftfJd tor any . , .. ' lDII~e10u for . cute, bomB eattnlf, and ~y aiding ~be atomach publican," .of ~venwortb, Ind" emergenoy Are you prepared to · townablp, '.~ . ,\ aDd . ., a'l'. O. &0 a8IIt~llate and . dlgeAt . .PepillCola wu not IInroo8onab~e, when be reo Banle" L aneS FrADk' . Tabletl mlLlte m~1'ft riob blood toO fueed to allQw the dcotora to operate 8nOO888fully combat the Al'8t cold you take' A oold CIln be cured • .:. (.."tia~l. F . Ba~n-, '10' in Fraalr. . Itrengtben the body. . •• ou hia Wlfe for female trouble. "In· b I !'" , .' . '. , iDIPtre OOD8clenoe. aDd to PfO': lbe7 a~re jolt tbe tbll1llif~ou reel1tead," he IIIIYI, "we concluded t.o Telephone In hll hOUle were Ie muoh more qulokly wheD lrMced ... 1 m n ltn i,~10&O , .• ' 11001 70U and the ~'" we d~WD, Derv01Ul 1 tired '!ond d~.h'l' \'rJ'Eleatrlo '. Bltten, My wife Wft8 can be CIllled at all hours, (lay or aoon ft8 it hae been oontraoted and before It baa become te*tlfd ID 'he ~ 1M 'l'hOlDJIICD and wife to IIUi bave... ..aed. Gaaran_ OOn~ to ltil~ and need lIomethlng to give tben 10 melt I)le could hardly leave night. syetem Chamberla~'i Coq);l 'Rem -1\ Voorhll" ; lot· In Muon; t1600 . Mr:JlUlJie7 au'hortmw him to Jif.-i !2:r.!~.~~~.!t't..!!,re. a':~n:~: 'h er ,bed, .and five phyBlclanl had Coaohes and ohairs lIupplled. edy 11 'amotUI for Its CUl'88 Of oo1l8bs )laot" ali If'· ,be tabletl do ..,. .... . , h' . ' failed to relieve ber,. After taking colds and it should be trept at l>aDle1~!' 0 Bdman toTu ' -11 A; Dot bllaefit:fDa otaIm~ . . ' ~a:: ~at~!r~::D:ll\a:=d~1 .ea~riq~ltten sbe wr per~r~lY ~ve recently moved to room and hand ready tor IDlltant UBe. I'or Dun;, 11 61 ~ to rt eoreeJt Seu. More of OhaiDberlaiD '8 Ooqli . .ndlulf tliat y..ou tau' be deCIdedl,. cured. un can ~o,~ per .orm a er neItt 't o CrOlll Bros. ..Ie by F C Soh,,",r&' . toW1ll~lp; 11 . 1J.emed7 ,ban of !ill OtherarPa. 1I8oe IUtfd'orthe oen will ~no'bll:lC' hOlUl8bold dutj~. GtUlranteed ,b, IWlf 1TlUDI'f, ' WATftIC8V1LLlC. O. Bene B1uoIl to Ollar_ II 1Ieaae$t, ',"" . , .'.. . .~. O' l~h"artz, ~lt1It~ lIrice. 500.



Dr. CaldweU·s









Oregonia, Ohio.



kinds of o'












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. P. M. HARMAN & CO.


$ $




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"Manila " will 8Orv6 bona,!las . anel oranges .


l e monad~

THE BUMPER WHEAT OLD-w oaLD ODDIT tU · A )fallow E'en Pa.rty. YIELD OF CANADA. ~ Flaeh y r enienal n Ing ou HII\lO\\ A BlrmlllG'bam (flng.) mao named. • OKE BUOQU 'J.lIONS TO HELP E' n. wbleh rorne.a all 100,00 0 ,000 Bushels of Wheat .Bntebol or h\ul.Jult mllrrl o~ ~ younC 1~dy October 31 . be· OUT TBOlTBl.ED . HOSTE SS. ' cornea more ' nnd mor popular: Th€ named Wlddo",: .. t1'om 4,000,0 00 Acree . dinner doscrlbe (1 below waag\ve ll fOI , In Paris ,,'bite horses aro emllIOY\,u: of Land. ten guos~, who weru most uthU81. tor tb e ot· children or youna. A Sllhoue tte Party Amusin g-Time ly astie O\'er Ule novelty In order to secure tbe attentio n ot ulllllarrloll Ileopie. ot the alralr. · . Five f,)und Along AmerIcan Coul- King S.lmon RUlIs Principally Autumn Tea. - For Club or Jaek,o·· lantarn R anel candlCil made the the reador ·to any specIal article tbat A balrdre 801'.. at Lei pSic, German y, 10' llr,o.I Riyer li~ R~d Ind Silver Canned E"Iensiv ely. only ligbts and tho errcct was 1\' ~ lrd Church Boclety -Jack-o 'Is brought before tbe public, It Is haa 1>ullt a two·ator ., bouse entirely :Jt . e~ough . The "jaoks" ~ tood on top 01 often Ihe custom to lend the render on corll. aDd fitt ed It UP tor ~ sb'lp and Lantern Night. ohlna cablnots , II nlng table, and by t ho Introduc tion ot an Interes llng balhs. . (Cop),rIShl . l!m.) taborets placell III the corners ' ot tilE tor)' until. by one bold . lImll. ho j s Pour bUI'slnrs , Irreitecl in tb fl aot by In the " Rclne lhere are s ix "arlclles A Silhouet to Party, g h'e n for a rooms ; Interspe rsed were cand lea In common ot Its local l)amlt9 being the Inlrodll ed to tho subje ct thnt It I ~ Ihe ' London poli ce the othor nlgill. wer" b rlde·elect. was declared by tire gue~ts sUcks made from cal'rots, tUl'lllps and of ulmoo. fiv e. of which are found alou g soclteye . It I. also called In cerluln dis- desired 81lall be brought to his notice. 1111 wellrlng gloves . In order not to leave the A merl cnD co8all . and the otbpr one t o 116 one or the mas I deli ghtful ~od potatoes. Irlcl. s tho blue back and the red nab This Is not Culr to tile reat!llr. and Unger I.rlnls beblnd tb ern. am using alfalrs tbe)' had at lended. Tho table cenler·p lece was a jack-o·· In Japan. All tb ese fish beloog t o tbe These salmon II I ~ not Ihe Intention to do lhat In A clod( In the tow Each gu est was gh'en a small square lantern with II t\lce out on all tour lonua oDcorbynchuK. aDd ani Qu ite dis. low walers always 'spawn In the 8hal: lhls arlicl!'. It will dl sCll 8~ In the coll ege. nl Dartmouer of th e new Naval of th . Eus'an,l . will a lake or In th e gravel tinct from tbo salmo &alar which II ot blark paper (procured at a sta· s ides, so lhe light was e venly ' dis· s hallows at tb e mouths or Irlbutar y Url efest way "Wesler n Canada" aod lIlark the time liS II I~ Itepl on board t lone r's or Illclure fram er's) and a .palr trl\luted over tbe table. Around thl! round In Ibe Atlau llc ocean. The l88l. s treams which lIs I)ossl bllllles tor settleme ut. For sllill. slrlkl ng eig ht. six , four bells. etc. flow In,o a lal,e; con68' o f IIcl!'Sors. with hl$tructi ons to cut ca ndles were placed In hold ers made named species hM bablts vory slmllal' qu ully they the pas l six or seven years the Gov· A ~'re n ch road· mender. on a r.oad are • ell houell of the brlde·ele ct perform · trom carro ts, flat turnips and potatoes. 1.0 Ihose ot lb e Europea n salmoD, but wblch docs not never found 11I1I1'I\,e r ernment of the Domi nion or On.nndn Dcar I boo Lillie St. Bernard . wbo bas in g some. housohol,t duty. The sub· Beaullru l autumn leavee were laid on the Pac ific 80.Imoo are suppose d n ev~1' Inlle or rlsp In one.Oow e ither through a lias talked of th o resource s of Wcst· sa,ed llIaJIY traveler s trom death In the They run In cPlta ln to reed In rrc. h walor ; consequ ently J!lt' ts were : "Hor ..FIrst Baking Day," tho tahle·clolh. Inte.rspe raed wllb ri ver. In s lIch .vast number8 tbat during ern Canada to th o readers of l hls and soo W. bas been illude a kulg ht of tbo " Saturdn y She Scrubbed ." " Monda y at dainty ,'Iries. Small " Brownie" figure! they ara not to be "augbt In the river. lhe main run of the fis h. ti'.e water lire- t.hou sands of other papers throllgholl t Leelon or Houor. with IL rod lin!'! line. although a num ber t bl) Tub." "Tuesda y Sho Ironed," bore the name card on 'whlch was writ· th e U nit ed States. The Quality or th o. se nts 11 Sll claclo or a !:!lovl ng m8SS oC (o'or lhe lu~t 20 yelir$ tbore h M 11 '&n or Ibem a~orcl " Th ur~ da y Is Sweepin g D~' ," " Fri- ten "'I'bls sea son of I he year. Is ' 10 the the tidal walers sr;ort wbon lrolllng In fl s b . DS tll ey Josllo eac h o~ b e r In their 90\1 was spoken or. the lar~o area or employ ed althe II 1'1')' Tree lnu. Old at the rlv~r mouths. da)' Shp Ou s l ~d . " One of I he g irls Brownle 's heurt most dcar." mud ru sh upwanl s to ce rtain destruc. fertil e lan ds was di scussed, the pos· SOllthga te. a blind hOHlier. He can (ell poset! ror th e amateur artists, sl lling The ull ique monu cal'ds were made A 1ll0r8 remarka hl e theory. wblch INunl. tlon . neve r resting by day or night llnlll s lb i lltl~s or th e country as a gralu· I'celliar custom ers by th tl so und of lJJ \'erssll, ucknowl edged to be a fa ct ts o r stnudln g as she wa reQu e~ t ed . or uy tbe hOSless, each bolng differ. I hey ha" e rellch ed tb eh' desllnaU ou. growing district wero talk ed or. on(1 \.rol.llll g or their borso8. thal nea rl y a ll thel e countles s UltJl l~n s Th ere cou rse {'veryon e protested tbnt .sho ent In decorati on. Cards of white, nrc s llli so me rivers In Alnska th p. story of the slIccess or ral'lII el'S Au orgall grinder II porllmlJlllaUng ne""r could cut out anythin g recognl~· ten Inches 101lg, fiv e incbos wltle, were or fish. "'hlcb annually ascond th e rivers wh ere th e r ed sn lmon run. and where rl'om lbe Un ited Stotes \\'85 lolt!. Tho th e st reels of London. havin g ll!tach c!I to Spa.wn. IJA rlsh miserab ly after havlog ab ll'. bUI the results pl'o yed the on· used. On one of t hese at Irregu lar stOI'Y Is not yet an 01,\ one. The two to his organ a placard stating lilli e or 110 neltln g has ye t h~en done. th at he t ral·Y. After the figures were cut out. Interval s wer e pllmpl(I I)8, which had spllwned. IInll IHl\'er Ih'o to retu r n tu the Tbe writer vald a vIsit re en tly . <luri ng hundred thousan ds from the Unllell Is a whlptbo ng mak er throw n out of • ea. If e ,·ld.ooe In IlIllport ot this the. they were pasted on wblte mats. glv('n I.!cen cut out and pasted 011. Another Stntes. who hav e mod o lhe Weslel' btg run n Can· or fish work . to a bY' lake lh ll aU lomobli cs . III Iho heod the lilies lhey wcro suppose d to re ]lre· had autumll leaves, brownie s formed ory Is reQulrer!. a visit In th e rail of tb. or ooe of th ese rivers " 'hl oh flow 'Int? ada Lhelr hom e. who ha"e tak en aelvan. · Anlnhn b il.lln lot Fllrmoll llers , France. lien l. s ig ned by the artist, an,1 all gil'('n another ornRmell la lioll and cabbagcs )'ear to lb" bultl.16 of MY lolle or .lren m th B " hrln ~ soa. He ro's the tu ge of tbe !GO acres or land tbat th e bns left a legacy s ufflclenl to pro.ldol sight ohalt o the brlde-to· be-a souveni r ot a gra ced one card . (In olden !lmee where t.he salmon ' spa"'n ,,'111 convin ce mun "'tiS so bewild ering thaI 1I0.thlnl( Governm cnt gives tree to a ctllal se t· (lri zps of 2.0 rmll es ea ch ye arly for the m ost dellghtt ul afternoon . Wben reo Hallow E 'en was called "cabbage" tbe unb'l.lI e ver. T he .lght or mlliloas or short ur a vls!t to u s imilar place ti ers are telling the story to·day i o two moSl Ilollte scho lars-mal o can an d t rpsh ments wore served, the taul e was night) . Bun hes of grapes made a dead aud dying salmoo and the awful convey to lho read er 1\ ralr Idea of what th eir frl ~ nd s. Thcy have pl'Oven tb o rCDlale- o r lhe towu. The wlnu ers a n, ameli arl.IDg theretro m. d~r orated With a baking plln which "ory elfeclh'e carel. The hos tess said the Imusl nation of the leavn little 10 nllm be rs or slIlmon (lRSS Into a lake dllr- stat ements made through these col· 10 be elected by bullol uf tllelr schu ol· lectalor was lined with nowers, a EC I'ubblng ·she bad collected most ot th e rna· lhe run . 'I'hp. r ed sal- umns. ond uy the Governm ent Agont>!. felloW8. First lu tmporta oce. aa reg~rds It . 10,1: a foil' weeks b rus h bore the guest ot honor's placo te rlal for these cards from sced cala· alu, and value hi the market. amoni tbe OIon doca not exceed 12 pOu ~ ~" In They have produce d trom their lanel ~~~========~==== ('llrd. a s mall Hallron held her napk in logues and adverlls ements. Here Is Paclnc ulmon may'be reckoned the king weight . and Its averag~ may be lDken twenty. thirty. torty ond morc hush · down, wlrlle a miniatu re broom l1lld t he menu t bat was wrllten on them In • . ulmon (Oncorh yiichu8 tchawyt cha, . u~ being about. .seven pounds. Th e cis of wllel\.t 10 the arore. and ' nett cd ' a halt doze n cbeose cloth du sters wero ulack Ink wlUI a stub pen: otherwi se known as the spring salmon . largest fis h reac h a length or about ~ 6 profits r anging from three to ten and 50 FIlR 6n her chair. This was R very pracSou]l- A Bovine Append age (Ox· ,lbe cblnook more Inches. doll ars Tho on Klamath every river. ncre In t lIIec1. Cail:......: ...... and qu lnnal. Thll mugnlfl. liE" tical bridal "showe r" and wa ~ mllcb la ll) . rorol.a . Is the most sout.horn point at Tbey lIa" e fOllnd th e cllmnte fully us W. L. Dougl ......00 ~lIt cent neh I\v8ragE' ~ about 22 poun"s. al . Edp Lin., apprecia ted. goort as Flsh-Co llecl on they we which re told lhere II would Is Dell very any be. conSider able run of cannot be eq!laUe d atanr price. (C. thougb numbers of them are cnught 0 . 0 .). . reacblng a wellb( ot about 80 poundy. Ihese nsh . They extend all along lhe seh'ool s we\'o convenient snd easily otcoast. and far up Into lhe Behring sea, ganl zed. railways were not far dis· Meat- An Intimate fl'lend of .Mary I have eveo beard It staled lhal the y or.A Sun-Flo wer Tea. (Lamb) . cu.slonally reac h as much 81 100 po uods. being most numerou s In lhe nelgbbOr- tant.. und mllrkets close at .lIand . "b o . This Is the season o f the year when buod of Brlstols b'ay. Vllst numbers are social conditio ns were such as they Vegetables-A kind of toes ne'er .u n·8.o .... ers. goldon·r od and the slort. tound on man or beast (Potatoe s-Tochose to make th em, and low and ous g91deo glow are In their primo. matoes) . order were observe,\. Many of them Noth ing could be more gorgoou s than bougb t land, because It was low·prlced Wbat Is des lrl'd In li me of War til a decorati ons ror an afternoo n tea (Peas) . and good, and bllndred s ot cases co uld a luncbeo n, or even forl"a receptio n: be cited where t!te purchasD pri ce of Pudding- The Beaullru l (Snow) . ]0'111 jars, wa ll pockets and all a\·(II\. Plf!-Rel atcd to' a Well-(P uml,kln ) the land .pald oul of tbe flt,st crop. able reCel)tacles wllh these brllllllnt FrllI t- A kind :rhe writer kno~' s o.r cosp.'t tb!8 Y ~.I\ ~· i of flo we rs; tie great buncbes of Ulem to (Grapes ). wberD lbo tarmer. as 0 result ot Ibe t he porch pillars and br. nk the IIrc. Drlnks. -An 111ness and . ~' hat a yield on his tarm. was put In a POSI. \l1~ce ~. Place the punch 'DOwl' Inside ])lIyslclBl\.. asks. Colfee tlon that wonld 'enable him to' 'Increase ( cough· lee) . 'a' Ilirg Un bread pan whlcb has been How doe8 Bernhar dt take her medl. his boldlngs three extra aerea for covered with green pallOr; Inside 'the cine? (In Cider.) . , every acre cropped and pa)' cash for . circle. between tbe bowl and pan, plaee Gathere d from many lands (Nuts). ,It. Is It uny wonder thnt one grows 'Hln·Oowers. thns making a wreath of , Tll,e guests ",ere asked to enthusla stlo when speakin g about divine «lor)' bekutltu l to behold. Have a wbat each courae was before Western Oanada. It was fr uit lemonad e or Roman punch In the served. Aiter din nor ghost . But 1\'bat Dlay be !laId of this year' stories bo""1 and serve "aun-llowel'8," whi ch were In order, nuts were roasted In We are no\\, In • pOSition to spellok reare made 'by using , the ordlnar r r ecipe tbe grate lire, and tortuneil garding It. The conditio ns througho ilt ' told with for wblte cookies, cutting tbe d'ough apples. Bon·bon s were paBSed Manitob a and the ne,\\, province s or AI· In a ",Itb. a amall round cutter, then prees. hollowed ·oul ca~bage lined with berta nnd Saskatch ewan have been rewBlled tng blanched almonds around the edge paper. Tbe Invitatio ns to this dinner markabl y favorabl e. Had, conditio ns to represen t tbe peta18. rn tbe cen. were sent by a mf!ssenger who wore been no betler iliaJi In past ycau ter put 'dab ot chocolat e colored a grotesqu e mask and carried a lruga there wou ld bave been every cause tor dOllgh. When baked carefull y they are jaok·..·.Iantern on tbe end ot a sUck. congratu lation. We lind, though. l'all pleaalng to look at and gOod IQ, taste. prevIous records broken, and that trom The Invitatio ns, It sont by a messen. a to\lr million acre' crop of wbeat there ~ere Is a game wblch sounds very ger. shollid have a small sun.Row er Si mple, but Dever tails will be one hundred million bn sllels to create amilile- and many America ns bave Informed me fa tened' to '·the enveiope . Alter the ment. It 1'8 called the "King ot Hunky IHat they bave liellO tbese 119h ellceed .also ca~gtit~ every 'r ear al Kllrlull ' can. ot-&- yleld-o r 25 busbels to ' the acre. Rucsta have ' arrived, pass cards with Bunky." Belect two nery, on Kodlal,' 181uol\. and III manT Oould anytbin g . better be desired? , person~, place 90 pounds on the seales. Persona l]y I I he Insqrllltlon, "I'm as bappy as a tbllm at opposite sides of tho room, the have never seen on.e of 80 pounds iak~n rlVolrs alons the Ala~ll tl lJenlllsulli. Ooverln g tbe ' enUre country tbe ~aiue Tho fles h or th,s s'slmon Is nrm IUld dark splendid reports are being !,IIA' sun·t!(jwer," In onl). comer with ~al'tber apart the better. recel\'eft: Give each a trom tbe neta; and, moreove r. til e ful· red Ule date. If one 18 akllleni with lhe ' lighted candle and tell In tbem tlfey must lowing stateme nt was made lO me by In tins colo r. It comruau dc 0 good <prlce The followin g dispatch was sent hy -brush;-Il take& only a short time 'to nOl laugh or even smile. , and Is th . mos t unlver- l>fr. F. W. Thom])8on, Vice PreSiden t Tbey are to Mr. Ii. M. Wetherb ee. the ma~ager 0 sattY .s een do a blA' aun·llow er In water· colors In. advance very slowly, IIrlOus part. of of :the OgIlVie Milling Co., oJ)e ' ot tho lookln'g each large eaimcry 10 Couk's Inlel. Alu ska. tbe world . lind u~od., stead of wrltlnlr .. the word. On' this other dlreetly In' tbe most careful grain men In America ': eye. When they He uld Ihat. nllfl(lugn he was 'for la Allboug h the commen cement. of th. card ha"e "Sewing rntrlc~ les" wrllten, meet In the center ot , "Ha,'e just returned ·.lrom coverlns the room, with yea1'll ·In ebarge of II c.aullery On tb e Co· run of red sltlnlon . varLes I~ elates ae'WIth tbe words "Thread ," "Tape-th eas. hands uplltted In great seyeral 1rundred mUes ot the crop sorrow, one Illmbia river. and bad been since then cordln« lIrl'," " Scl88ora,:' "Tblmb le" " Needles " says: . ".T he King of to the 10c.allUe li. Lbe main d ne dl8trlct\ 1 never ' BBW anythin g like Hunky-B ull)ly Is some 12 years In Alaska. he ~ bad never ,may be nld to last trom. the middle of It In tbls coubtry betore. ~be "Braid,» "TwIst." "Sewlng .allk;" derun&'i and o:!ol!,d. av.era,e The other re- iecn a king salmon 'wblcb e:l.ceeded tiU' June until "Li nen." "Cotton ." "Emery, " . "Whale- sponds : "Alas, ala!, mid-Aug ust. 'The 0 " nerka, f.1~ld and Quality tar exceeds how died lie?" pounds whe'n placed on the scalei. And 8horlly atter our entering a fresh w(lte r hike earlier expectat ions. It Is jlll Immense \)on e," ··PercaU ne." "BUllelo," "But- The lI.rat p,orson with Increase d SOl'- this was Ihe more remarka ble, since and commel1 thlg Ions." to spawD. "Feathe r.bone" und ergo an ·crop. " SlIesln" row says: "Just so-Jus t flo-Jns t tbrough oul tbe wbole ' weatner Is : extreme ly . to. ot tbat time there . extr~ordlnary melallio rpboala In color, vorable.The "cambri C," all transpo~cd Into sudh so;" then comes the " - Up ' to three weekI agO it 'respons e : "How 'w as a~ offe r 00 his port. wblcn stili · aUd during tbe tranallU ry'Stliges IIHs'ume was Mr. Thomp80n '~ oplnlon ' that the 'Words a8 "Bllmet h/ ' which, with the Sad-hoW lIad-ho w SUd.'1 The con.. holds gOOd . to .present tbe lettcl'8 properly . placed, becomea pIe r!lrely ever get beyond announc in g any person who could bringlum or ,20 to a number ot dlffered t hues. :I'bo flab ,crop w:ould not reach general e.x pecta. of Y!Snllt CAlfADA I.' one of tbese turn trom hrlght s llver to the Imou~t blan), fann .. ·"Thlmb le." "Tonoet " Is' "Cotton ," etc. that tbe "King Is dead" tlons. '. before lhey fi sh to him whl cb E,xceeded 80 pounds red. wllh Ihe excefltlo a pt!cullardee)) era wi II rraUo. from n ur the head and . . F. 'W. Tbomps on scnds another tele. "rhls 11'111 alrord occupati on tor some are olf In galea of laughter , .. he.II .crop thla In weigh . t. A The little larges t specime n ot lbla nOli. Which becomll' s dull"Whlle or lead- gram trom ,ear. time. .' . Winnipe g to'nlght , 88y'lng prize may be awar.ded the couple who salmon or which I bave been able to Dben color. In lhls atoge the IIsh closely that hIs estimate ot the _ For prizes give a pair of embroid ery complet ely finish the whea.t crop " message ." some- taln sUlhenti c Inforl'llatlon Is II. stull'ed resemble the alJpeara :IS Bu. ".I ' ,olM A ..... . IlcJsaors In a case of Mexican leather tblng tbat may be nce uf "",rtall) Is now one hundred million bushels " II I be: Ih .. ...... "',,. dlv.lded, like a box Osh owned by tho late Mr. W. lJell Irv· kllids or guldllsh Yield. vf Wb.oa~. :~I t. Is Quite yellow In color-a nd a of candy In a 110M. At a later Before be wept ' west l)e tho,t or bunch of Oowers. ight It ' Ing. I believe this Osb was klll~d In, atage. when scarred and .. ' worn Lhe flsb' would tall ' consldc.r ably sbort " w(lr~ bag made ot yellow and ' blac k tbe Skeena ·rlver. Drltluh Columbia. and . pr~nt .a miserail le 6pec~U.h or that Tho'laud 1""llltlo ".0 grown '11\ .coot I1ILny or i a8 lbey ftgure. , ~Ibbon , It ~ tblrd prize Is desIred, " l \,' • tile r. rmtra ah!ohucl , lIoP,hhIJi. wbhttllosl.: wbo If You Would Be Beautif ul. taken to Eogland bY' Its late oY(ner. who strnggle "feebly ' 'about "'h I f hI In tile llliilllu,y .....~ , gl ve a needle . case In the. sbape or a wbh-;dtoaaa,to the lro-:tc~Q"erl1tue'u . ' c mora 0 ~ 8 'alory I. that (here Ir.",a, Too much Btress cannot be laid upon supplied me with tbe' follOWing details: ' w1llers ot t~e rhcrs 0.0,( uu btl, laud adjoitlhlg at f rolU S4IU ,to ' lattes: ther~ to BUIl·llower. The retresbm ents consist tbe'trem endous should be no. healtatl oa. ~ 1IJI&kfDa. ...'~e. J..entb or nsb . tour «eat live IDCbes ' fall lUj . eDSY IIrey 10 need ,. ot simple, substan < .• tile .bolara • or iced cream served In 'tiny 'lIower; tial tood and decision If , 'ou wish to better ;your and sufllclen t' rest. The aver- glrtb. twO feet nine Incbei; wl!lgbt, IIO~ I'agles: whlcl!·co fleet rromnil les around conditio pots. Covered with a real sun.flow er age young woman n; or: I(' you :him;" a tamlly of ellmo:o . ple .. dld .•cltnO l <OD,.al'b t. TOII"ay• of to·day Is as bu.y 811 po.unda . . It hu. however . been so con- to feed 011 them In the rllil lIf the·year . which wbeQ. ,emoved reveals the crean: a. bee. Beauty ! boys tbat :I'.ou wIsh to ' become settled clOlt!: at benu, J.~ !J lot t'. I.s only another name .tor Odeotiy stated on good alltborlt y that The sllvf!r ualmoll. or cohu (Oneorb yn. In a ....axed paper casc. Yellow Mapa. health, and to overtax tbe system Is like this salmon does ocC8l.ioo ally rcacb IUU cbua klsutcb) , Is another slJccles wblcb on Carms, It Is (l sate nroposil ion to Senrt fot' p • ; rleg ot cheese cloth may be used with putting '99 in tile ."phlft u20th Century Canad.'· call upon the nenrest autborlz ed. Can· . ,m} full p:lrticnla pounds tbat we mllY luppose tbat liucb II used exlenllly ely tor bank r. rfll4rdin l rate. ett..• to cannlng ' pur •. Good effect In door. ways and window s. $100; you never get and drawing out Is tbe case. Sup e: aINTIiYD} 'tICT OJl' hINI O.IlTION, On.". adlan Governm ~nt AgeDl, anll .geL par· ahead tbat way. poses. altbough . oWing to the light pink Canad •• or t, , ,'he '1'he hostess should wear a yellow Few wpmen eat what fnllow 1IOd t.i n~dl.,; The king salmon rllUS prinCipally In color of It" nesb. It does tlculal'8 as to moat suitable dIstrIcts Go,ernm enl Alents: lngaptho(, Is be.t tor tbem. . gown , with belt and,stoc k of blac k, and They nibble on sweet. tbe largest rivers. such a9 tb e COlumbia. auch a good price on the IIcJt comman d and railway rates. D . .. . Wl LL"',.•• La ... Bu1J4\1II'.!!oleGO O. and ]Jastrlea , market • sUII·flower In ber balr. keeping tbe stom~b In a conllnu alstate the Sacrame nto and the Yukon. and the Idug or the red Sill mOil. as either JlIt1t1o ~ '"" po"" . The One Woman . of strite and turmoil. Instead ot bon- elsewhe re. In the soutbero ri ve rs tllif ",hen packed In t1nti. ls generallTile cotlo,' y Inllele.! "I helleve," he said , . "that COt each hons and cakes, eat fres b fruit and run bp.glns In May. bul turtb~r norlb In und knuwn to Ihe public An Interna tional Tea. as "medium This Is a delightf ul alralr to be drink min erai watel·s. A dally bath la a ~rtaln' parts of Ala611R. nol mucb ·be. red ." The av e rage wei ght or this tlsh man a certaIn woman was created. " "Yes ," she replied. "and the dlW'orce ' >. glveo by a club or cburch society. great aid to beaut)'. Rub the body well fore the early part o r June. Tbey Is alioUl eight poubdll, allbuugh n 11mIJccoral e the rooms wltb Lhe flag& from \\'lIh mOistened salt, jump Into the lub asoend the Yui!on river as Jar lUi a polot tlera or them reacll a ' W~lflnt - uf 3() records sho~. that he gllnerall r lind. ber sooller or later."-Rec-o rd-Hera ld. all nations ; these may be purchas ed and turn on a tepid BPl'ay. ch illing grad- 'ust below Lake Bennet! . whi ch is U dls- pollnds. Tbey arc fuuud alollg tli. In tbe departm ent stores In all slzos. ua1ly. Rub down well wllh It coal1le tance of nearly 2.90U III lies from the sea cuasllJ of Alaska. BrittIn Colulnb la. Kind Wantin g. Young ladle8 dressed In costume s to lowel nnd you will teel aG fine AS a lI~dle. I have heeD unable io dIRco\'er accurat~ Wnshlng ton and Oregon. aud can bll Cholly- I i:ould he a great IInancle r statistIc s ns to tbe elSlct dat es In each caughl In seines nelg ut represen t "America," "Italy." "Scot1501 08 year when tbe salmon are lirst seen 'at ~' ear In the soutbern any lime or tb. If I had a mInd to try. Oatmea l t01' the Face. land." "France ." "Englan d," "Ger. portion! uf Ihelr Doily-Y ell, I kno .... thlt'lI wliat you ~hc Na.shv!lIe, C;:b~ltanooga &: SI,J.ollis Oatmeal has very cleansin g Jlro;er- Caribou Croaslng. below Lake Beullett. haullts. Thl~ snlmon Is th many," ·'Japan: · "Manfla ," etc.. form R,-allway II dlstribu tmg a very be~lItiful e h,t~st or all lack.-Cl eveland Leader. t he receptio n committee Rnd ser"8 the lies, as you rna)' see by mixing 80me The del a ils woul.d be leterestl og, 10 '110'11' tbe yarlous species to rUb , and spawn3 hth?l;rap h, 18Jt2~ Inche., 01 the famous wllh watel'. tying It In a bag and lelling Ihe lime which lhese IIsb lake 10 trav· In tbe rail of the year. . ref reshmen ts. e~glDe: "Genera r" which is now on exhiIt dues nut run Natiooa l songs, such as " America " t he wn ter be Iml,reg naled wllh fl. an'J erslng this enurmou s distance of Dearly as far up the rivers ati the two IIrst- RAISED FROM A. DEATH.BED. bition In tbe Union Depot, Chattano oga 1.000 miles. then Tenn. wasblng It Tbe picture Is ready lor framfng might ()e determin ed nam ed varieties . nnd will ~lool)\'n lIoythe dlrLlest embrOid eri es . "La Marseill aise," "God Savo th e Queen." "Tbe Watch on tbe RhJn e " lace or One muslins In the decoctio n they with some degree of accnracy . since tlt~ wh cro III rn:sh waler. 118 fl est.. "'hen lIIr. Plttl, O~ce Prononncecl Incurable, and will be mailed to anr Iddre.. for twenty·f ive cents. Tbe" Gelleral " wa. Baa Been Well :fhree· Year•• "Blue Bells of Scotland . " " Beaum;ll become quite clea n, as wllh bran . It :ertaln that tb e salmon do not eoter fr cslily cllI'Sht In lhe sea. II parlicula rlY captured by the Andrew s' Raiders at Dig Veolce, the Bride of th e Sea." are draw s out tbe dirt e~qually well from lbe the rlyer until It Is dea.r or the Ice Ooes. good eating. und III lhe opInion or lOany E . E '- Pitts, eo T1athtlway St., SllOw, Shanty (no,. Kenn~saw), Georgia , on the sung or played during the c"cnlng ruce. A good plan Is to have some oat. which brenk up .atlrreg ular dales 10 tbo (amoll gs l whom I. the writer) Is prer& Atlantic Rallroad ,Aprill2 th, hegan, Me., slIoys: "~ven Y6llrs a.go .Weslern spring". olcal powder LIke all on lhe .Ihe otber washln salolOO 00 ; arAbic 10 that or th o red salmnn. eln c8 g-slan r! and Wh n refreshm enta are He n 'cel 1862, and was recaptur ed by Conducl or th~ my back o.ched and I was so mix run the a do\\'n northwe tables poonful st coasts of America . thiS II 19 IIOt SlI hard and dry as tbat of the wll h t be lukewar m \V, A. Fuller, Anthony Murpby and guests are asked to choose at 'Which that 1 w"s la.l~ up olhers, ncar Rmggol d, Ga., after an excit. ta lo le they will el t. "A meri ca" wil l water in which you wash the tace. · It Is nsh begins to cbange co lor shortly af-l!l r_l lltl ter spcclcs. tour Ing chase of about Dlnety milea. It was montlls: I Ie I'Ve an abundan ce of baked hea ns, "el'y Imprm'ln g to lhe com plexion. The It enters tresb waler and commen ces to Tbe last two kinds of salmon In th esa hall nigb t sweats o,!e. of the DlOSt thrill ing exploits of the ~ou g h · nu ts and pic. "Scotland " will w!ttel' should be tepid. about n tahle- Ipawn , Ita silvery 8klll 800n changel wat~rs lire thn hllmpbncl; and the dOl eLVl1 War. The object of tbe raid was anll fllluting spells bsve por~ldge . oat cakes.' sco nes with spoonfu l to a quart fa ubout the propor- to a dull color. Bnd the red OSh ..... blcb I sa)nwn. both or whi ch are prnctlCIIIl, to burn the bridges on the Western & ·u.nd dropped I.e 00 lion. 18 dry at wltb tlrat a the soft most cloth dellc:ate and rub th. or al\ kind! .' .... tor caonlng purposes . 1hpcse and lragps. " Ita ly" presides po unds. The urin e Allantic RlIilroad and' cut off tbe Con(acc till Qulle warm. for eating. hecomcllin a &hort time white lederate Army from .its base.of supplies . "ermlce lll C E. RAD:':: L. Y Irl"E. 80np . macaron i, passcd overy" fe\\' A book Ict, and aoft, like that ora ke lt I.n Europea ll . tra and 6gs. Sausage , pretzels and "The Story of tbe' General " mlnulc8 waters. with inThe ra!lge ot tlbe 'i<lng 8almon lent (ree upon applicat ion: Care of the Feet. Not Wpat 'It SHmed. rye l!Tead will be found at "Gel'• tense pit In and alone the America n COBSt. extends rrom Wh en yOU start out to wall;. cover the Dyer- It·s B lie 011 Iho faue or IL Dlony's" table, while the "Frcnch " tao W. t . OANLEY. fl. P. A. look ed IIko blood. the Ventura river In Callrorn la to NorFeonor -Whal? Nubvlll., Chatlanooll'!\ at 51., Loui. R', ille will have dainty roli R. salads ancl feel wi th a lblck lather ot soap sudll. Dropsy Ret III and ton sound In Alaska, and probably even Dyer-M iss f'1!U'1Ite"s coruJl!OIx,1on.Nashvlll •• T.DIIeI... )01olel. "Englan d" will be rep resent- which sbou ld dry on lhe feet. Thl. (urther the docl.ors decided nonlt. but beyond this dlstr:ct Town TOlllc~ . td by roast beef and plum pudding . will preven t bllslers. When yOU come 1 could not live. IItUe "Japan" will be gay with chrysan the. back soak your teel In bot wllter and Ita 18 ,t preaen t known of thl fish or My wite· got me using Doan's Kidney bablta. Pill., and . as they bdped me I took mumft, cl\Arrv blo'80m 8, tea with dell. rub a little vaseli ne Into them. You will J'ulq. Next In Importa nce, &8 regard. Its hellrt, k<'pt on ancl waa cUI'ed 80 thor"She's a rare cook!" 'de '","me ats, rice and be s lIrprlsed at the eue whlcb this will commer cial • Iye rol&. value. rome. tM rid 811oughly that rYe been well three yeara.·' "YIlII; thla .teak · l. a trille und~... • a (OpoorllJDcbl&l Dlrka) , tile mOil 4o..... .Sold by all dealers. 110 cen I.e a bolE • -Jud." . , Foster·M Uburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y•. . .... . L

,T he.' Diffe~ent Sal mo n 'o f the Pac ific Wa ter s




W' L



&'30 0 SHO ES










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. .




What Ia Taken Out of the Ground I. Growin g and lttlaturil llr the FruJt.

Ways of Communl~ntlng ~."e ~en:ler Senbme nt Wh;"ou t Bcatterlng Microbe s.


Tb e Cornell experim ent alaUon bul· lellu No. 103 on "Soli Depletio n In Respect to tbe Oare of Fruit TreCil," Bbo"'s that the plant food eontal&ed In 2( crops of apples ot 16 busb~ls pcr !reo! and 35 trees per acre, when tbe leavea that are formed arc also taken Into the calculal lon. amounts to 1 ,337 pounds 01 nitrogen, 810 pounds of phospho ric acid and 1,895 pounds of potasb. Prof. Voorhecs shows tbat 20 years' contlnuo ul cropplllg wllh wheat, assumin g an ayerage crop of 15 hushels per acre, Bn~ soven pound s or straw to tbree bushel~ ot wb eat, would remove 660 pounds 01 nitrogen . 211 pounds of phospho ric acid and 324 pounds of potasb. We can thu s com pare tb e results of 20 years' cropping of appl e8, atter tbe producti on or trces , cal)able or bearing &ucb crops. bas tak en large amounts or plant food fro m tbe soli, for th e 20 years' croppin g of apples has remol'ed more lban twice as mu cb nltrot;en. ha ir as mu ch again of pbospho ric acid , and three Urnes as mu ch potash as the wh eat crops during t he sa me period. It Is e vident. then , tba t an orcbard will far more rapIdly depl ete th e fertility of the soli t!lan tbe continuous Cl'ollp ln g In wheat. Any farmer will nodersta nd that 20 y ears' contlnu · ous cropping In wheat would be bat:t far ming and would result In soli deple· tl on. How mucb more then does the conll nuous cropping In apples deplele tbe soli. Burn the bardwoo d of an apple tree and yo u will fully understa nd the amount or potas h removed from tb. 501lin tb e 1V00d atone.

Modern i zed.

"l.y~·r... 1" nnp of lli(' itm" 'V .' ~ h i llg t nn l1S ~ t o "t op ."

lIyou llllli"l !jay!

.h e anti Jlt.. ign ;

where <":rorge

" ' Imt

lUll bl'lO n l '~ ,)1 ' A l!'l:OlllJl)vU UUO Il to ")i !J n

alld Ur,ulfl?!' t . "Tlh'~" \'(' tnke ll it clown and Jlu t


F·ROM· GIRLHOOD ·TO WOMA'NHOOD Mothers Should Watch the Development of Their Daughters'Interesting Experiences of Misses and Mills.


Accordl ll g \0 a French phys iCian , the lIug n : ' ,!\I ,t:ollltn uda lio ll 10 Ma n hod .\ rtto· hand contai ns over 80.000 microbe s to mobile : I, "And whe re i. the IWHl ler who mc:t.I to the square Inch . und In shaking hands rome Olll wit h a CUll of ou tfl~ H B~rman these m icrobes are con veyed from one "Oli, hI' ('UmPH Gut rHtW wit h U Cl UJ t~f VENTILATION IN DAIRY BARN perso ll tu anoth er. He ach'ocnl cs tbe GllsolillC, "---::hi4:tlgo n"i l~' !\ cws. 8ubs lltutlon .of one uf th c more digniSystem Wltich Will Render a Stable AvoIdin g the Wrinkle s. fi ed nnd di sta nt orien tal modes or WWch Is Not Too Old Per"~I lu\\ c ll't. Iiall II r.hU111 lUkell 111 ltm saltllatlo ll .- - Dai ly Pa per. feotly Sanitar y. yrnr,.:; 'l Te m~., l'kl·(1 ti e ('om'\' t ed 10:111. lIer 01 0 1 her had s ll;nlftcan tl)' It'rt willi u (lourh...I" " \\ ' llIIl'tj tbem tot;eth er ill Ihe co nse rvator)'. tl..... IIln llt " ' ~" ('!l lrp c I 1olaoy farm ers do not seem to "ppre· 11114 Th e mom ent had co me to make her fl' i\·tII 1. ":--:!,11 11II\' i I J~ I h \'11 1 .. trllvi;; ,,f1" III elate tbe differenc e between venlllatl on t1l · ~illHe uld pI U l t!~" - 1>l'1 1'fjJ\ 1-'1'<'1.' nnd erslU lld how mu 'h 11(\ lovcd her. l','eotiS. and sanitatlo n. Tbere Is IItLle use at He had UCC II In n s imlla,' sltuut lon Ipendln g money tor ventilat ing flu es In once 01' I wlc;c ucfo re. und er th e anan old. tllthy, plank-fl oor barn. Usually An ExcepHon. . d ent reglm c. lJu, I hen 11 was comfla r~­ "ll ltt lll ll ~ a l (' ,' L·n · ": (1 1' 1'''1. \ i l ll In such places liquid mllnure has soaked 1, !lu W. 'f1I C,\ ' n! ,,, , \,(.1' 1.11~\nl t il la ugh ." tlv ely easy. througb tbe floors for yeill's. wbll e the Null' . IInder a coele ot ·' ()II . I tln ,,' 1 1; lle~w . I . lf n~r'p!l rn\' 11:11 1..e tlqu~tt e f'oull doc! chl eUy 011 Ihe la tost ceilings are open and covered with cobMUlIlt'·!wha ," _~h .l ln(:t'I I '!lIa_ J' n .. ,.. fa shIo n In fa ctc rln. he felt hl ~ posiwebs. Sucb a stnbl e as tbls gets change tion cOlhllrru sslll ll . A ki ss had long of air. but tbe filtb Is so great tbat It Is An Hones t Opinion . been t'Jn sl.l erc'l a crimInal proceedi ng always olfens!\' e. Ventlll1llon Is not an Minr ,·nl. Idnh u. Ol1. ml h I,ped tl) '- I ],lwl a !"urc cu r e h a .. ht;'l..'U l l ' :,t ' ) ' t ' l 'I ,d fl)r un purely h)'g lenle g,·o uIHI.. Impas· anUdole for un cleanlin ess. U HIl;C ~ t.' llI ti (,'" , th at l1Iuk ... " I u ' u ,' y Probabl y nine Ollt of ten stables feel sloned speech wus bu t th e settI ng fr ee liv es Illi ~l' r·.bl "" tilt! fi rm opin ivll v: -'I I'. QUickly the clter.t at a sll)'ng wi ad or of mlillon s of mi crosco pic prisoner . I) . S. L'oL.. ..m. 1\Ii, we ll kllO\\,11 t't'~ idt:l \ l I,f a lowering or tempera ture. Nothing exli lli'S phu..·..·, did lit! J o t'~ 11 0 1 h (\S l ta l ~ ~ h ~ desirous of n c' han g;) or lungs. ll ,\ ' He cept thoroug h In sul ation or doubl e walls must not ol'en press h er lit lie haud , thnt ('IIIl' ~ ]JUUI.!'!; l\. lI in c), P d!$oI , 'I li e ren"'I)1 1 .\Ir. '.: ()I ~ o n h; 80 linn in li irl "p iu· will rem pdy thi s t rouble. The ce men L well knuwln g whal malig nant hos t iiol tllut I.e Il,.ul l!JO"4C pai ll l' IlIllJ IIi sclen'e hall 1.lace.] wllhln Its rew t urcu, ~t1C;iI) lI ~ ( ) f theIt' I'll'ible matte r, lit: !-1't ,\' .. : I'Q un,ied squal'" tn ch ~s- n o l to mentlqn " I 11m (l nl ,~ t uo hnpp ," t il " ' y lJu' lej'h Iho"t' thai lurl,ed In his own extensi ve l, id IlC\' PI I ~. ' ' HI\'(" clotH' Hie h, t ~ Il f It." ud , F:ver.v mothcr pas ·CfiS,," inCu"ma tion a cbe, and a8 i have henrtl thnt YOII can give I hnd ' a\\' (u l l 'I i lllo! in Ill" h:r I ""l u'd whic h is of viLaI intcrc. t lo hc ,' yv ullg helpful advico to girls in my I)a lm. condition , ram hurd !y wn lk, ".' l, tfl ll'~ Ki.-i rwy P il l ~ I-L,,!.ploO dnll~htc r. wrlLing you."-M yrtleMIl L., Oquawka, III. Sta ndi ng at a Rare h yg ienic dls lar.c",. it CTl t i l t,h, 1 t hink t he\' nrc a j.:. I'I.t!Icl n.",r Ul'iI, Pinkham :(Second L<lLter., Too orten thIs is n e\' •. imparte d or Is th erefore. h e 6tretched out hi s arm fi 11I{!c.i if'iIW:'· • "It Is wlLh tbe fooling of utmost gratitude All :-':I'iat:" H\. .i Rh c11IllilU, )lai u K :ll'C withh eld 1IJ,j,iJ serio II", h ,u 'lI1 I",,. l'('slIlt- that 1 wrIte to you to "'11 towords her. longi ngly. like un amorY(IU what your I,\, I ' .. c .\ :i.1 ill Ihe b l o. ~1. 1J",ld ·. cd to th e Irrow ing g il'! thmu lr h her VUIIlRhlolUc>dlclitohllSdollot ous tenor ai lit e opera . He dId not CIt>",1 orme. l\i d'H~ \" Pill; 1l 1••·.;:c lt hy ku ! nl'~ ~ 1I1It! ig noranco of nuture'g U1.vst"rio ,,~ II!1d wrol.e you in regard to Uly L'OntlitiOIWhelll l I had Bing. of co urHe. That had long SllWf hl'n lth'" kith ·, Y!-I . tI'uihCH n n il t ir (· I ' ri ,' :' ", iLl wonded ullaws and p enal tics. consulted 86veral dooto''II l but they fllil~, 1 LO · 1 ' bee n rorbl/ld eri . as pulling more mi- n1lt o(,l1 t, h ili :)! !. \\' it h 1 he ('au..:c renvw("(1 . i d _.1 U1ulorslan G Ir d my CIU!C Dnu I dl,l "ot r ... "iv6 s ovcr'Sell ' ness an mvucsty IIny bonelU from tllelr t reatment . 1 followed crobes In cIrcul atio n Ihan even ImpnR- there CU ll be !IO r..heum llit hn n or :-:t.i.l ticQ. often pu zzle tlleS'irt vt"u .. hers an d 11' m" your HlII.tce. lind took LyLlia E. Plnkham 's ~ I oned speec h. H e did nOL s llen l" ro.: ph ysicin n6, u.S they so o ft £'n withhol d Vo(teta hlo t.:olllpolln d 8111 nO'" ""al~hy Lo ~ing- ~ 13 (}r, Fr ldny . XO\'(I III I.tll l :L H il l.' their confiden ce fr om their U1 t hcI's alll1 wall . And a ll th., and Ing t hat the le'·ol. mo re or less s lH- hou r ul le.·1' tlllltl'ellillng symptoma n fi lll IIlR\' l1(1t 1)(' h:II'lIt'I' hlt'l. ILDd conccal tbe sYlnp t<.l1l1s • wh icb TO BUD AN D CRAFT WALNUTS IIII ZCt! co nversa tion , which alone O1Wh t which I hl"l at tllat ticnobnvo disuppcnrL>d... ·s ci· t han H ll ..' ut h:: ..::IIIP!. IJ~ H~t'II:" \\ or~l' . to be told to ther.· l'hysiCiu.n n.t th is MYl'tle Mill •. Oqullwka, Ill. ence 81111 permitted to be s paringly cri tien I p eriod. Mi ~s 1Ilutildn. BormlLll writes Mre . The Method s Used by Two Hortleu l- u 6e~l . would be out of FOP. WOMEN. place on th iS o~Whl'n n. gll'l's thouglt t~ beoomo slllg · Pl uleha ,u as follows : . turists with Satisfac tory g ish, with h"adach e. <l i,,"i nesR 0 1' ,t £1i5' Door Mrs. Plnkham ,coslOn . But he ga1.ed upon he r so R It arc l Ill ly tho I. the few Ihousan d haclill Much That Ev ~ "V Woman Desires to 1'0>;1tion t.o s lcep, l",ill ' ill hCl<.:it Or lowe" " taking LydiA E . Pinkha m'", Vego-. ~ limbs, c"cs di lD, dc,i ,'" rUl' ~olitud ~; thbloHd'orc esu B. iempora .. ll y ,·e81.len t among h er ey~Know I s FO\!\ld ill Cu ticuraCompoun d my monthli es ,"""" oi"regnJ FlO. ,l-Ol:TF LO W FLUES IN I{INO Inl' nll,l I,ninflll, and I always had weh R eC when errln s g h e to is grafti n. IIIYstl' ng r v to hcr: ' It :111. 1 dr"uMnl .u,,,lu'll ) Engli sh \\'al. lashes' we rc se rious ly Inconl'cn lence1 "Cuticu rn " !"rks ·Wond ers.·' SYSTI!:M . friend s, h '1' motl;.:>r slio.lllrl COlTlO to Itt·,· nu t on Dlncle wal nut, writes a corre- by th e rislu g tempera ,. "Dllt Rilleo I.uking tJie Co:npolln,1 m v hendture. a l(l, and "cmem he r th LLt I_,\'d ie, K Pin 1,- twhes h,""" ontirelyl cft lIIe, flOor sbotlld cov r the barn sillS. so that ~Ilon d e nt ot t he Ru .. a l Too mud I s l rC~8 • n lll1 l)t he l.ll ntcd on hlLm's my lIIullu,11 nro New Yorker. I She s mil ed nnd shoo II h ~r lead Vl'gctClbl c Com puuntl will ilL r ·~u l n r. I\Jl(ll .lIn ccttl l1 ~ 8trong In gress or air ca nn ot lIil<e 1,I ace nt the woul .1 say 1 did It s uccessfu the SI"\'''1. nlh\e uf ~ 'utkllru J-o"oa p , " llIl· Ihis tim e and" II. ! lly last I(cnt iy. prepare t ho SI" <tl'ID fo r the !l Id \,()lIing nil In ' )(I rl frlol1,L. whAt i'Jv erYlh ln l( waS c1 ono gently m CII( H Il I I I' illts i n t boMom ; a ceiling mads of narrow spring. The stock was a Ly.u .. E. he ilu ti l"'(' I I' ll' "ll' IIIIK' co~nin fl' e h a nerc, nnel start Hie ODe- e now by D rso n5 wilh Ibe sllghl es t [I re. ing of i he rnll 'ou:: l'-'\1d:U'(IH lu('n ~trunl Pink u lLlIlfS V rl:;t! '11,10 'umpoullcl bllB d ono f or · e an d m alched lumber, with a few cracks or e uf I hI! y ar le n ~~f clv lli zzalio n. In orct ar 10 nvol" 1110ucl and l'il'cu lnt ing lIuitl!'4 . t 11 \1 1" period in a yonng girl's life wituollt tuuy - 'Mntll drt Horman , F'nrming ton , [0\\,&. affol' , I· knot hol es. will deteat the good e lfec La dlsu,rhl ng th e ,'lrcnma ll1hlent leg lou ~ illJ.t pure> , f;Wt!t! l. Il l l11 c C(l1Iulllit'il i Inc 'nl a n,l pain or i'·l'ogllltu'itics. If YOII know of a ny young girl who of tbe syste m, as Ihe warm Illr in the "iele 111HI n eerls mlltll orl y aLlv:c , u!,k of the ene my. Dll t while h e admlr~cl ('O Il Rt t l Ul inn n i I rcntnwn t fo l' \\,".';I I\ c nlll~ 11 IIn.1I-o<1s nt l eLtel's from young rril'ls i!J her upper pnrt o f the room passos out rap(l i8C' h.,rpr..:. I1 kf'rn t in n ~. i nn nm l Htlt i(l n ~ , nnd f)'OUl l notht.H'S . cxpr :-;s iu~ 1 h ch' -'1 to aAl'lr 's~ fIl,·s. [lin lehnm at 1•.\'nl1. It<: ,· di scretion h e dou ble,. her meall- it.l' h in~~, i rrl l h t i lJlIll, l ' hn~ ~l'"tit."l c fo,' what T,v.iiu 8. l'i"ldlLLm'~ "uss.. nd t el I h;"r evcry ] . Idl y through the small openings. The l'l, d')ol)ll iU" l" i ng, Was It " No?" Or that she d id 1II1'11 1~, ",in'l all'.! ir n'r\lJ lnti()ll , utm l ot her fl rili(;'~ pet' uli ,~ r Vcget.n.hl c Cnrnpo lll1Ciltn." nccompl b lll'<I ~.\'ml't.oIlil1S, aid e walll sbould hare a double air lind to leeep n oth iulf bnclr. not unders la nd ? 01' t.ha t h e was !;()Ing to hm1n1(.t: . liS wl,lI a~ :~'l\.' h ~ympnt!I{t: ' c lor tliClIl, h l1vO lJl!" lI r occiY~cl h .Y til' apace. to prevent moistur e condens allon Hhu wi ll .. 'cc h'(n~~ll'i cc ely tree, 'f H1'i 1I11n min. d r!ol'osis. 11)'(\ I'i a, ~ Ihe wrong wa y to worl, ? Or Ih at a h" nfT<!'dtim. f rom n. 601l"CO th n.t haslLusolllt. no r ival in the ne n·O l1 ~ Il(' ''. :\11cl d,·hility , and . In ex tr emely cold weather. frost . If Lylli l1 B. f' inldllLtn l\!cclici!!o Go. , at ")(p,-d rwc o{woll nn·si lls. n ndi will. it deemed h erself lIuw or t hy? H e carp-,.-_ .Lynu, M ass. a th ermome ter 18 placed n ea r a fro sted ' f.,l l,)", rl . p,t It r on b fully sal down ut his end f th e CO D' llnny " Hi ll I' t-jotl ·t ~ nre (;'1m ('ak~l I II thl' Miss Mills h as written the two {ol· !,tr n~. h en Ithy an<11,cpJe ";ght roa,' to n window . t.h e dllt re·nce In tempera t\ll'o lY womol1h oo<1. ser valory 811,1l. and 01 <'lIe, thought k 1 ~)o lt8 It . out. lowlll l;!' I 'ttel'lI to 1II,·s. l'il1l,lI:lI ll . .... hid tram too center of the rooni may be I\S' uy ,l ln Ii:. I'in l;h n.m·" Y" j!lltnblll Co 'll; Th en 811 " frown ed- fr ow Det! so un· IVIIl lot! r u,ul wi th inLcrc~ : pou nd holrls tI",..c l· .... rlfor.t he g "entest hi gh as ten degrees. Tho sam e co ndimlstakab ly lIlR t he shudder ed to tblnl' Piso's Cure f nT' ConquUlp t io!J. is nn l nfallt · Dear ?I''S. Piul,bnm :Wh' I.ottor.. tion s ex Ist n cnr a single. solid, board l1ul'llUcl' of c\I1'es o[ ternnltd llf; o r any how mauy hundretl thousan d ge rm 5. . blc m edi ci ne [Qr ~ou ~II " ond cn'd ~.-S. \V. " lulJl butnr1l1e IlYCl1t'ilo(n~o. t1' "flJ P rcs,.,rl ruM ici ue t hat tho wol'\d lt D.:! ever wall. Not eo marked, of coursc, u ecnu~e ~llmucJ . Ocean Gro,'c, N, ' J ,,r Feu. 17 , H}UO , bave dizzy .I'uu.., chlllll, hea rtache onrl bllc k: I I<oown. Why lion t YOI1 t.ry it ·/ haJlI'y tenants of th e al'ches of her the wood Is not a s good a conduct o r 88 hrows, would be dislodge d by SO alarmLydia E.,Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ~lakes Sick Women Welf. glas8 . !t o~ t of II "" ('an off er a tfU1'C remcd',' for Ing a dlslocaU on of their dwelling . As, OI lie r "cop Ie's ills. T~o dead-air spaces .... 111 pracuea lly . however. he still re ma ined motionle ss. abu t. ott all cbance tor heat radlatlo!'l hel' behavio r became even more fooland the Inside boardin g will be IlS warm bardy and ~nBc lenllfic. Wllh a primu an, portillD of the roOm. While I Itive Impulsiv eness cal culaled to dl ~­ "LEAD ER" AND "REPE ATER" SHOTG UN SHELL S no experien ce wltb a cow stable THE METHO D OF GRAFTI NG. patch every microbe In l be c,mse rva' Carefu lly inspec tec shells, the best of powde r, .bVlng straw ·stulled betwe.en the Insille a~d1ing . Tongue- graft was the st,le tory UPOII a new predator y errand. suo) shot and. waddin g, loaded by macJ:lincs which used. I have tried top.graf ting larger ru sh'etl to lIle antlSelltlc rountaln that 'give invaria played ble results accoun t for the superio ramong the palms and filled a trees, but without success. I have been told that top·grar ung proved snc- waterIng enn frOOl Its cool dls lnfeotity of Winch ester" Leade r" and ·" Repea ter" cessful near Moorest own, N . J . Can ant. The last thing to be civ il ized , Factor y Loade d Smoke less Powde r ~.ltells. anyone In that vicinity glvo us a re- he r eflected . will ue woman, hut he "Reliab ility, velocit y, pattern and penetr ation had barely 'time to flnls b tbe ct\lOl.L· port? In response to this Question Mrs. tlon. For with the nose of tbe water· • are determ ined by scienti fic appara tus J. Kay says: Tlke a small 1mb on Ing can she was tracing In . pin klsh land. practic al experi ments. 611r8Y They are upon tbe Wed floor the thre', J. Kay sayS: Take a small 11mb on THE SH LLS THE CHAM PION SHOO T It, girdle It around wltb a bud In It. letters· Y-E-S. then go to Black walnut tree and glr· Seaweed Is Valuabl e. die It where you wllnt to Insert the At las t we seem to have found an es:· bud . Now remove the bark and lit tbe cellent use for seaweed . A correspo n· bark from tbe English walnut neatly (lent owned a s ummer cottage- by tho. Into tbe stock; tie It up wltb a string sea which. like the Blbllr,an mansion , until YOIl lind the saps hal'e united. was built upon sand. Betore long the The bud ·wlll be dorman t till De:lt doors began to sa.g IS G~ARA.H'J'~~D TO CU.~ and tbe whore 1"10. 2-INTA KES IN KINO SYSTEM . spring. Tbe diagram explains the structur e to lose Its balan ce on account HQDAC.t·'.I'''URIlI~. · .• od outljlde ",lls. I believe It a ufe process. ._OD' t.ael1 ~.I'-Gr'p, 10 a dea le, the shirting of Its foundati on. It won to ••ra. . . . h. Call lor )'our 1I0XBY BAClK, I"who IT DO:!I'T ClI . . . . ·thlng. Several: rearB' use of Il henhous e was then that necessit y. the motber of F. W. D,., ..... , . , D •• Manuf ... t~r,8JOrl"&4el., . . . . POINTE RS FOR DAIRY MEN. . , consttuc leads me to advise It tor Inventio n, came to the rescue. and tbe a 0011' stable: With concrete Ooor and Sort, wblte blltter comes from hot seaweed that was continua lly drifting waU there w11l tie 'no trouble from rillS. cream . In wltb the tide was Impresse d Into Abollt . seven pounds of water are ..Milk qulety, cleanly, service. This was scattere d around the quickly. CoWl tbrown olr da\ly from the skin and lungs bate baste. house, a tew loads of soil sprinkle d , ~ of a" ave!*fed,al%ed Tberefo re. TOO :mucb 80urnes s In cream causes over It, and In a rew yeara wbat uetore '" ' iller.<! I§ a larg"4fvoluine of water fa'carry' white speck'a was nothing but barren !!3nd hills be' iri butter. . out through the Ol!cl!. Tbe secret. UYS Keep th~ freslr. warm milk separate came a carpet ot vivid green. the envy M'. E. ('..ook. In America n' Agricult urist. tram at tbe n eighbori ng dw ellers. J" SO vege· the Old. It keeps bett.. r. 'Ilo kecp lbls moisture In the form of tables, ftow ers and e\'cn l,e,Ige9 made Test your milk. It Is not Quantity tbelr appeara VnPlll' unlil It reaches the open nlr. Carnce In tim e, and th e great .ryln,; nW\lY molstu fe Is not the only 80 much as the qallilty that c<;Iunte. tran sformati on was com plete. No Keep tho he lfer, Intended for the 'uncllon of perfect ventilati on. tr tbe <Io ll bt many people who are situated In moistU re Iii Tomo\'ed, carbonic acid gB3 dairy. In thrifty, growing condillo n. the same If you arc buying new milk utenSils, novation position will welcome tbls In· w\ll go with It. as a godsend .-Outln g. sec that ail Joints are smoothl y sol· The principl e of the King system oC dered. Giganti c Gorilla. vcntllat ion Is shown In the lIlustrat ions Set milk atte r milking berore It beThe ~' rench periodic al, I.a Natura, given herewith . }o'ig. 1 exhibits tile outlIow Oues, nnll Fig. 2th e Intakes. I bave comes as cool as th e atmosph ere. Tbe publis hes two photogra phs 01 a gl gan· tic gorilla, Ihe largest Cl'er see n, which tbls Rystem In use In my dairy tJarns. cream will rise beller. Have the milk to'r tho calves sweet was recently shot In the Cameroo tls by When theso barns were buill I s upposell that no other form ,,'as practica l. Ob· and of tbe same tempera ture as when M. Eugene Brusijea ux and a party 01 s portsme n .on the bani<s of the Sangs aervaUo n has taught me tbat IC tbe .It comes trom the cow. Give tbe cows plenty. of pumpkin s. river. It was one of 8 family or three, principl es of construc tion from tbe floor ". conl'ider Mull 'R Cupe T Olli e tho "'fe r)' he med icine 1 ha ve Iwt! r t oken, !\Jy ",(omacl! w alO ill !!ill c h n I,ad conditi on l ha l 1I0lhillll t as lt!d st to a point above ttc hlgllest ridge of tbe It Ced wltb the grllin ration they will whose footprin t s could be easily made anll l t1~ s m all a m OU1l1 o f fo od 1hnt 1 WRS a h lo 10 t! a t di dn' t se e ll1 10 do any Rood, I beca mrillht o ,.0 lH'r\lOU S (h a l to lt:c l> ,yilt imPo ~s ible , out along tbe shore My Increase lIarn are followed .. It will mal<e little or ot th e rl ver. Its tbe milk Oow. j. II C1Ul th ~ a\'e {l ut tlml I b eCA m e c xhau !i-ted und COIHll I.. klj MIIII ' ~ Cltlile T ClIl ie and b y Ih e l ime I h a d fini 1!-hb' w }y run d UWlI , J th e n e Ol1lnuUlced t o ao differen ce whether the lIues are ed tw o h Ollies lilY h ealth rt= lurned, I The nervous , r ()gUess co..... alwaY8 heigbt was elgbt reel. The width now reli s h InY fouLl and ca.n 1i!t:CP as we ll as e \'er. TltlS I S MY VO I. IlNTAKY TI::STIMO NV." placed outside or Inside, providin g they tOSSing her · head, should be deborne d a cross 1 he shoulde rs was tour teet six MRS , 0 , G I ANE LLI, 0(0 4 S. Jolie t 5 t, Jo!;el , 1\1. ·are 8ulDclently Insulate d to prevent the before she hurts somebod y or some- Inches, and tbe right haud alone Continua l constipat ion will in e vit ably r esult seriou sly for the suft~r e r. No one can let this weighed over fl ve pounds. Tbe body affli c.ion go unnoticed \\ithoullc sing hi. heallh. It bring. on cooling of the alt' current within them. thing. . of tbe animal weighed more Blood tban WOod, being a non-con ductor oC 700 Poi.o n. SKin Di.e ••e. Sore •• Pbnp le •• Stom .ch Trouh Habits of milking and !eeulng are le. pounds, and it required ' eight men to heat, Is .the most satisfac tory material establish ed when the heiter bas ber pai •• Indl_ e.tlon . Sudd en Bowe l Trou bl•• Di..... he •• Chole.... Etc.• Nervo u.nea •• lnsoD lni •• and .or making lIues. In construc ting them ftJ'!lt calf. She· should he very ~areful· carry It to the resldeuc e ot· the sporte· Hind _d Di•••••• • man wllo shot It. The carcass of the You have no right to .uffer from con..tipation or nny of the..o within the building . I uaed only ono Iy. bandled at tbls"time. necessilY or excuse lor it. There is on. politi •• , _turaI, harml... diseases. There i~ no .olld waU. made of two thlcknessC8 of Rememb er that the manure from a gorilla. wblch was only killed after 1 cUN-ao ci 001, OM-fo r th ••• trouble. and are coinC to Ci•• ,.OU .. nouch free to pro•• it• matcb boarda with tar p~per between . single animal Is worth about $20 a rille bullets had been tI red Into CUI out lhe coupon below and we will givc you ah50lutel it. \s being prepa~e4 for exhibiti on at Tbe' wall was perfectly tight and no side ' year. Don't let 'It wastel: : the y Iree of charge a bottle of barn· the Berlin museum of natural history. air currents could form, Illterter ing yard or undel' the eaves. with tho circulati on. These flues mnat To protect milk and butter from Riley'. Bye Patch. be as well built as a chimney . In fact ants, roaches, bugs, mice, etc., James Whlt~'Omb ~lIey was looklo& swing· the whole principl e works like a 8lut Ing shelves may be sII8pend ed frOID over a fence on his farm at a lIeld of rye, IIox stove, with perfect dratt and pipe, . the cellar ceiling by tbe only permanellL natural cure ror CO""lipation and &II bowel wires. when a neighbo r who 'Vas driving by troubles and indigestion and &II stomach troubles. MULL'S GHAPE TONIC MIres by strellgthening and resloring tbe stopped his horse and asked: Out Vp the SUage. tissues an,rmusc les o[ all the digestive org~M, IlJld . Mulch In Spring. by puuing the whole dig"slive syslem in "Hullo. a perfect, Mi'. Riley. how's your rye doslrong, coudilion. It does not shock and weaken the organs as I .lIa"o had a sl\o for eight yean. A mulch In the spring Is useful for purgath' e. and physics dOl acd Ihus I18gravate the trouble andheahhy a bad malter worse. Its effect is to build up and restore, Ing?" I'or ''lven years I put the silage In the several reasonl. It keeps tbe and noltear down and de!$lroy. It cures the disea..e by pUllingmake ground lhe digesti.. e organs in a cODdilionlo overcome il. Sucb a cur.o "Fine, line." .replied tbe poet, filo wbole. , Last year 1 bougbt a gas. trom drying out and amounts 10 somelhlng- it 'is perfecI and permanent. baking In the sur· "How much do you expect to clear to ..line eDgine and a cutter wtth a ' blow' tace, which re8ulta In Vou [eel beller and &lronger all Ibe lime you use It - not weakened harm to the the acre?" You feel tbe wonde·rful and beneficial effects o{ Mull'. G-rape Tonic and run <lown a,_ in Ihe case of drugs and physics. ., ... and ftlled my silO with les8 expense young and tender mot at occe. Vou will ....ow that it will CIIN , . _, system. A. more ·'Oh. about four gallons. " ans ....ered J'OU IM!cin ill• •e. That I. why we I.t than in former years. 1 wu muth eQua1)le tempera ture II try .t fr-. . .' . . secured. This 'Mr. Riley, 8Oberly .-Succes s Magax\oe. , Jlleued with the way It Jr.ept. . I think Iii a point which does not receive u I CUT · OUT THIS COU PO" the alla80 wall worth · almost don hIe much attentio n u It Ibould. Vn_the d. A. ;,um wbat It was when ~ put 10 wbole. ·1 sun will rals8' tbe temjlfora 10215 .Tom-I naked old GOldman tor hla 125 ture of th. ratle yellow COrD for the all!); ' wben bare ground several degrcea "1~:D:,~I:. da\jgh!e {:~':.f'~nue r last pl,ht. during tbe "'laJe, & ,awed pick oft the best ean. and cnt day• . ouly to be cooled air at Dlck-Wh&t.lueK T . . :.- MULL ·. · utslit. TONIC CO. ~ •:j)1r the re~t IDto tbe Ilia. ~Ia la a\1 Such cbanges are Dot, IflOO tor "Well, It was what Jolt~lght I'JlII a '14' ~b'" A ...... _ . " e l l l a " ' . , ..14 tender ~. ·the ·grain my ItOCJr. get and tho, 'WID· plant.. . ' 0'" h1l A u - ... _PI. . .11111,. /!. IItraw mulell wlU, alto keep · ruo of luck. I got away."- Phllade l- .\ . . . ,welL-r am aDd Home. . three '1m.. ,~*. alae.. dow~ Ireed&. phlll Ledger. '. · ' :;::";C~ -,;Ctbe labfll - \ake . .' . no otbltr I



- - .--

I N C HE 8T I: ·R










1 '


.. _a ..


for Ir"






.. ,


Sad Death .().f

In Society.

l"ge~t ellter.' t1 i~lelll:il1nday, '1:, ~L MoOhll.n~es

.Mr~~. S. S. Patton. ' 10 Il\s~ \V;;i:s(laY'1I ('~~tfe men.

nr. t.tnrt ltlrH p , \Il.


AI IIi 0 Jj11~ur t10 CI ·uts ~ suo k. M I'.. ~;lk Mlloni n~tlUl , Of tSvrinjt ~~:fal:III1Y, of Ridgeville Clili5; ti n was made of the iI1n6ll~·ol Mrs, Vu.Il.,~· , "'HI' II ~ntl~t of her beotber,. , lil ~"d fllwl1y of pollds ~Jld Mr. S. S. l'att(lD, of }:.a,wrenoeville, nu . •!' .) .. ft!' 8mltb,1I few dllYs IllSt w~ek" I ~ ' L. UOUll!took o,t W~~~I vIII . npis, :torin~rly ' Miti Klltel:3t11es,.

Mr onrt!h \V T F~a.tne hnd ILS their guests at djn~er TlIe!:ldn.ythe' following" Mr. Ilnd Mrs B nj " . BIIWkhltl, und tll1nght.ers Mrs. Mary 'l'errellunl! t..."o obillJren 811d , Mi ss Helen, '


, ~ . JOSeph' Blsey annollnceslllwself . Ber m~tbAr, M[l's: ~ QPe Stlles,ond a Cllndldate fo~ the~oflioe of T;\Vn. !J\s~er, 1>118S Dom Stile!', st-arted for ship Trllste,e, and aSk's th,e Im~port La ' " \1 T d Ig·bt. r ellOll . \~re~Oevl e nos ~y 1\ . " - of th e vQters for the eame. " , In!,; there , lit s vetn~~ Ol OOpk tWt adnhe ; Ne w N /WY Beli n dllY mornmg. bu lUr~ , 1\ 011 II( ~l ReRAIl. Ne w Fluke B'lIniu),' passed away at Uliclnight ., N s \ OrAo~ II IlollltJ:lY We rire uuthorlzed to announce M ' " The strioken reillth'es started Jo~epb MarS\laU Its ,0andidatO , tQr Ne lV 'orn MMl Rer;! tidulIY Benu8, Isses,Jessl,e, Marllltt l Ull :RebiD.' bome tbe saUlEl morning with the thEl office of Marshal of son, Etbel Stokes lind EI ,IBe I5mith preolous body of the cleat!, bcllng of WAyn ss viUe, . Fllnoy Florldll Orangos served oysters and other d~lfOllOles l uooompl1nled ,,\so by the bel' a\' d Fanoy Eating Apples to a few of, their yonng, friends, \I111s11and his fnther, brot,her ulid Brief Hisi o'';y Bnnanllf, LElmonsl Mesus. Rupert .B ailey, Raymond , Ister, . The '0_ '. of Ttinit ChOir. ~emembl)r th,B invltatlOIl, " Com , infant ohild of Mr. a-nd Mrs. B aw k e, .... ,y~on(] ' MItt ar a . lin d R 8Y· '1'he funeral pllrty was to Il,n lve W. C. Phillips hilS been very ill mond Wllhamson, 'rlday evening, on the' ten o 'oloc'k trl1in Wednesdny us go up tl> tbe mountllin of the • .LIlil.ll."u,,·Oans•. SlnC! laat Fridny, but. ~ts oondition at the home of Mls9 Ma.r lat.t. evening nnd although the traIn .was EDITORs OF GAZET'J'IIi : 25 ' Ibe. Cans only 2&0. He wlll tencli us of His ways, il now more IIncouraglOg. . . As 'trInity, 'ohoir is aoon ,to and we 'sblln wlllk in His ptlths "n~ 50' Ibs. OIlD~ ' onl~ . Chamo"!, IOc, H e and :.!5e at l Mrs AVllrlllaEoright enter~ined severnl hours late,a ~uUlber of their give you an evening of song, It wIll dObwartz's, at 6 o'olock dinner Friday evening frl£'nds in Oor...,,10 met t~e rain !lnd perhaps 'be ot Interest totbe resders not grow weary'; ' As we think of tbe conf,llot.a and viotOries of an al Fresh Ba ltimore in compliment to Miss Hannah glwe expression to theIr 8ym~thy f 0 t k thl M~. and Mrs , Roy• HathA.way badd Wright" 0 f ",prlDg ... . ' b C rendered whntever nlisllltAnce ~ . y ur paper 0 ,now' sonle ng most vanished Yllllr, let us humbly . ", t oro. overs AOd of Its history. ), .' . It was ' organized about twel vo a!lh<iwle!lg~ "Tbat the a,a1ds /lore for Ibeir guests SaturdAV niltht an were laid for the following guests' : wa~ possible. SUllday, Mr. lind Mrs. LamDon, of Dr. and Mrs, A. '1'. Wright, Miss '1 be deean ed WIIS ullU'riorl less Years ago by Mr . Frank E , ldoGer. rjpening far I\nd wiele , of Springfield. Hn.nnnh W ' ht M dM E S than a yenr AgO and moved to her , ' • ) ~ VISITOR r!l . . " '1 vey, (Jnsh\er ot the iMzens N aNODal , rig , r. nn 120 sheet!! of goorl writing paper Baily, Mrs, Linn. Devitt. nnd :rti!ls husblmd ~ home nt Lllwreneovl 10, Bnnk, 'of Xenhi, who ;wns It,, very Death's Work. at.T. E, JAnney's for only ilio. . Nellie Bradstreot, of Alex/IllLIArR ,Winol s. Besides her husbulH1, no oompetent nntl ' faithful dlreo, '11 ' 'infunt, duughtor aurvi vel:! ber. ' i Mis8 Lanra Underwood ' of DII.Y· VI e. MISS Wright was th e guest F . , d ed tor UI') to his', The oholr ,hilS , ' f h , , 'unert,1 serVICIO!! were 'on lIOt , . . : Ell Kirk, formor.y' . sUr\'eyor of ton , spent tiat.urday "nd Sunday 0J er brother, Dr. A.. '1 ,. "right" from ber. motb ' 1 i I ahvJl:Ys numbered o.bont thirty sing , · er s LOme n orw II " . Warren, oounty' !lnd .I~ IIlttlr yesr@ a , wltb her parent!!, Mr. and Mrs, Rst week, returnm g home Snturdll,Y. F 1'1 d uy morn . Ing. R avo ' A . ... Co w - ers: JUter , ttle of M'r ' Mo , . . , ' ___ ~. '. . welt known contributOr to various J' Get thE! 1i"I)U', go to . . David Underwood, near Ba.rveys. Tho. dinner party given by tbe glJl, of South Oh,arleMton, former Gervey!, th.o Wlf~ or a. 'lephew .of be~s1'lllper8 .died !It hti hotnenanr Z 1 " ,,14 E R'M AN'S burg. Missel:! Flom and Mary Tibbals in pastor ot the local M. E Obllrqh, nnd Mr. ;MoGorvey be9ame the }eador of Clar}lsvllle, a w8flk 'ag SaturdAy. tl\e oholr; She 18 1\ oultUred mnlllo · ,A now line of tine box ~pers at honor of their gn~tS, the Misses Rev . Pbllip ' Tro1l\t OfflOjjlted~ .. 'II · l ,'• . Of Course ' Edith and , Clara Tolbert of Wes t 9D1TUARY . " ian, wi h a oontraltO vol()e of great ,Mr.. K\~k wa,,,' ,.m,Ln , Of ~ Dl low figures at J, E. Janney S. " , , powe~ a~d sweetness. A te~ years a"iIIty in U\\~nr 111108: : B'e wall au Mr . Olin' Rader received bl" new E lkton, Saturday, Qotober 2 W,ILI! II A hllilutifnt life was ended 22 borse power Buick ,automobile decided BuoceBS. " , Mrs . h:llt~ PllttoD! olosed he.r eyes She 'WAS soloist for the "Euter. qnole of M:rII. Edwin S, A DiBu lroue Caiamltv, Monday. The machine is a beauty The graolous hospitlllfty, the ellrth 'to open them in Paradise. 'LadleaOhorns," of ,Colnmbus , It..\\1 a di8astrous calamity, when you lose you~, hOll)tb, beilaU8& Indi , and large enough. ~'O' aooomodate ohnrming ,hoBtesses, tbe tempting After II. pilgrimage of b~,t ' few 'i n I\, concert tour tlirougb 1C8I!1'i'on' and oonstlpation have "'1" .; fonr or five persons. viands and tbe, oongllnilll oQmpany, Y,ears, her 8pl~itJ.ook its {tight ~om England ' and Wl!;les, ilOd Ilway, ' Prompt relief can be . I . year tbe' llame oompany took Albino Flour 60 oents a saok. I "I oOlnblned to make this one of its earthly tenement at be ~~te • tour throua" the Wester» ,01:'. Kloll'S New Ltt~ Pills, ' . ,the UIOst EllijQyable' events of tbe borne in La.wrenollville UUI;loill , The ~ .. ~ bnild up your digeStive organs , Davis Furnas, of East Wayne season . 8Um\)l0'os came after f~\V. tiours givi ng ' one at· the , World's b elld"lohe, dl!lZinl!l!ll, oolic, .. t,l,n••1:C'ODIIVIIIl.M,IOn, etc. GUllrllnteed at TO'IVnship, who bas' been eo serious. , The fortllnate'ones "were: Missetl nSS8 whlob ', fioin the firllt 80 pros , St. ;t.onls it PIl88ed. 'l:Ibe wartz's drug iltore; 250. ly~1l for ,several weelu, was ,abl/Edit,h T01bert Ciara Tolbert Ella trated tho ,8uffer!!r that the worst a: mll~nIUcen~ di~ector and bas ' I"~ to be In , W"ynesvllle Baturd,,!, Keys, Celes~' Austin. Nellie Duke, fOllre of' her hUl!band lind friend!! t1i~rt~ ' Ingers , nnd~r pjlrfeot ' •• " ClllI'lllD,~, , morning, the first time BIDee hiS Poul Riley and Mabel Eul&l!l! j Me,s '\V,ere IIroused. U,~ IDother, Mrs. ?9I?troL tlln888. , sre: Warr,!ln Keys,Ma.)oolm Ili ij>ham, I' HOM Stiles, and alliter, Miss' llprll, I r-bt~k ypn 'will not b(l dI8Rppoin,~ , , MfII' Conklin, of Port Willjam, S. D. ¥enkle, C. M, AUI!~in Irlld P~l were di8P~~C.b. ed fO. r ll'1ld ~be, t'iv0 edif ;you att~nd the I ~noOrt: thls wuthe l(tI,eat of Mr . and Mrs. B.~. B, &111. ' re!lIJOn~ed lmmetllately' ill'. pers6n. olr, will in Way'~esvl1le De. Sowell aevetal daysla:st week. On " ~ - --'Dear friends, ,promp~(.od .by loving eember 7. , . , ' Sundai ' th~y ' had a.s ,their :guests . Mies Clara H~wke, ,cl!1ughter . ot hea.rts/·mlnililteredl witb t~nder, wll . " Xenia, 0. : ,G. W. E~ ~!!!!!!!!!!i!~~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!~ lIIr,' and Mre. F. B. HoY/eU Also ot lir. and ,Mrs. J . 9, ~awke, .Assisted ling blinds to allev\ate her suffertng. Port William. " , by ~er mothe~, entertained 0. do.z en While all ' was done that skl.l1 'd u..~ins in ohina la-iss; don't of her yo~ng friend!! at Ii. aix o'ol~ol! physloians ~Uld ' do t? prolong the P e - ,. tb ' U-to .;' ona dinner Monday eveDing, 11.9 a. eele· eee em . -t he d800... ' , life 80 preoious to them 'all,.bnt ' ,the" f• J "E J " brationof b~l"birthd&v· w4lob ,oame ,time ha.d .opnle wben tbe silver ' b ~-..::, are anUIIUWe, , . anneys. . • th e F'""d ' be' f ore; Th·1 <!se ' broken IInlarr'lllj!:e , . -i;: . " .. flY w~ b 0 were:of.Ufe Bhould be loo,sed, the ''''",'''.lli';~., . • ' . . . . . Jll4lth Harrla and ' f"Dilly: pilisen~ and en)oY!ld the pl.eaiures bowl oi earthly ftffectlons'broken, ",ere pl_nUy lurprtaet· Tpeeday of the oooMiOn ere Miss Clara's Ilnd tbe immortal spirit freed from ',' .~~~16 ,e'venlng by ~he .tri!al ot er father teaoher,' , ~l.. CIa'ra :U le, and' ,I}er its'ti ortalliody, i~d whElII the end N N Itloeher, of Car~(~gtoD, Qblo, Ilitl~ \frlen¥; m?s~ Qf wbom ate, h~r OOtn~1 before the !Dqther I1nii sister wHo .vi8lt her~ for a. ahort tim,e olatll(! mata: Misses Ma,ry ,Bllwk.e, arrived, she ('.a.lmly SUlik into : 'l1he'l!rie~da' BOarding Homt?·bu 8yOOl Jlawke, ]i1m!lla Hawke, 'Edna EV81'losting Arml!, eOlnmlttjng ~ the ,eoiplent of. Dl&n1 : UJe!U) Robl~n, Alma . Clein,e nts, Verna eternnl destiny h~t-o the . ~nds o~ .. well u omam~nta) preeenta W~U~re, ' LBnra HalJ}es, Glenna aim who had' plI'esicled over , and ilqo& ,i ta ,0penlnB: ' Among the Jat- Smith, EIBi~ Z~I1, Graoe WiIl\amson gbl.iled her career. , The memor,y ' b(I1'PIAn"l g .' .,t ~n'od' WIt8 a ba~daQm~ and ElI:r.a.beth . MI!.rt, Miss Ollull tlillt deatli bed see,ne, will., ever , 1~!!,!!!!:!~,~~~~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~!I!l!!~~1 . a~MloD'J)1'",Pl?werlng map.l~ ,given w~ mool,. reme~bered ,with, a num, ~ucl;'ed to the group that :W/l tched Dayton. IoVII'UIII'I.I by~ . .:Mary Young: ' ber of beautiful presents. 1 a11d .wi!pt as he~ fee~';,tonob~d U~E\ 0 , A, 41/l0rman , E . M.oore,Recel\,ore h~d bap, \ a bargain ai , , dlvl(~~~ \vale.r s ' between earth Rnd SQREOUL~OF 'PASSENGE.R ~RAfNS. '8GQ, eotiwart~'B drugellto~.t ' OYJters for Voters ,PlU'a~iee. 'Let' UEI 'not ,lift the oor: "'N()R~HDO ~ND , ., < , '~ and Ota..ers. ta\n of ,prl~~cy, but turn fro~. t~e NO: J ' NQ.3' " O.5~ '.:NO. TO The UazeUe had e~ to .o ub. , .... ' • ~I. (leath soene to the bla,meless ,lite AM, , _ A at ' P ~ P N liab the eta_ent 'of ,~be ,rebeipa,. ' , ., . " , LT', Leb.,ooll, , e.36, 8,30 J .30 • •30 .. :"'.11 e<:""'odlturee of Wavno :ioim, TIle ladies of tbf M. ,'E. o~~rob record. Her lIf" W,1l8 'R!l open " b~o1r, \;". Lel~od I, ' "Ul , ~9.ll(l "J.!I0 · "-&. ill .I ti d and its pages replete with' beautifol Lv. LlOllds < s.u.O· "1l4~ 1.t5 shlP during the ~at '1 r, tn thi8 'II' aerve oys""rs , OlLe eo , ona~, " . , Ly. \{llclln~z: " "!l:ftl! ."O.·n ",l.('f '-',. .-ue' of ..he ' ' r __ it m ' oat November 7,Ilnd In tbl}evening. WIll teachlngll, 'sweet , 89n~rment !lnd Lv. Venable" "0.0 ',j~ "!.40 wee~... ...... ~., obrl8tl~n example .' I r,~, l'.cJIewoOCl , "0.:58 ~.f>a 't.63 of;t1i ie rt '/' • put,ID type.. )Jut It aerv~ oysters and ~nnoh, eO~,B l stlng !"' , ' Lv Lylle' "QI N D.66 , :tM ..... f'Ol1J'Oa'tm~bl" to tlniah 'it hi of dDdwiohes, colfee and other good She was bqrn nt ' (lor win, Warren, I.'v, Mnnor , "7,06 " 10,0) . "2 ,01 ".. ~-.-;-- a ., Oh'l D " , ' 7 1'''''5 d I.v~ (;e!r.Yltl'" 1.l!l 1007 1l,07 , for thll tlll1le , u d it .- will be pub- thinls, -to wb~oh ' all will ,be mllde oounty, 0, eoemu~r 1 , 0, ,an I~''-. H.mpst~ 7.20 n ohr. 2.]~ ' ........ ._..... w"'-.....,. .weloome, in ,t be Alexander bullelin .. dtlllllrtE!d this life Ootober liS, 1905, l.!v. Roolyn '. "7,2'J , " )0,11 ,, "!.17 1. . . ."'" .f"?A,~ 'i " Sli I at'" •. P tt t;v. !lnater Cr. · '7,.211' 10:!1.l ,~.fl ·!2 6, , " ;'.!t' '" e ' , ~. -, I, adjoining Bally'e , 'm eat - Ularket. e WIlS mllrr e o .",t.epuen B on /\rO. Lebanon 4';. "',30 10,20 _ ;!.:!i\ t.,!!~ Bepr8l8ll&lll,lvea,' of ,two leadil!g Proo':"'ds to' in." the '''''mo'h ,fund .' January 4 1005 who with motber , O U,&lI· , n .&JI'l' 11••.0. (l. I{. AlD. "" "" ,,-, " ' I " , " ' D~)t'on " 11 .• 0' ' lJ,OO -a.oo' 6.00 , h01lll8ll' dealiD8l" . ~~~~Ia.' us!!d " nne sister Ilnd one brot.ber, rellitl . 1t:&r.T_ , . , 6,llIlLT . IU ',&T by ~~. o~era 'wer~ in \faynes. • ~. " ',,' n.nd friends are le£t to 'm ourn' ber ., e.oQ '. " a,oo '.D,oD ville MOIlo4&; i;tlght and exhilli~ , ' Trespassing Ndtice: los~: , '' . ' ,. SO~!l'IlB<?UND. ' ,~helr .goode ~ ,m,ember8 of" the . . , , " The i'em~in!l were brO'olgllt ;'" " AM ' P M ~A M , OP. !tl noeDtly I orgaDize(l , Ca8tl~, Knlgbts All persons: are h~reby , warnea Corwin w~re funeral servicea took ," '" ,No 2' ~p 4· Jio eo ~o8° of tbe Golden Eagle. 'A' very com- against huntln/{ on my pre~:ni8~8\ Illnoe at the home of lior mother ' . ~ ~',~':.~. '1110 'r..oo 10 ,Q() ~ ~~ plete uaortment of goods "'ae pnr- . GEO. W. HIIl!lKLIIl, Mrs. Stiles Fr ida y b,t 10 t80 11" "m~ JunrUr.n , UO 2 3(, ,to ~& 'G 30 ,.. . be '.....1 ' .. • " • '.. Orolliog , 7 <(I ' 2 87 to 31 ",Il 32 ohaaed by the Castle to u""" In Rev, ,UowgllJ ILSs\l!ttld by Rev. Ro~yln ' " 'j t7 '2 4:1 ',10 4~ '637 • ~ )'1: ~ ita work. ESTABLISulin 'l'rout , I\ddre~6d l:bo' Itlf"e oDlDher 'Homote tl '77 ,nB '&0" ~ 40 .' )0 <lr. ~ G ill:. . " C~nlen' 11I0 261 10 6a fI 4U of sympathetic fl~ienrls t:;weet '804 ';151 " IO~~ .il~2 " ", ' d-' " ." l! OD a 00 ' H 0 l 0 A7 New Restaurant ,Opens vocal musIc was ren ereu. .,he '8 12 11 06 'u .01 ' 700 remalnll were Inlel in beautiful . 'hll ,11 Of) ~1(.11 ' 7{)j; Election Day~ , . ' KI~abn l!.r 'II 18 ~I 1\ 'U b '707 Mluml COUletery to 8.WIHt tb~ reaur· DCJdd~ ,'11 ~o a'l3' U 15 " 1 1 , rootion. P,,11 b8luers were B . E, r.elan d , .', 8 -:!D ' '3 22 '11 .~" '1 , ATrlvp f.e banon K 31) 830 11 ~o 7 The Edwards Sisters have arrang· Booth, A . L, FI~rr, O. Rader, N. MO' , DlUly eKcep~ 'S'untl")., 'stop on ~\ll!n"I , ' ed to open on eleotlon do. y , Novem . . , .... . ; SUNUA,y iONLY " ber 7, a restaurant Slid oonfection 'The ONLY Agrl~ultural NEWSpaper, Kinsey, BenJ. Mm., Rnd B ,' JohnJ. Tbose present from lI,flle were 'I I 'l'ralb. 'Pa&8 L~ II.WI (ollo;"~ : ery stand in the room recently .ufD AJ)MITT'SDLY TOa: ~I"1I' A'"'lcUltUral Journal of tne World. l'l.ev , Uowgill, of 1:30uth (;hurle8toll ; 1 l\"~rtlllKiun<l _1 - 7 lilla. m. · n ..... p 1/1 vacated by C. L, Kreakler, and wUl Lea ijll6 UN'D,ER~EAll, 1;1 Mr. Patt,on'~ father, lIud bruther j Solitll~OllD/l II."••. m, 1,OU I,m JMl ready to serve oYRtera in anf Ewry department written by "pecl&1IA"" tbo M ' E P d .f f I ' lot~t Olllcee at D!,-Yt?n: I? Ir; X , T ':lG .l.!utl, r. ngen~ ,II on ~t~1 WI. e, .0 r low 8,reet 'Arcado, 0, H• .t. 'D. Union Dopot. style, lunohes of different kinds and b1gheAt""tborltlCtlln their """l"'L~h'olfn"". a. variety of con fectlonery at all No otberpaperpretends to COUll""" wlLb: lt Bethel, OhIo; O. p , 8t1le~, C!1I0JU \':I. E. Moore, Gen 'I Pas~enger Agt ; InquallficntloDJtofedltA>rl"l.tnll" . nutl; O. H, SimB, wife I,ud dtLugll , " . . ' , ' Lehan'on Ohio . . time8. ' ' 01 .... tb .. III:ricullUr,,1 NEWS with ° d~g .... ter, Cincillllati i B. - (J . Stilll" olid" . .,, ' Mi8868 Ed wards Ilsk a share of the of <lOmp"'~ not cvoo nUAlonl'1oed by <lIbel'll. ' r daught5l Ituct Mrs, Delma. Traiuel', ' - -patronage of the pnblio. , ' , " INDI8PBNliAOa.C T O of MlIrn'w i Mrs. t)mith, areenfi. el~l " ~ ~'EI' AL~ COUNTRY R'ESIDENTS Ohio; Mr lIud Mr!!. Wm. Bat,flela ' ' ) . 'WHO W\SHTO " OIlId Mr,.. George 8ti)es. ..nd soli, ot " ~ , The Ferry School. . GOOJ)~. 4. I'EBP. 1:P"" W 1TH THB'I.':lJ1[1!S, XuuitL . Ralli Cloths "" , Benreettaa • District No. Voiles ' Brilhmt'een ' , 61arlt IIDbeerl,lIoa, 't.60, ., We \Vi~1l to thank 1111 o~r r,.jilnds' . Lytle Special Distriot announces Two 8~1~~8":t:i~~I~D'" , •. 60. .. ud neighbors foil' their kindl~ :.~ I,: ·QARP.~T's , Sliadea a box 8001a1 to be given Friday even- .PBCIAL 'nrotiCiiiM'BNT 10 RIUs.- It, ~i!!tance lit the time of our gr8llt . Blllnkets iillf, November 8,1906, at the sohool BUS OF LARGBR ()LVUIi. I sorrow. STElm1ll1( ~ATTOl'I, " , ho... Ladles, oome and' bring . Fou;'Montlts'~7'liJ~'';O .e llfll . MRS, B. STILlCS, .OI'.I'I.'dJ~ boxes and gentlemen come SPEOIMEN COPIE'S HID F,HUL'Y , ' Tho ••"ulno . with ,our pooket·books and spend a ..mIt" mailed frceOD requcs. ' HTdll ')n~'''':rI'OL~Y'S DONK-Y _4 TAft. 1,111 pJeu&nt evenmg with tbe glrla and bOdy liflOcrosted In onyway In <lO,m"'y Ilto to F~l:hLie-B01ise ' /lnd lo't on welt a YoUo. "",u,.: RefUe .1i~UtGt.II. -.. fth F b 1 eend tor UIem. Address tIle-publJabenl end of 'f-hird street;, For partlou. , r~ " """,,80 . 0 eny 11000 . , LUTHI, R TUCKIER &\ 8b~. Il1rs inquire of Relleooa. DRnlel or A: ' p,.parolt onl1'lb' IolJmnE E. DUKE, Teaoher. B. Ohandl,er. ' ', "0101&0."""",. O"fotl.e., hipiendl(J v,lliues in chiuA c1isl!eS at 1\:" ,lunne(lI. M PlItt ' f La c.e iIIe J\li . l'. 00 \l wren , v " nol • ilailed boro by tho death of bis wite, 'r eturned hOUle iSutllrdllY. , 'lbe ladles of the 111 E ohurch ",ill bold a market the duy before TbllnkRgiving . Jloo 't forlf et, the Opening of tbe r"flnda Boarding HOUle Thursday, ,Ootober 9th , J

(JorWII:!~ Ohio. .






OranberrieS'. . Oelery Ooal 01110e gal •

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, Wi's.'

....... &....


T'HE 'OUIITRY ' . '"1831 n C . GENTLEMAN


. , '.


. Dres8~ng S'acques

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IHOltE"IID" ' , " ',' "AR ': 1' ."













(. Ohio , sUPP9!:)ed \ to be tock-.l'ibbed iu First Lcctu re Cours e Numb er. l'tS Re· p'ubll'canl'sm went Dem ocra tic yes . , Dr . A . A. Willits, "the Apostle of terda"y, Pattl 'so'n and the entir e Dem ocra tic Sunshin e," deliver ed bis looture on Sunshin e at Sahool Ball last even • k t b· l t d ing. This was the first numbe r of S. tae t t H!. e . el ng e

NOVEM BER 8,10 05.


Impo rtant Notice:

Harve ysbur g.

Lytle .

Wtl hU ll '1 nice lI·urUlIll l rllin. Pros. ClI.rtwr ight of the Alumui I It did not require .11l unu enl AssocilLtlon w!JJ be in Wayne sville lliber on TlmrdllY muruin g toBuul unuer SIHl vin:.{ Mugs, II.ltlr~e u8!<'lrtm(\nt , tue eveuing of Nov . 17th to ar· · th Ill; ~k.b W II .·tz'jj lirug start', \VIlYlles t h ere WIUl ij0lJ10 Ch 'LU/{ O III , .e ronge for the Alumn i's pllrt in th e stand temper oture III thi~ llltit.ude . 01lS "ilia ~re!lt Bome.C oming oelebra tion . Blldley i!;l prevari .t:lC e . ' ng t,o Il' . lIve it lind tho !:il\vcrul frolll this plaoe attentle d winter' s lecture couree and WIIS Tb e officers of . . Alumni Ilnd tbe s oek a m ore trnpiOlll olin", for Mrs lin Iluspici ous opening, as 01'. WH. membe rs of the tbe LIlIl ,v Squires ' 8111e Thursd ay, A hard figbt WIiS made on Alex Execut ive Commi t· health and nflt,urlll ·omfort . While it bein/{ II nice day for a. sale. litt's leoture WtlS one of the finest tee ore revnest ed to meet Bqltwel h Rep'1-bUo&n oa.lldlda.te for PERS ONA L AND lit the we would be chllritll ble a.m1 118 ?vlt' C liff r,ewltlllDlI Wife and Mr. ever given here. home of J . E. Ja.n ney at 'i :30. I huumn /lR other nnimu1R ure . Yil t Cltlrk ~)lring nnd wife Illltl Mr~. At Prol)a~e Jude ftnd tb& result is still 8 o 'olook tbe Alumni officers we CIiDnot but wi s h it LOCAL NE'W S. S llS . ::>lIIil.h ~pent SundllY with Mr. ana fV will meet In joint se~Blon with the in doubt. The Ltldies Aid met !It Mrs Hor· Mrs Joseph MoUray at Oenter vllle. ons 0 etera ns o01cers of the Genertl i Cltll'..ens' ilce BlLtes last WedDe~duy Il'rtlnk' Pratt, Demoo rat, WIiS reo Albino Flour 60 cents u. lind min. Mr. Berne JoneslI .nd wife spent _ sack Will Enter tain. Commi ttee, wben plO,tlB will be dis gled plea,~ure !lnd ~OOlt cheer SnndtlY Ilt ' . . . Bellbro ok as lueet.s of. elected townah lp tru8tee over J . R. cu~sed lind arrange monts mllde thllt with the duties nf'CeS9llrv to keep Mr Sidens trlcker Mr8 James Shute bas ' been quite The Edmun d Rettll1iok Camp,I:)on8 both organiz ations tIlay . li l'sey, Repub ll-n.· ' , . work in the III for Society ten days 's object past. in . good oily lof Mi Veteran ss Bertha s, will give a Bupper a. unison for the gral~t event. Brown spent last ~ ~ co. ndltion . ~, Spahr's Seplo Carbon 's are 80me week from tbls eveulng . Novem ber W . .0. Raper ~1lI b~ th" n&Jet tblng new and up to date. in. Lebllno Mllrrlllge oertifie ntes ore being week n witb MI'8. Lee 15, lit whioh they will enterta in the Conc ernin g Wooll ey . Mayor of Wliyne sville; "nd Jo~ePhl issned to controc tmg pl1rt.le~ in this ., membe rs of tbe G . A. R . and all :Marellal WOD In . the race for Mar. t~~ell ~~,n: bag:, 35 Beotlon and more to follow. Our and 50 ct8 1 ~oJns of Union soldiers in this vloin· Mr . Allen Emerlo k ' and family Ihir. tee ' '. Form er Resid ents. people aro a a war z rug 8 ore . not in .tbe baok ground spent Saturd ay ev~nlng at Mr.. AI· Ity who lire nnt membo rs of tbe I by 3 vo . in this point of industr y. Tile bert. Cornell 's. Have you seen Spahr's Cllrhon Sons of VeterlLns order. . flFGra nd Home·C oming 9. ts"vern l from here were among A speoial meet·in g of the order RI!UnlOn of former Residen ond average young man hus but little John Dinw ,ddle Bnds Life PloHn0 ts at trouble to get employ ment and DlLyton shoppe rs &turda y. "No Trespa notioos , printed will be held in the lodge room to sville week beginni ng August· WI' th. II su ffi Clen ' tam o by Drink ing carbo liC Acid on substan tialssing" ' o· f eneray muslin. for ellie at night to IIrrang e for the event, lind 6W.lyoe U ne MIUU t e Coug h C u re eleo··.. un. " 1006 . ..,.. this office. and Willpow er can suppor t two In by the a pleasan t time iSllntic ipoted. people to be the best oough , an OIIRy lind grocefu M . r.' J,ohn Di.nwlilille, ar~peoted l pO Re . syrnp for stubbo rn ooughs . 25, at MI C I G th dN . T h Miss Rena Muttbe wman. of Da.y · ..,.. sses arr e ro e an Corn hllrvest is In genuine good Schwar tz's drug store, Wayne annie eac ers will go rillliden t or" the :qpper Springb oro St. John spent ton, daught svllle • er lIf H . S. Matthe wman, ·ellrnes t. The yield 'i3 good both in Sa.turdll.Y and Sunday Mr. Jllmes Johns and family and • ..: hi II own t C I' b . ' Ilf'e..,.. <ht".. r.d ay in Dayton . former Superin tendeD t of Miomi Bound lIud PIke, . ••00& mouldy . The Ilitter Charles Johns , and family 0 0 um us. spent ' _.. d cemete ry, is recmreriDg from b mornin " by drinkJll g carboll( l acid. For Colds USII "Red Spruce lind The WayneSVille and Garwin neS8 of severnl w,eeke dumtio lin ill. pr""uc t is sui to e uncomm on . ~unday in Garwin with their b ro ... ... · 'Mr. Dlnwlddi4) blld been In 111 Oherry n. Wheo,t lookmg fiue and grlls8 com· er and slster.l, Mr. Expeot orant," sold by J . E . Bohonls will be closed Frid~y and to give Mrs. . Iltllaith, ment..U:v, :ror ' some tilDe J!ltmey . ---Ing In shape to insure a good the teaoher s an opportu nity to . Mr. Lellter Caskoy , o~ Springb oro, for next harvest , everyl·h lng orop Harry Johns. tlnd dnrlng tbe two weelts previou s .MI'8. Edith Harris is spendin g this atteud tbe meetin g of t,he . being Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olark gave Central visited to hili death bla oooditluIi had hi~ fl~ther , J. H . ClIskey. 0 t in itR favor. been waek with ber dtlught a dinner ·Suuda.y to several of their · tbe' ua1l/le of eapeol..1 uneUln eSs . to FrILnk Taylor, in CiDoin er Mrs. Obio Tellche rs' AllBocifl.tion which Wllyne svllle , Sunday . Mr. CIIsk.ey One Minute Cough CUT O elect ed friends . nati.' will be In sellsion iD tbat city Friday has b~n for Borne ti~e helld sh~p. by tho people to hIli "I.mll ' . he the bes t c~ugh . Mr. Sid Lamb and family had tor \.. and SIl.tnrdo y . . ..... . After bl'8llkfa st Saturoa y morD ping clerk for the NatlOna llSlled Co. syrup for stnbbor n coullhs Mrs. Dillon B. Wilson . edItor of . 25c at their gnests tlunday B. '!'aylor and • , . ' ~g be II~Pped but on · tbe poroh tbe Lebano \" t Springf ield. Ilncl is doing well . n Bch Patriot wll'rtz's drug s t.ore, W uynesvi lle . family ana Jullull Taylor aDd , WIIS elected L di F' wltb hi. wife and they chtltted for preside nt ()f the 8ixth · flL~i1y - --Distric t of a es orelgn Mr. and M:;a. S. L . Cartwr ight ' Il few momen ts after whioh . she Womfln U. B. Du.vi8 and Fru.nk Harris 's Relief Corps at the con· • • Missi onary . 1 Socie ty and Mr. and Mrs: W. B. Allen were have ellch purchas ed a new Buit of wen~ Into t b e bO~ile to attend to her vention .whlch mot at Springf ield . Ceasa rs Creek . ' onterta ined ~t dinner work by Mr. ; • . , Otis and fa \ly a n d Mr Mr . and Mrs. Walter MoPhe rson The Llldies Mission ary Tea given C. M C'lrtwr lghtlus t Friday lind olothin g for the exterio r of their A' few mlnulit-s Itlter Mrt! m~ ' B' be Blldley even· 0 s houMel! . Dllvis hilt! ex· visited Jesse Baines ' the first 01 ' w k f ~ at the M. E llarsono ge FrldllY ufter. Ing at. Ollk Park, Ill. and the l'lt~r busines wlddla notl~d , ·hef. husban d WII}Il' / O:r h rt o~on ItIe f~b the tented the cloth nntll it covers the I~ Be nOOn \VIIS a success in every WilY, bllve JU!lt purohas llIt u new. lug f.hroullh ;the yard toward the B ~ om"d ferr . loryt were home lU entIre buildin g, dwellin g include d . week, :- forty lodies being present . s!Duk" hoJ'.q, EVllnston. III ., .a ut:&O m'les . from It is anIvor y body with . .' h8.<,1 efy an h aml y MexpeC?t to JIl{)' . e dark , red A good program WOB given of Chicligo lind WIllbomove Wm. Wright and family aremov · '. ' ' wron~ J t elr 10 the uture trimmi ome. 1I'9Ilting ng . r Barris' . orron someth lug suit wll Is a tan or ing to New BurliDg~n this wee!'. ' Ilhe proba,bl y return to Obio nextsp ring rea d lUgS, spring · . . rOOI' tati ons an d mUt! Ic. B iWl'U·d out lD 'tlme to Ree him 'step t t ' did k d Th ShavIng M . ruue te TIme n ar re. ' aoaortm " A dllinty e rum menu curd Ugll, a. Iarge...,. from ~b8 "moke huillle ,w ltli a bottle , . ent. ---From now nntll Jllnunr y , Spohr 'OI'IIS given conund lOlproveDl ent udda to the u.ppeu.r 8~ 8ohwtlr clluh guest before the tztt! drng 8tore, Wayne a. 'Vo.yne sville fritmds receive d the once of b oth in bj.dlan d ' ID81Ilutly :the' t\ipugh t wi,11 give rut."h dD'.'-Iln photu~r{ pilloos lind is a oom· ville. ).phs lunoh wal! bened, oa.uding quite a. s ..d news Friday . Of &ii-bollo BOla fltUlbed a.or088 her tllk'e n of bubles two Post of tbe d.ea.tb of mendllb le eXtlmple thllt otbers Cards with MI sa Clara. WIlliam s, of near ' L4!b, bit of DlArrim ent. John W. !Shoema.k,e r tlt. Springf ield, mlgbt follow . nllbd ' '~"d calling, slie IIttlrted · btlbY '1l plotm'e un them, or one with liP on , spent Saturda y .and I:!unday The Sooiety has doubled its memo whloh occurre d ' lOWllrcI blm. , Be ·ra,i . 'lie bottle eaob halt dozen . a.y Goo. Ha.rlan and wife arrived from bership sluoe reorglL'n izing in !Sep. Bis dellth was du.eThursd ber ' cousin, Mis8 ' Moniml& to. ?onStlm ptlOn Okh,ho ma FridllY. They reo with to hi,! lIpa · ~nd ' drtlnk ' about ·two ' Lost, Monday ,lI. good pftlr Bunnel ). of spen. tember , and muc~ interos t ~ antlci. Rnd be. had been , In ,oun~ 01 thtl fisry liquid WheD sbe &aoles w\t,h steel frames, In I. blllok fll.lllOg belLIUl : port that country ill fine shape, ' Mr. and Mrs. e T. .pated C. Baydoc k e~. for the comIng year. lon~ tl:n . f ~~ . ~boe~a~881"';.~m : llirge crops of .cotton and ·oorD. !Btlohe d hlJD b& placed 'the oork In. Oslle on the Lebano n pike nellr the tertulne d 11 few of tq!)ir. friends on _. ~~: e 0 III e ~ ~s ~ ho I .' she ~hle And handed ' It to. h~r. hOIn~ or MIBIISarab Mlltilda "fb e Intter Is No. one and seiling at the evening of Ootobe r 31st, Dllvia. Tl1'eO ustin Hous e B ia.ynee: . ed I.~ h~ ~if and 33-35c t.8. per bu . each blld · .Tb~ ,O!l'bol1o aoid had hi!en~seOured Plt,l8se leave at thlll office. the best One Minute Gaugh Cure elected . Remo deled . two eCh~ ao-Qa(o I::n.tve Q. t~e y ohlok4!.D1I anll ll!ft lD s e of henl~h during their visit an.d per . by tbe people to be the 'M tb ..moire ' ht · lID d M huuee ' " re. A vart'11a. EbrIg 'beet oougb ' -. .lILC U:C Sh . h '1Ilolan WU IleDt for and in Linn. DeVitt visited MrB Ebrighrs. oomll k er h II db een eng aged fect enJoym hne. 8y~Up fpr 'stubbo rn ""uuhs. 250 ,ut. . ent Ill1 IIlong tile , " t 's A represe ntative "" of ... the GHzelte In the pnntin~ bUjune 8 In Spring. the &'e!n'l me 1II1't1. Dlnwiddl~ hel • sister, -Mrs. A . Q . Bradstr Otil! Hftdley nnd family lef~ Schwart~'s drugsto re, WaYDe avtllo ed 'ber l:.ueoand IDto tbe 'b ouse tltd family at Alexan dersvll eet lind was .shown thrOUg h the Gustin fielil lind was very success ful. Monday or 'rll~ijday for OklftboDlU . le lIever,,1 Reuben Bouse Monday suffered afterno on. W O. 11 Beve,e The funerul took 1I~tt>' " bed, Iu only a . few minute s days lut week . Monday Utll! sa.ys, be shall not ~urohal!~ for attaok of neurtllg (iustln. the proprie tor of the hotel, afteruo ou and wn~ litpllLoe lll Saturd ay night. tlmlt he p811t1ed away, tended by the a year or more,. This gIving hl~ 8. Mr J. K. Spence r, of the Oreao. hRs gone to oonslde rable SIDlon Boll\nl lworth made 11 busl expense parents of the deOOll.s John Dinwid die ,va8 a'man w~otri niu. Mill, ,,"as in WayneS Ville Wed ' lD re~urnlshlUg the hot",1 a.nd put . Mrs Abram Shoem ed, ¥r. and better opportu Ult·y for ,?bAervutlOn. ness trip to SprlDgfield MoncltlY . noae Iinew bptto re8~t Quiet needay, aDd while aker, hIS au~t, will hold "Retll Es~te ~en iu the I We lire sorry ' to repe rt that herepu robased tl n gltlnf irsto.l assorde r. Geo. . Mrs .•J . U. Clemen bODorable and lndulltr loU8. ' of aj Lee Balnea '. llLrReg ray liud COUSIn, bllckgr ound. Doesn t seem to Milia ison The otIloe. ,dlnlng room, sleepin g Mr. C. ~. Clemen ts, ts, theaick list . . friendly .BU~ lovable dillposit-Ion, IIIJl log team at his sawbome to use hrother .James, look on tbe oltlss with any d~gree ' mill. rooms, parlor, etc" huvl! aU been Will EVln~ and two dau~hters, he had ' a noat of t!;\endl . Se . Wile , of of fhor . . . . tboroug hly gone over, happy "with' Iill,ly .IlDd liolng Jonatb an lind PIIU! WrIght dun. LOCAL AND Mrl!. John Underw ood and da.ugh· Gustin h!ls done his besttlnd Mr Red Lion, Mrs. James Hamilt on of , . to give Leb.iDon. weU UqabCIa.lly ud the. only reuoD tar, Mila Jeaale, of Bellbro dllyed at home. ~unl. h?s lI,n inter. that"M Il be :all8lgned for ' tbe mah gnOl!ta . Friday of tbelr ok, were Wayne svtlle a hotel dBl'erv ing of PERS ON~L MEN eating TION school and IS gDttWg on flne. s, the suppor t o~ all the people.. Many Gozette readers W\l1 remam · III ,bat lle WBl8110t mental ly i-e- Raohal and Martharelative Buroet Albino , Mr Flour Gnstln 60 cents s fine a livery saok. barn e for .the dalllO called on. their frlendB at cenny oomple. ted iSIlIso worthy re bel' the fomlly of Mr. George Loom · • .:...t..;llbl Shavin lIo lur~ e Bssortm ent .....~ Mr. William Sherwo od had the ...... of ing, who, for a sh.o. rt time pevernl at Sch~vargtzMugs, 'S la lrile a~d three ' s drug tore, WlIyne s . little obtldre n B ea~ So~se, 11 . d ' h note contalD lng large t.y ville. ~oomy yetlrs plellsur mouto hielollll 11\. 'beli deep be IlgO, e of ellterta. lning bls 0 Id time ' ve III t . e proper A lady cnstom er who uses ~taJls, wide spaoe for vehlole friend, Joseph Millner , of Cinoin. s, nloe now owned 're!lvem ent tbe' heartfe lt sympa. thy .. World's Jj'air Cream " aud occupIe d by J. . Prof. Reynol ds on.d al!8ista.nt are : nati, over SundlJ,Y . of ,$be pe~le, of) the" oommu nlty it the finellt prepara ttonpronou nces ly fitted up olbcel barnes s rooms. Ja,uney . MJ't'. LeatIlm g WIIB dangb r~nDing the educatI onal mill here she ever cE?rnent wll8h stana for cletlnin g bug. ,te. ot Mr. Cluxton For gOel'ob t to tbem. , who former ly WIthou t a murmu r BO fllr as ascer. Spruce lagripp e a}wa.vs use "Red - . ' ulled ohappe d bande, faoq or gles, etc. and Expect orant." . 'l'UDer ,. ,' Nrvtoee \11'111'1'1 beld athja lIpe. ; for \ Jived near the mont.b of Cmsars tawed. At tb.e end of the term Sold by,T. E .Oherry J. E. Janney . Both the botel and Il:very b~rn oreek, but later moved Janney . , • I lite home ' .Monda y mornin g, ' oon to Texas. the Proftl!ls or will give . ' II good '!!how. . lire. well Jight.ed by e!ootrlo lty. . d ' ..... b " Re The Xonm Gazette has th~ f~!low. Ing as hilS been hiB reoord Plii1l Tro ~ . A , Mr. Jame. Mlra.oda Is enjoYlDg a eaob year John Dtlvls, who lI.v es on the , ~o,.....~: v. , j Jlf) .Ing to SIlY O! the fRmily . Mrs . since PrinCIp U • vi!<lt from bllll\l!lt er, Mr/!. Margar et Web to R al ot the sohool .. Barvey sburg !IoDd OregoD la pike, i 1I'J;.~ .•.~"t,"""" 'obolr. f,rom ~e Lyt e ~ I!i Churob l l t2eorp:e LeamlD g II.nd. Bon Morris and , Mull!3 u ,' of . Deoatur~ D~,lnoill, who ' bas blLd remark able atiOO6l:l8 in ralll ece ve ncrea se •.1Uttled anghter l', Loru. and Mar.v, who . The Ml. S08 GeraD}um. I&Dg ·ae,.ra l eelflOttons. hatt lIlIIo. been vlillUng relative s ot D. W . M'-eka reoelve d who hlLve ing bOp:8. In two litters of pigs by ' notifiol lUon' reside ou t beyond the 0 1:1. & S. O. spent the sunlme IPhe .foIlO~iD~ persotlfl, ~ re ~l NeWtow n, .Oblo. ,~ ,.~' r very .,1 ellllllntly, two sows he raised forty four pigs from WaShin gton last night tb ..t Bome, will leave the fir~t of 'be decrlll!~' ".~vW ttl of nllxt hllve hied. themse lves to. warme r Four of the pigs N M K' . . cl t '1 have beginni njr Deo. i, his 8slllry would week for Albnrq he sold to Otis BJI.d , len. A , S Idea, W 111 uerque . New Mex· olimes, whlle her Illte 08S0CULtes, the ley SO 'ed '~ tDS~ o:i . y t f be ' advanc ed from $20 to t30 a 100 where they expeot "blpped . them to his new ~~~!.':: " :'~~:=~:'i:toops, to spend ~be Chrysa nthemu m girls, lire ont In homewho ,es ey, . . mov rOil! ,r n u 0" pIlr. a month. In all the Ilind Unole in Oklllhll ma Monda.y eV4)n sam w~ter . Morris went to Borea, Ky., (u)) dress army . BII.lnee, a.nd, Nar JtlSODt:Shrb~f sl ,ouae. ~et we~ htls not IInu ,~wlI.lting the ing . The hogs lire of the Polllnd . . a more faithfu l mllil OIirrter thle fall to IIttend oollege , bnt his Storm Kin •.. g In earnest mllnner , ere Chinll breed . ., ' ':om: theI! !~I :e;afn°urr:al~e1~f . th~n "Web" ~d his triende will health failed and his phyeicia~us ad · they Jie down Obi!a~~r ~u , ~~~ p to wouldtl r 'neath the y . pe Crepe puper, shelf pa.per, tissue y rllJoice with hIm that he hall been vised him to seeiLll ftlJlel'l~~: warme rchmat e. isnow . , .. '" Wantfld~l!lverbody to know tbat given on .lncre!l/le. paper, at Schwar tz' drug store, and It ie tbls fact thllt htlB oansed W""N_.~N,.. Dllnwl,I1d1le wu tb" eld Bohwar tz . fhe ' druggi (iildert Welch, attendi ng c01h' l;e WII.v nesvllle st bllndles It • them to mllke the t,ri l!l . MrR Lellm · 'It Wilmin gton ill ent,husl Murtha. (uU ' line ' of PUtSes, bill books and . Sprin gboro . ing and the girl'" eXJ)flot to r eturn to his work lind ~\'bile Ilometlsti(' in In Bell ~ie8 hllDtl bags. III uro' I Mr~ dl:l~nn~.h Ja~Dey s~nt :un. . . "~'. Xeni.. in the sprin~ , but M,?rris will mentR hu~ e their portion , he is ever I uuy ~n • II~ ~:v nljlht 8.10 t e IIwe Miss Urace M,lrsh 18 vlsitlO·· : l. prohab ly r~mllin .In the Sout,b for rcndy lind Ilnxiou~ t .) r eturn t o of G, orgA \\ . 'Mrs .JOIIep b. DiSbrow, of .tbe !lltives at- BIAnobester. B(\nkle. ... J...: ~everfl.l untIl t\, COn11)lo te Cllro duties Mondny Cresars creek n l\lghb(l rhood, morniu g. Mr .• w,l Mr.. Ed Kettoermotu R.nd ' . . ~ iii effecte d." relatlvt lsln Xania severil.l days la~t Mr. Geor~e McUmr e, of MoMa ·· MrFl .Tohn Bert(d,l Lytlf>. l.,h , I Will and ldll Antra.m , of Leb"no u, Sonduv mornin g forll, Iiofmonth' .. week ' lind SII.tur(l ay eveuln~ W8S West Vir~lni!l. \Vos recent.\ y ,. vl~lt Chur ch Notes NiBS Mable jo!oed by Mr,. Disbrow , tbe two oh're. . I wnre gnesb of F . E Mills' family renewin with Mr Ke tte rrnlln'R mnth"r nA'lT g old IIcquoiu tllnoes Itt this -".-~,.,. ' Owen and returni ng home Sunday . ; 'l'hursd ay until Frlda. v mornin g. Pllrkllrs hurg, ,VeSI. Vlrgin!.L. plaoo . tbe 10th , Will was on II tour of K. P . In~poo At 'L M B '" d f tb" Sba.vln g MU"fi, II Illr'!8 OSIIl1rtm ent : Miami Quarte rly Maetin g of Or· t,ion, beDce mingled . th ' t,orney . . en "rsoD, 0 " 00 S h b!lsines s with , .. B Olt water hottlAA tlt, ,f E ..fu!Jney a W t,hod"x Fritmds will be held at New 1)leIl8nro . rn ree penSion 'QeplI.!'tment a.t Wusbin!t · at c Wllitz ' s....urug 8t'lre, llyn&.!. Burling ton this wee. --_._-te~s .and onll ton O. C., came honte ~o WoyneH k. beginni Dg . . vtlle. Surpr is~ at Moun t H ()lIy, Saturda y, Novem ber 11, Ilt 10 :30. . Do~k Bltrvey lind Wlfo WIll reo ! . ville ~ vote this wI!I!.k ~nd will MiBS Bert-ba Rickun l i~ visiting lit ",ben~ YhoUd~g remain for 11 two weeks viSIt Ilmong . Sibley, IU!nols. turn 10 I,he UMr future lli The frIAnr1!1 of Miss !tIro. Dllo"h . the ... et II I.St frIends bere. l'ntF'Arnied~g.JoOSfePEhvtI8anHge~~18ktllnOs ·wSornkpel.rn· homa. Dook returns . tofro~l..Ok · · enJ oy the ters, of Mount \:lolly. gllvo . her a 1:>_.""' ___,,, imd ret-alne Cuv d ' . . wintry ,'. blosts of tbls chmnl.fl Mr. James . prefer. Allen it! quite ill ot his Wilmin gton Yearly Meeting , will ring tilllm to mild surpris e party Wetlnesdu.y evening . ;;;t~~~~ ,~~f~~~~.?t~r'i~t~~~· , Oldl.y . . 8tllnd. . Mr Fred Cal!key, 'of the Ob io home west (If town. ~'t Those prasen t were Mr. 'rpm Dill . nhe <lilY State preach in the Friend s red brick UniverS Ity, very plea~antl ,v . chnrch here next mornin g was 11 lIurpFls ed hill parenti! and fri nrls · The C. Will Wright nnd fumily,. of N"w /lnd family, MI'R. Kate Smith and the ~dli of II, Veter· Sundll.Y by ooming duwn to spend oburoh E. sOOlety of ~be Refm'm ed Ilt 10 :30 Be will al~o lectnr.e at Bnrling ton, spl'n~ Suuduy WIth Mrs . Ron George . Mr~ Obnrle" Myers will hold a. ~bllnkS~lv1ng , the 68me plAce at 7 P Ul . on the Mllcy Bfl lle. Mrs Matt·i(\ Levi, ~r 'of · r.he "Ed the dilY bere, returni ng to spriu1;' ! mllrket Wedne . sday, Novem ber 21l ' Wooing of Rebekn h. ·" Read Gen. p ,N o 30. Suns field Mond.IY mornl.n g to visit hili We h elll' tbere wa .. a Democr lltio lir!'. romen Mnrl"t t" Mrs. B ·rt Ma.r MSllBrs. Wm . Luken!!, Flotch" ,r e~i~ 24th. Everyb ody cordlllJ 'eojoY'1d', the 1I.8S0 brother Lester, . t,ha~e ge1ng no rec l Itnd ly in· m at the U. B. ohurch Tu es lflt.t" Mrs Od" MHrllltt nurl family, John. Slade, of OilY ton. were vlt.ed t.o attend · t\l~non ' nf . UIWP, ti:nd wa@ in tlttloos lit the Umyets ity tbe fir. day night Are not. inforllIe d IlS to Mi~s LI'tIll '~ll1rl!lI.t., Mis!! F10rll Mill' t Ihore smlhng on old friends Sunday la\.t., Mr. Charles Ehllld,'rtll1n IIDd All persous , ellpeol ,tlly childre n the procel,d ings. : h ....rt' aooord ;' lIilt~ the pri~.ofJlleB bf ~h18 week beoause .of the eleotlol l' i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilpire very and Mr . Dun Dill •• young peopl 'rr \V.biol,l'it . "'....,.~d!l . B, oc:oupil~lon e, not In Lizzie i:!ea;" bRa moved from her TIle memb,e rs 'If t,hE?Univ h!, wtl."a , tprDl~r, . iDdulltriOUl!,· ohuroh at Rldg(l villo hllveer8I1Ji~t ' plll&8llntly entertll .ined tdew friends t.he habit Itttentli ng any other h ome lind tuken rooms of 8l1rllh M aOoptl'd Sheri ff's Sale I Monday ev~nlng with musio and Snbbath sohool or ohurch , lira oor · ..'Ill, hona..t" htlrdwotklDl!\, . Ilnd lUI Ii it. novsl plan for rn,itliDg tlmith . !und~ Ho r dBnclng . of Real Bstat e.' · · ~ouul mIni ·he WIl. pro"per oUl', dilllly in vi. t ed to attend tbe ohurob t.ho Sab wblch . MORt Is known of their at! 'I sbllde treeR Are • ~bove , ~be ' aVt,'lraga All a <:itiUil\ :'Meu nrl ng' S"ol1\I." b Ih ce t t h e Orthodo :\:: InV\tat.i OllS1 Une Minute ll ' Cougb Oure elected Ii , . 111\\1 ll- nf'lghbo r, ' hfl . Willi lIprijCbt, h "ve been Stint . . shorn of their fnlin~e . llnd II !trent" r out Illlking each by t:be people to be the best cough ch urcbRerv.! s n. . I will " n'",r for HnlE' ' tipu "nd ~..lp1nl, tAl 'a ;l!1'nProu~ . l part are rnk ed up dll.d elt,her hnrn"d l,uhlic HUf'Ii"n un t.b 11\' .\vIL · (i f ' to oontrih utti 'IJ oents for \ 8YrUP for stubbor n cough8 .. l1r" ItH . 250 ot ·d ..~r~~ '. t<!uill It ' 1",,,.,,\n ~n ·.tlly b6 ::~~n~oot of his • '- • o r huu1e'\ n.woy It 8l'em!< but tI Main ~IT" "' , \;o,''''-I,\" v(ll\', bei~ht,h and ODe ~hwllrtZ.'B drng sture, W.ayneavllle Otll ' , . . Chris tmas Mark et. v . " . ."lit; 'fr'iIIl Bny 'oo~muUltv ,.. ty ~hort· time' A Itt) Since thl~ !ltlmp th.·"" ~ tflr" h r \t'k ll· \n.;', I h .• O\lnt for f'"ob Itddl~ioDali n'ob. t;;UI" ,: :Mr. aDd Mrs. ' C. Penoe enter The Ladiea Gnild, ot ~t Mary'e oper-Illion WIIS pHrfllrmfl?, . BeJ8!~ll~ fA) mourn, hlB .• if~ npd per wl11 al8'o be served. Tile ,~ocl"l, Wned tu " ,twelve o'olock dinner on Cburob will ..,nd ~f\t. ~:~'/,'~r~);:~~ rt, ~ :; ~ (I F. Ii'";,,;;"~~/;:;,:''''·''' =. t.Jtrf,ft chiidrll n, GOII . ~r"~I! ..i ;, ill '.' , Pl"otl Slltun111Y f,lveniog hold its IiInnuol Sal'ar the en\pndE?r Inform~ us It hall been . Nn, ' Novem ber 4, the fol1~",l ng guest~: a.nd Chrlstm all MlIl'lIet. Sat.nrd8 Y. ' 0 tWf'lvfl 'month ug" alliny rf-Iu.tiv .., and lrlend" I'~ f:U~ fvero'be r ll. SAl'UR O .\ y, :N0v,r'~\J I!lDa. ~I , . ' MI'8. .. ~barles ' Ile~1UlIl . and little Decemb er. 16th, at the eu~l, lif" ' 11 .forever , itonl! W" j ' M ' Catba ine K.ver town!'lhil,l Our post offioe offi\1ilil~ dis 'b -;1 lUll!!: u';.2 ,o "' '')Ok .' df I da~bter,E\lza.beth,ef Indla\?a poJls; 110nse. , t.a1Ut ,bl! ~1'tIDg ban4, proooun. <ll'fi . , 1'8. r Cllrded tne ht>a~iug I\rranK~rnent, of l' near I Dr and Mrs: LUC&8, Mr: arid Ml's r t.y h .. " ,. •• 0111' ~iiI!Il~, .D~ , 1 . ~ ~YI bur:, b;,. • a year ago and have as a substl tute :"'k'fr~:UIe~ ~~at Ito. F~~r. Mr . .and Mrs. IajngJne ~l. A Large MaJo rity ·· wilaop iewme el ~n" . \ Ii large Estate Oak .. ''rhey are IIIl ". serv; ehow Do::~ l.JUdge(]ollne~, MiBS¥ yrtleIai ngmer Of people rely UPOI1l _ blaiial ,... ~ ~ peme. ~ y of fiD~ M.ute . rigbt, as one 000 81t out on .tl~e two ltIiaa Marie ' FOI~r IUId JIr:•. Paat Oough CUre. 25 caDta , at BohW;Miz curbing BDd keep warm by' .he!J1. '. week i.. . FORer, of Klddlt$ )wu. , . drag &tori, W.QIUI1IfrlUe;. ,(In She."e et 81lUlntll1'. time.}







• OJ.






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aUlh whh'h , el"llln'cael tne YUUUII • Khat.I&' r's . facp. $ hl?; quietly cballl; ~d IlIA, Mart like h"r g~ ''iI n; nae lIubj8ct , . Old.f~ I;'lonell, ua tll t. 'i"d ""'MI. "qo YOll Iwo w Mr: (fllw llt on's C&mweallh of bl!.... . ntllltu. ~o m8 lIy, nl.nuoa 1" " . l . .B'I,d.ln a sllll relreal , "Not fill) ·bll,tI'UlI. No t · sluw ' l hcI' :!!IwP<lll'lolrts of 8)!mpfully . Wt r Il,IWIl)'8 op IIl nlt Ih e r~_ w ~ re gro\\'n. t hlll [. I th olll ,Vho;, ,.. WI 11 lea w'Ulto Hna ,)itrf . un ~ I4.l!f 4, lh e~' w('r lIlll ~." Hach One U. ",'h i prod " rayer. "I( Ih ey II r like Ih II' nob le oltl rn. Forl:~!I- ", o· nota Ihere Ihor I' m "fl l'" I s h~lI IIku lILom. I lhluk 1'011\\ pl'r fLc tlon b N UShl. he I" HJl lt· n,lIil." an wel'ell ~ la MI. ~Dd . lh el e lJlnon1~d p u rn te I,nn slflt T he "I lall ger YOllng- Ilvly ijtllilod In tUlln y u t,rndcr I h o u gh !. . , Quielly. ~"h e rc hope". n n l !'no",d r op" tOo k df t:! p raM A nd flow e r ed b ')(· ... UIl' lh ~ ruu", t, MI'8. Glnnn ol' all sweL'cd : ";t'tl(~ ru lO\' e's own r OSl':. r C;'l t' l ('. t to Yt' tlrJ " 1 \Jar., par th e,\' nl·o. Bil'lb and ;l C{l\'en Ilrcclllllg nlw a Yij s ho\\' , Ma tel. I. rur Oil Ircllt8es o r t ru ~ t oue, ('0,,1<1 lIe ,'c r ml stalle a person or n (r In UUH qu iet Rtuden.·\\, unllb 1111(1 rtll turo for u common olle.'· T he garden DC tIt .' !w u,rl" I ~ Ihen' ullly one i1nUl:hl e!, 7" a ~ke il ng - bi rd u b uill 1\ (1 t~ . a nd carol ed



,"rtl{' lr songs of

(' he ", !"

npnrt .

:..:\ nd (ro m tl I (II tl l' tll ~ bn c k to us, • O ' flrcomlng J§ln U.nd :H rl rt , W4'l'l UK t h e breath of r OllCS b lo wn .

T ht' fragran ce --.\

Ul'~ ~ .

or hl' r lite.

All en , In (i ('lod

lf o u F ('k c rrd n ~l




',HE'S a ni ce pillee. i\lUuel," said th e e ld ~ r of I w.o laliles wh o hllll JlUi( ent red tho I raln . "A nd wc'lI try 1{) I\('cp It uudls lurbed. too," s h e a\l\l ed " ro cUing to deposit lhe lr s haWl s. _lchels. etc .•' upon lbe cuel o r 'eo h seal. ,,'hll e Ihe two ladles sealell lhem· elves Il\cing 'coch o th r. .They . were ()vldently moth~r ,\111\ a.ugh{er. the mother large, porU )' a lVI tine la oklol;. Lhe dli ughltr a slcmler , r ight-faced I1ttle thi ng, und Just as Irlently (Jcop le of " llOs lllon." marked .by all 't be belongi.nss or wea llhy trllo v· elera. E legantly braided Jlneo uls ters, o,'or suli.e of black s ilk, s lyllsh bats, \Jllln\y 'kid gau.ntlols, Husslli u lent her satonels and Sbllwl -s traps were tb etl' dl stln· I:.-Ulsblpg marks. bes ides l hat lndllsc· able "Ir which stamps Its 1I0 ~scsso r QI one used \0 good society. "So very warm! Do r eac h my fhO. -¥a.bel''' said Mra. Olennor. "Wc hAl' C a terrible bOl day for our ride; " "But ther lS Is dllch a nice breeze. I think IL wil l lie ' lovely," ralorted url gh l , . eyed Mabel. ' . '·Oh. yon're alwayl contented \Vllh everything. · Dear me; J hope t be clal" r.JD.ges won't be crowded!" " l'l\ey are '1Ilmost lhal no\\' , m am ma. ' We' \lavo tbe a li i)! "a~ont scats. I be· Heve.: • "And r meaD to keep lhs m, ' too.;' · . a.ri.liol,ltlced· Mrs. Olennur. At that DloW tltit Spo kO • Y01 ~'t .t b ~ r


I '

Fejd1Jen~ting ~' in th~~


(Il a m ()uti~

I .-

Daacwsau4 Pain otThla OrttlcalPIII'IOd . :'vol4e<l by the U88 ' 0r "ydla. Jll. Pink· baIIl'II Vegetable Compound.

-R~n A~il.Y to W{sl:onsin Pineries - A Hunter's Luclt - Venison Mince Pie. s nch 0. nne sbot, too, liS was wo.sled. How can you wlilt ilUY t rlnmpblng tcll tha t yo u mn de a wonderCul allol of o ver u third of a mile- using your rlne to 8Qj) re the birds from th e wat llrwben th o story ts but to cbr.onlcJe lhe fall of A miserable m ud·hen·/ Of a ll tho rich mlght·hav -beaus ! . It may be. ulld It 11111), DOt, t hat you will re lale the Suollay dloDer YOI' took with some young womon In a ne ig h· boring call1n. til ull proba.bilily \'ou "'Ill not s pea k of the \' ell ison nl lneo pie tho gracious cook ga , ' 0 you. lor veolson was colltral';\IId o.l this limo, aod or course you wo ul ll \lot set t.ho gam':! warden after you r hostess. Uut yOU mllY Inno cently expatlato on tho merits of venison mince pie. lea "In&>: your fri ends to Infer you ' once feo~tod DO It In lillY ful deol' sea80n. Whut a wonderful cOllnl ry tbls la! Th e brlgbl wllrm noons make UP (or Ihe Ice water wa sb 'of tho mornin g. Ev ery day yO U take yom midday :noul uul oC doors, and /Iud It pleasant, lazy work to bulld 1\ llttle gypsy n e nlld boll tbe kelOe over It. Then th 'Joad hOlll's of the afternoo n" you lhi w!d r II. bunch or NOrWaY8 00 th e [lO W mlrllculously dry. warm ground. bnsk III 'r eal summor beat. Mayhap YI'udcr haze Is Indian summer utmril\ph~re• maybap 11 fo res ~ fir , You al'e too lazy. too co n tent to pusb lb e subject Just 11. stili lind revel In woods:Smell, woull ..




• ,I







...00 alit .d. . Line

.oannot" be equalled at anr price.


811.) '$ :

Dea.r Un. Plnl:ham:. "I bad hoen sufrerlng .,Ith foiling ot the womb for yeors amt WIUI paoslng thrOu gb tho (:hangoo! lif. 'My \V\lInli W6S llailly slI'oll ul1. 1 bad a gorx! deal of 8OrwUlSII . dIU)' """,U8. kleadlLchcs, o.n(\ W!\II "cry nervous. I wrote rou for ridvlce IlIIrl commenced trel\tlll~nt witlt Lydia E. Phlkhnm'H Vog tIlblo am· round 0lI V'l11 dlrooted, IUld I Rill bappy t 060Y ~t 011 \boso dlstl'CSRillg liymptom~ ler~ 010, Dnd I ha\'O I)8.S8C(\ ""roly tlirough the cbange

woU woman. n

For sperilitl ad vice J'cgardln/I th Is im· portilDt periOll ,,"omUll arc IUvitcd to write to Mrs. Pinkham for aqvlee. It 1.4 free and always helpful, . , ilia One Complaint. "no tire), II' at you well h I' ,1 " ..lteJ 'the' good woman wlio was tr~' i ng t o d" 8 Ii~· tie mi6.ionn r ' work hch iad lh~ IlL rI . "~·.[rly ,.., I, m!L'um," an wared the bur·

Two oo.lorlo. of p.lI. nl .ntl

cooscleMIOIII eaon \0 produce lb. bell Sa".ID l~. world.

Te.@.n. ...llon.ofbloocl •• dbraln ..

"'M l.t1I•• t pl •• t la lb. w.rld . hlll, . ly d.,otod 10 la.. ·m'ilID~. e,aplo.zl0tr manJ buad""," ot blgll-cJlI •• h"b. prl~ omlllDe. and equipped willi 001\1, '1"101.t IDIOMn • • ,. A ...or~·whfe ,bulln. " a""",allo, 111111100' of d ol"'... ,"rl ~.r. '. . A ",pulAtloD buUt up Illroullh twoOC!nlurl •• of ..... t11 ~"'wlh. ,"Iue<! mot~ blgbl, Ibln


Ilny otllqr unto' tb l•• reb~ Jal t ltuUon.. Th. aUlraol, cSf tlilA Company. wb!clJ II

,tnr, wbu wns ' hj(.,yiflK ft thr't.I ·e~.'s: \mCt\· lion. " I have OIih' nne f. ult II> lind with die -t r~..ntll'e n t he,'· hR ncl ou L" '" hi" I Ihol ~ '. <tu~rjca lbe lad " "i itp-r, "'rh~' r.Ct. c to I~ I 'm" clirry n night key! ",

.... PI\oied \be world oyer, We make an 'Ypel aDd .1_ of ...... bul oDly one • _ _lie Aikin. S••• , Oom Knl.... 1'ortectioft PlOOf' SorapeD. tic. • ..., &Old by .n loot! hronl.... d.a1 ...: , c..tal"B"" on roque.L



replied the priitOflcr.



HOlv many ,yo meD rClllizu that tho \.DO~t crltlolLl pllI'I[){1 in Do wOman 'N e,llisi.eDCtl i the ebnnge of life. and thntthe an:dety fel,t by as thlK Urn" cl l'Q.w~ n en r U~~~~2!:!:!~ Is lIOt w lthont • reBSon? If h er sys tem is in n deranged condi· tlon. or 6ho i~ I'I'C<ll RJlOsod to apoph,xy or con~r(\htlon <lr 1\11.1' or gan, It is at tills tlme likely 10 l)c oomll ac tive a.nil, wltl> Do host uf IIcrVClUIi Irrito.tlonB, make UIIl a burilen. A t th is tlmo, a.IRo , r.JInccrsand tumol'll Ilre more liable to begi n t\lcir destrllc' tlve work. Such "'"rnlng symptoanij o.s • sense of s uffocation, h ot tltUlhes, dlz· ziness. hendache. dreod of Impending evil, ~oun il 8 ill the enl'tl, tlmlditl, pal. pltation of tho Ileort, spo t ks ~fol'e tile eye•. irr" gulnritit".8, eon8tl: ratlOn, vnrinbl o AI'p.,tlte, \\' 0111<0065 an illllnl· otmlo a rt) pl'OIDl'tl,l' heeded by IJlwlligent womCII who ar" approaching the period of Ii ro wben WOman s great obange lllll." Ix, expected, . r,~(lia l!: . Pinkhl'IlI'S Vegetable Com· pound is the world's greatest rcmedy tor wome.n nt t hi s trying p ·rlod. and way be rellcfl ulIOU tv ove.ream all distressin g HymptOnt8 IIml carry them BDoIely through to a he.althy and huppy old uge, I;ydili E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com· .pou od invigorates Dnd st.rc:ngt'hons the femo.le orglmiRru , and builds up the WANTF.D. A . h".. ." ,~!.i rh"~M'J!o~!".'..b.~ \\'811I<onod nervous system 118 no othe.r w, L. Dougl .. B~<o•• lamp!....,,' free for \iiip,ic,ilonuuP;pon medicine cnn. Col" Ere'''' u ..d, th'r ",III not.., er-.. Mrs A, E. G. Hyland, ot Chestor- Fait W ri t. f~ DI ...ratAld Cata! ~ or J'I\D BtJ!", t.o ,vn, :Md., iu a letter to 1'o1r8. PinkW.LDOUGUS.nn>ckton. . . . .

01 Ufe a



W.~. DOUCL.AS 00

TM .~.'Dill61 Stunt a Burden"

"Has YOur dinne r lo s t its s::\.\'or. HQ.5 rOUt' greeting Its chc r ? I s you r <Ially stUll t " bura .. n 1"


'3"eo" '3. INTELLIGENTWOMEN PREPAR£ w. L. 001.181• • '

North 'Woods' In ..'October:

T hat la the stnto you co mfl to; " O" I.v OllP at hom . th" yonngcst the tlmn Is· roacbed. I( you would It Uel lI ol1l'i Nl o. "lid on e Bo n . Hlchnrd. zest In 'Work. a ny real good III lICe, to I ro n~ ld e r I ' O l'~ fortuullte I bal, l~al1l ­ cu t It all. Fortuoately .yoll )(IIO W wh or c ilion Invlled li S Iv l\Iake th is "Is lt, t"Th&ro ' s n med i c in e to curo )' 0\1. )111 01' 1. Rl cl:a nl Hllmit t on will be 'ery There'. III .... By to 11ft your loud ," w{'k lthy. M.t.! Ie YOII lliay '~ou r rardll and make :rorthwHb t o 0. " Ia ull that's well who kno,\', wha YOL' way .io III free and larie." Ih e \\',. oC as tllo Ul lll 'i" The medl.clne Is to i10 I1S you pleas e "N o w, nIHtnlllIL. It yo u begi n 10 talk and live out of doors; sleep WI lon t\' liS Ihnl \I'll)' I tl o 'u\e lllllly d ~c lllre I will you want to, cat when you like, sll oa IM II O I h~ lI"x l ll'nln lhal passes Ul/ II. log ID tho bright antumn s un dOin g hat;k ho n,,· an<l " 0 1 go a l ull! " nothin g, thloklng Dothlng, jllst b aing, ~lo·s . Uh" II,ul' th,' Girl WII S '1 ulto bapplly being; or trllmll m iles nnll r a l'nlJlc uf ke Fl,lllg her wor" It sb" miles Dnd mll cs, get go ing 80 hard It lij was pll ~hed to<) rur •. 0 ~ h o Blli<1 no easier to move than to Btop, nWI'u, bul bcluo lt bCI'RclC 10 t he pros AII's well with the world , whet her jlOCt 10 vi ew rru m hQI' wlll \low . you 're In notion or In!\Ctlon . Thl. Is ~' h e r ille WIlS a wallJl one, u UL Mahcl fI:Ood enougll tor you- lhe north woods cllju )'ed It . tllld Itl »Ilo oC ller mum· In a ul umn: pine trees or gree nest ma's fl'oll'o '• .halt .1 ~ ' h h h I' t>ent· 'gree n, scnti.oallS ruby red: blr(.nes llIat " ory ~OtlalJ l r, yollo w as sunlight, lellves deep on lilA It was ~(! ttln:; s lIn el'; ",n w·hen Ihe grouod 'and IInc to ltlcl! as your reet ll'aln stOpped at Humlll<ln, anti s ". sink Into their crispness, a. Blne il ot ral Imssengcrs dl!sc o(lc,I, untOn:; pleasant bur ning fro m an Isolntetl nela lh em Mrs, Glennol' a.nd MalleI. over tliere, brightest of s kies a\ltlvc. Th 1'0 "'n" a rorlu m · loolel ng station, T here's fooll and plenty In the wvods, wlLlL n. elusty little refres hment bar In tbe cahln salt and cook s tove; Ilnd, In on o corner' or 8 diU!;), rooUl Inbellc(1 luckily for & mlln oC lallY moods. lho " 1.all[eM' Hoo,m." Thore wcre lwo or lnat time B ig Oswa:1iI was up be ictt a th r ee "l1ll1l;c Wlel-S. with ha ncls In til It· goodly pile of wood agaInst l he cab in poelle.ts. Ilrlllll r l1l1dlllll III' and down [b e wall . . plalfvnu lUll I lhn l wa all, You go to bed nnd In t he Ul l;ht In "\V,hy, whll t <lOllS ~h[5 meunr" (rot, the darknlls B' tlie'- cold creeps up and l e il Mrs. Gl enno r . ': ,\11' . Hamill II "·t\lte b e \\'ouitl b o certain 10 !lave I be ' CR I'rlnge to meel u ." " PCr hU\lS [t will lJe h ere yet, mam· m.u, " said )\h\~c l. "Sn plJo~ you alIk ~ t:rl,-: .f ~\;~ ).;! ~ o oe oC t he mell If It ha s ' Uoen seell.': " I ba llc,'c I wil l," ar,d ••{rs. Gl onnor Il\arcbell maj estically np to one of tbe m ~ li afore a\ct and 111(1111 1' J: "en n you tell mo whcth I'MI'. Ham1l1() u' s carrlA"c UIlS been lit the. stuLlon LO·(IAy·I" ., . " Yes'll\-no 'm- l !loll'l Imow- thera \ I~ IHO OLJh' II \\,, " \V1lS t he s llgb.tly In coher ~nt · nn s we r. ' ·.',('urlLlllil lu t h dil'eclloil or h is e x· teu!l oll fI ~l j;ei' she Haw n handsome ear . , j' lago l'Olllrlg rnpldl y up: ' 'l'hOY' 'vatted II ll0n I ho \lronr)' Ilillt«)I'm , ullti l It drtJ\' o "[I Ill;ld UI0 driver 011'.


___ -L---

hiCIISo Dail)' NeIV!.




CO.• Inc.

brlat Sa" ....."(.cture ... Ira tbe Wet"' .

Eo . . 05c00. J.cI!Uo~h ~' I\t3 .001 HEB; ~o,•• CtikaC' loneapo

T llcn ,Ile t'lm u up tbe sleps nnd ad: ~:;r.'I~<i..,fac:'aner;!~Ot~,nl '0 T he Collowin!: v er~' intere ling conver ~. Acat>I 00 s.botiw-!...... .... MiMIIroad , . " 16 tills' aeat engaged, m adam'" 'Iressed Mrs, Gl euo 1', touelllng his ' ha t Liou be lwcen Mr. \Hlitc b ~ .kcr, Ilud Mr. ~1'1!'. Olen nor and Mabel botb !Ilolc ed raSllect(UlI)·. . . IUJ 8Y COOO ilEALERs E\>1:n'V'O \\ Biter Well man, I'ctircll. t1l'O I'rolllinen t up , to seo a young. lady d r 4!ssed In a "LuUl e. - '. for Mr. , HR tnllron:s • . mad-, j!'tizcu oi the -IOWU, \\'lI~ 'recemly over· b 'ar : " 1I1a\n. unlrl 'm mM lin eD ,Bult, ~,tll • 'a m!" "~ ne'verhu)' I,.tent mcdioi,lle," said :MI'. , Bla 01!fl'lng. . lI~wu veil covering ber hat eDtirely :· Yes., OL/\lHI. r.lab e1." White. " When 1 fed 1'1'0 b~ oC'mediCtLI - A ' l\an~on-City druggi t, lhot • • .aDd s badlng ' a pla1 u, bOlllely facri. "T he , l\l'I' lagl! Is ready. ladl os. The n.-.iitunce J coJ l our: pbr~icial\. 1 don't be- w~althv mnn cnm~ into IIi, .tore one IoIun· Her s peech was that ~t II well ·brell 1!prllJll cart II<' lll) l' :,rlrelldy to lak e your WHERE WIll SlIOl' THE ;MU~H.EN. !leve in tal,;im: n lot or tuff tbal r kuow lIolll· da)' llIorning, And -throwing n dime 0 11 thf . ' / '. ' iul! about, 1 know however, lhllt a greuL .hbll'l'Me, suiol: ,IO iv III two nic kel fOI Will I '(3kc your tlclt~. -pe~o n·, . bnt her. exce41dlrlgly 1/111111 at· baggage o"c~. freezes tbe water In the noll," r.o) vers hea uty .autu, mn warmth. Tho col.' fl IOnn)' i10 II " i , and .Pllarentl)' wilb lI°od th nt. ~1 (,UK tl! ~" '~OQinG 10 try ' n slot mil' 'ets?" ' . .' I eliull"" bl,t I um (or gclHi'g 1\ <loctor CI'ery (!h i ll~~ ' . n kNI t.he IlrhSIli81. pl~"""41 I h-. . 1\" (1\. Olen nor gllvo 111m . the ·tl ol, et. tM groun (! wIth 'el,l llly wh ite. It re- forg9tten. to·nlght Is II long 'WU)' , ott. ' time!' "~t' :' replted the wen lthy II H,", jil "HI po. Another dllY you have bettc r luck "Your cirt! um lance reljd er thi 'Po i- ~n):. hI' '·~\l Mh ." COL' lhelr t r ullks . I\!ld lbc'\,~ lldy (:oa cb. quires some Spartan r l)mnant In your , " . make-up to throw oft the clotbes and huntlng ·and llroudlY"Pfe&en!.1I brlicll of ble," r~plied 1\1<. Wellman. 'bu t the 11Iuiormall ~OOIl hilt.! (hum pile\J in tll ll li g ht , en·c. at lnst you la lle lIl" partridge t he young woman t.hat !ty of I,copl~ must con 'Idel' the cl'1 )1 ), 'ut ('al'~ wh ic h 1.1,,1 rnllowetl ~ho carrillge . . face the coltl, b ~ ~.xpc ri c n,'C ·j .lhn). ome pntelll meuiui neB Left an .Impression • • knows how to make ve n-lson mine!) ;>I~. fre{lllfutl\" cure wheo the do ct,or:~ kill 1& "No\\: w ~re rendY.' : declared' Mr-. l eap. ju.m p f ro'm the ,snug bllll)kets. ''Your 9l\ k head I \l nll u II), full or Fine DlOTlling If It Is cold. Collted. You .get real duclt another time, nnd balll.ri . ''l'Kk~~ (or ill IAure. nil "lIIi.lion; blu" I) " remu rk.d .the phrcllnlogl<t. " lI ow Gleonor. au t Ihe conch WillI nppearcd ' In k I n 'tbe "oung women give "ou ' cllok~ .a)· like constlpation nud tOlnneh t rouble. do",, ' it l,s PI'en ~" , h a t >,e d • you Htop on tsld e an d I!r to be looking fol' s ome one olso. . . ~, Did you ever hear of your famil)' 'ph)'lie-inn "I 'fI,Urp 0)i:c .H ~x JtlAi(lhl the 'fn tbftol' f'i t.' rI "Our youhg Miss Henrletto. wCllt up the .Oneness ; OVCI' the lake just bIltow oberry Jelly 10' eat wltb it. whlob jelly ~urlng ...· cnse like thnt! ][ eou.t,pated, hll- beCRu cverrthil'lL". knowo 11';1 I,nocked \I) lowrl ycs l f'.rda~. We expected It r ~e cabin Il ea tho wbli.e cblll. Im t the you vote line; jU!lt the right' r elish for Hivet you a ph)' ie; bul a phl' ie cannot'cu 'e wto i .... ·-D rtrl)it ,t'r .~ 1'ro ' . , . ., I\nd he " )~lIl~lI yoa 80. 1t i. bar-Ii h.\' Ihls ll'nl ll." ----~Plnk ' on ,lhe ' watcr Ie warming It up a the game. 'J1he,young wome.D glvu yolU II.tOOStilllltion, tempot'lu')' relief aud bofor~ long )'ou need Notice cntdullv, l\u(1 you will liinl (bat " 1·I Il~e. 1 0.01 , Snm!" w.:ted a fawlllar bit, and the sun looks na though. atter bome-malle brelld, 'nlso , and TOU vote 'mOl'e phy. c or )lOI... '1'h . doctor charge. )'ou ~ ~\'ery time yi)U caU on 111m ..lid you tJ1P. i1lnn VOU like 10 t alle · WJlh, I • !I I, voi ce from tile door of Ihe Illdle~' a whll ,he might be ablo to toa\\' t~nt' t he best tblog 'YOU have ha,d \Vu4~ Il\lk~ with )'ou 'Ilbpu t f nur • •,O'hll . • " b e way . 0 C'.00d IIl nee. th e N or th ~ea.... • have to pal' l'relLy 'roOc to' 76c to ha,'e lo U. jll'esCJ·i/, . .wailin g room; IInoi tll ll homely' yoilll g tblngs gene·rally. Y ou 'b ul Id thotlre,. tio n tilled. 80011 yoil IlIw~ th~ 'Pi I' .n a nol 'llbout h i~ o\\, I1.- ::lolll crvillc ,lollr· . lady In pluln · I!nm). who had s hUI'M you douse the Icy water on your face, ern -traIn deposIted you at the htUe or '· Iwbit and you r do.tor h.. 6 nw . -'-Mabel'H HeaC ca me nt of her l'etrcnt you get ready a wonderful brellkhst; LumJler Jack atatlon aDd went on up Btead y cU8tomer. Y ou cannot r~od the do. · apples red 8JI the scrub·oaks. oat meal. 't o Superior, One of t he yquog WOUWID I tor', prc6cripti ol)@. 'You knQ}v 110 more Pi~o' Cure oannot be tno highly $pok~ n of IUHille aDd UP I,roachc'd t h em. . ' about what be &""e8 you thnn YOll do nbl)ut n8 n cougb CUl1! ,- J. W, O'Uri cll,322;rhirli < "lI'l y guOdl) MS !" \I' M Mrs. OIenuo'r 's creat bOwl" of It-lInl,\ plenty gtJod Ie• a good s bot. and she and YOU-yOUr' ~he Ingredien ts of ,Q paten t' ll1cdici ne. No Al'e., ., .MinneaQulla, Mlno., Jun. 0, 1000 . dl ~ niayed ejaclIll1t loll . as ebc IIl1s heti nl' - ,- --- - '. enolfgh .wlthout craam-frled aq'llrrel comrade slays behlDd-go ~klrUnll" t be 'f' reliable COWN?'!Y will puta lot oflDon~y'in lo &nd hot hjscults. How good tbe caree. edge ot Black FOll lake' ln pursuit 0(:- II. pat~nt rpc ICI~ ~I )1nle ,.the)' !1r~"COi~V lD C~d O'.\e. ,WilY t o kill the - ml i. t~ ho,'1 to tile' roolS or ller hal l'. •· ' . d , that I t Will dn 1111 that IS cl")lDt'u lor It . . ~v But. MlIbcl sp ran g lorwurtl wllh' ex· how good ev'erythlng. Hclgho !..up here' ~met bl ,!g, S ue Is as goo a tramper II uolly it i. thc pres "llIlion ofl!o me-t!M.,.·~_~ue.-"'IIM"'-"ml-the~t the boiler ,blbw tended halld, In the ?lood!! your dlDner' hIls found Ita &II yOU and.U tbe ~ulll be told. a b oap tet ,vh", hNJ de"utcd hi s life to the,s tudy III up. better sbot. But, allIS DO more teml-I- certain dlseasc ~ n d .hM .mastered It. "What! Are YO I.' H nrl cHa I1llmll. savor. , '. 1 '1 menUon constipation and ~tlmla eh IOn 1 . I so glad !'"' Wbat a tr'len~l i' tblng a Ato ve' In a ulDe companionshIp, DO more s por t o~ trouble because I suffered i ro,,1 that afflit. " Antl YUU arc Ml m; G'lenn l,lr! I a m cahln Ib tbe woods. It may bavq been , " , tion' fO l"yeaI'H. Jt j. Ihe bOlrjnning of .an disea e, Once it getA a gr ip on you, it i. glad. 100! '. ~altl lIltl you llg lad)' , of· bou"ht ot •the sp.cond.hatl(l mlln for WE SHALL BE "-Bl.E 'f0 .. .eriouo, slubbo ro and hord to o,'ereome, I fel'lu\; h~r hau\l mos t · cOrlllully . " 1 $3.28; OUR OWN SOCIE'l"y It iuay be mln'us 11 leg. the damMvor KnOll' n ea8e thnt wn. cured by all would ~liVfl mad e myself Il no wn tn per may be , mlsslDg. and yOU Iiav~ to , 'I·HEII!!:." ordinar)' practicing fJh)'sicia01 but I do knolv 000 or. a leogth or Un and ult of oC a number of \jnd case. tnnt " 'ere perC.lre slo. wped her In Mill. Gl onoor'& eyes lh e tralll, bul I am ulwBY s tiO s hy wll b rig up m.neotl~· cured by a 'rollled),' called 1I1ull'. s lnlllger... and I wos nv t su ro who YOU wire,' bllt It' ••- etove. It ha s a bunr.... ~ . ... Grape 10"le. I I,ave uoed lt in my,. &Ii "comWOD folks." DOL worth an ,,[. wcrc till 11011' . MI'II. GI ~ lInor. I am aDd an oven. and a top for frylnl1-pan with ontisfactory 1'e,,"lh. It cured me, and Curt to be poUle. ' " er y gla.1 10 welcom e you 10 Hlloollton. aDd corree.pol. Rudd y gleams •.of cbeer 1 know n grent many more 'Per. on. it hAM S b c turned to tbe window anil setcured. It co.l. /iO centH for 3 ,inall 01"1 .00 Cor a lArge bottle. r doo't know exactly all tled h erself In ber plllc" wit bout see·m· I 10 vII yo uI' <l aught er 81 .. ea~y, anti I am and comfort. como througb lla cral'ks; s ll .. a we s hall have 0 dellliJ lful vl~ lt. yon cao elev a te your feet on Its h eartb that is in it. but I do know it cur". con8lipaiOI:; to ht&r but good-uaturell Mabel I,et u~ go " OW, Sam I ~ wa tJog." In the long ,evening hours; tbo lonll: t'OIl an d . tomach trouble,and that i. more 8)1Oke ,lIot once: th. n my lamII}, docl or COUld do for mI!. This prompl COUl' l CS )' . so delicately I \VOl fi rst attractcd to the remedy by the HMIDe Iln't, You're welcome to share Ignoring h r V\V II ru,le behavior In t be evening bours when you talk wllb, your comrade of thal mysterlouB erea· comp.ny's offer t o give tho firat bottle free 11." train, was a t;r eater rehullc to Mra. ture. wowan, of one girl In partt~ular. to Rny one who would write to lhemglving AIul notwltbst&ndlog tbe dcclded OI en nul' thai. all ), s hpw of ange .. co uld All hill to the cabin stove . the \.'eDter their dru~gi8t'9 DAme. I Am thn nk ful for fl'tnvn on b er lady-molher's face. Ihe have been. the henefit it bns ~h'ffi and advise every of cullollry lIod contemplative life, sull'erer Crom con8tlPation to write to the l 08!!ed ber " trailS' 'over on tb e pile For once her rea uy tonglle lI'as lit a Sometim es you sleep Ull ten o'cll'ck; Mull's Grape Tonic Co., H7 ~th Ave., Rock already beside Mrs. Glennor. aod. 1088 and Shb only r("jo wed he r youngone time YOU rose up at four to go h land, III ., g<iving t bem tht:ir druJ!gillt.'. ad, limlleil u reply to tb e youog 5t range r 'lI hostess tu I.he ca ... ln gI', Hll en tly Ilud dreas, 80 thlLt they CIUI procure It bottle free hunting. The morning you mld~ tbe CENTER 0 .. CABtN LIFE. of cxpen se." • <lulet " Tbank you." as she sat dUI\'b. with Hush ed fa c• . lalter record" tbe nlgbt before . you 1,0,:lIDg the sm all I8tchel sbe carrled Bul. Henrietta's Idndly 51111'11. ' Ro on went to bed al balf·paat 6sve n. wblllt wIth DlaDa; some fri ends are to h1ve A mAn II ,more of teD ItnoW1l uy the i a b or lap. put her al lIer ea"~. exce pt when s h. yet tbe birds were calling latt onel her cabin for tbe deer aeasun , aha oomll Bny be keep. tban by tbe tnell II. pay•. " it will tlrs you. Tb ere 's pleDly of re memb cred her UI (, nf)'tng blund er. bome, You' got 10 !lOme beavy sleep. must returo to town . Good·by. LJb~&. l700m over bere wltb ours. " said Mabel. It was a wholesomc lesBon. howe."et you awoke at the untimely bour I!'ay thank yOu for many thlogs ; never ..-cblng out ber baoll to",artl tbe Anrl Lho np.xl time Mrs. Glennor me<! t .. GREAT SONG WRITER. , and refres becl, Armed willi rille and shall be forgotten the venison pie. 5atcbel. 0. lacly In th e trolo , wb etMr sh p. Is gun you set forth. no 'lODger men of You get used to the cold nights,. ','011 .. u1 Dr Tbe young lady placed It uvoo lhe robecl IIlee a q ueen o r tn plain lin en , ..a easer, the Compeaer, lOcat herself. Baying: tiresome. tlrl.Dg city routlDe, but Clen count them no 11\ at all ; and . the CUred by Doan', Kidney l>illl. Khe will tr~l1t her a8 suc h . and never of wood and trail. You .wlnc &Iung morn logs right hunting sort, the snllp " ( Wlla afrai d Il might trouble you." judge Ill' appearan ces.-Woman ·3 F arm ''Not at all." returoed Mau el. In tbe wet woods, lord. of .:reaUon, giving zest to the aJlOrt. 80 I(ron . 8a Paul Dresscr of New York. nntboror Jour nnl. and take 00 care that daDk bushes clear, so autlimnal. You now take tbe .. Banke of the Wabaahl' and ma.ny But Mrs. GlenDor, w\tb a lillie ac. brush you; you are thlgb,bleb In 80,· cold douse , out· or·d oors. ellt your other grea t 8Onll' hits, ceDt ot spite. addressed ber daugliter : Only ft Rint , vrriws: "Mabel, "don't make yours elf o vor Mr. X. 1~lllrlc l(-Sce bere, you n_ SY grass. Your tramp la to be a I!lag breakfast out on the porcb . Alrcady a bl Gentlemen: I wi s h ..nlcfOUB. (woltder how rar It I~ to mnn, all th e olher 'ou n g fellow8 who one, but tbpre fl 10 mucb of IDterelt you are getting to_u ghened. away with t D". ) l&mllton 7" trom the very ltart you lOiter by the Ion coddllDg and babying; away with to recommend Doan's ~ Do D ' t the table tell you , marllnla '." ca ller! to sec Mabel berOl'e you n ever way. JUlt t'wo wiles from .t b. c"bln dullDeS! and apathy. You remAOlber 'h,OD80 Kidney Pills. in the I slayerl la'el' th ll n l en o' clock lind- . and tbere are, fresh wolf tracks, a mile the promls~IIB9 Cllrman made wbell bop(\ thai my endorllC' your \ "No. only the larger station s ar'c ~ll· . . r anw ell - Yes, Blr, m ent will b e r e&d by with y ~10W1l Well ," wltb a sigh IlDd a glan ce " Ana I wa s going to say, If YOU more and , ob, what Iuckl Sure as you I he gave tile iuedlc.lne to cure you tor somo of the maoy thou pl88I6D .a l the Intruder. " aL leaSI we s hnll be don't sta~' untl! II o'clock at lea,t, are allve. the &Tnt paw tbat made the evil lime tbe' dally Itunt lVa8 he8aJldH of Butrerera 'f rom be, f ' .able to select our own society there " I'll t~k e [t t hal your Inl.entl0l\s are that mark bl!longs to notblng bllt iii come a htirae!l. and . you swear ' the kidney complaInt. 1 YSO '\ " Mamma, don'tl" pleail ed Mabel in no mo re se rious than lholrg were: ..... bear. Hurrah! JUit 11'. houri' ride by poet Is hest physician of tbem fI!I-l'OU ~ . low tODe. flusblng at bel' mOth er 'l Philad elphia Ledger. w~ 80 ,wretched from tr&l!I and ten ,~f1e.' drive hal brong,bt ~&\'e found yourself &caln. Yon ' ate af udenetil. . ___ _ yOu t o tbll land that la free aDd· man of muscl e and brawn.' 8JI wcl! ea ' thiS I malady. that ' J large," Yelterday, In th'l heatbenlah " brain cella anti nerve llber; 1aU. loa, could not , leeI." r~st nOr ea t , a,nd bad a "I detest tbele trains. wh er 'every R ealis tic. ' . "e persoD. w.h o ehoosee may Inll'ude Cri tic-A wo nderful artist Indeedf civilization 01: Chicago; to-clay, In the haYe tbe leelnl!' eye and hearing ear weak aud acblug buck. Doan. Jp.dney '. for God" ,enerous g1ttt of wildwood . PWa e1!eeluully cured m e, Ilnd I wlah p&ratSllalcal wilda. ','4 you," weol aD Mrs. GlenDOI', He p&ln teil a London fog But you me'et DO bear, lee GO woJt; and Y,illd'll'ood c re.~tul'e. Wo.ldt!lan tha.t. othel'fl m&y knQw. ' . , Iy. . Vrllitor-An(1 wa s It re aadl lc ~ - Lbel kne" there ' was no telll na "WIlS it? Why. il\'er~"lnb who looke4 , lDd - wllat 11' more, the one erea~uTe ipare tblne OJ lon, may ' the '(I~es& PAUL DRESSER. l . ".. . , oents a \)ox. - bet motbtir- wo,!l!I stop once ~he . IL It h M~ to IinricH:';-Cbl~,o .0&1,11 ' your aIID brlrtl' d01f!l· TOU ~ f'lr a staud/ " ' n tbe ,track, and ,be nOled tile News. tile," . .1I1l wru \ll3t'a mu(\·le~1 And J ' &ATIdRJN& fOPllI. N. Y. ~(bow :-

to .


- --...


p_' u,._..









to Do in PreplI.ring tha lUra Myste l'lous Cnve In Bl'ltls l.l Col U!ubi ll and Ita Inmate. for the ' Which Wn~ Ex p lOl'rd l: :{ Cold Wp4tb ~r. 'r"o Womeu.


feeding should be d!lne early. Darillg Ib p. sllpm·H lit 'oD.' of th e U:IWhother tho bees aro to be wintered II\'c~ and 'JI'Il \'llIg Ih o Ihll\l; ~I'S of au in the ceilar or on the summer 9tanl16, IIlIe xVlorcll -l'U\'crn a' I(n ~" ~ eA I{. Uri,the lI~st and most Important mattcr I.;l\ Colllllli>ill. IWO I'hil adp 'I' ~'11\ wom to bo looked aftor. Is tbe supply or I'll. MI ~s I~ I I::RIJ C I h \l' uln Vall)' '1 A HANDY BAG HOLDER. stores. daughter (Jf t lh~ lut p Mn\" .•i" Vall>:. a Uit :Farmer Tolla How H. Mad& One Bees wm not go on and rear alaI .\l r:l. (' IUlI'II'" S,·hIl IT,· r. h~ 'l all "xcil iul: Th e· b etl<: r ('I'lS, o r drllggi 8 1~, e\"cry wh erc, nre m en 01 sci entific attaillml'nLs and hi gh integrity, of young If th e food supply is short; pX llCrlcnl C "1l~1)' . The 1'.~\l11 uf tor. lr Which Did lI~,ttel' Suvicll. 1\' 1111 J e "C1 tn I liei r liw.s (0 till! wc lfl1ro of the ir fello w men in supplying th e best o f remedie s and so In order that a colony may go I'u urage Is " "IU...· 'x l('lId "11 Ituowl~ I!;e Than lIlany Others. Pllro:;t II Il' ui e in nl lI ge nt.s o r kUOWIl \'alue, in accordallce wit.h physicians' prescript.ions ao.d Into wInter quarters strong In young III' lb o ll eplhs lIf Ihl' recr"S In the Ec i 'ntili c f"rmllb . Dl:llggis ts oi the better cIa 8 ruanufllcturc many exoellen t remedies, but .' A lIubBcrlbcr In Stellhenso n count)., bees. fe eding mllst be done early rocks. wt,l<-h Is I< "OWIl )0"311), 118 , IllIoois, wrlles til thl) Prairie Farw~r, enollgh tor brood to be reared nnd IllllrhlllIlIC '", r·I\ \·r•. ~II Y S the Phlllldf'\ :1I II'll.\·S u n<il'r OI"i~in:d or o ffic inal names and th e y Ile\'er se li ful ~e bmnus,or imitation medicines. ~ lIaylng ; " I saw in matured In \'I,,"or be foro th e nd" cut 01 phhl Bull ,· , in. On" t hO most Willi· Thl' Y :tro Ih e nl/'I\ to d eal w ith when in n cp.d of anything in their lin e , whic h u s ually includes your Ilaller IlIlely cold weatber. Then, liS the nights b~ c\ cl'f ul I Ie III;';" l!J e)' "aw w,,~ a >11'.'1\111 all ~ 1 :\n.tal'<l r \Il1edies and corre~ ponding au jllnct s of a firBt·cla~~ pharmacy and the finest and aa Illustration of gin to be ch illy and blld wcather Oe· ", hl ('b "r.c! , I.., Rl'l'COarnnl'e IIf I.rh'nc! . b l'il t o f lo i Id ar l ides :I nd prcpli t':J tions alld II1IUY u sef u l ncceFso r if's a lid rcmedial applillnceB'. a 11 a g - hoI d e r cRSlonally Ill'Cyalls, tbe bees be<:omo III I hu (II UI 1i~1 1l " f I he "unI1l(' ,; wi. II· 1l Th e (larnillg of a r~i r li "in g, with the snt i~fac tioll which ariRcs from a kno~ledge of th e benljlfits • ~hl~h I thlnle 1 lIul et. glide Into Inaction. lind co m· Illey , 'UI'I' 10 ,,1 lu e lYom e n WPI'O 1I1· "iJl ~ coufo n etl IIp,lt\ tl ll'it' p :t LrvIIs ulHll\~sj stan ce to tho m edical pro il'ssion , iH us ually their greatest • rail beal. I mnke IIOSO themselves for their long BI~ e p. '0 1101<:1'111111 0 It' Ihe walor il B~I ( WHe re ll'ilrd f,) t: Iollli! ."ear~ o f sLudy und m a.ny hours o f daily toil. The y all know that Sy~up of ' . . 'Il frame 1\1 the botIf bces are to winter In the bes t can· "nl" rerl or I h" l'e,l C rrC(' 1 \\'II S "i vP " uy Fi g" iSHl l ('!I'l'll "llt laxltLi ,'c rem edy and thaL it gi,'~s uniyers ul ~lIti ~fll.ction,lt'nd. thHl'efore they ... tom ot two- iuch ~ltIon, they must have sea le d hon e)" II fl ow ill ~ ,,\1' 1' U lic~ l) rpci .rol· k L,,"e. art) ~ c l lill g 1l1 :\IlY milliolls o f boUl es :ulIlulllly to the well infornwd pmc hasers of the choicest ·. , Kt dl/. Ox8 incbes or som ethIng' Ulat will take the plnee The Ir ill waH frallgh t. wl,h many sqnare. wllh n of It. Immediately above the clu ~ ter dilll ge rs. None or th t' llul iw·, e\'H IP ll · r e m d ie;;, IIlld tlill)' 111\\'11)'5 take pleasure in handing out the gPlluine article bearing the full ~ol\ d wood back. nnd In dIrect contact with It, as long II!I'CH 1D0l'P Ihall a hlln li l'pd r"H fl 'U I11 nllm e of t h e UornJHllly-C:lli fornia Fig Syru p Co. - printed 011 1, 11f~ front of eV,ery package_ . For I11Y llOll]1l!r 1 I\S the cold weath er lasts. Ihe moul h or th e l'U\'C . It Is Ihel r [)I'Th o\' kn o lV that in C'lS~S of colds ami heada c hes,\ed by bilioU RlleSR and constipation Ilnd used Khect Irou' of If tbe honey Is well ripened beforc lief that Ih" loIRl'P. Is inhahlt ",1 Uy of ,,:ea k ll ess or torpitliLy of tuo live r a1ld bowei~, ariHing from irrp~ lIlar ltabit~, indiges tion , or lin olu hinder, I!ut- cold wcather sets In, It will keep well; Ilgr"s allli ('r"RIIII' OH of mA ~k powel·. 0\'e r- eati1lJ;, th a t there is no other r emedy so pi cne nnt, prompt n1lri ben e ficial in its effecLs as nng It to s lant If tbln, It may candy. T he tal"R onl y wh elle,1 I li e d esir~ of Syrull o f Fi gs, a m \lhcy arc glad to imll it bccau ~ll it giv es u lliVerFI\1 ~Ilti~faction. O:lt at tho t ull on With a good s trong col on),. well wIn· Ihe two Quak"r ('I , ), "I.ltor;; to pen ..Owin g to the p:I;,]ellcllcc of . rrup of Figs, the univ c rsli1 s ati s illl]lillll which it give s nnd the tbroe 81de8 110 that It. will be eas, to tored. the boney s hould I) , ' <9 good in lI·nt.e It". ol el"h. (l r ' h" r<)l' ks . s" t he y imme n se d ellJl1nu it)r it. imit a tions hnve been made, tri.,d and c()nd(,Dlned, but the re are" ahovel Into. I then fastp.ned one· hook ~pr lng as It was the llreviolls fall, aud -" C:lIr"d 11I 1';;c t\lI\c1I ~!; 10 Iit;ht Ihe way indil'idu:ll druggi;;ls to h e fuund , b ere and there, who do 1101 maintuin th e di gnity alld pl'inc!ples on each cal-ncr at th e bottom to haug In some case~ better. 11110 th e lIu l,n" "'1I l:al lel'l "". Xo one of ~h e p ro fpssillll alld whose greed gets the b etl r of th E'ir jud gn , n t , and " 'ho do not hesI~ate the bllg on. A two-Iuell slrlll three Glvo Int elligent caro as to win tel w"lIld 1II'I'l'llll pnll), ,h"m . !J ill i' WIl S arto rcclll1lllwnd (llltl try to ~e ll the imitations in ortipr to nlukl: u IlIrgl'r profit. Su c h prepa1'l1tlOns feet long \\'a9 Ih-e n bolted on to ~ be quarter.. "HII!>I'u'hn, if Ihl 'Y di ,l I\UI IC'IIHn ' 1111 flat side Of tbe bOIlller, nnd In till!! a I U3e 1\ woolen ulan!.: t or cal'pet I "i ght a 6 .\'I·lcill g 1'\l l'ly \I n> II) IJ~ ."nt 90m e tinl<' ~ hnve th o nBme-" Sy rup of Figs"-or "Fig Syl'lIJI" and of some pirlltical concern, number of hules \\'01'0 IIOI'CII. ~·h·. covor. aOlI on top or It porOllS and jill' lhe m. or Ii c lil itJl l~ lig s yrup compnny, printed on t.h e pock!l{!I', hilt Ihey n e\'el' have the fu~l ~nm_e of ftn lahed my b.agholtlcl" a llli all 1 havc absorbent material-sawdust. chaff, After Illn J;l lI l~ Ih.,II· way "lo ln ~ ana l'the Comp:llI)' - Ca lifornia Fig Symj1 Co. ':"- pl'i n t ed 011 tl lll f1' 1.'1l 1. oi t h e package. Th e Imltatl~ns. The 1'011' 1" IIj,:p fol' ro!:OIl I II honll r r' l\ y,\ -,I. .to uo Is to hang It on n s lll ke. u,l ug I~ ut slrnw or forest lenves. shoul ri be l'.~j, ' cled b ecause t.h uy nre in j uriou s t o the s y 8i'·1I 1. ]11 order to sell the imitation!,' tbo dUferent holcs In th o strip fu r tbls woolen materIal ncxt the beca convc)'s fl 'OIl1 Ih e 111011111 of Ih o ru \'ern. the (' ;; th ny lind it IWCI'S"llry to r sorL to m is rt' presellta ti on or tl ec'·plio" . a nd wh en ev er a dt'nl tl r"p!l8se8 purpose. accordIng t o Ihe 817.0 or tbe t.he moisture to th e olner sldo ot tha plonrs f" UIIII 111 "1115"l v('s in 1\ ;a .. ~e off on 'l CLI:;lomer a prupnl'(l tio n tin der th e llam e of "Syrup of Fi g," or "Yig Syrup," which bag. The illustration s ho\\'s tbe plan" piece ot blanket or carpet. where 1!'on · " roll o. til e I'oof h ll l1~ with honll il fll l tlOI'S not blm!' tho fu ll Il nlllO of th e 'nlifornia Fig Sy rup Co . prillted 011 the front of th e pncknge, '. This Is a noth er or ,hose IIlt:o de- tact with tbe ahsorbent mat erial " InhIPltrp". whll'h Poll" " ,'e,1 in Ih , h e is altell1plillg t o drcI'i,'e anri mis lead th e patron who has b een so unfo rtunate liS to ~\Iter bis vi ces Ihat Is useful to Ihe fal'me r. ~a u se9 It, to pa83 upward. so r~ ndH' IIlo«('I'ln" liI;!ct flf 'hI' l' a!"II, ,'. \\ !I,I'II cSI!lloli<hlll" n t , ",h('lll'r it b e hr ~e 01' s mall , for if th e d eal e r r eso r t. to misreprese ntatIOn . and. ThOl'e aro compal'utl'(i' ly rew th 'n gs 1lng It harml ess to tho bens. ~a\'(' th e "(,r, II" 11 wpi l' rt 11SpOI'I . I hp und d..e{,l' ti" n ill o n e cn~e hc w ill ri o 80 with otb 'r llIt-Ui cillul ngon ts. a nti in th e filling of Ihnt nre more IIsoflll thun a gco~ bag Bees ex hal e vallOI'. anti wIl en thi s :Ioor w n~ {'o "o" NI with n \'el'ilnllie ' 0 'phy ~i(: i:lli~1 1"·f'S"I·jl.tio ll ~, Rnd ~hOll 11 be av oid 11 l,~' e\'er)' olle wl lo \'uI Uf'B he alth and happille.II!>•. , boldel'. Ol'dlna rlly two men nl'o re- vapor strik es the cold wnlls of th e P"t o[ kla lllgl1lit b I hil l " r. "p Iii: '" J;'Iqllired tQ ~o the wOl'le thnt 1I1Ie man hl\'o It sometimes congeals Into tro st r,a nll c ('"IIIOII1 S. IImll)' or 'hem J',i: 'i l)'! K llowill~ Ilt a t hi) gr ill.. ma jo rity o f tir Ul!gi s Ls a ro rel iub'I • WI' Fl1p\JI Y t h e iOlll)e tl ee deman~ , cnn do If b e !loa a bng hold r Ihnl Is there. mellin g In to wat 1', lind run· I h" htalnCIII"s. for 0 111' " x c'f, II"llt n ' n1r·tlyntirply thrr>ll gh th e r.l r l1 l!gi8 t ~, of \\'1. 0111 il IIlfly be plIrr.kl scd ev~l'y­ prnctlcal. It appears us th ough our n ll~g Ollt or tll o hIv e ns soon as t he Il wus 11\l'il1lciI Ihl ' ,.".,', I'n I'".t :h e wherf' . ill ql'illill:1i pa ('kup-I'B (lnl ~', at th" l'l'glli:Jr price of fifty ('pn t ;: !' r uoltle, h u~ tiS e xceptIOns Stophensoo county (Ill.) Rubseril er wcather Is warm enough. SOOl etlm~s 1,loud- rNI " I rr ~ m I' ll ,,><. Thl ' la d Ir·< {'xi st it i.' 1I (:e(·~"n l' ,\· to ill i nrm the )luI J1ic of t h ... f:l(' tR, in ord l' th aI all lila), d ecl\l1e 01' re turn b iB 1\ Illan that will answe r every !' ur - It merel y co ndcnses Into waler Iln a wnll,ed 'tI" n ~ th ,. Plh:p or l \c " walP " :IllY illlil:clioll ",lr i,!h nh y IJ(l Foltl to the'm . li il r1 0f'8 not bl'!lr Ill\' full na11l(, o f t h e Co mpany po~e. Some will ohJ c(:t to It 0 0 IlC- run s OUI of t ho blve 83 soon as enollc h IIntll It 1111 ,,,, ,,\\"'<1 ~o Ihal Ih ey coul d C,,'liiOl'nill F i:,; :-:'Yl'llP CO:- l'l' inted QIl the iront ul ov er)' T'tI,'bge. do not hCFitatc to r turn th e collnt of the bOQks . t'.nd tho IIn~' !lty l is collecte,1. l'-c nr(!e ty ~<t1H'f)Z C Ihrllll J.! h . Al th ·... arti cle 011' \ to cl"m nll,[ Ih e r~t urn o f your mo n l'Y, :llI d in fu1tlr~' g:~ 10 ?n~ of t ho beUe r ellla.s of or te3rlng tho hng. t·ut we vea lll ro In packing h ives tor outdoor winter. olh ol' enll wus ulI lIl ll rr "a \' er ll. Inr ~"r dru ggi s ts \\' bl) wi II ~e l1 YUll whn t you wish anu th e be"L oi everythlllg , n l'''~ !tn e n t r ea80nahle- prtCeR. e ven thO tlgh thore Is !!" mo In!'Iry, In~. ao)' good dl'y, loose matel'lal mn, a nti mor e ma ~ lIllk t' lIt linn i ho fl r_t. tllat th e damage will u t ue so ;; I'r ~t be used, such as wheat chafY. tor~!lt Th ~ lr candleR \\ ~ I'P \)1I1" lIno; 1,) <; b,· but what tho top or lh e bag will !!lst leaves, planer shavings br excels ior Illis lime and th p\, h.'1 to h urry ~ad; ~~~~~~:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_...!I~ 1~ Dl!1II• • D • • • •a!_lI!I'ri.:o~~__ IIR long as will the bottom wherd Il 'rhe best packing material Is tlm l 10 lhe entrunee. [I'e last "allll !e ~J1ut ' l COUl es In contact wiLl\ t bo fiOO r. which Is loosc ·poouglr to allow nil' 10 t El' !ll~ OU I jll ~ 1 II g Ih p), l e!. "h II Ih e be- ------~-~. ~~r 1 1IlDetl'8te It anti carry orr th e molstul'e h FERTILIZINC ORCHARDS. ot the hees. Put o"er t.hls 1\ good g innin g of Ih o 1I\I'Iinr leadl n,,; til 1. . 0 • I'ntrnnce. Th r Inst Ringe of Ih :1'1 1' tight cO" er to keep the bh'e perfectly wus ma dp III wla l darl, ness, Inll lh r------,.-.,Posltlvel'car<'ct by W . F. MUBey Telll1 How This WOl'k ·d ry. "cnlureso me tOIlt' iatR l'ea('h~,l Ih e " lIt- CARTER~S lbose Lillie Pills. CRn Beat :Be Done-'-Frult Tree.s According to Iho opIni on of the ~ltle worhl saf"ly. allli 1I5lul1i she<1 I he TIIell1180 reUa.., DIS. :Need En1'lcWng, - contagIous F~m S"m" .~, Iln~E 'tress Crom DyspepsIa.lndlseaso. The first sympo d~UonondToon~ 'Ij~uil(. -,'Ull.l,I,' Farmers as a rule realize tbe. lm- toms noticeable In a blve are lack hod 8een . BnUng. A pertectftm~ portance or ferttll~ers on their annual of ene'r gy among the bees, dead lar"ae - ---- - -- - cdy!orDJzz.lness. Nausea. crops, but wben It ~omcs to the or- of a dark brown color In tbe colis, OUR FIRST GREAT HIGHWAY DrowsIness. Bll4 Tuste cbard tbey lmogin'o that · an ai)plo. or and sunken capplngs. some or wl]Jnb -- in the lIouth. ConteCl • JlCacb . tree or otbor frult tree can are perforated . Upon opening some It Was the " Shon" lIlulel'l\th t l'om ,~~tIIe.;1: eet all It needs rroln tbe natural soli. of the BunkeI!' cells,a rap)" putrid Vera Crtu: to the City of reguJate th9 Bowe18. PunoI7Vtlllltabl8. And DOt only do this. but tbe orcIiard mass Is fo untl: wlren IIfled with a Me~lco. SiUll SHall . DOSE. SHall PRICE. I. often oxpected to turnlsh hay or tootbplck It appears like sort douglL _ ..u. pasture for Btock. The rp.sult ot 8uch When present. great caution fa neees. Tbe firsl great commercial hi gh wa y Gelluina Must Bear . treatment Is seen over thtl coun- sa-, or It may spread lhrough the in America. un(1 fol' more lhan thro~ v • ' J cCl1I.llrles · I nconlpal·abl III nlOst 1m· F~-S, imile SianalUre • try In decrepit trflCs and poor crops wllole apiary. If but a few hives al'e ·' .., ot trult, and the growers say tbnt the found to contain the disease, they Ilort.a nt. WBS Ulat romantic ,~al za<la or IVER A' _ ~~ c1hiurt.e hilS chllnged, and they can sbollld be burned at onee-at· night. "shod" mul epalh tram Vel'a Cruz to PILLS. /~.Af7#'. DO lonsor grow fruit a s they formerly so that no bees escape and flee to the City of ~texl co. writcs Charl ng REFUSE SUBSTITUTEI dId, when In fact '11011 exhaustion !e otber hl"es. 1,lImmls . In McClure·s. This \8 flat • .t tbe root or the \vbole trouble. It the colonies are but allgbtly In. forgetting the "m ilitary roa<l ..·• at the 1- ------......J.. one conslde'r a the great amount ' t d which the roman tic II \sI lorlan 1 "I ,I'fe " ,em. on"k . . UCD • . .00 e ,remo". all 0 f th e com b au d fn~.a·8. " r .•EdltC,!!ptlon. I I" 111 '"1 " Ln O co m· Or plant food that has been laken conIIne tbe bees In an empty box. (who never IIBW them) Invarl~ y com· mPHt, ~n thin~ •. " i, jlH ... hn t we ",ak" it ." from thi! 8011 build up 's great apple obliging them to rast for a day or pares with the Great Roman hI ghways I " \I' ith l,o;,lbly IIUO ", ef illion," 1011lled Tlce hnl! that do•• n·t kn ow ho,. the tree, 'and that a crop ot app,es takes two. ' :After which they may be re. - to whlch they are about as compar- Senator n nolg,·r. oth er half lives geuerulh! lIuJipedlll :' i. " Anh.d ",.,i,I" Ihnl i l~ " 11:0. jll " llu!' givp, II ' h O lT f rom tb II 80 II m IlIeral ma t'tera t 0 leased, gIving tbem a Ii h'e wlt.h 8 "1 u e as a B os t on 11 II oy to Pc nns ylvall. 1' a "T "Of' thrIce tbo extent· tbat ,8 crop at wheat sta rtots only. and teedllig tbem II~ at·enul'. TIrey were ex t raordinary ami t :Il'n." - LI. "i" ill .. (' u!'icl'·J uu!'",,1. 01\ HAIR. ot 25 husbels ' IH\r acre ,,'111 tako. tfle erally. works for aborigines and greatly ta· Politician'" Vlewpoltlt . reason tor the failure at tho fruit The hlvea . may be dlsintected by cilltated the remarkable operations Scalp ;Humor , Cured by Cutleura ... ' A sec· wh IclL dl st i ngu IsIIe d tIe I I ncas as· th e ill'. "Th atTwo \\' flS II tel'rlble pxp! O",iU I' in P)ut "".coml!ll ap paren t. . In Ih e ear IY 1I'osblng In carbolic acid. water. hUII,lred ", en l'II Ie.,1. ~' uu ".)' ~ .. Soap and Ointment After All S!~Rlft Au.........•..,g· arowth of an oJ1lhard we want the ond removal or the beee may be neces· on I), American Indlalls lhat ever made " '1'''' 0 huudred II lhl iiil)·.. · Else Hnd Faliet!. --.vvv ., trees· to develoll fast , and bence wo lIal'y In some cases. wllnl can In sobel' language be called "Hard! ilu ttl!" , . fertilize •the 6011 with a complete' fer· Tbe great rI sk of spreading the d!!1- a military palg n : but Uley were . "Well. I ,hollid ":!"'~! (: "''''.1 eleclIon Ten Tlmn . . II t b . only n 1I 1ntll ~1 11ff . t "I1 . (tl1t·~t i O :-;\In . "I W08 troubled With f\ 8cvel'e 8ellll' AI! OIh." ·rnm.l.fn .....'_1al tlllzer and srow 80mo- truck crops ease, all well as the lime and expens~ mcrely improved trn S .or t e pas_ _ ,~_ hUlIlor anti 1088 !If hair tbnt gll"e n ... In 'It th.t, ,need .1I~cb fecdlJ;lg. ·But· which a ~ure by drugs or by tastlnl: sage of the II1100n; and while .subject Important. ~r~at tical of ounoytUlee and illco,,,''''' ' '"" Ito.'" low I..., .,.,.,,, 1M .tter tbe I.ree has :gotten Into a bear- Invl>lves •. makea Immedl(\te dcstruc. to much tram e, they had no com mer"\\'hu t i. t!« 1IIOH illl l,,,r,ullt Iil ing about 'ell.e. Aft,r un.uce... I,,1 •.ffor," witll , Ing condItion' we •. can put the.. lal)d In tlon tbe cure' In ' the end. I I atlllg which wo can count an I';r.hi\,'" ... ked t he in\,p>lisa tor . . JIIIlU)' re-:nedies . Rnd ~o' (·811e41. h~jr t.n.'Ji ;", . .It =:I.~, . .. v 0 II r . And WIth out a 11 .." ".,,1 ', h"iIJltio" the \I fre.nd mduced me t.o \.ry ntlcurn /'l,lI\ l' The Vera Cruz roa d (first laid out w" ontor Illude un-II 'r: Cl'asa and out It several limes during 'lOd Ointment. 'fhe hUlllor WII ~ ~ 1II'eol ill .;;, oM the "_ n , lind let >the cnt grass rot A STOCK-MOVING CRATE. by Cortel III 1522, and Improved In "The JlMrach ule."- >" ·u hhIKtoll Sta,·. Iilitouq _ _ a . hort time, my Ieair wn. ",.tored;c. .n t~e land,a.nd 08n thus supply all laler days to the t une of $3.000.ul·., - - .- healthy All ev~r, I enn[('ee "1.<lly .-.~I~i~~~~~~~~)1 the nitrogen: needed, ClIpeelally It was a more or less stone·paved blgh~od News to~ All. . .' Ila"6 .i nce betoll nnrl <'Utirel)' from0."': cry! TIE DE laval Can"" fI..wIotQh ••e. clover o.;,nl PlenlY et white Convenient AJ'Ucle ' to Have .Who "ay nearl" 100 leag ues long tram the .. ~radr.ord . feun ., Oct. :!3!.d (. Jl~clnl ).- furt.he.r "nnoyanrc. I I!hal1 alway,; Ihjj' ". Xonn She p CalvH Pig_ u d " J • ~clent lbc re ••• rch , how ~ K uhlc!' rrouLle ('utlCurn l onp , and I kfCP the Oill{ln"t:l C"tC'AQO ' . clo:ver amoq Vte gT8lI~, . well supplied go" seaboard 10 th e capita l which. ror 3% Iv be the fAl he l' of ~o m8'.I)· di..ea ••• tha I un hand to UAC us. u d~8.nn~ for tli(! Jmil' ~~~~..~..~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Wltb' !leld pbollphate, and potash . Other Small Stock. centuries. was the lal'gest cIty In nil ' news of 3\'~ry of a OUI'Ocure fo r jt CII II- IIl1d ""nil). (Sillned) Fr..l'k H,, ~r:I l e. ~ : ~ _. __._ _ _ _ " ____ '" mixed 11"8 parta of tbe Ilret to one of the western hemisphere; and over Its lIoL Ia,) to be \\'~I "omed 1111 over I he ~Oll'" EA~t Gitll St., Nc\\' Y ~ rk Cily." PE.SIO llIt S. on .... a'r..-ClYI1 W.r. or oodl_ . Instolld of wearing yourself out a nd II'Y. Alld uccOI'utllg to ;\Ir. J . A. Vnvl •. of _ _ e _ __ bIll LT.allf •• I\aodtorw\dow..u:·U the last,. will supply In 400 pounds [ler losing your temper In chaSing sb ~ e~ rough meantlerlngll. for t.h al Ion;; ~ llan 1.l>i8 IJlnce, J'URt ""eh u cure i. fou lla in Dodd' , . I d bl ' k f . I ' roootdtt of 1l1U1lJu,a11GIdl.,,. , .enlco. ao.d ~. A CIlip off t Je tll oc nUl)' 0 tell U.I~" Uhlo l1Ien . :rJ )'u&NIIurttO l loc. t •• ".",)4,.,dt"!;l.G ..... " . acre _wbat tbe fruit needs tor. Its perot lime. pottered "I' and down 1\ com· Kid,, ")' Pill •. lItr. Dnvi s •• y.: . t." .~WIl..tll:' "~!II" iW..........}ftIHlWll TI.o.. "Dodd', I\ ,d n.ey P,Il. "re all t ha I i • difftreut polish, .J I ! fectlon.. Try this and see It til e fruit calves, pigs. et~.• In moving them from meree ~o vast in valu e as to see m " i ' . . ' ~ ~ ~ e rl .. ' ) ');0 , . d pen to pen , you will find It hett~I' \(\ ,. " cllUmeu III<'m. riley have done me morc dll8B not I'II8pon . 1IS11 Inch a crate aa Is sbown In tb. Inc redible to nn)' American genera· go"d Ihun unything J have e"er lukell. I tion except thi s present one. Down hn d Kid ney Trouble V"",· batl and .rIel' tak· SV'GOE8TI~ POlN:rEBS. its declivIty from th e Tl erl'o Frll\ of i"g II fe w bo;o;e, of Dodu'. Kidn ~)' I'illo I nUl lateau to til e Ilestllcnll:l l ,'omple.lely ,·ured . 1 cannot pml" Ihem t o« l h 0 g r ea t P much,' Snow mAkes a good covering for Lbe Tierra Caliente t olled the enormous Kitlney Co mplainl de\,elop, into nr ighl ',i 'WIIeat fi elds. but a IlOor ono tor hal'reveoues to which the outllut of tho Dillen,., Dropsy, n iah. t.. , nh.urnn \i ~m "feat Implements. bonnnzR3 of Zacateoas Gunn njul\to .Ind otMI' .1'R,nful nnd. fn tal ol,'e••• o. Ibe • . ' , q{eguard 11 to cure Y01lr kuhu!l'8 wll h I Beware 'Of bran whloh Is adultel'aied A!1~ ol ber great Hllver min es swell ed n odd ', Kid" ey P ill . ",hen they 'how t he wltb rice hulls. ThIs mixture dillS' t.he royal lIulntag (lirths) ; he~i d"s the tirst >)''''tllom oI di • .,,,,·e. t crees with many animals. . va st riches of Intll go. s ugar. cochl ual\l --Now. be caretul. Loole ailead, Don·t TilE CRA.TE READY FOR US!C. saI'mpnrllla Dud jalap trom ~! ~ xlco, Sonh' ,,<orlc regard life., n rtl'} le lual in · .wamp 'prlces by dumpIng on tho mar- cut, says Robert 'Varden, at (ow., la :he cacao of Peru . lind Ecuador. tho C,gn. l lv n 1I1.0Ii"g.- ~rn", . ket, all at once, too mucb of tbls big the Epltomlet. Tbls c~te Is of tbE I cOllper or COl1uimbo and th c silks and : Western Life Illdemnity Company. harvest. 'knock-down ortler, being hlaged at splcos of Chlon no,l the Phlllp piae, 1 The I'olic)' lIolder.· COlUm ittee nl 1\0. Is Jl1e grass on your lawn thin and both end a so that the animals " y hI. (frolll the "AcallU lco sblp") . i7 Jo ckson Blvd .. Chicago, ... ill gi\'e ~tl lll ·1 CIt poor quality? SClltter some fresb drl"en In at one end and out' at thE Tbere ' are reRSonably ,,·oll.known plel. infurulatioD :Ii",ut tlc e expcmhtul'l: I Red .and a good dressing of WOtld .otber. Haudles may be alipped 'uto railroads In tho Unlte,1 Sta tes wll \Ch :~:i.~~'~~l~.f R~~~::r.'n;f~~n::~ ~,~,r"'i:':..~ i ubes over It. Tbl~ the Iron loops or braCkets placed al to-day ,10 not halll hnIr ns muclr vallie 111 Liic In 'IIra nce Company of l'enn. )·J· . Tbere are somo tblngs It Isn't really 8ultable belght on crate tor carrying In freight In a year as yearl)' shuffie,1 \'anin III<;i llc," mad e 0 11 01' ahou t February 'Worth wblle to try. Iror Instaoco, It same wblle animal 18 moved along, <lawn the Vel'a Cruz calz:\!Ja 3"0 ),cars :lOth, 1005. alld t he ul.End ltul'c 0($2001.tlOO 00 LAII'Y"-.. eo", \""1\ fund. on i'\"l'tcmucr 20th. 1005.1 0 tli not worth wblle trying to rai se T hl 8 arrangomc n t I8 C8P~C I1!.II y ,·alu· ago. "MC OC.-T"U_ CO_H,,'f,"" ..,,, . ., • ., .. ~... cw'""'~ 0'". ' .' JIIrc Ias(fIP,ooo .h8 r •• of . t01 k in Ih< Securit~· , _ _ hornets tor prenl. able In bandllng calves or hogs, wh ich ti le anti ,\nn uil ,' ('~mfl.n)· (r'" \'.llIc~IO OU ---Husking corn atter tbo earth be- usulllly 'all be oelther led . drlvBu or In t he Art Gl\lIery. per , "arc). MI:. M"lilton. 111.'" Ro!'<!nf<>loI PRICE. gins to freeze and thaw Is one ot UlIl coaxed olonl:. lItako lhe' crato llglll Sortlelgh- I fcel grea t I'c,oe~en c(! .lId 1II r. ~Ioo re. the F.xcout i'·r (·ommitt~". ~~':''Ilf:':'"~~?''i1''' t nre Oltl"ll b), .Tll nl!e K nll l' nnt In phn .. · I b preventable things tbat makes the boy b ut 9t rOllg. S pruce IS tl10 beSl wood wl10u I sta1\! c oro one of th eso olll rn ll'"nnw wh" thp.,· ,nouM nol ho Jluni.I,ell for want to leave the !arm .-Farm Jcur· for sucb pur poses. belug lIgbl hut ell.' m~ · te r s. Don't you'? onntempt' in maki ng t he la . t lran, nction. IS GUARANTEED TO CVR1t lIa l ceedlosly tougb. N. PCI·le- Yes. I am j:;1·.cnlly I\WC-! Make innnin' .t onr'. by one I hn "0 nL l!om e.- KaIBas (;i t~· TillR\' f:V B. ~lI(,K~, (·hui l'l ll' " . Cheating the Cl\lvcs. COLD, 1110 Ducks VII. CMckeus. '!·h. 'loo r of .dvcrl'ity i. al ~" )" ,"pphe d 't-, CaHl nr ) ' I)ur Thera nevor WdS a mnn wbo was Onll grolLt au\,au tnge ' ln . :.I.iug Tclegra:n. . ", ith ~ knock.,..- N, Y. 1·ime• . . F. n '.Dlemrr, -em art enouglr to ebent his ' calves and dUelts over cbh!kens is tbat ILSWKe will CrUel 1:l11·U!lt. young stock. Ho may thlult ho 'Is do· ' not touch tbem. 'I'liey nre. as a rule . can't see why ills thnt some Oleo " [ lng- It when he scrImps them on IheJr hardier.• tban' cbicl;s. They are r ea~y will go III. rn pllll'n 0 'c r 1\ '11l,! worn· rations. but be will lind out Wh PD II for ma rltel. nt t ell weeles of age. ar~ HE ATTENDS TO 1\1>." . nl t! the tall' gi rl t:> her Ch!lln . ~omes to figurin g up In tho tall . that confilled by ' a \'cl'y low 'fence a nti are "W ho'a 1Jcen mal,lng . 10;;0 to you !te Is Ille ono who has !lst money. not troubl ed by IIco".. A two-foot tence a w. d~ e r ' " -:l1i1\\'8"11 e SC!l lillel. who goe" straight 10 work Is hi gh enough 10 keep lull gnwn 10 cure Use of 1IlllIet ~eecl. du el,s wilhlnbounds. In. fnct. J st'land ~aVcs lime. mone y and - , . 'U p il} M nlnG. MllJet soel1 Is one' at tbe finest · foods 10m uso allY thIng h lgber lhan one gets out of mlse r~' qul~kly. "Do you 'belle I' ni l Hllt n ~ tall In 6 for ~blckenB; .as \yell as oth e~ fowl9 , Ilnu,hnW· ~ at, One " l blbg a!>so · .' SCMon ?" as ked the hun cr. 'dry ' Scatt ~rcd ' among tlI'1 )eaveB It \YIH lut~ly :nocessary Is .-" Inrge l'OOlU In ·Prlc.. aSo....d 500., "Why . yes." l'~ J1li~d lhe Ma lll o /;lIitlci by th~ UJe of ~lLkA a ,ilrove of chlr..kellB bus)' and tvl\lch '.0 kill and dress' the bl r,le " bill they l!on'L niways t all b c. d:-> lIaDP), (:11' 1I01u:a. • , aod .to 8lore IP'nln.-};'lII'm and Home. ' to m .'·-Yt'l' I,cr St t ~9m nn .







.. • h',." ,"'". .,,', "00'"'''' w," ".,

FOR EMERGENCIES AT , HOME;'· And for the Stock .on ·the Farm





F' I




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DE·~t ~ leREA --

.l.a,.,... .


Is ....





It Uu ' . fer



I Of I




lbe Kind You Ha",Always 801ft .

AI11-&8IPI,I I"



Hurts,Splrains, Bruises


St. Jacobs




Obitu ary. • bU•• 4 W


The. pimn syh:al1ia specia q. by Band maste r lnnes . ,


H.• McCASSY, M. A.. M, O·

Hear't I We a'k n' e s S

. Tho Rev Mr. RhodeR, whose obit. J2" W t, b'lft.h IStl' h .w e " ' at. Wayne.vllle. Oh io uury appears below, WIIS II. brother , I L)nyt.M. (1Illo. 1 of Mra. Rebeoca .Jane Sides, of Way. It. T. 811OW1O l Th late t nmslonl ' O/llllOl!iti(lU t.o I Telephone Day 0r 'N'Ig ht •• U."''I'II . IIOKAT f I':dltors aod M 'II'lro nesville . ' · , and WllS i n form r yourt! strik o the Vopu]ttr I'hIllUl!l .: l/lin 1110". " ~hm " I ;I;,t):.l. . IInti ~cor II." • , . T . J. 8ao 1l'II, ASSOO IAT& EDlTOI<. well known in un(\abo ut this village tbedlsti n'othlto f lJlrllr' >l1l1I oui!> "'l'hc : E\:Ii:, E 88 well US ubout Centerv ille: II, O~I" ,\1'0 '1' 1111 1.11'. ,,~ Penu !IYIVI~nj,lSp · olnl" IIlUl'('h , (10m · 1 • 11 .00 a ,1ea. • . • . . . . In ndvanae .., t I ('It d t l' D ..... ·1 'H t Rev. laauo Newton Rhoade s, son posed by th o f IHll on. ' b IUH Imils tor. No, 69 ~~3 r' I "' "PC(I 11 0 IlM I , C H ' l'OllaOlll l b II 11 ,211 • year If no' paid In :>dunc. prll~"s r. i"ll es ear lire las of Isllao tlnd Tumson Rhoude s. waS F. N , IUU..,.:!, IIUt! pill ypd fol' Ihe f1r~t ma de mnny hearts well a[ k r born near Lebn,n on. Ohio, Maroh. 12, time rACllllly in hi~ BE tTY MOREl THAN SKIN th ey have b.:cn pl'u \)FFICE IN JONES BUILD ING. I 35, 8nd died nounr cU. o.t WillioJll8hurg, 0., noteu o w Y rk ()rdh)~ tl'ltl BlIlIll. i Branch Office Harveysburg 0 ·DEEP . h01wle. . It has c mpl tel. ' Oatobe r 6, 1001), his age being 70 Tbe two tCp cJlpl'h 'n loll Ihr 1111(1 1' , . , , r.: lll'Ctl ence und On lllll' nttC'r l'ucoro WU !4 tiJOllsnn rls, an d ,,<ill at'1'EUdlJIdO"'E Q!J!LIa • • "'0. 6.)) years (l months tlnd 21 dUY8. - - - - . -f\ Houll <1ul1Iplux ion MIl,, 1 l'CulII' most im'aria Llv sa J' cllre r be1l efi t I' Be was monied Deoem ber 25, callell for. '1'hu 1I1111'('h pus sst's I No Questi on DOUbt It. U'rolll Within , C\'l'I'V casc of li cart dis 'n o. 1861, to MiS'l Sara.b E. Young. Hand t·hat il'ro~18tihle 11 nil 11 1.\' wh ich d es· : PI~pHikolJl i\Ins t ' m e 'Iudigel:'tiou or 'j'ho lH1tllrrtl WlDONE' 3DAY • . . . NO\'EAIB EH 8 ... LUOfi In hllnd. with 'hurt breath. pain around boorta in unison. thl Y tines It t o ~ 1)( 1)Ii~Ytlll, \"llI~tle~l Ilud : it i!i I: rl'" .1 , Eo JUIIUOY cOlltiullBrl li l lll ~ WlllilIlll 1 sl n < of OVllry JlIIl!)i. i ~ 1.0 Iml' o 1\ eh'lll' ~kill' hear t, pnlpil<ttion, flutteri n g have journey ed . sbll,ring life's toils dan uti . (, 1ll1)I?H r Inn H II Clhelltct l j til ~('u \\,,, ynl'lwiJ , l tl [I ople wit:il tho tLllIl hllllullr ni (~nrI\Jlle xitlll N nt and trlomp bs, sorrow s and joys. the wlLfoh 10 SUUIlI I A1 'Jotl:r . (lOll. "llllt'r~ l t\uLI It Illllst po~irive ly Ill' 0 \' \ 1'\' r ' . \\'llIIwn l'to1\ bo 1\ Dinnll 01' It di zzy, aillllllg' and slIlolhe n.lIg EDIT ORIA L COMMENT until tbe Muster said onto blm. "It eral P~SBe~~ l'r A!;cnt.o i t,he p(.nn ·I <lY~Jltljl~iU' l\ lId il1t !tOM,i n or it will JUlI" . hilt, 1'110 fl'c!ihn IlS~ lint.! !jT Byh 'ullIiI Ltnl '~ . !t. ll( 'IIJ';< till' 11111110 not l'Ust 11 -PaCk~le :'D Is enough , oome up hlgber. · ' ·hl~.ul~[I·nleost, b~ICn,,\ergtlectuerdc' Ih o he /uH.IT o f " lellr ~kill III''' , ,' In his early boyboo d d llYs he of tIll J)u).nl:er Olg hl l'flU I~(/Ill' tl'lUIl .lC Ex!,nrielll'(l hus p1'o\-on t,hat I CI'1I\. within th e TlIllch uf IWBry Whethe r the eleotion went your sougbt W OUllt1I , and see hoI\' qllick yo u wi ll and found the " Pearl of bet\V eell Uh ll'~l gO ,t~11 !'iO\\: ~ol'k kolll '1'lIbl ts cure dy spepsin ill forty wlHl ~\'il\ nllike tla t. elrc,t'f,. WIY or not. are not- you glad tbe great price." So clear WUH . I be r e li e\'cu. his 001l · esta.blls h ed (I \l'r I he Pono. l,h 1111111 nim' Cil~"S It 1" 1111 IL mu tt!) l' I,f 11l!t'\I1g' '111 , campai gn il at an end ? It WIlS version , and so signal the wi t,uess of Lin e~ IUSI: :l lIll~' nl1d ,,:hl('h hilS \\'Oll l'om urkn1JIt. (l nt of fift y. This is II It cannot make n new heart, !;ttlt l1Ien l.: hnt t.\1fI fU\lt~ 11'yilll-; .. \1' .tlll! h\l\\'('I~ . t1 I·(J 11IHctiH', ; but will re. tore a sick o ne by bia adoptio n, tbat he nflver IIftar II wotld ' ''ld (~ I ().Lr1t). ja•• I lit tle too strenuo u8. ill CII SU I'un ou~ilr lie \·o l'iflod . I~ th r ItVP.!'I ~ 11 t WIIl'k1ll1 -; prol tn.rl .v. 1 streng thening th e doubted . Later be reool ved 8uch II somel Th o JlIUIlU SCO I O 11lI~ liao.n hllml. I Til 1'0 is c\'cr y rOflHOn hen rt n cn'cs to U "II\'B coo. it I.ho )I01 ~O UOll~ wu ~ le l11Hl I I . r cl nsu i ;lIul baptism of tbe Holy Spirit t.ha t h o " . y onogl'll\' O( .lInt<I In I . · tldOllCll for .1 muse I cs. rcli c\' 1Il1Y . g .• Preslde n. Roo88velt has inued felt Tllll110Y \\,111 huud llll'O Jlot, (lx-pl'lIed prompt ly fl'OIiI .ll:eeplll the " wit h t ho high clfts cJ Ill" it his duty I1S . " ." as his great ' . .. I ~ lum o· bnok YOl1r 2r, contll withou \ . I lInnatu r:l! st hie proclam ation Dlm~ag Thursd ay, joy to spend and well rain, t Iwsitn a lilt I restorin H.\'t<t OIl1 '" t 10 UOlllp UXil'lI 1$ SUI'I' 10 ils v italit),. be spent in tb e ter.of the (:OUlPOS ItIOIl . . ~ pre~ell ' t,tOll shoulll you foil of heiog cur tl . Bh l)W th~1 . . " oll'octs. NoftlD ber 30. aa a day for Nation al servioe of his MllSter, tatl On OOP) uf !he II1U Slll U1tll .ho I All kind " (If f ood elln lie oo tnu The onl y l'lght, wily t o r 01U1I1'1 t l'::I~I.I~~'d Be began preachi ng by travelin g obtmu8fl by sflnlhng II r,' quest WII.h fr ooly-i ThaDb a'lviag . 1II0ro ou.i1y digeste d pim)Jlo~, IMllt "J1l)t~ /ltlfl lJl olohnl< ' :;\~'il(i.,"k lor \'~rI n~~thc;." ..o c~~I,I'·~,~ i a8 a supply iu the Dlinois Confer. ' l'O llts J)~~ ~II !(O t,o P"UI,,~Y l v'\U i~1 then. i s nt o i~follnost :;;\~W}:'l f l\~~~ rl~o~';:gg6fl~~'~ : i 01' ;llRtl'f!~f; t~fttl~ ' Ilflll l.,lf'nr lip II lII.mltI Y. qlOlUly Qom · i lIoon In plowll1/t ono row 1 hull tu l a y Ad \ " tll "W!.,. BlII e,n n . ' Iltillg, llIul lJy The campai gn which olOlHld yea· enoe during the vear 1872. In 1873 U lDe~ nit\in" . the M0Il111 uh I pl t'l<IOU 1H til g.o rl ~ h t to t,h u. ro!)l. ur <lIlwn. 0" 1.. 11 uown, nl on tlltl 0lJ Pl tt shllT" .t l be WIlS admitte th ruo tim e.. ~Iy , . , ", ' . t,? IIssimiltltll nnd llige ·t . P"IISic'f) I" 1tl 1~1. I.I·OU hi t! \\'It I I LI 10 prop h t!urL th 'rt.,bh(ld . ns lhO\lt;h It w ould &erday was in ' many reepe0t8 tbe tbat confere nce, d BS 110 membe r of 1'1'. mouy. IJUI'"1 Ihrouu h: nn d I servinll: accepta bly -. 'lnhlets nulllo moro ri ch lJl""11 10 1h(' f)1\(l I'tllllc t! y thol, WIll Ct11'1) I 1l" ltln g IIIV Itret\ ([, h a ll dlnlcnlt)· III IDOIt remark able campai gn In the fonr years. ' In 1877, through t he 1 pllrdlUHcll I\. 'I'ogot ltor ' !ltrongl hcu thu hody . I. ol1 ~tip.llti!)l1. ll tl1f1 co 111 1'1 61>. 1 ~~:~I,~u ~t l}~~i t.~~~K·~1~1 ""~~ ~U~\,:'JI~ . " hlatory of Ohio. Probab ly never urgent requeht of a brothef , he , Thl 'y 1\ 1'0 jnst t,ho thint;: if rO il ron111f)n , Itrlg htflll imprOl' thu e.VOH. tonn lIl} tho Itt>' flow II nnd . Io'oP \III night. Pr""lMI , I hilS !.norge. il lI1C'rl'lulIIt flf "un !I0WIJ before were prony lID8I 10 nearly .transfe rred to tbe North IudIRUt' , 1l1ll'\,OllS til' <l II1;d lll'lliil. lil' tlI·, nro iii It hOIH!tlolw 111111 in lire. I (I~~~;' l"h~?~I~~. 1ol" ll 1:r.V~i'l;';~lt~~O Ht~.::.:t Confere noo, oontlnu ing tbi!! work ~Hd ~Ig ll~. O;lt, nrio, ~n'yl.!: "I hlll'e it(.terl IIIllI n ptl !'~rilo t,lJin'" to Ail·o loR Itch' of. There haa been a until 1886, wben . 1I olellr \'olvety ~ltl n is LUXtl CI)IJl I bull!.,". ,,"t\ illY I' ",\r~ I. liM /'l·guhll· ns I ~ "l~. OC;t ugouoy for t :hn.Ul be r. .vou· n nOI\' lense- 1'I1I lifll ~lUli fal\ing n ew 1')'0 niu Tublo t~. pea' d_1 of penJOD&l f!)e1lDg ' in tlus forced blm to superan nuate.liealth I ~\;'tc,,'~;ol;:~I;rl/ rf;;~~I<1J~:bl~ rG~~",~n~ l:i B e tl. n " ong I , R~metly , evo .. limoe It ener gy. Don ' t hositllto Il lllitlllt O, 1 ~~~~~~ !'!!!!~!!'!"'~~!!'!!~~~ mUll, S'I! )'~,.,.~ uill. ' campaicn. Nellhb orS and life long continu ed In this relation for some was illl rodllcecl IUtO l Ill1u(lu, t1nd I bllt ~o righ t tu Mr . ,Iunnoy 111ill trv . I sell as muoh of It liS 1110 of nil oth er Pop~iool u 'fabl ts with t.ilfl r. D. McOILL . Fro.t. Ohi o. fJo.Iaade have taken opposit-e 1IT0anda years, but finding bls strengt h foe Iine8 llu<1 l'r. \.NG I put togeth er ' Of the muny stundiu'g tll ilt Oil must be dt1oid Dr. Mlle.' Heart Cur. 1• • old by active work gone, and n ot wishing ullly ' • oa lhe qUMtiona 1& iuue. Now It to • 1 , 1' • • • rl~~rll:!~~'~~,;io w..!:IYI b~~.'\l~~r·l~t~~ :~W: be a burden to his oonfere noe, he dozens sold Ulld I' gUllrnnt,· ., I hnvo en efi t te{l or Ihe Ollt. wi11 be nothin;" RWGlll\'ILI,Hl.Omo Ie allove r, and the dltleren oea of as.k ed to be located . hoping MhOl,w lelsll MrefeUd" 'I·lcYaO IUCr om.,o'E'OYlkh ' art,Ind to sti ll not bud Ollt bottlfl r e tll rnotl I cnn " tile put faw months ahould be for. do ministe rial work ns str ength t\nd personnlly recomm end this medi. I'RCIA1.Tllt~ : llI~~:ASlttl OF WOllEN , C ine IlS J bn ve used it n1\'se lf IIlId aoUen .. quiokl, . 88 poeelble. The opportu nity should permit, and given it HNfU A'VA Y, ,1 1'11 ·'t1 ILDIUlN.. to UJY ohildro ll un'd ulwl~Ys world Ie tOo emalla nd oedalal y'OUr moat faithful 1y he has do'n e who,t he with the best resnlts . .. For tlle by --~==~~~~~~ felt able t o do . Be greatly delight . CDIIUD nDiq-ia too emall for people ed and Wilt! very Wayno sville's Lellding Deutis t, I . suocess fulln evan · F Ct:lchw artz to aoarlah dUferea 08l oae BBSina' gelistio work. onlce In I{ay.' Dull"ln~ , . . .. "'fa~ t«ot l CurcaCOldJI. Croupaud W\tl1,P , ' in Il'Cough. During the fifteen years of bls 'M Other, and IIp80Ia Uy dltllren cel st:!!!!2! ___ _ aotive ministr y, at least fifteen bun . U'IalIw hom poUUoal queatio na. dred 80uls wer".! brough t t o Christ ~oodpeople honM' I, believin g they a8 the direct result of his laborR , .... in iIIe right were-on bo'b-iid el!. lIBven of these are now preaobi ng How g.'1e over, II' III torlet pas' &he gospel. Be WIlS an aotive and bonore d membe r of William llburg 411fereDOl8 and live Ia harmon y to. Quarte rly Confere noo, pUa.... When told by his faithfu l wife •• that he was nearing the end of Townsblp Teac:h~rs earth'l juurney , it gave him no alarm. Throug b Cbrlat be had oon· Xenia Sc:booJs. quorBll, and Death had no terrors. hnt was to him a weloom e door to 8n,.m.~' Ohal' . A. Brown the nfe beyond . ADd ' - - . , J. P . Qqmm 1np ud Jlmera l 88I'vioe conduo ted at Boben But. u4 IlIIIeI Bu&h the M. E, ohurch was sburg, by OhUM1l_, Alula Keredl&h, Donna hllput or, Rev. A.William Hamilt on, assist· ".u,H uaIl ~.lIma Van· ri bv Rev . John Bnrcha l and Rev; derrar ' udlale s WWlam 8, MaoIle n Martin I his remain a were laid in ill . . W.,... towlWa lp IOhoola, &he WUliam sburg cemete ry. *tea tM Xeaia alb: 1IOboo)a Fri· ,• da~. ID ... ~ tbey-al ao via. Favore d by Both Partie s. ltea tbe 0: s. & 8. O.·!Iome. •" . RepubllOllDI and Democ rats alike -"'--, -.:.. . , pnlll6 Foley'l Honey and Tn.r for De."~·, CaDDo ' .". Cured . 001II111, col~ and au tbroah nd Inng bY looIIa..uo.tiOu. u ,$hey oan. d~, .. DO oth,el' ,.remed y O!l'n '-~~ ~. . "411 _ _ ~ ' "'Of oompar e'Wlth U. ~t is and sure ... 'ftaeIe Ia ClDIi OM w.~ ~ CJIlI'8 1'. T. l:Jlater; meroha nt, safe 171 Main St. ~ aDd· that ta byOOD l"tU. Glouoe ater. Mase.. writes: UODal reme4Ie1, n.fQeu leca1l8 84 Honey aad Tar oured me "Foley 's by u hd).'I 4,eoad ttWaof.themn . bad ClOUgh whloh I hadof ' a very for three oou liDbIc or the . .lichlla 'lUbe month . though other remedie WbeD &lata hbe Ie lDfliuDed 100 haVI to benetlt me. I can highly s failed r8Oom· a nmbliD llOIIII d Ol'..- reot hear. meacU Uor coughs and ooIds." F, ..... all4 wbeD U ta 4!lill1'ely oloeed O. Sohwal 'tz. . , . . . " &he reaalt and 1UIlau - -- -- the Wlmm. . . . aan. be taken out Notic e of AppO intme nt. \t" ~ .tWa.tu.. nlt0n4 :to ,. DOrmai : ~.; oODcIlUOD.1IearIq wtlt:.Jje d8etrol ed E. tate of Lydia E, DanIel. deceascO, ou.whlOh G'II• .oI. ten are i • •.' :_..a , ....rrh. . l'Ile underBICl i8:DO&h ed baa been appointed lDlr qualllle4 .. administ rator wllb t be wll and .: ;,.. . . . . , an · . ooncil"~ of neFed oUbe estate 01 LydIa E. D.DI~1. late :... 0··,1 ...,.., .. , We,.sU IPVetlthe 00 or W..rren Counly, Oblo, c1eceascO, . 'toru ,"".of 4eafDe li,(oaUll8d by DBteO tbls 28tb 01", of Au, • • , A. U. 1905. oatafth A. B. OSAlfDL£ R oumot ,be cured by a1 Adm.wltb th e will annexed. ~aU·.' h Oure. ,Beud for olr· 0DIan, flee. "" . . 1'. 3. Ohean .. 00.1.~!lleda. O. Men Past BlxtJ' In Dange~. 8014 by Draaletll,111o. · Ball'. More than half of mankin d over I'&mlly Pmafor CIOD." .-tlon. sixty yean of age softer , from kid· ney IUld bladder dlsotde rs, usually All Otbers Stan,CBack. enlarge ment of prostat e glBnd. This i& both painful and dangero us, and 'l"IuIN ue ~ ~I"" in whlob Foley's Kidney OUre should be tllken 1(rtIe, our Det,hllOrlae~iVUlage, 'e x.. at thell~' Ilgn of danger, as it oor· .... aDd the leut of ·.tJi818 Ie not I'lIQte Irregul arities and has oured pnmpk tnl. .. can be ehowp by nine. many old men of thIS disease , Mr. aa-la rp'COlden glo_ thai Wal. ~ney t, Rook Port, Mo., tar Knrtol t nlMd from two pump. ,wntae: "IBurnet luffered with enlarge d ~ ...... on )(n. Emeric k 'a lot the prostra te gland and kidney trouble eomblD ed wei,ht of whiob 'wu for yeanfa nd after taking two bot,. 1102~ a. .' tlee of Foley's Kidney Cure Tha crop wu gl'oa~ topthe r better than I have for twenty I feel aDd photocrallhed b, Mrs. Dr. althoug h I am now 91 yearSyears old. Ward. One view W88 of ~e pump. F. O. Scbwar tz. . . . alClll8; &he I800nd if.. flanked - - - - - -- - - --by 'be proprie ton and I few ~mirChapp ed Randa . IDa frleDU; whUe the Itrlking f.... Wasb your hands with .warm wa· tan of &he third WIS lit. Kenrio k ter, dry with a towel hi_If , wi&h alarp pumpk in ebell Chamb erlain '8 Salve just and apply before go· h8IId pllloed over hie own bead, with Ing to bed, "nd a speedy bla hat perched jauUl y .. a top taln. This salve 18 also oure is cer· uneqna led piece: for skin olseas88. For 8I\le by F. C. Schwar tz. LOW .." , 'l'O CDl'Oln An VIA PJ:NK· Biliou s Attaok QUIckl y Oured.





local No.7 long D,'stance WAYNESVillE. OHIO











l1 ,W L

1.1 D'


DR.H. E.

Chamberlain's .CouDh Remedy



.. ton"'e' 6a:::

.,. .

IYLTAK U LJl(1lI. Ii.. few weeks ago I had a bllioOB No.,eabe r Illb ezcurslo n lIctel8 to eWaiD' Alltl. Carll.le In41...... .p . of C. FoG, attaok that WIlS so severe I was not Ball will be 80ld via ~enn.'luDla able to go to the office for two days. LI_ t..- IlIcllaOl1d. Sp.ID&1Ield and Inter. Failing to get relief from DIY family aetl1&te JOIata.

_n' 0_.

OO1Ul tert.ltiD a th.Oen UlDe. l'oIq It 00., OhiOlCo, 'orlglDa&ed WIT and Tar .. a ibroat and Inng a b Idy. aDd on lOOOI1IJ$ of iIIe great . . ., andpopal&rt~ of Foley'. lDg, , IIACI Tar 1lUlD7 _1..UoDS are h o11ll' oS for the prD~. '·:.Allk for tour • BODeJ' anotld TV and refule With., JleUhde enId 'fIIiI DO oiher ~leB88oD ,,"00 will liTe &lie lIIIme. &. bo a of \ a~ It ta mildly luaUv e. It , .Y ,., ~ aid Ie 1IIf_ for ~ . . daUoa.. paneD8 . F.

udIL ~(

de \D


\be. !.Il

·n .

phYlio laa's treatme nt, I took three of Chamb erlain's Stomao h and LI ver Tablets and the next day I felt like a new man,-H . C. Bailey, Editor of the News, Chapin , B. O. These tl1b· lets are for saleby F . Schwar tz,

OrouP. Ii.. rellable medioln e and one tl> lLt ehould always be kept in the hOIDB for Immed iate UIIO ia Chamb erlalD's Oough Remed y It wl1l prevlln t the Ittack if glveu sa soon aa the child beoomM hoane, or even after the oroupy cough appean For sale by

F C. Hohwll'tz




o T·AI LE'D' 'STAT f 'Mf NT

" "


Jess e Hai nes 60 I I " . '1 Jou ath .. n Coo k 129 co 4. 600 .. " 9. Rob ert Bra ddo ck 49 •• II •• 4 2. 'J4 Tho mas Hur t W, .rI. ,.\ T. Ll~ N , ptt &sn , r.Wl Gru bbi ng on Bla ine Hill ,. u •1. ' . ·.t\ Wt\ WH H; W t' . ~ · l'l Ulfm . 2. 0U Wm . H . Hob lit G£O . F': .. tI.....; \' " " II,;K· I n 85 yds fUl lltf!.N ·r , . Cre ek Gru vel No .9 5.ll.! " H Wm Sat tert hwa ltt! 8'l .. 11 .1 II (,.56 " .,9 M. M. Ea~n bar t 20 " 1. 61' Dr. J . T. l~llis Mc<h ca l AHI M rs Hob in son )(l.oo .1 23 E d. Claunrlle r ~er\'i ce~ Sup ervi s ion N o.7 Ilr. She l'wo ud 610 0. serv i ce as Hea l i), FO R'T HE YEAR EN Oi" lO, SE PT th ORi ' r 10. 12. 50 EM BE R 4th , 1905. ," 30 1 3~ Geo. Ham illu tl Blin d al. for J ail. I'J05 1' > .. \3 135 EItZlIb etb Dav is " ., H . 3 .~ 1Il6 Cla ra Dau DATe ' No , g hter s u NAMItl K. :n WH AT FOR Ca ll to m in d th e sa fe ty of on 187 Sm ith Jam es a o~ RDIIIR ' II AM OU NT . , .• 'e s 6.2.) " " J 118 Mrs . 1\ mos J acks oll MIlL I; • ctl! • 1 1 R A. Uru~~ ' 2% on disb ursi ng t967. 13 fu I:Iept I; 5 . 00 nd s • 19 139 :! A. Muffitt 14 Mar \' E. Sm ith Bur ial Chtls. Dodds, Sep t :.14 4. 00 I5 00 /<'eb 27 141) Way nes\, . Nat . il J . F . Dillbrow, App ropr iatio n Dist . No. 1 Ban k Tax 011 '.Py> . 1I01ise I:!ept lIO 45 00 '" t>llItth .lullIel!, B11l1d .dlowunoo for I:!ept 11104 6 a nd Gro u nd s I:!ept aU 0 Mrll AmOK Juck aoo , Th er e is se cu ri ty if yo u (, .o :! 2b 1-11 Cla ra Duu ghte rs . rio Bliu d al. for Feb . 1'105 do ,Oct I de po si t Ii 00 6 Ohm< DlluKhters, .... H 33 1-12 (cleo . Ham • dO ilto . 1 n . Oct 1 -do 8 33 ) 7 Gt!lJrge Ham ilto n, at th e " H.33 143 do Eliz abe th DaVIS Uct '1 \ ., 8 ElIzubet·h DII ViII, do 8 33 " \33 do 144 Sm ith Jam es do M \l 9 Milry E. Smi th, 8 33 (•. 2;) do 14.5 Mr!! do . . Am 1 12 \ 10 C. P. Lewis, Agt. 1 os Jac kson 50 .1 .. Fre ight on 3 Cllrs ston e " " 5. 00 \ 146 Ma ry E. Sm ith 121 11 Wllyo68vi1le D. G. Co. Clo 19 52 " .. thin g for colo " red ohil d 12 3 4.0 147 35 0\ 1ll Ohllil. Cornell, G. H. Cle men ts Gro ceri es for Cha rles SprllY pum p .. 12 , 4 00 1il U. H . Clem ent·s , Exp enae Jon mee es and t'gs tate em min er 1 00 Mar . 6 s trlln ge r I . t!;) , ,} 15 14 E . L ..1ioufCb, 148 J no." H. App~ , Cas oprl ke y atio .r lIll D Die t. No. . Ser vice s of 'I'p, .. 24 Ie; W .. t!. Grll bam 60 00 App ropr iatio n Dhlt . No. 815 42 \ Hou se to .J a n. I, 1')05 .. 211 ' 10 Frlln& I:!nedall:er 00 1 :1 .01) 14') App Dr.·'L. C. Luk ens o. and othe r wor k,Di&t 2 85 G:i " " 31 Med ical .ud to 17 I:!mlth Jer.meB, Bhn d allo wlln ce for Oat .. 1904 31 6 25 18 Geo rge Baw llto n, Lco nllrd Clll ld 5. o~ do " .. 150 Eli Dea n .. do 31 8 38 19 Ulllr.. O&u..:hters. .- .' Cle anin g s uow off of ro ad ~. oo .. do ]51 H. A. Cro ss do .. :U '. 20 Ellz&beth Davi8, 8 33 Dts bur sing $270(,.05 (l 2 do ... :i1 do 21 Mar y E . Smi th, 8 33 II 28 pe r cen t. do 54 .1 2 do 31 1 liO 152 22 Mn AnlOll Jack son , Set h Coo k .. Coa l, Mrs . R(.b ison do do 2.10 91 5 00 29 Hen ry Put et 153 Cha s. Mye rs App ropr iatio n Die t No 11, 63 3 bill s of g roce r ies for 31 75 24 Ww . Tho mps on, App ro. MWlon road , Leb ano n Wi cke rs ham 154 W . '1'. Fra me pik6 'llnCi Riv er rOlld No. 5 80 00 Hor st hire for blin d p eop le 26 B. KUbon' 00. Gro ceri es for Tow Stan sber ry 1 3t; to Leb a nOli 26 Ed Cha ndle r, . .. .. 1. 00 155 Dr. ::>h urw ood AN )) ~fONROE App ropr iatio n No 7, Med ical aul to Wick er sh~Ol 11.2: 27 Gao W. Hen kle, . 30 ,00 .. II 106 ' Joh n Wh itak er App rupr iatlo n No 8, 28 H , E. Bootb, Agt . Or eg on ia , Oh io . 66 00 II II . 157 C. if. Cle men ts and Wo rked ROllO 'I'ax .74 Mr8. Roblnsu , paS8 to OlD. 2 70 211 Joe l MoGed' Set ting sew ernand H. L. Wh en WUL1 ting' Sh day oem e wor k ake r Ad mr s" wit h team " . <)3 12 50 II 7 II SO 158 Bar Lou ry parn Sim ell ont on!' Day s wor k on Al Bain es rood 2 I. 11 Po rtl an d Ce m en t, Lu m be . 1 •• 3.67 1i0 7 .. II 81 Wm 'L'hompeon, . 159 W. W. Arn old) . App ropr iatio n Edw ards road 80 r, . '12 elec~ion m ea l ~ 14 :II! WmB~y 00 '". Upe ning ,rav el pit Sh in gl es ,a 14 nd Nov 1I1I 5 . al Wm 1 00 Y04 .~.oo l ki nd s of 01 al . Br.y II " 14 :. 160 Geo . Ham ilto n, 209 ya.rds grav el ' Blin d al. for Ma r. 1<)05 at JOh n S. Evanll, ' 111 72 8. 33 .. .. 16t Elil labe th Dllv is D App EA ropr iatio LE n . No BS . .. 9 in Fl ou r, Fe ed an d .. 50 '00 I:!mith " II .33 " U14 lI635 J.B:M.V. Key 162 ; Cla ril'l >au ght ets App ropr ll!tl on No 14 .. .. 60 OQ s •• 8.33 163 ::;' n iltli Gr Jltm ai e8 n. App ro rlat ion No" •. II " •1 " 14 :17' Wm 'l'hompaon V al le y Ph on e. OIY co .j " (,. 2 ~• 164 . Am os Jac kso n ·A ppro. Tow nshi p line road l11G .. II .. I!O 00 " 14 38 ' S. G. Joy II •• 165 Ma rv E. Sm ith 5.00 " . . . . .. ~rv;~:tf~~~~~o::~ 8erv ing ~O 00 Ap r.11 5. 00 14 166 J. M. Coo k 89 Far r & Wh ite A W AR M BR EA K FA ST " 16 Gro ceri es for Mr~ . Wri ght 2~ yd. Gru val No. 10 1.84 l ' 67 4u ,jobDllon & WatdOn t!upph611 II.. 167 J. H. gur \Vit ges h som 8 othi ng suu s tllnti ul t,o begin tho (llty of bill Wo of rked Oct I~ol 13,1 ld Tax 10 904 1 46 1Il1 1.01 n tita,muel'.MerOlditll .... on, suits e very mem be r 1118 W. H . Aud ersO n Co. 1 se Approl>rliltion on rOlid o f th e hou seholc1 th ose co ld t Bate i! lH Stu 10 00 tute mor ning s. 42 B. V. 80m h l2. s 0 .. .. 169 Ed Ma c! R. .R. ~ TIIX No, 14 Tak ing Leg g chil d to .a BIlok6u Bru s 41 00 Mos t people drin k coffee Ilt Ul'ol llcfll!!t. !LIllI we can s nit the ,lov Le bltnon 44 I nnll Ilnd ' ii ' Kltlley: Gra vel, 018& No. i4 1. 50 of coffee . We IHLve lLS II 64 er .... 170 Or. Sherwoo~ gom111 Iin o of COF);,EES H." yon O Elta11linali-on Le l!!~ chil d 41i Fra nk Dak in ~r::~:t, DD:8sttr~c?}9"and -l1 5 'LU I1ml in tow n 1 2 .50 Whl 0 Lt bett U .er .. thuu 26 batt 171 .er clLkcs with PITR E SYR UP , (Jil v..., '-'eo . .Ham t8 . Wm &tt erth wllU e 8 . Bliu d 1\1. for Apr il 1905 t Pui:w":li ' .. " 8, 33 FLO UR t~DlI t:>Y RUP bere . J 72 Cla ra Dauilt\ Gl'1I.vt!l, Dilltrict No 11 " , ers 47 I. B. 'Bar rill ' .I!lar..te Gra . ...... 6 40 .. " . . 173 vel, Dis Eliz tric abe t No th 11 Dav is . 8. 6 48 AQioa Wil son ., 33 .. 60 . .. I We I oon furu is h th e mllk eup of all UlIlIL II App ropr illti on No 10 .. ls ; brea ltfu st, dinn er IInel sup "" 49 A ,B SiaM ' 174 Sm ith JalU es 8.33 per, with all seas ona ble good Rep Urin g pum p,ne w pum p 82 lid I. II.. s. . . II .. " 175 Mrs Am os J:lc kso u (1.2 5 _ iwd 10 busb el cOll1 .. .. .. You 111'0 invi ted fo onU. 7 86 II ., .. 5Q. Geo rle, Dau ahe rty Gra vel 176 Mar v E. Sm ith 5.00 TH E CORNER for \)i8t No Ii .. I I' . II 25 00 May 10 177 W. S. II GR 1i1 &d Edw ards OC 5 .00 ER Y, Gra ham Approprlll.tloD on I:!llle Road Scr apin g Roa ds No .6. 52 Gao .tiamll..on · .. 22 178 Chlls. F. Gre w 0.:10 Blin d AlIoWIlDee for Nov 1904 6 00 Lab or and Mat eria 'l No. 14 11. C. M . BR OW N, Pr op rie to 8 33 .. I I 63 (j_n .:lJI lagb tera 3S 179 G. H. EllJ~ r. Scr apin g road s No. 9 do do H 33 G4 Xllz abet h DIl" il "" 8 .00 180 ~en Lam ttr do Cle an ing Cnl vllr t No .4 do 8 33 . . . . l.oo 181 Geo . Ham il n .:~ =~~~1I='b Blin d al. for May 1'. 905 " .~~ . ~~ 8.33 ~ ~~ , 67 Mrll Amua JackolOn II.. 18~ Eliz abe th Dav is .. .1 .. do .. •• 5 00 8.33 , --68 C. P. Lew18~ Ag; . ' I'teish~. , .do , .... 183 Cla ra Dau ghl ers VAL L E Y PH ON E N (tAO QJ18 01&4'8 aton e .. .. .. " 49 8: 71 33 Geo W. BeU le " " 184 Mrs Am us Jack aon .1 .A:IiPt:&+ .... ."wa lti'J 'ljaa .:..· - 2e1'MoIf..........A-~·... .. " II I I 5 . 00 W~ 8a~rj;bwaite 1111 '185 Mar y , E .oSm 'l«l · . " yo.- pav el, di81ri01i No 8 J \J 'U " " _.!.'..:...,. .. .... 5.Qo 'OOO'r8 8 o..ll8hert,)' 8 yarda 186 Sm ith J IlmllS co do II ' •• do II ' , .. 6 4 " 13 L'llIl8. WlihamlKl~ n )'1l1'd8 5.00 18'1 Cle men ts & Sho do e. do 1 711 &:cllet~roth mak er Adlo ' 1i1y ardl ,do W or·k ed Roa d Tax do . 8' IS V ~nh . en &08 Jun e 26 188 W. S.G rah r&. LOANS NEG OTI ATE D. 12. 80 Gra vel, ~8.'riot No U am . lJ: 66 . Joa, Disb row 24 Hau ling 9~one and NO TAR Y PUB LI. 'R. R 'l'ax No 1 '. 38 88 We 66 The ' Lew is & Tlllbot 1I21! .6 "dl. hav e buye rs for goo d form s Ilnd sCIlOpiolr road 6. crus .. 5.25 tow h8d 189 n . IIt~ prop ne erty nt· aU timel.'l . Cha at J 850 s. ·F . Cre w Ston e Co. C lean ing Dit.c h es No. 14 •• per' yd. ; 1_ t811.23 frei ght 207 •• 190 Dr J A Van 8.25 List with us, we cun help you . 28 67 Joli n 'ReS!llltok 53 win kle Mel .lIiI l. aid Ml. Hol ly pour 1'J. 75 gl'llvel, DII~r1ot No .' . 7 60 .. . 28 68 ,Geo rge Bober~n ,1I"yd8 .. 27 191 Oeo. Ham ilto n Office Rooms ove r P ost Otlica in yds Blin d al . for Jun e 1905 dl) do . .. is 7 5~ 8 .33 Stoop ~' Bui ldin g. 811 Georg., o..u glie r'y ,188 )da .. .. 192 Eliz abe th Oa Vis do do .. '. 28 ' 70 Fra nk· Elbo n . 13 28 8.33 .. " 193 OIa fa 187 II Uau yda co ght ers do do 3 II 18 . 71 . Joh n M. Mn rrar 7 6U II " I:!.n 194 !:3l11ith Jam es 1113 ydl I. II do. I. do .. 28 · 71 a.fa yeU e ·Rob ison 11! 78 .. •• 6.2;) 195 8tI yrd l Mr II do •• Am os do J .. " lIS , ack sou lI.O 73 Eli Dean ':. I. I. 196 Mar y [;.00 7ya rd8 do' .. do · 28 II E. SOli th 74 · Ann a U'N8Il1f . 42 II II 551 rds 'do' f>.OO do .. 3 10 28 '16! iLU -ia ,j. Sur face 28 1')7 Mik e McD ona ld Wo rk by self and Cha s, y.rd l . do do .6 II 28 4 00 78- Ueo rge Dau ghe r$y' 50 ~ We rntz ; Cad wal lade r 78 yrda .· , do . do e •• 118 77 Oha a WllIIr.mllO!l III 1rd "6 08 . Cu,l .~ vert s do . do 8 .. 28 9.00 96 J u I y 3 .78 Wm ·Bay. 1')8 Clla s. Bra ddo ck 1/1 yrda Wo AN rk D and do mat do II eriu 211 6 l 1 2u 711 Bec kett Broa. 1 pd t . do Cro ssw lck Hil l do . .. 28 16 80 Gao D,,0 8he ny 2.52 ]'19 Mah lou Rid ge A!Jl onn t.oer tl1ie d Pon d rent to Julv I, '05 3.00 to Leb ano n 20 80 ." IS 81 Wa i BIlr.tollOOk .. .. 200 G. • Gra H vel, Elb dl8tr a lo& . No 11 .. Rep air on Roa d 28 13 80 82 Joh n_S. EVan8 .. II 6.00 SerVices as SnpervillOr Diat II 21 201 Ent erp rise P tll'. Co. .. Prin ting 'fp. Not ices 00 28 .. 83 Ed Boo gb II 1.00 202 .. Bro ' " ; " wn' & .. ' ~ " IIf J.. F: DI~brow , , ' .. blcK uv . , Hi' 20 04 .. II .I. 1.00 j,203 Rov Iron s II 1 18 80 jo 28 ', 86 Fra nk l:I~ed!ilter . •• .. Ins urin g Tp. Hou se ," 14.0 0 ~. 204 Dr. W . E. Ogl esb ee II 2 '17-49 28 . 86 J .B4 KeYIl " " LlnoleulU , Mutt.ings, Luce CUl Med . Aid A. L. Car ne " .:\. " 1.75 't s. Drnpel'i cM, Win· 205 J. W. '!'ay lor 28 '. 87 . Ben ry ~r!l ter 4 111 45 .. II Ma kin g . Rip •. Rap " , dow tlbll d el<. u n , fO tC . .. 8 .00 28 r '88' 1:1, I!', Elbon ·. 11 )5 00 206 J. B. Gra lla III . App . Ser ropr vice illti s 118 on 'l'ru DI8t 3 . '. s. , 6 mo. 50.0 0 '" 28 >, 89 1:1. F .' Eloo u' to II 207 J. H. Cas kel' II WO!ko!1 ·roa dan dse rvio eaa s 'I'll 00 " AN n II . 50.00 208 Fra nk Pra Lt 8upA.l'vlllOr dis' .No 8 " 01<1 28 "333 Fur .'110, Per ry Pen ce uitu 83 re 50.0 .. r enp 0 2011 II b olRte red. U ph ol ~ te r y 8 t lltr~ C , H. . Pum ping , w~ter pipe 'aDd Cle men ts ill grou t I I Cle rk . .... vllr ie ty . 75.0 0 . r wor lt . 210 A . B. Sid es Coal for Geo . Hlln ulto n III Joh n .B Peooe sud 28 10 1i0 ' .1 R.90 211 R. A. Cro ss l<~ o r Dis bur s ing $62 8.2 lHu oEv anfl 7 280 yda grav el eli8triota 1 & 15 18 28 112 lJeo rge Ben kle a t 2 per cen t F" OIIl the ohe llpo st to t ill) fIn est,. •• 25 I:!ervloo8 as lIupervt..or diet 8 12 80 12.f>6 212 Per ry Pen ce •• 28 93 '- I:!eth COok D nlll Htic nnc1 III1)\ ortod. 87 Pum pin g and layi ng pipe 3.00 U08 I for PRE~COING, 1'IN TIN Mn Rob lnlo D 213 28 94 Fr'a nk Stn kes (J. LI N U FtUI:iTA , $ TU 'CO 8 V t:lmtth 3 110 " ~8 115 W Wb ee l-ba rrow REL IEF Berv u:ea all lIup ervi 1.25 sor Di8t 14 111 .~O 214 Eno ch Hai nt s t! Gra ham F ABRI(;l:\ FOR W ALL. ' . Rep airi n" 'rp. plow Hau ling crns hed atoDe and .60 215 Wa y. Nat . .Bank aer'VIOO8 as IInpervisor No Tax es on Tp. Hou se and , Pric es mad c sati sfac tory . A goo 28 . 1111 .8 V I:5lJlith 60 d plnc o to tl'llde. Call &Is noo of grll.ve1 ·lUlOOunt 6 #6 Gro und s Rnd 28 ' 117 ' W a , Gr~ham -ee u s. I f 18 28 6.82 216 . Geo . .2 dllYII labo r and carf are to Ham ilto " 'J n Blin d. al . for July , 1905 8.33 217 Ehf :abe tb D .• vls · U,n terv i)le . 28 . 118 AmOB Wtlson 3 80 II If II 8.33 218 Cla ra J)Hu ght ers I:5ervloea 118 8up ervi sor ., .. co " 8.33 othe r wor k 219 SlI1ith Jam llS ' .. . 28 911 .Jno . H Ouk ey 12 76 .. II .... II If .. Ber :30-:12 N. MiLl O st. vlc 6.25 esu trul .. teet 220 28 o J an 1,'015 36 O'u Mrs . Am o. Jllc kso n 100 Joh n B Gra llam DA YTO N OH IO to co .. .. .. .. .. 5.00 28 101 Fra nk Pra tt II 38 O() Aug . 28 2<l1 Dou g. Hol lingswo rth Wo rk on Spe nce r For d . .. . II .. 28 102 C B Clem ents 'J.OO II 3e u 222 O() " Dr. Tho s. She rwn od .6 mo. serv ice t!eJ'Vloea a8' cler k to Jan 1 '05 50 Hel tlth Offi . 12 .50 II .. I. 28 103 Wm Thom 0(' 223 l'erl 'Y"¥ e nce p!!OD Servloetl aa lIup ervl sor dillt 6 25 .. . 28 104 Pum pin g out pipe and lil ' Geo rlle &m ilto n Blind allowllDoe for 'Doo 1904 8 .. . 28 106 Illlz abet furn lshl llg mat erIa l If liS 2.00 ll .Dav 224 J. S. Vau der voo rt Rep airi .. 1I .. · 28 106 Cla ra DauJ(ht-ei8 .i 8 lIa ng & ~craplng road s 12 00 II I I 1'8 225 .. Wil l. CUl •• llmi .. Jan . 2 e·33 " 31 226 G ..o. Ham ng's Roa d wor k in No .2 iN TIME OF PEAOE. 10'l --Sm ith Jam ed 7.50 • Blin d al. for. Dec. 1904 • . 6.20 ilto n Blin d al. for Aug ., 11)05 108 Mat y E . Sm itb co 8.33 .. _.. .. .. In the fir st Ulon ths of the Ros sill' 227 Eliz abe th \Ja"ili ... , I • •• u U 1.5! " h 109 Mrs . Amo!! Jack!iDn ~\ I• 5.33 .1 228 Cla ra Dau /rht ers u .. II.. •• Jnp an war we blld I~ stri king eXIlDl· b.O( U " " 110 W. '. Gus tin II H 8.33 . ~ EI~ction Mea ls 229 Sm ith Jam~ s TJl e of ' the necessity for prep arat " " h " 2.2; .t u Ill ion ' Geo tl.25 . D.a ullb erty 280 M r8 Awos Jac kso n Wo rk in Gra vel Pit H " .. U " und the onrl y nllvuntuge of tho~ " W.OI " 112 . Mat . Ear nba rt' .. 5.00 30 yds . Gra vel No. 1 h U wh o, 80 tu spellk, "hlLve shln gleuo 2.41 113 o\nlla E. GOD!' 64 ' I I AND DEA LER IN .. " thoi r rooft! in dry weiLther ." The 8.84 114 Har r'jet E . Fur nas '} 4ilp2 $3517.59 'h' ". II lit 7 I 72 irt-ue of prep l SUMMARY '''. tion bllB mad hi!' eru u u •• f tory Dod givenru. . 115 N. L. Bun nell . 250 Jd. Sto ne n to us onr ~ ree.. te8t Gra vel " J 16 Cor win Haf nilt on 78 " 20.()(i Bal anc e on ban d Sep tem LM 4th. 1904 .... men l'hu indi ,41. IIl118 well os the u u •• nati on ~h oulll vioD 2 6.24 Jan. 3. 1905. Ree d . frum' Wa yn{· s . Can . (:0... ... .. ..... ..... . .. .. $60 02. 25 be prep ured for 8n y Rio n Hoe l for eme old ., ,. 117 13 7" rgen Dee k oy .. . Are . co \tar yo 1.5 .2 . 3. 1905. Rec d from Wltreen n prelJured t.o 0 Tele pho ne in his h ou~ e who re b 10.90 118, JOI , Cha pma n ' VOl llltV e, Tre s ncctl as· 51 " u 8shl ry .... lly ..... . .. 207 1.6 4 con be com bllt til first oold .. . 4.M \pr. 1. 1905, Rec d. from MHsons fur Rl'n t HI} Mrs . Joli n ,,'\1' IIU ... .. . . ..... .. ~ " . 40. 00 , ' ght, oolled at 011 hou rs, doy or yon tuke? A cold cun be cure " u u " . 7. 120 ' ' tt lIrq s. .. I 96 \.lIg 61 18, 190 5, Rile d. from Wa rren Cou nt, Tre a9 .. . m uch quic kly wlleo trea ted d G· I .... ~ ...•,' " :; :, t 796. 81 " 008ch68 and: ohal .4E Rt! " 121 Am os Com plon r OT rll AL Rup 90 I I RE CE IPT S .: . , ..... . .. . . .. , . . ..... plled. , ,' . 10 :~~ r:~t l~o~" ~e~~:eoo:a~~~:~~ and .. 3 '1.21 ... J22 ' . Zim'ri Hal nes . .. . .. .. $99 10. 70 U· ·'rU RE ,30 " · S,· Acently mov ed to' room sYl'tem ". S t . 2.4! rOT AL EX . PEN Dl . 123 'Reu "ham berl llin 's Con gh R ..,,,-l>~~"" • rom (',p. 4•' Inn r '48 " . rben Joo e. ' "7V'f , •• ' to I ell'l fam ous for its • 8 . "o~ " " Xl t .. f'r,).~l' Brol< Sep t• .'~,. 1905 ... , .. .. : . . ',' : ' ... aures of nor,,,,,,,.,. '. '. :~ .. ;..'" lIod cqld s IIlld .. . ... sho uht be f617.~9 BA LA NC E .IN TREA~;' SEP ~AYN£8VILL E. o. ~Il-nd reod y forit lnst T. _t, 1905 .. -. ... : ... : .. ~.8.93. 11 ~Jiq STRltli-r. allt uee, ' "'M.o'L_. -...-. 8&le ~y F C &bw .

of the Township ,funds of




125 126 127 128 - 129 130 181 132 133







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The Miami Gazette. BROWN .t /itcHY, Pubiliber.,



the (llrl wllose lato'st [all was NlI lll lng, ua"b

il causel! much \U~rrlme ut, as g 1'1 COl.lud b t'Self.

Work of the

Dr. WlllIame' PInk Plil. Re.")' C .. ,. Indlg ••tIOl'\ Inllt.lI.d of Mu,.,y ' Anot h l' IIp ·lo-dalo hos l r~s ev('II· ~.l R.lleylng 8ymDtomll, liLA YS ANt> GAMES WI'rH WHICH Il1I unus uij l way of hn" lng hoI' gu eH t ~ , There are plollty of rOnlodl [lH by whillh (lIId Ihe lr pa rtners at 1I1I tnfo l'1unl P\'(' TQAlt~SE. YOll cnn r oUu\'o for tbo time bliltrt\jul:n ~ Statl! Unlver8ities, nlng altair. .. palu aDll gns ilil tho alomacb' uu!l Clln . No ' on e Inleres ted In ~ iJu cntlo n ean Th . com pal1lY \\'aa a lul'!(p ClII\! and IlDo,I1Qr narvou.s tlI1UBatiD.nll .tlllll Iud lice repress 1\ thrill of Plwllntlon a s be Olrver Sch eme for Place-C"rd8-Un- Hh t) d t ~lrp.d to mingle th o /l uesl. all artlfloit41, sloep. You cnil hUlllol" YOlll' USun I WRY to A.rrADge Partners looka torword 10 th e futur e or the milch liS \JOss lble. So s he ga" 8 each .tolll11ob by giving it predigested fuod. A NtW Org~nitJa/{on Which May Become Na/{on~f in Ih~ at Intormal Eveulng Affalrman c. rJallcr and pencil, In lrodut:t'J ~reat Slate un l\, c .... llies. They ,,'ere But wlicll YOll take yonI' noxt mllill till hI m to u lnrly, telling him to talk wlttl Pretty Table at a BlrthScope of lis Mission. .tart d at n forlllll{lIO Inte lleclual yonr trouMa begins afrosb. . 111'0 mlnules IIn<l tl\l'lI '\'1'lIe a ber for Party. dllY epoch. Thp!i' rO lllldallon . tones were I 'l'here is ol1ly oue sensible tblug to·IIo. I111n1l1 t\ esl'rlptiOIl of hN' g(lwn . gCU' lai d when th ~ b:Lttl ~ for ~d a lllllk fr ee· ~------'!'. St,rcngtbOD the titolUucb nud do away A. Sou ve n ir Poeta l Card PR l ly 1'1'111 UIJJ.lenran,' p. hail'. lI'. , etc, dom and HI'\Pl1tlflc t a ching had j11St witb tbu necossity for drugs Dud artl · Nearly el'ery tOWD ot an I bal I Aft" lO ll wlnul,'. IIle 1I1.t'cl·s we r ~ s been won . Th('y were tl cdicat tI by tho I'rcsldeltl HO(\ ~ e"e l" Is Lhe de" out clemen tary jtlD lors. Gen Win gate r&> flcial ~ooc'l8, 'rb~ bent rernedyever fonwl its OW1l Indl\'lclual IJOs lels, :n'i ~t~ th ;q .ollec tcd. At refrp~hlUent lime th~S , . for tillS purpose IS ,.he olle that WIIS usod ,>Ioneers who rounded th em In a s pll'lt day lind ge nornt.ioLL everYOUl' i. th u r p. f l; PIl were IIcallPI·e.1 \I1'om l~I'U'l1 l~ I Y a \JOs tle 01 S\JOI·t Rnd the henrty (rle nd \lorIs that a large number of boys won ' by E. E. Stroug, of OaplevUlu. Sbell>y ot IDtcliectual and spiritual f .. cuomo cl)llenl or many of theso eharm.u' rp. amollS Ih e ml?n un u th ey wa re ~ ~ k p, l or Hery boy, and gir l tor luat nutler, tho button during tho contests IllSt couuty. 'l'CItIt . Tbey are ~sse ntlnllY and In t he IJront1 · mln<ius (If trll vel. both Ul hum e g and to II no tho Indy who 1L1I' \\'~r ...l (0 t~ or the lautl , and whon It co med 10 lhe year, nnd more would ·bave dons so It" "Fll r yoara," be states, "I sutfe~d est and s lmpl ~s l way de mo ratk. nnel abroaa. Somelh lug o rlgl ll si In Ihe wu y Ilcs rrlpllun un t hplt' Jllll'r r ;1111\ tnk" encourngement 0[ I.helr Ilroper phy~l­ as I he goneral says" "the league In Hx- gronUy f"om iudigeHtlolt, I tried Ulauy cal e x e rc l ~ e Clod the dp.\,clop mon: of lug lis slandard had., not overetitlm!lted dllYereut remedi os' ulld \IOmo of thom tbe logical '111t growt h of a tl omut'ratlc ot ~nt 'rlalnlng ror ,,It)J el' dlnller her t.. Hnl>)lC r . licre Is a Il cs(,l'llitl(ll1 .. r a tllnlp nl·· 6trOlll:or muscles aUd s teadl" r lI" "ve~ the s trength and a otlvlty of our scbool wo~ld ro lleve lIlO for .. tiwe., bnt the sys tem uf 1.J11hlle s 'hool s. II Is to I his iUll eb o n or " nfternoon " wus glve u b,: t l'Onble IIlwllYs came blwk, A\I9ut Sill be Is "Johnny on tho SIlOI." 110 wno bo,'s " real d"DlOl·TUl·r. writes Iten ry S. PI·It · lhe ho~ ( e ijK When s he plllnnmi Ihl ~ ai- lun gel! fo r 11 ilJll'lhday pliny or n ten· :n;a s prIn g mee ting or Inst year months IIg1) 1 ~d un ~uu8Wl119 ~vure ta lr. ypur'(J\l1 gir l. Il Wn " ~o l.J~autlrl1l1)' bas declared ~o IJoslll n lly In ravor of a chett. lu Atlantl ~ . tu III ract that th ey . ntt.ack, nutl wIllIe I trted e~e ry,tbtug I The roO.IllS were drC01'8leci with pos l- ~ imfll e In .Iesign a n d detail thAt a n" "square (leal tur e"ery man ." uelleves allc n~pd by 803 competitors, antl 0' er bad evor b eard of I foutld thllt lione of were found ed. not by a rl'W men 01' by al so tbat t he Ame rI can yo ulh Is ell ' al .. rn stened logeth er hy ho l ~s l.lUndIN' mO Lbe r coul.1 carry "ut lh'! ~dH? t\Ie 10.000 1I0ys competed for pllWes. and the orilinlUY relll~dles would reach tbe . II. single mati. loU I lJ)' the wbolo people In the I·OI· and ribbon s rlln through wllh I' pry 1111.10 troulo lu l1r e:w e DS " . lltle" to such a deal 118 \\'11\ give I,i'tl (l th o ' yeu It Is el1pected that there will dlfficDlty thiij time. ot tb e stnt .. , l1,a l t hpy owe tb elr groat- t he m. Panels were rormed lit thl <; Th e gueHt' wel'e 24 ill numb",·. beUer body to meet th e world and tight be three tImes tbat number, Ouo day I rend in a Mempbis paper e.. t rortuo c-. un,l " 0 un e looltl ng Into way 1111(1 made a most effectlvc dccorll "The league," say8 Gc n, WIngate, h~w ~r, WlIllamti' Piuk Pills hlld cnred.a. To sav(' tabl e IIn elt. as It wa s In t h ~ lire's battles. Tbls was nCl'cr mOrP U.e rutu re ca n uoul.ll tba t they are to tlOll . Cards were sl uell In pl clure L'Oun t ry, and laundry wurl, al a pre- Btrlklngly llIustra te d than whp.11 I, .. ks cons Lantly to Impress UJlO!> tbe , MIClllgtl." woman,IUlnffererfru1UchroulO be amongst lh .. mO.l Intluentlul. the I I nUllS. placed 011 tableR. on lh u man . "11 1101. th o table WR) sc t wllh pink willingly accepted tblt ho norary ,' to " I',JYS tbat to ..' In tbls but toD to be dY8J11lPH~1l of a most IItnbbortl tYJlll· .1 • thuu trlml the 8111110 romedy and It rIchest aud the mo.t demor' ralic unl· tel>, lint! '!very >1\JOt where thpy WOllhl ( rcpo t i.s ue pl~ Pt'I' mats. The ca)(l'. prealdency of the Public Schoo l A I h ll rom lnent In tile gamos or to become provoII just n8 811CCOl!8ful hi Illy CIlI!O. I "erslltes or Ol1r land. vylllg with t he attra. t a\lc lltlon . These ca rtl s werl' whll'h was thl) I;en le r of flttrdrtlon. letic league of New York clly, a!l or· stro ng aDd bealthy they must acquire WOk ollly tbrcte boxes, nml was eurad. I oldest und most famous lus Ut ul\o n. of I O p ieR of "ullversatlon whldl WIIS ve ry WOS A large onge lK' tllOlI. I~'I'(I wltb ganlzatlon ,,'bleh has tor li s object Ule gnod \lcreonal habits, avoid the band' havo !lot hlld the slightest sYllIptom» ot enClOurllgement ot nthletic spo rts Ol1r en~tern stules In a rlvnlry wbleh nnirr.I<I cd . " 00 yon I'emombe r ?" un.! whil e and decorated wllh runl\t('d among tbe school children of that and telllptatlons at · the 8treel.8, go to Imllgos Uon silloo. " "that l'emlllrlR me" woro eX:lT(] ij ~IJ n 8 r ht'rrlcB alld spikes uf citron. Around '1'\18 «;>l1io tr~tment bns .. /iOnnd prl!I' bp.d carly, keep th eIr skin clean aDd, we rnlly wpll hope to see th e noble bllll r'; on all si des. I ho cake wa~ a barrel hoop. wound elty. abol'o all, abstain from cigarettes. It . clplo Mlts btl5lS, l\~l~ abu.udlWt Huece ff IU l'lvalry of I he sc hl1lar raUler thau a Tho Icagtle WIIS orgnnlzp. d nearly IIVO believes that It has done more toward Actnlll use, Mnltltnrl~of C8JIIIB tba& had lu,' ll.allol\H were ~ent o ul Oil IOIl, 1 .. lIh IJhlk paper a011 rllrn.. [n tlll~ I IIt'1I It ull oUler rom dt<'8 hav" been cured rivalry ot r ich es. ot buildings and of ~\l l1 \''' ''h ' ra rds. Then ror "pln ce ('artls" hoop )Jlnk cand les wer e ~t:JI: k . Tho years ngn. hut until tho Intcr ~ st and pulling an end to this IllSt pornlnlou8 by Dr. Williamft' J>i11k Pills, Toe JlillH n \I ru t,lers. a t litis luncheun Ihe hosi ess ba,l hnltl erp ('an be J)lIstelKlBnl with s harp sympatby or the president ":"5 en!ls t- bablt than anything which ha.s bereto- ' lIotuallYDlnke new bloodRndstrlkoatthe mnlll)11 nn18 to each guest , tell lit t nck ~ In Ihe end, s uch us are uscil 'III f.d by t he o rganize r a nd prc ~ lr"! n . tJl!n . foro heen In.tttuted among our 8chool root of all di senses caoscd by bad blood. Or"ft Scandnls, ntllnht l·. address In g tb em 1.0 her own Christmas trees. Thero were jus t os Oenrge W . " 'Ingale, little w u~ known chUdren . It allo"'l 110 bo)' to oomvew They coutllitl '110 harmful 'timulsut8 or While there aro Alarml sl s who see house ·nUJnbor. · By lhese th ey tound 1Il11.ny candl es liS the hOOI) wo ulll hold : ,opinte8, EI'ery dyspoptlu should r(lad, In tbe recellt dl 8closures or "orrup'hm tlll:lr pls(;es a t Iho lable. Rach on ~ th~ y represenle d "thc yC'nrR to COlli" , " " What to Eat IUld How to Eaa ." Writ e o the Dr. WiIIlums .Medicine Co .• SchollecIII high !llIancial and commercial ' ('\r- '''l~ r,~k o.1 1.0 come prcpared 10 relnt " On a Hmall hOOl' i-Igbt ..ros~ liP to I h tady, N,Y" t or Q trllU coPY', " cles the kn ell ot our nalionol prus pr'l'l . SOUl (' Inclrt Dl of travel. eilher " hu · enlio wer e ten plnl, 1·I\lullos. whil e Iy, It 'docs not requh'e v isIo nary ullt l· n1Or"u ;,. " ""tn1'111111:" or "[mlhatl c. " A l Ight. In t he middle I.'r th e c.nke wa ~ ,'ol ~ wall Itllton a ~ to the b ~ 8 t sio r; fi ne' tnll camllo. " th ~l ypnl' lO !{row on ., Dligm ror lho greut majority or Am e,.l. In pUI~ I; Ins$. ~Ol1V 'nlt·s were awardeel B"wl ~ or lto,,:eJrS wero ut Iho fou r r or · eans' to vlow th ese re<'ently ulwove,.ed In c:q>cI1 HII'e urlldos wblr h th e hostp'sR ti CIS or the tAbIe, with plut es of chick scandnl a 1I0! h with equau lmlty nud had o ll ~ ctcrl with lhls parl y In mlnll ell •.1IHlwh:hea, H~ ll crl nlrnon 'ls . 1 mOil· with 11 eortnln rl gree ot sAtI Rfu(' lIou . Sou H lIlr til IOU8 we re used and lhe la o ~ c1(' wl~h "herrl es in it. anti tall !{l1l ~ ~ e s 'WHEAT fil l"" with plain vRllllto Ico l'I'e ll1O . I h", 'ro tb e Intoilige nt, ouser vlng (·III 1.eo, 1,le lIuen ('arne rrom Ireland . RAISING T he men u cons lsled of grll pe (1'111 ' . l'r am hn ll a to,blespoonful of whlppe.1 H11.yS th e 1(lIll 1.1l8 It y .Jourllal. II Is a hopeful $ig ll , 111 ~ I >c(l . a 'oncllls lt·C indl . r re " l1ed pota loes R<l rv cd In rIlUla kl n ~. I r .tn: ,, 11 top , ealJlw.1 hy a Ma ra schln(l 'RANCHING "'-"'''.:'lbr<,ogMtlt.Plua111rcli &n e O'OUOll lhul ~ h e buSltll'SR world .1" I'l u- who lll wll eat bread . ch pl'I'Y SA lad ma 'i ~ : ch crr~ .. Paper nopl,luB we... e u~ed an d r~.ln ah l)"n w(.I ud lU fI1 rtlil) ILa uo the 011 '11.1Ing II~('l r and I: I' lIclC'I'III S to It- by rCIJlacl nA' the ' pits or CaUforn!a . ~ 11 ,l flll1 l1l"" caps: ~o dea l' to chlldt" h ,hn . i , . wl 1h 1I".el n11t s, ser ving It 001 hearlr . were (h e fa,· or~ . belf th a I lrenl m J1l wh lc'h wltl in Lho Homutcad Land.. of head 1 liuco leay s wit h 0 rich flUtY· end IJrln g U\)01l1 cle:\1U'r. hea lthl"r alld cllli a:sc drPR·Ing. a nd cherse warcrs : FOR THE ELDERLY WOMAN. ~ESTERN CAN ADA more ethll:al metbou s. The rpvelntlon Ice cream \VOl; served fn hal\'es ot caD· ACft.&'o ll1(,'ent. Cilln.te-Varma,.. plo"lnK I n \b"lr of grnft nnll genll ral ml aro ndn ct alllong lelon[.' wi t h small co l,es. The bl)l1- All Blnck Not the Propel' Oholce-'~'h e sl.llrUl co\,osl.n LhQ w l d"l" ot Nv.embor. Beauty of Pale Blue Agnlnst olll c lttl~ of some ot I hc lal'se nnnncial bon ~ were In rl ress- sult '! 3 Se boxell. an 'J 1t~~t,I~:!:I~:lIg;II.:t:e ~~::: ~t~!:o~!:'tC!!r~ lI,~I•.I.~ V;rhlte Hall'. Instill1tlune of the cuunt ry rnenn & that lhe a lmoulls In miniature bantt'·boxnr. , UXtr'e'. •. , tbe dis UBC with which tboy hnl'e KO wh l il the guests were g iv.: n tor tnCo,,'. wood. "alnr, bG1 In abuodlliu C:O- 5Qb OOII. the worsl poss ible polley ror the Il I Ch urollOl-t Ol.,keu fJOa,unleJII.• long b~en alllh:l ull ('a n no longe r be VorR. [ced tea wos t he be ve rage, with mlddle-nged woman to dress In unl'e· Tbll'11be ora. or .,i!O wheat.. ADPI" (or Inform", concealed. Th sympto ms d.evelo\1ed a hit of lelllon and a candl ed cherry lIe,'ed black. There Is nolhlng more U011 l.o 8 l" ~ utSTIlNIIKS" , or . IlJ )l tOlU'TION . In It. OhAW •• C.n.d~ or lO ' au\.borlH4 ,Ql.o14!Jtaa lI()" '" externlilly' and thus becllme a source unbecoming to such a wearer, as only tRWIJUII,enll: ' ' ,~ , of public concerti . The lI:; ht of pubthe bright rose tints of lhe young fa ce a. .... w:n.LU. ..S. .... Bulldt6s. Tolildo. 0. Fun with Soap Bubbles. lIcit)!, like a .revlv-ll1g 1I00d of s unshIne, can sallstactorlly bear black close to . N.,,~(~ t~" p"per . H ere Is a pretly Will' ··to cmuse one It. Plenty of 'w hite of dalmy tresha el!8 bas entered the malignant atmosphere eblld, or any number . of cblldren. In the s hape of coilaI', or rullle, or vest COLORADO COJf9ERNS, • . of graft-Incumbered counting roomS and In t he 'end tbe whole bUSIness anol Co" . .. oewlng tables with an old blan- will so modify the ~e ,'erlty of a black " I(ct. or any sort material tllat will gown as to ' ma,ke It no l only ClOUt,.. , Colorado, cont(los. ftuanclal \\,OI'ld will teel It s beueHcent make a 60tt pad. Then procure IIttld Ing-, but gi~'e8 the Impression, whiCh 'll'lthln Ita boundaries ''l2, 17~ h,ead of eD'eets .. bowls at blue, 'yellow, or the so-called 18 part Icularly sLttra.ctive ror tho older~atl1o, value., at '817,643. In thitl "D\lt<:h" ware l a quantity ot clay pl;les Iy woman, at tll13t1dlouaness, nIcely and IIpect ,It - leads all , the counll~ In Ihe B\lslness Pays lIeat. and several \JOlts or baby rlbbon- th 9 allO t lessnese. 5t!'-te. . " . . Oil8 of the atl'lkln!; manlfes latlons penny'o-yard quality wl11 do, . Light colors are also becoming to From 35,.000,000 10 50,000,000 morB' of tile times Is th e leode ncy ':I t yo.uug WInd the pipe ste ms with ribbon . middle-aged women, and light blue IR tons ot freight will be shipped luto, men to see k 0PPol'lunl ty In tho wor.d tying a latlllt)' bow at lhe \JOwl. Of ellP.eclally the' crowning beauty of the ~nvol' tbll year lUl, liay the of ·businCIl8, . rather Ih1l 11 In the protes. ':ourse It will get wet,. but It look 'I woman v.;ho has white hair. A discreet genel'al frelgbt agen.,., ,.ho allo adu slons. Fifty years ago every well-to- pretly wh en tho plpee are passed. Fill uso o( pink Is also attrlWlIve even upon THE BU'rl'ON OF THEl PUllLnJ"::ic Hoor.. ATlu;'ETrc LEAGt1£, that IllSt year wall oolialdered the ban the \\Owls with a mixture made t~oru elderly women. Iijsllreet meaning In the of thn mo\,emenL ' But thn cordIal Indo fatber ot six BODS mnde one D~r year In the ,ra!lroad bl,tory of ~ v unless 1118 prinCipal cortlfles tbat. he It to,.n. ., . them a pre"cher. one of th em a physi- boillns ahavltd c88tlle ~oap with water : uso· ot louches (\I.',elther blue or pink, . clonement wblch tbo prcsldflnt extead- up to the standard In bls conduct and ~ , . to eHry pint of~ thls 11quld add O'I!! which Is a dltrerent matler Crom In. Cian, one of l)tem n Ja"')'er, lind one teaspoo n ' oC glycerine. 'This formllll\ O"'ners of 2',000,000 aerea ot df dulglng In ' the overyol\thrulnes8 or an ad to the league somc few weeks ago s tudi es." landa In eastern Colora.d~. alld WClllem a politician or a sor.i(er. Only the alwa>'8 III'Oduces ' the largest and mo~t a\l IJlnk or pille blue gown. A tew fdills has resulted .tn \-Iving It wlde"pma~ .. As " reSult of this Influence It II '11k! CoIArado haye ·ormed n...I'orlll I0and Inqulrlcs ara comlr.& In ,. ., . th 1\ "AI black s heep, tbe harum-Rcaruw anli ~rll"eOU8 bubl,(etl Imaginsble. of pale pink velvet or chilton on a f»ubllcity. II ' tbat tbe discipline of the IlCh.ools and Atoroclatlon for Sc:lelltlllc! FarmlDf to lhe ulls'tudlous were Ho~ nt 11110 COUDt. Offer prlzeA for the - hubbIes lasting black net toque' or lace 's traw 'hat Is rom a over thl! Conn~~y concerning Ihe perional habltlJ of tbo" boys hAve lRote ad the ot the' 98m~ n lrig-bouses and Ca.~ torl e9• . TO-day boo lhe longest; tor the one with · the mo~ t charming on an elderly wearer, wblle th. league and , Its work... -heen. greally Improved. The num:M!r 'Yltem 'of dry Carmlng to tbe" worlil hold tho change. The flower of Amel·. vl"ld colorlng, and for t.he one larg~ Bt plok roses, If lu,eked und er the ' brim of y A:d now ktenllir outSide ot. ~cw ot IIltie . touchs, ,the terror of their Ind to Induce 'the settlement or the or arc as ng w 'a~ ~ Is tile PUbliC, prinCipals, who bave ·becom.e sOlnti!.,' .. ellt~rn plain., .:. '. lea's roung manhoo(1 Is at work 1I0t In circumference. By the way, gl'own a lace-edged bat, never seem too much, One at the pI'eUlest effe ct8 posalble School Athletic .Ieague. Wbat I~ .'.l1 e not Ileenuse they ,.anled to be 1111-11.8, Following tbe luccesa "lilch bU tilIII Ihl! hos)lltnls 01' the c:ll1rls. but in people have becn known to Indulge In Iron foundri es and ti lRl1ghl~r bou 8 e ~, "soall·bubble parties" with great sat- was that of a jetted toque, the jettel! Dee" · of such an 1I8soelation 1 y, bnt but because they deSire to compete In tende" the feeding of field peas til IsfactIon. They ma)' be blown or hlack net almos t covering tlte frame, Tbe youngel' Vallde r bills are firemen fanhed ahout tho room . and It Is . a but revealing th e while net with which ~::gU~ baelmfOs~ma~~. bow can IIlmlla~' ,.Ibo league games or to win. a bulton, II ,' lambs In the sa,n . Luis valley, lIundra:j~ • r.... a ~ tool shlng ft b h d .. . , OD Novembor 27, 1903, as a result o[ . . • 0 armerll W 0 ave ma e .0nuDes Itl and engineers. The youngeI' ArmouI's heaulItuI slgbt to seo 25 , or 30 of them Il was "Oiled," underneatb. Twisted the elforta or G n (] . W WI The Orst of the athletic flelds .donat· thE (Iro~s. are now .lrJlng tlia 1IBD',e slay t he protesting lno. Tlte pro · in tho air at the same time, from under the crown and ' ro mlng pU;, who ba<l' 1~~IlI:estp.:;o~g~arg~ tiu':: ed by the 8cbool board and oonlrclled rood OD catt1e~ wltb equally IOOd eu c· fessions, beginning by being overthrough to the onlslde at the back was ber or lIle leadln Olen of New York by tile .Ieague. and which baa been bpe- cesn.. More than ~,ooo la~ba are be'.1 Irall ot pale blue I·elvet. whi ch hold cl'owded, ha"e beco rue unJlrofitabl e, An ent ertalnm!lnt which furnlshe i city In the movr.!enl. tile lea gUO was ~Ialty equipped tor ~be v:'0rk or Ibe 1· lnS fattened there tblll 'l'ear; ,aDd It 1:1 and soo n they 'Way ho ~a.lly neglccted. amUhGn\en t for a young ~ple's SCI'!- o hun c)t or th e tlnlest pale blur. O&Lrlch I ' d At tb t ' u tb IU88ue" bas lUlt bf!eo. 9P8ned ·up and believed. ih~t In two yeara lDO~e 1.11 & Tbe la lY does not offer al'uch prizes as ety Qr ell/b Is a l'Orn ' party. Invlta- tipS which cluflte red down OV?I' the o~c:e Zr~qUO 1I'ala 10 ~~ ouOraP,!r!1~~e III lo~"ted In New. ' Brll!lloD. S".atea numtcr ' or ,cattle "latten~ . _80A genUe·taced wearer's whltl' 11011'. I ai ' l ' I ' f ' q h btl. ,.e 181,a n..l', Othera will Pfl locate'd In 'otlier wlII r "cced ,tbat. ~u~b!,l'. '(. lhe "an ned goods ~rade or ' , OOPPt!r tion ~ were Issued and .everY\l ne wunWhIte Is esp ecially tlt.tln;; f9 r a » b JI C I eve opmeDt 0 t. e 0)8 of sections of th It Idl . . .melling. Tho wlnlRtry Is not com- dei'ed wbat tbe a/falr could he. "00 grDndmoth er's dre~R. 111111 ull j 11 3 white . .A: ~ IiI 'Bi . e e y as rap y as 1101parable, In pOint or prbnt. With rrell- we cat It. pop It, or wbat ?" No satls. laces of stately effect '~ hl u h call bp. res. Billie. I\.t fI~et It WiUI Inte!'ded to \lOn' " wmie"':"u the' ':'1 ~8 '~~'7th"'g like a H~e the use ot the atbletlc fields \0.the tillg. he must be' hi a good bumor ' I1lh ' x.ed Hnance of the mall order bUlil- iactory replies were given: thos2 In u\'I'cctell or J.Irocured by Ih e woman of the su;ret kept the facts to tbemselve9. momber" of the blgh .schools, !JlJt tbls time ' t' ~ II nells. 70 s hould be I ressured religlons ly and 60 ali th e expectant gues· ,; could ,11) bas I:een cbanged so as to, Inchlde all _ P~.m-WbY do/ you think 80? combined with ",hlt e Hille tor evening was lc' wall and see. . of tbe SChool cbl,ldr.e n Qf all the 8chool8 , "Why, bec&ft8e he 18 al'w ays waggiDI The "Coming Nation." Wben the dale arrlvel\. lhe rOOlllQ d~esses,. Inst ead ot being combined with of the City. taking In the parochial and hllDself like a dog's t.all."-N, y, Times Kow 'the Amerl ca1l Immigration ques, " 'el'l) round d ~ corated wllb ears of r ed blaCk, or given away to YOlln ger as. olber 6cbools wblch are outsltlo lbe . , . I.lon In Ca nada has reachcd a dlmax. and whltc corn: they bUDg a~ a frie ze. plranls for tbelr loveliness. While lace PUbliC scbool 8ystelru THE SECRET OF YbUTH. · It (t;tkes onl )' three years ror an Immi- fro;n grill-work. from gas jets. anrt An ll white s llil Is a thousand times A pa rt of the work of the league I. . ' . , more altractlve tor the elderly womgrant 10 ea rn n vol.e In Canada, lind )lort I ~ res were made from oorn k~r­ the teacblng of the boYB of tbe hlgb De Boto looked for the secret ot all'S evening wear ·than black lace and '15,000 forml]r Amerlca1l votere will Dcls stl'ltng on a heavy thread. Th p. echools hOw to shoot, and Krag golns youth In a spring of gusblng, life. black Hllk . and wucre blael! lace Is k erncle were first soaked In lye to 'IOOU CO lli" 101.0 their Canadl11.n su!frag~, h ave b~c n Installed 10 four of the Bivin aters, which he was sure he uHed Ii s hould he lined with while There ore In rou\l(l numbers 190.000 IIOnf'1l for t.h e neerlle. high schou Is. Mr. ·S. R. OUlissnbehner would find ID tile New World. AIA lr ng basllet Hlled "' Ith ears or chiffon or lightened with Jet garnitures males mOrC tlloo 18 years ot oge tn alHI pnle blue. has g iven '1,000 toward. Ibis teature chemiSts and lagell (thousanas of COlli, eaell tied at the large enrl w'l'J of t.he work. A bronze bas r..,iler Ihem), huve Ipent their lives In quest weste rn Canada, who rorm e.rly li ved "i:~ l!on, were passe(l to each gucst with plaque. representing the battle of Lex- tor It, but It Is on'ly fOllnd hy those In Ihe United Stutcs. 150.000 of whom the request to count the k ern e t~. Rlllnxlng. Ington, rAlsting $500, a gift of Mr. happy people wbo can digest alhl' a s. Tell mlnul es of perfcct relaxation are old enough to vote. There are now Vvoodp n \l.)ate~ were filrnlsh e<l on Harry Payne Whitney, Is the ' tror>by almllate the rlgbt food ' which )coeps belweell 750.000 and 800.000 sottlel'8, 'Which to put the shelled corn .. ArLe , gives mOre rest t.han hours or so·cnl'll>a Cor wlJlcb tho high school learns com- tbe pbnlcal body perfeet' tbat peace with a poss ible voting JlOpU latl a 11. or alf hac\ IInlshed cOllDting a memornn. resllng with tl'DRe mU ijCles. .~Iany n pete. A mcdal representing tile Len'j' and comfort are the. sure results. 240.000, , a high perce nlage beca use dUIll was taken. t.hen Ihe contents Ot' woman has been heard to say arter tral Hgure of tbe plaque Is slven to A remarkable man of 9. itnys: "lIch plate were emptied Inlo a larg9 arisin g from her siesta that s he feel man}' cattl emen wltbout ramllles Are eac h lJoy on lhe vlctorlous team, which I "For ·man,. long years I Bultereil more howl. which WIIS consplcuoLLs ly plae,':! more tired than berere. It Is not to e migrating r!"Om Monlana aud Wyo · In th o hall. and each person req ues tp,l be wondered nt, ror her muscles wero tbe h!/lb acbool of Ihe city oDlj'. btlt Is Ills to keep. This feature Of tbe or less with chronic co ~t1veness ancl mlng. Dy the end of ~905 the Ameri· to gu ess the .numb er ot gm lns ot ('orn unl'e laxed a nd her brain mn oh dis. tb e w011C has been g radually broad· Icague's worl, wins the specIal com- paluful Inalge8~lon, Tbls condition can vote In tho Canadian we~t will uc In th l' how\. A record W(lS k('Pl or IU I·bNI. Rest wltb utt I' aba ndonm en t i ened unlil It Includes all ~choolhoys men dation ot tho pres ident. nlade lite a great burden to me as To sho w thc splcndld success or Ihle YOll may w~1\ Imagine. ' overwhelming . In ellsle rn Canada ('n ch g uest. An account was tal<"u or mln .1 anrl I\ody. Let th e bod, cOllch . ~n. Wlngal e had Ion s r ccog lllze ~ the "Two yeare ago I began to u~ e tbousands of llcople bOll ow!! that tlll ~ und th e 1.\\'0 who hall co me nrarest t lJA 01' .. holl' bea~ lho wbole weIght or the pres.sltlg nced fur Improving the ph ys l- branch of the work we have but to qlle luvwo lon means tbe ultimat e annexa· con c(· t nl1lllher wCl'e nWllnlpd p" lz(,> q. . I,oriy . Imagme tI.a t YOII havo IIO( the cal deHlolJJ11 cnt or (hp. ~hlldr p. n 1'1 th b 11.<: record ot the DeWitt Clinton blgh j Gmpc-Nuts ae food, and am lhankful TIr , I'cfr~~h nll'''I s were h"lI ed co 1'0. powel' to 11ft a l~hlb. Loose n all ten: : Rchouls of the cily, ond ~sp"r.lally thl)se Mhool Itoys. whose shooting score Is ·that I did. It has been a bl essing to tloll of wcat artl Cuncula by t bo Unit ed ~eT\' '': III howl ~ wl lh .Jol'sry ('I ea m and " Iell. IIml In n sho rt tim e you will wholle hom ca we rc In tll n t(:n',rocn( th e h ighest eve r made at Creedmooil or • me In evory way. I 1I1:st noticed t ha t "lbo cowing' naSlallls. Il is called \. ~lIl' ar : hot e.. rn tn llm ns. wl ' l! mnpl~ teel I'!'n owell strength, housc dl s lrl CIII. nn 'l ho bc;;an tll o for- leort Ril ey. one boy boldlng the r<:eord It had restored my digestion , Thi s tion." ab ., was a great gain but was no thing to f YI'1IIl : lJOpro rn . t1 o l1 ~ hnu t" nnd coftec ma llo n (If an associa l lon of Ih e le ;: ~llIg 01 4!1 butt ·s eyes out of 50 shots. An Aft ernoon Call_ men of the cll Y wh o had becn urvllg lll T hi s large t practice Is moc~ pc'pular compare In ImJ)ortunco wltb tbo tact A ccord ir l}~ LO a )'('-l't' lll r <' J;orl a In llIakl ulI: UD afl c rnoon call a mlln to f~ e l as he did nlld to sYlJ'pa lhl zr: Ilmong Ihe h igh school boys , ronny of that In a short l.Ime my bo cis \Vere ' VOrt 'elite !' l)l' jtlc of 24 h o urs i s l c a r ,\ }Wq t (' ~ q Wh 0 \Vt ~ h c I I ror someusua lly le&"e. h l3 overcoa t, cano or .- Itb Ihe plans wbl ~ h he had ! n mind. lherrl ga l ns without their lunch In or. restored to. free und normal aellon. rully be in g ca rri ed 10 Ya rmouth . 1\. th ft~;:: n~ \\' In t hp way of plur.e ('n ,. d ~ umbl'ella , I at ond ~!ovPs III th e hall and their numb er s have cor.Unu etl to "The cure seemed to be comDlete ; S .. In th e 'str-arner UO"lon. wh ile ror Ih e . 1, ~IIP"I~ w hum Ahc !I~,' uero l'c cnt cl'ln !: the tlrawill.~· I· oom . At grOW until now the member;; hlp Is der that th ey may devote th e tliof! . t tor two years I have bod none of th e Y Jte r hU 3band Is Lrying 10 gPt th p I' ~ nsk,·,: III lunl'\. wit h hel·. Il o \' l ~ 'd PIIs a IlIs l or cy.c~el lt n s l y rorm1\1 I' nll he mor'l than 600 and In cl udes many "h o shoo ting at fhe marl!. p1ea.ean ;a,h cad or IlI' r by train. Th is Sll ll sep- r 'c,", " ,,·llI1nw. !' ho Het a OO'l 1 IlIu' I- IIt- :nll.),. If lie cll oo;o, car r y his hnt, glo" B- 8 re con s pi cuous In erlucallona l mallers . ljp to th e present tIme no proy islon I old trouhle. I use the OrolwNuts fd od boy~ Or. "a lll)u is I Itt' !'I'sull of 111'acll('ul ;o kln g l!t;: ,'c.dl I:irl', I' ''ppola l f;\lJ or Indl vid- 9 11 11 cli ne In lO tl> r" Cl m. Ir t\' o clll1 I and h' the "'ork o f Impro,'lng .l hc can . hns b ~ n made for the girls, 11ut tlle every morning tor hrea ~!aat . and fre 1 ~' a g\1 e hns jus t compl eted arrange. quenUy eat notbhl g elae. 'l,' he HAIJ hn ll.· l ldnd atlll II I'l ng rl·le ilds. "If I me el lJai is'l, I).,· 11 1('1111(: J. whic h . h e mouu t · to b u very brief on n. H e s1.on l1l Plot I lI i,lons OIuong the poor. men( s for the rormatlon of a woruBn 's made me 90mtorta ble ind happy, alld I ed " "" nl ol'l, .. d wit h th e dat e, hilt 1'') Illq t!l.r I n il th e tra." wllle;1 d ,o He l·\,· I As R b'illlUhl5 to ph)'s IC(l1 excrcl6e nllx lt iary bran ch, wblch Is ~o ' n ice sJthough I will he 94 years old nQJ(\ 'lJ,? or lh m 'C I'IIl' UtS in O UT Garden M l! Onl ~ . ll. I'll I,no<:], Ihel r s lu ts In ," r eo On l ~, irl I!lu a rn~h ! nn of slt lln o: nnt cxr col!" to hi m a~ he l' l1tel'.; tl! I and de,·c lol_eren t. t hc leAgue glveb nn. charge of the pbysl cal traln l!)!; or . tM fall, I hil,ve ~~come 'stwng ' and sup. nuallY to each boy who .can al t a ln ~ S1h?OI .,Ir·ls. The memberShIp · (>~ llili pie [lgllln, erect. In ligura- and can wul,l; , ~e ~rl lho w1'nlhrul g l'oom liS 1;0 1 7U1'IIi51> fa sh lull 011 t he fl o r, nn d fo 'l roOIl!. cerlnln standard In ru nnIng II .. horl au xlllR r)' lea gue will be made up at lhe with anybody all~ enjoy It." Name • ,~ .r! Ili e' [rllin . t;lltJ el' thl! ~ 11'cum- H r lJ;·,ClU lIt was fOtl l:r1 10 slIlt (b i , Crystal.Hatplns. . di stan ce, " cblnnln~ " on a b!!!' :too p.romlnc[;1 wom en Of the cl ~y. a Du m. g lv~ n hy POlltum ' Co" :aattle Oreok; .. ~ his ylol ence 10 gramllla r and I'asc Ir,. pa rr,fl ('t lon. ,(,h r t u lf . 1!1l'1 Wu J:; Hn tl,lns wltb clTY-s lAl hcads .)r with JumpIng, a 'IIver bnl.(oD for hi gh ~c h u ol b.,. -0 1 lad les 01 hIgh ~ta n ding lI ~Vl n g ?dIcit. . ".Thero's a r.e~on," ' .'-IIIO ::R' ~a,' bC1JQrdon0t7. " eM;), . nl '", lh:: boa llng gil'l: l ll J eqt C~ ~n ' . . U'le,IIl ~ was 5000 1) 1'0 vl<led Cor, as wa", &n Opn(lllO colored! bea~ ro~ a hend, a~e l 1C'1S. a I rOllze and ·sll'·er' or, e tC; 1 ~l e-' alrelldy e=- pr es~ d lh emselvea .... willlteal'l 'tbe ljttle bop Ie, "The ROlld tr ,,"o rn. men'.r.r)' .senIors &lid a I:I'on2e OUt tor fill! ' to become paU'ollc s~ea < f 'WellvllJe," In eTery pkg. .~.



Public School ·Athletic League

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wi th r ed ohtlek8, Ilncl 'gr~nt soulfu,J e'y~, Wf'nt a,.rosa that prnl.i'le ,)D Il !loP. l1kll Amerlcaus , YeB, 81r, everytiOdy 8klp and jump, And o nly tOU~het\ Lh e , ARE BUYING LARGER FARMS In Alhen!! Boomed" t o , be hi love, anti blgh places. Tb ~ R\Il' ~ l Poptl lrl tlon D ecreases a a dad tho ugh t the men looked eltemlnate. " Along Lownrds noo n we haw dust W "" I t h In th e C OLl D t ry I n ou acco unt ot t hei r clothes , but' every 'In th e rO(ld nh end , nnlt " rell Y ,,0011 we .man 18 an a t blete and A IIgJJt('r from m et a' mess of Oreol; !!Old ls!'!!. "' Ith Lh. tb~ word go. , , Amer lcnn co ns ul a t t h e lt e~ d . ami told Wull. we wll n.t up on the bill to th e them ,,;here the blllldl l.o we ro, d run l( II fleem~ a jln,'a cl uJ( , lUll I" n over l hr AcroVOlls,: an old marble ruin tbat and wit h t heir l egs l la d, :.nd ti le eon- le. s well e~ l uhll.;hrd n ~ 1I'1I~, IhOI in overltlOl!s t~e t own , IIn<l d.a d pacod olt 5111 li nd rome ool,lI el'Q W,," l bac\! t o IJIJ l'lnl tl or IIlI, bes l I'a.rml ll g l'el!!(lU~ tbe ground. to see h o w mu ch terrI- A Lbens w llh UB . a n,1 t he rest ot the ur lh e CII II ",1 SlnlOs 'lJ'l"" 11lIn Ilh" ·IIl (\ . The Bad Boy and Bls Dad at It Ohl'is- tory It cover eu, and tlgurod up uow Lroops wen l Oil Urlel' Ih e IJI10 ,II 18. We Ill;; ugl'l ,' ultll m l l, roosl,pri lY hll < 1'1,tiM Sclenoe Boarding H'oua&-The much good ma rbl e t here W :iS In It . got t o At hens lJ efom nl glll , (Ii'll to~n d Hul ted In d p'P"l"~ " ,·" .... 1 I" 'PII I. , j ' II . Bad Boy TeUs Bls Uncle Bow They tbat could bo used tor grav.ealoues. Lhe wo nHln u Oller gnard in Ih c con- II Il l> le:!~ , I I-i kill t Iha ll " " 1'1,,'1, 111 " Ii · Were Kidnaped in Greac_Dad and whlln so me of the [IOlicem ol. aaked 15ul's office. BIUI wilen s he ~a w tlad . III" Il'1l l lou o f th is , . ay" lh " Spr lnl' lI c1t1 Slulr; "B;ot Time" In the Bandits' me wbat. t.he o ld mon was do ing I told and b e \.01 11 her bow h e harl rl., ed thO (MIlK " . ). Hel'u iJli can . IK given ill II P't.h em he was a rich olu pa rty tro m han d It.>;, s bc crl ef!. a llel Buhl 81:e waslI't r enl "lat e r II S " 8 r elllll'l u f luw n, \\' hkh Cnve o.nd When They W el'e AIIleep AmerIca l hat was golpg to buy tho t o bl a me, IInu .WHll tetl Lo ' hu g Dad . bll t I" rel'OI'l erl IU shuw a fu ll ill); 0:1' "f E ~ cap e d on a Mul.. Acrovolls and move It to t be Unl Led h o saId ; 'Na)', nuy , l 'UII II II(): und I WII I ' ~r "e ll l. in t h 1l'1)J ll lalloll of Stal es an d lI1 ake It o ver Into a llIorgue. tben s be s a Id bp was uo ';~ Ull e:llan Iha l gr('lll IInu lIros p' .... "tI~ Sla le "' nn ' BY MON. GEORG E: W . PECK. \ " ,,· Ollverll or of Wlseon. ln, ~ rm .r ~d ­ and that. h e dIdn't care fo~ 'exJlense. b cause lh e "on s ul dlol !lIIl pa v the ran- Ih e p:t!IH'rnl ,'e ustis uf l!lOO. Of c"",.," t.or he was the riches t mlUl In tbe 80m, a nd dn,1 lold ber I. e wrul.e to lh, ~IIc h It I'I!!<II h wus IIllt 1\1 o'~I" abl e t<; l l or of "J.lock 's Bun ,' · A ut ho r ot " Peck'. Bod Boy ," etc,) worl d. COWlIII 'llot to l'O lI gh up, !l nd " he look"" 111"' 3''; prilil' . Ulhl II WIlS noo l r~ " fll iy (CoN'rlglo t, l UOS. by J osoph D, B o w leR,) ."'Voll, '1'1'0 lookoll tb lngs o \'cr, 11110 " """1 11 ,,<1. (' Ill"" IlIqll l ry. III ,\\' en'r. Is "Well, I s uppose ~u have g u't your all touris ts do , and we wen l LO Mars rPI)orl ,'oI nlll n nly In ('Olln rm lill' :, " "EurOpean nil'S wom o lt. 80 YOU cau lilli, wb ere Paul preached . Ilnd dad "" ul CUITPl'II" '"" " f ehe ItC' W ('0 11 111 , I,II t come down to plnJ u /l,Jnerl!lBn IIv ln~ ''(lad up on Palll. an d oltered to bet I" KhOl \\' u s tlO k ll'11\ r cnsnn fo r ie, ,I i>· aga in; ' s uld t ile old groceryman to the that Palll could give cards anrl s pades a ppll lnl lug refi tl il . bad boy wheD he came Ill to t he g ro cery to I11IY prea ch er , a nd tben oeat hi m T he uXll la nlll l"" o rrel' e,1 I ~ l illtl :t I. with a kero sene can. a nd saL Ilown on preachIng, and t he n ext nIg h t 'we wen t nil 1111 11 10 Ihe land hl llll(o'l' n! Ih e Ule baITel or dried apples. a nd r eached to the place wb er e Socrn tes and Plato pnlSI" rnu" lown fa r lTt" r . Il S \ ' II I ! Into t he ba rrel ot lump sugar, and filled t aught 6chool, a ud Home of the Greeks IIl O II I'), ulo, 'n,1 li nd well 1' " 01", 1"" Ihul Unsntl sfncto l'Y Reward . I his pocl;et. The old man lia.! Just ctl l lIa,) watched us pretty clos e. and Just I,;ou,i flll'lll land In tb c MI ~~I~~I I'Il I ",d· gy Old Lady - Ah. my dea r man : t a n ow cheese, aDd he s liced olt a thIn ut ter dork. as wo were walkI ng arollnd. If',\' IH o nr 01' I he 8nfl'~1 HIIII lTI u ~ 1 My s ha wl 101' whIch I' advertlsed! pIece or clleese and laid It ol n a bIg 11 beantl ful wo man, Ilke a Greek stat ue, prn Olll lJle o r 11I1'C Hlmpn!H. h,! ha 1 I"'e,' Man (a t t he doorl - Yes, an d rtt l' sq uare cracltor and handed a to tbe rose liP ~eror\) WI. with a wli lLd robe 011 , I) II )'j ll l,; III I h ~ nclJol nln); far ms ut his whIch youse offer eel n r eward fu r . boY. s aying; "Jus t lay that Inlllde and s be went 1111 10 dad and cla lmell h Is I PH~ fO /'l' -ha n<i ,I n c l ~lo llors 10 "" ch UII Sti ng,), Old LA, ly- Yes, my m an, iJ II I YOIII' r.lIs and lell me If you got uny - pro tectlon. aJi s be was being pursued pxtCIlI , t he r epCJ I'U! ~a)' . II III! vn('a n t won't lh e rcwa r d you ge l In Hea ven \hlng to cat In EuroJ)e that coliid bold by robbers . a nd sh o cuddled up to dad , fa rlll h . ' " He~ 01 01 P\'cr y lo wn s lol l) In I he bo er.o ugh for you ? Man - Yes,. mls.q us . but It It cuDl ~8 At flrst we t ho ught sh e was n g ho st Hlnll'. ~ I u n y of IlI cHC " ne'OIl I fa rm · hO lls H II lay &:;ol n I ll' ol:" II pll',1 hI' l ion t' denll n' In the hereafler , YOU SO won'l bllt when sb e toilch ed dad , and c1un ~ , ,Lo Illln, he 8altl s he was wnrm all ' so n~ unci Run s-In· lnw of I hc p urch'll iol' : n eed dIs shawl whor e YO" R~ IH goln' ,' rl gb t, and W Il8 no ghost , and he tol d M mc Of Ihpm 11'11 1 hI' nban ,lu neel. a IHI Balti mor e A'mel' k lln , her no t to worry, ns sh e was IInder I he II cwl y 8" 'llI ll'od Inno1 s eo nsol lllnl('d ill l" largol' fo rmH. A 1111 if lown fo l· tb e protection of t he Amerlclln flag, Am eniti es of Authei'Bhlp. n or us (w lt b blUer sarcnsm ) - ·I sup· IOWN Ihe ,'ollrs" of o1 evf' lo[lllll'nl eh. 1. and .be would stand by h er till hndes froze over. a nd he IlU t his leCt nr.m ' THE BAl'.'OITS MA\»)! D.~ n lJu 1'11 111 hO ri ' hce u J;ol ng o n flO I' litan y y ca r~ In pose you Ihln lt I ou ght 10 ha ve 1<llled around her and drew his r evolver. I L'OQ I, J NG, Ih,· mllg ulO ccloI fnr m l ll ~ I'r g ion~ oJ' ~ ff tbe hero nn,1 heroIn e, Ins tead at 'ca n remember the seen e DB thoug h It 1:01111'31 11I11lO ls , Ihe cOllw lttlll leel farm s lelti n!; t hem mllr r)". In the last cnap Le r wa s last nigh t, and ~O IV that Greek mad a t iJ ad a nd said ; 'You Ih :nll you wi ll il l' ICII "ed In Irll('18 of 80 CO :12f1 or thul. ne w slo ry or mIne. Nnggu ~ ( 1lteral' Y edllor )- Qi,lt th e ' woman cl ung t'o dad, a nti thanked hI m. are s mnrt, don't you I' nud t hel\ Hho nrl'ee , 0 1' 1Il0 1' C , 10 t hri fty Rllll )l r c ~­ contr a ry . Bol'us, Yo u dI d cxn cll y t he and sb e smiled a s mile lull of teeth WaJi laken Lo jnll . and da d a n ll 1 too Ie l' e ro u~ l enout far mer ". and red lips , a nd then ' s he lOok ed ou t au ncco unt at the stuff we rol,bell tho The 1"'lIces~ ns It hn'" p;onc In Iii- r ight t h In g in marrying t hem to each Into t be moonligh t and sc rpamed : bandi ts or, an d fOlln d we hUll sev'., r'll no Is rol' a num ber of y"nr,; , Is I b al oth er, I I 11'118 11 morc refi n ed an d " There they come." apd she t aIn ted hu ndred doll ars, and bes Ides, dad nl ed th e wen ll hler land ow nPl' hnys (,nl. t.r tlstlc way of pu nIs hIn g them.- Chl· . In dad's nrms. and then we were aur- a claim agnl nHt Greece for bali a 11111- t.he 40 und SJj-ncre l arm" or II I, nr lc:h · cagO Trlbunf'. . round~d by abo ut a dozen Greek ban, lion dollars, ro r lace rat ed teel l. lgs , anel ' bo rN. 1I 1r d ra ins and ol hel'wi sc i·m· dlts, dl'essed In ' whl t~ petticoalB. and !eft It wi th t he cons ul 10 cvllect, ~ O . pro\,e" t hem . orten rellllu !; t he sn,"~ She Had. Ma Id- Why dldn't you s penk to your WILh lo ng creolted , daggers, and one It you el'er henr ot Am erl call wa rsblp. la nd 0 1' In rge r Ir aelS 10 Ih e Yen ol o r~. .It.. fe ll oW' ~ h n t h o ng-hl Il. lo l or mlllJlma w hen she clime In to see you ? tellow t hat seemed to be t he cb let going t o Greece, you wi ll ImoW w baL ift who gen e rall y ma l, e moO rc mo ney UP, A Hk c u h er I e !'I 1lt" ,t e' er h ~t ' li III lo r S h u r e plie d : "'\·h M Q fpt Oorot by-0h, that lad y? Why, we . put 0. croo!,ed knIfe to ded '~ throat; t h!! matte r. te nan ts th a ll th e\' ha,1 don e as 0 w n· Low ! 1 n C\'er will l C'l Il ~ " badn' t beon Introdnced.--Chl cngo Dond dad turned blue a nd Bald what " Th o next mornin g t he Bol Ll ie .... came era, Tho tel. a Ul far mer or cent ral 11 11 · ·rh c n Hh o g iggled und " ave h im a s h o L Dall y News. ' A RE Al "I' IF UL W01>IAN J.I KJr. A a re you going to do, but th uy dldu' t Into At hens with tbe b~nd ll8 tleu 1.0 I uois pil i t heir capll nl In to t he .' eo[ -HOUlton P o sL --~~ O RlilU STATUE ROSE J> DEl: say a nythin g; but took us to a cave mules, and th ey t h r eatened 10 [<Ill uad I of fa n ll Im )J le men t~ un ci mae:hln rv F'ORE US: Ti me-Worn. whero t he woman go t over ber talnt- on s Ight. so we s kip ped ollt. uu t dad , allli III'e a tuc1;. T heir proSlleri l v 13 ' TWOULD BE FOLLY TO:BE WISE " I' v e sa w their bOJu;t cd h ei rlOOm ! . pandle to that . for fillin g 1111 th e In g spell, nnd th en th ey d r.!8sed dad got hi s pan tll back , Bnd so he didn 't ' seen in l belr com fo rLalJ le all d . -'-'ell And r d ec liLre t o you," SnJd Mrf. K (U~ h . ioth ey hn ven ' t \\'asle places and ma king 110 hung ry li p In a ",hlte pettlcoat, and t he's e long hav e to sail wI t h petl l,'Oats on , but fnrnl shed hOllses , Lh e well I,el)l I'e· A single (J ne l hul's ne w !" man feel a t lloaeo 'wlth all Ule world." soc1t8 sllch aa .ballet dancers wear, and wh en ever dad meets 0. Greek ge ntle- hlcleH a nd bo rses wit h wh ich Ih el r - l'h ll u dtl l J)bl~ P r c~K. , "Gee, bu t 'cbeese stops tbat Ured t eel- we all got on to s maU' mules a nti start . . man around hom e her e It I~ a ll I can famllll's el l'lve to church, a nd to cou nInll In a l ellow Ilke taking chloroform ad {or the mountaIns , ani! rode all do to IweJ\ bl m tro m r obiJlng Lh o Lf)' I:at h p rlng~ , In Cen t r al (I11n ol8 Gratitude, Greek .. Say, give me a no lher s ll co a t JUgt now t he Lend cn ~ y Is 10 l arg~r tor a ,t.o!>thaehe," .aId tbe boy, as', lie nl gbt. " Old Buch Is !lead," IlUt hImself I'utalde the lunch t be 0101 "S!,y, dad was II "Ict u re. The Greeks lhat cheose, " and t he bad boy gC!lt up fnJ'mg. t h' te nun t gener a lly de~ i" lng " Yel), h e's gone." m!,n lI ad pro vided. " Tbere '18 no nb- are email m e.n. and tbey look r lgb t and stretcbed hlm Belf a nd yawned. 10 In crenstl h is a rea , aud Ihe la nd ln rel "Left a ll hi s monel' to a wom an In hla sent tre~t~onl about 'cheese, like t h9 · In pettlcoa~. ,' but dad was so fat.b e The old g rocerymllu look ed at the reg ul atln g Ihe qlln ntlty o f la nd he .I'll: boyhOQu home." . Christian Scl e n~IBta teach. t~ hi t ho Jooked .swelled Ull. aDd even the mule bad boy for a min ute. nnd t hen snl rt: lense hy Iil e proved capElclty a nd H·.IC"Some r ela llve, I Bu ppose ?" rIlIl1 8tll:r. We bave beo n board.l ug ror noticed' It. . and t h,e girl, who wu on " Eith er your .raLh er QI<;:!:bt 10 be In CCKH of ea ch Ilmo nl, Fo\' It s lJes'\. :nrm " No, nol r elated to hi m In any way." a co'lple of WMks with a w.O'11an wbr t ill' wblle m ule, laugh ed a t dild, 'a nd th e penlt'C n.tlary OJ' elso YOU" are Ille innd low n aIl llcnrs to lw nP fl roa cll lng "Some on e. doubtless. wbo once upon lI~acU~s 'CbrlnUan Science, anll I am Bbe coul d t alk .English, nnd sb e told co nilemndest liar In Am erica. · I he SUDle system. a lime did him a great kludness?" " Ye s; be left It to II woman who reAll' hollow lIa 'a woodpecker', n est.' That da d ' that the bandits on ly · w~ntcd his .- - - fused to marr y1l lm ...:....Ho uston Post. · boar ding house iteeper gives U8 boiled money, !lIld , lb ey wo.uJdn't burt hIm If OPEN FIELD SAFEST PLACE. THE WAITER'S LARGEST TIP waler and ' tell!! us t.b Imagine t hat It b e gave up "a inlll ion 'or .so. It ,prove<l Penon Less L iable to :Be Stl'uck b1. It W as Ra lscd c. F iv er by t h e The H'appy Minis ter. ' II coffee. lUI'd we jlre jus t 8 S 'well 'o lt tb~t . she w~ 'o ne ,!C the gap.g, a nd LlghtDing-Jlost DangerSpluTger Dine.' W h o Gave She- Wh om dId l'OU con gra tulat8 as tbough we· ~d tile real t !Jlng. We daa and I held a pon9ull,atlon. and 'We' ous Places. It to H im, Iit'st, t he brid e or the groom ? • had a blient treatmellt ham an~ eggs tor decld.e d to give 'ber a letter to tire He-Neither; I congratlilated tho brea klast. and ·the.,,· was DO ha~ and American <l.o n8ul at AtM ns, authorlzinlJ IL WD S In a Chi cago 1'"" "tltr a nt. minister . ' no .eg8ll. and the' woman just talkoo blm to glye h er. a carload of m oney' About the most dan gerolls pl ace to 'r wo han tlsomely dresse d y O\l n~ women " Why the min Iste r ?" bam a nd eggs until we thoug bt .we for ' ranBOm. and In tbe letter dad $Bek ah elter In a. thund erstorm Is un- enlered, accompa nied by modishl y a i"Oh, lIe got tbe mon ey , you knew." 'iere filled cle'a r lip to the m uzzle, but wo~d up with a postacrlpt telllp.g the ~er an oak or elm tree, a s was proved Il rp,1 youi hs . 0 1111 of w hom hore overy ' lfh~n we got out of her preStince we conslil not to g ive a oon!oundod cen t, ' agaIn by th e e xperIen ce ot a dozen evI dence or Ii recent an ti Ihor ol1;;,;l, The Motorl dt- r'unn y thin g th ey - Yon ke rs Statesman. ' Brretll her and send t roops to peJ'll ons In 'Prospect park. B rooklyn. plunge Into Lh o tl epths c,r ,1I8Sl pollon , can 't keep tI. IH rond In better order , wer!! tOo ,yeak ,jo walk. , But dad got .bilt Seems to me ahsurrlly bum py. e vep with ~ be, Chrlstlan SClen ~e 'board- r!!Scue us. 1 asked ,dad" wh4t he waH odly ~ ' shor.t LIme ago. This fact has I'elutes the ChI cago iteco rd· lIera ld. R eflections of a ChambeJ·mald. r log bouse lj:eeper thla mQrnlng wbell ,gOing' la ' do' It abe dldn't Coine back long been k nown t o s cIentists, but I M UIl Y are called and lew a re liP before The 'pa rty scnted themse lvos. u nLi Up Agai n st It. no o!) , . be paid the board bill. FJe~ ba:ndell ber and thl' bandi ts, decided: to k ill us, and many person 8 ore killed ovcry year by the (l lssi pa led·looilin g chap 1' 1'0 ecele!1 Ragged Rl cbar d- l ,ell vy dom guyg Il' . n. lotl g' hn ll Ihut II. " no urn In . • a blank p leee' of ' paper, and , told her be ,saId n~ve r YOll "mind, YOllr ' papa II g btn lng becau se of the lack ' or dlJo 10 order UII extens Ive BUlllle!', Dn/,· . h M en m u st worK and 'Wo m en m us t. IIW" p. .~ lin~gllle ,l bJ'waai a chaclC tor ',20; bul will get .out of , this all ,r lgbt, , and ho r egard of this k n'o wledge. . Ing too cou rse of the re pa st. lhe yout h "ot as mo re money dan dey k no w wot ComIng ngclI' s send ttl"lr bag'g uge uefur ... - J udGe. ' T he total an nual los8 of lire by II glit. In questlon made r epea led a ll us ions I er do wId, Don ' t youse, TIm ? " he Is gqllllr to lue ,dad for obtaining dl~. :.. Th Irst y Tlmolhy- Na w. I wuz wuns t "Tho woman went nway wi t h a let - p 18 not · known . for- complete statls- In a s omewha t lo ud vo l c ~ to the con ell· .board . und r tal se, p.reten8ea.: and I A TOUCH' OF FALL_ g uoss Ve will be In litigation tbe r est ter ,~he could not read , but ,wbl oh she tlcs on th e s ubjel?t have never been 11011 JIC ha d bee n In Ihe ni ght before, In <late co ndlshlln mese lf. . Ra gged Rlchard-Qu lt yer Itlddln·. of ,our li ves.' .Bay, give me ,nother to~d dad 'how to write. and then· the k e pt. A' few l'ears a go the United According 10 his statcment. sCI'er a l Th lrsly Timoth y- It's el' fact. A oboese, ~dwlch. aild cut t he cheese bandllB made ' dad , do . the cookJng for S.tates weatb er bureau· attempted t hI ngs h ad Iran sp ired on t ha l occ?· tblcker," n/ld the bad boy ' reached for t he bunoh, and be put 80 much sal t something ot ~be kind In a tentative slon ' or whIch be was enl.irely ohll l·j· bloke g lmme n qunrter In a temperan ce io wn.- Chlcago News. r .'.' In' tbe tood tha~ It made ~bem al l wa.y. ' Its exper lB figured Ollt 'the aver- ou s. ," anothe~ crackel\ ~. "I dop't believe lD ucb In tbese new ·thlJ'sty, alld t bey I\C.Dt one ,of the ban- a ge number ' t person s ttl,lIed by light. H Is fr ien ds listened a nti la ughcd :Bill Uncollectable. , 8trletl ot 'r!lllglon," !AId the old mllllj' dllB to a vtneyard. where he got BeV" ,n lng yearl y. In tJle Unlto~ States as at tI~e account or h Is dOin gs. a nd Lh o Dr, Gorem-0h , yes" my boy, b ave as he wiped the ' ~he~e, knife on a · cof- eral pig skins' full of 'wJn~ al!d brandy, 312. But this was not'complete: Frosn supper went merrily on wa r J to til e fellgh t for my counLry, . , fee " Give me the old prayIng and that nigbt they.; s ung songs, and several states In tbe union the ~afe nolr nnd IIqn eul'8. Boy- Weren't you scare,l. pn? . and shoutlJl~ IIlnd of re ligIon, thaL ball ma,d e "dad sln'g '~ot 'J;'lme,' . and ,iJJ,t er ,Ii'u reau r ecel edl no 'r e perta. ' Wh en the tI me came to pay th e Dr. Oorem- Scnr ed '! 1 gu ess YOll a J'evlnl IQ. the winter and gete you ' made me dance, and dad. kept sayUig The r e[lO rt8 receIved did show tbat choel! th e glided you l h IOs tontatlouHly :111 bet. uli. and you go for;,,-ard and 'Let'l ~ave one · more On me," and they ot all that , Ilghtn lllg 'killed, onl y a Ilro d uced a large r oll or bills all el wouldn't have thoug ht so Ii' yo u ha d . h~ve 'em. pray tor you, and >'1'\1 con- dri.Dk untl! the' w~ble crowd w.a s fe w were s truck In tbe open neld. turned to th e eXpeC L8nL WA ller w it h seen m e cbarge th e ene my. Boy- You charged 'em nil right. I teBB to your ' sins and along III tbe IItupafiod. an4 dad acted as though he Most of, tbe killed and Injured, It waa th e ques ti on: ". bet, but you could n' t make 'e m pay, 'pring ar" baptized, 'and feel that yOU w&li drunker than any .of them. but found, had sOllght shelter from tbun"Paul, whn t IR th e lar@ :eS L till for a coul d you?-Tl t·BlIs, are aa 'l\ brand plucked· from the burnderstorms hnde r trees. In doorways of Slipper YOIl ha ve ever received?" tng, and then. when Bummer' comes, barn! or neer cblmneys. Tbe wa ll er s mllell deli g htedly and Very True. Whllo 110 record of tbe kInds of tree. said ; and tho picnic se880n opens, YOIl backWiggs- He's bad a great lIlan y liPS allde apd tbe people' of the oburCh cut most often 8truck by IIgbtnlng bas " T wenty dollars, s ir." and downs In his life, y ou doad. aDd pQlnt to you S!I onl 'ot ever been k ept in tbe UnIted States, " Well." saId Ihe youn g Croes '.ls. wll h Wsggs- He certainly has had a t be' wont ever, aDd tben along jQwardl the llgbtnlng rod conference h eld In lin air of bra vad o, "b er e 'Is twenty·flve Checkered caree r. bu t he's very wlntl'!r ,you attend the revival qalD. England ' In 1881 re porte d that In .the for yolt." wealthy now. and pt tellllion where you lett off. United Kingdom the trees most often H e turneo! to hi s frien ds with a .mock Wiggs- Yeti, you mIght Bay tha t his aDd the), ,t all Ol'lr themaelvee to make struck w/lre the elm, oak, ash And e!fort nt shIrting the conversation t o " Oood mornIng, Janitor, It's gstlln. you feel that 10U are u ' &ODd as allYpoplar. It alBo laid that tbe beech. so me other subject. and All ortly ntl er· caree r Is ex·cheQlIered now, eb7a little chllly out." bpdy, and the n~xt time you are, bapbirch And maple were seldom touched ward they a II rose to go. As lb e Phllaijelphla Public Ledger. "Well , you can't blame me tor It.·· tlRd It aeems to tate, vaccl~tlon , by .Ightnlng. It was an elm that waa 'waller was assi sting the gi rls with N. y , Herald. Exhausted the Vocabulary, and ),ou,lUck to the eburch alwa)'., and '.t~ck In Prospect park on July 8. the ir wraps Lhe prodIgal tu rn ed 10 him FasUelgh-Dl d the mls s ls round on lilt up lilghta ~to ' rope In other feltowa JI'or a period ot 11 years In the prln. and a sked : Could Stand It. )'ou Cor being so late the otber nIght'! that .sw~ and cuL up, Tbat Ia what 1 clpallty of Llppe-Detmold exhaustive "By tbe way, Paul, wbo el'er ga ve Pronc! Parent- If 'you call In tbe GayboyRalher! She Jaw ed me tor r~l1glon that sticka 'to ),our ribs records. were kept of all tree. struck you $20 a s a supper tip?" evenIng you will probably hear my two mortal hours, like cracKora and cbeese to a hunll'), .byllgbtnlDg· These showed that tree. " You <lId, s ir-last nIght , s Ir," r c· Fast1elgh-And what did 1'011 say ? daughter s Inging. man. s tandIng near water seemed to be the plied the s mil Ing walter, a,nd the enl'Pl!' Frl end-0h, I s ha'n't mind tbat. y~ Gayboy- l IIldn 't Bay anythIn g. "But. say. bow was It you never most ilkel), to be hit and gave thla droppers roared. There wa s notblng left to ~ay after ought t o hear the fellow down our way wrote me, 'waa you were abroad.. table' of comparative danger : Oaks, practlclng on the cornet. It 18 slmpl1 s be'd nnls hed. a bout vial tin. Greece? Your dad wa~ ~ 100; elms, 'i7 : pines, 38 ; IIrs, ,1 0; III' Coming Pl·eslde:nte. awful.-Tit-BIlB. In here l 'other day and said he bad treetl In general. 27; Ileechea, b), far The chances are that Llle presl denl s Bis Attitude. had rheumatll ever since be was kidthe oafest of all fur est trees, 2. att er 1932 and up to 1!IH nre no\\' Mannglng the 8ervanu. "What wlll lie YOllr 'itlI t llde toward naped In Athens. and bad to wear tbe preparing for college. It woulf! take tbe trus ls next wInter "" Mrs. Jo)lyboy-How aro you gettlna' Japs Know Good MU8Ic. Qreek- coetume of abort petticoats tor a very tar·seelng man too gue!lS who "I ca n' t say." an8wered Senator Sor... alon g with your servants now ? Pick ing liP a m enu card ot a hot el wlil be president at any eJecl.lon be- gbum , "to tell the t ruth . 1 am not 811re snen, aDd Illeel/ out on a lDOull tain-siele, THEY DR ESSED DAD U P IN WRITF' Mrs. Gayboy ~Splendldly. We baft In Yokobama"ono socs thereon a mu· Iween 19 28. nnd 1!144 , or (,ven to name I'll ge t tnr enollg h Into the calcium mad e them a present of tl\o hou se, aad What. about It!" ' PETTICO'ATS AND LONG SOCIoUI s ic programme, mado up entkely 01 tho proba ble candi date of a sIngle II gbt to make It worth while to strike now we are boarding with them,SAY, DAD WAS A P1CTURb. "Did dad tell yoU tbat ,., said thn compositions by B<!Othoven. Flotow. party after 192 4. Perhllps schoolm as· any altl t ud e." - W ashlngton Stnr. bad boy, aa he laughed, and looked as Town Toplce. Whlcll ters and/college presid ents mI g ht make t)loup:'tllB recollection of the Greek wben tbey all got asleep, and 1 began FJaydn, St.rA\lsa and Llszt. experience was golDlL to split blm wide to cry, and wlab 1 wu dead. dad woke proves tbat the Japan ese know goo4 ' as good gue~ses as anyon e else. A law Sour. Bi• • Calling List. Edwin-NO, they never get on. open; "DII!i and I . .nted that '1'1'0 up iDd Bald : ' NOw I won'( do • music IUld , e vidently like It, else tbe preceptor a t Columbia poInted out ,Judge-Have you a regular calling? wonld keep that a aacntt, hut If b o thlng i to your Greeks,' alld be went hotel mAnagement ' r ould not make up Theodore Roosevelt wh n he Willi a law Prlsoner- Wby, to be sure, judge. tbat they nre married. and . yet , has told abovL' It, there 18 lIO , use (If around to the sleeping blUldllB and Its prograJDDie from composers or thIs stu den t a~ A man who would be pres · I'm a regular caUe r a t se veral houses COllrted under tbe shade of m), lteeplnll ~UU. We struck A ~heDll toOk all theIr knives and , II , theIr . grade. This ta an .lmprovement on tb. dent of th e United StatE.s,- Was hln g. round your way. Tbe cbalkmark's on apple tree. anil · dad:' telt that lIere waa a ' pla~ money, and he took all: tlle pettl!)Oa t Amer/can taste. wblcb goel In for ton Posl. KAtherlne-olndetldl W ell, your front gate, too, It you eve r nohave been a crabapple whan !Joe ,co.uld boll tb' people arollJld, the)' bad . given lilm to WBal' and ,Ued "ragtime',' or 8ueb chash works al tlced.-Stra y Stories. , In ' Our BoUH. Dally News , 'c&DIO 1l'8rYbod¥. _m8d to, be clrelled a blankot Around hla walat, Aod be "Bedelia," " Smoky Moke8," "The · St. ''YOIl ' don't , lallte' any )leal In thetle like ballet daIl~ra; ' th'l! ' men won a tled ' thelr lep togetber With ' atrlnlJl Loul H Tickle·... The mo." we be~ )lot Uncommon. tbe Addle. of the muletl, and Jnat and , aoe 'of Japan -,d ItI people the cblcken croquett.... eald 'tbe Iud lady. eart of abirclled petUcoat. and theT ail D.9meaUc lCcoDomy. · Knlcke r~e,e tbe cha!Jtr.,ur wbo' went IncllDed to tbe view tbal her fa ce ~amlng wltp conllCientlou8 '1111 miles .In '131 minutes,! " . 19Oked' ~ tbouab thq were Iov.lek, before daylight on the second marDIn, more'" The Coubt- Why are' you " pride. . . . ... aDd dlda't do an,tlliq bat po-.. to !;Ie dad' aDd I 'soi Oil the blUest mule and In manf .niBpects tbOY< represent ' j Boeker-Tbat'a nothing UIIUlual ; . JIlAI'r)'1 "'rhat's right." re.loltled ·tbe hardened MlBiI Prettyglrl grew . tully a8 dis tant blgber' dellJ'OO. of , clvtllaaUon tban looked at. and w. coal4n~t' blaiDe ~ • tartea down the trail, and wben Tbe Duke-Becauae two hardware clerk. "Wbt.t a're the)' made the last time 1 called on her_-N: Y. more upen81nl1 tJla'll ,oll~iltlr. , ~r tile wQmen tiae whlteet .. .1i .ttucll level ground we mauled ' that · bOastful Amertca and Amertcau . , If-cod~8 h {l'-Columbal DlsPlCh . Sun. }ud.!o-t ' w~__~ -~ ~..... a . and he lOt • IDOY. on bim Ud I Y'8t readied. BWl. .,








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11f, I I to


C llas: Smith

M a king fe nce and baulin g materia l fl ;\Iakin g for [ C II C 0 5r; '[ellce pos t s . 5 S llrvices as derk & s upplie! \

A . B. ides JI enry Ja r . l' . H . C le me nt ' 'I're as. Wa , lIls v'e ::;c hool DI L. Ba x ter Vance Warre ll KeyB P . H. S urface E , L . Th o ma s J o lrn H. Nlun

O. B.

Bo x well tui'tlOll ,Repail·in g· 'I'akiog E numera tiou


~lllri a tt


11:63 13.99 14.60 41.35

.145.00 1.50 1 2.00 2 2.00 3 2.00 5 2.00 8


\ ,

2,00 7 .2.00

MOSE CnHE N UNDERSHlS BEGAUSE HE UNDERBUYS He gOBS to thB Faclor~ and purchasBs immBnSB quantities

The Pat! on~ of this big store get the Benefit


Mora l Movement l~ Ohio. "

!,lev. Philip 'l'ro ut, pr!1/whl 'd oil th e Ilbpvu s ullj '(It 8uruluy morf\in g lIud R!;ain in the e V Anin~ In the M, E churoh . Mr . 'rront dwelt,eapeo iull y Oil the work of t he Anti· sa,loon Lengue , lind t.1l0 111 t.1ioclR th\~ orgun. i~,,,ti o n U ~tJS in IJrulllnt lU g the OUUti ll ot t.mnptlr UIlCe, null tho cono"o tlon of t,he Lc u ~ ll e with nh o cumpai gn which hl~s jnst olnM"ll iu Ohio,

A. E. Ch e noweth Jolin Wll ~oll 8 2.00 Two Child ren Burie d S~:P T . I. l\) 0 ~ . 'f0 AUG . 31 , 1905. 12ii F rank Snedak er 10 2.00 126 A SK Whitak er in Same Grave . Balanc e on h und. ~fl ~t. 1. 1904, 13 2.00 14,848 06 " 127 0 : B. Marlat t . Sept. 17. FruUl Spr tnlO V fl,lley Townllh i p Mowin g weeds Ii 2.00 2000 JI ~ Mllroh 3. Fr.·m "'urroll UOlluty Treasu re r W e hn,ie now on·sn.le 1.000 Pair Transp orta tiou of Rand & 2922 ~ 2 u y ., 128 U eo. Hamilt on P . H . Surfnce returne d Sa turday Muoh 2·[. From ::;pril\~ Vall ey town8h lp If \:1 HI'S eavy Cordur oy PlInts evening from Strellto r, IlJlnois , McNuJ ly Maps 1.90 22 00 Jnne 12 Frum 'l'ronlm rer of Bec. 16, per B. Lev. Cartwr ight, the HILDIe qllality that u8ually reo where he hull bllen oul ed by the L21) A. Matlht Use of chairs Boxwe ll Com. " 57 ~O 1.00 tails for $2,00 Aug. \9 Wn l'ren Co uu ty Trells urer . and %2 25 W e hon~ht, (t \'l ath of h i'" b .. olhH'· Willl"m '" tw o l 3U Cross Bros. Suppli~ s differe nt distric ts !.!:11 2 37 0.90 ~hem Ilt, ulow price and y on '1\ y ear 8un A peoulla r oironm · 13 l Brown & M cKav Boxwe ll Progra ms 4.75 them nt 1\ low price. Now $1.50~et SI,t1l1CIluld T otal Heceipl,s, I . of t.he dOlt th \vU8 that !l COU8 10,182 :15 132 M. L. Parsha J ll ani tor service s Boxwe ll " 'rota 1 Ex pouill tures. Gold Bound 'oupon.. with ull in of the ohlld, near his own age, ·l357 6~ Comme nce ment 2.00 Purcha ses. Bnlun eo on IULDd, Sept. I, 1905, nnd living In the II1100e house, diec} II .,:tl24 'i3 133 Mrs Lida'1 ' Zell Musi c Boxwe ll com'ce 'ment 10.00 lit IIlmost eXllotly the !lume time, Due EXPEN DITUR E::; OF 'fHE WAYN E TOWN HLP SUHOO L 134 C. A. BrQwn Supt. schools In Apr. 190[, 22.50 BOARD dying from pnsumo nia. the other , ., 131\ Paying Sargen t for Boxfrom croup. Both chlhlrt" n were FUR 'faE YEAR ENDIN U AUGU ST:1l, 1905. 1,500 Pair of Roys' Cordnr oy Kncc buried in II slngltl Will speich grnve. 0.00 Pant8, Why go elsewhe re and poy Date No Nume Frank Sneclak ... Amoun t July 17 What for Mr . t!urflloe was very lUuoh pleas. Work on S. bouse and GOc for the order 8l1me kind? ed with Streuto r lind the surroun d· , cts grOUlld8 10 12. 50 Aug :n 1 H. d , Cross ;''U on disburl! lng ,440U,:H tl9 a2 Aug. 7 137 A. B. S uLcs 'Gold Bond Coupon 8 with all Pur· Ing country , luud /lelling from 1100 Fen ce wire, etc . 18.00 10 Aug :U 2 C H , Clemen ts l:lervices os clerk 6 month ~ 5 00 to '226 Iln aore . The city ilsc If oon· .. ,\ 138 J. E . .J Ilnne, Supplie s ':1 .85 ohases, Aug 31: :3 B. H. Crllne, treas Tuition of Bogan ohildre n t o t.alnM 16.000 Inhnbit llnts, ml\uy miLD· 139 B. H. Mills 288 ft. Oak " 0.80 Utica, nfnotllr les, flne schllol8 . otc . 20 16 Sept ~ Spence r & Monroe 6 tons. 1385 Ibs coal delivel't ld to $43u7.6 2 Men' distrlot No. 3 s el\vy Fleeccd Lincd Under· 26 82 G " Charles Gray wear-e qual to the best 50C Under. Mowing wceds, diRtrict 2 1 00 (\ Ii A B 8ides " - wellr you ever bougbt , Coal deliver ed to NOB. () und 6 2g 75 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!=~~!!!!'!!!!!~ 6 7 P C Currell Gold Bond Coupon s with all Pur Cleanin g school house No 2 ZIMM ERl\l AN ; S, 4 00 :A Good Place to Buy Good Watohe s WutohCN Work on school house and \l tl In.mes Mirand a ohaseR. t:itBtione.r y I Clooks gronnd s, distriot No. 10 :l0 29 Chlnaw !lre Fresh Baltimo re Jewclry Work on sohool house and 9, John £I Nixon I.< Magazi nes Silverw are , Books WATC ground8 , district no 5 H MAKE R & JEWEL ER, S Ii 00 Work on school hOOBe and eWlng Maeh nes 500 Pnir of Men's envy 10 10 A E Chenow eth Phonog rllphs WAYNESVILLE, Orno, Sewing Mllchin e Dark Color . utrUne Pants Weight, grollJld s, distrlot No 7 8 oU und Record s . Every Watch, Clook & Jewe lry Repairi ng. Howe Grown Celery Needles pair gunraDt .eed not to rip . 12 11 fI P KeY8 " Lumbe r, hauling same, dJ8 No 'i, 53 32 lfll uoy Croll bprrll1ll 19 12 I:!eth Cook Uold Bond Coupon s with nil Pur. 8860lb ooal deliver ed, dis. No 8, 19 50 ohuse!!. 1:.1 20 J e Chenow eth Paintin g sohool " l!0 H Davis house, No 7 6 50 FurnllB Cleanin g s . h, and ground s, No 8,3 00 Fanoy Florida Orungo s ., 21 15 W E Coruell Repairs on house and gronnd s 4 25 Lem on s. Bllnllnur, ", 27 16 C K Jones 1 cord of wood 2 00 Speolal selling of Meu 'A New Fltn Oct 1 17 E D Harris Teaohin g from 9 6 to 9.:l0, '04, 8 45 00 u Soft und Stlft' Hats. You oould no t 1 l~ T ,1 Smi th Fll llOY N Aw FigI' . . " 9· (; to 9.30, '04, 6, 50 00 matcb these Hatsnn ywhere 18e for Annu E Meredi th Fllnoy Apples " 9· 6 to 9·30, '04,2. 40 00 "I, 81 19 less than '1 ,60 to '2,00. ~ O Donna Hawkc .. "9· 5 to 9.30, '04,5, 40 00 Gold Bond COUPOD8 with all Pur. 10 21 Davis Furnas " Cleanin g well eto, dist No 8 Ii 00 I Uoarse t:iuJr, hy t,he Bllrrel ohaaes . . " 10 22 HE Hathaw ay Tellohi ng frolll 9. 1i to 0.80, '04,7 . '5 00 1 18 23 Lonis May :I gallon paint, No 10 4 06 19 24 A B Sides Buokwb ellt flonr & Plln Ctlke Rep pump, ooal and hauling , 7, 28 01 "II 111 2fi John Nixon Repairi ng flues, Dist No 5, fl o ur, ' IIU1 HlC S~' rop 1 50 2,000 Boys' Cnps and Girls ' Ne w 19 26 HE Bathtlw ay Attendl Dg lnstltu te 11 25 Rnse of Shur,," y rnp I Tams. They were mnde to fle}l fllr 28 27 ED Barris Teaohi ngfrom lO 3to 10.28, '04, 8,45 00 5OC. For spot clls h 28 28 E 0 Harris we seoured A ttendln g Institut e 11 25 them at our own price. Now they'll 29 '1' J I:)mlth Teaohin g 10·3 to 10·28 '04, No 6 67 50 " 28 go for 230. 29 30 Robert Hunt " " 21 II 5 to 10.7 1nst, No 13 67 UO 1 31 Donna Hawke Uold Bond Coupon s with , all Pur. 9.30 tQ 10.28," No 6 60 00 Nov 4 cb8.8es. 32 ADna Meredi th " 10.3 to 10 28, ' ; No 2 50 00 4 S3 Anna B Vande rvort" 9.5 to 10.28, " No 10 101 25 to 'I'he MI~Tk 6t Ill" Y ,pt hi~her MEN 'S SUITS. ' 4 S4 Inez WUllam s " 9 · 5 to 10.28, .• No 1 101 25 ~orth $l2and $18 50. W ilt '11 Our Egg Sl~n In \ <, 10·7 to 11·4, '04, " 4 35 II E Hathaw ay 45 J H Colema n We 010800 ont 500 Suits from u froll f, M 1:11 e IOt,n ro Supplie s 1· 10·13 " 11 36 33 37 Johnso n and Watson .. big Roohes terN , Y ., clothin g mOln 87 16 sa Anna Vander vort Teaohl ng 10,31 to 11. 26, No 10 4fi ufaotur ero.t 15perc ent,lesti tban thel 24 39 Ann~ Meredi th . regular wholesi lle price We'll poBl O£ t I htl S"blr, 1:0 t.o " " "No 2 40 th is flne lot of !lew Fall II nd Winter . . . . . . No 6 50 " 25 40 T J Smith ZIMM ERM AN'S ' } , 26 41 E D Harris Suits to the people at price thllt will " 28 .. No 8 45 '2 Chas Brown appeal to aDY man who cares fo Supt Tp schooht " 29 43 EdwinACook or (J1)1'1rl!e ' 56 25 save money. Men '8 '112 and 113 50 Labor on fence and ~ound8 6 tiO Dao 2 44 R C Hunt Mnits now $10 Teaohln g 10·10 to 12 ,2, No 13 90 · 2 46 Inez William s Gold Bond CoullOnN with all P:tr. " 1 0·31 to 11·25, No 1 45 46 Dolina Hawke ohases. .. " a2 47 10·28 to 1l.~9,No Il ' 40 Under 'I new Ilohednl e 1U effect Labor on chimne y, No 2 " 12 48 JB AE Davis 1 Hathaw ay " June 25, 11105. pa8Kenirer trilins' over Teaohi ng 11.4 to 12.2, No 7 46 00 12 49 G W Hawke Rain Cloths Labor and materia l, No Ii Benree f.tas the Pennsy lvania Lines leave Way. 10 80 Special seiling of Childre n 's Knee Voiles 3X tone 000.1, No 6 . " 12 50 W C Phillips Brilian teen 11 37 ne8ville 8tatlon as folluw8 : : , Pant Muits. Truly wort.h lind 80ld Haulin g coal, No 1 " 19 61 Warren Keys 3 ti2 0 M Bodley for not less than U.50. See these For the E8.8t 11:5;& a. m.; 3 :47 p . Work on hou8e and ground8 , 1a 8 18 "." 19 21 1i3 B V Smith Shades snits. You'll buy .one sure, Now m. ; 8unday onlV 10 :24 p . .. Linolen m II •• 10 2 00 t1.75 . 28 1i4 ·Anna Meredi th Carpets . Teachin g 11·28 to 12-23, Ko 2 40 00 QulltB " 28 Blanke ts For the West 9 :02 a . m.; 6 :04 p Finest t5took7 cta Shown " 23 55 Donna Bawke " ' 11.28 to 12.23/ '04, 40 Oh~::' Bond Coupon s with all Pur· m. ; .Sunday !lnly .. :55 56 H E Hathaw ay " a. m. 12·2 to 12.20, 04 33 7ti 24 67 T J Smith ~bl.S"n ~ liibn~ll, "11·2 8 to 12.23 We 60 give Gold Bond Coupon 8 with For partiou ~ Informa tion on th" ~ 24 ~ 58 ED Harrill ~~ "11·2 5 to 12.23 every 10C pnrch8.88. Wben 21'10 8ubject apply lar "u 29 46 to B E. Booth, 59 C H Clemen t8 Supplie s differe nt dlstriot s oonpon s are collecte d you oan have 90 ~nl·a 60 Ginn & Co Bohool books " 29 your ohoi!l8 of hund~eds of magnlt i. . ti8 11 Waynt!l lvllle, O. ~ 29 61 AmAric an Book Co ~ ~ <• oent Premin ms whioh are now on . --------33 78 .. 30 62 Annll. ·Vande rvort Teaohln g 11·26 -----r-~ . "'!!!!!!!!!! !!!!~~~!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!~!!!! !!!!~~!!!!!! to 12·23, '04 !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! 45 !!!!!!!!!!!! '" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' exhtblt 1905 THANKSGIVING Cohen' s.on 'the I:!econd Floor. at Mose J' ... RE8 VIA' Tnitlon paid Wayn~viJl!l school PIGNt(8l 'L.. . Jan 3 63 Bnrton Earnha rt' By Sliver by order of Silver V o\!lIA LINU, In 31 Socie 50 ty. c, Frien ds Home :I 64 Fronk Pratt Labor and materia l on ohlmne y 20 52' Elcurolon tlck.1Ji will be 8014 at :l 65 M L Parsha ll .. " black board" 2, 5 00 Saturda y, Novembe~ 'I, was the Open ing Tomo rrow. &tallODO bn penna1lvanl,; Lin... Nnall••uo~et mbOr 28 66 R C Hunt 20tb ~D.4 ~Oth to an1 otatlon.J\qt. more tban Teaohi ng 12-5 to 12-23, '04, 'N o 13 33 75 77th birthda y anD1ve r~ry of Mr. As has 160 beenpr mlloto frpm evione selUol ly poInt. announ 2B 67 Inez William s 'rlokelll ced good .1 It-:~8 to 12.23 '04 No 1 46 Philip Hawke ,. and hIS relative s the Friends BOardi ng relurnlng untit Decemher nb FO"r partlcu· Home will 28 ClB HE Hathaw ay "12-2 3 '04, to 1:27 105 lar. 45 oon8ull took Local Ticket p1e8.8nr Agenl of penna,l· e 10 celebra ting the hold its formal openin g tomorro w, 28 69 J P Cummi ngs FURNloS HINO.s. vania Lin •• " " 1 . 2 to 1.27, '05, No 6 50 event by gathe:rl ng at his .home Thursd ay, and the instltnt ion " 31 70 EDHa rris will Urop 'uS a postal oard " and " we No ,will 8 45 near Ridgev ille., and spendIn g a be tbrown opento thepub Feb 4 71 Anna Meredi th lloall day to you an Illustrs .ted ca~16gt1e .. (, " No 2 40 happy day· togethe r. Those who long. 6 72 A B Side8 giving you valnubl e informat10~ 00 Coal and hauling 88me No 0 11 5' partioi~ted in the oocasio n were YOU GET L:-- -'. The geaeral publio Is invited to and explain ing the Gold 6 73 SF Elbon Locks, hinges, ohalk, kindlin g BOnd 1 Mr8.. Amelia Hamme ll ,.and Mi~ come and bring with li 74 WE Cornell them dona. Oonp<>n Kindlin g furnish ed No 6 SY8tem to you thorou gbly 1 00 GOBsle Hamme ll of UlDoinnat~; tions of anythin g WITH A LAME 10 75 Donna Hawke that oan be used ? Teaohln g 12.23. '04, to 1.20, '05 40 Jabez Robert s alld WIfe and MorrIS by the Home. 10 76 Inez Willia.m s u 1.2 to 1.27 1905 No 1 45 Marcus and wife, of Dayton i J. H. Dinner will be lerved to visitors DtnC1 TroUble )lakes yoU llberabl c. 10 77 Anna Vandar vort 12 .23 to 1.21 '05 No 10 4(; S\a\.c 01 Oblu ,''''Ha.wke and family of Spring Valley. in the di"ning room at 25 oents. 23 'is U. A . Brown, Oy. Z:3uperintending for Oc't. Ui05 Jnsurnno e Departtn ent. 45 1)0 George W. Hawke ~nd family, J . sters will Almost everybody who reads Ihe newsbe served in the evenin g Maroh 6 71l Seth Cook ColumbuM , OhiO, April 1. 1906. 4,000 lb . coal deliver ed to dis 2, 8 72 C. Hawke , Ilnd fl~mlly Charles T . at the same price. paper. I. lUte to know of the ·woncleiful March 6 HO ,T. H. Colema n Supplie tl for district s 1.2,5,6 & 7, 41 o/th~· i i~~::J"o ~~~·.l~n~enr~~it~~~~~~to~:~ I' 'I Hawke und falmly, Mrs . Alloe ~ oures made by Dr. March 6 til E. D. Harris, Teaohin g from 1.aO to 2.24, '05 8 45 the United S~at.cs Fldollty and Guarant1 Co.. Hawke a~d daught er, MISS Mary, of Kllmer'aSwamp-Root, located Mar. (, 82 Anna Mered ith Ilt 8Blttmore , In,the Sw'IeO( Mary. Te<lch ing 1.30 to 2-25, '05, '2 40.00 Wayne sville. _ _ _ lho great 1ddDey• .ltver Tresp assin g Notic e. 83 Donlla Hawke :~~d"a':8a:( tC~':P~I:te.loa~:lo~~~~·::'~t. :~~ and Dladclor remedy. .. L.20 to 2-17, '05,0 40.00 " :About forty of the reh,tive s Imd It Ie tile areat modiI. autborlze~ t.o transact In thl. Statelts 1.23 to 2.18, '0", 10 4'1.00 frIends of Mr. Joe Ideurs, " 84 Auna B Vander voort west of tJ All persous are hereby warned approprIate buelne .. of milking .. , oallrlumjlb of the nine85 1~. , C. Hunt l118uranc e " 1 · 2 to 2'25, '05,13 90.00 Ferry met at hi.B house 8.Lturda l>IIaln8t 10•• or dallUllle resultlnll ' (r9m aocl teenlh . 0IIItwy; e diS. .\ '" .v agoinst hunting on my premise s. ,'to/, Hathaw ay /lentto propcr~y Irom CBuae Otber tban flre. 1-27 to 3-3, '05,7 45.00 evening and t~ndered him 11 A11r~overed lifter ye&l'll of " 86 H ..·E.Coo" •• GEO. W. HENKLE Coal , or lightning : Apr. ~7. 8· 7 Sutll f{uaranieClnl( tbe lI~ellty 01 sclllntl80 ro.arch by . 2 and 10 10' 79 pri8e part,y , whloh was COml)lete in ~ K .-. .....-.. Dr. , Kilmer. the emt ... penoons 11,,1<1101\" 88 H E H tI placea 01 publlc Or prIvate 'I' b' truo ~ •. 3 who t 3 ma9 31 be '05 required ' ': &0 or do.:ln Lbelr 4-'00 every respeot , as well liS the supper , . a laway eac 109.,· 0 - " Demo cratic Rally ncnt, ltIdDe,r ad blad:l. truot capacity. recetve. bolol. control, dla· ..... whtoh was very One delight ' 'I 8'1 Inez William s . .. der 1Jl8OIilIIt. and .. bunoe public or prlvaLe money_ 2-3 to 3·31, 'Ofl, 1 90.00 fu1 featnre of thefine or proper· occ'asio n WitH " I I '10 Anna Meredi th " 2 · 2 7 tl) 3-24, '05, 2 .. 0.00 presenc e of Mr. Sear's si~ter. th~ t1: lIuar"nle eiog tbo performance ' or coo' wonderfUlly successful I~ promplly curtnC . Mr8. · Cr?8S Hall.wn s orowde d Saturda y trnct.8 oLher tban InRuraoco pollclcs ( 91 J no. P C . umWl11gs ~ .. : ueout~ lame back. klelney, blaMer. uric acid troueveDlUg by an audienc 1·3) to 3-31, '0;;, 6 10000 e of D Ing Bod gu"rootc"lng bOo~. aod uDderlat from near Alpha ,~ " 92 ~ C Hunt · bles and Brleht's Olseue. wbleb Ia the wont . " 227 to 3·24 '05 13 40·00 Mattie CosIer emo· Ingo required and permItte d -. , <cratsn ndRepn blicans whoatt ended or proceedl DIl 01' by .. law In alhctlon . form of ,klelner trotLble:• 93 E: D'. Harri s allowed, &Rpre· 2~24 to 3· 24' '0')' 8 45'00 bWedttnhesdaYf night of last " Dr. Kilmer .Swamp-~ooIla DO\ reo~he fihrsltdllnhd onl Y Dei mootrhatio meet· Rerlhed In Seotlon :16'1 , pti-asrap 2-20 t ".17' '0-" ' 10 45'00 a ou 94 Ann .. B V d erVOOt... Irty 0 Miss Trena b Rccond. cmmended for everythIng but IfIOU llavekldl's Ing e l. ere d ur ng II . O ..~ . " e pre8ent Revised S~atules u( Oblo.ln aocon'nD ;), • friends oame into her home ()ornel ee with ney, in Pleas. ()ampai gn. . M~! ,~ WI W. E. Jobnso n law, lturlnR tbe cUf'rent Yfar. !u condhlon just liver pr bladder trouble It,wllI be fouild Makm g 3 Sub. Dist. Mapi 15.00 ant Ridge neighbo rhood, Ihe rcrlledy ,!oed, It hu boon tuted and snr. N. L. Bunnel 9(i Johnso n & Sttllwe ll l preside d as ohair. ~~!b~~·~~e::;, ~~..~b:.~~I~t;~~:~n'!;'Ytbo: d~:~ In so many II 2" " 1n hospital wbrk.1n prin.le .. 10.00 prised her. Miss Trena hod saId nmn " and Introdn oed the speaker s I, 97 L. H. Holzlin Boxwe ll tuitIOn ~ertba Elbon ] 8.00 they oould no~ 8urprls here or, I. Rllown b ,Y tile . tatemoot. under practice, among the helpiesa too P90r ·to pur. e her, but she Prof. Well!l8, of Frankll n, form~r. oatb, WI rcqulrc<l ·by Section " " <)8 Anna Meredi th Teach in" 3-27 to .(,21, 'Of), 28'. or .ald chue reltef and haa proved III lUCCessfulln 2 <40.00 had to udmit thE~t they did. The , ·Iy profess or every cUe that a IJIOCtaI ~ent h.. ,. of Chemis try in the ~:;~~~t'!t:~u';l~~i ~v~r,~~l~w' : 99 E. D. Harris u 3.24 to 4.21, '0;'), 8 45.00 evening . ' wt\s spe:nt i~ social talks been made by wh\Qh aU reldeniifthta a. b ." "100 Annll B Vande rvoort .. 3.20 to 4-14, '05, 10 45.00 and various game!! until a I.ate hour, ~ :sohools of Chicago, was the . first 8MICllt '3.31 ~, !l80 7. who have not already trIed H, lila, paper have a inR, .. I I 101 J no. P. Gumm ings 3.3 to 3-2R '05 ' 6 flO.oo when all left Wishin g t1~elr hostess ir ~JlIlaker. The ohairm an Introdu ced Alrgreiar.e .mountOfllllbllltl.s sample botlle IIOnt free by mall" allO a book . blm as "s. Repnb\loa~ who intsnd8 hous" "102 C. A. Brown ~x.:':~;a n~:1t31I' IncluIlIng UOll.88c 90 lelllne more about Swamp-Root and how ~o Superilltendl~g 2 'mo. 90.00 many more happy snrprls es . : voting for Pattiso n." YOUI'l l 2 103 H. E. Hatllaw a y Te:ach ing 3.3 I to 4-28, find out If you hav,e klelney or bladdortrouble. Net Ao •• to 1.918.41>8 '70 When 'Of), 7 41).00 ONte "~B Tmml£. wrItincmention rudin, thl.gNlerclUI Mr. John Hardin g, of Frankli n, Amount 01 aotual pald,upCBpl· with l .. 104 Donna Hawke .• 2-17 to 3-29, 'Oil. 5 100.00 Nurse ry Stock Deliv ered. offer tn thll paper &lid ' -was the .. 105 Anna B Vander voort !lecond speake rand Hon. T. . ~~rplu, " 4-21 to 5-5, '05, 10 22.50 . 1 .7~~~~:9.< and your addreu to "M. Hogan, of Columb us, followe d Amount of Income (ortho pleasat. ., 106 Inez William s .. 4-3 yur Dr. to Kilmer tk Co .. Blng5.12 '05 1 67 -0 • I wl\l be deliver ing nursery stook boys of 1) 107 Jno P Cumm ings .. ID Cll8b 10 d e' , ' I I 2- '00° at the Edward s House, Wayne8 vllle t~ :hIm. ~,317.8S0 05 hamton, N. Y. J"he ... . . The last speake r was MoClea av n, of AmouDt o. of ... , 108 Anna Expendi ture. for Meredi th . recular 11ft}' cent and ,,-Ic~--;drUi~~ " ., I I 0 00 No ve m be r. 11' A t thl 8' t i me I will' 1:~ Frankli n , who w·· the D yenr l n cuh \ 109 R C Hunt 1.987,11 1.90 dollar ataa an 1014.... .. .. emoora ti 0 Io 3~27 to 5.5, '0- ~ 2. WIlDe.. 'Vbereof. 1 ba.e hllfl!unto bave all kmds Bub· of winter and spring • .candid E' D" H ate for Repres . entativ e. scribed my. name an4 el>USe4m, OftIollllSflaI , !:" 1:5 67.50 floweri ng bulbs o,n eale, Inoludi ng Music wasfur nlshed by the South t.o be am.ed. 1.11 H' E' H 3 r rl S tbe (\~1 1D4 year II"Hbol'o ( " ,·23 to 5-5, Otl, 8 22.50 ~he noted Chinese Saored Lily. ).\ t b Lebano n band. ' • . a olway , -' Wrli!~1 4-28 to 5-18, 'Oli, 7 81.50 A L VORYS Su'pro ot I;;' ·~lIlmm~rs~=mp~:a, ~:d 6he . G • .R. ANSOlf, Mocabe " Sb~pll.rd, APnlAl a& Da~n, . &lsBJD&D,for A:atiooh NUn8ri ee. < Albino FlOUr 60 ceny a sack. . Oblo. , ' drel8, 8iilgba mtoD, N. Y., on evel')'l ' ~ '. bottle. RECEI P1'8 · OF ., \\ A





123 1~4



$1. 50

.. . ..






















$1 0

Dressing Sacq ues



New Goo ds.



11 ___ ___ ___ _..·.. ,;{ .• _


$1. 75 '




m. .




.. ....






.. ..

.. ..
















- ~'.






Har've ysbur g.

[Und hied thelll 'elv es tn Columb us to l Sp'rin g Branc h. attond tho (Jentrnl Olli .-, TMche rs Druggi st Mlldden mnde the connty Associntion. ~011l e rllmuillcd Over Hurl'nlt f l lr (';uvtH'l lln' P ;dll "" '11 sen t II busines ,~ trip Mondny . : to IIttend tiuudny SC I'vt ce>! In tb o • I Albino Flour 60 cents a saok. Mr. Miller took advantn ge of Hue ,C":OIUlllbllS churoh eH Mr . t';t} wllr,1 ('(lu k IIu,I fllmil.\' '" ,.,. Mrs . Amandu. Wright is vitlltlng wenthe r Monday and moved Tl"~ "Ol>enlng" of the Friends ' honse on tohe to hl~ Frank Unrri cl eaning !Ji ~ busi. e:ll~"ls " f lhp f""IPI1l"" bl'i,fh AI·. lIl,· hill, where but for relative s In Columb us. now home. Joe Bogan did itkewise i ne~8 house u.nds is Bollrdlu~ Bom!', 'l'burtldIlY, Nov . 9, rendy bunul! auu t.relltlll g CBiling Imd F t'nn k ( '00 1<. IIllrl fnm il.\' . 11,,"1' . I r. . willing hellrtB of S h' S I C b ' . and IR , domicil ed in tho .Julin l aldtJ~ t o papel'. while t he wo ud work Holl y , IL f, '. 11' h . 1 h wml .11 orownl ng RlIOOll!:lR pa r s ep 0 ar on s lire sorue· Underw !lOW ',,· IIIl .V~ lll~t, "' liek IU u Its 81' UOUlI'II d es. 1\ IIttIe gIl', ood house. t eon Iy thing is tnkin g Oil 1\ fr oRh coating of Jlldnt new nnd up to date . l 'l't . "PJlo:~tmentll . h f '1'bo Times·S d Mr~ . Dixnn WIt . I.· toll. of Mo .. nt ur pllper lUnn urrung· . Hl exter IOr , 118 0 orc montl nne . d ohild of her mother , and she a wid· Mrs. Allen Haines Is Improv ing ed with Percy tReason All the to deliver ltts ,tS now uornplotcLl, IUld.tItO oW Di ll' · Hnll .V. Wlifol 11,,· . more ow, would have perishe d In tbe. h Ith ft , viAl tors Sel!nUl I? n "~t of her Ifr · n,l. . . . d' . it· I I n en thall pleased with the bll1lrtlng find flumes, by her little apron a er liD ID ISpOS Ion Ill! t papers t:inturdliY nl"ht, II" Wilbttr : ner giv es Ollt un ht1POBllt g uppcu.r· '" " llllll"ht catohln g Ar. Mn•. Frllnk Dakin IIm.l k ~ mude a trip to Xenia.. the entertli lnment., and the IDnnllge· from the tire in tile ample an oo fll ndly recllul l.v . fire ·plaoe wee . Will Weloh n.nd wife Rttend e(l ment or the Home is III\PI>Y ' and liB she stood drying her Mi ss .l an e Cres woll 1m,. rnoveu t o olotho!! . lIfrs . Alethla Alexlln der hns hAd meeting n,t Ctosars creek Snturda y Innd Is ocouyln g rooms full of gratitu de for the frtondl y Thllt little girl WIIS Emily .Mr. Lllcy (Jl'ul~ n.n d Rister Mlflll in th o I' esl. Lathrop . tile pleasur e of a visit from lier aud went by way of Catnby town. denoe of Churles SelLl's oourtes y and snhetan tllll interes t ' In the eurly history of Minni e. of Rmmnu, \Vere OIllltng 011 . this pa.rt oousln, Mrs. Smith. frolJl Mason . Will says the fonl at that pIneAl IS , (Jhnrley Browu who ha I frierll1 ~ ill OUI' vioinlty Illst Sunday s heon n manUOtited by the visitors . . more dnngero ns oonditi on thun in . of the country , thti "meetin g house" servant, of the French Albino Flour 60 cents 0. sllok . former years. It blu; always bee n I fuitbful It Is II. day lot.lg to be rememb ered. : WIiB the center of greates t Interes BroM . Creame ry Co. fo\' yenrs bss e vening. t, For lngripp e alwnvs uso "Red consideroel bad, und some three or Isevercd bls connect.ion Friends beg",n to IIs~emble as ltor It Will! there we were wClnt with the Mr. Itnu Mrs. Wm . Chenow eth, elir'ly UII nino o'clook, Rnd at eleven Ito meeting twice 11 week "To togo Spruce and Clterry Expeot orant." four lives hllve been sll.orificed lit firm unu gone wilh th e titotter sis· Mr . Jllltn Ch,mow eth and famil,y renew Sold by .J . E . Jnnney . this same ford in the l)Ust. Iters to take. ohllrge. of and run their und Mrs. Bethnn y Chenow eth spent the buildin g was oyelflo wlng with to Ood the pledge " of The Fertilize.r plant is adding lin· 1 farm near honesty . Oln.rksvll1e Bot wnter bottles ut J. E. Jl1nnevs other bua1in g for oomfor a h~ppy and Interere stt!d throng. t nnd can. It Is the purpose .of Mr . Miller SUD11 I1 Y with 11,1'8. Rachel Tamlle tt, truthfu lness n·n d slnoerl ty. Tbe Tbe two little daught ers of Mr. venienoe in the WI\y of a barn. The ' who purchtl sed the Grimes From eleven until tWtt wuS dcvot. IUtle people Slit on t·he Ilteps propert y nenr Forry . of the and MrR . Jason L. 8heeha n lire \In. dirnent ions nre 32x50 fet-t., to be so 1to plLint nnd repnir It generul ly; ed to satlllfy ing tbe Inner man, and gallery II~ their mother s' feet, lind tlergoin g a thoroug h Siege of chi ok. constru oted liS to MislICIl Lellll a·n d Goillie Conno; about two hundre d people were ted . Imbibed those pure prlno~pl drive througl l tho 1 then rent th e plnoe 10 some reli ..ble e8 that en pox . 1\ nd Florenc e La('ty caned on Misses centor. hitoh and unhltoh in It, turn pnrty At the two meals, dinner and hell>ed them to build their the horses loose and on either ~td altar· Annie and 8 erthu Chenow eth Sun· supper, Bome 300 pel80ns were 41"reB- In a new Ian d an d worsh G d Mles Ueorgl a Frame ollme over a row of stalls are mude t,ho entire \ Ip 0 Sprin dllY afterno on . gboro . length. 'l'b e served. g '\Vus raised In the beauty of holines s. from DII.y ton for a few days' visit l:iatUl'du.y. lu buildin . prepari llg for the ~t 2 :80 " progrom of literary d th Here was the relll oenter of Quak . 'IV Ith h er W aynesv I1J II (I Mrs. Carl Duke. of nenr Ridge. . I' eu s e foundat ion they dlsoovere d ' Wb at Id d b Corw in. Inst of the week.: . I!xerctaetl bepn, pres e over Y eriem, and our Boardin g promise s to be an almost inexhnu st· ville. WtlS cl\11tng 011 friends Bome for be re able gravel pit. ijuperin tendent A. B. <J}mnal!lr, who Friends which we dedlea.t e lust Wednes day. Mr . tlnd Ml·S . ThomBs Borden , of toollY Is Walter Smith and Edgar Bergan , Mrs. Jake Bnle, of Wilmin gton. .rOlld from the 14r.b ohapte r of St. I~ every respect a home for Mr. and Mrs. N. Arohde!1ooo vis. Richmo nd , Indlltnu all who ., visited .Mrs . two Wayne sville b9YS who are now if! sl>ending some time with her John, and was followe d In prayer desire to avail themse lves si~. ited thoir ' daughter Mrs. ,lohn Mary of its employ ed Wuterh In the Barn!!y oU80 nnd fllmlly ll&st and Smith ter, Mrs . 'rheo. Lawren ne. who 18 by Rev. Benj. Hawklu s. . '~any udvantn gee not least is Way. Co. 's shops In Dayton , spent " Sun. week. oonva·le soing from a se vere tlttnok Gmger , of Ei!tht!r'I:~. Wallaoo, of Rlohmond. · nesvllle, the blrthpl aoe of Quaker . day with their Muson, Iflst rhursdn y relative s here. ofrhellm~tiBm. Mr . and Mrs. J. N. M.eKinaey and .\ Mrs. Mllry Longsdon enterta ined Indlanll, read Iln Interes tl,ng artiole Ism In this now . central wOtlttlrn JaDles T: Frame Btop~d at the ri~gr~~~;~~I~:re~~~S:r~ld ~~~~~e little son, of Morrow, are visiting of her own [)reparlnjC, both In 'prose land. The oomme morativ ::; o\'e\' Sundl1.Y h~r SOl1~,. Mr . Hllrris e oenten. home 'of his parents , Mr: and Mrs . the rOODlS of MitiS Smith abl\ndo ned Oromor . of Phlltld elplllll, anel Mr . Mrs. Alice MoKlns ey ond !laught er. and poetry, whloh .18· publhlb ed In nlal held here BOrne two years ago W. T. Frame, friday Rnd Saturd ay, the idoll of moving I1.nd f~r tho prell. Delwor t,h Cromer , of Clncinn lltt. ~bls l8ilne of the G~zette . Mr . nnd Mrs. C. D. Rader made a was but a fitting tribute to the many Eliza Morr!s. ot .R lohmon d, M1'8, honore d Friends who hAve passed on his way from Wheeli ng to lioints ent wtll remam nt the old home. Mrs. P. K. Penoe is visiting her trip to Dayton in their hands.o me in Indiana . Quite u. numbe r of men with dnughter, Mrs. Idll Ohristo pber, J Brown of Wayrauville be Thom ddt of IlutoUlobile Wednllsdl1.Y· u i Y01l Rn teams turned out Friday and finish· J he faithfu l who ' ed hn kln~ corll for Harry Cline. aIDes t own. diirolln o Reev1"', Rlehmo nd; Davis rem!, Rnd have few 1\lr. Wm . MorjCan, of Du.yton, "kept their fon.lty Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. M~ore, of A 0 rumend ablt3 action Furna •• WaynellVllIe; . Mre. A. K. good to 'the hU'lnan brothe rho~." ~a8hingt'()1l D. 0" are ~a~lng a tIDIed. Tl"ero Is more lind well Mr.ILOd Mrs . W . O. Joslin were s)Jent several dJi.ys with hili home &rgea~~, Harvey aburg; Benjam in e~ergy. ana O.em City shuppe rs Friday. .' or Iho), scarccl.• a s k In pruyer folks last week. Visit with their Wayn8llVll1e rel>l· perseve ranoe wrl!l.pped up BawklnlO, Bethlll M. Furnas.. Re 1D Clme's . 1'IIat "hl~h o~.l le1'!l mlahl ROI Hbare. d 'l h d tlves. proport ionll than enn be st.arted in .a Mrs. J. N . Lemmo n lI.ud dllught al' ' beooa M. Merritt . aQd A. B. . BUL. 10 1 O'1.e bundreoJ years WillJam Humbe rt an faml y a "':0. A:ttend the great shoo, boot nnd olty of ten tinles the populat were lo. Dnyton shoppe rs Saturdn y. n of a!! SundllY tbe hili. of OhIo. guests Mr. C Ilandlei', of Waynes ville, enllved A Amoog and Mrs. bbe I J h little old town. lltue oborcb waH t>lant.eO be"" . Amos Fox, of German town. ru r sa ~ ' at 0 n A .. F un k· ey ,s this Georj(e Mr. Ben Stiles lind daugbt er, of tbe occa'&lon with pmyer, pralle, Harlllll shippen goods of . By humble beu,•. In lenea.t pra)'cr. this month ; it is 'a forced BIlle. for Frank Oyler in (far with Otis 1QU Il,\\'e 1<0p, IUlfe llIe n Had . Mlll!ter Barold Rogers , who hns Morrow, visited their rela.tlves, Mrs. exhorta tion and exprell8lons of sin '. Anti Tboy kl"dlod beNllo Je~u.· lIame, the want of room. The newad dl· ley. Quite a nIce lot of I oem gra~ltude; Ilfter whloh toe Hope Stiles and daugbt er Sunday . furnitu re been ill, Is slowly Improv ing. And 00 we ""Iobrato \llll .ycar tlon Is to he comple ted in thirty et!) .• moved by Frank , 1--" I"h ood when Ill" bundreel yenl1ll~ but ada, he : Mr WllINu llan(lM iesSucT . Mrs. Mullen, Mr. Idd Ulark and haok exerolil el Cl.....,.,. w. g d . d 't ft I W '\'0 tllm wbo , pre04 tbe Mllky·Way., moved to Okllllilomo.. Oyler Is a ays; on m1 ~ t IIe ....ut>rg~ . ns. fixture at Aqlldll.r ko, snd Is well and ern were and ROOd wlshll8 for the 8Uocees of ' A htlodre4 )' 001'1118 bul an hour Mr. and Mr8. !\.. Emley vlllited Ilt Dllyton visitors Fri . P . 0 . K enne d '\'0 Him wbo 10 :iUpnlme H Powor. y,o f CI eve1and ,WAS doing like wille. What with II. Olee day afterno on. the Borne. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Minlou Iu Nature'S pliO, IL 1Iun4",11 your. . ··t · W ' ttEOEJ PTS '11 M d home and good position, good health Wllb ..tIlts IlOJIClI anti JOV8 anQ feaf. . ~ VISI or m Olark at Lytle. SundllY· N aynesv l e on!lY and mild olimate , coold,. one for Mrs .. O. IN but a lpao.ln wblub 10 ,ro,,' : . Pence and gran d . night and Tuesda y. .Mr. 'Kenned y or sigh for the old haunts, Ill!k From donliUons, :Mrs. Lydia Gordon hll.ll returne d 10; 00 Tbe ripple of are'. ebb "Ild 6Qw is interiIBted In 'Philant hropio work all or part of the foregoIng where daught ers, Misses .Ethel .Pence "nd wuhe. \he dWlI of Earth .WILl' Is In.ok· Ruth Ilfter .From meals aerved -dlnne r · Oftrnha BOveral weekll absence frOID rt, spent II few days And ble·acbe. wblle the lallen clay . 01> In the Friends Society . lind spent ing? . Bnd supper, the PIU!t week with 68 85 !'lo wloer mao than William Penn , friends at WOIlt home . the night at the Friends Boardi ng 'heck. were gl ven 1&8 ful1Clws : Thill section of country is well Elkton. E'er ioUllbt 10 rulo Lbe beorto of meo : Bome. ~!'!'!'!!'!'!'!!'!'!'!!'!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!'!!!!!!'!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!! From hi. wla. coull ••1 sUIl lbere oorned. And the farDler is busy goth. live. O:uolln e .ReeY'efl" ,Rlohm ond, 50 09 The . crace to loy•. tile Io.w 10 Klve : Ch' Pleas e Retur n. ering the grain wbile the sun shines. twrllh'E . LI"plno ot"C!nc lnoatl 2~ 00 Until triumphant noloe8 ...reb ... Dr . Ralph ~Itohell of lougo. rd The twenty .thlrd annulli re)Jort He hilS to g~ta hl1stlet oo, ~s .,'~ olondy 1 bird : of the Rev. And 8notbedm John Beok en'8 hcarlB ond son IIIw SODII Edwin, Thoml&B " Borden 9 of , Rlohmo nd, 10 ·00 - It. ecbo r ••ohM tb .. we.,.rn· wl1t1 . Ohio Agric:l lltunl Experi . weuthe r WIth ram gets m a good The name of th!! person who took Upper Sandus ky. Ohl'O, were nmong . Where Slimly men. wllopluK cb.l14. ment StatIon , at WOOISter; has just shaThre : .. AlIIo cash dOJ18t 01;!B from a h.8 ndsome fur boa, belongi ng to 1& ~. OO Brcalhe.d from tbe breatb D t ' tim 0 1 vIrgin d 90(\ those be from I n distano d d e in down "ere receIve d from Il Dumbe r ' TIi~ l'rloel""K bODD. to "onblp attendll noe cae are emooJR 10 es. an God. ' lady, a membe r of Frlenda .,on t·be en esue an oontAltns an exce·I we hope they will itu pI'ove the op. at the fuueral of othera. · , of Mr . .James Allen. day of the Openin . We feel tl,1at It is no aco!den t that len~ likenes s of the .late S. B.. g at the. Frtends ' ElUs, portunl ty and give us II good admin· ,ValWible oontrtb uttonB ot on.nned ne EVllnston, as it ahonld be Mrs. Harvey (:Justin WIlS called to OI&l1ed, or Waynes,,:illll, who 'W1U4 truste~ of Istratio n. Had either Bome, Is known. She left her old " f the three Lovefu nd last week on aocoun t of fruit:., raw fl'jlI18, vegetabJ~s ; a~d fB 'Sl\t up right here. As in one Instead . our relig' ~rl~a ': ~iecel1.neoua ··artle} ". lous thougb t there la ever growth . the institut Ion, toge~he~ wlt~ II b~ Wr~~~~iti!:~~~l!~~be~~YeC::;~~:U~~ the death of her little nieoe. Now, if tba.t fur Is not 8eDt to t·be graphic al Ilketch of thiS. lament out of the straigh t tioket and there. InciludllJg'~ sofa pUlow, . ~ ·8pr9ad, ~o ·.,e our 8001111, \~·telleotn8.l· and ~m.elal. Mr. and 1IIrs. D. F. Corwin have POlt offioe or to Mr. Howell 's store . . .. by left the "Amen dment" to be returne d from ~ week '!; v laoe eurtaln ll' and a nUmbe r of ple0e8 domest io life . need ohange i~lt from some time this week, her full name , they John A. F~nkey will continu e his voted .on· In Its proper place. would Fort Vnlley Gecrgin . of .brio a ~ra:o " . where Mr. will appelLr in onr 10001 papers n~t were.prOl8nt ed, . h Th ., en Iarge an d grow . That.,w hi 0 h WIiB. great sa Ie th I.s mont. have more respeo·t for them. As It .' .' e exten· ie, . ' we nre ready to join the rank Corwin 'rhe SnJjOri ntenden t an~ ' Matron deem~ luxury Is now neoessl~ tS mtol'e!\ ted 10 'lll1rge pelloh week. ADVERT ISER. y. slon ~ bls roo~ cannot be oomple ted and file of any. pl~rty organil!Btion orohnrd . tbe' Board of Trustee.. of .the Bbme things that once pleased the nntil ,nextm onth on aoooun t of the.l whose intentio ns ,a re fair Blld hon - 1'he1'o wnsbip Sund&y Sohool COil. and the me,mber& of the Frtends palate and satisfle d the mind ",nd delalID 88Ddln gmllter ial. Theoon · est and not seeking !!ome Intamo us vent.ion will be held ...t thll M. E. TOLD IN SHOR T Soolety unite io hearty thanb to tastes, filII (ar ~hort ~f meetin g ·th" tractor i8 disApp ointed, and we are plan .to gull thbe e POOPdie. coor~tlvde ohuroh . Sunday Novem ber 19 A ,, PARA GRAP HS JDl&ny 'friend8 of the Home f!lr $helr wan'a. be measur es enn . an are rtlIIo. e , . mtm;! so. ~eat a on.n. to but the 'voters of tlils land need goo<1 program has llhert&l dou~iollll ..nd for their ekibd . 'Tbe 1\0",. 'bat m~etl the pretlCot been prepor od. MiBB Pnulina Butterw orth went need o~!ped ;; «Jon't fllil to look throug h n~t become the tools 1Jf the maohin , Evoryb ody weIDome. and:. eftl.Q\!ln~ eervlce e In aesliltin'g :!~:~::.::I~~ ~~::~~~ P!I~d, ye!!terday to U nion City, Indi~Jlll, tbe .mamm outh stock- the largest ' ahtlone tOf be ANY olique. k T~ere entertal nlnlC lind serving the vial· , In ,bort, 111 a. ",or); 01 art · wl~ Mrs Luoy Barnhn rt ~nd Mre, C. to spend a few weeks with relattvell. and best. ever display ed In Wayne s· ave 0 . an awu. enlDg a n · , I . the tora. true . splrlt !\If indepen denoe J. Roblne on atten de d n. woo d en And WA teel that In this Frtends vII e. The Wayne Towshl p Protect ive . must supplan t thle, old. "dyed In the weddin g at MliBon . , Home w~ will In time have auoh a .Mr, and Mrs . F. W. l! Frillay. Associa tion will lUeet lit the town. Hathllwo.y wool" party adhere nt spirit. ThRt .~R8. WALL ACE S -\DDRI!:BH plaoe to ofter all those )Mho OI&re to had the pleasur e aa.turd ay and Siln. Which our fore fAthers . d f voted for has Prof. H. D. KelJ\so n, MIsses Luoy ship hoose, Wayne sville, : Ohio, will ev~. be avail thllt:DBelves ot.a restflll, next satur o.y a ter· refined day of enterta ining Mr. arid Mrs. become obllolete and we need Ileek Banta·, GrMe Aldridg e lind Bertha noon at hallowe d 1P:0und to me' there 18 no a d oultur;, a home 2 o'.clok . "I d L . f C d M'n , ing lees oorrup ' We ure Stephen son attende d the Central U "11 e ' uoo, 0 on8r. on"",na' 80me~h pl~ under tb~ blue ally tbat holda nIt III the In~ntj~~, Mr. t 1 oking for perfect iont. bnt Bnd Mrs. Ed Cleven ger and some th" desire and Mr . Mr. Hothaw '1' . t' t. (' I ay "drank ~~I~: .less flagran t on its faco tha~ Ohio eao her~. , A 10 ~ny pleasan t r~lleotlona. ssoma Ion 1\ . ,0· two sons. of FranMlnJ were goesta will .oOntlnue to be the aim of the from the saDIe can.tee n" during t~e what Is upon us. umbus last FrldllY. vi..uJa 1011 learo tho lpeJl our motber laM ~rd of Managerll, as well as of Mr. and Mrs . T. Jeff I:!mlth Hat· the war. of the Rebelli on, Ilnd have ever We would hail the.l\dv ent of in. Mr . J. W. Hadley enterta ined Iter I urday and SundllY. And 8~!",' make. ·1\ ~OUbl; 408r. 8)1pori ntenden t· a,nd Matro~, to sin','O kept up an Int.imate · friend· depeod ent though t general ly. In. auot, Mrs. But_ lalde from all a88OO1;.tlon make thie pla~ ~l inl~ll He ILppoln T. Janney , ~aughter Ilnd I From now until Janunry~. Spa\t,r t. llhip • . Mr. Luce i£l unole of ..,Mrs. U. depend ent re8earo h and !l.n inde· son. of CllrlH!le, last .Frl!1 r,y. , (wbloh tome ' III e.aored) 'i t ii one ot ments ~long deelli'edtedand e ' will give eaoh do~n PQotograp1;l.s w.. befliethve Ill. White. " He has a lnrge sheep pendon t party wh09~ aim would be a muo... appreo a nee", 0 Mr, Latoh Denmotl' and · sister, II taken of bubies two Post C&rds . the moat ploturll8Que little olties in hnman i:lecel\o y and an upliftin with T family. It i8 not ~n expe~le. rtInoh g of man · R In Montan u, and he and hIs kind with honest intentio ns tor t l:l d .. all the oountry , and It might almoat ment In the East. for HowOll its Mrs. N. L. ogere, spen un Ry I buby's ploture on them, or QlJe wl~ of tliis .wlfe visited their Ohio friends about motto , Tile llCOu88. tion of frnud in with Joseph Deurdo ff and family. eaoh half l :be aald 'Of it ,of the old hlstorlo na.tu~ are oont.ers j)~ refined culture five yearlla dozen. go. politics hRS become' the oldest ohest· of Merritt stown . . Bnd sfynple eleganc e. W~y clin not ' \ . E I city, Rome, tbat aat on hnt sevnn thls 'lIttle "i3"!itzerland of AmertOl lind tlWlil and nu· t extant. Defen:t menns Mrs Emma Joslin hns gone to &" . Mr~. J. F. Cad ....allader , lifter a. of frll.ud and one i!! possess a howl Bowar,d n ass hilla and from her throne of beauty hllve a nuoleus around which ed of t\S _ . ' . . . th 0 I Hortlce Stokes and family, ofy,Leb· there 's ummer 9f Intense nervou s tension gretlt a mine of It Ill! another . ruleu. the world. ~ema. to accept a· pOSItIon ID l" • ianon , and George Riley and . ",ill oluster mnob tha~ makes Ufe In8epR rable from home family, duties, , A od hot enjoyab fire these le restful 0001 morn. S. & S. O. Home. and truly·'o harm· In ~11l' of power and I n f t u e n c e ' . . I of Ridgev ille were enterta ined Sun· g~. k C ohn-roh I work and a natural Interell t Ings IS II. JOY unspea able . ' there III · DO ·C\>OJpllrlllOn. Yet In Ing. 00 er . duy lit the home of Mauno and conoern In the -bulldln g and fin. weatbe r will folloW; rain, e Silver. . d di i'" f I d snow Keeve r 'Farm .Sold. I ht Mr . C f th M tr Brown "":-U'lf be..nty 8J,1 and.Bis ul new ter Mra home vera .y 0 .an scape, and bllZ1.nrd s. Take S warnin g Ilnd i I Uneemen " t ' 8 ng? 0 . . . . . . . I • '(IT . ., .... vllle refgna a queen Well • be prepare d. • . pee a . AitnO EI pay 'n ~ E. Keever hllo8 W88 sold 80 prostra his farni ted. . lconne that r, IlCtin'" of the upon Harvey . ' sburg pllte, mer do 1 remem ber thedea. r tittle atorie& . Grandp a Jessop makes frequen t of 68 t t tte d th funerAl The Lyce~l11. Lecture Bureau the advice of physlo l.u aDd " of their aores, three miles north of e;s:pec 0 a · 0 . e . friends , trips to Lebauo n and there holds Wa nesviile on ~ tOld Us our .mothe r· ... knee or Its under whose manaae ment the Dayton pike. to gl'&ndmother, M~a . . Elizabe th Pow· varied liUnctl on.. The 018l&r little Morphe t and StevODlIOn Co, . the sha two · weeks ago went to Battle consult ations. with an I.nteres ting y n will move to I ell, in Da.yton, thIS afterno on, Mra" .treamt l and brooks .rnnnin g hither make the followl nt announappear, Crel3k. Mlohlg an, where IIhe took grandso n. This hoy hilS com'!! to Edwa.rd Brown, a d cement spBIJlal treatm ent in a highly raoom· the wiee oonolW!lon died Sunda mornin g at the there is no one his farm reoentl y purcha sed of L. Powell . an" t.hitber among the' many hills, In..rWheirhciroulathrll: pleoour , f 8" e' t Y mende d 8IInitor lwn for patlent ll held In greater OIlteem than . .. "LevI." R. Thornb erry. In the Plea8lln t age 0 II • e /tve e 0 all· ' lOme 'fol'88~ orowned, ot!1era graes nounce , t·he ~nR8flemen' for the I.autter ,n g fr9m nervou s trouble If he' fal\8 to go, the boy comes to Rid e nei hborho od. s . .hlm and togetbe r they e~ohange .. ' "OWD, afrord\ ng pHsturaR8 for oomlng sellSo~ g g 'N o Farm ets' InC of The M.olJ>~e s .tltute .· ." 'he flooka Mud berda tbat oould but ~teven8on Compa nI' ed Tlielr t an.d Yesterd ay Mrs. Cadwa llader returu. Uloagh t ~nd ideas, adoptin g wool;. 'Sheri ff Sells ~r. ad home . vreatly . . improv ed. &Ild feela forman ever mouar.e seenlet h best regard. ' a reuD exhlblti oD ~ " brlveul'cJew:ilaOh·hlllJP yoondit lona.' of the c88llre ti -' tli less of Ita anthor W W ~'ll 8 .•lat.est wondert! in ' ortenta l assured ,that f King· prope rty. she . can . con . BU Due er, .e ' ecre_r y 0 th . e ._.. The nlirro-.,: path that led to tJIe Qld m"~lo, high. class p~t\dl Olilo BO&I'd of . Agrlcul tQ~J h..- . gttdio. treatm ent at · h~mll as 8uOO88Btully CI\~i~g ~~f~:::S ~!\v~~:s~u , .8a'teJ'Ulwai~ .prillg. "'he~ two and reallstl o ven'rilo qnlstn : '£he property " ' on Main street of waed a st&te~.nt 'that tbe'" w.m . . ae itronld done at .he iDtltltutlon. Frldav afterno on. . l Iustrum ental sc108· and duets ill. If be 1lJid behe the l0te Mrs. F. E King was Ilold by be bat one flH;lDer 8 Instf~ lmle,l r .8 'ill hI QUlin. bO, anets bathed. h iodnoiD dDell not; bhprov e IUI~ ' .i'1D g loan" new inlltru meeb\' 8 , . ' ~ 89 .' • . The apple orop,ha 8 been gathere d I:!herUf ~r. 'l~ h In the'bran oh, avo\d. A" truly novel, artist,lo lintt eft'~ BM .....~~011 '1'. C. Patters on last Satur., Warren con~~y. t,le hopes ~IIr, . a,,!, to, ahe wiD. ~tam to ~d gamere d, "SP,ort horae ~oon day aftemo on to Ell M. King, thro tl tnar ,t.he" ,rea' .~ldJ'· 9~;wdada ever musle,al "ot, with ju@t the~, :Battle row will be !M1,~~i!d to "lI~t o.De. ~ Creek. Her rapid I~prove., curried " Fresh po.rk~ohoP8' are ready for ' bula..., bUt. enjoyin g' souoh of re8ned 0 medy, ,A' In Attorn ey Willard Wright ,' of. Leba;}; ~s~altilell funda is .~OOJ men' \8 very en.oour aging to Ilr. aeuon and tbe aiv~ ... 1be~ tia~' lIttle tAdpoles tb&t wens darting Hall, Wedne iday evening , 80:'1[. IIIlVO.lrY. smell of mU8· f .UOO · W G ' ThomJll!On rea.on for .hil ourta\li n. .t, aii4 n . ~(. Cad~ll~et J\nd al80 to a host of IIge 18 '!..elOOme'lt·any 014 timp. . non, or Leb~oD"' made the onl; ' ...rf1'b&n! tn tb"· bri&ht olear Tloket& onro:'le ~t J~~D:l· i1rlll' ~ ' by a • lrienda wbo ao ardentl y wlah lier a !l'he teaclierll of our aohdOI8 dla- ' a!~o ~~d ".ter. '.l'I1. - amall brick iIObool awN, * .m y, ov the ~Pert,. ' p. m, tuU and aspeed7 recove r·y . miMed the pupPa ~l'rIda1 at 3 p m 0 er on p • ~










~I,,(l .





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'. _~....J.

The _Miami Gazette.' BItOW · & MeI( IY, Publl Irrrs.


WAYN E RVIl ,I,E. ~-ctac




tllo most Imoortoot pba3t! or our lif rs Lhn t In wblch we eze ... ('Ise whnt Is ommon ly c u " ~ oJ jlld!,:, mept. 3nll form an OI)ll1 lun. a n "R I· T I10 D R d B oy Visits His Uncl e's Oro. . lDale o( nn ot/h·,·. 0 1' , :1 ~ t hr y 8ny In cery- H I\ 8 0IiJOejUi"..... on "DY!II!> slan g y v o l"lunl"P. " ~ i l.t· hi 111 li p ," :\'n n o Lettll ce L eaf-Th ~ y D lscus£ Na" les 0 1 tho ", al' ~ In \\'h lo- h .11' 1' r a il II p,,n , li nd \VlI l's-"If You W a u t t ~ R E~ t·" ltoJl l ra r e nnl1 ,ol ll al>l I' r:l(' II it y or ,liS.! 8AY S lh e Ba ei B oy, "Don 't Go t'rimill a l ion I~ lIIu r,' 1t1,"ly . ' U), S lhe A brond." 0lM


Pll il ati el ph in L" ftgf' I', t o t HIV f' fnl'·rt"'nch· lu g (' rr oc l ~ t h n l1 l tll... I n fur '\ , tJHl: \'u..,'. mnr htn e Dlcot t


hll lll n ll

l' om lllt'n' I"

s odt>t)' , in d u l't lrif' II"

gO \' rt


I I .... el rr c v· ,


com e to a R '" l\ ,r~l lil o r ue ably r u in ed I\" r~ we UOI 10 -' "else It co ns ta nl I), in SirWl'ri ll' a'HI juSIlC9. Porson s a rt! \·,· r)' fon u or th ro wing 10 • s Ih e ·Chrl sti an Inj un 1100 . ?,ur fllce. I .c be not jll ,lge" ," ' Judge Dot, llal ) . d t l equa ll u well·kn o wn :J I' O ~lo lic aD ,e, . Questloo. " \\' ho art thou lhut jud gcst a oother! To bl . own 1"".d he s to nd · ~th or falleth ." Dut both of th e~" r eo ter t o that un charltablenc. s In jlhl g· log wh ich IH, or s ho ultl be, a l1" n to th e Ch r is tian s pirit. It Is Impoqglbla 10r us 10 e ngoge In e \'cn Ibe most 1 '1 I as well lIS In the most 1m· (r , II . b n relaUons one porlant, of umll toward aootller Wllhout exercis ing tbe fa culty of ,udglng, In tbe sense (It estimatin g tbe pllyslcal and moral 'Worlb of men . Judging In the sense of measurin g Il man's capllbllll1es and c hara cter. Is just as essenllnl 10 life and 'I\'ork a s the selectton of our food for wbol esome ness and digestlulllty. II man's t tl I Judging. 10 the sense 0 x n g final attitude and relaUon toward .~IS (:reator. Is none of our busln ess·- to hi s own Lord he stande th or fall el b." 'Ve may ta k e II, th en, .R an almos t ulomatlc trutb tbat we Ilave 1\ nat· ural right to estimate character and c apability In tbo se with whom we have to do. P e rbops tile "character" Is lbe I t t f t e In tb e mlltt er more mpol' on ea ur , for "ca pability" Is pretty lDliCh on a level wltb the di scretion w hi ch we u· erclse In t he choi ce ot tools.

U. and wh 'n lb e w \\ l ~ tle blow. 'a nll ~h )' :<).o\> abOarJ l O !;e t IUl'l!,a int t"l wllh th e s hip. 'ile.y b~· \XIJU~ 8 a ~ I Q lt, UIHI " ,uo 't hl L (1 Ilgl ~ ~ " \' I s!'r, 'but ha ve 10 wdll t! 1l t h ne nl y geL~ 10\0 1101,s, like n' ooy ~ I: ob t ­ Ing lIlI ·I(s. 1., 01 at ( ho ~ . IIltl~ .i aps . T heil' yes are J)u.\ III 81:'lIltlof;. ollu ~' O U WOI' lei l hlnl( ,h ey woulll . hool a rO\1 "t1 U corn er. Ull t when , 11 :' go t IJ ra l'e<1 h e Illu ,I a s "". un,l tal":i aim . und ))\1 11 l)1o dlll~S, t ho rOilin g mill ,h 'll til \. nr e :nt . rliQ ' n my hil s It III ''' ~ ,"In;' pl(l)(lIa. •aD~ nnyllocl y II" " I! aJi vc wh n I he OXIIl os lon ~"JUIl'" JI' mps 1 u\'e r uosrd nnd \1I'u\\·n 8. ' 0 we \ :a nl ' 0 UO l' u,b ' ( OT' /lil Y (' lIt) m y Ihn r" m ~s u lun~ . 'l'n u (> you ,I UII ' I Ittlu w wh l\t lIIen! some IIullo n I" !;o lll t; 10 mix." "Bn t wh a l '~ Ih u lise flf ':PPlli n!; 'iJllooling al .. Inul'l, nil Ih ~ time. l~' Ih l' tl nn\" f" lI c"M'!" _alll Ihe o lel mall . wll h a t l ~ ~d luult . " 1\uw. wh ell I he ,·pIJe l·


BY I1 l ~ . fI-::U HG ).: \\~. l 'E l ' l( (EI. · (j o \ .... n lu ' · IJr \\' lsl"c" II !1If1, I"u rn l(-r ,) 1,:..1. tt OI

" I ·(· , ' kUuJ ' ~ S Ull, " AE uth iJu.,'," t c .o•r " 1"('l.: k '..:

( \ ' o p)' ri K fl! ,

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Tb e uhl g'·O(·.r),lIIan WII" lu f



"fll~ ~· e~·


t.h o t;I'UI'el'Y III iris Shirt Hl ec\'o:<. IIItIl



fas: .blll llllll ecoUl\ll" tll epOOIl·1 b\lngr>:.l\ud Ih e)' .1I1·e on l>OlalOc ~. and bOI14! ful' a romlllnrwo ft·ow soml! 1ll Ill' b r tJ( lbe fU lnll), "ihQ Is mak ing IcOre lhult a liI' ln!; In cood 0111 A n,l e~I~.n. whllo tbe · young ' mlln nn rl ' :h.e !llr ls :II" Ill! lin 1(11l~ \III 10 . gil !L WUY '. 0 the I b r Itll '" lit tit froo, Iln,l ~ or YOI •'Ould g e t I hIli' !llltl 1>(1[ , ~ell ied down th e re 11'0 111<1 be uooo,ly left In Ire 'nn,1 hUI Llle \. '·.V old me n nn !1 wome n. who b 'would Inlll 10 you nr 1101 hul I e 11Q ), 8 li.lld g ll'l g 10 Inl·· s wa y AIll 1·lca . nlHl \\·h, 1 Ih y f01l1l,1 Ih a YOI1 hnd Ie [1 Am~rl,'u to ,' OIn o 10 Ir l) Inn,I 3n , •I .EO• J<I." )" lul's~l r. tI, )' 11'01\1<1 IJll, e ~'IJ" fo r " lt ill olir nuel ha ve yo u gc n, ~o ' 1lIl..5Y·



" In En glnu,l )'ou wo uld iJc 'Ill ,.1 " 11' Ir ,\'ot! 11:111 I1 tO l1ey ("::irat e . \ ·UII

a l ll i

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r'~ OWl) L nll ."".·g -" · e o. nn Gov';)l"l\m ent-WoU\ so Do MO$t of U, e .Work-R ~ltgl o \ls

Oba ,·VAIICIll'. l\Iost cu rlOUA t nt'ur ,,\ollllll r lll,II a froUl Cblb ua ltuu r"lnll\·u IU th'J "u~l o n,.~ nod p, " c, Ih:n u! Il, c Ta ra ItlI<IIU I'." . I, l(lIun :~ ' II S/l VII ;; A 11'11", or IlrIlL . I.,\lu. lh ~ 11Ifll 'UI · .II tI 5 'J'r" ,"la.l l ·ell'l"" . ..... h U ' I'uul ~ o mc tlm p. ~1lI0 1l 1: lhe ,, "11:1 n ~. ,·.I IIl m\ ,'s lulI" ll Ii)' tlo 're"1 10 s , ".ly tit ,' n",., UIIP""

'uou.: h 1.9 ·IIY aT) ).Irant" IUt!~Ul . 1(1 d\'tlll.r lu em . h H'se , lJ llt II ' TIl(: T Hruh ll lllaf H I II flla II !i • .-iays



lt IO IW)' at ih ral·e. t '.,ey . 'l e xl".' I" 1I ,.,·,oI J . IIro dc,'cn"IIIII S or l he , \\'(1\, 111 ('ut y,)nr 'H;qun IIlIRn.·~ aJl d 1( " Nalloa~. \\ lio 1",' 01 " W ilY )'l'Ilrs II!; " . III .,. u hlSl your 1Il() n ~y . Ih oy w() ul<1 011· lli e 81t HIl" of ·Ollll," hlla. A" ~"n ll " !; w si de !' YOll n gond r~) lI lJ \\' " n u l you r t h t' l a t .." l (' l' IHj U ~ I hI' I r lh i.: Is ·OtI\PU"'t·t1 or mUll )' "'''s !;'oor. un d Iht' n IIl., y \\ uu ld ""0"1 t ' .O"U Indl\'hlllil is v 01111,· )'.' u 1ll0VO Oli . In Pr:'II~'·. yun ~ "At t il ..u lJo me of " 'Inra hu t1lul'8 Ih~ "'1111



Sufter tro;consttpatlOD, Do,,!,el .. anu 'lrOubl,. ' to. , Q. \Vb ot i~ ~heJlCihlDloll of' .ickneo! ' A. 'on. tlp.tlou. . . c.\ WhClt iH lJOll t,p'l ~ lOnf l'ai'lul'c of ' Ih~ ~owe~ lo. cal'I')' 01 tb o ,,'n. te IUlllt I' wlll~h hut lD I.oe 01: rn olllll"y cu,ln l wlwl.'~ It d'\.caya alld I'~I. 1(.'\.0 Ihe CIlLiI'il system. Evcntunlly th.. ,e. uli. n:'O death ui,tler Ihe nume of SO'"~ oU,el' ,Ii.ellse. N"t " t lt o denth. from t.\'. pboid fover nud appendl .ltiB, . tou.lacb und bu, el Il'oublu ut the pl'csent time. I,!. Whut cause. 'ou8tipnt'lou ? . A. ' eupl'Omplly. lcct to rC1!l)ond th o. call E,of 1'"lur6 Lade oftoexcro'~c. x. cc .iI,., b""in wOl'k. Men till emotion Iln,l ll Vl'ope r diet. U I,!. W hili. are tue l'CiJUItS of neglected C .~~tl!~~~~~i~,~tion cau8es Illorc 8UIT .. I'II' g t han ony ol hel' diiea e, h cUU8e8 rlH~Ulill'


t usm, co hJ tf,


6luIlIUch, bowel,

l-" ~ .

D'y, lun&.und h l!llr t t,.ou bl~.r , ~tc., hl ,. t hu one lil"CaB lhA~ S 01 others. digcslIOll, dY C1)C P iA,s turt dioIThea, . 10.. U~t· .• Irep a,id 8l''8<l lll>th m 'lI 113 8y m lll o1UO<p iles , uPPcluli iths, and tiF.i lulu, arc ('nu,~lld hy 'un~l i l>ulioll. 11. cOIIllCquenceJI "' ~ known to zo all tt)hr.ioiull~ .IJUt fc)v " . .6 11\ f" I'en reoU lC' l' cond,t,o n u!ltll . '~'

a wal el'lng pot In IJI~ hllntl . II') lUll I IJrul'O uJl so '1le " t/le,1 lett"ce 111m hR" ~ e e n u('lI el' da~· ,:. Afl el' nil Illi e milt s hall fallet! nnd Ihe le llll l'C lui ,] oI II"'n cu u lu t"LlJOY yOUl~ e tr noll} ~'O l1 I.a d t.~ J "" 0 IlH111 wOl' li!:\ more \ ll ti O th e mUll , who t oo lnlc. \," ome n bl!come . cOl~.fu'Jlled JU• III Its ued wllh :loU appealing DOlt . 8 S ~o '0 Ih o Kee l.·)' ,·,11'",. uno] Ith ' n II ,lol's nlul1'~ I. nOl h ln g TIr, \\'om cII RIl'" yuH,I. U$ n rcault of COIl~tlpaLlon. I I I ? docll!r Q. DI U 'h a s t o 8U)': "Don 'l InJ eC I ;Ill ~' . \\,u ll iu I)e nil o rr. n la y yO\ I \\',)uJd • III wool on,l roll Oll . mnk e , hr~a't. " IIItll . 1\ . Do Yeo.phl'sleiAns 'l 'ho li1'atrecogn,~e 'Iuo. h~1Ilhls you~, I hlnl;. uUt let m • .i le II UO l uml 'iI:lttlt .'. hn\' 10 1 ~1I 1' 1\ 10 "I ny II llino on • x~rllpcs. "nl s . lJ 1~ "t'I : ,' 1,·. AI ni gh, JIt .....k you ill "nl'e you cOllsI'PQted? Th ll t Ih e old man Betet! as I huug h h e U1Ut UrD ui lanul' tlll.l nt. HIlt1 eal .r (u tt ~ n. nUJ1l11Hi r8uf l h l' rlllllll) :;IPt:ll n n 111 ,., l1uol', ia the secret. Ihoug h t Ihe elld IlIu] com e. Ho had se" ,1 011 frlllll Amel'lI:!I. d lsg nls .. u \\ I til grou perl tOj(clllet' ""UIIII,I " hi !; li n' ,I It Is ~: ~ue~, i\,!ifbcli~~~!er tre"lmen~. T he ju s l tAkcn otT bid hal . lind wa s Hn z. an 011 1'0 "II In h~l , wi I h C\'er)' lIllI i'l IIno COld. cOII" uob errOl' i8 to resort 10 I'U)'8IC8,."uch Ing III bls ds lng I,a lienl . . \\'h ~ n th e woUl ll n "I" 'r rl ng 8 bn lcher . knlf~~ lindn Th .. Tnrnhlllllurn IlI PU. wll h 1,; \\ ('X':" I)- a8 pilla. sui t• • wlnerKI wuter c(Utor ,!i1, I". bad boy cau.:o nl). olld. wllh 1111 I,nue r. ill Ge rmuny you WU1l1t1 h~\ e t (l (' o'b t ll' ll s \,"'llr lon ~. laa lr. wh l ' 1\ l h ny bralu ~CCtiOIl8. etc., e\'eJ')' ODe e f ',VblC"1J 18 ' 1II,l' ~ t ~Iac Into ; lI CM. n,; dn "th e r.blnc~c. JurIOUil. 'l'heyknow wenke'l Increase ta lle r loolt un h is fll ~ e . he loo k !t Is dres .• IIUl'ali e, "nlI ,'a I~el1 beer .... IIIBlndy. You till!· and by your OWD t,uc ex. I hUI you wClnl,1 Ira " 0 III wh eel ,I. "un~ 1)' .1 " Ih,' rainy s"a 5.~n (:flrn and Illtience. . • hat and fanlled tb e le tluce. lind ~ nl~ : "FrleD,ls wbo desire tu loke n Innl .Ioo k " " a wh nelbal'l'o\\'. CUul" LO @IIt" I. II ag . . I I (} What (ben r,bould be done to cure the decellS d may pass In : he lronl all UP. my u<l\'lce 10 )'OU wOll ld ~e to bellns lire 1>lnot,,". bllt ~ nll" ~m":1 ijr~~,,~ . ..... Get n bott e of Mull'. ~rup~ '1'00 1." go I Zion Cl ly gll'e "II your Uluney Onl y willi' Is I\~edcd f , t " alll Y at on(W. MulI'~ Grape 'f ollle w,lI p,,,,. door. aud r ell re by I h e tHi ck ,1001'. N o Do I d 't I' Ii hand· ou t or 8U1\1I>llon Is raised . Wh II th' "rOIIS ure t ivelf cure C008t1plltlon amI tOOl.Dch flow eN<; burial prlvllle." 10 ow e. 1111 u ,e h d I en sp""tltb Ir Ilm(\ smo ll. ble ,n tbo abor[e8t space of time. a "Now. what you want 10 but l 111 here oreod lIu<l heans .0,ccII610nall)'. un,1 try gluntg ellrne. ldtrlelnrnkln~ " ;ez" ulno:' u kind of olher reIned), b<lo been known to curo for . when I am ha vi ng a ll t hl8 : rou- T II ~ SAI!.O . t . . .. make of om, Con8tiJ)nlioll nnd '~o,!le? RS S tT I.!. O F \·ODK." 10 100 I, pI eMan . d ' h - (,loJ &guardlellte wbl" h Ih "y Q. Whut i. posiLi\'e\y Mull'• .01'0PC ble?" SlIld Ihe old man , as h.. p<lureu 'I'll"" TilE\, ARE ' · 1I1) 8S · £ 1' 1>:0. 'fhe blld 00)' Jluu se.. '.. ~" In. Ilnd th e ",omtlo do Ihe work . 'fh ey do A. It iB a Colltl)ound contnmmR 40 p~r 11 out the re malulng waler tt, Ih" 011 hl'011O OUI . we ,lIlln't kn o w how groCCl'YDlaD had IIs rcnc,l " lIh .. r • ' ,101 c'llth'1I1e wbeal , hilt afl", r t he c rops cent of the juice of <;oncord lI~np",!" It ' x. sprlnlde r OIl tbe dylul'; salad 1llol"I·lnl. 10 s h Ol. but Y"H gal tit reo JlIst Ihe t eres t a stl·cn{tthenmg. hcuhng e a llI ' uute ar e aathered 10 (h I) neighboring ,lis· erts tll'on tbe ' nte. lines, 00 thnt theymJluen e " Tha t Is wh el'e the proltts go. Wb e n slim e." " ':hsa:,,"1 next ' lrIP; t"l cts t hey 1,Ick \Ill whl,t Is left by til e UJcir work unaided . The ':-'" 1 oought lhat letl uce at Ihe on.NI" · " Yes, In about It ve years YO ll gO l \\ et c s . to r ell per • . All 11IclIl lJe rB of " family go to. uul bu t ~ure. It \8 not a I'hyelc. I" slon bouse day before )'e~l el'ddY. II so you L'()uld bit a couf de r.. tc r egl- See ms ns tbO\llgl~ he WO Ulli "~I~~Il" e lIo~h~ r tu (h~ 111,1 ..lgo dl~t rl .t, and 111 '1, ' unl ike nnylhinll el~Q ~'ou have · ever, h 10 waR bright l1~d cr lslI, with ,lew drops m<lnl , II Il SL(lOd sU Ii . hut you cuuldn 'l lI!ay at h.oDle oog eno ug '" up HOlllel hl"'" n. mll .h nR 200 rr OuIHls. ~~'I~ i!o~t£~~n~~~~l~~' 1It'i:~~ry~ I~l',~~: ou llle lea\'es and II era 'kled , '!Jen ! hll. ooy~ody on ijRld Ibll bl~'Dsoblll':tt. '111I\'e 10 cllan g e "our s olrt Chlldrlon are tllught. to luk cairn ot fr uity pre lIo\"or, it i . r.le~nt ~o tlI l: e. h the I wing." d bandied II . n~d look a t It now . ;. 8 11m . I au,I I vc o n . •As a tOTl1e it .i_. Ill.urlng "1,,1 I l,ft I" II Lhe, oo\' H8 he .he p Tb,·y ba VI) no call" n ni"8t dure.ltneCjun nsea. It .trengtben. ber as a star clled collar at 11 vil-ule. blld uoy. '''\' ey sa ll e gUlls I0 you. aud you lool,ed them orer liS : b~ l1gh ~'hen ;o:n tl;~'I~~tl:: (snnlle 1t;;0 l\:le IIhpe p' milk . pinoill. l ortillaa. fr1jol~s. b~hds uprr wn "te tl.!!lle. T . II and It wo uldn·t stnod til) It II \\'(\ ' e th ey we r e to be cut up In lo . l~nklj. s:~pr,el I. l of tb e olll gl'OCe rYUl nn' S blrtls. ra l s. ml co lIud 8uslles. The pin' Q. 'Yh"I'e co n ?Jull's llrnpe OnlC 0 crutcbes. Gee. but If I bud a Ilu lel.1 nnd frie d, and when you were .old bow s e po .t Th d II )r l . t I,e "Bttt Ollr ne xt nlove \\'11: ole Is coolulIl corn mlx ~d with sugAr o.r Ir nd? d I on .0lllBthlog Iha t woul,1 keep lellne., ga c ( bcoaIn'g ourselves around OU" na- .ptlo nctllo arid pounded . IIl lO pilI\' del . buWe A. YonI' , . tlmc.e tlr n 2 • 10 shool, anu fire . ntll t,le .11 It . i, contaidruggist ns IIN'TI),~ell. t l"'rc .,Ii. crill) unttl It was sol'l . 1 wlluldlt ' l ~"~nl Il1 e old I;un kl~I,etl yoU o\'cr , and e c II~ ' I ' t Join t h~ el r. When lhe 11111011) Is mi xed with Willer ce,\t ~ize. . d . no gold mine." and Ihe o lu 111l1n I 'lie" III 'hed YOIl arter YO u were uown. and l"·e..'an,l . . Pa" go ng 0 o r mlill nnd boiled It Is c oiled c hampur· ('000 Clll' "ilinll c1l1ld'1>n an nur In~ the wa tul ll g pot Q II t ile tioor, and broke a rib, and disloCated u ~houl<ler. CII,?' '" . r mon " wrlta rlltin. IIlrds, r,8 Is. mil:~, snnkea and the' l1I ol llers. A Free Bollle 1'0 all wh? b.'.r,~ J b d sg e . When YOU gol o ut- of the bos J)llal you GEoc . s~~u lhe.?~d '~~~I' :'saltl 't h,' bnd Olh er A\llmllls used for food a rB hubt d ne\'er used it. m.'cause we know ,t \\ I " Well ." oald the bl\tl bo)'. as h e trlell wanted to be d etailed as company lbo° ~~'[ w~~ ,y~t'~' you GoO'd . u~' . Yo:t are by r.he t;hllllrcn . wbo earl y ar~ tBughl to ;cu::.r:.:c:..::.)':.,ou_._ _ _ _ _..,-_:-::_--:::-:::::--' a few slrawberrleR of! thc 101) of a cooll. } ' .•\\ I I" r P "b' yourself nlong" lise t he hoI\' and arrll"'. SOlD e or lbem 12. FllEE BOTTLE lI~or; II or ourse In th e h061111111. li nd I b ey UQ "Out to "n~'1: up . , b'. .10U' n.m.. Qn.1 bOx "tr~' ln g to rejlt'.renllte wlltl1d let· Call' ne,'er ga.'. YOll IleU I' a "'In u"gain . a goou 11 b ng. I bo went are ve,·), g,IO'1s mil' '1I sm-n ~ . S,n,l t1~1A toupon w.l Man l!ehlnd the PAper. tuc~ Is like putting f'll aO bail', o r hall' . the fI' y . Tl'" Ta m bumaras ba\'e Ibelr owu l!lb . ..du,.... "dd'u ..tri.l.•• rorafr""hbottlil. An tlsteem ed If somewhn t m elo· dye on an ohl woman's hp-ad. lIud lor yeai'll, and wh en yo u d id ~hool and ' r allO Lber journey 'Mnl1 tl> '5 'GI'.,)e '''o1J~~ ,for Stonl:ac , an. agllin at Ib" .' n e UlY. YOU pulled tb e .o . SURge....-an if only a rew o(H hfl m s pell k , of 110.ot. dramatic contemporary rep rlnl s wltb pulling oriental crealn aud powdtor on trigger " ' lI h your eyes s hut, anll run MILLIONS ARE ,S ENT HOME. Spun leb 'W~" . 'fllelr (lre.s lti Sl1lMlhlng .\1 \]1. ': 5 ORAI'f! 'rmll. Co,. 14rTlllrd.Av~.• t ear ful co mmellt lhe sl ory or ' t.he away froOl ( Il e ncoll. and ne,'er hit' a I.hat s UTllrlsoa orre 11'110 h08 '''lVo r ~c ... n . rt.,Uk I81nol1, III , young ,WOlD an whose bus hand was r ebel , lind It ttX'k. elgb t lI.rlonds of A t la Vun grlrr • 't'lbe of savane Indlli oK. Only ve ry Ot" Fltll Addr ....' a illl Writ. Plnh, tv. , i) ·t Irnmlgrantll tl'om U8 I' ;... .. Tho ftoo b0111econtlllna a,arlllbreeUI1I •• awa y on a trip, and who 'Whe n ns ked lead to kill one man . Now Il :f!' I· Sellt OV8l' ~8.000 000 In few ro.," . nor more lhan . fou 'r ~r ce nt" \I, SO<! At dn'trlloru. Sf sbe OIlssod him. replied : "No. [ ferenl , nntl t he 1I1tlli g uns tho KrlllY Ten Years. • ",' cn~too brl!flr. hl.'s ; I he bll.llloce '" a,' .:.:.:::.:.:.=--:-----:---7~ use tlo n't Itlck, allli lbey shoot a lillie . I I N f UU'I)l <I'n" r!' Il 'T he II llulnc' hus Il dllte . und num1Jer I!tand a ne'VEpaper In rront ot . b Is h l. I " bre~chor0 shoes. au II. aM<)no 0 II r . mt"!y W b 'I .tomp,,,1 on. \ he l!l.bel-;l:Itkc no other {1'(J11I bull eL lbr e mil es, lind when L e ll · The Immig1'llllts to lbe nlled Slales. shirt ther~ p late at breakfust, nnd Ilardi), reailze lei hit a lIlan Ile lB' pal·uIY1.ed 11lll il from Au sl. rllI.H ungary .h al' e 'sent bn k. b tJl'e no bala. Wh~n tbere III " fl" ~la. ~OUl· drUlllll&l. . .~ . . that he Is gone." Tbls Is suppose'! to the hlllLle 18 ove r. ond you ra"~ gOI to tbllL country In tb e len years bet"'e~n "rltn eral or s itch ()tca~lon 1 nQ gllill Ilt· .THE HALF-BAC" AUCTION, b e til e be lg ht (or dllPth) of bitter s al'· to pi ck out a Slloe on a mau , anrl h i' 1894 nnd 1903 more thnn $oI8,OOO.(J00. !) t . tir o onslsts of llt'ee 11I'~. ~ h j r~. hnton" casm. convcylng the Id ea tbll t hu s · It or be fin ed by Ih e sOI·geant. 'fbat (b Is '·8IIt sum lbe hnmlgl'ants fro m hu araches. 'J'he WOlDen w a r hl""K~1t HODor of Alma )(n.ter · at Stllk. bandly IIbsorption In tho mornin g pa· Is' wlillt It OI eaus to be ul) fo date with Hungary senl , 3) ,132,080. , wbUe fl,nd sllirts - and s()metlm es a l' Prompt, ·l!lu Tbllt Chll p er Is a seriou s Imp ed'iment to domes· lin Ilrmy or navy. You ' cot to hit lhose. froni Allst rla 's en t to ' lhelr rela· 'J'lie~e are bomespun . The worn e" alSO t.lle' Pla7e,·. . tic h1l 89. That tbls habit Is an e vil, til e bull·s·eye, olld not tfie Rurl'Ound· t" 'es 116.982.980. In 1&114 tbe amount tn uke "a.rapes for th eir hu~l)a II(J~ .",ll ln g coun·l ry. Tille time tor hunting sent bauk by t.he Imrnl g rll!lts of \lol b IJ..Ql hi)r s tOIl llsad durin g Ih~ ,,010 ~':a . r e marl( s the St. I.ouls Globe·De mo· ·'WI,.t lUJl [ '.o\fe,·. d (or thi. pri",. elephunts with hlrd ahot hS8 pRsfled. countries was $I ,3 27,G20 . This bad S()o. Children ar" nakar1 unlll t.h e, :ig\, crat , we relldlly admit. hut we con. :New ]cnglllnd bAl r· b ",," ~" "..ked th~ nl\ and you gOl lO blow 'em up ,,·lth . dy· gro'l\'n In 1903 . 10 $10:556.000; In tact. nr rour ()r live, wheo lhe h 'gln LO " CRr tend lbat It 18 necessary. And Incl· tiol,eer bnJlkly of 't.1m "".... 1I1hl<,d mann ~ t. namll e, see! there has been a slt'ady Increase since hr .. ech clouts. ulld ulumni, l'elatetf ,"l'uek. ,tl"resh f) 'f)I" d eotally we may remark to the lady ot "'The ooy who clln hit a It)' 0:, tbe 1894. . 1'h(\ hllve . Lb(1l r ()WII lib; prep .choul! A fine lille·buckerl !" ,,~ the fable tbat, despite the news pllper low8 IU8' interference like 11 I.eo\ll Wei~ t' l. wall willi a bean shooler Is the ~om· III addition to the lIum\! sent Into lhe loveroment ait,1 legls latul'e. nit hOltgh 170 stripped! Come, ,now !" Bubterfuge, she would have . missed ber . Ing soldier. and you old Jays thllt 91/ count~y througb what are known iu these areappolnlP.<1 byand RlJbj~" the "Free: tuition during bit whole coll~l<' huslland bad lie (ailed to leave a subaround anti Irick: about expeose of Auslrla as "home banks" tr? m Amer- Mexican nutborlllc1\ lhe Tielghho.~ln.1l course " · cried tbe monuger of the YUl.... ., , ataDtial choell for runnlog expenses "NOW, WJJA1' DO YOU WAr.:TTO BUTT leaching our army anll navy to hit lea each year. a large amount 18 remit· WWO.. In eal.'h TaratlUmara 'low" fi!l.'r? ,·. td ~ eleveu . . . . ' .... _, .. ' ' ''Free tuition,'" repeH i.ed ttte .Due.L'On et' r . '!\Ihlle he \\'a8 away. 'fbe wao who 'lblngs they' caonot see a 'tele· led through American banks wltbout Is a "gobern."orclllo." <)1' IilU" If.; HERR FOR ?" BAlD 1' 1J1il OLD '''durinll hia whole collelle COUl'lle. Do t • cope ougbt to be aent to an asylum the lotervention of AlIslrlaD or Hun, ernor I1nd chief of polJ(:P.. All gt',h .... n. "ea~ fNe board ~ R enrembfr, &ent": m~ll • MAN., reads a Dewspaper at the breakfast for Incurahles. ,. gal'lan IDstitutioos, or In cubor w stal adn~~I\IOs anti oblefs or polkll nl'r, ~"h. b~ baa Il recQrd of 80 touchdowlll in u". table lIoes not do 80 entirely lit chOice. 8"pPtleor jere. KalOn. Do r bear itt" It Is part of th41 day's work. lie would her lace, aud .Ialse teeth lind plumper. ' ".Now . that you and your dar! bave money orders. 'I'be eollre amount reo jeelto a "}l'ee tuition and board for four yea r, ," In ber mlluth 10 p!lIke her cl!eekl tra\'eled all over \llurope, aod kept calved In AU8trla:Hungary In 1903 from wbo la also by I\1 cx l<:<ln au. 5bou!.ed the l)rincyh'unia m.n8se~ ' tln:1 much prrfer to hear tbe latest ne~s of plump, and pencllluK ber 8):ebfOw8. to yonr eyes and ears op~n, wbat do yOU emigrants tbat bad lett that counlr1 thorlt\es. It Ie only seldom lllUt Ih e lal. ' ,,;e'll t~ the ' co llege . (eney for . O~ r _ the f.mlly next door, or ' tbe trlbu la· make her look young and klthlD),. She .,.. . , ter have occ.slon 10 Int .. rv'me, II" the clkarett~. ihlnl{ Is the bellt place for a mlln to for other 'c ouiltrles Wl8 $82.7i8.oo4. . ·tloDS of his' kltchen, but be must I. the .. me 'old lad" and saltpeter go 'I\'bq Is tired of o;wn cO\lntry. H \s estimated tbat the Itall.n Imml- Tarflhumaras bave tierome raUlp.r h,w. . Tb o' 'Iluclloneer wun!d bl IIB,'el m "re," er.tioa Cor the final hung. " learn (rom his peper what tbe worltl won'l save lIer. and make ber' yu ung and wanLS to settle down sompwhere giants III t he United Stalell .seDd bac~ abl,lIng: The mo~l freqlleot ~rlme ~om •. . "1'uition, boord and all agene)·," bit be Wl1l8 hilS IIvlog from Is doing. alld cl'IHp again ~ a piece or human and enjoy peace, aod quiet. for the (0 their bllmes annu~\I.y a 8um \\Qual W milled 'wlthln their territor)' Is drnnk. Ilhouted, "Do 1 heD I' free clothe. . RI!' wll ted lettuce," balance of bls m,e, wi'thout work , aud' abou t '30.000.000. . An Indica~l?n ot tbe ennes's and an 0(10" 810nal nlUrller. member, holf·bn qks Ilrc sesree. 1'1.. 1 ona ii' guorftnle~d fOI' (our ~u!l )'eare a!,t.1 a "00 you know." IIt.1d tbe old man , no teellng that he .11 liable ti} wake Im\1ol'tance of rewlttancel so made J ' Drllnkenn~iA Is 1W11 /llllll~h<!<l RHe rely. Tbe year 1905 st.nds out as a record r,08tgradunte · COUI'llO . 0 010& III. ' tUlllon, Tnrabumaf88 like 110,1 ndmlre I1lvlll. board and an agooe),' GoiOR- l breaker- "a year ot superlatives Ut .. he took a piece ot wra.l?plng "aper U(: Rome mornlog' and lind tbat he I~ tOllnd In tbe business ot ltl!lIan \lOIital to wipe a drop 01 Dlolaases off tbe the midst of " war. • Whnt counsadngs. banks with savl~gs l1!stll~lIons tatton . They .belleve tl,ot th e Mexican In .... toni.bod- Roing-'-ao-' . . ' .. . tIl.a buslnElls 'II'orld." as Dun puts IL "!'here WIIS a rustle 'n lhe throng. A Prices ot the 60 moat activ e railway bosom of his whiLe st-Jrt, "I IlID one of lry 'Would you adlvlse an ' elaerly man for italians In foreign countries, But government Iii ,orill because It prol ect.~ Irrcathleira man', htll'1l~ lhr0'IP' ' 8ecurilles have reached the bl&hest the . greatest thinkers In tbl8 ('OUlI' 1.0 .go ·to, "",ho 'WIllIs to get aWllY from ;the tull amount lipt IntO' can Dol ' tb'em. :.Thl~ refef.o'nly to tl,oR p. who live "~ tultio.h , board an ngene" ~ c"io" trouble, 'and jusL enjoy eve[y dllY ' of 'be kept track or' ln this way. tor It fl lIear town. Of cIVilizer! people. try, and I Jilt II""" when Ihere tbe ' n~";' ·rneri "frej) clothO(!, rellt. 'rj.'e io polnt on record; the output of pig iNn are no cuJ>lomera .' Ill tae Blore. (he bh1,\rice ot hi!! Jtre?'\ ·.tide _ .~IIIi1 lall. 'Cree text ' hoo\ii, , f,'e. the old well koown that con,lderali,18/.a!/j!,Ouots w'bo n Ye In' lhe hear.\. of Ih" ntounlaln a In the first balf ot 1906 not only tar trip-). .. , and do notblng but jUflt think. art; lIent 10 paper money by reiilslered dQ not' kno""~DY 0 b e r rnlp.rl\ tb n'lh"l r' Imrp&ssed any pre4Jedlng six moo.tha· and It worrle8 me tbe way tb.lDgS are "Ooo1!!" . • hrieked the 1lllctioneer. "f(,,',o mall IIr are brought.lnto the country lIy loberriadorclllo and cn ptalll gen~I'AI. ,ou"". What nnm"~ " . prodUction, but exceeded everl' lull rUDulng, not only In . this couotry. but ~·Mnll.6er H.le "'liver ity. I ..... t J!IM relurnlng Immlgr~tl. F.raudulent and the)' belle','e thut allthll ~f) lIfll ry Is )'ear prior to 1898; prices ot hides are everywhere 1n the world. Lool, at b)' l!r.<iuation we loot our whole back " "!l l banking coocer,ns. bave caused great Ju~i like the cOllnt.ry ,,'here lh ~y live. ,and ix oC the lincmen. The honor of uur Ilt the highes t pOSition Since the cJ<vU tile money .that. !8 wllsted In 'hese losses . to italian Immlgrante. bOlb In alma mater iK ut '!ln ke." war; wool Quotations have lIO.t been abam battlea. at tar~et practice lu Ibl~ ' and olber countrlu 10 the. palt, ~' H('port ' for 11rUl)lice," he t o h i" These were usually run by 1I&llan•. a" strong Since the early 'SO 's ; shlp- tke navy. and Wis 'ere 'attack 011 The I'frelb'fI li>ecret. pur"hn,v . " ne"llt 'Q tul-dny ",ornin& iu tlra 1'0 prevent all th'jl In act was p8llsfid. m e uts of foo lwear from Boston .are Washington,' by lhe al·m.y and navy 'l'hr. IIgbt of tb e flre8y Is helll:v'Col to Gym' lot:" In Italy III 1901 authorizing the ,B ank ba\'e an e fficien cy of vlrl.1I811 y l Ull per close to Ihe maXimum, and Including playing war. Gash -durn It., wby ..:on't If there be any truer menlure of a m~ri at Naples to take eharg~ of remittance. cenl. of rbe energy e xpN"led. wher p.n B thun an shoe centers the wov eWCllt lh.ltI '1\18 discharge the army. and Ue up the by i.hat be doe8, it llIud be b)' " hut from eml"rt.nt8. 'tbus, guaraDl eel ng rer.ent I ~S IS Indl<,al e Ih ut the li ght P.ffi. .. ue year is beyond precede nt. Foreign IUIVY to hllchlntt posts , &od wall. ttll IIi"" • ., Soutb. . .. real war comes on. and then ,·ally 1he m Hafflly·and regularity In the trane. "'!!nc)' of the ortlil,ary In can<l e~r.e Dt commerce III July SUI'llQssed \L a cor. fnom the east and from t./le WC8.t , aud mi ssion of their money . This bank bu lump Is ouly 2.6 per ct!nl .; tbe r P'A I or Ib!> r es ponding month III aJJY ~lI:e'loWl ,s ocl, It to lile eoem)'," and tb.e old mall FUNNY. ~ Io ce e8laullRhed correspondence om cel "nergy Is expended in 111'o<l u('lng heat rear. tool{ Il brush and dullOOd 011 the .ce uo· for the management of emigrant bUll. whi ch Is nnt need ed. In,,~nlors do not PfClpJe' Will Drink Coffee When It ,ter. neSR. th ere being 86 or tbese olllceR at yet despah; of "U(:ceSH In Illlllllting Ihe "Do... Such· Thlngll." In (be person of. lsaae Do,tUnan. £ ".Say, you ouly thlnl. you are .thlnk. I be clo~e or 1903. A recent bill In I he nrelly's economi cal met hod of Ilrodllcing IItree t hu ck ster ot New York, ~tl ·~-.Jlo Ing when you !.hut way." Swill tbe italian parliament . providing for tht an IIll1rnlnalton. In a r ecen l pnper Mr. '" began to U8 0 I'oatum because lh. 1s a young COIDpaJ.rlot ot Jean De bad uoy. "Soine IleopJe. IUt . and apllolnlment of resid ent agents In for F . C. Caldwoll KIl)'S thaI It I. we ll wlthlu old kInd. ot coffoe bad so pol8()n~d my elgn ~ountrlcs to manage the re m I,· tb n l'lIllge ot pORslblitt y that we may Jtcszke. th o famou a Pollllh Singer. It t.wll'.1 lhelr tllumba. ADa lIIU' !IlG.:·bJng. wbole system tbat I was on the jloillt 18n(:eR of italians failed to pas~. and look seriOUS" an;'! have MIW B on Ece the tran.mlsslon o( II g ht'Jlrouurlng o! breakrng down, and the docto r 18 be li eved tba t Il .great lcn or baa bee n 'th fl t.r fa ces·. and they look . 'lsc. a nil This Immense amount of lOonl')' fl o .... ellnl'gy Clllil'cly done away wltlt. ao,l 11 wllrned me that I Olust quit It. 'accldentally found who will elect rify tblwl II amounls W s OlDe.tblug . .bUI It Ing Inlo Italy annually rrom Its eml. r el llrn Iliadc 10 HOttle form of portAble My chief allmeut was nervOUSllee" the dramalie 'wrld. .lWd will raak wltJI ~8 Indlgeslioo. apd ""hen ~'otlr granls hUM alread)' had a mal'kPd In. loml). consumin g nn exec. ,lIngly ~ malt Messl's. Caruso ood De RcHZJie. lluUI · IItomach .does not '!IIork, the .llJ:aln Alon Itu ence In Impl'Ovlng condltloos of 11". amollnt or lUaterl"l. an,1 Pl'OtlIIl'I Ull f1 IIDd heart trouhle. Any - unexpected noise 'Would calise man WB S discovered try Or . lJolb,'ouU 001 -ellervesces. ond " 'ben Y£>.lI. .!.urJI 011 fng . es pe 'Iully III 80ulhern lIaly. ","'Id ." or Ol'clly. llk e. 1Ighl - \' oll ,h 'J me tbe most palntul palpitation. m ake Curtis. an aUlhorlty on Ille I'o laf, &Ad Ute talking swltcn awl Hay MOJDeililng. Companion . me faint and wenk, Too V"gue. la to be placetl in the r boruH 91 llJl it Is like oj/enlng a bouJe ot root ·bee r. i\:->L/ "I'J-tE OLD nl N ~J ('.KI!:D ,'on An Engll.h magazine tells a oollrt 1 had heard of Poatum and begon to opera to give Illm aow e firs t Krage Jew· <:ausc It 18 1111 froth . and II baM OVER ..t ory . A rouns~;"-Int'he middl e ot hi. drink It when [ left oft the old coll:ee. Snow 1I0I\n"r5. ao~s. and Ib e D a great ma ste r " 'Il! iU.opped fOllmlng II IA notlJln,g out .a croRR·e:XRmlnalton, Wa" han tied a t.f>le. It began to help me just as 80011 a~ place on the ftuor . Il!a.t JlI1 c!l ~ or mun . wlt ll II pcaceful tooli . :l8 th.,ug!> Til Ih e Siurra NH8'1~ mOll"l <I,; n8. the old etrects ot tho other kind 01 .be selected La develop Ih e comln ol , ¥llslIurlllfl. YOIl are ODe 01 tlJ ese root .he waH Wleklllg 8 heavell UP"U carth . gram . " Helio!" he said , as he read It • 'Wh ell <' ( lI1 ,l illo n8 Rr~ r'Honrhln f" r Ib .. correa passed oway. It did not stirn II· "Sn-nrul·So has woo Ihe Deroy ." I>el.,,' Ih lnlt ers. wl,h a string liI\'cr '~ ;o"r . "We ll. h.v gin ger. YOIl b.a~·e !!:ot me." .'eoor. dl~ I'I f\)'. thel'e occu rf; n b~I\llltrlll and late mo for awhile, and then lenyl!' ")Ir. A-." said Ihe Judge. severcly. .A remarkable loslance or 10ngeYU" earli. lind If nooody cuts tbe . I~ing . • al,1 .Iho ,bad uny. lrylnc to 11lJ{lk !If " Jt is ' ·BI'Y ullsee mly lhal In the course Ila rllllll; ph enomenon ur nOlum.. At me weak and nervons as collee IIse d Is .dlsplayed 10 t he life of Ma lhlas ond .·ou fulally gct sour. aod If (hAl S(,l'iu g 11110 1lI0.t IIAul· etnl . vlace h e \'JE lled of so le mn jud le.lal proceedings. where tlmcK .whe n lhe wln,1 tll'lvfR " 11 th .. tt. do. Ins tead of that It built up mr lil CUlt. IL Is Ill.! over aM son n Ug l:h ~ . w hll o ahl'oac.1. "The fact. Is. we were Ge orge Zweek . ut Deave r DIlm. W is .. amlin '. Jlb e rt, and r e putaL10n arc at m ott nta ln s illos III n "crtn ln dlt'fr tlon 's trength and supplled' a const~nt vigor ),ell.1't Is exbnul!(.ed. Yo n lalk awul not . luoklll t;' Ilart:iuulor rot· qUIN. and Jolt!) Zwer. k, 01 PllI s uurg. tllre<> slJlke. )'OU 8hould he ralklng (It Ihe and \\'Ith s uffi elent ",!IOcily I.h~re to my s ysl ell! whlct I can always r ely bro\l!oers. the tutal of ... bose IIge8 the e ~ p cose of ("l'get practice. Why . Jlea ~rul placM. uut tor cxcitemPDI.alld wlaner of a hors emcn. EI' - by th" Ft rClln. oul upon Ih .. a ir Ano w bannm'~ ('11. It enables me to do the blgg lit nowllda)·. a oav)·. 10 be any goat!. llllli r ll "b . uud lronb le. a.nd we J!»t il. fOre. the telegram sa~' what was rr<1ln tl hllntircd 100111)10111 pc uk s . 'j'hpy kind ot a day's work without getti ng r ea t:bOll 261 years. Johu Is th e ol J esl to be able (0 hit a n), wtlh II ltHncll 1 bllu Ibougbt lhat In Nor.'ay I'Ild way, at (unpe(1 by Ibe r.1l'clh)g wind nctlng tired. All the hear~ trouble. etc•• hua of lite .trio. belog 87 years. George .hell. 0 0 lilt> turret o r a battlef hlJl Sw(>dell OO~ r.ould got pleuty of (l('ace. Bel'<lnd and tblrd ?"-N . Y. Tribune. UP0 lJ Ih e I! g hi snow , and IIl'C Ihlck an ,l Is four reara younger. while Ma lh las • e ven mil es awa y. wllh a b ~a" J lMla s lMlng 4 .0"' 0 hili In winter, aD skiM pass d, away, Boom Needed . ilarl, 01, Ihe lOll or the mountain. like a "1 give 'I t fre~ly to all my cb1\dren . Is regardw as an I ofan t. his age be ln~ on. and Ib.e only \\'3." Je to keep Eboot, ncd Wb()ggflos. but since we got homE' "You're not aolng to gi ve up your illig Il t II rr, Wen they tl oa t away broadly from the youngest to tbe oldest, and it and th pu i.·he o a . war co mes t he I see Ibat Nor .. ,y hns iE'ce,lcd f rom Ing. c,o,Iy 81 YeJlI B. The brothers ace natives 00::)' lIule .Oat, Arely?" f0t II mil e In lenglh In waves or Jrl<l f.S'. kEepa them all healtby aDd hearty." SWf ,lcll. aUd they '"we got to IIgbt. 80 "Yep; doelor'R "rd~rs. He .ro81.t9 (elll ligbt. 'fbls. mag nl ficen l <l1"1'lay Ii Name given by Postum Co., Battle. ()f G~rDlaIlY, but hav e oeell' res ldrot8 0' ene mv wlll'ltee" orr tbe ~ nss. See? "You would IlI,e to hllve .J ur Jl 8"y 1 wouldn 't go tlJe~e . . {relaDd Js lboul tbat e,'el'y morui nr: when ~ rl.. J IDuet ral c ly - ~een by other eyell .lhon th cos t . t be l ' nl1ed for tbe In&: G4 rears IH.e lbe RU¥l lans·. ti ed up 10' ~~vo:- ex · I1S beautltul a ootf\-try as on" eould stand perfeL'lI)' erpet . lU,d CJ[p~lId DIY . f'r, ,·a\lIges. hut ROmetllD~"' It iJQ ~ be!!1\ Creok. Mich. .All are marrJed anll bav , r blld l'eu (Jej;)se, the &allora . a Ybore. druu". aud ... IMh to ue In. but In Ihe "hies every. che~t a dozen Um.eM Of' W/ ' -J'tUJ. IP ·. " nod Col'ttlne of a naturnli L, to wit. ~hllJ' ...·9 a rea 8o~i . a"l) eJ 'I}"rJ~h llnrllll H" lpg. ft 'CR tIlJl ~~r!,...89..1!I.H .1lf .otjlla .tll@1 t .'16Y .~rJ", 111 rlell, &114 til,,· /Itt. ~1Ih aA4 J!.'}~I.!! .!r~1!! " "T" n '\\8~ :1 w\teu amoug I be' wilt! l.'f"'l~Ie. . . R ea d 'h l e 11"'1 .. ~ ' bova, •. , Road.• ~, (It ule.. IjIQuut"ll f ••lilt-@sci, .~" HWlllvl1lo," 1n pTi". ...--.



.cnfl~10 prO<:~ '18














cap\aln' geOer~l,jr Ippolni.e~

' . ~J •





---.- -






...... ------. TERRITORV ' CROPS.


.·Bi," Movement .of. Protestant 'Churches Towards ,UDity



Th e Lf\test Way to OV P.l'coll)e Ettect the Car's Motion Is to I,ook Up.

Stutistlc. ot C01'n and Cotton Iu , the New State of "Sequoyah."



Ba ilil ~

The Wealth and Progress of Our Great Southland· .'

" Wby II Iho Indy lopltrllg up at tbe top or l b ~ enl' 1111 • Lhat? Why ," said til ' ele vu l or man . " I hut's I be " el'y iatetlt 1"1'111111 0 in clC\'atOI' riding. "YolI l.n d,v there 01'0 ple nty OrlJe ople, wom on aspp.r lall y. who call 'l ride In all ele.vator without fee llllg un comfortable; shoa lin g Uil Or sllooling down an,1 8udden s toppiug gives the m a qll niml~ 1I feelin g; m(l.I{I'" t hem sort of seasic k. "ThHC a re wome n who never rid e on t ho e l e \'ato r~ for this reason. They \\'o'll~ rather walll Ull a nd down sta irs . Oth er women Iry '·'I riou. ways of less', n· IlIji fI1' yln"lng orf t be uupl easlIDt efror l • . " ;;nl11 ~ !;Ian.lo ll Llo ei r lil,toeSl: IOllgas lhey urI.) In I.hp ca r; SOUle hold Lheir urell lh . I dnn 't ullder~tand wh y they till tba t. !'lume s it do wlI and kee p Ih N r feet o rr I I", lI oo .. - that's all the ij8 me t heo r y us l.h e sta nding on tiptoes . to lesse n th o Khock or the s tanl llg anti slo ppiuji of t he cn.... "And 1I0\\' the la test thing Is for women to stand ill t he cnr nud hc ull Iheir heads uacl(wnrd nn d 100 1; s U'alIlIlL lIl}word aL Lbo ceiling of lh e ca r all Lh,' lime they ure III It. This Is Slii d to he 1.1 s ure "li re Co r tbnt QlIai ml s h fee l· Ing. " I SlIlll,ose tb e tbeory of Ih ls met bod 18 lhnt, wil b th e eyes thu" s tcadlly "xed on so melhlng t hat II. r elati ve ly to Ih e m· se lves, s tationary, t he rid ers arc tesd co nsclous ()I th e' eleva tor's mot Io n. One or the Ih ings tha t aggra\'ate seas lel(ness Is th e consciou s ness of the vessel's motion th ut WII get from tb e sight of lhe sea. allparenLly ris ing and Calliug, as \\,e ca tch sig ht ot It thro ug h the tlort· 110le8 when t he vessel rolls . "1'he s ight at the Iloors aPI,carlng aDd 'di sa \lpeorlDg a8 lu e elevator ascends or deaceods alrcels so me wo w · on 10 tho sUllie mann er. With their eyes II xed on tbe Interior of I he to p at t he rar ' the sIght ot therie things Is avoided . "So, It you see a womau in an elevator ca r with her c~' es nxed inLenLly on the ceiling you don't waDt to jump to th e conclusIon tbat she Is jus t from the country lind riding In all Il II"'alor for th e nrst lime, and !lOW CArefully and willi Interesl_~ urv oy lng it~ In terior. No. s he 1M III fa~ t rll sr.overlng to you tbe ve ry )aLest wrinl<le hI elevalor riding of wom· en well IlCcusLomed to i levators."

Th o depllrtme nt of :lg rl<'lllt\1I'1'! d id not thilll! It w,,,·th whil e to csLim,llc the corll cro p o t Sequoj'uh. or In .lla u T el'1'i torr. prior to ltiOl. III the ecO u· omy or l he co unlry at large th al fru it · Dixl. Now Hal h,dullri.1 Cia .. Added to Man _ilt. Hoe .nd PIa". and Hopei or It,e InLer·Church Conre~ence' on Federallon ful , hut un de ve lopell r eg ioD. 'was eou · Aristocrat -- An Evolution , Not. R evolution. 10 Be Htlld' in N~ w Yo,k, sld ' red 11 60rt of no man's lanel . a uri Its pl'od ll ets other than CO LI on nut worth tahulaLin g. In 1901 \11" t'OI' II crOll or SCCIU Ol'a h was 17 .SM:I._" I IJ11 .h · Whateve r tnak~s tor tb e greates t et· la rger deoo m lnatl o us 01 the cOlllltry('Is. [0 Ihren yeal's tilll )' Ield hns iD ' Th e no rthc rn e r malll'ng n fl yin g Lrit> wal nc irl s aud 'ractl< o r l imbe r l1 car 0. k ncy 1111£1 ins ures lhe IDr~es t rango MeWodls L EJllscopa.l. norl h a ud south; {" cn ~ cd more lhau threefol d. 100 " "'Op Ihrou s h th e so ut h. SNting Ili s Impre,;· U)·. a m ild climate, a u a mlJi e s uppl )' of •Il\' in llue nce Is ~ertll ia to comman!.1 Lho I'rcs bytcrlu n, Cum berlaud PreSb)·lerl· N ~ \\' gllgiand or I ntJ.l beIn g G4.(i2G.007 IIII SIIl'\''' It sions " c ry la rjicly rrom what he is ahle nulive while labo r. In tel'est Bnd enlist lbe lIy mplllll y Ilnd nn . UnIted Pres bYlerlan , BaptlBt, Can, will he muc h la rjicr thi . l·o,. r . l)cC':,II "C lov lc wfro m a ca r window. is " " t lo g h'e 1I0 W 15 tll(, reg io n cal! ~ ,j 'U110 0 lO adapt 'ulljJo rt of I)oople Lo,dlfy , Tho lesson gregatl vn al. etc., bes lrlos mos t of I be 11101'0 wa s pl a nle,l a Dd 1111' b "a<l,U hlu I·he 'on nlr y 6n ill nam e. 'Jud ge It IlselC to cllOng8. 'ur f'OmblnllUon and I1nlllc:atlon IHI.'! J\rs L e:nuller borlles , /la ve I'cs[lOnded ur ap· ucen i".Il,·1". " wo rn 6uI I IlO'·e r ty·s trlcl(e n ." He Co ns tantly he r lra!ISporlalion fll"ee D Icarn'ld by L1l e sOCU lar an rl \)u sl. IIO IolIlIg re presen tati ves to the cu nter' The <:o rn c rop of SClluo yah . a , "" '11 6Uou ld. el'e lI e dllatc o n s upc r tl clal 1m· "ilill e' are exle nd i!}" . rO Os t IIn (1 ri ver llrss worl<l, bllt th e Chri s tian ctIUr<~ U . Ence. It woultl be lIecessa ry to enu' aK that of Oldnhoma. Is ulrNlI ly s "tn ·. Iw ~s al o u s , get at fa Pots. We ca ll II) na vlglltlon bei ug lrnvro ve 'j, railroads <Jbse rvant snd 1"'og1'llsSlv(J, '1111 cah:U' merato practi(;ully Ih e e nU re Il ~t 01 clcnlly l11ulun'fl to be eOlirely ~ lIf ' his IIlI c nll o n a n edllorlal 10 the Ch i· de\,clol,lng, Th' so ut u has now abo u ~ l og the splt'lt of Lh l! oge, Is learul ll& "I'er ~OO dp. lega tes wore WI! to atte mpl from Injury by fl·ORt. whil e Ihat ot cago Hecord · lI eruld ; 60 .000 mil es (If mllway. "ew mill lh e ICS901l. 100. and what would bav" 10 gil''' Lho "ames o t t hose o C ,,"l1onal lu\\'~ . Nebraska anti porI In". of 111 1· "H eferc IH'o hns iJeC IJ ",.,de In Ih e K ~ vllla~e s BI.rlng u p 1111 ovqr Pi? l a nd. I:een Impossi ble 100 a'· eVt!1I 60 yeu r. Wilutalion. and di s l.lngul :; b ~ d ror serv· tlol. w ill not be all safo from fro Ol w lnm ns 10 th e leurt erx'III I' or our Thou g h we hear mu r.h or lhe, ~'!.r poy ~ go. now Reems poss ible. uuy e " ~u ice 111 lh eir own dellollJ lnations. betore the end or S~ pteDlb c r . And tho rOUlh el'll sta tes In th,) produ ctioD o r I ecelv ed by th e m ill operatJv.e!I, W(I Tilt) "rngraur. whi ch 'wll l ~ov (j r an l'robuble to·uay. nnd tbat Is th e co nrro st comes earli er In 1\I<,.e morr' (OLto n, and It Is not s urprl slns t.o fi nd muRt, er~ we plcltll'e a state' ,«It abf~deratlllg or 811 ' the c uurd. cti oC Ille (,ntlrl' we.!k or m cet.Jng~. InelutlcN the northllfll latltu<I~!< . which n.a l.c" ~ o rn t he ?\ Ian ufaclll rcrs' Rec".d , or Halli· ~c~ t po" <: rly, take In Lo cons l4oraLio'1 la ud for dcnllite lili es of service, wIllI r: i.UO<:S ur IIlJnc wlm flo 1I0l llt.tar iUl[JorGro wi ng less ~u hject to' rlak s III Ih e IlIore. reganli ng th e expl)rt li g ures of Ih e r(ln th nl olDlo~ t nil of the . .!jeces. Ihe. qucsllon of fl ellomlnllLlonal "re cu ~ LIIUL rolatlo1Js to tlu'ir owu II Ull uwl na' regio n Immedlar.cly 80ulh o t I{ nn"a, t ho paSL OSI'a l year wiL h co mpla ce ncy , t u rle ~ of lifo are \0 be bad In lha 11ll1l doclrln ca leCt Ollt. '1'11 0 8,,11'IL or tiOns. lIud row who are lIo t hUllored Th e nip ur th e fro"t. Il i" tru ". ,1o." I\mo ng eX lJO I'l8 cxclus h 'ely from tho ~o ut!! aL a 1Uuc h lo \\'~r 111'1"0 tlui.n in ,:oo pc rIlLlo n bntwc. n 1\.6 IIln e rem to r tll HUl\l:u lM Ueti sl)rvlce In ch uI·t;h :l11<l not ma lt o Ih e 1I01'1'lern corn 11 II iiI fo' "omh it In cl ud es : Co tOil. $:l79,065.0H ; 1110 no r lh. Th e l e np. lDcnl nrlt em or ProlcBtam denom lnaLlons Of tlIla COIl Il · nMtlon. It wou ld he ltUllOSwlhlO lu Ib e lI SO In fatl e nln g hogs aut! '·Httl,. cullonseeLi o il, ~1 r. , 1~ 5 .80 2 : cO Lloosee,j th e lIor t h Is practically . unkDown 11'y hna bee n growin g ror years. Tiley s pace al our commuDd to gl "8 IIllYthou !:h It docs r ender II ullmarl' "Whll' cake and ' meal, $13.897.17R ; naval Ilo \'.' n lh e re. eac h ra mify ItVetl .J.!Y It.r. r~ coming more and more to realize tlllllg but I lie brle[es t oull i lie or lb? on city exc hanges and d ~" l1' oy s I L_ sto ros. $1 6.106 .G43; pho!phates, $G.866,· selr. abouL th e COlLoge bos .a bI t or th e oneness o[ tllI) lr aim RS lollow e r" tOlllc~ 10 he presented und dl ~c ul8ed . germinating qUllllll·. One I,;"real 1111 274. Thi s B total or "1 " 1.980.· gl'() lIlid wh cro ",ueh of t he living may ('O f Ch ri s t anu .LIle rom wuu o bll ~lI t1 o n The rontero'lce \\' ill Le ol,eDed by J , vanLB ge or corn gl'owln'g In the Ino r. 911 . and that alone WBS ileaI'll' one· b~ ra lsell at pracLlcoll)' no ouUay of wh ieh th ey owe th~ worh! In aCel!I,,!; . Cluvllialld Cad y, LL. D.• or New York. Dul . mOIl~)' . Th o mill cOlD jlanles oflell southe rn lati tudes Is tlmt the s{'e,1 roO'" Ih lrd or all our domes ti c eX I.o rt ~ . I ts redempllon, . pre,ntlun L o r th" Natio nal l'ede ratioD of Is never rendered ba r ren by fro"l . besid ea the arllrles named. the so uLh g III og I hel I' g rou m1 Cor notbl u g, t b" 'T bat till s hi '1'110 ulr/til rn3.r lwd ly lri Vh j1rC h e~ und eh rls t\aD W O rk~ra . 10 wblie In th e more nonh e ro the rurmpr cxporlil other prod ucLs which IL r a ises for en e,' o Wll ors glad to fa ,'or the valp ruven by th e lact t hat ~Il tl llTer>lut Lilo efforts 01 which organization tbe will often find many bare s pots in hi . ormauufaclurers ill como wlI with olher c alJ i ~ n ew Indus try , ca n al'lord to I,r()oo PI ,' letitnnt ri QIIO ill lu utllJUS fir Itl~ lIu\l· conloren ce Is Immediately due. fi elds unl es~ he bas suhJO!!LPoj hiH seed par ts or I.he ~'Ountrl'- tlmbe r . toba cco. " hi e the halt acro about the ~ltaga t· ' : stute s. OO ml1 r)Hlng' " mOOl hr rslllo ot The morning sessio n or Thu rsdar corn to ca reful t ests In onler to s ~ I" N pelroleum, l'OttO Il goods, provls lO lls. of the Lcnu nt mill worker. ! 1A8''i rule, . " 'w11\ be lIeyotAd 10 LiIO fOllOrl or tb n e x. IJP LWeen ·17.(JlJO.01JO "I ~~ ZO.UOIl ,IIOO ""m · the fertil e rrom the Inre rtile jil'BinH. eraill . coal. ca tll e. fl' u its, Iron and steel, I hc mill IOWll6 arc laid o ul with car. Stntlstlcs of the Scquoyab col LOll wood manufll c tur ~8 . leather-and lls lo r U'IO comlo rt ot Lhc r cs idellts, wltll crop run bacl' furt~r Ihan tho Rr of r.hare of s uch exports Is rough ly esll- utte ntlon to Il ygie ni c condltioDs. <:orn . In 1898 t he ylclf) was 207.83S mnted aL $1 83.000,000. lI ence a total of Tb e great Iron n'alds of tlle i.oiltberll l i~ l e ~. Six yean latel' IL had nenrl y $6H .9oo.0UO. or U pcr ce nt. of thn Appala ch ian system have been ope nel doublNI . Lh e crop or J894 running up ',alue or nil th e exporls of the country . I' p. 1'he growtli ()f thl~ Indu8t.ry waa to only a liltle l'e8s lita n 400.0UO u"l o8. " T he ligures prove tbo wealtb or marked as early a. 1 8~O , ,~hlch i year If we had no other qaws f ronl S cquoy· eoutbern fie lds . and unquesLionably 1 he yield 01 pig irn n w ~s 1.760.QQ~ lo na ah but tI,l s exhl"il or Ill crease In asrl cul t ura l pro(luction it wouid b~ easy to lorm 811 Idea oC th e greal Influx or Carmel's In tbe la~ t half l"!cu Ll,·. and t o und e r8lnnd why tbere nro I(HII1Y in Sequoyall so many Ollenln!;>! ill inliu s· tri es and enterprlsea otl1<:r th on a~rl ' cultural. or the IIstB published by tho Business Men's leag ue tho othe r da y tbat for Sequoyah was by (lir t h~ long, est. . . , HOME FOR INSANE RED MEN !\mong tbe ne" IDdu ·t rles nerd ed to s upply the peeple or wblch ca n ,,.. .- .-------HI\lwatha As:rIUm In Soutb. Dakf)ta prontably condul:tl:d there for ex porl Provld." for Dement.1i of product are balr a lIo,"on ~ al11J IlIg .In'dlan.. and pi ckle raclol'IEI!: \\'a gon la ctorles -~ an d a number ot sl,nps rnr wor lli ll g Through an appropl'lalion mad. by wood Into hubs, Bpolws, nx hantll"" ' r.o ngress the AmerlcaD red mao has now aDrl 8 0 fortb: chair ractorl es. sas h allIl an Insututton to , .. hl cb he may Hod hili dOllr fll ctorles, cotton mill s. collon g lll ~ brotbers whogolnsane. Thel nstitutlon ond all mills. snwmllis Iwd hour 01111><, Is located at Canton. S . D., a nd ii terw ed foundrlp. s. Ice plants. brick kilns a nd tb e "Hlall'atbaasylu m." . glu~s plallt; h\lrnOSS IO~wrs, apolhe· Previou8 to this con&resslonlll pro- carle! and hotel keepers. matt ress hlc, , vIs ion losane In'tlia'lls were rellarded In torl c~, laundries IBDd a scorll of Inllu 5' tiome iDslan C<!S as ' evil spirits who ",'I're tries" boslrlns. to.)le shunned. The)' were neglecled 1'1I" · fir.t Oklahoma ' list Is nOI ftO by th ,!lr OWD ; people and. no provision IQn.g, ' but clulte SIS comprehen sive. " A. was mad e by government Institution. Dotable Ccature of the IDlllcated needs for [bolr reception and maintenance. I ot th e two comlnlt stales. 8 S well as ot SIDce that time, bowever, adequate ArkllnsM. Is thtl frequency with wblcb eottOD Js Itlll kIng am,ong our exports. a8 compared " 'Ith lhe 18~ , OO'l.;. IOtl8 of fun!ls bave been provided and t be In- trult caDnlng fa·ctorle!! and refrlgc r· The value of exports of taW cutton 1&10. The "ManufActurers' Hecord " of mates of tbe "Hawetha asYlum" are allng plants for tbe preservation ' oC alone exceeded the value oC the com. Daltlmoro gives, III tabulated form. giveD all tbe atlcntlon accorded paUents p~rlsbaLle. productl are lDentioned as blned e xports of breadstulrs. cattle. ~o me IDtereBting Inrdrm.tlon 0" ~1t8 at Similar Institutions tor tbe white entll rpr lses promising good profits. Tbe hogs a bd sbeep, provisions and min. (hangea occurring after the so-\lth deman. frulL aod veg'! growing ludus tr les UBI oils . It was almost tbree tim es tIde d to trl! the Dor thern w ~ y of ar- ' The as ylum at Canton Is In easy reach of thl! soutbwest lire thriving Cumousl y as great as the value at our Iron and rivln.i at prosperity : of many of the bomes of various IndIan Bnrt tho time lIeeml not far dlstllnt £lecl exports . and two-tblrds a8 greal • '-,. CI.I:VJl:LAND .dAVY . 1.1J. 0 . '1830 I !ill, tribes. Amopg the patients no,," IIvlDg wb on th e canned and preserved prod· a8 the value of all our maDufactured Railroad miles .... .. !O~ " 6U.00I . ,l6U:ooo., , 1I,IIt,DOe I .I ' d II It I' ' I " U · there are representatives of the PIma. ucts of thIs regIon wllt not only be I C Oli on crop bill ..... . mun can " ar. a n e y oomm tted t:l ellu ,ve !!ommltt•.e and Ihrea addresses, NavaJo, Shoabonl, 08age. 1'tf18sl0D, Paw- soM all d,'er tho United Slatp.s: but expor s . CO llon consumption the ,1'II8t ,atberlal of the late r:'cbllrcb onit Oo,. lho ' "Oene ral Movement of the nee, Cherokee. ' Caddo, Winnebago, "With sucb a staple and with Its In southern mitt., W.SSB . 1.:lU,OOI conti eD"· 0 f-" 'tl .. J I t 0 eh r Is tl"an Oh ureheR T oward "1 will compele III , the.... marllClS of the "alns In new Industries • the IIOUtD IS Capital ba le ...Inves(ed ... ... ......In.. "I' ':' .0 ' _,r OD, . Whi e" ~ oler I"el- Menomln"e,Cblppewa,Mexlcan' nacbe. I" r10 Id I ts I0Da.1A ' ...... - Deille ball, New lowsh!J1." '. . ODe nn tbe "Preparatory lind Sioux~ Cram both Dakotas. .... " worM wit h Ihose of rran ce 1",,1 .lta y. certa I n Iy ent.t ' . Ie d to fce I Ca Ir Iy we II sa· t .... southorn col ton Yor", ei\.)'. (rOJa ' November 111 to 21, I.u-' Worll .ot Recent Ye!lrB III Adv·ancl. DII lifted ." . milt . .. .. ...... .. : .. .. ,I.m.OOO $ \2;',000.001 .' , ' Many thearlea bave been advallced as Numbe, at spIndles , ·Iullve. Tbe delesatea wbtcb bave beer, ' Tb,IB Movcll1ent In till! United Stales," .to the reason for Indians losing their WAS A CONSIDERATE MAN, Anti the soutb nQw owns King CotIn soulhern cotton '.OOO.ooe IIp~lul'~ b, tbe den0i!1lnaUoas'. and .lInd II third one OD tbe "Open Uoo.' resson, ' bllt most. or these' have hee n - -- ton , as Ileve r be[orc. She no longer G '}'I!I, ri'" i;;oii~~'ed : 00.000 IIh&lou. IOcleUea .... tbe leadar. ID a.fore tbe ChrUaUau Oburcbe8 .~· , AI proved mere theories, for 10 lhc dlag , Be Shot Around "Proml~CUOU8 LUte" acnrls It all out to mill s far Crom bus hel . .. .... .. ... .. . 11.000.000 7~G. 600.00e· tllU·uJtI!.~ ' !lDd ,acUuD"ID tbel,r relpe'oltv e tile ' lub~eQuent seRslons' t hli ileneral noala at the varrons 'r.MO. whi ch ba,'p to Sho .. Tbat Be WIl5 \l\ here the product Is grown, As C~~~\R~.r :,nv::''::~~ ta~~ · " -'. deOOftl.!n ..uou •.•. ud ~b!."'bOdy !If' fru~.•t9ple.',of :dlscuuhlll will be "A United !!ome under the reslilent phYll\{:lans' 00' IIbcKltllig. LeOl. " ra Beck Ellis. writing In OUD' l ur \t.g . .. .. .... . ,. ... J2r.l.~OO.000 [,va 1!11,~ m.n ....wHl comprlu one of, (; hurcb".a .related to '''Rellglouil Edll~ lice th8 ~allse~ arf) mu ch the Rame os ton's Magazlno: Corcefully phrases Il: ~~n·cO~~hr·:d . I ho ml'ilt ~1.tlllgulsJ!ed .an!l . n~t.wortll)' .-nllouo" "The. SOcial Onler," "Home 'those wbich jlre vall among oth er .p ~oIJ le . ' On the second day ot my slay Willi "Tbe lower AtlaDtlc and gulf states produol . ... .. ....... I m.iOO.OOO I I. 500.ilOO.OOI ,atbe rlnlll or ' chu rchman ~vel IIt.ic/ 1," "lid Forelgil ~'I8Slon&," " The Fellow- Jealousy. grief and o"orlndulgel1ce in Uncle Ben Storms, on till> CI1Jnhf~rl(.n<l no longe r. cons titute a m e re 8grleult- ";~~:. P~,I ~"J~ C"f~ UII II couDtry. •.. . , 'Sh l41 lie I''hllh.'' "Evangelization ," 'The a lcohoilc 1Il)L10r~' hAve oon l rlhuLeilll, elr mUl1l1ini1J ~. 90'8 W"lIt up til., s ldc at th o ural tract . buge. unwi eldy. badly till ed . 50 ul h . ... .. . .. ... . .. , 75.()OO.OOO 1OO,000.ooe ' A,t tlte meellll& of 1111 Naunnal NlIlIonal Lifo," and "Vbr:J stlao Pro,- quota to the In~ tltlltion . mountl,ln for a mil o to lo ~ pcc t n big with t rans portatioo de pendent almos t Ca prin I jn,' ONLcd In , }'e<'i erjttloo of . Chu"rcbel Ilod Chris: ' .resa." . ca ve. r eilltes a writer In th o 1l"ltimorc so lely u!Xin wagon roads a nd wate r~~~~~" •~.';~~~i : .'~3.~:, a.zoo.OO') 'IO.()OO.OOG ·l.Itn Workers 'at Wall!.lu gtOtl · In Ou ltie Sondlty or the lVe~k of the . Tn provhlln~ fo r n hom e ror thes" nn· A. ultn , IVI II W taft 1001 d btl t ways with scattered lOwn ~ 111111 II PI" l. uII I,rotll'ced. 1902 I tit · , forl llnal c~ l!ongn'RS appl'ol1rlul t ll s ur· II : ' L I~ e I It: au . 'v'" .. .. .. ...... .. :19. 000 2.500,OM . ' n reap<Jllu 0 t II S80 i! nll r onlor,w to It Is planned to ba('c a oa- ncl ent monay 10 IHlt Ujl n fi J\i~ mo dt'Tn flIT " time w e I:am c out lIl,,1 gat ,lawn s parse nnd anomal uus l'OPll lutio u C'J m· Co ,,: ... .. ., I. 'u". ..... 6.000.000,OM anti \~I~)BRprelld ,l for I\,n onlarglD t: tlonnl uh~!! r "a n ce hi tile cbur ches III building s ituaterl in 11 re6e r \' 01l011 o f 011 " ,otk and he begun lelllO!; "'" flosn.1 o r hut two class es. t1w lII an with T ile g reat l"nd,,11 's tates o f tbo oid o:· the sC0Pt!. of tb. wOflt, Ii mmlttoe LlIe lolcreWlS or Obrls llan unity. Ef· 100 ncreij. MOI'p thau 1.200 IrP.I'S n l'~ I ~ slnry hunut th e Ino"lI shlo~ r ". I 1",0.1 I h e h o c and the lun ded or ISIU CraCy ." ;o Utll IlU ye bl?i! n Changed by th e on corre.s ponde/!.CQ w~ apvolnted h~\\" torl s will tio made to Jnterest tbe scaUerulI alJou! Iho gro unds . IIII! Wil li'" ~' ," I h' ~~ lJ nll', . IlI ll'f1!" t,Cti ~vh Ch " .. hulI ' :t Til e ~lJ ulh lia S a g re at Lcrrilory . t han g lng Induslrial condition • . Lb$ !ng ror 11I1 ('Object tbo brln&l ng about rulnls teu throughout the country Dnd lind drlv"5 aro 1nor.auamll."II. t he Heili s , I, u,l, " I1Cdf· by trc~ "lib" ' 1".1 . som el !n us 11I<e 1.001l.OOO squllr(J mllcs ll ua nl SP lCIlI sue rcc dlllg til e war b a'J ot · au pmolal ted ~l'n uon or Ihu ' Cbrls· Ito hav~ Lhnilr.t; IHlak on "Coope ration of {:nll lvilted nnll Hf' r)' equl pnJ ' 11 1 G'IIJllile rJ ' 111111 "''' hCIlrd the rellort ot a rll\ u 11 01 of .rt·". Thomas Dixon Itl b lS "Ie· g " 'c II " Ilice LO n UlIIuc rs s mull fa rm. t lan ' ohurches at lhu ,,·bol. ('OUl1lry th" Chu1'!:bes as a Sign or tho OlleIlOG~ 1.0 mltke Ih e Ins llt ut io n " III,m" for th " '" ' 1I\\9.v. l u reg ,,\, II " , SOU lh g ives us. eve II Ih e prope rt)' (r( th e mnn dw elling TU9 lott.e r o f Invl\.Jlt1on .ellt (Jut by or 13eli o,·ers." uslug the text rOuod 10 un ro rtun alll JUl! mLe rs of IlI1 tribes 1I0W , ,, ,," ,,,, '1 tilat II bullet ?" I lls k",1 t he 1I ""f il,;" O'-'I II' , u vivi d g llm"se lh ercon . li t can jlh'lI t il to wbal croll Ih l~ commltlee asl<lnt: lbe u"PIlOlnt- John 17 : 2' , li vin g within lh l1 bollud a n '(Jf' lIlcUnlte(1 "r Icclwn it wae," he ,",,11 M!. " 1"11 at thr rl c he!l ur th is ,'ast a rea ; he \\'111 . h:.s fl O waSle r to en ror ce th" 111 P-ll t of d oleKalu~ oUIlt81nod lho 101 · On tho afternoon of th4! same day Sin tes lir ': ro: I ~ no cause to be ~ It ccr t ~ .. Its rlcll eM of waLer and soi l. Its for · gl'o wlu G at cotton . W he n tIlere ca ma lowi ng fleQDlta 8~teWel1t u ~ to the Ibere will La held In Carnegie hall 0 ('sts and rnln~rl.l ls. 'wonderflll reo . "!' hrll cter antS purposed Of tile confer· g rollL Intp.rdenom t'naUoblil "alherlng I) f I\. "'" " largely th l'ollg h IIl e · ·tI·o rt6 (II '1'(' 11 minutes later a hull £'! hit 1I .., Bo urecs. To c.bun ge frol1l all. ag rl - I he ,I"creaso In lile .... Ice of cotton ant! ••'We: " Con g r "8S ma n Durko. o r Pi cl're. thut tlliH "H' k i.J<:1weell li S, lIud KS I Iell I' d to Iv\\' IJl lceS CO lltltUl" U. lhe re wore for&. ),OllfJ Q l)e n l'I ~ . under lbe aURplcc6 or InHII'lllc,n "'li S pro vid':rI o r aud local eo : m y (.,ct I ex ~l n l med : (. ullural "eoil ic to 811 Indu s lrial 1M no t I",u "'g ,; of { ' II ttJlIO llg tlie maby; but " \\ ' uaj we propose hi a Cederallo n fir Lh o V'""'g Me n's Cbrlslian AsSOclat loD , IIle wo rk o r a (hy aurl though tb e rk no rnltjalloD~ 10 hA c reated by the Ihe Unlfcrl Soclel" or c.;hriilLlan E.I.I- I n SOlllh Da liCl\lt. "\l fH' le Bell. Rome o ne i;; ' urtl y II<:W soul h Is poP~II~rIY spOke l' ot 1.1" o till" SlJ Ulh " rlJ ers ~ r ie d : "C bange purilJ s hool1l1ll at us ' " f, ""'S I'nd melhoLIs \\' holl y. DI ,·eralf,. (lf Ollm ltl"lIonft lbelOseh·oR. We ha ve dcaMr, tb ~ I!;pworth l.(!lIgue. tbe Bap . - - .- - -. . . . huylng ~x lle rl e n ced a. revolution Irom lloJ 1. lltbul· plan or Behcllle a t o rg8n· tlKt VOU flA Peoplo's 1] ,,:o n. tb e l.uther Va o lt y of e n"l\rl . . . " YO". !.If .-o·se. but he holn' ( /; will P old babits. old preJl1d l~p.s. the process :: ~~r:.~~t ~ l il~; a~ ~e ll~~m::i\ . li~~\a~~ ~~; 11.Ulion 10 present (or apll t o-:al. 'fh"t L(ml: uo, Iho Orol.hArhood or Rt. An . A ia,l), wh u lJ ad .u ve l'1I 1 lIaloed 10 hi' no""'l), inside of 1\ \\,(,,'1(. l\'~ ha s .. call y been nn o 'er ha sty oue, olle ' "'nulLl npt be proper. .Irt\w. tho Ynu ng Ponplo's Cbrlstlan IlII:mrlcs .' wh ,cb she a ll ow eu tu ny IILout tllM rel ll ,'r J im Hope, alld he could n't lacl,lu ;; Ho ttd round alloo. It too l! w,,' II, lands: l'ot U.l~ cro ps: raise graIn. ".11. I ' nderH\.Oo(\ lhat Ita hlUill wall lri Un io n, th e lIrolh p.rboor1 ot Andre w ll ~ r r oo m , soo n discovered lhul, th e hl\ uarn floo r a hundred Ipet a\\'I.1),. " tragic years tn reco ver rrnm Iho fulu8 II " }, . Hn,all (' ra ps e l every type, stocl~ not h ' 'one o f creatlal s tatornnnt or ami Ph ilip. nnd Ih e Sludent VolooLeer Ilalnty '1I L1 1" r:rcat,ues \vprll possessed "But ",hut's he ..hootin g fnr '!" oC ar. " The Ilepth s of su lfer l ng IInfl 01 all kind s. " "() \,~ rI\len.tal. form, . but oC coopcraUY o Mm'Rnlent. or th ei r full ' haro Of v[1n ll y. TlII.y "l{as!\ h e wants to kill me. J~s t poverty to wh ic h h~r {l et/ phi' wer e SoUIllc rn far meTs. It is neediess to "'ur lt d etJort. 1t Is also und nr· Thl! committee o n pu btloatlon or Ib~ W(III\() lalw !II' tI, elr l.os lLl o lJ 111 fmnl 01' ~ot , doWIJ nnd hean the res t of lhe burled by tho appa lling ca taclys m ca n mtntlon . 11I1,'e lIot fomak'l'm ' ootton- It fI ClO,] ..t , !be organbat1on ,bllil hR" e ronr~r~n r.c IR prel1aring 10 Iss uo In Ih p. mirror aod regard tit msclvcs wit h xtorf'" never bo adeQuately portrayed, nor cat. Is III Ihe manufactu re nf this ataplc th& • 'sat down . • 11(1 as there was 00 tbe ' protractel' perlgd or lorpor be g rba t jl rogress bas been' made-but IlOwer nil' 1o advise tile conatllu~nL boo" l o rm thn complete proceeillngs. a~mlr i llg look s, otten hursllng Illto bollies ;opr080n(8d , ftDd it Is c ~pecled t haL, with tbe IIfna- "Ung. a IC loo ,lelighted tocontalu Ih em · morn fi ri ng ror a Quarter oC an hour wondered at by any who fell ~ct that Ithete Is noticeable an ~normoul In· , " We b8lio\'. tbat the great Ch rlllUall lratlol1s. tlley will malt e an octavo \'01- selvee, As Lit e lI1islrcss objccted to tbelr I beglln to enjoy 010 yarn. I wa~ Ill e sla ves emand pated w lth ollt relm· croase III th e s mall crops; In .cattle alld badl ns In our ~ou ntry sho uld slud to- lime o( about 800 pages . The book will occupyln.: the top or her dresser so mll - laughin g ovcr a sltllstlon .whe n "t hi rd bnrseme nt repre~entetl a .Ioss oC t!o.lry IHodllets, The cllltlt'1\t\ob of tha gNhe r, lend ID the dhlcu8sl00 of .and cos t Iwo doliars Pflr "olume to pro- 5tllO lly . s he covered th e mirror witb a bullet cam e. and this tim e It passefl ' 3.000.000,01)0 10 a white population of grains Is rccel vln ; general . attentlon. give all Impulse to all great movemeDI. <!uce. and th e size a t tbe edItion will to ... el, hil t the birds were not 10 1.0 0 Ihrough the old Dlan's coons kin ca p, less than 5.000.000. nnd the destruction the number of' Rollr' mills Increasing t bat mako for righteousness , We be· be limit ed to the nu mber of co pIes to beaten titu s. One day. as."h e entcred Ihe 'rhls time 1 not onl, jumped uP. but th a t goes ha nd 1ft band ..-Itb war ellm-. with rapldit)' . Sheep-raillDg I.' a growliel'c tbat quc9tlona like tbose of mar· be placed. Tbe committee Lhroucb Ita . room, she found OIi C of III" ~IS holefin g Jumped behilld a tlree tor ' cove r. Inated or re ndered useleH "I mos t that Ing IndulI"" , esp~ciallY ainong th. llage Qnd dil'orce, Sabbath des ecration, rhairmaD, William T . D'emarest, YU back tbe 1.0w~1 with Its he&ll . white an"What's th e matter . Fl ranger ?" much more In lIIlblic and private build . bllb of Nortb. Carolina and Tennessee. the 80clal evil, child labor, the relation, Bibi Ho ee N w York cit IB re elV- other In ·tronl or th e un covc red POrtIon asked Uncle Ben. a.q he r e mo ved hi s Ings and 'NarkA. 'fhls, to say nollllng Tila aubJect 01 forestry 'Is pb N! ued ou. or labor to capital. lba prohlems er e- IDg :UbSC~IP~IO:S.' y. c oC the mi~ror sLood "Iewin g blmselfwltb cap to look at the hole . c,f a labor ' ~ystem In chaos. and near- s clentlnc linea, tbe lumber traw. 'Is ad:.ted by forelln Immigration . the betNo one, howe,'er 9angulne at Ute !bc \l lmost complacency. "ThR t fellow Is ElbootlDg a~al n ?" Iv balf a mIllion ho mes deprived of \'r.nclng. ille mnrln8 resOu.lres at;1J terl DI of the COlldJtloDs or tbe labor- euc'c~,s of the conference, Is Indulging "Yes. tbe critter Is 8bootln' promls· t b.rir "erenders and eupportera." wIng Ing \.Do a goodly han.eU. In relng' el_ea, and .tIle moral ana tell- In propbet)' a8 to \l\'hat tangtbl. ri!c Teehnlcal: cuo us Illte. As J trald, 'be can't hit a Tbo ne'w south bllS added to ber gard to de"clopmenl of mDeral re',IOUB It'alnlnl of tbe YOunl..,..lo~eed all sultl . '11\ be realized from tbls great Tbe New Yprk Olrl - Do rO il 11lIe barn door a bundlred .tee t away , but ~An with tbe boe and ber landed 'arls- eources. mention ~liould .-' made of Inlat, questloD.1 ID ....bleb lbe voice of gathering but It S8ems cllrtaln t hat canned salmon? ·1as you Mln't lakin' any comfort, an,l toency an Induetrlal class; men a1). the teel plant8 an.1I; Iron teu!ldrlea. of. , lb. eburcbes Ihould be beard -concern tram II t bore ... 11\ emanate all InflUellce Tb e Bo8ton Olrl-I ne"cr ato aOl as h e DIal' p'oBBlbly do you sor,ne da'" I preclatlve of tier Ilrt\l!ol Industrial POI_ Alabama. And m.~ntlf)1\ should 'be ma~. , . , " CbrIIUanl ot every' name, .aDd demallll ~o powerrUI as t \l creale a tl ~. e pocb canned BAlmon, ' age by acetdent, I recknD we II m.o\·e £ib\lltll!S. Ne ... Ensland bas [oun' a ,o( tbc ~ool~n " milia 0(, , . . ,80\!lb t ' .. . th I... lIDlted. aDd CODcerted aclioD .I f III the progreu of Gll rl~l" · k f"gd()lII lu ':y~U neyer ' (lid?" .' ". a)oo& L{l the ~bl. aud fini sh tb~ -.oItor.y Ilrolll rival down soutb. where teo- a~~ following Ib~ co . ,_~! 9. ;.{' tbe oburob .. '. t o lead elreeUyely In-thl! our Illnd-antl oue may dat a 10 ii8) ~II ' 'I never did. I bave always tak ... 1 t\Jar . . Then. III ~~'-IIIy sun, _:.hd JO I' no1D\o "advantale!_ are . "'ltb lbe lal . !IOutbero evo\l\llon IS a . ~t".ae~~ conquest of {Jat .,..orld for Cbrls!." all 1ao-t41. . It Ollt ·of tlie can before t bave eatea, out aDd POll Jim .Rope till b~JI DeYer Proximity to 'be 'field., of cot- \ r~'tve of II'Iir Indulrlal lite•." •.. : 1Il relpo,,,w tlll ,lavlllUOia aU lilt I . ' WIL~" El)IOt4. .1t."-Y9~m .Sta~e.maQ, ' Med. to be ~,~ 1110 a:~tIlD\ wat"; \lDmellH . '. . QHR'~'fI.I1'1UIa."''' I ·,




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or.... '

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M~CASSY'" M,~ A..

J, H, lift!' g09d 'M" 0; women w,o rk ~n hnrmony with Goti l,1iU W mot Fir II ~t,n\ t ,. for the reolalllQ.tioll Ilnti ~.·tlltntlon . '. . ',' . --- -......,.,....~- - ..= - - - --.,-,, of ~nmanits, mny todl,l;Y bo found f R-DILytoll, Ohio; PI1bUabr4.. We!1l11 at W~loe .. l\le,' 'OhIO (Wrlt,ten Ilnd , pub1ililied by the ~boee who bave b~ell, not pauper8." Telephone' ,Night ;P110n6S. : MI~ln HI02 Home SCi02. Reward will be paid .t o IfY person who ca n I\r,d one at,? D1 request of the 35th Reglmen~l _ As. not objoots of obianty but wards o~ .. • . ' ,of 'opium" C,h loral, ,' mOJ'plu n , ~o!i.'!~~'::"1>I~I"'T } Edllor~ '.. ndlol3Ducra sooilltlon, Illld ~rlllid before their :~~fe~:~ inUla~~~~l~~iJ~~~d~::!t~ En, EAR, NOSIll AND TfJIlOAT. T , J . BRO"". J\ S!l(){)IA~" .~ IlITOI\. Reullion In Dllyton Ootober 19, 111051 taineu for them because their fatll Lo'ng 'Distance N'o 69-3r Speotaoles ilttedut rea80n",\lle Vrioes cocaine, _eth er or chloroform in any form i~ any of Dr. ' Ii I I ers were among "I,he gnllu.nt boy II j n ' I . 11.01) .. ' ••r • , •• • , . I~ odvunoe GJilN'I'~EMIIlN : n camp Ilnoe W t I blue" the reoqrds of whose deedH of BEA TY MORE 'l'HAN' . SKIN Mil es' Rcm ccl ies. 1 .. 2& Aytar t{ no' paid In sdyanco a request from your esteemed com· 1 i t' f +1 t" 'I This reward is offered because u.nd my es teemed frlebd, 1:1. va or n llne 0 , Ie nil Ion 8 pe n Branch office Harveysburg 0 DEEP. "olle r certa in un scri'lpulous persoll s pen o/mnot write, 'l'hrough the " , • A Good Complexion Must (Jome make fal sc s tatem ents abo ut OJ'FICE IN JONES BUILDING. Lilv. Car~wright, 1, hu,ve here feebly, port!lls of this gmnd institution eaoh N a Q ueBt'Ion D au bt It . From Wltuill . though feelingly, penned my reJ!;ard year t Ilere Isaues f or th II. b r IgmI Il 0,• th e e rcmedies. It is under'I ihlElPd olllEl eJlllL - - ~O, 6-2 l\nd l\dmirlltion for your late Chap sturdy youtbs and lov ~ly w,ddon~, P epsikolll ~ust Cure I ndigestion 01' ,The lllltum~ desire of evol'Y 11 mb! · stood that this r eward appli es I1 Jl eqnipped for some pll rt lD UII S noblo . F J E Jnnnev continues hous WODllIn IS t o Imve 1\ olell1' s kin ollly to goods purchased in the _ work for Goti lind litunlillity, It Is ree , " " ulld bel1Utlfnl complexion , N,)t _ _ ~_ _ ~~~~~~--~ lain, George W ~ Collier . I'IIWN~SOA". ' , NOVEMI1ElR 16 • •• IQ06 In contributing my mite to tbe Who can say Uliit Ol'orge W . Uol. to sell Wllynesville peo~l~ w:th the every WOlllo,n olln be II. Dillnn or Il opell market, w~I ic.I~ have not e.xerolses of ,this occasion whloh you lIer, wh? lttld dlowu th e ... rlllor of ~n~e!Il::~~~ ;:~r;eit,~~~ ;re Juno , b~t the fr~sllDess nnd been tampered With In any way. ' Dr. Miles' r emedies' cure by have made saored to It late lamented life ill hiS home Ilt D... lu wllre, OhiO, Yt P I? t u tho bel\uty of Il oleu.r skin are th eir 'soothing; nourishing,' Jnly 16, 1905. WIllS n ot rnl~ed up for no oos a Pit ny. , . ' witbln the retioh of every womBn EDITORIAL COMMENT, I h~ve not attempted to this purpose by the God who hilS Experience hilS proven t~lllt PepsI . I who will IImko t he effort. strengthen ing and invigoratwrite l\ historical sket-ob or Iln obit· said ' Lanvo y o,ur fntherleS9 ohlld. kola Tablets oure dyspepSia in forty It fs nil II of Int.elligent ing effects II pon the nervouS From the Dumber of horses reo uory-b u t asmp.e to nine CRSIl9 out of fifty . This is II . ' I ' trl' b u te a f ujJeo· ren 't0 me ;" ··1 ., WI' 11 bI'll f II tllor, remllrkablestatement, but the fnots ~rYlDg. Irthe llOwels.llfelllll otlvll, . system, and not by paralyzing ported stolen in this and neighbor. tion, a heart offering to the memory the flltherl e8~ , in the case can ellsi! be verlfled. If the liver Is not workmg propEl I'ly, and weak cnin g th e nerves as Ing oountills, It seems certain there of one wbom I was proud t,o olilim _ The world IS be~ter boolluse (,hap. There Is eve ranIon to have oou. if the poisonous Wilste Imti rofu"1) would be t he case if these drugs must be an orll:lLDized band of RS a. friend_nil admired as [\. man lain Collier has lived; you lire bet- ildenoe for J~, Janney Will hand ,are not expolled pro'!llltly fro III tho wcrc used. ter and bapplelr because he W II B b k 25 t Itli t I 't,a. \system the oomplexlon is suro to tbieves worting tbrougb tbe oonn· of slmple ljfe and heroio nature-n vour For th is - reason Dr. Miles' oomrade; lam hllppier, lind I ao your oen s w a u IOS.1 show the effeot8. ery. Wouldn't; It ptLy our Proteo- man eminently distinguished for trust better, ueolluse he was my tIO:l:h~r~~:~~ ~~f~~n:e o~:::~ 1 The only right way to remove Ant i· P a in Pill s are univers a lly sid erecl t he best pain r emedy &tve AlIII<¥»atlon to join with tbree loyal friendship and geulal OOlDpBn. frlenu llDd I his friem; _ . freely-It is more easily digested, 1pimples, moth spots ",nd blotchos con "( h o vo tlu rrer ed (or 2G yea r s with or tour other slmllar organisations ton sblp, a veritable apostle of good MRS, '1 , ,1. B\to\V~ , there is no fullness' or distress after 1111(1 olenr lip II m.uduy, oloudy com · Bo,'ere. puln!:' In my hcud . heurt nnd. back: . n nll h a \'o tried e voryth lng I Wn·YDesville, Ohio, ,eat,ln g , and .b y nldlng the stollllloh Iplexlou 18 to go right to tbe~root of co In thlil part of tbe state and employ will and affection. uld Il'et nnd could nul I\ IllI onr r oller -. , to assimilate and digest , P epsloola ' tho trouble with tbe proper re meC1y. until 1 g ot 0. " OK ot Dr, 11111 08 Antldeteotivee to run down and exter. Pain Pills, I "lHt ore<! oa long lUJ 11 Suoh WII8 the man whom yon ~I\s More of Cbam\)orll\lll Ii COll,Jh Tablets make more rich hlood to I Th~ one r "medy thn,t w l\1 ouro h ours n t (L ti me with such 80vcre minate tbe gang or gangs? The ex· honor today In these memorlll.\ exer· Remedy thnn ()f all Others Put strengtben the body. I ?onstlP!ltloll, Improve t he oomplex pltln. Ihn l I " ''' -ed 1 ",·ould .los o InY , '1'11 0 A n U · P n l n PlUs pva mo penile oOuld be divided in a way olses, suoh ",as Ohaplain C01l\er Ilsi TogethOl' They are just the thing If YOD feel l l?n , brlghte',! the eye", tone up the mlntl r lI e t In 'roln 10 10 20 mlnulC!ll, I do Mr 1'hos George, a merohant of run down, n ervous, tired nnd debll. liver, oure MIOK head!loh~ Ilnd iusure nut havo to U ~ MOl"phln ll r.ny moro. 'hat would not be bnrdensome to kne.w him In the sweet nnd mellow I wi sh l ' OU ",oulll JtU lJl~ h Ih l ~ 80 thnt any single organization and would season of hI!! long and useful life Mt Elgin. Ontario, anys: "1 have it.ated and need somet,bin g to give? clellr velvet,y skill 18 LllxlI.ooln, oth e r BUO'0 1OC1'U nl '1 V flnc' I-dll t!t, " hlld the looal Il~tency for Chamber· you II. new lanse en life lLOd new To nlo Toblets, _ I . t , A . ' VAL K J!:R , . . !'eIIult to making It, Afe for one to when in personality there WIlS typo lain's' Cough Remedy ever since It e nergy , Don't Il minuto, R. F . n , No. O. 8nlom. Ind, I D r. Mil • • ' Ant'·Patn PIIII are lold by own a g~ horse. your d rugn! st. w l. o villi guarantee th '-' eiled. the highest stylo of man, the was Introduced ilnto -Oannda, 'tlnd I but go rigbt to Mr: JI\Dney IInel try ~ j ,., Christian geutlemBu. The tributes sell 08 muoh of it as 1 do of all other Pe\)~icola Tablet!! with the UDdf r· 11iL. • AN G, • ; . 1 . the flr.t r.. c k .O~ ",III b ohO"t . I. It W '3o~•.w2~1 :.e~~:.n N°.~.'t".°.:l~yin bulk. lines Ilut t-ogether Of the many standing that you must be declde!\ 'y , Women's Influence , of re8p80t f rom you, h i8 a Id 0. rmy dozens sold nnder gunrlln tee, I bave en eflt ted or the COdt will be nothing' R.1I)AEVlLI,g, OntO MUes Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind on Elections. oomrades, Ilre' from the soldier's not hll.d ono bottle r eturned I OIiD Si'KOIALTlltS : IJISEASe8 QII' WOMEN standpoint, and reaUzing that per80nllll y reoommend this medi-' The Cedarville Herald published "Earth knows no stronger tie today OlD\! liS I have nsed it m,vself and BATRAWAY, AND OH ILDREN . .. remarkable petition In Its last ThIln soldier brotherhood," ~~nt~~t~?re~~n~~~n ~~~ :!t:l1.l; Wnynesville'8 Leading Dentist ~C~h=~b~I='~'=C=~h=R==d~Iuue whiab WJUI Bigned by almost 1 am assured that from t be stand. F C Schwar tz loIalo sirett CUreoCold., CroupAud WhuoplurCoUjlb. 'wo hundred of the wives and -poInt 'ot friendship tbere con be no Onlc. In Roy.' Uu\1dhir, . CUl'e. Colds. Croup and Wl.uoploK Coogb. mothers of that to~n, praying the dl!!OOrdant note'. Even In the midst !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' "Yoten ot lhe corporation to oast of tbe rugged experiences of grim their ,"Yo&e8 against the saloon at the viaag!ld war each and all of you met Beall Law,elootion whiob t.Jok plaoe him npon the broad platform of the~ &hmlay. It Is dlffionlt to human friendBhJp, and whoa .. "mate Jut how muoh that patio peaoe had spread ~er dovotiOD aooomplilhed but It is sate to like wings over our blood sooked prenme it bad an influence,.pn ·the land, and onr brave soldier boys reliaU. laid down their weapons of war and Woman's Influence 00 the poli. returned to the peacefnl pnrsnits of Ucla . of ~e' oounty I!! being more home life lbi8 tie of soldier br'o therIh'oql, telt. each year. To tbe hood has often in the pMt, even as women 18 due In a great measUre It bas today. drawn you alJ together, the wave of reform whioh Is. now and. then in the ml~t of ·happier IweeplDg over ~ oountry. ~ enviromn~t8 you have &Balli felt .... proftllln PbUac1e1ph1a, where the tOllOh and inflhenoe of "the the WomeD --en001ua~ 'he meD 8weetne. and iight" of his warm to throw over PD' rule ' U , ~" friendly nature. Thi8 magnetio , I . warmtb made b1m aOO8lllJlble t-o all. the ~ ID CedanUJe, and a' an BaDk and me were' the same to him earlier period wheD we bad 'the 'whRher In army or sooia1 IJfe. Be op8D I8loCm 10 Wayneevtle, . the 10"Yed men as brothel'8, and It was untied oppoeltloo of lbe 'WOlDen of thia brother-Iot e that.'Woo for hlm the oomm1lDl.y .... aD bD~' tlie,love of qt~~. ' Hie manners, of : the elmpleet oode, mU8(1 bv trank. Iaolor In the baHle ",blab resulted nllN and warmtb clfew to him aUke In &he I8lOOD being drIft1l oat, tile gullelese OhUdl the Cllltnred man , • - ;. of eooIety and 'ne man m dtplo. ,ScienCe .A galnst Disease maUo ranb . . There was a fresb· nese of a1f60tioo and an el88tiolty of " " spirit'" that dlsgniaed liIs age and Aa ... WaaUatlOD ,of &he ..value of gave·magnetism to hla presence. " modem 1Oi8D08 in oombating dJa. 'Perhaps the mba' ' trlking and ..... the reoen' outbreak of yellow almoa$, If 1,I0t qnite,. his predomin 'e"Yer In tbe city of New OrleaDa ent heart quaDt, W88 his deep 'and ma,y be oUed. Aa lOOn .. 'he fever abiding friendship for his old army , . , ' oomradee wllioh W88 80 oonspiCll· II&&I1ed the auUwrlUee cialled to ouly exempllfled In his deathJe88 Uaelr aid 1Cl8D08 aDd 8OienWlo love and practical ,devotion to the mn to 8gh' lbe plague and a.s a 8OIdler,'s offspring, and eepeolaUy l'1li81& &be dl8eue was oontrolled In for · $hose into whose yonng lives had fallen the shadow of orphanage, a ID&DD8r Dever before dreamed of not alone that Qrphanage that comes and lbe otty 18 probably &8 Mfe by providential visitation, but alao from 8DOtber attack of this '.dnd .... to that far Adder ~d affilotive, aDy of 18 more northern D$1gbbora, tbat,oomee by ~egUgenoe or deeer Theee th01llht. are empballized tiOD, wbe~e tbe tender and hapless little onae may fan under alien in· by .. Jetter ,wrIt~o by the President fluences, bllgbting and daetrDotive of. P,rthlaD Alleoolation to J, B. to the IntKlnota and '~ndenoles for WhUie, of New Orleans, who has higher and nobler Ufe, with no probe8D prominently mentioned in vIsi~n for the. growing nooe81lities __ ...... -......... ..It tl of maturer life. And thie love and Ou-..OD ..........e .ever •• ua OD. , , de"Yotiott aeemed to deepen as he The Preeid8llt o~ &be ~.tiOD went "down where 0001 . and long inquired If lbere would be any the shadows ·g row. " . danger from yellow fever at the He has been designated as tbe time of the meetiDg of the Supreme father of the Ohio t\tate Home for V'_ Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans, DI8 Lodge, AUightll of Pythlaa, which devotion to that Institution Is known 18 to &ake plaoe in that, olty in Bop. Into the work neoesaary for Its tember, 1906. materializing he tbrew the force of Mr. White alated 'in reply that all the strength and energy of his the dallier from yellow fever hi ardent nature; to him It WRS a work ot love, and its -completion Ilnd sub, New Orleans Is now more remote sequent sUOO8ll8ful management was than ever before in the history of his orowning pride, and today, It lbe oIty. atandB, the resnlt of the "vlll:i1anoe 80ience has removed the danKer. ot love," and with its interesting history, It!! God bleSl!ed result", as hI!! greate8t monument, none nobler 1)"IDe88 Oannot be Oured oould bave been carved from fair· by looal applica&lons, as they oan- eat marble or obisslled out of endur o not reach the diseased portion of Ing granite. ear. There is only one _y to onre Of the several Btate Institutions, deatneea, and that Is by OOnstltU. this Home for t!oldiers' II.nd Sailors' &tonal remedies. Deafnll8818C1lnsed Orphans Is Ohio's pride, because the by an Inftamed 8OnditloD of the mu. most philanthroplo, the most hope. 0008 lining of the Enstaohian. Tube ful, the rioheat In promise and olos. When thia tube IB inflamed you have est In harmony with the spirit of .. rumbling sound or Imperfect; hear- the Divine One wbo has said "Inl1.s. ing. and when It is entirely olosed muob as ye bave done It unto one deafDelli U lbe resultt and unless of tbe least of these ye hll. ve done it the in1lammaaon can De taken out nnto me. Enter thou into the joy and thl!! tube reatered to it. normal of thy Lord, " Chaplain Collier has now entered oondltion, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine oues . out of ten are Into this eternal joy and hl8 works caueed by catarrh, whioh Is nothlntr do follow blm , Into all the avenuell but; an inflamed oondition ot the of usefulness private or publio of muOOUB lurfaoes. We will glve'lOO for aDY caM of deafness (caused by Oroup. catarrh) tbat oanDOt be oured by A reliable mediolne and one tl>at Ball'. Catarrb Cure. Bend for 011'. should always be kept in the home culan free. for immediate nee is ChamberhuD's J , Cheney & CO'.I..Toledo, O. Cougb Remedy It will prevent the BOld b7 DrucIIstl, 760, 'J:ake Hlll1's attack if given as soon as the ohild l'amlly Pilla 'for ooDstlpatlon.beoomes hoarse, or even after the ~ orouDY cough appears For sale by ,F,O.Schwarb, ,' A .h. "L S r!"".";'...-It J..J. ~ , ..4.~ n y"1tN~ ~ ~~ ... :

Tribute to the eLate Chaplaiu Collier

$·S~O .OO

U" E Al 0IR ECTOR, I Day'or ' loca! No. 1 .



1t o;m



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MD C M 1


DR. H.E.

am or am s oug






Chamberlain's Cough Remedy






-- ----~-."..,--

County Cour.t Proceedings.,81\111) ,

. J;.

llleW S(f1'l'I!.

Auuie Br!'llbnry. exeo ut rlx o f f.h e lliMt w ill 1",,1 te~ ttl"\lmt of .J ohn IIrll(lbu~y, ' 'Ullo" '\1Iti41,' v ~ UIltLrl B8 Br"dbnry, I,he uuk'u() wn Il pit'H nf · ·mllill l'. humIHI BrAd hury, deo"~'I"ad n n , .,.. Hradbury, t be uuknown heil'!! of .Jnbn BrudbllrY.·.'l.1lIIlt1< ; Brodhury M..t·y EIt Z(~beth ~mltb . !:l,lru to Clark ' IIOJJ, Tburol8 ' ( ~huk, .Gllllrgli Ed win Ol .. rk, UluirloIlJH.!l1eH CI"I'k , W\IIiU IJJ Albert. Cla.rk, und the unkno wu heirs of ThoDlBs A U~ UStu H Olllrk, deoea.~od 1:'1 .,llItilT avur" rh .. t. by • I IIUM 1'"OcI W h 0 lerln" ' . ~ or. will II.lllr died OHoemb"r Itt"f,. he deviserl to her oil biR proptlrty wi t- II tbe pro vhUl Ihtl' lIouh Ul! Upull hlll'deutb remlilnHll nnexpended. &honld de. ilCIl IIU til his 1\ nd her kin und shllre .altke. Thill prOIJ4lrty oou ~itlta of 98 shltres of "took In the 0re/(0 IIi .. Bridge UomJ)lIny vn.lued lit 14800 IIlld rOllie8tatelu Watlhington tuwn sbip valued at. 11400, Pluint.i1T fnr toher avers th .. t the InooUltl ther e from il! altogllther too m eager for her support and IU!ks for ('Onstruo. tion of the wiIJ ' and tilat she all ex 'e outrix mllY be u.nt-boril'.ell to d b,. paso of tlaiU realestlite, which, ulth o It i8 decrl!&8lng In ' value, mlly nnw beHOld at a rOllSonRblo prloe Brun don, Burr and Ivins .•re littorne.v s for the plah"lff. Dora · Eio;nan vs Ebe r Homlin. .Dlvorce. Absence .. nd neglect .1 IdS be P 1101'.011 were mlirr 0 ept.em r 13, 11100. Pllilntlffolaims tbd for more than .tbree yeara lallt pIlst defe nd: ant has wilfully absented himself from her and hlUl failed to provide for her, TherE! iB Q'De ohlld. WIJ 11 .. m MoDonald Is attorney for plain.

Bus hrod Singlet un . irubeoile. Ch'lH. Mlldden uppointed g nardiur,t wlt-h bond of ~200. RIilAL KBTATIII NVlIJ.8B'1Il11$. John Hlloke tt exooutor of Will H . Dwyer , decen'sed, to J . F . I:!noo k ; lot in I::!outh Lebanon' *735 . • AlblOu MeShory t~ Ad tlline B. Keys ; lot m Wliynesvill e; $850. Rose S . Wilson to Geo. E . Young ; lot In Lebanon ; Elwood N . Allen to Samnel '1'. .Brown; 136.70 aoras in Warren and Montgom e ry.oounties ; 11. Mllor y L . Dlokey to Edward M . Meeker ;. lot In Franklin' *300. . ' . O h,r~ H. Rloe to Ge?rge E. FIeld und Eh zll. B, Field; .lot IU Frllnkhn ; * 3750. Llneoln Laokey and wife t.o Wm . B . /lnd MeliB8a L . Fonde rs mith ; Tn 8e~en traots In ' rt!eoree.k town.



---- -


Admit!'!'rl t tl the Asylum .tor Gift to Corwin · the i.n8une ll£· DIl vt'Q n . . . P, If. [tU A IlCi\~i~i~trawr of the .... Sunday Schoot ~!Otllt'l/ of Cu-t burlu e Gallaher, d008l18· erl. v~ OJl,t·bllriri e Mu,l1ey et 1.1 1• • Sa le At n reoent session of t he Oor win of reul I<t'lite confi rmed lind proper U nion Sabbllt h I::Iohool each f nlnily d lMtributioo of f pnds ordered mllde. r e presented , was presenteu a little . F E~tate of . J!Jllus Vicker", dooell.8ed. b00 kl at en t Itled ' BIl.nq u et." As is i r~t ,nUll fiuul ' no'cpun~ for settle· tn",b t fli ed . .. well kn own , possibly, the a u't hor of ' .. E~tll,te of .J os el'll Dawson , declllIs. t h e bookl e t Will! ,1. U. Merritt, a nd ad First a'i ia floalllcconut for sot. tbis was wri tten a fte r h e was oon. t.lum e.n t fil tld . ' . fill ed to his li~rl und could commu. EIltute of MIII'Y J. Vand ervoort , nicn.te only wHh puper n.ud ~ noi1 . deceased . First lIud fin a l IIccount fur ~ettll1meDt fil ed . It Is Il h ei liful oommuniOllt ion fr om nood man wl' th .. u wonderful Es .tlltn of Eli Kirk; decellsed. D I U I .0." iel ~ Underwoollappolnted admi" m essage. istmtor with 'bond of 13000. Ge orge HllrrlH, J nsbl)h Nloke rs on Rud John Obituary .. Merrill, Rpprlli"orR. Cllssitlll (;IIIY .Cleav er, tho oldest ohlld of Mary A. Il,nd Levi Cleaver, WUI' born n ear Harveys burg, Ohio, NOveniber 17, 1849, und died a t the Betts Hospital In Clnoinnati, Oeto· ber 20, 1905, aged 66 yellrs 11 mouths and 3 dl\Ys. . He w as married to Eva W arwiok In 1873. To t his un ion were gi ven seven ohlldren, two of wh om died In Inflmoy, fi ve s urvive him four sons a nd one dnn ghtar . ' '1' he dooea Med, When bu t u boy, worked with his flither and learned the OMpente r t rad e, at wllioh h o worked uu t il h is h ea lt h w0!lld n~ 10n~ er permI t . He WaS an IDgem · ons ond skill ful workml\n . Dllring his sojourn her e he wu s cll lled u IJo n to blllLr his d ne portioo of eort h 's t r iu!!1 fi nd sorro ws ye t W UI< never h eurtl to m urmur 11.1~vays look in g on t h e bri" h t aide. ' Malice b WC!B unkn own to his henrt . Fra nk,

Dizzy Spells


EE ~ P.EN U E'R AN I> :MONROE O regonia, O hiO. . Wlc en Won ti ng


Portland Cement, L u zn'ber, Shingles,and all kinds of ~ ill. DEALER S i n F I ')u r, :t ... (. .1 an L Grain . VaH .. ' { 1· .H o n~ .

'and backaches, that tired feeling , absence of appetite, and eittre:rne nervousness that so frequentl y amict you, \ Vi t h ~ " "1f' t hin!-{ .~ nlls t ll lltl " I t o lllll,(in th ... el'IY o n. s uits e vOl·.V 111 0 1111" ' 1' menn that you /l re bilious. . o f t h o h O l1 ~ "h t!l l1 th ,, ~ , ' "' () Ii~ I1 I11 1 ·lt i ll J.(s . Biliousness is caused M , )~r 1"11)1'11' ,lril1l< " , ) Ir u(\ 11 1 10 1·oal<l'u ~ t . Il Il Ll \V H ortn t'II:Ilt. t ill' Ir, v ,. by a baclly disordered or inactive liver.


Cald~'~Il's (LaMalri _ '"

o t' l'o fl'co

\ Ve

1' Il \ ' (-I

I l ~ g CIt Hl


Jit l\ ' of C( Hi'· &~ I:t~ I.~ "'; tL~

Vq ll O JLll

W hu t l)(1 t l ol' 111111\ buttl)1' l·"k"H wi t h P U R l'; :-;Y I{ UP . F L OU R un,1 ~ \'I U I' h l'l'l'

I b u l i n tOWll (·/t· t 1'" , ,," k

Syrup PepSin

I Wn nl1 l1 fnrn iHh t h ,.. 11\11 1(1'1111' of nil m ""l ~ ; l ,r"'"l1f'l ~t,. ,li l, lIfO" 1111,1 "n il . : [lor. With IlII sell so l1 l1 lt\ p ~{\I"b . acts Instantly and effectively on the liver I . \' " n II " " i ll v i !.,·,l t o " " I I. -relovl~orates aod strengthens it and I THE CORNE~ GROCE RY restores It to perfect conditIon. I ' The remar kable virtue of Ihi s wonder· ' C. M. DR OWN , Proprietor lui remedy has been demonstrated In I thousnnds of instances, an d it will work wonders io cleansing and sell ing you r whole system aright . I ts good effects are permnnent . DR .CALDWELL' S SYR UP l' E PS IN \ ' "1. 1.1,; ,, PI'ION E Nu .41! can be obtaioed in both doll ar nod half. doll AT sizes from all druggists. Your mon~y will be refun ded It It .......1 does not benefit you.


Y our p os tal c ard requ etlt wfll b rin~ by reru ra

"' aU our ne ... boo~ I .I. " D R. CA l.DWELL'S BOOK OF WON DERS" nnd Ir• •• am plo to those ·who have ne ve r tried t hi s wond erful


LOANS NE U()'l'IA'l'ED ,

Wrlto today.

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~!~e: ~~~::.!, ~~~~~~~e'i.'h:i~l\t:t~!~

List with us , wc

.ontloollo. I1Ilnole



NOTA RY PUBLI. fa l'm 8 und town pr operty R.t



Jl ol)l YOll .

-'iff .. ' L . Shield to John nnd For ~ le by J . E. J un noy Offioe Rooms ove r Pos t. () t1ico in Stoop " Build ing . MILry Ann Wirth V8 Kllr Henry Emma Gor8uoh; l l) aores in Ha m . Ctl st . Those who knew him Iit.tle Wirtb. Cruel~y alld negleot. Par. Ilton to wnship ; *2300. loved h im muoh . Thoae who know tlee were m ..rrled Ilt Dayton Mllroh ' Henry Bllgemun t o Churlea Jones h im hest loved him m ost. . . U nder I ~ ne w sched ule In effeo t 12, 11100. There .have been born 6" nortle il) H a milt ou to wnsh i p ' Hi s h enl th h od b en fO Ilin g fo r J une 25~ 1905 , pllsse ngcr !Tlli ns ovor four ohlldl'Sn, two of whom are *B:'O ' the past v ellr . MUclh of t his ti me living, Plaintiff Ilvers thllt defend. ..' . h M been s pent i n t he hospitul. A the P cnu8yl va nill Lincs len \' 0 WIL Y, ant haa been Rullty of extreme orn. Ed~in R. Wood and wlf.e to M. fe w mon t h s ago h e cume to the n esviJIo station liS foll ows: elty,,hw! 01l1'8ed ~nd thl'MC8ned her Bolmer, lot In Le banon i 11. . h on1e of b is sister nCll r S a rvevs · For the E llst \) ::H IL. Ill , ; :! : ~ 7 p and · at timee struok her i that he Ella M Denham u.nd husband to burg, think iog h e might regllin his balJ tailed to provide for her and AI ~ lna M. Bennett ; 100 nores in helllth but as disease bad fustened m . ; ~undoy only 10 :2·' p . m. A ND tbeir oblldren. P. a Rue Is attor. ~erHeld township ; IllGOOO. itselr 'upon him, h e oontinned to FOI' t h e W es t U :02 a . Ill , ; IJ :O~ II noy for plalntlft. Alvina M . Bennett and husband declino ; a t h is r equest he was flgllin m .; Sunday onl y 4 :55 It. m , J . W. Shertzer V8 The Village of to Ella M. Denham; lot in MIlSon; t il ke n to the h ospital tb tit h e mi ght F or pa rt icllll\r infor ulIltion on th e Frankltn. Warren 09lln~, Oblo, '1200. . r ecei ve more s kilful treatme nt. Edwllfd Libeeap, Joseph Gough and . Ahernl!. H. Peter to Oborlie A. Of his mothe r 's. obi1dren he is the s ubjeot upply t o H E . Booth , William G. Anderson. The defe~a· Dv~40 aeres i n WI\.y ue township ' third to uncI os. 0 tbe m ysterious W a ynes vill e. O. aut iB a munloipll\ oorpo~atlon ~f $700': '. . , gn.t es a nd e nter t he Beyond. Three Linoloum , Mat.tiugs. Llleo Onrtllinp, Drnperles, Win. whloh Joseph ,G01lgh Is Clerk and . . '. slstel'S r emnln to r em ember wit h William 6,. AndertlOn, Treaaurer. MARRIAGE LIOIllNSE. Inoreasin g lovo theIr uged mother , L OW FA RES TO INOIliNATI VIA ·PENN· dow I;;hllcles, e tc . et . Plaintiff -.VB , defen~.nt· VllllIge ilJ EdwIlI'd O. OIl1.rk, of Lelionon, and Wlth ber mourn tbe 108s of sYLVANIA LIN ES. AND about \0 pay 132 to said Edward and Lenll M Tuoker, Harvoysburg. h er beloved sou a.nd their ' brother .. November IHth excu.slon tlckcL' 10 Clneln. Libeoap tor' prete.n ded service tl8 Rev. A . K. Sargent. H . O . S. nall. account Carll_Io Inlll. n8, U. or c . ... oot Old F urniture re npholster ed . Upholstery Stuffs In gr out • _ .. Dall Game . wi ll be 80ld vi a Peuusslvanla · DIgbt watohma~. PlalntUf ~l1llgllll va riety . laid Labeo&p wu Devel; 'e mployed ·C i i ' , "I Th k h L dl" Lines (rom RichmoDll, SprlngU eld n",l lnter· luted to '" m d I omm SS oners Bn ~ t e or mediate poln lo. or' appo . 8UO¥ .0 98 an s P e d ! oried Hannah Pla nt, of Little R ook, Dot. entItled to snoh or any other . roce Ings. Ark., " for tbe rell' ef I .." ot fr'om Buek. TflANKSG IVINO FARES VIA Pll:NNSl' L· payment, Plaint~ alks that Gough Fr om t he ohell pest t o t bll fln est . Domestic anu Imported. I&IJ Clerk and Ande;",oD MS Tr6ADIlrer . len 's ArnlolL I:!alve. It oured my VAN IA LrNES . PREt:lCOI N(-l, TI NTI NG, LIN'RUoTA , STU CCO RE LIEF Bills aIJowed Novom . bel' G. f t l ' h ' h th be !lnJolned from drawing any , ear u . runulDg sores, w IC no . voa,ober order or warrant iO' favor Jos. I}J L~dlum, oompe.n l!a . . ing else would h eal. a nd fr om whICh Excursion tIckets wlll be 80i!l a t nil LlcltCt F ABRIUI:!FOR WALLS , of said , L1bec~p tor Mid. pre&ended . lReio~1 IUI'CollOOret,al'! &Idlers·~ 3' I hlld suffered for () y ears, .. It is II. ~~~~I~:~ ~~l:~:~~;IV~~~~ro~'~~~ ~~~~'~l~):~ P rioeR mil lIe sa tisfllotory . A good l}lnoe to t rado. Cnll vi T I 'I e f mm.l s81on ....... ,.... 3 33 marvelou8 hesle r for outs, burns 160 miles rrom Helling polnl. '~'luk e"" goo d un d s ee ns. ::rde:e~88' ,:a~~nd"r:r~~ ~~. J1. B. Smith, 0001 ...... .... ..... 60 46 and wounds . (2ul1.ra n teed lI t F . re turning un til Decewber H b For ,,"n lcu· ' -100 bavtna """'n flied. Pat"lok.It· B. Smlih, sewer pipe ... ... 44. 10 Soharwort,z's dru g st or . 250 IllrHCOIl SUlt Loolll l'lcker.. Agent of Pellns yl' ~ Furnishers a nd Deoorn toJs . ~ ,. .. ...... • Lewle BrOIl., oem ent.. .......... 5' 00 . , . ".nla Lines 'Lebanon Gli8 00" gM for jail 4 88 - - - - - -- -- -- - - OaYDOI' til a'$oI'D~Y for l?1!,lutUJ. · OOUB'r PBOOItBDums. 'IrlllJtees ' ' Publlo Affairs, . . MA'L~FIT, 1. L OW B'A RIilS WEST AN D BOUTH·WEST :10- :12 Oaro \ . IJarry SPllrli'u g et:: .1 v!J )'he'Ad. lam~ for jail .. .. :.... ...... ... 1· 35 . '. SPIilCIAL n OME BEEKERs 'Ex ounSloNs .... ,JkPreM ' Co. Cue dlsmlll86d TrUstees Publlo Affaire, liJtht V IA PENNBYLV ANIA LINKS. --'·boat preJ11 dice. ' at jaiL .... , ....... ; .... ·....... .. .. · 410 Anyone <on Le mpl a i,og a t np \V es t may l. . ..... '. . . . '!'rU8tee1 of Pp bllo Affairs, take a d vu n tuge o( "b e rc d.u ced f l\ rt!s f or th ~ 1 16 A. ' 1'. Meloy VI Sarah O. Cnr&lp. . light at oourt house.. ....... Hpt.'OlJll fl u m e ·Seeke rs' exc urs ions Vi" l' e nD* , C..81ettledaDd dlaml8led, , Trlllltees of 'I>ubllo Afflllrs, ssl" .nln [.Ioes to [>0 101.8 In Colon do. Id abo. JOwa. Ka nl53.s. Mlnno8ot a, MissourI. 1\1 nAnnie C. B.l'1Idbury ~xeotl$or V8 ·Water ;........ : .. ;.... ... .... .. 2 .21i. " a n a, Nebr lllSkn. t he Dakotas. Or egon , \V ash Chari. ' Bradbury Qrder taken for .T 0 .. Patterson, boardIDg AND DEA LER'IN tost on . 'l'C!.x a.s Bnd ot hct scotions In t ho \V CPio t .. . ' risoitel'll~ ....... : ...... ~ .... ...... 5a 50 IMirvice by publication. '· and tu ull t he S t at eN o f t h e Sou th . S lOI,·ove r prlvUeges 'pcnn 1t t r a\lc }crs to t n · John W. 6rahaJD vs Fannie Gra'. T . c . Patterson, posting proo· vCRUgatc bu s lned~ open in gs . 'J'hCKC tl ek(! t ~ JUIIU,' • Deoree , pf dlvotoe Rh.nt · lamatio!lll for electIon...... 6 60 will be o n salo cert a in da tes a ur tn g the Hum· plaintiff. . J . ViI , .LlnKO, ~tove and mdse ru Pr . Dc U. [lcd In fo r lD lllol on a ~ to f a r e:-c. t h oul!th lt m u. ot o .. wlll \l)c t ree ly furn tsh c ll . Gl\IOrllt' I: Young Rppointed trus. (or ()Ourt bon~.. .... ... ...... 30 25 u p n n 3 Jl)Jtl cu t.t o n to local II 'tUL agenl of . Telephone in bis hou>'O wber e h e P ensylvanl a LInes. tee to take obarg~ "f ..nrl In "e~t P . P . M.lxwell , oement .. nd Id Jij GIIrtaln fUllds for the ·b6n .. fit of the (lower ' ...... ............. .... ;.... 13 64 ell n be caill'd at ftll hours. clay or P. P. MllxweJl, cement.... .. ... In 00 OWn8t11. night. LOW ONE·WAY II'ARlCS SOUTn AND .Ja.m8H V" Hanilinson, bridge " I!'rank 8penQ8r vs A, D. Spentier. s OU1·n ·KAtlT VIA I' ENN... . LfNES Oooob as IIl1d ohliirlJ I\llpplled. lumber. .. .. .... ;.. .. ............... 249 29 Calle dillmllll!ed. • S E, 6r~ley, lumher ......... /;9 .110 bcr 7t h and 218t reduce d OUc· w t. v B~ve recently lIIo v~1 to rooUl SeNO\'cm Milton 8 : Keever vs &tm.utll Keev. DlIVld Tr()t, & Co., bridge . t tl ~rs' excurs io n ticket8, w lJ) be sold vta P e nlUly h' a.nl3. L i nes \0 l"o to LI1 in ;\l abam a . ew:e,t Ill. C...e Ii6ttlftd ",nel dIKmi888c1 ." 'l\1moor . .'.. .( .. .. .. .. ............ 361i 95 next to OrOIiS BroM. F lorl tln, Geors -la . a{cntU C k~' . Lou isinna. 1\1 the mattllr of thtl'8)JpolntrnllDt· A. F. Meeker; lumber stone. , WAYNESVILLE, O. Mlasl8Rlppl . No rH. Ozroll na . 'oulb Oarollnn of Member !If Soldiers: RiilieN;om. . and eoment ...... ...... ~ .. ,. .... 2 60 MAl'N BTREB:'[, Tenn rssoc a nd \ ' lrf,(lo m, For rutI ln ro rm a, . mlllllinn JOI!epb B Ludlum h .. vlng ~ . D. Hinkle, de puty l urvey . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!! tlo n r<!garcling t a re g, t ime of tr ai ns e tc .. 3ppl.\! t o loonl t tol(ct. a gl'll t ot P en ns y lvania S.endered hili ret4lgnat.ion Uti a' memo or, enllineerloll and oounty Ll uce: t u::e J Oha.pp"d Hande. ~r of !laId (Jommltision : .Jnmea )ill' ty· work·....... ...... ......... ...... 80 00 Wash your hand .. with warm wa· JrIIllleo i8appoln&od ,to fill the unex· ti. D. Hinkle, deputy survey , . or, bri,lge work ....... .. .... .. 20 00 t er , dry with IJ, to wel und upply · pired term. ACar d . C . H . Jon6!l, cemeut ..... ...... . 10 00 Chll mberlaln's Sul ve just b l~ fore go PBOHATJI: OOURT. This is to oertify t hllt Ill! druggists J N . Burob, contrllet No . 16 19 00 lng to bed, l\nd a sJleed y cure Is cer · t liln. Thl8 Su.1VA ill 111110 um'qnnled lire aut horized to ref uoll your money Eetate of JamAl! Grimes, dooelUllld. J. N. Burch, bridge re)ll1lrs Tortleereek township .... .. . 26 00 for skin niseaSes Jj'nr snle hy l!' . C. if Fo]oy 't! Honey IIncl 'l'nr f llils .to William J Grimellappalnted adm/n. Sohwartz. ~ ,c ure y'mr oough or cold , If. s t,ops ttltrlltor with bood of 11200. 'rheo. John Wolfe, bridge r"pllirtl tile ooujlh nnd hoola the lun gs . P r u. MIl8Rle township.. .. .. .. ...... 3!l3 Lawren~, &muel BtoopRa.D!( Oh&ll. ve nt,s IlD enmonil\ und will cu re in · John Linder, bridge r epltirs Madden, appraisei's. . olpient cons umption . Oontnln!! n o Cle6roreek to WIII,hill . ....... . 9 00 I EIItdeof Peter W. Hall , d008ll1Uld . Otho Henderson, bridge re· opiates lind Is sltfest fo r ohild re n Henry C. Sburt·z "ppOlnted adminls. As k for Fo l ey ' ~ B on ey unu Ta r !Lnd pairs Wvyne township... .. 11 50 tra$or with bond of 1200. Appr aise. ins ist npon having it. I:ltops t h e mellt dispensed with. ; oough ,\lid beals the, lungs'. F C. M~'s Unreaaonab!enea Schwartz . Estate of Jane T . Hlnkle, deoeased. He nreet.tlls often aa great a. woman's. But Is Rnin Cloths J A. Runyan appointed exenutor Brilin n toe n Voiles with bQod of .8000. M. J . Hutoh. Th08. S. Austin, Mgr. of the "He· InlOo, J . n. Steddom nnd L . M. Dun· publican, I I of Leavenworth, Ind., , aftCI WM not untoa.sonable, when be reo ·h am, appraisetll. VETERIN ARY BURGEON. SoutherD tty. fused to allow the dootors to operate Shades Linoleum EI_te of cath"rlne GallBbor, de on hiB Wife for female trouhle. "In· Lebanon , Ohio. (~ llilt,s Blaukets Un r pets From Cincinnati oeued. Proof of publt oatlon of no· stelld," he &lYS, '·"we conolnded to Can be callmlany h oor, dl\Y or Finest ~ t ook 7 ct,s Shown tlae of appolli'ment of admi~18tra , try Eleotrlc Bitters, My· wife w..s night. Bo th Bell Ilnd Vo.lIoy to all Important Ci~es tor Illed, . then so sick she could bardly leave PhoneR, Valley Ph one o. 238. South, Southwes In re 11I11J Edward Stowe, "deoe8S ' her bed, aod five physielans had ond Southeast. ed. WlIl presented for admission failed to relieve her. Afoor .t&kinIJ1 to ,probate aDd cauae oontinued . Elooh'lc Bitters !lhe was perfeotly R educ.d ro t"" on the first and t.hir~ Men Past Blxty In Dange r . Tuellllaya o( ench month. John Haakett, exoootllr of WID . cllred, nnd ell.n now perform all her . For iur"nn.iion adem.. More than half of mankind over B. DWyer, deQtla8ed, vs lAlona V. household dnU6!I. " Gnarant,e ed by ~'8 w. zm,f . p.I·.J.. ll hU... St..,a.d...u sixty years of Ilge su:ller fr om kid· F . C . Schwlirtz, drngglst , llrice [jOO. Blt-etlmd et al . &Ie of r8ll1"," ney Rod bladder disorders, u suull y CounterfeltlDll tb p (;p nUlne. : : ~.l~~~~m·~:" b. !,! Clod..aU. Favored by Doth PBrtleB. approved and deed ordered given . . enlargement of pro8tute gland . This , ' ' RopubJicnns a nd Democro.ta alike Estate ot Sarah S. Emley, dl'oeuR. Trespassing Notice. ~::::::::.=:=::: I,. hoth painful a nd danger ous, und F oley & Co ., Chlcugo, on glDnt.ed '! Foley's Kidney Cure sl~ ould be tuken Roney and Tllr us a t hroa t lind lung prl\ise Foley's Honey and Tar for ed. New bond 170 IIpprllved .. 8nrtltietl on old loond r ..leIlKAd. ' :All' pe rsonl' lire he r e !)y warDed Bthoue Atta.ok Qwckly Oured, at the firs t sign of danger , liS it cor . r emed y . a nd on a oco~lDt of the J(r~t cou gh!!, co lds /l nd al1 throat and lung roots irregularities a :nd hus oured m erit nnd populurlt,y .of .Foley s diseuses, 11.8 no other remedy oaR Eet"te of Il!ftoolla 'Brown, d ecea~· IIgllin~t,huntin g on m y \Jremlsel\. A fow weeks a go I had a bilious I many old men of thiS diseuse. Mr. Honey I1nd TlI.r mlln y Inlltntloo s a re oompare WIth it. It Is safe andtlure . lid. I:!ele bi DIed. G EO. W . HII1NKI.Itl. littaok t hllt WIl.8 eo CJevere I was not Rodney Burnett, Rook Port Mo.. offered for tbe genuine. As k for F . T . I:3ll1ter , m eroh ant, 171 Maln St. 10 rA will Edward .Stowe , d!lOElll" " hIe t o 1(0 to the office for two days. " I suffered with enlurged Foley 's H~ney and 'l'ar anll refuse Glouoes te r, Ma8B., writes: ,1~ Foley's ed.. Will admltt~ to I,lr~ba~ : To inSpire confidence, nnd to pro . . F&llIng to,ge t relief fttom .my fami1:V prostrat e glond nnd kidney trouble 1nny s ubstI t ute ojf~red us n o other Honey Roll Tar oured me of a very, J!ltotafeof IDrlwI\rd St"",!" <lI'!1II"lIf'd. tf'Ot. both :you lind th o 11 ru ggis t , "' II phys loian II tr~tmeut, I t ook ~hree for .yel1rs aDd a fter talcing two bot. pre parntion will ~Ive the. sll:lUe sot. bnd oough whioh I had ·t or three · O. A. ~ftler appointed admmlllt ra' / III,ve IRlllled II Gnara ottff) Contraot to of C~nmberlaln 8 .Stoma~h and Li~er tlas at Foley'i\ KidnllY Cure I fool isfllctton . It l!l mIldl y l!lxut lve. It month" thOll~h other remedia8faUed ""'. With boDd of "1000. Tbnmlls Mr. 'J ":nney aut.horizIng him to,PIiy' Tllbl~ta l\nd the n?xt day I felt hke better than I have for twenty y ears contains n o OPIl\tes a nd IS Bllfest f or to benefit- me. I can highly. recoin. MIller, \Vt;D. '~1l8~ aDel J. E . .Rob' l baok tlfll 26 cent.a ' U the tal,?lljlts do Il ~ew Dl8n , ~B. U. Bailey, Edltol' of althougn . I am n?w 91 yeal'S ol!l. ohlldren Rnd delicate per~oD5. ~. Dlend it for coughs and ooIds, ' . F; o. Bohw~rt~ . . ..;.. . .ID8OD a~. ·' not beD8fit you aa olalmed, the New8, 9hapin, S. O. , Theae tllh. F. O. MDhwartz. C. 'Schwartz, Ja the ~ of LUll8 B&iaeUl, iD. .. .' - •' . leta a~ tO,r $lIe by .F, BohWarb. '



HOUSE FURNISHING CARP.ET S, All rna,kes and grades. RUGS, Ori e ntal and Domestic MI SSIO N


. I" ~









0' 1




! ~1l~8:. HARMAN &DA~?o~


~""~~""~~~ HUTCHISON and GIBNEY






PE1"rICOA'rS ,

Dl'eSHi ng Sacques




Dr. R. J. Michener,


Hutcbison 6t {jibn~y, X~nia Obio.















lilJa'S P :EOG Y POK ~S THE YORE'. , "Can YOII.l ~ar to br Iloor- .l IJ m! ~\ titlllllt "tk(1 II 'Iu, l :lull' lu Iu. 11l1l~l un ~ ,1 ' ' rh'!i:n r c.$:!.t " ,HlkeA ~ h8 kltoh en nre lih e OIn k" " r" Ill". r Ir. I Un lt l' tHi J Il Il "Oj'f /I\ ~' cn l To "." h rt , Ot~l tI. ,II'" ' ' ~h" lal..·, hall ~ ". ')P, t ~ er hllf\H \\ Hili .., II l ~ll "1 '

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"Oh , CIl.1I1 ", wllil ~1) 1I 1 t lJ.ull l e u It IJ ar I '. l ' , 0 lU) llI JllotllIUl)' hili.. ..lIeU) I'd' 1,II ,tI ~!I ~~ Ulticl Yb T t'olwfU .l .t'Llnllo a '4 wfn . ~ IIY gla u t:~ ullll C f\nnn r. ~ tl yu u o •

e (U I r lit 8to e ,

HIlI '· d to hi ,• •' : b4J WP \\ IIU,,-' t " 1' ,Iorrh,j (I '. n lO\ 1' mt I ll" "~"'I' ~ J 111'1 I IlI j ." " \\ ' t l , I rl', i~l t( I. "r. h(tll rlt't." ~ II , IJllI \ \ I III .. r ( Jhd '. J lit ' '' (\' I "o" ,'1! ' pI li " \1 " I'~. H!Il";

lom. ~ J


" I n sllll e or (l l' II,,'II!O Il ." ('"oed , "il h hr r ht'BtI UllOil h i' shou ld" I. Th Cflul<e ~ I C lll1rtllJad . on 1011I~1!1'~" 'I " !lei Ilcgalilu wh l:; il It In ••,, Th en h e.!l!l'all~ecl ;IIulI): III 1'11 110 \\'11 1' an u!:gr 5~ i\ (' ly li niN) S \(- P , UH~ C" HItIII'S"i f utlowi ng

ItI", lIIl . as It were <luft,· h )' a(·t·iti" " t , i I II' ~

.it: ,,'ia led iuto l h C! ' tralH'1'

t f)

t he

:.;t'o, \ (J ,


" Uht.lys. my IOH . I will p';"(1rt IO U

,tl Ihl' IIntel'." sni,llbe tll;I(I). hl a lldl~'" " (


A 1.\\ ,\ y ~ 11I,,"[; hl 'hul' liu WlL ' a IflOl!" oll ~ 'O've(ll h COUlIlC~M . , p r('r l ~ " l y," said I b t, 11 111 '. II ghll"g a

c; l~~I\" ,


Th ey w 'I'e sl1 ling o n th e venilldll of Ih e Pa O'ls holel n ud tho cOlllltess II u S s ip· )li llg b r 0.(1, J'lI ooD leo.. Ol)['t) ~ ile I hl' III IlDd to t he leCI strelched th e go r(ll'lIs ul Ih~ en 100 . Th e ba nd or Ihe '1I1e du ParI s. in f ronl . wal; pr "I ", 1III1,!;. 1101' 5un lo ca l' lI ol upon Ille II hll e rJ ull'\" S ur lh t: 'as lno acl'oss tbe squ llr(': (h I' fnnttllu l', l. j'!LUresqlle ligures or A )'lIb hll wldng lhe lr ol'le ut ul wares ml llJ.;l t· tl will, I IJ ~ m 'Hl y ·h Ul~ d dre sses and .. 'a"'t li ng I IJ~ ' lum r" or a Monte Carlo v('lu\\ I h,·n. , " An,l ,' nd ll d the dullC, 1II .;;,;i!!); " W H~' h I. malch . .I you havc, naturHI1.)', IIIJ rei,· .8Q u to all ~ ,· ." ou r opln ioo Oli I he l,(, l nl~ " "Collsi,l .. r iu" t.ho.t YO II,' c ha rming 'w u \'(1 Is IlIIUIII'er-no! " slIilt I li p. r:ollnt('ijS wllh nSIlPr lty. " Your cha"mlllg nepbew hlno selr b l;' 'Ing- Dot exactly a UrOC~lIs : ' . nlll tb ~ .fluke. renecUvely. ... , ",\Vhlch 1lI9k .. ~ II In'\lerlltl~ e lIqll h ~ lIho.uld marry an helrCl;~ , " Ih e cOUUle s~ 1'eplled. " Ah! " said lbe duk,,: " but I( be II In 1Iove-" ' . " My de8\' duke ," broil!: In the coullle~s ~J1)pa!lenlly , ",you are Btul.ld,"

II n\' (> s nllu ' rhillR' I wb h l '} ,: tl H ~tll t auour , " Hull l a ' IJ n m ed UPOII H OIl. C h a l'1t:~ U'; li e BI.u l," . [on

~ U11

Th l! ronnI e fol ' od ' ul.r ,lknlly llY 'hlll'lIl', pr~c c(le,d l ll.,u. from Ib,' gro'I U. Tlw tl ul ~ , wll I. ~lI ss T J'clwy u. II IlS ~ J' ed H.'"," 1':01'05 helti[ltl. " I li D' u ~ .. "icl ," l ) ~glln , It ' t"11I1I'" <" 'Klt ll fl'(·o/.l n' salin' , "110.1 \\ 1' 'Ii. lUrl",d !'ou ' III mUII"I ' !Il ' II,u I'I'U I'lIlQQ 'IUlO tit) d.l' rt f ( · h" rl e~ . . " \' UII did. " ~nili Cha rlie , 1I1"t LJ.'! I! .-r1. ,"Chnrll e:' .1" 1111,,"I"rt Ihe c Oil lit ~S , (\~ ill g an eyc of 1IIl,'o n'I,rl III': ""'rlll1 ~o~ 111.011 Ih e YO lI llg 1111111 , " UIU Y I u ~1; whn t _" ou WI!I'P' Ilo ing III lIuu place w"l1 "II "~ '!',.c!",y u 7" " "Uti mH Y." said Chulle, (,11111'1; uu t h i~ c:igarclle '8 ~e, " I WIIS prlJ po. lug to


LA~' E



The l1Ltle Il eat lurn-Over collar Is as fllll't of lhe dress. Duttons are 18.l'g>I!l, mucb In ~t)' le as ever. nn d dlll'crs used ror ornamentation, a re1'I\'(11 ,,/ hardly &t nil rrom tllose first Intra- Ihe sl yies of an older day. Metam( ,luced, For mourning wear tbe plaIn effect· lire - In evidence aDd are 'very mull sols arc preferred, s'erlm Is used attractive ..'beo there Ia not too mucll as formorly anll lace \lets are much glltlar. YeSlerday we notlccd a very In fllsblou. . pretty green costum . the sllirt of III Nc .~ kt\·ear s tl ows some novelties this bronze mlxtllre, the waist a pongee at sea sal) , but oIBe featllre 18 tbe long subdu ed Gn) I) , ·,'Ile latter was made onus. for Atocks arid tics both. Thoro wltb a chew I ~ elle wbleb WillS broad are beautiful Ince cbemlseUes BIld deep at t he neck ond tapered quite line at ,!ull's. often the chemlselle Is mllde to lhe bolt, and consfsled of qlBny lillie wear oUlslde tile waist. Tben the lace. frills oC lace. The .,..alst had In chb ~ r ." jabot Is bocl, In fashion. and aleo the wide perpendicular tueka 'at tbe ahonl " Prol'osill/; 10 her ~ " r ~ p~ "tt'l tile IIcbu" Sailor C'~Jl llr& or lace, thoSe, too, den, tbo lIocs were 10011 alld slmphi. " OlJllt css , In horr lneti a('cent... worD' wltb loog cuffs, are to be had. Clusters or small metallic butlons oul. Chlll'lIe nod'let!: and a very PNltly, economical mode lined the edge where the green met th& " AII,1 she has a "ceptod me," be Ildded. 1\ 18, one to be recommended; tbe addl- white' lace ' vest. Tbe green buttons I'lnl'lIl1 . lion of tbe IlICe quito transform. a now oD display tD tit!! sbops Itre very Tl't' CUllnt~s ~ lar811 al hIm a moment plaIn "ialst. mllY be uled wIth various handsome; rblnestonel are used , but I" ~ lI on ce . Thcll ahe Huld. sIO~' IY' ~ costumes and ' Is more eas\ly cleaoed 'Pel'llonally we do not fart for tbelD. : "~ hllrlle . you are a fool ," , tban silk or aaUn. The Bubject of sboes we. bave noc " Y~s!" (Irawled Charlie , f1ghUllg hi. 'Talleta 8l00~'8 wltb the neat turn- touebed on lately; and it Ia .• subject clgarc ll o. over collars abmmd. come In and that deserves mention. for tbero are ''' no )'011 not 1(lIoW t hal I'll YOllr [losi. white more commonly. The lay-!lown decided ,ellances noticeable, Colored lIuII It · Is Imperative- absolutely 1m· collar', whlcb uevertheleBB Is high, la and black cloth topa w111 be ,fasb\onpetallve- Chat ~' ou s,hOll ld mar ry " gll'l pusblog forw.ard. and handkerchief ties able: and buttoned shoes ,worn as they In gay colora are considered smart. lIave not been In • -long tim\!. Vamps T~p., ~.ul~_ sl:,l:~"ed ~~~ 1~l)g ml1~lal'llea wllb plenty o[ mon·c)','.... 'BI H1·Ula.dfl n ,I t(le, elegant bow."The reflectln n l\uOccltrred to me," b. Wash stocks ' vdll clintlnue to be ,worn are not AO lenll .. formeI'l Y. · few .. ·~1)' dear llldy, W\!iP0rn h d!!thl'uned ol.servcJ.l . aU wInter. an(l wlll tollow mucb' tbe Frenob hecla will be aeen. The but· -'And ror thal reaso n you mU3t breale IIIme IInca aa th08e of taffeta. tons on ·aboes seem enormoll8, only a ort lhlll absurd eng~gell1eDt before It Crepc It~ chine 18 'appcarlng amongst few. are now u Bed. Some ladtes take gri llS 11IIY fUl'th·e.r: · .. neckwear apec laillea. and- . 'e consIder tbelr OWD cloth to tbe - .~_~er.a. " 00 tll" contrary, " said Charlie, "1t '1' tbls a very apl,roprlate material; It ~ have tbe lown matcbed ellBctly h); the - - Ilartly- tor that reB~on that 1 pro· w88liable. and ,lIo 80ft and pretty, TIes cloth IIppere, It seelDll passing odd Iloscil lO MIss Trelwyn." of tbe crepe are sbown. and ,bid faIr tbat for evenlnrr .lIppe rs black Ihould AgaIn the conotes!! ~tared at blnl , thll to bave vogue, We may' say, ,ltbougb be considered moat eaoJu81ve w.h!ln limo in bewfldermenL. · . most everythtn,(f goee In ueclt dreslling. 8treet gowos require colored cloth tops, "Wh&t &10 )IOU mean ?" ,he exclaimed. tbllt tbe Guffy, lacey affall'll are very but this ' 18 t~e teodeney at the best Cbs rite drew .. (elesram deliberately fllsblooable, tllIlt tbe deep cull and ' CQI- places .' Black allppera .parkle willi trom hIs pocket, lar are of late!lt slyle, Ooy Jet beada. white Ollel are embroi · "I mean an bour togo J received till. Dr.ssinak·e ra are trying to torceback derecl In little pearls.. Huce ribbon telel:ram .trom- er- InY conlldentlailld. the traloeJl .klrt~they alway. do. bow.a are used whelM"ler peeeible, never caD remain content. vrser III town ," he remarked. vampa are abo.t to display tlWl elabo· "A telegram! " the countess cjacu· Afternoon aild ennln, gowns a~ rate atocklngtl. FreDcb beell ':re 0.1. lated. • , ' lOot; . lind volumlnou. · and '. mucb ways tbe, sort lor tb. 'eveatng sltpper : .. "Wblcb Inrorms me." went'ou Chulle. trImmed; skIrts oontlnue to be plain, It ,I• .:rom streeC sh.oe!, tltt. euggerated ca lmly. ':ll1a [' the 8\ldden death ot a , tbe trlmml"g all going to tbe upPtr heel la n!l" banlabelt.cOl\8ln. a coll\Paraltvely: young m~n , !)ulS Mf,s 'l'rclwyn In POI:es~ lon of balf • million of money." ,The countess gtlspet'l . Every woman. no matter how lado· cW:Clalonal rainfall. the! weant> hlng '· You ·sce .'· ~a\d Charlie. "I ha~ c bern cRr,.rul 10 !tee" mysel r wel.1 In for med, tent and disinclined to iexerclse. should carefu~ to puU them IA> ....))8 . . . MOD ba ~o a\ lenst ODe cos t ume able to wllh: as removed. For tbe' rainy , day tbe my dear aUlIl." " Hulf a mllilon or mooey: " sa id iha atand blultery weatber; for it Is the Haunting vell has 'no port. IIIltbough I~ far exception I.ldeed that, will lind no may be doune", In sunny weatbelr tn lhe Ilfcsence of B~ uuty ! " ll~ uuS"J'Vcd . CO\lutess. IIle for sucb all outllt. Perbaps most UUlily glo,'cs are obll\lnable la tb l~ "EXB,1tly ." " 'i h exqui sIte galh&otry . The CfltlJJ II:H" was mollified . "ThIs pute an enllrcl.r d ,lten' lIl com· I mportant of aJl are the ehoes, whlcb day or tho atbleltc girl. and no woman "StilI. " lIh" H"ltI . " 1 C.lton 8t;ari:1l1~' ~II !" 1I1""lon Oil thc malt cr." s'Sh d lhe should not be (00 aUtt· aod mannlsb, need be IIIrrayed In bedragglill) nllO." bul ' ba\'e r;ood, reliable he91s Bud ~en- ".e\·or me ant ..for h'lIrd ' use-UD·IIS., of IJOil~ you tu cuutc mllllli e Rtl h II mal 'lI l Olllllcss. . s ible spies. Ovcrshoes are not \\'orn COlll'lle: ahe be caugbt unaware. ",il h lI uliHrll '1IulI ," . " !oj .. I Ih o ught ." ar;r eed Charl ie. tmn. so lOlIr.h as rormerly, wblcb meaoy Borne women like tbe. long rlllin eOll!, " ,U)" flO mp31l £.," r ul urll e d t h e (1 \1 1\ ' ~l' l ll ly, . one's walking l~lIoes are much lIelle.' I Bome prefer tbe short JaCket or eHflcl "On l hueon lra'·Y. lIolbl ug wOll1n '1,'1"", " I)UI'S lb e dlll(c know or Iblscl rtll m. than rormcrly, more nearl y waterpr.:roT. waterproof cloth or serviceable IW<q;e 1I l'.! to s allel i l'Jll I l. " ',., I:"t llt f" ?·· luqu l r cd thf ~ cou n t ess, " fl ll L she ig (J!' "t ir COll rbc," Sg lt1 Cllu rll e. " ti p. lwc l1' Tbe dress mate'rlal sbould be or good "TI I JI ~ :-;111' is ur age," : 1I1 1 '~ mon! ~n:; , 11u: Il l: ,lOt'Hl l' 1 J,nr)w t hat p. llougb wool to .tan,] n lot of wetLlng: some (ndleS hlllve the goolls fo.r t be ",\ u ti l 'Uti I' l l)" !) , , IIl'r ~ l' lt?·· I 1(110"',' SOli IdllH" ," ! H~ thuciiled . utility frocll wl!llerpoofed before It Is " '\'itll l! 1I 1 (l tJU IJI., ' Th , ( \Jlmlf'J-: ~ tlr!' \\, It ' ~fI P h r eath , ma tle lip. Tb ere should be no trim · " Tltf'!l )'tl li l ~ uJt llllJ rll H IlI lJrf: ly & mu nt. I " ) t )' r!lur Cluu'h !O: , " ~ h e ob:-(' r vf:cl. 8 "ming tha l would be ruined frolO a lit · 'Ct l1 r.,'· I h l" (' ,.\llIte~ ~ r ~l or tc rl n llrl l lgl ,\' , " ) (JU ur c IlfJI s m:: h a ruul. aJ' te r tin we tllng, aDd the hat mus t VC of '' .\It ·rt'iy .' u/lr<e,1 III " <lul.c·, us If Ill ~ 1 ,,1 1: " this sarno uurlllblllty. But a bove 0.\1 matrcr cl ld nol , finer a ll , lu lerr s t 111 111 lhlng8. do not go In for a slouth hat ven mu ch H ilfh J umpi n g H og. of 'c heap Bart, gnmethlng tbal w\ll ':Wh y 'Old you uri,, !; hel III 111,,1., I ,\ J"")\li"1; lid!: a ffo n l'''l ",neh am u, e· mal(e you look like a tmmp or a Bow. (' . IIII, '~" dc,' l1laflded th e CUUht CSH , naent In lIlf~ I!n s YHrl\ $ at lh e s l f)cic ery girl. Good outing ha ls cost money, ·' \\11\' difi \ O l l lll l fi g CllI.tllI L: tH! H<" I )' anJ s th r 0 lh " r d H~ , A tlho us h t he but th ey pay 1[. tbc long run . Wh en 11,\ l lHlI~!tl'd " nnllunl wcl g ll c ,J ISH pOll llrl :of ir wo uld tbe dampness hI\! laken 0.\1 th e wave Jl r~ y , ",111 1 I'o ll trol UJ)I U(:I'U('\\ ~ ! JUTJlP ho ard fe ft ('{'1-3 n"f' (,.' P t h1~ h < Tbe out or your hair', you want to feel tbat I ~ f'\cc t11al o r who I JO U I~ilt Ihf' Ill',,'" f ll ll ll r) Il tO\'I! l IlPII I , ? . I' !"I your hat Is all rlghl anyway. And this Tlln du j, (> ~prettt..1 (Jut hi tS hal1ds d t pr c II )mpo ss ibl f- 10 N Hiftn e it t o n nil,· year , ll e re are extr'JDloly good outing so t h c pe n ill:ld 10 lJf! ('O \'c r e d Wil ll "U!! l lgl ,\ ' hats altered. the trhnmlng r edu ced to uunr<I S. A ~coJ" l i ng to men \\' ho hu r o tbo simplest terms. Til e ,''' Il lness t OIl(: II (\d bi ~ ~lrm . " 'I'll t-' f l' IIJ py afr ," ~ II C u lJ~ l:rv e d . IJtll'l l - bee n al Ih c' hog yard for reU I'M Ih ' ~ The strictly tailored .....·nlst has re was the lirs l h;:,j.; Ihat hn s ~ H r I~a ['e d turned to favor, and the faithfulness in ~ a~rus::, lhc square wit It h er fau . a re n"e Ih orc.Kun ~ 1I5 Cily T Ime!', ;rh e tIll Ite glillt ced UI' "'!Ib la r, suld Inor woman toward lhls arLlcle of dress tt: l l ~ \ sbould be one argument against the St rangers N;)w. .\ yOIlIl !; Ulan in !lanoels "nu a young lollt tbat nominate her IIcklo. ever EdYlh-P~ r('y De Smylb a .;l" d m ~ 0 1,,,.1), \\ HI, It p1n k IH.rnsul were s l r ol1ll1 ~ running arter flc.veHy . Tbe plain shi rt· IA1.11..- ,ugol her ltJ lil e dlr~ctillu of th e tell hIm lh e d lf{o " ~ lI cc b21wco ll I" " ll, waists vary lillIe In 8tyle. tbere can · and hnud titJm c. PL_\ID WAIBTS ARI:: WOf:l'I. g anlfQ) o. 'fbe)' w ert' jus t lJJ.\s8 !tIH tlJ c not he a great IIleal 01 latltudo because :Mayme-l suppo ~e he IhnuS /1t 'he 9;hat makes lor tbelr popularlly Is In,,, ' I,,,n opposIte tile Carll de Parl ~ Serge III III good material as an.v tor ,,11t· n t hp t()\Int{, ~Ii ' eye fell ulJtJn lhenl opinion of a dlslutere.sletl p e r~ on woilld tbelr simplicity. Plaits may be a lit the oullng fro ck, wears well and kp-epa be "est.-Chicago a Oily :O; e w~. Allfl til .' Ll nh o Ilod et l: f \. tle wIder this :rear. sleeves a lillie Its color well. IAntion smoke IS an 8][' B tll Hl Y d e Qr CS l~ " - )t was to e \' oiC t Imaller. but on'! Dotlces smnll ' dlrter. f.e llent ahade to choose Ir at all beOverdid It, vi 1>" " C l , u"le~ DUIli<'ax Ihal firti l , ' a lJ1 ~ ence between tbe &tyles or this and coming; It stands ao much hard usage, A 8nburhau oulldlug boom In Lon, tu 11"'1\. \I.rOl)gh Ih ~ vtl.he,, -"~au )'0)) the year before. IInr! Gray Is fasblonable this year Ae It .t a.·~ r.. "e pove rly? I u,usl. pot dete l~ " don hus cOIi Bllsed "nil tho us a n~~ o[ ,<f l· 'Che plaId wa'l 't here pIctured Is a has oot been Cor a loog. 100S; time. las slantl emlll y In 'he olller cird .. of ) In: mY own I ani rIot rl ch - ·' favorite; It t. flllbioned with a. yoke, Yet In the same breath we shOll ld men· " HId. ! " wl,lAI,~red th e COlIlJl(,5i!. Ihe rnelropnll s. Dull<len 'o " e reS,lImat ~ d lhe sleeves are e.f moderate sl1.e. atltch - tlon that tbls 18 altio a colorful 8easOQ, " 1,',,\11' hu nd red u Y~"T anu bls dt blS, tbe elrect ,of new street enr line •. lng and buttona tbe only trl,mmlng. tbe passIng motor earl bellI' ladls :I'n al 'b all! ,. The atock tor a , wllst 01 tbls sort may gowned like very birds 01 ouadlse. " lilt ',,! " aalll Ihe duke. Now What Does Thl~ .Mean' bl a turned-o.,,,r Hnen with small The rich reds and phIms are ve'r ):. tor. " I cn un"t 'oO er ),(111 wealth. alRB! bUI Her-Did b'OU see palla': !Jolaclt tie. or a black tatreta. atock wltb ward, the grays lll~ brtlllalJt tlvala 'uOI, lbe whole lov e of my bean Ibe }tIm- YO/;, Icrlm turo-o.,.r collar. Lace has no Plaid shirtwaiSt. "ul,. are much In evl· wb ole devollon 01 my lIIe-" ··What did be .BY~1" ' piau 00 & waIst of thlB IIOrt, shoulil dence, &nil p~alil •• 1I1l1 verl' fa shloll "Tbey're- no &"':0. Ca" t your .,, ' b. ,e.erver! fot' dre!llller- demands. , " I hllve beard 50m~tbillg like thlot In abl, " , .' a 10DI." ..Id lI:e Quke lotto voc., on! 'th_,"-Cteveland Leader. ~ ~ ' , .,. ' ......."'01 , 8LLSN oeMOND" 1'~ere Ire ra~!..!~i1!. I'l.~ ~nll all

.Some Practical .Clothes








" .. ,

'1'10 lJr se l~t ~ (\llan I6 r(llgn hO., bO(Hl 011 0 lOllS s II ccosHlo n of hltllt n (urn ~ {I[ rOl'tllUe, It waa a pi Oil of n Itogo tller nil x[leClCd gool1 lUCk that brought him to th() thl'one, [01' which no 011 0 bc ll e \'ed him to be des tlncd , dUrin!: t he !1[cllmo or hi s un cle, Sultan All · dul A ~I7., who cOI'dlally dlslll,e d blm. Tho Russ lnn IIrmy was IInder th e vcr)' wall s or Constantinople In 1871, find thc occuPRtlOU or the oily wa s so 1m· mllll'ut thllt U seemed a mere wotter of hour. , whon England Intnl'vened wlt.h hoI' lie t. an<l saved Abdul Ham · lrl \)oth hIs capllal and hla lhl'one, ~I o r o thall thi s. othel' Ilowe rs who hR,1 ne ve r vee lt regarded ns [larUcu · IUl'ly r.'lonlily \to 'rlll'l\ey Int flJ'v ~ n <:( 1 in hCI' bo hulf, and at tb e cOII !: " es~ or Llorlln. In 1~' 8. ,(rJIIJ'l\rod- Russia , or most of the frlJII ~ o[ .he l' vl etol'i e s. Tiall' und' ngaln hU ll th ijulllln hec lI thl'cut e ltml by th o IlOW () rS with dO\lo ailloll. Wllh tbe military oceul'iI' lion Or hl K (' ol,llal, and oC h is om vi to. " ltd ",Ith Its [lartillun JJllIong tb e g l" 'H I. pOW O I'~ . But on each ucc,, ~ l u II wto ' ll mailers looked blacll 'Kl for 111m . 'tn d th e s ituation seo rued crill · , so melhlll g occurred Kutl"l 0l11y lo alt·1' Ihe u. )Jeel I)f nffah·s. lIsullll y lor th e 5luIIle or an outbreak of .lealOll ~ )' botwcc lJ tho governments un lte ll agaln ij l hIm . prave ntlag t'1>nef!rtcd IU:lion on lhel r p8r\. 'I'o ·da y, with Rll aaia "ll1IkenM 'I))' the s lI'uln Imposed nil b' r by h ~ ~ rli 8 H .· lrou ~ Will' wltlJ Japan. tire s ui· Ian Is to sucb 811 ax'ellt re lloved hoiu Ur e baunlhll.: lear o.f pertl rrom that SOlll·r.e thilt he hllle actually ventur('ti wIthin Ibo In~ t flnv' mOhth s to oro. all - ,btl torts HII'Il.S I h~ DIIFduneUol\' wll" tlJc heavtcu kIn d! or ,Krul'I' sun s. In th o race 01 llle protestl! or lh f\ lIIuscovlt e "'Q]vnS8atlor~ at S 111111 ' \)QuI. In Ulle wort!, Iortunc s mllefi morc' tbJln cver on thA't Abdlll Hamill wbom OIads tolle dllntlllll'Ced ... tbl! "greal aSHassl n. " lind, ftrm(y conovlnced'tbll be Is ltOrn nnder .. !lIolty stan; he h,,~ at le ngth ~ucceed'ed: In' Impressl DI> (,1118 be lle r qn hI', eorollgtoolBtli anll qn 'he world ~t \l1.'ge, DIl~tln a I :l(.· cording to Iils &8trolo(;ers. to li ve tb e , ago Df 75, eR'dl to die not by vlo· lence. lilie DlOst o~· hi s prcdeeesoors. but from a contal;ious ¥Iady (whIch accounle for bia. pclogresslve Ideas on tbo subjoct oe ...Illatlon) w.IlI ' henceforth be DO longe" koown. Abdul. ~ h u Dllm,"d\ louli A:Uilul tbo Blessedt

Eat and lIo~ £0 AS~ " \ . .. sil!ulate. •


Dr. Georgo ' F ; null~r, medlvaL!lU per' Intendent of tho AlUla Sllrln~ tli\ullarlum. Alma, Mi ch., In tl1li' O ~· lo~l' Dllmbor of "How lo Live." gNe~ .omo Interesting aa '\\'ell as scnslbla' nllotl to'i- ,acqUrrillr alld 1teepln~ health. He says : "Without · we eat. and (h'lnk, we die! The'. provocatrt'B t.o clo both reats wlUt the " appoUtf'" whlclt. in process of Hme; becomes a,· VOI'y uucertaln guide; tor th~ pain to" 1"111 orten Induce a deSire snd relish for that wblch Is most mIIlCblc\'oll\IJ and Indfg~stlble. Tho old saying of 'ellt what you like' Is now shunnc,t by everybody or 20 years' q/tpcrlence. Still. wIthout appetite. it Is a \'cry dlmcu)t affaIr to subsist-for tbe lJl c n ~' lire depends chlelly upon the rell8h : Tho ro.lisll may become, as llI1.~ been alated. a vitiated one, but It Is quite IlOB81blo to ' make th,e stomllclr, by a little tOl'bearance and practice. 119 enamorcll ot what Is wholesom e Bnd nutrillous. as of thBt whl ell Is hllrttul. aDd not concoctlble." Again ho aaY8: "'('he delicate .r,o\lld feed carefully, not abundantly; It ill not Quantity wl1lcb nourishes. but only that whloh u,;lmIJates." " Be carerul of Y011r Ii 'I'tBtlon" I" the k.eynoto of tile doctor.: us;um ent. Ue says: HHealth In man, Illl-'1I ollrer lUlim1l~. depends IT(lOD the pro [lor PCl'formance ot all tho frrncllons. 'rhese tUMtl<'llllJ, may bo shortly salel to ~ t1l1l8e-: ~1} USS1ll'I e ange; (2) r. m'O'IIal, 0( WIIB' ; e:r) 911"I)ply or ne .. ,mate~Iil:I: Fot· the aett'VIty or mBn, Il1ie tlie I'\eat of tblt ftFe by whlcll 'lie coolls Iils food, f8 maintaIned by comUlIst!oOl;. and' hlst as th1l' lire ma, \Ie' prevented from bUl'ntug brightly tiy Iml)roper dlsposltlolf of tM fuel. or Impe~fect 8u pl/ly of ~11; a'lld 8 S \I WillI oel'talnl~ go Ollt If fres'" tuel f. nol1 slIpplled . and! may be ollolted b, It&- own aslies, 80'. mAn's aetr,'lty 1:nay .lie' lessoned. by' tmllorfect ' tlsslle chango, and' rna)'" lio ' Pllt on ond tol by BD Insutlrclenll sllppl)' of . 'noW' material amI, Im~e ...teQb. oomoval ot' \Vasto prod· uctlJj .

"We 9liollllli see' tn', It' tfiali ~e ' ollm· Inatlon Iii maintained, for the 1U!bol' must. bo kepI, out of the aystem ' III' order to , Have good' llealbb. 'llho' IIl:ln. UHlneys and bowel. musb db. Weirollmlnath'e worlc properly; It" tb~ 1:10"'016 OCCASionallY.' become torpid. try to ' regulate tIlem with e.xororse · and, proJl!ef food; . BUeh, as (Mlltsi. green \'optables, ealads, oerealit, eornl _WIlDI. wlteat or graham bread, flsb, poulil'iJ', lIi:htt ~Oll[lB> i etc. Plenty ot 'Watell' II NOTHINC BUT PLAIN: 1!R'UTH a1.8o valuablll. , aDd , a glasa fl111101100111 01'" hot waterdtie ft1'81' tblng, U'llOnl ria· Tbls FI~erman Di'dn1t I.e ft ' Sing!'; Ibg lil' tbe mornl\Jlr will aldl mucH I I~ " 'W hopper" Get IfIwa11 I'o'ver'colmlng ' colis \lpatioD. Re~la;l t _ Billh. habltl- CQld; baths, Ind maSsage are , V81'l"! jlmcaclous. , In.' case ',tllo ' oonet)· .fn blir eye there-'was & gleam' of' patlim does not xleld ' to .-these\ liygt· umph that wa,s Qul~ aa a,lgnal' 11& enlb measllres, IIOnletslaiple. hannle. mistakable. HIs wbole tieing PIXllt.\Y8 may., be ' T4)qulredj " ~ucb' n,, CaW surCbarl:e~' wltll- .. divine torn}a Syrup of FIPrlI~:bon-!rrltallnl:' hI; ill'Oile Into" tbl\ preparation of sanna ' ID' ilg syr!lprrlates tbll New York l>&:'fnUv~ . mInerai ~ waters am' bp.n00 :'You Calk about luck ~' he eJt'~ lltlm(1o ., · llIoJal ' ln BO'in~ ~aaeSj: but not to', lie em"j ust look at thoae late doql ployed continually. . th!! ftilDY deep, Jlullt 'look late '''Abo,·o all' be' an I optlimst; .1!.eep the lIiarla!-' ' , ·J\earti YOUDg. Cbl!t\'Bte> kllldntlll. lIlrtel" pzlng .... them for II, (*<w 010, 'oiieerlulnees lind Ib\-e;, a~d db. not' fop' menti!' 1I1Ie- Slid: . ~ 'that 'we IbaUi l)'IIu' through, thllt "I' SU1lJlOBO they weigh.' ahollt' l!'NO world but once, , Auy ' IIOOd" \jJloij, lJOUndR each. don'l tbeft" c , tlllll'8fore. tifat we' dbl , 01' aDY !sIn'" :'1 1fIlI' ,l!e ~tutbfuL 'with YOll: MIlc:I..... nelS that we Ihow to , any hum'a n ' I~ he eald. .. be pa.~ted tho mrIJe sea Inlll lilt Ul\ dQ IIt. now_ ., llet us' not defer ' 11lliS a .. In! 'woul'!l' bave patied·thll 1t', 01l neglect tt, fo)'l' we' abail l nol! pa_ of. 80 hor.~, ',',1 bave h'!,l1 thlll< way again,''' . welgbed~ a ud they av~rllg" on Iy.· on" pound and' II quar\er.,'· , A FaUlDS; «lilt, }tatry-Wbat beeamo of thllllglr.ll)!01t. Wlllle, -bill ,-wHe eyed' brm' In. eml: , netttly proper astonl ~bment 1le,' con· made 10,"lI'to,lo tJle:liammoc\!; n.ten-w,e' felli oni(~ y~ 'Ilim ... 'hl'ued~ ..., lIe IIItlpped' '" al'ound rhe oom: '''YQJI jU~t Ol,,;ht to' ,ba va 8C!'1I' thD thJee that Aot oft my SuFFBIlD(GS; ~ \look:' YOII' 'jll~t ollght to Jlava, selin tllllm' ilK tbel'r ·...18 enappetl' ........; C1tfl~I~T.miIt\ ... Jbptrt~ . /lappod' I,,· the Hell' KI/rayed, aIr." IDea w;ttitl .~,,/~cb_; "WCI'e- tb*<y 8,ellt big fou~ poundl 8J!S~t MJ1Ii ,~, (fogihl7119~~\\ st, rmd Oleva·· -'GlIeslS aga In, Marllli.·' la.tfd!. Ave" Kapllas 'Pi~l" ' ·' , fo, .. My",' • "Were ihCy llb-pounll whopper'S, thO " Foir year,;. L j\'i LlS nUl, down\.· ~CI\Ii:. . la~o' &nd, 80r6. ItInd til Itt ' Ilre !WI ' ntle... hoolw(\ 811('( nt-ver h.nded?" The lliU W Il"IIt>-"You ' re' wrong again. m')" deat' : "",-' r" fl·"q-u~nt. YOu ' I'C wron:; II-gllI , 0(( 'U T he n ell' (l!;Y' morerl"r pufl'ed up, m,r "DIdn't th ey ...e~K h n.hnub el;;'M Or nnkle!!. lI.n'b i l tC It pnnnd ~ tlPlece ?" they we.·o, ""You "re any thing Tlut 0, good n$h sight tu bcbol<]. i;tleSse r." replied her ex ultuD'l lortl , R~ Doe tors Il" kr ho ~ th e three Hfleclmenll JI!:lO"r , Ill',. bu.!; I tilt mtod lI'II\r!scenl cl rcl~ s . ' " I, te ll yon bt=gnu 1118 i.n)1f' whllt It (s. Marin. I lDlIY not be much U'R, K'id""Y' of fin IItlcl.1 when It eomfls to nn gllng 'VJ~~~~f±=====: D OU.S, . un<1' tl\& sl(III, but WhU11 II comes til telling t1l ~ r~ m cd'y eUI'cd. Rlraig hl plsceDe trnth . ·ve gOl (11(1 me·so II\Qlre- ~e u well o\\U , " fjill cC;. fzanl! Wallon "ldnnell to- deulh . litH: RJ:JeII ha"o bad &I> fine buby, Iho- first I.... an ~e l . Those IIs h that gflt 01T my tWo bhat.,.,,,s not prematul'ol:y, born, " hool< wcrc not whoppers at all. Th"y Sold by all riu&lul'S, ~O' Ctl.ll l .. 1\ bo!l:. wero nol IIny IJI ~gc r 'halt sardines." Fo~t.:('oMi1burn Co., lIu Irnlo. N, Y .-


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WearIng Hats In Church. Tl,e qu eH Ilon of women wcarlllS Illt in d, \.rt h I'('ca lls tbe rnct that men 8 r.;j~t;~i=r~.,POlltiftIY enre4i'. fo r merly wore theirs lit worship, I'. &he!lll: LiUle l!WlI.. Thl',f a1lIO s how s thlll In th ~ sevelltu(Jnth centlUl)l trcIII hoth men lind women 1I'oro tb eir bnla to wor~hlll. "To church." h e wl'LleS, "and heard a slmpl!! fellow open t.he pral Be of ellu reb mualque, and exclalmIng against men wearing tbelr hats on ' in lho church:' '..ater he notes tbat he sow 1\ mInister "preach with biB bat olr, which I ·never saw before." Tbe bat .l"a~ lhen on Integral part at both mal.. and female costume, and Pepys calchas "a sll'an ge cold In my bead by ftlngln& Nl m)' hat lit dln nor."-N . Y. TrlbllM•

WI'"t She Desl! eft. "II may not lJe your lnumHoD.'· remarl(p.d Miss Gaddie. "tm rJoolin't it occut to you lhat YOIU treatm~ot of'me 11 rathH calculate,~ to make 1111 ' bad frl.:nds ·?"


"No," rep'~td Mill KRDdor. coolly, "I bad an Idp)l that It would make ua





Th"e,ystem In Voglle in TOI·onto. C~, , , . Involves Pnym tnt of Road Tnx In Money.


Apvlln"ce Which One D nJrynl= R ns ."lHtd to WO.l 'k lIlost SlIccessfully, ,,



aooIlUIl'ltll yl nlf "Iugl'um III us· t b,n netllOti of Iru ull ll g mil it fe ve r 10 cows eJllPlv yc,1 lIy aTl 1111110 ls ro rl'e· 6)1onde u l or Hoo.l"ll's Dalrym un, He liRYS: , I hllli llIud " u I:qppel' Ilall eigh t lr,t b ~s hlg b und e ight IlIc h e~ In ulume t.H with top Mil ll,l , ~x('P ll llng a hol e in tb e cent r, with u screw lOp all It , a lyo a b ule 011 ,eacll Hid e wl (h a IJI 'ycle lulJe In 11 The parl y, U8 sllu \\' II . "I'e as to Il OWS : A- 13.!<:ycJe \'u lve to wblch 'pum p Is a tt a(:bM. B-Bk)~ol e "Il lve witb sellt remol'.d, C-AlT tllh~. . D- \Va( er co n tn lnl ng lIll (I se ptlc, E--Pe l'fo l'ut d ti l). ' Val ve U I~ ~uaJl o to uUa h a piece of blcycl1! PlIlIIll til bf); ill (he ot her end of tllbe j~ 11l Ae rt ~a II milk ing tuUP. By puntiling tb e ulr ID al A, Lbe ' air 10 Ih(ll iJollo m of Ihe water a nd t' PI~'8




Jlnv e ~UW Vls! onS" of Tempt'InC" yln.nd~ ond Piles of Food.

M r. d e nn A~kwAl'd .' rl'Rn SI)Os ltlon, l\u ich r- So .l oncil Kilt IlI IX I~..J in li i~ I-I



CU tjC"S~

)lI,<:Itrr- Y,'s, li e lold I,i. wif" (hul he h tltl hct! 1\ U1' nI l Jl i ~ht wi\lI t h \ hahy . :md InA CIIlJ,lt'Y,,-'! ' .dtll( )w WII~ fl,(,llli ll .<1 ill l he

cHl( c on

L II ~lIl f'~" . . -

Of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. the Oreat Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills.

I III I"J H... t· d Bnzur ,

"Food dr~amu ," ~ \Iperlnduce d by exA corres po ndent of tbe Ml chlgall l r m e hlln ger nll,lllI o dl m ulI\lle~ tbutl\tH end . Fal'mer In f; lJelll(lfl lf of th e Good Hoads l e Oti lhe auvell! of l\IOI'llh llti ill lhc alltT hr 111 111'1 Ilc i n f! li tH of h i~ hCBd . lil t' !'-l1r' I,on vcnlloll h eld In Por~ Huron, com· "relic regions UI'U " "1')' in lcres ll ng r';u ~­ G( on JH'(-",'mh·d ftHt l l\\'it lt 10 io!l l~\' \1 1I1 11t-' . n ' menus hi ghl y tho addl'ess ot Han, A. Illg , a nd from I he II ~COUllt uf ' he ,' urage h i" 111111. " Tr, 1' 1I 3 l!\ (I l dlll Itl Io!"~ 11:1('1\ 1fI:' wid .. W. Call1ilbeli. or 'foron to.. who . ex· , i I T \If I he DI5ti) "~r)' 10 the 1111( "reI IC ~ ex- P P I Ptl' tl H' \ml(·,lrtu'.' d 1 ' 111 11\Jk . 'r~, ('IW LO plulncd the s yst cDI IJI vog ue n or~:. 1i"""l efi lhl! r"lIo wlng dllI O, l~ nfllhfLl' , in awe I 'nd~ , (0, He s uld tlley u ijed to hul' o e I " III I he jourll ~ )" I,) lh ~ 61)Olll , In ",hi·n Th o Col u1lI1Jiu P attern . sta tute lubol' law by wbl cb euch lown- I IYO '1" ' 1'0: "US"1I 1 lhl"~" mOll lh s l lOIll III .. "011. tlll )' . d lil \ ' 11 11 " ,' \ ' 1 !!:I t 1I 1 . 1~1 <!l l .-·.Il n p s hip hud a g l'eat numb er .or over seerl · sh ill ," ' says ~dward A. Wils OIl, 1\1 , B,. d t he' q\lll l"lf' )' hlll ·l. lInd 111\ 111111 . n 1 f'll ill He Imew o f one lownshlp (bul hU~ 52 , wdUllg In Ihc Brill. h ,\I ~,tlcal J ouruul, OU! 1l (,1 1. Wl lh , I hl ,t..l.:'· over seCl'1I aud In tbal townsh ip t e re I "' O il,. roud IIl10w ullce wa!l for . o m" s ix " Yc .. , J h ,\W 1111n . Ii i:" {JIll ,'un, 'II , \ 1I1' t WUK g eDIlI'nIl ), a II CW oue In e a cb di s· , IV ~ ' ks a bl1re l,u u,,,1 11 ,,,1 a hall' Iwr mau he foIplt..' IHIi.1~" f 'h', 1'1 111 111 1'1.1111 n t'" lf'I', lrlcL each yonr, On e of Ihc lII would , ,1a il y. 0 .. Ili is allowulI" c IW ll ll e,. lI ev~r .~u lld the, roa d 18 reel whJ e, a u othe r , I'c (' " 0, 111111 s I H~j) .""s J1(U l" h ,1' SIlIlIo ~" uy A T ench.I"'s T estimony. _6 ree l Wid e and ijo me 40 fee t, and tin I rll "",PlJoi lll lug fouol <I ...:ulUs- s irlo lU s Ilf lI ill( Oll, I" ' ,, I <t o :1011 , '~I ,,', ·i," I.- l t n e xt. year 8. JI(~ W on6 would re duce tbe I. e" t all" ", ,, 'ill ,) 1 ' 11',*, t,;t llidrun : ur •..ahbu .... c I. :1Jf l (l n~ bf'f' U "' "UII~tl l hn l 'lJ mhd,',I;: I" 111L cJ It hl d u " U ."l' ... t=> (' uTah)",I HIt ) 11'. E . . 1. T IHlIIlI' ~0 1\ . u ·:Il,I,· wtd h wbere l he o ll e Ju a e , w e an lIu d nOhllu ; bul l :" lIp p e '"!:5-::i l uO'ed ttl f n llolher would wlelen t hc n ar,·ow road , 1{ .... yB a lacl -" p l€.' ntl ld l uull s. :Iu d walters

SO It IVOS IIl wl4Y I< being chu nge d au d a

il y ln g a l"uund wllh pia l"" 1',,11 ror " "c ry. 110")' " I s~ , 1)111 ".ll') 'J t 'I" "n e ,n l" lli Hue U ~.. .~ 0 co uld nOI gel lll.l 'llded lO . a ll ,1 ' h ' II oll e awoke aD ,1 r" ru"lll~d all a k- III oll e's ~ l e ~ Plng ba g for h" "rs I' rl)lll sbee r hun . ,;.!r a nd heH lthy "" pellte 10' wall ror " lIrca llfa s l 01' boil ed ric e an d tb o ' :r lllllb~ of o oe a nd a lw lf hl sl'ults fried in the tut!lf :\ thill ~ I ke "e"aco n. The n fOUl' ho urs ' hallll ll ll 011 LI ,e , I"uges and a cold IlInd\ o f 'Irlt!" <: hlll ' v I' ~eallll ea :, e lg bt IUIUIIS of s uga r a nd a bis~ult . thc n t hre~ me,re 1I0u r~ or ha ulln" on til e 0 dOIfS , a lld a fi nal "am ll fOI' Ihe nlg hlo n a Ilu nni klo or SOU Il made or .... mmlca n and p"a meal wllh plellly oI' bolied tea wat er

s harI! oC· t he wOrll los t ea ch yeur. So .' .' (II Lbcy never ball au y goo" roa,,>1 lin l bey udopted t he ir present syst em, whi Ch Is t he puym ent or road tax In money a r I U y hav on t) commt tli Il Ie e . Blouer In <'nc h (owDshlp to ovel's ee all or t he l"Oad~ and exp e ll,l the lUone" He uclvocal cd the eS lablIs bme nt of 1 it h tIll b g ravc p S II" e re guo I grave cou, ~ golfe n to pu t on (b e rooll s 011,1 aalol his Ilx p~ .. le l'lce had been t hat good, nloall grav e l woult! ouUa., l mOSl ot lb& I no k' e n " t one. H e wn~ j D t avor 0 t ce o lIIonl ~ ulv el'ts-sald th ey bad 1II01dR, fOllr dtrrere Dl antl l hey pul



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Jlllt t o 1l ::dltlcti . hlifOO I d" :I!'I-I IIJ,t

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(' U l't '

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;'1 " ' 8M lr"u bl,·,1 wil l, ''')" ki d,,,,! , f,,,' moro th"n t w" p""." und ,,·U" IH'at.,d h)' t w o of til, II 6t do(,t ur s in t lli a purt ui til t· 21010 . Th.I' clu illl"cl I h"d Di.. I,OI", ","1 ~hr" c \\'IIS little I" h" <I"'lr fll r lilt' . Th CII 1 .1II rl ed to u. e Dod.l'. KidOl'\" P ill., a" ,1 wh .. , Ihol' diJ fur "Ie Wa" "·" ';"Orf ili. I, il:: (' I II i.-d)' OWiH~ tn J) n~M'H l\ iI IlH'!' P ill ~ lllll t 1 alii now ,'hj ,,)'i u~ ~ "od hculth ."' :'111 ,1\' J o,·t, lI''' ·, til l ",ui lltain lhn t I);;j. I,C IOS 1M ill cn""hlo,. /lil t iliul,N'" i, " I" ,j. li e)' ,I i"nse, .. "d ' ''e k id, ,,,,\" ,Ii,ca." 11 ",1 Dodd'PI l{idll1'\' Pill,.: will n ut ( ' Ult' h ~~ q ' : ,., be d i-oo\";T1',1. . --~.--"If de wodd j,••l ~ ,'" Il mnn h)"~ h a l gangs of Olen in grave) pits and made aud a f r~lctiOO or a ph' cP' o[ chocolale. t it) ;': I ~\J' ''I' ' hHi d l ' I",II' 1-:1 1(,11 , " ;'.~ l'"t \l l ,. It r up th e blocks uod left them 10 Illt all As fo r "I "ell In Ib~ I.. wpr teWIJera.l ures ",lIa l hp fi lll-I"I""; " 'r" "II" I:" ~~ lit' d,· ' :~ I ~ • . . I d ll't"' lory W(llI ( ue \I () ~I(' a nlf'n . I ~ 1n t e r t 0 seaso,n, lIe n nelt t sea.;ou go t of tbe sp ri ng s le(\ge juurneyS, Ilia hard- \\' nsh iu~lon "'I Of . tb em as t.hey wanled tbem, For "ery Iy worth !tIe name. large 'ulverts lhe y al'c heu th e m lIv~r Th e s eamCD II seu 10 walle In Ih e.morn. WILD WITH ECZEMA -even to l h width or 20 nnd ao fe et , In g and SWea r t he)' hael been awak e a ll He saill do not iJe afrald 'to lise plellty nl ghl : bllt my 0 "'0 e xp erie nce Is the l.nd Other Itching, Burlllng, Scnly of celli il L Thi s aulborlly clalm8 tbere s amo as lhllt of others, and ,t lR tbl s: Eruptions, with L oss of Hoi rcan be noprogret!8 made 00 o ur road~ Onf! get.s Int " th " rp.lndl.'e r ·s kln s lee pin g Speedily CdJ"ed by Cuticurn, ullder a st a t llt e labor law , He claimed hag wllh no loyal u ll. rnr after a Cew any good compete ll t man could blllld day s' s ledging t he aC<:lIm u lQl loll or mills· TIu lh. tloe "trcrt ,'11 1'''1'1. \\";110 I",t ",u\e l" ronds alld he advocated about a 20·fooL tllre fr om th e cou,h!ns lt t\o n o r on p. '~ anti. ·ut ic·ul':'l Sunl)' t o (~ l ~n ll ;.lt! tllt' ~ " l'. fn l'c u r' r rl1 "t B nIH ~('a t.c8 null f.:1\l'u'n i ll C roadwa y with nin e teet of gravel 8ur· bl·l.'a l h ond frr'lIl th c sn owdrift, !lnd from il'kfrl CI) (,llt ie'I,'{' dr)" wi l hon t. h Ut'd I'"b· face with a g l'adllal s lope euch way to ., pPI'~ lll r!lt lo n III OIlO'S clot hiD g. has filled tl, h i l1~ , on d :1pp l\' ' III iC' til'll O i n1lH f' ll t fl 't 'l' )!'. dUe hes. allli a iJov e nil good dl tcbes Ib e r" ln d ~er hair "'lIh frost and rlmp., t o 1111 11 ~ itdl1 n}(, in ila llOIi IWI I i:t tl1l 1l1ln ll· lind draina ge. nnd mou e Ib e le;Llh. r h 'Lrd and filII or t inn, nlHl ,,"o\lt lr e nm) IlI'1l1; anu , I II~ th' , tn lH" C' 1H irura HI'ROh ' l\ul P ills t u ('nul and f"ozen "'elnellR. One cra wl s 1111 0 Lh ls c:lcn n,,'c d H' bin.. ,!. :\ I" illulfl S!N, 1'lH, d ug lIf1 e r frnez lng OM', nnge l·S ove,. c ha ng· l .n t ~ l.On, j,: ort N I ~ lIfTi(' i(' lIt to f ' lIl'\.' th e ·PROBLEM IN TILING, tll g sn"ks an,l bon .. " r ,." lndep r s l(lh - ll n mOoll t ortnrmJC. rl i~tiJ.'1I I 'i n tl ,.k' n , "I ·.t lll aht.l How an Open nt tcb Running Thl'ough :J1.1~ nllll e n \l y 10 (l I"nVP.1I1 (III! r,.pez, b lood hU lI1ors. w it h lOSt! u( h il iI' , win:ll ~1 11 I IIg or on e's rPfll. 11 11' I" I: ,Ira ,tn I h" fl ap el F~ feil • . •ilie Wood s Oli n 'Jle Olosed Up ov e r one'ft head allc1 bulton nd all th e t.og· "T\ r(lp 'vIII' f:yf'!II wiel,. uprn nn t hf" life· 'by Use ot LIII'ge' Tile. glps . $0 t hn t as II tl le ail' liS plI ~s lbl e ...a n ' TU t) :' I'm ," !>! a H ilh ' il h· philo~Q l'h c l' , " hu t h I hu t 1 he f"!l o\\' n lt omJ of ~ v U A cOI'respond en t or th e Ohio Farmer gel In or' 0 111 , on" lu,.:ln R I() hlv c, ona's .:vn'tSIl1'(l hlinll IO U wit h tlt t· c.luo.;t, ' · - AI1 ;l l1 t a ,wun ts to close up IIIl open dl!.cb by pul- H{·I' I\'arm , a bus ln "s ~ wh ic h occ up ies ( ' f 1 ns;titutio n , llng In large tIle, 8 to 12 lnch. Tbe ditch fI 'om no hour 10 an h Ollr und it la u lr Qr O" ",hu, ~ ,I, .. fl. ,t. 1I1.-- lt iM l"('IIOI'le,1 run s t hro ugh Lhe wood s lind CQJ'rles '\\'0 hOll n~ : a omeli nl e~ it ~e '~ m H fo rJ t:." upy ir-v l lI CUN IW I' , \ \" "" .. lhnt sn l(lS ' flf t OWIl IlI t ~ lea ves wi th It,: th e water Is to I'un trom jhn wh ole nl fllll". nll, lng th e [J rOCf)SS Ihe ('1' 1 he Ih.'W lo":n uf :-:1 1U~ i1 o l1{'. ItwRt ed 11 11 the OileD dltcb ' dll'ectly Into lbe lIIe hal: beglllM 10 th a "' . • ~ '" II ~ R n ne 's va· lIu! erl~c of t h ~ \\' i lld !-f iver HeRC I'\'at ion rlou s I:ltrm pnlS. Afl"I' ( hl ~ th.", lIo s~e t ' u ~ thl) lit' \\' HilL' of '1'111' l ' h i(, lI~o &.. NOl't h ·

1\0 other fe luul e medici"., ill th e \VOI'ld I, as r ec{'iv{'d s uch widespl'el4.1 anQ un qu a lified CudorM' m c nt, No oth!'r u... ,li";II " h as suel, a r ecord of c ure" or female tro ubl"s ur sucl1. host s of g ru tdu I rri"II(I$ \Is hUR .


PLAN OF THE APPLTA N C I!:. ~mes ID lJubllles l brou g h tbe water to t b space "bo,'e, thereiJy be ing IlItrllled, t heu Ilasses 011 Into l be udt! ~r, Th e Dlilk tub, sboultl be boll ~ d and not tOllched w ill!. \.be bant! uutll arter bein g used, I Ills'; cleall Ihe tldd r , and mill. Oll t tho rou gb ly, the n wmib the ud d r wltb a dis · illfectin g so lution, It t his Is or any benefi t YOU may pub · lIs h It. but I wis h YOII wouit! add ,ytl'::oivn comlllents Qn s ame, as It Is m y o wn 1m 'en tlon , lind 1 wOIO d III, 10 Imow " 'bat Cll he ra lb,lnk- abou t It.

A REMARKABLE COW. X draihon Count)' (Wis. ) Oow That Jill. Pt'oduced 8117 Pounda ot Butter Fat In a Yellr. ,. MaJ'l\~bon collnty (WI,8,) . cow baa , b!Ii(\'e n .the world '8 r COrd as a bu Iter lO;lker. YekAa ' Sunb ~am, t h e prize Amerlcan'born and' 'bred Gu e rn8ey . ~ow belonging to th a H e lelldale berd of Fred R e ltl5rock; at At hens, bas 'finish ed bel' tes of one year and has given In t hat!,4~6 PDl!nds more ot hu tter tata thaD baa ever 'been !,tlven berore. 10 the year or t be test just e nded ~~k. . aUnbealll -gave be phenomenal Qllantlty of 851.145<\lOllnds ot butter fat t bat h" stood tbe r equired tests . . Her cloSest rlvall, ' aD Imported cow Prlncess,.. Rhea, -.'who 'gave 775,69 ' pounds. O therli'lkll niconls' th-at have bee n matle • are: ' Proetorla, four and a halt years 0111, 69S:35. Portia at .MopleburBt. tOtlr year. cI.!l, 402.3:1 and SiBter Bue of Pof08l!gell,' aI!4'a balf years old, 628.94.. YUBa SUDbeam Is a pUrflobred OueM!· tley et American birth . SIIe Is a dlstlnct-hell' IIGOrtbern cow bavl ng been calved ~n MiDlMl8Ota .an'II ,(or sevoral years bav· 1ng beell ,owned ao'<I fed on tbe Helendale tard. Dear ,Atbens, 'Sbe entered the ' test because ber owners. belIeved that Dotonly was sbe a good cow but be. CI'W8e .tIa~ . belleycd tbat tbe grass and C!&tUe f~ of Ml,lrathon couDtry were tbe best -the world produced. That belief.baa ~n fUlly:j!Ust~lned ; In fact Wal llu81~ ..hen a t Lhe end ot 'li montba !,be:~ lit!aten (he tl!snor III montb..


tn proper l y on (\ bcg lOi:i In rlrenm . nnflll'" ,'re8ln s ,rh o uioSl It h ') II'r d nn(1 f~ r thl! ~fln . onp, would nnl' 1' r: II~\lP' t ll:1I nfll~ h a d Rh! p t fl , "all. ~vt~ r)' hOIH' o r RfJ .lIl t:! wa l {f"~. h" r

11I. Nhl ver , .'ntllh ~ II "!JollI t h ~ 'l r~~ms Ij~. gi n, all,l "" ~ !lo<'l~ 01' IIlIltl ,II In" 'h "re IR II gll l nnlln!,:" III III P I.!nt In conk by, an d fln ll itno\\'s Ih 'lI llU rgll to r y Is Ol'e r .







thei~ ~:dl a!k:':l~e'?Wbl~h)~ot ~'~I~ld ;O:~k~ :~~C;:;::;I I:n~~\\, ~ ~~,I~,~~t10

';:" ::~~;

\\' r ~ tf>I' n Uni lw:,y nCI' (,;''!f tIlt" .. tatp l 'ufii p el'{ llll"\' UPI!II "" I'I'er OCtl t(ICI.

Change or L ife. it has cured more cuscs of Bnclmche alld L eueorl'hooa. than any otber l'emNl y th~ " 'odd ll n s CY,' ,· Ifno wn . I t. Is II l m (}~t inflll1 i blt} i n sneh CUSt' S, Tt rl bsoh-cs ana expel s tu mors f"um Iho t;tc l'II" in ltn eurly Rt nge of d e,·cloJ)llJen t . Irr~ g1.1Iar, 8uppre~"eil Or P o.lnful M~n RI,MlBt,lon . WOo.kneRR of I,h " 'n uig'l·~tio l1 l Hloatiug. Fl ooding, l' c r\"'ol1s P ro~1.t'utiOll , Jl~· tUhll'h l· l '(il' o~ ..u l 1)~ 1,iI" it ." 'Juickly y iel d to It. Womb trou bles, cn u, iug po.i ll , "'!' is-h t IIn.l bncllnchc , i ll. bln ntly re Hc\·c!1 an ll pcl'mnlll' n t ly c Url'lI by it s lI"". Un " " I' a ll ch'e umbtullces it jll\' jgol'a t c~ t he !('lUu)e systr'lo, antI i s os hUI'mlt-'!is us wuter. Jt 'Iuicld y remO\",'R thnt Illln l"lng·llo\\"n Fo:c ling, .. " t ..cme IO l's it.l1d c, " Iloo '!; care n une] wnnt-t o-be-l e ft,..[llonc f,~c.'lIn g. excitability , iI'l'i tllbi Hty , n e l'VOU 5/.n{'ss, Dizziness, 1"o.i nto e,s, lil ceplc Rsn~ s.s, flatUlency, me lunc holyor lhe " \Jln cR '. o nd he adache, Thes e are s u re IndieaLions of ~'(' mlli e WCIII!II cbs, or BOrue d e. I'3ngclUent oHhc Ut erus, which thi" mNli ci ne IIlwu )"s cu r('R. Kidn ey COInpllllnl.a olld UA,'lenehe, ot either ex , th e Vege tllbl e COlllpound alwnys cUl'es. Those w o men \\'ho I'e flls o to uccept any thill~ e lse o re rcwr.rded a h undrl'd th ousand t imes, fu " tb ey J.rt:L ",hilt they want-a. cure, &lId by 'D ruggls t$ everyw hc l'c, lI c fu se all s ubs titutes, H

"In" "ir'"

ll,d J lIliC fur lowli IIl IA nn,1 a 1._I'ue IItHIlIt('r hn,'e bf'cn di "' JlH~(' 1 (If wit It·

'I' ,


lIIay t..



--- --- - -

in n :-ihOl,t t.ill)p. HII~' f' I'loI c dd t.'1l Lly figul'IJ tin t hll J!,n1w tll o f l h c (~ it..r llC'n~ ",IIPTI t h e l it· rl i lL n 1't',lff! I' \'n liml is throw n Olll'lI to !Jc ttl e1111 nt fll' Xl . JUII C,


fJ(h ~IHS.


p, P ,.,V,...ilflr, •• »., MunuraoLllrcr ,Spr'Hlilfifl'd, lifo.


I t 'lI'e\' cut ~ PneuO" iU IIl , NIl IIUU-

'3·&0 &'3. 00 SH •••~....

_A. p , !f ?~s i e!..BulTu)o , N. Y .

O IH! wuy to i llq)ron! tile mr>UlOry

ll ~ Unt{" fO l' n mUlll e nl that l!l i ll~ you Wa l!,_ t _, _ _ _ _


w. L. Doui!u , •• 00

cannot be equalled


y ou hu \'l' ~· " , ' ry '

Do 001 belie,'~ Pi eo', 'nrc for Consump· t ion loR. " " ell'''' I fOI" cOllgh. "od cold s.- J, F'. Hoyer, '1', i",l)" tipring., Ind " Feb. 15, I!IOO.




Poor Imltft tlon.


..."'rre~ted rur Inrctmy, U1e ('utc h ier o f

f\ St , IIb2{e lll ~m i nd t..~ I ·

l" o uia -el>itu ura u i dn innni neK8 ill f'~ 'UIJ)ul ion , He SAid 1hn t o ne


lIl omin" II'lI il ' Ire WRR rea ..Jin ~ aboul Ihe ,jcli ctn of life iwmrllu cc UOiClll i s he 1111 ' l:o n fl"' i nu sl~' a b~t rnd eJ ,.rven d"lI tt1'tl from lloe till. T !,e judI!" •• k..,d hi," why I'll Il id not t~ kfl the to:ntire ccn te nt l! ,-· Ho ft tot) lI11dl!!t , . She Thought of Him,


Sh ' 0 1,. MI'. Boreln , ho w d o ) ' (lU do ? I \l'no. lalking to Mr.. :';c1<dore j Urit now , olld I couldn 't help thillk illlg uf you, H e- A nd waH sh e ,Jis" I&$H. ng m e ~

" Not " ..rcJ II'. She \""~ c'onnn.nling "n t he wenthcl',. .... d JlIltt osked me If I coul ll

il11ng ine uuyi li ing more tirf'.8o me and dits·

ilgre~" IJle,"-

1'1, ilHuelph il\ J..edllcr,

Prfce. 250., 5Oc •• and ., .00.

Dr. EARL 8. aLOAN,

PARALYSIS CURED C ••• Seemed Hopele•• but Yielded to Dr. Wlllle..,e' PInk PIli., MI'. KIlIID~y hilS nct.ulllly escllpo!\ f"'11D Ih e Jlllnll .v t ic 's1ste towhicb h CSl!c llI Pd a s hort (illl e ngo hopele"sly d.oolll ed . 'fhe s urpri sing r eport hns he"n tnlIy v('riiled ,," d some illlporlltntdetnilR seenl'",1 ill a pel"so unl iut-erview witu t b,e r ecen t fi Dt·





" , . ,




aho... produced In tho .... rid,

III could .bo.. you the dt'lcftft.. lN:t...... lb. In my I.Cl ory and tll_ 01 other

mike .. )'011 wnufd uooentand why 'J ,80 .boet co.t mn ... to IIIAke. 'Wh,. tll.y hol4 th.I, ttt bett.r, .,.,Hlr loa •• " .nd are of


t., Inerln.le ",.Iu.

thla . , 0 ....' $3.50


.boo on tbe m.rkel 10.dey.

W_ L. ~••

fullY ~anhd. M4.cI. b, re[.le droltrl tK~rt . aJKIIIO


SIGN Of THE fiSH, ~~J.~.../'f.:'

THE GOVERNMENT O F OAN ADA. giVf:1I ;lb" otutC!l,. "REB ttJ c \ 'ety

Humlrt:t1 A(.' t't!JI ~r ll



M: tt l cr

On e

aUt1 Bht t.r ill Welt ..

or l nnd

C 3 URd a,

adjOini ng thi. be pU Tr h .l ,st cl fr o m

. "y aU11 'alld com-

f6 to "10 pt!1' acrc,

On Iblolan d t,hlo y•• r b•• I,. . .. p,od ... . d up... rdlofl tl'cul)·fivo buohel lOl heae",. ItioalllOlh. beslof ,,,.,In,landand fn.,ulud larm lng iI h.. n o . .. ""rinr 00 Ih. colllln<OL -. : IIpl.",I,,1 cllmat., 10" 10,' .' , mll".yo eOl\,U. i.,,,. ""bool. " nd ch" ",h • • cl"". 3t h.ud. W'r ~. for ,. Twentieth ~,u lury. C. ... d. "~nd to"r • • l w.y r.t~.0.0 sl'JP~M"7 ...~m'T oP I~"'. o ..~o",o rI O." or.., Ca , . . . . " ~nt •. Irll. WII ,I.IAno, l.aoruulldIUI , TO .. O. JI.lll1u" IhI. .."),,,. ' ,


.Ahoe In .h. world. They .re JUlt .1 ,GOd _ tho.. lhet CO.t you '5 ,00 to " .00 - the only dlilerenee I. the prl... II I could take you hlto m,. 'Ktor,. al Brock'o.., M .... the 1.',Ht hi .he .. orld under one roof .ak1na lI1en I fin. .hOH, and show you the c..... 'th evtry Pltr o. Dou,la. Ifloe. b made l you .ould re .... . .. hy W. L Dou .... $3.50 Inoe. . . U1.....t

\V A STKO. A Alane d ealer tn enrJ town wller. W , L , Oo nRlall 8 h l-"'8 aro 110' .old. Pull lIM~ ot , amp lell .eut fr ee for 11l1tJ)e\!\lon upon r QQuolt. Fur Color E¥.,. t, I,,,d : thell lulll not Wflar


It Is IIlMt ef til« ~~t Il\aterl6ll, In bl6c~ 0( ,rtIow,

panici at from


",IUlo ut hie n nme I.lId "rice Itampf!u.l on bOUom.




"(WAIID t••OY .... who coo dl." ••• thli 11.1.....1. •• _ cellent atylo, C/Uly f11l1nlf, and .u""rlor .....lhl I

W. L. Dou,". "'.50 .hoa hay.



""., 51 0000

qua!ltlel, achle.ed the lii'I••t . ele 01 en,. 1,J,50


f~ l'or.



J won't .oll Al\.I ... Orl,,'.e to. d ealf'l r who won't O •• r .. "h:o ,. •• (:. 11 'ur "~ou r 110]14£''''' B~\.(: K. •• IT DOXtT (ll1U,E .

When Baby JIM the Croup lII oniamHI l) i pll1 her i a.

.. -


Nnt ionnl lio no1' i~ ItcUi ng t tl COfl t ~o much ill blurH'l nnd 11'l' n ~ Ul '(' tha t 0 111\· t he v cr\' l'i,'lI es t 1'111111tl'iCH c a n hu,'e mu('h .,r it any IIl1.l 1't.'. - L if.-., u ~e H oxsie's Ct"(lUI) CUl'C,



- -e---


To Be a 0004 Cow Buyer. '. In buying cows tra·,•.n t b e IIIln d and ey' to' seloot t he animal. \W hich give Ih n rr,o. prom Is e 0f gOOt I IIoeI'I' Ice, C;(ID II I'm 01' I'f'iec't th" cholce.thus matle by Lho a"alell enil .Bilb:'oc~ lui . T b e matter ot {~e()Uent wet,;blog II! s o slnwte, easy aDd (J1I1·kly IIGnc tbllt no dalT)'illan can d · ~ t k ~p sn un ' ested oow In bls berer .oro 0 e • " , "'e lgb the l11i..k a t t'lI(Cb milking' to en· ' ' r ... 'Illors r, better worjr and ., w urage ) 0 11 .... . . b <If.t cOl All, allb.·ent Q' i be -CD'Il'; '!'eat frcq\le nll )'. l1~lI e \'& \Vha' :11_ two rae, '-- ill <. ' );".,. ,,-" t .. ·.#~ ,. t o.... oiJI ~a"'l 119-\111l1t.-", ,II ~ _ ''1'',tDI





t hc wO "st f o rms o r }',' mal c (;(.lIIpluint s, all O"l4riuII'

f l ' UIII

" 'rlIe (1oc I or, .. sail . 1 •. " [ I', .,. "" cllnoy," I0Id me t.ha i: if I Willi ted t o li ve allY le ngt h of tilllo lwonld have 10lJivt~ 1I1l w ork III· I,ogeth pr , aud b e tol,l lilY frl Emd. that Ihtl .pa1'l1lysiKwhich hud llcgull wo nl d in tillle h,,'ol\' I.l Il1 Y WllOlc body." " Jllsthow w ere yOllllffl iel.~.1 ot th is time? " MI', Ke llil ey wl1s ll sl,ecl, " \Vell , 1 h n'l C1l's t h ilt, 01111 tben cold nllll c1n nllllY fr l" linj:(6, IIl1d I~t tillles IMy body felt as if lI ectll cli w e re lwillg ~tuck illto it. 'l'ht!~e scuStllinll " weTll followed by t e rrible Jlf\iIl H, Ollllllltllin II wOllld Im ve I.., f~"ling at 1\11, bllt Illlt1lnl)IJ e~s would :'OIue over 1Il0, IUld Iwnlll,lllot he nbl " to 11"1\'0. Tholllos l Ill(nll izi llgl Ol'l lI reHrlllUl) Irmu hettdnch e~ IlIIII a pain nn the 'piuc:. " Night .Ilf~ .. lIig ht] roul,1 1I0l get III.r uatnml Hlee pnlld my R),stelu wnswr,'chd by t he .tralnllf tOl'tnrinlt Jl:lli uHRn d Ih e r trcct of tho " l'iatRs l Wll o (o ro:cll to IIIl< e 10 ill,loce NII'cp, AR .I Innk bnel, Ill' Ih e lel'lible s nffering I endure,l d Ul"lDIC thi. Fresh All' Needed. oaly a lilli e ov"1" ~ '!2 ,OOO,nuO un " e l · pcl'iMI I oft en w nlld~rbow ll'elni lll!ci my .""eet' . . -t·"" . . pon I try b on ae {)tJ~ a ' i .tl~ »>1"1" 10 a Utile on l" $~7.nOI) nOli. r'''IS'OII Ihl'ou"h it nil . wblte eve r,. ,lay ulll eg~ It I~ !ltormlulf. . .. B"t r elitit calllc qu lek lr when i "'-- b l ' I ' I I t Iownn. in Col omel<J. \Vns iulinced to try Dr, Wi ihlllUN' Pillk ... n> It r ,I a ou C-'Bn nv gDrlt 01'Tile slate cP us us of I"", .. . ),," ' COOl- P illll for Pille Poople. Th e ve ry flr <t bolr and will (10 mor," Iil1II8rd keel'ln g lb.. piNed . shows Ihal Ih 111 1<" ilk S los t seem ed. 10 h~ lp lIIe, nnd tie ve l1 boxes' lIIml e lowls healthy ... an nil the nost ruml 1I"~re Ihan Inhahll a II Is fi lnr" th e mil e nllre ly well , There ('nil be lIodl1ll bt n ever .I 't'ente<l; A dally alrln« will n'a n ollal ce ns us 10 J Utl O, all or Lhls de. about the thoroujtllllc." . or DI Y oure , for I als o do mlli!h toward keoplng ~ IntI C bl'lnll 10 tb e (,,olln lr), di RU'lell ba't'41 workelhteadily e ~ el' sillce Ilud Ihat lM.Ior ot the lIouae from \)ec()mln« I cr~ s . . lti llearl, tonr Tears." It ' a estlmll tetllha( full l' on e·hair of Ibl A II It~UU OlYUI8 ' t t I cd b damp and 1I1ttlr..-commerelal Poul- 10£/1 III t be res ult of m igration III COlO- th ~ eo PHI.'!Cn e ruPdo y ' I Y t"" ' e etnmac n.. m pauyall re.'llt es •, . , , r ado·. th e Iowa farwer Jlll"ln g round (ha l Rt 101 Aubiu Itre.!t, Antcs bury Muu , - -,_ . _. , he cltn I'a lse belte r' crops ' Dlld more oj I The r'lDledy whioh h ll u~ed w i'fb RUch For the' Jlwn who d OfiJI t see lhe 111,"1· tb ~ m Oll_t"OI ~ 0 lan d w1. rlh $;:5 PIlI • EllliHfa~IQI'J'.re.'all r" I~ 11014 lJ)U'll-dng( of If' s-p""".!". t. '''e llltaJlul ... ." , , ' ...., . ~ d' I. -""' ' 0 W'll 1101' nnCIl , . ,~, ~_'~. , >-- , ICl'e Ihan ',"" n-ti'Ij ",roauced' o" ~ 110 ~Dlf I K',( : ,.!r ll'eCt ,.,y IIle , r , I inntl ./<Ill 011 the tatlll. . lu bill bODle . Ial.. _ - ~ . . j.lledil:1Ult CuwptWT, lik:heolXlUldy, N lr. ft


TrOllUh !s, InfluUlIllntio ll nuti Uh'l' ,'aticlIl , Fall i ng un.] lJ i' plu ('{' mcn t of t i n) ' Vomb , and con ~ c ( lt..· ut. ~p i uul \\ 'C Ukll\'S~ , HUU is pmm liurly utlnpt cd to lohe

- - -.- --

Gt M t lllr.,e3. P. In Ame rlra n Consu mp. 'll7hlob crarrles It lbrough lbe ' or;bard. ,10 11 of Tobncco Th is The best way we kDow of Is s b ymn In the Yenr. cut berewltb. d be a dam to) forin .. s mrlll pond, and c, C. be 1he gene""1 eurThe habi tual s moker i~ oct n, lnnall y face. Let a , a , be a 2()'l nch sewer pipe re mInd ed hy hl ~ absle m lo ,, " frlands I\8t two or rour (eetdeep, and Id h, e, r, t.hat s mOk ing, I" an o xpc n RI~e habit lie YOllr large' l lle ,drain laid u!" g1'ad,e a anct a wa~tl!fu l oll e. onrl he I ~ a.s ked loot.t~t least from b to 'e and th"n down to no.nslder holV mil ch rn onl:Y he cOllld grade. The dam (d) sets back t:lewater ' ~3VOl anDll nll y bv a d l ~l:nlllln\lan r.e of ·from tbe open dlt cb at c, so \.bat. 110"" I the hnblt, Tim ' hablUI,a l ~mol<~r. If Into l be sewer . pipe '(a, a) , Wben It hp. gl'/es 'l";ls lfl"ra tloll to !Ill" pro po, rls.e s In a, a, IlbO,'e the level of ell will &lIlon at 011. Invarlahl y cOmeR to the begin to flow Qut, bitt will aland III " , a . ,onclllslnll ' tha t Ih'l monfl)' hn mlgbt above tb41 le ve l .or the top of t he outlet nol. f\X llen,1 fo r t1rgll.I'lI or lOh'acco (b,) and hence lbe. l~aves wlII , n~t. euck would nnt he "Silveri" 01 all a nd thal In badly, It t bey GO tbey wll. ,::arry the alber tbln gR he \v01l1.1 probahly I·hrollgb. Also a, a, l'lses a Iltlle libove bll Y wltb It woul,1 not give hIm I tbe level of th e bottom of t he little pond, ' p. nlh of thl) gpnlline e njoyment aod a nd tbl,S ten,ds to keep the Tub.bls h out. ~nlltl co'1l tort d.:rlve,1 from hll (I'lt III Xllr}' . . KE~P YOUR TUBS CLEAN. . Whate'''''' th o ('on ~loQ s ot Ibe 10' - - -IIl v ldllal ~ lIIok "r, ,hoWClvN. It · mU fti be The Appurance of the Qutlilde of aut, allml lt ~11 tbal lho h uhlt I)t ' ~ lTIol(l ng , ' ter PAckagea Much to Do . " in,ln I01:<1.1 1n h A '"~rll'a Il R, ,O RI ~ In with' Sale of 'Product. lhe Ill:l(r~gll ie a 1,,1' lIr m'lII"Y ! Tn. , I. ', _,._._ ba,:co L'la t gn'Sp, n lH s nono Inll, rr,,'lIn ll "BO~ ,AND·, FIELD AFFAIRS, ,VlalUng Il. butte r seller nol ;ong alnc.. ngu rc!< 011 1I11 ~ ""hlrr!.. Ullr lng 1I1p. lIu* a.4.cr1b the corn as soon as It tbe man ID obarge called our attention to " ~~ ol y ~" r e nct o,1 Jlln o ::0. I ~Or. , I hp-r fl Is dry_ lwo 'lotl;otfancy bUlll!rtbathad~ustar- 1 wllrll ma n .. factllrn,1 III thc ' tlu ll ....d FaU ~g hel ll~ the baDk ao- rived, with be remark lbatrrom ol:tsld~ :;(ot flR 7 ,r.~!',3n,2 07 r,ll\ar ~. Rn IlI c, "a~o ~Oll.t. . appearances t.bere ollgbt. to be a dt fter, ' ''f marl) th. " 1 :',O()O.tlOfl o "r r t hl! rnr.· tf n t0 t t d d r I \I TI I The ,asparaglls lops shollid 00 cut er.ceho r~m 0 t ~h I w~:n a ~:r r'~~ or . 0 t '"~ Iln'~"~ ,, ~ );"ar . t 110 I ~ gf\~. :betore they s liotte r a providing the buU '3 r was the same on th, f1 r.t1 "lIy, IhI! 1'":l'pasp. nmollnt In g to Bacteria ~hat help plants to grow Inside ?" "No, a." was th e IInsw er , Sa)'A 01'''' H i,(1I10,()OO In R (otu I oUlrlll1 of are IIOt I\IJe same as those tha L callae ellsease. _ . tbe edllor of l be El&ln Dairy Report. ~ . 36R,2 12. 740 , Th e I lIitod RIRl r~ a\.' o 'r-he 1ttI.n1nesota natl oDal forest resene Simply because Ih e tubs wer e c1esn, IlrortlH,~.1 ovor -.l 1,OOO.(rOO POIIU,1 5 or , noi soiled on th e outside at o il. ID , 'nuff la s l }'pnr a nd :1:\·1 '1 9, 110 poun d s III conUl. I.u w h en comll IerelI about tidy ow ..._ .ot h er Iot, s ome 0 f t b e II ds. 'Il'e.. I of B mokln ~ Illhol:I:O, Ih". lottnr nn In . '12- 000 IIlf I d ' t..., ~ tlt acres r,n, askew, hrlne had I'un througb the pack· r l'P.f\M or "nil' ohon t ~ p c~ emil. ".rbe d:\"ug of tile Is a molte r roe- . age, and generally It looked a8 If tbey I Tbe \'nllle of all Ih b (Ohareo IIro.lll r t qlllrLug both s:k.U1 sllli Information, A i llad been pi cited out at odd placee, IA not given with "xu ,,( np,~, hilI II badlT WC ,cJr.a.f.n soon gets o..\1 t ot 01" didn't seem to mol cb at all. ! Is p.stimulp.11 a t 0"1'1" S:JOII .OOO,O()O ThA cle r. , Now, t h lR seemB to be an extre me c.,e, la ~t threo census r r lllnlR WtH'" II" fol . .In 1113'111'; (lro.ln ttle see Ihat It i8 yet Il lslhe attentJontotlleseJII.Uede_ 10-' .• '. 1"'01' 1, 0, $ 111;, 17 2, r.~ 1 ,' for & II TI 1 below t.he ,(1st ne. Ie I cepeI' It lillis, or pulling on Ib e m urk et rancy 1R90, 'ln r..rlal:.~G 2 ; fill" Ill,)I), 'l r.:I,~l1,· i s the IJlCII1I dlo.~ollgb \\'111 be tbe work c reamery butte r , t bllt brings tbe price, 1>14. III I he rate of In r' rl'aB"- or pro. It can dro. The Impress ion c r eated In t be mind of , dl\ (\\ loll In 190 I·!) rl \'~r Lh,! Ilr~cNIID~ Tbe pmtll:icaJJ farm er '11'111 have his tM ,buyer, 01"1 lbO! appearance ot the y,.,,,. Ihr c.llmal!' or ~ ,:t) .0001 (lot!. not · ' o wn seed .OOJ'll ADU .no l de peDd on o~ package, tollows h Im clear lbrollgb tb. ' >Prln ~,"('p"~I " l' . An InI Pl'f!~t 111 1\ tNt'! In ('OIlII" CI ion e rs SI1VII\ll: Ms sect! aod c hoos ing tbe transR Hon, even Ir J he Qu"ilty on Ole k ind be pJa\W!, In5lUe Is pxtra fln e, TIle bulterDlak er , w illi Ih cSII Hlat lstl e» Is that Ill e "rea! all •• 1... I III d " E arly t .....,.W 11f; \I" 0 away ",Itb the,t r em em bers to take a speclalllal... LIUlk or Iii .. l'rodl1n I ~ ralHed hl'f~, tb e cut ....orms. ·~.hc moth lay.s the' eggs r~ll1"ding t he app ea.rance of his PIlCk- I IIIRn ll ttlr.lllrcd her" cons IIIIlPc1· In S/lptfmw. a.r I,he fl elol Is plowed ulI", '11'111 lind his goolls In deman4 ",bell lum'. Co ml'''I'",1 \\" 11 h I he! !, mllll tOlnl . soon after Uiwe IW.1I1 be " e ry (ew cut- tbe «rd IDal'y looki ng t Ub , " lopp) look· IinJlOIH an d ("pol"t . a n, r,' I Dtl" ~ly In. worms to bother ):0"1' plants next log pnekllgc. Is til riled ('.own , even aI- HIl:lIlll l'ant. ImlJo rl a tion o r tnha~1'O Jlprlng. thott~ rt he butt.for!s equ* lIy as good, lu All IlS fo r lll s I.. ~ I y ~,,, arnnll nl to

~ ~Ul'lHld

Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It "' ill entirely

. . . . . . .;/JO• • 2.00, B~·"""".

D ............2.1J0.

n .• ,. 711•• ';.11

CAUTIQN.-lll,l. t U(lo n

b.,'n, W.L,Doug-

1.11 . hoe.. 1'0.\0 nn I!lIb,tl1ute. Nune

«~ nltln.


Wrlte for IJlullltrl, tftd r."tah.'I Of Fnll Sty 1_ lV. L, VOVULAS, Broc:ktClo.lIl.....





, Horse and Buggy Stolen Concerning prettoh on "'. . from VV : 0, Gustin. ' Pormer Residents.

tlLtioner y . hlnnwa-re Mil nzines Book.'I

wit" bus

A'G'>Dd Pillce too Buy GuM

' '1'. B.' U 'l'ER .

~ 1\ no ltlla


Cloc k.. , .Tawalrx

A young man about, t\Ve~ty. flve , ' 1'1 ,,\1: y;;; ~el'll S'plil l;:11 ('urbon the IHlject, of " Henven" at the M. ~lIver\\,1l r lj _ _ Gro:nd H ome · oming ,ond ~ . ohurch. n ext Slln~a y IDornlnR year of Ilge s tole a h one tln4 bug. WA'['CB MAK~J R ,Ill "I!1W~lLEU '::II WIl'~ MI~CIt I.IIPS '·I .t inll~ III e~enlng bo wIll , deliver a gy from W. O. Gustin 's Ii very barn Reunlon of former Residents 'at Pb(lnogr~llh R . W J\ YN ~:El I'I!;I .~, fJ,1'l1Q " , "fl wlng 'MIII,hlll" Th .. i,ulif''' of tbeRidlte~illo ch uroh short r e"1.v'4 ermon. 'Thur day, and up to t he time the Waynesv ille week,begluning Aug l1st nnrl Reoords Watoh, lliook & J wllhy Repairing, Neeillet! . rrOlli "pll " bout *,l7 lit t he ir mensur· The Sunqay School of ,St. Mary's Ullllette goes to press no clue th!,t 6" l Q06. . injt .."oilll HlitnrdllY o\'ening, ohuroh is sh owin g I~ very eno.onr. would lead to tho reoovery of ~be agiog increa so in nttendanoe lind a rIg hilS been seclrred, of theund Gtlzette re o ~ _I:c::::::::::::::::::::_:-:-:~_:::::~ MIlny cordial invitation is extend;;;i to all S.evernl weeks a go " you-g mlln mem ber readers Dr. Stevens fuwily" Alhinn Flour 60 cents n Btl k . Mr "tltl Mrs Thoums Bordon , of ohildren and olaer per ODR who RT Il reg~stered at the Gustin Bou90, reo Mrs illl,ny He becoo Jane ,!:lides nowwhere lives. " yenrs ago -resided Ri chlll"1l11. I'HII"n .. . \\ ('r o g u e~t,~ of not In the hllbit of IIttondlng Snn. mlllDlllg tbereReveral d~y!\ Be re who Uponl euvlug they located at King's '" '" 1 d day lIoh ool e 1 ewbero to "ntt~nd turned , '~ . I''1 r l "' ,n. o· 1. I...... I"t I\" tit' " It e Iln . ~ , d hi t od the hotel I f ugIIlD 'iI,,~tG weol( t' Sohool opens lit \l :ao each Sl1ndllY an , re a r g rom r. U~ Ill, Mill!', wb ere Dr. !:ltepbens practiced futnll .\· , li t Corwin , while th ey wor e m ornin g. saYlDg he wa,ntool to look li t Mo mll his l'rofes~ion until a few yeurs ago. U 08 E C [I '" 8 • U I'IS [I' C~"" NI S h .. rl' 'Hlel1llin~ the 1l11!liclttlon of the cattle neu Rid geville. 1:10 11\(1 n ot After his dcath his widow went to • Il n iii ., Il • II i II II i Fr\"llcl~ ' Ho"rrlinl-( Hom o Ilnd (,!unr , Friend ,losepbus B 08kioll, of Wil · return Tbursday and lIu~tin began Belleforitlline where she mllde her tf'rl.\' M e l ing, Illin~ton, pr fl ohed at the Orthodox 'inquiries Ilfter hi:n\, B e wu s seen hOUle with her nlecenntil her death, Friends Meeting Bonse Sl1ndayev. at Five Poiuta nOllr Sprio gboro 'LUd whi ch occurred last Saturday. , Her Annual Annu~1 Mrs. Rion Hoel i~ enjol' ing 1\ vil'it ening, his subject being the ' ol1rt. a lUan dri vin g n horse unsw l:l rlDg the funeral occurred 'Monday at Leba, from her fri end . Mr ~ . Qhlmaoher, shill of Rebekllh" The speaker deso ription WIlS IIgain soon at, non. Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Ilnd wiusome lit,tl e Helen . dwelt at con81derllble length 00 t,he on, hut no furth Elr trllce hil S been Wuynesv!lle fritmds have r eceiv · evils of the present day system of seouren, Olfering Sale Offering Sale of Xl>uln mllrrillge lIod divorce lllWS lind Mr. Gustin h09 sont posta ll cllrds invitations reading as follows: Mr aDd Mr. Cbarles \V Ani1'et'Holl -=- --'": ---. ":":" ~.. Mr. 111111 Mrs , Wm . J . Collett, of spoke in 11 prnotlclIl manner of the brolld cnst over the oountry. giving reques t Ioh e honour o f your prckonce the Bltrveysburg pikl'. were happy conditions n eces8IIry to happinoss the followin g disorlption : at tb " marriage or their dau ~h ! . r I~ nE~, N~V, 1~ Hutl! Abagol1 1 h vin ' for their guests Friday In m." rried 'life Mr. Boskin!; is a A ~oRnlllare 15y' han~s , \l fe nrs to g . ' pl ellsmg speaker lind made a !ltrong Old , light to il ; Inter ferlllg sClirs on n II M r \\'lllluUl l'cllrl ck Cook Mrs. Smith aorl sister, MrR. Hllrrlet uddre88, hincllln kl es, knuokles behind when \VctlntHday c\'enlug. No" t;! ~. Collett, of BllrveYllbllrg. stllnding; will whinny when CllIled it t 8 O'clock MUO Oogood S~re.l , Ch Icneo For Uolds USfl "Ret! Spruce ant! Quarterly Meet~ng servloes were by nlime, '1'opsy , Ronllbo.ut" durl:' r ed or \vine. color 'l'he gToom is t,he son of Mr. Ilnd Cherry ExpeotorlLnt, .. sold by J E. !leld at tho Hlokslte Friends Meet· gco,r l,trimmed in gray olot,h; made Mrll. Hath Cook, of Waynesvlll e,al)(l , 109 House, Seventh.dlly (Saturday) Janney. and Sunday, A number of Friends by (''1ncinnnti Vehiole Co Runl\ . spent his boyhood here or lash whip. Altbough stll1 quite a young mtln pa~ ~Ou to la~' in suppl~ Mrs, T . ,Jeff Smith nnd Mrs ; Mary from Rlohmond and other poi nts bout WOII stolen from uiy burn , Thurs, he holds a lugb position in his ObOll, Ann Wise will go to Dayton this' who had ,oome to lL*teud the open dllY, Nov. II, by a well dressed man, ofthBse big ~ffBrinll for Xmas. eu Held o'f electrioal work . . Ing and dedication of the Friondll 'rhe newly umrried oouple itre ·ex. mornmg where they WIll spend sev, H ome remained over for this re 2£1 yelU's of age, with smooth ftlce, erlll daY8 visiting Mrs, WiRe 's siRter, sultl ng in quite a larAe atten(la~oe . wore bluok oloths ; eood looking und pected to spend Thankgl vlng at the supposed t o be IJO,rt Germun des home of the groom's parents, uud I\. Mrs Jull~ Ber~'ft.n , _ _oent. happy time It! antlcll)"ted Porson f\lrnl shlng Informutlon to A Model Dairy Farm. , Fronk Pratt wll'hes to extend 'Many o! our people will remem· IIbove property will bo liberally reo through the Gazette his gratitude Tn J I I . . . e ersey Bul et n, a mllgflzme warded . ber little Edgar Gough, son of th" to hiS friends who re:elected him published at Indillnapolls, r ecently W. O. G USTIN, WAYNKSVILLE, O. late Captain I . D. Gough, who to the oillc,e of Township at con tn.ined the following item of m oved from 'VIlynesvllle to New. ~~!0~:n;;51~~nApeDller!l ::~;:121~~ ;;:t~:o~rr~,:a .... the recent election. loonllnterest: port, Kentul'ky, l!ixteen or more Resolutions in Memory For Men'R aGo Working 48c Men 's 7f.o Ilel\vy Plush years ago. Edgar, who WIiS born A small boy's overooat probably "One of the best IndividulII aged 23(~ Gloves. , 0.1 1)8 uou't miBR thlll where Jame Shu~e and fa'PUy now . ' bulls that we bave soon In the sale of John R. Dinwiddie. dark groy WIth blaok velvet oollar, ring ~"s Rioter's St. Lambert King, reside, was quite a t!maU boy at the For 21)0 String 'fi clI, b~rM"ln , Wdll left somewhere In Waynesville oonsigned by B')n. E. R. Hloks to Wherens, J 'ohrt R . Dinwiddie. a time of leaving Waynesville, and Ne~ f\lnoy oolors . Bil!' lot of Men's lIu<1 W IHI a very amiable and l ovable last sprhlg. Whoever leaves same the recent Columbus (OhiO) sale. For Men's 150 Billok IIull Boys' *1 60 saw pie Bli t,tI, C Tan Hose, 3 pair for 2uo, ' at the Gazette office will be suita. Be Is five years old, a son of Rioter fll.ithfuland beloyed member of th e ohlld , Wblle they resided In New· 39 ' For M, n 'lI Hilt:, that of St. Lambert 16[)01, out of Phillis Edmund Retamok Camp, 'Sons of For 'Men's Heavy \VooL • 80 1,1 tlIIrlitor III the Port Edgar took a oourse at the bly reworded by the owner. of St. Lambert 78867, test 221b. 12 Veterans, has passed to the hl~h er Teohnl~l University in Cincin.natl Knit Hose worth doub" tlOUijun fl) l' 00, . . "No Trespassing" notices printed oz., who is the highest testing "pure life, and, and I t ade rapid progress In mechan. For Men's , Dre~s Kid 500 ptlir of Men '.. heuvy on eubstnntlal muslin, fo; Eale nt St . Lambert," daughter of KlnA'St, .Wherelis, the mllmbers of this iOll1 engineering. After the death Gloves, our ,tOO qUtllity ht\lrllutl OIl!l"\lIlllrtl lIu.ntll. thle offioe. Lambert. This bull Is now owned Cl\mp feel dooply the 1'l8S of his of CRpt. Gough the fllmlly moved ~1 Me u's'2.00and '225 300 1Jalr u( Boys' long to Ballington, Massaobusetts, and . by Stokes & Brown, Wayuesville, ilI'. Heav\> Cardlga'n Jaok , Pllnt!!·ln ~trong. duruble companionship and oounsel, bfI it Mr. Walter McClure has purohas. Ohio." r e ..ided there until last I!ummer, eta. t;peoiallot. ' [l} ~t e rlals. . wuen to tbe surprise of his mother, ad a Ilplendid iron grn.y horse from The firm of 'Stokes and Brown Resolved, that the members of Meu'll Fanoy W.ish Vests 1100 pulr ot Men's E ll1ar announced himself as a mar· . a party near Cent-ervllle, whloh be consists of Messrs'. Hany dtokes the order, in special session assem C worth'1.00 A l>Ig olfer • htlllvy $ 2.00 llortluroy ried m"n. He had ever since their ing. PllutS. , will us.e In driving t.o his hearse. and Charles , A. Brown, and, Mr. bled, do give expresalon to thls'short residence there been his Dlother's tribute In IIppreclation of the noble Extrll Large S17,o Red And fi ll Ou-zen Boy>! ' Cor· Mr, Roy Irons and family, w~o Walter l30tts is also engaged in thil life Bnd oharaoter of .Tohn R. Din , l'uI>J)Ort, but before marryinp: ho hud secured patents for a number Blno Handkerohlefs. dohl,Y Loul!' . PIlUtll, have been occupying a sul t.e of business with them, ' r: I! ull.r t l GO k \(} \hl apartments In ' the Bank bnildlng, They have pne of the best dairy widdie ; that while he has passed, of valuable meobnnloal Inventions Men s Hel\vy CanVIIR ~8 Mil' >! fin ' . D 088 from among U8, the Inlluenoe of his and , made arrangemente fOT bls Uloves, regulol' 100 qUILII ilI','V l'u~td tlJl&~ >IOU r 'or have moved Into the north half of hei-dsln Warren oounty, consisting wise 'oounsel an'(l ready sympathy mother's support by traDafernng to ties her the patent right on a v:ery, va)uI lira. Emma Dakin's new house on of about forty head of stock and remain with us. Boys' good SU8pen41ers, $4~00 lIod ~·too ~ . Third .treet. It Ie expeoted that they manufaeture thirty or more R!lsolved, thot we extend to the a\;lJe mechanioaI1n.ventlon-himeelf worth 100 During 11ft Ie ~o Meo .. ~tlatlltlr and ' amply : provided ' for from &he en&lre bulllngd will be ·complet. pounds butter per day . This is strioken family III this their t.ime of being Men's Extra hervy, Ovrlillruy ~tI"tlrtllble other patent rights. Edgar and C 'Sweaters that sold for COILr,. 00 'grllll" ' . ~ ad this week. ,mostly Bold in Franklin and they sorrow, our d~ep Bnd henrtfplt sym · wife still resldo lit Ballington, ' but , pathies. 76 cta: ' 100 UOZlln UI1Y" , 250 'Knoo Mrs. Gough Bnd daughter, Miss John A', Funkey seems dlsllP· receive an even price ,for their prod. Be it further .rellOlved, that Ii oopy ".. " PallLa (Ii lU'tlilO oU!l~om Katharine, now r,e slde In Boston. .uen II 100 Hen.vy Grll.Y ) pointed that the addition to .his uct the year rou~d . of these resolutions be sent the be. Mrs. Uough's native o.ity. Mixed Hose, also blaok er, s&ore rqom Is not oompleted. His The firm Is now erecting a con· reaved family; that they be spread 75 DIlZUO BoYll''Umluroy , und tan oolors ", KOfllll'unt:t" 'Wurtll' trade is gTowing wger 'every week, orete building on tho farm of Mr. , upon our ~lnutE!s, and A onpy be Demooratlc Jollification Men'a Wool H~ i posl Boy 11 , . -soltuul W,,·illt.i,: and last week hla sales were the Brown, 18xSO feet mslze, whioh ,wlll furnished el\oh looal paper for pub . ttvely II. 200 qU 'l\lty to , , be neatly finished off inside ana out. olltlon . ' ' pick from . sltllilll " to Iii, aGu f(rllll~. The· Democrats of Waynesvtlle larg6l!tlin08 he start.ed. Prloes and Jide and equipped with un engine Cliulutl .Jt II1t our-1.5o und' 0C For 500 Men's Working and violni ty held a j ollifiell.tlon oorrect treatment ROOounts 'for the a; power separatbr, power ohurn and Township Trustees iii 1, HOYtl ' 810u",11 WlLitlt8. ., Sbuts, double fron~ aud' , Saturday night over fhe result of oonstant inorease. ' When he con· butter worker. Modern cream vats bac~, blaok and white striP.8, Boy ' II ~18lInUIIl'!I Knee , Meeting Tuesday'l! eleotion. neats hla rooml he .will have the and refrigerators are aiso among Paoty, wOr ~ h ltuublll, MeD'a aU'd boYII' 400 , the equipments, and·.a wind, pump --~-:=--There W!lS no special progrsm for The trustees of W lI.yne towns~lp white Unlaundered Dr88\1 deepEl8t ,r oom in the oounty. willliupply both 't o 'the barns l:Il>t:oiul I..~ uf 'h,loInm'ri Shirt.. $1 50.- Oouble . brlllUlt~ .14118 J088phlneOglesbee, of Har. and dairy house. In every respect held an. Important meet-inl? Monday the oooasion,'but everybody was at For. Way's 250 Mufflei'll Suits. Iibertv - to make as much nolse ,and afternoon . D~-b A d f they will have a model dairy. veYIb urg. an d DD£' ara n erson, 0 the 500 gradOil go for 890 '$ ~pecill.l Ibt ot Ublld. hR~fl 1111 good !l time generally as Franklin", viBlted their sisters, Mis. Public Sail. ' llr. Frank Pratt, re e11'01,e11 trull 8peo1allot 200 Umbrellas • reoll' dooble.brel\lite(\ WIlA possible. ..BoUi~t to retail fpr 650 Butts. , 88S Helen Ogleebee and Uertrnde at- the liult ele<ltion was s worn in The " Ularks:vl11e band l11rn1ahed 0 . for anotheJ' term as w,," lilso (Jon· · Men'sand !J?YS' 200 Rub· Cbild;en8" doubleAndl!l'll9n, w h 0 are 8t·Ud ents at lit I will offer ' at publio sale at my ". breAsted Suite· with . • ber Collars, 1\11 lizel. • music, m.arohmg a~doon.ntermarcb. ford, a few daYI Yle past week, and residenoe opposite Mrs. Ellen Sides, stable H. U . Joy. liOO Dozen Men:'a white 'extra' punta ~.OO • f9uud them delighted with the on Sixth street, A number of bill8 were allowed. lng along ~n street. " ' , and' Fa~oy Hemstltoh~ CbUdrens' overooat.; • SA:TURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, The following lIupervlKors who Mount Bolly 's ent a delegation of IObool and Burrouudlngs. Han~kercblets. , otP. .out 10nR, 8 to HI, P .SO . .. at one o'clook, one o&niage, one will have oharge of the roarls In the about twenty of ita citlzenl, who Men I A No.1 hell. vy Oar· Clualities. ' If you not been t.o John A. buggy, one man's saddle, Qne oak township the coming yl'llr were en mil tlOVln on a; big hay ~ag9n, to · dlgsn JB9ketllworth'1.50 11113 ' ' Ob 'ld Funkey'll forced'sale go at onoo, the wu.rdrobe, on.e ~tead, one heat- sworn in : , clor regular 250 grade of q . ' ~ I "ms' Overcoats, flXprlll\" tbelr 8IltllfaoUon over' thll largest stock ever.hown 10 Waynes. In.g ltove, stone jars, plymouth rook Distriot No.2, W'm Cnnll~lngll ~olice and Flremau!I, qualities. out, .extra lo~g, 15,00 WilY the ·election went. All the , chiokens, plt-ohforkil, 100 apple District, No.4, J . ~. KeYH SU8pen era. ; , , ville at out pri088. , Buy the Red oratel, one double set work harn088, Distriot No. 5 John M. Phlllip8 men were decorated' In ~pprC?prlate ' Men's 1i00·Heavy Fleeced Youtlis' Long, Over. Ball Felt and Rubber boots, Red Ball ono set oheck lines, one piano' box Distriot No.6 Val 'Myers _ Lined Underwear. A big • coats,14 &0 20 o08tumeil and· tOok Ii prominent overshoes, the largest stock of Rub. buggy, 6 .gallonUnlon. churn, drop.· D.I!ltrlo~ No.7 Ed Hathaway ,man I ~ wo!th '5,00 ,116 to sell. _ ,pa,rt in thl! fun. . , bers Felts and Overs ever shown in head IM.'wlng machine, good as new, Dlstrlot No.8 Wm. Dinwiddie An anvil and a quantity of pow; ,,' hors~ blan.ket and buggy robe, mllny Distrlot ~o. \I A . E. Chenoweth , Waynesville. Every pair wa~l'9.nt. things 't;oo n.umerous to mention. D~triot No. 11 John Nixon dar which were located at Main and Special big lot of GOo out I~ t~~ latest tltyle, worth 18. . ed. Go to 'J ohn A. Funkey I and ' C. H. WUlTAKER. Dlstriot No . 15· Frank Hartsook North .' slre~te " p~odUbed ' , D olile . N"eoli:wear, new pntt.ern • . $ 7 48 Youths' Fine Long get your dollar's, worth. There are fifteelll rood distrlots In ~en I 'I Fioe EnRlIsh ., (jvllrooats, 1-1 to lW the town.ship,but iu several distriots enough to MUlfy anyone. , ribbed fleeced Underwear years, a tl0.oo value. , ' MI88 Orpha Hookett, of the Har· Web Meeks Will the voters did not take the trouble 49c Mea's Egyptl~n 'health 3' Special iot of yg~S' veysbnri pike, sent to the Gazette ' Entertain. to elect supervisors. Underwetlr, M,o quallti~a. • "':60.wd ,5:00 Hilits office Monday two sprays out from Where , there EIre vaoanoles the ZIMMERMAN'S. 49c Fpr Children s Buster. to Olean out. ' a rose bush which grows,in her D. W . 'Meeks, who has carried the trustoes will 'makl3 appOintments . Brown - Sweuters, Bold " elsewher~ for 980. Youths Suha, Single door yard, upon eaoh of whioh WIWI m~il between Waynesville Ilnd Cor. Fresh Baltimore For Cir)s' 500 red blue . aud . double bresllted In Society. a bright red rose and buds. These win for the pilat forty years wants brown and white ''I'ams: 8tyle, IS.OO values • n mall wagon. bushes furnished abundant For a grBllt many years he oarried Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Riley, of Mell'l and 'Boys' 600 • Youths' Buitl!. 'liloor. Dress Cape, 'A big tretl.t.' • reot abapee, regular blo88oms for Memorial day, and the mail on his baok i later, he got Ridgeville, entertaln,e d most royally Bome Gtown Celery Boys' winter Caps a lot of '10 value , , . have been In almoet oonstant bloom a buggy, but the mails have grown at a 1:1 o'olook dinner last Saturday ,Fanoy Cranberries ever since ooming through the steadi)y larger lind hI! frequently the following guests : Mr. and Mrs. our big grades. Speoiel big lot of . " . finds It necessary to make t\'Vo trips Will. J. Collett, M:r . and Mrll. Robt. Girls' Large t!ize Wonl • . Yonthll' Snits morked froozlDg. weather we have had Wlth to bring over a. single mllil, sO" he Collett, Dr. a.nd iMril. P. n. Clag: Fanoy Florida Oranges Tame, regtilllr 760 valuell, dowo frll~l 'l~ ILnd .I18.5Q. bright blossoms and gT06D leaves, wants IL wagon that will bold the ett R,n d little dULughter Taoy, or Lemons. Be.nanaF, and buds stili coming on. mails. Harveysburg. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. . . In order to raise mouey for this Collett went on to Springboro in the Speoial lot of Men's Men's Overooats In Fanoy NflW Figs A special tralD on the D. L. & C. purpose be will give It gramophone afternoon and vi sUed with relatives . , Sl1lts marked down • oxford and fancy DUx. Fanoy Apples from our ,8 and 19 linea for this tures. Prices were $8 lind 18 60 railroad Friday carried entertainment at Cross Hall Satur. until Sundsy evening i Dr. Clagett big Thanksglvln.g ~ale . , l'heee are special big oli'ertng8. members of the Knights of the day evening, November 25. and family remained in Ridgeville About 500 Mfln s Bulte Men 'a black and OJ:· Coarse &It by the BArrel Golden Eagle from Wayneaville The gr~mophone will be a large with friends and al,tended the meas • In all the newest fan. " ford heavy Irish Frieze , and espeOlally fine one and wl1\ be I1rlng sooial In the evoninA', Ilnd oy and plain, oolors. Regular Overooats . Equal to any 112 Lytle and Lebanon, to Dayton. I!upplied by T. B. Custer. A good Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coltett enjoyed Buokwheat flour & PaD Cake prtOOlJ were $12 and $la,50. sold In Dtl.ytoD. where they were · guests of the progrliw is promised, a delightful drive home In the fiour, . Climax Syrup members of Ignomar Castle, K. G. Tiokets may be seoured lit ,Jan. moon ligbt. Meli's. ewell new Men 's helLvy, long • suite In worRteds, • .' and medium length Rose of Sharon Syrup E. in that city and witnessed the ney's drug store. Geneml udmis· Mr, and Mrs. George W,_ Hawke cheviots and cA88lmeres, single or Overooats I.n bll\oks, oxfords and Initiation of a large cl1l88 of Mndl. slon 10 oents ; reserved sents 20c. served II. sumptuous 81.x o'olook din . double.breasted atylee, $~[) and novelties . A regulRr '15.00 value . . Everybody come out lind b elp dates mto the thIrd, or Crusaders' Web get Il wagon . ner hu!t Friday in their usual hos· '16.50 values, during I8le for 50. degree, Ignomar Ca-stle hus one of pit-ll ble manner t4) the following Mon's , tine band Men's best Over· frIends: Mrs , Lina DeVlt-t, Miss made sui~s i,n pillin • coats; all the Pl'f). • Don '-t -PO· rget • the finest organizations In the ooun· Myra Baird. Mr. lind Mrs, E , S. oolors and the n.ew fanoy mix. per materials .elect from. try for exemplifying the work of Th oill' ce s d 11 b f Bally. Mr . and Mrs. E , V. Barnhart, tuers. There suits Would oost These coats were mRde to retail . e l' nn II melll e r~ 0 ' Th Ma Jr t hi b lhe Order, and the floor work of the the oxeoutive committee of the Mr. an'd Mrs, J. O. Cartwright and e r e may get A' er you 120 at any other store. for '18 and '20. team WII8 grand Luuoheon was Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman. Watoh Our Egg Sign in ) , . Waynesville High School Alumni - -served after the work. Those who A 'nti t d t Mr. John Nixon, wife and daugh. front of the store. SSOOI.. on Ilre reques e ' 0 meet M l' )1 attended from tbe Waynesville Cas' at the home of J . E. Janne tit 7 '. 30 ter Hazel , r. A Corne, wife and Goods. Coupon II tIe were: J. C. Hawke, Lee Hllwke , y dl&t1Rhters Lola and Irma, Mr. Chas. W Zell U ' 0 olopk Friday e vening . . PreSident Wells, wife and daughter Rut,h and Get the Habit, go to C 14 Roblt oure an ~1l . B E ~th ma. W' ~orge Ca.rtwrlght will be here from Chi. Miss Myrtle Wells spent a delight. Z I M MER MAN'S , .. ,.. Intz, cago, and arrangements will be ful day- laBt Sunday at the Harlan Of Cou!Rant PreBent. Barry Hamilton, Curt Hisey, Sam ' , ' homest.ead north of Ridgeville. No ..... Smtih and Heber ~mith. made f~r the Alumni s part In tbe one knows anythinEf e)se but to have ."_~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Home.Comlng. a good time at this h?me.


BUSY! BUSY!! ' B ' USY!!!







to DEC,2

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16 c


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1 75

38(1 13c 3e

l!!i·3 '48

98 c I9 33c"


02: 49

S3 95

I5e , ~~~~r:~,J::l~l'v~:~ $5.·95 ;;!:~~ ::~~ ~::, . 25e 63c $ 50




23 e 24c 14c 44c

7 48

$ 9 85'

$5 48

$ 6 48

$ 9 85

88 8 5

$11 75

$11 50

S14 50

I$ 14 50 '11 te,





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